F.47) Sc83 1814 Z >- 5 (A < z z liJ e i u (1) >■ < Q J 2 u. < o < ffl 5 s J q: Q K 3 bJ 111 U OQ I N 5 I u T p 2 h hi X a iZ s ' I iL (0 u n ti u 5 z 3 6"cA 0. > /064 *r ^4 h'- <•Vi\^b^ie ORIGINAL TEXT, And tbrmer Translatioi^s. Move lAain, smooth, and n^veenhkto the Text, than any IwrdofA-e. Allowed by tlie autliority of the Kirk of Scotland, amlapiJointtd to be suvig in NGTIEGATTONS AND FA.MIIIES. B A I. TIM ORE : rabiishcd by J. CssLing & F. LiiCas, Juii p. Mauro,printer. ^ *'- THE PSAl^S OF DAVID/ IN METRE. PSALM 1. 1 THAT man hatli perfect blessedness, wlio walketh not astray In counsel of ungodljmen, nor stands in sinners' way, Nor sitteth in iJie scomer's chair : 2 But placetli his delight Upon Gai's law, and meditates on his law day and night. 3 He shall be like a tree that grows near planted by a river, Which in his season yields his fruit *" and his leaf fadeth never : And all he doth shall prosper well. /[ The wicked are not so ; But like they are unto the chaff, "VMiich wind diives to and fro. 5 In judgment tlierefore shall not stand such as ungotUy are ; Nc.r in til' assembly of the just shall wicked men appear. 6 For wiiy ? the way of godly men unto the Lord is known : Whereas the way of wicked me« shall quite be overtbiown. ( 4 ) PSALM 2. -A HY rec^e the Heatlien ? and v;iiii t'liugs ■vvhy do the people mind ? 2 Kings of the tartli do sefc tliemselves, and urincisare coinbiTi'd, To plot as;;iinst the I>ord, and his anointtd, snying thi:s, 3 Let us a^nder brtak their hands, and cast their cords from iis. 4 He tiiat in Heaven sits, shall langh : tile Lord shall scorn them ail: 5 Tlien sliail lie speak to them in wrath, in raqe he vex them shall. 6 Yet, notwithstanding, I have hira to be my king appoitittd ; And .)*er Sion. my holy hill, • I !iavehim Iving anointed. 7 The sure decree 1 will declare ; The Loi-d huth said to me, Tl'.on art mine only Son ; tliis day I have I)tgotten thee. X Ask of me, and for heritage the Heathen I'll make thine ; Ar.d for |wssession I to thee will give earth's ntinust line. 9 Thou shall, as with a weighty rod of iron, break them all ; And as a potter's shei-d, thou sbalt them dash in pieces small. N'ow, therefore, kings. l)t- wise • be taught ye judges of the e.'^.rth ; S -r» e' God in fear, and see that ye i.).ntrei.d)!ing with yourniirtli. *.'iss \e the Son, lest in his ire ye Verish from the way. (' 5 ) If once his wrath besjiii to hum, BltssM all that on hini stay. PSALM 3. 1 O LORD, how are my foes incicasM ? against nie many rise. 2 JIany say of my soul, for him In God no succour lii.-s. 3 Yet thdu my shield and y;lory art, ♦ th' UiJlitu-r of mine head. 4 I cry'd, and, from his holy hill tlie Lord me answer inaile. 5 I laid mc down and slept^ I wak'd ; for God snstaiutil mo. 0,1 will not ftar tho' tliousands tt-D set rou.nd acjainst me be. 7 Arise, O Lord ; sa^•e me, my God ; for thou iny fo( s liast stroke All on the cheek-bone, and tlie teolh of wicked men hast broke. S Salvation doth appertain unto the Lord alone; Thy biesslng, Lord, for evermore ,#'■'- thy iJfcople is upotu PSALM 4. 1 GIVE ear v.nto me when I ca]f, God ofnij rij^hteousmss : Plave mercy, hear my pray'r ; thou, bast .enlavg'd me in distress. 3 O ^e ti" «»!:s of nn n ! how long ( 6 ) 3 But know, that for himself the Loi-i tlie godiv man doth choose : The Lord "when I on him do call, to hear will not refuse. 4 Fear, and sin not ; talk with your heart on bed, and silent be. 5 OfTrings present o ; righteousness, and in tlie Lord U'ust ye. « O who will shew us any gootl ? is that which many say : But of thy countenance the light, Lord, lift on us ahvay. 7 Upon my heart bestow'd by thee more gladness I have found Than they, ev'n then when corn and wine did most with them abound. 8 I will both lay me down in peace, and quiet sleejj will take; Because thou only me to dwell in safety, Loi-d, dost make. PSALIM 5. 1 GIVE ear unto my words, O Lord, my meditation weigh. ilf^ 2 Hear my loud cry, my King, my God, for I to thee will pray. 3 Lord, tliou shalt early hear my^-oice : I early will direct My prayer to thee ; and, looking up, an answer will expect. 