^ H, Osgood The References to the Versions by the British Revisers Compared with the Versions BSI88 082 I,. 1^ ^0^^^me^ B5I88 /^' JAN 4 IS THE References to the Versions BY THE BRITISH REVISERS. Ho..:-: ^ c THE ^ OF PItlWf JAN 4 192( /. %iCIAL liM REFERENCES TO THE VERSIONS BY THK BRITISH REVISERS COMPARED WITH THE VERSIONS. BY HOWARD OSGOOD ROCHESTER, N. Y. PRKSS OF R. W. I^ACE, 149 EAST AVE. j8qq. PREFACE, The only question this digest seeks to answer is, How far do the versions support these references? HOWARD OSGOOD. Rochester, July 28, 1899. THE TEXTS. The texts consulted in verifying the references are : The Old Testament in Greek * * edited ■■^" ^- by Henry Barclay Svvete, Cambridge, 1 887-1 894, 3 vols. LiBRORUM Veteris Testamenti Canonicorum ^ ^ Pauli de Lagarde * "^ Gottingae, 1883. This does not go beyond Estl;er. Vetus Testamentum Graece "^ * Fridericus Field ^ ^ Oxonii, 1859. BiBLiA Sacra Latina '^ ^ edited by Heyse and Tisch- endorf, Leipzig, 1873. The Old Testament in Syriac, edited by Samuel Lee, London, 1823. Targum Onkelos * ^ von A. Berliner, Berlin, 1884. Pentateuchus Samaritanus, edited by Petermann and Vollers, Berlin, 1 872-1 891. BiBLiOTHECA Samaritana, edited by Heidenheim, Leipzig, 1884. Twice only is the Targum on Samuel and Kings referred to, but I have not considered it because of the utter uncertainty of its readings. Vercellone's varm of the Vulgate, and the Ambrosian Syriac text have not been considered because the}^ were published too late to have affected these ref- erences of the British revisers to the versions. 2 THE REFERENCES. THE NUMBER OF TEXTS EMENDED BY BRITISH REVISERS ACCORDING TO THE BOOKS. Gen. 14 I Chr. 5 Dan. 2 Ex. 3 2 Chr. 1 1 Hos. 8 Lev. 4 Ezra 4 Amos 3 Num. I Neh. I Mic. 3 Dent. 2 Job 9 Nab. I Josh. 3 Ps. 21 Hab. 2 Judg. 7 Prov. 5 Zeph. I Ruth 2 Eccl. 5 Hag. I I Sam. 39 S. S. 3 Zech. 8 2 Sam. 6 Isa. 17 Mai. 1 I K. 1 1 Jer. 17 2 K. I Eze. 19 240 texts. THE PLACES WHERE THE VERSIONS (THREE OR FOUR) AGREE WITH THE REFERENCE. Josh. 9: 4 Ps. 28: 8 Jer. ii: 14 I Sam. 2: 14 Ps. 37: 36 Eze. 39: 14 I Sam. 12: 21 Ps. 49: II Eze. 44: 7 I Sam. 14: 47 Ps. 89: 19 Eze. 46: 10 I K. 13: 12 Ps. 105: 27 Dan. 8: 14 1 K. 19: 3 Ps. 142: 4 Mic. 6: 9 2 Chr. 28: 16 Eccl. 9: 2 Nah. 3: 8 Ezra 3: 10 S. S. 4: 12 Hag. i: 2 Ps. 16: 2 Isa. 21:13 Zech. 14: 6 Ps. 22: 16 Isa. 44: 21 Ps. 24: 6 Isa. 66: 1 8 31 places. PLACES WHERE, OUT OF THE THREE, FOUR OR FIVE VERSIONS, THERE IS A PREPONDERANCE FOR THE REFERENCE. Gen. 6: 3 Lev. 8: 31 i Sam. i: 24 Gen. 22: 13 Lev. 10: 6 i Sam. i: 28 Gen. 36: 2 Ruth 3: 15 i Sam. 5: 6 Ex. 31: 10 Ruth 4: 4 I Sam. 9: 25 THE REFERENCES. 3 I Sam. 12: 1 1 Ps. 48: 14 Eze. ij-. 