ii m- V" "'V. -c/ ' 1 F 452«l w Z (0 Z z P 2 > < tt. DQ J ty HIM RY OF ICAL i a < B 5 J CC Q a 3 u LU ^ S X E -J ¥ 2 P 2 ^ f S BEQU T CETON 5 Z 2 J B. > Scf) DC ISdS Xi '14 THB CAMP MEETING "/^^ HYMNS ife SPIRITUAL SONGS, USED BY THE METHODIST CONNEXION IN THE UNIT£SB STATES. SENECA FALLS : PRINTED BY WM. CHILD, FOR S. SHAVf. 18S1. CAMP MEETIxNG HYMN BOOK. 1. P. M. AWAKE, O guilty world, aM'ake ! Behold the eartli's foundation shake, While the Redeemer bleeds for you ! His death proclaims to Adam's race, ^ Free grace, free grace, free grace, free grace, To all the Jews, and Gentiles too. 2 Come, guilty mortals, comeand'see Your Saviour hanging on a tree, For you all dress'd in purple gore : His weight of wo did veil the sun— 'Tis done 'lis done, 'tis done, 'tis done— That man might live for evermore. S Behold the wounded Lamb of God, Spreading his bleeding hands abroad- Come see him yielding up to death Behold him in his agonies .' He dies, he dies, he dies, he dies, And yields his last expiring breath. 4 He dies, and triumphs over death, To give the dead immortal breath, And spread the wonders of his name ; Shout, brethren, shout with cheerful voice, Rejoice, rejoice, rejoice, rejoice, And give the glory to the Lamb. B ^ 4 CAMP MEETING. 2. P. M. THE Son of Man they did betray, He was condemn'd and led away Think, O my soul, on that dread day — Look on Mount Calvary. Behold him lamb like led along. Surrounded by a wicked throng. Accused by each lying tongue. And then the Lamb of God they hung Upon the shameful tree. 2 'Twas thus the glorious sufferer stood. With hands and feet nail'd to the wood ; From every wound a stream of blood Came flowing down amain ; His hitler groans all nature shook, And at his voice the rocks were broke, The sleeping saints their graves forsook. While spiteful Jews around him mock'd, And laughed at his pain. 3 Now hung between the earth and skies. Behold, in agonies he dies ! O sinners, hear his mournful cries ! Come see his tort'ring pain ! The morning sun withdrew his light, Blush'd and refus'd to view the sight ; The azure cloth'd in robes of night, AH nature mourn'd and stood affright, When Christ the Lord was slain. HYMN BOOK. .1 4 Hark ! men and angels, hear the Son He cries for help, but O, there's none ! He treads the wine-press all alone, His garments stain'd with blood. In lamentations hear him cry — "Eloi, lama sabacthani !" Though death may close his languid eyes, He soon will mount the upper skies. The conq'ring Son ot God. 5 The Jews and Romans in a band, With hearts like steel around him stand. And mocking say, "Come save the land, Come try yourself to free." A soldier pierced him when he died ; ' Then healing streams came from his side, And thus my Lord was crucified ; Stern justice then was satisfied, Sinners, for you and me ! 6 Behold ! he mounts the throne of state,] He fills the mediatorial seat, While millions, bowing at his feet, With loud hosannas tell : Though he endur'd exquisite pains. He led the monster death in chains : Ye seraphs raise your highest strains, With music fill bright Eden's plains : He conquer'd Death and Hell. 7 'Tis done ! the dreadful debt is paid. O CAMP MEETING The great atonement now is made : Sinners, on him your guih was laid — For you he spilt his blood : For you his tender soul did move, For you he left the courts above, That you tlie length and breadth might prove. And height and depth of perfect love. In Christ vour smiling God. 8 All glory be to God on high, Who reigns enthron'd above the sky ; Who sent his Son to bleed and die : Glory to him be given ; While heaven above his praise resounds, Zion, sing — his grace abounds ; 1 hope to shout eternal rounds, In flaming love, that knows no bounds. When swallow'd up in heav'n. 3. P.M. MERCY, O thou Son of David ! Thus poor blind Bartemus pray'd. Others by thy grace are saved, Now vouchsafe to me thy aid. 2 While he cried many chid him, But he pray'd the louder still ; Till ihe gracious Saviour bid him, . Come, and ask me what voti will. BlTMIil BOOK. } S Money was not what he wanted, Though by begging he us'd to lif* ; But he ask'd, and Jesus granted, Alms which none but he could give. 4 Lord, remove this grievous blindness, Let my eyes behold the day ; Straight he saw, and won by kindness, Follow'd Jesus in the way. 5 Now methinks I hear him praising, Publishing to all around : Friends, is not my case amazing ? What a Saviour I have found ! 6 O that all the blind but knew him, And would be advis'd by me. Surely they would come unto him, He would cause them all to see. 7 Now I freely leave my garments, Follow Jesus in the way : He will guide me by his counsel, Lead me to eternal day. 8 There I shall behold my Saviour Spotless, innocent, and pure; There with him to veign for ever, If I to the end endure. c CAMP MEETING 4. C. M. OME, lovely youth, embrace the truth, And turn with one accord, And use your tongues, while you are young. In praising of the Lord. 2 My dearest friends, I pray attend And hear to wisdom's voice : Now is your lime, while in your prime To make a happy choice. S O flee those toys and carnal joys, And look to Christ the Lord ; Salvation free for you and me Is sounded in his word. 4 See Jesu? stands, with bleeding hands And pity in his eyes ; He calls you all, both great and small — For you the S..viour dies. 5 Why will you go to endless wo, In spite of all his charms, While love commands and Jesus stands To fold you in his arms. 'c Say are you prone him_^not to own, Nor cause your hearts to fear, Until he comes in judgment down ,"; And stops your wild career ? HYMN BOOK. 9 7 He soon will rend, from end to end, The regions of the air ; Then you must rise in sore surprise — O how will you appear. 8 Your darken'd minds k. dreadful crimes. Will fill you with dismay ; While you must go to endless wo, To one eternal day. 9 To-day, I pray, now while you may, Fmd pardon in his blood ; Surrender all up at his call, And find your gracious God. !0 This load of sin, sure Jesus can Now cancel with his blood — Can heal your soul and make it whole, ; In fellowship with God — j 11 Can change your heart, make sin j depart. ' And heal your soul with grace — Bear you above to worlds of love, To see his Father's face. 12 Where peace shall roll through every soul, j And songs of triumph raise, I With comforts bright, in worlds of light) ' In everlasting days. iO CAMP MEETING 5. G. M. IN evil long I took delight, Unaw'd by shame oi- fear, Till a new object struck my sight. And stopt my wild career. 2 1 saw one hanging on a tree, In agonies of blood ; He fixed his languid eye on me, As near his cross I stood. 3 Sure never, till my latest breath, Shall I forget that look ; He seem'd to charge me with his death, Though not a word he spoke. 4 My conscience felt and own'd the guilt, And plung'd me in despair; I saw my sins his blood had spilt, And help'd to nail him there. 5 Alas ! I knew not what I did, But now my tears are vain ; Where shall my trembling soul be hid, For I the Lord have slain ? 7 A second look he gave, which said, I freely all forgive ; JThis blood is for thy ransom paid; I died ihat thou may'st live. With pleasing grief and mournful joy HYMN BOOK. 11 My spirits now were fill'd ; That I should such a life destroy, Yet live by him I kill'd. G. P. M. THROUGHOUT the Saviour's life we trace Nothing but shame and deep distress, No period else is seen ; Till he a spotless victim fell, Tasting in soul a painful hell, Caus'd by the creature sin. £ On the cold ground methink I see My Saviour kneel and pray for me, For this I him adore : Seiz'd with a chilly sweat throughout, Blood drops did force their passage out, Through every opening pore. 3 The piercing thorns his temple bore, His back with lashes all was tore. Till thou the bones might see ; Mocking they push'd him here and there, j Marking his way with blood and tears, | Press'd by the heavy tree. | 4 Thus up the hill he painful came, ji Round him they mock'd and made their game, ' 12 CAMP MEETING At length his cross they rear ; And can you see the mighty God, Cry out beneath sin's heavy load, Without one thankful tear ? 5 Thus veiled in humanity, He dies in anguish on the tree ; What tongue his grief can tell ? The shuddering rocks their heads recline, The morning sun refus'd to shine, When the Redeemer fell. 6 Shout, brethren, shout in songs divine, He drank the gall to give us wine, To qwench our parching thirst. Seraphs, advance your voices higher, Bride of ihe Lamb, unite the choir, And laud the precious Christ. 7. P. M. STOP, poor sinner, stop and think, Before you farther go ; Can you sport upon the brink Of everlasting wo? Hell beneath is gaping wide, Vengeance waits the dread command, Soon will stop your sport and pride. And sink you with the damn'd. CHORUS. Then he entreated now to stop. HYMN BOOK. 13 For unless you warning take^ Ere you are aware youHl drop Into a burning lake. 2 Say, have you an arm like God, That you his will oppose ? Fear you not that iron rod With which he breaks his foes ? Can you stand in that great day. When his judgment will proclaim I When the earth shall melt away, Like wax before the flame? 3 Ghastly death will quickly come, And drag you to the bar : Then to hear your awful doom, Will fill you with despair; All your sins will round you crowd, Sins of a blood-crimson die; Each for vengeance cry aloud, And what will you reply ? 4 Though your hearts be made of steel, Your forehead lin'd with brass, God at length will make you feel, He will not let you pass. Sinners then in vain will call, j (Though they now despise his grace ;)! Rocks and mountains on us fall, I And hide us from hi* face. i 14 CAMP MEETING 5 But as yei there is a hope, You may his mercy know ; Though his arm be lifted up, He still forbears the blow. It was for sinners Jesus died ; Sinners he invites to come : None that comes shall be denied — He says there still is room. For Jesus' sake, I pray you stop, &(C. 8. P. M. JESUS, at thy command, I launch into the deep, And leave my native land, Where sin lulls all asleep ; For thee I would the world resign, And sail to heaven wiih thee and thine. Z Thou art my pilot — A'ise, My comj)ass is thy word ; My soul each storm defies, While I have such a Lord : I'll trust thy faithfulness and power. To save me in the trying hour. 3 Though rocks and quicksands deep, Through all my passage lie ; . Yet Chri"st will safely keep, • And guard me with his eye : HYMN BOOK. 15 My anchor, Hope, will fiiin abide,' And every boisterous storm outride. 4 Whene'er becalrn'd I lie, And storms forbear to toss ; Be thou, dear Lord, still nigh. Lest I should suffer loss : For more the treach'rous calm I dread, Than tenipest bursting o'er my head. 6 By faith I see the land. The port of endless rest, My soul thy sails expand, .And fly to Jesus' breast : O may I gain the heavenly shore, Where winds and waves disturb no more. 6 Come, Holy Ghost, and blow A prosperous gale of grace ; Waft me from all below. To heaven my destined place ; Then in full sail, my port I'll find, And leave the world and sin behind. 9. P. M. WHAT glorious sound is this I hear ? In sweetest strains it strikes my ear. The news of heavenly grace ; From heaven the sound is issued forth, iAnd spread abroad from south to north, ^ ToAdam*s fa.Uen race. 10 CAMP MEETING 2 The Lord of glory sends the news, To Gentile worlds and stubborn Jews ; For all his mercy's free : Whoever will, may come and taste The sweetness of his matchless grace, And his salvation see. 8 The poor, the lame, the halt, the blind, In Christ may every blessing find, Of which they stand in need. Riches and strength from Christ do flow, He'll eyesight to the blind bestow, And raise to light the dead. 4 For hungry, thirsty souls who pine, He hath provided milk and wine, Which he delights to give ; There needs no money here to buy ; He'll freely giv>e a rich supply To all who will receive, 5 For naked souls he's robes of grace, For troubled souls he's gospel peace, For sin-sick souls a cure : For lepers, the all-cleansing blood Hath freely from his body flow'd. To wash and make them pure. 6 Come, sinners, now consent to tasls This soul -re freshing gospel feast, It will your heaicts revive ; HYMN BOOK. iT | Then you may sing the Saviour's love, | And all his boundless mercy prove, And ever with him live. 10. C. M. \ FREE grace, the song my tongue shall ! sing, Free grace through Christ my Lord, Who freely did salvation bring, That man might be restor'd 2 Free grace for all my Saviour brought,] He offers it so free, -j That by the blind it may be sought— The poor may saved be. 3 The chief of sinners free grace founds When he besought the Lord, And, trembling, fell unto the ground, As scripture doth record. 