^ ,« «,.,.,„, ^^^^. «^ PRINCETON, N. J. o /Ciien^ea €y. /lur, ^^vwzA>^ S. JTy^/Uz/^A. Shelf. BV 4811 .S65 1851 Smith , James, fl. 1841- -ca. 1861 Green pastures for the r.ori^ ' Q jflni-lr €)^t fdtllnn'B Dailq lUmcnilininrrr. GREEN PASTURES LORD'S FLOCK. KEY. JAMES'^SMITH. FROM THE THIRTY-EIGHTH LONDON EDITION. NEW YORK: ROBERT CARTER & BROTHERS, No. 28 5 BROADWAY. 1851. PREFACE. The present humble work is a pastoral effort, flowing from love to the Lord's people, and a desire to honor His great name. It is an acknowledged fact, that many of the Lord's people are living far below their privileges ; and are walking as men, not aiming singly at the Lord's glory. This is to be regretted ; and while none but the Lord the Holy Spirit can produce the change we desire to witness, yet the means are to be used, and we must stir up their pure minds by way of remembrance. Li this little work, I aim to speak in the closet, in the cot- tage, in the kitchen, and even in the field, to the different classes of the Lord's family ; endeavoring to draw them nearer to their God and gracious Father. My desire is to promote the power of godliness ; and these little pieces are written to convince, comfort, and correct; to fan the flame of devotion, and to produce holiness of heart and life. To this end some degree of sameness in the pieces, and a repetition of some important truths, appeared absolutely necessary. Habitual dependence IV PREFACE. upon God for all we need, acknowledging the hand of God in all we receive, and walking with God, notwith- standing all that may happen to us below, enter into the veiy vitals of genuine Christianity ; and it is only while we ai'e thus acting that we enjoy peace with God, and walk in the comforts of the Holy Ghost. That the Lord, who often uses weak things to confound the mighty, may bless this little work to thy good and Ilis glory, Is the prayer of, Dear Reader, Yours in the Lord Jesus, JAMES SMITH. DAILY REMEMBRANCER. JANUARY 1. Look unto inc. Isaiah xlv. 22. A NEW year's morning opens upon us, ami we are still exposed to sorrow, Satan, and dis- appointment ; sin lives in us ; and a thousand things are ready to distress us; but our God says, " Look unto me." Look unto me to-day. I have blessings to bestow. I am waiting to be gracious. I am your Father in Jesus. Believe that I am deeply interested in your present and eternal welfare : that all I have promised, I will perform : that I am with you, purposely to bless you. I cannot be unconcerned about anything that affects you; and I pledge myself to make all things work together for your good. You have looked to self, to others, in time past; but you have only met with trouble and disappoint- ment: now look unto me alone, to me for all. Our helper, God ! we bless thy name, Whose love forever is the same ; T!ie tokens of thy gracious ca.re Open, and crown, and close the year. JANUARY 2. Be ye thanlcful. Col. iii. 15. What cause to be thankful, what reason to be grateful have we ! Surrounded by mercies, bofh temporal and spiritual. If we look back, we ought to rejoice that God hath chosen us in Christ Jesus, before the foundation of the world ; that He sent His only begotten Son into the world, to be a propitiation for our sins ; that He sent His Holy Spirit into our hearts, to convince us of sin, lead us to Jesus, and make us meet for heaven. We have His v/ord in our hands, His grace in our hearts, His mercies in our houses, and His heaven before our eyes. O for a thankful heart ! But let us take our poor, hard, ungrateful hearts to Jesus ; He can soften them and fill them with grati- tude. Let us confess our ingratitude before Him, and mourn over our unthankfulness at His feet. He is ready to forgive. He can sanctify us wholly. He will hear our cry, and pity our complaints. O Jesus, grant us a deep sense of our utter unworthiness, and of Thine unmerited goodness, that our souls may daily praise Thee with joyful lips. May we live as thoughtful dependants ; as grateful, loving children, before our Father and our God; and daily be thankful. Through a-U eternity, to Thee A joyful song I'll raise ; But, oh ! eternity's too short To utter all Thy praise. JANUARY 3. A Mediator. Gal. iii. 20. God is and must be the eternal enemy of sin. He cannot bo rcoonciloJ to it : it is the abomi- nable thing whicli He hates. He cannot look upon it but witii abhorrence. Ho\y then can God receive, bless, or commune with us ? Only through a Mediator ; Jesus fills this offioe ; He stands between God and us ; He honors all the Father's perfections ; and ren- ders us and our services acceptable through His glorious righteousness and precious blood. God can only love us, receive us, commune with us, or bless us, in Jesus. He represents us to God, and we are accepted in the beloved ; He rep- resents God to us, and we prove Him to be gracious. When going to the throne of grace, never forget that Jesus is the Mediator ; the middle man ; present your persons, your peti- tions, and your praises to God through Him. You have nothing to fear, for Jesus wears your nature ; He has a heart that beats in unison with yours ; He calls you brother ; He uses all His influence with the Father on your be- half; all He did tind suffered is employed for you ; and at this moment He pleads your cause. Oft as guilt, my soul, torments thee. Turn thine eyes to Jesus' blood ; This Avill comfort, cheer, and cleanse thee, Seal thy peace, and do thee good : Peace and pardon, Flow to thef thronp-h Jo.-us' blood. JANUARY 4. Blessed are ye poor. Luke vi. 20. The Lord's people are all poor ; they see and feel that sin has stripped them of every excel- lence ; and has left them wretched, and mise- rable, and poor, ami blind, and naked. They can do nothing of themselves, they can procure nothing ; but free grace has made ample pro- vision for them, and the gospel informs them that Jesus has everything they want, and all He has is for them. When they look at, or into themselves, they are discouraged; but when they look to Jesus they rejoice. He has riches of grace, and riches of glory ; and He says, " Every one that asketh, receiveth." He giveth liberally and upbraideth not. Here then is the present blessedness of the Lord's poor ; Jesus has all they need ; He is their Friend ; and they that seek Him shall not want any good thing. Am I poor ? If so, Jesus bids me come to Him, and buy gold, clothing, wine and milk ; all that is necessary to comfort and support in time, and render me happy throughout eternity. Poor in self, rich in Jesus. Poor at present, rich by-and-bye ; for theirs is the kingdom of heaven. " All things are yours, ye are Christ's, and Christ is God's." " All things are for your sakes." Wliat want shall not our God supijly, From His redundant stores ? What streams of mercy from on hi'j-li, An arm almighty pours ! JANUARY 5. The fear of death. Heb. ii. 15. Ai,L must die, bvit all do not die alike; some arc cut off suddenly, others by a lingering ill- ness ; some die only safe, others happy. Some fear death all their lives, others do not. But death must be viewed through Jesus, or fear it we shall, if we think seriously. Death is a separation from the body ; the second death is a separation from God. The former we must pass through, not so the latter. What shall separate us from the love of God ? Death ? No, we are more than conquerors through Him that hath loved us. Death only opens the prison-door, and sets the captive free. It is an answer to our many prayers for deliverance, for freedom from sin, for perfect happiness. If we are united to Jesus by a living faith, death cannot disunite us ; but will only introduce us into His presence, that wo may forever enjoy His love. If we walk with God ; if we believe the Saviour's word ; if we look beyond the valley ; we shall not fear death. Jesus will not leave us then. He will be present ac- cording to His word, and we shall prove His faithfulness, veracity, and love. " Thanks be unto God who giveth us the victory, through our Lord Jesus Christ." Why should I shrink at pain and woe, Or feel at death dismay ? Fve Canaan's goodly land in view, And realms of endless day. 1* JANUARY 6. Be careful for nothing. Phil. iv. 6. The Lord carcth for us. Ho knows our wants, and has promised to supply them; our foes, and will deliver us from them; our fears, and will make us ashamed of them. All creatures and things are in His hand, and at His dis- posal ; all circumstances are absolutely under His control ; He directs the angel, feeds the sparrow, curbs the devil, and manages the tempest. He is thy Father. His love to thee is infinite. Thou art His Delight, His dear son, His pleasant child. Will He neglect thee ? Impossible. Cast then thy cares upon Him. Tell out all thy desires, fears, and troubles to Him ; let Him know everytliing FROM THEE, kccp nothing back : and then in the confidence of faith expect Him to fulfil His word, and act a parent's part. Bless Him for all He has given, for all He has promised; plead with Him for all you may need ; but never for one moment, or under any circum- stances, distrust Him. He cannot love thee more. He is a present help. He will make all His goodness pass before thee. He will rejoice over thee to do thee good, with His whole heart, and with His whole soul. Then let me banish anxious cai'e, Confiding in ray Father's love ; To Him make known my wants in prayer, Preparud His answer to approve. 10 JANUARY 7. Let him deny himself. Matt. xvi. 24. It is required by Jesus that every disciple should practise self-denial; we must deny and crucify the workings of self- righteousness, and venture alone upon His work and worth for salvation ; and we must mortify the pride of reason and intellect, and believe as His word reveals, and walk as His word directs. Our nearest relatives, dearest friends, and choicest comforts, must be resigned, if they are opposed to His glory and the furtherance of His cau.se. A Christian must lay everything at the feet of Jesus, and say, " Lord, do with it as thou wilt." We are not our own, nor is anything we have our own ; it is the Lord's. Our appetites, pleasures, and pursuits, must all be brought into subjection to the obedience of Christ. His glory is to be sought at all times, in all things, under all circumstances, and when this is done, we are safe and happy. The servant must obey his Master, and the child submit in all things to the wise, judicious, and* loving Father. But for whom am I called to deny myself? For Jesus, who lived and died to save me, and is now in heaven interceding for me ; and who is the great pattern of self-denial, having hum- bled Himself even unto death. Ecloved self must be denied, The mind and will renew'd ; Passion suppress'd, and patience tried, And vain desires subdued. 11 JANUARY §. / will help thee. Isaiah xli. 13. Wherever the Lord leads us, Ho will support us ; nor shall the difficulties of the way, or the weakness we feel, be too much for us. His hand is stretched out to us, and it is for faith to lay hold and proceed,- confident of assistance. The arm of His power is the protection of His people in danger, and the strength of His people in weakness. He is a very present help in trou- ble. A God at hand. Are you weak, or in difficulty ? Plead His . word ; it is plain, positive, and sure; He cannot lie; He will not deceive. His strength is made perfect and is glorified in your weakness. Fear not, under- neath are everlasting arms. Ho will strengthen you with strength in your soul. He can help, for He is omnipotent ; He will help, for He has given you His word. Trust in the Lord at all times ; yea, trust in the Lord forever, for in the Lord Jehovah is everlasting strength. That strength is promised to you, and will be em- ployed for you in answer to prayer. Why then are ye so fearful ? Why cast down ? He says, " I AviLL HELP THEE." " He hath said, and shall He not do it ? He hath spoken, and shall He not make it good ?" Fear not, I am with thcc ; oh, bo not dismay 'cl ! I, I am thy God, and will still give thee aid ; 1"11 strengthen thee, help thee, and cause thee to stand, Upheld by my rightcoui', omnipotent hand. 12 JAXUARY 9. Gethsemane. Matt. xxvi. 36. Tins ^vas a garden at the foot of ]\Iount Olivet ; here Jesus, as the suBSTiTuxE of His people, received the cup of wrath from the hand of His offended Father. It was the wrath of God, all we had deserved, the punishment we must have endured ; the Son of God in our nature, in our stead, for our salvation, was punished by divine justice. No human hand touched Him, no human voice spake to Him, when He sweat great drops of blood falling down to the ground. It was the baptism He ex- pected, and oh, how great was His love I The baptism He longed to undergo. See the won- derful suiTerer, hear His dreadful groans, listen to His heart-breaking sighs ; heaven and hell are astonished, only man remains unaffected. Beloved, it is our Surety ; He is paying our debt, redeeming our souls, purchasing our happiness, and making our peace. He went to Gethsemane that we might not go to hell ; He was punished that we might be glorified. Often, very often, visit this sacred spot; here have fellowship with Christ in His sufferings by faith. O ray soul, I charge thee to visit Geth- semane, and visit it very often, for fellowship with Jesus ! The Father heard, — and angels there Sustained the Son of God in prayer, In sad a||(;hsemane ; He drank tiie dreadful cup of pain, Then rose to joy and life again. 