i WOODFORD (Samuel) D.D. A Para- phrase upon the Psalms of David, fine front, by Loggan, 4to, calf, 5s 1667 With the autograph of Simon Harcourt, 1724. FROM THE LIBRARY OF REV. LOUIS FITZGERALD BENSON, D.D. BEQUEATHED BY HIM TO THE LIBRARY OF PRINCETON THEOLOGICAL SEMINARY Sectloa 3£5Y 1 { fffnon euriowrf* xJJllL * i A v w JUN 30 1933 PARAPHRASE UPON THE PSALMS OF DAVID. /y By Sam. Woodford. LONDON, r in ted by R. White> for oB avian Fullem^ neerthe Pump in tink'Brittain) i56j. Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2013 http://archive.org/details/paraponpsOOwood TO, THE Right Reverend Father in God, GE OR G E Lord Bishop of WINTON. My Lord, ^!l|2^f He favourable fentence^ow Lordjhip paft on the follow- ing Paraphrafe, when it flrft appeared before you as its judge, has encouraged me to make choice A? of 7 he Epi/lle Dedicatory. of you alone for its Tatron : and I heartily wifli it were as fit an ob- ject of your TroteBion now, as it was then of your Clemency. There is nothing, I confefs, worthy its Commendation to fo (jreat a JsQtme, but the Argument on which it is employ'd * and having defign'd it to the Service of the Mtar, I was convinc't there was no hand more proper than your Lordfhips to offer it up there. For befide the per feci: under flan ding , which your Lordfljij) has of affairs of this nature ( being able not only mod juftly to decree according to the old , but to give new , and more fubftan-. tial Laws to all kinds of Poefy) the moft confiderable part of the enfuing Work was done under your Lord* ^/^•fjurifdiclion* in a place where I had The Epijlle Dedicatory. had the happinefs to enjoy all the contents of a private Retirement, and amongft the reft , that fecejfum fcrihentis , &otia t which the great Mafter of Verfe knew abfolutely neceflary to fuch an undertaking. So that by the fevered form of De- dication , your Lord/hip has an un- deniable right to this , and it would be a piece of great injuftice, to make a Trefent of that to another , which to your felf only is a true and war- rantable debt. For fuch indeed it is , as refpedting your Lord/trips Title, who,over and above all other qualifi- cations,are the mod obliging 'Promo- ter of thefe ftudies; and on my part fo eafie to fatisfie, that it amounts to little more than a bare acknow- ledgement, like the prefenting a %ofe once a year, and doing Fealty A 4. for The Epi/lle Dedicatory. forfome great Tenure; thefmalleft Chief-rent that can be paid by any Tenant , efpecially him , who has an ambition to hold of none, rather thanyourLordfiip, all tho{zT)emefnes of Chriftian Poefy, if he may fo call them, of which, under you alone, he deiires to be look't upon as the Vnwrtby Improver, and to profefs himfelf with all manner of Devotion, My Lord, Jour Lord/hips moft faithful and obedient Servant, Bended Haunts, 1667. SXX7 A M. W OODFORD. & mmwmwmwtwm The Preface. T is not my intention to fiend time in tranjeribing thofe fever a I Elogies 3 which Holy men in their writings have given the Book.of Pfalmesi, For to do that here ? were but to make a tedious repetition of the fame things and ufurping another s Province, but meanly to pursue that D which is no left powerfully .fh an frequently incul- cated by the Divine Oratory of the Church. I thinly there is none but will acknowledge that it is a part of Scripture, which is, an djl) all for ever be ejieemed worthy the care, andftudy both of the greatefi Scho- lars, andfublimefl Wits of all ages 5 and where, as the weakejl under]} an dings mayfinde enough for their fatisfaclion , the fever eft and moji curious Critic kf, may havefcope and opportunity to exercife , and im~ prove their richeji Talent. For what can be moreplea- fant than to inquire 3 who were the Compojers, to ex- plain the many obfeure Titles, and frequent allufions to fever al cujioms by us utterly unknown, and to let the World underfl and, what it is yet ignorant of , where- in confjied the true nature of the Hebrew Poefy ? But thefe , as above my Capacity , ifial/purpofely omit, ( a) and The Preface. and tn