4 If Paul, the chief, could find free grace/ Then surely others may With meekness seek the Saviour's face, And none be cast away. 5 I'll sing free grace, though devils rage And men of earth unite. And all the powers of hell engage To vent their cruel spite. I 6 Of reprobation let them boast, And charge their God in vain, * C l8 CAMP MEETING With making souls decreed to roast In hell's eternal pain. 7 My soul, forbear to hear the sound, , Nor hearken to their word ; The truth of God they would confound. They falsely charge the Lord. 8 Their fatal chains, of which they tell. To bind the creature's will, Are but delusions sent from hell — I'll sin^ of free grace still. 9 Come join the song, ye sons of men» Ye purchasfi of Christ's blood ; For you the Saviour suffer'd pain, That you might dwell with God. 10 No reprobates among you all, If you'll in Christ believe; Through him recover'd from the fall, Free grace you may receive. 11. P. M. HARK ! hear that solemn groan, The blest Redeemer dies ! The heavens they do mourn. And darkness veils the skies ! The graves disclos'd their sleeping dead When Jesus bow'd his sacred head, 1 The trembling earth did speak Its great astonishment ; HYMN BOOK. n The rocks in sunder break, The solid marbles rent ; The temple's veil did burst in twain, When Jesus died for sinful men. 3 O what amazing love Did Christ our Lord bestow, To leave the realms above, And thus to sufter wo. That rebel man might be forgiven. Escape from hell, and reign in heaven. 4 My soul doth make a pause ; Was it for me he died ? And can I hate his laws, And his dear name deride? No ! sooner let roe faint and die, Than Christ my blessed Lord deny. 12. L. M. \ COME, sinners, leave your carnJ Which can no real joy alford, And join with us to tune our tongues In loud hosannas to the Lord. 2 This is a theme which angels love. It much delights the saints below ; We join the song of those above ; Come, sinners, sing hosannas tooa > D J KJ GAMP MEETING I Could you but see the Son of God, Who once on Calvary was slain, Vho shed for you his precious blood, To wash your souls from every stain. r Your hearts, as ours, would then rejoice* You'd gladly leave all earthly toys ; n prayer and praise lift up your voice, And antedate eternal joys. > All glory to the eternal name, He wills that you should turn and live-; ^ith joy his love you shall proclaim, I If you will but in him believe. 1 Come seek him now in wisdom's ways, Come bow beneath your Saviour's cross; 'rhose paths are strevv'd with sacred peace, * Nor can a soul herein be lost. [\ Though hell with all its powers assail, And earth with all its force unite ;. I^et earth and hell shall ne'er prevail Against the soul that walks upright. U We know that God is on our side, ► And hath for us great victories won ; And will, if we in him confide, ^ Complete the victory through his Son. \ 13. S. M. HOW can I vent my grief? Bly Comforter haifledj HYMN BOOK. 2} By day I sigh without relief, And groan upon my bed. 2 I once enjoy'd my Lord ; Liv'd happy in his love ; Delighted in his holy word, And sought my rest above. 3 This world I did despise, With all its gaudy show ; 'j Through faith in Christ, turn'd off my eyej From vanities below. 4 I then could praise the Lord, For his redeeming love ; I knew his grace did peace afford, For I that peace did prove. 5 But O, alas ! my soul, Where is thy comfort now ? Why did I let my love grow cold ? Oh ! why to idols bow 1 € How little did I think. When first I did begin, To join a little with the world, It was so great a sin. 7 I thought I might conform, Nor singular appear ; Converse'and dress as others did — B«tiiow I feel the snare. 2'% CAMP MEETII*G 3 My confidence is gone — I find no words to say ; Barren and lifeless is my soul, When I attempt to pray. ^ I feel ashamed to bow, When with the saints I meet ; While on their knees my brethren cry, I I stand or keep my seat. [0 My soul, this will not do, Thy day is almost past ; I must repent and turn to God, ^ Or sink to hell at last. ijil Trembling, to Christ I'll fly, ) And all my sins confess : jVt Jesus' cross I'll humbly fall, '■ And ask restoring grace. [42 I'll mortify my pride, Myself I will deny ; |And if I perish, Lord, at last, , Beneath thy cross I'll die. 3 14. P. M. MY soul doth in Jesus rejoice, My heart is o'erwhelm'd with his \ love ; IWith pleasure I hear his sweet voice, . Which calls ray affections above. HYMN BOOK. 23! 2 Farewell to all pleasures below, Which nature and sense do aftord ; Their honours I'll freely forego, They're nothing compar'd with my Lord! 3 All fulness in Jesus doth dwell. All fulness of peace and of joy ; His mercy redeem'd me from hell. His blood all my sins shall destroy. 4 From idols and filthiness clean, Perfected in love 1 shall be ; Then rise in his presence to reign, His glorious perfections to see. 5 Yea, Lord, thy kind word I believe, My soul on thy promise I stay ; Thy spirit the witness doth give, That like my dear Lord I shall be. 6 Kind Jesus, impatient I wait; Now, Lord, the full blessing impart ; In holiness make me complete, Then take me to dwell where thou art 15. C. M, SINNER, how oft hath God reprov'd" And fill'd thee with distress ! Yet still thou perseverest in The path of wickedness 24 CAMP MEETING 2 Sudden destruction soon will come, On those who thus rebel ; Eternal vengeance will consign Their guilty souls to hell. 3 O tremble at the awful thought, And yield to sov'reign grace, Lest God should say, I'll strive no more, And frown thee from his face. . 16. C. M. THE glorious day is drawing nigh, When Sion's light shall come ; She shall arise and shine on high. ^ Bright as the morning sun. ^The north and south their sons resign, }: And earth's strong pillars bend ; Adorn'd as a bride, Jerusalem ] All glorious shall descend. r& The King that bears ihe golden crown, The azure flaming bow; I The holy city shall bring down '^ To bleis his saints below, *When Zion's bleeding, conqu'ring King, ]'. Shall sin and death destroy : The morning stars together sing, y And Sion shout for joy. p The holy bnght musician band I Shall tune their harps of gold. HYMN BOOK. 25 With palms of vict'ry they shall stand, Fair Salem to behold ! Descending with such melting strains, Jehovah's name adore : Such notes thro' earth's extensive plains ^s/oj-e never heard before ! ' #4 Let Satan rage and boast no more, Ye fields of darkness fly, Though saints are feeble, weak, and poor, Their great Redeemer's nigh, He is their shield — their hiding place, A covert from the wind — A shady rock of boundless grace, Throughout this weary land. 5 The crystal streams run down from heav'n, They issue from the throne ; The floods of strife away are driv'n, The church becomes but one. That peaceful union she shall know, And live upon his love; And shout and sing^of grace below, As angels do above ! 17. P. M. BURST, ye emerald gates, and bring To my raptur'd vision, All the extatick joys that spring 1 ^ CAMP MEETING Round the bright felysian : Lo ! we lift our longing eyes, Break, ye intervening skies ; Sons of righteousness arise, Ope the gates of paradise. CHORUS. O how good it is for us to he blestr And dwell lohere loving Jesus is. 2 Floods of everlasting light. Fleetly flash before him ; Myriads with supreme delight. Instantly adore him ; Angelick trumps resound his fame, Lutes of lucid gold proclaimj All the music of his name ; lleaven echoing the theme. S Four and twenty elders rise, From their princely station ; Shout his glorious victories, Sing the great salvation ; Cast their crowns before his throne* Cry in reverential tone, Glory be to God alone. Holy! Holy! Holy! One. 4 Hark ! the thrilling symphonies, Seem methink to seize us ; Join we to the holy lays— HYMN BOOK. ^7 Jesus — Jesus — Jesus ! Sweetest sound in seraph's song, Sweetest notes on mortal's tongue, Sweetest carol ever sung — Jesus — Jesus flow along. 18 P. M. THE voice of Free Grace, Cries escape to the mountairi, For Adam's lost race Christ has open'd a fountain ; For sin and transgression, And every pollution. His blood flows most freely In streams of ablution* CHORUS. Hallelujah to the Lamb Who has furchas'd our "pardon^ We will praise him again, When we pass over Jordon, 2 That fountain so cle.lr, In which all may find pardon,; From Jesus' side. Flows plenteous redemption ; Though your sins were increased As high as a mountain, His blood it flows freely ; O come to his fountain. Hallelujah, he. 28 CAMP MEETING S Blest Jesus, ride on — Thy kingdom is glorious ; O'er sin, death, and hell, Thou will make us victorious ; Thy name shall be prais'd In the great congregation, And saints shall delight In ascribing salvation. Hallelujah^ ^c. 4 When on Zion we stand, Having gained the blest shore, With our harps in our hands We will praise him evermore : We'll range the blest fields On the banks of the river, And sing hallelujahs For ever and ever. Hallelujah, Sfe. 19, P. M. YE jewels of my Master, .Who shine with heavenly rays, Amid the beams of glory, Reflect immortal blaze ; Ye diamonds of beauty, With pleasing lustre crown'd, Of heavenly extraction, To Zion's city bound. 2 Ye lambs of my Redeemer, The purchase of his blood, HYMN POOK, 29 Who feed among.the lilies, Beside llie purple flood ; Go on, ye happy pilgrims. Your journey still pursue, And at a humble distance I'll sing and follow too. 3 When I beheld your order And harmony of soul, And heard divinest numbers In pure devotion roll ; And gems immortal glowing With such enlivening grace, I view'd the Savour's image Imprest on every face. 4 Speak often to each other. To cheer the fainting mind ; And often be your voices In pure devotion join'd ; Though trials may await you, The crown before you lies; Take courage, brother pilgrims, And soon you'll win the prize. 5 He shall be mine, says Jesus, In that auspicious day, When 1 make up my jewels, Releas'd from cumbrous clay ; He'll polish and refine you so CAMP MEETING From worthless dross and sin, And to his heavenly kingdom Will bid you enter «n. 6 On that important morning When bursting thunders sound, And nimble lightnings waving, Shall wing the gloom profound ; Lift up your heads rejoicing, And clap your joyful hands; Lo ! you're redeem'd for ever, From death's corrupted bands. 7 As Aaron with his girdle, In shining jewels drest. Bore all the tribes of Israel Inscrib'd upon his breast ; So will the priest of Zion, Before the father's throne, Presentjthe heirs of glory, And God their kindred own. 8 The golden bells will echo Around the sacred hill ; And sweet immortal anthems The vocal regions fill ; In everlasting beauty, The shining millions stand, Safe on the Rock of Ages, Amid thepromis'd land. HYMN BOOK. SI .9 We'll range the wide dominion Of our Redeemer round, And in dissolving raptures, Be lost in love profound ; While all the flaming harpers Begin the lasting song, With haHelujahs rolling From the unnumber'd throng, 20 P. M. FROM the regions of love, lo ! an angel descended, And told the strange news, how the babe was attended, Go shepherds and visit this wonderful stranger, See yonder bight star — there's your Lord in a manger ! CHORUS. Hallelujah to the Lamb who has purcha- sed our pardon, We will praise him again when toe pass over Jordan. % Glad tidings I bring unto you and each Nation, [salvation ; Glad tidings of joy — now behold your Then suddenly multitudes raise their glad voices, 32 CAMP MEETING And shout the Redeemer while heaven rejoices. Hallelujah, fyc. S Now glory 10 God in the highest is given Now glory to God is re-echo'd through heaven , [story, Around the whole earth let us tell the glad And sing of his love, his salvation and * glory. Hallelujah, ^c. 4 Enraptur'd 1 burn with delight and de sire, Such love, so divine, sets my soul all on fire ; Around the bright throne hosannas are ringing ; O when shall I join them and ever be singing — Hallelujah, &fc. 5 Triumphantly ride in thy chariot victo- rious. And conquer with love, O Jesus all-glo- rious ; Thy banners unfurl, let the nations sur- render, And own thee their Saviour, their God, and defender. Hallelujah, &c. 21. P. M. TT ET thy kingdom, blessed Saviour, M A Come and bid our jarrings cease HYMN BOOK. 33 ^ Come, O come, and reign for ever, , God of Love, and Prince of Peace. Visit now poor bleeding Zion, Hear tliy people mourn and weep, ' Day and night tliy lambs are crying, Come, good Shepherd, feed thy sheep. 2 Some for Paul, some for Apollos, Some for Cephas — none agree ; Jesus, let us hear thee call us, Help us Lord to follow thee. Then we'll rush through what encumbers, Over every hind'rance leap ; Undismay'd by force or numbers — Come, good Shepherd, feed thy sheep. S Lord, in us there is no merit. We've been sinners from our youth ; Guide us. Lord, by thy good Spirit, Which shall teach us all the truth, On the Gospel word we'll venture, 'Till in death's cold arms we sleep. Love our Lord, and Christ our Saviour, O good Shepherd, feed thy sheep. 