13 JANUARY 10. / am a worm. Psaloi xxii. 6. Man is naturally poor and proud, but grace strips him and humbles him in the dust. Here the highly favored David, the man after God's own heart, cries out, " I am a worm." How little, how despicable he appeared in his own eyes. Every one that humbleth himself shall be exalted. You have looked at Bible saints, and have sighed out, "Ah! they were not like me!" My brother, are you not a poor, weak, worthless worm ? Do you not feel so ? Well, so did David. The less you are in your own eyes, the more fit you are for the Lord Jesus, and the more welcome will you be at the throne of grace. But this was the language also of David's Lord ; this was the view the Jews had of Him, and they treated Him ac- cordingly. The brightness of glory is com- pared to a vile reptile ; the express image of the Father's person is treated with the great- est contempt. But it was for us men, and for our salvation. O mystery of mercy ! Jesus is reduced to a level with the worm, that he may be raised higher than the angels. From Bethlehem's inn to Calvary's cross — Affliction mark'd His road ; And many a weary step He took, To bring us back to God. By men despised, rejected, scoi"n'd, No beauty they can see ; ^ With grace and glory all adom'd, Tlie loveliest form to me. 14 JANUARY 11. Come unto mc. Matt. xi. 28. Jesus calls thee to His throne ; He is there waiting to hear, relieve, and bless you. You are to go to Him just as you are, and receive from Him all you need. He will give you wis- dom, to direct your steps ; peace, to keep your hearts ; strength, to do His will ; righteousness, to justify your souls; and rest, imspeakably sweet. He is glorified in bestowing these blessings upon you. He calls you this morning, this MOMENT, to receive without money and without price. What a precious Saviour is Jesus ! What a kind and tender Friend ! Let us go boldly to the throne of grace, that we may obtain mercy, and find grace to help in time of need. ''Come,'* He says, "come to me; go not to self, to the world, to the empty cisterns which creatures idolize ; but come unto me, and I will do for you exceeding abundantly above all you can ask or think. Your sins I will pardon ; your graces I will revive ; your comforts I will restore ; your holiness I will increase ; your efforts to glorify me I will crown with success ; I will bless you, and you shall be a blessing." " Oh, how great is thy goodness which thou hast laid up for them that seek thee ; which thou hast wrought for them that trust in thee, before the sons of men !" Jesus, ■with thy word complying, Firm our faith and hope shall be ; On thy faithfulness relying. We will cast our souls on Thee. 15 JANUARY 12. I fjo inournincf. Psalm xxxviii. 6. But what is the cause of your mourning? There is nothing apart from Jesus worth mourning for, or beside sin worth mourning over. Is it because of the unevenness of thy walk with God ? On account of the deep depravity of thy nature ? Because men keep not God's law ? Or because Jesus hides His face, and your evidences fade and wither ! You may well mourn after Jesus, but you must not despond ; for He will turn again, He will have compassion upon you. The depravity of the heart is enough to make an angel weep ; but forget not the precious blood that cleanseth, or the promised grace that sanctifies. Look not too much at the defects which appear in your walk, nor at the corruption which works in your heart ; but deal with the blood and grace of Jesus, as the means of thy cure. Read and believe His promises ; confess and plead at His throne ; wait and watch in His ways ; be care- ful lest by inordinate mourning you grieve His Spirit. He cannot be unkind, He never will forsake you. He was anointed "to comfort all that mourn." Why should the children of a king Go mourning all their days ? — Great Comforter ! descend, and bring Some tokens of thy grace. Dost thou not dwell in all the saints, And seal the heirs of heaven ? 16 JANUARY 13. Let him ask in faith. James i. 6. The believer's prayers should be regulated by- God's promises ; he often fancies he wants what would only do him harm ; and, therefore, if he ask he is denied, not in anger but in love. God has promised all good, and only good, to His be- loved people. Ask for what God has promised to bestow, and ask believing that God will honor and fulfil His own precious word. He cannot deny Himself; all He hath promised He will perform. You can therefore have no reason to doubt whether the Lord will give you, if you really need it, and he has plainly promised it ; therefore ask desiring, and expecting, and then look to receive. What are thy wants this morn- ing ? Where hath God promised such things in His holy word ? Search out the promise, take it to His throne, plead in the name of Jesus for its fulfilment, and never doubt for one moment but that the Lord will make it good. Stay yourself therefore on the word of the Lord ; but if you will not believe, surely you shall not be established. Faith honors God by trusting Him ; and God always honors faith by answer- ing it. " Come boldly to the throne of grace, that you may obtain mercy, and find grace to help in time of need." Beyond thy utmost wants, His love and power can bless ; To praying souls He always grants M'ire than they can express. 17 JANUARY 14. Walk circumspectly. Ephes. v. 15. You are in an enemy's land ; surrounded by temptations ; and have a heart that is deceitful above all things, and desperately wicked. To honor Jesus in your spirit, communications, and every action, should be your constant aim. You are to live ua'to the Lord, for Him who died for you and rose again. To this end, pro- vision was laid up in the everlasting covenant, for this purpose the precious promises were made, and with this design the Holy Spirit is given ; that you may serve Him in rightijousness and holiness all the days of your life. Tliis world is not your home ; Satan's family are not to be your associates ; riches, honor, or pleasure, are not to be your objects; you are to walk as in the midst of snares ; watchful, prayerful, depending upon Jesus, and cultivating fellow- ship with Him. Oh, keep your eye on Jesus as your example; walk by His word as your rule; be not venturesome or presumptuous, but avoid the very appearance of evil. Never leave the Lord's ways or ordinances, to join tlie world's parties or please a carnal fancy. Keep close to Jesus, and follow on to know the Lord. Act as a loving child going home to his father's house. So let our lips and lives express Tlie holy gospel we profess ; So let our works and virtues shine, To prove the doctrine all divine. 18 JANUARY 15. But thou, art the same. Ps. cii. 27. Everything below is liable to charifre ; health may give place to sickness, pleasure to pain, plenty to poverty, love to enmity, honor to disgrace, strength to weakness, and life to death. Remember the days of darkness, for they shall be many. But though all our circumstances and friends should change, there is one who never changes ; He is in one mind, and none can turn Him. With Him is no variableness. He is the same yesterday, to-day, and forever ; and He is our best friend, our nearest relation, our gracious Saviour. Yesterday, His name was Jesus ; His nature was love ; His purpose was to do us good with his whole heart and soul : ta-day. He is the same ; we cannot expect too much from Him, or be too confident in Him, if we are walking hum- bly with Him; He will be our God and we shall be His people. Let us cultivate inti- macy with Him, dependence upon Him, con- cern to please Him, fear to offend Him, zeal to glorify Him ; and it must be well with us in health and sickness, plenty and poverty, life and death ; for He is the same, and will never turn away from doing us good, but remain the foun- tain of love and holiness forever. Praise ye the Lord. This God is the God we adore, Our faithful — unchangeable friend, "Whose love is as large as His power, And neither knows measure nor end. 19 JANUARY 16. Is it well zvith thcc? 2 KiHgs iv. 26. Is Jesus precious to thy soul ? Are you mourn- ing over sin, or after the presence of your be- loved Saviour ? Are you strong in faith, giving glory to God ? Are you panting for communion with your heavenly Father? Is the world be- neath your feet? Are you glowing with love to all saints ? Are you seeking first the king- dom of God and His righteousness ? Are you lying at the feet of Jesus in trouble, crying, Lord, help me ? If so, it is well with thee : there is spiritual life in thy soul, and the blessed Spirit is tiiy teacher. But if the world is pre- ferred to Jesus, the pleasures of time to fellow- ship with God, if self-examination is neglected, and the Bible is become dry and unsavory, it is not well. Plealth of soul is manifested by habit- ual prayer, zeal in the Lord's cause, an appetite for the bread of life, and activity in the Lord's ways. Is thy scul sick ? If so, apj)ly at once to Jesus, as the great physician ; and plead with Him to restore unto thee the joys of His salvation, and to uphold thee with His free Spirit. He will heal thy backslidings, and love thee freely. ' Tis well ; my soul is fill'd with joy, Thougli in myself a feeble worm ; For Jesus will His power employ, And save my soul in every storm : He will His gracious word fulfil, And guard my soul from every ill. 20 JANUARY 17. I would do good. Rom. vii. 21. Every believer has experienced the renewing of the Holy Ghost; sin has not dominion over hirn. He perceives the beauty of holiness, and loathes himself on account of sin. He would be internally holy, and externally conformed to the precepts of the Bible. He would pray with fervor ; praise with gratitude ; believe with confidence ; war against sin, Satan, and the flesh, with courage ; and glorify God by every feeling, thought, word, and action. Thus he feels, and for this he prays in his best moments ; but he finds that he needs the frequent renew- ing of the Holy Spirit, for he is prone to sink into coldness, deadness, darkness, and stupidity, and he is obliged to cry out, " lAIy soul cleaveth unto the dust ; quicken thou me according unto thy word." The Lord must work in us to WILL as well as to do ; for by nature we are un- willing, and the desire after holiness, proved by effort to obtain it, is from God. Beloved, you must be coming, to Jesus daily for fresh supplies of the Spirit, or you will find yourself not only weak but careless ; not only v/iil the power of godliness decline, but you will become indifferent. Watch against temptation. Watch unto prayer. Lord, assist me through the fight, My drooping spirit raise ; Make me triumphant in thy might, And thine sliall be the praise. •21 JANUARY 1§. Evil is present ivith inc. Rom. vii. 21. But what a mercy that it does not reign in you and over you ; it did once, and would now but for free and sovereign grace. If sin makes you groan, leads you to the throne to plead with God, and to the fountain of the Saviour's blood to be cleansed from it, it does not, it cannot reign. It may disturb your peace, distress your mind, hinder you in duty, mix with all your duties and efforts to do good ; and even make you cry out, "O wretched man that I am, who shall deliver me ?" But even then you should not doubt ; Jesus still loves you, grace will reign in your experience, and you shall be more than a conqueror. Paul had known the Lord many years, ho had been in the third heaven, and daily triumphed in Christ ; yet he felt just as you feel ; when he would do good evil was present with him, and he could not do the things that ho would. If sin annoys you, is your burden, and causes you grief; holiness lives in you, and the present painful conflict will end in everlasting peace. You may even now sing, " Thanks be unto God, who giveth us the victory, through our Lord Jesus Christ." Live upon Christ, and you will live down all evil. Oh ! the rich depths of love diviue, Of bliss a boundless store ! Dear Saviour ! let me call thee mine ; I cannot wish for more. 22 JANUARY 19. My brother. Matt. xii. 50. And who is the brother of Jesus? Every one who does the will of His Father. Every be- liever who proves the truth of his faith by the goodness of his works ; who shows the excel- lence of his nature, by, the piety, benevolence, and charity of his life. Believer, Jesus calls thee BROTHER. He has for thee a brother's love. Oh, how tender ! Oh, how tried ! Stronger than death ; passing knowledge. He bears with thy infirmities, reproves thy follies, encourages thy faith, forbids thy fears, and will certainly provide for thy wants. Joseph in Egypt supplied his brethren during the famine, and shall not Jesus supply His ? If He seem to speak roughly, He v/ill act kindly, and perform a brother's part. He has all power in heaven and in earth. He doeth according to his will, and He is not' ashamed to call us brethren. He will correspond with us, and bids us daily, yea hourly, correspond with Him. Oh, remember, when you go to the throne of grace, that your brother fills it. He calls you to it, and will withhold no good thing from you. Precious Lord Jesus, manifest to me a brother's love ; and help me to rely on tliy fraternal kindness. Our nearest frienJ, our Brother now, Is He to whom the angels bow ; Tliey join with us to praise His natne, But we tlie nearest interest claim. 23 JANUARY 20. The xKiKilom of the just. Luke i. 17. Tin: Lord's people are justified freely, by His grace, through the redemption that is in Christ Jesus. The work of Jesus is their justification before God : in this they trust : this they plead : and in this they rejoice. Taught by the Holy Spirit, they manifest wisdom in , readily believing God's faithful word, and trusting Him to make good the same to them. They resign themselves and all they value into His hands for preservation, and to be entirely at His disposal, persuaded that His wisdom and love will do better for them, than they possibly could for themselves. They refer all things to God for His decision, and cheerfully abide by His sentence. They live in simple, child-like dependence upon His providence and grace, for body and soul, for time and eternity, seeking to make His will theirs. They walk in charity with their fellow-christians, who differ in some things from them, and would do good to all, especially to them that are of the household of faith. Beloved, do you manifest this wisdom ? Do you walk by this rule ? Do you mind the same things ? Have you the wisdom that is from above, which is pure, gentle, easy to be entreated, full of mercy and good fruits ? Boundless wisdom, power divine, Love unspeakable, are tliine ; Wisdom, Lord, to me be giv'n, Wisdom pure, Avhicli comes from lieav'ii. 24 JANUARY 21. Ye cannot serve God and mammon. Matt- vi. 24. Our God is a jealous God. He requires the devotion of the heart, the consecration of all the powers, and we cannot enjoy religion without these. Persons who try to unite God and the world, the service of sin and the service of God, cannot be happy. We must be decided. Well, who is to be God to-day ? Who is to have the heart, the talents, the affections to-day ? Is gain, carnal pleasure, or worldly company to be the idol to-day ? Or, is Jesus to have the thoughts, the desires, and the talents ? Shall we seek His glory, and aim at His honor ? Or, shall we say to some worthless bramble, Come thou and reign over us? Choose you, whom will you serve ? Attempt not to reconcile opposing claims, bat let God or mammon have the whole. Surely you are ready to cry out, — "Thine am I, Jesus, and thee only will I serve I" But you can only serve Him accept- ably, as you serve Him with the grace He imparts ; He has provided, promised, and invites you to receive. Let us therefore have grace whereby wo may serve God acceptably with reverence and godly fear. Serving God in the spirit of adoption is true happiness. Oh, let Thy love my soul inflame, And to Thy service sweetly bind ; Transfuse it through my inmost frame, And mould me wholly to Thy mind. 25 JANUARY 22. I am thy shield. Gen. xv. 1. They that believe are blessed with believing Abraham ; the promises God made to him, He will fulfil to us. "We are surrounded by foes ; fiery darts fly in every direction ; but Jehovah, in Jesus, interposeth Himself as our shield. Our safety and protection is from our relation to Him ; we should soon be overcome if He did not preserve and defend. How safe and how happy we feel, when we realize that our God is our defence, and the most high God our protector ! If foes alarm, or dangers affright, yet remember, " The name of the Lord is a strong tower," you may run into that and be safe. Faith is the arm ; Jehovah is the shield; with Satan, sin, and the world we are in conflict ; but we are preserved as in a garrison by the power of God, through believing, unto salvation. My brother, look to Jesus through this day as thy shield, and expect safety and protection alone from Him ; He is present to protect thee, and answer thy prayers. He will thus preserve thy going out and coming in, from this time forth, and even for evermore. He will give thee the shield of His salvation, and His gentleness will make thee great. His righteousness to faith reveal'd, Wrought out for guilty worms, Aflfords a hiding-place and shield, From enemies and storms. 