V k <;jc /9/4ct TZEOl i COLLECTION OF PURITAN AND ENGLISH THEOLOGICAL LITERATURE i LIBRARY OF THE THEOLOGICAL SEMINARY PRINCETON, NEW JERSEY f/37 __ V ^H Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2013 http://archive.org/details/woorkeOOmorn UU *A A Woorke concerning the trew- nejfe of th ChriHian Religion , written in French: Againft Atheifts, Epicures.. P«nynim?,Tc v, Mahumetifts, and other Infidels. By PhilipofsJMomay Lord of TleJfiezJMarhe. Begunne to be tranflated into Englifh by Sir rhiiip Sidrury Knight, and at hisrequeil: finifhed by At lr*r Golding. ^■Imprinted at London for Thomas C adman. 1587. iC? Cz^N^i"' »2"*>*'*y» *c*^frS* */Tf^iT'2' *7*^ To the rig htH onora- ble liis finguler good Lqrd Robert Earle of LeyceHorfBaron ofrDenbigh>Kmght of the order of' ihcGarter,and of S.Michaell , one of the Lords of the mod Ho- norable prime Coiinfiik3and MatBer of the Horfe to the Qjteencs Maicftie:Lord Generall of her Maiefties Forces in the Lowe Countries, and Gouernour Generall of the vnited Prouinces , and of thcit Ailbeiates : Arthur Goldmg wifheth long continuance •. . - '; . of heakh,muchincreafeof Honour, and in the life to come in endkfie fclicitic. ' * . Any caufes doe fully per ftvade me ~ " (right Honorable,)tbat this pre- fent Tbwke Ithich I pre fume to of- fer <~vntoyou , Ipill in diuers re~ ffeBs be <-vnto you Very accepta- ble.For <~vntofuch as are ofgrea- tefl Ivifedomefvertue and Noli- •* litie > the^ifefl befl and^veightiefl matters areahvaies mofl a^reeab/e.zAnd whereas all men are naturally defi- rous of the fouereine loelfure^ highefifelicitie, or cheefe good > holvbeit that Veryfeltw doe knolve Tvhat it is y or therein it confisieth 5 or Iphich is the right Ifray that leadeth thereunto : aAndyet notlvithsianding^vithout the knowledge of that trueth , all their Ifofedomc is but mere ignorance blyndnejfe and folly 5 all their goodnejfe £ is but mere corruption ^^ickedneffe^ al their braue-:and all rvnto God.the only Lampe that enligh- teneth mans "bit Ifrit'b true loifedome > the onely Tbater- ffring that replenijheth his loi&lvith true goodneffe, and the only might ie poller that giueth (Irength and courage to mans fjnrit P thereby he is enabled both perfectly to dijcerne and beholde his fouereine^velfhre or f elicit iey Tvhich is God the Very founder furtherer andfini(her of trueth or rather the Very trueth itfelfe$ and constantly to hold on loith toy to the obteynement of the fame jh an the Tuhich no greater thing can by any meanes bee ima- gined.aAnd in the difcourfe ofthismoflgraue fj'Sveigh- tie matter^ many deepepoynts ofhumaine "Thilofofhie^ and -many high mifteries ofheauenly Dmimtie, be lear- nedly breefly and plainly difcujfedandlayd open, to the njnderslanding euen of the meanefl capacitiesjhat loill youtjafe to reade aduifedly^ to conferre the parts to- gether loith diligence. For the Author of thislvorkjbeing a man of great reading judgement Jearning ^skiU^nd therewith addi&edor rather ^voiced (as appeareth by this and dyuers other of his excellent Writings) to the furthering ofGodsglorie by his mofl faith full and pain- full imploymg of him f elf e in the feruice of his Church > hath conueyed into this Ivorke^ohatfoeuer he found ey- (kcr m the common reafon of all Nat ions 9or in the pecu- liar DEBIC A TOR IF. liar principles of the cheefe Pbilofopbers,or in the mifli- call doctrine of the fe^ijb Kabbmes^or in the Writings of the Historiographers and IPoets 3 that might conue- niently make to the manifestation of that truetb lohich he takethin hand to prone. Wherby he hathfo effectu- ally brought hispurpofe topaffe^th'at if any zAtheift In- fidel or lelo hamng read this his ivorke TPith aduifemet* fhallyet denye the Chriflian Religion to be the true and only pathway to eternal! f elicit ie,& all other "Religions to bee mere vanitie and^oickedneffe, muft needesjbe^ve himfelfto be either utterly Voydeuenofbumawefencex or els objlmatly and Wilfully bent to impugne the mam- fefl truetb againfl the continuaUteHimonie ofhiso^one confcience.Not without iufl caufe therfore hath fo great loue and lykjng of this Ivorkg of bis bene generally con- cerned-, that many not onely of Gentlemen in the ffourt and Country ^but alfo of Students in both the Zlniuerfi- tiesy hauepurpofed and attempted the tranflating ther- of into our EnglifJ? tongue,as anincreafe of comfort and gladneffe tofuch as are alreadie rooted and grounded in the truetb > as aflablipment tofuch as any loay eyther by their olone infrmitie or through the loilinejfe of Tric- ked per fons are made to loauer and bang infuf^ence^and as ameane to reuoke fuch as of themfelues or by fini{ler perftiafions are gone a^ay into error>and alfo( if it pof~ fible beejto reforme the malicious and (liibbomhearted. -Among lohicb number of Doeldiffofed ^rightly jealous Gentlemen J may not Without iufl defer t of blame omit * 3 & THE EPI STLE tofayfomewhat (though fkrre lejfe than is meet) of that . rig ]:t Ivor t hie and ValianfsKnigbtjy our good Lord/hips , >- noble kin f man Sir Pbitip'k$idney,wbofe rare Vertuejoa- i lour3and courtefie^matchtd With equall loue and care of the true (fhri(lianRelig)on>being difappoynted of their purpofedendby auerhafiie death in the very enter an ce of his honorable race , haue left iuft caufe to his lomng (fountrie to beWayle the njntymely forgoing of fo great an Ornament) and the fodeyne bereumgof fo hopefully • flay arid defence. Whereof notwithstanding this com- ,vtfort remayneth > That he dyed not languiflnng inydle- neffe ryot and exceffe > nor as ouercome With nyce plea- fur es and fond Vanities -^but of manly Wounds receiued infermce of his ^Prince >in defence ofperfons oppreffedy in maintenance of the only true (ffatholichj& Chrifiian ^Religionyamong the noble valiant and Wife> in the open I fielde > in ^Martiallmaner , the honor ablefl death that could be defired,andbe(l befeeming a Chrifiian Knight '> where! y he hath Worthely Wonne to himfelfe immortall fame among the godly^andleft example Wort hie of imi- tation to others of his calling. This honorable gentleman being delightedWith the excellecie of this prcfent Work^ began to put the fame into our Language for the benefite ofthishisnatiue Countrie, and had proceeded certeyne Chapters therein^Vntill that intending a higher kind of ferine e towards Cod and his prince >not draWen t her to :?• by fubtile dcuyce of aWylieVlyfts from compameof . . Cmrtly Ladies : himfelf being difguifedin Ladies attire after EEDIC ATO RIE. after the maner ofzAehilles $ nor difcouered againfl hk , lW# by the ^ifedome of aTa/amedes after the maner ofVlyffes^but aduaunced through the hardyneffe of his .^. olvne knightly courage like tfrfProfilaus 5 he 'Willingly ft " faffed for a tyme from the companie of the £Mufes to the (fampe of {Mar sphere to mdltytryallas Tbellofthe Fyke as he had done of his Pen^afier the example of the njaliant Julius C eein^* thus determined tofollo^oe the affayres of Chiualrie j it ' Tpos bispleafure to commit the per form ace of this peecg offeruice ^ohichhe had intended to the Mufes or rather to ffhnfles Church and his natiue (fountne y^vnto my charge^declaringnjntomehol^it'^ashismeamng>that the fame being accomplifhed jhmld bee dedicated njnto j. your Honors matter fo acceptable <-unto mefbothin re- fyeSl of the charge it felf^andofthe par tie that 'wpofed A«fc it ^vponme^andof theperfon toDvhom it Ivas mi :nded: that although inrefyeSi of the toylefome and tedious troubles ibhereHutb J loasthen prejfed and am yetflill in maner opprejfed \ I could haue found m my heart to haue forborne the ^undertaking of fo great a taske at that tyme$yet not^ithBanding 1 gladly tooke it ^vpom we>&(by the goodneffe of God)kaue faithfully perfor- med it tothevttermoflofmysktll. Jn his name there^X •*;; fore &as an executor of his Ivillinthat behalf 1 hum- bly THE EPT5TLF DEDIC ATORIE. I$y offer this excellent ^orke fnto your goodLordfl)ip\ as his and not myne. Wherein if any loords orphrafes JJ?allfeemeftraunge>(as in fome places perchaunce they %'may) I doubt not but your good Lord/hip "bill impute it to the rarenejje and prof oundneffe of the matters there handled, not accuHomed heretofore to bee treated of in our language. For the auoydingoflvhich inconuenience as much as might be>great care hath bene taken > by for- ming and deryuingof fit names and termes , out of the fountaynes of our crtone tongne , though not altogether mo ft yfuall^yet alftaies conceyuable andeafie to beVn- derflood^rather than by nyfurping the Latin termes >or hy borrowing the loords of anyforreine language , leafl the matters lohich in fome cafes are mi fiscal/ enough of themfelues by reafon of their o"Wneprofoundneffe0might haue bene made more obfeuretothe njnlearned^by fet- ting them dolvne in termes ^utterly runknolvne njnto them . Wherefore forbearing to loithholdyour Honor Ivith A*,y further procejfe of loordsfro reading the mat- ter ttfelfe, Ivhicbmay much more delight you: I refer re both myfelfe and it toyourfhuou- table acceptation . Written the 13 My of *ftl*y 1*87. Tour good LordfJoips mofi humble al^aiesatyour commaundc- ment ^Arthur Golding* To the right high & mightie Prince*,. Henne k^ng of3\(auarre, Soue- % reigne of Bearnc,and a Pccrcand chief Vrince of the blond, royatt oftmnce. N this "Wretched time sir y where in yngodlinc/fc (which Was Woont but to whiff er men in the car?, And to mumble betweene we tfeth) hath binfo bold d$ tofiep into the pulpit, and to belie out blaffhe- mies againfr God and his Goffell : t take ypon mac {through d new kind of hardineffe, ds in rcffecl: of thefmall abilitie that God hath put into mee) to conuince hir, eucn by hir oWne principles and peculiar records ^that if I cannot make hir to come backe againe to a better mind, I may at leaflwife yet make hir hold hir peace for fl?ame> and keepe clofehir yenim in hir hart : A right great enterprife, and (in the iudgement ofmofl men) ouerhardbut yetfuch as wherein I fee great helpes to imbolden mc\ namely the cor whom the World Was made, mufl needes bee made for more than the and an ' - tncmie to himfclfc . shall not he then, which in f cad ofdooing his . d&ticjs not a/ktmed to offend Cod, (land in dread of the death 'Which TCayteth Vpon him for his offence ? Tes :for Tvhat is Qod,but lufticc? (XX)hatis lufiice, but a iudgement of ducty ? And before that judge- ment who daretb'app'eare ? and to iuftife ys by grace, to make ysfcele ourdifeafe > and thereWithj.ll to offer ys remedy. But Tvho shall pur chafe ys this grace fo neceffurie for mans Welfare} Either the Wvrld(as We thinkej or elfe man. Nay, what is there in man (l fay euen in thebeflinan) which burncth not before Cods \uflice,andwhtch fetteth itnotcnfre ? And what shall become ' . of the World. thcn,ifman for whom it is created be ynable to ftand ? ioothly it is the Welbcloucd Sonne of God that wu(f ftande for all : the righteous for the ynrighteous , the might ie fortheynrnightye, the rich for the poore , the dear ling and the Well eloued for tkem that are in the difh lea fire and curfe of God his father, and the fame (fay I) is our Lorde lefus chrijl.lhe foole (fayth the vfa(mift) hath pftltnci 4 , Jaid in his heart>Thc tz is no God. And a Heathen man hath faffed Auicen the yet further, faying : He: that denieth the one God and his pro- Asioian, l]K{ence |.n a|j tlnnges, is not onely witlc(lc,but alfo fenfelciTiv Andhis fo faying is > becaufe the World which effereth itfelfc con- tinuallyynta ys > replcrJficth our 7Vittes With the know ledge of God : acn in this reffeci > that with one yieW of the eye , We fee this y.niuerfali ma jfe furnished Withfo many andfodiucrfe th'mges, lir.- kedone to another y\nd tending all to one marke . Truly \ dare fay^ and by Cods grace I dare ynde; take to prcoue,.that whofceuerwill lay before himwholly in one table (fo as he may fee them together T:ith one yiew>) the fromifes andprophefes concerning chriji , the comming of our Lord lefus and the proceeding of his G off ell Jjc shall net be able to deny,euen by the yery rules oflhilofophiey but that he T?. is fevt of Coined and that hewas Cod himfelfe , Uowbeit/in this hah our fault , that (whether it be through ignor dunce or through P.'^ligence) Wc con f tier not the incomparable Worke of our Creator and. The Epistle Dedicatorie. *n d Kecreator, but by piecemealei"Without laying the one of them to the other : like as if a man "Would iudge ojtffjc echoic space of time by tie night, or byfom: one feafbn of the. year ey or by fome one of the Elementes : or as if he "Would iudge of a building by fomc one quarter : or of an Oration by fome jj ilables thereof: 'Whereas not* "Withfianding.Gods "Wifedomc in creating thtnges cannot be con fi de- red, but in the ynion of the partes "With we "Whole, and of tbemj clues among themfelues: nor his goodneffc in#ecr%cating or renewing them,and in regenerating of mankind for "Whom hi? made the "World* but by the heedf ull conferring of all times from the £rfl byrth of Man ynto thefeconde byrth , and repairing of him againe,"which it hath pleafed Cod to ordaine and make for him. As for the "World, it is fufficiently conuerfant before our eyes, dnd"WouldGodifWere leffe grauen in our banes : and therefore let ys lea ue the "World, and b ufie o u rfelues in the yn iuerfd 11 ta b le of 'mans faluation and reparation , rUohen man had by his fnne dratone Gods "Wrath and the decay of the "World yppon his.orwne bead : Gods euerlafting "Wifedome > euen the fame "Whereby God had created him,flepped in and procured his fauour, fo as it "Waspromi- fed ynto thefirft man > that chrift should come and breake the ser- pents head,and make attonement bet"Weene God and man. J hat "Was the foundation-fione of the "Wonder full building of the church, and the feede whereof men "Were to be regenerated ne"W againe "W home God did as it "Were create,beget, and adopt ne"W againe in his fonnc, 'Which is his cuerlafling "Wifedome ♦ This promife was deli uc red o- uerfrom hand to hand , and conucyedfrom father to Sonne, folcmn- ly declared to Abraham , \faac , and lacob : committed as a pa; ne by Mopes to the people of ifraell , celebrated by Dauid in his S orgs, and renewed from time to time by many excellent Prophets , "Which pointed out we time, place , and manner of his com ming , and fctte . do"Wne plainly andexprefly his foc^chis parents and h;t. birth, ma- ny hundred yeares,yc a and fame thouj and year es aforehand : "which are fuch t hinges as no man could &no"We , nor any creature teach or conceiue.rCObat were they elfe' therefore but Vierauldss that fore- she"Wed the comming of the king of the "World into the "World : an d certes by another ffirite than the fbirite of the "World: Afera long fuccefe of thefe Heranldes* came the sauiour in the felfe fame manner "Which they badforetolde and painted out yic- toriejby rcproch,tr iumphs\by that which feemed not to be:the things which feemed ferity and chiefly for to be . TWelue Y isbcr- men in effect, did in short ff ace fubdue the whole World ynio him, by fuffe- ring and by teaching tofi Iro'tcn in pieces > faft bound andfrriken dumbc at the feett The Epistle DedicAtorie. feeteofthis crucified rnan.AndhoaV, but by a fo\Xer faffing tbefo~ tee r of man -faffing the footer oflOnges, faffing thefotcer of An* gels , yea, faffing the former of all creatures together ? if the little shoto of the Afojtles tnoue thee : confiderhoiV the fi lie nettes ofthofe fishermen, dre'We the f ride of the tCorldi namely thetcife men, the vhilcfcf hers, and the Orators, by ignjorancr^as thou tearmcflit) ta> beleeu.e,and by folly to die for bele. uing. And for belcuing of what? euen of things contrary to the laiVe oftheCKor.ld,and to the toitte of man : namely, that this lefus chrifi crucified isQo.d ,. and that it is a bles full thing to indure all mis fortune for hisfa&e\ Be;;old aJfqkoW one of them dratCes me into his nette the lefjer A fa , another Italy e9. the third jEgyft>Andfome other of them extend Vnto the Scythians, the Ethiopians, andthe Indians, and ynto other places, tchither.the poaVer of the mofl renowned Imfyres did neuer attaine, and tohich baue hardly come to our knowledge noto within thefe hundred yea- res, and yet haue toe euen there found "very great cenquefts of theirs, gr //5e renotomed tokens of their yiflories, as are heere among our felues, \^dy,tohich more is, fee bot& thefe conquerors enriched tcith- fo many triumphs, do die for a dead man,<*F are crucified for acru* cified man,& their Difcifles alfo by heaps as 'tie/as th y.And avhat tnouetb them thercto,but that they be fire that their potoer cammet h} fromxhim, and that they be nothing, further foorth than they are im him and for him? that is to fay , that herliucth and mað th.mto* liucyea euen for euersxhich die in him and for him . surely ~\>pfon- tlie confidering of this table, toe become as men rauishcd,dinraught>. and be fid: s our felues , and haue nothing to fay , but that hee tchicfr created man and the "World of nothing , and none other tea's able to ma$e and regenerate man and the "World againe of nothing, euen in- defptre of man and the 'porld- This inuifible Cod which hath made himfelfe yifible ly creating the yifib'U ^orld.r^ hath shet'edhim— fplfe.atmlgbtic 9 in clothing himfeffe tcith the infirmitieofa con- >tible man,is the edeemtr,~very God>and "Very Man, the Sonne of Cod,andis come in the fbcsb*cucn lefus chriffour Lord. il:-;re sir, you haue ,'nfe\V tOordesthe s ' oot-an-ser of this bbo&es* toht the tretsnepe of the chrifian Kei/gion^ and that {ds \ lhfe)ttith fuch Hcafons, that the defpifersofCod,ifthey tciltl ■■■:, shall :t hajhxifefind then: felues graueledtogainfay it;. Horeouer to offer this to yourMdieftie, i haue chiefly r&o caufes, he one is that Cod hath made you to be borne, not onely a chrijlia n, but* ** iij- aljfp The Epistle Dedicatorie* .dlfo a cbriflian Vrince, to whom it belongtth chiefly both for him* fife and for others,to knoWewhat the chriftian Religion is. Tor ye shaibe the more inflamed to aduaunce it , W hen you be throughly ■j)erfwaded thai it is not a deuife of man as other Religions are, but the Law and truth of God* which maketh both kings and kingdoms* and hath made you a many ea>and fct you ouer men. To be short. that it is both your prof per itie in this life which dependeth yppon Gods gratiousgoodnesyandyo.ur Welfare in the other life9tohich is of far greater import ancfyhan ail that euer We can endure or attaine ~va» to here. The other reafon is* that forafmuch as Cod hath called me to be a- bout your Maieflie^as I hope)to do you feruice in that notable Worke which he is about to doe in our daies to his glory , and wherein he hath put into your hart ti imploy your perfon Without fpar in g of your life : reafon Would that the fruits both of my labors and of my leifure should beyours3as Well as the field ts yours. Without that it should be in my poWer to diffofe othcrWife thereof, A nd I pray the almighty to increafe his grace in you from day today > and to giue Tntoyou his fpirit to go forward With his Worke , and ynto me to do yon feruice to the yttermojiof my fmall power as long as I lyue. Amen. Yourmoft humbl^obedicnt, and faithftill Seruanr, D«. VleJZis. The The Preface to the Reader. T is the ordmane matter of Prefaces, to do " dare firft of all the apparant profit, or rather nc- cefsitie that mooueth them to vndcrtake anie. worke ♦ But I to my great gricfe,doo thinke my felfe difcharged of that paine^in this cace. For he that mall but read the tttie of thisbooke^O^^e Trevone/Jeof thechriftian Keligion , if he lift to call to remembrance how manie blafphemies he heareth howerly againft Godand his word; how manie defpifers of Religion he meeteth with at e- uery ftepjand how great either coldneffe in the things which they ought to follow moil: who'ie , or doubting in the things which they ought to beleeue mo ft ftedfaftlie, he findeth eucn- inthofe which profeile the Chriftian godlineiTe : fhall by and by anfwer and yeeld the reafon of himfelfe, why I haue taken this worke in hand,more needful! now adaies(yea euen(which; lam afhamed to faie) among thofe which beare the name of Chriftians)than euer it was among the verie Heathen and Infi- dels . Some bufie themfelues To much about their pleasures*. that they can neuerfind anie leifure, not to mount vp vnto» God,but onelie To much as to enter into themfeluesrin fomuch that they be more ftrangers to their owne nature,to their owne "Soules, and to the things whickconcerne them molt neerelie and peculiarlie, than they bin either to the dcfeits of Inde, or to the Seas that are worft to-be haunted ouerreach and betraic othermen,-. felling their freends, their' kinsfolke,yea and their owne foules, 6c not (licking to do anie' euill,that may feme their turne,neuer alledging or pretending; honeftie oi*£onfcience,but to their owne profit .- Of men kind* offtuffe are die Epkuies made, who bicaufe they fcele their ,** i Hajsrdfe ' TheVre faceted* Redder. minds etultic of fo many crimcs,do thinke themfelnes to haue efcaped the Iufhce and prouidence of G O D by denying it. And of theft wc may fay, that their reafon is called away and oucimaiiTercd by the courfe of the world, whervn'o it is whol- lie tied,fo as they can haue none other courfe or difcourfe than lus. Some go yet a litle further,both in refpccl of God, and of thcmfelues. They thmkc thcic is a God, and that of him man hath receiued an immortal! foule : that God gouerneth all things, and that man ons;ht to feme him . But forafmuch as they fee both Gentiles and Iewes, Turkes and Clinicians in the world, and m diuerfe nations diuerfe Religions, whereof cuery one thinkcth he ferueth God, and that he ihali find Val- uation in his owne Religion : Thcfc ( like men at a floppc where many waies meet, ) in freed of choofing the right way by the iudgement of reafon, do Hand frill amazed, and in that amazement conclude that all comes to one, as who would fay, that South and North lead both to one place ♦ But footbly if they applied their wit as admfedly toiudge betweene truth and faifhoodj godlmeiTe and worldlinefle, as cuery man in his trade doth to juds;e bctweene profit and loffe : they fhould fborthwith by principles bred within themfelues,and by con- clusions, following vpon the fame, difcernc the true Religion from the falfe : and the way which GOD hath ordeined to welfare, from the deceitful! bywaies and from the croiTe and crooked inuentions of men . What fhall I lay of the moft part of vs ? Of vs Imeane which bcleeue the Gofpclland profeilc the Christian Religion, and yet hue as though we bclceued it not ? Which preach the kingdome of hcaucn, and haue our groynes cuer wrooting in the ground? Wh/ch will needes fecme and bee taken to be Gods children and coheires with Chri ft, children of fo rich a father and heires of fo goodly an inheritance, and yet doo fcarily thinke carneflly vpon it once in a whole yeare , but are readie to forfake it cuery howre, for lefle than amefle of gre well and a bit of bread ? Surely wee may well fay then, that if cuer it were needefull, it is r.eedcfull at this time to waken fuch as are afleepe, to bring backe fuch as are gone aflraie, to lift vp fuch as are funke downc, and to chafe them a heat which are waxed cold. And that l7;f Vnfdceto the KcdcleY. thatis to bee done by painting out the true Religion !iueJj before their eyes, with the ioy,happincs, and glorie which in- iue therevpon, to the intent that the voluptuous may feeke their ioy, the coftetous their gaine , and the ambitious their glorie there, bending themfelues with their whole hearts vn* to that alone , which all oncly can fill their harts , and fatisfie their defiles. That is the thing which I indeuor to doo in this worke, m\<\ G O D of his gratious goodnelTcvouchfafe to guide my hand, to his owne glorie and to the welfare of thofe that are Jiis ♦ But afore 1 enter into the matter, I haue to anfwere vn- to two fortes of people . The one are fuch as fay that Reli- gion cannot bee declared vnto Infidels or vnbcleeuers by rcafon . The other forte arc thofe whiche vphold , that al- though rca(bn doo fomewhat inlighten it , yet it is neyther lawfull nor expedient to doo it* But let vs fee what icafon they can haue , to exclude reafbn from this difcourfe ♦ The firft fort fay,It is to no purpofc to difpute aga'inft fuch as de- nie grounded principles ♦ And by thismcanes, becaufeone grounded principle is denied them » they breake of quite and cleanc, as though all meane of conference were taken awaicj Surelie this principle of theirs is very true , but yet ( in my iudgeriient ) it is very ill vnderftood . I graunt it is to no pur- pose to difpute againfr. fuch as denie grounded principles, by the fame principles which they denie : That is very true. But there may be fome other principles common to both fides, by the which a man may profitably difpute with them, and by thofe common principles oftentimes prooue and ve- rifie his owne principles . And that is the thing which I in- tend to doo in this worke . As for example; The Chriilian groundcth himfelfe vpon the Gofpell ; the lew deniethit: and therefore it were to nopurpofe to alledge it vnto him. But both the lew and the Chriftian haue one common princi- ple and ground, which is the old Teftament : By this may the Chriftian profitably difpute againil thclewjyea eue to the ve- rifying of the gofbef, as if ye ihould make one to call Come ma to his knowledge, by the draughts or defcriptions of his por- traiture . Likewife the lew is grounded vpon the old Tcfta- met, which the Gentile would mocke at if he Ihould alledge it vnto a ike Preface to the Reader. vnto him . Eut both the Gentile raid the lew haue one com* mon nature, which furnifncth them both with one common Philofophie, and with one common fort of principles •, as that there is one God which goucmeth all things ; that he is 2;ood, and no author of euill; That he is wife,and doth notanie thing in vaine . Alfo that man is borne to be immortal! ; that to be bappie he ought to feme God and continew in his fauour. And therewithal!, that he is fubieel topafsions, inclined to e- tull,wcake vnto good and fo forth . Of thefe common pnnci- ples,the lew lriale draw necelTarie concluficm, which the Gen- tile ilia! 1 notpeiceiue at the fir ft, like as when a man vnder- ftandeth a proportion, but conceiueth not yet the drift and confequence thereof. He that markeththat the Adamant or Loadftone pointeth to the North, perceiucth not foorthwith that by the lame a man maie goe about the world, although he was of capacitie to ccnceiue it. After the fame maner, by this tuclid.Jih. principle : He that from equallth ingnakctht quail things Jcaueth hprotf, £jr, the remainder equal! ; and by a few other piopolitions which children learne in piaying-,the Mathematician leadeth vs gent- lie(and ere we be aware o'fanie mounting vnto this fo greatlie renowmed proposition and experiment of Pythagoras, that in a Triang/e, the fide that heareth yp the right Knglc>yceldeth a fquare equallto the other rwaine > which at the full: fight fee- meth vnpofsible3and yet by degrees i s found to be fo of necef- .' .\ fitie. Thus ffiall the lew by common principles and conclu- fions, verifie his owne ground which is the old Tcftamcnt. * For he fl-iall prone vnto the Gent.'les by their owne Philofe- phers>that vnto God a!one,things to come are prefent,and that vnto Spirits they be knowen but onelie by conic&ure , and fo fane forth as they can read them in the (lanes . And he fhall proue by their Aftro!ogers,th;,t the names of men and the cir- '*\ cumftances of their doings cannot be betokened nor red in the ftarres.. And he fliall proue by their Hiftoriographers, that the bookes of the old Teftament, which eoiitaine fo ma- nic andfo perticular prophefics, were written manic hunched ycares afore the things came to paile. Now what will reafbna- blie iniue hereof but the proofe of the principle which is m : Gontrouerfie,by the principles which arc agreed vpo betwecne • ' .: 'them both : nametethat the old Tcltamcnc is of God, feing it cannot-: The Vreface to the Kcdier. Cannot be from amc other. And what clfc is all this, than that! which is commonlie done in Geometric and Logicke, which., by two lines or by two proportions that are comonlie knowen & certeine,do gacher a third proportion that was vnkuower,,or a third propofition(that is to faie a conclusion) that was eift ei- ther doubted of or hidden, and by meanes of. the other two is euidcntlie found out, and neceftarilie pipoued. Such are thefe proofes againft the Atheifts : nothing hath moumg of it fclfc. It is nature that faieth fo. The world turneth .about, and the heauenlie bodies haue a moiling : and that doth man himfclfe fee.Therfore they muft needs be moued by fome other power and that is the Godhead ; which our eie feeth not, and yet by means of the eie,our reafon conceiueth and perceiueth it in all things. Againft them which denie Chriftes Godhead, [we al- led^e this principle of their owne.]That naturally of nothing nothing is made. It is the faying of Ariftotle,and the fchooles would haue him by the cares that fhould denie it. Iefiis Chrift. hath of nothing made verie great things, yea euen contraries by contraries* The Heathen wonder at it, all ages crie it out, our eies do ftiil behold it. He that will denie this; muft denie the world, he muft denie all things, he muft denie himfelfe. It folio we th then that Chrift wrought by a powre, that is mi- iftreiTe of Nature. Ariftotle himfelfe faw it not, and yet An- ftodemakethvs to fecit. The writers of Hiftones tookeno heed of it; and yet they themfe lues make vs to beleeue it» The Philofbpher thought but onelie vpon nature, and the Hiftographer but onelie vpon hisowne wTiting . And yet from both twaine of them, wee drawe both the Godhead of Chnft,and the truth of our Scriptures : CertefTe in like man- ner as by Arithmetike, out of two and fixe wee draw out one continuall proportionable line hidden after a fort in either ofthem,and yet greater than both of them togither, which is Hghteene : &as out of twro fticks chafed one againft another, we draw out fire which is not feene in the two,the confirming; of the both out of hand. To be £hort,the marke that our faith looketh at, is the Author of Nature & principle of all princi- ples.The rules therefore & the principles of Nature which he hath made cannot be contrarie vnto himfe lfe . And he is alio the verie reafon and truth it felfe. All other reafon then,& all other The Vrefaceto the Reader. other truth dependeth vpon him, 6c relieth vpon him, neither is therc,or can there be any rcafon or truth but in him : So far off is it,that the tiring which is trevve and reafonable in nature, is or can be falfe in Diuinitie, which(to fpeake properly) is not againfl: nature, but againft the corruption of nature,and in verie deede aboue nature. HoiftJ farre Nowe come I confequently to the other fort, which fay that matters of although it bee poflible in fome forte ; yet the faith (that is to faith Are to fay, the Chnflian doctrine) ought not to be proued or declared bee dealt by reafon : And their rcafon is > becaufe it confifteth in manic ton/? hy things which exceed the capacitie of man, 6c therefore that he reafon. which ihould meafure them by reafon , fhoulde diminifhthc dignitie and greatnes of them. Surely I will fay more for them than they recjuire : namely,that mans reafon is fo farre efffrom being the meafurer of faith, which very far exceedeth nature, that it is not fo much as the meafurer of nature , 6c of the leafi creatures which lie farre vnderneath man; becaufe of the igno- rance and vntowardnes which is in vs and raigneth in vs.But in this they deceiue themfelues,that they imagine vs to vpholde, that wee fhould beleeue no further than reafon can meafure 6c comprehend ♦ For what a great way cloth the truth of thinges excend further than mans reafon ? But we fay that mans reafon h able to lead vs to that point; namely,that we ought to belcuc euen beyond reafon, 1 meane the things whercunto all the ca- pacitie of man cannot attaine* And likewife, that when things are reuealed \ nto-vs , which rcafon could neuer hauc entered into nor once imagined , no not euen when it was at the (but- jjefijthc fame reafbn(wlnch ncuer couldhaue found them out) maketh vs to allow of them : the reafon I fay(whereunto thofc mylteries were inuiiible afore) maketh them credible vnto vs: * . • furely euen after the fame maner that our eye maketh vs to fee that in the vifible tilings, which we ought to bcleue of the in- vifible , without the which the vifible could haue no becing : that is to vvit,the inuifible God,by the vifible Sonnc,6c alfo to fee many things when the Sim is vp, which were hidden afore i|i darkneffe ; not that the eie-fi ght was of ielfe force , or the thing it felfe Idle vifible afore : but becaufe the Sonne is row ', yp, which lightcireth the aire with his brightness which is the • 'meane both whciby the cie fceth-, & vvherby the thing is fecn. As tor. The Prefdce to the Kedder. As for cxample,wc bclccue that there is one God,the Father, the Son,& the holy Ghofh This is the article which they op- pofe againfl: vs,& therfore doe I take the very fame.This arti- cle canot in any wife fal within the copalTc of vnderftading,6<: much lelTe be coprehended by roans reafon.But yet doth reafo lead vs to the faid point,that there is a God: that he hath cre- ated man to liue for euer: that whereas man hath ftepped out of the way,to follows his owne fway,hc reformeth him again by his wordrThat this word(as I haue faid already heretofore) is the olde and newe Teftamcnt, which conteine thinges that cannot proceed from creatures. Hecre Reafon ftaycth^ec hol- deth it fclfe contented « For feeing that God fpcaketh, it be- commeth man to holde his peace: and feeing that hee vouch- faFeth to teache vs , it becommeth vs to beleeue . No we wee reade this doctrine in Gods forefaid bookes , yea oftentimes rcpeated.Lo how Reafon teacheth vs that which fhe her felfe neither knewe nor beleeued,namely by leading vs to the tea- cher, whom wre ought to hearc and beleeue; and to the booke wherein he vouchfafeth to ope^himfelfe vnto vs,in giuing vs infallible markes and tokens, whereby to difcerne what com- meth of God^and what commeth not of himf But when Rea- fon commeth to the reading of the doctrine, and is perfwaded thereof; then flic awaketh, and if the Gentile refufe it as im~ pofsible and repugnant to reafon and truth,then fteppeth ihe forth ftoutly, and marketh the hkeneflc thereof in naturcthe images thereof in her fclfe to fet it fborth , and the Recordes of the Gentiles thcmfelues to incounter them withall, Aifo flie findeth out folutions of their arguments, and aun- fwers to their abfiirdities. For furely all truth cannot be faffi- ciently proued by reafon , confidering that many thinges ex- ceedc reafon and nature. But yet cannot any vntruth preuayle by reafon againft truth ; nor any truth bee vanquished by the judgement of reafon. For vntruth is contrary to naturc5nature lielpeth reafon,reafon is fcruaunt to truth;and one truth is not contrary to another, that is to fay,to it Cdfe, For truth cannqt be buttiuth,and Reafor>reafon, The hke may wee fay of the incarnation of the Sonne of God, that no man could of himfelfe haue imagined ity nor as jiowalfo conceiue it; and yet notwithftandmgj that reafon is; Tkc Preface to the Redder. able both to teach it vs,and to defendc it. What will i7ic fa? then to vs in this bchalfc ? That the workes which I E S V S wrought could not proccedc, neither from a man, nor from a • rfcuil, nor from an Angcll coniidcred in their fcuerali kindes, hut onely fi om God the maker of heauen and earth. And this will ihc prouc vnto ys^botfa in the refpect of the hiftory, and in refpeft of the kindes of his workers well by the Hutorio- graphers and Philosophers who were enemies to Christ and his doclrine,as by conclufions of ncccffitie conucyed from the principles which remaine in the natures of catty of them. And what will enfue thereof, but that Iefus vvoorjeing by the power of God, was fent of God , and therefore ought to bee heard and beleeued: Eelccucd (fay I) to bee God the forme of God,becaufe hee fayth it;and to bee man borne of woman, he- caufe the world fawe him to be fo;& that other wife he mould be an enemie to God, and God an enemie to mankind; God (I fay) too good to a (Tift him with his power to our ouerthrowe, and too wife, to lend him his fpirit,to the defacing of his owne glory : But if vngodlines fhrrecoales; Reafon will open her mouth and fhewe,that it was agreabie to Gods Iuftice,and ne- ceflary for mans welfare; poffible to the power of the creator, and agreeable to his wil and promifes;behooffull for our bafe- nes>and befeeming his glorie. And euen in vngodlines ltfelfe ihc will find wherewith to put vngodlines to nlence,howbeit thatcucn in all godlincs, me findeth not wherewith to fpeakc thereof fufliciently . The fame is to bee vndcrftocd of other like mi fieri es,whicb fhalbe treated of in their due places. And this biingeth vs backe againe to the faide point>that the truth bceing reuealed, enlightencth reafon; and that reafon rowfeth vp her felfe to reft vpon truth. And Co farre offis Reafon from • abafing fayth, tomalce vs attaine thereto, that contrariwife fhe lifteth vs vp as it were vpon her fhouldcrs,to make vs to fee it, and to take it for our guide , as the onely thing that can bring vs to God;and the onely fchoolemiilrefle of whbroe we ought to lcarne our faluation. To bee fhort, we fay not that hecaufe. Reafon comprehended"! not this or that, therefore lette vs not bcleeueit: for that were a meafuringof Fayth by Rea- i fon, as they fay . But wee lay that Reafon and Nature hauc ' Tuch a Rule , and that diat is the common way , and yet not- withftandina: the Vrefdce to the Reader. withftanding, that this thing or that thins; is done or fpoken beyond reafon and beyond nature ♦ I fay then thajt the workc and word of God are an extraordinarie ca(c,& that forafmuch as they are of Gocl,it bchoueth vs to beleeue them; and to be- . leeue is to fubmit our reafon and vndcrftanding to him. And fo it is a making of reafon feruant to faith by 'reafon,and a ma- king of reafon to iloope to the highnciTe of faith : and not an abating of faith to the meafurc of reafon* Now forafmuch as we take reafon to our helpc againft the Infidels , the proofes which ihc ihall yeeld vnto vs to guide vs to the doclrine andfehoole of faith, fhalbe chiefly of two forts •, namely, Arguments 6c Records.The Arguments winch we will vfe againft the Icwes,wc will take out of the grounds of the lewifh Religion *the maieftie of God , the nature and ftate of man, and the mod euident and bell: authorifed prin- ciples or conclufions among them. Againft the Gentries, wee will take them out of their fubftantialleft Rules, out of the mod renowmed Authors of Philofophie,and out of the expo fitions of their owne moft approued Interpreters ; one while abiding vpon their principles, 6c another, while (landing vpo the conclufions which they the mfe lues do gather of them, $z fometimes drawing fuch lieceftarie corifequents and fcqueales out of them ray lclfe , as they oftentimes perceiued not, as though they ^acl not vnderfbod what they thcmfelues (pake*,. Alfo againft either of them r wee will iudge of the caufe by his effecis,and ofthe effects by their caufe; of the end, by the inftrument or moouer thereto, and ofthe mouer, by the avi^ & fo forth of other things : which are the ftrongeft arguments that can be, as which arc either demonftratiue, br very ucere demonftratiue. At a word, we will not a! ledge any argument: which' (hall not be fuhftantiall, or at lea ft wife which we ftiall not thinkc to be fo, neither will wee vrge anything whereof.' we be not throughly perfwaded in our feiues : chooilng alway the euidenteft & eafieft that we can, to apply our felues to alf mens capacities. K1otwithftanding,let not any man looke here for arguments that may bee felt, as thatlihould prone fire to behotte by touching it, or the myfterief of GOD and! Religion by the outward fence : but him foffife him that mine aigunientes foal bee fully as apparant* imdkriftotlcA\t bcudemzket and Vcripatctike shoih old and new, and fpecial lie fuch as hauc molt iloutly defended their owne Philofophic, and impugned our doctrine ; as UmUich, %b%tin> Vcjphii ict Vroclesimplicc> and fuch others : whofc depo- fitions or iathec oppofitions againft vs, Ithinke men will wonder at, Againft the Iewes I will produce the old Tcftament > for that is the Scripture whereto their fathers tiuftcd, and for the which they hauc fuflercd death, & whereby they allure them- klues of life. And for the interpreting thereof,I will alledgc their Paraphrafts,& thofc which trantiated it into the Greekc andChaldcy tongues afore the comming of our i.ord Iefus Chrift . For they were Iewes borne, of the notablcft men a- mong them,chofcn by publike authoritie to tranllatc it,and at that time reafon was not fo intangled with p-r :ons, as it hatli bene fnce, Alfo I will alledge their ancient doftors,difpcrfed as well in their Cabales as in their Talmud, which are their bookesofgreateft authoritie and moft credit ♦ And diucrfc times I will interlace the Commentaries of their late writers* which generally haue bene moll; contraric to the Chriffen do- ctrine, whom (notwithfranding) the truth hath compelled fc- uerajly to agree, in expounding the Texts wheresn the fame is chiefly grounded. Now in thefe allegations I fnall fomctimes belong , and pcraduentnre tedious to the Reader , "whome manifeft reafon fliall haue fatisfied alreadie,fo as(to his feeming)there needed not fo manie tcltimomes . Eut I pray him to beleeue , that in this longncfle *of mine , I fhaine my nature to apply myfclfc to all men; knqwing that fbme like better of Reafons, . «h doth ; to the end that mine ignorance and wcakeneiTe preiudice not the cafe , mine vndcrtaking whcrcof,in good footh is not vpon truft of mine owne wit, or of mine owne abiiitie-,but vpon aflured truft of the cleerneffcr fcwndnciTc,fubftantialneiTe,aud fbothnclTe thereof. Now God vouch(afe to ihead out his blef>ing vpon this worke, and by the furtherance thereof to glad them that be- ]ccue,to confirtne them that wauer, & to confute them whick go about to fhaicc downc his doctrine. This is the onely plea- lure that I defire , the onely fruit which I feeke of my labour,, ..;..;'• And (to fay the truth) I feele alreadic fomc effeel: and con- ••/.:' tentment thereof in my hart . But lette vs praic him alio to* vouchftfe in our daie$,to touch our (lonie harts with the force *>fbis fpirit, and with his owne finger to plant his ddclrine? fo deeply in them , as it may take roote and bring .y'v- foorth fruit . For ccrtefTc it is Gods workc to per- ; •"*■;• "' ¥j$ fwade and win men, albeit that to counfell . :■■{ : them, yea and to mooue them,fee- • ; ; • aneth in fomc fort to lie • ■'. , • in man, '■'.■'. \ " The W TheSummes of the Qbapters. t THit there is a God;and that all men a* -"■ grfec in the Godhead. i Tharrhercisbutoncly oncGol. , 3 That the wifedome of the world acknow* Icdgcd one onely God- 4 Whit it is that man is able to comprehend concerning God. 5 Thu in the one fubfhncc of God there are three per ions , which we call the Trinitic, 6 That the Philofcphie of olde time agreed to the doctrine ofthc Trinitic. '• 7 That the world had a beginning. S When the world had his beginning* 9 That the wifdome of the world a:know» ledgedthc creation of the world. ip That GoJ created the world of nothing . *"#tnat is to fay , without any matter, fub- " • fhnce.or ftuftc whereof to make it. , H That God by his prouidence gouerncth ; th;worId,ani all things therein. 1 1 That all the cuill which is or which fee* mcth to bee in the worlde is fubiect to Gods prouidence.- *3 That mans wifedome hath acknowled- ged Gods prouidence, and howe the fame wadeth bctweene deftinie and fortune. .41 That mans foule isimmorrall. i^Tlut the immortal icic of the foule hath ?*' bene taught by the auncient Phiiofophers and beleeued by all nations. l& Tint mans nature is corrupted, and hec nimfclfc fallen from his rlrft originally & by what meanes, mQ That the men oroide time are ofaccorde ; -with vs concerning mans corruption and .;. >jthecaufe thereof. 'IS; That God is the fouereigne welfare of man, & therefore that the chicfc fhootan* kcr of ma ought to be to return vnto god 1 9 That the wifeft of all ages are ofaccorde, that God is the ctiicfe fliootanker3and fo- uereigne welfare of man. to That true Religion is the way to attcinc .. to that fhootanker & fouereigne welfare, 1*4 what are the markes thereof. ti That the tr ue God was worshipped in If* rael,which is the 1. mark oftrue religion, 1 1 That the God furf) are tie pjinciptasof aHtije^riencesf, aim fpeciaHp of tbe certepneft\a0 tobidi confift in Demonftratioiu The whole Quill Euclyde fap)is greater then his part. And if from equall things ye take equall things, the Remaynder (hall be equall* Cljfa te ratber percciueo of euerp manbp comma fenee3tben p?©* tteo bp fljarpnefle of Reafon ♦ 3m> like a0 tbep tbat toiouto goe a* bout ta> pjotte it3t>© (betofc tbemfelue0 town tbie to bee Iaugbea at, as tobicb^bouto take&pontbem to inligbten tbegmnnetoJitb a Cautjletfo trjep tbat&enp it , ooe fljetoe ri)emfelue0 to bee to?ang* lets ana tmtoiojtbie of all conference, as contenoer0 againft rfjetr otone motber tott^ea aim againft tbeir otnne eonfeflion;accojtiing to tbi0 common faping of tbe <§>cb©le0 ? Cbat tbere i0 no reaso- ning againff tbofe tobicb aenp tbe ]pjincipfe0*Ji2otD3if tbere bk a* tip matter therein tW Hule 10 fount; treto) 5 it 10 molt peculiarly m tbi0,tbat tbere 10 a <5oo* jf o? it i0 fo manp tomie0 ana To liuelp papnteofrajtb in all tbing05 ami fo peculiarly ingraueninman0 bart;tbat all tbat euer can b& neui^o,fapu,antj to?itten*bereof,i0 mucb leffc tben tbat toljicb 10 (km tbereof euerp tobere,anti tobicl) men feeie tbereof in tbemfelue0* 3!f p& toke toptoar&3pa: fee tbere infinite bom'e0 ami infinite mouing0 ; m'ucr0,ano pet not trubling one anotber ♦ 31f p& toke tjo^nemar^pce fee ti)t S>ea continually threatening t^e <£artt> , ano pet not pairing bis bcunng : anu like* & fcnfe .,*■ « OFTHBTREVTTCSt toift thz tfartf) alt©gitljer beaute ami malfie,anb petnottm'tfjffatt- tiing fettleb o? rather bangeb in $ 3p?e, fo as fc ftirretb not atob& Cbefebobieg ntrecttig incontinentlp t© ag>pirtt,am> tijt0 o?aerli« uz& t© a certeine ©ouerner -, fojfomucb as it isfccrteine in nature, tbat bonier baue of tbemfelueg no moumg,ann tbat etten tfyofe bo* t)it$ tobicb are quickened coulo not agroe (tefaftlp extficr ftutb o* tber bontces o? tottb tbemfelueg,but bp tl;e o?bering ana gouewing fif a <§>uperiour ♦ 'But toben toee enter aftertearb int© our ftfucg, anu finue tbere an abjibgement of tbe tobole bniuerfall ; a bonte fit fo? ail fojts of moumg£,a g>ou!e tobicb (tmtbout remouing) ma* Serb tbe boniest© moouetoljicb &apitliffetb;al&ea?ontfjcreur tobtcb gupaetb tbem eueipebone in tbeirxwmgg ; antj petnottoitb* ftansiug , tbfe bottle t© bk fucb as txiee can neitber fee tt no? com ttim it : 3jt ougbt in all reason t© make bs all t© bnaerftan^tbat in tbte great bniuerfall malfe , tbere te a foucrame <§>pirite tobi cb mafcetb, moouetb>an& gonernetb all tbat tooe fee tbere; bp tobom b)k liue,moue,am> b^tubo in our bonier batb ftameo a Counter* fet of tbe tobale toojlMtft in our @>oules( batb ingrauen an image Trimegiftus 0f ftmttlfMW te tt t^at caufeb one auncient pbitofopber t© fap, famMkhw tftat tobereag ourepeg cannot pearee bnto @ob ? befuffattb bint- concerning * fclfe t© bk felt toitb our ijitnti^ x 9tob anotljer t© fap, tbat tbe berp Miftcrycs.0 firtt bfe of Hea? on , i$ implopeb m concerning ^t 45 obbeau ; not Chaptg, p^operlp bp fcnotomg it,but ag it toere bp feelmg it,tobtcb te mo?e certeme: pea, anb tbat tbe boring of our ftoule 10 notbing tl$,but tbeknotoing of (Sob bpon tofyotn it bepem»etb*3nb Auicen fpea* fcetb pet mo?e bolblp, Taping tbat be taijicb atfmotolengetb not tbe (Btobbeab^fa bopu,not of Keafon,but tuzn of ^>ence* jftoto,if tbefe g>eneeg from brfjence our firft fmotole&ge pjoc&uetb, 0© toitnelfe tbe tbingbntobjovanb toee 00 firmlp belkut atbingtoben ine feele it, anb tbat (ajs tbep teacb bsi) tooe map fele <&©D aja^ueU in tbe too?lb ass in our felue&gburelp bnto bim tbat treatetb of Keligto, ft ougbt t© bigraunteb a0 an bnuiolable ip^inciple, That there is a God ; anb all men ougbt t© bee fojbtooen t© call it into que* ffion,bpon pame of not being men anp mo?e*5To? if euerp S>ctence ^aue W p?inciple$,tobtcb it i$ not latofuil to remoue,ba it neuer fo little:mucb mo?e reafon fe it tbat it ftoulu be fo,toitb tbat rbing tobicb \)^ti)t grounn of alip^inciplesS fo? bis^ ip?mriple. jl5euer* tbele(Te,let biai britb tbe leaue of all g©b men, before tbfe Cbap* ter bpon tbe toiefcebneffe of thia our age:ano if tbere b& anp tobicb tp fojgetcing ©ob^aue in berp b^be fojgotten tl;eir obane fyapc, anu OF CHRISTIAN RELIGION. 3 mtt mtftafcentljeir otone nature : let tfoemlearneJjeere&p tea re* fatctoleoge tbemfelue* agame* at fa a ffrattnge car e,tbat tbefe men tofn'dj ojoinarilp fpeafte of Thc w uotbmgbuttfjetoojlo, touTlnot&ein tbe too?lo3 fte tbing tnfjtcfj J^X* tbe tDo^lo fbctoetfc ano teamed) m an part* ♦ tfofc let b$ begin at t^e fotoetl^ mount bp tence3ano to&tcfj fcaueHeafom Sbome are inoe* toeo toitb all tbefe gifteg 3 ano ftme but toitlj fome of rijem ♦ Ctje flp je , tbe S>ea , ano tbe <£artb are great, ano Ijaue a great fcope* Cbepbearebp ano fuffepneaHtbmg^tbatljauelife^antiingjj tbat baue g>ence > ano aH tbingg t&at fiaue Keafon ♦ 3no pet not* hutbltanomg, tbep tbemfelues baue not anp moje tben onelp bare 3$m'ng5tDitbout Life3toitf)out g>ence5imtbout fteaftm t&at fa tco fap,tbe noereft to notbeing* C&e piant^befioeg being5baue al& life3ano tbep ojato tbeir nouriibment ftomrije €art&?ano tbeir re* freeing from tlje apje^ije^eafte* &aue bottj l$omtg,l ife3anB Sbence, ano take rijeir fooe botb from $e <£Iementg ano from tije 3plantg*^an fcatb ^eemg,ano iife,ano <§>ence3ano IReaftn ; ami be iniopetb t&e Clement^Imed* of tie plants commaunoetb tbe 3$eatfe$,ano oifcourfetb of aH tbings: botb aboue bim ano beneath Jjmn lo^emano?oer3fuci)fromoegrattDOegree,tbatti)ljoft^ ucr conceiuetb not bp ano bp ftme 3utfjoj tbereof , batijneitljet Beaten no? £S>enre3 no no? fa too?tbie tco &aue eitber life o? beeing* 31 P?ap pou from tofjence commetb tW g©&Ip pjopojtion^ano tbfa o?oerlp pjoc#oing of tbingss b^ oegri^ *t WXljtnct commetb tbe difference in tljeir partition^ ffitftence commetb it tbat tbe bugeflt ano toifceft tfjingg are bnoerlingss to tbe leaft ano toeakeft tbingss*: 22tbereof commetb it tbat ftme tljings ^a\it but a oeao being5ano nert bnto notbeing; ano tbat otberftme baue a beeing tbat fa mm* uiiigXenOble^ano rcaftnable, botobettftmemo?e5ano ftmeleflfe*: Commetlj it of tbe tbingsi tbemfelues^oto can tbat bed jfo? fife ing tbat notbmgootblDtllittglp become an bnoeding onto otber^: tobp bee not tbe beauieft maOes? aflotteo to tbe bztt (barest ftHber* of commetb it t^at tbe liuing tl)in$$ tobicb in refpect of ri;e lubole &>ta are but as a ojop 3 ano in refpea of tbe tobole €artij are but 4S a grapne of Duff , are in oegr& of p?et)eminence aboue fym't « 2 ana 4 OjFTHETREWtfES 3no totjereof commetb it , tfjat man being tbe frapldt of an Imtnj Imgbtes , is ferueo bp tbe Clements , bv tbe plants 5 ano bp tbe 15catfes3pea ctten bp tbe toiloeft of tljtnt*: Cbcn is tfym a neuter 02 ottfributer of djefe tf)ing$,ti>l)Q bailing impart eo t^c to odjcrs, bao djem ftrft bimfeIfe,anD tbat molt abottnoantlp^ano tobo rnoje* otter id of necelTitic^imigbtte, feeing rijat in fo tmequad partttion, be boloetlj tljem neuerdjclcfle tn coucojoe ♦ 31 fap furtljet, djat all things are compjtjcn bnoer tbefc folner:ti;at is t© toit,tmuer Bee- ing,Lifc,Scncc, andReafon.,accojOtngt©biSOiuer!5 imparting of tljem Unto all djings* .Roto 3!Ocmatmo,lof)etbertaas fir^ofBeeingo^ Notbeing; tlfLiuing ojNotliuing; ofSenfible302Xotfenfible;of Reafona- ble oj Notreafonable I gmrelp tt tuas neitljerftcafonable, no* g>enfibIc3no? liumg ; fo? dje time badj bra djat toce mere not/25 ut tuee fcnotoie djat toee ban fatbers5 ano tijat our fatbers ban fojefa* tbers : ano tbe enoe of tbem makedj bs t© bcleeuc djat tbep bao a beginning, 31n like race is tt toitb beafts ano plants ; fo? toa knoui tbe booing, growing, oecaping ann faoing of tbem. S^urij nunc tijen map tooe fap tbe fame of Being, jf o? tbe djings b#re beneath tobirf) bauebut oneip bare beeing, are farre infertour t© tbe odjet tbings ; ann tberefoje cannot tying foojdj djemfclues , ano ronfe- qttentlp mud) IelTe toingf©ztb t^)t otber tbings*3t remained* tben rtjat Notbeeing,Notliuing, Notfenfible, ano Notreafonable, toereaftne Beeing, Liuing,Senfible, and Reafonable. 3nOpct ttottoidjftanotng tocc baue bod; 13tfMg5Ltfe,^>cncc,ano Eeafon* 3!t follotoetb djerefoje tbat it is a potoer from tuttbout bs , tobicft |atlj biougbt bs ottt of .teotbecing into b£ing,ano bad) parteo dje faio gifts among fcs oiuerflp arrowing t© btS g©o pleafttre* fox fitberU)tfe3from out of djat notbingtobicb too? toere ( 3if J map fo termc it,)\uz fyoulo neuer batte come t© be anp tbing at an, i^ota bettocenenotbinganofomedjing, (bote little focuerdjat fome* tbing can bee)tbcre is an inSnite fpace, locoes tberefoie muff tt be tbat tbz cattfe djereof ftas infinite(at leafttmfc if tt map bde calico a caufe3)ano tbat is dje fcerp fame tobidj-toe call c^oo. let ds come to tbe nature of tbe Clements tobcreof dje tobole is compactetuCbe f pie is contrarie t© tbe cdater, ano d)eo?p to t^t mopl! ; ann of tbtfe contraries are infinite odjer djings piomts reo bnoer tbem, ji2oto tbenatttre of contraries ts t© oedrop one a* nod;er j ano no tto© tbings^etten of dje lead, can bee coupleo togt< tljerjbtttbp tlje toojfuug of a Ijigljer potoer tjjat is able t© compen tfccw* OF CHRISTIAN RELIGION. J tfjettn 9$ut tuee fee tTjat tbefe tbtngg n© not incrocbc o? bfurpe one appon anotijer , but eontraritmfe tbat tljep matcb t©gitber m tbe compofing of manp tljingg : aim petnottoitbftantimgtbatnotfo mucb a$ ttoo firings bteing of one feifefame nature , can agree m cne tune 3 toitbout tbe tntc of a man tbat can f kill too ttreme tbem ami too flake tbem ag be feetb tt gootu 3!t fcHotoetb tbetefoje tbat tbe beauenipbarmonietoberein fo manp contraries are maae too accoja botb bninerfaflp ana particular!?, are fet t©gitber ann gup* sen by a fpirit* 3lnfomucb tijat if toe toiU fap,tbat accoutring t© tbe ronton opinion , tbe aire fa fpjean f©?tb as a flicker bettoeene tbe jf p?e ano tJje 223ater , ano fa iopneo too tbe one by bfa moptture, ami too tfje otljer bp bfa beate: $&tnutt neene-s fap a!fo,tbat tbere fa a great an* fo uerein 3iunge aboue tf)em3to&icb |atl; mane tijem toabptietbatttickler* let bs mount bp btgbet ♦ (KUee fee rtje $eauen fjoto it mouetft tcmxtj toitf) a continuafl mouing* 9Ifo toee fee tbere tbe ipianetg one bn&er anotber5tobtcb (nottoirfjttansing tbe biolence of tbe firtt moueable) baue euerp one bfa feuerall courfe ana mcuing by bint* felfe* 3no (ban toee fap tbat tfyb mouingg bappen by anuemurtt 35ut ti)t fame atmenture tobftb maaetbcmtomoue, (bculoalfa make tbem to ttano ttffl* 3gein,a$ fo? amtenture o? cbaunce , ft fa nothing efa but mfojner anu ccnfufiom bixt in aH tljefc oiuetfltietf, tbere is; onebnifojmitie ofmouing,tobtcb fa neuer interrupted Cpoto tben *t D© tbep moue of tbem felueg ^ jftap ; fo? notbing mouetbitfelfe, an&toberetbingsmoueoneanotber, tbere fa na pofltbflitie of infinite botoing on ; but in tbe eno men mutt be faine to mountfcp to a firtt beginning3ano tbat fa a reft9te fo? example, from H)t batttmer of a Clocke to# come ten a toboeie,ano from tbat tnbcefe t© anotber, ana finaflp t© tijt font of tbe Clockmaker, tobo bp bfa cunning batb fo ojnetea tbem,tbat uotfritbttanoing t bat bz maketb tbem afl t© moue,pet be bintfelfe remouetb not*3|t remap* tietb tben tbat of an tbefe mouingjeJ , tuoe mutt imagine one [Mo- ucr]tjnmouabie: ann of afl tbefe ft conttant m'uerfitie03on£p}nua* riable] altoaiesi like it fetfhana of att tbefe botsie^one fpirite*Sini3i like ag from tbe €artb tooe Wit ttpeu bp t© t^t 3p?e , from tbe 3p?e t© tlje g>fepe3from tbe S>kpe t© tbe 4)eauen of ^eauen^ttiH mounting Dp from greater t© greater, fromIigbtt©Iigbt, ana from fubtile to fubttle:ft let b0 anuaunce our felue^s ytt one negree tigber,namelp t© tbe infinite^© tbe ligbt toljicb fa not t© ba con^ * etuea but in DnnerttanDing,ant> t© tf;e quickening fpin'tjin refpect 31 i ioljeteof, 6 OP THE TREYVNE5 thereof, rtje tbing tljat toee totomier at imz beneatfj,fe leffe tljett a popnt,our ligbt is but a fljanotoe, aitn our fpirit & but a feapour* Snu pet notlmtbtfanmng be batb fo papntea out Ijfe glo?ie am> tn^ fi!UteneiTe5etten in tbe things tobicb to* moll nefpife 5 as tbat eueti ri;e gnnTefftoitg map eafelp comp?ebenn ft* let &$ come ootune a game too n© tije lifce beere belotoe* ZJ&k (ball fee tbe €artb replenilben toitb ^erbes, ^ree*,airo jf ruitea: botb &?a mm Lanti furmibea toitb Ifreatfesf, if ifibe*, JBtoaimegf, ano H5u:M of al fo?tfteuerp of tbem fo perfect in bis kino,as mans tm&erttS&mg cannot fppe anp toant 0? fuperfluttie in tbe* W\)zmz it all tb&':3is it of tbe dement^jftapjfjoto (ball tbetbing tobicb batb neitbec life no? fence, giue life ano fence t© otber tbmgs ^ flDj commetb it of tbe g>umte *t jftap,toben ntn tocc euer fee bim b?ing fco?tb anp fucb like tbing *t flUbence tben is tbte uarietie,but of a molt fruitfttll $ bncofumable migbrt SObence commetb tbis per* fection,but of a finguler feufenome^fpiantgjfome are bot, ana fome coltijfome ftoeete, aim fome bitter;fame nouriflnng,aM> fome pealing, 3no of tbe mod naungeroug,tbe remeoie is founn eitber tn tbemfelueg 0? in tbe nm unto tbem. £lfo aa toucbing 'Beaftegi, tbe toilneft ant? fucb as liue bp p?ap,fc#pe by tbemfelueg a!one,be* caufe tbe flocking of tbem togetfjer tooulu bee nopfome ♦ T5ut tbe tame 9 fuel; a£ are moft fo? our p?ofite,&co naturallp liue in flocfeeg ano beat&etf , becaufe tbe great numbers of tbem are fo? our com* monitie*3I$ tfyi$ alto a too?ke of fortune*: jftap, 3! fap furtben Zljz &>unnz beatetb tbe €artb , t^z g>tarreg rrco limit ber fea^ong , tbe Sp?e mopffenetb bet njougbt ; tbe €artlr feruetfr tbe ©raile , tbe (SraflTe feruetb tbe3£eaGfe,ann tbe 3$ealte ferue spam €acb tbinj feruetb otber , ano all ferue one alone ♦ OTjence map tbfe bonne come *t 3!f tbingtf bee euerlaff inglp, anu of tbemfelueg; boto baue tbep tfjug put tbemfelues in fubiection^p W)*t meaner 02 tobett began tbep firtt toa uo fo^3lfo bol» can one of tbem be fo? anotber, Teeing tbat tbe enoe M) erefo?e tbingsi are, ti euer afo?e ti;e tbingu tbemfelueiEf,eitber in nature,o? cist in confitieration; ano tbat tbe e* ternitie bat^ not anp tbing eitbtt afo?e 0? after itt @>o tl;at if tbep Ijaue ban tbeir beginning of tbemfelueg; nio tbep b?ing fco?tb tbem feluess in feeo,in flotoer,o? inliernelhm Cgge,o? in full Itfe'tfmall 0? great,ann fo fooitb^againe/eeing tbattbeone cannot bee tottb- out tbe otberjneitber'Beaaes toitbout (SralTe,no? (^ralfe toitbout tbe €artb, no? tbe €artb b?ing fco?tb anp tbing toitbout t^z ^ea^ tien;tofyd& of t\zvx came afojetann tofcicfc of tljem came afto: % ®i if OF CHRISTIAN' REIIGION. 7 ff tl)ep toete all breo togetber: tofjcnce commetb tbtd agr&ment a* mong fo maiip Dtuer^ tljtH^g; •, but of t\)z fame mpnu tofttcij maoe ano M gouernetb all tbingd ': Seeing tben tbat tijefe tbingd are fo linden togetber5auo tbat tljep teno all to one: let bd conduce a!* fo tbat tljat cannot come topafle b\xt tbrougbone, tobotyougbc tbem fo3?t!) altogether at one tnffaunt ano one burtljen , toben bee tijougijt g©5* 15m noto let bd fee tobence commctij tljid oxber one toberunto tbep teno , tbat 10 to twit $®m $ ano tobetber be alfo b& not fo? anu b? tbat one tobicb Ijati; mane fytxn > tljat id to tott , foj anobpcSoo* it>e tbat feetb but one!p tbe portraiture of a man, falletb bp anti Man leadcdi bp to tbinke bpon a papnter ; ano tbe firft fpeecb tbat be btteretb, vs t0 God» id to afke tobo mane it, jftoto,if a oeao toorke ooe make 130 to con* ceiue a liuing toojker : mucb more reafon fe tt,tljat a liuing toorke - as man fe , fboulo make bd to bet^tnke bd of a quickening toorke* maiff er:pea euen of fucb a one as map b#(at leal! toife)ad farre a* boue man , ad man ig aboue tbe portraiture of W otone making, (forfomucb ad tbere ig an infinite oiffaunce bettoijet being ano not being , liuing ano not iiuing ; ) ano tbe fame againe i$ <£5oo* %\yz proportion to mand booie , tofttdb i$ fo toeU obferueo , tbat afl out 3rted noe bor rotoe from tbence , ootb toitnefle bnto b d a fingulec Cunning: ano tbe parts alfo in tbat tbep afl ferue eatb others bfe5 ano euerp of tbem ferue tbe tobole ; betoken a great toifeoome* jftoto , tobere Cunning ano toifeoome bee , tbere cbaunce Ijatft no place* fo} toben a man tofetb an epe,an arme,or a legge^toee follow toing tbe common error &o commonlp fap,it id a mifefjaunce^ue luben a member tijat toad out of iopnt id fet in againe > or a mem- ber tfjat toad loll id fupplpeo^tbougb it be but toiti) a botcbeo one; none of bd toiii fap it toad cbaunce ; bzcmfz tljat in tbe iuogement euen of tbe groflfeft fort , tbe propertie of cbaunce i^ to unoo ano to marretbingd,anonottomakeormenoanptl)ingatafl* Againe, . ^ bp our fenced tobiclj conceiue al Co!ourd,S>ounod,S)entd3§)ai uord, ano jFoeimgd ; tooe map fee, Ijeare, fmeH,taft,ana feele3tbat one felffame toorkman raaoe botb tbe 5g>enred,ano tbe tbingd tbat are fubiect to tbe fenced ♦ 4f or to tobat purpofe toere tbe ^enceiJ toitbout tbe fenfible tbingd *t or tbe fenCble tbingd , toitbout tbe fenced *; 3no fzzin^ tbat tbep relpe one ^jpon another ; tobicb of tbem toad b) eo firft in tlje toorln1: 3lf man maoe tbem for bte S>en* ced-jtobpmaketbbenottbelikeftifl*: Slfbemaoebimfelfetob* bojne foi tfytmfity fufferet^ ^e ijimfelfe to b& bereft of W &*"* a 4 tti 8 OFTHETREVVNES m one aftet anoftert Zlw ig it to be fougbt fo? elfmbere ften m man » lBut toben m tbe fame man lue pet farther conltoec &p*ft: mult luce not nceocs fap ftat Ije toas rud* to communicate bim* felfe to manp t 3no boto ace tljep boute one fa? anoftet<: 3($ame^ toljen toeecome to btf Q^iro , tolnft in oifcoiirihgteacbeft fan* bcpanu all fenftble cftfngf ; ftafl toee not fap ftat ftece are t\)in$$ mecelp to bee campjebenneo bp tonaerftamnng , fo? tfje tobtft fte Sppno toas maoe 't Sao on fte otfter fioe, if toee ftnoe a ^pwbt in ouc felues tolnft ace but a little gcapne of fte tobole too?lo ; oace tore fap ftat ftece i<& no S^pnti elfabece ften tn our feluestt 3frm* ouet, feeing ftat bp ftte Sppno of ours toee bnoeiffano all ofter fting3;tobift tytpwo pet foj all ftat bnoecftanuetb not ne kitotoeft not it felfe, neiftecpecceiue toee tobat oj tofjence fttasppnoets tobtcb fo totoecftanoeft in tog : ougbt toee not to aeknotoleoge ftat ftece te a $$v\tt) aboue &a , tobecebp toee baue bnoecftanoing of 0- ftec ftings/ano tolnft bnoecttanoeft $ knotoeft in b$ t|»e fting£ toljtft toee ouc fefoeg knotoe not ftere4: jQoto ften/eeing toe fcnoerffamr not ne knotoe not otic feluesf, (mp meaning is ftat toe bee ignorant tobat toe bee , ano toljat it t* fcom tobence our noblett actions pjocooeOcan toe bee fte auftojtf of our felues *: 3no from tobence ften outfit to# t© acknotoleoge our ftluejas tco Ijaue ouc original! *t © man,it map bee tftat ftou lm* feeft but t© ftp faftec3ut fcom father t© faftec, toe fljaH come at length too a beginning* 3no fcotfilp ftou act beep oulfjeaoeo m ft inke ftp felfe too bee fte auft o? of a man , confioering tfjac net - ftec ftou in begetting bim, no^igi^ortjecmb^eeoing^im, uin once tftinfte bppon fte fal&iomng of b tm in bit toombe : j3o nun e (fap 3!)ftan tbe jftuttree ooft toljen a Butte failed from it to fte gcoun&,tol)ift neuertyefeflfe toit^out t^e jQuttcawf linking djece* of,grotoerf) into Kote^p jtg,Baifa, ano bougbe* 5 ano in p cnn R?a3tefoo^tb mt© JLeauest , if totoetg ano fruite : 3no pet nottoitft* Canoing,in petnting of an 3!mage tljou ioofeed bpon it a btmo^en time^ano oiuec^ napes; ; tfjo u amenoeS it,ann tbou buCefi all ftp looter about it* 3!f tijou be fte 0©ec 0 f tfj 1 ;<$ to oo?fee in tlje making of wan,teH mee to^p tljou Ijail not rfjifojen toljen ftou tooutoeft,ann fcofjp rijou b at! rijem bmttimt toljen tftou toouloett not.?^Ubp Ijafl tbo u a Dauglj ter,toben tljou too uloeft baue a ©omte,o? a 3>onne to^en tljou toouloeff fjaue a Daugbtec ? 3|n peinting ftp jptoureii ftou ooed not fo Dtfap 0 mt ftp felfe* 3Ifo , if ft 0 u beeft ft iiet goon top^maito ui making of ft y c^iiDj tin n« ^0 to ft 0 u ^ aft faftia^ OF CHRISTIAN RELIGION. p nentt*t Whzwt fa fttbaroneflfe of W bones \ ftelHjttojof&i* fcepnes^ftefpiriteaf bfa ^eattfftwg^mio tfe beating ofi>fa pi& feS': feeeft ftou ftis,toWft fa nlfo as finally m ftp pon*er5a3 if ft toere none of ftine *; '^eH ma twljat fa btooen in bfa ^catJ,ano fte tobole tooj&emanl&tp ftat fa coucften toitljin ijiim 3|f ftou baft not feene it fa fte opening of ftp like, ftouftnotoeftnoftingftere* oC CeUmcepetfurtljtrtijeimagmatioitgofftfa^apne, ano fte ftougbts of bfa beart x nap5tell mee tljtne otone,tobift oftentimes tlWttoouioeftfaine alter ojttap, ano canft not* Jtfaabottem- leffe pit>fte tobici) tljou canft not gage : ano ftevefoje it foilotoet \y ftat ftou maoeff it not*Enotoe ftou fterefoje © man,ftat all ftfa commeft too ftee from fome caufe ftat fa aboue ftp ftlft*3im fte* ing ftat ftou bait bnoerffanoing, neeoes mull ftat caufe baue bn* aerftanoing too ; ano feeing ftat ftou bnoerftanoeff not ftp felfe, neeoes mutt ftat bnoerftano ftee x ano feeing ftat ftou after a fojt art infinite in nomber,but mucb moje infinite in ftp ftougbts ami aeeoes : neeoes mutt ftat bee infinite tan 3no ftat is it lufttcft toe call ©oo* saibat (bai 31 Tap moje*: o? rafter oj tobat remaineft not foj mee tflja!i 31 lake apon ftee in fte ftings ft at ^re bere beneaft,oj in fte ftings ftat are aboue ? %fa\\ maoeft ail ftings, ano tobole nature is no* ftmg eis but an image of ftee* 3no 3! toil! concluoe toift Dauid, 3&leiTepe ftelojo allpe toojkes of bfa ; pee 5>eauens, poe toaters, pee (I2ttnos5peeligbtemngS5pee botoers, pee&eas , ytzl&U tiers , ano aH ftat euer is > blelTe pee fte Jtojoe : pea ano ftou mp foule alfo blelTe ftou ftelojo foj euer*5Fo?,to lap fojft fte p?cofe£ hfttft are boft in fte great toojio ano m fte little too?io ; it tooutti ftano me in ftano to ranfaefce fte tobole toojio ; as fte tobift (toift aH ftat euer is fterein,) is a plaine bcofcelaioe open to ail men,pea ruenbnto Cbflojettto reaoe, ano (as pee toouio fap)euentofpeli ©oofterenu Botoe Iifce as all men map reaoe in ftis bcofte as toeH of fte Vniucrfiu hio^lo as of ftemfelueSj fo toas ftere neuer pet anp Bation bnoer ConfcnL leauen , toftift baft not fterebp iearneo ano perceiueo a certeine ©oobeao^nottoiftttanoinff ftat ftep baue conceiueo it oiuerflp,ac* coding to fte oiuerfitie of fteir otone imaginations* let amair ronnefrom€afitodBett, ano from g>ouft to jf^o^ft: let bint ranfacfe aH ages one after anofter : ano toberefoeuer be finoeft a* tip men,ftere (baa ije fino aifo a ftino of Keiigion ano g>eruingxif ^5atoiftpjajers m Sacrifices^eDiuertWeto^ereof is &e* IO OFTHETREVVNES rp great; but pet tljcp I;aue altsoapesc confenteo allot djfe popnt, Cl;at tfcm fe a erSO ®fre Brachmanes among tije Indians, anotlje Magics among d;e Perfians,neuer began anp dung toidjout pjap * ing bnto (Soiu'Cije leflfong of Pythagoras ano Plato,ano of tljetc Difcipleas,began imd> pjaper ano enoea tomb p?aper ♦ %\z awxcU ent3£oet0(tol;o toett all^fnlofopl;er0,)a0 Orphey,Homer,He- fiodus, Pherecides , ano Theognis , fpeafce of none odjer d)ing* H&e $§>d;cole$ of $e Stoikes, Acadcmikes , anD Pcnpatetikes, ano an otfcer rc^coXejS d;at flo^ifbeo in olo tin^rcong of djat* W)i fcerp Epicures d;2felueg toljo toere fljameleffe in all otljer djings, toere ailjameo to oenie <85oo* Co be fco&tfce men of olo time (a$ toitneffed; Plato)d)ofe d;eir l^ieffeg (toljicb toere to Ijatu regaro of dje fevuice tbat toag to be p#loeo bnto ©oo, ) from among d;e jpbilofopljerg , ag from among djofe fcrfrirl) bp djerr confiaeratton of nature,^au atteineo totmotoe ©on* ano fo(tirinri) nioomeJjap^ pened) but in an apparant trued)) dje opinion of tlje comon people ann tlje opimon of t^e toife \ Ijaue met bod; tump togid;er in tftijJ points MfcHmap tljere beefotmti in aH agegi fometo^etclien feaptife^ toljiri; ^jaue not acknotoleugeo ©on , ag d;ere be fome euen at tfitsg Uap3ut if toe toke tnto d;f 3 eidjer t\)q> tuere fomepong fcolesi gt* uenouertotbeirpleafureii, toi;iri;ueuer Ijao iepfuretob^t^inte t\)tm of d;e matter , anti pettol;en peered camebppon tljem,came UtU againe to tye tootoing of tljemfclueg , ano confe^uendp of (Son: OP CHRISTIAN RELIGION. IX ©on: oj ete tfjep tere fome perfons groten qutte out of fcintr, fa* pen in tuicfetjneflc^ann fttdj a$ ban nefaceo t!;eir oton nature in tbe fdueoj . tofjo to tbe intent tbep mtgbt pjactife all mauer oftDtcfees* neg tottl; tbe lelfe remajfe^aue ftriueo to perfiaane tbcmfelueg fcp fcotbing tbeir otee fimte^t&at tbep ftatieno gmuleat all,ann rfjat tbereid no31unge to make inqtttrie oftljetr finned 9nn pet not* toutb$anning,if tfjefe fall into neuer fo little naunger,o;i be but ta- &en fepon dje bip$tf P fall to quaking , tljcp crpe out Dnto beauen, tbep callbpon G5on*3nn if tbep app^od^bttt a farre of>bntc neatb, tljep fall to fretting ami gnawing; of tbeir trietb* ann \xfyzn tbep be tell beaten ; ttjere fe not anp fijanote of rt>e ®onbean fo f©ne of* feren bnto tbem, but tbep imbjaceit : fo reaop are nature anxj con* fcience QMl)it\) tbep teulnbauereftreinen ann impjifonen ) teput tbem in mifflr thereof at aflbotojeg^bep belotb to confelfe ©on, su«oniusin> fo? feare to ftano in ate of btm;ano pet tlje feareof tlje feaft tbingg the life e 3p je if it rap* nen bpon W ©ameplaperg ; ann pet nottoitbffanning be trapped bfe Cape about W b^ro* *>? bin ln'mfelfebnnerb& 3$en5 ateuerp flafb of ligbtening* 31 btlmt ( faitb Seneca concerning tbt fame Scnec*tn his matter ) tbat tb# tb?eatem'ng of W nin grcatlp batten W neatb, firft bookc fo? fo mud) a$ folke fate tbat tbep mere too beare fucba one > a$ S^11"8' couln not beare^euentoritb tbe (Sonnet among tbe learoen , altbougb t^t libertie of g>ert$ tea lata* oWcftioM leffe : pet tbe cbiefe tbat men counten fo? at&etflfe, tere one Dia- concerning goras a Melian poet>oneTheodore a Cyremair,one Ewhemere ^^J^ a Tegean, ano a berp fete otbersu ^ut to fap true!p3tf)efe ratber thcUfe- ffeo?nen tbe 31&ol!e$ ann falfe ©annejJ of tbeir tpm^tben nenpen tbe true (0on*9cco?ninglp a«5 toe f& manp of tbempet l!ill among fc^tobicb W* tbemfelueis cotenten fcrirfj tbelutotuing ofuntruetlj, luitbout feeking after tbe truetb ; ann toitb mocking of <§>uper(& tionij 3 taitbout feeding tbe pure ann true Religion ♦ Of tbe fapn Diagoras it fe reporter*, tbat ass ^tz twas; burning an 31mage of Hercules in bi£ ftre^ be fapti,Thou muft now doe me feruice in this thirteenth incounter,as well as thou haft done to Eurift- heus in the other tweluc. ,Cbi^toajaibutafko?ttingof3lDol(e^ ^ro?not%>itbftanomortbi0: W OerfeiJbtganrijU05tbatafltbmgsf are gouernen b^ a (Sooljeatr > aifo it i$ repojten of tbe otber, tbat lie u)0UlH ftp to t&C Egiptiansjlf they be Gods,why beway Fe ye shem? 12 OP THE TREVVNES them?atid if they be dead folkes,why worfhipye thcm>%%it alfo toasi a oifpjouing of tlje falft <£o&&$Jmj ag fo? Ewhemere of Tcgea , men ate of accojue djat tlje caufe tobp ijctua^ callen an 8* rtjettf 5 tmi0 fo? djat fce luxate tbe true IJ)tffo?ie ana (Senealogie of tije llpeadjen <&&$ ; fbe&ing tbat tljep toere Stingy p;tinces,ami great perfonageg, fortjofe Umagejs being kept foj a remembrance of rfjem toere tuxnz* into 3i&oHeMJW to©jdjieooing$ into pere* Ip (Samings,anritbetrljono?ingstntoiDO?(bippings{. anotnbidj tifbg at d;ie; napbeleetterijnot as mud) % 'Cberetoereinoeenea kinse of ipbrtofopbers caUeo ceptick0(d)at fe to fap Doluterg) iMbtdjtito ratljer fufpenn djeir 33uogement concerning tlje ©oa* ljea&, rijen call it in tiuefticm ♦ 3But pet it ougfjt to fufftje tog , tbat tljep be dje fdffame tobid) nenp al cience£,pea euen tfjofe tofcirf) ronfift in Demonffration-, ana vtijid) p?ofe(Te tljemfeluetf to ooubt of tlje tfringg tabid) tljep fee ano feele ; in ft mud; tbat tljep ooubt tnbertjer tbep tljemfelues Ijaue anp beeing o? no ♦ l&vttytt fo? an tljat, let b$ fee after toljatmanerdjefe kino of people ooereafcn* Sgainff tlje tfjtng tofcirij tlje tuojto p?eadjet&,tobtdj JI5ationgs too?* fljip, ano tofjidj toife men toonoer at ; tljefe folke fap at a too j&e foj aU^oto (JjaH toee beleeue djat tljere is! a ©on^Ctfj me fee t\im noVi SD farte,ano Qnl)i&) toojfe fe) S> forte by being wife in tljpne otnne conception beteueft djat tljere tit a g>unne3euen luben tbou art in a Dongeon oj in t^z bottome of a pjifon , becaufe Ijfe beamed are (ben in at tljptoinootoeg t anuooubtefftfjou pet (till taljetljec tljere be a ©on oj no, toljen Ije Ibetnetlj Ijimfelf to tljee dj?ougb tbe ^mnne, dje Spoone, ano rije fetarres ; in tlje 9pje,rije €ardj,tbe %>za-7in all tljingg tfcat tbep contepne,pea ano euen in rijp felfe *t 3lf tljou Ijaooeft neuer feene %m afoje , tbp loit at tlje toerp firft figbt of it,tooulo leaoe tljee to t!je ro)te to^id) it bnner tbe Creetano tbe figljt of a Uliuer toouto Icane t^ee to tlje toelfp?ing tbereof , inbicfi map peramienture be ttoo ^unu^eo JLeagutis of ♦ 3no tobofoeuec tboulo tefl tljee tlje contrarie , tljou toouloett ftano at nefiaunce a^ gaintt l)tm ♦ SD man, like ag rtje Cree leauetl) tfjee to tbe roote bp Ijig b^aundje^Botb not dje roote lease tbeel&etoife to t^e kernel!, ano tbefcemellto^im tljat mane it^^ino a^ rijelRiuer leaoetl) tba to W ieaHjftal v it t^z Ijeau leane rfja to tlje original* fpjmg tljer^ of , feeing tljou . mft not ooubt but it Ijatlj a beginning , fid) djou feetttljatit runnrtl) toitlj a Creamed 3lftbou (bouloeftarriuea- mong tbe 3Inotan?s , anti finoe but fome fillie Cottage in tlje nefo* lateft Cauntrep tl^reof j 'C^ou tooulneft bp ann bp conriuue,tbi^ O* CHRISTIAN RELIGION, I J 3He is mbabiten,fome man batb patten beere* 3nn \xfyp $ecaufe' tbou feeft tbere fome tokens of mans toit 5 aim knotoeft toell tbat tlje oule , tbat is to fap, a certepne intoam potner oj Ath«ft,came Uertue W<$ maketb tbem to tboote fcojtb in tbeir feafon ♦ ^bou tpJ:h ^bdbe efa°J feeft tbem, buttbou feeft not it; neitljerknotnefttbou tobence it an{^er; J^ commetb,oj nrf)erc it Ipetb* Cbou beleeueft tbat tbe 15eaftes alfo from thebra- |>aue one otber kinne of feoule, tobtcb maketb tbem to manse : ann ck of Mopfus,. pet tbou feeft it as little as tbe otljer* glfo tbou beleeueft tbat tbou to -a demaund ti& feIf(beGoes tbefe)baftan abilitie ofreafoningbotbfcpon tbem, ^dS^dT ann bpon tbp felfe,ano bpon fucb as are like tbp felfe ♦ Sinn pet as £aiccj. toucbing tbe bonie , tfjou feeft not anp tbing alteren in tlje partes tbereof after neatb -r neither tnitbin no? tmtjoutv Whzxz is tbat feoule tljen,oj tobere baft tbou euer feene iftSIf tbou beleeue tber* fif becaufe of tlje effects tehiib tbou feeft , tDbtcji cannot come from anp tbing els:31 allure tljee zum bv tbe fame effects,tbat if tbou be^ laue notbing thereof but tbat tobtcb tbou feeft toitlj tbpnc zptfy tbpne epes fee not but b}> tbp g>oule 3 ann tbpne epes tbemfelues fee not tbp ^oulev^o be lljo^tjtbou btletutft tbat tbou baft a face^ bJbicb tuitbout a looking conduce, (bat tbere fa no ©00 at afl: not perceiuing,o? rarber toilfuflp refu* WntaAc inhis fing to perceiue ti^at tobicb Pluurke faptb berp toeH:nameIp,t&at trcatifc of mo- tfjc perfon tobWb ouermaiff eretb bfa affections , 10 but Ijalfe bertu* oil vamc oug,but tbe ffapeo perfon fa toboflp feertuou$,becaufe tye one oorfj fmt b}in\z bfa paOioniES bp fo?ce of reafon , ailjcreas tbe otljer ^atfj tbem alteaoie fettleo accusing to reafom^ut tbere fa yzt moje tit <8oo : fo? be fa reafon it fetfe , ano tbere fa norbing in bim but tea* fomootbIp tbfa kino of reafoning of rijeirs agreed) in effect toritlj ash^^iS ** * fa?*n£ of Xenophanes , djat tf QSeaCeS toere able to papnt, gcd by cic- " $)ty tooulo pojttrap ©00 like to tbemfelue0,bec aufe tbep coulo not ment of Ale- naturallp concern anp furfljer* £>ucb ano orijer lifce are tbe argu* sundria in his ment$ of tbefe gmolp ]|9l)ilofopber$,tofncb euen little babes mtgbt Soomats. |au^ ta f^0^:(,ttt tig tyep coixto not baue bene againit fo mam. fed ano euioent a truetb* 3no yzt oare 31 alfo toeH affure pou,tbac tbep tbemfelues fcnetoe d>e falfenelTe of tbofe argument^but t^ac tb^ toere as; it loere ftoojne to ooubt of all djingg, ano to gainfap afltbing^ tetbsirijenconcluoe tot'rt) tbe learner? ano tljetgno^atmt^ fyz Greekes ano tbe Barbarians, Spen ano 3eafte^ 3 tbinga fenCbfe ano fenceleffe 5 tfje indole ano euerp part tbereof : %b& tbere isi a ©00 ♦ 9no if tbere bee pet anp folke tbat catre ooubtg tbereof, in* Deuouring to race out not onelp (Soo but alfo man bimfelfe out of tbeir beart&let b$ bololp appeale etten bnto tbemfelue0;not ooub* ting at an, but ri;at tbeir ottme Confcience to^tc^ cannot be De&fc te^iuill one cap mafee t^em to bnoerdano it* Tb$ Thefecond Chapter. That there is but onely one God- Ct b g ttmit further in tbe bcafce of natute,an& The world fee tobetber tbat as it batl; taugbt us a ©on- lead.ct^ r° onC bcan5 tt tcacb W not alfo tbat tbe fame confik one y ° ' tetb in onety one <0otu3i bane touls pou airea* ti^ftat of rbings^fome bauebetng5fomebaue! fiemg ana Iife,fome baue bcing3Ipfe ana fence; ami etber fomebaue being3Ipfe,fence,anorea* fon, Cbefe folsjcr fo^tess fan into tbjee , from tbjee into ttoo , ana from ttoo tnto one, antrtbat one is Beeing; aftne tbe tobicb (as 3f ftaue p^oueu alrea&p)tbere totxtt a Notbeeing^be reftmte tbere* foje boto otuera fo euer djep be,ate all conueteo in tlje one Beeing, ami tfjteone Beeing muff neewsf-reff tn tbe potoer of one firff Be- ing5to^crcoftl^e being tobicb toe fe,fa but a fljanotoe* %aine, it* all $ tbing* tobicfr toe {& ; toe re&uce tbepattictdara too an mm* fein&,tbe tortierimttig to an upper&f ffl>,am> tbe fcpperftino to a mod generally fo? ejample,toe retmce all particular bumane perfonjs fcnoer tbe terme of man? 9fl[ men won tbe terme of ftDTtgbt », all toigbtf imoer tbe terme ofltuing tbittg$5 ano an liutng tbings tin* fcer tbe terme of tbtngja; tbat are oj be ; altoapeg referring euerp at* tterfitie to fome tmitie3anu tbe fame imitie to anotber toutte tobicf) te mo?e tmtuerfail*31t remained) tben tbat toljen toe can mount no fngberjtoe mutt atfttnguifb f tbtngg tbat are,tnto tbe tbing tobicfr it of tt felfe , anfrtbe tbing tobicb te not of it felfe, Cijat toljtcb to not of tt felfe, fetbe £2Jo?io ano ail tbat etter i$ tberein, a*3l baue pjoueo afbje, 'Cbat tobtcb i$ of it felfe, fe tbe tbing tobtcb toe caf ©on, beponutobom notbing can beetmagine^anti bp tolbomeafl tbings botb are ana bane bene , as tobicb coulti fjaue no Seeing of ftemfeluea* jQoto to pjonuce from jftotbeeing into beeing,requt* tetb an infinite potoer* jfo? betto&nenotbmg ano fometbing it art infinite oiffance •, ano ttoa infinites cannot be abtoiren, no nc j tmar« ginerr togetber* jTo? tbe infinitenelTe of tbe out tiotb incibafe anir 6pnn tbe potoer of tbe otber,am> i©te tobatfoetter is giuen too tbe «te,fe tafeen atoap from all otljer^ ^erefoje ItSe k tl?ere mu(f %6 ©FTHBTK1WNES nrirtics be one 3!nfimte,fo muft tbere be but onlp one5pea aim moll Untplp one : from tobofe tmitie neuertbc'cfle flotoe all tfje otuerljs ties to!)irij toefe m tbe trrfjole toojlo , Ife a^ from a Wcte> p?o* c#oedj a lpne,an outGoe,auo an fubft antiall bonier* 3no of unttte . 0} one to nombering5p?oceeoetb mtn ano oDoe,rouno ano fquare, ana afl tbe multiplicities, proportions, ano ijarmonies tobicb toee fetfauing tljat tbe pjicfte ano tbe tmitie of nomber are tntermmg* ieo ano interlaceo tm'tb an things , tobereas tbe fojcfapo moft fin< gleano alpnlp ffine, abpoingfttfl one in ttfdfe, fytngetb fffljtb afl tbe otber imtties,ano conteinetb tbem afl* let tos examine euerp fo?t of tbings feueranp bp tfjem felues, ano toe fl;ali leawe tbe like flftl its tbenn 3!n tfje Clements toee fee contrarie qualities $ operations*3no tobere contraries are, tbere xi&dz but tloo beaos to ftt tbem at toarre* tfo} tbep camtot otoell togetber,neitber can tbep matcb together, ano mucb lefle can tbe? teigne togetber* Cbe further tbat anp of tbem ettenoetb bis po* ' luer,tbe lefle can bee atoap toitb anp felloiae* jftolio tben if one ret* gneo ouer tbe ideate, ano anodjer ouer tbe Coloe; one ouer tl)t D^ptft , ano another ouer ti;e spoptf tire; fo as tbere toere outer* materia; oj gouerners of tbe toojloe:toee(boulo alfo fee oiuer* fitter of factions , Element againtt Clement in tbe totjole tuo?loe ano in euerp tljtng tbat is compounoeo,ano continual toarre in tbe mioses of tbeir 3ftotoels*But noto fee toe no fudj tljing; but euerp aftbem imtyacetb otber, botb in tbetoboleano in euerp feueraH cbing, ttottotttjftanomg tbat naturallp tbep ntfylace ano oeftrop tmeanotber* if urtbermaje tbep ff ano not at oefpance alone by tbem fclues, iut tbe feea bedeapetb tbe €artb,tbe ;g>ea ano Cartb togitber are iappeo tip in tbe 3p?e, tbe 3p?e it compatf about toitb tbe S>fepe, ano euerp of tbem tfcopetb imocr otber; infomucb tbat of tbeir con- trarieties pe fo tbere pjoceeoetb a g©olp bnifojmitie^ffing t^zn » w^ tljat tbere are not ttoo factiong,tbere is but one mato, ano feeing tbep peelo all into one,tt cannot be but alfo by one ♦ 3In t^z Cartfc ioeefeelRiuerSjtobicl) runneaberp long race, but pet from one beao : ano againe maup {treames, tisbicb peelo tbemfelues all into one 3 tubicb one is tbe S>ea ; ano tbe &ea alfo being fcnoiuioable pafietb tb?ougb tbe tobole inferiour too^lo* like as ^ come out of one fcnttie , fo ooe tbep peelo tbemfelues up into one otber Uni* tit ♦ 3In tbe Upeauenuieeobferue infinite oiuerSmouings, but pet anobepingimto one ♦ d;eret'Sonelig^ttobtcb ©eaoe^tt fejfe tbjougbout . OF CHRISTIAN RELIGION, I J tbjougfjotit all ylaccsaf^but pet it pjocdeoetlj from one onelp ; tabid* feemetb to multiplp it felfe infim't elp, f pet cannot by anp meaner fce partco : 31 meane one gmnne , txrfjofe beamed fpjeaoing out on all fine^uoe reacb from tlje Skpe unto tlje €artb, ano pet netted tbelelfe continue Hill fatf knit togetber in one bono bp one bmtie. Jftoto all tljefe parts,tnbicb p^oceeue from one ano tzito to cne,ooe make bs to betoue tljat all pjoceeoe from one moft fingle one* &$mz,in tbe tijings tbat b^tie life, as in Upearbes ano 'Crfe; toee fee a barke, a Mke o? trunke, manp boughs oj b^auncbe^^ ano an infiiu'te number of leaues ♦ Cbe booiebatlj no ItkeneiTe to tbe leaues , no? tbe leaues to tlje fttti je , no? tfje fruite to tlje Wof* fomes* 3no pet ooe all tljefe come from one roote,tobt$ W Ijis fojee bniteo to it felfe ; ano tbe roote fpjinging of akernell oj of a grapne, (toljiclj cannot be tlje too?k of anp mo tljen one laojkman) contepnetb an tbe fapo oiuerfities in brS bnifo?mitie, ano of it felfe alone p&ioetb fantlj fafintts of tlje fame ktnne ; ano of one begin* , . .: . . ning of lift Ui^'rf) is not multiplpeo in it felfe, maketb it felfe a be* ginning of life(as toeli toitfcin it felfe as toitljout it felfe)bnto ma* iiptbingstbatljauelife* Itiketoife as touching toigfjts,toee fee in euerp of tljem a tfrou* fano oiuers part^+©ut\Marolp,©eao,€pe^ jl5ofe,€are^'C^tl;, Congue,5f#te,Caple,ano fof©jtb: ano intoarolp tbe $>eart, tbe &ungs,tlje <§>tcmacke,tl)e JLiuer3rije ^oinelles^e Eioneps,ti# 35ones, tlje inete* s, tfje ©eartOrings, tbe €Jepnes,ano furij o* tljer tbings^fce beginning of tljis tobole gpaiFe ano of afl tfjofe fo manifoio parts,is neict coufen bnto notljing ; abetp fmall o?op,of xmeibape,butoti£lpone* ^etnottoftbftano^itbatb tbe begin* ■«„/. nmg of life ano fence bntteo in it felfe; toljicb multipipetb it feif in* to manp abilities , fences, actions,ano mouings : ano tljat not in* taarolp onelp , but alfo outtoarolp in infmitz numbers of tlje fame kinoe,tobitb in p?oce(Te of tpme ooe fill taljole Countries^o cer* uynz is tbiS principle in nature,tljat all multituoes come from an > ? % . Knitiz 0} jJDne, ano tbat tljere cannot bee anp multituoe5bnielTe tbe fame baue ffrif bin no multituoe ♦ !But toee take no iyezu of it,be- caufe twee fee it euerp nap : ano yzt is it gitten bs to fake bpon , to tbe eno uoe (boulo baue regaro of it J^otobett/ojafmucb as man i$ toil) tbe image of (Boo ? ano tlje Counterpane of tbetoojlo toge* tber : tuee cannot fee tbis \>nitiz fo apparantlp in anp tbitig , as in man Ijimfeife. 3lf toe Icoke bpon bt'S booie3all tbe parts tljerecf are Man ^*h mm one fo? another , ana mmifter one to another tuit^ mutuall vs to one Go4 55 ouecies; l8 OFTHETREWNES mtcttegtano toitljout To ooing,be coulo not continue no? lute* Cljc Cpeg gupoe tlje jFeete ; tbe jF&te beare tlje Cpecf ; bp one part tlje tl)trrgcf tljat are neeofulare taken iti;ano bp anortjer tbe rtjings tljat are fuperfluous are bopoeo out : ano all ano etterp of tljem referre tljeir ooings to tbe beneftte of tlje tui;olc booie. ♦ €bis bnton of du tiers; operations; tenoing al to one popnt3ffjeb)eg tljat tbe framing of man boas mane b]> one onelp bjojkemanfljip^no ag rfje bjojke- manfljip id but one , fo mud tlje b)o?kemaitrec alfo neeoes bee but one, fo^likt an bp a builoing tljat in maoe bp pceceg ano of oiuer$ pjopojtionsMue oeeme tlje oi.uerStie of tfee maptferbuilocrg •, fo bp tlje bnifojmitie tl>ereof toe iuoge it to be tlje oeuife ano toojkmaits flnp of one alone* %ty ftepnesare'fpjeo foo^tb tfeougljouttfje toljole borne , Ijotobeit from one boelljeao , tljat in to fap from tlje Jliuenfo be tlje SnuebJCg, Ijobubeit from tlje 15>apnc;<§>o Itkeiuife are tlje ^earttfringiai^obobcit from rtje !£eait^p tljefe tfyee ftnt$ of Cunnitpppe^are fife, fence, ano fyeatlj fljeao fco?tlj zwzn to t!je ieaff ano bttermoft parts , ano tlje bjauncljeg tljereof are toitljouc number, but tbe ojiginallofafiis onelp one ♦ 33ut pet oortjtljia fljine fwtlj moje cleerelp in tlje g>ottle of man ♦ 3!t Ijattj We,fence, ano moumg*3Il tljefe are Dealt fcD?tb3mapntepneri,ano gupoeo bp tlje onelp one g>oule ♦ ©erepe fee alreaoie one bnitieXije &oule fo&icft Ijatlj Ijte potoer&fo biuerg ano fo farre fpieo , in tofjole tljo* rotoout all tbe toljole booie , anb irfjole in euerp part thereof, ag muclj in tlje lead as in tlje greateff , ano ag mud) in tfteleatf an in tlje toljole^ljere pe fee pet a ftretgljter bnitie* 9gaine, tbe g>oule in pet moje ftreigbtlp ffjut bp into ©pnoe , tn(jirij in tbe S>oufe of tlje ottle,a0 tfje 9pple of tbe €pe is tbe €pe of tlje Cpejano pet ttottmtfjtfanoing, tljig Sppno (ad entierlp one an it itf,) concerned) ano ootlj infinite tijings , enteretb into a tfjoufano places; tottljout remouing, paCTetb ouer tlje &wn , mottntetlj bp to tlje ^eaueng, ano reacbetb uolnne to tlje oeapdj of tbe Cart!;* £o Ijere an bnitie moll itreigljt in it felfe, ano pet eytenoen to tlje btmoft parts; of tlje h)02lO* Hermes faitlj tljat the Sunnebeames of God are his Anions, the Sunnebeames of the World are the Natures of things, and the Sunnebeames of Man arc Artes and Sciences, ^fym? fo?e let b& fee tobetbec tlje 9rteg ano S>cienre^ mill gupoe b$ to tlje famebnitie^luberunto tljofe Actions ano tlje natures of tfjinga Jjaue leo b n alreaoie, beginning at dje lobjer, ano mounting bp to tip |jigljer* ©rammer teadjetij b^ to tying tlje Diuer* part^of fpeecl) OF CHRISTIAN RELIGION. 19 fpced) into out congruette,ann tije eitu thereof fs to fpeaSe; mn dje eiftoffpealmtgisfocietie* Bbccojfte teacl;etl; totyatoemennes minus to one felfftme opinionXog&e teamed; to lift out $ trued* from a nober of faldjoas, tufttcft trued? can be bat one, Wjrir eno$ tben ace congruetie^lbctetie^ mitiz of mino ano trued) , tofcicfc are butfuntyiefojtesot'bnitie* 3rid)tMticfcpjocee&e$ftom bnitie, <£$eometrie from a pjtcfte ; anD spuficfe from agreement of foun&S; auo dje ena of tijem is to reouce dungs to one comon reafon,to one p?opo?tion3anti to oneftarmonie?allto)bicb arefcinss of bmtie3ami djeirbjaundjesarebjaunefces oftlje fame* jfojiperfpecttiueoja* tuetf; all Ins Ipnes to onepopnt : ^afonrreano Carpentrte tenoe to bmfo?mitie* %\)t Ijatrticraft inaeuered) to bjutg manp potoerg ano manp mouings bnoer one, to ouerrule djem all : 311 to^tclj a< gain are but funtyp fo?ts of bnitie ♦ pbtflck tenneti; to d>e prefer* wation oj reftttution of fcealdj ; ana fcealdj is nothing els but a met pjopojttoneo buion of &iuers bumojs togidjer^e f MI of tame tmttfy to migrans djere is but one ftigijt^ougb tljere be info nice tojongs* 'Cljen femes it but to maintepne^retfoje, ano tying tttenbacfce ageine bnto bnitie* let bSp?oceeae further ;$po?all IPbilofop&te ftitjoetoedjmanpsiuers partions ana affections bnto one reafen, in one mam fipctotfjoltigouewment bjingetf) ma* npmetttotbeobepingofone Ijoufebolner * Ctuillgcuernmentre* tweed* manp baufcljol&s into one Commonuaeaie, tofjiclj is no* tiding bnt an bnitk of man? peopIe,to!jet!jer it be bnner one latoe 0} baser one magiftrate; infomucb tbat eue tije mod popular Co* montoeales baue ( in tbeir extremities ) tafcen a Bictato? , ano in djeir ojtJinane courfe of gouernment a Confull , fin one after tlje otber* jftotodjen ad djat euer man concerned), invented) ana oik pofetk&ot& lease bs altoapes to ait bnitie* flBbere bnitie is lot!* tbere things goe to tojecke^rtes are confounneu, ans Common* loeales are oifToluetuCIjett like as in bntotiteb oiuerfitie tuee 5noe toaff e ano fubuerfion; fo mull toe loke in bnitp foj tlje increafe ana pjeferuatton of all djutgs, jftoto if man,anu all djat is luifyin man ann tuitljout #m ooe leane to to one alone t fijall Ije fuffer Ijtmftlft to raunge out bnto manp *: 9nu if all dje ^>onnebeames of matt, 31 meane bis $rts ann Sciences, tm tm one bnttie t Iball onlp du utnitie tucue us afioe to a pluralitie of Monties': Bap rarijer,bp fo manp bntties 5 fte taifl make bS ilpe bp to t^e true ano perfect but* tie^ano tbat bnitie is d;e onelp one (0od* ^ut let b|$ fe nolo fcoto all things being lb niuevS in tfie toljole 25 z to$}% 20 OP THE TREVYNES Thelinkingin toojloe , are referred one to anotljer* Cbe flfttater mopffenetf) cfje of things togc- €artb,tbe 3pjemaketb itfattc tottij Ijis fljotoers , tljegmnne in* tha. ligbtenetb it ana beatctb it accojoing to bis feafons* %bz €artb nourifljetb tbelplants,tbe plants feeoe tlje Beatfes,* tbe 3£eafts ferue man,3game,notbmgis fcnebereto bemaoefoj itfelfe/Clje gmnnc flnnetb ano Ijeatctl; ; but not fo} it felfe : tbe €artb bearctb ano pet batb no beneftte tbercbp : tbe clhimjs blotoe , ano pet tbcp^ faple not : but all tfjefe tbings renouna to tbe glo?p of tlje maker, to tbe accomplifljment of tbe tobole, anototbebenefiteofman* Co be tfjo;tt,tbe nobleft creatures baue neeu of tlje baceff, ano tbe baeeft are ferueo by tbenoblefe j anu all are fo linkeo together from tbe bigbeft to tbe lotoetf, tbat tbe ring thereof cannot bee biokcn tottbout confufiom %bz gutmie cannot be €clipfeo,tbe planter toitberea, o? tbe maine leant ; but all t&mg* fele tlje bttrt tbereof* j^oto tben, can toe imagine tbat tbis toco^e tobiclj confiaetb of Co manp $ fo m'uers peeccs , tentring all to one entJ, fo cuppleo one to anotljer, making one botip,^ ful of fo apparant confents of atfetft* on^ pjoceeaetb from elfetobere tban from tlje potoe r of one alone^ tam»er&s, fun&a* JLiueries , anu pet all turning bean toitb one ftuape ^ toee conceiue tbat tbere is one (Senerall of tbe fielo, tobo commanoetb tbem all* 9lfo toben in a €itiz 0} a Kealme tee fe aitequalitieof gooB be* Ijauioj in an bnequalitp of Degrees of people, in&nitz tra&es xuf}t ferue one anotber,tbe fmaller reuerenffng tbe greater , tlje greater feruing to tbebenefite of tfre finafler , botb of tljem mane equall m 3|u(!ice , ami all tenting in tl;is oiuerfitic to tbe common feruice of tbeir Countrte : te ooubt not but tbere is one Latoe,anu a Spagi* ftrate toljtcb by tbat iatoe boloetb tbe faio oiuerCtie in bnioiu3mi if anp man tell of manp Spagiftrates ; toe toill byannby inquire fr£ tbz foueraine* 2>et nottoitbffanoing, all tbis is but an oj&er fet a* mong Bitters men , tobo ougbt tuen naturallp to be tinim, by tbe commtmttie of tijerr Itino^ut toben tijings as toel ligbt as beaup , tobot as colo,mopl! as o?p,Iiumg as bnliumgjenoetoeti tnitb fence as fenceMe,ano ecbe of infinite fortes, noe fo clofe in one eompo* Ctiou,as one of tljem cannot fo^beare anotber ; nap ratfjer to our feming, tbe toojtbieft ooc feruice to tbe baceft , tbe greatel! to tbe fmaHeft,tbe (trongeft to tbe tueafceft, anu all of tbem togetfjer are uifpofeo to tbe accompliftment of tbe toojloe , ano to tbe contents mnt of man tobo alonlp is able to confioer it : ougbt toe not fojtb- toit&toperceiue, t^attljetoljole toojloe anu all things contepnen t^ereiu i OF CHRISTIAN RELIGIOK* if tberein,ooe bp tbeir tenoing nnto ns3 ftacb fcs to teno bnto one a* lone *t 3no feing tbat ft manp tbings tenne tinto man ; (Ijail man (batter bis noings tinto timers enns <* ffij fyall bee bee fo tojetcben as to feme manp mapfters *: J2ap furtber 3 to finittip tbiS popnt tutsan , feing tbat all tbings tbe nobler tfjep bee , tbe mo?e tbep noe clofe into one nnitie , ( as fo? example , toee fee tbat tbe tbings Ipijtcij bane bnt mere being are of infinite ftpnns > tbe tbings tbat baue life are of infinite fojtes3tlje tbings tbat baue fence are of ma- tip fojtes,botobeit not of fo manp ; ann tbe things tbat bane reafon are manp, onelp in particulars) : nodj tt not follotoe alfo tbat tlje ©oobean from tobence tbep Ijaue tb#r reafon(as nobler tba tbep) is alfo mucb mo?e one tban tbep,tbatis to fap> onlp one as toeli in particularitie ann nomber,as alfo infcpnn«t - ilpotubeitjnotlDitbltanoingalltbefeconJ&erations, fojafmucfc Thcobicaios as tbere is niuerfitie, pea ann contraritie in toojlnlp tbings ; fome of fuch as ftauegatbereiH3pontbisniuer(itie3tbattbatbeuiuers ©ons,ac* GoXtfoon«T fenotolengmg nenertbelelfe one §lmigbtie aboue t%zxn all* 3nn o* tberfome, in refpect of tbe contrarietie, battefttnotonebutttneo (Sous onelp^be firft fap,3If onelp one ©on ban mane all tbings, Mian the a- tbere (bouln bane bene no Difference in tbings t but tbere is nitfe^^"1^* tence $ ann tberefbje it mutt n&oes bee tbat tbere are manp ©ons* gmrelp ban tbefe mzn toel contineren tlje tbings afo?e allengen bp m#; tbep iljouln baue fone tbat nature is Wbollp ann altogetber againtt tbis Confequence^bere is great niuerfitie in one plan?, in one flUigbt , in one flSten : ann pet nottoitbffanning tlje groumi tbereof is nnifo?me*J)ea ann it is fo true tbat onelp nnitie is fruit* full, tbat me fo boto tbe niuerlltie it felfe ann tbat toljicb commetfj tbereof3iS btterlp barrein, botb in ffiOigbts, (as in Spules) ann in plants 3 as in tfyz Stergon , ann alfo in all otljer like things* 3If stergon isan tfcep confioer tl)Z gmnne , bee mafcetb pants to grotne all at one hcrbc which tpme, niuers one from anotber, ann as niuers in tbcmfelues* Ipee ^r^hft^ mafcetb fome of tbem too (bootefajtb 3 fome to rppen 3 ann fome to wXianfccd© feritber* 9t one inttant be botb toojketb njougbt in tbe €artlj > ann or feede of njatoetb ftp Clotones out of it to moptten it : be ^tl) &ommer3 F^ax- Dapli^jt5$ fep?e toeatber to fome,ano 2Hinter,nigbMnn tele toetber fcnto otberfome : l)u maketb fome folfees \xbytz , fome blacfee5 fome rean3 ann fome 'Eatnnp ; ann pet is bee but one felfe* fame unne,ann on* felfefame Creature, tobicb at one felfefame inttant^bp one felfefame courfe3 ann iuttb one felfefame qualitie of fjeatc^noflj all tfje fapn tljings^not onelp ntuers3but alio contraries 3B 3 ann 22 OF THE TREWNEJ 9nn Ijee ttjat fyouln Tap tTjac it fe anp odjer djanonefclfefame femme tljat mafcedj tlje €tljpopian blacfce, ana tlje <§>cottepello* tonj,toere not toojdjp to be anfcuercn* jftoto if a Creature nod) bp Ijeate (toljiclj te but a qualitie) ty&M Co mm effected ; toljat fi?all me rap of tlje Creato?33i meane tlje infinite Being of ©flDD^toljo imparted) fjtmfelfe to all dringsft ajauijif man confifoer bfmfelfe3lje felerij5lje fijetjfelje Cpea^tcTj, Ije nunerirannedj a djoufann tatter? djing^txntljout anp alteraf ton in IjimfelfeJftap Woid) mo?e i^Ije conceiuedj.lje inuentetlj3ann be performed) fo nttter^ toojfcea 5 tljat JQattongl noe toonner one at & notljer* Cue man poctf rapetlj out tbe tobole toojlne rn a little peerc tf paper jjemttng out all fyi images of tlje Iptmnd, ann an dje Clunaeeg ofcl;c Cardj* @>omeoneotljcr counterfeited) all liuing fo3tgljt33fo)l)tdj Cr&pe,toljidj € fapn nittcrfi* tit toas once inclunen tottbiu t\)t fapn imitteifa it to be (apt! tfat !jr toag fapne to Ijatcljbp niuers ©ons/c? t!je bringing of ttjat Bluer- ficie to Itt$ft )8ap3Mke as nature notij alUbings tlje ftojteff to^p: fo alfo ©on mane all things immeniatlp+Snn if tljep fap it toas ty$ pleafure to make tlje bigb things fotm&lfe 3 ann to leaue tfje iotoe tljings to be none bp e?jepetcte (0on^: luemuft confiner tbat $pigf) aim lolne? jftoble ann Onnoble s are but coniinerations of man* jfoj to make tlje one oj tlje odjer , is ail one bnto ^oUj \ul)o of fjiss infinite goonneile ann potwer 5 fratfrtyatonebatfrttoajme ofdjem out of notbing, mljiclj lua^ no mo?e t!jc one djan dje odjer5 ajai U?de ftallfeeljereafter* A«ainfttw6 ietw come to fuclj tt$ baucbpljilne tto beginnings, tbe one bcmnnuiM. g©5 to^om t^ep call Oromafes j ann tlje cdjer euia \uljom djei> call OF CHRISTIAN RELIGION. ^3 caflArimanius^fjicl) opinion mm fap pjoc&nenfirft from Zorc- pv aftres, ann afcetbiara from tie Perfians ann Manichies ; but tece V fljail fame no formation thereof m namte+'Cietr meaning fe,tiat ai tie €lements,tie piants,l!5eaftes,spen,pea ann feptrttes, toere ass pee toottlo fap patten bettefrt tieft tto oo (Bote , fo as tie one fiouln bee ttje Creator of tlje one, ann tie otier ofot^ei^ tie goon <0on,of tie gootyann tie etttll of tlje euilU 31f it be fo,t!jen is tiers a Ctutlltoarre fullp furntfien , of forces fet in battelrap on botlj Cues : fo as tiere remapneti noting but ftgiting,ann pet after fa longtime toe fee no fuel) %it ata!U3nntierfo?eletbS conclude, tiat tiis cotrartette of beginnings t& nott Unto tie one,tljep alot* ten Ligit:ann bnto tie otier,Darftneffh bnto tie one,<§>ommers ami bnto tie otier Winter : bnto tie one, ilpeate : ann bnto tie o* tier, Coin* 3|n berp n&ne tiefe are Contraries,but pet is one felf* fante§>unne tie ooer of tiem all, after asie goetifurtierftom i>S o* commetb neerer to bs* 9ton its going ftom bs is not to fo?* gee its ligit 3 but to lime tljereboiti tie neerlper bnto otiers 5 no j to coole iimfelfe,but to ieate otier folkes ♦ ^Lbtn if tiefe contra* tics come of one felffame one, tiat is to toit of tie gmnne : Sgucfr mo?e likelp is it in reafon,tiat tie gutnne ijtmfelf fljouln not come of ttoo*3gaine,tobp fioulo tie one of tiefe contraries be g©n,ana tie otier ban4; dBljofoeuer fljaU iaue trpen tie ejettemttte boti of tie ilpeate ann of tie Coln,(iall not be able to nifcerne tuiici is tie toojfcr Aitoifeie tiat fyall iaue obferuen tie benefite tiat com* meti of ettier of tiern in tietr feafonS,tiafl not be able to nifcerne ioiici of tiem to take fo? tie better* 'Cic ^eate ripeneti fruttes; but it alfo feareti ann parcieti tiem ♦ Cie Coloe ftartteti tiem; but ft alfo mafceti tiem to bun ♦ .^ake atoap eitier of tiem boti, ann pott take atoap all fruttes* Snn lifte as boti of tiem are neen- full to one felffame tiing , tiat is to toit , to tie 6j togmjj fcojti of ftuites: fo be tljep alfo pjocureo by y courfe of one felffame mtgit, ' toitci ts tie ^unne+'&ie fame S>unne is tie ligitner of our cyt$ to our beiarfe ; ann i* is alfo tie bltnner of tiem if &ee ga?e bpon itm at tie bepgiti of tie nap ♦ $?et nottantiftanning, boti vx tie ^>tmne ann in our epes is tie felffame ligit &itci tljep call gcon, ann toitci by iis reckoning liouln bee to tiem bod) goon ann ban: ann if it be fo,ontoiici fine (iall tiep turne tbemfelues*: djep anne furtier:3mong plants tiere are fo manp pepfons, ann among liuing digits , fo manp nopfome^eaHeS : tljatiotti liouln a goon ©on bee autio* of tiem \ gillie man tl;at tljou art/ » 4 fie *4 OFTHETREVVNES ^beipnpfons tbou occuppeff m Crpades fo? tfjp fcealtb , mm a* gatnft tbepiaguc*3nti ofcbofe TSeaffes tbou canfl; fkill to tofe tbe Dunnes to clothe tbee againft tbe Cotoc ♦ 3no if tbou baft an ettill opinion of fome of tbem, becaufe tbou canft not feme tljptttme arid; tbem-,as mucb tooul&eft tboubauefapo fometimeof p Bpojfe, toljidj aef noto aotb tbee feruice fo manp tuatees : $ a* mud) migljt tbe &atp?e batte fatn of jfire teljen it burnt* bim,nottoitbftan&mg cijat as nob) it be fo man? toaies neceflfacie* j^oto tijzn djcp mtgbt 6cnefttetbee,tf tbou toifteftboUi to bfe tbem: ana urfjereas tbep a= nop tljee,it is not of tbeir nature, but tb?ougb tbpne otone toeake= neOTe 0} ratber ignorance* T5ut if tbep be goon fo farre fojtb ass ti>ou ijaft fkiHoftbemtfljalltbepnotbeegcDtito ijtm tobicb fcnotocd) tbem tfyougblp *: 3JnrijeClofetofag>urgion tobote but a matt as tljou art , tbou (bait finue a tboufans tailed ; aao tbou toilt per- tfawxct efteeme Ijim fotoife,tbat djou totlt not tbinke tbere is an? one of tbem,t»bicb feruetb not to fome purpofe* 2>ea,anti if anp of tbem ooe cut tfjae o? race d;#; tbou torilt not blame tbe tcole no? tbe maift er thereof, but tbp felfe tabid; tcokeft it bp tbe bIaoe,t»berea2! tbou ffjautoeft baue taken it b^ tbe bannle* 3nu ad little canft tbou Tap , tbat tbe tcole lobicb titn cut tbee , as tbat tbe tcole tobetetoitb tbou tjfo&eft cut tobat tboutnouloelf ,b^D^notber maiftecojma; fter* jftoto rfjen,totft tbou tying lefle regam ttitb tbee in djis great (Jop of tbe Creator 3[t is bt^ toifl tbat fome tbmgs (ban fertte o* tbet liuingtoigbts tobicb feruetb^ano otfterfome (ball feme tbee a!one*|>ea,anai be tutil baue euen tbe barmes tobicb tbou receiuett bp tbem , to feme tf)& to fome purpofe x ano be feruetb bis otome turne better bp tbee,tben tbou canft ferue tbpne otone* 9no if tbou toljidj art notbing^baft pet fo mud) toit as to tyatoe fome peculiar gcou to tbp feif,out of anotber boaies too?kes,peaetten out of (tuft as tbou accounted euifyas out of lpopfon,beaftb;fromdje GUoIfe, &ts ffunnc to cotter ^k 5 from tbe nigbt,reft ; ano fo famb : ^>ball not tbe aimigbtte ana infinite Spirit mucb better mTpofe tbem fcj tbe benefite of all men, pea anu of an tbe tobole too#o tabid) com* pjebenoetb fo manp djings togedjer*: 'Ojep fap pet againe;7£ut tdjp (boutn a gcou ©on take pleafttre in fo manp neeulelTe tbings^i^o? to lobat purpofe feruetb d?e jrip, ami fucb otber tbings^Cefl me,l»ouIt>eil tbou like U)eH tbat rijitte otone Cbiteen (Tjouln fpeakefucfcrep^oacb of ri;p too^kes *i ftfy ratber toberem Dotb tbe jflpe anope tbee^ano tnberfo^e ferueo tbe jf Ipe t^ac Zeuxis papnteo in Ijte ^able \ 3|t ferueo to make ty* greateflE OF - C'HRIT»SIAN RELIGION. 2£ greateftnifnepners3(euen ftofe toljirf) twoulD baue ban ftat rafter ften all fte reft topped out of tfje Cable ) tfr confefle fjtsi arte aim excellent fkilU 3no ftt'S ferueft to conuict ftee of blockitt)nes5ft# (31 fap) t»i;tc^ banneft rafter to finne fault toift <£on ann toift ft e .fflpe,ften ta toonner at fte ejccellencie of fctm^o baft tnclofen fo liuelp a life , fo quicke a mowing , ann fo great an ejccellencie in fa little a fting,«§>o ften,it is not fo? i?s to ftace ber out of fte table* but rafter to confeffe our otone igno?aunce,o? els to ftace it atoap* ©erebp fterefo?e toe perceme,ftat of all fte ftings tobtft ftep can alleoge,ftere is none mbift tt not gxon ann bebofefufl in it felons ftat fte euilnefle ftereof commeft onelp ft?ougb t)S,ano fterfo?* ft at fte fting baft but onelp one beginner ftereof,tobo is g©n* Q$ut bebofyftep brge fte matter pet mo?e Uronglp ♦ Spotofoe* uer fte cafe ftao(fap ftep)it cannot beoenpen but ftere is euilncflfe in ftings, feeing ftat ftep co?rupt ftemfelues 3 ann fte Umxt ftat ts m our felues is b tterlp euill : ann lift it is fo, front toljence map ftat bee*: jf o? if n3be cannot Uee fte aufto? of eutll; an& fterefo?e ftere mutt n&nes bee anofter aufto? ftereotCbiS t[\xt< ftiou (Trail bee bannlen mo?e Iigbtfomelp toben 31 come to treate of ipms fall,tobift is fte banger in of fte ttoo euilles, namelp boft of papne ann faultjbut pet map toe affbple it if toe take beene* W& fap ftat making ann creating arereferren to natures o? fubltan^ ces,ann ftat an natures ann fubff auces are ga% ann fterefo?e ftat <0on tobo is gcon5is fte attfto? ann Creato? of ftem,©n fte con* tcarp part,toe fap ftat euill is neifter a nature no? a fufcftance, but an income o? accinent tofyici) is falne into natures ann fubftancesj 31t is(fap»3l)a bereuing o? niminiCbing of fte gcon qualities tobtft ftings ougbt naturallp to baue* %W cuiH baft not anp being in: it felfc*,neifter can baue anp btin^bat in fte fting ftat is gon ♦ 3lt tS not an effect, but a nefault •, no? a p?onuctton , but a co?rup tioiu Sinn fterefo?e to fpeake p?operlp, toe mutt not feeke tobence tcnu meft fte noiug of euill, but tobence commeft fte imnoingof gcon* 9s fo? example, IB&m is of arp^ nes o? eagernelfe^ftat is to fap^fte alteration ftat is befalne to fte fubffance*3ff ftou fap ftat it commeft of fte fo?efapn euill ^egtn* ner fte aufto? of all euifl^as fte gon beginner is fte aufto? of all gconneflej l6 OFTHETREWNE* gcoDneflTc : fojafmucb as mill is natftmg els but a Default, tnaiit oj fcplwg of gcoojit is t|e foueceme o> cljicfe Default oj fapling^as rtje flora is tlje fouereine o? cljiefe being* 9no if it be tlje cbiefe Default, 5jen 10 it not anp mo;e ♦ 4fo? tlje Default o? fapltng of a tljutg^is at tcnoing of tbe tiring to notbeing anpmoje t&e famertjattttoas: an* tfje fapling of all, is a tenDing to t&e utter bnbeing oj notbeing oft&ctuljolc* spcjeouer, tfje fapD eutfl beginner , tt&tclj too?&et& not but m dje fubtf ance tl;at is maDe o;t createD bp another, coulD do noticing iftfjc gcoD beginner tujougbt not firft 5 an* ft fljoulo fyefjaue ti)e Commencement of Iris potoer DepenD tug upon another tijan bim* felfe/tofcicb is a tiring repugnant to a (SoDljean ♦ 3ns if pott affce Nothing be- &$at is t&en t&e caufe thereof: 31 tell pott it is tlje berp nothing it ingancgaduc, fejfe. $at fc t0 ^ tf>at &at& *eft a rattpne inclination in bis features, dicp°duatiue. tofrerebp tl)tv tenD naturallp to nothing, ti;at is to ftp, to djaunge anD to?ruptiou,bnlefle tfoep bee bplrilD by bis poller, tofjo letting all in fyimfelfe,abiDetlj aionlp bncbaungeable anD free from all pak Cons ♦ 9a; in refpect tl;eu tJjat things be,tljep be of (Sod ; but as tit refpett tfoat tfcep corrupt $ tenD to notbeing tfyat tolrirf) tijep toere afoje;tbat commetlj of tlje fapD notbeing, thereof tljep toere crea* teD ♦ 9no fo tljep be gcoD,as in refpect of tljeir bare bzin^ anD euiH as in refpect tbat tfcep fojgo tbeir formal being,tbat is to fap,tljeir gcoDnelfe: <£
meaner tbere remapnetb^nto bS but onelp one (Sod tlje beginner anD au«: tfyoi of all tljing$3 a^ toee^aue DefoieD tym alreaDie afoje ♦ Plato, Plotin, OF CHRITSIAN RELIGION. 27 Kotin^ami ot&er great $bilofopl;er* of aHSej**, arc of opinion *!^8his tftat Euill t^ not a tljing of itfclfe , no? can bee imagine* but in fte Plotin in Enn# abfence of all gcotmes, as a u^imtion of tl>e gao to&icfj owgfct to , .nb.8. be natutaHp in euerp tfcing s ^at euill is a fcjma of notbeing, anb Trifmegiftja Ijatb no abpm'ng but m fte gooti , hereof it ig a default 02 otmini^ **jg?* VD fyn$> WW m eaufe tljereof is to t&e serp matter hereof (Boo p0npEpito£ create* tl)iix$^Wti) matter tfcep termeo the very vnbeing , djat * is to fap5in fcerp trofte no being atail , thereof tfce Creatures re* tepnefffll acertemeincIination3^erebp tijcp map fall atuap from t\m geooneffe: Sns tljat in tlje beep Motile of man>t&e ml ttjat i* tbere is a kino ofoa*neiTe,fo? toan't of toftingfcp toifigljtoft&e fottcrepne mpnoe tuljiclj foouft inligbten it ; ano tbjbugf) fuffeving it felfe eco bee carieo t© mucb atoap to tbe material! tljtngs tofticft are nothing* T5ttt no& ftat toe f>aue atone Untfc nature , fett gaotr tpme to f& tol;at tfoe topfeU men frill teacf) b£ concerning tlje one* Ip one (Sou* The third Chapter* That the Wifdome of the world hath acknowledged one onely God* ©me man tain fap bnto m«,if in tlje toorioe, ifintbetbingd rontepneo in t!jetoo?loe, if in man Ijimfeife Jt bee fo liuelp painter? out tl;at tljere te but onlp one (Sot :; hereof ftert com* mzfy tbe multimoeof 0am among mew,pea aiti among tljofe frljome tlje too^lse counteo iifcjpfefift 31 toillnot pjouebire tbat ait tfcofe ©oi?0 toere either ueatj nun oj Diuelg t fej tftat (fcaftebaffljlefc moje materially in another place. 33ut it ftali fuffice fo? t&fe pje* ftnt>to Hje&e tf>e irmuerfalitie of content in tbfe point, ana efcat e* wen tljofe toljidfj tfeougb caffiome sia celebrate tljt pluralttte of (Doud ,. trio petnotfcritfoSamring htlmiz tiyat tljsrc & but onelp one true ®os r <££fncb tfjiug 31 Ml fird- mapntepite bp tbe topfe men tabic!) Ituet! from age to age, Mercurius Trifmegifhts,to$o(ff t$e bcofceg mljiclj are fatljereo bpponljim fcee Iji^s ino&oe, ad intrttet^ ti?ep 1% OFTHETREWNES fljcp beetjerp atmcient) in tlje founoec oftljem all^teacijetfj etterp* &3ijere,€;tjat rljra id but one 0DD: Cljatone tsi tljeroote of all tljingd^ano tbattoitljout tljat one, norljingljatljbeneof alltljingd t^at are: ®jat tlje fame one in calleo tlje onelp goon ano tlje goto* lteflfeitfelfe, to^tcl) &at& tmiuerfallpotoer of creating all tljingd: ^Dljat ft in fcnpoffible tljat tljere fljoulo bee manp makers ®ljat tn Cpeauen Ije Ijatlj planteo immojtalitie5m eartfc, intercljaunge, ana i)niuerfallp,lpfe anrr mouing $ Wfjat bnto Ijim alone belonged* tfce name of jfatljerano of ©000 \ ano tljat tottljout blafpljemietljofe titled cannot be attributes either to 3ngefa, to JF4nW> 0? to men, t>} to anp of al tfoofe toljom mat no cal ©ood ad in refpett of fjonoj ann not of naturejpecalletlj Ijim father of tlje toojIo.,tlje Creator tfce'Beginning^tlje ©Io?ie3tlje J9ature,tlje ©toe, tlje jaeceflttie* tlje IRenetoer of all tljmgd , tlje toojker of all potoerd , ano tlje po* tner of all toojfcd^tlje onelp ljolp,tlje onelp tmbegotten,tlje onelp u uerMing,tl)eJlojo of euerlaffinpefle, ano tlje etterlaihngnefie it felfe ; tlje onelp one , ana bp toljome tljere in but onelp one toojloe; alone,ano bimfelfe alonlp all ; nameleflfe , ano mo?e excellent tfjatt al named^nto Ijim alone toill Ije Ijaue id to offer tip our pjaperd, our ip?apfed,am> our Sacrificed* ano neuer to caU bpon anp otfjer tljanfjitm 31 tooulo fame fatotoe toW&er ft bee pofltble fb? bd to fap anp tljing, either mo?e,oj better fo? tlje letting fojtlj of rlje fapo unities 3ln o&oe in fome placed Ijee fpeaketl) of (Sood in tlje plurall nom- fcer,ad loljen Ije called tlje toojlo a ©00, ano tlje Jpeauen toi$ tlje jpianetd torfjiclj rule tlje ^eauen, <6ood : but tljat in after tlje fame tnaner tofciclj Ije (bmetpmed calletlj man Ijimfclfe a ©oo^nottmtlj- tfanoing tljat noman can noubt of \)in bfrtij ano oeatlj , tofjirf) are Mercurius tljingd deane contrarie to tlje true ©ooljeao/The Starrcs(faft| Ije, ^h^Sman- fPca^lltff °f $* Creation) were nombrcd according to the ^cr.cha^g" Gods that dwell in them. 3no in an otljer place Ijefaitb , There 1 o. 1 1 . 1 2. And are two forts of Gods,the one wandring,and the other fixed. in his Afdc- 35ut ^ tlje tpmed going befo?e,lje Ijao fapo tljat ©00 in tlje begin* pius.chap.2. ner 0f tljem^ljat Ije maoe tljan^ljat be in tlje jf arljcr ano onelp *'*'9' gooo, tonto tuljont nothing in to bee comparer*, either of tlje tljingd beneatb,o? tlje tljingd aboue^lfo Ije faitlj furrljer,^ljat rije too?ltt in a fecono ©oo,ano a fenfible (SootaHO trjae ^an in a tljito ®QVy bv reafon of tlje immojtall §>oule loljiclj in in him : but pet Ije cal-- ietlj t^em Cljilo^en^mped ano Creatured of tlje onelp one (Son, ana molt commonlp ^tianoloe^ ann amageg offjim •, neitljer in it bid OF CHRISTIAN RELIGION. 2p |>fe meaning to attribute fo mud) bnto djem5a£ onlp one fparfce of g©rmes3oj Ptoer to mafee tbe lead tljtng tbat is, *£o be fyojt, b& retted) ootone fome <0obS as pjiucipall^fome as meane^ano odjer fomeaSbntJergouernourst'But tbe concludon of bto matter to* tbat djefouereineoominion belonged) to <8ood)£ foueremelo^ *>f tbem all,bpon tobom alonlp djep ncpenn , ano from tobom djep pjoceetie,tobo alonlp is caUen Vatijei* ana loj&e, ann tobatfocuer bolper name can be gmett,toi)0 mase bod? men ana mo?e excellent tben all tbe (Sons* Sno as at tbe beginning of btotoojfce be baapjapen bnto bima^ ionc^fo dmnfced) ano pjaifedj be &mt alone in ti)t en&ejtobidj fttncf. 31 djougbt £©*» ta fet out at lzn$tl) , becaufe manp pf)tiofopbct:iai l;aue taatone djeir Hull ann fcnotole&ge out of bto fountapne* Pythagoras fpeaked) of (Son in tbefe termestGod is but one; Alleged hy not as fome thinke/withoutgouernment of the world,but all ^Jcfemens in all. He is theorderer of all Ages, the light of all powres,the 0f Alexandria,. Originall of al things,the Creflet of Heaue,the Father,Mynd, and Cyrillus. " Quickener5and Mouer of all. $9ojeouer3be called) i)tm The in- finite power from whence ai other powers flowe-,tobicb cannot be berifie& but ofljtm alone^Philolaus aotfctple of bto fap^'Cbat phiio the Tewr. tbere is but onelp one <£otr, tbe \piixice ann <0upner of all djings, and iambn- tobo to altoaies fingular,bnmouable, lifee bimfelfe , ano bnl&e all ch"s °^e . otber d)ings*3lfo Architas fapdj, tbatlje effeemed) no man toife, Ocol^ J1 but bim tobidj renucetb all tljtngg bnto one felffame 3D?iginall? D tbat is to toit3bnto <0on3 tobo to tbe beginning^en^amntuoole of all tbings ♦ 3no Hierocles one of tbe fame g>etf, faptb, tbat tbe Hicrocies a- fame to be tobom ^ call bp tbe name of Zena ana Dia ? dje if a^ gain^ the A~ tfjer ann maker of all djings 5 becaufe all djings baue djeir life an* thafts* btin$ of btm ♦ Oerelp(bp t\)t report of Eudorus as l*e is alleagea 6p Simplicius)tbep calleo bim tbe founder of matter* Sintj ban toe smpiicius in tbe brakes of Numenius,toe perceiue toell bp t\)t tbings teWb toe h is Phi reaae 9 b#w djere,tbat toe fijoulo finue djem manifeff ano plaine* Numenius 3f5oto , all tbefe ban tbto doctrine botb from Mature ann from tbe G>nc«ningthc: @>cb©Ie of Pherecydes tbe Syrian tbe Sigatto of Pythagoras, ^ Mc bnto tobom Ariftodc attributetb it in bis ^etapbiCcks ♦ Empe- taph.cap.4.- docks dje fucceflb? of Py thagoras,celeb?aten none otber but tbi^ unelp one3as appeared) bp tbefe Oerfes of bto. An&xk ai- sAll things that are >or euer rvere3orjl)a/l hereafter hey led^cth them Bothman &xvomaniBeaftandBird,FijhiWorme3Herb,Grafle3 & inhisfirftPhi- j4nd entry other t hingyeaeuen the aancient Gods cash one (Tree, his^ookTof^ Whom Veeefo highly honor heerejome all of one alone., the WorkL Arifto.t.Phif: cap. i o. lib. 3. Simplic.Iib.i. Academicks. Tlato in lils z^.Epiftlcto King Denis, $0 OFTHETREWNES Parmcnides ano Meliffus tawftt tbe fame; an& fo&t&tfcefe §>c^cDlcmai(lei* Xenophanes dje Colophonian,as toe bee treat* fa!p infcnmeo bp tbe Cinfes of Parmenides rcbearfen bp Simpli- cius ; fa tbe tubic^ fterfeg fjee called) Ijm tlje Vnbegotten , the whole,the only one, not which hath bin or fhalbe,but which euerlaftingly is all together and all of himfelfe.'Eo be fto^of tije lifte opinion toereThales , Anaxagoras ,Timeus of Locres, Acmon,Euclide, Archc£uetus,ano others of tbe auncienteft ]pbt* lofopber3 ♦ 9no Atiftotle toitneffetl) in manp placet tfjat it toag the common Doctrine of t&e men of oloe tpme ; ®)e tobici) Zeno Info fo frretgbtlp , tljat to oenp tbe ftnitie of 600. auo to ocnp fyz (Sooijeas it feife^e t^ougbt to bee afl one* 3ns tf/e caufe of fo fap« mg among fyz a uncient 1£btiofop^er£,toas! not time onlp reaoin j tljerof in tbe tojtcmgg of fome tbat totnt afoje tfjem^aiai toe migbt Hoe noto ) ; but alfo tbeit rearing thereof boti; in tije Mtojlo ano in tbcmfelueg » 35ut let feg come to tfct ctyefc g>ectss of tjje ipfnlofo* Socrates rtje §>cf)artematffer of Plato,confefleo onlp one ©03, ana ( as Aulus Gellius ana Apuleius report ) toajs conoemneo to tyinkcipopfon, foj teaching tbat tbe©ofc$tobicbtoeretoo?(bip* pea in fctg tpme toere but banittt:3no fo? tijat in fco?ne of tl;em ije toaa toontto ftoearebp anffifte, bj> a 35oate3 ano bp a Dogge; ag tobo tooulo fap tbere toas no moje (Sottas in tfte one Am m tfjt ctijer^et nottotrijftanm'ng,be toa$ tlje man toijom Apollo bv W £>jacle oaemcu to bee tfyt toifeft of all Greece 5 tbercbp confeff.ng tbat fce iumfclfe toa$ no 6oD4)is Difciple Plato oeliueretl; a rule in fetoe too?Ds,toberebp to mfcerne W meaning ♦ When I write in good earneft(faptb &e)you (hall knowe it hereby, that I be- gin my letters with onely one God : and when I write other- wife,I begin them with many Gods. Clctelp bi$ o^inarie ma* net of fpacfoesrtoett not, 3ftt pleafe tfyi <£oog , toitb tbe belpeof tbe 6ousi5 ana fuel) like: but tf it pleafe 6oa,bp tberjelpe ano gup* &ing of <0otr 5 <5ot> knotted) it , S>uc!j a man te tlje caufe thereof nett bnto 6on5ano fuc^ otber like*2£!ftfi*ea«s b^ afiSmietft al otl;et tfu'ngg not to bee in berp oeeoe : Upe calletb ®oo,tbe jratber of tbc toljole CHo^lo^tlje 3Mer5tbac te to lap, bt tobo onlp it 0? bad) bk* ing;tbe felfb^eo^to^o alfo mane f Ipeauen^t^c €attb,tije Sunne, tbe 9pone3 tbe tpmejs ano feafonii , ano all orljer tijingjsi botb bta^ «enlp ano eartblp,bigb ano lotoe,ano tobatfoeuer elss is> 3to otfcet jlacejs ])t called Wi tfyz ^eginnittj,t^e Spiwjle,anD tl;e Cm-, bp toljcm. OF CHRISTIAN RELIGION* 3 1 tu!)om, foj tofjom, ano about tobom all tbtngs ate ; rtjc (Souetner piato in Ti- of all tljat euer is ano (ball be-, tfce fcerp ©©rmene^ana tbe paterae m«us,m h» of all gco&neOe ; tlje ftmg of all totgbts m&eujeo lxiitb reafoit ana ^^ mpnU;of Inborn all tbtngs baue tbetr 3Wemo;sanu tobteb t* of mo?e ^al^3m excellence tljen tijc too?* IWerog* 3nn tbe names ana titles tuljtcb his Epiftk to Ije gtuetb iinto tbe true (Sou 5 are common!? guten btm fcnaer tbe Dion,Hcr- name of lupiter , ana betlnnketb tbat tljep be not to be communis nau&d Co- rates tmto anp otber*3!n nmz fometpmes be ftuTeretb btmfelfe to "cus; i be caries atoap totbecomonmaner offpeafcmg, perbapsfojfeare VB,,tH 'vdjcolemaifier baa , $ be uoti;it e^eiftlp **"laS' in bts broke of Latoes , lobicb &as to Dee publtfyes to tbe people* Plato in his jfoj tbereanti in owers orijerplaces,be called; tf>rt*auenfc*ftpi* fccokcof rites bp tbe name of ©ons : but pet be mafetb (Sou fpeafcmg to ^^^ tbem as to bts €reatureS;:ianung tbem (S>g&s begotten ant* ma&e tytiea Epino- bp bim ; aim btm on tbe contrarp part tlje .ff atber $ <0oo of ©ons* mis, Slfo be bono?etb !£>eauen tuitb tbe fame name 5 kcatife o f tbe fttb* *wc oil them ftanttalnes tbereoftanliltketuifetbe^tarie^bp reafon of tbe per* ^g^*- petuitieof tbetr courf tt map be £> m tbat refpect tbe Greekes ralleo tbem*3fcoi,<£otis ♦ Hpo^beit3be anuetlj tbat tbep beefctfible *oftRe word ®o&S, ana tbat tbe Speauen toas mane b^ [tfre onlp one inuifiOIeD Thcin,\vhiciv (Bon , Cbat it fab none otber tmmojtalttie, tban fuclj as be batl) gj^£ w gtuen trnto t^ans tbat be batb places tbz fetarres in tbe <§>fcpe foj tbe meafuring of tpmes3feafons ami botojes, appopnting tmto e* uerp of tbem bts Circuits toucbing m£5be (betoetb toei encmgb plato in hIs tobat be bel&ueu of tbem , bp bis Beclaring of tbetr 6enealogie: J^^^ tbat is to fap,tbeir mo^talttte-, to tmt, tbat be adknotoletigen in tbe p^ocsh^ fome Ibanoto of tbe <£5osbean,but tfjat tlje lerp effence offubSance thereof toas ut tbe onelp true of all uue^^appmeirt, anD fub. 22 OF THE TREVVNES his bookc of .Myfteries. Chap 1.3.5. . fubffatmce5pea ami of all otfjer ©rounttf t&emfelue& |>e fapt§ fit &&U£,(ana fyn bcoke^t arc fo full of it) Ei;at tljere are botb (Souse* ami jTanDesai ; ana of tbem Ije maketb mtterstiegTo^ as3g©& aim lambiichusin ba&,ljfgb afflj lotoe,anti fo fcojtb ♦ 35utpetfo? all tbat3 Ije alluate^ arifcnoiDle&getlj one dbiefe , tobom be calletb tlje onely one God, toljtcl) batb but afoje all tbat fe5antj t£ tlje jFtmntame ana ftcote of alltljat firtf bntierffaiftetb 0? in firftDnnerfficotie, tljatte to fap of all fcnmea,fbapeei 0? patterne$[concemeD 0? concemable in rnpna 0? imagtnatton3]SbufBjfegto Ijimfelfeami jTati;erofljrmfclfc;tbc ^gettcroftbe^oulesioftbeotber (^on-ei , arrowing to tije^at* tewes concerns in bte otane mpnti;toljo is not onlp tbc rfjiefe 3$e* tng , bit alfo tbe fupereflenttall Beetng, [tljat in to fap, a TBeeiixg toljtclj fatre furmountetlj, paCTctfe, ana trceiletb all 3$#tngg: ] no? fimplp <£>oon5 buttbetterp (^tonann 6©mteflett fette:3infomucfr eMa^Truc #** &c ca^eti& aA $e ot&^ ©oaaeg <§>euereti silences, ©mtmefle* «7roTKcdEor5en'we5»anl' 0f>ptf&# fparfcltng fcojtlj from tbe 6o&bea& of tbe feuperfubtlanttal ne,noj are an? better tljan sealers Fco^tO of certain^ gtfteg tofttf) tlje? batte from trim ♦ 5n& Theodore tlje Platomift anued^tljat all of tbem pjap *arnefflp to tlje firft ,ann ajatoe from bim tofuclj in of Ijimfelfe; ami tljat otljertotft tljep Ibouto goe to nougbt* Proclus, (after tlje maner of tlje Platomifts, foljt'cb tuag fo? tfce moft part to be berp jgmpertf tttous ) turned* btntfelfe ofttpmes a* fine to manp (Song: but pet Ijts refolutio in tbfe to etpjefle fcuoj&ieu Who is he(faptl; lje)that is King of all, the onely God fepara- ted from all , and the producer of all things out of himfelfe, which turneth all ends vnto himfelfe, and is the end of ends, the firft caufe of operatios^the author of all that eueris good and beautifull, the inlightenerofall things with his light ? if thou bcleeue PIato}hecan neither be vttered nor vnderftood. _ v £im anon after , Then is it this firft fimplicitie which is the «OT£g£oAK. -King ; the Souereintie and Superexcellencie of all things, vn- comprehenfible,not to bee matched with any other thing,v- niforme,going beyond al caufes,the Creator of the fubftance of the Gods which hath fome forme of goodnefle. All things goc after him and fcicke vnto him:for he produceth and per- rec^eth a! things that are fubiecl: to vnderftanding,like as the SmmQ doik. to al things that ajre fubiecl to fence Jo be fliort, it THTOC £ ^rodusin Pia- nos Diuinitic. 5lvr«7oc <3ecc* OF CHRISTIAN RELIGION. 33 it is the vnutterable caufe which Plato teacheth vs vnder two names in his Corarhonweale*calling it theveryGoodnetfeit felfe , and the fountaync of trueth , which vhiteth the vndcr- ftanding to the things that are vnder{iood.$m> in W Parme- Ev Sti&y nides, TheOneorVnitie wherevpon allthediuineVnities hafr&p are groundcd,and which is the Originall of all that island of Zsaen;an&tbatt&efecon& ManyGods teepee of ©aiwybat t* to fap tbe 3ngelleg anu jf#ffiie$j are from (M\ Produs) tbeaerp felffame: ana (to beeft)o?t) tijatto beteue anp mo C&ft* lsGodleIndic- tijan one. anu to beleette none at afl,are bstl) one tijing, Siinpiicius faptbiWhatfoeuer is beautifu!I,commtth of the Simplicius vpo firft and chiefe beautie: All trueth commeth of Gods trueth: theEpiactus And all beginnings mull: needes bee reduced to one begin- ot maa# ning ; which muft not bee a particular beginning as the reft are,but a beginning furpafsing al other beginnings,& moun- ting farre aboue them , and gathering them all into himfelfe, yea , and giuing the dignitie of beginning to all beginnings, accordingly as is conuenient for euery of their natures. 2Ifo5 The Good(faptl) ty)is the Welfpring & Originall of al things. Tj fa^fo It produceth all things of it felfe , both the firft , the middle- ^ moft^and the laft.The oneGoodneiTe, bringeth foorth many Goodneffes ; The one Vnitie , many Vnities-, The one Begin- ning^anyBeginnings.Now^asforVnitie^eginningjGood, and God;thcy be all but one thing. For God is the firft caufe of all,& all particular Beginnings or Grounds, are faft fettled and grounded in him . He is the Caufe of Caufes,the God of porpwjllsjn Gods,and the GoodnefTe of Goodneffes. hisz.booke of Porphyrins acknotoiengeu tbe one (M)D5 tuljo alone fe etterp Absence, & k)bere,am» pet in no one placebo ftHetb al placesf5ann pet & con* in his tor°- e tc?m in no place } bp ixtyom all tying* are , botl; toijirfj are ann ew?r J4 OF THE TREWNJS tobtrfj Hit not €bis <©on aotb be ea!l t&e jTat^nr^toTjtc^ retgnetft ft alhoi be teaijetb bs to facrifije our @>oules tmto bun in fiiencr, ann toftb cljalt tbouoftts, ©a t{je otber fine,be aduiomietigetb tbe ot&er ©on* ajg bis Creatures ant? Scruant^famc biftble,* fome unuiGWe : unto te&om Ije allowed) a material! feruice 3 farce Diffo rfeg from tfce feruice oftljr true 0ob* i»orpiiyritis in Si traebmj Plocf ii (jfei £>djcoIemat(f er,furnamei> tbe Dunne, the life of Plo- tofcom #e ©jatfe Of Apollo ( 80 IS iCpO?,tCD b? Porphyrius5)UTt« ** fetfs)Hto regttfer m tbe number of tbe totTe men of tbis vuo?In^ anu riotin m his w tbe number of tbe @qds in e&e otber moils x l)t ftat mould al* firft Enneadc fcoge tbe tfjingp itiliitl) be fradj fpofcen afamelp contenting tbe ir* lib.g.chap.z. mttebftbccnecSos, (!jou!tJbefaVnetafetDoU)ue{r^lavO!etrea^ E™ea^6-Iib- ttfes bn&imimtbeo^be^iMtme is^fcattberefe one*epm« Jmthcwhofc of aHtfnngg, tuljo jjatft all tljmgs anu is all things, tobafe batting 6.booke,and of tbe is as tfcougb ?jc Ijao tljem notjbecaufe bis poireflfag of tijem ia the 5 -Ennc: is not as of things tbat lxscrc anotber man;?; ans bis being; tbem is tbJ* as tljougbbeteretbem not,becaufeI;eisneitb?raHtI)tng^3 no? anptbt'ngamonijtbra^buttbepomerofaUtbm^ ♦ ^battbia beginner Dtuelletb in bimfelfys fufficient of bimfeft <* of Ijimfelfe toingetlj f©2tb all matter of €irences5feoi:les,ant) ttmtf^M beinj ntD>e t&an €iTenre3anu all life ♦ 'Cljat bp bis Qmtie be pjomtcetl) mu!titttOe,triWc& coulo bz no mulutu$e,imlene be airooe One, 3g toucijing ebe bnnerpas 3 be faptl) tbat tbep neidjer biz no? can bog bappte of tbemfdues, butonelpbp tbe (ante meatte tbat mnt can become bappte •, namely, bp bebol&ino; tftclt^nt of tmoerflamnng, Jabtcb is @©D 5 tbjowgb tbetr parttaking mbereof tbey abtoe in bleiTesnelTe i gfca,lje affirmed tbat tbe bottle of tbe lBboIefcooifo funmse&by ii)t Platomifts , is not bappte but bp tbat meanest namely, by be&ofcing tijeltgbr tobtcfj cveatetJ ft, It^eas tbe ^©ne fptnetb noe^but bp tbe oueifonung of tbe &i\mz uponber, Cbat AuguiHtirde teas tbe t)d'p opmton of tbe Platonife as iweO olo as netoe ro:t* Cwitate Dei. cemittg tlje onelp one ©o5 , notmitbHau^ing tbat of all pbflofo* lib.io.cap.z. p^ ^ tjseremeft $inzn to tbe feruing; anu fee&ng; out ofdje bpiHleffe S?pir(tes, tn&am i^e call 3n^lS anti Detut^ano ujI;o;u tbep caJlen ©ons ana jramas* The Perlpate- ^d1,u *£t ^^ come ta f^c Peripateticks, Mb h^n at Ariftotle ti«k&. " P^-oes Dtfn'pIc,i>jbo nottottbttimUmff l«as bnveiicyious in man? p!acc5,ur not pototag unto (Borj bis Due g!o?te,after tbe maner of tljefe fuperltifinus foikc.ioljo are ouerliberal in beftotoing it bpon otlje^Mnn pet euen m tyn\ d;afl me Sane tl)^ fclffame tn:et!>. a- riftotlc OF CHRISTIAN RELIGION, 35 riftotleleaaetb ti0 bp manp moutngs,bnto one firft mouet^ljom Ariftotfe in his %t Declared? to bee tnfttu'te , tnit^out beginning ants imtfcout en&e* MetaphUiks, if torn tbence a man map Hep futtijmft? tljat tabicb & infinite can andin the firft be but one, becaufe (as 31 baue fapu afo?e ) t\)Z inSmtenefiTe of one g^^jjjj. reftrepnetb tlje potoer of all otljers ; 3ftetti)art> beseSnst!) bim to [oCo?L be L wtng,3immo?taH,ann euerlatrmg* 3mi agatnfc,j3>e nametft |im]lle onelp pof&flb? of tmfc&ome?tbe beginner of all Caufe*, ano fucb Itfce : jftone of alltobicb tftingi can bee attributes to anp mo tban onelp one,5?et notfoitbftamung,be fettetb rertepne <$a& Ariftotie in his fceans in tbe t)eauen,in tbe ^tarrcs 3 ann m tbe fi&mme at ©ane-, bookeof Ha* into tortjtcb ® oobeasg be allotted) tbe gouernmet of tijofe tbings, ucn- ana tennetb tbem beauenlp v^pnugi, jf irft fubffance^bnebaunge* able ami bnyaflible5tt>btcb(nt b# opimon)cannot mere olDibccauft tbep be aboue tbe firtf 9pouabJe,f confequentlp aboue tymz^ta, ana Common cuftome, toitb tbe fo^ce of icuecarieti btm fo fane, as to fet bp 3!mage£ bnto Iuno ano lupicer , vmser tlje name of g>auiours , fo? tbe life of Nicanor, ano to soe Sacrifice to a too* man tobom be loueMg tbe Athenian stilt? bnto Ceres . TButyzt in W abridgement of pbilofopbie^btrfj be ncnicatc?i m bte oltre age bnto Alexander^ finall uotfrme is tl)i#> This wcrld(faprt) Ariftotie in hi* |>e)wherein all things are orderly difpofed , is mainteyned by bookeofthe God; & the higheft thing that is in it.is that it is Gods dwel- world, which ling place. No nature is fufficient of it felfe to indure, if it bee Iuftine ^5 not afsifted by his tuition . He is the Father of Gods & Men, J^wSue the breeder and Mainteyner of all the things whereof this bin named his world is compofed; and yet for all that , he entreth not into Abridgement them , but his power and prouidence ouerfitiingthem from ofPhiiofophy. aboue , atteyne vnto all things , moue the Heauen the Sunne yfcvftr&g. and the Moone , Preferue the things on earth , and make all and euery thing to doe according to their nature.^elifeeneeb Ijim to tbe great Eing of Perfia,tubo from out of bis pjitip Cbam* btt gouerneo bte tobole €mpp?e bp bis poller ann officer^faumg (uptb bOtbat tbe one is (Son in&nitt in potoer^ami tbe otijer a be* tp bare ann uxble tm'gbt ♦ Ipe faptb tmneouer , tbat all rtje names tobtcb are attributes to tbe ®oos , are but oeutres to crp'eflfe tbe potoers of tbe onelp one (Sod tbe 1t3?mce ana f atljer of all ♦ 9mi tb?refo?e it i* moze bebofefull to Tense tbe leasers to tbe reamng cf tbat labole treatife of bis tbjougbcmt , tban to fet m znv mm tl;ereofbere5 beraufe tbep Iball tbere fee a toamserfull eloquence mattes 1014 tl;i!5 gcoolp Oiuinttie^ C 2 That Sauours. Alexander of Aphrodifein hisbookeof Prouiciencc, and Cynlla- gainft lulian Sic Apoftata. 3 jxoXTop. of all things 3 whereby they haue their beeing andcontinu- Thcophnftus ance.15ut m b& b©ke of &auo;4 be pafTctb furtber,ano faitb tiiat in his booke of ©on createn ad tbfarrg of notbwg* 35ut to create of notfjmcr, p}cs fuppofetft an infinite potoer ; ano agafae,tbat poiuer pjefuppofctfj an matte* Alexander of Aphrodife tn W brake of 3?otu'netTte tojttten ta t\)t Cmperottr Antonine, attributed) pjoutnence oucr all tfungg bneo oneonlp <0oo5tal)tcb cannoe tobatfoeuetbel!aetb,ag appee* ret!) bp all fct* tobole oifcourfe*ano be toas of fucb tenotome amocj all tbe Ariftotelians, tbattbepcalleotb^mfeluea Alexandrians after W name^obetbojt, tbemoffpattoftbe3!tttetpjeters aun Dtfctples of Ariftotle , founn it fo neeoefull to aclutotolenrreone onelp 3$egumer3ono fo abfum to mamtame anp mo tfjan one; tljat to dje intmt tfjcp mtcrbt not confefle an? fucb abfurottte in tljnr ^apftcr,tbep ooe bp all meaned pofltble erxufe tobatfoeuer nugbt in \)i$ toojkes be conftrueo to tfje contrarie* 9$ touebmg tbe Stoiks of aunctenteft tpme5U)eebaae no mo?e tban t9! gatberen into tlje tojttmgs of tfjet'r aouerfaries ; tobo no all attribute tinto tbcm[tbe maintenance of ] tl;e fcmtte $ mfimtenefle of (23 © D , accojnmcr. to tijt's tobt'eb Ariitotle repo?tetb of Zeno^ namelp tijat^ecc mult nines be but one to call fcponbim in all cijingg bo# peat aim fmall* fl)f all tbe (Sotjncsi tljat toere in tunc paft^be fpeaketb not a laojo : but furelp be faitb tfjat if toe can bpon tbe onelp one (Son , bee toili tn^ fojme b$ of all tbings bp bte 3ngefe* 30 foj Seneca.,be neuer fpeafcetfj otbettoife* What doth God Scncca ^^ (faitb be)to fuch as behold him ? Hee caufeth his workes not w icrc* to be without witneife.SnO againe. To feme God (faitb tie) is to Reigne.God exercifeth vs with afflictions to trie mans na- ture : aud he requireth no more but that wee fhould pray to him.^efe ojtiinarp fpeerijes of bfe , fyeftie trjat be tbougbt tbere toasbutonetfeotu ^utijep^oceenet^petfurtljer* From things Seneca in Ills'; difcouered (fapfb bO wee muft proceede to things vndifcoue- Bo°kc of the red, and feeke out him that is auncienter than the world , of ^fSTrcatifc whom the Starres proceede . 3n0 fn tlje eno rje rottClttDet&jt^at'^comfo^ t\)t S&ofo snn an tljat i& cornermen tberein, ig tbe toojfce of <8ok 3Ifo be called bint tbe jf ou&er,^afcer^ Creator of tbe SQojto, anti tije ^ptitc tobirfj 15 uje& fcojtb bpon all trjings botlj great ami (mail, SntJ in bis Clueftiang : It is he(faptfjbe) whom the He- Seneca in his trufcanes or Tufcans means by the namesofIupitgr3Gar-"atura11 Qi£- o tben,be te not onelp ©on ebe eiccellentefi of all <©oxi!af>faut alfo trjetr uerp Srttl)W3%\xt\)0}>mv Rafter* let tjsi pet further autie Cicero ana Plutarch , tobo fctue of e* tterp ect taken tol;at t^ep thought geon^otl) of tbem fpeafce op ninartlp but of one bicb bemafeetb ♦ The Na- Cicero in his ture of the Gods ( faptlj be ) k neither mightie nor excellent; booke of the for it is fubiec"t to the felfefame ( beit Nature or Necefsitie) Kamreofthe which ruieth the Heauen,the Earth,and the Sea. But there is not any thing fo excellent as God,who ruieth the World,and is not fubieel: to Nature , but commaundeth Nature it felfe. 9nt> be i$ full of tbc like fentenrea* <3g fo? Plutarke, be fufferetb bimfetfe to raunge ouetoften tnto piutarke in his fabler but pet in goao earneft be fpcaketb t\)\x$. Let vs not woor* treatifeof ifis (hip the Elements,the Heauen,theSunnc,the Moone, andfo and ofyris.of foorth :for they be but Lookingglaffcs for vs,wherein to con- °raclcl^at fider the cunning of him that ordeyned all things^and all the oTSmencflc WorId is but his Temple, again*: Wherefore doth "Plato call of Mynd: God,thc Father and Maker of all? He calleth him the Father Againftigno- of the begotten Gods, and of men, like as Homere alfo doth: jaatPrinces: but he caneth him the Creator of the things that haue no life OF CHRISTIAN * E 1 1 G T O M. %9 life nor Reafon . And therefore ( faptb Ije in another ptec) he of ptatonkaB made rhe World as a Common houfe both to Men & Gods. Qucftions: 2>ea, ( faptlj Ije furtljer ) Although there were many moe fuch a gainft the Worldesas this is ; yet notwithstanding the one onely God ^°lks: . ftiould gouerne them all. jftoto tljiS true (So^tubom be calictb CJ £. pi" tbe great 6ou,tf)e great £23ojkcmapfter, tlje Sea of 3$eautie,ttie what is ment ©roum* of all gcotj tbings,ano tbe true ^#iug3 of toljom alone it by thisGreckc cattbefaio:E{)ouart3ano not tfcott&aft but o? fljalt bc;tsi !jeu»ljom wordS.ex. demeaned) bp tbe name of Iupiter, faping : That of the Gods, one is called Liberall,another Gentle,and a third the Dryuer away of euill;but the great Iupiter is in Heauen,who hath care vniuerfally of all things. djuSpefee tbenbotoaH tbe pbitofo- p^rr0 of ail tpmes,of ail §>ed#>ano of all Bartons ftaue agrees in one ® ototobicb is tlje tljtng tljat p learner Varro notes fcerp toeH; Varro,as hefe itamelp, tljat altbougb tlje 'Ceacbers of tfje 0eati>cn names manp -lodged by s. <6oss ans ©ouueiresJtpetHaraJt^ilantimg tbep comp^eftentien ckkof God tbem all turner one,toljicb toas lupiter,of tonjom tbereftsue toere ^4.^.9.11 fmt potoers an* functions: 3ns tbis Iupiter is fceftljom furl) folk & iib.7.cap.^ toojujippes bnser another name,as toojflnppes tbe onlp one ©00 923. toitbout 3lmages ; ans lje faptlj tljat fo (S5os ougbt to beetoojfbip* $ es*3ns to trjat purpofe allesgetfc l;e tljefe berfes of tfje rtg^t lear* lies poet Valerius Soranus. The lone almightie is the King of Kings andfyd ofCjods, One God,andallythe Father both and Moot her of the Gods. T5\xt noto it is tpme to come to tbe auncient poets3tobicb toere v tljat tubenfoeuer tbere it anp greater aeetie taften of,be fpea^ccl) altoaietf but of cme <8oo tn tbe Cnplar nom* ber*9lfo Hefiodus tobo aefcribeo f penegrees ofti^ (Son^flfjeto- Hcfiodus. *tb bte fcetef fufficientlp.tn tljig onelp one fcerfe tojitten to W tyo» 2?0ffc Goddes and \Mortall Men from one felfe race defcend. %\)& it to fap5 311 tlje ©otmej* are ereateo bp rtje onelp one ©oo* lifcettufe Sophocles fatty tfm* » Sophocles in Certeffe of goddes there is nomo hut one gaKuban Who made the Heauens3andeeke the earth fo round, §1C Apoftata. The dreadfull Seatyhich cleaps the fame about, tsind bluflring Winds which rayzjs the Wanes aloft. *But we fond men through folly gone astray, JLuen to the hurt and damning ofourfonles* Hauefet vp Idols made of Wood and Stone, Thinking lykefoolesjby meanes of 'honoring them Too giue full well I too God his honor due, Euripides goetf) pet fttrtber,faping«, Euripides cfe ThouNeptuneyandthou Iupiter,W*£ meusinni* You other Goddes,fe wicked are you all, That if due Juilice vntoyou were dome* Both Heauen andTemples Jhould be emftiefbone. 9to pet in &efacing rije falfe (SouoejS,^ ceafletf; not to comment t&e onelp true (Son in manp placed Aratus in tlje fame place tobicb it afleageti bp & Paule, attri* Anm- Iou& butetl) an to one lupitcr , tofjome Ijee toouto Ijaue to bee fjonojea scnus rumus fcritboutceaflmg* %t touching tije latins, Quid in fyt SgetamojpIjoGs attribu* ouid. Uti) tfje Creation of tfre &Sojlo ano of aft tbingg tberein3tmto tfce cnelp one ©on* 3nti Virgin notb ojainarilp call tn'm rtjc iSing of virgii in hk ©oones ana S^en ; ano bee oefcribetb bpnt fbeaoing fco^ft bte po* fourth booke toer to tfje bttermoft coatteg of ^eauen ano €artf> , amnmtij W ^Husban^ fcertue quickening tbe mo^am an tfjat it tberein* &^cuaywnac *But fojafmttcb ag Scceuola tlje pi$)\>)&& of tbe Romaines fctftingutfbeo tbe ©000 of oto tpme into ttyk fo#e0,tljat it to tott, ?^|la\a? hc ^btlofopljtcanjpoettca^anti Cmfll ; ana toee baue fene Ijoto tye £ aJJX m pbtlofopberd an&poetg , (nottoitbtfanning tfcetr oione tbe infinite fuperftitiong of tbeir tpntej53)^oe God lib. * tnerte one anotber in tbe onelp one ome mane (Sons of tbe (Sooucjs tobicb 600 gaue tbettn &ome toojujippen tbe 3fteaaeg tobtcb tuere fo? tbeit beneftte* 3nn finaflp tbep mane (SonneMQt onlp of tbemfdueg, but alfo of tbeir jg>peare$, <§>bfctotf ana <§>to©jne$, annbuploeu temple* to tbeir otone patfiong , as bnto jf earefulneg , Ipami* tteeJ ann fucfj oiljerjS 5 pea ano mtn bnto tying* fo filtbp ann lotb* Tome, as a man map bee albamen ami abafben to beare fpoken of* JBeuert&elelft, tbecoftomable bfe of fucfj tbingg mane folke tea baue no regarn of tbem, ann tje moft fpirituall fo?t of tbem toere fopoOWeotmtb Ambition, tbatit fillen all tbeir mpnnes to tbe full, getnotim'tbttanning, tobentyep toere onceatoaken, ana fell a little to t^z betbinking djemfelueg as of a tbtng in berp nine againtt Mature, tbep toere albamen of tbeir luring*, pea ann In the citicof ttte? of tJjemfelues* Why Sir5(anfroeren tbep to <§>aind: Auftin? G0d.lib4.cap. Thinke you that our Forefathers were fo foolifli and blinde, 34. as to beleeue that Bacchus , Ceres, 'Tan, and f uch others were Goddes ? It is not pofsible. Nay , they beleeued but in the onely one GOD, whofe giftes and funftions they hono- red vnder diuers names; and whatfoeuer is more , is but Su- perdition. ■Cruelp tbe ^Egyptians (a* toee reane ) nin bonouc Diuelsi, S£en? ^eatfe*, Serpents, ann plant* : ann to bee ibojt, euerptbingtoa*totbemabtp* 9nn all tbeir niuimtie(aa is to be feene in concerning the Iamblichus,)toa* referren bnto onelp one (Son* 31nfomucb tljat Myfterics of tlje people of Ihebais in i£gipt,teiecten all tbe fain abfurnitie* of .the Egiptians. manp ©3^,^ faptng ^)at $)m ^aa none otber (Son but onlp be cap.37.39. to|j0m t^Cp carjeI, ^nef ^ ^^ toag; nmt jj0?nC5 n0j C0U|D cwec Wmarke in his npe, t^at i# to fap t\)2 €uerla(ling» 9lfo in Say a Citiz of iEgipt, treatifc : of ifis tbe 3Image of Pallas,tbat it to fap of fcftifoome , ban W 3Infftip- aad O^ns. tj0n : j am ajj tjiat j^^ ^jn ? jSj or euer fa^fe ? and there was acuer yet any mortall man, that vncouered my face. $nn Pro- clus OF CHRITSIAN IBtlGION, 4J dus aUtJCtf) thereto, And the Fruites that I haue brought forth is the Sonne , ass toljo toouto fap , 3!t i* tfje £&tfoome tofjerebp incftpan of ali tije 3inoIatrtesi fecus ftxint, of rf;e txioilD : fo? in winning of jftatton^tljep toan alfo t&eir &u« Deus jpfe via- perihtuW ♦ 05utcouItiaHt]j^toppeoutmtljemrl)ep?itttofiJ5a= q^^q^1* ture *; jI5ap,contrarptotfe5 Tertullian fpeaiung of $e tyeatfjen of cl^: , ° |)t$ tpme5fapti) tfjus : As wholly as their Souks are brought in moUe away bondage to falfe Goddes, yet when they awake as a dronken richestifany man out of his fleepe,they name but one God,and the fpeech doc otherwiie of cuery man is, as it pkafeth GOD. They call vpon him as ^ ^ their Iudge,fayingjGod(eeth it,I referre my felftoGod,Godhim; requite it me.O record of a Soule by nature Chriftian/ To be Tertullian m {hort,in vtteringthofe wordes, they looke vp to Heauen,and his Defence not to the Capitoll: for they knowe that Heauen is the Seate of theliuingGod.La&antiustoljo came a gart turtle after3fatrtj Laaamiu* tl)d&e*When they fweare,(fapti;fye) when they wiih,whethey lib.z.cap.t* giue thanks; they name neither Iupiter, nor Gods in the plu- rail number , but the onely one God: fo greatly doth Nature conftreyne them to acknowledge the truth. If there come an Alarum,or if they be threatened with warre^they do after the fame maner : But as foone as the daunger is paft , by and by they runne to the Temples of many Gods, whereas notwith- {landing they called but the one God to their fuccour.QnO ill toerp truer!;, if toe confinei* tlje naturaH motions luljicl) *»e featte in our affltction^;t^cp part not our batts into ntu?rs papers at onre, but uae put w in mpift of onelp one c£ $emfelne!&> SLa&an.lib.j 44 OFTHETREWNES Laftamh* lib. tbcfrftte^tobicb baue gone about to oeface bw name bp al meaner i.chap.6. at to a cafe mfputeo among t!je learneo , bp toljat <§>pirite tfje Sy- iuftincin his billes fpato, betm(z it is not bnconuenient tbat (Sou fyouto com* T'>c ondcsof PeU ^c bcr? Dcuci* t0 ftt fcD^ W* P?aPft** *£>otofoeuer tlje cafe die sibyiics. flauD:>t&ep Tpeake but of onelp one <&oo,faping, 77>*r* ;j &/tf A^Zy one true Godjright great ,and euer lasting, Almightie>and inuifible tyhicb feetb enery thing, "But cannot bee beheld himfelfi ofanyflefoly man, Sift tbep crpe out againtt tbe falfe ©ottoes , ano ejrijojt men ta fceate fcotone tbeiraitarg, accounting tbem bappie tobicb giue tbemfelueg to tbe glo?ifping of tbe onlp one @oo3ut let w \\kxz Apollo bimfelfe* Q5eing affceo at Colophon b^ one Theophilus tobetber tbere tnag a ©on oj no , ano toljat be 10 x l)z anfinereo in 2 1 4<8rofce berfes rebearfeo bp La&antius , hereof 31 toiii Ijoloe me contenteo tottf) tbe latter tfco, txjljicl; are to be englifyeo $ug« The felfebredjbred without the helpe oftJMcother% Wife ofhimfelfejwhofi name no Wright can tell, Doth dwell in fyre beyond all reach of thought: Oftyhom we Angellesare thefmaUeftpart. %\>z r*ff oft^efe Serfeg comment! ann ret fcojtfj tfje Sgteteffte of tl)t greai (Bon , but tljefe fuffi^e fo? tbte matter ♦ l)kxz tbe Jeena totb toljat be can to magnifie bimfelfe?faping tbat be 10 an 3ngeH ami a little portion of @oo , but pet bee acfenotoleogetb bim as b& forphyriusin g>ouereme ♦ Porphyrius tbe great enemieofCb?iffian$,rebear* ^tth mh br°k ft* man? ot^ec Wlte* ^e fame APoll° teinB af ketl Wb ^piXfophy. toa^^ be ^ojtbippen, anfaereo in 2 2^erfe$, calling bint tbe e* uerlafting jfatber^tbe C&alfterbpontbeltpeauenofOeauens, tbe iFafyioner 0} framer of fubffanceg , tbe father df all tbingg, ^z fa* tber of all toigbtg botb mojtall ano tmmojtaH ♦ 3no on ti)z otbec Cue be calletb all otberg big Cbilojen^bte feeruant^ b& S^effim* gcrtf, ano tlje !|)erault$ 0? blazers abjoao of bfe p?apfe$ • 3ln ano* tber anfuiere comp?ifeo in ten SJerfeg , \>z calletb bint tbe burning .flame 5 tbe aaielfpjing ano ©^iginall of all t&tng^ tlje autljo? of iife^ano fo fcDjtfoano aftertoaro beconcluoetb, J am but Phoebus *, more of mee ye get not at my hand$ It is as little in my myndas I can vnderUand. IBemgaffteoatanotber tpmebptlje*,ffounoer ofConftanti- nopie, toljetljer ty Qjouln reftft an mm of l)i$ oj no -7 \)t anftoe^ c/fpolk *p4w&rua$. OP CHRISTIAN RELIGION. 4$ ts4pollo is not of that mynd;bewarc How then doefi dea!e-yhe is toofirongfir thee. For God it is that makes him vndertake This enterprife,and doth the feme maynteyne, E Hen God I tell thee vnder whom both Heanen And Earth and Sea andeuery thing therein, And V hatha* eke and Hellit felfe doth quake. Proclus faptfj , tl>at tlje iD?acIes ariutotuleugeo tfje great <3o& procius vpon $e SBdfpjmg oftf?c fountapne of all tbings ♦ 9no fo? an example Timaeus. l)t alleged) tf)i$ ©?acle of fotoer Uttfcz ; From God fpringeth the generation of all matter;from the fame ground rifeth the finenefle of the fyre,and the Globes of the World, and what- foeuer els is bred,and fo foorth. Cfcat ig tf)C anfuJer of A polio tbe <£5oo fo greatlp renotometr among tbe Jpeatbeu 3 toben be toast affteo tofjat ©on taasf ♦ 9m> being fcrgen to tell tobat fjc fjimfelfe toa^,ann boto tie toouln be calle&3be fapo: Call me the Feend that knoweth all and is right fege and Wife m 9no at another tpme be faptb tbus* Wee Feends "which haunt both Sea and Land through all the world ft Do treble at the Whip of God which all the world doth guide, (wide9 %\)th fojtefapo Shades arerepojteo bp Porphyrius,Proclus, ana otbec i^eatben men,ti>berof fome be rebeatfeo alfoftp La&an- tius: toljtcb map fuffi^e to fyetoe Ijoto tbeberp Detwfe ooe befeuc one <8o&3atttj quake at burn 3£ut 31 bope 31 Iball bee pamoneo fo? Ijamrtmg tbis matter a little at tije largetf , becaufe tbe confent of all men in tbat bebalfe tobicb 31 We alteasiepjoueo , tg contrary to tbe ojiHroon of manp inen ♦ 9no tberefoje pe fee beere boto tbe ffiao^to3flpen,aiu> tbe Deuilled tljemfelues crpe out tmtb tfje bolp Scripture, Hearken O Ifraell , the Lord thy God is but one r>euter. tijt'ng of Ijimtann tlje reafon tfjet^ of is rttitient in both ttoapne^n Span, becaufe tlje greater can ne* Man cannot uc? be compjeljennen 'up tlje JelTer,nettber ran ®an bane anp tftt'ng ^pichcnd jrl tm^^ftaittitog , iufttcfc batb not firft bene to bis fences, as from licence piorceoetfjtonto bint tbe beginning of all natural! knotty fenge:3ttto be neither feetlj noj perceiuetlj (Son in ljimfelf3but only ftp bis effects ♦ Sin jftamre.,befaufe t't is a tljing ujjougbt bp (Son, *itt) no Djojft o? effect ftnto great fo etter it be,can perfectlp erpjeflfe tbe caufe a? toojter tbereo w ©an is able to nifecurfe after a fo?t,of tbe tijings that are leflfe tftanftjmfclft, as of 1£eaftcs, pants5ann ©tones ♦ 3nn pet if bee toifl enter into tljdr fubftaunces • Ije muff ureses (top foojt , ann is conftrepnen to fcap fcpon tlje bttrojtes of t^nn^onfeiVingbis fcnotolenge to be but tgnojaimce* Sir be come t3 inmfclf, to fenoine Ijis otone §>ou!e bj) tbe potuer of l)is &oule: ftp ann bp be is at bis tatcs enne: Sro} tbe maner of bis nifecurfe is ft t to piac&ne from kpnn to kpnn,ann to palTe from one reafon to a i otfter* 'But on tlje contrarp partite mpnn feetb not it felfe,but onelp turnetlj into it felfe, leauingnot anp tfjtng emptp toitbout it feif toljereunto to eytenn, no moje tljan a Circle notlj^nn pet not* toitljftanning5euerp tljing is equall to it felfe,ann meafurable b^ it felfe*£2%at (ball toe tljen t&infce tfcat Sgan can noe, if tje anuaunre ftimfelfe to tlje confinering of (Soones nature; feeing tljat tbe leaft Creatures tljat are noe put Ijim to tjfe trumps Cljat is tlje toerp thine; tjaijtrfj batb mane tbe ignorant fojt to ouerfljoote tbemfelueg fo farre , as to counterfeit (Son b^ a (bape like tljemfelues : totyefr tbtng tbe berp 35eaftes ( faptb Xenophanes ) tooulo Ijaue none5tf tljep ban bin papnters , as toljtrij cannot ojninarilp roncetue anp greater tljing tljan tljemfeluesi^e fee tljen bot» Span is of btmfelf t© farre nnable to conreiue fuel) a (Sreatnefle* 3gaine,tf tue conK- fter tbe effect^ a man plantetlj, buplnetb3papntetb,ann toeauetlj at tboufanne niuers mo?kes x ann uiee tbmfee it not ftraunge tfjat tbe ft2utteBea{!esconceiue not tberebptoljat^an t^3 boiobeittbat tljere is altoaiea fome p^oponion of tntoerffanning bettuene Crea* tureann Creature*, but bettoeene tlje Creature ann tbe Creator tljere i<$ none at all * Bap, tbere is )>ct tbiS mo?e,tftat a man fljall fee ann feele tbe \»o^es of anovber man, ann be foall knotoe from tuftence be talked; bis 0uffe , after lnbat maner ftentatcftetft tbtngss togetber,ann tuftat 9rte be batb obferueD:^ut fijall be fin all tbat, fcnoujf leftat tlje Motile o^pv;n of tftatmante^ Mo-, nc?prtbis» mmie^ouletjf o; %i& nnaigVcwne nothing narc to tijat Urijicl; be OF CHRISTIAN RELIGION. 47 fe, no not fo met* as tlje Ijeate toljirfj tlje S&umte fljea&etf) into us» ftom abotte, appjocbetb neerc to tlje naturafl potoec tbat is in tlje gmnmr; tbe toljirb ncttoitljltamiiug toce mult not take fcpon fcs to &efcribe,if toe ban neuer felt it otfjetfmfe tljan m a]p?ifon ♦ 3i5ut if tljott coulseft battc entered into tbe mpn&e of tljat ntim at tlje ma* king of bis tooifte, tljoufljoulrjeiHjaue feene it farce mo?e beauty ciceroiirfoa full tljemano all tljat euec be ccutti no o? tljou fap3is alixiaicsi fltrre bookc ot the ieflfc t&an bis Conccptjaim pet tlje fame Concept offcisf is but as a N-^re of the fparke of tbe sppm^toljereof tlje fame too;>ke is a part* JSoto tljen, ^£us Enji if t!)oa being a man , canS mt eoncetue tlje mpnue of a man by Ins 6.iib.g.cap. i * fcorngs^tljaug!) tljou bcare tlje l&e mpnn about tljec tijp fel&jann if Galen in his Ijis Doings (oftobatfojtefoeuer tljepbe) come farce iljojt of tljat 9bookevpon i»ljicb!)e!)imfelfeis: uareatfjoubefobolD as to&efcribecSotibp *****»<* I;is toojks toljac fje is5anD to mfpute of bis fubltaunce*: Qinti if tfjou AiShouXit* canS not conreiue Ijint by bis too?kes#oto toilt tljou tljen tontzm appeared cer- , Ijim5 feeing tljou canft not bdjolo bim otljertoife** Co tljis purpofe tone demon- toe Ijaue tbe common #:>tfto?ie of Simonides, toljo being af ken by ftrajpMiat « Hiero King of Syracufe tobat <£oti is ; uemaunnen one nates re= *4kmavfter fptt to gitte anfujere , ann aftertoara ttoo , ami tljen fctoet 5 ami in tnat hath pro- tbe enn coufelTcn tfjat tlje mo^elje tljougbt tbereon3tlje lelTe be *m= created vs:ye* fceritos tbereof ; ami yet Ije toas tlje man toljitlj taugljt tierp toetl3 can we not by tbat ©on toastljr berp toifenome it felfe* Xenophon, Plato,Plo- *¥*»«** tin am> odjers fap tbat be is a tbing tobicb cannot bee faumi 3 no? ^^JEt* ougljt to be fougbt. Co bee fto?t,aIl tbepbiiofopbers crpe m one hisfuEi&nce toopcetottfj Dauid, * Lord, thou haft made darkneffe thy Co- is,norhowhc uert , Lord I am wearied euen in thyne outter Courtes „ JDet madevs.Eor iwttoit&iJatttmrg, toljereasnicn are not able to atteptse to •oft^™J^?' fubHaunce ; tl)Cj> Ijaue gone about to bztsktn it by dje ereeHcntctf £lrre Cther ' names tljat tljep couln temTe,as toe Ijaue (mz in tljelaa Cljapter, thing, to fhw Cbep conftneretj p us^afmucfj as all tbmgs Ijaue tljeir jjeeing from that a cateync Ijnn^je Ijimfelfe toas tije foueretne %mm<\ anu ffrkt to be fo^tt be^ ^°fdcnT fjoueabimtobeeeuer^ antitljerefoetljep caUentjim t!;e€uerla^ tokiiowethe* llmg.Snn tljat to Ijaue bm\% toiiljoutlifevt's nofying t anis tljatljfTubftance, q* toljidj gmecb life to al^muftneeses bee aiilifet ants tbcrrft^c thtv ther of our rattfem"it&elming©cn* 3nnagaine3 rtjatlife toitfjonttinnerllan^ ownesouie, *tog is beau , ami fcn^ftflamiing tottljout potoer is bnperfect; ^a°devT nr& tljat Ije tobicb giuetb botlj of tljem to afl^tmiS ntos bane t?;e "X/J/S/^- m Ijimfelfe fo? al! : ami tljcrefoje tljcp call Ijim ^pnn ami <2®v$)t, bmsUnbukn* attributing bnto Ijim tlje perfect fawtoletigeanb inUnite potoer s£ff«*»J>*ftc* all ti;mgS4fma%fojafmuclj as to-55%taJUue, to jPbiimifbaffi, »^^*' 48 OF THE TREVVNE5 aim to be mfaf&tie, tlje fcigljer ftac c^cp be , arc fo *nuclj tlje leffc to be effamte&» ifgcctj alfo abounn not on aii partem : becaufemenon t:je otber Hoe recettp fo matt? goo turnes at !jt3 Ijann , t!jep call ijim (Ba^eicatetng gco vnn tbe crcoT?:TcSTc it feife ; affuring tljem* felues tbat no otber name sot!) fo peculiarly St Ijtm as tbat* 2>et riottottbftanttttig nett&er tbat, no? rnip tjjtitg els tljat Use cau ima* gine mc?e , can conte n&re fjim bp infinite niftance* Let bS arm* bate Unto ijim tljeljigbeft negiife of all perfections tljat can be, (a* in Dcrp noene be mitft neenes fcane tbent at djc bigbeft pitclj, feemg tljat tijere ft not anp tljat batlj meafuten tljcm bnto him: ) pet noe toe attribute bnto &ntt but imperfection* jf 0? tf anp of tljem be 8* mte,tljenis be notinfinite,as "joeougbt to conceiuebim to be: ana infinite it cannot be,becaufe tlje one of tbem (bouln bv tbe infinite* to ov «Wi!ov lie^e ^cre°f ^tlt ^P $c °*ei* toitljin bounn s* ^berefcje ft bebo* ^t • > -tietbbs(toconcetueamofllingIefingIeneire, tobicfj neuertbelelte j I lS *T° * in one perfection comp?eljennctb ai perfectio^a^ tlje rcote of them; qw.vovg, to|jif {) f^met^ a tijtns contrarie to mans bnnerttanning s tbat is to diuva^tictr- ftxjijM tyg pjouinence is! no mo?ep?outnence tban 3lultice3noj T£A.exei/**. #* berp p,:iefl;es tbemfelues (as tbep fap) named it not but at tbe great jfeaftes*3nn pet in tlje iungement of Plotine^rtjat name is not fufftcient fo? Ijim* 3lfo toe call Ijim tlje g©n, ann pet is tljat to little fo? Ijim ; fo? <0co& is tlje genu of gartmes,as bcate is tbe beate of botnes^ut (Son is tlje gconnes it felfe-, ann Mjatfoeuerts gton, is of bim^et nott»rtbltanbing,tbeberp tuo^o ©oobnes is not fuf^ ficient «, fo? gootines battj bis being in fome fubtf ance* 15ut in 6o» tljere cannot anp tljing be conceitteti,lUijtclj is not fubttanttallp3pea annmo?etljanfub(!anttallp fubftance* 9gaine, toljentDefap,lje feetb,be fmoU3etb5bc bnnerltantietlj ; tljefe tljings ijaue relation to tpme; ann bee tljat mane time is tottbout tbe readje of time. 9lfa to\)m taee fap5ljee is b*re5o? bee is $ere>tt is all one ; fo? bee tbat mane all places is not conteinen in anp place* 9ton tljerefo?e Ti if- nnegiftus faitlj berp toell5^bat be is better ann migbtier tljen anp name can ejcp?e(Te» Snn Salamon crpetl; out initlj anmiration, U3l;at OF CHRISTIAN RELIGION. ^p tobat i# W name * 3d &bo moulD fap,man ties not able to btter oj conceiueanptooja p fcodr^opedp lit bim,neittjer in jftotonednoj in fllerbed no? in tmxyict fpaclj , becaufe man is an elTence fubiect to mm, place aim aeq&entd , hroid) cannot paflfe beponti it felft* jai)U] tben3 tobat it tbeattermoft >popnt tbat all our fine conceited s^Slsx S can readme t>sito ** Qerilp tbe mot! m effect cfjat toe can knotoe con. t7re'!U)va tenting bid hete^tt t^at toe can mmccttaitD noting at a! thereof, vo~c f th anfomucfti efcat tobatfcesier toe Tap tjbfise&f affttmacfotelp, tobetber p h ^0K- Dae terme ft j&atfbneffea? ODflbome, oj ISingaome, oj 8Imtie5 oj ^ Krjffjl <&o&beai\o? anp tbtng ete tobicb toe-meane tljerebp , it can not lit '^J' * fctm* jftnaflp , toe can no mo?e name ijtm tl;an compiebena btm, v* ° Z, £' Ijoto bigb fo euet toe tbincke toe mount bp* Sua tbcrfbje toe mu# ^c Y? 'r toitb Trifmegiftus call bpon i)inx in ftlence 5 ana Tap unto Urn toitl; ?w™vJoa i#, but bp not knoto* Dennis in his tug ft3ft liantsetfj fed on bans to knotoe tobat ije td not, tobicb 10 no bookcofthc fntall Ijelpe &? Hd to knoto bim afeec a fajt* MSberein toe mini toh namesof God» lotoe a cieane contran'e rule* tfo} ad toe bane farn , tbat of all tlje f^n H $a- fbmga tfcat are fpaken ana affirmed of ©o&d effence oj fubftance, vsmQuc. none Sttett bmt3bemg taken tfnalptfo tobatfoeuer ts; fpoken t&er* T&ijUentium tf negatfuelpjibalbe fount) true .being taken after tbe fame mancr: ^t godig 3!nfomucb tbat tbat man map bee fapu to bee moft f fetlfufl in tbat nou beljalfe, tobicb knotoetlj mod jftegatiued 0? IRemotiond ( ad tbep tcrme tljemO^o make tbid popnt pet clearer , nature ijatb taugbt &d bp tbe m'uerd mouingd tobtcb toe fee %mt beneatb,tbat tbere tsi a 6©D tobicb te tbefirttmouer of tbe tobole too^Io ♦ 3nu bp tbe fame reafon , toe fap tbat be bimfelfe i$ bnmouable, tbat tsi to fap3 VnmouaHc remouetb not at all* tfo} toe fee tbat tbe nature of bun tobiclj mo* ttetb,mfomucb as be mouetb,te to be ana to be fetlea in reit €uett our g)ou!e(as{ m refpect of tbe bo&p) id unmouable , notimtb&an* utng tbat tt caufe ant» pzocure all tbe maumgss of tbe bonp : anu tbe mo tbings tbat a man tntennetb to mout^tin mo?e tt bebouetb bfm to baue bfe mmn fettles* jfojafmucb ad ©on is; euerma^e ncoing, be fe euer at red, ana bei;atb not bid re£ing in anotber but in lyym fe!fe,o^ ratbec id W otone red bimfelf* 3na tberefoje tbe aunmnt t ,mcik.$, Pbitofopberd c^Ilcu bim to MmTovrf a-r^octbat itarre53 tobtcb arefttbtectto mo* «ing5ana to\)om tbe ignorance of folke batb callea ©oad Jpere&p* pon toe fap alfo t&at $e id Unchangeable : fo? tbe change of a tiling D in Outofthcvcr- fes of Parme- nidcs reported bySimplkius. Vnchaungc- abk\ f^crlafting. !!crcA& 50 OFTHETREWNE5 in it felf,ad a to of mouing tobtcb teoeri; out of it felf*3d fo? tfh pl?,!J)e tl;at neCretl) 0? cottetetb,*efiretb 0? eouetetb £ tbing tobicfc bebadj not.?5ut (Son to one,^ ai togitber v neither is tt pofliblefoj bim to recetue being front any otbenfo? nothing 10 cftanjjcu but bp fome otber tbmgjtobicb m fome refpcrt tjs mo?e migbticr tba it,a£ 8El©& i$s rbaageo bp jFp?e*H5ut ai tijutgd baue tbcir potoer I fo?ee fro ©o&alone^ljerfojebp tbtetmnc Vnchaungeable,toei!enp Jim to be Ipkc tbe immojtall fouled, Uifiidj atomic furf; paOtond aa toe perceiue,o? alfo to tbe bap bonilclle Spirited, tobGme toe call 9ngeld,$ tbe pjilofopberd call it mafeedj notbtng againft tbe matter, tbat toe fe fo uiuers cljanged in all tl;ing£* jfo? it is one tbtng to cbange oneg felfe,$ anotbec djing to toifl j> tbere fyouln be a d>aunge jitfte ad it id one tbtng to mctte oned felfe,^ another tbing to totll p tbere be a ntouing. %\)t §>unne maftetb manp muerd cljanged in rije tbtng* tobicl; me fee beere beneadj, be maketb tbingd gnsne, bee mafcetfc tbiitgd pelloto,be rppenetb tbingd,be timbered) tijingd 9 fo fo?tb, ano pet nottoiebftanaing be cfjangetlj wo tobit of b& beat^ann fan- \)t alfo a mpno(ad fome fuppofe bim to batte,)be migbt alfo toil al tbefe cbaunged toidjout cbanging bimfelf* g>o alfo map SLgmt, being euerlafttng be ti not fubtcct to anp paflme pcJT^ bfltttejtbat id to fap5lcoke tobatfoeuer be id, be i^ tbe fame actually ^im in teiy n^e:anu !# cannot become anp ot^jer tl;ing tljan ^e ii OP CHRISTIAN RELIGION. JI afreante ♦ f o? , mere tbere anp paflwe poflibilitie m ftmt as from imnfelfi^tben Iboulo tfjere be a cbaunge in btm-, ann tftt mere from clfdibere^tfjen (boulo tljere be a mouing from pciTibtlitie to nane* oj to nooing; fr be is not fubiect to any oftljem botb* jfurtljermoje, Erom p0fnbi> €ucrla(tmgnefife cannot be in map of poiTtbilitie,but onlp actttallp litie into d« ej;ample,from a graine to an ©erbe,ann from a kernell to a a grayne may ^r&bp tbepotoer of tbe &unne3utasfo? <£uerlaaingneire, ft^raca" can abpne neither fo^eneffe no? aftemeffejann tljerefoje fake ttrfjat* ^m£ tm.» (better it can bee , it is tlje fame all at once, ann artuallp o? in betp which they be t>flene,ann euer* COljer&po it follotoetf) alfo immeniatlp,tljat (Son not fo long as is nettijer matter no? material!: fo? dje piopertie of matter is to be thcy continue nterelp paffiue; tijat is to fap, capable of sitters fo?mes 0? fljapes, jJIneir anda mm fudj aeJ map in poflibilitie receiue,being it felfe altogetber na* ynmatcnaiL fcen ann fucb as rtjelpljilofopljers nefcribe it to bee ♦ Bp tfjefe eon* dufions toe come to anotljer, toljicb is, tbat ©on 10 not compound God is fingk nen . jf oj toljatfoeuer is fo,toe fap is! of later tymt $an tlje rtjmgss ^^^ hereof it is compounnen, T&at (Son is eueclafting,ann bnto bint p u notfjing can be neto*9game,Compounningis abutting of manp tljtngs into one ; 9 ere tbofe things couln bee bniten in berp nine, it beljouen tlje to be firft in pofltbtlitie*, tljat is to fap, to bk capable thereof* jftoto,as fo? (Son , Ije is not a tbing in poflibilitie (tobict> is an bnperfect beeing)but altogetber actualfp ann in berp nine* $pa?eouer,toce Cap tfjat (Son mane all tfnttgs,aiin lutotoetb aU things ♦ j$oto,if ije ban in bim tbe nature of anp of tbem,dje fame luouln trouble tfje natures of tbe reft,as toee fee tljat tbe tongue of afiefcemantbat is ficfte of an 3getoe, isbnable toiunge of tlje tall of tbings, becauft it is furren by a cbolerick b«mo2;ann tbe epe tabicl) ijatl; anp matter t^ereiu,can fee notbing* 3lt foiloi»et!j tl;en tbat tco make ann tco kuotoe all t\)in$$, (Son mud ncenes bee berp Cngle,ann not bolning anp tbing at al in Ijtm^nn tbe mo?e fingle fjee is , tbe mo?e is bee capable of tbe innumerable multitudes of tbtngs ; Ifke as tbe epe is tben molt capable of all colours ann tbe rare of all &opces 5 toben [ in tbemfelues ] tlje one is leaff troublen toitb nop^es ann tlje otljer toitb colours* £23bcrebpon it foliotoetlj tbat feeing be is not compounnen,be cannot be a bonie : fo? all bo- Bodyicfle. nies are contepnen toitljin bounnes, ann baue pmt#, tobicb tfjing Numenius mod people fcaue fenotone toell enough as N umenius tl;e Py tha- my t5 «* D z gomny*$$. 52 OF THE TREVVNEJ Place is to be gorian repojtetb^nb not being a botne,be cannot be in pTacc5nefe confidcrcd,ey tfeer lubollp no* partlp ♦ ^ reafon tobcceof, tocc map Tap in find ther as a thing fy^ ? ^ Jj0 fc no ^^ ^ ^ f0 fi^tfyg no part 0f ^ fc fe wn^wofa3 m*tet3 to***11 an? PIafC t0 be po?"^ *. JSottmtbftanomg5!ftc as thing placed, be maw all tbtngs bp tbepotoer of b^ btting;fo nctb tbe fame po^ ThiswayGod leer enter into all tbm^ , fill all tbtngsE ann contepnc all tbings* is nowhere: gnr, fyafnmcb as tlje fame is bnniuinable , it is tobofe in all , ana hel°eiierryWay to&°le lU tU?r? Pai'C'autl ft Kfafctfe & ^ Ijimfclff ;t&at 10 CO GpjfyC whae. so is he t* euerptobere, toljole tb?cmgbout , fti tobom all tbings hmt tljeir both euery bmnj , botobeit tbat bee isi not aeterminatlp o) befinieelp in aap where, and no ^fa g 4 ffiajee baue an image .bereof in oar oume mpnu, tobitfj pet whercMi ttottoiitbffamitng taae but a bapne Oja&otoc ♦ Sfo} 3 tu as mucb as all jniotiou or ^c $)&$* *#& toe conmue are lelle fljan toe;tbep be in tbe mpnb poynting tottbout mtentmi gling of tbe mpntj toitb tbent>ant> t\)t mpnn after downe of a cerfeptte fatfrion toucbetb tbem all , altbougb it bee not compje* plhC' b ST7 bme* ix[ anP of tljem ♦ Mote, if all tbefe tbings be in our mpnt^ Uiaaiipkces. beiaufe rfiep beentereb into itb^ our fcnre&fcotjo mucb moie (ball ° F all elfenres be in <0ob anb be in all of tbem, feeing tbat all of tbem pjocoene from bim , ana tbat l)i$ onelpconccpuingoftbem batlj bjougbt tljem foo^ti^iQolxi tljenjet bs not imagine anp intermix gling in tbis beljalfe ♦ Wfje ligbt of tbe gmmte continuetf; entierlp tb?ougbout -y it cannot bee fceuioeti int© partes , no? fljet bp in anp place,noj feuercb from tbe toelfp^ing tl;ereof:it fljeauetlj it felfe in* to all places , it fiHetb all places , anb it is p^efent tort!) all ti)in$$ toljicb toe fee,(3! fpeafte after tl)2 numer of tbe Dimnes)in e(Tencey. m potoer^ann in p>efence^be 9p?e is ligbtenen luoitb tt)e p?efeitce tbereofj anbuarkenebloitljtbeabfence, anbtoeepercepuebotb ttuapneof tbetn^anbpetfo? altbat,itintermingletb not it ftlf uritfr tlje ap2e,!:e leauetb anp lobit of it felfe into iu 3nb (ball toee p?e^ fume to tbinfcelefle of tbe ligljt tobicb i$ not to bee concepuen but inbnuerffanbing; conKoeringtbat toee fee tlje like toitb our epes^ 2D) (ball luee tt;inke it ff ramtge tbat (g©D (bouto bee botb euei*p tobereanti notobere, conquering Ijoto toee fee tfjat from a borne tbere ilTeloetb fucbabonrteflfetbing, astoitbouttoucbinganpof tbem 5 ligbtenetb tbem all ^ 9nn if a Kgbt (bint in all tfjings djat flunejfball not tbe fouereine efTence bee in all tbmgs tbat arc*: Sun feeing tbat tbingscoulD notljaue bin mane bnlcfie 6ons potoer (tobicb i^ W b erp elTence) Jjan bin p^efent luitij all tbings ff toitb £uerp of tbem ; (ball anp tljing let bnn from being p^efent tutt(; alt tiimgs ff ill % j<2olu, lik a^ tlje lidjt of tlje g>unne ^atlj bitters ef* feet OF CHRISTIAN RELIGION. f3 feetg tfjjougb tty mfpofitton of meng eptsi 5 ann of tbe tlmtncffz of tbingg,ano tl)C0tuerfitieg of tbefubftanceg thereon it Itgljtetl): fo td <£5oog pjefence mucus t© oiuerg tbingg, ano pet tg it tmtljout mrp Diuetlme in it felfe* Heis(faptb^Auftin)in himfelf,asthc s.Auftintpo* beginning and the end: to the VVorld,as the Author and go- thePfalmca, iierflor thereof: to his Church,as a father in his Houfe:to our Soules,as a Bridegroome in his Chambento the Rightuous, as a Helper and defender : to the Reprobatcs,as a trembling and terror. No man fleeth from him but to him^rom his ri- gor to his goodnefle , and Co foorth . For what place (hail he meete with ( faptb ije) where he (hall not finde thy prefence? Cljefelfe&me p?efeucetubtf5 ttmg jgeTcnt at tbe making of all i.Phj(ic.2.&* tfjingg^g pjefrnt U)itb cucrp' rtjing to p^eferue tfjem all: ann pet t!3 & to forti* it ncuertbeleflTe abfent from all tbingg ano from euerp tbing i a^ it ?gv. toag at tl;e tpme rijat tljere tore no things: at all ; becaufe none of tljem contepnetb tt o) anp part of it,but tt contepnetfj all tbingg* 35ut toe mult palle pet one tfep fitrtbet,6oo(fap to)i0 pjefcnt suerptoljere ♦ Cijen in Ije innmte5ano pet fe Ije not contepneo m a^ infinite. up plarr/oj Ije in not a borne ♦ 31t followed) tljerefoje tfjat be ig not infinite in bontejbut in g>pint5no? m rjuantttte, but in go&oneg ano infinite,™* $otoer,ano better if better map be fap^^berfo^e^et bg not tma tyjfrwdnng gtne Jim to bee a buge o? malfie lumpe, ag tbe ignorant fo?te ooe* °[^ JJJT3 ^be mallmeHe of tbingg ig tijat (ag toee fee)lMljtrb mafcetb tbem {^^mo L Enable to ooe tbings.ContrartUHfe5tbe mo?e fptrituall a tbing tg, tbe moje atfitte tt ig J)t tben tobicb ig tbe action of al potoerg,muft tteeoeg bee a Spirit of infinite potuer, ano yzt nottm'tbtfanomg tx* *mpte& from all quantitie, Qntycty P?operip is but a toeataeile 0} tojatit of potoer)pea5 ano pet in fuel) fo>t faSafte,80 all tbe infinite* nefTe tbereof bee comp?ebenoeo laitljin bounty ag to btmfelfe,tbat tg to fap,fo ag Ije finilb o? botmo Ijimfelfe^becaufe l;e nc;tt;er in noj Ijatb anp tbing toltljout bimfelf* 'Eljug baue tae b^ reafon(ant) tae map alfo Ijaue it bp tbe Deutlleg in tbe fojealleageo ©?acleg, ann Itoifebp allt&epjtMopbers) tbat (3'^DD i5 DnmojuaWe, urn changeable, beginninglelfe, enolefie, fingle, bot)plelu?5ano iufc iute;aUiMl)icb are termes luberebp toeeoeclare3not luljat be t'g,biit onelp toftat be vi not;not to make bg to tontine ljim,bttt to ftospc 1jg from becepuing our felueg b'p our otone bapne concepteg ♦ 9uip of all tbefe j^egatiueg toe concepuebut one afermatiue3ag toe bin at tbe &ta;namelp3tbat (Bon ig big otone being3ag be In'mfelf laitb unto Moyfesjinfomucl) tijat %z ig of l;imfelfe,ann all ti)ingg are of D 3 jjim, 54 OP THE TREVVNES Ijtm^mtti Ije cannot be augljt el0 tljan Tje t^j tnfomucb alfotbatttfa fi({ one toitb btm to be great am* mtgbtie^ag m&telp ann Gmplp to fadeiUiIjtdj te ag mttcb to Tap ag tljat toe mutt(asi mtulj as toee can) conrepue btm to be gcos toitbout qualitie3great toitbout quantity etterlafting toitbout tpme, euetptobece pje&nt toitbout place,amr fo fantlj^ns to conclu&e tW €bapter,toberea$ toee cannot com- p^eljcna <£o& m big berp being , tneetoiU tn&euer to come n#re ta tlje fmotole&ge of btm tb?ee toaieg bp confoering W efiTctst ; bote bett m fuel) fo?t ag tljat toe mutt tljinfte infinitelp ofbim3aboue ana beponn tfje tbings tofjicb feeme grcatctf bnto win tbe perfections tobidj toe percepue to be in all tljings ; as, gootmefTe., truetlj,toife* Dome33itifttce3ltfe3tjnttie!)anti fitdj like; ann pet concepumg btm (if toe can)to be but one onlp peifcm'on coinpjebe&ing an perfections in one, ann pet euerp of tbem infinitelp aboue tlje Ijt gbeff aegrce of perfection tljat toe can imagine* 3no finaUp a$ tn refpect of tbe urn jjerfediong tot>trf) arem all tljing^C as cljaungeablenelTe, toeake^ neirejinatertalnelTe^nli fucb Iil%e3)bp cmt^ixin^ tljem to be mo?e infinitelp farre of from \yi$ nature, tban toee can fet tbem of in out tofterftanoing* 1£uttobentoeeljaue o? (ball baue taken neuer fa mucb papnegf in tljat bebalfe, pet tbe bttermoff tbat toee (ball baue leameu, it but onlp not to be ignorant of our otone toant of ftnoto* toge* 3n& tberefoje,to tbe intent toe lofe not our fcfueg mfofcfa g- i)im3 tbe fureft toap fo? b$ is to poflfelfe btm b^ louing Teruing ami tooojflnpptng btm; tbetobicb tbtng bee of IjtelouetotoaroiSb!* graunt &S to ooe* Amen. The fifth Chaffer v That in theonely one Eflfence orSubftanccof God there are three perfons which we call the Trinitie. ] €C fctf pjefume ^tt a little fattier , not b^ raffj fe puifitiuenes of man3butbp tbe mercifull gupDmgof i^^^oti, tobobatb tojutfafcstoitftctijimfclfetotcobg m W fee ripturc&ana let b3 fife toljcdjer reafon toifl ijelpe tog to mamtepne ano pjcoue tlje tljingg tobicbi (&e of &er fclfe coals neuer Ijaue fotuto out ♦ tfoj, reafon t# after a fo?t OF CHRISTIAN RELIGION. 5J fo?t tn Itfec cafe toU?artsgf (Sou , as our epe is totoarns tfec fib write* jSeitber tbe fimmte no? in? tying tmset tye Attune, can tueli bee feene toityout tye S>ramc ; liketoife neither (Son no? anp tying be* longing to (Sou can bee feene lnttljouc (Sob 5 feoiu genu epeSgfct o; tnpnofigijt fo euer toee Ijaur * 38ttt tofjen tye gmmte flnnety, tyen our epe feet!) die tyings toljity ft fatoe not afo?e,$ iuogety of tyem at ljt0 eafe5nottoitytf anm'ng tyat dje *pe to but tye flrnte ft toast a* fo?e,ano &au* but tye fame po toer of figbt toljity ft Ijau afo?e,toity* outrecepumganpnetoeinrceafetyereof* Lfetoife^toljen D fcrmtfafiety to utter anp ooctrine Unto u^dje felflame reafon tobicl) ctyertoife coulo nettcr baue perccpueo.it , ooty tyen fee ft , ano &iG tourfe tt,ano allotoe of ft,tmtI;out recepuing anp netoe potoer abt* ittte 01 tyaunge in ft felfe* ZZte Ijatte concluueo bp reafon3tyat (Soa Is a mod fingle eITenc£:9nii toe beteue by Difcouerp from Ijeauen, tyat in tye fame motf fingle elTence are tljm perfons o? 31nbeings* Heafou of ft felfe coulo neuer t>mz attcpneo to tye finoing tyereof:. fo? toe cannot m&nguity tyings bnlefle toe concepue tftemjaim pet neuertyelcfl^reafon totll ferue tos to p?oue ft* fixft of all, toe Ijaue alreaoie acknotolesgeo bp (Son s effects o? The begetting aoings 3 tyat tyere is in Ijim a too^mg nature o? potoer, (31 muft of the Sonne, be fame to fpeake in tye fpeety of man feentg tyat tye uiutne fpoety ^d Pcrfok is tmknotone to fcs) tobity is tye beginner ano mouer of al tyings* 5no tn euerp ofljis too?kes, toee fee a lingular cunning; ano in tye knitting of all,boty great aim fmall togetycr3to# fee a toonoerfull oj&er3a$ 31 baue oifcourfeo betetofo?e;ano toee fee tyere is wityec o?ncr no? cunning toljere tljere is no torterftanm'ng* 3lt follotoety tyercfo?e tyat tye fouereine tmoerftanoing is in (Sou from toljotn tyis great o?oer ano cunning p?occcse* 3gaine, albeit tljat of tye tyings toWb are in tyts too?fti,fome toioerffano3auo fome imoer* llano not ; )>zt nottoitljftanr5ing5all of tljem are apijopnteo to fame certepne eno ano marke^as t\jz <@>tmne to make tlje oap $ to beate; ti)t l^cone to ligbten tbe mgbt,ant3 all thz planets ano ^>tarres to marke out tbe S>eafons-,ann fo faj>tt) of all ocijer ti)in$$* Monz of tljem dumblctl; in bis toap^none Iteppetb afine from bis entiet ana pet nottoitblautomg , tl;e moft part of tl;em coufe not p?efcrtbe it to tljemfelues . jTo? t\)z beginner of all enos is miootf aha ws&aii& in ti)z mod ofxbefetbere is no tmDerl!antJing> J^&oes mull it bee tberefo?ejtljat (Son tl)z maker of tfjem niti alfo appopnt t\)zm tljeic enos,ano eonlequentlp tbat be ban unoeritanDing fo? tbem^oto, S;e innumerable multitude of tying*, ano tye linking of tljeir enos D 4 mxt 5tbat tobtcb datf> tl;e moje of if^ano no pmtut nature oete Jetl; to tbe contrary ♦ 3no(as tocebauep^oueo bp all tbepbilofo* pbe^S tfjemfelues ) ttt^ ©on tbat crcateo an tbings tbat baue bti* &eri!anoiug,astoell tf;ofetol;icb arenottpeo tobooies,astbofe tobtcb baue booies-,allotting to tljem tbetr officer ami enos, ano fo confequentip be is tl;e berp beginner ano eno of tbembtmfelf* %\)m once againe,fo farre fcojtb as me can oefctibe tl;is bnocE* ftanoing bp tf>e outtoarn effects tl;mof,it mutihtooes btin ©on ar mod excellent abilitie (if it map bee To nameo)bp m'rettion tobereof i;e eiceattetb moil tmfelp tbe aaiut o? (mooting bertue potter anti nature tobicb toe marfce in all tbings in tbis toojlo, l;oiubeit,fo a£ t^t djtefe tooling of tbem ootl; abtoe ano reff ftifl m tynu 31 baur pjoueoberetofoje tbat <$ob is mfimte:labtcfj being fo-,notbmgcatt be imagineo in l;im,t)3btcb is trot infinite liketoife: foj otberliiife be fboulo bee as toell finite as infinite botb togetber ♦ 3nt> infinite be tore not,if be coalo bnoerftano oj fmotne tbat to trap tabid; be bits oerftaxo not afoje* jft&oes tl;en mult it be,tf;at be from at etermtie: fcmieritanoetb ami knotted; tbe tbings ttbirl; &aue bm,tti;icb are, ano ttbirl; (ball be,-tbe toboIe,atto tbe partSjtbe generallcs,tbc fpe^ rialleS,ano tbeparticulars-,ti;e otiigtna(les,tbep?oc0eoings,ano t\)t aftercommings$ tbe ooings, fapings,mto tljougljts of men;ano fa feojtb,fo as tbts bnoerfianoing in <0oo is euerlaftinglp infinite* 3gaine, bnoerfianoing is an mtoojkmg tobicb abioetb ano re^ mapnetb in tbe partie l»i)icb b^tb it , ano paflfetb not into anp out* toaro tbing* jfo?,tuben tue bnoerfiano tlje courfe of tbe @>unne,toe beconte t\)t mo?e fkilful tberof in our feluesjbut as fo? tbe S>unne, be is notlung altered tbercbp ♦ $lfo 31 baue tolo pou alreaoie,tbat ©od is moft fingle a ann tljat t^ere is not anp tljing in fjim Wict t>s fee toljat tt is tbat tin's im^erffanmng begettetb ♦ 31 bauetol&pott tbat (Son 10 a mere soing5 ana tbat t&batfoeuer b* notf> , be noc!> ft front eueriatf inn; ; ana tbat o:t rtje otijer fee being moft ffitgle,tbcve 121 natbtng m form tobfcb is not a nojer ♦ ffiEfbece* fcpon tt folloteti; tbat tin* bffljerftStung is eueriaftingip occuppes in Doing* Qtati tobecein tlj en is ft occuppetrt&ftbat is tbe tbing tbat tt te?ketb bppon *i &uteip it can mate tnitb notbing but tt feife* it mud neenes be tbat be bnuertf con bimfelfe , feeing tbat tbe cbrefeff tmfetrome is to knote ones felfe,lobereof be emtio not faple* 'Cbercfoje it &as of neceffttie,tbat rtjtss bnoerff an&ing of <&q% , f&ottln peeio a reflexion bacfee againe to it feif>as afaee ootb in a itokingglaffe^ano atfour mpn& ootb u>ben it fettetb it feif to tbe conquering of it otoite pjo* per naturejano tbat it fboulo concepueami beget in it feife a perfect image of it ottme felfe3tobicb image is tbe fame tbing tobitb w t\)z *&rinitie te caii tbe g>onne,tbe peecb;namelp,tbs liuelp ami perfect image ano toifeoome of tbe if atber # j$oto5tbts tmtierftamiing ts aduallp euerlaffing5[tbat is to fap5euerlaftmg in neene] ann eueriaftingip amtaii , [tbat is to fap , eueriaftingip oo* tng, ] ano tberefo?e tee fap tbat tbe fecono perfon tobicbit beget* tetf) is aifo euerlaftingtann <0oo in bis bn&erftautiing bat» not con* ttyato anp tbing tbat is iefle tban bimfeif-foj it is equal tottb fyttr* gno tobereas tee comp?ebeno not our feiueS;tbat commetb of fte fcatkneffeano lumptCbnette of our fleflj^tobicb maketbbstmlfke mtrfeiues* Wit fap tijen tljat fyz <§>onne is equal! to tbe jFatber, ana tbe image of tbe tf atbec ♦ %\xt pet mojeouer, tbe being of tbe jf atljer ann bis bnoerftanning are botb one : $ bts being 0? eifence (betngbnoerftcoTie of it feife ) is none otber tbing tljan t\)t being of tbe S>onne , tobo is bjeo ano begotten bp tbe jfatijers bntierftan* tine; 0? mpnoing of bimfelf, ftdberebpori te conciuoe againe,tbat tbe effence of tbe if atber is tbeeifenceof tbe<§>onne,[tbatistjr fap , tbat ia&e twbatfoeuer tlje jTatber is, tbe g)onne is tbe fame;] fo as djep Differ not but by top of relation : ano confequentip tbat tbep be CoeternailjCoectuai^ann CoeiTentiali^ [tbat is to fap, of ene feifefame euerlafting continuance^of one feifefame ftate conot* tion ano oegree,ann of one feifefame fubffance 02 beingQ txifjcdj i^ t|je tiding ttat toe be taugijt in (& &\)\ixfl)&l)i$ fecono perfon Fo^ uitto^ $8 OFTHETREWNES bitters refpects is bctofteneb bp amers names* ^eisojbfnarffp calico tlje feonne,becaufe Ije is a Conception oftijebnbertfan&ing foljiclj 195 m (Sou , ant? a perfect refemblance of binn 3nb bere toes baue to confine? , tljat accopmg to tlje biuerSttcs of natures $ tlje maner of brings oj begettings boe barie alfo* Sro) euerp life(tf 31 map fo (peake)begettetlj oj tyeeoetlj a >g)onne , tfltte o? offp?tng in ft felfe afoje it fens it out ; ami tlje ejccellenter tbat tlje life is, tlje mo}Z iiUxiarb to it is tijat tuljiclj pjocceoetlj 02 id b;ai rtjereof^ere* bpon fome Ijaue fuppofeb t\)t jf ire to be a liumg totgljt, becaufe it tyeeoetlj 0? bcgettetlj anotljer fire l&c it felfe* T&nt Ijotofoeuer tlje cafe (Sana, like as tlje Clements are naturally tlje baceft tljings in aegwe , fo Ijatlj jfire tlje baceft maner of baaing 0? begetting ; aa toljiclj id not able to boe it but out of it felf, anb b^ tlje applping of fome outtoarb matter to Ijmn %%z plant concepuetlj mopfture in it felfe, tolji'clj fpjingetlj ftojtlj into bwo^ from bu& into flotner,an& from flobaennto frmte-,toljiclj fruitebeing ripe failed) to f grounrr, anb tljcre fyingetl) foo^tfj anotljer jpiant* Bolu,tljis fecono plant Ituefc in tlje fitft plant ere it Itueo in it felfe 5 anb all lining toigij tgS noe liue,moue anb feele in tljeir Bammes bzllizx, afo?e tljep come foajtlj-, toljicljtspetamojetittoarb maner of booing aim begets ting tljan tlje otijer* %\z fenfitiue life concepuetlj an imagination tafjitfj IjcD^etlj bp it felfe in t\)t memo?ie:but as! it pjocaebetfj from tlje fences anb fenfible tfoingSjfo botlj it oepart out of it fclf*dje reafonable iife Ijatl) fjis conceptions anb tyoebings pet moie m fcjarb tfyaa all tlje reft* jf oj it Ijatb Ijis reflexion backe to it felfe^ana tuee commonlp terme tlje boings 0? actions thereof bp tlje nmte of Conceptions 0} Concepts,aftec toljicl) maner tlje learoeb fo?t uoe call tljeir bcokes tljeir Cbilbjen* Vnt ?zt tbere is t^is moje in tljis matter;namelp, tljat in men tins conceptting pjocoebetlj of tmagt* nation,U)ljiclj is an outbaarb tljingbnto it,becaufe notljtng can en* ter into tlje bnberftanbing of man bm b? tlje Genres ; ano mo?eo* tter, foi tijat tljz tljingtoijirlj is mpnbeb o) bnnertobDanb J mpntj o^t bnoerdanbing it felfe,are not botb one inbs* Q£ut fo^afmttdj as cnelp (Sobisaltogeterlife, ana bis life is altogether bntserftan^ &mg,taijicl) is tlje bigijetl oegrde of iife ; be Ijatlj Ijts maner of con* wty&efc- ttpvdnca anb begetting molt intoarb of all* jfo^ Ije concepttetlj in e perfect , ami bis begetting 0} g>onne(Irip(if 31 map fo terme it) is mo?e im»am,d)&i ail ttje b)fe sings ann begettings \nljid) itae comntonlp fee, o? tfcan anp otber ft at toe can imagine* Mo tue cal Ijim Logos,ta!j iclj fome tranflate Word o? Speech,ano odjerfome Reafon.Cpdjer of dpfe fignifi* raions is ojninarp to tbe toojn Logos,ann agreeable to tfyat tofcicfc is intenncn to beCgniften cftercbp 5 fo favre fcojd) as nim'ne djings ran be ejtpjeflen bp dje fp&d) of man, m&n tee call fjim g>p&dj Lookc in the o? dOojo, it is accojning to dje Doctrine of t\)t p.)ilofop!)ers?toijo 1 2. chapter of l;atte marfceo tbat djere is in man a nubble poed) ; dje one in $e M^ri%tri" mpntr.,tobid) tf^rp rail tfje in&arn g>pMj, ipo^tcl) toee concepue a-- mafda! ^ fo je toe utter it;,ann dje otijer dje founning image tfeereof,tolju# is frtceren bp our moud) ann is termen dje gjposclj of dje Ocpce ♦, ep* tijer of bad) dje toljidj toe perceptte at euerp t»o?u djat &ee intern* to pronounce : iwbicb d)ing djofe foffiie migijt pet mud) better ob* ferue,tobid)ban neuerieamen anpLanguage,becaufedjep fbouln notceafe to Ijaue djofeintoaro Concepts in d)emfeittes[d)ougIj fyzy couln not fpeafte] f 0? dje toitte 0? annerftannrng nod) bp ann &p concepue an intoaroe @>p#rf) bppon djedjing tofjirij is otferen ^ ua imto it , ann begcttcd) 0? tyoened) djat concept in our mpnne as it j^c£Z(u. toere bp a funnein flaifr of Iligfjtnimfcann aftertoaro our mpnn bt= thneperfun- tcredj it moje at lepfurebp tbe bopce, d)e tofndj bopce ( nottoitfc ditanhmm. Canning) is bnable to repjefent 0? eicpjefle f intoam fepeeft per= ;hntisjof^* fectlp : infomud) djat mee fee manp men tiaue a great number of ^U2hthp^d>oftl)emou{^ aim tbe R^yM^ g>peedj of tlje mpnn 5 tfte life p?opo?tion is betto&ne tfte fep^dj ^wJf*j^ of tbe mpnn3ann tbe ^paecf) of tbe tmne r^aoing* Cbe bopce bat^ thc mynTreJ neene of ap?e,ann is niutnen into paits,ann required) lepfttuer^be foncdi or de- Sppnn in n^ne is bnniuinable, but pet fjatl) it n&b of tpme to patTe ba«th,and fa fro one codufianoj reafon to a:tot!jei\ Tut as foi v bnnerflaning, Rcafon iy'ne ttaccomplifijet^fs action 0? tooling in leOetlian a moment, ann Shof^ toit^ one onelp act natl; fc ©l t^e laea&n ann mpniy&at it is coir^ uyld. £0 ©FTHETREVVNE5 (trepnen to make many arts of one* &nn ting uiucrfftie map euerp man marke in btmfe{f,nottintbftanning tljat all tljefc acts feeme to be none togetljer like djunner ann ligbtmug,.}3oU) t!jen,tlje fato Conception o) Concept urijiclj ^onsbnnerltanningljatb concept .iteu euer'aftinglp tn fcimfelfe, toeecaUg-pcedj o? cao^toljirf) it ft e perfect image of bis bnncrftanning, ann G3ons tmnerftanning, to ®oo (jimielf ♦ atfolaee call tt Scafcn3becauft Seafon is as pe Xnotitn Tap tije Daug&ter, fepaclj oj niojnc oftbebnnertfanning, ann toe fap tjjatjbp tl>e fame @>peeeb 02 toojn,<£on mane al tljings,. ir o?3 ass tije Craftfman maketlj b& ttw?fce bp tije patterne tobtcf) %z ban rvtt concepuca in W mpnne , labiclj patterne is bte tntnarD luojmfo ©on mane tije 2Bo2ln ann all tljat is tljetein,bp tljat faptt ^>peerij of bis as b)> bis imaarn f kill oj arte, JF 0? be being but one, t oncepuetlj all tljings bp concepuing ljimfelfe*Co be fljo?t5tue can fjtm alfo fyz (UHifenome of tbe if atljer , pea, ann etten meerelp ana ftmplp Uufenome , Sro^ CtCtf fenome(euen in man)is notbing eliS tut a fjauiout pjoceening of outers Concepts 0? intoaro fpserijes* ftljerebp our mpnne is perfetten in tljeknotolenge of Ijigb tljings* Jf2oto,ut yet it cannot bee senpc n, but tbat tbc'Beatfesbauea fenOtitte appetite tofollotte tbe tbing tabid) tbeir feenr e taftetf) bolo of to fee g©n fo? tbenu©en alfo noe rtmne toritb all tf>eic batts after tbe djinc^ &biclj $ep fuppofe to bee gcon fo? tbem, tobetber it bee bono?, ricbes o? pleatae ♦ 3 an tbe mo?e tbep ftno&e it 0? fttnfcf tbemfef ues to fuwtoe it, ilje mo?c noe tbep peclo tijetr toillbnto it: ann tljemo?e tbep boln ann poflelTc tberof, tbe mo?e is tbeir feart fettleo tberebpom SDnlp tbeir imnerftannmg being beftritdjen Op tianitie, is neceptfullp n?itten to cljafe tlje eutU fo? tbe g©tj;bp meant* toberof,tbe mill &Ijicb ougbt to be nifcreet e ann fun of toit ann tmnerftanning,is fo?ceo of neceffitie to ncgene* rate into flefblp ann beaftlp luit ^be Sngelles litoife(as fap tbe i9bi!ofopbers)baue aifo a toill, ann mucb mo?e ftmplp one # mo?e liuelp tfoan ourS*3nn as by tbeir bnnerif anntng tbep imolu tbe be* rp gcon it felf,tljat is to trie ©on;fo baue tbep tbeir tmtl euer fettlea on bim alone,toitbout turning it aCne to anp of a(! t!je great mttfc tituneof obiertS ttrberontoe be front to fet our mpnos*Jl2oto,fball not be fnmfelf baue a toill, tobo batb giueu toil* to al lining tbings ann imp?inteo it in tbem «: Sinn be tbat bad? imparten fo manp be* nefites to alltbings,to fomemo ann to fome leflfc^atfrnot be (fajr 3i)beffoU)en tfjofe benefits toppon tbem toillinglp ? 9nn be tuitlr tbe beboloing of tobom $ bleflenoeff Spirits no feeoe tbeir toillesy fcatb not be tbe pleafure of contenting bimfelf tb?ougblp limb bntt felfe, feeing Ije fcnotoetb bimfelfe perfectlp *t 3nn tofeat els is tbis pleafure,tban Ml fulftllen, pea cum fillen to tfce full tmtb t\^t true 0©n tabid* fufficetb to bimfelfe, tabid) is tbe onelp peculiar tbmg fobereon tijt berp bnll reftetb in o#ne *: 3gaine,tbe nature of l»t(t is to applpe all abilities to tljeir actions* ^o no purpofe baue boee ljearing5if tnee lit! not to beare,-to no purpofe baue W figl;t3if tnee lit! not to fee; to no purpofe baue toee abilitie to noe tbings,if loee lift not to noe tbem » Snn tbis appearetb naplp in ail our noings, tobicb neuer come to effect, till tljtv be quic^enen ann put fcojtb bp^ tbe toil! ♦ 5But toe fee tbat ©on \)iti) applpen bis potoer to t\)t no* ingof manp tbings , pea of tbings infinite ann mfinitelp niuers^ Cberefo?e it follometb tbat be liiten to noe tbem, ann tbat be Iiftea to mafte one t\)i\\S t0 mz ^n^e ann another to anotber , ann one of tbem fo? anotber , ann finallp all fo? bi'mfelfe , ann fo confequentlp tf)ttl)zl)atf) atoitL 9nn tl;is totUCfo farre as W be able to nifcerne it by tbe effects)is a muyn abilitie toljerbp be applpetb bis tuojfc* M potoer, UJ^en^to^ere^ ann fcoiofje tl;mfeert; gconj gupning ann petfbjmingj 6% OPTHBTRIWKES performing it at coding to bis ototte mpn^botobett tljat tfje cftfeft act thereof is perfojmeo toitljht it fclfe* JlSeueitbdefl^tbte is fpo* fccn altoatejsf after tbe matter of mem if oj if toe batte mud) a ooe to fcifccrne tlje uiffereuce bcttomz tbe abilities of ££*iil ana ftn&er* Canning in our otone @>oules,bp reaftm of t&dtnfcing of djem to* getbenmucft moje reafon is tc tbat in tbis riTencc nf (Son tobicb irf iho(E fingle5ano infinitely mo?e one tbtoe fgmdD name aH djefe tljings to be but one inbim5nottoitbff"mm;;g i%n tbep nifftr in certepne refpetts*(Son fcnnerffannetk but 3! fcatte toln pou,d;at to be anii to bnoertf ann is all one in ljim ♦ 2Kb (Sou totHetJ o? li* Stztb ; but to toill ana to totnerftann ace ifkttuift betb one in bim: ann fo all tb?ee come into one eflenre [ tfcat is , bee afl one tijing j Cbe rcafon fjereofts! berp euinent : jtameip^tbat toilliug e? iittmj tsf no mo?e an action tljacpaireri; into tbe cuttoatD t&in&tfjan an* nertf anning i^buc abinetl; (h'fi in tbe SKiller* jfa? l?p our lifting of a tbing,toe map perceiue fome alteration in our felues;but p tbut£ ft felf tbat is liffen o? toillcD feeletlj nothing rfjereof. J3oto,31 baue pjouen beretofo^tbat toljatfoeuer is o? reffetb in pirit,tbi£ £oumpeire,oj tbfa g©otoill3bee alfo actually euerla* Ctng+Spo?eouer,tf)e toill ejtenoetb a^ farre ag tbe bnoerftanoing: fo j ( as 31 b^ue fayo afo?e } toil! ano bnoerftanoing are botb one in oog efTence, f of tbat eflence* can notbing p?oc#oe lu^tdj fa not bfa efTence* 'SDberefoje fy fa not onely coetemafl ano coequall^but alfo coeflfcntialU 3game,toee fee tbat tn b£,tbere goetb altoaieg fome act of tbe fcnoerftanoing afb?e t(?e act of our toill; fo? f caufe toby to toill tbmgs^fa tbat toe tbinft toee bnoeritano tbem;, aim tote oefire tbem fa? tbe gooo tobtrb toee perceyue m tbem# tbeloueof a tbmg cannotbe in tbelouertbere- of, but bppon bfa Knototng of tbe tbmg loueo ; nettber fa toill any tbmg efa tban appetite, b?eo oftmoetftanomg* ^be tbtro perfotr tbertfcue pjoc&oetb fromtbe firff,not only bv tije toil!, but alfo b$ tbe bnoerltanm'ng,ano by tbe ^ototoge tobicb tljc bnoerffv^omg ty&oetb * 3no becaufe it p?occeoetb of ttoo,ano not b^ toay of re* femblance,but bv act of (HStll; toe termebtm Proceeding ano not Begotten ; tobtcb fe m effect tbe reafon of all tbat ties taugbt te itt fte Cburcb conremmg tbat matter* jl5ottottbUanomg, tobcreag toeefay tb^ti^z action of anoertfanonig goetb afo^e^eaction of iKJiU;our meaning i$ not to tmagine any going afoie ax comming after in tbefe perfon^; but ondy to fay fojtb tbtjs p^oreeoing b^ tbe o?oer of Mature , )j^id) toee coulo not bane oone fo tocll by tbe ttmt^ of tbe matter: ag iftoee (boulo fay^tfsnt tbt^onite ia confc nereo afo^e tbe boly <8b<*% in like maner ag ^ feototng of a ttjtngr goetb afo?e tbeoefireof it , feecaufetbat if tbey cculo l;aueIjao any iegnwmg^je j§)OJtne fyto bin fcjmottm$at cate; m 64 OFTHETREWNES Ate touching name3,toe caHfcim nta£?3montp tty tjolp <8f)oft«, J \ubercbp be & toTremeb from al otljer SbpintStanb ©boft oj 4pt* Eit>becaufe tee commonlp caHtfcofc Cfcings 2Dptrics,tlje beginning 7. ihyuzTK* OfUrtjofemOUtngtefcntaO^ ginning is bnfmotoBe bnto &S: tlje bjeatijing of tlje 5>eartftrings3 ijjtrbp^ocoe^etijfi-am an itttoattj beginning tljat is Ijtooenftoin H0;anD fucb oti;ec tljing&anlii to be Oja^becaufe rfat in ail tfcinga inljtc!) baue life , tbe tnbaarae foc3cc pjocafljetfc from fomefcjmae of fowii bp a cenepne Spirit* 38obi,as fo? loue, it i^ noting; els but a ceitepne couert fiajetoattmeiTe 0} fcojtfjgoing of#e t,uii totoaross tlje tWng tljat 125 loueo ; infonmrb tljat tfje berp bmfitz &biclj toe recepae bp bis loue , is a fecreee ana infenftble tijiougbbzeatbtng, tuljiclj toojketb in bs, $ pet toe cannot &ell peirepue from mbence it coatmetlj*3gaine5t»ce call ijim alfo Loue ami Cfjaritie^becauft all tbe actions; of ttull ace in lout ana Hiellplung as in tljm ronne of tbe JFatber) lip t&e euerlafting intoojfting of W Onberftanbing ; fo alfo baue tuee ©on of (0ob againe (tbat is to tutt , tbe Ijolp ©boll 0} loue of tbem botlj ) b^ tlje topnttoojking of tbe ftnberftanbing ano &[TiIl togetljer* $3berebpon to conclube tljjee biftind: pctfons oj 3!nbe* ings in oneeffence; not to ejcclube tbe OnglenefTe thereof toljicb it beljouetlj bS to bolo ffill ; but to ejepjefife tlje biuecfitie thereof aftec a fo^to^id) ougljt not to bee bnftnotone; namelp tbe potocr of tbe whftdui iTatljer^tbe toifebomc of tlje S>onnc , $ tlje gcobnelTe of tbeir loue; whom! l ^ fo? tobom, bp tobom3 anb in to!;om, it l;atb pleafeo tlje fapo onelp one bnfpeakable elTence to create ano to loue all tbingS* Three Pcrfons jgut tbereis pet mo?e5namelp,tljat as tbere are t\)>et 31nbeingsC and no mo. 0? pcrfons in tijis elTence ; fo alfo tljere can bee no mo but tfyee: toljiclj tbing map be mabe euibent b]> tbe fame reafomSQbofo be=j npetb tbat tljere is ftnoerflatibing ano tOili in ©on as toeetaue feene afo?e,muft alfo benpe ftat be batb maoe anp tbing^o? tbat be fcotb anp tbing : foz all tlje tbings mljiclj toee fee bere beloloe, are merkeobot^toirtjtl^oneanb moid; tljeotl;ci\ HikeU)ife,betbat ronfelTet^ OF CHRISTIAN RElIGI.ON. £? confcfTetb tfjat an tbingsare m irim, (aecojning to tfjetr p?eacbmg tonto bS) muff n&oes aifo coufeflfe tlje feonne ana tbe Ijolp (Sbcft, to bee tfic toifeoome ann tbe louc ; fo? tftcp bee but actions of tftofe ttoo5tobicb cannot be toitbout tbeir action; neither can action bee e* uerlaftinglp anp tobere els tban in (Son Ijtmfeif. jftoto, as toe can not imagine (Son toitbout big! actions; fo can toee not confinec anp titber tljan tljofe to abpne m bim 5 no? confequentlp anp otber Urn nerbeings tbat piocoene from tljence; toberebpon toe fap alfo,tbat a fourtb perfon cannot be aomitten*9s fo? e^ample,toe fap be is fyz Creato?,ann toe fap true; ann in fo faping toee finne aifo a relation to tbe Creatures ♦ %\xt tljis potoer of Creating p?oceenetb from tbe poioer tobicb is in fyz if atber^ano is not an action tljat abioetfo (till tottbin bim , b\xt pafletb nirectlp into tbe tying creates > \xfyiti) in tefped of tbe Creato? > is as notbing in comparifon of infinite* ire(Te3tobereof it cannot bam tfje p?eljeminence* 9lfo toe fap fee i$ a Sbauiourtann tbat is all one toity tlje otyer* jf o? Ijis being a S>a* *iiour,is bp Ijis g>omte3as toe lljall fee hereafter ; ann mo?eouer, it ts an action tbatpalletb into t^z tljingfauen, ann abpnetl) not in ou!e; but toe refrrre t^oft fkflles ann al ortjer Ifte,tmto WLit ann ^tllteuen fo ann mucb mo?e acco^ning to rea* fon^of all tbz too?kes ann noings tobicb toe fee none bp (Sons po* toer, toe cannot gather anp otfcer perfons o? inbeings m ^im,tban C t^ofe 66 OfTHITREWNBS tfjofe tofndj p?oces&e tmmematlp of W Onoerffar *mg am WHO; ann alonlp tljofe ana none od>er can be Coeflentiallm tjmt, jftoto, Sln&erftanbinganb mojeouer,tbe flUojo oj g>peertr concepuetb not auotber g>potb5 but turned; to^rsllp bnto tbe f&* rijer ; neidjer Dot!) dje pirtt concepue anotber loue tban djelotte of djofe ttoo^but reft etb ann repofed) it felf altogetber in tbem,S>o tfjen,tbere can bttt one onelp toojo oj fpeecb p?oc*tie bp tbebimer* banning, no? but onlp one Loue pjoceeoe bp tbe (EJt'U ? neidjer can anp odjer pjoc&oe of djat CBojo aim rtjat loue ♦ 9no fo djere re* ntapne bnto bS dje onelp tfea perfons of tbe Jfad;cr,tbc g>onne, aim tbe Ijolp (Sljoff ; bp tbe tobicb ttoo, tlje jfatber gouemetlj ann iouedj all djings,becaufe lie btmfelf alone is an dungs* jftoto, as toe baue reao in nature ttjae tbere is but one 6oo,as Trac« of the & tljtng toljirfj toe finoe tojttten mm in d>e leaft creatures : fo map Trinitie iti the toe noto percepue dje euioent featffeps of d;e tb?