34 1 Sam. 14: 21 Ps. 20: 9 Eze. 40: 43 I Sam. 17: 6 Ps. 59: 9 Eze. 42: 4 1 Sam. 27: 10 Ps. 60: 4 Dan. 11: 17 2 Sam. 8: 12 Prov. 13: 11 Hos. 6: 5 I K. 11:15 Prov. 21:6 Hos. 8: 10 1 Chr. 2: 50 Eccl. 2: 8 Hos. 13: 9 2 Chr. 3: I Eccl. 2: 25 Amos 5: 26 2 Chr. 20: 25 S. S. 7: 5. Mic. 4: 13 2 Chr. 21:11 Isa. 16:4 Hab. 2: 17 Job 19: 28 Isa. 30: 8 Zech. 3: 5 Job 22: 30 Isa. 40: 6 Zech. 4: 2 Job 23: 2 Isa. 54: 9 Zech. 14: 18 Job 23: 12 Isa. 64: 7 Mai. 2: 3 Job 34: 18 Jer. 15: 14 P«- 2: 12 Jer. 23: 33 58 places. PLACES WHERE NO ANCIENT VERSION SUPPORTS THE REFERENCE. Gen. 32: 28 I Sam. 27: 8 Isa. 7: 11 Gen. 49: 26 I Sam. 30: 30 Isa. 49: 24 Lev. 25: 33 I K. 4: 24 Jer. 15: 11 Num. 21: 30 I K. 15: 6 Jer. 17: 16 Deut. 28: 22 I K. 17: I Jer. 25: 38 Jud. 2: 3 I K. 21: 23 Jer. 46: 15 Jud. 10: 12 2 Chr. 20: I Eze. 37: 23 I Sam. 12: 3 Job 3: 6 Eze. 47: 13 I Sam. 14: 51 Ps. 71: 3 Hos. 5: 11 I Sam. 20: 19 Ps. 119: J28 Zech. 5: 6 I Sam. 20: 41 S. S. i: 7 Zech. 12: 10 11 places. No versions support the references in 33 places. The majority of the versions is against the emenda- tions in 151 places. 4 THE REFERENCES. The versions agree with the references in 31 places. The majority of the versions is with the references in 58 places. There are seven places where the margin states that "the text {i.e. the Hebrew) is probably corrupt" or •'faulty": 2 Sam. 23: 8; 2 Chr. 34 : 6 ; Neh. 4: 23 (Heb. 4: 17); Prov. 7 : 22 ; Isa. 64: 5 (Heb. 64: 4); Amos 4: 3; Zech. 14: 18. Some of these texts are difficult of translation, the Hebrew is obscure, but in none of them is there any failure of complete manuscript authority for the pres- ent reading-; and the most critical editions, Haer and Ginsburg, give the present readings. Note. — In the first line of the following quotations are given the book, chapter and verse, with the text of the British Revision to which, in the margin, they refer the ancient versions. In the second line is given the marginal reference of the British revisers. In the following lines are given the texts of the versions. Where these editions of the Septuagint agree they are quoted as "Swete" and counted as one text. Where they disagree they are quoted under the editor's name and are counted as two or three texts. All the versions quoted by name in the British Revision are: The Septuagint 84 times, Vulgate 19 times, Syriac 17 times, Onkelos once, Samaritan once, Targum twice, Aquila once. The formulas of quotation are: "Some" 104 times, "many" 26, " most " 4, " the ancient versions " 3, " several " 2. THE REFERENCES. GENESIS. Gen. 4:8. " Told Abel his brother." " Many ancient authorities have, Said unto Abel his brother, Let us go into the fields Swete. AieXOcjjjbev eU to ireBlov, Yulg. Eg-rediamur foras. Syriac. Let tis go to the plain. Samar. Let us go to the field. Onkelos. Told Abel his brother. (i for: 4 against.) The Hebrew verb a7nar is translated " to tell," with- out what was told following, in Gen. 22 : 2, 3, 9 ; 26 : 2 ; 41: 24 (an exact equivalent of 4:8); Exod. 19: 25; Num. 14 : 14 ; 29 : 40 ; Deut. 17:11; 32 : 7 ; 2 K. 6 : 10 ; Job 8: 10; Ps. 50: 12. Similarly "speak," "commune," "bid," etc., Ps. 4: 5; 33: 9; 105:31,34; 106:34; 107: 35 ; 145 : 6 ; Josh. 11:9; 2 Sam. i : 18 ; 6 : 22, etc. Gen. 6:3. " Strive with." " Or, according to many ancient versions, abide in." Swete. Karafxelvrj * ^ iv. Vulg. permanebit. Syriac. Abide. Samar. Doubtful. "Blaspheme," Heidenheim, Bibl. Samar, Pt. i, p. 81. Gnkelos. Abide. (4 for : I doubtful.) 