4 Come, good Lord, with courage arm us; J Persecution rages here ; j Nothing, Lord, we know can harm us, While our Shepherd is so near. Glory, gloi7 be to Jesus, E 34 CAMP MEETING At his name our hearts doih leap ; He both comforts us and frees us. The good Shepherd feeds his sheep, 5 Here's the Prince of your salvation, Sriying, Fear not, little flock ; I myself am your foundation, You are built upon this rock ; Shun the path of vice and folly, Scale the mount, although it's steep Look to me, and be ye holy, I delight to feed my sheep. 6 Christ alone, whose merit saves us. Taught by him, we'll own his name, 3weetest of all names is Jesus, How it doth our souls inflame. Glory, glory, glory, glory, Give him glory, he will keep. He will clear your way before you, The good Shepherd feeds his sheep. 22. C. M. OFOR a breeze of heavenly lov© To waft ray soul away To the celestial world above. Where pleasures ne'er decay. g Eternal Spirit, deign to bo My pilot here below, HYMN BOOK. '^ To Steer through life's tempestuous sea, Where stormy winds do blow. 3 From rocks of pride on either hand, From quicksands of despair ; £uide me home to Canaan's land, Through every latent snare. 4 Anchor me in that port above, On that celestial shore. Where dashing billows never move, Where tempests never roar. 23. P. M. ALMIGHTY love inspire My soul with sacred fire, 'And animate desire, My soul to renew ; 1 love my blessed Jesus, On whom each angel gazes, And symphony increases, Above the ethereal blue. CHORUS. And O give him glory ^ And O give him glory ^ And O give him glorv^ For glory is his own. Yes, you may give him glory, And I will give him glory, S6 CAMP MEETING fFeHl shout and give him glory ^ When we arrive at home. 2 My tender-hearted Jesus, Thy love my heart amazes, Thou diedst for to save us, When lost and undone. No seraph could redeem us, .No angel could retrieve us, No arm could relieve us, But Jesus alone. And O give, ^c. 3 In him I have believed, He has my soul retrieved. Prom sin he has redeemed My soul which was dead ; \nd now I love my Saviour, Fori am in his favour, Vnd hope with him for ever. The golden streets to tread. And O, ^6. [ Yet here a while I stay, n hopes of that glad day Vhen I am call'd away, To the mansions above ; There to enjoy the treasure, )f unconsuming pleasure, Ind shout in highest measure, Hallelujah of love. And O give, ^c. In h opes of seeing Jesus, Vhen all my conflicis ceases, HYMN BOOK. ^ To him my love increases, To worship and adore. Come, then my blessed Saviour, Vouchsafe to me thy favour. To dwell with thee forever. When time shall be no more. And O give, ^c. 6 Then in the blooming garden Of Eden, gain'cl by pardon, Upon the banks of Jordan, We'll worship the Lamb. We'll sing the song of Moses, While Jesus sweet composes, A song ihat never closes, Of praises to his name. And O bfc 7 See, yonder, is the glory, It lies just before me, And there we'll tell the story Of all-redeeming love : And there we shall for ever Drink of the flowing river. And ever, and ever, Surround the throne of love. O there ive'U give thee glory, O there weUl give thee glory, O there ivtHl give thee glory. And sing the song of love, And you may give him glory, ^'c. o 38 CAMP MEETING 24. L. M. H ! give me Lord, my sins to mourn, My sins wiiich have thy body lorn, pive me with broken heart to' see, Thy last tremendous agony. ^ O could I gain the mountain's height, And gaze upon that wondrous sight ; P that with Salem's daughters, I ^ould stand and see my Saviour die. 3 I'd hang around his feet and cry, Lord ! save a soul condemn'd to die, \nd let a wretch come near thy throne, vo plead the merUs of thy Son. Ic Father of niercy ! drop ihy frown, l^nd give me shelter in thy Son ; !^nd with my broken heart comply, 3 give me Jesus or I die. i; O Lord, deny me what thou wilt, f thou wouldst ease me of my guilt ; jjrood Lord, in mercy hear my cry, Vnd give me Jesus, or I die. I O save my soul from gaping hell, Dr else with devils I must dwell ; might I enter, now I'm cone, ^ord Jesus, save me, or I'm gone. 25. P. M. \ jk S near to Calvary I pass, Cj^ Methinks I see a bloody cross. HYMN BOOK. 39 Where a poor victim hangs ; His flesh with ragged irons tore, His limbs all dress'd in purple gore, Gaping in dying pangs. 2 Surprised the spectacle to see, I ask'd who can this victim be, In such exquisite pain ? Why thus consigned to woes, I cried 1 »Xis I — the bleeding God replied— To save a world from sin. 3 A God for rebel mortal dies ! How can it be ray soul replies, What I Jesus die for me ? Yes, saith the safTring Son of God, 1 give my life, I spill my blood, For thee, poor soul, for thee. 4 Lord, since thy life thou'st freely giv'n To bring my wretched soul to heav'n, And bless me with thy love. Then at thy feet, O God, I'll fall. Give thee my life, my soul, my all, To reign with thee above. 26. P. M. OLORY to Jesus— for his love, Flowing to every nation, Bowels of sweet compassion move. Offering free salvation. 40 CAMP MEETING Here may the poor, the lame, the blind, Every needed blessing find ; Justice and mercy here combine, Offering free salvation. 2 Sinners, repair to Jesus' arms. Why will you slight his favour ? Now he inviies you to his charms, Willing to be your Saviour. that you would on him believe — All your transgressions he'll forgive ; jComfort and peace shall you receive, ^ Flowing from Christ your Saviour. iS Now is the time, no more delay, 1 Fly from the path of nature ; (Fear not what scoffing sinners say, t Yield to your great Creator. The Lamb can give (he that was slain) Freedom from all your guilt and pain : feo shall you soon in glory reign, ; Praising your great Creator. U Then shall the heavenly arches ring r^ Glory to God for ever : •Angels and saints shall join to sing r- Praises to Christ our Saviour. Then shall the theme of perlect love, Sounding through all the courts above, Svery tuneful passion move, ' To praise the Lord our Saviour, HYMN BOOK. 41 27. P. M. NEW JERUSALEM. WITH pleasure behold The city of gold, How beautiful, lovely and bright; Coining down from above, In its beauty and love, Adorned with glory and light ; Prepar'd as a bride. For Immanuel's side: Let angels rejoice at the sight ; Jerusalem new Its glory doth shew, The wisdom of God and his might. £ Its walls great and high. Behold it wilh joy, Think of it, ye saints with delight ; Behold its foundation With great admiration, With precious stones garnished bright; It lieih four square, A golden reed there. With angels to measure it right ; Consider with pleasure, Its equal in measure, Its lengih, breadth, and height are alike. S Twelve angels there waits, At twelve holy gates. ^2 CA.MP MEETING The rigi.teous rejoice when they enter- l-or they will behold ciuer, A city of gold, The tree oflifepiac'd in the centre- There proceeds from the throne Ol the king whom thev own. A river, of water of life • As crystal it's clear, ' As wine it doth cheer The heart of the bride, the Laugh's wife. 4 There those who do well, With Jesus shall dwell, 1^ or ever and ever in peace: They need not the moon, i\or the bright shining sun. In so glorious and holy a place, trod s glory will shine, And give light divine, rherefore it will never be night: What raptures are there All heaven will share— t's perfectly filled with light. ' The saints shall there reign, With the lamb that was slain, rhe face of their King they will see; There standing before him, 10 love and adore him, lis name in their foreheads will b« HYMN BOOK. 4S Great joy will be there, The righteous will share, While angels their voices are raising ; How pleasant their singing, Melodiously ringing. While saints are in harmony praising. 6 How pleasant their singing, Melodiously ringing, All praising with cheerfulest voices : What melodious sounds Are eciioing round, While all in that city rejoices. How rich and how great How gooti and complete, That city which God will prepare ; How pirre and how holy, And full of bright glory. How beautiful, lovely, and fair! 28. P. M. JESUS, to every willing mind, Opens a heavenly treasure ; In him the sons of sorrow find Sources of real pleasure ; See what employments men pursue ; Then you will own my words are true ; Jesus alone unfolds to view Sources of leal pleasure. 44 CAMP MEETING 2 Poor are the joys that fools esteem. Fading and transitory ; Mil th is as fleeting as a dream, Or a delusive slory ; Lu^iU'V leaves asiing behind, Wonnd'ng the body and the mind; Only in 3esus can we find Pleasures anr" solid glory, 3 Learning, that boasted, glUtering thing, Scarcely is worth possessing; Riches, for ever on the wing. Scaice can be call'd a blessing ; Fame I'ke a shadow flies away. Titles and dignities decay, Nonght but relioion can display Joys that are freed from trouble. 4 Beauty, wiih all its gaud}* show, Is bui. a painted bubble : Shoit are the uiumphs wit bestow, Full of deceit and trouble; Sensual nleasures swell desire, Just as the fuel feeds the fire ; Religion can real bliss inspire. Bliss that is worth possessing. 29. P. M. THE Lord into his garden come. The spices yield a rich perfume, HYMN BOOK. 45 The lilies grow and thrive : Refreshing showers of grace divine, From Jesus flows to every vine, And makes the dead revive. 2 O that ibis dry and barren ground In springs of water ma} abound, A fruii ful soil become ; The desert blossoms as the rose, When Jesus conquers all his foes, And makes his people one. 3 The glorious time is coming on, The gracious work is now begun, My soul a witness is; I taste and see the pardon free For all mankind as well as me ; Who come to Christ may live. 4 The worst of sinners here may find A Saviour merciful and kind, Who will them all receive : None are too vile who will repent, Out of one sinner legions went. The Lord did him relieve. 6 Come, brethren dear, who know the'Lord And taste the sweetness of his word, In Jesus' ways go on ; Our trials and our troubles here Will only make us richer there, When we arrive at home. 46 CA.MP MEETING 6 We feel that heaven is now begun. It issues from the sparkling throne, From Jesus' throne on high : It comes in floods we can't contain, We drink, and drink, and drink again, And yet we still are dry, 7 But when we come to dwell above. And all surround the throne of love, We'll drink a full supply ; Jesus will lead his armies through To living fountains where they flow, That never will run dry. 8 'Tis there we'll reign, and shout and sing And make the upper regions ring. When all the saints get home ; Come on, come on, my brethren dear, Soon we shall meet together there, For Jesus bids us come. 9 Amen, Amen, my soul replies, I'm bound to meet you in the skies, And claim my mansion there : Now here's my heart, and here's my banc To meet you in that heavenly land, Wnere we shall part no more, SO. P. M. COME, ray soul, thy suit prepare, Jesus loves to answer prayer ; HYMN BOOK. 47 He himself has bid thee pray, ThereCore will not say ihee nay, 2 Thou art comii^g to a King, Large petitions with thee bring ; For his grace and power are such, None can ever ask too much. S With rny buiden I begin, Lord, remove this load of sin ! Let thy blood for sinners spilt, Set my conscience free from guilt. 4 Lord I I come to thee for rest, Take possession of my breast; There thy blood-bought right maintain, And without a rival reign. 5 As the image in the glass Answers the beholder's face : Thus into my heart appear. Print thine own resemblance there. 6 While I am a pilgrim here, Let thy love my spirit cheer ; As my guide, my guard, my friend, Lead me to my journey's end. 7 Show me what I have to do, Every hour my strength renew ; Let me live a life of faith. Let me die thy people's death. 48 CAMP MEETING SI. P. M. AWAK'D by Sinai's awful sound, My soul ia guilt and thrall I found 1 knew not what to dio; '^ O'eiwlielm'd wiili guiit, with anguish slai The sinner must be born again, Or sink in endless wo. 2 Amaz'd I stood, but could not tell, Which way to shun the gates of hell, For death and hell drew near : I strove, indeed, but stiove in vain, The sinner must be born again, Still sounded in niy ear. 3 Then to the law I trembling fled — Itpour'd its curses on my head, I no relief could find; This fearful truth, I found remain, The sinner must be born again, O'erwhelm'd my troubled mind. 4 Again did Sinai's thunder roll, And guilt lay heavy on my soul, A vast nnwieldly load : Alas ! I read and found it plain, The sinner must be born again, Or drink the wrath of God. 5 The saints I heard with rapture tell, How Jesus conquer'd death and hell. HYMN BOOK. 49 And broke the fowler's snare ; But when I found the truth remain, The sinner must be born again I sunk in deep despair. 