# tnbeings 0} per* world and in fong nj 01tt eflence , as a marfce of tbe toojker djat mane d)em , in Man- fome rnojc ami in fome lefle?atcojoing to tbeir otgmtic^ tobid; pet nottoitbttan&ing are fuck a* ^e coulo not toell perceinttbemjbn* till tbe Doctrine tbereof toas reuealeo bnto &s,no moje tfjan toe carc tm&erftano tlje letters of Cppljering,trf}irfr toee tm neitber rea&e no? &ecppljer,bnleire toe \)mz fome knotoleoge of f matter tob tdj t&ep impo?t,from otfjer folfees fcamiS,oj bp conietture, oj bp fome otber toap ♦ Witt fame an Qnitie in all things , pea etien intbofe tobicb baue but onlp beings oj all rijings are inafmurfj as tljep be cineraim tobenfoeuer tf>ep cealfe to bee tbat one, tbep confequentlp realle alfo to be* £gaine,toe fee in d;em a fojme oj ff>ape,am> tbat IS tbe marfce of rfjat tuttfull action(djat is to fap,of rfjc euetMmrj Cao?o 0} Concept toberebp (Sob maoe tbem) tobicb bad; b^eo btf tbe elTentiall fo^me o? fi>ape 3 ano all otber maner of formes antr tbapes * 3lfo toe fee an inclination o? oifpoCtion,in fome moje ap* parant tljan in otberfome;tn fome to mount aloft,as in ftre;in fome to fincfte ootone totoarbS tfje Center, as in a ^tone ; ano m all, to f)Dln rijemfelues bmteo in tbeir matter 9 fojme^bts i$ tftc marke of tt>e too?kfun mm , toberein <&oo batb boutfafeo to Itoope bnto tljemjaim oftbebnion tobicb p^oc^tjetb tbercf, toberein be louetlr, fcpljol&etikfr p^eftruerf) all ri)inrjs3ut mm in fome of tbe tbtngs of tbis baceft fo^tjtbere appearetb not onelp a trace, but almoft ait image thereof ♦ iro? , dje feurate b^eetietb 0? begettetb bis otone kames>toI;iri;d^lpoets Doe call tljeberp fonnc ofe^e&unne: ann OF CHRISTIAN RELIGION. Gj ann from tiem ttoo pjoeecneti tie ligit , toi id; imparted) ft felfe to all tiing* iere beneatb ; ann pet fc not tie one of tiem afo?e tie nt^er; fo? nettljer icf tieunne afojeiiss beamesf, no? tiegmnne oj bte beamed afoje tie ligit, otiertoifetian in confioerationof ojner ann relation, tiat te to tout, as in refpect tftat tie beamed are begotten ann tie ligit it pjoceeoing; toiici te an apparant image of tie Coeternitie«JLiketoifein <^ater$,t»eiaue tieieao of tiem in tie earti , $ tie §>p?ing bopling out of it, $ tie ftreame toljici Thc ^j^ is mane of tijem boti ann fieanetb it felf out farre of from tience* the spring,** 3[t is but one felfefame continuall ann imfeparable elfence , tulji'c^ the tot iati neither fojenefffc no? aftewelfe , faue onlp in ojner ann not in ^pme, tfjat is to fap, accojoing to our confineringof tt,iauingre* fpettto caufe$,an& not arrowing to trueti ♦ jfoj, tie flBelljean i$ not a iran,but in refpett of tie g>pjing;noj tie fepjing a fepung, but in refpect of tie ftHelieatynoj tie Streame a <§>treame,but in irefprct of tiem botfoann fo all tijee be but one $Hater,ann cannot almofl be confineren one tottliottt anotier,iotobeit tiat tie one i* not tie otier*3|t i* an erpjeiFe marft of tie ojigmall relation* ana perfous CoeflentiaHintieottlp oneetifenceof ©on^ielifce t* to bee fapn of 4f ire , tobici ingennjeti fire, ana iati in it boti ieate ann fyigitnefle imfeparable* 3lfo tiere are otier examples to bee founn of ficci a* lid to feefee tiem out ♦ 3[n Ipeatbes ann plants* tiere is a roote , toiici peeloeti a flippe, floefce oj pmpe, ann tie famepmpe grotoeti aftertoarn into a Eree*3lt cannot toellbe na* men 0? neemen to be a roote,but tiat tieretoiti it iati alfo ingen* tyen an pmpe o? ftocke^fo? in tiat refpect is it eadeo a roote, ann fo to tie one as fame a* tie otier* 3lfo tljere is a fappe infjiclj p affeti from tie one to tie otier, iopning,lmitting,ann bniting tiem to* getier bp one common life,toitbottt tie toitci ltfe,neitier tie rente ftoulo bee a r bp annbp ttyougbknoti)lenge,tiere pjoceeneti a naturall loue ann affection from tie one to tie otier* toitcilmttteti ann linfceti tiem togetier*3ll tiefcaretraces/cot* ffeps5ann imager, (iotobeitfcntb tie groflTeft ) of tiat itgi mtfte^ rte^ann alfo 31 iaue toln pou afo?e,tiat no effect noti fullp refetnble iis cau(e,ann muci leKe tl;at caufe toiirf? in all refpectgi i$ moft in* finite* 6% OFTHETREWNIS JfSottottbttanomg, tn titans AouIe9 (toben3ffapfi>ott&y31 meane tljere tbe bigbefc tiotoer thereof) fyz image ano likeneffe of tbe ^rinitie & pet mttci) mo?e Ipuelp ano mo?e e^efle* jFoj firit tijere is in it a jQature $ abilitie of too?fting,ano ag it toere a mere act , thereby tt liueti) ano giuetb Ipfe r ano is tt felfe in continual! mMxgMty Latins call tt Mem[$>at i* to Tap Sppno]^ toe call tt alfo tl;e reafonable g>oule , tbe \xfyid) toee map Uften to ttje jf a* tfjer^fei q&pno bieeoetb an tmoerffanoingo;* ^ttjbp tije tobiclj ' toe bnoertf ano ano titfceme y not onelp otljcr tbings , but aifo out lilies ; ans agate bp totoerftanoing toe come to toiil3tljjougb tbe tobtcb toe Ioue otljer tbings>ano moff of tbem fo? our otone fafces* ^befetl^apotoer^aitberptitllmrtmlj^tfo^toeetoc^e not al* toapes bp aBit,not altoapes b^ mn\y ano pet our rcpno toojfcetfc nntimtallp* $g)o;teouer,oftentpmes toee toiil t\)z rijtng tofy'cb toee tonoerffano not,ano toee bnoerffano tbt tfjtng tobtctj toee toiil not* Sno tljerefo je to totfl ano to tmoerffano are not botb one* jSeuer* tbeleOetbis t^fttng?£tnoerftanoingano C2Mmg3are not tb?& Ipucsf 0} ttyk Joules in&S , but one Ipfe ano ouie , ano tijat ft ftrettlp tmiteo in once efTence, rijat mm tn tbe fdffame inftant rfjat our mino ootlj a tbing,tt alfo bnoerttauoetb tbe reafon tobp it toil* letb itoj totUeri) tt not,tn tobtcb tooike botb our intoojfung potocr ano aifo our tott ano our toill ooe concurte all togetljer* £>et not* tottbffanoing,tbis image is farre from tbe tbiug tt felfe* jFo? tbefe tb}& potoers are feuerall in tbe tftmtz of our pottle ; ano botoe,. n#tlp fo etter tbep be bntteo together , ^zt is not tbe one tlje otber; $5ut in ©oo tobo is moll finglp one,^ring is £Jnoerftanomg,an& tmoerftanomg is toill,as 31 bauefaio afo?e* 3no agame3bp <£oos traoer&moing ano bp bis toiil tbere pjoc&oe from tym ttoo 31nbe= tng$ , b^ reafon toljercof Ijeempnoetb ano louetb btntfelfe, ano m Ijtmfelfe all tfjtngef* 3gi fo? our &oule tijere can no fucb ibing p?o^ tmz fiom tt bv t\)t tott oj tlje totll , becaufe altbougb ftep be botft in it, pet tfjep iekt ttjefr grotmog from tottbout tbemfclue^ , tnfo^ mud; tljat tt can neitljer bnoerftano noi loue, ijulelfe tlje abilities tbereof be fet atoo&tng b^ fome outtoaro tljtng* 9no tobicf) mo?e tgjdje mo?e it fcnoerfranoetb it felfe^tbe mo?e ootb it ftreine it felfe to unoeraano ano fcnotoe anctber tban itfelfe : ano tlje mo?e it lo^ uetl) it felfe tb?oug!j true fcnotoleoge of it felfe , tlje mo?e oootb it (tike contentment bp louing another , tobt'cl) otljer it cannot loue but bp bating it felfe ; tbat i# to toit , it lh:epnetb it felfe too beljoto anD loue (So^rnui to fcuotoe ann loue it feife but onl? fo? \)i$ fake, to i OF CHRISTIAN R!ll€lON. ** to uj&ome alonlp it belonged) to fcntjeraani^ll things in frfntfdfe, ana to loue all tbinga of feimfclfe* 5?ut nujb it 10 Ijigij time ience* fco^tli to fittaljat antiquftfe toullfap to tig concerning t&ig matter, rbaialnd) ft Mbe better ft? nsf.td referue to tlje nej* Chapter ftl* Jotoing, 9no a^ touching tlje qucltion^ tijat map bee mane bp tfce curious fo?t bppon tljt0 popnt^e auifeere tljem at oitt too?u •, let tljem tell us ijolu tlytv tbemfeluesrare b^eu ants begotten, anr> tljen Jet tljem affee M of tlje begetting of tlje <§>onne of 6ot> : let tfjent* tell &s ttje nature of tlje fpirit tljat beatet!) tn t&eir pulfcg ; ant> ttjg let tljem bee inqttifitiue at our fjant^ ft? tlje presetting of tljeljolp (Sboft^ 8itti if tljep muft be fapne to tepe fiienct tn fo comen mat* ter^tobidj tljep aaplp fe ann ftele in tfjemfe&eief ; let tljem giue b£ ieaue to be ignorant in man? tlringg.,toljicl) ate fucl)(as faptij Em- pedocles)a$ no 'tgz Ijatlj figtu^to; tare &eart>3n°? tout of man can *oncepue* The vj. Chaffer. That the Philofophie of old tyme confenteth to thifdoo trine of the Trinitie. Grelp (ag 31 fjaue fapt> afo?e ) tins tiortrine tg not tyes of mang b?ame,tljougb it be papnteo tbttt after fomefojt; buttoag berelp rcfp#£5 into our fojefatbers from aboue,ttljdf(a£ fait!) I Plato)\uere better tljan toe,ano nerer alfo tm* I to (Sou ♦ 3n& in gtou fcotlj toe fee an infallible ! arguntent thereof 5 in tfjat tbe el&er tlje toojto t£roftet!j3t!je mo?c no mens; octtrineg grotn to perfection $ imoto- lenge ♦ 3£ttt contrarptMf£,ti)e furtljer tljat tljtss bat!) gone from tlje former age^tlje mo?e Ijatl) it bin fount* aarftenct^ feat& noftijere bin fo iigbtfome ag at ttie toelfpjing tbereofjbntill tljat bp tlje bird) of tlje true aapfonne in nttot^it recepucn greater ligbt tljan euer it Ijau aftie* 9nti tfcrefoje toben Plato , pea ann A riftotle Ijimfelfe fpeafce of tlje (55o&ljeat>,of tlje Creation of i%t £2Jo?fo,ans of otljer li&e $ptfferte0;t!jep fce fapne to afienge t!je amxtitnt repo^tjanti tbe teco?u of antiquitie Defcenuen from Ijanu to !;ann3 as p furelt l!affe i 0 fiano bp in mattery tfjat m&bz tlje capacctie of man ♦ JKajutj C 3 t!;ing Plato In his Phikbus. Plato.lib.3.of his Common- wcale:andlib. IO.& 12.0f Lawes. Arifto.lib.i.of Heaucn.&lib> 1 2. of his Mc- taphifiks. Plotin often. Sec, TO OFTHETREWNES The Chaidies t])ii'$ ^ *Wcir* ^"WrAp *V t&efe uJcecbeS, According to the heard fpcake olc* Sav/e > as tnc auncientcll reports goe, As our forefathers of tlicTrimtie. and Eldei s fay,an0 fact) (fW+3motig tbeftnten ofti)c atmeftiteft zoroaii.es. fef , tbe firft t&at taee me'ete tattb is Zoroaftres ,to!jom Plutarkc riutarke ia his repo?tcdj to fcatte inter? ccttcpne tljaafaaDfiS of peres afoje p tuarteg andoi^s * Troy. JBttimWWtt^ «po?t of tbe beft 3ut&0]KJ5be Defcem>ea Plinicand A- of Cham, ana bias UauquxfljcH bp Nynus fetftg of tbe AfTyrians. riftotk beare fflf Inm came Hjz Magies,tbat fas to fap tbe (Qltfemea of Chaldey, wmeffc that ai1i3 from tijem fputttg tip tbe i&e in Perfia,tobo baa m tbeir cuifru n booted *te tl)Z T^fo** of $e ^S* of tfjofe nates, $ nnate tbeir sorts, ny ( ann baa tbe ozocrmg of matter pmefctag to Sfceligt0tu3ffl> noto marfee lu&at t»e finu m tlytvc fapings gatljereo bp men of olD time, •noivTct tfe- totyrfj are camm jU|p caijell Logia,tIjat to to fap ©jacles* The fa- T&tri thx- ther (faptb Zoroaftres ) did perred: all things, and gaue them TH(*tg v£ to a fecond Mynd whom all mankind taketh for the firft.StolJ ireLqi&G&M Pletho Gemilhis a Platonift faptb , tljat bv tljts fecond Mynd, At ure?2. &e meanetlj a (econn ©*& tobicb fuccsftctf; tbe jf atber , aim barb picthoGcmi- bfe begetting of rtje tfatber ; ana tfmt mm baue taken bint foi tijc ftus. fir8,becanfe ©on creates ti>e 2£to?fo bp bmt,botobeit tbat t!>e jfl a* % tljer creates tbe mpntrtp fbape05antr gaue t!je gouemment of tbetn t k TraT^oc t0 t{j ^ feconTJ $9pntu |>e fee tben bere is a feconn perfon begotten aAKHccA$€- cftbe jratljer* Proclus re'jearfetl) tbe fame, faping;Thf5 Mynd $a/A$u2K hauing alone taken the flower of Vhder (lading from thepo- w* av6^. wer of the Father,pofTefleth the vnderftanding and power ta deale foorth his Fathers vnderftanding or mynd to all Ori- ginalles and all Beginnings of things, ^benb^tlj IjeijtsS being ano bis bnberi&m&mg from tbe jf atber, ans all otbet t\)it\%$ faue tt;em from bmt3ttt tbe ti)in$$ W^l) are fauna in b& Comment Prociusiib.z. tarie upon tbe parmemae* of Plato are toomjcrfulf > & 3.vpon pia- ^ tbe better p^toing of tlje fence mbereof, 3i toffltvanflate it «oes panncm- ^nt0 p?0fe3nottoitb0ani>ing ^ it be Iwjittcn in ucife m tbe (Br&ke* The Mynd of the Father ( faptb l)C ) being fettled by determi- nate purpofe, did (lied foorth (hapes of all forts ; which iHued all from one felfefame fountayne, becaufe the deuife and end were both of the Father.But yet were they diuided by a Fyrc. ofvnderftanding,and (as it were by deltinie) diftributcd into other vnderftandings . For afore the making of this fundry- fhaped world, God had conceyued an incorruptible patterne thereof, as a world fubieel: only to mynd and vnderftanding:. In the mould whereof this prcfent World being (tamped,be- came Of CHRISTIAN RELIGION^ 71 came Full of al thole fliapes,of the which there is but one on- ly gracious Fountaine. £us againe in another place fje faptrj ag foilotoerfu ^{jat fa to fap. The loue of God being a fyrie bond , hTued firftfrom his vnderftanding , and clothed it feife with fire to temper the conueyances of the waterfprings , by fpreadiug his heate vpon the fame.^fjefc are tvjetr acruftomeo obfcurtttes; taberein (nottottbffantung) ft fa clerelp enough btteren,tbat tbere fa a jFatrjer5a omte,ami a Jtoue rtjat Imfcetb tfjem together : ana mo?eouer,tl)attfje fapo begotten $$yx& o? fllnuertfanmng fa Ije bp tobom 3m tbat l;etoa3ttjougbt able to blefTe jftattong ano 3rmies* 3no tbefe Chaldies are tbe fame of tobom tbe ©jacfe of Apollo auftoeres, CJac onlp tljep ano tlje Hebrewes ijao toifeoome parteo bettoijct tl;etm Mivoi ycsX^cthi o-ocpiccv A«^oV «c/T ctp, ISecctot* j4lltytfedo?ne certejfe parted is betrveene The Chaldies and the Hebrewes as isfeene. Mercurius Trifmegiftus (as tae Ijaue feene m tbe tOirti Cl;ap? Mercurie. ter) ad?nofeJcuge!i but on!p one (Dou,to!)o cannot WH bee nameo Thc -Egiptians but bp tlDD names, to tau% Good, ann Father . $n& beraufe tlje fame ®os i'g tnucvuet! tottj baser ftantsmg , fametpmes be cailetlj J)tm NcctD, botwbeit trjat moff conjmonlp be makes a SJifference be* mmt tfjc vf atfier mm i&e CLJntfCtgamjinc^txiijtcl; I;ecalietb gppnu e 4 htotfe* 7* OF t H fi t H IE VV N E S teefott'fc > mhitf) tying appear^) in tljte taping of bfe, I am Pce- 7hc xvStfm mander,the Feeder of Men , & the vnderftanding of the Beer Ti'ac vo'Jc- which is of himfelf.Bitt befeto fere rcco^tisi as ctere as can fee* of the felfebe- God(faptl) be)who is alfo Mynd, and Life,and Light,& Mak- ing in his Pee- female ; begace or bred Logon the Speech or Word, which is mandcrjcap.2. another Mynd,and the workmayfter of all things;& with that o A vju? o Speech,another which is the fyrie God andtheSpirite of the $ik «cej- Godhead.lo fere a qjtyiui beptte of a ©pn^anuerttanamg of ?o5h\ic,^v <3m>erffanDmv vout (Ah- & tfe fame tljincy tfjnft fe fpoken of m Moy fes , tofere ©od faptl;, ^pyov Sec. An^ tne waters immediatly brought foorth. 3£o be(l)3U5Uuta tljts felp fp&c!Xa$ be teemtb it) be atmbittetb tbe begetting;, m^ gean^mj^ f^eanmgf^iti) of aiding* from offpungto offpn'wk Nov; 7txt^ as & to be feene*7r>ut fere & pet moje: I thy God(faptb (&otOam t5 Ao'yS. Light and Mynd, of more antiquitie than the nature of moy* fture that is ifTuedfro the fhadow. And this lightfome Speech which proceedeth from the mynd,is the Sonne of God. That which heareth and feeth in thee,is the word of the Lord; and Mercury ailed- the Mynd is God the Father ; thefe differ not one from ano- ged bj Cyril, ther; and as for their vnion, it is the vnion of life, &c. 3nU 8* • Vi r ^ne : ^s sPcecn being the workman of God trie Lord of &iahisPce-n tne whole World,hath chiefe power next him,and is vncrea- mandercap.i. ted , infinite , proceeding from him , the Commaunder of all if wtivov things which he made,thc perfect & naturall firftborne Sonne 7r£ou,o*lccGx of the mod perfeel:. ^o be ifentybe called) tymy mpnMp fpacrf), •xxvTitek ^uerIatting,i3ncbatmgeabIe,unco)rttpttbie,l>tttucreafiiin:,btttiecrea^ vptyw®' fiti&aloitlp Itfte tym, ann firftbeknotane after ©otJ ; ana mojeouet fi i vvhjioc ^ om^ ®wmnc> W* toelbeloueu Sbamte > tfe <§>onne of tfe mod Jrtv, felp^tubofe name cannot be names bp mautb of man ♦ 3nn is not Moc'i ^ a2{ muclj asl t0 caI1 Wm CoeiTentfan,Coetei:naI,an& tlje Crea^ JVilo AHifiir t0? of aW tfwS^no tubat moje can u>e fap tfereof: ©f tbe tfeco parfon be fpeakctb ffltye narklp* Al kind of things Auto in'the m this World (fa** &*) are quickened by a Spirit ; One Spirit Prayer of Fme filleth all things ; the World nourifheth the bodies , and the Herefies. Spirit the Soules •, and this Spirit as a toole or inftrument , is Mercuric in his fabie&tothe will of God. 'But fere te pet fomeUibatmo^e* All Eicuiapius. things(fait!j &e)hauc neede of tliis Spirit ; it beareth them vp, OF CHRITSIAN RELIGION. 7? it nouriihcth thermit quickeneth them according to euery of their capacities : it proceedeth from a holy fount aine, and is the mainteyner of all lining things and of all Spirits, liperepee fe tbe teafou tubp tee call btm tbe Ijolp ©&ofte,nameIp,b*caufe be yjoccetseti) from tlje fountapne XoW) is tbe Deep bolp neffe it felfe* 3n& lead toe fljouln trjinkc bun to bz a £teatute3There was(faitb Mercuric™ his !>e)an infinite (hadowe in the Deepe, whereon was the water, holy Sermon and a fine vnderftanding Spirit was in that confuzed ma{TeinhlsPoem*'m*' through the power of God. From thece there rloriflied a cer- *•***•*• teine holy brightneffe , which out of the Sand and the moyft nature brought foorth the Elements and all things els. Alfa the Gods themfelues which dwell in the Starres , tooke their place by the direction &appoyntment of this Spirit of God. Cbus tfjen Ijee toas pjefent at tlje creation of tljmggi •> mm tt is tbe fame (pint tobereof it is fap& in tbe OBpble, Cbat tbe fpmt of tbe Gen.i . JLoja tyMtxzxi fepon tbe outftoe of tbe neepe* 'But in fome places be matcljetb all tfya pecfons togitbet.O lyfe(faptb be)faue that life Mercllrie in te which is in mee* O light and God the Spirit inlightcn mee Pcemander, wholy.O worker which beared: thy Spirit about,let thy word cap. 1 3. gouerne mee.Lord,thou art the only one God.giyaine, there irviv^ccTO-* was(faptb bO a light of vnderftanding , afore the Hght of vn^ (pop. derftanding,and there was euer a mind of the lightfull Mind, Nofig yoog and befides thofe,there was not any thing els than the vnion cp^Teivoc- of them by one Spirit vpholding all things : without which Cyrillus*. there is neither God nor A ngel,nor other Subftance: For hee gainft Tuk is Lord,Father,and God of all,andin him and vnderTiim are gentius. al things.9to batting fato fo(faptb Suydas)beatJtietb tbis plater* suidas in hi* I adiure thee 6 Heauen the wife woorke of the great God ; I Mercuric adiure thee 6 voyce which God vttered firft when he founded Movoyivovg the world ; I adiure thee by the onely begotten Speeche, and ta'yoJW by the Father who contcynethall thiiigs,&c.'Ebtte is no man but be tooulo too&nser to fe in tbis autboj tlje bcrp tooojes of §>♦ lohn : amj pet notimtbffamiing bis bcokes toere tranffatea bp tbe Platoniftslonfftpineafo^tbecomtngofotttiLo^ 3feftts CfgSfc 9nu it is no marttaple tbougb toe finn fapitt gs of bis in sitters pl& ces tobtcb are not tojitten in bis Poemander, remfftjering; tbat bee taote u?e ami tbiitie tbottlanti, fiitebuntyeo, ami fttte ana mzntit Ciolumcs5tbatis to fap Holies of papa* > as Jamblichus repoj* ramWichusin tetb^nn it is faio tbattbiSTrifmegiftus ofbertoife calleD Theut, his 3 9. chap. is tbe tone tl;at taugbt tbe ifcgiptians to reaa^ami tobtd; imien* ofMyfelie5* 74 OFTHETREVVN1S tea tljcm Geometric ana 3ftronomie, tabid) fceutDeu ^Egiptfnta partem, tolucb left ijt3rozcU)^rmm3ran:atn(louri*aoljDmg2iU)?tttcn Phcdon Mid m tm Pflta#5 ( tobtrb Proclus cepojtetb to bauebeene ftanmng Phiiebus. l l^iii in W tpme ^ )ano to b: ibcu , u>b;d; Ijao brae reputes aitn bo* Eufcbiusof nauo as a (Sod among; tbetmSnn it map be,djat tbe treble outer? DcmonOra- ^jitl) rtje ;£gipuans maoc U) calling bppou tbe Srft Beginner, ia°inbi; hus to^jm£: dW tcamteti dje oarfceneffe bepenn all knctolenoftbfce ten Chapti . tfjc Enfoph of tije Hebre\Yes,ant> d)e Night of tbe Orpheus,toa$ Produs vpon ftfll rcmapnmg bitto tbem, ofijcaJ btmnttte, dps fjaue pou feme Plato. {jolD Zoroafues ano Mercurie ijaue aunfaereo buto bS /tije one rhmafftUSthC fo? rtjc Perfians mx> Chaldeans,auo tije otljct fcn tbe £giptians. fai in matters oEiXSuDome^e ttife ouo#t to be bdeeueo foj ti;e tu!;oIe Ration* The aundcat j^^ j0t ^ comc t0 ^ Greekes. Orpheus tilndj t'S ti;e ami* orphels cientea of t!;em ali> as fame as be begumetlj to fpcake of tbefe mu rfivtouou ficric^5 fi0£^ ^(tann fo2moail)iitaI(i[)eari)ent(bfoIkeoutoftbe -a ' l,m^2(5 anD *&cn faP$ *&"* : Let t^ne e)re ^e vPon tne worc* °^ ^ , ^Jy f ; God , and ftart not away from it , for that is it that made the Avi uLTberebpon Pherecydes alfo faptb , Cbat (Son tntenbmg to ' / «c ma^c ^e luo^r,e » t^witgeo Inmfelfe into loue. SJttixi Iamblichus Orohin Ar- ftP^ tl^at Pythagoras bau djepb^ofopbte of Orpheus alUiapeS gonaut. More W epcss ; ano tfjerefene tt is not fo^ bs to ttpomiet , tljougft phenxydes in be attutbutto d)e creation of al tbmn;s to CTifoomCjTCas Proclus Proclus. repcntctb)commcntiCu tbiee (3otiS tegttber in one.as Plato Dot!)* f r"fb°ookc of' £WutetCc ft* cafc •*" ^ Ariftotle fapetb, tbat to f^icvcn all Hcaum C° tjjeir jcrfcmoni3jjout&2«, 9noParmenidesbtDfetBDli)iieIouc as CHRITSIAN HEIIGIOK, m bp Numerous tl)t Pythagorift, Zcno iijt fatbcr of ttjc Scoiks, ^w'Tisw acknotolespo tbe toaja to be a^cj^miD alfa ity Spirit of Iupiter, ^w * 0O!D is a mpnse, a$j tfja: in tfre $n$ Alcinous reyouetb tfcat Socrates anil Plato taujljt tijat <, - fame t^eve t^s a ccttains 3fn(bapr, [J M , iuyicb 3m0)ape as in tefpect of 0on3t5 tljeimottleogeiubtcb ®o& in refpect of tbe to^l«3e , is! tbe patterne o? TflS> r Cpjuio thereof; aim in refpect of it felfe •, isfcerp edence* &bfe m plo^n- §J* feujetoo^g contepttetb imtdj ntatt£i*,tfjat i£ to lint, tbe one eftence chap4?! W y%\)i&<&Mbz%zttet\)byi\)Z conf&eriffcg o?knoDain£^of(jtntfeIfc5 zenotheftoifc a&tyrtrflRf to tljaiutterne tubereof be ljT!t(jbuplTjeDtbeU)o?In.Dttt Aidnous con- vet Plato bitnreil i fpeafteil) mo?e plapnlp in bis Epinomis.Euery c^m!"g thc Starre ( favtb be ) keepeth his courfe according to the order p^1"^0 vrhich(hotogos)fIje ^Ito^^at!ifet,tMbicl)ti3o?nbe caaetb Moft piaVinhis e. diuine, 3Jn bte booke of Commontocaftfjes cafietb Ijim ti;e begat* pinomis. tenonne of tbe 6a3t!5m^ ipfte fento t>tm in all jfyin£$,f Good otw TraV- (faptl)!)e) being as the Sunne that minethin the skye, and the TiJ^JiWW begotten Sonne beeingas the power of the Sunne whereby rQ, ^j- we feeQtljat i& to.fap,a$ f Itg&tjaifj $&* €pr#Ie to Hermius, ^ Era(tus,an& Corifcus-, bee cbargetlj t&ent taitb an otlje to rear it $lato*n ^ often5an& at t%t leair, nan of tbem togi^er , faptng : Call vpp on jRxtbooke of God the Ptince of al things,that are and fhalb«,and the Lord Common- the Father of that Prince and of that Caufe ; of whome if wee wcalc feeke the knowledge aright,we haue as much skill as can bee tqv my vq& giuentoblefledmen. %fan id tijeitaitotfse ana Caufe of ailT* iyx&iu tbino^ano mojeottet a fatljec of tbe fame Lorn* But tmto Eittg Plato in his e- Dennis tofjo Ijan afken of^tnt tbe nature of ©on, \je fettei!> solan Piftle 5? n™- altlje tb?eeparfoii5.The nature of the firftcfattl) be)is to be fpo- ^eoTS ken'of in Riddle wife^to the intent that if any mifchaurice be- piaC0 vnto fall the Letter by Sea or by Land, the reading thereof may be Dennis the as good as no reading at all. Thus then ftands the cafe. All Tyrant, things are at commaundement of the King of the whole ^t/^ay worId?and all things are for his fake,and he is the caufe of the -n^-Tve A~ bcautie that is in them ; And about the fecond are the fecod vrtpz 3 ^ things,and about the third are the third,and fo foortli^olo ^f'rcu is _ . /^ totobomebeUnote^antniiperymm^ ' ^ toiitssioj^erfowjS in tfce (Sotfjea^ i^s &p tl;e coufent of an tfts PUtoniib 7^ O F T H E T R B W N E S fciatonifts, n>fto (jaue ma&e long Commentaries irppott tfjofe tooo^a, agtanag all in tfett pojmt , t&at bp tfcefe tfyeefting* tee nicancttj the Good , the vnderftanding , and the Soule of the Origeninhis World. 3mi Origenc apinft Celfuj allctgeil) ccrtapn^ ctfjtt a.bookca- places of Plato to i\)t fame pttrpofe ; fljetol;irij 31 leaue, ftn auoy* jgainft cdfus. DfojfiftcWcufue^ 55ttt tljig poctrine toWd; beemg reuealea from aboue3camc from fcann to tattib tmto Anflotle, ( fctfjo liueu about tfy# ijuti^cu peres afc?e tbeconrnung of Ctyifr ( femctlj to Ijaue fcecapefc intjini^ i»ljo intenfcteg to ouerttyote a! tlje pijilofoplxn^ tfcat toent afo?tI;im, ctyrtqjfftti tljcir ootftiue aiuers tuaprjaf* 3nn tberetoitfafl ije gaue l)im felf mo?e to ti) fktkixxt; ami fearcljing of Ji2aturall djing&tljan tp tlje mpn&mg of trje 3utrjoj of tijem, get in his frft nottoitljffaiuwng , !;<* fatftertti) tlje caufe of a!i tljiqigtf Dppon acer* booke of phi- **?«* atmerflanDtng^toWci i;e cafletrj Noun, p ig to fap ^pnae, lofophy. aclmbtolerjging $e fame t j b^ infinite in ® 00 ; ana alfo toppon a Aifo in his #x& toil! fofjmfrpfje tjfljjfotftf) all things ; tofjerebppon in tlje laff worid°fthc ^aPtcr 31 couclunea a fecono ant! a tbtro perfone* 3infomucfj timt in hL firft * *n a ^ttffw place !je faprtf) plapn!p>tljat (Don ig to beTjomneu ac* tooke of Hea- cojtang tb H)t nomber of ti)^ ana #at tlje fame t# after a fo;t t^e «nco. Jtatoe of Mature* jftoto , fo? afmucrj ag tljfc ijotfrine i^s not l»eu of mang fyapne; if it bee aemaunneo thence all ttje pfrilofopfcetg ttofce if; tuee fijafl finne tljat tlje Greekes fcafc it from out of iEgipt . Orpheus lute neffetlj in W 3rgonatotg , tfyat to feeke tije spifteries ( tl;at is to fap tije^eltgion ) of tf)e iEgiptians , Ije toent ag farre a$ Mem- phis^fiting all tlje Cities topon tlje Ktuer Nyle. Orpheus mh's ^ <£, ,. j 1 ^ -r i * Araonawts. ^ sj^lemyhis and the Cities entry chom That Vtorflup tsifis or he feat ed by The Riuer Nyle Vrh oft ft reame dothfivetlfo hy. 3lfo Pythagoras fctfiteD rl;e iEgiptians , Arabians anil Chal- deans, pea, anntuent into Iewry alfo , ano uiuelta longtime at Cicero.iam- %m\\t Carmd (ajS Strabo ftp^j) infmtiur!) t^at dje ^^tcftegi of h -^ Pof r^at ^DUntl:^ fi)^^ Strabo Ml tlje iountepe0 anu UualkeiS of ciia" aw in Wtt fttre ♦ jJ5otD5in ^gipt be toas rije Difctple of one Sonchedie the fuft booke tbe c!)iefep?opl)et of tlje /Egiptians, ano of one Natarie an Affy- ©f his stro- rian ( ag{ Alexander reported; in W bcoke of Pythagorafis ntD nats* f ai wurfcsJ) toftom fome (mifcountmg tfje cjmte)tbougljt to bee Eze- andcf&ite. chid- 3n0 Hermippus a Pythagorift to?!tet|) tfcat Pythagoras mippus. iearneo manp t^mg^ out of tlje latoe of Moyfes. 9lfo tlje fapc &- giptian OF CHRISTIAN RELIGION. 77 giptian pjtea bpb?apnen Solon , t&at tbe G reekes toere 1$abe< pht0 in his aim knew noting: of 9nttquittc ♦ 3nu Solon(arij(Dle of tbe ggat rrifmegiffusafo?enameu^o be (&o?t, p^?^ Plato confefletlj m many placed, tfjat fcnotolenge came to t!)e ^1S an(i pint. Greekesbp t!;ofe tobomtbep comifflmlp cSllcn tfjc barbanfa peo^ J pie ♦ ®$ tokbtngZorotftres ann Tfifmegftus, tbe one toag an JJSCSJ^ Hebrewe,ann tbe otIjer,an i£giptian. 3no at tbe fame tpme tbe ocd by iofc- HeSrewes totf^-conuerfant tottl} tbe y£giptians,a<2{ fa to be fene pbus againft. ^uen in tbe Ipeac&en 3utbo?& 2£tberebp tt appeared tljat ttyz o?i* Appiou- gtnall fountapneof tljfa doctrine ^||k^e^|M^||iton^tl;eni; tufotrij fa tbe tbmg tfjat toee baue to pjoif ag f8!B?S1rieane *M tD gatber better a great fojt of Certs of tlje ^pble,torjerein mention fa mm as toefl of t&e feconn perfon as of tbe tjrttn , of te&icljfet ate tbefe > Thou art my Sonne, this day hauc I begotten mee. pfalm.2. The Lord (faptf) aSTtfenome) poffefled me in the beginning of Prouerb.8. his wayes-, afore the depths was I conceyued.&c 3lfo concer* ^n* l ' lung t^e bolp The Spirit of the Lord walked vpon the ay'53' waters .The Spirit of Wifedome is gentle: Sinn it fa an ojninatp fpoecb among tlje pjopbeteg to fap , The Spirit of the Lord was e%.6r. vpon me. 9nn m tbfa netf faping are ttoo of tljem togetfjer,oj ra* ( tber all tbjee* TheHeauens were fpred out by the worctof the **&& Lord , and all the power of them by the Spirit of his mouth. 3Fo} ti)t? be fo allengen ann eitpounnen in infinite bookes, botobeic tljat ti)t lewes at tljfa nap no labour as mutt) as tljep can, to turne 3i5utletb$ fee toljat tfjet'r otune Docto?^ Ijatteleft b^ merp|elTe The iew« too?n^(fo? ^ mottpart)culleD bp tbemfeluesf out of to^tttebcolie^ themfduesao afo?e tbat f coming of our lo?o 3!eto Cfctft ban mane pnocttrine vto^ the Tri- fufpectetr^ 31n tljetr Zohartoljtcb fa one of tbetr 3S©fces: of greateft nitie* autljo^tte, Rabbi Simeon, tbe fonne of Iohai, ctterb Rabbi Ibba Ra^i Simeon ejcpountng tbfa tejet of Deuteronomie, Hearken 6 Ifraeljhe E- bcnibhai inn uerlafting our God is one God. ^be Hebrewe ftannetb tljug, zoharvpon Jehonah Schad lehonah E loh em.T&)> f SxttJehouah toljtcl) fa p pe= thc 6,of ■Dcnti" tultar name of (Son not to b* communtcaten to anp otber , Rabbi Ibba fai$ hemeaneth the Father the Princcof al^p Sloh en* tl;at 7* OF THB TREVTKEJ t m it to ftp our GodJbe meanetb the Sonne the Fountaine of all knowledge. 3nn bp ttje feconn /^o«^ he meaneth the holy Ghofl proceeding from them both, who is the meafurer of the voyce.And he calleth him One,becaufe he is vndiuidablc; It Simeon ben anc* l^ls Sccrct ^a^ &) lHall not be reucaled afore the com. ioh^cxp'ouQ' minS °^tne Mefsias. %\)t fame Rabbi Simeon eitpofining tbefe tbat ftme obferue it ffifl at tbte nap* Qpon tbefe too?ng of rfaim.50.and fte $o.ffitimz,El elohiw lehouah dibber djatiz to fap>TheLord the Midrafch of Lords the Euerlafting hath fpokent'Ebe ojninarp Commen* vpo the lame, tatie faptb alfo , tbat frp tbe fapo repetition tbe popbet meaner!) tbe ty& MMoth Properties toljerbp ©on ereaten tlje toojln*3c* R.Moyfes Ha- coding to&ereunto Rabbi Moy fes Hadarfan fapetb , tbat bee darfan vpon ereaten bp fjfe toojn ; 3nn Rabbi Simeon fapetb be creates bp tfo MC^2r°h rcn* ^ea* of lji* wwuft* 3nn t^tss faptng of £ pjeaefcet^bat a tfnee* fofoh chap 4 folt11 ^°JDC & not fo f(Dne ty<*e»,te wpottimen bp tbe fame glofe, f ' ' ( 31 eramme not tu^crfjet filtbp 0? no) tljat tlje mifferte of tbe Cri* ntrte in tbe one (Sou fe not eafie to bee er^eflTen* jftotoe tbefe tb?a Jj^opertteg, (tobicb tbe Hebrewes call Tamm , tbe Greekes TrecffaTa^anD toe $ tbe Latins call perftng) are betokeneo by ni« uera names among tfje mm of oft tpme , but pet tbep iumpe all i» one,acco?ning a$ tbep tmnerftone tbem , ftme rmne clearelp tljatt Rabbi ifliac otbet ftme^feome name tbem the Beginning, the Wifdome, & ben Schola vp- tne Feare or Loue of God : ant) tbep fap tbat tbisl 25Itfenome \% MeenfifhM fy* Cabalifts tearme it,tljat is to fape3of tlje infinite ana moft intoarn bntieraanm'ng of ©on , tobo bebolnctb bpmfelfc m bmtfelfjfo? ft Doe tbep eicpouno it* 2BbW w tbe felftfame tbiitg tbat 3! fpafee of in tbe former Cbapter , namelp tbat ©on bt$zt* tetb W S>onne 0^ SXttiftome by W mpnning; of bimfelfe* ffitbet* R.Azarie!ifi fome ^^ Spirit,Word,and Voyce : aei Rabbi Azariell notfr tan! TorTadfe in ^efe mW ftllotomg.The Spirit bringeth foorth the Word ©f Holindfe. and the Voyce,but not by opening the Lippes, or by fpeechc of pon the laft verfesofthe 1 1 1 .and 1 1 z Pialmes. _ OP CHRISTIAN KELIGIOK. 7? of the tongue , or by breathing after the maner of man ; And thcfe three be one Spirit, to wit one God, as we reade(fapetb J>e)in the booke of the creating of man in thefe termes : One /e^er hAyeh Spirit rightly liuing,blefTed bee heeand his name,who Uueth/m*. for euer^and euer,Spirit,Word,and Voyce,that is to Tay,One holy Ghoft and two Spirits of that Spirit, jftoto tbfc booke of $e Creation tobiclj be alieogetb, it one Rabbi Abrahams a Sjerp atmcient Cabalift \ BeuertbeleiTe it it of fo great autbaptie amog tljcm, tljat tT;epfatl>er it mm fcpou tbe flaattiarte Abraham fynu felfc*ann tl;at ^W) be faptb agteetb tn^oip to tbat tobicb toe fap; fo? tbe mpno concepuctb tbe intoaro fpeeri^ano of tbe mpno ami of bjeatb pjoca&etb tlje bopce* Thefe three ( faptb Rabbi Hamay) R.Hamay i» beeing one , haue fucb a proportionable refped one towards J}1S J^on another,as that the one,the Vnite^andthe^hiug Vnited are ^J^*" but one poynt, to wit , the Lord of the whole world. Rabbi R.ifhaacvpora Ifaac bppon tbe bcoke of tbe Creation maketb tl#ee nombeting^ the booke ©f (tobicb be termed) the Loftie one)in the Enfoph , tbat it to fap, th« Creation. tntbe 3|ttftmte>tljat is! to toitGarlond,Wifdom,and vnderftan- cetherchoch- ding. 3no to betoken tbem , Rabby Affee faptb tbat tbe cuftome nahbmah. inag to marfe tfjem in all ageg after tbtg maner toitb tl#ee3io&0 RabbiAffcc* leboHaktofyid) it a£ mttcb to fap tit the Reeer,or He that isMd be fbojt,tobat oiuerCtie foeuer tljere it in j nameg,tbep al agree iit (be tfyt# 31nbmug$ oj perfon& 3nt> it ig no matuefl tbougb tije? coulo not fo toell eppftttt tbem a^ toe can noto. Rabbi lofeph tbe In his hodke Caftilian y batting learneo it out of tbe auncienteff tojitersi, fepetb mtytied, seh*- tbug : The light of the Soule of the Mefsias^s the liuing God; gudrw &* anfoeteo tbat ittoag Father, Sonne, and holy Ghoft. cb©letf xhud tythT of $e Iewes>^ toee fee bp tbe long continuance thereof tn tbe foe* holy Ghoft: ceiTton of tbett Cabale* 3no tberefoje tbe contention of tbe levies for otherwifc ano of tbe Rabbynes toag not ( to fpeafte pjoperlp ) tn toitbffan* « had bin to utngr tbe ooctrine of tbe tb?& Iperfong in tbe €ttzncz of ©oo -, but hSoken0 in $e aPP*P*nS hereof , namelp to tbe incarnation of tbe 2HojD, of the Liy tobicb tn tbeir epe toag fcerp farre tnibefeeming tbe Spaietfie of Ghoft,of who @OU* they had not £# jjg goe (0 phifo tbe lew fobo folate tn Greeke5am> toe (ball ? tiidn-a fi^^bim like in allpopnts from leafe to leafe ♦ God (faptb be)is .^pea mga- the {bu^reine begetter,and nextto him,is the Word of God. The fame is 9lfo,Tnere are two Firfts-,the one is Gods word, & the other alfointhc is God who is afore the Word; and the fame Word is the be- Preaching of ginn£ng an(l the ende thc oL^ in an tj,c Rabbmes. otber place,This World(faptb \)t)is Gods yonger Sonnqbut as philo in his for the dder Sonne, he cannot beecomprehended but in v n- Treatifc vpon derftanding . For he it is who by prerogatiue of elderlhip a- *hc fixc D^ bydeth with the Father . jftott), t\)i$ fe too?fc fcij toop t\)t fame That Drama tbmg tbat g> John faptb, And the Word was with God . atom arcof God. agame, The Word is the place, the Temple, and the dwelling in his bookc houfe of God, becaufe the Word is the onely thing that can of the World. conteynehim . Stou tljat fe tbertjmgtobtcb 31 fapt>,namelp, tbat Of^rcmo! oute-, the % &orf, tbe mtfeuome of tbe for the good, TBktt tbatia of btmfelf* 311 tbefe are fud) tbings ag mo^e cannot &c. be attcibnten to ©on btmfelfetanti be coulo not baue fapn moje ^ Trccvwyilt p?effelp , tbat tbe $Hoj& te Coeternall ana Coeflfentiall uit'tb tbe jFatfjer^tbat is; to fap, of one felfefame fubftaunce aim of one fetfe* fame euerlafftngneflTe i»ttb tl;e jFaeber ♦ jJ5euertbelefle3i)e a&tietb pet furtber > 'Cbat tbta lD $ of ai things tberem ♦ feo tijen^be is(tf 3! map fb terme bim)tbe matcuaU, efft^ dent5attii fo?mall caufe of all tbtng^* &tto bnto tobom can tbat bi f hil° in hk attributen butbvto ©oD^ggatnejCbcceareCfattb be)TVoSpee- ™r? ™£ dies or words; the one beingasan Original! deede,isaboue Hereof Hca- vs ; and the other being as an Exemplification or Copy ther- uenly things, of, is within vs. And Moyfes (fapib be) calleth the fame the I- of tll<-' mode% mage of God ; and this other which is our vnderftanding, he of Y'r1?™* calleth alater Copy thereof. And the fayd firft Speech (fapctib ^id &c 4F (e ' 8l OFTHETREVVNES iKtiayuv'y *K &1 fcte bafte oftlje ftaOifa ) is theexprefTe print or flampe of that is to %, God,and euerlafting as God him felre is.Stnfc Vorjat moje faptlj asaprint prin- §> John, o? tljc 3poltle to t!)t Htbrewes ? ^ttDinali tlrofepla* tcdin Waxc, eesi30flf)icb aretocntbieto bereao tbiougfjoutObebfetb & Johns otonterme(nameIp Logos)to (igniffe tfoefapa ^>peeri). # ZOojtv Cft^cl)oIp(SI|3ftI)wfj)wkert)moj2DerrWp , becaufetljeHe- bre wes (as tue ffjal fee rjereafter) amen cljteSp at tlje ZZXafl ca fe- conn $>erfon^ut it i* enough foj 1)3 to rjaue Gsnr,4tttftft Bum* tapneabo&efuffirientlp ctere among tlje Hcbrewes , ttlltbe com< mtng of C^tft ( fo? Philo ItucD im&er tlje CinperourS Tiberius ana Caligula) tbougb tfre ftreame3 thereof toere as geeft a<3 typen ftp among tlje Gentiles; berelpbecaufetrje SgeflTas toastobee foojne among tl)e Hebrewes, of tjfje betefe ixi toijom, tljig Doctrine luastobetljegrouuniyo^ke^jrozagifcDnea^ Cfytfttoas come into tlje ® ^ to ^err°n5 lt to rt^lr wraner to fap,dje jFirff ,ccontr, tiuccaodstha *** ®W& ©on 5 torjid) djittgpou mtrftmarfterjeteatoncefoj an mean? three t je retfrue foilotomg* 3nn tobereag be faptb trjat tlje firft of tfjent inbeeings, as ig tfje jfatber5anti d;at \)t tai tingle, ami tijat tijep bee but one; it i$ rfiey thefdues not t0 beetrotibteD but tljat l)t mtikct}) t!)em all one €iTence , fo as do declare ^c feronn rjoloeti) of tbefirft, agf tf)eItgi)tboloetl) of tfje^imne* 9game,The fTrft God(faptf) be) is free from all worke,but the fecond is the maker which coxnmaundeth Heauen: and ther- fore OF CHRISTIAN RELIGION. 83 fore arc there two lyues,the one from the n*rit, and the other from the fecond ; the one occupyed about things fubiect to vnderftanding , and the other about things fubie<5t both to vuderftanding & fence . And moreouer,by reafon of the mo- iling which goeth afore in the fecond , there is alfo a fending which goeth atore in the firft^and fo there is a certeyne ioynt- niouing from whence the healthfull order of the World is fpred foorth vniuerfally. jftoto,fo)btt^ \)t fpeakeft of mourns, c-vvQvrci itijs after fte maner of fte Platonifts ,toi)o (tmtapbo?icanp)naexj™cripture,ftat fte &>omte i* fent of fte /after* 9no againe, God the worker or maker(fapft be) is the beginner of Beget- oSnptirgz ting ; and God the Good is the beginner of Beeing: and the yfa Second is the liucly exppreffer of the Firft , as Begetting is an Image of Beeing. 3nti in anotber place be fapft,That this Wor- ker beeing the Sonne , is knownc to all men by reafon of the creating of the Worldjbut as for the firft Spirite,which is the Father,he is vnknowne vnto them.9ttD furelp(c60nerittg fteit maner of fpeafcing)be coulo not baue fapo mo?e plainly, ^bat ft e &omte isf fte 3!magc of fte 5fatber,ftat be baft W being in bim, t^at fce te one tettb btm,£ ftat bp bint tbe f after mane all ftings,, 3nu it is arable to ftat tobtft Proclus toitnefleft of btm , tuba repojtteft of ftts Numenius,ftat be toauffnppeo ttyk (Sooner of inborn be cafletb fte firft fte jFafter,tbe feconn fte $paker,amj fte ftirn fte ftllojkepjocoe&ing from ftem boft*&31berem to& ougbt not fo mucb to feeke into fte Default, as to commenn fte g©o ftat is ftetein ♦ 'BeSoeg ftis,it fe gcti to marJke bere once fo? an, ftat ftefe men tobtft fpeafce bnto as bere of ftjee ©oihs , are tbe fame toftift coufelfeo bnto t>$ bertofoie,ftat ftere is but onlp one ©otu ^abtrebponitfollotoeft ftatftofeft?#bebutftjfc3inueings o? This Piotinus Jperfon$,in one Cflcuce* Jiued vndtr thc Piotinus, tuba toas ferp toeHftutW) in fte bmkt* of Nume- *mPerour <£- iiius,fteppetb pet furfter into fte matter . ano firft of aH,be baft ™ ** ou wane a Opcode erpjettelp 9 purpofelp of fte ftjee cbtefe Inbeings, Loid 2 5or. thereof 31 toill fee oatone bere a certepne bjiefe Sbumme * There Piotin. Enn.5. are(fapftbe) three chiefelnbeings,the One or the Good.the11^1- Vnderftanding or Wiitc,and the Soule of the World . And of feWgJg8 thefe three it is not for any man to fpeake , without praying ch«fe pafons F: VlltO or Inbcings. ImnvW. g4 OFTHETREWNES To the intent vnto God , 6V without fettling his mynd afore vnto quietnes. the Reader And if it be-demaunded how one of them begetteth another; tht"0*- any lt IS t0 bee conficiereci chat wce fpeake of euerlafting things, tliisoro'her ^ therfore we muft not imagine any temporal! begetting, that folio w,hc For tn*s begetting which wee fpeake of heere,importeth and muftraiicm- betokeneth but onely caufe and order . How commeth it ta _ jiibnejthe Philofophcrs roorth euerywhere , ftreaming from the One as brightnefle giuc the names from the Sunne , and begotten of the One, howbeit without of the One, any mouing of the One . For all things , as in refped of their Good1 the Fa contmuing or" tne"" nature , doe neceSariiy yeeld out of their ther,and the °wne eflence and prefent power , a cetteyne nature that de- Begetter: vnto pendeth vpon them, which is a very Image and counter (hape the fecond per- of the power from whence it proceedeth • As for example, fonc' ric na" Fyre yeeldeth heate,& Snowe cold: and Herbes yeeld chiefly or he^hadf ^ents or fauors. And al things whe they be in their perfection, witorvnder- ingender fbme what .That then which is euerlaftingly perfect, ftanding.the doth euerlaftingly beget , yea and it begetteth a perfect and BeautifulUnd euerlafting thing, howbeit that thething begotten islefle ^TechTvvord tlian tne begetter . And what (hall wee fay then of the m oft R«Sbn,wS; ' perfe&PThat nothing proceedeth from himPNay rather,that dom,Sonne, the greateft next him proceedeth of him . Now, the greateft and the begot- and chiefeft next vnto the One, is the Vnderftanding ; the ** hnd/lUO wmcn natn neea*e alonly of tne °ne > DUt the One hath no fonc the na" neec*e of it.Needes then muft it bee, that that thing which is mes'of Loue, begotten of that which is better than Vnderftanding , muft Willpower,' be the Vnderftanding it felfe. And this Vndcrftanding,being and the Soule the very Word of G OD and the Image of GO D , beholde t h of the World: Q0(j>and [s vnfeparably ioyned with God , and cannot be fe- thc fecond108' Parateonne another* *» u ir.£hci *m Vn ne^er ^ rtem &or& t0 be a^rp otber ertenre tfjan tlje otbet* Si Amfabit ^Ut fet w fte ljoto ®or> begettetl) tftisas &ntierffmttang;5tf)i$ mitr andinrefpeci Oj rfjfa £2Io?0 ♦ It is (fapttjbO by the fuper abundance of him* of the Second, felfe.And therfore this begotten Vnderftanding muft needes they call him reteyne much of the begetter in him,and haue almoft like re- ftlu^to femo*ance vnt0 h"1^ the light hath vnto the Sunne,howbe- by example*. it fo as the begetter is not the very vndcrftanding it felf: tfcat xovc. is to fap,tbcp nvutf mfFer-refpectiuelp aito not c(fentiaHp,tobtfb er* Another p» ppjfeWtf former fyacb tofcere fee fapo tTteotwe, caHing bmt tbe ©tft of <£ou , becaufe tbat bp btm(tobo ttf b& lone) be tioutfafetb to impart Ijtmfelfe to to berc bencatlj.But toe 0;al fctfretne W meaning pet bmti bp tlje effects toljtcl) be attributerb bnto bint ♦ This Soule(faptlj be)hath brea- thed life into all liuing things in the Ayre ,in the Sea , and on the Land. It ruleth the Sunne, the Starres and the Heauen; It hath quickened the Matterwhich eril was nothing and vtter- ly full of darkneffe; and all this hath it done by the onely will of it felfe.lt is all throughout ail,like to the Father, as well in that it is but one ,as in that it extend, th it felf into all places. 3ttD be concltttjetb tint* : And thus farre extendeth the God- head. Snoe&elje fpeafcetl; not fo oifttmtlp thereof, ag Gregoric F 3 Nazi* I2.&iib4. Chap.2. Nazianzenqbut pet fojafmudj as be faptl) tbatt&ep be aflrtj?£& tei«aIl,of one felfefame fubftance, am siffeimg onelp in tbia5tf;at t!je one of tbem i£ not tbe otber;tbe fame map toell bee gatbetefc of l)i$ faptngs ♦ 3i» tlje reQoue of bies b©ke be p?ouer!j tbat tbe fame toa$ tbe opinion of Plato, Parmenides , ano Anaxagoras . 3m> becaufe tbe mtoaro man (a$ be termecb it,) i$ t!je 3[mage of (Dofr; fjc taftetb P?©fe of tbe ttyk 3lnbemg^frcm tbe coftoevatfon of out oule3toberein tbere te a <©pno,a Heafon ann a Itfejlubicb tfyee bcCnottmtljftanmng)aII but oneSouIe ♦ i^ettertljeMe,^ ejtpjef- fetb t\)2 maner of tbe Htpn begetting m stuers ocbtr places , The One(faitb !je)begetteth the vnderftending,of the abundance riotmus Enn. of himfelf.And the vnderftading is the Beeer,yea and the ve* j.lib.2.&Ub.3 ry being of the BeeeY/mat1ietbafelUD?rj^fo?aUtbatfonoluetb) phap.5.6.7. ancj turneth backe againe to him,and is filled with him . 9n& bis coclufion is, tbat tbe Sppnaer, tbe gppnm'ng aim tlje Sppnsrt^ are tu tbe (^oDbeatr all one tljm&anD tbat ti;te ®pntimg5toljicb i$ t\)t firif ano moft excellent act of tlje (Soybean, fe eflenttall, tbat fe to fapjtlje uerp fttbftance 0} b#mg of tbe 6ot)bea&,becaufe tbat all tbeaittong of tbe ©otrbeaa are tije^erp ©onbean o* ©ou btmfclfe* jJ5olu3 b}> tlje Mynder , fje meanetb tbe One 0? tlje Firft perfon; ann bp tbe Mynded 0? Beeer,be meanetf) tf)eg>econt>; anD confer quentlp djat t\)Z^ be Coe(TenttaI!,[tbat fe to fap^bori; one felffome tbtngDtobtcb fe @©DO Sgaine,* There is (faptb bO a dubble kynd of Mynding : For a man myndeth , evther another 3 or himfelfe . Now, he that myndeth himfelfe,nath not a feuerall beeing from that thing which he myndethjbut being both in one,he beholdcth himfelf in himfelf, and fo becommeth two parties,whichyet notwithfrading be both but one thing ftflh jftotu tberefoie tbereremapnctij no mo?e but to continue > tbat tbe piotin. Enn. 5 . ^egettev anD tbe 3£ego:ten,tbe ajpnser ano tbe £r9pnse& are botfr iib.5. ch.3. & togetber5ann alfo botb onefeIffametbtng-,ann tfrat tf tfjep bcebotfr iib.6.ch. 1 . & one felfefame tbmg , tbe one of tliem & not better tfjan tbe otber* lib.g.ch. 1 2. & £2#jertpott ft foiioiyetbjtbat tei?)ezeaa be fato beretofcne tbat The p tlje My nded Jlje ment it but in tuap of rcIattoir,anD not m toap of becin$> jTo? m anotber place l)t fapti) againe, 1 1 He that is the ve- ry Liuing himfelf^is not the Mynded,but we cal him the Myn- der. And although they differ one from another,yet notwith- ftanding it is not pofsible for them to bee difTeuered . Ouely they may be difcerned in vnderftanding, the one from the o- ther, ■ OF CHRISTIAN RELIGION. *7 ther, becaufe the one of them is not the other ; which maner ot decerning is no impediment but that they remayne both one thing full . For only God is both the partie that is con- ceyucd in Mynd or Vnderitanding , and alfo the partie that conccyueth him. Infomuch that when wee fay,that the Myn- der beholdeth the formes or Patternes of things; wee meane T^Iorln. Enn.j. not that he looketh at them in another5but that he pofl elTeth lib.9.Chap.i. them in himfelfe,by hauingin himfelr the partie that is myn- ded . Or rather were it amifie to fay , that the fame which is myndedis the very Mynder himfelfe in his vnitie and fettled ftate ; and that the nature of the Mynded which is behild , is an ad: that iffeweth from him that Myndeth, which ac"t con- filteth in beholding or mynding him , and in beholding him becometh one felfefame thing with him?3gamebefaptb in an Otber place; To bee and to vnderftand , are both one thing [ht (ftotj :]and it' any thing proceede thereof inwardly ryct is it no whit diminished thereby, becaufe the Mynder and the Myn- ded are both one fame thing. For the beholding of ones felfe in his felfe,is nothing but himfelfe:Butyec mult there needes be alwaies both a felrefameneiTe and alfo an otherneffe. Jftoll) tfjen 3 let bs conclude t\>m 5 tbat tljefe itao Stobemgs; cjperfons?, iiamelp,! he Mynded and the Mynder, atebotb en: tljrng; ana tfjerefrn* tijat tbep Differ not but onlp tn tuap of relation: 3im ffjat fcnafmucb a$ tljere mud nknza bee euer botlj a felfefamroefle aim alfo an otljerneiTe, (if 31 map fo terme tljatt ) tfje fdfefamenefie t? piorin.Enn.< in tlje €ITencc oj beemg, becaufe tfjat from onne3after rfje fame maner tijat toe boe* Cer- or,aU one in tefTe (fay tf) be ) the vnderitanding is beautifull , and the ir.oft ^t'fno? beautifull of all, (aim tljerefoje in oiuerg orljer places Ije termetlj th^efoa.^ tym tlje »eattttfufl,(aa be termen tlje jfirit tlje nd fittcth plotin Fnn J# incleereli^htandbrightneiTe,and conteynetH in "him the^^p.,* nature of all things that are. As for this Worlde of ours , al- though it be beautifull, yet it is fcarce an image or fhadowe of him j but the world that is aboue,is fet in the very light itfelf, where there is nothing that is voyd of vnderflandingmor no- thing darkejbut euery where is led a mofl- blefled lyfe • Now, F 4 tyke 88 OF THE TREWNES lyke as he that beholdeth the Skyc and the Starres, falleth by and bytofeeking the author of this World : Sohethatcon- fidereth aud commendeth the World that is not to be difcer- ned but in vnderftanding , doth lykewife feeke the author thereofcnamely who he is that begatethat World,and where and how he begate that Sonne,thatvnderffonding,that Child fo bright and beautifull , euen that Sonne full ok the Father. As for the fouerein father heeis neither the vndcr Handing, nor the Sonne, nor the Child, but a Mynd higher tha Vnder- ftanding and Child. And next vnto him is the Vnderftanding or Child,who needeth both vnderftanding and nouriQimenr, and is next to him that hath neede of nothing. And yet for al 9 * this , the Sonne hath the very fulncfle of vnderftanding , be- V ^ caufeheehathitimmediatlyandatthemftharKi Bursas ror X*4 him that is the higher(that is to wit the Father j ) he hath no neede of him : for then fhould the Sonne be the very good it felfe. &o fap toe alfo tfiac t&e ft oirne batb all ftilnelTe , b'otobett of tbe if atber, mm tbat tfje jpatfjer Ijatfj all fiitartfe , but of btmfelfe: ana tljat tbe jf after fe not tfje ftonne 02 tlje ULXo^z , but tbat tlje &onneojtI)e&2Jojtieteoftbe tfatber* 9nn m anotljer place ftce faprt;3 What (hall a man haue gayned by feeing or beholding God ? That hceihall haue feene God begetting a Sonne, and in that Sonne al things,and yet holding him ftill in him with- out payne after his conceyuingof him , of whom this World (as beautifull as we fee it to be)is but an Image: Jit tobtcb ftnt a pamten ^able to after a maner a pojtrepture of tbe mpn& of bun trjat mane iu 31 fap& mojeouer tbat tb& ftaimt ig tbe CBtfenome Kbdn.inn.f. oftbejFatber; tijeltketobereof Plotinusalfofeptbtmto&tf* AU Jib.8.Chap.5. things (faptb be ) that are done ey ther by Art or by Nature, are done by Wifedome . If they bee done by Arte,rrom Arte we come to Nature,and of Nature againe we demaund from N whence (he hath it: whereby wee finally come to a Mynd,and Wove. then are we to feefce whether the Mynd haue begotten Wife- dome: And if that bee graunted,wee will inquire yet further, whereof? And if they fay it be getteth it of it Cc\^: That cannot be/vnleffe the Mynd be the very Wifedome it felfe. Wifedome therfore fhalbe the EfTence,and the very EfTence fhalbe Wife- dome , and the worthineffe of theEffcnce {halbe Wifedome. And therefore euery Effcnce that wanteth Wifedome , is in deede anEflence as in refpe&that Wifedome made it:but foraCnucb . OP CHRITSIAN RELIGION. 8p forafmuch as it hath no Wifedome in it felfe, it is no true Ef- , * fence in deede. jftoto,tbe oj&inarp teaching of Plotinc t^to call TQ ov™> c ' tbe ftnaertfantiing oj fecono perfon tbe toerp Vktt in t?&t>, oj tbe bcrp true €(Tence ; ana tbe firft perfon a tfotng fcijfter tftmt Sinner* (tanning oj €KznczM\\)tmpon it f&ottlo follotue^tbat toritb bim, dfljifefcome attr true €flence are botb one t tbat is to Tap, tbat tbe fecono pcrfon i$ SOifeoome ♦ Co tbe fame purpofe alfo be faptb:, Pi<*m in his tbat tbe fap& 8?pm> poflefletb ail tbingsmbfebometyeD mifc k°okeofl11* aomet'&bat all fbapeg are but beamed ann effects tbtreof:am> tbat ^"lib.* t\)z fame is tfyt tttietb , pea ano ISing of truetb ; toljtc^ te a name chap.2. ' tbat dje Scripture alfo attributed) to trje fecono perfotn 3g tottcbing tbe tljtro perfon3ttmomb*caHetb tfce bottle of tbe piotin.Enn.6. ZBXoil* 5 bs feemetb in bis otber bcokes to lap fcgfl fountiation of a ub.8.s.chap/ better optmoinjTo?,God(faitb be) hath wrought^ he wrought x 3I 5*27^ not vmviilingly:and therefore there is a will in GOD . Now furely he whofe power is anfwerable to his will,(hould by and by become the better.God then who is the good it felf [than the which nothing can be betterjfilleth his ownc will to the full/o as he is the thing that he lifteth to be , and lifteth to be that which he is , and his will is his very Eflence . This will a- gaine,is his act or operatio, and that acl: is his very fubftance. And Co God fetteth downe himfelf in this ad of Beeing. 9n& tbis is in a maner all one toitb tlje tbings tobtcb 31 fp^te in tbc fo?* titer Cbapter:namelp,tbat ®o& bp W toillpjoimcetb atbtro per* fon,tbatts to fap5tbeloue of bimfelf bp Mi$tin$in btmfelf* 3nu in anotber plare, This fame GOD (faptb \)t)is both the louely and loue:and this Loue is the loue of himfelfe :for of himfelfe and in himfelfe is he altogether beautifull. And whereas he is fayd to be altogether with himfelfe;it could not be fbjvn'efle that both the thing which is and alfo the perfon which is to- gether therewith, were both one felfefame thing. Now,if the p!ot;n Enn g# togetherbeer,(foj 31 mttftbefapne to bfe tbattDOtiO)& the thing ub.g.chap.'i* together wherewith he is,bc both one ; and likewife the defi- rer and the thing defired be one alfo;Sure!y the defire and the EfTence muft alfo needes be one felfefame thing.9n& ihi$ ue- fire of tbe Sppnfc i$ tbe loue it feIf,tobom foe call tbebolp 6boff, tobWj p;tcc#tietb bp tbe&Ml, ann fo bp tbefojefap&reafcmsts . patten to bee Coelfentiall . And this defire (faptb be m another ^n^' placets in the Mynd,which alwaies defireth and alwaies pof- ■ "9* ***** feth the Sx&.%W $•&& tfcen pjootoetft not alonlp from tbe firff pecloa, Fythagorifts, and in his booke of the Myfteries of 90 OFTHETREVVNES perfon , but alfo fcom tfjc feconn, acannmg to b& former reacbntg cdncermttg tbe g>ou(c of t\)z OLlo^lu 5 UJbiclj is 3 tbat it pjoaaeoetfj front tbe arft pafon bp tljz feconn » Sto twites baue toee tbe tb?c c perfons 0) Styfeeuigtf admo&Iengen ano lapn fcoubbp Plotinus, lu'jojn 3i fcaue afle&gea fometobat tbe moje at length * becaufe be auotortiieti) tt to be a Derp aunctent Doarine,ann tbat be ban iearnen it ofbfc p^euecciT^io Numenius,Seutr js,Cronius, Gaius,Atti- Cyritagainft cus,Longinus,ann Philarcharus,anti Did afrertoarn tcaclj it to W luUan ub.t. 3Difriples,Oubo eft&mtt Ijtm a$ a 6oo3) as toe {f>all fee bereaftet Porphyrias in fo t!|Ctr UJJlCmg^ timisVCof Pi°" Iamblicmis raptlj plamlp tbat ©on mane tbe cQojtlo bp b& ni* Pbt^asagaift Wtte <^0?& > fa* be plapetb tbe pbitofopber moje pjofounnlp m the Gnoftiks. tbis brfjalfe ♦The firft God(faptf; l)e)beingafore the Beeer, and Enn.2.1ib.9. alone^is the father of a firft God whom he begetteth, and yet Chap. 1. neuerthelefleabydeth (till in the folenefle of his vnitie: which tl^edof the thi?? farre exceedeth all abilitie of vnderftanding.This is the Original! patterne of him that is called both Father to him felfc and Sonne to himfelf,and is the Father of one alone,and God verely good in deede . Jftoto, toijen \)t faptb tbat be is fa* ttjer to btmfeife,ano father to a fecoiitytbrtem be nttfingutfljetb tbe c'hap^and Pttfona* 9nn mljcreasf be faptb tbat notimtbffannmg tbis: beget* 39. ting,pet be abpnetb one ttflfefce (betted) tbat tbere is no feparatinj of tbe eiTeucesu3nn be fpeafcetlj tbere after tlje opinion recepuen a* mong tbe Diumes of /Egipt. Porphiriein Q^utlcctisi beare Porphirie3(to tobom Plotinus eommitten tip cTe vhMo o«erIcDkingof bia b©te,)tbe beftlearnen of all tbeipbtfofopber* phers. aes faptb @>amt Auftin,ann vzt neuertbelefle tbe ftuojne enemie of cyriii.againft Cb?iffenfo!fce ♦ 3In W fipiftojtte of tbe Wtofbpber$,tbefe are W luhan.Ub.i. tocnn&Plato taught(faptfj be)that of the Good, (tbat fe to fap of tbefirftpetfon)is begotten an vnderftading,by a maner vn- knowne to men^and that the fame vnderftanding is all whole next vnto himfelfe. In this vnderftanding are all things that truely are, and all the EfTences of all things that haue beeing. It is the firft beautifull, and beautifull of it felfe, and hath the grace of beautie of himfelfejand before all worlds proceeded From God as from his caufe,felfeborne and father of himfelf. And this proceeding of his, was not as ye would fay by Gods mouing of himfelfe to the begetting of him; but by his owne proceeding of himfelfe from God, and by his iffewin^of him feife , I fay by proceeding , hewbeit not at any beginning of tyme: Nwl/C, OF CHRITSIAN RELIGION. pi tyme:(for there was not yet any ty me,) and tymc is nothing in comparifon of himjBut this My nd is without time and on- ly euerlafting. Yet notwith(tanding,as the firft God is alwaies one,and alone although he haue made all thing;s,becaufe no- thing can match or compare with him : To alfo is this Vnder- ftanding or Mynd euerlafting,alone, without tyme, the tyme of things that are in tyme,andyet alwaies abydingin the vni- tie of his own fubftance.£)f atrttetbbe cottto notbaue laps mo?e plainlp,tbat t\)t g>omte te tl;e feottne etemailp, ano of tlje fatljerg oto efubftance* Spine,ej:pounxim£ tbat fojefato ft cptatly tenotomes place cf cyriii a?ainft Platoes CptSe,The EfTence ofGod(faptl) be)extendeth euen Iulian.lib.i. vnto three Inbeeings; For there is the higheft G O D or the good ; and next him3the Second, who is the workmayfter of all things^and laftly the third,who is Soule of the World : for the Godhead extendeth euen vnto the Soule . And that is the thing that Plato met in fpeaking of three Kings: for although all things depend vppon thefe three : yet is their depending, firft vpon the firft God, fecondly vpon the God that ifleweth of him,and thirdly vpon the third that proceedeth from him. jSoto, nuljatljeraunget^tljemmo^ertljusione tmner another; Ije feemetb to plap tbe3rnan*3n& pet is tbat wrp muclj in a Jf)ea* tljcn man^ut tuvjetea^ be arimotoleogetb one felffameeflrence; be ftetoetl) tbat tbe m'uerGtie tg onlp in tbe functton!8,antJ in tbe ojoet of caufeg,tobicb fe one (teppe beponfc tbe 3rrian♦ Auftin, fattb djat be ato put tbe tljtro petfon ag a meane bettuene tije otljer ttoo, after tobtcb matter toe alfo aoe call btm tfje batm ana tottott of tbem ttoo^ nottrntfrftentring tljat Plotine uoeput btm bnnertbe amierttamimo^ut in Iji* ba&e of tbe cljiefe ffafym 0} firft 3u= v^t?** j? tbozoi of tbtng^Proclus fcttetb ooune W opinion ya moje plains tlfe c\ZkL Ip; (aping, tbat tljere fe an ettetfaftmg o? eternal* 93pno , ano pet thers, aikdged jiottoitbttantring, tbat afoje tbe fame tljere tea Foreetemall oj byProcius. former eueclaff tng^nto toljom trjc euerlalh'ng fttckecl^ber aufe tbe if ojcettettafting; is bepono all t ami tbat in tbe euerlafting beemor, tbere is a feconu ano a tbirmantr tbat bttwm tlje tf ojeeuerMincr. anu tbe <£uerla(rtn^6tertttttereftet^ in trjc mioneff* jfroto3fa?af* vp&i&yiau mucb as al eternities! are alike equa!l,tbts fojenefle ano afterntffe tobicb are attributes to tbe perfons , is not in refpert of quite, but (asi Plotine fapd; ) in refpect of Jftatttre ^ ami(ag pe tooulo Cip)ui confitwationofcaufe* Proclus ?roc!usinPl.v tQ#> Diuiimic Q-UJJMGiTcU, V3C70^aT!MPV *y Te\3fc- TuovrSg'v" TOC. P2 OFTHETREWNES Proclus the Difciplc of Iamblichus fapetb rfjat tl;e atmrfent PlacomftsDfe rct&olunettoee^cgfcmens ( tobome tore can {per* fons.) © rtlje ix3l)tc!| , t!ir ff rff, t&ep ralteD tfte flDne , ^ijefecotti (namely tbe fepa atftftttaffluitg) tbrp calleo tbe one manp 3 aim [tije ifctrfc, tljat to to MQtye feoulc Cofc&c toojtoj tijev calico tbe One c np mat. Tut it is belt fo? bs to beare Uibat fre IjtmfeK fattb* The Lflencc or vnderftanding (fapetb l;e) fioj among rt;e Plato- nifts botlj are one ) is fayd firft of all, to hauc his being , or the Good,and to be about the fame Good , and to be filled with the light oftraeth which proceedcth from it, and to be par- taker thereof by the vnion which it hath therewith ,and is mod diuinCjbecaufe it dependeth originally vpon the Good. Spelt pe fee nolo a fecono pevfene, itgljt of JUgfrt , Ijaumcr. bis M* neiTe from tbe fitlf Mm tobercas; bee fttetlj of tbe firft ligijt tljat tt id moff Diuine ; tt is becaufe be kuotoctb not bp Uiljat toojoa to eje* jjjefle tije preeminence of tije jf atber* 3ln auotber place bee fapctlj tljat tbisat bnoerfranmng, (tljat is to fap tlje <§>oule)is become ©ne tottfj tbe (Soa^tbat ts to fap,tottl) tbe jf atber,ano alfo tbat bp bis mpnolp 3fntoojkmg ije is tbe berp eteniitie tt felfe,faum g tbat bee uepenoetl) bpon tbe ftnitie ; ano tljat be is like fcato tbe £me : ami tbat tije ^>oule oj tbtro peribne is like to tbe mpn&e, from -torijence tt pzoceeoetb^ut bere is ^t a moje eutoent thing, 1 he moft part (fattb lje)doe fet downe three Beginnings,the Good, the Vn- derftanding or the Beeer, & the Soule.l he firft principail and vncommunicable , is the One, who is before and beyond all things. Next vnto him is the one Vnitie , which hath his be- ing about the fayd firft fubftance, and aboundeth by partici- pation of him that is the One firft of all. And this Inbeing is more then Subftantiall , and the firft of all the Inbeeings in the Trinitie that is to be conceyued in vnderftanding. And feeing that thefetwo namely the One and the Vnderftan- ding bee in the firft rancke of the Trinitie, the firft as the Begettcr,the fecond as the Begotten , the firft as the Perfec- ter,the fecodas the Perfected: there muft needes be a meanc power'betwixt them , wrhereby and wherewith the one may yeeld being and perfection to the vnderftading or Beeer. Fc r this proceeding of the Beeer from the One, and likewife the turning back of the Beeer vnto the One, is done by a certeyn power cr might , and fo there is a Trinirie ; which is the full number of things belonging to a Mynd , fo as thisTrinit'e is Vnitie OF CHRISTIAN ft E L I G I O N. $>? Vnitle or Oneneife , Power or Might , and Vnderftanding of ^'^/i^ * Mynd .The Oneisthe Producer or yeelderforth, the Vnder- * ,^^ ftanding is the thing produced or yecldedfoorth,and the Po- (j , * weror Might depending vppon the One,isalfo linked to the * «*;* , Vnderftanding or Beeer. And this Trinitie is the Vrritie or T♦ lohn fpeafcctb of btm * „£ in IjtsS <8ofpefl*Surely(faptb &e)this is the Word that was from ^ > r* ~ • cuerlafting,by whom ail things that are,were made,as Hera- &%0V*lJJy dims fuppofed . And before God(faptl) be) it is the very fame ®%0¥ *&•& Word which that barbarus fdlow(foj fo HiO be terme S> John) * t« }wg* auowcheth to haue bin with God at the beginning i n the or- pSbov ^9 dering and difpofing of things when they were confu(ed,and ty £&{& iy to be God, by whom all things were abfolutely made,and in ov ^t^vkI^ whom they bee Kuing and of whom they haue their life and vcu beeing; and that the fame Word clothing it felfe with Mans cwHa^ainft flelhjappeared a Man,and yet left not to (hewe the Maieftie of iiiiian.lib.», his natute . Infomuch that after he had bin put to death, he Auffininthat cbe b gin* time; of ^> Johns ©ofprll toasi toojdjie to be giaueb euetptotjeie tn letters! of bius fapdfctfcat Platoes opinion concerning tlje one djief 600 scipb. ana t(je one ftnacrftanbing Inco ana bo;me of Ijim 3 is no fable at cod& MyndaU3butat5mgcerteptte5tiolDbettd)at^ coulD not otrjntoife e]r* gET™ °f W*^ *e **" ty ^amplea *f ft* Dapfomte ann furl) otljer tbings* 3no furelp tftoeljan tjjjeb©fcc0 of Varro,anB otljer great Cleritf, it tfit pofTible tljat toe ffjottfo fin* mudj mo?e to tW purpofe^ljua tljen pe fee Ijoto ti)e Platonifts are all of one optmon ana mpn& in tlje&ottrme of tlje Crtniti*, therein feme of than fatoenune ami fome leltyfome affirme tlje pjemttfes tobrreof our conclufiontf eiu {enje,am> otberfome condu&e tbe fame ejcpjeffelp tt)irb bs* ©Ije Ariftotelians baue no bopce bcre^becaufe tljep (tann aH m commenting bpon Ariftotle , tofjo gaue bimfelfe mo?e to tlje libe* rail 3rtes{ anu tlje feardjiug of Mature, tbati to leaking up to (Don Auiccn. t{j£ ma^cr 0f aj| ^^gg # jDtf nottoitbltantiing, Auicen reiccten it not:infomucb tfjat ^efaptlj tljat tl;c firft ^ppnti poDluctb fo^rlj a fe* ronn ^pno3ait5 tfyz fteono a t^ir^but Ije toatieu no fciper into t^e HelL Ayre>*nd light/owe Fyrt. y^ow Vwr is mefirfrom this houfe ofmyne That Spirit W/ me driitetyithin a ^hile. So as this Temple \\>here mens dcsTynies ssfre newfiretold,pjall [land all defolate. 35etngaffteD another tpme(a$ faptbPorphmusJtobetlljerttfag Porphiriosa* tbe better of tbe HJofli ojt tl>c Xa\»c5 l>e anfujercn Itfeetuife inberfe, ?%saMH €:iiat ittetr ctrgbt to bzlmz in ©on tbe bt$ztttt, ann in tlje King J^n&^fc tbat toa$ afoje a!! tbings, tmoer tobom qaafcetb botb Upeauen ami of^ cmc of Cartb, fee&ana B^en, pea ano tlje berp ©o&g rijeinfelues , lobofe Goi.cha. **- iatoe fa tbz jfatber tbat is Ijono?** b]> tijc Hebrewes . 9nn tljefe flDiacIesi tore toont to be fung in &erfe, to tbe intent tbat all men fbouftj remember tbem tbe better ag Plutarch reported?; jftoto 31 Jane bin tbe longer in ti)i$ Chapter, toaufemoffment$mftetbi$ uodrinefo repugnant to mans lSUa&n,tbatpbifofopbiecouItJ ne* tier allotoe of it ; not confinering t^at it igi anotljer matter to mm repue a tbing,tban tap^ame o) affotM it totyn it fe concepueu^nn ftere&^eafu)enfo?tbfe Cbapterajsfc^ tbat^icb toent afo^e, let fcg conclune, botfj b^ reafon met* to ©Dtig reuealtng, mm bp t!;e traced thereof in tlje JXBo^to , aiui bp ti;e 3Image tljereof iftinm j fcojtij $6 OP THH TR£TVJJB» foojrt) m our felucia; , ano bp tbe Confeifion of an tbe aunrfent 1DU uinefif,ano bp tbe &crp oepofittons of tbe Deludes tbemfelue^tbat in tbe onclp one €(Tence a) fub&mce of ©oo ? tbeve te a jfatber3 a omte begotten bp tbe flppno 3 ano tbe <§>pirit processing bp tbe MM: toljtcb te tbe tbing tbat toe bao here to Declare ♦ 3no let tbtsf banolwg of tbat matter concerning ©oog clfencc bee taken a* none bp toap of p?cucntion 5 botobeit tbat it acpenn mod pjoperlp fcppontijereuelation of our g>cripture$, tob^b being pjoueo toiH confequcntlp paeto p?©fe to tbte popnt alfo* "Cbere map bee fome jpercbaunce toljicb totfl oeffre yzt moje apparant p?Wte : but let tbem conlioertbattoeefpeakeoftbmgg tobtfbfurmountborfjtbt arguments of Logike ano aifo Demonftratiom jf ok inafinucb a* Demonftrationg are maoe bp tbe Caufeg , t^z Caufe of afl Cau- fes can baue no Demonftration^ut if anp be fo toilful ag to ftann infyeir otune opinion agamft tbe truetb tobteb all tbe 2Hojlo pjo* uetb 9 al 3geg acknotolcogerlet tbem take tbe papne to fet ooune tbeir fteafim* m tojttm&ano men (ball fee boto tljep be bttf eptbet bare Denpalle$5o? ©*ffe$5o? fimple uiitrutJsS oj mif beleefe of tbe tbing* tobicb tb*P bnoetftano not 5 ana tbat tbep be unable to toe? againft fo graue ano large Tfceafong ano T&ecojoes , as 3I baue ftt aotone beretofoje* 3no eJjerefoje^tlje glojie tbereof be bnto ©oo« Amen. * * The vij. Chapter. That the World had a beginnings €t bsJ noto retpje bacfte agatne from tbfa bot* tomlefle plfe ; fo? tbe tbing tbat is tmpolftble to be founoeo fe bnpoflible to beknofc)em9n& feeing tbat our epfigbt canot abpoc tbe bjigbt neffe of fo great a ligbt ; let it content t)$ to be* boloe it in tlje fl;aoctoe, jfloto, tbis fenfible ttio^ln tobereinioe Dtoefl, i$(a$ tbe Platonifts terme it) t^z fijaooto of tbe toojlo tbat is fubiect to tmocrftanmng: fo? errteflTe it cannot bz calleo an 3lmage fycreof,no moje tban tbe buploing OF CHRISTIAN RELIGION. P7 fruplmitg of a ^apffcrmafon is tlje 3!mage oflna mpn& ♦ 9fnn pet for all tbe greatnefle , beautie5 ano Hg&t toljicb toee fee tljerein, 31 camtottcUU)I)eti;a*tIje^oo?Dfi)atJoit)eooct!)>ougljIp fit it ojno5 confiaering tljat ^janotocs bauefome m^afure in ixfpectt)fti;eit boutess , but bcttoeene finite ant) infinite is no proportionable re* fcmblance at ail* M* btit forafmucb as tlje toorlo fpeaketb (Taptb tlje pfalmift) botb in all languages ami to all Rations : let bs examine it , botb tobole togetljer,anti according to tbe feuerall parts tljereof.f or it map be The world it tbat tlje toojtolingsfif tljep Diffruff tbeir otone recortOtoill at leaff* fdfc teiicth vs toife anmit tljat tobicb tlje toorto it felfe fball bepofe tljereof ♦ let {J1*1! " ^ a tos tljen amine tbe Clements an together : djcp palTe from one b-sinmn§* into anotljrr ; tbe Cartlj into SHater 9 tbe tvUater into %wz , ami 3pre into mam againe5ano fo fcortb* JJSoto tljis intercottrfe cat^ not be matie but in tpme,anti tpme is a meafuring of mouing.anti toljere meafure ts?tljere can be no eternitie A et bs gamine tbe fe^ weralipr^be Cartb batb bis feafons ; after @>p?ingtime commerfj S>ammer , after ^>ommer fucreenet^ Uparttea , ant) af:a* ?t>artiett follol»etlj 22ttater,^e®ealjatljlj^ continual ebbing ann Eoiu^ to?me!3 ann Calmer t£ljefe tntcrcljaungeg tobiclj are tojottgljt bp turner cannot bee toitboue beginning* if oj toljere ojoer te,tljere i# a fojmernelTe ano an after= ne(Te,ano all cljatmge is a kino of mouing, infomuclj tljat tlje alec= rations toljicb are maoe fuccefiiuelp one after anotljer, mud of ne* ceflitie baue Ijao a beginning; at fome popnt oj otljer; on tlje lano, bp fome one of tlje Sbeafons; on tlje &ea, b^ ebbing ano flotoing; ano in tlje 3p?e , bp jfrojtlj o? b^ ^>outfo ano fo ftDjtlj, JF02 if tljep began not at anp one popnt, tljen coulo tljep not Ijolo out onto an otljer popnt ♦ Delano tljen bp l)i^ <§>eafon$, tbe^pjebpljis cbatwge$,ano tbe &ea b)> big ^poe3,ceaire not to crpe out ano to pjeaclj bnto all tbatbaue earestoljeare, tljattljeretenoeuerla; ft ingneflfe in tljem,but tbat tbep bant bao a beginning all of tljenn 3gaine , toljen toe conttoer tljat tlje €artlj recepuetb W ^eafons from tbe @> unite, tlje <§>ea bis Cpoes from tbe $©©ne,$ tbe 9p?e ijfe a&inoegfromanouttoavo potoertljatisibnfeene: ougljttoee not to feefce tlje bt^innin^ tljereof aboue ano not beneatlj, toitljout tfcem ano not toitbin tbem , feeing tljat notbing Ij&re belotoe batft motting of it fcife ? 3no if tbe €Iement$ tutjtcb are accounteo fo? tlje berp grounog ano beginnings of tbings(,ackttotoleoge a begin* ning of tljeir mouingg; ougbt toe not to acfcnotoleoge j> fame in alt otber tljingsftSlgahyf toe conGoer Ijoto tljis Spame tobiclj makeri* tlje %?M$ in tbe <§>ea , Ijatlj no ligbt but from tbe Sbunne toljiclj manetb tbe feeafong on tbe €artlj;Ooetoenot concluoebp ano bp, tljat tlje gjeafong of tlje €artb,ano tbe ^poeaf of tbe jg>ea,ano tlje continnall rijaungeg, mouingg, ano (a$petooulofap)bacKetyea^ tljings of tbe €icment0,ljaue one commo beginning*; T5ut it map bee tljat tljefe mouings Ijaue place but onelp bnoer tlje Spame, ano not in tbat fiftlj ©uinteflence of tbe Ipzmm , tlje fubftantialnefle ano eternitie toljereof Ariftotle ootb fo btgblp commeno ♦ jflap, tobat if tlje Ijigberbaee mount bp, tljep pioclapme tljeir beginning (till tbe lotooer *: WLb*t if tlje tljing tobicb toe moft cbieflp toonoer at in tlje Jpeauen,be mott repugnant to eternitie<;'Ct)e <§>umte ma^ fectfi OF CHRISTIAN RELIGION. p9 ftetlj tljere W natural! rourfe in tlje Jouiacfe betto&ttetljetttio Cropicks o? Cumepopncs > fo as tfte ?ontac!te tgJ aiS tttacrefei^ race, ana tlje Cropicks arc Ijis utmoft litfes , botlj tije toljtclj are fa uitf mgmtfjeu bp oegr&s anu minutes; , tljat Ijee cannot pa(Tc one ljcarcb?eutlj beponu tljem.'Cljepopnts of Ijis ttoo ftops are Ijis ut* moft bounnss , tlje toljiclj fo fcone as Ije commctlj at , bp anu by Ije tumetlj ijeau back againe* $©uft Ije not tlje wsues Ijaue Ijau a place to fet out front, feeing Ije fjatij a place thereat to flop *t €uerp fo* toer anu mtntit Ijoluers Ijee is carpeu from Call to WLcft by tlje motttng oftije kpe:anu like as bp Ijis natural mounts be maketfj tlje gbommer anu tlje stutter; fobptljisuiolent mowing be ma* fcetlj Dap anu jftigljtCan fuel) fucceflton of tpmes anu §>eafons fee mane otfjetlmfe tljan in tpme, o? rather be anp otljer tljtng tljan tpme^E(;e #[tone liketoife finiiljetlj ber courfe euerp $£onetb: toe fee boto flje rijaungetb,grotoetb,becommetb full3ano toanctb* €* uerp planet batb bis p?eftjceu tpme anu IjtaJ ojomarp couifc/Co be fljo?t, men fee tlje rifing anu tlje going uotone of tlje <§>tarrcs, anu liketoife tljeir appearing anu tbeir tarping out of Kgbt:anu tlje Ue* rp Jpeauen it fetfe toljirt) tottft IjimfeKe carpetb ali tlje reft about, &ot!j it not but by morning :♦ jftoto tobatfoeuer is moueu,is moueu tn tpme ; atio all goings o? toljeelhtgs about, muft neeues begin at fome one popnt ; like as in tlje u?att)ing of a Circle, tlje one fljanke nf rije Compafles is fet faff in fome place , anu tlje otljer ffjanke is carpeu rounu about* (GBbat follotoetlj tljen5but tljat tlje mowing of tlje Upeauen anu of al tlje tijings toljiclj tlje !Ipeauen beared* ami ca^ rpetfj about^atlj ban a beginnings ^ben let us not toonuer at tlje b?tgbtnelTe anu iigljt tljereof as Ariftotle uiu ; fo? rijat beU)?apetlj tlje matter fomucbtljemo?e apparantlp, in tljat it batb not tljat ligbt but by uiftribution of mouing; no? at l)is perpetuall mouing, fo?tbat(betoetlj tfjemo?e Ijis ftreptferuicetoljereto Ije is fubiect; no? at Ijis Conffancie, fo? tljat is necelfttie ; no? at Ijis ljuge greats neflfe,fo? be is fo mudj tlje mo?e bttgelp botoeu uolijne*&ure{p tlje &>fyt is as t^e great uobeele of a Clocke, toljiclj (Ijetoetlj tlje pia^ nets, tlje g>ipes, tlje Ijotucrs, anu tlje ta:pues, euerp one in tbeir tpme;anu tljat ujljiclj feemetlj to be Ijis cljirfe tuonuer3p?ouetlj Ijtm to bee fubiert to tpme, pea anu to bee tlje uerp inftrumtnt of tpme* jftoto , feeing Ije is an inftvument, tljere is a fiBo?ker tljat puttetlj Ijim to bfe , a Clockkaper tljat ruletfj ^irn , a Sppnu tljat toas tlje firlt p?ocurer of Ijis mouing ♦ jfo? euerp inlh:umettt5ljoto mouable fo euer it be3ig but a ueau tljiug fo farre fco?tb as it is5 but an inftrtu <& a ment3 10© OF THE TREVVNES meat , tf ft baue not life an& moutng from Tome odjer dung rijan tt An obicciion ****• S?ca,but(toill fome man ftp) rijc fipeauen goetb about cob ' tinuallp;an& in fo manp Ido?Ids: aim ages as batrebin,taeperceiue no alteration at all ♦ COrettbcti man tfjat tbou art ' ^p Upart aim tbp Ltgbts alfo banc a continual* moutng, atm neuer Ipe fttfl ; aim tbou , tottij all dje luitte tbou baft , c and neidjer increafe it no? re= ftteine tt^lje pbiffttons tbemfclues fecit it,but can fiim no caufe of it^be pbtlofopbers ouertp?e tbemfelucs in feeding it, aim pet canft tljou not tell tbe eime ami tbe beginning tljcreof ♦ Doeff not tljou tbtngs tbp felfe tabid) men as tbou art ooenaeme to bttoitb* out eim, as ffraunge Rifles aim 'Crumlcs, atm fucb otber kinn of felfmouings , of toljofe beginnings not etten Cbtteen are ipc^ rant* 3nn pet bimer colour rijat tbe peat tab&le of ©eaucn bad; no\uoflongtpmeturnen about tutdjoutceairtng,tutlttboubefo djilmlb 0} fo blum, as to beleeue tbat it batb turneb fo from euerla- ffing*: © man^tbe fame tao?kmapffertabidj fjattj fetbp d>e Clock of tbp b*rt fo? batfe a fco?e peaces , batb alfo fet bp tbis bugt en^ gine of tbe ^>fcpes fo? cntt^nt rijoufanas of peares* <£5reat are bis Circuits ami fmall are tbpne; anb pettoben tbou Ijaff accounted tljem tb?ougblp3tbcp come bod; to one* let bs coira to tl;ed;ings tbatbauelpfe aim fence* Cl;e plate! 0jcote fond) into bjancbes , ana bearebotb bun aim fruite : but pet ritljer tbe plant fpjinptb oftbefceroell, o? tbe fomell of tbe plant, atm botb of tbe pjocaetieof a maker*i©f fitting toigbts, fome tying f©?tb tbeir pong on^ alpue,atm fome lap Cgges, atm torknotae to\)id) is tngeim?e& of tabid; : but taljetber tbe Cgge come ofttrc 5>en,o? tbe ©en of tbe Cgge ; tt muff nanes bk cemfeflen tbat die one of tbem bab a beginning* 35ut 31 taill leaue d;ts bapne mfptu tine; toller of tbem tuas tbe firff ; tabid; queffiontbeljolp fcrip-- ture taill mfcufle in one too;m* S?ea aim nature it felfe alfo taill &fc cuflfe it , tabicb required; to \)mt tl>e firff tbtngs bmttgbt fooul; m tbeir perfect being, tf o? it is enaugl; fo£ our purpofe,d;at djcp map fiim d;emfelues conuictcti of a beginning djiougbottt all tilings*. 9nD3lP5appou, if tl;cp cannot tell tul;edjerd;e moutng of ri;eir $eatt o? of tljeir Ltongs , began firff toitb (butting 02 taitb ope= ning,at tfje tl^uffing of tbe b?ctb fcnitlj , 0? at tfje mataing of it in; (tabereof nottaitbffanuing tbep cannot but knotae tbat tbere taas a begimung:) ougbt djep to be atimitteo to nenp tbat tbings ban a beginning, becaufe it migbt be DoutcD at tabtdjpcpnt tbcp began*: JSota if tlje Dumb mm fpeecljeleflTc rijings krp out fo lotus, aim tbe OF CHRISTIAN RELIGION. 101 tbe things tW aw bopo of itafon concluoe fo reafonablp; (ball on* Man hr, a b^ Ip man t»f>om <£oo ijatfc tinmen hztl) toicb fp&cb ano reafon3be cu ^a^ tbec fo bnbonett ass to {join bis peace , o? fo fbameleiTe as to refill * g>©tf)lp as tourfjingour botipc^tueknotu tbe beginning of tfant; ano our fo curious fearcljingoutcf peoegrees , mafcetb bs ton confeXe it tuljetber toce toill o? no* 3no tf anp dung in dje toojloe migbt baue anp true pretence oj Ipfcelpboo to boaft of an eternitie; our §>oules migbt ooe it , Daljtt^ tottbout moutng tbemfelues noe Doc caufe a djoufano djings to remote Cbep mout up bnto ©ea* uen5ano go ootone to tbe o#pc,imtbout fluffing tfteir place+Cbep &©jo bp dje tobole toojlo tn tbe ftojeboufe of tbet'r memo?te3 toitf> out rombering of anp ramie tbere* C^ep patfee bp all tpmes pad pjefeat ano to come together, tmtbout paHIng from one to a* notbm'&o be flj»o?t>tbep conrepue ano contepne all t^ing0,ann at ter a fojt euen tbemfelues alfo* 3no pet (ball toe be fo bolo as toa fap ttyp be eternal toitbout beginning *t J2ap,boto can tbat be3fid) toe f« tbat tbep profit ano learne,pea ano oftentimes alfo appapje ano forget, from age to age , ano from nap to nap *t $oto ( 31 fap) tm tbat be,fitb toe fe tbat tbep paffe fro ignorance to Imotoleoge, from oarkenefle to ligbt,ftom glaoneflfe to faoneffe^ano from bope to oefpapje ; ano tbat not b}> peered , but euen in tnimtte ano ma* ntents % 3no ( tobicb moje is ) toee f# tbem recepue great trouble aim alteration bp ano fo? tbe t^in^ tbat are mutable ano tranfitQ* rte,tobicb flojiflrtn dje mo?mng , ano are toitbereo ano parrijeo ag in an k)\xtn at nigbt* jSoto, to be altereo ano djaungco^impojtedj a moutng, ano be tbat grauntetb a mouing,grauntedj alfo abt%in* ntng ; ano to be moueo b^ dungs mutable , (betoetb an oucr great mconftancie of uatur^tobicb is a tbing tcocoo contrarte bnto eternt* tit. %o be ffjo?t , boto can p tbing be eternall oj euerlafting>tobirf) cannot fomucb as b^ anp imagination refemble augbt tbattljis toojo mtnitit betokened* *: 9no pet tbis foule of ours tS tbe tbing iobicbiumaniopnetb i&eauen ano Cartb togitl)er,marKetbtbe cbaunges in tbings aboue 3 ano fo? tbe moft part tooled) tbem in tbe tbtngs bcttcatb,carping bp a banofull of ouft aboue tbe f kpes, ano after a fojt banging oolune fipeauen bnto tbe €artb ♦ Qptif^ mo?e reafon tbe:t is it tbat neitber in t^e !{)eaueu,no? in tbe €mb» noMnalltbe^armonieof tbe lobole too?lo tobicb^eefogreatl? locnoer at^tbere (boulo not be anp app^ocbing at al bnto etemitte* feome man perrijaunce toill fap bnto mee, tbat in tbt partes cf An obieaioxv ti)t 22Jo?lo tfjere is no eternitie,bttt pet tljere map be in tl;e tobole* © 3 ^aj>a 102 • F THE- T*H TV MBS jflap, b&to can a Wfyttit bee etemall , tobt'eb is compofeo of brittle ano tempojall parted 3no bobat calltftep tbe 2£Jbole,but tbe buge frame of $eauen» tobofe mouing pjouetb tljat it ban a beginning? 3game3rome otber tmTl perbapa fap, tbere fe a beginning of mm rung in tbe bJojlo,a$ toell in tbe tobole as m tbe part* tbereof; but pet it ootb not tberefoje follotoe , tbat it ban beginning of beeing* jftap,if tbe being tbereof bias euerlaftinglp afo?e tbe mouing iber* of;boU) coulo it be caHeo iihLatine Mundus $ in ©reeke Cofmos,. tbat te to fap , A goodly or beautifull order , feeing tl;at foj tbc mod part , ©per oepenoetb bppon mowing \ #o?3 take from tbe Jpcauens tbeir turning about,ano from tbe Smnne bis courfe,ano fet tbem fait in fome place fcojjere pou lift ; ano pou (ball make tbe one balfe of tbe €artb blpno, ann tbe tnrjolc Carrlj eptber feojebeu tmtb W continual! pjefence,oj oefert ann bnmbabttable b? W ab* fcnce:ann pe (ball make tbe &ea fo? tbe moll part bttfapleable,am> tbe 3p?e bnftuitfttll oj bntemperate ♦ ^berefoje it bull follotue at t\)t leaff,tbat tbe <3Hojlo batirj not bin inbabiteo etterlaftinglp, noi tbe iplantg tbereof bin etemall , noj tbe liuing Creatures (no not tuzn £^ankpno)bin britbout beginning* gmrelp 31 toote not tobat epes tbefe igrtjtlofopbera baa,tobo ban leuer to eternife p fetone^ Itocta^ano ^ountaine^tban tbemfelue* fo? tobom tbofetbmgg fcoere mane ♦ 3no agatne, to tobat purpofe feruen tbe gumne ana tbe Spame at tbat tpme^ea, boben notbing oin ^tt liue3fee3ann bjeatbe *: 3It remapnetfr tben tbat afoje mouing.it bmg but a confufeo beape,ma(Te o? lump of tbingsi britbout (bape3ano tbat inp?ocefle of tpme(a0 fbme Tap) a certepne Sboule toouno it ftlfe into it, ano gaue (bape to tbat bo* oie3auo aftettoaro life3 mouing ann fence to tbe partem tbereof,acs coping a$ be ba& mane euerp of tbem capable to receiue:tnfomuclj tbat tbe bjojlo fe notbing ete but tbat confufeo beape nob) ojoerlp oifpofeo3innebaco britb foule ano life3fo as of tbat foule ano r onftu feo lumpe together , tbere ig nob) mane one perfect liuing brigbt* 3 proper imagination furelp, ano mate foj a berp ^ea(r,to fatbet W fo operlp el&nce bppon tbe IbaptlelTenelTe of a Cbaos?, tbat in to fap3of confufeoneJTe remoueo atoap ; ratber tban iipon tbe toife* Dome ^polaoer of a quickning Spirit/But feeing tbat tty& Cbaoies coulo not recepue eptber ibape o j oper 3 but by tbe fapo g>oule ; if tbep be botb eternafl,bolo met tbtp togetber in one popnt5being of lb contrarp natureji,tbe one to (bape ano tbe otber to be fljapeo^Jf it toete bp an ucnturc, bnb) nin p §>ou(e bp anucnturc fo fct tl;ing^ to OF C HK1 ST 1 AH V A B 1 1 G tO *t. IOj in o?uer, ana Ijotxi bappenetb tt tbaflt fjatfj not Once $af f^mt put tbem out of o?ner agatne *: £)? if tt torn bp aoutfejof inborn tboula ti?at afluife be but of a feupertour *t 3no tobo is tbat ^uperiour, tut (Sou $ 3gaine,eptbertbiSfeou!etoas tpeu reallp ano inberp Uceoe to tbis booie of tt>e too?lo from ail etermtie ; o? els tt ntn but onelp pearce tb?ougb it bp bis potoer , as feemeo belt of tbe otone freeurill* 3lf ittoere tpeo3fpeciallp to fucb a confufeo mafle;bp tobo but bp fo?ce of a bigber potoert 3no tben tobat els; coulo tbat con* fufeu Cbaos be to btm,but an euerlafting grauet3no tobat els al* fotoeretbattofap,$ant&at tbefapo Cbaos toas as a fbapeleflfe Cbito pet nefolp begotten ano fcarcefet togetbertn tljemojtbers toombe^tobtcb umbin afeto oaies after,bp tbe infuGon of a §>oule begitmetlj to batte fyape , moumg,ano fence •, ano aftertnaro in bis sue tpme is bo?ne , ano being groyne bp oecapetb agapne, ano fo *noetb,as our booies ooe^ £>? if a g>oule pearceo into tt ana toent tb?ougb tcbp a frcetoil ano potoer; (let bs not tfriue about termed; fo? a ^oulejs fo nameo tn refpect of a borne Sobereto tt is tpen)tbe fame is tbe Itutng (B©D, tobo dt bis pleafure gaue tt botb (bape, Itfe,ano moiling, 'But 31 toill fljeto bereafter,tbat be not onlp gaue tbe £&to?loebtS (bape, but alfo createu tlje berp matter tfuffe ana fubftance tbereof ♦ IBut tt fitfftfetb mk at tbis tpme to to?eft from tljem,tbat be is tbe maker ano (baper tbereof* Let as petmoje ciearelp fetfo?tb tbe o?tgtnall of tbe 3ftto?ttL31 affcetobattbetoo?lois ofitfelfe^ 3!f it mouenot,itfo?goetbbotlj Ins o?oet ano fcis beautie,as 31 fapb afo?e*3no if it moue, tt (beta* rtb it felfe bncapable of eternitie* 35ut tbere is pet mo?e« Cbefe fo= Thciinking of toer fpaces oftbei»o?to are tbe barb?ougb of lining creatures, ana things to^- fpeciallp of man,tobo knotoetb bom to tafce benefite thereof* Cbe ther° temperateneffe of tbe aire feruetb fo? butt-, ano pet tbe aire can not bee tempered no? tbe Cartb ligijtet* , toitbout tbe feonne ano tlje S^ojne: jf5eitber can tije gmnne ano tbe Spcone gtue Itgfct ann tttn* ^eratnelte tnttbout mouing* %\)t Spcone batlj no Jigbt but of tbe 2g>unne;neitbercantbeg)tume palo tteitbertotbe 9pojneo?tco tbe €artb3but by tbemouing of tbe!J)eauen: anu tbe great Com* pafle of tbe l^eauen going about , is tbe berp tbing mbicf) tooe call tlje (KUojlo, not elteenting tbefe lotoer parts ( as in refpect of tbeic matter)otberlotfe tfean as tbeo?egges of tbe inbole* 3no lubereajs tlje Clements ferue man.anti tbelplanets fcrue tbe eiements5peai ano tbe planets tbem felues ferue one anotber: ooe tbep not (bettf ^at tljep be one fo? mtotlier*; 3no if t!;ep be one fo? anottierj is not © 4 one 104 0F THE TREWNES one of tbem m confiocration afojeanotber; as tbeen&eafojetbe Theinwoor- tbings tbat tcito bnto tbe cntJ.,acco?mng to tfyit common rule,tbat king of the the Mynd beginncth his work at the end thereof ?J3otutt)ttT, ncth aah8cn ^tl)C turm'nB abDUt °^c #>*ailcn fa'"* t0 ft rt»* tbe planets, ana S! attC ^W tD V^ Mgbt t0 ^c ^*rtfo am> t0 a** tbingtf tbercon : oodj it not feme foj tbe Cartb *: 3no if it ferue tlje Cartb ; J pjap pou i* tbat oone bp appopntment of tbe Cartb,o^ tatter bp appopntment of fome onetljat commatmocd) botb l)tmtn ana €m\)<: 9 jatne, fleing tbat dje tnoe id in confiueration afo^e tbe tbings tbat ceitf> thereto : fljal! d)is confioeration be in tbe tbings djemfcl ues,oj ra- ftm in fome S>ptritetbat o?fceretb tbem *t fecodjlp, in tbednng* tijcmfelucs it cannot be t foj if tbep bauefcnticriiansing, rtjcp bau* alfo l»il(; ano d)e Ml intended) ratber to commauna tban to obep3 ano tmto fraftome radjer tban bonoage:ano if tfjep Ijaue no bnoer* ftanmng,tbeu knotue tljep neither cno no? beginning ♦ spojeouer, fojafmudj ags tbep bee Hitters, ano of contrarp natures^tbep (I>oufa ante at oiuers enus , tobereas nob) rijep ame afl at one cm>* $$$?> tubid) moie is,boto iboulo tbe<§>unne anu dje &£ame,tbe Speauen ann d;e Card; tjaue met eucrlaftinglp in matcbingdieiroealings fo iumpe together ,dje one hi giuhtg ligbt , ano dje odjer m taking it \ 31n fcibat popnt, b]> tabat coucnant, a:to imocr tafjat Bate toa£ tbtS oone,feeing it oepenocd; altogetber bppon mouurg , tobid) is not to be none but ht t^mz^t rcmapnetb tben,tbat tbe fapo confc aeration toas uone bj> a Spirit djat commaunoedj al tfjings alike, ana tbat be puttetlj d;em in fubtection one to another as fcemetfr bed to bimfelfe , fojfomttcb as f>e is migbtie to keepe djem m obe* Hience^ano toife to gttpae tbem to djeir peculiar eno^, ana ad rtjeir enos bnto W o^ne enne ; aim be tbatdjtnfced; otbertoife rf)inked> tijat a lute is in turn of it ofcmcaccop*®? if be fapdjat djts &yu tit 10 a bottle tnclofeo in tbe tni;oIe,b^ oodj fonolp incorporate fyc Spirit of t!;e I uteplaper in tbe lute it felfe^ann Wetoifc tbe bupl= iiet int^z bup!Dmg,3Jn effect it is aEenr as if a Cbtfo tbat is boine ano biougbt bp in a boufe,S;oulD djinke tbe boufe to be etcntari o? elss maueof it fel&^bccaufebe ban not feene it maDe : 02 as if a man tbat ba$ bin call out netolp borne in a nefert Jlano , ana djcre ntir» fe* bp bp a (IQoIfeaS Romulus toao5 o? euerlafflnglp mo tban ttoot 31f but duo, tobere arc tbofc t&o become , feeing tfcat eteemtte im* po?tetb immo?ta!itie, ano abcgmmng!circfo?ebemgftomeucrla* ftinct inferred; an entrfeffe afterbeing o? coetnuance to euerlatfmgt anntftfjepttciemanp: fee pe notMltbefelfefrmeabfttrbities? Snn if pe ftp tbep be mane euecMmg h^ fuccefuon of tpine ; tobat (31 P?ap pott is tseatiObut a token tljat tfcep toere bo?ne «t OLIbat is ltfc(3l fpeafce of ttjiS our ltfe)but a continuance of oeatb*: ana uftat fe fuccetfion5but a p?olongmg of time^bttf tljen pe fee fjott tljat afuoell bv tlje parts of tl)e 2Bo?Io5anti bv tlje laljole ££teto it fe!f, as alfo b^ tlje agramtent of tbe toljole ttutfc fj& pavtgf 5 ana ofti;e parts among tbemfelue$;toe beeuioentlp taugbttbat tlje frame of tbe2£to?tobai>botbatoo?kmapfter anti a beginning* TButnoto fome man toil afke H tw^cn it began*;3n& tljat is tfce popnt toljicfc toeljauetotreateofnejt* The viij. Chapter. When die World had his beginning, ©otfclp, it is not fo? mk to ftann fjere nilp?©^ uing tlje aoubtes of tbe accounted of tpmes-, fo? p ous of fome peres, pea o? of fome tofjole btm&?e&s of peres , is not to bee accounted of tbettoeene ttnnitit am a beginning^ut if toe baue an epe to tlje p?oceemng of d>islot»ec £Oo?lu:feje (ball euiaentlp percepue, tljat like a Cfcfl&e it batlj l;a& fts ages , bis tbmn$t$ , antr £is full popnt*, retted o? ttoppes ; fo a«f it Ijatb b^ little antr little grotone , bin pes* pleu,anti replemffjetyami tbat(to be flfjo?t)tobereas tbe Iud^Id {Up* pofetb tbat it (Ijall insure fo? etter,it noti> but referable m ola Do* tarae, tufetcft (bee bee neuerfo fa?too?ne ana tapping fo? age,) pet tljmfces bimfelfe ft ill to Ijaue erne pece mm to litte^ut 3 fcatte al* teamc fufficientlp piouea, ti;at botlj ©eauen ana Cartb Ijatte frito a begmmn&an& alfo t^at feing tije one of tljem to fo? t^e otl>er,tbep lW ib,c lame at one felfefame tpme,ann botb of tbem from one fdf fame ground 3m> tberftne lake ftftat fyalbe Beclareo oft^e eartb, ft all aifote Declares of tbe beauemano fojafmucb a* tbeeartb fcr* uetb fo? tlje tofe ofliumg creature^a^ fpaiallp of man;l©fa brfjat ■beginning toe fl;aii pjoue of uian3 tbe like (ball toee baue pjoueo of tbe mfpoftttcn of tbe eartb* jf oj to toijat purpofe tore tbe 5?eauctx being imbolaeo about tljefe Iotoer parts like a (3ault$ oj to tobat purpofe mere tbe eartb being as a fiou»e o? plandjer to goefcpott; if tfom toere no inbabiter at ail bpon eartb *i <§>urelp if tbe ftflojlu The Originaii tore toitbout beginning , tt (Ijoato alfo ijaue bin tnljabiteii from ©fscicnecs. tmtbout begmn!r;g5ano no people fboulo be of mo?e antiquitie tba Thi^iumrc & 6tljrc : ®* at leaftto* ^ auncimt fo etter it tore 3 pet ftoulo no tclcoToCth~ioS neto WnS be fettu* tljereitu 3$ut if euen tlje oloeft a.io auncienteff w -asiatdyfoud tbings ofaH-.be but neto;ottgbt it not to bee a fute argument bnto ouvmdimy ij^oftljt ncttmelTc tfjereof*: ^battbing3lp;tapi>oucantopicke {df • 'TaT 0Ut *n *&** to0^f°? an W^pte of antiquitie1: did tumble at ^Ct w *eBin at fy* JLtbcrall g>ctence$;an& to %a!l wane of tbe Tpon it, & am firi* commings tip of tbem aILpbrtofopbie3tubicb conftttetb in tbe able to'tume it fearcbing out of ttattttall tbings , i$ of fo late continuance, tbat a-- into my na- f0^ tje tpme of Pythagoras, tbe berp name tbereof teas not fcno= a" dIaplfmf ' totn*Z\)t Romanes counted it fo? follp long tymt after tbat 9na fiyth,it«mc Lwcrccc tbe Epicure fiugetb in bte tpme,tbat tbe nature of tbing* hitha after the toagfouno out but late afo^e* 9Hb Seneca tobo came long aftet timcthat my tym , faptb tbat front tbe firfJ eommtng bp of jpbttofopbie to bi£ countrymen tp,^ tbete tore not full a tboufano poereg ♦ Socrates fe fapo to oflepper and &aue to ft * 6rft #** ^?ougbt it from ftutiie to p?adife, tnatotng it Dates. (%$ tljep fapo ) from ^eauen to €artb , ami from Citiz$ to boufetf Auftin.iib. 1 8. ano perfons : tbat ts to (ap,bp tearijiug men to lmot»e tbemfeluea of :he cme o( an^, t0 gouernebotb tbemfeluesi anu otbens*3no tbat i$ not aboue at place* 1$ut boto) man? peres fltfll w gaine bp tljat *t 3lf Thales mere tlje 6rfi tljat tangbt it te Lamms in the tbe Greekes/as tljep tljetfifelues fap:) W fenoto) botb bp tije toerp lyfc of Thales. Greeke auiljojs $bp Thales fttitifeIf,H*te& it oftbe^giptiansyThal€sinhis # t\)t iEgtptians of tlje Chalcteans,\»^a are in toerp oeeoe tlje 3u- Epiftie to Phe- tljojstbenafynfomuelj j> tty toojo Chaldean is ojibinarilppntfo^ccydes in cle- an 3ffrologer, 9no if Ujc Cap toitbPUnie^Iupiter Belustoas tlje S^AH^.' 9uti)o? tbereof •, if tbe fame Belus toa$ tbe firft of tbat name, tljen ™' l h " tolas it about tbe time of Abraham* anUiftbePhenicianstoere t&e founders thereof, as it is fapo in anotljer plaeettoljat tuere tbe? els but tbe Hebrewcs ? 9gaine,3I pjappoutobattouagtljeafiro: logte of tbofe folke IVf tbe report of Plinie, Thales txias tbe fir ft PHnie.lib.2. among tbe Greekes,anto Sulpitius Gallus among tlje Romanes f lrUt^Nkeas! tbat obferueo tlje Cclipfes of tbe &unne ano S£oone* 3Infomucb Q^nuiiaT^ tbat tbeir 9rmpes(as Plutarche ano Quintilian repojr)toere oif* ub. u mapeo at tlje Ggljt of tfcem ; To as tfie one of tbem nis let paffe tbe neict tljjee oates^e tlje otljer oio le t paflfc all tlje red of tbat Spoone, ere tljep ourtt enterpjife o? g* in Ijao toitlj anp t&ing* my-it toa& counteo btgb 3Creafon totoiaros (Sou to alleoge anp natnrall caufe thereof* Anaxagoras tyasrput in Pjifon fo? it ,ano Pericles Ijati- tnucfraooe to get bim telfafer>*Protagoras tuast baniOjeoAthens fo? it; ano tlje Mathematicals toereuttcrlp conoemneo fo^t^an^ mljat mo^e ooe tlje fauaged people of tlje uiojlo our poo?e Ameri- cans ? 3J{iDa* at tributeoun to Thales ,tijatbcettjastbefirHtbat: abfemeo tlje Jiftntb %tmt 7 anfi to Pythagoras,tljat tlje moaning Carre ant) tlje euening ffarre be botlj one , ano tljat tbe Zodiacke goes a &kie\u, ano gtroetlj tbe Sftojlo about lifeea ^irole : am** into Sblon(as faptl) Proclus)tbat tbe ^oone &u(betb ber courfe m tbirtie oapes*9ftertopo tame Archimedes, toljo gatberetr tbt abferuattons of manp tbmgs , ano tbereof mane tlje Sphere, jjctr ttamit&aanning, allt^efe are but licle entrauuee^ M tbe greatr ^peculatiom Ccnfoiius co- ccrningChri- ftcs birthday. Cap. 9. Vawo. Arithmctik & Geometry. Fiato in hig Epinomis. The Original! of Crafts.Tra- tarres.> it map bee tfjat Iji* Cranes, Craftes ann 9rtes3 are of moie antiquirie tljan bis S>n- ences^urelp as tourfjmgfcan&icrafte, Varro a greate fearcfjer of antiquities toitnetTetl), tbat all tbe l^anniccaftes toeteinuenteB toritinn tbe fpace of a tboufann peres reefcenen backe fro W tpmc. 9nn let not tbe (Sraekes b?ag anp nt3?e > jf 0? mtn in tbeir {f>ifto* ties toe finn t&e faff inuention 0? finning out of jf p?e,tobicb is tbe ground ana beginning ( if 31 map fo termc it ) oftrjc moft part of 5>anoicrafts^nri fojafmuri) as tbere are tabic!) Ijaue tojitten par* ticulartp of ti)t fpnnin j out of eue rp of t&em : 31 &nn tl;e l&canet fcntotbem* 3$ut let bs fpeafce of leactjecraft ttfjieb conteinetlj p&iGft at& gmtgerie, tfje3rtetol)icl)isfoneceirariefo?aIlman,kmtie* Doe toee not fee boio it bjoenetljj ana from nap to nap grotoert) ann in* creafetb of Mnefles ann fcftounns , pea ano men of tbe neat!) of men ? Diodorus attributed) it to tbe Egyptians, ann Moy* &s in Genefis maketb fome mention of Pharaos i;aljifitions* ©- t^crs noe father it bppon Efculapius , ann fome Dpon Arabus tfce fonne of Apollo : but tubat maner of pljificfee luas tl;at ? 3If toee follotoe tlje tooo?ns of Moyfes , tbep toere rafter 3imbalmcrs of Dean bonpes , ftan partitions of ficke pecfons* 9nn Efculapius (as faptb Cicero) toas etomen as a (Bon fo? teaching to pull out Catb,ann to Ico^en tbe'Bellp^lfo Podalirius ann Machaonbttf fucccfltes,menlen notbuttortl) outtwam Cures^ %ts be fl;o?t,He- rodotus fai^tljat om toas aJLeac^c fo? tlje €pe, another fo? tfjc Ilpean, OF CHRISTIAN RELIGION. lOp $ean , arm a tbim foj the jf cete ] ana tljat toljen tljcp lucre at tljctt luttsc enn,tbep lapn tlje nifeafen perfon in a place of refojte , to trpe djere bpon btm tlje recept3of toljofoeuer came firth ann tljat toas a fcinn of £ecbecraft,tobicb as pet Ijan ncitlja* Upcan no? 'Eaple, 91* ft tlje !i2uct beaftg taugljt men tiutcrsJ KpcrDe^ ann rementes bp lit* tie ann ittlc^attn fome men nin put tljeiw in pjcofe bpon otljeri^ w- to tlje tobiclj Uperbes tbeplefttljeir names; infomucb tljat in tlje tun one Hippocrates ann certeine otljers mane a collection of ail tljofe tljings^ann fo of man? mens ejcperiences toag mane an arte, ana tbat 3rte Jjatlj bent inrtcben from time to time, ann moje per* anuencure in our age tljajveuerittoas befoje* Bpotofoeuer tlje cafe ffano3it ig certepne tljat tlje firff ]pljifition tbat toas fene in Home toas one Archagatus , luljo about a firfcoje peeres afo?e tbe com* ttttng of Cb?ift>tn tlje Confullbip of Lucius ^milius Paulus,and Marcus Liuius3toas mane free of tlje Citiz 5 after tobom niucrs 0- tber Greeke IPbiKtions came tljitljcr bp beapes,but tljep lucre bp ann b^ tytuen atoap againe b^ Cato tbe Cenfcn , as hangmen 0? 'Cojmenters fent bp t|e Greekes to murtber tlje Barbarians (fo? fo bin tbe Greekes call all otfjer Rations befioes ttjemfelues ) ra* tber tljan IpbtGttons to beale tlje nifeafen : ann tbat toas , (ricaufe tljat in all cafes toitbout nifcrction3tljcp bfen lanncing ann fearing: to all S>ojes* jftoto Gtb toe fee tlje Sciences ann 9rtcs grotoe af* ter tbat maner from ffibferaation to £)bferuation,auo from Wn* ciple to ipjinciple, ann to bee fo netolp comebp among tlje j#ati« ons of greater* renotone ann learning ; fljall toe nottbt to conclune tljat it toas fo among tbe runer nations Jifeetoife^ Letbscome tolatoes; fo? euen tbe barbaronfeft people ban of The onginair tbem : ann it map bee tljat feeing man is bojne toe focietie ann fefc or goneramct lotofljip^bet ban greater care to fct an ojner among tbemfducs bp goon iatoes, tban tomarke tlje ojner of tlje &>fcpesc;t tlje nifpofi* tion of tbetr otone bonpes* ^utnctb not tbe tatoe to?ittcn,lc«ne tosfoojtbtoitb to tlje tatoe bnto^itten^ 9nn noe not tlje grcate so* Iwmesof latoes tobiclj toe turne oucr tioto annpes,lcane bs toclje peeccs of Trebonian ; annTrebonian, to tlje Sceuolaes ann Af- fricanes • nttD tljefe againe to tlje latoes of tbe €tof lue tables': 9nn 3! pjap pou tobat els.be tlje ttoelue ^ablcs,but tbe infancy cf tbeRomanetaioeSjtobtcbbeingbcrpnmplerummcntsofCJtull goncrnment , like tljofe tobiclj are to bee fottnn at tbis nap among t(j? moff barbojete Rations , tore tlnouglj a foil (b Fa^ of ant^ Witiz nae toonner at in tl;e auncient Romanes, ann Defpyfc tbcm to no OF THE T R E W N H * AuhisGelius lib. 20. Cap. 1. Stlib.17. Cap.21. ftl t\)C aunticnt Almancs , Thuringians , Burgonions, Salians, ana Ripuaries , \ui)o notumbftanomg baatbcnt farrc better djan tbe Romanes ? 13uc irbat antiqutttf can be fapa to be in tbem,fec- ing tbeir continuance batb not Dm patt a fcxj)cr bumnea pecres a« fo?c die routining of £b?ift,as tbe Romane iyi(lo?(es tbcmfelucs Pomponius oft'nf0?mc t,s <. 3g;ainc,aoe not tlje ttoeluc fables una us bztht to nv.n.Mh'oft[°c *&* Grccians ? 3nD of tobom baa tbe Greekes tbetn, but of Dra~ Umc? C co antJ S°l°n as injrefpect of die Athenians,tobo Iiueu in tbe time of Cyrus King of Perfia ; ano of Lvcurgus as in refpect of tbe La- cedemonians,tobo liuco about tbe cna of tbe Cnippjc of Afsiria? 3ttn Uibat rls is all tl;is bougc Dcptlj of 9ntiquitic thereof tbe Greekes make fo great boa{t,but late netonefie among p lewes? Piutark in the qgojeoucr piutarkc faptlj tijat Solon ana Lycurgus ban becne in anTLmirau,n ^gyp* 10 fccke lawman* tljat tljere fo? all tbeir gagging of an* a^d in his Sea- f«qwicte,t|icp \i3erc fkojnea as pong Cbila?cn«Cfoe ^giptians aU rifeofifis and fo baatbrir Latoes of Mercury, & Mercury aoubtieffe baa tbeitt ofyris. ftom tbe Interne of Moyfes,tobom Diodorus toitneffctbtobaue him t ailed biXl ll)£ fir(l ^^Z nWkCr °f aIl*^° bt fi-WC^at ^li W &?&** gefh Diodoms *nS cbat ( as lofephus notctb againtt Appion ) t\)t berp name of in his cxhom - JUto \xi00 bnknotnen amog tbe Greekes in tl;e time of Homere? tion. ^ut it map be tbat tberc baue bene Kings tpme toitbout mina: XoCThus a- f0? t(jCp ^ere as a |jUjng £ato>ana tijeir aeterminations tocrc tur* gain* Appion ncD fat8 jLauic0*£xc as marketben,tbat from tbe great 8©onark* toe rome to tbe Kings of feuerali j3ations , ana from tbcm to bn- acrfcings of Pjouinces ana of S>bp?es , ana aftertoaras to Ktnga of £ottmes,Cities>ana tillages, ana finaUp to Kings of *l)oufe* i;olas tobtcb tuere tbe # atljers ana Raiders of boufes , ana tocrc tbe claeff 0? aunctent eft of tbcm ; ana tijefe aoe fenae bs to tbe one comonffocke(tbatisto fap,tbeonc romonbeginning)of tbem all* 9na tube toas tbat? Surety Iuftine tbe Epiftojptojitcr toimefletb, tbat tbe Kings tobtcb tocre afoje Ninus King of tbe Aflyrians, toere but particular Juages of controucrGes toljirb rofe bettoeenc folke of anp one Cottne,o? £itit>vi Cpoufebola^ana tljat tbe fapa Ninus toas tbefirftKingof toljomeanp BpiCo^ograpbers banc tojittett. 9na Herodotus faptl) tbat tlje /Egyptians baa tbe firff Kings* 3na be tljat totil mount bp anpbigber,muf!aoeitbptbe boip §>ertpture , tuljtcl; teacbetb bs tbat Nembrod toas tbe 6rtt tbat l^ake tbe fapa fatberlp o?aer of ^oufl;olagouernmcnt,bDbfre* in euerp fatber rcignea ouer tbofetbat aefrenaea of bun /toitljout an? oxber pjerogattue c^an of age, tobifO fo$ of ©oucmers Ma- netho Iuftine in his firil bookc. PlinUib.7. Herodotus, lib. 2. J OF CHRISTIAN RELIGION. Ill netho calletlj <§>bcpl)crb!ungs, fapmg tljat tljcp (jab beene a tljou* Manetho cy- fano pcres afoje tlje toarres of Troy, jfoj as foj tlje Greekes anb *jd by Iofc- Romanes,eitber tljep tocre net as pet at all , oj cl0 furelp tljep lu ^ l's^f in neb txritl) acojnes Ipfce tlje people toljome toee at tljisoap call 5§>auages* !35ut let us fee if at lealf ttu'fe tlje (Sorts of tlje Epeatljen Ijaue a* The origsnan np antiquitie : foj m afmucrj as tfje etfentiall Ojape of man is to ac* of thcHeatM fcnotulebge a cevteme <8ooljeab,it is Ipkclp i> nocking (I;oulD be of Goddcs- grerter antiquitie tljan tljat43nb m tjerp see be Rations Ijaue bene fottno bod) uuttjout Latoes anb umljout iatno:s:buc Uiitljout (Sobs ano urit&out fome fo?t of Keltgion , tljere toas neuer |anp fount** *&ut urtjat fljall toe fap if men Ijaue bene bojne afoje 6obs, pea ana alfoooeliue (fill after tljem1: let D3 notbu^ieour bjapnes about tlje firft comming Dp of tlje petigobs as toell of tlje Romanes as of tlje Greekes^ljoljab moeof tljemtljantljcpljab of &ljpjes, Ctt- ties;£oumes, ano tpoufes ; no? pet about tljcir Ipcbegrees tobidj are fufftcienclpoefctibeo b^ tljeir oume feruers ano ttiojftippers tbe Joolatcrs tbcmfelues : but let bs go to tlje berp roote of tljem* ftftljat is to be fapb of tbe firft Saturne, urtjo is calleb tlje fatljcr of tljem all *i ffi f toljat tpme is be ^ S>ootf)ip if \nee bzkmt tlje nota* Slett &tojpfc)?iters amog tlje Greekes,$ tlje Epitaphe of Ofyris repojteb bp Diodorus tlje Sicilian Saturne,(3 meane not tfce Sa- turne of t(je Greekes, but f auncientel! of all£ Saturncs)isnone otber tfoa Cham tjje fonne of Noe,ueitl)er is Ofyris anp ot&er tlja Mifraim tlje poungeft fonne of Cham , 3nb tbofe totjidj tooulbe wake Saturne auncienteff,fap Ijee toas but Noe Ijtmfelfe* 31 fo?« fceare to fap uiljat Berofus anb otljcrs of tbe Ipfce ffampe report of &im,bicaufe 31 &olb tljem foj fabling anb fojgeb aut(jo js* 9s tou- ching Iupiter, if pe meane Ijim tljat teas furnamcb Belus , tljat is to fap Ball o? Mayfter ; Ijee lnas tlje &onne of Nembrod , toljir ij Memrod loas alfo calleb«Saturnc,toljtclj toas a common name to tlje auncienteff perfons of great Upoufes.Qnb if ije toere tljat Iupi- terU)ljieljtoasfurname& Chammon o? Hammon; Ijcetoastlje fame Cham o^Chamafes tlje &onne ofiNoe,\uljifljU)asU)oji(r>ip* peb inLybya : fo? it is certeine tljat Ijee toofce l;is io^m? fljUbcr* jfo? asfo? lupiterof Crete 0} Candy, anb Saturne Ijis jTatber, tofcicl)toereU)0$)ippeD among tlje Greekes after tlje eyaniple of tie otljer Iupiter anb Saturne toljtclj toere of farre mo?e antique tieitbep toere but a little tu&pleafoje t|je taarres of Troy,anb lor g after t(je tpme of Moyfes.aaJbat maner of antiquitie tl;en is tljat, ttljicii 1X2 OF THE TREWNhS rwffik of Merchandvfc. z2y~ aru mng,buying tad falling. NauigatiotL Pliniclib.7. Strabo.lib.t6, Tibullus Elc- gia.7. *Thatisto{ay the Land of Canaan. Berofus alle J- ged by Iofe- phns againft Appion. Feeding. tuljicl) pa(!etb not tbe fpace of ttaee tlnufann pates; *; 3nn fljotito tbe Gteckts baue come lip die knotulenge thereof, if it ban not bin \mit tea bp otbrrss tfrn tbemfelues'jBuc $10 popnt tyallbe Ijano* lev) moje at large in anod'er place* UttptQpHloeftp of Eraffickebctto&ne jftaticns,ann ofbar* gapiffttg bct&ame man aim man, fccing tfjat from <£opne of goto toecmuftcometo Copne of fi(uer3from Copneof filuer to Coptic of fyalfe , aim from Copne of tyaTe to Copne of p?on, pea etten a* mon j tbe Romanes tbemfelues^nn againe, from $$qnq> ftatru pen atiD ccpnen,to V&mt? bp toeigbt ann ine.£ire toitbout Samp, from toeigbt to ejedjaunge of tuares ann of one djmg foj anotlj :r, anti from cjrdjaunge to tbat blelTcD comonnefle of al things toijidj toas in (i)t ftcft ages of djettioiln *i jftap , dje greater Ijaffe of tbe tuojln continued? (till tlje fapn ejecfjattnge, mm unto tbis tap s M* fome jaattonji Ijan neuer ban anp flull thereof ag pet3if tbe jSaut- gatioug of our tpme t)ao not tatigbt it tbem ♦ 3no as foj jftauiga* tion it felfe, tolnd) is ass tbe finetoes of Ctafftcke ann ^errfjatm* nife;if toe bcliue Plinie,$e ftrft febippe tbat euer toags fet a dote, tote bppon tbe ren <§>ea*, ann tlje ftrft <§>b:ppe that euer came into Greccc,came from tlje Coatf of ^Egipt. i3nn if U3e crenit Strabo, tbe Tynans toere tbe firftdjat ejtcelleninjftauigatton, infomurf? tbat f jme men make tljem tbe fitft aurijoja thereof ♦ Sr *n , w toiu djing dje Jftauigations of Vly (Tes^ljep paflen not out of tbe $©tte Jann @>ea*3nn toljat ete toag it(if it toere a true <§>tojie) but a tio^ ting of a UcMl at tt)e pleafure of tbe toinne , iMtdjout keeping of anp certepne cottrfe oj Direction*: jf oj it is cert epne tbat dje toopagc tuljidj Ije ban to make , i$ o?ninarilp none notoanapes in lefle tljait Cjce o) feuen naies ♦ 9nn notl; an tW Ieane bg anp furtljer tfjan to tljat little Countrep Ualjicl) on f one fine is*bounnen tnitlj iEgipt, ann on tlje otber Cine toitt) tbe tenn g)ea^ 9nn noe not t\)t @>tojie<* of rijat Cottntrienirect \)$ to tbe 9rke of Noe ? jf o} tobat efe toais tbat 9rke but a @>bt'ppe , a^ tbe true Berofas notb in nane call n't 3nn tetym Moyfes telletb b^ djat anon after tbe jflun, farij ann fucb of Noes offpjing inbabiten tbe 31 to ; is it not afmudj to fap, a$ t^ it #)t example of tlje 3rke l;an imboinenen tljem to benturc buontbefeea*: ' tPutfojafmucI) aei 'SDrafficke feemetlj to fetuefoj liumg treat tbllp ,annfimp!eliuing luentafo^e lining toealtbilp: 3lp?appott I)is\a (ong i«i it agoe (map toe t\)in^t) finre men liucn bp 9co?ness^ jTromtlienelicatwof Apitius,toeecometo ijoneft Ijotodjoln fare; am OV CHRISTIAN REtlGION. TI3 ttft from fueb fyotoffjoto fare to p©?e labourtngmans fare: tfjat is to Tap , from BepntinefTe to tfeiftinetTe, $ fo fco^tij from ttyiftinefle to bjutilbneflfe , at fuclj tpme as men toapteu fo? tlje falling of *U cojnes ami Spaft from tbe ^rees l&e fetorae, ^o bee fbo?t3 from Cities ano 'EotoncS-toe come to Ijcufes &ifprrfet>;from ftoufcgf5ta Afcfe^ from &beas to &ents ; ana from ^Eents to tbe life of tbe people cafleo tlje Nomads o? Grazyers. 3i mcane not bere tlje A- mericanes,no? pet tbe barbarous people of olo tpme; but zuzn tfee toerp Greekes ano Romanes tljemfeiues *t Z-6- Ofyris.9nn tobat toas tljis Gfyris(to fpeafce of bis molt antique tie,)bttt Mifraira tbe graumirijilo of Noe? Plinie faptb tbat afo?e tbe Perfian toarres3tbere toas no common 3$after in Rome. %\)t firft Cberries tbat came in Rome,toere bjougbt tljitljer bp Lucul- \us.Mhtn tbeGalies came into Italy,tbetetoereno Sipnes in all Gallia: infomucb tbat t\)t toojoe tobicb fipiftetlj £Otne aftoell in Oceke as in Latin, is ftraunge to tbem botb , ano id bojotoea of tlje Hebrcwe tooop laipi. %\yz €artlj batb bin manures bj> little ano little, $ zxmi pet it is fcarflp fjalfc inljabiteo* 3no at one too?», xrnr Deifying of tbe firft founders of Co?ne3 of WLinz , of tillage, of if flv*I,an& of Baiung,as of pcrfcmages of great accsunt aboue us all;t>otbtoellconumce&s of our former rtftenelfe* Sitfipettoee mocfte at tlje fillie barbarous people [ of tbe JSetofomft JLaifts,] fo? terming bS folke falne from Heauen,toljen tbep fee our great ljtppes:tobereas nottoitbftamnng it is not pet ful ttoo tljouiaim yeares agoe^fince toe toere toojfe tban tljep* Buttoeeftoulo not baue fcnotonetbofetbmgs (toill fame man Thefirft com- fajObnlefle tbep bao bin put in to;titmg;am> tljerefoje llpiirojies are ming vpof cf mo?e antiquitie tban all t!# tljings tbat toe baue fpoften of. TBtz Hiftonc*. it fo* But pet let bS rcpap?efrom tbe lipitrajies of tbe Romanes to tbe paerelp ftegifters of tljetu l£pg|p?tefte,ajfli toe tljali toe tbat t\)Z Romane Wtitnti are of mucb later tpme tban tbe Greekes, an& tlje Greekes of mudj later tpme tban tbe Babylonians . jfo? tbeir greatel! antiquitie is but from v reigns of tlje Perf litis. 3nD Phericydes tlje Aflyrian,tobom tbep report to baue bin tfyz felt ttjattujat* in p?ofe,toas toelnere et'gbt buiiD?eti p^res after Moy- pMcJkb.7* fes. Cbe Romane iiptftojie So?t0;en not5bnti!I fucb tpme as tbeir Apuidus'ia Commontoeale began to ojcope : aim tlje beginning ttjerecf is no-- his Fionflia. Jp tijing fwUS, Cenfbrimus. IT4 OJF THE TREWNEJ tljiiirr e!3 bttC a S©utfetbcoke of namea,airt> a rerouting of b&fo$ faltic from ^eauen^ana of Launces trtomeu luitl; flotoers ♦ ffcbe Plutark in the Greeke Hpilfyuea began at tbe dnppjc of tbe Perfians:3nt> Plu- ;*fc of The- tarkc (IbIjo toa* a mligent feavebet thereof, ) faptb erpjefleip tbat bepons Thebes/be Countae toaa notfjtng but <§>ant>5ai!t) atoaft a frozen <§>eacoa(r,oj fco^djen Coun* tries,fucb asi men papnt to tbe Sttemteft pacts of 9pappe*,tbat is to fap3epctjerbapne fables a? saike ipojance.3iu> yet foz ailtbis, tofjat el£ i3 tbe life of Thefeus rtjan a beape of font! fabled 0* tobat rutoentneflTe 0? certepntie te #m in fte Greeke ^ifhmes , afcic tbe foluetfco^be Olympiad* , tbat is to fap , afou tbe retgnc of Darius,fcemg tbere luas not pet aup f fell bfen to marking out tbe tpmecptber of tbe Carres of tbe Medes,o2of tfjetoarres of Pelo- ponnefusPVarro tbe b eft tear neu of tbe Latins5intent:mg to make an Epitope of tbe OUojlue , coulo U)e!l f kill to Btuioe it into tfyee parts . 'EIk ftrft,concermng tbat age 'jubifb fca* from tbe brgitt: King of tbe tuo^In bnto tlje jflufc ; tbe fecons , from tbe ftxib bnto tbe firft Olimpiad, tobicb failed; out about tbe tpme ofdjebuik timg of Rome'; ana tbe tljirD 5 from tbe 5rtt Olimpiad , bnto W otDitc tpme ♦ 'But a$ be ralietb tbte later age ij^tffop&B ; fo railed) i)e tbe feconn age fabulous ,becaufe b* fottn¬ atip rertepntie tbereof , nettber in tbe jD?iginaH Kegitfer* ant> TSeroj&es of dje Romancs,no;t in d)e %)ifci}iz$ of tbe Greekes.^o be fljojt,to be^ gin fcfeijjiftojie at tbe furtbeffem>5 bemaketlj iri* eittcraimre at tbe reigne of tbe Scyonians , b$c| uiad dje&erp felfefame tpme tbat Ninus began b^ reigne, eiten tbe fame Ninus tobirb mane toarrt againft Zoroa{lres,tnbidj teas abonit p tpme of Abraham. Cbe fame Varro accounted) Thebes foj tbeauncienteftCittteof third bookeof all Greece,as buttoes bp Ogyges,iuberebppon t\)Z Greekes ral- Huf bandry \fi an aunctent tbingS Ogy gians;antJ b)> bis reckoning it toas not paCttoo tljoufanD aim one bwimen peered afojeljteotnne tpme* Tragus Pompeius beginnetb bis fy&t%it at tbebottome of al an* tiquitre tbat remaineti in rememb;aunce;^nti tbat i# but at Ninus, tobo ( bp report of Diodorus) \»as( tbe firft ftat founo anp lf)iflcu tiograpber to lo^ite of bi^ tioing^* ^bc fame Diodorus (aitb rljat tbe gieateft antiquitie of Greece i& but from tbe time of Iuachus, tobo liueo in tbe tpme of Amofes liing of j£gipt,tfcat i^ to fap(a^ jcarwlr. in ids Appion coufc(Tetlj)in t\)t berp tpme of Moyfes. 3nD tntcnumg to firft bookeof bane bc$\in b& &>to}iz at d;e begimting of tbe too.2ii>,i}e beginnetft stow; at fyz )mtz$ of Troy :ano Ije Qwb tofitt pjeface5d;at ty* &to}k ccntepnetij Varroinhh ?n:^ Pco: I>iodorus. fib.3. . OF CHRISTIAN RELIGION. JIJ contepnctb notabouea rbouranne one buntyeo tbiitte annrfg&e ¥m£#,\to\)it\) fell out(faptb be)nt t\)Z reigne of Iulius Czfar^m tbe tpme ttjat betoaa mabiiis toarre acjafaft tbe Gallcs;tbat is! to fap5 felfe tbanttoeluebuntycopreres afojet&e commuter, ofoutlojo Jefus Cb?i(t3Ub tbe gartlp ©tftojfe of Atticus,tobeceof Cicero cMnmenxreft tbeailigencefo grcatlp,conteinctb butfeueabuntyeo fm&tWbhfo tljmg Macrobius cbferutn&commctb to conclude fcritij b0*Who doubteth(faitb be) whether the World had a be- ginning or no,yeaeuen a feweyeeres fince/eeing thaethe ve- ry Hiftories or the Greekes do fcarfly conteyne the doings of two thoufand yeeres ? For afore the reigne of Ninus, who is reported to haue bin the father of Semiramis, there is not a- ny thing to be found in writing. J?ea aim Lucrece bmtfclfe(a£ great an €picure aim oefpifet of <0on as \)z toasOte eonftreinets to peeto tbereunto , tofytn be hzfy tbat tbe bttermoft bouno labitb all J£)tfto?ieg ( bee tbep neucr fo auncient) ooe attepnt bnto, fc but tlje fceffruffion of Troy, jf o? tbug faptb be* Now if that no beginning was ofHeauen and Earth at all, Lucretius the *Bnt that they enerlafting Veere,andfe continue frail; RomanePoet. How haps it that of former things no Toets had delight Afore the^wofullwarres of Troy andThebesfirto wright? S>ea, bixttfiz Hegiftet$ of tbe ChaldeesOafll fome man fap) m of maje mtttqutttc* ft oj (a$ Cicero repojtstb) tljcp ntafce fyzit fcaunt tbat tbcp fymt tbe nati\xitiz$ of Cbito?eb notes $ fet aotone in footing (front nattuttte to natiurtte) fo? aboue tbe fpace of tbjos ana fojtie tb ottfanD pereg afoje t^z reigne of tbe great Alexander. a«& tbat fa true* 75ai (a* it batb bin berp toell marftetOtoben tbep fpeakeaftertbetr^cba)!emaner5tbepmeanealtoateg(a^t33ttn£^ # fetb Diodorus)tbe monctbpare,rbat is to fap5euerp monetb to bz DIo(Jorus.lih; a peerettflbtcb account being: retkonen bacfte from tbe tpme of Ale- 8u xander,btttetb tuft bppon tbe creation of tbe (L22ojIo,accojm'ngto tbe account oftbepaereg fetoolmtebp MoyfcsXfltetoife toben t\)t Iberians tap tbep baue bao tbe bfe of letters ana of tasting bp tbe fpace of foe tboufanti pares agoe-,tbep fpeake after tbemaner of tbeir oume accounting of tbe pare , tabicb ftag but fteer mo* netbsi to a pore* 3mi in g©n fcotb Porphirius bimfelfe toil! ferue ■fo? a gcos toitnefle in tbat bebaIfe3tobo faptb tbat tbe obfetuationg of tbeChaldees tobtcb Callifthenes fent fto Baby 16 into Greece m tlje tpme of Alexander , palTctj not aboue a tboufanti ana npne ftunn^en poorer ♦ 3$ fo? tlje obferuattong of Hipparchus, (tabic** H 2 Ptolomic Iltf OF. THE TREVVNES Ptolamie tofetlj)tljep tyatoe murij nkm tonto our tpmtfr, fin tbep read) not bepomi tbe tune of Nabugodonozer.&o be fbo&fcom mtr 3!»if tcttons toe mount top to tbe to?tes of (be Rcniancs^ami from tljem to tlje poetelp Hegtfters of tbetc ^ieffesi, ami fo to tlje Calenders of rijeir jfeato $ fyoltoateM'ft finally to ftp time of tljetr truing of tlje naple into tbe toall of tlje temple of Minerua, tnljulj \nag uoue altoaies peerelp in tlje ^onetf) of September, to tlje intent tbat tlje number of tlje peered fljoulo not bee forgotten* Mniciib.7. ^rom *m« toe p?on*toe to tbe Greeke SDHmptaw,t&e one Ijalfe Herodotus* of tuljtc f) tpme i$ altogetber fabulous! ; ano beponn tlje dvtt ffiltm* lib. 5 . piaoe , tljere is nothing but a fttcke Cloune of ignorance , euen in ? a1 .° ini!"s f e^e Ks^tfomett places! of all Greece. 3!n tooljtcl) uarknefle me baue AnabScf natfnng to *«*<* b^tf toe foflotoe not;Moyfes,toljo citetb tbe bcoke cratcs?he of tljeLojtos: toarreg , anti leaoetlj tog fafelp tmn to our firft ojigi* Grccke philo- nail beginning ♦ 3nto boto fboulo tlje J^iffojieg of tlje Gentiles be fopher demau- nf anp antiquitie,toljen tberetoag not pet anp reatoing o? touting4* GrliSccU ^rom WMM&tot ftep top tonto brakes of bitten bam>-r fromtlje ned not the IPapet toljicl) toe {jauenotojjtoe come to iparcljment^ from parc^ names of their ment3 to tbe paper of /Egipc r taljiclj toas inuenten in tbetpmeof letters faying AJexander;from tbat,tonto ^DablesJ of lean auto £2Ja|ce;anrj finals aa$oc3 «A= ip to tlje Leauea anto ^arkes of DiuerS %xk<&. jTrom toijitinglD z eli wasanfweed beto?ap) ano tlje Iewes taugljt tljem to tlje Phenicians . fo) in by the Greekes ^p &#ae ttrtjat are tlje Phenicians, in account of all Cofmogra* d Ctir^w b ^m^ilt Walters! of tlje Seacoaa of Paleftine o? lewrie? 3ffli caufeTofe y" ^° ^z fipuiff of Ewpolemus a toerp aunricnt toiiter of Spifto^ies?, names of their iss fotmo truc:namelp3tljat Moyfes tuas tbe firl! teacber of ©ram<= letters are not mcr,tljat is to fap, of tlje 3rfe of Heading; (uotvuttbftantJingtbat Greeke but j>h[\0 jj0e fatljer it topon Abraham;) antftljat tbe Phenicians ban Luca^ehb 3 4t of ^ Iewes > am ^c Greekes of rlje Phenicians 5 in refpett Eupoiemus in tuljereof letter^ tooere in olo tpme caHcn Phenicians* his booke of Phenicians were t hefirft(iftrnft beegiucn to Fame) the Kings of That durft exprejfe the voyce infliapes t hat might prefer He the fame. b" Clemfm of ^etC 31 Canlt0t ^mz CD %iilZ PIinic a *ittk ni^lJC • JL^tW* AicxanXa'in (&?$ be)ljaue bin from etterMing ♦ Snn mfepTo^ jToKfapft be) hisfowrth tbetetterg of tbe^giptiansljao tbeirHrlt comming top abouta ^>^» SSwaz p«re^ afoje tlje reigne of Ninus . 35ut Epigenes a r^raue autijoj OF CHRISTIAN RELIGION. 117 3utho? faptb, that in Babylone certeine obferuation* of ;etianiittoentte peere* afoje : #nt> Bcrofus atto Critodemus ( tobicb fpeaftr toitfj the Icaa)uoe Tap fotoerbuntnea ans fotoerfcojepere** © ejtreame blocfciGjne* / be conciusetb the etermtte of Ietter*,bpon that tohet* bp djcp be p?oucn to be but late come bp* Jftoto then, feeing toee fino the o jiginall comming bp of $rte* , of Latoe* ana ©ouecne* ment,of CrafBkana Spetcbatmtufe, of fooue ana of berp letter*; that i* to fap,bbti> of liuing toel,ant> ofliuing after any fojf; fljoula toe rather graunt an euerMing ignorance in man , than a fepna of pcttthfulneile tobicb bat!) leamen thing* accoutring to the grototljg thereof in ages \ 3to feeing that the iibrienceg , 3rte* , Cponoi*, ano Deintic* of the Ipfe it felfe soe p?oue b* a beginning thereof: i* there anp man either f ftilfull 0} bnf feiifull, greate o? little, pb^ Iofopher 0} Cpanoicraft* man,iabojer 0} jFollotoer of the toojtolp banitie* ; that toill anp moje bee fo boloe a* to ftanb in contention that the toojlo is toitbout beginnings fiBhat (ball toe then a* noto conclude of all this bifcourfe ? if irft that the inuention of all things i* of fo late tpme , that it i* of fufficient fojre too ma&e all men be* teue, ( of tiabat trane oj pjofelfion fo euer tbep bee ) that it i* but a tobple ago finee the toojloe began* 3n& feconblp that the fap& in* uention* gathering together into one tpme, boelea&e b* to fome one certeine Countriea* to a Centre, tohere mankino hath firff fpjong bp,anu aftertoarb fp?eb it felfe abjoaae a* to the outermott parte* of all the Circle* %W time i* the fame fpace that toa* be* ttoittMoyfesami the bniuerfall jflutu 3nothe Countries the feme tohere mankinb bis firft multiplie after their comming out of the 9rfce : that i* to toit,all the Coaftftom Sgtount Taurus along bp Mefopotamia, Syria anb Phenicc,bnto -£gypt ; toherein toee compjebenbthelanb of Paleftineo* lewrie as the mibble thereof, tobicb bp the auncient Greekeano Latin *f)i(tojiograpber*,(tobo toere bnfktfull in ©eograpbie)t*m'uerflpaccounteoan&allottc& to the greater Countries that Ipe rounb about it, acco?binglp a* it boj&eretb bpon them ; one tohile to Syria,another tohile to jfcgipr; fome time to Phenicia > ana fome time to Araby the neferw 3nn therefore a* touching tpme ana anti^t'tie-, ttfegoob reafon that toee (boula beleeue the 5)iftojte* of thofe Ration* , anb not of fte Greekes o? of the Latins^toho are but pong babe* in refpett of the other* 5 efpeciallp feeing that toee tooulb thinlie it a thing tocojtbp to be laugl;e5 at^ if a man i^outo llaib to the iubgement of tfjc (to* $ 3 riejj Il8 OF THE T R E VV N E S ries of leuTic tu tlje matters of tlje Greekes, Kutnotoelctttf locate tbeir contradictions* obicaioaj. 3f t(;C tuojto be fo neto (top tlje p) tobwof commetlj it tljat it it fo toell rcplcntujco ann full of people % J8ap tatter , if it bee hjk^ out beginning^ of fogreate antiqmtie as el;on funrn?rft;feo\& fcappcnetlj it tljac it Ijatb not aUwap bene knotoen *t uul>ereof com* met& it tljat it is cum pet fo flent>erlp peopleo \ bate comes it too piflc tl;at it is not tljjougljlp inljabtteo in all places^? at leafteife intljc belt places of tl>e toojloe, tobere eucn in our tpme are fount* botb lies ant> mapne ianos toellbabttable , ant) pet fcninljabitett The world 3jt is not paft a buntyco peresago^fince toe fenetoc nothing ae all bolder™ of mo>e tben tlje better fcaife of tbc too;ilD*outljcit cle toljicljoiuioetbi toojlo in ttoapne* S!fpGo°rtin- 3nn pet notU)itftan*ing,be tbat bao fpoken otberteife,fijoulD baue gales and Spa- bene counter) of moll men (o) a foolc. £e a anD cuen ftt (till at t Iji* niards. &ap, toeknotonotbing of £ mapne lano of tbe &outb, $ but uerp little of tbe jao? tlj, 3t is not part ttoo bunojet) peres ago , finer tfc* Swedians fent tlje fird inljabttcrs into tbe countrp of Groneland? antJ botb Scotland ano Ireland(being in our part of tl>e too ?!o)are pet Bill ^aife barbarus^sjc (ball rcaoc in Csefars Commentaries tbac in bts tpme Germanie mas a continuall jFtyreft, ttrtjerein s mamigbt baue gone so,oaiesiourncp ercbecoulo fceanpeno of it,ant> tljat tbc people tljcreof tocre fauage ana beaftfofacrifpfmg tbeir otoneCbtlojen to tljeir ©o&ues, 5>e fecmctb beere to fpeake of tbe Cannibals 0? tlje people of Brafilie, Jt teas long time after ere tbe Romanes nurd atmentureouer farrc in tljat Cotmtriiv COberebp it appearctb tbat all tbe auncient Eotencs ano Cittic* toljiclj(!antit)ppontl)cEiuets of RhyneanDDanowejtotoJarDCs Fraunce ann Italy ,uft ferue ratljcr fo? a Bankc 0) a Jcttie againd tbc oucrflo&ing of tlje Germanes , tljan fo? ,f o^trcfite to affaple tbem mitbalLCucn ixi tlje tpme of Tacitus, loljattocre tlje people on tbe §>ea coatt of Germanie ? SQljat luere t&e Saxons in tb^ time of Charles tbe greater 3noa fealoebun^cDpeeres agoe, toljat tocre tlje loloe Countrpcs of Germanie, toljif fc at tbts oap lie tlje flojifljinge Q people of all Ewrope ? ^be fame is to be fapo of Ingland in Cxfars time ; ano ItKclDtfc of Fraunce, Iraly , ant> Spainp^if w mount a little bigb^JToj ftcing t\pt Roome is tfc* olocS Ot CHRISTIAN RELIGION^ JI£ ohcS cicteof tlje Latines; Ijoto fcappenetbtt tbat AIexander(fcbo fougbtnftoeujojlDs to conquer ) kneloe it not bpcOetfatrlpneffe thereof ^botobappenctb it pbc knetoeas litlealfo of tbe French- men mt Spa iiards,of U)bomaHtljea»nctentll)t(lo)ie0fptafeC£i' tber uotbtng at all,oj els tetcfc Uum&crfttU tgnojanee ? 9nb toftac fta lltoc fap of Ephorus,)ubom men account tbe fttUgctitrlHipifto* t tograpber of tbcm all * 3* great a Counttie as Spay ne o) I beria is 5 be u$ttctb thereof in fweb foje,a« if tc mere but onip one totomr* Slfo lubat toas Greece afo?e tbe tpme of Orpheus anU Amphi- <>n,lubo(asThucididesre4)0?£ftb>Ktopt6cGreekesoutOvtb^irTbuadic!«m jf o;irrff s an* Jf ennes,abottc tbe tpme of tlje toarres at Troy? gUitt his firft bookc tuljerclearneo Orpheus to lap atoapbte oU)nefauagenc[fe,butm 0rpheiisin|lis -£gypt ? ^Ije bolp Bible it felfe toben it fpeaketf) of *be Greekes Arg0nautSB ano of tbe letter A&Upcakctlj of tbem as of 3!lanB0,tba t is to fap, as of Countries tbat toere furtljeft of from tbe knotolebge of tljat time* 3EJjus&oe pee fee ttye latenefle of tbeCLt elf erne if2aacne; Unborn 31 call fo,as in refpetf of tbe retf of tbe tarfjole too}lD,airo of tbe Centre am> mimic popnt tbcreof, u>bt c() 3! fauc taken too bee from <9£ouitt Taurus bnto Syria. J3oto let bs fee tbe Catterne jQattons affo* Clje Cotmtue of &idiabeponb ^z Hitter Ganges, mas bnknotocn in t\)% tpme of Alexander , mbo notimtb&momg baD call tbe platfope of 10 Conqttclf ,on tbat doe of tbe too?ln*anD bielppfetBtobicj) toent ta feeke nnu (KElojlDai,pa{reD not beponto tfce Jtann of Sumatra tljeit taller* Taprobane , tu&icbis bnoer tlje Cquinotfiall anb Cafterip a great toap of from tlje Mducques. ^nbteljcn it toasffoloe tlje Herodotus, Romanes tbat a &bt'P tnas found luWcb bp tbe commaunoemene 1&.4. t>f Necho&ing of £gyptbabfapleD about all tlje Coaffof Af- frikeptbep toofte it fo? a fable: anotbereftne mucb Iefle bib tbep e« tier come at laua tbe lelle oj Iaua tlje moje, 0? at tfce 6rme land tobtcbtsnejtfbnta tbeim'&o beiljo^f, rbcptKOnotojoinarilppafle tlje^treptt* of Gibraltar •, bp reafon thereof tbeirgreatefltpW* lofopbers cculDleCTefktll of tbe nature ano courfeof tfce tEpbes, tban tl;e meawft feeamrn 0? Jailer of our time. .IJSoto tben tobas iz to be fain of Plinie toinj bts Dogbeaoeb men,&is jJDneepeo men. Ins t ongear esi,bis Centaures, bis Py gmees, anb W Cyclopes, feeing tbat in all tbe Countrie tobere be plantetb tbem,fcee finoe $®m , Cities , anb fitngdomes , no lefle lobit flo^tfbtng tljan t\)t famevnbercin Ijeeljitnfelfe toas;ano as foj anp Ipkelpbob of tbat tn^icl; i;e Uijitet^ of cfeofe t&ing*,toe finb none at alh 3g toucljitrg ty 4 ^e 120 OF THE TKEVVNES (I)? <&>outbcountrpes aim rtje J5oji;jcountri :$ , tbat fetototf,be» poimtlje Circlesof tbe tloo [Soles: Ojefotucr Cmppjcs tobicb i)aucbGneforcnotemeD,neuerl;earr»rpeahtng:oftlj£mbatacrans Hon , anD mud) IclTc crtcnDrn tbcm fc lues fo farrc-, in fo mud) tfeat eucn toe our fclues knoto but a little of tljcm , toljiclj temped ano S>IjipU)?eche Ijarij taugftt bmete, SEtbat turn tuee tben bp tbts mfcourfe*: Cletdp tfjat dje CCtorto 1ua0 not Imolime of an tljofe great Cmpp?es, aim mttrfj Icffeof tbem tbat liucn tm&cr rf;eir fubiettiom3n& itl>at it toag not peoples an at once3but rfjat ad folke ouerfomrmea to a place, aim cbaunccu to bttbpon a man tbat toas armentrus, tbep fp;eu tljemfelues far* tber ans fuller bnncr!;t^ gup&ing, into tbe Countries next bnto tbem,3n& (to be Hjojt) tbat dje neerer anp Countries; hereto our fojelapn Centre , dje famer toere tbep inbabiten , mane cutifl., ana manuretutobtd) tbing appeared) moje plainlp euen bp rt;e berp gc* Thcproccedig nealogie of tfje £aoito*Cbereftneletb$ take our Centre to be ep* or growing ^ ^ t0ppe of Mount Taurus tubete it i& calfe& Caucafus, mi5 Aev^rii iai;ereg>toMe^ report tl# arkeof Noe to baue reften 5 0? ris tbe plapneof Sennaar,tobere Moyfes faptb tbat d)e Languages toere confoun&e&,am> folke Difperfco atyoauejoj ete fome place of Mefo* potamia,(foj it fkilletb little in refpert of dje toojto)anb bv confc taring tbe aunrientelt CHates., toe (T>aH ftntjeti)€ States of Afly* ria>of Syria,of /Egipt,anrj of Perfia to baue bin nereft to our Ceifc tre3ann tbat tfje ^State of Aflyria teas rt)e greateft of djem all, mm pet in berp tructb but fmall in comparifon of tbe g>tates tbat fuc* . ceesea it* jf rom $ Affyrians/be $9onarrbie tamz to tbe Perfians; from tijc Per(ians,to tbe Greekes5fro d;e Greekes/o tbe Latins; • from tfje Latins,to tl)e Frenchmen • anD from djt Frenchmen to tf>e Almanes , accoiDinglp as Countries multiplpen tijeir babit«* tions , ann tfjat tbeir people growing; in Ciuilitk, matcben djeir fo?cei»itb bnfenome*: am> Spaynetofjid) betetofee teas eounteo tbe uttermoft part of p StSo-^lo, is noto become p- firfrmfcouerer of tbe netoe 2Hojto*15ttt let M goe on tuitl) rtje Caff partt:ftom tfje Perfians toee goc to tije Indians, aim from tlje Eaflindians to ri)e Weftindians,folong bntill taee come tot^etrbttermolt Coaft, toijtd) is dje felfefame place toljere dje Spanyards fottntr djeir tfrft lanmng ♦ 3nu furelp if Huo foike Hjouln kirpe on rtn'r toap conti- nuaHp^e one on tfjc one fine anD tbe odjer on dte otber(t!)at te to fap, tlje one Cafttoaru aim tbe odjer ^teiftumrtiO to &)* *nue tbep ftxiuto nmclwtij toset^cr^tf d;ere toere 8rme lanb all tbe tow fo? tbtttt OF CHRITSIAN RELIGION. IZI tbrilt td go bpom&T.D in ber* r>oft3like as Ireland,a part of Scot- land,Laplond,antJ GroneJand, being tfjebttcrmoft parts of out (toe of tbe SHojfcr, are as got) as fating*: fo aifo be tbe uttermoft hibabitet^ of tbcWeftindieSjUamtlp Canada.BaccalcajBrafilie, aittJ Petagon,tobict) are befcentjea of tbe Eaftindies. 3nn contra* rptoife like as m our Countries , tbe mo?e tiicp tentJ totoatus tlje Centre toljici) 31 Ijaue taken 5 tlje mo tokens batte tljep of tbeir an* tiquitie;aS5FrauncemotbanGermanie;ItaIymo tljait Fraunce; Greece mo tljan Italy;iEgipt mo tljan Greece^ anti fo fojtb of tbe reft : <§>o tlje Spanyards,tof)0 m tbeir ftrlt Conqucffes fotmn but Cctages anii 'Bogge^mn at tim'r entering further into tljt lann, fiirtie gartlp €itit$ toel htl;abiteD,o?tierIp nuTinctton of Commons ana jftobilitte , spiniflrers of 3!uftice ana men of cHarre, ^raseg ana Epanfcpcraftes toell gouemeti, Uptftojies oftftctr boings,tootr* iierfuHanttquirieS5^otaerspa(rmgt!)epp?amptiS of £gipt, anu tobatfoeuer els tbe tuo^n Ijatlj counteo toontjerfuU ♦ Sun out of uoubt tlje naerertftep come to tfce Centre of tbat part, tbemoje fball tljep Sua ffilL if oj tijere is no man ignorant notoanapes toljat An Hiftcry of gooulp great Cities ann flojifying&ing&omes , fjaue toitljin tljefe the Reaimeof fetoeptrasbintiifcouere&mt&eWeftindies : anDtoljerettcom^ china. tnetb to face tlje Eaftindia toitb tfee Sea bettoirt tbem botf) -r tfyere toe fee rfje great Cmppje of China,fo b£auttful(,fo flowing, an* fo toell gouernea in al refpecfcetfbat ri# ciufleff tpme of all tlje Ro>- mane €mpp?e,map toell fame fcnto Irs to fjaue bene barbarous in comparifon of tl)at* 3it ts in effect an one as tfoougb tfre SHefferne Indians making Cmtquefts bpon bS as toe Ijaue Hone bp5 djem3 ftoutobauearriutfi attbefirftm Ireland, Scotland, Q) Grone- land^foj as little cmtlD tljep lymz fapa of &s,as toee of tbenr* 3na tol;ereas it map be replpea,tljat altbougb tfjepeaple tljcre be rune,, pet nottoitljftamung it batb euermoje bin people&rlet it be a&aea tbereunto , tfrat in foliotoing rfje Coaftes , mzn baue fauna manp Countries men pet bnpeoplea*3m> alfo tljae euen in tbe beft pen* plea places of all tbetr Concedes , tljep %mz not founn tlje tentft partoffomucbpeoplras t^e Countrte being manure toereable to beare^toljereas on rf>e contrarp part, m our Countries tbe tflfc tions noe pefter one anotber*3nn toberas our berp Ktermoft bo?^ uers aremo>efrequettteo t^en tbetrS; tbecaufctbtrof is,tbat ours le muri> neerer tbe Centre tobicij 31 fet ootone,tben theirs htz -> a$ tbe CofmograpberS uoe eaflp proepxre^berebpoiritljatb come to jjafle, tftat tty people toljirfj ^aue bene fpjeo abjoaoe from out Centre 12* OFTHETKEWNES Cent* bnto tfce btcermoft C oaflte of tbe frofen @>ea,ffmrotg rtjertt fclucfli nio^te multtplpca tban tbeir Lano* mere able to maintepne, *»D being not able to go anp further fo? tbe feea tljat bemmen d;5 tn$ Ijaue reboutt&et) backe agapnebppon tftenejt Countries;, atf nmflp ii)t Cymbrians bppon tbe Almdnes anD Romanes , ana aftertoars tlje Gothes bpoit Italy ana Frauncctfee Humes upon Pannoye, tlje Vandales bpon Spayne, an* laftlp tfce Turkes an& Tartarians bpon all Europe. SEtyirb tbingbatl; not!;appene& bp* pan t&e otijet part of tbe 2£lo;outrjernelanD,toberof not fa mud? ass tbe ea* coaft is ytt knotone* Berber befrU it fo unto bg in tbe toll ages?, beraufe our part of ti;e mojlo toas not yet fufficientlp peoples to tbbz backe agapne : but it befell dbteflp a little afoje oj a little after tbe comming of 3Wta €b)i&, tljat is to toft, tolaatbg tfje perfed; age of tl)e ftQojlo^o bee fljojt,toere tljere neuer fo mud; people, pettoereitnotoKonbcrto fjim tbattoouto take tl)e pepness to ac* count toljat onelp one of fpjing migfct amount bnto in one rjumneu p ceres, anoljotomanponemanmigljt fee to come of btmfeife in fjig otone Hfetpme; tobidj in another ljunn?eb peere migbt increafe into an infinite multttuoe* %bt €mpp?e$ Ijaue altoaiea grtenbeu tbeir largeneiretotnarbjs ti)t j3o?tlj ann tfjeg>outl) , but pet mo?e jftcjtljerlp tijan feoutljerlp , becaufe tlje Centre toljicl) 31 take , is Skill afo?e tolDarn^ ttjc jftojtf) , ana in tlje temperateft Clpmate of our Ijalfe ©lobe , tfcat is to toft 3 totoat&s tbe 3 5 ♦ana 4o.negrae$ (0? djereaboutsQof tlje Cquinoctiall lpne,toljid) biuioetfj f ££to?Ui jeuen in t\)t mto&efytobicb tljing 31 befire Hje l£ea&er$ to mark ao* tufeblp*3a& truelp Ifeland(tolnri; in oln tpme toa$ caileb Thule,) toas knotone in tlje tpme of great Alexander, nottoidjftanmng djat it be fitttate about 68 ,begtasf j8o?d;; toljereas pet fo? al tljar, t\jz greateft part of Affrick taag bnknotone to tl;em,ano t(je btter? moft readj of tljeir knotoleage toasi t^e 3lte of Taprobanc , totytl) neucrtljeleire are but bnoer fte Cquinoctiall : fo farre of torn tbep from attepnmg to $ feoutfjpoIeXo be (bojt5tbe Coaft of Affrick i>} Barbarie # of Spayne,toas{ peopleb b^ tbe Phenecians, toljom lue reane to ijane bin long tpme ILo^nsf of tfje g>ea.3nD dje Com* inoniweale of Carthage, tubidj toags fo IjtgWp renolnmeb ano rea^ djeD fo farre of, toaei an pmpe of Tyrus tbe rljtefe Citit of Phene- cia^idj bo^ereb bpon Ie^rie. tfo} Tyrus fent t^etl;er tlje one balfe OF CHRITS1AN RELIGION. 1 23 balfe of tbetrpeop!e,toberebpon tttxia^ fallen Carthago.tbat is to fap,tbe balfe totone, ami tbe ficftpeople tbat otoellen tbere,toent Strabo.fib.3. into tbat Countrep bp a nartotoe peece of o^pelamj callen Cata- piutnrk in the bathmos ,tobtcb& a falling grounn tbat iopnetb Paleftmetoito lyfcofsciyu* iEgipt, a* remapneo pet (till to bee rean m tbe tpme of tbe !£)pfl;o * riograpber Procopius,t)pon a piller in Tingie a Citte of A ffrick, fet tbere by tbe iubabitants of Chanaan tobicb ijao Hen atoap from tbt figbt of lofua.3no in goon fcotb3as appeared Dp manp fenten* ceias of &♦ Auftins,tfte Punicke tongue toas but a kinne of feuerall jnopjietie of tbe Hebrew. dome perKU pet ftfll m oemattnnmg,ftom tobtnez tbt @>otttfc The Hiftonc* lano,tbe Countcie of Brafilie, tbe JLann of Perow ann fucb otbers of Affiickc touln be peoplen«t 3nn tobence 31 p?ap pou toas Affricke peoples fojd;ereplem(bingtobereoftbou cam! not but knotoe tbat mba* bitants toere fent tbetber botb by g>ea ann by JtamrtAfFrick toas peoplen firft by tbe fo?efapo narroto pace of n?pe Lano callen Ca- tabathmos , ann aftertoam refreffjen agapne by tbt ffrcpgbts of Gibraltar . 9nn tbe outf)lano toas peoples on tbe one fine by tbe 3lle of Taprobane,$ on tbe otber fine by rije ftrepgbts of Ma- gellan tobicb bo butt tbere bpo Brafilie.3nn Perow Iiketoife toag peopleo bp tbe narrotoe popnt oflann callen Darien, by tbe tobiclj toap Brafilie alfo toajai peoplen ♦ 3t fucb tpme as tfje Spanyards enteren ftrft into rijat great JSefle tobicb contepnetb botb Brafilie ann Perow,tbep tbougbt it to baue bin an 3|tann3ln like maner^if tbe Perouians |jan lanneo in Affrick by tbe Athlantick ^>ea, ami ban fouun fo long a doe as tbe fine of Affrick is tbat ft retcbetb fcn* to tbe ten g>ea , fo as t^zy being toearien toitb following it as tbe Romanes toere, ban mane tbe like queftiom toe todufo tbenbatte ntocken at tbem becaufe toe fcnotoe tbe paflage toberebp mtn came tbetbenann tbep baue like occafion to mock ns5becaufe tbep knob* tbeivs ♦ T5ut pet agapne, from tobence came tije people tobicb are fpjeo abzoanefrom tbeiann tbat t^ callenuetoeSpaynebptbe ftcepgbt of Daryen?p?ocane on pet altttle furtber,ann tljou (bait finne Cathay ann Indya iopning to tbat lann ; ann Groneland facingit on tbe jfrojtbtine;ann tbe ttrepgljt of Anian on tbe a«: ge$ fap ; -ftj tljep ftnotoe neither one tying noi otljer, further tfeau tljeir otmte remembrance can rearfj* IBwt goe to Moy fes , ami Ije luill ten pou tlje ©jtgtnalleg of tfjc firft J3ation<*3 anu tlje ©encalogie of tlje tufjole SHojto ♦ 3no tlje ttame^oft^rmrnnapningftomftcnceljnto^^totllputrijemat* tec out of all ooubt to a man of fcirterftanmng, jfo* of Noe bp lji£ el&eft g>onne Iaphet , ififetoea tlje Gomerians oj Cymbryans, tlje Medes , tlje Ionians fonjo toere tlje firtt iinjabiters of Greece, tljeTvrifcons Dnchmen oj Almanes, tlje Italians , ant) tlje Do- doneans:namelpofGomer,Maday3Iauan,Afchenes3Elifa,anii Dodanira , 35p Cham tljere ifletoefc tlje Chananites, tlje ^Egip- tians , tije Libyans , tlje Sabeans , anu fo fcntlj; toljo retepneo tbe names of lji0 Cljiltyen5tljat is to tntt^of Chanaao,Mifraim,Lud, Saba,anu fo fioojtlj: tfo) Mifraim in l£)ebjetoe betokenetlj ^Egipt. %y> Sem rfjere Defcenneo tlje Elamites j Perfians , d>e Aflyrians, dje Chafdeans o? Chaldees,p Lydians,tlje Aramitcso? Syrians, tlje people of Ophir $ otljerg; tljat t^ to lott,of Elam, Arphaxad, Lud, Aram,Ophir,antiotljer0 ♦ 9titJtljefenamej5toereto?ttten am reco^en (>p Moyfes,afo2e tljofe Bationg toere of anp rq)uta« tioit,anti ftep remapne pet tttll among tlje Hebrewes at ttjtiei uap^ i5olu fake in taljat meafuix tljefe fatljevs of boufe^ inert afeu tljeit Cljtln?en , fo hid euerp of tljem fp?eu out fn's; b?aunrijeg{ a farre of, ftfomucb tljat t^e offpjmg of tljat ftocfe uiti couer ana ouerftaaotoi t%efel;ak eord^ anu fyi 3rfce of Noc^to after amaner fapte ouec tlje 01» CHRISTIAN RELIGION. I2J tijetoljoletoojin, T5\xt b«e is an ffibicction tobtcb feemetb tfronger* Cbefe rea* An obicaion fons(fap tbep) no tying ns bp to tbe jf ton-, but a0 p jfXuti tyougbt of Fiuddcs manfcpnn ro tbat fmall number., toberebp tbe £&ojln toas bp little *£cn out °* ann little renetocn agapne:<§>o map it be tbat tbere toere otber fo^ ^ mer jf luns, djat ban none tbe like afoje; fo as tins latter if lun toas ratbet a renetoing of tbe S2Jo?ln,tban a firft beginning tberof*3tti to tins purpofe tbep toill allenge tbis faping of Plato in bis Tu rnxus, tbat tfje ouerflotoings of toaters ann tbe burnings b^ fire, Doe from tpme to tpme refreflj tl;e §>ciences5ann o* tbcr 3inuentions*Cbis is toojtbie of fome examination ♦ gmrelp countings eptbertmiuerfall oj anp tbing great in refpetf of tfye tobole toojlo3tbere is no mention founn in anp g>tojie< 3lfo of anp atber generall jHun, tban tljat tobicb toee tafce to bee t\jz firft, ana Iaft,djere is; as little to be founn3bnlefle tbep toill applp tljat name to tbe ouerflotoings of IRiuers in fome fmal quartern to tbe torn* tiing of tijt Sbea b^ fojce of bis breaking into fome Countrep a league oj ttoapne,tobicb can noticing feme to tijts purpofe* 3n& if tfjcrr allenging of it in tljat bebalfe te unfeinenlp ann in g©n ear* iteft as 31 bcimic it is 5 toell mougbt ti>ep fare fo? tbeir confeifion, ,f 0? tben tuill 3! affte tbem tobetber ting jf lun toere touuerfall, o£ particular but to fome one Countrep ♦ iff it toere particular#oto commetb it to paflfe tfjac all jftations confefTe it to bee tmroerfalfc 9an boto commetb it to palTe alfo tbat tbe Countries tobicb baa no parttbereof, batteno inclingtljereof eptberin memojieojm touting*:©? if it toere imiuerlafcnfo anp men efcape from it,o;t no* 3|f none efcapen3boto tben come toee to tbf ftnotolenge of irt 3na tobence are toe alfo3but of a neto Creations 3nn Ije tbat toas able ' to create bs agapne 3 tobp toas be not able ta create bs alfo afo?tfr 3lf fome efcapen,as allof &s no confenf tbat tberenin:tobp btlmz toe tbem not as toell in tbe tbmgs tbat toent afo?e tbe ir lun, as toe beteue tbem concerning t))t if lun it felfe^ 3nn tobo bee tboft tbat tfcapen but Noe ann bis ilTetojtobo leane bs to tbe Mt beginning Iiotb of H)t mo)lo ann of mcn^ifo? in al tbe ipiftojies of tbe r$m tben,tobat finne toee tberccf toa^itb tbe aHengmg *: 3giu#, % u* maunntobetbertbisfapn jflunannctbers tofjtcft tfetp p^eteunto Ijaueabolilbentberememberance of tbe former tpm/s, befell bp cbaunce 0^ bv ppuinence4: 3lf bp cbaunce;toas it not pofuble ^tbat of & m^nj tol;icl) map percljauce Ijaue bin eptljer from etterlaflinff Il6 OF THE TREWNE* 02 of bcrp olo tpme,pcrrijauce not fo mud) as anp one ffjotrto |>aue cffapco*:^ irDp p2outuertcc;lip tobofe picutucnce 0>oulD itbebut bp ©otj^ *: o? U)ljo couto baue potoer to tjn&oe ana confound ftig l»ojke,but onlp Ije ftat mm it*i 3no tobat warrant baft ftou ftac be oeftropen itmoje ftan once , feeing ftou art infojcen to graunt ftat be mane it but once*: J$ap,it map be ftat it befel ftjouglj fome Conjunction of fte S>tarres . ant> tofjo tola ftem fo*; 3no tftturp fmotoe fo muft ftercof,let ftem teH^ss toljat g>tarres ♦ 31 omit to cell ftem tljat fuel; C0munctiong(as ftep ftemfelttes tearij)ftjea* ten not fte indole anojlo, but feme fmall part thereof* after fti$ maner nto fte 3ttroIa^er^ fap5ftat in ftepoere 1 5 24,ftere (IjoulD m&te fte like Coniunaton as! toas at fte general! jflua 3 bp rea* fon thereof fte indole earrfj (bouto be cotiereo nrift toaterrann pet as(viucs fapdj)a fapjer pare ftas neuer feene • Co bee fljojt, all ftings unll goe fo? papment tm'ft tljefe folke3fauing tlje trueft* The obicaion ^ut {& ijere rfjeir laff Snkeftolo* Ipoto bappeneft it (faptlj A- ©f Aucrrhocs. uerrh0is) ftat ©on fojboje fo long, ami tobn;e ban Ijee ftat netoe acuta of making fte toojltrt S>il(p fouletijat ftou art 'xubtclj glo* rieft in afkir.g ©cteffions toftereas fkifl conllfteft in anfroering* Cljou tuilt neeses pjoaue rfje toojlo b^ tbp reatbns to bee toiftoitt beginning : an* pet in tljjee toajjos toljidj djott Ijatt fpoken , tbott fyetoeft p tbou knotoeft not toga: eternitie o? euerlaftingnes is,3!n etermtieCfreemn mpne)t!jere is neitber lengft no? fljo^tnes of time: fte euerlafting pjouioence is not tpco to neto cafualtie* ConHoec ft at tbou art a man* Cbe plants; cannot iu&ge of g>ence; fte 3$eaftes cannot iuage of dje tyift of l&cafon; neitber canff tbott fobift art fubiett to tpme.iu&ge of eternitie toljift is toirijout time* jfoj ifeuen tftp litle ^abe toljicb is in time, cannot conceiue mbat tpme i« : bolo (ball Ijee tljat is but in tpme , i?noer(lano tbe euerla* ftingnea! of tbe euerMing *; after tljat maner t^t b)\iu bealte ( if tbep ban fpeedj)tooulD necipljer tbe reacbe of tbp font acco^uing to tbeir otone imagination^nti tbou tooulocft modke at tbnti if tljep ftoul^ goe about to oefcribe luljat tbp memojie is , totytf) iopnetft paft,pjefent,an& to come all in one*3nti boto tljinkef! tljou tbp felf able to itDge of eternitie, tobirfj altered \nitfy tbe ZGXinMjxitl) fte 89ame$,am> \aitlj tlje feafons of tlje pere *, eucrp oap,euerp bo)x)?fs ano euerp minutz *t 9f keft tbou toljp ©on fo?bo?e fo long tpme*: J5ap rafter , af ke toljp (Sod iiffeo to make fte tpme it felfe •, fo? in one imteuMblz moment is eternitie iopnen boft tco ^ beginning im* to fte ewe of tpme* $.tam tW al^ftat to^ere ft ere is an? bountr OF CHRISTIAN RELIGION. I27 botmtv oj enn,tljcre is no long tpme.3Hje long time of a ffi!So?me, is a mewetb ; ofan 3nt,a pere; of a (f>ojfc3tt)tittc pcrts? -, of a matt, a {)unn^n peercs ; of aUmaalunn , certeute tboufanns ofpcrref ; of tpme it felfe, a rcrteincfpacc of tpme; ann tijc terming cf anp of all tfjeir times iong,is m rcfpcct cf eft* long continuance of cbctr life in time ; but bitto birn tbat mane tpme, nothing tnnuretb lefTe Uubple tban time* put the u\te tbat tl;e luo^Io Ijajte Xal^cn a bantyen tfeu- fann peit^o^tf pe toiirjtenlrannjen tboafano , ttibat (ball pe pine bv ttfat ^ €ba: tbe tuo;in ftall Ijaue bent of t!>e greater antiqpttie, 2i5ut in refpect of trijom *: of (^o^o^of tbp fdfe * of a a£tfflime,oj of a Spirit «t of etenuttc,o? of tpme ^ 9nn tobat is all tbat m com* parifaw of mfintenelft ? 3is not £ ©aeffion all one flfil ': EElbenee is tfjis neaice ': toljettce is tfjis cbatmre *; as tocil in a bunnjen > as in a tfjoafann , ann as b>ell in a tboufimn as a tboafanntboufann? 2>et toas t\)t neuice ann purpofe eternan,not)antbffanning tfeat tbe cjcectition thereof be in tymz , infomucb tbat be ba?b bjoutrfjt fo?t!> tpme., ann tpme is ameafure of mouing,am*mouingp;muetb abe* ginning, anntlje beginning toln'cb it tafcetljis euentetue* ^Lljon tben tobicb bp a moumg baft a beginning pjoueo tmto tljee^ine o* tier tljp furmifen etevnitie ann confeflTe a netimeflfe of tpme , foj no* tljtng is netoer tban tpme ♦ SSitfrfifte reafonr mapfttljou nemamm tobp ©on mane tbe SRojlo rather bere tljan elfw&ere ♦ if o? tbefe niftintfions of time ann place toere createn ann bjougbt fo?tb toge* tljer at one infant toitb tfje 2Bo?lo , fo as tljep be neitber toifyout it no? afojett ♦ 5>e tfjat is tuitbout tpme ann imtljout place 3 mass botb tpme aim place * ann if be ban bin fubiett to tpme ann placets tljou ima$ineft$e roulo not &aue mane eptbet place cj tpme,!?ra, but tobat nin bee tben (fapeff tl;ou) afoje tbe tootfne ann out of tbe iuojlo^gDnre agapneamenn t\)p pfea» jfo? in ©en tbeve is neptljec afo?e no? after,tmt!jiii no) un'tbout ♦ TSnt futelp it is a goolp qtie- ftion,ann toelbefecmtng a great toit»9fo?e tfjp Clocke o? tbp bail* ning luas mane , tbou ninnefl not ceaffe to liue ann to neligbt tbp felfe in t&e perfertneffe of tbpne 3rte ^ ann aftertoarn tbp bailning annen notljing bnto tfj^but tljounnto thv bailing, %%m idouI^ ueft baue bin aftamen to bane affcen of Scipio toljat be ntn at borne in bis froufe in tbe Countne, after b^ ban gtuenoacr tbe atopics of tbe CommontDeale ann tbetjuatres: ann betaouln {)aue ar^e^ ten tbde p be toas neuer leOTe pnle tbamuben b^ && pnle3no? leife alone tban toljen be l»as alone. 3nn ^n tljou t^infeeft tbat it (tone <0on greatlp on l;an to mafee fyi$ gconlp palace of ^ )»o?m fo? tijee, ann Il8 OF T^I T n E W V B S ann to fjarber fucb Mafpbemers as tbou art tberein , a* tf^e route not baue fojboine tbac,oj liuen untbout tbp compahie*tje tnteat(a$ pe tooulD fap)to (bcnfcnjtb Ijtfif bappinelft out of &tm&Ife;tt liken btm to create tbe toojlo*S>ea,but tuljp Din be ft no fanert BHbat a mm* btx of faults are beere in one fpacbVCbou toilt noenes be puuie to tbe caufe of ©ons toill m al tbings, ann pet is Oons toia t!)c caufe of tbe caufes of an rtjings^p eternitie tljattijannefi: net bin able ta fjauefcnotonebis potoer; fo? tbe flpatefftt tberaftooultj baue mane tty narfte;ann it is fo bugbt tbat tbou coulned baue tent le(Te,tbati tbou couloeft fee nolo if tbou toert longen in p bonp of tbe fetmne. 32oto be mafcetb tbee to pcrrepue bis pafter,bp tbe creation of tbe tDojlo^bts eternttie 3 bp compartfon of tpmc;* bis glorious b?igbt* nede3bp tbe fijaootoe tbereof* 35p etemicie,tbou roulnetf not baue fmotone bis toifenome;foj rbau tuotitoeft baue m\nt% all things as toife as be,feemg tbep ban bin as euerlaftmg as be ♦ 3un tobat totfebeme ban remapnen in btm , if an tbings ban bin of n^ceffitie, two notbing at bis otone djepee aim libertie *t Tout notn tbou feeff Ijts toifenome in rije g>tones,m tbe J£erbs3in tbe numb creatures, pea ann euen in tbe toojkmanftip of tbp felfe* Cbou feed it m t!je o?ner,m tlje fucce(Tion,anb in tbe boning of all tbingsXbou ga* fed at it in tbt greated tbitigs,ann tbou toonnered at it in tf;e finals led;as m\x(^ in tbe jTIpe ann tbe 3nf,a* in tbe tobole Cope of bea* uemtoberas tbe eternity of tbmgs tooulo baue caufeo tbee to baue attributes ©oobean to tbe @>fcpes , tbetarres , tfje Cartb , tbz Rockes , tbe 3$owxttync$ , ann in effect to all tbings ratber tljatt tbp felfe^as tbep bin wind) iwere taugbt fo to no,9lfo by tbis eter^ nitie tbou coulneft not baue conrepueo bis gmnnerte , bmnte tbou tooutoeft Ijaue tbougljttbat ©©Dbaobaoasmucbncetieoftbe £2Xo?ln5as tijt SSJojfo ban of bim, Cbou fbouloeft not baue kno^ Uicn tbp felfe to bee anp moje beboloen to bim , tljan to tl)e fire fo? beating tb^o? to t&efi&umie fo? giuing tboeligbt, bemik tbcp ^ouln no mo^e bee eptber fire o? feunne , if tbep foment tijat na^ ture ♦ QBut b t fljetoetb tba by tfje creation,botb tbat be Ijtmfclfc is tuer^anti tljat tbou bad ban tbp being ftnee tbe tpme tbat it pleafen bim to create tljee : tbat be Initbout tbee is etcnuill ; ann tbat tbou tmtboutbis gonnefie banned neuer bin tbat little tubicb tbou am ^an to bee (bo&tfoat ije is uot tpen to anp nine oj necelHtie as A- riftotles OF CHRISTIAN RELIGION. I2p riftotles <&oa i$,(ti)l)icb coula tint refufe to anue p ©ifl, but toag tpea to it tobetber be tooula oj no:) but tljat bis aoing of tbings is altogether of bis otonc infinite gcnaneire, lubeiccbjougb be bout* faferb to impact bimfelfe anto otljerS, Dp making tlje tbing to bee tobicb t»as not $ pea ana bp making tbe tbing Jjappie ? tuijub of it felfe coula not fo murij ass be ♦ Jf2oti),baa man anp mill ox f kill to acknotoleage tbe potticr^ioifeaome, ana gajanefte of bis <£oa<; [31 tfyinbe not* ] Cben teas it fo? t!)p benefcte ana not foj bis otone, tbatljemaaenot tbe £cto?la eptljer of greater antiquitie, o? eter* ttall ♦ jfo? baa l?e maae it eternal^ ( let as! fo fpeake feeing pe toill tatte it fo , ) tbou toouiaefl: baue maae a 6oa of it , ana rljou canft notcuennoto fojbearetbe acing tbereof* 3nabaa be maae it of moie mtitimtizi tbou maulaeft baue maae it an occafion to forget ibp (Dotyana fo? all tbe netonelTe tbereof, pet toilt tbou not beare it in tbp mpna^ben feeke not tbe caufe tbereof inW potter ♦ %\)t caufe tberrof is in tbpne otnne infirmitie: Mwjbz caufe tbereof is m bis gtoanefle, in tbat be tntenaetb to fuccour tbpne ignorance* 9na fo,nottoitbiiaaing al tbeir obiections,t»e (ball bp tbis meant* fjola ftili our conclufion5to frit, Cljat tl;e ££tojla is but of late con* timtanrev^bat it baa a beginning^ana tljat concerning tlje tpme of tbe firft beginning tbereof,ana concerning tbe continuance tbereof Imto our aates,toe ougbt to bzi&uz f boto of Moy fes aboue alU 4$§l&%b<$^® <£9&@@©@ The ix. Chapter. That the wifedome of the World hath acknowledged the Creation of the World. 3Itlj toe l;aue feene tntrf) tol;at confettt f tofjole barmonieof tbe (I&o;rfa rbauntetb tbe Crea* tton tberof ana tbep?aife of tlje Creator, noto it follctoerf) tbat toe feetubat tbettrifeaome of tbetoojlabatf) beleeueain tbatbebalfctobere* in toe baue to cofiaer tbe felffame tbtng tabic!) toe ronfioerea in tlje aoctrme of tbe tfyee per* Constat is to trn'f ,rtjat tbe n&rer m come to tbe toelljeaa thereof, t be nwe rimer lue finae it: pea ana it is alfo a fcbtolepepnt of Pb- toes tearing, cljat in tljefe l;igf) matters of tfje ©oaljeaa^of t; e 31 Creation 130 OF THE T R I VV N ! $ The men of mod antiqui tie beleeuea the Creation of the world. Creation of tlje toojlo, ami of fuel) otber lifce,toe muff gwe creoftc (as bnto afcpno of Demonftration,)to tlje fapingg of men of mo£ antiquitie, as fofte tljat toere better ano nrierer to 600 tljan toee* $perc 31 ITjouIn begin at Moyfes , as tlje auncienteft of all tojitertf, aim toljom all tlje i[>eatljen 3utbojs ooe bonoj ano toconoer at tit tbeir lu^ttino:^ , 3no tljeberp firtftoojoe of big bmkeltmplp fei fcoUmetn tljefe termeS, In the beginning God created Heauea and Earthy ougbt to bee bnto bg as a majrimce of Euclyde, toijtcti tn tbofe &aies men mere attjameo to can in quetfion/But to tlje in* tent toe confouno not rfje tao?ti of 600 toitlj tlje toojo of man3 fo£= afmuclj as tbe folke toitlj tobom toee Ijaue to oeale, are fucb as re* fufe t!jofe toljom tljep cannot accufe : let bs ouercome tbem rattjer bp tbeir otone Doctor* Certepnlp toljofoeuer mill take tlje papne Mercury in his tD c^mt Mercurius Trifmegiftus tottft Moy fes,ff)all reape tljer* Pomwdcr. &P mott fi" jular contentation* 3!n <£eneGs Moyfes oefcribetb tlje Creation of tbe ea ano Lano(faptlj Moyfes) toere mingles togetber tottill e jEgiptians from tbe tf atber to tbe holy Samoa. g>onne*3in another place Ije faptb tbat <£oa b^ bft bolp, fpirituall ano migbtietoojfcing toojfc> commaunoeo tbe oapfonne to bee3ann tt toaa none : tbat tbe g>ea ano lano fljoulo bee feuereo afunner; tfcat tbe Starrer fbouto be creates, ano tbat ©erbes fboulo grotoe tjp euerp one tottb bft feeoe,bp fojee of tbe fame toojoe* 3ttb tbat t&e WLotfti ft but an alteration, a matting,* generating ano a eo?* rupting of tfring$,an& $)& ft cannot be cafleo gcotu'Cbcfe are con* cMong cleane contrarp to eternitie oj euerlafttngneflTe+15ut fojaf* tmtc& ass [ if 3! ftoulo fet ootone all l;ft fapingg tobtcb be batb to rtjat pttrpofe,] 31 tyouio be fapne to copte tym almoft tobole out: tt ft better fojttte to oefire tf;e IReaoertf to go to tbe berp place tt felf* Orpheus t^t atmcienteft oftfte Grcekes , bao bin in ^gipt a$ orphem in his lie fjim&lfe fapt^ano tfcere lie Iearneo, Wfcat t&ere ft but one <£o&, Argonawtes. The Ayrejhe Heauen^he Sea,the Earth 3and Hell With all the things that in them all doe dwell, to ere barber* in W bjeaft from all eternitie* Ann alfo tbat The running flreames^the Ocean fiods and Men \ Things prefentj kings to come lay all at eafi In that wide lap of his: and that within His bety large the bond lay lapped vp Which holdeth all this great huge Vvorke together m 3n& afrertoara &e awetlj furtber, Thefe things tyhichyet lay hidden aU Within the trea/hretfhis brefi, He into open light did call, (reating as he deemed befi This ft at ely ft age whereon tojhowi His noble doings on a rowe. 9m> fofcat eft ft t&fe-, tfjan tbat <8ot> afo ettetlaffmglp ioft tU toojte ^ftuen, (&% t&e %afcfe^) in tfee ^mtoieof ^ft tnfi* 3! z nitt 132 OP THE TfcEWNES nice totfenome: ©?(** Dennis faptfj)m tlje Clofet offjfe ptrrpofc ann MB; ana afrcrtoam bjougfjt it femtfj in tpmc taljeit tt pleafeu fjtm *: 9nn m anotljer place, 1 fing(faptrj ljc)of the darke confu- Toxfyxiw fion,I meane the confufion that was in the beginning,how it \& 9- ♦ was diffigured in diuers natures,and how the Heauen,the Sea «f Tr Orpheus in his Hebrewes mesne bv tlje Spirit turjid; Moy fes fpeaketfj of ♦ 'Co Argonawtes. jjC fljo?t > Ije fap ri) tljat rje Ijtmfetfe mane a bcoke of tfje Creation of rije luo^lD , toJjtdj tuas a common argument. ammtg rije poets of tljat tpmc , ag Empedocles, Hefiodus, Parmenides, aim furij o- tljerg,tu!jtrij toere all pljtlofopljcrs • 3nn in marrp places! Ije rentt* rerij all tljings to ££latec ana to a ecrtepne 35un as to rijetr 021'rjr- na^turjtdj tljmg agreed loell enoucrjj to tlje nape of Moyfes.Clje Hefiodusin **e l'* *one&P Homer ann Hefiodus,to!)icfj came after fjim,,f o;, fcubookcoir Hefiodus maketlj ncfcrtptton,not onlp of rije Creating of ptoo2l& woorkesand ann of tlje p artg tljereof; but alfo of tlje Cljaosoj confufion ann of Bayes,and in tlje (Sons rijemfelues* 3nn ftlje Homer mtenncrij to curfeaman, hf th CGtarrcs m tlje fekpc to nt^ ItingutOj rlje@>eafon^ ofdjepeare: tljat Ijecreaten all rtjtngs: tljat men are W ofTpimffttljat h? tlje figitcs of Cprauen Ije ment to giuz tljem toarmng of dje djatmges; oftlje 3tre,au& of €empe(!^^3im ._.... tlje uopce of djefc poets te to bee ronfincrca a^ rije opinion of trjc KS pecpleto^jomdjepfun^nrmrres ooiniosofthc 33otolet t»s p on undj dje atnictentpljtlofopljerei ♦ Pythago- jhiiofopiios. rasCbp dje report cf Plutarke)faitlj f> t!;c cCIojlo toajS begotten of ©oa. ■"■iri't Gf CHRISTIAN RELIGION. 153 all firings lyfcofrhaks. tlKtaf5to!)o is alonlp bnbegotten, ami Ijatfo not anp eno oj anp be= . . . ginning. 3nti againe, The World (faptlj lje)is moft excellently ££££ mm bcautiful,for it is the worke of God.Slfb being af&eo tobetbet bias firlt of tije Dap oj tlje 3®i$t ; l*c anftoereD tbat the Night was fooner by one day: as if be ban HtCnt to fap, tljat afoje GdoU Ijan creates tbe ligbt , it muff n#t>es bee confeflcn tljat out of Irim tbete \uas noting but oaitaerte ♦ jftGto tbis pljilofopljer alfo as fcicll astlje reft ban gone to g>cb©le in ^Egipt . Timeus of Locres termetb 'Cpme t\)t 31mage of etermtie , ami faptlj tgat it tcofce bis beginning from tbe creating of Upeauen ana Cartb , ann tbat (fi5oo create* the berp <§>oule of tlje £Qo?lo afo?e tbe foUojlo it felfe, botlj in poffibilitie ami in tpme ♦ &o bee (bo?t5 Plutarke affirmed) tbat all clje naturall pfjilofopbers of olb time, Ijito opinion tljat tlje begetting o? creating of tbe 22Jo?lb began at rtje eartb as at $e Centre thereof: ami tfjat Empedocles faptlj tjjat tl)e (heft kpnn of 3er tofyid) tbep cal £thcr,taas tlje firft part thereof tljat bias tnatone bp on Irigb* 3nD Anaxagoras is repoj* ten bv Simplicius,to affirme tbat ©o&(toljom be calletb Mynd o? Vnderftanding) createti tbe Jpeauen, tlje €artl;5 tbe gmnne anD tlje <&tarres ; ano fcarflp is tljere anp one to bee foum^tnlricl) tea* rljetbtbat tpme is toitljout beginning* @)ome of Platoes latter Difciples , (as namelp Proclus tyU tixi% agamftt^e Cl;jtttian^) toouto n^nes beare tl;eir Sptyftzz 31 3 botone, *J4 OP THH TREWMBt Ariftolc in his eightth bookc ofnarurall Pljilofophic. Epicurus in Cicero. Plutark in the Opinions of the Philofo- phers.,and in «hc creation of shcSoule. Aphrodifiuf as nc is ailed - ged by Simpli- cius vpon the bookes of Hcauen. Tfo TTXhcU yiyevhoc. notttitCjtljat be beteueu tbe toojto to bane baa no Begfmttttg ♦ *&\& if tuee map beteue Ariftotle, tofro teas a feboflet off)t^ a ttoo ami ttuentie peered be taugbt t^ac tbe toojlo toas crcateDjano it i* one of tbe cbief principles tobereiu tbep mott&ifagKe,Philo tobo toa* a* another Plato,faitb tbat Plato l;ao learnco tt of Hdiodus.3m> Plutarch tobo tyztotti) bimfelfe to baue perufeo I;im tbjottgblp leafe bp leafe3fpeaftetb of btm m tbefe tooj&g/rhere are(faptb be) fome ftudyers of Plato,which by racking his wordes,indeuer by all meanes to make him deny the creation of the World and of theSoule,and to confeflc the euerlaftingnefle of time, notwithstanding that info doing theybereeue him of that mod excellent treatife of his concerning the Goddes,againft the defpy fers and skorners of whom in his tyme he wratc. And what needeth any thing to be alledged for proof e there- of, feeing that his whole booke of Timeus is nothing els but an expreffe treatife of the Creation of the World ? djefame tinner ai(b Ootb Aphrodifius tmtnefle concerning Plato . Jn \)i$ facofee intptleo Athlantick^c termed) tbe two^lo a tbtng Longago created.3[nbte matters of Stated faptb tbat tbe toojlo toag fet* ieo ann foutmefc bp <8roD3ami tbat tt cotepnetlj ffoje of ga>& tbings, ano tftat tbe troublefomeneffe tobtcb it batb 3 fe but a Kemnaut o j Bemapmier of tbe former cottfuCon^ 3ffo Socrates m bte bcofte of Commontoeale , termetb itStjoy y whtov A Godhead begot- ten or crcated.amj hxljidj of tbe aumitnt tauter^ tito euer ooubt, tbat Plato taugbt not tbe Creation of tbe i!2torto,conttoering tbat be batb ma&eoefcriptton^ botb of all tbe parts tbereo£ ana of tbe (Sottf tbemfelue^ano alfo tbat be faptb tbat tbe too?fo ftrag crea* ten corruptible of it felfe, but pet abotrc immortall ana tmco?rttptt* ble tbjottgb tbe grate of pet our Joules tobicb be conctoetb to be toitbout cntt,faile not to baue ban a begtnnmg^ut tbougb toe toere ncuer fo b>d contenteD to let bint pafletpet ootb Plato aflfople btm in one fcpojMfte toojUXfaitb be)te corruptible of it felfe,fo? euerp tfjing tijat ft compoun&ei^map alfo be oillbluefcbut it # not ©ou^ tutll 4tt OP CHRISTIAN REL16I0H. *$J tbat tt flEjouto b£C co?ruptcn ♦ And mync ordinance (fayth the c- uerlafting ) is of more power to make thee to continue, than thine owne Nature is to make thee to perifh.'&be tofrcb rbtng PIato *n ^ %t fpeaketb pet nunc ffjojtlp in anotljer place,faping tfjat tbe tocrjto common. rjatb recepuen an 3immo?talttte at tbe bans of tbe toojkmapffet weak, tebicb mane ft ♦ jftoto tben, feeing tbat bp Mature it map pertfb; ctLvxcixv furelp bp jftature ttljan a beginning: ami tlje potter trjat Ijatlj p?e-- *7r*xtv«V2 ferueo tt from periflmt&ig tlje berp fame trjat maoe tt to bee* Pro- ^ ,* ^ clus annetb:Plato propoundeth a Que{tion(fapd) rje)whether v Ahum* the Work! was created after the patterneofa thing forecrea- * ^ *< ted , or of a thing without beginning . Therefore he dowted 7*+ whether it were eternall or no. flBfjat a conrtufion toag tljtt foj * great pfctlofopber*: 31 affte torjetfjer men bee b?en of tbemfeUteg 0} creates of auotfjertfjerefoje 31 bpboto t^at tftep be b?eb of trjem* felue&ag tobo mottlo fap tbat in &tfputmg,it toere not an ojbinarp matter to fet boton botb tfee Contraries foj tfce affirming of p one ana tbe benping of tbe otbec* 3gapne3if tt toere begotten oj crea* tea after f erample of a tbmg afoiecteaterr, coulo tt be beginning* leiTe , feeing tfcat tbepatterne tbrreof rjao a beginning *i 3nb tf tt mere create* after tbe example of a tbtng bncreate^ran tt come to gaflfe trjat tt (bouto be euerlafting,feing tljat tt & not tbe Derp pat* terne tt felfe^ jftotbut ag 31 fcaue fapb afcne5toee aomtt ijojneo ar* gnment* agamft tbe trttetb , tnfjereag tn Defence of trje truetl) tfce perfected bemonttrations fufftje b$ not* <o tn another booke in* tptleb of a Sbtring be faptb trjusi t Plato in his booke of Lawes fayth that Commonweales and Artes haue infinite tymes bin vtterly deftroyed by Wateriluds and Burnings,and therefore that men cannot certeinly fay from what time men haue firft growne into Commonweales : Ergo, he beleeued that the World had no beginning. J2ap,Jje faptlj tbefetbingg tn \)i$ Ti- tneus,UJbtclj fa tijc brake tobereof tbou canft not ootut, but tbat be treatetb trjere erpjeflelp of tlje Creation of trje SEto^in^nn be re* fleatetfj tbe fame agapne tn bis b©ke of Comrnontoealcmatters, fjautng fapo afo?e,rtat ©oo createo l^eatren $ €ar$,tbe g>tarre$ ana (Sons* j!2oto djen?feeing tt fa one felffame 3tttJ;o? tbat fpea* feetb tbefe things, ana tn one felfefameplace, ann one immentatl? after anotbents tt not certepnetbatbementnottomatcbdeane contrarp ootfrmes togetber*: ^B^at tg to be Taps tben,btit tbat be fpafce trjete after trje maner of tbe common multttuoe, tnbo(a^ A- riflotle faptl;)ooe call tlje tfiwgis infimte,tot>trf) t^tg be not able to 31 4 number4* Agenifl Ari- ftotlesEterniti. Arlftotle in his. i. 3 &8. bookes of na- tuiall Philofo- phicjn his hrftbookepf the Kcauens. andinhisfirfl bDokcofthc breede of li- uingthiAgs. I36 OF TR!' TKSVYNEJ number*:©? as Nfoyfesljimfclfefpeaftetf), toljo canetljtfjetljmgi eternally ucrlafting 0? emrtefTc^biri) ate of fcerp long cotinuance, nottontbftanoing tbat fte make a bcolic e?p?etfelp of dje Creation of all tbings't'But in tetie it &as a furffifce of tlje auncientnefle of dje QHoriQ , tabid) Plato ( as it QrottlH feeme ) Ijaa tyottgljt borne out of /Egipt.acco^inglp as dje report of Solon fuffictentlp nccla- ictlj 3 tobo telietb bim tbat tlje ^Egiptians ban IRegitos of npne rtjoufano peres5tljat is to ftp(a& Plutarke interprets tt)mne djou* fano ^©nes* ^utletU^ come to Arifk>tle3 to toljom tljfe opinion codj p?o* perlp belong* jFo? altljougb fome of bts §>d;oHers being afyamea on bis bdjaffe,toottto fapnebeare &tm on bans tljat Fje tnas of ano* tijer opinion^ at leatfimfe tbat fje ljila it as a noubtfull popnt;pet nottoitljttantiingbis fentences in tljat cafe are too certeine,tco dece, anu too manifesto? tljem to goe about to clofo l)is opinion ♦ Tout feeing fje teas fo bolo ass to remoue tlje fajmer boumj fettlea b}> tlje autljojitie ami betefe of an tljat taent afcne bimtiiceues muft it b& tljat ljebatiberperp?cflretermes5 ansticrp certepne Demonffra* ti8& 3nti 31 p?ap pott lee us fee tuljat maner a ones tljep bdtf ront tlje mouings tljat are Ijcrc beneatlj 3 Ijt leaaetlj to to tlje mouings tjjat are aboue5ann from tljem to a ftrft mouer,ljMljerto fre is toe!* ^utaftettuar&be toilUjauetbisfirfl: mouertomoueeuerlafting* Ip5ann tljerefoie tbat tpme fljoufo be eueriafting alfo* Bepttjer tbe grounn no? f confeqttenceof tljis argument are augbttoo?tb Jpoto lutH pe pjoue tljat t\)t 8rff mouer mouetlj eternally jftap ccntrari* toife,mouing argetnetlj a beginning, ffoi in mouingtljere is! a rer* tq>nt popnt from ftljence tlje mouing is mawjmto another popnt toljerto it tennetljtans zuen arrowing to Ariftotles otone or tfdner fo?eneu%afternelTe?anri continuance of tpme &o follotoefojencfle, afterneiTe^ann continuance of mouing j anti ti;at implpetlj a mani^ feff contrarietieto tf;e negnition of motung from place to place* 3nti tljat tpme fl;oulo be begitwrnglefif^teijat tU i$ it to fap, djan djattpme i^ not tpme, ant) (as pe tt*ouiD Tap) an im^lfin^ ofmu tratiittion in tlje &erp lyoiti it felft jFoi tofjat eld t«( tpme acco^tung to Ariilotleliimfelfejtljan tfte number of moutug bp fojenefle ano aftemeffe, bp pail anti to come* 3nti if it be a number^bere is tlje mfhtiteneflfe tbereof become^ann if djere be afo?e ano afcer3tol;erc 16 rije eternitie djereof *i %n another place be faptb5d;at mouing & *ternail because tpme i^ etemaH;antJ tbat tbe uit^c toljp time is fo3 fe tljat it ig aftoaiCi3 iopnen to ri;at iol;id; i$ pa$4 31 P?ap pou toljat adjilnu^ OF C HR ITS I AN RE I I 61 ON. I37 artjttotfbneflTe to tWt S5p tfcc fame reafon 31 map tap tfcat tfje m* uing of a SpiII,o? tije (term g of aup lining toigft to sternaMg in tijofc cafes; euerp mffant follotoetf) immcmatlp fa t%t necfceof tljat toljtdj to patfjtio leflfe tljan tu dje mouing of tpme; anu pet toee bee net ignorant that tftep ftaue a beginning , Bat life ag tijere is a ccrtepne firft fo?tIjfettmg in tI>ofc/o to t!;ere alfo m tfre mouing of tlje J£)f auen3toljo to tlje fyoeticr of tpme » 3no Algazei anf vctzfy Aigazd. Auerrhois bcrp toelf Upon t!ji0 popnt;©jat fofce Urfjat a popnt oj prirftei* int&mgsdjatljoto on tol;ole Unvote of; t&e fame :to an fcittantoj moment in things t&at mtmeiriatlp o? conttmtallp fuc= cmz one after another: an* t&at as a popnt 0} petite to t&e begin- ning of a ipne,fo an mEant to tlje beginning of tpme: $ Auerrhois couto not sifpjoue tljto reafon, otbertoife tban bv floating btmfoj iu *£)e teplpctf) pet agapne, am faptfe £>ea but if tbe S3o?to baa a beginmng^oto ©all tlje maker thereof bebopa of alteration4: 'Eo fuclj a qucftum as ei;to to , me ti)inke0 fje ijimfetfe ftroulo anftaere tlra$:Cijat rtje aHc&gmg of an incfuaiibce aftbplecf) not tbs que* fium3nt gcoti feir pfrilofop'oer / Bp pour feeding to fyingbs to $to mronuemence3pou graunt at leafttoife that @od creates 3%fc ture* 3n& to it not a fitatinge ot; edtgftt in pou,t!jat pou toffl n&oeg tpebtmto tftelajtoetf ofj^ature,l»Wc!)tot!jemafierofBatuir; a is meafure tfje p Jtecr arm libertce of tfje €tocfcmafcec3bp tlje fab* lection of tlje Clo&e fcnto i;irtrt3rt ti>o« not a(t)ameo to poein Me piebeminence to ©SO , tljan to tijp Eingto!jom tfjou eyempteft from fubtatton to Ij to iatoe£ jbecaoft Itf to tlje maker of tbe iafcoe^ 31 p?ap tl)& tofjat a ftjing &e;e it , if fo att t&oifl&efUntijertafte but o Ip to meafure JQatuie bp tfjpue otone font ^ CHfjat a nu:nber of tpmes bvifl tljou fount) t£p toil to (tumble at tbe leaft tbtng^'tilpoti) often Ijall tfjou founu it againft tijp feife4: BoUi>if Mature goe be- ponti ftereael) oftf)p^it3i)o^farte(i>antljeiierp maver of nature xiutgoe it *i %\)oa canH not ftift tljp place u>icl;o«t remo:ung; anti tljerefo^c t&oauoRneu thz iitie of 6;)n ♦ TSi\t conficerat ieaitljaife tfeat t&p bottle o? ® pno not being; limited tiottl}iu anp placeafe tijc place of a t^oufanii tljing^5 $ tljat a tljoufar.0 djing^s are ?ot place thereof ♦ Sgaine, tbp 4>mlz canmt conceiue aw? tijin$ , Without pafftng from contemplation to action : no no? <&y%z m epntempla? tion,iuitf)cmt cfa:m%z. Mali fyy DcSre \$ to I;aue (fi^>JD Xikctup ftlf in tfrto bcl)arr. But if tbnittoflt not peelD tijp felfto otijer men* AiHfetfein h* xtafond ; at teaftbiife pselo tfjp felfe to ttyzz o;u)ne reafon^ ♦ tfet firft bob"cc>r tol)era0 tijou fapj^a: bepo^ tl;e l^cauen t^ere to .leufjcr emptt- Hcaucn^^^ Proclus con- cerning the Influence of the full caule. t}t OFTH.BTHEWV-ZS nefle no? tvmt ; but tbat tuljatfoeuer fe tl;ere, fe ejxmpteu from aB maner of tpme.,momng,cbaunge,ano paffibflttie ; aim tljattn tbat Dmtterfalletcmitie all djtngss uoeleaoeamoft Jjappie anu todron* tcnten life: nareff tbou fap Irlte of ©on, to&om ti^ou tbp felfe noeft place fatre abouc all tljofe tbings^be uerp fyute 3$eatte* tooula jbabfe afta* tbat maner of tfc nature of tljp g>oule,pea aim mo?e to tbeputpofe tco.jTo? toberag tbere is no compartfon bettoeene ©on ano tb# 5 tbep petbaue a tiring tbat ootl) fometoljat refemble tfice., iTo? tbou cfjaungeft in noing , becauft tljp noing is another tbing tban ti# being; aim tbe tiring tl;at tbou ameft at i* out of tbp felfe; tubicb tl;ing cannotcbaunge fo? tb# , mm therefore rijou art fapne to cbaunge fo? it • 9Ifo tbou cljatmgeft in beboluing ; fo? tbe tbing toljicb tbou bebolneff, ano tbou tabid) brf;oloeft it,are tuao: ana ta bee fbojt , tit beboloing , tbou ooeft after a fo?t futfer at tbe tiring tabid) tbou bebolneff; $ m noing, tbou fuffereff at tbe tbing triririj tljou noeff tbut unto btm tobtcb fe tbe maker of al ri)ingg,to be ano to bef)olo,to beljolu aim to uoe,to ooe ano to MI are all one tbing* jfoj mm in toilling a tiring be fafy none it, aim W toilling t^ere^ af is after a certepne 9 oeterminate maner,(3i fcfe bumane toojneg fo? tlje uttering of mp meaning)* ^0 bee fbojt,unto fyim tbat be* Ijoloert) all things in IjimfeKe , nothing can fpjing top tbat (ball b« tteto* Let tog notu put t|>e cafe,tfjat tlje fojealleogen inconuenience be moft to purpofe ; atm let fcg fee at leafrtmfe if tljou rant! f hill to auopoe it in tfjpne ofeme opinion* 31f ©on(fapft tljou)oo make anp tbing neta^e muff n&ne* cljaunge bte mpnn* 9nn pet t&ou fapefc tljeretoitbai^ttjat in all tlriugg tobirfj are none Ijere beneatb bp na* turall caufeg , tljere te a certepne influence of ©on , at leafftotfe of tbefcniuerfafl influence unuer tbe tobicfctljou putteft all tbingg* g>o fpeakeff tfcou,fo fpeaketlj Auerrhois,fo fpeaketb Proclus ano tie reff of pou thereof* JSo^feeing tbat 6©D ootb euerp nap a tljoufann netoe tlrings Jerebnteatb;3I nemaunn of t\)& urfjetljer %z notl) t^emnponneto neuife^o^pponeuerlaftingfo^epurpore't 3(f be noe tbem bppon nehie ueutfe, tftott ftumbleff at tljat toljici tbou tooulnett efcljetoe : fo^bp tljp reckoning) ©00 ootft tbat toljicl) %t Din not afo^e , namelp, in (beaoing fo? tb %i $ influence anetoe, ano tn pjoottcing(bp tbat iufluence)tbe cljingtbac teag not afoje*©^ if iiz no tbem upon euerMingfojepurpofc; tben confeflefi 4ou tbat tobicb tbou meaneft to uenpe: to lu:t,tljat (San neterminen euerla* ftinglp to make 0? noe cbinga b^ W potoer, aim ttat accoming to $at net:nninacion5lje gmty to jeuerp tljing in tf;eir tpme^tubat^ Ibeuet OF CHRITSIAN RELIGION. T39 fbeuet1;ee ban fojeailotteo tbem of W gatfmeffe* JFoj b3&at niffe^ rence mafceft tbou m tbe rate bettoeene one pant,ano all ijDlant^ fcetto&ne tbe plant tbat fe nete fpjong up to nap , am> tlje plant t^ac te$ toritbereo a tboufano pcerea agoe ? bzmmt tbe to^ole taojlo, ano tbe leatt tbing contepneo tberein ; if tbou be fapne tea aomit aneto ueutce , a$ tell fo? tbe leaft tiring ag fo? tlje greateft't jftaptboubaftoeuifeotb#a©oo tbat teturneti about bppoubt* inb&le, a ©00 tbat batb but a little moje toit tbatt tbp fetfe,ano a little moje ftrengtb tban tbp felfe : ano pet fuel) aretbp fpeecbeg of trim fomettme,tbat 31 caimot teatwljftljec tijouteMloett be conceit* ten to be likeneo to bint o? no* letbgfiebfe otberKeafonS* All theauncientPhilofophers (faptb be)fauing Plato , beleeued that tyme is without begin- ning. 3 ftrange cafe3tbat be tobtcb taketb fo great pleafure in con* trolling all men tbat tent afo^e bim , toill nato neeoes Ib&lo btm* felfe buner tbem .'T&ut 31 baue alreaote pjoBueo tbat tbat Taping of trig is falfe«3no againe to^at greater contraries can tbere be, tbaa tpme ann eternitte *: 9lfo,Thc Heauen(faptb be) is a diuine bo- dy jvncorruptible^the dwelliug place of the Goddes, wherein there hath not any corruption bin feene that can be remem- bred : Ergrit is eternal!. 3$ut bote tell be p?oue tbis Di\xinitky ann tbfa ©uinteflTenceofbiS ? <£^encetoinb#P?c&uetbi^co?* ruptiWe nature*: (Kttbat toil be anfiaereto tbis Taping of bfe otmte,, tbat tbe (Sonnet ano ©oobeaog otell aboue !j>eauen, ano btterlp iDttbout tbe compalTe oj reacbeof tpmeVSIs not tbfe afetting uotone of tljat tbing fo? a grouno , lubicb fe tl;e tbmg tl;at reftetb to bepjoueo,ano(to fpeafte after bfe otomemaner)a craning of tbe principle *: T&txt if te beteue Plutarke,tobo affirmetb tbat Arifto- tie beloe opinion tbat tbe fatten ig a mingleo nature of beate ana tnopfture togetber ; (ban it not bee corruptible of it felfe a# tell a$ tbe grounos are tobereof it i$ eompofeo *i bee aooetb tbat tbe aim* cient (©reekeg cafleo it iEtherQags pe tnoulD fap Ayrun] becaufe it ™ft t« &i tonnetb about continuallp* 9notobatteflbeeanfu3eretoPlator3s4v. tobo faitb tbat tbe 5>eauen oj <§>fepe te eafleo j£ther,of bfe bpgbfe "3M»»»Wi jte(Te,in tobtcb refpert alfo be calletb tbe ^tarre of Mars^ithon. Crati|us- . Slfo tobatMl be anfuaere to al tl)e former pflofopber^ toljo are ™ *a T0 xi of opinion tbat tbe S>fepe ig a am> Oamafcius to ejrpouni world. &MS Ariftotles bmfcc of tbe &fcpe>anti Proclus in fjts fecont> boofce Damafaus fcponPlatoesTimeiiSjbaueimiJnicllnotcD, tbatfo djcp20uiwj vppon the of tlje etcrmtie,Ariftotle bad) fct Dottme man? dnngs to^ti; naoe bookesof the miK 0tber 0ifp2©fe djan bare Denpail5antJ trtjidb idolIs be as Ijaro Proclus in his f°? ^ t0 #0UM$ tO p20UX t\)t Mlft it iClfe ♦ CTi&at IS tO b« iccond booke tbougbt tben^if eucn by tlje pjopofttioug of Ariftotk bimfelfe ana vpon Timeus. tjffjt«f ^cboflcrs 3 tuee p2our agdhrft $m aim l)iS g)f boilers, tbat Arlftotj[ea- tlje ££to?lD bao a beginning: *r ZXyz rao?ft> (fa? dicy)is eternal!, gaait Aruto- ant| peU£; ctcrnajj ag jt ^ &epen&etb fcpon <5oo* 3ju djat pojmt tljcp all agriXbe oifagaxment among tbem is in tbis,d)at foms of tljem make tlje oepcnmng thereof bpon <$ tbnnfelues require in tbe creation of all rtjingSjiball eptber baue gone afo?e it oi not* 3f tt muft ndenes baue gone afo^e it;tben tuas it not from euerlafhng; fo? tiji^ tMO^o forego being a beto^ener of tpme,crdunetb f ujoiU from eternitte 0) euerlaftingnelfe* ©2 if tbere neeneo not anp fo?e^ toojtfentfj potter to baue gone afo^e tlje U)o4o,but d)at it be (implp aw ilfette p^occtning from tbe fejee of d)e caufe ; tobv ftoulD it non j)20ceene as tocll in tpme as from euerlatting , feeing djat die fapD fo^ce 02 potter is mrecteo by Keafon ano by (Xttitt 9i«> ttbp tben fcolo tliep djis principle, Cbat tbe dttoto cannot be of cceation,be^ eaufe tbat if tt loere fo, fome caufe mull mrocs baue gtine afbjc it^ 3gain,toljence bat^ t^e g>Kpe \)i$ beginning of mouwg3but frsm m . OF CHRISTIAN RELIGION. I4I an 3fnft ant*: 9tm toljatfoeuer coulo be neuer fo little a tofjtle toitl> out mouing,ttbp migbt it not be tuttftcmt mouing a longer totyle, feeing tbat tbe refpect is all one , botb of eternitie tonto all tpmes, ami of inftnitenefle unto all places ? 'Cberefoje tobereas Ariftotle faptb tljat tbe ££tojlo (notbritbttan&ing tfjat tt is eternall) oepeu* ued) bpon Oou ; be grauntetb confequentlp tljac tt is not eternall* feeconnlp , contrary to tbz tearijtng of all tbat tnent afoje Ijtm , be ncltueretb us ti)}k firft grouims ; namelp, fatter, jubilance, of fttufle, fojme, fyape, oj faftuon, ann ^mation^fflSant, o; berea* um&ano bis fecbcoles are fo greatlp neltgbtea t&ertmtfj,tftat t&eie is notbing els to bee Ijearo fpcfceu of m tbem ♦ IBixt if tljefe be tbe firft beginnings o? grouting of tilings ; inhere is tljen tbeir tmnu tie*:3mi if tbep fceepe a circuit in going rouim about-,bot» can it bee tljat tbep ban not a beginning?$Ilfo boto can a fubftance be imagi* neo to be ttritfjout fojme,lbape,o? falbton;o? fojme,ll)ape,oj faflri5 to be toitbout a fubtf ance,*feeing t^at turn mtfbapemtefle it felfe i$ a fcimo of tbape,ano alfo tbat a fljape is notljing els tban tbe fojme 02 faffnon of a fubffaunce *t Spo?eouer,tnljat greater abfuroitie can tbere be, tljan to make tljat a beginning of being, toljiclj l;atlj bp it felfe no being at all , no? can Ijaue anp being but in another tln'ng* as if a mart tooulo m&z blimmeflTe to bee tbe beginner of figljt, o? uarimeflTe tlje beginner of ligbt *i 3gapne,feeing tljat neitljer fub- ftance no? fyape Ijaue of tljemfelues anp being at all: Ijoto can tljep caufe otfjer things to bee *i 3D} boto comes it to pafle p ttoo tbings toljicbljauebaanobeingatall, uoe mate together in one elfence 0? beingjbut by bertue of tbe fouereine 35eeer,tobo Ijatlj toilleo aim aetermineo tbat it Iboulo be fo*: 3no if &is toilling o? Determining be tlje cauft of tbe being of tbem^toljo is be tljat Din fee o? appopnt Sim tlje terme toberein to noe tbenrt 35ut to e^cufe one tmmtetfca man telles a t^oufano ; ana to (bift of one erroj, befalletb into ten tboufano : ana ytt it cannot bee efdjetoca , but tbat tbe tmetl; toill fparkle out of tbe Contrartetie of bntruetbs,as fire fpaiiklcs out of tbe knocking of one jf lintdone againi! anotber ♦ 3jn bis boke of Ariftotle m his p?oblemes (tobicb feeme notioitbllantitng to bee of man? mnts? Fobl(™« gatben'ng,) be faptb concerning tlje ingeno^ing of liuing tbings, ^*10-™i* tbat tbe fmalltbings,as OK©?mes,Cutfoules,ant) fucb otber3are ingenn?eti by tbe o^oinarie alterations of tbe tpme , tlje greater bp tbe greater alterations as tbings tbat Ijaue neene of greater bzzrn* nings 0} grounos ; aim tbat tbere batlj in tpme patf bin fucb an ak teration3 as of it felfe Ijatlj ingennjen tljem , pea tmn tlje notablett 14* OF THE TREWNB5 Sea. 1 o.ProU. foun (j t&mg$ ann man Inmfelfe, fupplping t&erein bosh t%z mm is . of tbe efficient caufe,ano alfo oftfet materiaU,botb at once* 3nn it map bee tbat tbat is tbe caufe tofjp Varro faptb tbat Ariftotlc be* leeuen tbat tbere toag no beginning oniuing things, 0? tfjat Hutnj tfjings; baue bene from euet tottbout beginning ♦ 9Ifo in another place be (aptb 3 tljat tbere toaa fucb an alteration at tlje fame tpme tbatliuingtbings toereftrfl bjougbtfoojtb; ann tfjat if itbeboue M&ttte to tying foojtb unv mo of tbem,tbere mutt be fuel) anotljet alteration going afo?e,name!p,bp a rare Conjunction of fome Arift^icin his ^>tarreg*9nn in anotljer placed {aptf)furrfjer,tbat if$$m aim 0- thc 'brmiinaor^ ft'uft|K totgljts !jan a beginnings toas eptber in egge,m feoe, auing vvyght°s. °? In tocDjme,ano fo fajjtlj. saijat a number of sponflers are bare Lucrea:fhc fo? tbe ttablifting of one S^onttar, ann ytt be batb not allengen a* wombes of tip tbing tobiclj i$ not againft btmfelfe ♦ 'ftfje leffer Conjunction* fiT forT*1 gr£W (fi?* &e ^ *°* h?*w ®z tm]*tt K uing tljingg , tbe meane fyorte r root**. tl)t mememf ^ g,.^ 0ltefii tyfot ^e gceat^tell^be it fo*S>et tbefe Conjunctions meet not but b}> tlje courfe of tbe fetarreg; ann tljat courfe is a mouing,ann euerp mouingbatl) a beginning : aim tljerefoje it foflotoetfj tbat toigbtg fcao a beginning ♦ 3gaine,tf tbe mouing of tlje g>ftpe ann of tbe fetarres be euerlattinglp; tfje Co* unutum* tbereof are euerlaflinglp alfo, ag Ariftotle Ijimfelfe con* Ariftotlc in his tlunetfcann fo on t^e eontrarp* f 0? if it baue turoeo about from e* jcji.booke of uerlafting, t^e Coniunctiong baue lifcetoife incountren from euer* lafling ♦ Vat euerlaflinglp tb*p coulo not incounter: fo? tfje fmall oneg,$e meane ones , ann tbe great ones are not all at once toge* eber , but tbep come feuctallp one after another toitb t&e fpace of certepne Imnnjen peered toitb niuers reuolutiong bettoijet tfjem: toljereas if t&ep toere eternall , none of tbem couln goe oj come a* foje another ♦ Cljerefoje it follotnet^ rtat tljere i$ a begimter oflu «ing toigbts, ann a beginner of tbe goings about of tbe S)fipe mn of ail tlje toljoie o?ner tobicb tne fee:3nn tbat i^ euen ©on bimfelf,. Anftodc in his 5>oto mucb better ftan Ariftotle none, if Ije Ijan Inln timfelfe to Second booke tfoat \xfyii% ty faptf) toell in otljer placeg;uamelp,tf)at fo^afmucb ajj ■n^S°n ntofltbinggi cannot Ijaue a perpetuall continuance in tfyz particu* tionicq!^ lar,tljat iss to fap in t^emfelueiE(,bp reafon of being ten farreniflanc and in his ' from tljetr beginning : tljerefo^e ©on batlj continuen tbem b^ t^e bookes of fp meaning f®}tf) of tljeir feinn-,ann to tfjat enn batlj mane tbem male ComottwcaJc. am fcma|e au5 o^nepnen copulation betluijct tbem^o? if toemafce tbe liuing ttimgjS toitljout beginning, noe toe not make tfrem to be suerlaflino^ 34in if toe grounn tfytix beginnings upon fome reuo* — • ~ iutioni* Metaphifiks Chap.7. J OF CHRISTIAN RELIGION^ I43 htttong oftfte &fepeg;can tbofe'lReuolutions be euerlaftmg?aifo, boto (ball tbep baue bene bjougbt fc&jtb, m fun grototl),o? pounce feeing t^at at tbe bringing fcojtlj of al tljings^tbe tbingjai are tenner anii imperfect <: 3no if tlje tljings be not euerlafting,toljere tben ig tbe euerlafting mouing of tlje 5>eauen : tljat i$ to fap,toljnx is A- riftotles eternitie become*: %U fame foflotoetb alfo of tbat tobicb Ije faptb in anotljer placejtiamelp tbat Ije tofciclj oio firft gatljer men togetber,toag $ autljoj of berp great gcoo * jFo? tit acknowledging tbat tljere toag a tpme toberem fofte liueo Ifte tfje men of Brafilie, oj lifte tlje toanoering Nomades; Ije acknotoleogetlj alfo an infan* tit of tbe 2Bojlo ♦ fio) ete toljat (boulo let tbat men baue not btnz ritbet euerlaffinglp oifperfeMJ ete euerlaftinglp ijntten togetbert 3no boto corner it to paile © Ariftotle, tljat tbere baue not bene Ariftotles from euerlafting*; Sgapnejtobo (ball cbtofe out tlje berp inftant in eternitie foj tlje booing ano b?mgmg foa^tli of anp rijing pertirularlp,but Ije tbat is tlje 3Lo^n of eternitie it felfe^ Ariftotle inljisi $$0}a\U$ commenoetb goolineflfe,ano beljigl> tetb bleireonefle to tbem tljat follotae it ; ttncf)in^ b$ tbat it confe ftetb in Contemplation* jj2oto3feeing tbat tljfe Contemplation oj bebolomg t$ tlje meane to mate bs bleflfefc 5 it mutt neeoesi bee tbe bebolbing of a t&mg tljat fa rigljt bleffulkbut blefftill it cannot bee, if it confift in tljefe inferiour tljings tobicb are bafe ano fubiect to fo many miferieg ano turmoplea : Wjerefoje.be meanetlj tbe Con- templation toljicb tt tbe beljoloing of tbe only one oule# are of a amine nature, tbat tbep be immojtal,tbat tljep come into bs from toitljout^ tbat tbep be(after a fo?t) a kin to tbe (Song : ano W Difciples tooulo be of- fenoeo at bim tbat (boulo fap,tljat tbeir spapfter uototeo of tbe inu tnojtalitie of tbe <8>oule* 3no toljereto fa all tljfa,if tlje 2£lojlti bk ctemall^f it be eternall ; eptber our feoulcg alfo be eterna!l5tbac fe to fap toitbout begmning,o? el^ tbep be not eternall* 31f tbep be; Ijoto b^?penetb it tljat t^ty baue imp^ifoneo tbemfelues! mtbefe our booieg*:©? if tljep bee fo imp^ifoneo at tlje appopntment of an otber:l»bo (ball tbat otljer be but (frotrtano if 600 appopnt 0? ak lot tbem to tbijs nelue Htm in tpme certepne;tabo Ijatb mane one u tentttie fubiect to anotber?3nti U>ljat ijs tben become of tW Spajcu mee of tbeirg3 tbat tlje COojlo ig eternall becaufe ©00 maketlj not anp tbing tljere a neU3e^ojeouer3if t^ep be euerlalTingjtubo Ijatft mat»e tbem proportionable to tbeir booies 5 tbat ijS to wit , infinite feoulejes to infinite Some^ 9no tlje wljat becomes agatne of tbfe otijes 144 OF THE TREWNES iwfter Hule of tbars, tljat Mature cannot abpoe anp tiiffrn'tenelTrt ©2 if tl)cp bee cucrlafling ami pet of fome cettepnc number, going ano camming into netoe booies bp cottcfc : is not tbat tbe opinion if out feotiles at t\j£it Departing out of our bootee, noe goc to tbe enicp* fog oftlje bledeD tmrnojealftte; nottj it not follotoe5tbat from aftet the paflingottcr of tbat rcuolutio,men mttft moue toitbout <§>oulc, fcifpttte toitbout reafon,ano wage toitbout ttqmOspea ano tbat euen Ariftode bimfelfe fpeafeetb ano rcafonctb toitbout toit *: Co bee fl;o?t , toljat baj- etb tt to bee gouty oj religious, if cur Monies ac* Imototoge no better tbing tban tbcmfelues* fcftljat auapletb it to Icoke fo? tbe bletfeo Contemplation, if tbep bee perfectlp blefleo of tbemfeUiest^ut perfectlp bleflco tbep bc,if tbep be eternal^ ana thereto tben feruetb tbe retoaroiug of tljem toitb immojtall llfcjif t^p \)wz tbe etctnitie oj immojtalitie alreaoie*: ^Ifjat els tben is ijis bpboloing of tbe toojlo to be eternal,tban a turning of p tobole t»02lti bpfioeootone *t IBut tbereare(faptl) Ariftode) (Boolinefle, Meireonelle,? 3?mmo?talitie:tben not!; it folloto tbat our <§>oule$ are not eternal 9nn if tbep be not etctnall;tben baue tbep a begins imtjgant tbat beginning baue tbep,eitber of <0oo,o;t of tbe too^fo* flDf tbe toojlo tbep baue it not: floras 31 baue fapo)toere tbe toojto eternal!, tbe Comterfions o? turnings about tbereof (boulo bee u ternal t(o,ano confequentlp fo (T)oulD our §>oules be alfo,as tobtel) fljoulo be bjetr of tbeir potoenlfrut noto are all tljings mouall tbat are ingentyeo b^ tbofe Conuerftons, as Ariftotle btmfelf grautu tetb.But toe put tbe cafe tbat tbep baue an ojiginall nottoitbftan* m'ng tbat tbtp be immojtall* djerfo^e it remapnetb tbat tbe fame is from ©on* jftoto, tljep coulo not pjocceoe from (Boo as beamed of bis fubttancc:fo? all of f pbtlofopbcrs bpbolo tbat be is a Jingle anu tfittritttoen fubffance , bniteo in it felfe ana molt perfectlp one; tut toe be fubiect to alteration, to igno?a!tce,to cuill affections aim fucb otljer tbtngs,3lt remapnetb tbcrefo?c(ano otbertoife it cannot tee) tbat cur Joules are tlje toojfce of (Sous potocr* ,J3oto, if our feoulc* ( tobicb after a fo?t ooe rompKbcno tbe tOojloe ano all tbings tbcrein ) bee tbe effects of (Boos potoer, tobicb tbiougb bis ganneflfe btteretb it felfe toben be Uttetb:fball not tbe toorio it felfe ano tbe fcnflciTe ano ttanfifonc tbngs toljitb feruebSvpea ano our tonics alfo tobicb arc but tbe Cotes 02 Jnftrumeats of our fouled bz fo in l&etoifc *: ftzxo tben, let Ariftotlcs Difciplcs ri;cofe tobe^ tdcr fyzg to;ll si:ic ouer t!jc eternitie of tl;e toojlo, oj tl;e muno?ta« litie _ OF CHRISTIAN RELIGION. M* litit of tbeir feottlcs: tlje cttcrlafh'ng turning about of a tob&le5o? tbe immoral fettlemtclfc of Weffen fflatc:fo? fcotlj of tfrera togeujet cannot ftano* But furelp fr'g Difaple Theopbraftus fcemeeli to Ijaue pcrcet- ^3^^ kcu tljefe inconucnienccs ana ronti-atrtcttond Ml, t»!jen be #}tx& scnts,Sau«« &etb fo farce ad to Cap tljat <0ou creates tlje fto^lD , pea euen of no= or smdio. t!jing*3mj fo not!) Algazel tfte Saracen agamlf Auerrhois,tmto fcubombe faptlj, tljat ®o& foz tlje creating of tI}etoo?fo n&sctj net tbet ffuffe no? netoe amufement, tut tljat like a moft perfect tuo^ man^jatung all tbings in a reamueiTe,be tee^e bis otiine Icifiux fb} tlje performance of IjtS too&e tobeu it pleafeD 1)im» Sim yzt it fee* wetfjtfeat Ariftotletotoatwriie en&eofljis life repentea fjim of tljat aodrinerinfomuclj tljat in bis bcoke of tlje toojlo, be rapt!) tbat <$©D ts tlje bj&oet ana pjeferuer of all tbings in tlje toojlo after tuljat maner foeuer it be* 9no euen in b& ^etapljifid^bauing re* tertes tlje opinions of manp men concerning tbcfe tljingS; be faptlj *•'*%, tljus * HethatfayththatGODorthefouereyne Myndisthe N^C^iTi®^ Caufe & Author not only of liuing things,but aifo of Nature it felfe and of the World,and of all the order therein-, feemeth to fpeake difcreetly and weladuifedly^and they that fpeake o- therwife/peake vnaduifedly.And they that are of the former opinion, haue very well fet downe that Caufe for the ground of all things that are , as the which is fuch a beginning as gi- ueth mouing to all things . 3mi in IjiS bake of dfton&erS3(tf it fce W) be fpeaketb pet mo?e eufoentlp : faptng, tbat naturallp tlje g>ea fbouto cotter tbe <£attlj as bigber tban it; but tbat ©on Ijatfj caufea tbe <§>ea to teitijtyato it felf, tbat tlje €attb migbt be fenco* tiereo fo? tl)e tjfe of man ana of otber liuing torigbts * 9fnu tljis fa in effect a commingbaefce to tlje opinion of ijis p?e&ecelXo?s 3 from tbe toljiclj l)e tooulo fo fapne baue separtea afcne * ©otofoeuer tbe cafe ftana , all tbe auncient p&ilofopljets ooe eptber conduce tbe Creation ofrfje toojlo toitlj M?o} els peelo &s arguments into our fjanus toberetoitb to conclude it againtf tljemfelttes.Co bee ff)o?t, lube Ariitotle toljo toas tbe firlt tbat ffeppen out of tbe bigij toap, faptb tbat tbe toojlo te tuirtjout beginning , be feemetb to bee Ari- ftotle no mo?e;be tiotb fo often gaiufap bimfelf ana offena againtf %i* otnne rule^*3nu tebere !;e cljauncetb to lap ttjat tlje tao?lo toa* createo,be feemetb to be mimiea to pilo bimfelf to us*9no tobere tbe cafe concernetb not ( at leaOtoife eirp^eiTelp ) tlje one no? tlje o* tljenfjeleauetljitf manp Conclufion^tuljicij noe (iuiteouert|)?obj Orator. I46 OF THE TREVVNES aim actinic tlie fap& opinion ofbig^ano malte l)im l»I;etber Ijelml oc2 *io3to conclude on our fise. The Ufa. Cbe Latins fc! to pbiiafopbie fometobat lata: tban f Greekes; bprcafon tobcrnf djep ban tbe moje cattfe to otierfljODte tbemfeUie* Cicero in his *° ^jt C^C ^ ^tcrm't,c : but VZi ^C€ ^e ^at $>* m0$ Part Of djOll firi^bookeof fo^eO the opinion of Plato.That man(faptb Cicero)that firft Inucntion,& gathered together men aforedifperfcd,was furely a great Per- il hisfirft fonage . And (aSfaptb Pythagoras) To was he which did fir ft booke of the gf ue namcs to things, and which firft comprifed within a cer- tcyne number of letters, the founds of mans voyce which fee- med to bee infinite , and which marked the Courfes and pro- ceedings of the wandring Planets , and which firft found out Corne,Cloth3buiIdmg,defen_-esagainft wilde Bcafts,and the reft of the things that make our Hues the moreciuili . COfjat els is ti)i$ trjan an atfmotoletiging of a beginning*: fo) if me tocre from euerlaftmg , niu ttjep not from eucriafring fpeafce \ Dta tljep not front eucrlalf nig gitte uamea to tbinga.'Couto tljep not iimnxt eucrp tbing from eueiaffing^esnano tberfinc be concUmetb/We be not created by haphazard; but furely there was a certeyne Might or Power which had a care of Mankynde, and which would not haue begotten him to fall into the milchicfe of endieffe death , after hee hath outworne the great and innu- merable aduerfities and toyles of this world, jfto'ayf toe lucre createn , aim tbat tljere bee a fourecpne potoer tobicb barb baa care of spanfepun ; furelp tben batb tfjere bene a beginning , feeing tbat tbc faptj potoer ban a care of b$, epiljcr toljen as yc: toec tuere not at aI,oj after tlje ipme tbat lue toere,3n& in anotber place be fattb, ^tdl^Nanuc ®^at ®oD nxatti ana furmil)crj ma>!,am> tbat it toasi W toil tbat of the Gods. be (TjouId \jmt tbe fouerepntie of ad otber tbingsiXbat tbe toofln, tbe §>ea5tbe tan&,ano all otbec tbings obep (Song tokens 9nn if a> anp tpme be bung in m epicure afle&ging fucb toojfbipfuU tea* fonS as tb te 3 With what engines & edgetooles did your God Cicero in his buyld the World , ana furl) otber ; eptber be fcn&etb bim auoap Lawcs. ^ : tlj fuf i} m(xom ad be oefeructfooj ete b]> boloing ^ peaee,fl;es toztl) fuffideiitlp tbat be neferuetb no anfocrc at an* Varro. Varro tbe bell Icarnco of tbe Latins , mafcetb an bmtierfan l)U fioiie&ettitjeti iato tlym tpmes* £be feC(asi 31 baue fapo alrcaoie) te from tbe Creation of the tnojto,tmto tbe firft ©limpiaae^bte man being a man of great reamng^fotmn tije Creatton of p toojUi to b^ue bene but late afye, pea ano fo iate3tl;at be io^neo it nnm& nutlp Cicero in his (econd booke OF CHRISTIAN HE11GI0N. T47 natty to fte tpme of tbe firtt fiDHmpiaae* IftetmTe Seneca fotmo SEJ^JJ HI tbingd to be neto,anu acfcnotofc&getb m manp placed tljat Cod ^ ha°° lyfc# rreatea tljt tubole too?lo,mtu manpcculparlp to feme Witt. 3nn e- chap.? i and let Qtttt tl;c beginning; pftbe u3o?lo (faprtj be)tmto tijfa Dap luce 5 2 and in the n gupozD bp tbe intercotttfed of Datess ami mgfjtd 3 anrj fo famb, ^ bookJL of Wacrobius paired) pet furtber,antj faptb tbat tbe toozlo cannot be ^,Xons )f anp long anttquitte, coSscting tbat tbe furtbelt fcnourtcDge t&at ^\a his " :d to be ^ai> rt)ercof,reacJetfj net bepon^ttoot^ourandpaiesi* 3 2s Epifties. aucbmg tbe poet$3toljofe fp&cbed 00 foj tbe molt part repjefent Mao-obiusiib. mtoto tbe opinion tijat toad aomtttet? among tije common peo; J s^turna" jletVirgilli^fuUofjejCfeHentfentences totbatpurpofe; ano Ouid y ^ jatb maue a bmkz ejcpjeflelp of tbat matter* 3nO euen Lucrece ah oufd.