τ fora oe Arba tar ott y % ps ~ Mine p Ee amen δῷ γζῳτ σα κρίνοις nag at ee Library of The Theological Seminary PRINCETON - NEW JERSEY DIES PRESENTED BY Prof. Paul VanDyke, D.D. BS 2940 .T5 $3413 1885 c.1]| Teaching of the twelve apostles. The oldest church manual “Δ 16 Mha tarnanhine nf +hea PHILOTHEOS BRYENNIOS. i ae MAR 2 1915 Lit THE SOL eric ast ert Νὰ ‘> OLDEST CHURCH MANUAL Ceaching of the Cwelve Apostles AIAAXH TON JQ4EKA AIOZSTOAQN THE DIDACHE AND KINDRED DOCUMENTS IN THE ORIGINAL ΓΙ WITH TRANSLATIONS AND DISCUSSIONS OF POST-APOSTOLIC TEACHING BAPTISM WORSHIP AND DISCIPLINE AND WITH ILLUSTRATIONS AND FAC-SIMILES OF THE JERUSALEM MANUSCRIPT BY PHILIP SCHAFF NEW YORK CHARLES SCRIBNER’S SONS 1885 [All rights reserved] a Νὴ 4 ἣν ᾿ ak ote πὶ Wl δ 3 Lo Ἢ ὟΝ ᾽ ΄ 3 4 Nt Ne as τ ay ᾿ a ᾿ Υ. Ἷ ὃ} ΤῊΣ ἢ ¥3 ὃ ἐ ν᾽ 4 p - » 4) Ἢ * ; RS j ἢ | ks - ni © (ae i 4 4 i Μ᾿ va Ἦν ge hae hoe ᾿ oe 4 - "at, , - ᾿ ᾿ j Toes Pal Ὶ > | } ᾿ “Ἱ A ᾿ ᾿ ἢ ἐ aS . i aI ᾿ Pi Ἷ : ΤΡ 3 ἈΠ ΔῸΣ = : ΜῊΝ δὰ % Ἢ ἡ : - a arg 2 ‘ \ ¥ ys ‘ ἧ ie τ th ᾿ ry Ἵ Ρ - Ἁ aos \ Prot . ei ε | ’ : > ty pee) ae ας ; a Sa τ ec i “ he 4 + 5 Entered according to Act of Congress in the year 1885, gin, Sy ‘By FUNK & WAGNALLS, | = In the Office of the Librarian of Corfgress at Washington, DAC ᾿ ‘ Ἷ ite τῇ ἢ ᾿ Ps Lr’ é . ‘ a ἢ ~ δ ΓΝ ᾿. ᾿ ἢ ‘ Ἢ > ia y - 4 ‘ = ᾿ ες ; ᾿ i) | i ἢ Ὁ * 1. a τὸ ey , cS δ ᾿ Σ > - » τ ν᾿ = » i t / . f ᾿ ” - ny, ; ἢ Γ σα ΄ ee \ 1 Ἂς ὃ i < δ " ΡΝ 3 ἢ at τς if ‘ E 3 ’ τς ὰ 7 oe Ὶ f : A ὄν ΝΣ DOMINO REVERENDISSIMO AC DOCTISSIMO Philothes Broennio, 5.C.D. METROPOLITANO NICODEMIENSI VIRO DE LITTERIS CHRISTIANIS OPTIME MERITO CODICIS HIERSOLYMITANI ATQUE EIUS LIBRI PRETIOSISSIMI QUI INSCRIPTUS EST Διδαχὴ τῶν δώδεκα ᾿Δποστόλων INVENTORI EDITORI EXPLANATORI HOC OPUS DEDICAT PHIDIPP US SCH ALY THEOLOGUS AMERICANUS Occidens Orienti S.D. Eis Κύριος μία πίότις ἕν βαάπτιόμα eis Θεὸς καὶ Πατὴρ πάντων ὁ ἐπὶ πάντων καὶ διὰ πάντων "αὶ ἐν πᾶσιν PREFACE. As soon as I received a copy of the newly discovered Teaching of the Twelve Apostles, I determined, in justice to my- self and to my readers, to prepare an independent supplement to the second volume of my revised Church History, which had appeared a few months before. Accordingly, during a visit to Hurope last summer, I made a complete collection of the Didache literature, but could not put the material into shape before the fourth volume of that History was published. The delay has enabled me to use several important works which reached me while my own was passing through the hands of the printer. The Didache fills a gap between the Apostolic age and the Church of the second century, and sheds new light upon ques- tions of doctrine, worship, and discipline. Herein hes its interest and significance. My object is to explain this document in the light of its Apostolic antecedents and its post-Apostolic surroundings, and thus to furnish a contribution to the history of that mysterious transition period between A.D. 70 and 150. The reader will find here, besides the discussions of the vari- ous topics, the