6 While thus my soul in anguish lay, Jesus of Naz'reth pass'd that way — I felt his pity move : The sinner by his justice slain, Now by his grace is boni again, And sings redeeming love. 7 To heaven the joyful tidings flew, The angels tun'd ihelr harps anew, And loftier sounds did raise ; All hail the Lamb that once was slain, Unnumber'd millions born again, Shall shout thy endless praise. 32. P. M. THE HEAVENLY MARINER. THROUGH tribulations deep The way to glory is : The stormy course I keep, ' On these tempestuous seas : By waves and winds I'm toss'd and driv'n, Freighted with grace and bound to heav'n, 2 Sometimes temptations blow A dreadful hurricane, And high the waters flow, F 50 CAMP MEETING And o'er my sides break in ; But still my little ship outbraves The blust'ring winds and surging wares, 5 When I, in my distress, My anchor Hope, can cast, Within the promises It holds my vessel fast. Safely she then at anchor rides, 'Midst stormy winds and swelling tides. 4 If a dead calm ensues. And heaven no breezes give, The oar of prayer I use, I tug, and toil, and strive : Through storms and calms, for many a daj I make but very little wa y. 5 But when a heavy breeze Springs up and fills my sail, My vessel goes with ease Before the pleasant gale ; And runs as much an hour, or more, As in a month or or two before. 6 Hid by the clouds from sight, The sun doth not appear. Nor can I in the night. Behold the moon or star : Sometimes for days and weeks, er mor I cannot sec the sky or shore. HVM« BOOK. ft Asalihe lime of noon, My quadrant. Faith, 1 take. To view my Christ, my sun, If he the clouds should break . I'm happy when his face I see, I know then whereabouts I be, 8 The Bible is my chart, By it the seas I know— 1 cannot with it part, It rocks and sands doth show: It is a chart and compass too, Whose needle points for ever true. 9 I keep aloof from pride. These rocks I pass with care : I studiously avoid The whirlpool of despair ; Presumption's quicksands too I shun, Near them I do not choose to run. 10 When through a strait I go, Or near some coast am drove, The plummet forth I thiow, And thus my safety prove; My conscience is the line which I Fathom the depth of water by. II My vessel would be lost, In spite of aH nny car^. But that iha Holy Ghost ^2 CAMP MEETING Himself vouchsafes to steei- ; And I through all my voyages will Depend upon my steersman's skill. 12 Ere I can reach heaven's coast, I must a gulf pass through, Which fatal proves to most For all this passage go ; But all death's wave can't me o'ervvhelm, If God himself is at the helm. 3 When through this gulf I get, (Though rough it is but short,) The pilot angels meet, And bring me into port ; nd when I land on that blest shore, shall be safe for evermore. 33. C. M. THE pilgrim's SONG. VOW, pilgrims, let us go in peace. While through this world we rove : ill all these parting moments cease, And we shaU meet above. Though trials here our souls annoy. And foes beset the road, e're hastening to eternal joy, Where we shall rest with God. Let us rejoice in God our King, While pilgrmis here we rove, HYMN BOOK. f^ And join with hearts and voioQ to sing The wonders of his love. 4 Soon we shall reach the heavenly land And tread the peaceful shore , And there unite the glorious band, Our Jesus to adore. 5 O the transporting scenes of bliss Our souls shall then enjoy ! For if we be where Jesus is. There's nothing can annoy. 34. P. M. THE christian's TRANSPORT. OWHAT amazing love is this ! On earth I taste immortal bliss ! 1 feel that voice which is divine. And know that Jesus Christ is mine. 2 He leads me on the heav'nly road. And feeds my soul with angels' food ; My soul, how free his goodness flows ! His bleeding love no limit knows. 3 My soul hath found my Christ to-day I feel my darkness done away ; His presencQ made my bars remove, And O, I feast on heav'nly love ! 4 J feel my sins are all forgiv'n. This is ray Christ, my all, my hoay'p ! ^4 «AMP MEBTINO My soul begins her lasting themCs • All glory to my God, the Lamb !' S5 C. M. LORD ! what a wretched land is this That yields us no supply ; No-cheering fruits, no wholesome trees Nor streams of living joy. 2 But piickling thorns through all the And mortal poisons grow ; [ground, And all the rivers that are found, With dangerous waters flow. ,S Yet the dear path of thine abode Lies through this horrid land ; Lord, we would keep the heav'nly road, And run at thy command. 14 Our souls shall tread the desert through With undiverted feet ; And faith and flaming zeal subdue The terrors that we meet. 5 A thousand savage beasts of prey Around the forest roam ; But Judah's lion guards the way, ^ And guides the stranger home. k Long nights and darkness dwell below, ^ With scarce a twinkling ray, But the bright world to which we go HTMN B©OK. ^-5 Is everlasting day. 7 By glimm'ring hopes and gloomy fears We trace the sacred road ; Thro' dismal deeps and dang'rous snares We make our way to God. 8 Our journey is a thorny maze, But we march upward still ; Forget these troubles of the ways, And reach at Zion's hill. 9 See the kind angels at the gates, Inviting us to come ; There Jesus the forerunner waits To welcome trav'lers home. 10 There on a green and flow'ry mount Our weary souls shall sit; And with transporting joys recount The labors of our feet. 1 1 No vain discourse shall fill our tongue, Nor trifles vex our ear ; Infinite grace shall be our song, And God rejoice to hear. 12 Eternal glories to the King That brought us safely through ; Our tongues shall never cease to sing, And endless praise renew. 56 CAMP MEETING 36. P. M. FAREWELL, dear friends, I mnst be gone, 1 have no home to stay with you; I'll take ray staff and travel on, Till I a better world do view ; Farewell, farewell, farewell. My loving friends, farewell. 2 Farewell, my friends, time rolls along, Nor waits for mortals, care or bliss, I leave you here and travel on Till I arrive where Jesus is. Farewell, &c. S Farewell, my brethren in the Lord, To you I'm bound in cords of love : Yet we believe hh gracious word, That soon we all shall meet above. Farewell, &-c. 4 Farewell old soldiers of the cross. You've struggled long and hard for heaven You've counted all things here but dross, Fight on, the crown shall soon be giv'n, Farewell, kc. 5 Farewell, ye blooming sons of God, Sore conflicts yet await for you ; Yet dauntless keep the heavenly road, Till Canaan's happy land you view. HYMN BOOK. 5f Fight on, fight on, fight on, The crown shall soon be giv'n. 6 Farewell, poor careless sinners too, It grieves my heart to leave you here ; Eternal vengeance waits for you ; O turn and find salvation near. O turn, O turn, O turn, And find salvation near. 37. C. M. 9 f fl^IS good to wait upon the Lord, JL When Christ himself draws near, And ev'ry heart, with one accord, Ascends in solemn prayer. 2 While thus we feel the Saviour's love, In heavn'ly shower's descend, Our souls commune with saints above. In bliss that knows no end. 3 We taste the precious streams of grace — The fountain makes them sing ; We travel through the wilderness — They sit before the King. 4 We pray for grace to hold out well, The conflict but begun ; They of their past engagements tell, And sing the conquests won. » We fight the battles of the Lord, And aro sometimes cast down ; 5B CAMP MBHTmO They wield no more the warriour'* swordi But wear the conqueror's croWn, 88. P. M. ^1 E£ th' eternal Judge descending, ►3 Seated on his Father's throne ; Now, poor sinner, Christ will show thet That he's with the Father one ; Trumpets call thee, Stand and hear thy awful doom. 2 Hear the sinner no»v lamenting At the sight of fiercer pain ; Cries and tears he now is venting, But he weeps and cries in vain { Greatly mourning. That he ne'er was born again. S Yonder sits my slighted Saviour, With tlie marks of dying love; O ! that I had sought his favour, " When I felt his spirit move ! Doom'd Fm justly, For I have against him strove. 4 All his wooing I have slighted, While he daily sought my soul ; If my vows to him I plighted, Yet for sin I broke them all ; Golden moments. How neglected did they roll ! HYMN BOOK. &9 15 There I see my godly neighbors, Who were once despis'd by me ; Now they're clad in dazzling splendour^ Waiting my sad fate to see : Farewell, neighbors — Dismal gulf, I'm bound for thee, lB Hail ! ye ghosts that dwell in darkness, Groaning, rattling of your chains; Christ has now denounc'd my sentence, I'm to dwell in endless pains ; Down I'm rolling. Never to return again. 7 Now experience plainly shows me, Hell is not a fabled thing ; Novv I see my friends in glory, Round the throne they ever sing ; I'm tormented With an everlasting sting. 39. P. M. OWHEN shall I see Jesus, And dwell with him above, To drink the flowing fountains Of everlasting love ? When shall I be deliver'd From this vain world of sin, And with my blessed Jesus Drink endless pleasures in? | 60 CAMP MEETING. 2 But now I am a soldier, My Captain's gone before, He's given me my orders. And tells me not to fear ; And if I hold out faithful, A crown of life he'll give, And all his valiant soldiers Eternal life shall have. 3 Through grace 1 am determin'd To conquer, though I die, And then away to Jesus On wings of love I'll fly ; Farewell to sin and sorrow, I bid it all adieu. And you, my friends, prove faithful, And on your way pursue. 4 And if you meet with troubles And trials on the way, Then cast your care on Jesus, And don't forget to pray. Gird on the heavn'nly armour, Of faith, and hope, and love, And when your race is ended You'll reign with him above. 5 O do not be discourag'd, For Jesus is your friend, And if you lack for knowledge. He'll not refuse to lend ; HYMN BOOK. 61 Neither will he upbraid you, Though often you request, He'll give you grace to conquer, And take you home to rest. 40. C. M COME, bumble sinner, in whose breast A thousand thoughts revolve, Come, with your guilt and fear opprest, And make this last resolve : 2 I'll go to Jesus, though my sin Hath like a mountaiti rose; I know his courts, I'll enter in, Whatever may oppose. 5 Prostrate I'll lie before his throne, And there my guilt confess ; I'll tell him I'm a wretch undone, Without his sov'reign grace. 4 But should the Lord reject my plea. And disregard my prayer ; Yet still, like Esther, I will stay, t And perish only there. 5 I can but perish if I go — I am resolv'd to try ; For if I stay away, I know I must for ever die. 6 But should I die with mercy sough(, When I the King have tried ; 62 eAMP MBETINC 1 there should die (delightful thought !) Where ne'er a sinner died. 41. P. M. DROOPING souls, no longer giieve, Heaven is propitious ; If on Christ you can believe, You shall find him precious. Jesus he is passing by. Calling sinners to him ; He has died for you and I — Now look up and view him. 2 View his har>ds, his feet, his side, There runs the healing potion ; See the consolaiing tide. Boundless as the ocean ; See the living current move, For the sick and dying — Now resolve to gain his love, Or perish, for mercy crying. S Christ's store of grace is always free, ^ Drooping souls to gladden ; ') Jesus calls, Come unto me. Weary, heavy laden. Though your sins, like raountainB high, Rise and reach to heaven— Sooa as you on me rely, j AH shall be forgiven, j W^mi BOOK. 63 4 Now, raethinks I hear one say, I will go and prove him, If he takes my guilt away, Surely I shall lore him. Yes, I see the Father smile. Smiling moves my burden. Through his grace, though I am vile, Yet he seals my pardon. 5 Streaming mercy how it flows ! Now I know I feel it ! Half has never yet been told, Still 1 want to tell it. Jesus's blood has heal'd my wounds ; O the wondrous story ! I was lost, but now I'm found — Glory I glory ! glory I 6 Glory to ray Saviour's name I Saints, I know you love him ; Sinners, you may do the same, Only come and prove him : Hasten to a Saviour's blood. Tell it and declare it — that I could sing so loud All the world could hear it. 7 If no greater joys were known, In the upp«r region, 1 woeld try to travel on By this purt religion— 54 CAMP MEETING Heaven now and heaven then, Glory here and yonder, Brightest seraphs shout aloud, Whilst the angels wonder. 42. L. M. A PARTING HYMN. MY dearest friends in bands of love, Whose hearts the sweetest union prove. Your friendship's like a drawing band, Yet we must take the parting hand : Your company's sweet, your union dear, Your words delightsome to my ear; But when I see that we must part. You draw like cords about my heart. 