* i uj!)o pjofeflfertj tmgofclmeflfe , faptb tbat bepono t\)z starred of Lucretius the rroy ano Thebes , djere toad not anp iotcremapning to remem- Poct' jeranrf ; tfyan b^ tbe tobWj 3 be couls not better baue~oeclareo tbe EStoto to be but potmg,botobcittbat(after tbe mancr of bid otim fect,)be fatberetb tljat tbingbpon cbaunce5toljicb all tH)z toife men afcribc to tbe euerlafiing pjouioence.Plinie td tbe onlp man tobom Pliny. 3! toonoer at, tbat being fo curioud a fearrijer of Mature, be coufa not conccpue tbattnbtcb fe pjinteo in euerp part of it, anti tobicb t* tterp man migbt of btmfelf leame bp \)i$ otone reaoing rtjereinJpe mafeetb a long Calendar of tbe firft inuenterd of tbingd,ad of let^ terd,of IJ)oufed,of 9ppareH,ami of berp 'Bjeao* i)z reckoned bp piinic.lib.7; tbe Companies tbat bauefleeteo from place to place fo? tbe peo* plmg ano repleniOnng of Countries 3no can tbere bee a greater pwfe of netoneffe tban tbat*: g>ometpmed be faptb tbat ti>e Cartb PUn.iib.* id become toearp,ano fometpmed tbat it id toejteo barreine in peek Ding of frutte ano Spettallcd5becaufe it grotuetb oloe ♦ IBm in one place be faptb erp jeflelp, tbat mend booted b^ little 9 little become of fmaller ft atttte b]> reafon of tbe toitbereonelfe of p toojlo tobicb h3eretb oloe* 3no id not tbtd a reporting of tbe ^>kpe to bee like a tobee!e,\obicb gatberetb btate mr> cbafetb toitb rotoling ano tobir^ ling about ? 3m> tob^tt impo^tetb tbid tjoeicmg olo,but tbat it ban alfo (ad pe tooulo fap)a birtbtpme \ Z&fytit meanetb tbe toeartng hereof atoap^but tbat it ban erff bene netoe^CBbat id ment bp tbe cbafing of it,but tbat tbe temperature tbereof id altered jTox if tbe WLoflo be eternall •, tubp fe not tbe tob&le tbereof etecnallp in one beate,ano men etemaUp of fmall ftature ? © j if at leaatuife it be of berp aunrient continuance ; tobp toere not men become ppgmows long ago^ Sno if tlje contrarp bee to btz feene in jSaturc;t»bat re* IK a mapnetft ,48 OF THE ThcStoiks. The Penpate tiks. Pliny. The opinions of the Plato- R E VV N E S mapnetb but to confetti? tbat tlje &3o;tto is bttt of late beginning': %o bee fljoit , tlje Stoikes (as VarrotDitneQertiof Zeno) taugbt tbat tfj? UjojId toa£ create*) of ©oo,ano tfjfci it fl)6ulo penfln Cbe Thepfawnifb piatoniftsaffirmetljatit'fe creates ant> motfall, but pet ui fultcp- The Epicures. nea from periflnng, bp ea, bppon men5aim- fcpon tbe wrp if aims, maoe tbe too?to to perceptte tbat tljere toa£ a Creator of tbe too?l&* tfoi to^o cottlo ooubt tbat tl;e creating of a netoe g>tarre5 t\)t reftojmg of a oeaoman to life, oj onelp tbe ma- king of a blinoman to fee,U)ag not tbe toojke of an infinite potoer, pea twtn as toell ag tbe buploing of tbe toojltyconCtrecing tbat be* mmt boeing aim not boemg,betto&;ie life aim neatf^Jbetmsnc tbe bauing of a tbtng aim tbe notbauing^beoiffance tjs infinite % aim it map be tbat tbe fignes ti'oicl) toe baue feene from Hjeauen in out tpmt 5 aoe ferue to make tbe blafpbemers bpcm eartb tmejxufable* 2£ut toberof foeuer it came3tbe toerp pbtlofopbers tbemfelues be* gan to make a grouoeo principle tberoftmfomuclj tbat p Greekes^ Perfians ano Arabians , ano ItketoifeafterU)artitbeTurkesanli Mahomctiftsjtito put it into tbeir betefe asS a tbtng out of all con* trouerfie^obe(bo?t,tl)ereiginotattbtfiil>apanp riuiflo? toello?* ueceo people, ferfjicb Wit not tbeir Ctym\itlc# ano ^)i(!o?ie^of tpme^jbegtm altoate^ at tfje Creation of tbe lao^lo yloberein tljep uoe all bolo of Moy fes,aim agree all toitl; b$ Ctytfttan^fauing hi tl;e controuerOe of fome fetoe peered. SDf all tbe^bflofopberd , onlp tlje Platonifts contiuuetj in effi^ ntation ; ano all men reietfea t^e netofouno opinion^ of Ariftotie, aim OF CHRISTIAN RELIGION. I4P ana tftep Cart at oefiance,ratber toitb tbe Gnofticks rijan tottl) tbe Cbjiftiang ♦ g>amct Aiiftin faptfc concerning tlje ]pbtf ofoufaitf of 1)10 tyme,tbattbeir opinion tuagj rtjat ©on toas afo?e tfce £&o?to, fcotobeit not in turnout in ojoet ami (jp toap of im&etfetting onlp: Ifkc ag if a foote ( faptb be) were euer in one place , the print thereof fhould alfo be euer there.ftnto ttrijdm it map be anfoe* teo in one fo)o?t!,tbat Ifte ag abilitfeano intent of going; toent afoje tbe going it feft>botb in tlje man ano in tbe feotejfo til ®oo aifo,tbe potter ano intent of creating, toent aftne tbe Creation ♦ TSi\t it te beft to ijeare tljeir oiune tocnitft Plotin in bte beoke of tlje 2Bo?lo, finnetJjbirofdfnot a little graueleo in tins cafe, ana be maket&De* . rp little account of alt Arifloties fuppofaile^ If we fay (fapt&fiO *^!^f( that the Skye is euerlafting as in refpeel: of the whole bodie cap.i.and.^ therofrhow can that be,feeing that the liuing Creatures dye, and the Elements paflefrom one into another , and that (as Plato affirmeth)the Skye it felfc is in continuall wheeling ? If we fay that the Elements and the liuing wights cotinue their perpetuities in their kynds : why doth the Heauen continue his perpetuitie rather in number and particularitie ? If the caufe thereof bee, that nothing can flippe out of it becaufe it coteyneth all things :how can that reaion agree to the Starres and Planets,which doe not conteyne al things as the Heauen or Skye doth,and yet we affirme them to be euerlafting? And if nothing impeach it without; what fhould let that fome- thing may not impeach it within/eeing that all liuing wights doe naturally perifh through the diftemperace of their parts, notwithftanding that they Hue euen while they beeadiiTol- uing? And what infeweth hereokbut that both fortes of bo- dies^s well Cceleftiall as terref triall,doe peri(h?yea and both Heauen and Earth likewife , failing that the Coeleftiall indnre a longer tyme,and perifh more flowly than the Earthly? Cer- teynly (faptb be)if we tooke this word eternitie (as well in the whole world as in the parts thereof,) not to betoken an euer- laftingneiTe [ that is to fay,a perpetuitie or continuance with- out beginning or end,] but only a difference of continuance; there would be the lefte doubtful neiTe in the matter . But all • (hall be out of doubt,if we father the fame eternitie vpon the will of G OD , which of it felfe is able enough to vphold the World ; for fo fhail things haue their continuance according to his pleafure/ome in their ky ndes,and forae particularly in K 3 them i, PlotinusEn- nead.3.1ib.2. Chap.2v Iv in H&l t JO" GP THE TREVVNES themfelues. jftoto,if tbe c£telo toere etemall;toere tt not fmpof* fible tljat it fbouln be otljertoife tbau it is ?3&ttt tf it Ijaue tljts being from tlje totll of ©©D^t's it not nifcbargcn of tijae nece(fitte*3n& firttft fljal tljen become of tljts fajung of ijis.,toljiclj be fettetlj nottne in nuters otber places; 3 namelp tljat tlje cXlo-iin is? of necetfttie, be* raufe it Motrin beljoue a feronn Mature to accompanie tlje firO-;t»n= IcUe toe bnnerftann it to be fpcken of the nece(Titie tljat is connitio- wall , ann not of tbe neccflitie tljat is abfolute as tljep terme it, 3* game,tlje fame toil! totjicl; mane t?;e eao?ln to b&5 ami featij giuen continuance to tbe parts t^eretf , fome after one fcnt aim feme a& ter anotber,ann Ijatij nifpofen of tljem as it lilten it ftlfe ?$al it not alfo Ijaue mane tbem Mm it liifen it feWh MJljofoeua* tben fatdj, tljat tlje b&ing of tbe to#n5 as toefl in tlje tobole as in tlje partes, nepennerij tyon tlje tuiil of a3on,taketb from tbe too?ln all neceflt* tie of beeingv 3im bee tljat fapetlj tljat tbere is no neceffitie tljat it ftouito Ijaue bin from euerlaftiwfc (let bs uft tbofe toojns foj toant of otljer3) faptfj tberetoitball tljat it is not euerlafting* 3!nljis boofte of <£ternitie ann of ^pme,lje faptb tljat eteniitie ann tpme niffer m tbts refpect , tljat ttttmtit is berifpen but of tbe euerlafting nature,ann tpme is to be benfien of tlje tl)i\\$# tbat are createtnfeo as eternitie,is ann abinetlj in ©on alone>ljom Ijc rai» letb tbe 2Sto?ln tljat is to bee concepuen but in mpnn oj bnnerff an* uing ; ann tymz abpnetlj in tlje too?ioe tljat is fubiect to tbe fences: anning neuertbeleife^tljat tlje toojln (to fpeake pjopetlp) toas not mane in tpmt ; after toljidj maner tuee alfo noe fay tljat it toas not mane in tpme but togetber toitlj tbe tpme* 15ut toljen be batlj neli- Beratlp fcannen all tbe nefinttions of time mane bp tlje former piju JofopljerS^ann batlj feardjen all tlje corners of Ijis twit too fetn out tlje bed ; in tlje enne Ije-conclunetb tljus jWXtt muft needes come backe ( faptb Ijee ) too the fayd firft nature , which I affirmed heretofore to be in eternitie, I meane the vnmouable nature, which is wholly all at once the infinite and endle(felyfe3and which confifteth whole in one, and tendeth vnto one.But as yet there was no tyme"at all", or ^t lealf wife it was not among, the Natures thatconfift in vnderftading, but was to come af- terward,by a certeine maner and ky nd of pofterioritie. Now then if a man will vnderftand, how tyme proceeded firft from the hygher Naturestwhich relied in themfelues; good caufe fliall he haue to call the Mufes too his helpe , for the vttering therof : For it may be that the Mufes alfo were as then .There- fore OF CHRISTIAN RELIGION. 1^1 fore let vs fay thus; Afore fuch time as ForenefTe iffued foorth and had neede of afterneffe; Tyme, (which as then was not,) retted in God with the refidewof all things that now arc.But a certein nature bent to many doings, that is to wit the Soule of the world,beeing defirous to haue more than the prefent, began to moue it felf,and fo from thence immediatly iflewed tyme,which pafleth on continually and is neuer the felffame. And we beholding the length therof, haue imagined tyme to be the image of cternitie. #nn tubat i# ment bp all tW contend plation,but tfeat a certeine &oule en mpno pjoceeoing from (Son, tbat is to twtt tbe Spirit of (Son, nin moue aim carp tbe too^lne a* bout^bat toWtbat mouing ann of tbat mouing, tpme teas b?eD aim tytmgbtfajjtb <; 'Cijat afoje tbat mobuingjtbere toag a fettled flate o) retiUs etermtie aftne time *t 3no tbat(asi be fctmfejfe faietfr tbere ) Cpme ann Upeauen toere mane botlj at once , ann'etemitie tBagaftnetbembotb* 3* touching tbat ft te uemaunneo tuTjat (Sou nto aftne tlje C&ojlo t not!) not Plotinus bimfelfe fctrniu; ng im'tb fufHcient an* fujere,in tljat be faptb tbat (Sou not tooojfting at all but retfwg tit Irimfelf , ootb ann perfojmetb berp greate tbings *t 3no 10 not tlje iphe concluoenbptbegoolpnoctrmeoftSoospjouinence, tobere* of be treatetb in booses erpjelip bearing tbat tptle \ fo? if it be po& fible fo? tbe Mojlo to be eternall as toell as; (Son s loljere tben can tbere bee anp pjouinence t jFo? tobat elfe is pjouinence , tban t!je Ml of 0oo nttereo foojtb toitb Ueajoit , ann ojnerlp nifposeo bp bnnerft anning % 3nn if (Sons mill bee requires : fcoljere is; tljen tbe neceffitie of b&ing, WW) in otber placed bee attribute^ too dje tuojln t 3lfo toljcre 10 tbte fapiug of bid betome,tbat our j&ouleg areimmojtall'tano tbat fomeof tjem are eternall annafrneall ^V©-^ tpme*:3[nolpketoifetbi2S-,tbatafo?e (Son ban cteaten tbe inojln «.*&. ann b?eatben a foule into iu it toas but a nean co?fe,a mingle~man= vS*° * gle of eartb ann toater3a narfte matter; a tljing of notljing, ann (at atocojne) fudj a tijing as mm tlyz (Sonnes tbcmftfaeg mere aba* (ben at it : ann tbat after tbat (Son ban u)en tfjfe &>oule into tbe toojln, botb Ipfe $ mouing UJeretberbp tycatljco into tbe Partes* Haianet^ann t iuing topg&ts* jf 0? feeing tbat from notbeing,not^ Iiuiitg5ann notmouiitg, fbere fe an infinite ntttance to being lining ann moumgtDotb it not foliate alfo tbat tbere is inSnitz onn-s be^ meene bun tbat t3,l!uctb,ano mouetb^tljae is to fop (Son; ann tlje t&mg tjjat inaptetb to l;aue being Ipfe aim mouing at Ijtg l;ann,tbat as 4 tt IJ2 OF THE TREVVNES fa tobrit tfce fojementioneo CljaojS* 3no toljatig tt rijat fcad) bo5< ueo o? ftlleo tip tljte oittance3but onlp tlje toil! of l)im tofjo onlp ia«: auoiftoilltoeretlje oooer thereof; tijeutoas it not of neteflitie: 9no if it toas not of ncceflttte -, tljen tnljere is tlje cternitie thereof: Porphyriusoifputtng of rije^inu oj anoer(tantiing,tlje tobicb fcee tcrmetlj tlje beginning , grouno 3 oj toelfp^ing of tijc 2SXo?lD; fapctlj tfcat it baas tyeu of ©oo from euerla(ting,bp a certeine eter* nallojbeginninglefle bjeeaing, eucn fuel) a one agftagafojeall CtemitieJt was not bred in tyme (faptlj lje)for as yet there was no tyme at all : and after that tyme was made, the world can fcarfly bee fayd in very dede to be, if it be compared with the forefayd Vnderftanding or Mynd.djfe is all one toitJ) tlje Tap- ing of ^tifmegiftug in a certeine place,t»t)ro be called tljig mintr, ttie treto , eueilafting , anu firft bojne §>onne of (Son •, ano ring toojlo ©000 ponger &omK;tf>e one begotten of lj& berie nature, anti tljeotljer of ijtst inilU rorphyrius. Proclus ano Simplicius fteepe a greate cople m mapntenance oftl;e eternitieof tlje too?lo5 ano Ijaue mane boote tijerof ageinff Philoponus: bat all tfjeir reafong are fufficientlp refutrti y bp tlje things torfnei) 31 fjaue oifcourfeo agatnlt AriftotleVBat feeing tlje? mapntepne at thc p^^to tljep fboulo be eternall ano euerlafting* hiS Dlsclts* 90 touting tfjc opinionof Epi&etus tfje Stoik $ of Plutarke, no wan can ooubt except fje ciuite ano cleane oifanull tfoc t c booker <£52DD (faptf) Epi&etus) hath ordeined that there (hould bee Wiinter and Sommer , goodfeafons and bad : he hath giuen to the Earth both fruitfulnes and barren nes ; and his difpo- fing of things fo by contraries , is to mainteynethe harmony of the whole.He hath brought vs into the world,giuen vs bo- dies and members , and afsigned vs heritages & fellowheires. It is hee that hath made both the fight and the colours , and neither Gght nor colours were aught worth, if it were not for the light ; and therefore hath he alfo made the light. %\)ii$ from popnt to popnt fceieaoetb te to tW coucludon, tbat e enu conftrepnea too romefiatfe to die famepopnt ^ I make hcre(faptl)!)e m Ijte fcofteof tteafeof part$)a true Hymnc in the honour of our Maker. Whofe fer- uicelbeleeue verily confifteth not in the facrimlng of hun- dreds of Oxen vnto him;6r in burning great heapes of Fran- kincenfe before him 5 but in acknowledging the greatnefle of his wifdome,Powre,and goodnes,and in making die fame knowenvnto others. For whereas of his owne free will hee hath voutfafed to garnifh and beawtifie all things in the beft maner that .could be, and hath not ended fo great a benefite to any thing ; I hould it for a pi oofe of perfect goodnes : and fofarreprayfed be his goodnes. A gain^to haue found out the meanes how to adorne thir. hly 5 (hewefli a fouereigne Wifdome,and to haue brought to paife and perfected al that euer he had forepurpofed,betokencth an incoparable might Gai.Hb.i i. and power. 3nti in fjte fmimtmtl) ba&e , who lb confidereth (faptlj l)t ) the compofing & knitting togither of eucry liuing thing , (hall find thatitcaryethin it a proofc of the Creators wifdom. And feeing that in themiddesofthat Puddle of hu- mors eche liuing wight hath a Soule dwelling,indued with fo great force and vertue : he ought of reafon the more to won- der at the greatnes and excellencie of the Mind that dwelleth boi" "n? *n neauen' Anc* wno *s ne(^ari &e faP& afo?e) which looking but brccdincro^ onety vpon theSkinne of a thing,woondereth not at the cun- children. ning of the Creator ? get nottoitljEanmngljee irilftmbletb not tljat \)t !)an trpeo bp all meaner t o fins fomc reafon of tlje compo- fing of Sums imgotsuntj tljat free tooula ratl;er ftaue fatijereo tlje fcomg thereof fcpon nature, tl;en fcppon tljciicrp autfjoj of nature* Galen m his ^{lt pet foj all t!jat5in tlje ent> he concluded) tljttsU confe{le(fatrlj of hCntf b f°k ^ tIiat * ^nowe not wrnat tne Sou*c ls> notwithstanding that Partes! ' * naue fought very narrowly for it , neither can I yeeld a rea- fon how the Babe is formed in the Mothers Wombe. Well doe I fee that in that cafe there is very greate Wifdome ; and therefore I am of that opinion that it is not for any man too meddle with the fearching out of it , but that it ought to fuf- fice vs that our Creator hath willed it to be after that failnon. For fhall wee prefume to feekc a reafon of the dooing of that thing,which(without making of an Anatomie)we fhould ne- ucr knowe to haue bene done ? 3It tsi all one a3 tffye (!;ouJto fap5 tfcat JQature toljereat luee toconaet fo uutel; , i$ nothing els but xotjatfo* . OF CHRISTIAN RELIGION. I55 1s$atfoetter it pleafetl) (Sod to commauno* 9nu nolo toljat remained) moje but to fjeare Apollo(tfjat is to fap,tbeberp DwelH;tmfeIft) t»bo being p? apes to fap anHymne to tbe peat 6ot>,begimtetb it toxtlj tijis fcerfe* Which made the firil Man and called him Adam: ft^icfr berfc luftine tfoe Sprctpje afftrmetfr to Ijaue bete commenip fang infjistpme* after tbe cbnfeflion of tmcfcetmelfe it felf,if toe lift alfo to fjeare tfje confeflion of 3Igtto?ance, tijere is not at tljis t>ap fo bjutifl) a Ration, toljith eitijer bp teaming it int\)t great letters of tfte Spea* tiens,oj bp tranttion from tfcrir p^enecefTo^reteme not tbe optni* on tbat tljc toojlse toas creates , botobeeit tbat tlje c afe tot!) ttanzi tmrijtbemas itucotb toitb t!;e niuerfitie of pojtratures ajatoen mtt,tf)e firft from tifee Ipnelp patterne r't felfe , tlje fecono from tbat firff,a ri>iro from tbe fecon&,an& fo fawfyon bntill tbeM mutter* fet retepne fcarfe anp feature at an of tlje firft ojigmall paterne*©f tlje JJ5attou?s toljiclj toe call Wattage oj &Upar,fome affirme tbem* {eluestoftcepeano reuerence tbe places frberetijepfurmpfetofl ijaue bin tlje o^ginall of tbe&ea, of tbe Sonne, of tfje Spoone, of t\)t firft man ano of tlje ftrft toomaa,3f r* £>tl;erfome fjoltie opinion tfcat tljere came one fro tlje J^o?c|» into tijetr countrp ttsljicb beigb- tljeneo rije ftallepes antrleuelea tbe Hpifles , ann repleniffjeu tbeit Countrp tottb $pen ann flUomen tobom &e ban creates , anti tfjac tfje fame partie giuetfj tfjemfrtutes of all fojtes abuntiantIp*iff0?te&antj 3! pjappou botamanp euen of our jSeigljbournations tljatinljabite tbefcttermeft borers of tbe too?lo,coulo turn at tbis uap anftuere moie Stlp ta> tbat queftion*: jf^oto feeing tbatfte ^o?Io ano all tbe partes hereof doj (ing out tlje creanottjftetng tbetoifoom of tbe too^Iu teacbetb it,tjngon* lines ( euen tobitber it tuifl o? no ) auotoetb it^ 31gno?ance teetl) it? am aUtogtrfjer in allages bat!; tauc#t3auofc>eD3 ann perceiuen fet map not toee toirf) tfje allowance eucn of tbe blorftifljeff ana of tfje luicbeweft , pronounce ring tjefimtme fentence, ^at t\)z dQUojto Ijao a beginning , ana tljat it fcao tt at facb tpme ag it pleafeto (Sob tlje Creatoj tljereofVBut tljere remapnetb pet one popnt to be oit cu(retynamelp,tol)erof <£5ot> createu tfoz ffiHojituaitti tl;at ig mattet enougb foj another Chapter* The, x.Cbapter That GOD created the World of nothing ; that is to fafr without any matrer or ftuffe whereof to make it. ■-Catmox; teHtn^etlin: 31 map toamDermojeae $egcs&iu£gl)t of tlje auuctentpbilofopber* in tlje fmotule&ge of manp natutall tljings , oj at tfceir blinoneflfe in tfje fenotolenge of tlje att* tljo? of t&em,in tljat tljep fet it ootone foj a oe- finitine ftntence^ijat notljing in al tlje too?!* is mane of nougbt5ano tljerfo?e tljat tlje great toojkmapfter Ijimfeff coulti not make anp tljing twitfjout matter oj duffe toljereot 5Foj in effect it i$ a meafuring of tlje butlDer ano bte builmng botfc bp one rule oj fkantling, ami m abating of tlje po- toer tnbic^ cftep tljemfelues confefle to be infinite, tonto tfje Itate of ourinfimtitie*fopIe>ag no ma taoulo tieeme to Ijaue come of fo groflfe a mat* ter ♦ fflftlje grcene ©earbeljeojatoetlj outtotjite flotoer fo? bid fa* ftenauce: tf tlje ftalkes of jf \m anti Spempe3lje njatoetlj out tijjeen to make cloatlj of: of ragged be maketb Ipaper to lujite on: ant> of tijeerxrements! of tlje little fetlktoojme Ije ujatoetfj out a great %u\z xrf ^ilkclcatl;* %apne^;e turkpnet^rome one twz 9 rougfj fepno • OF CHRISTIAN RELIGION. 1 57 ftpnu oflfuffc into a buntyeti tyoufanti faOjiondtof tye leaft tying* fie maketb trcrp great dungs , aim bp tye e£cellencie of bts lmt ma* tuety molt excellent tyings out of tyat toljere tlje moll part of men (noturityftanuing; tljat tyep be men as tpel as j)c)foum> not neper* cepucn not anp tying at all: as fo? example, out of tye g \mtfiiz to toiarme bmuout of tyebarrcpne if erne aim bple g>eatoa>t>e5gltffe* ring OMaire : out of a S>belfi(I) tyat tye <§>ea rattety bp, purple to make Ornaments? of^o bee fyG& after a certepne manege ma* kety fometobat erf notying ♦ jftcto , feeing t^at tye toeakeneffe of mtntall men can aoe fo muri),lball not tlje migbtie potoer of tbe e* ueriaffing, bee able to uoe mtttymoje *x 3ns feeing; tyat a tying of nougbt is able to Doe fo much 5 fyall anp tying be unpofftble to tye maker of all tying^ 35ut altyougb tyis tufjic!) 31 imue fapa migfte fuffi^e tbe &tfcreete,pet nottoitytfanomg let b$ fctfeufie moje large* Ip tyis matter concerning matter o? ftuffe* gxotylp if ®o*r neeneo matter 0} ftuffe to toojke bpon^eitljer fje Ijtmfelfe mane it^oj elg it tua$ eternalip of it felfe as uaell as be* 3if ije mane it,be mane it of notying: fo? in feeking tbe matter of mat* ter , pe fljall pjoceene to infinite ; ana fo baue 3! tlje tying 31 toouto ijaue * 3|f it mere from euerlatf ing, tyen toere tyere ttoo eternalles togetyer* i»bity is a tying repugnant to all reafon ann contrarp to it felfe* JFo? notying can beemoje contrarp to eternitie3tyan to fap tyat tyere is a matter o? ftuffe toi)ity attenaety o? toaptety to Ijaue W ftape fojme oj falljion at fome toojkmatfers bam>;oj tyat tyere U an eternal tying tobity fcaty not anp otyer life 0} being,tyan fuel) as anotyer etemall tying baty fcoutfafeb to giue bnto it ♦ jf o? let toS fee 31 p?ap pou totyat maner of tying tyep imagine tyis matter tob^-CbeplDillbaueittobeatyingtuityoutajape, butpetare= ^^f^ teiuer of all ftapes: ana tyep Ml Ijaue fyape to be taityout matter formcr,fofliio. therein to tee, but pet as a moulu totyetem to faflnon all matter^ ncr,or giucr of foastyematter fyoufa Ijaue no beeing at all, but bp reafon of tye flwpcsdoth (bape ojf0jme,a$ of tyegtuer of being tbereto^utbolo can mat. ^^toTc ter be liaityout fo?me , feeing tyat etteti uefo^mitie it felfe is a kpnn ^ aawr. of fo^me*:©? boto can matter be alone bi$ it felfe,feetng tljat fojme i0 tye tying tyat gittety being bnto it4: jj^oto tben,to fap tyat mat* ter fe t»ityoutfo?me,i^ all one a$ t& fap tyat it ties ana fe notjtaljui) toere tye faping of a manman, ^ea(fap tyep) ; butfjoto ig it poffible fo? fomehrfjat to bemaue of notyiirg, fity tyere it an infinite uiftance bzttoixt fometuljat anu iwtying ^ JI2ap, 3] fap ratyer,tt&at is it &W) i^ not finite, in re* fpert I 5 8 OF THE T R E W N E > fpetf of btm tftat is infinite*: J mcane m refpea of btm tofcom rtjott tbp fclf afF .oncft to featte botmnen tlje felfcfantc matter luljrdj tbou noed take am tearf) to be tnftmte^ut if tbou hded to conftnei it, tbou fyalt percepue tbat tljou confefleda tbingnoleflelmrrenibie to dipne oiunc fence , djan t* dje fame mJjtrij tbou reierted bp d;p fence ♦ .fojuiljcntljou imarcmeft a nutter Uu'tiputfcime, anna fomietuidjaut matter, tbou fpeaked things tbat nedrcp one ana* tIjcr.T5ttt toljeitas J fa? tbat ©on createn tlje caodn of uotljingf, f ')at is to fap nmbout batting mip tbiug tuljerof to make it:in nine 31 ftp a tbing tbat is toonneifuU 3 bofcubeit tobidj batb not anp re* pngnancie in it felfe* jftoto3rt)ere ft great nifferenre bettoeene fpea* king abotte reafon3anu againdrcafen t jfoj t;tted; aim mans rea* fan are not inclofeo nn'djin tbe like ann feifefame bounns^ut foj< afmudj as tbou bait graunten djat 6on is! tlje audjo? ann to02ket of JJ5ature,3f toouln fapne knotoe ijoto tbou rand be fo boln to De- npe , djat be bad; put life ann mouing tobere none toere afoje, ana tbat be batb mane botb dgbtannligbt, bearing anD founns,fpad) ann bnncrdanning , tobcreerdtoasmo^edjanneatb, mo^edjaii blinnnede.moje tljan numbnede,ann mo?e tban nulnefic;djatis to fap, mojetban tbe bare pjtuation 0? bereuingofdjofed)ings,con* fioeringtbatneitbereobeenoj euertobauebene5 aremuebmoe toats djan fimplp not to be* j3oto3bettocene iiuing ami not lining, feeing ann not feeing , ann fo fcojtb, tbere is an infinite nidanre a$ fcued as tljere is bewmxe being ann not being , tabid) nidance can not be fides bp but bp an infinite potoertann icokctobcte an infinite potuer is,it is alike migbtie totoarns ad djings ♦ Cberefoje it fofc lolyctb tbat Ctb djou attributed bnto bim tbe making of tbp figbt, of djp life3ann of tbpne tmnerdanning-,d)ou cand not ton? bim dje creation of djednngs tbatfjaue Iigbt,iife, anntmnerdanningitt tbem* Wfyid) if djou graunt in one tbinr&nanes mud tljou gratmt it alike in afl, JT 0? to giue ltfe,ann to giue b&ing; to giue fo?me 0? ft ape, ann to giue matter ; ann to giue tbem to one tying , ann to ftiuedjemto addjiugS;areadfc)o?kes ofonefelffamepotoer,boto f ittersi foetter tbe negrees of tbem feeme bnto tba at tbe fird dgbt* Ipe djerfo^e tbat confedetb ©on to be dje former 0? giuer efftape, notb alfo confede bim to bee tbe rreatoj of ad tbings ♦ j^ap, 3| fap mo;e,tkat toben dpu termed ©on tbe fouereine 0) big^Kd being, fe^^dbwkT (a* Ariftotle notb)o? Ijim tbat elTentiaHp ann in Km nateiff,(as{ ofthingsa- I latonotb) : d)oufapd{tbougbbntoittinglp;tbatbe t?aJ cije Crea* re ta^t'jac i3 to faPjtlK aut^o? of d;c being of ail d;tng^ 31f AriOodc-nhis _ OF CHRISTIAN RELIGION. I $9 3|f toe Icokc into nature , tlje tljing tljat l;oloetb tlje firft place m tbmgs of ojoetys commonip tl;e cattfe of al tbe tbings tbat fall im* tot ic,3mongbot tbings3 fomebee botter tban fome;but pet fire, tolrirbMttftbtbcbigbctf fccgrainbeate, is tbe caufe of beate in all tbings , ann fteaactlj it felfe into all toitijout fcimmitymg of ic felfe, ano by imparting it feife to tljem us (till inerealeo : tnfomucl) tbat tbe (taking of a tflint infojeetb tlje caftmgfojtlj of a tljotifann fpackes , tobereof euerp one toere enougb to fet the toljole ££tolo on fire*3|nltgbtfonietbmg^,oneltgbt ligbtetlj anotijer/»no bv im* parting; maketlj it felfe after a fojt infinite : ano tbe <§>unne tobtcfc te as tlje fotmtapne of ligln,ejcten&etb ano ftyeaoetf) it felfe out in- finitely tottbout oilleucring , 9 after a maner created; ligljt toljere toaS noticing but oarkneflfe* $lfo tit bttmaine affapjes^ings im- part djeir tit^ttittcjs to pjmces^mces to tbeir (Uaflfalles^ £JaD falles to tbeir gmbiects : ano toben djep giue any man a qualitie fobiclj bebati not afojc, tbep termetym tfjeir Creature, as; bluing mane bim fometobat of nothing 3 in refpetf of tbe qualitie toljere- toitb Ije toas inoetoeo afoje* ^0 bee fbo&fents oj fauojs arc (Ijeui En?tb,amj &>ckmt$ are taught from one to anotl>er,ano from one to inMtc : pea ami ami oifeafes , toljicl; are nodjmg els but co?- tuption^mgeoer one of another toitboutotmtnilbingtbenifeluesJ* j?2oto5as fty l[)eate,ltigl)t, feauour, gtfiei^ano Dignities djep be but qualities , termeo by tfjeoegrees of tlrft 3 fecono 3 ano tbiro qualities? ; pea ano mojeouer ocao , fenfleffe , ano liueleffetano pet nottoitbftaoing, l©ke tobicl; of djefe qualities Ijoteedj $ firftplace, tbe fame ootb natttrallp tying foul) al tfce reft3toitbflut oiminffljmg itfrife*3noO)alltoetben djinketcffratrngedjat^oo^toljo is tbe 3i5eeing,tobicb tixtn by tbeir otone confeffton boloedj tlje djiefe ana firft place of all 3$aings5oj racier alonlp can in bcrp oaeoe be fapo to be)ft)ouIo by Ijis being tying foottfj all otber beings 2?ea fap tljep 5 foj toee fee not anp tfyn$ tyougbt againe to no* tljing 3 ano djerefoje n#ses mud tbep Ijaue bene creates of fame* tbmg v Jftap, if too?Mp tbings fbouio retttrne to nothing, confine ring l;oto tranfitoue ano fitting tl>ep be alreanie3l>oto ft o^t a titnz eoulo tlje too?lo inoure; 0? ratfjer l>oto long agoe Ijan it come to an ma VBut it ujas ®otiflt toill tbat it fyoulo contimt ♦ 9no tljevefojc tbou 0)ouItrcft ratljer fap tljus 1 31 fee tbat tlje ®ms3an5 tbe grea5 tell ^eaffes, pea ano men tt emfelues ooe fp^ing as it toere of no* tbmg5ano are refolueo agapne Into as g©o as notljing*3i fee tl;em multiplpe,liue,ann do toonuc^,©f one felffame fee^e a fe fp?«lS bot& I 1 60 OF THE TREW'NM borij floU)en*,Ieaues,ann fruit^ano of anotbei^^nneifulnefre of cpes , tbe fnbftantiatoiTe of bones , ann tfye fiaefle ofUitall fpi* rites* 3gapne,3i fee all tbefetbingsbamfl) atoap 31 tootenot bolt), fo ass tljete remapnetb nctbing of tbem Out a ijanufull of outf ♦ Sim (Tjali 31 uolM be fo Mockifl; as to fap,tfrat be tobicb of fo Httfe ann m fo little batb mane fo manp toonojous tbings tbat toerc not afoje, couln not make tbe little it felfe \ S>i tfjat Ijctolitrfj creates tbe life tbe fence ann tbe mouing, cou!o not create a n?ep of toater, a biaff ef apje,ann a fcannfu II of eartb 't Sftav, 3! tort! reafon tbus ratber: djattf <£oniaere not abletj create tbetjerp matter of matter rt felfe, ftirelp be couln nettbet giue fo?me 0? fljape to tbematter,no£ treatc fttcb tbmgs of tbe matter* S?cs u»tli tbep fap:fo? it appeared tljat all tbmgs retttrnc as it toere into one comma matter,tobetl)ec tueefoilotue tbe auncient pbtfofopbers toljfcb tenure tbem to tbe €Ieme:us,oj tbat luce follow tbe late u^itcrs tefjirij renuce tbem into £>ple3aft,£aater,$c , TBtt it foann tben ougbteff tbou ta toncluoe tberebpon3tbat feeing tbere is but one matter,tljere is ah fo but one (Son-,bnto toljofe potter tfjou ougbteft not to oeeme anp tbing nnpolftble , feeingtljat of tl)at one tijing ije maketb fo man? tbings,notonlp niuers^but alfo contrary JF oj be tbat of one felfe* fame tbing maketlj botb fire ann toater3ootl; fje letfc tjjau fce toljtrtj . maketlj tljat one tbing it felfe? oea£a of ail ^b^tuilt rfjou ftp tljen if 31 make tf)& to fee tfjat rfjere is not thing*. tljat tbing toljirf) tjatij not in it feif a peculiar creation^ a proper* tit createn3tt)bic^ cannot be attributen to tbe matter tuljcrof it con* fiffert) , butts a greater tbing tban tbe matter it felfe , toitljout tbe tttlji^neitber t^e mattet^no? fl)t eletuents,noj an tbe tbings tbat tl;ou tyatoeft out of tbem toercanp tbing at an*: 3no fitb tboutotlt noenes plap tbep&ilofopber afoje tbou ooeft btlkut-, 31 nemaum* of tbee toljetber tbmgs in tbeir nature baue tbeir beeing from mat* ter 0} from ftrjme*: 3lf from mattentobp te a plant ratber a plant rfjan a mettall^feeing tbat(bp tfjpne oton faping)matter being but one , is no moje one tfjiug tban anotber ., ne indpnen to one tbing mo?e tban to another, noj bounnen tontbtn anp otte particular fab* fiance otbertoife tban bp fo^me o? fafbion? 9nn fo?afmucb as tbou fcaft taken fo great papnes in refoluingo? banging tljingsbacke agapne into tbeir firtt matter ; tobence commetb it tbat tby ejetrac* tions o? t\)t tbings tobtcb tbou ojatoetf out of it 3 baue fo oiuets o^ contrarp operations, if beGnes tbe matter it felfe tl;ere be not ano* c§cr fubfiance lul;iclj giuetl; fyzmttyixfr - a OF CHRISTIAN RELIGION. l6l 3[ftf)in^ Ijaue tfjeir being from fo?me;3( oemauno againe tobe* tber fojmc bee a fubffance o? no+3|fit bee net a fubftance, Ijato ran tljat tobidj is not a fubff aunce make a fiibftattnce>antJ boin map an accinent 0} income mate an elfentiaH tufferenee., $ f aufe life, fence, anti mouing to be tobere t!;ep toere not afoje *: 3ns if it bee a fub* ftance (as moft pbrtofopbers teacij in e^etTc toojues ) pea ana a bcrp perfect fubftance 3 as tabid) perfected tbe matter tfno mafcetfj it to be tbat tofyd) it is names to be:muft it not nri$£S foHo^tbat be tabid) gaue tbis ^opm tljape oj faflnon to tlje matter , creates a fubtece tobidj toas not afo?e,pea aim a mud) moje excellent fab* ttancetbanrire matter tobicbtboufurmifeft to baue bene afo?e it\ jftoU),t»bP ft outo not be tbat toags able to create tbe better5be alfo Aphro&fzu* ^rtile to create dje ieflfer goirt IRigbdp tberefoje sotb Aphrodifeus in his firft sn bis brake of tbe <§>oule fap, djat tbe fojme fljape oj fallrio ito\)itf) boo|ce of *** tbe Craftfman giuetb to bis too^is no mow a fubif ance djan tlyz Soulc* ,arte,craft5o? cunning toberebp be giuetb it:but tbat f fojme tabid) Mature giuedMs no lefle a fubftance djan Mature it feife is* let &s pjoc0et>efurtber*©f tbe 2l9etta!(es5tbou eftemet! <£oIo $ && timoftbe Upearb^tbou efteemef! fome fo? farte,am> fome foj ]jDbi* lidkemf d>e 3$eatfcs3tbou earned fome to eate,an& fome to fertte tl)^:of men , (mW) vtt nottoitbtf ansing make an but one tomae) tbou asmitteft ana accepted fame fo? one ptirpofe ana fome fo? an otber 4 Jftoto, if tljp eftaming of t\)tm bee fo? tbe matter thereof t\)ty con{tft$oto is d)at matter Jut one? ©j if it bee foj tbe fo?me, as in refpert toberof (Sola is not tbe fame tbat Lease is-,is not tbat fojme a fubftance^no if it be a fubftance; fijafl it not foilotoe tbat %i ttljid) gaue tljat fyapefejwttt o? faftion to dje matters alfo tlje ■Creator of tbe matter it felfe \ &m feeing tbere is fttdi Difference af SpettaHeS^earbe^'Beaaes^no spen^otb it not follotoe djat tljere are as manp siuerGties of Creation *t 3nt! mbcreas bet;atb creates ail tbefe siuerfities of fubffances5 taoulntlt tbou make bint to faple in tbat one t!;e baceft of all ^ tObat (ball 2! fap t& it, tbat fome one tbing HjaUbaue fitters powers, bertucs anti operations an uiuers parts d)ereof;fo as it ftalte co!D taitljout anu bet tottljiir* \u\)itz in tbe outQ^e ann ren in tbe faMfanc* , coltie in tbe leafe ana lot in $t rcDte5!aratiue in tbe pift anti coOiffe in d;e barked &$ foy •£jca!uple,tlie rpnue of tlje D jrenuge is bot^ano dje meate ftittyn it is colD^tbe leaues of tiotaers of tbe lnplD 2Iine ooe co}?e3antj tbe iiu ner part of djem Dotb burne* pbifeions report djat tbe lungs of atlpare tjcaletl? fot}^djatare fto^ttoinneu; tbatt&eblouo ofbtm JL b^ea^etft l6l OF THE TREVVNES b^ftetfjrfje&tone, ant> tljat tfjeljeareofbim tfatmcfietfjMontu i[)aue not tljefe Hitters parts muers formes; , bcG&es tbc bmuerfall fo?me of tlje tijing toberrof tljep bee tlje parts *t 3n& are not tbefe Hitters fomtes as manp timers fubffaunces 5 anti confcquentlp as manp Creations *: Cbe Stoamant oj Lobcltonetyatwetlj pronto ftim^anu fbc&ctlj cSttmtallp tbe jftojtbpote, ana vet it fcifappcpn* ten ofijts fo?ce bp OarltAc ♦ Clje Slmber alfo i>;tateetb all Kgfct tbings Unto tt;Bpo^fd[pcis lapeti to a mans b&le make buffers in bi^ bIat>$er;Agaricke pttrgctb jfleagme., Rhubarb C&ofcfcjaM) Elle- borus ^etecbol:e*3if tbefe operations come of tbe matter alone, tell me ijott) tljat map bee ♦ 9ud luljp bee not tlje fame operations common to all tljings *t SO) tf (a$ tbou fapft)t{jep ccmeof a feerete pjcpcrtte^otlj it not tljen come of tlje fubffantial fojme.,fi£!ng tljat notljing can b&faps to bee tbat toljtclj it is,oj to Ijatte anp peculiar pjopertie,but b]> reafon of tbe fubftantiall fojme *: Cbou Unit per* cbaance fap^tljat it is tlje mingling; of tbe (Elements togctijer tljat gittctlj fojme ox fljape ♦ jftap: io) tf it bee tbat mingling, tuljere is tben tlje fojefapn common matter become'tano uibat mingling: to* getber oj tob^t menlep cj mature can bee maue of one felfefame tljing*: 9n& tf tbp meaning bee tljat tfre fajefapn matter is a m'uers composing of tlje Elements togetljer; tben is tbp matter a feme rompounbeb of Hitters fojmes^f o? utyerem do tlje Clements' bc= ingfo contrarp) bifferone from anotljer, but in tfjwefitnttal! fo?mes<:3n& if it bee a nurture 0} £ompoGtion5tobere is tljen tbe etetnitte hereof \ S&ojeouer^ee fee tbat in piauts^eaffes^mi $j9eu3tlje CcmpoSItio tljat is mate of t!;e mature of tbe elements, abpbetlj etten \n\)tn tljep be cut &oltme 02 fcil!et> ♦ Sf 0? put a blocfce into tbe fire5anb t%z mopfture tbat toas in it luben it gretoe a Crris bopletb tmt toitlj tlje beate5rtje aire tbercf fieametij bp into fmofce, tlje fine matter tbereof burned; out in an oplie fubSaunce, ana tbe eartblp parte thereof falletb uo&ne into afiljeg ♦ 3n& in ail lining ftugbts afajell as in man,tlje outtoato lump (toljicb tfjstt unit batte to be compofeb of tlje mature of tbe €lcments,)remapnetlj luljole after tbep be bean* 35ut as fa? tbe ftmtle toljerebp tbe tbmgs bane tbeir life,fence5anb reafon^icb «§>ou!e is tlje peculiar femne botl) uf Cr^s , Beatles anb Spen eacb after tbeir fcpnti j tbat appeared no moje tifiw tbe tbing is once Dean* 3na tbercfo?e it follotoetb, tbat befines ti)t matter ( lubt'd) fe UutteKc ) aim t!;e mijttttte of tbe Clements, tbere is alfo a fubftantial fo?me3tobid) maketb f tljing to be a %x&& 3BeaC,o? a S^an 5 am> toit!;out t^e itwljicl) tt is not a 'Cris OF CHRISTIAN RELIGION. l6$ %xk but a block? , no? a TSzatto} a ©an, but a neat? Carkcffeoj CaiTton ♦ ir urrtjcrmoje,to!jen a ^rce is tteavbere remapnc (till ccrte ine bcrtues bot\) in tlje bark,anfc fa tlje lno^ann in tbe ieaucs djereof;tuljicb toertues are not onlp &fttets,bttt alfo fomctpme con* ttarie^ann tbofebertucs pjoreea not of tbe matter,but oftbefub* ftantiallfojme^IjeitofitM^ pant tabid) fauetlj bp dje seatb of clje plant it felfe,tljere are alfo otber formes peculiar to euerp part tijereofjtoljid) abpoe after tljat tlje fojnw of tlje tobole plant is perifijeo ♦ jftoto, if dje mature of tbe Clements cannot make tlje fojme tobecebp tlje fcpperkpnues tritfer one from another , as tbefenrelefie drings from die dn'ngg tbat Ijaue fence * ann tlje tljings tbat baue but onlp fence , from tbe tljings tljat baue reafontco; canitmaknbe Difference tljat is be* ttoame tbe bn&erkptms tijat are compjebenaefc bnner euerp of dje fcpperkpnas ; o? betturienedje particulars tbat belong to euerp bn* fcerkin^o? bettu&ae tlje feueral parts tljat are in euerp particular^ 3;f tbe mature of tlje Clements ( fap 31 ) make not a 3Drrie to line, tbat is to fap to bee a Cro* ftaH it make it to Ijeale, botb fome cer* tepneoifeafes , ano alfo fome certepne parts of it , fame certepne parts of man *t 9no if it make not a 35eafl: to baue fence, tljat is to fep to bee a TBzaft : can it make it to bee a &pon,an €lep!janf3a;i a ^tagge^no if it make not a man to ljauelife,fence,amj moumg; can it make bint to fpeake,anD to reafon3one of one djing anu ano* dierof anotljer, eadj man accoutring to bisfeueralltndpnation^ ^;tt boto ftjoulo tlje Clements giue lift , tuljidj tljep tljemfclueg \>mz nottoj free mouing,djcp tbemfelues being cam?} bp $ rsounc toljetber tbep mill o? no*:o2 alfo fence,beiug tbemfelues but tlje ob* tetts of our fences': ®jen mult free conclude tljat tlje Difference of tlje bpperkptms from rije imoerkpnos,of tijetrnDerkpnus from tlje particulars ,anD of tljeir parts one from anodjer , confuted} not in tbz matter toljcreof djep bee mane,but in tbeir fojnie-, autf t bat tbe fame fojme is tbe peculiar fubltance of euerp djing ; anu djat -coke bm manp funr^ie fojts of formes djere are/o manp funmie fons of creations tljere Ijaue btnz , all pjocriemng from tbe potoer of tlje tfojmer o? giuer of djem, 9nn fo3^e djat attributedj tmto 6on tbe forming 02 faflnoning of tlje OHo^Id , mud tobetber bee luill m no attribute into Ijim tbe potaer of creating it alfo* jFoj t»itljout crea^ ting ofane\u fubltance(tabat matter foeuerpep?efuppofe to baue bzn2 afo2e)beljao not creates tbe MoM in fucb fou as it is ♦ $m ty tljat taas able to create anp one of tbe , ttas able to create tljem 1 2 all* L The tifcs. 1^4 OF THE TREWNES all* jf o? like micfyt ann potter t's requifite to tlje creating of an £* met as of an €lcpbant, of a pontic as of tlje &ea,of a pe&ce of tlje toojlnas of die indole toozln* Pcripatc- ^^ pjocesne on ftfll i23itf> tljcxr Cfn'mem 6on(fap tljep)nja* tpctlj tlje fo;mte oat of tfje 9Klttte of t!je matter » let us eramme tljis Dotenc pet further. 3bu'ttie(fapdj Ariftotle)fe tlje. beginning rf moning ann of cljaunge ♦ Slfo djere are(fap Ijis Pifc^lesfttuw fo;tts of Qhiiitiz : tlje one tuljiclj tooled) tljefapo be ginning m tlje odjer5 ann tljat is (Don ; ann cfte otljer toljiclj fufferetij tlje mouing ann cljatmge at tlje odjers |amr,mui t/;at is matter oj tfuffc3toljiclj &P tljemouing tnjcugljt into ft l-p tlje otljer , recepuetb bis perfect nan &Ijidj is termen jFD?mf*jQoto,3l nemaunntuijedjer djis paC flue 3btlitie ofttje matter,bee a qualitie az aaibftance* ®jep Dare not fa? it is a fubffance ; fo} toere it a fubltance, djen mn bp tbeir otonenoctrineit toeteafo?me alfo: aim taljerefoeucris a fo?mc3 tijeue is al& an act, am* tljat is moje djan an abilitietbut matt er(as tljep fap)is a mere abilitie, Sun if djep fap it is a ©ualitie, (as A- riflotle Ijimfelfe affirmed)): djen followed} it tljat ©on u^auictl) a fubffance out of tlje qualitie of an accioent* jSoto,ljc tljat matted) dje berp CiTenceoj beetng of tljings out ofd>e paflftuc abilitie of an fitter 5 can mud) mo?e tymz it out ofljis ottme actiue abilitie oj t»ojkfuIIpcrtDer*jFoj (fjalljebebarraine of frmfelfe,tiifjicfj maftedj a qualitie(pea ann iefle tban a fimple qualitie) fruitful! in bifagiraj- fcojtlj fo manp things': 3nn feeing rijat ©ualitie ann gmbtfatmce aim ail tlje Ijigljeft fcpnns of Contraries bee(as djep tearfj) furdjer trifferingone from anotljet djan fire from toater-,ano alfo tljat qua* Ktiz ann acdoent are nodjing of tljemfeJuesrfljall it not follow tljat ©on is able to create fubtfances of nodjing «: <§>urelp it is dje fap* tng of Trifmegiftus in manp places, tbat (Son creates tlje £cto?ln ann all tljat is tljerein;ann man taitfj al Ijis parts bf l)is moft fruit- full ino^ntann alfo tljat tlje toifl of (Sontuas dje fyriener of tlje €le^ ments. Pythagoras ant) all tlje olD Diuntes afnrme,tljat ©on o^ H . tlje onlp ©ne is tbe beginner of a! d)ings5pea euen of d)e Srlt mat* po^thenlm-" ttv > i»Sfiiiplidiis reported) in allcngingtbe reco^n of Eudorus. nls. 9nn Syrian dje Raider of Simplicius fapd; , tljat iwtiytt bebalfe Syrian vppon Plato foflotoefc Arehenetus ann Brotinus , tobidj agraen inttft tiicSuperna- Pythagoras* 9nn in beep necneljetellrdjbSjtljat to fpeakepjopet* ttaak jp^atter is no €ttmc at al5no^ can be conceiuen otl;ertoife djan lip a baft am reafon,tJ;at is to \nit by tmagining it bopn of al ({jape* ann confeqttentlp alfo fcopn of aB bzin$+ an OF CHRISTIAN KBLIGION. 1&1 3$ touching Ariftotle, Ije mafetfj matter to be tlje firff begin* rtfcg of aHtftfhgtf* ^ut if be bel&ueo tbe toojlo to baue bin begin* ontgieflre arcojj&mg to fjtss oiuue teac!;tng; tooljcre is tljis beginning btcomz ,ft t^ fullp a* grriRitopon among Ij^sf moft appjoueo interpreters^ tljefcnawie* of Matter, Form?, and Priuation , feme not too betcfeen t'jingS truclp bcetng tlje fainetobereof rijep patens tbe namegj but onelp are huteutcrj to teaclje tbeir fc&alfet^aftet ix^ljat mans* tljtngs are fyeu $ co?rupteo , bp patting of o:ic IJjape an!) potting on another4* Stan toljeras \)t fat$ t!jat tlje potoer of all Me fentetlj to be parta* ker of fom* uterine tbtng,? better tljau tbe Elements ; ano tfjat tlje feouleof man batlj W beemgfronmttjoat, ano not from tlje Ariftotle into elements o? from matter ad tbe bospe batlj : 9iai tfcat all joules ^ona booke arefojmes , ano all formes are fubftances : Dootb bee not make °f huinl #00 to bee tlje creater of fubitances , pea ano of better fubffances thinSs.chap.$. tljau tf;e elements t 3geine,toljen Ije faptlj tbat tbe knitting parts tbat is to 9m tbe bones,tbe fktn, tlje §>inetoes ano fucb tyke map be maoe of tlje miring togttber of tlje elements, ano tljat tlje bn- ftntttmg parts as tbe !^eao, tlje t eg, tbe 3rme,ano fo fcwtlj can* Ariftotle in his not be fo maoe,but are mane bp nature ano Ijeauenlp f tttymfomurib 4 too^e ot ■ftat tbep^oper effence ano fojme of tbe knitters ,pjocfcOetb neitljer ^f0^ ofljeate noj of colu, of mopffure no* of u^ptlje : Dootlj Ijee not ac* p' Imotoleogem euerpfeutrallparta fetterallfojme ano fubftatmce tofjicl) rommetljfrom fomeotbertobere,tljanoftlje matter oj of tlje mixture of tlje elements *t 9no fitb W faptlj in anotljer place, Ariftotle in his tljat it toerepaflftble to baue fucb a ronittntfion of tbe beauenlp bo= fecond bookc fcpes, asmpgbtpjotmcenotonlp an efficient cattfe, butalfoeuen ofthc breede matter tt felf fo? tlje creating ano banging fco^tlj of filling tljtngs, ^^f0 pea ano of manftmo alfotlwbp fboulo &e baue tljougljt it bncreoible, Wa^ds theend, tbat lifte^lfo toe fee tbat Theophraft tlje grea= Ar\ft in hl* tea Clarkof alibis Difciples, finoetlj Ijimfelf fo graueleo mljis^}^1^' bookc of 5g>auo?s 0? ^>tm$3 ty reafon of tlje particular natures of pi° things, tljatljee burttetb out into etpjeire&cDjos , ano fapetb tbat <£oo createo aHtljiugS of notljing, ^no Algazel tlje Arabian otf Aphr.probl.x, pitting agetnff Auerrhoes, ftpetlj tbat tbe cattfe of all tljtngs, oio alfo make matter it felfe* 9Ifu Aphrodifcus oeclaret^ in bis p?o* bleme^ tl;at t^e ^iiofopfia^ too* fapne to referre fyt effects ana & 3 iiertueg I l66 ©F TH^ T R E VV N E S tmtuesofmanp tbings, to fomcotfjer tiring tban taf Clement*. 9nn if tbcp coulor not fatljer tbem toppon t(je Ctementes , botoe rouln tbcp father tbem fcppon matter oj ftttffe^ feing tbat tbe eie* ntents baue potoer ano frnce to Do^tuljera* matter batb abtlictc but onlp to fuffer 0} to be tojoug&t toppom 3n& if tbcp couto not fatfjee tbem bppon matter •, toppon toljat elfc fbouto tbep father tbem t^an. toppon ©oiTjltt^o fcatlj createrj botb t!>epjopertie ano tbe fabffance of tbem togitljer*: Tiie riatonifts ^be Piatonifts tbat folate Cite? rije contmmg of Ctyift 3 baue gmen libertie too tl>etr oftne tyapiies , to gan out into a tboufam* biokoT Co *maSlnat*an^ ^U£ toljercajs Plot in telfetb &s tbat <&oas action* tempiation &" mu> effects,are contemplations ln\)icl) imprint in nature tbe toes of the one. ofall tbings : Ijee teacbetb tos too tfytuft farre from Use fad; tyutifr queftionsastbefe-jnamelp. Of what kind of ftufte did God frame the world ? And with what tooles did hee it ? tobicl; are furtbet of from tbe nature oftbe ©o&beao , tban our nooiugs are from mere contemplations* jftntubatelfeis contemplation (ac* coding to tfjeir otone uocttine)tljan to be tobolp feuerea from mat* tzttyz fpeafcetb often of tbe firft matter3but boto uotb be aefcrpbe it t i)z fapetb tljat tbe berp matter it felfe tobicb is iopnea too tbe fojme batb not anp true b&ing, anu be termetb it The beeing of a. Notbeeing,tbat is to fap5a thing,that in deede is notj ana tbat nootb bee too oiffinguifl) tbeis tranfitojie natures from tbe toerpe Seeing of <©o&,tobicb be termetb The Superfubftantiall Beeing. 35ut as foj tbe firft matter,be calletb it The very Notbeeing tbat is toa fap an imaginative tbmg tobicb batfj not any beeing at all in neeue ; as if pee tooulo fap (as b# bunfeif atmctb) a certeine bnflfja* peoneflfe, tofttf) fc the caufe ofall milbapemteflfe 3 t^z cb&f Default o) toant ; lobiclj is tbe caufe ofall tbe Defaults 0^ teams tbat are in particnlar tljings ; tbe fcerp euill3tobicb is t\)Z ojiginall of alf euilS; ano to be fljo?t3 a tbmg tbat can neitber bk knotoen no? imagines, otberlDife tban toe imagine tobat Datfutefle is bp tlje Imotoleoge df ligbt ; namelp an totter abfence ofall ligbt* gea,but(tnill fome man (ap)3ltbougb it be not an €(Tence,pct ougbt it at tbe lead to bee a ©ualitie ; ann b^ Iris terming of it an^ Plotjn m his 1 . Eu jj| ^ jgwnet^ tfttt a f0?t to malie it a qualitte*Nay;Iike as(faitfc WhcncCnSll' l)e)when we call the firft ofall Beeings by the name of Good- commcth. nefle,we meane nor that that Goodneffe is in him a Qualitie, but a very fubftance,yea and more than a fubftance: So when wee call Matter by the name of Euill^our meaning is not that k OF CHRISTIAN RELIGION, 1^7 it is a Qualitie or hath any Qualitie in it ; But that it is no Qualitie ne hath Qualitie in it : For had it any Qualitie in it, then (hould it bee a Subftance , and confequentlya (hapeor forme too ; but it is not any forme at all . %b& in effect tsS t?jc Ennea.2.1ib.^ fumme ofbis bake concerning emu* ann tlje o?tgtnalI fteteof* 3in %ii boofte of Spatter ; be neclaretb tbat tljett toas a matter , (foj be fejottln not els baue mane b'cote thereof m toapnej)lmt pet ije faptb tbat tbe fame toas neitber eflence,quautie,no? quantities? Ijaa & np eiTcnce,qualitie o? quantttte m it ; ne nifferen anp Wgit from p?t= nation, fauing in tbis refpext, tfcat pjtuation is beuifpexi agi in re- fpect of fome fubiert 0} faWmnr tbat i$ bereft of fome tbmg t!;at A peculiar oj incident bnto it,toi)#a£ fatter i$ an bniuctfall ami Utter toant of all tftingg,tbat is to fap a tying farre toojfe tfjan p?i= *eation*9nn pet fo? all t&fe,fie toil! not !;aue it to be btterlp notljmg at all,but as a toalf oj cmpic fpace, a tbmg toitijottt bounns^a be* ingUntbout being, 3nntobato^ - (je linnet!) it in tbe toojlo tbat ig to be concepueo but onlp in bnner* ftanoing5tbat is to fap in W foife- Home ann potoett agapne^toljereag in otljer places Ije telletb b£, pi0tin h Ms tl;at fatter being it felf no efTenee at all, cannot be tlje caufe of rfce bookc of pro- particular beings of fo manp fumnie tbmgjfytoj Ijauing no life3b& uidcncc > & tbe caufe of life, but tijat botlj life ann boeing arebjeatfcen into all |^, ■ tbings from toitijaut5euen from tbe fouerepne mpno : notb Ije not * p ' l?' iumpeb)itJ& bs,tnbicl; fap tbat ©SDD cteateo all fubftanceg of no* tbing«:3nn if be coulo create tbat tomtit) toag,ann giue tmto it botfj firing anu life t caulo fje not alfo fo^beate tbe tljing tbat mass not, tbat is to fap matter*: Atticus ano ftfe anberentg tnoulo neetiegi beare Plato uoUme b]> reafon of certepne fentencesi of Ijfe Timeus ann ofljte Commontoealemattergs mifunnerlta)n,t}jat matter foag eternall asJ toell a^ ®on,botobeit tljat tfje fame being fcopo of rea^ fon3t»a^ b^ougbt bnto reafon bv bim t^at i$ tbe berp reafon it felf* flEfctb tbefefellotoeg toee our ftlue^(ballttotn&netoneale,but onlp beare Porphyrias nifp^ouing tljem after tf)i$ maner ♦ If nei- PorpJ;yn« ^>- ther God(faptl) be)be of Matter,nor Matter of God,but both pon TunxxiS- of them be Beginnings alike \ whereof then commeth it that L 4 there 1 6% OF THE TREWNES there is fo great ods betwixt them, (ith we hold opinion that God is Good and the very worker or Doer,and contrarywife that Matter is Euill,and but only a Sufferer?The caufe of this difference cannot proceed from the one to the other,at Ieaft- wife if our faying be true:namely,that the one of them is not of the other . And much lcfleproceedethitofany third^on- fidering that wee acknowledge not any higher caufe : which beeing admitted , it followeth thatthefe two To difagreeable Beginnings met and matched together by chaunce,and con- fequently that all things aretoffrd and tumbled together by Fortune.a^apnc^IfGod (ftptfj !?r) bee apt to the beautifying and orderly difpofing of Matte^and Matter be apt to receiue beautie and orderlines at Gods hand} I demaund fro whence tiiis mutuallaptneiTeanddifpofitioncommeth? Forconfide- ring that they bee fo difagreeing and fo full contrary one to another ; furely they could neuer haue agreed of themfelues, but muft of necefsitie haue had a Third to make the attone- mec betwixt them. Now I am fure you will not fay that there was any third to commaund them: Neither wil I beleeue that they fell to greement by aduenture . To bee fhort,feeing that Matter is not fufficient of it felf to be in happie ftate,but nee- deth Gods helpe thereunto-,but God is of himklf abundant- ly fufricient,both to be,and to be happie: who feeth not that G OD is of more excellencie than Matter, and that Matter is not of it felfe fo much as able to be?For were it able to bee,it were alfo able to be happie. And therefore it is not to be de- nyed,but that he whom wee confeffe to haue perfected Mat- ter,was alfo the very firit maker and Creator of Matter . "But ijotocoulD Remake tt of noting ^ lecbsheareonrtappne fe$at tht Hipti Porphyrie faptij fcnto ring popnt*Handycrafts((atrij fre) haue need of inftruments or tooles. For their working is out- ward,and they haue nottheir mattet or ituffe at commaund- ment.Butthe naturall Powers as more perfect,& being with- in things , doo performe all their doings by their only being. After that forte the Soule by h is cflentiall life, doth nourifh, growe,ingender,breathe,feele,and fo foorth . So likewife the Imagination,by the only onelnworkingof it felfe, giueth di- ners qualities and mouings to the bodie,all at one inftanr.So alfo the bodile(fe Spirites themfelues/as theDiuines report) doe workewonderous things by their imaginations, without infira- TnftrumentoracYion. Much rather therefore fliall theworke- mayfter of the whole world who is a Mynd , giue fublhnce to the whole by his owne only being, that is to wit,to this diui- dable world,himfelfe being vndiuidable.For why fhould it be thought ftrauge^hat a thing which is without a bodie,(hould produce things that haue bodies , confidering that of a very fmal kede there growcth fo great a Beaft,eompofed of fo ma- ny ,fo great,and fo differing parts ? For though the feede bee little, the reafon of the Ceedc cannot bee fmall , feeing it wor- keth fo great things: neither on the other fide can it be great, forafmuch as it vttereth and fl^eweth it felfe euen inthefmai- left percelles.Now,this rcafet; jf the feed^ needeth matter to worke vppon,but fo doth not the Reafon of Godjfor he nee- deth not any thing , but maketh and frameth all things ; and notwithftandingthat he bring foorth and moueth all things, yet abydeth he ftill in his owne proper nature. Mo\o,\n\yzn as tlje ftnefl: ano learnernjeft enemie tfrat euer Clniftias Ija^acknotu* togetlj tin's Doctrine in gcot* fattft amriu fo ejcp;icifrtt>o^eS;.t»ij& uaccti) open (jis lippes anp mo?e againtf it ': Dare rtje €picures toitfc tljeir motes u© it> ©oto can tljep allefcge anp reafon foj tijetn felues , being by tljeir obme opinion matre bp Ijaplja^avo at anuen* tore tmtftout reafon*;©^ fyal tlje natural! $>i>ilofcpljers no it5tmtlj tljetr tempering*, au& nurtures? jFirft let ttjem examine tlnit Spat* iter Galene , concermirg tlje tlnngs toljitlj 31 !jtaueaHei>getrom of %i\n in c!je former Cljapter t ana if tfjat taltnot fuffee tljem, tfcep ftjaH Ijeare Ijim pet agapne in rljugs Chapter ♦ CertelTe as it cannot bee &enpea , but tftat as Ije lalottretfj bp all meanes poffible* to fa* tljer tlje caufes of all things fcppon tlje 4Etemm$ , ami toppou tty nurture of tbem togetJjettfo is Ije tniuen at euerp tune, to acKnoto le&ge fometofjat in tljem toljiclj Ije is aftameo t* fatljer inpa tljem, 3|n mfcottrGngboto tljebabeis fo?meo m tljemcodjers toombe, lie fmtjetl) fnmfeife turmoplea toitlj manp opinions • 3$ut pet in t&e Galen fn &'* *m>, Soothiy (couclttned) Ije ) I fee fo great a wifedome , and fo booke of the mightic a Powcr,that I cannot thinkeshat the Soule which is fa^io' :!n§;°? in the child that is begotten , maketh the (hape thereof 5con- ^^S fidering that it is altogether voyde of reafon; but rather that ™0mbe. it is formed by that which we call Nature, in In'S bflfec of tlje ' tempering of things, a place tfjat femes belt foj t$e crafting of tfa powers of tlje Clements to tbetJttermolT ; %z berp Hjarplp rcpzo^ [n ■wfioanji uetlj tfjofe totyty fiofeer tfe caufe of tlje forming of tl;c parts of tlje J^1^ 17° OF THE TREWNES bomcs ftf Hamg ibings>ttpctt tl>c qualities of tlje elements Nor- withftanding(fattl) be) that thefe Qualities be but inftrumets, and that there bee another that is the framer or fafliioner of things . J}\ U& bcoke oftrjc opinions of Plato ano Hippocrates, be mafcetb tbe uttall fpirite to bee tbe crxelienteft of all tbings tfeat baue a borne : ano pet fo? all tbat, be Intfl not baue it to bee eptbec tbe fubtfatice o? tbe nttelltng place , but onlp tbe inftrument oftfec £2>oule,9no in Ijis bcoke of jfieflbes be pzocotfetb turtbet, $■ faptlj tljat in treating of Lcacbctaft be fpake often accoutring to tije com* mon opiniombut tbat if it came tat'ge popnt of brtering tbe opinio tbat fceljimfelfe bib, be Declare tbat botb man ano Qoeaftljaue tbeir beginning from aboue, ano tbat tbeir feouto are from fytfc nen, ano finally tbattbe feoulepjoeeeoetb ncitberfrom tfjc qualu ties of tbe dementis , naj from airp of all tbe tljtngs tbat ttee fee i;ere bencatb ♦ J^otw, if cteS>ouIe of man, o) of tbe fcerp 'Beaded, pjoceeoe not of tbe €icmentg : bott Gjouln it pofltblp please of tbe Spatter? 3no if it pjoceeoc not of tfyz 9patter,mtt{r it not naoe* pjorco of tfyz fo?me,o? ratljer mult it not neeoeg be tfje berp fo?me it felfirt 3itt> ttbat ete t* fo excellent a fo?me, tban an excellent ftib* fiance <: 9nb from ttbence is tbat(bp W attne faping)but from a former faibioner oj {baper*:3no ttbat ete fbal tbat former be,tban a Creato;r,feeing tbat euen fbaping,te a creating of a fubftance*; j$ott tberefoje,ietbg concluoefoj tbiei Cbapter,botb bv imfo* Juble reafona , ana bp tbe teftimonies afttell of our enemies a$ of our ftienog; tljat 600 botb lua^ able to create ana alfo bio in oeeoe create tbe OHojlo of notbing,tijat fe to fap,bp W ottne onelp po- tter 5 ttitbout t^e belpe of anp rijing hereof to make it ♦ 3nu (to compjebeno in fetoe tto?oeg ttbatfoeuer 31 baue creates of bereto- fo?e)tbat ©©3D ofljtsJ ottne gcotmefle toifcoome ano potter, oto make, fljape, ano create tfje 2£lo?Io : tbat is to Capiat (if a man map fo fap) be i$ tbe efficient fojmafl ano material! caute thereof, ttitijout tljat \)Z neeueo eptfjer l;elpe , pattenie , oj fiufife to make it ttitfjaH*9no nott let te confcquentlp fee tbe finafl caufe: rijat t* to ttit, bott anb to ttbat cnoe I;e gupoetl; it ; ttljicb (ball feme fty tbt nffi Chapter follotoins* The The xj. Chapter, That God gouerneth the World and all things therein by his Prouidence. Kiftotle toag to©nt to fap 5 tbat t!je m'uerfitte of Siuefftcms ougbt alfo to baue otuerGtteof flnftoatf* :%o:ae(faptf) fee) ooe affee forfjetbetr iFire bee bat: 9 tbefe muff bema&etoperceiue it bp tourijmg :t ; fo? tbetr fence fa fufficfent to fbape tbe an anfiner^ome oemauno toljetljer tbetr farmer $ matber be to be bono?ety $ fucfj are not too?tbte to be otfputeo tottb,but ratber to be rebttfceo rtgbt fbarplp ♦ 9m> otberg oefire to baue tt p?oueo to tbem bp apparant reafonsi,tbat tbere fa a p?otttoence tobtcb ruled; tbe too?lo* gmcfj fcpnti of folfte(faptb be)fl)Ottlo be anftnereo bp a tobtppe 0? a bang* ttian,ano not by a ]pbilofopber«Bpfa meaning toag infetoe too?a^ tbat tbere fa not anp tbtng fo fenlible ano natural! , no? anp trjutg tobtreof tbe feeling fa fo ftefy in our fenced , 0? fo o&pelp p?tnte& inournature,a$ (Sotfa p?outoence otter tbe ujo?Iu : ano tbat toee cugbt to tbmfce tt mo?e fure, tfean tbe tbt'ngg tobicb toee feele tmtfr our banos , 0? tban tbe tbtngs tubereof our ofome Confidence con* tuctetb tos ♦ jfo? m tbatbeo?oepnetb a greater pumfyment fo? btm tbat ooubterb of ®ons p?outoence>tba« fo? butt tfeat reRffetb fence am> nature | be uotb b$ to tm&erffamj,tbat tbe fault fa intolerable, aa $ tobtcb fa eptber a manifeft gupte,o? at leaftforife an ouergroflfe igno?ance3tobtcb tbelatoperg afftrme to benert cotofen to guple* ig™™?? 3m> tn uerp b^oe,tf tbe oenping tbat tbere fa anpfa mo^e intolerable tban tbe otber; conquering: boto great tniurte fa offerer) bnto bint in cofeflmg btm after fucb a fo?t5ag to attribute bntoljim epesJ uritfeout {fgbr>eares toitljout beartng5mtgbt tot'tboutmpn^mpnn l»ttboutrraan,mt(l tottboutg©t>neiTe,peaanoa(0otibeaov»ttboutp?opertte^peculiat to a ©ou|eao : 3|n refpect to^ereof tlje aunctent pijtlofopljer^ cal* leu L tyt OF THE TREVVNES Ieo t\)t ©oirfjeao it ftlfcpecfv oj n^o'i oi«xv,tljat ts to fap (Son oj ]pjo* uiistncr , becaufe tl;e one cannot bee imagmeo toitljout tlje otljer- Sno tljercfye in tbeir iuogement^as mutlj an 3tbeifttoas fee tbat aenpeD (Bote p?ouioence,as ijc tbat oenpea tbe ©onljeao tt felf, 31 ucmauntJ of anp man tobicb confcCTetb tbat tljere is ©©D, 3! fap wen of tbe Dftiagctt of tbein all, tuljerebp be fmottetlj it ': fyk toill anfujere , bp tlje o^erip conucpance of tljingsi luljiclj be feetb botb aboue ann beneath bp tlje o?oer toljidj tljep ftcepe tottboutfapling, anfc bp tlje tensing of Co innumerable contrarieties to oiieniatfcc; tlje Upeauen beating tbe €attlj , tbe 3p?e mopffening it,tlje Card) bringing f©?tlj l£)earbes5tlje i>eaft es feeoing bppon tlje fame, ana allfetuingfo? tlje bfe ofman,3!t is aUonetljerefye as if ije Qpulo fap, tbat be fcnotuctlj Ijim bp bispjouioence, ano bv tfyz interline fctngofalitljingstogetbet toljiclj beb^tfj marfeeo in tljem all ♦ 3* gaine, Ije toill fap be Ijatlj percepueo, ra SS)ettalies , (as petoouto fap) cettepne ioombes toljiclj nourifi) tbem ano tying t^tm fco?tb; in plants, a certepne bertue urljxdb Ojatoetfj tbeir notiriQjment fro tljeeartlj, ano toitljberp g©o pjopojtiou oittributetljtbefamea* fyoaoe from bjaund) to fyaunclj,ano from leafe to leafe^ano toljicij (as tljougb it bao a fcpno of bnoerffanoing of tlje otone mojtalitte) tytngetb f©?$ a feefce at fuclj tpmeas tbe oecap tberof app?ocbetij: ano in Beatles alfo, $at one member not!) fo? another , ano etterp of tljem foj tlje toljole ; a oefire to increafe tbeir kpno •, Dcogges to jjiue fucke; ano a fkilfufl care to nourifi) ano pjeferue tljeir poung ones:3not)eI;at^cottDoereotbatnoneofa!(tf)is coulo beefolapo fojafoje&anobpitfetfe,amj tberefoje tljat tbere ferns fomeotbet tbiug aboue tbem^ljus muff it n#oeS be,tl*at be is leo againe bp tbe confioeration of tlje p?outoence,to tlje knoiuing of ©otr* jf2oto, if tlje pjoutoence toljiclj toee Ijaue markeo,ooe make bs to fap tbat tJjere is a ©©D b^ mounting bp from tlje effects to tbe caufeS of tljem^ootbit notfolloloet&at^ouiocnceis tbe peculiar effect af cSoo,ano rijat be tobieij oenpetb tfjat,oenpetb tlje ©oobeao it felfe, fojafmuclj a^ tlje (Sooljeao i$ not to be luurtww but bp tlje ^?ouu Uenre*: 31f ©oo ^aue no rare of tlje toojto, 31 affec of #& tofjetljer it bfc fo? tljat be r aunot , o? foj tbat be Iwifl not*: 3If Ije .cannot,ljon> canft tbou fap be is alnrigljtie ? ffij Ijoto canff tbcu Hip Ije is infinite,fee* mg tbou kuotaeft tlje bounojS of iji^ potter \ 9gapne, boto canll tboucaflljimtoife, fitlj it is tlje p^operticof toifeoome to gupoc tfyinp to fome certepne arte, am not to leaue anp tljing fubicct to to}tmtt OP CHRISTIAN RELIGION. 173 ttttttc *t 9nfl feeing tljat Ijts potoer ano tmftmme batte cjtten&ct) all tljings foji tlje creating of tbem>tubo (ball fceepc tbem from tcnoing to al cbingsi foj tlje opering ano maintepning of tljcnrt *Goes tljis,tljc Plant batlj no reafon to gupsc it frffe,noj to p?e« rue tt feife agaiitil tljat toljicb is ro come , aim petnottoritljttau- ngtljou feed tljere a mptto toljicb funrifbetlj out all tl>c partes ereof,a«o a toifoome tuljtcb taatcljetlj ouer it againa tfrtf tobicS to come* TOje 'Beaft alfo fjatij no mo?i? reafon tljan tlje plant, ouglj tt botlj feele aho moouc* get is tljere an 3intott in it tobiclx e^eaa knotocdjnotofVjDljicb 2nu?itconcoctetl),nio;caetl)sant> ffributetlj tl>at toljiclj tlje bead ijatb eaten,ano nifperfetlj it fcojtb to bis parts bp Uxft piapopion, toatcljmg foj it toijen it Ikepetlj, 10 tbmlung fcppoitit toljen it tijinketlj not tbereon, 3it pcrceiuetb 11 mote notlj3to)tljat itijatb neet»of€artlj,of $pie*o*oOMto p tlje pong ones in x it p?ouiuetl> afojeljano foj tbe tpme to come* u> (Ijtftetp countries accoj&ing to tlje feafons of tlje peere, cljoc» ttg tbero out natttrallp^trntljoutfapling atanp time* 2n alltljefe lings tljere fbinetlj foojtfj a certepne pjouioencc,toljtcb pet fojt all lat , tfje bead neither fcno&etb no? conreiuctb* ^Ijou tljp fclfe iljtcfratt inoetoeo \uul> reafon^ljall a fo^ecait, ana bp tljat fojecalt Kit tlje tljings toljiclj otljcr toigbts fcoc bp nature^ ratljer tobicb Mure ( tljat is to fap tlje fojeojtoinanee of tiyc Creator oootlj foj iem>) tljeroojetobercoftljottljaft, tbemojealfoooeft t&ou p?o* ioeafojeljamnjfo? asltttlea^meastljouart ,tbouiuuente(t» joufauo traces ano artC0 y\d)itb are euericboncof tijem fomanp opnts of iL'ifoome , am> confequcntlp as manp p?oufoences* 3* web as tljoacanlt, tljou matal! all tljings toftoopetotljplure* jou applpeff tljerapne anu tbe fyougbMbe tjeate ano tlje coin, t& jpne oiwie commonitiettbou turnelt tlje Doings of tbp neigbbojs* f tljp attic ano of tljp Commomaealc ro tfjine olone pjriffts antr onoj x pea ano if it mere poflible,tbou toouloeff applp tlje beaueti^ be eartlj,tbt fea,ano oftentptras etten (Sou Ijimfelfe to tbine oum enifite* jftoto eljen toljo p?ouioetb foj clje Pants ano fo? tlje fyyte tades in U)ljom tljoufeell fogreat pjomoence tbouglj tljep tbem* elites Ijaue none at ali,but onelp be brfjtclj maut tfjem ? ffljt mbo ni^ eccetlj tlje 3rrotoe to t^e marhe , tlje arrouie (31 fap) toljidj feetb lot tfje matke,btK tlje Srcljer tobo Ijatlj epes fo? it ^ 3no rannct bt i^ouioefo? all^btdigiuetlj p^ouioence to all \ ano be tljat giuetb t tbee in fuclj fo^c as tljott tbetbp maked al tljings to ftoope to tbP Lwe^ toberea* f^C notUJitbflanning fym maoett tljen. not,ani> of 174 OF THE TKEWNES tobom tljoufcarflp fcnotocC tfee nawes »s not be able to gouerne euerp one oftijemaeeojoiugto tljeir nature, ano coo aire ct tbcm, pea ano tljeetoo,bnto tbe eno tljat be fctb purpofeojceing be batfc maw tljem ? 3gaine,if ©oo be not able to pjouioc foj tbiugs, ano to oirect tbem to tljcir ent^joto fcip toe ?ljat be furmountctb all tbae cuer toe can imagine,Gtb toe cannot Deny, but tbat bee toljicb PJO* nices afojebano is of mojeabilitie tljan be c^at cannot*Sno if toee can imagine anp tljtng to be greater tljen bee,tobp fljoulo not tote our felues be tljat tbing \ QUfl if euen in man3tlje ab ilitie of pjoui* Ding be better tben tlje tmabiltttr , feeing toe bpbolo tbat tobatfoe- wcr is excellent in our felues,(toljicb pet nottoitljff anoing is but in meafureano bp perticipation,)tfje fame is infinitelp ano original* Ip in (Soo ; ftdlbp &oe toe not graunt tbat ©oo bp tys infinite toifr Some can oirect all tbings to bis enoe, as tocll as euerp tbing can bp cbeir particular totfoom tobicb be l;atlj pjinteo tberein , pjoutoe foj tlje tbings tobicb tbe nature tljereof rcquirctb *t 'Coo bee 0;o?t, what Proui- feeing tbat pjouioece is notbing els Out a toife gupoing of tbingg dence is. t0 t^f ir tm>m% t(jat cucrp rcafonab!c mpno tbat tooojketb>begm* netlj bis toojfce foj fome eno,ano tbat ©oo ( as 31 Imt fat* afoje; tlje toojkemaiff er of all cljings , batlj (o? to fap moje truelp) is tbe All working *om e*ne mpno3equaIl to (H* ctone potoer : ootb it n et folloto tb<1C ofanvndcr? ©oo in creating t!je too?loe,oio purpofe an eno *t 3no tobat otljcr ftanding mind coulo tfat eno bee,tban Ijimfclfe ann bis otone glojp , cenfiocring is to Tome end. tbat tlje eno toljerebnto a tbing tcnoetij* cannot beleflfegooo tljau tbat tobicb tenoetbbntoitunoagainc tbat as farreasljispotoec cyte noetb in abilittc to create tbe toojlo at tlje beginning , fo farre fcotlj bis toifoome ejtteno in abilitte to gupoe am> oirect it totljac eno ^ 3uo feeing tbat tlje beginner ano tbe ens of tljmgs (tlje 3r* cljer(3I mcane)ano tbe marfcc tljat be fljootcs at)arc betlj one,tbaC 1 3 to toit @oo Ijimfelfc : can anp tbing croffc Ijim o) incounter bint bp tbe toap , to btnoer bis attcpning tbercimto «: C&lell tljen tljoit feeft noto.tbat tljou canff not oenp © © *D tlje gcuemment of tbe too) iDjMOer pretence tbat be is unable* *But poti totll fapjtbat be toil! not boutfafe to Ijatte a care tljere^ of»S)oto come pou 3! p?ap poti to be fo p?iuie to ty$ toilft tpatlj na* tare taugljt pott H jf5ap,^ou feel! ,tn tlje plants a certeine inclina* Cton to nourifl; all tljeir parts ; in bt&tti,* cljariCbnelTc to bating bp . tljeir pong; in men,a oefire to pjouioc fo? tljeir cljilo^en ano Ijottfe* l?olo ; ano in all fclftcs a regaro to tlje mapntenaunce of tlje djmf jJ tofciclj^ep l;aue either maoe ojmauureof Snoljtm tfcat ootbo* tl;ertoife OF CHRISTIAN RELIGION. *75 f&ettotfe tbou elrriemeft «. _ bcv not a barbaroug perfone o? a toplse beaft5bttt a nerp black 0} a ft one* jftoto tben (ball not be tobtcb batb gten fttri) inclination to all tljnigcJ , pea caen to tbe berp fencelelfe creatures bp bis; touc&cnjj of £bcm,n;all not be bimfelf(3l fapjbaue it foj tljem all ^ Dait ft tbou bereeue fyttti of tbat to&tcft tbou tateft to bee a pjapfe to tbp felfe ': oj aareft tbou fatber tbat bppon turn, tobid) tbou tateft to bee an imvxiz to thv felfe *: jftap 3 lite as tbte race & a fparte of gawmca? fo be tbat is tbe gcotmes it fclfcann tbe toelfp^ing of all tbat euer is g©& in a!! tbmgs, fyeanetb fa?tb tbiS care into all tbings bp W gafimtttyz fap 31 tolyid) batb boutfafet* to create b$ , tutXl not mfsepne to pjeferue MSStit fojafmucb as tt iuas bis totll to create b3 to foim purpofe,(focz if nature aoe not a= np tbing in bapne, bsto murij lelTe ootb be tbat creates nature**)!)* toill alfo gupse bs to tbat purpofeo cnt^bp bis toifoome, Let as fee to&at tbings uuctemtea can allesge againft fo mam- ^cif^s3" feft a socttine* jFtrfc of all Hepped me f©?t& Epicureans nenpetb f rouidence. tbat be fees anp pjoutoence at all in tbe toojlt^but tbtnfta to matte Aiphonfe the man? tbings to tbe contrarie in tbe tobole uio^in ;b>berebp be to ill *«* King of nceDess gatber tbat tbere is no pjoutoencc^no no?(if be nurlt fap it) sw.?j %d a:ip 6ou at altfoj if tbere toere apjottfoence(faiibbe)tob? (fcouto ^'Vvkh God gpountapnes oceupie'anp part of d)z Cartb *j tobp (bonis tbere hk attnc creation anp topis beaftes f tobp (bottls tbere be anp ^>ea *x 3ns of tbat lit^ of the worid.it tie s$ grotms tbat t^tobp tbsulo ttoa parts be tottopbttable, t\yz &™u h™e one fo? ouer great beate,ans tbe otber fo? otter great coin $ ans tbe ^JSarf as ttjfen part be in saungcr to be bnbabites alfo , toere it not tijat mm J [s^na God pluctesbp tbe 33;tpers ans 'Clones tbattooulseouergrotoeirt punifhed him WCty falletb tbe gntotoe fopon tijz Cohans tbe ifrolt bpon tl)z for fo faying. Oines *t Wity blotoe tbe toinrrg botb on g>ea ano lann t ^o bee 5.°f ?k °^h fl)o?t3tobp bappen ficknelfeis ann Dtfcafcg accojning to tl)Z feafongj flx°tl^ cl™*J of tbe pere,anD ftnallp seatb *t 3nu at a too^tobp & man bo?ne in his 4. booicc, too?fe cafe tban tbe lead tijfnjy tbat creepetb on tbe eartb5 ann batb mbz of manp tljings tob:cb all otbet totgbts; map iszll fo^beare*: ,iftap3 be ftoulo ratber baue faps > 3! fee a tboufanu moumgd in t!je H?eauen,tobereof euerp one batb W peculfer enti5 anb pet tzm all neuertbelelfe to one fdfeme generall cnti*3l fee tfetn all carpen b^ one bniuerdill mtoam j,nottoitbftant»tng tbat eitcrp of tijem in= fo?ce tbemfcluess to tbe contrarie b^ tbeir otone pioptt courife&anfc tbat ti)i$ bnitterfal motion tss mouen b^ one ^c&uer, tobicb mrauet fo ouerruling tbem^nttft newness be of fttfficient potoer to rule t&cm aHjContoerinj tb^t zmx tottlj one tto wcbUng of an cpe3 l;ee ru'etlj eum 1^6 OF THB TREWK15 *uen the fame $cauen that carpeth al! the reft about/Jftt foflotoetl then that tbere is onep^incipall mamer,Uibich gouernetb the Upea* uen ami all the oiuerfitie contetiied tberein* 3gapne3 31 fee that tfje Clobe oftbe Cartft ann of S>ea togitber, is in refpea of the Upea* tten but a litle pointy (as Pythagoras fafo)but as oneof tljeleatt ft tarres : that the Sgmne ruietf; the Cpoe* of t!;e ftea , ana the ft unite tfje feafons of the eatth,aiiD thep both are uifpofeo bp the rourfe of the beauent&Dtljerebpon 3! concW&e,that be luljtri) ruletfr the peatten, ruleth both the ftutme ern& the ^©ne, ann tbathee tohtib ruleth tbem,tJotb alfo rule both i\)z^tti ami the Cartb* jfoj Jioto is it poffible that he tohicb til^th the trnjoIe^oulD come ibojt tit ruling an? part of the tohole ? SDj hctoe fljouln the fojee of bpm ■lie impeaches bp the Carth, b3hich gottenteth tijofe bv Uibome tij£ •earth bath her fo?cc ? 31nfomuch that if ( to mp femittg ) his pjo* uioenre appere mojeligbtfomlp in the l^eauen than in the Cartb, (tohicb pet nonmtbftantiing is not fo ?) ann 3! cannot p&foe a rea* fon of all the things tobicb 31 fet3! toill confiner toith mp felfe that 3Ibauefenemanp inltruments mane bpmeu as 31 mp felfe am, tohereof 3! fce plainlp the efFectes, but 31 conceiue not the caufes of them :3lfo that in other fome 31 percepuetoell the bfe of fome partem of them,namelp of the greateft ann notablelf parts, but ag foj the fmaller parts, as the (ISices, j!2ailes,pinites,Kiuets,^ut* tons? aim fucb like , 3! haue thought them to be but bptocojks , ana pet tm'tbout them the reGtme coulo not holo togitber,noj performs that tohich thep toere manefo? : ana although tbep toere taken all a fumier5auti fhetoeo mee feuerallp one b^ one ; pet coufo 31 Ijartilp conceiue them* g?ea ann mo?eouer that 31 mp felfe haue mane fome,tobereof mp fteruants ann Cbil^en haue not perceiueo the teafon at all, but tooulo haue humeri them in the fire as frruing to no bfe* afnn therefore 31 toillpjapfe ©€»D in the things tohidj 31 knotoe^oonner at him in the things tobtcb 31 conceiue not,ano ra- ther tbinfte mp felfe (toho am as nathtng) to toant \nit aim bntier^ banning, than mifoeeme htm that is the maker of all things to bee faultie in his pjoutoence* 15nt fith fcoles muft be aufaoereti to rhcic foliies^leaff t|ep (houlo tfiinke tljemfelues toife •, ano tljat th^ toif^ Home of theft folke conKfteth all togither in putting fouh tjucflu on^ano in anfoering to nothing t let bS etamine tijefe goonlp ne< Jf Moauincr ntaunnsi otter from popnt to popnc*3|f there be a pzouinence ( fa? thep)Uihereto feme the spountaines ? jI5ap5fap ratbeivif alluiere of one fo?t3\uhere toete tljen pjouin^nce i jf o} tol;at eK is p?oui'. nence, OF CHRISTIAN RELIGION. *77 ence,buta&ifpcGngof ma«p ftmtyie tbing£ tofomeoneemH*: Inn boto ra snp fitcb m'fpofmg be,iabere tljere is but one felffame bingeueipfcobte ttycugbout4: ^uttc bcafttljattlmi art/fi>o jouto an 3at fpeafee of tbae*3it \uouln af fee tobereto fetueo tbe xu ;ng of tbp nofe aboue tbp fare3o? of tljp bjotoc$ aboue tfrpnc epes, I of t!jp tibbes aboue tbe red of tbp borne ; all tubicb are bigber a* ouetftp bcDte,tl)antije Spountames are aboue tbepaines oftlje artb«9£bou eftaemeff greatlp of tlje became tl;at is in tbp face,ana f tlje pjopojtion tl;at is in tbp boate ; infomucb that tbott falleft e* en in totte toitb tbem in anotberuns pet tljou trnlt fetse fault toutfj ; in t!;c luljole too^as a oefo?micie am ttmnt of o?&er+35ut tbott ucrece , fcurft tljoit (31 pjap t\)&) bee fo bolae as to fpeafce fo of a fainter*:©? tooulu it not offenn tb# if another man fbouto fpeak* ) grollelp of tbp bofeft3lf a man Qotdft unu fault tnitb tbe (ba< otoing of a picture in a tablet to onto be anftuerea tbat ti)e febrc* taker cugbt not to p^elume aboue tlje pantople* fo} foritbout tije lacke, the tofjttr coulo baue no grace; neitber cottio tbe fyigbt bos x out3toit1;3Ut a &tmmmg;iu>? difference ana pjopojtion ofpartcf ppeare3tmtbout a me&lep of contrarp refemblance; ncj ftnalfp tlje unm'ng of tbepainter be perreiuetJ5tDitftottt fciuerfitie of colours Ufo be tljat ibouio ftu&e faulttoitb tbe art of tbp bcD&e3bauing re& \xt feme prieces of it bere ano tfjeve; fljoulo bp ami bp bee uxXmtzx p tbe Latoper 5 'Cljat a man cannot iufcge of t\)e latee , toitljout eamng it tobollp tbjougbout*9n& if tbere Ijappen anp abfurmtte; p ana bp tbaxftarts!meupatoljoleuao2!0 of ®ramarianS,tobirij tfojee tbeir toittes to tlje bttermoft to ejtrufe iu ana to fin&e fome legancie ixx tbpne incongruities* 9 Hedging tbat tbat tabid) is im* eemlp in tlje part , beauti'Setf) tbetoboletso^e, ann tbe (baootoe itoje tban tfje perfect coiour^anu tfje nimme mo?e tljan tbe b?i gftt» aljen tbep be fitlp placeu* 9H tbe commendation of tljefe papnte* (jingei ,cott{iftetIj in fym tJtuerfities ♦ 31nfomurij tbat if ttjou fee a aiapne ouertiangen tuitf) a (bam'e 1Rocfee,o^ a nanhillj Denne at t^e ican of a miner fpn'ngmg out of it ; tijou IfoeUt tfje better of tbe ta=: ifefont,anup?nj:feiltl)epapntertl)emo?efo^jig fkilL S>ure!? tissnot poiTtbletijattbe piapne fboutopleafetfjoemojetijantlje E)iHesi5o? tbeHiuer mo^e tban tbelRocto, but tbat neither tott^ iut otber couln pleaft fyk at all j$ouMf t^ou oiuoeft conBtier tlje LSto^lD asi tbe too^e of (Savant* cbe ^ountaineis ann otljer parf jJ »l)id) tljou tntflrtettjttcc in tbemfelues but as tljep be fmaU $wz$ tf t^at too^e^oubtURe tljou tooutoeil fap as mucb thereof* anu ^ ^erfojc fj$ OF THE TREVVNES tljcrefojefitb tljoucanftnotat oncbicta bebotoad tljctoboIcttJc^fe toc^rtbcc , to tunge of tlje p:oponion of tlje toljole mafle ana of tlje feucrall partes thereof at one inffant ; learnc to comment* tlje run- ning of tlje toojfcmatller in tfje tljings toljiclj tijem ttynfceft tljp felfe to tmuerffantie 3 ratljcr tljan to call it into queftion , foj tlje trying* laljiclj tljou ftfterftan&eft not. Outlet us fe further tuljat rcafon tljcu baft to complainc^bou tooui&cft fljunnc bodj Uapne^aple,? jf toft,BeIjoto5tbc egou^ tapnes funritf) tljce Untlj Uieoa ana timber to rjoufe tlje^ to inciter tijce3ant> to m&t tljae toarme* ^bou follotocft tlje commoaitie of Ctaffid^anu bdjoitJ,tbtp feme tljp tunic toitlj Hitters from Catf, <£Ieft , jftoKrj, auo @>outy , making: toap from tl)e minncll of tlje JLanu to tlje ^ca, ana fopmfig tlje Coaftes of S>ea ana Lanu to* gctber* 'Clje ambition of djp neighbours ts fufpectea of tljec, ana tljpne petdjaunce is nopfome Unto tljeauttje !ngb £2ountasncs are as bounds to feparate illations afuntjcr^ ana to fteepftljem front inrrocljiug one Upon another* 3! omit tlje COines a:io fruits talari) trjep poelD Fco^tb , fte clerc toaters toljtdj tljep (1;cd out, tlje fiocfecs ana rjcartrsi of Cattcltobicfj tljep feeae, anti tlje pleafant niucllirtgsf toljirf) fyvp comtcp in tijem. 3Jf tljou cottlacft ftnae as manp tiling* in tljp bare l^lapnc alone, 31 taoula Qiixt tl;ae leaue to complapne of tlje Spauntapnes ♦ *2ap,on tlje contrarp parte3if tbouljaaaeftfelt tbe aifcommoaities of tlje piapnes of Ly bie -y 0} but ondp of tbe jpiapnes of Bcaw(Te,02 of tbe Defect of Champayne/rjoutooul* udt by ana by uitO) tljat all toete £0ountapnes ; ana pet nottoitJM ftanaing,if all toere piapne,o? al tucte lji!gtouna,tljou coulaeft not tell Ijotn to comment o) aifcommena eptjjcr of djem botlj ♦ jSotu tbctUet tW ftana fo} an anfbuere to all tbofe pjrtofopljet s teljicft tafobppon tijem to ctmtroll tbe parts of a uioite tobtrij tljcp cafc repuetuit toljoie ♦ tfo}> to blame tijeiobolc CCto2ltrfo? tbe a-fcmfc tapnes fake3o? tlje 9pountaptie fo? tbe ^Qcous tfjat grota tljereon, isalloneasifpeiljottlri finne fault tuiib tl;e toljcle man foH^lTe ftan a tacrt o? a beare^ljen as ytt notluitljl!a!Uiing,tn an oiB man tbouljono^eH tlje fame beare toljtrlj tlje barber cuttetfj off anu ca* ftetb iitto tlje fire , pea am tljou l;ono: fubmftting ftemfelues n toijole flocked a*o beams to a Cbfloe,»fl increaGng into ftou* mmtoitiyin fmaH tpsne ♦ 'Cell me hi gain earned, is it a toojfee of ro?tune,ftat fte33eaftes bft (ft map anop ftp Me noe Ojmme tbdr, moftaiftofetoift toljofe life ftou mapmepnett ftpneoxunelife, Ijottln come ano offer ftemfelues bnto fy&\ 35ttt ft e Sea oifpleafeft ft* fa? occ uppzng 6 muft of $ Carft* The Sea. EUart ftou a ntnelier in fte &ea as ftou art on p & aun,fte €atft Anftotie con* dduId ntfpleafe ft& fo? occupping fo muft of fte &ea ♦ 3no pet cludcrh *at aftat a neale ftereof is ffill emptte^bftift toere fit to be inbabften': ^Sk*^ Rnoto ft ou,ft at ftou art bebolnen to ft fe? fte great number of ii- caufe the earth img \m'g!jts ijobtcij ft foffereft fo? ft# , fo? fte great number of is vncouoed, £obmes ann Citkz toljift ft inrifteft fo? ftee; fo? fte jQatttga* which the sea ;ionsb>berebpitfbo?teneftftp laapanopceloeft fta> ^^fft^^entwo^ mn fo? bis bapo?s loberbrift be maintepneft fte ap?e ann mafteft eifeTuer- ;be earft fat* f o? put fte cafe ftat fte g>ea toere o?pen bp at an in* whelme. lant: toljae a number of Cities ftinfceft ftou (boulo be feene nefo= In Wsbookc [ate ann jflattons oefert, toben men fyoulo bee in cafe toift fte °fwoonder& *?ougbt, as jf ifbes are ftat be left on n?pe grounn at fte going a* toap of fte tpnev S£ftp (bouloeitftou not rafter commenn fte be- rcelicialnes ftereof ft z mo?e3m ftat not ftinfcing ft enougb to ienn It felfe to ftce to noe ft ee feruice ofterbnfe: ft alfo teafteft ftae fte titigbcte p?ouinence aim p?ouinent mtgbt of Jim ftat mane it,bfte ftou feeft ft ouemreepe fte earft, annft?eacen itb)iftn?oU3umg euerp minute of an tjotoer, ann pec tg not able to paife l)i$ bounns: o? ualjen ftou feelt ft feeke to ump?on a great €mntxe^ rounn a* bout as ft ouglj ft toere to imb?ace it •, ann pet to (tap at a berp nar* rotoe balfte , o? els to U)tnne ft felfe into fte boteelles of fte lann at a narrotoe cbanell; toljereas notbaitbltanni'/ig an infinite fo?t of little 3i!es are fettlen in fte minneft of fte narpe,l&e a fo?t of fmaH motes in a ponn ♦ jfo?, feeing ftat ftou feeketf tljp commonitie ann p?oftte tberebp 5 ftinfcetf ftou not tljat ije aifa feeder!) Ijis glo^ rie? ^nnftoug!; ftou !;anneft none ofterp?ofitebpit3b3ete ft not ^ 2 s berj The wyni The "Firth vn« habitable.. tup mttrfj foj tljee to haue f>ax> it ag a groumi ants matter tohetfoje tamapffiiHrfnft &tje £ainse<* percbaunretio make tb& to Ijatc fttfsj thou muff *a$t? &mte a faping to them tfljsn* pet on tlje otter fioe,if it bol* calme>ti)0tt art tocarp of it ♦ 3£ut codoeft thou tDttbout them haue kntisme the tenth part of tl>c Carti; V fipolu council thou haue ntf f oueres tjfe Lmft of Pcrow anD the 3iies of Moluckes? J^ap,?jc\u toulocft tljou haue come to the nrred 3fl^ unto tb&, toitbout the* jf^otxr,tf tftoa Ufte of the GUttro tohen it ts fauottraWe tatba ^p fl;oa& not another man that Ijarfj to ooe in a contrarp Coaftj Itfee toeHoftttobcnitte contrary to t^Sntj if botlj ofj*JuftoefauIt toitljtbe ft o?jm'neffe thntof^uctoe pc that be tobitb mane it tofcbc glo^ifpeo therebp,in tfjat he boti) thee to fcntsertf anvhat ijc t£ aide to mate tmtlj tb& both on S>ea ana iant>3 ann thou art taught to rail upon bim5toben the fdfefame toinne tobicb hath carpeo tijee at thppieafare^tereatiietc oaib thee againfttbeiLan&v 15ut of that little of the type grounti tobicb remaincth,ttoo parte (frpft tbott)be tntfjabitaMe ♦ QH&o tolue thee fo«: jflap ratber,tohp noeft t!;ou not couclutretheret3pon3 that there is a Creato? > feeing that euen tn thp tpme thofe part^ toere not inhabited Sbmelp the Wiix&$ Whom tbotr blameft fo mucb>baue taught m that in thofe CIpmates are gcotilp Countries, people of better health ant> gtea* ter ftrengtb than iree 5 moje beautiful! Cities , aiiD mo;e telrcate fmitefy ant) fcoee finne them fo temperate, that ice foliate therem* perateft Countries; hereto goe tljetfjec* 'Che sates arc* pares are weafurea othertoife tn one Countrie than in another : but ytt in this barter there is; a conitanne: ana the one fdfefame ^uune luhifh maketb to manp niuerOtie$,soth thee to bnnerftana3tbat he Whirl) mane the !§>unne coula turXI mate the other things, Co bee fho?t , there is fo great cunning tn all thefe things , that thou hafl bene mfo?cen to mafte an Srtefoj the learning of tbem,3na luhac els; is; an 3rte3 bwt the fettmgof Diuers Ettleg in o?aer together? 9na if 9rte bee fo mtofttfl fo2 th? knotting of them ; UjIjo mtU not fap that there is much moje 3rf etn the thing it kiWt Cboublameft the &bo?ne£ lepers atvo SduCjcs &jrcmterm8 the earth: but thou confioereff not into bote manp mtf i)iefcs prno nefTeplungeth thee ♦ <&l)on bfamel! the .froil ann g>nol»e fo) hui= Bering thp fpttfbantyte, tobereas in Dfeie thei? tmitd) thee by the eare , to put t\)k in mpnn that the fop^on of the earth ammutJj of (DouXhou hlamell tfje Eapne fo? toetttng t!;&; -tufjereas pet not* toiii)ti;mm$ OF CHRISTIAN RELIGION. l8l tuttfeftanningit mopllenetfe tfep groun&g ana mate tfeem fat ♦ 3c a tao?&e, tljou plapeft tfee babe > tofeo tfente feig jfturce soeg feint to?ong twfeen (fee kenibeg fefe feeas 0? puts? on fefe rloatfecs 5 0? ra* tfeer toben fometpmes (Ije plucfe a firdrirke from fetm , 0? takes a knife out of W feant>:tfeat is to fap3tfeou mtfconlbetoeft al tfee gco& toijtcfe tfee bountiful* p?ouiaence of ©on aotfe bnto tfe&* HJut m tfee cnt>(fapa tljou) tofep be fte not able to feelp our felueg The bIrlh of altae as toe be bo?ne«: (KBfep bee taee fubiect to fo manp bifeafes, Man' anb in tbe enu to fceatfe*:3l "toiH not noto p?etfe tfe# tuitfe tfeat ftfeicb 3! toil! fpeafce of feeteaftmnamelp^tfeat fo? all tfeefe tfeings none te to blame but tfep felfetfo? euen to tfee fame tfeings tofeicfe tfeou 8n* &e£ faulttuitfe,3l tofll fpetoe tfeee Mi to tfep face,tfee p?ouibenre of ©ob^fee babe i$ bo?netoitfeoutabtlitie to feelpefeimrclf,anb feati) none otber ffuH at all but to crpe ♦ Contrarptoife tbe bjw'te 35caft i^ no fomer come from fete Damme,but fee to able to goe^e tc ft* Pet notumfeff ammig, of all tfeefe babes (tofeicfe to tfep feeming are but as fo?lo?ne tfeings ) none tytfy fo? toant of nutce 0? nouriifc roent5tfeougfe tfeere be notfeing but papn anb care in bringing tfeent ip^feerfo?e it muft nmz$ folloto,tfeat turn from tfee beginning, s. certcpne p?oufoence featfe toatcfeet* ouer tfeem, tofeicfe featfe ingra* nen tfefe kinblp affection ana carefulnelfe in tfee mothers b?eaft;atm tfee leffe tfeat babes can uo fo? tbemfetucs5tfee mo?e mamfeftlp botfj . (Boas potoer fyinz foo?tfe in p?oupbing fo? tfeem* 3s fo? tfee b?uite ^calls, it luas not requifite fo? tfeem to be b?ougfet into tfee &o?ln in tfeat fo?t,fo?afmucfe as being bnable to conccmereafou^tfeep fean no intereft at afl in tfee knotolebgc of tfeofetfeings* 2s toucfeing &ifeafes.,if tfeou blame tfee feafons of tfee peere fo? &&&? tfeem; tfeou mapft afuaell blame tfee fire fo? burning tfe^tafeicfe pet nottoitfeftanbing tfeou canft not fo?beare: jf 0? tfee fault is in tfepne obrne bnoifcr#tne(Te,a!ib not in tfeeir nature;antj in tfepne oum an* tulineire,ano not in thm biffemperance*€fee felffamefeeate tofeer* laitfe tfeou finscl! fault 3 ripenetfe tfee Co?ne , t^ine , ami jTruiteiS tofeeretoitfe tfee moU part of tfee iuo?lD are fea ♦ 9n& if tfeou t!)tnke tfeat anp man be tfeerbp caft into an $geto;fee tntgfet feaue fo?bo?ne to feaue gone into tfee gninne, butfeecoulti not feaue fo?bo?ne tfee (feining of tfee gmnne bpon tfee eartfe^ut if fatfeer^ of ijoudiolntf feaue tonue^ atfeano to coiua tfeeir cfetlD?cnH3ttfeal,anti tfeat apart of tfecii* gouernment confix tfeerein : tfetnfeeft tfeou it (feaunge tfeat fee \xfyid) featfe fet &S in tfee 2Eto?lo, (feoulo feaue meaner to feolu b^ in atue3 f to b?ing b^ feame to feim4; aafeat toilt tfeou Cap to a num- ^ I be* l82 OF THE TREWNSS bcr of Dtfeafc£,tolnrij are as ccrteine fruits of fome trices 9 ftmtes': as one of D?unkemuit:?ami anofter of Lecberie3ami fo fo^ri)*:©? tubat U«Tt tljou fap to Hippocrates btmfelfe , tubo fpeafting of 02- bmaricfo?es anomfeafes , tntopnctft tljclialjifition in anptoife ta conftoer todl3tobefter ftcre be anp peculiar ftrofce of ®ot> in ftem 0? no?ftat is to fap, tabefter fte ftckuefle 0? nifeafe bee qctrao?in-: narie3fo as ftep?operannnereftcaufeftereof3betbebannof<£o& bpon fte partp': jftoto furftermo?e5if ftere be nofting but mfojuer ano tojetft etmeflfe in tljis {KBojto ; *whv blamcft ftou treatb^tobicir mafceft ftfc to depart out of it*: 3|f it bee becaufeftottljaft gectres toljidj ftou art loft to fo?go;ftou mttft conSbcc ■ ftat if tbp parents Ijan not giuen place to ftee bp o?ncr of jftature , ftofe goabes ban noto bene none of ftpne*3if it be becaufe Deaft makeri; cleane ritu uance of mod ftings ; tbinfce alfo ftat to fo boing it makeft place fo? otber moe ftat are to fp?ing bp in fteir place ♦ TBut yzt ifftott fcioulneft conCfoer \)tm often men gae to fcehe Deaft Habere it fee* meft to be boluen moft briepe^nb pet finbe itnotjboft manp meete toift it at ^anftetSjat jfeaftes3at 8&ariages3at ^Triumpbes, aim fcrfjere ftep tooulb moft fapneft forget it;boto man? ftcre be toljicfj tspe poang ann in g©& Ijealtfyanb Ijolo manp liue fo?e bifeafeo eueti to fte bepft of olbe age ; {job* manp returne fafe from moft cruelt !Battels,to ope in fteir bermeS; ann bob) manp tipe in batten 0? in fome frap,tolrift Ijaue ftjunneo ftrife ann tumult all tbeir life long: ftou fljalt eafeip percepue ftat our life anu our oeaft are not in our clone Ijanb^ne pet sepenb bpon fortune, fo?afmuclj as toe fcape fa manp places tobm fo?tunefeemeft to reigne; ann ftatmuft lefte &oft our life anb beaft bepenb bpon jSature3 feeing it is not toift bs as it is toift %x&& anb otber liuing things to tobom ftere fe let a certepne terme 3 tofyd) fo? tlje moft part ftep fulfill ana ouer* pafle it nottbut ftat our life ano oeatb bepenu bpon a Ijigber raufe, i^ofeouelp brill bifpofeft anb bounoeftftem, acco?binglp as is i eicpebient fo? bis otone glo?ie , fo? tlje o?oer of tbe taljole 3 pea ano fo?ourfeluestan l£>an it not bene better tben(fapft ftou)ftat man ftan bmt mane immo?tall rather tban mo?taU *; 3no ban it not bene mucb better alfo (31 fap)tbat tbe eartb ban rafter bin fire tban eartb, 0? tbat tbe eare ban rafter bene epe tban eare , feeing ftat tlje one is mo?e ^ cellent ftan fte ofter , anb in tbe opinion of fte pbilofopbers it is better to baue qualities acttue ftan paffiue *t fipab fte earft bin fire, fcrfjere coittoeft tl>ou ijaue reften^nn if ftpne cares Ijan bene ^, tof;at OF CHRISTIAN RELIGION. 183 lxrfjat Ijan become of tljp fpaeclj5pea $ of tljp reafen tart jftato tbere* fine mp fnenn,giuc tljis toojin leaue to be a too?lo5tljat tg to Unt a nifpofing of niuers tljings^ann an o?ner of manp Degress* Cticrp feinne of tbtng Ijatb lji$ bounty* ann buttefleei , accojtinglp a# ©on fcatlj liften to appopnt thereto ♦ 'Cbe plant is a plant becaufe it tsotl> but line ann gw%tf tt ban fence alfo,tbe fbouln ft be a 3$eaff* 3 %a8 id a Beatf5 becaufe it litt&b ann Ija$ fence : if it pjoccenen fa farre as to fraue reafon alfo^tbeniaere it a Span* Span reafonetfj ann nifcourfetb becaufe Ije $%an;ann mere lie tljeito bndjaunge* able,be mere a ©on^e tljercfo^e tljat nemaunnedj toljp tlje plant fcatb no fence, ana brijp spait is not immojtaH in tljis £23o#n ; ne* maunnctlj taljp tlje pijjgtt is a plant, ann uubp ^an fe span* 'Co fee fljo& tlje caufe luljp it fe fo,ig tbat it Jjatlj pleafeo (Son to fet ag it mere tbe niuerg ffringd of tlje SHojtlo in tnnt to make one bar* mottie, infomuelj tbattuljofoeuer taketl? atoap tlje niuerfitie of tljingg5taketb atoap tbe ft&ojln it felfe* 15ut tljig is: apopnttoljereon tljep greatlp ffann*ilke of mo?e account tljan tlje Ltnnen, to tbepapnter tljat papnteo tbem botb*:3!f ©on gouerne tlje Ipea* tten,tobp Ibouln be not alfo gouerne tlje €artlj,iDbereon noe go fa infinite fo^tsi of Ituing tl)ings,m euerp of tlje iMljicfepea euen in tlje jf Ipe ann tlje 3ut,tbe greatneffe oftlj^ Creator (binetlj fojtlj mo^e ( tban in tlje berp $)ta\\zn\&$ namelp in tljeir fo liuelp life 5 fo reanie tjfe of fence^fo nimble ann free mouing^ea ann in tlje berp little* ne(feoftljem5tuljiclj in fo (mail came contepnetlj fo manp great tbings togetljen jfo? tuee toonner mo?e at tlje Clocfemakeris mn* ning in making a Clock toljidj a jflpe map couer loitlj Ijer toingisf, tljan in making a Clotke of great compaffi^tuljere tlje berp great* nelTe it felfe niminifijetlj tbe eltimation tljereof,3If tljou bee afrapn katt I fpirit of <0on i^oufti fople it felfe in tljefe corruptible tbtngjE?;: $$ 4 remember I $4 OF THETREVVNES remember tljatfofte tottb tuljat mpmi Cfricinnatus contmatmBeir Ijis ;i?enof££Jarre aim rules tije Commcntucale , toitb tbebetp fame ntpntr did ije botfj trl! «tm mmg b& groun&,am> pet tljou cotli teftljim netttt tlje mo^enefileo o? imbaceo tijercbp* &lje felfefame feunne tuljtclj giuetij ligljt in tlje S>fcpe , pearretb tfyouglj £ Darke Clou&cg ami foggtc Sphtes, typetlj bp ujatugbts ana ^mfc^anir fbcaaetb fynljijia beamed earn into tlje tijmgs tuljiclj ftememoff- filtljie aim lotljlp; ann pet Ijeljimfelfe tenet bJemifljeD oj Defiles tljerelm'tfj* Boto tljen,art tljou afrapD lead ©on toljo rmretlj foj aft tijmgg uutljout rare3ntouet!) tljemumljout toudjmgtbem5anD at* tepnctlj to tljem toidjout putting Ijmifclf f(mdj,te not able to to cell* tljefe lotoer tbmgs Uuitljout sealing frrmlW bp ftenrt Bttt it toere moje c onuem'ent (faptlj Ariftotle) tljat 6ob ftoulD ceale \uitlj tlje great tljings fjimfelf5a2i t!?e *&ing of Perfra&otb ui&hs p?ime Cham- ber, attD tljat Ije fl^wls leaue tlje care of tlje fmaHer tijtngg to Ijia Jpjmce&3$ toljo fremiti fap,tljat tlje ©arnpner luljiclj Ijatb fotoet> botlj tlje great Cabbage ana tljeltctle 'Eurntppe, botb tbe ©out* ami cue ^elone, Iboulb ma&entoje account of tbe one fo? # great* »el£ djerof,$anof tl?e ocljet fo? tlje fmalnesi tljerou©? as tljougl) tbott tooultseft not alfo dje moje tooouner at tbe Sing, if toitljous . ftitring out of btep?iute Cljamber , be coulo appopnt all tljinge; to be &on*?oj ratljer noe all dje tljmgs Ijimfelfe lirljtdf) otber men doc, Abatis tlje tljing (3!p?ap* tij«e):ii3ljtc!jtbottfommentielt in Mi- thTidatcs,bttt tljat Ije cculD call all l;fe ^ottlmeres euerp one by ljt$ rrtimename *t ffi? in Ipljtllip King of Maccdonie, but tijat Ije biro felfe mane tlje pjouifion fo? ad W frljole Ipo(le3euen fo? tbeir cart* ages ami foz foDDer foj tlretr Beatles i? -ffl? m tlje great Captapnctf of our tpmejbut tljat tizzy can fktn.uot onelp to make SCTarre an) to o^ner tbeir BatteUe^ , but alfo to fet no^ne U)l;at tbe rraplp er^ $t\Kt$ of tbeir 3tm«^ tufll comebntn5euen to eucrp loafe ofb^eat anb eucrp bottle of ipap^ans laclncre tojtbtn one o? tiuo fi)ot3bo)n mm? fljot of tlje Cannon Ml mtikt a bj eacb m fucb a mall o? fuc^ a TBuIttatikejami fo fo^;?£)? Snallp in tfyi$ Captapneo? t!jat5fa^ utng tljat tljts Captaine coulu fktll to fet tlje ^tume upon tlje face cfijt^ enemte£;anb anotber to ca# tlje U)tnDe,tbe Dutl 01 tlje fmofce kx tbetr epe^;anb anotber to fcrue fjfe otone tutiu bv a © arri^;ann fame otljer to n^alue Ijt^ enemt'e into amp?te aim Dwtie Countries Sim loljat btler o? bafer tbmgeJ can tljere be tljan tljefe afojercljeac* fe ^ tf inallp iMljat te it tljat pe comment in tlje flulfullelt SOarri- fiur^ of tljem al^but tljat tljep coulb f kill to ftrue tljeir oUan turned fflf of' christian reiioion. 1S5 fl fit rtje moff glo?iot# Conqucrour^but tfjat tf)ep gat dje bitf o* \ int\)2 enuc? Snn fo tfjou mutt nee&e-ai gratmt cr^at tubeceas tbe ounterparties uiplcu to ace tbe i&e , ttlnas! not fo? toant of cou* ge o? gafctot'iymt foj toant of potoei o? fM,|2ottJ,tti&atfofttet tn ti)t tobole 2Bo?to3isi tbe $rmie o? fyottz of (Sorbin 9rmte $} ofte (31 fap) net tabic!) be Ijatb gatberea of bis neighbour* > but bid; be Ijatlj creates tmtb WtfxmttyanWt £peltfiotoetbafld;e >tarresbp name,-fo? bemasedjiem, fpe fjat!) p^out^eD fcotic fo? ail ungtbinga , ana one of tljem i£ no greater to btm tftan anodjer: ? tljep baue no being at all any longer djan be lifted). 3!f be mafce arre bere beneath all bis Armies are reatite to tso bint fenuce am* toage battell baser Jfe banner 5 pea etteu tfjc ambitioufnrHeof ?inces to pumlb tbemfeluts one. bp anodjer ♦ 3if B&iottg l^ejce otiT^be armed) agat;*ft djem tbe ©ralboppet^ann tbe Locutite, e ^efiGftes ana tlje2$iaCft'ngg, d)e aEtmow anu tbe Capo;* 'tbe Cardan euerp of b3 be batb b&mlcokers to cbatti^ebS; iit it flelb 3 our co?ruptions -7m our mpnue,out paifiongjann in our >cules,Gur fcmes aim mfoj&ers ♦ Nereis not fo fmafl a tbing, bid) ferued> not bim to berp great jKtrpofe-, no? tbing fobple, bid; feruetb not to Ijte glo?ie;no? tljing fo enempfifte5toltftb ftgb* tb not to get bint tbebicto?ie^to? tbing fo to?ongfttH 5 tobtcij w* ml) not W 31 ttfiKccjno? tljmg fo ntudj againft ijim>btcf) !)ittetB it tbe matfce tbat be ametlj at*Cberfo?e ptaie not in tbfe behalf lamtifetJlp fo? $ g!o?ie* jFo?, tbe mo?e (ttrring , tbe mo?e suitge yt\)t mc?e mfo?uer djere i$ bere beneatb ; d)e mo?e aotb be etoe tbe immouable aecree of bfe euerlatting ^omaence, tabid) will tbep o? nil! djep) Directed) all d)e fcneonftanries of djis tuo?la i one certepnre:t&,3nn tfpertbaunce tbxm be afrapb leaft (SOD ottlD bee tp?en toitb d)e papneami trauell : (fo? be bad) neese of pnebnpuline^ toreteuebmt)co!tfi&erboto ibpneotanfeoule, id)out anp tople G3 it felfe, ann Xutcf)cue d;p wimtiz, uoxb at one Ifefaine inflantbodj p?ouine fo? tftc Mepning of dj&3 ^^ rna^e Itbp parts to grota>euerp of djem accn?ning to W peculiar po?* on anu p?opo?tion3giuinff fence euen to tbp nailed anD dje beared fdip !)eao , tobicb are but otitgromingd anu not parisof tlip bo= ie.3nti ifdjcul^iltknolj) \jm tl)i$ p?oniDence fe cccupixts tottfr nt tople ; confiuer bouo tfjac fbp ©oufe ( uottisft^flanWDig all tbe ufinelTe i»bid)tbp Motile nod) imdjottt djp d)iu!tingtI;cron) fo?* eared) mt alfo ttttlje nteane labile to motint t)p eucn imto fymm, no bp t^e fciftourfeg thereof 0 turmople dje tobole Caitlj ; to lap to l%6 OF THE TREVVNES foj tbe maintenance ann nefence of innumerable bototyofoS, $ Iifee* tmfe fo? tlj£ neca? ann ouerttyoto ofa$ manp otTjcref; anu to fearcfc into dje nealings of tbe encmte, tomaketbemto feruebisotone turne ^ to cr^atr botlj of SBarre anu peace together at one tpme, anu tuttlj dje fdfefamc perfona bod) at once* 9no nartft tbou note tbtnketbat (Dot) is toplen in tl>e djings tabid) djou tbp felfe ooett tontijout topic*:©? djat be is tp?eo tnidj tl)e gouermtients tobereiu tbou foouineft take pleafure *: ffl? djat Ije being a free ann infinite fepirite , uotb not djat in a limiten bonieD luljicb ti)p g>oule being finite in it felfe3oodj in djp bonie ftljere it ties as in a p?ifonV3Do bee fljojt, feeing djou pjefumeit to Hoc tbp MI trndj dje things toljer* of djou canft not make one beate^an <££DD be enable to noeljiS toll toidj tbe tljtngs toljicij be of bis otone only toil batb mane ann rreatenv&be bertue djat is in a kernel! o? a plant3(beanetb it felfe from tbe rmte to djet)ttermottb?auncbes3 peelning nouriflmtent feuerallp to dje ftocke o? ffalke3 to dje pidj3 to t^t batke3to tbe flo* toers3to tb* leaues3ann to tbe ftuite^o euerp of tbem acco?ning to tbe p?opo?tion ann nature tbereof ♦ Cbe Sbunne it felfe in toping fjis cou^ann toidjout mpnning anp fudj dung , pained) tjeate to innumerable plants, ann to innumerable people ; ann pet Ijeatetlj not bimfelf one lubrt tbe mo?e* j8oto,if a creature noe fottoljat fljal foe fap of tbe Creator 2Bbat fbali toe fap of bim tobicb t^ not tbe Motile of tljepiant3o? of tbe ^eat^o? of $pan*,but tbe maker of a! tbings,pea toijicb mane dje of nodjing, toljo is not (as fome piji* lofopbers baue&pbiln ) tbe &ou!eof tbe £ao?ln;butratber(iflje map be fo termen ) tbe toerp life ann g>oule of all life ann g>oule in tbe 223o?lo<: TBut as toe fee naplp, if tbe Counfell of a ISealme can not eeaOe one toe*e3toitbout confufion of tbe Commontoealejttoj tbe ^>oule of a man o? a 35eatf 3 fojbeare tooojfcing bee it neuer fo little,toitbout dje ncatb of dje parties no? dje life tbat is in plants ftapftidjouttoidjering of dje plant; noi dje&tmnegoeootone tuttljout procuring oarftnefte3 o? fuffer €clips toitboutfome nota* Me cljaitge: mudj.mo?e reafon baue U)e to beleeue3djat if dje toojln ann al d)at is therein toere not gupnen^bpbiln^ann caren fo? b^ dje fame pcrtuer toifeoome ann gesnnefle djat createn it ann fet in fud) c?ner as it is : it tooulo in one moment fall from ojner into confu* Con,ann from confufion to notbing. jro?5to \mt no care of ifys to miflike of it : aim to mifiifce of it5 is m 03on to tntnoe ity fo?afmucft iis (Sons toilling ofit,toas tbe uerpnoing of it, BcU)3if6ontf p?pninence eicteun it felfe ttyougljout to all djings^atocll in tyc& art Crowne, OF CHRISTIAN RELIGION. 187 wen as in €m\) : Vuce cannot Doubt but t(>at it ejcten&e t& alfo bnto man* tfoj tobat ttyng 10 tbere of fo greatc ejrceilencie , cicljcr on Card; as mans bo&p , 0? in l£)eauen as mans Motile *: Snu in ejr* tensing it felfe to man,it mutt neetics rjccenD it fcife f quallp to all men. jf oj to&o is eitijer greate oj fmall,pooje 0? ricfjMH refpect of I;im tobicl) mafcc botb of noticing ^ €>j tufcat oot>es is tljcre bettoijet tbem, fauing tljat urfjerca* botb of tljem bee but flaues to bim tljat fettetb foojtlj t\)t trageme,bc appareletlj tbe one in Clotb of oly commetb it too pafle tbat ill for his icawtf- menbauefomuebpjofperitie, anugebu men fomurijaauerfitte*: nesgataGib- tbat fome be fo long tmpunilbeti, ana otberfome fo long tmretoar* bct • F sea \ 3nu to be (bojt , tljat one fo? Ins mi cfeetmes commeti) to tlje <0allotDe3,ano another fo? rt>e fame caufe obteinetlj a Dtaneme 0? C rotone ? 'Cbte quetf ion bad; combjea not onelp tbe mod tjertu* ous among tbe l^eatben , but alfo eutn tl;e motf Heligious of all ages .1$ut it toere bell to take ij&re a little b?et^anu to put it ouec among titter* ott>ct tbingg tol;icb remapne to bee tteateo of in tl;e nejtCbapter following* m&fimf&fift&fi That all the euill which is doone , or feemeth to be doonCj in the world^s fubied to theprouidence of God. &apn Ijoeretofoje concerning tljc matfter of an boufeboln fo? tbe o^Mr of frs l)3tifc, toberebeebatb notlongco aboue one nigbt; o? control! tbe taiuejai $ Counfell of a ffratmge countrie, tobetof bebatb ban no fttrtber experience tljan bp refitting too tbe Cauewes ann com* mon annes : ffi? tl;an tbe 35abe tbat fbouln take bpon tym to giue feittencc of b& fatberg noingg, ej tljan tbe Qarlet tbat (bouln p?e* fume to iunge of tbe netermmation of a Court of iparliament3bn* ner pjetence tbat be ban btln fome mans Spale at tbe Jpalace gate: 0} (31 toill fap moje) tban tbe bjute beaff tbat (b raft snnertake too nrieme of tbe oooings of men* # oj lxsfjat are &ee to be anmitteo to tbe Counfell of ©on 3 tobicb cannot fo mucb as abpne :lje tyigbt* tteflfe of fjtsf face <: 3no tubatbnner&mn toefitribcr of bntuban be fcoutfafetb too reueale bnto ns ^ JKSbat pjincfe Counrcler fa & topfe,tbat be can giue bfa Jtojo gcon anuice, snfeflfe ty$ Lojue doc fed make bmt p?tuie to bte purpafe as toellp^efent ad paf^ann ta all tbe otber circumftanceg pertepning tbereunto ? ©j'ftbat £;u& banoman eomming from a farre 5 toili pjefume to nntreutann bet^ ter tobat tiltb,tobat fcne,tobat compoft^ann tobat time of relt fuclj 0; fucb a p&ce afgrouno required) ; tljan be tb*t batb bin acquaint tea feritb it all tbe napes of bte Ipfe *t 3»n boto farre greater thing fe it to create3tban to till*: %ut fojafmucb as ©on is reafon it feif, ann toe tbjougb W gtace baue fome fparke tbereof:let bs fe lube* tber it bee not fo euinent in all \)i$ nosings, tbat in tbis popnt it i& ligbtenetb euen tbe oarkneife of cmr reafon* 3no if tuee perceiue ft not fo cleerlp in an tbings5let bs acknotolenge our felucs to be bat men3betto&ne inborn ann ©on tljereis no comparifon,tobereas in berp oeene tbere toere no m'Serence bettoijet bmt ann b^if toe couto tbjougblp conceitte all bte nettices* j!5alo tljen tnbereas itfe fapn,tbattf tberebe ap?ouinntce,tubp Ijaue gcon men fo mucb euill3ann euill mzn fo mucb go^afoje intt nealetoitbtfjematterjletus agree bpon tbe luaing;*31afkeoftbcc tobicb ^zn tbou called g©n3ann tobicb tljou caHelt euill ; ann like* tmfe t»bat tWp tboumeaneff to bee pioperlp gcon 0? euill* 3If 31 fbouln afke tbtt lMbp bealtbp men baue fo manp nifeafcg, ann ni& ^afen men fo mucb bealtb, tbou migbtefttmtb gcon reafon laugft tn^etofko^ne : foHjealtb makctb bealtbp , annfickneflemakec^ jicke^ut tubereas tbou af keft mee tubp gon mzn \jrnz fo mucb e* «ill,ann euill men fo mucb gen, pamon me tbougb 31 caufc tlja to ^pottnn % nmnin$ : foj naturallp 31 cannot conceiue,tl;atritber gcon OF CHRISTIAN RELIGION. l8p t ©n men baue eutll^ii etuli men bane gam* jFoj tfbp gton men pott neattertclj men,mcn of ljonoflr,ann men tljat areljealtbp; anu tljat >e take rtcbesi Jtnibur , ann IjeaWj to bee tl>c goon things : tljcn te torn queftton abfurtnf c? tt ts a! on? as tf pe Ojouln nemaunn^tobp jearneo men Ijaueij? aic on tijetr cbfotesf5ant> bearnleife men bane ione* T5ut if ($# 35 beare tb& lap ) tljou efi&meS Solons pouertte :o be better tbat! tfce go!n of Craffos ; ann Piatcx s boneftie better ijan Denuyfis tpjamtic; ann dje Coilidk ann tbe gbtone of a toik* nan UHtlj l>co$j,& long as be btmfrtfe & not gcnn;nettber can fjc be tit ruin cafe^as long as Ije bmrfelf is not eufflL Ss foj tlje gooug fcjfjiclj goe about to beguple as Dnncr tljat attp^e ;,Ict fe£ fapdjep bee oufe toartj tfmw&common to tlje one foit as lire! as to dje otljn^fo; tlje tobt'dj a man can no mo?e bee termen geco oj ban 3 bleffull oj ys^zu rben; tljan be can bee callen fenfe oj learnen fo? bearing a ridj gar* ment : 3nn comrarptmfe tljat as all tljefe falfe gcones are tnttru* ments to tbeimcfeo to make tbem tyoajfe, (as ncbes trrcomtpt botb tljemfelues ann otber men; atttijontte3t&nor fcpolencr; bealdj to maiietbcm tbeittfner ann itouter to mse mtfcbtef,ann fo fantl;;) fo tlje etttlles lobfclj tbott termed eutfle^are befpejs to g©n men to uoe gajn^ann ftiriljerers of tljint in tlje erercife of uertttr2ns pcuer^ tie to b^tnle tljetr InfteSjbacenelTe to bumble tbenijfiefcteiR to m& kentbem^ann allmaner of combcranres to tyfuetljcm to flee unto <&&&) ann^to teacb tbem to fuctour tijrt'r neegbbonrs in tlje ltKe? luljen ©on (bat bane nja&ne t^em out of djctmeuen after tbe fame maner tljat a ftcMp bonce tuvnetlj all tljtrjgs thzt arexm'mfrren t nee cutft bun foj toetttng; tbcm oj foj making tljcm to ffcueate, ann tljz o$er fo?t noe blefle i;im foj moptfening ann ripening tlje fruttcjf of djetr labour ♦ 3[t is becaufe (Sod Deemed) it net agreea* bit eptljcr to fyls o&ne ljo!ioj,o? to tfje grecfes ann trauelles cflji^C feiuants3to retnam tbem toitb trifling djmgs.lcafl: djep fyottln fct t&etr mpnnes bpon tljem^ itfte aiS a fatber tbat topetij &te heritage fo? Ijis fonne, tbinfartj it not to bee foj l)is bebcofe, to apparel! bint in tije liueric of bis feruants ann flaues* %& bee (bo?t3it is becaufe Ijc nealcd) Iftea ipjmce3 tobo maketb W pap common to alibte oulnitrS;but as fo? tbe (Barloun of £)fte3be giuctl) it onlp to lurij as ait tlje ftcfr djat in fcaliug noe enter tbe bjeaelj 3 oj get bp bpott tbe toall of a t£otone tljat is aflaulten ♦ JUfcetoife iSings oce caft tljeir largeflfe at anuentttre among tbe people ; but as fo? tbeir bo* mtf ann oignities,tlKP beftoto tljem upon djofe tobom rijcp efpe* ciaflpfauour* 3ltmififtet!)tlj# tljat tljis man tilled) Ins ground fcritb moe ploughs tljan tljou : but anutfe tbp frlfetueil3to!)edjet tljou coulneff fino in tfjp Ijart to ejedjaunge £ intoarn gifts of grace \ohit\) ©©Dljatl) beftotteobppon dja3 toidj ljis©j:en ann IjtsC flaiougljes ♦ 9notljer is in greater reputation ami audjo?itie taitft tbe ip?ince tljan djou art* 35ut confiner tljou tfjeretoidjall tijc Ijart* fcptings3tlje enuie3tlje Ijartburnings , ann furi? otljer tljings tobirfi Ije tntiuretl); mi* fee tolj£t{;er tije meaned negree in ©oos Ijoufe iiabere ttjou feruefl,being free ann ejemptcn from an rfjofe rtjings, bt not mud; better tljan tije beft rcome about anp Eing* %%z !^ing fo2 b& femicetionebp ()tm,rel»artiet{)Jjim toitb lantJS5 fees3ann cfftceS:but if t!jou be fo bacempnneu anb tujongfull to tl^ felfe3 a?$ to foffertfjp bonp lottf) tlje feruices ann djarges of djp g>ouIe;cons finer djat (Son being Itberall ann iuff3 intennedj to relwam fpirttu^ all encounters toitf) fpiritual (SarIonns,ainn to recompenee tljoe ac* coining to bis olon ljono?,ann not accojning to tlje bacnteffe of tljp I;eart-, a^in tbat fo mud; tbe mo?e5 becaufe tbat in uerp neene.lje re^ tuamedj not djp tao^s3but bis otDne toojftes in d)de* 90o?eotter, tbe retoam is giuen 3 not accoining to djp nefact3 but accojoing to tbe to J?tl)!nelTe of Ijtm tl;at be(!oxa)etl) it ♦ Cbe recompenee of one teiiiaw feruic^is farre otl^r at $ Ijaan of a JKiiig,tJau of a mcaite lop. OF CHRISTIAN RELIGION, Ipi lojtoe* 3If tfjou Tap tbou coultsclt bet contcntro toftft atboufan&e jfrcndb Crotoneg , Alexander tnoulo anfluere tlj«,t&at tt migbt perrfjauncebe enough fy tij& to recepue, but not enouglj foj Ale- xander to gtue* 3ho if tbou ujoulaetf Ijaue (££>D to giut tljee no greater rctuarn tban ptenric of S3me an* Cojnc , if tbou knetueft bint to*H,t&ou toouloeu; bee afljameo cfcljp felfe : to ft fe tlje fame tljat is c ommou to airmen , ann not peculiar to trjafe tl^at are bis, jSeuertbeleflc , tftijou (rep not fo farre, but art nefirous to knotoe fc)ljat be tbe goooes toljtcb goto men !jaue in tljig toojlu, (31 fpcsfte of tbem tljat feeme not to baue tl?em) Seneca tdless tbe^tbattbep make tbeir life allocable to <0oo ftljo knotoetb tljem ,- in bun tbep rcpofe tbemfelitcg 5 tljep baue peace in tljeir Conferences! ; ifljein* treafe not tbeir pjefcitt irate,t!jep alfo boe abate tbeir nefircg ; tbeur enemies comcntJ tbet'r bertue3a!l tbe too?io bemoanetb tbeir toaut, ana tbofe tbat baue tljeoiff routing of gaftes ano fronojs, areola^ nte&foj leauing tbemniiconGoereru %o beefl;o;it,tbe nerp afking uf tljat ©uelrion(be tbou a Cbjitfian oj an ©eatben man) te Unto tbem an ineftimabf c retoar^namelp^tbat tobereag concerning tbe motf part of otber men, tt is tuont to be onnaunueti toljerftne tbep be a&uauncea to ricljes,bono;t,ant> autbo?itie.,ano tbep tljemfciueg are oftentpmeg afljamco to tell boto tbep came op tbem^euerp man afketlj boi» tt bappenetb tbat tbe goou men are not ricljjljonojable* ann in autbojitie ♦ jj5oto,tf rljou baue tlje courage of a man,njoul* ueft tbou not rijcofe as Cato oio5 tbat men fboufo ratber afke tolj? tbou banted not an Smage of tbpne fet op in tbe open place , ant* tobp tbou toaff not amnftteo to tljat bonour, tijau otbertmfe^ ge£ fapft tbou: 3l5ut if 0oD lifleu not to giue mee tljent; tobp baue 33 at leatftoife forgone tljofetobfcb 31 baa *t 2£tljpbatlj bee taken tbem from moe *i 3|t map be(fapd) Seneca) tbat ihljou fratrnefl: not foj* gone tljem^tbep toouto baue fojnane t\)&> 31 tell t\)k tbat if bee ban not taken tbem from tb^tljep tnottlo baue taken tlyk from fjim\ 31 piap t!;& bote often ball tbou eaten from tbp €\ydu a v\t$$zt o% fome otber tope tljat beplapes urit&aH,to fee tobetljer §e t&oulu be ftubbojne m no H $;>oto oft balte tbou yiatkzti tbe knife out of \>i£ liana ,euen mben be crpetJ to baueit fttfl *t 3nD loljat ettill meaneff tbou tanjarned bim, njbratljouDjeancft Ijimftom ty$ Dttgge^ jftoto tljen , tljinkeft tbou it ftraintgs tbat ©® D (IjotiltJ call tbp gmtjes into tbe ea , toljicb e!3 maulii baue belper^ to n^olnne tfm- in ncftrtttfton ^ ^D l)o\o greatb m Platoes %fjfjhn?afte atJttauu^ tage l)tm/o make ^iin Mz\ ©j Ujat Ije a>otao piucke tlje &too?n of ipi OF THE TREWNES of autfiojttte out oftfjp ??ano toberof tljmt art To utttrDtt5f,tn6tc6 elf (peraouenntre)baii llapnetbpne otone&ouu:? £h tfeat to prepare tbee co anotber life better tban tbfe , be uSouto feate t^ee Urift furii fir mane-ai, a$ ma$ J make tljee to be* tit l:ut bttj it *; 'ftbou taste fap tljat tbou toouloeft baue fcfeD ftem toelbfcuttoijat a number of men Ijmc bin feene5totydj bitter tbe cJaCiftmcttt uf pouertte tone gart xnrrtjtobomricfje^ ans bonoim'o affrm^rs manx $ corrupt* 3Hjou fuffereft tl)t]$Wtivn to ta£e fro tb& fome kpnus of meates fotycb tbou loueft toell, ano to atytoge tt;ar Jjj>tlj of tbp fare ano of tbpne ererctfe^ano ofti>j> pleafure03Waurc U f5atb feme ftp toa* tec 0} felt fometpmes tfjp pulfejano milt tftc u rut fuffer <3no(tob3 (airing creates tljee anu ftapeoii3&«5feeIet& euerlaftmgljp tbe pulfe of tbp &cuie)totlt tfjou not fuffer btm 3! nip3to berate tbee of fome outtoaro taring toljirij be bmtfetfe maae , ana tobicb toculo too}hz tty oeffrum'on *t %%m commenoeft tbe Captapne, tobo ta make Jjifi? tournep tbe fpeeoiet againft Ijisj enemte, oifpatcbftb ataap aH bag; ano baggage from W 3rnue3tbat \yi$ oulmer£ map ga tbe ltgbter,an& tbat tbe bjeafctng of a Chariot map not flap bun by tbe tuap : ana canft tbou not fin&e in tbpne gent tbatijr to&irlj ma&e tbee ana gouesnetb tba,ft o«to nifpofe of tbp baggage: tbat is to toit3of tbp purcbafeai oj mberttanceg tobrrb tbou baft gotten Ijeere ir!otoe,to make ttyet tbe nfmblcr againtt ticce3ann agamft tije con* tuiitall temptations cf cbtg toojft*; 'But €nuiep?icketb tbee,22%p taltetb fce tfjem nat(fajrtf tl;ou> aftoellfrom tljt^ man ano tbat man,as from mee?9no labp louetij fce tb& percbatmce better tban tbem <: ^ell met tofjp ftep&tQtion appopntetb tbee a greater portion of IRb^tobarbe, tljas bim ^ 3E>e« c aufe fucb a one i$ mo?e mcuen tottb one ajamme, tljan another isas UJitb ^ee ♦ fflne it better ptirgeo toitlj a Cngle €iidcr,tban ana* tljer is! tutft a toerp arongpurgan'on ♦ fflne man is fonet toarnen of (Sod bp tbe (olfeofbi's cropp of (grapes o^ Cbw?, tfca:ianbt?jcr u; bp tije burutug ofOijs; boufe,tbe loffe of all bto g©oe«,ana tbe ta^ kmg of fjfe Ctiilo^en pjifonerg, feo lob fatue tljelolTe ofljis Cat* tell j tbe burning of bis boufes , ano tbe oeatb of all W Cbttyen* anti )>zt fo? all tljat,ltf pjapfeo (Son (ltll> Cbat toljtcb toag contfaru tie tn bmt,mtg!jt baue feemeo blochtlljneire m anotljer* H5ut tobeti (Boo came once to tbe tourbmg ofljt^ perfon^be coulD not tijen fojt* bcare to otfpute tottb l)im. jI5oto tben5fen:g ftat tlje tljmge; tobtcft tbou termed ewBe* ann mtfebtefes , are tn berp uaoe botb ^eoii cmejai ano g)alue^ toitt tftou not Jjaus t^m mmtftreo accopiitg ta tf)Z OF CHRISTIAN RELIGION. Jpj tfie completion of tftepattoit *t Snn tbmkeff tbou tbp fcIfetDiTcr in Dtfcermng t!j£ sifpofition of $F §>oule,tba fjc tfoat creates it,tbou 31 fap tofcidj tiar£fl not mm co tbpne oltut kuotolcogc m tfce curfag oft^Pbotiie*: ^Ije fameis to bee fapD of Diners j3ations,toljereof fome one map bappcu to be afilfcteD a longer tpme ^ moie fljarplp to >b tljejaiague 01 toitij &flIai;re,tJjaiTaiJG$er,a!iD oftcntpmrs a!* fo etten fo? tbe feifefeme caufes ♦ jf oj ©on fenotoeft botb tbe com- mon nature of tobole jftattons , anD tlje peculiar natures of caerp feuerai pecrom&ome natt:re,if it fljoulD not (& tfje fcurge altoafes -at l;anD, iDcuiD become tcmro pjouDeanD pjefumptuou^nctbcr, if it flfjoulo Ice it cominuaiIp3ly ouId be quite out of&att an* fall m^ to Difpap^e* 31f fome toere not ffcfftrr^peD toub t!;ar olune au^ itriffc'es5tijep couId not reftapnc from making IntlSbtef to otljcrs, flnotfjer agapne beetng mo^e giuen tc quietneiTe , is contented to ftoeatelftftt'Im^ xmt coueting otbcr mens gooses fo be map keepe I;is otone.in like rafe is it toiilj plants: fome require Dunging, feme rubbing tu make tbem deane,fome p}apning,fome neto graffing againe tottfr tie fame to take aiuap tbe barflmefle of tbct'r fruite , anD fome ta Jjaae tljeir beaD cropper* quite anD rlcane cfl\ flDne fclfefame 6ar* apner Dod) all tijefe t bings,anD a Clntoe of bis tfjat ftanDS bp ana fees it,toa3nDcrs at it : but |e tbat knotoetfj $e natures of tljtngs, toill count Ijim tbe fktlfuller in bis arte. gea fapft tbou,but tljougb tijefe euillcs map be ^eDicines anD Thc »w«He- g>alues,boto map Deartj be firt jf o? tobat a number of innocents ^and1^- Doe toee fee Udpne in tbe t»o?In^ OTbat a number of g©D folke Doe i^ pcrf0fs, ~ toe fee put to tbe flaugbter, not onelp g©D in tbe iuDgement of bs, imtalfo tutn in tbe iuDgementof tbofe tljatput tljem to Dearth Jfrap tatfjer,to&at is Dcatb but tbe common paflage toljtrf) it bcljo* uetb DS al to paired 9nD tobat great matter makes it,to!jetljer tbott patTe it bp g>eao? bp lanD ^ bv t&e corruption of tljpne otone bu- mo?s,o? bp tbe co?ruptne(Te of tbp Commontoeale*: Sgapne,ljou> often baue 3luDges connemneD fome manfo? a crpme,fe)!jereof bt Jjatb bene giltlelfe, anD in tbt Denpall tuljcreof be Ijatb Itconc eueu Ijpon tbe s&caffolD, anD petbatb ibece confeffeD Ijimfeife faultfe in fomeotber crpme, bnkuotonebotb to tbe JuDges anD to tbetfau* Ders bp *: a mamfett rep^ofe eitljer of tljie ignorance o? of tbe bnit^ fticz of tbe 3luDgci , but a $Up\\e acknotoleDgement of tlje toife^ Dome ar.D iutfice of tbe ctetnall (Sod *t 3nD if €od b?mg ft^t ta t^at popnt fo? one fatilt^auD tlje 3IuDge fo? anot&er^ljat Dniu^ice J£4 OF T H t TUYVNEJ to in (Son fojfufferingtbem to bee cpnoemneo tojongfuRp hytfo 3lungc,pca ann to be punifljen toitlj oeatb oj otbertoife, foj a crpme lubcreoftbcirotonc conference cleared tljcm asgiltieife,toben as Cod ann tbeir otonc confidence Deo iuftlp conoemne tbem foj Come ctber ? 9s foj example , %fyt 3iungc connemm tb tbem foj confpi- racieagainft tljc commomaeale, tobereas ®oo con&cnmrtf} tbem (percbaunee)fojbebauing tbemfclucs loofdp in trcfcimng tlje commonuiealc* Clje 3!unge bnnertfolour of offence gtnen te tbe Cbutcb.ann ®on fo? not rebu^tnej tbe Cbutc bmen frcclp inougb* iFoj J fpeake as tocU concerning iipeatbenfolke3 as Cb?tHtanc in tljts bebalfe, 3no tol;at a nombcr Doetaec fee, tofcieb wifeffe of tbcmfiittes,ann ttituefTe of tbeit familiar ftcenns, tbat bp tbp pu* infying of tfcem,tebcrctott& tljou being c|je Junge mtnteff to bane put tbem in feare ant) too btwrctfraineo tbem, tbepbaue taken foaming to ameno,ann bin t!jc mojequickenenfcpann incojagcof 9no toljat els is tbts, but tbat as in one fcifi fame neene , ©on liao one intent am* tbou anotljer 3 fo alfo be guinea tt to tbe t no tbat be Ijimft ife amen at,pea ann to a contrarie enn to tljat teljicb tljou tin* Deftpurpofe ': T3ut tobatatbinglaere it if tbonfatoeff tlje fruite tbat s of peeres *; 2f tbou bee a Chilian take fo? mee example ti)t &pc» ffles anna great nomber of tbe Spsrtpjs tobicb baue fuffeicn per* fetation : ooeiJ tbou not euen pet ttill Djtnfc cf tbat It^uo? oftfjrtrs^ totij not tljcir conftant confefllou make tbee alfo to confefle Cl))itt9 ann tbeir neatbbrtpc tbee tootbecnnlefTc Ipfcl: CouId Ignatius ann Policarpus baue hueo abouefiue oj Grepcres mojc tljan tljep Bio*j 3m pet U)bat part of all tbeir ages batb laden fo long: cj tens fo mud) goon , as tbe lad balfe bob^c \rl;ercin tbep npeo *: ©j if tbou be npeatbm man , confioer mee tbe tieatb of Socrates o? of Papinian ? 3Jf Socrates ban not tyoonke tbe iewe of Epemlocke toitbout gilt ? banoeff tbou ban tbofe geonlp eifcourfes of bis con* tcrningtbe immortalize of tlje Motile *: flbj toottioeft tljouljaue beleeueo it fo eafelp <: ann tbrrebpon baue bene contenteD to fc?ga tl)^ Ipfe fo frcelp fo? tlje nefence of tbp Countries foj tlje mapnte* nance of tbe txtxnl) *: 8no if Papmian ban not (betorn bote bono* table a tljing tt is to npe fo? ncing rigbt , ann botu farre tbe foue* reine magiftrate U to be obepen , (baulo w not bet brrc ft of a lin- gular gooulp example uf HoutnelTe ann rigbtfull ncaling *t ££ibat tbing nio tbep in all tbeir tobole Ipfe , eitber fo mucb to c02ir otone honour, o? fobene&ciaUto tbem tbat Wte to come after tbcm, asf .fbeir nptng in fuel; fo?t': Sola tberfo?e,let us fap Wbc but babe?* 9nn fo?afmucbasUiepcrreiuerbeU)tfDome of our jfstberteo bee fo great , tobnreas t^ee connemne bim of irant of ( kill, ann fc?ak macb as our otane ignorance is fo groOfe , \x$Wt$\$?t bcaden of towfenome, lettosratycr conftffeotir ^eakeneffeiu all cafes, tban J3 2 pjefume flicJ,a«»emft the Goddes didftand. l$6 OF THE TREWNES pjcfitmc to tooubt of W fagc pioutoenre in anp tljing* Tiic Goddes 55wt Cato of VticatooulD nceued tljat (Son fyoulDpeetoljtma allowed that tcafon^lubp Csfar ouercamc Pompey :a« tuljo tooulo fap5tljat ti>e had the vpner ^enea rafta](l fa tbc l&ealme3fIjouto commawfc tlje Ijtglj Court of hand. parliament to p# Id Ijtm account,lDljp bis cafe toatf oiicrtljiotoen* But cato with jfoj all our great ©ttarete ana Complaints arc lelfe before 60D, the vanqui fim tjjC ^(j cafC 0f a ^m}Z aillaine (g afo?e tlje grcateft Sponarft of tbe too>ro* jftap, fjee fljmilo ratljer fjaue conftnercD tijat pnuate Stated arc pumOjcn bp o^bcr of La&c, ana Commonlucalcjs ana pubttft States bp ctufll toarres : 3na tljat tlje Commontoeale of Rome toa$(cucn bp W otoe c$tfe(Tton) fo cojrupcea in manete^ in gouernment3ana ui tlje Uerp Catoes tljemfehtcs; *r tljat be migbt jaue ftan mttcb iufter caufe to bauc aoubtea of <£5osjs p?otuacnce5 if after Ijcr pumftin j of others fo? tbc Ipfte things , fl)e Ijcr felfe ban fcapca bnpunifljca : djat tlje (Create men, toljat part fo eutr tljcp maintepnea , toere tlje members molt mfectea, m fo mud) tljat tbe totfeff men of tljat age faia^We fee what part we ought to fhun,. but not what part wee ought to take : 3na tljat as Caefar maae toarrc openlp againfl: Ijis Countrie , fo Pompey rotiertlp ana fctu ncr Ijana mane lji$ partakers; to? figljt £bj tlje mapntenaiutre of hi& otone ambition , toljtcl) tuags paraauentureaifcountenancea t© tlje common people , but couln not be cotmterfettea before <5oa; Uiljo fcetlj tlje berp bottom of our hearts* jftofo tljcn fljali toce tljinFe it ftraunge,tf)at to tlje intent to fljetoe tbe comom people Ijato great* !p rtjepbeefubiectto beaecepuea unaer pretence of gaa faptb ; ana to teaclje great men Ijoto fojelje mifliketlj tljat tbep ujoula flj^otuu fteitiea^tielullesibnuer tlje Clofeeof Juffice; <&oa fljoulafuflxi: Pompey to fall into tljeljanas of (jis enemieg H 9nu t^at t0 pimtffi tfoz p?pue of tire Senate anu tbe Utfjole Hate ; Ijoe Hjoulo cattfe tljeir Srmp to beebanquilbeD , anti let tbem fall into tlje bantig of tftctr clone Cotmtrpman tbeir naturail feubtcct *i Jl^ap Ijoto couln (Don; %mt f&euicn Ijig p?ouioence mo?e manifeUlp , tban bp oucrtljicto* ing tljat Sbtate bp ber otone fo?re5lol)ictj tJjoitgbt t^ere tua«{ not a- tip potoer in tlje tojtltie able tro puniuj Ijrr 'x ano bf mahing ber at &ott)flaue to ber otonc fecruant,loljiclj Ijno biougljt fo manp €it* ties, CommomDcalec; 9 Hing^ in bondage bnto fjtr "tl5nt it map hz tljat Carfar bimfelft feaped; iinputtiujet!* Bap : Co fyctoc unto Cp?anne« tljat tljeljtgbcft ftep of tljcfr greatndTe isi tpet; to a ijak ter,ann tljat tijep be but (Bote fcc;trgC5 UJljtct) be toill cad into tfjc tyje toljen ^e ^atl; \wne foitlj tfjem -, Uut^u atomic after, !j* ujag; flapnc II OF CHRISTIAN RELIGION. J$7 flapne miferablp m ft t Senate tu&sn it toas full* 9ttD &p to&ome* Seneca in nis Citfn bp ft ofe m tofjome bee truto , tobtft baa fought bnuer bus third bookc of fttamrata againft fte Commontocalcann toljtcb p^cfuming tljcm Anger. ftlucs to baue oeferuea moie at !n$ fjann tlian tl>cp ban in neeue, ^«fir 6we meant to nefctue alfo of fte Commcatocale in mutt&ering&pm* ^^™ 2£iere toee nam ag Diligent in marking fte i^Gtofogd cf ftmgs a lidcaforcbin Done in flpitfo^ie^ag &e be m noting fte maner of fp#fte£,fte o^ very whote in net of nropcKUkoj fte antiquities Wijtdj fte t^ptcr reposed): affile his defence, sc ftaulDSnu fteipke pjcufrence of ®os in fteftattnge of aUSta- °^£nf£ tes j| 25at 31 content mp felfe tcitlj tljfe one afoje mentioncr?5as tbe daatcsinAr- totydi is bed knoinen too all men > creep: 3! &ere mpnwm to take mes, ftad now fome example of our parentage to mligbten fte matter ftiftall with their jftoto ften, tuIjereasCatotletecbtmfeife tI#otigt> impattencte, Svvords draw£ tfyirikz pe not tbat if be ijao liueii fttiyje toouto baue ceaOeo to con* chalL oTe- teno toift ($ov.? ano baue commenuefc W 3!nftice , ano batte &?& (tate^nd ta- ten bakes of b^ lingular pjouinence \ I>eg : ^ut fte rmfcbtcf is, king part with tljat fcftereas ire moiilu not iuuge of a Song bp one note,noj cf a tl£ Pompeics Cometue bp one Scene, no* cf an ©jatura bp one full Sentence, j^k***** luctDtU ^cfttme to iusgeoffte£)armonp ant? o?&erlp bireaionof ThcGmfc ftcftboletoojlo., affljofaflftatisifterein, b^ fome one action a-^hyme^fmd lone^ainejin ^ttKk toe bear eforiftftanges aaofyeafte^toift fault with paufca ami fctfcpjltfjj ; gn € omenta, toift ftctotmeafarable 1m> GodsProui- barous cruelties of an Atreus, fte toickcti preemptions of anaenc€* Ixion, ktip tbe lamentable outcrpes of a Philo&etes : ana all ftiS fe(if toe toil! fap fte trueft)becaufe toe baue fo gcoa opinion of fte Sg)u(ician,tbat toe ftmk be toill make al to fall into a gort conco^u: aim of tbe Comememaket , tbat an bis Difagrtimcnts (ball eno in fame mariage : ant? of tbe ^ragctuctojpter , tbat ere ^ee leaue fte Stage, be l^rll t^z tlje sxi&& Ixi'on to t\jz <[£lij£le , o? make tbe fentJS of l^ell to tojment tlje A treus,o? contrarimife caufe ©£)D to beare tbeta)ofttH bopce ami pitiful! crp of tljep©je Philo&etcs* Sno if 0o& feeme erdvjl)pl€5 to boln l)i$ yutc, ans to fuffer men to plap tbeir partem • ottgbt toee not t© hmt & g©3 opinion of b& totfoome, a$ to tbtnke tbat be can tell myzri it U tpme to pap tbent tljeir bp?e *: 3n^ t^ae altbottgb be let tlje tcickeD toalk at large bp- pon tbe (tage,anu tbe goalp to Ipe itt p^ifon i be can alfo p?ouu>e ta cnu tbe biaueries of tbe one fo# Drift iufl pur.t(bment,anD tbe too* fall complaint es of x\)z ofter fo^t toift iopfuH triumpb H Z&ljzri a Crage^ie i^ plaptj afo:t §& , ftoti art not offender* at anp tbing D)^ic5 ftou Jeavett* dil;p Grt ^ecaufe ftat in tm ijotojes fpace: ^ 3 ftou Xp8 OF THE TREVVNES tbou (raft fljetoeD knto tljec tlje Dooings of a ten 0? ttoelue pe res, as tljc rauifljing cf Heletymt) tlje punifljimnt of Parish tlje mifera* tie ens of Herod upon biz muromng of lohn BapufUjnforauefr tfyat altljouglj tI)ou bee not acquainted toitlj tlje fto?ie ,pet tlje arte Xuljtc^ tljou percciueff,anD tlje c no iuljtclj tbou ctpcett ft,make tljce botlj to bcarc toitlj tlje matter, ai>o to comment) tlje tljing tuljicb 0* tljcrtotfe tljouiuoulDctT tljinke to beboiljinuuft, annaifc cruel! in t\)z gouerncr of tbe ^>tage* Upoto mucb moje outrljtcft tljou to re« frcme tljp mtflpking, if cljau condoereU tljat tlje UjojId is a kt*D of £>tag'cplap5conueieo to a certein^etjD bp a moll excellent nukcr4; 3n& )u(jat an excellent ojDcr toQtftyftttfeou fee tljerctf tljou mtglj- tcft bcljolD all tlje ages anD altcfati'ottf thereof as in a Comcsie, all tit one Dap*: pea ojbuttfjeftrrtfflfeof fome oneonelp Mmon £0) an IjunDjeD peres? , tuljtclj tocre lelTe tljan tfje fatcrttietoe of ttoa- 6>crtnunts in a Comeuie *: Cljou bad feene Pompey ouercome* JLoe Ijere a DifcojD tfoat offenDctlj tljine eares, ^Cljou baft feene Car- Tar to tying Ijome Ijis fetoojD batfaD m tlje blouD of tlje Senate.3lf tbou be a CljilD , t(jou n>eepeff at it ; but if tljou beeft a mr.n , tbou pacifpeft tbe CljilD anoattcnDeft foj t!je knitting tip oftlje matter, ana foj tlje magement of tlje PoetiUpe rebpon tlje Chorus Bngctlj* anD tljen maketlj a patt)fe.9H tin's toljple tlje Poet feemetlj to fcaue forgotten anftice , anD if tljou Depart out of tlje c ompanp at tljae popnt,tljou canft not tell tofcat to make of it. TBut tarrp a tobple anD Ijcarken to tlje note tljat follotoetlj* Csefarigputtoceatbbp \}is ottme mem&ee Ijere Ijoto tlje Difco?D is turntD into a gooD con* co?D. €4jp Cljiloe feetlj tljat tljis pjotoD peacocke toljieb Dauntco Ijtmfelfe aboue all tlje tuo^is in one pap (fatten in tm'tlj infinite toounDs^ljcrcbp, Ijoto little a one foeuer tbp CljilD be, Ijc Ijatfc fome prrceiucrance of tlje fojecaft of tlje Poet. Doclt tljou not fee tbmagatne, tljat fcueebee like €ljilD?cn,tobitlj tooulDcomroIltfje j§>oug of all ages by one j#ote , oj a long ©nation by one Lett r ty luljcraja! noturitljftanDingjOur life as in refpeet of tlje tobolc Ijoo^Id, is leffe tljen a (Ijo^t ^inim in companion of a Uiljole fons*: 3jf tbou De a Cb?iftian,tbou reaDeft tbe i!;iao?p of Iofcph.^ljen tfeou reas Deftljotoljetoac fouiDintOiEgipt, tbou canftnotbe angrpinougt Intel) Ijis tyotljcrs^o^fufficientlpbetopleljispoo^eolDcjfdt^er* Slgainp,ty!jen ^ : is call into tlje Deepe Dungeon in recompenee of Ijis cbaftttie^tljou coulDeft finD in tljp Ijeart to Wame,not onlp Pha- rao,but tnen C5oD Ijimfelf. ^5ut luljen tbou feeft Ijiin taken out of $}ibn to rcaD e tlje JSings Djeame^anD (^itljtn a fclxic Dapes af^ ter> •OF CHRISTIAN RELIGION. IPP ter)as a Etng in ^gipt ; a farceur to bis fat&tt m W dto aP; *'a* tlje rap fee up agapne of bfs toljolc Ijctife at tbcrc &$#£ : rijeu gj6*tt pnfyaa&efttbp felfe" that betoijirb mac biw to reigrie tn^gipt, ate faffer J)jm to be foln to tbe iEgiptians^atfje tpftfcl) marc bint tbe Beltuter of bis bottfe,&to alfo intite Ijtm to bee false into bon- dage afo?c by bts bt&tym : aim to bzz fboctf,tbat tbe tuTco?& tobicfr offenseo tb& 'ants tije barmanie tobicb i>eligbtetb cbec agapne, p?o* •teeae botb from one fclfefame £pu(ition /J[)otob2ft,fifc?e to'ee con* time tins matter, fee once agapne l;oto inucb mo?e bpiigbt tbou •art totoaros tbp U3?mce, $an digfffls 6ou ♦ Cfjoa fee2 a great number of ijts &vmte come:iww£ juounnen : if tbou bee a man, ft mult items greette d;ce* ^^W tyings tljee borne tljpne otone feonne ueasaf tljou bee a .f «%pw^uu:antl not fc?beare tcares*3 neighbour of tbpne affumb t\)ze tbatbetoasflapnein aoingbte tiuet»c,mgct:inguWo2ie to bis Cotmtrie* 'Cbougb tbou take not comfort fa it at tfje fiuit b?ant , pet at leafttotfc tljou toilt not bee fa nut? as to lap tbe blame tn tbp p?ince* SEfttbin a iwbtle afcer,tobeu tljou falletf to countering tbe fruite of tbe bicto?ie • then as it batf; greeues tbee to fo?goe tbp fonne, fo toilt tbou tbanke tbat be apes in defence of bis Countrie,amj tbat be uio bis part in fo noble a feruice ♦ <§>ball not (Bon tbtn ijattc as great p?ebemmcnce in Wu ting foutb bis glo?ie,as Kings fo? tbe obteiningof tbeir to'd:o?ies? (Bon ouer bis Creatures,as Kings ouer tljeir ubietfS ? £>? (ball not toe baue as mudj pattece in tbe aeatb of tbofe tobom toe tying &p,toljen tbep ape fo? bis feruice, as tobftt tbzv ape fo? tlje bonout xif out prince*: ©? (ball toee baue lefle truft in Ijim as toucbing bis; imploping of tbem to genu purpofe,tban toeebatte in Kings )$)ini ces au& Captaines,tobicbknotoe not tbeilfue of tbeir otone enters p?ifes,o? atleadtoife fo? tbe moil parte knotoe it not, nebaue any care of tbe life o? ueatb of tbem tbat ferue tljennlet tbis fuffi^e fo j ^nfiwer to fucb as uejee tljemfelues eitber fo? tbeir otone aHictions, pj fo? tbefonapneneatb of tbofe tobom tbep loueann etteeme.anu let us noto confequentlp fee,if toe can fatiffie tbofe tobicb are gm^ tteu,at tl;e p?ofperitie ann flotoe pumflbmeitt of tbe toicketu The nowepa- djou fapfttbat tbe toickeubaue toelfare attoill* King Cyrus niflimcntof toasnot of tbat opinion, Mytn fo? a punilbment to tbe people of tUe wlckd* tbe Citie of Sardis^b^ commaunticn tbem to fpenn tl>cir tpmeitt gaming ^ fearing. Jftap,tbou (bottlueft ratber fap,tbat tbep batte miferte; fo? all tiyz g©D tbings toljicb tljou termed gcon,anu tobicl) toee count ;ieitljerga3D no? euill, uoein tbeljanns oftl;etoickeu JS 4 turnc 200 OF THE T R E VV N E S turnetnto ctufl, £CteT((fapft tboti) botofoeuer tbep be rerrticu, fttp Ijaue great tommorrite* in tbfe too? ItuCQfoat milt tfjou fap rf)ca3if tbcir otune toicftct) i>i(psQtt ou.ant) tijcir otae fim.e5ao tooik tijent moic mtfrijicfe tijaa aU dye Ijanttejai ana etttUeg Uulncf? tfjoufcetowifc left in tfjc a;catj men ? g>tt*j tljcrc is not a ^rearer mi&ftef? tfrati to Ii£*a)if^ctJ;auD t\)M afl #ec3mmcmittesi tofjiefo tiicu Zimptft t!/cm5 Ijaue as Ittrie foia againtf tfys eatl bfttcfc tl;ep barter irsirlji-i tbcnx, as QduetJJantapfes Ijaue agiU'nfE tfcc 0otDte,qg Dpa&cmes &= gainft tlje Jfjeaaacb, 0,2 purple Btyto agahtft tbe CoHfcfct \ ©elTe (if tijott canft)tori;at feare>amj o>hat 9getoftt^ tfjep (itftepiie m fat io\ufng tbcir latches lufffyagi ncM^^ns ma in bmtntrn jof Oat* lots, tbat man m rpnutf to coimmrSppMerie ; one in popfonincj fjfe ottme &!ct!;?r5tl;at !je :stajrtinrc8tk few tlje KingDomeiano* tber in rising; 5©u Commohtbealcmenontoft^e taap , tljatbe map mamtepneljtmfclfe mil rn W twiwie. Conuf ertoljat mite* ric tl;ep rtttwre 5 afore tfjep ran came to tlje performance of fteir s^ afloat 8to abpse in tlje uctp ta'ng rtjeto^aim b$at a tormople tfjrir otime Confidence makeeb of (t3 after t^ep bauepetfbpiteD "it: antJ rfjmi foalt fee tijat it fe a rontftmall jf euer,a ffraunge unquiet* nefle^aim a fljarpe fojrotoe; fa murij alunp tlje maje&aunjjcr0tt$, ftecaufe tbe flbamdefifeft of tfjem all 5 Dared) not to?ap bis aifeafe to tbe pijifitiott Alexander p Epiant of Pherey, teas teoilt cncir m tlje cbiefc of (jfe pjofptrttte , to get Ijimfelfe tottfnn a Bj&fe ami to ^atftevptie^foge after fnm, tofcenljetDentto !pe ti3:t!) t»^ Concubine* Dennis of Sicilie being afrapn to put am> Barber itt trulttoitb tlje trimming of l)i$ X*ear&5matiebis clone -bausbiev:* to fttpplpetljat officeiamrgratamg; aftettoam in telo?tc of tbem,ljc fiusgeo it off Ijimfelfe \uitb a fi^rn^fireb?am»*3fttdtjer^ oft as ije toratf to bet* tutt| bier tuife , fcarrljeti l;cr tofjefter Ojc ^D noc a luufe bitJDcn in hex bofomc 0? about I?cr * 'C!riui fo? tfieeafe anu pjofperitte iubicl; !jc ttcm': ©abcis tbat lac be/cOe tooulD djaunge ottr ItateUit'tfj aim tife> t&at in plap ingtlje King in a SCrage&ie f u^eepct!; tfjc fcaffolo OF CHRISTIAN RELIGION. 201 bn'rf) atonggotone of cloatb of ? thereto femes fit? afl tbat grandfather, tbou art3butto betbemo?eli)ickeD.U)btcb is indeed to te$emoje to?etcbetr:15ut altfjougb tyce bee a payment to it felfeaand tbat (as faptb Hefiodus)it e offenna* !cd bv ana bp to tlje 6iubett tfjat & to fap >vjnIclTe tbeptmt'Hjment befpeem'e , an open example anti bifible, a^ tt*ba l^auto Cip5 p tlje ©ibtiet; twete but p Oegutnmg of pumflrment anuirotratfter tht enDeof it ; cnbat tbep xuW) ^te raft in fttiftn fo> dealing , ban not tlje baiter about tl>eir nexkes al* reantCj from tbe Derp ini!ant tbat tbep bee .t akcii3nottutt JftanDing ' tbat fomerpmes fo.zgetting tfym oume miferiej tljep plap togetber at Caruesi annDpce* jflapcownrptoifc, i»ljereas5 Epicurus natfj grotnin bis grea* teft argument tljereupon 5 let dis learne tijerebp to ^aue (Sotia; p^o^ friTOcrftt tbe greater annutation ♦ 3| te.naunn tberefoje&fat i$ tbe enne of all 3!unge$ in punifljing, bjbcibej; it bee not tbe anient* milt of tljecranfgreirer3 ifl;ee becnovput to neat?;, 0} els tbat !>ce fijOUlD. 202 OF THE T R I VV N ! S fboufo be m tfaniple ann teaming to otOcr^ Id bis ncatiEtf? 3|f ft b* tbcamennmentof tbrpattte, toljp 8nnea tbou .fault toitlj it , fo? tbat ()c & not put to neatlj * (Don is a jp&ifcicnmui not an €tetu* tioner Jpeknob)Ci1) better tfjan tbou, ftbat bepe of recotterie t!;ere is in tije nifrafe* rCbe partte(fapff tbott)tt as unrulp m fcfe potttb* Cbe SOine tijat is nolu milne anc gotr, teas a tm * monttijS agoe botb barti ann (barpe.,ann it null gtolxsr riper pet in tvmc. flSJojcoi tier 3 !et tbe offender flee as farre ad be lift 3 per is be in fafe p^ifb.it ann tinner fee game ♦ t£on tfanns in no fudj Doubt as tbou coclT: ^be offenner tan neuer frape bis banns ♦ j$g: but tbou &ou!ncff tbat0onfl)oulnatleatoife bjonn l)un lnitfj e&s&joanearrotb& Z&fytii *t in tbe fo^eljean* ££%* art tbou afrapn rbat (Don couto itotknotoebim agapne , tf be ban once ujiften bis appareU in fome otber p?iuie place *: 9nn nottbteff tbou tbat bis Conning pjon ran not pearce euen to t\)z beatt3tubicb tbou feetl nott jftap ratber, tbe feifefame lann toljicb foj toant of tillage ann Ijuf banning tyougbt foojtl) lepers ann ©biffle* , tbat is to fap, bpces ann enormities, map bp gcon buf banning beare goon KEKnir ann gmn Co?ne,tbat i£ to fap5d3onlineire ann £iertue*aton banned tbou oncelbamen Ijim bp p pillojie 0} bp Cartingjmigbt it not greeue tbee to batte mane \)im pall graced 3if tbe Athenians (faptb Plutarke) ban kiflen o? uiifamen Themiftocles fo? t!je outrage of bis poutb; 0} Miltiades fo? bis rebelling in Cherfonefus ; tnbete ban tbe gamp Eticto;te£ become,tx)bicb tbep obtepnen in tbe^Iapnes of Marathon, on tfje Coaft of Artemi(ia,ann at tbe Kiuer Eurymedon? ©j Ijan Con- ftantinc alfo bene rigo?ottflp punifljen, fo? tbecrueltietoberetoirf) bis fojmerpoeres toereoiftepnen, ann tbat tboubannefttbeniuto* taen afojebano , tobat tbings be tnas to noe aftertoarn foj t\yt an- ttatmceutentofCb^iltianitie-, tbouteouloritbaue betoaplen Ijtnu Snn tobp faueft tbou fome from punifljment fo? great crpmes , in tefpect rtjat one is a gcon buplner , anotber an excellent spttGtiotr, ann a tfjirn a man of learmng;tuberas tbou¬ocft notiobat tbep Inifl pjoue aftertoam; gf pet tbinfceff not tbat in fo noing tijou noeft anp b«rt , but ratber gcon feruice to tbp Contmonlneale t TBut as fo? c outtoaroeman, callcfttljeonctftc jfatber of bis Cottntrte^ano tlje otljer anDnkinolp $£urtljerer*{f)e fcnotoetlj toljett tlje tameo (Ktcolfe toill turne agapne to bis fcpno, ano toben tlje cfeitrltflj Dogge toil put off bis cburliOntes^e fo?e* ¬oetl>mens nature in tlje berp feeoe,toljereas toefcarceftnoto ftem m tlje flotoer ♦ SLtljereas toee plap tlje blinoe barbers oftbe Coutttrie 5 tn Ijauing recourfe at euerp inftant to fearing, ctttttn^ Iatmcing5anti facing foj euerp fo?e ; be batlj a tljoufano recepts to beale bpces tiiitljall, ano a tboufano kpnos of fcurges to cojrect ok fenoers tmtljalUccojoing taeucrp M tbeir completions* 3m> tljuu feeft tljou tljen tljat Ije negle$ktlj ljis cure^becaufetljou feed not tlje fearing pjon m ljis Ijmm?©? tlj$ b.te potentfals(as tbe gmrgtons termetbem) are not Wronger tbantbpne actuals ^^nnijobetttljou feeff tbe finfull perfon cureo after tbat matter ttHtljoutlattncmg/ pea ano toitljout fcarre -, ougljteft tljou not to comment tlje curing thereof fo muclj tlje mo^e^ l&nt tbere are tobicb antentr not a toljit tfce tno?e foz tlje oelap of tljet'r puntflmtent*$!tmtit it be forget toljat a number alfo are djere ktljiclj ooe amenta jftap,conKtier pet furtljer3toljetber tljep bee not fuffereo to liue to pumlb tb& j tbee 3! ftp toljicb Ijaft bene fcurm bp tljem alreame,ano pet art neuer a toljit amenoeo* ^Ijou toou!* net! batte tbp fatljer totb?otoe bfe tonne into tlje firepans tljou ftaH . ff ill a curlt tym tbat cannot poelo ami af ke fcngiuenefle ♦ *BIame ttjpne otone ftubfrojmtelfetbat Ijeburnetlj not tbe ronoe* ConSoer alfo tobetf;er it bee not a greater puniffjment to tljenita line after tl;ep \>mc oone amifle,tljan to baueopeoin tljeoeeoe ooing, ftufa* mttcb as tbep fee tljat tbeir flaugbters baue not fuccetfe acceding to tbeir turtles, but tljat all tlje mtfcbtefe laljiclj tbep baue \x: ougbt ts intjapne, fo as tbep ^auebiit pjouo&eu <£5oo $ tlje toljole tttojlo agatnft tljemfelucs to no purpofe5ano baue gotten notbtng t!;erbp but (frame ann rep^oacl; ano torment of mpnn -7 aim tobetlKt ®o& uoenotbp tbatmeanecompelltbemto crpeottt, Wee haue wea- ryed our felues in the vray of wickednefTe , vntill wee can no more?31f (Boo(fap 3I)bpbis feeming to beflotoe3tjoebotl) amenD tljee ano puni(b tl/e otber botb at once ; nocft tljott not perceptte a incontjetfuH too^e of p^ouioence *t $po?eouer5mbat fe tlje toljole continuance of all a mans life in refpect of <£>o& , but one momenta (boater tljan tbe tpme bettoeene tlje ^tnkiitg of tbe ([pemlodke, ami tlje oeatlj of ^im tljat ojtnk^ it \ am» mnclj lfro?ta' tljan bet\ua:ne tlje tbe killing of a mau in tbe moaning:, ann tbe brinj bangen foj ft fit tbe aftcrnamet if thou batte an cpe to the cljicf: enn of punfl&mft*, namelp the example of the t^at Iiueftiil, to tbettiteflte cf vgc tlj^to battebin as a ciper bp?en fo? tbe nonce , to make tbte ^0^ ciamation publiklp tnitb lamentable ann Iangutfttng bopce all hi* life Iaug3Takc warning by mce to doe IufKce,and not too dc- fpizeGod ? £)j tob ether, toben Dennis the Cp^an of Sicilie be- came a ^cbartcmapfter at Corinth , anrr fell too beating of Cbfl* n>ens Buttocks ; it teas not a bztm beating too him , than if tbe people ban cattfen bis (boulners to fauz bin rent from bint bpon a caffolo \ ann tobetber all the potttb in tbe Citte lucre nat better taught tobat tbe enne of Dannie is 5 by bebolning bim toirb b& Konnes in bis bann in tbe *bcbco!e ; than tbep (boulo bane bene bp feeing bim put to neatb incontinentlp in tbe placet &nn if tbou think it not pnougb that Lycifcus noe rctte abctte tlje gr ounn,pea ann tbat be crpe out that be rottet b fo? bis treason; tonlcflfe tbe fame Orchomenians b)bom be brtrapen 3 noe come to t\)Z bebolotng of it: oj if tbou tljtnk it not enough tb«t Nero make a numerable enn; except Agrippina vubom bee minacurallp mur» tbrren,no fcene be r epes toitb t& figbt of it:ojt tbat Herod become a fojlojne creature,i;nlcfre tbe 3«nocents inborn be fleui,bc callcn to lookenpon %i\\\: beSnec cbat tbou require!! a tl;ing ageinft rea« foil, tbou mud alfo mmertfann , tbat 6onpunifbub not after t\)t mancr of moilolp 3iungcs,namelp to content t!;em £ &aue fuffcren tujong, OF CHRISTIAN RHIGION. 20? toiong^? to fattffie tlyv mpnn ocfirous of rcuengco? too purcljnce btmfilf tbcrcpo?tauo elttmattpn of a gooo Jut>ge at tbpban&ibut bycaufe be batetb tbe r will tobicb be intended) to co?retf, ano null a'fotyabJegooDouttbereof* ^naipkeasarrifcreetefatber, toben Ifis Cbplo complapnerb to bim of fome to?oag noone unto bim bp one of bis ^eruants, ftotljnot by ann bv romte upon bis S>cruant Uittb a cusgelUfo? fo (boulo l>e make bis Cbpto rocktfl), aim caufe btm not onelp to noo cbc Ipke fo? euerp trpffe , but alfo to take tbe ttaffc in bis otone ban* $ to lap about btm,tobereas be tuouia baue btm to buule bfspaflton& ano to rcfrrre tbcretJ?eO> of bts tojongs? to ijim betng Ijts father j ) but ratljcr cahcclj bts fnruantaftee,ani> rbattp^etl; biro eptber before bis fellotues , o? before otbers of bis c bfltycn U)ljtcl> beare lyim not fo mucb grunge o? ill mpno : euen fa it is not to be tbougbt ftraunge, tf ©oo do oftentimes cbaftp?e tlje lpickco farre from tbe bieto of tl>e tooo?lo,pca ano fometpmes alfo ruen after tbe oecealfe of tbem tbat maoe eomplapnt ageinff tbem* J£is intent is t&pumfl) tbeir pa(ttons,but not to gratt&e tbtne. H?e null teaebe me bis 3iu(ltee, but be imll not baue tbee too tbink tljar tbott C&alt baue bim at t^ commaunDement, to Urike tobenfoeuc t tbou tocultreft baue btm* 3If be fboulD ttrpke at tljp appopntment, Iben fboulD be bee but tiyp Cjcecutioncr, ano tbou fljoulocft bee tbe 3lK0ge» ^utlmoujetboutltatbcaecucethljtsoujne 3!ufttce anu nottbpne* $ea(fapett tbou)but tobat 3fuHice fe t't,tbat CbilD?en $oub be gmnifteo fo? tbeir fatljers *i 3no (dp 31) tobat uniuftice is tt, iftbe C(ito;cn be not conOoereo fo? tbe gooo feruice of tbeir fatbers «r 3 \dmzz giurtb pjiuileoges too fome Citic,fo? tb* faptbfull feruice tobicb it fcatb Done bnto bim : ano tobo toill not blame bis feuccc G fo? &bicb flnll take tbem atoap agcinc a bunD?e& pcercs after *i 3* «otberU9?incebcreuetb a Citie of tbeir libertfesanb frauncbi?c& fc? rebelling ageinft btrnttobotoifl tbmkit anp rigo?,tbat tbeir Cbttojai tobicb come after tbem fljtmlo be in tbe fame bate*; Cbe prt«cebootbitfo?fearelcaatbe Cbiltyenbatring tbe fame terri* to?p,a>outo rebell as tbeir fatbers fcto <£ot> ft anoetb not in feare of mcn: but be feerb tobat tbep bee % anu bis knotting of tbem is not as toe fmotee tbe 3fpU)0?mVb)) bis dinging of ds,o? tbe 8iper bp Ijis bprmg of bs *, but be fctroioctb tbemafo?e tbcp bee eptber 9fp« lijoo^it? o? cltper ; anu map be not tbtn bp tbat reafon fometpmetf punifb tbe Cbiltr.cn, in tbe ferns refpect tbat bee pumfbeb tbf ir fa» tbcrs^^s foj ejtampU,bp takiag atoap cbeir attt{jc?itp if tbep com* mttte* *06 OF THE TRBWNES ruttcD f prannp , lead tljep mpgljt abufc tljcit autljojif f e flfll *♦ fflf l v cMkmgatoap tljeir gooos tobtclj tfrey fpent i» rpoc auD ejccetfe, It-all tljcp BjaulD ftt rtjeir mpnDs tjpoh tljtfe wees ftill *i auDfofo)i{j oi o:i>cr tbings ^ li5«t toljp doo J terme it pumQjtng *: 3i ftoulD rat tiicc tcrmcic curing, jfoj tobat mojc t3 all tbi3,tijan toce Ice Daplp ron e Op Pjifitions , toljo m caccs tobcrc tlje facljr rs tor re uifeafeo tuitij tlje &tonc,tlje (Dout^cj tie Dimpfic^oc fojbiD tlje €IjiId?cb 10? fame tljings toljtrij tljcp fojbaDe tljeir facljcrs , altfeougO tlje CfjilDjen be not pet trubbleD toitb tlje fame Difeafcsf 9no toljat cte are fumes anDbices,tutDifcafesanD fiknefles of iljefeouIrt3n& to^at ttraungeneffe is tljere in ©ods Dooinr^Gtlj tljat tljcu tljp felf Dooeililje ucrp fame \ %\m Difmbcritcft tlje Cl)tlr»?rnof tftem lljat IjaueattcmptcD treafon ageinft tlje i3?ince : ano if tlje l&tnce map no it foj tbe Defence of bis ttatc~y lioto mud) mojecoinenDable is tlje Doing tljerof ,foj tlje pjeferuation of tljcpmiestjjcmfeluc^ 15ut petin tljisappearecb tlje mercifulncs of @oD,tljat if tlje Cbiltt of tlje toickeDDeft man in tlje toojlD,rcfufc to be Ijeireof Ijis frcljera finne,ano toickcDnes, ano follow goDlpncs anD wrtue 5 (Sod Dot(j not onlp releafe btm tlje Debte Due to fuel) face eflton,tbat io to toir, iljepepne anD pcnaltie toljiclj is antmfeparabie appurtenance of finne ; bat alfo asopc bim into tlje nomber of bis otone CbtlDjen,to inakeljim partaker of (jisiljeaacnlpljeritagejQototben^ljatcaufc fjaue w to complapne ,eptljcr of clje pjofpentte of tbe toickeD,oj of tlje aDuertitte of tljofe toljom toee account to be gooD mcns feeing tljat all tjjefe tljtngs tenD , not onelp to (Sods glojie anD tbe bene* fite of tlje Comontoeale , but alfo to tlje welfare anD fouleljealtlj of tljofe toljom toebctoaple % 9nD if toe did conGocr vtt furtljcr, Ijaiu manptberc be toljofe mtferies toe bonai Ie,tBbtclj foffer a fefterco fojein tljeir bofoni; Ijoto manp tljere be toljofe piofperitie toe enup, taljicb fane wuclj cleaner Ijearts tljant!jectber,anD Doefptt out all tljeir genome outtoarDlp-,boto manp tljere bee toljicb baue tljeir simples tobole , anD pet doo but little Ijarme toitlj fcratcljing ; botoi tnaup tljere be to'jt'cb toolD teare al tbings in peeces,if tbeir napletf lueti: not piuD Derpe Cjojit ; tobo fo? toant of potoje ( 3I meane ) 0$ fo^ toant of cojagc to z%:cuml)Ci\; naugljtpnes , feeme fo^ tlje p?e* fent time g©D mi n.anD a tbottfanD other fttclj circumftr.nces tobic Ij arc to be market in cuerp particular perfone:furclp tbcp U^biclj do fo lig^tlp crjar^c C3cds picuiDcnce, tooulD cbaim^c tljeir opinion; nnD inhere ft fecmrtb to tbem melt toojtljp of bUme3 tljere tooulo fytvty mo?e toooaDcrtljcreat anD comment; it* OF CHRISTIAN RELIGION. 207 *Bi\t this is pet t(>e greateff popnt af all : Cbat altljou^lj Q3oo pum(beuiUncuerfomucb-,petitcannotbeeoenpeo, buttfjacljecH ,rf 1 auctl) emll fitl! in tbe COojltJ , fcwg inec agree all m tljis 3 tljat fer™ eui!j h" finite o?bpce is euilU i^oiu if bee be altogitber gooo, bote can be the world. fojbearetobateit^anoif beebeeaimigbtie, botiicanbeefuffet it*: 9noifbeeojoer ano fcifpofe all cbings, bote oootb bee permit it^Cbis ©uettionfbsllbee tbe clearelpcroifcufleOjiLiberetoee pjooue bote euill came firli into tbe $Uojlo •, namelp bp tbe fall cf nun* ant) tben (ball toee baue toberefoje coo tooonoerat ©ods p/ouioenee 3 tobobautngpunilbco &8bp our olunenaugljtpnes, couloe f kill too tunte tbe GrttfcWb to Ijis otone gloue,ano too tbe welfare of manftpnoc ♦ Co glaunce at it in featoe tooojos; bp tbe toap, 3t teas requtfite(ano otljertopfe it coulo not bee) tbac tbere Ibouloe bee fome oiffcrence beettoeene tlje Creatour an& tbe Cceaturcto tbe intent tbat tbe Creature Cboulo aclmotoleoge it felfe to be a Creature , ano peelo bonoj to bis Creato? tobo bao maoebtm of notbing . jftoto tfa Creators tl>e gcoo tljat is infinite ano bncbaungeable : ano tberefoje tbe gooonefle tbat is in an? Creature^oulonot but be finite ano cbaungca'ole, fauing fo farre foojtb as it confenteo to oepeno fcppon bim alone* (Sou tfeerefo?e rreateomangooo,botobcit ebaungeabip gooo,ftee from euill,, fcotobeit fo as be mpgbt cbofe tbe etttU -,- antj be Created \)im rigb t* Ip mpnoeo, botubeit in fitclj fo?t as be mpgbt alfo go a ftrap* 9nfr tbis man bp turning atoap from tbe £2Mfpjpngof gooonefle,t& tberebpfallatoap from bis otone goomtes ; ano bp following \)i& etone toillinfteo of ©00s BBill, be left bis freetiome ano became abonofcruant bnto euilU 911 tbep tbat are bojne of ctjts eo?ruptco feeoe,rctepne tbe faultpnes of tbat firS fault, anu cannot topt it x>& pon anp otber tljan tbe firll mau.3DI)frfoje if it be oemaunoeo &bp <3od creates manfree , ano not bnfree , feeing bis freeooroc maoe bim bono , it is all one as if it tocre oematmocD , tobp bee created fpje to be lujbt ano futtle, tbat is to fap jf pje , oj tab? bee create* toater mopit ano colo?,tbat is to Tap, £23ater, oj f be ftLlojlo full of fo manp bariettes , tbat is to fap,a &Uojlo,anD to bee Poojt , cuerp funs of cbing^to be of tl;is 0? tljat natures oj to \ym free mouhrg anu capable of Keafotr, is to be a man5ano iftoe bao not bao it fo, toe toottlo friue complapneot9gain,tobaue frcemootung ano fticft as cannot be but reafonable,is to be reafon it felfe , tbat is to lap,. to be (Boo. j^o\D (Soo mr nt not to create a ©at^buta man to feme fcim, Iffte ass to^en ^e inteu&eo timm ^vaflcg foj t^e feruice o£ iuan5 30& OF THE TREWNE5 mm$t treaten tljcm legato ann not \Mti.TButM)c:nn twit tfjott mo?e toconncr at tbe piouiucncc of ifct euerlafting <8©D , tfjan m tb-^t be not onlp ojneretb $r nifpofeft' tbe tfjing* tbat be barb rrca* ten, but alfo tbe tbtng tabtcb be createo net ; infomucb tbat be nja* tnetb geon out of tbe etu!!3pea ann compelled) tbeeuifl(contrarp to tfte nature thereof) to ferae Ditto ©con *i Jf a <£aptapne toere of fact) ffttfl as to ojner al tljinga m fur!) txriO? in biz 3rmie5 tfjat eue* tp tbing fbouln ferue to tbe attepnement of bis buto?te;tfjou tocul* Heft commenn btm bfgblp,^ tt ire re in D&ne one at tije rate ft fratcg of (fttatre ♦ 3ut tfije couln mo?eouer gapi^e tome part of ijte ene- tttied ilpofte 3 ann make tbetn to take l;t* claae parte; tbou coulneit not toconncr (hffin'entlp at bis poftirie. EOJat toft tbou fap tfoen of 6fm,tDl;tcl; couln maketljem to Softt on bis ftnennftitfingto tbem felucs , ann tbat euen W enemies E;>arc;toebuflcs ftjottln belpe to giue tbemfelues tbe fople *t fecotblp euen after tbat fort is tt tbat ©on can f toll to make botfj Onners ann tbeir Gmtes to ferue bim* Cyrus(as appearetb bp tbe lipidoses ) l»as an ambitious l&incr; ann ambition (as pe futotoe) cannot be tttelliften ofd5oti4 jfloto, t& fatiffle bis ambitton^Cyrus leupes a great tpofte againft tlje A fly* rians.if a man fttouln ijaue toto bun it ban bin to neliuet tbe Jfra- clites, ann to bupln bp ©oos temple agapne, asi Efay ban foje* tolfr,tabae tbinft pou be toouln bane fapn bnto irt^et notuutbftan* Ht'ng tbe enn of bis Carres ann cf bis toarfare, fell out to be fo in fceene^bus pe fee boto an ambitious perfon ann b& ambition fer* tten ©on5toidjout meaning anp fucb tbing*Cbe €mperour Titus ment to tying Iewry to nue obeniencetann it ban bin fc ?etolne3tbat of Hierufalem one ftone (bouln not be left ftannmg bpon anotber* Jftonoubt but tbat Titufsisotone paflumcarten bint; but pet fee Ijoto ©on ouerruletb iu %bt fame man tobtebperfecuten f Ctyu ftiam at Rome , goetb to reuenge Cbjifteief neatb at Hicrufalem, ann(ad faptl)lofephus)intbatfactbetcokenotbtmfelfea5 €mpe^ rour of t(je £®o?ln,but as tbe ejeecuter of ©ons 3!«fticc againft tbc lewes. Iudastbjougb CouctoufnelTebetrapentbeblunof^ rigb^ tuoufe to neatb/But ©on bp tljc leaning of tbat blun(if tbou be a Cb?iftian)renimen t^ann ytt tbc bolp Scripture fattf^tbat tl;e Deutii being in Indas5nin put tbat purpofe into bfe beart ♦ ge fee tijen tbat not tl;e Couctoufnefie of rudas onIp5btit alfo tt)C DeuiH ^imfdfe fertten ©©D^efines tbat,d)e fetojicg of tlje Wyblc be fuH of fur!) matter , w? \i\igl)t marfce tbc like crampiece o^ninanlp fa t&e vrnW of tl;e ^ea((jeu, if tee toere au ntJigent in cbferuiuj OF CHRISTIAN RELIGION. *0£ tm^tSw bee tnjofcferuing tbe arte of Bbetojicfte o? logiefce m e autbojs tubicfe i»e ceane*#o;i bp reafon of tbe great corruption bid* reignefc at f&ofe oates m Kome,aH men crpeo out tbat diere as not anp Commontoeale rfjere , appealing to ©oa foj defence pintttbetmiullice of tbe "Senate, at tbe fame tpme tbat©£)D ecutco tut! fcengeance fepon tbem fo? it , bp tlje toniuft couetouf- rflfe of Ca?far . Lifcetoife to&en Attila entercn euen into tl;e bo* Saluian in hfe efles of Europe,all tbepjeacbers of Chriftendomc&fo notbing «» bookcof ei but betoaple tbe tujetdjeonefTe of djat tpme ♦ S>e mull tbinfce Proulet notferitbftanmng,alI men ftnotoleogeti bint to be a neceflarie feurge of ©£> D, ana to bauc me m Hue feafon » 2>ea> ami Ije btm Mfe confioering tfjat Ije baa nqucrcti mud; mo? e of tij e Countrie , tbau euer be bopcu at rtjc rft to baue fdene5tnfomud) d; at b e ban ouercome euen tbofe tobtclj ere counten tbe ftrengtb of tbe ©Uojfotas barbarous as! be toas, : fen to tfjtnke of btmfclfe, tgat be toas tbe &curge toljerbp ©on . athfra tbe c£to jltu jftot tbat (Sou is not able to cbaftife bs btm* Ife rabenfoeuer be lilted; ; ( fo? btS £t>to?eboufe is; neuer b nfurm* ea of roa&es to fcurge bs toitball , as of pagues,3Dtfcafe!5,5Fas :ine3 ana furf> otber tbings, ) but tbat as a fl&ailter of a botofb oltt jftretb ffcojne tolabippebis §>!aues bimfelfe3caullng eptber bfe itefe g>er uant 02 fome otber of th tit fellotues to ooe it : pea and ben bis otmte Cbtltyen offent) btm grieuouflp,b£ feoutfafetb not 1 beate tbem tmtb bis otone banned , ( fo? fo lb 0 uto be ooe tbem ten reat anbonour)but caufetb(peratwenture) rtje gromteof bis ffa* [e to noe it,to tbe intent to Ibetoe tbem tbe iuffneflfe of #$ mfplea* ire: €«en fo ootb ©00 puniib tbeiuickeu one bp anotber,toIjom z coulo confume aH at once in one botner^ea ami bis Cbflajen al^ 1 bp tbe uricken , tuben not counting of t jjem H of W Cbfltyen, utt being ream'e asi it tuere to oilberite t{jem y be nifoepnetb to pu= i(b tbem untb W otone banus* Cbusi tberefo^e pe fee,boto ©on xuerfj bii ofcme tunte tp tbe tBtdken attn tbeir totckeunelTe, to ty$ lune glojte ami to tbe welfare of tl;ofe tbat are btsi* 3nn as touching tbe offences tobereinto be fufferetb gcou folfes The v«y oto ami tljen to Ml t tuljat greater popnt of p^outtiettcc can tljere sinncs of s°°<* ee , tban to tume tbem into inftrumentsi ami furtberances of tier= ^JjyJ ^ • tt ? *; 3lf ©on (Joulo boln ug altoap bp tbe ijano, it is certepne tljat boicfitcT " jc coutt neuer ttippe<9ttt it ^ not to be fcoubtea alfo^but tbat toe © ftouto EuilTesarcin the world as thing? fez one ageinft ano- ther,aftcr the mancraskis in the elo- quence of wordes. The actions and mouings are of God: fcutthedifbr- dersofthem and the hal- tings are of our/clues. »TO OF THE TREVYNE* tuoulu tfn'nk at tbe Icit^tlj^tbat it toag of out oume ffeatipneffr,antr not of (Soss^pbolDlngoftts^tot only tbat toe trtppeD not3butak f j drat luc: tumWcn not &otoue» f oj tobat maar fcs fall but pjfte^ a;rt tuljat mtatet of p?uie3 but tfrat toe tl)augl)t toe toouto be 6on* toicbout (3o3,pea men of our feiues*: j/2oto5to moke bs to knotoe one (n8nttttie5t»btrin it i# \)i$ pleafuve to fijeto bts ftrengtbt&me* tpmes be Icttctbbsgoe alone bpouc fclues fojatobile, anatben ftumble toe at tbe nejet tab tfae toe mecte teitk j9eumbcwre,tf>i* tripping ami ftumblmg fatted) bs from a greater falltfoj it nta&etft t»3 to call fat b& bann to bcto bs bp, «lfter tlje fame manse sealed) t be jstirce tottfe ber Jfturreebtto *Ijat imketbbafte to goe alone tea font: febe fufFeretb bint to ftagcrcr mtb to roele till be erpe ; but pet fatettngWm g:e toicirtbeGnebami, (be!;olDert)btm bp toirtj tlje ot!;ci^nD fometpmea be tbiitkes bt gae$ alaIone,toben as fyc gut* tjetbbmxtotbtoirjbb^epe an* toitb bee banu ♦ ^ometpmetf aifo tobea toee bee oaerMKe^ Cot; fufferetb bs to fall into fome finne, botb tofctmglp tm to ;I!ing!p , $ afcertoartj maketb bs to feele fuel; grppes ant*, bacebpeings fo? tt5d)at euen t!;e bpec it felfe ferucdj b$ foj a ^cbrolemmae^to mine bs to efdjetoe iu&o tbe fatber fuffe* ml) i)i$ Cbt'lD to burne bts finder m a Caanle^neip of purpofe tcr make bmt aftapn of ftre , tbat tbeitttldmnging of bis fingei, map fc&pe b*m from dje burmngof bfeface^jereare examples bereof in .Peter, m Dauid an& in od;ersy tobtcl; recepueb gort bp tbeir tripper anb fallen 3nn 31 banc no troubt but dja t a great fojtc eueit of die !£>eatta, baue feitm dtffelues bototjreatlp djetrerpertenre efbpce in tbemfelue^ b^p^ofiten rijem to tbe mo^eeamcftloue of bertue* @>o tben Jet bs not grunge at tbe pjnfperttre of tbe toiu feeB^fo? toito djem itfe a bane:nettber let bs complainc of dje mtfe tfejES of tbe got»Ip;foj tbep be to tbeirtoelfare* letb^ not retterence tbe btp? of bercttem tbe to:cfceb,fo;i tt ts but an inftrument ofbiee ; nettber let b$ mfoepne d;e fallen of djebertuouei , fax tb:p bee but quickmng^ bp bnto bertue* X>itt ratber let b^ trlonte (Son, tobtdi makedj d;e entfl gcob toijetber tt toili o? no , toW) mittfo >jpce to uoefetutcebutobertue, ann tobtd; gupoetb euen tbemoftdnfufl tj&nesi,to bis gtone •, tl)t mott bmuu%to tbe eteruting of bis tufttcf; ann tbemoSbncertcpne,to fljcfeictmg of bis markers nottottb- aanning tbat be noe all djfe,pct can benot be blames to baue toi e* flen anp tbing m tbe naiojto 5 not to bane mamrepn cd ettili m anp martet a toffe^no mo?c furelp tban dje bottle 02 abiiitte of mourn j d;att^matdjentoid;aiamelegge> i$ t©biajnefoj^atil;cIamc man OF CHRISTIAN RUICION, 1 M wan Ijtftttl^tfom^ it p#iti fojtfj mfcting into tbe lego;? ,an& g«fo€ thtlettaztehttlwc ibctici: ic JaaMUfa all tfclame&eiTeof tbelegge* e^ljatfijaua If^B^^'^np boe pet ftiil Doubt of tbetbings a* fojerebearfeD* 35 iSill ptitfjim i>nc to onepMe; foj&teanfaere tobereco boon Icpruce5^ toil! belceuc bim bpon bis ot^Jffje b& a aefpifer of <8too0 let \)i\xi call to mpnb if be can, \)oxo r.tucb ewll be fcatfj MepneD m tb* bautng of bis gooses , anD bote mad) ettiH be barb ensures to doc emU . Let butt r^ttember fcotp greatfp be batjj tpjeD fnmfeBefcririj bis ofometot!bes5 to>menteo IjtmfeSe teitb Ijtas gccD fitcceflfcs , ftt fctrnfelfe on fire triben be djougbt bat to toarme Jim, atm fciam^reD piteajpap, tefpn be merit to baue tycugbt o- tbecsto tijebentof bisolaiieboUiC* .ffijtf ijebeonetfjatfearcti (Soviet btm causer bota mucb euffl be Jjatb left bnt>one5 w foibca^ rtarr to bane fo great d^e of tbofe falfc s©Des : boto manp tbingtf Ijebatb toifbeD fefetcfe be teoula baueefcbetocD 3 if be bafc ffydma? tocn tijc nTeiwe of tljem toljicb be fa>ae aftertoarD : ba& greatlp be baDbeneD?eaDeDaaDrm(I&eDofotl)ers5tbougb be coulDuctDe* uife to baue Done bettenljoto often bis falles anD fiiDings baue fer* ucd to make Ijim to take fine fating againft finne:!joto oft bis toa- actings out of tbe toap fcaue niaDe ijim to efcape tbe Ipiitgs in leapt anD tije tbaeuertes of tlje too?I&:boft oft bis otune topics baue fee* ucd to curat bnn from tbe rt'gbt: * bote often bis oftme oucrfigbtg ijaue ferucD to tying ijim to bis mtenseD enDe:anD 3| Doubt not but tbe beeDfuil marking of tbefetfnng^bortj in otljers anD in btmfelf, toil! make bim to percepue tljata certepneeucrIaiTingp?ouiDence iaatrbctbouecourliues anD ail our Doings* 9tlealtU)ifebnIelTe toe tain Denpe,tbat to leaDe tbefojecaffes of otljers to anotber etm tban tbep pitrpofcD; to tying tbetmaDuifeD ouerOgbtS of otljers to tetter pafic tban rt&v tljcmfelues coulo toi'lfr, anD to make tbe toik name of tlje toifeft to Doe fcruicc, not snip to bis otone Diuinc totf* Dome, ( if a man map fo terme it ) but alfo oftentpmes etten to tlje fcuDifcroetnefle oft^e meaue^is tfje toojke of pjouiDence* O z The 212 The xiij. Chapter. That mans wifedome hath acknowledged Gods Proui. dence,and how the fame wadeth betwene Deftinie and Fortune. ■rtcMcnof B5jS2S51E^ '^4 ©££M*ea$men of cfoetpmrbaueac* oW ty11*- Ar35^^/ J . kA ftnotirfeugco p maker of ebe toojlD, fonte m er#e(Te terme^ann otberfome bp f o* fequence: fo baue tijrp alfo eafelp pertei* ueo rbe ^outnetic e,tol)icb tbei ^auc ace* meDtouepeno fcpon tijefameasanap* purtenance tfcreunto* Jnfomucfr tfcst turn $ep to^tdjf>aue flatlp nenpea tire Creation , Ijaueneuerdjclater graumen tlje pjouioence, bp reafon that tljep founn it fa cleere am> manifett a matter ; frotobett tfjat to uenpe tlje pjouinence ann to nenpe tfje Creation fa all one ♦ Hermes eft)pe$ it out euerptoljere,a# toeH nr fte Creation of tije tirijole ana of t|e parts? thereof, ag in %Mt ojtier aim maintenance of ai tljingg,3ntJ if it be uemaunneo of fnm,tobat pjouioece it &,to Ijaue bjougljt fcojri) fo manp things tofnrfj feemr nauleflTe ano unprofitable; fjt?s anftuer i$ ttmt ffjapen>Cf?at ©ot* creates an things to ins otone glo?te:am> tfcat it i* a gto?ie5botf) to fjim to Ijaue creates all tt»ng^,ann fcnto an tijings to Ijauebm crea* Hcrmw m Kb te& bp fife bantu an^ifitbeeaffeeoagame3tDl)encert)eeuflIconv cfc i?us in Ws mt% rt}ac ** to#N&fc ©* anttomt&, €fcat f)oU*eit tljat(to fpea!>eproperlp)tf)ere i* notbing purelp gam ' but onlp ©on ♦ 3a foj tbe euill, it is; come in bpon fte g©n,like a* all generation t$ accompanpen twtb corruption, 'Sbe pron ruffedj; tljou tout not topte it tipon tbe femirij ♦ tlLbe 2Bine fofcrttfo $o* toilt not topte it bpon tbe Omtener ♦ <£fje tbings tbat are created noe corrupt; as little alfo ougbtelt tl;ou to tapte k upon t^e Crear- tor* Why *:15cc aufe tljat onlp l;e is undjaungeable,an& it i$ meetr tijat tfeete u>oulrr aluiap bee fome Difference bettoame tfje Creator, ana t!)e rljings createti; bettoeene all5ann nothing, Plata in tfrat ^r teacljetf) tfje Creation, uotlj alfo fuffiaentlp teaclj tbeipjotuoence* fai ii (8(W potoerpitoome5ami goimefle bee equafl, 0} rather all OF CHRISTIAM RELIGION, »*} «H one tbtngjfake tifym bt* potoet t*,tbere i* bfa tmfcnome, ami tbttljer alfo ejtteiutttb bt* ganneffe^nt bt* potoer £jttenne:b euew to tde leaft tfjittg* ,fo; el* tbep eoulo baue no being at all: therefore bi* toritenome alfo etfennetb unto tbem to gupne ann gouerne tije, ann lifcetotfe ljt* gannctte uritbout tbe toljtcb notbtng cottlti be p*e* ferueo*3nn fo, (Sons p?outo*nt goDnneflfe ann gractott* totfenome Hoe toatcb oucr all tbtng* » 3gatne,toben a* Plato fettetlj notone ©05 to bee tbe enn of man, ann man to bee tbe enu of all tiring* m tbe toojlo ann of dje toojlo tt felfe : bee fyetoetb fufftctentlp tbat as man tennetb to ©on, fo notb Jbfctoojlo alfo ; but nnto tljat enne tt ftoulo not tenn,nnle{retttoerentretfen tbetljer, ann toljo ntrectetft tt tljetbet , but be tljat ffril mane tt tageplap5ann tbe amter* fitte of tbe gonlp t* a* a gaming of ererctfe , toljerctu tljep bee tpen to a ftretgbt npet , tljat titty map torn tlje pn?e fo? toljtcb tljep con* tenn* Ento tbe ©uettton concerning eufll^be anfuierctfy tbat tt t* if^emm notbtng el* but a fapfing of gosnneflfe, toljidj goetb on Hill umum* that fuffcrcth (btng tt from negrrie to negrrie eue to tbe fcttermoff; ann tbat tt pjo; be good ■, aco. ceenecb not from ©©D, but from tlje tmper fectton of tbe matter, plotin ]**» lubtcb be termetb notbtng: ann tbat tlje cuflf,(tob W conltftctb al^ Ennwd^ togetber m negr^* ann tn fapltng of g©n , ) t* fo farre of from nt- mmtQtng ©on* piouinence , tbattt t* rntbertbetbingtobereitt ©on*lp?ouinence fljetoetb it felfe tbe mo?e, a* tuttbout tlje ftbtrfj tfjere toere no p^outnence at all to be feractann pet tbat tberetuttb^ all,©on i* tbeatttljoi of allabtlitte* , ann tljentipofer oj ouerrnler of all tuillesf ♦ JBJbtcJ) tbtng^ (to attopne long ntfcourfe; are mo;c conuenientlp to be feene m W otone too^e** ^)ijS Difriple Porphyrius nepartCJ not from tbe fame opinion, Q 3 ijotobot 114 OF THE TK^WNES fcotobetttfjatfje toag comberen tottb tW&tpzrvlttitit&jW tfjcp be toi)irf) ntfputc ageittfl tt*Seeing that God (fayth he j doth by bis f kill ouerrule all things,and order them by incomparable proprietie ofvertue ;and that on the contrary part , mannes Reafon being very fmall,is ignorant of mod things how f kil- ful and curioufe fo euer it feeme to be of the trueth :Surely we may then call it wy fc , when it is not curioufe in ferching fuch doutfull and hard matters, as are matched with daunger of blafpheming ; but rather graunteth that the things which are done , are very well as they bee . For what can our fmall Rea- fon finde fault with or reprooue in the doings of that greate Reafon, to efteemethem eyther lawfull or vnlawfull, feeing Porphyria to wee vnderfiande them not ? 3n& in another place, If wee fuffer Ncmertius. a King (fatetf) foe) to difpofe of his owne affayres as he lifteth; mail wee deny vnto G O D the ordering and difpofing of the Cyrillusinhis things hecre beneath , which hee himfelfe created ? 3nna* fccond and gamtt fuel) as foun&e fault toritl) tlje gouerment of tt;e toenfti toWb Fifth bookes tfoep tnttierttamj noc^tfjefe are &fe berp tocuas* Soothly (faptl) Ije) agciiift lulian. tnerc ls not a more vniuft fpeech , than that which prefumeth to teache God Iuftice,nor a more holy fpeech than that which yeeldeth to the trueth ; and to think otherwife is a difeafe of mynd & a great cryme.For God not only direð all things at all tymes , too the behoofe and full harmony of the whole vniuerfally;butalfois the cheriflier preferuer and repayrerof euery feuerall thing in particular. I pray you hathc hee not (hewed too Phificians,(who hauc fo much prouidence as hee hathc giuen them fkil,) the things that are too befall too the whole body of man,how that fome members are to be cut of, fome to be feared,and otherfome to be eaten away with Cor- rafiues, for the health of the whole body ? And yet when the Nurces or Mothers fee the Surgio about to do it, do they not weepeand cry out ryght ftrangely, notwith ftanding that they knoweit to be for the welfare of the childes body? But what doth the Father then who is wifer than they,but comfort the patient,and hold the playfter ready to lay to the wound?God lykewy fe for the curing of the whole,hath ordeyned that men (hould dye, (EJ;at fe tlje tljfngrijat Epicurus finnetij fault tottlj) & that they fliould be feparated afunder,as a Toe is fumtime cut of for the fauing of the whole body. And could we enter into the mynd of God,we fliould vndoutedly knowe why and to -J OF CHRISTIAN RELIGION. 215 to what good end hce hath from the beginning barred fome things from being becaufe he forefaw they (hould be to hurt- £uil,andvnto other fome hath giuen death in recompence of their godlynes.dje fumme of all is, tbat noting fe none but bp tbe pjouioence of (fcot^bolubeit t!»at manp tbmgs feme repugnat to b& lmfoome ana g©tme0,ag tlje cuttmg off of a Leg,oj tbe fea* ring of a member feme repugnant botlj to t&e pealing of tlje toljole bon^anu to tbe putpoft of ttje g>urgtom aifo ag touching tbe antterfitte^ of goon men 5 %>k lymt toljat g11^™** Synefius f Platonift anfa)eretl)*The aduerfities(faptlj be)which iatonuu wee thinke wee indure without our deferts, doe helpe vs too weedeiout our affections out of our ground;which is to much inclyned too them ; and by that meanes the inconueniences which make fooles to doubt of Gods Prouidence , doe con- firme wik folke the more therein. For what man would bee contented to part hence,if he found no aduerfitie here ? And therefore it is to be thought,that the Rulers of the lower Re- , gions (bemeanetb tlje tfmW) were the firft founders of thefe profperities which the comon fort maketh fo great account of,of purpofe to bewitch men with them , and to lull them a (leepe here. Hierocles aifo batting mane a long tufcourfe,conclu- Hicrodes* nerb tbat if toe fall into anp atmerftte thereof toe* cannot corner ture tyz catife , it bebouerb to conSner tiiat me bee ignorant m all tbmg^antr ptt toe mult not pjocaae;fo farre3ag to fap tbat ©on tg tbe autfto? of ettiH,ojt tbat be batb not a care of tog -, fo? tijoft ( faptfc &e)tnereoucrgreateblafpbemte$* Ariftotle fpeafcetb not anp otbertopfe tjrttm in W ffreate 5^o= ^oSs to raflg 0} in bts little Spojalte, botobrit tbat bee be moje graueietj m Nkomachus bis Metaphyfiks. 5)otofoetter tlje cafe (!ano 3 in bfe boofte concern and Eudemu*. ning tbe toojto be grauntetb unto (Son tbe care of al gteate tbingef* 9m> tbmfce pott it befemetb man too fet boun&g too t|e ferifoome of ©on tobo batb Itmtten tbe natures of alltbtngg ; ana to appopnt tobat ©on (ball eftoeme gteate o? fmall, before tobom notbmg can be gteate o? fmaift jfteuertbelefTe tobereaa be faptfr tbat tlje too?to Hepenuetb bpon (Bon as tbe enu thereof; tlje bed of W Defcipietf no bp infallible conference gatijer tljereof tbe p joutoence of tobicb te, ^Lbat fuclj a^ re* quire a pjmfe of (Sow pjoufoence are to be anfoereo laift tlje la& fl;es of a in tljat fce fcoutfafetfr toertem> Iji&pjouioence bnto fefc. flDf tlje opinions of Plutarke ami Seneca,tf)eir otone bwkt$ &c* Cjrp^cflp teft iSeutamelp Plutarks treatife concerning tljeffo toe ptt* moment of euill oocrs, fcn ijim; ana Senecaes bojkejS concerning beneSte^anoatrxahfeofbfeconcenimgpouioence;fo^tm Ipketoife ootlj tbe toife pijilofopljer Epi&etus bpon toljome Sim- plicuis Ijatl) tojittem jfoj afcer manp ftnefpriecljetf concerning fte greatness ano maieftie of ©on, affile toeakeneg of man, tbep af* fapeo to p&toe a reafon of all things tbat ofFenaeo tfje toeaket fojt intfyz cafe3pea mtn to tlje fcerp accioenttf ano to ri;eri)tmotrclap$ ♦ Sun 3!i>cfirem^reaoer!9( to take tbe pepnejsf to reaoetljemtobole, tfjat tl;ep map fe boto conformable tbe tbingis toljidje Cb?tlrian^ teadje, aretotbetoifeoomeof rije bti fo?t among tbe ©eatljen* CBbere^nto tbep map foj an income > aooe tlji^ ©?acle of Apollo fciittfelfc repo^teo b^ Porphyrius* m OP CHRISTIAN RELIGION. Z1J 9{o man too hyde himfilffrom God by cunning can demxj^ 2{o man byjlyghts or (uttlejhtfts can blind or dim his eyes. , . . *A 11 places h*fklfilleth9He is frefent everywhere, his Colkaios ts4ndgineth lyfi to every thing that moones andljfi doth beare. 0f philofophy* 9itoa3mncemtug all orter people of tbe€artb, tntobofebe^ Oppianus ilfe tbe poets ( toljtcfi are full of fud) fapingg etterp toijere) map $loi TaM'- [ffcuere,ag Orpheus,Homerc, Hefiodus, Aratus, Sophocles, qiv $yVg fc locylicks ami fuel) otberg : furelp m as mnclj ass too* fie tbat all T£§> nation* Ijaue fome l&eltgton3ft & a btfible pjefiaent 3 $at (Cons oufaencefe belaueo ami recetueo of all ttritl) one accojfr* tfo} in rpne Doe men feme © men p?ap to m tf beregaro ft em not, in txapne complame tbep to trim , tfbee age tfjem not ,* aim to bt fbojt , m bapne ooe toee call bppon !jtm itb on ea ano i ana, ( brfjere council aim cafualt t* feeme moff i take place ) fo? tlje mamtepnmg of our welfare , ano tfjc prefer* ttg of te from |arme •, bnlelfe toa bk tb?ougblp perftoaoeo tljat i Ijearetf) b$,ano tljat fee ruled) Ipeauen ami €artb ana aB tying* :rtjemftomaboue5 peaano tuzntfyt btrpeftajaru of tuarreag aefar termctfj it, to^erem fortune fometb to beare greateft finap* ►wc afoje toee giue our Determinate 3|uogment,toee Ijaue pet ttocr ouocatea to beare,namelp ti>e a&uocate of jFojttune,aito tbe 9o* jcateof Deffmie*JFo? Cfa^tfrrfje one)ifaH things palfe bnaerrtje: ttpoiny of#touiBence,i9abat becommetfj of jFojtmtttolnd) toe fo fo manpedbingg *t 3no (fapeft tbe ofter) toljat freeoome t&etf itf) man *t mull ft not neeuess be confeffet^ tbat a certetne oefiinie impelled euerp man to ooeu^atfoeuer be&otbV Slfpemeanefojtuneas ftet^pepntetibpftepoetjisbrpttu^an* AgcinftFo*. ngonabobrtr, emo turning toftb euerp topno rftfeag eafieto tunc ippe ber atoap as to papttf ber* jFo? brfjo feetl) not tbat tbere i$ m nifo^me o?oer, botb in fte to^u**; too^lo, auo in all tlje part^ tbtt^ f, ano ^ob) tben can one tljat fe blpno be tbrgupuer tberof ": aifo ibo rnnwrHattoetb not,tbat to moue^bmgg belongetb to ftenfaft* e(Te amwot tnttcr tmfteDfaflnelTe't&jt bob) can tbat tbmg rule ano leelo otbers^obtcb fa carpeo atoap ft felf <;©) beta can ije bolti tbe ernetobo flotetft ^imiafbpon tljetoater*: &&m#tf)cutbat ftere s fo certein o?uer in aHftnig^ x ft follotoetb tbat fortune beared o ftiap m anp tbmg, ann tberefo^e tbat tbere fa no fojtuneatafl* V{Ccihsvvxion 5ut tf bp tbrtooja/ojtunetltfp meaneasJ Proclus ootb, a rertera Timeus/ iumepotnertbatgatberetf) caufeg farretJiltantoneftomanotber, II to one enn ;furelp in ftat cafetoe be moje fr»n5^ to fortune tban Il8 OF THE T R E W N E S tl)cp be* fa} toe aumtt imtot only tu tljmgs biicerfetnt toantiermg ano toauering , but alfo euen in ti;e tljings rijat are mode cettem, pea ana m ail tijtngs toljatfoeuer-, as ti;e tobtcb is but (Son Ijimfeif mfgupfen bnm another name* jftototfjen to fpeake p2opcrlp,tobat id if ojtutte *: J& it a &ub* fame *: Cnzn bp tbeir otone confeffion, it batb no being but in tbe tufo^Dcr of otljer djing^ ♦ ^baUtoeetentieitan3ccitsent? ^oto iuuenaii. ftoulo anacciuenttoojke fo sitters accitients?33bat is ittfjenyf it rho-e wants be anp tbing at alft&urelp it is a toojo tbat Ogniftetb nothing but no God at nil, refpediuelp,tbat is to fa^as Raiting tefpect of fome tbings oj per* dothadu ^^ ftUiS ti;at ilre ^°^Cn °f > antl ft &at& n0 S^Uim W bti\X$ &U* °f an& Jc fooi«y C *u our °^nc ignojance/Ojat tol;icb is fortune to tbe Cbilne,is no hauc fortune fortune to tljz fatljcr: tljat tobtcb is fortune to tbe feetuant3is none dcifide.and to tl}C Startler: tbat toljicb is fortune to d;e fcoIe,is none to tfje toife Sa Mc*b°uc man:t^at^^^ ^ fortune to tbe toife matt>is nonebnto ©on^c^ C ciSo. coding to tbe meafure of out knotoleoge &} igno*ance,fo notb foj* Error, & Blind tune increafe 02 abate* 'Cake atoap ignorance fro men,ano fonune nes and the is banifljeo from all tbeir ncalings ♦ Cbe farijer lettetb a tfjing fall not knowing iU ty# <6amen,to fee tobedjer In* cbiln toil tying it to bim oj fteale auftsTauc il a^apXbe rtflte tbinkes it to be falne b? djaunce^ano bis fadjer brought vp fe$o knotoes to tobat enoe be mo let it fall, fmplcs at bim* 9no & the names of dje tbing djat toas cbaunce 0} fortune to tbe djiloe,toas of fet pur* Nature and p0fe in tbe fadjer ♦ 9 S^apfter fenoetb fond) niuers feeruants uu Fortune. uerg; foates3all to one place5to tbe intent tbat of man? ,fome one at tbe leaft map efcape ann come borne againe • Cljep mate tbere aH togedjer*9t tbe ftrff figbt tbe tljtng tobidj toas foecaU bp genu o^ &et,feemetb to djem to bappen bp aottenture* 9 Captapne batting ueuifen to take tije ©ate of fome Citit , cattfetb a Cart o? a <£ba* rpot to bee broken bpon t^t D?ali3b?inge as it toere bp fome mif= rijaunce^tbat bis ambufl) map in tbe meane lubile b^eake fcoitb ann enter tbe ^ofcme, Cbe CBamers fall to beating of tbe Wagoner foj it^nn otberfome e^cufe bint as ouertaken bp miOfo^tune ♦ 3nti fo tbe tbing tobicb toas a pollicie of COarre in tbe Captapne tbat aeuifea it, is a cbaunce o? fortune to tijc Cotone tbat lntit not tbe tpnunn of it .3 toife man to giue a glpke to anotber toife man5o; a Captapne to bzc;\xj)\z a Captapne, oj an enemie to uelune bis ate^ tttie, eppberetb a letter grortelp fo^t tbe nonce, ann fennetb it fucb a toap as be imaginetb tbat it Ojalbc furp2i>en* i)t tbat ligbtetb bpS t c is glnn of fo gan anuentuce5ann tbtnkiiig tljat \)t reanetb tbe fe* cretesi of !;i^ anuerfartw i^t, bui&ety an \fr zSwtt in g©n ear^ nctt OF CHRISTIAN RELIGION, 2Ip neff tipon tbtngs contriuen to necepue bim*3nn fo tbe djing tobidj l»as a rare neuife in tije one,ts a tare anuenture to dje otber* jftoto if among mcn,tobtc& are all of one kpnne 3 ann baue toelneere like ponton of reafon 3 tbere bee fad; oases bettoeene age ann age, be* ttoaene qualttte ann qual itte , ann bcttnane mi tt ann lu it jtb a ttbe fame tobid) in one is p?outnence 5 is fortune m another : (ball toce rijinke tt ftraunge, tbat tbe tbing tabid) feemetlj fortune to ns tijat are but bltnnnefle ann ignorance, ibouln beitngular p?ouinence as in refpect of 6on*t ©? tbat be Im^icI) is tbe onlp caufe of an caufes, ftouln baue djef kill to aflfemble tbem together to fome onecer* tepne effed^boto farre orffant foeuer tbep be^ 3s fo? e]tample,tf be make tbee to finne a 'Creafo? m nigging of a pit, o? to fcape a fall from a plandjer m gomg to toalke bppon tt ; toouloeft tbou fteale tbat benefice from tbe gconnelTe of ©©D,tobo b?ottgbt tfyk to tbe ane place,o? fatten tb& from tbe otber?3i fap from ©on ttrfjo is tbp maker , to fatber it npon blpnn jFo?tune tabid; knobbed; tbee nott 9nn tubp (bouln it be barner fo? btm to matd? ttuo caufes togetber tbat are farre afttnner, tban to baue manedjemfoferreatonneg one from anotber*:!)? tban tt is fo? tbp felfe to put tucon to fire,an& fire to mater, 9 tbp meate into tbe umter,tDbid) ate caufes fo farre t>iffant,ann petnottmtbft anning tbou iopneft tbem togetber to one certepne enne, tabid; ts tbe nouriibment of tbp bonte *t 3nn tobat tbtngs are furtber nfftant in tbp mpnn, tban a Cbarpot, a D?ata* 6?tnge, ann an^ofte of men; tobtcb tbtngs nottoitbffanoing rfjott coulneft fkfli to b?ing fitlp togetber fo? £ taking of a Cities %\)u$ Icoke toljeretn tbou noeft rineflp place fo?tune, tbere notb tbe rareft ann mofi toonnerfttflpopnt of l^?outnence moft eutoentlp fljetoe it felfe* T&\xt notn comes me tbe otber 3nuocate ; tab* to b?tng bs bnto Agdnfl Defttnie3ano to a certepne neteflttie of afl d>ings ann of al nofngs, Deftmk; maketb bis bann of all tbe tbtngs tabid; tae baue aHengeo agatnft tfo?tune* *&berefo?e let ns fee bota toe map taalke bedaoene iTo?- tune ann Deftinte , fo as toee map ^mnz djaunre t«tbout falling into neceflitie5ann percetuetobetber tbe fame be p?ouineneeo? no^ 3|f all tljtngs (fap tbep)be gupnen bp ©OD to fome one mwnc enn,pea cuen tbofe aifo tobtcb feeme cafuall -y tben can tbep not bee rumen anp otber toap ♦ 31 toillmglp gratmt tbem tbat > 9nn tf tbep cannot bee tumen^tljen are not mens noutgs free,but of necelTitie* 3f5ap,tbis cofequent is btterlp falfe;becau"fe dje tbings tobicb baue fceetutK toenneuer tbemfelues contrary to (Sons torill, battenot foe 2 Iff O F T H « TlttWNlS ftee potoet to reftrepne bt* tofll from ouerrultng djettn Outlet W lap fa^tb tbis matter moje at large , ttjat tt map bee tlje better bn* uerttcoD* 2£U fee tit rije g>ftpe a great number of <§>tatres tbat are ftceo , ano manp alfa (as tbe planets ) tmjicb tjaue euerp of tbem tbetr peculiar moumgs ttintesf $ courfes feuerallp to tbemfelues* Mo%tbt btgbeft l£eauen,bp bis bmuerfall mourns cartel all t$e 5§>tarrcs about , as toell tbe mouable as djc bnmouable., toitbout attpllopptngo^tntmtnrttngofrbetrpertscalarmatuug^tDbcrebp bee maoe innumerable figures afpetfs ant! refpect^ta^tcij 31 leaue to tbe 3ffcologcrs to Declare* &be S>tmne makedj tbe oap ano tbe pirejtbe 8-tone maketb tbe mon#b$$tge quartern tbe plepao* ano i&panjaf make tbe g>eafons • t%rfbpparremaketb tbe beate of tbe g>ommer,ano fo fojtb* let M£ttt tbe cafe tbat tbe bigbett Ipeauen fltoo (till , ano tbat rije lotoer ^eauens kept on tbetr pern* liar mouingsto? let bs put tfyz cafe tbat be toent on3ano tbat all tbe reft (too fttll^ attn tben (boulo tbere bee none of tbe fapo figuring* aao afpects to bee fcene* Kut let tbem an alone as tbep bee: let tfje fjtgbett fatten bp bfa moutng carte all tbe @>tarres about, ano let euerp of d;em contmuetbe batting ano executing of bfeofemepe* eultar nature,tbe mouable as mouable, ano tbe bnmottable as \*\u mouable, ano euerp of tbem tnoeuer aecojotnglp agatnft tbe dm* uerfall; ano tben (ball toee fee d;e toamoerfainelft of tbe ©eatten, tubtcb by an bmfojme fcpno of moutng £ leauetb to euerp <§>tarre bt'S proper ano peculiar moutng,peeloetb euerp oap oiuers fojmeil in tbe g>ftpe,tobtcb caufe alterations tn tbe ap?e ; tobicb tbing nep* tber bts oione fole moutng coulo 5 oc if tbe refioue of tbe fetarre* ftoaoe (fill , neptber coulo tbe courfes ano moutngs of tbe §>tarre* tying tt to paflTe, if tbep toere not carrreo about by tbe moutng of trim ♦ JSoto let b$ fee boto tbts example agreed) tottb our matter,. (Sob by W teifl ano poller batb createo all potters , ano oifpofen aflteiaes^batbfepotaer ouerruletb anpotoers,almen confefle* if oj tobo fe be tbat mafeetb a Cloche ano cannot rule it *t 15ut tbat bis torn (boulo oirect all tutHes to fucb enoe as be ltftetb5tmtbout finctng tbem fr5 tbetr nature tobtcb ts to be free;tbere is tbe ootort, ©00 fo^bio tbat be tobtcb createo nature to ooe bint ferture, fboulu be bnable to bfe tbe ferttice tbereof toitljout marring it ♦ (Sod tben (fap 3I)gupoetb all tbtngs to tbe performance of bis totll, tije mo* uablc bp tbetr mouings , ano tbe bnmouablebp tbeir fteofafineflfef tbe tbings inoetueo tottlj fence,bp tbeir appetites,ano xbz reafona* *fe i#n$$fig t^etr toflle^e natttrall t^tngs^bj tfjetr t^aloom^ (89 OF CHRISTIAN KEIIGIOK, 221 ana tbe ti)m$& t^at &aue tuffl,bp tf;etr fe«nomr:9n5 tfje freer tbat rbep be,tlje greater iu f)tss glojie, as m aaae it fa a mo?e commen* liable <1)ing to eaufe libertie to pfctoueelptoobeoiencebpgehtle &an3ling,ttian to WIe it o? font mn compultion as it toere tpeo in a cb&puc* 3|f tbe tutlless of all men toerc carieo bp (Sottf toill toitl> mitfomtag tljeir otonepeculiar naming*: tfcepotoerof (So&couU* not fctne fccjtb in tbem fo mucb a* it ootb noto,tofjen all Ujfllesi in* fojeetbcmfelueg feuerailpagainftbfe toill, ana petneuertbeleflfe cum in follotoing tljeir otone fooap^ooe 8m>e tljemfelueg leu (tbep toots not boto)tobetber foeuer it pleafetb burn jfteitber fljoufo toae fee tbe faiD m'uertitteg of figure* in tbe S?eauen,tobicb tyku fo or* uersaeffectM^arce^JI^ uerfitte, ann fuclj otber;U)()ifb,feruealltotl)ep?ouiiienceoft&ee* tierlaff ing (Sou -7 but toee fboulo fee euerptofrere one fcnifojme toill ijotomg all otber toilless faff fetterea , anu carrying tljem toljetljer foeuer it lifteo-, ana t^c mo?e ftreigbtlp tftat tfrep toere tpen bp, tfje fcffc fl)oulo toe efteeme of!) is potu cr^s toljo moult! fap be (tone in feare to let tbem tofe ♦ 3gapne,if toee imagine all tbofe toilleg to Ijaue free fcope3to follotoe tbeir otott Ipfcingg toitbout anp gouern* ment of bigber potoer to ouerrule tljem , ano reftrepne tbem tobett tbep inteno to tyeafeeout: toee fyoulo bnooubte&lp fee sitters en&g in tfn'ngg 3 tobereag noto tbep tztto all to one : 9m> libertie tooufo turne into Itofeneffe 3 fofenefle into trifbjoer, antr uifoper into &e* foutfion;tobereas tbe toojlo t>otb neceflarilp require o?oer,ano oj* *er requiretfi all tfringg to bee referred to fame one catepne ense, <©ou tljcr cfojc to fbcto bis potoer ut our ft&oome ant) libertie,batlj left our toiHeg to &S;ano to reftrepne tbem from tofcnefle, be batfr fo ojoereo tljem bp bis toifeaome , tbat be toojltetlj U$ otone toill no lefle bp tbem , tban if toee baa no toill at all * let u enforce out felttes aiEi mud; ag toee lift againft Ijis to ill 9 anD ^tt mm our o ifo * fceoiencelball turne to tbe fulfilling of bte infll ♦ let bg goe €aff* toaru toben W toil! goes SCtefttoartijano pet rwtfyW mouing co* uuct bg ftilU'Buc albeit tbat 600 tro leauefo^ft ano gupue tfre one toillais toella!Stl)eotber;petnottoitbftantiing rigbt bapptete tbat ittilltubiclj inuetteretb to follo\ae5ani> Unljappir ig tfjat tobicb muff bee baleu ann u?aggen ♦ i&etmfe in a feenell of 5pounu^ euerp of tftem rmtnetb acco^rtng to bfe naturaH inclination 5 ano pet aH of tljem feruecbepurpofe of fyt ^>unter*9lfo in an ^ofte of mcu,one figbcetl) fo? %onour5anotber fo? fpigljr,a tbiru fb? gapne,anc al fc? hictojie to i\)t punce tfjat ft«t tI;eminto e^e fieli* %&t from tbe tit OF THE TKfWT?t1 Godes fore- fight or For- knowJcdgc. / Ifitbeprc- Upounns cT>cfr nacutall intimations, anu front tbe S>0RTt?fft^ tljeft pertrruiav m tlle ar $ea(fap tbep)but <2fou fatoe al flSfng* *ao an tljc cotirftss of rtje toojto from euerlafting al at oneinftant,anu tinners cannot fal out ctbetlinle than beftatb fo^fane tbem* 3ft femetb djerfoje tbat no* tljmjj 10 cafualnotbmgat tbe cljopce of our fri^no?. asip tbingtljat ts not of n£ce!rttie*$es: fin as ©on beboloetb alt tilings tmti; one nietn, fo trotft bealfo bebolo euerp of tljem toorfcmg acceding too dcaincd(Gieth tijetr (eucrall p^opcrtted^ 0? f&tbtbejnouingof tije Kpceuen, anu Jj™ ou tljepawtculav mouings of tbe Sonne mm tbe q&rone to bung fo?t$ thy fick °«jt 1&C ®fKpfti* of necriKtie: Ije feetfc nihr cofultiug of toarre,of peace, ism vayn for of alpance anu otber tbings , Initlmglp ; anu bee &dj tbe plant* thectofend fpiungnp anugtotoenaturallp, E>ebimfcifbatbfet uotonetbeft* for the phio. conu^biru, vea3 ann fourtlj caufes,anu badj Knkeu tljem one to an dwitow6 «4^to no tnbat be mill baue uonetbut tije tbing tbat ueceiuetb m (anfweretk ro tbis cafe, ts tbat &e confinet not tbat out toills are among tbefe anothei)to caufes anu tbat accruing to tbetr fwenefle fucb as it is, tbep tnojft iiaue chndre; fr^ fo t\)t uoings of tbis ftojlu , Ipke a^ all otljer caufes tooojft thee tocFan » *uei? 0f tl#m *tf 0?&mjj to tfytit peculiar moouings, inclinations, %\ith thywyfb! abiiities,natures oj fcpnus* after tbe fame maner tbe man tbat i$ acquapmeu feaitb bte fjotofebolumatter^ 3 toil! oeeme afojebami tobicb of tb?ee parts W elueft fonne tnill c^©fe, anu tubicb W fe- conu toill cb©fe3tbougb be be farre of fro tljem, bicaufe be ftnotoerfj tbetr natures aim inclinations ; ano pet fo? all tfeat , Ijee inelpnertj tbemnot to tbe uooing of tbe one oj of tbe otber* 3getne, anotbet fojefetb tbat a$>jince mfllfuaqic peace o? make toarre, bpcaufe be futotuetb Wni too be eptber of a quiet 0} of an tmquiet nifpofitioiu Cuen fo is it tottb ©on $ fauing tbat Ije being n^re anu mnermo?c to al tbings tban tlje rtjings tbemfelties are,notb knolue tbem moft perfealp 3 Kxfytsia toe l;aue nothing but bp coniectures , anu tbofe Ijerpe toeafee. Co be fljojt , as in refpert of ©on tbe tbings are of tieceiTitie5tubicb as in refpett of tbemfelues are tbings of cafualtie; tl)t caufe toljerof is,tljat tte matter tobicb in tt e tljings tbemfelue^ is to come^is p?efent to bis figbt euerladmglp ; ann bis fo^efeing rftljings to come , is not in tbe caufes of tbeiu as it is tmto topfe tt:en 5 but in Ijimfeff \n\jo is tbe caufe of all caufes ; ano tljerfo?e l;e feetb not tbat tbou fbalt no tbis 0} (bait not no tbat [ as of a tbing to corae]but tobatfoeuer tbou art to uco, be fetb t\)k notng itfrom tmtettinsi naturally if itbe to be none naturall&anu toillinglpif it OF CHRISTIAN RELIGION. 22} ft be to be none toillinglp : am* pet tbp twill it no lefle fubtect to b& tofl!,tban tbp nature fe fubtect ta tbepotoer tbat crcateti ttmeitbes ig tbefteefcom of tbp^^fucb a$ it is nato after tbp fail)anp mojs compeCet* in taking neJrberation ., tijan tbp nature is compeHeo iti growing 02 ftumtng* anfjeu 31 fpcakc beere of fcauifil, 31 meanc not to neale toritlj tijis ©ttettton tobetfjer ft !pe in fc# to cboofe ft* leap of Valuation oj wxjf 0? as it 10 a tfoing tfcat formountetb tl;e tnbole nature of mankinn,anti ejecetoetb $ pjopajtion of our toeafc* fmaetftatrtmiga : fomuftit of neceffttie enfue tbat toee muft bee tyattcnbpfmnebpgbercaufefromabmte,a$ in a cafe tfjat con* mnetbtbe forking of ottr f#uesamjofour oi»ne tiefices 3 atin not t\)t following of tbeim Sgeine, 31 intemi not to take atoap tbt ortraojmnarie m^ttong tobtcb ®or> laojketb in b$ 3 toben be tofetfj M fometpmes beponu tbe inclination of our nature ,bp boning tbat in bs bp a fecrete operation,tol)tcb teas not in fcs of our feltie?, !But 31 fpeake peculiarip of tbefemferimtr ooings , tnbieb are pjo* pojeionabieto outfit an& to tbe capaciticofourreafon-, inUibicb things our tfratonll (agmapmca as it is) Ijatb abilitie to eyeupfe it felf, not uutbft cinuinac tl;at it be u ttcrip lame ami suable to mou nt Up anp bigber*3fter tljat maner t bcrefoje map toe toase bettoanc tbe jFojtune of Epicurus ami tl>e DcHinie of Chryfippus , by Pjg* utoence •, and bettueenc eaftraltte ano mccWitiz bp tbe toill of <0ot; and bettoaene loocencift anti l&omnge bp leauing cbcis motimgs free; tnbicb pet neuertbeleffe ft all come to tbe cm» tabic!} <£od bat $ litteo to appoint unto tbem^batfocuer tumninpf ami tojeatbing* Ibcp fame to tbemfdues to make in tbe meane tpme,3m> as tou» cbing tbe ueff iiue of tlje ^ftroIogersjUubo make aU tbtngs fufcie* to tbe tobtelinp about of tbe &>k?ty ami make at! tbings to be aa itmcb of neceflfitiras tbz mouings thereof: toe toil! ieaue tbem t* jrteatre tbeir cafe agetnft tbat greate itearneD man tbe Comtiz of Miranduia , piping them to confiDcr ac leafttopfe , tobetber tbe peatellutipcamipepntstobwb tbofegreate Clerks bawttak n to nifp^ooue t&is ucllinie , can bp anp meanes beefatlierenuppon Ucdinie^ film ri>en,fti) a fman conclutton of tM* tobote nffcoutfete M fap tbat <£oi3 in a fctiereine Bceing,anti a foucrein mpnb,an^ tljac Beeing and Mynding are all one in btm ; ami tbcrefo^e tbat as ta treating tbitrgs rtje might ant» po^cr of bis Beeing ettenBc n cmn to tljc leaa tbint^s tn els tbep ban not bin at alhfo tbep?otn'ticnce^ fc^ecatt am btrcaion ttW ^b tjctemi to alUbing^ o? eife tljcp COiilD 2*4 OF THE TREWNES eoulo not continue* Let not tbe ronfufion of t bmgs tobicb toe fee beerc bclotoe trubUle bs; fyrljc greater tbe fame is , tbe greater &otb ©aDspjouioence fljetoeit relf cbctc^'n, ao c!;e f ktU of a npfofr tton ootb m tbeintricateneffe of a tufeafc;n5wc toljo is be cbat can limit tbe figljt of tbe €uerlatttng ©od ': &urdp not tbe pjofperi* ties of tbe tmefteo ; foj tlj ep be but titfo^s: no? tbe at ucr Cries of t be goDlp,fy tl;ep be but * jerctfes ; np? tbe Deatbes of t(je giltleffe, (o) it is but a pouo:ring of tijeic brrce&cs to pjefcrue tbem to tbe life of poaeritie, J3ap,lct not euen fiane it felfe,tobtcb is tlje Derp cuill in neeae , tmk anp gruoge of m pnn in us ; fojt ©ou Createo JQaturegoea, but euill is fpjoongt&ercof* $e Creates freaome, «nn it is Degenerateointo Looceneffc* 3But let ds pjapfe <£ou fo$ fritting us potoers^ansletbs con&emnc our feluesfoj abufing cbemJLet us glojifie bim fo? cbaHiGng tos bp our otoneltoccneffe, foj evecu ting bis 3lu0tce bp our umua Dealings , ana foj perfoj* ntingtbe o?umaunceof bts rigbtfull toill bp ourinojoinate paf* Cons* Jitocfceatbing tobereoftoefcnovue nottbecaufe;let te acknotoleuge our ignojance, ano not name it fojtuneXbc caufea sbat are furtbeff afunuer, are neere at bans tin to bim, to pcrftymc toba tfo cuer be lift etb* 3If toe do anp tmreafonable tljing ; let tos not alleoge necefft tic* Cpe can f kill to fcfe all tbings tottbout marring fym i tbe moouable, accojoingto tljeir moouingsj tbe tbings in* octoeo toitb toill, decoding to tljeir paflions ; ano the tbings in* Detoeo toitb reafon, accojoing to tbeir reafoning** Jn tbinking to Do our o tone toill,toc tying bis to paffc&Be be free to folio toe out ctonc Mature ;annoui Mature is becommeeuillttyouglj finnr, © tojetcbeo franomctobtcb tyingetljtostmDer fucb bondage/ ano afftye tbis nature of ours , toe can neither fljun it no? Djfoe it from as : fo? toe be bontflaues toit,anb it to finne^no tl;cre bebouetb a Oronget tban our felues to rio us tljereof, ^bereftye let bs pjap (Sou to tying tbe fr&Dome of our toills in bondage to bis toill, and to free our foules from tbis baro ano Damnable kino of frceuomc, ano to graunt us bp bis grace,not as to tbe toickeo,to ooe bis toill in bain g an toiliin g to do it ; but as to bis e&itojcn,a t leatttoife ta fei toiliin g to ooeit tutn in not Ming iu Thi *2f .r^Tbex'rii] Chaffer. That the Souk of Man is immortall,or dycth not. 3!tljcrtco 31 ijaae treates of tljc toojlD tbat » to jbc conceiuca in im&crffanfc ing, ana of tfcc fen* jfiblc ftOotfo ( as ilje Platonilts tearmc tljcm) j tbat iff to faj),of (Souanuof cljtsi^o^Djj5cU) foltotoctb tljz examining oft&c little m*}\* { (as tljcp tctme it) tbat is to fap,of man* Con* awing C3ot>, "toe bane ariutotolJOgeo %im to be a Spirit : ana as r oncbing t be (Xtojito, toe baue fotmo it to be a fcoop, Jk man toce baue an atyiogntfnc of botb,namelp of ^00 in M?" " bf t!