full text of the Didache and kindred documents in the original with translations and notes, and a number of illustrations which give a unique interest to the volume. To the Metropolitan of Nicomedia I desire to express my great obligation for the instruction derived from his admirable edition of the Didache, and for the special interest he has taken in my work. My thanks are due also to Professor Warfield, Dr. Crosby, and Mr. Arthur C. McGiffert for valuable contri- butions. The portrait of the discoverer is from a photograph taken several years ago by the photographer of the Sultan, vl PREFACE. which Dr. Bryennios himself has kindly sent me.* The baptismal pictures are reproduced, by permission, from Roller’s work on the Roman Catacombs. The view of the Jerusalem Monastery and the fac-similes of the famous MS. which con- tains the Didache, I secured through the aid of my esteemed friends, Dr. Washburn, President of Robert College, Constan- tinople, and Professor Albert L. Long, of the same institution, which shines on the shores of the Bosphorus as a beacon-light of promise for the intellectual and spiritual regeneration of Turkey and the cradle-lands of Christianity. THE AUTHOR. New Yorr, Union THEoLoGIcAL SEMINARY, May 21, 1885. * T have just received a friendly letter from Dr. B., dated Nicomedia, April $8, 1885, in which he expresses great satisfaction with advanced proofs I had sent him a few weeks ago, and gives me permission to dedicate my book to him. THE CONTENTS: OLDEST CHURCH MANUAL, CALLED THE TEACHING OF THE TWELVE APOSTLES. PAGE CHARTER ΠῚ Dam ΠΕ σάτα MONASTERY: < τς τευ τς ἐν πόρος: 1 ES dG PAC PR RECIOUSGVOIWUMIBE, onc cteferers ciecsierarettonthe eictcl Pevckers 2 (Two FAC-SIMILES OF THE JERUSALEM MS.. 6 AND 7.) be iF ΕΓ OnEnOS ERVENNIOSECK sim sersisscle cielelasisie iim ore - 8 δ LY. PUBLICATION OF THE ΠΑ ΘΈΠΕΣ. τς «τ τοῖς το τς τς. 9 aC View A TTTHERARY SENSATIONS: Ὁ ὁ cays secs δὲ ee ard ste any exer 10 ee Vil. VEARTOWSCHISTIMA TES 2 δι... λα eee orevetne aitl'sbeipcpslel cickarets 19 τ VATS Te Teena ΠΤ τς ΣΙ ον Ὁ τον ces τρτονν παν τος ἡ τς 14 OG Wier ATM AND CONTENTS teres sik ai hotro na ciate al etoinere tices 16 OG IX. THe Doctrinal OR CATECHETICAL PART........... il ee ΠΟ VVEANS creek Seo τ tenets atstas revere s τονε σον 18 Ce Xi. THe ΤΉΒΟΓΘΟΥ or THE ΙΑ ΘΗ 3.5.0... σπου ον 22 se XM Dee RIT AGOR ΤῊ INDIA GH iio) suelsie seach +e) 26 ce XIII. Tue Lorp’s Day AND THE CHRISTIAN WEEK....... 27 ee OVE cue ΉΤΑΝ ΠΑ ΒΠΠΝ Ο᾽..ς τς ε τὶς τς πῶλον bey ἐμὴν ot eps εν να τὸ 29 Bega AVE BAPTISM IN THE ΘΙ ΈΗΝ ©. Sapte kar’ + seuss: 29 a XGVile wD APTISMPAND REE) CATACOMBS cel. το τὴν cies στο σοῖς cine ci 36 (Four ILLUSTRATIONS.) iS es XVII. Immersion AND Pourine IN HIstoryY..............- 41 ΧΡ Lim AGAPH AND ΤῊ ΕἸΠΟΉΆΑ ΙΒ ΤΟ." οἷο. c/s sr +m cle 56 ai XIX. ECCLESIASTICAL ORGANIZATION... ....-0..0020.--- 62 oie XX. APOSTOLIC AND POST-APOSTOLIC GOVERNMENT. .....- 64 εἴ XOX SA POSTIES ἌΝ ΒΕΟΡΗΤΗ͂ τ τυ το ρον, 6's ἧς σαν rest 67 ss OXI ISHOPSPAN DED EA CONSHa arse et yal the) ον ale gemalercrare