2 How sweet th9 hours have pass'd away, Where we have met to sing and pray ! How loth we've been to leave the place Where Jesus show'd his smiling face I O, could I stay with friends so kind, How would it cheer my sinking mind ! But duty makes me understand. That we must take the parting hand, 3 But since it is God's holy will, We must be parted for a while, In sweet submission, all as one. We'll «ay our Father's will be done, HYMN BOOK. 65 2)eaf fellow-yoiith, in Christian ties, Who seek for mansions in the skies. Fight on, we'll gain that happy shore. Where parting hands will be no more ! 4 How oft I've seen your flowing tears, And heard you lell your hopes and fears ! 'Your liearts with love did seem to flame, Which makes me hope we'll meet again. Ye mourning souls in sore surprise, Jesus rememljers all your cries. ! trust his grace, and in that land, We'll no more take the parting hand. 5 My Christian friends, both old Siyoun;^ 1 hope in Christ you'll -all be strong ; And if on earth we meet no more, may we meet on Canaan's shore. 1 hope you'll all remember me, If here no more my face you see ; An interest in your prayers I crave. That we may meet beyond the grave, 6 O glorious day ! O blessed hope; 'My heart leaps forward at the thought, When in that happy, happy land, We'll no more take the parting hand ; But with our Saviour, holy Lord, We'll shout and sing with one accord ; And there we'll all with Jesus dwell, So, loving brethren «11, farewell ! E 66 CAMP MEETING 43, P. M. ^ ^ COME, precious souls that love the And listen to a brother — [Lord, Believe it is a true record, Nor could I half discover What God has done for my poor soul, It's quite beyond expressing ; Although my sins were great and small, They could not stop the blessing. £ For several years I did withstand The God of might arid power, ^^^^ Who held me by his gracious hano^' Preserv'd me every hour — Kept me from dropping into hell — My God, how shall I praise thee? Or how shall I thy goodness tell, Or praise the Lord that made me. 5 From time to time the Lord convinc'd. From time to time I griev'd him, He show'd the dreadful end of sin, And yet 1 disbeliev'd him ; Sometimes I pray'd — and sinn'd again, And then I thought of mending — But sin would draw me back again While God his help was lending, 4 One diy his spirit came again, 1 heard him at my iBJsure, Saying, *' You wretch! forsake your sins. HYMN BOOK. 67 And quit your worldly pleasure, For that or me you must let go, And I've a mind to leave you, But if you want my love to know. Come freely now receive me !" 5 O then I thought I must submit. Or I should lose my Saviour ; *But self and Satan csied. Not yet. You'll lose your companions' favor. Then I betook, myself in part, Forsook my grossest smning, I thought 1 gave God all my heart — And this was my beginning. 6 Then I, the boasting Pharisee, Could say, O Lord, I thank thee 1 am not as I iis'd to be, I have righteousness a plenty ; But trusting to an arm of flesh, I sinn'd as high as may be, My former sins came on afresh, I cried, Lord Jesus, save me ! 7 My sins in number like the stars, With force ihey did beset mo, then I thought I'd gone so, far That Jesus Christ hud left me; For hell seem'd moving from -beiieaih To meet this fine beginne*' ;. 1 cried and smote my aching breasL — Lord Jesus, save the sinner ! 68 ©AAIP MEETIKS 8 When Jesus saw the rebel fall. He show'd his great compassion ; His blood before the throne did call, Saying, I'm thy salvation- O .' come, and help me praise my God, Who's promis'd not to leave ns, But still has mercy for the poor — Then glory to King Jesus! 44. P. M. ¥E virgin souls arise, With all the dead awake ! Unto salvation wise, Oil in your vessels take ; Upstarting at the midnight cry, Behold the heav'nly biidegroom nigh, £ He comes, he comes to call The nations to his bar, And raise to glory all Who fit for glory are ; Made ready for your full reward, Go forth with joy to meet your Lord. 3 Go, meet him in the sky. Your everlasting friend ; Your head to glorify ; With all his saints ascend ; Ye pure in heart, obtain the grace To »ee without a veil his face. HTJIN BOOK. 69 4 Ye thai have here receiv'd The unction from above, And in his spirit liv'd, Obedient to his love : Jesus shall claim you for his bridt : Rejoice with all the sanctified. 5 The everlasting doors Shall soon the saints receive, Above yon angel powers In glorious joy to live : Far from a world of grief and »ii), Wiih God eternally shut in. 6 Then let us wait to hear The trumpet's vvelcon)e sound, To see our Lord appear, Watching let us be found ; When Jesus doth the heavens bow, Be found — as, Lord, thou find'st ui now. 45. S. M. TO keep the lamp alive, With oil we fill the bowl ; 'Tis water makes the willow thrive. And grace that feeds the soul. 2 The Lord's unsparing hand Supplies the living stream ; It is not at our own command, But still deriv'd from him, 70 CAMP MEETING S Beware of Peter's word, Nor confidently say, *I never ivlll deny thee, Lord,* But grant 1 never may. 4 Man's wisdom is to seek, His strength in God alone ; And e'en an angel would be weak, Who trusted in his own. 5 Retreat beneath his wings. And in his grace confide ; This more exalts the King of kings, Than all your works beside. 6 In Jesus is our store, Grace issues from his throne; Whoever says ' I want no more,' Confesses he has none. 46. P. M JESUS came into the world, And suffer'd to redeem us ; Then ascended up on high. And sent his grace to save us ! CHORUS. Ho ! every one that thirsts^ Come ye to the waters, Freely drink and quench your thirst, ff^ith Zion'fl sons and daughters. HYMN BOOK. 71 5 Come all ye mourning weeping souls, Who long to be forgiven ! We bring glad tidings unto you, From t^he high court of heaven. Ho ! every one, ^r. 3 There is a fountain open wide, For sin and all uncleanness, * Streaming from the Saviour's side, It flows in Gospel fulness. Ho ! every one, %'C. 4 Oh ! seek the circumcising grace, Be wise — do not refuse it; For if you seek your life to save, You will be sure to lose it. Ho ! every one, ^r. 5 The cross of Christ you'll have to bear, Fearless of persecution ; Or groan you must when time shall cease. In darkness and confusion. Ho ! every one, lie. 6 Shall unbelief debar you from 1^ The knowledge of your Saviour ? Believe, and you'll be justified ! Believe, and live for ever. Ho ! every one, Ci'C, T My night of sin snd grief is gone, My soul, is fill'd with glory— 72 CAM? MEETING Oh ! for a thousand tongues to sing Love's animating story. Ho ! every one, S,'*- 8 Let heaven and earth with rae unite, To sing and shout hosanna! The Lord has pardon'd all my sins, And fill'd my soul with manna. Ho! every one, Sf€ 9 See the crowd that's gone before, In patlis of self-denial : They stand on Canaan's happy shore, And wait for your arrival. Ho ! every one, ^'c. 10 Come on, ye followers of the Lamb, Be ready for to meet them ; Now let us joiji and persevere, Till we arrive in heaven. Ho ! every one, ^e. 11 There we'll all together stand, And praise our God and Father : And sing and shout on Canaan's land. For ever and for ever. Ho ! every one, S^c. 47. P. M. COME, my brethren, let us try For a little season, Kv'ry burden to lay by ; Come, and let us reason^ HYMN BOOK. 73 S What is this that casts you do\7ii ? What IS this that grieves you? Speak, and let the worst be known, Speaking may relieve you. 3 Christ at times by faith I view, And it doth relieve me, But my doubts return anew. They are those that grieve me. 4 Troubled like the restless sea, Feeble, faint and fearful. Plagued witli every sore disease, How can I be cheerful ? 5 Think on what your Saviour bore In the gloomy garden, Sweating blood at every pore, To procure thy pardon. 6 View him nailed to the tree. Bleeding, groaning, dying ; See, he suffer'd this for thee, Therefore be believing. 7 Joseph took his body down, Shrouded it in linen. Laid it in the silent tomb, And returned mourning. 8 Jesus rises from the tomb. Angels fly from glory, See what glory shines around, Hallelujah, glory. "74 CAMP MEETING 9 Brethren, don't you feel the flame ! Sisters, don't you love him ? Let us join to praise his name, Let us never grieve him. 10 Soon we'll meet to part no more, Soon we'll meet in heaven, There we'll join the saints above, And foi ever praise him. 48. S. M. YE fearful saints, march on, It is the Lord's command ; Never let trifles stop your way, To Canaan's prorais'd land. 2 Though numerous foes arise, And hell your course withstand. Still force your passage through them all, To Canaan's promis'd land. 5 Keep on a forward pace, And never, never stand, Till you behold your Saviour's face, In Canaan's promis'd land. 4 Cast not a wishful eye Towards your native strand. Like Lot's frail wife, but onward press, To Canaan's promis'd land. 6 Mind not th' alluring wiles, Prepar'd by Satan's band, KYMN BOOK. 75 To draw you from the narrow paih, I Which leads to Canaan's land. 6 The Scripture is your rule, By it you fall or stand ; Walk in the way which it points out, To Canaan's promis'd land, to 7 Then shall ye join above, With all the ransom'd band, To celebrate redeeming love, In Canaan's promis'd land. 49. P. M, WHEN I set out for glory, I left the world behind, Deterrnin'd for a city. That's out of sight to find. CHORUS. And to glory I will go — And to glory I will go — I'll go, Pll go, And to glory I will go. SL I left my worldly honour, I left my worldly fame, I left my young companions, And with them my good name^ And to glory I will go, ^c. S Some said I'd better tarry — They thought I was too young 76 CAMP MEETING For to prepare for dying : . But that was all my theme. And to glory I will go, S^c. 4 Come all my loving brethren, And listen to my cry ; All you that are backsliders Musi shortly beg or die. And to begging I iviil go — [go, And to begging I will go — will go, will And to begging I ivill go. 5 The Lord he loves tlie beggar, Who truly begs indeed ; He always will relieve him Whene'er he stands in need. And to begging I ivill go, ^c. 6 I do not beg for money, Nor to be dressed fine : The garment that he'll giye to me. The sun it will outshine. , And to begging I ivill go, S,'c. 17 I'm not asham'd to beg While here on earth I stay ; ■ I'm not asham'd to wa;ch. And I'm not asham'd to pray. And to begging ive will go, S,*c. 8 The richest man I ever saw i Was one that begg'd the most; His soul was fill'd with Jesus, KYMN BOOK. t7 And with the Holy Ghost. A7id to hegging tee ivill go, ^'C. 9 And now we arc encouraged, Come let us travel on, Until we join the angels. And sing the holy song. And to glory I will go, ^'C. 50. C. M. ^ WEET rivers of redeeming love f^ Lie just before mine eye; Had I the pinions of a dove, I'd to those rivers fly ; I'd rise superior to my pain, With joy outstrip the wind ; I'd cross bold Jordan's stormy main, And leave the world behind. 2 While I'm imprison'd here below, In anguish, pain, and smart, Oft times those troubles I forego, Wlien love surrounds my heart; In darkest shadows of the night Faith mounts the upper sky ; I then behold my heart's delight, And would rejoice to die ! S I view the monster, Death, and smile, Now he has lost his sting: Though Satan rages all the while. 78 CAiMP MEETING I Still in triumph sing ; I hold my Saviour in my arms, And will not let him go ; I'm so delighted with his charms. No other good I'll know. 4 a few more days, or years at most, My troubles will be o'er, 1 hope to join the heavenly host, On Canaan's happy shore: My rapt'rous soul shall drink and feast. In love's unbounded sea ; The glorious hope of endless rest Is transporting to me. 5 O come, my Saviour, come away. And bear me through the sky, Nor let thy chariot wheels delay, Make haste, and bring it nigh : I long to see thy glorious face, And in ihine image shine — To triumph in victorious grace, And be for ever thine. 6 Then I will tune iny harp of gold. To my everlasting king ; Through ages that can ne'er be told, I'll make his praises ring : All hail! thou great eternal God ! • Who died on Calvary ! And sav'd me, with thy precious blood, i'rom endless misery. HYMN BOOK. 79 7 Ten thousand, thousand join in one, To praise the Eternal Three ; Prostrate before the blazing throne. In deep humility : They rise and tune their harps'*of gold, And string the immortal lyre; And ages that can ne'er be told, ^■* Shall raise their praises higher. 51. C. M. THE EVERLASTING SONG. "C^ ARTII hasengross'd my love too long; •^-^ 'Tis time I lift mine eyes, Upward, dear Father, to thy throne, And to my native skies. 2 There the blest man, my Saviour, sits; That Sun, how bright he shines ! And scatters infinite delights On all the happy minds. 