* cefpect of Spirit , an* of tlje ftEUuic in compofition of boap , ad Souk & ° ya tboigbtbcCreatojofpurpofetofet fo?tbamirrojof bis fettQk** intenoeo to bjinginto one little compafle botij tfce infinitencfle of $3 otime natttrcann alfo tijt bougenefle of tbc Uil;ole toojlo toge« ifoiu £Hce fain mans bonp a ftLto^crfuIl miftnxc of tbefotocr Clements, tlje bepnes fp^eatiingfo?tb like Kiticratotlje wtermolf members ; asmanp intfrtunentsof fenee3as iljeere be fenfible na« cures in tlje toojlD; a grcate nomber of fine\ues3 jfleGjffrings,nn& knitter*-, a l[KaDljp fpcciall pjiuileoge Dirccteo top too i^eaucn* tonrD; f Ipanbs fertung to all manor of feruicrs, £ubatfocucr Ije is tW (!) ill conGocr no moje>bat onelp t!;is inflrument , toitljont life, luitljout fence , a nutoitbout moiling-, cannot but tbink toerilp tijac itismaoetoiKtic greatepurpofe; anobemuflneeaes fcricout as Hermes 0? as tlje Sarzin Abdala Dotb.tfjat man is a miracle tuljicfc farre furmonntet!) , not onlp tfrefe Low* Clements, but alfo tbe Ueric j^eauen ana alltlje ornaments thereof* OSut if ke coulo ( as it tuere out ofbimfclf)bcbobtbtsboopreccttting life, ano entering into tbcufc of allbismotions toitlj fneb fojtetoattmeffe gating be* ■ birring cbemfclues fo nimblp ano after fo funujie faOn'ons^no tfce feenfes totterrngtfjeir fo?cc fo farre o^toitbout ff irring on t of tljtft flare rtljinft po« nottbatljeinoulo be toamtKrfullp raui^cn , anu fo muebmoje toomtjcc at tbe fapo life mouing ano fence, tljan at tbeboDp, as be to>oonDcreoafojeattbebot>p, tobebolo tbc wel- leucieoftiiepjopojxioBt^creofabonetl;rmaircoflbmeflonel:iro| $ ttljac tl6 OF TH! T R E W N f S tobat companion i3tbcrcbetkicenc a lute ano a tufcplapcr,^ bftUKcncabumb tnftruinrnt anb turn tbat uuketb it to fbunD p abcue tbe cut- let molt circle of it botb at once ; pjefent in a tboufonb places at one inftant, imtyat mg tbe tofcofc umbotit teu cbing it ; krecping bpoa Cue rartb , ano pet contevning it ; bebclmng tbe tycaHcns from be* neatb > anb lacing aboue tbe i?r aucns of {t)caucns botb at once <: fe^oulo bee not be compillcn totfajf,! t Jat in tbis ftllie bobp tfce?e fctoelletba greater tying tban tb%bff*p,grcater tban tbe canape* greater tl;an tbe toboic ujo?Id togitljcrtEben let be fap tuitb Plato, tbat man is nubble j outfcuarb , airt tntoarb, ^e outtoarb man is tbat tetycb W fee ftitb our epes^frcb fojgoctb not bts (bnpe tolje it is ocacno map tban a Lute fojgoetb Ijis Oj^pe tuben tbe lute* pi iier renffeci) from making it to fotmb,bottbeit tbat botb Hfe, mo« iung,fencc,anb reafon be out of it^bt invars man is tbe feotile5 anotbatts pjopcrlp tbcticrp manjtobtclj bfetb tbe bonp as an in* ftrument -y lobcrcunto tbongb it be unites bp tbe potoer of (Debtee tootb it notremouc ruben tbe bo&pronnetb»$tfeetb tubrn tbe cped be (but,anb fomctpmes fee tij not toben tbe cpes be top&e ope» : Jt traucletb tobiletbc boDprc8ctb,ano rcftetbtoben tbe bebp era tie* Ietb;tb^tistofap,ttisableofttfelftop3rfo?mebiso'a3neacttoni0f, luitbout tbe btip of tbe outtoarb man,toberas on tbe concrarie par; tbe outuiarti toitljtmt tbebelp of tbe tntoar&.tbat is to but,tbe bo&p loitbout tbe pjefenceof tbe feoule,batbneitbcr fcncc3mcuing,Iiftv no no? coucinetoanceofbeeing* 3!ntbe outtoarb man tuebauea Coanterfet of tbe tobole toojls > anb if pe rip ticrn botb bp bp per* celmealc^e ftal finb a tocotiberfull agreement bettoijrt tbem*13ttt wp purpofe i\\ tbis booke is not to create of tbe tljings tbat per* tepne pecuiiarip to tbe bobp. 3!n tbe intoarb man toce baue a fummc of tobatfoeuer life fence mtb mouing is in all creatures, ana mojeouer an 3mage 0* ratber « (babotuc(fa tfre Image is Defaces bp our Knne)of tbe vSo&bcafr It felfe • 3nb tbat ia tbe tbmg tubicl; toee &mtc to eramir^ in tbt^ Chapter* Jjnpianw, teepercepuetbatbefttieiS tbeir bonrcs tubicfr luee fee3t!jere is alfo an intoarb berturlubic^tDte fee not. joljcrcbp tbep liue, grotue, bub5 ann beare fruite : tobicb bertt^toeecall tbe ^uiciening feou!e,anb it maktb tbctn to bifer from fetonts an* SpcttaOc*, OF CHRISTIAN RELIGION. M7 $9ettal!e$,ttbtcb fcaue it not* 3!« fenfitiue liutng tbt'ngs, toe finne tbe fetfefame berttte, tobicb too?fcetb Ui!>tie tbep Hope $ are after a fojt ag tbe piantg;ann tbnctottbafl toe finne another certeme net< tue o? potoa- tobicb (ml) , bearetb , fmelletb,taftetb , ann feclet^ tobicb alfo in manp of tfjem not!) b©jn bp tlje t^ing^ bjottgbt in bp tbc fence^tobtcb matter of potter tbepianta are fcopo ot'ftbte no toe tentie tbe fenfititte &o ule,becaufc t^e effects thereof are nifcer* iten anD ejrecuten bp $e ence$* 3In man tue baue botb tbe quick T£ M*n,?* urns ann tbe fenfititte, tbe former bttermg it felfe i\x tbe noutifb - ^^ - *tg ann increafing of btm,ano tbe later m tbe fttbtilitte of fence ami tmaginatton,tobetetb?ougl}t)e fa botb plant ann 15eatt togetber* 3$ut pet mo?eouer toee fee aTTo t sppnn tobicb confioeretb ann be* Ijolnetb,tobtcb reapetb pjofite of tbe tbings tbat are bjougbt tn bp tbe §>encea,tobicb bf W fetng eoncetuetb tbat tobicb it feetb not* tobtcb of tbat tobicb te not,gatberetlj tbat tobicb fc;& fittaflp tuljic^ pulietb a man atoap botb from tbe eartb t from al fenfible tbincrg, yea ann(afttr a fojte)ftom btmfctf to* %W noe toe call tbe rcafo* liable &oule,ano tt ft tbe tbtng tbat mafcetb man to bee man, (ami not a plant o? a bjttte 'Bead as tbe otljer ttoo noe,)ann alfo to bet tbe 31tuage o? ratber a ftanotoe of tbe ©onbean,tn tbat(as tucftal fap bereafter) tt t£ a feptrtt tbat map baue continuance of being a* lone bp it felfe toitbout tbe booie ♦ 3nn bp tbe toap, tobeteas 3J fap tbat tbe intoam man batb a quicftenmg potoer as a plant batb , a fenfititte potter as a ^eaft batb, ann a potter of toniierftaittitog ttberbp be fa a mammp meaning fa not tbattje batb tb?ee ftottle* but onelp one &oulc ; tbat fa to ttit^tbat Itfce as in tbe bjute 33caft tbe fenfitiue bottle compjebeunetb tbe quidkeningoule eompjebennetb botb tbe fenfittue aim tbeeitrffcenmg, ann ejrecutetb tbeoffices of tijem alienee, fa ag it fcotb Itttctb, feeletb , ann reafonetb t\xm as toeli ano after ti)£ fame matter, ag tbt mpnn of a man map intenn to bte ottne bottfebo'ftis matters! , to t^t affapjeg of t\)t Commontttale , aim to beattenlp tbmgsi ail at once ♦ i)j to fpeake mo^e Stlp3tbefe fyzz negreegs of feouleei are tfyae ftegr^ of life , ttbereof tbe feconn ercanetlj a:tn rontepnetbtbeftrl!, anDfbetbtrueycaiwtt ann contepnetb bot^ tbe ortjer mo, ^t one^ttttbout tbe toWy tbe bonie cannot Hue, fe tbe dottle oj life of tbe plant, ann & fo tpen to tlje bonie^bat it fbettetb not it felfe in anp ttife out of it. Cbe feconn,ttbicb cannot liue ttitbottt tbe bonie,ig tbe @>oule o^ life of tbe Keaft2ttbic b &orb ttell btter f»jtb W potter ann fojee abjoan, Jutyet not otljerttife $ a tbati 2l8 OF THE TKEVVNES tban bp t\)Z members artu fnftrumentj; of tlje bodte toJjeretmto ft is tped ♦ 3>bt tbird, teljid) can of it felfc lute atro continue uurfjout tlje booie,but not tbe boDtc tuidjout it, is tbe Motile of man,i2)!)tfb giuctfr life sntoardlp to all bis parts, fye&# foitfj bis lift abroad in tbe perceputng of all tbings fubiect to g>ence,ano rctepucti) Hill bis fo?ce(as (]j albe fapn bereaf:er)pea and increafed; it, euen tobeu tbe tfrengtb of dje borne ana tljeberp ImelincITc of tlje fenres faple* 3nd in berp ddedc,pe fljall fee a man fo?goe all bis feures one aftes anodjerasdjemfttumentsof djemdecap, and pet baucftillbotfr Ife and reafon bnappapjedXlje cau&ujb^ reof is,djat feme of dje inllrumentsof life and fence doe$fcpf> but dje life itfeifetobtdj quickened) djem fapletb nat*9mrrtjertfo;ie dje 'Bcaft fojgcedj not life in lofeg fence , but be dtterlpfojgpedj fencein forgoing life* And tbat is becaufe life is t!>c ground of tbe abilities offence , and tbe fenOtiue life is a moje excellent life tfjatt tbe qaickznin$ life, as toberein tbofe powers and abilities are as indjeirroote* ^obee fbo;t,f)etbatbereauet^mauo?bea(toftbebfeofSence&, o? man of dje rigljt bfe of reafon, dotb not tberebp bereaue t)im of life ; but &e tbat bereaueri; tlje beaft 0} t\yt outtoaro man of djeir life, aotfj tfjeretotdjan bereaue djem of fence and reafon ♦ ^berefoje it is a molt furcargument , tbat tbefeouletofjid) caufed>a bcaftto liur, and tbe bottle tbat caufetb ittoljauefcnce, are botb one, tbat is to lait , one certepite fcpno of life mojc liuelp and mojc excellent djarc tbe life tbat t* in plants ♦ #nd Itfcetoife tbat tbe-S>oule tabid) cau* fetb man to liue, to Ijaue fence, and to reafon,is bxit one, tbat is ta tntt , onecerteptreftpndeof life moje excellent, mojeliuelp r and of furtber readj, tban tbe life of tbe 35eaft ♦ Vat Ifte as fence is as it tuere tbe fojme o) <§>e!feoemg (if 31 map fo terme it) of tbe life of a 6eaff;fo is reafon oj imderftandingdje berp fo?me and ^elfebcing uf tlje §>oule of man;and(to (peak property) it is tbe pottle oj life of tlje <§>oulc,lifce as tlje apple of our epe is dye berp epe of our epe* Snd in berp d&de^fjen tlje mpnd is earnettfp occupicd,djt fences are at a flap ; and toben tbe itntt^ areouerbu(tcd,dje nourifljment and oigeftion is bitidered-,and contrarptoife: tebirt* djing could not come to pafle if tbe <§>oule urere anp mo tban one fukttance, tobicfj bv reafon tljat it is but one,cannot titter bis fojee alike in all places at once , but p&Idetb tlje lelfe care one \ubere ft long as it it ear* nefflp otcw^tJ) anotljertoijere ♦ 3!« tljis S)ouIe of man(U)bid) prt liottoitbftandingis but one) tbediuerfitie of tbepotoers and abili* tiz$ i$ nerp apjarautt^e q.uicknmgpotuer dot^ nouri^mcreafr OF C H-R I ST T AN' RE LICIO N. 22£ m> maroeepne &s ; ana IReafon anti 8>cnce me&trte not t^rtetoftf^ neptbcrbauedjep po&er to unptacij d)etuojkmg thereof ♦ Cbe trued) thereof appeared; in tbis , tbat djofe tbings are bell Hone toben our mjmn is as «&aift our fences are aflopejtnfomucb djat ofcentpmes be fojgo tfce fence ana mouing of feme parts bp fame Hbctome o) fome]8aIfcp, ana pet d^ famepartd reafie not to bee nourilbeb ftfiLSlfi^tfie lenfittue Itfe feetb ana perctiuetb a forte of, pea oftentimes toitbout fettmg of d;e inputs tberebpon,oj toid;oue ronfoeringtobattbeftence conccpucdj* Some men tobirijbaue but toeake ftences,baue beg> quicke bnucrftammtg ; ana itketoife on tlje contrarp part*9gap$i,fomefaH into a coafttmption^bidj toant not dje perfect bfe of $eir &tm &. ft ometpme tlje reafonn* b*e part is fo eameftlp bent ami ocm^t* about tbe tbings tbat it Itketb of,djat b^ tbe increaOng of it felf, it burtedj anD tmninifljerf) tbe part djat quicfeenetb* 9Ifo it ftanaetfj in argument againft tljt g>ences,anti repjouetb djem of falfljm&e , ana roncluaetb contrarp to tfjetr information* 3na it map bee tbat tbe man 'ojijicb bad) W trigeffion perfect ana bte fences founa,batb not fjis toit o? reafou fauna in like cafe ♦ j!3oto, toere tbe feoule but onelp one abi!itte,it roula not be fo^But noto is ttje fame aiuiaea mamfelHp into twit o j bnaerftanaing,ana toili j tbe one feruing to aemfe.ana tbe odjer to C]te;ute* #oj toe bnaerftana aiuers tbings toljtcb me toili not, ana tt»ee U)i(I aiuers tbings tobtd; toec bnaertf ana not: tobtcb conrrarp operations ramtot be attributes botb to one potoer* jfteuertbeleffe, tbebniting of aUtbefe potoers togetber is totd) fucb ailtmcmeile, ana tbe aiftinguiQnng of djem is lxittb fud) anion f tljat o>ainanIp ftep mate aU together ixi one feifefame attion , tbe one of tljem as reaatip (hip all Ukelpbcna) as dje otber,botobett tbat euerp of tijem twd) bis otune toojke fcueiallp b]> ijtmfclfe , ana one afoje anotfjec *3 b refpetf of djeir obfects > Cbus baue toe fyw fo?ts of meit5acf o^mg to tbe tfe& poU3er5 m abilities of tbe mftaraeman , ^2ameip dje eardnp man, luijirf) like diel^Iant mpnnetb nrt)in$ but fldeptng atni feeding , making al bis fences ami al b S r:afon to feruc to tbat purpafr3as in^bom tbe care of tbis patent life one!p,batb tseuourets ants fiuaHoUjeo bp bis fences anonnoerftanomg* ^bcftenfuailman(asft+pau{e Ijhnfdf termed) bim,)U)I)o is giuen tebollp to djefe fenfible tbings tmbacing ann cafting ootone bis reafon fo farce, as to make it a bon^flaue to bis fences ana the pleafures am> beiigbts djerof:3no ftereafonabIeman,^oliued; p?oj)erIp in fptrtteanu mpnn, lalja y 3 rn:crct& 2JG OP T H » TRIWNI3 rateretlj into bimfclfe to knotoc bimfelfe,ano geetfc out of Jnmfdft to beboto efe t^ce p3toer**oe mgne aim bear* fiw.ip ta man, tbat is to tott, after as; a man potoetb bimfelfc motf to one tl)a to another of tbem;fo becommetb be like unto tbe &pi* rites ,tbe tyute Beaftes, oj plants, pea ano tbe berp ^forties ano fetones^ut it is out mfpoStion men bp kpno,to be carpeo atoap bp our corrupt nature5ano bp tbe obietfs tobiclj bemme bs ta on alt Goes •, but as foj ajatnll our nature pea oj bepono our nature, one nature is not able to Doe anp tfjin^ft dtf; Ji^aUJ^tt is not cnougb fo? &s to kuotoe t&at toee Ijaue a gjoule Itfbercbp toee iiue,feele,ano Unnerfta^ ano tobtcb beeing but one batb in it felfe alone fo manp funtyie potoers o^ abilities;: foj it toia be oemaunoco of bs bp ano bp tobat tins Motile property b ♦ 3tm fatblp if 3| (boulo fap, 3! cannot tell tobat it is , 31 ftoulo not belpe mp felfe a tobftjfoj 31 (boulo but confeffe mpne stone ignojance^a* tnntnp great learneo men baue oone afme me.3no 31 ftoulo ooe na topng at all to tbe ^>ou!e it felfe ; foj fitb toee cannot oenpc tbe tU feds t!jereaf,tbe lefle tbat toe be able to oeelare tbe nature ana bk^ tug tberjfjtbemojeootbdjeejcceHennetberof (bine fo^tb*2gdnif, it is a plapne cafe , tbat no tbing can rompjebeno tbe t\)in$ tbat is greater tljan it felfe ♦ jftoto, our feoule & after a fou Jefle tban it felfe,;n;umucb as it is tojappea bp ta tbts boop,in like toife as tfo man tbat batlj gpues aim fetters on bis feete , is after a fo?t toea* feer tljan bimfelfe ♦ jfteuertbeleflfe , let bs afTap to fatiffpe fuel; oe- maunos as toell as toee can* 8no fojafmucb as it is tbe 3image of e(Te 0} comepue toljat it is3 let W at leafttoife be certiSen tobat it ts mt ♦ tfittt of all , tbat tbe *ou!e anu tb? "Boop be not botb one The Body and t jmg?but ttoo berp farre Offfenitg tbin^s.ano alfo tbat tbe §>ouie nm one fcif! ** u0 '9** °^c boD^^ *&***% of it felf tottI)out futdjer pjofe* Sncthing" SFo) if tbe^ouletoere ^ boop oz a part of tbebonp,it fboula rjroto toitb tbe boop as tbe atber parts of tbe biupoae, anntbe greater tbat tbe boop toerc,tbe greater alfo Iboulo tbe feoule be,.aap,con^ trarptoife 5 tbebotip increaltcb to a cettepne age ano tben ftapetb; after tobicb age is commonlp tbe tpme tbat tbe feouleootbmoft groto, ano t^ofe t^at are flrongett of mpno m commorJp toeafo ft of OF CHRISTIAN KttlfclOK. »}I rf bofc &ann tbe §>ou!e is ftene to be fun of KntitnctTt fa a ftngmT* ftuig bo&p3ann to grotoe tbemojc m fc^cc, bp tije &ecap oftijc bo* trie* Cbe Motile tljen grotoetb not to it!) tbe boty, ann t1)trefo?£ it is not tbe bonp3tto? anp part of tljc boup ♦ 9nrs tobcreas 3! fpcafce of gtotoing in tbe &ouIc,bp gtotoing 31 meane tftc profiting Hjfct* of m potoer affl> berttte , as d;c bonp grotoetb m greatnefife bp fut^ tber inlargmg ♦ 8gm'ne, if tbe £>oute toere t(je botsp^it fyouto lofe ijer ffrengtb anu fomumefle toitb tie bonp,fo as tfre mainieo m bo- Die Ojoulotberetottbfeelealfo a mapme m btebnneiftantiingas toeU as in bis membersttobofoeuer toere tick of anp nifeafe^ffjouto alfo bee (icfce in Ijtss reafombe tbat limpctb aj fcaltetl), ff;outo rijert* &mb bait ut bottle aifo: tbe blpho mans oule fyoulo bee blpnn, ami tbe lame mans; ou!c (ftoulD be lame^ut toe fee c otravitoife, tbat tbe mapmeo ano tbe ficfee y tbe Cripples ami tbe blpno , bane tbeir bottle tobolc ano founts ann tbeirtortjerflan&ingpetfett aim doerefigbten in it felfe* Co be 0;ojt,manp a man npetb toljofe bonp is fountp>ant> otfff retb not a tobit in anp part from tbat it toas tobS tt toas aliue,ano pet nottoitbftanoing,botb life5mouing,fence3anti imnerffanoing ate out of it ♦ Let as fap tben tbat in tbe boup tbere toas a tbing tolndj toag not of tl;e boop , but toas a farre otbct tbmgtbantbeboop* Sometoilfuliperfon toifl obtectbere3tbat dje fore ann ffrengrtj of tbe §>ou!e grotoetb toitb t^t bonp , ag appeal) M tbis tbat a man grotoen toil remoue tbat tobicb a tbtto cannot,anti tbat a rijito of ttoo peered oto toifl goe,tobicb tbing a babe of ttoo monetbS ol& cannot fcoe^ut be (bouto confioer alfo,tftat if tbe felfrfame man o? tbe felfefame cbtto fyoulu baue a mifebatmee m bfe ttM* o? in W avme^ beftoulo tbeiebp fozgoe tbeOfrengtb anu moutng tbereof, toberea^petnottoitbttanoingbi^ S>oule (boulo baue tyt fo^mec fo^ce anti potoer Ml to moue tbe otber a^ fbe aft afoje* Cbetefo?e tt iei to be fapa,not tbat f djilosi feoule t«i grotoen o? ftrengtbeneu l)ptpme; but ratber tbat bte Qneiuesare^ieo anub^tuencD tobicb tbcfoulenfetb as firing* ant) inftrument* too moue toit ball ann tberefo?e toben age batl) loofenen anti toeaheneu tbem,a man batlj neeoe of a itaffe to belp tbeiti tottb3aItbougb bebaue ag goon a toil to runne as be ban toben be toas poong^'&e foulc tben toljicb mo* wetb tbe all at one becfce,batij tbe felffame potoer in infant ie tobicb it batb in age , ann tbe fame in age tobicb it batb in t\)t pjime of goutb : ann tbe fault is onlp in tb? (nSrnment, tobicb is bnabfc to tyccnte t&e operations t6ereof;lifte a^tl;e cunning of a JUtepiaiet i^ 4 to ^7 *3* O.F , T HE T R B TV N E S Tli .it the Soulcisafub- is npt oinunifbcnbp £ mopftneffc ojflaclmeffe of bis lute firing no? incrcafen bp tfce otter bigb ftrcpmng ant) rptgljt Wanting of tbcm j but innccne in tbe one bee cannot fljclDe #3 cunning ar aH, ann in tlje ocber Ije map (Ijetoe it moje oj IcffcXtkeUufc tlje fyeecb of £bi!u?m commeft toitlj tbeir tectb>bo'o&cit t!;at tfce fpecci) noe tftanifefUp Utter it felffitft,m*battb*£ prattle manptljingstuljifb tbep cannot pronounce : ann in olo men it goal) atoap agcin Untfj tbcirtcctb, ar.U pet tl;cir eloquence ts not abatcD tl;crcUp* 9ffb? DerrioftheneSjaltbougb bee furmounten alltbe ffijatojsofljts tpme , petUKrctljcrc fomc letters luljiclj be coulo not pronounce* ©tueimto oinageoj imto infonyejbe fame fmelues ann tectb, ano as able an* luffpe iimmes arin ?n€ttibers as potub b«tb } atiti tbe actions tobiclj tlje foule noctb tirfftrtOe bonp ann bp tbc bonp,3l meawefo ftirre foojttljas conccrne tbc abilities of fence ana I? tie* Ipnes,Cbalbe perfojmen as tuell in one age as in auot!>er3ut ijao* Del! tbou as greate tnnifferenrie in tungtng of cbc fojee ann poluer of tljpne oume foulc,as of tbe naming of a lutcplaper, (% ftp not bp tbe nimblenes of bis fingars tobtcb are pcrcbatuue knotteo b)ttb tbe gout,but bp tlje plapne ana fiueete harmonic of bis &a« Imlatojte as tlj*p terme it,\ubieb makctlj tijoe to noeme bim to ijaue runnins taW* bean , altljouglj bee can no moje vttcr it tmtlj W Ijanog , ) fo as tbou trroulucft conGoer bob) tbou bail in tbp felfe a Defirc to go , tbougb tbp fete be net able to beare tbe ; a oifcrction to tun^c of tbings tbat are fpohen; tbougb tbpne cpes cannot con* uev it into tbee ♦, a founn eloquence , tljouglj fo? loam of tbp tcctfc tbou cannot \aell e jrpjefie it ; ann toljtcb is abeue all tlje reft>a fub* tfantiall qutcfce ann Ijwuenlp reafon , euen tuljen ftp bonp fa mofc eartblp aim pooping ♦ ^m tuouloeft f©ne conelutie tbat tbe fojee ann potoer of quickening, mooning, ann perccpttutg,ts toljole ann founn in tbp g>oule,ann tljat tbe nefault te altcgetber in tbp bonp* 31nfomucb tbat if fi;e ban a netoe bonp ann netn inffruments gtucn bnto ljer3 (be tooulo bee as luftie ann cljattlp asf euer ftetoas, m\x tbat tlje moje flje pereepuetb tbe bonp to neeap, tbe mo?e (be labo- retb to retpjeinto %n felf,tobicb is a plapnep^cofe of tljat (be csef not tbe bonp no? anp part of tlje bonp3but tlje nerp life ann intoojker of tlje bonp* annfitljtt fefo, tfjere ninetljnorougnxanmnglMbcnjertbe feoulc be a fubftanre o^ a quaiuie* foh feeing tljat quafttirt baut no being but in anotljei tljing tljan tbeinfeiuc^ -, tbe life tobtoft catt^ fct^ another t^ing to be^cannot be a qualitic ♦ jf ojafmticb tl>en ta tlje OF CHRISTIAN RELIGION. 233 $e g>ouTe maftetb a man to be a man,t»ljo otbcctotfe $ouln be but a CarftelTe oj €avpon:tioubt(eire(bnleifrfte Ml faptbattl>conip Difference tebicb is bettwt a mau ana a aeati CarkelTe , fe but m acriDent0)U3emuft netffcg gratmt tljat tlje Lottie is a fojmtng fufe tfance ana a fubftantw! forme , p^a arm a mod excellent fubff ante inStmdp paffmg tl;eoutu»aro manias tobiclj bp tlje poluer ana few* jue tbereof caufetb anotljcr tljing to baue being, ano perfected tlje bomlp fubft ance toljicb f&metb outtoaralp to Ijauc fo many perf ec* ticin* Q£ut fjerebpon tnfetnetfj anotljcr controuccGe^ljetfjer tljig fub* flancebeea bamlpojanunboatlp fubftancc; toljicb cafe required) ftmctobat longer examination ♦jjfe(otbip,tf tne eoaiber tbe nature ufa botipjtt Ijatlj certeine meafimngg,amj compjebeuaetb not anp tljing tobtebfe not pjopojtionea acceding to tlje greatnelTe anr> capacitie thereof* jf oj,!tfce as it felfe mud bee fapne tabaue a place in anotljer tljtngjfo mvflt otber tljings occuppe feme certepnc place in it ; b)> reafon thereof it commetlj to paffe, t!;at thing* can Ijaue no place tljerem if tljep be greater tftan it,\utt^ont anoping tlje one tlje otijer^o be fijojt,tf tbetbtng beeleffe tl>an tbe baty tbat ron* tepnetb tt,tbe toljole boap ibali not contepne it, but onlp fomepart tbereof:3n& ifitbz greater,tljen muff fomepart tbereof noeseg be out of it:foj tbere is no meafurtng of bootee but b^ quatitie* jftoto toe fee Ijoto our S>ou!e comp^ebemietb beatteu ana eattb, fc>itl;out BodiidTc; anoping eptber otber ; ann l&etotfe tpme pall p?efent ann to come, fcntbout troubling oneanotber-, ann ftnallp innumerable. places* perfons, ami &otones, toitljout combering of our ta&erftantmtg* ^Dbe great things are tbere in tbeir full grcatnefle , auu tlje fma*l tbings in tbeirt>ttei:maftfmalneirc;botb oftljcm toijoleanti fount*, in tbe&0uletob«rtean&foun&,anti notbp parcelmealeo? onlpbuc * in part of it*9©^eouer,tlje fuller it is,tlje mo>e it is able to vecetue; tbe moe tbings tbat are coucbea in it, tbe moe it Hill couetetb ytinxi tbe greater tlje tljings bee, tbe fitter is (bee tsreccpuetbemeuen toben tbep be at tbe greatest folioteetij tbcrfo^e tbat tbe oulc (tobid>afterafo?tisinfinite)cannotbeabotip.Snriio mttcb fMc ran it fa bee, fo? tbat tobereas it barbojetij fo manp ana fo great tbings! in it,tt felfe is longer in fo (mall a bonp* ggapne,a£ a tl>ou* faun timers places areitttbe&auleo^^pinsebntbout occupptng anp placebo t? tbe ^pnr» in a tboufann places toitbout cbaunging. of place-, (t tbat eretnljiles not bp fuccellbn of tpme5no? bnixvnt^ but oftentpmeg altogether at one uifiant3 to t|jp &oule o? ^puD goe t}4 ° * TkE T R * W N E * gocto Conftaritinoplc ,anbfoo;itbiiritbtoturnebacfteapfm*ta Rome,anfc ftvaigbt toap to be at Paris oj Lyons : IBiti tt paife rift* rouic America^ to go about AfTricke^mn it Difpatcbetb all tbefe tourncpa at a trtce:tafte totjedjer foeutr djou oirccteft it,djcre it fc; ano oj euer djou calleft tt bacfce,tt is at borne agapn, jf2ato,t0 djere a boop tbat can bee in m'uetti places at once, t% tbat can pafTc toidj- out remouingDoj tbat can moue otberluife tljan in tpme,pea ann in fttcb tymt ag(tottbin a little tmoer 02 ouec)i$ pjopoittoneo bodj ta bis pace,ano to tbe lengdj of djetaap tuijicb it badj to goe *t Cbeit is it certeiue tbat our bottle & not aboDilp fubftance;tobirf) djing appeared fo mud) dje mo?erplaiu$ ^ djat being fcogeo in djt£ bonp tubicb i# fo mouable,tt rtmauctpot toridj dje botip ♦ 8Kb it fe a furc grotmvbat ttoo boaies cSthot mutuaHp enter eptber in* to otber, nojcontcpne epdjer otber: but dje greater mutt altoap n&oes contepne, ann tbe lelfermutt neeoea bee contepnet>3utbp cur &oules,toc enter, not onlp epdjer into otljcra booie$,but alfo tptber into otberg mpnos , fo ag toee compjebeno eptber odjer bp mutualbnoerftanoing,ano tmfyace eidjer otber bp mutual louing* 3!t followed) tben tbat tbiia! fubffance toftcdb fc able to recctue a bo- Dilefle djing , can bee no boop-, ano djat fo mud) tbe ratber,foj djat dje boop tobtcb feemetb to boto tt, contepnetb it not ♦ J3ap berelp, tf)i$ <§>oule of ours fa fo farre of from being a bofctlp fnb(lanre,an& in fo manifefrlp a Spirit ; djat to louge all djing* m it felfe,it ma* fcetb t|)em all after a ftyt fpirituall, and bereuetb djem of tbeir bo* me^ano tf djere toere anp booplinetfe in it , tt luere bnable to enter intotbeftnotoleogeof a booie ♦ &otna (BlaiTeadjoufanofljapcs are feene : but if ^e ctere of tbe (Slalfe ban anp peculiar fljape of it rtmte,$e ©laffe coulo perfo none of djofe ffjapea at aOlfo all &i* 0ble tbmgg are tmp?inteo in tbe epe ; but if tbe figljt of tbe epe ban anp peculiar colour of it otone,tt tooulo be a blemiffj to tbe figbt,fo a* it fljouto eptber not fee at alt,o? els all tbiugs Iboulfc feeme like to tbat blemilb* Lifeetoife,l»b^ea^ dje tongue i« tbe nifcer ner of all taffegjif it be not ctere but combereo mitb bttmoursJ, all d)ing$ are of tall like to tbe bumour,fo as( if it be bitter, tbcp alfo be bitter; ano ifitbt toatrifb3djep be toatriflj tcojpea anu if it bee bitter, it can not iuoge of bitterncfle tt tittMW a djing map recepue al fbapeg, all colour$,ano M taftejai; it bebcuetli dje fame tt> be timt from all fbapes,from all colour, ano from all fauour of it mmte* 3no tbat a thing tttap in bnoerftanoing fenotne ano conceiue all bot»ir2f,atf out S)0ule Dorijatt bebouetb dje fame to b& altogedjer bouplefic it felf; 69 OF CHRISTIAN RllIGJGK. *3J fpj T>an it anp bo&plint tTe at all , it couto not rescue anp bofcp into it* 3|f tt>& fake pet moje uderclp into tbe nature of a bonp,to& fyafl finfce tbat no bo&p tecciuetb into ft tbe fubtfantiat fojme of anotbec ^opp^tuttbout lofmg a$ altering bis otone,ne yaOetft fro one fo?me into anotber, lutt^out tbe marring oftbe firff > as is to bee feene m tooo& tehen it reeepuetb ftre5in fceaes tobe n tbep fpjing fm?tb mta ii u&,airt To in otljer tljmg&sa&at is to be fain tbett of mans foule, toblcb receiuctb amironcepuctbtbefojmes ano fbapes; of al tbingS tyitbout corrupting bis atone* ana mo?eouerbecommetb tbe per* fecter bp tbe raoje recepuing'; jfoj tfje mo?e it recepuetfj , tbe mo?e it umaetftanuetb ; ano tlje ma?e it tonnerftan&etb > tbe moje petfetf tSit* 3if it bee a botiilp fubtl ante, from tobence fa it ana of tobat mfe* tnre^Jf it be of tbe fotoer Ciement^boln can tbei giue1ife,baumg no life of tbemfelues**?^ bote can tbei giue tmwr&an&m&toutng jio fence*; Jf it bee of tbe nurture of tbem,boto map it bee fapa tbat of muers tbings tobicb baue no beeing of tbetufelues , Qeuiti be? mane a tbing tbat batb being 3 SDj tbat of muers outdoes (bonis bee maae one boop *; oj of outers booies, one §>oule ': oj of sitter* fceatbs, one life \ oj of timers osrfcnefTes, one figbt \ .iQap wrtljer, l»bp fap \»ee not tbat be tobtcb bepono nature batb ma&e tbe mix- ture of tbefe bodies , batb fo? tbe perfecting of our bo&p5bjeatbe& a ftouleaUb into tbeb^p^o be fl;0tu?tbepjopertieof abonp is to (utfer,aa& tbep?opertre of our <§>aule is to ooe<3no if tbebofcp bee tiat put f©#& bp fame after thing tban it feife, it is akerp blocke; toberas tlje tupim tbat is in our &ouie ceaifctb not to ftirre bp ana ititote in it feifea tbougb it baue notbing to matte it from tontbout* ^berefo^e it is to bee conclu&eu b)> tbefe reafons ana bp tbe like, fat our &9ule is a boopleiTe fubftanee>nottoitb(iani)mg tbat it i$ brnteotoquvbesp* Sun berebpon S foHojKtb alft5tbat ou* ^*mle is not mv ma* Vnmatcnaa.; tctial tfjingjfeafimicb <\s matter recepuetb not anp fo^me o? (bape liut acco^ing to W otntw qitantitie , artU but onelp one fojme at once,U)bereas our @>ou!e recepuetb all foimeg luitbout Qaanttrie, tame tbere neuer f j manp at onre o? fa great ♦ 9gapne,no matter anmttfctb ttoo cmrtrarp fojtmes at once ; buc our ftoule contn;rp= totfe com^ebensct!) and recepuetb tbem togetljer, as Sre anB m* ier,beate ano colD^Uibtte ano blacker anu not o:Kp togetber,b«t al- fo tbe better b^ tbe matcbing ano taping of tbem together* &o biz ft o& feeing tbat ty* moje toee pegart from matter, tbe mo?e t»« un^crilanu; %$9 •PTKE T R E TV N ! S tnxocritant):ftireIp notbingfe n\o)t contrarp to tbe fubftanre of out &ouIe,ti?an (5 tbe nature of matttt.jp urtbermoje.if ibto reafona* ble feoule of ours to neitb<>r a bontlp no? a material! t!;mrr,noj iie^ pcnomarbpon matter hi tijc bed actions: tfcqpft^cn muflfit n£t>e$ be of ttfelfUttb uotp^or&De eptljer from boip oj from matter, jfoj tosfjat Dotb a boop bimg fconb but a bo&p ; ans matter but matter; mm material! but materiallcs % 3nn tljerefo^e it & an immaterial! ThcSoulc fubltance,t3t)l)tcij bati; being of tt feife* hath bean* of 35ut Jet bs fee tofjetfrer tbe fame bee corruptible anbmojtaHoj itfdf. no ♦ Sxotblp , if Plutarke bee to beteueo,(t i<$ in bapne tc "oifpute piutark in his tbereof* jf o? be teacbet!j,tbat tbc iadiuie of <$o$s pjoutfeer^anD c^a fVhy k f^e lmmo?ta^c °f our ^ou^^ aaifrffokeo togctber,tbat ti;e one the •HinifhT '* a,s an app^^t t0 #* ar^* *« M berp Scioto tobat purpofe mem of the totte tbe cu!e$ tobicb go on lttilhkeU)itieae'Beaae5,\iiitboutt?tang fo mucb fepfurem all toe;r life, aef once to enter ftito tbemfelues ; let btf mocuer bare b? liuelp reafous to papat out bnto tbe agatne tbeir true fi)ape3tt)btri) tbcp labour to acfaee tottlj fo mud) fttti)tnc(Te. ^Lb'e <§>ou!e of man (ad 31 baue fap& afo?e)ig not a babp,neptber uotb ir fctcreafe 0? trc* nxafe luitb tbe bo&p:but contrarptotfe tlje moje tbe bot»p ur ratetfi," tbemoje ootb tbebnoerftatttimgincreafe;anti tbe narertbattbe boop tyataetb bnto oeatb,tbe mo?e frrielp botb f mpnn bnscrtfanr; enti tbe mo?e tbat ^z boop abatctb in f!e(b , tbe mo?e tooojhfull i* tbe mpno^no mbp tben (boulb toe tbmk,tbat tlje tfjtog Wftftt be^ 1 c mmeib »bc firongcr bp tbetoeatotetn: of tbeboup3 ann inlt'rb i« amtaumtn hp tbe uccap of tbe boDp5fb&ttfo returne to Duff to(:b tbe boup *: 3 mans Genres fai>Ie beraufebid epeef faple , anb big epesf faple bec^uk tbe ^ptritd of tbem faple:but tf;e blpnts manei buber* (tantitng increafetb 5 becaufe bis epe$ are not btificn j ann fte cloe mans reaftm becommetb tijz mqic perfect bp tbe (ofie of bi^ S$t* ©berfo?e sa)l«p fap toenot tljat tf^ebotip fapletb tbe <&oxilevanD not tbe (§>ouIe tbe boDp;ano tbat tbe <8!aflb are out of tbe ^pectacleas b tttbecpftgbtiei IttilgcoD ^ snbpfijouloujerxrme tbe^ottleta be fo; jaae toit& tfje &enccjtt3!f ejjeepc be rt;e tfjing t^at fetfcmttJ t|C OP CHRISTIAN RU'IGION. 2$7 tfce eate tbe tiling; tbat bearetfytofjp noe teee not fee rfjtngg nubble, atto beare founntf nubble, feeing lac baue ram epes ana tm tares': 3|t t* tbe ^)ouIe tijeu tbat feetfrmtn be a*etb ; ann tljcfe tobicb tuee rake to be our fences,are but tbe tnftruments of our fences* #no if ttben ourepejsbecflnffojpicktout , laeed^nbebolneatboufattD tbings in our mpnn ; pea aim tbat our knncrftanning is tben molt quickftgbten , luben tl;e qutckeft of am epfigbt te atf g©n as queu* cben 0? frarke nean : bote 10 it poOrble tljat tbe reasonable Motile fbouln bee tpeti ann bounn to tbe fences «:OT()at a reafon is it to fap ibat tbe S>ouIe npctb toitb tbe fenc^3feing tbat tbe true fences no^ t ben grotoe ann mcreafe , ufeube inftruments offence Doe tipcV Sto tobat a tl;ing toere it ,' t*6p tbat a TSzaft is nean , becaufc fee jjatfo loft W epe^toben toe our&lue* fee tbat it liuetb after it batb forgone tbe epeg *: 9lfo 31 faw pjoouen tbat tbe £>oulrnf nettber tljt bonp,no? an appertnance of tbe bonp* <§>itb it tsr foytob? m**s fure toe tbat tljing bp tlje bonp,tot)icfrmeafuretb ai bonier make tbat to npetoicl>tbebonp, to^rebptbebonies tbatapen peamanp Ijunu^erj pares agoe,ooe after a certeine maner liue ftiU'tffi? tobat (an Ijurt tbat tbing, tobom noting frurtetfr 0? bntueretb m dje bo* aie^bougb a man lofe an arme, petnotb -W &&ule abine tobole ft illXet btm fo?ffoe tbe one balfe of lj& bonp, yzti& W S>mile a* founu ass afo?e:fo?itfa tofale in it felfe anotoljoleineuerp part of it felfe, toiiten in it frlfe ann in tfje otonefubftanceyan&bp tbe fojtre annpotoer tbereof it (beanetb tt felfe into all parts of tfyebonp* .^bougb tl)t bonp rotatoap b)> peecemeale, ftt abtnetlj tfje &oult all one and Mnumn#etuiet tbe blun njepne out,tbe mouing toe* toeake,tbe fences fapl?,an5 tbeftreng;^ periibranopet abroeti) tbe mpnn neuertbelefTe (buna ann liuelp ami to tbe enne ♦ Ijwr boufe mull bee pearcen ttyougfyon all Ktje0,ere(&e bee ciftotnapo ; Ijer j»aUes muft be battereo troune ere (befall to fleeting;;affi> 0;e neuer fb^faketbter longing, UU m rcmne be left ber to longe in> 'Crtte it fet tbat -flje b?ute 'Beaftes? fo^go botb life ann a^iotr tuftb tt)cit blun„ But a^ fo^ our g>ou!e ( if tuee ronfeer tbe matter toell ) rf & tben gatberen bomeinto it fel^ann tsbenour fenced are qtiendjenjtbenp ^otb tt rnaft of all labour to furmount it felfe : tooo^king a^ g©nlp atfiong at tbetpme tbat tl)t bonp is at a popnt to faple ity pea ann- eftentpmeis farre gccnlper alio , tljan euer it nin During tbe tobole tifetpme tbtreot 3$ foj ejcample,it taketl) o?ner fo? it feife,fo? our |ioulbolD,fo? t&e Commontoeale,amj fo? a tobofe Eingnome ; anir tfcat witljmoie^jtglitneirej gonipneffe, tuifename^ annmonera^ tio% *3& OF THE TUBYYNBf tion&m ettet it urn afoje,pea ami perefcmce ht a bo&p fa fbjfyenf,' fo bare,fo confumefc, fo iwtbcreo toutfcout ana fo putrieeo tmtfcut, tfjat tobofoeuer Icok^ss bpcn ijtm fee* nothing but eartfc, ano pet to ftearefcim fpeake uiouto rauili) a man top to be ' .i, pea ano aboue fceauen, jf5oiu5U)beii a man fees; fo liuelp a feoule m fo toeake aim tojetckeoabo&p,mapi)enotfap as to fain cf tbebatcbing of Cf)te« kena,tbat tbe HjcII to bjoken,buttfjere comrnetlj fb?tlj a Cljicken* 3lfo letba fotofjat to tljeojm'narp caufe tfjattbinga periffntf tee fcotb eptljer goe ont fo? toant of nourif&ment,oj to quendjefc bp bt* conttarp tobicb to toater^S&ater to refolueo into aire bp fire>U>btffr to tj to contrarp ♦ %\t caufc tofrp^BIant fcpetb, to ejtremttie of roloe oj tyougbt, o? tonfeafottablteutttng, o? bpolent pluckiitg bp* aifotbeliuingiuigltf apetbtfcougbcontcarietieof feumours, cj fo? toant of fa^o? bp feening topon fome tbing tijat to againft tbe nature of it,o? bp outtoato topolence*©f all tljefe caufes,tobicb can toe cbofe to Ijaue anp poincr againft our feoule': 31 ftp againft tbe oule of man* tobidj (wittaitbftantjmg djat it be tomteo to matter ana to a bobie)to it felfe a fubftance tonbooilp5to:nnateriall,an* ou« Ip conceiuable in bnoerftanoing^^be contrarictie of rtjtngg^ jSap, tofjat ran be contrarie to tftat testify louget^ tbe contraries alike u quallp roljimfelfe *\ tobiclj bn&erftanaetl) tbe one of tbem bp tfje o* rijert tobtcfc eourijetlj tljem all tnoet one f kill ? anu(to bee fbo?t)i* toljom tije contrarieties tljemfelues abantion tfjeir contratiette , fa *$ tljep noe not anp mo?e purfeioe but mfeto: one another*: jfire i* &ote,ano toater colo { ©uc bonier miflike tbefe contraries anu are grrieueti bp tfjent; but our ntpnu linked) tbem togetber toitbout ep* tber burning o? c©lingttfelfe;ano itfettetb tbe one of tbem agaii.ff tbe otber to knotoe tljem tfje better, Cbe tbtngg tobicb azftrop one anotber tfyougb dje tobole to30?to,oo mainteine one anotber in rut inpnM » 9gaine,notl)ing to mo?e rontrarp to peace Aen luarre to; anti ptt mantf ntpno can fkill to make 0} matntepnc peace in p jepa* ring fo^ toarre,ann to lap eanteftlp foi tuarre in feeking 0} iniopinj of peace* €uen neatb it felfe (tobicb uifpatcbetb our ltfe)cannot boc contrarp to tbe life of our &oulc : fo? it feeketb life bp Deatb , anji . tieatb bv Itfe • 3no \$W can tbat tbing meete toitball in tfjc tobole toojtlo, tijat map bee able to ouertfyotoe it, ta)bicb can iniopne obe= uience to tbings mod contrarp? CQljat tben't^aant of fcone*: ©oln tan tbat toant ftooein tbetoo^lD , tobiclrcan Witt to feene on tbe iBboIetoD^lo*: ©^ boto (boulti tbat foifake f©oe^bic!) tbe fuller it to^fo muc^ tip yungrper it tojann t^e moje it fyfy bigetteu,tl?e btu tec let able it is to m'getf *♦ %\t boufl^ fcrigljt feesetb appon fome rer* tepne tbtngd3but our mpno feet>et& bpon all tying** ^afce from it tbe fenftblc t(Stng$3 ann tl;c t#ngg of bn&erllam>ing abp&e Uutb it fft!i:bmaue it of ^rtyfp t!;tngs, rn^xfje ijer-uenlp remapne atom* fcantlp.Ca be ffjbf, ^afyitige tt of all to j$tojp tfjmg$3 pea ana ofe&c to^to tt fdfe,ft>t* euen tyen nocb tt feeae at greateft eafe.,$ maketfr bcHf tycereagnsablc to ijts ournc nature, 9ifo tfje bo&ilp xoid-Jjc fii* ktb tt felfe to a certepnemeafure , auti ueliglitetb m fome cntepne iftfttgtf* ^uttofjatcattftflourmpnD? jfili it ag full ag pe can u>!tl> ttyz fcnotolenge of things , ant> tt is IttTI eager ami fyarpe fet to re* teptte mo ?e.©je mo?e ic ta!?;e$ tn^tfje moje tt fttH crauetlr.anD pet fo? al t^at,tt neuer feeleri) anp tmne$t oj lack of aigeftion, £2%at ©all 31 fap mn?e *; btfrijarge our tinaerftanaing fromtlje mpnainj cf tt fe!E>ana tljcn aorfr tt iiue m Iwmana of Jjtm m tofjom alltljmgs fcoe ltue*9gatne,fifl tt tottfj tlje fcnotoleage of tt felfe,ana tfjen aotfr it feele tt felf mod emptie^ana ffjarpeft fet fcpou aeGr e of tfte otljer*, jftotu tfjen.,can tljat ape c$ aecap foj &rant of foaae^fjirf) cannot be glttttetj tond) anp tfrtng > toljtdb fe nouriffca ana mamtepnea&itf* atftfjinga > ana tolitc^ltuet^tttberpti^ebppotifjtmbp tofjot&att t^e tljinga ferijicfo toe toonaer at Ijere beneath are bpfnia^ 3na lu^at ete fe bpolence,but a tulHtng of ttuo baaresf togerijete «no fata can tijere be anp fuel) betto&ne aboate ana a fpiritttal fob* ftante^pea a? of turn fptrits one againft anotfjer/eeing t&at often* tymt& i»l;en tfjep tooula aeftrope one anqtlje^tijep lipOoln one ait atber^tarif tfje &ouIecarawt be puQjefratjtieit&er intoaralp nor outtoaralp: i$ tfeere anp tying m nature tyat can naturallp ijurt tti J2o : but it map pertyaunce bee toeafcenea bp tyeberp fozce of Dig tncomtterja* toeefeeit uotl) befallto our fences* tfoj tlje mo^e zi* t ellent mur t^e mo?e fenltbte tfje fttng w utfjte fcpmi tofyfyf fence recetueri;,fa mucb tfre nto)t dfo wl t&e fence it felf offen&ea oj grt»5 ueo tfjertottb*9$ fo? e):ample,t!)e Selmg,bp fire;tlje tatte3l^ Jjar$* tteift; dje fmelling, bp fatmurtf tffo Rearing, bp tlje btoeoufneffe of »opfe,t»ljedjer it be of ©nmuerclappe 0? af the falling of aHtuerr antr t^e fig^t^bp looking bpon t^e §>unne,\jpon 5Tp?e^ntr tjpon all Irtjingsf that Ijaue a glittering tyigfaneflTe ♦ 3 omit^tfrat in tije mdlt cf tljefe tfjittgg5it fe not p^opevlp dje fence it felfe5but tbe outtaar> tn(trument offence onlp tWt feoffenueu 0? ljurt ♦ Btttlet W fee if tljete be tlieltke in our reafonable&oule , 3&fy, contrarptaifetlje? mojeofiMBerttamintganti ejccellenctetjattljetljtngisi, tlxmc^e totfy ttreftef^ amx cornet our mpjui*3if it bee narfee & a^ toeeim*- toxSUm *49 OF TH« TR'BTVNBI DevttoD it but bp Ijalued , fcfmrtetfj ba not; but pet Doflj it not ne^ Rgft 'os« J3ap,a3 toe mrreafe in twDerffauDing it,fb Dotb it like d* tbe better^D tbe btgbtt it fa, tbe mojc t)OCl; it Iftrrebp tbe potoet of our &:tt>?rt!affl>n?g , an* ( as pe tooulo fap) rcacbe t* tljc banuc to taftrefefli to tbe attepnementtfrcreof 9gfo; mm tbat are Dim* figbttD, tore faibiti tbem to bcbzlo tbe tljutgd tbat are ouecbu'gbt* iSitai foz fbrmtl>itare ofra'ujetfcapacitie, toee offer tbem tbe tljmg$ tbat arc moft SnDertfaimable* ££Jben tfje fence begtnnetb to pcrcepw mod Hjarplp, tben fa ttfapne to giue ouer,as (fit felt tbe fcerp Deatb of it felfe, Confraiptoifc,toben djempnu beginnetb ta DnDertfattD.,tben fa it mod uefitott* t? bolD on fftll 3nD tobereof c ommettj t&at,tmt tbat cur fenced foojftbp boDtlp inftritmenw,buc aur rcpnD luo^etb bp a boDtiefle fubtfance tobicb nccDetb not tbe ijelpe of rtje boop*3no feeing; tbat tbe nature,tbenouri(bntent3aini ^t action* of our bottle are fo farre Differing , botb from tbe na* ture3nouri(bment,anD actions of tbe boop, anD from al tbat eur t fa none oj tojougbt bp tlje boDie: can tijere be anp tljing mo?e cbilDtfl) iban to Deeme our @>oule to be moital b^ tbe abating anD Decaping of our fence^o: b)> tbe mojtalitte of our boniest jftap contrartaife it map be mod founulp anD fubtfantiaflp concluoeD tberebpon,tbac mans ode fa of it otone nature immoral! > feeing tbat an Dead) ag toefl fcpolent ag naturall commetb of tbe boDie ano b^> tbe boDie* what is death let bg fee furtber loljat Deatb o? corruption tt*3Ht fa (fap tbep) a feparating of tbe matter from bfa fo*me ♦ 3nD fo?afmucb as tti man tbe g>ou!e fa conttoerea to be tbe fo?me,an& tbe bonie to be a* tbe matter: tbe reparation of tbe gboule from tbe boDie fa comonlp caUeD Dead* . jftoto tben^tobat Deatb can tbere bee of tbeSoule* fitb H fa immaterial ag 3I batte fapD afo^anu a fojme tbat abiDetij eftt fetfh jfo?(a$ one faptb)a man map tafte atoap tbe roummeflfe ojfquarenelfefrom a table of Copper , becaufe tbep baue no abp^ fcing but in f matter : b\xt bat* tfyti futb a touno oj fquare fo?me,aj< mtgbt baue an abpning toitbout matter o) (tyffe tuberein to be,out of Doubt fucb fo^me o) Cbape fbouto continue fo^ twx.Sft*? (lubtci mop fa)botu can tbat be tbe corrupter of a ri)ing,tobicb is« tbeper* fettton tbereof \ Cbe leflfe co^fmelfe a man batb3tbe moje bat!) bt of reafon anD biiDerftanDing^be lefTc our mpnDS be tpeD to tbefe boDilp tbing^tbe mojeliuefp anD cbiirefuHbe tbep»9t aloo^D,tbe full anDperfect Iifetbereof,fa tbe full aim utter toitbD?aU)ing tbere* of from tlje boDte anD tobatfoeuer tbe boDie is maDe of* 311 tbefe ibinp are fo cfere a^ tljep nmz no pjcfe* JBoU)3U)C knoloe ftat cuerj OF CHRISTIAN RELIGION. 14! t tterp tbtng toojftetf) acco?oing to tbe proper bring tberof,ano tbat tbe fame tobirij pcrfiectctfj tbe operations of a tbing , perfected) tbe being thereof alfo ♦ 3!t followed) tbetefo?e, ttjat fitl; tfje reparation of tbe boop from tbe §>ouIe,ano of tbe unme from tije matter,per* fertetb tbe operation o? tooling of tlje feoule ( ass 3 baue fapo a^ fo?e)it ootb alfo make perfect ano ftrengtben tbe berp being tbere- u^ano tberefoje cannot in anp tmfe corrupt it.9no tobat els is op* tng but to be cojrupteo?9no Uifjat els is cojrupting,but fuffering4* Sinn t&bat els is fuffering^ut recepuing<:9no boto cantbattobidi recepuetb all tbings tnitbout fuffermg , recepue corruption by anp tbing*; ifp?e cojruptetb oj marretb our booies, ana toe fuffer in re* repumg it^o ooti) alfo extreme coioe: but if toee fuffereo notljing I)pit,itcoulonotfrafebS ♦ C»ur fences Iftetoifearemarreobptbe OccefHue fojre of tbe tbtngs tobicb tbep ligbt bpon* 9no tbat is be* c aufe tbep recepue ano percepue tbe tbing tbat greeuetb tbem. ana fb? tbat tljemanerof tbeir bebauingof tbemfelues totoaros tbefc riuects, is fubiect to fuffering ♦ 3£utas fo? tbe reafonablefeou!^ tobitb receiuetb al tbings after one mancr3tbat is to )i)it,by toap of lmoerftaoing,toberetb?ougb itaJtoaptaojftetb f is neuer tojougbt into;boto is it pofltble fo? it to corrupt 0} marre it fetfitt Sto} tobat is tbe tbmg tobereat tmr £bcmle fufferetb augbt in tbe fubftance tbereof, 3| meane toberebp tbe fubftance of our feoule ig anp tubtt impapjeo o? b«rt by mpnomg o? concepuing tbe fame in tnoerftanoing oule3 tbat our mpno ootb neuer con* reiue oj tmoerftano tbem better,tban by fetting tbem together one againft anotber* Cbat tbing tberfoje vobicb ootb no tobit appapje it felfe,but tafcetb tbe grouno of perfecting it frlf by an things , fau not be marreo oj burt by any tbing* 9gein,iDbat is oeatb <: ^bebttermoft popnt of mottinfjaniitbe Wtermoft botmo of tbfe life* if o? euen in liuingtoe ope, ano in op« tng toeliue, anu tbere is not tbatdeptobicb toefet ootoneintbte life, U)btcb oootb n ot continetoallp ft ep fo^etDam bnto oeatb, after tbe mancr of a Dpall o? a Cloef^fobicb mounting b$ by ccrtcine fcegtees fo^gortb Ws mouing in mouing from ^inute to £pinute» 3Lake atoap mouing from a boop, ano it oocb no mo?e line. Jf^otu let w fe if tfoefoule alfo be carpeouwtl; tbe fame mouing. 3!f it be £} carpeu 242 o* rut TRIVVNU carpes tmtlj tlje fame moutng, tljen ootb it tm&outetrtp motie tfcerf* tutball* jftap,contraribrife,fc>bctber tbe mpnu red, or tobetber it be bu^peu about tbe proper ouerations thereof 3 it is not perceiueb rptber bp anp panting of bart,oj bp anp beating of pulfes,oj bp anp tyeatbnij of lungs* 3!t istbenasa^bippetbatcarictbbsatoap tombie, tttjetbertoetoalkeoj fitffill;tbe atckingfaft taljerccf o? tbe tping thereof to a pofte,binOeretb not our going bp ana oobme tn it Bftuajtf ine,if tbe feoulebe fubied to tbe finall corruption of tbe boop,tben is it fubiett to tlje alterations tbercof alfojanti if it lie fubtect to tlje alterations, itisfubiccr to tpme alfo. jFor altera* lions o? cbatmgcs,are fpices,or ratljcr c onfequents of mouing,anD tnoottingsarenotmaDe but in tpme* jftotomanmrefpettof tbc boop Ijatb ccrteine fiiH popnts or ttoppes,at tbe lofcieb be rcceiuetb manifeft cbaunges,ano tbcreafter grotoctb or oecapctb/£ut com* jnonlploberetbeoecapoftbeboDp beginnetb>tbere begmnetbtbe rbeef flrcngtb of tbe mpnb/ flpoubeic tbat in fome men , not onfp rbcir cbimies are cottcreb bmb ootone>buc alfo tbc ir beams become grap,tobofe minbs for toant of e]cercife,(beiae no figne atall eitljer jofrppenctfe or grotoing,$poreouer,timc(as inrefpeet of tbe bonp) cannot be calico agepne^but inrefpeet of tbe mpnu it is alteapea $tefenrt}Dea ahD tpmeperfectetl^accompliOjetb^nti increafetb our tnpnMm> after a fort renetoetb ano refreffljetb it from bap to nap, tobereas contrarpbrifeit fojtUiearctb , iDaffljetlj ataap ano quigbt ronfumetb,botb it fellatio tbe boop uutlj tbe We tbereof* 3it folio* fcxetb tben tbat tlje rcafonabie feoule is not fubtect to timenor con* fequentlp to anp oftbecbaungesaub corruptions tbat accompa* ripe tpme* jftap toe map fap tbus mttcb more; &fjat not&ing in tbe toljole dOojlo is ttttrnf&en britb t&ings better tljan itfelf; neitber bootb anp of t&em contepne greater tbiugs tban itfelf ; 15m tbe tbings tbat are corruptible oo line of corruptible tbings^anb can* .not lute tnitbottt corruptingrtbem r as for example , beafts Rue bp berbes,men bp beafts , ano fof©rtb* 3nb tbereforc tbings tuljteb lint bp bncorruptible tbtngs^ntrcanfo rceeitteanotiigcft tbem.aa to turne tbem into tbe mirrifbmcnt of tbctr nacui tjro pet not cor* mpt tbem -, are incorruptible tbem felues to, j&oto tbe feoule of ttian^, meane tbe rcafonabft foule ojmpnvonceiuetb reafon anD truecl),anb i^ feo ano ft rengtbetKD fcritb tbem, 9no reafon $ tructb «e tbings bncbaungeable,not fubicct to tpme,plare or alteration, tut fteope,bncbaungeaMe,ano enerlafting, ifor tbat t\riee tbmbe &tocr, auo tbat tljcre is cfje fame reafon int^je pppojtion of eigfit OF CHRISTIAN RELIGION. *4J fotto fijttljatis of fotocrbnto tljjee,o? tljat in a jangle, tfoe tbjee Winer angles arc ctittallim'tljtljc too rpgbt angles; ann fuclj like; are truetfjcs toljicb ncitljer peeres noj tljoufanos of pecre* can cbange; as true at tbisbap,astljep toe**, to&en Euclyde firft fpake djem,3nb fo ftojtb of otljer tijings* 31 c follotoetb tljen £ tlje &ou!e rompjeljen&ing r cafon ant* truetb.toljiclj are tbings free from cojc tup t ion , cannot in anp uipfc be fubicct to corruption* 3geiu , tobo i0 be of ail men t&at aeKreclj not to be immojf all ^ Sntj boto coulo anp man beOre it,if Ije tot&erffoobe not tobat it is* ©jbotocouiDbebeabletobnoetftaubit, unleffeieiDcrc poflible fbj Wm to attepuetmto it* ^urelp none of bs rouetetb to be begin* aingleffe,foj none of us is fo; nettber can anp of bs be fo. 9no as toe cannot fo be,fo aifo can toe not compjeljenn toljat it te* jr oj toljo & lie tljat is not at Ijis? toitts r no , but onlp to t&mk bppon eternitie toitfjout beginning S ©n ty e contrarie part cfcere is not fo bace a mpno toljiclj cGttetctl; nottoliucfcjcucr^tnfomucb tljat toljera* toe looke not fojt it by nature ,toe fecke co obtepne it by f kill ano polltctc, fome bp booker, fome by 3imagcs, ano fome by otljer lies mces ; anD tntn tlje groiTefi: fojtt can toell imagine in tfjcmfcUicsS tobat tmme jtalttie 10 , anb are able bo tb to concepue it ana to be* leeue it* Sftljence comes tbi0 , but tljat our foules beeing creates cannot conceiuc an euerlaffingneiie toitljout beginning, ant pet ncucrt(jcletTe,tbat fojafmuclj as tljepbc creates immojtaUbeptJoe toel conceiue an immojttalitie 0} euerlattingnes toitljout cntf: ana tobercto ferues tljis bniuerfall befire,if it be not natural! % 0) (join is it natural! if it be in baine \ an& not onelp in bapnebut aifo too tying bs to $)z\l ana to 'Comment *t ilet bs toabepet beeper* C&lja can trifpute 0? once fo mud; agooubt toljet&cr tlje feoule bee im* ttiojtall 0? no,but &e t&at is capable of immoralities 9nb toljo can tm&erffanb toljat Difference is bettotrtmojtall an&immotfall, but fcee tljat is immojtall* Rant's able to bifcernetbe&iffercncebe* ttoeene tljat tobtcb is rcafon, anb tljat toljic& is not, ana tljcr ctjpoit toee terme bim reafonable^OBljofoeuer tooulb Ijolb opinion tljat a man is not reafonable , Hjottln neeoe none otljer oifpjoofe tljan l)i$ ctone btfputmg tljereof ; fo? foe tooulb go about to pjioue.it by rea* fom $0ancan fkill tobtfeerne tlje mojtall natures from tlje im* mojtall; 9no t&erefoje toe map toell fap be is immojtall, jTdj Ijee tljat (bonis btfpute to tbe contrarie,(balbe u?iuen to b^ing fuel) rea« fons , as (ball of tbemfelues make Ijim to pjooue Ijtmfelfe immo^ t&UVfyou fapett tlj c ^oule cau not be tmmojtall : anb tol;p \ "&t« €1 z caufe 244 OF T"E TREVVNIS caufe(fapeff tfjou(tbat to be fa , it toouto bcbotte it to toet fapetf tbou (fill , if tlje @>oule be immojtaft, it fe fra from fur!) ami fuel) pafliams 4>oto entereft tbou fo farce into tbe jfrature tl>ac fe fo farre aboue tb& , if tljou tljp felfe beeft mojtall * 911 tbr x eafons tobieb tbou alle&geft agajgjttbe immojtalitie of tbe foule, noe feigbt oirectlp to tlje p?oofc oEitt jf o? if tbp reafon mounteo m l>tfff)er tban to tfce tlringa tfjat are mojtafl , tbou fbouloeft fcnotoe neitbermojtallno? immojtall* jftotoitte not fome one couetoutf man aboue all otber3tbat nefiretb immo?talitie,no? fome one matt ^celling all odjtrg in toi(bome,tfyat compjcljen&etb it3but al man* kitfo txittljouc exception* 3!t i$ not tljeu fome one feuerall f kill oj, fome one naturall pjopertie, tbat maketlj fucb difference bettoeene man ano man ag toe fee to be betto&ne manp, but ratber one felfe* fame nature common to all tmn y toberebp tbep be all mane to oi& fer from otber liuing toigbtg^tobicfr bp no neeoe tjoe (betoeanp ae* lire tco ouertiuetl)emfelueg3nefcnoto boto to liue3$tberefo?e tbeit Jtpueg uoe baniff) atoap tottlj tbeir bloun,anti is; ejtmguifljeo toitlr fteir boniesf*3!f euer tbou tiaft loosen to npe,con(itier tobat oifcourfe t^oumaoefttljen in tbp mpnottljou cmtloettneuer perftoa&e tfy> confeience no? mafce tbp reafon to conceiue 3 tbat tljp g>oule ftoulD ape toitlj tbe 0i5oup ; but tarn in tfye felfefame tpme toben it mfpu* ttti) ageinft it felfe , it tbiftetb it felf 31 toote not boto from all tfjp conclulion^, antifalletb too confioer in tobat Cate it (ball bee, ana tobere it fljal become toben it is out of tbe boop^be epicure tbat fcatb aifputeo of it all W Ipftlong3tol)en be eommetfc to &ea$,te queaftetb a perelp penfion fo? tlje keeping; of a p&relp feaft on tbe aap of bis birtb*31 p?ap pou to tobat purpofe ferue feaftings fo? tfce birtb of a Stopne^aeingbe efteeme^ bimfelfe to be no better tbati fo *i JQap tobat efe te tbisf>t?ran a crping out of W Mature againft |)im, tofticl) toidj one too?& confutetb all \)i$ uaiue arguments *t $U notfter labouretb b^ all meaner poffiWe, to blot out in bimfelfe tfie opinion of immo? talitie ; ant» bicaufe Ije liat^ liuen toidkeulp in rijis too?lo, be toifl n&ott beare bimfelfe on banu , tftat tftere fe no %\& £tce in ^e too^lo tocome^ ^uc tfymti ^e tjme t^at tyt otone na* m OF CHRISTIAN RELICION. 245 ture toaftetb,ami ffarcctli l3p as ft toere out of t^e bottome of a to a* ter3ano at tijat mffant painted) agame before bis cp£S,tbe felffame tbing tobicb (je t©ke ft murij pavttejs to ocface ; 3no in g©o fartb, tobat a number baue toee feene, tofctcf) baling bene oefyifers of nil ftciigi6,l)aue at tbe Ijotoer of oeatb bin glao to boto tfjeir Joules to anp &ainct fa? releefe ; fo cleere loas tfjen tlje pjefence of tlje life to come before t!jeircpe^3!^Ieuer(fapo2eno)to fee an Indiaa buroe btmfelfe djarefullp,tl;an to beare al tlje pbrtofopfjers of #e cicui.tb.i. toojlo oifcourfingof tlje immo?talitie of tfjefeoute; ano in berg uaoe ttt^a mucb ff ronger ana better concluoeo argument ♦ jftap tben , let as rather tap , 31 ljao#ner fee an Atheift o? an Epicure toitneffing tlje immo?talitie of tfee jg>oule,ano toillinglp taking ait Jjono?able faretoell of nature bpon a £>caffoft>,t!jmt to ijeare all tlje Doctor of t^e too?lo oifcourlmg of it in tljetr ptlpits* if o? tofjat* (better tlje Epicures fap tfjere3 tfjep fpeafeeitaouifeolp ano (ass pe toouio fap)fre(banofaOing;toljeras all tfjat euer tljep Ijaue fpofcro all tfrttr life afo?e, ts to bee accounted but as tlje too?oes of D?tnu fcaros , ti)attes to toitt, of men befotteo ano falne allege in rije be* %bts and pleafures of tljis too?lo,loljere fyz £2ttne ano tlje ejccelTe af meate,ano tbe bapo?s t&at fumeo bp oftfjtmutti fpeake3ano not die men djemfeiues* mfat (ball 31 ftp mo?e«;3l &aue toloe pott al* Three iyucs & reaoie tljat mf intoaro man tbete are(as pe toottlo fap)ttj?# men* Man* tlje Iiuing5ti>e fenfitiue, ano tbereafonable ♦ let bs fap tljerefo?e tijjat in $e fame perfon djere are rij?& liues eontinueo from one ta another: namelp^e life of tlje pant,tlje life of tlje 3$eaft3ano tfje life of tbe Span o? of tlje bottle 4 §>o long as a man is in Ijis mco* tbers toombe5be ootb but onlp liue ano grotoe;ljis Spirit feemetlj to fleepe,an& bis. fences feeme to bee in a (lumber, fo as Ije feemetli to beeito tijing els tban a pant* JfteuertWeffiMfpe confioer bis epes, bis eares,ljis tongue3fjis fences, ano Ijis mouings,pou tuill eafelp iubge tbat Ije is not mane to befo? euer in t&at p?ifon,Uibere Ije neither feetfj no? ljearet^,no? bat!; anp rcome to toafee itt,but ra^ .fter tbat be is mabe to come fojtlj into an opener place , tuljere be map baue to^at to fee ano brijalo,ano lubcreloitl) to occult al tbe powers U)bt* toee fee to bee in ljmu3s fcone as fje is come out3be begmnetb to fee,to feeIe3ano to moue,ano bp little ano little falletft to tfje perfect bfmg of bis iimbes5 ano finoetfj in t^is too?lo a pem* liar obiea fo? euerp of tbem 5 as bifible things fo? tbe epe , founos fe? W bearingjbooilp things fo? ijis feeling, ano fo fo?tlj, 3$ut bu fiues alltt^Uiefinoe t^ere a mpnoj ioi;icb b^ tfjeepes as bp tutu^ & S 5oiues 346 Of THE TRBVrHII aotoes bebotoetb tbe too?ld,and pet m altbe toojld findtngnot any onetbmgtoa>?tbp torcfttoboUpfcppon, mouutetbdpcabimtbat mane it^tobicbrnpno Ifte an ^mpiefTe loogetb in tbe tobole toojld* and not alonlp in tbis &o tuljtcb bp tbe fences (and oftentpme* alfo toitbout rfje fences) mountrtb aboue tbe fences, and ftrepnetfr it felf to goe out of it felfe,a0 a cfrtiddotb to get out of bis motber* toombe* 3nd tbetefoje toee ougrt>t furelp to fapytl;at tbis SI3pnd 0;* Keafon ougbt not to bee etter in pjifon ♦ 'Cbat one day it (ball fet cterelp , and not bp tbefe dimme and clotoute fpettacles t d;at it fball come in place tobere it (bail baue tbe true obiect of dnoertfan* fcing:and tbat be (ball baue fjte life free from tbefe fetters? ana front all tbe aflfedtonjs of tbe boop* %t> fit fl)0?t,tbat as man is prepare* tn bte mtotbersi toombe to be fyougbt fco?ri> into tbe too?lo;ib is be alfo after a fo^t prepares in tlji&boty and in tbts toojlo, to liue iit anotber too?lo*£Oe ri>enbnderflano it,tobenbp nature it bebouetfr &s to depart out of tbe too?ld*3no tobat cbild it tbere tobicb(tf na* cure did not b^ ber tunning d?iue bim out,) toould of bmtfelf come out of b& CouertjO? tbat rommetb not out as gort a&fo?lo?ne atm fcalfe dead# ? tljat if be bad at tbac tpme knotoleoge $ fpoeeb,tooul& not call tbat dea:b,tobicb toe call birtfoand tbat a departure out of iife,tobtcir toe call tbe enterance into irt 3s- long ass toe be tb*re,toe fee notbin^tbougib our epes be open* sgjanp alfo dot not & mudj as (fere, except it bee at foirofodame fearing 0? fome atfjer like cbaunce-,ano as fo? tbofetbat ftirre, tbepftnotoe not rtmttfeep baue eptber fence o? mouing* Zflfyp tben fljould toee tbtnke it Oratmge* tbat in tW life ota- toioerftanbing feetb fo lit tle,tbat manp men d* tteuer mpm> tbe ifamo?ta!l nature,bntill tbep beat tbefaftcaft,pe* and fome tbmfte not tbemfelues to baue anp fucb tbing , botobeit tbat turn bp fo tbmStteg tbep (beto tbemfelues to bauepart tbere* oh 2nd imagine toee tbat tfre bnbojne babe fafy no tags mucfc ador b$ nature to leauetbepcojenunnnbat bete to?aptm,as toe baue* fcinderauce in our fences and in our impjifoned reafon,toben toe be at tbe popnt to leatte tbe gcoas and pleafurcs oftfn'ci too?lo,and tbe fcerp fle(b it felfe tobtcb boldetb *$ *& w * gtaue ^ flD? b*d tbe babe fome little ftnotoledgejtoottlo be not fap tbat no life toere comparai ble to tbe life tobere be tben te, ag toe fap tbere ig no life to tbe life gf tbte too?lo toberein toe be?©? tooulo be not account tbe ffage of our ftucees fa? a fab(e?ag a great fo?t of M% account tbe ftagetbat i$ pjepareo fo? our ^ouleiai^eg; furelp: and tberfoje let te conclude ftfeere to ee bega% name!? tbat man i^ botb intoard and outtoard* OF CHRISTIAN RELIGION, 547 3!n tfye outtoarfc man^tobicb fe tbe footite, \yz refembletfc tU bking ano tbepzopojtion of all tlje parts of tbe too2l& ♦ 3nu m tbe inner man be t efcmMctb inljatfoeuec fepnu of life is m al! tbings o> iti a* up ffyug tbat bearetb life m t!;e toojla^Vi fyte mmtlym \xmbe be Jiuetb tbe life of a plant , botobeit toitb tins farmer, tbat be bat!; a certepne commencement offence ana matting to!ytcb vcc&Dzfgz piant^ans aoe put bint in a reaspnelTe to be tmtetoefc toitl) Genres as a ^eatt tsu3ln tbis life be batb fence an& matting te tbetr petfec* tton^tobrcb is # pjepeme of a ferrfitme lutjbtjbut pet beSses tJjefc* $e batb alfo a beginning to reafon ann totaerftano, toljicb are a be- ginning of anotba* life fudi as 0t fcnfitiue toigbt feat!) not5 $ tW life is to be perfected in anotber place ♦ %n tbe life to come be featlj t>is actions free ana full peifeeteo, a large ground to toojfce fcppoti able to fuffife bint to t!je full, ana alic$t to bis totterftanmng in Hear* of a ligbt to tijt epe*9nn like as in comming into tbt's toojls, Jje came as it toere oat of anotber tooilrs^ fo in going pet into ano- tber toojfo fie muft alfo goe out of tbis toojlo* jf)e commetb out of tbe ftrfc toojlo into tbe feconn , as it toere fapltng in nourifbment, fcut groining in ft rengtb totto mouiitg ano fence t ana be gortb out •of tbe fecono into tbe tbir&,faplmg in fences ana moumg,but gro* Hn'ng in reafon ana fcn&ertfasing. jf2Dto,feeing toe call tbe paflfage *ut of tbe ftrft toojlo into tbe fecono a birtb , tobat reafon is it tbat toe ftoulo call tbe paCTage out of tbe feconu into tbe tbtr v ueatbt %o be fbo&be tbat conGoeretlj bets all tbe actions of mans mpnu temrto tl>e tpme to come, toitbout poffMttie of (Japing ty$m tbe jnefent time,boto pleafant ana oeligbtful foeuer *tfie:toe map toefl Mrerne b^ tbem all5tbat bis feeing(tobitb ineuerp tbing(as faptfj Ariftotle) fotlotoetb tbe tooling tbereof ) is alfo toballp bent to* Snaras tbe tpme to come ; as toba tooula fap tbiS pjefimt life toere into itbwt as a narcotoe grinale^n tbefurtber fiae tobcreof(as it toere on tbe banke of fomeffreame 0? running lasater, ) %t toere to fintiebis true atoelling place anu berp borne in nmc+ ^ut no)33 is it tymz to fe tobat is fapo to tbe contrarie : to^ere- cbicaionfe in toebaue to confioer eftfajnes tbat tufjtd) toefpafce of afo?e;nautt- ip tbat if all tbatetter is inus toere traufito?teanu mo?tall, toee (boulo not be fo totttp to examine tbe 31mmo?talttte as toe be : fo* of Contraries tbe f kill is all one. 3Jf a man toere not mojtall, tftat is to fap, if fee Ijas no Ipfe, be eoulo not Difpute of tl?emo?taUlpfe; tieitber cctfn be fpeake of fyt 3!mmo?tal,if Ije ^btmfelf alfo toere not ammo^talL ^erefo^elet^^goebacfeeretrpue^ g>omeroantoii! U4 % 1*4$ OP THE TKEWNBS fap y tl>at tye Lottie Dpctb toity tljc boop 3 bpcaufe tye @>ou!e ana ilje boop are but one tying , ana be befeuety tyat tyep beboty but eme^bpeaufe \yz feety no moje but tye boop* Cbis argument is all tiucuaitl) tyeiiS,tobity ucuperj tyat tyere is aup (£on,bpcaufetyep fatoebimnot* 33utpetbpbis nootngstyoumapftpercepue tyat tyere is a <0od j tiifcerne Ipketoife by tyeoooings of typ foule,tyat tyou bafte a g>oule, f oj in a oeao botip tyou feeff tye fame parte* remapne^bttt tyou foft not tye fame fcooings tyat toere in it afoje* &Ltben a man is neat), bis epe feety notying at all, aim pet is tycre notying tyaungeo of bis epe:but tobple bee is aliue it fety infinite tbings tyat are apucrs* ^\)t potoer tyen tobity ftety is not of tye hoDp* ^et nottoityftanning bQto Ipuelp ana qmckefigbteo fo euet tbeepcbe;ttfctynotitfelf*GBoonoernot tyerefojetyougb tyott Ijaue a foule, ann tyat tye fame fcule fee not it feff* jfoj if typne ep* figbt fatne itfelf; it toere not a potoer oj abiiitie of feeing , but a tou fible tying ; Ipkctoife if typ g>oule fatoe itfelf, it toere no mo?e a &oule tyat is to fap tye mooter ana quickener of tye bo&p , but a fcerie bo&p3 bnable to Do anp tying of it felf, ami amaffie fubffance fubiectto fuffering* jfojtoefee notytng but tye boopana bomlp fubtfances* 3i5ut in tyis tyouperceiueft fometoljaufe tyan a bonp, (as 31 baue fapn afo^e; tyat if typne epe ban anp peculiar colour af it otone 3 it coulo not mfcerne anp otyer colour tyan tyat* Seeing tyen tyat tyou eoncepueft fo manp upuers bomes at once in imagu natiomneeos muft tyou fjaue a potoer in tyee tobicb is not a botip* %z it ( fap tyep ) tyat U)e baue a potoer of ftnee ; pet baue toe not a poloer of reafon ; fo? tyat toljicb toe call tye potoer of reafou m toi* fcerffanDing , is notying byt an ejxeliencie o? ratyer a confequence offence, infomuty tyat toben fence &pety3 tye reSoeto trpety tyere* toity alfo, <§>©tyelp in tyis toljity tyou l;afte fapa , tyou bafte for* mounteo fence ; tobity tying tyou Jjatmetf not oone,if tyou fymtft notying in tyee bzyono fence, jf oj tobereas tyou fapeft, if tye fence ape, tye reft opety a!fo;itisareafon tyat pjocee&ety from one terme to anotyer 5 ann it is a gatyeringof reafons toljity conduce one tying bp anotyer* jfloto tye fences do in Dceoe percepue tyere obiects^ttt yet boto Ipuelp fo euer tyep be, tyep reafon not IZXz fe a ^mioake^fo farre ejctenaety tye (zncz^nt if toe inferre, tyerefye tbere muff neeoes be fire , ann tyercupon feeke tobo toas tye fcma* let tyereof : tyat furmountety tye abtiitie offence. Z&z bcre a peece of SpuCcke; tyat map anp bead no as toril as toe.'But bis bearing vHixiA but as of a bare torn -} toijerea? our Rearing tljerof i* as of OP CHRISTIAN 1UT6I0K. *49 «tt!)ffl:monp3anb toem'fcernetbecaufeof t^cronco^ m Difco^xjsf, tobicb eitbec ncltgbt o? offeno our fence* Wje tbing f> fjearetb t\yz fount) to tbe fcnc^bttt tlje tbing tijat togetb of tbat tobicb tbe fence concepuetb3i* anotber tbing tban tbe fence* 3Lbe Ipke te to be fapo of fmeUingjtaffing^amj feeling*©ttr fmelling of fents5our tatf ing of fauours, ano out feeling of fubftances, fe m neene tbe toaqfte of our ences*35ut ass foj our waging of p tntoaro bertue of p tbing h? tbe outt&aro feuttbereofjoj oftbe tobolfomnes oj toniaboUbm* nes offco^e bp tbe tatfe tljereof , ox of tbe toljotneflfe o? bebemencie of a feaer bp feeling tbe pulfe;pea ano our pjoc&Ding etten into tbe toerp botoete of a man , toljetbcr tbe epe beeing tbe quicfceft of aB fences it not able to attepnejfureip it i$ tbe bwjke of a mojte migfc ttepotoer tban tbe fenced 3noin aerie oecoetbere are bealtts fcibicb bo bere,fee5fmeU,ta{fe, ano feele mucb better ano quicklper tban man ootb* 3?e tnottmtbftanoing none of tbem conferred tbe contraries of colo;t$,founti35fentg aim fauouries ;ttoite fojtetb tbem out to tbe feruing one of anotljer , o? to tbe ferutng of tbemfelueeU C&bercbp it appeared) , tbat man excelled; tbe^eafts bv anotber potoer tban tbe &zncz$ ; ano tbat tobeceas a man is a pepnter , a Spudcian > 0} a pbifition ; beljatb it from elfoobere tban from bfe fences!* J2ap , 3! fap furtber , tbat oftentpmes toe conclude cleane contrarie to tbe report of our fences* ©ur epe percfjauce telletb b$ tbat a Cotoer tobieb toe fee afarre of ig rountj^bereag cur reafott oeemetb it to be fquare : 0} tftat a tbing is fittafl, tobicb ottr reafoit telletb bs is greate : oj tbat t^t enos of Ipues in a long fthilfce 00 nteete i\\ a popnt, tobereag our reafon certified; bs tbat tbep rtmne tpgbtfainb toiti; equal! biffanceone from anotber* #*} toantof tins btfcretion , certeine Clepbanes ( faptb Vitellio ) tobicb ixiere paffing ouer a long bjtoge3tuweo bacfte beeing mz?\xz* ; anb pee tbep toanteb not figbt no mo?e tban toe bo3ut tbep tbat leo tbem toere not oecepueo*Cbeir Leasers tben bcSnes tfeetr el'Ggbt? l;an in tbem anotber bertue 0? potoer tobicfj cojreeteu tbeir fij#t , am* tberefoje ougbt to be of bpgber elTimation* 3!n iftz cafe ig it imtlj tbe rett of f otber fences* jf 01 our bearing telletb bs tbat tbe tfmn« ' uerdappe k after tije lpg!)tening; but ftiH alTuretlj bs tbat tbep be botb togitber* Jfoj tbere i^ a certeine potocr in bsf , tobtcl) cm f kil to&tfcecttetobatpjopojtionis bet^eenebeannganu feeing* aifo tbe tong of bim tbat batb an ageio,beared) btm on bano tbat tnzn fugreisbitter,tobtcb tbing be knotoetbbpbte reafon to bebntreto* $0 be d;ojtDtl;ofe tufjtdj l;aue ttjeir fences moft qtuicfce an$ Ipuelp, be 2fO OF THE T R E W N E S bz net cf tbe created teifouift ann tmnet(tanntng*3 matt tberefoje tffieretbffom aJbeafl^ttfli excelled) men bp fomeotberpotoer djait fence, jfo? fcjeixasi ic is comonlp fapn,t!jat fucij as baue fame molt lire comemtp of greatet! ffcilfctol fee djat maw baue trauelen farce bs:b bp fta aim tao,tobtcb baue come borne a# totfe as tf)ty toent* foo)t\). 3 bo?feftatb ag goon epe3 a* betbatrpnes bpenbim, and pet fa? all bis traueimg, neither be noj paramtenture but Bpnet tobom be fczaretl) become anptoljtttbe topferbptbattobicb tbep fjaue feene: toberebp it apperetb djst it is not enougb to fee tbtngtf imlelTc a man no alfo mpnn tbem to btetenefite* jftoto tijei-e is great Difference beftoeene tbe Ipuelpnes of tftc 1&zmz , ann tbe potoer tbat $dfuemedj tbe §>ence ; Ipke as tbe re* j)o?t of a &>ppe fe one tbtn&aitt jfte feppe btmfelf is anotber^ann tbe toifiwm of tbe Capteine tbatrecepnetb tbe report of tbe g>ppe is atbtrn.Jfrap5tobQ cannenp3tbat&enceannlI&afonarenpuer$ tbms* ; o? tatber tobo totlnot gra«nt,d)at in manp tbtngg tbep be tleane contraries S>ence binnetb tiaf Gbun ann efdjeto greef- tobere* .aal&eafQntoiUetb&S topjoferourleg fometpmeto tbe Sttrgum to be cut offence plucftetb our bann out of tbe 6re,annpet toe out fellies put fee to our bare (Tutu 5pe tbat (bouin fe a Sceuola butne of W otonebann,toitbout fo mud) as once gnaibingbte t&tb at ft, laouln djinfcebetoerebtterlp fenfieffe: fo nugbrtlpnootb Keafoti Duerruie fence. Cobefbojt, &encebatb bis peculiar inclination, tubtcb fe appetite; annl£eafou Ipfcetopfe bad; bfe , tobtcb t^ toil!, 3nn Ipfce ag reafon notb oftcntpmes ouerntle fence ann is centra* tit to i^ fo toifl co?rectetb tbe feitfuall appetpte oj lixft tbat i* in &$, ann toarred) ageinft fc JFo* in an 3geto toe couet to njtnk, ann in an SpopTejcte toe couet to fleepe, ann in bungre toe couet to eate: aim pet from alltbofe tbings notb our )xiil reftrrpne ns*Cbe mo?e a man follotoetb bis Iuft,tbe lelfe is be leo bp toiflt ant) tbe moje be iiannetb fepon ri# pleaCng of b& feence^dje Jefle reafon nfetb be ^ninarflp* 9gaine5letfcsJ conGner tbe fyutelfrraffeg tobtcb baue djfe fen* Uttue part as! toeK as toe* 31ftoe baue no mo^e tban tbat,boto com* metb it to paffe tbat a little d;iioti?tuetb toboleflacfceg ann beam* oftbemtobetberbe lidetb, ann fometpmes tobed^er djeptoouto not*: 2ffilbereof commetb it tbat euerp of tbem in tljeir hpnn3 not all !iue,ueGle,ann fing afcer one fo^ttjtoberea^ men baue djeir laiDejf, CormttDntoealetf, tinners aP6nptoirtg , ann fo?meg{ ofreafoning, aicxo.nlpniucr^butalfo commonjp contrarp^jaoto^tobatcanbar* la OF CHRISTIAN RELIGION. 2$I btt tfcefe contrarieties togetljer, but onelp rijat tolnrf) bat^ not mtp tbing contrary bnto it, ano toljerem all contract tbings Boe lap a* loap tbeir contrarietie^&urelp it is not tbe S>ence tbat can Boe it, tubofe proper oj peculiar obied is mod contrary to tbe fence ♦ TSt* fines tbis(as 31 bauefapBafbje) tofjereas toeconeepucimfeoome, f kill^bectue^ano fuel; otljer tljtngs tobicb are an boBile{Fe?our fern ces baue none otber tbtngto toojfce upon, tban tbe qualities of bo* fcilp fubtfances:3toB tobereas toe make bniuerfall rules of particu* lar tbings ; tbe fences attepnrno further tl;an ta tbe particular things tbemfelues: 3no torijeras toe conclude of tbe caufes bp tijeir effects > our fences percepue no moje but tbe bare effects :9n& tobereas concerning tbe tbings tbat belong to tmBerftanBing 5 tbe tnojebnBerffanBable t^ bee,tbfcmo?etbep reftelb bS;€ontrarp* toife,tbe ftronger tbat tbe fenftble tbings are, tlje mo?e no tbep of* feno tbe %>tnct>Mo be (bojt, tbefelfefame tbing tobicb toee fpeakr* in bebalfe of clje&ences , pjoc&Betb from elfmbere tban ftom tbt feences ♦ 3nB toe toiilearelpBifcerne, tbatlje tobicb benpetb tbat beK&eS tbe common i&tncc tbere is in man a reafon o) tomerftan* aing, fcttf met ano fettered from tljc &>znc2 , is bopB bod) of fcnBer* Canning ann of g>encr* %ut fee bere a grofle reafon of tfceirs;£fris reafottoj {wtoer of tmBerftanning(fap tbep)tobteb is in man5ts corruptible as toell as tbe potoer of percepuing bp ^ fences* 31 tbinfce 31 baue p?©ue& vaz contrarp alreanie ; neuertbeleffe , let bs examine tbeir reafons pet furtber « *&be fo?me o? (bape of euerp tbing (fap tbep)notb pe* ri(b toitb tbe matter. J2oto, tbe gjoule is as pe tooulo fap $ fojme o? (bape of tlje boopitberfoje it corrupted) toitb rije bonp* Cbis ar* pmenttoererigbflpconcluBeB, if ittoerement of d;e material! fo^me.'But 31 fcauep?oue& tfcardje <§>oule is totmaterialljann l;ad* a continuance of it felfe ♦ 3n& in mw tlje moje it is Bifrfjargcn of tnattevfremoje it retepnetb bis otoite peculiar fojme ♦ <£berefoje tb* corrupting of tfce matter toucbedj mt tbe <§>ou!e at all* 3gatn, if mens joules litre(fap tbep)after tbeir boaies, djen are tbep in* finiteffo? tbe tao;lo is toitbout beginntug anB toitljout enmngjan* (as toee tnotot ) nature can atoap tm'tl> m infinite tlnrig: tberefo?e fbep Itae not after tbeir bodies ♦ ^es fap %?fo} 31 baue p? oueB ftat ti)t tnojlB ban a beginning , ana tbat toitlj fa ftibffcmn'aH reafons, as djou m not able to &ifp?o!te,'£berefoje it foliolDetf; tbat tbe in* tvnnmtnct tobicl; tbou aUcBgedcan baueito place.^notber hitijr 3f oeaB mens joules line Gill ^ toijp come tftcp not to tell bs fat Sna S?J • P THE TREWKJS 9nt? be t^nrikctf) be &atlj ffumble t> bpon a taconucrftil futtfe&eutfc But boto Bod) ttys follotoe tn rcafon ^ lEbere ftatij not comeanp man toito tiss from tbe Jnoics of a long; tpmc:crgo tljetc be no 3!u* Dtc^ ♦ Sfrap not tlje fame argument ki\xz as toell to pjoue tftat toee our fdursf are not^becaufc toce ncttcr toent tljetljer*: Slgame^toijat intercourse is tberc bettoametbin^s tljat baue booies, ana tljing* tbat baue no booies^ bettoene beattcn ano eartlj3amil&ering tbat tijere is fo fmafl intercourse euen bettooene men , tobicb \i\xt all ton* ner one felffame femme^lfpe tljat is maoe a s©agitfrate m bis otott Country , ootlj not toillinglp rettmte to tlje place of bisbanilij* mentXikctoife tlje @>oule tljat is f ongeo in tlje lappe of bis tbe bebolotng of tbe Cuerlafting (Sou is as a $aram'?e toberetn be is totfling to remapne;ano into tlje otber,bis otone conoemnatiott is an imp^ifonment of bis toill* But toe tooulo baue ©on to fenoe fcotb t^t one ano tbe otber tmto bs to mafce bS to beteue ♦ 3s toba tooulo fap,tt ffoooe i;mt greatlp on Ijano to bauebs to beteu^an* not ratber bs f> lue fijoulo beteue* 3no in effect toljat els is al tljis, but a oeGtmg £ fome man migbt returne into bis motbers toombe again^, to incouragepoung babes againfttbepincbes anopaine* tobtcb tbep abioe in tbe birtlj>toljereof tbep tooulo be as (bpe as toe bee of oeatlj , if tbep ^an tbe Iftt fcnotoleoge of tbem *t But let &£ let tiicb canities paflte,ano come to tbe grouno* gee beare bs on bano ( fap tbep ) tijat tbe §>ou!e of man is but one, tbougb it baue opucrs potoers* sabereof toe fee tbe fenfittue ano tbe grotomg potoers to be co?rupteo ano to perifl) t tberefoic itlljoulu feeme tbattbe UnoerlianDing o^ rcatbnable potoeralfo fooulo oo tbe lpke*9t a tocD}0,tl)is is al one as if a man ftoulD fapf poutellmee tljat tbis mau is botb again man, a gtoo S>to©?lu plaper,auO a gmn iuteplaper altogitber-, fr tljat bpcaufe W fto©^* falls cut of bis banti,o? bis ftano itfelf becommetb lame, tljerefoj" be cannot be a genu o? boiteft man (Wl as pou repoiteo bim tabf^ j^ap tbougb be lo& tbofe mftruments^et ceaffetb be not tberefo? to bee an boneft man , pea ano botb a ^toooaoplaper ano a lute* glaper to,as in reject of ftill, ipketopfe toljen our joules baue fo^crne OF CHRISTIAN RELIGION. 2$.$ fd^Ofonetftefe C)cetctrt0,pccccanret6ep not to be tbe Tame tbep lucre afoje* ^o inlpgbten tbis popnt pet ma^e^oft^e potters of out g>ouIe,fome are cjrercpfeo fap tbe inftruments of tbe boote , anti o* tberfome ttitbout anp betp oj furtherance of tbe booie atalL'&bofe ttbicb are eicercpfeo bp tbe booie , ace tbe fences ano tbe potoersi of tbe fences; ano tbe potters of tbegrotting , ttbicb map earpe tbe fame likenelTe tbat is bettteene a JLutet ano a JLutz ♦ QBjeake tbe Jluters lute, ami bis cunning remapnetb ttill, but bis putting of it in pjactife fatletb^tue bun anotber JLute, anti be falles to plap* tug nette againe* put out a mans epes,ano pet tbe abilttte of fee* tngabp&etb ttill ttttb butt, tbougb tbe toerp act of feeing bk oifap* popnteo* 'But gtue bnto tl;e oloeft i£>ag tbat is tbe fame epes tbat Ije bao ttbenlje ttas poung,ano be (ball feeas tteHas euer be tito* after tbe fame maner is it ttttb tbe grottingoj tfyiuing potter* Kettojetttto it a gtoo ftomacfce,a founir itiuer,ano a perfect beate; ano it (ball execute bis functions as ttell as euer tt nin afoje* 'Cbe potter tbat ttojftetb of it felfe ano ttitbout tbe boop , is tbe potter 0f reafon oj tttoerftamiing,ttbicb if tte ttil ttemap call tbe mpttfu 3no if tbou pet ttill ooubt tbereof , confioer ttben tbou mpn&eft a tbing eameftlp ttbat tbp boop furtberetb tbp mpno tberein# tbou flralt percepue tbat tbe moje ffreolp tbou tbinftett trpon it, tbe lelfe tbou feed tbe tbings before tb#;ano t^t mo?e tty mpno ttanojetb, tbe moje tbp boop reftetb t as ttbo ttoulo fap tbat tbe ttojfcings of tbe boop , are tbe greateft bin&erance ano impeoiment tbat can bo& to tbe peculiar ootngs of tbe mpno* 3no tbis abilitie of fcnuerttau* tttngmapbeelilteneo to aman,ttbtcb tbougb bebauelottbotb W fcano ano bis lute, ceafTetb not tberefoje to bee a man ftifl, ano to fcoe tbe true o#oes of a man,tbat is to tttt, to oifcourfe of tbingsv to mpno tbem,to bfe reafon am fitcb lifceypea ano to be botb a £\i? ter ano a matt as be ttas afoje,notttitbftanoingtbat be cannot put fcts JLuteplapingin ejcercifefo? ttant of iuttruments*j$ap, (ttbicb tnojeis) tbis bnoerftanoing part grottetb fo mucbtbettronger ano greater,as it is lefle occuppeo ano bttGeo about tbefe bace ana corruptible tbings, f fe altogether ojatten borne ttljollp to it felfe; as is to be feene in tbofe ttbicb ttant tbeir epes, ttbofe mpnos are cammonlp mod apt to tonoerttano , ano moft firme to remember* Doetteoebate of a tbing in our felues^Beitber our boop uoj our feences are budeo about ii> Doe ttee ttill tbe fame*: 9s little rroe tbep ftirre fo? tbat tan'&o bnoerftano ano to ttill (ttbicb are tlje o^ gerationji of tbe mpn&^tbe&ottfe batb m naue of tbe buoie -, ano as M4 OF THE TREWNE* as fo j tooling ann being, ttyp accompany one anotljer faptfi AnV ftotle, Cberefoje to continue Ml in being, tbe Soulefjatb not to Hoc tot'tfc tlje boop, no? anp neeae of tbe bonp: but ratljer,to to©?ke tuell an& to be toell, tbe feoule ouc^ijt eptijer to be toitbout tfoe bte bie,o? at leatftuife to be btterlp bnfubiect to tbe borne* 2?ea(fap tbcp)b\it pet tt>e fee men fo?goe tbeir reafon, as fooled anb melancfjol&c perfons : anb feeing it is faigone,it map alfo b& co?rupteb 5 anb if co?rupte&, it map alfo ape: fo? tobat is bead) but an bttcr ana futt co?ruptnefle *t jflap , tljou (bouloeft fap ratber,S Jjaue feene biuertf tobicb batting feemeb to Ijaue lot* tfceirrigbt im'ttes , Ijaue recouereb tbem againe bp gob nptt anb mebicinable tyinkes ♦ 35ut l;ab tljep benp btterlp loft ann forgone, no pinficke couto batte refto?eb tbem agapne : ana ^an tbep bene btterlp peri- (ben , tbe parties tbemfelues fyouto ijaue ban neither fence no? life remapning^berefoje of neceflttie t\)t foule of tJjcm toas as founn as afoje, 3But our feoules toee fee not otljertoife tban bp rfje bobie anb bp rfje intfruments of tlje borne as it torn bp g>pecraclcs ; aim our mpna teljicb brijoloetfc anb feetlj tbjougf) Ijis imaginations ag tt toere tfyougb a Clotobe,is after a fo?t trubbleb bp tfjebtmming cf tlje Spectacles anb bp tlje fmoakineflfe of tlje imaginations*^* ter tfjat maner tije @>unne feemetl) to be bimmeb anb eclipfeb ; aim tljat is but bp tfje comming of rt?e S^one o? of fome Clotobes be* tto&ne Ijim anb bS ; fo? in Ijis ligljt tfjere is n? abatement at all* JLiketoife our epfig^t concepuetl) $ings accojbing to tbe fepecta* tics toljeretbjouglj it lookettj , o? accojbing to dje colour tbat otter* t&toartetlj tlje things torfjirfj it toketlj bpotn Cake atoap tlje impe* aiments , anb our epes (ball fee ctere : purge atoap tbt bumottrSj anb our imagination tyall bee pure: anb fo our bnberftanbing fljall feeasbjigbtas it bib afo?e, mm astbegmnnelbinetb after tlje putting atoap of tbe Clotooes*9no it fared) not baitl) our feoulejS as it botb l»iti) our bobies,tobicb afttr a long CcknelTe retepne tttH cptljer a ^arbnelfe of rfje ^>plene, o? a (bojtneffe of b?eatb,o? a fal^ iingof tbe Ubetumebppon tbe itmgs, o?a fkarreoffome great tuouno tbat cannot bee toojne out becattfeof tbe b?eake tbat loa* ntabe in tbe ba^ole » jf o? neitber in tbeir bn&ertf anbing , neitber m cljeir brilles bo our Joules feele anp abatement, fauing tijat tbere abpbetb fome mapme o) blemilb in tlje inffruments 5 to U)it (as 31 toili neclare bereafter)fo farre fcoitb as it pleafetb c^OD fo? a iutt jtmiCbmeitt , to put tbe g>oule in fubiection to tbe bobie tuljofe fo^ ccrejne it toatf createb to Ijaue bene , becaufe it l;atl; neglecteb tbe OF CHRISTIAN RELIGION. 1^$ \M of tbe Creator to follotue tbe luffes aim Ipkmgg of tbe booie* Cbitf appeared; in lunaticke foite antj fuel; otijera , tobicb Ijaue tftetr toittes troubles at tpmesi ano bp fittest* f o? tljcp be not toer e& but at tbe (faring of tbett burnout , beeing at otber tpmess fober mro ujcU cnougb ffapeo fa tbeir tnitte-s ♦ Cbe like is feene in tbem tbat baue tbe falling Itc^nelTc* iTo? tbeir imoerftammtg feemetb to be eclipfe^ano ag it tocte ttttimx toitb a 'Cbtmoerclap, nuring tbe tpme of tbeir fitter ; but aftertoaro tbep bee as oifcreete as tbougb tljep apleo nothing* 'Co bee fl;o?t,tbe bo&p fe fubiect to a tboufauu mfeafe$,toberetoitb tofc fee tbz fcnoertf anomg to bee no tobit «flte* reo , becaufe tbep toucb not tbe inftrumentg of tbe g>eitce$ ano of tbe 3imagmation$,tobicb moue ft* Mtoerilamjmg^roubleD tt i& in oeeoe bp tbofe fetoe tbingg onlp, ttfyiti) infect tbz S>ence ano tbe pagination, tuljicb bp tbat meaner report tbe tbings imfattbful* Ip tobereon tbz mpnn oebatetb^berfoje pe fljall neuer fee anp bo* uie out of bte toittetf o? out ofijt'js rigbt mpnu, m tobom tbe pbifi- ttou^ map not manifettlp percepue, eptber fome uefault of tbe in* fftumentg , ag a miibapen aim mifpjopojtioneo Ireao ; oj ete an o* ueraboun&ing of fomemelancbolikebumour, rtjat troubles an* marreu f^t;^ boxtiz afoje ft troubles oj mtpapjen W mpn&»3no like as tbe toifeft men being mzpuzK by falfe fi£ppe$,&o make te?ong iielibetatron0,botobeitpet groum&o bpo g©o reafon^bM) t&mjj tljcp coulo not hoc bnleflTe tbep torn ttufc in o&oe : <§>o tbe rtafon tbat fe in our mpmi maketb falfe m'fcoutfetf, ami gatberetb to?ong concIufiong3t>ppon tfrc falfe reports; of tbe imaginations •, tuljtcfe it coulo not uoe^if it tore eptber uimimfbeu oj tmpapje&5 oj none a* toap* SBbereunto acco-ioetb tb& awtfient faptng^ That there bee certeyne folfyes which none but wife men can commit, and certeyne Errors which none but learned men can fall into: becaufe that in fome cafes, difcretion and wifedom are requi- lite in the partie that is to be deceyued, euen to the intent he may bee deceyued ; and learning is required in a man that he may conceyue and hold a wrong opinion . Ste fo? erantple, ta be begupto bj> a mibbletiealtng g>pp m by tlje furp^idnKof a cofe* ning letter3belongetb to nonebut to a tmfe man* jro? a grofi)eatie5 fcolenetterfyeaketb W bwnz about fudb matters as; migbtb?mg bim to tbe mafeingof falfe conrluamia by miftt&inziikzlyl)®** m fieau cftrutbXiketoifeto fallinta^refiebpmifcontepumgfome bigb ano neepepopnt^befalletb not to an ignorant perfon; fo2 ftet* not of capacities nept^eruotb tyt bunerfta^mg mount fo'btgfe 25O OF THE TREnNn Co be (T)0?t,tobofoeucr faptb tbatmans <§>oule pertffjetb toftfj t&e borne, becaufe it is troubles bp tljc oiffemperature 0? mifp?opo?* tionateneflfe of tbe borne-, map as toed fepboln tbat tbe Cbtto m ftc mcotbcts toombe trwb untb fjief mcotber 5 becaufe be mouetb tuttb bcr,ano to partakerimtb free of bee barmes ana tb?otoes,bp reafoit of tlje ftrcpt contuiutton tljat is bettocene tbem;botobeit tbat many cbilo?cn baueliueo fafe ann foum^nottottbtfanmng tbat tbeir moa* tbers baue&peu ; pea ana fome baue come into rtje toojlo tarn bp tbe nearij of tfjeir makers* Sim tobereas fome fap , tbat becaufe out ntpnu coneepuetb not anp tbing bere,but bp belpe of pagination; tberfo?e toben tbe 31* imgination 10 gone toitb tbe wftruments tobereunto it is tpeo>tbe g>oule camiot too?fte alone bp it felf, no? cofequentlp be alone bp tt felfet furelp tt is al one as if tfjep (bouto fap,tbat becaufe tbe Cbito being m bis mcotbets toombetafcetb nouritymentofberblutibp bis nawtfljtberfoje be cannot liue tobe be tt come out of ber toomb, if bis nauillft rings be cut off* iftap rontrarpUufe3tben is tbe tpme tbat tbe moutb^tlje tongue , ann tbe otber parte of tbe Cbilne ooe tbetr ouette3tobtcb ferueo erft to no putpofe/autng tl;at tbep tuere p?epareo fo? tbe tpme to come* 9fter tbe fame manet alfo ooe toee cberity our mpnb bp 3Imagination in tbis ftconu life ; tobtcf) in tbe tbiro life being ( as pe toouto fap ) fcapeti out of pjifon,(bafl begin to totter bfa operations bp btmfelfe,anb tbat fo mttcb tbe mo?e cer* tepnlp,fo? tbat it (ball not be fubiect to falfe repo?ts,no? to tbe fen* tes eptber intoara 0? outtoam , but to tbe toerp tbings tbemfeluea tnbtcb tt fyall batte feene ano leatneo^o fcee (be?t3it (ball ttue5but not in p?tfbn;it (ball fee3but not tb?ougb ^peetarle^it (ball tmaer* tf ana,but not bp repo?tS;tt (ball Itff ,but not bp toap of luffing i tbe infirmitie tobtcb tbe borne caftetb bpon it as noto, (ball tbeu bee a* toap:tbe fo?ce tobtcb tt b?ingetb noto to tbe boap,(bal tl>en be mo?e fteft anu liuelp tban afoje* Jl^oto tbeit,nottottbftam>tng tbefe aaptt reafons of tljeirs,let bS conclune, Cbat our foule is an tontierftans uing 0} reafonable poller 5 ouer tbetobiebneitbemeatb no? co?s tuption baue naturafip anp potoer,altbougb it be fitteo to tbe borrp to gouerne it ♦ 9im if anp man tioubt bereof , let bim but examine |)imfelfeifo? euen \)i$ otone Doubts totll p?oue it tonto butt* ®) if bt tDilldano in contention ttil,let bim fall to reafoning toitb bmiftlft: fo? bp concluoing bt'S arguments to p?oue bte S>oule mo? tall , be ©all giue iuogement btmfelfe tbat it is immo?talT* 9no if 31 bmz left aap tljtnguuaHeogen tol;icl; migl;t make to t^is pwrpofe^ (fo? OP C HR I ST I AN RELIGION. 2JJ hrfjp map 3! not,fcmg tbat mm tbe felfiame tftingtfltffefcfe 31 ftatte Inn able to alletrge on tljebrbaifofittpiTeaBuerfarit^.na^tuetljeirt tbereunto*:) let bg: tbmfte alfo tljat l>e ua^tcl; fcelcti; bimfclf coning ten tit bimfelfe, atto fo? tobofe bebaife ana benefite it nterc greatly totb to beteue it ano to confefle it, nriecetl) \\» moje biligent p?ofe tban featb bene mane alreatrie ♦ *&ut if anp man arill pet of fppgbt ftanntoilfullpMaptnabtmrelfe, Ictbim trpebfltobecanmakc anfwer to m? fojefapa arguments : ana in tfje meane tobfa let bs fee taljat tljc fapa opinion of tbe tutfelt men , pea ana of tlje toljolt too? to batb bate bpon tfyi$ mater* The xv. Chapter* That the immortalitic of the Soule hath bene taught by the Philofophers of old tyme,and beleeued by all peo- ple and Nations. ©ortrfp it fjabbeue aberpjat&c cafe,fft&fa mpnu of ourg toljid) fearc betlj fo man? tijingtf in nature,l)ati not taken fome fepfure to fearcfj it felfe ami tbe nature tI;erof,anb bp fearcbing j attepttcb to fomepopnt nt tljat brfjalfe ♦ 9nt> I tbereftne ass tljere baue at al tpmes bent men, !fo (ball toe fee alfo tljat men Jjaue at all tpmetf fceteueb $ abmittetj tbe immojtalttie of tbe Sbom>,3i fay not fome xme man o? fome one Ration , but tbe toijole toojlb tutt^ generall confent , becanfe all mm bniutrfallp ana perticularlp fcaue learnefc it in one fertile , ana at tbe moutb of one Ceacber , namely mm tbeir otone fcnotnle&ge nt tljemfelueg* Cbe fcolp Scripture toljicfj teacbetb ba onr faluation , bfed) no fcb©leargument$ to make b$ belaue tbat tljere fe a (Sob: anb tljat fe becattfe toe cannot ftep out cfourfduea neuer fo little, but free muff ftce&etf ffnnebimpiefent to all our %>mtz& ♦ 3nb it feemetlj to fpeafce bnto w tbe IcflTe ej;< p?e(Tp of tbe immojtalttie of our foules, fpeciallp in tlje firft bafcW iberof,becaufetoe cannot enter into our felucs be it neuer fo little, buttDemttff nriaieg perceiue iuTBut inafmucb as from tlje one ena hereof to t(je otI;er, tt bedarefy bnto bg tbe toiU of (Sou ; in fo so* m tag 3$8 OP THI TRIVYNIf ing it &ot& bs to bn&erftaffl>,tf)at it is a tying toberoftt t'smrt late* Theopinion full foj bs to Doubt ♦ 9no toljereas it fettety fo?ty fo pjecifelp from of the Men of age to age,tye great aim manifblo troubles; ana paines tobity goto old tyme. antl g0l,xp mm tymt fuaepnen tit inoeuering to follotoe tyat toiiyt (betoetytrfafliblptyattyeirfo Doing toas in anotyet refpecttyatt foj tyis pjefent tojettyeD life ♦ ,ff oj tobo is be tbat toouto Depart toity anp pace of i>is otone Ipfcing m tbti3 life3 but in bope of better things*: ano tobat toere it foj bim to lofe fjis life , if tyere toere not anotyer life after tyist^bis feruety to anfiuer in one toojtr to furij as oemauno eitpjefle tejts of Scripture, ano are loty to finoe tbat tying in tye 3ftpble,toi)ity is cotepneo tyere,not onlp in euerp leafe but aimoft in euerp line* jfoj tob*rec# (Sou creates man after tye too?to toas failp fintfteo ano perfected nws as mud) as if fjeijaa fcjougijt fr im into a Wjeatre pjepareo foj Ijim , botobett after atto* tyet fo?t tban all tye otyer liuing tyings ttrfnty toere to Do fcim fer< uice*9s foj 3$eaffes,^irDS,piants,anD futy otyer tyings,tye €* Jements bjougfjt tyem foojty : but 9^an recepueD bis g>oule bp in* fpiratttm from (Son, 3lfo tye tyute Beafrs are pxtt in fubiectimt ta man,butman is in fubiection onelp Unto 6od> 3nD tye conuepmg cftyat gott man Henocke out oftyis life foj bis goDlinefle3toaS to none o tyct ettn3 b ut to fct l;tm in anotber life bopo of all null ami TbcWcefe of full of all gouie is immojtaa rth%t tyere & anotyer life after tyts,amr tyat tyere is a iuogement to come ♦ jf oj ftaD tbep bene of opinion tbat tftere fe none otijer life aftertbiS;tj()C fleft luoulo baue perfmatiety tljem to baue Wo tbemfelues in quiet iere, ano tfyzp tooutoftaue Iikeo nothing better rijan to baue follow toeo fiwdetlp ^e cSmon traue of t&e too?lo,Noc among ijts fremrs, Abraham antong tbe Chaldees,Moyfes in Pharaos Court ? ana fo fao?tb*S>o ften,altbougb tbe Scripture feeme to conceale tt^et uatb it fpeafteberp lotme thereof in naDe ., confiocring*ttet all tbe crpes of tbe g©u ann goolp, anoalltbe trefpap^es oft^eurickeii tolricb it Defcribetl) bnto ^ooe fount! none ot&er tying bnto bs, tf lye baue eares to beareit* 3m> it map bee5tbat in tbe fame telpett^ tyis artirieof tye3mmo?talitteof tbefeoule toas notput into tbe auncient CraoeoftyeIev*rcs , no? alfo peculiar!? into tbe Craw *f te Cfottttans 9 becaufe tot* beiauc beponu rca&n, ano tbis ii toixty ©F CHRISTIAN RELICION. *5£ toitbfe tbe bounos of reafon ; ano tobofoeuer treated of fteligioii muft naoes p?efuppofe <$oo eternall ano man mtmo?tan,toMbouf tfje tobicb tt»o,all Heligion toere m bapne* Mojxfym toe fee tt»at €Mlinefle,3Iti(h'ce,ano bertue toere commenoeo among tbe f^ea* fben of ail ages : it is all one a* if toee ffjoulo bcare tbem p?eacb in ejcp?efle too?os tbe 3!mmo?talitie of tbe feoufotf o? tbeir fo ooing is! buptoeo euerp tobit tippon tbat,as bppon a foundation tombout tbe tu^td) tbofe tbings coulo not flatty 31 toiU fpeno mp gooes o? mp life fo? tbe maintenance of 3!uffice* 22Jijat is tbis 3Iuftice but « fcapnename,o? totobat enobaueSlfcmanprelpects, if 31 Icofcefoj tiot^m^ out of tbis p^efent too? to bere * 31 tuifl(fapo a man of otoc tpme)ratber lofe euen tbe reputation of an boneft man,tlj a befjaue mp felfe otbertoife tfjan boneiHp ♦ QBut toljp fljouio 31 foe fo, if 31 Me fo? no gootj in another too?lo, feeing 31 jaue nothing but tuiU tjere'rfeurelp ift^erebenoneot^rt^mgt^antljfelifejtfrenfetjei:* TjicwifcMq^ tue to be bfeo no furtber, tban p?ofite ar.o commooitiemap grotoe of *&**■ &pon it; ano fo fl; outo it become a Cbaffer ano Sgcrcbano ifc,^ not fcertue in oaoe l 2>et notfcutbftanoing,tbofe are tbe o?oinarp fp«« tbes 3 euen of fucb as fpeafce ooubtfullp of tbe 3Immo?taIitie of tbe £>ouie i %i)tt tfojc tbep ooe but oenpe tbe grouno ano pet graunt *b* cefcquencc-,tuf)i(lj in all one as if a man bauing firtt bin burnef, ftoulD fall to oilputingtabetber fire be b or o? no* l&ut noto (tobicti ts better fo? bs ) 31 fcrill bett gatber togetber tbeir otoue fpacfce* *ne after anotber* Hermes oeclaretb tnljfe PeemanderJbotoat tbebopceoftbe e* Homes mW tterlaffing,tbe Clements p&loeo fo?f b al reafonletfe liuingluigbts Pamandcr. as it bao fan out of tbeir bofomes* 3$uttoben be tommetb to man, tori*. vW* ijefaptb,He made him like vntohimfelfe,he linked himfelf to TwinncM him as to his Sonne,(for he was beautif ul and made after his ^@Jaus owne Imagejand gaue him al his works to vfe at his pleafure. Sgaine , be erbo?tetb him to fo?fafee W borne , ( nottottbffanoing T* ^ f , tbat be totontier greatlp at tbe cunning too?feman0jip tbereof ) as *{f®nf* '- tbeberp caufeof bis oeatb, ano tomanweiis&oulefcjbirf) is t*-- ^^7'f,^♦ pable of tmmo?talitte,^ to confioer tbe o?iginan note from labencs it fp?ang,tobi^ i* not eartblp but beauen!p,ano totnitbt»?atn bmt^ kUmm from bis fences ano from tbeir traiterous anurements, tof after bimfelftoboflp into tbat mpm of bis tobicb te b*ti> from e,tobat to Pocmandcr. $>* Sboulc '; The Soule (fapt!) be)is the garment of the my nd, up.ia and the garment of the Soulcis a certeyne Spirirwta reby it is vnited to the bodie. And this Mynd is the thing which wee call properly the Man,that is to fay a heauenly wight which is not to bee compared with Beaftes, but rather with the Gods of Heauen,if he be not yet more than they .The Heauenly can notcomedownetothe earth without leauing the Heauen, but Manmeafureth the Heauen without remouingfrom the i ia-kiJ^H earth .The earthly man then is as a mortal! God>and the hea- iivdfHi ©% uenty God is as an immortali man .^o bee fljojr, bto conetofion to>%b&t man to imbbIe,mojtaH a$ touching W btfam&mfmaf* tan ag taitcbing W feoule r tofotcfr S>ouIe to tbe fubffanttafl man ana tbe berp man ereateo tmmemadp of (faptb bt)&$ f figbt HermttinFus tobjefc tmme&tatlp of tfje Valine ♦ 3noChaleidiusfaprbtbatat Efculaphis. ty$ treatfrbe fpafcetbefe toojbeg . I goe homeagaine into mync AEnaeas Gaz. o^ne countrie.where my better forefathers and ktnffolk be. concerning the ~ J « , J «. .... », immortaiftic C£ Zoroaftres toljo to pet of mo?e anttquitte tfjan Hermes,U)e of the souic. fcaue notbing but fragments* jfteuertbeleffe,manp report ft is; at* Chaldeans, titlt t0 be on* of W > ^at mzn* Routes are tmmoj tal^ann tijat one trap djere (ball be a general! rpfing agahie oftrjeir boateg ; ana tbeanftoers of tbe (LfttfemmofChaldye (tobo are tbe bent* of |it0 Dottrine) uoe anfbaer fufficientlp foj bmt ♦ ©jere to one tbat ertjojtetb men to returne totrir fpa&e to tbetrbeauenlp fatbrr3tobo Ijatb fern rijemfrom aboue a <§>oule imjeta* tottb mucb bnoer* ftanutng^tio anotber tijat etfjcntetb r!;em to feefteljtara&tfe as tbe peculiar utoeUing place of tbe g>oule.3 tbttb faptb djat tbe g>ottte of man batb (Son as it toere ftttt bp in it ,. ano tbat it batfr not anp mojtautie tbereim jFo? (&?$ be) tbefeoule to ag it tore tyonfcea tottb ou!es to bee immojtall , ana tbat in anotber iife tbep mud come before a 3!ubge tbat tofll require an account of al tbeir &oingSu'&be effect toberof commetb to tbfe^bat tbe feoule of man pjoceeuetf) tmmem'atlp from <£otr3tbat fa to fap, tbat tbe fatber of tbe bonte is one.ann tbe fatber of tbe 8>dule i$ anotben'&bat tbe ©oule te not a boaflp fubftance3but a Spirit anu a ttgbt: &bat at tbe departure tbereof from bence5it is to goe into aparatrife, ana tberfoje ougbt to make bade tonto ueatb : 3na tbat ft fe fo farre from mojtalitie, t&at ft mafcetb eiten t^t boap immojtafl ♦ ZSXW can toee fap moje at tbt« &ap3euen m tbe tpmz of iigbt toberein toe be? Pherecydes p^^; tbe Syrian,tbe firft tbat toag knotone among tbe Greekes to baue t»2ttteu in pjofe,taugbt tbe fame* 9nn tbat tobicb Virgin faptb in W feconu €glog concerning tbe D?ug 0? fepice of Aflyria , anti Aflynum vui- tb e grotoing tljereof euerptobere,fe interpreter of fome men to bee g° n?fa*ur a- ment of tbe 3lmmo?taIitie of tbe g>ouIe3tbe Marine tobereof Phe- momum* recydes bzougbt from tbence into Greece; namelp, tbat ft (boufti be imnerftcDD euerptobere tbjougbout tbe tobole toojto* 9Ifo Pho* cylides tobo toaa at tfje fame time,fpeaketfj tfjerof in tbefe toojas* 4ux« <&' a^«v«T®- kj «y rigac y «k^, 'Becaufe the SoHle,Gods instrument and Image al/o if. Z&LW) faping l)C feemetlj to baue taken out ojtbid toerfe of Sibils. In very reafin Manflionld bee The fmage and thepjapetfmee. SDFtfje fame opinion alfo are OrphcuSjTheognis^Homer.He- fecond fongof fiodus,Pindar,am> all tbe poets of oln tpme; tobicb map anfeaer his olympiads fofy ty tljemfelued ano tl;eir otone Countried,ant> fo? tlje refioue S«of oUl)tit aseaXfoetotfe Pythagoras a nifctple of Pherecidcs, ijefo hisiUads. opmiont^attlje&oulet^aljotipleireaniiimm^tallfuWtancejpuc into tbid botip a<3 into a pjifon fcn finning 3nt> toberead tbe flee* ting of fouled out of one bo&p into another, 10 fatljereo bpon Jjirn; altljougb tbe opinion be not airectlp againft rije immojtalitie of tljt feoule , pet aoe manp mm tbinke tbat bee batb tojong scone fcnta him, 3mr bid £)ifcipleTimcetisof Locres reported) otbertopfe of feint ♦ ,ffoj tubat puniftment toere it to a boluptuoad man,to baue W S>oule put into a beaff, tbat be migbt becometbe moje bolup- tuoud toitbout remenfe of fitme ^ 5§>©tblp ft te all one ad if in pu* moment of burner 0? tbeft,pee tooulu make tbe ^umerer to cut tbe potest of l)i$ otone f atber an& $9otber5oj tbe %\)ki to com* wit trecberie ageinll (Sofc^potofoeuer tbe cafe ffatu^b* teacbetb in bid ber&d,tbat man id of beauenlp race, and tbat (ad Iamblichus repojtetb)be id fet in tbid toojto to bebolrr ©on* 3m> bid Dtfriple Habitus as Arcnitas &?*» ftac Death can doe thee no harmc , for thy Soule (hallliuc; happyly in heauen^c. 3lfo of Heraclides toe baue tbid faputff,* We Hue the Death of them(tfjat i$ to fap of tbe bleffeo)bid mea* VO^*' n12" n^n^ l^^at toe b* uot ^ucieri ^^ mt ^°^P^ ; and we dye their Tnd zc- Lyfe'^ac fe to fap,toee bee (till after tbid bonp of ourd i^ tiea&*€)f $e lifee opinion are Thaks, Anaxagoras > ano Piogenes coucc u ningf f.;cncs no. OF CHRISTIAN KBtlGION.1 1^ tttftg tbfe popnt ; pea ann fo it Zeno tco , botobeit tbat fje tljougbt tbe g>oule to bee begotten of 8&an,toberein bee toas contrarie too limfelfe* Co bk ffjio&fcarflp toere tbere anp to be founn among tbe men of olo time, faue onelp Dcmocritus ann Epicurus , tijat Epicurus beln tbe contrary toap ; tobome tbe poete Lucre immitaten after* taatn in bit berfetf* S?et notimtbftanoing toben Epicurus ijoulu npe5b# commaunnen au atoniuerfarie o j i?#rmpnn to bee feept ttt remembrance of tym bp b& Difcipleg : fo greatlp neligbten b# to a bapne tyanotoe of 3!mmojtaKte,baumg (baften offtbe berp tbing ft felf*3nn Lucrece(ag it it tojttten of btm)mane W boofte beeing Luaetiu* wan,at furij timzt'at tbe fitter uf bit mannetfTe toere off bim,fure- ip moje man toben be tbougbt bimfelfe tapfeii, tban toben tbe fitg of bte pbjenfie tnere ftrongeff bppon bim*2Bbofoeuer reaoetb tbe go&nlp ntfcourfe* of Socrates apon bit tyinfcing of popfon,ag tbep Soaates,Phto fcee repojteo bp Plato ann Xenophon bpmfelfe ; can not Doubt of and.XcnoPho* bte opinio m tbte cafe*jf o? be not onlp beteuen it btmfelf, but alfo perftaanen manp men to it tottb liuelp reafonj^pea ann bp bfe otmt neatb mud) mo?e tben bp an W Ipfc* 9no fo pe fee toe be come bn* to Plato ann Ariftotle , toritb confent of an tbe topfe men of otoe tpmz y nngeinfapn of anp , fauing of a ttoo oj ttyzz malapert tojet* cbes , tobom tbz bngractoufeft of our napeg tooulo efteeme but ag tyonfcen fottes ann ni^arn&Certeire Plato(tobo migbt paranuen* PIat0 In his ture baue beam fpeafee of tbe booto of Moyfes ) noerb in bfe Ti- Tima:u*- mseus tying in ©on giutng commaunnement to tbebnnergonneg tobom be creates , tbat tbep (boulo make man botb of mojtall anu of immojtall fublrance&ilBberein it map be tbat be aUuticu to tbis. taping in (fifenefi^Let vs make man after our owne Image and lykcneffe, 3!n tobicb cafe t(je 3letoeg fap tbat <&D® nirecten W fpeedje to bfe 9ngel^ ; but our Diutixzz fap bee fpafee to bimfdfe* tfeut anon after , botb tn tbe fame ba&e ann in manp otber places Plato(ajes it toece comming to !jfm bimfelfe ageine,) teacbetb tbat Phto in his a Commontoeale aim a ^agiarate3ait 3image ann tym tf^at beared it bpou \)imM\hat greater tljing can E 4 t^ere *^4 OF THE TREWNBS Plato in his tbere be tban to be like <£oo * Jf2ob)(faptb Plata in W Phcedon) his i of The Soule °.f Man is vcfy like the Godhead > Immortall,Rea- ftatcjn hL°Al- ^".^lejVniforme, Vndiflbluble , and euermore of one forte, cibia«Mnd w:Mch are conditions(fatri) fje)m l)t0 matters of <§>tate)that can in the tenth not agree but to things molt diuine. 9itD tbereftne at bfa&e- booke of his pilrcmg out of tl;e tocnlo,be imileo fjfe Soule to returne borne too Comonwcale. Jj0J. ftfaal| ^ t0 ^ firft ^g^tfjat (g t0 tlM, (a$ lj* bimfclfe faptb tbere)to ttre topfe ano immojtall ©o&beao tbe jr ountaine of all granne*, a^ calleo bome from banifbment into bet otonc nattue Plato in his HHmtrie* %>* termed) it o?&inarilp f uy>m «S tS3 tbat ig to fap3 of fifth booke of kin vnt° God , aift COnfequentlp aayivjt vy a8otvaTOK S/aovu/*0{/, JUwes. tbat te to fap,Euerlafting , and of one felfefame name with the immortall ones, a Ipeauenlp ]0lant ano not a €artblp 9 roteo in $eauen ano not in €artb , begotten from aboue atnr not bare be* neatl) , ano finally fuel) ag cannot ope beere, fcnafmucb a$ it liuetfj (till in another placebo be u)ojt5faing(fapctb be) tbat it eompje* bennetl) tbe tbings tljac are Diutne ano immojtall, tbat i0 to txitt, tbeGfoobeao, an&tbetbinga tbat ateimcbaungeableanotmco^ ruptible^s tcuctb te : it cannot be accounted to be of anp otber na* turetbantbep* Cbe fame opinion ootbPlutarchealfo attribute tmto bim , tobicb appeared) almott in euerp Ieafe of^tst fcniring$„ £$ toucbing tbe auncienter tint of Platonifts , tbep agree all toitfy one accojtr in tbe immojtalitie of f foule, fauing tbat fome of tbent Beriue it from <0oo,amr fome from tbe g>oule of tl>e 22lo?lD,fome make but tbe Heafon oj mpntr onelp to be immojtall, ant) fome tbe tnftole g>oule : trfnrij tufagreement map toell be falueo , if toe fap tbat tbe Soule all tobole togetber fa imrnojtafl in potter oj abili- ties tbougb tbe execution antr performance of tbe actions brijtcl) are to be ocone bp tbe bo&p , be fojgone toitb tbe inffrumeutg 0} menu bergoftbeboop* - ^betrifegreement concerning tbfepopnt among fucbasf ft matt map fcoutfafe to call bp tbe name of Philofophers,feemetl> tobaue begonne at Ariftotle , botobett tbat W Dtfcipled count it a com* mentation to bim, tbat be fjatl) giuen occaSon to ooubt ofljfa opt* nion in tbat bebalfe* tfo} it it certetne tbat bfe neiufoutio noctrtne . of tbe <£tetnitieo? euerlattinpefleof tlje 2Bo^lD,batb utfiroublett bfa bjapnein manp otl>er tbing^, asi commonlp it faBetb out, tbat Aft t ' h* onec^^b?0eoetbmanpotber»Becaufe nature (faptb be) could ^conTbooke5 not makc euery man Particularly to continue for euer by of Mo thinss. WmJel^therfore (he continueth hlmin the kind by matching ° ^ Male OF CHRISTIAN RELIGIOUS *6$ Male arid Female together. %W te fpotat eifter gtoffelp 0* aoubtfullp* But tobereas be fapft ftat if fte $&pm> fcaue anp m* tooling of it otone toiftout anp Ijelpe of fte Sences 0? of fte bo* &p,tt map alfo continue of it felfe,concluoing ftereuppon tftat ft en it map alfo be feparateo from fte boop,as an tmmojtal fting from a ft mg ftat is trantitojte ano mojtall 1 3t follotoeft confequentlp alfo, ftat fte g>oule map baue continuance of it felfe , as thereof be wtereft ftefe iuojos, nameip, C&at fte ^oule rommeft from Anftwfc m toiftout,ano not of fte fooe of #au as fte boop ooft,ano ftat fte ^ ^csouk! g>oule is fte onelp part in w ftat is Diuint. ji3oto,to be Dtuine ano to be Ji)umane,to be of fetoe ano to be from tmftout,ftat is to fep,from <6©D ; are tiring* flat contrarie,tobereof fte one fojtt is fubied: to co^uption,ano fte ofter not ♦ 3!nftetenftboofceof&tS Ariftotfeinhis Avails Ije aclmotoleogeft ttoo fojts of Ipfe in man 5 ft e one as in tenth booke sefpetf ftat Ije is compofeo of Bonp ami §>oule,fte ofter a* m m <***>*&*> fpect of Sppno onelp; ft e one occupies in ft e potojes tobift are cal* ieo humane antr booilp, toljift is alfo accompanpeo trnft a feltcitie in ftt'S lpfe-7ano fte ofter occupieo i\x fte fcertues offtempno, lul)ift is accompanies alfo tutft a feltctte in anoftet Ipfe* %W totyft confiff eft in contemplation,is better ftrnt fte ofter; ano fte feliritie ft ereto belonging, is peculiarly oefcribeo bpbim infyis fetaftes of 5>eauenaboue *&pme, as tobtft confifteft in fte franfce ano ft* looking of fte flppntr, 9 in beboloing fte fouereme (Sotr* 3nO in g©0 fcoft, full tuell Ooeft Michael of Ephefus fcppon ftiS Michael of 2- faping of W concluoe , ftat fte <§>oule is tmmojtaH ; ano fo mutt £5^°^ al W morals alfo xutom oo,con(ioering ftat too liue toel, fcr&efter J^ itbeto amans felfe 0? totoaros ofter men, tore els abainefting ano to no purpofebut to bejce our mmos in xiyti lpfe*31n W boafces $„ls&, at- of fte <§>oule, bee not onelp feparateft fte Boopfrom fte g>oule, f *• but alfo putteft a oifferenre be rojftt fte feoule it felfe » fte ®ino, wfs oule fte tntoo^mg of fte botsp anooffteboo6pin= ns**®'* trcuments ; ano fte mpno ftat reafonable lubffance uifjift ts in us, &*$*****» tobereof fte ooings baue no fellotofbtp t»ift fte ootngs of fte bo^ 7 ®*-#yfF op5anot>bereoffteg)ouleis (as Plato fateft) but fte ©arment* sow^y*?. This Mynd (fapft be) may be feuered from the body, it is not a7ragij 7H in any wyfe mingled with it, it is of fuch fubflaunce as cannot > / . ,„ *c/t be hurt or wrought vpon, it hath being and continuance ac- t * tually and of it (elfe ; and eucn when it is feparated from the j^f *ftcon<^ body,then is it immortall and euerlalting.To be {hort3it hath b"Jksc ^^ not any thing Uke vnto the body. For it is not any of al thofe scuk. things 166 OF THE TRBWNIS things which haue being afore it vnderftad thcm.And there- fore which of all bodily things can it be ? 3n0 in another place be fapetb tljUjS t As concerning the Mynd, and the contempt tiue powre , it is not yet fuffkientlyipparant what it is. Ne- uertheleffe it feemeth to bee another kind of Soule , and it is that onely which can bee feparated from the corruptible , as the which is Aycuerlafting. %o be ffjo?t3loben ag be puttetb tbij* quettion, tobetber a jftaturall pbtfofopber fe to oifpute of all ma* net of oulcg,oj but onelp oftijat feoule tobtrf) i$ immaterial*: tt foWoU)etft tfjat be gratmtctft tftat tl;cr^ fe fuel? a one* 3naagamc, toben as be mafeetb tW argument; Looke what God is eucrla- ftingly,that are wee in pofsibilitie according to our meafure: but hee is euerlaftingly feparated from bodily things , there- fore the time will come that wee (hall bee fo too. tye taftetb it tbat rfjere fe an 3lmage of ©oo in b$ , pea men oftfjc Diume na* ture tobicb Ijatlj continuance of ttfelfe*£Jerp toell ano rigbtlp rber* fine ootb Simplicius gather tbero£,tbe tmmojtalitte of tbe feoule* jFoj tt oepenoetb bpon tbte reparations topo conthtuance of being in the bft (,f tt fefc'BeGueg tbfe be faptb alfo,tljat bunting of bealfe fa grafo p^s ofbeafts m t0 mm b? ^e *atoe of ^atttre 5 becaufe tbat tberebp man dja* L the tcmhJf^S^wotbmg but tbattobtcb naturally te W otone, 3$p tobat his supematu- rigbt % pjap pou,tf trjtre be no mo?e m bimfelf tban in tytml Qnv raUes. fc)(jat fa tfjerc moje tn bim tban in tbenyf tbep baue a fouie equal! book ^f *m &'* * ^ebnto mafee a]N W* commensationg of (SoolineMf i&ioffa™™' HeKgton3ofblefletme$3 ana of contemplation* tfoj too tobat enoe ferue all tbefe , toljicb ooe but cumber bg bere belotoe *: Cbereftne furelp it fa to be cocluoeo, tbat as be fpakeaoubtfullp in fome one place, fo be botb termeo ano alfo taugbt to fpeafce better in man? otber places , ag appeared} bp bfa Difciple Theophraftus, tolja fpeatob pet mo^e euioentlp tbereof tban be* The opinion ^be latutg (as 31 baue fapo before) fell to ]pbtfofopbie fome* ofthc Latin ^i)at imt ^m fa 0*$^ gno as touching tbeir common opt* wntai" nton, tbe ejercifes of fuperftttiou tbat mere among tbem , tbe ma* uet of fpeecbes tnbtcft toe marfce in tbeir 8pifto?ies, tbetr contempt of oeatb3anu tbeir bope of anotber life •, can giue bg fufificient toar* - Cicero in his taut tjereotCicero fpeaketb bnto te in tbefe tooj&a* The origin firft booke of nail of our Soules and Myndes cannot bee found in this lowc his Tufculane earth: for there is not any mixture in them,or any compoun-r Queftions 5c jingthat may feeme to bee bred or made ofthc earth. Nei-» Z Com&rt! ther is therc any moi ^ure>any wyndineffe, or any firy matter in O* CHRISTIAN RIIIGIO^ 1^7 in them. For no fuch thing could haue in it the powre of me- morie,Vnderftanding, and conceit , to beare in mynd things paft 3 to forefee things to come , and to confider things pre- fent,which are matters altogither Diuine. 3nH W conciufton i0,tbat tljerefoje t^ep bee Deuueu from tije 3Bpno of <££>D , tijat ft to fap,not tyea oj begotten of £pan,but creates of (So&mot bo* 5rtp,butbnbooUp;U3b«e^ponttfoIIoU)etI>ti)attbeS>ouleeannot , be co?tupteo bp tfjefe tranKtojte tljm£$, 3Dfje fame Cicero tit ano* jr^ro ^» ttjec place fapetb rtjat bettofete ©on ana $$an tbere ft a funrea of 0c££e N°° r* *eafotyft ft w* ft betto&ne man $ man a ftmrea of Muscat tlje 0fthe Gods: fellot»ff)tp betto&ne man ami man commetb of tlje mojtall boup, and in his firft buookeoF felfe luljo cteateo tbe <§>ou!e in tft*By reafon whereof (faptl) b#) *** we may fay we haue Alyance with the heauenly fort , as folke that are defcended of the fame race and roote j whereof that we may euermore be myndfuli , we muft looke vp to heauen as to the place of our birth,whether we muft one day returne. 9no tijecfojepet once aptnebe conclunetf) tbus of bimfeIf*Think not(faptb feejthat thou thy felfe art mortail^t is but thy body In sdpioct that is fo. For thou art not that which this outward (hapearcamc pretendeth to be,the Mynd of Man is the man indeedc , and not this lumpe which may bee poynted at with ones Fingar. Aflure thy felfe therefore that thou art a G O D ; For needes muft that be a God,whichliueth,perceyueth, remembereth, forefceth, and finally reigneth in thy body as the Great God the maker of all things doth in the vniuerfall world. For as the eternali God ruleth and moueth this tranfitory world/o doth the immortall Spirit of our foule moue& rule our fraile body . ©eretmt© content all rije tojttotf of Ijft tpme , ag Ouid, Virgin am otfjers^tofjofe&erfeg are tit etterp mans remembrance* There wantedyet the "bight that fhould all other heights exceeds Onid in hfs fn loftie reach offlately Myndywho like a Lord in deede firft booke oi Should oner all the refdewe r eignefT hen fiortly came firth zJWan, M«amorpho- Whom eyther he that made the World and all things eh began, Created out offeede diuinejr els the earth yet yoong And lately parted from the Skie, thefeede thereof vncloong tReteynedftillinjrHtefitllwombe:which Japetsfinne did take, *And tempering it with Water pure3a wight thereof did make, Which fijonldrefemble euen the gods which fitter eine ft ate doe hold. And Where all other things the ground with groveling eye behold-^ 468 OF THE TR!FN! J HegAue to m*n alway neere vnto him which font them hither. And how is it pofsible that they (hould be from beneath,or from anywhere els tha from aboue,{eeingtheiouerpan*eai fhcfe lower things as nothing, and hold fkorneofall thtit et-er we can hope or feare ? ^fjttfr pe fe^oui be tearfjetb tija; ourfirieMtas come into our boot'esi from aboue*®ut tobetber jo cfjep agapne,toben tbep separt bence'-.Lec &3 bare bmt toljat be fapeg oftrje JLaup Martiaes S>omte tbat toa* Seneci eoncer- &eatitHe is now euerlafting (faptb be) and in the beft ftate, be- nmg the Lady reft of this earth! v baggage which was none of his, & fet free ™u£ Ce came fttll to tfje true Mrtfc #0? m bis latcft brakes ije treatetb attnaies botl> mo?e aflureolp ana moje eufoetlp tberof* aifo tbe taping of Phauorinus is notable ♦ There is nothing FauoriaU!}, great on earth,(faptl) be) but Man;and nothing great in Man, but his Soule.If thou mount vp thether, thou moutefl abouc Heauen.And if thou ftoope downe agayne to the bodie, and compare it with the Heauen jit is lefle than a Flye, or rather a thing of nothing, at one tocnD, tl>is is as mucb to fap,as tbat m tbis clou of clap, tbere oteHetl> asinine ant> knxojruptible nature: fo? boto coulo it els be greater tban tbe tofcole toojlo4: #stoucbingtbe illations ofolo tpme,toereaaeoftl)emau',tSat The common tbep b*& certcpnel&eligions ano Diuine&eruices/o a3 tbep belee* opinion of ail wea tfcat tbere is a $eU,amj certepne deities tofcicb tijep call tfce E- nations, lyfian fields,as toe fee in tfte poets Pindarus,Diphilus,Sopho- cles^uripides j otbers* <&l)t moje fuperfticious tfcat tbep toere, porphyria m tbe imne fufFtcientlp fcoe tbep toitneflTe fcnto as tofrat toas tn tbeir his 4.bookc 0t Conference ♦ jf oj true Keligion mb ^ttperftition Ijaue botb one Abftinencc. grount>,natwelp tbe feoule of man-,am> tljere cottto be no Religion at all, if tbe <§>oule liuea not toljen it is gone Ijence ♦. 2Bee reaae of which with t^e Indians, rijat tbepbumeo tljemfelues afo?e tbep came to e]t*theirownc treme otoage^eruting ittfce letting of men Me, ana tlje freeing, of hand&made tbe bottle from $* boot e:ana tbe fsmer tbat a man n to it , tfce tni* thc firc f ° . fer toas be eff&mea ♦ Wbitf) cuSoinet* oMeuteo ftill at tbis Dap {^f^and among tfce people tbat Dtoefl bv tije Kiuer Niger otbetitiife caileo clwe anue the tfjepeople of Senega in Aflfrkkc , tobo offer tbemfelues toiilinglp kindled flame to be burpea quicke )nitb tbeir $N(terS*9ll tbe Demcnurations of thatfhouid JLogicke anD^atSematidve ( faptlj Zeno> iyat\z not fo mucft fb?ce c?"rumc thctf to p?oue tbe immojtalitie of t^e foule , as? tfjis onlp Doing of tbeirs mnc* jatb ♦ 9lfo great Alexander bauiwf. taken p^ifoners ten of tbetr ^bflofopbers, (inborn tljepeaflGimnofophifts) affeeo of one of tbem to trpe tbeir toifeuome , to$etbet tbere tuere mo men aliue 0? neaD* ^be pbilofopl)? r anfutfrevbat tftere Wit mce aliue: Se- caufe(fapo be)there are none dead.JDe map bjeiftink fytv gatie a typemodte to all tf>e arguments of Ariftotle ano Callifthenes, mbicb tmtl>aH tbeir pWofopljie bat^ taugbt tbetr fcboler Alexan- der fo euilt jJDf tlje Thracians^exeaDe t&at tbep fo?rotoeD at tbe birtbofmen ann reiopceoat t^eaeatboftbem, peaeuenofdjeu: otone 4to|en^ 3nD tfat mas becaufe ti)t% tl;ougJt tijat tofcicij uiee call 1J6 © P THE TREWNIS tan beatb,not to be a beatb in t>#&e,but tatter aberp Fjappfei trffr ana tfjcfc be tfjc people tobom Herodotus rcpojtetb to fcaue bene ralleb tbe Neuerdying Getcs, anb toljom tbe Grcekcs ralleb tbe Neuerdying Gctcs or Thracians. a* getf ; of tobom all tfje Icarninganb toifenome toa$ grounbeb bpon tbti popnt ♦ jf oj Icnfee bom men tub fpjeab abjoab, fo alfo bio tbi* ooctnnCjlDbtrb is fo baplp p?mteb m man, tbat Ije cannot but carie it continualFp mitrj bint ♦ SQbicb tbing fe to bee feenepetmoje ra tfjat toljicb ttjee reaae concerning tbebearersf of Hegefias t&e Cy* renian , tobo bpeb toillittglp after tbep lja& bearb bim bifcourfe of tbe ffate of meng Routes after tb& life*, anbl&etoife concerning Clcombrotus tfce Ambraciote, toljo fletoe fcimfelfet&|jen fre baa reao a certepne tmtib of trje immojtalitie of tfce&oule* if n? ^am it not bene a Doctrine melt cuibent to mans font , tbep tooulb neuet $aut bincarieb fo farre bp tt3a$ to tfje farting of rfjeir bobie&3tm if among fo manp people,tbere be perrfcaunce fome fetoe tujetcbea rapttfe^, tbat baue bojne tbemfefae* on banb tbe contrarie ; totyti) tljing neuertbelefffc trjep coulo neuer pet fullp perftoabe trjemfelue* to be out of all boubt 0? queftion: furelp toeemap beleeue t&at tbeg Jab betp mud) aaoe anblaete brterlp befotteb l&e Djunfearbtf, a* fojetbep coulb come to tbat popnt:fo as twee map toell fap of tbem Hcroc!csin his ag Hierocle tl)t Pythagorift fapbet namelp. That the wicked it.Chapta. WOuld not haue their Soules to bee immortall , to the intent they might not be puniihed for their faults:But yet that they preuent tbe fentence of their Iudge , by condemning thei felues vntodcath afore handout if tbep toil neitbet lieare t(jer$ in t| treatifcofthc ^fe^ ing^f dx wk- If were a&rtAt VKkednefftfor thee to fry }&&. The SohU to be mortall or fir to decay \ flab bnto Polytes \t anfloeteb t\)u$> OP CHRIST TAN RUIGIOH, 1JI %As long as the Soule to the body is tyde, Though loth yet all for owes it needes mnftabyde. "But when fro the body Death-doth it remoue, To heaxen by and by then itfiyes vpabone. And there eueryottthfill in blip it doth reft, *As God by his wifidome hath fit fir the be ft. < Bo t tljat anp faping of tbe Deuflte* oiune tss to bee alfeBgeb in toitneflfe oftbe truetfyftosberfcojtb tban to Ibetoe tbatbe fpeakea it &p compulllonof ©ona migbtie potocr , agtmcfceomenoiuer* tpmeiai Hoc toljen tbep be bpon tlje lRacfce*i2oto toe b# came to tbe time 0} nere to tbe time tbat tbe beauenlp Doctrine of 3I*fu$ Cbjut toa$ linen ouec f tobole toojlMito tobicb tpme 3I bauc pjoueo \ continuall fuccellion of tbat ooctcine3tobtcb coulo not but bee bnfe* parablp topneo toitb tbe fuccefltonof mein^ut fro tbfe tpme fcojtb Theopimoja it came fo to ligbt among all jSationg ami all perfon$;tbat Garnet of the later Auftin after a fo# trpumpbin joner bngoDlineire,crpetb out in oi= ^Uofi>PhcrSa tierg pIace£,faptitg:Whois now fo very a foolc or fo wicked,as to doubt Ml of the immortalitie of the Soule ? Epi&etus a fetofepbtfofopfrer, tobo toaa ban in berp great reputation among alltbe men of bte tpme, is full of crjccnlp fapingg to rfje fame pur* pofe*May wee not bee a(hamed(faptb be)toIeade an vnhoneft Epi^ctuj. fife,and to fuffer our felues to be vanquished by aduerfitiePwe farlm&ffc- be alyed vntoGod,we came from thence, and wee haue leaue l~ to retur ne thether from whence we came, ©ne toljile, a$ in re* ^ f tpect of tbe«§>oule3be termetb man tbeoffpjing of <©€>£>;, oj ag it toere a tyatmeb of tbe (Soobeau ; an& another tobfle fee calletb fttnr a autineprnpe oj a fparfc of ©ombp all wfyify too ^(botobett tbat tbep be fometobat bnpjopet) (fo? tobat tuo^ne^ can a man finoeta fit tbat matter*:) be fljetoetb tbe bncojruptfoleneffe of tbe fubftance of mans <&oule* 3no tobereag tbepbilofopber Simpliciusfeatb shnpSdu* fo biligentlp commenteo bppon bte b©kes , it irotb fufficientlp an* fimtfoj bis opiniS in tbat cafe,tottbout e?p;tefftngbi$ toojw bere* n™n*X Plotinus tbe erxeHenteft of al tbe PIatonifts,batb mm nine trea* £lonn-jlb- * • tifea er^ettelp concerning tbe nature of tbe <&ou!e 5 befeesf tbe c^a'thc tbmgsitobicb be batb bitten bifperfeMp beereano tbere motber&edngDofthc placesl*^ djiefe concluflong are tbefe^ ^bat mzwt g>oule£p?o= Soulc> & ub 2 ce«ienot of tbeir borrte*,naj oftbefeeue of tbeparentg , but come caPr-& Hb ** from aboue5ano are & pe toulo fap graffeo into our bnie$ b?tl)t ^£Z$£t bano of ©oo:^bat tbt &oule fe partlp tpea to tbe boap antr to tbe cap. 1 1 ■.& the iuOrumentjJ tfjmoSatm uartlp fran&ejfr^o^ful^f continuing ftauench boot 0f throughout *7* OF THfi TRBVTKII oftt frifc ; am* pet rtortmtljffanm'ng tfjat ft is neither a &oap no; ft* fjarmsntc of tlje bobp , but ( if toee confioer tfje life am> operation tul^tcb ft giuedj to tlje bo&p) it is after a fo?t tfje perfettion[oj ratljet tlje pert ectoj] of tlje bo&p; auo if luce Ijatte an epe to tbe bnnertf an-- Ding tuberebp it gupoetb tlje mouings ano uoinggt of tfje bor>p;te is as a ^otternour of tlje bonp : Cfjat tlje further ft is uritytyaunte from tlje fecnces,tlje better ft fctfcourfetlj of tljingSj infomurfj tljat tobenitisbttcilp fcparateu fromtfjem, ftbmierftamjetlj tijtngs tottljout &ifcourfing,reafoning o? sebating,pea etteii m a moment; becaufe tbis nebatingifiS i>\it a certepne lightening oj bjigbtneffe of rijemptrtie, taljftlj noto tatet?) aouiftment in matters hereof it Doubtetf),ano it ooubtetlj toljerefoeucr tbe bobp p&toetlj anp impe* Dimeuts unto itjbut it (Jail neitber fcoiibt no? fefce atmtfement an? ittojetnljett it is once out of tlje bo&p, but fljall concepue tlje truetb tmtljouttoauering; ©jattlje bottle in tbeho&pisnotpjoperlp tbere as in a place,o? as in a groumv&ecaufe ft is jtot rontepne t> oj compjefjeMjeo t{jerein,an& may alfo bee ftparatefc from itj but ra* tljer if a manijau epes to fee ft toitball, &e fbottlD fee tftat tlje boDte it in tlje S>oule,as an acceffacp is in a p?mctpafl,oj as a tljing eon* tepneuinacontepner, o? afteat»inffo?iiqui5tijinginatijingtbat is not liqttto,becere ; as tlje fenfitiue abilitie feemerfj to reft in tbe bean, tlje pjefufl in tfce beart, ami tbe <*uicfcning in tlje iiue^becaufe tlje feinetoes,5>artftrings an& ftapnes come from tljofe parts: Qltfjereas tlje reafonable po* i»er is not in anp part, failing fo farre f©?tl* as it too?!het^ ami ljatfc ^is operation tljere,neitl)ei: Ijatl) it anp m*c of place o? tnflrumeiu fo? tlje wcuting of it felfe, 3im to be (boj^tbat tbe S>oule is a life fcp ft felfe,a life all in one,bnpartable$ tubic^ caufet^ to grotoe,anD grobietb not ft fdfe ; tobic^ goetb tbiottgbout tbe botue,an& pet ii «ot contepneo of tlje boaie-, tobicb bnftttlj tbe fences 9 ann is not lieufoefc bp tlje g)enceS;at«> tljerfoje tljat it is abotrifelfe fubffance, tubic^ cannot bee toucbeu neither from toit^in no? from toitljout, ijauing no neeue of tbe bouie eptljec outtoamlp 0? mtnamlp, 9 con* fequentlp is iramo?tall,0tttine,pea am almotf a berp ©oij: Z&biti) rijtnjj* ^epjouetl) bp manp reafon^toljiclj tocre t» long to bee re* ^earftP OF CHRISTIAN *BLTence0 ajs ^odc eL tie treafurp of tfje ence&$ott)bett be affirmetb ft to be tbe moje 4.Hb.3 .and in ^cedent fcpmi of memojiejnot tbat tobtcb cau*etb tb tn g$ agapne to his book* of mpno ag alreaoie paff, but tbat tobtcb bctoetb ano bci)olnct& tbem doubts conecr- dill a* altoautf pjefent ♦ £>f tobtcb ttoo fojt^tbte tetter be calletb ™s lxh6c s™* sppnofulneMift tbe otber be calletb Eememberance ♦ 31 totll aw> p' but onelp one fentetteemoje of bfa foj a full p?eGoent of bfe Doc* trine»The Soulc (faptb be) hath had companic with the Gods, and is immortaljand fo would we fay of it(as Plato affirmeth) if we fawe it fayre and clcere.But forafmuch as we fee it com- monly troubled, we thinke it not to bee eyther diuine or im- mortall , ho wbcit that he which will difcer nc the nature of a thing pcrfec"Hy,muft confidcr it in the very owne fubftancc or being,vttcrly vnmingled with any other thing. For whatfoe- uer els is added vnto it, doth hinder the perfect difcerning of the fame.Therfore let euery man behold himfelf naked with- out any thing fauc himfelfe, fo as he looke vppon nothing els than his bare Soule : and furely when he hath vewed himfelfe in his owne nature merely as in refpeft of his Mynd, he (hall beleeue himfelfe to bee immortall . For he (hall fee that his Mynd,ameth not properly at thcfenfible and mortall things, but that by a certeine cuerlafting power,it taketh hold of the things that areeuerlafting , and of whatfoeuer is pofsible to be conceiuedin vnderftanding:infomuch thateuen it felf be- commeth after a fort a very World of vnderftanding & light. %LW fa agamft tbofe toljtcb pjetemj a toeafcenelfeof t|eg>oule, bp reafon of tbe tnconuem'enreg tobtcb tt immretb toerp often in tbe borne* £>f tlje fame opinion are Numenius,Iamblichus,Porphirius, ami Proclus , nottoitbftanaing tbat noto amr tben tljep pafie tbett bouno^fuffertng tbeir trie* to runneropet,. tfty in tbett jpbilofo* pbte tbep bati none otber rule,tljan onlp tbe tntft of tbetrotone tea* fon*31t toas commonly tbougbt tbat Alexander of Aphrodife be* Alexander of touen not tbe tmmojtalttte of tbe &oule, becattfe be nefineo tt to [Aphrodifeui be tbe fojme of ti)t boop pjoceem'ng of tbe mature $ temperature hls bookes of of tbe eiementis^urelp tbefe too?** of bts ooe b$ to bntjerftano, thcSoulc ettbertbatljementto oefinebuttbe fenfittuelpfe onelp (asmanp otfcetf ooe)am> not #e reafonable foaiejo;* efe tbat &e fcarietb from . fi> bimfelft In hjs fccond bookc of Pro- genies. Galen in his bookc of the Manners of the Soule. Inhisbooke of the do&rine ofHippoaates and Plato. In hisbooke ofConccpti- oa. 174 OF THE TRIWNE* Ijimfelfe in ot&er placed ♦ 9fnti fit bcrp nine bee fapetfi tmmetuatip aftertoaro , tbat be fpeaftetb of tfje tbings tabid) are fubiect to ge* neration ami cojruption^ut fpeaking ofrtje £>oule be fapetb it is fq?arable3tonmateriall,bnmij;eD,antJ bopti of pairions3fenle(reper« cbaunce toe map tbinke as fome ooe,tbat bp tijis bottle be meane but onelp ©oMffli not alfo tbe g>oule tbat is in bs ; foj ti>e tobtcfc tbinglje is ffjatplp rebukea bp Thcmiftius, tobo nottarityitamitng fpeafeetb netter a tobit better tbereof bimfelfe* potofoeuer be oeale elfetobere,tbefe toottis of bis following are toitbout anp ooubtful* lies at all* The Soule ( faptb be ) which isjin vs, commeth from without and is vncorruptible.I fay vncorruptible becaufe the nature thereof is fuch , and it is the very fame that Ariftotle affirmeth to come from without. 3mi in bis fecono boofce of lPjoblemes,fearcbing tbe caufe tobp fte abilities of tbe §>oule are oftentimes impeacben : If a mans brayne be hurt (faptb fce) the reafonable foule dooth not well execute the a&ions that de- pend thereon. But yet for all that,it abydeth ftill in itfelfe,vn- chaungeable of nature, abilitie and power , through the im- mortalitie thereof. And if it recouer a found inftrument, it putteth her abilities in execution as well as it did afore. Q5ut 3 toil reafon mo?e at large hereafter againff ^t opinion tfcat is fa* tbere&bponbmn W)at (ban toe fap of Galene,(tolio fafljerertj t^t caufes of an tfnngs as mucb as be can,bpon tbe Clements ami tbe mature ami agreeable cottcop of tbem ) if after W aifputing againft b& otone g>ottle3 be be conftrepnen to poelti rtjat it is immojtall ? urelp in l>is facoke concerning tbe manners of tbe S>oule be ooetb tbe t»o?ft tljat be can againll Plato : ana in another place bee oottbtetb tobe* tber it be immojtall, ann tobetber it baue continuance of it felfe 0? no*S>et nottoitbftan&ing,in bis bcofce of tbe nortrine of Hippocra- tes ami Plato, It muft needes be graunted(fapetb bee)that the Soule is either a (heere body and of the nature of theSkye,(as the Stoiks & Ariftotle himfelf are inforced to confefle ) or eh a bodilefle fubftance^whereof the body is as it were the Cha- riot,and whereby it hath fellowship with other bodyes. 9n& it appeared) tbat bee inclpnetb to tin's latter part : f 0? bee mafatfc tbe bitall {pint to be tbe eteellenteft of all booilp tbings^amr pet be grautetfj tbe @>oule to bee a fartemoje excellent tbingtbantbat* &Ltl;at fljall toe tljen ooe *t Let bs tocp W wo^ns fet ootone in W 6©fce of tye conception of a Ct)ilu m t&e Sgcotljers 22Jombe. The Souk Of CHRISTIAN RELIGION^ *7* Soule of Man (faperf) be)is an influence of the vniuerfall Soulc that defcendeth from the heauenly Region , a fubftance that is capable of knowledge, which afpyreth alwayes to one fub- ftknee lyke vnto'it felfe , which leaueth all thefe lower things to feeke the things that are aboue , which is partaker of the heauenly Godhead,and which by mounting vp to the behol- ding of things that are aboue the heauens,putteth it felfe in- to the prefence of him that; ruleth all things. Wim it teafon t^zn tbat fudj a fubffance comming front elfetofjere tban of tbe bo* up , ano mounting fo farce aboue tije boop , ftjouto in tbe enoe ope toitfj rbe boop,becaufe it bfetb tbe feruice of tbe boop^s jftoto bereunt© 31 coulo aooe infinite otber faring* of tbe aun* The vniuefiB dent autbojg botb Greeke ami. Latin jpbitofopberg , poetg, ano confcnt- flDjatojs from age to age,toberein tbep treate of tbe iuogement to come,of tbe retoaro of goo men,of tbe punifbment of eutfi men,of phraoife ano of fytiBjofttib are.appenoantg to tbe immojtalitie of tbe €>ou!e : but as noto 31 toifl but put tbe reaoer m mpno of tbem 6p tl)t toap , referutng tbem to tbeir peculiar places* %t\ bee fbojt, let itf runne at tb& oap from €aff to Wlttt , ano from jfrojtb to feoutb,31 fap not among t&e Turkes, Arabians, oj Perfians, (fo? tbeir Alcoran teacbetb tbem tbatmang feouleiua* tyeatbeo into in&cAkorS* btm of <8oo,ano confeouentlp tbat ft is; bncojruptiMe) but euen a= ™>:2s-™ mong tbe mott barbarou$,ignojant 9 beafilp people of tbe ffiEtolo, 31 meane tbe berp Caribies ano Cannibals ; ano toe (bail fino tbfe it appeared bel&fereceiueo ano imbjaceo of tbem alt flBbicb giwetb bs to bn^ by the Aoiy« oerftano, tbat it fe not a oodrine inuenteo by fpeculations of fome ™ th,5 ** J and pbtfofopber$,conuepeo from Cowxtxiz to Countrie bp tbeir otfet v ycSl plesijperitoaoeo by l&elpboojs of reafong, 0? (tco be (bo?t) enteren into mang toit by U& *are* : but a natiue fcnotoIeoge,tobicb euerp man finoetb ano reaoetb in bimfelf,tobicb be carietb euerptobere & bout toitb bimfetfe,ano tobicb fc as cade to bee perttoaoeo unto all fucb ag bietoe tbemfelneg in tbemfelueg, as it igs *afie to perftnaoe amantbatneuerfatoebfe otoneface,to beteue tbat be barf) a face, by caufing bim to beboto btmfelfe in a glaffe* Cbereremapnepet ttoo opinion^to be confutes %bt one fe Ageinfi Aucrr- tbe opinion of Auerrhoes,ano tbe otber is tbe opinion of Alexan- hoC5, der of Aphrodife,U)bo affirme tljemfelueg to IjoId botb of Arifto- tle ; namelp in tbat tbep bpbotoe tbat tbere is but one bniuetXaB reafonable feoule 0} mpno,tDbicb too^kcrb al our fctfcoutfeg in w> feoliobeic oiucrflp in euerpfeuerallperfon. anotl;ij3iti;ing(ifU)ee . & 2 betew al the difcourfc hercenfewinjz. ij6 Of THI THIWKIf beteue Auerrhoes) is none accoutring to t&e oiuerfftte of $ pfiatu . talietf o? 3lmastnacioiitf toljcretmitb tfee ntpnn to lerucn act ttDttfi in* b"re thefc ttrument*. *«t if toe belrieue Alexander , ft is Done arrowing ta tcrmes & their tlje Diuerfities of tbe capable mino as tijep tcrme ft , tbat id to fap, fignifications ofdje abtlttte o? capabtlttie tbat id in men to bnocrftano tbtngs^bp ia Mynd,for recepuing tbe impjeffion of tbe bniuerfafl mpno tbat toojfeetb into euerp of tijem b>bi<1) m refpect tbereof in calleo of tbem tfje tooo?* feer* gxotblp tljefe opinions are futb as map beeDifpjomeo in one toojoe* tfo} tbfe onelp one Sppno , tobetber in poffibilitie oj in ac* tion , couiD not baue receiueo o? impjimteo in euerp man one felfe* fame common belaf ano conceit of tfje immojtalitie of tbe g>oule, in fo great Diuerfitie of imaginations^ info manp jftattons3a$ toe fie ooe beteue ft , confioering tbat il)t berp fame conceit is t*U rectlp repugnant againft it* jf5ap,it map biell bee fapoe tbat Auer- rhoes ano Alexander baDberp Diners conceits ami imagination* one from anotber,ano berp contrarp to all otber mens, feeing tbep fcao fo outers ano c6trarie opinions impjinteo either in tteir mino o? in tbeir imagination Jpotobeit fojafmud; as djere map be fome5 f brill make a Doubt of it •, Let bs examine tljem feuerallp pec mo# AueirKoes/vp- aouifeDlp* Jfirlt Auerrhoes brill noeoes beare Ariftotle on bans, JS,^5?" ^!at Ariftotle is of tbat opinion* Let bs fee bob) tbis furmt?e of Iris can agree britl) tbe pjopofitions tabid) Ariftotle barb left bS* Ariftotle telletb bS tbat rfce bottle is knit to t\)t boup as $ fbjme ojlbapetco tbe matter; tbat tbe feoule batb tbjeecbiefe pouijes, itamelp of lpfe,of fence5ano of bnoerffanoing ; ano tfcat tt;e bnoet* ttanomg part conteinetb in Ijis pobier botrj tbe otber ttoo potoers, as a jf iuefquare eonteinetb botb a jf otoerfquare ano a triangle* Ariftoticmhb flftjfjereupon it follotoetb tbat if anp one of tbe tfneepotoers oftbc 5£^™kc S>oule be iopneo to tlje boop as a fojme to tlje matter ; all tfje tfya be iopneo fo to,as toljirf) are all in one foule as in tbeir rtote* Jftotn Auerrhoes neither can no? bull Denp tbat tlje potoers of grobung ano of perceiuing bp t\)t fences are iopneo after tbat maner t © tbe boop$ ano tberfoje it follotoetb tbat tbe bnoerftanoing potoer is fo Ariftotle in his *°PncI> aHMifo confequentlp tbat accoutring to Ariftotle,as euerp tirft bookc of boop batb bis fojme/o euerp boop batb bt's bottle* Cbe fame A- thc Souk, riftotle finuetb fault baitb tbe former pbtlofopbers fo? boloing o- pinion tbat a S>oule migbt palTe out of one man into another : be^ raufe(fapetb fte)tbat euerp certepne feoule mud neeocs be appo^ tioneo ano appopnteo to fome one certeineboop* J5ob)lmkebp tofyat &oule a man Uuet^^p ty e fame S>oule ootb ^e bnoerQano: fo? third booke ofthcSoulc efthcSoule. OF CHRISTIAN RELIGION. 177 foj ft fe but one & oulc iiumcD tott^ tlj?ce Diuers abilities , ad Ijc e #mfelfetcaebetbopentlp«©neDnDer(lanDtngoj sppno tberefoje, muff (accoping to Ariftotle) toojke Out in one feuerall beop , am* notinmanp boopes*9lfoaeco;tDtngto Ariitotle,a $$m f aOSeaff agree in tljts , tbat botb of tbem baue one fenfitiue potoer ano one felfefame imagination of tbingspcrcciucD bp tty fences, 9 tbat tljcp Differ in tljis, tba t man bat!; pet further a mpno ano r eafon a- boue tbe beaft,tobicb tbin g tbe beaft batlj not* Jftoft tft&fe QnDcr- ftanoing 0? Sj&pnD be toi cljouc tlje man , as tbe Sonne is tmt&out tbe Cbamber tbat it Ibtnef b into ano inligbtenetb 5 tben cannot be be calico reafonable oj inDetoeo toitb tmocrttanDing, neitbcr notfj be confequentlp Differ front a bcaff ♦ tfo} t be Difference mud bee m nature,ano not in acciDent* 3no fo fboulD it infue tbat Ariftotle* fojefato Definition of a man id falfe,as if be ftoulo Define a Cbabec bp tbe Ibprnng of tbe Snmnc into it: £Di faptbat a DogDiffcretfr not from a man in fetnD; pea anD tbat ^eafts are capable of turner* Canoin g3fo?afm u cb as tijep bane imagination reaDp af 0? e b an d to receiue tbe influence tbereof as tnell as toee* TBut Ariftotle is al« &aies one in bis Defining botb of bead $ of man; anD Auerrhoes alfo boloetb Ijimfelf to it , tottljout Doubting tbereof at all* Cbfe conclugon tberfo je cannot in anptoife be upbelo bp fttcb grounw* Sgame, if tbere bee not in euerp feuerall man a feuerall mpnD, but onelp onetmiuerfall mpno common to aH men 5 tobtcb becom* tnetb Diuers b]> tbe onelp Diuerfitteof our imaginations : €ben in refpect tbat toe baue funojie imagmations3toee (ball bee funDjie It* tting toigbtS;ano in refpect tbat toe baue al but one mpno^tue ibaH tee all but one man. go} man is not man in refpect of tbe fenfitiue potoer,but in refpect of tbe reafonable part tnbtcb fe t^t minD3ut Ariftotle grauntetb tbat toe be not onlp titter* liuing totgbts, but alfo Diuers men*3no tberefoje be mult n#oes meane alfo, tbat toe Ijaue not onlp outers tmagmations3but alfo Diuers mpnos • Jf3ot» befioes manp otber IReafons tbat mtgbt be alleogeo5pe mtgbt aou tbt* alfo 3 %W otbertotfe Ariftotles $po?alles ano btS oifcourfe* concerning 3Iufitce, jrr&totll, tH)t 31mmo?talttte of tbe <§>oule, tbe bappte bli(Te,tbe retoaro of tbe gtoD,ano tlje papnes of tlje totefceo, toere Dtterlp fruteleffe ano to no purpofe: ffo} as our fancies 0? p* magtnattons DtD come ano goe,fo toaulo al tbofe tbtngs come anu go liketotfe-,anD fo fboulD tbep baue no continuance of tbemfelues, but onlp be as a fbaootoe ano bapne fantafie* 35ttt let Ariftotle a* tate,(foj tie fcartj tojong)ano let ds come to tbe matter it felf> Cbe ^ 3 Wte VJ% OF TH« TRSYVWBS jpbtlofopljct^ noc ojainarilpmafteatmbblempnti; ti&eonetobtcfr rl;ep callpofltble 0) inpofTtbilitte , tobtcb is capable ana of abilitie to imoerftami tbings ; ana ibis tbep liken to a fmcotb table -Ttbe o< tber tbep call tooling oj tDojkfull^bicb tyingetb tbe abtlttte inttt act,tobereas nottoitbftan&ing tbep be not ttuo mpn&s , but ttoo fe* uerali abilities of onlp one rnpnu, jftoto,as foj tbis abtlttte o? pof* Cbtittte of im&erftanaing, toe afftrme it to be in tbe §>oule of euer? manXontrarpurife, Auerrhoes affirmeo onelp one imiuerfall ca* pable mpna to be (ben abjoaa euerptobere tb? ougbout an menjanu tbat tbe fame is aiuerflp perfaten am> bjougbt into act in euerp fe* tterallman, accojutugto tbe utuerfittrof tbe imaginations tobicfr tip man toncepuert^euen b^ tbe belpe ojinfluence of tbe fapn bni* ttecfall forkful! nyx® , tofyitb be faptb is alfo a fobftaunce fettered ftom man3ano (in refpect of tbe bntierftamiing in pofltbilitte) is as* tbe gmnne is to tbe figbt of our epeS;an& tbe bntierttatung in pof* Cbtittte is to tbe imaginations^ tbe figbt is unto colours* JQoto, 31 nemaunu firft of alljiubetber tbefe bniuerfaH Sppntis of bis3 bee fubftances creates o? tottcreatea*3[f tbep bee createu,tolrere become tnetlj tben bis conclufion > ©bat tbe toojto is tottbout beginning, ann tuttbout enuing, feeing tbat be taill baue tbem to be continue* euerlattinglp in all men tl;at bauetene,are,oj ©all be*t3!f tbep bee fcneceatea , boto can fa excellent fubftances bee mane fubicct to out fonu imaginationSjto peeto influence into tbem at tbeir pleafurest 2);tratber boto bappenetb it tbat tbep co^cttbemnot^tobap* penetb it tbat tbei leaue tbem in fucb errojS,pea mtn in tyz fcnoto* lenge of tbemfelues,feeing tbatbp tbe erring of tbe imaginations^ tl)t berp tmoerftanaingauo reafon tbemfelues mud alfo nce&es be fo often beguplea *t 3gaine3as concerning tbefe fubftances, tobicfc tfftm-tntn fomanpplaceS;aret&ep30trie^o^g>pirits<: i&oto can tbep be 15onies,feeing tbep be in infinite places at one inftant,anii no infinite tbings,pea ana flat rontraries*:3nti if tbep be &ptrttsr &otb it notfolloto tberbpS, tbat tbep be toljollp in al men,$ tobollp m euerp man ; tbat is to fap , tfjat euerp man batb tbem tobole to Ifjimfelfe^ 3n& tberefo?e tbat if tbep bee necepueB b^ tbe fantafie of anp one man,tbep be confequentlp uecepuen in all men«;9tt& tobec* of comes it tben , tbat one man ouercommetb W imaginations, an* another man not*:®} tbat one man refiftetb rt;em,ano anotbet fttfFeretb bimfelfe to be carpel) atoap b^ tbem*: 2gtojeouer,tobo can nenpe tbat a man totfletb tbings , tbbereof be batb bnoerftanuing; «ns i&euufe$atlje totlietij fome things W$ ?je tm&erttantictfr not; OF CHRISTIAN RELIGION* *7J not; ann tbat be bnnerffanirrtbfometbtogs tolwbbetottlertjnott Ann alfo tfeat be toilletb tbmgjs euen co.utrary to W appetitcSjanti conclunetb oftentymes contrary to W tmaginations3as commetlj to pafTe to Djeames ann in 1 cokingglalTeS; toljicb tb ing tbe bjute •Beaffes not nott ea ann tfjat (as A- Ariftotkin Ms riftotlefaytb) tbofebeenot actions tobiebpafleinto tljeouttoarn x.book«ofsu. man3but tbofe tobicb abyne toitbin ann make perfect t&e inner ma4: ponatwaUi. 8nn tobo can make WLili ann Qnnerftanning to be tbings nepen* Ding bpon imagination , feeing tbat botg malting ann floeping an* allmaneroftoaiesels, tbeynayly titter infinite tungements ana Determinations agatoft it*: jf5otn5if toe bane notbing in ns aboue imagination: tben confinering tbat tuee noe botb toil! ann tinner* ttano,it mull neenes bee tbat tijtss potoer oj abflitie to toil! attn an* ncrffann is (ben into ns from toitljout ♦ 3nn if it be but only one b* niuerfaliy to an men; tben feeing tbat tbe actions thereof are ejeecu* ten ton'tbout tbe imagination, toitljout tbt fences, ann toitbout tlje tnftruments of tbe benie, yea ann agatoft tljermit foflotoetb tljat it brilletbann bnnerftannetb to bg tobatfoeuerit Iiketbannltltctbj euen to nefpite of all impeniments ann lets of tlje bonie^ann tljat a< it is but one>fo it fijaU toili but one felffame tljtog3 ann iftetotfe al* fa bnnerfomn but one felfefame tljing in all men ♦ jfo? if ( as Ari- ftotle confelfetb ) our imaginations mafte not our Ml ann reafott fubiect bnto tbem;mucb lefle noe tbey make tbe fojefayo bniuerfall w^nn fubigct to tl;em as Auerrhoes p^etennetlj3ut itoto contra* & 4 ntoifc *8o O' P THE TRIVVNES rtoife toee fee tbere bee as manp lilies a^men, pea etteu m one matter j ano rtjat tbe tmacrfcutungs of men are not onelp Diuers, but alfo contraries 31t folloMetb tben tfrat euerp particular perfou fcatb in tljat beljalfe a particular fubtf atutre, tobicb toilletb aim bn* aerffanoetb , ftanke ano free from all imaginations; tobenfocuer it iiffetb to retpje into it fellatio not tljat tbere is but one imiuerfafl mpxto tobicb tafifetb ano bnoerftanoetb all tbings in all men ♦ 3$e* fioes tbis5bp tfteiturgement of Ariftotle as 31 fapa afo^e^tbigi bni* uerfallmphiicoulo nottoojketoill anobnoerffanoing mfcs : fo? to ixiill ana fcnoerffano ( faptb be ) are operations tljat palfe not into tbe matter no? into tbe outtoaro tbing,but abioe M m tbetoojfcer, tl;at is to fap intbempnt^as actions ami perfections tbereof* JLet bs pet agapne tafte of tljat tobicb ftatg bin fapo afo?e*3!f tfee fapo bniuerfall onlp one tooling mpno, ba«e tojougbt from euer* laffing in tbe fapo uniuerfall onlp one capable mpno , bp tbe 3!ma^ gination# of men: tben batb tbe Imotoleoge of all tbings bixx euer* moje impjinteo m tbe fapn capable rnpnn ,*foj it ffcal euermoje baue fcjougbt tbeabilitieinto act:3no tbertoitbal,tbe toojftmgamiper* fection of tbe tbing tbat is euerlafting , (ball baueoepenoeu upon * tbingtbat it temporal! j tobicb is bnpo(ttble*3mi aftbougb Auer- rhoes fuppofeb not t\)t WXo}to to be euerlaffmgtpet nottoitbff an* fcing, tbe fapn capable mpno tobtfb batb btm fet a toojfce To manp fjtm&jeo pares , bp fo manp imaginations of men, ano in ft manp^ funtyp Jftations,cottto not noto mate toitb anp netoe tbing toljet* of it ban not tbe fmotaleoge afo?e, tf oj tbt's capable mpno(faitb A- oerrhoes )i^ a certeine fpirituall fubffanee, lu!;tcf; fpjeauetb it felf fcojtb into all men ano into all ages , amr tbe nature of fuel; fo?t of fubftaunces is to be all in tlje tobole , anu an in euerp part tbereof* 4Tojt tbep bee not tytn to anp one place , but are tobercfoeuer tbep inojke, anrr tbeir tooling is in refpect of tbe tobole ano not in re* (pert of anp one part,fo?afmucb as tijep be bnoiuitmble* Cberefoje it (boulo follotoe bp bis opinion(as 3! baue fapn afoje)tbat tbe one imiuerfall capable mino i^ $ toojketb tobole ano bnparteo in euerp man*3no if it be To ; tben is p being of it tbere,not in toap of meere abilttie o? portibilitie onelp,but in toap of operation ano perfect to* tuo?lung5as a toidkeo fpirit i^ in a faBitcb , in a Ipptbonefle o? tn * poireffeo pcrfon : lobicb fpirit , (toere be potfefleo of tbe man as be limfelfe potTeffetb tbe man, ( afterlobicb maner Auerrhoes affir* metlj bs to polfelTetbe bnoerttanoiug in polfibilitie, bp our imagt* iiation^ j )Uaouto maftc t^e man capable of all tfcat zm tbe Spirit ^imfelf ©* CHRISTIAN RELIGION.' 28l imfelfe knotoetlj o? is* t&t&creupon it tuiH follotoe, tfoat tljis tm« erffanoing in poflMitie ©all euerlainnglp in all men from t^ctr erp birtfr, actuallp anoerttano ano krwtoe all tljings tljat all men n&erffam>,as well in tlje olo ag t&e poong, anti in tlje ignorant as je f kilfull 1 fo aa luce fljail baa* no mo?e tieenc of fence* y no? of nagmatton to vnoerttano UiitbalL ^oo be a;o#>aitijOUglj Auer- boes a&mittetlj not tfce SOojiD to bee tDitljoutfyginning t pet at jaaiuife be luill not oenp.but tljat [bp Ijis reckoning;! tfcep tobtclj ome into tde lxio^lo at tljiaoap, tboulo come farre moje f kilfull ban all tljeir pjeoecefftys , ano tlje cbilojen of tljem ritoje f kilfull ban tljetr fatljers, ano tl>e offpjing of tljofe cljtlojenmoje f kilfull ban tljofe cljilojen tfremftIues;ano fofojtljonjbecaufe tfcep tt^ulD jcceeoein t&e knottier) ge continueo tfoougbout all ages*SBijer* pon it toili alfo infue^tljat all fectenees tyalbe etjuallp in all met* bat make pjofeflion of tl) em* 3s fo? cjcample,toc mill fpeake Ijeere ut of fome one fpeciall Science, as ©rammer auo 3ritljmetike, ftott if tljere bee anp oiucrfitie in tlje f kill tbereof, tljat tJtuerfitic annot come but of tlje oinerCcie of tlje fubiert o? grouno tubem* be f kill is, jftotu tjje ground of tlje f kill fe t&e capacitfe of t&e ttpnD o? UiiDerttanDtng, (U)l)tcb Auerrhoes fuppofctli to be but on* p one,comon to-all men)ano not tlje imagination , fcrfjicb is but a eflerton o? rebounoing backe of t&e &ence* 9no fo fo?afmucb a* bere i0(bp &is Taping) but one grouno in al men-, it foliotoefcb tfcat be knotoleoge ojt fkiil of tljis ojtfcat Science mud neeoe* bee e* uall $ alike in allmen to? els tljat if it be not tqualfc&nt ooe toarp,. s twee fee itoootfr in oiuers oegrees ; tljen tlje fame carping o? iuerfitiebappenetb tbjougbtbeftiucrGtie of tbe grouno ttbere* n tlje fkiil te,ano confequentip cfja t tbcre fe one particular tonocr * tantiingo? one peculiar mpno in cuerp man,ano not onewiucrfal itpno comon to allmen.9lfo it ti a general* rule , tljat t&e recet« ler of a tl)in^ l;atf) not tl}e tljing afoje fee rcceiue it* jf o? ( ag Ari~ Ariftotie in hit> btlcfaitb(tbat tofcieb ia toreceiuea tbing,mutfneeoe0 befirltbt* third bookc of erlp uopoe of tljz tljing toDtclj it recciuetl/* ^oU) afo?e tbat our ot the So ^enceano imagination bao anp beeingatall,tljtgmuucrfaH co- non mpno &ao receiueo $ pofleifeo alt tbings afo?ebano •, anu not mlp receineo tbem,but alfo kept tbem togetftcr* jFo? agf Ariftotie jimfelf fattb, tt)at maner of mpnt» is tlje place of allmtoerkinos 9 [bjtes of things , ano tljcreto fcatb no leffe potoer tljan t&e Jman- u «ation,to reteine toljatfoeuer tfte fences receiue,3In uaine tbere* fc^^oiaotbatumucrfeUmftiiJtinocrftanpbpourSmaginattonsf, gonfiitf* confiwrfogt&at it bnocrffanbetb Dp it felfe ; in bafne Iifcetoife ftoultjtbe JniasmauoHstrt^ninttbofe tljtngs in it , tofciclj uerc tuipjinteb tnit ft long afo?<^ ana in twine is Ariflotks fettmg* lJDU)ntofaUio?UfuUlin^friJanO(ng,tijljuijfi)Oulob?inQ:curtnDct« (tanning in abilute , from poflibilitte into action $ if tl;c fepb onclp one tmiuicfatt mpnu oj bnocrfonoing be perfect of it felfe from e« uerldttmg.as it foUotyctbro be toppon tbe opinion of Aucrrhoes. jQcitycr is it to be fapo.tijat altbougb ti;c conn puabie bnocrfcin&s of tbings baue bene impjintcb Ctterluttinglp in tbe fapo wiucrfall mpntJ; pet nottoitbttan&ing tbete nee tctTan Imagination fo? tbe imbertfanbing of tijetiMs tbcre ncc&ctbnoio tobcrfoeuer uie unll Ufcc&etbmss t^ac uic baue feene o> lcarncbafoje« jfbj bp tbat ree« kenfci j, to iearne all maner of s&timceisfrn neeoejpt.no mo?e but to betbtnkc teby imagination , of l&e tbings tljat toerc alreabp a« fo^Ijano in tbe faiD onlp muucrfal one mpnb,as toe Hoe tbe tbingff tbat banc bene printeo fomctime in our memories , ano are Tome* to&at flipped out of our remembrance ; anb To migbt toe our felucg ieame ail fcienees tottbout a teacber, bcca ufc cljac in tbe fapb tmi* uerfall mpnbe of ours , toee fboulo baue all tbc f Kill tljat euer anp man ban actepneo to , in like maner as tbe pcrfone tljat batb once Ijabtljeftullof 3ritbmettkorCofmograpbie tbrougblp fettle* in ijis mpnb.neebetb no teacber to teacbe it bim agcine , but onelp to ouerturne bis otone imagina£ton,ano to fearcb bis mcmorie for tbe Snoin g againe of tljat toljicb fee baa lapu bp tljcr r ♦ j9o to toe fcnotoe t|jat tobofoeuer leantetb notbing,ftnotoetb notbin g,anb tljat or&i« ttarilp be tobicb mod ffuopct b , mod Irani etl) : anb tljat all tlje toft fins anb turmopling of a mans otou e imagination tljat can bee all bis life iong,toiU ncuer make b tm to attaine o f btmfclf t o fo mucd as tfre berp principles of tbe Ieaft fcience tbaf is* 15v reafon tober* of it foIlotoetb,&bat toe Ijaue not tbe f fell of anp fcience in bs,bn« till free eitber be taugljt it or finn it out bp beating; our touts about it : ano tljat our imagination fcruetb not to reuiue tlje Science* in bs,but to tying tbem into bs,aab to plant tbem in b& 9nb for* afmuclj as all tbe Sciences fljouio bee tn ail men from tbe begin* jiing, if tbere toerebut onebniuerfallmpnoinail men, [tobicb i% not fo jit follotoetbtbat tfcereis in euerp particular perfone a par* ticular anb peculiar mpno, ano not anp onebniucrfailmpnb com* mon to ail men* ^o^eoucr, our mpno attepnetb after a fort to tbe tmoerftanbing of itfelf: toljicb tbing it coulo not ooe in berp beeoe, if fyw fecre but out uniacr fell mj nb common to ail men . )f oj too ^nbtcBani OF CHRISTIAN RELIGION. 2&3 bcrttamut felfe,it mutt nceoes toojke bpon it felft, 3&tit if toee [ccue Auerrhoes , our mpnD ftaL'jttt onelp be luiou^ljt toppoa d receiue into it from the imagination , as a (DUinbotoe rerep- tb Iigbc from the !§>unne*ageme5the eapacitie of the bniucrfaH Derftaitt tug in pofTibilitte.cotilo not Doe that* jr oj it behoucD it [>auc fome other thing beftoes itfelf, to b}in$ iefeffe into action* id furclp pagination coulD not hrtpe it, fo? itWth but offer fc? : fcitfible things bnto it, 9 atteineth not fo farre as to ttjc things it are to bcbifcerneD b^ o^ift of reafon*jr>et nottoithttanDing toe Dcrdauo tOit iwce unticrdano , ana toe reafon ann iuogeboth of r imagination, anpaifo of our reafomnganDtmDerftanDing it* fe^&he thing then tobtcb Doth fo enter anD pearce into itfelfe, ts ot^er manet of potocr than an 31maginatton , oj than an toniuer» I Dnoerttanttug in polTtbtltcte^Obat is to be faiD to tbis,tbat of e fclfefame3[ma(jination,onefelf fanwperfone concltiDetb nolo er one fojt , anb bpanbbp after in another fojt ; ana thereoutof itoethboth contrarieargumlcsanD contrarie Determinations: ^at outers perfoiis bpiMuers tmastnatrona Doe clofe togitljcr in e toill anD one mpnD % as it poflible that this thoulo pjoeeefc of euerlafling fubftance in one felfefame perfone,fecingtbat cner* lingneffe is not fubtert to anp change of tpme oj place *t S>} tb at houlD pjoceebe of an? one fclfefame Jubilance in manp ttm*,fte< gthat theimaginationaof them be fo Diners one from another* leatttoife tf the faiD fitbOance toojfce not but bpfucfr inftrumets* 3s touching the opinion of Alexander of Aphrodife,toho Dp* Againft Afo loeth a cerceine bmuerfal tooling minD that impjinteth things xander of a- the toiDerff anDing in poflibiiitie,tbat is to fap in cuerp mans fe.» phrodif* :raH caparftie , anD bjingeth it foojtfr into action : thrmoff part the Eeafons alle&gea afoye againff Auerrhoes , totll alfo ferue famfthim » lj)otobcit fojafmuch as bp this toojkfuHmpnD3hce emeth to meane (Sod himfelfyhers iz thus much mo^e tobeaa* :Dbnto it ; Zfat 05oD toho is altogether gco&anb altogithcr toife iouId not imprint in our mpnDe the fonDanD totckeD conceited ihtch toe finD there, no? leaue & great ignojaunceano Darkened * tore ftele there , but tooulD in all men ouereomme the infection ihtch the boDp bjingeth : anti although hce iafpireD not all mm a* ke toith W gracious giftes , accojDtng to the Diuc rfitie of their opacities after tijemauer of a planes Cable; pet tooulohenot at ttfftoifepeint the t&opt toith fomanp falfe ^o?tra?ture sr anir Craf at* , a^euerp one of ^ map perceiue to bee in our felues^ agme^ 2?4 OF THE TREVTNH! agapne,t>ere tbere anp fucb fnfptration o? influence, ft ftoufobee eptber continuall o? but bp i .nes*31f continual! o? euertaOin^toc ftottfoUHtbout labour and aittfeput rtmmngbnberffanb all tbat e* uer our imagination offeree!) bttto bs ♦ 3nb ff ft bee but at tpmes, tben ftoulbitnotlpeinbsto lift o? to bnbectfanb anp tbing at all, tbougb toe tooulb neuer fo fapne. jf o? contrarptoife,tue baue mudj a Doe to bnberftanb Tome tbings,fo as toe mttS bee fapne to tuinne tijem from our ignorance bp peecemeale: anb tbere bee fome otbet tljings, bfticb toe bnberttanb bp mm bp as fame as tljep be put bit* to bs3anb toben toe W* our fetoes* 'SLbw is tljen in bs a potoer of 3ateberlhmbin{ktbougb berp feeble;but petiieuertbelatcr obebient to our toillttobicb tbing cannot be fatbereb bpon 6ak3lfo if tbere t e b ut onelp one Sppno footing in aH men , tbere ft an bee but one felfefame buberftanbing in all men, :jmeane natural!? ^uottuttb* fianbing tbat it Differ in Degrees ♦ jf o? into tobat place foeuer tbe ft unite boe ft eb bis beames,be botb botb inligbten ft ami beate ft, tiotobeftbiuerflpaccojbingto tlje nature anbeonbftion ofrtjepla* ces anb things tbat recepue Ijim 9 fome mo?e anb fome IeflTe , fome tytgbtlper anb fome bim!per ♦ 35ut Ijotofoeuer tfje cafe ftanbe, bi* Jigbt pcelbetb no bartateire,no? W b^ ate anp co!b ♦ ft o tben^if tbe biuerfities of mens imaginations boe caute biuerGttes of effects in tbe ittfpiratioito? influence tbat flotoetbinto tl)t capacftie of out bnoerftanbing ; furelp ft mull neebes bee after tfrt's maner,namelp tbat one man ft all bnberflanb one felfefame tbing mo?e , anb aito* tber man leire;but ttot in tbat anp man ft an tafee bntrut!) fo? trutb, imrigbt fo? rigbt,o? one tbing fo? anotber* JQoto3toe feebnto Ijoto tttanp errors toee bee fubied: , 31 meane not in fuel) tbings as tbis, ttamelp , tbat one man feetb better a farre of,anb anotber better at &anb-,bttt tbat one man feetb tobite Mb anotber feetb blacfee(tobic& are tbings contrarp) in one felfefame grounb anb at one felfefame tpme ♦ 3lt follotoetb tbcrefoje tbat biuers anb funnies mpnbs boe toojke in biuers perfons3anb not one felffame mpnb in al perfoits* 23p fojee of tobicb reafons anb of fucb otbers,3l fap tbateuerp ml ibaH finbe m bimfelfe anb of bimfelfe^bat euerp man bat!) a par- ticular ft oule b^ btmfe!f,tbat is to fap a fpirituaH ftibftance bnitea to \0bo^ , tobicb in refpect of pixins life to tbe bobp is as tljt fo?me tberof,anb in refpect of giuing reafon,is as tbe gupbe of out atfions^bat in euerp man tbere is a certepne ftunbeame of Rea< fon, toljerebp tbep concepue tbings anb bebate bpon tljem; tol;ere* *!#ausfjftcommet&topa(rej tyat oftentpmes tyep agree botb i« 6t CKRISTIAW ftlLIGlOX* 28j fte fteafon ft felfetobicfc id onejantu in fte manifeff grotm&s tljet^ dfjana in tobatfoeuer oepen&etb euft .tip bpon tfjc fame: Cbat c* uerp man batb alfo a peculiar bop^ bt vtmfelfe, ana Iftetoifepecu* liar completion, ljumours, imigpiations, ebueatum,cutfome ano traae of life : uiljercof it commetb tbat euerp mantaftes a oiuets toap 5 pea ano tbat one felffamepcrfon fttjantetfanuerflp from tbe fcnitie of Heafon toljcrof tbe patb is but one,ano the tnates to (trap from it are infinite: Cbat tbis %gibeame of reafon tobtcb (bineti) ano fbeasetb it felf front our mpjtfijis property tbatbri&erftantiing iubfcb is termeo The vnderftanding^n abilitie or pofsibilitie, tobicb ig; increafe&'anb augmented b'p aB tbe tbmgs tobicb it feetl;, Jjeavetl) , t} Iigbtetl; bppon , like fire , tobtcb gathered) mcreafe of ftrengtb bp tbe abunoance of tbefetoell tbat is put bntoit3 ana be* commetb afceta fojt infinite bp fpjeaoing it felfe ab;oao:3lfo it te tbe fame tul^id^ otberbiife toe call the Memorie ofvnderiUding, or myndfull Memorie:an& it id nothing els but an abundance of Keafon 5 and as it lucre a banner bp of tbe continual! iniluences of $e Sppnot^ljat t!;e $ppnb from tobence tbis flotoetb as from bte £pjmg>is pjoperlp tbat tofyitb tbty tbe fapb Auerrhoes anu Alex- ander ooe terme tbe working or workfultMynd^bicb is a cer< tepne potter 0} fojce tbat can fiull to ejrteno reafon from one tbing to i another , antf to pi ocee&e from tbings fendbie to tbmgs bnfen- fible , from tbings mouable to tbings bnmouable , from bobilp to fpirituall, from effects to eaufes, ana from beginnings! to enos bp tbe meane caufes.CbiS Sppno is in refpett of Reafon5as cunning ts in refpect of an 3In(ftument oj tcolejano Reafon, as in refpect of imagination ano of tbe tbings tbat are (enfible , is as an 3!nffrti* - ' went o? tole in refpect of tbe matter 0} tfuffe tbat it toojfces bpom £>} to fpeafce moje £tlp,tbis sppnn is bnto Heafon , as tbe mouet ufa tbing is to tbe tbing tbat is mouabfcanu IReafon is to b*t *b* iects3as tbe mouable tbing is to tbe tbing tobereunto it is mauetu jTo? to reafon oj bcbate, is notbing els but to p?oceen from a tbtng tbat is im&erftort^to a tbing tbat is not bntrerft©oe,of purpofe to DnDeritanu it: aim tbe bm>erffan&ittg hereof is a ref!mg tbat infe* loetb bppon tt5 as a ftxpin$ 0} refting after mouing: -Cbat botb of tbem as men tbe one as tbe otber3are but onelp one felfefame fub* ftance*,an& like as a man botb toben be mouetb aim tobe \)t reUetb, is all one ano tbe fame man > o? as tbe potoer tbat mouetb tbe S>i* nemesis one felfefame ftiil, botblnbenitftirretbtbem, anntoben it fcotoeti) t^em ftflljtb t^e rea&nable 0} bnueraanuing @>oule tbat is 286 OP THE TKEWKBS fe in cuerp man, is but onelp one felfefame fubffance boapleflTe m immaterial! , waiting \)i# potters: partlp of it ftlfe ana partly bf our boatcs ♦ 3na feeing tljat Auerrhoes ana Alexander make ft great eftimation ana account of tbe effects tob'cbare to?ougbtin t>s , tbat tbep bk info?cea to attribute tbem to fome b -tcojruptible ana euetlatting^pna ; let as take of tbem, tbat m bcrp truetb tbe tbing vwljtcb too?fcetb fo peat toamaers in tlje boap, ran be nettber fence , no? boap, no? imagination ; but a amine, Uncorruptible aim immo?tallmpna,as tbep tljemfelues fap* :But let li0 learne tbe tbing of mo tban tbem,toljtcb a! toife men teacb bS,ana tobicb euerp of as can learne of Jnmfelf; namelp,tbat tbis CJnaerffanaing o? fl^pnae is not mtebniucrfall tljingas tbe feunne 10 tljat tfnnetlj into all tbe to maotoes of a Citie3but ratbet a particular fubllance in euerp feuerall man,as a ligbt to leaae bmi in tbe aarfcneffe of tbis life 5 fo? furelp it toas no mo?e aiffieultie to tbe euerlatting 0a)D,to create manp funa?ie &oules,tbat aterp man migbt baue one feueraHp alone bp bimfelfr,tban to baue erea* tea butonelp one Soulefo? all men togetber ♦ 3£ut it toasfarrc mo?e fo? b& glo?ie , to bee fenotone, pjapfea, ana ejcaltea of manp Soules , pea ana mo?e fo? our toelfare to p?apfe, eicalt ana fenotoe bim i pea ana to Hue of our fclues botb in tbis life ana in tbe life to come: tban if anp otber bmuerfalll Spirit, Soule 0? sppna tobat* {better, ftoula baue liuea ana anaerttooae eptber m bs 0? after bS* $2oto tben, fo? tbis matter let as eoncluae, botb b^ reafon,ana bp antiquitie,ana bp tbe knotoleage tbat euerp of as batb of bimfelfe; Cbat tbe Soule ana tbe 3oap be tbings aiuers*&bat tbe Soule 1$ a Spirit ana not a 35oap : icbat tbis Spirit batb in man tb?ee abilities 0? potoerS,tobereof ttoo bee epercifea bp tlje boap,ana tbe tbira tuo?ketb of it frife tottljout tbe boap : Cbat tbefc tb?ee abfli* ties are intH)t one onelp Soule as in tbeir rcote x toljereof ttoo aoe ceafie toljenfoetter tbe boap fapletb tbem, ana pet nottoitbttanain j tbe Soule abiaetb tobole toitljout abatemft of anp of ber potoers, as a Craftfman continuetb a Craftfman tbougb be toant toales to ino?fte toitbal: 3na finallp,tljat tbis Sottle is a fubff ance tfjat com tinuetb of it ftlfe, ana is bnmateriaH ana fpirituafl, otter tbe totyfy neitber aeatb no? co?ruption can naturallp baue anp potoer* 3na fo? a conclusion of all tljat euer 31 baue treatea of betberto intbisbooke, letasmaintepne, Cbattbereisbutonlpone (Soa, bibo bp bis otone gcoaneffe ana toifeaome is ^t Creato? ana go* ueroer of tf;e toojla ana of all t&at t^ therein; ^at in tfje too?la be creates OP CHRISTIAN RELIGION.' 187 creates S^an, after W mm* 31mage as in refpect of mpn&,amii af* w tbe 3|mage of bis otber creatures as in refped of life, fence,an& ntouinftmojtafl ft farre fcojtb as ftc^olnet^ tb e lifteneflTe of a crea* ture ; ann immojtall ft farre fcojtb as be beared tbe 31mage of tbe Creator tbat is to lflit,in bis oule: Cbat be tobtcb goetb out of Ijimfelf to feetbetoo?to,ootb fojtbtoitb fee tbat tbere is a ©on,fo? its toojftes Declare bim euerptofjere : 'ftbat be tu^tdj twill pet fffil aoubt tbereof,ne*Detb but to enter into bmtfelfejano be (ball meete |jim tbere^fo? be fbafl finae tbere a potoer xufttdj be feetb nonCbat be tobtcb beteuetb tbere is one ©on, beteuetb bimfelfe to bee im* mojtafljfoj fuel; confitoeration c$uto not ligbt into a mortal nature: affl> tbat be tobicb beteuetb btmfetfeto beimmo?taI,beteuetb tbat tbere is a on:fo^ toitbout $e bnutt erable potoer of tbe one (Sou, tbe mo?tafl anti immojtatt couft neuer topnetojetben Cbatbe tobtcb feetb tbe o#er of tbe toojto , tbe proportion of man, ano tbe fjarmonie tbat is in eptber of tbem compounuen of ft manp con- traries,cannot Doubt £ tbere is a pjoufoence; fo? t%z nature tobtcb fjatb furoiibea tbem tberetoitb , cannot bee tmfurmfbeo tbereof it fetfejbut as it once ban a care of tbem,ft can it not (bake of tbe fame care from tbem^bws baue toe ttyk Articles tobtcb foflotoe inters cbaungeablponeanotber* 3nftmucb tbat be tobtcb pjwieftanp one of tbem,notb proue tbem afl tb?a,nottoitbftaning tbat 31 baue ueateti of euerp of tbem feucraflp bp it felfe* jftoto,let as pjap tbe euerlaaing ©oo , tbat toee map glorifie btm in fyz toojkes in tbtS toojlB , ami be tooutfafe of bte mercie to glojifie tts oite nap in $e toojio to cornerman The xvj. Chapter. That mans nature is corrupted , & man falne from his firft originalhandhow. €Z fo? afltbts, let not man bet p?ouae of tbe ejxefc lencie o? immortatttie of bis g>ouIe : foj fhz mm be $atb recepuea of bis maker , tbe mo?e is be inuebteo to btm ; anti tbe mo?e excellent tbat bis nature is, tbe moje lo^fomc amnwungerous tS $e corruption tbereof* l8& CF THBTRBW HE 9 tberof, %\yt ipeacockc i* fapb to be p?oub of fci* gap ftfyMJxflm be fetg bp bis taple rounb about bim: but toljeu be batb once ftm« rfjeb out big toings^be fallen into a bump,anb as fane ag be fake* bpon W fett&t cafomde botone brt taple aim ig atbameb*£uett fo,as longaa toe tbinke bpon tbe liuefaieflfe of our g>pirit3ami ti)e ejcellencie of out $>ouIe aa in refpect of tlje nature tbereof ; furclp toee baue tobereof to glo?ifie (Sou tbat gaue it bnto b$, anb of b& gracious gcobneffe batb boutfafeb to bono? ba aboue a! otber crea* ture^©n tbe otber Koe,if uee confiber bob) tbfe nature of our* ii ttraungelp uefilen anb co?rupteb,anb bob) farre it fe bigrefTeb from tbe firff o?igmaH tbereofcfurelp t&ere i* no remebie but toe mult be afbameb of our feluea,anb tuconber to fee from bob) great a beigtfr be be noto falne anb funke bototie*€uen fo tbe beft HMwz becom* metb tfce fljarpeff anb eagreft Qineger,anb of tfggesoabicb toerc in oto tpme tbe Delicate of Rings)** mabe tbe rankeft popfom tf oj Icoke tobat begrce of gcobneffe a tbing botoetb tofjtie it abpbetb in W nature, tbe fame begra? of euill botb it come bnto , toben it faU letb into corruption ♦ Jftoto tben5Icoke boU) mucb our o?igtnafl ge* neration toag tbe better ; fo mucb ftafl tbe corruption tbat ligbtetfc into it be t^e toaster : tofjicb tbing acco?bing to tbe o?ber tobitb 31 baue bfeb betljerto, toee map examine totoarbs €od3 totoarbtf tyt i»o?!b,toi»arb^ men,anb toumrbs our fduea. Man$ comip- ©reatlp in gob f©tb te man bounb bnto (Sob, if fce tooulb coiu SIhi?S>? Rm ft J anD *erp wPn* ** *>* ff ^e ^aue not t3^0 f m t0 P^ceiue fci to Godward. © f tfje great multitube of Creatures tobicb <&ab bab creates b« bat!j giuen to fome but onelp bare bating; to fcme,botb baring aim Ipfe ; anb to otber fome botb baeing,!pfe,anb fence ; "But bnto man be batb giuen an tbefe,anb mojeouer a reafonaWe mpnb, tobereb? be ( anb onelp be baere beneatb ) fenotoetb in all tbingg tobat fyc? baue anb tobat tbep bee , tobicb tbing tf)ty tbemfelues? knobje not^ JQbicb fe an eutbent p?oof , tbat lobatfoeuer thtf baue oj tobatfiu euer tbep be3tbep baue it anb are it fo? man, $ not fo? tbemfelue^ jTo? to to&at purpofe are an tbeir bertues' anb ejrceHent propertied if tbep tbemfelues; knotoe t!jem nof: %\)t g>ontte ejxciletb among tbe celeftiall bobpe^,anb tbe l&ofe among flobaers, %ty Oeaft i3 a begree aboue t\jz Crees, anb among tbe 35eafte* , one batb fome one popnt tobteb anotber batb not/But toljat fkilleg it bobat tfjou art o! tobat tbtrn baft, if tbou knobue it not^ 2Bbat botetb tbee tbe ligbtjif tbou fee it not ? tobat art tbou tbe better fo? fujaete fent*,if ^oufmeH^cm not % £>; to&at auapfcty tt t^ee to ejccellmanp OF CHRISTIAN RHtlGION. 289 tbittg tfcftou m'fcowie it not*: ©fa truetb,onlp man of al tljc tbtng?s intbiS inferio? fo? tobom be batb ejepjeflp createo tbis toojloe ano giuen it bun to poffefle* jftoto if tbe tfyi ng tbat is poffefleo bee tnfinitelp IeflTetban tbepoffeflb? tbereof; ano tbetoo?lo is giuen to man to poffeflTe : boto farre ti)m ootb man ejtcell tbe too?lo *t 9ntr fcoto greatlp is man bouno bnto enees, our Hleafon,our ooings,ano ttnallp all tbat *uer toe baue botb toitbin ano toitbout bs , in bis feruice*: ano tbat toee contrarptoife turne all tbings to our felues as to tbeir proper *noe,pea ano mm our felues to our felues tobicb are notbing *x 3|f toe kept a reckoning of our life,boto fmall a part tbereof oo toe be= fiotoe bpon <8»oo *t Jpoto fetoe of our fteppes ooe toee toalke in bis feruice*j Cpoto fetoe of our tbougbts are oiretfeo bnto bim *t 3no if toalokebppon our berp p?apers,tobat are tbep but continuall o5 fences, feeing tbat torn in tfyt miooeff of our greatetf beljemencie, toe baniib atoap b^ ano bp into bapne imaginations,ano are carieo its farre atoap from our papers into toanoering concepts3as bea^ wen is oiftant from earc^anu further*; Ca^at §>onnctoiUnotfan © out *90 OF THE TREWNIS out tot'tfj Tjint tljat fpeakes euill ofljiss jf atljet *: 02 elsJ all tftat ffann frp tuiH count Ijim a cotoatD if Ijc pafle it ouet luttb filence? Contra* rptoife , fculjiclj ofl>gi is moueo tobcn be Ijeatetlj (Sous name blaf* pljemeo ^ 0} tffte be moueo, tljat fcttetlj bimfelfe m Defence of bim: B} if be fet bimfelfe in Defcnce,oo$ not bp anD bp forget tt *: COljat tljen Dotlj tljis atgetoe , but tljat in toerp ttuetlj 5 our <&oule liuetb notjbtit out ISoDp j ant! tljat out §>oule Ijatb not Ijet mouings and actions fteeanDliuelp , feeing it ts not moueo at tlje iniurtes tljat ate Done to tlje Sboule ano to tlje fatljet tbat maoe tf)e <§>oule 3 but at dje tD^ongg tbat ate Done to tbe boDp anp to tbe fatber of ti;e bo^ Die^f a man bjeake tlje ^cutcljions of out $tmes,toee take it to bee a gteat oifgtate to bs , anD a toucljtng of out eteoite; ano if \jx fyeake out 3Images 0? pictutes,loe fall out toitlj Ijim anD null nc* mt be teconcileD:3no if it be none to a pjince,fce makes it a popnt of biglj ^teafon ; anD tljat toe Doe not tbe lihe3tt fe not fo? toant of p?tDe,but fojioant of poloet to teuenge iu ©ntijeconttarp pattc, tobiclj of &s is gtteueo at tbe lojong tbat is Done to bis nepgbbo?, 0} ratf>er ttrf>icb tytongetlj not Ijis nepgbbojt euetp Dap*: ffij tabid) is mud) moueD ttrfjen be feetb a man flapne before Ijis fare, tmleflfe fce be bis bjotijer 0? neete ftietiD*: JSap^bicl) of us out felues Dotb not oaplie W W tyotbet , eptbet in uetp Deeoe, oj in beatt, eptbet iuitlj tlje g>u>ojD 31 meane , oj b^ fratteo, euen fo? tbe lead offence tbat can be pjetenoefc, anD fo tested; 0} bjeaftetb not tbe 3jmage of ©od tolrirt) l)t fjatb papnteD anD tngtaueD tit man , euen euetp ljo* loet toitfjout anp tegatD ?)8oto toljat els is tljis,but tfrat toe fcnoto itot tbis 3lmage of 05od to beefn out felues *t JF02 odjettoife boto Dutff free bee fo p?efumptuous5as to offer anp butt 0? barmrimto it , but becaufe tlje fectet confent of all mankinoe in fuclj outtage, confefTetlj it to be quite anD clcane fojgone,o? at leafftoife to bee fo UiffiguteD anD Defaceo3anD fo fttaungelp betapeo,tbat it cait fcatfl? bee DifcetneD anp mo?e*t 3nD becauft tlje kinDjeD tfjat is btthjmxt all men , DettueD ftom tlje fatbet of tljeit Joules, mouetb bs bet? little Jnit tlje bple feinD?eD of tlje fleil) mouctlj DS betp muc^ luljic^ is as fatte infetiout to tlje otbet , as tbete is oDDes bettnitt f foule anD a lump of cattb>o? betiaeene tlje fatljets of eptbet of tljem;tljat is to tott3betto£ne C5^DD anD Spant^et not^itljftanDing,feeincf tljat tlje tuidkeDDelt man in tlje toojlo,anD fucb a one as fecmetlj to bee toucbeD tuitl) notljing 3 baumg once flapne Ijim lubom be Ijateo molt of all men , ootlj b^ anD b^ aftet tlje DeeDe Done 3 feele a batt* bpting m ^is mpnD3anD a tojmeut in ^is Confidence 5 totyd) tljing OF CHRISTIAN RUIGIOM. 2^1 fa feeletb not fo? cfte kffling of a tljoufann beaded euerp nap; toljat ran tot fap t o be tije caufe tljereo^but only tije remapnner of ©000 3[ntage common to all men,tobtcb puttetlj \jirn in mpnn oftije tote* kennefle tbat be batb none 3 mm fa bigblp offenoen at bfa titxine of* fence 3 aria toljtcb ( accruing to ttiis^ fapingThe good blud lyeth not)maketlj our innptement of tt felf, ann tooulo fapne euen it feif be reuengen of M tottbm Wt 'Cfeerfojelet bg fap(toljicb fbt'ng toe rannot nenpe tinlelle toee nenpe our felueg ) tljat ©on createo man to be to btm asi a Cbiln, ann tljat man fa grotone out of kpnn, pea Craungelp grotone out of kpno3not regarding (ag toee fee m moft nten)to bee knotone eptljer of bfa father oj ofljfa bjetb?en,(tobtclj tiring nottottbttanning tbe baft arns of tbfa too?ln no feeke to tljett fcttermott to noe) but bp bfa ftriH going about to aboitiT) bfa P^e- gw ano al bfa titlte of ktnnjen3tbat be mtgljt be callen tije feonne The Come of of tljeeartb,(tobtcb toaa tbe name ofBailarog in olo tpme) ratber thecal tljan tije fonne of btm tljat begate ljim,ann createn fo manp tfjtngs foj btm to iniope, jFo^pjcofe tobereof to be true,tobat ame toe at in all our ftuoieg ann mneuer^but tlje eartb ann eartblp tbingsytpaa toe contimten ft ill in our ojigtnall creation,toee fljouln accojoing to tbe fpirttuall fubllaunce of our g>oule$ 3 fymz naturallp purfetoefc fptrttuail tbmgg,pea ano baue mounteo bp aboue tlje berp beauen* £ tbrngg^ut toljere feeke toee noto our inberitance,our toelfare, ann our feltcttce,but in tbefe tranGtojte tljinga^ano tobereof are al our fatten ano quarrels in tbfa toojlo,but of €attell?of Cojne ann of JLano^aHberefoje toe muff nines confefle, tljat tt fa a tottnelfc of tbe ntfberettng of S^ankpnn from tbe berttage of fetes fatber., ana tljat be fa in bfa fatberg oifpleafure ano oifFauour3ano tljat be notlj but runne after peafecooneg as tbe pjontgall Cljtloe nin3 toben Ijc ban toalten bfa inberitancelicenttouflp* T5ut noto to come to tbofe toljicb make mot! pjofeffion of gon* itne(re;tobence(tbtnke toe) commetb tije otftrufttbat all of bs baue naturalip of ©ons gxonnefle ann alfidance^but of tije feeling of out lul! ntfljcrtfon,tobtcb our confetence fa greeuen at tottljm bs^ ^Tlje fonne of a goto ann riclj fatber beljtgbtetb Ijmtfelfe ajs mttclj releefe agi b(s fatber fa able to paelo , ann as be bunfelfe Ijatb nd^ne of ♦ 31f ?tot;but tljat tbe Cbtln noubt tbereof:toe p^efume fo farre of tbe fa* tljets gannefle,tbat toe conclune tijat bfa fonne Ijatlj offennen ljun, ann manebmtfelf tottoojtljp of bfa gconnelfe bp fome great crpmc* JJ5oto tben,feehtg tljat ©on fa t^e berp g©nne(le ann rtcljes tijem^ felues,to^erof commet^ it tljat no man can aflure Ijtmfelf of tbem^ % z tljat api OF THE TREWNES tbat no man can reft bmtfelf bololp enough topon &nn?rtjat no matt can trttft bnto fctotfo attureolp a* W gajonefle requtrctlj <: ano ft* nallp tfjat our requeftes arc fo fun of oiftruft,ano our bcarts fo fun of bnbetefe^urdpjfeing tl>cfault cannot be to (Sons gcoonefle, tobtri) is a fountapne tbat cannot be 02epneo o?pc:tt mud n&oes be tbat tbe fault remapnetb alonlp in tbe naugbtinefleanofrapltteof ourfelucs , tobicb nare not bopefajgroo at tf;ebano of bmttobiclj is( molt ejccellentlp gcoo , becaufe our tobole nature tclletb bs tbat toe bee toitoojtbte of btf grace^ bp reafon toe ijaue ofifenneD btm tea grmtottflp* in rcCpca of 3!f toe conGoer tbe gouewment ano.ojoer of tbe ffilojlo , toce the world, map tntn tbere alfo fino apparantlp, tljat man boloetb not bimfelf in bis ftate^but is falne frotu tbe feate of bonour toberein 600 ban placeo bmn (Son ban fet btm aloft , aboue tbe Atones, aboue tfje piantes5aboue tbe ^jute beaftes,pea ano aboue tbe toojlo it felfe, 3|fbeabpoeftill in bis oegree, tobence commetlj it tljat fomanp mtn make tljemfelues bonoflaucs to (Solo ano otljer mettals^ana tljat fo manp men ooe leane tbe life of plants ano bjute beaftcs in tbe boopes of men *; fome giuing tbemfelues to nougbt els tban to eattog,o?toktog ano Iteping, ano neuer lifting tljemfelues bp anp Ijigber; ano otberfome confuming ano toafting tljemfelues in moft beaftlp oeligljts f pleafures \ tfo} tobat beatt is tbere tbat tooulfc be a^lantjO? plant tbat (bcotetb not lip to get out of tbe grouno^ Co be fyojt , tobat tljtog is tljere in tlje tobole toojlo fauing onelp man , tobicb notb not berp pjecifelp keepe tbe otone date ano oe* gree *: 31 WV V*m ff a man fiboulo fee one toitb a ppcelp Crotonc al mpjp on bis bean filling fte grouno ano follotoing tbe piougb; tobat tooulo be tbinfce but tbat be toere ocpofeo from bis &b?one, ano tbat fome mtfebief toere befalne btm *: 9no tobat tben is to be fapooftbatman, tobicb topletb to Doongbils ano ffculftetbtnta corners to toallotoe btmfelfe in a tboufano fojts of filtbines , ami implopetlj alibis toit bpon fucb tbtogs : but tbat be is falne from tbe toppe of bis mpnoe,ano tbat b^ tbe greeuonfnes of tbat fall, be batb fo lameo ano mapmeo all bis abilities, tbat it Ipetb not to btm to returne againe from tobence- be is falne H tfo} tobo can oenp but fce is bojne to greater tbings tban bee ooetb ? ©? tobo can tbinke tbat ?« triple space to rake Doungbilleg toitljall, o? too aigge tbe grouno toitbalft 3game?boto fe tf>e iatoe ana ojaer of gouernement tob«b ftu netb fojtb m tbe tobole toojto ami tn all tbe parte* thereof, turnea apfioeootanein man tobo is tbelitle *KHo?to,bp tbeatfobeoience of tbe 75oop to t^e «§>oule a booptbatbatb neeoe of tbetr ferutce* St'tb tt is fo ,^bo can Doube tbat <&ot> creates man latcl; a itnourfe&ge of bis creature^ auo al< fogauebtrnpotoerouertljem*; (Lfllbereofcommctbtttben tljat tlje beaded Doe naturallp know tbetr feafons , t\)t remctiies of tljcir tifeafes , ano tbe Epcrbcs tbat baue a p?op?tette of nature to beale tbem ; ano tbat onlp man among all otber Ituing tljtngs>knotoetlj tbem not , tnfomucb as be is fapne to goe to &cboole to tbe tyttte bealles to learnetbem *t 9lfotobereof commetb tt tbat tbefe crea* tures(ujbicb furelp <0©O mat>e not to be fnares to man, fo? tbat ban bene repugnant to tbe goonnes of tbe Creator , but fo? mans benefice anD feruice) doc nolo iu'eke ano fpur ne agetnfi man , pea % % eueit 2P4 OF THE T R E W N E S euen t(jofe toln'rb baue no potoer oj ttrlgtb at all to tottfjtfanti Jim? Let bs omit &£Joolues,ieopart>s,am> ILpons,\aal)tclj feemeto baue fome fojce to ouermatclj tbe meakencs of man* £&bat meanetb it tb*t too? mes make bs taarre toitbm our Botocls, p bermin bcuou* rctb our Cojne3anD tljat tbe eartlj pec loctb bs not anp kinfc of fruit tojjjtdj (jatlj not a peculiar enemte in it , to marre it ere it come to our Ijanu : Out to ojiue bs to confefle , tbat man mult neenes Ijaue oSfinDcn bt* maker rtgbc greeuouflp,anb tl)at u-bercas (Sous put- tin^ offjts creatures in fubiectton to manias to tlje enu tljat man fljouloljaue continues in obebiencebnto 6©D,noU)becaufe man Ijatij rebelled againft <£5otrs ^aielTie , (Sou alfo fuffcretlj cbofe to rebell againft man,U)ljomljelja&put tnfubiecrion to man,pea tmn to tljeucrp offkourmgs of tlje eartlj *; tfo} toljat els is tljts contra- rietieoftbe eartlj toljim tljatttlletb it, oftljeS>ea toljim tljatfap* letb tt^anti of tlje aire to tbe fueceflc of all our labours ana trauete, but a pjoteffation of brfjolc nature,tljat it utfoeinetlj to fcrue a crca* turedjattoas fo pjefumptuous as tobifobep bis Creato?; a crea* ture 31 fop > \nbici) bp boing feruiceto tlje creatures, Ijatljfojgone t&e autljojttie tnljiclj be baa receiuea of bis spakert in refpeaof j/^o\xi confequentlp let bs conSuer man totoaws man*£Oljat is! Man' tfoere moje nifojocrea ojt moje corrarie to naiure,tljan is tbe nature of manljimfelfe*: 31f bcatfes of onekinti aoe kill oj eateone ano* tljer; toeetakeit fojanouglptljing* tfftiljatan ouglpneffetbcn ougljt it to be bnto bs , toljen toee fee botu men ( tobo alonlp be in* iiueD Intel) reafon,) Doe euerp Ijotoje kill one anotljer,ann roote out oneanotljer VJftaprntljcrisitnotagreac toonaer to fee goon a« greement ann freno(bip3not among jl2ations,not bettoeene Colt* tries,not among Companies ; but euen in boufcljol&s3pea ana be. tteecneCljamberfcllobjes^SItoltteg areciueli: but pet intoljat race of 2noUtesfl;alltoee finb Caribiesanb Cannibals ? JLpon* alfo are cruel! : but pet trfjere tocre tljep euer feene in fatten one z$m% anotber *: BoVa toljatis toarre , but a gatljcring anb pac* kin$ Dp togctljer of all tbe fojts of bcaftlmestljat are in tbe toojlD^ 3no pet u>ljat is moje common among men tban tljat ? 9 15eaft (fop fome)totUbarke o? grunt erebc bpte; abaufetotll cracke ere tt fillfcottne; ano tlje WXinD Uabiflietb ere it bjeake tbings* ^uc contrariteife tobat is man totnarbs man H tubo euen to laugbing, t^eatuctb3in faluting (leaetb^ $ bnber faere countenance of cour* teotts intcrtepnement , clokrtb a tboufom yberpents, a tbottfann L^on^ a tljouCanb ©uicfefanb^ ant» a tljoufenD Rocket at once^ Kiel OF CHRISTIAN RELIGION. 2p$ 8JM :Ietbs leaue tbe totckeo tobicb Difcouer tbemfeluea coo mucb* COfjat Doe toee m all our bargapmnj , buying anD fcIUngr, , but beguple one anotljer *t oj tobat Doe toe in our Dalping , but De* luDe one anotbcr/ranD tobat els is tbe toljolc for icttc of man tobiclj toe fo bigblp commenD>but a felfgatne, ano a iierp incrocbing one bppon another , tbe greater fojc as tpjancs bppon tbe meaner, tbe meaner upon tbe inferiour fo?t , ana tbe infer tour foit one bppon at* nocber too take bun m fome trtppe <: ^o bee (bojc , if toee Doe anp gooo, it is but to tbe ena to bee feene ; asfo? in ferret, toee toill doc none at aiLa$eine, if mee fojbeare to Doe euill , it is but fo? feare lead tbe cKIIojlD IboulD kno toe it ; anD toere tbat feare atoap , toee tooulD (lick at notbing* (EObcrto tben feruetb ds our reafon tobtcft ftoulD furtber fcs bnto ail gooDnes, but to couer our nau^btineiTe, tbat is to fap , to make us toooife anD moje bnreafonaDle *t pet not* imtbit.tnDing boto tmreafonable fo euer toee bee in all our Doings?, toe cannot but knotoe tbat tbere is a reafon ; anD toe re it not in bs, toe coulo not concaue it ; anD toere it not cojrupteD,toe (boulD noc fujaruefrom tt •, anD pet if toe examine ourefelues, tot (balnotbee able to Denp,but tbat toe Digreffe be rp farre from it4 €fc rcfojte toe ma? toell Deeme of our reafon , as of an epficrbt tbat i? either im* papjeD o) incbauneeo* 3t batb tbe grounD of (tgbflftll; but yet it ftanDetb tht partte in no tteao , but onelp to beguple l)im bp falfe images ano illuflons. Lee ds come to man in btmfelfe,anD fee tobetber at leafttotfe be ^n *"*$*$ loue bimfeifc better tban otber men : anD tbe moje toee (frrrc bim, 0l hunfdfc tbe moje (bill toe feele tbe fftnebe of bis co?ruptton,CQben a Difea- feD mm feeles pane , toee (ap tbere is corruption in bis boop ; ano furtbentiojetbsttlKre is a Default in jftuure , ojtbat tbe partie batb tdken fome ctreat furfet,tobicb batb bjougbt bim to tljat cafe* jftototben tobat fyal toe fap of tbe peat nomber of tsifeafes tobnr* toitbmankinD ispepneD.anD toberetottbbeis fo tobolp ouertobel* meD,tbat tbere is not anp age of bis life, anp part of hie boap, 0? a* up froalifciHig in «p part of bis fle(b,tobicb b«b not fome pccult* ar Difeafe *: fitsy 31 fap furtlnr,tb it man alone is fubtctf tco mo ct* fetfes , tban all other liutncc tbtngs in tbis CSto^D togttber* €l;e Pjilofopbers fatoe tt,anD baue maac bookes ejep^cflp thereof, anD are Dtterlp amafcD ano graueles in fcektng out theemte thereof, anD tbep coulD nai?r pelt p&lDe anp Heafon tbrreof tobicb might fatiffie otbers oi tbemfeiues, j^euertbelc!Te tbe moa parte of t&em come to tfeis point > tl;at man is tbe mod fcnijappieil of all lu % 4 uiug; lp6 OF THE TRIWKEJ tiing totgljt S; anD tljep finn fault tottb (Son an d nature foj tt,to&om tiotttutbaantungtbepconfcffe coljaue oooncnotbfagbut iuttlpto t&ac beljalfeXne Tapes , tljat onelp span flcactb bimfclfe tlj?ou gb impatience of grecf. ataotberfapes^bat tbe Ipfe of man is fuel;, as tbat ucatb is r atbcr to bee ncfireo of bun tljan Ipfc* 3no of TucG fpeecbes ooe alltbeir fecljcoles ring* €bere is another tubicb toritb great iaoon&crment,rcckcnctb up ccrtcincljuntycM ofoifeafe* lulj cr eunto tlje epe alone is fubiect, J3oiu tobicb of all tlje bcatte s Ijatbfomucbastbctljittitbpart oftbem in bisboap^Ss itlikclp tbat (Sou , tobicb Ijatb gtuen to Span To great pjebeminence aboue all bis creatures, create* !jim of purpofc to tojment bim aboue all otljer creatures \ SD) ratljer is it not to be fapvbat man to in* o}U gin all toas treat et> far re after anotbc r fojt tljan be noto is,tobetfjec it be in refpett of tb c Creator Ijimfclfc , oj oftfje enbe fo? tuljiclj bee ereateo bim \ feurclp djen3let us fap as toe baue fapae afoje , tbat tlje uerp cauTe tub? 9©an alone batb mo bifeafes in bis boop , tljan allotber Creatures toogttljer; ts fo? tbat bee bauingabufeo Q3ods gracious gifts, batb boone m o?e eutll t ban all t b ep coulo T kin too Doe: ana tbat tbe berp euill ano bntotoarbnes tbat is in tbem, ig but to ptmiflj mm fcuitljall : as fo j c x ample,tbe Epa pie anb gpnoiue feme not to burt tbe eartb oj tbe fruites of tl;e eartfj, but to punifg Ijim tbat Qjoulo take tbe benefitc of tbettn againe,U3ben toe conte to confioer t\)t &oule ami tbe boop knit together; tobat a number of affections boe toe mate toitbail rtjere3 (tobidj as faitb Plutark)are To mucb moje fojotofufl am> greeuoug rfjan t\)t booilp oifeafes , as tbe g>oule is moje Snfufl ano blame* too?tbte tban tbe booie ? Co tying tbefe palfions to Tome reafona* bleo?ber, tljepbflofopbcrsbaue maoe bakes e]tp?eflp of #&ojaU fcertue, ano giuen precepts (Tap rtjep) to tying djem to obeoience: tobercm tbep confefle tbe rebellioufoefle tbat is naturallp in bs a* gainft reafon^ut tobo feeletb not in bimfelfe3 tbat djeir remeoics feme not To mud; to take atoap tlje mtfdjief,as to cloke it? Wlflfy ts a plapne oeriaration, tbat it is not a fpot Mjicb map bee toafljeu ittoap 3 but a neepe imp jeffion tyonoeo in nature as it toere toitb a fearing p jon , toljicb in berp beeoe is not to bee toppeo out agapne, tut couerefynoj to be fuboetoeb ano ouercome^buttoitb mucb aoo to bercftrepneo an&btlo fl)o?t, jfuttbermoje5fecing djatreafonis fo mucb moje excellent djan paffton oj atTcdion3as djefo^me tynyt 0} falbionffap d)ep)is mo?e eiccellent tban ^ matter oj ftuffe tober^ in it iiaijualjcnce commeti) tl;tj3 infection in w$tt maked; t^e mat* tec OF CHRISTIAN RELIGION. 2p7 fcer to ouermapff er fte fo?me ? ana r aufeft fte fojme (as: pe toouto fap)to recepue fyape ana fafbion of fte matter;ftat fa to fap^tobift ^uttetii reafon in fubiertion to affection^ to fte impjefftong tobift affection peelaeft,contrarp to fte o?aer twljtcij fa obferuea in all fte toftole toogto befiae ? jfo? tobat efa fa tbfa intemperance of ourtf, but reafort(fuft ag it noto remapneft)imp?mtea toift luft ana con* cupifcence? 3na tobat efa fa anger,but reafon attepntea toift fto* Ier3ana fo fa?ft of fte retf ?3na if a man toil! fap,ftat ftefe ftingg are naturall tn b&tobereof commeft it ftat of ftefe affectiong,toee concepue intoaralp remo?fe,ana outtoaralp fljame ; pea ana tbat fo natttraHp,a$ toee muft of neceflttte noeaeg feele tbem tobefter toee toill o? no,ana can no mo?e let ftem ftan toe can reftrepne ft e bea* ting of our ipulfeg o? fte panting of our l£>eart$ : but becaufe tbat ft ame ana remote fo? finne ate naturall tn b^bttt fte Snne it felfe fa againtt nature?9te fo? e*ample,ftere be ftings fte aoing tober* of fa m bis bpce;ana m bjute 3$ea(te,nature:fo? ftep be angrp,ftep aauenge tfjemfelue^ano ftep companp togefter inaifferentlp an* m open ligbt : ana of fo aoing tbep bee not afyamea, becaufe tt fa fteir nature ♦ j!2oto5toere tbefe affections ana fleflrfp pleafures a* naturall in ifa as in fte Vz&tttfyte little (b oula toe bee atfjamea of fjjem,a$ ftep ♦ "But contrarptoife,if an fjoneff man come in tofjtle toee bee angcie,bp ana bp our rage is repjelfea, as toljo tooula fap but bpce aia bpae it felfe from bimtana if a man come bpon us *m* atoares in taking our pleafure(pea tbougb it bee toell latofull)toec WuflMs if our blua toere aettrous to biae ann to couer our ooingg* J)ea ana fcoto fccre tip foeuer toe be alone b^ our feluegi in wcutio of our fyct$ ; toee incounter continuallp toitb a companpon in our felue^tobtft not onlp bearetb toitnefle of t!;em 5 but alfo consent* ueft ana punifyeft tbem in tfa ♦ ^coftlp ften, tbe motions of an* ger ana lull agamft reafon in man , are not naturall no? ojigmall, ftat fa to fap,ftep pjoc&ae not of bfa ftrff creation; but are come in Diodon» lib. aftertoara b^ corruption. 9ina tberefo?e tbe remojfe tobicb bappe= Herodotusin netb tonto M in tljofe palTton^tS notljingbut a fecrete(botobeitbe-' his cuo, rp liuelp ) toaming of nature , tobicb tsJ aftamea to plap tbe b?ttte bea^tobicb tbing (be tooula not be,if tbofe tbtng^ toere ojiginaflp of mang nature ♦ 3na inberp aect;e5tbe bniuerfafl confent ofmatt* i^pna in being afljamea to goe nafcea, infomuclj tbat tbep Ijaa letter Auftin in his to fee tbe ffcinne of a 3$eaft , o? tbe excrement of a eftcojme toppon woorkofthe tbemfelues,tban to fe tbeir otone fleff>:ann dje tbing tobicb S>aint ^fcT^ Auftin notetfc in all men j namelp , ftat ftcp totll rafter aoe open 17;ana l8, tojjwg 2p8 OF THE TREWNI5 tojong in aH mens figfotijan Ijaue to noe tottlj tbeir Iatofut tout** : opcalp ; noe euinentfp (betoe tfjat tlje beaftlinefle (tbat is to fap tlje conruptlcence oj lufr) tbat is m tarnall copulation, is not an ojigi* nan nature,bnt a mere coemption tbereof* flBbicb tbtng our p?e* fent age ( but furelp notljing to ber pjapfe) map bettefj??oue bnto bs,tl;an al tbe reafons in tbe toojftMf 02 certepnlp,contincrmg t!>e etcelTiueouerflotoing of bices tobicb is to be feene, $ f> cuttomable b e of tljem, pea ttitn of fuel; as are againft nature , turnco almoft into nature ; if euer boluptuoufnefle couln baue tranffojmen it felfc into nature,ann pjeuaplen againtlnature3ttmuff n&nes baue bene in tbis our age; toberein nonmtbftanning, as ftronglp armcn,att* tbo?ifco , ann reigning as \)v^ feemctb to be, pet is fl;e infojeen to Ijpneberfclfe euen in tbe minneft of ber trpumpbs,nnnoubtenlp a£ acknotulenging tfjat fye reignetlj not ouer Yjtt otone,but ouer ano* rtjermans, 3gapne,tf pe baue an epe to frtenn(btp,to rfjaritte,to tlje tying* tngbpofCbtlnjea, to focietie in $pariage;tobotmlI not fap tbat foj all our trapning bp to leanebs tbeceto , ann foj all our rcaning to inftmtt bs tberein,pet toe ban nriene to refojt to tlje bjutt beafteg to learne of tljem, ami to take example of tljem , tobicb is a token (as 31 fapa afoje)tljat tbeir nature is lefle corrupt tban ours?3!f tbe cafe concerne tbe turning atoap from tbe bpces of 3!ntemperance, !ccberie,D?imkennelTe, Unreff,^ fucb otljers: tobo tooulo tbinke thzt our nature being fo e]tcellent,ann(bcfines tbe nifcourfe of rca* fon(batting fo manp Latoes,g>tatutes,l{3enaltics,£ Spagiffrates to belpe it;ano being bipnlen loitb fo manp naungers,fo2otoes and papnes infetoir.g tbe fame ; fljouln pet nottmtbftanoing not bee re* ftrepnetutobereas on tbe contrarp part, tbe bjute beaftes noe nam* rallp foibearebotb foooe ann pleafure, fauing onelp To farrefoo?tfj as nature requiretb,tljat is to wit, fo? tbe maintenance ann prefer* uation of tbem felues ann of tbeir kinn ? 3nn feeing tljcir nature notb fo bpboln it felfe , ann ttjat our nature beeing ftapeo fo manp luapes,ann clofen in mttb fo manp barres , cannot bee bpbeln no? kept toitbin compaffe : tobo can fap tbat our nature (in cafeas it i<& nolue,)is not in tuojfe plpgljt tban tbcirs is ? Sinn yzt tobo \&\\ fap tbat tlje Mature of tbe eitcellentetf of all otber Creatures , batb afc toapes bene fuel) from tbefirft original! beginning tbereof? 911 tbe fapn tbings are comon botb to Span ann 33caft:but yzt n*o?eouer, £©an glo^ietb of an ercellencie of mpnn innrbeo bp <5on tm'tft infi- nite goonlp giftis* SBljat i^i to be fain tf;en , if in tlje tijing ujljercbn be •*m CF CHRISTIAN RILIGION. 2pp fcc furmountetb tljem,tie be founn inferiour to tbem ': ©? tftn tljat toljicbof it felf is uncorruptible, corruption be mod open anoeufc acne ': ©f fo manp men inoetoeo toitb Sicafan , 31 P?ap pou Ijoto manp be tbere tljat bfe it ^ €ljat is to fap , Of fo man? men, Ijott* manp be not bjute beailes *: ©? Whit rarer tljmg is tbere among men, tljan a berp man in oeeoe ^ 3no of fuel; as ufe Keafon , boto manp be cliere tljat bfe tc tocll -, tbat ts to fap , Ijoto manp bee tljere toljtcij be not Diuels*: jftotu take mee out of mauktno tlje beatlcjaf ano tljetriucls,ano tofco Drill t&inke it ttraunge tljatapijilofopljer tooke a ^o?cb at bigb nameoap,to feeke fo? a Span tit tlje mtooes of a multttuoe *i ©ne fojt alltljetr life longooe fet tljetr mpno up* pon noting but tljis Ipfe ; tljep fpare not fo mucb tpme as to con* fioer tnljat tbat potoer isfcifjiclj tooojketlj tljat tbougfjtintljem* What bootetlj it rbefemoje to baue a mpno,tljan tt bootetlj a man to b aue epes tlju ootb natljing but deeped ©tljers implop it about tlje oefpling of fome mans toifc,o? tbe oeflotojing of fome maioen, o? tlje glofiug of fome tujong , o? tbe elumng of fome rigljt , o? tlje fotoing of oifcojto in fome Ijoufe&olt? , o? tlje fetting of fp?e on tlje fotoer corners of fome Kcalme* %o tubat purpofe ageineis it fo? tljefe men to baue a myito > toljtcb is bent ano intenbeo to notljtng tut mifcljief *t ©? loljat els is fuc& a mpnD,t&an $ epe of tlje * bead * The c*™: of £gipt,toljicljktlletlj tbofe toljomit looked bpon,ano it felfalfo \£ <^kT bp f rebounoingback of bis otnne figbt ^ &>ome in oeeoe o© lift up tryce, ^epeoftbeirmpnbaloftjbut^oujfarreo?toljatfeetbep? Smrelp (as fattlj Ariftotle)euen as mucb as an ©tale in tbe bjigljt funne. %fyz <£oge of bnoerftanoing rebatetb at tlje outBoe of tlje ieaft tbittgs tbat are x anr> botu tben (ball it be able to enter into t&enrt ©ur mpnoisoafeleotmtljbapojS; anotoljattmllitbctljenattbe fln^pjoclnble ligbt fo? tobiclj it toas createo ? © © D createo tlje flEtoilo fo? man ; tljerefoje Ijis intent t»as tljat man fljoulo Ijaue tb< feruice tbereof : ano tljat &emig;&tbaue tlje feruice of tbings,tt bebc»uctibimtoknoti)etbenn Contrari\i)ife9tDljat tljingooe toce linotne fuStctemlp ? SLtbat kno^e toee in comparifon of tljat twee fcnntoe not ? Inn Ijotu cantu^ bfe tlje feruice of tljem, feeing eueit tlje (raft tbings commannn bs ; not tbe 15eaffes3 tlje Iperbes 3 atm tlje Atones onlp,but alfo turn tbe Cartlj ano tlje tjerp r??o(fe tljere* of^c^oDbatlj createo m^nfo?ljtso\ajncglo?p; ant; as man is tlje cnooftbemo?lo,fois 6©D (ljeenoof^an» 3nt?^isnottobe toubteo, but tbat as @oo $mz man knutale&ge of x%z \DO?loe,tba t bee migljt ufe it too bis befcoofe j fo l;ee gaue fjim knoWetige of lji« ©on&eao, 300 OF THE TREWNES ©onbcan,tbatbe migbt fetue Ijim* 3£utboto manp be tbere tobfefc ame ac tbis matke ? ano btib (fail toce bit it if toee ame not at it *: enn Ijoto (ball toe ante at tt5tf toe fee it not <: ano Ijoto (fall toce lee tt , if toe tljtnke not on it no? parte not fo? it *: ^gaine , let bs bend out toi 1 1 cs to it as ffou tip as ujc can ; tobo to be tljat f ale tb not bim felf e to quaple,toben be is to t bin k npon ©oo<; CO bo is be tbat bur* ftctb not , if bee fttcpne bimfelfe to farre *t 3no tobeteof commetfe tbis , but tljat tbe ffring of tljis Botoe fatlj falne into tbe Matter, anD is in ad c fo tact tljat it toil ferue to no purpofe anp mo?e.' %\)i& m pno to ingetlj foo? tb neenes ; ann becaufe tbep be fometofat Goto, tbep be none toitb tbe mo?c aouifement* T5\\t toljat ate tbe bed of tljoTe scenes but finne % j f toec commit anp crpme , all out toboie mpnu goctb toitb it ,an o out Doing of tbe euill is fo? tbe euils fake* 33ut if toe Doe anp goon-, tobiclj of bs Dntb it not as a bptocojkc fo? fome otljcr tbings fake, tatbet tban fo? tbe loue of tbe goon itfclfe; us one fo? bonout , anotbet fo? gaine , ano a tbitD fo? feate \ 9nn toljat elks is tbis , but a fetuing of nanitie, ano not an obeping of tier tue *t 3no tobeteas euill is nougb t els tban a beteuing o? toath ting of goon : tobo is bee on tbe conttatie part, tobiclj tljtnkctlj not bimfelfa man goonpnougb,if be Doe no euilhSs toljo toouln fap £ goD alfo toerenotbing ete but tbe beteuing o? abfence of mil 9m> tn ber? neeoe tobome Doe toe call gooD ano boned men^but fu clj ajes abffepne from Dooing men to?ong , from Healing, from c t to?tin g, ano from lenning nppon Ctfurie , albeit tbat it beboue tbem to p?o« ran e far tber,ann to be liberal! in giuing, fo?toarn in Ijelpmg, ann Diligent in fetuing , fo?afmucb as goonnes is not a Defect o? a not* Dcoing of tbings,but an effect o? Doing of tbings,anD confiftctb not tn onelp t eftepning o? ceaffing , but in tooo?king anD petfo?ming* 3nn in cffcdvtofjat els is it to Define an Ijoncfi man to be fucb a one as Dotb notbing a cal; tban to Define a gooD 3r cljer to be fucb a one as neuet (bootetb at all ? Cljis minn of ours Dotb alfo palofooitlj too?DS : ann tbep pafle out mo?e ftoiftlp tban oeenes,pea euen from tbe toifeft«3!f a man toouln keepe a teckening of bis too?ns but fo? one nap ; toljat fljouln bee finn at nigb t but a beapc of nanittes , as backebptings , flaunoer s , leafings, raplings, befines a tboufann fojtes of flippctneuices ann inlctoo?ns, tobiclj euen bp tljeit onelp inlenefle noe toell beto?ap out nanitie *t 9nn fitlj it is euinent tljat tofjereasfpeecb toas giuento* to procure ann maintepne focietie, toe fee it is commonlp applpcn to tlje b?eaking tljcrcof, b^ fotoing of nifcojn ann nebate; to(>o i#n nenp but tljat tl;crc i# a notable coj* ruptton OF CHRISTIAN RELIGION. 