6 THE REFERENCES. Gen. 10: 24. "Begat Shelah." '*The Sept. reads, begat Cainan and Cainan begat Shelah^ Swete. er^evv7]aev rov Katvajx koL Katva/Jb iyevvrjcrev rov Vulg. Arphaxad genuit Sale, de quo ortus est Heber. Syriac "] Samar. )- translate the Hebrew text. Onkelos J (i for ; 4 against.) Gen. 15:2. " Dammesek Eliezer." '' The Chaldee and Syriac have, Eliezer the Damascened Chaldee (/. e. Onkelos). Dammesek Eliezer. Syriac. Eliezer the Damascene. Swete. Aa[xa(jKo<^ 'EXce^ep. Vulg. Damascus Eliezer. Sam. Dammesek Eliezer. (i for; 4 against.) Gen. 22 : 13. " Behold, behind him a ram caught." '* Or, according to many ancient authorities, behold a (Heb. one) ram caught!' Swete. i^ov Kpib^ eU KaTe^ofievo^ iv (f)vro) aa/SeK tmv Kepdrcov. Vulg. post tergum arietem inter vepres haerentem cornibus. Onkelos. After these and he saw and lo, a ram caught in the trees by his horns. Samar. A ram caught. Syriac. A ram caught. (3 for; 2 against.) THE REFERENCES. 7 Gen. 24: 62. " From the way." *' The Sept. has, through the wilderness:' Swete. hia Tr}? fjuera fJirjva kol ave/Sr} Nad<=;. Lagarde. Kal iyev^drj ox; KC0(f)6vci)v. Vulg. lUe vero dissimulabat se audire. Syriac. But he was only silent. (i for; 3 against.) I Sam. 12: 3. ** To blind mine eyes therewith." '' The Sept. has. Even a pair of shoes ? anszver against me, and I zvill,"" etc. Swete. Koi VTroBrj/jba; dTTOKpiOrjre icar' i/jLov. Lagarde. rj vTroSrj/uba, /cat direKpv^a rov^ 6(l>da\fiov^ puov ev dvTCj; elirare Kar' ifMov. Vulg. Si de manu cujusquam munus accepi, et con- temnam illud hodie, restituamque vobis. Syriac. That my eye should be set upon it. (4 against.) 22 THE REFERENCES. 1 Sam. 12 : 1 1. " Bedan." "Some ancient authorities read, Baraks Swete. Tov BapaK. Vulg. Badan. S3n-iac. Barak. (2 for; I against.) I Sam. 12:15. "As it was against your fathers. "The Sept. has, and against your king'' Swete. KoX eVl tov ^aaiXea v^cov. Vulg. Super patres vestros. Syriac. Against your fathers. (i for; 2 against.) I Sam. 12: 21. "And turn ye not aside: for then should ye go after vain things which." " The Sept. has, ''And turn ye not aside after the vanities wJiicJi'' Swete. KOii yJr) irapalBrjre oiTiaw twv ^7]6ev ovrcov. Lagarde. koI fir) eKKXlvare, etc. Vulg. Et nolite declinare post van a, quae. Syriac. And turn not aside after vanities, lest. (3 for.) Sam. 13: I. "[Thirty]." " The Hebrew text has, Saul ivas a year old. The whole verse is omitted in the unrevised Sept., but in a later recension the number thirty is added." THE REFERENCES. 