20 JANUARY 23. Whi/ arc ye so fearful? Mark iv. 40. The disciples appeared to be in danger, and fear filled their hearts ; they did not realize that they were the care and charge of Jesus, or else knowing Him their fears could have had no place. Beloved, you are in the hands of your loving Saviour ; He has charge of you and all your concerns ; He has numbered the very hairs of your head, and watches over you every mojnent, by night as well as by day. He is ever present, His eye cannot be divert- ed from you. His omnipotence is engaged to defend you, His fulness to supply you. His wisdom to guide you, and His perfections will be glorified in your everlasting holiness and happiness. He says, " I am glorified in them.-' Why are ye so fearful? Jesus is a very present help, He is a friend that loveth at all times. He is your shield, and will be your exceeding great reward. But perhaps you have wandered from Him; your conscience accuses, and Satan tempts you to despond ; go, go and return unto Him. delay not a moment, cast yourself guilty as you are at His feet, confess all, and give yourself to Him afresh. He will receive you graciously, love you freely, and restore the joys of His salvation. The saints should never be dlsmay'd, Nor sink in hopeless fear ; For -R-lien they least expect His aid, The Savioui- will appear. 27 JANUARY 2 4. Ye are not your own. 1 Cor. vi. 19. No — Jesus has purchased you with His own blood, quickened you by His Spirit, espoused you to Himself, and intends to glorify you with Himself forever. He claims you, and says, " I have called thee by thy name : thou art mine." He will provide for you as His own, and spare you, as a man spareth his own son that serveth him. You are His beloved bride. His portion. A member of His body, of His flesh, and of His bones. In loving you. He loveth Himself. He requires you to live vmder the daily conviction that you are His ; that all you have is His. You have nothing of your own ; all you have He freely gave, and all you have you profess to have surrendered to Him. Think more of Jesus than of His gifts, cleave to Him, and not to what yovi may be called to surrender. He will never take anything from you, but He will give you something better. If He strip you, it is to teach you ; to lead you to live upon Himself; and to find your heaven in His company, grace, and ofHces. Do you live, walk, and act, so as to leave the impression upon the minds of observers that you are the Lord's ? Do you expect Him to preserve, guide, and supply you ? Lord ! am I thine, entirely thine? Purchased and saved by blood divine ? "With full consent thine I would be, And own thy sovereign right in me. 28 JANUARY 25. Ye are my friendn. John xv. 14. What infinite condescension in Jesus ; to call us worms, His friends ! But He not only calls us so, but treats us as such, and expects us as friends to do whatsoever He commands us. Is Jesus thy friend ? Then visit Him often, let him hear thy voice in prayer and praise ; then trust Him confidently, let him see a proof of thy faith in thy dependence ; then walk with Him in love, let Him enjoy much of thy com- pany ; then expect Him to be thy friend in sickness and health ; in poverty and plenty ; in life and in death. If Jesus is our friend, we can never be destitute ; if father and mother forsake, He will take us up and take us in ; we can never be miserable. He will receive us and be a Father unto us ; we can never be neglect- ed, for He will never fail us nor forsake us, but will do for us all He has promised in His word. He will defend us from foes, visit us in sickness, and cheer and support us in death. Precious Lord Jesus, be thou my friend, call me thy friend, and treat me as such, in life, in death, at the judgment, and before thy Father's face forever. Oh let us make His name our trust, He is a Saviour wise and just ; On His almighty arm depend, He is a tried and faithful friend ; And all His friends shall shortly prove The power and glory of His love. 29 JANUARY 26. / will instruct thee. Psalin xxxli. 8. At best we know but little, and we are slow to learn : but as the Lord has promised to instruct US, we may yet expect to be made wise unto salvation. The Lord's teaching always produ- ces humility, self-loathing, confidence in God, zeal for His glory, and devotes the heart to His praise. It brings us to the feet of Jesus, and delivers us from the present evil world. Under divine instruction we learn the true nature of sin, the vanity of the world, the emptiness of creatures, and the fulness and preciousness of Christ. Is God willing to instruct us ? Then let us be early and often at His throne, praying as the Psalmist did, " Lead me in thy truth, and teach me : for thou art the God of my salvation ; on thee do I wait all the day." Then shall we exclaim as Elihu did, " Behold, God exalteth by His power : who teacheth like Him ?" The Lord will teach us to profit, and sanctify us through the truth Ho im])arts. Christ is our great lesson, and to know Him rightly is life, peace, and joy. Is Jesus thy l^eacher ? Then sit at His feet, treasure up His words, and show forth His praise. He says, " Learn of me." Learn to know Him, love Him, and obey Him. Eternal life thy words Impart ; On these my fainting spirit lives : Here sweeter comforts cheer my lieart, Than the whole world around me gives. 30 JANUARY 2T. Lacked ye anything ? Luke xxii. 35. The Lord will always provide for His own people, who keep His company, do His will, and aim at His glory. If He sends us, though He chooses to carry the purse, our bread shall be given, and our water shall be sure. The dis- ciples went out unfurnished, but then Jesus commanded them ; they return and confess that they lacked nothing, the God of providence supplied them. If we are in the Lord's way, we may rest assured that we shall meet the Lord's messengers bringing our supply. They that seek the Lord shall not want any good thing. He notices our wants, remembers His promises, times His mercies, and proves Him- self a faithful God. Have you lacked any- thing ? for body ? for soul ? He who has sup- plied the past will provide for the future. Jesus is full of grace ; go and receive, that your joy may be full. Jesus is the God of providence ; look to Him, trust in Him, plead with Him, and you shall never be destitute. Believe His word. He cannot deny himself; trust in His faithfulness, and He will put honor upon thy faith, fulfilling His own word. " Thy bread shall be given thee, and thy water shall be sure." E'en down to old age, all my people shall prove My sovereign, eternal, unchangeable love ; And when hoary hairs shall their temples adorn. Like lambs they shall still, in my bosom, be borne. 31 JANUARY 2§. We have an Advocate. 1 Jolin ii. 1. Yes — Jesus pleads for us in heaven ; by His own blood He entered once into the holiest, there to appear in the presence of God for us. He pleads for us against Satan, answering all his accusations ; and for us with the Father, that we may be kept, supplied and glorified. O what a comfort when the heart is straitened in prayer, when the mouth is closed by guilt, when the spirit is harassed by temptation, to know that Jesus as our Advocate appears and pleads for us above ! Beloved, Jesus is before God for YOU this morning, and every morning ; and the benefit of His intercession you daily enjoy. When doubting and ■ fearful, put yovir cause afresh into His hands, and leave Him to carry it ; He can plead well ; His arguments are powerful, and His manner is divine. Keep Jesus before thee this day as thy Advocate ; rejoice in His office and name, and remember He is saying, " Father, I will that those whom thou hast given me, be with me where I am, to behold my glory." Him the Father heareth al- ways ; and all for whom He pleads are safe, and shall be happy. Look up, my soul, with cheerful eyes, See, ■where the great Redeemer stands The glorious Advocate on high, With precious incense in His hands ; And on His pleading still depend. Who is your Advocate and Friend. 32 JANUARY 29. Search the Scriptures. John v. 39. The Bible is God'^book, a favor bestowed on man ; intended to lead him to a knowledge of the nature, perfections, purposes, will, prov- idence, and salvation of God. It contains all that is really necessary to be known. It should be read carefully, prayerfully, frequently, and in course ; every part of the Bible should be read, meditated upon, and prayed over. It makes us wise unto salvation, through faith which is in Christ Jesus. We cannot under- stand the Scriptures, or gather spiritual profit therefrom but by the Holy Ghost ; nor should we expect to be taught the mind of God but by the Scriptures. Praying, reading, and think- ing, should go together ; and no one but he who has proved it, can pos.sibly tell the profit which may be thus gained. Let the Bible be the every-day book. In it God speaks to your soul ; by it He will sanctify your nature, direct your steps, and give you joy and peace. Let not the works of man occupy the place of the book of God ; but search the Scriptures daily, and exercise faith therein, " Open thou mine eyes, that I may see wondrous things out of thy law." Unfold to me the riches of thy grace. may thy counsels, mighty God, My roving feet command ; Nor I forsake the happy road, That leads to thy right hand. S3 JANUARY 30. And shah thou be delivered? Isa. xxxvii. 11. This is plainly the language of an insulting foe ; he had triumphed, and now he boasted, but his power was bounded, and his pride pro- cured his fall. Often when in trouble, when distressed, when tried by a sense of sin and unworthiness, unbelief and Satan join, and pointing to others who have fallen, and to our acknowledged unworthiness, insultingly ask the question, " And shalt thou be delivered ?" Yes, Satan, we shall be delivered ; the God of Hezekiah is our God, and He hath said, "I will deliver thee in six troubles, and in seven I will not forsake thee." We believe His word, we rely on His faithfulness, we plead at His throne : and so sure as He can deliver He AviLL. He hath often done so in times past. He doth deliver all His praying people now, and in Him we trust that He will deliver us. Not on account of anything in us, or of any- thing done by us, but because He hath said, " I will be with him in trouble, I will deliver him and honor him ; I will set him on high, because he hath known my name." He is faithful, His word cannot fail, nor should our faith be shaken. Deliverance is certain, for God hath spoken, and God is true. The same His power, His love the same, Unmoved the promise shines ; Eternal truth surrounds His name, And guards the precious lines. 34 JANUARY 31. We Joy in God. Rom. v. 1 1. This is every believer's privilege ; God is reconciled to him in the person and through the work of Jesus : all charges against him are blotted out; all his sins are freely and fully forgiven; he is justified from all things; and stands before God in Christ, accepted, be- loved, and blessed. To him God is love ; with him God is at peace ; and he is now a son of God. If this is believed on the testimony of God, and realized in the soul as the effect of faith ; then God becomes our exceeding joy, and we rejoice with joy unspeakable and full of glory. If we joy in frames, they change ; if we joy in friends, they die ; if we joy in possessions, they are vanity ; but if we joy in God, though the exercise of joy may be interrupted, yet the object remains eternally the same, and we shall joy for evermore. Beloved, look at Jehovah in Jesus ; there you see Him as the Father of mercies and God of all comfort ; joy and rejoice in him as your God, your portion, your everlasting all. Throughout this day, joy in God as your Father, your Friend, and your Saviour. Joy to find, in every station, Something still to do or bear : Think, what spirit dwells within thee ; Think, what Father's smiles are thine ; Think, what Jesus did to win thee ; — Child of heaven ! canst thou repine ? 