3 Seraphs, with elevated strains, Circle the throne around ; «And move and charm the starry plains With an immortal sound. 4 ^esus, the Lord, their harps employs, '. JesMs, my love, they sing : yesus, the life of both our joys. Sounds sweet from ev'ry string. 80 CAMP MEETING 5 [Hark ! how beyond the narrow boundi Of time and space they run, And echo in majestic sounds The Godhead in the Son. 6 And now they sing the lofty tune, And gentler notes they play; And bring the Father's equal down To dwell in humble clay. 7 O sacred beauties of the Man ! (The God resides within ;) His flesh all pure without a stain ; * His soul without a sin. 8 But when to Calvary they turn, Silent their harps abide : Susnended songs, a moment mourn, The Lord that lov'd and died. 9 Then all at once to living strains They summon every chord ; Tell how he triumph'd o'er his pains. And chant the rising Lord.] iO Now let me mount and join their song^ And be an angel too : My heart, my hand, my ear, my tongu«, Here's joyful work for you. Ill would begin the music here, And io my soul should rise ; O for some heavenly notes to bear My passion to the skies ! HYMN BOOK. 81 12 There ye that love my Saviour sit, There I would fain have place ; Among your thrones, or at your feet, So 1 might see his face. 52. C. M. MY soul, this curious house of clay, This present frail abode, Must quickly fall to worms a prey, - And thou return to God. 2 Canst thou, by faith, survey with joj " The change before it come ; And say, Let death this house destroy, I have a heav'nly home ? S The Saviour whom I then shall see With new admiring eyes, Already has prepar'd for me A mansion in the skies. 4 I feel this mud-wall'd cottage shake. And long to see it fall ; That I my willing flight may take To Him who is my all. 5 Burden'd and groaning, then no more My rescued soul sha!! sing, As up the shining path I soar, * Death, tliou hast lost thy sting.' S2 GAMP MEETING 6 Dear Saviour, help us now to seek And know thy grace's power, That we may all this language speak, Before the dying hour. 53. P. M. THE YOUNG CONVERT. WHEN souls are first converted They mount on wings above The world thinks they're distracted. Because they're fill'd with love. They fly from every evil, They trust in God alone. They long to get to heaven, Their most desired home. 2 The world, the flesh, and Satan, Beset them on each hand, Bestrew their paths with evil ; Debar them from that land. But Jesus still invites you : Come, follow, follow me, And 1 will fight your battles, And gain your liberty. 3 O, why are you dismayed? The Saviour now inquires, When we ar^ getting ready. And just are going to rise ; To rise above triumphing. In that bright world of jov. HYMN BOOK. 65 Where all things are provided, There's nothing to annoy. 4 In hopes of that bright morning, When all the saints get home, When we arrive at heaven, Our most desired home, I'll try to live a Christian While here below I stay ; I'll watch and I'll be sober, I'll watch and try to pray. 54. C. M. APPROACH, my soul, the mercy-sea Where Jesus answers prayer ; There humbly fall before his feet, For none can perish there, 2 Thy promise is my only plea, With this I venture nigh ; Thou cailest burden'd souls to thee. And such, O Lord, am I. 3 Bovv'd down beneath a load of sin, By Satan sorely prest ; By war without and fears within, I come to thee for rest. 4 Be thou iuy shield and biding place, That shelter'd near thy side, I may my fierce accuser face. And tell him ' Thou hast died-' " 84 CAMP MEETING 5 O wondrous love ! to bleed and die. To bear the cross and shame ! That guilty sinners, such as I, Might plead thv gracious name ! 6 'Poor tempest-toss'd soul, be still, My promis'd grace receive ;' 'Tis Jesus speaks — I must, I will, I can, I do believe. 55. P. M THE preacher's ADIEIT. ADIEU! my dear brethren, adieu! Reluctant I give you my hand ! No more to assemble with you. Till we on Mount Zion shall stand. My heart swells with tender regret To leave your embraces so soon, Though heaven my course must direct, And others succeed in my room. 2 Your acts of benevolence past, Your gentle compassionate love, Henceforth in my memory shall last. Though far from your sight I remove. While roving the wilds of the west. When through foreign regions 1 steer. Still friendship inspiring my breast. Shall then drop her own native tear. S Our labours will &horlly subside. For vigour and life must decay, HYMN BOOK. 85 But wisdom and truth shall abide, To pilot our souls on the way. As time rolls his seasons around, And truth shall new teachers inspire, O may we in love still abound, And after new conquests aspire, 4 Our seasons of converse are o'er, Till mortal commotions ate past. Till nature and time are no more. Or we are in Paradise blest. Sweet comforting Spirit, draw near, And shed forth thy luminous rays, My parting reflections to cheer, And change lamentation to praise. 5 O may we conform to HIS will, Aspiring for glory and peace, Our covenant vows to fulfil. Till Jesus shall sign our release ; Till, suddenly wafted above, Where saints in sweet harmony meet, To feel all the pleasures of love. And each happy conqueror greet. 56. P. M. WHITHER goest thou, pilgrim stran Wandering through this lonely vale 1 Knowest thou not 'tis full of danger ? And will not thy courage fail 1 36 CAMP MEETING No, Pm bound for the kingdom, Will you go to glory with me ? O hallelujah, O hallelujah^ rm bound for the kingdom, Will you go to glory with me ? O halhlujah, O hallelujah. a Pilgrim, thou hast justly call'd me, , Passing through a waste so vvide, But no harm will e'er befall me, ! While I'm bless'd with such a guide. For Ptn bound, ^c. 5 Such a guide : no guide attends thee, Hence for thee my fears arise ; [f some guardian power befriend thee, 'Tis unseen by mortal eyes. O, Fm bound, ^c. [ Yes, unseen, but still believe me, Such a guide my steps attend ; le'U in every strait relieve me. t He will guide me to the end. For Fm hound, Sfc. > Pilgrim, see that stream before thee, Darkly winding through the vale ; ^5hould its deadly waves roll o'er thee. Would not then thy courage fail ? ^ No, Fm bound, ^'c. . . No, that stream has nothing frightful^ ^ To its brink my steps I'll bend, HYMN BOOK. ®7 Thence to plunge 'twill be delightfwl, There my pilgrin.age will end. For Fm hound, &fc. 7 While I gaz'd, with speed surprising, Down the stream she plung'd from sight; Gazing still, I saw her rising, Like an angel cloth'd in light. O, Fm bound, S^c. 8 Cease, my heart, this mournful crying, Death will burst this sullen gloom ; Soon my spirit, fluttering, flying, Will be borne beyond the tomb. For Vin hound., ^'C. 57. P. M. TIME IS FLEETING MOMENTS. MY days, my weeks, my months, nay years Fly rapid as the whirling spheres, Around the steady pole ; Time, like the tide, its motion keeps, And I must launch through endless deeps., Where endless ages roll. 2 The grave is near t/ie cradle seen, How swift the moments pass betwoes, And whisper as they fly, »' Unthinking man, remember thi«, Though fond of sublunary bliss, That you must groan and die !" Oa CAMP MEETING 3 My soul, attend the solemn call, Thine earthly tent must shortly fall, And thou must take thy flight, Beyond tiie vast expansive blue, To sing above as angels do. Or sink in endless night. 4 How great the bliss, how great the wo, Hangs on this inch of time below, On this precarious breath ; The Lord of nature only knows. Whether another year shall close. Ere I expire in death. 9 Long ere the sun shall run his round, I may be buried under ground, And there in silence rot : Alas ! an hour may close the scene, j And eie twelve months shall roll between. My name be quite forgot^ e But will my soul be thus extinct, i'And cease to live, and cease to think ? It cannot, cannot be ; ;,No, my immortal cannot die, What wilt thou do, or whither fly, li When death shall set thee free ? 7 Will mercy then her arms extend, 'Will Jesus be thy guardian friend, And heaven thy dwelling place ? ^Or shall insulting fiends appear, HYMN BOOK. S9 And drag thee down to dark despair, Below the reach of grace ? 8 A heaven or hell, and these alone, Beyond the present life are known, There is no middle space ; To-day attend the call divine, rTo-morrow may be none of thine, Or it may be too late. 9 O do not pass this as a dream. Vast is the change, whate'r ii seem, To poor unthinking man : Lord at thy footstool I would bow. Bid conscience plainly tell me now, What it would tell me then. 10 If in destruction's road I stray. Help me to choose the better way, That leads to joys on high ; Thy grace impart, my guilt forgive, Nor let me ever dare to live. Such as I dare not die. 58. P. M. DESCRIPTION OF CHRIST. Part First. OTHOTJ in whose presence My soul takes delight, On whom in affliction I call ; My comfort by day, 90 CAMP MEETING And my song in the night. My hope, nny salvation, my all. £ Where dost thou at noon-tide Resort with thy sheep. To feed on the pastures of love? For why in the valley Of death should 1 weep, Or alone in the wilderness rove? 3 O why should 1 wander An alien from thee, And cry in the desert for bread ; Thy foes will rejoice When my sorrows they see, And smile at the tears I have shed. 4 Ye daughters of Zion, Declare, have you seen The star that on Israel shone? Say if in your tents My heloved has been, And where with his flocks he is gone? 6 This is my beloved, His form is divine, His vestments shed odours around; The locks on his head Are as grapes on the vine, When autumn with plenty is crown'd. 6 The roses of sharon, The lilies that grow. MYMN BOOK. 91 In the vales on the banks of the streams ; On his cheeks in the beauty Of excellence blow — And his eyes are as quivers of beams. 7 His voice as the sound Ot the dulcimer sweet, I« heard through the shadows of death : The cedars of Lebanon Bow at his feet, The air is perfum'd with his breath. 8 His lips as a fountain Of righteousness flow, That waters the garden of grace; From which their salvation The Gentiles shall know. And bask in the smiles of his face. 9 Love sits in his eye-lids, And scatters delight Through all the bright mansions on high ; Their faces the cherubims Veil in his sight. And tremble with fulness of joy. 10 He looks, and ten thousand Of angels rejoice. And myriads wait for his word ; He speaks, and eternity, Fill'd with his voice, Re-eehoes the prais« of the Lor^, 92 CAMP MEETING 59. P. M. DESCRIPTION OF CHRIST. Part Second. HIS vestments of rii^hteousness Who shall describe ? Its purity words would defile ; The heavens from his presenco Fresh beauties imbibe, And earth is made rich by his smile- 2 Such is my beloved In excellence bright, When pleas'd he looks down from above, Like the morn when he breathes From the chambers of light. And comforts his people with love. 3 But when armed with vengeance In terror he comes. The nations' rebellious to tame, The reins of Omnipotent Power he assumes, And rides in a chariot of flame. 4 A two-edged sword From his mouth issues forth, Bright quivers of fire are his eyes ; He speaks, and black tempests Are seen in the north, And storms from their caverns arise. hymA book. 93 5 Ten thousand destructions That wait for his word, And ride on the wings of his breath, Fly swift as the wind At the nod of their Lord, And deal out the arrows of death. 6 His cloud-bursting thunders Their voices resound, Through all the vast regions on high, Till from the deep centre Loud echoes rebound. And meet the quick flames in the sky. 7 The portals of heaven At his bidding obey. And expand ere his banner appear ; Earth trembles beneath, Till her mountains give way, And hell shakes her fetters with fear. 8 When he treads on the clouds, As the dust of his feet, And grasps the big storm in his hand ; What eye the fierce glance ' Of his anger shall meet, Or who in his presence shall stand ? o 60. S. M. SHALL we pr.ie away, And langu.sh now with fear, 91 CAIvrp MEWFlNa Because there are so few to-day That's met together here ? 2 Let IIS not be afraid, Although we are but few ; For Jesus hath a promise made, Who faithful is and true. 3 Where two or three are met, In my eternal name. There doth my blessed Spirit sit, There in the midst I am. 4 Then let us faint no niore, Nor breathe a murmuring breath ; Nor when there are but few complain. To drown our sacred mirth. 5 For if we meet in love, To serve the loving Lord, We have the pure assisting Dove, According to his word. 61. L. M. WELCOME, dear brethren, to this place ! Be banish'd every slavish fear ! Ye come to seek Immanuel's face — And he Iras promis'd to be here. 2 Seek him in prayer — hcMl surely come, To do us i^ood before we part ! ttVMN BOOK. 95 Each humble breast he'll make his home. And dwell in every waiting heart. 