23 Swete. Omits the verse. Lagarde and Field, vlof^ ivtavrov Xaovk ev tpeaTo<; rod aXco rod. Field, eo)? rov (f)p6aTo<; rov fieyaXov. Syriac and Vulg. Usque ad cisternam magnam, quae est. (i for ; 3 against.) I Sam. 20: 19. ''The stone." " Or, as read by the Sept., this mounds Swete. irapa to ipya^ €K6cvo. So Field. Lagarde. irapa rS Xldw eKelvw. Vulg. Juxta lapidem cui nomen est Ezel. Syriac. Near that stone. (5 against.) I Sam. 20: 41. ''Out of a place.'' " Or, as read by the Sept.,/r^;;2 beside the mounds Swete. airo tov dpyd/S. Lagarde. diro rod Apyo/3. Field. aTTo rov vrrvov. Vulg. De loco qui vergebat ad austrum. Syriac. From beside the stone. (5 against.) I Sam. 23 : 7. •' Delivered." " The Sept. has, soldr Swete. -TTpeirpaKev. Syriac and Vulg. Tradidit. (i for ; 2 against.) 26 THE REFERENCES. I Sam. 25 : 6. "To him that liveth in prosperity ^ ** The Vulgate has, to my bretJireny Swete. eU copa<;. Vulg. Fratribus meis. Syriac. Who perchance shall remain alive ? (i for; 2 against.) I Sam. 25 : 22. '' Unto the enemies of David." " The Sept. has, unto Davids Swete. Tft) Aavelh. Lagarde. rol^ i'xPpoh JiavcB. Vulg. Inimicis David. Syriac. To his servant David. (i for; 3 against.) I Sam. 26: 20. ''A flea." " The Sept. has, my lifer Swete. yfrvxvv fiov. Lagarde. yfrvWov eva. Vulg. Pulicem unum. Syriac. A flea. (i for ; 3 against.) I Sam. 27: 8. "Which were of old." "Some copies of the Sept. \\^\q, from Telam.' Swete. cLTTo TekafX(f>ovp. Lagarde. airo Feaaovp. Vulg. Antiquitus. Syriac. Of old. (5 against). THE REFERENCES. 2/ I Sam. 27: 10. "Whither." " So some ancient authorities. Others read, against Svvete. eVl riva. Vulg. In quem. Syriac. Where wast thou? (2 for ; 1 against.) I Sam. 28 : 16. " Is become thine adversary." " The Sept. has, is on the side of thy neighbour.'' Swete. yeyovev fiera tov ttXtjctIov aov. Vulg. Transierit ad aemulum tuum. Syriac. Has joined thy fellow. (i for ; 2 against.) I Sam. 28: 17. "Wrought for himself." " Some ancient authorities read, done unto theeT Swete. nreiroLTjKev Kvpc6<; aoi. Lagarde. eTroirjaev avrS. Vulg. Faciet enim tibi. Syriac. Wrought for himself. (2 for ; 2 against.) I Sam. 30: 30. "Cor-ashan." "According to many MSS. and versions, Bor-ashan'' Swete. Tolz/r." Swete. rea-a-epcLKovTa. Lagarde. reaaapa. Vulg. Quadraginta. Syriac. Four. (2 for ; 2 against.) 2 Sam. 16: 12. " The wrong done unto me." " Some ancient versions read, my affliction^ Swete. TQ TaTreiPcoaei /jlov. Lagarde. rrjv raireLvwcrlv fiov. Vulg. Afflictionem meam. Syriac. My oppression. (i for; 3 doubtful.) 2 Sam. 18:3. " But thou art worth ten thousand of us." " So some ancient authorities." Swete. on crv &>? ?7//,et9 Se/ca ^^tXtaSe?. Lagarde. on koI vvv acfyatpeOTJaerac ef tj/jlcov 77 ryrj Bexa Vulg. Quia tu unus pro decern millibus computaris. Syriac. Wherefore ten thousand are enough for us. (i for ; 3 against.) 30 THE REFERENCES. 2 Sam. 23 : 8. " Josheb-basshebeth." **The verse is probably corrupt." Swete. 