85 FEBRUARY 1. Immanuel. Matt. i. 23. Consider Jesus through this day as God with thee ; God in thy nature ; God become man for thy salvation and consolation. None but G-od was able to save ; thy Jesus is God : it was necessary that the Saviour should be man, and Jesus is man. He has the nature of His Father, here is His ability ; He has thy nature also, here is His suitability. Jesus is God with thee, to hear thy prayers, check thy fears, redress thy grievances, sympathize with thee in thy sorrows, and be thy evcry-day friend. God is with us, observing our conduct, directing our ways, reproving our follies, providing our sup- plies, aixd making all things work together for our good. Always remember, Jesus is with me ; every sin is committed under His eye, against His love, and goes to His heart ; think, when tempted to sin, that you hear Immanuel, the suffering, bleeding, dying, reigning Saviour, say, " Oh, do not that abominable thing which I hate." Walk before Him in love, peace, holi- ness, and zeal, for his glory and praise. He is God for thee, as well as with thee. Look to His wisdom, power, and love, for safety and supply ; and with filial confidence trust his word. Sweeter sounds than music knows Charm me in Lnmanuel's name ; All her hopes my spirit owes To His birth, His cross, His shame, 36 FEBRUARY 2. The spirit of supplication. Zech. xii. 10. All spiritual prayer is produced by the Holy Spirit ; He convinces us of need, discovers to us the fulness of Jesus, leads us to the throne of grace, and helps our infirmities there. The very desire to pray is from Him, and the liberty we enjoy in prayer is His gift. But how dread- ful a thing is sin, and how condescending is the Holy Spirit I He sympathizes with us, and maketh intercession for us, with unutterable expressions of distress ; with groanings which cannot be uttered. Sin has rendered us so vile, that no sacrifice but ^that of the Son of God Himself, could atone for us ; and so weak, that none but the Holy Spirit can enable us to pray with fervor, faith, and success. See, be- loved, how deep are your obligations, and how great your dependence upon this blessed Spirit of grace and supplication. Be careful lest you grieve Him by your lightness, worldliness, or lukewarmness ; but sow unto the Spirit and ye shall reap life everlasting. He will testify to you of Jesus, and bless you with liberty and peace. I want a heart to pray, To pray and never cease ; Never to murmui- at thy stay, Or wish my sufferings less. I want a godly fear, A quick discerning eye, That looks to thee when sin is near, And sees the tempter fly. 37 FEBRUARY 3. Cleave tiiito the Lord. Acts xi. 23. Every believer is united to Christ, and is one with Him. Jesus is the vine, he is a branch ; Jesus is the husband, he is the bride. Satan's design is to lead him from the Lord ; he knows well he can do little or nothing, while the Christian cleaves to Jesus. Oh, then, cleave to Him by faith, in love, with perseverance ! Cleave to His truth, to His people, to His ordinances, to His word, and to His throne. Think of Jesus as the affectionate child thinks of his beloved father, as the tender bride thinks of her devoted bridegroom, as the way-worn traveller thinks of his cheerful home. Let Jesus be uppermost in thy thoughts, let His love rule thy heart, and let nothing steal away thy affection from Him. Live upon His ful- ness, live according to His word, live in the element of His love ; no living safely, no living happily, but as you cleave unto the Lord. Never let Satan find thee at a distance from Jesus, or he will assuredly be too much for thee. He is ever on the watch to find thee wandering, that he may worry, deceive, and distress thee. Therefore cleave unto the Lord, with full purpose of heart. Cleave to Him as the ivy to the oak, or the child to the mother's breast. Saviour, let me cleave to thee ; Love the bond of union be ; And, lest I should e'er depart, Keep thy dwelling in my heart. 38 FEBRUARY 4. Precious faith. 2 Peter i. 1. Faith is the gift of God. It is the fruit of everlasting love, the effect of grace ; we believe through grace. The faith which is the evidence of salvation, includes giving credit to the gospel report, of a free and full salvation for poor un- worthy sinners ; an application to Jesus on the throne of grace, founded on that report ; and a trusting on the word, work, and death of Jesus, for life and salvation. This always produces love to Jesus, and leads the soul to obey Him out of gratitude. It is precious ; being scarce, few thus believe ; being valuable, without it we cannot please God, cannot be justified, cannot rejoice in hope, or enjoy gospel blessings ; but he that believeth is entitled to every precious prom- ise, to all the fulness of Christ, to enjoy God in every new covenant relation, and shall never see death. He is passed from death to life, and shall never come into condemnation. Gracious God! give unto thy people, and unto me espe- cially, much precious faith, that believing in Jesus, I may rejoice with joy unspeakable and full of glory. Oh, to believe this day without wavering ! Oh, to be strong in faith, giving glory to God ! Oh, for a strong, a lasting faitb, To credit what th' Almighty saith ! To embrace the message of His Son, And call the joys of heav'n our own. 39 FEBRUARY 5. Precious blood. 1 Pet. i. 10. The blood of Jesus is the price of our redemp- tion, the object of our faith, the ground of our peace, the subject of our meditation, and our constant plea at the throne of grace. It satis- fied divine justice, and speaks peace to the humbled sinner's heart. It overcomes Satan, and cleanseth from all sin. It purges the con- science from dead works, and leads us to joy in God. We build on it as our foundation, flee to it as our refuge, look to it as the cure for sin, and sing of it as the joy of our heart. It has made a perfect, a satisfactory, an infinite atonement ; and no sinner can perish who relies upon it, washes in it, and pleads it before God. It is indeed precious blood ! It is in- valuable ! Whenever you feel guilt on your conscience, fears rising in your mind, or a gloom come over your spirit ; look to, meditate upon, make use of the precious blood of Jesus. It made peace, it gives peace, and it secures peace. It cleanses, heals, and sanctifies ; and Ave could not live happy one day without it. The blood of Jesus Christ cleanseth us from all sin. To this alone we must look as the foundation of our hope, and the ground of our peace. Dear dying Lamb, thy precious blood Shall never lose its power ; Till all the ransom'd church of God Be saved to sin no more. 40 FEBRUARY 6. He is precious. 1 Pet. ii. 7. Yes — Jesus is precious to every believer : however Ciiristians may differ upon some points, they all agree in this, Jesus is precious. They cannot always feel towards Him as they wish, but they have always one and the same opinion of Him. He is precious in His per- son, word, work, blood, righteousness, and in- tercession : as prophet, priest, and king ; in every name He wears, every character He bears, every relation He fills, and every office He sustains ; so precious that none can be compared with Him. His people love Him, but none of them think they love Him enough ; they adore Him, but mourn over their want of fervor when addressing Him ; they prefer Him above all things, and consider Him altogether lovely. Do you find Christ precious this morn- ing ? If He was to be sold, what would you give for him ? If you could be gratified, how would you feel towards him ? He is precious to poor sensible sinners ; to strong believers ; to holy angels ; and to God our heavenly Father. Is He so to you ? Live near to Him, be inti- mate with Him, and you will feel Him precious. The more you know of Him, the more you will prize him. Hail, thou ever blessed Jesus, Only thee I ■wish to sing ; To my soul thy name is precious, Thou my riophet. Priest, and King. 41 FEBRUARY 7. My times are in thy hand. Ps. xxxi. 15. Every event is under divine control ; nothing is left to chance. The hand of God is in all that occurs ; directing, overruling, or sanctify- ing to our good. He appointed all that con- cerns us, and appointed all in infinite wisdom and love ; therefore we should not judge rashly, or conclude hastily. We know not what may occur to-day, but we know that the purpose of God cannot be frustrated, nor can His promise fail. He worketh all things after the counsel of His own will. He says, " My purpose shall stand, and I will do all my pleasure." But this is our comfort, that He taketh pleasure in His people, and in the prosperity of His ser- vants. Let us consider, then, everything passes under our Father's eye ; is overruled by our Saviour's power ; is directed by the Holy Spirit to do us good. It sliali not be as our enemies wish, or as our hearts fear ; but as our God and Father pleases and has ordained. Be not there- fore anxious, troubled, or cast down; the Lord God omnipotent reigneth, and He is God. He shall preserve thee from evil. He shall preserve thy soul. I know not wliat may soon betide, But Jesus knows, and He'll provide ; My life is by His counsel plann'd, And all my times are in His hand : I'll therefore trust, nor yield to fear, But cast on Jesus all my care. 42 FEBRUARY 8. That I may win Christ. Phil. iii. 8. The aim of men in general is to make a for- tune, enjoy the world, and live respectably : the aim of the believer is to win Christ. Jesus possesses all He desires, and to possess Christ would satisfy every wish. We have now a title to Him, we receive much from Him, and we often enjoy His love; but we want to be present with Him, and to have full possession of Him as our everlasting all. He is set before us as our mark. He is held out as the prize, and is promised as the everlasting portion of every overcomer. Where, is the heart this morning ? Which way do the desires tend ? What is to be the object of pursuit to-day ? If Jesus is the principal object, failing in our pursuit after other things, losses, or crosses, will not much affect us ; but our conduct will say, " I aim to win Christ ; if He is mine, all is well, other things are but trifles compared with Him." Keeping Jesus in view thus, will pre- vent murmuring, cure our impatience, and keep our hearts in comparative peace. O may our every action cry in the ears of every observer, " That I may win Christ." He who has Christ, has an infinite portion ; unsearchable wealth. Not softest strains can charm mine ears, Like His beloved name ; Nor aught beneath the skies inspire My heart with equal flame. 43 FEBRUARY 9. Be watchful. Rev. iii. 2. Satan is watching to ensnare us, the world is Avatching to exult over us, and God is watch- ing to protect us. Jesus our best friend says to us, " Be Watchful." Watch against the spirit of the worlJ, against thy easily besetting sins, against seasons of temptation, and against Satan the sworn enemy of thy soul. Watch for opportunities to do good, for answers to prayer, for the appearance of God as a God of providence. Unite prayer to God, dependence on His holy word, and watchfulness together; pray to be kept from sin, in temptation, un- spotted from the world ; trust in God to answer, but do not leave the throne ; and then watch as though all depended' upon thy dili- gence and efforts. Blessed is He that watcheth and keepeth his garments. " Watch ye there- fore and pray always." But trust not thy watchfulness, but while watching trust in God. He that keepeth thee will not slumber : He is with thee when on guard, as well as when thou art feasting on His word and rejoicing at His table. He withdraweth not his eyes from the righteous. " The eyes of the Lord are upon the righteous, and His ears are open to their cry." Watch ye, therefore, and pray always. Oh ! watch, and fight, and pray ; — The battle ne'er give o'er ; Renew it boldly every day, And help divine implore. 44 FEBRUARY 10. God is for me. Psalm Ivi. 9. Beloved, the greatest mercy a sinner can enjoy is to have God on his side, engaged in his quarrel, and employed in his most important concerns ; this mercy is yonrs. God is for you : He chose you in Christ before the world began : He formed you to show forth His praise : He preserved you in Christ until He called you by grace : He quickened you by His Spirit, and led you to Jesus : He lias given you His Son, and promised every additional good. He has said to you, " Thou art mine." You have said, "I am thine." He is now your refuge and strength ; He is tenderly concerned for your welfare, devotedly attached to your cause, and observes every step you take. He may try your faith, but will certainly supply your wants. He may exercise your patience, but will never turn a deaf ear to your cries, except you indulge iniquity in your heart. No parent ever felt so deeply interested in the wel- fare of a beloved child, as thy God does in thine. He says, " Fear thou not ; for I am with thee ; be not dismayed, for I am thy God : I will strengthen thee ; yea, I will help thee ; yea, I will uphold thee with the right hand of my righteousness." God i3 our refuge and defence, In trouble onr nnf:iiHng aid ; Secure in his omnipotence, What foe can make our souls afraid ? 45 FEBRUARY 11. I will spare them. Mai. iii. lY. Prixious assurance ! But whom will the Lord spare ? All His children, — especially those wlio speak of His goodness, witness to His faithful- ness, think upon His name, and honor Him before an evil generation: He says, " They shall be mine, in that day when I make up my jew- els, and I will spare them as a father sparctli his obedient son." If we are aiming at the Lord's glory, and walking by the Lord's word, we have nothing to fear from any of His dispen- sations. Ho will shield us from danger, sanctify our troubles, and secure our best interest.?. If we are living to His praise, we may safely leave our wants and our comforts in His hands ; He will supply the one and preserve the other. He says, " Fear thou not, for I am with thee." " Bring every trouble to my throne, every want to my fulness : I am el-siiaddat, God all-suf- ficient : cnougli in the absence of every one and everything. I am your God ; I may pun- ish the nations, but I Vv'ill spare you. Believe this and be happy. Rejoice in this and you glo- rify me. You are no more a servant, but a son ; and if son, then an iiEfR of God through Christ. Though I punish the world, I will spare you." Jesus, my Saviour and my Loid ! 'Tis good to trust thy name : Thy power, thy faithfuhies^:, and love. Will ever be the same. 46 FEBRUARY 12. Hope thou in God. Tsalm xlii. 11. However gloomy the day, however strange the trials, however distressing the visitation, hope thou in God. He is with you, Ho is your God, He has promised to befriend you. He is the faithful God. He will turn darkness into light, make crooked things straight, and make all grace abound towards you, so that you, having all sufficiency, may abound to every good work. The changes that affect you, can- not affect him. You cannot rely too simply upon Him, or expect too much from Him. If all within and without seem to conspire to dis- tress you, still say, " I will hope in God." Ex- pect Him to be to you all a gracious and powerful God can be ; expect Him to do all a loving Father and infinite God can do. Hope for light in darkness, for relief in distress, for strength in weakness, for joy in sorrow, for deliverance when sinking beneath the wave, and for life in death. Hope for all you need, and for all God has promised. Hope thou in God, and in God alone. Hope because God has spoken, because he is true and faithful, and you cannot hope in vain. The foundation of your hope is laid in the blood of Jesus, and the oath of God. Ye fearful saints ! fresh courage take ; The clouds ye so much dread Are big with mercy, and shall break In blessings on your head. 47 FEBRUARY 13. Search me, God. Ps. cxxxix. 