3 IFe'lI come with all his waiting heart, Of lively graces bright and strong ; Then shall the Lamb for sinners slain, Sound loud and sweet from every tongue. 4 Oh then be earnest, take no nay, ile'll answer every good desire ; Give him your hearts^ — tho' cold as clay, They'll melt like wax before the fire. 62. P. M. DANIEL IN THE LION's DEN. AMONG the Jewish nation one Dan- iel there was found, Whose unexampled piety astonish'd all around ; They saw him very pious and faithful to the Lord, Three times a day he bowed to supplicato his God. £ Among the King's high princes this ^ Daniel was the first, The King preferr'd the spirit this Daniel did possess ; Ilih unex'unpled I'iefy, sustain'ti their jealousy, The princes sought his ruin — obtain'd a firm decree : 96 CAMP MEETING S Should any man or woman, a supplica- tion bring, For thirty days ensuing, save unto thee, OKing: To any lord or master, or any other man, They should, withoju distinction, fall mf the lion's den. 4 But now when Daniel heard it, straight' to his house he went, To beg his God's proiection, Uwas all his whole intent ; His windows being open, before his God he bow'd. The princes were assembled, they saw him worship God. 5 They came to King Darius, and spake of his decree, Saying, that Hebrew Daniel doth noth- ing care for thee ; Before his God he boweth three limes \u every day, With all his windows open — and we hav^ heard him pray. 6 Now when Darius heard it, his soul dim sore lament, 1 He s|t his heart on Daniel, the sentence to prevent ; HYMN BOOK 97 The princes then assembled, and to the king they said. Remember your great ho«or, likewise tho laws you made. 7 Darius then com*manded that Daniel should be brought, And cast into the lion's den, because the Lord he sought ; The king then said to Daniel, that God whom you adore, Will save you from the lions, and bless you ever more. 8 The king went to his palace, and fasted all the night. He neither ate nor drank, nor in music ' took delight ; | So early the next morning, he stole along i the way, ^ And came unto the lion's den, where this ! bold Hebrew lay. | 9 Then with the voice of mourning, toi Daniel cry'd aloud, | Saying, O Daniel, Daniel, thoa servant of^ the Lord ; I Is not thy God sufificient for to deliver thee? That God in whom l^ou trustest, and, serves continually ? I 98 CAMP MEETING 10 My God haih sent his angel and shut ■ the lion's jaws ; j So that they have not hurt me, my ene- mies they saw ; Then straight the king commanded to take him oat ihe den Because in God he trusted, no harm was \ found in him. ^ 11 See how the faithful Daniel fear'd not ' the face of clay, 'Twas not the king's commandment that made him cease to pray ; Tie knew that God was with him, to save his soul frdm death, lie trusted in Jehovah, and pray'd at ev- brealh. SECOND PART. Darius then commanded those wretches to be brought, Who had with so much boldness the life of Daniel sought ; On women, men and children the sen- tence being pass'd, Amongl he angry lions those sinners then^ were cast. '* The lions rushed with vengeance upon Ihose wicked men HYMN BOOK. 99 And tore tliem all to pieces ere they to the bottom came. Thus God will save his children who put their trust in him, And punish their offenders with agonies extreme. 3 'Twas then a proclamation Darius is- sued forth, Commanding all the people that dwelt up- on the earth. To fear the God of Daniel, for he's the living God, Whose kingdom is for ever and shall not be destroy'd. 4 He maketh signs and wonders in heaveii! and on earth, j Who hath delivered Daniel, and shut the lion's mouth ; Who saved the Hebrew children when cast into the flame, | Who is the God of heaven, and spreads his wide domain. 5 This Daniel's God is gracious to ali- bis children dear, He gives them consolation and tells th«m not to fear 100 CAMP MEETING He's promis'd to support them, and bri-ng them safe to dwell Eternally in heaven, but dooms their foes to hell. 6 Hark! sinners, hear the gospel, it says to you, Repent! Come try a bleeding Saviour, for you his blood was spilt, He died to purchase pardon, that we might, by his power. Escape the roaring lions that seek us to devour. 7 O will you be persuaded by one who loves your soul. To turn and seek salvation with Christ in heaven to dwell : Come serve the God of Daniel, 'tis Jesus bids you come, You'll find a hearty welcome in Christ the bleeding Lamb. 8 Glory to God, O glory, for his redeem- ing love. Religion makes us happy here, and will , in worlds above ; We'll sing bright hallelujahs, and join the i holy song, •With Moses, J©b, and Dani&l, «nd all the h'eav'nly fhrong. HYMN BOOK. 101 63. L. M, EMMANPEL. HAIL! God the Father, glorious light! Hail ! God the Son, my soul's de- light ! Hail ! Holy Ghost, eternal three ! One God through all eternity. Ye glittering orbs around the skies, But speak his glory in disguise ; Your silent language ne'er can tell, The wisdom of Emmanuel. Tall mountains that becloud the sky, With all the hills that round you lie, While time endures, you ne'er can tell The wisdom of Emmanuel. 2 Ye trembling seas with awful roar. Whose billows roar from shore to shore ; Your thundering language ne'er can tell The power of Einmanuel. Ye worlds on worlds with all your throng, Through ev'ry clime extend the song; He saved you from a gaping hell. Yes, Glory to Emmanuel, Behold him leave l>is ancient throne : Behold him bleeding, hear him groan r Death's jron chains would fail to^leli The strength of King Emmanuel. 3 Behold him take his ancient sear. 102 CAMP MEETING And millions bowing at his feet ; He's conquer'd all the host of hell, Yes, Glory to Emmanuel. His fame shall spread from pole to pole, While glory rolls from soul to soul ; The gospel word goes far to tell The fame of King Emmanuel. While I am singing of his name, My soul begins to feel the flame, I'm full ! I'm full ! but ne'er can tell The Glory of Emmanuel. 4 I long to hear the trumpet sound, And see his glory blaze around, Then will I shout, and sing, and tell, Redemption through Emmanuel. Ten thousand thousand in a throng, Ten thousand thousand Join the song, The Saviour has done all things well. Yes, Glory to Emmanuel. My soul's transported with those charms I long to be in Jesus' arms. My loving brethren, all fsrewell, I'll go to meet Emmanuel. 64. P. M. ON DEATH. OW dreadful is the thought of death, That soon wili rob «s o\ our breath, H HYMN BOOK. 103 Though careless some remain ; In glory Christ you'll never see- Remember, sinner, this from me — You'll feel eternal pain, 2 Soon will your clay of grace be o'er Its loss forever you'll deplore, j» Come, now it's in rhy power ; O fly to the Redeemer's breast, On which you may securely rest, In death's uncertain hour 3 When death our bodies shall assail, Our stronger passions then will fail, It sinl'.s us to the grave : Riches shall then be no defence, Nor all the powers of eloquence*— Jesus alone can save. 4 No more let us in sin delight. But all our days against it fight; And when we come to die. In Christ a lively faith we'll have, Which reaches far beyond the grave, And bids us death defy. 5 The righteous soon will meet above, And prove the Saviour's boundless love — O, may we with the-m join ! In concert with the heavenly host, Praise Father, Son, and Holy Ghostt In ecstasies divinf 104 CAMP MEETIN© 65. C. M. FROM all that's mortal, all that's vain» And from this earthly clod. Arise, my soul, and strive to gain i Some fellowship with God. ; 2 Say, what is there below the ^ky, ; O'er all the paths thou'st trod, ' Can suit thy wishes or thy joys. Like fellowship with God ? 3 Not life, nor all the toys of art. Nor pleasure's flowery road, €an to my soul such bliss impart. As fellowship with God. 4 Not health or friendship here below, I Nor wealth, that golden load, vCan such delights and comfort show, i; As fellowship with God. 5 5 When I in love am made (o bear ^ Affliction's needful rod ; 'Light, sweet and kind tlie strokes appear, I Through fellowship with God. 6 In fierce temptation's fiery blast, I And dark distraction's road, I'm happy if lean but taste I Some fellowship with God. 7 And when the lev arms of death, HYMN BOe^K. 105 Shall chill my flowing blood, With joy I'll yield my latest breath, In fellowship with God. 8 When I at last to heaven ascend, And join the blest abode-— There an eternity I'll spend, In fellowship with God. 66. P. M. THERE is a land of pleasure, Where streams of joy for ever roll, j 'Tis there I have my treasure, } And there»I hope to rest my soul. ^ Long darkness dwelt around me, With scarcely once a cheering ray ; But since my Saviour found me, A light has shone along my way. 2 My way is full of danger, But 'tis the path that leads to God ; Then like a valiant soldier, I'll dauntless keep the happy road. Now I must gird my sword on, My helmet, breast plate, and my shield, And fight the hosts of Satan, Until I gain the heavenly field. 3 I'm on my way to Canaan, Stil! guided by rvty Saviour's haed', 106 CAMP MEETING O come along, dear sinner, And see Emmanuel's happy land. To all that stay behind me, I bid a long, a long farewell : . O come, or you'll repent it, When you do reach the gales of hell ! 4 The vale of tears surrounds me. And Jordan's current rolls before ! O how 1 stand and tremble To hear ihe dismal waters roar ! Whose hand shall then support m&, And keep my soul from sinking there ! j From sinking down to darkness, j And to the regions of despair ? [ 5 The waves shall not affright me, t Although they're deeper than the grave ; I If Jesus will stand by me, • I'll calmly ride on Jordan's wave ; ! His word has calm'd llie ocean, j His lamp has cheer'd the gloomy vale ; • O may this friend be with me, i When through the gates of death I sai' le Then come thou king of terror. 5 And with thy weapons lay me low ! i I soon shall reach that region, I Where everlasting pleasures flow. ) Now, Christians, J must leave you HYMN BOOK. 107 A few more days to suffer here ; Through grace 1 soon shall meet you— My soul exults — I'm almost there. 7 But O the thoughtless company That crowd the road that leads to wo ! For them I'm filled with sympathy — ^ I soon must bid them all adieu ! O sinners, must I leave you. No more to join your social band ! No more to stand before you ! Till at the judgment seat west-and. 9 Soon the archangel's trumpet Shall shake the globe from pole to pole And all the wheels of nature, Shall in a moment cease to roll! Then I shall see my Saviour, With shining ranks of angels come, To execute his vengeance, And take his ransomed people home. 67. P. M. AV'D by grace, I live to tell What the love of Christ has done. He redeemed my S3ul from hell, Of a rebel made a son ; Oh ! I tremble still to think How secure I liv'd in sin; 108 GAMP MEETING Sporting on de#truction's brink, Yet preserv'd from falling in. £ In a kind propitious iiour, To m)' heart the Saviour spoke ; Touch'd me by his Spirit's power, And my dangerous slumber broke. Then I saw and own'd my guilt ; Soon my gracious Lord replied, 'Fear not, 1 my blood have spilt, 'Twas for such as thee 1 died.' S Shame and wonder, joy and love, All at once possessed my heart ; Can I hope thy grace to prove. After acting such a part? 'Thou has greatly sinn'd,' he said, 'But 1 freely all forgive; I myself thy debt have paid, Now I bid thee rise and live.' 4 Come, my fellow sinners, try, Jesus' heart is full of love ; Oh that you as well as I. May his wondrous mercy prove ! He has sent me to declare, All is ready, all is free ; Why should any soul despair, When he saved a wretch like me? HYMN BOOK. IQf 68. P. M. WHEN sorrows encompass me round And deepest distresses 1 see; Astonish'd I cry, can a mortal be found, 1 hat s surrounded by trouble like me ? 2 Few moments of peace I enjoy, And they are succeeded by pain ; it a moment of praising my God I enjoy 1 have hours again to complain. 3 O when shall my sorrow'be o'er f O when shall my sufferings cease ? when to the bosom of Christ be convey 'd lo the mansions of glory and peace? 4 if souls disembodied can know, Or visit their brother beneath ; ' 1 hope I shall join you as shouting you go, Atter laymg my corpse in the earth. 5 May no sorrow be vented that day. When Jesus hath called me home ; But with singing and shouting let each brother say, > He has gone {wm the evil to oome. 6 My spirit to glory convey'd, My body laid low in the ground ; I wish not a tear on my grave to be shed, »ut all join in pralsfng around. 110 CAMP MEETING 7 O'erwhelmed with the fullness of love, I then like an angel shall sing ; Till Christ shall descend with a shout from above, And make all creation to ring. 8 Our slumbering bodies obey, And quicker than thought shall arise; ^ Remov'd in a moment, go shouting away To the mansions above in the skies. 