'le/SoaOe 6 'y^avavalof;. Lagarde. lea^aak vlo<^ QeKe^avet. Vulg. Sedeiis in cathedra sapientissimus princeps inter tres. Syriac. The name of him who obtained the first seat, even the third dignity. I. KINGS. I K. 4 : 24. •' On all sides round about him." *' Some authorities read, with all /lis ser%mntsy Swete. eV Travrayp rcov fiepcov kvkXoOcv, Lagarde. Omits this verse. Vulg. Ex omni parte in circuitu. Syriac. On all sides and all surrounding places. (4 against.) I K 6: 8. ''Middle." " The Sept. and Targum have, lozvest^ Swete. VTroKaTcodev. Vulg. Medii. Syriac. Middle. (i for; 2 against.) I K. 6: 16. "Walls." "The Sept. has, beams'' Swete. BoKcov, Vulg. Ad superiora. Syriac. To heaven. (i for ; 2 against.) THE REFERENCES. 3 I I K. 7: 18. "Pillars." ** So some ancient authorities. Tli© -te>ei li'as pome- granates ^ Swete. crTiyo'^ iirl ol37]67) ^HXeiov koI dvea-Tr). Vulg. Tirauit ergo Elias et surgens. Syriac. Was afraid and arose. (3 for.) I K. 21 : 23. " By the rampart." "According to some ancient authorities, in the portion,'' Swete. Iv tS Trporetx^cr/jLaTc, Vulg. In agro lezrahel. Syriac. In the possession. (3 against.) THE REFERENCES. 33 11. KINGS. 2 K. 8 : 16. " Jehoshaphat being then king of Judah." " Some ancient authorities omit the words." Swete. 'I(oaa(^a6 jBaaCkel 'lovSa. Lagarde. IwaacfiaT paaiXev^^ 'lovSa. So Field. Vulg. losaphat regis luda. Syriac. Omits the words. (i for; 3 against.) I. CHRONICLES. I Ch. 2 : 6. " Dara." " Many ancient authorities read, Darda." Swete. Adpa. Lagarde. AapaSe. Vulg. Dara. Syriac. Darda. (i for ; 3 against.) I Ch. 2: 50. ''Son." " The Sept. has, sons.'' Swete. vtoL Vulg. Filii. Syriac. Son. (2 for ; i against.) I Cli. 6: 28. "Joel." "So the Syriac, see v. 33 and i Sam. 8: 2. The Hebrew text has, Vashni and AbiaJi." Swete. Havel kol 'A/Std. Lagarde. IcoyX. Vulg. Vasseni, et Abia. Syriac. Joel. 34 THE REFERENCES. I Ch. 7:14. " Whom his wife bare : (his concubine the Aramitess bare Machir)." " Or, according to the Sept., whom his concubine the Ara- mitess bare; she bare,'' etc. Swete. ov er6K€v i] iraXXaKr) avrov rj ^vpa ereKev. Lagarde. ov ereKev rj TraWaKrj avrov r] Xvpa, rov Ma')(^6Cp. Vulg. Concubinaque ejus Syra peperit. Syriac. The sons of Manasseh whom his concubine bore to him, Isarchel and Adonia ; she also bore Machir. (i for ; 3 against.) I Ch. 26: 20. ''And of the Levites Ahijah was over." "According to the Sept., A?id the Levites their brethren zvere every Swete. KCii 01 Aevelrat a86X(j)ol avrcov eirl. Vulg. Porro Achias erat super. Syriac. Wanting. (i for; 2 against.) II. CHRONICLES. 2 Ch. 1:13. " Came/>'. Vulg. Contra eum. Syriac. Me. (2 for ; I against.) 40 THE REFERENCES. Job 22 : 30. ''Even him that is not innocent." " Many ancient versions read, Jiim that is innocent^ Swete. pvaerat aOwov. Vulg". Salvabitur innocens. Syriac. The wicked is reserved to the day of destruc- tion. (2 for; I against.) Job 23 : 2. " My stroke." " The Sept. and Syriac read, His hand.'' Swete. 7] '^(elp avrov. Vulg. Manus plagae meae. Syriac. His hand. (2 for ; I against.) Job 23: 12. " More than my necessary food." '' The Sept. and Vulgate have, in my bosoms Swete. eV Se koXttw /xov. Vulg. In sinu meo. Syriac. I have kept the words of his mouth. (2 for ; I against.) Job 27: 18. ''Moth." " Some ancient versions have, spider'^ Swete. arir6<;. Field. arjT6<;. Vulg. Tinea. Syriac. Spider. (i for; 3 against.) THE REFERENCES. 