23. NoNK can search the heart but God ; none are desirous or willing fur the heart to be searched but real Christians. A believer desires to know the worst. He dreads deception. Grace has made him honest, and he prays, " Lord, search me." If a man was to search, he would expose, irritate, and injure us ; but if God search. He will humble, strengthen, and heal us. The man who sees himself in the light of truth, and knows himself as the effect of divine searching, cannot trust himself for one moment; he flies from self to Jesus ; from law to grace ; he loathes himself ; and while he coniidently trusts in Jesus, and rejoices in hope, he walks humbly with his God. He cannot boast, he dares not presume ; but walks in holiness, and ascribes all to free grace. Beloved, take the heart to Jesus to be searched. Ho says, " I am He that searcheth the hearts and trietli the reins." If He search you. He will save you from deception, self- righteousness, and every false way. Be this your daily prayer, " Search me, O God, and lead me in the way everlasting. Examine me, O Lord, and prove me: try my reins and my heart." Let a man examine himself. You need searching. Lord, search my lieart, and try my •ways, And make my soul sincere ; Then shall I stand before thy face, And find acceptance there. 48 FEBRUARY 14. The Lord delighteth in thee. Isa. Ixii. 4. And is it possible, that such poor, depraved, unworthy creatures, can bo the objects of Je- hovah's delight? Yes — the infinite love of God has been fixed upon us from eternity : because He loved us, He sent His only begot- ten Son to die for us ; He sent His Holy Spirit into our hearts ; and gave us a good hope through grace. Hear the Apostle : " But God, who is rich in mercy, for His great love wherewith He loved us, even when we were DEAD JN SINS, hath quickened us together with Christ : by whose grace ye are saved." Je- hovah views us in Jesus, and loves us with an infinite love. Yea, He has loved us as He has loved Him. Every believer, though his faith may be weak, his fears many, his corruptions strong, his troubles great, and his temptations sore, is the object of Jehovah's delight. Let us therefore endeavor to pass through this day, yea, and every day, believing and realizing, " I am Jehovah's delight; the object of His highest love; the subject of His sweetest thoughts ; and His portion for evermore." O incomparable privi- lege ! Source of comfort, holiness, and love I Thou hast more cause for gratitude than an angel. God, the eternal, mighty God, To dearer names descends ; Calls you his treasure and his joy, His children and his friends. 49 FEBRUARY 15. Grieve not the Holy Spirit. Ephes. iv. 30. We are absolutely dependent upon the Holy Spirit for life, light, teaching, and sanctifica- tion. Without His presence, power, and operations, we are dead, dark, ignorant and carnal. We should therefore be very careful not to grieve, or dishonor Him. We do so when we neglect, slight, or make any improper use of God's holy word ; when we indulge in hard thoughts of God, or low thoughts of the Lord Jesus ; when we mind the things of the flesh in preference to spiritual things ; when we trifle with, or indulge in any sin of omission or commission; when we slight His intimations, abuse His gifts, and listen to Satan, the world, or the flesh, in preference to Him. When He is grieved He suspends His influence, and we find no assistance in duty ; we get cold, carnal, and indifferent ; we taste no sweetness in spirit- ual things, and the ministry of the word be- comes dry and lifeless ; the Bible is a sealed book ; there is no power in prayer ; no gratitude for mercies received ; and religion becomes a task. Oh grieve not the Holy Spirit of God, by whom ye are sealed unto the day of redemption ; but sow unto the Spirit, and ye shall reap life everlasting. Return, holy Dove ! return, Sweet messenger of rest ! I hate the sins that made thee mourn, And di'ove thee from ray breast. 50 FEBRUARY 16. I will be to than a Goi. Heb. yiii. 10. That is, to all His people. The object of their adoration and trust, the subject of their medi- tation, and the source of all their happiness. To be our God, is more than being our friend, helper, or benefactor; (creatures may be so;) He engages to do us good according to His all sufficiency, to bestow upon us blessings which none else can. He will pardon us, and pardon like a God — He will sanctify us, and sanctify us lilce a God — He will comfort us, and com- fort us like a God— He will glorify us, and glorify us like a God. If He is our God, He is our all, and all He has is ours. He is our inheritance, and a glorious inheritance He is. Consider, when in danger, in darkness, in dis- tress, in temptation, in duty, or in pain ; God will be to you a God, delivering, enlightening, comforting, strengthening, and sanctifying you. Make a God of Him, look to Him for all He has promised, which is all you want ; adore his divine perfections, and rejoice that they are all engaged to make you blessed. Live to His glo- ry, walk by His word, and He will glorify Him- self in your present and everlasting welfare. He rejoiceth to do good unto His people, He de- lights to bless them. Here would I dwell, aud ne'er remove ; Here I am safe from all alarms ; My rest is " everlasting love," My refuge, " everlasting arms." 51 FEBRUARY IT. Now is the day of salvation. 2 Cor. vi. 2. What an unspeakable mercy to live at such a period. We are poor, lost, ruined sinners ; but this is the day when salvation is freely be- stowed, without money and without price. The Lord saves from the love, power, and conse- quences of sin ; gives His Holy Spirit, writes His law in the heart, and directs our feet into the way of peace. He gives us Jesus, who is the Saviour ; gives us grace, which conquers sin ; and gives us heaven, to enjoy when the journey of life is ended. This is the day in which He works deliverance for His people ; He employs His power, His wisdom. His word. His providence, and His angels, for our deliverance. What then shall we fear ? Of whom shall we be afraid ? Let us go to His throne, remembering that it is the day of sal- vation ; let us plead for deliverance from all that mars our peace, prevents our enjoyment, or hinders us in our christian course. Let there be no despondency, for this is a day of good tidings ; it is, believe, and be saved ; pray, and be delivered ; v/ait on the Lord, and He will strengthen your heart. " By grace are ye saved, through faith ; and that not of your- selves, it is the gift of God." Salvation ! the joyful sound, 'Tis pleasure to our cars ; A sovereicrn balm for every wound, A cordial for our fears. 52 FEBRUARY 18. Be ye also patient. James v. 8. Our God is a God of patience. The Lord Jesus is the great example of patience. The Holy Spirit is the agent producing patience. Trials, troubles, and disappointments, are the means which exercise and strengthen it. The patience required, is a disposition to bear all that God has appointed for us, without com- plaining ; yea, with resignation and hope : to wait God's time for the mercies we need, or for answers to the prayers we put up. Patience is the daughter of faith ; and it is only as we believe that God has appointed, overrules, or commands, for our good and His glory, that we can be patient. Patience produces self-posses- sion, shuts the mouth from complaining, keeps back the heart from seeking revenge, and is a principal point in self-government. Are you impatient ? Then confess it, and mourn over it before God ; it will make you miserable, and lead you to dishonor God, Watch against it ; the coming of the Lord draweth nigh. Look at the prophets, apostles, martyrs, at Jesus ; and be ye also patient : "In your patience possess ye your souls." Thus trusting in thy love, I tread The path of duty on : What though some cherished joys are fled, Some flattering dreams are gone ? Yet pui'er, brighter joys remain ; Why should my spirit then complain ? 53 FEBRUARY 19. He caretli for you. 1 Peter v. 1. The Lord knows all his people, their persons, wants, and trials ; He thinketh upon them to benefit, deliver, and supply them. He keeps His eye upon them in all places, at all times, and under all circumstances. He has them in His hand, and will not loose His hold. He looks upon them always as His own ; the objects of His love, the purchase of His Son's blood, the temples of the Holy Spirit. They are precious in His sight. He knows they are weak, fearful, and have many enemies. He teaches them to cast themselves and all their cares into His hands : and He has given them His word, that he will care for them. It is a Father's care which He exercises. It is wise, holy, tender, and constant ; therefore all will be well, only trust. Believe that He cares for you this day ; carry all your concerns to Him in the faith of this ; leave all with Him, persuaded that He will manage all by His infinite wisdom, and bring all to a good issue by His omnipotent power. Cast all your cares upon Him as fast as they come in ; be anxious for nothing. " Cast thy burden upon the Lord, and He shall sustain thee ; He will never suffer the righteous to be moved." Cast, my cliild, on me thy care, 'Tis enougli that I am nigh ; I will all thy burdens bear, I will all thy wants supply. 54 FEBRUARY 20. Is the Lord's hand waxed short ? Num. xi. 23. No — what He hath done, He can do ; and all He hath promised, or His people need. He will do. He has all power. He knows no difficulty. Why then are we cast down ? Be- cause we do not believe His word, depend simply on His veracity, and expect all we need from His hand. He was displeased with Moses when he questioned His power, and He is displeased with us when we doubt His love, distrust His providence, or ask, " How can this thing be ?" Whatever may be your difficulty, trial, or want, plead with the Lord and con- fidently expect deliverance ; and if any tempta- tion is presented to weaken your faith, rouse your fears, or disturb your tranquillity, meet it with this question, " Is the Lord's hand waxed short ?" Beloved, look not to the hand of man, but look simply to the hand of God ; man may disappoint you, God will not. He is faithful that promised. He is a God at hand. He will be near you throughout this day ; His hand is able and ready to help you ; therefore trust and be not afraid. In heaven, and earth, and air, and seas, He executes His firm decrees ; And by His saints it stands confesa'd That what He does is ever best; Tlien on His powerful arm rely. And He will bring salvation nigh- <5 FEBRUARY 21. The Lord tricth the righteous. Ps. xi. 6. Where the Lord gives grace, He always tries it ; therefore His own people must expect to pass through tlie fire. Ho will try our faith, of what sort it is ; our love, of what strength it is. He will also try our patience and our con- stancy. Let us not therefore bo surprised at trials, nor let us be discouraged by them ; for He tries out of pure love, with the best design, according to a wise rule, and at the fittest season. He considers our frame, our circum- stances, and our foes; Ho does nothing rashly or unkindly. Ho would not put us to pain if we did not need it ; trials are preservatives or re- storatives ; they keep us back from evil, or are intended to bring us out of evil into which we have fallen. Thy trials then are from the Lord ; His wisdom selected, His love appointed, and His pjovidenco brings them about. If you ask, " Why, Lord, am I tried thus?" the answer is, " To humble thee, and to prove thee, and to do thee good at thy latter end." Receive every trial as from God, and go to Him for strength to bear it, grace to sanctify it, and deliverance from it ; and so all will be well. It is not for His pleasure, but for your profit, that you are so tried. The clouds of deepest woe, A sweet love-message bear ; Dark though they seem, we cannot find A frown of anger there. 56 FEBRUARY 2 2. He deUghteth in mercy. Mich. vii. 18. The proper object of mercy is misery ; sin has rendered us miserable, and God has revealed Himself as merciful. He delighteth in mercy ; it is a pleasure to Him to have mercy upon us ; He delights to pardon our sins, relieve our necessities, and save our souls. His own glory being secured. He delights to bless His people. He is styled the Father of mercies ; and as a father takes pleasure in his children, so does our God in showing mercy. He always delights in mercy, therefore He does so this morning ; go then and mourn over thy sins which have grieved Him, and rendered you miserable ; go and plead for mercy at His throne, nor doubt for one moment His pity. His kindness, or His grace. Have you obtained mercy ? Be zeal- ous, to glorify God in the day of visitation ; be honest, and ascribe all to mercy which is her due ; and be active to spread the good news abroad, assuring poor miserable sinners, that God delighteth in mercy. With this cheek thy fears, repel thy temptations, and comfort thy heart. Believe it as an undoubted truth, plead it as a powerful argument with God, and daily rejoice in it. It is sweet to be an infinite debtor to mercy. 'Tis mercy in Jesus exempts me from hell ; Its glories I'll sing, and its wonders I'll tell ; 'Twas Jesus, my friend, when He hung on the tree, Who open'd the channel of mercy for me. 5Y FEBRUARY 2 3. Who loved me. Gal. ii. 20. And what was Paul ? A blasphemer, a perse- cutor, one who injured the church of God. And did Jesus love Paul ? Yes — He loved me. Then the love of Jesus is free, and not on ac- count of anything man is. The cause of love is in God, not in the objects loved. You may have looked for some reason to conclude that God has loved you, but you have been disap- pointed ; the Lord says, " I will love them free- ly," When we were dead in sins. He quick- ened us because He loved us ; He revealed Jesus to us because He loved us ; He has given us His Holy Spirit because He loved us. Whom once He loves He never leaves. Jesus loves us this morning with a free, infinite, and eternal love. He loves our persons apart from our graces and acts ; these are the effects of His love, and not strictly the objects of His love. O Holy Spirit ! whisper to our hearts this morning, " Jesus loved THEE, even thee." Oh, to love Him in re- turn ! to love Him above health, wealth, comfort, yea, life itself! Oh, to show forth the praises of His love by humility, faith, constancy, and zeal ! Great GoJ, to thy almighty love Wliat honors shall I raise ? Not all the raptureJ songs above, Can render equal praise. Thy love to nie surpasses thought, — Oh could I praise thee as I ought ! 