4 For thou art not a God that doth in wickedness deliglit ; NeitlKv shall evil dwell with thee: 5 Nor fools stand iu thy sight. ( 7 ) All that ilkloci's are, tliou hat'st i Cutt'st off that liars be: The bloody and dect itfiil man abhorred is by thee. 7 But I unto thy house wil! coine in thine abundant grace ; And I will worship in thy fear towards thy holy place. 8 Because of those mine enemies, Lord, in thy righteousness Do thou me lead ; do thou thy way make straight before my lace. 9 For in their mouth there is no trutlj, tluir inward part is ill; Their tlnoat's an open sepulchre, their tongue doth flatter still. 10 O God, destroy them : let them be by their own counsel quell'd : Them for their many sins cast out, for they 'gainst thee rebel I'd. 11 But let all. joy il)at trust in thee, and still make shouting noise; For them thou sav'st : let all that love thy name, in thee rejoice. 12 For, Lord, unto the lighteous man thou wilt thy blessing yield : With favour thou wilt compass hiui about as witli a shield. PSALM 6. 1 LORD, in thy wrath rebuke me not; nor ill thy hot rage chasten me. 2 Lord, pity me, for I am weak : heal me, for my bones vexed be. . ( 8 ) • 3 My son] is alsoYOxtd sore ; [mak*. . hut, I.oid, liow loiig slay wilt tbou 4 Return, O JmA. niy soul set free: saxe me ror.thy mercy\^ sake. 5 Because tliose tliat d'Ceastd Hre 01 tlice shall no rfcn,enibr:ineehave: And who is lie that will to lliee give praises lying in the grave? 6 I w it)> n>y groaniii)^ weary ahi, I also allthe night niyhed Have caused for to swim ; and I with tears my conch Itave watirtnl. 7 Mii-e eye coi;svunM witli grief, grows beauise uf all mine enemies. [old, 8 Hence ibr nie. w icketl w orkers nil ; for Goii hatli licard my weepiiig cries. 9 God liatl: my siippiieation heard, my prayer re eei veil graciously. 10 Shani'd :ni;lsore vex'd be ail my foes, sIi:Uii"d and back turnesl suddenly. Avoihrr of the sanw. 1 IN tliv great indignation, O Lord nhnkeme not; Kor on n.f lay thy chastening hand in tliy displeasure hot. 2 l^rd. 1 ain wmk. liiertfore on me i)i\e niuvv and mc spiire; ] kalmc. O Lord, because thou know'st iiiyboi.es much vexed are. i yy soul is vexed sore: but. Lord, iiow loiig stay wilt tlion make ? 4 Reii.rn, Lord, free my sool.and save niG fcr lliy niticies' sake. ( 9 ) 5 Because of lliee in death t'lere shail no nioiv remenibmnce be : Of tltose that in the ffrave do lie wlio shall f^ve thanks to thee? 6 I with my groaning vtary am, and all the night my bed I caust^ for to swim ; with tears my conch I watered. 7 By reason of my vexing gricif mine eye consumed i^ ; It waxeth old. because ofall that V>e mine enemies. 8 But I'ow, depart f.-om me, all ye that \\t)rkiniq!nty : For wli)- r die Lord hath he;iid my \ olce, when I did iiionrn and Ci y. y Unto my siijjplication the lord did hearing give : - Wiien 1 to him my prayer make the Lord will it receive. ^ 10 Let all be sham'd and ti-oublcd sor^^ that en'ndesare to me; Let (hem turn back, and suudeiily ashi^ed let thc'Hi be. .■^:'. PSALM 7. 1 O LORD, my God. in thee do I im' confidence repose : Saw^nd deliver me from all hi) p. rs. cnting foes. 2 Lest ihat the enemy my soul si :. vil^ likealioM, tear. In pi.'C^vndingit, while thei'., is no'«iiverer. ( 10 ) 3 t) Lord, my God, if it be so thati cominitted this; If it be so that in my hands iniajiity there is : 4 If I rewarded ill to hira that was at peace with me : (Yea, even the man that without cause my foe was I did free ;) 5 Then let ^le foe pursue and take my soul, and my life thrust Dow n to the earth, and let him lay mine honoiu- in the dust. 6 Rise in thv wrath, L night, thou didst me tr}', [me Yet nothing found st; for that mymoutfa ihall nut sin, purposed I. ( 22 ) 4 As for men's works, I, by the word that from tliy lips doth flow, Did me presei-ve out of the paths wherein destroyers go. 5 Hold up my goings, Lord, me guide in those thy paths divine, So that my footsteps may not slide out of those ways of thine. 6 I called have oji thee, O God, because thou wilt me hear ; That thou may'st liearken to my siseech, to me incline thine ear. 7 Thy wond'rous lovi)ig kindness shew, thou that, by thy right handj Sav'st them that trust in thee trom those that up against them stand. 8 As ih' apple of the eye me keep ; In thy wings shade me close 9 From lewd oppressors, compassing me ai-ound, as deadly foes. 10 In their own fat they are inclos'd ; their mouth sp<;aks loftily. 