4I Job 27 : 19. " Shall not be gathered." " Some ancient versions have, shall do so no utore.'" Swete. ov TrpoaOrjaet, Vulg. Nihil secum auferet. Syriac. Rises not again. (i for; 2 against.) Job 34: 18. " Is it fit to say to a king, Thou art vile? or to nobles, Ye are wicked ? How much less to him that respecteth not the persons of princes." " Or, as read by some ancient version, zvho saith to "^ "^ vile, and /uy6li/ aiTO irpoo-coirov ro^ov. Vulg. Ut fugia.nt a facie arcus. Syriac. That they should not flee from before the bow. (2 for ; I against.) Ps. 71 : 3. ''A rock of habitation." '' According to some ancient authorities, a strong rocky Swete. r^evov fxoi eU Oeov VTrepao-Tnarrjv, Vulg. Esto mihi in Deum protectorem. Syriac. Be to me a house of habitation. (3 against.) Ps. 89: 19. "Saints." '' Many MSB. and ancient versions read the plural. Other authorities have the singular." Swete. Tol^ vloU arov. Field. roZ<^ oaloi^ aov. Vulg. Sanctis tuis. Syriac. His righteous ones. (4 for.) 46 THE REFERENCES. Ps. 105 : 27. '*They." *' Some ancient versions have, He'' Swete. Wero, Viilg. Posuit. Syriac. He. (3 for.) Ps. 119: 128. "All ///J precepts concerning all things to be right." '* Or, as read by the Sept., Syr. and Vulg., all thy pre- cepts to be right!' Swete. Trpo? 7rdaa<; ra? ivroXd^; aov fcarcopdov/jirjv. Vulg. Ad omnia mandata tua dirigebar. Syriac. I love all thy precepts. (3 against). Ps. 141 : 7. " Our." "According to some ancient authorities, their." Swete. ra oard tj/jumv. Vulg. Ossa nostra. Syriac. Their. (.1 for ; 2 against.) Ps. 142: 4. "Look * ^ and see." " According to some ancient versions, / looked - ^ and saiv!' Swete. Karevoovv eU rd Se^td koI eire^eirov. Vulg. Considerabam ad dexteram et videbam. Syriac. I. (3 for.) THE REFERENCES. ^y PROVERBS. Prov. 7 : 22. '' Fetters." " The text is probably corrupt." owete. coairep kvwv eirX Secr/Aou?. Vulg;. Quasi agnus lasciviens, et ignorans quod ad vincula stultus trahatur. Syriac. As a dog to a chain. Prov. 8: 16. ^* Of the earth." *'Many ancient authorities read, of righteousness." Swete. 77}?. Field. ^pdifiovaL StfcaLoo-vvrjv. Vulg. Potentes decernunt justitiam. Syriac. Of righteousness. (i for; 3 against.) Prov. 10: 10. " But a prating fool shall fall." " The Sept. and Syr. read, But he that rebuketh openly viaketJi peace r Swete. o Ke iXe'y^cov fiera TrappTjo-la^ elpr)voiroiel. Vulg. Et stultus labiis verberabitur. S3'riac. He who rebukes openly brings health. . (i for ; 2 against.) Prov. 13: ir. '' By vanity." *'The Sept. and Vulg, have, in haste.]' Swete. V7rap^t<; iiricnrovha^ofjbevri fxera dvofila^ eXdcrcrcov yiverai. Vulg. Substantia festinata minuetur. Syriac. By iniquity. (2 for; I against.) 