58 FEBRUARY 2 4. ^Vho gave Himself for 7ne. Gal. ii. 20. Jesus was our substitute. He lived, suffered, and died in our stead. Our sins were imputed to Him, punished in Him, and removed by Him. God had cursed us, but Jesus gave Himself to bear the curse in our stead ; every threatening of the law was executed on Him ; every one of the claims of justice was answered by Him ; and now God is just and yet the justifier of every one that believeth in Jesus. The debt-book is crossed, the handwriting that was against us is destroyed, and every foe is overcome. Do we think of the law we have broken, of the justice we have provoked, of the hell we have deserved ? Let us also think, Jesus gave Himself for me. He satisfied jus- tice, fulfilled the law, and brought glory to God, in my nature, name, and stead ; and God is in- finitely more honored by the life and death of my substitute, than He could have been either by my obedience had I never sinned, or by punishing me for sin. This is our rejoicing, that God can be just in justifying us who believe in Jesus. Thanks be unto God for His unspeaka- ble sfift. Oh ! let my trembling soul be still. While darkness veils the sky ; And wait thy wise, thy holy will. Wrapt yet in mystery : I cannot, Lord ! thy purpose see, But all is well since ruled by thee. 59 FEBRUARY 25. Christ is all. Col. iii. 11. Yes — this is God's purpose, which cannot be frustrated, that Christ shall be all. He is all in our justification and sanctification, for we are justified and sanctified in his name. He is all in our preservation and glorification, for we are kept by His power, and enter heaven through His merits. He should be all in our pursuits, pleasures, hopes, motives and aims. Many put their comforts in the place of Christ, and then God puts comfort out of their reach ; others put their graces in the place of Christ, and then faith, hope, and lovo are concealed by a cloud. There must be nothing between God and us, but Jesus; we must look away from sin, from graces, and from works, and expect to be ac- cepted, blessed, and honored, only in the name and for the honor of Jesus. Christ is our con- quering weapon, by which we overcome our foes ; our plea, by which we prevail with God ; our righteousness by which we are justified ; and our peace, which supports and comforts us in life and in death. Christ is all we want, or God can give. He is our sun and shield ; our present joy, and endless portion. Saviour ! the k!lo^ylcl^ge of thy love Into ray soul convey : Thyself bestow ! for Thee alone, My all in all I pray. I would be only, always tliinC; And prove the power of love divine. 60 FEBRUARY 2 6. Ye do dishonor me. John viii. 49. This is a complaint brought against us by our Lord Jesus Christ. Let us listen to it. He has assured us of His love, that He seeks our good, that He will not be wroth with us ; we dishonor Him, therefore, by our fretfulness under trials and troubles ; by our murmuring when all is not as we wish ; by our impatience to be delivered from pain ; by our unbelief in reference to His promises and providence ; by our u nth ank fulness for the many mercies we receive ; by employing His favors in Satan's service ; by limiting His power or His good- ness ; by omitting duties from want of love, or zeal ; by relying on our services instead of free grace ; and by looking to others, instead of looking only and always to Him for all. Dis- honoring Jesus must be a great sin ; it pro- duces dcadness, darkness, and misery ; let us realize its criminality, lament it before God, seek repentance for it, and forgiveness of it. Oh, let us aim to honor Jesus by gratitude, patience, faith, love, forbearance, penitence, zeal, and constantly aiming at His glory I To honor Him in life, death, and forever ! Lord, draw my heart from earth away, And make it only know Thy call ; Speak to my inmost soul, and say, " I am thy Saviour, God, thine all !" Nor let me more dishonor Thee, But thy devoted servant be. 61 FEBRUARY 27. All things come of Thee. 1 Chron. xxix. 14. Every good gift and every perfect gift is from above ; creatures apart from God are empty cisterns, dry wells, deceitful brooks. All good dwells in thy God, and flows from Him to thee. Every crumb is from Christ. AVhat He gives freely, cost Him groans, sweat, and blood to procure for thee. View Him as the source of all good, and His atonement as the medium through which all flows to thee. He gives thee thy temporal mercies, and thy spiritual blessings ; He gives thee also the ability to enjoy them, and employ them for His glory. He directs all events, whether pleasing or pain- ful. " Be not angry with yourselves," said Joseph to his brethren, " it was not you but God." To Him, therefore, your mind should be directed, in prayer, dependence, and praise. Look above creatures and see the Lord's hand, as did Job, Eli, David, and Paul. Rest with unshaken confidence and filial resignation on His word, power, providence, and love ; ever remembering that all things come of Him. The Lord will give us that which is good, and a blessing with it, if we are looking to, and walk- ing with Him. Every good gift and every per- fect gift is from above, — from Jesus. He sank beneath our licavy woes, To raise us to His throne ; There's ne'er a gift His hand bestows, But cost His heart a groan. 62 FEBRUARY 2 §. / am He that livcth. Rev. i. 1 8. Jesus once died in our stead ; He now liveth at the right hand of God. He is the fountain of life. Because He lives, His people shall live also. He lives in heaven to see of the travail of His soul, in the regeneration, sanctification, preservation, and glorification of His beloved family. He lives to intercede for them, to sympathize with them, and to pour down bless- ings upon them. He lives to watch over them, to counsel and direct them, and to save them for evermore. He lives to execute the pur- poses of the Father, to manage all the concerns of His church, and to glorify us with Him- self for evermore. Gracious Saviour ! earthly friends may die, but Thou livcst ; temporal comforts may be lost, but we have still a place in Thy heart ; Thou art our Friend before Thy Father's throne. May we ever remember, Jesus liveth who was dead ; and He is alive for evermore, and has the keys of hell and of death. Oh to live for Him on earth, who lives for us in heaven ! Oh, to live like Him, that as He is, so we may be in this world — repre- sentatives of God and holiness ! Oh, to live by faith on Him, in sweet and holy fellowship with Him. He lives — the great Redeemer lives ! What joy the blest assurance gives ! And now, before his Father-God, Pleads the fuU merits of his blood. 63 FEBRUARY 2 9. Love not the world. 1 Jolin ii. 1 5. What is the world ? A shadow. A decep- tion. The enemy of God. What can it do for us ? It may encliant, but it will deceive. It may please for a time, but it will sting in the end. It is an enemy's country ; we must pass through it, but we should not be too inti- mate with the inhabitants of it. It crucified our Saviour ; it is in open rebellion against our God ; it has allured, deceived, and injured many of our brethren ; it is reserved unto fire at the judgment of the great day. We shall soon be called to leave it, we may be called to- day ; " For what is our life ? It is even as a vapor, which appeareth for a little while, and then vanisheth away." Let us fix and spend our love upon a worthier object ; let us turn our thoughts to heaven, to Jesus ; and let us seek grace that we may daily and heartily say, " Whom have I in heaven but Thee, and there is none upon earth I desire beside Thee." Precious Saviour I engross our attention, fix our affections, and be always our all in all ! None but Jesus, none but Jesus, should be our motto every day. He alone is worthy of our love ; and He is worthy of it, for He died and lives to win it. Lord, from this world call off my love, Set my affections right ; Bid me aspire to joys above, And walk no more by sight. 64 MARCH 1. Tluj Maker is thine husband. Isaiah liv. 5. Sweet assurance ! Surprising condescension. Does Jesus, by whom all things were made, fill this sweet relation ? Is He my nearest and dearest relative ? Yes — He loves thee more than any other : He is more closely united to thee, and more deeply interested in thee. He is the bridegroom, thou art the bride ; He has espoused thee to Himself, has made full pro- vision for all thy present wants, and is gone to prepare thy everlasting habitation, where thou art to dwell with Him and enjoy His love. The relation really subsists : He regards thee as His beloved bride, and He would have thee live daily in the recollection that He is thy Lord. O, love Him above all. Call upon Him with confi- dence. Look for Him with ardent lonsin^. He will come to be glorified in His saints, and admired in all them that believe. Think not that He will ever forget the person, neglect the concerns, or turn a <^af ear to the requests of His beloved, blood-bought bride. His love is infinite, and the whole is set on thee ; and will remain fixed on thee forever. He is in one mind, and none can turn Him. Having loved thee, He will love thee unto the end. Jesus, my Shepherd, Husband, Friend, My Prophet, Priest, and King, My Lord, my Life, my Way, my End, Accept tiie praise I bring. P5 MARCH 2. Resist the Devil. James iv. 1. Every believer must expect to be visited by Satan ; he is our adversary ; he is always watching for an opjoortunity to injure us. He first tempts us to sin, and then accuses us of sinning. He misrepresents every subject. He endeavors to make the world appear lovely, sin trifling, death terrible ; he generates hard thoughts of God, perverts His Holy Word, and leads believers into bondage. His fiery darts are very terrible. Thoughts the most blasphemous, horrible, and unnatural, are often thrown into the mind by him ; and then he lays them to our charge, and distresses our souls on account of them. But we are called upon to resist him steadfast in the faith, believing what God is to us ; what Christ has done for us ; what He has promised to give us ; and that God will bruise him under our feet shortly. The triumphing of this WICKED ONE is but short ; for we shall over- come him by the blood of the Lamb, and the word of His testimony. Look to Jesus, call upon thy God, and oppose the blood and right- eousness of Jesus to all his charges. He is mighty, but thy Jesus is almighty. Take this shield of faith, and thou shalt quench all the fiery darts of the wicked one. Temptations everywhere annoy ; And sins and snares my peace destroy : Lord, let thy presence be my stay, And guard me in this dangerous way. 66 MARCH 3. Let us have grace. Heb. xii. 28. We daily need grace to sustain us in troubles ; to subdue our corruptions ; to sanctify our tempers ; to preserve us in temptation ; to quicken our languid affections ; to enlarge our experience ; to render us useful to others ; to enable us to endure to the end ; and to meet death with confidence and joy. Our God is the God of all grace. Jesus is full of grace, and He giveth more grace. He has promised it, " He will give grace ;" He has invited us to come and receive it, "Come boldly to the throne of grace, that ye may obtain mercy, and find grace to help in time of need." His grace is sufficient for us ; but without grace we are dull, lifeless, and sure to fall. Oh let us look to Jesus for grace to strengthen us, sanctify us, and make us useful. Let us never attempt any- thing in our own strength ; but let us receive from the Lord, that we may live to the Lord ; and ascribe all that we do that is good, to the grace of God which is with us. Grace is always free. It is free for us, for us this morning, and our God bids us come and receive. Come then boldly to the throne of grace, and you shall obtain mercy, and find grace to help you this day. On me, ray King, exert thy po\rer, Make old things pass away ; Transform and draw my soul to Thee, Still nearer every dny. 67 MARCH 4. Only believe. Mark v. 35. TfiAT is, take God at His word. Give Him credit for meaning what He says, for being faithful to his own word ; and then what will become of your fears ? God speaks to you in language which you can understand ; He prom- ises all you can possibly need ; He bids you put Him in remembrance, and plead with Him ; and He pledges His character for the comfort of your heart. If you believe not, you make God a liar ; you bring darkness on your own soul ; you give Satan an occasion against you ; and a thousand doubts, fears, and suspi- cions distress you. Is it any wonder ? Can you oflfer a greater insult to God than deliberately to disbelieve His word ? But you ask. Are the promises made to me ? Yes, to every one that believeth, and to you if you believe. And the Spirit is promised to work faith in your heart ; complain not then of the difficulty of believing, or of the power of unbelief ; but go to thy God and plead with Him, crying, " Lord, increase my faith :" and go to His word, as to the word of a gracious Father, and endeavor to believe it. Why, my soul ! art thou perplexed ? Why with faithless trouble vexed f Hope in God, ■whose saving name Thou shalt joyfully pi'oclaim, When his countenance siial] shine Throiii^-h tlie clonic Ihat tiarken thine. 