301 ruption in tbe mpmi , tobicb btteretb fojtb ttjat fpeecbe *: ageine, feing it i$ an bniuerfal upce,agem(itoWclj tbe better fojt no ttriue tottb an tbeir fo?ce am> cannot ouercome it; toljo can Cap it ig a \*itz tbat is mrinent but to fome peculiar perfonej5,anr» not to tbe tobole fepnn of man*; (Lftijat i<3 to be fapo tbenuf our tbougbtg ana totttg, tobereof tobole tboufanos palfe tbjoug!) our mpno in an Ijotoer, tobicb our mpnss can neither repieffe no? ejcpjelfe *; © boto man? noe toe efteeme to be g©n men, toljome toe ffjouto fie to be toickea wen if tbeir tbougbts lap open, oj if toe Ijao epejs to fee into tbenVt £) tobat a fcnt of toiloe beaftes fbouto toee fee barberefc in a man* beart a$ in a jf ojefft 9nn tobat is tben our f kil3but ignorance; out lut?tiome,tiut fcanitie •, ami our bonnes , but bipocrtfie g>oule ^ 31 toote not tobere^ t»nto 31 ftouto compare bs53e]ccept it be to certetne tiifeafeti perfons?, of tobom Hippocrates maketb tbfe ejcp?e(Te 9pbo?ifme , faptng; mj$o\q> When fuch as are very fore fkke,do feele no payne,but fall to yxoulc , tban if toee ban nffj&ito^ at all* 3if aup man noe pet Hill ooubt l)creof,3l offer Ijtm $M^on,tt)bicf) if be luiliput in trpall, 3! Dare allure Ijtni Ijee tutt!;i9m;j^preof no moje* let bpm but fee ootone in to^ttng,aU tl;e djptfgtjfce! aim imaginations tbat come in bis bean bp tbe fpace of one oap,ano at nirftt let tym reuieto tljent ano tafte tbe account of tbem ; 3no 31 nate nnoertafeebe (ballfpntt in tljem fo manp banities,fo manp crpmes, fo manp !j)obgobIin$, ano fo manp sponfterg ; fo Oraunge/o fono3 fo foule, ano fo oug* Ip;tbatbeftaibeaftaio ofbimfetfelifce tbe bead tljatftarfcletbat tbe fooeine figbt of Ijimfelf in a loohinffglaife; ano tbat be (Tminot ttano gating, enamo jeo at Ijis otone beaucie as Narciffus oio ; but ronneatoap afyameo oHjis foule Dcfo?mitie,to fefte toljereto mfy aui ap tbe m pi e tbat be b a tb toallotoco int C&b at a tbing tben ttti£ tt,tfbe conGoereo ittbus ail tbe toccfte long uiitbcut putting it in Uniting, a un boft mud; moje tone it, tfijee Gjoulo noe it a tuljole ?ere; ana finallp all bis tobole lifd %n be (bojt,to fet man in fefce toojos before our epe$,toe reaoecomonlp tbattberearfrfb&er po^ la?es o^ abilities in mans &ottfe,namelp,(I&tit,8IUU tbe abilitie of baring; a»grie,ano tlje abilitie of iufting,ano in tljefe fotaer tods longe fotoer nertues,tljat is to fap, m Z&it, KHijoome; in (toil!, l&QCbt f ulneffe ; in tbe abilitie of being angrie5 famine fie ; ano in tl)Z abilitie of JLufting,tapeonefleJQoto, dOttis; mapmen totb ignorance ; £23ill,toitb tojongfnlnes ; Upamineffe , tottb Cotoaro* Iines,ano ^tapeonefle , toitb ilicentioufncg ; fo as in tljia toojloe t&ep can neitber be cureo toitljout f karre,noj be bjougbt to a f fear* 9lfo toe percciuc tljere are in man tbe outtoaro fences, 3ltnao;itta« (ion, ann 3ppctitc,toljicb tb?a tbe tyute beads Ijaue as toell as be, otter ano bcGnes tbe tobicb , bee batb alfo toit ann tofll as peculiar g iftcs n;iuen \)im of 6on* 9 no if toe be men , toe effame our fcluctf better tban beaffes , ann looke to baue tljem to be ourmtoerltngs* Contraritoife, tobercas 3[maginatton ottftbt to rule tbe g>ence$, ann Keafoa to rule 31magination,ano U)ill to rule appetite: nom tbe outluarn fence carietb attmp 3magination,3}magination Rea< fon,ann appetite toiil, infomucb tbat t\yz onelp fence being betoic* cl>en o? begupien , carietb a man fceanlong into all euill after tbe maner of Phaeton lubom tbe poets fpeakeof* 3it is a plapne cafe tbcrcfojc , tbat man batb mane bimfcife an bnnerling to tbe beaff, aim confcquentlp tljat mankinn is curnen ftrangelp upGocnotone, aan noubcleffe farre mo^e montfruouflp , t^an if m few |)im n;oe Dyorx OF CHRISTIAN RBIIGION. $03 bponljis bean tmtb bfebeeles uptoarn* j^o\utijen3 feeing tljat man is fo oucrturnet)atol)crcof can be b$K$gtaf ofFenning (Bon uncefr fantlp incljt!3life5antJoftn6nU^^pm£nt in anotber Ipfe,ac* coding to tbe inftnitenefle of 0^mt^^z batb offenoetrt3nn to tobat purpofe tljerefo?e C&aU Ijte ifojnfoltaUtte ferue Ijtm^ut to npe flicrlaffinglp ann neuer to be oeaxt* "But let us ieaue tbis matter to anotber pirn, Sinn fo?afmucb whence as bp confioering man tobat be is to vuatu, corruption to 9|§anU)arn3anu tobtmfetfe33l baue euinentippjoueirbts cojrup* mcdu tion $ ftotoaruneffe; namelp5tbat be is utterly contrary to tbe enne to tobtebbe toas createn of (fott^to tbeojuer of tbetobole £&o?ln, to tbe toetfare of all spanfcinue , ann to btS otone beneff te: 1 et us bentefojtb coftuer from tobence ann from tobat tpme tbis mifcijief map baue befabte btm, ann toljat map baue bene tbe caufetbereof* Certefle,if toe fap it came of (Sou ann tbat be ban it of bis creation toe blafpbeme (Sou t©t© gcolfelp % if o? (Sou is g©n,anu tbe uerp gcouneffe it feife:ann tberfoje be cannot baue mane anp tbtnrj euilU llfo it appeared) tbjougbout tbetob&le gouertroiet of tbe toojln, tbat be is tbe mapfter ant* maintepner of ojuer*9nn tberefo?e botu is it poflibie tbat be (bouln make tbt little toojlu ( nameip man) ta bz a mouln of confufion ann nifo?ner? &gapne,no otber tbing tban $is otone glojie ann tbe Welfare of man^moueu btm to create man; ann pet man beemg m cafe as bee is , fo?beavetb not ta blafpbeme mitb tbe ruft in tbepjon ; but tljey come in front elftubere ♦ |2euertbelefre,tbe man tbat neuer ujanfce otber njinke tban SJtnege^Uioulu tbinfc it to be tbe naturall fap ann tafte of tbe ©rape ♦ 3nn toeelftetoifetoba neuer felt otber in ourfelues tban cojruptiou,ann are fyefc ann bjougbt up in narknelfe Ifte tbe Cim« merians, tooulnbeare ourfelueg on l;an^5tbat ®©D ess tbecaufe ann autbo? tbereof* jf5ota5lettJsi tabtcb baitetalle^botb tbe SLIme ann tbe CJmeger, runge t»bat maner of creatures toetttap baue bin in our ftrtt creationrm nomg toijereof tbere te pet notittttbUanning tbts( great nifference 5 tbat tbe palat of our bontlp moutb is able ta uifcemc tbe ftoeete fro tbe fotoer;but tbe palat o? tafle of our foule, is bnable to no eptber of tbcm boti)',tbt ou^becaufe corruption can not iunge of cleanneffej, mtn tbe otl;er3 becaufe it eannot iunge toell of mans co- 3 04 OF T ft E TRBWNI9 nf it felfe^n ZZXm ano tlineger tot oifcernea liquid nature come mon to than botb : but as concerning tbeir qualities,^ SEtine is ftoeete, toaime > ano frienolp to nature ; lubereas tbe integer fa (barpe5col&,ano cojrofiuetpea ano tfje berp colours of tljem are m* like one anotfterXo fcere ttoo tying* bcterlp contrarp;an&pet not* tottbtf attring , tbe Clineger is notbing els but 2£ime altereo from bis nature* 3no becaufc toe baue feene tbe one as toelas t^e otljer; toe toill neuer bee maoe to beteue, tfjat tbe OJincger toas Olinegec from tlje berp (DrapeXet bs tuoge of our Joules tottfj like ntfere* tion ♦ Wit finoe tijere a fpiritttall nature,immatertatf ano immo?* tail ; anu tfjat it tbe onelp remapnoer of ber firft ojigtnall^ut pet tbfa Spirit of our* fa fojetoarti to nothing but eufll, no? mdpnea to anp otber tbau bace ano tranfitojte tbings ♦ 3jt clingetb to tfyt eartb,ano 191 a bonoflaue to tbe boop^o be fijo?t,m tteao of ftphtg fcp,it crauletb 31 toote not boto^contrarp to tfje nature of a fepint, tobicb mounted bp on Ijigb, ano cannot bee ffmt tip mtljefebple ano ojolfie tfjings^erefoje it mult naoes bee fapo,tl;at tljfa tta* ture of ours toas not fo of nature? it oepartea not fucb as it noto it from rtje ijano of t&e toojftmapfter : but contrarptoife, gooo, fra*, jure^ano moetoea totth farre otljer qualities t&an it Ijatb nolo : fo j aoto it fa ftcpneo toitf) naugljtineire, bonoage of finne3ano cojrup* tmn, jftap mill fome man fap , feeing it toas rreateo cl&re from all rojruptio3 tobo toas able to corrupt it as tot (tt it to be noto ? nature bao no potter oua* iu jftaeos tytn muff tbe mafcer of nature btmfelfe 3 b^ue giuen a potoer to tbefe tbtngjj aboue tbeir nature , tobcrebp tbep migbt p?euaple agapnll tlje na* ture of tbe <§>oule-, tbe ooing tobereof furelp coulo not but baue bin tigbtfull in bim,conlioeringtbat be is tbetjerp rigbtuoufnelTe it felfe* jfo? 3Iul!ice lapetb not anp puniO)ment,buttub^te fome fault a? offence Ijatb gone afoie^bcrefoie it muft noeoes bee fapo3 tbat man bao committeo fome beprams crime agamftbfa maker,\i)ber= 5jpon fucb pettaltie ann bouoagettere appopnteo iufflp bnto %inu anu tI;erefo?e let W ftp3tljat tl;e ^oule of man being tl;e firft cor- rupter OF CHRISTIAN RELIGION. 305 ittptet of it fefcofo of it otone accojo banilb atoap as ffiHinetumetti in it felfe ana of it felf into Qinegentoljereas if tlje feouleljan fjtlti ber felfe in atoe ano bmier couerture^na Ijau reften oil \)tx Lees a?s ts fapo of mint ; tl;at is to fap,if 0je ijan abtonen tte&faff in beljol* aing Ijcr manker,tuttbout feektng ber toelfare m ber felfofye migbt &aue continues iittcrlp bncojrupten ftill ♦ 9na agapne,tl)at by tur* uing fo atoap from (S©D to Ijer felfe,(be offenses Ijer maker.,att& foment t&e gracious giftes toljicb (be Ijao recepueo of \)imft\)ttc* Upon follotoeo tl;e curfe of t&e Creatokano tfte fentence of W iutt fcijatb bppon &i* creature -, t»beretb?ougb tt came to paffe^tljat tfje fame toas not onelp bereft of all t&e grace tofceretoitlj it t»as reple* ttiften by be&ofoing it felfe in fcim,but alfo toas maae an bnoerling ta tfje felfefame tbings tuljicfr toere maoe to &aue none it feruice* Jfloto toljat tfcis fitme toas, toee cannot better bnberftamr,tl)an by *&e puniftment tfrereof*,f oj pumfljment ano finne l;aue a mutual! refped one ta anorijer,as a foje aim a falue>ano map after a fojt be fmoiune tbe one by tty otber* ©juer tooulo tfcat our lute fyoulo o* iiep D; tljat ubiects , ttjat tbeir otone feruaunts ann bnserlmgs alfo no kicke ami fpume agapnl! tbem*9nu mo^eouer, teeing tbat man not onlp ftrtnetb all maner of mifi^iefe ans mtfFo^tune in l)imfetfe5 fiut is alfo fo blpnn as to feeke bis klkitit in tfje mp?e 5 ano in tbe iurtte sungbils of tfjis toojto; it is a token tljat be fougbt bis bap^ pinefle in f)imfelf,anb eltobere tban in (Son ? Zo bee fibo&toa bet ftr&entn m Spaules toit^ ignorance of tbe things t^at are moil U iiccufuU $o6 O'* THE TREWNES tiaufufl for b<* ; ana ut our boutes toitb continuall infirmttiesf 5 aim finally toitlj t*eatlj:anu rfjat ia becaufc toe Ijaue bene curious m fee* fang trtfeiing tbingg,ag not contented toitij tbeiellbn tijat 63DD ban giuen bs ; ami toouto n&seg baue mane our felues immortal!, botobeit not bp tbe euerlafting potocr of <£>ot!0 quickening fpirit, but bp tlje forbitmen bfe of tratiKtojte tbtngfc , pea mzn tobtcb baa no life in tljem* Cbus fee toe noto toijereof tbe corruption of man* kpna te come , nameip euen of our otone tranfgteffiottj ana of tbe pum'tfjment tbat follotoeti bpon tbe fame* How long ago 35ut it fe bemaunneu ofU0 pet further, boto long it fe ago (Inee corruption & tbfe befell* 3if toce !jat> efppeo tljis corruption in bs b»tftom fome camcintoma. certepne l;unu>eu peered ijence,- it toere not foj btf tofeekeanp fur* tberfor it* 13ut letbgljofoonourcourfebp tbe ftreame of Span* kpnu euen to tije Wx\tx$ fteati , anu toee (ball finoe it (till aitoaies foule anu muuupjann toe fijalftom age to age beare tbefe outcrpes mtn among tbe be(!3I loue well the good,but I cannot doe it; anu(to bee fijort) that man is inclyncd to doe euill,and fubieel: to receyue euill*, luljtcl) are in one toor& botb tije fault ana tbe pu* niffjment* 3gapne,toere it but in fome boufebotos,or but in fom* Jftationg onlp , men baottln not If icfee to farmer tbe fault bppon tbe Clpmate ami tije &op!e, o? bppon tije mifteaebmg or roiferampte of tije l|3arentg3ut tofon toe fee tijat in tijat refpect airmen are in one felfefame taking, aftoeil tbe men ofoln tpme ag tije men of out baieg , fautng tbat finne increafetb continually , a$ toell bnber tije Cquinoctiall Ipne ag bettoeene botb tije 'Cropickg , ano ag toell on tlje furtijer fine as on tbe b*tljer Goe of tijem,fauing tbat fome take more papne to keepe it from figbt tlja otljer£,anti tijat tljofe toijiclj baue moff toit are too&rffjforafmucb a$ 31 baue alrea&ie fufficientlp proue& tije creation of tije toorto ano of tije firftmamtoee be &rtuen to mount bp agapneto tije fame man, ann to fap tbat agijeitfrtje tmtt of our offpjing , fo td be aifo tije toeifpjing of tbi^ corruption tobicb reignetij in \j$>ti& in toljom ota* toijole race tuasf botlj atteiu< ten tnttij &tne,anti attacijeu toitb puniibment* 3In tiji^ beijalfe it i$ not fo^ b£ to pleatie againll z g>oule isf corrupten in all mankpnn : £0^bo te To corrupteo tijat ije feeietij it not?^b^ corruption cannot procrien from tbe Creator*jTor toijen $to euer pureneffepoelo fortb corruptt5?Ebe otber creatures coulu not ^aue Befiiea iu $0} toijat matet^ a tying bndeane, but tbc ta< King OF CHRISTIAN RELIGION. 307 fuiKj uf uncleannefle unto tc ? ana tobat cattfetfc tbe taking of bn* cleamtefife bnto tt^ut tbe tourfjing tbereoftano tobat toucbing one af anotber can tbere be bettoeene a Spirit ano a 'Booie':^ t remap* itctb i\)ttfo}t tbat our Soulc cojrupteo tc felfbp forking &er oue* tie3eptber of ber otone accoiD , oj bp tfje admitting bnto it of fome imckeo Spirit , tbat fe to ftp lip perftoafion of tbat Spirit, Mjtrfj perftoafiou is* unto Spirits' a as tourijrng is unto booted ♦ 3no a* gapne^ t\& co?uption is from all tpme : tben corner it not of trap* iting,9no in all JRation&tljen corned it not of Conftellation+3n& in all ages,botl) olo poung ana mfoole fo?t: tben corner tt not of U mitation ^ jejampletalung^berefoje tt mutf \\mt$ pjocotf botlj from one onlp man, ano from tbe firftcreateo man , tobo turner a* toap from e continual! spanflaugbtcrs, 2Ubo?eoomes3 ©uples, Kauifbments, aim WLmmZn* toben 31 fap Wme$> 31 tfjmkc tbat in tbat too?&e 31 compjebenB all tbe The Confci. mifefjief tbat can be imagines 3n& t^ae tljefe bpces toere not crea* ten in mans nature , but are crept into it -, it appearetb fuffictentlp bp tlje bcofces of rfje Ceremonies of aJ Bations5afl tobofe Cburcfc feruices are nothing but Sacrificed , tbat is to fap, open p^tefta* ttou^e botb eueuing ami mo?ning>tbat toe Jjaue offthbea G^oo, aim ougbt to bee facrift^eo aim ffapne fo? our offences stroking to out uefarts , in fteab of t&e fillie ^eaffes tfjac are offtreo bnto bim foj bS*!£)ati man bene createo toitb bpee htbim, lie tyoufti baue ban no confeience of flnne no? repentance fo? it* tfo} repentance p?efuppo* fetlj a fault, ano confeience mifgiuetb tbe infetoing of puniibment fo? tbe fame^no tljerecan be neitber fault no? pumfbment in tbat tobicb tss Done accoj&ing to creation , but onelp in ana fo? our tfe* ningatoap from creation* Jf2oto,tbe C&urcljferutreano Ceremo- ttiesofallBationS, uoetoitneirebnto bsacertepnefojtbinfcing ano remote of itnne againft ®ot»*3tm fo tbep toitnefle altogether a fojefeelmg ofbis to?atfr,tofjicb cannot bee funaleo againff nature tobiclj be bimfelfe createir,but againff tlje faultmelft ano ttrikttrolp* iteffetfjat are in nature* 3lfo tobat els are tlje great number of Latoes among bs , but autljenticaH Kegiff ers of our cojruption^atm tobat are t\yt mm* foto Commentaries bitten bppon tbem, but a btrp corruption of tbe Latoes tbemfelucs *: 3no tobat ooe tbep toitnetTebtito bs,but u$ tfje multitude of pbifitions ootb in a Ct'tie ; namelp3tbe multu tu&es of our otfeafes-, tbat is to toit,tbe fc?es aim botcbes tobf reta our Joules arefubiect , men to t^z marring anu popfoning af tbe bcrp plapfters tfjemfelues^game^tobat ase tbepunifbments be^ to?ap tnbicb toe baut o?uepneo fo? our felues, but tbat toee cbaftifc tn i3S,not tbat tobicb @©D batb maue 0? to?ougbt in b^but tbat tobicb toee our fclues %tmt bnoone 0? tottojougbfcno? tl;r nature it feife,but tbe oiffiguring of nature*: ^5\xt pet toijen toe confioer tbat among all j3ation$ , tbat latomaKer is Mwm ano fbllotoen bp ana bp, tobicb faptlj^btJuftaltnotM^tbou (baft not ffeale3tbtut ftalt not beare faUe toitneife^ to^era^ great perftoaSon is requires BS OF CHRISTIAN RELIGION. JCp to all oft er latoes tobift ate not To naturalist mult na&es be con* t luueo , ftat fte Conferences of all men are perftoaoea of ftem* felues,ftat fte fame is fitme3antr ftat fiune ocferueft pumtbment; ftat is to tmt,ftat Knne is in natus&but not nature it feffe* But to omit fte bolp <§>ctipture3tobifttS nofting els but a JLafegglaflfe to (betoe bs our fpots aim blcmtftc^ ; toljat are all fte g>ft©les of The 0 . iol| tbelpbitofopbets5but inttructions of fte&oule4: 3no toljatels is ofthe Aund- jebifofopbie it felfe, but an arte of (jealing fte g>oule,toftereof fte cm Phiiofo, firft precept is ftis fo greatlp renotomeo one,know thy felfe ? A- Ph«s- riftotle m fcis goalies, fbetoeft ftat fte affections muft be rule* ArUtotlc- bpteafon > auo our mpmi bee tyougbt from fte extremes into tlje meanes,ano from iarting into rigbt tune ♦ flBljift is a token ftac our mpno is out of tune znm of it oume accoja , feeing tftac it n&* Betl) fo man? precepts to fet it in tune agapne^no pet is not Ari- flotle fo pjefumptuous as to fap^ftat euer &e b?oug^t it to paflfe i\x Sits otone mpntu Theophraft bis Difciple toas toomt to fap, ftat rhcophrak tlje oule papo toel fo? bet Duelling in fte bom'e,confitoering bola muft it fuffereo at fte bom'es fjana* 3n& foftat els toas ftis,but aix acfmotoleogement of tbe Debate bettoome fte booie ano fte mpno? But(as raprij Plutarke) Ije fyouto rafter &aue fapo,ftat fte borne tiaft gcou caufe to complapne, of fte turmoples, tobtft fo irfcfome ano troublefome a gueft p jocureft bnto l)im ♦ Plato toljo toent a* piat0 jn ^ foje ftem,fatoe moje cl&rlp ftan botb of ftetm Jpe connemnetb e-- phcdrui. tierptobere tbe companie ano fellotoibip of fte boop toitb tlje foule, ano pet be eontiemneft not tbe Uiojftmanfl;ip of <£oa ♦ But Ije teas fteft bS ftat tlje feoulc is noln in tb is booie as in a p jtfon , o? ra^ tijer as in a Caue 0} a graue* 3no tbat is becaufe lie perceiueb euf* nentlp,tl;at contrarie to tbe ojner of nature,t^e &oule i^ fubiect ta tbeboniejitottoitbttanning tbat naturallp itftoultianocancomi mantan it ♦ ^Lbe fame Plato faptl; furtljer,tbat tbe @>oule erapet^ bacelp bpon ftefelotoer tbings, attti t^at it is tpe& to tbe matter of tbe botiie:tbc caufe thereof be afftnttetfj to be,tbat Ibe baft b?ofeen 6er toings tobicb fi)e bati afo^e^is meaning t\)m is3tljat tlje foule of bet oume nature is toingeti anu flpetlj bptoaro^tljat is to fap, is of a beauflp » amine nature, tobt'eb toings (be Ijatb loft b^ meanes of fome fall * But to get out of rtjefebonns 5 anu to recouer bn toings 3 ft e remeuie ftat Plato giueft bet, ts to auuaunce ber felfe totoaius ©on, ano to fte ftfngs tbat concente fte mpno ♦ Bp fte remeote tue map coniectttre tobat be t©ke fte aifeafe to be-,namelp, ftat our gpouleljauing bin auuaunceobp 6on to a notable a ignis as tie, Empedodes and Pythago- ras. Philolaus. ^herecydes al- lcdged by Orr wen againft Cellus. Hermes in his £<£mander. 3IO OF THE T R E W N E S tie, tlje toljtclj ft migbt Ijaue kept ftill bp (hefting bttto (Son ; fell to gating at Ijer gap featljers^tilllbe fell beanlong into tljefe tranttto* rte tbings, among tlje tofjtclj (be ct#petlj nolu like a fillte tocojme, retepmng nothing as noto ofijer birnltfte nature>faue onelp a roto* 0ng ofijer featljcrgf ami a bapnc flapping of Ijer toings ♦ jftoto be ftptlj tbatljelearneo all tbis of a fecret £>?acle?tbetoljicb be Ijan m great rcuerence ♦ 3nn of a truetb3in tbis noctrine of tbe ojiginall of out: cojruption,tr)ee baueto marfte tlje fame popnt tobicb toeeljaue noteo in fome otbec tljtngS afoje; namelp,tbat tbe neerer toee come to tlje ftrft tuojln^lje mojc dare ann mantfeft toe finne tlje matter*, Empedocles aun Pythagoras taugljt tbat tbe g>otdes tofjt'rfj Ijan olfennen ©on , tuere conoemnen ann banifljen into Homes bere be* lotoe 1 3nn Philolaus tbe Pythagorian annetb3tljat tljep recepuen tljat opinion from tlje Diuines ann pjopbets of olo tpme* %\)tix. meaning is,tbat tbe bonp,toljicb ougbt to be tbe boufe of tbe foule, tS by ©ons iutt iungemet turnen into apjifon to it-, ann tljat toljicb tuas giuen it foj an inftrument , is become Spanicles ann Stocks* g>o t|en 5 tbere is botb a fault ann tlje punifbment : ana tlje fault jnuft neenes pjoceeoe from one firff man , zuzn in t^e iungement of ibofe men of oloe tpme, tofjtclj aclmotolengeo tfyt Creation of tlje toojln t aifo rljofe auncient fathers feeme to baue beam tobat p?o* uoften tbe firft man to finnr ♦ ifo? Homer fpeafcetb of a ©onneflTe toljomlje called) Ate,(tljat is to fap Wafte,Lofle,o? Deftru<5Hon) tobiclj troublen beaueu,ann tberefoje toas caft notone to tbe eartb, toljere (be Ijatlj euer Rncz troublen $panfcpnn*9nn berebpon Euri- pides calletlj tbe iFeenneS 3?e*vo7rer«e>tbat is to fap3 Falne from Heauen.3n& tlje iEgiptians5tobo bee of moft tmtitimtie, bim anB taugbt t\)t fame in tyzix 9g)ifferics*31t is a m&tlp tizzxz (baootoe of tbat luljiclj w reane in tlje Scripture concerm'ng tlje fall of tlje tie* utll^fcoljerefcnto be u^euae manftpuo aftertoarn b^ Ijis temptations* Tftut )$bM %$ Pherecydes tlje Syrian agreeing tljerein toitb Sibil, telletlj bs C]cp?eflp tljat tljis Deuill toljicb Ijatfj marreo ano aeftro; pen tlje luljole eartb bas a Serpent, (tobom be calletb oQioyivn 0? ocpjoviov, tbat is to lap , Snakebread 0} Adderbread, ) toljicb ar- metb men b^ toljole trcopes againft ©on: toe bp gatljering al tljefe teftimom'es togctljer,lball baue tlje tobole ftojie of tbe fall of mam Hermes being auncienter tban alltljefe,notlj plainlp acfenotolcnge tbe corruption of man, pea ann tljat fo farre, as to fap tbat tbere ijJ notljing but euill in ns, 9 tf)& tljere is no toap fo? bs to loue ©on, but bp Ijating our feIue&3too to feerge bS from accuRng tfje Crea= toj OF CHRISTIAN RELIGION. 3 TI to?,The workmaifrer(faptb be to rut off all quarclimgjis not the procurer of the ruft , neytheris the Creator the author of the filth and vncleannefle that is in vs. ©n toljom tl;en (ball toee fa* t|>cr tbe caufe tberof?God(faptb be)crcated man after his owne likenefle , and gaue him all things to vfe . But man in Head of flaying vppon the beholding of his father, would needes bee mcdling and doing fomewhat of himfelfc,and fo fel from the heauenly contemplation into the Sphere of Elements or of Generation. And becaufe he had power ouer al things,he be>- gan to fall in loue with himfelfe , and in gazing vpon himfelf, to wpnder at himfelf- whereby he fointanglcd himfelfe, that he became a bondflaue to his bodie, whereas he was free and at libertie afore, jftoto fee mtangletb tf)i$ trued) tottb W accuffo* meo fpeculattong ♦ 15ut yet tobat i$ tf)i$ m effect, but tbat tbe firft man bemg pjouo of tbe grace tobtel) be ban recepuetJ3tyotoiteft t)tm felfe m tbe loue of rjtmfeffe 5 toljereas be migfct baue Itueo etterla? tttnglp by inmfcmg (till of tbe loue of ?acle$,be betoapletij tlje race of spanfepnft m tbefe toojOSu Alas alas,the Earth mourneth euen vnto Children/ tobicb tooj&si cannot be otljertoife interpje* tea tban of o^ginall finne, tobicb batbpaiTeo from trje firlt man in* to all bfe offpjing ; after tobicb maner trje Cabaliftes ana namely Ofias tbe Chaldian interpret tt>, tobereftnto Gemiftus tbe Plato- Gemiftu* nift fe not repugnant „ ami ag toucbing ^t original* of tijtsf tm6 ri)ief,be oenpetb tn tbefe too?DS tbat it came of creation;The thing that is vnperfe(5t(faptb be)cannot proceede of the Creator, jftoto tbat toe be come as it toere ftp tbe ftreame to tbe firft man Adam bp tobomdnne entereft into tlje too?lo5anft bp Gnne5fteatlj: Jet fts fee beceftntb tobat tbe opinion of tbe Pbilofopbers batb bm, dice tbecomming of tbe fecono man 3!efus €l))ift. SOebauea Itctleboofeeof oneHieroclesaStoick, ftppon tbegotoen fapinga HwociesAc of Pythagoras 5 tobicb (ball anftoerbotb fo? tbe Pythagorifts an* aS fojtbCMoiks.Man (fapetljbe) is of his owne motion inclyned to follow the euill and to leauethe good. There is a certein ftryfe bred in his affedions,which fteppin g vp ageinft the will of Nature, hath made it to tumble from Heauen to Hell , by undertaking to fight ageinft God. He hath a free will which he abufeth,bending himfelf wholy to incounter theLawesof God:and this freedum itfelfis nothing elfe but a willingnefife V 4 to JT1 OF THE TREWNES to admit that which is not good,rather than otherwife. Sftfoat els is tbis,but as tbe Ijolp fcrtpture faietlj,tljat al tlje imagination* of manes Ijart arc altogttbcr continetuallp bent to militant) tobicfc toce&aplpbtfputeof, namelp tljat our free&ome isfnujamifcne* toaro unto euill, but lame ano laOeimto oooing \m\i *t 3lf pee af he fcimtlje caufetljereof, Let vs not blafpheme for all that, (fapetfo \)Z ) nor fay that God is the author of our (innes : but rather that man is of his owne accord become vntoward ; and that whenfoeuer we fall into finne , we do that which is in vs , but not which was in vs from God. ipototljenfljnll toe make tljcfe pjopofittons of Ijis to agree ; namelp tljat 0od crcaten man ; tljat mantefrotoarfc anacojrupteti;an&pec tljat ©overeaten not man fwef) a one : unlefle toe fap tftat (Sou creates man poo,ano t^ac aftertoara man oegenerateo from (jig nature ^utitia tbeberp tljing hereunto be eommetfc ofljtmfelf* Ambition (faptlj Ije ) is our bane ; and this mifcheefe haue wee of ourfclues, bycaufc we be gone away from God,and do giue ourfelues to earthly things,whichmake vs to forget God. 9nU tljat tbis miftljeef ic tomon to all mankpno , be confefletfc fufficientlp in tljat be gmetfc as an bm'uerfall reme&ie t^at is to toit Heligiom the which alon- ly is able(fapetlj Ije) to rid vs from earthly ignorance, without the riddance whereof, we can neuer come agein to our forme r fhape , and to the lykenes of our ky nd , which was to be lyke vnto God.jftoto tf all tlje tofoole kpno be oefileo as be fapetlj it 10; furelp toe mud reftnt backc to one fir a fatljer, fro toljcm it is fujea Kuwrkc in his out into t|je reft bp naturall jjeneratiomPlutarke Opting of flpo* bookc of Mo- rai[ fcertue,ftmjctlj it a toerp (Jara matter to make our affection fufo •al hCrbUC,k nd *ect t0 r cafon>att^ 1&C b*t otoient to ttje fpirit* 9m> be w ^tuett o( the n^tuaii to maruell greatlp, €bat our fete fijoulo be fo reaup to 5 oe 0? too louc hetwecne ttano Bill toljenfoeuer Keafon Icojenetfc o> pulletlj backe tbe #?p* Parents and tile ; dtto tbat on tlje contrarie part > our affections ffjo tilu carrp b* dwir children. atoap f0 jjca&long fojt all t&e retire nit tljat toee can make* 9lfo bee Bettys hauc ftwtotb it Grange, tbat in our aifcourfe* of t&e greateft mattery Reafon. a* of JLouc,of tfjc b?tnginrc W ofourCbiltnen,anoof fur!jlike,tot be tyiuen to take tbe bjute beaffeg fo? our 3!ut>jr^0,ae; tobo tooufte fap tljat nature tjao ftampeo no p?int of tbem in our felues $ 9n& tie finnetb bimfelf fo fo?e crraueleo in Ijis confioeratton ,tbat be p?c* ferretb tlje b?ute beaffes before to in all tljings/aumg in tbe capa* titie toljtclj toee Ijau c to know (Son ; bn&oubteblp as percciuing a continual! following of rtjeir kinoin aHof t^m, to^rag wwtm* OP CHRISTIAN RELIGION. 3I3 fptbereiscontraritoffe fucbantonfetolpana ^aflaralpjiSature, t\)V not turn tlje belt of fcsbaue anptobit of our former nature re* mapning in us, fauingonelp ftame tbat w bane it no mo^e* 3no tbis&erp gift of knotting; ©on tobicb remapnetlj to man , graue« letlj Plutarke moje tban ail tlje relf *Man (faietb be) is a reafona- ble Creature; God hath fet him in the world to be ferued & honored of him, and he hath made him to be borne to com- mon ciuill Societic. Whereof commcth it then that in his do- ings he is more vnreafonable , more contrarie to Gods will, and more againft the Lawe of Nature , then the very brute beaftes? 3|tubispcrplejtitie, one topple be faitb tljat man Ija&re* reiuet> fapje ana fount) &eeue, but tljat be cojruptea tt aftcrtoarfc: Snotbertobtle l;cc faptlj tljat be t»elt toitlj reafon as perfumers sec toitlj Oplcjaf, tobiebneucreeaflfe mealing ana mingling of tbcntj till tbereremapne no fent of £)plc at all : 3nD in one place , per* ceiuing(bp all likeltboa) tljts corruption to be fo lwiuerfal:be faitlj furtber , tbat at tbe berp beginning ano from tljeir firft camming into tbe 3tfto?lt>e,men tntangleo an* confounoeo tl;emfelues toutfe finne* flBberebp toe mapperceiue , tbat Ijao tbe tbing bin occlareB tsco bim in fuel; fojt as voce bcteu c it ; furelp bee tooulo twllinglp feaue imbjaceo ana receiuea it, as tbe onlp folution of fo manp per* plenties tuber ein be toas in tangle*. ice us come to tbe Platonifts,3ll of ttjem agree in tbefe points ©bat tbe feoule of 90an is a fpirit ; ano tbat a fpirit cannot nam* rallp receiue anp affection from a bot>p,ncitfrer tubieb map caufe it to perifb, no} tuljicb map &oc fo much as once trouble it. get not- tutcfcttan&fcg, ontoljtdjftDefo euer tljep turne tljcmfelues, tljep cannot ocnp but tbat our mpno s are trubbleo toitb infinite affecti* tm ano paffions in tbis boap,anb tljat tljep be fubiect one toljilc to Bartingbefiuestbcmfelues tbjougljpjp&Mngerojtenuie* an ano* tljer Mobile to be call ootone uutb Etfottcmfncs , ©luttome, ana 3!* rtenes; pea ano to receiue Diners impjeflions not onlp from tbe So- ftp ,but alfo from tbe aire, tbe toatcr, ana from 89ii!es,ana finallp from eucrp little tljing in tlje ujojla* J3otoboto can tbis contraries tie be reconcilea5cjtcept tbctr meaning be as ours is.tljat natural* Ip onr Joules are not fubtctf to anp of tbefe tW%*> but tbat t^ bee put in fubiection to tljem bepona tlje f ourfe of nature *; 3if it bee fcepona tbe courfe of nature ; b^ ujbome is it Done, but bp bim tbat tommaunaetb naturcto tobome it is as cade to put a fpirit in W fon^jsto lotjge a man in a fcoufe * 31f it be Done b^ tyro fc&° i« *te rigfjtu* 314 OF THE TREWNES rtgbtuoufncjs it fclfe \ aotb it not folloUie tbat it toas foj fome fault committer) bp tbe feoule *: 3!f foj fome fault •, tljtn feeing ti;at tbe pumtyment tljcrcof is in ail men , in tobome (boulo tbat fit tt fault tc,bu 1 1 u tljac man U)fticij U)as t be o?t'3 inall of all men,a0 m UJljom all ofus ( lap 3i ) tuere materially 1 jftoto againc,tbis fault cannot btc imputeD to tbe botip, foj it is iH tlje lutll, ano tlje bobp of it fclfe Ijatb no twill : neither can it be imputes to anp tmfettion recciueo fitft from tbe boup; foj tbe feoule couto not be tojougbt into bp tbe boDp*3in tbe @>ouletljerefo?e muff tlje fault ofmanhuumeebes be, ano foj tbe foulcs offence &otb tlje <§>oule itfelf fuffer punitymcnc, ana make tbe bobp alfo to fuffer toitlj Ijer, ■ 8poU)beit,tbat toe map tbe better iubgeofrtjeir optntons,let to* beare tljem in tbe cbief of tbem one after another, Plotine bauing conOoereb tljat tlje £>oulc ts cf nature biuine, beaucnlp, anbfpiru tuall ; concluaetlj tbat of itfelfe it is not lojougbtinto bp tlje bob?* Piotin:Enn.3. xut afteraarb perceiuing Ijoto it is befilcDiOuermaiflreb bp fixmt: Alfo Enn i anl1 b? fo?ce of wc*e M**** ^nt0 ,utt5 &* c°ronietlj bacfee to t|ii^ iib.6 CapY. folution, ^Ijat bit beeing bere beneath is but a baniftment tco ber, Alfo Enn. i. tobic& Ije tetmetlj ej;pjeflp a fall,anu ocljerto>ife(asPato &otlj)a loc iib.8.caP.i4. fingofbittoings:€:i;attljebertueti3ljicljlbebatlj, is bmaWLtim* & Enn.6.iib.9 nant n^lx f0?mcr natttre, ^at tbe bpee tobiebflje batb, is taken . bp Healing bp tbefe bace anti tranfitojietljtngs: anu too bee Q>Q)t3 tbat al tljeuertuetobicb is learner*, is but a purging of tbe bottle, lubicb «tutt be fapne to be as it toere netafurbidie&jto fcotire of tbe . greate Kuff tbat batb oucrgrotoen it* 3ln tbefe Contra&idion* Im ca i *&erefoje tot mafcetlj tbis queftton to bimfelfe : What Aiould bee ap,!' thecaufc (faptljljee) that our Soules being of a diuine nature, Ihould Co forget both God their father,and their kinred, and themfelues ? Surely (anftueretb be) the beginning of this miC cheef,was a certeine raihnes &ouerboldnefle,wherethrough they would needes plucke their neckes out of the collar, and be at their owne commaundement ; by which abufe turning their libertie into licentioufnes3they went cleane backe , and are fo farre gone away from GOD, that(like Children which being newly weaned , are byanby conueyed away from their Fathers and Moothers,they knowe neither whofe , nor what they be,nor from whence they came, jftoto in tbefe toojDs be a* greetb tottb our Diuines5notonlp m tbis,|> coemption came in bp Horin. Enn.i . fin^ut a*fo ™ $ WnIJ of finne,namelp l£jp&e,toberbp toe be turneu ^b.s.cap.^ . ' atoap fro our ^ahert3i« onotfper place,Thc Soule(faitI; be) which was OF CHRISTIAN RELIGION. 1JI$ was bred for heauenly things , hath plundged itfelfe in thefe jnateriall things,and matter of itfelfe is fo euill^that not onely all that is of matter or matched with matter , but alfo euen that which hath refped vnto matterjs filled witheuill,as the eye that beholdethdarknes is filled with darknes.fiperepefe, not onelp from tobence w beturneb atoap,but alfo tco tobat : tbat fa tco toit, from @ob, to Canute, from tlje Creatoj to tbe creature, from goon to enili* 15ut of tljis inclpning to tbe matcriall things be fometpmes maftetlj tfje bobp to be tlje autljo?,as tljougb tlje bo* plotIll Enn ^ Dp Ijao caries tlje @>ou!e atoap by fojee of bis imaginations^ anb be ub. 5 cap. 5 •! accjuittetbtbe mpnoe|bereof as mneb as tie can, infomucb as bee fitckctt not to affirimr ; clj^c nottmtljffanbingaiubismarrebneffe, pet tbe <§>oule ItuAfc anfl afctoetb pure anb cieane in 45ab,pea cuen ^,nn3 Xih^ &bple tbe &oule(ttibereof tlje fl&pno is as pee tooulb fap tbe berp Cap ** eitlsbt 0? apple oftbeepe)fctoelletb intbisbobp^potobeitjbefioes e^ac be is repjoueo foj it bp Porphyrius , Proclus anb others ; bis otone reafons toljerebp be pjouetlj tbat tbe Soule is not naturally fubtectto tbe boop,befoffrong; tljat it lucre bnpofliblefo?ljim too tbift bimfeif from tljennjn tbis tbe great pbilofopber is ouertbot, tljat be uull neeoes feefcc out tbe caufe of finne in span as span is notoflBljere finbingEeafon carieb atoap by 3!magmation,anb 3« magination oeceiueo by tbe fences ; be tbougbt tlje fault to Ijaue pjoccenco ofcljat; toljeras in oeebe be fboulb ljute fougljt tbe caufe w 8g)an as be toas fir (r createb , toben be Ijab bis fences an* ap- petites abfoiutelp at commaunoement , toljofe toilfull offending |atb bjougljt bppon bs tbe neceCTitie of punilbment tobiclj toe in* Dure* 3no in goon fcotb, tbisfaping of bis in anotber place cannot be interpiettii otljerfe)tfe;namelp tbat tbe caufe tobp tbe&oule inburetlj fo manp trubbles anb patTions in tljis bobp,ts to be taken of tbe life brfjicb is lea afoje out of tbe bobp : tbat is to fap,tbat tbe fubiection of tbe &oufe to tlje 1Bobp is not tfje original! caufe of ibe fimie tberof,but ratber a conoemnation tbereef to punitbment* piotin.Eun r. jScitberalfo can be fcape fro thefe eonclufions of bis oume,name» Hb.s.cap. 1 4- Ip tbat tbe ^oulebeeingfeparateb from tlje bobp, [jatlj bertoings &iid.3.cap.* founb anb perfect : ami tljat tl>e 3£obp being iopneo to tbe g>oufe, Jacb no potter to bjeafee ber torings^nb pet tbattye finbetlj bet felf tberetobetoeafceanbbridjouttoings: except be ljoIbtoitbbs,tbat tbe §>oule batb by tyx fall forgone ber ff rengtb , antr tljat tbe boop bp tbe feeblenes of tbe <§>oule anb tbe fentence of tbe Create?, is Srengtbeneb in b& toeafteneOe i tbat is to m , in fo mud; as tlyz bob? %l6 OFTHETREWKES Iwup (a* J &aue fapbe afo?e) is of a t^oufe become a IpjtTon to t&e &>oule.Co be fl)0?t, graumteg ©000 3!udtce,as be botb -, bee can neuer urnta bimfelfc out of cljia queflion tobicb bebimfelfmaketb; tiamelp U)i;p tbe finnes arc imputes to tl;e oule , feeing ft &otfc tbcm not but by infection of tbe bobp ; wileffe be make tbts infecti- on to be a punt fyment 0 f tl; e fault U)& t clj t Ije Motile ban commit tea aftnemtbeboop* ^5ut Porphyrius , tnbo percepueb tljcfe inconuenienretf, fcatb fpoken moje mttinctlp of tbe matter tban bid Spaptter sib , agra* 5. Auftm iti |ng tottb bim neuertbelelTe irnfyt corruption of man , ana in tbe G^dCiibCf°o cIwnGnS of tbe&oule; Which cleanfiog of th ^oule(faptb &e) Cap.23 .ami is fo ttecdfull a thing , as that it cannot pofsibly bee but that j z. God hath prouided fome vniuerfa! meane of cleanfing man- kynd . How is it pofsible then (faptf) be ) that the fall of the Soule, fhould come of Imagur tion which knitteth the Soule tothebodie , feeingthat the higher things are notdrawne downe by the lower , but contrarywife the lower are drawnc vp by the higher ? Nay rather (faptb f)e)the higher fubitancea come downe in themfelues from vnderftandinginto imagi^ nation , from fpirituall things to bodily things , from high things to lowe things, fro perfect things to vnperfed things. Audwheras by flicking fait vn to God they might haue abid- den nrme , not fo much by their owne ftrength as by his,and might haue liued and wrought as vnder his forme; they bee V h riu ' come to a ^ of themfelues by Hooping to matter. And ther- hb'bookc511 *°re (faVtyty) m thefubftaunces which are inclinable to fuch which fhc- things,there is befalne(as men fay)a (inne,and a certeyne vn- weth how to beleef which is condemned,becaufe they fell in loue with the do the things Creatures,and turned away to them from the Creator.Co be * nwS at ^0?t> ^e comtmt& t0 M* P°Pnt? ^ac $e fafl nfmenis g>ouIe* , i* only by rcafon l&e tlje fall of tbe jF&n&es tfoat it taugbt bp tbe 3letoe$ , ana tbat and vndcrftan- tbjougb tbe fault of tbe toit ana t^e tDtU , tabidf) ije termetb bnbe* ding. jafe en bnfatt&fulne(Te5man fe falne into tlje foHp of concupifcpir e3 Ifd b k **at ** tD fa?5 frDm ^e fal* int0 ^e Pwufljment ftereofjfrom tyz if Abtowncc. tcbelHott of tbe g>oule,into tbe bottbage tbereof to tbe borne* 3nn * yt mud not tbtnfte toee fpeafce contraries toben twee fap,one toljfle tbat man Cimeo bp atwauneing btmfelf ten bigb,anu bv p(? efitmin j to become^g it toere equan \»itb ©00 ; anu anotber tobfle tbat be fmneo bp ittoping uotone to tbefe bate anu lotoe tbmgs* tfo} iu be^ *2 *&>*) *>¥ lifting bp of a man* felfe to ©obtoaru, ifi tl;e true a* v baring OF CHRISTIAN RUIGION. 517 forcing ann foumWingofbimfelfe: fo? toboisb&tbatcmtrigbtlp Icd^c bp to <0ot>, ana make account of fttmfeIfe,o? rather not bee a* baceb m bimfeife ? 3tti to mcipne to a mans felfe,is in berp tructfr a perfuming to mafte bimfeife equall to <&ov,ffoi it is afeefcing cf tbat tbtng in our felues , tobtcb in not to bee founti but in <££DD, namelp of toelfare ann feltcitie; ana tobat els is p?toe3but afelfettt* matton oj an ouertoeemng of a ntans feifitt Produsbotb &?mttarilp call tbe inclpningof our nature bnto z? produscon- tttfl3a nefcenotnj o^iomrning tiotone-,anb t%z corruption thereof, a caning the faH,becaufetbtitg^eatbat our in tbe be> soui«nd con- fcotomg of ©a? i Sn&tb^efeenbing, a©ping,oj camming aotone "Sap^ tbereotys to fall wtq efjmtation of our felues; arnr tbe fall urtottc tb juft &otone0u ihtefltfQbjt&er our felues,like a boap tfcat fallttfc from fan* bigfr place^ut as touching t&e caufe of tbe corruption, Ije fi$eretb it bppon our $ppn&,tbat is to toit, tbe bigbrf* part of jur g>oule;faptng tbat if tbe fame ban continue fount>3an& ftickes fad bnto ©oa, (as faptft Plotin) ft Ijao alfo btto reafon fount! ftffl, tobtcb t$$ tbe ^unbeame tbereof 3 ann ccmfequentlp all our artiontf iboulb bauebene fount) , fo as toee ifwrnla not baue bene fubtect to Cnne^eeing tl;en tljat tfje punilbment in come zum to tbe bigW part0ft»s3tort)icb toe fee combereo toitbfo manp patnons,irimme& toitb ft murt) oarfmeffi^anb nefileu tottb fo manp bpces:fur|lp tije fault p^ocaoea midp from tbence4>eretotto toe migfjt an manp o* tber fapings ; but toee toill content our ftlues as noto toitb onelp Simplicius tbe famous interpreter of Ariftotle. As long as mans KmpBam vp- Soule (faptb be) deaueth faft vnto God the author thereof, it PonEPlto- abydeth found, and holdeth her perfection wherwith (he was created of God :but fall (he once to (hrinking away from him, by and by (lie withereth as hauingloft her roote , and comes to nothing; neyther can (he recouerher former liuelyneffe, except the be reunited agay ne to her former caufe . jftoto pet* cepue toe ruerprbone of bS,tbat our nature in toitberefywa tbere* f ojejet bS fap tbat toe be flippen from our roote, 9m> tbe rote lea* urifa not tbe tyauncljes 3 but contrarptoife tije bjauncbesleauetbe roteAet bs fap tben tbat toe bauebereft ouifeltte* of tbe gracious gartmefle af <£oD5tobo toouto baue maintepnen bs ft iljrfo? to nou* ri(b ana quicken , in tbe popertie ami nature erf tbe rtote ♦ 3In one anlp tbing boe t^z pbifofopbets Differ from bs in tbts bebalfet namelp , tbat t&ep bpljolb all mens Joules to baue Cnneb euerp finew^imfelfe ^ ann toee fnp, ^Ijat fye onelp firftman Cnnen.anti fyzttb? gift OP THE TREVTNES tljcrcbp fjatl) uottnu all l»* totjole offpjing to tbcpumtymtnt. But pet ace Dot!; come baefce agapne to one popnt , teeing tfjat eucn bp djeir otane reafons 31 pjouco tbe creation of tfce luo^ln , tabidj of ncceflitieleaMtljbs to one man tlje father of Wall, fcul;erea$ tlje 13l;iiofopl;eifii Ijang tuauering Hill tyirefoltten in tfjat popnt* Vniucifaii 3moug all people toee fee rijere toere papers to cratte paroon context, fo finne^acriftces to appeafe <0ods to?atl;, autocall toaOnngs, ann 5g>atiffacto?iejai oj Clctamjst tijat luere ebarge&toitlj tfce firaietf of fome tofaleftealme, Citie, o?&tat^9iltljefe(as If! Jjaue fap& aftne)are publick p^oteftattonjS of a publick corruption* Clje Tpfyi* lofopbcts toere foje combereti m finding a uieane to cleanfe Spatt* fcpno from Ijfs ftltkutelTejfome taoulo Ijaue Jmtit b$ tije Sgtojate; fome bp tlje SpatbematicatejanD fome&p^ligibua Ceremonies: but in tlje ena tbcp con&fle tfjat all tbefe rtjings tm Hoe nothing in ft at bdjaUV^bep be ftcles in tfteir remem'es3but toife in oifceming tbe oifeafe ♦ cXJee reane of tl;e people of Affrkke at tbis &ap, (u^c fiee giuen enough to contemplation, ) tfjat tfjep fall into great con- cepts of mpn&,amj are not able to perfttjaoetijmfeiuestijatall tljeir Cburcljferuices are fufficient to make tfjem cleane* 9no tbat is a pjtofe tljat tljep foele a mifdjief toitljiu tfjem3toljere«tto neitbet tlje epa pftlje pbifttion can fee,noj tlje metricine tbat be miniftretij tgfKi3til canatt^pne+9lfotljePerfianstDeretaa)ntto6oltialjoIpoapeuerp of the PcrO^ V*tej*m tteP calleo The Death of vyccs:%\\ tlje toijicb jfeaff, Warres. &? a token of oeuotion, t&ep killer of aH fo^tjs of Serpents $ luplo Mealies ♦ 9Lko aoubtlefTe tljat toas becaufe fyup bao learneo, tfjat man oorij rouertlp carie in bis b^eatt all maner of Beads, £ tobtrfj it bebouetf) bim to kill in Ijimfelfe , arrowing to tins Taping of tfct Platonifts, Qfyat tfje reaaiefl: tuap to returne bnto <&o& , aim cons The generaii ftqyzntlp to a mans ftrff nature,is to ktll Ijis oUme affertions*But hid I °«ca° 1 12 to!;at ^aW ^C ^ t0 rtj3C to^C^ ^ *;aUC ^arlicri IIX ^cfe our &a^ n yes 2* among tbe barbarous Rations of t&e GUeft 31nineS^There came a man into their Cbuntrey (fap tfytv') which called himfelf the Son ne of the Sonne, who by his word and power replenifhed the Land with men and women whom hee created,and gatie them great abundance of fruits. CCtijo &otb not berebppon call bp ann bp to^cmemb^ance tlje citation of man ano tooman in tfje Scripture, ioljcre 000 faptlj into tljem , Increafe and multiply and fill the earth,I hauegiuen youal hearb bearing feede,and all trees bearing fruite,an0 fo fo^tlj<;But(faptb 1 tbebookeof tljett JDiuinitie) becaufe fome men prouoked his difpleafure, he af- terward OF CHRISTIAN RELIGION. 315? terward chaunged the good foyle which he had giuen them, into dryeand barreyne fands,and bereft them of Rayne,and kft them nothing, but a few riuers to helpe themfelues with- all by their great labour and trauell. WU)V efppetb not Ijcie a* gapne tl)e fimte of man , ©otitf curfe toppon tbe tartly ann namelp tfjefe toojUg > In the fweate of thy browes (lialt thou eate thy bread all the daies of thy life ? 3nU tofjo fijoulo bee ignorant of ©on ^ tu&ai as euen tfjofe Imotoe bim , tobont toee eteue to bee almoft of anotber fepnn tban toe be^ 15ut bete tb^lmcfeeti percepuing tbemfelue£ to toant matter to obie&oa* teplp^po fall tolling again!* ©on* <§>cemg tbat man(fap tbep) finnen tfeougb tficfrft^iU tobicb @®D puc unto Ijtm; I30I0 can ©on be caUen gan^aiii^ giuen man toljeretoitb to {mneV^p tbe fame reafon 31 ftp at otice fo? all,if ©on be gco^tobp Ijatb be inane Span , o) aatptrjingfo? span *: if be fljouln take from tftce all tbat tbou abufeff, 31 pjap tbee toijat (boulo bee left tl^ %\y$ fteafct*: SBbat tjs tl;ere in tb& tbat mafcetb tb& mo jelmreafouable ? 'Cljp; S>enceiBi *t %t\ tobat otber feruice noeft tbou put tbem, tfran to tbe marringof tbp<§>encesft'CbP Congue't I?otomudj mojeeloquet to it in fpeaking eui&Vban in fpeafuug gcoo Y Co bee (bo&tobere fijal tbe goon tbings become tobicb be fjadigiuen tbff foj fte'mam* tenance of tbp bealtb ann life <; j[2ap,on tbe contcarp part?tofncb of tbem tgf it tbat tbou turneft not to tbp ucatl; ann to tbp bane4: jftotor i$ tbefotmoerof tb^mtoblame,tf tljoufeilltbp felftoitb tbetfjingg toitfjout tljetobicb tbou couloeftnotliue ? ©? if tbou become euiK bp tbe tbinga toitbout tbe tobicb tbou coulneft not be goto*: ©£)D Ijatb giuen tljet a toiUjann Hattrjout toill tbou roul^eft' not bee gram Onto totll bee batb annen a gton toit to gupne it t ann toitbout tutt tljou coulnefl not be toife*3lf tbou bz lotb to be eptljer gcon cj toife, itisbutbecattfetbouartlotb tobeearman* Cbp toill toasgtum tb« to lone ©on toitball ♦ j^oto, loue neligbtetb to bee freebarteD; neitber tooulc ©on bee loueo of b$ ajai incbaunteu to it , but frcelp < mx> utterlp bnconareinetj^berfio?e it beijouen tljte twftl to be free^ Iffi^ftiife tbp tote toag giuen t\)& to bebolo ©on toitball, 9ni) ban ^ i^a tbou but onelp tbp g>zntz$ , tobat ijasneft tbmt mo^e (ban tbe 6^ute 3$ea(res ? 9nn if tbou bannel! no moje tban ftep; tDbp toere tbep ann all dje tobole too?lo manefoj tl;ee *x Jf5oto tbeu, M)W) of tbefettoo caitft tbou fintie fault toitb, feeing tljat toitbouttfjem bot^tljou coulnett be neitber gcDn,nojt toife5no no? a man *t Cbou toulneft ftaue bin creates bnclaungeable^otobcit^not a^ a l&otk 1 20 OF THE TREWNES 0} a $(90tmtapne3but a<* a $©am^urelp tbe bncbatmgeabfenefTe of 5^pirit^ , tua$ creates to Depart fcppon tbeir linking tn tottlj tbeit mataXboutoouloeftpcraoucitfurebaucbin an Sngehbut tbere are eucn of tbe angels tbat arc falne;amrae( cftei torn farre bigber tfcan tbou,fo loas tbeir fall moje &aungerou3 tban tbpne*© man, actmotoleoge tbe goaones of tbe Creator in creating tijee gcofc; ami acknotole&ge tbe banitic of tfje creature, lobtcb cannot flans in bis oUme ga>twcfle,but tn tlje goatmefle of tbe Creatoj^ut efpeciaflp afeoueafltbingfli comment) tbou bte gcomteflfeanB mercte, in tbat Ijc batb not onelp reteueo tba in tljp fal!,but alfo u it torn bpljila $# tbat tbou migbteft fad tbe fofter* another tafeetb exception to ©ons 3Iu(TtcK^gf)at 31uftiee fat ic (faptlj bOto punifb a raan fo rigojouflp &j Ibffrtan fffimlrtBap, iabat te mo>e iuft tban nature <; £2%at fe moje naturaH tban tu tunne into uarkne(Te,tobcn a man turned) atoap from fyz fttmnrt £))(*$ Piotin faptb)to impapje ana toe* ttaugbt, to&en a man ae* partetb from tfje fouerepne gatfrtlftut © tbou man tabic!) tbinkeDc thy felf iuflec tban (Son, teljat ptmifljment tooulseft tf)ou appopnt to rijp feonne,not being a babe 0} a pong cbilse^but being come to peered of aifcretton,ans a mangtotoett; not pincbea ana ppnea^but BoUiiag in ad toeaftb s if bpon a biauerie ana luffmeflTe of courage, i;e fnoula aifobep tfjae fo? a tfjing of nothing** %\# fet tbou Adam alfo before tbpne t?t$ uml? come into tbe t»o?ln bp tbe gajsnetTe of tbe Cceato^not ffarfte nafeea,but furoffljea toitf) f toljole toojto to feme bimjnot toHtleflTe,but toitb a pure fount) ana OuifuH mpna; not fubiect to W Iufteg, but able to bolae tljcm in atoe to bis mill, ana patting ty$ toill obeaient to reafom jftofe^tobetber tbou confe i>er W fhxttgjpit rebellion,^ bnfaitbfulne$3ana bis p}iae;oj tobe^ tljer tbou baue an epe to t^t eafinca of abffepning from finne:teljat pumfljmeut unit tbou not a&me bim toojtbie to battel $?ea(fapefftbou) buttoljpbfetbbctbia rigour agamttbt^ cW* u^en $ j^ap rather, fap,tobp ija: be fo mercifull, iul)? it be fo graci* ouei^s to kipe tftem loto in tlxir fatbera; fall3leaft rtjep fboulo faB Cmojegrdeitoudp ] ri^ouglj tbe fame rafljnefTe ^ 'Cboubuilaeita Citit , auo tbe cuffome ie( to beantifie it toitb Ipnuileugesi ♦ after- iDara tljte Citie rebelletb;tf)ou takeft atoap tljeir p?iuflcnm,tbei'r *BeUe0, fteir armour, ano tbeir toeapon^;ann tW pumftment of tljeir Jnfurrertton ertennetb to all tbeir pofteritte, albeit ^ toere but fetoe at tbe beginning , ano gretoe to bee migbtilp mttltiplpen rftrrUjarD ♦ ^(je jjratmting of t^c ipjiuiletigw to t^e firfo toa« a popnt OF CHRISTIAN RltlGION. ^21 popnt of gcotmeflTe ; foj ocftertnife tfcep mig&t gatte bau or cation to complapne of tbaeJlikctotfe it is Suffice to take tbem fo from tb5f anomercie to toitbbolo tbem from tbeirpofferitietobobaue tbe famerebefliousmpno unbent , ano baoeferunnebeaolonginto extreme pumlbmentg ♦ ©on gaue djee tbe pjtutleoge of freeoome* ano inricbeo tbae toitb lingular gtftgf botfj of boop ano mpno:p?a:Te tljou bfe gaoneffe, j3oto,becaufe tboubaft abufeo tbem,be eptber taketb tbem cleane atoap 3 o? els oimimlbetb tbem : acknotoleoge tbou ^iiai Suffice ♦ 3no becaufe tfcp cbilojen migbt ooe a$ tijott baft aone,ano tooulo not be amenoeo bp tbine ej;ample3be tafeetb ttym from t&em alfo ano oiminilbetb tbem in tb# : commeno tbou ff til W mercie in fjfe 3«jfiee,but fpectaHp fronoj t^ou bis 3Iu(fice in W merrie, in tfatofaljfe rebellious; race!)* eaufetfjtijepartietobee jc,2ne,to!jtcb can appeafebte 3lufftre* S>eefojaHtbis, tbepgiuenotouer* 3!fbp tbe finne of tbe ffrfl! anan(fap tl;ep)natur c be cc jr up tea in all men : tobp be not tbe clj t i« &?en mojc cojruptco tljan tbeir jf atftertf ,'bp mcanes of fo manp font* committeo bp tbeir tfatljers \ 3In tljis bebalfe tbep nuflpke of 60133 clemencie , ano pet coulo not 6000 3[uffiee l;auc con ten* *cd t&enUQoto tbe lojto intent in pumGjing tbe rebellious Ciiu ? ens , to as to make tbem fubmit tbemfeiue* againe bnoer bis .50* acrnemencano not to ocltrop tbem bttcrlp, 3no teums (Sou^ in« cent to \)\xmblz mankino bp making fcpm to feele t^z {matt of Ijttf fall'; ano not to tyeake bim in peeces in bid tojatb,but to reclapme turn b^ biz mercie+gftle bee falne into a ]jMt , toe be bine from one btgbnc g : no to to&at tooulo a fecono fall be ? (KB e bauc bjoken our tOings alt eaop again!! tlje €artb ; tobctb er too ulo toee fall at tbe n cjtt f all,b ring enable to make a fecono flight ? £2Ja be falne ( fa? 3i)fcom t&e gooone* of our nature into naugbtine&from ©000 fa* uour into bis tojatb : &oto can toee fall anp lotoer ^ Bap ratber bp creeping balfetyoken tjpon tlje <£artb,toe knotoe tljat toe be faint; ano feeling tbe lofle tobicb toe baue futtepneo, toee crpetorto ©on fo* relief, ana like little Burcecbtlojen toe befecfc dim to Cap an* apfrotti be toitb bte migbtic bans* Jftoto therefore let 130 conclude fo? t^efe ttooo lad Cbaptera, Cljat mans nature i* corruptee 5 ano tbat it toas not fo create 0 of €tot> ; but tbat man abudng (SoO)3 grace , oio caff bimfelfe ootom: ftom gemtefle into naugbtine^, ano from ©00s freefauour intoo bis iuft oifpleafure ; ano tbat tbe man in tobome tbe fapo Mature toas firfl cojrupte o,tow tl;e fitff man ; from tobom toe l;aue re ca- ? tte» r-* OF THE T R E W N E $ tKD our cajru?ticm5a3 tocll as our nature* But let bs trot fomurfr mufe to take ait account boto toue be faine into tbts pit of infection, as earneftlp bctijtnke tis bp U)l)ac meancs U)e map get out againe, lafcielj is tlje tljing tijat toe baue to create of ncjt* The xviij .Chapter. That God is mans fouerein welfare ,and therefore that the cheef marke which man fhould anient; is to returnea- gainevntoGod* ]€ Tap tfcat tbe cfjaefe popnt toljerein fortes ttf* |fer from tmfememts tbat fortes fljeote out tbeie oooings at allaucnture into t!jc aire , ano tljat jtoife menturetf alltfceir oooings to fome cer* teine eno.ano againe,tbat fte popnt tobercm poo men oiffer from eutti men , is tbat goon Jmen determine tomb tbemfelnes upon tbe gcoo fljings, airo-cuttl men bpontbe emll tbtngs , tfce goon bppon tljac toljicb is poo inoeeoe, anocbeeuilluppon tbattoljiebis goon in fyotoe* TOjerfoje it (lanoetl) ds greatlp on bano,botb to batte fome one czwinc marke,ano tlje fame to be gooo:$ to baue but one,be* caufe ©oobatbgiuentosbutonetmt, ano tbe perfection of tottis toilsome : ano to fjatte tlje lame goou,becaufe be batlj giuen us but one &jitl,ano tlje perfection of tlje toill is gootmes*<§)urelp <3o& be- ing tbe uerp goosnes ano torpome it felfe , Haas not toritbout tbte onemarfce ano tbe fnmeberp gartMabenlje firff createo altbings* Sfo} Mature (fap tbepljtWopbers) ootb nothing otljertoife tfjatt tocll an* to a gcou enne ♦ 3|f tbep fpafce fo of tbe Upanumapo^ tobat (bail toe fap of tbe S^aplf er of tlje Ijoufe^ut fcnafmucb as ht bmt felfis tbe beginner,tlje fjoloer on, ano tlje cnoer of all rtjingstbe in Thii^gsarc faid all W &oings ota not fet ootone anp otfjer eno tban Ijimfelfe* ZZXt to be good, tys creatures,tobo tate our beginning ano continuance from bim, either by caufe can ^mt nmz otjjec enll ^m jjim^et nottoitbftanmngjtlje reafa* lood^nTw naWe n*atttce totibetu toell to ft felfe , ano ootb aluiatc* purpofc a- wc pumofed certepne eno tottlj it felfe,tobtcb it tbintecb to be bebcoffull* f oj tbe toaSoo4ead. em* of mrp tljin&i.s tljejjeculiargca^benefitCjOjwlfaret^erof: ana. OP CHRISTIAN RELIGION. $J$ fm&tfjfefceftrc being in as bpfcpna, cannot be in bapne^erefojc it mutt naneg be tbat tbe true toelfate of man confitfedj in b& true tune o? in bis true amingpopnt x ana tbat tbe true amingpopnt of man , ana tbeenuc tobtcb tbe Creato? intenfceDjmuit m#te iumpe togetber: 'Cijat i$ to \nit$z muU implope bimfelfe to t%t glojie of M*ntt«enrijereon,fa caHeti W Welfare, bet!; of tbem to* getter being tbe tcftingpoint of tbe tofcole man^nu bnto tbfe ena te be toapplpe bimfelfe ana all bte motions, allijfe intieuerg ana alibis uefire^aia: to W WgW* felicitiebenefite ana Welfare* j$oto,l)a& toe continues in our o?iginall nature3toe (boula fcatte The Mark* Ijatinopapitfatafl tofefce tfjemtfo? ourtoittoas inligbtenetitoiri) whereby to tbe figljt of our matfte , ana our toill toag tyatoen bp ourtetfare, ^rT^m tbat ig to fap,bp <0©D bp toijom aim foj toijom toe toere create*; and wS"of toljereas noto tbjougb our pjitie our epeg are gating at all things, Man, fauing our rigbt toap ana our rijieftatlfare,$?et nottoitfcftanmng, Uuee map trace it out ty certepnemarte , fpecialfp iftoeebeare in mpn& tbat toe be falnet fo? tben toee toill not flanu groping fo? it in tbe filtb of tbe tbingg tbat are bere beneatb^s folfte amazes at out fall ; but toee toili feefte fo;t it in tf# grace mxb in t\yt face of our ma* fcer from toljence toe be falnet o j like ag toben toe feefce to fcnotoe tlje bfc ann £©mte(Te of a toole (as fo? sample, of a ©atoe, ) toee tonfioer it not b^ tbe rutfineifetbeteof tbat batb eaten atoaptbe tm b,oj bp tbe tj?eafeegi tbat it bat!) taken b? fome fallen, but bv tint tktl) tbereoftalncl) are founti,fl)arpe,anD fmo^fudb ag tbep tuere toben tbep came netoe aut of tlje ^pt^emafeerg (bop: cuen fo mutt t»£ noetoicb tnat^tae muU not iunge of bte enu bp tlje blpntmefle, ignorance, naugbtinelfe, ann co^ruptneife t^at is; come i^p'on (jim, tmtbp tbeercellencie, gootmeffe, antiligljt tljattnaii in bim at tlje firfttoljen ®©D creates f)tm+91fo toe iuuge not of tljefcfe of tbe S>aioe bp tbe mettali thereof in tbat it te &>t®izyQ} in tbat itbatb a fjannie^ o? m tfjat it ^atlj an enge to c«t mit^all: fo? a fcnife batb all tljmgiEi , Mjtri) pet nottoitbltanuing fe neuer tip mo?e a ^atoe fo? *fl tbat: buttue nemte thereof bp fomepemliar fbape3anlitp fome J? opertie ofti&e t«t|i t^erof, to^icij mafee it to ntife^not onlp from % a 4fenife, 3*4 OF *HE TREWNBS a Knife , $e tobidj batb no tectb , but alfo from a f pie tat)tc6 &at| t&tb,botobeit of another fo?t« TOjen let \>$ ooe d>e like (till in man* 3If toee n&me of tfte bfe tobcreto ©on f>atb appopnten l>im,bp tbat be liuetb,oj bp tbat be batb fences ; tobat nanedj man to be mane, feeing tbat tbe plants are innetoen toitb life, ann tbe biute^eafta botb toitb life ann foment nato batb be mane Sjg)an,ann be batfr not mane btm m napne^be bfe of bim tberefoje is to be taken, of tbat part tobtdj atoeits comm'ott to all t©Ies tobtcb beare tbe name of a g>atoe:ann tberefoje tbe ferial pjoper* tie of span tobtcb fftuetb btm a peculiar bfe tabid; w #ber Grea* turebatb, muftneenes bee after fucb afo2t{t&uliarbtttobtm3as it map neuertbeleffe bee common to all of tbt fame kpmi t tbat is t& fap,as al men are createn tod; tbat pjopertt^fo all men mttft tenn to tljat enn*8nn fojafmucb as tl;at enn is d;e fouerepne Welfare of Cpan^tljad; confequentlpcertepne marker oj tokens toberebp tt ts to bee kno tone* Span fearetb notbmg mo je tban W eno,neidiei: nefitetb be anp tbtng fo mucb as to continue foj etter: ann pet mt* toitbffannmtj tbe fouereine toelfare is t^t enn of span t ann tbere* fo?e it muXt n&nes bee an enn toidjout enn ; an entr tobtcb notb not confume o? toafte,fo as tbed;tng tobtcb tennetb to ft ftouln tberbp be fo?oone:bttt tobtcb perfected) 9 fulfilled; ft3fo as beponn tt tbere is not augbt tbat can bee nefiren 0? be*3lf tbere toere anp odjer be* pono itjit toere nettber an enn,tto? fouereine oj cbtef* 1$ut fo? fu<1> a one noe toe feeke^nn if it couln epdjer toatte oj perilb3toe migbt be afrapn to lofetttano tbe greater tljat tbe pleafure toere,tbe grea* ter alfo fboulo tbegreefe tbereof bee* 3£ut t^t pjopertte of ftltcitte 0} bapptneflfe is,to content tl;e oeKre 9 to ercluoe feare* jfrototben, m toucbtng tbe tbtng tol;td; toe feekejtn refpect tbat toe feeke tt a£ our enn,tt bebouetb it to bee agreeable to tbe berp nature of span, peculiar to rije tobole kpnn>ann contmon to all tbat brof tbe kpnn: tnn in refpett tbat tt t's our fouereine toelfare , tt bebouetb it to btt bniuerfall, perfect, ann continual! ♦ 3na noto let H (tt toijat tbat map bt* ^^J, ft)urelp i f toe confiner man ann tbe toojfo ; fn man tbt feence*; which man anB tn tbe SSJojlo dje fenftWe tbtngs x man as tbe beljol&er, ann tbr vis jwdfc tojfta^a^cacrc: manage pcii, in tytmp t(je^caS p?e* *- " pared OF CHRISTIAN RELIGION. J2J pareu of all tljtngs conuenient foj &tm : toe toifl fap bpanobp , not onlp tbat tfjep be maoe tljc one foj tlje otber , but alfo tbat m fcerp aeeoe tbe 2Hojto toas mane ft? man,ano not man fo j tlje J3o jlo o j fo? anp tljtng t^erettn 3no ageinc , if toe conGoer Ijoto c&at in tlje CBojtlo tljere to toberetottlj to content tlje epe tbe eare ano ail tl;c fcncesf; but notbing tbat can fufftcientlp content tbempno, tbe tobtcb (as eartljlp as it is) paffetb from tbe tbingsuifiOie to tbe in* ttiGWe,from tbe booilp to tbe goSlp, ano from tbe creatures to tbe maker : Gail toe not eafilp conclude (tobiclj tbtng 31 toill treate of i iioje at large bereaftcr)tbat a s tbe toojloe cannot be mans enne, fo can it not alfo beljtecontentatwn % 9uo pet nottottbffanotng mau is not cwateu fo? nougljt ; nettber is tbe oeGre of bis otone toelfare planteo tn tyim to no purpofe* ff 0) as fap tbe PjilofopljersDnat ure IjStb ma&ejtotbutg in i*pn,nettljer is (be map meo tn tying* neeo* fultXberefoje it muff nceos be, ano otbertopfe tt cannot be , but ibat tbe creator is tbe eno ano contentment of man , tobofe mpnti cannot be fatiffpeo no? bis totll contented to tlje full, if anp part of Sim oore8bppontJjefe&ple anotranGtojietljtngs* 3$p tbe toap toljereas toe comonlp affirme tljat ($00 is botb tbe eno ano tbe toel« fare of all djings foj tbat tfjep begupoeo ana lea tobitljerfoeuer be iiffetb by bis pjoutaence , ann alfo be maoe partakers of bis gooo* ties : toe mutt bnoerftanB tbat tbist's uertfieo of man after a moje Jjigb ano excellent maner* fflftbe Creatures Jjere beneatlje,fome baue but fence ano appettte,ano otljer fome but onlp a bare tncltna* tionofnature: onlp man Ijatb toitte ano toill ,toljiclj make bunas wan, jaoto all tbefe are tmfalltblp oirecteo toljetberfoeuer tt plea* fetb (Sod , as tlje arrotoe is leueleo at fome marke bp tlje 3rcljer. toljo Qjootetb tlje 3rroto ftrepgljt tljouglj it baue no epe to fee toitb* 55ut man bp a peculiar p j mile oge batlj an imoe t ttano tog to tt toljtrij toas giuenbnto bmt cleereGgbtco ano cleane 5 tljat be migbt fee tlje marke tobereat be is leueleo; ano toill3toljtcb be recepuco frank ana free^ tljat be mpgbt repofe all bis oelpgljt tljerein : tlje one to knotoe ano oifcerne it, tlje otber to loue ano imbjacc tt ; tlje one to fee , and beljolo it, tbe otber to obtepne ano entop it» jQotot^en, as tlje bttijer enn of all Creatures bere beneatlje is man , ano tlje furtljeH f no of tbem isi toijat els are all t&efe but a bapnc ga« ftng anD toonDerment of people,tobtcb can be none at all toljere no people are v§>urclp t Ijcn toas not man fet in tljc tooilD,to tlje intent tbat tbat fyoulD be bis warh to ame at5anD muclj lefle eoulD be feefce bis contentment tbere*S>et nottoitbttanDingbebao recepueDmoje toit tban toe baue,anD not to no enD*3nD tberefoje toe mutt nceoe* fap it toas to Direct bim to fome further tljing tljan banitie,tobicb at tbat tpme eoulD baue no place atalU &ome toill Tap , bis fouereine toelfare confiffeo in bts f^altb* Z&fat toas bis beaM)> but bis berp being,anD tobat mafcetb beltb to be eSeemeu,but ufmefle^ano tobo longed fo*t it,but be tbat isDifeafeDVBut tobertto fer uecb ft ejrcefc lent a tott, if it be to baue nothing moje tban $ bjtite bca(h3iiotbct fates it cofitteu in bertue*Spoto in bertue,toing f bertue is notbmcf els but tbe fubDuing anD conquering af affection bp reafoii;tobereof foe toas i\\ poffeffion air eaDp bp nature3[anu baD bilD it ftill toitljou t rotcaDictio]if be l>ao not of bis otone acrejD peelDeo bimfelf to euil-t no to cben tub a t remained; , but tljat fojafmucb as man bat) not anp tying to Doe, either toitbin bimfelf oj toitbout bimfelf, bis toit toas giuenb'fm to ftpe bp botb aboue tbe toojlo^ aboue bimfelf,tbat is to toit,to tbe bebolDing of tbe €reatoj,to peelD bim thanks anD feruice foj bis innumerable benefits^ to be tobolp tnflameo toitb t^t lout of binrtnoto loofte tobat toas tbe en& anD fouereine toelfare of# firtt ntanjtbe fame muft toe tljtnfc to be of al otber men^ottoitbCanDing tbat out toit be toeafceneo $ our toill befotteD, $ all our nature eo* wereD ouer toitb rutt3 $ marreD Ipke tbe teetb of a ^atoe^berfoje as tbe enD of tbe firft man tob5 be toas in bis perfect founDn es,toas to atteine bnto <0oD; fo tbe enD of bs in tbat fmall founfcncfle tobicft remained bnto bs,mutt be to tenD bnto bim-, $ like as p firft mans fouereine toelfare toas to QitU bnto 6oD;fo cannot toe bope to at* ttim to our fouereine todfare,but b^ returning bnto bim, In tbi* toelfare anD btmoft en& tobieb toe fet Dotone bnto man , let bs trpe tobetber toe can finD al tbe marftes tobtcb toe Ijaue requireo tberuu iFir(!5it ougbt to be peculiar to $ fcinD of man,$ confequentlppla* ceDin£nobleftpartof bmnjfroto inalltbefelotoer tbmgs,tobere is tbere an totDerftanDing toit, but onlp in man ; anD in man,tobat is moje noble , tban bis bnBerftanDing t anD tobat is it ( to fpcake Koperl?)tljat maketb bim a man^ut bnDerftauDing ^ ^ojeouerf O* CHRISTIAN RELIGION. 327 tobo fee* not tbat man? b?ute beaffes hoc paffe man in Ipuclp fo? ce bottj of life ano fence ^ut in tbis alone be(as Plutark faitb)oot& paffe tbem all* g>eeonolp , it muff neuertljelt ift bee comon to alt men* j9oto ( as otterlp blinoeo ano cojrupteo as toe be ) tobat is iua?e common among OS ail,tljan tbe knotoleoge of ©oo \ 3lf Kt« cljes ano ijjono? bee tbe marke toe tycocc at ; bo to featoe of fo manp men tobicb leuell at it tutclj Speart,epe$>ano,ano &inetoes, ooe bit it ? Jf our toelfare confift m pairing cur bealtfcin baringocrtti* ous 5 in Healing op?igbtlp,o? in calmeneffe of mpnO; bo to featoe toa in top it * ©n t be contrarie part , tobo is To blpno , tbat be fecrtj noe ©oo , as foone as bee ootb but looke out tottlj bi$ €pcs * o? tob i c& finoetb bim not tottljin bim felfe * o? tobicb attepnetlj not to bim. if be looke abou$!)imfeife'; 3no tobo feetb not tbis marke Jocleere (bat tbe tuo^Iti is but a ifcaootoe to it* fo great tbat tl;e tobole too?lo to notbing to it; ano fo ri&re,as tbat toe be not noerer to our fclucs? ©j tobo can be afrapo to bee (but out from it, tobofe greatnes b uli roome inougb fo? all,anu tobofe fuffi cienc tejs fucb » as tbe fo?m c* (botte can be no impediment to tbe latter to baue a ligbtingplace* ft urelp tberefoje toe map ft el fap,tba t if toe bao continueo fo two, toe coulo baue bao none otbet m arfce o? eno but bim ; fo? all tbings els ban bin notbtng*9no noto alfo fo? all tbat toe be co?rupteo ; toe mtgbt not to teno o? inteno to anp otljer tban bim ; fo? be alone can be all to all, ano tljis popnt can be notobere but in bum Co be fljo& like as tbe bottle is tbe (bape of man,fo is tbe knotoleoge of (Son tbe true (bape of al onoerffan&ing of man* jfteuertbelelfe,altbougb tbe (bape of man toas oiffigureo in tbe fir tt man , pet tbere remaps netb a certeine comon concerning of ©oo 3 botobeit fo oefaceo ann fceflubbereo3tbat eicber toee oifcerne bim no mo?e to bee our enoe, tbougbb^e put os inmpno tbercofonall floes;o? els imagining our felues to leuell at tbat marke,toe ftoarue afioe one tobile to on* goolpnes,ano anotber tobpie to fuperffition; o? at Icafttoife toe bao leuer fo? tbe molt part,to roue at euerp tbmg tbat our fences mate tottbail, ano too toaliotoe in tbefc bace tbings like Seaftes tobicfc baue no mo?e but tbetr fences Wcolp in our foucreine toelfare, 31 reriuireO tbat it ffjoulo bee Ottiuerfall*jj5oto tobere (ball it be founo to be fo but in ©oo,tobo is in oeeoetbeoerp gooo of all gooones , ano tbe oerp toelfare of all toelfare tbat is in tbe too?lo *t 9lfo tljat it (boulo be perfect ano full* 9tto tobat oeCre toee but tbe tbings tbat are * 9no tobst can bee toant , totycb potTeKetb b*m in tobome all tbings are * 3game , a % 4 aooco 33« TO P THE TREWMBf atvtien tljat cfjc fame mutt be euerlaff mg ant> tmebaungeaWe* jftoto tobo can bee fo , but tlje maker of ojoer ant) cljaungc it felfe S ana tobat tljing fee toe bare in tljis too?o,pea enen in our fclues,tobirlj abpoctij in one Hate bp tlje fpaee of ttoo moments ^ Co be fijo^e , if toee oefire to content our fence*, bee Ijatb maoe fenfible things ftj tlje nonce ; ano if toe oeGre to content our mpnt>,lje bimfeife is tbe tljings tbat are to be mpnoco • SSberc tljcn is tbe tljing to be rero* uereo tobicb toe couet , but onelp in Ijim *t j3oto as touching tbitf bniu cr fall fouereine gooo,true it is tljat all of us are able too nefire it.bu t fo^ tbe mo(t part of M , enable to oifcerne it, ant) none of Da able to att cine fento it ♦ Cljere remainetb notljing to us at all , 31 meane euen to tlje belt of bs fince our f ali,but a graf tbat me baue it not anp mo?e , anb tbat toe be not able of our felues to recouer it ageine bare belatoe^ben let bs fap,tljac as it bat) bin a Ijappp cafe fo? bs,t o baue continues ff til in our firft date : fo is it no to f o j bs to teturne tbitljer againe; tbat is to fap,to be fet againe in ©obsfo uour,tbat toe map onjpap fee bte face pet againe^no becaufe tljia tteffeones canot be tyougbt to perfection in djts Rfe fo full of tojet* cljebnes t toe nrntt btfpofe our Ipfe in tljis toojl^not to liue ff ill in tbe toojfitfmt to ope in refpetf of tljefe oeab tljings,anb to liuebn* so ©otr; atleatttoifeif toee tntenb toliue tbe true Ipfe , anb to Urn suerlattinglpinljinv The faifcends jQoto tben toee fee tbat toee baue feunb our true refffagpopnt and the faifc an$ ottr true toelfare 3 tljat is to toit tlje tumingageine totto ©oor welfares. from ^ofc fmnt ano fellotolbip toe be tepartetr. tf o? pjoof tber* of,toe neeoe but to examine from point to point tbe otbec enbs anu toelfares toljirb toojlolp men Doe fct do tone to tljemfelucs, bp tlje tokens 9 pjoofes tobicb 31 baue maoe of tlje otljer alreaop^HBber* fcp as toe (ball fino a common oefiroufenes in all men tofeeke tbe toelfare ; To toill toe ooubtleffe toonoer at fuclj oiuerfitie of tailes, totjtcb Ukt to tbe luffing* of tbem tbat baue tbe grdene feicknefle, (tobo be greeop of Duff 3 Coales , 3(bes ana fuclj otber baggage) cannot but betojap bnto bs a ffraunge oiffemperature ano corrup* tion of our toljole nature* Spoft men (jaue in all ages fpent tljett toljole lifeaeitljer irt raking to^ithtx of ricbes,o? in 9mbition5o? in gurcbaBng of laht>s,oj in puffingup tljemfelues tottfc t\)t toino of J^poe* 3no toljat can bee mo?e contrarie to tlje Ipking of our ton» berftanbing,tban tljofe tbings f Zl)t ent> toljereto tbtngs teno3igf Setter tljan tlje tbings tljemfelues* ^Stbat is it tfjen fo? a man too Senb Ijtmftlfe to tljefe outtoarb things 5 but too $etoc tljat toee be OF CHRISTIAN RBtlGfO-lT. J^p too?fe ti)tn €artt) ann Damg ^ 3no tolj d tooulo not btl&ut tbat tbe g>oule of man toere infinitelp lefle mane fo? fuel) tfjmgg , t&a» dotb of &eUeMtt& fome Butter to be Hicljes ; ami ail refembitng powg c&ito?en,tobtcl) fet al rtjetr felin'tie in Cljeckffoneg 9 pirate*.* Sim torfjat fe it fo? men to fet tfjeir felicitie in tbingg taljirf) ace nei- ther Span no? of span,a$ if tljep (boulo fet t&e goone* of a ftnpfe in tbe &&eatb, 0? of a ^fe in W jf ©teclotb 0? feaoole *t Co b& fto?t,boto can tbat bee tbe fouerein ©art , tobiclj ig no gcoo at alft fcrijicb te common ag toel to tbe batrasi to tlje ga&,an& uotj ratljee impaire mm tban ameno tlj£m *: £)? botoe can tbat bee our rijerfe marke to (bote at, tobicb of all tljingg tttrnedju^ moll fr5 tfje true marke3tliat i$ to toit5from ©00 ; ass in truertj tbere i0 not a reaoiec Suap to D}iut b$ quite ano cleanc from ©on, ti)&n to D?ato w ne^ rer ano neerer to too?Wp riclje^ aino tobat fe Qmbititm'tWiz mfgljt nifcourfe of tfjat tpme toirij^ Honor* nut enu:fo? in berp oaoe it tjatl) no eno^ome attepne to fome cer* tt^nt popnttotfjerfome be quitt ejccIuoeo*(I22birf) of tfjem in our 0* pinion are tbe bappiett *t S>cotbIp tljep t&at are ejccluoeo are oifap^ popnteo of tljeir p?etenteo felicitie^ljat is al tfte barme tljep bauc ftp iu%\)tp tljat attepne to ljono?,are in continuafto?ment,fpigbt* full 0? fpigI)teo,ooing mifcbiefe 0? recepuing mifdjiefe, ouermatcn 0} ouermating.SBIjat in tbfe but manp euilto To? ane^ano a mul* tiplping of miferies( toitljout number, fo? t\)t obt^nement of one Cllie (ftaBotoe of felicities Wit twill leaue tbe reiioue to oeclamericit toljat are tlje fruited of tljefe^ellifl) to?mentg,\jul)at are ftep^jTc?* fotb!Ipottour,l^eputation,anii potoer 0? 3utbo?ttic* fi^batis all ^buttopno^ictj cannot ftUUjs,noj fcarflp puffet»^ t?p?3i ^?nU be &?ucreuitic. $$0 OF THE T R E W N E S be Taltttcu as 31 goe afyoaue,3! (ball fit bigbett at matfags*3fn h*i uing tbefe tbings3 tobat baue % tobicb a toicfceo man map not ra* tber baue tljan 3ft 3nn if it be a gcoa tbtngjjoto is it giuen to ^uifl meirt 3! (ball baue reputation ♦ 31f it bee among euillmett3 © \)M fljal 3! be blameo among gcotj men/perbaps 31 ft al baue it among got* men»3If fo? bertuettobo fort not tljat reputation is but a (ba< aotoe , maae to follotoe bcrtuet 3no tobo Ml runne after tbe (ba« $otoe,to fojgoe tbe botip^f freelp fa notbing. (as men fap)bpon Creatte : tobo knotoetb not tbat tbing to be noting toojtb, tobicfc is giuen foj nougljt , anu bp fucb as are nougbtftiojtb *t 9nu teb* Ml bel&ue tbat toe be bojne to fucb an enn as tbat*: » jftap ratber, boto manp be tbe flaunoers toberetmtb gcoa nitf be cbarg*& : info* mucb tbat timers tpmes tbep bee fapne to fojtgoe tlflrir reputation, fojtbep?eferuation of tbeir Confcienre? ^ >■ powre A«- .f inallp, 31 ftall baue obtepnea potoer ana autfiojttie ♦ 3If tbat Il!l?"^nH? bt tit* m of span 5 boto bappenetb it tljat foj one mans i)miii$ of it3fo litany millions are fapne to goe Mbout ittana if it be bis fcu uereine gi^tobereof commetlj tt^tbat not onlp it is turner to cml* but alfo commonlp turnetb tbe pofleflbjs hereof to euill ? T5ut let fcs put tbe cafe tbat an tbis te gartuCo tobom? jFo? euerp one tbat is bono^eu as apjince, ten tboufano are fapne to im&le : f oj one tbat trpumpbetb,abuntyeotboufan& are Ie& in capttmrietjfoj one tbat reignetb,ten fjuntyeu tboufanu ferue as g>Iaues* 35p tbis rec* fconmg,fante onlp one man (bouin be tbe eitn of manp memanu tbe felicitie of tbjfc 0} fotoer fbouio bee tbe infelicitie of a tobole tao^Itr* Mmb our feeing is fo? tbe en* ami feIicitie,not of fome one o? tloa ttten,but of all tbe tobole fepno* SQbat toiflpe fap tljen if euen tbofe fetoebaue it not ofcome, tobicb beingpleafant to tbe epe5 mn p^ouofttng to tbe appetite , noe baniib into fmoafce oj into fcote as fame as a man puts bte tatb to tbem^ ^etoe? tl;is 3 t\)t feliritie of man ougfjt to abpce in tty tbtng it OF CHRISTIAN RUIGIOK.1 33 J ftlft^uc tbe contentment of tbe ambtcioug perfon,nepenbetb & pe pon anotber,9lfo it ougbt to be euerlafting: T5ut ambition enoetfc tortb tbe bot>p,an& fe burpea toitb it in tbe fame graue*3gaine3tbc tbingg tfjat ambition crauetb > are fougbt fometpmeg foj fome o* tber tbings fake : but tote oemauno an eno toberebpon to retrain* not a meane to an enne ♦ %o bee (bojt/o farce of fe ambition from being a toap to tying b$ to fottereine gcob o? felicitie ; tbat in berp truetb ( ajs 3I baue fapb afoje ) it caftetb b* miferablp bofcme , an& tnaketb btf to fall quite ana cleane from it. jftoto/eeingtmarmotfinmJjetbinfftoe^ T&enmoft mong men,noj in tbefe too?tolp tbingg; &otb it not foiloto tbat toe €nd f- ^°"CTeio mutt feefce it in ow^Iu^gmrelp tbe toojto te not of it felfe, no? f^i^. fo} it felfe5but.jpag mape bp anotber,ano foj anotijetjneptber batb raf. man bfe tftone b^gimting of bimfelkano tberefo?e be cannot be tbe ma of bmtfeIfe*Cbe maker of a tbing maketb it not To? tbe tbing* Me,but fo? bfe otone faketantr tberefoje be bimfeffe is tbe enne of fug toojke ♦ 9gaine,tbe tbing tbat ig mane i$ not gcob in refpcct of it felfjbut foj tbe bfe o j eno tobereto tbe maker maketb ittano tber* foje tbe maker bmtfelf i* tbe fouereine g©o tbereoMSut let bg tiifc couer tbe matter pet mo?e Iargelp*$pau fe compofeo of ^>o&ie ami feoule ; tbe 3$om'e mo?tafl,tbe §>ou!e immojtalL Motojf toee fet mans felicitie in W borne on!p;toe &oe too great to?ong,bofb to t^t g>ouIe3 ano to tbe tobole man, f oj if it conftft in tbe bo&ie, it peri* fbetb anb faoetb atoap toitb tbe bo&ie* 3n& tben tobat remapnetij to tbe feoule tobicb ouetfiuetb, but tojetcbetmeffe 'tT&ixt toee Icoke foj a felicitie tobicb belongetb to t%t tobole Span, ano to bfe tobote life botb togetber* Slgaine^bat fbouto be tbte felicitie of tbe bo&p, Bcaude. tmletfeperbapg it bee^eautie; tobicb glaooetb moje tbebeboluer tban tbe bauer tbereof^atto pet toitbin a tobile afreet's loft b^ fome toouno ? fome fo?e, feme pimples, o j fome S>unburntng % %n t%z feoule iopneb toitlj tbe booie toee baue tb?a abilities , namelp of Iife,of fence>ano of bnoerftan&ingXet bja; fe in tubicb of tbefe tb^a tnang fouereinetuelfare anrr cm map be barberen* %ty ^>oule gt^ ttetb life to manji bobie, ans tbe perfection of life iss bealtb \ 3Jf our HdA life ferue to none otber eno tban tbatjUJbat barr tbe firft man to ooe Doitb it , tuljo toaji creates bealtbfull > 3If it mnft bee tbe eno of b$ noto after our co?ruption-,tobat tsai mo?e bnbappie tban man*: Jf5ap, tobat i$ mo^e bncapable of bappinelfe tban man*; 3 booie fnWtt to aftoufanooifeafejs3 atboufano barmen, atboufeorfaunger^ toedke, fraple^ fraught toitfc miferie^ioitljm, tojappeo in tljem toitl;out§ 5cniualitic. 33* OF THE TREWNES lmtbout;alb)ate$ bncertepne of Itfi^altoateg Cure of bea$; tofjoma Jfttojme^anl^ear^a grapneof ouft map kill : tobo if betokcb foj none otber bappineflfe tfjan tljat , baere mipb better to bee a plant tban a ^an ♦ 3garae3 tobo is fo founb an& bealtbie of bon(e,o? fo btfeafeo m mpnr^tobtcbCtfbe torn put to tbe cbopce)bao not leuet to baue a founb mjmo in a ficke 6obie3tban to bee out of bte brittetf fcauing perfect bealtb of borne *t 5§>atblp tben it 10 a berp cfere ar« guraent,tjb*t our cbiefe bappmeflTc retfetb in our mpnb3feeing toee can finoe in our Ijartsss to rebomte it toitb tlje miferieg of our boot** Boaity Plea- let b# come too tbe fen Gtiue parte* %\yz bappines tbereof fee^ furc,voiuP- metb to confiff in ftoluptuoufenes o? &en(lialitie* 3ift(iac make tuoufciiew ^bappp;tbenbapppbeb?utebea8e0,aj5li)5oopei)feic botbrno^ freelp anb uu tb moje beipgbc tban toee : an^imbagpp ftman,ttbu> cannot tubolp becone a bead, botnbatfce cattt<£fee beat! taketbbte pleafurc,britbout regarb brtjo feesbim,butbout remote of confct* ence , ana toitljout an? argebnng agetittt bmtfelfe* Contrary tutfe , tobat man is bee brijtclj faletb not a Latoe inbtmfelfe tbat goes about to bjpblebmi; tobicb feeletb not a bartbpting in tbe ini&os of bfe pleafure ; oj tobofc greateft belpgbts leaue l)im not a Oing of repentance bebinb tbem *t 3no tuljat bapppneg can tljat U labwcof toe be atbameo, ana tobicb compelled bs to feeke couere fo? tbe booing tbereof * 3!fo toljat a fono tooojkman toa* be , tbat ft ameb bs fo farre bnKt fo>r fuclj a purpofe.? infomucb tbat toberas al our bobp is Ipable too acbes $ fficb e« botb toitljw $ tottbout anb on all finest e fcarflp baue aboue ttoo 0} tbjee parts bpo bs capable of pleafure3anb euen tbofe alfo fubiect to greef anb pepne. let tbere be a man (fapetb Plu tarke)tbat batb leb bis tobole Ipfe in pleafure am> fenftiaKtie;an& about a ttoo 01 tl^ee botoer* afoje be bjatoc to- toar&s Deatb.lct Um be put to bis t^tz tobetber be bab leuer too beligbt btsi fences b^ Iping bJitb l)i* Lais, o^ belpgbt bis minb tuir& ^eliucrtngbisf Countrp from fome greate periLbiil be(tbink pou) lie fo berp a beafoas to bout biljtcb of tbem be fbal cbcofe^^bo ftctb not tben tbat tbe pleafure of tbe nun&,fe botb greater tljan tbe plea* fure of tbeboDp,anb mo?c peculiar to man^anb mo^e agreeable tea ijis enb^t (Ele feeke a foucreine goob-,if it be goob,it bull amenb M* %\xt b)bat botb marre bs ano xmpap^e bs moje botb tn bobie anb foulctban flefblp pleafure \ 9lfo toe meane it (Ijoulo be perfect ♦Jf it be fo,it bnll make bs perfect too* T5ut labfit confumetb bs,tobat DccapetbbStno^etbanfenfualitie? 9gein , toe feeke an enb;buc get an en&teffe enb^not to^icjj maket^ an enb of our pleafures, but lbl?ici OF CHRISTIAN RELIGION. 333 taWcfo tiortj fftfl feeue our nellreg ♦ Contrarptonfe , tofjat to tfjere toljicb te fconecat an eno tn it feife, toljicb fewer maketb an eno of tog , o? tobicb fewer toearietl) tog ami lefle contcntetfr tog , tfran tije botoilp plcarureg;conlto&&ig tbat (ag tlje poet faptb) tbe pleafure anu papne goe botf) together*: Spojcouer, !>oUo map tbat bz tbe fo* uereine gain, UrfjicI) ig not fo mud) ag a meane gcoto ? jf o? torfjo can toenpe,but t^at abfttuence ig taken fo? a totrtue,euen among tbe tot* cioug fojc * 9m> tobat manec of gcoo tg tbatjtob trfj map become e- ttfll i^ increafing,if it tottere not eutli of it feife afojtt tfmafl?,al bo* Dilppleafureg confirm tbe g>enceg, ano ace ejcecuten bp tfje fenfi* tut partg ♦ jf3oto), t&e &enc# ace oftentpmeg fo?ffaflcto in to^cp* . ijec bp &ifeaft$i o? bp plpagetanto t&e fenCtiue partg ace toifpatcfceo ttbeleaabptoea^^ ;; jaoto> albeit tjafjtta^ &aue a toubHe ltfe,tlje one in ttjtg tootf^ t&c otter m anot&tf, tlje one toping, tlje otber immojtall ; t&e firll *j$te& is Ijere ceding to tlje feconn as tbe to©?fe to p better^pet ig notourfcekingfo? fuel; an ent> o? fuc(j a feltcicie as tipttb tuit&usr, but fo? fuclj a one as makeclj tos bapppc,c]tuckcnet(; to£,ann rcfecf* tmlrn eucrlaflinglp •, tbe ubiclj furelp i* not to be founto tn mo?» talithmgg* jfroto follotoetl; t&crefoje tbe UntocrSanMngpart, to&tcbi* occupies one todple tn ttfelf,anotljer toljtle in tlje gouern* went of t&eto)o?lMtm another tuljtle in contemplation of Ijcauen* ip things: anto of tbzi* t&?ee operations fp?tng tljjee perfections* itamelp ftertuc^oliciejanti SQifetoome ♦ let tos fee pet in tubicfc cf ftefe tfj?oe conGffetl) one fouereine felicitie ami contetttatum-*. fecotfjlp tt tt nottabee tom&teto, but tfrat our enti totfl bee founn to tonftff in tijat part:fo? tofcet&er can tlje mpnn of man reac^bepotm t^e toojto anu man ann ^tm tfjat mane rijem botb^ttt let tog fee if me come nice it itt tW too?lo» 3! p?ap pou tofeat ig 23mtte *t 'Clje verm. calmeneiTeofouraffecttoitg* SUbatare t^efe affections of oucgt HL\)t tojaueg mtto ffo?mesai of our g>ottle$ , rapfeu tottf) ettecp littiz blatt of toJtnue , torfjicb ooe fo tolfe aim tucmople it topGtoe notoanr, tljat znzn tlje bed pplotg are fapneto ffrike g)ap!e , anrr reafon it feife fa tyittetttoelnereto fo^fi&e tfjeSpelueV 3f ^an toaere creates to tbte cnn5 tobp toag Ijecreateu toritlj calmeneife of mpno *t ©j if tfafoueceinegcoliconlill notoJtn ouermapftering bfa affection^ tol;at mo?e contratietie can tfjere ba,tban to b& toopo of affections anr> to be a man*t let tog put tfje cafe tijat fomemmt attepne tfeere* tonto : tyaflfce aJfo ftap t&ece ? j!5o : fo? toaliantnefTe batman epe te toarce 3 toiarre to peace 9 peace to t$c pjofperit te ofrVie Common saealt^ 334 OF THE TKEWNE5 lucalc^nnts fa f©?tb of otberg, J*?otD,tftat to!)tcIj tcnfccttj tmto anci tber,ramtot be tf;c btmoft eno^uttoil man at leafltoife be content tea tberetoitb': .toap, Ice ds comment; Oertue m tnticlj a$ tote lift, aim let te btifie our felucs; m making bo)te of ir#et if it ertemi no furtber t(;an to tbe tbings on earti) , 31 &are toefl Tap tbere is not a* np tbmg,31 fep not fo bappie^but fo to?etcbe& $ mtferable as man* Collie totll ftp be is an boned man ; but pet as boneft a^ be is,tbep toil! let bim ftarue fo? bunger ♦ ^bc J3?mce toill fap be is a faith- ful! , a fount), anu an Dp?igbt sealer, neptber leu b)> couetoufnelTe rift? carj>cD atoap toitb ambition:but pet be totll not put bim in truft toitb tljemanaging of bis affap?es i\\ tljis too?Itu ^fcefoulelt bpee in tbetoo?lo (ball finoeamate: but if Qmucrumw tfj?ougbtbe tofcole too?It>,fbe (bal fcarce finn a buf fcano^ftcto tljen, if toe feia our felicitie in tins lifeytobat is Hertue butter? mifcric ? 3m> if toe feke it m tbe otber Ipfe^ tobat (bal become of tfcis bertue xafyxt toe (ballijaue noaffections to encounter toitb? urelp tfjen i$ noc tlertue our zrto : fo? rije eno tbat toe fefce,batb not an epe to a fur* tbertbing^neitberoootfjttjefouereme gooa hereof toljict) goe* iopntlp toitb it come to anp entu rdide. SObat tl;en ? 31S ipalicie tbat ent> ? £Se ran 13oI!trie tfce rig&t tfe of reafon in tbe gouerning of too?lnlp affaires, Iftefioes tbat,ie map alfo p?oper!p be ocfinet>,to to an arc o? f kill of gupoing mens aomgs to a rcrteine entn Jftoto tbe null anu tbe enu tbat it ametl) at,cannot be botb one tbing*35ut(to be (bo?t)tobat 155 tbis too?to? Strife, 2Barw,Difco?o,€nup3lRanco?,73uming,g)adking,toai tfing,popling, antmeffroping; amiferablegrounrjfo?ttiantoa imio \)i$ felicitie tjpon^Qbat i?s tbe gouerning ana oifpoling of al tljefe tilings , but a Healing toitb Tuples, Sfrotcbes, ana Cankers, toljereof if toe baue no feeling, tbep can(to go tfje befl toap) ooe b* no gcoo ;ano if toee baue feeling 3 tbep tooo?fabsnotbing but fo?* totoe,grife,ftinrf)5anti lotijfomnefle ? 2>ea,but tbeljappiuts 0? fe* licitie is inbealing tbem* J&appp tfjen is tljat comontoeale \n\)itf} receiuetlj gcon ^ tty pepne ; but not tfjp pepne bappp tobicf) tljoa Ijaft tafeen to Ijeale it* fo) toben apbiCcton bealctb aman ,M)a recetuc^ t^ebene6te5d)elpl)iCcion,o? tbcl9atient?3n*i if tbeiplju rion nin fjihCure fo? game , ann tbe Spagitfratebttf nutty fo? btu uour-, toijo feejs not tbat tbe (lull of curing toas not tlje enu of tbe *me3no? ^e fktfl of gouerning tl;e enti of t!;e otber-, feing tljat tljep t cnueo either of tbem to a further eno3ann tbat fo ftlie a one ? jftot* toitljUannmg em ti)ijS , m t^e nui ^gan apefy ann t^e 223^Ui peri^ " ij?et& Of CHRISTIAN ' RELIGION* 335 f&etb ; but cbe g>oule Ituctft did , aim pet gt'uetb ouettbe dealings cf tbe toojlo^berefoje noe&ctf muft fome otber cljtog cben policp be our foueteto gooa , feeing tljat tbtt ?palicp tg; limiteo imebut $e bomm* of tbtt toojio* • jftoto tben , let b$ examine SSfifbome* 3ft tt tbe beboloing of wifdomew ealtb,&erf*ie5ano policie, jfoj toant ann pouertie3b# as jf etters of S&on to a toeloifpofeb mym : a ficfcelp ano nifeafea boup^t^ as a torture to tt ; bnrulp affections ua?le it ana mafte it fe *ine tbingfoj anotber; politic fe tbe ftablifberof Comontoeales,^ tobofoeuer giuetb fttmfelf to contemplation, it bebouetb btot to be fcttleo to a qukt plate,tbat be map bote tbe piommec ofljc^ mins fteoop toitbout (baking oj ft irring* %\w$ boe all tljings feme ta ferae to cbat bfe3ut toben cbep come all to tbefojenameb popnt, to belpebS; pet 31 p?appoubotofarre aoetbepfurtberbs .*3!ttt naturallp tyeb to man to beleeue cbat cbere is! a © © D : ann W to fitb toee fcnotoe it^mtit ( as pe tooulo Tap ) from our birtb \K&w take Doe fa mucb peine to feeftingtbat vfyitf) toee bane alream'e *t Heafon eel* fetb bg f«rtber,cbat <8>o& is gam aim toll j f^at isi to fap, tbat be la* uetb cbac toljicb fe gnaple ? SUfeat tben ig our btgbrf* contemplation but n&pe ignorance ^ 3no tofco toouto make ignorance b# bigbeff felicitie $ furtbeft eno o? fb©te* anker ? £et nottoitbftamung boto featoe be tbere tobtcb atteine ft farre«:3Mi ifanp tb?ougb rafifmc$ amratureanp furtber; into tobat crro? ano blpntmeffe noe tbep fafl , no leffe tfjan tbep tobtcb fojgo tbetr Ggbt bp looking agatntt tbe &unne? Faith or Be- jt rematnetb tben in tbe ena , tljat toee muff attetne to tint bp kcf* 4Taptb,tobiclj toee cannot attepne into bp Heafon ; tbat toee muf mount tjp b^ liuelp belerf" aboue our tmneriUfttffl&nnta tbe tbtngg Agarci in the tobereunto tbe epe of our tnpnn i$ not able to reacb;3no Algazell beginning of $e Arabian p?oceeoeo fo farre,ag to fep tbat tbe note tobeibp tbe cdic^pcraatu" ftKcta'e t0 come te atte^D tonto3tj2S fatrb* 3nu tobat $ t|)t£E faptb nt (Son 5 but a beteuing rtjat our toelfare Ipetb in \)im ? siaijat is $e beloeuingjbut tlje doping fo? it ? fflLiljat te bope,but t^e oefiring of tt ? JZJbat tg tbe &efire of it , fatt tbe not Waning of it ? 3no to bee 0j o? t3 tobat i$ tbe continuall befctf o f it bare, but a beto?aptng tbat Ijaere toe can neitber baue it no? fee it *t 3lf toe baue not faitb, tobac Ijaue toe but ignorance \ 3nn if toe Ijaue faitb ; tobat baue toee but irnelp a oefire ann longing ; confioering tbat tbe greater our faptfr fe 3tbe mo?e toee oefpifc t|efe bate tbings ; ano tbe greater our tie* fire fe,tbe mo?e toe fate our feluea , ana tlje mo?e earneffifp tioe toe feme (Soti^o be ibo?t, W^nt fe faptb *: Welfare bebigftteti^ut toe tooulo fe it^gainjtobat ija! faitb^'®bc toap i^nto feliritie^uc toe tooulopoffelTe anoiniop iu Icoke tljcn toljat p?opo?tion fe be« ttoane tbat tofyify fe p?eftnt,anti tbat tobictj fe to come ; fucb p?o< portion t^ tfjere bettoirt ti)t bope tobicb toe baue bcerc(pea turn a* boue tlje toojto ano aboue our fdue^3)ann tlje perfect awo full fruu tion of tlje grnn tobtcb toe fe eke to atteine tmto* ^5ut let bs; in fcata too^tig gatber togitber tobat toee baue faio ljeretofo?e* Zfflfymw toee feeke fo? an enne o? redingpotnt 5 tl;e too?lo ijS maue foj man, man fo? tifee *9gaine,ff toee feefce tbe fouereine geoo ; one appetites otoz obe&ience to our toill, mtr totil to our reafon, ana tbe perfection of our reafon is tbekno* tomg of 6ou*3nt> fo tbe contentment of our toill i<& our pofTeflmg of fouereine goon of man •, info* mud; tl;at Cicero faietb tbat tije tofjole au t l;o- g titit $}8 O'p THE TREWNES rttieof ]9ljtIofop6ic,conG(!ctlj in tljat popnt alone* jfrottoft&ffan* fcing,fo?afmuclj as bp rcafon of our faille finb our fclues attoni* fljeD fare bploue ipUe fake fnlne out of ti)C €Iout>3, ano mojeouce bentgbteb toitb berp bapebarknefle In a place tljat Icaottlj manp fontyie bjatcss cieane comrade one from anotfjer;lu ce fenouje not in ftte perplejcitie toljiclj toap to takc,ano pet euerp of as rfjinks bim* felfe totfe enough to bircd bis companion* ©ne calles to tbe rigbt JjantJ,anb another to tbe left x ©ne popnts pe bp tlje fjtll, ami ano* tber few pe tfyouglj tlje plapneg : ano ytt alf of tljem can as little fkill oftfte rigbt toap one as another i am at tlje laft tlje mod pare of tljem perceiue in tfje enb of tljeir trauell, tljat tlje moje Ijafte ttjep mabe,tlje further tljcp toanbereb fnm tljeir toap, But toljat loom* uer is it tfblpnu folkes , oj fur!) as are gttpbeti by blpnb folke 0 , o^ fur!) as! Ijaue no gupbe at aU3 ooe pe altrap * J2ap f atljer, toere it not to bk efltemea foj a mpjacle, if anp of tljem till, ijotobeit feeing giititb from aboue3Q)onfti bappen to \)it bpon tbe rigljt toap^a* tural Defire caufetb men to feeke tljeir toclfare* 9nb all pbtMopfjie Ipetlj in tljat popnt of feeking out t!je toelfare of mam <§>inneljartj put us from it, mm maketlj be; to lofe it ♦ 9nt> tljerefojetlje toifec fojt Ijaue Iaboureb to recouer it by efrfjctmng finne^ut moft men knotting not tljat tljtgs Cttne igf comebpponbsbpaljigljfafl, ann rijerefoje imagining tljemfeluejaf to beenettleo ttffl in cftric former place : boe butiz ttjeir IjeabS about tlje feeking of it tljere , not pet* cepuing tljat tijep be tljiotune bourne berp loto/arre from 6©D, Auffin in his *nb bnoerneatfr tljemfelues^fjat is tlje caufe toljp toee to no pur* x)x booke and pofe boe feeke by groping rounb about bsf, foj rt>at toljtri) tt not to firft caP-.of the be ljab tljere,no? is to be founo tfjere^Varro faptlj tbat in ijis tpmr cmcof god. t^m toere ttooljunmcb fotoerfcoje ana eigljt opimon$,concerning tljis popnt in tlje beokes of tlje}pijilofopljer$ : tljat i# to bsit, ttoo fjunbt2eb foboerfco^eanbeigbt ^ectss : fo?$attoag tlje babgeo^ Cognifance tljat mane tlje Difference bcthnrt tf)tm+3\t toas a ttoiu Zict to fee fo manp m'ucrlltieeUMi a moje lnajnner tfjat of fo manp, fo fette coulb fttt bppon tlje truet^ get nottoitljffannmg tfyty trp* umpbetr one otier anotljer,anb toere curious m confuting one ano* tljen a$f in nafte it to alttaiegt mo^e eaCe to repjotte a fault, tljan to amenb it ^anb to conuince a Ipe^ljan to finne out tlje truetb* But pet atleofltonfe toe baucluonne tljud mttdjat rijeljaubgi of tljcm af, ^!jat tljereisi one cljiefe enbe anb one fouereine gcon , loljereat all wen ottgbt to ame i ana tnee finbe euen by tlje contrarietie of tljeir ottn reafoujj one agautfUnotyetvtfjat ic ig none of aK tfjofe rfjing* to^erein OF CHRISTIAN RELIGION. 3}£ detent tbep batte fougbt itttoberebpon toee map eafelp r onriuac, rtjat it cannot bee anptobere ete,tban ftljrre toee feefte it* !j)at> tljep toell contfoerea , tbat 8£an 10 falne from W fojmer m'gnitie , ana compares tbe glojie of bis fo?merffatefontbtbeto?etcbemteflfeof bis pjefent ttate ; tbep tooulu baue fought none otber bappineflfe 0? feiicitietban to teturne ri;etf)er, tftat is to fap,tban to beelinfceo a< game bnto (SOD : am* tbep toouUi neuer baue foHotoen fo manp fonn fanrie0,mo?e too?tbie to be pt'tpen tban to be Iaugbe& at* j$e* uertbelefle tbere arc fome fetoe to be fomm in an ages, tobicb baue leueleu at tbis marke^ike as among all tbe reff5toee fee tbat fome ftaue ban a eertepne knotoletige of out firft original! nature* Cbe Epicures fougbt tbfe fouereine gatointbe pleafureg anxr Thc Epicure Mi$t$ of tbebooietami tbeStoikes mocfceo tbemfojtbeirlaboj, Amifthenes percepuing toefl, tbat tbere is not bete fo fap?e ana ftoeete a Hofe* anfwered bulTj^tobicb batb not berp (barpe pjickes, anu tbat it toag tbe nept M ™W v &ap to make a man a beatf£o be fbo?t,tbe Epicures tbemfelueg t^x KKovi taere fo mucb aftameb of tbe matter, tbat to mafce iaup pieafure K^e/^u. to goefo? an boneft tooman 3 tbep toerefapne to bifgupfe betas mucb a* tbep couto,anb to fap tbat bp pieafure tbep ment tbe be* Itgbts of tbe mpnoe , ana not tbe feuerous pleafures of tbe bobie, tobtcb paiTe atoap in tbe turning of a banb ♦ 15ut in tbe enoe^tobac toere tbeir pleafures ? jFo?fo>tb(fap tbep)to betbinfe a mans felfe %oto oft be batb maoe g©& cbere,o? boto oft be batb fene W trull* .£> ftcaunge beafflfineflfe^si tobo toouto fap (faptb Plutarke) tbat tlje pleafures of tfyi& too?to toere to bekept in Conferues,o? to bee lapu bp as &efto?atiue$ in tbe clofet of mans memojie : 0? ratber (fap 31 ) as* tbougb tbt temembetance of troubles paft , pea 0? of fome groeuoutf Oduieflfe recouereu,t»ere not moje beiigbtfuil tban 0)z greateil iopes tbat are pofftble to be baD* CbeStoikestberefo?enoegiue b$ another ^pnD ofbappmefreThcStoikSj q} toelfare;namelp 9po?ali bertue,t3Dbicb c5Gttetb in tbe quiet reig^ iting of reafon in bs ♦ ^uttabat igi tbfa elsi tban a mete imagina* tion*; ^oto iDtH tbep atrftoere to tbe P€ripateticks5tobicb fap tbat man is not mane fo jbimfclfe a!one,but fo? common focietiet^Dbat bte bertue muff ame at a furtber enue : ^Dbat bertue neitber in tt* fpect of tbat tobereat it ametb , no? of tbat tobereon it lao^etb can wafee men bappie *t ^0 bee (bo^t^Uobat toil! tbep fap tcKty ir otone f ompanion!S,tubo fo? tbe bpboloing of tfttss tljeir farit#b feltcitie, no bnoerp?op it \niti) taeaItb3beaitb,cottrage5anu meafurable plea^ rttre5a0 bnfuffitcient to Oanb alone toittjout apne^ ^ut 31 t)aue rip^ ' £2 pea 34* ° * THK TREWNES pen tjp tW popnt fuffic ientip m tbe Cbapter going faff before The Tcnpatc- tOljat djen Ho tlje renpateticks fet &S Octone^as tlje Stoiks tikes or wai- left tbe Idohic to mount bp to tlj£ feoule , fo tbefe mount tip from fc<™- tlje <§>oule to tbe sppno ♦ ^Ijerc are(faptb Arifbtle)ttoo foua of m raiic lib i ^^DncfTe^ftc one eiuill aufc pubItkc3raUcn policie#)bicb con* or s ' '5 Cdetfj m atfiomant? tlje otljer p?iuate $ ofl^»urdjolu,cancn mife* fcome^tolncf) conQltet!) m Contemplation* tyz tljinftes uerelp tijat ft? batb fays fometofjat* 35ut boto can policie be tbis blelfeoneire, ronfoering t\)$t arrowing to bis oton fapmg^poltcte is bur a emu- mug 0} Hull to Icane tbings to a certepiie eno, ann is not t!;e eno it felft £>;> boto can <£ttfeoome be itafecing tijat(a-3 be Ijimfelf fait!;) curton&erftanoingfcetb as; little in matters concerning <5od ,as tbe epe of an ©mle tiotb tnijen fte commetb nere tbe ^unne*; ffiui trnnertlanDing tgi uttlf^ ouriu&gementbncertepne/attD our memo* rte oeceptfull . 'Clje seeped of our knotole&ge (faptlj Socrates) is Porphyrin his unne ; o? a blpn* Ancbon. |nan ^appie ,'lt lofting COlOUT^ ttpis DifcipleS Alexander ann Auerrhoes,percrium J tbat all our contemplation is but Delation of mpnn, mod commonlp to m purpofe; baue fotma fcs out anotbaaeupce. ££ibicb is,tljat all our Ijappinefle confidetb in iopning tlje capacitie of our mpnoc , o? ra* tber of our imagination, tmto certepne feparaten fubftancesy to be tnfojtmea bv tbem in all maner of knotoleogetfoj ti^t tobirb Dtupct tbep beerep?oueo of mod pbilofopbers , ano as 3 bcteue , m tlje mo tbep laugbea tbemfelues to f komrfoj it ♦ %\xt as 31 baue fapo alreaiJie3tnbat are tbefe feparateu fubftanres of tbeirs ^ ©j ratbes lubp art tbep not fet our feltcitietn being knit tmto 6©D , tobom t^ confefTe to be better tl;att all tbefe tbings*: againe^bo isi be, loerebe neuer fo fantaftical^euen tbougi; it toere Auerrhoes bim* felfe , tbat coulo baunt bimfelfe to baue etter attepneti to tbat inm The Acaac* ^nctI ^^^nction of tbeirs in ti)i inliisThectc- ^Z Academikes tberfoje, tobo taSebpon tH)tm to toeare Pla- nus. " toes Kuer&mottmeD up one Sep btgeb^ann conftoeren berp tocll tbat OP CHRISTIAN RELIGION. 341 rbat all our contemplation fa but a continuall tojettlmg, onetoljple agatntt tf;e oatfcnette of tljc things , ano anorijetiuufeplc againtt t\)t LACrt[uf. b thc aarfcnefle of our otone mpno* 3nb as tfjep ariutotolcogeb our Imrt ^ Df piato- to pjocee&e of a fall,toljerebp toe b?ake our tomgg3tol)ici)(as Pla- ruto in his to interpreted) tljcm) toere 9g)o?all berttte ano contemplation : fo Phocdon. conceiueo tljcp tljerebpon, tljat it toete a great gob tunic fo? bS to recouer tljem againc* TBnt tobetijer to bee carieo bp $em ? let b$ fjeare tljat of Plato.AH the things in this world(faptl) %t) which we caigoods,as Beautie,Riches,Strength,Nobilitie,andfuch other; are fo farre of from being goods in deede.that they be rather corrupters and hinderers of good, ^fjenaretljepberp farre of from beeing tlje Souerein good of man , o? confequentlp i\)t End toljereat \yt out to (lap* 3gaine, It is vnpofsible(fapetfc Plato ) that men (hould be happy in this lyfe , doe what they can : that is to be had in another lyfe,where the vertuous fhal receiuefelicitie for a reward. anbapnet&enooetoeefeeketfcat fcere beneatlj,ftp our beeoes ano contemplations,toljic& fa not fcere > to be founb : ano in bapne boe toe fee our btmoft eno freere, toljere fa not tlje furt&ett eno of our lpfe3ut in t&e enb, toljat fa tW felt* titit ? 3ft fa(faptb Plato)to be ioyned vnto GOD, and to be- come lyke vnto him,who is himfelfe the higheft top, the fur- theft end, and the vtmoft bound of all felicitie. %%\\$ pee fee tfjat ( b^ Platoes iubgement) tfce ttoo rfjtngjs to&icfj toe feefce, boe meete botb togitljer alonlp in ©ob^fre enb of our life fa to be top* jteb bnto (Soo* 9no our ^lelfebneg o j felicitie tol)irfj ougljt to con* tent bs , tofticlj conGftetb in tlje full fruition of all goon tlringg , fa tlje porteflmg of (Son, toljo fa tlje berp felicitie itfelfe* S>et neuec* $elefle,Ariftotlc feemetlj to baue come at length to p famepoint, A .. . jn trjac be faptlj, ^rjat ©ob it trje beginning, t&e mibble,anb tlje book°c o/tlc enb of all tilings : ano againe , tljat mams felicitie conftffetlj in rije world ; And Tame tljing toljerein tbe felicitie of tlje (Sons confiffetlj , tfcat fa to in his Morals-, Mt , in perfect contemplation of tljat toljief; fa aboue all mwueable fnd in his filft **"?*♦ Hnucnsfthc Pythagoras fapbe tljat tfje enoe of tfcfa Ipfe fa Contemplation; ThcPMofo- tfjat tfje eno of all Contemplation^ (Son -, ano ftat tlje felicitie of phers of old ntan fa to be lifteo bp bnto (Sob* 3lfo ^e taugljt bsi tfeat toe be but £ymc- a« pilgrmfa in tW too^lo, ano as folte banifbeo from (SobS p?e* fvthagora^ fence : ano tobat oorb t^e baniftjeb man oeHre mo?e, tban to be re* SS o- lro?en Ijome into bfa otone Countrp ? 3nb Mercurie fapetlj , tljat thewifc wiled our eno is; to liue in g>oule, to^ic^ in tljfa too?lo ig a^ goob as btu Homes. g 3 rjeo ( Zotoaflrc$. Jlutarkc. fti^fc^rJTj 34« OF THE TREWNES rpeu •, 3fl*at in tbts toojto tljere is not anp tljing tbat is tocajtfjp to be fapDtobeetoelloj gooo* 31tisinanotber place tberefojetfjat man muff liue ana iniop tita^ toeifare,namelp(as be faptb) m being become one againe toitb (Statu 3no Zoroaftres fattb,tbat toe mutt traucl toitb ai our potocr totoaros tbe bjigbtnes of tbe fatber3toboi 10 tbe giuet of out* bottle* 9lfo be batb tolo tos tbat toe be falne a* iuap from tbis tyigbtneffe of ligbt into tbtcfceoarkneflfe , ana baue loft (Softs fauour bp going about to fet our felues free from bis feruice3ut as tbe toojto batb taugbt fcs mo?e am> nune tbat tbere t'S no gcou tn tbe tuo^lo : fo tbe (ater pbifofopbers baue bifcourfeo pet moje iargclp tijereof>tban tbofe tbat wnt afoje^ere tbereftne toee migbt rebearfe a goon part of Seneca ami Cicero ana otljerjaL, tobofe opinion ftnafmucb as 31 baue alletigea alreatip in tbe C!;ap, ter of tlje 3[mmo?ta!itie of mans feoule, tobere it map be fcnoiuerc foellpnougb : 31 Ml content mp felfe foj tbis tpme toitb * fbtoet; oj flue of tbem, jgmrelp Plutarke it toontierfuH in confuting tbe beaftlpnes of A)t Epicures ami tbe atok opinions of tbeStoicks; fetting agamft tbe €picures , tbe pleafure'tbat a gooo man recepuetb in feeing (Sou toell feruea bete on eartb , ano in bauing bpm fo? bis leauec from aboue : ano againft tbe Stoiks , tbe fttpfe tobM) man batb a* geinft bpmfelf, tobtcb all tbetr pbtlofopbp is not able to appcafe, am tberefoje be refoluetb bpmfelfe in tbe enu, tbat as m tbe mifte* rtes of tbe men of oloe tymz, tbe looking topon tbem toas tbe enne ux rsAi- tubp tbep toofee tlje ojoers of tbem bppon tbem ; fo tbe eno of true vw* pijilofopbte is tbe Contemplation ano bebateing of tbe mpmrtp ann immajtafl nature5tbat is to ftp of ©00 fyt Creator lamblichus. Iamblichus U)3S furnamct) the Diuine : ano it is fapo tbat be toas fo calle&,becaufe be fy&c fo Diumclp of tbis matter* CbtijJ tberfojte &otb be fap : Shal wre (ay that to be healthy ,to be faire, to be riche,to be honored?to be of a good wit , and fuch lykc are mans happines ? No furcly. The itrcngth of man is but a ieft,and his honour a mockery. Yea.,Man himfelf and all that he maketh account of,are but a fleeting (liadowc. Neuerthe- leffejvnto good men,they be good poffefsions ; but vnto wic- ked men^they be euill and daungerous. What then ? fhoulde not the poffefsing of them for euer , and not as in a Dreamc that vaniflieth away,be the true happines? No : the poflefsing of them for euer,if it were without vertue , were a very greate jnifchiefie >and thefooner tliey were taken from vs , the lefle harmc OF CHRISTIAN RELIGION. 34* harme it (hould be.Nay ,the very true meane to atteine to the heauenly feiicitie, is praying and calling vpon the Goddes, & cheely vpon the great God which reigncth ouer them allSnD tfccrefojc ye fapf l; m ancrtjer pIace,Whatfocuer a man dceth or leaueth vndone,ought to be referred to thcGodheaduand all this lyfe is ordeyned for nothing els but to followe God; the knowledge of whom is perfect vertue, Wifdome andBlesful- nes,which maketh vs lyke the Goddes , tljat t* to fap(af«r Ijtfl? mancrof^eafetnffJiketheAngels.iet^bearepetttio^ofbim* The time hath bene(fattlj (je)that man was fad tyed to the be- holding of God: but afterward hewas made fubieel: to the bo- tljcrefoje Ije aofcetlj , There our my nd beholdeth the fountayne of life, ofvnderftanding , of being, the caufe of good,and the roote oftheSoule.There lyeth our welfare after fuch a fort, that to be farre from it,is as good as not to be atall. There is the beginning and end of lyfe. The beginning-, for from thence doth it procecde; and the end; for there is the welfare whereon it refteth. The welfare,fay I; for in atteyning thether , it becommeth agein that which it had bin afore.For as for the being which it hath here, what is icbutadownfalI,wherbyithathlofthirwings?Herereigneth X 4 ? Porphyrins in hisworkcof abftincnce. lib.i.cap.2. Porphyrins concerning the Soulc^to Byritliius and Anebo the AEgtptian. Simpliciusvp- on the Nam- ralles and vp- pon Epifeus, 344 OF THE T R E W N E S abace and vile Venus ; but there reigneth a heauenly one. Here a loue of the World- there the loue of God. And what a greefe ought it to be vnto vs,to be wedded to the earth? And on the contrary part , how defirous ought we to bee to feelc God in all parts aboue? Yea and to be fo ioyned vnto hiir^as one centre is within another , fo as both of them may be but as one ? jftcnju be is full of fuclj ana larger fapings ; ano altoapes ije conclu&etlj blefednes & euerlaftingnes follow one another, wherby he excludeth them , both out of cljis toojlO anD out of tljia Ipfe, 0$uc foj tljcmo?efpoeuc,lect)5 come to otljersAVhat is the end ofMan(faietl)Porphyrius)? It is vndoutedly toliuein Mynd. And how is that ? By contemplation in this lyfe ? No (fapctb ijc in anotljcr place)* All Philofophy is but gefsing, a lyght be- leefereceyued from hand to hand , and which hath nothing therein which may not be called in queftion. WHffl matter of Contemplation tben ffjal tfje true one bth Not a heape of words (faptb lje)nor a patching together of precepts ; but a true vni- on of the beholder and the thing that is behild,that is to fay of our Mynd and of God. Simplicius tlje Peripatetik,tol)etfoer foe Iearcen it of Epi&etus 0) fome tolym els,fpeaketlj of it tlju«* The greateft good that is in the knowledge of Nature , is that it is a fayre path to kade men to the knowing of theSoule,ofthe feperated fubftaees, and of Gods beeing. Moreouer itinflamcth vs to the feruing of Godjeading vs by the effedes to the Maieftie of the Crea- tor ; wherevpon followeth an onement with God , with aflii- red faythand hope , which are the things for which philofo- phy ischeefly to be vkd. 3n& in another place ; The beginning (faptl) lje)and the end of happy lyfe,and the perfection of our Soule,con(lfteth in being bent and turned vnto God , as well by acknowledging that he gouerncth all things with Iuftice, as by confenting to all that he doth , as proceeding from a rightfull iudgement.For fo long as our Soule abydeth in him as in theroote , it abydeth in the perfection wherein GOD created it.But if it fall to ftarting out of him, it beeometh wi- thered and droopcth , vntill it turne backe and bee vnited a- gaine vnto him.Cfoe caufe cfren of our tmljappine&fe our fepera* ting of our feluejS from ©otyano tlje caufe of our fjappmefle t* out linking in againe t0t ijim * ana man feefcefy a fcappineflfe agreea* bit OF CHRISTIAN RELIGION. 34? Me to W fcpnn,as aH ortjer tbings noe* %fa eno of man tfjerefoje ts to tunic againe tonto ®on,tbat be map become one UHtb bim* Syrian tbe S>cbcoIemapu\vc of Simplicius UJ?pttnn: nppon Ari- vpon theft ftotle,batb compjebennen tbe matter in one too?o ; we deale with wcwk ^ Philofophie(faptb l)C)for our owne benefite ; that is to fay,for T* uyv.bf our owne welfarejwhich welfare is to be vny ted vnto G od. ivina . 3nn Alexander of Aphrodife commetb not fatre bebtno toben Alexander in be faptl;5tl;at our fouetetne felicitie confitfetb in neuotion totuarnjS prs0bu^Cc (Son, bepono Mbom tbere is not anp further retoam to benefiren* Jwdty cy- For feeing(faptt) be) that the worthieit operation of the Soule nik^ is contemplation; & contemplation properly is the knowing of the befl: things;& none are fo good as the things that con- cerne God: our end and felicitie ought to be the contempla- tion of things belonging to God.'fto be (bo;tt5tbe beffefl&men interpreters of Ariftotle, no make bim to peelo to tijig popnt torje^ tber be toiti o) ni\U$ me afbameo in bis bebalf,tbat bauing fougbt fo mucb to} ti;e true enn of man, be W\) not fet it ootone moje cer* tenlp* Botrijtbepbflofopbers of oft rpmefmeto in aI(tpmes,not on* Theendsboih !p tbat tbofe tobicb attepne to tbe fapoe enne fo? tubttb Span toas °™*e ?°°d * treaten^are bappie; but aifo tbat tbofe tobicb nefpife it noe fall into ° l tftteme tojetcbenneffe: tbe one fojt recepuing euerlafttng felicitie, tbe otber fo jt being bp (Sons Juftice conoemnen to ennleflfe paine, Sifo it is an articleeicpjeflp fet ootone in tbe Cranes of al people, as a popnt tbat is probable to aH men at i^t berp ftrft figbt, %\y& ©on is rigbtuous ann ga%ano tbat eutfl is accompanieo tottb pa- m{bment,ann gcon is accompanpen foritb retoarn ♦ 9s fo? tbe €a* in their booke baltttes oftfyt 3letoes , it is no toonner tbottgb tbep Ijaue bannlen of fhame con- tbis matter torifcfo? tbep baue njatone matter out of tbe foutatnes eeilka- of tbe rjolp fecripture+3nB tberefoje let bs beare but tlje ^eatbetn Thole (faptb Hermes ) which haueobteynedthe fauour of Hermes Trif- God,are of mortall become immortall,and conceyue the on- megiftusin his ly Good, which maketh them to fall into a mifliking of thefe ?ocmander- inferiour things , that they may indeuer with all their power to returne to him the more fpeedily. Orpheus fpeafcing petmo*ecteteIp,fyingetb goorb men into Orphcu* ©00s p?efenre3 to tbe feate of feiicitte, ann to tbe feat! of tbe rtgb* tuous,tobere be maftetb tbemn^onften tm'tb tbe perfect ann ttterla* fling contemplation : but as fo? tbe tmefceo be burpetb tbem in a 9Mmp&to;mentcng tbem toitf; bapne tbougbts, $ mafeing tbem m pii daaisDi- to &?atoetoarea»to a&ute: tljattifai fap5beaffurttbrbeonefo# j iuius. of perfect rontcntation, ana puttetlj tljcotfcr^t in estrone tiik Sibylla. ^ jja?2f# c. y ©f Pythagoras toe Ijauctljcfe feeder Ti/*«VTfcJ5 Jfreafon here thou follow for thy guy de, CC A K&PeV £ s 7"Z?f » ^ rij funning hence thoujhalt before, t mc cV /ft ^ He<*Htn a God tmmortallto a bydey ? J tit w a j- s "^ ^^ thenffort h for euer to in dure. ^ • -- Sinn tftefc berfe?s userc foHotoeabpan^oetg, tobo commonly f , a/we t(fottfy f0 ff r tBtc pieafttre in rtjia matter, tljat fjt imina^ec'nc ^h^^ &^« from it : ana be fcarflp paffetb anp one Dialog, But oftheo- ' toljf rem Ijc Ijatlj not fome fpeecbe hereof; meaning aoutlefle to Do ther fort flic fcs to tmaertfana3 tljat toitbout tbat, all Jpbitofopbte ana all Dtui* fa) th thus. ttjtie be mapmeB; anti it (bonln feeme tljat tl;e conltancie of Socra- lctn7ra bnto Cratylus brads ofpemes ^(nt \yZ fapetl^whcn the good man departeth this world,he fence of hinv c°mmetn t0 great honor and to a greate inheritance-, for he flST ° " becommeth a Demon according to the true fignification of thej OP CHRIST££''ff RELIGION. 347 the word, that is to fay,flcilfbll and wy fe. 'Cfoae tljen is tlje per* PIat0 5n hl"s fettion of a li3(jilofopl;er,\uljofe eno ana pjofclfton is to baue knoto* §^uUhis leage anbftulU 9nn m Ins; Theetctusljee fapttl;, tljat tortlj tbe Th«tttus. c3ods tljerc is no euill, but null ftaihctlj Ijcere bnieatlj anions iljefe tt anfitojie things, ano tfoercfoje tl;at toe mult bpe us tljttljer an&fleeftomljencc,tbat is to fap, toe mutt become rpgljtuous ano topfe. For(faptb !;e) fuch as frail hauc followed the way of fol- ly and wickednes , dial not be admitted into the reftingplace of the blefTedfort which arc exempted from all euill ; but ac- cording to their leawd lyfe,they Qullbe condemned to dwell for eucr with the euill. 31nJjisGorgias Ijeniafcctb mention of q^^18 an auncientlatoebnserSaturne, toljtclj lie afftrmccbto !>auc bin orsws* tljen ff ill in bfe,namelp tbat tofcen gcoo men bepart out of tljis lpfe3 t&ep be fent into tlje fortunate 3!les(toljicb 3lles Pindarus alfo be* fcrpbetfc berie curiouflp)ano tlje toicfceo into tbe Jnpleof Wim* g eance^btclj \yz calletl; Tartar ; bnboute&lp betokening tbefe bit* fcnotoen plaee^bp places ftnotoenbnto rtjmt,tobiclj tbep tolie co* tnonlpto be eptber mod pleafant ojmoff bo?riblC;ipite as tbe 3Ietoes betofccneb tlje Keitingplace of tlje bleOeo fo?t bp a goonlp ©arbpne,anu i£)ell bp tlje ballep of Onam o? Ghehinom, toljtclj toas an irftfome place nerejerufalenuan ijts Phedon bctyingetfc pktom his in a certepne pjopbet rapfeo from tbe bean , toljtclj repo?tetlj tljat P^on.and t&ofe toljtclj are iuUt£ie&,go on tbe rigljt ljanb,pure3an* cleaners ^J^1* are fent bp to fipeanen^ano tbat tfee oamneb fcnt go on tfce left Ijanb, Lawel° befmeareo toitlj Bleb ano mtre,toeeping ano gnaflftmg tlmx eectfee, anb in tbe eno art fent into Iotoe oeepe places, g)ea ano \yz ocferp* tieeb tljere tbe blefieo Countrep in fuel) termes.tljat fome men baue taken tbe yzvim to conferre it,toitlj t&ae tobicb is bitten thereof in tbe Apocalips* ^o be f&o^e^tn !jts Axiochus be calletb f place Pfeto b his A- of Judgment tbe feelD of trutfofrom tobcnce(faietlj be)tfcep toljicb xiochus. feaue follotoeb tlje tnfpiration of tbe goou fpuit^nlbee fent into a Parabpfe c j pleafant <8arDpn,tobicb be be fcrpbetb tijerc in tbe se* ipgljcfuUetf matter tbat be can t>euife,to repjefnst tbe things lubtcb , tw \)i cannot conavntfip t\)t ti)in$s tobicb tne fee Ijere en eartbt anr> *™ *?^& tljat tljep lobicb &aue bin leu bp toitktt feenbs, tljat is to fap bp tlje >y )&& tndtnee of t^e oeuill, fljalbe conbemnetj to oarknes anb confufion5 ^hx^^r mbetebebefcribftb agrtatenomber efenbleffe tomen ts^cucr* ay. tbeleffe be (betoetb t^at ttjefe things are not to be take actoping to tiato in his $ letter,\uben l)Z fattlj in biz ComonH)ea{e,tbat nc ttljer tbeptmi(I> common- meutgi noj t&e rebjarD^ of tljfe too jlo are anp tljtng atall eptljcr foj vvcalc- nomber 34*> ° * THfi TREWNE5 nombcr o) foj greatnctfe^in refpect of tljofe tobiclj arc pjepareb foj cptfecr fo?t in tbe Ipfe to come, Cicero tobo tooulo nttoesbc as a Plato i\\ tatin,fonotoet&bim jpiutarkc con- ag jt ^^g £f p ^ ftf y . antl f0 m]j Plutarke alfo , tobo counters U nmvepunni- e*ttS plato> tywfftt& in one Thefpefiusrapfeo from tbe&eab, anu ftingofthe makctb btm to Dtfcourfc of t&f Iptc to come* 9no toitbout calling wicked. mPIotinejPorphyriuSjProclus.Hierocles^fucfjOtljcrg^ome tt idouId be ouerlong to beare,onlp Iamblichus (ball fufFice,tobofe toojosaretbefe : The goodSoule (hall dwell with GOD, and walkevp and downein Heauen , where it fhall hauc a dwel- ling place. But the Soule that is defiled with curfed deedes^ flialbe fent vnder the Earth 3 to the iudgements which arc there executed vpon Soules. Jftoto toljat Can toe Dcmauub mojc of tlje tabtlofopljccs , tljan tbat tobtcb tljep cwifcflc 1 JSamelp tijac tbe ijappincs ano tf;c ennc of man , are net m tbts Ipfe but in tbe a • tber, ann tljac tbe marks tobtcb man fl;culo fljoof e at , is to implop cbts in tbe knotoiug of <8©D , tbat m tbe otber Ipfe (je map euer* laff inglp cntop all goon tbings in binn S>o tbcn,let bs conclude botlj bp mans reafon antj bp tbe autbo» titieofall laijilofopbteXbat astljebonp of man rclpctbbpon Ijte feoule ; fo bis mojtall Ipfe relpetb Dp on t\)t immojtall Ipfe tbat i* to come : Ojac tbe enu tobcretco man toas createo in tbi* toojlo, is to knoto ant) fcrue 6oD, anb to poiTeflfe bim tobolp abouc,0&to« fccic fojafuuiclj as bp our fall ujcc bee falne from knotolenge into ignorance, ano tberfojealtbougb toe bane fome little glimmering figbt of out enb tobtcb toee ame at, pet toee toote not boto tofljape our felues to it ; 3ns again, bp tbe fame fan toe be falne from out fouereine toelfare into a bottomleffe pit of miferp,toljcre toe creepe fo lame as it is not pofliblefojbs to re tunic ageineto our former (tate : let bs fee tobetber (Sob of bis mercie,batie not left bs fome remnants toberebp to get bp ageine , ana to bee m'rcttcti into our rigbttoap; ann tobetber bee bitnfelfealfoboe not reaebe us outbid fatberip banti, t&jougb tljc cloubes of oarknes toberetoitb toe bee ouertobelmeb,co pull bs backe ano to call us borne ageine to bint, agacrp Kaaarts^aebelle^anobntoojtljp Cap fifes a? toe be. 34P ; The xx. Chapter. That the true Religion is the way to atreyne to the fayd end,and fouereine welrarq and what are the markes of that Religion. fymt p?oueti aTrcam'e , Ctjat tfjere fa but one ©on tije father of spaufcpnti : Cbat Ije creates dje toojttr fo? mang ufe:ano tbat l;e gouentetfr botb clje €£Jojto ana Span bp &10 p^outoence* Bperetrppontljeleaffman among atttoin com cluoe bp ami bp^Cbat Gtfo 6c fe out father, toe otoe btm obeoience -> fitl; toee Ijoto all rtjmg* of jtm in fee , toee otoe btm fealtte aim frontage-, fitb be p^otu&eti) aff Sfrmgei foj bs 5 toe ougfrt to caflbpon (rim m all our notngs ans in all our tteceflfitteiai ♦ 3lfo 31 faue ffretoeo5rljat Span fa of nature iixu mojtall: ano tfjerefinc Ije muff applpe bmtfelftottfraflfjfa bcartta immojtaH things ♦ Cbat b^ finne i;e fa falne from (Sob ano from Jnmfetfe : aim tfrercftnc l;e muff mut fojgiueneffe of birth $& W tojatfj map free appeafeo : %\w tfrfa offence toag a cempne pjioe ana ouertoaening of ijtmfeifc ; ano tfrerefoje bz muff atfwotole&ge %\$ frapltte ano tojetcbeoneffe, ami fumble r)tmfdf before ©©D* jftoto tn one tooju , tofr at fa all tbfa to fap, but tbat as tbere fa but one ©on amr one Spankpmijfo tbere ougbt to be but one IMgiSy ftat fa to fap,one ojoinarie suette $ feruice of man totoartfa ©oo4* tfo} tofrat efa are all tbe ejcercifea of l&eligion , but appcrtenance* joftfje articled to^tcb toe fraue pjoue&jtfjat fa- to tott,of tlje creation. tftbt to9?^anD of ©atis jpjtiumence ; oftfje 3|mmojtalitte of tbe g>oule3amj of Spang fafl;aim of $$ namelp betto&ne fte oeaft tobift toee pjoteft our felues to baue ueferueo, ana fte e* uerlafting life ft at is bebigbteo t)S to ufterit,ftere is a marueloug toaffe mffance to bee filleo bp : ana pet nottoiftftanaing epfter it nutttnaaesbeeftatmanisfet mftetoojla in toapne, ojelsftae tbere is a toap o? a b;tiage ojaepnea foj fte pairing ftereof^ljere* fo?e Religion , tofticfi baft bjougbt ts to fte pits tyim , muft alfo ifcetoe fcs ftis bjiage; ftat tye map tmpte ana linfte bs a^inz anta ©05, front tofcom toe be gone ft farre ana ft ttrangelp b^ our fair? aim tljat tyemap reconcple as as baftaralp ftilajen to our father, ana as rebellious feubietts to our pjince: toiftout tobift reconri* iiation oj (acco?aing to fte latin aeriuation) lReligion,@oa reaf* ftft to be our fafter, ana toee to bee W ftilajensana all Religion, fcoto gap ana glojious 0;oto foeuer it batte, is atterlp Unprofitable ana aapne ♦ J9oto,fte ena ftat man (boula ame at in ftis Iife,is to wturnefcnto <8oa,ana it cannot be in aapne:but in aapne it ffjouto 6e,if ftere be no toap to leaae man anto D? 0} ratljer to tying <8oa bnto man* Co ft e intent fterefoje ft at neifter <8©D be ne* ftaunen of bis glojie 5 no? man of fjtss eno ano felicitie , ft ere muft accojm'ng to m^ former p?ofes ) neenes bee a map , ftat i& to fap a tneane to reconcple man bnto ©on , ano to bnite bim againe bnta ftim,ftat be map bee faueo ; toljift toap tote tofil ( acco^oing to fte nereis but f^nimon fpaeft)call l&eltgion* one true Reii- Jf5otJ3all fte auttcfent mm agree fullp,ft at ftere ougbt to be a §ioa. Religion among all men^as in oeeoe ftere is not a fting ftat ooft mo?e nccelTarilp follotoe^ftan a <6i©D,a 9pan, ano 9 feeligion-,a ifafte^a S>onne3ano anSDbc&ience; a ^apfter3a g>eruant3ano a feruice: a ©iuer, a IRecepuer, ana a retoaro : 0? rafter a ientier,a Marfnius fici- £)etter5ano a ^onn*9no fterfo?e full tnell notb one fap,The Phi- SwgE? lofoPhers 0USht t0 hauc hin the firft Vwwes . tfofc inafmucft aciiaion. & toe mate totoaru* (5©D toitl; ttoo toings, ftat is to fap,toift emit Of CHRISTIAN KB LI GI ON. 5?I Wit attUffiKfllt anit can ho fconer concepue tljat A- ^?fc j" hI? uerrhoes faptb tljat toe be boun& b^ nature to magnifie ©on toitfe ^aiks and 3P?aper$s ana Sacrifices ♦ ZSX feat fe ting to fap, but tfjat it i$ natu* m nis firfi of tall to man,pea euen in refpect of ty$ ftape ano fubftance, to Jjaue a Hcauen. Religion ^ 3nt> ttrijp ? Alexander pjofeffetb Wmfelfe to be tlje fe Auerrhoes vp. terp?eter of Ariftotle , ana therefore ijee (ball interpjete in'm fo? fc$ bookc of He*. IjereJt is(faptl) lje)becaufe our whole felicitie confifteth in de- u°° c uotion towards God. For wee looke for none other reward Alexander of but God himfelfe,and him being the very fouerein good , we Aphrodyfe, obteyne by feruing him. jftoto tofcen toe beare tfjefe toojt>g,toee «>nc€™ing th* map tljinke it toag a ttrong torment of confeience tbat tojeong tjfe God'^ed by 1 truetfc out of tfjem, $0} attmen fcnotoe , tljat cb&flp Auerrhoes cyriiiik U^getb tlje mtnitiz of tbe toojiMna $# ^nitterfalttie of one onelp $$*pmi , to^ic^ pet nottoitbftantimg cannot matcb toitfj gonlpnesf ♦, Epidetus mafeetb not tbe like flo?iu)es of pjilofopljie , but pet %z plapetb tbe IPbilofopber mucb better in Deetie* If wee had wit (faptl) be)what fliould we doe but prayfe God continually,and iingPfalmesofthankefgiuing vnto him, euen in digging and tilling the ground,and bothiniourneying and in refting ? As how ? Euen faying thus : Great is God which hath giuen vs thefe tooles to till the earth withall^ Great wliich hath giuen ▼s 35* © * THE TRBVVKn vs hands to woorke withall ; Create which hath giuen vs tos growc euen not wotingit, and to breath euen beingafleepe, for thcfe are things that cannot be.imputcd to our owne cun- ning. Such(faptj) ijc)ought to be the Songs of euery of vs. 9n& agame : If I were a Nightingale,I fliould doe as Nightingales doe : but being a reafonable Creature, what (hall I doe now? I willeuermore prayfe God (faitMe) without ceafing; and I Simplidus vp- will exhort you all to do thelyke.9nD Simplice (jis interpreter poa Epidctus. Jauina; firft mauc manp goofclp tufcourfe0,a&nctl) that hee which is negligent and flothfull in feruing and honoring God, can- a not be diligent in any other thing , how needfull fo cuer the 2SS3L fame beGf aI1 vertuesCfaitb Hicrodes) Religion is the guyde, tcr a^inft A- for itconcerncth the matters of God, and therfore Py thago- tfatiSs. ras beginneth his precepts thereat, 8nD tlje tooojD tobirfy Ije b6 fet(j there foj a gupae Ogniftctlj a £}ucene,tol)icl) one too?& impo]t< • t etfj uerp mucb,name lp t&at altfje uercues tol)ic\) tuc make account iiCas^arDmcSjffOifoome^JulltcrjanDCemperancCjarcnotljiuj if ebep be ttottcfareoimto ©on, ann tifen tn refpeer of foim, tl;at is to fap , if Religion so not turret anti Ieaoe tljem to ©oo t&e p?inet« Hicrodes. cap. pall eno thereto all our Doings ougljt to teno* 15ut torjat is l&tlU $.ism 1. gion^j It is (fapetl; fee) the obeying of God, the moothcr of all vertewes,and the difobeyingof all vyces. And our obeying of God rauft be of fuch a forte , that we muft rather difobcy our parents, y^a and lofeour lyues to than difobey him. For our obeying of our parents muft be for the loue of God ; and it is lamblidius in of his goodneffe that we pofleffe our lyues.Iamblichus fapctft his 45. chap- tljUS* Let vs begin at the beft and moft precious ; namely the ter efMyfte- obferuing of Religion , which is the feruing of God- 9nU in ^ anotljer place/Thou furmife{t(faitrj be)that there is fome other way than Godlynes to atteyne to felicitie, and thou afkeft of me what that way may be. Butfurcly (fay I) if the very fub- ftance and original-power of al goodnes and welfare be in the Gods : onely thofe are happy which confecrate and vnyte themfelues to God after our example. For in thatfrate are both contemplation and knowledge accompliflied ; and be- sides the knowledge of the Goddes 3 there is alfo the know- ledge of Gurfelues 9 which is gotten by cafting backe our vn- Produsinnis -demanding towards ourfelues.'So be ftojt,Proclus as UtflUp- fcooke of pay- pon tys otone tungment as bppon tfje opinions of Plato , lambli- ««• ^hus^Porphyrius^Plotin au& otfcr j5,faictij ttjat Ueliguw an* t&e calling OF CHRISTIAN RELIGION. 353 calling bpon (Son are pj opet ana peculiar to matt after the fourth maner ass Ariftotle termed it ; t&at is to fap, a natutaU pjopertfe touted agreed fidp to tbe Ipbole kino of man,ano onlp to man,an*i toitbout tbe tobicfj ije cannot bee a man* Jftoto 3! am not ipojan* tijat tljep fpeafce fometimes of tbe feruing of tbe (Sons in tije pul- rali number , as tfcougb tbere toere mo (Sous tben one; info*: mucbt^atfomeoftljepljilofopljeriaitttrneoafitie to artemagtfte, ano ad of tftem peeioeo to tfce Idolatries $ «g>uperffitions oftfieic tpmes* fioi in oeene, to fcnotoe tfjat (Son ougftt to bee fcrue^ana to fcttotoe after to&at fojt %z toilbe ferueo, ano to ferue \)im tbercaf* 9 ter,are tfcmgs farre differing* 2$ut it is inougb foj tbis tpme tijat toe torn tbus mud) at tbeir banos, tfcat of neceflfttie tbere is a Mi* * gion; to&icb tbing tutn ti&z jf2auigations of our tpme aoe ftetoe to be impjintea in all tbe Clpmates oftbe too?U>fl, anoinaUkmtiS of men ; as tofridf) baue oifcowereo Rations tbat toanaer in SBootiS, tott^out Lato,toitbout $pagi(rrate3toitbout &mg,but none toitb* out fome fcpno of ferumg of ©oa 9 none toidjout fome tyaaotoe of SUligion* !J>tttbp t&entoefcnoto tljatt&ereisa Hriigion5tf)at is to fap, a Tharthoeis leap to Valuation , oj a toap tofoerebp to come fcome againe Unto but one true <£o&* 15at are tbere manp toapes , oj but onelp one ? 3it is a ijigb Rdlslon' queffiou,but pet eafie to be oecpoeo, if toe contoer tofcat Heligiott requiretb of fcs3am> toljat it is to get foj us* Religion (as tlje meit at our felues aim all djat eucr i&\ in bs (boulo bee referreo to Ins Ijonour* 3|f Religion require tins, Ijoto can it be anp otber tfyzn one? ©j tobat siuerfitie can it anmit? 3no if anp require lefle of fcs,cotenteo pera&uentute \nity tfce out* Uaaro man, (Mitl) is all one as tftrjep toouto rob <85oo of oneljalfe of a span ; ) toljat is tfceir oooing but Epipocrifie o? bigb treafon a= gainft(0oo \TSiitncfa ageine/eeingtbatlReligion bpnoetlj us in ft great abonvuen ty nature,tbat tbere is not anp man tobicb is not mfo?ceo to confetTe tlje oette fo tottnelfeo b^ tlje toljole tot^Ioet furelp tbere is no man rtjat feeletl) Ijimfelfe able to pap it>o$ to^tcb totb nottoillinglp plea&e giltie, pea ano tobicl) in not infojceo to fap5tbat tije molt part of Ijis tbougljts , too^s auti o^uts, are not onlp farre of from 4bouj)\xt alfo tennmg uirectlp to offeno $ fee tobetbcr tbece be manp toape* of fatt(factton3o? but onelp one* <[ftbatfl;all tbeoeuouteft man mtbetootfo offer Ditto (Sou fo? bte otonc otfcbarge \ feball bee offer big Srlf fruitcs *: 600 gaue btm botb tbz feoe ano tbetobole crop*«§>acrtfice$? Ebe QTJoti,tbe if pje,ano tbe Cattell, are all of ©00$ gift. Clje tobole toojlo, tf a man l;ao tt ? i^eebatb loll tbeinbentanceann tbe tigbt tbereofm fe&ing to infrancbtfe btm&lf from tbe ferutce of ©on* jRap(tobtrf) moje i$)©oo not onelp gaue tbe toojlo tmt« man, but alfo man to man btmfelf* 'Cbe toojlo tben ano all tbat etier t* tberew3 cannot otfcbarge man agatnlf ©oo*&abat mxp man fcimfelf ooe *: &ure* Ip an acceptable Sacrifice (boulo man be to €*jDD(ag Hierocles faitb) tf be toere fucb a one as be ougbt to be* 15ut tobat fboulo tbe beft of all mzn offer top tn facrt&Gng bimfelf ? gxotblp notbing but enup^batreo^raplt^bacfcebpting^atne tbougttjeJ^bntrue toojog5 tojongfull oealtng,ano(to go pet fttrtber)fapttt tbanfcg , tottb colo ano counterfetp;tater$* jftoto tbefe are fo farre of from amounting to a otfcbarge , tijat tbep tttrne to a buge beape of too?fe ano mo?t fcnoifcbargeable bonoj^accojoing to tbe tnfiniteneffe of tbe S^ate* ftiz of tbe Creator tbat i$ offenoeo b^ tbem. JSoto tljen,tf nettljer # tootfo no? man can otfcbamge man agatntf ©oO; tobat reraapnetij to ooe tt,but ©00 btmfelfc , inborn Religion mud offer to man fo? iris nifebarge ; ztxzw ©on mercifull , to ©on tuft ;'©oo a papmap* ifer3to ©an tbe creatoj : &crilp5tbat bautng (Ijetoeo bg boto Beep* Ip to&beinoetteo to ©®D ; tt map alfo teacb te tbe tooonoetfull meane ojoepnea b^ ©00 ano tn ©on,toberbp be ano bis foueretne 3luff ice map be fati{fieo3ano our ejetteme tntquitie be tljcretottb re* leeueo? jftoto tbt mtz of 03 all tg all of one fojt ano nature;name* Ip tbat toe otoe our felttes all tobolp tmto ©do ; ano ottr tmabttttie to oifebarge it i$ alfo all alpfce •, namelp tbat all tbat ewer commetb of our fellies can oeferue notljmg but neatb bpon oeatb.ffiur com- monbono(fap 33)entreo into of t>$ all bp ©oos benefited totoarotf tbe firU man , i$ b? bi$ nifobeoience become fo?feten > botlj in re* fpect of bimfeffe ano of all mankind Wioes fyit, ti>z creotto? ann tbe paper are bbtb one3ano cannot bebtttbotbone* jfo? iti$ onelp iSoo tbatbotl; notb ano can fatifle bimfelf* 3it foHotoetl; tben,tba$ ty true Eeliffiou can be but one,namelp euen tijat onlp site tobtcb (Jjctoct^ • P CHRISTIAN RELIGION. 355 fbetoetf) fos tbe onelp one meane of faluation : ano t!;at all otber &eligions3if cfjep abate anp tobit of mans ncbt unto ®oo3are txau tecous to bis;maieffie; ana tftfjep fet not fcotone a fufficient meane ^fnifdEjarge ,' tbep be but bapne ann imauaplable ceremonies t anu fo as tell tbe one fcnt as tfje otber , fctterlp tmtejtbp of tbe name of Uleligiom .furthermore, if tbere be outers true Religions , 31 trteane ornery as m refpetf of tbe fubftance of tbem 5 toljereof ri- fetb tljat ntuerfitte *t £>f tlje tbing tobtcb tbep popnt at fo toljat fljal tbofe otljer Religions be,but eitljer 3!&olatrie oj 3tbeifme, tljat is to fap3btter 6o&lefnes ? CQbereof tljen ? ©ftbeir ground Bap, $©an tobicb is tbe groumi toljereon Uteligion tejftetij , is but one fttno of tbing* aifo as tbe uifeafe being in aH men commetb of one roote3fo is it of one felffame nature* litouife tbe rememe tbereof (as 31 b^ue fap& alreaop)is but onlp one* jftoto tubere t\)t grounfc is an one,tbe oifeafe all one, amj tbe remeoie all one to : tolj3 twill euer fap tbat tbere fljoulo bee mucrCcie of 9rtes tn tbe banoiing oj miniffring of tbem ? 3|f a man bee too bumble btmfelfe, 31 teul& *fapne baue tbem to tell me,&bat otber tep tbere ts tban to KnoUi fjtmfetfe : toljat otber loap to knote bimfelfe, tban to bfytito bun* felfe t Uibat otber toap to bcljolo Ijimfelfe , tben to tofee into a faire m rleare glaflfe *; 9nn tobat clearer glatTe ts tfterc , tban rije late of (Sou , aim tbe perfect obemence toljiclj & © D required) at mans Ijann ? 3nu feeing tbat tljts late , ana tbe perfect obemence requi* ten bp t%t fame,can be but one9 i])oto map Heligton be ^tutDen in* to mo tban one ? 9geme3tf man betobeltfte&fcp tmto tobat is Religion ^ 9n arte 0^ 35^ OF THE HEWNM f ftfl(if 31 map fo term* tt)Ijoto to fatte men*9toD to&crem confiffetft tbis arte *: JFtrtt in ffjetoing men tljeir Difeafe ; feconolp m fijetoing tbem tljat it is oeaDlp ^ ano finallp m teadjtng tbe fie ami conueut* entremeDie*3|n Deeoe tljeuerp Lat» of jftature leauet^ us toell m tbe firft popnt* jFoj toljo is bee mbicb euen of Mature accufetb not Ijtmfelfe, anD tnbofe confctcncc nippetb fjtm not tobeu beefjatb fin* neD ? IReafon alio leaDetb us to tbe feccnu popnt* if oj tobo is bee tljat concluDetlj not toitb ijnnfcife \ tbat tlje Creature tobicij offetr* Dctlj bis cceato? Deferuetb to be rcoteD out, tbat is to fap,tbat Onne iugenDjetb Deatb *; 3nD tt)U28 farre map all Religions come, anD all Ceremonies ojoepneo by man, as pliers, Sacrifices, £22af: fljins,Clcanfings, 9 fud) otljers^nt tobatt* all t^isi but a tying* ging of us to l^ellgate , oj ratljer a fljetmnjf of paratrife Unto us a farre of, botobcit toitb fuclj a bojrible anD ittfiftiee gulfebeturijct us ann n§ as man ana an tlje frbole too?lD can neitber fill up no? palfe ouer «: 2>et muff tbere neetres be a paffage ; jfoj tbe emj of 9$m is to be Unites unto 0od , anD tljis eno is not in uaine ; tlje meane to be uniteD aboue , is to be reconcpleo bere beneatfj 5 ano t^e meanc to be teconcplen Ijere beneatlj,te(as 31 Jjaue fapD alreaoie)but one* Ip one, tobicb is, tbat ©00 bimfelfe acqtttt us toitbout our Difcbars ging oftbe Debt toljicb free otoe Untobinn ffinelp tbat Keltgion tben(ano none otber)tobtrf) leaDetb us ftreigbt to tbe fain palfage, ami by tfje following tobereof toe fino it , is tlje true Religion , a* tbat tobicb allonlp atteinetlj to tlje emie of Religion , tobicb is tbe failing of mamSpap not men(U)il fome fap)too?ffjip ©od oiuerflp, fomenting up tbeirepes to beaueu, anD otberfome raffing tfjeit faces Dotone to tlje grounD *t ^eS,fo? tbe toojfljipping is but one, ami tl;e l;ttmbling of mens felues is but one (till , tljougb tbere bee Difference in tlje fignes^nt our Difputing bere is not of tbe Cere? monies,but of tbe fubffance of t^em> 9lfo map not men offer @>a* crifice niuerfip ? S?es* ^ut if tbp Sacrifices baue no furtljet tnm tbeu tl>e leaning of tlje blun of a bead ; tiyzn (as faptb Hierocles) tfjep be to tbe jf p?e but a feening tbereof toitb fetuell ano uapojS; ano to tbe^?a(!eS,a fuperfluous maintenance of butcberie. 3lt i* reciutfite tberefo?e tbat Sacrifices Hjoulo bee referren to fometobat; namelp tljat by tbem tboufijoutoeft p^oteff, t^at tobereas tbe fHlic innocent beaff es a© fuffer ueatl;, it is tfjou tbp felfe tbat ball Defer* tteD it bot^ in boDp anD Soule^gaine, if tbou Ijaue notbing els in tbp Heligion,but Sacrifices anD papers ; boto gcoDlp a (botoe fo* xuer tytt make3t||0u Ijaft nortjins but a confefiion of tl;p fault,anD aft* OF CHRISTIAN RELIGION. J>7 a fentence oftzratii againtf tljecfoj tfje fame, jfoj tf tfjofe Ceremo* ntcs aime not at a eertem ;narfce,tbep be trifling topetf ; anii if tljat fee $e cud tofjereattbep atrae$ tljen come tljep fyojt, ag txiljic^ Doe but leaue tljce unto sea^ana tljece leaue tljee* Cljer e are Come tbat toouia bcare as on Ijana , tljat Religion ia An ©bicaio*. Imt au obferuattou of certfpne Ceremonies in eucrp Countries toljielj reafon3 tljat tobiclj is Ijolp Ijere, fijouto be Dnbolp tn anotljet place ; ana tljat toljtcb is goalp iri one Lana , ftouiD be bngoalp irt another* €0 beQ)0?t,tbcpmakeitIpftet(jela^ej3tfeatliepenrj up* pon CuSome , &tycb paffe no further cban. tlje bounas of tlje place labemljcpbebfea*. $f Heiigionfcenorljing eife but fo; tobat fri« euce,art,o? traae is wije jwpne cban tbatt €>? ratljer tobat 10 to be fapa of it, but tbat in aeeaeit isno Religion atali *i ieacbeeraft i* Srocerteme in manp refpects^as of aire,of toater,cf age,ana of rip* mate x but pct,p Wtb is Leacbraaft in one Countries nat man* quelling in an 0 tlj er .L am ccr aft bat b a Im of! as manp funajp latucg as caccs,ana tlje caces tbat are in tbe taojla are infinite. Qct not* toitbffanaingUJbQfctljnot tbat all t&efc aiuerfiriesi of caces are fyougbt fcnaer one bpjpgbtncs anareafon^ana tljat tljep toljicfc p#la not tljercunto,are not repute t> fojt mtafiut ratljcr,fu \ enemies of mankpno ana uipla brads *i 3Jfo Dertue &atlj rlje auctions to tooojke apoma grouna nic»?e mouablc tban tlje §>ca ana tbe toina* Sua pet tobo toilfap5tbat tbat toljitb tsfcaraines brttoccne tljetoa &rcpiks is Cotoaraltnrg tn all otljer Country 0) tfjae f tobtcd is (Japeanelfr tn one Ijalf of tb c \uo?Iti , is anftapeancfie tn the otbet &3lf <; IDo be (be&tt)iit tbing is moje fubtect to riling ana falling, 0? to be cr p en aotonc 0; inljauncea, tban copne of itluer ana gola.as tubicb fometb to foliotne tbe toilles of pontes': 3na pet nottoitlj* ffanaiug,foj all tbetr ojainanccs anti p?oclamations,botb gola ana filuer 00 altoap ts koepe a certeine rate aim baleto* JOIjat (ball toe Cap tben to Religton,U)bicb batb ^ firmer anu fubfiantialler ground tfym all tbefe ; 3 meane not mennes boDies,gooD0 , affections » 0} fantaiies ; but tlje berp foule ann mpnu of man , tobo alfo batl) fttc& a red to Cap bppon ,a0isfcttleo,tmmouable, anotijeio^ of all Cb^unge5,tbat is to Uiit,<£oo it Upoto mucb mo?e topfelp otitb cue . PythagoriftHierocles teacbetos,tbatKeltgioniS t^e gouernefie of all berteiues , ann tbac all uerteuies tenD to Ijer as to tb^'r cer< tetue enti , as lubo moulo fap, tbep be no uerteioes if tljep fcoarue from bf r ; tnfomucl; *l;at barupnefle being teferreu to anp other ftangooipneffe^bccommetljjraltiKire; toifeuome becommetb top« 2 I i?rteft 358 OF THE TRBVVNEf Ipnes ; anTi JufHre becommetlj Juggling; anb at a tooojb,allberi tunsbucmar&mjattOljtpocnCe^ ilf Heli^tottbetbe enbof all bertetoe$,muftitnotneebs beftjtcbanbbnmonable^©;* if it be moual)le,toljat is tljere tben tljat is iuft>g©b, oj uertuous \ 9nn if tlje cafe (tanb fo;toljat tljing in tlje toojfti is mo?e bnauaplablc tljnn mau,ojtofpeakemojerpgljtlp? toljat tljing is to leflepurpofe in timjiym Ijts mpt^t But tijerc is bertue, anb tlje toickebbeft man tljat is,toill auoto it* ^Ijercfoje tljere is aifo a certeine Religion, tuljtcij maketljit to be bertue3 anb tofjercunto bertue referred) it« felf ; anb tfoebngoblpetf man tjjat ts cannot fcape from it* Ictbs looke pet further into tljeabfuflutite of tljis opinion* SUljo can bente but tljat among tlje Diuerfitres of Religions,tljere toere manp fojts oftoickebuesanbbngobljtfes openlp epecutcb; Tome tooo$ripping tlje creatures? in fipeauen pea anb oil cartb , as tbe Egiptians aio in olb time,anb as tlje Tartarian^ bo at tljis bap; fome offering bp men in Sacrifice, as tlje Carthaginenfes hi\} in olbtpme anb as tlje 82lefferne3Ilesbopctattljis&ap tanbotfcer* Tome permitting tljings not onip contrarie to all Jlatoes , but aifo euenljojribleanblotljfometo nature \ 3|falitljisbegoob-,3i pjap pou "baljac goob is tljerc,o? rather toljat eutl! is tljere in tlje tocjlo'; 515ut if it be euill in itfelf; toljo can benp but tljat t&ere toere toicken anb bngoblp Religions in tlje too2lo,(3! bfe tlje to&jb Religion afc ret tlje comon maner) anb t&ac a man Ijab neebe of a Rule toljere* ftp to bifcerne tlje goob Religion from tlje bab *t 3nb in bcrie beebc it is fo rcotcb in nature to beleeue tljat tlj ere is but one Religion to be bab,as toell as to beleeue tljat tljere is but one (Sob; tljat (as toe map bailp fee)a man toill rather inbure tlje change of a temperate aire into an extreme toljot 0? into an ejetreme colb; of freebom inter bonbage ; anb of Juftice into ^pjannpe , tfjan anp alteration atall (tljouglj neuer fo little) in tlje cafe of Religion: bertlp as tobo tooulbfap , it lucre not fo naturall fo? a man too loue Ijis natiue Countries be frfoana to be at Ijts eafte ; as to Ijaue fome one eer- teine Religion to gtopbe Urn to faluatton* jQoto mp meaning Ijatlj bin to lap fcojtlj t W txutth after tlje ma fo^of pttrpofe to take atoap tlje boubts, anb to auopbe tlje krinks inuenteb aneto &p certeine iibertines^ut fo?afmuelj as tljere are ntanp Cereroonfes toljiclj bifguife tljem felues m tbe attire of Re- Thcfirft mark Jte*on (0 **«#» w * ft i* mo*c neebfull foj b* to Ijaue fure anb in* *>t the true Re fallible marks, ttljcr tbv to bifcerne tlje true Religion* if irff of all i#on. tljerefoje let ty? lap tyts founbation toljiclj 31 l)aue la pb anb fettle* alreaop OF CHRISTIAN RBLIGIOM^ 359 alreabi e ljcretofo?e,namelp tljat Religion is tbe rpgfct Hule offer* uing ©oMitD of reconcpling anb reuniting man agcinbnto <©o&, tbat be map be faueb. jftoto mans Valuation is notbingels but bis feltritie,ljapppnes,fouerepne g©b,o? luelfaretano Ijtss welfare (as a Ijaue oeclareb afo?e) is to be knit bnto ©on* jf o? neitljer cbe tuo?lo, no? anp creature intljeflBojlb can make man Ijapppe 3 but onlp be tljat mabe man. 3nu it is a cleare cafe tljat tote ougljt tp feme Ijtm beere bcneatlj,tobo is to make bs bappie aboue,ano none otber but binn&ll Religion tberefo?e,(ijoto gcoblp a fyotoe fo cm t it baue to tbe epe ? ) tabid) turned; atoap from feruing ©on to fcr* uing tlje Creatures but Sioolatrieanoimgoblpnes bnto bs* 9ifo ail Religion toljtclj caufetfj 1^0 to fake our toelfare anp tolj ere els* tban onlp f n'bfm t&af is tbe maker of all toelfare;toilbe bnto bs not onlp banitie atm a clj?uamg of bs out of tlje toap ; but alfo a mur* t&ering of ourielues , anb a casing of bs bcablong into nil to?ct* cbcbnes^bep map toell baue in tbem an offering of firft fruits,of tbankfgtuings>anb of otber feruicestbuc all tljefe arebutiniuries ano blafpljemies ageintt ©oo3if toee tbink out felu cs bcljoloen too anp creature fo? tbe tbings tobic& toe neitber fjauc 11 0? can baue of anp but tbe Creator 3lfo tljep map toell Ijaue p?apers, ant) facrifi ces ,but tbofe papers fljalbe botb bapne anb bngoblp, being mane to Wm tbat cannot Ijere tbem,ano toljiclj impute tbe gouemment of tbe too?lo bnto £reatures,o? to fucij as foe tbem not, 0? can fcarflp fee tbe tbings tbat are afo?e tbenn 3no alfo? tbeir Sacrifices , tbep ftalbe but fmokie fauours, pea ful of trapterous trecljerie to ©or, in tljat tbepconfefle tljcir Ipues before oeao tbings anb make a* mentis to Creatures fo? tlje offences to&iclj tljep Ijaue committen ageinft tbe Creato?* jftoto tberefo?e let tlje firft marke of tlje true Religion toljiclj toe ftekc,be tljisjtljat it Direct bs $ ail our Cljurclj* feruiccs bnto tlje true ©00 tlje maker of Cpeauen ana eartlj,tbe on» Ip fearcber of mens ljearts,toijicb are tbe tljings toberetoitlj be toil cbeefelp be feruefc 5 tbat it map oiffinguiO) it from all 3!bolaCries3 toljtcb feeke bnto toooti, to Hone, to tbe &unne3to tlje 3@oone, to S^en, to 3ngcll$,an& to all tbe Creatures tljat are in ipeauen ana in eartlj. 3nti it is not neeofull to Ijeape Dp bere greate nombers of p?oofs , 0? to repeate agein tlje t bings tbat Ijaue bin bifcourfeb in tbe feconb anb tljirb cbapcers of tbis tooo?ke4 tfoj fitb tijere is hut one (Sou, anb but one Keiigion •, tijere is not alfo anp tljing mo?c agreeable to natttre,tban to referre tbe fame tobollp to tbe creato?* 3nbin berie beebe Plotin^PorphyriuSjProclus^ Iamblichus ann ? 4 facfc $6o OF THE TRSWNES fudj odjettf ; VdTjicTj toojfbippeo tlje 3ngels oj gcoo (ptrtts as $ep tbougbt; fapn tbat tbetr fo oomgOuberem neucctbelelte djep toere mo*ebne]ccufable)toas to attepnc bp oegrees to tbe btgbeft ©oo* The fecond But toill tbis fapu marfie alone fuffice bs ? 5%o : toee mult not marke ofmic rmlp ferue ©£)D,but toe muff alfo feme bim arigbt* j?2oto tben, Religion. j„&at j$ t|je ^ujc 0f tjjfo femiCej oj toI;o is fje d;at can fet it ootone in to?iting?^bat toe map ferue l)ini angl)t,tt bebouetb as to knoto J)imarigbt:ami tobidjofnscanbaunFoftbat*: Epoto manp bee rtjere tobidj after long ftuoic, cati but fo mud; as tell bs tobat it 13; not ?3notobttfQltotoctb tben, butdjatlpkeastbe totoome of tb^too^o, cannot toitbouttljeouertl^otoeDfttfeire, attepneanp further concerning ©on > tban to fap tobat ijee is not : fo tbe feme toi^oome map toell atteine fo farre as to utfteuie titiljat feruing of . ®oo is falfe •> but tt can no moje fet rrotonc ana popnt out tbe true feruice,tban tt can attepne to tbe knotoleoge of tbe ©onbea&^be €,otmtrp clopne fljalbe f kojneo fo? bis labour,if be take bpon bim to appopnt boto ljis pjincc is to be femes •, ano pet is be a man a£ inell as tlje Ifytnce , triffermg from tbepince in (late aim calling, but not atall m nature ana km. 2£tbat is to be fapo tfjen of ^an, tobo is but a tooojme , pea ano lefte tljan a tocojme hrrefpeet of tbe tuerlafting ©on; tf b# toilfneeoes ftapebtm 9 ferue bmt after W ctone fancte ? ©je pbtlofopber totll fap tbat ©£>D ougbt to bee ferueo*. 9no if be be a Diuine^je toW palTe fometobat furtber3ann fap3 tbat be is not ferueo toitb bapojs ano fmoakes , no? toirij dje fbeaoing of bluo* But tobidj of tbem bad) euer fapo, ©00 is a fpi- titnm ferueo m fpirit > 3no if anp of tbem baue come anp tljing were it; boto topoe bad) be^anoereo atoap ageine tofren be came to tbeparttcular popnting out of djatferuice ? ©fa trued) , tobat are all tbe toojfbippiugs of ©00 tobtcb manljatb o?oepneo of bte clone beao3but cbtlsilb imaginations ,not onelp bnbefeeming dje Spaiettie of ©ou3 but alfo inferiour to tbe oifcretion of a man *: as ^amings^botoeSj&tageplape^lRomnngis of 5po?fes, 3)»ff^ a tboufanofojtsf of Combats,^>too?oplapmgs,Ca3?effiing£(,15uf: fetings ano fucb odjer ? 3«o lu^at ootb all fi)i$ betoken 5 but tbat «tan mountetb not aboue man ; ano tbat uiljen be djinkedj bimfelf to fipe fttfltgljteff pitdj, be fcarceb^uetb bimfelft bpjtgbt tjppon ijis feete > but neuer rifetb aboue dje eartb ? tfoi tobat man is bee iobicb caflingbts toitts about bim, ano Imking aouifeolp bnto bmt lelfe 3 coulo fino in bis beart to bee bonojeo ano ferueo after tbat jaaner ? ^urelp fym let fy* fa^djat Iooke^olufarre ©on boudb fetlj ©F CHRISTIAN REttGIO'N. %6l fed; to ftcope bnto b$,fo farre be toe able to mount bp bnto fjumfoj bis comming ootone,i£ out mounting bp^tfo? if toe cannot fee tbe g>oime but bp Ijelpe of tbe feonne3boto toelCtgbteb fo etter toe be: mud) leflecan (Sots- be fene o?!motoen ofbg^toitbout rtjeijclp ano Itgbt of (Son bimfelf^o be (bo?t3toe cannot ferue ©on except toe fcnotoe l)im no? knotoe bun except be boutfafe to nifcouer ijtmfelfe to b$ , anrrdjcteftne toee can not irnotoe boto to ferue an& toojflnp fjim > fuvt'aerfoHb tben fye Itftetb to (betoe it bnto b$ bp fete too?t>* Sno pet fo? tbe bifcouertng: of bimfeff bnto fret , be no&s$ neitber tatyatoebs bp tqbte biigbtnea y no? to comeuotone to irt mljfei maieftie^jfo? our mpn&$ coutono niojeabpbe ittban our epejs can atoap toitb tlje Uebotoingof tl;e onne : but beemuifc be fapne too ftope to out fmaB abiiitie,, bp telling fcg tobat feruice be required) at our banus , not accojmng to iii fpitituall nature toijtcb toe can* not poffiblp comp?ebenb,bttt ag it toere tfeougfr a glaiTe o? a fcarfv aceojfcing to $ fleflrtpnature tobicb toe beare about toitb btfXbu*. ijaue to£ fornix our feconu marfce of Heligionrnamelp tbat tlje fer* wia of (Sob tobtcb Heltgton te to teacb bs 5 mutt be groun&ea bp* pon ijte too?n,anb reuealeb bnto bs bp-^ws otonfeife. let b# Jjiare to&at tlje Ijeadjen fap in t\)i$ eafe,toljo fcnetoe berp toell tljat all tbe Lao&ergof tbeirl^ilofopbie toere t© (ijo?t to reac^etbereunto,anbtbatitbebouebmentobeitt%btenebanDim firucteb from aboue*Diuinitie(Tatd) Plato)cannot be laydforth Plato in his fc* after the maner of other kinds of feruing, but hath neede of condEpiftle: continual! mynding.And then our wiris foorthwith kindled ancl !"hlsPai~ as with a fyre,which afterward gathereth light more & more, mem cs* andmaynteinethitfeife. Finally (fap tb be) we know nothing of Gods matters by our owne skill. Sf betoljicbofalltbeauit* rient pbilofopljerg fato molt ctere>confe(Te %ttt tbat fj& figfet fr.u letb berp mueb if it bt not apoeu from aboue: tobat map toe nam* of otl;er0?3nb in gcob fcodj yin matters of Keligionlje fenbetb b* euermo?* to tlje auncient ©jatfeg, tftat fe to fap ( arcojm'ng to bis meaning)to ©oog too?b* Ariftotle inbte <§>upetnatura&rebea^ Arittb&m His; fed* aim tommen&edj a mtq>m anftoere of Simonides too Hie- Supernatural*, ron Epng o Sicilie ; to^icb i&> tljat it belonged; to none but onelp ©ob,to!)aue fkiil oftbetbingsi tbat are abouenature;anbbotoe mud) leflfc tbtn to be fitflftiU in Dimitit 3 ann to Bifpofe of Helr^ gton y tbat it to fap to Ibetoe tbe meane Ijoto t0 ouercome anb fur^ mount nature > 3nb to^ereatf Cicero in fy$ latoeg fapctb , tbat c^cro in his ^erei^ not anplatoe among mm totjerto mm are bouno to obep> L^vbcrkcof toniefle $6l OF THE TREWNES tmleflfe ft be ojtictneo bp tberefoje toe reaoe tbat ag tbepnut)tct» baut oj&emeo ano ffablifljeo anp Religion w anp jftatton , baue gtucn tt foojtfj as pjoc eeoing from (Soi5 ; fccrilp beeaufe nature taugbt tbem,tbat tt belonged) to . itone but to (Sod alone, to appopnt boto bee fyalbe ferueo ; neither tuoulD tlje omittance tberof otijertotfe be obfertteo,becaufe tbe par* tteg{ tbat toere to obep tt,toouti> mafce ag great account of tbf feluejs as of tbe partte tbat ffmulo tniopne tt* Cbug bp tbe nefimttue fetu ttnet of tbe pbilofopbers, our feconu marke ttatmetb firme, Itt^tc^ tofll ferue bs ft otfeerne tbe true Religion from tbe tnuenti* ong of men , fo ag toe map toefl refufe fo? bntruetb , tobatfoeuer fe not gromrnca bpon ©oug too?ti3ut in follotoing our former pur* jjofe,mt3!2i confinerpetfurt!)erl»rjetljcr: tljtjs totnfufficc o?no* ™ di^o°n .^ ami to&at maP $at 31 PW pou be, but tbe fame tobicb pjocee&etf) from bolpueffe tt felf,nameip tbat toe (boulo be bolp as be tie; |jo!p^ 9nn tf toe cannot of our feluess fcnoto ©ou,no? Ijoto be ougbt to be fecueo ; alas boto fijafl toe pcrfojme ft toben be batb oeclareo tt ton* to bs ? ^be &toe of Religion ( fapetb Plato) fe to knit man tonto (Sotu'&be toap to tying tbis to palTe, ig to become rtgbtttoug ana ijolp, 0}(&& fattb Iamblichus)to offrr bnto ©£)D a cleane mpno tjopo of ail nauc^tine^ aim dare from all fpot* £&bat man ( ajs e^ ttentbcptbemfe!uegsconfelTe)coulDeuerbaunttberof^ 9nntobat &* t;ljen t« Religion to all of bsf, but a b©ke toberein toe rea^e tbe fentence of our ueatb,tbat «t to tott our Derp z>catb in &ee&e,&nleffe tbat in tty etme toee fitm fome grace oj fo^gtuenefle of our Cnness^ ^et nottoitbff aiming laeltgton t'js tbe patljtoap to Itfe,pea mat to etemall life; a patbtoap tbat batb a certepnc entie , aim tobicb be* guplertj w not* ^ijerefoje it mud bp fon^ mcm$ oj otljer fin d« : OP CHRISTIAN RELIGION. 3 63 *p t&e great plfe tbat is bettoane enblefle t>eatf),a"& cnblefTe life, ano betlDcetre tbe atoellingplace of blcfletmes, ana tt?e bornblenes of fE>eIl*8m> tberefoje let our tfjtrD marfce be^bat 1&cli$i35ut pet in tbe enn tbep confeflfe all tbeir toalbtngs ana clenllngs to be btterlp \m* fufftcient* "Cbere are tobicb Tap it is to bee bone bp abftinence , bp bertuous bebauiour,bp f feill, oj bp lupiters mpfferies ; ana fome fap it is to be none bv al of tbem fuccelfiuelp one after anotfjer^ut pet toben tljep baue beitirreo tbemfelues on all O&es , Porphyrius concluGon is , ©jat tbep be Ceremonies toirijout effect , ano pet nottoitbttamung ftat tbere mult of necelfitie n&bes be a meane ta purge ana iuttifie men, ami tbat tbe famemuft bee bniuerfall, ana tljat it is not polfible(aomitting (Sons p joufocnrc as toe ougbt to &oe)tbat (Son Iboulo leaue marifcinb oeltttute of tbat meane* 3no tbat tf)iS remebie ougbt to be contepneo in Religion , tjee (betoetlj fufftcientlp in tljat bee feefcetb it in tafcing tfje ©jbers , &rto in tbe Confecrations ; ballotoingsano otber miseries of W ofemeIRe* ligion, tobicb in t&e eno be lettetb go agatne* T&vit pet moje appa* rantlp ootb Hicrocles IJetoe it , tobo faptlj t^at Eeligion is a itu* Hicrocies in hit of CKifeoome tbat confuted) in clenfing ano perfecting tht life, his i4and 24. tbat men map be at one toitb ©oa,anb become lifce bnto bim: anu chapters and tbat to attepne to tbat cleanefle, tbe meane is to enter into a mans ln p otone confrience,an& to conftoer of bis Cnne,ano to confeffe it bnto ©oti^Cbus farre be is berp toelU JSeuertbelelfe, bere tbe^ ftoppe cuerlbojtt euerpcboneof tbem : fojbppon confelTion infetuetb but neatb,bnlelTe ®ob(tobo is tbeberp«3luffice ttfelfe, tm mojeinfi* tiitelp contrarp to miU tban toe can imagine, ) be appeafeo ano fa* tiffien fo? our offences,tobereas m Religion: toe feelte fo? berp life* Co bee (bojt , of tbe great nomber of Eeligions vobicb are in tbz flHojtoe, fomebaueno certeine reltingpoint atall ; as toereaneot fome people of Affirik, tofcicfc too^ip tljat tljing totytl) fyty mictc 364 OF TKETKIWNtS firftintfje moaning janutljat is but abaine Ceremom'c : Some Ijaue a ref!mgpopnt3botubeit an eutH (me-, as fo? sample, ail tbep tbat m'rect bs to tbe creatures ; anu tbofe are notbing els but 3|&o* Iatries*@>omc ooe fet unto ttemftlue* a gcoo enD3tn tbat tljep amte at tbe Creator •, but tljep toill necaeg toojflnp b«n after tbeir olane fanrie; ann tljat is a foaming aftoe to fuperffttto^Q? ratber(tt)bicij ftiojfc is)a feruing of tfjeir ottne fancte3ann not of <8©D,3irc a* tnong tbe refioue ; tljere is one tobicb batb an epe to tbe Creatoj ana tjonouretlj bis JLatue, ano tbat is tlje lieligion of tbz %?m%. %W againc is a tuap tbat leauetb b£ m tbe misses of our toap, leasing bs into tbe to©*, but not leasing bs out againe* T5\xt tbe true Eriigion in scene ans tobitfr aefrntetfrtbettame of Seiigiott, in onip tbat torfucb batb 60s fojt. btr fbtfcat tbere is cbaritie in bim alfo. 3no tobat matter of cbaritie ? g>©tb!p not fuel; as tbep take it to be tobicb reftepne from mifoealing fo? feare of mannes t aloe ; fo? tbat is but bipocrifie t no? a befire of cre&it tbat toe map baue tlje better fpase in our affapres ; fo?tbat i& but acbaffaring* j!2o?aoefireofbono? toberebptoeebefpurreotooo toel y fo? tbat is but a felf loue.^ut it is a cer teine feare and Ioue of d5ou, tobicb maketb i>S to cljcrifl) anb Ioue all tijofc fo? 0o&s fake, tobtrtj are of bim ano bolo of bim, jftoto tobat man is be tbat oared) haunt of tbis perfect cbaritie , $ be louetb bis nepgbbo? as be ougbt, ami in fuel; refpect as be ougbt,tljat is to Tap as bimfelf,ano fo? tbe Ioue of ©oo *: #o? boto can toe Ijaue tbis cimtie , if Religion gcr not afo?e ? 3 no if our Ioue totoaros 6oo be fo Q}0?t and feeble (as 3 fapo afo?e) ; tobat rebuun&mg backe tbereof to ill tbere be bppon ournepgbbour* jftoto tberefo?e let bs concfabe, %l)tt as man batb but one cn&s aamelp of returning bnto (Sob ; fo tbere is but one rpgbt patb to leabe bim tbetber,ano tbat is ISeligiomSlno tbat as tbere is but one $5oU; fo tbere can be but one true Keligion,tbat is to fap3one toap tbat leaoetb to faluatioii; tobicb Keligionbatb tbefe tb?ee infallible marks toberebp to ftifcerne it ; namelp tbat ft tooo?fbip tbe true (&©D ;tbat ittoo?(bip btm acco?oing tobis too?o ; anb tbat it re* toncpleto<8obtbe man tbat follotoetb \U 9ntinotoletDsconfe* ijuentlp fe tobicb of al tbe Heiigions in tbe too?Uut is^tljat alonlp id to be oifceraeo bp tbefe marks> The 3^0 jjpSS ?5B 2&iLM EjEj S§$*f?TYE Thcxxi.Chapter. That the true God was worshipped in JfiaeU: which is the fait marke of the true Religion. $e firft marke of $ true !Reltgfon;toftbout tbe tobitb ft cannot ttgbtlp beate tbe name of &e* j ltgton,te tbe brums of tbe true tbz felfefame meane to fcif* cerne tbe true Uteltgion tobtcb bearetb our firtt marke, from all 0* ttytt Religion* boto peinteo am> otfgupfeo fo euer ft fe poffible foj tbem to be* *&W ©00 tobtcb batb Borne trjofe tbingg can bee but one* jFoj feeing be creates all dungs, all tbe tbtitgs \nbid) toce fa beere beneatb are but creatures jftoto tben,tobatfoeucr Religion pomtetb w to anp mo ©ona tben one,toe ottgbt to abbojre ft eueii at tbe berp firtt appjocbe*9gain,tbe fame ©00 1* alfo infinite ami incompjebenfible* tfo? tbe tocojke cannot conccpue tbe toojkmap* Iter , but eontraritoife tbe tocojkemapffer conccpuetb tbe tooo?ke* £££batfoeuer toowke tberefene i$ maue to cotmterfet bim 0? t© re* femblc btm,o? to (betoe bint tmto bsuan be notbing ete but moolfc trie ana g>uperftitton,inuente& b^ tbe DtueH 0} by mam j3oto let M come neerer to tbe rabble of Religions ; ana toee (ball fa tbere ttyong* of bub}** tboufana ©oos trifrmgutlbeti b^ ftraungefantafiicallaeupcesofmen, oftoomen, ofbeaftcs anu of mongers* S>et (ball toee not fa tbere anp toljtt of tl;at tobicb toee fekc foj3ut tbere is one Religion to be fine among all tbe reft, tobicb fo? all tbe reft , bearetb tbte marke graueo m ber fo?ebeat>, In the beginning GOD created the Heaucn and Earth : anu fomi&etb out tbig fpeecb alotob euerptobere,The Lord our God is but one God ; ano m tbe mto&ca of all tbe tout tbat barketb anu bptetl; at bet on all (fre^crpetb out cojagioufty3 All your Godds arc OP CHRISTIAN RELIGION* $66 arc but errorandvanitie.^crefo^eiott&outfta^mjjljppon tbe otberg,tobicb are not toojtbiefo mucb ase to belokcu on, toee toill pjocoeoe to tbat onelp one meltgioti tobtcb alonlp in truMlj p^ofefc fetb tbe true toap, ano tbeknotoleoge of tljc place tobereunto toee tooulu come* j$oto 3 to fl;etoe tbe toap,tbe eno ttbereto it leaned muft be linotaca : ans tlje enD toljicb all of toss tenir anto^is a bappp Ipfe* 9no to leaue a bappp Ipfe , fa to Itur fcpe ann jfpjes on <£artb* 3mong t|e Greekes * ^bep ba& ag manp ©002; aa tbep ban fancied: 9mong tbe i£giptians?Cbcp fcan ag( manp <£5onnea ag tbep fotoen oj planter $ rutted 0? as tbe Cartb bjougbt fajtb fruites of tt felfe^o be ftojt , tlje Romanes tn conquering tbe toojlne, got to tbcmfelues all tbe bantf k$ in tbe SKo jlne , ann tljep toanten no tott to ncttpfe otbers of tbeir ctone bjapne* Wfat (ball tt auaple tog to af ke tbe toap oftbefeblpna feouleg, tobtcb go groping b^ tbe &IMeg fpneg, anti baue not fa mucb as a Cbito oj a Dog to lease tbem ag fome blpnu folk Ijaue, but catcb boln tonanttifenlp of euerp tbtng tbat comeg in tbeir toap ? 3$ut pet among tljefe great jftattong , toe fppe a little Ration cal* I len tbe people of lfrael,tobicb toojlbippctb tbe maker of al things, t acknotolenging bim fo;t tbeir jf atber,callmg topon bim alone in all tbeir nkm>z$(fQ} al tbe fmall account tbat otbers mane of tbem) abbo?ring aH tbe glittering glo?ioufneg of tbe greate ktngnome* ! tljat toere out of tbe toap* %t is in tbe Heligton of dug people ann' , not elfetoberctbattbat toe (ball 5nu our fapn former marke* 9im \ tfterefoje toe muft feke it onelp tljere^ann leaue tbe namnable foot* J fteppegoftbereff, ag being alTuren tbat toeemtipmo^efafdpfo^ lotoe one man tbat fe cfereCgbter!5tban a tljoufann tbat are blmn. Si .f oj tobat greater bliniineg of mpnti can be, tban to take tbe Crea* I ture fo^ tbe Creato^a tbtttg of notbing fo^ f tbtng tbat is tnSntte^ j!5oto,tbat tbe people of 3lfraeH toojlbippes tbe true ©OD in fucb fo^t ag 31 baue oefcriben btm •, tbe continuance of tbeir tobole ^tHojte (t)etoet^ toell pnoug^ 911 men knotoe in tofoat reuerence 368 OF THE TREWNES tbe Bpble batb bin ban in afl times among tbe Hebrexres* 3nn ff anp man uoubt luljetfjer it be (Sons teo?o 0} no ; tbat is a queftmt to be uenffcu otljertoife^ut pet foj all tbat, it is out of all Doubt, tbat tbe Hebrewes tb*mfelues tooke it to be fo,anu tbat toee cans not better iunge of tbeir 35elcef anu Heltgion , tban bp tbe <§>rrtp* tures/o? tbe tobicb tfcp ba«e toillinglp fuffereo neatb* 9nn tofjat els Doe tbofe Scriptures pjcacb from tbe ftrft too?o of tbera to tbe laC , tban tbe onelp one <8ou tbe maker of i^eauen ann of €arrtrt 3s fame as pou Doe but open tbe 'Bpble , bpanobp pe fa tbere , In the beginning God created the Heauen and the Earth. 3t tbe fcerp fira Hep in at tbe gate of tbat booke, it ejxluDetb al tbe ©odds tnane ox oeutfen bp man fto tbat peop!e3to tbe intent to keepe tbem tubolp to t!jf true (Sou tbat createn mam©pen t\)t booke furtber- fontb at all anuenture tsberfoeuer pou lrtJ,anu fro Ipne to Ipne pou Iball maete baitb notbmg buftfje p?apfes of tbat ©od, oj pjotefta* cions ann tbunDermgs againft tbe Grange (Bote* (Sou mane man weIIent,tobo fo? W DifobeDtence is become fubiett to corruption* SSbo eoulo punilb anD impjifon fucb a fubttance,but be tbat maDt tt u. fyz founuea tbe too?In anD peopIeD it9 tobicb aftertoarD toas o* aertobrttttt& ^V $)* flun3anD tobo coulu let tlje toaters l©fe5 but be tbat belo tbem at commaunDement ? %ty people of Ifraell fountt D?p€ pafTage tb?ougb tljt Heo g>ea ; anD tobo p?epareo tbem tbat toap, but bee tfjat founneu tbe €artb bppon tbe napes ? 9lfo tbe ^urnie (fane fttfl ana toent backe at tfa fpeakmg of a tomjue; ami of toljofe too?n *t but of^ tobofe totojD is a Deeoe ? 3I Difpute not Jjeere as pet 5 tofeetfter tbefe tbmgs bee true oj no ; but 31 fap onelp tbat tbe Hebrewes bel&ueD tbem>pea anD tbat tbep beteueo tbem in all ages? ; anD tbat tbep tnojf&ippeo fym tebom rtjep beteueD to be tbe Doer of tbofe tbmgs ; tobo certelle cannot be anp otber3tbau ft e fame of tubom tbe ftrfi: Ipne of tbe boake fapetb, Cbat be mane Wj-38- tbe heauen ann tbe €artb* 3fke of lob tobo iti$ tobomebe too?* ibippetlj ; ami bee toill not fap it is bee teljom* ^t imtentton of tb€ Crnftefmau, o? of tbe 3itttbjop&trer, o^ of tbe pppner of 8pne$ ijatb neuifeti; no? tbat ig fponne,toeauetF,o? b^nteren-, no? tbat barf* aCapUeuttoitbal&ajoj; no?an3ImageturneDarfpuerGe3 no? fome iuggling tricke to na^Ie cbitojens epes tottball; fo? fucb ( as toe (ball fee mojeplatnlp bereafter)aretbe ©onnes oftfjebeatben: (but be toill fap)it is tbe fame 6©D tbat fountien tbe eartb , anD Ifretcbcn out bis Spctlpne ouerit, tobtebbatb lb« bp tbe&ca toiri;iu n«jes,ann bounnen t^e rage of &is toaues j fo?)ic| maoe tbe ItSbt OF CHRISTIAN RELIGION. 1&9 Jt'gbt ann tbe MrfencjS ; tobicb bolnetb backe tbe Pleyads ami tm* bpnoetb Orion 5 tobicb barb create tie too^Iti , ana gtuen bnner* tfaunmg to matt* 3|t ig be (faptf) Dauid) tobicb fp?eafcetb out tbe Plalm.io4* Jpeauenjs as a Curtaine , ann maketb bim Cbambers among tbe tbe flBaters; tofjicij ^at^ fetlen tbe €artb bppon bir pillers , ami cbacea atoap tbe §>ea at one onlp tb?eatm'ng of bfe ; tobicb maketb • tbe aBtnoeg bteinei&ngerg, ami tbe Clements bfe feruants* 3lt it bee ( fapetb Efay ) tobicb i$ tbe firft anp tbe lait ; i£>ijS bann batb E%.4«^t 6i, grounoen tbe €artb , ami bfe rtgfjt bann Ijat^ meafuren t^t fytte tsen** asfomeagtieecallentbem, tbepappeerentogetber before fcim t 5)eauen is bis feeate, ami tbe Cartb is bte JF ©teffoole* 2?eat ann befine s aH tbiS,Moyfes toill tell M, tbat ftreine toe our felue* to fap tobat tot can of bim,toe can fap no moje of bim but tbat it i$ lie tobofe name ties I am that I am; euen be tbat alonlp i&of tobom all tbings tbat are baue tbeir being, ono m eomparifon of Inborn al tbmgS4renotbing,tobom neitber too?ns nojtoojkeg canetpjeflTe, xmelp in effect, ann pet infinite tbereto ttlj all* g>ome man to til Tap, it map be tbat tljis fo greate a ©on, bout* fafetb not to ff©pe notonebntoM , but batb left tbe charge botb of t&etoojlo ann of men to fome £>eruants of bis toljom it bebouetft tj0 to tooo jrt&ip* 33ap, a-ss be is bpgb and greate in potoer , fo is be Deepe alfo in totfoome ann goonnes* art tbou ficke *t 3lt is be tbat botb maketb beltb ann fenti etl; ficknelfe ; tbou fed bo to be toas E~ xechiasipbtfitiom SBouloeft tbou baue Cbiltycn*31t is bee tbat openetb ant) (bettetb tbe bearingpIace,3infomucb tbat be mane tbe oln age of Sara frutefull , ann tbe barrein Anne a nuotber ann at JjSuree* Dotb tljpne enemie wjcetbee ? tyt is tlje tobat are all tljetr (Boocs but carpers of Kecepts , like tbefe nogleacbes tobicb pjofeffe bur tbe curing of fome one bifcafe onlp, oj Ipke t^efe comon crafcfmen, tobtcb pjofeffe but tbe f kill of fome one craft oj tmftcrtettSut tins true Thou ^alt not make any Sra«ca CdL.iiS.3. Image ? 3no tobat otljer people batljebofenratbec totipeatbou- fans tpmes^ban to tyeake tljat eommaun&ementt Jnfomucb t bat tbep tooulo not a&mitte eptfar pepntcr 0? karucr into anp of tfceir Ctties*Contrarptopfe,tobicb of all tlje (ftons of t&e 5)eatben baue not rcqupjcn adages *t S>ea ana ( as toe reaac in Porphirius ) taugbtbato tbepfboulobeepepntet^fl&ucb mojeuapnein gooD f©tb tljan tbe mt tbat tooojlbippea tbem* Co be $o?t,tbe true ©00 t»bicbgo«ernetbtbetoboletotnlo3muaalfo(as3! bauefafo afoje) rjoucwe bod; men ana tl;cir toitts to Ins glojie. Sun to gouerne tbem fo.tt beboueti? bint to knotoe tl;em«, anu to knotoe tbem,it be* &ouetl>bim to fee tbem; anti to fee into tljcir bnrts,it bebouetb bint to baue mane tbenniFo? tbe fatber tobicb tbinkab bimfelf to be t\)z begetter of a Cbpfo5feetb not into tlje bart tbereof; notber notb tbe fcboolemapffcr fee into bis fcbolers toit, tobereof be tbmketb bim- felf to be tbe framer* 3nt> mucb tefa fan an Jmaginatiue (Sou 00 anp of tbofetbmgs>l;aumg not wane tbe sue no? tbe otber* ZUXlwt atber (Sod (ball pereauc to baue fapu,Thou (halt not couer: 0? to fcaue requires tbe facrifice of tbe bart,o;t tbe falling of tbe fpirit,o: a ^artbjoken aim lotolp mpno \ Wh* els can fo}bi& Couccoufenes ano OF CHRISTIAN RELIGION. 371 ani> bppocrifie, butbe toljicb is ableto puntfb it 1 3n& toljo canpu« ntO) tt , but be tbat fees tt ^ 9nu tobo can fee tt in man, but be tljat tnaoe man *:€)ntbe contrarie part, toljofat^ not tbattl;e latoes tobicb ace repojteo to Ijatte bin infpireo bp tbe ©ooos at Rome,tu Athens,ano in Lacedemon,c]tteno no further tban to tljc ou ttaarU man % 3|nfomucb tbat none of tbcm ( as fapetb Cato ) ts fount) to Cato in hJs baue fapo He £ is mynded to fteale, but only He that ffcealeth, oration for tne (nalbe giltie. £2Ibtcb isasmuclj to fap,astbattbepbcbut latoes Rhodians. of men, ttbo fee not into folks bans ; Lames of Creatures tobtcb pearcenofurtbertljen tbe Coteo? tbe S>kmue* %%z people of Ifrael tberefojte are tbe people tbat ferueo tbe onelp true ©on tbat mane man,ann aH otger people feruen ©oos mane by men* jftoto tl)i$ Clip people (as toe reaoe in ft)iffo?ies) toas tfrange* The Heathen Ip nefppfen ana tramplen imner fate, as tbougb all tbe niuels ban ^"true Gogdd confpireo ann bannen tljemfelues againll tbat people, toljid) alou* ^ bch ifiadh Ip toojfbippeo tbe true ©oo«But tobat are tbe JpeatbenconipeUcn in tbe enn to ronfefle? Varro t%z bed learoeo of tbe Romanes, Ui*ga mane a beanroll of an tbe ©oos , fo? feace ( as bee faptb)lcait tbep fbouln Crap auiap : conclunetb in tbe eno , tbat tljofe Doe tec jfinji tbe true ut mo?e ratber becaufe tbe 3letoes reaen bp= ° cp us' on tlje&abbotb oap,\»bicb tbe ©entiles nenicatco aftcrujato i;nto Saturne^manp men l;aue tbougbt tbat tl;ep tuoju;ippeo Saturne, 3 a 2 iubereajs 37* OF THE TREWRll tolK rcas if tbe beatben bab af ken but fome Babe of rtje Ic\res r on* rem ing tbat matter ,be luouto ban e taugbe tljem tbat tbe (SOD of Ifrael neuer fle& atuap foj frare of a man as Saturne did , but tbat be abpoetb in 5>eaueii,anD tbat tbe toboie £artb quaketb at bis p?e« fencej^otu)ttb(!d^in(s:,tl)ecbtefe^onarckfte0of tbetuojHfo armea tbemfclues tn all ages agatnS tl;ts fmall people : but pet tbe fmai. iertbat tbeptucre, tbe greater appcareo tbemtgbtines of tbeit ©OD* Sennacharib King of tbe Aflyrians baD fuboetoeD all b»s neigbbours3anD uitemrcb to fill bp tbe Dpcbes of lemfalem as be ban name bp tlyt ouertbjotoe of otber Cittics* jToj performance tobereof be fent Rabfaces tbe (SeneraH of bis 5po(te to fubotte Eze- chias King of Iuda, Jit tbe optnton of men Scnacharibs argumft l»as goobanb U>ell conclubco. 3if 3! fboulD feno tbee ttto tboufanu 2.King5.i8. ^fes(fa^bbee)reaopfurnt(bebtoBatteB,tboticoultje(tbarol^ sg- farnilb as manp men to rpbe tbem*9no canH tbou tbtnke tben tbac tbou art able to reOff mp tobole armie \ 3 baue conquereo Aram, ano Arpbad, and Ana, ano Aua, anb Sepharnam, ano tobat (ball tben become of Ierufalem , if it ffanb torilfullp againft mee * Kat tobenasbe fat0,Confider what became of the Goddes of thofe Nations , fuppoGng tbe ©ODoflfraeltoljauebeneof tbe fame ftampe : tberetn bis argument fapleu, not foj tbat (as tbe togtct* ans fap)be concluDeo from tbe particular to tljt generall , oj from tbat U)!;icb is true (imply to tljat tobicbis true but in fome certeine refpetr , but foj argctotn g from tbat tobicb fe noting at all to tbat tobicb is an,namelp from tbe banitie of jaofe, to tbe almigbrines tf tbe Creato?.3fttt tobat becante of tbts irictotfous S£onarke,ano of bis tmu9 antr of tbetr Jbols ? aitljottgb tbe bolp Scripture ban fapo notbrng tbereof , Herodotus can tell b£ it fufficientlp. %\\t ft>oft of Sennacharib(faitb be)toag! miferablp Difcomfite^bis ffnte came to oecap , bis ottme founts murtbereo bim in tbe temple of bis 31&ote, t^z Babilonians gatbereb bp # fcatterings of bis €m* Pto > (tobicb tnoje ts)in a ttxttint temple of ^Egipt, anjmage UqIhIti? of bis U)as fet bp toritb tljis UlnfrriptioitjLearne at the fight of me oz£c»y iuje- tofeare God. *£2£baC moje almoll faptb tbe bolp Scripture bnto CjHCeVa. bs tbereof *i 2m Uibo cattfap tbat tbis Uras not a &crp arcbe of m'c* to^ieanbtriumpbtotbttrue ©on,againHtbe 6obbes of tljeJpea* tben , tn tlje perfone of tbat ip?iuce tobicb bas oe0ropeo fo manp of tbem *i jfrombenfajtbtbe gponarcljie of tbe AfTyriansnio neuer pjofper , but tbe Medes anb Perfians came to be lo?os of it , tobo at t^e ffrft feemeb to take earning bp tfce example thereof* ifo? t&ep OF CHRISTIAN RELIGION, $7$ t\)t? reflojeb tbe lewcs borne agein into tljeir Cottntrie, accoutring to tbe ]pjopbeBe0,ant) $aw tbem leauc to bupftj bp cljctr ^Temple agcine , furthering tbem lipall meancstfcreto , ano giuing tbem certetoe allowances f<» tbe maintenance of tbeir Sacrifices , ac- knowledging to tbeir Letters Co tbcirlicuetenan^tljat tbe (Sob of tfc Iewes toas t\)t true , in fucb maner as tbe Jpig^pjiefttoffructeb bim ; tobo fijetoen bim tlje bcokc of Daniell, toberein it toaspjopbefien eertepne buntyea peered afoje, tfjata c ertepne Greeke fboulti come $ conquer tjje Perfians, toljicb noto ftn out to bee be , ^dljerebpon be fuffereD tije lewes to Itue after tbeir otone latest 3 an5 from (entn pe^res to feuen p£re$ releaftu tbem of all tributes, tDbicb t\)in^ be uenpeo to tbe Samaritanes. J8oto,of all tbe great number of jl5ation^3 oftobombe conquereo manp moe ftan be faw, tobere reaue tue tbat euer be aft tbe like to anp of tbem*;3nD to^erbnto (bal toe attribute tbis: mu of bfe3but ^o &# bethinking fitm aftf?e t^ing tobicb ljel;aD learuen to fecret of 5a 3 tfct 374 O * TH8 TREWNHS tlje grcatltty'eft of tlje iEgiptians calku Leon,nameIp5tljat all fyt Egipt ? 3n& f, ano tftac fo? tbe barbourtng of Ijtm 3 ft beboueo tbtm to ojtue atoap all tbe relit but tbep bab fo long tpme foa&eo folketottb 3lnolatt(e > tljattljep toerea&ap&Cas manp jp^tnee^ areattijtg &ap)!eaft tbepmtgljt be bepofen bp tbetr dubiect* m reccputng tbetr rtgbtfull lo?o* get notimrijff anbtng ( tmll fome fape ) tW filue people of tfoc lewes toere carpeo atoap fromtbetr obut Countrep into tfce fotoer quartern of d>etoojl&,fcattereti among otber people,ano parteo a* mfig ad jftattonsf of tbe earirtj,at dje pleafure of tbetr enemies tljat baa gotten tbe bpperbano of tbetm&urelp ©ons toonnerful p?o* utoenre te to be noteo tn tbte cafe^farre mojefcritbout compartfon, tban tf tljat people l*a& conquerea $ tnljole &o?to bp fojee of armes* fo} bp tbe tbings tofctcb tije poets (jaue t»?ttten of tbem, toee fee in mbat contempt tfjep toere ban of an men ♦ 15ut pet let bs bwrc tbe tuonberment tfjat tea* mane tbereat,not bp a common perfon, but b]> fte great pbrtofopber Seneca. Yet notwithftanding(fau1j Seneca in hk be) the enftome of that Nation hath fo preuailed,that it is the Bookf of Stt* rather receyued of the whole world, and they beeing vanqui- pc^011** ihed , haue (I wotc not by what meanes) giuen lawes to their Conquerours . flBbofeetbnotberea great motion of mpnom tbt's Pbtlofopber ^ 9nn toljat manbautng common reafon, ts not rautlbea tbereat as toell ass be t 31^ ft pofltble fo? iKtngs to bauc fuboetoeo a people tobom tljep coulo neuer tnfojee to cbaunge tbetr otone latoes.^be example tljereof ts Iewrie,tobtcb l;atb but trote Vtn bnper fcote b^ tbe Affyrians,Perfians,Greekes ^ Romaines; anb pet fo? all tbetr cbaungtng of tljetr S^aplter^ tbep coulb neuer bee bjougbt to alter tbetr latoe » 'Eber e map percljaunce fome like eonltancie bee fount) among otber jf^atiomsf , ag tn refpett of tbetr iamegf : but tbat a people being conquereb , carpeo atoaf, tyougbt into bonbage,bnaccotmteb of3leb tn trtumpb bv btuctis €mpp?e$ff as! tbe lewes toere,fboulu not onlp fubbue tbebartjs of tbetr Con^ querourg to tbetr (BObD, fo as tbe Conquerours coulo not faUeti tbetr latees bppon tbe banquitben fo?t , but contrarptotfe tbeban^ qutfi>eb fojt &aue fafteneo 4etr latoes bpon tl;etr banquifi;ers, tbe 3 a 4 Subtectj* Seneca m his 37<* OF THE TREWN1S feubtects bppon cbeit ip?mce, tljc Captiues upon trjeir (3&apffer, mm tf)e connemnen bpon tfxir JtmgcjtoboCJ p?ap pou)toouto be* teue it bnlcflfe be fatoe it *: 3un if a man fee tt,ijoto can be Tap tljac bcTkc^Su- an? ot^er fan P°ffiwP Doe ft but ©o^?^wt if ScnccaUwlUjoutftft perftWon. t0 &*<"* Seneca quietlp , it map be tbat be bimfelfc ft ail fin&r a re* Auftm de ci- folution to bis otone tooimecmenc* jftamelp5cbat tl;e ©otig(ag be «iwtc Dei. lib. faptlj)tobtcb torn callen tnuiolable $ irnmou all, tobom cbc lewes ••cap. io. Jtft to otijer jftationS , were dumbe and fencclefTe Images, dif- guyfed in the fhape s of Men , Bea(tes>and Fifhes ; and fomc in vgly and ilfauoured monfters;and that the Feends which pof- feffed chofe Images , required woorfe things or men for their feruice,tha the horribleft Tyrants that euer were;as that men mould ga(h themfelues , mayme and lame themfelues, geld themfelues , and offer men women and children in Saerifizc to them. But i»r;en folke fjearu fpeaking oftfje true ©on trje ma* ker oHj)eauen anti €artb,ann trjat be toilbe feruen toricb cbe bcarcs aim mpnns of men: cbac toojn iffetoing ouc of trje moutr) of a pane pjifoner,eattgbc men pjifoners ann ouercame tbeir ©ons ♦ 3nn in tocrp neene(as toee Qjaii fee hereafter) if toe reane tbe g©n auebo** of tbat cpmxj epeber cbep fpeak but of trje one ©on,oj if tbep fpeak of mo ©ons,tc is but &a cuffomes fake aim in toap of coimemmny tbem* ZZXiw els rtjett toere cbe manifoln fl secings oftlje lewes,but as manp conuepings abjoan of companies of lpjeacbers,co fbetoe find; ci)e crue ©on; ann as manp armies co netf top tbe inols an& Cngen a- *° mtt ^em out * ^ec rca5e ^at ^ ^onittrerss tor)icr) toere irt gainftcclfus. •& tyme antog clje Gentiles3nin bfe p name of trie ©on of Ifraell, iib.3. t\)t ©on of clje Hebrewes , ann ci>r ©on tbac njotonen t!;e iEgip- tians,in comttring fucb as toerepoffeiTen of DeuiHes,ann cbac trje Demlte cremblen ac cfrar name ♦ %W feruetb noc co p?oue tljat trjep toojffnppen noc ocfrer ©ons , but cfjac rtjep knetoe cbofe ©ons iwfan-asdnft tobeofnofo^c^ Iuliancr)e Apoftatanini)nnerret!>i^uSouiner3to the Galileans. ^0^ ^ ^ ^^ of fl)e f^ft ^ot| ^ aja| muc^ ^ ^ ^^^^ pcC nurff \}t not netrp, buc time trje ©on of Abraham Ifaac ann Iacol> i$ a greac ann mtnfrcie ©on ; ann tie fmare bp ali bis ©ons cljat be toas one of tfjem tr>ac tr>ere conuercen co In* feruice , ann tr)ac ijee knetoe fyim co be berp gracious co fudj as fetue b«m as Abraham Jjan none ♦ fflfyo noto emtio euer make an Ifraelite confeffe tljat & np orijer ©on teas goorn,cbmtcr>efamcto^oml}e too^fijippen^ 9inr if be becfje t«r^ ©on,boln can ic be(euen b^ Iulians otene faping) Jfcat ali clje refmue (r)ouln not toe euill > feetttg tljat $is goan ©on ctsmctu ! ? OP CHRISTIAN RELIGION. 377 ronuemnetb tbem , an&neclaretlj tbem to bee all totcken feptrtteg ano tntmizt of mankpnne *: ^ut if Julian (jimfeife tooulo tell b£ lubat befell bint at Antioche yxo\)tn be afken counfellof l>i^ De= tulles tobo mane all bis pbtlofopberg to Quake , ano all W gteat feojcereriai to ruttneatoap fojfeare : luce (Tjowlo Tee lucU enough toljat ft uffe tbep be: infomudj tbat nten W atone ^iftojtograpber zatSmaMSb* Zofimus,fa afljameo to make report ofit* socratcs.iib. \~ jftoto,3! tooulo fapne tbat tbe Speatben oj tbetr 9touocats (boulo cap.i u but ffjetoe nteone of tbefe ttoo tl>tng g^eptber tobere an? #utbo? of tbe lewes peeloetb reco?n to anp (Son oft^£ $eatftemo? tobere anp graueOeatbenautba^atbconoemuen tbe ©on tbat te too$np* pen bp tbe lewes. jfojafmucl; tbeit a$ in a Chapter app?op?ieo to tbe famepurpofe, 31 baue aireantepjoueo bp all tbeauncient 3u- tboj03ano bp confent of all people5tbat tbereis but onlp one (Son^ ano bp Varro turn noto,tbat tbe Iewes no toojlbip tbe fame (Soli: tobat follotoetb tberof>but tbat al of tbem be Iewes in tbat popnt5 ano tbat as manp aei are not fo,are al poolateras ano oecetuen?3no foj tbat eaufe toben Orpheus ijau pjapfen ©on in tbefe ana fucf> . like berfe* alien gen in tbe tbtrn Cbapter, There is but one perfett God the maker of all things, Who cherijheth andfojfereth all things *&c* $eannetbimmcniatlp, l^euermanyet knew his wcomfrchenfihle ieingyfamng one of the bind of the Cha/dees. flTOcbfapingof fttt (bmereferre trnto Abraham ^otberfoms to Moyfes ; anD feme of tfre Platontfh to Zoroaftres tlje graunO* tbiln of Noe. gno Apollo bimfelfe being neuiaunnen bp tbe Gen- tiles,i»b at people toast rigljtlp tcitgious fcomof oln tpme; anltofc renbimtbn** The Chaldtes and the Hebrewes haue allwifdome twixt thetwainey jind of the true God only they the "worjhip doe maynteinc. IKEIbtttfbnto agr&tb tbfe berfe of Sibillcs^ The J ewes are Jure a heauenly race ^diuine^nd full of blijfe. 3£ut it toill bee pet nweb moje3tf toee can bp tbetr otone bed 3ifc tbo#,p?oue tbetr (Sons to be uotbtng but banttte $ lea?mgttobir& is as mud) to fap , ag tbat tbep b«ue no t onelp alioten tlje ©on of Jfraeil,but alfo coanemnen tilfyzic oimie ©on^ Tk .7 That the Gods wodhipped by the heathen^wcre men con- fecrated orcanonyzed to pofleritic Ipauefuffiaentlp fljetoe&ljetttofoje m t&efe* conn ana tfrftn C^apterjaf3tljat tljere to but one (SoU; 'Efcat botf) 9ngete ano tf&ffl>e$ ate but Creature$,tfce one {eruatg^ tbeotber flaueg; '©fjat jQacure ana ]9biIofopIue content toge* tbertljerem, nottottbffamring tbatouerrcotea mftome baue like a toaterffreame carpeo folfce *t»ap , ana tbat rije totfe of tfje toojto baue loueo better to foliotoe t\)t courfe of tfje ftreamejtfjan to rote agamft it4?et fo? an t&at,it f&afl not be fitperfluoug; to fee Urfjat t&ep tbemfefaes Ijaue tojitteit of tfjett otone D ; $e tojttetf) of Apulciui. tl)emmtbefeU)0?OjSLykeastheLordGod(fapt^bOistJlcma- Icerof theGods in Heauen , fois man themakcr ofthe Gods that are content to dwell in Tcmples>that they might be neer Auftin dc ci- vnto men. Man then maketh Images after his owne likenes, witatcDci.lib.whereuntoheecallethSpirites by Arte Magick , or els they *.cap. 23 . come into them of their owne accord , and foretell vnto men thingstocome. Butthetymewilcome,that all this kynd of Religion ofthe jEgiptians fhalbe abotiihed,and that all their worfhippings (hall vanifh away. And in very deede ( fapti) Ije) Efculapius the Graundfather of Afciepius, and Mercuric myne owne Graundfather, which are worfhipped at Hermo- polis in iGgipt, were Men, whofe worldly men, tfjat t0 to fap tbetr boupegJ ) lye the one in Lybia and the other in Hermopi- lis , and vndcr their names are worfhipped certeine Diuels^ whome I allured and drue into their Images. SftHjat moje fub* Gantiall toritneflenoto cauto toepjooure agatnff tbe (Dob* of ;£- gip^tljan tbe fc*rp partte fcmi&lfe tbat mane tljem ? 9nu tobat efe ioere tjjep tfjen, t|an either itiett,o? Dutcte (tyotot>e& m tlje 3lma- «wigr.«f idols g^ 0j m tty m* Carfeetitf of mm ? 35ut 31 pjocaac fcritfj tbefe thcEgiptians. Cyprian con xcrning the ©F CHRISTIAN RELIGION* 37p ttoo patter tfjc one aftet tlje otljcr* Clje great itpigbpjteftof^gipt calle& Leon ,beemg affceD fe* cretlp bp Alexander, concerning tije ojigmallof tljeir (Boas, ann fearing mo?e Ijis potoer tftmt tl;eit tojatb; betojapeo bnto l)imr tljat ail tbegreare (Boos , pea tnzn tfcofe tofjome tfte Romanes termeo The Gods of the greater Nations,toere al of tben* men* 25ut \)t p japeo Alexander tl;at Ije tooulo not tell it to anp bo&p/a* tting bis Spajtljer Olimpias, ano tljat (Ijefijoalu burners ^Lttm as fame as (be ban read iutfo} asf foj rije^eaffs to&irb tbe ;£gip- Piutarkein his tians tooj(bippet>,Plutark faptl) tfjatfomtoft&em toere toojffjip* treatife ofifis pen as planets ana lignes celeffiall; ami ortjerfome becaufe tljat andoryns- toljen Ofyris lea bis people to 'Battell^ee Ijan utuerjs 3ntefignes accoutring to tlje otuerfities of ^Countries , as in one a Dog,ut another an £)r,e , ano fo fo^tft r toljicfr aftertoato tfc?ottglj emulate ontoetetutneumto&nperffition* 3s touc$ng$ePhenicians,;rKcGod$c>f tfceir nert neigljbourS , Sanchoniation t&eir ofeme Ctyonacler th'cPhoenici* tojptetl),tl)at tljep fconojea (itcfi mm foj ©oos as ban bene greate *ns* , . . among t^ S,o? bao imtfteo anp tfring profitable foj tljc life of man: ^Sby ann t&at as tfjep toere long time Jlo?os of tbe <§>e* , anu conuepea io%hus. manp companpesof ttjeir otone counttifoUe into Libya $ Spaine to inhabit tljere:fo tbep peopleo tljem roitlj t^etr ©oos alfo* Cons Thc Gods of tenting tfte (SoosoftfceGreekesytoeerea&etijat Orphey^ Ho- the Greeks mer,an& Kefiodus toere t^e ftrft fingers of tbem in , ano tito ftt Herodotus, aolmtetljeirpeoegrees in touting, gtuingtjiem names anojg>u^1!bI2* names,ami appopnting tbem bonours at t%tit pleafures^flDf tobo ^L , , Pythagoras faptkcljat tljeir §>oules toere Ijangeo bpon a %m in & ii.17.ca2i 5>eH, $ tfcere pincljeo toitb Serpents on all Cues foj tbetr fo Bam* ttableoeuiees* 9noto?)at6a^mfeIfeii*meboftl)ofe©o5S,lDeep0 hiriusin, map foe in l)is Ipfe tojitten bp Porphirius^o? Ije tojote tterfes bp* the ivfe of py^ pon tbe ®umb of Apollo at Delphos , neclartng fjtm to baue bin tbagoras.- tbe S>omie of Siienus tljat toas flapne b^ Pithon , ami burpeo in a place calto Tripos, becaufe tljetfyee uaugljters af Triopus came ti)itbertom(D^ne*9[ftertBarD agam,rommmginto a Caueof Ida, tobereijefotmo a ^bjtonefetbp bnto lupiter , beeto^ote tbishfc ftciption Upon it : Pythagoras to lupiter. Heere lyeth the great . . 2eus whom men call IupitccSocrates in uefpiteof tljofe ©oHS AffuTGdS*' 5iu fioeare bp an HDktJ)? a ©ote, ana bp a Dogge ; anD toas con- temner? to o?infte'popfon,becaufe ^e ta ugjjt tljat tljerc toas but on* ^ one-c implopeo Ijjt* <&obg about bant* tie5becaufe be effeemeo tljem to be but uapiiXo be (boir,one faietf, '3lf tljep be ©oo^toljp mourne pe foj tbenrtana tftbep be liueleflfe, luljpluo^ippet^emPaHotfjerfape^beofgcDO cb#remp Coutt* trepmetynen liueo afoje tlje ©000 , ana tbe <0o&$ ape afoje men* 9too tbe ipoetg tljemfeluejaMDijo mane tfje ©ottf to be fudfj ag tbe? i>e,tafce a$ great pleafure m tlje bnmafcing of tljem, as little Cfcik fyen Doe inplapmgtoitb tbeirpuppetstinfomurlj tfjat tfjere i$ nfl ^ragenie gob , toljicb ootb not baffle fome one of tfje ©ottf , a$ Euripides (among tlje reft) botb in t&efe berfe& Thou Neptune and thou I upit errand allyou other (jods> So wicked are y on euerych^ne3fifell,fofarre at oddes, That if due tuft ice for your deedes Were iuflly on yon doone9 Tejhouldbe baniflit out ofHeauen and from all Temples feont. The Gods of jDotttuiflfappercljaunce tfjattije Romanes map poflfiblp baut ihc Romanes. ftme tettet ftuffe^ fyt e-mail of tbem tobifl) tbep tbemfelue* ttfcrrbe,toemapiuiigelDbatt^eptoere» Snoletbg note tljat tlje txi?tter0 of tbefe tbingg toete no Greekes , tobicb mtgbt \)m b?e» fome fttfpicton ; but rtjep loere Romanes3euen ^ Jbolatetjsf tbem^ feluea*1E#e firft tljat o?bepneb Religion among tf)em5 l»a?{ King Numa \)$)6 to autljojije it tlje mo?e,fepneu Ijimfelfe to l;aue l;aBi ronference^oitl) a ©ob&efle calleb Egeria toljidb toa$ a tnitcb: aim ritusLimus, fcnber tljat gap pretence 3 it beuritcben tbe ipo^ant people toitlj « 3Dccad:4.ubro ^oufantl fupetftitiongf* a long tpme after , in tfyt Confulfbip of VaieHus Ma- Cornelius ann Bebius5it Ijappeneo t^at in tbe grouno of a mttin KimusUb. j. ^criuenet n*\w Pctilius , n$xt to t^e place calleb Ianicuium, tr;crc OF CHRISTIAN RHLICION. 3#I tfcere toere fotmo ttoo Cofftns , in one of tbe to^tci) tnaa t$e boap ofNuma,aniJtnt!)eot{)ertoercfeuenboofee2fmlacuKoncernma: , tbeLatoes of tbctrli^iciH)oo,tbatis to fap,tbeir Ceremonies ano fjpT l3* Cb«tcl)feruiccjS ; ami otber feauen TE>a)keg in Grceke concerning Auffin Ub.7. tbe fftt&ie of SBifeoome ; toberebp b*e ouertfeetoe y not onelp t|ie cap. 1 4. <£oos of otber Jfrations, butalfo tbe tterpfelfe fame tofcome bee Laaanuus. fjtmfelfeftati institute*. Cbe&enate Rearing thereof, raufei!tbehbl* %vkt* to be burnt openlp before tlje people jtobtcb toa* as! murfj to fap a$ tljat tfjep conoemneo all tbe ©05?; ami an tbetr Serufe ces:totbejfp?e* among manpotljer&tojie*, Varro repojtetfr tie fame t® t ano bee concealed not tljat Numa bfeo COaterfpel* lino; , ana trao communication toitb &iu$te> 3no as toucbing tbe <&ob3torijomtbe latino ftrojfljippeo before tbe time of tijrst Nu- ma Pompilius \ Varro ant» Cains Bafifus fap,tbat Faunas o?Oei* tieo Sacrifices to bte ©raunofatber Saturncjto frig father Picus, ano tobfe gutter ano SBife Fauna5tobom tbe gcoo bu^mes call FatuaofFate, tbattetofapDeftinie, beeaufeCbetoagtouomto teaue tbeir jf ojtmteg; ami aftertoaro tbe people toojCbippeu hex bp tbe name of Good Dame or Goddeffe* 3mi furelp of no better fcalue toere tbofe urfjome ^£neas bjougbt tWt^er , teb&me Virgin termetb banquifyeo ©tins, ano after a fo?t puttee!) rbem ano little Qfrabea botfc togitber in one H5afltet,Sceuota tlje J[)igbp?ieft of tbe Romaneses 3 b&M Tapo afo?e)mane tbj&fojteg of ©oo&poe* ticaIytoojfe ftan tbe too^tt men^floropbicaljtoljom tftep taugbt to Ijaite bin men, fjotobeit |» it toas not g«o fo? tf>e people to knots it ; ano Ciuill 3 maoe bp pjinces to fcolo tljeit people in aloe toitbr foj tbe tnfcicl) purpofc altb Varro aooe# 3 tbat it & garti fo? Cap* tepne* am* ©ouerners to be perftoaoeo tbat rbep beeoefcenoeo of <8oo$,tbat tbep map tlje mojebololp bmrertakeano tbe mojeljap: ?elpperfojmetl)eir enterprises* 'But tobo coulu anftnere better tc tlje matter,tbant^e f[>igbp?ieft b Welfe?auu tubicb are tfeefe bet* ter<&o&s^tobic& are no ©00s at allfurtberfojtlj tban it pleafetir men^ Varro faptli lifeetoife,tbat ty$ tutting of l)umanetbingg^ fo^eoiuine tbinggf , ijss becaufe ti;ere toere &itit$ afp^e tjjere twert ©oust maoe bp tijem , ag tbe papnter is afo?e bfe pitfure ^ $otor ntucb mo?e reafonable ftao it bene tbat tbe ©oogi fljonto baue com« mttteo r^emfelueef to tbe cuftooie of tbe Cities? , tbau tbat tlje Cr= tie??(lmulobaiiecoinmtttetitbemfelue!2(topcu(tor!ieoftbe<0oo aifobeneuioetbbia (SotisJ into certepne^ ano bncertepnesf ♦ ^cui^nD^ mtepne(faptl> l;e ix%W feon^ bo&e ) are a$ muc^ 0? mo?e fubtect ub7.caP. 1 7< 52 OF THE TRETTHI5 to biirettepnttc tfcan tlje bnccttepne ♦ CEtljat certepntie tniTI fje rri pn?t oftbe ©o$£,tf tljep tbcmfeiues be bnrertepirt'But beljolb tlje go&lmeflc of the man ♦ tyk faptlj be tefll mafcea IRegtfter anb an 31nuentoiic of tljem : ana toljei-efoje * fo? fearc(faptlj be)leaft djep fljoulo be loft 3 not fo mucij bp feme facftmg oftfje Citie, ass bp tlje negligence of tbe Cittsens^ijtrb began fo?e at tijat time to make no account of tbetn ♦ <§>a)tfj!p t *?e Romanes Ijab bene tljemo?e ej:* rufablc, iftbcp ban ueiSeb tbis Varro tljat fjao fuclj a care to faue ann p?efetue tljeir ©oas* 35ut p totft feenate tbougljt tljemfelue* to Ijaue p?oui&eb tuell fo? tlje matter 3 bp making tbis o?bmanee, Cljatno ©£>Dfljoulb beabmititouito Rometoitljout tljeit ath utcc* 30 \nbo ttjouto Capiat to btc a Cob it toaa meete tbat a bill of petition fljouib 8r(tbeeej#ibiteb bnto tljem3anb men toere to be fetoeb bnto fo? tlje obtepnement of tljeir bopces^p toljiclj one ar* gument of tljeirs tljep beclareb tfjemfelues to bee mo?e rjiixim tljatt tljeir ©obs* 9nb tberebpon it came to pafle,tljat tbep recepueb in* to tljeir Cttie all tlje Deuilles , all tlje ^ants, anb all tlje filtbie l&akebelles of tlje too?lb fb? ©oos* 9s fo? tbe onelp one true ©on tlje Creato? of men,tlje fotmber of Cities, * tlje remouer of Cm* ckcro conccr- pp?es#e Ijabno name at al among tljem, Concerning tlje nature of nir gof tChNa ^ ®oW » cicero &at& bitten tb?ce bookes; tofjic^ to fpeake p?o* G^id« the ved?9m mabe to ottertb?otoe all tlje ©obs of tlje Romanes, jfo? firft of his ije reckoned* bp tljeir ages*, tljeir garments , tljeir beckings, tljeit Tufcuianc offp?ings, tijeir aunceto?s, anb tbeir alliances* fyt faptb tljat tljetc queftions. temples are tljeir Combes! ; tljetr feacrtfi^es anb Ceremonies, rep?efentations of tljeir iiueS;an& tijatfrom tlje lead of tljem to tlje greateft,tljep mere all men,ano all tljeir Religious gmpcrthtion* anb otoetoiues tales?* 9s touting tlje true ©ob3ljefpeaketb farre otfjertoife* jf o? &e faptlj tljat Ije mabe al tfjings,tijat be mabe man, tljat Ije mabe tljeberp ©obs tljemfelue^anb to bee Qo&tyat it is mudj eafier fo? bim to toomber at ©ob , tljan to btter tuljat be iSf am to beclare tofoat Ije is not,tljan tub^t Ije te.9nb toljereas fome* tymza after tlje maner of tbe S toikes,lje goetlj about to bjatoe na^ turall tfttirg'* out of tlje fabler of tbe ©obsS; Ije notb tt but onelp to fceepe tlje people in igno?ance,anb accoibing to bis otame Taping in tbe felfefame b©fa£,tobere Ijauing conoemneb W otone ©obg3be feptb tljat pet fo? all tljat, tljofe rtjings are not to bee bttereb to tbe people; anb Ijfa allegories are fo colo,tljat tt is to bee tljougbt tbat mzn Ije Ijimfelfe laugbeb at tbem* 3s toudjtng tlje TdixD^m be J^imlelfe being a ^irbgajer botl; flatlj fkojne tljem, tljat is to (a? cunt ' OF CHRISTIAN R E L I G I O N« 383 ntenbtSotone pjofeltton, pea ana ail fucbas fougbtcotmfeflat Crotoes aim IRauens, tbat is to ti>it,tbe tuljoie Senate of Rome. likenufetoee reane tljatCafarbeto fttU tljr lp?outnce of AfFricke againft tbe fojtnarnings of tbe Qftr&ga^ers 5 ana tfeat Cato u>on* aereo ijoto ttoo Bimgajets coulsmeete one another 0? Ico^e one topon another toitbout laugbtng* 9ini Seneca faptb in bis bote of SewcaJib.*. idoeffion^ 3 tbat tbe Ti5otuelga?ers ftiere tmtenteti ft? notbing els caP+ and 4^ but to bolt) tbe people m atoe ♦ <§>o little sfo tl;e tOtfemen beteue tbe tbings tobicb tbep tbemfelues ato to be tuonneteri at ant* toco?* Ibtppeti of tlje common people* 9inn t!)U0 mud; concerning tfjeit ©o&singenerall*- •Buttftneecome to tbe particulars , tfje matter Mi bee pec moje cleere , toberein 31 totltbcje as b?iefe as 31 can, becaufe it is a matter tbat is treated of erpjefielp.bp others* among tbe tnnumfc table table of <&ote> tljep bauettnefue of principal! tenotome, The Goddes tol;ofe names ate compjebentjeo tn tljefe ttoo bcrfes of Ennius. of Greater n*» JunoyVeFi-ai MinemayCeres^Diana^erjHSy^PldarSy tions» iJMercnruis Jupiter yNeptuneyHlcanHS, Apollo. 3n&bnto tbefefome aimeb Bacchus ami Saturne ; tbiS totter, Eufcbiy:*? becaufe be migljt feeme to bauein?ong,tf be (bouto not be counter ^SibX" a ©on as toell as bis fonue 5 ann tbe otber, becaufe it migbt come § l to palfe, tbat (being a firie fellotoe)be tooulo els make fomefrap, feeing tbat Ceres is a ©otmefle ♦ ®arrifpatcb tbe djiefe of tljem quite ano cleane of tbat noubt , Euhemere of Meffene brill alone fufftce ; tobo gatbering tbe bifto?te of lupiter ana t^z reft , fettetb Dotynetbeirtptles, €pitapbs $ 3Infctiptions labicljtoete in tbeit ^emples,^ namelp in tbe Cempleof lupiter Triphillian,tobere toas a pillet fet bp b^ lupiter bimfetf,tobererm tbe notablcft of W uoittgs toere ingrauen ; 3nn tbis bitojie being caHeur bolp , toas tranflateo bp Ennius, tbe fcoortS hereof are tbefe*Saturne(faptb EuTicmcrc as %t) tooke Ops to his wife, and Ty tan being his elder brother he £ citcd bY ciaymedthe kingdome; but Veda their mother,& Ceres and LaantlliS> Ops their Sifters ^counfeled Saturne to kcepe his poffefsion. Which thing when Tytan perceyued; rinding himfelfe to bee the weakerahe compounded withSaturne,vpon conditio that if Saturne had any Sonnes , heihould not fuffer them to Hue, that the kingdom might reuert again vnto his Children. Ac- cording to which compofitfcm, the flrft child that was borne to Saturne was killed. Afterward were borne lupiter & luno twinnes both at one birth : of whome they (hewed but Juno^ and 384 O * THE TRETTNIS and deltuercd Iupiter toVeftato be brought vp in fecret. A£ tcr them came Neptune,who was ferued ukewife. And laft of all came Pluto and Glauca; of whom only Glauca(who dyed within a while) was (hewed , and Pluto was nurced fecretly as Iupiter was . Now this came to Tytans hearing , who aflem- bling his Sonnes to him,took Saturne and Ops and put them in prifon . Butaflbone as Iupiter came to age,hcgaue battell to the Tytans; and getting the vpper hand of them, deliucred his father & mother out of prifon. At length perceyuing that his father , whom he had fet vp againe, was iealous ouer him and fought his lifejhedepofed him from his eftate anddrouc him into Italy. 3|ntl)i$ onlp onebiftojieto)efeetobatSaturne,Iu- piter,Iuno,Vefta3Ops5Neptune an& Ceres toere,tjat fe to toif, men ami toomen ; pea futelp zuen men,anb among men,but onelp mere men* 3im pet taere tbep tbe fartjergs ano motbers of tbe reft of rije ©obS , ana reigneo in tfyz ale* of tiyt cijiefe $£folan& ftea; ana in Candy,alitle afoje tfje toatres ofThebes ano of Troy .3tm bp tbat meaner toee fee alfo, from tofynte tiie goets baue fetcbea tfceir fablcei^lj trij are not(as fomc tfc tnke) mere fancied 0? tmaju nations to it&out grouna , but aifguiOnga oftrje rructlj , ami of rtje Spiftojie : ®rue m tljat tbep report aaeaes rigbtlp befeeming men; bnmte m rrjat tbep attribute tbem as to (Boas, ana not ass to men* Saturne is taken foj tbe fatber of tbem al* 3na lake tobat is fount* of tbe fatber,fe to bee berifiea of W offp?ing ♦ Clje Jpiffojiogras pbers tljerefo jc ijaue fapa, tbat bis toife did bine (jig cbiia j en from fcim : ana tbe ipoets baue fapa tftat bee aia eate t^zm bp, becaufe a eauen, tobo apca in tbe Ocean, ana Ipes butpea m Aulatie . ^o be fto?t,of afltbefe footers ofantiq[uittej3,rad) as Theodore tbe (^I'akejThalluSjCafsiuSjSeueruSjCornelius Ne- po$ ana otbets toere ; none aefrrtbetb btm otberforife tban a main mfomucb tijat mm Orpheus bimfelfe tobo canonfrea bim foja <0oa,fpeaketb of fcim after tbe fame maner*2Bb*t reaae toe of Iu- piter ? Iupiter (faptb tbe tp iffo?ie) aepofea bis otone fatber, bela Its! affemblieS m Mount Olympus , ftole atoap Europa m a fln'p namea tbe Bull , ana carpea atoap Ganymed in another fbip cat- JeD tl;e Eagle : but Ije fojbare Thetis , becaufe an Achilles (toftfdj (boula be a man of greater mt'gbt tban bis fatber) toas to be bojne cf ber* tf inanp,after ije ban mane certepne iatoes, ana partea tfie offices offitjs efface among bis frienas, tie apea ana teas burpea tit tbcCotoneofGnofus . £&bat a Hfe is tbiS,but tbe ufe of a man* pea ana of a mod toicftea man3mruio?tbte,not to reigne tit beauen, tut mm to goe apou tbe cartb*t jfteuectbelefle3becaufe bis f«ct ek fojs tnfojcea men to too?