48 THE REFERENCES. Prov. 21 : 6. '' They tliat seek them seek death." "Or, according to some ancient authorities, they are snares of death, or, into the snares of death.'' Swete. fidrata BicoKec iwl irayLha^; Oavdrov, Vulg. Impingetur ad laqueos mortis. Syriac. Whosoever seek death. (2 for ; I against.) Prov. 29: 21. "A son." "The meaning of the word is doubtful. The Vul- gate renders it, refractory^ Swete. eaycLTov Se oSwrjOrjaerai e /cal ro) aKaOdprw. Vulg. Bono et malo, mundo et immundo. Syriac. To the good and to the bad, to the clean and to the unclean. (3 for.) SONG OF SOLOMON. S. S. I : 7. " Is veiled." " Most ancient versions have, ivanderethr Swete. irepifidXKoyukvr]. Vulg. Vagari incipiam. Syriac. Wandering. (3 against.) S. S. 4: 12. '* Spring." "Or, according to many ancient authorities, ^^r<^^;/." Swete. KYjiro^. Vulg. Hortus. Syriac. Garden. (3 for.) S. S. 7 : 5. " Like purple." " Some ancient versions have, like the purple of a king, bound^' etc. Swete. ft)? 7ropcf)vpa, ySacrtXej)? SeSeyitei/o?. Vulg. Sicut purpura regis vincta. Syriac. Purple of a king bound (/. e., purple ^ bound). (2 for ; I against.) THE REFERENCES. 5 I ISAIAH. Isa. 2 : 22. " The Sept. omits this verse." Swete. Omits. Field. Gives the verse. Vulg. and Syriac give the verse. (i for; 3 against.) Isa. 7:11. " Ask it either in the depth." '* According to some ancient versions, Make it deep itnto SJieol.'' Swete. AXriqaai - ^' et? /3d6o^ rj ek vylro^. Vulg. Pete ^ * in profundum inferni sive in excel- sum supra. Syriac. Ask something deep. (3 against.) Isa. 8:9. " Make an uproar." ** According to some ancient authorities, Associate yourselves.'' Swete. 'yvoyre. Vulg. Congregamini. Syriac. Tremble. (i for; 2 against.) Isa. 11: 15. " Utterly destroy." ''According to some ancient versions, dry ///." Swete. eprjfjLcoaei. Vulg. Desolabit. Syriac. Destroy (or dry up ?). (i for; I doubtful; i against.) 52 : THE REFERENCES. Isa. ii: 15. "Scorching." " According to some ancient versions, mighty.^' Swete. pLal(p. Vulg. In fortitudine spiritus sui. Syriac. In the power (hand) of. (i for; 2 against.) Isa. 16: 4. ''Let mine outcasts dwell with thee; as for Moab." ** According to many ancient versions, Let the outcasts oj Moab divell luitJi thee : be thou,'' etc. Swete. irapoiKYjcrovalv aoc ol 6dpr)T6. Vnlg. Corrumpetur. Syriac. Impurity brings forth corruption. (i for ; 2 against.) Mic. 4: 13. " Thou shalt devote." " So the ancient versions. The Hebrew text as pointed reads, I iv ill devoted Swete. avaQr)aei^. Vulg. Interficies. Syriac. Thou shalt devote. (2 for ; I against.) Mic. 6:9. '' See." "Some ancient versions read,/^'^?-." Swete. KCii (joacrei (J)o^ov/jl€vov<;. Vulg. Salus erit timentibus. Syriac. To those who fear (revere). (3 for.) NAHUM. Nahum 3 : 8. "Was of the sea." " Some ancient versions have, zvas the waters.' Swete. vBo)<; ra Tel')(7] avrrjf;. Vulg. Aquae muri ejus. Syriac. Was the waters. (3 for.) THE REFERENCES. 