69. C. M. HOW blest are they whose hearts are From every sinful stain ; [clean Who sanctified by grace have been, And still in grace remain. 2 Come, O my soul, and stop notshoit Of sanctifying love; Let not the world thy affections cour Nor draw them from above. 5 Think with surprise, at what a price Thy pardon hath Heen bought ; For thee the Savioui offered pain, For thee w^s set at naught. 4 Foi: thee who was an heir of hell, The Lord hath purchas d heaven • For thee he did sore anguish feel I'hat thou might be forgivea HYMN BOOK. Ill 5 When justke bared its s'vord at thee, And would have cut thee down, As a poor barren fruitless tree, That cumber'd long the ground — 6 How swiftly did thy Saviour move, TosavetheB from the stroke, With eyes of pity, fill'd with love, lie did upon thee look. 7 Canst thou forget that heavenly ray Which did thy guilt remove, And banish'd all thy fears away; That gracious look of love ? 8 Ah, no ! I never can forget, 13ut ever will adore ; His lovely name 1 will repeat, While on ;his mournful shore. 9 And when I bid this world adieu, I hope my heaven t' obtain. And there in anthems ever new, Repeat the glorious strain. 70. L. M. "OUNG people, all attention give, . VVhilel address you in God's name ; You who in sin and folly live, Come hear the eounsel of a friend. 2 I've sought for bliss in gWttering toys 112 CAMP MEETKSf© And rang'd the luring scenes of rice, BtU never knew substantia] joys, Until I heard my Saviour's voice. 3 He spake at once my sins forgiven, And wash'd my load of guilt away : He gave me glory, peace and heaven. And thus I found the heavenly way. 4 And now with trembling sense I view The billows roll beneath your feet : For death eternal waits for you Who slight the force of gospel truth. 5 Youth like the spring will soon be gon«, By fleeting time or conquering; death ; Your morning sun may set at noon, And leave you ever in the dark. 6 Your sparkling eyes Si blooming cheek* Must \vithe) like the blasted rose ; The coffin, earth, and winding-sheet, Will soon your active limbs enclose. 7 Ye heedless ones that wildly stroll, The grave will soon become your bed. Where silence reigns and vapours roll In solemn darkness round your head. 8 Your friends will pass the lonesome place And with a sigh move slow along ; i8t31 ^zing on the spives of grass »YMN BOOK. lis With which your graves are overgrown. 9 Your souls will land in darker realms, Where vengeance reigns and billows And roll amid the burning flames, [roar. When thousand, thousand years are o'er. 10 Sunk in the shades of endless nighf, ,^ To groan and howl in ceaseless pain, And never more behold the light, And never, never rise again. 11 Ye blooming youth, this is the state. Of all who do free grace refuse ; And soon with you 'twill be too late, The way of life in Christ to choose. 12 Come lay your carnal weapons by, No longer fight against your God ; But with the gospel now comply, And heaven shall be- your great reward. 71. P. M. "W" ORD, dismiss us with Uiy blessing, JLJ Fill our hearts with joy and peace, Let each one thy love posssessing Triumph in redeeming grace. O refresh us, O refresh us, Trav'ling through this wilderness. 2 Thanks we give and adoration, For thy gosnel's joyful sound ^^ 114 CAMP MEETING May the fruits of thy salvation . In our hearts aud lives be found. May thy presence, may thy presence With us evermore be found. S So whene'er the signal's given, Us from earth to call away, Borne on angel's wings to heaven, Glad the summons to obey — May we ever, may we ever Reign with Christ in endless day. 7£. CM. JERUSALEM, my happy home, O how I long for thee .' When will my sorrows have an end ? » Thy joys when shall I see ? S Thy walls are all qf precious stone, Most glorious to behold ; Thy gates are richly set with pearl. Thy streets are paved with gold. 'S Thy garden and thy pleasant walks, My study long have been ; Such dazzling views of human sight, . Have never yet been seen 'U If heaven be thus so glorious, Lord, Why should 1 stay Irom thcnco? ' WhM fblW's this thnt I i'^w) \ dread HYMN BOOK. 115 To die and go from hence? 5 Reach down,0 Lord, thine arm of grace x^nd cause me to ascend, Where congregrations ne'er break i»p, And Sabbaths never end. 6 Jesus, my Lord, to glory's gone» Him will I go and see ; And all my brethren here below, Will soon coine after me. 7 My friends, I bid you all adieu, I leave you in God's care, And if I never more sec you, Go on, I'll meet you there. 8 When we've been there ten thousand Bright shining as the sun, [years, We've no less days to sing God's praise Than when we first begun. 73. C. M. RISE, my soul, to Pisgah's height. And view the promis'd land ; And see by faith the glorious sight, Our heritage at hand, 2 A land where pure enjoyments dwell, And blessing's most divine ; Where saints their highest notes shall 8vrp) ! And in bright glof v shine 116 GAMP MEETING S There endless springs of pleasure flo\^ , At my Redeemer's side, For all who live in faith below, And in. their Lord confide. -I Fair Salem's dazzling; gates are seen, Just o'er the narrow flood ; And fields adorn'd in living green, The residence of God. 5 O could I cross rough Jordan's wave, No danger would I fear, My bnrk would everj tempe-st brave, For O, my Shepherd's near. 6 T' enrich my soul with fresh supplies, Of faith, and hope, and love ; Witli courage then I'll win the prize. And reign with him above. 7 Though death's cold wave compass me And heavy tempests roar, [round, My little bark in safety's found, For Jesus guides me o'er. 8 Should storms of grief and sorrow blow, On this devoted breast; My Saviour's love shall guard me through, , To everlasting rest. I In him I live, in him I move, My only sure defence ; The scarce of sweet redeeming Iov«, HYMN BOOK. 1 ^ * My heavenly recompense. 10 My conflicts here shall soon be past, Where wild distraction leign^, Thro' toils and death I'll reach at last, Fail Canaan's happy plains. 11 The lamp of life will soon grow pale, The spark will soon decay ; And then my happy soul shall sail To everlasting day. 74. S. M. THE day is past and gone ; The evening shades appear i Oh ! may we all reniember well The night of death draws near. 2 We lay our garments by, Upon our beds to rest, So death will soon unrobe us all Of what we here possess. 3 Lord keep us safe this night, Secure from all our fears. Beneath the pinions of thy love, Till morning light appears. i And when we early rise, And view the unclouded sun, May we set out to win the priiso And after glory run 118 CAMP MEETING 5 And when our days are past, And we from time reinove, O, may we in thy bosom rest — The bosom of thy love. 75. C. M. DESIRES AFTER RENEWED HOLINESS. H for a closer walk with God, A calm and heavenly frame ; A light to shine upon the road That leads me to the Lamb : 2 Where is the blessedness I knew When first I saw the Lord ? Where is the soul-refreshing view ■ Of Jesus and his word ? 5 W^hat peaceful hours 1 then enjoy 'd ; . How sweet their mem'ry still ! iut now I feel an aching void ; The world can never fiU.r ; Return, O holy Dove, return, . Sweet messenger of rest ; hate the sins that made thee mourn, I And drove thee from my breast. , The dearest idol I have known. i What'er that idol be, lelp me to tear it from thy throne, • And worship only tbc«. HYMN BOOK. ^ 1^ 6 So shall my walk be close with God ; Calm and serene my fiame ; So purer light shall mark ihe ro:id Thai leads me to the Lamb, 76. P. M. ^ AW ye my Saviour ! saw ye my Sa- ►3 viour! Saw ye my Saviour and G.od .' Oh! he died on Calvary, to atone for you and irie, . , . , i And 10 purchase our pardon with blood. o He was extended ! he was extended ! '^ Shamefully nailed to the cross Oh ! he bowed his head and died ! thus m^ Lord was crucified, To atone for a world that was lost. S Jesus hung bleeding Jesus hungbleedin, Three dreadful hours in pam ; Oh ! The sun refused to shine-, when hi majesty divine , , Was derided, insulted ano slam. 4 Darkness prevailed, darkness prevailec Darkness prevailed o'er the land, O, the solid rocks were rent, through ere; lion's vast extent. When the Jews crucified the- God- ma 1*20 CAMP MEETING 5 When it was finish'd when it was finish'd And the atonement was made, He was taken by the great, and embalra'd in spices sweet, And in a new sepulchre laid. 6 Hail might) Savioui- ! Hail mighty Sa- viour I Prince and the author of peace, O, he burst the bands of death, and, tri- lunphant tiirongh the east, He ascended lo the mansions of bliss. 7 Now interceding, now interceding ! Pleading that sinners may live I iCrying, Father, 1 have died!- O, behold i my hands and si(]e. To reodem them — I prav thee forgive ! •8 I will forgive them, I \till forgive thein, \ If they'll repent and believe; .Let them now return to me, and be recon- I cii'd to thee, '[ And salvation they all shul! receive. 77. ITAL spark of heavenly flame, Quit, O qui't this mortal frame I irrembling, hoping, ling'ring. flying, O, the pain, the bliss of dying ■ ;3case, fond nature, cease thy strife, HYMN BOOK. 121 And let me languish into life. 2 Hark! they wisper !— angels say, Sister spirit, come away ! What is this absorbs me' quite, Steals tiiy senses, shuts my sight, Drowns my spirit, draws my breath ?— jTell me, my soul, can this be death ? 3 The world recedes .'—it disappears!— Heaven opens on mine eyes !— mine ears With sounds seraphick ring ! Lend, lend your wings— I mount !— I fly ! O grave, where is thy victoiy ? O deatl), where is thy stin^ •^? 78. P. M. BAY of Judgment, day of wonders ! Hark ! the trumpet's awful sound ! Loader than ten thousand thunders, Shakes the vast creation round ! How the summons '.' Will the sinner's heait cci:found! "2 See the Judge our r.; '.uie wearing, Clothed in majesty divine ! - You who long for hi's appearing, Then shall say, " This God is mine '" Gracious Saviour ] Own me on that dav fbr thine. 122 CAM? MEETING 5 At his call the dead awaken, Rise to life from earth and sea All the powers of nature shaken, By his looks prepare to flee : Careless sinner What will then become of ihee ? 4 Horrors past imagination Will then surprise your trembling heart, When yon hear your conflemnation, '' Hence accursed wretch depart ! Thou with Satan, And his angels have thy part !" 3 But to those who have confessed, Sav'd and serv'd your Lord below. He will say " Come in ye blessed, See the kingdom I bestow: You for ever Shall my love in glory know." 6 Under sorrows and reproaches, Let this thought our courage raise ; Swiftly Gods' great day approaches, Sighs shall then be turned to praise; May we triumph When this world is in a blaze, 78. JESUS! and shall it ever be, A mortal man ashim'd ol fhee' HYMN B0OK 123 Asliamed of ihee, ubom angels praise, VV'^hose glories shine tluough endless days ! 2' Asham'd of Jesus! sooner far Let niglu disown each radiant star; 'Tis midnight with my soul, till he. Bright morning Star, bid darkness flee. J3 Asham'd of Jesus ! O, as soon Let morning blush to own the sun ; He sheds the beams of light divine O'er this benighted soul of mine. 4 Asham'd of Jesus ! that dear friend On whom my hopes of heaven depend ! No: when I blush, be this my shame, That 1 no more revere his name. 5 Asham'd of Jesns ! empty pride! I'll boast a Saviour crucified; And, O, may this my portion be, My Saviour not asham'd of me! 80. C. M. Hebreivs xii. 1, 2. O ! what a cloud of witnesses Encompass us around ; Men once like us with suiTring tried, Hut now with glory crown'd : S Let us, vv'ith zeal like theirs inspired, ""^frive n th« Christian rac« 124 GAMP MEETING, 7 Now, pilgrims, let us go in peace 52 O for a breeze of heavenly love 34 Oh i give me. Lord my sins to mourn 38 O wli I Ani^yJn^JoTe is this INDEX. 1)27 O when shall I see Jesus bO O thou in whose presence 89 O shall we pino away 93 O for a closer walk wiUi God 118 Saw ye my Saviour 119 Stop, poor sinner, stop and t!)ink 12 Sinner, how oft liath God reproved 23 ^ee tlie Eternal Judge descending 58 Sweet rivers of redeeming love 77 Saved by grace I live to tell 107 The voice of free grace, 27 The Son of Man they did betray 4 Thro'out the Saviour's life we trace 11 The glorious day is drawing nigh 21 The Lord into his garden come 44 Through tribulations deep 49 'Tis good to wait upon tiie Lord 57 To keep the lamp alivo 69 There is a land of pleasure 105 The day is past and gone 117 Vital spark of heavenly llame 120 What glorious sounds is this I hear ? 15 •With pleasure behold 41 When I set out for glory 75 When souls are first converted 82 Whither, goest thou, pilgrim stranger 8& Welcome def?r hveihren to this «lace