&)ipbim astoeU as bis (Sraunafatber, pea ana tie bimfelfe ttt bis life tpme baa caufea bis gmbiects, Slaf* fafles ana Confederates to aeaicate temples bnto bim^bp reafott tobereof toee fee be toas callea bp tbe names of Labradie, Atabu- rie,Tryphili,ana aiuers otbertall tbtngs toere fapne to be appltea ana referrea bnto btm : infonutcb tbat of a man , tty poets maae Ijtm a <8oa-, of tbe S^ountapne 01ympus,tljep maae^eauen; of a g>bippe,an €agle;ana of Thetis,a (SoaaelTe* get fo? alltbis5bis burpaU place puttetb al out of aoubt5ana fo aotb tbe €pitapb tbat Pythagoras tojate tljereon ♦ jfo?,to baue a temple in one place, ana a ^ombe in another; ana to be toojfljippea toitb pjaper in tbe «ne,ana to be eaten toitb too?mes tn tbe otber,are tbings farre aif* fermg ♦ Callimachus totfl neeaes taunt tbe Cretanes fo? frjetmng bis ^ombe tottb tbt's tnfcrtptton 3 o seuc tS k^, tbat is to fap, Iupiter tbe fonne of Saturne : ana pet bie confiaeretb not, tbat in faptng tbat Rhea toas aeltuerea of btm among t^t Parrhafiansjje ^tmfelfe maketl; bim to ape* if o? tobat is btrtb but a beginning of aeatb^na tberefo?e Sibill fpeaketb of tbe Seneca tahetl; it to be a matter fo tooojtljie to be laugbcn at, Morses. tjjat^c fojtgettctbbis oUmegrauitteto giuc a mockibnto it,Seeing (faptb b^)that this Iupiter was fo lecherouSjwhy begetteth he not Children ftill, if he be yet aliue ? Is it bycaufe he is three- fcoreyeeres old ? Or hath the Lawe of Papie reftreyned him? The Lawe of Or hath he obteyned the priuiledge of three Children?Or fi- thicc children. nally,is it come into his mynd to looke for the fame meafurc at other folks hands,which he hath meafured vnto others5fo as he is afraydleaft fome Sonne of his (hould deale with himr as he himfelf delt with Saturne ? after tbat manner DtD tl;is ( greate tabilofopber moeke at l;is great <5o& 5 toberetn be tnas f* * mucb tbe leffe to be ejrcufcD,bpcaufe \)t luoo?u;ipp£D bim,fenoUung romutbasbetutu 3s touching luno , 3 totlnot ftans fo mucl;bppon tbeH?oet& Varro bimfeif fttf tl) tbat fl)e toas bjougbt bp in Samos , ana tbere marpea to btr bjotber Iupiter, by bibom fl;ec coulo not concepue, in refpect b)bereof,tbat Slant) toag caUen Parthenie, tbat is to fap Maydenland. ^bereaifotoagbirfamoufeftCempie,lDbfreQ)Ct ftoose in bje&aing at we ; am> bir peerlp feaftes are in berie turn but plapes ojDepnca after tbe fafyion of olD tpme , to repjefent &ir lpfe>tl;at k to brit,bir mar iage3btr iealoficaanti Ijir inceft* 3no as concerning Minerua Iupiters baugbtrr ,toee rea&e tfeat (bee bias oeflotoret) bp confent of l;tr f atber , tobo Ijau mane * pjomife to Vulcane,not to tienp bim tn&atfoeuet be Cboulti af fee:fo monlrruoufe ant) tatolcffe bias tbe taljole race of tf;em. jf o? as fo? Venus, t&bofea&uautrKS are mo cban bir CIjilD^cn; Euhemere repojtetbbnrtoobaue bin tbe firft tyingcr bp of &tcb)csin tbe movant) ti;at birUioo?fl>ipper5 to Ijono^er boitball, Din call bec TTi^^oLa-ixv fiTca^av , uaMfy»T0v, xoioo^olKiv anD fuel; otl;er, Subtcb names eucn a tooma tbat teere bcrp farre paft fl;ame tooulD take in greateaifoepne* ULo be fl;o)t,in tbe temple tobcrc Cina- ras King of Ciprus bias burieD5tobo teas tbe firft tbat intcrtepneu &er ; furelp 3 am afyamca tfjat tlje ^at&ctt Wxt not atyameu of OF CHRISTIAN RELIGION. 387 Itxcl) fbamefuines-, but yzt mud; mo;e»tfcat fud) as bcarc tbe name of Chiang j are not aftameo too make fongs thereof tn tbctc books, Jtetbspjoe&jeto tbe reft, Neptune (as tbeirbolpl&tffojtc re* pojtetb) baa tbe &eacoaft fojt bis ftare , oj ( as otberfome affirme) |je toas Iupiters Admiral,m reflect toljerof tbe ipoets of our time rail Admiralls,Neptunes.Plutoba&tbe gouernement of lotoe Countrtes,tobicb tljcp tufgupdng turnco into $)ell* Mars tiat> tbe JLea&ingof S>oui&ierstn tbe toarres. an&0)OulDbaucfa'ubange& at Athens foj a muttber*SSIbat mancrofcBoOBs (3Ip?appou) be tbefe , tobidj ftanb at mens cour tefic frn tbetr grace ♦ 3tro toijat is tbeiaiueoftbat ^eauen^ic^ recepuetb t^ofefo?(Sotius,iD|jom men toouiobauebangeo ontbegatotoes upon eardtf 3Ifo Apollo 6ccameag>bepcberti fojloue, au&of a&bepcber&,bee became Laomedons Mafon tyz plapo a featoe 3!«ff glingtricks to t>ece we folk toitball ; bat in tbe eno ( a* Porphyrius telletb fos ) bee toa* fulleo bp Python, mourneu fojt bp tbe uaugbters of Triopus , and burpes at Delphos.OHbo euer fatoea tbing mo?e agewft teafott, tfean t(je tranflfo^nungonjtmtnto tije&flnneMtcft isasmucftatf * to (&et fcp tbe <§>onne tnco tbe ear 1 6 1 2Jut pet fu rlj are tije ©oirttf i «f tlj e ©reeks ann ftomanes ; tbat is to tmt bea&folks,euen kings i Auti ©ttanes toljcm toue o? feare batb man c to be taken foj <0oos» l 9no in gooa footft , f bep DtD not anp t bin g to t bar <£ot>&s , inOicfe I men 00 not at ttjte nap to tljeir oeab $ to fudj as ate of reputation* i Cbep make tbero &emples,Cbappells, ana altars ; t&ep appareli ! ibem after tbeit age ; tljep fee tbemtjppenfilsanti peuonsaecoj* &ingtotbeiroegreeo;ura&eof liuing; tbep maketbem a funeral! i feall; tbep celebrate 3nniuerfaries oj jDeermpnus all of one ftnr* ; 3Jnfomucb tbatf as Tertullian faiet!))tlje Obitfeait differeth not fro Iupiters feaft, nor the wodden Canne from his Drinking- cup,nor the Cearer of deadfolks from the Birdgafers; for the Birdgafers alfo had to deale with the dead. ^n&tbcrefcuetoec «iuft not tbtnkttlrraunge,tl)at Alexander tooulti nans be a ©or»,r ...... titb be knetu tbat men tooo jfytppea fucb : o? tbat Scipio Afficane *££ ™£ tbougbt tbat tbe grcate gate of flpeauen tmgbttobeefetopen fojca i tyim fcn bis argument conduueo tbe Ipke-, raping* If men for fraught ers made tto heauen admitttdbe^ 7 "hen Jhould the greatest gate of Heautn be opened vnto me+ ©j tbat tbe gentle lauies Larentiaams Flora lucre Canoni^eo i at Soome, fojtbep oeemeo tycmfclttc^ co baue oeferueD as mud) 25b z bp 388 OF THE TREWNES bp t(jctr#ofefli5ia8 Venus bao ocfcrucoat tbe banosf of p Cypri- ans: t>) ttytt Caligula tooke upon btm to l;auc 9ltars crcctcu ano facrtfifeofferjtttouobimjfojbe toas botbmojempgbtie anoalfa nio]te!mrcbfuou0tljaiul;ofctui)omcl)eiuo^n)tppci5» Lettbis fuf- ficc ftn tbe (Create ones;* 3no foj tl;e little ones, toe toill content EfcuJapius. ourfclucs tottb Efculapius alone , toljom tbe Cmperour Iulian> iuhanageinft tljatgreateenemieof Cb?ulians,commenoetb as Ins fauto? abcue tiic Galons. ajj t^e reg# He is (fapetlj Ije) the Sonne of Iupiter. ^n^ap J) Ijeisam^info? men begot not ©owes. But hecamedownein- too the World by the Sonne, and from the Sonne vnto the Earch,for the health and welfare of men.&Ubat Sutbokcptbcr in earned oj in iett , oio euer Cap fo *: jfro , but be toa* ( fapetb tbe l)itto}iz)t\)t fonne of tbe fapje Coronis renotomeo m t(jefe uerfe^ ji goodly er LadyVvasnotto be found, In all Emonia going on the ground. %\\<*> Coronis being toitlj Cbplo bp Apollospjecff,gaue it ftntb, fo? tl>e fauing of btr bono?, tljat (be toas gotten toitb Cbplo bp A- pollo &imfelf;toberebp it appeared tbat btr fonne Efculapius,toaa not tbe Cbplo of l|?eauen as Mian rcpo^tetb, but (as men fapo m olo tpme) a Cbplo of tl>e Cartb,t&at is to fap abaftaro, 3no Tar- quilius a Eoman tojptctb, tbat be toas a Cbplo founo tn Mefllne, anolearneo tbt bertucs of fomeberbes atrijcbanoofChyrontbe Centaure , anD plapo tbe peolar a tobple at Epidaure ; mto tbat aftertoaro being Criken to oeatb(as Cicero fattb) toitb ^bunocr, %t toas burieo at Cy uofuresXo be &>cnt,tobat miracle rcaoe toce tobauebinoonebpbtm>mo?etbatt tbat be Cbetoeo men tbe Ijerbg calleo §>cojoion ano Sfelepioootes > $p toljicb reafon toe map ad toell Dafte tbe biro ibis fo? tbe Cliff ers,oj tbe g>tag foj'tbe Srrb Ditanie* ^uttoconcluoe3tobatabeafllpnestoereittolcaue tbe Creatoj of all tljtngs , ano to too^fljtp a man foj bis knotoing of fomettooojtb?eeoft&em^ among otber^atton!E{oft^etoo?to5t^e^giptians|;aucbpon tlje Ipke reafonss Detfteo rljetr Etng Apis -, ftnbtooing all men bp* pon pepne of oeatl)5to fap \)t toas a man ; ano 31 atn euen reaop to fljuooer at tbe remembrance of big mtftertes* itketotfe tbe Baby- lonians OeifieO tfjetr Bele ; tbe Mawres tbetr Iuda ; tbe Macedo- nians ttjctr Cabyrusj tbe Latines tbf tr Faunus; tlje Sabines tbctr Saucus ; ano tbe Romanes ttjctr Quirinus : tbat tg to tott tbe firft founoers of tbetr ^otones ano Ctttieg , oj tfje leaoers of tijem to - itujabtte in foment Countries ; ano tlje eloeft of tljefe t^eir (Boo^, OF CHRISTIAN RELIGION. ^8p tbat fe to fap tbetr atmctenreft ^inceg^tbep callen Saturnes, tftctc fi>omte$,Iupiters,tbeir ©raunnfonncj^Herculefes; ana To fcojtb; . tobetenpon it came to pa(Te,tljac in niuers jjSations ftm torn oi= hSiuo^ tiers Saturnes,Iupiters,ann Herculefes, 3ftertoam tbe €mpe* tions. roursf netflen tbemfelues,ann tbeir fr#nns3ann fome?tbeir $ppni* ons, as Alexander oioEpheftion, annas ArianntoAntinous, ann fome tbeir CijtH»?en,a«n fome tbeir toiuesXicero boeingbut a Citfytn of Arpie,»toas fo pjtoo t!jat betooulo noenes Beifie bis Daugbtet Tullia, $ be fficfcen not to fap to Atticus, tbat be tooutti wafce ber to lie loojftippeo as anotber Iuno oj Minerua, confine ring tbat ft c toas not infetiottr to tbcm m anp tljing, !Bttt be came in t© rougb a time to mafte ©ons* euen to tbe rafting of tbemfelues notone into ^eaftes ann Sftojmes^tbat is to fap,tbep become infettour to beaffes^be otber is , tbatipjmces bnligbteneo by 4$ 2D & are fo oefirous of bainglojie, ann tbeir Seruants are fuclj flatterers; , trjat tbe ^ixu ces perceiuing tbemfelues to baue men at tbeir ccmmaunonnent, tbmfee tbemfelues to be mo?e tban men3an*> tljetr ftruamsl, to bk mane 3|note tbemfelue^, noe toilltnglp make 3!&ote of tbetr p?tn* ces* Cpereof toee reaue m tbe berp 1 atoejs of tbe Cb?tiftan Cmpe* tours;, tbat tbetr anfuierjs are callen D^acto , tbetr pcrfons <$o& beans ; ann tbeir countenances r)h\im b?igbtne(Te> Mbo reaning tbis can noubt,but tbat if fucb t atoiers ban come in tbe firft ages, tbep toouin \)^nt mane bs gcon i!o?e of ©ens *: ji^ap, toouln ©on fcie fattie not ftill among b$, greate nombers of Ipuelp ann plainer fpeafang examples, ofmattsinclinennifpofitionto tbetoo?ftipi ping of creatures , nottottbltanning tbat our latoe in euerp Ipne thereof noe vepjoue bj3i foi it,ann after a fojt mid) w euerp |job)?e Xb 3 b? 3^0 OF TH! TREWNES bp tbe <£otc,to puflbtf from tt* jftoto tberefo?e3Iet t&e pjemtflitf 6c a pjefioent bnto bs , botb of ttje banitie of tije (Sow* , ami of t^e blockiiTmes of meu,tobicb tjaue botb toojujtppeu tfjem ana mane Ckcro conccr- tbem*3Mj fo let ttf commit tlje knitting bp of t^tgs matter to Ci- ning the Na- cero fjimfeif>tol)0 faitlj tljuS. The conuerfation and cuftome of turcofthe men(faptf) be) hath allowed the aduauncing of thofe men in- Godds , in his to hcauen5both in reputation & in good will , by whom they bookcof jiaj receiueci any greate benefite. Of that fort are Hercules, his Tufculanc Caftor,Pollux,Efculapius Liber ,and fuch other ; fo as Heauen Queftioiis. is peopled with mankind. And if I lifted to fearch & ranfacke the Antiquities andRegifters of the Greekes, I mould find that the fame Gods whom we take for the greateft, haue had their originall from among vs. And for the verifying thereof, Inquire whofe the Turn bes arc that are (hewedin Grcece,and confider with thy felfe what their myfteries and Ceremonies are,and thou hauing acceffe thither,(halt vnderftand without doubt,that my faying reacheth very farre. The xxiij. Chapter. That the fpirites which made themfelues to be worfhipped vnder the names of thofe men,were feends^that is to fay* Diuels or wicked Spirites. fflto feeing tfjat tfjefapb ©o&g toere but men3pea ana not ©cn,but Stocks aim 31mage$ of men,$ tfeat tbe fame flockg, if rijep t^ati bene anp nunetban g>tockg, (bouto ratljer baue toojfbippeb men: toe mttft neeoes fap toitl) Seneca , tljat tb J V, men tobicb toojfbippeu tbem toere be* 3/ $| come toojfe tljan {rocks/But berebnto it toil be anft»ereb,tbat tbep gaue anftoerg cf tfo'njs to come3anb tljat tbep to?ouc$t effects bepono rije readje of man ; toljirf) (betoeb tbat tljere toas a Ipfe ana potoer in tijem,oj cfe tfjep baa not fetmceu fo:ke fo long timMW tt tbe fecona part tobicb 31 baue taken in bana to pjcoue : namelp tbat altbougb afl tycauncient p&ilofop&as agree^ tijat ttjete are bot|j gcoa spirit* ana OF CHRISTIAN REtlGION. 3pt ants batj,tbe one fojt(tobom toe caH 3ngefe) gjeruantg anb S^ek fengerg of ©o& ; ans tbe otfjer fojt Dtuete, enemies to (Boas glo* ne ana our toelfare: pet nottoitbftaniiingjtbe &pirif$ tobtcb toere ferueo tn Stocks ana 3lmage$ a£ Hermes batb tcln fc$, toere tot* deane ano mifcbeuoua g>pirite&'Cbefe tf&nw tberefo?e(to pur* c bafe tbemfelueg autbojitie ) ato bojrotoe tbe names of men , aim molt commonlp of tbe toiefceoaeff men* S?ea ana toljen tbep toere af fcea tobat tfjep toere , tijep fapa m tbeir otone £>?acleg tljat t^e? toere fotas foj eraplejbe tbat toas too^ippea at Delphos3faft Ije toastbefonneofLatona,Efculapius, tbe fonne of Apollo, Mer- Porphyriusxn curie tbe fonne of Iupiter ana Maia ; ana fo fcojtb , ag toe reaae m his booke °* ©jades rebearfea bp Porphyrius. 05ut tobat boneff man toill not ^"g^S refufe fo? ueuer fo greate gapne, to take bppon bim tlje name of a Eufebhs de S# toiefcea man?oj ratber abbojre botb tbe name ana tbe berp remenv preparateuan- berance of bim?3na tobo tbrn toill not conclude tljattbofe Deutte gci:iib.3.cap. tobtct) [to toimte tbemfelues creaite] dotben tbemfelues after tbat vlumo- fo?t tottlj tbe cafes of fo toicftea men,toere toojfe tban rbe men? QLU fo tbep toere a?atone (faprb Hermes ) into 3images bp 3rte $$& gicfte ; pea ana ( bp tbe repo?te of Porphyrius ana Proclus) t|ep p^^ -m ! taugbtmenrecepts toberetoitb toajatoetbemtberijer anntobtnOhisfaydbookc tbem tbere, as toee reane of Proferpyne,Hecate,ana Apollo* ©f of the Anfwers I tobom 5 one cemmaunaea to befet ber 3[mage toitb ftliojmetoo&a, of the Goddes. to papnt a certepne number of Hatces about it > ana to offer totto ^^fj?** ter^lua,Si3pjrV5ann&to?ar^^^ maunaen to toppe out tbe lines ann figures; , to remoue tlje tu^t> ani/. | ttttrj^tefiJ of flotoerd from hit faect,ann to tafe tbe b?aunclj of ©life | fiutofb^^an^tbatts; tofap,fromb^ image* bantstbat be mtgbt i tottbojatoebimfelfe* SGIbofeejainottbattbepmaoetbemfeluegito bzz n?atone tn ana tyiuzn out bp trjinggJ tbat baue no fo^ce at all, kmHycimt | fpectallpouer^tute^^batiistofap5tbat(a0lamblichusairo^^^^ i fercepueo full toelDtbetr tobole feeding toag! to uecetue te by tbetr zl^dTu P' commtng, ann to go atoap agatne toben tbep toti! not tobat to fap; | mop nefeoug to Ipe, tban toee blocfuu) to beloeue^ 9nn ^zn tbep i obepeo bg oj p^tenoeo to obepe b^,Iet bg fee tobat ferutce tbep re* I qm'reu at ourbantiiStberelp tbat tbetr 3!magej25 fijoutobetoelpam- I tea ano toeB coten, mn tbat tbep mt'gbt be too?(bippen5p?apeo bn* to,ann fenceo ♦ Boto5tf tbep toere tbe images of §)pinte^ -, tobat greater fcntruetb can d)ere be,tban fo? a pmt to be refembleo bp an3lmage ? 3nn tf tbep toere tbe 3imageg of men ; Mm greater 4eaKlme0(fapt!) Seneca^can tfym bee,tban to offer &acrifi?e to a m 4 po*e, )9* OP THE TREWNES Porphyrias in his bookc of anfvvers Sec. Eufeb.lib.4. Cap.4. TheSacrirl- fing of Men. Enfeb.lib.4. Cap.7. Denis of Haly- farnailiislib.i. itoc&e,ann to mafte tfie Caruer tobtcb mane tt,to eate at tfie Ceecm cab!e,anu to fcneele ootone before a counterfct of bis own mafein g 01 to make tlje papnter tbereof to ftann barebeanen Unto tt\ Ma tljen, lubat elg luere tljcp but teacljergf of tintruetb 3 HEjoletnt toas to turne men not onelp from (Son to bis toojfees , but attb tbemfelues,ann finallp intoberp froefces4: Apollo being: af ken tul;at feruice toas to be pertnen to f (Bote, neclaren tbat feacriaje is to bee offeren to tbem all , a^ toeil tbem tbat well in tbe 3pje ann tbe jf ire, as tbem tbat Utoeil in tbe S>ea anti m tbe Cartb ; to fome, toitb tobite Ifteaff es,ann to fome toitf> blacke ; to fome bppon altars, ann to otberfome bppon banker of eartb : to fome tbefojeparts of Beattes,ann to otberfome tbe bin* nerparts,anu furb otber likeftuffe*3nu becaufe t^zv tooulu naues plap tbe 3pes tottft (Son in af tbingsttbep requires tbts feruice af* ter tbe example of tbe oln ^eftament* tfo)(te faptb Porphyrius) notbfng neligbtetb tbem mo?e, tl>an to be efl&men as (Sous:info* mucb tbat tbe greatett of tbem anopfrmi tbep can Serapis ann toe Beelzebubjtoill n#nes be too?fyippeu as tfre fouereine (Son^ut tobat refemblance is tbere bettoijet tbem ami tbe true (Son *t eir 3|mages ♦ (Sons imopnmgof bs to facrifi?eb?ute 3$eatf es, tS to toitnelfe tbe neatfr tbat toe neferue &p our finne : but ttjt^ beare bs on bann, tbat bp tbe ueatb of a 3£eafl toee be uffebar* gen from an (innes ♦ (Son faptb bnto us, pour ^arrifees are no* tbing toojtb, 31 toill baue obeuience ann not g>acri(i?e:pour ©bla* tions loatb me, ann pour 3|ncence ftinkzti) x tbe tiring tbat 31 f ©ke foj is a broken ann a lotolp beart ♦ Cbe fadtfe (Sons fpeake of no* tbing but of tbe leaning of bIun5u>itbout teiiing 0} fmoloing tub? ajtoberefo?e,toitbout enn,t»itbouc grounn,t»itbout iigmficatton, ann toitljout comming anp tobit nire tbe beart* jfroto tben, mbat are tbep els tban Hauilb Uoges ann Uiebenes^nneuauring to filc^ atoap tbe pjaife of our Creator 3nn ^tt fo? all tbeir nifgupfing of tbemfelues fo? a tpme , tbep bee not able to conceale tbeir otwie leaunneffeanplongtobtle ♦ ,ffoj tbepcommaunnbsto&acrifhe spen,^apnes,ann Cbiln^en bnto tbem ♦ l£>au tbep ojuepneu fuc^ tljingsat t^eir firtt comming in, tof^o tooulnnotljaueabbo?ren OF CHRISTIAN RELIGION. 3p$ ftem ^ Kut toljett rijep ft an once toouno tljemfelueg into cte&ite bp Diodoms of fome anftnera oeiigijtfull to our curious earea , ano bp fome Stiff* sialic iib.20. gKngtrtcte tt&trij feemen too&erfuil to rtje toeakneOe of our epea: hiXffin toe fuffereo tfcem to go by little atto little tobitberfoeuer tftep tbem Absence. felueg iifteo, as; tl;ougb it ban bin bnpoflible rtjat tfjep fyouto ftaue Hiftms and fapo otfjertoife tl;an t»eXI , 0? tftat loee fyouto Ijaueoone otljectmfe Ma"cKth™ tban toell in obeying tl>em ♦ Scco^ing toijereunto toee reaoe, tbat cb^ b? Eule" Cfjfltyen teere «§>acrifoea to Saturne , in Candy after tbe matter Tertuiiian in of tlje Curets;3[n Rhodomene, tlje Itftl} Dap of tbe monetl) Geit- his booke of nion;3|n Phenice,m tpmes onaiague,2Barre,ano jramine j ant> Apoiogic. irketotfe in Affrick tfrep g>acri6?eo men, tottsQ tfje eiceconfulu>ip *rich™° m of Tyberius,to&o caufeu tbe &kft& tftemfelueg to be crucifieu in T^JIy tbe fame Partes tobere tbep toeretoont to ooe tbeir&acrift^eg* Aen^sinvir* aifo tftep offereo t&e like kinti of g>acri8?e in Cyprus to p Btmpij gUL Agrawlis, ano toDiomedes; anoin tljeSle of Tenedosbnto Bacchus; ami in Lacedarmon to Mars . 3no all tfrefe abftominas tiong are repojteo bp Porphyrius^jo tfrerebpon concltmet^tftat all fucb acrifi£etj ttyec lnmtye& mm at once to Iupiter Ithometes^f Urf)om Theopomp King of tfte Lacedemonians toagone:3nO tfoattfte Latins feacrifi^eo t\)Z ttnti) of tfteir otone Cftilo?en to Iupiter; ano tfjat becaufe tljep baa Difcontinetoeu tfte ooing hereof, tljep tljougl;t tljemfelues tb bee plagueo toitlj oeartl) ano oifeafeg ♦ ^ftat tftofe falfe <&oog t&em* felueg anfooereo tfre Carthaginenfes , tfcat tfje miffojtunes tobtefr listen bpon t&em^appeneo foj t&at to&ereas tbepijao &fco to fa* cringe tbe cljopceft of tjjeic Clnttnen , tljep ©acrifi^eo none but tbe Hafcalleg, Cftaungelmgsf^attaroesfjanti^onnlmg;^ %\}t\ikt toasS oone bp tfte Druides in Gaullond , by tfte Almanes , bp tfte ^^r ^ n« Scandinauians , bp tljeTav^ricanes anb atbttt ; infomucb tftat !^r«?nhlS Chyron tfte Centaure Ijao fucb Sacrifi^ offereo peerelp into Gaullond. him ♦ &o farre ano toitft fo patnng fuperfticiougs crueltie toaja! tfre Procopiusiiib. Deuilj} kinjjoome eptenoeo, tftat tfte Dtutil 9 none otfjer cottlo be 2 of the wane* fte fofioer tfterot 2Ufto can noto ooubt after al tl)fe3but tljat tbofe m Gothlace t&japougmen to&iclj toere tocont to bee facrtficen to luno in He- ik>p^ 394 OF THE TREVVNES liople 5 tbere Cbouln bk offeren x\)ik Calucg : ann t^at aftettoarll Pallas of Laodicea toag contcnttfi toitb a Jppno: ann tbat Hercu- les in traueling tbjougl) Italy,gaue tbe men ofilpap to be tJ#otoen into Tyber , but furelp it ban bene mo?e to Ijt* rommennation, if be b^o punilbeo tbofe <6>on$5tba to baue ouercome tbe great mon* (tecs fo? tobicb be fe To renotomen*5>et toag tbat cuffome obferuen Eufcb.ub.4. M : anfomucb tljat max in R ome, euerp pere tfje fame nap tbat cap.7. men ban bene toont to be facriftceo 3 tbe 8ltar 3 tone toafben iuitft mang blun ,botobeit, aboutafaaerfro?epcav3 afo?e comimngof Cb?ift,tbe Senate ban connemnen fuel) fa rrtCxc eg at Rome, jftoui feeing tbat (ag Seneca fapd)) tljjep requires fuclj a fetutce ag Bufy- te theM- ris °* phaIaris *utft neuerto baue oematmoen: tobo toxll not eon* ding of Rome dune toW> Porphirius, (a$ greate an enemp to Chilians aa bee 657. piinie, toagOtfrat tljep toere al niuela ann toitto fenna <: ©? toitb Quin- iib.30.cap.!. tilian, tbat fucb^on^couln not bee but toitlelfe ann ftarfcemao? h^okcof ®m to&erea* ^e S)^3^ to W) t»o?lbippen tijem , nin neuertfje* FanatkaU ° lelTe ronnemne anu abolilb tfceir Sacrifices! 5 tuag not tbetr fo noo* tilings. fag a connemning of tbe founoertf of tljem alfo ? 31 nteane of tbe toicfeen jfoennstbemfelueg, bfttcfj requiren tbofe ftinos of&acri* shamcf uH fice0 fo mftatlp3 ann loere fo fo?e offennen at tfjc nifcontmetiring of seruiccs. tfcem ? Labeo toljom men ttofee fo? a great maifter of tbofe spitte* £uQklu hv *foM&P* $ac $* goon fpirita mere to be nifeernen from tbe toie* if u^c cS of te* b? ^fe 3 c&at *** Iatter ^ S«w* «ot fauojable but bp man* 60iiCap.11. flattflfttews ano neaulp fupplfcattontf s< tD^tcfi mats aflateonoem* ' ning almoff of tbem all x ann tfjat tbe otber fo?t toere pacifieo toftft ipiapeg, ©anting* 3 jfeaftes ann Qfomquetingg , 90omerfejai ana Spaf&ing^ano fucb otljer $ing& T&ut if tbefe g©o ones (ajai tbep terme tbem,)neligbt in fucb things as topfe men fljunne ann fooled are afbamen of, tobat fofloiaetb but tljat euen tbofe goon ones are toojfe tban tlje toojft men ? let Us{ examine rfjeir piapeei ann (bo* Auftin in his1 toes ,fo? it t* tlje nifference tbat Labeo fettetb not»«e* Cbe ©onief &a bookc of jjemg fougbt unto in an ejctr&tm plague,commaunnen fo? aflftoaa ^oicT 32 S"1? tbereof,tbat tbep Ibouln o?neine eerteine fetageplazeg* Con* ap trarib3ife,Scipio Nafica tbe ilpigbpjieft of tbofe jf cenn^, to tbe in* tent(asi^eefapn)toefcbe^etl)elpiague, foxbane tbe fettingbp of tbe fecaffolna* j$oto of tbfe Scipio 0? of tbe ©on* , tobifb 31 p?ay pou (balbe founn tlje toifert'Ebe ^tageplapes ^ toere ment^tom taleg of loue,of anuoutrte,ann of lecberie,mterlamentDitb a tboa* fann filtbp fpeecbe^ , tnfomucb tbat tbe 5)oufebauiK{ foxbane tbeit ttiue£aann ^e $matt fyw Dauofttetf (0 r ome at tljem* jfale* ^ugl;eo Of CHRISTIAN RELIGION^ $p? MtgTjea at tbem , anb topfe men bM;en at tbem , mfo aH men at tbeir goin g atoap from tbe«n,bio tmtb one common confent banifb tbe papers of tbofe Cnterluues out of ail g©o company , ana be* tlareo tbem to bee infamous petfonsbpejtclubtng tbem from all $DfftceS,anb &P teiecting tbem from bearing anp britneffe* Jf^oUi ifeing tl;at tbe feruing of <£ob is fo commenoable atbing ; if tijefe lucre (Sous , tobp was it an infamie anb repjoacb to ferue rtjem? fDbe requirers of tbofe plapes,are bono?eb ; anb tobp t%z\x are tbe plaiers oftbemrepjocbeb?EbeGreekesttep bp toreafonagatnft Auftin.nb.2. tbe Romanes, ano fap tbat fucb ©obS are toojtbp to be too?fljtp= ^nafnfinkc '* : peu,tbeir &tageplapers oefertie to be retterenceD m&W p?opo* p^ £ the fition of tbeirs is toellgroun&etj , ana apparant of it felfe, 3i5ut pigdis. tbe Romanes taking anotljer grounb as fureag tbat,affirme it ta be bnpofTible fo? tbe Comebpplaperg to beferue reputation,conS* Bering toljattbep boe aim fap*2Bberbpontoeareto conclube,tbat tbofe (Sobs ougbt not to Ijatie bmx toojfbippeb at aU*9nb fo Ijatb Nafica gotten tbe better banbageinftbtS otone (Sobsmtb tbeit Jjalapes*3nb pet are rfjep tljefelfefame (Sons rtjat toere confirmed 6p fo manp ©?acIes3tobom Zofimus tbat great enemp of Ctyittu zofimnsJib-. ans fo mucb betoapletb , tbat bee affirmetb tbetoelfare of tbe Ro- Zt mane €mpire to &aue enbeb tuttf? tfce abolifimtg of tbem bp Coa- ftatinc. 9no to&at els are tbe miseries tobt$ be Ijigbip comment nedj,but rementyances of tbeto&o?ebomes,inceffs,murbers, ana ueceites committeb bptlje men toljofe names tbofe BiueHes bto beare \ 9tob tobat man is fo bja?enfaceb,as tbat fce toiil not bee a* (bameb of bis dnne^anb bluG) to beare it toto bnto &im?J!2ap tobu Doubted* tbat if tbofe men toere aliue agatne , tbep tooulb be botfr afyamcb ana affonifljeb at tbofe tbings before tbe ftabers by? 3n& lMbo tben can boubt t^t tbofe (Sobs toere of tbe toojft fojt of Du uelSjtobicb not onelp take pieafure in tU awing t&emfelues3but at fo boebebaube tlremfelttes toitb tbeeuilifo^irijt&ep bib not *i 3s b} e]camp!e3bJbob3ouibtbmke tbat tbe gojblp ©ofTip tobom tJjep call tbe Spcotber of tlyz (Sobs 3 but toljom t\)Z bertefi ftaptife in tbe toojto toouto bee lotb to baue to be W ^totber 5 coulb baue l;eam tbebilanous fpoecbes toljeretnitbijfcfeaftiaas foIemntfen,ant! not liaue btoaen ber feife atop fo? (bame h %nr} if Dame Flora coulur ^aue reab tbeiTIo?aiIes of Auleius, tobo boubtetb tbat (be tocmlo not baue Done tfje Ipfee,anb mucb moje bene abaibeb to fe ft great a Clerfte ano fo graue a &enatoj as Cicero, earieb toitb beuotion to^ celebjattngoft^em?4r^^ate^,at atoo^areaflt&ofemfe fterie^ 39^ OF THE TREVVNIS ftcrieg,but fertile* of Iecbcrie,g>obomie,ano 3toeeft?3nb rf tfye enD of Religion be(ag Plotin faptb)to become like tftc partie tbat ts too?(bippe& , toibat efe coulo bee tlje marfte tbat tbofe Ceremo* nietf ameo at , tban to maftc men rppe in all fojteg of tmefeeuncjef ? ano toljat reaoper toap coulo tbere bee to become Diutte m oeeoe^ tban to refemble tbem t tfo) toljereag fyq> fap t&at after tbeir fpe* ftring out of al tbofe ftltbp djings openlp3tbep giue fome pjecept* ofopjigfotnes ano mooeftie to tbeir g>cljofler$ infecretuijerebp tbeir uaugtjtinclTe appeeretb tlje moje plainlp to bee altogitber nu ueli(b,m tljat tbep firft corrupt tlje manertf of a tobole peop!e,botft bp tbeir Migtottf g>eruice$ ano bp tfjeir ejample3ano aftettoarD pjcacf; of mooeftie ano temperance to ttno o? tb?a , making as it toere publicfc Sermons of all naugbtine* > to lap tbe 2$?pole in z* tterp mans necfce,ano tben(t© fceepe ereoit toirij a fetoe tbat are of ntoje confeience tben tbe reft ) rotoning tbem fecretlp in tbe Care tottfj fome little talfee of bertue ♦ fo} toljo batlj euer reao tbat anp of fytm oin euet gme one gooo precept , oj one gooo example to tlje people,tofjttljer it toere fo? tlje toirijujatoing of tbem from bice, o? foj tlje ojatuing of tljem to true bertue ? ano pet nottoitbftanoing to luijat eno oeftre toee to ijauc 600 0; W blefleo 3ngelg conuer* fant foitb te fraple ano toeaite mtn , but tbat tbep of lingular g©D torill,(!joulo tnouce, leaoe> ano gupoe bg iuto tbe toap of faluation? The dracks 2$ttt tljeir oefenoerg replp, faping : 2>et notlmtbftanoing3tbep °! th nr ds VI tipieficn ano tojougljt great ano ftraunge miraclesaUiLet b$ omie OT^ine vlync ft« P ft mo?e naturall to beteue tbe partie m^tcfi pjeacbetb goon and wicked t&ing^toitljoutoiuinattong ano miracle$3tljan to beleeue tbt par* tit tbat kcrpctfj a rijorte of eufte,tljotigl) Jje pjopbefte ano toojfte miracle** *$\\t in tlje enoe toljat toere tbe 2)?acle$ ano spiracle* tobicij tbep fo bigWp commenotCbeffijacleof Delphos toa* one of t&e greatefi in reputation* %\)t beginning tberof map be an ar- gument fo? tbe reft ♦ 9 Ijearo of ©oatejs ( faptb Diodorus) toajaf t\)t firft meane to b?ing it in creoit ♦ 3no aftetloaro a p©ng tucne^ Joa* fettbere, tobtterfoo?t!jtl;e©?aclejs tobiebfterecepueo, (a* tbep fap ) b^ Ijer p^iuie partem* 9no fo? tbe flaunoerg tijat gretoe tbereof, it toa* o^oepneo tljat tlje Witntf) fijoulo be a Spapo of fif* tit pere* olo*^p tljefe circumftancesi a man map gatber tobat nta^ ner a ©00 tbat coulo be* CoCrefustbercfoje beeingoelirousito lutotoe \nb*t (boulo bee tlje iJTetoc of l;ijo toarrejs againft tlje Pcrfi- ans^t^e ©jade anftoerei»» King OP CHRISTIAN RELIGION* Jp7 King Cr&fus pajfing oner Hatyflreame, Shall ouerthr owe the frond and flat ely l{eame. Crefus gatbeven bereof tbat be fl>oulo ouertbjolae tlje <£mpire of tbe Petfians,bttt in neenebe ouertbjeto bis olune ; toJjidj tbing tbe £) jacle ban pjouincn foj afojebann, bp making tbe anfacr fo nout* full tbat it migbt be taken botl; toapes pet toas tljere greate reafon tbat Apollo C^oulD baue pjeferuen Crefus.-fo? of lingular neuotion be ^aD greatlp inrpcbeo bis temple at Delphos. gnu tonto Pyr- rhus(a3Enniusfapetb)&eanfu)erentbus* I Jay thefonne ofsAeacus The %omanes fare foallouer come. defaming b^euppon tbat be ftouln ouercome tbe ftomanea, bk Ijimfelf toas ouercome of tljerm 3lfo be counfelen t(>e Athenians to flae before Xerxes : annl;e fojetoln tbe Salaminians tbat tbep (bouln be ouercome bv tl)t Perfians eitber in Winter 0) in <§>om* nter* ftftbo peccepuetb not b^ tbefe noutfull fp&cbes,tbat Apollo kneto notbing certeinlp , ann tberefoje tbat be cuer left bimfelf a liackenooje to feapeout, at all affapes <♦ 3nn as foj tbe comming of tbefe fojefapings to pafle •, tobo noutetl; tbat Themiflocles perceu utng fo puiffant an armie to appjocbe^eemen not as mucb tbereof tymfelf, fpeciallp feeing f> afoje be (an bear* tbe anfiuer of Apollo, &e eounfelen bis Countrpmen to toapt fo? tbeir enempes nppon tlyz fea* anntobat a number of toife £>enatourg ann goon Captepnes luere tljere (tbink toee ) in tfeofe free Cititft ant) kinnomes , tobic& DmuIo baue giuen tljeir anuice moje to tbe purpofe in tbat caee 3nn fome fueb otber nootlj Zofimus report , thereof be maketlj greate reckening* ^ut tobat eljsf are fueb toanncring ann general! anfacrs , but neceptfull nouts , ann (as pe tooaln fap ) flbooes tbat Dull fitte botb fete , as agr&able to folk tl>at are furtbeft of, as to tbe parties tbat af ke tbe CounfclhEberefo je Oenomaus a pbi* lofopber ann ©jato? of reeee3bauing oftentpmes (as fee Ijimfelf confefifetb ) bin beguplen bp tbe Oracle of Delphos, gatberen a aegifter of tbe Ipes tbereof ann nin fet fcojtb a bcoke ageinft it, in- tptlcn tbe falfeboon of ©jades* $nn Porphyrias tol;o Ipketopfe inane a collection of t!;cm, euen toitbout arming ciminifting o^ cb^unging 39<5 OF THE TREWNES rOaunging fa mud; as one tooojty fapecb cljat bppon examining of . , tljem,OefounDtbnno)Dinarflpfaire:anttbcawct(it|jewureticre* h.Tbook^of of t0 bc > That thciF ^orctclling,of things is not by foreknow- thc Aufwcrc ledge, DUt °y coniefturcs taken of naturall caufes, and of the of Oracles, mouings and meetings of the Starres,as hath appered in ma- ny Oracles. For Apollo being afkedby^ne whither he (hould hauea Sonne or a Daughter, anfwered, a Daughter; bycaufe (tarre*,&efireo folk toietbtm alane,tellmgtbem flatlptbat tf tbep toerennpojtunate Nippon bim,i)e tuouln anfuoer tljem toitb Ipejs* 3nn tbat at anotljcc tpme be anftuemi flatlptbat at p mttant tbe courfe of tbe §>tarre$ m gto& fcotb fucb are tbe an* ftoerg tubtcb tbe contort! Deuilleg ooe peelo pet M at tbfe nap b? tbefe@>ojceter$anti %&ittty& ; fo? tbe Doing tobeteof, tbefefer* ttanttf of tbeirs arebp all latoea con&emneo to bebumt,aj3 ty\nt& tbat oeceiueo Manfred toben be toag to ftgbt \&it\) Cbarleg Duke of Aniow m tbe Realme of Naples, b)> tbfe ooubtfull conftructiott Of ©rammer, Nonjton Gallnsfiperabit Affitlum: tobtrf) map bet Cngltfbeo ag ooubtfullp tbug ; No, the French man the Ita- lian (hall not ouercome. jf o? Manfred confiaerefc rot tbat m La* tin ttoo jftegatiues map counteruaple an 3ffirmatiue^anp fucfc *tber like tricked tbere are, tobicb toe map toitb Ie(Te trouble reant tntptiftttieg ♦ 3m* if tbep Imotoe not tbe certepntie of tbe tbingtf tbat are nemautrten of tbem; tobp tioe toee eptber tuajfljip tijem o? tocon&er at tbentf 3no if tbep fpeafee tbat tabid) tbep ftnoto not,are tbep not aecepuerg ? 3ffii rf tbep fpeafee agatnft tl;eir otane tototo* ie&ge, are tbep not Iperg ? 3nn if it belong bnto (Sods to mtput ana to Ipejtobereftne noe Jdoee Jblame our neigbbourjs ann beate out 4iltnen fo} fo noing?JI3apCtDbicb moj.e ijs)to Ipe ano to aecepueut matter^ OF CHRISTIAN RELIGION. jpp matters of fuel) importance , toberc tbe cafe concerned) dje bluo of To man? ftllte g>oulcg , ano tfee racking of fo man? p©?e fjoufee?; tobo can ocnpe it to be tbe p?opertic of tbe Deutll , tobo euen from bis firft beginning Ijatlj bene fotmo to bee Irotb a ^rtberer ano a Jper?9te £b? 3$iroga?er$53[ ijaue toucljeo tbem in atoojo o? ttoame afoje* &be jEgiptians ojjferueo tbem after one fo?t,ano d;e Affri- canes after anotljer ; ttjeGreekes on tbe rigbt fine,tljc Romanes an tbe left r ano Ariftotle fkojneo djem becaufe tijep octermineo not tbe tpme •, ano Plinie motkeo tfytm, becaufe tljat euen bp tljek atone ooctrine 3 tbep tourbeo not tbemat all toljidj 6an no regaroe of tbem*S>ea ano men dje greateft ^iroga^erg djemfelue&aja: Ca- to^xfarjano Cicero maoe a mocke of it 3no if at anp tpme t^ep ijappeneo to bit rtgbt bppon a tbing; it tuas but after tbe maner of our 9lmanacte,ttje fl*t contrary thereof &bo fo followed) ,{baU tommonlp come nrierefttbe truetb ♦ jfteuertfjelefTe 5 if tbetr GSoos fo?efatoe anp plague bp natural! Coniertures, as pbilofopberj^ piji(ttion$,|)unter0,affl> Sbbepijearos alfo ooe-,djep fepneo tbem* felueg to be angrie at fome tate o? Commotoeale*3no fo? tobat caufe? jfojfootb fo? omitting of common piapes ano €ntcrluoes$ tfcat is to fap,fo? ffwttingbp tbe <§>c^co!cj3 of ledjerie ano Ribau* o?ie : £)? fo? tljat tbep bao not maoe rijeir toonteo ftoloesi of jFen* fera ano g>too?oplaperg ; tljat i$ to fap3of men tljat fletoe one ano* tber openly to pfeafe tbtm toit(jall,ano to make a tobole ft ate gi!tie afmanflaugbteranomuroer* 3noiftbep iuogeobp tbe feafon of t&e pere tbat dje pague fboulo ceafle^ben it toasi tbe g©olp <§>a* trificea djatbao appeafeo tbem > ano tbat mane men tbe carefullet to continue tbem*3Infomucb tljat tofytn dje Romanes bao loft tbe bluooie battel! at Catinas ,- it toag fapo to be,brcaufe rijeir Confui Varrofjao put a fapjepamg bope to rije ljotoe$ in jtfje Eirke, o? becaufe fome ^alefatto? Ijao bin conuepeo tbat twap to tbe ©allotted ♦ SCtbat a ©ooljeao fa tljat 31 befeedj pott,tobtcb is( p?ouokeo to anger b^ 39ooeftie,ano appeafeo by mifebiefe*: 31« tlje fauour hereof a man cannot if ano 3 but bp oeaiing toickeolp; but id fo ftraungelp offenoeo bv tfjeooing of Juaice? *But let bs fee furtber \oijetber tbep be anp better Qiiim$ tijan. Jftopfcetes^be ©?acle of Delphos faptb fymx A Godinfooth is Ckomede^nd not amor 'tali 'fright; The kft begot ofheanenlj race^n zAltar to him dighr. 400 OP TUB TRBWNU CbiS Cleomedc toaa one of tbofe tbat pleafureb rfiefe ©ob*£ bp beating one anotber toitb ftrokes of bans ana f©te;of tobom toe reaue rtjat be fletoe bis a&uerfarie at one blotoe * 3$ut of fucb a one as Socrates , Plato, o? Pythagoras , Ije tooulb itfuer baue fapo fa rnurb* 3gainebefaptbtbus* nArctyilochus is a very Saint andferuant oftheCjods.^zti bereljp of fcicb^bDS in t>eetie;foj be cbofe tbe bnckebfcel! ana leauoetf fob* tect of tobom to make bis berfe/But of Theognis,oj of a Phocyli- des iD^icb bau tf\)0}ttx> folk to gcob life,be toouto neuer baue fap& fo muclj* <©f Cypfelus %t fapb tbt«S* A happie man is Cypfelus and lotted of the gods. 3if it bee fottljett tobat are BufyriSjPhalarisjanb al otber 'CpjantS'tfo? tbere neuet toas a greater £pjant tban be3ut tlje fapb ©jacle fapb alfo3tbac Iupiter anb Apollo bab pjolongeb tbeiife of Phalaris,ftn bis toe! banoling of Cariton anb Menalippus. jftoto, tobae fitter meane can tbere be to make Cp?ants,(tbat is to fap,enemtes of manktnn m tbe tuojlo ) tban to beare men on banbe tbat fucb are beloueb of *be ©ob&es *t Zofimus tbeir great patron, rebearfetb an ©jacle tobicb anftnereb , 'Ebat fo? tbe appealing of an €artbquake at A- thens,tt beboueb tbem to bono? Achilles as a (Sob ♦ %W toas at plapne turning atoap of man from (Sob to tbe creature^be fame anftnereb Itketoife to t\)t mi of Methymnus,tbat it beboueo tbem to toojfbip a tooDben beab of Bacchus tbat toas founb bp fiflnng tn tht S>ea ♦ #nb tbis toas a making of tbem moje blpnb tban tbe fiocke it felf* 3nb totyn tbep toere bemaunbeb concerning tbe mfc ner of toeojlbipping anb feruing tbefe ©obs^tbep anfaereb; K«4 M$X\0tg K£OVJT0L* Abatis to fap: Send you the heads to lupiterfhe lights vnto his Syre. Cbe bubble Unification of t\)t (Sreeke too?b furelp it te not to be martteleo, tbottgb tbe Peripatcticks putting tbe to trpafl^iu btter great griefeg agamff tbofe ©jtacle&ano tbat tbe PIatoriifts(tobicb toent to toojfce mo?e faitbfuHp)toere tyiutn to cocluoe, tbat not onlp tbe bncleane %>pi* rttejSjbut alfo ttxzn tbeir ©oooeg tofcom t&ep t&ougbt to bee pure, toerefubterttolping* SLetbjai come to tbet'r $9p?ade&3In tlje temple of Venus tfcere Falfc Miracle* toa* a lamp tbat neuer ioent ottt;ano tbe 3image of Serapis bung tonfaffeneo m tbe apje^Ditterg oeceptg map betnjougbt in tljeltke cafe ; ano tt i$ toeli itnotone $at tbe like toonoers are feene mtn in naturall tbingMtf a jf ountame to light a 'Cojcb, ano a g>tone to bang bp p?on in tbt apje*3no tbep tobtcb batte tbe fkffl to bfe fucfr tbmg^anu to gatber togetber tbebertueg ofmanp too one, map toonoerfttHpMearetbeepe$,euenof tbetoifeff* 9te fbj example, ft ijatb bene feene tbat fome \>m founo out a oemfe boto to burne bp one toater tuttb anotber;ano to bjeake open a ftrong JLocfoalmoff foitbout toucbtng tt+9no tbat tbe tfaenogCtobtcb knoto mo?e tbatt toee) ooe better ferue tbeir otone turner imtb tbz toonoerg of jfta* ture tban me ooe,tt ns not to be ooubteo % 3Infomucb tbat tfce jpbk fitton\ubtcbfenoU3etb tbe bertuegsof^earbe^j mafeetbtbtng^of tbem tubt'eb tbe (Sarupner tbat fotoeo tbem ano cbertfbeo tbem top toottlo toonuer at ano cannot ooe » ^15ut loe bere a (frange cafe* Ac- cius Nauius rtje greate ^togaf er of Rome , m'O t\xt afuniier a ©Hbetftone fcritb a Ha^oj tn tbe pjefence of Etng Tarquine. 2Bb^t a number of flHttcbes are oaplpbumeo tobi'djooemucb mo?e b^ tbetr famtltarttte iwttb tbe Deutlh jfo? tXyt^ (top a Cunne tbat fe pearceo full of bo!e^;tbep boln faft a 2Haterfpottt from tmu mng;am> tbep bpno tbenaturaliabilttte^tanti petnottottbUantitng tbep confeffe tbat tbetr fo ootng 153; by tbe totclteo <§>ptrtteg5ano tbe l»iclieo S>ptrttej3i oifcouer not t&etnfelueg otbertotfe ttian fo unto f C c tljenn 402 OF THE T R E W N E S tbem ♦ 3nn fa berp truetb, tbe 3ngelle$ ann tbe jTeennjaf niffer noe pjoperlp in ftrengtb ann potter, but in toill ann pjartife: like as a* mono; men, tfje goon men niffer not from tbe toicken men eptbec in itrengtb of borne oj tit ftoutnefle of courage,but m tbe applying of tbeir bonieg ann mpnng*9lfo it map bee tbat tbe 31mage of Femi- nine Fortune batlj fpoken, ann likebrife tbe 3image of Iuno Mo- neta,ann fueb otbergj 3nn tbat Caftor ann Pollux baue toppen a* tuap tbe fiaeat from tbe partes of tbe Romanes as tbep trauelen: 3nn tbat tbe Lanie Claudia njetoe t\yz &bippe tobertm tbe 3!noH oftbe©ooneflfeBona mas, tobiebfo manppamgmencoulonot once ffirreXet b$ anmit all tbefe tbmgsto bee true, nottoitbftan* ning tbat Titus Liuius fap tbat bee becommetb oloe in reckoning t\}tm bp* pirttes tobicb fpeake in tbem be toickto fibpicites , ann tume bg atoap to tbe Creature,to make b$ offeno tbe Creator jfteitber no 31 boln opinion tbat Spirited cannot take bonier upon tbem ; no? tbat tbep bee bnable to noe feates farre palling tbe pototr of men: foj tbereof examples are to bee feene,pea moe tijan toere rrqtttQte^ 55uttbetbtng tbat 31 bpbolo is; tbis, tbat tbe Spirited Mfyiti) feeke to baue tbe p?aife of a bictojie obtepneo , 02 of tbe affumging of* jpiague , tobicb te sue but to tbe on!p one ©on; en tobicb toil! bane tbem afcrtben to jfo2tune,b>bicb is but an imagination^ to a Iu- no,\ubicb is but a Blocke; oj to a gmn ©onneflfe tlje motber of tbe (Sons , a motber l&bom t\)t berpeft to?etcbes in tbe too?lne (as 31 fapn afcne)tooulo nifclapme to be tbeir motber,are berp Deuillcs* 3nn in g©n fcotb, tobereastbe I>cuill tobicb tooke bppon bim tbe name of tbat ©onnelTe3fufferen bimfelf to be njatone bp Claudia, tobo ban fo ill repose among an men : 3It agr&n berp toell to tbe life tobicb ti)t (Sonnefle ber felfe ban len, ann to tbe miracles of tbe 3Fmto$,$ to tbe marke tfjat tbep flrot at: namelp,to giue tbe moje bolnnefle to Claudia to continue ber leaun life , ann occafion bnta otberstofollotoeber* 3lfo onetoas counten a (Son becautebe njaue atoap (Sraibop* pers ; anotber becaufe be killen jf rogges , Crickets , ann jf Ipes* 3no bereof it came tbat tbe Chananites callen tbeir Belzebub, Jupiter. am ^t Qree]^es fyfa iupiter ,bp tbe name of ^careflpe^notber a7jr9/Au(^. ^^ Zofimus)fentT5irng to neuoure tbe ©raiboppersf ♦ 3nmit tbat all tbefe effects baue not tbeir partiatler catifes: pet tobat mi^ wcleii are tljep to make ©onjs baitljah^ bp tljat reckoning,mb^ l^ouin OF CHRISTIAN RELIGION. $t$ fboufn not rfjofealfo tufttcfe bp certepne recept* noe kin fterpent*, ^Ratjs^anti jf eelnmpce, o? tol;icb noe mojeotter u? to atoap bermiit out ofmeitss bonie*3beecounten (Son*? jftajyftoet Mi fcemira* rlcgs,!ec b* take bppon tbe nohtg* of tfje onelp one e mane ti>e too?ln5ann be neftropen it ♦ Ipt mane tlje &ea, ann be njpetfj it bp*$e mane tfce g>tmne3ann be caufetb ft ta ftann ftiH2?ea ann(tobirf) i* pet mucti mo?e)fce mane all tljefe tbing* kP In* tnojn 3 ami toitb a Waft of W moutj) Ije t fcaungetb tljcm ass be • lifted; ♦ Cbefe are tfje miracle* of tfje (Sod of 3!{raeH5toi;tcb baue not tbeir like among tbe otber cSodss ♦ 3nn if tfcep Mi neaie bp* rigbtlp in ntfputing,tbep muft a* toefl beteue our booke* fo? tljefc tniracteM* toe beteue tbeir boofce* fo? tbeir** aifo if toee toke bpon tbe miracle* of tije go>n feptrite*, ann of tf&e feruant* of tljat one «on; tijep be not cafte* of legiernemaine to oa#e men* epe* toitljafljnoj nimble trick* $ flepg*)t*,noj toon* net* to no enn,to no reafon,to no mftruttiombut toben tbep ftrifce, it i* to cfjaff i?e men ; ann toben tfjep &eale,tt i* to glojifie ©on* 5if tbep fpeafce3it i* to teacfoann if tbep appeare to fc*,it i* to leane bg to welfare ♦ 31f tbep fo?etefl , tbep noe it as meifenger* from (Son; ann if tijep toojfee miracle* , djep noe it a* ejecuter* of !ji* potoer* 9nn ti)tp bee fo farre of from being angrie at a feong miftunen,o? at a (Sambauln mifbegtm in tfje ijono j of tfcem after tbe maner of l tfje ^eatfcen ^»on*-,tbat(a* tuee reane in our g>cripture*)tf)ep b* t»fFennentoitbnotbmgmo?e,t^antDftenmentI;anfet^emo?bxino? M5rk« ^«- fbem fo? tfce t&ing* to&idj t^ep ougfjt to t&mtk ann to too$rip tfje ^)yit^now€ Creator 1U s* 0£p tie token* toljidf) ti&e Platonifts gitteb* thereof 3 tuee (Jan fjerctcue pet better toijetber tbofe (Son* tuere g Porphirius) They turkining themfelues as much as they can Cc z into 404 OF THE TREWNES into Gods, that is to fay, into Angels of light, to beguile our fence and imagination with ftraunge vanities: Infomuch that he that is the cheefc of them , will needes bee eftemed to bee the fouerein God. And yet notwithftanding5their foretelling of things is but by gefTc,and all of them generally beefubieft to lying aud deceyuing. They be angry at euery fmall tryflc;& are packed againe with fond and vainc things. Neuertheleffe they haue beguyled fome vayne Poets and Philofophers, and confequently by them haue drawen the filly people to the worfhipping of them as Gods. 2Bbat fe ali tfyte but a oefcriptfc: on of tbe &erp fame <&oo$ tofjom tjee bimfelfe toKnujtppeti *t tike* lamtiichusin totfeIamblichusiul)omaKetJban9natomieoftijem, fattb tfrtf* his bookc of jhey transforme themfelues (fattl) \)Z) into good Spirits ; but y cncs* in deed it is but a brag,wherby they pretend more than they be in deede. They make a galant fhowe, and daunt men with their words. They play the Gods, and yet are troubled with Apulaus, light pafsions.'But tbe greate SBitcfc Apuleius fapft pet mo?e* They be pacified with gifts(fattl) fje) and wroth with wrongs. They be pleafed with Ceremonies, and angred with the want of them be it ncuer fo little. They take vpon them the ruling of Birdgazers and Bowelgazers , and of the Oracles and Mi- racles of Witches and Wizards.To be(hort,they be vnkindly wights,pafsionateofSpirit,reafonable ofvnderftanding, ay- ry of body, and endleffe of time. Co toljom can tfoefe tljmgs a* gtee but to W otone 4doM ? 9no toljat remap netb tfcen >6ut tfjac tfjcp lucre Dtuete ; fo muclj fte mo je miferable , ag tljcp bee mojt fcefjement m tfteir patRon$,ano fmmo jtaH m tfjeir nature* Jl^oto fe ft ere notijmg uclrinn but tijeir otome ConfetRon , ana thereof toe fl;afl not pet faple* Apollo tfjerefoje ass one bppon tlje Racfce, &o$ in manp of ijfe jDiaclea acknowledge tfte feouereme C5oo,ano to mafte fte moft of Ijimfelfe, &e termed) Ijtmfeife one of %i$ 3ngefe3a2 app&retfc bp ft fa iDjaele of^tss afleageo afine* WV ^Angels areaparcell oft he S oner eine (jod of all. ' Sno beemg af ken bppon a tpme bp tttyat name fce toouln be calXeti ano pjapo Dnto3&e anfloeretr, Callmee thefeend thai kgewes all things to whom belongs aUskih 9tob m another*, The witty Fccndfht Harmony *nd (rejjet oft he World. Snnageme* OP CHRISTIAN RELIGION. 4©7 Wee Feendes which runne through Sea and Land , do trmbleJhrwkA'Ww'm *&!aue fo* ^uttubenastoeereanefurtbertbaHljcfe p' (E5OU0UO quake at tje naming of tbe tigian tnarctss , tbat is to fap of i^eiynfomad) tbat zmn Iupiterbimfeifeftpearctb tberebp, ann is afrapn to be fo^ftoo^ne : lot at els is to bee tbougbt tljereof, but tbat tbefe ©ons tobicb feme tbemfelucs to reignein beaueu, are tojmenten in bell ? defines tbis , tbe miracles ann ©jades of tbefe (Sons are come to an enn;ann tbeir feeruices ann Sacrifices arecometonougbt, anu atlengtbfolkeljaue acknotolengen tbe oulp one D tbe maker of Jpeauen ann €artb, ami ruler of tbe lubole toojlo,to be tbe fame tobome rtje 3ietoeg baue tooj&ippen* 9nn in tbat refpect it is tbat Seneca crpen out , Cbat tbe g>lauiflj 3ietoes ban giuen latoe to tbe toljole €artb3ut tobo can marucll tbat bee toljicb mane botb tbe toojlne ann man 3 (boulnintbtemji make men to acknowledge bim to be as be is^o tben,let ns cou^ dunefojtbefelafttf^ee Cbapters, djattbere is but onelp one ©on ; Cbat tbe fame Was toojfbippen , feruen ann eaflen fcpon bp tbe people of ifraell : 'Cbattbe (Sons of tbe 5>eatben mere men; VHjattmner ^t names of tbofemen,niuels toeretoojfyippen ; ann finallp tbat our firtt marke tobcrebp to knotoe thz true King tbat in flea of tbe true (Dot) Ijts maker ant> &attpotir,bebatb tocojdjip* pefcnot onlp tbe inleft ano bafeft erea= turcs , but alfo tbe bcrie cnempes of 6ons glojte ami cfbisoumeujelfare, 9nutl)at ougbtto txiarnebstbemoje, $oton^futttbfefecon& marke tljata vjatiegmcnfco?ti)>ts in rcli* gton ; namelp tftat (Sotis \uco;u is tbe Bule of bis feruice.jFo? fore* lp be trjat ouerftrotetbbimfelf fo farre as to take, not a Srtarre but tbe betp Darknefle ttfelf fo? tbe bonnet cannot but ouerfljeote ljtm« felf mucb moje in tiifcoutfinn; of bis otone nature, eourfe, anther* tue* 9nn Ipke as bee tbat batb miflfea bfe toap at but firft fitting* fajifr3 tbe moje be battetb Ijim tbe mo?e be goctb atfrap t fo uoubt* SeiTebe tbat ts ouerfene in tbe obicct of l£cligion,tbat fs tofap,tbe crue 6od ; tbe moje be talfcetb of Religion am> tiiuiue feruis , tije moic Qal be blafpbeme tbe name of tbe euerlaff ing,an& tbe furtljcc fy.illbe tanner ataap from b& welfare* Cbc Ijeatben (as luc ijaue fencjtito tenflnp t\)t aiueli in UeatJ of tbe true<6o^ fr toljnt feruice infueu tbereof % Iplapes* jFables,CombatS; tobicb toere <§>cb©les of wibojcaome^of Inrefts anu of murner ; bluontc Sacrifices, ana ojtanarte manfiaugbter*. 3!f tbetr gonlpneffe , lucre ml) , tobat mt^rjc tbncbngo&Ipnesbee*: Cbefe ejetreme mifebecues inane fome to fufpecr tbat tbere u>as an abufe, 25ut lu&bat Diti cbat auaple tbem':©ne fojtt fapn,feing tbat Keligion confiftetb in fucb tbings, it tocre maete to bee banifljeo quite out of tbe GUojto t ann tbereof fpjan S tbe Scboole of Epicurus : ann tljat is a falling from one bjeakenecke tooanotber*3notbetfojt facrtftccu as tbe common people m'O; ano bilb opinion in tbeir barts vuttb £ ty&tt fet^ttcb xuere Ariflotle, Cicero ano otljens > of toljom tije fojmer bequea* OF CHRISTIAN RELIGION. 407 tbeo a Sacrifice to Ceres bp bis laft tot'lt; ano tljr cdjer celcb^acen tbe fyamcful featts of t\)t <8amtte Flora. SICClbat els is tl)ts,tban a mocking of 6ou,a oecepumg of fqike of fet pttrpofe, ano a betrap- ing: of tbetr oioane faluatton ^ ^Dljete baue bm fome featu tobo in cbetr tojpttngs (jaue let fltppe fomc toajos agetna fucfc tongoolp* nes , ano baue taugljt tijat tbcre is but only one <&oo , anp ibat Ijrie iDas not ferueo toitb fucb Ceremonies Knt toben tbepjrotfe too giuearuIeonXeliston,atiDbatpopnt aretljep^Oue fpeafoone tljtng ano another anotber,euerp man after bis otone fancieXfcep fcifputeaMicrieouconeagettiftanotbertoo ouertlj?otoe one ano* tber/Butif pc take tbe tobotteft of tbem atfDe,$ let tbem ccoletljet* (;eate a Iittle-,tl)cp )ui\l tel pou tljattbep be fcarce fure of tljat tobicfc tbep afTure pou; ano tljat tbep be but tlje opinion* of men,ano tljere* fo?e are Difputable on botb ftoe$;onIp tljep tljinft tbep finti mo?e Itfee« libotJ of trudj in tljetr otime,tljan in tlje opinion of t&cit aouerfaries. *&o be fl>o?t,among alltlje tljings toljic^ dje toifemen of tljetoo?to fiaueto?itten&erean& tfoere oftbe feruicc of o problem** ♦ So greatlp is man b^ W corruption , botlj blinoeu in tljings; concer- ning <0oo,ano redjelelfe in tbingg tljat concerne Ijts oton toelfare* 2?et is it foot!) (ano fo baue toe p?oueo, ) tljat (Son bad; fet man tit tins too?Io to ferue <0€>D bis Creato? ; ano tljat g>eruice toe caH Religion ♦ 2£lljerebpon it follotoetlj, tljat euen fince tlje firft tpme tfcat tljere toas anp man in tlje &o?to,tfyere Ijatlj alfo bin Ifteligtoiu tfo? tlje mtettetobidj man otoedjtmto (SOD 3 is of tlje fame oate tljat man Ijimfelfe is ; ana tbe ouetie tobtclj be otoedj totto 6oo3 is true gooltnefle ano Heiigion > Sgaine31ReItgion coulo not bee tbe tuuention of span : fo? tbe inuention of men tending to t^eir otmte ^leafure o? p?ofite,p?oceeD from ground to grounn5from pnnciple to principle, ano from erperience to experience , ano at tbe firlt are tuoe5ano afterloarti are polifben , not b^ tlje fame man tljat founs tljem out, butmoff commottlp a ljuno?eo peere o^ttoaine after: toljereass lke!igion(tt)at i^ to fap,mans ouetie tobiarosi ©on)lx»a^ ttotfo mud) infetuteo ag b?eo U)itb man,fo? \)i$ xjtane melfare ano fo? t!je g!o?ieof 600 9 ^et^ing(fap i)U)it^outtljeU)btcb,<^ou IboulD not baue mane man,ano man migbt baue bene fo?ie tljat \>z faD bzwz matiejougljt (zuzn at t^e firft beginning)to be perfect ano €c 4 full? 4°8 OF THETREWNEfr fullp aecompftfljen to W en* : to&iclj tiring; Religion f oufo not be, if it toere oeuifcn Op man* fyapne^rouffnertng tljat after \)\$ fall !j$ bias; ttrifcrii tot'tfj ignojancein Ijis tort, aim toritlj ftotoartmefleami frautmefle fit fjte totll » Baenetf tljerefoje muff it be,tljat tiyc rule of ©oos ferm'ce toas srutit to;nan bp ©on &imfelfe,toljo alanlp is a* what and j,(f to fetter Ijisf olone toiff , cS make rules ofbist fcruice, annto tell Rcii^eis!ruc ** ^at *'"£* *oe PIeaft &"" ♦ ^^ > tm Ktffcfoa is tlje true ferutte of tlje true 600 : aim tlje true ©on ( as 3i Ijaue pjouen at reanie)toas; not fcmmme ra olo rpme clfetoljere rtjan in Ifraell. 3s fe tlje ©ons oftUe Gentiles,tbep mere Deutte, aim confequent-- Ip tijeir Ojacles toere tlje toojme of Dentin ££ftercbpon tt fo!Io= tomlj tljat tljere is wo feeftingfo? tlje trueferuice of ©£>D aim foz tlje mietooja of ©00 , but onelp among; tlje people of Ifraell • pea aim tljat tt mull of necellitie alfo be fottno tljere* JFoj feeing tljat of iteceflTitte tijere ntuft nestles- bee a "Religion; aim tljat in Keligtou tljere nuift naeoes bee a rufe pjocBming from ©£>D3 acco?nmg to toljiclj rule ©00 toil! be feruen;ann tljat ©on urns feruen in Ifraell aim no toljere els: &lje Rule tobiclj tnc feefte mutt ncenes be fouun in Ifraell t©» jFoj a* it is fenpotfible tljat it ffjoulo be elfetoljere,be* t aufe tlje true ©00 Uias nor anptuljere eiS: fo is it not pofltble tljat tt fljoulo not bee tljere, fojafmurtja* tljere mas one tljere., aim tljat tlje true ©on alfo teas tfjere* j#oto rtjcrefo2r,trjr people of IfraeH Jan atoaies certeine brcto toljiclj toe call tlje 13pble 0? olo ^efta* mentjtuljtclj bcofces tljep reuerenceo aim foBotoen as tlje berp toom of©©D,t»ljerebj;ljdjatljffjetoen unto men after u>!jatmanerlje loin bee feruen aim tuoifljtppso ♦ 3no tljofe ba&es Ijaue bent ixepe continuallp front tpme to tpme3euen fitice f creation of rlje toojlD: ana tbep baue bene of fudjautljo^tie among tfje truelfraelites, tljat tljep belaueo not mip ot^er bcokeai , anufo? tlje raaintcnanct of tljemljaueiimuren toarres, opp^eBions; , banidjmentiS, remo^ tu'ng^neatlj^,ann flatigljterg; lobttb are furb rljings ag; are not to bee fouim among otfjer^fation*, nortottljiranmng tljat tbe latu^ makers of otljtr jftation$,m giumg tljem t^etr latoe^matie tljem btl&ut tljat tljep p^oreeoe^from tlje Marks where- ann that feruicc (houln rather bez a miOeruice than a feermce , if it ^ ^^ST terc not arrowing to his ttritt ^ann his \aili cannot be r oncetueo of us bp conierturcs, but muff be mamfeffeo fcnto us bp bis u>o?n ; 3! af ke thein bpon tbeir confeience^if thep tere to nifcerne that te?u from all others5bp tohat markes thep teuln knote it , that tljep might not be oeceiuen/ Ws te?n(fap 3l)is the rule of (Sons fer* uitz ann the map of telfare, Ctnto tbis feruice is man bounn from his berp creation , ami it is the marke ftbereat hee ought to Ifccote from bis berp birth* ftUill it not then bee onr goon marke of this X»o^r,tf it be auncienter than ail other i ates ann ftules , than all other too?ns , than all inuentions of men *; 9no tell it not be ano* tbtt gcon marke, if it tens to none other enn,tbait the glo?tfpmg of 0on ana the fauwg of mankmn *t 3jf ( fap 3 ) it fontbty.ate man from all other thtngs to leane htm to ©on,ann to turne him out of all bppathes ? hob) great pleafure fo euer there be in them,to leane him to faluation ? jl5ap 3! fap yzt mo?e , 3!f toe finn things m t%z feccipturetobicb no Creature coulneuerbaue fojetolno? fpokett; things t»hithcoulo neuerhattecome into anp mans mart; things not onelp aboue but alfo againfcour nature ; Z&itt anp man bee fo Mfull ann fo berp an enemp to his otone welfare , as not to peefa ana agra,b)ben he feeth both the bann,tbe figne, ann the &eale of ©on *t 3|n n&ne 3! bnnertake a matter beponn mp abilitie s but pet the higher it i$ , the mo?e toill © £) D apne mee with W gwre* £nn fftft of all , fo?afmucb as tbe too?lne teas mane fo? man , ann Thlt ^e B man fo? ©on^ann man couln neuer betoithout trueHeIigio% no? bofmowa^ true Religion U)«bout the too?n of ©on : 3! netnaunn of the great oquiw then Rations aim flo?ifhmg kingnomes that haue giuen latoes to all aIi othei wci* theb)o?ln, ann among mh^m the liberallfrience^ artes^ann kai> tIns*- nittg haue bene molt renotomen ; tohithec anp one of them is to be founn tbat hatlj han a late fet notone in to?iting , concerning the true feruice of the true ©on ? geao? one taojne ettljcr right c^ toiong 410 OF THE T R ! VV N E 5 Ujjong ttjat batlj but bcteuen to pjoe&oe from ljmt,3l msane from tlje onlp one euerlaft ing onne,euen bnto &\)}ift< 3|t neliueretb fc* a oiuifion of men iuto ©entiles ano 31k raeliteg , into 3I&olatera ano true toojfbtpperg of tlje feouereine <£oo ; ann tbeir comming togitber ageine into one after a certeine time,ano bp a meane appopntetr euerlaftinglp to tfjac eno by <6orr* 3no tbe tojiters tbereof are Moyfes,Tofua, tlje Cljionicleg of tbe Iudges ano Kings,tbe Prophetes euerp of tbem in bis time, Da- niell,Nehemias, ano Efdras ; of tofjome t\mt tbefe Jateft toere a* bout t\)}& tboufano ano fijteljunojeo pares; after tlje creation, ann Yet toere tljep afoje anp Ctyonicles of tbe toojloe toere in tbe refi= mte of tbe toojlo* 31 nefire all tlje antiquaries oftlii^ time , tobicfj make fo greate account of tlje antiquitie of tbe Greekcs ano Ro- manes , 0} of an olo Copne , 0? of a toetljerbcatenptller , oj of a Ijalfeaten Cpitapbe , tubat fino tljep like bnto tbat *; Efdras is; tlje lateff in tlje Canon of tbe Spebjetoe tojiterg, ano pet liueo be afoje tlje tpme tljat Socrates taugljt in Athens. 3no tobat rule of Helt= giontoastljere among tbeGreekes of bis tpme, toljo consent* neo Ijim fo* fpeaking of tlje onelp one ageS toljiclj baue bojne fo great fame in Greece5tyljo in tljeir toljole life tpme Ijatte fapo fome gcoo tuojos concerning mancrs^ano cornier* •fation among men , but a* fo? (Son , tljep batte fpoken notbing of btm but tyeamiuglp , no? neemen of Ijmf , but ouertljioartlp , no? knolueu OF CHRISTIAN RELIGION. 4II fcnotaenaugbt of rjtmtmttbat little toljicb tljep learnen oftftc /E- giptians, Eijttljcr toent Orpheus , Homere , Lycurgus, Solon, PythagoraSjPlato.Heraclitus^DemocrateSjThales, Oenopis, ann tbe reffnue of tbem to fcbole , a^ tbep t!;em Muzz Doe bigblp boaft in tbetr ^©kes* Situ toljat teamen tbep tbere but gutpertft* tton,ag 3i baue fljcuoen afcne ? 3nn tobat els tfjen cottln t^ep tying into Greece? 3nn tobat migbt tijeir ignorance be,feeing tljep.toere rotmtentoifefogcon cijeapePflXtbe fame nate are tbe latoes of So- lon tit Athens , ann (anon after) of tlje ttoelue 'Cabled at Rome, Xol)id) tbe Romanies fent to feeke in Greece bp tlje anupce of one Hermotimus an Ephefian . 3g touching ©£)D ann \)i$ feruice, ciceroin his tobtcfj ujouln be tbe grouno of all gcon latoeg,fcarce toas tljere one fecond booke toojn oftierp 31uftice in neet3e3 further tljan peculiar intereft requi* of the Ends of *en,i»bicb teas be rp little* 3$ut ujalitte feeke tljelatueof gonlttte^ ^^GeiUus at tlje bann &f tlje Greekes ann Romaines , toljo a trj^tee tljoufann in hlTzoJboofc ann fir^btrnnjenpaeres after tbe Creation oftljetuo?lo,kne)B not cap.i. tobitber tbere toere manp ©ong o? but onlp one ? jfte knette anp Denis of Ha- furtber of Heligion, ttjan tbep ban learnen bp tbeir ^rafftcke into fycamaffustife iEgipt?2Bbo in refpettofotbers are offo late tym in tljetoojln, ^Sfctb 34. ann ( uujiclj imnfe id ) ban reipen tljjee oj fotoer bunnjen peered cap. 5 , fentbout inquiring after gonlineflTeann rig^tuoufneire^^urelp toe Pomponius tntrtt boln be; to tW popnt,tbat lincc tbe berp firft boning of man ff-of the orig& in tlje too?ln,tljere barb altoaieg bent Religion in tlje too^n * ffo} nal! of Lawfi' fje toas not bjen in bapnemeirber couln tbere be anp &eligio tfcitl> out reuealtng from ©on* jf oj(as tbepbilofopljers fap of nature) ©on fapletb not in tf)in$$ neenftuX^nn tljewfbje tuljere men baue benefo Iatefc>am3antr©£)i) fo fmallp knotone;tbere toe u>all not finne tljenn tfo} m fo? tbe ^acle^tbat t* to fap tbe faptngs of tbe 3Dz\xil$ tbat abufen tbem ; if tbep toere of elner t^mz rljan tbe peo^ pie, tbep fpake not to tbem ♦ ann if tfjrp toere b?en after tljenvbeit toere tbep nebre*9nn inberp tn\zih,zuznbp tljeir otune i^t(!o?ie^ tl;e firfto^iginal of tbe falfe ©onctr miracleef, tajkebeginmuor about tije Uaarre^ of Troy , tu!)tcb befell about t!jc tpme of tbe 3iungeiS,tob}am0 tbe tluo tboufann ann zicfyt buno?en peere after tbe Creation oftbetoo^ln^be great Eings of Affyria be of mo^e antiquitte tban tbe Greekes;fo? tljep felt into tbe tpmeg of tbe ^ingg ann p^opbetsf of Ifraell , i»bereag tbere tiiag not anp notable tbing in tbe S>to?ie of tlje Greekes afoje tlje Captmttie of Babylon. 3$ut bob) brill t\jz? (bebae bg( anp labr concerning tbe fetuice of ©on?pea^oi Ijom couto tfjep Ijaue anp/ewngt^ey fo?fcoke 412 OF THE TREVVN!J tbe trttc ©oo ano too?fl;ippco falfe ©oos? jftap,as toudjfag tfjofe falfc ©oos t, toljat mcmoitall almoff Ijaue ftee of tfjem , but in tbe 25pble, aim tbat is oftl;e uicto?ics toljiclj tlje true ©oo ban agatnft (!jem,auo of big Conqueftcs ouer tljem,iabicb arc fpofcen of from Jcafe to leafe3to tljeir otteitijjotoc ano utter cottfuSon ? Contrary tu!fe5\tfbat be tfje Kings oflfraell/trntmaintepnerS; ano tlje p?o* pbets but crpounoers oftljclatne of Moyfes?3Tbcfc as publilbers tljcreof from tpme to tpme 3 to tlje intent tljat folke fljoulo not fo?* get it ,tobirij #faS ^cc fecnDt w anP ot^r JSation; ano tlje otljct as cornpcHers of men to oMerueit.>as toljerunto turn ftings tbem fclues arc boimb^ut if toe goebaefce from tlje tpme of tlje faxing famlj of tbe latoe of Moyfes ; tofjat Ijaue tljeSpcatbcn of tljat tpme to fee again!! irt31 ftp not onlp in refpetf of ©oolinefle,but alfo fo$ 31uftice, ano Uielnere fo? tlje common focietie of men ? Cbe Athe- nians toill alleoge Cccrops tbe founoer of tbeir €itk-y $ tbe The- banes tljeir Eing Ogyges . Sim sf tfjem tl>cp termeafl tljings of antiquitie,CecropiananO Ogygian:3m> pcraoucnturetbep loin teflbs,tbat at tbat tpme folk b?eo out of tbe eartb in tlje Countrie about Athens; as tfjougb tljep fpahe of aEtoflberomes ano ©rak Ijoppcrs ♦ 3no taben tljep fap fo , lobar (ban toee Joofee fo? at tljeit ijanos concerning tlje feruice of ©on ana bcauenlp tbings,fitb tijep tljmfcetbemtobauebeneb?eooftbe eartb ? 3$utpet tljep toifl not nenpe tljat tbisCecropstoasan/Egiptian ,toljo b?ougijtt(jem certepne latoes fo? tbe o?oering of Spariage ; toljicb is a fure p?oofe tljat tljep lucre totterlp ignorant of tlje lab) of ©on aim SpanAong tpme after bim came tljeir ©o&s ano flD?acieS;infomuclj tljat al tlje Greekifla fipiftojie is(as pe UJonto fap)tungtpO£ fo? manp buno?e& pares after,Iifte a b?coke tljat I ofetlj Ijimfelf tuitljin tljirtie paces of JjiS fit'ft fp?i"g* 3mong tlje ^Egiptians $ Syrians tbere toas mo?e fo?me of gouemement *, but as fo? Religion , tljep too?fljippeo tlje Jpeauci^tfjeplanets^no tlje <§>tarres, toljiclj are{itt*erp neeoe) mane fo? man , ano fo? mans tofe are put bnoer certepne tetoes b]> ©on, anotberefo?emurfj Ielfearetbofe©oos abie to make mm fubiect bnto tbem* 9no if tberetaere anp among tljcm tljat fcnetoc mo?e tfcan otljers , it teas tlje 3Bicoga?ers ano tlje Qi5oloelga^ers5 tobtclj areafepno of SClitdjes tljat turneo men aloap front ©oo to tlje Creatures , anotberefo?einnotoifeDtrcrteti tljcm to g>alua* tion^ut tobat fball toee finnc among tlje people of Ifraell at tbat t^mz *t 3 Moyfes tljat p?eacbetlj but rte onelp one ©oo , ano tea* *fj«!> from Ijtm l;oto l;e toOl be feruenj ann a iatoe tl?at fettctb tte bounty • A OF CHRISTIAN RELIGION. 413 bounos botb of l&eligion ano Solicit; ano tbe ottetie of man botfj totoaros ©on ano W neighbour ; tobicb ettcrp fcuentb nap is reao openlp to all tbe people; tobicb tbe Eingsbaue before tbeir epes, tljepjieffesbeare about tfjem, tbe jfatbers tcacb to tbeir C\)ib tyen, ano tbe Spapfters to tbeir §>eruants , ano tobirb tbe ticrp toalleS ano forefronts of tbeir boufes ooe (bctoe botb to ffrangers ano to tbeir boufebolo fofee*3t tbe bappieft tpme tbat pe can cijcofe fa Rome o) Athens, ( fo? 31 am drilling to omit tbeir fracbarout neOe)lubat bane toee, (31 fap not of Heligion, but of ©jter in 3lu* Ittceann ftate of ©ouernement ) tljat commetb anp tbing noere to tbat *; Contrarptoife , Uabat latoe toas tbere euer fet frcjtb among tbem, tobtcb toa£ not abolilbeo againe ere it toas fcnotome to tbe people 'iSDi tobomaoe account of it but tbe &atopers ? £D?tob& tyake not tbe latoe afoje be fcnetoe it>%$ be fbojt,tnberebaue toee reao tbat anp tobole Ration t&ere aH iatopers , an* all fluffull in tbe Latoes of <6oo ano men , but tbe people of Ifraell > 3no tobp toas tbat3but becaufe tbe fame Lato eonteineo tbe rule of toelfare, tbe tobtcb tt toaa meet tbat all folk toitbout exception fboulo ftnoto ano tmoerftano, becaufe tbat naturallp all men ougbt to teno bnte tbeir faluation4; 9no as toucbing tbe aim'quitie of Moyfes tbe fet* ter foo?tb of tbat latoe among tijat people ; 31 toill not bane pe to fcel&ue me,but tbe Gentyles tbemfefaes^be fcerp grouno of tbe antiquitie of Greece (fap Diodorus $ Denis of Halycarnaffus,) pcnisofHa&. toas Inachus , tobo lines ttoentie (Reiterations ( tbat is to fap, & carnaflus. boutfotoer bunojeo peeres)afoje tbe toarres of Troy, ano Ptolo- mic of Mcndefe a ipjieff of jEgipt , ( tobo gatbereo bis Jpiff o?ie out of tbe bolp HegifterS of # >£giptians)fapo tbat Amofis King of iEgipt reigneo tbe fame tpme tbat Inachus reigneo in Greece; ^PP^nKln f€ ano tbat in tbe tpme of tbe fame Amofis , Moy fes toent out of as- ^u hj^Ic gipt toitlj tbe people of Ifraell . %\)t fame tbing is afffrmeo b'p agaLnftthc ic* Appion tbe (Srammarian tbe great enemie of tbe lewes ; ano alfo wcs. tonSrmeO b]> Berofus tbe Babylonian , Polemon , Theodotus, Eufebiusli.xo, Ipficrates,ano Mofchus, tojiterS of tbe @>to?ies of tbe Phenici- CaP*3- ans,cpteO b]> Eufebius ano Affricanus . Eupolemus inbiS broke of tbe EingS of Iewrie faptb , tbat Moyfes taugbt letters to tbe Iewes;tbelewes to tbe Phenicians ; ano tbe Phenicians to tbe Greekes b^ Cadmus ♦ 3nO fo b}> tbat reckoning, Moyfes (boula le,not onelp of moff antiquitie in tbeir Cpiffo^ies , but alfo of mo^e antiquitie tban aH©i(to?ies+ Numenius faprf) tbat Plato ano Py- thagoras Ijao nothing but ftom t^e^Egiptians ano Syrians , ana namelp 4»4 OF * H E TREVVNES namely from Moyfe^mfamurfj ttjat be recptetfc fcfe fjtffo?ie afotoft too?u foj too*o a$ toe baue it in tlje ^ible;faping tbat Moyfes toa$ a great Dtutne,lL atomaker,anu$);iopbet ♦ 3lfo Diodorus of Si* cilie faptlj , tbat be t»nnetffcoi3e bp tbe i£giptians5 (tobo nottottb* (tanning toere enemies to Moy fes anu to all bfe tare) tbat be toag tbe firft JLatogiuer of all , anu mojeouer a man of great courage, ant; of berp commenuable life; anu tfjat tlje Iewes effeemeu tym ajas a onnt to jfatber buto Abraham, from Abraham to Noe; fromNoe,to tlje firffi ^an,anu from tbe firft man to (^ou tfre Creato? , beponu tobome it te not polfible to palTe anp furtier5ag 31 b^ue pjoueu alreauietanu in treating of tbe Creation toe mutt altoaieg neeues( comebadkeagein+9nu tb?cug& out all tW Uifcourfe Moyfes teller to of tl;e tilings tl;at (SOD ijatb uifcouereu bnto men,anu tl;e latoe^ tobicb be batlj gttten after N maner of a couenant,to tl;e intent rfjep fboulu be ty<$ people3anu be Iboulu be tbeir (Sou:Cbe tobicb Couenant it bau furelp bene botfj a fbame $ follp fo? l)im to baue ueuifeu fo? tljat barubearteu $ flub* bojne people, tobom bee buruenetb not toitb anp otljer tljmg , but il;at tot)ic^ toag notojiouflp ftnotoen ftuito tl;em > anu tl;erebpdjcp toere «: OP CHRISTIAN RELIGION.' 5T4 toere cetttfien of tbeit o?igmaH natiuttie* jftettber ti it to be fufpec* ten tbat be to?ote tbefe tbings (as fome lift to fap) to get autbo?itie to fjtmfelfe ano b& ; fo? bee b?onsetb bis 03raunofatber Leuy toitb an open marke of rep?ocb e]cp?eireo m tbefe too?os of lacobs %z* ttament ; Simeon and Leuy are cruel inftruments,in their van- Gene.49. 5 7, qui(hings,&c. Curfed bee their wrath , for it was (hamefull ; I willdiuide them in Iacob, and fcatter them inlfraell.&c. 3$ tobo tboulo fap, bee ment to oifgra&e Leuy ana all bis race ; to tlje faping toberof noting compelleo bim*3lfo be rep?©uetlf Aarons foolatrie ano Maries murmuriug , ncttoitbftanm'ng tbat bee toag Ins 3$?otber ami (be Ijfe Smftenano be repeated oftentpmes,tbat fo? ^tsf otone fault, ©on bao tolo bim tbat be fboulo fee tbe lano of Canaan>but not enter into it* €;obe(bo?t,beeo?oeinetbantilea* ' uetb lofua to bebis g>ucceffo? , tobereas bp reafon of tbe autbo?t* tie tobicb be bao among tbat peopled migbt bp al likelpboo baue Tet Up biS^otone fonnes*3n& pet toe fe tbat naturallp toe conceale tbe faults of out patents 3 anu corrupt tbeirpeoegrees to make tbem tbe mo?e uertuous , ano our felues tbe mo?e commendable ( 6p tbeit Uettue , ano toe be lotb to acknotoleage our otone faulty,, (31 meane z\xz\x tbe bomelieft mzix of us all)erxept it be among out molt fecret ftfct>s5ami as late as toe tm. qjucb leflfe can toe fino in our beartes to publiib tbem to tbe knotol&ge of poftetitie,Co bk fbo?t,toe be fo uefttous to leaue bonour ano estimation to our cbil* &?en, tbat fucb as toouto not baue bznz ambitious fo? tbemfelues, rannot refrepne from beeing ambitious fo? tbeir poftecitie. jftoto tben,tobat map toe conclune tbereof, but tbat be poeloeo tbe bono? uf bis aunceto?s,am> bis otone t©3imto (Sons glo?ie $ tbe truetb? 3no altbougb toee p?oc#oe not fo farre as to conclune abfolutelp, tbat be to?ote at tbat time as from (Solano not as ftom man: pet : nottoitbftanning,fa?afmucb as in bis to?itings be ftrippetb mantf nature naken , ougbt toe not at leafttoife to conc!une,tbat be tobicb mane lelfe account of bimfelfano bis tbanof tbetruetb3tooulo not bauep?eferreo nntruetb before ic fo? anp refpem &omemifecable obie&ons* feaptife tbat is quarelous againft bis otone todfare, toillfap'beere, aomttrbat Moyfesjofua, Dauid, Efay ano otbers toereas aiin- cient as pe lift : pet boto (ball 31 be fure tbat tbofe booftes alfo toere as atmcient,ano of tbeir to?iting?3Jt toere inougb to anfiucre bim3 5>oto beteueft tbou tbat fucb bmkes o? fucb toere Platoes, Arifto- tles ano Ciceroes*S©arrp(faieff tbou)becaufe tbep baue bznz com uepea Unto us ftom tbem from bmt& to bano ? &fe tbou tbe like etjuitte 4*6 OF THE TREWNES cqntttc totoarog tbe otberg , totycb ag great a nomber of men ooe allure tfjee to Ijaue come from $em» Xut if tbat tofll not perftoaoe tbcm,pet toant toe not toberetoitb to infojce tbem* Jtrft ano foj* tnott 31 appeale to tije confcience ano iuogement of allperfong, tolnri; knotoe tobat it t$ to tnoite , tobetber tfje ffple oftlje <§>crip* tutcs bee not fuel) and fo peculiar , ad it cannot bp an? meanes bee countetfetteo o? oifguifeo*. Snotftberebee anp tfjac tofll ttttocs noubt tbercof, 31 pjap (tin to make a triall thereof but tit fome one doe of aleafe,bee it inplaitmeffe of fetting tbmga ootone *£tbep loere oone, o? in feruentneffe of piping , oj tit pittbtnefleof ^?o» pbefping : ano be ffwH foojtbtottb perceiue^at ajs toefl m tbe mats ter it ftlfe ag in tlje matter of inopting3tbere it a certein* neto taffe in fteo of tl;e olo, tobtcb i* peculiar to all tpmeg 3 fo a* no man tan atteine to tbe fame naturall fcepne3tbe fame ?eale,ano tbe fame ek ficacie , bnleffe be be leo bp tije fame bano, moueo by tbe fame fpi* rit,ano pjiefceo toitb tbe fame fpurre tbat Moyfes,Dauid, ano tbe ^opbeteg ttere*€o be fbojt, if it be bar* to fatber a booke bppon PlatOjHerodotuSjano Hipocrates , but tbat bee tob^b OjaU baue reao tbcm aouifeolp,tDill bpanobp efpte it euen a farre of; feo & it aieibnpoinbletofa^ertbeotberbajkesibppon tbofetobicbbaue a ftile fofarreoiffering from otber to^ittng^bnlelTe a man toil beare fcimfelfe on bano , tbatfucb baftarob©ke$ toere mane in tbe fame ageg o? nare about tbe fame tpmes tbat tbofe 3utboj$ liueo m* let feg Ce boto it map be poffible to baue bene ocone in tbe fame a* ges* Moyfes publico tbe Latoe before an tbe people, ano be cur* fetb tbe partie toitb oeatb botb of boop ano foule^tobicb (ball aooe, fciminiib oj alter anp tbing* ^ee binoetb tlje people boufebolo bp ljoufebolo,to take faff bolo tbereof* ©is booked are oeltuereo to t* uerp Crpbe,tbep be reao openlp euerp g>abotb oap , tljcp be kept carefuflp in tfje 9rke , ano tbe 3rke i& kept a^ carefullp by all t^z ^rpbes* 3no tbat tbfe toag oame , it appearetb not onelp by W &mke,but alfo bp tbe effects tbat infetoeo tberof from time to time, ano by tbt foGtefteps tberof tobicb are ettioent cuen vet among tlje Iewcs. 3|f it bepodtble fo? a bmkz to beepreferueo fromfalfifping ano fopfting , bibat bcoke (ball tfjat be but tf;e Tffpble *: tobicb tote garoeo by tm buno?eo tboufano men,anti coppeo out3not by fome fecriuenersi onelp,but alfo by all tbe peopled 9ftenuaro enme Ic- fua,tobo renetoeo tbe fame Couenant,p?oclapmeo tbelatue, attti pceloeo reco^O bnto Moyfes. Ipkeloifc t\)t Iudges fucc&fces Io- fua,Samuell fucceeoco tbe Iudges, tlje Jfritip ano ri;e Cb?ontcleief fucc^oco i OF CHRISTIAN RELIGION. 417 ! fucceeoeuSamuell, anotljep^opljets;fuccar>eDticman* ^Dljefe bmkz$ foflotoeo one anotljet immeoiatlp ano toitbout internet** tion : ann euerp one tljat foUotoeo,pjefuppofet! tlje tbingg to be an infallible truetfi toljtcij ban bene tojitten bp tljem tljat toent afoje ; neitber toag tbete anp tljat oio call anp oouts o? tepjoue anp of tlje former IjiffojieMS t* founo to be ocone in otljet ©iftojieg ; (as fo? sample, Helianicus repjouetlj Ephorus, Ephorus finog fault imtfj Timeus , anu confequentlp Timeus repjetjenoetb tljem tbat tojote afo?e&im:)3$tttlofua gatfjeretfjacerteine ann bnfallibfe confequence of Moyfes, t&e Iudges of Iofua, Samuell of tbe Iud- ges, Dauidoft&emall, anofo all tfte reft* 3no to fpealte of tlje fbjopljet^tljep bee not Ipfce tlje brcfteg of our 3fttologet£ ^toljicfr refojmeoneanot&ertf Calculations, ano control! one anbtber* gjognotticationg : TBnt as tfjep (bote all at one matfce x fo djep a* grain one tljing, nottoit&ffanoing tfiac t&ep to?ote m funojie time* ann funojp placed 39ap(t»l;tcbmo^efe) twee fee t^attlje people toere fo fure of tbat iaU) z , tljat from age to age t&ep cljo fe ratber to abpoe all ejctreinitiea , tban to gwe it ouer ; mfomucb tbat tfoep oefenoeo it ageintt t&e Chananites , tfce PhiIifHnes3 tbe Aflyrians, t^t Babilonians , tbe Perfians,tlje Greekes , ano tlje I Romanes. &faijo tljen ourft be fo pjotno ano bolo ag to biolate oj imbace tbe tbmg t&at toajs Ijilo to be fo bolp, oefenoeo tottij fa ma* np Ipuea , ano confirmed tmtlj fo manp oeatbes; ? 3!f pee fap, t^e ^eatben; %\)tit intents tuas not to matte tt,but to make it qupte ; atoap* ityto&atpiofitecouloljauereoounoeobnto tbemof tbat papne ? to toljat enoe fljoulo tbep baue none it *i o? boto eoulo tbep fjaue cojrupteo it in tbe figbt $ in tlje fcnotoleoge of fo tttanp fojke^ Q&ojeouer, tofco knotoetft not tbat tlje <§>cripture!g toere carpeo b^ tlje baniujeo 3|etneg, into oiuerg countries of tbe toojlo afo^e tljep came into tbeban&g oftfoe ®entileg,a$ of tlje Greekes o) Roma- nes ? 3d fo? tlje 3|etoes ; tbeit {bo&teanfcet ann felicitie conClfeo in ti)t keeping of tbem, $ tty tetoaro of co^tupting tljem iuag neatljt ano totjat coulo it tbe batte benefiteo tbem to \)mt co^tupteo tljem't jj5ap, pet futtber, lubicb of tfrem tooulo battenpeo afterfcrnrs fo? a Latiae , tobicb tjep'taetoe to bee co?tttpteo o? cotmterfetteti ? 3im fmtblp toe fee tb^ottgbout tbeit ilpifto^ieiai , tljat tbere paiTeo not fo mucbadanponebalfe^uno^eo peetejS toitljoutpetfecutionjai ano foarregsfojtbatlatne* anotobeteasicmpgbtbe fapti ,tIjatfome futtlcbeaueo felloto among tlje Icwes t an none it to abufe tbe r cG:&ott coulo tljat be a* Dn geine. 418 OF THE T R E VV N E $ gctne/eeing it toas not in cbe ban&a offotwcr oj Rue Pjeffes onlp, a0 tlje Ceremonies; of tbe Hctrurians am> Latins lucre ; but in cbe fcanus of tbe tobolc people , fo as one tillable coulo not be rfrunu geo,but it toas to be cfppcb euen bp prang: Cljiibjen. Conferring alfo tbat toe reaoc not of anp king bovu toifc fo cuer be tocre , tlja* euer burft p?efumeto ab^imintfb oj alter anp tobtt tIjcreof;U)ljere« asnoturitbftantung, all otber Lataes oftljetoojlb lucre mabe bp peecemeale, anb iKtngs ano S>cnats batte atowfcjs referueo to tbe* felucsapjerogatiueto cojtrect tljem anb alter tljem at tbeir plea* fare , fpecinllp Xo\)tn tbep Iimiteb tbeic autljojme, anb fcrueb no! fo^t()emapntenanceoftbeirpo(Te(riom3nutfanpmantobcraue D0 of tfjts argument > toill Itcpfod^tlj anb fap, tb*£ our Scripture* areasanftpiftojiegatbereboutoftlje Kegitfcrsofmanp ages,bp fome one autboj; as; toe fee Berofus Ijatlj oonefoj tlje Chaldecs, Duis fo? tbe Phenicians, Manetho fo? tbe Egiptians,anb fuel) o« tbers ; let \)im tell bs tben (3 Ijarttlp pjap him,) i\\ tobat age of tbe toojlo tbat 9utbo? is Ipkelp to bauc liueb*3|f i" tlje tpme of Moy- fes, of Iofua 5 o? of tbe 3TttOge0 ; boto commetb it topafle tfjat be tojptetb of tbe reignes of tbe kings H 3Ifm tbe tpme of tije firfl Sings-, boto tojptetb be of tbe latf Eings* 3f in tlje tpme of tbe Ian Sings -, boto is it poffible tljat tbe lewes being afoje tljac time carpeb atoap into outers places of rbe toojlb, anb fcatcercb abjoaoe eucrptoberc Ipke tbe members of Pcnthcus , (boulo carte $ keepe toritlj tbem tl)t books of Moyfes,tobieb ( by tljefe mens reckon ing) toere notpet mabe,accojbing to toljicb booke botb tbemfelues bio itottoitljftabtng tben Uue,anD alfo taugljt otber XlattettellJI mean* tbe ten Crpbes by name, tobicb bp t!#ee former rcmouings tocre fcaitercooucrtljetobolc Carcb, tobcrcof tf>e marks are to appar* ant to be benpeb.'Cbe ffrft in tlje tbe tpme of Achaz Sing of luda, ana of Placea Sing of Ifraell , by Thiglath Fhalaffar Stng of tbf Aflirians , toljo carpeb atoap Ruben, Gad, ano tbe Ijalfe trpbe of Manaffes; tbe feconb in tbe tpme of Ofe bp Salmanafar , tobo ca» rpeo atoap Ifachar, Zabulon anb Nepthaly into Affiria : ant t\p fbtrb anon after by tbe fame Salmanafar , tobo ronacpeb atoap Ephraim anb tlje otber balf of Manaffes; as is toitnefleb borlj bp tlje auncient&ccopsof manp Cottntrpes , anb alfo by tbe Cbjo« nicies of tbe Hebrewes. 3no at tljat tpme tobple Minting tnatf notpet in ufe,to&at meane toas tbcre to bifperfe tbofc bcoks fo fcone ano fo farre of \ j9ap,toljicl)ttio;e is,\i)bat toil! tbep fap u»f)c n tbep Q)all finb c|je brofces of Moyfes to baue buikeut fro father to fonne, turn OF CHRISTIAN RUIGION, 4*9 euen,itt tlje ucmoff Coatfs of Ethyopia, tofuftet tlje empires ne« uer camp, tobtclj btokes ttjep fap ti;cp baue bao tberc eucr fince tlje tpme of Salomon , tljat tbcp tocre tyougbt tljitljer bv tlje ©ucene of tbelpjouinceof Saba? £!jusbaue3i fpoken inougboftljismat* tn , botb fo? tljem tbat are eontcntc& to be fattlficti &itb reafen, (foj if tbep Do but reaoe our fcripturcs,tljep Ijaue Voljercon to reft,) ana alfo fo? tbofe tobiclj arc otbertoifc : foj it it baro to fljetoe Um augbt,tobicb by bis hull totll fee naugbt/^ut f Ijcre are pet furtljcr MM tellbs t^at tn tljetpme of tbe Machabees , Antiochus a* boli&jco tlje la toe of Ifraell,antJ al tlje b©kcs of tije 3BpWc:anD tbep tbtnk tbemfclucs to Ijauc mane a create fpeake 3 ant ljar& to be re* foIueD* 31 icaue it to tbe conOoerat ion of ailmen of iu&gmcnt^fei* tl;er ft be eaOe foj alienee tbouglj be Dfe wetter fo great mligcce,Dt« terlp to aboliu; anp matter of bcoke tobatfocuer , feeing t^e nature of man is fucb , tljat fyt moje tljat tljtngs are fougbt to be plucken from ljtm,tbe mojteljeffrcpuctbbtmfeif to keepe tbem* But tofceti a booke is once belectieb ana reucrenceo of a lufooie nation,not ft- j fceiigljt of tljincrsf bone bp mcn^Jjerein contepnen , but fojt tbe fal* uation of man therein reucaletyfo? tbe truetbtu&ereof men are not afrapo to tnbttre botlj aeatb ano to?ments,as toas toitneflfeb by ma* np in tbe time of tlje fame Antiochus:u;ljat&iltgenceof man can fufftfe to aboliflj in 15ut let bs put tlje cace cljac it toas abolifljeb itt 3|ctejie : ytn ana tbat it toas aboltfljeo tbjougljout bis tobole Cm* pire : toljat can pet tnfue thereof, feeing tbat tbe ten trpbes ( ouer toljom Antiochus cotilnbaue no autljojttie) Ijao carpet) tljem ana utfpercettbemab^tetotbeittermoflbotintJjsoftbetoo^tJ^anti feeing tbat tbe rcmouing of tbe otljer nuo trpbes, baomasetbem rife among tlje Perfians an& Babylonians ? anbtljat tfee Ptolo- myes cbertfye&tbelewesrpgbt tennerlpin Egipt , giuing tfecm open gnuagogs toitlj fraucljpfes $• liber tie *i 3no alfo tljat Ptolo- mie Philadelphfjau caufeb all tljeBpbleto be tranfiatct) into tbe (3xkkz tcong by tI)etb>ekfco?eanD ten interpreters,^**) Ijao lapbit ip in fr's liberie ag a Jeluelh 9nt) to be fijo?t,tb«t fbe Iewes tocre at tljatberietpmefoBifperfcb among tbe Greeks cbemfelues, as ibere \uasfcarcelp anpCitietol;icljl;a5 notreccpucfc t^em tottlj iljeirfeiuagogs^ But altbcugb none of alltbcfereafonsiueretobe ban ; tljen , if tbe^pble U)as lad antt aboliujen , Ijoiu toas it founo ageinc fo fo* tieinlp in one fcftan t^Oljo coul^Cas pc ^souln fap)cafl it up tobole Dut of Ijis fiomackc at once *; £>j lubo batlj cucr ren t^at tbe iewes Do 2 maog 420 OF THE TRBVVNES mane anp mone fojt tlje loffe of it, oj tofee anp pepne foj t^e Coking of it out acjeinc *: &no to cut off fupcjfluitieof fpeeclje s thereof tljcn commetlj it, tbat of fo manic Gramarians bceing of opinion tbac tfjep Ojoultj become topCe men in one Dap,tf tljep Ijao Ciceroes boofces of Comontoeale to reaoc ; none of tljem all being moje U\u tleljcaoco tljau tlje reft , tjatlj traoertaken to counterfet tfccm m bis name.*: j$o no: let us ratber fapebe Scriptures arc of moje antu quttic tljan all otl)cr ^pttngs ; aim tl>e mo?e tbepbefo, tbcmoje aoucrfitie Ijatte tbep inoureo : tlje rage of 'Cp^anjs Ijatlj ouerflotoen tljem-, ano pet tljep coulo notljer o?otone tfccm no? Deface tljem:tljep Ijaue bin conoemneo to tlje fire , ami pet coulo not bee confumeu* ContrarptotCe^tfee boofces oftljegreateft mc^ljoto greateautboji* tie fo euer tljep bao,baue bin loff , ano foj all tlje pepne tljatbatfj bin taken to pjcfetnetbem.petljaue tbep often come to naugljt* Cbe Cljjonicles of €mpcrours (Cap 3})bee perifyeo , toben tlje Cljjo* nicies of tlje fmal Eings of lewrie,ano of tljat poje outcaft people, ano 31 toote not tobat a fojt of bamfteD @>bepeljcros oefptfro of tlje to oils ano oefppfers of tlje too?lo3 ijaue continewen to potterit ie in &efppgbtoftbe££to)lo* ^ljrrcfo}eitmuftn&osbefapo,tbattbe Scriptures batte bin p?eferueo bp ©oos lingular pjouioence,bo t fr fo long time ano ageinft fo manp iniurtegs of time* 9no feing tljep be tbe onlp tojptings tobicfj onlp Ije batlj pjcferueo from tbe create onoftbetoo?lObnto our capes ; fur elp tbep toerefojour beboof* Slno feing tbep Ijaue bin reiecteo of tlje toojlo3anu petnottoitljftan* ning ooo liue ano reigne in uefppgbt of tlje toojlo ; furelp tljep be from fometoljere els tbanof man o?of tbe toojlO;tljat is to to&c Heuelations from <6oo to man,continetoeo from tpme to time fo? ljis glojte ano our toelfare, 9no fo b]> tW oifcourfe toe gapne tbi* popnt , tbatour&cripturestobicb areleft us bp Moyfes , Iofua, ano tbe p?opljets,are tlje auneienteftof alltojptings, ano utterly tjopo of alllpfcelpljoo of mingling oj counterfeiting : ano tbat fitft tbateuen from tlje beginning tljere batlj bin a Heligion reuealeo from 600 ^ ano toe fino none otljcr tljan tljis to Ijauc continetoeo fromtljeoerie Creation Unto us ; toe map inferre, tljat tlje Scrip* t ur eg toljer ein toe r eaoe it , are of (Soo , bpcaufe tbat from Ipne to Ipne tljep contepne Ijis&euelations maueuntomanftpnu*35ut let is paffe from tfjis antiquitie tobicb fe but tlje barfce of tbe Scrips tures, ano let us come to tbe fubff ance of tljem, toljiclj toill giue u* alTurance of tlje place from tofjens tljep come* " 3Soto t^en, let M reaoe tlje bwfceg of men tt toell of oloe tymt OF CHRISTIAN REtlGION. 42 1 ** of our otone tpme,ano tobat is tbe fcope,tbe groun&,tJefo?me, Jh.cB.ibIct^" ami tufeourfe of tbem 5 fu^berfajtb tban t&ep eptber ejpotuuie o? f"^ S ^ foltotoe our ^crtpturess4: Some tyitz to relegate tbe iftings ann Go4 s great Captepnes of tbeir tpmxtbz& be but bauntings ofmen,tu- mo?s of people, confutations to ueftrope one another, ano futtle &eupces to oifappopnt o? bnooe one anorfjer*©con men bp teasing tbem become malicious3ano euill men become toojfe ♦ 3no bp tlje toap tbere mult bee fomc pjctte fp&cb of fortune, tn&t'cb froapetfj tbe^attels«9s fo? <3oo toljo maketb Eings an* immaketb tbem againe, toljo botoetb botb tl;e enterances ano tflfetoes of all tbingji tn bis bano,tbcre is not fo mucb as one iao?D in al a great focltmte, Cabo uoubtetb tbat tbefc be bcokes of men5&)bicb cotepne notbing but tbepairions,tbefu&celties,ano tbe inoeuers of metrt #notbec fo?t te}itt(a$ tbep tbemfelues fap)to make tbemfelues immo?talU Cbep t»?ite gcoolp &ifcourfeS3to make tbemfelues to be baa in a&* miration ♦ 3lf tbep cbaunce to Sumble bppon fome gco& faping foj mantra 02 foi t^z life of man ; tbep turkm it a tboufants toaies to make it feeme gcoo fo? tbeir purpofe^bep oeliuer tljeir too?t>s bp t»eigbt,tbep tyiuztfytit claufes to fallalike,tbep efcbeto npcelp tbe mating together of botoelles : ami tobat greater cbiloiffmelFe can tbere bet in graue matters,tban tbat % 2>et nottmtbftanm'ng,tbep make boke^ of tbe oefpiltng of fcapngb^ano tbeir bcokes tbem* felues are full of ambition : of tbe b?p&ling of affections ; ano tbeic arguments areranke popfonano contention ♦ 31ftbepbappenta fpeake of tbe feruing of ©oty't is by Sacrificing to Deuilles3anD to tbeir otone louers,an& frientis>as toe reaoe tbat Socrates,Pla~ to,ami Ariftotle oto ♦ mho is be tljen tobtcb euen bp t%t felt Ipne a? by tlje opening of tfje bofoz 5 mape not pcrceiue tbat tbep tobiclj fpeake beemen,peaano but Uerp men inuaoe-, contouring tbat itt all tbeir bote tbep fpeake but of man? 90en(fap 3!)tbat feeke tbe glo?te of men auo not of 05©D j jp?eacbers of feaitine^ ana not of manstoelfare^ ©n tbe contrarte fine , bee beare bota tlje Scripture faptb3 In the beginning God made Heauen and Eai th . ft&bat is ment bp tbis enterance , but tbat tbt leaner (boulo not in tbe red of tbe aifcourfe Itoke fo? tbe follies of men,but fo? tlje toonoerous too^kss t>f tbe Create? ?3nu tobatotberautbo? ^iueuer begin bisijoo?ke fo?Herodotus beginnetb bis %)ifto}it after ttyS maner: Herodo- tus of Halycarnaffiis hath fpoken thefe things.^bougb be ban tieuer fepo fo 5 it toouto neuer l;aue bene furmt&a tl;at %z !;aB fpo^ £>u 3 ken 4^* OFTHE TREVVNEJ ken anp rfjmo; but of man » tfoj tubat ig fete taijole bmfce but batm ttetSDj tobat Ijatlj be tobidj is not tnferiour to man?3fter tbe fame maner notb Hippocrates begin W bcoliess concerning tlje nature of matt;ann Iifcetoife rimaeus of Locres bis trcattfe of Mature an& oftbe Creation oftbe fct)o;iln:tubtcb 3utbo?$ 3iallengea<3attneieti« fed of all otfoer&3Btit if lue go tljiouglj tty toljole Scripture from tbe one enn to tbe otber,tue (bal finne notbing tbere but tljat tabid* 10 p^omtfen at tbe firft tooia * tfcat is to tint liuelp letters? ,. ann biu polfiMc to bcfalfificn, of a brake tbat pioreenetb from <0oo,namel|r Jus oum glo?ie ann tbetuelfare of man. Sis ftu tbe glo^it of tbe£= uerlafting,tt leanetb bs to tlje creation oftbe to02ln,ann of man; ta tbe finne of Adam , ant) tbe corruption of S^ankpnoe ;.tbe jf lun of Noetbatfollotoen tberebpon, ana tbe confufionof ^Eonguesi; tbe calling of Abraham ann bis feenc,tbc plagues of Pharao, ann tbe toonners of /Egipr . Z&\)*t is tbere in all tbefe tbings3tbat fatto* mb of man, oj oftbe banttie tbat poflefletb bint t CQbat batb be tberetobtcbmaftetbbim notcptber toftcopenntoCSonoj tofinfce into 8pell?3gaine5on tl;e otber fine, txifjat els; notb tbat tefyolz nif* coutfeffjetoe &s,but tlje bigbneflfe of tbe €uerlafting,bis merciful ttefletotoams tbe lotolp, ann bis iuftice anniungements totoarn* tbe pjoune, toben tee fee allloftinefTe oftbe ftojln cad notome be* fojebim, ann all tbepuiflance of €mpp*es giuenouerto Catter* pilled ann to tbe toojmes oftbe eartb *t aftertoameMoyfcscont metb to tbe rebearting of tbe lauie tbat 6on gatte to tbat people* (IBbencecame tbatejrtraojninarietotfenome, ann tab? rafter in Ifracll tban elfelubcre , in tbe tpme taben all otber Rations toere fo rune? 3nn ftbat matter of latoe toad it?§>cotblp a latoe compje* bennen in tzn Sentences , ann pet tbofe ten Sentences contepnt tubatfoeuer can belong to ©onlineffe, &p;ttgbtnefle ann 3!nftice5 tobitber itbee of ferttice totuams ©£>D,o? of nuetietatoarns out neigbboun 3infomufb tbat all tlje great bolumes of lathes toljerc* oftbe l»o?ln id full,tmtbout gcounn,tmtbout enn^ottuttbftanning tbat tl;cp treate but onelp of 31uftice,are referren all to tbat marfte* ann baue not anp tljing moje tban id tbere*9gain,all tbefe ten fap* ings are bnfolnen in tteo toojns : namelp, to loue God with the whole heart,and a mans neighbour as himfelfe.let tbe Athe- nians fljeU) me tbe latoes of tbeir Draco, ann tbe Romaines tbe JLatoes oftbeir ttoelue 'Cablesjif tbere beonctoojn of true ©onli* tteifeann 3Iulttceintbem?Iettf)eGrcekes ann Romaines ftetoe all tfjat euet tljep tojate bp tlje fpace of a tfjoufann p»re^>ann fee if OF CHRISTIAN RELIGION. 42$ pe fljal ffttoe fo mud) tbereof,as fe contepneo tn tbofe tbao faping* onlp* 8no as fo? our pbtiofopbers, tobid) makefo great b?agges ijft^e ten pjeoicaments of tbeir Ariftotle,tobidj aw but tlje feeae of^opfttftrte ano bapne babling; 31 afke tbem(at leafttoife iftfec^ ijaue anp epes ) tobat account tfjep ougbt to make of tbiS latoe, tobiebbatbeonuepeoin fofetoetooj&es, botb tbe matters of tbe too?lo lu^tcb are mfimte3au& tbe matters of (S5£DD,tobicb are bn* romp?ebenGble to man,togetljer^beIfraelites come to take tbeir iournep into Chanaan tm&er Moyfes; tbep bee b?ougbt m djedjer bp lofua^ano tbep be ruleo ana gouerneo djere b? tlje 3Iun^eef and fcings i 9too in tljis oifcourfe tbere fall out manp buntatte djings* ntanp enterpjtfes, futp?ifes, Sieges^attels, Ui$ €on< tiueffes ♦ fymz it bebouedj bs to enter into our felues,ano bp out felues into tbe naturall mfpotttion of all mm ♦ Wbtn toee goe to gitte tbe onfet,31 meane tbt better fo?t of bS; tobat fa? toee*t lo?m, toe fet our battels in arap3but djou gtuefl: tlje bietojie *: 3fter tljat matter fpeake tlje Cb?tftiang( at tfjte oap* j$ap:but if (Son pjofper &S,tobat toiH toe fap at our returne ? flparp, 31 toonne fucb a $)fll, 31 b?ake tbe £tauHtgaro3d)e Cnemie toas oifcomfiten bp mp cotm* fell: ano berebppon rife quarrelles tobo iljall baue tbe bono? of tbe tuctojie^ut as fo? ©on, toe (ball beare no mo?e fpeaking of butt* tban if tbere toere no 6©D at a\l%ty JJ)fffo?pto?iters tobidj oe* fcribe djeir Oicto?ies , are curious in naming mm djemeaneft Captepnes,fo? offering anp man; aim mo?eouer in nefcribing of tlje atmauntages of djeplaces,of tbe <§>unne, of tbt SSJinfce, of H)t D\x% of bim tbat lea tbe SoltuourS to banbblotoes, $ of tbe con* fultations of tbe Captepnes : fo as be balanced) tbe battels after IjiS otone fcoales -, ano as fo? mens fimtes tobicb are ti)t p?ocuter$ tbereof,be neuer once drinkes of tbem ♦ Seeing djen tljat tbe 9u- tbo?s of our 3$pble are tbe auncienteft of all otbers,tobereof com* utetb djis netoe kpnti of inopting , o? tobencebaue tbep learneo it, tbat m all djeir !Iptl!o?tes tbep gtue tbe glo?ie of tbe battels anu of all feates of 9rmes alonlp bnto ,pea ann etteninbis bdjalfe tobidj toas tbetioer of tbem?3if djep to?ate mx mans be^alfe 5 toljp to?ate d;ep not in mans tjfuall ojuer of in* Do 4 upting^ 4M OF THE TREVVNES ftpting *♦ m\)P UJjtate not Moyfes ann Iofua, (fap 3Da$ Polybins ann Czfar tojate *: flDj tobo lettcn tbem to take to tbemfeluea tbe glojie of tbeic bigb enterpjifes ?ffij tftfjcp tojate fo? &ingg ann bp commaunnement of ftings ; toljp Snnc toee no conrnicnnationjai of Iofua, Dauid, Iofaphat, ann Ezechias;asi toella* af Themifto- cles, Miltiades, Alexander, ann Traiane? jf o? tobat otljer com* mennatron ftnne toee of tbem , tljan tbat tbep toalken in tbe map of tbe lo?n,tbat tbep nelhnopcti tbe bigb places, tbat tbep ouertfyeto tbe 3|nofe,ano fucb like,botobeit tbat toe reane of beroicall $ 3£ar* tiall naoes Done ra tbeir tpmeg*. 9nn tobat ougbt toetbot to con* rlune,but tbat,a$ aliotber boo^rjs toljicb tenn to tfje glojie of men, ann concerue but tbemfeluess oj fome otbers , are tlje toojkes of men : fo tbefe booker 5 toljicb tens alonlp to tbe glojie of ©on, pea tuzn bp tbe contempt of men,are tbe toojks of <8on,tbat & to fap, infptreo bp no figb* fo? b*m ann bpljinn %o be fljo^t^tftoe inquire of tbem concerning tlje flate of tbe eartljlp Kingnome^tbep anftoer bg of tbe beauelp* 3|f a man be comberen \n\tb fyte p?efent life ; tbep teadjj b$ dje We to come* 3nn oftentpmes{ a man toouln tbtnke t Jat tbep fpake no* tbing matertall to our Bemaunn$,becaufe tbep mtftoer not nirealp to our nemaunn,but to rtjac tobtcb tuee ougbt to nemaunn* 1 et b« ronCner fometobat nerelp of tobat mpnn tlje g>cotbfaper$ are^bot^ bp tbe ©?acle^ of tlje Deuille*, ann bp fucb as make pjofeflfkm of feo>tbfaping ♦ ®je Deutlles reatttre feacrifice^ fo? tbeir anfiue- ringto ntrioud queftions * %\& 30rologian« are fapne to feekt out ]$}iMt$>%\)t foreteller of tbmg^ to come bp ]|ftflmtfirie,o? b)> pbt6ognomie,o? bp tbe intoams of 15eafte^o? bp $ figne^ of tbe jg>kpe,noe tbe like* 3im ojninarilp tobo bee mo?e bapne ann mo?t putFen up tottb pjine > tban tbofe kpnn of men * ZSXW iarring & tbere among tbem,tobat nrfagrdement in tbeir fo^efapings? jQap, ^icjjoftljcm^atteto^eften^tobic^^uotamonp man4; o}th& toouto ©P CHRISTIAN RELIGION. 425 bouft ratber &pe tban not oeclare <8tto$ tojatfc to a p?tnte * ®? ftat fcatb not fc&tbeb a ]£>i ince m i)ts fimte * , to fucfce gapne out of f»m * 3D? tbat batb gtuen tbe glojte Unto <&ob anb not to bte otone tunning $ fktift £Dj refufeo tbe btm&? tbat teas offerer) bnto bint, a? a notable tnutrie *t tnce$«. 3no tobat i$ to befapa tben of tbefe folfee> tobo goe Unllmglp to Declare tfje ouertb?otoe of States , ami tbe beatbs of ifttmceitt ftObtcbfojfafce tbetr apparant eafe^to goe am* (betofcojtb ©ob* tojatfc? SBbo of aU tbetr tnonoerfuflknourteage peelb none otber reafon but tbig. The Lord hath fayd it vnto vs, no? feefce anp otber retoarb tban tbe glojte of ($©D3pea matrijea s oftentpme* toutb tbetr otnne beatl^ let bs come to tbe p>etrie* of our <&criptum?,an& let tfie ftca* tben fettbetrs agemft tbem, anb tobo M boubt but tbat tbep (bait blu(b foj (bame ? Co omit tbe arte^be meafure,ano tbe anttquttte of tbem,tobtc& are but tbe outfcea of tbem,but pet mo?e beautiful! in our* tban tn t\)t poetries of tbe Greekes oj Romanes* f of to(;at are tbetrg but tbe bauntingg of men, counterfetteb p?ap(e$5 atto btfcourfetf of loue &ongs, not manlp, but bnm&te foj men*: SDne ffngetlj mk tbe rage of Achilles ? anotber, tbe toattfcjtngg of •£naeas,ami a tbfrfc tbeloue of Paris anb Helen:3nb ft farre bad* At* Wit* of beafaigpafletrinto cttftame, tbat it Semeg bnpoflfible fojmautobeapoet, a Diume, an&mt^tftojtograpber^togi* t&er*g>o farre are our mtrtb aim fongg eftraungeo naturaUp from <6ob anfrfrom truetb^ 223bat Cballtuce fap tlm to tbe poetries^ fpectallp of Dattfo, canftoermg tbat be urns? afo?e an tbe saoetrte* of tbe ^eatljen ; but tbat tbofe laoetrtea are not an tmitatton,but a Cmple affection*: 3|f toe feefte tbere fo? fongisi of btcto?te,U)e baue of tbem ; but tbep concerne tbe (Son of ^affes^ , 3!f ft? ^p&efongg, tbep bee not wanting; Out if tbep be of <0obanb of t|>etn tbat fcare btm ; 31f fo? burning lotted ; tbere be fongs^ of tbe bcrp t cue ttfelf, ^otobett lunnleb of ©ob fttmfelfe : 31f fi>? ^bepeber&g fongjs^tt tj$ fun of tljem, bttt tbep concerne tbe CuetMmg fo? t|ie S>bepber^ anb Ifraell fo? tbe flocfee^be arte of tbem ft ft ejccenenta tbat tt td an epcdlencie turn to tranffate tbem^be affection^ ft Ituelp, tbat ^ quencb 9 tf)oke & oAert*3lf be ban *»?ttten m manss bebalfe, |}4& ^e not ajai gtoj^jrounb ag Homere fym to^at toere W *wu ^ bate 426 OF THE T R E VV N ! J bate toitb Golias , bis utcto^ttgJ ouer tbe Philiftines , bis {oue of Berfabee, auo fucb otljerS ? ©? tbinke toe tljat be toas not fubtect to tbe famepafltonS , 0? mane of tbe fame moulo tbat toee be ? ©j tbat be tobicb tonkenetb t»^ fo mucb,toas u^otu^re itnirdft^)? tbat be tobicb fpeakctb of notbing but Loue ann ^>ono? , toas toitbout tbem bpmfelfe*: j3o; but inbcrpneenc it toasauotber matter of pilM^t did beate in bis ftepnes,rtjan beatetb in ours, ann ano* tber maner office tbat burnen m bis maroto, CCtbicbtbing no man can ncnp tljat reanetb b& pfalmes,fo lpuelp,fo feruent,ann fo full of affections : botobeit tbat be nirectetb bis loue ann bis bebement neGres to anotber marke , as one tbat brijiln a farre otber beautte, coueten a farre otber bono? , ann taften a farre otber pleafure tbait oftlje too?lne* #0? all tbofe broken aime at none otber marke tban tljebono? of (Son, contrarieto mans nature,toljicbrobbetb criptttre<<5 toe fljall perccitte from tpme to tpme, tftat tfoep bee no bntruftie guinea of our toaie0,ncptber fuc& ael ffan& f outing at £ firft fouler \BtylktzM)itl)tt &mati fyouln take on tbe rigbt l>aun a? wttbeleft,bttt tbep be fttre gttpnea/ucb as! are able to n?atoe toss nut of tbe mp?e,ant> to conuep tjjs- tbjougb tbe n>pln jro^eilss of tbe • fc)0?lo,not onelp bp leaning H0 by tbe bann,but alfo bp ferutng out turned botb fo? agupne,annfo? a Creflet, ann fo? apatlj all top* tljer* ^berfo?e at tbe berp firft enterance tbep tell bs tbat€>oo ba* tttng createn tbe too?ln,mane man of tbe null of tbe eartb, ann tbat fiee mane bim after W otone 3image ann IftenelTe , ann gaue bint potoer otter al tlje tbtngg tijat be ban mane Ijeerc belofen^no tuljat els fe tbtgfjbttt a teaming of man at tbe firl! tno?o,tbat be fe innet* ten to <£>oo fo? all tbings^bat bte felicitie cofiffetb in ferutng <£on, $ tfjac be t£ marre to anotber enn tljan otber Itutng toigbt^vnamelp fb? <&$o \)im felfc^ jfrom bence it leaned) W to our ntfobenience# to tbe pimtftment tbat infetoen tberefopon ; to toit3 tljat by feefcing our welfare elfetobere tban iu ouleg 5 ann tbe p?ouinence of <0oo,fo?aftmtcb ag tbep be g>cl),. (tobicb tbing all men noe ) ann fuel) ag men ougbt not to noubt of o? to be tmtgbtjbut to p?actife ann eicercife all tbeir Ipfe long,toe fe no ntfputtng tbere a* ig among tbe pbilofopberiauHenoch tljere- fo?e tnnureo manp bam tljing* in tbat frotoaro generation^? fer* uing o(te tobicb toelcome b$ into our 3!tme tnttb fmpling countenace, uoe cut our tb?ote$ m our betmetf -, tbat tbe retoaro of fucb as ferut ©OB, is; not tbe too?to no? anp toojlolp tljing, but tbe berp maker botb of man ana of tbe toojto ♦ %\)tn follotoetb tbere anotfjer p?e* tept;nameIp,Thou (halt loue thy neighbour as thy felfe.CUbat ixioulD Carneades Ijaue fapt» , o? ratber tu&at tooulo bee not baue Tapttj if be b*$ ejcamhttb tbte Commaun&ement ^ %W ipbflofo* pber being fent ambaffaoour on a tpme from Athens to Rome, mane an©jation of Suffice before Cato tbe Cenfo?3 thereof be fpake toonber&Cbe neict Dap be mane anotber,toberem be pjouea tbat it toas but foflp ant! fommeffe ; o? tljat tbe Romaines (bouto be fapne to com* batfte agatne to tbeir Cotage^ ano tbat aH traf* ficfteanbtabatfoeuerete itbetoberebp Cttteg arema&etoflo?ifb, tooulo come to nougbt* furelp if aur toeifare confift in tbto too?lo3 tobat gartiier latoe can tbere b«s tban fo? a man to lane bim&Ife an& bfe otwne , ano to to?eft all bte neigbboutd affap?ess to bt^ otone p?ofite? 3no cotttrarptoife lobac greater fonune(Te,tban to be anotber man* ^aplte, tbat to to fap, to procure oftentpmeg a mangotmielolfc ? Q3uttbe 19biiofopber luaiS ignorant tbat gonltnefTe to tbe note of 3Jttttice, anu tbat Cba< rttiefenotbing el^buta rebottnnmgbackeof tbe loue tobicbtoee titot bnto ©oo,bpon S©ankino tobtcb to W 3Image^ 3mi tbe apt mingpopnt of fyto Commaunocmcnt 3 urf;tclj teeing reffrepneo tott^ti OF CHRISTIAN RELIGION.' J^2p ibdttfitn one Uio^nc Tp?eat!ccO it ftlfc tbjougljout tljetobolelatoeof Ifraell, fenoneotljer tljan to lljetue ns tljat our cfeicfeotweHmg place fa elfetobere tljan beere,ano tbac toljercas toe lout all tbtngg licre foz our oton fakeg,toe ougbt to ioue otber men as our felueg, ann our feluesi fo? (Sons fake , toljo tsf our foleano onelp toelfare* hereunto noe ail tbe Scriptures gupne fc^bee it by atttbojitte of tfrz latue , o? bp sample of bolp perfong, oj bp tlje erijojtajjong of tbe pjopljeteg : ann tbere fa not tljat Ipne tobtclj ttmtcbettf tog not ftp tlje eare, to toaken bg out of tbe ttepe of tljfa too?In; ann tobtclj plucketlj bS not from tlje ftoole ana tbe table3ann from tlje gletoing nanttte^ tljat fftcke fo faft to ttf ; to tying bs bacfee to glojte aim to tbe uu'opmg of ©on tobo fa our toelfare ♦ Seeing tben tbat natu* rallp toe tbmke fo little bppon tbfa gtojte of (Son ; tobat a bake fa tbat,tobtcb fpeaketlj of notljmg efa?ering toe be plugen fo n#pe in tbe toojln3ann tbe toojlo in b&tobat a broke fa tljat,toljtcb tottlj* 'tyatoetlj ti0 from tt euerp botoer?3nn tobat toouln become of matt if be ban not anotljer fpirit tban tbt fptrtt of man ann of tlje toojln, toljtclj btonetlj battell botlj to man ann to tlje toojttrt Scotblp toee map toell fap tljerefoje,tbat tbe Scriptures are nertlp of (Song itu fpiring,tobtclj bau* & ejcpjeflTerefemblancesi of bim,ano fo contra* rie to tlje ljann3ttampe3pjmt ana totting of tlje tobole toojln* The xxiiiij. Chapter. That through out the whole proceffe of the Ryble3 or old Teftament , there are things which cannot proceede but fromGod# B] tlje examining of man,tbat Ijfa onelp ann toljole welfare is to cleaue unto © ffi D* ! jftoto tljcrefoje fitb toe fe tljat tlje Scriptures jpjeacljebntobatlje fame tljtngtlj3t tore baue rean botb in tlje toojlo ann in ourfelue$ ongbt it not to be a goon pjcofe to b$,tljat be toljtcb mane botb tbe CTojto ann man^atlj aXfo mane tlje Scriptures to rule tljem bp^ann :&a t 4}0 OF THE T R ! Vy N ! J be tofrfc t) bacli fpoftcn to all Rations! bp bis Crcaturfjsf , fci $ alfa DotufafcDcoo fljetoebimfclfemoje nerclptco tljem bp ijis fecrip« cures': 3gein, fem5ti;attljcfecrtpture0commaunoi3sto!oue (Son toitb all our ban , anu tljat tbe Creatures bauc btrctofoje be* clarco&s to be bounD tbcreto ; fo as tfje Creatures teacbetbefelf* fame cOmty tobicb tlje ferriptures commauntutobat can toe fap but tbat botlj tljofe brakes baue one fclfefame autljo? H Kpotobeit fojafr muelj as our epes be fo bafcleb by our fall,tljat tbe Creatures tocre bnto bs as a clafyeo bcoke,o? as a tljing bitten m Cppbers ; (So* loapplpbunftlftotije toeafcueffcefcur GgbMjatbgiuMbs l)i$ Scriptures :anb tljatfojafimtcljas our toillsaretobolfp turned from tymjt beljouet) bs to be comaunueo out otoue toeifae3tofctc& (toere toe accojsing to our ffrft citation ) toe fljoulo court anb fol- lotoe earneftlp at tl;e onlpfigljt cftijcfirlUcofceJputfejafumclja* it map Hill be fapb, tljat tbefe boofeeg are ratber tbe totojfcs of goon men anboffucb asfeareb ©ob,tbaaof o in W toojbg o) tl)ere map bnboubteblp bee fome fucfi tftin&ftg cannot p?oc#be but from (Sob Ijimfelfe ♦ JLct bs begin at TfccStyieof fi)t g^ 4 3jtt mens affapjeg toe Ijaue ttoo fo?tg of touting* llje she senpturcs. jnfmour f0?t mUJ mtn of equalitie 5 inbeuer to perftoabe fol&e bp apparant reafong ; fo? tljep fcnotoe tbep fjaue no autljojitie to giue tbem crebite^ttt pjinceg toill of tbeir mere auti)o?itie tote to bez bcl&Mb tofjatfocuer tljep fap : fo? tfjep tljinte tbep baue tlje toojla at tbeir commaunuement3antj tfjat tljep map fpcafc toljat tfcepliff: ami tljep fuppofe it to bee fome berogation to tljem to allcbge anp reafoiu aifo in bumane Sciences! t&e cafe is all one ♦ jf o? tl;e ]p\)U fition is bel&ueb of W patient toitljout allebging ^\)y : but of ait otber ipbifttion be is not fa* JLitetoife tbe §>cb©lemaiffcr fe belee* uen of tbe & cooler 5 pea etien in tbings toljicl) toere mfputable fo? Ijimtoitb one of bis felfotocs ♦ &o mud) mo?etberefo?e (ball tfritf rule take place in matters utuine, tobtcb furmotmt botb tbe bimers Hatting of tbe learner, anb tbe rkilT of tlje ^eadjcr bimfelfe ♦ 9* gaine, toe fee koto tbe pbtlofopbers boe mount bp from tl;ing^ u utuentlp Itnotone to tljmgjs lelTc fenotone, ann from (Srounng; ana ^^nciplc^to Conclttriontpleis fuel) botb of all men in tljeir common oif* courfe!S,ano of an tbe pijilofopljera in fngb matter&toljat fyal tfje Sutljoj of ouv H5pble bee, toljofe toill ano meaning & to bee bel#* ueu bppon W baretoojoe , men in tlje tljing* totjiclj eicc&oe botlj tijenaturaUbd&fe of fuel) a$l>earetbem5 anotbe&noecftanoing of allmen tofricft take Upon tl>em tofpeafte of tljem ? ©ADD crea* teo 5peauen ano €ar$ : span i$ falne from bte ojiginaUtfatebp 0nne* 31ftbou beeltamantfjat fapettit , u$o UnHlreleeue tljee fcnleffe tljou pjcoue it \ 9no pet ttottmtfjffanoing it appeared; tfiat fcee tojate it to bee belaeueti : foj ftee cominaunoetlj it to bee bete* tteo* Ctierefoje l)fe fpeaking fa of audjojitie , ano not bp perflate JOit.S?et nottmtljtfanomg no boap t* foefeueo Upon bis bare t»ojo3 Tauing in tbings toftt'c^lpe in U$ oton potter ana ftfe otone knoto* Ieoge* D ano man£ faIuation)toiIUcofte to bee beteueo of autljojitie, onlp becaufe lie &peg it ^pea ano to be moje fceteueo tmtljout p?cofe,tljan others upon #©f; mull n#oeg betbe jpjtnce ano jFatber of man ano not a man*jf2otD,tobo fees? not $te roucfefcept tljjotigbout all tlje Scriptures ♦, ano pet tuyere is; tfcere anp one g>pflogifme oj Demon!! ration in tbem *: fauing fncf> ag ifcefe l»I)icb fcotljlp be mo?e firme ttjan anp pHogifme , ano mo?e no^efull tfjan anp Demonffration; namelp^belojo batb fapoe it,ano it te some > tfje lojo i;atl; fpofcen it, ano be toil! be beleeueov 3ao toljat otber bcoke Snu tte tolncb ppceeoetl; after tljat maner, ^otokit t^at fome occeiuersi fjaue long time fince p?efumen to im* mitatetlje fame? aifo toebauemanp Omk^ofmaner^ lM?fttenbp ttjel^eat^eiu • J^ott p?oceet»e t\yq> againd Otce*: o? bott tieale tljep totti) Oectue^ Cljep oefine , tljcp niltm^uiOj^ ttjep oifpute of ttje general! ana of tlje t)noerkmo,of tbe meane antr of tl>e e]ctreme0*31t i^ fpctoi(fap tftep ) from one Countermatcli to another* 3nrr if tbep offeno tbe latter of icgccke,t!jep be afrapo of rep?©f. Cbeiatut^ of ©oo Tbeiawcsand fpea&e a little mo?e plainlp : lyz tbat aealetb Ojall pap fotuerfolot commaundc- i&e t^at fctliety (T?a;be puutl^en ttntb Heart; , mt)ic{j ij$ a^ mucb to ^«c! faiv 4;2 OF THE TREVYNES fap , as; tbat rijc autbojitie of tbe one nepen&etb bpon tbetr potoeri $ tbe autbojitp of p otber oepenoetb upon rtjeir pjojf^o lie ftojt, euenojarfyoecfjeejrteMjetb ojninarilp no furtber tban out potoer: atm t!)erefo?c t^e ^Dead;cr fpcafeetft after anotbet manertben tfyz 8. earner, tljepjince tfjan tbe g>ubiett, ann tbe&enatourtban tbe ©jato^&EUjat maner a booke tljen a pjap pou 10 tbfa,toljtcb fpea* ketb to aU men alike, to I&inga ajs to feubtecteg , to Create ag to fmall,to oto as to pong, to teamen ass to tmlearneu ; fauing tbat it furmountetb tbe capacitie of rije one a$ toell as of tbe otber *: nep* tber intreatmg no? perftoa&ing anp man,but abfolutelp biotiing of fbjbfooing al men* jftotber(tobicb mo?e fa)aotb it fap to anp man, 'Ebou ©alt Itue ag a reduce tutrin'n f pjecintt of tbpne otone fjoufe an tijp life Iong,oi tljo u flj alt Ipe in continual pjifon; but tljott ©alt due 0? ape foj euer toitbout enne* 3In tobat otber bcoke reaue toee fucb commaumiementg ? g)e m tobat booke reane toe fucb puni©* . mentg 9 fucb retoartJS?3no if euerp bo&ieg fpeaking be accoutring to tbe abilitie of bfa potoer;from tobom is tbis fpaecb lobtcb uaretfi pronounce 0? tbjeaten euetlaffing tbingai, but from tbepartie fym felfe tbat fa euerlatting ? 3If it be a creature tbat fpeaketb ity eitbec it fa a gart creature 0? an tuiU. 3[f it be an euill creature, tobp ft?* btooetb beeuiHfo rigojouflp *t ana commaunnetb goon fo erpjefe Ip ? oj(to fap better)boto commetb it to pa(Te,tbat tbe mark tobidj Ijee aimetb at is (Sons glojtie ana our toelfare «: 2Dj if it bee a goon Creature , boto bappenetb it tbat bee cbalenagetb to bimfelfe tbat tobicb belonged) to <©©D, ann tobicb cannot beimparteo to anp Creature,tobicb fa tbe berp finne tbat ouertbjetoe botb tbe DiueH into !£efl,aitti man into oeftrutfion ? 3no if it be no Creature net* tber gcoo no? ban ; tobat remapnetb tben , but tbat it mutt nceae* be tbe Creatojt? Boto tobat Ieafe fa tbere in fyz tobole Scripture, tobere toee meete not toitb fucb matter 1 3na beretoitbaU toee fee tbat tbing i\\ tbe obferuers of tbat iatoe, Uobicb i$ not reati of anp otbers : namelp tbat tbep fymt peelueD tbetr Ipueies , ann incurreui tbe batren $ oifoeine of tbe tubole too^lDe, ratber tban tbep tooulu b?eake 0? oelptfe it*£lerflp tuzn in tljfa refpcct ano none odjer,tbat tbep toere fure tbat tbep feruen fucb a latoegiuer,a)5 not onlp ban potoerouertbebarkeofman annouertbfa p?efent tyetcbeii !pft as( otber common Latugtuers batte; but alfo toast of potoer to giue ritbet euerMing Ipfe 0? ennlefle oeatb* ^be fame appearetb ^zt mo?e,in tbat tbe latoes tobicb are giuen to men in tbe «§>crtpture0, are not iniopnea alonelp to t^e outtoara man j but noe pearce turn to OF CHRISTIAN RELIGION. 453 to tbe beart of man *31n tiecoe tbep require Sacrifices!; but pet tbep pjeferre obedience ♦ Cbep iniopne faffing; but tbat fa ftom finne* Cbep iniopne Circumcifion,but it fa tbe Cttcumcitlon of the fcatt* ©o be fyo&foj a <§>ummarpof al @>inneg5tbep fo?biti luffmg ami cottetmg;tebicb tbingCag 31 haue fapn afoje )fa not to tee founo fat anp late of tbefipeatben* 2Bbo 31 pjap pottftwoinetb" t&< tierp ana* tomie anti fecret concepts of our (port* Jbttt be tftat mane tbem?©? tebo can icoke into $&anjbut tbe maker of ^an^no tebo fa be ei* tber Span ojDeuiU, tbateuer nuilt pjefumetoiniopnealateeto mens tbougbts?But aiitbefe tljings come ffili to tbfa popnt,tbat tlje parcie tefjicb fpeaketb fo upon autbojitie , threatening tbingg tbat eiccaeoe manias abilitie,ano making a late fo? tbe tbinga terete* Unto tee cannot come^muft of neceflfttie be of mojepoteec tban toe* 3gein , tebata number of tbings baue teee taught us in tlje THe,anD tb e Spirit ; bote can it bpknz in tbe ima« ginacion of man $ &} tefeo coulo euer baue tbougbt of it ? 9Ifa, ftom tbe Creatures tece come to tbc Creator from mouing to a reft ; from nouclties to a beginning : aim tbere mannes r eafontng ffapes. But altbougbtbe fir ft man mpgbt fcnotee teben bee tea* create*; pet bote coulo be banc knoteen teben tbe toojto teas etea* f eo i a no altbougb tbat bp tbe nete tljings t berctn,tee o&m c it too ftetteteettebocuertturftto baue limiccuftljc firff cap ano tbcfirff fjoure tbereof *t ffij bote coulo tbat Chymera batte come in anp mannes mpnirt 3no pet in uerie mm tee bane turners Chymeras among tbe aunctent tejiters,toncenttttg tbe Creation of tbe teojla acco?Ding to tljetiiucrfitics of opinions tbat tecre among tbelpbi* lofopbers, ano tbe fctuerllties of imaginations among tljecomon people/But teas tbere euer anp afoje tbis bake of tbe25pble, tbat fceganbfa account of tprctes o?bis biffo?ie,attbe firff oapof tbe ttqto^ougbbe ton* of opinion tfjat tlje teo^lo teas created 9nn feeing tbat tbe intent of al tempters of fto?ies is to be tytettetytebat lis bat) tbis beginning of a&biftojte at tbatpopnt bin , but a crac- king of bfacrebit at bfa firflenterancetn,tf tbe maieftieof tbe 9u* tfeoj bao not ferweu fo; a tearram ? if>keteife,ti;at man, to attapne €z ta 434 ° * THE TUWU5J to ijte appopntea cnt> , noebea rtje banaptoonke of <3ob fcimfelf ; 3ft ap ;?ar etlj bnto bs bp tbe tueakneffe of our nature* 3$ut t^at foj tbe appeaGng of (Sons 3!uftiee , (Son bimfelf (boulo be fapne to come tiotone ana to take mang flclb bnto ljtm-,toi)o tooulb fap it but onip (®otrtan& ujIjo couto bee beleeuea fa tbat cafe but onlp be*:£bo i* it alfo concerning tbe conception of tbe Virgin , concerning tf;e pjo* mtfetftbattocrenotto come to palfe bnttll fo\»er bun^en peered after,c6cevmng tbe comming of tlje S^effia^anb fucb l&e tbingg; tobtcb toauto neuer baue come in a mang beau to Ijaue tojitten : fa farre of are tbep from man* toit, 3! meane ag of it felf an& toitbout tmitation;9no 3! bare botolp fap,tljat tobofoeuer rea&etb $ g>erip* tureg abuifcblp ann toitb intent to marke tbem;fbafl in euerp brake finne manp matters? ,tobicb euen by bte otone iuagement ban neuer come in mang mpnt»,nottoitbftanbing tbat djcp be fpoken bp to ift men,to!)o botij beleeuea tfjem firmelp, ami ment to bee beteueb m fpeakingtfjenn prophcficsfo SOfjat (baltoe fap tbnt to tlje pjopfjefpittg* o^ true foretelling* wed through - tobicb are fotoen euerptobere in tbe <§>cripture$ , tbat is to toit of out au the By-©0^fpn:tttobicbi2{(betifa)tnbfromtbe oneentretotbeort>er;3| fap not m fcattereo Icaues ag tbe Ipjopbefieg of Sybil toere,but at* ntmg al at onepopnt,nottoitbttanmng tijat tbep toere btterea botij at biuers tpmes, by biuersi perfons, ano in &iuerg places H 31 omit tbe ftrff pjopbeGe concerning die luomans feeae tbat (boulo cruu> tije Serpents beau, anb fucb like pertepning to tbe redemption of man bp rt;e 9g)eOi:a$ , becaufe tijat rtjat Doctrine (ball &aue bte p?o* per place hereafter; ana 31 tofll alleDge none orber tbinga tban fucfj a^ are alrea&ie p?oueb ana out of controucrGe i Onto Abraham Gene. 1 5. toag giuen tbte $tomife:Thy feede (liall doe feruice in a ftrange Land , and bee hardly intreated there fower hundred yeeres; andthenwillliudge the Nation whom they fhall haue fer- ued ^and in the fourth generation (hall they come hethera- gaine. clObat © jade bio euer fojetefl a tbing fo pjeeifelp,fo mam* feftlp,ami fo long afo?eijano«:3n& pet toag tbat jpjopbefie fulfillen at tbeappopnten tpmetanb it cannot be fapn to be a cotmtcrfet; foj Moyfes in leaning tfje people of Ifraell tb?au^)fomanptuma^ game^grotmtrcb bimfelfe bpon none ot^er tl)ixi$. 9nn it (f odd bmt nn banti to fpeake of a JpjopbeBe tbat toa^i common among tbcm, anu ueliuereb from bann to band , confioering tijat be taitetl) it foj W tbeam anb artkeri)0^,botl) to fpeake bpon anb to too?ke bpon* 3nb fwt&lp^aji it lua^ rtceiutb bp Abraham/o toa^i it recepuea bp Moyfes^ OF CHRISTIAN RELIGION^ 435 Moyfes , ann put m execution bp Iofua . Iacob manebfa &effa* ment m /fcgipt; toberein tbere are as manp p jopbefteg as toojng: not fo^ bte otone Cbtlnje onlp,bttt alfo foj tbe 'ftrpbeg t&at (bouto come of tbem* jtfSeuertbeleire 31 tmll ffann but bppon one of tbcnn Thou Iuda(faptb be) thy brothers (hall commend thee, & thy Gene#49# fathers Children (hall yeeld thee reuerence . And the Scepter (hall not be taken from Iuda,nor the Lawmaker fro bctwcene his feete,vntill Silo come • %\)t efftd bereof te3tbat tbe &ceptet (ban remapne toitb luda, ann tbat be (ball baue foueretne turifoic* tion^bntill tbe tpme of ^effiag: ann fo no A)t Hebrewes interpret iUVtt toere Ruben, Simeon, ami Leuie tbe elneff bjetbjen of la- cobs boufe ; ann tberefoje bfa ootng toag againff tbe ojner of na* ture*3nn Moyfes tobo len tbt people of Ifraell out of ;£gipt,toa$ of tbe Crpbe of Leuie . Iofua tobo bjougbt tbem into tbe lano of Canaan,toa$ of Ephraim:®&£ludgcstuererapfen &p onetobtfe out of one &rpbe aim anotber labile out of anotber: ann Saule xbt firft Kiug cbofen bp tbe people , toag of tbe 'ftrpbe of Beniamin, tobicb toas tbe pomgeft of alU^b^fe tl)in$$ tberefe?e toere a curff (baling to tbe pjopbefie* 3!n tbt meane tobrte tbe fecepter paflfcn fcom Saule to Dauid,ftom a King to a pcong §>bepb*aro of luda, ann tbere mt fettlen fo? euer , not&ritbffanning tbe murmuring** Df tbe ten 'ZCrpbesf agaiiulit, ann tbe falling atoap of Ifraell, $ tbe Capttuttie of Babylon. anniubereaiS be faptb3vntill Silo come, it fufficen tmtiB anotber tpme , tbat bp tbe fpace of ttoo tboufanne pares, tbe boufe of luda retgneo ftill in Ifraell, ann ban tbe elner* Ibtp y togetber toitb a nirect obferuen penegree : iobicb tbmg toee reane not of anp otber ft ocfee in tbe too?lo*lj?ere tbep totll fap, tuba Iball allure b$ tbat Iacob fpafee tbofe tbtngis *t 3If 3! (bouln af ke tbem as mucb concerning tljeir fyittotkn, tobatknotoe tbep moje of tbem *t ann tobat fbouln Moyfes baue gapnen bp tbe neutltng tbereof,bemg btmfelfe of tbe Crpbe of Leuie,ann gtumg otter W cbarge to one of tbe ^rpbe of Ephraim, toljtcb ban ratber bene an occafion to make luda(t»bicb toad tije ftrongeft of al tlje Crpbes) to grunge agatnft bim,reeing tbat tbat ^rpbe ban bene autljo jifen botb bp racobs laft toill ann bp anfiuer from ©on *i ffijt tf be ntn it to gratefie luda , tobp toag be not afrapn to ntfpleafe Ruben , Si- meon,ann Leuie: o} ratber \ubv wane be not t^t pjopbefie to fall bponLeuie,toautbojifebtmfelfe? jftap^tobatgratefymgof luda couln it pet be , confinertng tbat luda toag ejcclunen from it at tbat tpme^ann came not to it a t^oufann j?are^ after?S)urelp(tlje fo?e* €z a fapn 43^ OF THE TREWNIS fapu circttmftanceg being toell toepe&)eptber tfjeretoafi? neuer anp ^jopbetie tmcojtuptlp repojtea, ojff eueranptoere, tbtomuft nanes be tt*3nD as toucbtng tbcfe goto pbflofopljer*, Urljtcb totll lia'ue p^opbefptit^to pjocatt of a comunctton oftl>€ tm&ertfannmg lobicb tbep calipoffible,tmtb an bnaerffamitng tobtcb tljep terme Separate!) ,bp meane oftmaginatton:$ tbat oft men cannot pjo* pbcfie bp reaftm of £ toeafcenefle of tbetr imaginattue potoentobat toil tbep fap ijere to lacob3t»bo toatf an olaer man tba anp of tbctr f ^hc^ookc c?me?^ Prt nottmtWHfotn g Cam fo clarlp * fo farre oft jf oj ff tbeir Abubacher! C doctrine be commonlp true , am yet nottottbftanmng , otoe Iacob pjopbefiea ; Doetb it not tollotoe tbat bto pjopbeGe to ejrtrao^ina^ ne3mrtr commetb from a btgber potoer tban tbe fapn pjetenfea t>n* trertf antiing; tbat to to brit from ©ot^anb if bto pjopbefping toag accoutring to tbetr rule ; notti tt not follotoe tbattljeir trottrine to falfe, tbat to to toit , tbat pjopbefpmg commetb not of tbefojee of our imagination^ no? of our feluea 5 confioermg tbat tt toeaftcnetfr not tottb t>3 , bite tbat tt cometb bp infptratton from ©oa \ an tf^e bleflings tbat Iacob gaue to bto pofferitie , d>e matter ougbt not to be palftn ouer fo Itgbtlp , tubere bee fpeaketb of tbe partem tbat fb oulo be allottetr to euerp of bto Cbfltyen m tbe Lan& of Canaan, ag tf be b^ mane tbem btmfelfe,affignmg to one tbe ^eacoaft, ta anotber tbe Cojnecomtttte,ami to anotber tbe frpnegrommg, eueit after tbe fame fojt tbat tbep mere umtoeti bnto tbem rertetne bun* tyea peered after bp lot* jfo? boto couto be cometo tbe ftnotnlenge tbereof, but by tym tbat ouerruletb afl Lots ? 9nu feeing tijat tbe foretelling^ of 3ltro!ogte are a meane betto&ne neceflitie ann ca- fuall as Ptolomic teacbetb ; ana notbmg to moje cafual tban lots?, Ujljat maner of 3tfrologie to tbto , tobtcb t'u&getb of lottess botb lb % long afojebana ana alfo fo certeinlp ? TBut toben ag in tbe cbaptec going nejet afoje, toee reane tljat Iacob m Welling tbe Cbflojen of Iofeph,p?eferrenEphraimtbeponger Sbomte before Manages tobo toa0 t\)t elt»er,anti being tnarnen tbereof bp tbetr jfatber, an^ ftoeren agents tbat be tua$ not oeceiuerr , but tbat t^t ponger tyo* tber Ibouln bee tbt greater , ann tbat bto S>eetie ffjouio grolae to a multitune of peoplettobat arte moueti Iacob to fap it,oj laljat p?a* fit mouen Moyfes to contriue it ? 3If pe fap jpb^nomfe o? iuniciar^ n'e,tbe gcon oto man toags blint»^ Q5ut tobat Itneamf t0 can fojieftelxi fo? a tobote race , o? tobat Conttellationst can ibetne toljat IbaH be* fall to tobole illations tbat are pet bnbo?ne ? 3|f tt bee faptre tbat Moyfes louea ti)e one better tfcan t^e otljer: %ty ttoo of tobom be fpcafeetlj OF CHRISTIAN RELIGION, 437 fpeaftetb toece alreanp Dean at tljat time, ana tfyz people tfjat toere to come of tljem , toere but tljen in comming* aim pettoag tljat pjopljelie fulfilled foj tlje ^rpbe of Ephraim toag altoapes migfc tiertljan tlje^rpbeof Manaffes, as appeared; tbjougljout tlje to&olepjocefle of tljeit $i(io?ie0,an& in tlje entj tlje kingdom of tlje Ceiine Crpbetf tnaggrounaeocljieflp upon tljat* 3nti in confix matron of tljig U)Q?0,ag oft as! MoyfesJofiUjtljebo&eg of Kings, x»? tbe Cfoonicleg fpeafce of tljofe ttoo Cljitojen, tbepongetf is e- uer nameo afoje tlje etoeft ttofjicij tijing tinnoubt^Dlp tlje Crpbc of Manafles toouto neuer Ijaue inoureo tnttljout taking exception to ity if t^ep fjao not tljougljt tljemfelueg to Ijaue rettea upon tlje toill 4df<0 © D , ana not fcpon tlje fancie of matufl&tljat ftall toe fap of Moyfes ? 5pee fpeatetfc to tlje people contimtallp of tlje Conqueff af Chanaan,acco?mng to tljat p)omife,ano tljerfo?e itmult nrirtes fce tljat it toas a pjopljefie bet? eommonlp Imogen among tljem* 3 no in Dkue lofeph picfteo out a long time foj it afoje Ijfe Curtail, jfrap , mojeouer Moyfes oeuioetlj tlje JLanti tmto tljem in mpn&j appoiutetlj tljem arbitrator to make tfjeirpartitioit^gmet^rijem ILatoeg to fettle tljemfelues bpon ; appointed tljem toljat ojaertf •tfcepfljoulo k#pe tljere,fettetlj tljem oaunetlje platfojmeg ofrijeu: Citie$,g>uburbeg,ano Ooufesi $ iniopnetlj tljem tlje tilling ofrtjctr gromrtsulje r-efting of tlje feuentl) pere,tljeir jf eaffes ano @>olem* jutie*,an& appointed tljem tljeir Citiesaf refuge fo? cafttall man* flaugljter&a man migljt fap t^at W fpeafcmg of tljefe tljingsi toa$ a* if a jf atljer (ijoulo uifpofe of Ijte g©&$ rfjat Ije Ijati gotten , ano toljicfj bee fcao alreaop in Ijig l;ano* eaijat Ipkelpljoo Ijcreof toa$ *ljer£,at fuel) tpme as! tljep bttrneo T&ii&t in ^Egipt? oj toljen tljep lingerer in tlje t»ttoetneB , am* <£on mpnnfull of tbem hi l)i& tDjatlj : bee fatoe tbem ntfperfen ann fcatteren otter rt^e fotoer quartern of tbz ZVLo}% ann trouen bnnet tl>e fete of <§>tratmgers ♦ Co be (bojt,fje fatoe tbe ©entiles caflen of ©00 into W Cburrij in tbeir place-, pea ann be fatoe it fo clcerlp, peutcr.32. tf*ac &e f°?et0^ fc t0 $*m a^ *n W* @>ons 5 toljicb t)a» totUen tbem to p^efertte from bann to Jjann, as a toitnefle againft tbem 9 a nif* charge to frimfefc'Cbougb from tlje top of S^otmt Nebo be cotiitj befjolo tljelann of Chanaan to fpeake fo fitlp thereof t from tobat mountaine coulo free fee tlje things tbat toere pet in tbe repnes an& Ijeartesofmenas tfren to come, peattrfridjlap binnen pet man? Ijunnjen peres after; 02 in tobat bojfte couto i>e baue feen tbem ami rean tljem ; but in tfje b©fte oflpfe , tfjat it to fap in ©on btmfelfe? Cfjetoojntbattoasfpofcenbp Moyfes teas perftnmen toojn fo? tuo^n bp Iofua,toitbout anning 0? niminiflring attp tofyt, contrarie to ti)z ambitious mpnn of man tobtcb Ipfatlj not to fofloto another mans lure ; toljirf) tiring teas no fmaniigne tljat Iofua oin not fo tnttcli obep Moyfes, as ©on fpeafting b^ Moyfes, 3nn tbt'S curfe Iofua 7 tijat Iofua pjonouncerf) in ljts bajfce , ageinft tfje man tbat ibouto bufln Iericho ageine,is not to be ftngottemHe fhal lay the foun- dation thereof vpon his firftborne(faptl) &e)& fet vp the gates thereof vpon his yongeft fonne- djat is to fap3 \)Z fljalbe punts 1 .King.ic;. fyen toift tfre funnein neatb of all bis Cbifojetn tfoj about fiuefjun* vcrfc 34- tyen peres after, in tlje time of Achab, Hiel of Bethel buflnen bp Iericho,rtje tobtcf) \)t founnen bpon Abiram fris firft <§>onne, ami fjungbp tfie gates of it totttj tfjeaeatfr of Segus Ijis pongeft fomte, ann tbe booke of IKings fapti) tbere, it was according as the Lord had fpoken by the mouth of Iofua the Sonne of Nun,tO (betoe tljat c^ons baojn is euerla(!ing, ann tbat itneuer ouerflippetf) tbe tpme*9nn in berp noene it Ipetfj 0ttertl)?otoen at t!)is nap,ann toasf neuer repapjen fince t^at tpme^otabeit tbat tfje beautifull Ctuatf^ on thereof migljt Ijaue aiiuren euerp man , as toe reane in tbz atm* rient (Seograp^erS* 3|n tlje boshes of Iofua ann of tbe Iudges toee f& tty things perfo?men toljirfj baere fo?etolne bp Moyfes^nn tfre romming to paffe both nftfte pjomifes 9 of fte rtj?cates tbat toere mane bj ^im* jfoj accojnmglp a^ t^e people of Ifraell nin eitbet mm OF CHRISTIAN RELIGION. 43£ tumeatoap from ©on oj retumebntobim;©o& rapfeb bp^p* rants m Chanaan to pumft djem , o? beiiucrets m Ifraell to be* Ituer tbem*9nb as foj tbe b©kes of Samuel 5 of tbe Kings, ana of tlje Prophetes; ettber tljep bepjopljeGes of effects to come,o;t ef* fedes of pjopbeSes fojepaifCo be ff)ojt5 in all tlje mfcoutfe of tbe SSpble, tljere is not anp feafon to bee founli toitljout botlj pjopljet ano pjopbeBe , as mell m pjofperitte as in a&uerStie : S&berebp toemigljt fee botb tbebeauenlines anb tbe truetlj of tljem tije moje clearlp5if toe coulb fet t^e placed , perfones , anb ffate of tbat tune before our eyes* ^ut out of tbis continuall pjopbefping > toee toil! b?atoe fome peculiar popntes , fo eutoent as cannot bzz gapnefaitr, tobicb toill bnboubteblp be of crebit among all inbifferent perfons* 3t fuel; time as Ieroboam tbe fonnne of Nebath mabe tbe tenne ijang.,3; Hrpbesf to fall atoap from Roboam tlje g>onne of Salomon ; to tbe intent tftep ftoulbbauenooccaGon to returneagaineto tljeic former Hate bp refitting to Hierufalem to tooo?ftippe tfjere : \>zc w&reb an 9lter in Bethell contrarie to tlje Latoc of C5o&* Then came a man of God (fapetb tbe Ijiftojie) to Bethel by the com- maundement of the Lord, and fayd to Ieroboam ; Behold , 2 * Sonne fhalbe born of the houfe of Dauid, whofe name (halbe Ioiias. He (hall facrifife vppon thee the Preeftes of the Hillal- ters which offer incenfe vpon thee: And this (halbe the figne thereofaThyne altar {hall ryue afunder.and the affhes that are 2.King.2t thereon (halbe povrred downe.CbislPjopljefie toas fulfilled in vcrfc*1 519* all popnts bp Iofias tbjfc Ijtmbjeb pares after* 9n& toljen Iofias (fapctlj tlje bift ojte) (jab fo bone, be fatoe a certeine tumbe , anb af« fteb tobofe it toas,tntenfcing to baue burnt tlje benes of bim tbat lap tijerMS be ban bone of tlje otljer pjfclts in Bethel/But it toas tola tym tbat it toas tbe tumb of tbe man of (Son , tobiclj bab foretold ebefe tbings fo long agoe : toljcrcuppon Ijce fojbaoe anp man to toucbe it* jSoto tbep tbat knotoe ljo\u tljofc bakes of tbe Singes tocre btfpofeb,totlnot call t^z biftojie in quefftmntfoj tlje biffojies af tbe Sings toeretojitten bp tbe pjiefts anb Pjopbefs,acco;ttiin£ to tl;e meafure of tbe time tbat tbcp rcigneu,anb toe re bolocn fo bo« Ip,tljat it toas felonie to toucbe tljcnn if urtlje rmo;ie, fe'ngtftbiS }(3?opbeBe toas to^tttenafojtecbe comming of Jofus , it coulo not be falQfieb : fo? tobo coulo Ijauc bitbppon bta proper name ? Snbif it toere to^ttten after , ann bemfefckppon tbe euent t bo to came tlje fapb %umb to beemaueat tljcfame inftant *: Sft toastljrre none fltbcrbeuifetol;ereto4tl;tol;raie nifguifeoit , teiil)out t<(kin$ anp € 4 furtljcr 44° OF THE TREWNES furtfjcr ptpne4: QSpfffettt not (jaue fuffifeu to Ijaue fapa3One Tofi- as fhall come &c tmttjout fpeakmg eptljer of t&e ncatlj of clje man of ©or», ojof fn'^ mating b3ttl) clje Lpon, o? of tljc calk \ul)td> IjeljauuntOtlje K-tyopljet of Samaria; but tbatljemuff take pepne to be fount) a Lpcr bp t|je Samaritans tobtcb kneto tbe o?igmall of p <£urnb,oj couto at leatttoife baue mquireo in But tumeric tjae&e $& pjopbefie Uiljtdj oootrj fo fet notmtc tlje name, tlje place, ana tlje ctrcumftances i\x tlje aotng ^ ig fuel) as cannot bee fatljereo but bpon ©ot>,a$ bnto toljome alone tilings abfent o? to rorue are p?e* fent*3n& to (iKtoe tlje bncojruptneife of tlje Scripture tlje moje cterlp,it cocealetb not tljat rb e fame man of (Sou bp toijofe moutl> ©o& ban bttereo tfje fap& pjopbefie5toa& flaine bp a Lpon foj go* mg back ageine to eate toiti; trjc pjopljet of Samaria contrarte ta tljetoo?& of tlje Lop : tobW aotlj bs to bnnerftann , tljat men are notljing of tljemfeluc^but onelp fo farfcntlj as tljep be ©obS tmlcs ana inirrumentgu j^ototljen bp toljat conietture can toe aeeme tljat man to Ijauebiu tlje neuifer of a ipe, nrfjo to tell tbe truetlj, (ricken not to oifijoma tlje remembrance of fo great apjopijetjttljofe fiiu c eritie app#reo bp fo manp circumtf auceg *t ^onoerfud is Efay in tbe tijtngs tljat Ijee fojetefictfj concern mng tlje kingoome of tlje Spefllasi ano tlje calling of tlje ©entiles foj be feemetlj rather an Cuaugeftft rljan a ]t^opl>et* 3Ifo toljen Ije tb)eatenetb Hierufalem tmtlj tlje raptiuitieof Babylone , oj cljee* retlj tljem ageine tottb bape of tfjeir oeliuerance: Ijte matter of inbU ting fljetoetlj, tljat be fpeaketlj a^s one tljat fatoe tljem botlj ; ann m tljat refped alio toerc p ^opljets calleo Seers,3nti in berp truttlj, fje-faitl)not,the Lord will doe,the Lord will call, the Lorde will deftro^ymb fo Fco2ti> : but , he doth, hecalieth, hedeftroyeth: S?ea ano oftentimes, he hath done, he hath called, he hath de- ftroyed3anb fo fcojtlj ; as! tljouglj Ije fpake not of tljings tbat tuere but onelp neere tbe eterution oj performance ; but of things alrea^ 5p coine to'palfe. 3fter tljat maner otti be fo^eteltljing^tn tlje timz tljat ibepeoplepjofpcre&antitruftetj in tbe aUpanre of tbeChal- dees^tnotbatalUikelibo^tDeretotbecontrane* 05ut3! afkeof £fay44.& 45. furb ^ ^^ of our p?opbe(red , b^ toljat fpirite coulo Efay fap ; I am the Lord that doeth things in deede-, which doe fay vnto- Cyrus,Thou art my Shepherd,rhou flialt fulrHl almy will : and v/hich fayeth vnto Hierufalem, Thou (halt be builded ageinej & vnto the Temple,Thou (halt be founded agein. Sntrageiner Thus fayth the Lord to Cyrus his anoynted,whom I haue ta- ken OF CHRISTIAN RELIGION. 44I taken by the right hand tofubdue the Nations before him,& to weaken the reynes of Kings. I will goe before thee3and le- uell the croked wayes. I will breake open the Brazen gates, & wring afunder the yron barres , anU fo foojtb3 that thou mayft knowe how that I am the Lord the God of Ifraell which cal- leth thee by thy name. For loue of my feruant Iacob, and for Ifraels fake haue I named thee by thy name , and called thee though thou kneweft me notj&c.Hpoto manp toon&erg (ball toe fino in tbefe fetoe toojt#,if toee lift to examine tbem > 3t tbe fame tpme ttjat tlje people oflfrael triumpbea bnoec tbeir allpance tm'tfr tbe Chaldees , Efay tbjeateneo tljem ttuti) netf ruction b]> tlje felfe; feme peopfoCbis is fometoljat* 15\xt fome Ml fap tljat man$ tucfe^ome map reacbe as farre as $atj>ea,but be fojetellet^not onelp tlje captiuitie oftfjat people* tbe Tacking of tbe Cittie , ano tljeouertljjotoe oftrjc temple : but alfo tl;e oeff ruction oftrje Chaldees bp tbe Perfians , ano trje buil* Ding bp of ^iemfalem ami tlje Cemple bp tbem again, Mfeltmap' mans f kill toaoe into GH&kes ano monetljeg ; but confisering tij t tmcerteintieof toojlolp maeter0,tt cait neuei toaue into peeress mud) leflfe mtoljuntneos of petes^ ana into tlje toljour continuance cf a migbtie ana long lafttng S^onarcbie, ag Efay uotft tljeve* 3Iu fomadjtbat bee nametlj Cyrus abttntneo peered aftne bee toa& bo?ne*3no a&jeljig 6raun&fatbers toere names in r^toojI?)5bee calletb-bmt bp- name to Mmtt lfrael.3no in auorbet place be fum- monetb tljepeopleof Cethim(tljatig to Tap of Macedonie)to tfte fceftroping of tlje Perfians, 3no mb& eigbt Cljapterbe taketb V- rias an&Zacharias tbrfimncg of Iebarachias bp name to be tmt* Hertesi of bis l^opbefie, tubo toere bnbonie a Ijjuuaet) peres after* JLettbe greater enemie&of tlje truetlj enter into tljeito&ne con* fctenccs, an-tr tetf meforfjatbumane flulioj cunning tbere coulfc be in tbofe tbmgs* 'Cljep cannot fap bere5tljae tljefe IpjopljeGcs \attc foigeo bp fome m&t bpon tbe etiemv jpo? bp tlje remouing of tbe lewesfcnto Babylon,rlje La&es, p^opbefies an* ^captures of }fraeltU)l)icbtoetecomon among tljat people, laere conueico into &iaer$ places of tlje toojlo ; amog tlje tobirtj tbep ban tbi<3']jD?oplje* fieafcne Cyrus teas bojne : aim beeing in tuners mens banss , it toag fmpoflible: to be faIGfteiu3no in gcoa f©tb5(tt^iue feetbat tht Sing^of Perfia being conquerour^caufea tbe ^empleto be buil= sea ageine , it ougbt to bee a marke unto bs,tbat in tbe 3Itrolatrie oat of to^ic& tljep came, tljepljan fine toonsers* oftI;e ©oti of if- Iercm.i5.i6. 44i OF THE TREWN!* raell , ann rtjataecojnmg to Efeie* taping, t^cp percetuca tfjem* felueg to be callea bp \jinu 'fcfce fame is to bee confiaerea ofujaf tit Jeremie ana Ezechiell , toljo-beetng in places facte one from ano* tljer , the one in Ierufalem ana tbe otber in raptiuttte at Babylon, fojctell tbe felfefame tbing0,a0 furelRegifterg of one Court* TBut Ieremie ig tljemoje toonaerfull tn tljig beljalfe, ut tljat Ije pjopbe* &c. fietlfj ejtpjeflp tftat tlje people toljtcf) toere earpea atoap pjifonntf, fboula bee bjougljt (jomeagaineat tlje enae of tlnafcoje ana ten ?eere0,contrarp to aWi&elpljooa,ana petlntt^ furfj alTureaneflre,a$ a man tooula tierelp fjaue fapa , tfjat befcaa lea tljem Ijome againe bp tlje Ijana into Hierufalem . 3na tn berp aeeae,at tfje tljjeefcoje ana tentlj peered ena,t&e people toere conuepea Ijome againe at tfje fojenamea inftant , as ftougf) Cyrus Ijaa bene bent of fet purpofe to bro'fie tlje pjopljefie , 0? as tijouglj fjee fjaa bene toagea b^ tfyz 3P?opljet* 3nait appeared) bp rtje ninety Cfjapter ofDanyell, (toljere tW pjopljefie ig alleagca,) tljat ft toag common among al Daniel*/ t!je people ♦ 3gfcnDanyellljimfelfe, toljo being bojnebnaer tlje ftrli^onarcljie, feemetl) ratijer an^tao^iograp^errtana^Oi pftet,as m refpect of tlje sj^onarcljieg ana things tljat infetoea; (foj fje fpeakerfj of tlje Perfians,Greekes ann Romaines,of tlje tpjan* itie of Antiochusaof tlje bnljallotoing of tlje temple, ana of otfjec tbingg tljat toereaone &$z Ijtunnea peered after Ijigtpmc, agof tljingg alreaaie come to paffe): like ag Ije clofetlj bp tbe 3p?opbeCc from tlje creation of tlje toojla to tlje comming of Ctyity fo 0 w$t fje to Sop allmeng moutljegs tljat tmli fpeafce againft Ijim* #0? tfar man toil not beleue tfje lewiih Cfjjom'cleg,m tljat tbep report tftac tlje pjopljefie of Danyeli teag reaa bnto ©reat Alexander at W tommmg to Hierufalem3to fbetoeljim toljat toa$ fojetola oHjim: pet is it euiaent ana cannot bee aenpea 3 but tljat toljen Ptolomfc caufea tbe §>cripturcg to be tranflatea, tlje^jopbefie ofDanyell toas tljen extant, ana toag tranflatea toitb tlje rcGaue; tuljiclj toag long tpme afoje tbe Cp?amue of Antiochus , rtje tobicb be aefcri^ fjetb to ri;e epe* 9na tijerefo?e if it coula not beefalfiftea in rijat be^ fca!fe3a$ little coula it be falfifiea in an rt;e reft, confiaering tfjat all of itaot^ equallp ana infinitelp ejeceeae tbe read) of all creature?, ana cannot pjoceeae from anp moe tljan one Spirit ♦ jj5olu tben, let bg loke bpon tbe t!)ing5 tljat are in ii)i$ p^opbet ; ana tubence Danid. 5, foula bee baue tfjem 5 but from Ijtm tljat makctb ana tnittafectft IKingg atlji^pleafure ? Upe fcnetoamea Balfafar tlje fonne of Na- bugodonozor^tljat l)t fl;oula ^aue a faH3becattfc U fjaa not taken sample OF CHRISTIAN RELIGION. 443 iejample at t&e cfjaftifement of W fatfcr, but^ati anuauttccn &tm* feife againQ ®on.3It torill petfjap* bee fapn, tbat it ia tbe faying of Unite metuljat tnben pjtae goes afo&fljame commetl) after ♦ 15ut toben atf Balfafar toa$ flapne tbat fame nigbt in t%t minneft of bte iolitie-,it toas a marking of tbe tljing mo?e wmktyjnWb Ija* bin fojetolo bp tbe former popbetj* alfo >3$ut tti tljat tofjtcb foUotoetfc *%. n .2 1 .47 tberc fe no flnft at aIL15ef)oto3Darius toag but netolp enteren into i««ny . 5 o- t\)t sponarcljie, to&en euen in tfje fttff peere of l)fe reigne Datiyell fapn Unto l)im,Three Kings (hall (land vp yet in Perna,and the fourth (hall beinriched with great riches aboue them all-,and when hee is fo increafed, hee (hall ftirre vp euery man againft Dame ' l T' Greece . ^efefoiuer 0? fiuetoojns contepne tfjebiftojieof feueti 0? etgbt fcoje pare$*£ftte Ijatte great teamen men3tobidj bp reafon of tbeir long ejcperience,ljaue mane(ag it toere)an 3natomp of out fiate:butto&iei;of tf)em31 p?appouourf! euertafcebponljimto tell Ijoto manp Eingg fl>oulo come after,ann \mxtf) lelTe to foretell totrae (boulo be none bp tlje fourtfj Emg tfjat toag to come ag Da- nyell not!) bere 3 tobo mafcertj ejepjeffe mention of Darius bopage againft tlje GreekesPletbg fceareljim pet furtf)er*But a mightic King (hall rife vp (faptbfcee) and reigne with great authoritie, and do whatfoeuer he will.JKBfro feetfj not Ijereljoto Alexander commetfj out of Greece againff Darius, anofubtmetljtbe Per- sians? And when he is in al his royaltie(faptl) ije)his kingdome fhall be broken and diuided to the fo wer windes of the ay re, howbeit not to his own race, but vnto ftrangers^for his king- dome fhalbe plucked vp by the roote . 5>e couln not fjaue papifc ten out Alexanders Sponarrfjie moje liuelp 3 tofnclj toag but ag a flaf& of lightening tl>at pafTetft from tlje Wlttt into rije Caff , ami tofce enntin it felfe , ann toag neuinen into manp Eingnomeg? , ag Macedonic,Thrace,Syria,ano iEgipt,among ^incz* tfjat toere not of&fe race ♦ 22%ofoeuer toouln fcaue mane an afyioge ment of tfje tofcole fyifto)iz of tbe Sponatc&ie of G reece in fetoe too jog; be touto not ligfctlp fcaue none it in otfjec tfcan t&efe* Beuertljelefie,ic it a glauncing ouertbtoart tfyougfj ttoo $ponarci;ieg $ ttoo fcrijole fcunnjen peered 3 t»l)erea$ an tbe toifenome of tfje tuojto put toge* t|jer 5 rouln not ouerfee fo mucb te ttoo peered , no not euen in tlje rommoneft affap?e«e{ of a ^oufeboln ♦ jf3olu, t^e ft o?ie of t&e Mace- dones toag not tbe tljing tljat !je aimen at Aut cfte dbiefe t^ing tljat %tt fougfjt into , tote tlje Cate ofti>e Cljurc^ to come among t&e lewes 1 ann fytxrtoiztyMtfyfyntfi of t&e bjaunc|)ej5 atone3anm goeti^ 444 OP THE TREWNES gocrlj on but onlp toitb tb* Eiiigs of Syria aim yEgfpt. ^fjertfye let us rcatic rljr rcfltoue of tlje Chapter* d;cre be papntttbout tlje toarrcgof Antiochus KingofSyriaagamfttljelewes, tftcrcfii irancc of tlje Machabees,tbe oppjeflion of tbe ngbteous 3 ana tlje fccfpling of all bolp tbmgg , fo Itudp ana mamfrftlp,tbat Ije tobtclj lucre not toft) of it afoicfc rca&e* it,fl)outo not b*able to fap tobe* Daniel 7. t ^ (t tocre a j^op&cfie o? an 5)iftojfe ♦ 3ffi b& rt'gbt Chapter be Oefcribetb a battel! bettocote a Ram ant? a 6oateJhe Ram(faitl) be) that had two homes , is the King of Medes and Perfians, becaufe thofe two dates went ioy ntly together. The Goate is the King of Greece;& the great home that he had betweene his eyes,ts the greateft King,tljat is to toit tbe great Alexander: Danid?. m% yft none of tbem botb liueo fire fco?e peered after ♦ 3in tlje fe* itentb Chapter be oetcribttb al tbe fotoer S^onarcbie^but (per tat lp tbe Romaine ; tnfetc^ ban (teptb be) teetlj of p?on3tobmtoitb it fyakeano fceuourea all tbe red , 3no be pttrfetoetb it fo farre^tbat 4e neclaretb btmfclfeto bane ban a ftgbt in bis; mpno , botb oftlje fyeem'n&oftbepjoceeutng,airt> of tfjeoecaping tberof* 3lf toe row* ftocrlurjac Rome toag at tbat time3it toasftben fcarce batcbe&:an& a great tobile aftertoar&e , A lexander bauing but a fmall cut oner Damel.9» t^t g^ ^at ^ ijettoq:ttfeat an&Greece , futetoe it not » *Eo bee ibojt 3 m tlje nmttb Cbapter be fojeteKcdj tbat at tbe eno of tb?ee* fcoje ann ten t»a*e&,(ar counting from tbe Dap tbat tt)e tooju toag fcttereo bp Ieremie fo? tbe buptoing fcp of tl>e temple agapne3) Hicrufalem (bouto be oeftrapeti bp 4 pjt'nce of tlje pcopte ft at toa* to come 5 tbat is to fap, ftp an Cmperour iflfetoing from tbe Com* montocale of Rome , tobtclj at tbat tpme toas not in being: tobic& tbing 3! coulo fljeto bcre to baue come to paflfe at tb£ iitfianc afo?e= jtameo3acco?oing to tl)e pjopbefte ♦ 35ut fojafmucb as; cbia popnt jcrtepnetb property to tlje comrniifg of tbe$©eiria03toberunto toe teferue manp tf)in$$ tbat msq> confirm* fes mo?e ann mo^e tn tbe Ijolp S>cnpture^tt (ball bee treatea of in bfe peculiar place^ jl5oto djei^toe bauefjerc a continuance of toontietfuUpjopbeficg, from tty creation of tbe toojto tmx bnto Cb?ilt , bttereo ano ftt fco^tb a long toljfle afeie bano , anu come to pafle tuft in tbeic tpmes ; not generan3bttt marketi tottb tbett ctrcumftances(; not ooubtfulL» but fuel; a$ e^p?ene tbe tbingis ami perfons! b)> tbetr nameief^ 3nn tber* fo^e to kntt Dp tbts matter toitball,31 nemauno bnto toljat toe map attribute tb*m,but-to tbe mfptratton of (6i©D ? om* in fteao of joining tljemfclueg toit^tn t^civ bounti^, toai n&w ouerleape OP CHRISTIAN KEIIGION^ 445 tbem,bp nenping alTSut be Goea tbe reafona afo?e aHenge^feeing tbat at tbe fame tptm tbat tlje ifraelites too^Ojtppen tbeir@ot>, tbe Rations about tbern ban ©jacle$ tobicb anftaereo tmto all queftioas ; ana tbat man t'g fo inquifitiue of tbings to come, tbat if £e cannot bee certifier at bome,be feefcetb euerptobere abjoaae : 31 toouto baue tljcm to anftoer me, toljetber tins people toere of ano* tijer nature tfjan all otber jftation$,tobom toe knoto* to be pet fitH attbtf oap moje gwentopjopbefpmggtban anp otber jftatunrt flno botu being: fo gtuen tbcreunto ano not bauing augbt at borne luberetottb to fatiffte tbeir curiofitie,tbep couto m tbe mtnneft of fo manp miferies, bolo tbemfeluea to tbe renting of tbe one <6£>D, tobo alone of all otbettf tiro not fpeake , but alonlp b*& kept filence to alltbeir requeues ?jfo? if it fecmettraungeano mpjaculoug ton* to H to baue l;au pjopbefie&mucb moje flrange ana mpjaculou* ougbt it to bee, to baue rnaae moje account of a (Son tbat gaue no anfoers at aH,fpeciallp in fo manp fcittreflfes ami oppjeffton&tban of tbe (Song oftbeOcatben tobicb&fonotbing ete* QSut fojafmurb as none of tbewten of olae tpme ferns fo impu; obie&ons. Bent ag tooenp tbem , but all toere tnfojceo ettber to twoonuer at tbem,oj to alleage caufes to irimimfT) tbe eUimation of tljem , let W examine tbe reafbns tibicb fyc? giue tbem* £>ne faies tbat tbep toere tpea to tbe S>tarres , ano ytt tbep mocketf at tbe niumations of tbe Chaldees euetp tobere* jftoto tben,of fo manp gftrologertf as toere among tbe Gentiles; ,an& baue mane bote tbereof,name me anp one tbat batb foietolo tbe ooings,not|of an <£mpire,but of fome one man : not a bunDjea peered afojebann, bttt a peere afoje* fcattiufatting tbat tbeaiueJl noto ana tben by (Sons fufferance5batf> erecuten tbe fame euill tabid) bee bimfelfe fo?etolt> upon tbe pattte tbat af fees counfell of btm/^ttt Ptolomie toil fap,tbe fojeteHmgg of tbe 3ffrologers are a mcane betto&ne neceffitie ano cbauncetfoj tbep fo?efe not tbe euentes oj fallings output onelp tfjt inclmatu ong 0} mfpoGtiong of tbings , $ as manp as pjomife anp furtber, ooe but abttfe metu 2nbattbmfee toee tben tbat tbisS Ptolomie Pto!omicIn luottlo baue fapu,if be ban rear* tbcfepjopbdle^fo particular, tbat bookeof the tbep feemeratberftojies of tf)in$$ pa{!,tbanfo?eteIlings{ of tbt'ngg frukc to come*S>urelp be toouto baue fapn tbat tbep coulo not bauep^o-- ceetieo but onelp from ,ag be (tttztb tiotone ann rreemetb t)erp toel in lelfer tbingsi:3[ttli tbat tbep tabicb foretell particular tbinget tuuft neenes be infpireti of ©on x 3nu agein, tbat tlje iuogements of fuel; a^ ga?e ijpon tfce ^tarre^jare noubtfull5botobeit tbat tbep ftbiclj 44^ OF THE TREWNES totyd) foieteH tbe goo part,app?ocb timer tlje truetft, bp reafon of a certeine potoer tbat beatetij foap in Qiete feoule , altbougb tbat mbettotfetbepbaueno f kill at all in tbe arte, ^mnnuerpaeeoe, tbe beft 3ffronomer$ baue reiertco 3Iur?iciaU 3ftroiogie,a$ in bain atto toitbout fouuoation3pca etien after ti)ep ^attc torii tpjea tbern* felties in tt3ut in Ifraei toe reaoe of a jfteateljearo callea Amos, tobofc ipjopbcfieg toerc no icfle euiucnt fojt tbe matters tbep trea« tea of,tljan toere tbe l&opbefies of Daniell ann Efay* Auerrhoes anD bis foUotoers baue a peculiar opinion of mans &oule, name* Jp tbat toe bane a rename capacitic of tnDcrtfanttng , tobicb t&cp terme an bn&erft an&mg in poffibilitp^lje tobicb infojmetb ano tea* cbetb bp tbe tooling of an bniuerfaU mpna, tobicb bp tbe parttctt* lar imaginations of euerp man , commctb to be iopneo to tlje biu The fame Derttanoing in poflibitttie tbac i$ common to alU 3no tbercfoje m nrd°f Nar *&c? foP tIjaC ^?aP^fPinff pjoceebetb pjtoperlp of tbat Coniuntti- bon ray°vppon on *n mcn ft w &aue a 8ronS an* *««'? imagination^ it be fo,g the bookc of tooulo baue tbe oifcipleg of Auerrhocs(tobo (at fo gortilp an ima* Abubacher,& gtnation,) to imagine tbis, to ftetoe mee fome pjopbefie of tbeic Aucmpare. spiers o) of tbetr otone* 9lfo let tbem anftoere m& boto it bap* penctb tbat our p?opbetes fo? t(je moft part bane commonlp bene olo men,feetng tbat(after tljctr Doctrine,)olD men cannot Ipjoplje* fie bp reafon of tbe foblenes of tbeir imagination?^ fyafm u c& as tbefe men ooepjeaclje toito bs tbat tbe toojloe is eternal!; boto fcappenetb it tljat li^o$efptng batb not bmc inttilleb into men bp tbe fapoe coniunction , euerlaffinglp concerning cpme , ano in aU tpmes,faing tbat to become a ^opbet,tbcre neeoetb no moje but tobaueaberp flrong imagination *: fojafmucb as t\)t feparateo w aerttanoings are cucr m ok reaoie ano n t fpo fen to tbe faio Comutt* tion ': Up o to bappenetb it alfo tbat a man bring come to tbat point, l&opbeGetb not of all tbing* tbat be can imagine ? l&ut berebp toe fee manifetHp tbat tljfa l&opbefping of tljcirs is not an babit , but a paffion tbat faoetb atoap Hfa tht founo of aiute, toben tl;e plap* er ceaffetlj to ftrike, ffij if tbep fap tbat a man mud firff getbim r et b bot*J ^e act*uc an* ^ c ^"templatiue babtt^anu tben tbe faio bn» m°h!s bookT MrtfemMnff matcbetb it felfe toitb our imagination^ as rije fo?me of thesixefd- of atbmg matcljetb toitb tbe fubftance tbereof , tobereof commetb cncesofcxpc- it tljatDauid being a&bepbearo anti Amos a J3etebearD,&ftpjo« jjcnc^and » pljefie fo toonwfullp ^ Some toi\\ baue it, tbat l&opbefping is( went of Diui *e"tte0 "lt0 man ^ ^ fttatre0,cotrt it wnallp tbat be be DtfpofcD naic " to recetueit* 8;erebpou t&cp pjefcribe ^im a ccrteint Ditt \ to^ere* Of CHRISTIAN RELIGION^ 447 6p bemuft ma&ebisbo&P cquali am> euenlp counterpepfeobp 31* ditmie ; anDaftertoaro be muttgatbertogitber tljeBeamcs of tbe & hie into a mirrour,tobicb tljep call aiebemufi e, mats e accruing to tlje ftules of Catop tnk: ana finallp be mult ttdlifie bp airrolo* gie as toell tl)C man bimfelfe, as tbr foofce tbat be tfe tb* 3nt> tbep lap tbat ApolloniusofThianeypjopbeOefcaftfr^maner. ^Ijcfe are Copes to bee laugbca at,ratljer djen toojtljie to bee anftuet e&* 3no let euerp man confiocr , tobetber our Pjoplje tes being febe* p!;crt»0, jaeatcbearto ano tonlearneD , toerc frames tottlj fucb curi* oufites ,co l&opbefie acco?ti ing to Diet* Jftap toben bis totttes bee fometobat toell toakeneo, ije (ball pereciite tbat tbeptoere infpircs toicb tlj in gs tobtcb tbe S>tarres eoulo neitber uo e,n o j betoften,no$ Itnotoe , fojafmucb as tljep bee Ml in tbe bana of tbe ftrft caufe, ann are not come ao tone fo loUie as to bee fubieet to tlje fecou* caufes* %\n Platonifts tberfoje come fometobaencarer t&e trutl;,fpect* allp Iamblychus ann Porphyriusbp name* JFo? tbep Jap tbat tbe foretelling of tbtngs farre of afojebanfc, cannot be ocme notber bp art no? bp nature,butonlpbp infpiration from <8otu ifpotobett fo?* annuel) as tbep fpeake of manp compare them toicb our IpjopbeOtaMbere tot II appear e as mucb Difference bettoijrt tljnti , as is bettoeene tbe Difcretton of a toife man, an* tbe tittletattle of a fmle* 'Cbcrefoje let W bcare tobat tljep fap.The Gods(fapetb Po*phyrius)foretel naturall things by the order of naturall eaufes which they xnarke; and they foretell things that depend vponourownc wil,by conie&ures take of our doings. But forafrauch as they be fwiftcr than ure, they preuent vs and outrunne vs5and that in fuch fort,that as naturall things are deceyuablc, and mens cafes are variable & vneerteyne; fo they both,as welthe good as the bad,bee fubied to lying. <[2lbat el S is tfjts to fap but tfyat tbep can fo?etell notbing of us furtberftytb tljan tlyt^ learne bp our aotngs; no? of naturall tbings furtberfo?tlj tban tbep reaoe tbem in nature , tbat in to fap tban tbep reaoe tbem asin abooke, botobeit toitb a (barper ana ftoifter cpCgbt tban toe *i But notber otuell noj Sngellcan reaoe tbat in tbe maoeap?ofe& Hon of p?opbefping,ano filoom tpmes miflfeo* fio} in oceoe tbere is greate Ipkelpljoo^tbat if iue fentierlicotie all tbe ipjopbeOes of tbe 25pble (UJljicb tbing tsbnpoffltble fojbs bpcaufe toe cannot lap tbe Gates of all tpmes togitber ; ) toee Ojotilti finfc tbcre manie tfjing* toljtcb areoatfce totos at tljisoap , am> pet toere ctere3 toellimoer* Oooue . an* eaEe , euen to tbe aerie comon people^euerp one in W rpme» Tfo The xxvj. Chapter. That the things which fecmc mod woonderfull in out Scriptures,are confirmed by the Heathen themfelues; and a folution of their chcefe Obiections to the fame. SDfei t&at toee fenotoe tftac it fe ©on tbat fpeaketb in tbeg>cripture$tbete (bouto remapnenomojefoj tuat to noe, but to darken fcnto bim tuitb (Hence, #o? fee* ing be barb mane al tbings bp b& toojn; bfe toojne cannot baue fapne aitp tbing lob tcb be Ijatfj not bene able to Doe, $n* tf toe croucb, ann lap our Ijanti bpon our ntoutb at tbe figbt of a Kings feeaie: futelpittoeremo?e reafontbat toee (bouln nifpofeourmpffltfta beteue , ann our fettle* to obepe toitb out featuring , to jangling oj gapnfaping, toben twee fee tbe erpjefle Oping ann feale of ©on in $t* Scripture** $otobeit,to tbe totent toee map leaue no caufe of tioubt to tbe Heaner : fojafmucb a* fome Imt p?efumen to obietf, 3lwQre tbat 31 alfo map baue leaue to aflbple tbeirnemauno^ jftoto tbcrefo?e , let tijs fee tobat is obietfeo againft ng, a* toell bp tbe anted* of olo tpme as of our naie$* jf trtf of all, 9* great ac* f0n^011 totmt ( fap t^ ) as pou make of pour fecriptureg; tbere te no re* the witneflc of ro^n p&lnen nnto tbem b^ anp of our auntient 3utbojg ©reefce o? thcGrcekcs. JLatin 5 a* Plato, Ariftotle , Theophraft, ann tbe reft of fo manp lPbilofopber0^t(to?tograpber0^1poet04 %W i$ euen a* mudj The Anfwcrc ag if a man ftoulo affte toitneflfe of tbe inen of Perow , concerning tbe i^iftojiejaf of Fraunce o? Spaync.jf o? in tbe times tobereof our Scripture* fpeafce, tobat toere tbe Greekes anli Romaines in re* fpetf of tbe lewes5but fiKie fauage people tbat fen fcpon spafhOj fatblp it ijs all one , as if a man fbouln affce a cbilne of tbe tbmg* tbat toerenone afoje betuajai bojne; confinering tbat tbe latett^i* ftojte* in our ^pble, are of mojeantiquttie tbanrtje<§>cbclja>Ie, ann tfcere &ao communication tottfc t&e lewes, Si (a* 45° Op THE TREWNES (ag 3! ftftte pjouen alreanie) at tubafe banns tbep reapentfjat little knotulcnge tabid; tljtp ban concerning tijecttie <£on , d;e creation of d;e too?ln.,ann tlje fail of Span ♦ 3!nfomucl; rtjat Plato allengetb our 3utI;oj8i tinner d;efe toojng ; As the authors of old tyme re- porter as it is reported in the auncient Oracles. 3nn Nume- nius (jaumg cfppen d;at Plato couln not get tl;at f kill fro elfobere djan out of Moyfes, termed; f;im Moyfes fpeaking in p language of Athens,d;at i£ to fap,ttanRaten into Greeke . %lye ijptftojies Ariftobulas of Greece begin about tbetpme of Cyrus . 35ut(faptb Ariftobu- r^^Ph? Pt° lus.^ ^tlmt of Moyfes ann tlje departing of tlje Ifraelites out of mctor UbT. ^gipt,\x»cre tranflaten into Greeke afo?e p reigne of Alexander, pea o? of tlje Perflans tbemfelues ♦ W\)\fy ig as mud; to fap, as tbat tl;e Greekes eutn from tl;eirfirftbpfpjing, ojatleatttoife from tbe firtt tpme d;at rijep began to knotoetbemfelues, beam He a uscon. *Pea^nS °*0lxt S>crfpturci5 ann toere nefirous to baue tfjenn 3n& ccrnhitdie°n Hecatanis tbe Abderite tol;o attenneo bppon Alexander inl;ig iewcsf Conquetite , mane a booke purpofelp of dje Iewes , toijid; tljing i;e oin not of anp of all tlje flowing jftations tobtcb be ban feene itt HercnniusPhi W fcopage* 3lfo Herennius Philol;auing rcan tbe fapn pbilofo* io concerning pbet 3 fatoe l;im fo toonnerf ull in tbe tljings d;at be ban leamen of the kwes. jjj,e ieWes,tbat be bel&uen l;im to baue bene become a 3Ieto,ann to l;aue bene conuerten to tbeir latoe ♦ 3non after,toljen tl;e tpme of tl;e calling of tl;e Gentiles appjocbeo,tbattt bebouen tbe l^opbe* lies to bee mane ttnoume to tbe toljole toojln; to tin atoap all fufp** tion of contrpuing tbem bppon tbe euents ; ©on &tn put into tfce ijeart of Ptolomie Philadelph King of .*gipt,to make altfnari^ in tbe tabid; ( h^ d;e counfell of Demetrius Phalareus a Difciple of Theophraftus ) it toasf W toil* to batte d;e IBpble of tlje He- brews, ann tberefoje at W great d;arge<3 cattfen it to be trtbc &ing Tent SJmbalfanours toitb letters ann pjefents to Eleazar,(of trsljtcl) 9mbaflanours Ijefjtmfdfc toas one) : 3nn tbat bp tbe confent of all tlje people, tl;e tfyeefeoje ann Eufebiu* in hi* ttoelue 3lnterp?eters lucre fent into into ^gipt . gea aim in tbis « >$ht booke fyiOowCWd) is extant (Jill at tljtef nap)pe map fee tlje Copies of °* ihc PrePa~ tbe letter tbat toere to?itten from Demetrius to Ptolomie,ftom q^T^ thc Ptolomie to Eleazar,ann from Eleazar to Ptolomie.9nn tlje fain Arifteas annetb,tfjatinfjen tfte^pbletoas oncetranfiateo $ pent* fenm tbe pjefence of tlje cljiefep&res of bis BUalme , tfje&tng caufeo a folemne curfe to be p?oclapmeo tattfi loune bopce, againft all fudj as fljoulo an anp tbing to it , take augljt from it,oj altet augljt m it* 3nn aftertt)arn(faptlj ljee)U)ben tlje Eing bppon fur* tljer reaning tljerof,nin maruel tfjat of fo manp tljings aun fo tooj* tljte of remembrance , tbere toas no mention mane b^ tlje Bpiftojp* lojiterS ann poets of Greece : Demetrius Phalareus anfiaereo fym, tljat ft toas a m'uine lame , giuen of ne $f z touting* The Solution. 452 OF TH« TREV7NES tD?iting0 ano of tbetr otone Iatoes , not in out bakes , but ewett m tbeir otone benkegf j ano 3! beteue tljat no inoiffercnt perfon tooulo refufe tbat offer* An obic^ion jj>ere foifotoetb anotber objection : jftamelp tbat tbe fecrtp* thn^icn§ tttce!* ^aue a CmP^^^>3no groffe itple: but if tbep to)ere of ©00, IrLcl..:^ ^eP tooulo fpeakefarre otbertoife* 31 oemauno of tbem, tobitber " nittxjs ftples ougbt not to be ace ojoing to tbe perfones tbat fpeake, ano tobitber tbe grace of eloquence cofift not in obferuing femelp* ncflfe ; as namely tobtdjer tbe eloquence of a gmbiect, ougbt not to differ from tbe eloquence of a King •, tbe eloquence of a cbilo, from tbeeloquence of a fatber; ano tbe eloquence of an 3ouocate, from tbe eloquence of a 3Iuoge ; 0? tobetber bp tbe Utiles of Hbeto^tck, tbat tobicb is eloquence in tty one, ftall not bee fcoliCbnes in tbe o* tber *; ^berefoje if tbe JLatnper 0? 9ouorate totll pleaoe eloquent* l?&z mutt moue affections : to tbe intent be map moue otber men, ijeemuftficttmttuebtmfelfe* 'CbeSluoge muff btter bis toojoe* grauelp,ano be mutt alfo be bnflejrible ano bnintreatable, toitbout mowing ano toitbout affection* ^Lbe King mult fimplp ano abfo* lutelp commauno ; foj bee is botb tbe bopce of tbe Latoe , ano tbe rule of tbe 3|uoge3ut if eitber tbe King come to perfijuaoe,o;t thz 3Juoge to oebate cafeS; tben muff tbe one put on tbe ft ate of an 9o * ttocate,ano tbe otber tbe ftate of a fubiect, ano lap afltoe tbe date of a Kingano 3luoge. EClbat tben 31 p?ap pou (bal become of tbe lato of ©00 tbe King of kings , tobo is infinite!? furtber aboue f grea* tell ©onarkes , tban tbe greateft Sgfcmarkes are aboue tbeir twa* neff g>ubiects ; ano tol;o ejmoetb alpke botb ti)t 3Iuoges ano tbe parties tbat are to be iuogeo *t Wit tooulo baue bim to bfe 3!nouc* tions as Plato ootb, Q} §>pllogifmes as Ariftotleootb , 0? poetic fleigbtes as Carneadesootb,oj outtrpes as Cicero ootb, 0? fpne conceites as Seneca ootb*2£te tooulO baue bim to Utter Ih'S toojO* b^ toeigljt , tbat tbep migbt fall in iutt meafure ano fotmo ; ano to interlace fome farre fougbt toojos,fomc allegorical! matters , an& fome ftrangeoeuifes toberuritb comon fcfeis bnaequainteo* 31f toe Hjouln fe a Kings ^oclamations fet fcojtb in fucb a ffple , tobiclj of &s tooulo not by ano bp note it as fmefling to mucb of tbe 3!nfe bojne; anotobicbof our Cares toouloe notratber glotoe at it; tban Ipke of it ? @>urelp tben,tbe (impler tbat ©00s Lame iny tbe better ootlj it befemetbe Cucrlaffing; confioering tbat tbe fim* pier it is , tbe mo?e it refembletb tbe bopce of bim tbat can ooe aBt things > pea att>0»&rc*7 ^oje iS)t^e Cn^pler it ifi>tty better ootb it fitce OF CHRISTIAN RELIGION. 453 fitte all people* jf o? tbe Latoe tljat is ojneineo foi all mm toitbout ej:ception,ougbt to be as an o?oinatie fai&e,o? racier aa a common ftprni of tyean applpea to tlje taffe am» relifye of all metn'But tobat tmll pou lap if tlje Scriptures baue tu fteic Iolnlpnetf moje (fate* Ipnes, in tbeirDmplicitie mo jepjofowumes, mtljetc Ijomelines moje aflurance, ano in tljeir grofleneffe mo?e ipuelp fojee 9 ffjarp* lies , tban are to bee fount* anp tobere els t Sftee reaoe in tbe firft chapter of <6eneKS,G od created heauen and earth;God fpakc, and the waters were feuered from the earth ; Hee commaun- ded,and the earth brought foorth herbcs.Cbere it not fo bcrp an iopot o) fo fimple a man,but be can bnoerffanb tbefe tbings , a meant fo facte as 10 requifite to bis Valuation, pea anb confent at tbe berp bearing of tbem, tbat tbe tbings imtltnoe&es bee as it is fapo tbere^ut tf a man t»tH teabe &#per Into tlje matter, as bola <&o& batb in all eternitie cbofen(as pe toouto fap)one inftSt ttftere* at to begin tfn'st too jfcc, toitbo ut ttu ffe 0 j matter to tuec^kr bppott; ami boto be mane it bp bfc onelp bare too?& : tbep be fucb bottom^ leffe &#pes,as Ml make euen tbe ftouteft afrapn , aim enforce tbe topfeff to Coupe to tbe f toll of tlje lotolp ana little one* , fo excel- lent it tbe Cmplicitie of tbe Scripture, botb to inffrttcttijeloto* ip,an& to confouno tbe pjotob botb at once*3In our Bible toe baue $iftoji*S5am> in $iftojies toba( Mfite toee tfjat fa becaufe t^ae in bet? &eet>e,true beautie ncRretlj no pepnttng ; but tbe moje nakea it fe, tbc moje it allttretb ; an& ( as 3letoeHers ano iaptuaries Tap ) tfjc faprer tljatanp precious g>tone 10 , tbe Icfle botb tt neene botb of ©oln ano of tocBjftmanflbip* 3no ftotblp to fet bp our Scriptures upotttiigb tooj&s , is nothing els but to fet Dp a toell pjopojttoneti tall man upon a §>eaffolo, tobtcb nimintibetb fometobat of bis na* tucall pjopojttoivmti pet annetlj not anp toljit to bis nature 9lfomourS)mptures\Debattep?cpljefies, ano in tljofcj^os pbefiestebauetbjeatenings, ejbojtnttons, anobebementfpee- cbcs»3nti tt is in fuclj matters,tbat tbe ©jatojs are toauu to tljui* fcer aim to mount bp into tbnrloftiefpeecfjes , 3intbiskpnu , t\)z Latins make greate account of Cicero.3$uc 3! report me to al fucft as Ijaue rcao botb of tbem tuttlj Ipke iuogment , tobat eomparifoit tbere is bettoeenebtm ann Efay > betiaeene bis flatteringrinfmua* rronstmtbcbplbifyejecufesof (gno?ancc3anu tbe entcrancesof E- fay,lpuelp,graue,an& M of maieff ie«t •Bettoeene bts long ipcriotisae tajtbetubtcb beeberkenetbfo &cuoutlp;anu tbe otljers cutting Incogs Wei) are as tbun&erffroks ottbbleo , to Daunt tbe ftototeft ffomacke tljat is\ T5ut among all tbe Greeks , Cicero bttnfelf to)onberetbat;£fchinesagemftDemo(thenes tn acetteine place, tyztz be lapetlj open bts injuries , ann pafltens agetnft bint , in toeeoe mo?elpkea beblem tljan a tifen in bis rtgbt taritts*3nti Uul;ac eloquence, tobat fojtce, 0? toljat percing batlj tbat place ( 31 befecft tbe Kea&crs toitb alt mp Dart to reaoe botlje tbe one ann tbe otber) in compartfonoftbtS beginning of Efayes? Herkenye Heauens (fapetlj be) and giueeare thou Earth; for the Euerlafting hath fayd , 1 haue norr ifhed Children and brought them vp , and they haue rebelled ageinft me. The Oxeknoweth his owner, and the AfTe his mayfters cribbe: but Ifraell hath not knowen me 3 my people haue no vnderftanding ; Ah finfull people, people loden with iniquitie, too what purpofefhould yee bee chaftyfed any more,fith ye heapefinne vpon finnePThe whole head is ficke,and all the body is ful of fores. From the fole of the foote to the crown e of the head, there is not any found part.SUljat abundance of lumme8,an&doquenee,ofbumilitie anD baultines,ef reafons aftft affections^s tbcre tn tbtfe fcauie ujoo^uja^ 9nobommucb greater fboulo tee find tbemmtbetr ottme lan- guage ano in tbeir otone accents *t ^Drulp fome great learneo men of our tpme ( Ui&icl; tljmg 31 t&inK net to be anp abatement of cbeir cammeiu OF CHRISTIAN RELIGION. 4^ C0mmcn£ation)b^etmt>make^^ pjopbet am> otljer0,ful of gcoDlp f entcnccs,an& ljumane eloquece, totjicb ljtme fertteb fttlp to glue Ijim tbe greater grace* 3no if our Kt;ecljo?itian0 finB fault uittij tljofc fimtUtuues ags otter bomelp: 3 tooulD Ijaue djem to tell me to toljat ufe feimtlttutjes fcrue,but to make tljings deere;anb toljatis! tlje meane to make matter* cleere, but Op taking §>imilituDes from tljingsi feed knotoen *t 9n& tobat wanner of onestoere tlje Metaphors of tlje Romanes, but at tlje fird ruoe ann Ijomelp 3 ana afcertoarb taken from toarreg , ant) in pjocefleoftpme taken from pleasing ano o?ato?ie,acco?t>ing aa tljep greto to be moje cojruptcte ami Mjat els are f &itt\ilitm& of Cicero bimfelf in bis treatpfe of ol& age , bixt Ipkenings taken from Imf bantyie anb &pnes5bpcaufe Ije Ijimfelf oelpgljteb in tljofe t&ings ** %o be fljoje , toben it commetfc totbe purfetotng of a &i* tmlituoeeuiDentlp,to tlje fetting&oteneof a £)efolationipttelp3tcripturcsr, toljic&tbep neucrljan lepfure tor ease , enteretlj foj tlje mod part imoer tljis colour , tljat fome manlier of arte toljiclj neiter reb anp tttoje tljanljis Cicero, ne can (kill to bifcernetoljat befoemct&ep* tber otbers oj ljimfelf,ljatb fko^neu tlje tljtngs toljicl) Ije Ijatlj not tlje f kiU eptljer to pepfe 03 to pjapfe* jFrom fuclj people (fap 31) fpjtti* getlj tlje contempt of our &crtpture^,fpecf allp in ltaIy;U>ljo being out of tljeir & djccles; are not able to fap one tooojb to tlje purpofe* tto no) fcarcelp fo mitclj asfimpip to talke*Polkian (faptb Viues) bi&altogttljerbefppfetlje reabingoftlje fibcriptureft* TOerefoje let us fe toljat Ije commen&etMbe fpent bis luljole Ipfe tit Scanning toljetljeraman (boulbpjonouce Vergilius oj Virgilius$Carthagi~ Jienfes, oj Carthaginienfes ; Primus, ojPreimus : an& if IjeljaD anpfurtljer lepfure, be fpent it in making fome gr^ke Cptgravn in tlje commenbatt'on of lecljerp ann Sodomy.a graue iungment footblp fo? bs to fet pur mpnos bppon* 3notber talleD Domitius Calderinus , turneb pong men from tlje reabing of tbe acrip- :tureg; btu to^at gcDblp matter t©ke be to occuppe Ijimfelfbsitbal^ Jf & 4* Jfojfcotlje 45^ OF THE TKEVTNE5 if ojfootbebe palfeobis Ipfein making a Comment fcpon Virgills Priapus,a broke tobicb all men ti>ac Ijaue anp pace ofmanbociii tbem are afljameo euen too fpeake of* 35utU)!)at greater p?©fe of tbe pjapfe of our feeriptures tooulo toeebaue , tban tbat fueb per* fones Ooeoefppfe tbem *: Contrarptuire , Marfilius Ficinus , nn& 3iol)it Crle of Mirandula tbe bonour of Italy ann of bis age foj f kill in all fciences, bailing reau all tbe got) autbojs in tbe toojlo, eamc at length to reft tbemfelues in our Scriptures, ano toerc in tlyz enD out of Ipking tuit^ al otfjer^ but as foj tbefe tbep coulo kc» ucr baue tljeir fill of tbem.3!f cljcre lucre no moje but j affirmation of tbe onc,f tbe oeniall of tbe otber; bnto tobicb of tbem 3 P?ap poti ougljt tueratber to palo?Jftap,3i oarefapjano J lxitll mainteine it among all fucb as Iwow tol>ac our fcrtptures are tojitten in fucb Uufe^s map moft fitlp befa me botij ©on tlje autboj of tbem, ano tbe matters tbat tbep treate of, ant) t be parcpesta l»bom tbepbc fpoken; ann tbat a mo?e feemelp ft pie tban tbat can* not be imagineo,eptber foj (Sot) •, ( fo? be is onr p?ince j ano it be* feemetb not Winces to perfuiaoe) : o) foj tbe matters -> foj t\)^bt bolp ant> graue , ano graue matters ( as fapetb Ariftotle ) Ojoulo not be pepntefcoj foj tbe partpes to toljom t\)t^ be fpoken ; foj tbe? toerefolkofall fojts fciitbout exception ; ano Ipkeas all of tbem U) crc bount) to belaue ano ebferue tbem/o toas it beijcofFuU tbat al JboulDDnoerftann ttym. oiie&ons ^«t noto enter tbep into tl?e matter of tbem* Cbe fecriproreg contcroina (fyp tbep)ooe tell &g tbinga tjnpotttble ano imcreoifcle , mo?e Ipkt ^Ir Thibk" ^e fon* faWc* 0f W*tt$y tl;an tbe repose* of founo 5pifto?ies* 31 fa thc°&ri^SS tocrulD fraue tbem tell ma to tobom tbep befrnpofttble, $ to tobom turcs. t\)tp b& imcreoibie ? feingtbep fatber tbem not but upon <3or> tbe maker of t^eauen antr Cartfj , to tiifrom all things are alike eafte? %\)Z poets fap tftat Iupiter tbunojetb afmue, ano tbat Neptune turmopletfr tbefeeas, ann rotoletlj bp tbe Cartb : ano toee knotooe tbat botb Iupiter ano Neptune mere mm as toe be: ano tljetefo je tuefap itifttp tfjat tbep report jfables ;fo? tlrep fatber tbings bpott mentnWdb are aboue tlje abilttie of man to Boe>ano tobicb fur: mount tbepotoer of all Creatures* ^ut tof^n tbings tbat are nm poftible to Creatures , arerepo^teo of & © D, tobofe pother i* infinite : aldbougb men ooubt tobetber tbep toere oeone oj noe ; pet ran tbep not w^ but tbat bee toas able to ooe tbem ♦ 3no if tfjeir fufpectingoftbem bee becaufe tbep reaoe tbelpke things in tbenr oliwit OP CHRISTIAN RELIGION. 457 atone jFableS; 31 &aue P?ouen alreat»j>3rijat tbcfe tbings toere ttyte ren long tpme afo?e t^ep ban eitber tojpters of ©tffojies , poets, pea o? anp touting at all, 3no tbcrefoje tfjep ougbt to tbinfce tbac tftctr /Tables* toere t>eutfcn topon out Spifiojies3ann tbeir leafingS Upon our truetbes* tfoj Ipfec as a man batb bene afoje bis pojtrat* ture,g©n Copne afoje countccfet Copne,a true feealc afoje a fo?* gen Sbeale, ann a true Copp afoje a fojgerie : fo alfo toas tbe true Declaration of tbings afoje jfables t accojning to tbis ruleof tbe pbtiofopbcrs,Cbat euill batb not anp being of it felfe?but in ano= tbertbing, neispjoperlpafubftance, but a corruption of a fub* ftance* ^berefoj^toebeteuenottbe jfablesofHomere, nojt tbe 3Inueiition^ of Euripides ant! Sophocles , mane topon tbe batteH of Troy; ann pet toeenenp not but tbere toas a dftarreof Troy. 3s little alfo n© toeebeleeue tbe Romanes tobicb &aunt of tbe ttoelue pares of Cbavlcstbegreate tbe ftingoftfraunce-, am* pet toee noubt not but tbere toas a greate Cbarles tljat nin greatc tbings in bis tpme, ami ban greateffoje of jiftoble parfonages in bis feruice. %o be (bo&ban tbere neuer bene anp Doggejlpojfe* !Beare,o? Ipon in tbe toojto; neitber poets ban feinen5 noj pern* terS ban peinteo bS anp Cerberus,Pegafus, oj Chymere. Ipke* toife,ban tbere not bene a truetb of tbe tbings tobereon tbe poets mane tbeir jFables,toe (boulo not baue ban at tbis nap anp jfables The Creation tn tbe dSlojlne* let &s come to particularities* 3In all tbe tobole of the world Scripture tbere is not a moje to©nnerfuH tbing, trjan tbe Creati* and ^ Man. mioftbetoo?loannofman:3nniftoeanmfttbofe ttoo popntes, nothing ougbt to feme (!raunge tmto &s in tbe refineto of tbe T5$* bit. f (% all tbemiracles tobicb toeetoonner at , arc but fparfces of tbe infinite potocr tofy'cb fcttereo it felfe at tbat t^nxtin tbe crea- ting of all tbings* jftoto 31 baue pjouen alreanie botb b^ liuelp rea* fons,ann bp toitnette of tbe auncient to?iters,tbat t\)Z toojlo ann aj tbings tberein toere createn, ann tbat tljep toere createn b^ tbe on* Ip toil! of (Son,at fucb tpme as pleafen bim ; ann tbat it cannot bee otbertoifeimaginen* Ctppon tbis truetb baue tbe Phenkians an& jEgiprians fafyionen tbeir fables ; faping tbat in tbe beginning tbere toas a narfcnetTe , ann a fpirituall 9p;e , ann tn an infinite CbaoS; tbat tbis fpirit coueren tlje Cbaos : ann tbat of tbe con* function of tbem ttoapne,toas tyen a certeine Moth, tbat is to fap> a certepne flpme,tobereof all liuing tbings toere ingcnn?en,31t ratt itotbenenpen buttbattbis toas amillafeenCoppofrbebolpatm natiue Copie tojitten bp Moyfes* Concer* / 45$ OF THE TREVVN£$ Concerning tbe creation of span , tlje /Egiptians fap Ijee toa* rrcateo botlj $0ale ann female* Jbctebpon Plato gatfjeretlj tljat Ije Ixmg a Manwoman 0} Herkinalfon : ann tlje fecriptureljan fapfc tljat ©on ban crcaten tbem S^ale ann female, o befalletlj tt pjo* perlp to alpojtrapture rtjat is tyatuen bp anctijer, djat toljirij i* taken at tlje Ipuclp image5!ofetlj a little of ijig nature, ^Ijat toljicij 10 taken at tljeli3atteme3lofe(ij fometofjat mo?e; 3nn To from one to another , tljep ^arrp in tlje enne fo farre from tlje berp o^iptaU, The rail of C£at a man can fcarflp finn anp tefemWance tbereof* %\yi fall of man batlj bene pjouen of xm bp manp reafon* 3 ann appjouen bp all clje pljtiofcpberMnn *uen &P $* b£*P feeling of ourVojrupti* tm*3flmenaremfojc*&to confefleit3tit Moyfesis rfjecnlp man tljat fettetlj w notone botlj tlje Jpitf ojie ann tlje caufe tljerof^erc* fcpon tlje €mperour lulian quareletlj 5 thinking it tfraunge tljat a Serpent ffjoulo fpeake3tobiclj fe no mo?e but tljat tlje niuell fpake ftp tlje Serpent. 3nn tobat fe ttjere berein 3 taijicb befell not napfo among tlje ©entples ? oiuefe,to necetuemen,fpake to tbem from XMt of ^mage^dje jf emn of Dodon fpake out of an j*Dke*Phy- loitratus faptb tljat an Clme fpake to Apollonius of Thyaney: 9 IRtuer ( fapetb Porphirius ) faluten Pythagoras^Cuen lulian "ftimfelf * bis pjtlofopljer Maximus^caro tlje niuell fpeake in nt* uers bopees fr in niuers maners:$ in al tljis gear e tljere is tbouglje to be no ftraungenes at aBL JFoj feeing tljat tlje ntuell of Ijimfelfe i s not biGble to our epes ; mult Ijee not bee faineto put on a bo?otoe& 0jape^3tin if Ije bojotoe one,toljp Ojouln Ijeratber takefome otljec ftapetljan tlje tyape of a Serpent *t 9too if Ije fpeake ; toljp fljoulo Ije not fpeake as toell b^ tlje moutb of a Serpent, as of another IU aing toigljt \ ann as fcjell of a liuing tuigljt,as of a tljing tftat Ijatlj no Ipfe ? jftap ftirtljer,tljts creature batlj a manifeff figure , in rtjat it trapletlj upon tlje grounn3ann Huetb of tlje null : ann in tljnt fc# bp our winning atoap from ©on to tlje bafeann €art[)lp tljings, arebjougljt to tlje fame popnt at tljis nap* The ege of the £&c reaoe of tlje men of tlje firft age,tljat tljep linen feuen^ctgljt, 6ik men. ^ n(nc (junn^en peresttoljidt) rfjing fome tljtnking to be incremblc, fjaue imaginen tljat tljofe peercsi \»ere but monetljgf , notlDtdjaan^ ning tljat in tlje biffojie of tlje uniuerfall jTlun toljid) infeluen 3 tlje monetb ta fet noiane to be of etgljt ann ttueiuie naie^,ann tlje pare to be ttoelue mouetlj^ano tljat otbertoife tote muft be faine to an* flut,tbat tljep begate Cljiln?en at leffe tljan ten pares; of tlje fonne* Snnpettet&atoneoftlje griefe^ toljtclj tljepconceiueagainaouc §)cripture^ OF CHRISTIAN RELIGION. Jtf? g>crtptureS;as toljo tooulo fap ft toere not as eafie tjttto e lift ft felfe,ano tbe peered, antr tbe toojlos of peeres»S?et not&Htbtfant>ing,Manethon tlje *gip- tian , Berofus tbe Chaldean, Mofchus, Heffeus, ano Hierom, tobo tojate tfje <§>tojies of tbe Phenicians,ooe confitme tlje Taping «f Moyfes concerning: tbe firtt men ♦ $lfo Hefiodus, Hecataeus, Acufilaus, Hellanicus, ano Ephorus agree thereunto: affirming tbat tfjep toere o^oepneo to liue fo long tpme 3 as toell foj to Ituuie tit Sbtimtz* , as to inuent tlje Jpanopcrafts ; ano fpeciallp fo? tbe finoing out of Sfttonomie, becaufe(fap t^ep)tf tftcp (jan liueo leffe tfian five Ijtutr^en p&res,tl;eir obferuations Ijan bene in ttapne, be* caufe tie great pere cotinuetb fo long^o be fijo?t,tl;e matter toa* fo cleere^ fu common in all auncient^tfto^reSjtliat Varro paflctlj it not ouer as a ligbt tbing , but laboured) to paelo a caufe tljereof* SFo} tbe punifbment of Spanfcpno tbere flotoeo a general! jfluo* The gencrall SHljat Ration batl) not beleeueo ft,ano tobat 3utboj batl; not fpo* Flud- fcen of irt^mong tlje jEgiptians, Phenicians, Greekes,anO Ro- maines notbing toas mo?e common ♦ 3no becattfe tijep ba& Ijearo tbat it befell in tbe pjimetpme of rfje toojlo > ano toere ignorant in tU accounts of p tpmeS; euerp inciter of 5>iffo?ies l^txi fet it ootons in t\)t tym tolricbfa tboug&t to beof moft antiquitie:as fo? ejeam* pie , tbe Thebanes referreo it to tfyztgmt of Ogyges,tlje Thefla- lyans to t^e time of Deucalion^ano fo fojtb of otljerS^ojeouer* in Brafilie,in tfje neto Spayne,ano in tlje Florida,tbe beleef tfjere^ af is common , ano all of tbem impute it to mans fume, ami to tbe tojatb of tlje fjigbetf potujeo out upon man&pno* Qftut let &s come pet to moje particular popnts* <©oo commanoeo Moyfes to make an^rfcefojtbe fauingofbimfelfeano&isboufeljolo, ano fojtlje #eferuing of tije feeoe of tlje toojlo tljere^no &e reckoned) tip im* to bS all tbe tobole lengtlj , tyeautlj ano oeptlj tbereof : tobicb i^ a p?cofe tUt fce I;ao tbe truetlj it (elfe, tufjeroftfje refioue ban but tbe fame^etnot^ttljliantring^lexander Polyhiftor,anO Abydene Alexander Po- 5oe to?ite , tljat Saturne fo^etoloe t?nto Xyfuthrus ■ tfje jfluti ere ft tyhiftor. rame ; ano tbat be maoe l)im an 9r!^e , to fatte all fcpno of €nttt\l Abydcmus ai. imtb biim^Dljat ljep?eferueo fy$ bolp to?itmgs b^ ingrauing tbem ]^e^J^m in certepne piHers at Heliopolis in yEgipt,ano fapleo in bis 3rfe ^0^e alaiuft toUiarrrs Armenie-.tljat after certepneoaies be fent fo^tb certepne iuiian, ° !Biros,ti)f)icb founo no o?pe grouno t tljat at tbe eno of certepne c= tljer naieSjlje fent out certeine ot^er ^irDStanu t^at in tl;e eno per cciuing 4^0 OP THE TREWNES miring type Imtu , %tt came ootone out of tbe 3rke m Armenie, tobere ( bp tbeir faping ) dje remnants of tbe 3tfce are ailigentlp kept bp tbe 3[nljabitanttf , toljo belpe tljemfelueg tottlj it m manp trifeafe3*3nti tbeir talking of Saturne fa accoutring to tlje matter of tbe Greekes,tobo furmifeo $ Iewes to Ijaue toojfljippeo Saturne, betaufe tljcp k£pt bolp tlje feuentb oap , giio tt map bee tbat Xy- futhrus map m tbe AfTyrian ttmg betoken aa mudj ag Noc , tobo tit sitters placets ban timers name* as toeereaoe ♦ jfleuertbelefle, tbfa Difference feruetb te fo? a pjofe,becaufe toe fee it is; not a Gnu pie fuppofall,but a firme tratrition from tbe jf atljer to tbe g>onne* lofcplius in %\& fame tbing fa repoiteo bp Berofus, not tbe counterfet Bero- his firft bookc fUs3but tlje fame Berofus toljom tlje auncient tourers alleage; ami ri«chantlClUI b? Ierom l^z ^giptian,Mnafeas tbe Phenician,am> otber^^eat ■ ap'3' ano tbep an further , tbat tlje place tobere Noc came ootone out of tlje 3rke toag callen Salch Noah,iu (Sroeke ccrtofixTHQiQv, tbat fa to fap Noes comming ootone,ano tljat tt toag at a certetne tyXmn* tatne calleo Baris oj Paropanifus , tobicb (accoutring to tbeir Ian* inhKtreatiTc gttage at tbat tpme)feemetb to come alto one*9IfoPlutarkefpea* that bcaftcs j^ct(j ^elfelp of tlje £)oue tbat Deucalion fent out of tbe 3rke arecapablc of t0 ft^t ^etaW : ano Phauorinus ann Stephanus fpeake of tlje place tobere tbe 9rke ret! etytobicb cannot be bnnerftoo of anp par* titular flutJ of Theffalie,tobicb ooubtlelTe toas contriueo out of tbe Dtberbmuetfallfluo* jftoto tberefojenotknotoingtobattoreplpe in tbfa bcbalfe, tbep ptcke a quarrell at tbe meafure of tbe 3rke, U ntagpning it barn foj (Sou to ooe tbat tobicb tbep tljemfeluea cait not noe > T5ut beCoeg tbat tbe 9rke toas a figure of tbe Cburcfj tobereinto all jf2atton$ ffeouln one tiap be gatberea aim faueo •, O- rigen fljetoetb to Celfus tbe Epicure b^ tbe ©eometrtcall Cubit, tbat it toag of a martteilotfa greatnelfe ano capacitte*9n& Buteon a Mathematick ueclaretb cjpjeflfelp in a btoke , tobat it contepnea fioote b^ foote, Co be ujo^fitlj toe rea&e tbat tbe jTluu toag burner* falljConfinering tbat tbat eoufo not be but bj> <3cd$ appopntment, toljo nottottbftantu'ng intenneo to faue tbofe tbat toerebfattbe Cgbt of fucb a mpjacle ougbt to make all tlje refimte creoible,toitb- out alleuging of meafurw in a potoer tobicb fa toitbout meafure* jToi toberajs fometotHnoeoes impute tbat jflxiD to a certeine great Comumtt'on of planets tobicb toajs at tbat tpme ; 31 feno tljem to lobnPicus tbe Carle of Mirandula, toljo not onlp p^ouetb tbat tbere toas( not Eric of Miran- tben anp great Comumtt'on at al,but alfo tbat altbougb tbere ban j^^^ bene one , pet tbep court not afftgne it to tbe namen popntj but ra* OF CHRISTIAN RELIGION.' 46 1 tfcer tbat bp tbeir otone rttlejS tl;e Coniunction toajef fueb at tbat tpme , tbat it betokeneo ratber an uniuerfali bunting tl>an an *mt* tterfailnjotoning of tbe too?lo* at t^e going atoap oftljisss iTlun , tbe ^crtpturt teHetb to£ of a cham* Ham 0? Cham MA)it\) nifcouereo $ ibame of Noe bfe father* Cbe C haldces fap it toa$ Zoroaftres , tobo looulo tm'tb |)i$ Cbarmeg baue mane bim barren ♦ ^e Greekes after tbem fepneo tbeir Iu- pitcr Hammon to baue geloen bim* 1&\)M turnen tbep tbe ifrtfto* tie into a fableAiketoife Iaphet fc none otber tban tbe Iapetus of tbe poetg^tobo take tbe renewing of tbe toojto after tbe jFlun,foj tbe&crpfirfl creation tbereof* Cben foflotnetb eonfequentlp tbe Thcjtonfofi. confufion of tbe tongues ♦ 3ltijsa nerp ctere cafe tbat languages °|\°^£f aretonobfe,butinrefpectoftbeiii«erfitieoftbem;infomucbtbat ° & * if tbere toere no moe bat one in all tbe toojto , it toere meere fono* neife to knotoe anp moe tban tbat ♦ %\)ttzfo}t like ag reafon baft fen bS to one faff man , fo ougbt it atfo to leanc M to one fid! Ian-- guage;tobicb toas but one alone, like as tbere toag but one man a* lone imtbbte toifc 3lf tbe oiuerfitie of tbem confiOtti as noto,bt:t in p jopjietie of pbjafetf aim fojme of toojoe$,it migbt be fapti tbat tbep ban bene aiteren bp pjoceffe of tpme ♦ 35ut it ig toefl knotone tbat tbere are manp languages , tobofe berp o?igmall luo^ngs are farre niuersannbtterlpbnlikeoneanotber, fatting in fomefetoe hio?ns tbat baue bene b^ougbt out of otber Countries bp &rauel* lers ann trane of sparcbannife , tobicb b^z euerp tobere retepnea fftfl tbe fame name* tbep ban in tbe place from fcobence tbep came* 3ge Ml fap tben tbat men imtenteo tbem toben tbep eonuepeo 3!n- babiters atyoaoe to people otber Countries ♦ 3ftut tobat a uanitte ban tbat binK. 2Bbat life of man couto baue fuffifen to no Wt 2Hbat benefite coulo baue infetoen of it,ettber to f muenter* tbemfefues, o) to tbeir foflotuera *♦ JSap, tobo feetb not tbat it ban bene a pub* lickemtferic H not a knotoleoge, but an ipojance ; not a pleafure, but a bell to pofteritie ? CerteOTe^ee fap tberefo^e tbat reafon lea* netb b£ to tljat tobicb tbe Scripture faptb ; namefp, tbat at tbe be- ginning tbere toag but one language t Cbat tbe niuining of Ian* guageis came not of men, but tbat tf)t niuiningof men came of tbe fciuiCon of Languages : ann tbat it tuaei not a neuict of men (U>b& attbattpmetoerefufftcientlp occuppen in tbe n&nfuHftnofcrtcnge of nature, ann in tbe finning out of profitable 3rtg{ ann Sciences) but a punifljment caa of (Son fcpon mankpnn • let bjs fee bote tbe amicient tujiter^ no further t^eft reafon^,The common opinion 4^- 0F THETREWNES Alexander Po is (ftp Abydenus anti Alexander) that men being bred ofthe Ab d«» £arth,and trufting in their own f trength, would needes in de- sibyll^115, *P*Snt of thcGods goe reare a Tower vp to the Sunne , in the Eufeb.lib.9. *ame place where Babylon now is : and that when they had cap.4.dcprc- raifed it very high, the Gods ouerthreweit andcaftit downe Par« vpon their heads with a great windrand that at that tyme be- gan the diuerfltie of Languages ; wherevpon , the Hebrewes called that place Babel . ©t ti)e,e tbmga fpeaketb Sibill alfo in fjeruerrcg in tbe felfefame tentte^«9nii Heftiaeus ana Eupolemus lot an,tl;at tbe pjtefts uijjirij fcapen from tbence,gate tbemfelucg Xoitl) tbe mttfenes of tljar Iupiter ( tlje famelnag rptber Nem- brodo^IupiterBe^mtot^iaiatnexifSennaarJromtfjetaljtc^ place men Departing; bp reafon of tbe ronfuSon of tongue* , began to feuer tbemfeluea ab^oa^e to people tbe reft of d;e tnojto^ere ie pleafetb Iulian to fall to ff offing ♦ For(faptb bee)a great fort of fuch globes as the whole earth is , being heaped one vpon an other , were not able to reach haife way to the Sphere ofthe Gcncd i. Moone . 75ut tlje reafon of tljte enterpjife of tbeirs is emuent; namelp tbat ctjetr intent toas to ijaue ban a refuge ageintf tbe fceigbt of tlje tnaterss,tfanp fluo fijouto come ageine,tbat is to fap, to make a banke ageurtt ©000 tojatij, tabid* it ban bene better foj tbem to baue pacifieo bv pjaper* 8no tljis pjpne of tbeirs is not to be trjougrjt fo (rraunge a matter, conquering boto toee reane in tbe J^iftojieg of tbe Greekes,tbat one Xerxes fent letters ofoefpance to tfje g>ea : aim in tbe JLptlt o?ies of tbe Romanies , tbat one Cali- gula unoertake a quarrel! againft Iupiter . 3no Iulian bimfclfe toas! not a toljit toifer,toben be toouln noeoeg take npon bim to im- pcacfj tbe kingoom of @oo9bp pjobtbtting tbe CbjifttW to reane poets ♦ 3no toberea* Celfus mill n#nes beare btmfelfe on bann, tbat tlje fapn flprttojie toas taken out of tbe fable of tbe Aloides: all men knoto tljat Homer toass tbe ftrft 3utboj of tbat fable, tutjo rame a long tpme after Moy fes. 3no in goon fcotij, tljefe particular rities of tlje confounding of tongues, of rljeoifperling of men a* tyoane , of tbe place Habere it befell , of tbe naming of Phaleg tinjo toa$ bojne at tbe berp tpme of tbe niuifion, ano fucb otljet ctrcum* fiances ; ooe euinentlp fljenje tbat Moyfes fpeaketb not at rouers: lurjereoftrjere is alfo tljia futtber p*ofe,tbat tbe £D?iginal$ of j3a* turn* accoutring to tljeoiuiDingof bou&bolog attbattpme5arenot reao of in anp otber 9utbo^ astopne alfo i$ tbtefaping oW;ctr^act?ie burning up of So- dom OF CHRISTIAN RELIGION^ 463 dom is taken from tbe talc of Phaeton, tobicb w in o&oe as farrc sodom. fr om ft as Ipeauen is from tbe eartlj.Jfojt euen at $i* t>ap tbere arc ^ckneinjHS per (till to bee fame tbe remapnoersof <8oos tojatb , noteo bp fimpks Strabo,Galen,Meia,anootbers : namelp tbe bitter lake toljerc* paufaniasin in nothing can liue; tbe banks thereof Ipuco toitlj bitumen -,tbe his EHaks. Atones aiuktug *«& rtlt^e > ^e K&* beartag fruites fapje to tbe *°f n™ in ms cpe,imt failing to Cmticr ano fmoke in tbe banO;tt)bicb tbings fce yadmsfn h» reaoe not of to Ijaue bin fdene anp tobere eis, ano pet in a uallcp i^ booke- moft beautifull to bebolo/tobcrc ft oooe at tbat tpme fiue Cities, oj accojoingtoStrabotbirteene, tofcicb toere all confumcotoitb fire fo? ttnncagema nature* 3no lofephus fape tb tbat tbe 3mage ft piller of fait lubereinto Loths topfe toas turneo , toas to be fane tbcre euen in bis *tytz ♦ ^Ixfe arc tbe greateft tooonoers of tbe liooke of Genefis^berefioeU) tbereof confiftetbin tbe Ijiftojicof Abraham ano of bis CWfojeiua* foj tbelitynces oftbofeoapesr, toe baue notber ipeoegree noj bifanie of tbem among tbe Ipeatbett lwpters : ano tberefoje it is tbe moje to be tooonumo at, tbat tbcp Ijaue fpoken of our febepberos* St o) Berofus fapetb tbat about a Evti8mX& ten generations ojoefcents from tbetmtuerfail jFta&,t&cre toas a* de praePar- tnog tbe Chaldees a great man tbat crceileo in 9Hrotioitite« 3no ^pGj;mus inc tbat bpbim Berofus ment to betoken Abraham, Eupolemon oe* hi" booke of rtaretb ;fojbe faptb tbat in tbefapo tentb generation , Abraham thekwes. liwts bojne in Camerine a 'Cotunc of BabyIonie,otberU)tfe calleo Abraham and* Vr 0} Caldeoplej^bo inueteo 9(Tronomie among tbeChaldees, hisrace- ano tuas in tbe fauour of 600 , bp u>bofe commatmoement bee re* moueo into Phenice,tobere bee tattgbt tbe courfe of tbt ^pcone, of tbe %>unnc , ano of tbepanets,iuljerebpbee greatlp pleafco tbe Sing: nottoitbttanning tbat be Caitfrljcebao rcceiueo it from ton to bant* from Enoch 3 tubome tlje Greekes (fapctb bee) calico Atlas , tmto ixjljome tbe 3ngelles baa taugbt manp tbmgctf,. 9lfo be rebearfeeb tOe 'Battel! tbat toas maoe b^ Abraham fo? tbe rccouerp of Loth, ttc intertemment of Mekhifedek, tbe out Ufa toarts tbat Abraham iuoureo fcn Sara bis Doife in >Egfpc , ano tl^e placrurtbot 620 did c& upon Pharao to make btm to Dclmerbcr ^rabani»in to Abraham ageftn 9nO Artabanus in bis Co^ie of tlje Iewesre* hisHiftodc of pojttctbalmol! tbefelfefame tljings ; aOOtng,tbat of Abraham tbe thekwes. Iewes )&m calleo Hebrewe55toberin tlje twereneffe of tbe names Mclon *g*™& jjecetueobtm^ Melon in bisbtokes ageinfttbe lewes , tujate tbat thelcwcs- Abraham ban mo fcuues : ano tbat by tbe one of tbem twbitl>^as au iEgiptian,ljc l;ao ttolue c^rt^jen, among yxfyom Araby U)a« jarte^ 4^4 OF THE TREWNI5 partcb , tobtcb cucn m bis cptnc l;au ttoclue Sing* (till t (®bofe toerctbe ttoelue bonnes of Ifmaeli tlje S>onne of Abraham bp Agar tlje i£giptian , tobiclj *« fa botone bp name in Genefis,) 3no tljat bp tbe otljer(tobtcb toas a toomanof t&e CountrieofSy- ria,)!jc Ijab but onelp one ^onne nameb Ifaac, to&o Ip&etoife Ijaa tlMdue feomicSiOf lubom tlje pongeff toas calleb Iofeph,of tobom Moyfcs(faptb l)e)OefcenOCB. 3ifo Alexander fettetlj f©?tb Abra- hams facrifice at lengtlj,anb tlje cljilbjen tbat be fjau bp Chetura. aim in Ijt* bifto^tcljc allcogetlj one Cleodemus alPjopbet,otbcr* totfe called Malchas^urijom beaffirmetlj to agra toitb Moyfes in tbe Hpiftojie of tbe Iewes, ageine^Hecatams tbe Abderite bautng bene in Iewry, bib purpofelpmafce a bto&e of Abrahams Ipfe, tobtcb tbtnff Ije l;au not of Ijis otone maitter Sing Alexander, Co bee (Jojt, tbat tobtcb Orpheus fapctb of a certeinc Chaldee bnto tobom onel v ©o& mamfeftco bimfelfe, feemetlj to be fpoken of A- braham .tfo} be bab bin conuerfanc in iEgipt,toljere tfte tenotome of Abraham toaa fo create , tbat euen in tbeir Coniut ing* tbep made ejcpjelfe mention of tbe (Sou tobom Abraham bab too$)ip* peo^&e fame Alexander tojitetb tbe fleeing of Iacob fo? feare of {jig fyotber Efawe; bts abobe in Mefopotamia ; {pia feuen peeress fetuice 5 bte matping tottb ttoo &itter0 ; tbe nomber of bis €\)il* tyen*, tbe rauiflnng of Dina ; tbe flaugbter of Sichem; anb lifcetoife tlje felling of lofeph ; bis impjtfonment , bfa beliuetance fo? ejr* pounbing of Djeames* *!?i& autbojitie in jEgipt; l[)i$ matping toitlj Askeneth tlje baugljtet of Pethefer tlje Ipigbpjtetf 5 ty\% ttoo feonnes bp name toljicb toete bojne of bet ; tbe comming of bfe fyodjets into £gipt -, tlje jfeaff tbat be mane tbem; tlje Sue partes toljiebb* gatte to Beniamin ( tobercof tbisi&ittojiogtapbef intcn* bed* to peelo a teafon)rlje comming of Iacob 9 of his tobole boufe« Ijolb into jfcgipt ; of toljat age euetp of tbem toag; an& bo to manp Cbflbjeneuerpof tljembab* atmfo gee bjingetbbsbotonefrom Noe to tbe jFltro,from tbe Jf Iu& to Abraham ,from Abraham to Leuie, anbfrom Leuie to Moyfes ; fymbtit euet among b)it(j faultesintepojtingtbe tbings none , loitlj Differences in acroun* ting tbe petejf, ano b)itb fome anbitions of fmall importance l)txt anb tbete ; taljicb feme to fymz tbat be ba& not tbofe fipiff ojiea im* meDiatlp out of ^eBpWe,but o«c of fome otbet boofees tubicb be babfene elfetobfte* Cbefelfefametbing^bioTheodotuseon* uepinto b^lPoetrie: an&Itfcetoife PhiloBiblius, Nicholas of Damaico,Arift«us, anb otljer& ©f toljom tHjit latcet mabe a pe- culiar 6 V CHRISTIAN RELIGION^ 4^ J cultat ocfcription oftlje ffojie of Iokljotolje toss tempteB ag toell bp tbe Dwell as bp bis neighbours -, affirming Ijim to 6auc bene tie pontic of Efawe Otoelling in tbe marchess bcttoeenc Idumea ano Araby ,tofjtcb tljing be coulo not baue reo in tbe Scripture*. ^o be foojtjtbe places tabtebbearetbe name of Abraham botb in Damafco,in Chaldee,anO in tbe JLanO of Chanaan;anfc of Iofeph tn Egipt,togetber feritb tbe w\l of ttwnfcerfull .amiqutcte ncare to Afcalon,oo giueus afltinmcebotb of tljeir aboue m Paleftine, ann of tbeir remouing into Egipt. 3m> Manethon tbe Iptftojicgba* pbc r of Egipt fcttetfc bs fcotune tbeir o?igtnall,ar;ti tljetr commute Dotoneinto Egipt, terming tljem fn bis; language StfjepeberO' kings 3 tobtcb toad 3 beeaufc tbat a$ toes reaoe in tbe Scriptures, tbeir toealtb condfteo in €mc\l IBut of all tfjefe auncient toi?iter$ toee baue but fragment^fucfc ag me coulo gather together out of auncient 9utbo#* Jftoto let bg come to Moyfes. Alexander faptlj tTjat Ije toag tlje fonne of Amram tlje fonne of Elat,tbe fonne of Uuie,tbe fonne of Iacob, ano fo fcojtfc : tljat ig to fap , a natural* lfraelite ano not an jfcgiptian. "But let b* Ijeare Artabanus concerning bte firft com* Artabanus ming bp>ano tbe oifcourfe ofljfe toljole life* l£>e faptlj t&at Meris concerning tbe fonne of Kenephris King of /Egipt, being bnable to tyiut cljik thc Icw<* tyen , a&opteo a cijiloe of tlje Iewes calleo Moyfes , ano mftrttctea fnm in t&e lames ; t»bo aftertoaru gaue letters to tfce ifcgiptians, ano toag reputeo of tbem as a (Sou ano nameo Mercune : %fat Kenephris beeing enuious of W reputation, fentljtm into tbe toarres againft tbeEthyopians , toitb an armie of Iewes bntrap* neo , to tlje intent tbat botb be ano tbep migbt baue perifljeo toge* tl;en3n& tljat Moyfes oemeaneo bnnfelf fo toifelp,tbat tlje Ethy- opians being ouercome , bao tym in fuel) eff imation, tbat tfjep re* ceiueo CircumciBon of Jim : ^bat at bis returne , great counte* nance toas maoe bnto bim3botobeit tbat be perceiuing it to be none topon an euiUmpno,toitbo?eto bmifelfe into Arabie,tobere be ma* rieo tlje uaugbter of Raguel a King of tbat Countrie: 3Jn $ iobicft nieane time,tbe King of ^gipt tbat ban opp^elfeo tbe Iewes toitfy fo manp topleg anir(to tbe intent be mtg&t t^z mo?e fafelp feill $e) Ijaoappopnteutbema cettepne iiuerie-, tyw berpfunoenlpofa JLeap^oCe*Cbefe tjingg are not repojteo bp Moyfes; fo? \)t folate sot anp rbing to $e aouauncement of bimfelfe,but treateo altoge^ tber of <^onsi bicto jies3 anti not of bte olnne . T5\tt in tlje felfefame 9tttfto? t^erefollotoet^ tfeecalUnjj of Moyfes.This Moyfes (faitb +66 OF THE TREWNtS jje)wasoccupyed in continuall prayer to God for the deliue- rance of the people : And one day as he was earneft in pray- ing,there iffewed a fire out of the earth, where was not any fie matter to burne,and a voyce tolde him that he fliould deliuer the Iewes and bring them into their Countrie . Wherevpon without raifing of any force , he by the counfell of his wiues father , declared the will ot God to the King, who by and by committed him to prifbn . But the prifondoores were ope- ned vnto him by myrade , and he went to the Kings bedfide, and fummoned him again to obey God. And when the King had afked him the name of the GOD , Moyfes told it him in his eare,whereat he fell into a fwound,but Moyfes raifed hira vp againe by the hand , and the Prieftes that made a fcoffe at it dyed out of handle Declared) aftertoara tfjat tlje Ring xtqixu re&fipes, ami tfcat Moyfes turnen fjtefetaffemto a Serpent: ^fjat be fmote tfje rmer of Ny le ana maue it to otterfl otoe : €%at lie ft rafce it apme,ann it returner) tmtfjin W banfcest'Cijat tfcere* Upon ti;ep?ieffes of Memphis toere commatuftetj to uoetije lifet matter bpponpame of tljeirltfe, ana tfcat ttjcpbp attefl&atrteftc fyoucrjfjt fco^tf) a Djagon, ana cbaungen tfje colour of tfje rium Op meaner toftcreoftrjc i£mct. became fo pjouse , tbat !je fcarDeneu W fceart agatnft tfje Iewes : C&ac tijen Moyfes fmote tfyt eartf) tmrfj %i$ moo , ano rtjeeartl) tyougljt fanb ftrft benemous if Ipeg, ntft irrogje^ tfeen 6rafl)opperg,anu aftertoara otljer ftrange ttynggf: Wherevpon (faptf) t\)i<6 Ottfojtograpljet ) there hath growen a cuftome of keeping and reuerencing a Rod in their Temples euer fince , becaufe they holde opinion that Ifis is the Earth, which beeing ftriken with that Rod , brought foorth thofe things. In the end there was (faptf) %t) fuch an Earthquake o- uer al /£gipt,that the King determined to let that people go. But in this poynt the Priefts difagree.For the Priefts of Mem- phis fay that Moyfes marking the tyde paffed the Sea at a low water . Btit the Prieftes of Heliople fay, that the Kings intent was to purfew the Ifraelites to recouer the lewels which they caryed away with them out of /£gipt,and that Moyfes being warned of God ftrake the Sea,which gaue place to him and al his people,and that the jEgiptians were partly deftroyed with thunder and lightening,and partly drowned in the lame wa- ters. When thev were paffed the Sea,they liued thirtieyeeres in the wildcrnefle and were fed with a certcyne Snow, which God OP CHRISTIAN RELIGION. 