11 Our steps they compassM, and to groimd down bowing set their eye. 12 He like unto a lion is tluit's greedy of his prey, Or lion young, which, lurking, doth In secret places stay. 13 Arise, and disappoint my foe, and cast him down, O Loi-d : My soul save from the wicked man, the man which is thy sword, rt From men, which are thy hand, OLerd.. Fiom worlJly nien me save, ( 23 ) W«ch only in this present life their part and portion have : Whose b.'llv with thy treasure hid thou fill'st; th.y children have In plenty ; of tlieiv goods the rest they to their children leave. 15 But as ibr nie, I thine own face inrighteoti^sness will see; And with tli* likeness, when I wake, Isatisfy'dshallbe. PSALM 18. 1 THEE will I love, O Lord, my stvengtb 2 My fortress is the Lord, My rock, and he that dotli to me deliverance affonl : My God, my strength, whom I will trd^t, a buckler unto me, Ihe horn of my salvation, and ray high tow'r is he. j 5 Upon tlie Lord, who worthy is of praises, will I cry ; And then shall I preser^ed be safe from mine enemy. 4 Flootls of ill men aftriglitetl me, death's pangs about me went ; $ Hell's sorrows me enviroiied ; death's snares did me ]>revent. 6 In my distress I callM on God, cij to my God did I : He from liis lemple heard my voice, to his ears came my cry. 7 Til' earth, as affrighted, then did shake, trembling upon it seii'd : ( 24 ; llie hills' foundations moved were, Ijecause be wasdispl. as'd. 8 Ujjfroiii his nostrils came a smoke, and from his mouth there cunie .Devouring fire, and coals by it vere turned into Hame. 9 He also bo>ved down the heav'ns, aiuKheiice lie did descend ; And tliickest clouds of darkness did under his feet attend. 10 And he upon a chernb lode, and therivn he did fi)- ; , Yea, on the swift wings of the wind his Hi.i-. 13 The Lord God also in the heav'as did thunder in his ire ; And there the Highest gave his voice, hailstones and coals of fire. 14 Yea, he his arrows sent abroad, and theui he scattered ; His lightnings also he shot out, and themdiscointitc>d. 15 The waters"^ channels then were seta, tlie w orld's foundatiojis vast At thy rebuke discovered were, and at thy nostiirs blast. I C 25 ) 18 And from above the Lord sent down, and took nie from below ; From many waters lie me drew, wiiich would me overflow. 17 He me reliev'd from my strong foes, and such as did me hate : Because he saw that they for me too strong were, and too great. 18 They me prevented iu the day of my calamity ; But even then the Lord himself a stay was unto me. 19 He to a place where liberty and room was, hath me brouglit ; Because he took delight in me, he my deliv'rance wrought. 20 According to my righteousness he did me recompense. He me repaid according to my hands' pure innocence. 21 For 1 God'fwa} s kept, from my God did not turn wickedly, 22 His judgments were before me, I his laws put not from me. 23 Sincere before him was my heart, with him upright was I : And watchfully I kept myself from mine iniquit)-. 24 After my righteousness the Lord hath recompensed me. After the cleanness of my hands appearing in his eye. 25 Thou gracious to the^cious ait, xo upright men upr^Iu : ( 26 ) 26 Pure to the piive, frowartl tlioft kyOi'st unto the frouard wight. 27 For rho'i wilt the afflicted save in grief that low do lie : But wiit bring down the countenance of them whose looks are high. 28 The Lord will light niy car.dle aO, that it shall sliine full hright ; The Lord my Gwl \\ ill also make my darkness to be hght. 29 By thee through troops of men I break, and them discomfit all ; And, by my God assisting me, I overleap a wall. 30 As for Got!, [>erfeet Is his way ; the Lord his word is ti-j'd ; He is a buckler to all tliose I who do in Iiim confide : K 31 Who but the Lord is Gfxl? but he «•? who is a rock and staj- ? f^^S2 'Tis God that girdeth ine with strength, jv ■ and perfect makes my way. ~ 33 He made my feet swift as the hinds', set me on my high places. 34 jMineh;\nds to war he taught, mine arms break bows of steel in pieces. 5 The shield of thy salviniou thou didst 0)1 me bestow ; Thy riglit hand held mc up, and great tliy kindntss made me grow. 36 And in my way my steps thou hast enlaigcd imderme, That I go sa