68 MARCH 5. Feo.r thou not. Isaiah xli. 10. The Lord's people are all prone to fear ; be- cause they do not realize their relation to God, their interest in the promises of God, and that they are always in the presence of God. How graciously our God forbids our slavish fears, and encourages confidence in Himself ! Our slavish fears dishonor Him, our filial confi- dence glorifies Him. He loves to be trusted ; He is grieved by our doubts and fears. We should fear nothing but sin ; and if we fear sin, follow holiness, and preserve a conscience void of oftence toward God and man ; if we live upon His word, daily use the open fountain, and cultivate communion with our God, we can have no cause to fear. Beloved, leave anxiety, distrust, and slavish fear, to the poor, godless worldling ; but trust thou in the living God always, and everywhere. Hope in God ; wait upon God ; expect from God ; follow hard after God : and all you want will be given, and all that would injure you will be frustrated. Be not afraid, only believe ; Jesus is with thee, and will preserve, bless, and keep thee ; therefore, "Fear thou not." And art Thou with me, gracious Lord, To dissipate my fear ? Dost thou proclaim Thyself my God, My God forever near ? Then farewell, anxious, gloomy care, Since God forbids my soul to fear. 69 MARCH 6. Walk worthy of God. 1 Thess. ii. 12. God hath called us with an holy calling, to enjoy a holy Saviour, believe a holy gospel, possess a holy nature, and walk in a holy way. All the provisions of free grace, all the'promises of infinite love, and all the precepts of reigning holiness, unite to require us to be a holy people unto the Lord our God. We are to imitate the conduct of our God ; He feeds His foes, loves His people, and always acts becoming His glorious character. Enemies will lie in wait to deceive you, errors will be broached to mis- lead you ; but beware, lest being led away by the error of the wicked, ye fall from your own steadfastness. Consider your character, — chil- dren of God; your high privileges, — united to Jesus, temples of the Holy Ghost, companions of saints and angels, the friends of God ; your destination, — to fill a throne of glory, wear a blood-bought crown, and reflect the praises of Jehovah forever. Walk worthy of God, suit- able to your character, profession, and destina- tion. Walk with God ; walk as Jesus walked ; walk circumspectly ; walk in love ; walk hon- estly as in the day ; so will you adorn your profession, and secure to yourself comfort and peace. % Oh ! for a closer walk with God, A calm and heavenly frame, — A light to shine upon the road That leads me to the Lamb ! 70 MARCH 7. Ephraim mi/ dear so7i. Jer. xxxi. 20. Poor fickle, backsliding Ephraim, is thus call- ed by our infinitely gracious God. Adopted by grace into the heavenly family, taught by the Spirit and united to Jesus, God views us through Him ; and having predestinated us to be conformed to the image of His Son, He views things which are but purposed as accom- plished, and we are comely through the comeli- ness He has put upon us. His love to us is wonderful; He says, "He that toucheth you, toucheth the apple of His eye." He rejoices to do us good, and gives His angels charge over us> He will not suffer any one really to hurt us ; but, lest this should be the case. He will keep us night and day. Let us then abide in Jesus ; let us cultivate communion with this gracious God ; let us follow on to know the Lord ; trust in Him at all times ; wait upon Him continually ; and rejoice in this delightful fact, that God calls us "his dear sons, ms PLEASANT CHILDREN." He not ouly calls us so, but treats us as such ; and addresses us as such in His holy word. Let us call Him our Father, and look to Him for all we need ; so shall we honor Him, conquer Satan, and enjoy peace. Our Father is God : our God is our Father. ♦ If I've the honor, Lord, to be One of thy numerous family, On me the gracious gift bcsto-w, To call Thee Abba, Father ! too. 71 MARC H §, They need not depart. Matt. xiv. 16. How many things concur to lead or drive us away from Jesus ! But we need not depart from Him ; He has everything we can possibly want, for body or soul, for time or eternity. He gives grace and glory, and no good thing will He withhold from them that walk uprightly. Having called us, and drawn us to Hini, He wishes us to abide with Him ; and if tempted to leave Him, to whom can we go ? He will supply every want, sanctify every trial, enable us to overcome ev^y difficulty, and make us happy in His own love. The world will allure you, Satan will try to drive you, and inward My faithful God of love. 218 AUGUST 2. My son, despise thou not the chastening of the Lord. Hcb. xii. 5. The Lord speaketli unto us as unto children ; He speaks in reference tu our afflictions : they are chastisements ; they are sent in love ; when we are chastened we are juJged of the Lord, that we may not be condemned with the world, Let us not faint under them, let us not despise them. We do so when we think there is no oc- casion for them, and that we could do as well, or better without them. When we do not seek to ascertain the cause why they are sent; or to learn the lessons they are intended to teach. When we do not acknowledge the Lord's right to chasten ; His love in doing it ; and His wis- dom in the time, nature, and duration of the trial. When we do not seek grace to submit cheerfully, or at least silently ; and to glorify God in it, and after it. When we do not seek to be improved in our knowledge, sanctity, and spiritual vigor by it. When with a carnal, flesh-pleasing view, we seek to be delivered from it. Beloved, let us beware of despising divine chastisement in any of these ways ; but let us glorify God in the day of visitation. Father, if Thou must reprove For all that I have done, Not in anger, but in love, Chastise Tiiy wayward son ; Correct with kind severity, And bring me home to Thee. 219 AUGUST 3. The Lord ihinketh upon me. Psalm xl. 17. When we think of the greatness and glory of Jehovah, man appears so worthless and insignifi- cant, that we are ready to as^k, " Will the Lord regard us, bless us, and dwell with us ?" Yes — He has promised to do so in His word, and He has informed us that His thoughts are per- petually taken up with us. He thinUeth upon us, to supply our need, protect from foes, lead us in His ways, and make us meet for His kingdom and glory. His thoughts are thoughts of peace and not of evil, to give us an expected end. He thinketh upon us by day and by night, when at home or abroad ; and He thinks of us with love as His ehilJren ; with pleasure as His friends ; with a purpose to bless us, as His de- pendants. We think He may perhaps have mercy. He may do a little for us ; but as high as the heavens are above the earth, so are His thoughts above our thoughts ; and His ways above our ways. His thoughts are worthy of a God. What are the promises ? Only His thoughts put into our language. And what do they prove ? Truly that He thought of all our wants, wishes, and desires, and made full pro- vision for them. Father, I want a thankful heart, I want to taste how good Thou art ; To plunge me in Thy mercy's sea. And comprehend Thy love to me ; The length, and breadth, and depth, and height Of love divinely infinite. 220 AUGUST 4. Tlion shalt kncno hereafter. John xiii. 7. We are often at a loss to account for many things in our feelings, in our circumstances, and in the Lord's dealings with us; but what we know not now, we shall know hereafter. This is our Saviour's promise ; let us take the comfort of it, and expect its faltilmcnt to our perfect sat- isfaction by-and-bye. We shall know some things before the coming of our Lord, and we shall know all things after. Every difficulty will then be cleared up, and all the trying dis- pensations of divine providence accounted for. Let us therefore be patient, and wait the Lord's time ; the coming of our Lord draweth nigh. Let us silently submit to our Father's will, for we shall see that it was wise and kind. Let us acknowledge the right of God to conceal the cause of His working, until He has fully accom- plished His designs. Let us praise Him for all that is past, and trust Him for all that is to come. " Now we see through a glass darkly, but we shall soon see Him face to face ; now we know but in part, then shall we know even as also we are known." May the Lord direct our hearts into His love, and into the patient waiting for Christ. Jesus, we own Thy sovereign hand, Thy faithful care we own ; Wisdom and love are all Thy ways, When most to us unknown : To Thee we cheerfully resign, For Thou art ours, and we are Thine. 221 AUGUST 5. He will ever be mindful of His covenant. Psalm cxi. 5. The Lord's people know their God as a cove- nant God, reconciled to them, at peace with them, and dwelling among them, through the work of Jesus. Pie has made a covenant in which they are interested, from which all their blessings flow, and on which their confidence is founded. Of this covenant, God is ever mind- ful. He is mindful of the engagements of Jesus as our Surety ; of the relationship in which He was pleased to manifest Himself, as our Father ; of the state in which He viewed us, as poor wretched sinners ; of the provision He made for His own glory and our needs ; of the promise made to Jesus, including all the promises made to us ; of the oath He swore , that He would not be wroth Avith us ; of the blood of his Son, as the victim slain to confirm and ratify it ; of the end He had in view in making it, even the display of all His glorious perfections in our eternal salvation. He will ever be mindful of His covenant. He cannot forget it, He will not act contrary to it, but will confirm it even to the end. Beloved, let us also be ever mindful of His covenant. Firmer than heaven His covenant stands: Tho' earth sliould shake, and skies depart, "We're safe in our Redeemer's Iiands, Who bears our names upon His heart : For us He lived, and died, and rose, And triumphed over all our foes. 222 AUGUST 6. Come ye near unto me. Isaiah xlviii. 16. The believer's happiness and Jehovah's pleasure are united ; we are only happy as we are near to Him, and He is only pleased as we cleave unto Him. He has taken us into a near rela- tionship as His children, people, and beloved bride ; He has represented our union by the most striking figures, the branch in the vine, the member with the head, and the building with the foundation. He has made His name our strong tower. His Son our fountain of supply, and His secret place our home. In living near to Him, we enjoy the sweetest comforts ; possess unutterable peace ; realize the fullest liberty ; and find safety and rest. Our assurance, light, holiness, and strength come from His presence ; our misery, wretchedness, and woe, from living at a distance from Him. He invites us this morning, as Jacob did his beloved son, " Come near unto me." He intends to bless us, as that patriarch did his child ; to discover Himself unto us ; to show us His covenant and secret ; to make us understand His will and word ; to preserve us from all evil, fill us with grace, and conform us to His image. When trials vex my duubting mind, Jesus, to Thy dear wounds TU flee ; No shelter can I elsewhere find, No peace or comfort but in Thee : To Thee my cause I recommend. On Tiieo for future grace depend. 223 AUGUST 7. Surely I come quickly. Rev. xxii. 20. Who is this proposing to come quickly ? Is it an enemy threatening us ? Is it a stranger ? No — it is Jesus whom we love, speaking to cheer us. It is Immanuel, to whom we are betrothed in righteousness, judgment, loving- kindness, mercies, and faithfulness. It is our Saviour, who saved us by His death, and pre- serves us by His life. He will come shortly, the period cannot be far distant. He will come gladly, with delight and pleasure to receive us to Himself " Surely," He says, " I come quickly ;" and is it not a source of joy to us — does it not excite and draw forth holy expecta- tion ? He comes to end our persecutions, to si- lence our complaints, to conform us to His image, to fill us with His love, to clothe us with His glory, and to bring us grace. Do we say with the church, " Amen, even so, come, Lord Jesus ?" Or, are we indifferent about His coming ? He says, " Behold, I come quickly ; blessed is he that watcheth and keepeth his garments, lest he walk naked and they see his shame." Let us look for, and hasten to the coming of the day of God. He comes for our redemption. His coming com- pletes our salvation. Fly, ye seasons, fly still faster : Let the glorious day come on, When we shall behold our Master Seated on His heavenly throne ! When the Saviour Shall descend to claim His own. 224 AUGUST §. Owe no man anything. Rom. xiii. 8. Rash speculations are inconsistent with Clnis- tianify ; and getting in debt is as much a breach of a divine precept as robbery or murder. Every believer should live within his income, and not bring a disgrace on religion, by contracting debts which he is unable to pay. If he has done so, he should be very humble ; he should confess his sin before God, and pray to be en- abled to fulfil his engagements. It is not neces- sary that he should make an appearance, as it is called ; but it is necessary that he should adorn the doctrine of God his Saviour. He that is in debt, and is not grieved by it, humbled under it, and striving to extricate himself from it, is a very suspicious character, whatever profession he may make. Our God says, and He speaks to all who profess His name, " Owe no man ANYTHING BUT LOVE." A Christian's payments should be prompt and punctual ; his word should be as firm as a bond, and his promise as sacred as an oath. Oh, may our God bring back His people to primitive simplicity ! May they all be slow to promise, quick to perform, and so fulfil the law of Christ. Let those -wlio bear the christian name Their holy vows fulfil ; The saints — the followers of the Lamb, Are men of honor still. Their Saviour's precepts they obey, And hasten to the judgment day. 10^ AUGUST 9. That lie might deliver us from this present evil world. Gal. i. 4. The whole world lieth in the wicked one, as the devoted child in the arms of Moloch ; or as the putrid corpse in the grave, over which is written, " Here lieth." We were once dead in sin, and buried in corruption, but Jesus Christ in- terfered for us. " He gave Himself for our sins, that He might deliver us from the present evil world, according to the will of God and our Father." The world is evil, therefore we are delivered from it. Jesus died to deliver us from its spirit^ by w^hich we are influenced in a state of nature ; from the love of the world, which is enmity with God; from seeking satisfaction in the world, which is idolatry ; from its fearful doom, which is eternal destruction. He in- tended to raise us above it, in our desires and pursuits ; to lead us through it, and glorify us beyond it. Let us inquire this morning. Are we of the world, or are we delivered from it ? Have we another spirit in us ? Are we become dead to the world by fellowship with Christ in His death ? Is Jesus loved, praised, and obeyed, out of gratitude for delivering us ? Jesus, I my cross have taken, All to leave and follow Thee ; Naked, poor, despised, forsaken. Thou from hence my all shalt be : Tliou hast my Deliverer been, I have Tliy salvation seen. 22G AUGUST 10. O Lord, I beseech Tliee, deliver my soul. Psalm cxvi. 4. The prayer of faith is generally short, and al- ways to the point. It takes the soul and places it before God, in its real state and true charac- ter. It pleads with Him for what is really needed, what must be had. Th6 believer often needs deliverance, and faith cries to God for it. His language is, "O Lord, I beseech thee, de- liver my soul from doubts and fears, which con- tinually beset me ; from a spirit of bondage, which would daily entangle me; from Satan who worries, harasses, and hinders me ; from the sin which so easily besets me ; from men who would injure or mislead me ; from my own feelings, which daily burden me," Thus the Lord is ac- knowledged as the great Deliverer ; our own in- ability is practically confessed ; it is evident our trials and troubles are sanctified ; the legitimate tendency of grace is discovered by the earnest- ness, simplicity, importuinity, and success of our prayers. Be this our daily cry until deliverance be no longer needed ; for our God says, " Call upon Me in the day of trouble, I avill deliver THEE." 01), for that tenderness of heart Which bows before the Lord, Acknowledges how just Thou art, And trembles at Thy word ! Saviour, to me in pity give The pledge Thou wilt at last receive. 