4#7 God did rayne downe vpon the from heauen.And this Moy- fes was a man of a tall ftature,browne,with long heare on his head and a Ion ^ beard,and a countenance full of maieftie;and when he did all this worke of his,he was fowerfcore and nine yeeresold. recoin of all atm* cient to^tter^tljat tbe people toljom Ije carpeti atoap,t»ag aftraum ger in ^gipt: ana toljen (jeljimfelf rebearfetb openlp tlje benefited lobidj t!;at people bat* receiueu at (Song bans, You knowe (faptlj ije ) that there hath not bene any ficknefle or difeafe among you^fincc the tyme you came out of .€gipt.9nt> on tfje contra= rie part be menafetlj tbem toitlj tbe piagucs^'BpIefif, ana ^otcljcg of ^gipt,if tljep offenneti 6otu 3Infomuclj tljat labereag tnanp ** tljetaunrientlatuea, tljere is no mention mane of anpojnerfoj tbem tljat are mfetfeo toitlj tfje leapjofie: m tljfe late(a* tbougb c a»a ten toben tbep u»cnt into Egipt ; ami Ijott tljtn i$ it pofr *>t ifacL fiblc tljat t&tp fbouln be fo manie at tbeir going our V3 toilnot al» leage anp miraculoufiies , tljcuglj tbe Scripture aectoetbat tfjr.t people increafea t>frp greatlp ; infomucb tbat it termetb tbem Dp tbetoan&Fr/e^astbaugbit fpakeof jftf(b?s,15ttt 31 befecljctljem to make fomctobat a nearer reckenimy 3 not tuttb ti)e largeO, bat after tbe ojfcmarie matter, tobat nombermpgbt rife of tb?ecfco?e ano ten perfones in Totter fnnitycu peeres? vj tbrreabonts , tubicb taas tlje tpnte tbat tbep loerc in Egipt-, anD tl)cp (IjaH finu tbf tr full »omberafo)etfteprotnetoE\Mobm«)?eD amiftftpe peered after tbe fame maneruotae fe tljat ^b?^ffo^e boufebottte of Arabians, jjafftnginto Afirica intfyetpnie oftfc* Duufian^nxier Calis 3 baa peoplco OF CHRISTIAN RELIGION. 4^ peopled fectoaugfemttti leffetban ttoabtmbjea peeresctnfomucb tbac-enen at tbi* nap ,tlje l&ouinccs beare tbename* of Beni Megher,Beni Guaricen, Beni Fenfecar anO fo fcojtb ; tfeat lis too faptljeCbiltyenofMegher, of Guariten,anDof Fenfecar. 9MJ tbcre teas not tbat jf amilie tDbic!) pcopeleo not feme one g>bire o$ otber* 9lfo tbe ©Lteft indyes toljicb i^aue not bin knotoen vmto fc* aboue one bufflijeD pseretf, toill tttttyn one &tmn?et> mo be peoples toitlj fepanpar&s^o be (bojt3Viues fattb,be faiae anbonetf man in Spayne 3 ujljiclj !jao peoples a tillage of a bun&jefc boufe* tottb tbe tffcto of bis oumebo&p, Co as! tbe named of ktnreu faplca* 3 no tl;fe pjefent peere tberc bpeti a noble lafcte in Germanic , \&\)icfy bao feene a ijtmojeo ano tljjeeftoje Cbitojen bojne of bitfclf ana Mtf; ano pet tfce one baif ofijtr Cbilo?en apeo afoje tfcep toere marpeD ; ana tbofe tbat are marpco are of age to Ijaue mairie mo* ^betrfaping cberefo^e bely)apetbamanifefl ignopvce, Ipke as tljentfootfj tobo being: ignore of pjogreuKonin arttbemetil^UHH cafelp bargapne fo? aljojfe oj fome otl;cr tbmg, to giue euerp bap fcobie fo? it Buringatoboiemoonctb , beginning toitb a pennpe* tobo bp tbat cpme tbat tljep tome but too tbe mtbfcs ofdje moonetfc, begin to pcrceiue tljat ftfttcb no reafon couId bane beaten into tbeir beaog afojc , namelp ilja t all tijc goob$ tfc ep Ijauc are not able too ftruetlje twite* after Moyfes fttccebeb Iofua, tol;o bjottgljt rbe people into tlje iofua. pjoinifea Lanfc, fo as £ Chananytes ato partlp flee before ijtm,an& partlp toere ma&e tributaries unto Whfye tbat (bal reaoe tbe bop« ajje of tbt'a peopte from iournep to iournep,ann confiocr tije bottnt g anti coafls of tljeir portion* ; taill bpanobp m&gc tbe mtetb of ti;e Cojte* IBnt pet Procopiusin btsijilhnieoftbe Vandales, leatietb Pwcopiusin tos a notable mark* hereof in tbefeto>oju&Al the Country(faietf) h^c6d book be) which lycth from Sidon to Egipt , was in old tyme called °f J^y!^ Phenice ; and they that wrate the Hiftoryof the Phenicians,^^ report that in old time it was all vnder one only King.In thefe coftes dwelt the Gergefitesjebufites & other nations,who at fuch tyme as they fawe the great army of lofua comming to- wards them,remoued into ^gipt.But within awhile after,by- caufe that Country could not bearc them, they paiTed into A- frik, where they buyldedniany Cities and peopled the whole Country euen to the Pillers of Hercules.and their language is half Phenician. Alfo in Numidy (among other Cities ) they builded Tingit^the feat whereof is very {rrong,where are two Gg 3 Pillers 470 OF THE TREWNES Fillers of white ftone to be feene nere vnto a greate Fountain, wherein are grauen thefe words in the Phcnician tongue : we be thofe that fled from the Robber Iofua the ionne of Nun. Such(fapetb be)is the original of thofe Nations, whom wc call at this day Maurufians.Qlnt) Eupolemus (apetb tbat Iofua PjO; pbr fieri a IjunDjco ano ten peeres 5 aufc placet* tbe 3Tabcrnnrie in Silo, fftom tbence be leaped) to Samuel^ from Samuel to Saule, tobom be affirmetb to bane bin anointeD at 6o&s eowman&menfj ans fo to Dauid,tubom(calung tlje one fo? tbe otljer)be caUctlj tbe fonne of Cis. 35 ut beitorienc Iofua ana Saul,toe bauc tbe time of tbe Uuogeg; in tbe fante of inborn fome bane market* , tbat tbe migbtie Dee&es of Hercules are fepneti out of p Ooingjs of Sampfon, ana tbe Dots Saul. of Agamemnon out of tbefcoto of Iephtha, Dauid(faitb f fame Dauid. ^utbo?)fuboeU)£0 tije Ammonites,Moabites, Itureans, Naba- theans ana otbet nations tbat ejeteno tmto tbe IRmer Euphrates> ann mane tbe tiiinc; of Tyre ann tbe Phenicians trtbutarie to burn 9fterto)aro an SngeH caUen Nathan fyetoeobim tbe place tobere tbe temple Cbouto bee buttoeo, fo? tbe tnbicb be pjepareo toaj^e^ men5anu riggeo fcojtt!) febippes at tbe Cittie of Melan m Araby, ant* fent tbem to an 3|Ie of tbe red fea calleti Vrphen, from tobence The Scripture ty fetcbeti great quantitie of ®o!o,Copper > Ce&cr toa>ti am fuel* of the Prophet ot^w tbinggj* jftottm'tbffantmtg Cfaietb bee) tbe §tTgeII tooulo not tbat be ftouto buplo tbe ^emple,becaufe be ban bene ft eineo toitft blun in tbe Eatress ; ann fo tbat toojfce teas referueo to Salomon Xof husiibr ^ ^>onne> ^bo tmt totbeCrotune at tbe age ofttoeltte peered Annqultrls! ^nto ofl;oto great ricljes Dauid uja^tt map appeerebpbistumb, cap.i6.& Hb. toberein after tbe cuftome of tbofe tpme$,be Dtn lap bp great trea* i6.caP 1 1.& furesUifoj about an etgbtbuntneo pereg after,Hircanus beeingaO of the ievvifli fap|eD j,p Antiochus tbe go&Ip j teoke tinee tboufantJ talents out cl^ of onetrault to content bim tmtbaIL3nt> uritbin a labile after ,He- p* rod opened another bault anu founo as mucb tbere ♦ CObat nota- Salomon. biz tbingg reatie toe of Salomon ? jf irff bte buifoing of tbe Cem- ple,tobtrij is fcefcribet) (faitb lofephus) as toell in tlje Cbjonirfes of tbe Tyrians,tbe Competitor of tbe Iewes, as in ours. 3ntr in tbeir 'Creafojie ate kept tbe tetters of Salomon to Hyram Eing lofephus in of Tyre,an& Hirams letters bnto bim; brfn'cb make mention of tbe Hs antiquities. ^m nomber of Carpenter^ tbat Hiram fentbnto bim ; of tbe o?* Euftb hPb2g I,cr thM Salom^n t©ke fo? tbe finding of tbem b^ impoftg, anti of e* conolp tbe Scripture maRetb great commendations of Salomons totfcoome; infomucb tbat tbe Ciueeneof Saba came from a farre to fee bim* 3no toe reaoe in Plu tarke,tbat it toas a ruffom among ^^3™* tbe Uttngs of olo tpme,to put quettions one to anotber3to trpe tije seaaCTC° ** abtlttie of tbeir toittes , ano tbat a certeine pjapfe toas appopnteo fo? bint tbat toonne tbe nuto?ie* 3no Dius an ©iff ojiograpber of iofcphusiu, tbe Phenicians,rebearfet^ tbe Hiooles ant) dueftions tljat Salo- «p-2* mon fent to fting Hiram,faptng tljat tt coft Hiram oerp mucf) be* raufe be toas not able to aflbple tijem , birttH at lengtfj Ije founo a pong man of Tyrus nameo Abdemon, tobo oecppbereo onto lu'nt tbe molt part of tljem, ano as touebmg tbe £}u#ne of Saba, tofco came from tbe 31le of Meroe to fe Salomon; tlje CbjonicleS of ^Ethiope report tbatbemametoas Makeda, anotbatfte^aoaThCHiftoiy fonne bp Salomon, uujicb toas nameo firft Meilirh, $ aftertoaro of Ethiop. Dauid ,tobom (be maoe ber €?etre of tbat great €mpire ^ic^ toe Makcda. itoto aoapes ooe call defter 3lobns lano ♦ Liketoife it repojtetl) tbat (be carieo toitb ber ttoelue tbottfano Vetoes, of euerp ^Lrpbe a tbottfano* 3no becaufe tht nobleft men of tbat Countries vaunt tbemfelues to bee of tbe bluo of Ifraell ; altbougb tbep ijaue recefc «eo tbe <$ofpell , pet ooe tbep reteine CircumciKon ; not tbat tbep tbmfee it nereflarie to faluatton(fap tbep-, )but to tope (Jill tl;e pje« *ogatiue of tbeir bluo* 2£Xbat remapnetb vtt futtber *: %\\z <§>aplmg of Salomons S)bippesi;tobtcb laden tb^ pcereg; ano tbat fcxmetb onto tbent tncreoible.^no fo bp tljat rule3let ns aitoaies be at tbfe popnt, ne« tier b^ our goon toffies to bel^tte tbat tobtcb toee bnoerllano not* But tobo tii be at tljts oap tobom tbe ^paniaro^ ano po?ttngaIe$ fjaue not perftoaneo t^at ? g>pecmllp tl)t po?tinga!esi,tobicb are a pere mx> eigbt ntonctbeg.a making tbeir l)opage,nottoitbf!anriing tbat tbep baue barb tbe ofe of tbe Compa{Te,ano better knotofeage «f t^e &u&, ana m^je certeme i^arbo^ougb^ anu a fyojtcr cutte* ©g 4 %tto 472 OF THE TRSVVNES 2.chron.3. anti furelp tt t^ not to bcc pa(Tctr o«cr Itgbtlp , tfjat tbe (Sols tbat toas tyottgbt borne bp tbe faps jftauigattons, ts calles in tfpebjttu m tbe suaU nomber Paruatm,as if a man tuouls fap,bjougbt f com tbePerous, oj from tbe Indies as luclitbe Call Indies as tb* SBcft Indies , as a ccrtcine learncrr man of our tpme batb notes* brand dntoT S>0 ** *e ^*® ^^ CallCD &P ^£ IWme °f tl^C tOUtltTie Of T5)&s Chronologic. ^ ftom *ce ft tS bjougbt : ans ggarijoarban tbe Dutg5bp tbe name of $r)acboaeban tbe countrte , ana fo fontb of otber tbtngs* #0} as toucbtng tbe Jftautgatton to tbe busies bp t!je res <§>ea, tt toas otter comon , botb to tmplop fo mucij tpate about it, ans alfo to make fo great a matter of tt* The remo- ^ t\)t p^iz* 0f tljc Vang* following y tbe cbt'efe tljmg* ™ Tr°te tf)at are t0 ^C ww*^ 3 m ^e $?* remoutng«£ atoap of tbe tenne i.KmgB.i 5. bribes of Ifraell , tbe firft bnset Phacea tbe <§>omie of Romelia ans Ofeas EtngS of Ifraell, bp Tigbath Phalaflar ans Salmana* far Sings of tb* Adrians. %ty matter tobereof teas tfjat tbe 3if* 2.Kings.r7. radices lucre caries atoap into farre Countries, (fpeciaflp t!;e bed 4-Efdras. i3. ^t 0f tbem,. ) ans otber jftattrms toere places tbere in tbetr fleas* #0} tbe 31fraelttes toere conuepes tbence into Medians rereiucs tbesmnbabites Cotmtrpes to stoell in , ans of tljem came partly Herodotus li 2 ttjtCholchiansftrtjO tn tbettme of Herodotus caufes tbemfelue* to be ctrcumctfes ; ans partlp tbe Tartarian* , tobo about tl;c pert of ottrlojs a tboufans ans ttoo bunsjes , oucrrubclmeo rtjeeartlj Jpke a toaterflus bnser tbe leaning of Cingi, ans aftertoars sis fct Up tbe €mptre of tbe greate Chan^ 9ns m berp scrsetbep tocrc Circumafes afoje tbep euer beats of Spabomet -r ans tbep parities Mh'nglp togoetobislatoc, fomttcb tbe ratber becaufettfee> . men- to- bdii of tbetrs* 9ns tbetoojo Tartars oj Stares figntfc ttl) Remnants o? Leauings in tbe fepjtan tongue^erilp etten as mong tbe !&o?ses of tlje Tartars , m tbt furdjd! partno^tbtnars, tbere are toljtcb baue retetnes (till tbe names of Dan 3 Zabulon t Nepthaly ; ans tberefoje ttts not to be monseres at, tbat tljerc be fo manp 3Ie\ueS in Rufsie^armatra^ns Lituania,ans fo djc not- *er to tbe ^Dartartans ftitt tbe mo. dje fame batb no leffe Iphelp^ ijos of truetb concermng tbe ^urftcsv sfo} tlje luo^s ^urk mtyts tnetoe, figntfietb bamQjes men , ans ts talven mtoap of repzocbe. 9ns tt ts utrplp^elp-, tbat ^abomet to efebctue tl;e offensmg of tbofe fo great Rations, \»btcb at tbat tpmc began to anmke,bels ftinCttcmnctfion, anstfeeClcanfingSj ans tlje Ceremonies of MoyfeslLatoe* OF CHKISTIAW RBLIGlOIfi 475 3$ toucbing tlje remamtng atuap to TBabplon , toljirfj toas pe- ntliatlp of tbe trpbe of Iuda: Alexander Polihiftor faitb erpjeflp, tfjat m tlje tnrte of Ioachim King of Iuda , Ieremy lriag fent tonto tbem from (&oo,to foretell tbem of extreme calamitie,becaufe tljcp tao^ippen anitioll caUeD Baall ; Ioachim commautrteo biin to be burneo $uicke ; ami tbat Ieremy fapo further , trjat tl;e King of Aflyria 0>oulu make tijem labour to m'gge a Cljannell to faple out of Euphrates into Tygris :ann tijac Upon tbat Ijope Nabuchodo- Thc p^. nozor putting bimfelfe in amies tottb all W potter, fpopleu Sa- rancc by a™* maria,tcoke Hierufalem, ano leo atoap Ioachim pjtfaner* %\}t feme tljing fe toitneflea bp Diodes , ant> liketmfe namelp bp Be- rofus tire Chaldean , tofjo fapetlj tbat tlje fapo captiuitie insures %\ft& fcoje peered ana ten* Alpheus a&netb tljat Megafthenes an auncieut 3utboj tojitetlj , tfjat Nabuchodonozor at \)i& returne fjome, Urns token toitlj mamteffev ano apeo crptng inccflantlp ta tl;e BabpIoman$,tbat a great mtfcljief toa* neere tbem , tolnclj alt tfcepotoer of tbetr ©o&g couto not ffap* For(quotf) bee) a Hafe- afTe'ofPerfia flial come and make vs his thralles.'djeman tftat Ije fpake of toas Cirus ; tobo ( a$ Alexander Polyhiftor ami He- ^hu^n hl* eateus tfce Abderite Uoo Uritn*(Fe)btuIoetJ Up tlje Cemple of Hie- bSSSI rufalem ageing. 9te concerning Sefakes bopage againft Roboam,Herodotus fpeaketlj eutoentlp enougb,a!beit tljat (je name Ijim not, Hectoring tbat be crept fcppon bte bdlp to i£gipt,Sy ria,ami Paleftine . 9nn tlje Ito^te of Sennacherib te tbere fcn&er trjat felfefame name, attr ijotu b?e toag flapne at fjte comming fcome , mm tljat an 3Image l -Kfop** toag fet bpfcnto b«n tm'tfr tljfe infcription,Learne by me to feare Herodotus la* God,foj a memorial of ilroj!e,of tlje great Djottjj&t tbattnaa in tlje tpme of Achab , ano of tbe a-- s ^ Jt inmoance of rapne tljat tuag obtepneu by tljep?aperd of Hellas: ' s ' after f imitation thereof, tlje Greekes fe^neD tbe like of Aeacus. anD Iofephus uoitnelfetb tlrat bee Ijao reatr tlje tfo?ie of lonas in ntanp Commentaries^ j. tbe tobiclj is rife in rememberance vet (rill among tbe Arabians of Affrick . 3rm a^ toudjiug tlje sreatnelTe of Niniuie,it igi Defcriben fullp alike in Diodorus. Diodoms Ji,^ Cbe token tbat 6>oo gaue to Ezechias bp malting tbe Auntie to retp?e badke certepne tiegrajs? , toasi regiareo in tlje Cbjonirfes of tbe Babylonians, ano of tbe SOifemen of Perfia; tbe tobicl) to^ ^ni^in his ien .(foine f% anu not toicljout fome grouno) toau %mtn fo anto H^a«M^ 474 OF THE TREVVNES bim.,becaufe be ueligbteo tn aiTronomp,atti Ijau refo?me& t%t He- brew £alenoer,,But manp amtcient bookee; arc loft, tobirb migbt tell ba tmtdj mo?e oftfjefe matters!,.r2euertbeleflre,3i luoulo fapne baue tbefe controllers of out* Scriptures, to tell me if tbep feats* a- tip ^ifanre among tbe i[)eatben , tbat iWbmoetmtneflesoftbe tretuneiTe tbeitof,tban tbe ©itfojie oftftc 3!rt»ea*8m» tobetber a* np, euen of tbe greatett €mpp?es of tbe roo?lo,be fo confirmed bp tbe 5)iffo?ies of frenos,as ttje l£)tffo?ie oftijac fettle Jftation i$ con* ftimenbpbte enemies* 3n& tobereas tbep obtert , tbat twee fee no fucb mp?aclea m ottt Bates t 31 i»til p?coue bnto tbem in anotljer place, tbat tbe like baue bene feene fince , tobtrb bauep?&ceet>e& from tbe fame potoer^ut it is; enougb fo? me at tbis tpme to put tbem in rememb?ance,tbat if true mp?acles ban not bene \w?ougbt intbe too?lo,toe(bouU>not baue ban fo manp falfe mp?acles among tbe 5peatl;ciu jftap,3l fap mo?e, twee fljouto not baue fo mucb as tbe berp name of S^pjacle, Uibicb coulo not baue bene giuen at tbe ftrff,but to tbings tljat a* r#ue tbeabilitie of man,peaami of allotfeer Creatures^ a0 ttyngg rigbtlp too?tbie of tbat name* obieaions ^oto remaine tbe 3bfuroittes tofjtcb t^ tofll n&bes finbe,be< concrndng caufe tbep bnoerftano not tbe reafon^ljat lata of pours(fap tbep) AWurdiiics. fian&s talking of Tfrealtes , of ipaff urcs , of ffi >;en tbat oolte tuitlj tbeir bo?nes , ano of fucb otljer tbingei ♦ 'Cbcfe are too bafe tbings fo? tbe b3D^n tbat p?oceet>etb from ©ADD. 22*bp fap tbep not like* tmfe,tbat tbep toere too bafe tbingei fo? ©on to create?3nn tobere- fo?e are latoes mane , but fo? tbe benefite of man? 9no altbouglj tbepmigbt feemebple in refpert of ©on ; can tbep oenpe tbem to baue bene profitable in refpect of men, at tbat tpme tobnt men fojt tbemoltpartliueti bp gra?ing?But of tbefe nice fedotoes 3 tooulo fcnotoe tufjat tbe latoes of Plato toere,ano tobat tbe latoes of tbe ttoelue tables toere, at fucb tpme as tbe Romanes toere Crimen ano ©raspers *i o? tobattbeiatoes of Venice tnere, tobtn tbep toere but jif iters': 2>et ao toe reuerence tbofe I atoes fo? tbeir an* tiquttie ; infomucb tbat if toee fino but fome olo fragment of tbem, tuetbinketoebauea 3!ctoelT: rnto tbe Cmperoures of Rome being in ttjetr cbtef glo?ie,raceb not out of tbeir Digefte; tlje latueei tbat begin tbuei. If Cattcll : no? tbe Venetians tbeir g)tatuteei of £& fbingmo? tbe Frenchmen tbeir o?omances of Spunting ann 0ato5 ^ing^tobicb migbt in manp Coutries feeme matters to be laugbcD at in our &aias 3 ann pet t^ere torn euen t^en \»1)id) carpen tbem WW OF CHRISTIAN RELIGION. 475 intootber Countries;, asncceflarteto appeafeftrifeg in tbeir ntte tpme ann place* Co bee fljo^as long as! Rome tows cbamppon* grounn,itmane JLatoegs againft tbe barmes of Cattcll* ^ut toljen tt fell once to builning, it inane laiues fo? (Gutters, Cbanete ann Sbinkesf ♦ GOben it began to fccke tbe mine of otber men,it mane iatoes of 35attell,of £Oaifare,ano of tbe facking of Cittctf* 9nn tobenitlitfeo to neftropeitfelfe, it mane Latoes: of IRebellions, pjefcriptiong ann bamfymcnts* 911 tbe tobicb mere alike beboofull ann neceflarie in tbeir tpmeg : ami tbe firft lawmakers toere \\& leflebonojcotban tbe latter: botobeittbat tbe ftate of tfteCom?' mott»ealel»a$ toojfe annmo^e cojtupteo in tbe latter tpme tbau in tbe otber, becattfe tW itibercaa in tbe former tpmeg it ban to no but iuitb tbe repjeflmg of 15ea(te, in f latter tpmeg it ban to neale torn!) tbe b^nling of men luojfe tljan lupin TSeaftes , oj to fpeak£ rooje truelp,men tbat lucre become luton beaftes tbemftfucis* Cbep an , ©on (fap pou) c reaten all things : ann pet notlmtb* tanning Moyfcs nenouncetb fome beaded to bee deaneann fome bncleane* ftHbereto map tbefe bee gcoo*: Cl;ep ottgbt to conliner, tiiat oftentimes tbe things; \nfytty of tbemfelueg are cleane,become fcncleane b}> tbe abufe of tbem , like ag tbe tf)ing tbat is gcoo ann iufjolfome b^ nature, becommetb euill ann bntobolfome bp ejccefle ty furfeting. 9nn in tbat refpect batb SSSine bin p?obibiteo among manp people, ann tbere arefetoelx^icfjbauenot abbojreo fome 3$eafteg oj often* ; after tobicb manertoee fee tftac at Rome,fucb afc baa murtberen tbeir fatberg 0} tbeir motbers , toere put into ft «g>acke toitb an 9pe, a Cock,ann a &iper,ano caft into tbe toater-, a tbing tobereof it toere uneafie to poeln a reafon^ut tbe fapn lato of Moyfes,not btin$ bnp?ofitable,netenning anp bigbn; tban tbi£ pjefent life , nin not toitbout caufe put a oiffcrenre bettoeenc b}utz , tbing$*jfoj iftoefaketoellto it,itnenoucetba!tbofeb?utetbingg £dfS uncleane , toberebp tbe ^giptians mane tbeir ntuinations oj tojke tbeir fo?etokens,ag tbe $Qparebauke,tbe Iftpte, $ fo fcojtb* 9no tbat toag to make tU people of Ifraell to abbojretbetoanittesi anoabbominatiome: ofi£- gipt; like as if a man tooulo keepe ty$ cbilnjen from fire,be toouln #}o\)ibitt tbem euen tbe Cftmnq?. 3nn becaufe tbofe abufes torre fenolwen among tbettt;tbe enn ann aimingpoput of tbat £alDe>toas ibt ren^elfe of tbem* 9nn tberefojte bppon tbis! popnt,3J nefire our aefpifersf to fufpenn tbeir iungement in tbe tbingss tbcp bnnerttaim not ♦ f oj w in tf?at tpme no fault toag founn toitb tbte nifference to 47^ OFTHE TREWNES in tbe latoe of Moyfes; fo (bouto no fault be founb tottl; manp o? tljcrs at tljtje; oap , ifuiee coulo fct before as tbe fame tpme againe* 3! omit concerning tbe tbings tbat liuea bpon pjap , tbat ouer aim beftoes tbat men tooke foretokens at tbem , tbep baa tbis fcottrine in tbem toritbout mucb ftepping; affoe from tbe letter 5 tbat meu (bouto not take aluap one anotbers goonest ♦ &m as toucbing tbe ® tupne^ic ia toell knoume tbat fo? tlje inuention of tillage tobirfe beefljetoeb totbc^giptiansbp tmajting up tbe ground imtbbte gropne*, tbep toojfljippen bim as a (Sob *, in conftoeration toljereof be toas oeclaren to be abbominable : befioes tbe tobicb tbing,tbere appeared tW euioent allegoric, tbat men ibouto not bempje tb*m fclues intbe&ict ana oung of tbte ftojte* 9s ffytlje Sacrifices^ batte toucfecu tbemberctofoje,am> toil! treat of tljem mo?e at large bereafter , fojafmucljas tbep art put men bourelp in rememberance of beatlj oeto fo? finne, aim of tbe nc* ctftttit of a facrifice to cleanfe atoap tbe fame,namelp of $ facrifice of 3!cfu* Cbjitt tben to eome,tobicb tbouto ferue fo? tbe denting of ail mankpna, But atomic tbat 6 on to bjingbs to obedience > bao littcb to giue bs iatues toljereof W coulb not eon critic tlje reafon*: £2%at is it moje tban manp ponces anb lawmakers baue bone, as Plutark fapetb? ©? tljan toe our feluesbo to our Cbilb?e« an& Seruants ? 9nb pet ttrfjo Urill tbink it mate tbat tbep iboulo af fee &s a reafon toty m bo fo \ Surdp 3 befire no moje,but tbat tbep tobicb come to our Scriptures , (bouto peeto at icafttoif e tbe like rrgarae tbat tljep peeto to Homer oj Virgill.Jf tbcp flub in tbeni anp nark fentences; t^ fap tbep toill mark tbem toitb croffes ann leaue tbem too Grammarians too martpj tljemfelues toitljalU ^Lberefoje let tbem not tbinkcitffraunge , tbat (Sob batb left fuclj tbings in bis Scriptures,to bumble tbe mpnus of amines toitbaf* 3!f in tbe Poet t^ mecte anp Solecifmes, tbat is too fap,incon* gruities of fpeeebe;bpanbbp tbepbe elegancies o? figures* £cc tbem confibcr in tlje Scriptures alfo , tbat tlje tbing tobicb tljep tbink tiotb bifagree at t\)t firff figbt , toilbce fount) berie fit of bint tbat bnoeritan&etb tbe figure* <&o befljo^t if a poet baue fpoken atuoojb tbatfecmctb neet>le(Te o? laitbout reafon; tlje fertile* maplter tumetb it into al fences to fin& fome fence in it: tbe Scol* Icrisoutof patiencetf bis S@apfferfin& uone:anbtbe Scbollcc toillratberfinu fault toitbbis ^apficr, anutbe ^apnerb)itb b^ clone ignorance, tban coufeffe anp imperfection a; oucrfigbt in t\)t Put* JQototijenif intfjefe booker confirmeo Drify fo manie spi» raclei OF CHRISTIAN RELIGION. 477 tarteS ann pjoceening front foo greate autbojttie > Uie meece limb tbings UJljtclj to our flefltfp toic feme nnpjofitab Je oj abfurt>;tt toere goon reafon tljat tocc (l;:ulu bee tbe moje mimetic ano bee&fuit to fcrcbing tbem ano in turning tbem into al &nces.9no if in tbe end of ail tbis,to Snu not wbercnutb to fatififie ds ; let t&c bearer con* feffe bis oulneffe of irooaeanoing , ano tbz teacber aclmotBleoge I;isotone ignorance -> anoletnspjap (Son tonoutfafetninligfrtett &S frit!? bis Spirit* J2oU) 31 tbmfce 31 fcaue fufficientlp ffjetoeo,bp tfje antiquitt^tfjr fiple anrr tbe matter , bp tfce enne alfo ano b? tbe particularities of our ^criptureSjtfjat tfjep be of (Solano tirat tijep cannot pjoc&ne from anp otber tbanljim3p antiquitie; fo? tbep bee tfce firff of all tojitings^ano ©on Ijatb bmreueale&intijemeuer fincetfcerttoere anp mem'Bp tfcefc ttptefoj t&ep inffrud: tijelotoIp5anu guilnotone fte bigbmpnnen,fpeaking toitlj iifte autljojiti* to an men.Bp djetr matter:fdj ibetroneip treating is of ©oosnotngs ami of bis com* tmmicating of bimfelfe to mn, T&ptbt marfte thereat tfrep arimet foj tbep tenoe not to anp otfjer tiding tljan (Sons glojie ann man* Welfare ♦ Stoo bp rfjeir KugularnefTe: fo? tljere are ttyngstorittjout number, tobicb cannot bee b?eo in tbe mjmo eptberof man o) 3n* gell ♦ ^be abfttrnneflfe toljicfo toee fuppofe to be tfcer^is but a fee* wing fo to our ignorance t ann tbe impoflMitie tobirfj to our fee* mtng is in tbem, is but in comparifon of our oifabilttie* %bz trutb of tl#m is imtneifen nnta ns in Spittojies, at leafftoife if tbe cafe fa ttano t&at (Sons t»D2n fcaue necoe of mansrecojo > l)t tfou i$ tbr C&iln of ©on kuotoetf) bis fatljers nopcetbut pet it map be tfjat fo j tfje better confirming of bim5 mp siting hereof (ball not bzzixt fcapne ♦ at tlje 1joo?Io map beleeuebinu Ann becaufe tbe marke tbat bzikf (Ixntes at3rs rtje toelfareofmaKt !et us fee b>bat Welfare loee finue in tbis too^n ^ tob*cb is our tbirn mai*£ of Eeligiona ann l&albe t^e matter of t&e Copter neict fol* 478 l©< »©l Tta aarz; ^ . Chapter. That the meanc ordeyned of G O D for the welfare of mankind, hath bene reuealed al wayes to the people of Ifrael $ which is die third markc of Religion* £>to remapnet!) tfa tbttlintmrfteof true Religion to be eramineo: tofjicl; isybat ft teacbe tbe true ano onlp ton? ojoerneD of (Sod fo? t&e faluation ano recouerp of mankinD; toitbo'ut t^etoljtc^^ag; 31 baut fljetoeo alreaDp) aHlReligion ig bnauak (able ano bapne* fyotobtit fojafmucb as tbitf Doctrine imported; tbe welfare of tbe toojlD 3 anD 31 fcaue interlaccD man? iJungg bp tbe toap,tobftb map Dim tlje remembrance thereof : let fcg Ijere can ageine to mino boto n&Dfull tbis marke is tn religion* 9no fartltfp it toil! be one furtber marke of tbe beaueitfpnes of out Scriptures, if to* fitoD tbat tbep teacbe te tbenecefiitie of tbat on* Ip meane,anD alfo Direct M to it from tbe beginning f©?tbon from The Mnfefut- tpme to tpme* Wit Ijaue reao in tbe bmke of Mature, tbat flDan & *Kd k tratoe to tbe fpje ? confioering $ (Sou is inSnitelp gcD03tbat is to fap5infinitelp contrarie to euill, ano if contrarie to euill,tben alfo unto bS,tobofe tbougbts/apings ano oooings are altogether euilL %bz fame Religion fjat!) fet bS aotone tbe Scriptures, herein toee reaoe tbe Ml of our Crea* toy. 3$ut tobat baue toe pet founo cljete^ 'Cbat manfuno is corrupt frombte rcote5ano ass it toere rotten at b& €o?e:^batal( tbeima* ginationsofmans beartare altoapes tttterlp euilbanopet not* toitbftanoing,tbat (Boo comrnaunoetb bsf tolouebimtoitb all out; ijeart,ano our neighbour as our felfe; bebigbting to tfjem tljat ooe it euerlaftmg Ipfe > ano to tljem tbat ooe it not , euerlaffing oeatb* Wfyitfyof bS feeietbnot a ftrpumg in all bi$ members; agemtt t^e toill of <©oo H 3no confequentlp toljo fs ba tftat oug&t not too feele a berp 5>eH5toben be enteretb into bimfelfe ano into tbe fcrip^ tures , to reane bis Srreignement ano Conoemnation ? 3no fo, tobat is T&eligion but bamtie,ano tobat is tbe Scripture 0} oo cannot be oifap* popnteo of bis purpofe,ano tljat tbe Keligion tobicb bee batb gra* ueo fo oopelp in mans beart,cannot be m bapmJfS&oes tfjen mutt ft be , tfcat m tbe true religion ano in tbe Scriptures toe muff finn our grace ano tfoe meane t&ereo^toincfrts tfce tfciro ano djiefmarfe tfrattoefefce* letbs epp?effetbfe Dotfrinepetplapttlier, fb? ft fa tbe berp. fatot ano fo^me 0} tnfbape of all Ueligiom'Cbe bapppnede of matt is to be bniteo bnto tclj be requiretfcof as iuttlp m bis Lato,ano tberefoje toee continue fftll bebino bann* J3ap,tbere is none of b* tolucb oflfrnnetb not tbeLo^n infinite toaies nailp in tbougbt,tooja ana tieene, bp meaner JBljereof uic plunoge our felues ineuer m* per ann n#per* j3oto tben,tbougb toee founo not our fuccedion fa XjerapeD; pet ooe toec our felues make it fucij bp our ejcceffuienebte amj continuall offences ; tobtcb in effect is ail tfjat tuee ran tying tbcreto j, 3m> againft tobom fee toee tbefe offences^ €\xtn againft toljat H;aH tbat remenie be*<8ons mercie *t jj2ap,mercie map not be contrarie to W 3|uftice*22tbat tben^c&ons 3luftice? jfto,toeel)aue neene af tttcrcie ♦ ®p tu^at meanemap <8©D execute bis 3Iuftice toitbout aifanulliug bis mercie; oj*xercife mercie foitbout pjetu&tceofbitf 3|ufftee$fo as bod) of tbem map be berifieo,as toeH tbat ©on is in* finitelp gracious , as; tbat bemfinitelp batetb all euill., botb toge* t^er*: 3!f be Qjetoe mercie abfolutelp to m infinite offence, tobere is ljis 3luftice ? JDj teljere t« ^i^ iniuerfall gouernmettt,taberebp Ije paloetlj goou to tije goon ann eufll to tlje euill *t ^ea,ann lnl;ere i?S our o^ne 3Iuftice become, tofttcft tss but a fijanotoeofiCoii^? 9U game ,if&e execute mere Suffice, toljatil;all become of SpankpnB after tl)i« life *t ffl? rather, toljp foatlj l;e maintepnen fehtt euer fince l)ti firft fal,t^at bid 3iutJice bartj not neuoto^eb bis of al tin's toijile, Us{ 33 fap in toljom to not anp tbtng tuljicb burned not before \)i$ tyatlft 3It remapnetb tben, tftat to appeaft W ^atlj ann to make toap to mercie , tobtcij tD^atb of bis is notbtng els but a tuft intent *ojmwty j aiw to^ic^ mercie of ty$i$ liketoifebut a iuC intent to fygtuc: OF CHRISTIAN RELIGION. 49 1 for gittettbere muff come fomc fatiffaction bettoene ©on am> span, Uairbout t\)t tobicb tbcre toouto bee (a* pe migbt terme it)an bttet Cmptinefle in tbe toorfo , tobemmto nature it felfe cannot agree* 3&ttt to&at a neptlj iD , aim tbat tobicb be batb Jolt by W titfob^- aienee ? 3nu fitb ©©D i;atb creates tbig toorls of notbtng ; bote Iboulo a tbing of notbing multiplp fo infinite!p5ag to fatiffie fcj an infinite offence ? let ^an offer bimfelfe^tobat offeretb be but bii* tbankfulneffe ana aifobebience , blafpbemic anb frotoarn tufeseg^ <£bat ig to fap,tobat (ball be elg no but prouofce ©osg U)?atfy moje ami more again!! bim^ J2ap,Iet tfje berp 8ngelg ff ep in,tbe Crea* ture to pacifie tbe Creator ; tl)t tbing tl;at ig finite in gajbneffe to (ouer an infinite eutfl; tfje inbebteu in all refpettg,to bifebarge ano* tber mo?e inoebtebtano tobat elg toil! tbig be, tban a couering tbac (ag tbe l&Gpbet faptb)bot(j but balfe couer; anb a plaiffer infinite* Ip t© littk for tbe fore?&ureIp,Iet bg fap tberefore t^at ©ob &tm* °n* **£■*, feife muff bee fapne to ff ep in btmmxt W 3luffice ami bte mercie, J ami ag be creates bg at tbe firff > fo to create bjJ netoe againe ; ami ass be creates bg tljcu in big fauour , fo to acquit bg noto from ij i* i»?atb ; ami ag bebttereb bfe brifeoome tljext in mating bg , fo to implope tbe fame nolo againe in repapr ing bg •, ami fatblp fo mucf) tbe moie(if more map bee)becaufe tbat in our creation norfjntg re- fitfeb tbe goobneffe of tbe Creator3b)bereag in our reparation out jtaugbrtnefie toitbflamietb binx ag mucb ag ig poffibfoflDttt of one bottomleffe seepe b3ee goe fifll into anotbertbut ©os toe prapfeb, tiftp bee tbe oeepes of big grace* ffllbo tben(fap pou)fljaH bee tbisi ^eoiatour, ©ob bnto ©ob, infinite bnto 3Inftnit£,anb able borf* to oifcba»je tbe bon&,ans to affbage tbe infinite puniibmet^Jpere let bg betbtoebg againe tobat batb bzne fapb afore in tbe ftftfc ami fijetb Cljapterg ♦ 3 baue bedarcb tljere, botb by reafon ans bp re- corb of all anttnuttie,tbat in ©on tbere are tbreeper&ng or 31nbe* ingg in bnitiz of one effence , ans tbat tbe fame are roeternall anb coeciuaUtn alirefp tti$:%b* JTatber ag tbt grown* ano tuelfpring; tbe feonne , ag tbe euerkftmg tuorb ans ioifeoome of tbe iTatber; ans tb*boip ©bofi ^ tbe bono ofkpnsneiTeanb loue5to!jerebp tbe fttfttMtto tfje j%onne are linfteb together : ami 31 p?ap t^e "Eea* 492 OF THE T R E VY N E S net tljat fo? rfje refircl&tng of W memo?ie,be uiifl boutfafe to reant otter tbofe Cbapterg againe bpon tb& popnt ; j$eeneg tben 31 afc fure pou mutt one of tbofe t^ce perrons if rp m bettoipt ©ong tojatb ana our mfiiicc tf auft.3nn fitfj it ia fo,tobi<1) of tbem fbouto ratber ooe it tfjan tbe toifeoome, confinering tbat tbe cafe ttannetfj bppon tl;e uetu creating of &s againe, ann tbat tte toere create bp tbe fame at rije firlft o? tban tbe g>onne,feeing toee bee to be anop* ten,tbat is to fap, to bee anmittcn to an inheritance ? J3ap mmeo* tier , it beljotteo tijtt ©eniatout to ttep itrfoj euet ♦ tfo? inafmucft ad tfjc tuo^In tuasJ createnfojman, ann manfafalneatoap from ©on : neitber tbeioojlo no? matt noto after bis falf y coulo baue ar* fcinnen before ©on one moment of an bot»er^eboIo,in tbe manec of tfote meniation,rf)ere ig againe another incompjebenfible ©itte* rie, botubett fucb a one, ag toljen it te oneereueaieo unto bg rujee fceeme it ijnpoffible to Ijauefoene orijertoife, Z&t baue ©on infinite Ip iutt,ann ©an infinitelp finfitll* Wfyz infinite 3!uttice Due to ft m* finite offence, couln not bee fatiffien, bttt eptber bj> infinite puniCb* tttent,oj bp an tnfinit reparation: ann tbia infinite reparation couln not pjoceene but from bim tbat is mffnite,tbat i£to toit from (Sou |)imfe!fe*3[t bebouetb tbentbatour©entatourbe ©on,ann of W gracious go&ouefTe fuel; a one baue toe* T5ut tbte infinite ©onbeaa fe not to recompence out nifobeoieuee otbatoife tban tottb obe* oience ; no? our bnnefert, otfjertotfe tban toitb nefert-,no? our ftufe fcojnneflfe otbertoife tban tottb loUripnefle : ndtber againe is fje ta purcbacebtf graee,butbpptmiflmientjojitfe,but bpnearfj ♦ 9nn to tbe intent be map obep, be mutt abafe (jimfetfe-, to neferue,be mutt ferue ; to become iotoip, be mutt ttcope notome beneatfj bimfelfe ; to &ffer,be mutt become tueafee; aim to ape Jje mutt become mojtall. Certette toe fap tberefo?e,tbat it fa conuentent anti bebcofttll, tbat our ©eniatour fljouln be botb ©on ann ©am ©an, to bee borne fcnner tbe Late;©on,to perfojme tbe Iatoe:©an,to ferue^ ©on, to fet freet©an,to bumble btmfelfe to tbe bttermott; ©on,to ejalt Jimfelfe aboue all tbingS:©att,to fuffer,©on to ouercome: ©an, to npe^ann ©on to trpuntpb ouer neatb*.^ap mo^eouer ,fojafmurfj a^befubmittetbbtmfelfetoiUinglp to fucbtbing^,fo? ourfakeji 6p 31 , mm not fo? W otone : neenesf mutt bia obenience become a nifebarge foj tbe nifobenience ; W nefert a nifebarge of tbe imoe* ftrt, ann bfa lotolineffe a fatiffaction fo? tbettubbo^nnette of tbem tbat brieeue inljim;pea ann mo?eouer,a purcbactof obentenc^ne* ftrt, ann lotoipneflfe tmto tljem * fo tyat l»fee iw^at i$ nue to btjes o> benience, OF CHRISTIAN REIIGIO^ 46$ ieufettfe^at i$ to tJ3rt,Tottr;to fit'0 Defett,tbat is to toit,tetoar&; to ljt0 bumilitie j tljat esbs to tott, Ijouo? ; to bi* fojotoe, tljac is to twit, iope ; to bte oeatb, tbat fe to toit,lffe-, ano to bte bittojie,tbat 10 to toit^rpumpb ; tbe fame ig purcbaceo anu giuen bp bint, ano im* puteo ana maae Due at <8»ot# bano to all fucf) as ijouo? tbat great tenefite^ano callbpon tbe fatber inbiss name*ifromtbi$ popnt toe map pjoceeae aftertoara to otber conaitiong ano circumtf ances re* quiffte m tbe ^em'atour <$oo ami Sgtan, feeking bim altoaieg ajs map bemoff conuenient ana agreeable,botb to ©o&g 31uffice,fr to tbe office 9 Dignitie of tbe flpeaiatour* 3|c to necetfarie fo? our toel* Man bomc fare fap 31, $ tbe a^eniato? fboufo be man to beare $ punifijmftg of without cot. men,? to recScile Spanfeptm^nn if fce toere not a ma-,tben like ast rupu°ft' toe fliouto Iiatte no part m Ijtm no? Ije m us :fo Qjoulo be not auaple D3 anp tobitte ,neitber in toap of fatiffattion,ito? in toap of Defect* flStete it ig tberfbje tgat be ftouto be bojne of our race,ano tbat Ije fboulo be flefb of our flefy $ bone of our bone,to tbe tntft tbat as; in Adam toe be al become bofflrferuStg to finite; fo in bim toe map be fceliuereo ano fet free from tbe retoarD of finne,tobicb is ueatb* & geine,fo?afmucb ag be toag to ouercome fume ., it bdjouen btm to fcee toitbout fmnc; ann fojafmucb ag it toajsfo? bun to make W cleane, it beboueo btm to betoitbout limcleanucflk tfo? toe knotoe tbat all of to$ are conceiuea tumtq[uttte; annbojne mtotcleanneSfe ana corruption; ana tberefoje it bebouetb btm to be fucb a manias it conceiuea after an otber maner tban man fe ♦ 3na tbte after fo manp toonaers ougbt not to be comttea a toonaer : fo? be ttjat ae* riuea tooman out of man toipbout belpe of tooman,can alfo aeriue man out of tooman toitbout beipe ofmatuCo tbefe particularities toe fbafl come time enottgb bereafter>ana it fuffi£etb at tbis tpmr, tbat <£oa$ 3iutf ice ana mans! offence baue euen b]> bumane reafon airetfea b$ to a aerie neceffitic of a ^pentato^ 60a ana gg)an , able to aifcbarge ma of euerMmg atatb ageinff (Son, ana to purcbafe %im tlje fouerem felicitie of ipfe* 3nn ti)i# i« it tbat 31 meant in tfyz beginning of tbe Chapter; namelp tbat iW marke i^ fo of tbebe^ rp fubtfance anu inftape of Heligion, tbat Religion toitbout ti) (boulo be btterlp bnauapiable anti \wj>m> %%z Ijpeatben feme to Ijaue percepuen tbfe neceftitie bp manp ejcamplesi . <&bep kneto^ tbat man toas createn to liue fo? euer , ami ^jat bee couto not m Thc opimon top tbat benefite,but bp turning agatn irnto <®o&3ttt in tbtsf tbep ^^J^^f fell fbo?t, tbat tbep confiuereo not tbat from as to <®on tbe toap fe SS^It * totpoffible to man^if (Sou ^tmfelf be not our toap toljerebp to come Mankind. ^l) z ti)iti)tv. 4P4 • * THE TKEWNES tbitber* 3!t map be drat djep baue bearo, tbat tt begotten a man to fcpe foj dje finneg of tbe toojto*®n*> tberebpcm tljeuiudl oio put tit tbeir beans to facri&ce men,ano fo to lap tbe finnea of a lobole Ch tie o? councrie bpon tbe badie of fome one ptoje tyml). 3no laohe lubo teas tbe greateft offender of all otbera , aim tobom tbep baa uotuen to tbe gallotocs fo? tbe multitude of W mifoeeDes ; bim on tfjep put to tbe pacifping of <0oos tojatb totoaros tbem*S>udj are tbe accuftomeo 9pi(!) topetf of tbe Diuefl^ut Ijoto fbail be tbat ia ; nt <3sm oifpleafure, appeafe b& oifpleafure *t 3m> tobat (fall tbe toojff nco,tf tbe belt can 0© notbing^be Cmperour Julian coulo not tell botu to no bte banog of tfyi$ neceflitie in W oifputation& ageinft tbe Cb?ittiau03p reafon tobereof , perceiuingtbat tbere mull n#oeonne, ami tbat bee fljeuaen bim felfe fxrft in Epi- daurus, ano aftertoaro in oiuera otber places, to beale men* H5a? tit* ami to amend tljeir &m&mfBbJk i$ au?a>f3tbat tbeimpof* fxbtlttte of tbe 3!ncarnation of tbe feonne of <0oo3lobicb fe pjeten* neti bp fome,femeo not to Ijtm to be unpoflible , fojafmttcb aa tbe incarnation of Efculapius tbe fonne of Iupiter?©oo ( m tbe opu n& of Iulian,)ano tbe fomte of but alfo come to pa(Te*9no m tterie o&ue , tob? Iboulo it feeme Orange tbat be tobteb batlj knit tbe §>oul€ of man beinga fpirittu an fubftance,bnto bfe boop being an eartblp ; fboulo bee able to fc Kite bimfelfe Unto man^t But 31 banc (betoeo afoje,djat tbia Efcu- lapius mas! a man5 aim tljat tbe fpint tobicb abufea b& name,toa$ a biuztt, ano tbat botb of tbem toere toidtco ereaturea* 9no moje* oucr,tnbo euerbeleeueoojfetfmubtbte iTabie of Efculapius , but onelp Iulian ? j3ap berilp, Porphyrius batbautgoneall antique Saint Anftm tit in tbia bd)alfe. f o) bauing lata tljisf fouffimttan,^bat dje foue* concerning trine welfare of tbe S>ouleia to fie ©on , 'Cbat it cannot fee bpnt ^cideof t,nienre it be fad deanfeu from dje did; tbereof ^ ano tbcrefoje tbat cap 9 &2*3. & ®0** p^ouiofnee tbere muft be fome meane pjacurcn to clcanfe & fa. C " tiwnfemn : mbe be commetb to tbe (etkinc; of it out,fre fattb,^bat ti)Z 9rtea ano S>cience^ o© lnell deare our tmts m tbefenotoleuge of tbing2f5but tbep cannotb fo cleanfe ii^,tbat toee map come tmto <0oo. ^no tobera£{ manp men oeceiueo tl;emfdues( in fetkiug tbitf tleanffng hjf $$*$ik ano ^(jeurgie : be fapo tbat imagination ana common fence mig&t toell bee f^elpeo t^erebp in t|>e percepuing of bctottf OF CHRISTIAN RELIGION. 4P5 boatfptlmtgsjbuttbep attepneanotto tbe purging of ttjebnaer* iftmaing of tbe Soule, neptljer coula tl)ep mate a man to fee W euils5but toitb fucij as toere eft&mea to be gcoa (Soas,be atria* red) tljat tljereftas a^ fmall liftelpbcoa tljereof in tbeir ^ifterfefe as to tbe $kfteries of tb e reff t ana moczeouer tljat tbofe tbmgs e*< tenaea Out to fcerp fcloe meu,t»bereas tfjis clenfing ougbt to be to* muerfall to tbe benefite of all mankiua*3in tbe ena^bauing reiccf e& allotber clenfings ; W conclufion is 3 tftat dje beginnings onelp ana none otbers 3 can toojfce ana bee tlje meane to tuojfce tbis bnt? uerfall denting ♦ ffilbat be meanetb bp tbe 3$cginnings3tbe Pla- tonifts can tell toetl enouglj : ana 31 ftaue aeclarea tt bp manp fen* renter of bis in mp fiftlj ana Ifttb CljapterStfljat fc to tuit,tbeper* fons o? proprieties tl;at are in ©oa, tobom Porphyrius calietb e^ pjelfelp tbe Father , the vndcrftanding of the Father , and the Soule of the World . Bpe coula not almotf \)mz come anp noeret b s , imleflfe be (bottla Ijaue met tumpe toitb bsf : ana furelp be fee* metlj to baue Ijaa tbis of tbe Chaldees,from tobom be atfmotolea* getbbtmfeife to baue recepuea manp attune ©jacles concerning tbis matter ♦ But tt is enough foj as tbat &ee baue gapnea tbefe popnts of btm^ljat tbere muff of neceilttte be fome meane ojaep* nea of mifcd in fapetb tbat as fooue as be toas creatca, (Boa gatte btmtbts iLatue: ^m the om ' If thou eate of the tree of the fkili of good and euill : thou c^Khcm lhalt dye the Death, ^^at ip to fap33[f tl;ou tume amap ncuer fo to thcothpr, ^ 3 little 4p6 OF THE TREWNES Itcclc front tfce obeying of me , tbou (bait fall into mp tuTpIeafure, anD from mp utfpleafurc into enDlcfle Dead;* 15panDbp aftc^man is feDucetJ bp tbe <§>crpent,tbat is to fap bp the DiucIaanD tyeakrtb tbciavocofl)i3Crcato^bpmeancU)bcreoftictsinl)ist)irplcafarr, anD bp Gnne ties become fubiert to cnDlctte Damnation* j3oto feeing tbat tbis man toas alone ;ano tbat tbe toojlo luasmaDe fo? btm; tobat fljoulD baue fottotoeD but tbe utter nctlrttction of tbe toojrta out of bano,ano tbe burning of man euerlafiinglp in (Bods tojatb*: 3$ut fee IjoU) (Sods tmfoome fteppeD in foj tbe fairing of man3aw» foj tbe p?cfcrtun5 of bis otonetooojke-, ano finnetuas no foonec lneD,but tbe fcripture immeDiatlp fl;etoetb tos tbe remcDie tbcreof* Ctn.3, I will fee emnitie(fapetbtbe LojDtrj tbeDiuell) betweene thy fcede and the womans feede. Hir feede (hall crufh thy head, and thou (halt byte it by the heelc. ^Ijat is to fap, 31 toill caufe one to be bojne of tbe Romans feebe^tobicb (ball fuboeto tbe Diuell: ano tbe Diuell (jjal no bis inoeuer to trip bp W beeles bp tempting fjim all maner of u>apes ; bm Ije (Ijail treaDe tbe Diuell tmDer bis fecte,ano make Ijim to peelDDp bis toeapons,tbat isto toit,^>tnne anD Deatb, filQ\t)M)0 feetb not tfyat to ouercome tbe Diuell , it be* feouetb him to be (Sod ; anD tbat to be bojne of a ftHoman , it bdio* ^ ... r. ueclj bim to be man , tljat is to fap botb ©od anD man , as 31 baue rituaiiKin^obolD opinion tftat t|>e ^eflfiasoj €\))W% opinion of the tobomtoebpbolo to be tbe speoiatojt bettoeene (Sods Suffice ano icwesorour ^nnes Gnne -, fljalbe fome grcatc Cmperour tbat (ball Deliuer ?mCh oule tuounDeD tuttlj ihwe anD fcnfaken of bit Ipfe lubicb te wordC'c^rift ®otl : am* (&at bp tbel^euoumc of tbe Serpent , be meanctb finnr InGreek^gni- it felf> which (hall ceaffe(fapetb be) vnder the Mefsias ; anD tbat fie both one tbefameisalfotbe31utcrp?etattonoftbeauncientCabalifts : anD thing, namely ipfce topfe tljat tl;e Srinagog of olo time imDerftoDe tbe fapD tejet to Ac Lords a- fa nmxt 0f t^t q§cffta0,as d)e 3intcr potation of tbe tbj&feoje anir Th^Thanm tcxi 3intcrp]teters,anD tbe atmrtmt tEranflation of Hierufalem it* ©f Hierufalem ft^o giuc bs canfe to beleeue* For ( fapctl) tljis latter rjcpufip) fo long 6 Serpent as the womans Children keepe the Lau^e, they kill thee : and when they cea(Te to doo fo , thou ftingeft them, in the Hcele ^ and haft powre to hurt them much* But whereas OF CHRISTIAN RELIGION, 4P7 whereas for their harm there is a fure remedy ,to heale it , for thyne there is none.For in the laft dayes,they fhal crufhe thee al to peeces with their Heeles,by meancs of Chrift their King. j^oU)ift&eDentfjbeefpirttuaU,auD tty enempfpiritualljano Ijts lucapon s fpirttnall: Ijoto can it be DcnpeD tljat tlje battell bettoeene bim ana tbe 90e(fias tobo is to banqu tfc) Ijim^ts Ipfccuufe fpirituaf , bis potucr fpiritual,anti l)ts iRingDome fptritualftSpojeouer,tobat toiere Adam,Henoch,Noe, anD Abraham benefited bptbispjo* mife; if it etfenD no furtber tljan to tempojall tbtngs t (DQljiclj of bs tooulo immre \)txt a tbonfano nuferf e&unDer pretence tbat cer< tcinctbotcfanus of pcrcs !)cncc,\x»c Iboulo Ijaue an €mperour bojne tobiclj ftoulo be returnees eucrptobwe*: jQoto Ipke as tlje fcriptute begtnnetb toitb cbe pjomtfe of tlje $©eflias, tbat is to fap of tlje be- liuerer of our & oiilcs : fo ftotb it (ftctoc etuacntlp , tbat tt atmetb not ac anp otber mark tban tbat. ffo} leaning tlje great States of tlje ido?Io> ana tlje bjeeumg of fttngbomes ana Jty'ncipalities, iubicb are tljings tob er eon Spiff ojtes ttann fo curioufelp ; it leabetfc bs Dirccrlp too tlje btrtfc ana offpjing of Abraham , tuljereof tbe ^elKajs tuas to be bo jne* 3nb unto tlje fame Abraham aotb @od t epeate tljis pjomife of t en t tmes$tba t in bis fceoe al nations Gjou in be bleffe d ; tljat is to fap , tbat one fljou to be bo jne of bis feeae > bp tobom Valuation ftoula be pjoferea to all nations of tlje Cartb* Sna agein,tljat in ifaac tbe feeae fljoula be callea unco bim: toljic ft tbtng furelp is not fpoken of tbe ipofferttie of bis feonne Ifmael, notuutbftanatng tbat © © D tola bim tljat bis flcfljlp pofteritie ftottlo be beric flojtlbtng^ut tljts preface toljiclj tbe loja mafcetb, (hall I hide any thing from my feruant Abraham &cS)lje\»et jj euiaentlp bote tt is a miff erie tljat pafletb albnterftanaing of man, ana toberetmto Abraham baa no lelferpgbt tljan btsfeene^rom Abraham tbispjomife paffea bp Ijana to Ifaac , from Ifaac to la- cob , ana lacob left it by bis la(! Ml too bis cbilajen toitb tljefe tnoojOS; The Scepter (halnot be taken from Iuda,nor the law- giuer from betweene his feete,vntil Silo come ; and vnto him fliall the Nations refort. SOIjiclj tuoojas toere fpofcen to Iuda b]> name^bpcaufetljefapaljolp feeae toas to come ofbtsffocke* 9no tbat tbe famefaping toas ment of tlje ^effitas; tljeThargum of Hierufalem ana tlje Onkelos tobtcb are bco&cs of ebecf nntljo?ttie among tbe lewes , 00 affure bs« tf 0? tbep tranflate it tbus , vntill Chryftorthe Anoynted come 5 tobereunto is aotieti tljiS;too whom the Kingdome belongeth. 3nb tbe fcljcole of Rabbi Sila ^l; 4 being 4P8 OF THE TREWNIS The Talmud being aematmbeb in tbe Talmud,t»&at Iboulo bee tfjc n&mt of tit ia the Trcatife ^cfQn^;anfU5Crct^Silo is his name: for(fap tljep)it is fayd,vn- hSrim ^A til1 Sil° comc-3lb«t noto tftat tlje fapn kingaome be otber tljan a chaptcrMe-C ^wpojall Dominion j pet ties tbe tcpt formal! in tbat placebo? tfte icc. Iewes tuapc tbat tlje Spcfltas 0} £b}itt fljoulo come oftfye ^Lrpbe of luda,anb tljat at tfje tpme of bis commtng tlje Scepter anb tbe iatogiuer ftoulo botlj be taken from Iuda, gmrelp tlje tljing tbat Ifraell token fo? as tljen,toas not to fttbtme otber J3ations,feein % tfcat Ifraell bimfdfetoas not to rcigneattbat tpme*3nb tyetcbefc Ijati tljebope of otber Jftations bene, lubiclj tokcb fojljim alfo.ac^ coding to tljis teict,if bis commtng fboulu baue bent but to fpople tljem anti make foauocke of tbem ♦ 15nt foe toas to reigne,pea cueit otter all jf2ations,pea ann to tfoebenefite of all Rations Jpis reig* King tljen (balbe accojbing to tlje firft p?omtfe , namelp otter men* g>oules,tlje M)id) be (ball aeltuer from tbe bonoage of <§>inne ann tlje tpjannie of tbe DeuiH3!n tlje Latoe of Moyfes,tbe Sacrifices ana Ceremonies boe repjefent bnto bS ffotittattiontobid) Cb?tft toas to makefo? tbe fumes of tlje people bp tbe facrificing of btm« Telfe ♦ T&ut fpectallp tbepaffouer tambe, tfte Sacrifice of tbe reB Cotoe, tlje fen&ing of tbe Scapcgoate into tbe (EOitoerneffe, aim t\yi railing bp of tlje bjafen Serpent fojtljebcaliug of bifeafes, mere all of tbem Spemo?ia!les foj tbt pcople,to put tljem in mpna hotlj of tlje comming of ttje epelttas , anb to tobat enue bee fboulti come ♦ Sr 0} toljtt* as tuee reaue tljat tlje bcojepoites of tlje boufes &ere befmearca toitlj tlje blub of a Iamb, to tbt intent tljat tbe be* ft roping Sngell fbouln not toucfo tbem: tbat tlje afljes of a Cotoe imtfoout fpot toere kept foj tbe finnes of tbe Congregation: 'Cljac . tlje ilptglj&uetf laping bis banb bppon a ©oates ljeab,acknotole&* geu tlje fmnz$ of tbe people ouer bim , anb tbt ©oate toent aiua^ toifg djem into a place bninljabitable , to tfoe intent ( as pe tooulD fap)l;e migbt neuer be Ijearn of anp mo^er ana tljat as manp as be* fcels tlje b^afen g>erpent,terebealeb mcontinentlp of tbe (tinging of gs>erpentg:feeing tbat tbe things tobicb tocre implopeb to tijofe purpofe<3,cou!D not of tljeir otone nature ferue tbereuntot toe mud itoebes conclune,tbat tbep toere fignes ; figncg(fap 31) of fpiritttall irnb intoarb matters, like tbe Scripture it ftlfe, tabicb is fprntualf §pb ferttetfo fo? tlje intoaru man : ^Ijat is to toit, 'Cfjac tlje Dcutfl Ijatb no potoer ouer tboft baljtclj are reconcpleb to ©ao b^ tbz ^a* orifice of tbe spefltas toljo is cbargtb tm'tlj tljeir fernnes : ano tbat t&ofe to^icj) Ijaue an epe bnto Ijtm^are b^ anb bp foealeo of tlje g>er< pent?{ ©p CHRISTIAN RELIGION. 4pp jpente Beauty fting ♦ 9no toljereas Tome tbinke it ffraunge tbat fo great a tbing, fijoulti bee figureo bp fo bple aim bate tbinggsjtbe fi* gure fe tbe moje p^ofitable^n tbe iefle naugeroug in tbat tt it fo* Sfo} ban fo Ijtgb tbings bene figures oj fojetokeneti bp tbingg ap* pjocbing to tbeir !jigbnefle:men migbt batte bene ner eptten bp tbe, ana baue taken tlje figures fo? tbe tiring* tbemfelues , ano fo batte reften bpon tbe gapnefle of tl;e (beatb, Uritbout looking into it ♦ 9te fo? example , if in tteau of ttje <25oate 3 tbep ibouto batte Sacrifices t\)t man of greateft reputation in tbe Congregation : Spending gtuen topeelotcomucb bntoman, tooutobaue miftakenbimfoj tbe aerp ^eniatourljinifdfe^utioljen tbe figure of our ream* rilement bnto <®o& , ana of tlje fojgiuenefTe of our finned, it taken at a b}\xtz bead )nW) batb nothing futable tbereto , fatting tbat be it gtttlefTe anu capable of aeatfr : toee bee taugbt tbat it it but a fi* gure,am> tfcat it bebouetb M to luane into tbe tiring it felfe: $ tljat fomucbtbemo?e3 becaufetljofe Sacrifices are fo folemnelpana fo ejcp?e!Telp commatmuentopofieritie, agtbingg tofjicfjfcndje welfare of mankpnn, ottgbt to be altuatejs in remembrance , oj ra* i&er pjefent befo?e mens epes* 3$ut pet tbe ©ebjetoeg befa opinion tfjat Afar , Elcana and A- MUfcach Thc- biafaph tije fffttz (onmt of Chore mentioned in tije Cjtt Cbapter hilim- . cfExodus5bjereautljo?j5 of sitters of tbe pfalmeg tljat art gat&e* ^°S £l0n re* into tbe feconsbcoke of Dauidspfalter, an* fo it Moyfesaifo thcliewcwes- cffomeoneojttoointbetbiro bcoke; to&erebptfjepcomfcntestlje 3F atbers in tbe M&erneire5airuring rtjem of tbe coming of Cfciff* ClntoDauid (tuljo toas of tfjeCrpbeofiuda) ©o&bimfetfecom 2.s.immuCr.^ firmetb tbe fapo p?omtfe , telling Ijim tfjat t&e bleffeo fese fboulo i .King. 5, 6. come ofbtmJ will rayfe vp(faifb ?je)thy feede after thee3which « .Chron.2*.. fhailcomeoutofthyloynes; his kingdome will I ftablifh for plaL8^ cuer ; I will be to him for a Father,and he fliall be to mee for a ibnne.3n& altbougb tfyit map feme to be ment of Salomon Da- uids fonne, teba toasi in seese but a figure of €l#ift ; pet nottottfc (tantJing tbe often repeating oftljefe&o?&S eternally , enerla- ftingly3and for euer, ^iml) bS to imtierftans 3 tbat it cannot bee aerifies but of tbe tWt; figttreUjtbat it to tutt, of tbe eternal! o? e* tterMmg Eing» anoinberp&eeaeDauid (betaetb indi in bt^ ipfalmes, tbat ijee ^atb IcskeD furrber teitl) tbe eped of W mpntie, tljan to bi^ fonne Salomon, fo) in tbe feconu pfalme, Thou art mhn.t.sc 45 rny fonne(faitb t!)e €uerlal!ing,)this day haue I begotte thee. & 47,3c e7.$c I will giue thee the Gentyles for thytie inheritance , and the 72. Ytmofl 500 Of THE TREWNSS vtmoftcoaftesofthe earth forthypoffefsion. 9foB in tfjeffut ana fcnttetlj pftlme,fueaftmg of tfjewariage of tftt g>omte,untfr an ejcrrao?mnarp preface, Thy Throne 6 God (faptlj be) is from euerlafting; and the Scepter of thy kingdome is a Scepter of righteoufnes.9nn m tbe feauen ana fo?titb , The princes of the Nations are affcmbled togither(faptb be) to be the people of the God of Abraham. 3no in tbe tb?oefco?e ann feauentb ; Thou ihait iudge folk righteoufly, Thy fauing health (halbe knowen toal Nations,and thou (halt direct the Nations of the earth. 9n&$i0 later claufetaffjet bp toitb tbtai tooj&eSdah, toljtdjtlje I£)e&?etoei3 are not toont to fcfe,but in fome p?ofouno mi&mtMa bz (bo&in tlje tfj?afco?* ana ttueiftf) pfalme , after foe batb fap&e* All Kings (hall worfhip him , and all Nations (hall feme him: fyiz ao&etl) , for he (hall deliuer the poore that cry vnto hym, and the diftreffed that hath no helpe. JDea atm tobicb mo?e i£, All Nations (hall report themfelues to be blefled in him , and they (hall alfo bleffe him. Dauid fa full of fuel) fentenceg , toljicf) Cbetae tbat be fpeafcetb of a Ring , Ijotobett of anotfjer tban Salo- mon bte atone fonne* Jfo? Salomons feingfcom ejtfen&efc not muclj furtljertban^tjS fatrjcris 5 neitljetota tbe jQattona mate togitbec tm&er l)tm •, ann ag fo? bte kingdom*, it enueo toitfj bfa oeatb, an& toitbtn a nap o? tfcapne after toas rent tn peece&ano trjereftne tbe atmcient ^pnagogafo attoapes fennerttatti tfjofe tetfg to be ment of CljjtuYfoiljo toag to bebo?ne of tbe feae of Dauid, as toe map percepuebp tbe Chaldee tranfiatian , tobicb interp?etetb tbem to bz fpoken toncerning tbe fame partie.5;otobett fitb it it not fafo in anp of tbeipfalmeg, Reioyce thou Ifrael , for thou (halt reignc ouer the Gentiles ; but, Reioyceye Gentyles , be glad ye Na- tions and Kings^rbr I will giue you a King : furelp it fe eui&ettt tbat tbe top tobicb be repo?tetb to be fo greate , fa not fo? tbat tbep (bouto Ijaue a %z\nz to be tbetr king, fo? euerp jftatton ban letter to fjaue one of tbeiv otone cottntrie; o? fo? tbat trjfa King fboulti baut a fouereine Sponatke aboue tbem all to controll tbem, fo? etterp of tbem bat> leuer to retgne bp Ijtmfelfe alone : but ranker becattfe tbt* King fljoutti bee of a farre otber nature ana qualttte tban ad otber Rings, namelp a King of fouled, a uelmcrer of men from tbe bon* uage of ttnne3au& a fpirttuaU ^onarke^9Ifo tbe §>ong of feongs ig an ejq^eiTe poetrte coceming tlje ^nton of €tyitt 9 W Cljurcb, ami batb bene fo tjnuetlf tone of tbe 3!rtne0 3 as it appeeretb b^ tlje Chaldee ]parani;?afe tfjerof to&icfj W ^aue+9s fo? t^ep^op^rtjaf, UK ©f christian religion* 501 toe Gnn nothing tit m tijem almoft tint bp lpne,but fojeteflmgg of Gtyift to come,of # Mature of b&&tngoome,of tbe cafliug oftbe ©entrtej^of tbe ftablttinng agem of gonlpneMna fuel) otljer mat* tergS; ag toel toput p people tben pjefent in remembrance of tbem, as to prepare tbe aftercommets to receiue tbem*3|nfomucb tfjat it tljepjopbettf fpeafcc of tbe retutne from 35abpIou , of $e ilabltu> ing ageine of tlyz kingnotn*,of tbebutlningagetne ofdje Cemple* ann fucb otbet things -r by ann bp tottbiu ttoo oj tfnee berfetf , pee ftal fee tbem carieo atoap to tbe fpiutual! lungnome of Cb?iouln retgne in M by tiyz &repter of %i$ toojn, ann by tlyz potoer of Ijfa fptrft, ann be obepen of b$* Jt (hall come to pa(Ie(faptb Efay) that in the latter dayes the hill Efcy.tv ©f the Lords houfe (halbe fet vp vpon the toppe of the moun- Alichcal-^ taynes,and that all Nations fhal come flocking to it,and ma- ny fotke (hall fay,Come,let vs goe vp to the Lords hil^and to the G O D of Iacobs houfe. Cft* tejt i* fpoken manifefflp of Cfcjtft ann of W reigne,ann of tbe WefTing tljat toag to be (ben out fcpon afl jQationg by binUfrut let b£ reane further* He will teach vs his wayes (faptf) \)t) and we (hall walfce in his pathes. The lawe (hall come from out of Sion, and the word of the Lorde from Hierufalem.Re (hall iudge among the Heathen, and re- proue the Nations. They (hall turne their Sword'es into Cul- lers^ their Speares into Sythes. ij)ere ties no fpeafcing of toarg, of ftgbtmg 0? offeree \ but tbe latoe of ©ong toojne , ann of tea- d)mg,ainntn tbefourti; Cfjapter,Atthatday (faptbbO (hall the e%;*< Lords braunch be much made of,and glorious , and whofoe- uer abydeth in Hierufalem (hall be called holy. %ftbi$ gtojte toere not e)cpounnen,fom€ toouln tberebp btbi$t berr a tttumpb* T&itt at the fame time(fatd; be)the Lord will warn away the fil- thynes of the daughters of Sy on, and clenfe away the blud of Hierufalem from the middes thereof , -by the fpirit of iudge- ment andthe fpirit of burning. Jt it tijen a g!o?p,pea ann a true glojte, butpetafarre otber glojte ttentbe flefb bnnerftannetb> |2oto ^3!etoes Dnnerttann tijfa terc of t^e^peflia^fo? toi^erea^ 502 OP THE TREWNB5 tbe Hebrewe IjatU Braunch ; tf;e Chaidee 3|nterp?eter fcatf) traits E%-9- flatcD it the Lords Anoynted or Chrift. 3|n bis ninetb Cjjapcec be faptb tfjst fje foalbe calico tbepjtnce of peace,(amj tbe Chaldec 13awpb?«0 &*# tranflatcn it the Chrift or Anoynted of peace;) ana tljat W fcfog&omc ftalbe (ncreafen5an& tfjat tbcre (ball bee no cnn ofiji^ tcio;ne,an& tfjat be fl;all erecute Suffice bpon tbe t^one of Dauid foj cucr,3If &e fljalbe a pjmceof peace^bere (Ijal toarre Ef | j become *t 3m> tft^erc bee no ftarre, tabat (ball tbts tncreafe of^ttf He La (aid a fcrngaome bee1: %fat soft be ftetoc bs apparamlp m bis eleuentij forc,that the Cbapf er* A bloffome (hall fpring (faptb be)out of the ftocke of high Cedars Jfay5and a braunch (hall growe out of his roote.The fpirite of jhould be call trie Lorci (han reft vpon him , the fpirite of wifedome and vn- JSSJS derftandin§>the fPirite of counfdl and ftrcngth,thc fpirite of Princes.And knowledge &of the feare of the Lord. He (hal fmite the earth again ft thofc with the rod of his mouth, & kill the wicked with the breath Cedars he fet- of his lippes. The Goate and the Lambe (hall dwell together, "w&K^i. and the LeoPard with the Kid • The Earch flia11 bec ful1 °* the oS Tmot^of knowledge of the f-ord as with an oucrflowing of the Sea,and ldTe,or ifay. the Gentiles (hall inquire after the roote of ifay3which (hal be This ieflTe or fet vp as a Standard for people to refort vnto. 'Elje Conqueff £ Xf7 Tt Da" tljen °^* ®mP wour fljalbe of mens <§>oules; bis tributes5tbeir mdsfather. ^c^tppinrj^b^armouranti toeapons^tbe fpiritoftbeilo?t>-,bfe peace 3 tbc uniting of all folke together into one Cburcb in tbe fa* uour of tbdr £paker,3lfo in tbe fate ana ttoentie be faitb tbus:He Efav 2 42 ^^ de^roy death fof eu^r 5 and take away the veyle that hy- 49. deth the face of all people . 9no in tbe fiue ana tbirtie,The eyes of the blynd (hall bee opened,and the eares of the deaffe (hall be vnftopped . 3n& in t^ettoo aim frntie ana tbe nine ano foxier He fhalbe no outcryer nor loude of fpeechjhis voyce (liall not be heard in the ftreates . He (hall let iudgement on the earth, , and the lies (hall wayt for him . He fhalbe a maker of leagues _ among people,and a light vnto the Gentiles.Some fhall come from the North3and fome from the South,fo as the land fhall be to narrowe for them . The Kings themfelues fhalbe fofter- fathers to my people , and Queenes (hall bee their Nurces. ££tbicb of all tbefe tbings can bee tttt&erftajn otbertoife tban of a: fptrttuali kingtiome?£)n tbe contrarp part,let fcs fee boto tbe fame JSjopbet fpeafcetb of Cyrus ti)t great Cmpcrottr 5 tobicb toas to ueliuer Ifraell bp t\)Z ftnee of armes out of tbe ban&s of tbe Chal- dees . I haue taken thee by the right hand (faptb tlje Jtort)ro make OF CHRISTIAN RELIGION, 5©$ make Nations fubiecl vnto thee,and to weaken the reynes o( JCings ^ to fct open the doores vnto thee 5 and to vnlocke the gates againft thee . I will break e open the gates of brafle,and burftafunderthebarresofyronJwillgiuethcethehoorded treafures, and the things that lye hid in fecret places . Wfybt UtaeiTe is tljere bettoeene t\)i$ maner of fpeaking ano tbe otber, ana confequeiulp betto&ne tbe uelmet-awei* 0} tbe oeltueretss tbem felues *% 15tit in tbe ttoo ana fiftteanft tb?ee ana ftftie, Ire tafcetb & Efay.52.jj, Xuap aU&oubt»Behold(faitb be)my feruant fhall behaue himfclf happelyjand be exalted andaduanced very high. As how? He (hall bee defpifed of men(faptb tbe^opbet) and thruft out of their companie . A man full of forowe and heauineffe fhall he bee,andeucry bodic lhall hide his face from him. He (hall bee wounded for our mifdeedes,and (mitten for our-finnes . The chaftifement of our peace fhal lye vpon him^nd by his (tripes (lull wee bee healed . 3tti be fapt^ aftettoarft, Although there was not any vnrightuofnefle in him,yet was it the Lords will to breake him with forowe . And becaufe he fhall giue his life for finne,the will of the Lord fhall profper in his hand,and he (hall fee the labour of his Soule,and inioy it.For by his know- ledge he fliall make many rightuous, and he fhall take their i- niquities vppn him . J15DUJ t\)i$ tejtt fe mtetpjeteti etpjeflp of tbe Speffias bp tbe Chaldee iparapbjaft ♦ Shift m t%z Talmud, Rabbi in the Tai- Iacob being affair tbe name oftfje flgttffiaa;, faptlj be (balbe ralleft mud *n thc Leaprousjanu tbere Ije tyingetb in tW tejtt to p?oue iu ^p tibitf) S^n in *eckom'ng bfe life (boulo be but Ianguiftnng aim paitte,faumg tjat '^chapter %t ttpumpbea otier tbe Deuifl ana Deatb>ana ti;at toe tonfteritanft Hciec. it fpirituaHp^o be u)ojt,fa tbe fiue aim fiftie Ije is caJlen the Law giuer of the Gentiles :ann tit tbe nine anti ftftie,The Redeemer.* e%:55 59. SnD in tbe tfn&fcoje aim one,The Phifition of the helplefFe,and 6l'6z' the Proclaymer of the acceptable yere of the Lord : 3nt> in t\yt tb^fcoje ant) ttoo,The Sauiour, & thc League or Attonement which he bringeth to the peoplejmst tl;at be Lo?ftet!j it,but tfjat be 10 botyjno? tbat be gwetblatoeg to otber Jflati'ong of tbe eartb, but rfjatbebatlnbetoojo of m tbe woutbetf of bfe feetie ; fauing tbat in t\)t kmgnome of bte Ci#iff, l©on toifl giue a better place to ffratmget* tfjett to tbem, 9sifo?ai tbe otberl^opbew,itke a0 tbepfbaite not at anpotljfr marfee, fobauetbepnotanp ctfrer bopce* jffcttm&rlrffe toe toil! content ottrfeiues tottf; a featoeoftfcw fapingg , toijici; u>ui giue crentt 504 OP THE TRMTNEJ tteoic Co all tbe reft ; ana fa mud; tbe moje, bptaufe tfcw opting fcias eomonip botlj at funojp times, anu in funtyp places.cXle batit feene bo\u cbe 89 cflias toas pjoinifc o to tbe tflcto of Dauid anb to jcrc.23.30.33. Dauid Ijimfelf* ^bus therefore botl; Ieremy fpeake thereof con« fojmablp to tljat tobtcb u>c Ijaue fapoberetofoje* 31 tmllrayfevp a braunch vnto Dauid (fapetb tbe io?D), and hce (hall reigne as King,and profper , and execute Iufticc and Iudgment vppon Earth. 9no if pe af ke tlje ^opb^t tobat manerofpjofperitietljta (balbe : It is (fapetb Ijc) that in his dayes Iuda {halbe fafe , and Ifracl dial dwell without feare, and the name whereby he (hal- be called, (halbe the Euerlafting,our Ryghtuoufenes-, tfcat (5 to fap tbe Uuffifier of b0* Jf oj ( fapetb be) the Lord hath fayd it. Dauid (hall neuer want a Succeffor fitting ?ppon his Throne, neither (hall there euer want a Prieft of the Priefts the Lcuitcs to offer facrirlce before me : Neither is it any morepoffiblc for you to breake this couenantjthan to breake the coucnant that I haue made with day and nyght. jftoto, tlje Iewes cannot bente , but tljac mm by tbe tecojo of tbeir otmte ipatapbjaft 3 tbis cert is ment of Cfet(r,ano pet noturitbffanDm&tbattbete Ijatb not toan ten a &mcce(To? Ootfj to Dauid ano to Leuie; anorijat borij t'ue Kin 500m e anb tbe l&ecft b 00 ate come to an en^ano tfcc r efo?e tfeat befpeaketbbeteofanotbetSingbome anbof another ipjetflbo&r EzccKkl.54- JLikebipfefapetbEzechielljIwillfetaihepherdouermyflocke, 37 * which (hall kede them , namely my Seruant Dauid. I will bee their God3and he (halbe their Prince among them. I wil enter into a Couenant of peace with them,and make noyfom beads to ceaffe from the earth. Iwillrayfe them (hortly a plant of Renownc , and they (hall no more bee the ieftingftock of the Oentylcs. 9nb tftae af fee,boto *i They (hall nomore be defiled (fapetb be) with their Idolles, nor with their abhominations, nor with their mifdeedes : but I will faue them from all their finnes,and make them cleane,and they (halbe my people,and I wil be their God.9no tbat tbis tert alfo is ment of tbe ggteflut*, Talmud in tbe Iewes cannot oenp* JPoj in tbeir toetp Talmud tbep fap tbat tlje thcnscatifciiu. ^efltas is caHeo Dauid,bpcaufe be toast too be bojne of Dauids tyticd,saahc- me,ana rtjCp alleuge tljis pjefent tert ano otbers foj tbe fame pur* cWamcrHdec. pofoDanielinbtsfoonb ano feuentb Cbaptets ejtpounbfogNa- Danid.2.7.9. bugodonozors Djeame , treated of tbe foioer greate S^onar* cbtes, tobtcb (boulo rife top in tbe toojlo euerp one in W tpme : tbe lubtcb ate becofceneb tbete , imber tljeft foioet fetalis* , Goide, Siluer, OF CHRISTIAN RELIGION. 5©5 SUcrer, Brafle, andyron. 05nt Ui^entl)c2>jeametep?cfetttetl) US t6eaoncl;eatuen\j3itljout^ntirl23incbflrpkctlj tl;e 3!mages p?oa fecce antr bjeaketlj tbem apeeces : it w as mud) as if it U ao tolo dst, t^at t&e Kim&oom of tbe speflras ftall feeme to be of fmall ftuffr^ tont&out Cap ant) toitljout fcnce of man 5anb pet cljat it (ball mature foj ener,bpcaufe It is fet top bp <6otj, 3nb tljcrefoje toljcreas foe aD* toed) in anotljet place z&bat all people, jftations ant? ^©ngs fljal feme tljat &ingaome,it is to be tmaerttotje of another kyvto of fcr* nice tfran t&c cnmnarie;But in l)$s fifty Chapter rje Ibeixictb tol)cre« in tl>efame peculiarlp confi&etbJt is (fapetl) &e) in bringing di- fobedience to an end , and in fealing vp finne , to clenfe away iniquitie, and to bring ryghtuaufnesinto the world ; to clofc vp prophefyingand vifions,and toanoynt the holy of Holyes. |)ea anu it 13 fo little ment tljat Hierufalem fyoulo be tbe feate of eljat kingbome , tfcat it toaster be bedropen anon after bp rtje Ro- manes . The nomber of the Children of Ifrael ( fapet& Ofe) ofeci.^j. flialbeas the fand. And where it hath bin iayd,you be not my Peoplejthere it fhalbe fayd,ye be the people of the liuingGod: faciei) is asmuclj to fapastljac manp people fljoulti become It raeiytes. And this fhalbc done ( faptfe tlje JtojD ) not by bowe, nor by fwoord^nor by battel: but bycaufe I will fhewe mercy, and fauc them by their Lord God , and marry them to me o£ my companion. Iewry(faptl)Ioel)(rialbe inhabited, cuer- lastingly ,and Hierufalem from generation to generation. get \) au tl;ep greate ottertfeotoca aftcrtoart>,pea euen in tfte ^opbetst &tonetpme3ttt pet Ije afc&ctl) , I will wype away the blud from, thofe whom I haue not yet cleanfed , that is to wit,theGen- tile$,andthcLordfhalldwellin Syon.'Efjen Ipeaftetrj Ijeof ano* t^et Iewrie ami of anotijer Syon 5 tfat is to tott 3 of tfte fpiritttaH fine, tobidj ig tfic Cijttrd) ♦ %& fyz fame enb tentretf) Amos tofjen Amos.^ fcefaprljjlwili let vp trie Tabernacle of Dauid againe,andftop rpthe breakes thereof, and amend the decayes, that he may pofleiTe the remnant of Edorrr,andof all other nations . $nD MicheasfapirjtfjatmanpJ8ation£ frjalleome to tljrLo^ei SptH, Michras* ano tafte trjere one toitl) anofte^fapm j ag foIloto3etl)',nameIp,tf)at tbename of tip JLojtr ftall bee calleB bpon otter tfcerrr, ana efjnt tije lato (frail come out of Syoa ana tfje toort of trje lojb ottt of Hie- rufalem,tofetd) fi;all teadj tfjemrjig tomes ♦ ^(no to tty intent toee ftxiulbnottln'nlte, tljattoljerea^Micheasfapt^tljattlje name of fte^efliajj^all^tlp bee magnifies to tljetottermoifpart^of 5©6 OF THB TREVVNES Zacharic.3.6 913. dje cartb 5 Tfraell ffcaTl ttpumplj after tbe maner of t&e luo^lDt The A flyrians(faptb be)ihall not ceafle to come into our Land,and to walkc vp and downe in our Palaces. TOjat tg to fap,tbe goou aim tontuous folfte ftjall not ceafle to be perfecuteo fo? all tbat:but pet botufoeuer tftep fate,3i&olatric fljalbe ouertb?otoen,as be faitij aftertoaro,am> tbe ^nopnteo (bail rctgne tinottgb tbe poluer of tbe £o?Mn& be fijal! be our peace ♦ 9no Sophonicfojetelletb to tbe Sopkeaie.1. fame effect , 3Dbat <&o& brill tfarue alltbe (Song of tbeeaub3foatf euerp man fl)ailtoo?u)tp tn bfe oume place tbjougbottt all tbe 3!leg oftbeGentiles:tbati0 to fap, ^bat Hierufalem fyal! not bee tbe onlp place to toojflrip m,but ratbet tbat <$oo toil baue euerp place to bee a Hierufalem . 3»n Zacharie tbe Jtoj&e batting fapD I will make my feruant Braunch to come ; aooetlj immeDtatlp , and I will wipe away the wickednes of this land in one day. 9n0 \)te utng fapo,He fhall reigne vpon his feate : Bpe a&netb fcojtljtoftik tbat tbe Spigbpjtelr attb ft)al fit t&ere britb bmt^bat esse to fap,tbat Cljjtff ftalbe botb Kmg anb ]pjteu\ 0e faptb tn oeene , Bee glad thou daughter Sion and triumph; For thy King commeth: 3£ut fee bcre tottb toljat furniture; A righteous Sauiour & a low- ly,fitting vpon an Affe, euen vppon an Affcs colt, which is the Chariot of Ephraim and the Horfeof Hicrufalem,& the bowc of warre.He dial fpeake myldly to all Nations,and yet dial he be obeyed from theonefide of the earth to theother-3]f tbere be no greater trtumpbe tfjan tbfe,tofjat noeoetb ft great top \ ^ut be ocpounbetb bmtfelfe tn tbtfe ujojos foflotoring* Thou (halt bee faued by the blud of thy couenant , and I haue let out thy pri- foners from the waterlefle pit. jftotu , t^at thit tert fe matt of Cb?n% tt appeared) b^ Rabby Samuel ana Rabby Iofeph tn t(;e Talmud, 3nb Rabby Selmoh ben Iarchi ( ag great an enemp as be i# to tejtfpourtotti) it not otbcrtoife>agem,In that day(fattd fce)a Welfpring (halbe opened to the houfe of Dauid , and to the In habiters of Hierufalem, towafliaway their finneand their filth • & 1 will roote out the names of the remembrance of ydols from the earth fayth the Lord of Hoftes. 311 tbfe i$ notbtng ete but tbe clearing of men from tfjetr finne09ami tbe abo* lifting of ^atbansretgne* ^obeeflxnt, Malachietcfletb&gof Cbjiff , ^at be fyall tying W an Qttonement bettoeene &&& ano to* 3no of tbe ambaffaoottc uHjom <5 S> D ment to fena afa?e bim to prepare bte Uaapcg , i)t faptb tbat bee ftall rttrne tbe imm of tl^e Cljil^n to tfcetr. jf at^er^ , ann tfje ^eartejai of ti)« In the treatife Sanhcdrin: op.Halcc. OF CHRISTIAN RELIGION. J<>7 tbe iFatberS to tftetr cbfltyen* $p tbe preparation oftfjc SmbaCk- aour,t»e wage of tbe Office of bis Spaitfer : namely tbatbiS com* ming is pjoperlptoreigne in our Soules, feeing bfe^mbiittk Hour prepared; tbem fb?btm > eating tos to tumt atoap from cur (nines* jftota oftfjtss long but pet mswfufl otfcourfe, &ee ga^ tber ttoo tbingsXbe one againtf tbe <0entples3tobtcb is,tbat tbe meane of cleanfing mankino batb bin pjomifeo ano pjearfjefc tutn from tbe fall of Adam , aim tbat tbe fame pjomife is from time to time bjougbt to our remembrance bp our fcripturestto toit tbat it is ocone bp Cb?tft , tobo toas to bae bojne of tbe toomans feoe bp Abraham, luda, Dauid ano otbcrs.Cbe otljer is againft tbe 3!e* toes of our tpme,tobo lofce dill foj a Cb?ift to come:tobtcb is,tbat tbe&eliuerace p^omtfeo bp btm,is not ment of tbe tpjannp of fome eartblp prince ouer bs j but of tbe "Cpjannp tobtcb tbe oiuell ejrer* nfetb in our @>oules bp tbebnrigbteoufnes of Gnne, tbe retoame tobwsof is euerlafling neatly %b* ©entiles of olo tpme prieteeB into tbefe teicts,tobfti tbep baa once tmbjaceo tbe fpirituall king* Home of Cbjifcano it map be tbat if toe Ijao to fcco toitb tbe3!etoes ofeloertpme, tbe matter (boulo f(onebeeiiifpatcbeo*4ro?aH tbe The icw«cr fojealle&geo fcejt* baue bene bmierffart of tbe Speflias ana of W ^Tit^ reigne3botb b^ tbe auncient Rabbines ano bj> tbe Chaldecpara* ^]i0^Jm" pbjafts^ojeouer tt is berp manifeft,tbat p Cabalifts tobo tu^ate MiflradTki. long tpme afo?e tbe Talmudiftes3anb tobo(as tbep fap)na) pearce fium- into tbe berp Sparotoe of tbe Scriptures, toberas tbe Talmudifts aoe but grate bppon tbe barfte of tbem: baue bnnertfcotie tbat tbe cleanfing atoap of finne ana tbe beating of tbe contagious benome tobtcb tbe Serpent bio (beo into Adam,ano bp bim into t\)t tobole affpiing of man : toas to bee tojougbt bp tlje S^eflTias* get foj all tbis,nottoitbffa&ing al p Tojecafts of mans \toitjnz toant not fome euen of tbe netoer fojt of liters > tobicb baue bn&erftcoae it af< ter tbe maner afo^efato^be eicpofition of Salomons 35alett bpon f^°^ ' tbefe toojbS , A Grape of Copher ,mafeeg tljfe alluGon ; tfehcol ^er!^ ^ Haccopher^fat bttto tbe Cburcb,Cb?ilt is a man of full attone- ment 5 tobo (ball be bojtne of tbe Cbitojen of Abraham , ^nn fljall make fattffaction fo? finnes, in fucb fo^t as b^ map fap to tbe mea* fure of 31u&gement,lt is cnoughrtbat is to fap,be map (lap ©00s lo?atb ani» puniCbment ; anu onne of Perets , euerp man knotoea among drach. tbem tljat tt fe tbe fl&eflta$ 5 tobom tbep iooken foj to comeof Iu- Exod.z i . da bp W fonne * Perets, Concerning dje calling ofttje ©entiles?, *vve call him (^Talmud maftetbtbfe compartfon, ^Ijat tbefipojfclbalbefet in tbeftali of tbe baiting©^ OTjicfr toojnes Rabbi Iacobann Thaimudin Rabbi Selomoh ejepouno tl)\x$ -, namelp tbat fojafmueb ag tbe the ncatifc Sa- %t)nz$ (ball ijaue fojfaften tlje iatoe , ©on Mi put tbe ©entple* j^^'cap in t&ett place^ano pet not njtue tbem atoay aftertoam , tfjougb tbe 31etoes tutne again bnto btm : l»f)tcb is a tbtng berp farr* of from tbe Sponatcljte tobtcb tbep imagtn a$ oftas tbere it anp fpeaktng of tbe calling of tbe ©entiles 'Co bee (bojt, tbe notablett of t^ett Habbinesareafbamen oftbefeaftingg $e#raojntnatiepafttmejaf, tobtel) tlje aetoe&bebigbttbemfelues attbecommmyof rbe^ef* fias ; ann concluoe tottb Rabbi Moyfes ben Maimon5(of tuljom tbep report tbat dice Moyfes Ijpmfelfe tmttlltbte Moyfes tbere tolas none fo likeiutto Moyfes)tbat tbe felicities ann pleafureg of tbattpme, ougbtto beebnoerifanaccojningtotbte fapingofE- e%.it. fayes, Cbat tije eartb ibalbe a$ it toere ouerSotoen twit^ f knoto* leoge of tbe lojn, ann time euerp man ibalbe orcuppen m reeking ann m ftnotoing e t(;at nenpesf jmes tljat(fap tbep) nenpes tbe latoe ^ tbe pjopbeteg, ann i$ connem« Rabbi Moyfes uen to fytlfyt* 3nn tberefo^e (fap tbep ) be tbat nen^etb t\)t com^ bea Maimon. ttitng of tbe S8c(GajBi,catt«ot be fatten* 31f ^eio!jtc{j tjs to rergne tit 3iftacH OF C HR I ST I AN Rt t 1GION, 5 Op 3!ftacn anu to gitte tbem pjofperitie , bee a tempojall King : tobae f fcflies it me greatlp tobetber 31 knotoeljim anu betette in bim , o$ no *: o? toljat top can it bee to me> Ctij 31 cannot fee bim *t J8ap ra« tber tobat a griefe is tt to mee tftat 3! (Sal not fee bim, anu tobat * petite is tt to ppne atoap m toapting fo? Ijtm ? ageine, tobat genu* nede is tt in anueuenfoisittoitbaflotbmbtngs tobicb arenoartt* tics of faptb , furtberf©?tb tban a man batb beneffte bp beleeuing tbem^ut as fo? tbis article of tbe 9@efnas3tobat footeo it Abra- ham^Moyfes/o manp &ings,fo mahp]p?opbetes,$ fucb anom* berofpeopIe-,iftbere toere nofurtber fecretinit^223bp toas it fo?etolo fo carefuflp bp tbep?opbetes ? JHtbp toas tt a oft repeat* tea, no leflTe in tbe p?ofperitte tban in tbe aouerfitie of tbat people, anu no lelfe imuer tbe genu Kings tban bnuer tfje 'ftpjants? Jftap, lubicb mo?e is ; tobp toas it mo?e , pea farre rco?e care&tlip repea* ten totbofe tobicfj toere not at tbetpme tobenbe fbouiu come, tban to tbofe tobtcb toere to be bo?ne in bis time; if t&e apefftas be not certeinlp mo?e tban fimplp a gooo King,anu tbep?ofperitie a* notber maner of p?ofperitie tban anp is on eartlj, anu tbe iop ano* tber maner a top tban is conceitteo bp tbe fences *t anu pet fo? aH tbat, bntoa3letoeitisan3rticleoffaptb, anuoftl;enece(fitieof faluatiomSBe fap tberfo?e,tbat tbe ^efftas is not a King of tern* po?all ueligbtes,bnt tbe Sing of Valuation anu toelfare* agetn, tbep beleeue tbat tbe Scriptures are of (Sou , anu tbae tbep teacbe tbem tbe toap to Saluatiom jSoto tbe o?oinariefcopce xA tijem is ageintt tbe pompe , tbe b?auerp5 anu tbe fcanitie of tbe tuo?lu : feping tbat (Sou toill tnme tbem into fo?rotoe, mourning mi uung^peretoitbafljtbe fame Scriptures turners atoap from all otber ueltgbts,to talke of tbat > anu from an bono? anu reputa- tion^ tbe attepnement of tbat fctngoome* 2Bbo feerij not tbere^ fo?e,tbat tbtS iop \^ith tl>e Scriptures uoe fb mucb commenu3is of anotber kinu,tban tl;e iop tobtcb tbep uifcommenu, anu tbat tbe fcmguom tobicb tbep mafee ijs to cottet,is to be polTefleu in Ijeaucu anu not oneartl^^e glau © Daugbter Ston(fap tbepjerpbets) rciopcetbou 5pierttfalem,(tngpe nations auu peoples* 3nu toljer= foje? jfo? certemet^oufanuperes bence^tberenjaHrifetjpagreat 3ii s King 5IO OF T H 1 TRIWNH &ing in 3ifraell e fyaflmakea goon peace Tap tljep : tobat paffe 3! fo? tbat , if 3} mp felfe be m 2£tarre *. it>c (ball open tlje jp?ifons : tobat is tbat to nice, if 31 in tbe mesne tnbple noe rotte tbere ? Ijz fljaU triumpb o- tier al tbe Rations in tbe too?o* CObat am 31 $ better fo? tbat,if in tbe meane feafon otber il^atimigs trample me nnner tbctr feete3ann leanemee in triumpbe otter all tbe too?lnetoitbmp banns boumi bcljinn mee *t %bz fatbcr[Tap t&ep]reiopcetl) fo? bi& feonnes wel- fare : pet i« tbat but a Itgbt anti fltgbtfull iop , ann xolyo is bee tbat toilbe moucn fo? tfje afterfp?ing of bis cbiln?en tbat are long b* nr e to come?9nn toljo toottln not count Ijim a fmle fo? reiopcing tbere* at, ann mucb mo?e fo? beteuing it ? g>urelp,tben notb tbis iop ^ tennfartber, fo as turn tbe foretellers tbereofnoe feeleitrtrem* felues ann are cbeeren djeretottlj, ann tbe fearers tljereof noc tafte of it ann finne tljemfelues comfo?teo : ann botb of tbem in tbeir <§>oules iniop tl)e jfrauncbtfes ann jf reenomes of tbat king* nome afo?el)ann , ere rije fapne fting toljom tbep fake fo? be bo?ne into tins ioo?ftu let bs put tlje cafe fattber, tbattbeptobicljibaH attenn bpon tlje 9peflias,fbalbe retoarnen abunnantlp toitb all tlje pleafures of tin's Ipfe : tobat (ball become of kirn in tbe enne ? 5pee ftallope (fap tbep) ann W generation toitl; l;im, ann tljerebppon tyvp fteepe a fo?e contention boto manp peeres bee fijall liue, $)ota farre of is tljis geere from tbat tobt'eb tbe p?opbetcs fpeakeof* concerning a top tbat (ball neuer baue enn \ SOljat if tbep paiTe a $unn?en peccs in all iop *: bjftac is it but along feaff,toln'c& as fame as a man flcepetb ii quite ann clean* forgotten *: 3nn if pe npe al- toget!;er,tobat remapnetb of it anp mo?e ? 3nnif pe liue out of tlje too?fo,tobatremapnetb thereof but greefV 3nn toljatreafonljaue tbe Jtatbers to reiopce fo muclj at tbat flalb of tightening , tofnefj patted) atoap in amomStt Sxotblp mucb teflfe tt>a fo? a 89ariage* feaft, at leafttoife tuljtdb is aecompanien toitl) tbe birtlj of feme clrilojen* 3!n fcerp necne tfjefe tbings are topes to lattgb at, but pet among ti>e 3!etots tfjep bee earned matters , ann tbep reft fcppon tbem at tbis t»ap Ipfce Slip foules as tbep be,as tljougS) tbere Ujere none otljer Ipfe fo? man tftan tbi*, o? as tl;ougb tbepfljoaln euec be babes Ml in tbiiS ltfe«X^ut fonu to ^)\inm tW abfurnitie s haut falnc into another , namelp tbat all tbep tobW) baue bopen fo? tl;e SpelTtaSjfljal come tolpfe agapne as tbep luere afo?e,pea ann cum tbe tonckeo foit too, tbat tbep map burft fo? fpigbt ann fo?rotue* ^ep t^at be in t^e glojie of (Son fyaH come batike again to fee rtje glojtc OF CHRISTIAN RELIGION.' 5" glojie of tljat man* Cljep tljat are free front tljis Iftifon of (fane, fljalbe fljut Dp againe tn it to fee tljis Itcem toute* %\)ty tljat ltuceucrlaftmg;ly in dlfclicttte abotie, fljallcome&otonetoeate of fat lieafteg* ^XBSatwtWsibutattctietaetleofCbtlDKn, toijtelj in tljeir conferences can go no Ijigljer tijan partes ano 3unfttt*9 no? conceiueanp Ijigljer pleafures tfcan tijofe ^ am> toljat els in efs feet is all t&is,tban to rpfe from "Ben to 25(ojo3a«ti from tBco^e to !0eo ageine to (tepe ? 25ut if all tljis muff be none in Paleftine, fo as all t&at are fpofcen of afoje fjjali come t&it&er : $oto trill Pale- Thcicwcs of ftinc o? Iewric fuffice to receiue t(jem,oj toljat Leuiathan toil fuf* t°huart^[s *£* fice to feoe tljem? 3u& if tlje ©entilesalfo t&abe a&mitteo tljttfjer, uiathan is a' as tljep fay : to&at maner a temple ftall t Jere WiQn* if all men whale Pow- fyall tying tljeir Sacrifices tljitljer3tol;at fyallfipierufalem bc^ut dred for th€ a continual* flaugbterljottfe of beattes , ana aliaetojie an mutter* wafLofthc fall ftreame of bluti toljere ©oo fijalbe ferueo ana tootfbippeti: &nn fee* ing tljat ©©D fo greatly refufetlj ourffjeauings of bluo, our fat ^utcon^anu our perfumes : tofoo can tljin&e djati&ofefyalb* tfie featf toljicb be toill prepare to cbere us tottljalU Titf xxviij .Chapter. That the Mediatour or Mefsias is promifed in the Scrip- tures to be both God and Matuhat is to wit,the euer- laflingSonneofGodtakingmansflefhvntohim. ©to tljen,let it ff ana foj a popnt concto sen , Cljat tlje Cljjtft our spefltas pjo* mtfe& in tlje Ijolp Scriptures! i& a He* turner from fpttituai bonaage3ut fo?* gJ W afmucb as a fcaue pjouea, tljat Ije ougfct ft* L not to fetclj bg cut of pjtfon tottijout ^ i g IRaunfomeitto? couln pap tlje Katmfome ff vj being infinite 5 toilette Ije toere ©on ano 2j£an 5 ^an to fuffer , anu ©oo to ouer^ 31 i s came* $1 2 OF THE TREWNE& romettt foKotMetft tfjac 31 mui! (beto5 rtjat ©on* toojn &atfrp?omt* fen bg tljat Ijc tljalbc fucb a one: ann tljat fljall ferue as toell againft tlje <&entplc05aa! agatnft t^e 3!etoes ♦ jftoto,if toee ban noue otber pjcofe tbereof tban tbfe , tljat Cbjifteg office is to bnnoe finne ann neatb, ann to appeafe (tbote tojatlj againft mankpno,as 31 baue fapn ; feeing tljat tbefe tljingg are fucb ag no creature can noe , noj, ougljt to p?efume to noe: ass oft ag toe reane tbat bia office is fucb, toee muff nceticgi concittoe tljat tbeggeffiajs muftneenes tfjenbee (Son* Jfoj(ag tfje Gymnofophifl: of India fapn fcnto Alexander): fce ig (Son in berp O0ene,toljid) notlj tbat lsjfjtc^ no creature cauno*. That by the ^ut $e Scripture intenoing to fuccour our infirmitie , tbe clnec scriptures, tljt toojlo toajcetlj , fpeaketb euer tlje moje manifettlp tbereof bnto chrift the Me- bg;ann furcip after fud) a fo?t,tljat tbt flulfctllett among tip Iewes Jatorisb°th oflatetpmetiecomemoaunfkafulliaj^entbep goe about to nar* uod and Man &en ft ^ ^ flf aJ( flt t,J0 imhjng of tl)t p?omjfe jn Genefis , it itf fapn tljat tins feene, tljat is to fap tW cfei8,ftaH cruflj fte g>er* pents beantano tljt'g <§>erpent(ag 31 baue fain afoje)ia tlje Deutll; Cen.3 antl W1* fc^ome fe Snne: ann b^ meaner of Urate toe be all become tb?aflea to tije Deuil^againft toljofe potoer toe fenoto tbat no fojee of man can noe anp tljtng* 3it folio toetlj tben tbat tW Ctytftmuft fcaue anotfjer nature tljan mams^ea o? tfran 3ngete: fity tbe 3n^ gels ana tbe Demte niffewot in potoer,tljat i# to toit,niuine» 3f- tertoarn tobere tlje pjomtfe t£ repeated to Abraham;of tobat matt can it be berifpen , In thy feede fhall all Nations be blefled? © j Dwt2i.ver.8- tobo can blelfe fo effetfuallp but onlp ©on, tobo commaunnetb lji£ blefHng (faptfj be niuers tpme^ ) ann tljen notb it (bean tt ftlfe out Upon tog ann our toojkes r ^5ut as? tl;e p^op^etesf noe p?eacb tlje ^effia^ tonto w^ fo alfo noe tbcp nefcrtbebss W natures ann qua* Ktieief, fo a^ toe neene not anp o^er Commetttarte Upon tbat p?o<= ' mtfe,t{)antbep)opbet^t^emfdues{+a:nto Dauid tberfojtittoag renetoen5ann in ^i^ ilfeto toasi tt to be accompltften^ee bcreboto ?faim.45. ^efpeaket^ of it in tlje 45 ♦Pfalme* My heart(raptb be)intendeth to vtter good matter, and my worke (halbe to fpeake of the King,(tbattsi to toitof tlje ^elita^ann fo notb tfjeChaldeepa* rapb?attl)tmfelfe interpret it : ) Thou art more perfeftthan the Children of meu.C&fe migbt be ment of a man : but let b$ reane furtber : O God(faptl;bOtny Throne is from euerlaftingto e- uerlafting 5 the Scepter of thy Kingdoms is the Scepter of Rightuoufneffe . Thou loueft right uoufnefle and hateftwic- iednefle : And therefore God thy God hath annoy ntcd thee with OF CHRISTIAN RELIGION, ?IJ with the oyle of gladnefle aboue thy fellowes . Cbtfe fo t}t< pjeflc toojos cannot bee fpofceu , ( fpeciallp amontj tlje Hebrewes tuljo tticre not fo faulty of ©odjS name aa otbet people are ) but of one tbat to berp (Sod ann berp man botb ,togetber*3[n tbe Ijunu^eo mtt> tentb pfalme , The Lord fayd vnto my Lord (faptb Dauid) pfaira. r , ^ fit thou at my right hand , vntill I haue made thyne enemies thy footftoole.9m> a little aftcr,Thou art a Prieft for euer after the order of Melchifedeck.^o lit at ©o&g ticfyt banu,an0 to be a pjieft fo? euer,camtot be attributes to a mam jSapCtulji'db mo?e &)Dauid tobo Imetoe toe!! tbat tbere 10 but on* lojo, calletb butt Ins to?D* 3ns toee reane tbat tuitfj tbis felfefame tm £b2iff flop* pes tbeutoutbes oftljelpbatifie* ♦ jf5otu3tbat tbefatbers of oloc tpme fcnoerfltoo tbefe tbino;$ to be fpofcen of tbe 2pe(Ras,tt appea- red) bp tbe tranflation of lonathas5riten tn $ brake of Collection^ foj be tranflatetbitjhe Lord fayd vnto his word : ana it tealles* TheBookc gea to p?oue,tl;at tbe Speffias (bouto fit on tbe rigbt bano ofiBitoJfPh'r ^" Jnfomucb tbat tbe IewesCommentariebpon tbe feconu pfalm, ^f^u rh faptb er^eflelp tbat tbe S^ifferies of tbe gpeflfe are rebearfeti in M^vvon ^ tbe \>m\x>}to aim tentb ipfalme ; 3ns Efay tn bis ninetb Cbapter fCCOnd pfaim. faptb tbug: A Babe is borne vnto vs and a Sonne is giuen vnto verfe.7. vs,and his kingdome {halbe vpon his (houlder. JDe fee bete tbe E6y-9* birtb of a man. 35ut be faptb furtber,His name (halbe called,the wonderfuil,the Counfeller, the mightie God, theeuerlafting Father,the Prince of Peace. &mt$ fyen mutt tfjfe felffame man be alfo (Sou ♦ 3m> tobereag be ti fapfc to bee the Prince of Peace; lonathas trSflatetb it the Chrift{oj tbe anopnten)of Peace.9nt» Lamcnt t; Rabbi lo{estbeGalil2Ean,faptbbpontbelamentation^,tbattbever.i6. fpefliag (balbe calleo the father of euerlaftingnefTe , the Prince Berefchith of peace and fo forth ; ana fo? confirmation tbereofjbe alleugetlj Rabba vPon ibis tertians fo notb alfo tbe Commentarie bppon Genefis . 8nn G cncf5 5* tbebolp Rabbi(a$ tbep termebmt)faptb erpjeflclp, tbat tbe speD RabbiHcca- fiag in tbat be ffjouln bee botb ©oti ana ^an3 fboulti bee calleo E- dofch. nianueH; Jit tbat &e toag <0o& , the wonderfull and the Coun- feller:3!u tbat be tua^mig:btie,Gheuer,tbati^ to fap Strong: 3!it tbat be baagf Euerlafting, the Father of euerlaftingnefTe; 3|n re- fpect ^ peace Iboulo be increafeo tinner btm,The Prince of peace: 3ln tbat be Iboulti ueliuer mens Joules from 5>ell,Thc deliuerer out of bondage : anti tn tbat be fboulti faue men,Iefus that is to fay,TheSauiour.jfojtoberea$ Rabbi Seloraoh>to conuepetbefe titled (0 Ezechias^nterpjetet^ tl;em after tl)i& maner; And God, Xi 4 the 5*4 ° F TH E T R E W N ES the wonderfull,the Counfeller, & the euerlafting father3hath called Ezechias the Prince of peace &c. Redoes tbat tbe £pe* bjetoe ©rammer ano tbe pfeafeof tbat tongue arc repugnant to ttjat Conffrutfiom it it toell enougb fecne tbat fucb tbings cannot be betifieo of Eing Ezechias,aiiti tbat it is but a tretttce of tins late bojne 31eto agatnd trje opinion of al antiquitie ta efcape from tins Efay.;. tc# ^b^b ** fo *W*ffc ♦ E&y in bis feuetttb Chapter faptb tbu& Behold,a Virgin (hall bee withchild and bring forth a Sonne. $perepefeetbatCb?itflballbeeaman ♦ And thou (halt call his Chriftis called namc Emanuell,that is to fay , God with vs . ZA)zn fyall be bee ichouah^hat ^otlj (Son ana ^an, tbat ig to tott, D,is impartea to ffiixitzs ana ati&gesfcSlffli EGri8&-8 t^ce^?e^t^^i'e^^^* In that day (faptljEfay) the Lord $*\'1 * of Hoftes lebouabtfebhaothShzlbt in (led of a crowne of glory and of a Diademe of honor to the refidue of his people . Cbfc Chaldee parapbjaft interpreted $fe concerning tbe igteflia** 3n& againe ; In that day (hall the people that were harryed a- way and rent a peeces,be brought for a prefent to the Lord of Berefliith Ke- Hofts. %bz Commentariebpon Geneiis tomjerftantietb t\)i$ alfo .ona" to be fpoken of tbe fame perfon ■♦ %W fa anotber: I will wayt for the Lord who hath hidden his face from the houfe of Iacob, and I will attend vpon him. %ht Difcipte of Rabbi Hrja ap» pipe tb& in tbe Talmud to tbe $pefliag>&nt> pet i\\ all tljefe placet toberefoeuerte tfyetoo?&Lord, tbe^b^toebatbtbe tooja/^* uah yt\)at ig to fap the Beeer o? he that is, tobicb is* tbe bnfpeaha* Me 0) bnutterable name of tlje Creator ami in opinion of tbe He- Tn tHctreatife brewestenot to bz imparten to anp Creature* SBfterebpon it en* sanhedrin.cap feujetb,tbat tbe ^effta^totobont it & imparte&,(boulobetbebe* Dine Mam- ^ euerlafting (Son ; ana tbat tbe aunrient totters toljo attributes monoth. t^0j.g (jjp^gp t0 jjim s icoken tbat be AkmIs bee fticb aone ♦ 31" tbe titftk anti ttoentie ano in tbe t\)}& ana tbittie of Icremie toee reane iJHtg:Behold>the daies (hall come, that vnto Dauid I will.raife vp a rightuous braunch., and he (hallreigne as King . ^Llyzfc toojbg belong to Cbjiftes a&anb©&.'But bp ano by after be faptb, And in his daies Iudafhall beefaued-, and behold, the name whereby he fhalbe called , (halbe lehouah, theEuerlafting,our RightuoufnefTe . Jpeere againe ig tbefb?efapdbncomntunicable uameof (SoD3tobicb tljelewesooefo greatlpreuerenre* Qttnvu SMt&ffamungj tlje t^^ftoje ano ten3imerpjeter0 , torijottere aH Icwes^ OF CHRISTIAN R1IXGXO-M. ^IJ lewes, bnaerftart it fo ♦ 3nb Ionathas interpreted) it of £tyiVt in botb refpect* ♦ 3$ toucbtng t&e fatter Rabbines, tobo brill neeae* tojred ttje te^ano in fleas of ifkreo^oz fet oouine gfe*, to tbe in^ tent tljat tfte fence migijt be,He that calleth him (hall bee the E- uerlafting: 3[ report me to all tbeir otone (&tmmmm$,to\)Ztfytt it be not batlj a corrupting ano a racking; of tbe tejt* 3n& truelp in tfje tbjfc anu tbirtte Chapter t\& pjopljet faptb tlje fame tljiug itt titters uKno^ruiberebntQ tbte fojgerie cannot be applpetu'&bat teve*™™'2° $e caufe tobp Rabbi Abba bppou tbe 3Lamentation2 ofleremie fceinawtaetb toljat f&albc tlje name of tbt $peffta& , am aftertoaitf aitfaietetl; /?W^/?^#*a,theEuerlaftingis his name • 3nD ta fbat purpofe alieogetlj&etije felfefame teptjs of Ieremies. &no tbe Commetitatiebpon tfcepfalmes faptlj> Seeing that none of the M^rafchT* Subieds of a King of flelhaud blud, that is to lay of a tempo- hilim vpon the rail Kingjis called by his name(tbat ig to fap King):How hap- 2r3.Pfal.vaCu peneth it that God imparteth his owne name to the Mefsias? and what name is that ? Sxodjlp Jehovah i&fjte name accoutring to tljte facing , The man of warre, Jehouah [tbat fe to fap tlje €- tterlaftmg] is his name . 3ffl> Rabbi Moyfes Hadarfan ejpotm? B..Ma*fcs Ha- iring tbte faptng of Sophonie,to call vppon the name of the E- darfan vpon uerlafting;faitl) tljtttfjHere Iehonah is nothing els but the King, Gencfis ca.4 u the Mefsias ,[ 0? t&eanopntctr Sting* 3 9nt>cbefame tljing ig re* peateo in tlje felfefame toojtte in tlje Thalmud. Sin) tolierag feme, to trifappopnt bg of tlje conference of tijefe tztf^ rm fap tljat in Ezechiel,Hierufalem fe calleo bp tljat name,tobere it fe fapfctljug Jehouah fihammah, [tljat & to fap3 the Euerlafting is there; tfjat Thalmudin to to fap,tlje Cfrterlaffing fr atlj cljofen l)te Dtoellmg place inHieru* the ««*& sa- falem: Cljep bp cljaunging tlje ©rfyeni botoete ooemafee fym to ^ed'in' CaF8 Tap Iehouahfihemo, [tl)at fe to fap] the Euerlafting is his name. e c* 15m beGoeg tb£ confent of all Copies repugning to tfe&tmftame* fattneire^lonathas can aifople the cafc,urijo tranflatet&it erpjefljv Godhath placed his Godhead there. M$M uoljicb ftetoe tljat tbe 3!eiues; of olo tpme toapte^j fo^ a ®$zU fiaiS tljat fl^oulti be fcotlj (Sots ano spam toe Ijatte alfo great tok^ng thereof in tbofefetoetojitmgg of tbeirsi tobicf> remapne nifperfeu |ere f t^ere^nottottbaantiing J tbe 3Jetoes Iji^e tbe frombg 0? efe fo^rupttftemasmucb asitbep cair-C6e Commentan'ebppsn tfce M. . n pfalmes faptb , Becaufe the Gentyles ceafTe not to aske of vs TcS vPc»* wrliere-k our God;the time fhal come j> God wil fir among the the fortith Righteous^ fo as they lhalbe able to point him out with their ?&lm. fingar* 5l6 0F THE TREWNES Mbd V h fingar ,9tl* ^erea* rt * f0 *ftcr* f^M wiil w*Ike among you; xcivpontiir ic IS a11 onc (fa? *P ) as ,f a Kin§ fo°uld go walke in his Gar- 26 ofLciuti. c&ac tfo Cuerlafting (bail onebap bee ag a bjetbcr of Jacob, ThcBaikt.8. tljacfe to ftp in tbe tpme of tlje Spcfltaa 5 accojbing to djis fapinj vaCi . of clje 3£allct,I would fay ne that thou waft to me as a brother. 9faD tbe Commentarfe bppon c(ie pallet faptb in anotber place, . r ULlm (Sod btmfelf trtjo fe tbe $>ufbanb ofcfje Cburcb,fboulD come jLcuttii . vcri. fe jfe oU3ne pftfonc Co nwrr je ^ ^ppoil tbe #b* of Leuiticus, The booke *#«* mention is maoe of onetyotber tbat re&ametlj out anotber, Tanhumah. tutbep&re oflubilee;manp make an 9llego;tie3tbat tbat b^totfictr Midrafehvpo jS Cb?i&8nD tijz Commentarie affirming: tbe fame, faptb tbat It Eabb^Mo res rael1 ^a*e rmemet> «rf® ot,j toljo il>all come in &i0 oume freeing, HadarVan°vp6 m *at Ifraeil flWK no mo?e bee bjtougbt in bonbage, 9nn bppon Gen.49. Genefis [ Rabbi Moyfes Hadarfan allebging tbijs facing of tbe Pfcl.49. ]pfalme,l will (hew him the Saluation of God; faptb tj)U0 .-This is one of the Texts of Scripture of greateft weight , that the Saluation of Ifrael is the Saluation of God.For God wilbe the pryce and payment of Ifraels Raunfom,lyke as if man hauing Hafiarchrir butalittleCorneofthefecondCroppe, (hould redeeme the RabbJEieSar fome.jpereof came tbis Cratitfoi^tbat (Bon left Come portion mt« vmozohar. perfect on tbe jj2ojtbHbe,to tbe intent tbacif anp repo?te& bimfelfe to be ©on, bee fljou Id fill bp tljat tuant , anD tbat tljerebp bis €>od- beab (boulD be kuotoen. 3na all men knotoe tbat ojainarilp bp tbe JSo?c63tftep ment tbe €uill,to>btcb fljoulD be remeDien by tbe 30ef« fiaa* TSnt tbe Cabilifts lucre farre moje QrfrftttaU in tljig bebalfe The Cabilifts. tljan tbe Thalmudifts. 9nb firft of all Rabbi Simeon ben Iohai r simeon.B. m bis Commentaries bpon Genefis in tbe language of Hierufa- iohai vpon icm>faitb tbat tbe feate oj mercie of tbe top ftoulo take a boDp iit i7C&cap!i7 tlje^Hombeof aSOoman,ann be Crotoneb i^ing tbe aunctentof ver.i. bapesfo?ett^9ini!tbatitlua fcojtb openlp • ana tbat all tbte 19 but one,namelp tbe euerlafttug btmfelf*anD to be ftojetbat tlje (Utoman of tobom tbe bolp Uiojn ibotift take Ijts bo* &p,anooutof tobom tljefapa fapcbfulltoasto come ; (bonis be bo* ip mm bletfco aboue all otber toomem jftoto it appears tb tbat bere* In the treatifc hp be roent tbe 3!ncarnatton of tbe spefliaa* jFo^ in tbe Talmud, sanhcdiim, tbe &cb©le of Rabbi Hamina being ocmaunocD tbe name of tbe cap.Hekc SpelTtas , anfincreo Hamina , tfjat is to fap , Mercy is his name. Iercmy- 1 6° Sinn in tbe l&opbetes , tbep betoken tbe speffitas bp tbe name of mercie^notber Cabilift faptb,^bat Onne Ojalbe tyougbt to enue ™'h^ bp tbe $peffiag5to)bo ibalbe tbe potter of 3etten bp tbe fpiut of condUation. " tmfetrome tobereuutb be ftalbe filleo ♦ 3no anotbet faptb,tbat tbe mtfferie of fl£effia$ tbe&tng, ties tbat W operation coSffetb tob«rt= in thebookc ip in he, van jim kdy be, (tnbtcb te tbe mtfterie of tbe feuentb sap) Hccadmavau, tbat fe to fap tit ealmeneffe of mpm> , lmtbout ftnee ; and tbat W Hc'Iod'Hc' name tobole together (baibe compofeo of tbefe letterg,to toitfaho- ttah,the Euerlafting.^ut tbe bofp Rabbibpon H)t p,Cbapter of Efay tobete Cb?ttt i$ caUeo f euerlaftmg fatber , plapetb tbe W> ]™**d °™ c lofopber pet furtber bpo tbe letters of tbat name* Like as the let- ™™tc of lightft ter be(fayt\) i)t)is made oidaleth and vau, (as appeareth by the cap. i . fiiapes of thofe letters)fo (hall the Mefsias be of the nature of Rabbi Heca» Man,and of the nature of God. And like as the double be co- d°rch# fifteth of a double daletb and two vans: fo bee there two Son- fhips in the Mefsias , that is to fay,two forts of beeing Sonne; the one in refped that he is the Sonne of GOD , the other in refpedrthat he is the Sonne of a ProphetifTe3as it is fayd in E- fay 8. And as thofe fhapes are diftind in one felfefame letter,. and yet are both one letter :fo ftial the natures of Chrift or the Mefsias be diftind^and yet (hall make but one Chrift . 31 ftantr not bppon tbe foimaation tofyitb be taketb of t^c letters, iabtcb 31 make none account of : but i^z onelp tbtng tobtcb 31 tneane to ga* tber , botb b^ tW tw ana by tbt former tejcte , anti bp all otberg tbat map bee gotten togetber,fe tbat tbreicpertatton of tbe 3!enje£ in oto tptm,!»a*of a speCias tbat fbouto bee botlj fo? afmucb a« 31 baue fspo tbat to <^otr tbere bee tfcee per^ fonecitnonefubliance,tbeiFatbertbeS>unneanotbebolp(Sbolrt itfollotoetb tbat bjee mutt fa trineb of tbefe tbjtee tbe Cburcbe of Ifraell toapteo tljat tbe qpedta^ fboute be* Snu a^s w baue fotmft it Jl8 OF THE TREWNE5 That Ae Se. iemdetetbaebcebptobam ©o& create bs (to tattle fonne ojt tbe r" k lfl f n nC to0° ^ ^0UlD br e^e mcane t0 crcaec *0 noto aSc*n 5 f° alto (ball oo a ticm. toe gntJ bj, t|)e ^ct,pture 5 tjjat tjjC f^e ftctmn pcrfonis be tbat tuaspjomtfefcu 3!nGenefis tt;c ^efftasiscaUeoSilo, ano pjo« Kimhiinhu nufeo Co beof cfee ffocke of 3!«tia4 jQoto tbe tooojfc Silo (fapetfr bookeof Kimhi) figniftetb tbe Sonneof him , anb 10 berptieb of aUioojtB Rootcworacs. ^^ fignifietb a toomans Afterbirth as tbcp terme it; tobfeb ttyng 10 not to be pafleo oucr tygbtlp^nti tberefoje Dauid repea« tetft ana erpounoetb tlje fame pjomife m tbefe toooj&g; I wilbe his P&lm $9 Father (fapetb tbe lojO)ant> he fhalbe my Sonne. 3nb mtbe lOTi^falme 6c at>&etb,3I will ma&c bint mp firftbegottett, ami fottereine of al tbe Kings of tbe eartbrtobicb toojo Rabbi Nathan Wounoetlj concerning tbe qpefltag ano tbus totbDauidbimfcIf X&lm.t. ejrpomib it in tfcefe^onO Pfalme : The Lord hath fayd vnto me, thou art my Sonne,this day haue I begotten thee.9nu agctne, Kifle the Sonne 6 ye Kings & Rulers of the Earth and happy be they which put their truft in him . fetirelp it appcatc tb j> m all tbat tejet be fpeaftetb of tbe S>ontie of ©00, ana not of tbe Tonne of a man* jfoj otljertoife be tbat {jatlj fapo unto bs, Curfed be hee that trufteth in man, and a fbole is he that leaneth vppon the Princes of the earth,tt)OUlU not fap bnto lis,BlefTed are thei that put their truft in him.35utpct further Rabbi Selomoh $ fonne of Iarchijano Aben Efra ( as mucb enempes as tbep be unto bs ) alfo 00 taicncfietbattljefapD pfalme \xjas imnerftoottemolD time to concerne tbe ^effias; neither too tbep tbemfelues cjrpoun&tto* tbemife«3InfottUtcb tbat Aben Efrafapetb ejrpjefip, tbat Bar fig* niSctij a Sonne in tbat place as tticllas in t\)tmU Chapter ofclje MiarafihThc* pjouerbes.9n& tbeejtpofition of tbelewes bppon tljat pfalme3i* the feSIff11 e^at tljerc ®°* tcremljIec& a &*nS (&at tool|jlt, wfiwp a MM* in praim.°n W* anger,if be toere not pacifier* bp bis fonne. Jn cbe \mi pfalme, praim.72.vcri: tobere tbe reigning of tbe^efflias is manifettlp befcrpbea , His E7« name (fapetbbe)ihallcontinewforeuer,his name (halbeeuer- lafting as long as the Sonne indurcth. 9nb t\)Z$)tbit)x> tooojtt Jjnnon tobtcb be bfecb, commetb of tbe tooojti 2\[#». ZLWyiil) figni« fietb a Sonne,as if a man moulDfap Sonned 0? Sunnified. 3ln tbe praim.9.vers. Commentane bpon tfje folaerfco^e ann cbirtantb IPfalme , tbefe lUOO?tJ0 Thy throne is from euerlafting to euerlafting, are Cjt« inthetreatyfc poun^eti Co concerne tbe ^eflfias^anti tbe parapb^aQfUJljicb is re* sanhedrin. po^teo to bt Rabbi lofeph tlje blpno,) agreetb tbercunto* 9no in iCap-Hcicc. ity Talmud i tl)t ^c^oole of Rabbi Ianai being af ftcbljje name of 6V CHRISTIAN REIIGfOK,1 «[l£ •f tbe^effta$,anfU)eretb3Innonis his name;forit is fayd in the Pfalme, before the Sonne was in the f ky , Innon is his name. Efay,Ieremie ana Zacharie in tbe tcjcts afo)eaUeoge&,&o callfiim Impe anb in all tbofe places tbe Caldee parapfoal! cranflatctij it the Lords Anoyhted : ana Iofua t\)t fonne of Leuie fapetb tljat Rabb} Jof^ Impeis Misname, H5ut Icatf toee fboulD tbinke tljac tljis Impe bcnLcuim Wt£ but an Impe of Dauid ->\yz ts callebttere, the Lords Impe hisEcha Ra- the Impe of the Euerlaiting^and theEuerlaltinghimfelf.jftafcj bcthi.Cap.i. tbere is not a nearer no? a pjoperer metapbo? tba to terme a fonne yciC- 1 6* an Impe, ojt an Impe a fonne* 'Ebis fonne toe call mo?eouer the woordi toljc rem tb e Iewes utlTent not from bS-Sn tlje tfb*of Efay Efai 45.vcr.,7 it is fapo, Ifraell (halbe iaued by Iehouah ( tbat t ft to fap bp tfce Cuerlalting ) with endlefle/aluation : b>bidj faping Ionathas tranflatetb>by the woord of the Lorde. 3[n Ofe, I will faue the ofce. i .verf 7, houfe of Ifrael (fapetb tljelo^D) by the Lord their God itoijirb faping tbe fapo Ionathas tranflatetb By the woordx>f the Lord their God,anb fo fcojtb ojninarilp m aliotl;er Ipfce tejtts.ano it id not to be acute* but tbat bp cf>e fapu bjoj?& ttyy ment tbe Speffias* «f oj in trjc ii?un&?e& ana tentb ^falme/uiljiclj as tbep tljemfelucs P&tm.i 10 affirmc,contepnetbtbemilieneBOftbe^efrias>pontbefetoo?tiflf, the Lord fayd vnto my Lord &c. Ionathas faietb/fhe Lord faid vnto his woord,fit thou onmy ryght hand. ^nt» Rabbi Ifaac Gen.47. AramatopponGenefis, cjcpounDtng tbis tcjtt oftbe^anojieb anDPrai.147.veri: feuen anb fotfitl) Jpfalme/The Lord fetvt foorth his woord3and 1 8* they were fettled, 0? as otbers tranfiate it , were healed ; fapf tij fjrpjeflptfjattljis toooj&is tty ©eflfias* JDeaanb Rabbi Simeon tlje fonne of Iohai, $e cljeef of tbe Cabatife, tojptiug bppon Ge-Gcn nefis ana bp tlje uiap ejepofiomgtb^re tljefe UJOitxso^Iob,yetnot- fcg^^&f withftandinglfhallfee my God in my fiefli ; fapetb tbat tbe merrie tobiclj pjocee&etb from tbe Mgbc& toifoomc of ©ob, Ojalbe 5 crotoneb bp tbe tooojb,an& ca&e hMb of a toomamltSut let bs \)t are phiio the iw Philo tlje Iewebpon tfots poinf;Hardly can I fay (fopetb be}what in his books tyme is appointed for the returneof the baniflied Iewes For bfthebaa*. men hold opinion that it (halbe at the death of a hygh preeft, *1Kd' which as fome think is at hande, and as otherfomethinke is farre hencc.But my opinion is. that this high preeft (halbe the word or fpeechofGod,cleere from finneafwell willingas vn- wiiIing,whoto his father hath GOD the father of all.and to his mother hath the wifedomewherbyal things in the world were created. And therefore his head (lull beanoyntedwitfr Oyle, 5*t OFTHETREWNE* Oylc , his Maieftie (hall (bead forth beamcs of light round a- bout rum,and he (halbe clothed with light as with a garment. For the auncient worde of him that is , is clothed with the world, &c. ai(bmMalachielirf)ereitfera^,Iwillfcndmyne MMachy. 5. Ambafladour before my face5Rabbi Moyfcs tfje fomte of Mai- ofee 6 vcr 2. mon ^Wpounwtft it, Before Chrift the Anoynted . flit* m Ofee to&ere ft to tojitten,Wee (hall Hue before his face: Rabbi Moy- fes Hadarfan faptb ft to Cijjift tlje King ♦ 3na m tfje 1 7* jpfalme rial. 17.ver.vlt. Habere ft to fapti , I (hall behold thy countenance in rightuouf- ne(Te,and beefatiffiedat the ryfing vp of thy likcnefle: Rabbi Nehemias fap$, I fliall bee fatiffied with the fight of thy Mef- fias.who is thy ne Image.9m> to tfce fimtepttrpofe migbt a great manp moc bee afleogco* ®ije tljing tofjtcfi tfjcp Cap to ail one in efc fed uritb tfjat tuljtcli toee fap 3 namelp tfjat tfce Sonne 0? toojoe of (Sou to tfje image of ©od, ano tfce bjigfjaiefle of ft* countenance* 'Co bee fljo&toe fa? rfjat t^e Sonne to ligfct ofiigift, ano r^ep fap inEcha Ra- tfje fame of tfje qjjteflia** jFo? fcpon t&e lamentation* of Ieremie, feathi cap. i . ^2hbi Biba being affceo tlje name of tfje Speflfiag , anftoeretlj in tbe enoe, tbat ft to Neljira , tbat to to fay Light,acco?omg to tfcto Dan.2.vcr.22. taping in tlje feconu of Daniel,Light is with him. 3no toppon tfce Ccn.i. place of Genefis toljere ft to tojitten, Let there bee light; Rabbi Moy fes Hadarfan faptr) tijat it to flje ^eITia*,acco?tiing to Rab- bi Abba3ano R^bbi Iohananbppontbe 364jpfaime,toljereft to P&I.3«.v«r,9. fapD3Wc (hall fee light in thy light. Oftentimes(fap tljep)hath the light of Ifraell bene quenched and kindled againe , when they were one while fubdewedand another while deliuered. But in the end he fay th > it is not to be required that flelh and Blud(that is to fay a mortall man)fhall inlighten vs,butGod himfelfein hisowne fubftance will doe it. accoutring tofjtttfton* pfaim.is. to it to fapo in tbe 1 S.pfalme , God hath bene our light . 3n& *%.4$. iifcetoife in Efay Jfraell (hall be faued by the Euerlafting.^o bos ftcr^t^ like a* toe fap trjat tfje onne a* in refpect of clje jratfcer5 to as; a Hitter in refpect of tbe <§>p?ing , 0? as Hjeafon to in refpect of s u k fte^pniJt fo faptbeCabaliftstljatt^eligbtofdje&ouIeoft^e indticd ™c C fiP^Hiaji , to in refpect of tfje lining ©00 ag Reafon is; in refpect of Gate of light, tbe Sl9pnO;affl> tfjat tbe lining <0om* fa tefpect ofttje ^efltag, to «p.*. ae; a ifountaine 0^ S&elfpjmg of iiuing toater , in refpect of tlje flreamc 0? riuer oflife tfeat flotnetb out of ft* Boto tbe^toe baue in out g>cttpture^ a ©eniatour rijat to botfi (Son ano 2©am^ut reafon l;atl; lea ty to ttoo circumttancejs moe: OF CHRISTIAN R E 1 1 G T O K. $1£ We>z one tflt tfrat tW S^n mult be of our tar^ano tfoe otfjer fe tljat fce mult be bo?ne after anotber maner tban toee bzcfyz one fo? our . f . beb^pon©eneC0,Youhauefayd(faptbtrjeofGenefts^ ' io?D) £22 Or THE TREWVES JLojD) we be fatherlcffe : and Co (hall the Redeemer be whom I Zacli.4. vcrC7 w*^ 8*uc ^toyoi^according to that which is fayd in the 4. of Zachary, I.oe,this is the man whofe name is Brauncfyand ao Pfal 1 1 c. cording to this which is fayd in the 1 1 o. Pfalme , Thou art a Vridl for euer after the order of Melchifedech. 9lfoberepoj* Gcn-2* tec!) tljat Rabbi Berachia garljerctlj tlje Ifte^ut Rabbi Simeon ben Iohai faptlj pet moje ejpjeflp upon Genefis , %\)st tfje fptrtt Jjam'ng bm fyut top in aCtoomanOxiombejfljoulo come foo?cb totrij great fojee to bee tlje Ijigljelt p?ince , toijiclj i* Speffiaa tbe &mg* Hacadofch. Stall tft? Ijplp Rabbine pjoc&octb fo farre , as to feefte out bp tlje piopcjtion of tbeir Cabalie, tofjat ftjoulo be tbe name of tlje Ifrac- litifli Qirgm tbat ©oulu beare tlje gpefltag^ljere remapne man? otber tbmga to bee treated of concerning tlje tpme , tfce place, tlje life aim tbe oeatlj of tlje Spefltas , toljicb are rcferueo fo? anotljec yiacc,peratmenture mo?e conuenicnt fo? tbem.iet it fuffice bg fo$ tljtd tpme, ©jam tfa Eeligton of tlje Ifraelites, rijeretoag pjo* tntfeo from tpme to tpme euettfrom tlje beginning, tlje ^eutatouc betl»ane©oO0 3IulttceanoSpanja;g)mfttlne(re, tlje <§>auiourof mens joules, ana tlje 3utbo? of tlje felfefameclenfing toljtdj tlje tierp 5>eatben tbemfelues neemen to bee fo neeafitUjitamelp 3lefu* Cbjia,<6o& awi $$m>t\)t euetlalltng Sonne of ©®D, bojne of fcioman in Ijts tme tpme,tnitbout fimte,fr« from [Defect of] ©00$ to?atb ag in refpert of btmfelfe , ann able to appeafe it totoartrjs o* tljerg, eleanein bis bumane nature , ami fufficienttbjougb W Dt- uine nature to cleanfe our* . 3na tbfe tt ft e trjtrti marfee tobicb 31 ijaue ffjetoea to be fo naofufl in l&eligion,am> fo peculiar tbereuu* to, tljat toberefoeuer tlje fame fa founo , tljere tee IReligton, tbat i$ to fap , a teap to Valuation ; ano tofe erefoeuet tl;e fame toanteft, ' tljere is no Religion at all* The condufi- £>ot!jen, fa tbe Keltgton of Ifraell toe Ijaue all tfce t&jee matfcg ©n ofthe three of tlje true Helcg*ou,uamerp,tbe true <0o&,tbe iatoe of <£o&,anD Mark™ of the t\)t ^ematojof g>aluation*3n& 31 befeeclje all men to loofce tocll ■Sifrad81011 abm ^cm m t0 fee ^JKtber tbep can finn tbem elfetuljf re tn anp otber oftrje Eeltgtons tljat baae bin of olo time, |2ap,affo? in ttjem, in (ten of tlje true ©o&,tuc fijail giiD ntticlle^mcn, ano fetocks.Jn Ccn of ©ot»s Ujoo^D to tnlD gb ten Us to ^oulcbcaltlj , ft c fljal! finti fcoutfull €)2acks anti anftncrs of 3!ooUa , liapne , font) • luitbout groun^^icfjout entj,tubxcb fpcaft e not a toljit of (Sods glo^te no? of inaflstoelfare+3!ttfreDofafufftacttc ^coiato;t,\Beefl)alIfintjafo?t »f tta(t{|fa £6 t&at poffe uo furt^et t^au c^e f Kfaj ^e lljall ftnu man- flaugbtcr*, ©F CHRISTIAN RELIGIONS 5JJ flaugbtetMBb facrtfifintj of tojetcbeo kaptife conoemneb fo? t^cic imfoeebes/But botofljoulb tljere be anp religioner c is no (Sob? ©$ boto ftoulo Religion be cerccine,\a3bere bet e be bimfelf is not tbe meane of attonement ? Certeffe tljerefoje let bs fap , tbat onlp in Ifraeli toas tlje true Religion ; ana tbat Ifraeli toas as a &cb©le oj 21nt* uerHtie founbeb by (Son , to&erein be bimfelf tioutfafco to teac&e, ■t&ac men mpgbt learne tbat oum c Valuation* 25ut beljolo bereis petoneobiection ageintt 6otu Cp°to bap- obic&ioas.. penetljit(fap tfjep,) tljat tljis fcljale toas among tljis people onlp? tobp toas it no t in all Rations ? SObp toas it not (at leaft&ife ) in fome otber as tocll as in tbatt © man, it becomm etb man to IjolD bis peace totyn 6o& fpcaketlj, ano to peelb to toljatfocucr be twit Ijauebone* Cijott art rpgbtuous but fo farrefoojtb as tljouuoctt rigljtuous Decries : but as fo? (Soft , it is farre otljertoife toitlj bimt h} twtlj tjim,tbings are not rigbtuous furtljt rfrojtb tban bee boc t& tljetm jfteuertbelefle , 31 pjap tbee tefcat canft tbou fap S qflat m Adam, 6od tbe Creator maoe all mankpntnanu in Adam al man* fcpnb is fojlojne^ut tlje toifoom of tbe Creatoj ftepptng in bpan* &p,reuealetb bis tofl^anbbtteretb tbepjomife of tbeme&iatojt ta oilmen* ^erenototfjoufeeftnobittinnionof jftationsoj people^ ©f Adams Cbil^en, fome imbjaceb tljeferuice of (Sob ano tbe pjomife ; ana fome fojf©ke it, ano reg^rbeo it not* g>ome (fap 3') ttokepart uutlj tbe Diuell; ano otljcrfome ttache to tbe gracious gcobneffc of (Son* KBbat Ijafte tljou too allcbge be re ageinU tlje Rtgtjtuoufenes of tbe Creator after tbis foltotoetlj a general coj« ruption of mankpno ; ano (Sob ejtljojtctb tbem bp Noe to repcn« tauce,tb;eatening tbem tirity biz nnat b if tbep bib otbcruufe^till tbep refufe (Sons mercp , ano foj fo Doing are all Djotoneb by bis 3Iu(lice,faaing onlp Noe anb bis boufebolD , tobo luere faueb in tbe 9rke* jftoto lucre not all men bitberto onelp one people Sill H ana fb ; toere not (Sobs tamfi anb tlje reuealing of Ijimfelf biretfeo. (till to al men^9geine,pe fee tbat in tbe arke al mankinb toas gatljero ageine into one Upotofeljolb, at tljat tpme tljere toas no Difference of circumcpfcb anDbncircumcpfeD,of lewojt (Sentple* anon tbep turnebatoapbnto iDollsanDfo^fcoketbe Couenant tljat (Sob Ijab mabe toitb tbem* flUljo batb not caufe Ijcre to Ijonaur tbe patient* nes of (Sob in bearing toitb tbem,anfc to tuoonDer, not tljat be f«ffi fereo men to take tbeir otune \»apes , but ratber tbat be boutfafcD to referue anp men alme in t&e tuo?lo ^ J?et notiuitbaanbtng,eucH m at 5*4 •:* THf THirvKBf at tint tpme Ije tljofe Abraham out of tbe mios of 3fooIatrte * m«* tiifcftco bimfclf neto agctnc bnto btm,bttf re o bis fccrctsbnco fetm, teliucreobim btapicmtfes inpatone , ano emcreo into caucnani fcwb bim ano bis fecor, 911 toUiilj tljing* toercnotfroonc alonlp f o? I; tm anu bis feeoe , but to bicGc all tbe j^ac ions ano kinreoe of tbe card) m tijc partpe tbat toas to be tonne of bis fectJt, and to ret nue bis Couenant toitb tbenu KSljo tben fcetb not bcre, botb tbat t\)t couenant toas offerer) to all ^attons3tjo\xibc it tljat all of tbcm fcao rcfufeo it ; ano tbat toben ©on of bis infinite mcrcp rcnetoeo it uritb Abraham , be renewo it in effect toitb all mem&bou oeK* red tbat ©ao fljoulo be iu(r ; ano pet toouloell ttym alfa contmcia Bill* £®cre be tuft after tbat mancr tobtf ktbou toouioclt bane bim iutt, tbou baoft bene tmoone in Adam; tbou baott,benc ftoept atoap vnth tbe fluO; tbou fraoft b£tit oeffropeo in $ ouerflotoing of nng eo« Dlincs ^Joolatric after $ fluojtbou |iaott(fap 3)bene eitber btterlp f ojoone > 0} continueo fbjlojne foj cuer* Cljus oefireft tbou cbing* Sotlj contrariein t&emfelue$,.$ contrarp to tbweotont meaning* Sinn tberfoje appeals not to ©oos Mitzjwt crp unto bim foj met* *p toitb botb tbp ljanos*9no pet iatbp ocfirwg of tins bis mcrep,o$ grace tijere is pet anotber erroftiu £ tbou totit necoes appoint bim tbe maner 9 meafure thereof; ano tljou toiltbaue bim to 50 it at cby pleafure t tuftereasnotiuitbaanoingjif be ftoulooo it accojtoing ta tbp oeuice, tbou toouloelt ftio fault toitb bim foj it ; $ if tljott basil liken tueli of it^noifeer man tooulo Ijnuc miffikeo tt/£5ue tobat ao* €>£ tobat counfell tooulocft tbou giue bim f ojt be re- treating of tb#,tobo art but f ■ toojfc fo? tbat tobteb tbott Ijaft alrea* tp^^bou\BOuloefItl)at(Soir ^oulo bautreuealco btmfelfalpke to all mmjfct oio tljat at tbe beginning* ISIf ll,fucft Keuelation* tend to *speoiatoj,ano tbe fame speoiatej mutt be ©on ano mant ano to be man it bebouetb bim to bee bojne of feme one &ocke m 0- tbcnStoocfcou fcettrbat tfoatpjiuftetrge mud netoes befall to fame ime certeine ftocketfoj be t^at fe to faue all men cannot be bojne of ail mem 3!f tbembe aKoman*, tbe glo^ioufenes oftbf Cttie toiJl feeme to Oeferue it :^ut pet tutll Babylon ano Nimue ftanom tontention tott^j tljee &? it r ano Athens toil! tbinke to be no leffc regaroeo fo? bit learnings fake* fyo to mucb fpeeoper \3aap ticre it fo;ns,to cutoftbfeUrpfebppdeloiug unto ©00 tuba fapetb, ^bt tafe ber* Uanoetij not iipon merit^but upon mercprano to tbe intent ftlrnen map percepue it to be fo^ unique t^e welfare of aibing- oomtj* •owes too come of a ^Mocke cftatts fttinxnt in tbe mrttjctt of tbe tootfo, mtbefciggingcotoncuiiiereoftbcpbaue taken foo roucij pepnes 9 pleasure* 9no lefle tbis fame %>{Uok icfdf fbauto grotoe pjoao,3| toil make it to fpjing,not out of tbe top,but out of tbe fate thereof; no; out of tbe beau Citie,but out of a little tillage tfeac t* imre garoe^jDea ano mojeouer,(as toe (ball feej)ercafter)tob?tc ic fpjingetb bp,tberc ©all ft be refufeb > an& firattng erg ©all fee it on firc;Mfomu<;b tfeat to&ere tbe foun&ations of tbe Singomne thereof obieaiocs. are lapo,one ff one ftilnoc be left aanoing bpp on anctber* Let all tlje topfc men of t\yz too?!* toep t&efe Clrctmiftances , pea euen ae- cojtwng to t\w otone totfoomc-antif ecing tftac Valuation fe a re* toaro of free fattour , ana not a recompence of Defert ; a tbing tijac concernetb ©c&s-glojie U)f;icb is tbe final! enfceof all t^tng^ , ana not mans tmnto'e; let t(jem tell mee tobere t(;e Actuate? of man* featoation coulo becbojne. ojtobere tbe flSJpliericsofbte com* tning eugbt ratber too be befiotoco, tban in Uracil ? get nottoitb* Canning if toe conCoec flill all ctrcumffances; tbe too jlo (ball Hill fee founa totejecufabie* JFej tbe 6rff ftingoomes toere in Siria , Af- firia , Perfia , Arabie anB Egipt : uppon tbe borers of all toljicfr i8tttgoome0,H icr ufalem SooDe as a SSiatcbto toer,fo? tbem totoke at,o?a* a ianterne to giuc Ipgb c to ail tbofc nations rouno about it. 3no as tbe Empires began to remoue further of, into tbe leflec AfIa$Grecce^uto Italy ; toe fee boto ©oas pjoufoence oio oifperfe tbe lewes antj tbeir femagogucs into tbem t bjougbout tbe tobole toojlo as l&eacbers of tbe true ©ob , debate* of bis feruicc, an* Speraults of tbe Spcoiato> tbat toas to come , to tyingfaUwtion to ill mankpno* j^oto fo jafmucb as tbe cnoc of Religion is man* Valuation ; ano tbe enu of our &>rriptures is Cbjift tbe Spe&iato? tbe fyingtr tbereofit»e mutt bencefajtb fee boto be batb bin pjomi- feo from tpme to tpmefince tbe firft beginning, anotobetber bee taue bin eicbtbicc* to tbe toojlo in tbe tpme afojelimiteo unto \)inn 9tto tbat is tbe tbing tobicb toe baue to treate of in tbe Chapter* newfollotomor, Kk^i The The xxjx. Chapter. That the time wherat the Mediator was promifed to come is ouerpaftjand that he muft needes be come , as well ac- cording to the Scriptures,as according to the traditions of the lewes. I <£€ fcnotoe alrtatrp bp our ft eripturea , tbat tbere ig a Spemato?, toeknotoe bte office 3 W jftature 3 anu tbe intent of big comming i an& toe fmotoe tbefe tbing0,not onelp bp out fcrip* tures y but alfo bp tbe Commentaries of tbe aunrient lewes. Jf^oto fottotoetb tbat toee fee tobetbet be be come into tbe too jto o j no,tobicb fe tbe popnt toberein Ipetb tbe cbtefe Difference anu oifagreement betto&ne tbe lewes am tbe <£b jiftiang* %\)z lewes tofce foj bint ftifl,am> tbinfte long foj W comming* %\)z Cb?iftians beteue be fe come alrea&ie^ put tbeir trull in bim : ana botlj of tbem grouna tbemfelueg bpon tbe fame pieCuentg; 5 pea anu oftentpme* bppon tbe fameclaufejs. tettbeftcrtpture^tberefo^beeiuugesioftbrt raud.vnder the cafe3ano let bg fee tobat time tbep bebtgbteo fo? W comming5an& 2S tte cL. toljat token^ **? £ttie ** of #* camming. jFtrff of auyrhe Scep- Hclcc. ter(faptb Iacob)(hall not be taken from Iuda , nor the Lawgi- uer from betweene his feete, vntill Silo come. %fy$ tcjt fa 1%* pounue0oftbe^eu1a<3i, bptbeZoharoftbeCabaliftes, anfcbp tbe Talmudiftes inuiuersl places , bp tbe Chaldeeparaptyafe*, anti bp Rabbi Dauid Kimhi bimfelfe* 9no tbe feence is cterf; namelptbattbe fouereinf iz ano cb&f autbo?itieof gouerncmenr, The King- Iboulo continue in tbe *&rpbe of Iuda bntill tbe coming of €I#tft9 dome is ccfled ag tbe ©nfcelog ana tbe Commentarie bpon Gencfis erpouna it* j^bba 28* we*pon Rabbi Hama tbe Tonne of Hauina faptfj in tbe Tal- Thc Talmud mud/Thc fonne of Dauid (hall not come, fo long as any foue- in the chapter reinauthoritie be it neuerfofmallremayneth in Ifraell : and cheiek. to tbe confirmation tbereof be aflcngetb a tejt out of tbe eigbt#ntf> £%,l8TCrf: CbapterofEfay. 3tfb Rabbi Milialle&ging Rabbi Eliezer tbe Efav i vcrC.2<. fonne of Rabbi Simeon , faptb tbat Cb?ift ibaflnot come, vntill and z* there be a cleans riddance of all Iudges and all Magiftrates in Iftacll The marks and tokens of Chriftcscom- ming Gen. 49. In the Tal- The booke called Zohar. Kimhi vppon Genefis,and in his booke of Rootes. OF CHRISTIAN RELIGION. 5*7 Ifraett. fffttbicb tfcing be totll neencg gather liftetoifebpon fte firff Chapter of Efay ':, djecefojc toben tijep ontt fatoe tbat tbe foue* retntte ann all maner of 3lurif nittion cealfen in Hierufalem ; tbep fboulo baue taken it fo? a fare token5tbat tbe SjpcOrag toag at tfjeic najje$«)?2oto;tberefoje let feg fee if tijtjaJ alteration be come to paflDr, ann t\)t necp peculiar tpme toben it came to pa(Te*Saule (fap fome of tbeir nefcae Rabbines)fcoa$ cbofen King in Silo of tbe 'Crpbe of Bcniamin , ann it map be tbat tljefe tfcutgtf toere fpoken of bpm* Jft ap:foj it is fapn/The Scepter (hall not depart from Iuda.3nU feeing tljat tbe Scepter &an not ass tljen bene in Iuda , no? toag to come into tbat trpbe^ntill Dauid toag aftertoam anointcn Sttng: tbe Scripture tbouln rafter baue fapn , The Scepter (hall not be in Iuda,vntili it haue bene taken from Silo. S&ljerebp it app&s retb ttjac tbe fapo tejtt cannot bee meant of Saule. ©tberg fap tbat leroboam tbe Sonne of Nabath remouen tbeftateof Ephraim i.Kings.sz; from tbe fubiedion of Iuda, bp tbelRcbdlionoftljeten Crpbe$, ana toa$ crotonen tn Silo.jDea fap toe-, but tbe Scepter ttutapnen fiill in luda5 anu tlje cbief Senate in Hierufalem • ann tbe ftate of sedar oiam, Ephraim tpas bjougbt to mine long tpme afoje Iuda toas carpen Zura- . atoap bnto Babylon t pea 9 leroboam toas crofomeo in Sichcm, °£f^ of ann not in Silo.9gein,tobat matter of interpretation t'0 tln$,vntill prinCCS. Silo come,tbat is to fap,tmtilUeroboacome toljo i$ crotonen m The Talmud Silo ? Some tberefoje b^ tbe toojo silo , toill neenes bnnerffann in the treatyfe Nabuchodonofor. jf o?(fap tljep)be tmkt Ierufalem,caricn Iuda Sanhednn, atoap to Babylon,ann oeHropen tfje ^emp!c;ann bv tljat meaner MammouoA; tbep tbinfce to flnft of tbe fapn pjopbefie* T5\xt euen in tfje timt of Rabbi Moyfes* $e captiuitie3tbe Iewes ban a Rcfchgaluta, tbat is to fap a cj&f theEgiptian 0} bean gouernout of tbeir Captim'tie , toljome tljey cbofe of tbe in *e PJfacc %xM of Iuda,ann peculiarlp of tl;e bonfe of Dauid5ass tbeir oton ^^^ griffons no teftifie,t»berein tljep fet notone tbe fuccelfion of tbeir This um p^incesi berp carefullp from Zorobabell f©?tb*3nti tberefo?e tbe wasagreac Talmud faitb,tljat b]> the Scepter, loentuft bntierCanti t\)t beatig Doaora- of tbe Captiuitie ; ann b^ tin Lawgiuer y tbe Sonnet of Hillell, ni°n| thenjL tbat in to fap tbe nifriple* of Hillel ; rftojom f mo cljecfeff Uiere scuh^ ° Ionathas tbe tonne of Vziel tbe autboj of tbe Chaldee parapb^ iiTewed many fig bpon tbep^opbet^janti Simeon tbt rtgbtuous of Uiljom men/^atc lemed tion it mane in SXuke.^Lo be (bo?t,tbe Machabies tbem felueg ^en hl thc tobo beln botb ti)t Souereintit ann tbe p?ie(tbon in Ifraell , t»ere ^bbi Dauia ( ag tbep tbemfelues; report) of In^a bv tbe ^©tberis fin* , ann of Kimhi vppoa Leuy bp fyz jrat^crjs fine (fo? tboft ttoo 'Cribeis toretucont to go Haggeus. 1K&_3 togit^er SedarOIam. 5^8 OF THE T R E VV N ES togitfjer 6p alpancc)o;t ratbct*(ad otljerfomc rcpojt)of Iuda by dj* .f atljera fine , ano cf Leuy bp tl>c £pcotbcr£ fine. 3nn ag foj tbe Sanhedrins,tljat ia to fap.>tlje tb?#fcoje ano ten 3!unge$,(tobo in Kabbi Moyfo tlje opinion of Rabbi Moyfes Hadarfan, toerenot to ceafTe afoje on Gtncfin*vp" tl)t fomwrinS of ^e A^ias ) tljep conttnueo ftill eucn fcnner tbe chap 49. ' captutitie of Babylon,fjonoerttje Dominion of Machabies, 5>t* tberto tberefoje tlje Sl§eflfiag couln not be come s ano befineg tbat, ituiere an utter tojcfftng sf tbe 3Tej;t , to conttep it anp otljer toap tljen to tlje romming of tlje S©eflta<3 > againft tlje toljole confcnt of lofcpiiiKinhb all lfradl4 T&ut (faptlj Iofephus tlje 3lett)e) after tlje CHarres be? firftbookcof tloeene Ariftobulus ano Hircanus tlje latf of tljeiMachabies,tIje thci^wp Romanes Mn£ ^J*31 ofIewrie5OiO fettip one Herod tljefonne 5.5c 2s.fcb. 1 5 of Antipater an Edomite,tljat ig to toit a mere Stranger) to bee cap.^ac 1 0. King tljere* SBljiclj Herod foj tlje eafier Uabiifljmo: of big Hate, marten tlje Daughter of Hircanus tljen pjifoner in Parthia. after* fcjaro toljenljee fatue tljat Hircanus ( toljo onelp remapneo of tbe ftocke of tlje Machabies , toad returneo borne ; fearing lead tlje Iewes , toljo bare an affection to bpm 3 fljoulo fet &im up againe in tlje fcingoome : Ije Milieu botlj Ijim ano W oaugljter toljom Ije ban taken to totfe3ano aifo tlje Cljilojen tobom be Ijan begotteu of Ijer, 3no not contenteti toitlj tljat outrage5lje rcoteo out ag manp of tbe Ijoufe of Iuda,ag liuen in anp countenance oj creoit , oefacen tljeit ftples ami tptie^ann burnen ttjeir Jpenegree^aifo fje mane Spigfc J&ieffeg toljom it pleafeo ^im,but not accoutring to tbe latoe, no$ accoutring to tljeir 'Crpbeg* jf inallp(as faptb Phylo tlje 3!etoe)ljee fleto all tbe Sanhedrin , tbat ig to tout tlje Cbieefcoje aim ttoelue g>cnatoj$ of tlje boufe of 3iuna5uiljicb toerealfiffents to tlje king, annoin put Profelites anti §>traunger« in t^jeir place ;infomuclj tfjat Ijauingbpljtecrueltie aboliujeo botb tljepjieffijoo anti tlje feenate, $ fcttterlp cofounoen tbe urfjole ftate; be bjougljt to parte, tljat at lengtlj about tlje tljircietlj pere of Ijis reigne, Ije toa* accep- ted of all men foj Ring) aim ruleo all tbings as be fideti bimfelfe> Cljis i$ tlje time(fap 3) ujljerein tlje S>ouereintie ano 3!urtft«rtfe onofludanincealfe; ano tljatnatlpke an Cclipfefo^afeiucljo* toers, uapcsJ 0? peered, but foj a continuafl tpme» Snfomuclj tljat from tljat tpme foo?tbfuiljiclj i$ nou) abouc ftfteene Ijuntneti peresf ago)t!jere Wh not rifen tip anp one man in all tlje too?to5beemg a 3leu)e bo^ne,tIjat Ijatb anp toljereljao anp autljo?itie great 0} fmall among tlje Iewes. j/5ap furtljer^Vefpafian, Titus, Domitian, A- drian^ ann utuetf otijer Cmperours of Uome^ljatte inneacren to soote Jhilo in his bookc of Times. OF CHRISTIAN RELIGION. $2$ roote outtbetobotebcmfeof Iuda5 anotbepoftbeCrpbeofluda jjaue fought to coceaie tbcmfelues, ano manifeftlp to corrupt tfjett: otoue J9eoegreeiaf5 to no tijemfelue* from tbe rigorous tnqutfition tbat toas maoe fo? tbem*3Infomucb tbat at tftt* aap,tbere tg not a 31etoe(3[ report mee to tbemfelueg tobetber 31 fap not true) tobtrfj can Daunt tbat bebatb bte peoegree cettctu,pea>oj in^iclj can (IjeUi anp Ipkelp comecture tbat bee ta of tbe ^Drpbe of luda , tbat fe to fa^, of tbe bluo Kopall of t^c ml;tcb CfytHtoas pjomtfetu Cljat fcjtytfj 31 bane fapo appearetb fuffictentip bp tbe parent ffate of tbe Iewes,to^irf) Ijaue fo long tpme continueu^no pet MI be toritbout ftmg,toitbout <£ouernour,tmtbout p?tet!,tottbout 3!u&ge,toitb* out (Senealogte, ano tottbout ccrtepnefucceffton • 'Butfcnafmucfi ajstfeep refufe tbe tottnefle of tbetobdetoojto •, letfcsbearetbett otone • 3ln tbe i j* Chapter of Deuteronomie tobere mention te dcum?, maoe of tfje King , tt fe fapo tbuss: Thou (halt fet him ouer thee to be thy King, whom the Lord thy God (hall giue thee from among thy brethren , and thou (halt not fet a ftraunger ouer thee . 3no tbe euffome tows to oeltuer tlje iatoe to tbe &mg to reaoe therein , ag fa ejrpjcflp commaunoeo tbere ♦ jftoto (faptb tbe ^ldrafch vp° Commentarie bpon tbat pface)toben Herods Agrippa tofjo foa£ eutcronomy z iewe m IReltgto^came to tbe reaomg of tbat fcerfe,be fell a to&* ping* jfteuertfjelefle, all tbe people bao btm be of gcoo courage,ami toio btm tbat be toajaf tbetr bjotber , nottmtbffanomg tbat be came of tbe If ocke of a bonotnomam 3no m anotber place it te repojteo, in Bauab*. . tbatattbetpmeof t\)i$ cbaunge 3 tbere toaabearo atoopcefrom thracap.Ha- beauen faptng , Now (hall the feruant profper without doubt3 ^taphim. which fteppeth vp in Ifraell againft his maifter: ftOberebp He- rode tbe great , t©fce courage topjetenotptleto tbeEtngoome: 3no tbat a$ toucbtng tbe Sanhedrin , ( tbat te to tott tbe Senate of Ifraell,) Herode tbe great fleto tljem euerpebone faue onlp one iwbofe name taa$Bota,tobocouIo not create anpmoeg>enato;#, inthcTal. becaufe tt coulo not bee none ttutbout tbe laping on of tbe \)mm of mud of H»eru- moe tban one : 3no tijat a labile afoje3 tbe Romaines bao tytuen &lcm int\f tljem out of tbe palace of Hierufalem , ano tbat tbereirppon tbep ™P-Sanhc- ttoke tbemfelues to SacRdotb ano SKbesi^no crpeo out tottb paf= Rabbi Ate & Cliff great fo?Otue 3 Wo vnto vs , for the Scepter is taken away Rabbi Raha- from Iuda,and the Lawgiuer from betweene his feete-,andyet mon« for all that,the Sonne of Dauidis not yet come . Cfctt* pe fee !? dicf^c%d tbat tbe tpme of Cb?tile^ tomm$ fell out m tbe retgne of Herode, ^^udMC inlubom tbe JSi'ngtiometoa^ conuepeo tog>traunger^, ano tbe sedcroiam. Kh 4 31etoin) 53<> OF THE TREVYNBS 3!cttjt(b Senate toas btterlp toocen out , tu^icb tln'ngtjatj iteuct Ijappcnefc at anp tpmc afo?e* The ou«- fym follotoetb anoti)cr marke of bis camming. £&ee fcnotoe throve of the- tfjereljaD bene in Hierufalem ttoo temples : tb* firft buiiaeo bp fecond Tcni- Salomon $ treClcapcn bp Nabugodonozor-tlje feronu buiincn bp PIc Zorobabel bnoer tfee protection of Cyrus anu Darius ftings of Perfia,ann seftropea aftettoato b]> tbe €mperout Tytus . Jf2oto, Haggeus.CaP. 0f t{jC fcccmtr ^emp[e rtjUg fpcnketb tbe l^opbet Haggeus tuba 2.vcr .4. ^^ one ^^ butlDCrS tberof; Who is left among you that faw this houfein herrlrft beautie?But what thinkeyou by it now? Is it not in your eyes as a thing of nothing ? CbiS DotbbS to fcn&ertranii tbat tljefecanu temple toad noting; comparable ta tb? fieff tit ^aictTic mm ff atelinefFe, 3n& m scene uoee rcaue m EC RabbiSamud dras,tljat $&$&* olD jfatberstobulj ijao fecuc tbe hx% coulo not inthctreatyfc fojbeaixtoapmg toljentbep btbilb tbe fecons*3Ifo tbe Rabbine3 sanhedrin. no rcpo^tijnt tljere toanteo cljteflp frue tiungs in t!jc feconfc tobicb in the Tai- toere jn ti)€ foff tnamelp, tfite from Ijeatieu tbat ronftimeD p burnt* m(aicraHiC offerin£5 > ^€ tffojteof (Koto among tfje Cberubmg, tbe manifeft r Ahaiahis bjeatbmff of tbebolp (Sbott&ppon tt>c ]j^opbete$, tbe p?efeure of bookcof tlje3rke,mtii t^eVriman&Thumim.3tmtbepaffirme,t!)atta i>ayes. tbe fame en& it is fapD in Salomons Pallet, Wee haue alittle Si- Midrafch on fter, &c. ^^ t^ep fap j$ mcmxt of t^e Cbutcfj bnoer. tbe fetono caMvfff :« ^cmP][e > W* *H <>«**»«& ft°toe fyauto «*« matcfj tbe Cburcfr Scdcx oUnV ^)at ^as ***** *&* fatf temple * Co bee fl)o? t* rije Cbjoutcle of tije Hebrewes beginning: tbe Jpiffozie of tbe Cljatc^of Ifraell am fcer tbe fecouo ^Lem^ie, feptb tbefe toojoes : Hitherto the Pro- phets hauefpoken by the holy Ghoil : but henceforth bowc downe thyne eare,,& hearken to the voyce of wife menitoljictf is5 as murJfj to fap , as tbat tn all tbe tpme of tbis feconu temple, Rab.Sciomoh foeefecnot onei^opbet rifeup , pet notUittWranmn^ tbe fame T?Halh4^sa ?^o*$et foyfy tl)[l* *airo' The §lorie of thc latt£r haure llu11 be hi thc^vord ' gre^ter tnan tn^ glorie of the firft . 3no tberefetbc epbo?tetb VekcMedid Zorobabel ano lofua tbe femte of Iofedec ann al t!>e people to bt where ^ wan- of gcoo cbeece*3lt Uws mate tbcn d)at unoer tbis fecon^ temple, teth tl>ere fljoulo be fome peculiar ana ejctrao?nman> gift gisen of 6ot^ \xfoid) (boulo etcei botb tbe 3r&c,am>tbe Vrim ann Thumim,anzi tbe l^opbefpmg3anD i»batfoeuet otbec glorious tijmg tbe former Some fap tbat of tfje netue tbrngs tfjc fluffe b)a^s mucj rrcbet ^an oftlje foamer^^mt t^at tlje firtt toa^ of S)fluer anu tijte to ter OF CHRISTIAN RELIGION. 5$X terof (Sola ♦ WlW is tbereberein tbat can matt)) tbe £tft of pjo* pl;cfpmg^anot^ecfape^tl)at tljcfaQjton ami tojfemanfbip tbere* ofuia^ mo?e curious ♦ £&bat is tbat to tbe p?efence of <£o&, tobo (betoeb bimfelfe fa opcnlp m tbe Ml t g>ome ( becaufe tbe tejct fe flataptnfttbem) bawe accounted tbat tbe fetomi temple conti* mien longer tl;an tbe fictf bp ten peered tbe feconu bauing (too fa- tter bwntneo ami ttoentie peered, tul;ereag( tbe firff (too but fotoet btmo?eo ana ten peered ♦ flBbat can be mo?e fcapne oj mo?e colo>0£ leflTebcfeeminckettbec foj (fcoti to teacb,oj fo? a man tbat batb anp tout, to beat**: 31 fap3 fo? ©o& before Inborn a tboufatmpfcrcg ate butasoneoaj^oj foj 5pait,l»bi3moneiiapof aniteciitiembfeltfe^ tpme&otb tno}z gceeue, tljan a tboufanu p#re* continuance of bte Jmilomgs can pleafure bmt after bfe oeatb *: ^o^eouer , tobo kna* toetb not tbat tbis fecona Cemple tnas oftentpme& oefileo , am? fpopleu bp Antiochus, bp Pompejr, b^Craflus,. anU bp otbetstf n^ut ti;c ^oybet fpeafeetb (bitlc enougb to tbem tbat lift to beare* As yet (faptl) be)there remayneth a little tyme fay th the Lord, and then will I remoue both Heauen and Earth;I wil remoue all Nations;and they (hall comejthe defire of all Nations (hall comeyand then will I fill this houfe with glorie. SHbat 10 tbfa Gcn.$9> defire of all Nations? ffiHe fcnotoe iw Cbjitf5of \$bom it fe fapa in anotber place^tbatbe i<& the hope of the Gentiles , $ tbat tbep (ball bee bleffeo an&ljappie m tym. 3m clje Chaldee patapb?ad |iatb traufIateob^^tn^ Anoynted . 3lfo intbeTalmud^Rabbi Akiba t>noerftanoetl> tbat tejct of Cbjiftg comming, botobeit tbat $z miftake W perfon ♦ 3no tbe pjopbet Malachie tubo pjopbe* ^e Taf^ fieo at tb€ fame tpme, cjpoumietb it in tbefe toojoeg ♦ The Lord „U£yn t^ whom ye feeke , and the Ambaffador of the league which you Trcatyfc San- defire , fhalleome incontinently into his Temple . ^bebetp hcdrin.chapt ttieaiiingbereof t^tbat bnuer tbte feconu %tm$.t , tbe Cburclj of Hdec* Jfraell ftall bauetbegcou fortune to fee Cb?tftfte lo^etubsm tbep lokeo io} fa long tpme, Bote at tbe fame tpme tbat tbe king* name of Ifraell fapleo5tl)at & to tt>tt tittle retpe of Herod3 about ThcTalmu^ a fojtte pereg afo^e tbe ueftcuctiou of tbe Cemple,tbe little beaiKie in t^e xrca^fc tbat toa-s in it oio btterlp ceaffe ♦ iTc? tbe fyfnt of tbe great StoN pirkd auoth: gogue(fap^ rewes)U)bicb after a fo# fuppliec tbe tuantof f p^o* and in the pbetes , came to an enoe in Simeon ftttmmiet! tbe Higbtuouss (of Trcatyfc io- tabom mtntion ti mm in tlje grft Cbapter of Saint Luk-e.)3n5 ^z;h B ^ tben alfo ceaffen all tbe fpeciaH blelun$s of tlje ftcontr temple pi p jeefeoneo ty intbe Talmud . geaani (Soo (betaen btftblp^ tbat be ab^ojren 5*2^ OFTHETREWNES sbbojreB tfceny'n tljat(fap tl;ep)tbe ojm'narie appearing of an 8tt* pH at tbc entering: in of tlje g>anauarie 5 toag turaeo into an bglt> anoblacke315ugge* 3nt> toljereas aftuetpmes tljirtie men cottlb fcarre open tbe&oue of tbe temple; noto it openen of it blfjnfyu at Rabbi Iohanan Ben Zaccai one of Hillels Difripleg tuas be* rp foje ama^eo*9no in tbe ent^tfje temple toag fo oeftropco,ti)at one (tone toas not left (tanning bppon another* 3nu notte't&ftan* Ammianus Ding tfjat tbe lewes ijao leaue to bttpfa it agai^fpectaflp bnner tbe Marceiimus, ©mperour Iulian tbe ticanlp enemie of £tyittim$ , tofco of &i£ lib j j , 0^n€ jjUr^ gaue ^reat|p Co t{jC butting tbereoftpet coulu tfjep ne* uer tying it to pafle;but(as tl;e uerp ©eatben tetters of tfjat tpme noe toitneffe) fires ifleteo out of ti;e eartf),am> tbicft Lightening* from tlje S>fcpe, aimburntfcp tlje teamen anobeateootonerije looses tofncbtfjepljao begun tottb foetfremepjioeano foejeeef* Cue coff § &mti)lp tee map tell fap tljereftue , ann ^ar^Ip can ti)C 3Ieteg gepnfap it,tbat tie fecono temple k ocftropeo long ago, imtfjont fjope of recouerie; ano tftat Ctyiff tes pjomifeo to come afoje tlje oeffrtution rterof^fjerfo^e it mult iuem$ be tbat Cfyift maas alcea&p come into tlje tejlo*9m> tbat tlje Ijope of ifracl toas fo, Efcy^arofy- ft appeared) pet further* tfojtopon tbe Iatt chapter of Efay tobere it 10 fapo , Afore her pangs came vpon her , (he brought forth 3 manchild:Rabbi Moyfes Hadarfan faitb3The Redeemer of If- rael dial be borne afore the birth of him that fhal bring Ifrael Rabbi Moyfc s jn bondage.gffl) Ionathas the great Difciple of Hillell fattb bpS Hadarfan. tbe fame tej£,Ifracl (hall befauedafore her extremitie come, & the Anoynted fhalbe (hewed openly afore the throwes of her Childbirth come. 3lfo Rabbi Moyfes of Tyroll , an& Bioces, botlj accoutring to tljte ^C]ct and bv tte'r otone reckoning bppoii Daniell, noe loofte fo? tljigtbing totems tbe enne of tbe feconD Bcrcfchith] Cemple • Ltketotfe tlje btske tobicb tbep can Berefchith Rabba Rabba. mafeetb tljfe parable , As a certeync Iewe was at plough,an A- rabian pafsing by heard one of his Oxen lowerand herevpon . - ^r willed him to vnyoke his Oxen ,becaufe the deftru&ion of the Barachoth/* Temple was at hand: and that byandby the other Oxe lowed In the Ta!- likewife : wherevpon he bad him againe vnyoke out of hand; mudofHw- for the Mefsias was alreadie come . 3nb Rabbi Abon batting lufik(n,RI repeated tbe fame in anotber place,faitlj CbusS: What ncede we to bathi vpon'tL Iearne lt of tn€ Arabians , feeing the text it felfe declareth it? bmcmadoa feurefp 31 palTe not fti? tbetr t3arable?2( , tubicb baue no tierp gooD of icronic grace toitl^ tJjem, ano oftentpmejs bctojap tf;at tfcep luanten uiit itt ucrp OP CHRISTIAN RELIGION, 53J ierp B&ae : but mp intent is to gatber of tbem,tbat tt toa^ a com* mon opinion among tbem, tbat Cfptfto? tbe spefltas fljoulo come into tbe U3o?Io a little afo?e tlje aeftturtton of tbe temple* let bS beare n$at tbe 3ngell Gabriel! faptlj to Danicll : foj fcegoes neerett of all to tbe matter ♦ Threefcore and ten weekes ^mcls Wce (faptb lje)are determined vpon thy people,and vpon thy holy Eaniel.9* Citie,to make an end of the difobedience, and to anoynt the Holy of Holies . Knowe thou therefore and vnderftand,that from the going foorthofthecommaundement for the buil- ding againe of Hierufalem , vnto Chrift the Prince , there are feuen weekes, and threefcore and two weekes ; and then (hall the ftreates and the broken walles be repayred again in (hort tyme. And after threefcore & two weekes,Chrift (halbe (lainc and nothing (hall remainc vnto him. And the people of & Prince that is to come,fhal deftroy the Citie and the San&ua- rie^and the end thereof fhall be as with an ouerflowing, and it fliall bee digged vp with defolations to the end of the warren And he fhall ftabli(h his couenant with many in one weeke, and in the middes of the weeke (hal he caufe the Sacrifice and Oblation to ceafle , and for the fpreading out of abhomina* tion he fliall lay it wafte,&c. CbiS onlp one lp?opbefie is enough to conuince tbe lewes, ana tberefojeit bebottetbbs to examine it from popnt to popnt* jFtrff,tbat tbts text is ment of tbe gpefliajs^t i2i ft eutoent ano abfoiute,tljat tt is a ftarfte (bame to oenpe iu 9ntt fo tsf tt agplpeo bp Rabbi Saadias bpon Daniell, dp Rabbi Nah- man$f Geround, ana bp Rabbi Hadarfan, tobo be tbe notableft among tbem 4 jf o? as fo? Rabbi Selomoh, tobo fcnoerffanoetb tt df Cyrus; oj Aben Ezra,tobo applpeo tt to Nehemias ; oj Rabbi Leui tbe fomte of Gerfon„tobo tm&erff aaetb tt of Iofua tfje $igb* pjieft : tbere 10 not tbat too2& in tbis tert,tobtcb fcotb not mfpjome tbem; beifoes tbat tbe 9nopnting tolncb is fpnken of bere , muff sanheSa neeaes be a fpmtuall anopnttng,confitieruig tbat tbere toas not a* &c Talmud up moje anopntmg at all tmocr tlye fecono temple ♦ There are of Hierufalem, (faptb be)threefcore and ten weekes. let bs fee tobat manet of tua&es tbep be^be Scripture telletb bs oftD^kegs of nates, ana cf tooeftes ofp&tes ; ana examples of tbem botb ate in Leuiticus Lcim.23.&2$ ana tn sitters otbec plares^be toaftes of Dates ferue fo? ojainarp matterS;ano tbe to&kes of pares fo? matters of great tuetgbt aim Dan.i- affong continuance ♦ *But Daniell map bee bis ottme ejipounaer* Jfoj intone?* e&aptet fcee fpeafeetl^pjeflp of mounting tb?ee tofffteg C;. J 34 OF THB TREVVK1S luecftca ofoaicsf ; tobweatf berc m a matter of eifate,tof)trf? paffetft tottljflolwerftqjp^antntqutitt!) larger meafure; befpeafcetb of focefteg ffmplp toitfjout aom'tiou . 9no in berp nceoe Hierufalem coulD not bee bttitoco agapne in feuen toeefces ofuaieef ; but it teas to be bttitoco agapne in manp toeeftesi of peered ♦ after tijac manet are tljep taken bp Rabbi Saadias,Rabbi Moyfes, ano Rabbi Se- loinoh alfo 5 tmto tuljont all tbe beft of tbem content: ano tbere t* not anp one of tbem(to mp fcnotPleoge)fobicb tafcetb tfjefe toeefce* to be lu&fceg of Dates;* 'But as foj tbe pconger Rabbines,tcbenfo=: euertbcpbcepjefleo,tbep fap tfjcfetoeefceg eontepne eptberteu pares a peece3oj fiftte pere^pea oj a to&ole bunfyeo perea a peere; a tbing toritbsut reafon in tfcte te^t, ano *uif fcout example in ail tlje toljole Scripture* 3it foUotuetb>from the going forth of the Commaundmcnt for the building again of Hierufalem to the anoynted Prince, are feuen weekes and threefcore and two weekes . Qfat ist ta fap,(ag tfce'ipjtopfjet ijmtfetfe e^pounnetb tt) foj tbe buttoing t?p of tije Citic of Hierufalem anti ti)t temple, feuen weekes, toljirfj tnafte nineano fojtie peete$*9no from tlje builoing againe of Hie- rufalem bnto Cb?ift , threefcore and two weekes , tobttfj make fotoer buuojeo tbirtie ano fotoa* partial! tofuctj togetber amount fcnto fotuer bun^eofotoerfco?eanotb?eep0ere^*9ntj in gtoo fcotfr, if iaee begin ( as tbe i^opbet teacbetb fctf) to account tbe tooke* fro tlje nap tofterem tbe Uuo?o toajaf fpoften tbat Hierufalem fljoufti icrcmv -0 bt buitoeo againe, tbat i$ ta toit from tije tl;?#fco?e ana tent!; pere s,mli. ' rffy* Captiuitie , o? from tlje firff peere of iKing Cyrus U)ben Ie- remie folate to tbe pjifoners at Babylon , alluring tbem of tijetr aeliuerance , at tobtcb tpmt Cyru s gaue rommatmoement foj tlje builoing againe of tbe ^emple3bnto tbe tpme of Herode JKing of tbe Iewes,o? of Tyberius tbe Cmperour of Rome: toe fljali finoe tbat in tbat berp tpme toere ful&fieo tbe fotoer Ijunojeo fotoerfcoje ano tb?cc pere$,pea ano tbe betp tbjeefcoje ano tentb toeefce tobtr- in €b?ift toag to ft abliflj tbe Couenant of ©oo toitb men ♦ <3no it feemetb tbat Daniell o? ratfjer tlje 9ngell ment in tbefe tfyriefcojc ano ten lueefces^to afluoe to tbe tl##fcoje ano tenpoere* fpoken of bp tlje $?opbet Ieremie;a^ if be fljoulo Ijauc fapo59t furfj tpme ajS petoere !eo aloap captiue to Babylon , Ieremie aflureo pott tbat poufbouto bee oeliuereo from tbat tempojaHCaptiuitietoitbiii ti?^fco?€ ano ten p&re$,ano V* &* ft fc fo come to pafle*3no nota 31 teBpou tljat toitl;m tl;je?fcoje ana tm toeeftw ofpeere^pe (ban be OF CHRISTIAN RELIGION. 5$$ lcnetiueret»fromt^efpmtuaIcaptiuitte,bp tberefoje fome of tbe Rab- bines being bnable to (bift of tbfe tejet , bane pjefumea to Cap tbat Daniel! &at> Capa to ell in all t&e reft, but tfcat tie ouerfljot ^tmfelfe in tbis: account* ®be berp tram'ttong of $e 3Ietae$ t&emCeluea aoe tying b $ to 7r f^5r ftfa tpme?3t ieafttoiCe tbere fe not anp toboCe nate fa not out long ro°^s ° ago* 3!n tbe Talmud ig tbfeCaping of tbe Ccb©le of Elias Co great* The Talmud Ip tenotomes among tbem* The world (hall indure Sixthoufand m the totifc yeeres ; Two thoufand yeeres emptie , that is to fay without Sanftedrin, Lawe ; Two thoufand yeeres vnder theLawe 3 And two thou- £ ca£™^ fand yercs vnder Chrift. 9nO Rabbi Iaeob faptb betebpon, tbat cl& tbe firft ttoo tboufann peeres enueo in fyz tpme of Abraham ; t&e feeona about tbe befetttion of ti)t temple ( tobicb tbing be pjo* uetb bp an account of tbe tpmeg ) at tbe enne of tobtcb latter ttooo tboufano be Captb tbat Cixitt fboulb come ano oeliuer Ifrael from captiuitie^bus farre be agreetb toitb b$3ut be a&uetb>for our TheTaimu<5 ; finnes fakes his comming is deferred* 'CbtS gloffe marretb t^t ™ th^^rifc tejtt* jTo? in otber places it tas Capo flatlp 3 tbat t\^t tpme of tbe com* uodazar* nung of tbe apefllag fa pal! ndto feauen frtmqra atm fojtie peeita ago,u>bicb tbing tbep lament in botb t\)tit Talmuds, 3no bppon tW berCe of E(ay, I will make haft to doe it in his tyme 5 tobicb Talmud in fe fpofcenewjeflp of Cb?ift anD of bisi IKingoome : Rabbi lofua thet/eatifc tfyc Conne of Leuy appofetb tbefe too?0^,I wii make hafte, againft Sanhedrin. ^eft ofyzt mo^O^in his tyme*I wiU make hafte Capt(j tlje JLo^3 chap«.Hd«,. at - 51& OVTRBTRCVVft'lt at tetfttm'fe iftftep Be too?fljp [abbetb Rabbi lofua^Tn his ti me} [Tap* tbe teirQtbat is to fap, euen toben tbep tooulu not, [ aotretfr Rabbi Iofua]ui^d) meaning ofbis be migbt baue ejpjeflfeo mucfr moje fttlp in faping, iEbat ©ouss pace geinlhmtetb our finned in fuel) fo?t , a^ tljat all out iniquities ramtot (top o; Sap fyz courfc thereof* Talmud m the ©He bane another 'fcraTjitton bpon t^e m'ntb Chapter of Efay, bath and in toIjete l)C ftCtet^ *mn* ** '*f eUeUt 1®?°P^^ COCenting Cftftff, the tr'catifc A Childc is borne vnto vs , &c. 3|n tbat place are tojttten tbefe Sanhcdrin. ^^^UnMrbeh hammijr*ht(mtttnil\$ fl)t incteafillg of ty'S king* For Co M is cal *om^toft& #* Hcbre we &#*# D ^*» ^^ fa ft e tttfoS Of tye led with the toD?*> ttotuitt Wanning tbat tbe fapo letter tobtr b as our t^/ , i* Hebrews not front to be tyittzv. fi»3fcut in tbe eno of a toojo* i^ere tberefoje accojotng'to tbeir ttt (tome > tfcep fan to defeating fcpon tbe letters* ana becaufe tie a ^/^ is f?ere clcfeu b&tabetas it ougbt ccmon* fp to be bitten open tbus> » : tbep fay tfjere muft necoes bee fome great miffetie bfoten ann flmt lit) tbere : ann tbat as Rabbi Tan- huma toas feking tbe reafon tbereof,* tjopce from Ijeauen anfae* reli iim^razJ U r*zj U, tbat is to fap5 I hauc a fecrct ; tnbicb b? tbe confent of tbem atf,concentetJ tbe ^eJKas^ut fome of rijem palft futtber, and ftp tbattbtscj)pb?eo letter impo?tetb Ofrebuntyetr, tbat is to tott, Ojre bunojeo peeres, tobieb are to be reckeneo from tbis l&opbefie bnto tbe $)e{fias*3no infcerp neeue3fto tbe fourth peere of tbe reipeof Achas,at tobicb time tbe lp?opbefie toas bt* men , toe (ball 6no bp account tbat tbep fall not out long after tbe time of Herod. 3notbensreaomtbe Talmud in tbefe too?&eSr In the tfcaryfc Rabbi Elias fayth to Rabbi Iehudas brother of Rabbi Sal* Sanhcdrin. the Effene, The worlde can not hauc any mo than fowerfcore Smbamin anc* ^ue Iubilecs,that is to fay3Fower thoufand two hundred hisEpiftTc w **?<* Fiftieycres,and inthelaft Iubilee , (hall thefonneofDa- the icwesin uid come without doubtjbut whether in the beginning ther- Aifiickc. of or in the end thereof I cannot tell. Rabbi AflTc is of btS opt* triontn tbe fame cafe^o befbofoR* Moyfes Ben Mahnon faptfr R Moyfo of fo jj jg| epitHe to tbe lewes of A ffrkkc , tbat tbere ii an aunrient vtSn the fit* ^tatrition ftat Cb?ift iboulo beebo?ne in tbe pcere of tbe S&ojlue booked ' fotoer tboufani fotoer buntyeti feuentte anti fotoer^be tofytb at* Moyfes. coding to tbeir otoue account (boulo be pa(!5nob3 mo?e tben npne inthcCapter buntneoperesago* Slno Rabbi Moyfes of Geround amiLeiiy tt^Sf °ftnh tberomteofGerfon fpeake of anotber , tobicb bebigljteo it in tbe dria> cja c"jewoft%etoojftfiuet^oufanBoneiun^eoaiU)eigbmne:lu)b^^^ bp Of CHtiSTTAW HUIGION. 57j Iptljett otone account taenmeo mojetfym n»o Ijuntnetj peered fince* JFtnallp after mud) alteration ano&apneejpetfatton to n* purpofe,ttje conciuium of tbe greateft Rabbincs commetfc to tW j)opnt,Cf)at it t* neeocleg to calculate anp moje fo? tfce commincj of Cfetft, ^tjatan tfje tpmetf Itimteb bp t&epjopljeteg are aire* up patt 5 anu tbat tfcere remapnefy not an? tfjtng rtss t&an repei* tanceanagoooteca^eg* ©tier ann befiseg tlje tpme,tf>ep ooe alfo neKuer fctf cetteme to* fceng of €\)}i&# commtn&in tfectr traattton** When the Mefsias « '!0 ^j*'. commeth (fap tfcep) there ihalbe fewe wife men ifilfraell, and Nchuor^ in many Seducers > Inchaunters and Wizards, The wifedome of the chapter the Scribes (hall ftinkc,and the Schooles of Diuinitie (hall be- Hake come Brothelhoufes.Goodmenin Jfraell (hall bee abhorred, and the countenances of the men of that age fhalbe ful of vr*- (hamefaltnefe . $fi not ttyt a lutelp oefcrtption of tlje maners of tlje 3lcU)e0 > pea tutn of tlje pljariftes tfcemfelue* , in t%t tpme of Herod ano of j fceftruttion of tl# Cempfe ? letttf fctarfcen toljat Iofephus tfjeir otone fi;a'ffo;>pto?irer fpeafceti) of tljcnn Iewry was iofrphui in his at that time(fatftf &e)a Den and Harbour of Theeues.of Mur- j^bn^"ltlc^ derers,of Inchaunters, and ofSeducers of the people . And ^'^^his doubtleffeGodwas offended at their extreme vngodlinefle; wariesJib.k infomuch that he abhorred both Hkrufalem & the Temple, cap.i 5.6c lib. and brought in the Romaines thither to purge the as it were Z^P •» with fire. Yc^and I beleeue(laptl) be)that if the Romanes had ftaied neuer fo little to come to deilroy themjeither the earth would haue fallowed them vp,or fome great waterflud muft hauc drowned them,or els they had bin burned rp as Sodom was . For that generation was much worfe than euer Sodom was . Qhut t\)tn aftueil ttje to?itmg£ a? alfo tfjc notaWeft %ut)U ttond of tl>eaunrientlewes , ooepopntfcg totberpme of Herod* Sim trueIp,Tacttus,Suetonius^no Iofephus^imfeffe(tomie(Te£ Tadtusairf fcopo of fufpitto) report r!)at m tfrat age tt toag tyutco tuerp&ljerc, suctoniusin- rtatoutoflewrieu)oulDC5miea8mgrl)at(l)oulo retps oueratlthclyfc «V matt tCD^ bPon &Mt ^0 be C&e $$ef> m that age £*£, I mtidj IefTe tbat anp teas recemen as bft fo m t&te age tbcre fcarflp paffeb anp one paecc, but fame one o? otber Heppeo bp to be &e,becelp becaufe tbat(to tbeir feeming)tbep bab t^e bifpofition of tbe peoplc,anb tbe berp tpme it feif anfacrable to tbetr intent*He- rod tberefoje tobo pert etuen bimfeife to fcatte bene but netolp pjo* clapmeb King bp tbe Romaines,fearing to bee bifpoffefftb of W Crobme3bib tobat be couib to beftrope tbe blub ropall of luda5ue- facing tbeir (Seneafogieg, anb not fparing mm W Qbme fonnetf* S?ea anb tljere fleppcb bp rerteine Courtpmabbin^tobtrf) tooulD na&e* make tbe tuojlb beJectte tbat Herod toag p pjomifeb $teG fiag5tobereof fome toill batie tl;e Herodians to pjoc&te tobtcb ate fpoken of in tbe (SofpelL 3nbtbisfecttoa$ greatip furrtjeren bp tU opinion of tty flelblp fo?t,toljiri) bp tlje flpeffiag iooken fo? a re< ftitution of tijeir tate; tbat ig to imt,of CJineparbi^of go?geou* butloingef , of pjecioug &toneg, anb of all things fatting of tbem* feluea* 9lfo about tfje fame tpme fteppeb bp one ludas a Gawlo- nite^tobo ealleti tfje people to libertie, anb maintepneb tnttij fome afftltence ofriKpbatafie^ 5 tljattbep ougfjt not to pap tribute to lofcphusin tbe €mperour ♦ 5§>o alto bin anotber ludas tfce fonne of one Ezc- his Amiqui- chias, a Captepne of Cuttbjoteg , anb a certepne g>b*P&*atb na* tlfz & ii^# mr} Athrou§es .babofe pretence toa^ no leffetbanto beefttng*, i7.cap. 8 fib." an* t0 beliuer ri;tir followers ftom tbe poke of bonbageXiketoife 2oVhp.2.&6. bnber tbegouernementof Fselix ,anb in tfjereipeof Agrippa, a certepne >£giptian taking bpon bim to be a 19jopbet, leb certepne people bp to Spount fflliuet, anb mabetbem befeue tbat from tbence tbep fljoulb fee tbe toaiieg of Hierufalem fall botone , ana tben tbep ftoulb goe in tbitber ♦ 3gaine,bnber tbe JDjefibent Cuf- pius FadiiSjOneThewdasbnbattoke tbe like enterp,rife*3itol)irij are Ggnes tbat tbep tcoke abuauntage of tbe tpme , anb abufeb t\)t Talmud in ^e 0f tbe people to tbe maintenance of tbeir otone ambition3ut sanhJdrin ( to Wc& mo?* i*)*0* xzm *n £ Talmud,t&at in tbe tpme of Agrip- Chapt.Haicc- paone Barcozba (tobiebname fignifietb the Sonne of Lying) ftept bp among tbe peop!e,anb p^etenbing to be Cb?itt>toag taken fo to btc bp tbe Rabbines tljemfelues , anb reigneb tbirtie peered R.Moy(cs ben anb a \)dlfc pea anb tbat as Ramban rq>o?tetb in b& fentences of Maimon in ftnTg3,tbep cetjuireb not anp Cgne of bim*,infomucb tfjat tbe great fcis sentences. Rabbin€ Akjba ^e ^^ of aI rije Talmudifts,becamebfe 0ar* nef bearer , anb applpeb bnto bim tbe feconb Cbapter of tbe}3?o^ p^et Haggeus erpounbeb l;emofo?ejbntil at lengtij after long anb pcroictou* ©F CHRISTIAN RIIICIOK, 1%$ pernicious abuCng of tbem, toljtn be coulo notbelittet tJjem from tbe poke of tlje Romaines5m tlje enb t^cp knockc dim on tlje bwtu 2?et uoturitbftanmng5aftertoaro again-e, about a fo?tie peres after t\)t oeffruction of tbe ^emplejanctljer of tlje fame name gatijerco Bcrcfchitk into tlje Cttie of Bitter all tlje Iewes tbat tnere thereabouts \ auo Raba. of bim tbep repo?t toom>ers3as tljat be fljouto fymt a ljuo?eo tbou= iuohanaa. feno men about bun, toijicb bpon trull of tljeir tnuincible (Irengtb, ote cut off one of tljeir fingers ; tbat going to battell be toas toont to fap j Helpe vs not thou Lord of the world feeing thou haft forfaken vsy&c. 3n& tftat tlje Rabbines toljirij ban bene neceiueo &p tlje former, (fo greatlp lucre tbty pcrfitfaneo of tlje tpme) rccei* £* ^£ uen tljis man neuertbelclTe, ann mane bint alfa to tie rec emeu of o= Col ^^ tljers , applping bnto Ijtm tljis t^jct of tbe btoke of jftombers , A 4 Starre (hall come out of Iacob,becaufe tlje 5peb?etDe too?n Cocab fignifietlj a g>tarre;ann raping tljat in ftean of Cecab it ougbt to be iu?ittm Coz.*y o? c^4,tobicb toas bis nante.9fon tljis is bitten bp tljeir otnne i£ifl;o?ies3ann con&rmen aftertoam by ours,ann & fo bp tlje berp Upeatben totters toljicb folate tbe life of tlje €mpe* tour Adrian . get fo? all tljis,tbep toere Hill tie mo?e t»aften3ami carpeo atoap into Spayne , ann Hierufalem toas peoples lnitlj o* tbet illations, ana tbeuaboleJLannof lewrie manebtterlpljea* tljen ♦ 3nn as manp as toent about aftcttoarn to abufe tbe lewes fcnner tbat p?etence , (as one nin not long fince in Italie ) toere bp mm b]> neftropen ann toelnere toppen cleane out of rememberance* jtet&s anne pet furtfjer3 tbat fxntt tljat tpme(fc)birij is noln abotte fift&nebunn?eo p&res agoe) tbep neuer Ijan anp]p?opljetes , anp comfort from 6©D, anp ertrao?ninarie gifts,no no? anp knoto* lenge of tljeir ^ribesttobiclj is a mod eutoent token, tljat tlje 13?o* pbefies toljicb amen cljieflp at Cb?iff5 are fulfillen,ann tbat in Ijtm tlje Cbnrclj is comfo?ten ann innetocn toitlj tlje giftes tobiclj it Ijo* pen fo?; ann to bee fljo?t,tbat be fo? toljofe fake tbe penegrecs mere to be kept certepne,^ not nota to be bo?ne* 9nu tberefo?e toee fee Ijom fome of tljem noe fap toit^ Rabbi Hillel , That the daies of Ezechias haue fwallowed vp the Mefsias 5 tljat is to fap, tljat be ts not to bee token fo? anp mo?e ; ano tljat folke Ijaue mane tbem- felues bnloo?tf)ie of bim: ana tljat fomeotbers tlj?ougb ertremitie of Defpap?e3Uo p?onounre tljem accurfeo tabic!) tretermiueanp cer* tepne tpme of tlje commtng of tbe ^elTias, 'Cljus tbenme fee nolo tljat tbe Ijolp Scripture aim tlje aunci^ ent interpretation tljercof , noe m^te togetljer in t^e tpme of Hc- Li rod 54* OF Tfl! TRBWNES rod,to fbctoe b$ tbe ^cffiasi tberetantj tbcrebpon it t^^tijattMe fife tbe people in tbe©ofpbellfoveaop toroune after 3!obn ^aptljU ano Cbjift •, ana to moue tljefe ojm'uarie quefttons. Art thou hee that mould come ? When wilt thou reftore the Kingdome of Ifraell ?• Shall we waite for another yet ftillPaM) fucb etl;er3ut The vainc an- 3Buc kt U5 fee tobat ftartingboles ff ubbojneg batb imtetea agatnft fwers of the tlje tbtngtf afyefm'o* Ct e ^eOiag! ( fap tbe neto HabbmcsOtoa* icwcs. bo^ie at ^£ ^ fame nnic ^ antJ ^n tl)C jjec? rame ^ tl)at tJje rei conn temple tuassi ueftropeo , tbat tbis PjopbeGe of Efay migbt E(ay.66.ver.s. be fuIOIleO, Before hir throwes or pangs came, (he was deliuc- 2CTj!j?h.itl*' rcd °^a Manchylde : uUt &*fe tap* ferret foj a tpme» jfoj fo noe Gen.capP3Po°n toe m?z *Pon ^c *#♦ Chapter of Genefis* 8no m tbe Talmud, The Talmud, Rabbi lofua tbe tonne of Leuy faptb , tljat it t£ a Uteuelation ti;at treatifc Sanhe- toa0 mane onto Elias, 31 tooulo fame tben baue tbem to fljetoe me ^in-^-"cIcc*ftac one Cetera all tbe Scripture gittetb anp incling thereof* ofCorewOT®^ *D ^at &e ®aIbe ^t,r,eit r0^er fettn*?eD ?mC?S in $* %mtt three brethre, ftea3efgbt ijutin?c^ peres among tbe fcmtcg of Coree, ano folwec which were* fcojepcres ottbe gate of Rome. 3no Rabbi lofua tbe tonne of Prophetes at Leuy faitlj in tbe Talmud, tbat bebtmfelfe fatoebim tbere lapping thaftST'' b{J *jfe fo?e* amottS rtje >-*?**««»*• 22%at m **& ft roff* ( eu™ Bteswerc Iw *V mnt otbertoitnefle tben tbem feluesf) bttrtalejai contriueo bpon the wiidemcs. pleafure , of pttrpofe to mocft folke * feome fap be (balbe fet bp in great bonottr nejrt tmto tbe pope , ann tbat in tbe eno be (ball fap to tlje pope ag Moy fes did- to Pharao, Let my people goe that they may ferue mee > antr fo foojtb* 3|f be be bojne fo long agoe, ann fceepe bim felfe fecret(ag tbep fap in til)tit Talmud) but till be be calleo to fceltuer tljem ;.mtiat caufe te tijere tubp be Iboulo fcaepe bimfelf alnap Itill/eeing tbep baue calks %ixt\ fo mucb ano fo loton anu fo manp bunir?eo peretf , feeing alfo tljat tbe time it ejepp^e^ pea ano almoft nubble e]cpp?en,ano finallp , feting tfjat euen aero?* ningtotbeirolnneejcpofition, iti^fapti* I will haften them in theirtyme? ^bep anfinere pet ffifl, tbereremapnetb but a goon tepentare^cot© mtferable furelp tnere tue^tf ©on fl;oulo not pje* uent our repentance tuttl; W grace* jf oj tbe ijerp repentance of tbe in the'treatire bed men3i0 but a fojpncffe tbat tbep cannot be fojp enougb* ^But sanhedrin.ca. fct tis? ljeeceap?ette SDtalogtte of ttoo Rabbins oifputing in tbeic iercmV 4 Talmuclof tftttf matter Jt is written fay th Rabbi Eliezer,Turnc ^%.24. ' againe yee ftubborne Children , and I will heale you of your frybborneffe.Yea,but it is alfo written fayth R.Iofua,Ye hauc l>ene fold for nothing, and ye (hall be redeemed with mony : tha; OF CHRISTIAN REIIGIOM.' 54* that is to fay3ye haue bene fold for your Idolatryes,which are nothing,and ye fhalbe redeemed without your repentance & good workes* Yea but it is fayd fayth R.Eliezer,Turne yee to mecand I will turne to you. But let vs alfo reade fayth R.Io- Malachy.4. fua , I haue taken ye in manage as a wyfc 5 and I will take you one of a Citie and twoo of a Houfehold , and giue you errte- rance into Sion. R. Eliezer replyeth thus : It is fayd, ye {halbe faucd in calmnefle and in reft.Nay fayth R.Iofua, it is written *% -2*» in Efay,thus faith the Lord the Redeemer of Ifraeli to the de- fpifed Soule,and to the people that is abhorred; that is to fay, that your wickednes (hai not flop the courfc of Gods decree. Dan^xl- In the end, Eliezer fayth ,what meanethleremythentofay, If thou turne thee ageine 6 Ifraeli : feeing it is ano not common to tljem tmtlj all otbec JQacionss of tbetoojlo^befirft ^emple(fay tijep)n)a0oeftropea fo? 3l&oIatrte , fo? fuperfluttte , ano fo? fljeaomg of gtltleffe bluo, ano fpectallp tbebluo of Zacharie ano Efay.JDet noaattljfrantmtg tljep toanteonot ]ja?opljeteg in tlje time of tijetr Captwtttfc ; nap tbepneuerlja&motljantljeu; fomerctfullp oto; I*hcbooke Mcchika» Talmud in the trcitife Sanhedrin. Ch.Hclcc. Pfaim.po. 541 OF THE TKEWNES iatoe; ami in effect lefle giuen to Bopot ann lefle blunnp tban tuer tljep toere ? j8ap furtber, feeing tbat tinxier tbe (econo 1Eem< pie tbep fljetoen fo great ?cale againft cbe Roraaines3tbat ttjep an* mitten not anp Jnolatrie among tfcem, butcbofe radjertonpea tboufann neadjeg, djan'onefp to recriuc eitbertbe €mperours %* mage, 0? tbe l&omapne fetannam psintentottban€agle;mfo* mud; tbat tbep le£ tbe bzeadjc of tbe toalj of d;e Citietotgamen, ratber djan tbep toouln b?eafte tfjctr Sbabbdtfc nap : ZZXW migfet be tbe caufe tbat (Son (boulo tontfjoto tije open manifetf ationof dje SpelTias, tobom tbep affirme to baue bene bo?ne at tbat tpme 3 oj multiplp tbeir miferiesi fo ejctreemelp \ feome fap it toag fo? tbeir fc)o?ibippwg of tbe <&oloen Calfe in tbe &rttlnerneg3d)at is to fap fo? a fault tljat toa$ c ommitteo a ttoo 0? tb?& tbottfann peres ago* tobenas (nottoitbffanning) dje people fcjcretbenp?efentlp puni* (ben fo? tt out of bann,ann manp recoueries ann cuertb?otoes ban enfetnen Once in tbe mesne tebple* ffitberg fap tt is fo? tbe felling aflofeph bp b& b?etb?en ^ann djerebponfome of tbem b?ing \yp agatne tbe fleeting of Joules fadjerenbpon Pythagoras. ££ib? aoe tbep not ratber adutotolengeberrintbetrottme colneabfurnt* ties ? nap (fapeg oneof tbeir booker ) it te fo^afault tobtcb djep fmotoe noty ann tberefo?e it is notfo?etolo tbem ftiben tbep ibalbe neliuereMS it toas to d;e Captiues of Babylon* 3jf tbep ftnotoe not tljt fault,tben can tbep not admotoienge it ; ann if tbep cannot ackuotolengett, in bapne are all tbeir penances aim Hepentance* 3nn pet inberpneenetbep baue from tpme to tpme ( ann tbat not long ago)nonepubltcfc ann open penance^ mudj mo?reratf lp ta euttnam apparance, tbaneuer tbep nin ; of purpofe to batten tbeir ^eflta^tobo nottrntWianoing (bp tbe repo?t of tbn'r Talmud) i$ fo noere ann reanp at bann,tbat(bp tbeir faping)be toilnot flap one nap,if tbep turne bnto (Son acco?ning to tbia Taping of tbe pfalnu Tooday if yee heare my voyce* T&ut toce fap3tbat fo? afmucb ajS tbeir pumlbment i$ fo bmuerfall ,fo long , ann fo extreme ; tbett fault mnff neeneg alfo be fo to : 9nn tbat fetng t%t former 3ino- latriea annfcnrigbtuoufneg toere pacifien in tty nettruction of tbe firft Cemple , .a* tbep tbemfelues fap ; 31t muft n&x&$ bee fome greater matter , tbat continued) tbeir puniQmtent dill after fo ma^ np nefolationa*9nn tberbponS condune,botb tbat Ctyift fe come at W fo?eappopnten tymt,$ alfo tbat tbep baue refufen bim? fo ajj ©on batb fent d>em faluation in f felfefame maner p be p?omife0 it tfcem bp t)ij3 IPjopf^tjs,? tfcep fym tramplen it bnner ti;etr feete* The 54* T/tf xxx.Cbapter. That IeCis the Sonne of Mary came at the tyme promiled by the Scrip tures,and that the fame is Chrift. ©to tben,tn tfie time of fbe ffrtt Herod, teberein botb tbel&opbefieg of tbe ftolp Scripture* ano tl>e auticttnt tranittontf oftbelewesaoemaete 3 letfcg examine tobo eouto baue bene tbe $£e(Tia$ • fof, at tbat tpme ( a* 31 baue&eclareo afoje) man? p^etenoeo tftemfelueg to bee be, of tebom -botb tbe Sue* , tbeooctrmetf ana - (aimott ) tbe names alfo ate note teojne *ut ofntpnn,ttottm'trjitanutng tbat tbep teere ^pfttln b? great ntul* tituoess of people, ano autbojijeo bp tbe cbtefeDortoj* among tbem ♦ jSeuertbeleflTe,m t^t fame rpme,ano turn in tbe telfefame yeeretbat Herod toajs accepter of tbe lewesfo? tbeir JKing,3leftt$ FHflo'mi«s tbe Sonne of $9arp teas bo?ne,tnbofe tebole life tea* notbing ete bookof umes. but a teaching of Valuation to tbat people; anotebofeeno teag to be erucifieo bp tbe fepnagog-, ano p*t foj ail tbat,b^ Doctrine ana name continue ftifl tbjougb tbe tebole teojto ♦ f)t it fe tebom toee ran Cb?tfc>ano tebomteee affirme to t e tbe 3napnteo>3no tbett* foje let t>s fee firft bote a! tbe p^opbeCe* are come to effect in^im, *no bote be batb fuHp perfojmeo tije office of tbe Spefliaa* Oere let bs call tompno tbectrcumaancegtobicijluetattetioteli e% ?; bmofoje^be IPjopbcts banc tola as tbat be (boula be bojne of a ieremy.** Virgin* *Cbe © ofpetlaffirmecb flparp bis mjtber toijaite bin fucb Thc/[£|£f: a one; ana pec tbe Iewes tebicb baue come aftcrteara4jaue tejttten j1^1 ** tbat flje teas tafcenin aaulterie,MIcI5fecing tbatin altbeir aoings c tbcp (betee To peace tage agemtt bit feomte;fojafmucb a* tb?p ban to aeale but ageinft a IHp teoma tbat baano flap to ftana anto, ana tbeir tateeis foe^p^effe ana peremptojie agcinU aauoutrp w lobp aia tfep notwapteljer oftt , tebicb teoula bane quafibea tbe Bomeoni* reputation of bir fonne ana of birfelf botb togitber u. ©> tobp fap gi^ ■ cbep not ratber tbat be teas tbe fonne of Iofeph ; but tftat Iofeph fcnete anafaja tbe contraries 9na feeing cbat iofeph aifclapmea U 3 bint 544 OF THE TRIY7NE5 bim f ojljfe tonne, bao tbep not tbe nioje aunauntage te foatie maae bint partte ano ulajmttf agetna bir anuiterte ^ Sut fye linen fafelp bp tbem,botb after bit fonne&oeatb5ant> toitbout ftfring m bts Ipfe* tpme* ana tobat greater pjofe of bir cbaRirte oefire toe,tban to f& fo manpUDbarifies , antrfo manp 3!u&ges inrageo ageinft one filp Buidasvpon Tuoman , mi* pec riot Daring to cbargcbettoitbanpetpme4* H5uc the word ic tbe talke of one Tbeodofuts a lew umfy a Cfetdcn ^ercbantman *"u& namco Philip in tbe time of ilje €my erour luftinian3is toojtbp ta be noteo in tins bebalfjn the Temple of Hierufalem( And thou Bethleem Ephrata Mkhcas^. which art but little to bee counted among the families of Iu- vcrf.2. da,out of thee (hall come to me the partie that (hall reigne o- uer Ifraell, and his foorthcommings are from the beginning, and from the daies of eternitie.Jj)ere agatne toe baue ttoo btrfttf of Cbjiff ; tbe one tn tpme, fte ofter euerlafttnglp afo*e all tpme* 3nn fterebppon rtfe ftefe farre niffertng fpeefteg of fte people tit fte <6ofpell, faptng one tobtle; When Chrift commeth,wee (hall _ M . not knowe whence hec commeth ; ann anotber tobtfe> Is it not ^™^^ written that Chrift (hall come of the feede of Dauid , and of the towne of Bethleem where he dwelt ? jftoto, ftat tt toag fo tmnerffconebp fte tfafterg of oln tpme, tbe Chaldeeparapbjafe gmeft crentt,tobere t't fe ttanflateo ftu$:Out of thee (hall Chrift ionathan b& come which (hall hold the fouereintieouer Ifraell*3nn Iona- vxiol. thas fte aufto? of fte fapn parapbjafe , a pjmccpaH Dtfciple of Hillels,toas pet altue at fte fame tpme ftat 3!efug ^ag bonnet ann fteboIpRabbincaun Rabbi Selomoh confentfterebnto* 3nn Irl 4 ftat 54^ OF THE TRIWNH ttacatfatf fna< bo?ne in Bethleem, cuen after furfjafeflriona* toag not tokeo foj, 31 Tec not tbat anp of tbemaenpetb it* S£o?eo* o 'attia nft uer3^erc tea« t0 be* feenc ^e *tabfc toberein cbitttt»a*Jbo?net. cdfuT ^ &eaU)en m Df a ftocke#)bicb place Origen wpojtofr to^aue bift. fingularlp reuerencen of tbe iinftoete inbis tpme» Clje <£ofpell telletb tog tbat 3|efu* certeine aaieg after&fe bn% toag earpen to Hierufalem to bee offerefc ta tbe lojn accusing to Simeon, tbe Latue 3 ami tbat tbere a man nameo Simeon , anjaatbat tnaa rigbtuoma; ana fearcn ©o& , being certi&ea b? tbe bolp ©boft tbat be (btmto not ope until bebaa foil feene Cbjtff tbe JUjos 3nopn< teu;tc&fce btm in ^tsc arotes rp?apf«» ©otvfapin & This day hauc Z.ute.1,. I fecne thy faluation,&c . J[)cre 3f cbargetbe Iewesbefo?e &an, to betbinfee tbemfelues teeli of tbe tbings tefjfeb tbep botb tojtte ann reaneuf tbia Simeon: namelp,bcrtn tbat tbeDifciples of Hil- lei (bouHr neuer faple til ILtyifJt toere come: ^Cbaktbfe Simeon fur* names H)t W :gbtuou£,anti Ionathan tbe fomieuf Vziel toere turn fif tbe cbiefe of tbofe Difciplesr : 'Cbatintbte Simeon tbe fpirtt of ^fje great^pnapfftiiDUtterlpfapIeattiiceaffej^bat <£ot> bimfelf Bin tben fbetoe bp all Ogttefr, tbat be abbo^ren tbat gypnagog an* tbe g>anctuarie, ano tbat all fb*mtogoeatujp* ami tbatalltbings Talmud, trca- to*** &fi * oarftttefletbere* W&yntof come* tbte cbatmge tobicfr tyfc pirkci a- tbep tftemreluea troemarfce fo aotafetilp;, but of tfretr contempt of uoth.& in the Cb?iftt3tttKt»bereas tbep Cap futtber, tbat tbeCemple openen of tt? tf c°h ** fafci*18^** Rabbi Ionathan Ben Zaccaifeflotooifciple totd> Trreph Bc^ * Sirnconbeing atfcmilbeti tbereat,betbougbt biro of tW Taping of calpi. tbe ^tyopbet 2acharie,Open thy doores thou Libanus3and let Zachaxy. u . the fire cofume thy Cedars: tobat is it but tbe fame tbat Simeon fojetolobnto ^arpjfapingjBeholdjthis child is fent to bee the ouerthrow and the raifing yr>of many , and to be a figne that lefut, fhalbefpokenagainftP'Cbi^ CbtoisJ namen Ieftis,tl;attss to fap Sauiour : am* t^t (Sofpellaooinff tbe caufetbeteof, faptbr For h& (hall faue his people from their finnes* (Kftbo tnleti ano Hirectetf bte birtb, to bee of a ZXitgin >in Bethleem> anti bntbotrgbt of, to make it m&te iud tm'tb tbe ^opbedegi going afo^e , anD to mafer |jfe name noto to agree botb tuitb tbe CircutnftancegJ going afo?f r am> toitb all tbe tnbole conrfe of bisf life ? fo% of fd manp men tbat ^an bo?ne tbe name of lefus afo?e, as' toeflin tbe tpme of tbefirtf temple ag of tljt feconH;tn UJbicb of tbem (ball tnee finoeall tbefe tbingfii to concurre a# tbep no bere^eitber i$ tW naming of bint fo,in b&pnt ♦ jfo? Ifte ajj neither Abraham no? Movfes Dtu b^ing tbe OF CHRISTIAN RILIGlOwi J47 ftelfraelices into t&e torn* of Canaan^ut Iefus tftr fimte of Nun i fit neither tlje latoe of Mature no? tire fatoe of Moy fes,couto b?in£ &£ into our true Canaan, tbat te to tmt our fpirituaUmberitance, but onty grace bp tlje true 3tefu^ 3no tfjerefo^r tfje <§>aint Kabbr R HacadocJii feptbjThat becaufe Chrift (hall faue foike,tncrefore he (hall be called Ie(us-,and becaufe he (hall be both God andMan,ther- £. fore helhall be called Emanucll, [t(jatiflltofap5<0oi»tottl)bg{j 3n& m another p!ace,The Gentyles (faptb&e) ihall call him Ic- fiis. 3n& be D?at»eti> tbig name out of t&e nine ami fojtttij C&apter Gen.^ of Genefis bp a certepne rule of tfje Cabale to&fcfi t&e? terme No- tarial , bp taking t\}t firff letter* of tbetnoj&eg JMofihUo velo, tobicb make tlje ttuno %&fe* ; ano Kkeimfrof t&efe too?&e^n t&e plabn *** 72 ♦pfalme Ijnnmfihemo veijthbarectt:mX>$ifo Of tljefe til tfje p»£; ffidL\xttzj*gnalozfad*ivecol: allm^tc^ are tcjrtjf tfjat are mentejc* paim.^. p^eflp of tbe^flia£* Slt&o Ujj& 3T fo?re not of tfjefe tf?eir uotng £f , ftt baue 3i aHe&geo t&em again!! t&em felue* , becaufe it fetfjeit tttffome to (betoe tbt cunning of fte arte of t&eir Cabale* 3n& af* tert&e&memaner rjauetl;e Machabics alurtbeirname,tbatfa to torit,of t&e fftft letters of tbe tooj&g of tbi* tfreir aeufcMA* ww- *fc* batlimlehoHab'tfodtt i* to fap, Which of the Gods is like thee 6 Iehouah ? ®^at tfrename 3Iefujei ftoulo bee reuealen tmto; t^em,itt« no Grange matter^conGoermgtljat infteftiro 9 fourth bake* of Efdra% 3[efttsaf Cbjtfftbe (onneof <8o& i* names e?p?e£ fyamj fritter* tpmea, an&tbetpmeof&fecommmg pjetffelp fet Ool&ne accoutring to Daniels toake** if oj altbougb tbe Iewesar* count t&ofeboake* fo? 3pocripbafe, f ftepjimatiue Cljurcb batfr not grauntetr tbefike autbojtitie totbem, a* to tbe ofter Canoni* tall booke* : pet i* it a ctere cafe, tf;at tbep teere to?itten afoje t&r comming of 3|efu* Cfniff,of &>&ome neuert&eleffc t&eg fpeaktbp name* j^otnt^e^cripturepjomifetr alfo afo)tvormtty tfjattbottfo ATownmnes tome afoje fte mauifeffrng of t&e 9peflia* to t\)t imnto; jfoj Ma- Maiachy. * lachie faptb3Behold,rfendmy Ambaffadour to make way be- verCu forehim^ and byandby after fhall the Lord whonryou feekc, enter into his Temple. 9hn in tbe ne# Chapter following, (je i^ callea Elias,bp reafdn of t^e IpkentCTe of tfjeir office*; ana tljia cere (as 3! fcaue 0>cbje& afo^e ); to lm& erttoou B? ftem concerning t&e R-Moyfo B«a ^eiTia^antJ footfjlp toe bauecerteine footcliepesftbercof in tbefe ^sas^L loop* of t^e Sllittle afoje tbac CbjtttiuftlofeD I)imfelf,Iohntfrc cic of the Prin- Baptift ftoooe up in Ifraell, an* toas folioU)€D bp fuel) a multitude vndtlhc ft of P£°Ple ' t!>ic aH c&e £ reatc one* Ctuugeo at l;tm x aim be to tbe co«id Temple. fame man toljo bp toap of pjerog atiue3tbe Cbjomele of tlje Iewes calletb Rabbi Iohanan tbe greate Jpjeeff.Concenung tbto Iohn tbe Baptift/ojafmucb as t&ep fufpect our ©ofpeUet tbem beteue Tofepus.iib.i8 cbetr otone g>tojpto]titer ♦ There was ( fapetb be ) a very good Cap 7' Man that exhorted the Iewes to vertue5and fpccially to God- iynes and rpryght dealing,inuiting them to a cleanneffe both of body and mynd by baptim. But when Herod perceyued that great multitudes of people followed him, which ( to his (eeming)were at hiscommaundmentjto auoyd infurredions he put him in prifon,where anon after,he cut of his head. And therefore it was the common opinion, that when Herods ar- my was afterward ouercome and vtterly put to the fwoord, it was through Gods iuftiudgement for putting of Iohn Baptift vniuftly to death^p tljto toitnetffe of Iofephus 3 toe fe tobat bte office toas , aamelp to pjeacbe repentance aim to 'Bapttje , oj ( as Malachie faptb ) to turne the heartes of the Fathers to their Children, and the heartes of the Children to their Fathers. 35ut tbe tbiug lo&irf) toe baue cbieflp to note fere , to tljat feautng tbe people at commaunnement^pet to^en 3[efii0 came,be gaue 3|c* fug place,am> ^umblen bimfelfe to bat^ano peetoeo btw tbe glojp: tbetobicbtbiiigmanbecingleo bp affection of man tooulo ncuct baue none, 31nfomucb tbat after tbat 3lefu$ baa once {fcetoeo btnu Celfe, tbe Difciples of tbto greate maiffer fbetoeb not tbemfeltte* as I; to fcifctpletf anp moje; am* rtjat toag becaufe bte trapning ana teaching of tbem toag not foj Ijmtfelfe, but foj 3!*te* 3nn as tott* cbmg tbe peculiar act of15apti?ing, ttfeemetij tbattbelettite* toapteo fo? fome fpeciafl fljing bpon tt,tn tbat tbep afkeo of 31obtf, How happeneth it that thou Baptizeft , if thou bee neither Chrift,nor Elias the Prophet? T&ut let bg rome noto to treate of tbe Ipfe of 3 cfusf,not accoutring Co our eruant among pou, tobat ougbt pou ta bee ? |>ee fyalbe bjougbt before ^agitates : tbat is farre from reigning*S>e (ball beperfaute^impjifone^tojmente^anti crucifpetotbat is farre of from tciumpbtng*3[ toil gi«e pott to bn&erttami boto great tbing* pe be to fuffer fo j mp names falte x # is berp farre from parting of Countries* |>etnottoitbffan&ing,bappp (ball poa bee toben pott fuffer tbcfe tbtngs, ana be tbat boloetb out to tbe enu fljalbe fatten CObo cau imagine anp tempojall tbing in ebis kingaome,b)bere* of tbe firfc ana laft ieffon i^ , tbat a mm to fawe bte Ipfe muff lofe it *t ana to become bappp muft brea bimfelfe to tnjetebeanes^ ^b« people foltotoe bim foj tbe miracles tobtcb bee tooojketb t ami tit 31etoes aenp not but be aia berp greate ones 3ut let bs fee tober* to tbep tenaea* i£e fea a greate multttuae of people in tbe toilaer* ties, tm'tb a featoe ILoaues* %W miracle boas matter enongb fo? fyim to batte bito tbem britb long talke* but be pjeacbetb bnto tijem of tbe beattenlpbjeaa tobicb feeaetb bnto euerlaffing life* 3lfo bee liealetb all ftcfce ana atfeafea fo&etbat comebnto bitm botobeit,ta fbetoe tbat tbat &ms but an appenaant oj ratber an income to tbat fbj tbrtubttb be came ; Thy finnes ( faptb be ) be forgiuen thee* %t\ be(bojt,ftom Abrahams mt% bee atretfetb tbe -ffitffoman of Samaria to tbe JFountaine of Ipfe* IBeeing (betoea tbe g©alp buH* nings of Hierufalem ana of tbe temple , be fojeteflerb tbe ouet* tbjotoe of tbem botb ♦ Seeing reouirea a Bttingplaceat bis rigbt banoojtatbt'sleft; beanfuieretb ofa Cuppe tbat fucb a petitioner is to tyinke*ft£iben mzn go about to make bim i&mgjjjeifeales a* map from tbem* 3na tnbereas W apoitles Icofee 6^ fome greate triumpbe ; bis accomplifbing of it is after tbe maner tbat tbe l^?cu pbet Zacharie fpeafees of3 mm^b^ rpningbpon a ibee3flfe,eue» tpon tbr Colt of an Mt. 9napet nettertbeleffe Herod tbe King trembletb at btm inbt^ tl^one ♦ tbetobole Council of tbelXealme ^etoaperjle^ittej mm all tlje people are adomu)eb* anambte jiotng5t 5$<> O.FTH1TREWN1* xiomga be mafcetb it to appeare fuffictentlp,tbat Jje Ijatfj tfefaart* of all inen m bfe banb,anb tbat if be ijimfetfe liftai bee flmuto iie o« bepen botb of tbe greateft perfontf ano in tf)e greateft matter** Surelp tfjen toee map todl fap , t&at tl>c marfee tobtcij tljia 3!efu* *m> tbe matte tobicb tlje Spelfiatf leueletfj at3 are botb one; name* Jp to tyatoe men from tbe eartb 3 ana to make tfcem to plant tjjeit toljole bope bp^t'0 meanest in beauen. Cod and Man 3jtfoIloto*tfc tbat to t&ia office toljidbfjertb eufoentlptafeebp* pon tn'm> be bjougbt tlje qualities* reqmdte to tlje executing tljete* o^tljati* to toitjt^at^etuajs tiotfj ©on ano Span : 31 fap, bppon, i* tlje pjoofeoftjfe ©ot^eao* ThcMkada 3lefu*(faptbour©ofpen)to?ougl)tintrarte*# it)eebealebtbe ofic&s. Cdke.redo^eo iimme* to tbe lame,gaue Cgbt to tbe blinbjanb rau fco t^c oeao bnto If fe ; ana tijat not in one o) ttooo places , but in manps OF CHRIST IAN RELIGION*; 5^1 manpjnoj in a cojner,bttt in tbe open figbt of tbe toojfot anti tljere are man? tboufmrt£ of men tobicl) totil rather ope bpon tljelElacfec tljanoen^ljtm,^ o? not pjearij bim*31 afke tbem bpon tbeir con* (cienceia, if tbep toill &enp tbat be tojougbt anp miradeg* 3!f t&ep frenp it : tben tobat a miracle is tijtss , tljat fomanp people uoe fol* iotoe a pco^e abiect toitbout mtracleg , an&are contented to ape foj titles fake, euen toben be bimfelfe t* seam 9im if tfeefe miracles of big (a& namelp tbe ceding botb of figbt ano Ipfe, $ fucb otbers) i»eccr not tierp great aim farre furmountfng an nature of man ; pet tol)o toouto lofe W Ipfe> but foj a better *: ano boto couto bee giue tbe better, t»btcb couto not giue tbe atber -i 9m>ifit bee a miracle to tooo?ke bppon aman bptoucbmgbim, ana mucb mojeftutbout toucbtng bmr,atm mod of all toitbout feeing bim x fabat a miracle & it to toojke m tbe bearteg of ^u^ole Ration* farre of, toitbout feeing tbem ; ami to tourije tbem tottbout cornmmg at tbem ; ant* to turne tbem to btm feritbottt toncbing tbem \ 3n& if tbe bones of Elia^beecommentieii&jp^opbefpmff mbfe ^mnbe; toljatibali tbte 3!cfug bcefo? ottereommin^ fa uianp people >an&foj conquer ring fo manp Jfrationg afterbte &eatb,pea ann(ii)bicb fe a greater matter)euen bp tbe oeatb ofbte feruantg , tobopjeacben notbing butW seatb .?3$ut tbe Ratj> bines fato toellpnougb tbat tbe wira* cleg of 31efug coutonocbe trenpea* 3n&truelp R. Iolianati (aptb The Talmud in tbe Talmud , tbat a JJ2euet» of R. lofua tlyt fcnne tf Leuy bam of Hierufaicm taken popfon , atttrtbat beeingauinreti b^ tbe name of 3!cfu$ , bee ? *dwa» toasbealeootttofbantrtambfettfabe^ u° a fits btmfelfefaptb?namelp that if they dfinke any deadly thing, , it (hall not hart them: 3no RabbiIofesfaptb,tbatt»betta&er* Marke,I(*' pent bao bitten Eleazar tbe fonneof Duma , lames tbe Difciple Midmfch Co* of31efu^tooutobauebeaJen bim, ano Rabbi Samuel toinrttf not hclcth- fuffec btm*3n& iiofepbus tbeir otone @>to?ii»jtter fpeafetng of tbe ioftph in hi* miracle? of 31efu$,fumetb tbem fo toomrerfull3tbat bee cannot tell Antiquities. tobetber be ougbt to call bim Span 0}(8mMm t%ty ougbt nat to Iib* x 8* Ca^ * tbiuke it ffraange tbat be (baulo tno^e mtraclejaijconfibering tbat t^ btteut tbe miracles of Moyfes , of Elias y of Elifeus, mfo& werg otbertf* 3Sut fime of tbem uio attributebwi miracles to $®& In thcTaI gicfce,ana fome to tbe pother of tbe name of <©oo labicb ^ cbar^ mud>ati£ gen bim to baue bfurpetu in tbe e]tamining of bo$ju$iu$ popnt0,: sanhednn. 31 befeecb tbem to fopne toitbmee luit^out affettiotr; chap- ^^« a? toucbing ^agicke, tbep faptbat tbeirtb^fco?e anti tenne ^a",^ono* ^mato^UJ^om tf)ep caHSanhedrxn3tumi)e^ailfuam it^ano \°'l6 '20° 55* OF THE T»!YVN!« (o faptb R.Selomoh alfo,tl;e better to conumcc rtje3fnct«tneer#* aim Uie rcaoe in lofephus , tbat Sgagicke loas neuer moje fre« jjucnteD in Iewrie tljcn it toas among tbe Doctors at tbistpme* j3oto if tbeir meaning toas to tomutt 3ietus as an will aocr ; toljp &DtlKp*u>tputbimtofljame^tobptJt$ ti;ep not Dfe tbe rigour of tbeLatocagaina b*m? $oto bappeneef; it tljac in tbeir accufing of (jim , tljep cbarge btm not ttiitb anp spagicke at all in g©& ftotb 31^are toell fap , tljcre is not anp ar tern tbe feK^l&e, tbat ootfj rooje clearelp berifie tlje miracles of 3Icfujaf , tban Sgagtekc Dotb* tfai bp Plinies report , tberc toete neucr mo Magicians , tban in tljetime of Nero, (tobicb teas tbe tpmc tfcat Cbpes Difciple* niD fpjeaa bis Doctrine ab^o^e)neitber toae tbe toanitie of tbat 3rte euer moje apparantip kuotoen(asbe tmtneffetbJrtjanat tbat timt+ 3nD euen among tbe Jefocs cf our time,tbat fctence is moje com* won at tbis bap,tba among al ocljer people^o? tbep make fcookc* djercof/peciallp in tbe Caffpattes tf tbe &ojlD»Bat tu&acare tbe? ete tban tafis of JLegieraemapnc 0? Juggltugtrickes , anD tope* fo£I5abes to pf ap toitbatt % 3nD as foj tbe Magicians tobicb tbe polices of Cb?iflenDonte tnainteinet^. tbeir Cottrts,to tbe ff;ame of Ds all ann to tbeir otone confuGon;tobataretjjetbing$ tobicft tbep boe , but ( to fpeake fitlp ) mere illufions tbat Danrtbe atoap nut of bants, as tobtcb eon 5 ft in fomcmmblc tricks in pi aping at Caros ann Dpce,o) in flipper oetttfes of flight an* fcapnettyngs? Of UJbieb W«o of folkes ann Dealings, 31 fap not tabo tooulo lufl* Itnglp Dpefo^ tbem , but tobo teoulti not be aff;ame&to line taitft Jtbem \ 9s fo? Jefus, tuee fee it is farte otberlrifc tnitb brnn Cj?ee li)?ougbt uerp great miracles in tbe toojlo : ann altbougb bee ^atf mcrfita, yet ( fapt^ lofephus) #g Difciflcs fo^fwke tym not: Ml I OP ^HlttSTlAN RELIGION. 555 ittti tberefoje cuen after bee toa* gone from tbem, tbep tojougbt miracles (till ; ano tobat maner of piracies <: &>urelp euen fuck ad tattljm tbe fpace of tmentte peres oj tbereaboutes, filleo all tbt too?lo full of Cbjiftiansjano tljat miracle continue tb ftill imto tljte Dap* ^Lljc empires tobicb Ijafc not bearo anp fpeaking of €b?i^, toere conuerteo totbeftingoomeof Cbptte, anobelaueobpm fbj bis ootng& afoje tbep bearo of bis name* %bz emperoura tonoertobontebee ba&bene crucifix, ano bis Difciples oiuerflp per fecuccD , are glao to ooe bint honour , ano to litulD temples ttttobpim Let tbe 3ietoes tell mee tubat spagtcian tbepeuer Jearo of>tljat tojottgbt fuel; miracle* after W Deatb *t 3!f tljep fap tljac Cbjiftes ^pofdes ano Dtfciples alfo Wxc Magicians ; tbeit feingtbatnomantobicbtetoell aouifeo, ooetbanptljmgbut to feme eno ; let tbem tell ma tobat gapne tbe 3poftles coulo get bp wrciGag tbis 9pagtoe,to)bicb procured tbem notbing but batreo, fo?rotoe,impjifoBmcnt , torments, ano cruelloeatb *t 9no feeing tbat Magicians ooe bpoe tbemfelues ano conceale tbeir arte fobm tbep be purfueo fo j it : Uabat kino of spagicke is tbis , tobtclj toill necoes be knotoen ano ejecrcifevuen in oefpite of pjinces,ano of tbe toojlo , pea ano of oeatb , tbat is to fap* turn in oefpite of tlje wan btmfelfe(tf 31 map fo fap)tbat fcotl; p?aitT a Ipfe not onelpfree from oeatb,lmtalfo euerianing anooiuine in acetic ; ano fo is farre of from tbe ptuutymeut appointed b^ tlytm 10 Magicians, tbat is to twit fromb&ing in 3Iapleano Dnoer to?« ture,o?(as? tbep tbemfelus terme it)in enoleffe oeatlj^uras fcone a* tbeppereeptte tbemfclueaf Coppet» on tbat due 3 b^ ano b^ tbe? fceke to fcape out anotber atoap*. 3eftts(fap tbep)to?ougljt bis miracles bp Derttte of tlje bmtttr* able name of (Soo , toljicbbe mpn^eo* 3no tberebpon tbep fall trr an account , lobicb fbebjetb(as manp otber m tljeir Talmud ooe) tbat in <$o$£ matters tbep ttanteu not onlp tbe fpirit of €00, but alfo JJ4 OP THB THIWNIJ . alto etten tbc tjumanetoit ant* reafon: atio CfobknotoetbS tocttto be afl>ame& to rcbearfe it5fc«t fen tbetr ofcme welfare ♦Cbeir raping tben is , tfjat in Salomons temple tberetoag acertemetfone of fcerp tare &ertue5\Mbecein Salomon bpbfeOngulartmfe&omeba& tngrauen tbe lierp true name of tbat it t^e temple D©je &cre mo Ipou* tfoe at tteo Cbepne03feirirlf rojcu terribl&t&at tbe feare of it inane Ijtm to forget tbe name tbat ban rammrten it to memo;tie,ano bim to burft afunoer m tbe tntog tbat bao put it in tojitutj^ut 3!efu0 tbe fonne of Mary (fap tfjep) regarding neither tbe nrcfe arnica tmto tftfpjobtbition,no?tbe rowing of tbe jLpowe; ; tojate it ont m a bili3an& toent bis fcap tmrtj ft toritb great glatmeflfe; 3n& lead be migbt fee taken tomb tie tfttuj about Ijtm , be baa a little opcneo tbe f kinne of bte leg anu put it in tbere,affljaftertnaro tujougbt bte miracles; fep tbefcertue oftfjat name* Jgoto pe muff t^utke tfjat if % toag alfcameo to repeate ti>i$ gaere, 3I am nweb mo?e afyamea to ftano confuting of it* jfteuer* tbelater , feeing tbat tbe fumptuoufnesf of Salomons Cemple te fcefcribea fo ailigentlp tmto to$ , ano pet no mention fe mane either of tbat rare ftone, oj of tbofe ipong tbat fcere fo jealous of oto commetb it to paffe tbat Iofcphus toajs ignorant rijereof,tubo ban fo oiltgentlpperofea tljeir matters of remembrance ^ o? &oto come tijep to tlje ffrttknoinleoge thereof 3 fo manptntnajeoperes after? Sgeine, tobere became tljofe JLpong at furifj tpmeg as tbe iEgipti- ans onD Bahylonians fpopleo Hierufalcm anO Dtfpleo tbe Cent* pie ^ ^oto foitnu tbep tbem ageine in tbe fecono Cemple ? SDj if tljep toereimmo?tan3toberel)ecame tljep aftematti^ap further, iol» bappenetb it tljat Salomon tbat great kingtoljo confecratett ann ingraueti tbe fapoe @>tone, to?ougbt not tljelpke miracles In'mfelfe , fpeciallp Bt!) toareaue nott^at tjetojougljt anp miracle at aHlj 9m> tobat goolpneg; ba^ itfeenefo? bim , to baue conrealen ana kept fecret tbat name , tu^ic^ tooulo baue curen fo manp tjtn= eafesi of bo&p ana mfirmitiejs of mino *t toberebp folke mtgbt baue Itene titrnen atoap from iuolatrte,ano tbelufjole toojfo mtgbt baue 6ene toonne tonto ttje lat»e of ©oo \ T5ut if 31 muCfc neeaetS anfiuere foolcs furtber acco^oing to t^eir follp ; rt)ett if 3!efus( be t\je fcruant of tbe liuiitg ©oo3antj ljfe W name to bis glo?p,tobp noe tbep not belante bim \ 2D} tf be ferueo not (SiSDD, boto lua^ it polfible tbat fj)Z name of^on l^oulo bee tuageo fep a mojtall man , agdnft tbe giojie t>V CHUtSTTAK RUIGION. 55? tjfojte of ©on \ 3rio tofjat a blafpbemte fe it tto ftpboto , tJiat tbe potoer of ©oa fe fo tpeu to W name,tbatbte enempetf map(tobe* ti)tt be tml o? no)ferue tbetc otone tutne0,botb toritb bte name ami toritb ins potoer^to tbe ottertfyotoe offers kmg&ome5an& to tbe to tlitbtng oftbeirjS *t jftap ratfeer,Iet ft a fap accoj&fng to tfjcir otone In tHc ^^ tearfring,tbat 3!eftt$ Dto great miracles 3 botb tit tfje name of (Soo sanhedrin.ch. Attn in tbe potoer of© © D , ana tfeat ©o& gatte potter fcnto W Hdec ttame,aMi not tfee name fcnto ©on* 3!efutf tberefoje toag certetnlp tlje feruant of ©on,ano enaetoea totti) furfj potoer from ©otu jQo^tufjetxa^ fome sen? tbat Cfyiff fyanlo too?fce mp?acleief, toben as? nottoitbftanm'ng , tfje Scripture faptfe c&e contrarte, ana tbe 31etue!8i m tbe ©ofpeloo continually epact ffgnea ami tnppdittf at bis f)attn , f tljeir Talmud repojtetfr tbat CbMftfboufo ntfcerne Son from euill bp tfee onelp fent o? fauour , fap tbe toant of tobM) pjoperttetbepfa? tbat Barcozba toas tetojapeo not to bee tbe $PelRa$4 ana tobereas tljep affirme tbat tbe tmln beaflte (boulalaji atoap tbetr to©nne(Te, ami tbat Hierufakmfbottla bk bo?ITea ftp t!)>ee feagueg into tbe apje, ana fudfj otfrer like: 3! tonfeflfe tn a#ae tbat tbe t|tefe ena of Cfetfte* comming,l»ag uot to toojfce mpja* tle$5 accojainglp attb a* toe fee tfjat bfe aat'ng of tbem toa$ but ag tytoojlteg anu ftppon occaCoi^anti 3! dteeme uioje of tbofe tobtcij to feeare its; tooja ana tope it,tban of tbofe tu^tdb remoue gpotut* taineg ♦ ifteuertbelefre , Rabbi Hadarfan faptb be feaa learoea of R.Hadarfaa Rabbi Natronai, ttjat Cfjj ttf iboula come tottfe fterp great figtteg ^ppon. the; «no mpjacleg,an5 t^at tfeepfeartfie^ ftoulo attrtfame tfjem to 3tt ^lnic-74- €pagtcfee,anti to dje namejs of ftncleane fepirttsf, accoutring toljer* Ijnto toe reanetn tjje ©ofpeil3t!)at tfjep lapn t\)U#>He cafteth out Dera1lcsbythenameofBeelzebub.9nOtieCommentarteftp*xr. r,r pontfeeb©keoft6ep?eac{)er faprfj, tfeat «Itfiemp?ad«toW4^ca^ ■Juent afo?e3 are nothing to djt mp?aclefl( of tfje $peflta« ♦ Silfo tlje Taimud.trea-' Talmud m a certeine place faptfj,%;ijat tfee mpjadeis t^inclj fijaffae tyfc Baracoth. l»^oug()t m tfee tpme of t^e spe(Tta«s tn tbe funguomeg of tfee ©en^ chapt.Mcma- tples(, rompareo bJttfj tljeitip^aclesi tljat toeretojoxtg^t m^Egipt, tiuikorm' 4)alfaea^ tfee fubftanceto fte acctoent, Onto ^p?acle^ t'stopneo lp?opbef?mg, a* a tiring tote num^ ThcProphc- liereu among tfjertriefempjacles ♦ CbatC^iftftottlnbeea^o^iyingsoficfus. pbet,tbep totH not oenpe: fb? tftep take tfje tejet of Dcuteronomie D ^ t3abereap?opftet^p?omiferidjem5tobementofC^tft: f tljere^ j^' ' ijponrtfetb t!)w? common uemaunn tn tbe ©ofpeH , Art thou the Prophet? 3m> to&era^ t^ep fa^ in tfcetr Talmud,tiat t^e ^rlTtass S^» fyaii Jj£ OF THE TR1VTNES fl;afl mage ofdbingiaf bp tbett onlp fmefl; it cannot bee founafp tm« Derftcoo of anp tljing el* > rtjan of an ejccclicnt gift of Ipjopbefping* 3Lo letpaffea tijoufanu particular pjopbefies 3 annatboufana cepttf toljerebp toe perccpue d;at 3!efu$ rcao tbings in tbe bppocrt* ti(b be arts of tbe pbarifieg , ana fatoe tbingg in tbe beartg of bi* Difciple$,tobicb tfytp tbemfeiues nettber fatoe no? percciuemtoba toifl not to©nt>ec at tbefe tobicb toee fee fo peremptojtfie come ta paffe, namelp , Ye malbe brought before the Princes and Ma- giftrates of the earth; men fhall think e they doe feruice vnto God,when they murder you for my names fake;that the glad ty dings of his kingdome (hould bee preached through the whole worldmotwithftanding all impediments; That Hieru- falem mould bee deftroyed; That all things mould bee wafted and vnh alowed rhere;That of the fame Temple which they re- uerencsd fo much, one ftone mould not be left ftanding vpor> another ; And that the tyme wherein thefe things mould bee done was then fo neere hand , that euen thofe which led him to death,had caufe to bewayle themfelues and their Childre? tfoi tobat 3! pjap pou coulo tbofe p©2e jf ifbermen tbinfte, tobm fce fpafcetotljem of being tea befoieEmgs ; ana ( tobtcb moje ig) tobenbe tolotbem tbattbepiTfjoulD^iuej^ation^li^efloAejiof feboepeafo^etbem at tbe bearing of tbe ©ofpelftSftbat (**!$©& mas tbere bereof m bis otone perfon a? in tbcirg , conCocring tbe lotolineiTe ofl>td life, ana t^e repjocbfulncfleof bte &eatb> 3n& a«at toucljingtbe Wlhutftottof Hierufelem tobicb befell about a fojtte p&res after; (it!) toe reaoe ej:p?eflp in tl#ir atone l£ulcuie&,tbat tbe Cmpcrour Tytus offeree tbem peace, fougbttbe pjefcruatwnof tbeir^anpiCj grautitetJtbenttbefreebfeoftbeicKeli^on, aim anting b& feege mn feeke as it toere bp intreatanre to rtjem being fcefeegen , tbat be mf gijt fatte am> piefcrue tbem ; ana pet nottoitb* Ranging (as lofephus repo^tetb ) tfyep toouto neeoes perifb tobe* tljer be tooulo oj no, aim totlfullp catf tbcmleluea into tbe fame tp tremkies tofcreof 3idu$lja& fojetoarnco tbemr tobo finger , thereby to m'fcerne tfee one fromtlje otber : S?et Gf icfus. certeire,&ottriue te tbetoucbftoneoftljembotb* jro?3 if there rife Dcutaon: 13. vp a Prophet (faptb tbeLato)and giue thee afigne or myracle, and therevppon he come and counfell thee to turne afide to ftraunge Gods:thou (halt not hearken vnto him. *&i)Ztfo}zXzt fcg fee tobat oocftme 3|eftwi matcfjea tottb fjis fignes ana miracles JLe t te reane tfje 6ofpefl from tfje one enne to t!>e otfjcr , am> twee fljail fee notbing tbece bttt to tone (Son britlj all our Ijeait, ana cur neigbbour a^ our felfe ♦ 3lfo be came not to abolilb tlje Iatoe5but to fuffiUtt^no? to Deltrope tbe ^emp!c,but to purge it&fy ]p&& rtfteg ban erten&co tbe tauje but to tbe outtuarfc man-, f;e consents netbtbeirbppacrifie, ana bjingetbit baefceagaineto ftemtoattr man ; %\)ty fapo> bate pour enemies?: but be fapt»,if pe loue none but pourfrtem#3 fo$at arepe better tban t^t ^ublicaneg I Cbep fapa^bou ftalt not commit atmlterte; tfcou fyalt not fetlfc "But be fap^33f tijou Imkz bpo a tooman to lull after ber,tbou batt broken tbeLatoetatft tf tbou fap to tfjp bjotber,Racha;tbouba(r alream'e feinea btm • ^0 bee (bojt,a neighbour bp tbet'r interpretation^* but in Iericho 0? neeretbereaboute: but be tola tljem tbat aneigfc bour teas tn Samaria,tu Idumea,* m all tbe corners of tlje toojltr* aifo tf a cafe concerne ©oa,be taugbt men to fojfake (^otis;,^e- ferments, tfatber, SgcDtber^&KifejCbiityenjanti all tfcat euer is, foj loue of bfe feruice ♦ 3$ foj Valuation ana 2Uelfare3be taugbt men to b©?a ap treafure m $eauen , ana to (bake off tbe toojla tit tW !tfe3tbat ti)^ map be dotbea toitb glo?ie in another* ftfttyat t* tbere tn ailing , 31 fap not tobtcb turnetb a man atoap, but tobitfj fettetb l)im not in $e rigfrt tap , ana toljtcb tenaetfj not tn effect to t\)t glojieof tbe true ©00, to tbeaoing of our auetietotoarasi our aeigbbour^ana to euerp mang otone faluation ana toelfare *t By tbe toap,tbts aoctrine is not a aeclaiming^noj an ejrercife of pbito* fopljers , tubo (as Seneca afftrmetb) p^etenoeo flaueg! bp tbet'r tyt ttojanocontepneupopfonanbtxenometntbetrbojregi: tut ttfe? ejr^ p^elieti tn \)i$ life , ano rean tn W Dtfctplejs 3 tobom nettijer Iewe no) Gentyle baue etter blamcti, but fo? tbetr fimpltcitte ano fnno^ cencte:3!nf Jmud) tbat Philo tbe Icwe mm a bcoke erpjeflp tljere- ^hiiocon«f- af fo? a toanaer, jfo? tobereag Cclfus tbe Epicure obtectetf; , tbat "e^g f^ Con- 31efu£ cbofepubltcaneg attn men of tmcfee& conuerfattou to bebfe ufc!P * uc Dtfctple^: euen t^eretn pecultarlp batlj be iljetoeo tbe effertuafoes rf W noctrme m tf;e curing of mengs fouled a* a^tCtton notb ttt $$m z pealing J4* ° f THE T R B W N IS bealing tbofe tbat are fojeft Gcfce ami furtbeft paft bope of reecuea tie in a CttieXo be ft)o?t,at bt* too?n tbe jftations tbat toojffnp* pen Deuineg,^en5pianct£^toches ami Atones ,turneo to tbe onlp true ©on^be Deutfe tljat ban abufen tbem,bin tbemfeluea atoap,ann tbeiriDjacfes loft tfjttr bopce^aa l^albe fapn beteafter* 35ut as; fo? tbe latoe of ©on atiD t^e bolp gxcriptures , ( 31 meane euen tbofe(pe 3!etoe$)tobicb potipour felue* beteue t reuerenceO tljep come to be reanJmtb?aceD5anti etpounnen tbjougb all f too?l& ann m alllanguagea* 3If tbitf nocttcne tljen bee of tbe Denill; bp tobat marke (ball toe knoto tbe notfrine of ©on V3nn tf to £iue au* tl;o?itie to tbe 15pble ouer all tbe toojlo, be tbe neftruttion tbereof;, tobat Ami me call tbe ftabliOrfng tbereoft9nn if 3!efus baue bp bis noctrme ftablifyen tfje feruiceof tbe true ©on3autbo?ifen tbe Lato of Moyfes , ann reoten bp tbe feruice of tbe Deutll bp tbe bottomet boto can it be fapn tbat tbe Deuillbatb eptber mfppjen bim, o? aC fitten bim m bis mp?acles ann p?opbefping£ y botb fo? tbe^inp nome of ©on,ann againft tbe Dettite otone 'Cpjanme? An obicdion. 