7 1 HABAKKUK. Hab. I : 12. '' We shall not die." ** According to an ancient Jewish tradition, tJioii diest noty Swete. ov fjuT] a7roddvo)/JL€v. Vulg. Non moriemur. Syriac. O Lord, thou art not subject to law. The tradition referred to is of the Tikun Sopherim. (3 against.) Hab. 2: 17. ''Which made them afraid." '' According to many ancient versions, s/ial/ make thee afraidr Swete. iTToiqaei ere, Vulg. Deterrebit eos. Syriac. Shall make thee afraid. (2 for ; I against.) ZEPHANIAH. • Zeph. 3: 18. ''Her." "According to some ancient authorities, thee.'' Swete. eV avTrjv. Vulg. Super eis. Syriac. From thee. (i for ; 2 against.) 72 THE REFERENCES. HAGGAI. Hag. 1:2. " It is not the time /or us to come, the time for the Lord's house." " x\ccording to many ancient versions, tJie time is not come for tJie Lord's house,'' etc. Swete. Oj^X rjKei 6 KaLpo<; rod OLKoSo/jirjorat top oIkov Kvpiov. Vulg. Nondum venit tempus domus Domini aedi- ficandae. Syriac. The time is not come for the Lord's house. (3 for.) ZECHARIAH. Zech. 3:5. "I said." "According to some ancient authorities, he saidT Swete. KciX iirldere /ciSapcv. Vulg. Et dixit. Syriac. He said. (2 for ; I against.) Zech. 4:2. " There are seven pipes to each of the lamps." " The Sept. and Vulgate have, and seven pipes to the lamps.'' Swete. kirra iTrapvarpiSe^i rol-^ Xv^voi'^. Vulg. Septem infusoria lucernis. Syriac. Seven mouths to each of the lamps. (2 for ; I against.) THE REFERENCES. 73 Zech. 5:6. " Resemblance." ''According to some ancient authorities, iniquity ^ Swete. fjberpov. Vulg. Oculus. Syriac. Measure. (3 against.) Zech. 6: 3. "Bay." " The word is omitted in the Syriac." Swete. iroLKiXoL yjrapoi. Vulg-. Varii et fortes. Syriac. Party-colored. (3 against.) Zech. 6: y. " Bay." " The Syriac and Aquila have, rr<^." Swete. ylrapoL Vulg. Robustissimi. vSyriac. Red. Aquila. Red. (2 for ; 2 against.) Zech. II: 13. " Unto the potter." " The Syriac reads, i/ifo tJie treasury^ Swete. 6i9 TO ywvevTiqpiov. Vulg. Ad statuarium. Syriac. Into the treasury. (i for ; 2 against.) Zech. 12: 10. "Me." "According to some MSS., ///;//." Swete. TT/Qo? yLte. Vulg. Ad me. Syriac. To me. (Some MSS. for ; 3 versions against.) 74 THE REFERENCES. Zech. 14 : 6. *' With brightness and with gloom." '* According to some ancient versions, but cold and frosty Swete. '^v^V ^^^ 7rdyo<;. Vulg. Sed frigus et gelu. Syri^c. But cold and frost. (3 for.) Zech. 14 : 18. " Neither s/ia// it be upon them." " The text is probably corrupt. The Sept. and Syriac have, iipon tJicin shall be the plagued Swete. eirl rovrov^ earac rj Trrwcrt?. Vulg. Nee super eos erit, sed erit ruina. Syriac. Though the Egyptian people shall not come up and come, yet the plague shall come upon them. (2 for? I against.) MALACHI. Mai. 2:3. " The seed." "According to some ancient versions, jour arm! Swete. d(f)opL^co vfjulv top m/jlov. Vulg. Vobis brachium. Syriac. The seed. (2 for ; I against.) mk^. BS188.082 ^ ^^ The references to the versions by the Princeton Theological Seminary-Speer Library 1 1012 00061 6021 ■•^..