2>ea(fap pou)but bepjofeflen btmfelfe to be tbegHjnneof ©on* &o mncb tberatber(fap 3I)ougbtpouto tmbjate bim > feeing tbar h^ tbe reco?n of pouraunceto?es,tbe spefltaa ougbt fo to be*3no in reporting btmfelfe to be fo, if pott reane pout atone Doctor toell, Lookc the 6. pe fyaj gnnetbat be turnetbi>ou not atoap to niuer* ©onsr5no?>et tofwc?r to ftratmge ©ong • ,ffo? acco?ningto pour otone^triptures ana ^Tranitiona ,tbefetb?ee,namelptbejfatber,> tbe^onne,anntbr ** bolp ©boff, are but one ©on*3l tooulnknotoe but tbte one tbmg of pott;tobetberpou tafeebim fo? a truep?opbet,o? fo? afalfejBjo* pbet;fo? tbe feruant of ©on5o? fo? tbe feruant of tbe Deutll > ?r>ou baue fapn beretofoje tbat be bfeo tbe potoer of tbe name of ©on in W mp?acle$,toberebp pe baue grattnten me berp mucb:ann 31 afc & baue p?ouen bnto pou,tbat fucb particuler ann fpeeiall p?opbei fies a$ tbefe^cannotpjoceenebut from ©on btmfelfe ♦ .3&ut tobat ar feruant is be to tbe DeuiU,tobicb ouertbjotoetb bfe maifter^oto* ttf bee not an nuertb?otoer of bim, tobtebfauetbbis ? ©otofebsa felfe accufer ofbg,tobicb tuffifietb bsttfcototg be aoeanlp enemie, tobicb fettetb bjs againe in life V tfty tobat els( b^tb tbe nottrine of aefusi none tb?ougbout tfyt tobole too?m,but neHropen tbe 9iltar^ of tbe Deuiltf ,beaten trotoue tbeir Cen^rle)S,b?oken tljtix 31ntagcsi in peecesf5 abolilften tbeir gainings, tbeir feaffee?, tbeir feacriftcesj; ann mo?eouer tottbtyatone tbe reft of men from Spttrner,^bo?ei awne^b^paflrt CP CHRISTIAN RELIGION. J?p geo,ano from t&e fcat'ne retutctjaf m^creaboutjaf tt>ep ocatpteD tl;cm feluetf, ano toberetoitb tbep oecepueo tbeir otone Confciencea? 3lf pe fap l;e toa$ tfje feruant of ©ADD ; tbe berp ^urkeg tonfefle a£ mueb . ^betefoje pjoc&oe pet further, ano graunt tbat fitb betsf tbe pjopbet aim feruant of ©oo,be fa to be bel&ueo^oj ©oo tbe Creatoj being altogether goo ano tmfe , tooulo not lenoe btm bfa fp trit to oecetue w. 9too if toe o ttg& t to beteue b im, toe ougb t a'tfa to fteare dim : ano if toee Jjeare Jjtm, (>e teltoft tus tbat be ts C fettt t&e 3nopnteo,tbat be fa tbe truetb,tbat be fa tfce t»ap,tbat be cam* from @oo bfa fatber , ano tbat tbe fatber ano be are but one ♦ 3n& m orieoe, one to&ile to (betoe rtjat &e toag fent of bfa fatber,be p?a* petb onto Ijim : ano anotbertobite to (Jeuje tljat be fa equaU tttcd &im,be commaunoet& abfolutelp ano of bimfelfe* fturelp tberfojc toe map toefl fap,tbat tbfa Pjopljet 31efus being aflrideo bp ©oo* fptrtt , botb in fcfa ^jopbefpmgg , ano in bfa ^p?artej53ano in bfa Doctrine ; ano beetng bojne of a CJirgtn, m Bethlecm , ano at tlje tpme appopnteo afoje bano bp tlje ipjopjjets ; fa Ctyift tfce iojog anopnteo, ©©£) ano 9pau,euen fuc& ass be toag oeclareo ano be* tygbteo m in tbebolp ©cripture^ag 31 baue (bctoeo alreaoie* ^ut to bere tbe ftumblingbloeft of tbe pbarifieg ano tfce 3l*to#* The ftumb- aabat ttfcelpbtoo fa tbere (fap tbep)tbat our Cfcjitt by tobom toee ]£g bIockc °r Icofte tfjat 3IftaeH ftoulo be fo renotnmeo,(boulo be ft bare ano ab* tocs* sect aperfon ? j8ap mo?eouer,if be be botb ©oo ano $j9an (ag pou Cbjiffiang fap be fa) tobat can bee imagtneo mo?e agatnft all rea* fon,tban tbat be (boulo bee buffeteo, tobippeo,eructfieo,accounte& among tfymt* , ano in t&e eno repjoebfuflp fttfleo, as pour 3leftfa toss ? £>cort)Ip,to folke tbat baue imagtneo ano reckoneo bppon a Sgtonarebie of tbe tobole too?lo ? ano bebigbteo tbemfelue* placet among tbe cbiefe m t&e fame ; it muff naeoejs bee a great coffee ano greefe to bee oefeateo of tbat bope* T5\xt bao tbep toeH c^etueo ano OigelteO tbfa tejt of 2acharie:Bchold,thy King commeth vnto Zadiaric9& thee,rightuous,Sauiourlike3andlowlie5ryding vpon an Afle, I2» cucn the Colt of an AfTe : tobtcb tejrc tljeir Rabbines ejepouno of tbe $pe(fiag5ano tnee reaoe tt to baue bene fulfiHeo in 3iefus at bfa commmg tnto Hierufalem : tbep tooulo not tbinke tt fo ftraung* tbat in tbe fame perfon alfo (boulo be perfo?meo tftfa faping of tbe fame pjopbet in anotber place, I will powre outthefpiritof grace and mercie vpon the houfe of Dauid, and vpon the in- habited of Hierufalem;and they (hall looke vppon me whom they hauepearced-.tofrtcl) tejtliketoifet&e Rabbines efljouno of Sg)m 3 tlje j£o Of THI TUWNlf tfa ggftffias,as toell as tbe otfar* Bote 31 fau* f&etoea faretafofo tfat tbe flpefftas fljoulD reconcile us twto ©o& , bp tbe fotiffactiou atto arnenns tobtcb fa (bouto make bntobtm fo? uss t ana aifo boto agreeabletfa fapo amenas toas botb to (Sons 3lufftce aim mcrcie, tobtd) cannot bee eontrarie one to another, ana aifo to tfa o^er of Beating tbat is among imn ¥ jf o? m afmucb as man bjottl^i n&aetf tfaougbbrs $foebecomeeq«altoitl) ©otymo bp bis mfobe&mtce bee as (£o& : it toas mate tbat fag^urctie fljouto be abaceu euert beneatb man^ano peeto perfect obe&tence,euen to tbe molt repiocb* full oeatb tbat couto bee ♦ againe, to turn* man againe ana to xz* ftrepnebim fromfiraTt,notbingcouto bee mo? s effectual^ tfan to make bim knotoe tfa bojribleneffe of bis finne,bptfa grcatneflfe of tfa penaltie ami fatirtaction thereof: nettfarcouto anptijingbee ntojefojciWe to allure bim to tbeloue of (Boo anuoftjte netgbboj, tban to fee <3oa rename bun ftonrtojetcbea tfyatoome bp p neatf) of bis ofomc feonne (Son ana Span-, am* tfa fame bis oton g>onnt crucifies ana oping fy tfaraunfome, notofbiatyetbieu* but of &is enemies Infam fa boutfafetb to aomit to be bis tyetbjcm But fojafmucb as tbe Vetoes beteue tbt&ctiptures, tbep toili not re* Rife tfamtn tfas popnt,anu tljerefojeletbs examine tfam fare to* fiet&er* 3s touching Cliffs lotoerpnefle in aBacing btmfeTF, 3 fatte treats tfareof ljcretofo^,ano all tbe tobole fcrtpture teacfatfc it bs fofficieutlp,at one too^,m tbe place tobcre it is fapt»,The Scepter ftalnotbee taken from Iuda;tt is atiOCD bpanbbp ^Tying his AfTecol t to the vyne,and die f oale of his fteeafTc to the hedge. G«r-4<>; Oppon tobtcb tejtt Rabbi Hadarfan fapetb tbt»S; when Chryft R.Moyfcs Ha~ commeth to Hierufalera^e ihal gird his Afsc with a girt,and *he xJiit^Gc- enter *nto r^e c*tie vet7 P0Grety an^ lowelely , euen after the ^Gs, fame maner that is fpoken of in the nynth of Zachary . But t$ auopfc often repetitions, let us beare in mpnb tobat fatb bin fr.ro afoje,tfat it map leane b« tfa mo^e gentfp to tfa pafllon of €\))\Q3 tobtcb is our onlp toelfore an^tbetr bttcr fiumblinjrblocke* 22I« Thcpa/non of faue in tbe Latoe a great itombcrcrf S>acramentsanu Sacrifices, 3efusfor«oid asujellfolemncatfetltalfsas confmeU)aH anu o^timarir, anna* vrtheScnp. ,nongrt()emjt^ eaflertambe, tbe fearrifice of tbe nu EpcKfar , tbe femringof tbe S)capepte into tljc £2Jilt)crnc(re, atio fudj otber IpketofciHtbetobidjitis taw, tljatt J;cir blun isoaElictb ann dm* fetb a\nap tbe Cnne of tbe congregation, anatbat tfa fpinkling thereof turned al»ap tfaan£eH«f ucteuatoafrom tfair faufes, ©F CHRISTIAH RBttGIOK. j£t |5oto fojalmud} as tljis tots none tuttb fo greare folemnfttc , cp- pjeflp commauitoeD to be obfcrue&.aHU conuepco ouer from age to age antr from fatber to fonne:3! af fee tbem bpon tbeir confeience*# tobetber tbep bee Gpes anb figures of a facriffce too come Wty (boutoclenfeaa)apQnne;0]t toljetber tfcofe facrtfices tbemfclue* fcao cUac ucrtue* 3f t&epfap tbe Sacrifices ban tljat fo?ce in tbem* feluesitobatbettueistljerein tbe bluo of a iamb o?ofaiJ)ekfar, agcinft feinnc^ 3nD to!;ercfo?c fauccO (Boo fo often bnto D03I wil none of your facrifices, I will none of theblud of your Bulles and Goates,al fuch things are but fmoke and lothlynes in my fight? 3noat fucb tpmcas tbcp toere pjifoners at Babylon , 0} fratteres atyoa&c in tfyeiuo?iD,%)bere tbe^ mi$t not bp tbe irlatoc offer anp &acrifice;u!as tbere tben no fojgiucncffe oft^eir finnes? J?esfurcJp:anotbrrcfo^ctl;ep lucre (Igitcs anti figures of Cltfttt as r ben to come , tub o toas to ope fo? our (in ties : Uiljieb fignes no itotaceafeanii&aKCteaffetino\utbefemanpbtiatj?et>pere0tfeoug& f^eusbole too#o,euerfince tbecommtng of him tbat uias betoftenea 6p tbem3namelp of t&e Lamb of tobomettis fato tn Efay.He was zGty.su led to the flaughter as a Lamb and he hild his peace without opening his mouth,as a flicepe befbrcthe Shearer : \x\)it\) tejt tbt Rabbines a!fo do internet to be mentof tfce 89efltas* 3no a* concerning tbt ret>Jj)ec&cfar,tbe Cabaliftsoo makt a Cace of ic,f affceuftp in tfcefcoalte of jQombersf , tbescatbofMarieis iopeoNomb.it; immeoxatlp to tbe Latoe of tbe rcD Coto i ano tber cou t of t l;cp totli neeos tyauie tbe oeatb of Cfcitt to come* 3no in wrp um Jefu* tbe true €afterlambe toxas crucifieo on tbe fcerp Dap of tbe ipafr fouer , as Uiitneifetb Rabbi Via in tbe Talmud- SUfo as Efay IjaD *n ^f?^*- faiO of tbe lamb CfoflfcHeis flayne for the finne of the People: c^p nS*i» fo Iohn Baptrft faietb of Jcfus,Behold the Lamb of God which Hadiu. taketh away the Sitinesof the world, agein^stbep Uicre foj« biooentobjeafeeanpboaneof tbe Ca&ertambe; fo Uiere C&iffa ledges left t3nfnofeen,uJl;en t\)t leggs of tbe tfceeucs tbat lucre cru« fifieo nritb1)im toete bjofcem $Lo be u)o?t, as tbercD Coto at com- panpeDtoitb alltbepeople , toas conuepeo out of tbe fyottt ana burneo uiicbout tbe Campe ; fo alfo toas Jefus Ieo out of f be €itic aecompanpeo bp tbepeo#e5anB ctucifieb toitbout tbe Ctttr* 0i5uCjE%.5j. Utmeaoettjei&tftojieoftbelpfeanDDeatfj of3lefus toljoIetog;i« tber out of Efay. There was neither fauor(faptb be) nor beawty in him, neither fawe we any fayreneffe in him that was to bee defired. He was defpyfed and thruft out from among men,a Mm 4 man 5$,anti *be oeatb of aefns*: |?ea ano bi& nieekenefTeXoiaeljme^ ana innoeenrte V(S?rsapp?ebenfion, tun ning to our oelmcrance ; Jjis fojrotee^to our rope ; bis Ujouuo^t© »ur bealtlj; bfe oeatb> to our Ipfe ; IM rpgbtaoufrnes to our inxi^fy *uoufmg;aa& b&pum(J)ment,to ourobtepnementof grace^amr biljcn tot rtaoc, He was abhorred of men, and we made none account of him ; oo toe not fee mm fptttmn; m bte fare^9Ifo tobeti toe reaoe tbefe too?DS,We tooke him to be wouded of God; oa toe not bere tbe Iewcsfaptng to bint, IfthoubeChriflthecho- fen of God , faue thy felf ? ageute toben be fe outraffeonflp trefc totf ball ann jet fee openccy not W motu^o toe not note W innc. toft OF CHRISTIAN K 1 L I G I O N* >f£j tetttfjofomg of W peaces jf tnallp, torfwagbe toag nomberea a* mong tbe tranfgre(ro^,anti pet pjapeo foj tbem,notuntbftanm'ng tbat be bare tbe finnes of otber memtobat fe tt ete but tbe cmctfp^ tng of 3!efu0 bzttmnt tbe ttuo d>ecutj2S , anrr tbe tierp fp#cb of tbe repentant tb&fe tobM) fapt^As for vs,wee receiue worthcly ac- cording to our decdesjbut as for this man,what euill hath he donc?g>ea $ tbe &erpp?aper tobtrb 3lefu$ mane fcpon tbe Croft% fapinjfcLord forgiue them/or they knowe not what they do> jftou), tbat tbe fapo tert toag imoetfton of Cbjt'ft bp tbe olo Rab- bines-,tbe Iewes cannot uenpe* tfo} Ionathas tbe Chaldee Jpntfc pb?aft tbe &onne of VzieLtoboItueo about tbat tpme5ej:pouffljetb R-MoyfeHa* tt of Cb?tft bp name ♦ 9no tobereag tttjs fapo,In very deede hee darfan.j bare our infirmities; Ionathas tranflatetb tt,He (halbe heard at Gcn.24. Gods hand for our faults , and for the loue of him our finnes fhalbe forgiucn.3nt> bppon tljefe toojM, Wee hid our faces a- way from him : 5>e faptb tbug ; as though the countenance of the Godhead had bin withdrawenfrom him, becaufe he tee- med fo to our fight, and wee confidered not what hee was in deede . &ftbetebppon Rabbi Via faptb tbttf tn tbe Talmud : Let TMatHe **»• him come,but let not me fee him : ano W fo faptng toag &} tbe j^™' chap' crttemepapneg tubicb beeimetoe tbat Cb?tft (boulo tmmre ♦ 3n& M*dmfch. tbetefoje tbep fepne tbat be fits bpnm'ng bp of bte fcneg at Kome* Ruth. gate ♦ 3Ifo tn a eertepne place tobere tbep inquire of tbe name of Rabbi Ior« * Cb?iu% ti)*V fflP to* fbafl bee cafleo Whight, as one couerea tottb *£ b.ook«si' fo?e$ of lep?ofie,aMi tbep agr,«cto?fting to tbfe faptng ofEfay r In jjr^ & Rv very deede he bare our infirmities and tooke our finnes vpon HaminaXhal him. And we tooke him as 2 Leaper,and as one wounded and Hdec caft downe of God. jfteuertbelelTe,tbat tbe Iewes(notto)ttbftan* Ding tbe eutoentneflTe of tbttf ipjopbefie) Ibottto not fo? all tbat be* teue;tbep?opbet bmtfelfenotb pjopbefie in tbe fame €bapter> $0} afoje be enter into tbe matter of Cb?n?etf paifion ano oeatb, %t maftetb tbte preface, fapmg: Who hath beleeued at the hea- E%. er- ring of vstor to whom hath the Lords arme bene difcoucred? 3no on tbe contrarp part bee faptb to tbe (gentples t Many men fhall woonder for the loue of him , and Kings {hall (hut their y ' 5 2o mouthes before him . They that haue not bene tolde of him fiiall fee bim>and they that haue not heard of him fhall thinkc aduifedly on him. Nippon tljte fo clore a tert,!et tig beare tbem* wentton* ofpetfong tbatljauetmbatteleo tljemfelueg a^afnt! tjeit atom & aluation, %z t wne tbisas tert from 3JefujS,Rabbi S eiomoh y^4 OP THE tuwhij The fond *"* Dauicl K'm^ ( ^c to^°^ tie fap^c toilfulnctfe of opfofoit fliiftcsof the ^as mt imajjjj^c Iewes)baue turneo auoap ftf al tbe m^ftertf of icwcs, fojmer tpme ,TBbom (nDttottfjffanoing ) tbep confeffe to baue &n* •fcerftcob it of Gtytft; ano tbeppaffe not tobat tf>ep fap3fe tbep map tfano upon nenpall ♦ This text(faptbep)is not meant of Chrift, but of the Iewifh people affli&ed by the Chaldces&the Ro- manics . 3r.n tbfe feruetb toell to ibefye totiat o&oes fas bettoeme JtJje iuogcmft of l&eafon ana of 3ffectiom jpoja pjefume fo mucfi fcppon tbeir bn&erttamKng, tbat if tfcep fcati bene bojne tntfee tpme of Ionathas tbe tonne of Vzlcl , oj at Icafftoife at anp tpme afoje tbe camming of 3Iefa$; tbep toeuto baue bene btterlp of anotbec mpntu Cben if tbe pjopbet fpeahe of $e afflixteo cbilwn of Ifra- ell tol;en be faitfj^c was defpifed of men,and we hid our faces from him:©ftBbom 31 be&ecb tbem ijs tbat fapo tobtcb foliotoetfr toitbout cljattge of perfan,namelp-, In very dcede he bareour in- firmities,and wee tooke him to haue bene wounded of God > Cbatbe toag uefptfeu, te mm (Tap tbep)of tfc people of Ifraell. ett,tbat be bate our infirmttie^mttff nines* (fap 3!) be ment of i^e people of Ifraell t© ♦ 9no.tobat tan bee moje fono3tban to fap tbattbe people of Ifraell bare tbe infirmities of tbepeople of Ifra* *11? fpeciaflp Gtljit is fapo immeoiatlp,And by his ftripes are we healed; tob»cb fapittg puttetb an apparent Difference bettoane tbe IPbtBtion ana tbe patient, bettoeene tbeg>ufferct ami btm tbat ii eafen bp W futferingfagamejtobat people o? U)bat Ration toag ttter benefits h^ tbe fufferings of tbe Ifraelites ? -fto tobat pur* pofe feruetb tbis outcrp of tbep^opbet,Who hath beleeued our word, if be ijaue no furtbet meaning tban tbat tbe Cbiltnen of If* xaell bare tbeit otone papnes ? All of vs(faptb tbe pjopbet fa>jtlj4 lmtb)haue gone aftray like Shecpe. £23bo bee tbefe &bdepe ti^at fcaue gone affrap,but tbe Ifraelites,ano among tbem tbepjopbee ijimfetfe? And vpon hifn(faiti) f)e)hath the Lord caft the finnes ofvsall . 31fb«f call tbem bpponlfraelljlDbatcattfe of toconoetii tfjere in not belauing it*t fo} tobo ooubtetb but tbat euerp man i* toajtbie to beare tbe blame afbfeolBtic fault ? 35ut toil! anp man gapnfap tbe piopbet btmfelf,tabo etpoun&etb W oione meaning Fo platnlp aftettuarti^He was piucked vp out of the land of the liuing(faitb bO^nd couercd with wounds for the (innes of my people . tfo} tobo feetb not bere a manifefc totmtermatcbing be- tuiisne tbe people tbat ate bealeo , am* tbe partte tbat fuffcretb foj t^e ^eaiing of t^cmVbettoane Ifraell tofcofe fojeji are b?ougl)t to a fcatrej of eHtistfAM ittrcrQvr. j£$ ftarre,ana tf>t partie t&at bearetl atoay W fyt* *j Cfce P?opbet au&etljr There was no vnrightuou&dfe in him^eithcr was a- ny guyle found in his mouth. g>ui;ely tfcere i$#foeitrmen,yea ana euen in tbefe men ? ano yet 3! can fcattrty ueteue , buttfjat tbcp lnouio beafljameb tacbalenge#eber$ung of t^ts te*t npontbem feiuea ♦ 9mi ag fo? tbe people of Jfraelitbat toere afflietes by tlje Chaldces ^ tlje Rabbines afftrme tbat tljeirfiraCcmpJt *»<# be* tfroyeo foiftdt SlDplaen'e^ Superfluities ana fyeaging'of gtftieflTe &lut.3nft concerntrigtlje feconb temple tofjiebfcas beffroyeb b? tbe Romaincs , cljep fay tlje rattfr thereof teas fyz peoples cout* toufnefle,tbdt bating of tbeir neigfftourg tuitbouc cauf^ami tfjeit felling of tbe rigbtuoug perfom3no toljcrea?s t^ep reply^fjat tbe people of Ifraelfuffereb fo muclj affliction at one feafon^ MtfeD to bifebarge tljeir fucceOtys tbat liueo aftertoara in another feafont furely befiaes tbat it i$ contrary botb to tlje 3|uftice anMo f met* tit of <&oft£fcat glofe cannot be betafiea of any onelyneof tije fayu tert x but it appearetlj by experience, tbat tbe afflictions tobtcf) tbe people of Ifraell immreaat tfte fcanbg ofrtje Chaldees,m'a not utf* rijarge tbem of Antiochus^no? t^e affliction* layo bppon t&em by Antiochus ^uefeno tbe 3Iet»i(b Cburcb againtt tbe Romanies^ no} tbe ejctremeoutragea of tfje Romaines fa fatifSefo? tfteSmttt, 4ofti)at people , but tbat tbey bee mo?* fcatteteMna moje bjottgfjr in bommge^a* toell of moe (oye& of maifferg as; of moe fojtg of fla* tierie at tbia oay^tban euer tbeyiusre afoje Aoe footu one falfe ana. font) pjopofitionpjoeuretb many fonber folutton^- !But let ba \)m futtber,boto tbte tert fe erpounveb by otfjer of tlje^opbetea* Seuentie weekes(faytb Daniel! ) are fctdowne DJ^9r,verC for the ending of difobedie nee , & for the Sealing vp of finne, I4,an l6* and for the cleaning away ofiniquitie and the bringing cE rightuoufnes for euer^si bob)? For vnto the anoynted Prince (fattb bO Hialbc feauen weekes and threefcorc & two weekes* after which tyme the Anoynted fhalbe ffayne, and nothing: fhalbe left vnto him, and the Prince of a People to come (hall deftroy the Citie.&c.Spere ye fee boto £tyitt mutt oye^ namely foj ttnne3accojt>mg to tbiss faying of Efay,He hath giuen his lyfe for finne. Sfab(as 31 baue fljetoeb already) 3!efu^ tuas( put to aeatlj timx tbe bery fame tymev 9^toudjingtbe Ctrrunutance^ of lite Setttb, They perced my feete and my hands ffaytb l>auid) and praIm.22.vcrC parted my garments among themjandcaft lots for my coate. *7* CKe reauenot t^jat Dauid uaa^ ferueo To rbut tatljer 3f$fu£ ^a toa^ Zachaqr.iz, Bcrefctmh * Rabbavpon. e 31etoes toill neeaeg reaae Caari , tbat fa to fap , As a Ly- on: tbeir $£a(rojerifa, (nrfjofjauemaaeal&egilto ofaUtj&eiet* xm of tbe fecrtptttrcg ) Dot toitnefle tfjat m all genu Copies it fa tyittzn Cam they pearced, 3lfa tbe tb jefcoje ana ttoelue 3Inter^ j>:etet$ baue tranflatea into Greeke^uf ar xsw /utoe aamit btm not foj a auagetann befiaea tljat, be fa nubble blinaea mty a bimn mo>ae tufcici) i;i betojapetfc euerp tofcereagainftba* 3Ifo tbe IPjopbet Zacharie faptfr , I will powre out the fpirit of grace and mercy vpon the houfc of Dauid & vpon the In- habited of Hieru(alem,and they (hall looke vnto me whome they perced. J£>e tbat potojetb out tfjfa fpirit fa ©on ; $ee tljat fa percea fa man; ana botb titf on* ana tlje otber togttbet fa Clniff ©on ana 9gam3na tbep tbemfelueg e^pouna tftfa tejrt m tfje fame fence concerning tfje Speffiag , tbat our Cuangeliffg afleageit of 3|cfu$ tbat toagffriken into tbe (toetottb a&peare^toftic^furelp Ijan bent a fontmeffe in ftem , ( confiaering bobti featue tejttjs tfcep ^Ueage(ff rijep baa not frene commonlp anaerltcoae to concerne t\)t SpeUia^ 3na it fa all one tmtb tbfa tobicb fome of tbe Rabbines ao fap m p Talmud , namelp That Chrift fhould be diftrefled as a woman that laboureth ofChild,according as Ieremy fayth, ■ that hee had great anguifhes to fufTer , but that he fhould in- dure them willingly too deliuer men from finne. 9na Rabbi Hadarfan faitb tbat featan fljoula be an aauerfarie to ^tm ana W Dtfcfpleei ; ana tbetefoje be applpetl) anto bim a part of tbe rijirae rljapter of tbe lamentations of Ieremic^aifo m ti)C boote of Ruth, tufjere it fa tojitten,Eate thy bread and temper it with vineger : This C*P C H RT ST I A N RBI I G V O W» 5 £7 Thisbread(faptb tbe Commentaries the bread of the Anoin- ted King or Mefsias,who (haibe broken for mens finnes, and- tndure great torments as it is written in Efay . 3ttfc tie featnfc Rabbi faitb,tbat Cbjtft fljculD Dcliwer men* feoules from bell bp bis Deatb#otobett pet further ,tol)erea* tt itf fap& tn Efay , we bee ¥f ^ healed by his death :■: tlje auncteiit CabalittesfcnoertfatU) tt ef cabaiiftcs, CbjuT, anofaptbat tlje 9togebKix>botoere tbeteacbettfofout ftnefatberMS Razielof Adam, Metatron of Moyfes ffa ftntb) laotaugbttbem tbat tbe deanttng atoap of finnefboulo beooonc *aonto©o*3nO Rabbi Simeon Ben Iohai tbe firtt among tbem, itsimeon ben tojttetfc tbutf; Wo woorththe Murtherersof Ifraell, forthey iohaiMiran- fhall kill: Chriit. God will fend his fonne clothed in mans flefli colons. to wa(h them ,and they will kill him. SUfo Rabbi Iuda faptlj, R.iuda in his ®bat after along bjeatbmg tpme , <£oo tmli neltuer W name of book of Hope. itoeiue Utters to Ieremie in tontting after tfots maner 3 Jehonah thhim emetb^ tbat is to fap, The euerlafting God istructh ; atlU tbat bee totil toppe out tlje firaietterof tlje lad toojae, fo as tbere ftall remapne lekouah elohim meth , tbattstofap, Theeuerla- fting God is dead. 3n& peratmentnre tt t* tbereapon,tbat Rab- in Iofua tlje fonne of Leuy fap&e, That Ifraell was not heard in MidrachTcfcl* the world , for want of knowing this name ; that is to fay,for lim. want of praying vntoGod by p Mediator Chrift who died for vs.'&o befl)o?t,Philo tbe Iewe, aaerp renotoweoSutboj, lm& PhHotheiew ftng tbts quefiion,nameip tobentbe bamfbeo ifraelites an&Tewes i»his bo°k*of fcoula returne borne; fattb tt ujoultJ be at t^t ueatb ef a $>tgbp?tett. Lookeaforc'm ^otnbetc ffnbtng bimfeife grauelea at tbts , tbat fome Itue longer the 6.Ghajxtcr. tban otljerfome ; Surely I belceue (faptb be) that this Highpriefl (hall not be a Man,but the Wordftbe tobt'eb beepjapfetb tn ing* nite piace0) exempt from al finne both willing and vn willing,, who to his father hath Godjand to hismQother,thewifcdorn< that is without beginning and without end; SCHjerebp it ap* p&retljtbat befba& bears of Chrift aHprgbpj&ft, tobom tt beljouetr to be <$ot! tit g>omie of @o&,tbatlje migbt fantttfie, aim l&etoife mantbat be migbt ape, 3s touebmg tbe ftartingljole tobtd) tbe netoe Rabbines f&fte, obie&oa; in tbac(contrarte to tbe toljole courfe, botb oftbeir otone aunrtent linkers ano of tlje S>ertpture)m tfetrof one Clntft (0ou ana Span, ftep mafce^ttoo Cb?t(tes , tlje one tbe feonne of Dauid j tbe otber ft e &onne of Iofephj faping tbat tbts latter(ta tobome t^ applp *tttl^ fojefaju ^eyt^albe ffapne in battel^ annaftertoarorap^ 5^8 OF THI T1IWNIS r Movies vP6 fe* a« ** llc bP ^e IP W«* of otljtr : &nrelp lee us tell tbem as R: the iudges. Moyfes tiocl),€&ac none other tfean onlp tbe fonne of Dauid,u>iU come toitb autbo;itie of Cl^tH; botobeit tljat tfaerc are ttoo com* zachaty.9.vcr. nijnffg of Cbjtft ,tbe one in lotolpnes as Zacharic faptb , Poore, 4* howdy , and Sauiourlykc 5 ano tbe otfcer fa mateSie out of the Clowdcsof thcayrc , as is befmbeo in Daniel : t^e one to &e* Doeme,tljeotljcrto tut>ge,as tljep tb?felues fapbpon tljcfe toojDs of Daniel.7. Ecclefiaftes, What it is that hath bene ? The fame that (haloes hdohcfu ^*relJPon **P inff rrejhe laft Redeemer is reuealed , and he vcrC9. " that is hidden fliall come yet once againe^o be fl;ojt,bere pa Tnimud^ica- fe,fjotuin cfec eno tljc ftumblfagbloekc is turncb into glojie* fot tyfeSanhcdrin a<9f <&{)}& opea fanocentlp, fo ftallbc alforpfe agapneano repgne Thou wilt not fuffer thy holy one to fee corruption,tobicb fapt fag canoe be tm ttt of Dauid; fo? be is Dean ano rotten fa bis graur, pea am> be tyalbc rapfeo againe tmtbfa tbe tijiro oap3fo? it is to?it« Ofe the.onne of Vziell ano otbets : anb tbcp be all acconii Gen^xap P1^* ln 31efas* JP o) tbeir otuuc tojiter Iofephus faptb , In the 22. and 4a tyme of Tyberius there was one Iefus5a wife man (at leaftwife K ifaac vppon irhc was to be called a man) who was a worker of great mira- Gcnefis. cles,and a teacherof fuch as loue the trueth^and had a greatc c^ai01^ trayncas welloflewesasofGentyles. Neuerthelefle , being loftphus in his accufed vnto Pilate by the cheefe of the Iewes , he was cruci- /ntiquitic fiedButyet for all that, thofe which hadloued him from the Lib.i8.cap.4- beginning,ceaffed not to continue (till. For he (hewed himfelf alyuc vnto the a three dayes after his death,as the Prophetes had foretold of him both this and diuers other things. And cuenvnto this day doe thofe continue ftill which after his name are called Chriftians.Certf (Te tljcn let bs conclube as tbt* 3e\jjeootb in tbe felfefame place,ano fa bi$ otonc toojos,This Te- fus was in very deede the Chrift. ffo} as foj tbe grcOlp tale^bat Conies Difciples Hole bim out of bis ©raue , anu tbat foj fearc t\)t^ biu call bpw bobme fa a (Saropne tobcre be toas founo after- luaTtittbefonmtefle anofabuloufeneflfe tbcreofapparetb tntbitf, cl;at tuboxas becaufe bee bao fapo fa bte Ipfetpmr* Deftroy this Temple, OP CHRISTIAN RELIGION* $6p Templcand in three dayes I will rayfc it vp ageine; 3nS alfo, There (hall none other f ignc be giuen vnto you but the figne of the Prophet Ionas , ann fo fcojtb 5 thereupon tbe Iewes caufen Pylatc to fet a Cure gam about tlje feepulcfcje : 2>et nottrilbftatt' Sing , Pylate uniting aftertoars to tfoe€mpcrour Claudius , an* ttertifes bim of tbe refurrecrion of 3Iefus/o as tbe greater ans furet tie pro mas tl)at Pylate uin fet, tlje mo ans tbe Wronger tocre tbe toitneffea to pjoue tbe 3letoes Ipars tn tl;at bejjalfe* Slfo tbe bigb J^ietteg boring fo forages again!! 3lefus a* tbep toere , toouls not |jaue ftickes to featte bangesup t(je faps founs Carketfe openlpta tfje ^arketplace^berebp tljep mtgbt Ijaue aboliffjes all tbe repu* tation of 3efus out of bans*3geine on tlje otfjer fise, tbe 3poftIe* mere men fo afraps of seatb/otneakebartes/o feeble tu fat^,ani> fo btterlp toitbout cresit ; tl;at tbere is not anp Ipkettbos tbat tbep aurfl take tbe matter in bans, jfrap(tobicl>mo|tei8) -tobat benefice roulD tl;ep bau e Ijas bp [us seas Carkeflfe ^toljat ftouls it Ijaue boo* tes tbem to Ijauc forgone tbeir Cbsltyen , eljeir JByueg , pea an& tbemfelucs em fcn fuel) a one ? &lioufs tljcp not ratljer Ijauc Ijau caufef 0 baue bene offenses at (ns eotoGnage 3 ans thereupon bene tbe rcaoter to l;aue eonsemnes tbe remembrance of i)tm t|em felue 0,ans to Ijauc turn es all men atoap from jjim *£ontrartosife5 tbep pjeacb noting but \)i$ reftrrretfion 5 fo? tbat are tUv content tes to spe ;fo? tbat soe tbep teaelie otber men to spe; alonlp b^ tbnt doe d>ep bope too Hue ans spe mod blcfeslp •, ans of all tbe toljoie nobcr of tijem, tbere to as not fo mucb as one tbat eouls be bjougljt to fap otlj eruufe j nap rati] cr tubal) c ouls bee mase to eonce ale it3 ans not to fpeake of it , tbougb tfjep loere fet alone, pea 0? fo? anp pjomtfcoj tfoeatning tbat clje greateft perfonages in tbe to ortse roulsmake&ntotfiem,. gmrelp tbereftne>tf eueranpseese toere true>toe mutt aeeses fap tbat tbts fe iu SF tnaflp Daniel! faptb;After that the Anoynted is flainejhe Danirf.9. Prince of a people to come , ( t!;at fc to fap, tbe Cmperour of Math.24.vcrf* Rome)mall deftroye the Citic and the Sane~tuarie,and his end * *• flialbc indeftruclion yand rnto the end of the warre be defo- lationsordeyned. But he {hail ftabli& his couenant with rna-Thr^m^ jiy in one weeke, and in halfe a wceke fliall he caufe the Sacri- ^ Hlcral* ficing and Offering to ceafle. 3nfcto tbe fame effect 3!efttt?bim. feife faptj , VVeepe foryour felues and for your Children, and Set them which arc in Iewrie flee into the Mountaines.Abho- iwnationihall abide in the holy place^and of the Temple one ftone 57<> O V THS TREWNSf ftone (hall not be left vpoti another . And yet neneTthelefle^ this Gofpcll(faptl) be)flhall be preached ouer all the world for a witnefk to ai Nations. 221^0 can Tap tfcat tfyi* toajs not accom* pWbz* tmtbtna toljtle after tlje oeatfc of 31efus?3nD tobo feetb not prtf!tOt^cranttaRtgoftl}^OtroIationl)ponHieruraIem,anobp* pon all tfjat people *; 2?ea ana mojeouer3tfjat tin* tbeir bttet ruinc ano outtttQotoe,t0 not to beefatbeteo fcponanp otijer tiring, tfcati fcpon tijerr puttiwr. of31cfues to fceatfc *: 3!*fu$ toag appjdjen&eo m lorcphusin his c^ount ©uuet; ano from 90ount flDliuet toa$ Hierufalem befee* cap 6 « £*&♦&* ^ag n;urificm on tbeaap oftfjelpaflTouer, ana on tfcat Dap in the iewidi toas tlje Cttt£ enterea mto ♦ ^ee toa-si toljippea m tbe Romainc vvarrcs.iib5. Cmperottrg ^autltonbp Pylat; ami in tlje ^mperotirg ]daufiton Cap.g.and nb. focretbe Iewcs tobippta bp tlje Romanics foj tbeir pieafHte • $e 28 47P'25'27' toajJMliittreDbptliemiiitot^ banagof rfjeGentyles; anatfjep ftemfelue* toere fcatterea abjoaae into rbe to&ole toojla, to fca a fkojningflocfce to all JSatum* ♦ ©f tJfj^fe 4tng£ anamanp offset Ifteaoe tbe Rabbines complain* in tbeir Hpiftojieg , ana tfjemoje tfjep fpeaiteof tbem^tljemojeaoe tbepconfefle ©oas 3!u&(rement fcpon rbemfeluesu tfoj toljat ete are all tbefc t&tngg,?mt $e cjrecit* tion of tg& tbeir ot»ne fentence giuen fcpon tbemfelueg , his blud Philcagdnft bevpon vs&ypon ourChildren?3|nfomucbtbat(a$Io4ephus Fiaccus. reported)) ttljen Tytus fatoe tbe fapa extremities , be lifter bp tyt Snccmin "he *?** t9 &eauen anri fapa, Lord thou knoweft that my hands arc dSmSioiof cleere from all this blud that is (hed.9nti aftertnara tob*n fcpon Hiemfaiciu. tbt taking of tbe €itity Ije Ijaa confiaerea tfce fo?ce ana ffrengtb of tU place ana tf;e people-,^ fapa,Iu very deede God hath fought on our fide in the taking of this Citie , for otherwife what po- wer could euer hauc wonc it? 3lfo tbe 'Cieple toas burnt &ounes tbougb be aia tobat \)t coula to Ijaue fatten it, becaufc (faptb Iofe- phus ) the vnefchewable day of the deftru<5tion thereof was come . liketoife tbe Citie frag rafe n,cafi up uppon leape*, ami iofcphw,ih maoeleuelltou1)tbegroumi5as(ifneuer man ^autibjelttber^ anu theweshb tenbuntJ?eiit^oufanomentoereputt0tbefu3O2iJlw[tbmit; totyfy 7.l4Ti2.i± tifat toec rcat,e not t0 ^auc ^^n^^^ne to anp orber €itk taken bp ig. tit Romaines . ^o bee ft)0)t,tf)t fipess tbat toent afo?e5ami tbe ijopre tbat gaue toammg from beauen,* tfje openmg of dje Cem« pie of it oftm acco^,feemeti to be ftnefeeltngtf of 6oos to^atb tfrat ma<5 to ligbt bpon tbemt3gain,t1je ifountapne of Silo t»bifb tuarf Wetibp aftne, fmelletJ^p to giuetDatertotbeRomaine^oHf^ 31nf«Jtuc^ tij/at their otone ^)ifiojptojiter a be^oft)t«s fe manp » co^ntf OF CHRISTIAN RIIICION.' 571 toflt of ©oog U)jatb,toa$ m maner cod repneo to come fometobat «pe tbe caufe thereof, tobicb be afftrmetb to bzjfat tbe 5)igbp?ieft Ananus bao bniuftlp ano ftathlp caufeo lames rl>e tyotJje* of 3|e* fuss to be ttoneo to oeatb,ano certctne otbers tottft ijim,to tbe great griefe of gcoo men,an5 of fucb ag loueo tbe Latoe ♦ Co tbe tobidj purpofe alfo map tbte faying oftlje notableft of tbeir Rabbines lie applpeo , That the fecond Temple was deftroyed for their fel- ling of the Rightuous, and for hating him without caufe; ac* i0hQ.xs, coding to tW fapmg ofaefug concerning tijem. They haue ha- ted me without cauie. 3no tobetcasi fome lewes at tbfe trap ooe fap^tfjat tfjep bee ptt* Mifyeobecaufe fome of tbem receiueo tbte 3I*fu55fo?tl;eCb?i(f: tbere iz no Ifeelpfcton of ttuetb m it ♦ jfoj conE&ering ttjat <8on$ maner fe 3 to faue a tobofe cta'e foj fome ten go* meng fakes , if tfjep be fauna in itxht toouto mucb ratber baue fatten W oton pen* pie fojt fo man? mens fake* , being tbe rijiefe ant> rep ^fencing rbe ftate of tije Healmc of lewrie, tobicb mo put tbeir bamtf to trje ac* aiGmg of 3lefu$ ; ano fo? fo great a multituoe* fafte 5 tobicb crpcu CUtj Away with him,away with him^rrucifie him • 3n0 if fbis3po(rle$; ano tbe Sacrifices of tbe Iewestoeretben put Bourne , ano neuer anptobere reupueo againe fince trjat tpme*3n& toitbin a tabile after , tbe fcerp poolatrieg of tbe Gentyles 3 lofjicft ftao po(Te(Teo tbe tobole tuo?lo , inere liketoife oaffijeo alfo , agi Wee fball feeljereafter* 2Ui;ereof Rabbi Hadarfan touting fepon Da- R.HaJaifan niell feemet^ to baue gitten fome incling, in tbat be faj>tb5Haife a vp<» Danid- weeke,that is to fay,three yeeres and a half,(liali make an end • of Sacrificing . 3no fo ootb R. Iohanan in tbat be faptb 5 Three yeeres and a half hath the prefence of the Lord cryed out vp- pon Mount 01iuet,faying,feeke God while he may be found, and call vpo him while he is nere hand. 9n0 upon tbe Ipfalmeg Midra^h tt tjS fapO,That by the fpace of three yeeres and a halfe , GOD xbchilim, N n would Obie&ion, thathcmufV haue bin Xnowcn. 571 OP THE TREWNES would teache his Church in his owne perfone* )$oto it fa nuu nifeftlpftnotoen, tbatjefutf pjeaebcti btttomxz ttyk ana fotoer pereg about Hierufalem, anntbat bte p?ead;ing toajs purfctoea ann continues afterbmru bp W ^[poftlejs* 5§>oti?en , tuc baue in tbe l^opijetjj a Ctyitt tbe fomte of (Sod, tobiclj teas to be bojne of a ttirgin,in tbe cnn of tbe tf^eefcoje ana anti ten tuaeheg mention in Daniel5at Bethleem in Iewric;toi>om being forgone bp an Elias,it beboueti to p?eacbe tbe ftingaome of €>oD3to ape arep?oebefuI aeatb to mans «§>aluation,ano to rpfe a= gapne tuttlj glojie; fbojtlp toberebpon ffjouto foHotu tlje aeftructti nnofHicrufalemannoftlje Cemple, 3n& at tbe berp feffefame tpme, toe batten: our ©ofpete $ in tbe lionet of tbe ^etoe* rijemi feluesf, one 3Iefues tbe fomte of oo3bD?nc of tl;e Virgin $9arie,ae Bethleem in Iewrie, tobo beetug foregone bp IohntbeBaptift, p>eacbea tbe&mgDome of fatten botb in t»oo?ti ana uoeoe, toatf eructileD at ifpierufalem ,belmteti an bpcljc <£5enttleg3 am* reuege& bp tbe ouectbjotoe ana aeffrutfion of tbe Cemple* #n& an tbefe cimtmffancea ana marker are fo peculiar tatto bim 3 tfjat tb*p can bp no meaner agree to anp otber*2£tberefojeIet b£ conriuae, tbat tbte 3Jeftts fe tbe berp fame Cbjift tbat toas p?omifea from time to time in tbe &tripture0,ana eicbtbitea inbte aeto time accojaing to our c&ofpelL jfo^ tljat fetfjt tying tol;iclj toee Ijaa to pjoue in tijcfelaftttooCbaptergf* ' The xxxj . Chapter . An anfwere to the Obie&ions which the Iewes alledge a- geinftlcfus, why theyihould not receiue him for the ChriftorMefsias. ©to let b£ eramme tbe objections oftfje -es3ana fe tobat tbep can fap ageinft tbe Ceffimowe of all tije pjopbetcs, tobicb agreetb fitlp to 3lefu$, ana can a* greetononc Inttljtm* ,firft5 3f3!cfu$ (fap tbep ) lucre tbe Cfeift 5 toijo fijoulo baue fcnotoen ana rereiucabim, ratbec tf;an tbe great S&magogue tobtcfj toag at tfjat ttme?^^tj5 obiection i? berp oia* foi OF CHRISTIAN RIII610W. 57? foj m tbe GSofpeUtbepbartftesS fap,Doe any of the Pharifies orXohn.7.*cr,4*. chiefe Rulers beleeue in him 3 faue onely this rafcall people which know not the Lawe,who be accurfed ? fyzu 3I migbt al* leoge Simeon furnameo tbe rigbtuous,a Difciple ofHillels,tobo fean ferueo fojtie yzm in tbe <§>auctuaric, boto \)k acftnotolengeo Eukc.i, 3Iefus: foj«tbe SaiiNitr of Ifraell ami tlje ligbt of tbe ©entries ; m tbetobicb Simeon tbe 3iefteg tbemfelues confefTe tbat Spirit of ©ox> to bane faplca, ui^tdj tea* tucont to infpire tbe greate S>ina- gogue, annmrpireDbim Sill nutmg all ^telpfe* 9ifo 31 couto at Jeage lohn tbe BaptiA, toftom tljep cafleo tbe great Rabbi loha- nan , te&o acftuotoleaging 3!efug to be tbe fonne of <$ob3 Cent W Difciplegs bnto bum 9nfc uKaxufe Gamaliel, tobow tn t&e Ads of A&*-3** tbe 9poftIeg toe reaoe to batte Caps, If this Do&rine be of God, it will continew ; if not, it will perifh ; ano in Clement , to Ijaue bene a Difciple of tbe Qpotile* ; ana intlytit o&ne ba&e^to ^ueTalmud w^ bene tlje Difripleof tbe fap& Simeon : 9tto finally sgi» Paulefjtttt.tyfePirkci fclfe,a uifct^le of tbe fap$ Gamaliehfatblp a &erp great man,an& auoth. of great fanour am* autbojitie among tbem 3 oftobom tljep cannot inanptupfemitfrult CobeefbojtJofephus repojtetb tljattbt* 3iefu$ toas follotoea among $ Iewes5ofaUfucb as; loueo $ truec^, aub tfjac as many as foueo tl;e lau>e , nto greatlp blame Ananus tfte bigbp?fcft,foj caufing tbe sifcipleg of 3lefos to be put to &eatb* 9Ifo R. Nehurnia tbe forme of Hacana batting recounted tbe mu R-Nchuaua. raciefapt& ejepjet Jp 5 I am oneof thofe which haue beleeucd in him, and hauc bene baptized , and hauc walked in the right way . Itftetotft tlje^.RabbifeemetbtobaueWoofaefu^aniJifbeijftjnotjdjenThcrcww te itpet mejetoonoerfuiltban if be baa fcnotoen bn^conKnermgp two Rabbies be femetb to oefcribe tfyti 21efujs bp tbe feiffam* circumftaunc eg £ of thc,nai£c of tbe&erp Cb^tatgtfefcnbeDbp birn* ^uttoitboutanp fratjingfcpo j^ d^[ tbat popnt, 31 lap fiirtber to tbem, 'Cbat tobereag tbe <§>pnagogue sainasrthc mziuto not 3lefu« fo? t%z ^e(Tta$i 3 tbett fo soxng t^ a tofeen tbat onciiuing v». r be toag tbe uerp S®efiUg m ueene ; ano tbat tbett recemmg of Bar- ^ Amio- cozba fo? tbe ^einasi , toas; a farep2©fe tbat Barcozba toasi not ch"s^n^thc rte q&effia& jFoj it to e^p^eflp fapn bp tbelp?op^trt 3 tbat toben £;£ ™ ^ tbe Spe(na«s came into tbem^ tbep Iboulobefobfpn^e as not too Antoninc linotoe^rm^ni) fo fcntbankefu! a^ to oefptfe bmi*Theftone(faptb- Dauid)which the builders refufed , is become the chiefe cor- P^l.i J.ver.22. ner ftonc,and that is a maruelous thing in our eyes. 3nB tbfe ^th^'^crff (aping Dotlj 3lefu^ interpret concerning tbe fcmg&ome of ^eauen, 42^ ' 574 OF THfi TREWNEl tobicb tyouto bee taken from tfie lewes foj tbeit refuting thereof. 8lfo tljtjs tept te applpeo to the Speflftag bp Rlonathan , pea an& bp R. Selomok aifo ( aa great an enemp to Ctyift as be is ) tob* Michcas.j. tilting boon Micheas faptb rijat €b?iu\bp er^etfe name)(bouni vcrTi. beebojneuiBethleem; *m>tobiri)toapfo eucttbepturne tbern* fclue<3,tbep cangatijer none otber fence of tbatplace. $erebppott commetb it tljat tbe prong babe* crpe out tn tbe (Bofpd, Hofanna which commethin the name of the Lord; tobicb tjsi p berfe tbat l&y.6xciCs 3. follotoetb nejtt after tljte place of Efay,Go tel this people,Hcare and vnderftand not , Looke and fee not. Harden the heart of this people5ftop their eares, and clofe their eyes, leaft they fee with their eyes^dc heare with their eares3and vnderftand with their hcartes,and turne agein , and I heale them. Bpotorlong? Euen all their Citties be defolate without inhabitants ( faptfr tbe LojOe) and the houfes without any man in them, and the land be a wilderneffe. Yet fhall a Tythc remayne and turne a- gein,and be made bare as a Turpentine tree & an Oke,whofc fap neuerthelefle fhall continue in them.^Mi if pe Hefite tbe m* terp?etatt5 bereof^ebolu,it is reatue at bans tntbe famepopbet* if oj gotng about to uefcctbe tottb >»rjat l>urm!ttie anfrfimpltcitic CbnftfboulD come to fufferfo^^(^;omtbefe great Rabbines tofteD fox tm baue come in triumpb to content tbeir pipoe ana am* bttton)Who hath beleeued our preaching(faptb be) or to who is the Lords arme difcouered? Cbat ii to fap,of fo great a4iom« her of lewes tobtcb tekeftn t&eSgteKTafr, bom featoe (ball tberebr tbat urilibeteuebtm, toljentbep fee bimcome after fucb faibton as 31 am to oefctibe bimonto tbemVBut furrip (faptb be) Thofe to whom he had' neuer bene declared fhall fee him , and thofe that neuer heardof himfhal cofider him. %\)i$ tertfag 31 baue ueclareo often beretofoje ) fe ejepountjeo bp tbe lewes tbentfeluetf concerning tlje SpelTm^aifa Zacharie fat'tb>l wil powreoutthe fpirit of grace and mercie vpon the houfe ofDauid,aud vpon the inhabiters of Hierufalem , and they (hall looke vnto mee whom they haue pearced. ^urjt^ Hierufalem (fap 3! ) ano tb& boufeof Dauid toberebpon <8rffl D toil! potueroutbte grace an& mercte,are tbe uerp fame tofjtrij u>al pearcebteStoopnteo ano cru* rifiebtm.after tbe fame matter tbat t\)t^ martpjeo Efay, Teremie, ana Zacharie , ami tojmentea all tbe reft of t\)t Pjopbcte* , ac< antring tobereunto our Lojoe3tefu$ fapnetmto tbem , It is not meete that any Prophet fhould dye eliwhere than at Hierufa- lem* Of CHRISTIAN RUICIOM. 57$ Icm: jftrtu ftep muft mm gtatmt, tfiat if ft ep toere to M bpm, ftep toere not to Suioto bimtfo? tobo ourft ba fo pjefumptuou* ass to lap ft* banoe toittinglp bpon fte Jtojog Snopnteo ? 8no ftofe to i?og aifo ooc ftep ejpouno to concerue fte ^elfia^^o lie fbo?t, Deuw*. Moyfcs fapft; The ftraunger £ is among thee (halbe thy head, and thou (halt be his tayle ; he (halbe aduaunced aboue thee, and thou (halt be his vnderling.3n0 Hay fapft ,Becaufe of the Cnne of luda, I wil feeke out thofc which haue not fought for mee,and I wilbe found of them which haue not enquired for me.I wil giue a better place in my Temple to the Geldedmen & Strangers, than to the Sonnes and daughters of IfraeU 3l«J it te an ojoinarp matter among ftc ]fttopbet0,to fefe fuft tpe^fte* as" ftfe,Thofe which are my people,(hail no more be my peo- Ieremf _, vcrfj ple:& thei which were not my people dial be my people,* fuel) H. ofter>3no filoom oa ftep fpeafce anp lao?o of p calling of p @en* tilc^sliu£ ftep mardj it immeoiatlp is fte catting offof $ lewes fo? fteit refufing of C&?iff,lfte as pe canot tocli make mention of toe graffing^of a tree ti> a tfrage 31mpe o? Oen,but pe mufi alfo fpeake of fte cutting off of ft e bougbes to make place fo? it^o ft is fame Talmud. effect 0(0 R.Samai ano R.Selomoh fap,It is fayd in IeremyJ wil jj^n Cap?" take one out of a Cittie , and two out of a Trybe , and make j^ca" them to enter into Sion 5 becaufc (aooe ftep ) that as of fixe- hundred thoufand Ifraelites, onely two(that is to wit 3 Iofua & Caleb)entered into Chanaan; fo (hall it be alfo in the dayes of the Mefsias.3no ftefonnes of Rabbi Hi/aaffirme* ^batfte Talmud. Spefltag (balbe a (tone to thimble at fcnto fte tuio bottfeg of Ifrael, Trea: Sanhc\ ano a gmare to fte 31nbabitertf ofHierufalem3ano ftep oeliuer it ^Ch-D"f* fo? a great Secrete aifo R. Iohanan anoR.Iacob, ttythtttb*K™h^£ ©entiled fbalbe put in place of fte lewes ftat ijaue vefufeo ftep'iacob.*hap. JLo?o,as; fte Spojtfetfi? put m fte place ofan©jce ftat balteft* ano Hricc. iobereas 31 baue fain ftat ©00$ fpirtt (fcouto be toiftojatoen from fte Synagogue fo? ft eir iniquitieiss fake* Rabbi Iudas fapft, t hat when the Sonne of Dauid commeth , there (halbe feawe wyfe men in Ifrael5and the wifdome of the Scribes (hall ftinke,and the Scholes of Diuinitie (halbe become Brothel houfes: tobift accojocft toift ftijs faping of our Jtojoe 3leuig, Of a houfe of prayer ye haue made my houfe a den of thecues. 3n0 R. Ne- horay fapft ftat mens countenances dial at that tyme be paft fliame.ano R.Nehemias tojiteft,ftat wickednes (halbe multi- T 1 4 g^ pfyed without meafure ? and there (hall be nothing but vnto- hedriaSfcte. Nn 3 wardnes J7^ O * THE TRinNEJ R.Mojrfw Ha wardnes & Hercfie^ tnfomucfc tftat(ag faptfc R.Natronai\)They darfan rppon fhall fay that the miracles which the Mefsias (hall woorke, arc thc74Pfalmc. doue by Magickcandby vndcanc Spirites, ^Lo be (bo?t , Iere- I m i o cr m^ ^^ 5 ^^e SnePncrds are become beaftes r and haue not njJiiwm. fought the Lord. Shit) in another place, They haue made my $. fheepe to go aftray, & turned them away to the mountaines* 9m> t\)t Rabbines to confttme tbe matter 3 fap tbug : If our pre- deceflbrs were the Children of men,we be the children of Af- fes ; and furely ( fayth R. Menahem, ) the fheeAflc of R. Pine- has is wyfer then we. "But to come b&ckz ageine to tbe p?opbefie of Efay, The Oxe (faptb l)C) knoweth his owner, and the Afie knoweth his maifters Crib > but my people k nowe not mee, they haue no vnderftanding.3nu m toerp Daene toI;o(beuer Doub- ter!) pet {till toljat fpirit gouerneo tbe ^eacrjecg of tbe lewes from &)i$ time fcojt!) ; let bpmreaae but onelp tbeir. Talmud, tobicbte fucb a bajke,tljat (Soo(fap tbep)ftuopetb in iteuerp fitfifbu>erbo« toecg of tbe Dap : Sno toljen Hierufalem toa$ DeffropeD , \)tt left Ijtmfelfe tb?ee cubits fpace tubcton to fit ana reaoe in tfjeTafmudj Sobicb pet nottoitbffanDtng tua^ not tben maoe^efioes tW&tp mafce ©tio(m tfoat bo&e) to betoaple tfje miferieg of Ifrael, to bee angrie (tt tbe Comb of a Cocke,to lpe,ano to commit finne ano fo fa?tb ; To tbat if a man mtgbt bane IcokeD into tbe confidences of ttjofe Rabbines , 3 bel&ue bee (boulo Ijaue feene tbat rfjep mane not fo gcoo account of «mming fo attp?cDas be DtD *: ffi? toere baccncffc of not toe(at Iestt topfc)tooojtbie to be eycufeo fo? not knotting b im9 Xcfus. commingDifgupfeD after tbat manner*: jl5ap53J Demattnoofpou, after tobat otberfo?tbe coulo o? (boulo come , confiocring tbat bee came tcr bumble b (mfelf, ano to be cructfieo fo? to vgou looKeo to ftaut fa* btm p?tncelpkt, ant be toae: fo?ep?omifeo poo?e r a ffidar* j?our, ant) it toa s cdUj pou^e Q)oute be beaten antr ujouudc d : toitfy tgrcu OF CHRISTIAN RELIGION. 577 agrcatecrapne , arm be is ocfcrpbeo alone t)pponan9(Te:toitba companieof topues,anMbcrctoas no mofpokenof but onlp one: \»it\) trpumpbing and featting , ana pee toere informed afoje&anfc tbat bis b^teao ftoulo be tf ecped in bineger , and bis Cup be full of gall ana biu erneffe* 3?ou imagm dnoer bim, eptber tbe ipeace of Salomon , 0} t^e Conquetts of greate Alexander : peace to ma- nure Jetojie at pour cafe , aim CBarre to reape clje ricbes of ibe ©cntples.^ut be came to appeafe (Sods tojatfcano cobanqutdj tbe Dwell ; and tbencefintb to make Iewes and ©entples equall*©f tbefe n»o commings,tobicb 10 mod meete , botb foj (Sods glojie , and foj bis atone? 3omic be rjaD tbe €mpp je of Cyrus and Alexan- der -, admit be bad all tbe potter and riebes of all tbe Singoomc* tbat euer toe re in tbe toojld, tobat toere all tljis but a to ttneffe of (jttf toant,and an abatement of bis glojie ? 3s fo* erample ; Moyfes led feirbund^ed tljoufand fepgbting men out of Egipt , and tottb tbe ffrcfce of bis coo be paffed tbe red §>ea and djouned tbe Egipti- ans tbcreim.Jftoto in tobctber bad 600s glojie moie appcareo,an& tlje calling of Moyfes bin better Warranted I byW totaling of a battel! ageraft tlje Egiptians toitb fo greate a nomber of men,o]t bp ottertOjouung tbem toitb one ftroke of a rod <: 3jn reducing tbe King to reafon by fence of armes,o;i in making %im to fecke mere? bp an rjotle of Seas and Ipce \ let w come noto to CbjilWpe toaa to fuboetoe tbe toojld bnder bis obedience, m\)t tber ixiaa it moje to bis glo?ie and mo je co^refpondent to bis ©odl;ead,to baue done it by inuetttng bimfelf in an €mppje 5 0? by ridding bimfelf of all toojldlp meancs,bp fence of armes, 0? by bis onlp too?d * 3Sp eon- qucring men toitb ftetoe of pompe, oj by winning tbem toitlj fuf* fering repjotbe attbeir band *t T5y trpumpbing ouer tljem , ojtbp being crucified by tljem \ 15p being alpue,oj men by being dead* Vy killing bis encmpes,oj by peeloing bnto tbem * "By ouertfco* twng bis foes;o? by fending bis feruants to fuffer tobatfoeuer tljep tooulddowuo tbem *i jfoj toijo tetbnot , tbat in tbe toitfojiesof i^tnees , tljeir men bee partakers toitb tbem of tbetr glojie *: 9nd tbat in battells bettooene men, tbe l&ojfe and tbe fpeare baue tb? it part^t 3nd tljat oftentimes tbt barneffe and tbe derp ©adotoe of tbe Crefts of cbeirljelmets ( as pee mould Tap) do ftep info? a (bare* feurelptijereftne , toee map \mcII fap , tbat Jefus could not baue (betotd bis ©odbead better, tbantncommingltke anabietfgpmts ferable man;no? Wa ftrengt^ better,tban in tommtng in febleneffc; aoj bis mpgbt,tban in infirmtcieino? bis glo?p,tban in oefpifames; ISn 4 no? W M 1 $ Anobie&ion tharthefignes promifed by the Prophets are not come Efay.r, Michcas.5. 578 OP THE TRE no? \)iz cttxnitiefl)m in oping;noj b& rpGng ageine,t&an in Be fa j burpeo ; no? bis tobole pjcfence,tljan in going Ijis tuap b? nee *, no? finallp bis quickening life ,tban in conquering tbetoojl&bp tlje oeatb of bis Diciples, tfojljaolje come otljertoife,man ban Ijao tbe glojp tljcreof t tbe ftronglper be Ijao come, tlje kffe IjaB bin ftig tic* tojie ; ano tlje moje pomp be Ijao pjetcnoeo outtoarolp,tlje IcfTe ba& fee alUJapesftittcrcn feis ®o&beao5 anti tlje mo?e ejcctifable ban botb tlje Iewes ano (Sentples bin in not recepuing %im& 0 be Qo&imI pcfdetljatljetoas tlje fame fonuc of Ootr, tuljtcljtoaspnfent toitb (Boo at tlje creating of tlje toojlo ^ ©00 createo tlje toojli) tuitbout matter 0? ttuffe toljereo^ ano toitbout &elp,bp bis onlp toojo : 9n& 3iefus being oefticute of all Ijclp anomeane,batb conquereotbe Id ojlo toitlj Ijia onlp too?o, euen bp lji$ otone oeatb, toljirij fametlj to Ijaue bene a rieare oifpatcb of bim V Wlfat greater maieflie oj greatnette can toe imagine tban tbteV 3>ea but ( fap tbep ) tuyere bee tlje fipeg p^omifeo bp tbe 50?a^ pljetg *j ano fpeciailp tbe euerlafting peace toljteb Cbjift toas tcr tying tmto tlje toojlo3toljiclj fboulo tunte @>toojo$ into spattodte ano Speared into Coulters? Co tljis toe map anftoer5tbat 3!efu£ toag bojne purser tlje Cmperour Auguftus,at tobirb tpmetbe l&U tto}it$ tell ttf y tbat tlje Cemple of lauus at Rome toag flmt bp, ano all tbe toojlo toa* at peace tljjougbout,ai$ tobo tooulo faptljat bp tljat meane (Boo meant to open a free toap to tlje pjeacbing of W ©ofpell ♦ 3&ut let tljem firft of all marfte bere tljeir otone com trarietie of fpeecb3in tbat tljep require of bss bere a generall peace, mm in otber places* fpeake of battels againft (Bog arfo Spagog, ano of tlje batbing erf tbemfelueg in tlje bluo of tbe GentyIes,tnfo* ntuclj as tljep fap tljat tbeir fecono SJJWfiag tlje &onne of lofeph^ fbalbe flapne in batten ♦ 38ap3as be is a fpirituall £ing,fo beebitf toarregs ano peactfpirituall alfo*Efay calletb bim a man oftoarrer but of Ijte toarretf Ije faptb 5 They fhall turne their fwordes into Coulters. On tbe contrarp part Ije cafletb tym p IP^mce of peace: but of fuclj peace luberof it i alfo botfj purcbace u peace aim be our peace bnto <0itt5 accoj&ing to tbte tobicb be faptb ana* tber toljere:The Euerlafting will be our rightuoufnefle . 3n& in Talmod in tin trued*, in tfjebcoke of Sabbath toberetljefe tertg are ermine vrcatyfcSab' Rabbi Eiiezer faptl) plainlp, ^at toarrea (ball not ceafle at tbe bath* fitff comming of tbe SpeiTia&but otrtp at Jjfe feconn eommm&tljat it to toit,tobenbecommett} in glojie to iwge tfjc toojfo* ©f the fame (lanipe are tbe objections tbatfottofoe3fefo?tt* Zachary.r4. ten (faptbep) that Mount Oliuet (hall bee fplit afunder in the y^^ middes , and the one halfe fall towards the Eaft and the other half towards the Wefhtofcfcb tying toe fe not pet come to pafle; Wiz% tkty cannot nenpebut tljattbfa tejct fpeaketb plainlp of tH fceffruttion of Hierufalem : ano tftbep totU naaeg foHotoe t&e let* ter>tbep (ball fee in tljeic otone ^ifanie^tljat toljen tl>e Romanes befeegeutb^Citiejtbep mane tbeir trendies on tbatCne* 3gatne9 it i0 fap5,That the Lords hil (halbe aduaunced aboue al hilles*, R-^anan ana tbtrebppoatbep tyeame tbat Hierufalem fbalbefjopffea top ^J^ tftf&Ieapeja; into t&e apje* But tbefe people toljic^ otbertobile^ Midrafch, Beligljt fomucft in ancgo^tc^^ ouo^t ttrtmnerftanti t&efe3euenbp pfaim.86.. tfce tert it felfe^jf o^ (faptb t&e l^op&et) folke (hall fay let vs goe vp to Syon, and God will there teach vs his waies : The Lawe ^L*1^. (hall come out of Syon,and the word of the Lord from HIeru- Micheas!^ felem . ami 31 p?ap pou toben came tbep better out,rt)an tuben tfte apoftle^of 3!efu?ai m^fp^earj tbem ab?oanefrom Hierufalem tbo* rotoe t\)t toljole toojto V3ffl> tbereftne Rabbi Selomoh fat'tfj flpon R.seiomoh s tbofete^,tbattije£o?tsftouto at tljattpmebemaptffeoinHie- R.Abraham rufalem ,bp a greater upe^tljan Ije foag in Sinai,Carmel,$ Tha- ben Ezra vpoi feor^nn Rabbi Abraham tijefonneofEzra fapti), trjat tbfe Ad- £%-~and uaunecd hill is tbe ^effia^tofto fljalbe bigbty auuauncetr amony ' ** $e Gentyles.aifo it id fapti in Efay;The Woolfe (hall feed with *^j| ' the LamberanH in Malachie,The Angell of the Lord (hal make r^ Moy{c the waies playne :tobicb tbmg$(faptbep)toee fee not pet perfo^ -Bcn-Maimon meu,no? -many otfret fttcfj like> ^utpet trotfc Rabbi Moyfes Ben -yppon-Dcut. Maimon tbeir peat teacber of EtgbtuoufiielTefap 5 Let it neuer in thc L.a^« come in thy head,that in the tyme of Chrift thecourfe ofthe-^J^™^| worldfhall any whit bee chaunged; but when thou readeft in -wane* Efay j8o O* THE TREWNEf fenny. $ . Bfay,thac the Woolfe dial dwell with the Lamb, call to mynd how Ieremie fayth , A Woolte of the wildernefie hath waited them , and a Leopard watcheth at their Cities , to fnatch vp them that come out . For the meaning thereof is , that botn •Iewes and Gentiles fhalbe couerted to the true do&rinc,and not hurt one another, but feede both together at one Crib, according to this faying of Efay in the very fame place , The Woolfe (hall eate Hay with the Oxc. And after thatmaner (faptl) be)muft we expound all fuch maner of fpeeches, which belong to the tyme of Chrift : for they be parabolicall and fi- guratiue . ©ftbefameftnt alfo is t%t ejcpoOtton of Rabbi Dauid Kimhi , botobeft tljat o?ainarilp be follotueo trje letters tije tratu datum of Ionathan birofelfe,3nn ag touching tbe 3ngefl o? 3m* taflfaooj tfjat ftjoulo leuefl tbe toaiea mentioneo in trje tert of Ma- lachie : The meaning thereof (faptft Ramban ) is that a great Prince (hall bee fent afore the Mefsiascome, to prepare the harts of the Ifraelites to the battell.Q5ut Malachie ejtpounoetlj bimfelfe moje fitlp hi cbefe toojneg % He (hall turne the hearts of the fathers to their Children: tfiat te to fap^b* (ban e$ojt lira* ell to repentance* An obie&ou %\& ©biediong tljat infetne bereafterfjaue a little mojetoeigbt tta idolaey in t^em*31t t* tojitten,! will defteoy all the Idollcs of the earth* E6^f , aifo3r wiil nungerftarue all the Gods of the Gentylcs. 3nn a* Zadti j . game, They (hall all feruc mee with one (houlder, 22JouiO (So* sopii©ny.3- tbat tbe abufeg lurjtcfe ate crept into tlje Ctyiftim Cbureb agatntt Cfettte0 ojntnance , toere not fo great a fetumblingblocfee to tb* kwes. jReuectbelelTe,let tbem eonfioer tbe great nomber of ©ou$ tocojflnppeD bp tbe Affyrians,Perfians3Greelces atrti Romaines, at tobat tpme euerp Countrep,euerp Citt^enerp l^auferjolii, ana euerp perlon ban W peculiar ©oo ami bfa 3lnc»te bp Tjimfdfe: an* tbep (^aU 6noe tbat toitbm a little labile after f 3poftIe$ ban pjea* cben tbe uoctcine of 31efusi to rtje tDOjlo,tbep tore all gone,ano not fontucbaganp rememberance of tbem ban notoremapneo, but tbat in publifbing tbe glojie of (Son, toee ban alfo Declares tbeir o* ttertfyotoe « let tbem reaoe t^e 5>ittojie$of tbe ^eatben ano affce t>f tbem tobat is become of tbeir ©jade* 5 31 meane tbe Deuineii tBbitb Wo tbem in toritb tbeir J. pes ano D^eameg, ann laoulo not tee pacifien but britb t%z Sacrificing of tran3pea ami eucn of tbeir otane Cbitojen : ano of all tijofe toicfeennefles , tobicb ban taken toete aU tfc too^lo t^jougljout^can rj^ep noto ffym anp pjim at an* tfuen OF CHRIST! AN RBLIG'IO-K. 581 an pjeacben afyoane, 3rte ^agicfce ann tbe Deutte ban Io$ tbeir potoer t <§>o foneine, fo fcmuerfall^ aim fo toonnerfull to our tjerp znzmizt toas tlje cbaungc m tljat tymt ; ann of fo great fojer toas tlje onelp name of 3!efua in tfje moutb of tijofcpoo^e men, a* gatnftEmggami €mpecourj253agatnlltl)ei'rKingtfomeie{ ana €m* ppjea,ano againft tlje bpljolnerg antmjojfbipperjs botb of tbe De* wiHeja; ann of cljetr 3lool55^ jFo? fyiefneffe fake 31 omit djfe ©biertion follotomg ann fuctj & An obieffion tbet; aa tljat all Ration* baue not fottotoen 3!efug ♦ jf oj tlje p?o* agcmft the ai- pfjet* fcaut toloe n*5 tbat Out a remnant (ball bee fauentann 3lefug J0™1011 °* Rc- Jimtfelfefaptb tbat Many becalied,and fewc chofen. 3nn it fufc 3 chrift. fifetb tbat tlje nopce of ri>e ©ofpeHbatb bene beam oner all tlje laojln,ann tbat tbe gate of tlje Cbuteb i* fee optn to all jftattong* 9gaine,to come to anifletoe, tbep knotoe tbat tbe torojn Col [tbat is to (ap All] betokened) not tbat all men toitbout exception (ball foliouatbtm , but tljat all Jftationg imtbout Difference ftall bee W people*3game,tbe feene of Cb?iff(fap tbep)(bouln be euerMingt tut toe fee not tlje feene of 3[efus to bee fo* ^bep fap berp toell,in tljat bv tbe toojn Seede,tbep meane Cbjifife Difriple$;ann m tbett atoneianguage tbep terme tbem Sonnes o? Children: $ tbanketf bz to tbe t ojo,tbere are Dtfciples of bfe ttfl^euetptobere tb?ougtj tbetoboletoojln. 35ut tlje pjincipalT©biection remapnetb pet bebinn3ann tbatte> $is:3if 3!efu$s be tlje g>onne of ©oa,(fap tljep)toljp cbaungetb b£ tbeiatoe of (Son W father neliueren b^ Moyfes , beetng(ad bacb Bene fapti alreante) botbbolp ann mutolable 5 tobtclj toljo fo 00% ftolo can See bee recemeti fo? tbe ^effTasr4: Sburelp in tbig popnt to^ere ttjet> cbarge3!efu^ toitbtfre changing ann aboltfljmg of tbe iatytoe brftat contracie to tbem;afficmmg tbat be oto not cbange it 0} aboltfb it , but mojeplainlp ej:pounnen it ano fnlfillen iu j$ap fap tbep,€ircumtilion toa^ ejcp^elfelp cornmaumreo bp tSbo unto Abrahamjano aftertnam to Moyfcs:ano tubptbenbatb 3!efug Si Bolilb^ it *♦ 3!n nine tbat iss tbe tbing tobicb notb altoaie^ necttue tbem;namelp, tbat tbep take tbe fignefo? tbetbmgfigntfien, ann t&elbanotoe fo? tbtfubftance ann truetb of tbe pjomtfe&'But toa H 5$* OFTHSTRIWNE? Cap dm CtrcmtiriSon toag a figne o? ftafe of tiyt Coaenant5anfr Bciitso not tlje Couenant it felfe, anotbe belt oftbe3!etoeie:oenpettnot and 10. ' tbemfelue* ♦ 3«0 pet Moyfcs faptb j When the Lord (hall hauc -call thee out to the vttermoft partes of the earth , yet will he bring thee home againe into the land which thy fathers pof- fcfled ^ and hee will circumcife thy heart and the heart ot thy Children,that thou mayft loue the Lord thy God,with all thy heart and with all thy Soulcand that thou mayfl liuc . 3nD tit another place be faptij:Circumcife the forefkin of your hearts, and harden noryour neckes any more. Snti tobe tbejpjopbetg rebuke b^tfje? call itf not fimplp bncitcumafeo > but fcttctrcumri* fen ofbeartoj oflippeg ♦ %\t tobicrj ougfjtco amicrttfepoa trjac ™ "r ' £' *c Cff ne te flei^? > &uc ^ ^"ts ^^ (#** l#lS t0 toit,tbe Co< W thcrcport wuanOfc fpmttialfeami tfjat it ujouId bebouepou to enter into tijt ofPicusEark ^^ of tlje latoe 5 ano not tobpte about tfje barke of ft* ^a of Miranduia. btt fljojt, t&e Cabale it felfe giuetb bg to bnoerftano , tbat Ctyift fijali twit tie benome of ti>e gtfrpenf5niake a neto Couenant5anB take atoap rfjenecelfitieof Cimtmcifion^ totting Sacrifices?, 31 &aue Declares alreaoie Ijeretofojetbattfreptoerefigneg* 3jtig fapu tijat tljep ffmll cleanfe atoap tfje finne* of fyz Congregation It>oto map trjat be,if toe go no further rban to tbe bluo of a lamb, xn* to trje fpjinrklnigof tbe afyes of a £otoe^9toD tberefcue Dauid P^m49.and f^t^Thou dcfircft not Sacrifice for finne,and therefore will I not giue thee any.3nO ©ob bimfelf faptb: I blame thee net for EC ' a tnac tnou na^ S*uen me no burntofTerings49lfo m Efay :Who and 66. n 5 squired thefe things of yon? As for thefe Sacrifices, thefe new Moones,thefe Sabbats^and thefe folemne Feaftes,thcy lothe me,they burden me,and I cannot wel away with them.Spoje* ouer Micheas faptb : If thou gaueft thoufandsof thy Sheepc, Mkhcas.5. and Riuers of Oyle,yea &thyne eldeft fonne, eucn the fonnc ofthyne own bodiebegotten/or thy finne:alkhis is nothing before the Lord. Nay,( faptb Efay)the offering of an Oxe is as the murthering of a man,and the offering vp of a Sheepe is as the fnetching of a Dog , and the burning of Incenfe is as the blefsing of an Idoll.9H tuljicb fapmgg noe bg to bnberffanOjtbat tbe Sacrifices toere nottlje bevp tbtngs tbemfelueg, but onel? Ognes of tbingg , t^at is to toit, partlp of tbe luftes ano affections Sobicij toee fcele in our bearts , ano pattlp oftrje Valuation tubicfc Wz lake fin bp tbe S^effia*; ano tljat if toe paflfe no furtfecr t%an tl)t bare S)acrifice^tljei be btterlp bnp^ofltable^^ut Dauid faitb; The ©P CHRIST TAN RELIGION^ 583 The Sacrifice of the Lord,is a broken and lowly heart. gnO E- fey faptb , Wa(h your (ernes , fcoure away the naughtincfle of your hearts,doe right to the fatherlefle and the widowe. 3lfa Micheas faptb, Deale vprightly,& (hewe mercic.^cfe bet tfyt feamficestobicb (Bon required) ateuerp of out banos,ano tofetclr toere betokeneo in tbe particuta: Sacriftrei^bp tbe T5tfiml$j&ite ncpe^liueryunj fucb ocrjer parts, tobicb toere toont to be burnt* Upon tbe 3itar* 9no as touching tlje general! Sacrifices ano fucfc astneremtne folemne, tbepbetokeneotbatfcniuerfali Sacrifice fo? tbe (nine of 2g)anfcpm> torjidj ©on bau ojtiepneo euerlaftinglp, tbat is to tott,tbe oeatb of tbe Sgfcffias ♦ tfty trjat tijofe Sacrifices ftoutti baue an emi, namelp, tbe lipe bp rbe pjefence of tbe tbing fignifteo , tbe figure bp tbe pjefence oftrje fubftance , ana tbe ft>a* tiotoe bp tbe pjefence of tbe bonie, uaee perceiue bp tbefe toojoes of Daniell; From the tyme that the contimiall Sacrifice is taken tramd.ix, away,there (hall bee a thoufand two hundred fowerfcore and vcrfc. 1 1 . ten daies. 3m> tbat it (boulo be oone bp tbe oeatb of Cb?iu%it ap* pearetb b^ tljiS tabid) be bao fapo afcne, After threefcore & two Daniel*. weekesChrift ihalbe killed^and in halfe a weeke he (hall caufe the Sacrifice and Offering to ceaffe; and for the outreaching of abhominations,thcre fnalbe defolation vnto the end. SlittJ toberas Malachie (jaurog remoues Sacrifices berp (barpip,fattfrT MaiacBj.iv From the Sunneryfing to the Sunnegoingdowne , my name fhalbe great among the Gentyles3 andlncenfeand pure Ob- lation/fhall be offered euerywhere in my name : tt cannot bee fcnoer&ooo of the Sacrifices ojoepneB bp tbe Icwifh JLato3 but ra< tber of tfce nboliflring of tbenr, antr of all otber (ignes, b^ tf)Z$$z& gas ♦ #0} if rije Gentyks muff Sacrifice muo bim accojsing tor tbelatotfben mutt tbep come to Hierufalem to tbeCemplerberev ami if it be fortobat Court lutil bee large enougb to bolb tbe Sa* rrifites** &Sbat (baU al Hierufalem be but a berp Slaugbterbouul imti Butcberie ? jftap mo^uer, tbe^opljet faptb trjat tbep ftatt offer euerptDbere;ixjbicb tbingbe^apetb an ettftent cbaunge: ant? apureorcleane ablation , tobicb puttetbam'fferencebettoeene tbeir ©ffertng^anu tbe bfooie Sacrifices oftljelabje^nb after tbat tlje pjopbet fratb fap&,My name fhall bee great among the Gentyles: ^eeaobetfrimmeta'atlp; But yee haue vnhalowed ita SCtfticirttf as mucb to fap,as trjatf Gentyles (balbetbefe^iettg euerpman in bit otone place , ami tbep (ban not neeoe to come ta jou % of tbe flpiflta* J 3nD tt i$ not fo J tbem to afleDgebeit5tbat concerning tbe CircumnCon , tbe&ab* botb^e feaft of €aaer,anD foi^atber^it ia fapo tbat tfyq? &>albe kgnoUm:ihiLi is to fep bp ttjctr ittterpjctation3for euer ♦ #0} toee baue leameo of tbem,tl;at tbe toojo kgnolam , Ggnifietb not for e- uer3b ttt a long tpme ; aim a tpme of long continuance tottbout m* termiffiou oj breaking of>ratber tl;an a continuance of tpme tomb* out enD*3nD in that fence Doe toe reaDe it fapo of Samuel;He Oiall abide in the prefence of thelord kgnolam for euenOpo tobirfj place tbe Commentarie faptb,It is an age of the Leuites or a Le- uiticall age,that is to fay,the continuance of fifric yercsJLikZi torife , of tbe truant taijofe eare b& mauler boarco tbiougb^it i& fapo -, He (halbe thy Semant kgnolam fcn euer: in iobtdj place tbe Commentanefaptb,VntilltheyeereofIubil.9ttOr^rfo^etbetc great (Siammarian Rabbi Kimhi faptb , tbat kgnolam Sgnioetf) a long tpme,acco?Ding to tbte faping in tlje (pjouerbe^ Theolde bound or buttel that hath continued of long tyme; tobere be fcfctb tbe tao^D kgnolam . %ty, tuo^ti^ tofterebp thz Epebjeines bfe commonlp to betoken a tpme VuttI;out enD^are t\)tte,£nadnetfacht nmfilab^Xltjkgnolam vagnetL But tbat ©oDmentbp tbe fencing of bis Tonne Cfyifttomake a neto Couenant toitb bis people, ns far re [Differing from tbe firlt Coucnanat astbe tbing figureo Differed from tbe figure , Ictte bcre leremy in bteoneanDtbitritb CbaptenBehold,theday ilul come (fapetbtbe Lo?D) that I will make a new Couenant with -the Houfe of Ifrael,and theHoufe of Dauidj not according to the OF CHRISTIAN RELIGION^ 5^5 the Couenant that I made with their fathers , when I tooke them by the hand & ted them out of the land of Egipt,which Couenant they haue difanulled though I was married vnto theirubut the Couenant that I wil make with them after thofe dayes (faptfo tfce £ojO) is this;I will plant my Lawe within them and wryte it in their harts, andlwilbetheirG OD and they fhalbe my people. Euery man (halnot teaehe his neybour any more5nor euery man his brother,faying,Knowejthe Lord; for they (hallknowe me from the grcatefttotheleaft. And I will forgiue their vnryghtuoufenes, and their Sinne will I remem- ber no more. 9no t&at t{tf* toss mentof tfce comnring of tlje 9peflia£3tt appeared; plapnejFo? \)Z l)at> fayD afoje/Fhe Lord wil create a new thing vppon the Earth ; a woman (hall compafle a man about.<3lfotl;atbp the Houfe of Ifraelfjement allfmljag Q)Oulo bee graffeD into tljat fcouft Op tfje commuig of €f#tft,tt ap* pearetbfotb&,tbatbaumgfpokeit oftbepeopUugoflfrael,ljefatai afoje J will fowe the houfe of Ifrael and the houfe of Iuda with the feede of Man; atiti after t&at maner Do t&e Rabbines tljem* felues atleoge tt»3n& tb?refo?enortj Ionathan fap toppon Efay,Ye MecHika v m (hall drawe waters of giadnefle out of the welfprings of Salua- EXOa.i L tion,that is to fay.you (hall receyue new doctrine of giadnefle Efoy.12, by thechofen onesof the Rightuoufe,that is to wit,of Chrift- of tobom tf)e Jpjoptet fcao fapo in tbe Cljapttr^otng:Ialt afcne, God is my fafery,I wilbe bold and not be afrayd, <3nti t&e Co* J*}*1 u^huCo" mentarie bppon t&e booke of t&eJpjeaclKt taper!) , The lawe that ™* p* men learne in this age,is nothing in refpect of the lawe of the Meffias ; nor the miracles that are part , in comparifon of his miraclcs.gmi in tfyz bookc of TffeKingsfrfe fapd,the things that were done inEgipr are but tafpilatbt\&ti% its fap, an Accident in th'etreatyfc orBywoorke; bat t&et&mgs that fhalbe done in the tyme ofBoracoth.Tal- thc Me(Tias,aialbe^4i^ tljat it to fap.the fubftance thereof. ™ud °^icra, £ea att) Rabbi Iohanan m t\)Z Talmud f !?«&, Wherein foeucr SbSS^ a Prophet biddeth thee tranfgreffe theLawe , obey him , fa- Korin. ningin Idolatry.For al the reft are things that may be chaun- Talm»d,treas ged by a Prophet according to occafion and tyme. tyfeSanhe- get tijep rr pip ana fap,ts <8fo& t»en cljaungeaMe-.to sine a tetoe a™\ . th#r Aac finite cfeatmgca after cfprfaflbfon V J9o , fep toe; tf oj tofeat £Sf cfoaimgeaMentlTfte ft topjomjfe ano perfojm^to (k£aM rotm^ta repjefent antito tying: topau>ta begin ana co fimft'j j^p contra- «gtotfe,tot5t greater contfancircan-t^re b'e3t&an to tying to palTe to }%6 OF T H I TllWNir in tbeir epmt*! ano accoutring to tftctr eircumffanee i , tbetfrfttg* Uibtclj be bao pjomifeo to Ws peopled Oe &ao fato,Circumcyfe mo all your male Children. ^btsttiaaaGgne, 9n&befapOaIfo,He (hall Circumcyfe your harts and the harts of your poftcritic; ano tbat iadjeurne true fignificatton of t&efigne* j#oto 3!efu$ Wmfelf tea* arcumcp&Mno tbat teas bpcaufe be teas bojneimocr tbe JUtee*1$ut pet i;atb be ctrcumepfco our batts Op regenerating ttf,tebicbis as mucb to Tap as be perfojmeo % Latee* 3no tobp ibouloicbeetbougbtltraunge tbatCtrcumnfion is not mepneo note tljat tbe ©entples are calleo.Oerelp bpcaufe tbere is not note anp peculiar people , no? confequentlp anp peculiar marfce to bee coueteo of anp one^cople oj Linage, aa afcuerall markeofcoue. nant bettegne (Son ano tbem*9lfo acri* flee tbat bao bene betofctneo b^ fo manp Sacrificed in tbe later, ano tberefoje be maoe an enoe of an fattpfiring ano offrtmg of ob* (at ton* , ad one tbat came to fulfill tbe Ceremonies of tbe lalce, ano to fet bg free ami oifebaege &a of rbem* flDn tbe eontrarie part,bote oelt be teirb tbe latoes ^%i^ teere no fignes but matters; of fubffancein oeeoe *: 3it is *to)ittzn. Thou (halt worihip the Lord thy God. 3nO 3!efus( barb fapO , Thou {halt loue God with all thy hart, ano be batb gtuen as an ej;am* pie tbereof in IjimfeltThou fhak not make to thy ielfe any gra- ucn Image faptb tbe latee : ano Cbjift batb ouertbjoteen all tbe 3[Dote of tbe ©eatben^be Latee feptb,Thou (halt not take the name of the Lord in vaine:yea(faitb 3!efus)and thou (halt not fweareby any maner of thing , no not euen by thine ownc head.^be Latee fape$,Thou (halt keepe holy p Sabboth day: Ootebeit not to reftreine tbee from going abottetteomplrstbat aap,asri)e19batifiestaugbt;but to applptbp felfe all tbat nap ^?ougbout , to tbempnomg of tbe Latee of tbp ©oo , ano to tbe totting OT CHRISTIAN REUCION. 587 ferm'ng of tbp JSeigbbour mbt0 neene* £nn to tbe Cottmtaunne* mentis of tl>e feconn tatile be faitb,Thou flialt honour thy Father and thy Moother 5 botubeit from tbp l^art, ann not foj fafijfonjS faltej ann tbou (bait no tbe Ipfce to all tfjp Sbuperiour^Thou (halt not kill ♦ pea,ann if tijou bate 3 not tbp neigbbour ouelp , but alfo tuzn trjpne enemp ; tbou art a manflear alreanp * Thou (halt not ftealeunoifamanfcriflbaue tbp Cote from tbee5 tbou (bait let bim baue trjp Cioke too J. hou (halt not beare falfe witnefle: not onlp in i»o?H eitbe r falfe 0? burtfuiymt alfo pMe* Thou (halt not commit aduoutry t Jfto > foj if tbou ooe but lofce fcpon a toomatt luttfe a lull unto ber,tbou bat! commtttto aoultrie alreanp^ojeo* uer,fo little Jeaue ball tbou to couet anp mans g$ bob) farre tbe infection of tbat benome batb carien fc g at»ap,from tbat nuetie tobtcb <£on ann nature it felfe requite of *)£♦ Wfoify enti of tbe latoe is greatip inligbtenen bnto tisJ bp tbz comming of our lojn 3iefus,m tbat be teacbetb &s tfjat tbe Lame fe not fattffien toitf) an outtMam ann pbarifaicall obenience, tbat isE to toif, (to fpea^e fitlp) bp bipocriCe; but by tbe bnco^rupt obeni* nice of tbe Epeart , pea zuzn mucb mo?e b]> an fenfepnen acknoiBi iengement of our nifobenience, tban bptbegreate(lp?o&ffionof xibeniencetbat a man eanlbrtoe1: 3|f tbep b?ge pet futtber,tobp tben toass not tW leffon of pour* giueu tijS at tbe beginning % 31 attftoere , tljat zwx from tbe begin* ©0 ning Deii. 3o.5c 10. 588 OP THE TREVTNE5 mug ftojdjon , Moyfes am> tlje pjopbetes gaue it pott, m totllmg pou to circumcife pour fteartgf,co offer bp tbe facrifice of pjapfe ana Efa! 5 6.aadT obttfeiw> to abftetne from bnbalotoing tbe §>abotb nap tuitb bu* s. ' rigbtuoufnes,ano fuel) otbertl)ings,9nb in (peaking topou of tbe lann of Canaan, tbepljaue tolo poulotou inougb bp alltbeirBm* ings,tbat it befeoucD pott to Ijaue a furtljer reaebe of mpn&,namelp to tlje tijings \DljieIj(as Efay fait b)nettbeir epe Ijatb fcne,n oj care fceartytoj beart of man eonceiuco^be fcruice tl;en toljicb 6ou re* qutreo of pou is fptritttall,anti tbe rcUiaro tobicb toe ougljt to lake font's fptrituall alfo^ut pott,lpkc Cijiftnen as pe be,tljougbt not but(as tbe mod part of pou n© dill at tin's bap)bpon tbe bc&p ana tlje ujo>ID; tobereas (££>D fpakc to pou concerning pour joules ana tbe toelfare of tijem,toJ)t'c& Ipetij in Ijtm* €uen Co tlje g>cljoole* maifter pjomifetlj bte pcong g;cljo!er a 9£arcljpaine en fome otber bankctingtfuffe to make bun to learne; nottfjatbertuefbattnot itke toe CljiUi muclj bettter, ana be a greater retaarfc to Ijtm tuljcn Ije badj attepnen bnto it j but becaufe tbat if be fijoulb talke to bint of bertue 0? of l>onour at tfait tpme, btcanno f kill of anp of tfcem fcotlj ; ana be looulo bee tbe negligenter to Ijis lctfbn,anD tlje mo?e finable to conceiue a greater tbmg*9no truelp petooulbljauefapo finto Moyfes; Let not God fpeake rnto vs,but to thee; anti pet &as be fapne to couer bis fate , btcauk pe ccuto m*t abiae it ♦ 'go tlje famepurpofe not|> Efay fop,tljat pe toere fapne to IjauefineaS terline, ami pjecept after precept, mtblrfping^pljetstosallie iuitlj pou like netoe meaneo ebflujei, tlrat tbep migljt make p^ou to finserffant) • 3lfo <§>♦ Paulc faptl) in tbe fame fence , tljat pe toere traineb bp like babes imtier tlje mfcipline atm mttytyiy of tlje lato* <&o bee fyojt, all ^ankino(after tlje maner of one onlp man)batf) fcis birtb3ljis CljiMjcboIers,U)bitb (to fpeakerigbti Ip) cannot fomte one rigbt letter teitljout a fample : tberefoK 6on gaue bs tbe ialo U)^itten;ann tbere remapneb at Icaftnnfe fo mur I) confeience inbs all, as tbat none of bs coultrfapbut it toas mott rnf!, Ji^euectbeleffe, itmas6onsteiU tbat toee fi;oulo trpe our ftrengt^ fo? a tpme in tlje Doing thereof; toberebp W percepueb itr tlje eno > tljat luee couto not atcepne tljereta^ like as tlje Cbilti tbat uiDeuecetfe OF CHRISTIAN RUICION. 58p mnetteretfc to follotte tljr Copte of 4 goon §>!muener,ann cannot attepne to tbe faflnomng of one letter arigfct,furtljerf©;ttlj tljan Ijte mattfer g utnetlj Ijts Ijano* 3c lengclj came (Sons grace tyougljt bp 3!efuS Cljjtff, toben our accufation (3i meane tbe accufatton of all $g)anftpnn ana fpectallp of tlje Cljurd) ) toas mane ami coneltturn botlj b? Mature ann bp tlje &atoe tlje 3interp?eter of Mature, antr tljat fo apparantlp , as none cftisi can nenpe but tbat be nefeructlj fcerp great ptmtfinnentjnoj anp of is fap tljatfjeneferuetljanp re* fcmro at tlje Ijann of tlje euerla&ng ®on,\a Ijofe retoatn being pjo* pojttonable (if 31 map fo terme it) to tlje gtuer.,camiot be but euer* iafting^o tfjen, Mature Ijat-d mane man reante to recetue p lata; tlje latoe batb mane turn reaote to tmbiace gracetann ca& foln reante to htt eyecuten : to tlje mtent tbat fttclj as peril!) ujou!& acknotolengeljis 3!ufttce5 $ fucb as arefauen fijoulo acknotoleng* ijis onelp grace m 3iefus (Son ann ^au , tlje onelp g>autour ann Kenomerof sgankpnn* 9meu* The xxxij. Chapter. That Iefus Chrift was and is GOD, the Sonne ofGOD,a- gainft the Heathen. f)to tljen,toeeljattt 3I*foS Cfytft furfj a one as lj& toas pjomifeounto bs tn tfje S)cripture^,namelp (Son ann Span, tlje ^eniatour ofmansfaluatton,(as faprfj zTm.i< <§\Paule ) manifeften tn tlje fteuj, cruet* fien by tlje Iewes , pjeacben to tlje Gen* tyles , beteuen on tn tfce toc?!n, ann ta* kenbp Into glo^'e* 9nn fo?afmucb as 3! Ijatte atreatue patten tlje tretoneflfe ann inumenclTe of tbe S>crtptures5ann tljat accojning to tljem tlje 3pe* aiatottr teas to be fudj a one as 31efus toas:ljere 31 mtgbt make an enn of tijts tuojlt; foj t^e cocMon follotoetlj of tt fettle Scrip* S)o 2 ture# jpo OF THE TRBVVNE^ tureg are of (Sou ; 3[n tfjemtoe Ijaue founD 3iefusi to 6c tfje QpetTu aeube ^peniato^ ano ttjeHeDeemer of fl&mkpnD ; tberefoje tt for* lotoetb tljat toe ougbt to receiue bim fo? fuel) a one,atu> to imfyact bis! ooctcine toitl) all our beart* dpatobert to take all caufe of Doubt from tlje fymtyn , let te fljetoe tbem pet further , tljat 3!efus i$ <£od tljefonne of a^untbout t\yz tettimonie of ttje ^captures* Sfo) it map be, tljat altijouglj $ep totll not bdeeue 3!efug to be be- vy (Son bp meaner of our ^captures , pet tljep \uiii Irelaue our S>r riprures to be of ®2DD-in feerp Deeoe, toben tljep fljall fe tljat 3jefu* t«s (Son 5 toljote commmg Ijatlj bznz Declares fo platnlp aim fo long afrneljanD m our &>crtpturcsi3ttt to begin toitball, let to# call to mpno tljig faping of Porphyrias 5 That Gods prouidence hath not left mankind without an vniuerfall cleanfing, and that the fame cannot be done but by one of the beginnings, that is to wit 3 by one of the three Perfones or Inbeeings of Gods ei&nce. 3nn Itftetoife tljefepopntg toljirf) 3! Ijauepjouez* alteaDp , namelp ,. Cbat mm te createn to Itue fo? euer t %W bp f)te cojrupttonlja is falneftom <&od$ fauour into bte Difpleafure, ano confeauentlp ejcclutseo from tljat blefleDneg : <<£ljat to tying Scnrm fauour ageine, a speDiatojmufttfep i>vtoljo muftbeman, tljat be map fudeine tlje Deatlj toijicl) mankind bad; DeferueD ; anD urelp as tijc ifteDtato? ramefen tlje Gentyles as tocflagi fo? NombC2 2 and t{jr Ie^es5 $& fe to fap foj all men : fo tt fljoulo feeme tljat tCr 23°m Gentiles IjaD fome mcltng thereof reucaleo to tbem from <&©Dr ongen in his tbattljcp migbt prepare tljemfeluess to recetue Ijtm, 3!ntiie s&crip^ 1 3 .Homily vp titrc toe reaDe of a pjopfjet nameD Balaam, toljo pjopljefieo plain* cTrifoCftom in ,? CIt0U^ of CtyiH^nD fome auntient toittersi fap tl;at l;i^ )ftto* his fecond Ho" Pbefie^ano tbe piopbede of one otfjer nameD Seth^cre kept in tlje miiy vpon the €aoulD be tl;e La£hntius.i;b. fonueof (0oD,be bo^ne of a ZXvcgm, benameD Jefus, tuoo^e mt* 4,caP.6. racle^be crucifieD bp tlje Iewes^be rapfeD agerne to glo?p3come m t\)Z OF CHRISTIAN RELIGION. J$t tfyt eifte to tuoge botb tbe qutcke ano tbe nean , ana fo fcojfb ; ana tbat,(tobicb t0 a greater matter) m fuel) tennaMnn toitb fucb par* tteularitteM* ft feemetfc to be $ terp ©ofpel turneo into terfe,a$ tbougb ®oo &au meant to utcec litss mill erieg mo?e mamfeuip bp tbem to tlje Gentiles, cljan be bao none to tbe Xewes , bpcaufe tbe Gentyles bao not bene inureo to p beauelp ootfrme anp long time afojebano , ant? namelp to tbe bope of tbe R&nmtu fltoo as; fo? tbem tobtcb tbmke tbofe bakes to baue bene counterfetteo in tbofe Sibils name^furelp tbep map mo?e eafclp fap it tban pjoue it-7 but 31 pafffc not greatlp fo? tbat* fo} ( a* Suetonius Tranquill us re* Suetonius* pojtetb ) tbe Cmptrour Auguftus mate tbem to bee lockeo tip m ^j^La* ttoo Cofecg ofgoio,at ti>eftoteoftbe3mage of Apollo on mount su§ ** Palatine tn Rome , \ntyxz it loasS baro fo? mtn to baue falfifpefc tbem,9no in tbetpmeof Origen,of Clemen t of Alexandria5am* of luftine tbe Sparttr , tobtcb toag not long after tbe pjeacbing of t^)t apolHesf; tbofe booker teere atyste in tbe tuo?(o3asi appeared by tbe oifcourfeg of Gelfus tbe Cpicure , tubo faptb in teete tbat tl)t^ twere counterfet, but bee pjouetb it not* 9lfo tbe ©nperout Confbntine in a certeine ©fatten of big> tmtneifttb tbat bee baa fen ano reao tbem,ano referred tbe ©entiles of W time to tbem* Wtll it cannot be oenteo tut tbat tbere toas at leafltuife fome fucb like tbmg* tf o? Cicero inW b©keg *f piuutatcon tD?ttetb tbefe ciceroin fta? too?Od5Letvs obferue the bookesof Sibyll. We mull: namevs firflbookeof fome King,if we will Hue in fafetie.^nu ]>tt all men knotoe boto x>iuination> batefull a tbtng tbe name of ifting tua^ botb to all tbe Romaines ano to Cicero btm felfe* SIfo be maketb mention of Sibils Acro- fticke,tbatts to fap , of ceitepneberfes of btrs &bofe firlt letter* mane tbe name ofrfjat Ring , of tobtcb fo?t toee baue fome in tbe etgbtb bofcz of tbe sibyls; thereupon be conriutetb^tbat tbep baa a fauna ana toel fetlea mpna^o?eouer3tbe €mperour Conftan- tine afftrmetb, tbat Cicero baa tranflatea t^t bmkt Sibyll of Eri- thra^ tbat Antonie tooula baue baa it abolt(bea,31u tbefe booked it toag fapa,|> as femte as tbe Romanes baa fet tbe Smg cf ^Egipc agatne tn btss State , bp ana b^ (Tjoulo bee bojne ti)t M\$ of t%z tobole U)o^lne» 3nO tberefo^e Cicero touting to Lentuius tobo Cicero in his fetoefc to baue tbat cbarge ; notb mention tbyls * bccauft *&*? uioultr cJS! agam mt to&b c^r ff®D toMW ^aue beteeuea ourS; anD atfb to a former clement in pjoptjefieof one Hiftafpes^bicb fpakeplainlp of tbe comming of ftrom; tbe fonne of ®oo into tbe toojlo, aim of tbe confpiring of an king* Domes ageintf !>im ano ljis* 3no tbercfoje all tbofe baokes toere fojbiooen bp tl>e Speatfjen €mperours3bpon pepne of oeatb* 'But ©00 of Ijts toonoerfull pjouioence batr pjouioeo foj tbe Valuation of tbe <£entpte,bp Mattering tbe Jetmfl) nations toitfrthfir brck* ano pjopijettcs,into ailtbefotaer quarters; of tbe 2Bo?io ; botobe* it tbat toe reauenot of anp otljer Linage 0? Ration to baue bene fa fcattereo tettljout lofmg tbeir tptles,tbeir brakes, tbeir name, anfr tbe fcerp knourieoge of tbeir original; tobicb pjerogatiuc tfce lewes |i vo ft* wtent tbep fljoulo bee pjeacbers of tbe comming of tbfr speoiatoj, anotottnertesoftbeantieacb,toerc reaop nottoitbl! anting to ope fo? tlje truetb ^ founn* aeffeof t^e bajkes ttbereinljeujas fo^eftetoeB, fojetoftj,anofoje» ^omifeODntotbemat all tpmes *t jfurtbnrmoje, tbattbis^tinj p^omifeu b^ tlje ipjopbetes ano tbe Sibyls,0)OUlD oeliucr tlje tain ofgoot) Ipfe to tbetoljole too;tft,Cicero ftemctb to baue bao feme BnoerfonM'ngfbotofoeuer be came b^ it)o? els 3 canot tell tubers lo -a fyouto applp tljis gwulp fentence of Iji* m \)i# tijtr^ booke of &0 CF CHRISTIAN RELIGION,' 50J U* Commontoeafo Soothly the very Lawe in dcede (faptb &e) is right reafon^fhed into all menjConftant^euerlaft ing , which calleth all men to their duetie by commaunding,and frayeth them from fraud by forbidding ; which yet notwithstanding neither biddeth norforbiddeth,in vayne to the good,nor by bidding or forbidding moueth the bad. From this lawe may nothing betaken , to it may nothing be put, neither may it be wholy abrogated. Neither Senate nor Pope can difchargc cictt0 .ft w vs of this Lawe , neither needeth there any interpteter or ex- ^^ tookc of pounder thereof to make it playne . There (hall not bee one his Common-. Lawe at Rome,and another at Athens ; one tooday,and ano- wcalc. ther toomorrowe : But one felfefame Lawe being both euer- jnLaaantiug lafting and vnchaungeable , fhall conteyne all Nations and ,6x3? * at all tymes ; and there (hall be but one common may fter and commaunder of al^euen God.He is the deuifer,the difcuffer, and the giuer of this Lawe; which who will not obey,(hall flee from himfelfe as if he difdeined to be a man; which dooing of his muft needes be a fore punifhment vnto him , though hee were fure to fcape all other punifhments. fflityo feetb not Ijere, tljat tbis ^)eatben man efppeD, tljat all lators of man arc but toa* iutie,anu tijat be looker* tbat (Sod ^emfcife (boulo come openip i\u to tbe llgbt of tfje toojlo, to gfue a g ooo latoe to 0$an&inl> % Moto, Slefus Ootlj mamftftlp gusen t^td la tucacaufing it to be pufcitfyeB bp \}iz 9poHieg>anti cfoeir uopce founoco to c&c w term ott bounds of tbe car tb. 9un foj p joof bereof,Uib at i& moje eonuement ana mate foj man in rf;e movement of coufcience, tftan to Iouc (Son tottlj a!! U% beart ariD all (j is feoule ; ant) Ijts neighbour as bimfclf * tobicfc pet notbutbftantimg Dot!) mo je furmcunt our abtlttie to perfojtme, ano moje ucuu? ap our CG^uptcon,ano mo?c con&cmne totacfoc uct is in 133 of our o tone , cljan ootfj tlje llatoc it fclfc bmricr fallp in ail mankind ©n tbe contrarie part, tofjat fino toe in all trje toji tin $$ of tbe llpcatbcmbttt a Cptrclingbertue,ai«! a teaching to cloke Wee, ftac is to fap ffpipoerifie *t lfr\t as; tbts latue is berilp of ©oo , fa ietbsfeetobetber tbe bjtnger thereof bee ©oo. 9no3!befeecb aH U)o?iolp t»i& mcn,not to bearken tot to nice bp ba{ue£,n0$0 Iooke Upon tbings at a glaunce,(foj 31 come not to oalp toitb tbem:)but to pain ma botb tbeir earc^ann to toke toiltlp,? to beno all ci;ctr laics anuifeblp : foj tbe merer tbep Iooke bnto $ matter,? tbe moje acltberatlp tbepconOoer of it; tbe fooner toill cljep pcelo to out totoiuw to c&e tmnoubtea truetb,pea 9 as to btr? nature it fetf* iDo 4 3lefu$ 5P4 ° * THB T K E VTT N E S jfce proae- %c(a# tljetefoje fe bojne m tbe little Countrie of lewrie fubtie* Km-domof toct) ^ ^c RomairesXp»?*parcnt*,ma Tone 2Mage,t>etfitute icfusbeyond of frfenw **& of aUtmnloip belpes , aittr pet toasi be to be €mpe* nature and a^ rout of t\)t lubole toojl&3to ofiue tfec Lato to tbe &ljoleto02lo* let gcinftNature. ^g fee tbe pjorriflrinj of tings emperour $ of bi£ €mppje* Amend (faptb lje)and beleeuc the Gofpelhfor the kingdomc of Hea- uen is at hand.3]f xot coitfiueu tbe maieftte of t!je Romaine Cr\u pp?e3tbe eloquence ano learning oft^c great Clerks, ano tbepjio* of tljc <§>opbiite *&& O:ato^ of tbat tpmejtobat greater fontmefle coulo tbere be to all feemmg,tban to talke after tijat maner*: eafja toaultmotijauetbougbt foilpbotb inCbiiftanDin bte 8poftle0 ftn tbeirpieatljing fotfi5ut toljat at>fcetljl;e*:Whofoeiier wil come into this kingdoms let him forfake goodes,father3moother, wife.children, yea and himfelfe too ♦ And let him take vp his CroiTe and followe me. Let him thinke himfelf happie that he may fuffer a thoufand miferies for me , and that in the end he may dye for my names fake . cl&bat matter of pnmk&ges are tbefe 33 befeeeb pott, to tya&e people into tbat tungoome * lU\)at a Ijope id it foj tbenr tbat ferue bim ano \)i$ perfoaGo^but nifiioaftone;1; £Bbat fap toe to a frieitn tobom toe tuznz fronrfome otber man,but tbtt*; efcljetoe tljat mans companie , fo? pe tyaUbaueuotbing toitb ijmt but trauell ano ttoubleV9tu> tobat toojfe mils tbe Serieft enemies of W noctrme fap,tban beljimfelfe fapn^Sifo tn!;at a faping of \)i$ toa$ tfcfe to §>♦ Paule a man of reputation among tbe ipijan'Oe*, anu greatlp implopea aftne in following p too?Jo? I wil (hew thee how great things thou haft to indure for my names fake?9ntr jet nottmtbftanfcing y tobat a fouepne djatuige infetoetr, from ap< pjebenoing ano imp?ifoning,tobee app^euBeo ann tmp^rfoneu^ from being a 3!uoge,tobetobtppes ana fcourge&Pftom Honing of steers to beatb> to offer Ijtrnfelfe from Citieto €itit to bee Atones fo? tbe name of 3!etev piutark in the let bg beate on d)e contrarte part tfje bopreof a too?Mp €on= fcyingsofthc querout ♦ Whofoeuer will followe me(fsptb Cyrus to tbe Lace- Kingsofold demor£ns)if he be a footman,I will make him a Horfeman: *?"*• if he bee a Horfeman , I will giue him a Chary ot : if he hauc a Manor J will giue him aTowne:if he haue a Towne,I wil giue him a Citierif he haue a Citie,I will giue him a Countrie: and as for GoId,he fhall haue it by weight,and not by tale. £23bat &itot$ te t&m bettoane t^e fpeec^ecc of t&efe ttoo ^onarkejs , anu muc& OF CHRISTIAN ItELIGtON. fpy fcittcb mo?e bettoane rtjeir Conquefts *: 3nn tberefoje tobat com* pacifcm can tbcre bee betlsit^t tbe Conquerours tbemfelues*: ^Dbts Cyrus as great an^ruperour as be toas,cou!n not baue tbe Lace, demoniaus to ferue bint fo? all bis great offets3ut 3!efus being pco^abtcct, ann tonregarnen,nin bp W rigojous tb?eats3euen af- ter bis oUm fuflfering of repjocbfull neatb ann bis manacing of trjt like to bid fol!otoei;s,o?atoe all people ann jUation* unto fiim3azio not onip oulopers3but alfo <£mperourSjno? onlp Cittcs,but al* fo tobole €mpp?es*Cyrus npcD in conquering;ann 3iefus couqur* ren bp nping.'Cbe neatb of Cyrus nccapen W otonekingnome,ag a dome toitljottt a ftule:Ti5ut trje neatb of 3|efus inlacgcn bis king-* Home cuen otter tbe €mpp?es* 3nn boto couln tljat baue *ene,buc tbattbcneatbof 3lefuStoas tbe Ufe of all €mpp?es anoallEings Homes ? SUbo feetljnottben, tntbemigbtinc(reoftbeone,abu* mainetoeakenclTejano in tbetoeakenelfeof tbeotber, aniuine migbtineflft 2£*ee toconner at tbe Conquetf s of Alexander. 3tn> tobp *: ^ecaufe tbatbeeingbutameane!RmgofMacedonie3be paficn into Afia^nn conquered it \nit\) fo?ttetboufannmenannna moejpao be carpen a b«no?en tljoufann toitb bta^toe toouln baue Ian tbe leflfe ettimation of bis neenes ♦ TBut boto mucb greater ac* count toouln toe baue mane of bint, if be ban none ittoitb balfe bis mtmbct^nn ban be none it toitb tbe tentb man,© boto toe toouln |jaue toonneren/ 3nn if toee mane a (Son of bim fo? conquering to>r tobat r)i\xm bono? toouln toe tbink futficiet fo? bn*t ttotott 9t leafe toife tobo toouln not baue tljougbt butt , if not a (Son , pet ( at tbe Ieaa)aiTiffcn toitb tltf potoer ann migbt of ©jDD * ^ut ban tbefe feouloiers ottercome tbeir enemies bp being beat? at tbeir banns* &an tbep conqtteren b^ caufing tbemfelues to bee killen ; ban tbep fcjougbt Kingnomes in obenience bp fubmitting tbemfelues ta tbeir (Stbbets x ban it not bene a crpme to baue left tbem tontocs?* fyippen fo? trarp of anotber ann b)> anctljert ffittbtcb i* as mucb to fap5as tbat %t ii of infinite potoer^able to fill top tl;e infinite niftancx tbat is b& mkwt $$6 OF THI TRIYVNE5 tiarime eontratiejsumi fpcciallp bettocene nothing aim fomttbm& JQotD , let &g fee tobat 3!efu$ batb Done ; ami let w b?mg twrtj Dec tfje lame epea ana tbe fame reafon , tobicb teee ntn to tfce tu&gm j ann mfcerning of tbeJ£)iffo?ie of Alexander. jffcff,ourLop3e« fuja! toag bo?ne nettitute of al too?Mp belpg* jf torn ten to tentbotfc famuno from tcnrijoufami to ten millions , men noe attepne : but tobo can attepne from notbtng,to fo ^uge a tbingt^e toag accom* panpe& bp a fetoe ignorant jrtibermen of grofle toiu 3no pet i* it no fmalt matter £ be coulo caufe tfjem to gitie oner rtjetr ^raoe ta fofloto bmu^at tobat 3inftrumcntg toere tt^ep to make pjeacber* to tbe tobcle toojfybeingratber cleane contrary to fuel) a purpofe? 3nto to incuurage tbem,l)e fapeg Unto tbem: Bleffed are ye when ye indure all maner of aducrfities for my names fake . djfc tao bene enougb to baue n?iuen tbem atoap , ann pet tbep follouie tmuStleRgft, fee fennetb tbem of ambalfageto al jQation$;3nD Inbat toag tbeir mefTage? He that taketh not vp his Crofle and followeth me,is not worthie of me ♦ Mljat fe \)Z tbat toouto at tW *fy tafte fucb a cbarge upon tym , no tbougb be toere toeU re* tnar&en fo? b# labour? They ftiall whippeyou in their Synagog faptb be*&Hbo tooultj tmocrtakc to neale in fucb a cafe*: S>pertatt? Ijppon fucb a perfooadon as tbfe 5 Bee that will faue his life (hall lofe it ? 3)n tbe enae,be npetb* 9m> boiirtCrucifien benaeene ttuo %^mz<& ♦ Cbofe fetnefoflotoerg of bts are at tbeir tote enu ♦ $e leauetb neitber Cbfltyen no? feinffblke bebmne bim to upljoloe bfe Sflie fcmgtjome ♦ %\)z fcingnome of l^eauen tbac be ban talkcn of, feemetb to bee burpeo in tbe eartb ♦ 22tbat teojtolp iungnome ban not perityen in tbfa pligbrt^oto longm'B tbe tbjone of Alexander reigne 3 no ttmtbff anmng tbat it toas apbtla fritb tbe bope of fome Cbitojen , teitb t^z policie of great Captepnetf , toitb tbe fojee of tuttojious armies, ano toitb tbe berp terrour of W name? 3!it tbe meanelobile,tbofe Gllte S>b^pe of Ctyitt came togetber,ano toft ano p^earfjeo to Hierufalem, anti aftertwam to an tbe toojto* 3no lobat p?eacbcn tbep^bat 3[efu^ ban bznz crucificn,ano tbat it be* boueti tljcm to beleeue m bim ♦ 3lf be toa$ a man •, tobattoas mo?e tjapne *t 3if be toag a ©on ; torjat toas mo?e abfuro<: ^et nottoitb* ttanohtg 3 if tbep map bane awrience , tbep teacb men to fuffer fo j ftim:if tbep be (but out,tbep toffl ratber ape tban fo?beare to fpeafee of btmtano if tbep bee accufei fo? it>tbep p?eacb tbeir crpme before tbeir 3Iungegs ♦ ^aIefacto?si are tojmentea to make tbrm tzll tbeic faulty ann t\)eft are tojmenten to make tl^em to conceale it ♦ ®bofe %0iD OF CHftl&TTAN PJUCIOM, f$J fioln tbetr peace , to faue tfcemfelueg from neatb ^an& tfcefe ape foj fpeafung^betr perfecutojtf crpe out , to^at a miferie fe tbfe,tbae toe cannot ouercome an oto man, oj a tooman *t tobat a fyame is it foj tj2f,to be moje toearie of tormenting tbero, tban ttie? bee of tbe tojmmts *:5>£t notimtbftamnng,m leffe tban fojtie peered f toojfa fe ftllcn fulfof tbitf ootf rine , ano tbe Countries are conquered to 3|efus C!)?tftbpt^ofefetoeDtfctples;p?eacl>mgIjtsi blt«rfl)eoan& {beaming tljett otnne , from Hiemfalcm to Spayne , pea am> from Hier ufalem to tbe Indyes . 3nO Icofce bp tobat meaner tljtef king* Home is faunoeu , bp tlje fame alfo is it ffablifyea ., am* from tpme to tpme mrreafeo ana matntepnea ♦ d2*bat man (if be fcnotoe boto farre man can ejcten&)ran attribute tbefe tbtngs tmto man* tyiz tjS ©oo(faptb a torife man) tobicb &otb tbat tobicb no creature can uot 3nn mbo euer oia fucb tbtnggf eitber afoje 3|efug oj after fetmYSfc fo Ariilotle faptij , tbat of notbtng can noting bee mane : tbat itt neeoe is a ruleiu nature* TBut tnbat ete are tbefe uomgs of Cfytff,. but a making not onlp of fome tbmg,but alfo of p greateft tijingtf, af notbmg'r&nti &bo can folate o? ouercome tbe latoe of nature* frut onlp betbat createo nature** jftoto ©oo fpake tbe toojo, ano it iaag aonettbte furpafletb nature/But to&en 3|efug faptb,He that doth not take vp his Croffe and followe me, is not worthie of me : to our Sefblp to!Oerftam>ing it fa as* mucb as if be Iboulo fap, Flee from me-,an& yztxnzn follotoe bim,ano feefcebtm^lje too?& (lap 31 ) to'ncb foere enough to ojtue b$ attrap , ajatoetb its Jmta fcimtbp tnflbatiing5b* perflnanetb twS: in turning b* atoap3be tur* netb 5j?3 to btmtta tbjoitmng b$ &otone5be fettetb bs bpi ano in M* ling Mjbt mafcetb us euerlafting ♦ aim b^ toljtppeur, fione&3racke&5 rrucpfiea oj burner ®je cruelteft €mperour$,a$ Caligul^Nero^omitianjanli fuct) ot&ecg, to^ougljtbpon rtjem tljecbtefeneetieisof tfret'r cruelties* 31f anp oftljofeCmperourjS tljatmceo to bee moje mteb, © tofcat 3Juftice bfe& be ? jfo^ftatb^If they bee not fedicious, (fap tijep)let them not be fought. But come they once in Queftion, wherefore foeuer it -be;k t thent not efcape. 31 toouto fapne learne tobat feet of $>f)ilofopl)er$ m all Greece, taoulo not baue ceaffen at #eleaff commatmoement of a spagiftrate* 3na of &bat truetb feoe toe ffnae anp monuments of Conquers ouer all tbe toojlo ; but of tf>e truetb of 3iefifa Cfr?t(ft 3If pe Ijaue an tpe to?olicie;t^ofe tft&fSlbtoeB Ijim toere e^cluoen from all promotions ano offices: 9nti toljat a Ijell is tljat to a man of an ambitious nature^ljeir Cbiltyen toere pjofjibite* to goe to fecljcole:anti toljat toas tljat but a cutting up of t^t tree b^ $ mtz> tf tt (jau not grotoen b]> grace from Bpeauen \ 9lfo certepne cotm- tetfet Dtalogs,fojget> concerning pplate attn C\)}i% full of lute- fees Ipes am blafpbemies, toere iniopneu to bee reaa tn S>cba)les, ami to be conneo of CljilD?en b^ baryo Ctepne t&e name of 3iefus, ann to make tt odious ano lotbfome to all men foj euet\ 9nn tol; AC mo?e perntctoug poltcte coulo tbe Deutllt tmfelft baue Deutfeti^ ^e le^es ttjo^re tban all otljcrss , (ta Uiljom nottattljftanDinff Ije \j9is p^omtfen ) \»ere falfc ^Lrapto?s ro btm -, ana tobcreas tljcp G)3ulD baae pjeacljetj btm , tljcp titomote eacrerlp accufcijtm ,• info- mttcbe tbattljerc fcarflp came anp of bis sDifctirtcg into anp totone, but tbat tbep maue l?m anu crpctoppon bim to mumcrtim. if^ap (tobtcb motets) in euerp fcucrall perfone tbere luas an tntoaru m« couttter,anD aneweamereCttauce agemttt^jS^op* gca ? [fapti ©•F CttftTSTIAS RELIC lO^; ?p£ mw tottbtntljcmfelues] 0>*U 31 beleeue m %c(u^ 9ta abiect man* 3t crucifteo ®ob *; &>bal 31 beleeuebis Difctples, tlje offcouringa af tlje saSojlo, anb tfce outcafts of tlje lewes ? g>ljall a beleeue in limfo^a ttuo ojtljjee &apes3toleauebeljinbmeaU)?etdjeb topfc,* repjodjefull rememberanceof mpfel^anu tberepo>t of a fooletoo mp poaeritie ^t 3if tlje emperours mabe fo crueil toatre ageinft tljis Doctrine boclj bp fUJOjjD ano bp c%etr Latfles-,tt)e map toell com lecture taljat S&arre euerp man mapntcpneb ageinft it in Ijimfelf* $Jnb if toe Ijaue knotoen toljat perfection is,lct bs &ere betljinfc bs sf tfce battells bettoeene tfce fleflj anb tlje fpiritjanb oft&e Ipttelp am> 0jarpe arguments tolncl) a man itttljat tare makctlj ageinll Ijim* felf* jj^ottoicljffanDmgaHtWSjincijeenu toboie Rations peel&ea iljemfelues to tlje too^D of tljofe men,an& zwzn Cmppjes toojflrip* peD3lefus€lj?ifrcrucifieb* 31* wafentITcU)]iougIjtUji^;tobptiiu »ot fojce get tlje upper banb V 3If folp ; tuljp did not torifoome trp* umplj ouer djem V3If manljob ; toljp bib not multitude pjeuaple^ J2o furelp,ic bjasi 3!e(us tlje fonne of ®ob,to&o repapjrb tlje taojlo fepljisfptritas<0oblja& createbicattbefirft bpljisttojtb* Cicero coulb not tooonber pnouglj at Romulus , fo? tljat (fapetljlje) in a timz toljiclj toasnot rube,fje &ab eompaffeb fo mud* as to be callers & ©on* 3n& certcfle 31 maruell at Cicero,tljat 8e fyetoeo tjimfelf fo grofle in tl>ac beljalf, fo} if Ije mere calleb a (frob^bo euer belee* »eo \)im to be fo Y3nb toljat toas Rome at tljat tpme , ano a long; tpme after,buc a roue of ipc^w^anb ftllp &ljepberbs4t,But tljere* &p wz map beeme ,, toljat iubgrnent Ijee tooulb Ijaue giuen fcpp o\v 31efu$* Romulus tnas calleb a ®cb ; but tfje Senate belceueo it not* ©je Senate bio put tlje people in fcare, anb bp tljatmeanea mane tljem to Tap itj&at all tlje toljole €mppje of Rome coulb not ftare one Dtfciple fromp?ofef(tng of 31efus^ COljat refemblance t^en isi tljere bettoeene tljem ttuo ?%\)t fame map be fapn of Alex- ander as create an Cmperout aslje toasr, \xfym Ije ma^e men to§ tooo^Qjip Ijtm m (0ob.jTo^ euen tljen bib Ijis armp fall to mutinies., %z loll l)i& equation, ^ btdepneo \)i$ bicto^ies,^ Ijis omne ljo\wfe« ijolDfcruants lucre contentebtm be beaten rather cfjan tljeptoouto knale botone to toa^ujip ljim*9nb affbjCaligulajDomitian^He- Kogabalus, aimotl)cr8 , t!;ep tocre laugljeb to tko)nz as long as tl;ep liueb; anb tl>ep toere not fo fobne beab 3 but tljcir (Sou^eaD^ la?reb?aa:geb in tlje mp?elphebotr^ , anomen bcutfafeo tftem not fb mud) as; a Eumb to be burpea im T5ut loljat Tap pee to 3!t* ^toljabeina befp jfeb all l;is ipfetgme3&jaj3 tocojujippcu as 0ou after COO OF THE T ft E- VV N 8 $ after Ijfoneatlj ? COljofc ©onbean his Difcfpleg pjeac&e ettcnfcpi pontljemckc,anDiuijomtl)el)crp€mpfroursTiberius3ano An- toninus , anDAlcxanderljonojen intbeir ijartsamJto)oojfl)ippe& as; ©on intbeir pjiuicljamberB*; 3nn in toljat time4: g>urelp in clje iearnennetf tpnie tljat euer toag, ann tu tlje full flowing date of ftnotolengc in all arte, f kills, annfeiencea: tuljcn Rhetoryk,Lo- gicke,aan all Tj-JljilGfopbie lucre at tfceir pjpne; ann at fuclj time as Magikannallmanerof curious fcicnccsftaD tljeirfullfcope ant) toere at tljeir Ijpgljeft pitclj* 3tf tre tie tooojQjippen fo? Ijis toifoomr; Uoljac a nomber of graue 5§>enaeo?s lucre tljere at tljat time** 3iffo^ learning ann Doarinej totfjat a nombcroflearneo men4; 3iffo$ Kicljcg ann parentage ; Ijoto uxmin tfjofe greate men Ijaue perinea to fuclj an ofau*.?3lf fo? W gtUleffeneatb5toljp not otljers? alfo,of fo manp vuljtc Ij p?earljcn btm ann foilotocn ijtm*: 9 no tobp toas net Gabinius tooo?fljippen fo to,being a Cicifen of Rome , a man of honour, annmuutflp crucifies infeJbofebeljalf Cicero uttered all tljegoonlpeloquencetljatljeljan? j3ap furelp, tljep fatoefuclja cljaungeint^etino^fofoiieine/ogreatejaniifoljniuerfaHjtljaC tljep coulo not impute it to anp 0 tljcr tbing , tljan to tlje p otocr ann operation ofljim tljat ruletb tlje toojto, tiBljofeitipg&tp potter tl;ep p crcepueu in 3efu^ ^^1 ^bat t&is fo futstretn turning of jftattom? to tooo?fijip a man-, of proceeding of Cmperoura to reuerence rep?oclje,ann of toife men to bauefollp(a* cnriftesKing. fapetlj &>*Paule) in admiration, fc uerie true : 31 toll take none o* dome. tijer \1utneffc0 tljan tbemfelue0«£2& teane in Suetonius ann Taci- tus, tljat tije name of Clj?iff toas ftnotoen in Rome , anu tb?oug&« sueton. inNc- out all Italy: tfo? tljep pcrfecuten tlje Cb?iftians a freu; contrarie ™- . ... to tlje euftome 0 f tlje Romanes -, infomucbtbat Nero mane tljem Taacus nb. 5. (0 bcpUt co ^eflau^tcrj asif tljepljan bin tlje autbo?g oftfce bur* mng of Rome , tobicljljeljimfclf ban caufen to be fct on fire* 3nB &e reanetljat in tfce fame ttme,tlje Senate mane certepne uecrae^ Tuoljercbp manp tboufanns of Clj?iftiang, infect en toitlj tbe3Ieti)ifl) ftiperftition,(fo? fo nil? tljep terme tbem bpcaufe tljep ban tbeir o?i* gmaU from tbe lewes ) toere bamujen into npuc rs Jlcs* ftBljiclj tbing tlje Senate toouln not Ijaue none,(confinering tljeiro?oina« rp maner of p?oceening in cares of Eeligion) if tlje lja(!ie increafe nf tljat fpirituallkingnome ban not puttljem in fenre*3nn hutbiu a toljple after, ive fee Ijofc) all tlje Cmperours mere amajen at tlji* flacking ofpeoiil.'togitljcrljnto tbe, fo? counfelljoto to ejtinguiuj e&at Doctrine; ann &010 firc^ mere Hinnlen a^cinJt t|>em on all One*; and OF CHRIST IAN RELIGION.' &>I anT»petbot»Battongncuertbclctretoere(!)ahcnat tbefcoice oftlje apoffles, anotbetoerie Courts of Winces tuitlj tf»etr legions of S>oulopers,toere mane to inclpne unto Cbjtft.&ufificicnt txtitncf* fes to&ereof be tbelatoesoftbat age ; tubemn ittoas tnactcxi tljac tbe ^torajOgirDie of a feouloper (boulo not bee toenne of anp Cbjittiam tbat tljcp n>ouIt> not beare anp office oj Ijaue anp cfoargE in tlje Com^ana fucb otber. Stab Vlpian tbe latoper titn bimfdf to^tte fotoer bcohes ageinft tbe cb?ifftanstano trttelp toe reaoe tbat a greate manp gaue oucr tbetr cljarge^tat^er tban tbci toouto fcn* Take t^e Cbjiffen faptb* $9o?eouer in tlje tpme of Marcus Aureli- xiphilusin the us,tbere teas a legion tbat toascaUe&tbelegion of Malta,tuljtcl) lyfcof »i: Au- luas altogidjerof Cbjiftians; of tobic& legion bee feritneffetb to a £,rus- ^ f cmeine eptftle of ljis,tbat being bpon a time bjougfce to utter WC M Amdiusia treOe bp tl>e Marcomanes , tbte legion obtapne* bp pjaper bstb thc Apologia Cbanuer from fipcauen agetnft tbe enemie,ant>lRapne toberetomb of iuftine. to refrefb tlje toijole armp^bmupon tbat legion taas aftetuiaro T«jflfan m railes tfce Cbmfterer* 3m> tftere foje faietb Tcrtu llian in bis &po* hls APoloslc* JoglClr as many of vs as be Chrillians fhoufd get vs away fnta fome corner of the world-, ye would woonder to/ee how feaw people ye (hould haue remayning toyou,& ye Giould be fayne to feeke other Cities to commaundjor rather you to flee away out of hand and too hyde yourfelues; for yce fhould haue mo cnemyes than Citizens left ye. We haue filled now whole Ci- ties , Hands and Caftles ; Counfelles , Palaces , and Courtes j Trybes,Legions, and Armyes. What warre were we not able inough to vndertake,if we lifted? And what is it that we might not bring to paffe, dying fo manfully and fo willingly as wee do>Nay,theLawe of our warre teacheth vs to dye.and not to kill, jfroto ti$at fctnguome euer bati fo greate increafe, in fo fbojt tpme ? 15ut (arfjtcb is a greater matter) tobae a ttjing is it to Ban* quity bp peelDtng , to be fureljcrcu b)> reeling , anti fo conquer bp aping \ Wiz reaue of tbe Cmperour Tiberiiis.tbat bppon a letter Ege%usin injitten to bim from Pilate reporting tbe miracks of Jcfutf 5 bis his Auaccpha- gilrtelTetreatb, anu bis rpfingagefn from tbe ucafr ; b? pjeferres a lcofls- bill to tlje Semite tottb bte alTent unto tt , to bane ban tbem pjo-- clapme 3ief«3 to bee ©on ; anti tbat tbe ©enaterefufeo it, becaufe tbep tbemfehtes \aere not tbe autbojs thereof •, but tljat Tyberius. abo&eftflim \)i$ opinion . 3m tberefcpon Tertullian faptb, Gee Eufcb looke vpon your Regifters and the Acls ofyour Senate : 91fo TcmUUanin Vdpafiantbefcourgeof tl;elewes , folate tbe Cbjtitiai^ t ar,?i hisAgolo ; Tr^J-' 6*02 OV TH.B TREWNEf plinic in his Traiane moderates t%t perfecittton, bpon tbe repojtiif tjjetr ftttro* Epifflcs. renciemaoc&nto Itfm bp Plinic. Marcus Aureliusljautng felt tfjc lmiusin Add* ^e rf t&MPW*1* 5tD tfce like « JLifietoife ntu Antonine, but ta an and Alex" anotljer enD:nameIp,becaufe that ( ag be bimfelfe ttnitetij m an e- andcr. piffle of fjijsi ) perfecution did ftablilh the Church of the Chri- Antonine the ftians. ^o bee Q)0^t3 Alexander tlje fomie of Mammea,&rt) in ijt'tf Empcrour in ei;appell too?0)ip 3!cfiisf fornameo C^ift , of toijom alfo be tiofte his to Ihcdtics *te * ^oeCe> antl ^mfo?e #* Antiochians calleo (jmt tije 3rri)s of Afia. P?t*ft of Syria.9no it is repojten tfjat fo? Cb?ilte fafce,tl>e Cmpe* Dion in the rour Adrian builoen manp ©emples ioitijout Imager jfmallp, lifeoftheEm- tbegort Cmperourg of Rome, Vefpafian^drian, Traiane, An- andeT tonitie tlje mate ana fuel) otfymtot} Cljjia in etf imation ami afc * rhe deuice fatoen of tfce Cfeiffians ♦ "But Ijoto farre ? Sutrelp a$ to acfcnoto* was this,Bo lenge tn tfreir bearte tljat tfjep tnere gcoo ann Jjoneft men, ann tfjac not to another Refuel Ijau mo?e in ijim tban toag of span ♦ *But pet foj all tfoig. If that which they beaccufed, (lap tljefe goon Cmperottrs) let them beepu- «o°t hl^ 'done ni^di if not,let them not be fought.CWs tjs a g©0 pjmfe ana tothyfeic anoyance of tljeir innocencie i but furelp it i$ but a flenoer reloefe fo? tijem « Contrarptoife, tljettucften €mperoursi Nero,Domi- tian^Valerian.CommoduSjMaximinejDeciuSjanO fuel) otljertf, connemneo tijem 5 annbp tbeir condemning: of tbemnin iulrifie t\)tm . jfoj toljat oin tbep euer allotoe.>but euilft "Butlobat manes of condemning te tbis ** Stfll all,buwe all,pea aftole Citie$5foaue no refpett of fejc,of age3o? of quautie*<§>carcelp ban tlje Chiang anp bjeatijingtime, but a neto counterbufFe came upon rlje againe; tbep toere no fconer from tfje torture , but tbep mult t© it agaute* 3no ^et (Sou tiin fo rule all things b^ fy* pjouioence, to tlje intent t\yz tobolz glo^ie in tW mittexit (boulo reoouno to btmfelf3ti)at tbe mieto sealing of tlje g©n €ntperour^ niti ino&tieiuftifie f truet^ iut pet nurd tfjep not aouattnee o? further iu loljereasi on tfje con- trary part^rije malice of tbe otljer fo?t conoemneti it ann perfecuteD ft to tbe bttermoiT,but pet cottlo tbep not neKrope it* ^o be (bo^t, tnfetoe pares! tljere paiTen tenljo^rible perfecutionjsbppont^at pooje Cfjurcb *, ano ptt tn tlje enn tlje €tnperour2( tljemfelucg fub- mttteotbemfeIueg( to tbe CrolTeof Cb?ift, ano tljeir Cmpp^ejS fougbttljeir welfare tljere.'Cljerefo^e toe map altoaies comeback to tbtjs popnt^Ijat lje3pea oitlp Ije Vubicb ficft createn tljetoo^lo of notbmg3tDben tfjeretoasi not pet airp tbtngtotaitbHanoIjim; fe a* fcle to recouer tbe Ujo?Ui from fitotfcan anti to fuboue it to Ijimfelf^ l»itl;out t^e fcelpe of anp tl;tng^eucn bp inftrument^ repugnant to tint, Of CHRISTIAN RELIGION. &Q$ %im,*m in befptgbt of tbe tnbofe toojlb bemring ftfelf ageinff Inttn ^ut tobat brill pe fap tf \)t fuboue,not onelp men, but alfo rijetr The abofi- <8obtf ? not onip tbe toojlo,but alfo tbe ;§>ouerepneg of tl>etoo?to; niingofthc 31 means tbe Diueijes xubtcb at tbat time belt! tbe ttxo?to bn&er tbetr Faifc Gods & #?mime1 Let bss reabe tbe 5>tfto?teg oftlje Greckes $ Romanes °lc^ * tljat toere afoje tbe commwg of Cbjtft ; an* uoljat (ball toee finb m tbem , but tbe gppjatle* anb SD^de* of Dtuete ? ftEibat ete baut Varro, Cicero, Titus Liuius.anb fucb others among tbe Ro- manes; 0} Herodotus,Diodoru$,Paufanias an& tbe refitJetoe a* mong tbe Greekes *: ©it tfje contrarie part toe fee, tbat euen euet fince €\)}itt toag bojne ana p^acbeu(tbe toojto b ^ea anb Porphirius btmfelfe ( fo? 31 allebgenone bene but tbe beablpenempe^af CU^iit ) teftearfctft ijjefcberfeg of.Apollo. tAlasye Tr btm tbe lad ffijacle, be an(totre& t&u*t Vn happy Treeftjinquire no more of met 'The onttermoft and laft, concerning the *Deuine "Begetter \or the onely deere 'Beloued Sonne of that moft mightie King, 5\£er of his Spirit Which vpholdeth all btp tmtl; btm ) a certeine bopce commmg from one of tbofe 3Ite£,t»btcb toe c^m to^Iare tbat tbe great Pan toa$ xreati , anobeteUetb tbat after tbte bopcefollotoea anbnfpeafcle %bmg,ana lamentations toitbout nomber* 2£tbtcb ffo?te ( faptb i}e)toa$repojte& to Tiberius tben Cmperour; tobo beetng ue& rou^ to f^noloe tbe truetb of tbe matter, cnqittreu toerp earnefflp iljeoptmona of ail tbeipljilofopbers, faHbat tbat great Pan (bouto fce.jftolnletba marke tbat tbfetoatf uone m $ reipe of Tiberius, &noer tobome Cb?tft teas crurifttn , ano tbat tbfe Pan toag one of tbe cb&f 3Nte of tbe Upeatben^ ajs app&retb bp tbfe W ®}Mlt in tbe btok^g of Borphiryus. The (foldenhorned Pan which femes thegrizjy 'Bacchus t ftalks AmongtheMoutainei clad WitkWo9ds>&- keepes his mnttctwalks* a* JUitark. OF CHRISTIAN RItlClON. rfoj 3iit Uofte Apollo anofuievcD bnto Diocletian , tljat The Rightu- ous made him dumb ; ant) fbe Ipjteft tolD Diocletian , tljat bp tbe Higbtuoua be meant tbe Cl)?t(ltanj2{. OOberebpon Diocleti- an fell to perfecting tljem*3lfo tlje fame Apollo tola Iulian(tulja toauto naoe* toaken Ijtmijpageme bp £omuratton0)t&atbee couto fap nothing ctll be ban ftrtt tftnoueft tlje boneg of Babylas * $®m?} of Cljjttta atoap,tobtcb toere an tmpemment to funntobW) 10 a* mucb to fap,a$ be coulo notopg bfe nioutl),but to pronounce tlje fentenre of con&emnatton agamft ljtmfelfe*$lno tljerefoje,lt is no maruell (faptb Porphyrius) though our Cities bee fmitten Porphyriusa- with the plague,feeing that Efculapius & the reft of the Gods gainft the areput fo farre from them. For fince the tyme that Iefus hath Christians. bene worfhigped, we haue taken no benefite by any of all our Gods . Cljen let tbte great 3pljilofopber tell me , toljetber 31efu0 be a S£an?ana tljep <&ow oj not £®bat maner of (Sods are tbofe* tobtcbfl)?mkeatDapattbep?efenceof aCpan *; anotoljatamante lje,tljat maketlj <6ot>oc0 to ijioe tijeir beaoa ? J5ap further, toftft a man 10 be tobate Dtfnple commaunuetlj tbett 3@atfter0 , $ tuljofe feruantrommauntiet^tbeir (^oDs^^tUpefeboto ttfe Rename of 3Iefu0 tnbweat tljev tremble,ano tofjicb tljep ffnurtioe fjttrr tlje trpail toljereto tbe Cb^lltan0 fubmtt tbemfelnes before tlje Gen- tylesLct a man(fattl) Tertullian)that is polTelTed in deed with Tmullianm a Deuill,bee brought before your ludgmentfeate; and at the his Apologic * commaundement of the meaneft Chriftian , the Spirit Cull fpeake,and confefTe himfelfe to be an vncleane Spirit. Let one of thofe folke be brought whom you thinke to be infpyred of a God;be it the fame God that promifeth you rayne.or beeit Efculapius that playeth the Phifition among you . If heedare lye before a Chriftian , or if hee confefTe not himfelfe to bee a Deuilljtake the Chriftian to bee prefumptuous , and let him dye for it out of hand . Now,none will fpeake bis owne (Lame, but rather that which may found to his honour . Surely they will not tell ye that Iefus is a deceiuer,or of the comon ftamp of men,or that he was ftolne out of his graue, as hath bin re- ported vntoyou:but that he is the power^the wifedomc^and the word of God-, that he fitteth in Jieauen , and that he (hall come to iudge vs-, and on the contrary part , that themfelues bee Deuilles, damned for their naughtineiTe,and wayting for his dreadfull doome5and that is becaufe that being afrayd of Chrift m God > and of God in Chritt, they yeeid to God and Pp 2 Chrift, 606 Of THE TREVVNBS Chrift3and to the feruants of God and Chrift . jppTertulIians. faping be true,tobat els is tl)is3but tbat Jefus comtnatibetb rtjem as flaues,pea euen bp l)i$ (truants': £)j if it be falfe,boto eaOe baa it bene foj tbe ©ratten to baue giuen btm tbe fople,bp putting tbe matter in p?orfY9tt> tobp hid tbep not put p Ctyiftians to (bame, tn tbe open face of tbetoojto? j®ap(faptfi La&antiusjwhen they offered facrifice to thejr Goddes , the prefence of a Chriftian would haue dafhed their miftcries: anb tberebpon came bp tljiS Lucian in his fpeecl)Ujbicb toe rea&e in Lucian : If there be any Chriftian here, Alexander* let him get him hence. 9nb tob? tbep affceb anp queftion of tbcic €>obS,tbeir fpeerb fapleb tljem: ana it toass as; eafie fo? a €\)}iftiim to b^tue Apollo out cf bis Riett o? 19ptbonefle,as to tyiut aDe- uill out of one tbarmaS pofleflcb ♦ dholulianbimfelfef as Zon% fiius oaretb notbenpe)founb bp p?©fe in bis {Jj£agicaltaojfts,boto Xurake bis <$o&s toere,anb boto (ftong Cb?itt is^ojeouer,fome curious Winces baucbp tfjeir Magicians caulealupiter, Nep- tune,Vulcane3Mercurie,Apolio,an& Saturne bimfelf, tbat is to fap, tbe Deuilles tbat becketi tbemfelttes toitlj tbeir names) to ap* peate:lttbtfb tbing tbep coulo neiiertaufeCl^ilt to iio,iuttb4iUtte Coniurations tbattbep bamanb tljatris becaufe ail tbofe 6cns of tbeirg lucre Deutlles,ouer tobom goon men bauepoboer bp cntm maunbing tbcm in t\)t name of laue0* 3ifo at tbe fame tpme tbat 3fefusrame, tberetoasfcarflpanp Countrie itrtbe toojlb , Habere tbefe Deuifles bab not men offeree o^btnaritpbnto tbem in Sacrifice, astoebnoerffanabp Porphy*- rius bmtfelfe,anb as 3! baue oerlareb betetofo?e*35ut in tbe reigne cf Tyberius,tbep toerefojbib&en in Aifricke,an& tbe^iefts tbat feacriftceb tbrmtneref^ngeb bptn tbeir ballotoeb ©roues ♦ 9n& bnoertbe €mperour Adrian all Sacrifices ar.b aIl3l&olIes toere abolttycb almoft euerptobere* 3nb tberfoje faptb §>♦ Auftin to tljr . people of Medaure ; See how your Temples are partly decayed for want of reparation , and partly (hut vp, and partly altered S.Auihnman to another vfe.To worfhip your Idols, you haue put the Chri- proplcofMc- ^ians t0 ^eath;& the Christians by their dying haue caft your- daurc. Idols downc to the ground. 3nbinanotberplacebecrpetbouf; where be your Gods, where be your Prophets,where be your Orades.y our Bowelgazings and your Saaificcs ?8flb tmeaae not OF CHRISTIAN XIlIGlONi €oj notofanp $at rep^ajueubunofbntruttb^ncttottljCantimg tbat manp(ant) amongtbem one Zofimus)betoaple tb $ uecap of tbent; ana pet Dot!) not a;?p of tbem Hep ftojtb fo; Ijtm 3 to fljetoe anp re- mapnoer of tbem*3no tobereaa lulian faptb,As our Oracles arc cea(Ted,fo alfo be your Prophets :let Jjtm firft fbetoe bpon tobat tmk bis ©jack* are ceatfefc , tobicb manp bane fought ano none pet fomtD.3* fo? ours:,tbep ban an epe to €b?rtfc>an& ameo at biro as tbeir marke : ant> notu tbat l>e ig tome, tl>e office of tlje mtttm* ger ceaflfetb in tlje pjefence of tlje maiffer , ann tbe repjefenting of faluation bp ^aenficejs cealletlj 3 betaufc tlje featoation it felfe fc come* 3!efu$ fberefoje IjatTj ouerrome botlj tfce tuo?In am tlje prince Minute af tbe taojto, b^ a fojee (in cutlnam ft oiue ) cleane contran'e to all ^otlc^0cc^ fcutojie5amj bp a toap contran'e to tbe ena tbat be intennen ; tljat is but from Go4 to tmt bp lite ujo^3tobtd) to tbe Og^t oftfte too?Io te follp 9 feeble- ttefle * Let as fee noto Ijoto m !ji$ fto?&cs.fc palTetb all tbe abtittte of al Creatute05acco?tiing to tijts faping of ljfe,The works which I doe>doe bearc witnefle of me . 3nfc ftotljlp tt ig a mp?acte tljac fo manp people baue btteutn at tl# pjeacbing of tlje 3potfleg: but a farre moje toon&er tljat fo fetoe folfte m tbefe our sates ffjoulo re* gam ittbougb Jefusi Cbjt'ff aim fc& Spoffles ban neucrtu?ougbt otber mpjacle tljan tljat,as 3! baue often fapti afoje* TBut rfjat tbep tojougbtberp great mp^aclcgsbettDcg, 31 feefctoeoftbe^eafyen tljat isare benye it; ann againtf tlje 3!efo?esi 31 baue fufftcientlp pjo* uen italreasie* ^eeljaiteaIeaerof}pplatsi,tDber£mbeli)ttne& fetlj tljat Jefus gaue %!jt to tlje blpm* , cleanfea leaper^ IjealeB tfjem tbat toere tufeafea laitlj tlje palfep, fceliuerea men from De* uillesSjOfierruIe-) rbe toater^rapfta elje tseati, ants rofeagametjim* ftlfe after be bat) bene zm tlmzmz » Slfo our Diumcg of olue tpme fap Dnto the fycatljzn 3 Reade your owne Commentaries, andfearch your Regifters^ you flial finde there the my racks of lefus . 8ttD tbe €mpctour lulian fpeaktngof bim tu flkojne, faptb tfynfr, What hath this lefus done worthie of memorie or of any account in all his life^fauing that he cured afeweblynd and lame men,and deliuered fome from Deuils that pofleffed them?in the Villages of Bethfaida and Bethania? Co be fl)C?t, as Wli tbt Curkts a^ tbe 3ietocs f onfefic ann commenu bis mp* racles;ann tbe ^nipetour^ tuouln neuec baue eff^mcti of bim,if it bati not bin fo? fjtss ntp^aclesf* Apollo Ijmtfdf in bi$ ©?ac!es; called ^tin (toojcv Ti%xT&Ai*Paule faptb etpjeffpjtbatbe Ijtmfelfe came in Hgneg ann mp?acleg:foberein if be Ipen3it toast an eafie matter to oifp^ouebinn 3gaine, Cb?i(t^ougbtfomefudj nipjacleg , ag Mian being tmable to oenpe 3 falletb to vaplmg ana reupling bim 3 callingbim tbe greateff Magician tbat eucr toag m tbe too?i0*9no of Saint Peter,tbep report tbat b^ Ijfe Ijim UJtfc^? if ftep bee effetf uafl,tobp Boe ftep not put ftem in pjacttfe*: 8s toufting ftis popnt,3i baue anfoiecen fte Jetoes alreatne ♦ , *Bnt let us come to fte matter & gaine * Spagicfce neuer flojifyeo mojeinpjinces Courts, ftan m fte tpme of fte 3poOies ♦ CObp rmi not fome borne ftep fojft to banquilb ftem oj to conuitt ftem1: Denis ana Origen toere great pbilofopberS;anO Origen load fte Dtfcipleof Ammonius,$fek lotooifciple to Plotin , ftat is fo greatlp aUotueti 9 To bigijlp com* menoeo amog tljem* 2£lere ftefe men fuel) as teouto ftiffer ftem* felues to bee leu toift ifluitons ; 0? attribute ftat to Gnoss fpeciafl fcjo;tfting,tobicb aepenneD bppon nature? g>peciaUp Origen tofto bau bene trapnea bp in Platoes^bflofopbie^anDi at ftat tpme pjo* fe(feo Spagicke, as; toell fte natural! bp fte content of aifpoOtton* m tbings, as fte ueutlilT) tobtft ft ep call Theurgie bp entering m* to fellotoQn'p ana compact tmtb &pirits*tlulian a!fo,(tnljo to con* foun& ftentpjacles of31efus3uio toftatbecouln toreuiue$pagic&e bp ftebelp of Iamblichus ana Maximus)nio fceeuer cure a bltnu man,oj make a lame man goe ? j$ap,tobat got be b^ it, but gaftlp feare, fucb as ferueti not to beale mens: aifeafes, but to tni'ue feint* fdfeoutof bis l»ics6 ^ 3*fo? tftofc tc^t'eb attribute fte^ppjacle* fcjjougbt bp fte Cfjjilf fans? , to a ftrong ann forcible imagination fo bebementlp area ana fall fet in fte beleefe ftat 3cfus is aneit,ftanfteauftoi of ftis imagination *t Mo fap ftep, fcfte* fter of ftefe baft fte greater fojee'tan abiiitit ft at is biet> in bs, 0? a qualitie ftat soft but come into b$*t fire as it is in it felfe3oj as it is in ^tljint; ftat it baft beatetj *i jl5otx},ftefepbtlofopbers luo^e (as ftep ftinke)bp imagination applpcu to naturall ftings^btft iriiagtnation is an abiliticb^a in man b]> nature : ^uti\)2 €blU l!ians(fap ftep) toojke b^p an imH^iimtion 0) perftoaOon ftat ftep baue concerning CbH(l,toi>ift imagination is not naturall, but commeft from toift out* ^tbp tbcnDio not ftefe jpbflofopfjeri* luo^e mp?acles in naturall ftings, pea ann moje euioent ftan fte mpjacle^ of fte Cfyifliang* m 4 .a* 6lO OF THH T R I VT N « J ThcProphc g$ touting l|3?opbefptng , tobtcbboloctfra berte&pgb placea- fiooficfiu. mongmicacle^antiia mucblcfle fubwct to tbe gangling of ^a« pbltters; PhlegonClje<£mpcrour Adrians Freedman,confc(Tet(| intbetbirteentb ansfourtcrntb bookesofbtsCbiontclcs , (con* founding neuertbeleOfeg); Peter toiclj &b?itt) tbat tbings to come toere ftnoteen to 31efus ; ano be uritneflctb tijougb tottb an iU \uilly t&as all tbe tljings tobteb be ban fojctolo taere come to pafte accoj* fcinglp tn euerp popnt*&na eljts Kpno of miracles ofljis cannot be fceupeOjfpcnallp at ti;is twp* tfo) in our (SofpeUs toce rea&e bis fotf teflrngjsr, ano tn tbe ItHttojies of tbc^eatben&e reaoe the ful* filling of t&ennKBbac U3tII tpfc tljen of all tfeis? Ocrilp tbat Jefus (jatb couumeD tbe (lOojId bp cbe bare Pjendjmg of bis 8poaieis5 ano bp bt0 oame onlp toojU; ana tfjat is,of nothing to make greate tiring*. 3Cb& lucojt) conftocreo tn iefelf>coa!D not but curne men fitoap from bun : ana tljat is a tyatonig of an effect out of bis con- trarie* .^beoiueltebio tbemfduesa&apattbe&opce ofljts tbactef a poteer furmoutuing tbe poujer of nun an* 9u* g*U* Upe not onlp matie tl;e Creatures obcoicntto bis beeke, but aifo createo n?to fubffances of manp fo?ts ana at manp tpmeg; 3nu A)ii coulo not be but bp a potucr tbat toas fciuine in oecbe lP^nce of l&e **««* , [a* bee tantius,&o-" HMflauiiDerouHp repojrea to baueoouej noutobe ba uepjeacbcD »gcn. ' innocencie ano botpneffe of Ipfe^reuerence totuaros (Soti , cbaritic totuarojs our ncpbour,pea ano tbat botb in fcuo?o fr traeae *: ■$ cj inbo coulo euer Sna fault in bis conuerfationPSno feeing tfrat tbe ®o&a oftbcbeatben)i)ereDiucls(aai3Ibauep^oueDafoie)5U}oulDbebauc mtertbioUKntbeir Strolls, beaten Bourne tl>eir3ltara,aboit{bc& tbeir a ac«fifw,CS)«&»ip tljeir Ceniplw, ami ftoppco tbe moutbe* of tbe m'uclls tljemfec '- -^ .©? if tbepwre d5o^s, as tbeljeatben repoiten tbem to be ; tuere tl;ep not gooolp (Sons , tint tuoulo flee aloap foj tin m'ttell, ano rank Craptojs to tbe fouereine (Sao, tbat luoulo fojtfake tbeir place?,anQca(laloapdjtirarmouranti weapon fo cotoir&lp *i ©? if(as tbe futtled anu cankereoeft fo?t of tbem na fap)tbeoiueltbougbtbiinfclfmoK^a3?{bippei)in3!efu3 ano moje ferueo b?l)iz alone ageinl! tbe game of (lDDD,tban bv alltbeftrut* ccs tb it bau gone afojte; (toberetn not\Dttbllan;)tng 31 appeale to tbeir olune canfcienccfli \obetber tbeifpeake as tbet tbi«ke)Jtoulo <$on(tbmkpou,)b:ute giuen bi5fpirtt,ann commttteDbispotoerto tlyi Diuili o; to tlje ohiclls inltrument 1 too procure obeoience ana fcruicc OF CHRISTIAN * B L I G I 0 N^ 6ll feruice to t^c ottteU.?S>pcctaHp feeing t^at our ILojd 3fefusititi fucft tfungft-a* lurmounteo t(K nature potoer ^reaclje otail creatures^ ano tnbicbcoulo not bee none but bpoj from tbe Creator bfaifelft j3ap,fating tbat <25oo is aicogftfer gooo -, tobat a blafpfjemie toere tt ^t 3no feeing (jets altogitber ttufe , toljat an abfuroitie toere irt 9no faing l>e is our fatber5ttibat a contrariet ietuere it^no feing (e ooetli alttbings to bis otime glo^te^ Ijolu fijouloijeefurtber bis cncmie,fpeciaUp an enemp tbat labojetb bp ai m canes be ran to be* reue iyim of bis glo^ic 't Smreip tberefoje tbe teG^&ng of 3*fua tolas front 600 ano foj6dOsg!ojie;infomucb tbat netcberlje no? anp ofbis Difciples , oto euer fpeake unco bs of anp otter tljirijj; ano tberefoje <0oo btmfelf rcuengco bis oeatb , bctb tippon Herod tbatbao perfecuteo Ijrm, anp&ppontbelewestobtcbbaoberrap^ &im ( accopinglp asijee bao fbjetolo tbem ) ano alfo toppon Pilate fciljicb bao conoemne&bim t ano Iptotorife nppon tlje Neroes , do- miuans, Valerians, Maximies, Diocletians anofiiclj atbersaa Jiao perfecuteo bis Difciples-, tbe eno of aiirobom erpetb ano p?o* clapiuetb tiritb opcaano louo impce/Take warning at rs to deale iuitly and ro feare God. j^ap furtber,t!jis Jefus tacking feiffc feftlp bp t\)€ potoer of (Bao^teUetb tos plapnlp tbat be teas tbe forine of , cfeatcijc fatber was? in i;im ano be in tbe fatber,ano tl;afc Cotb of tbentluere on&aifa be oio oftentpmes of bis otone autbo?u tiecommauno nature aslojo tbereof,ano caufe men too totojfljip fiimas (Son ,euen among tbe rewesttJboaMjojreo notbing mo?* ftanatftaunge^oo, Ctotbeotbertloe tbepjopbetgofolotpme tobicb ^opbeOeo of Ijim , tojougbt miracles alia* botobeit b^ cal« iing uppon tlje name of <&ov ; ano Ipketoife tbe 9po8Ies tbat pjea* rijeo !}im,ljoUJbeit in Ijis nams : ano all t%rp refufeo tl;e bono? tbat laasoffcrco tbem, ano rent tbeir garment tulj^tt imn bonojefc tljem , acknotoleogmg tbemfelues aito^ « to be but bis fcruantff ano inftnrotets of bis glojic* Sno bao be not bin tbe tonne of (Both forelp in fo faping be bao not bin (Sous frruant,but bis enemk,ano a rank rebel! ano ^Draptoj ano u>batfoeue r uico^fe is if anp cm bee ltoajfe,ano confcqutntlptmoer tbe extreme U)jatb of tbe creato^aef a pcrfonepuffco tip \»itb pairing p^poe , tobieb ts tbe c^ufe botb of mans falling from Us ftate , ano of tbeoiucUsconotmnationat (Soos bano« ^berefojte let bs fap tbat 3!eftw is tbe &onnc of ©od» as be btmfelf batb toto us,ano tbat \oe ougbt to bere bim,tope!o bn» tobim^ofollotoebim^no to toaj^Hjipbi nas ra« tben of oio time tptfon Ufa* oj tiutttfpeake of 3!efug3euen at fucb tpme as it toag an offence notonlp too fp cake U3di5bu:alfo cunt not too fpcafce emll ofbtiti; toe fe toell iljnt be did put altbepbtiofopljers to tfjeir Clcrgp-,fo a0tfrei luittnot tobtcb uiap to turnc tbcwn3In fjie ipfe ohhc infidels tijep coulDfinD no blame^of bisi Doctrine tljetfenetonottobattofap; anD aflfoj bts potoer5tbep coulD notDenie it foj ujauie* 311 tlje fljife tbcpbaD,toas butto&pbe toasa grea*eman,fulIof goolpnesan* bertue, ano toamfcerfull to all mm: but tfjat big Difciplcs fciDbim ttnongto call bim ©oD,feingtbatne«bcr be no? bis Speftlesljau ewr affirmen btm To to be*T5ut let tbofe tljat Dout bereof5reaDt &♦ Iohn,ano tb*v (ball 6no utDptiers p!aces,tbatno manbatbtolDttf mojeplapnlptbat3!efustoaso ftrong \aaaes Cbjtft in conuerting men too feim,to Ijauc trotting but aouerfitte tn tbis ipfe$ann fo far to loeake inere tbe Deutte to turne tbem atoap from tjtnf, tljottgb tfjcp p^a^ ntifeo tbem all manec.of gcon* 3nn bete mt map not forget a utb* tile trtcke oftbe DeuiH, toojtbie to bee noten m manp of bid ©jfSte cleg altengen bp Porphyrias . jfojcommonlpintbetopnningbp of tbem,b.e euer commennen tbe lewes,a$ toojOn'pperd of tbe on* lp ©DD, ann foj tbat t^t)> continuen neanlp enemies to 3leru^ Cbjift , againtftobofe ©onbean ti)ej> mane torjatixfitfaiicetijep couIn,botobeit altogetber in toapne* 3d toucbtng tlje ^urfted, Mahomet faptlj , Cljat ©bnd (pirit Alcoran, Azo- toad a f/elpe ann a uottncfTc to 31efud tbe <§>omte of $9arie t %\M arJx.4.u-» 3* t!;e Motile of ©on toad gmen bnto bmtt^bat Ije ts; tbe melftnscr, tbe g>pirit,ann tfrc tooja of ©SDD r 'Efrat bid noctrine id perfect: ^attt inligbtenetb tbeoln Ceftament r ann tfmt became to con* firme tbe fame;But tbat be fbouin be ©on, ann fpeciallp tbe fonne of ©on,tbat be nenpetinann ptt it is not poflible t^at be Cbouln be jitijet tbe Spirit 0? t!je 2ftTa?n of ©on, but be muft aifo bee ©on, confinering tftat in (Son tbere cannot be anp tbmg imaginen to be fcrfu'cl) isB not ©SDD btmfelfet am* tbat in tbe fame Doctrine te\)idy Mahomet l)imfelfe notb fo greatlp allotoe, our Lo?n 3!efud affix* metb bimfelfe to be ©ou3antj tbe g>onne of ©on3ut let bs fceare furtberof tfje £>bietfumd &btcb tljeanfineHetfmake, lorjp$ep $ouin not receiue Ctyifi fa} ©on* , SBbatG great tbmg(faptb lulian)8attj pcttr 3|efud none^tljat iuiiansobicc See map bee compaten lnitb Socrates, Lycurgus , 0) Alexander? tions. J5ap futelp map tue fap, ann bpon better grotmn3t»bat fan? fyty all tfyee none ann put tbem togetrjer,tbat td comparable to tbe no* ingd of an 3pot!Ie of 3iefudt Socrates (faptl; Iulian)iaad an %n* nocent:but pet an pnolater* 3 teacher ann patteme of S^a^all ber. ^^^1^ tixe : bmptt (ad btsolane Porphyrierepojtetb) leacb'erous am a ft^L, Jouer of U)omen; ann »b cbolertcke in 10 anger, ri)at be fpsres not to fap anp tbing uaere itneuer fo tD^ong+^et npea be fo? tbe trnet'o of tije anelp ©on; but l)e I;ao fecuen falfe ©on?; alijiis life Ion^mrt eaen 6\^ OF THE T R E VV N E S etten at brd ueatb be maw boiord Htll tnto rtjem ♦ 3nn let not In- 1 ian boaft ijerc^at bid oottrine continucu after bid ucatfj./rn? tbe Athenians arquittenbim ant) bonojeo bim anon after : tobereatf apen toarre toad maintetnen again!! tbe 3pofties $ tbeir Doctrine, bp tbe fpaee of tb?fcb«nu?en peered together ♦ 3nu pet in as great reputation as Socrates toad after but ueatb , fcte Difciple Plato uurU fcaree be fo bote as to fpfcafce againff tbe 6ond « &ucb tbere= foie tocre tbeir examples of 5000 bebauiour,ad tbefe be* £>ne Cy- mon toad an tjoneft man^but pet gtucn to Jncett ♦ Ariftides toa$ an bncojrupt man , but* robber of tbe common treafureanu am- bictoud ♦ <£be Catoestoeterefo?merd of oifojucrs inpowbs,but pet auultetetd ana murtbererd tbemfeltied* 33tit as fo? %zfaz ana \i$ Spotticd, tofyumtmit of tljeirs li^as etter fo paft fyame, a£ to carpe tbetr connection *t 9nu if tbefojerebearfeu mentoerefo farre of from common boneftie3etten by tbe reeo?u of tbrm rtjat ban tbem in djtefe eftimation:boto mart furtber of lucre tbep &om be* ing ©ou$,pea 0? from refrmblmg ?bem? 3ln Lycurgus ( to Iulians feeming) tbete toad fome fmgufart* tit* ^be people toere fo rune anu beanffrong rtjat tbep put out one af bid tyt$ as be tuass pjoclapming W latoed : ano pet nottottb- ffanumgtbofe lames bare foap in LacedemonmanpbtmO/e& peered after ♦ 2But Iulian mult remember alfo, tbat tbe Phrafians being nejt neigbbourd to Lycurgus anu bis confederates $ com* panpond in armed 3 toouln not atmit tbem ; anu tbat tbe Lacede- monians tbemfelued co?itcteu tbem uuljifc be toad yet altur: bpoit t\)t report toljereof be upeu ouc of bano fo? p?iue5greef,(t nifuepne. 25ut tobat comparifon id tbere bcttoeene Sparta anu rtje toljole tuo?lo *: betto&ne uping fo? uifuepne to fee bid Latoed cojretfeu, anu optng totllmglp to correct tbe laljoed of all tbe toorto1: ' cdbat toill be tell bd nob) of Alexander >i)t ban a great $cffe ana potter of men : fo mucb tbe moje tueaker toas be of bttitfelfe. 3!efud toad Defpifea anu full of infirmttte : fo murb tbe greater id %i$ migi)tineireantibono?*Alexanderbanqut(betitbe Perfians in ^attell:botD mucb mo?e eommenoable bau it bene 5 if be bau bone it toitb a blaft of bid moutb u. Jf be ban linen, be inoulu bane cou^ quciCD tbe b)boIeVdo?lD:boU3 mucb mo^e bonoiable ban it bene, if In ban trptimpben ouer tbe tto?!n bp nptng^ Alexander itirreafen bis kmguomebp opp^elTing ; ann Jefud bp paining ♦ Alexander bp kiUing,ann iefud bp nping»13ut Alexanders Gmpp^e necapen bp l;id neat^ 5 lafjereag ti)t Kingnome of aefu^ l»agi botfj founneu ann OF CHRISTIAN RE l T G a*t* bettoiictbim tbatopetbamj fcim tbat quicfcenetb; o? bcttofcne btm tbat of all mafcetb a tbing of «otbmg, aim fetm-tobicfr-of notbingmaketb alltbingis ♦ Co bee fbojt,if pelcoftefojbertue; Shnantbatepcellco intoertue,toa$ in olo tpme a toonoer^be pijtlolbplfeerjas tftemfclue^ (faptb Corne- lius Nepos)conoemneo tbemfeluejarin tbeir ottme teacbing03ut after tbe tpme tbat 3left# toag once pjeacbeo , toljat a number of wen^toomen, an* euen tfyiltytnjn'&QtoM anoCounme3pea an& «i ^iloemeiregf.taugbttjertuet^ tbe loo;iu bptbeir sample V3If pe rehire rigbtuoufnelTe ; tebat toere tbefcrlt Cb?iftian$ but teas cberg of eqwtie,of &ncojtuptneu%ano of bpjigbtnefle ♦ 2>ea tobat. «nemieof tbeirs ooe toee finw,tbat onceopenetb W moutb to ac* eufe tbenrY3ifpe feeketbetjefpifing of oeatb; in mtefyfy make a great a &oe of one Zeno an Eleate,fo]t fpitting out bis 'CMgue at aCp?ant, leaf* be migbteonfeiretubat tbe Cpjantoemauntie&r amrliketoifeof oneLeenaatooman of Athens, tbat mtmteu all maner of torments; toitbout uttering one Uooj0v3!f t&t $ be fo great a matter^tobat a tbing is it,tbat in oneage,pe (bal ijmt tobole mil? lion* of ail fycea , of all age$, of all ftateg negroes ana contrition^ go torifltnglp ano iopfuilp to oeatb:infomucb tbat t\^t il^Uto^iegta- pber Arrianus , makes a general! rule of it , ^Dbat ail Cb?ttf ian^ ma&e in effect no account of ueatb *t not to conceale anp fault of cbeir^ag tbofe otberu ofytobo bao leuer to baue fuffereo tojmet* tban tobatteopeti r but fo? p?ofefl!ng t^t tbing openlp befcneall people5 tobtcb tbep bafr leamea of ^>oo , ataf folke tljat tooulo baue tbottgbt tbemfelucs fcntoojtbte to ltue5 iftbepbaobil&tbeir peace* Co beeibojt, fobat Dtfripleg, tobat ©ubiect^, tuljat g>ouispers |ati Socrates, Lycurgus yo} Alexander mall tljeir life^tbat came anp tbing ntgfc tbts *t tbtre (3[ fap) tobtcb tore taugbt5rulcB5 ano trapntti bp bp 31efus euen after be toag aeparteti bezant! bp bte 9potfleg tobicbl»ererutje,ipo|tatte,ano tneake as long ag be tsaat aaneetinj 6l& a?P THE TIEWNES a mating togetber) cf c6c Partes m tbe &fyt * tec to ejtammt rbttf atlrologte a little* Cijep fuppofe,(anoitig a comon opinion) tbat accoutring to tbe triueifttie of 3!maa;etf m tbe ?§>kpe 3 rtjere arc alfo Bitter* fteiigiows ana siucrs ©otrtes ta nutcr^ j3ationg;anD tl)tttfo)c tfeep ueutoe tbe too?I& into feauen Cipmatea 3 ami bit ta euerp CIpmate tbep adota feutrall planet to bane tbe rule of *t. 25ut boto toil tbep anftuerto Bardefanes tlje Syrian,tobo(a$ tbep Bardefanes tbemfeltteg cannot &enpe) toag tlje toifeft of all tlje Chaldees ? Yc the Syrian, part the worldffeptlj lje)into feauen Clymates,euery Clymate Eufeb.prepar. to bee gouemed by a Planet, and what a number of Nations lib.s.cap.i 8. ^rc vnder euery Clymate ? In euery Nation,what a number of Shyres ? In euery Shyre what a fort of Townes? All which doc differ both in Lawes,in Gods,and in Religions;and that, not only according to the number of the twelue Signes, or of the, fixe and thirtie faces only,but in infinite forts. In India vnder onefelfefamc Clymat Tome cate mans fiefli, and fomeeate no fleih at all:fomewor(hip Idols, and otherfome admit none at all.Againe,ths Magufians(cariethem whether foeuer ye will) aregiuen to Inceft after the cuitome of their Moothercoutry Perna from whence they defcend : And thelcwcs being di£. perfed ouer all the world , alter not their Religion nor their maner of life wherefoeuer ye beftow them. To be fhort^a Na- tion departing out ofone Clymate, carieth new Goddes and newe Lawes into another Ciymare , and yet the Clymate nei- ther troubleth nor hindereth the doing thereof. £Qljat Uertue fcaue tbe Cipmats oj tbe ^igncg ouer Lames ano Heligionsttlje fcifferenreg hereof are mafcebp jfojreftes, Kiuera anD^oun- tapne&tobtclj are tlje bounty of 3Iurift itfion^ratber tba bp tbcm V Sto&tobtcljtbep are bjouoftt into againeeuen in&efpite of t&em, bp men,bp cuftome3an& bpnonqueft * 3nu in gcou footij 3 tobereof commetlj it tljat in tlje Countries tofcere Venus , Mercurie , ana Samrne toere toajfljippes in olo time^tbe <&&$ are noto abolifijcD quite ano cleaner pet tbe ftpes are ftfll in tbe fame places; toljerc tbep mere afo^e ? 3m> toljeteof commetb it tljat tbe iettriflb Latoc fceeing banilbefc ana kttcrlp rooteo out of tbet'r otone Country tonttnuetljbtfter all Clpmategfttll? I&ctobappenctb it tljat tlje ^Religion of Mahometis noto,tobere t\)t Cbjifttait Heiigioa toaS in tpme palftana tbe Cfytrttan fe noto> toljerc fometpme toete tlje WttoDp 3ltar* of Saturnc ana Mars,ana in fome places ntanp auo toturariel&Jigiong together* Jfb? OF CHRISTIAN RELIGION^ 6lJ jfd? fbe faluing of tbt'S abfurDttie5tbep runne into another, jftot (i)t Clpmates mtjrrp Deeoe (fap tbep ) Doe make tbe Differences in lfcdigiott,but tbe great Cotunctions of tbe planets: anispet euen about tbts popnt tbep bee at great oddcs among tbemfelues* if oy fome lap tbat tbe great ComunctfonS of Iupiter aim Saturne anD Albumazar. none otber3Do Difpofe of fteltgionXtbers fap fyat pjoperlp Iupi* R°g« ^acon- ter betofcenetfj Religion , ano tbat after as be is accompanieD y fo bn'ttgetl> be f©?tb tbe Diuerllties of tbem ■• as fbj«£ample ,■ accom* pauper txu'tfj Saturne , tlje Iewifh ; toitb Mars,tbe Chaldee ; ttutf) tbe feunne, tl;e ^Egiptian ;lmtb Venus,tbe Mahometane; tuitf> Mercurie,tbe Cb?tftian5anD toitb Luna,tbe 3ntir bjiftian^anD tbat tbere cannot be aboue Vtfz of tbem* 3If 31 fboulD af he botb of tbem a reafon , o? an experience of tbeir faping , 31 Doubt tofcicb of tfrcm IbouId be moff graueleo* T5ut becaufe 31 toill ©eUtre mp lelfc mo?e inDifferent , 3! require foil tfjat tbep agree among tbemfelues > to tefl mee tobitb is a great Ctmtuntfion , tobtcb is a meane one, ami iobicb to a fmall one : foj as pet tbep Darie bppon tfrat popnt, 8nD lifeeiotfe tobetber tbe mnetl> boufe o? tbe feuentb boufe iss tlic (aufe tf HeUgiwu !peretoitbafl 31 tooulD bane tbem to let me Dottme tbe beginnings of tbe great Contact ion^tbat t^ migbt iump luttft tbe ojiginall fpjingings Dp of Religions ano ftritb tbe tbaunges of tbemttobic^tbtng tbep baue not betberto Done* ^birolpsifHc* Itgion DepenD Dppon tbe Conimtction of tbepianetS; let tbem tefl me tobitber Dpo tbe reading of tbofe Conumchons,tbe Religions fljaU not ceaflfe alfo , oj at leafftoife anon after , as ligbt fapletb bp tbe going atoap of tip Smmte : anD tobereDppon it commetb tbett tbat tbe Cltfiffian >tbt 3!etoi% anD tl)t l^eatben Religions bane tontimteD fo manp bunojeD pares, feeing tbere taas neuer anp 9U ftrologer tbat once DjeameD tbat a Coiunction fboulD ti% fa long? ^ottttftfp, tobat greateConitmitionb^D tbe Doctrine of 3!efus Ci#iff5fceing tbere toas neuer anp cbaungeinEeligion, fo great, fo Dniuerfall,fo fpeeDie,no? fb Durable; anupet mtnb^> tbeir otonc confelfion, tbere toas not at tbat tpme no? neere about tbat tpme, m? Coniunction eitber great oz fmaH tbat couId beperceiueD^o be (bojt,tf onlp Iupiter ^ Saturne be tbe autbo^S of fucij cbaunge; tobtcbof tbem ma^etb tbe Difference m HeItgiort0*t 3]flupiter maketfrc DiuerQties of tbem acco^Dtng as be is accompanpeo,bo^ ^apptnetb it tbat tberrbee fo manp an* fo funD^ie fojts of TZtlU gtons^feeingitmas fapo afoje tbat tbere can bee no mo tban fira^ againejtobat great Coniunction toag tbere at tlje cbaunge of He* ligion 6li OF THE T t E VV N 1 J iigton marcefcp Mahomet ?©j at tbe cbange tfjat toag mairc after* toarb bp ti>e Arabians o? Saracens in Aflfrick ? 3n& Ui^cn afttuo Coumes, pea ana eucn of ttuo Cities £ ijaue but aT&uterbettoijrt tbcm,tl)e one (ticket!) ftoutlp ana fcrilfullp to t^e oto HeHgion,ano tbe otljet* imtyaeetl) tfcc netoe:in&at Conjunction map be tfre caufe -of fucfi njfiuiution? But t(o come tpjpfmg,be it of tbat Keligton tubirb camt tjp,o$ oftbat tobicb toentbottne-, tobenceootbeptafeeit * from tbc firtt fmbliflnng tbereof,as tbep tu> of a Citre bptfre iaping of tbc firtt tfone^pj from t&c fitrclj of tfcr fbun&cr oj iniopner thereof bp law, as if a man Iboutoiubgc of tbe pjofperitie ant) iuefepnetfc of a Citte o? Ijoufe bp tbe natiuttie o j Dmlj of tljc S19aiff ermafoiuo j of tbe oia* -nee 0} founbet c$ot caufetb it to be butter*4: But if 3lodatrfe tea* to fcecap at tbat tpme > bp reafon tbat tbe fojee of tie Coraunmott tbat caufefc it Uias tben outtoojtne ;*io all fines of 3faolatrie being fomanpiunomber,fp;tingatt ofoncfefffame Cotuuntftott,ano tbcrefb je inutt n&us al faple not once? SEfta can tei toben tbc fejee -of a Coniumtion u)all banilb atoap 5 to *K *at fcnotoetb tbc firtt tnftantoftbe beginning tbeteoh 9mni)ijere bauetbep euer mar« ftebojfomrtotit, eptber tljewrpinttant tnanptpmenearet^ein* Ovintt3aberem3loo!ameU)as8t0i)o?ne, v^bicb b&tngfoDpuerttp fbapcoanti of fo fimtnp fo#s, mutt na&s ( bp tbeir otimc opinion) oepeab bpon manp great Coniundions': ©j toljere 1;aue tbep catt tbe natiuitteof tbe &C ftmntrrr thereof , lubo certeinlp mutt neeDtf 4ee mo tban^ne % ©) if rtjepiuugc it bp tlje firtt up^pfing of tbc Ctyittian Edition ; If ft aepenu bppon a greate Coniuntf ion , let tbem fbetoeus one tbat tpme t o?ifftpjocan>e from tbe natiuitie of tlje fetter Dp tbereofbp lavur-,I?t tljcm tell w tofjf retliepijatw rco it^jTo^tbeptoflnotaenpe^ buttbat r^gbtrtbtpmeof31efits abonc tbe catting hereof Co manp attrologers fjaue bctujapco tbeir otoncfollp3te;ijntrrtn'tteanoteitbotit gvottno, Co befbo?t,tpibcc ^l;cfpjinsingt>p of Eeligiou i$ aisuponfoaw grtate €oi\iui\(tion, an* OF CMKTIAH RtLJClON^ €lp ano at tljat tpme tljere teas none fijeb coo be marfceo ; oj efo at cfje fpjingtng up tbeceof bp tlje pjeacbing of 3|Htt0,fome grcate Con* umction matcbing tberctottbaU> oio gtue fojce rnuo tt •, but none fucb toas fene about tbat time ncitljcrtoj finallp botb tbe bpjpfins atto tbefojce thereof oepenoeobppon tljebirtljtpme of aefusjana tbatwmo?e\3ncertemeanole(rekno\»cnl)ntoustI)an botb tlje o* tljer* 'But tbat tlje btrtfj of one man (bouio outrrule fo manp na* tures ano fo manie Rations, Mjat affroiogie toill permit; feeing tbat fome one oj otljcr of ettetp jftation,tapgbt be bojnc in tbe feifr fame inff ant as tucll as be '; 3 no tijat fucb a natiuitie CIjou fa ouer< rale, not onlp tlje jftations, &utaifoclje<£oosojratberDiuellsof tlje jj2atipns,urtjatt&eclogieojiDbat 3flrologie terill graunt ; fee* ing tbat Op tbe iuogment of tbe bed Sftrologcrg , tbe g>tarres in* fp^ce not tbe mpnu of m^in,ano mucb lefle tbe feparateo mpnb0(aa( tbep tmne tbem >) tbat is to fap Spirits ; ano tbat eucnbp tbetc otone biutnttie , men ougbt to bono? ano obep tbe (Sobs *: if inallp, toljatoj&cns ttjis., tbat tlje fetatresfljoulDljaue Dominion ouer & man , ano bp tlje fame man trpumpb ouer all tlje 6oos «: ^uc tbe tjamtteof tljefe contemplations ojratljergafings, is plapnlpbe* tt?apeo bp tlje effect tljcreof* jf 0: bp tbetr fuppofco Comuntfions tbep gaue tbetr tusgrnenttjaf tbe Cljjiffcn Religion fijoulo not continue aboue tljja Ijunojerano tljjeefcoje p&res 0? tljereaboutst antttbenDttJitmanife(lufc^mo^eanomo?eto tbe ouert&joto of allmanerofbngottfpneganofaperaitunu Albumazar fjtenoco it aftertnaro to tbe tljoufano foureljnno jeo ano feijtitb peruana per, ®£)&bt tbankeo,tt liftccb itGflf bp ageine ano fttnetb fcojtlj SRI mojc ano mo*e*£)n tjje otljerfioe,Abraham a lew ptopbefieo tbat in tlje piece of our lU>*a tboufano fbtoerljunojeo tbjoefcoje ana fouicr , t|je 31 cU)tO> Ef ligion fljoulo get tlje bppec bano ; tlje toljielj toasneuermo^e oppKCreotljanattbattpme^bisi fcruetljtoflje\»e tbat tbetc tuoidal gftrc^ieisfo&apneano fon&tbacaltbougbpe graunteo tljem ail djeir frppoHtions , (toljcreof in berp neeoe tlje? can make no pjtnrre tobieb tl;e Greckes and Latin.es m trjcir languages r- ( Silt Gm of. Come, is canc^jJ? dje ArabiansThe fjgneof the foode chat fufteyneth,a?tfiTC^puto fap Jhefubftantiall bread or foode : 3iic ti)tt upontfcr firtarre lubicb tl;c uufe m>n fatoe in toe Saamtijctpmc of ftrc^mr5crourAuguftus;tOcaaroIogcrs n deliucr matter ^nougbt iiitieofaI!eLreaturesJ;ereuppoa xians. 'tljepftt. age inlt US Simon tbe^ojtccru^Apollonius ot Thyanie* ApuleusofMedaure, ano fucO otters? 9nd fcecfelp alltbefeooo pelD us fo murb tlje greater reeoiu of tbe nuraeies of Jefus3in tljae fojtotuminifl) tbe ettimation oftbejn , tlicp bane baa rccourfe to falfe mtraclcs,an& giuen credit to fucb as tocre &cojkcrs of r rjerru Simon M^us simon tberfoje repojteo bimfelf to be a 62)D, to ijaue ginen tbe JLaUie to Moyfes upon Spount Sinay, tobaue appeared afcertuar * * - m tte perfoneof CLbjttf , aiio'fittallp too baue (bed oat tbe gifts of icongues uponp gpoftlegin t{jc petfone of tbebolp <£>rjoft:tobere» to be confeffetb afojebano tbrmpgbtpneflfe of Clniffes namey and tbatbe tooulo baue men beleeue that be luas Ctytit , ana bcauttfir btmfelf ujttb bis toanks^Co tbfc cm* dot(r be applp tbe grounds of Magickc^uiljcrebpbemakctb the people to laondcr nt bim.jftoto, lofcphusln 3?fus baa bin crucified; but unto cljts man tbe Romanes did fe: his 5 booke of bp a (landing 3|mage uppon tlje IBiinqz of Tybris,uuub cfets tr tie, thchwifli To Simon the holy God. vT4k Dtfcinles of Jefus fufftreo, and %varrcs.cap.i. tm^\)t men t0 (uflfev- , and tocre cjttreamdp perfecuted of all 3faD* ge0.ContrartU3tfe,branDfjisfo^U3en5U)eremucbmac3eofamor5 tbegreatcft perfonagetf* 35utbe dfr pet nwcrftnte tawgbt tea Difctplcs tbnt 3IdoIatrie is an indifferent t!;ing, and tbat men CEkjuIs not naoe tofuffcr fin bis Dottriitr;and tobat could be mo?t dtipgbtuill and moje entpcing tbau tins gcrre *i get nottdttb&m* dmg,tn tbe end bocb be ana bis laop Selene t»ere qnptc ftaken of at all mencr banns, and all ftc cunniit|jpba6 couiu not tmkt bun to take fenting agtwe in tbe iw>jtld,nei*ber &atb tbe remembe* ranee of bim bao anp eontineunince b?*e\ buttotbe ixly.it of tbe lojtr3!efus,anutobtsolDne(bame» Sntf tebatelsfotbtbis t;i\xz WtounoerCan^btttt&atit wmiMtnefoj^inreji to ^euOjaiurp. kca OF CHRISTIAN RILIGION. 6* I ieo to&ne, tofrtn Bpeauen tabentageinff it,anntljattl)ep labour m toapne to piucke Dp tfjegort ljerb,U)ljicb (Sod intennetlj to pjofpert %\lty make greate bjagga of one Apollonius of Thyanie fym Apollonius of featoe at leatttoife among: our le^nefemcn Ijaue not beam of Ijtnrt yamc* Cbfe man Bio call up t&e ©Ijoft c£Achi!Tes,tbat is to fap3a DfaeH. phiioftraws in flB&at a nomber of&ojcerers ratwo rfstmicfc as tbat *: ©eafkctb the nfeof a- l)im mberijer Ije Ijan not a %on\bt\ flutter Polixena uiett ktfc poiioniu*. len foj bis fakeoj no *t tf&Ww t&e tljtitff* toljteti tbepoetsre* pojt of Ijim be true ? 22If;at goon Ijap ujouni come linco tlje too?ln; ann to&at goon fortune laas to befall to fte jgeqpinancer Ijimfdft , 5>e tooke a iuckftgne at tlje tf$)t of a tponeffe ; ann fc$at a fete i petition ttmaffbattSpe tooje Binga wane bp tlje co^ileUatton^of planets, ann toljat a nanittetoae; tl;at ? Wlwi a Ipiague to&Sfce- gtm,lje gaue foaming of ihann toben it gretoe (frong^je flconke a* ^ map* Oe fetr ben a pcong-iBenclj to life againe ; but pet ijte counter* fet Cuangelift Philoftratus ourft not auotae tljat fyetnas ffarke nean^ljatfe tljere in all tfjefe, tljat is eptljergoon ojgreat.^ut nolo come tuee to tlje popntv iiefugnpen foj tlje faluation of tlje fciojio ; ann Apollonius to tyfue a eertepnenifeafc ouf of a Cttie,. Dion in Aa> caufeb a ffraunger to be ftnneo to neatl) as Ije paflen bp in tie open-*clian- $£arketffen* 'C&eDifcipIes cfSIefins toereflapne in all Cities* * ann Apollonius tali 3|mage$ ftt bp bnto Ijim, ann toast toojffnp* pen in manp. temples foj a ©ou ♦ Cfje fapn Difciples nib in tlje enb ouertfrjoto botb tlje 'Cemples^tlje 3jnofe ann W 3Imag %s tea: Coutrarpurife, Apollonius liueo till fje fatoe Ijimfelfe bereft of all &onoj,a»b fcfe 31mag;eg confumenattb fmokejneitljcr bin tlje fame of fetm ouerlfue Ijim ttyk nateS; infomuclj tljat men p bmkz tobiclj jfje^an tn?itten olW confultation^ tmtlj tl;e Deuilg in tl)e ben of Trophonius , rotten annperiften together tait^ rije Ceremonies oftljefameCaue* ^Hljataretljespp^acto aftlji$; Apollonius, but p?©fesi of tbe ©onljean of iefug ^ jfo? feeing tljat Ijauing at* tepnen to tlje bttermolf tljat man ann nature couln come bnto , Ije bamiljen atoap fo uone mtn of tjimfelte ; ann 3|efug( mtn in nefpite of man,ann of tlje toojlo,ann of nature,tnent tl^ouglj ann gate tlje upper bannofljim ann of all otijerg; Ijouj couln tljijs Ijauecometo pa(Te,tf tlje toojking of 3!rfuc ban not bene fep.a Ijigljer poller t^an tlje poujer of tlje too#o,of man3ano oftiature^ ApuleiusofMadaure ^atl) ftetoen fufficientlp in l;fe bcoke^, ^P11^^ t&at ^e knetoe al tlje tricked of ^pagicke:bttt Uil;at toaiet ^e tlje btu tot to} tl;em'; Jpc toa$ of an feonojabie f; o ufc^b ut nin l?e euer atteine ©q 2 ta 6l2 OF TUB TREWNfcS to tbe Icaff negro of nipttie *t Some toifl fap ycrcftaunce, tbat be mane no reckoning of it : tobat (ball toe fap tljen to big planing a* gainfttbe men of ChoaCfrjjmtDbeNce neucrtbe(effe be ban marten Ijig totfe) foj tbat tbep to$|p not recewe an 3!mage of bim <: TBut VefpaHan ^e ^mperour Veipafian(Sptt tbott) ruren a blpno man at Alex- XaatusJiib.2o andria > ano tljofe (faptb Tacitus) noe beare tottnefle of it > tobicl; ban no gapne b^ fapii^^pnn tobp tben beieeue pe not tbe mp?a* ties of 3!efus, tottnclSIW fo manp men tobicb are content to fo?= goe all tbat ener *bcp baue , pea ana tbeir liuea alfo 3 foi faping tt*r Sinn ban Vef jsafian irone fo;tobo knotoetb rcot tbe fcainglojtoufnes of tbe Romaine.*; ? 2D. boto toell tooulo it baue matcben toitf; tbtg JD^ade applpen unto bitttbpbia flatterer0:namrlp,That the Mo- narke of the whole world ihould come out of lewrie : anfc alfa foritb iW Otljer, That to bee faued a it behoued them to haue a King? 3ms ag fmaU a miracle ag it toas^tobat a coutenanee tooulu it baue eanet>,bemg fcpbiln bp fo manp legions, fcotben bp fo ma* np learnen flatterer^maintepneo bp tbejttate of tbe €mpp?e, ans Andnous. confirmen b^> fo manp bangers otrtjf oj as fo? Antinous tbe €m< perour Adrians pinion , tobomtbe Cmperour tn&otoen toitfc < temples ana &acri8ce$:to tobat purpofe ferueti be, but to ftetoe * tbat it was not in tbe potoer of tbz great €mperour af tbe toojto, to make folk bzimz a man to be a (0on3tobat papne o? eoff (better beputbtmfel&tmto? Obic&on. 2?*a(f*P t\)t^)bwt to bel&ue t^z mpjaeles of 3!efug, toe toonto fee mpjaclesi (till ♦ ^be tpme batb bene tbat tbep toett feene , tbz tpme batb bene tbat tbcp toere bzlmzn, ana tpme batb altercn tbe courfe of tbem: tobat a number of tbings ooe toe bziezuz tobicb toe fee not *t 3mi tobat reafonoj tobat benefiteftouftr lease ns to tbe bete uing of anp otber ratber tban of tbetirt TBut toe (bonis bk tbe wo^e aiTuren of tbem^ 3j3 mucb migbt tbe former ages; baue faptr, aufc as mucb map tbz ages fap tbat are to come;am> fo fbouft it be* bouempjacles to bee to?ougbtto all men aim at alltpmes • Sm> toere it once fo,tben iboulo mpjatles bee no mp?aries , fojfomucfj as in trttetb tljep baue not tbat name , but of tbe rare ann feetoome figbt of tbem^be S>unne ^mctl) Itgljt naplie to tbe too?ln:be ma^ ketb tbz ba?,tl)z p0ere3ann tbz feafons of tbe psere* "€tm bauing bojne flotoersi anti frutte become bare , ano aftertoam (boote out tbeir buntiea ann flo^ilb agapne • %bz ^pneturnetb tbemopl!ure af tbe <£artb into SBinejtbegraineof Cojne^uwctb it into eares^ cf Co^ne:ann tbe pipen oj kemell of an 3pple,into an 3ppletra» Sntt O* CHRISTIAN KllT€lO>?. #JJ flto fnfim'te men rerepue (bape ana birtb euerp botoer*SH t^erc are berp grrate miracle^anu ©on aaD none otfcer is tbe ooer of tbem; nature teacbetb it tbff ,aitt) tbou caff net oente iuT5\xt fo?afmucb a£ rijott fell tfjcm euerp &ap5tbcu regarded tljcm not;am> pet tfje lead of tljem toouto make tbee to toonner^ if tt toere rare* Co fuccouc tbpne inftrmitie, tlje feunnefojgo? $ £is IpgbM type Iticke flojt* fbet^toater is turnes into topne , aiiftfa^ean are rapfcD to Ipfe: auu all tb*S is too fbetoe bnto tb# , 't$mbz fame potoer tobftfj tojougbtin creating tbings at tbe beginning, tocmketb nolulltU lofjefoeuer it liffetb-, ana tbat if t6e effects line, tbe caufe of tljem frg not seas* 3nnif tfjouftouftieft fe euerp &ap Tome miracle in tbe feunne^tn pants3ana in main furelp tnleffe tban a buntyer>per& miracles tooulo be cbaungea into nature toitb tbee,an& tbe belpra of tbpne infirmirie toouto turne tbee to bnbeleef ; ana to make tbe too?fo beleeue agetn, abufefc tbe llapes of tbeir faptb , b^ turning tbem into occali* ons of niffrufl: ana tmbeleef* jftoto, ©on creates nature, ana batlj giuen it a Latoe, tobicb latoe be totll baue it to follotoe* jfteucr* tbeleflfc, fometpmes foj our infirmities fake be interrupted it, to tbe ixttnt to make bs to knotoe tbat be is iojo of nature^ut if be fbouto do it at our appopntment,tben (bouto toe be tlje Io?as botb of nature am* of bim ;«io if be (bouto do it in allcaces , toe toouto make a rule of it; aim toe tooulo make bookes ana calculations of tt no lefle cban of tbe <£c!ipfes of tbe @>umte 0} of tbe 9p©ne,oj ra* tfjer tban of tbe motions of tbe tp^)t\) §>pbere; ann toe tooulo im- pute all tbofe mterrupttons anu cbaunges, to tbe natitre of nature itfelf*Cbercfo?eitis botb mo^econuementfo^bis glo?reanomo?e bebofull to our faluation , tbat nature Iboulu ftill follotoe bir na^ tttre,ano tbat miracles ftouln continue miracles tlill;triat is to fo?9 tbat tbep fljoulD be rare , as neceiTarie belpes to 0)t infirmtties of our nature531 meane not of one man, oj of one age,but of all man* fepnDjOt at leafitoife of al tlje Cburdj togitljer^tobicb is but as one comontoeale ana one mam $?et remapnetb Mahomct,anu b^ femetb to bt a ioHp fellotoe: Mall0ni«. foj f e mane a gceat part of fyz toojtto to belceue in l;im»!pe toas an Q^ 3 Arabian 624 O V TH« TRETVNE5 Arabian ann toofce tnages oftlje Cmperour Heraclius , to fetue trim in bis toarres anon after tbe wclpning oftlje €mppje-, ann fo a mttttnie among tbe Arabian §>oulnpers,be toas cbofen bp tbcm tobetbeircommaunner, as toefenpuerstpmes intljebamisof tbe 5&panparos* flSIbetbn: be to ere a g©n man o^ no^et trje people cf Mecha(tobotoa^;tppebim attbis nap) iunge^tobifb CGnnem* nen bim to oeatbfyibts IRobberifS ana mm:tbers*9nobe bimfelf inl)i$ Alcoran confelTetiifnmfelf to bee a (inner, an3inolater, an anulterer,giuen tp Lecberie,ann fubicct to Uiomen^an&tbat m fur& toojns as 31 am afbamen tcrrepcate/But he batb inlargcn Ins Cm* ppje bp bis fttccefltyg, ann lapn rjis tatoe bppon manp jftations* (KUljat maruell is tbat ? jfoj torjp ? 3ucnnge pottr felttess ( fapetlj |>e)Uutb all pour bartS; take as manp tomes a^ pe be able to fceepr; ££>pare not men nature ttfdf*223rjae is ^e(tbougl) be toere tbe ran* fceff ®arlet hi tbe txio^lo ) tbat mpgbt not leuie men of trjat pjpee, conffceiing tbe corruption tbat is tn manftpno *i 5>ee reignen as a Lojo Tap tbep;but pet bp tocjlnlp meanes3peaann fctterlp bnbefo* ming a man*3|f pe enqup?e of ^tse Dortrpne, (fap trjep) tt is bolp, conformable to tljrolo ann neto £e(ramet, ann anmitten of©ot»* 3£ut as goon as pee make tt , pet map pee not ejcamm it no? ntfpute of ft bpaupepne of oeatb* 9nn tobatman of iungemene tooulo not liaue fome fufpition of tbe perfone (tbougb be toere nerp Ijoneft , ) Uobicf; f&ouln fap;Bel;oln pe be papen,ann in goon monnp ; but pa m^ not looke bpon it h? naplpgbt % %£y® looke foj W miracles; 3I« oeene (Son fent Moyfes ann Ctyill toitb miracles ; but Maho- met comes toitb b& ttaken ftoann to mafte men beleeue , ann aflfoj Afcoran, A- otber miracle !je toc^lts none»9ntr tljerefoje albis Alcoran is no* soar 2-3 .6.&ctfjjngefe but kin tbe 3!nSnells,reuennge pour lelues3be tbat full* moff (ball baue greater (bare in paranife5ann btfyat fepgbtetb la* flip 0;albe namneo in bell* Ifroto farre is tbis geare of from fuffb ring, ann both from concjuering ann continetoing bp fufferance? OTjattotctenefle mpgbt not bee ftabltfljen bp tbattoap of bis? J^otljottblranningjto allure tbe lewes be ejcaltetb Moyfcs,ann re< tcpnab Cirntmci£ton:ann rotlje intent ty mpgbtnot ellraunge tbe Cbu^ians^c ftpetb tbat €b?t(r is tbe &pirit,23S3^n ann ^o. Wx of (^on , ann tbat!Mahomet is Clmftes feruant5fcntto feruc btm5ann l^op^efien of bp i)im afojc* 9gfttie to pleafc the Tpcre* tilts caflen Ncftorians,be affirmctb tfjat vet fo? all tbi?, CbjiG i* not Dcrp (Sonjio? tfje ^omte of ©on, but that be batb in nocne tbe &ouie of (Son* CJjus noe ignorance ann utolcnce in #m iucounter m OF CHRISTIAN RElIGlON. ^lf ane another , t&e one to cl;oke tfje truetlj , ano tljc otfjer t* infojce tfce falfcboo, W\)tt pjattpfes , tobat topics , tobat countafapingg-, tobat mfycemcnts^At armpes, tobat cruelties; ufttl; be not too jrcrfumoc men *: 3no pet tobat batb be toonnc bp all t(ns,but to be ajajopbet toitbout pjopbefping, a iatoemafcer toitbout mira* ries,ano (euen among Ijts otone W©ops)a man toitbout (Boo oj Religion t C&bat man of otferetion tooulo reaoe bis Alcoraa ttoice, except it toerc foj fome greate gapne,i3j bp manifeft ccmpul* fioit,conCDermo: tbc abfurDitteai^opeiS^ontranetiejai^^eam^ano franttfc oeupces tljat are tn it,bcilDeS t\)t toickeo tbings, toberof % tutlnot {peaked jFarre of tberefojeis be from furmi&tng fcjtb of a $partpj,tbat toill ope eptber fo? t&ep?eac^mg thereof, oj foj not mating tt^o be fto?t,Mahomcts miracle is,to toafte ana fpople tbe toojlo by toarre*, Cb?ifts is to tying tbe toojlo m ojber by W fuffring fo> it. Mahomet toas aflfitfeo bp a fojt of Cuttfeotes l&e fcimfelf; Cfyift toas follotoeo by infinite folk oping ano fttffering aouerfitie fojt bis fake* %ty toajfces of Mahomet toere fucij as e* tterp man can oo -, ano ooetb oaplpttbe toajkes of Cfyitt are fuc& as neuer anp man oio , no? mirtt bnoertake to ooo but be Ijtmfelf* g>ure!p tberefoje toe map toel concluoe,toitbout toearping tbe rea« fcer anp longer about tbefe fcanitteS; %b*t Mahomet toas a man, - ana tojougbt but as man ano by man,anD tberefoje is to be eyamt* net) as a man: ano tljat 3!efus Cb?rt* tojougbt bp <25©D ano toa* ( as be batb toto us ) tlje fonne of ©ao , ano tberefoje let fcs fcere (jim ano Meette bint as it,ano euen in man* an&erttawring it contepnetb no contrariette to fap it.aifo it is pofftblejfn? uie fee it i$ fo5an * fo man? pjofe* cannot bee top* pen atoap bp a bare gueCftomijt femetb poflible enough to tbee ffl Iulian to(jen tljou liftctt : Fo? tljou fapetf cftat Efculapius tbe fonnc of Itipiter tooke ftumane 'fie© to come aotome Unto tl;e eartb ; ano tbpne oujneja&flofopfjer Amdius t»ot|r kn&et frano app?oue, tbat ©ods etentall U)o?n toke ScO) ana rlotbeo bimfelf tomb tlje nature ofma^alleogmgtbe&erp U)o?n$ of & John fo? tie matter* Co be foojt , tbou fcaffe a fpirit Unites to tbp bofcp ; tbou canft not oenp s'Mmipettljaufeftttttot* 3noiftIjouteertJeiretl;anman, tijou to ouIdcQ alfo r?enp it to be tn man; aha pet fo? al tbat,tobat felioto* ftipfetljcrebettoaneaboDp ami a fpirit ?3no toijat map fceme mo?eagemff reafon, tban tbat a Spirit tabid? occuppetir no place, ftauto not onlp be Iongeo,but alfo imp?ifonet> in a place *x But bee to&teb ma&e botb tbe one an& tbe otbet of notbtng, can t>o Uiljat be tbinketb goo im'tb botb ofefeetn* 3n& feeing tba*t to glo?ifie man, fce boutfafeo to take bnn up into fceatte ano to iopnebtm intto ljim, (Plotin fairs fo,an& tberefo?e tbou trnlt toriflinglp bere it am> allotoi ofitOtobpflboulobebeleflTe abletcoemtte&otoneifbelift, an&t© fcnttc ano iopne fymfelf to man topoiteartkif Ije Ktt to (jumble tym* felft affwt tofip u to (Sou feno f)fe oeare Sonne into t^e too?fo ratfjet in tbat tpmc tban in anp otftert SBbp fent free bim not fa)net o? fa* ter*; ^befeateiiueftton$fo?ittapifergto bfeta tfyit Seruantg, ano not fo? Clip Creatures to bfe tonto ©on , tortjo b^ W ovfy po* luet mase W to be tone , arm bp Ijis onlp grace batb begotten to* neto agctne* ©ut (as 3i batte (apt« afo?e to tfje Ie wes 3 ) man liuetr fo? a tpme tott^out rtje t atoe, too makebim t© learne rfjat }>k toai not a latoe to bimfeIf:ano a certeme tpme tjnoer tbe Iatoe,to make ^im 5no bp p?o)fetbat be luais not able to perfo?meit, ano after* toarD grace \iias( offeree Unto b:m,a«ijpon a fcaf&fa tobcrebc (tint notljing but aeadj i ano fo tlje knowing of nature co?rttptet> maue *nan tbe mo?e able to recepue tbe Latoe ; ano tbe Latoe mane Ijtm tbcmo?ereaoptotmb?ace <3oo$gtace^o?eouertt featoconoer* full cDafhrmation to &g,toben toe conKoer tbat from tbe beginning tftije 23ojIdujicoIj^ comminj^ioe fcaucatoapeg I^ao }p?opbetrf from OF CHRISTIAN RKIIGION. €lf from tpme to tpme > agraing in one mpno ano one bopce 5 ad i^e* Hwtod ann Crumpettojd euerpebone of tbem, to pubiifb ano p?o* clapme tbe maietfie of tbid &ing3tobtcb toad to eome into £ toojln, .ff oj ban Ijc come anon after t&eCt ration of tbe flBojlo , tbid cgk* famation of outs fjan bin greatelp abateo, bpcaufe tbep tbat toere tlje firft ban bin furpjpfen bp b& tomming bnlcoftenfojt 3 ann tijofe tfyat&aue come after ibouln bauelumnii|unger to fo?gct it oj to make tbe lefife account of it,ad tbougb btd comming ban not belon* gen to tljem j toljeread no to all of nd are partafcerd botb of tope ana nf afoje tbe Latoe3foj be toad pjomtfen to tbem ; ann bnner tbe latoe3fo? tbep Ipftetopfe beam tbe Crum* pzm , anu aifo in tbe tpme tbat be came 3 fcj bee bimfeif fpafte to tbem ;' ano finally in our tpme3foj bid returne ojatoetb npgb* &t* ttertbele(Te3 it toad bid toill tco tomt in tbe tpme tuljen learning oto mofte flojifb , ano toben tbe^reatelt <£mpp?e toad in tbe cbeefeit p?pne3 to tbe enn tbat all too?lolp toifnome (boulo acknotoleoge it felf to be faliOwed, ann all ilrengtb ann potoer aciuiotoleoge itfelf to be toeajuieife before tym* 3I2oto,tberefo?e let bd an conduoe3ad toeH Iewes ad <8entp!edj> tfjat 3!efud €lnift i# tbe etemall fonne of (Soo,tbe !Reneemer3an3 tbe speoiato? of manftpno* 3nn let no quetfion oj obiection toitb* fjolo bd from it* Ie wts; foj be i^ fucb a one ad be toad p?omifen to tbem,bo?ne in Bethelcm of a virgin of tbe ^rpbe of luda3at fucb tpme ad tbekingnome toad gonefrom tbeboufeof luda, bumbles beneatbeall^alteo aboueall3puttorepjoacbefufl oeatbfojous finned,ano raifen ageine toitb glojie to mate bd rigbtuoufe* Gen- ty les; foj be nin to©?ftd ^icb coulo not pjoccene but from 6o&;-fje createn t\)in$^ ofnotbing, o?ueone contrarie out of anotber/ur* wiounteo tbe nature of man 3 annouercametlje nature of Sngelld: %i$ 5oiug of tobtcb tbingd(beeing not pofftble too bee none but bp ©on,) bzclattbl)im to be berp 6ou* 9no botb togitber ; fo? all of id oeCre eternal lpfe3al of bd Itnotoe tlje corruption of our nature, all of bd pereepue tobat ©ood 3!ufticere(iup?eeb,allof bd fino tbat toe baue ntibt of bid merchant! all of bd fe tbat betto^ne bid 31a* ftice anti bid mercp,none cau (bp reafou) ftep in to be tbe Speuiato^ but 4$ © D, ano to be tbe g>ati{fier5but man,euen 3|efud £b?tff». 6o?ne of tbe birgin3ano tbe fonne of ©on, 9na feeing it l)mfy plea>- fen tbe fatber to giue bd bid fonne , let bd tmbjace l)im ; aim feeing |e batb ftnt bim to b?ing glan tptirngd tco our S>ouled3 let bd bev$ litruiTinallp let bd ^earfeen to tlje rule ann nortrine toijic& i;e ^atli m 6l% OF THE TREWNB5 fc ft b$5 tfeat lot map tnueuec to flue tmto bim in an gonlpncs, c on* fiocringtbatbc batb&outfafen ofbtf bnfpeakablellouec, to fuffet fcere beneath ano to &?e fo? &s* The xxxiiij. Chapter. That the Gofpcll in very trueth conteyneth the do&rine of lefus the Sonne of God. ;. &>%*$ foj our lo^u 3I^fuj5 Cbjul bim< ftlf, (fo? i tfttnk 3! map noto fo rail bim "\ ftitbout offence to cfte Iewes ojfcojne aftbeGentytes)bebaeb not left ns an? I of W otone life o? notttine to?itten b? ' tumfelf* if oj fojtblp ban fteln^ittg it bint felfe, mentocuiotatte com* men fome fufpition thereof ♦ Sgame , bat) be fet 1 tiotene tbofe btgb tbings tn a btgb frplc* ifce common fojttooulo not bauebnoerfloon tbem: annljanbent* tercu tbem in a limple (tile,tbcp tooulo b^tte conduneti(fo^ fo farce as tbep ban nnnertaon,) tbat it ban bene but tbetoojne of a^an, ami not tbe too^ti of (Son bimfelfe;as lace fee it is a tjerp common fonnneffe in tbc toojln,to eft&me mo?e of tbe bakes tbat arc narfte ip reafon of tbet'r ouetijigb ftple,tban of tbofe tobicb ftoope as Iota as tbe£ can to tbe capacitie of tbcteaners5to i'nftrctct tijem^ut b& Thefmccritic life ann I)i0 ooctcine be recojnenbp bis 3poftIcs ann Difctples af* ofthc writers fifon by bis fpir:it,fromU>bomtoc baue tbe <0ofpds,tbe3cts>ann tbe ^pi^Ies^U^bicbtogerberljaecaUtbenetoe Couenatttoitbe ximz ®e(tament*9nn tobetljectbis ^etfament ougbtto be of ate* tbojitie among ns o? no ; 3! repojte me to t\)t iungement of all t£e toojln*if o? tbe totters tberof iiuen in t&e fame tpme tbat f tbing* l» ere nonc,ann fatoe tbenozng of tbem ♦ 3nn altbougb tbat at tb* tpme of tbeir uniting, tbep lucre farre afunner; pet agree tbep botfr in tbe !£)i(to?ie ann in tbe Dottttne-,aun loofte tobat tbep ftnate,tbe femenin tbep pjeacb ann publify openIpcuerpU)b^c5 cucutubile tbofe toere aliue tobicb coulo toitneflfe tbereof3?ca eucn labile tbeic nmm liueo totytl) toouln ijaue bin uerp glan to fcatt? taken tbem ftitjp of the Newc Teftamcnt. Of CHRISTIAN RELIGION, €19 irirfj an bnmtetb: aim in tbe em> t^ep Cgnea ft toftb rijetr blu^ann fealeu it tuitb tb^ir neatl; «i all places! of tlje eartbttobtrb tbing toe wane not to feaue bene none foj anpotber siting o^effament tobatfocuet , tbougb ft came from netter fo great a g>tate o? Spa* narite,bo& autbenticall foeucr then labourer to make tt ♦ af toee loofte&pfr tbe autbojt*,tbeir tojfeatg is not to flatter fbme^mee, as fomeooe*tfo? bao 3!efuiSbene>ittfca^^it,tDbat route bauebin games bp flattering btm toben be toatfTucinm&gatn, tbep toere none fuel) a?; maoe tbeir gavne of Uniting;* 3nn fucb tuoulo Cor- nelius Tacitus baue men to bcteue* j$apratber?tbepgaueouet tbe too?!*, aim gaue tbeir otone lines foj t\)z tbings tobtcb tbep tu?ate » 3|f pe baue an epe to tbe ftple, ft is natiue5 fimple,plapnev pjeacbing Cbntfes ©otibeau tmtbout concealing bis inftrmitie, ano confelfinj bis infitmftfeuntfjottt graunting atoap bis ©on* kea&^be tocakenefle, tbe curioufnefTe, anti tbe ambitioufnefTe of tbe 3pofflcs,tbat is to toit of tbe footers tbemfelttes,are regiff reo Biligentlp tbere+©fb?agguig5of boaamg^ofbanftiejO? of p p?aife of 3Iefu# btmfelfe,tbere is not one tooju.Pcter itept afinejano ne* npeo bis gaoler tb?a tpmes; ano Mark bis DifcipleOnbo tojate tbe 6ofpell bitter bim ) Ijatb fet tt ootmte in tufting ¥ lohn ano lames dje&onneSofZebedieoefireo to fit, tbe one ontberigbt fjan& ana tbe otber on tbe left ijano of 31efu# in bis Eingoome; ano tobo tygea tbem to tell fucb tales out of §>cb eucn toitb aouauncement tbeteof;at leaff* iBtfe if tbep bao not mitten in tbe bebalfe of tbe truetbtt felfe, aiur tbat tbep baa not bin fure tbat fjtss migbtmelTe fctteren it feife in im ftcmuie ♦ %o bee (bo&tbepfet aotone tbe particularities oftpme, place , atm perfon, sap, €itit, ant) bo^re* %\)z mo^eparticularlp" tbat tbep Declare tbings , tbe moie eaSe xate it tx^ baue mfcouerea tljeir \jntruetb35am? to^aue conumce^ tbem ♦ fa} tbep fpake not m Tewrie of d)tngs troirein tbe Indyes,bitt at tbe gates? of Hieru- &km,tnBethanie,tn Bethfaida,anti in Hierufalcm it felf,mfucb aftreate5atfncb agvite^bpfucbapoaleanti fo fcoitb/EbeiDttueirei? toere tben a!tue,tbe blpno faio ,mm the oeao t»a!ket5 t)p ano ootune mnong tbem^ao thz 9polfIes lpen,botD ealte bauit bene to ba«e ^ifpjoucD tbem :\ MJbatui^apor^gauetbcp to tljeir enemies to yaue 6$& O V THB TUVVNH ijatteouerromctbem fducsuritijalft anupctfo; allrtife^otoljap; penes tt tljat of fa manp pijariGcs entagetr agemft tbem , tob'irfr f coke exception fo piectfelp to tUe bcaling of a mat&pon tlje &ab* botb &ap , ami to tljts taping of Cb?itte mtfunfeerttoDe, Deftroy this Temple and in threedayesl wil rayfeit vpagein;anO of fa manp men toljtcb toere rea&p liotf to &o euffl ana to fap eutil; none af tfjem afl (fane bp to-^nfap tbem ? .ffiEt&ro toag tbe ?eaie of ©ofcg ijoufe became at i M iitite,t&an at tbe tabtcb tbere toere nr* utx mo ?eIoxtfe petfonea f lie fecne *i 9t leafturife boto ijappenetfr it tljat in tbatbouge beaprof npne o^ten volumes; of tbe Talmud* tljep b?utg not fco^tb tl;cir ejccepctonst ana gepnfaptngs > nefetb* aotonefomeCountergofpell4: Seeing tbentbat featreo picket^ cut p2coEes ano teQimamt* tobere none are; ano ytt nottottbffatt* Btng,tfje extreme IjatreB of tbe^bandc^ finoetb «one,no noteoeti in tbe tpme ann place tofcetc tbe tbtngs toece none, ana $ben tljetc atone autljojtttetoag (frongeftano attbebpgbetf pttcbtiabatmap toe conclude t^ereon^ but tfje infallible ttuetlj oftbc Cpttf o?te of rfje ©ofpelft ifteuerrtjeleflUet b$ ytt fattlrp bnbeteuers,bp p?outng f tiring* into rijem tofjtcb tbep efteeme to be moll bncreotble in tbe C;ifto?tc TheStarre of our lo?0 3!efu$ €(Kttarre (faptb tbe <£ofpell) toa* markeo bp tbe topfe mtn in tlje WiTcmca. ^aft ^ tbe tobicb tbep follower* 5 ano-it gfopoea tbem to tbe place tobete Jef«^toa«a{^omepcrbappestotllflatlptienpti)t^ g>tatre to batte bin* ( Jtet anp man rouge, bott> little creott to btmfelf ami autboutteto Cb?tft5 tbe Cuangelttf coulo baue purcbaceo b^ be* gtnmngimtbalpetobtcb an men coulo baue otfp2oueo5 fpectallp feetngbetaketl) tbe g>crpbes{ , anopbanGes tbemfelues to tot't* Piiniciib 2 BriTe t&ecoM&ut toe reaoe tljat tbeberp fame time,(Auguftus l;a* caP.2j. uingtljen tbe cbeefedjargeoftbe(Sames( kept tntbelionojof b& mootber Venus) at Rome) tbere toa$ fecne a 35laBngftarre oj Comet (tbatte tbe name tobtcbe tbep gme toaafleirtraojDtnarie fetarresQtobereof tbe l&eelte of tbat Colleoge gaue tljctr mage* ment , tbat fo? tbe lingular marker tobt'eb it bao , tt betokeneo not toatte,plague,o? faming otbero?mnarie Cometh oo-,buttljefali uattonofmankpnutobeatljanti* 9nntintotbtsi Comet (bpcaufe of tbe rareneffe thereof) tbete toas an 3Image fet bp tn tbe Cm'e, And that onety Comet(fapetb Plinie) is woorlhipped ouer all the World. EBbcrettnto relpttb tbt3 Derfe of Vrirgili in bfe fourth €s!oga mm to Mttx Auguftus b^ applptng^nto {jtm fte appe* OF CHRISTIAN RELIGION.' 63 I kmg of tifjat §>tarre 5 Behold how noble Csefars Starre fteppes foorth with ftately pace, after tobicb maner bee tojeftetb Dntcr Auguftus , allifcebappmefTe tottb Sibyll pjomifeo bp tbe bird) of tbe TReueemet, 8lfo Chcremon a Stoik l|Dbilofop*)er5iuDgeo tbe Orio5 aaain$ fame Starre to betoken toclfareautJ fapppnefle ; ano tljereuppon cci?v^° percepuingbitf (Sooss to be toeafeenc&$e traueleo into lewry toiti> ccrteme^ftioIoger^tofeefeetbetttte^Ni 9no Chatcidins ttje Platoniftfaptlj e|cp?effp,tbat ttje Cha¥veib'aif obferueo tljat itb& tokeneo tbe i[>onojable commiug of cfc* ootone tinto bs3to tying grace to mojtall men.ipete tbe 3ftrolog|fjS J$>tnatter thereupon to e,rcercpfe tbeir Contemplations f oj $fe* Starre appeareo in December , toben tlje Smime toas in Sagittarius , in tobicb figne Marfiljus FIcl' (fap tbep) botb Iupirer, tbe <§>unne , ami Venus toere met altoge* ^of thf* tber;altobirfjtl)?0e(bp tbeir p?^ * mod mpgbtie , ant* a molt merrifuli Rmjfc&itt pet p©je, bj> ten- the wife m«u fonoftbe^unnetobtcbtoasicomembettotjcctbem, i[>oto (IjoulB f>e be mpgbtp , rf pcoje *t Frutefull alfo , bpcaufe of Iupiter in tbe 3ngel of tbe afcenoant ; but pet baren ano CfcpMeiTe b^ reafon of t&e spame uiljicb toas m p firff face of Virgo, ©f r jjefe time Com trarieties toe mpgbt > aceojtmtg too tbeir art , gather fome pjofifc Xut 31 toill let tbefe ntrioQttess alone t© fucb as oelpgbt in tfiem* 2$ut m berp oeeoe , tW Sbtarre appearing™ December tottbout tape^anu being bealtbM.toag not an ojoinarie Comefcbut a be* rp g>tarre in oeeoe* %bt Ipke hereof toe baue feene ourfelues in tbe fame feafon of tlje pere,in tlje pere of our 1 ojo a tboufano fine* fcantyea tbjeefcoje ano ttoelue^tbe fiptftcation tobcreof 600 totff reuealebnto b$ toben be fee* tpme* jfloto bao tbe former Starre bin one of tbe ojoinarie <§>tarreg tl;at arefijeo intbe firmament; tofoat a miracle toas it tbat re fyoulo leaue bfe place an& cfrarge, not to reigne ouer 3efu$3but to ferue Ijim *: 3nb if ft toere netolp tbeti creates ; b^ tofrome coulo it be createo,but b)> tlje Creator ; ana fo? tobom^but fo^ bimfelf*;9no toljerea^ Tulian tfie Henegate not be* togabletooenptbetrtietbof tbeS&ifltyie, ano tbe cunning of tlje dltfe uten b^ tbegtopmngtbereof^tooulo beare mm on bano tljat ittoa^ tbe^tarrenaitteo A(aph, tobtcb tbe Egiptians baue mar? fcen to be fene bnt once at euerp fotoer l)\xvfo}W pere^: beftoeg tTjaC l»e reane not of anp Ipke to baue bin fene in an tfce former ages ; it jattjnot bin f&ne anp mo?e in tljefe full fifteene bunojeo peered fejbtcb are paflfeo Qntz tbat tpme* J^oto b^ tbfe inquirie of tbe toift menaHerod toa£ mo«eo to feill all tlje Cftitojen about Betherem, ■6$1 OF THE TREW**U tofeicfe tore ctoapeeres eft ano bnaer , meaning among fytm to feaue luIIeD tfee Cfeiln tofeom tfe&fetarre betofanjtoin aoing tofeer* of bpcauxc a &omte of feis otone toas fallen toitfewereft; toe rease Macrobiusiti ™ Macrobius,tfeattfec €mperour Auguftus fearing tfeereofgaue • jiis Sammals. feint tfeis tattft^I had leuer be Herods Swyne than his Sonne. agem,tljat Cfejtft jljoulti be boyit of a Oivgm,tfeep tfeinfte it be* ••Vtoi tP;ttww"B^3!fe«neiitrcuB£jit!jfe popnt alreasp ageinff tfeelcwes. clement in © £> D feaa fo^ctoln i^ijjjfc ,*feat couto tfeen lee feint to tying ft to Kis Recogni- palter jfo? lxii)a can t»otty..f tjfe potocr^tofeeu fee is tee of feis toil!? tions. 05ut tfeis toas fo ttttf5tljht Simon Magus to tfee intent fee mpgfet ^cnusCo^'notfeetmmfnio?toCljitftmanptfeing,p?cac|)eii to feis otone Difciples5tfeat fee feimfeiftoas tfeefonneofa GJirgin,tofeicfe tfeing 3!efus Clnifl: neuet Pjeacfeeo of feimftlC fltou toee tea&e tfeat tfee fame nap tfeat Clniff toas bo?ne,tfee temple of peace fell aotone at Rome^ at tfee iaping of tfee foundation tofeereof, Apolo tola tfee Romanes it (feouto ttauD till a Virgin ntti beare a CfeplD ; tofeere* " fcpon t\)t^ tfeougfet it ffeoulo feaue continetoeo fo? euer*£mr as tou* tfeing Simeon,tofeo featting iiefus in feis armes acfcnotoie&gen feint to be tfee Sbattfout of tfee too^to , 31 feaue aeclareo tofeat tfee Iewes iofcphuslib. fap of ^tm ♦ 9nu as fo? Iohn tfee Baptift our Loj&s fo?egoer3 tfee n.cap.7. ^tao?ie of feis goulp life ami ootfrine ano of feis oeatfe alfo , is fee tiotone after tfee fame maner in lofephus , tfeat it is in our €uan* gelifts*3|f toe confiner Cfe2iftes too?ks3all tfee tofeole eourfe of fefc life toas notfeing but mpjacles,tfee tafeicfe 31 feaue pjouea true long ago*9nti tfeis onlp popnt3namelp tfeat tfeep beuefcriben $ ftt fojtlj fcntfe fo manp circumftances 3 tofeereunto neuer anp man featfe pec pjefumea to take exceptions , notfe fufficientlp giut crenite to tfee matter-,anti tfeerefojelet bSpaffe bnto feis aeatfe. The Edips. From the fixth hower( faitfe our €uangelift) vnto the nineth Mark.27. hower there was darknefle ouer all the Land : tfeat i£ to fap,aC vcrfe i\. Phlegon Trallia tfee <£mper our Adrians ifra&man , tfee mligeits phiegonTrai- teft of all Cfejonacletg , notetfe tfeat in tfee fourtfe pare of tfee ttoa lian in the 13. feuntyeti auti tentfe ©Ipmpiane, tfeere toag tfee greatel! Cciips of bookeof his fyZ g)Umie tfjat euer toags feene , ann tfeeretoitfeall a &erp ftrattnge oriS^ST ^«c6quafce* Sim tfeat toastfeelaerp i8,pareofTyberius,int"fee ccifus." MM) pere Cfe?ii! fuffereu feis paffion^mi Eufebius faptfe fee fean Suidas. reao tfee like in tfee Commentaries of tfee Gentyles . 9lfo Lucian ap?ie(l of Antioche crpen out to fucfe as to?menten feim : Search your o\rne Chronicles, and you fhallfinde that in the tyme of Pylatc OF CHRISTIAN HE1IGI0N# , in tlje ftrft negree of Aries5ano tlje Qptmxt toas netolp entered into Libra, ©tljers fap3 tljat tbe ®tone toas in Virgo ann t&e gmmte in Pifces,toljicb commetlj al to onein cffecttanD tberfGje tljat tljcre coulo bee no natural* €clips bp reafon of rljis oppofition* ®o bee fijo?t, fbme fap it toas bniuerfall ouer alltbe toojlo ; ann tben toas it a fpeciall ujojfte of 6on, foj tbe o?ner of Mature can noe no fucb tlitng in tlje toojlo*ffitberfome fap it Mm peculiar to p onlp Latin oflewrie;anntbeitis<£yons fpcciall tooling pet mo jemamfeff: foj it is ( ag pee tooulo fap ) a popnting at tbe caufe of tbe Cclips toritb IjtS ftnger;namelp,tbe fuffering of tbe£s>auiour of tlje toojlo* 3nn as little alfo emtio tbat €clips be b]> tlje ojner of Mature , ag tbe otljer* jf oj foujo but onelp (Son coulo oim tlje ftgljt ann ligljt of tbe gmmte in fucb fcjtettutljout a Comuntfiontbereoftmtbtbe SpcDtte, tfcat it ffjoulo gtue ligljt to all places fatting onelp Iewrie, ' as n)bo tooulo fap,lje ffjoleo out Iewrie fro al tlje reft of tie toojlnt 3nn as toucbiug tlje €artljquafee tbat accompanpen it , tbe foje* The Earth. fapn Phlegon fpeafcetb tljereofyopm'ng it to tlje Cclips as; our €* "i11^' uangeliftes noe ♦ 3nn tbefe cafes; are fo rare ann bnfeene , not in fome oueage^but in tlje toljole courfe of tlje too^tbut feeing tbep be repojteo to baue bene in one felfefame peere5ann botlj togetljer; tbep cannot bebunerftcon of anp otljer tijan tljofetobMj our £raan* geliffs ami 3utbo?s fpeafceof^obe ftofotjelfepteoj Curteine of tbe temple oirr renti afuniier* jf oj tbe bclamngo? Difcreniting of tins popnt, tljere ndeneo no mo?e but to goe to tlje place ann fee fcrijetljer it tocrefo 0} no > anulofephusfpeakmg oftljefeetcu feeugJ of tljetielfruftion of tlje Iewes^cpo^tetlj tbe Ithe tljing. ^eljolo,3!efud is note oeambut tbe tljrro nap (je rpfetlj againe, ThcRyfinga- a£ be bimfelfe ban toln afojebano i 3)f Ije Ijan fapn a^ Mahomet gaync of ieflg fapo , about an eigbt btmo?eb pares bencejl mm iwjjfrf fee pott a= "om die dcai jaiue#e ban taken a goon terme fo? rrparfof ty$ Ipe^ut inljen be fepn 6j4 OF THE TR8WKH5 , fapn 31 toffl ctmtc againe toitfom $efe t^iee naicg •, Ijte uec tpt (ff&e $*n meut anp)tooulo fame Ijaue bin otfcouereo Jlpere t&ep crpe out ann cannot aomtt tljeftojteto bee true ♦ 3no pet nothutbftannmg toben tljep reane tfjat nne Erus an Armenian , tfjat one Arifteus, cjtbat one Thefpcfiusrofe againe to life ; tljep tbinfce no euill of Plato, Herodotus , o^PU^arkc fr repotting it ♦ i£>oto) lininuiffc- rent are t&cfe people fM&t\yM nuks botb betoue ann be bete* Hen of all men fornix u)V: *£fle aitu bnrequeften ; ann pet no tm't* neffe can Mice to mate tf em bei&ue tljeir otune faluattoirt £230* men fatoe tf l;?iff,twen toucljeo Ijim, tlje bnbeteuers felt Ijim tm'tfr t^eic finnrrr^ ; i;c titu eate ann njinfce anntoag conuerfant among t^em,npucts tpnuejes ann manp naies : ann pet all tbte tljep ftoutlp nenpe*3$ut Pylate toitnelTen ft ; ann tlje 3pottleg being earl! afio* wOjeo at tt, ntn aftertoarn pjeaclj it^publtQ tt, $ 0gne tt Uritl) tfteic blun ♦ JJ)e toljom t^e Cljambermapn ban mane amajen , ann tobo Ijan nenpen btm tbja tpmeg in one botoer toben be toas aliue;nod) pjeactif publilb tym euen in Hierufalcm,befcne tbe Sptegiftrateg, ann before tfce pjtefte* ; ann no ttyeates can make fcim botoe W p&ce*3[f Cftftft rotten in f)tg graue : to&at ijope of beneftte toag ta . Jbeljab of W nean carfcefle*: jftap ifljeliuen not tn Peter jtobo fygeu Peter to pieaelj Ijim \ 9nn if lj e fpafce not m bim;toijo toeuln baus beteucn bittrt Wfyo (fap 3) tooulo baue beteuen tt,at leafltorife fo farre ag to pjeacfc ann publttb tt,ann to Hgne ann fcale tt tatdj tljeir blun,bpon W repo&ano alfo after tljat be toag gone^&crefotlje fcerp flaunnerers tbemfclues gtue ligbt bnto tin's truet^jFoj tljer* topon tt fa tljat tlje Iewes fcatte fepnen, tljat W booie mag ftolne a* luap : foj tfjep founn tt not tljere ; *&ut Pylate pjcouetb tbem Iper* typ^flp ♦ Stfo tberebppon alfo ntn fome of tbe Gentyles furmtfe, tljat rijep l;an crttctfien a ©Ijotte o^ @>pojne m Sean of Ijtm t tobtcij tbfng tbe Iewes bp^oln to bee berp falfe , toljo tcake offence at bttf neatl;,a^ lubicl; tbet kne\» to be a matter of truetb,m refpert toljer* nf tbep call ^tm Utll dje Crucifien ♦ ^5ut Ijee Itucn tljen, ann Ituetft . . Mfo?eutranneuer*9nntberefo?eassbebanp?omtfenbti3Dtfcf< Jowne of "fc &z* afa?c Ijtt ^M^ftaiiut Luke faptlj tbat be fent ttjem tbe Ijolp holy Ghoft. ^boft in firte Congtteg luttbm a feto nateg after W nCng agatne: tub^tbp tbep recetuen tbe gift of tongues o^ Languages;,pea ann tbat in fucb totfe,tljat tbe fame gift came noune upon manp otbersf bp tbetr I^pfngof tljetrbann^bpo tljenu'Cijte tss one of tbe tWngtf tubtcb tbep tutll not bcl&\icy ag iu!)a \wouln fap it toere not a0 ealle foj ©on to gtue one man tlje Jmnertf anntng of manp 'Stongue^a* ft ©f CHRISTIAN RttTeietf /jj ft laag to lieutee one language into To manp toben be tow* bifpfca* feo^ut if it be a b?agge3ag tbep furmifetto tobat enu toag it? ana tobat migbt baue bin mo?e eafeip oifp?ouen> €be ^agtfttate baa tbem in W banti:U)bp *>ta be not examine tfjetu before tbe people* Hicrufalem toag ass tbe Spuffertngplace of all tlje €att:am> tobere tben migbt t\)t^ Ijaue bene bifrimtco ano niatie to recant irt #2ap, ti>t effect tbat follotoeo bpo* \ /'wfiroto^foFo? tlje 9poftle03b*e* fag but jftflber^, ano publicanes(5^a^e;begmning ignorant perfona, mentobtcb o?m'narilpkneWn(4itto?etban tbeirotone ntatber tongue,an& tbat but gtodelp; bio aftertoaco incite bookes, anotrauell otter t&etoljoletoo?lo,p?eacbing in all plaa% Confix .', , Her tofoat Ipking either tbe Iewes o? tbe Gentyles tooulo baue baa effucb folke, to baue maoetfcemtbeirfpokefmen to tbe people* 3n* pet tlje Difcipleg bio ttfoeffectuallp, tbatinleffetbanfo?tie pare^tlje ttbole too?io tfjat toajs infcabiteb, tea* replcmlbeb toritlj tbenamean&bortrineof 3lefugMF)oto coulo tbat&aue btnoone,tf tbep ba& not bao an e?*rao?binarie f kill of tl;e Language^ cotb- Ip tbe {J)ifto?ie thereof toag fo true ana fo commonlp knotone^tljat Simon Magus to countenance bimfelfe toitball, repo?teb ftimfelfc to bee tbe fame tbat came botone upon tbe 3polttes in fine tungtf, . fcnbcr pretence tbat bp tbe belpe of tfje Deuill,be countetfetteb af* eer a fo?t tbe gift of tongues 3m> as fo? fome fearcljeris ano Ofter g of too?bbicfo tbep finne in our Cuange* lifter, feeing tbat in Horace o? in Virgin tljep count ©reekc pb?a* ft$ fo? an elegancie ♦ jfo? to tbe intent tbep map perceiue tbat it in uoue to ejcp?efTe.Cb?iffe$ matters tlje mo?e pitbilp 3 anb to rep?e* fent tbem tbe mo?e narelptlet tbem reabe.g>*Patile,anb tbere tbe? (ball finue fo fap?e a ©rake tongue , fo full of pitbie too?bes ? fa full of excellent anb cbofen pb?afes , anb fo peculiar to tlje ©rake tongue it felfe, tfjattbebeftlearneb boe confelfebebabtbebcrp gtounb of it, anb allege bint fo? an example of eloquence* let b$ come to tbe bitf o?ie of btm ♦ %W &♦ Paule a £>tfctple of Gama- lielles,toag fent toitb Commiffion to perfecute tbe Cfet(liansf*31« big toap (faptl) Luke) a ligbt (bone about bim , anb being fmttten A£l1 9-&22* to tbe gtounb, bebearo tW bopte, Saule,Saule,why perfecuteft thou me. ^Do bee ibo?t3of a 31eW be became a Cbuftiansano of a ,iperfecuter5a $partir* 3no if tbou beteueft not fe4Luk^fi>4Paule i;cS«A ; limfelfe toucbetb W o\»ne bifto?ie in oiuerss places ♦ ££lbat batlj The c»re.iucll , ?*uie is in tljetuap to grotoe great,be is tn gcoa rep^nit * ir»ic*i tbe 9£)agulrate $ tbeifyictfes, anb fobcinlpbecbaungabbis Ccpieoutof one crtremttie into an ntber,to bee rkoine^fcourgerijcurigele^ltone^antipnt toueatlu 3Put tbe ( afe tljat neither S>« Luke no? &, Pauk nio tell ftee \%t caufe thereof* tOfratniapartjotrtmagme, buttbattttuasab/tp great anb forcible caufe5tljat teas able to cbaunge a manst)eart fa fo&epnlp anb faitraungelp *x %<* it notbaplie fcene(\mlt ttjou fap) tbat men are fcone cljangeb am> bpon Iigbt caufe^?^e$f5fcolc$ axt+ ^utfjebebatetb tbe matter ^jebjgetbbis argumcnts,an&betyi* ueclj l;fe ccmrtuOons to an en^je ♦ Cfoe bed leaweb of bis enemies finbe fault toitb W mifapplpmg(astbep tcrmett)of fjfe fkill>am> * pet coittmtn& bis baitings ♦ gca, anb befcnotoctb tljat unto tljce fcis pjcacbmg UiiU feemc £bl!p5anbpet t^ at(as mucb foJtp as it is) tt is tftc berp toifeoome of <8ob ; ant tljat bv Molmng it be (ball fjautnotljmg but atJuccGtte^anu pet fai all tbat, be botb not gtur it ouer.l^oto fbalfbe be teife,tbat counted; bimCelfe a fcoleto ratfcec tobirb of tbe luifer fojt is not ramfljeb at fcis faptngs anb Doings': Tint if be be toifeJearnctuBti boelabuifeb as tbou fecft be is ; taljat foflofcuet?) but tljat bis cbatmgc pjocee&etb of fome cairite 3nb fir t* mg tbe cbaungetoas great-,tbc caufermrff nabes be great a!fo:an& feeing it toas ej;treame ana agamft nature; furelp it nmfkmttt* paoceetie of a fupernaturall anb fouereine caufe* £lcrclp tbe reafpn tbat leanettj tbee to fyiz general! conclulkm , ougbt to lease rifce to tfje fpeciafl alfo t tbat is to late > tbat it toas a berp great ano ft* pernaturallcaufe tbatmottetibniitiMmeIp5tbefamei»bicb feaiwt Lukerebearfetb^ anbuibicb be bimfelftconevmetbinmanp pla= ces 3 foj tf;e )xW) b£ cUeDmetb bimfelferigbt bappie to ntuutc tbe mtferie \n\)iti) hz (antiD anb pjor urea bnto otbers , ann in tbe enb after a tl;ouTanb burts ann a tI;cufano Deaths , ije toiflntglp fpent Iji^bfe. h* aCatA°f 9ir° ^e Dw* of Kerod ^*en *? ^c anffen fo? ttotgfnmff Sippa" * £*01te buta ^^ ' ^ rap*?™ ^^ bs mttcb mo^t amplp bp Iofe- A£Ui 2. phus^tl^an bp §>tLuke! Herod((apt^) lje)ruack (ho^es w Carfa- rea„ OF CHRISTIAN RELIGION. ^7 rea5andthefecoftddiyof the folemnitie, he came into the iofcphusm Theatre being full , clad in robe of cloath of Siluer , which by hj* anticluit: the ftryking of the Sunnebeames vppon it > made it the more l ' ! 9,caj> 7 {lately. Then began certeyne Clawbicks to call himGod,and to pray him to bee gracious vnto them .But forafmtfch as he did not refufe that flat v \ ■ nt^ait^n Owle fitting vpon his head, and by and by he was take ^^/o ftraunge torments, that within feawe daies after \c d^^pcknowledging Gods iudgement vpon him,and preaching thereof to his flatterers. ^ljt$ $ifto?te i$ fet out mo?e at large bp lofephus,tolncb in effect ft ailone tottlj $attoljtty tg bitten bp $»Luke, tufio fapetb tbat tHpeople ctpeo out , It is the vbyce of God,and not of a man: ano tfyat tbertopon an angell of (Son tfrafce buttons be toag eaten totrti too?meg,atrti fo open* ©jefebee tbe tbmgs toln'cb tijep finoe fcarce tremble fti rije Ijiftojte of oar €uangritftes : tobtel) pet not* tottftttatromg are cofirmeo bp tfje busies of tbe Tewes ano Gen* tyles,t»bo report tljt tbmgg tomb too?ti$ full of amntration,tobic& our (JEuangeltitegi fet ootone fimpip after tfjetr oTtunc maner ♦ ann feeing tljat m tfjefe tbmgg , ui^trij epceeoe nature , tbep beefouno true ; tobat likelpljootie te tbere tfcat tfjep iboufo not alfo neftuet M Cb?ntejai ooctrme tritely* fpectallp bemg(a$ 31 bane flKtoeo afo?e) tntraculouffp aOifteo tmtb tbe potoer of W fptat aceo?tung to bte p?omiflfe0 , ano mo?eouet bamngtottnefTeo tbe Gnreritie of tbert to?ttinge( , bp fuffermg fo manp to?mentg , ano in tbe enti oeatb? Seeing tljen tbat tfte neto ^effament comepnetb tbe truetb oftbe Doctrine of 3|efu$,anii p?oceeoeo from tljefptrit of 3ieftt£,tobom 31 ftaue fljetoeo to be tbe onne3ano to blue tbereafter , ano ta ape fo? tbe fame ; confisermg tijat b)> tbe fame toee u)al! be rapfeo one nap to gIo?ie,ano retgne tool) fjtm fo? euer? 3£ut fo?afmttclj as toe mafte mention oftpfingageme from tlje Anobie&km oeatJ ; tbat te pet one fcruple mo?e tbat remapnetb. (BEftat lpke!p= ^ainft thc v- fjon ts; ftere of tbat (fap tbep5)femg tbat our boupeis rotte^tcD?^ [{^fad med Dtuaia* t3^f,^ea our borjpes oo tume mto t»otime^,anti a uom= btt of otber cbaunges no paflfe ouer tljem *t WW* tsi a continetoall ffuntblmg aliwapes; atone Ihme , namelp to (faun gafing at <$ote potuer tobo cm no all ttyngs, toben pe iioulo ratijer red upon bt^ mfllt C;e touitoo it ; fo? ^e fcatlj font tl)e bonp ano feoule togitljer, IRv 2 to 6$% C*F THI TRIVTM«$ to be parttafeet* of goo an& cufli togitber, anu bee batb grant one Jtatoetotbembotbtogttber Jo as tbep tnuft ftdfirrtogitber anfr ioptogitbei-jpeaanofuffec one fc^anotberanuoRrbp another in tbis Ipfe:ano tobat Suffice tben toere it to feparate tbcm in another Ipfe *: it>c totil Do it: fo? be mane tbe tob oe Mfc tobo if fee toere but feoule alone^toere no man^ ^)u§fy f* ;oo it : fo? to tbe intent t» fane mau,bfc Sbomtz h*t- tefyTitkctAti of man iwto bint* Jftoto to Tauetbe bottle, tt&afa* %iot?o# fojbimtco baue taken but a &onk t but be tbat marie tbe tobole man , mill alfo faue tbe t»boIe man^o be fljojt * be toiil &o it ; foj bebatb fapo it: anu be mill no itjfoj be I;atb twne it alreaap Jpe batb fap& it Op bis feonnc^ be %u\) aifo none it in bte §>onne3ano bis fonne aoojnetb ug toitb W fcictujie ; anu be toill furelp a&ojtte w vatelj big glc^teXocfce fcpoit tbe grap:te tbat i$ call into tt^c grounn ; if it rotte not, it (pjtngetfc not Dp;if it fpjtog not b&tt pclcetb no fopfoiu9gem,of one graine, tome mfrnp €are* of Cojn^of a fcewell, a gawlp 3Lree;of a tbing cf notbmg(a$ pi toouto fap) a perfect liuing Creature* U&Wb of all tbefe tbtngs rcfembletb tbe c&mjf tbat commetb tbercof, eptber in fubftance3oj in (bape,oj in quantities in qualities 'Co be fbojt, lob^tftraungeneireisitberemtbtg *t©f abanufttllof €artb (Sod maoetb&,amulI tbe €artb of noting, aimofabanafull toill be make tb& neto ageine^bi* &oap of tbine tobicb in time pad toa* not, is of bis mafcing;tbfa bonp tobirb one&ap (ball eeaJTe to be,be toil one&ap make neto ageitu&erilptbis oodrine toag connnon to an true lewes3ano among ail tbe ^eacbera of tbe Latoe, tobo bao gatbereo it out of tbe oto 'Ceffament, ( as toe reaoe m lofephus ana in tl)t 3rtg of tbe Spoftleg) fo? tbep agree fullp toitb @>,Paule Taimud.cap. in tbat bebaff*9no in tbe Talmud tbere are infinite places tbcreof* Hekc.trentife. gifo tbe Alcorane (tobicb is bojrotoeo of tbeir Rabbines) is full sanhedrin. rf^fe Doctrine* 3no ag conrerning tbe 5>eatben of olo tpme, Zo- roaftres fapo^tijat one >?ap tbere (bai be a generail rpfing ageine of AcnaeasGaza alUbeueaD* Theopompus a Difciple of Ariftotlesootlj tbe Ipfcrf concerning nni> noman inoln tpme( ftpetb Aenseas of Gaza) oio onte gepn- immortaiitic. ty t^m^^ Stoiks I31X0 opittion,tbat after acerteint tpme tbere ^E^ie ana *oulD te mtbniuerfall burning of tbe ^oilo s (tofjicb to© call in his booiccs Doomefday,) anu tbat immeniatlp after 5 ad tbings Ojoulo be fet ofQueftions. in tfjcu: perfect ftatc agcine^a^ tbep toere at tbe firft^nti tt toag( tbe hb. 3 .cap.26. opinion of Cryfippus in W bcal^c of pjouitjencs tranflaten bv Lu- o7\?&h: canetbeStoik,tobicbnetofiateVarrocailetbPalingenefian>tbat Mctamorpho fc J0 %* Rcgpucratioi^Rcbcgirttin^ New birth-Platofaitfr c^jeCp tbat men* g>oulea (ball retume into tbeir boapeg ♦ ^b* Lucancthc aftroloffer^ftUotumg Albumazar, topboto tbat toben£ Starred NCUcwofsc tome ^ome age trie euerp one mtotjtjs firft place, alltbings f^al bee ncattifc.!. .fette ageine tn tbeir firft ojiginaUffate, botb men, Beafte^Cra * Lucretius.*.*. «nfr all otber Creatt an ^icb opinion eutfi Arethmetick alone ^chllwif (beiaetb to bee abfurn ro ># ' "qpe,an$ tbe beftleamea men retcrt ^ 7.CaP$L tt* jSeuertbelefTeit betojap* jjaigS ^ie$, tobicb &o attribute Auftin ofthc fucb potoer totije &tara*>toi>eWifevTtaker oftbem tbereof- citicofGod. 9te toucbing tbe tu&gement tobicbtbe &.pnne of <£ot> fl;all gitte lib'22:cap'T after tbe fapn Hefuredion; altbottgb tlje fame toere not fojetoto bp ^yff c tbel&opbets of alti time5ano bp fo manp berfes of tbe Sibills,am> tefme of pick finalIpbptbemoutbof3!efu$ amibte 3poftleg t furdp 6050 gi- lomie. tung of W iatoe, not to tbe outtoaro man but totbeintoaru , no? Nkoiauso- to our banes onelp but alfo to our tbougbt*, (fcetoetb fufficientlp rc^"tCp^ jtoitbout otber p?©fe, tbat tbere te anotber 3lunge tban t^t $f)agi= portioSs. ftratg of tbis tuojln to tunge b#,ann anotber 3|ungment tban tbeir The AaofUkf iuBgementtobeloteufb^asitxjbofeiuiigmetttbere p^ocoeuetbbutofsibiu. *o tbe outtoam nine , ana bp pj©fe# of toitnefless , ann tberefoje LaftantUi*. cannot in anp^ifepearre into tbe bart, to DtfcerneliJbati^tnitbm* l '7* Jfteitljer toouto our otone cofciences fumen b£ fo often as t^ no, if toe lucre not to appeare before otber tban men* jf 0? fitb it it tbe g>oule tbftt cbeeftlprecepuetb tbe Commaunnement an* cbeefelp fyeafcetb itx it i* tbe bottle tbat muff come to examination ano trpall ; tobicb cannot be tone^n tljis toojio , toberem tbere is but a (baoouje of Jluff ice,a»& tobofc 1 atoeg ana 3iutrge$ ejetenn no fur* (tber tban tbe outterfine* 3notberefcnetoee fee tbat tbtauncientMicirafciu Rabines fpeafte berp often of tbis General 3lu&gment,aat»(tobicb vflmA lS# inoje ifiS)Oo attribute it to tbe $9effiag,faping;Feare not God for p^5' 9t8cc your Iudge; For your Iudge isyour owne fellowcitizen, your ownekiruman,andyour owne brother.SHitbe aunttent Gen- tries baue fpofcen fo of tbis 3ju&gement , tobieb tljcp fap (ball bee giuen in anotber Ipfe , in tbe fcelfr of ttutbe , tobereuppon djall foU fotoe eptber enBlcflfe Ipfe 0} mttfSt ireatb as a fjaue fi;eU)en afo^e* jDeaan&itfemetbtbatbp tbe leaning of tf;cir atmcrcne ©?arle* (Vabicb mere akpnu of Cabale) tbep pafleo yzt furtber* fo) tbep calleo tbeir greateanb foaeretne ©od -bp. tbe name of lupiter , anu gaue tbe iuuging of mn& <§>a tde^ to W S>omie Minos5tbe&tng anntatDtgtuer , am not unto Apollo , Mcrcurieoraiipotbcrt ** tobo ^K»ul5 (ap,tbep mem tbat tbe 3luage of tbe ZZXoilb Qouto 6e tlje^anne of 0ao*ami pet t^eretoit&all a rpgbtwoufe man^at Er 1 i* ^4& '•'?• TH! TUrVNII t* to fap,tbe Spetrmto^ ©on anti mam The conrfti. J ijopt 3| fjaue noto tyetoeu ttjc mumtffe anu rubdanfwfrteffe Xic &£*c of *e c,#flh'an ^^igtoMnn ft e uanitie anti toftfteunefle of all o : ' tbet Religions ©f tije tofrfeb C^itKaniadigton^fte^Hmittue, Cfrurrfofb? a 15auge anti comfojt to ije tfiftflh'an*, tiatfi maue « gmmetobtcb toe calltbe ^rtoenV?1* '.offle^Forwe beleeueia God the Father Aim,"- MiC anu conuerteft b? to l;im fte onlp Creato? of OF CHRISTIAN RELIGION. ^4* if^tten attti Cartij^anDt^attfjefametglttjeHeligion of tlje If- chapt.al.22, raelytes; ano tfjat in a! otl;er places; tbere toas notljing but tbe fer^ 2 3 . nice of DmeBte, ana 3[DoIatrie* ^iiat tf;e Keugion of Ifraell \)m tbe keeping anD cuftotoie of h*'« too^f* ^.eiatioita, ann bis pjo* tntfeg, giuing tog fet* lai 1£ule to uuety > totjerebp it con* utctetb 133 of our naugbtpi? $ imtrtfros to call to (Don foj grace. %W tbe olo 3£eff- *fr-rf£ *WofMoyfesantotl)echapt.24.25r l^opbets^tobicb 31 baurpjouea to baut p? .ceeuea from (Solans *ts. to ijaue bin impp;teti bp biw : ttjat in tbe em? batting connemnco tog fee offeietb to$ bis grace>anr> pairing gitten iiaifgement top on tos3 be fentoetb to* partion, anto tteatietb to$ of a Surely tljat is able to pap awe nepta: tbat tljtsf Sump -far tlje ^effiug pjomifes to tbe Iew-es chapt.27.rx. foj tbe faluation of tbe fcibtrte toozlo , dre Spematoj of maukpatr, ®oD ano man , erbibites to tbe toc$t» in b& &ue tvme 3 to bee tbe Saupour of tlje lewes ann tbe Ipgljt of tbe ©entples , euen Iefns chapt<29a30# Chrift the Sonne of God > in tobam toe beleeue accojoing to tW 3- 1 .3 .2.3 3 . percellof tlje Cwe&e , And inlefus Chrift his Sonne our Lord, conceyued by the Holy Ghofte, borne of the Virgin Mary, crucified^Dead^nd rizen agekijm&ffffoojtfr 9Ii&ijicbpopnt£ toe b*me praweto agetnft botb Ie^es $ ($entple£;agemff tlje Iewes, 6p tbe SctipttiteSjana agefufl tbe elling at the great North- doore of S.Pautes church at the fignc of the Byble. 1587. vv I Wk W.A.