227 AUGUST 11. Heirs of the kingdom. James ii. 5. He raiseth the poor from the dust, and the beg- gar from the dunghill; such were we by nature, but through rich grace we shall inherit the throne of glory. He has prepared for us, prom- ised to us, and will bestow upon us a kingdom. A kingdom in which his glory will be seen, felt, and enjoyed forever. In which all His riches of grace, mercy, and glory will be displayed. In which peace, joy, and pleasure will eternally reign. A kingdom which cannot be moved, and will never know a change. But who are the acknowledged heirs ? The poor of this world, who are poor in spirit. The rich in fait>i, who believe in God, in Jesus, who exercise faith on the precious y)romises, and whose faith is proved to be good by the works they ])roduce. Those who love God, from a knowledge of His love to them, and as the effect of His love being shed abroad in their hearts, by the Holy Ghost. Am I an heir ? Are you, my friend ? If so, rejoice and be exceeding glad ; imitate those who through faith and patience now inherit the promises, and the end will crown the whole. Tliere shall j-oiir eyes with rapture view The glorious Friend who died for you ; That died to ransom, died to raise To crowns of joy, and songs of praise : Jesus, to Thee I breathe my prayer ! Reveal, confirm my interest there. 228 AUGUST 12. Thou shall see greater thingii than these. John i. 50. When the eyes of our understanding are open- ed by the Eternal Spirit, we begin to see out of darkness and obscurity ; but our sight is imper- fect, we have seen but little yet, there is much more behind to be revealed by-and-bye. We shall see greater depths of sin in our nature, and greater depths of grace in the person of Christ ; we shall have clearer evidences of interest in Jesus, and see more of His love to us. We shall experience the cleansing efficacy of His precious blood to a greater extent ; and see the power of His arm displayed more visibly for our deliverance. We shall see more of the empti- ness, vanity, and deceitfulness of the world ; and have greater reason to rejoice that we are delivered from it. We shall see greater things in our Bibles, and feel ourselves under greater obligation to the Holy Spirit for His teaching. AVe shall see Christ descending, present thino^s abolished, and the glories of eternity unfoldino^. Let us seek greater things, for Jesus has prom- ised them ; and daily pray, " "What I know not teach Thou me." O Lord, bow little do we know ; How little of Thy presence feel ; While we continue here below, And in tlicse earthly houses dwell ! "When wilt Thou take us up above, To see Thy face without a cloud ? 229 AUGUST 13. Men shall be blessed t»i Illm. Psalm Ixxii. 17. Everything out of Christ is under the curse ; all blessings are treasured up in Him, and can only bo received and enjoyed by union to and communion with Him. If in Him, He is made of God unto us, wisdom, righteousness, strength, sanctification, and redemption ; if separate from Him, His work will profit us nothing. How important then is union to Jesus ! All who are in Him are blessed with the favor of God, which compasses them as a shield; with access to God, by the Spirit, as to a kind and indulgent Father ; with the friendship of God ; He calls them not servants but friends, and His friendship is a good fortune ; with justification before God, as the great Lawgiver and Judge of all ; with sanctification by God, to the praise, honor, and glory of his grace ; and ultimately they will be glorified with God through eternal ages. All things are theirs, and for them is laid up a crown of righteousness, which fadetli not away ; a treasure in heaven which corrupteth not, and where thieves cannot steal. Oh, blessed state! Oh, happy persons ! But this honor have all the saints. Blessings abound where Jesus reigns : The prisoner leaps to lose his chains, The weary find eternal rest, And all the sons of want are blest : In Him the tribes of Adam boast, More blessings than their fatlier lost. AUGUST 14. In the day of adversity, consider. Eccles. vii. 14. Circumstances sometimes regulate duties. The Lord's people have to pass through many- changes ; they are strangers and pilgrims here. Sometimes prosperity calls for rejoicing, and sometimes adversity calls for consideration. If prayer appears to be shut out, our petitions seem to be denied, and we camiot enjoy the life and power of religion ; it is the day of adversity. If providence frowns, and the heart contracts and becomes hani, it is a day of adversity; now we should consider. Is there not a cause ? What is it ? Has sin been indulged ? or mercy slighted ? or duty neglected? or self deified? What is the INTENTION? Is it to correct, reprove, and restore us ? How should we now act ? Let us take shame to ourselves ; justify our God ; confess sin ; lament over our folly ; crave pardon ; and plead for restoration. It is our comfort to know that the Lord calls us to return, declares He is ready to forgive, promises a gracious reception and assures us He will heal our backslidings and love us freely. Let us, believing, look for His blessinsr. Of my extreme distresses The author is the Lord : Whate'er His ■wisdom pleases, His name be still adored. If still He prove my patience, And to the utmost prove. Yet all His dispensations Are faithfulness and love, 2.S1 AUGUST 15. The expectation of the poor shall not perish forever. Psaltn ix. 1 8. The promises of God raise the expectation of His people, and His providence tries it ; what the promise has engaged to give, providence seems loath to bestow. But God is faithful. We may expect the Lord to appear for us in every trouble, if our faith is fixed on His word, and prayer is daily sent up to His throne. We may expect to be supported under all our trials, and to be supplied with all necessary good, if we are making God our portion, and seeking to glorify Him. We may expect to be pardoned, justified, and saved ; if we believe with the heart, confess with the mouth, and walk according to our profession. God notices our expectations, Jesus pleads that they may be realized; and nothing shall be able to turn away the bountiful hand of our God. He will regard the prayer of the destitute, and not despise their prayer. Our fears may be strong, and our doubts may be many ; but our security is in the character, word, and work of our God and Saviour. He will not fail us, nor forsake us, until He hath done all which He hath spoken to us of. Soon the delightful day will come, When my dear Lord will bring me home, And I shall see His face ; Then, with my Saviour, Brother, Friend, A blest eternity I'll spend, Triumphant in His grace. 232 AUGUST 16. Remember the Lord. Nehemiah iv. 1-1. He is the great author of your being, and the only proper object of your faith, fear, and wor- ship. Remember the promises He has made, the deliverances He has wrought, the blessings He has conferred, the invitations He has given, and the relations He now fills. Remember Him in calamity, to trust Him ; in prosperity, to praise Him ; in danger, to call upon Him ; in difficulty, to expect His interference. Remem- ber to obey his commands; to attend to His exhortations ; to keep His company ; to seek His blessing ; and to aim at His glory in all you do. Remember Him, for it is your duty ; it is your privilege. Remember Him, in order to strengthen your faith ; as an antidote to your fears ; as a source of encouragement to your souls ; and as a preventative to sin. Remember He is holy, just, and good ; and He will be glorified in all them that draw nigh unto Him. Whatever or whoever you forget, always " re- member THE Lord." He is your life, your strength, your food, your portion, your God, your all. Remember Him, for he never forgets you ; cleave to Him, for He will never forsake you. Oh, may I still from sin depart ! A wise and understanding heart, Jesus, to me be given ! And let me through Tliy Spirit know, To glorify my God below. And find my way to heaven. 233 AUGUST 17. Li quietness and in confidence shall be your strength. Isaiah xxx. 15. Quietness is expressive of submission to the holy will of God, and supposes a v/aiting upon Him as directed by His word. It is the believ- er's duty to be silent before God while He is working, being assured that his best interests are secured by the promises, and that all things will be made plain by-and-bye. He should confide in the Lord's word ; and rely on the Lord's wis- dom, love, and ability. Our confidence must arise from God's word, a review of His dealings with His people, and the relation in which He stands to us. We may be confident, for God who has spoken is true, and hath confirmed his word in every generation. Quietly confiding in God will give us strength ; we then put His love and faithfulness to the trial ; we honor Him by our confidence, and He will honor us by ap- pearing for us. Let us endeavor to be still, to be SILENT before Him, when He is raised up out of His holy habitation. Let us wait for Him, for it is good that a man should both hope and quietly wait for the salvation of the Lord. Beware of complaining or replying against God. When, my Saviour, shall I be Totally resigned to Thee ? Poor and vile in my own eyes, Only iu Thy wisdom wise. Only guided by Thy light, Only mighty in Thy might ! 234 AUGUST 18. The Lord is nigh unto all them that call upon Him. Psalm cxlv. 18. Real prayer is calling upon God. He is our Father ; we are His children. We have nothing ; He has all things to bestow, and is willing to give them. From a sense of need, we call on the Lord for a supply ; from a sense of weak- ness, we call on Him for strength ; from a sense of guilt, we call on Him for pardon. Being diseased, we cry for health ; being troubled, for comfort and peace; being in distress, for relief and deliverance. We go out of self to Jesus, accepting His invitation, to plead His promise, and find Him faithful. Our God is always near the praying soul, not merely as the omnipresent Jehovah, but as our faithful Friend. He is near us, lovingly to listen to what we have to lay be- fore Him ; mercifully to relieve our miseries, be they what they may ; graciously to help in every difficulty or danger. Beloved, our God is near us. He is attentive to us this morning ; let us call upon Him in spirit and in truth. Let us lay all our concerns before Him ; He loves to listen to the often-told tale ; He has patience with us, blessings for us, and will do us good. Lord, each clay renew my strength, And let me see Thy face at length, With all Thy people yonder ; With them in heaven Thy love declare, And sing Thy praise forever there, With gratitude and •wonder. AUGUST 19. My presence shall go with thee. ExoJ. xxxiii. 14. So the Lord promised Moses, and so He has promised us. Let us never venture anywhere, if we have reason to think the Lord will not favor us with His presence there. The Lord's presence produces holiness, imparts power, fires \vith zeal, brings into union, and often fills with comfort, joy and peace. His presence is our glory, and it will yield us support under losses, crosses, and bereavements. Let us plead for the Lord's presence to go with us ; let us ex- pect it ; let us not be satisfied with anything else. He went with Moses, and he persevered ; with Joshua, and he conquered ; with David, and he reached the throne ; with Paul, and he was more than a conqueror. Nothing can be a substitute for the Lord's presence; and as it is so graciously promised, let us not attempt to find a substitute, but daily cry, " If thy pres- ence GO NOT WITH ME, CARRY ME NOT UP HENCE." Jesus has saiil, "If a man love me, he will keep my words ; and my Father will love him, and we will come unto him, and make our abode with him." O Lord, be ever near us, Fix in our hearts Tliy home ; By Thine appearing cheer us, And let Thy kingdom come t Fulfil our expectation. And give our souls to prove Thine uttermost salvation, Thine everlasting love. AUGUST 2 0. The Lord preserveth all them that love Him. Psalm cxlv. 20. All who know the Lord love Him, and nono can love Him until taught by His Spirit. If wo know God in Clirist as our covenant God, and enjoy our interest in Him, we shall love Him supremely, above our tranquillity, natural re- lations, earthly possessions, gifts, and reputation. We discover in Him, greater glory, more real worth, pre-eminent beauty, and superior excel- lence. Those who love Him are preserved by Him. He preserves them in trouble, from its natural effects ; in the world, from its spirit and doom ; from enemies, evils, and wrath. His loving-kindness and truth will continually preserve them; yea. He will preserve them unto His kingdom and glory. Bat He preserves us in the use of means ; let us therefore walk be- fore Him ; confide in Him ; wait upon Him ; and often demand of our hearts. Do we love the Lord ? Are we desiring to love Him ? Are we preserved from sin, the world, and all evil ? If so, we must ascribe it to free and sovereign grace ; if not, let us search and try our ways, and turn again to the Lord. He bids. He ex- horts ns to come. Infinite grace ! almighty charms ! Stand in amaze, ye rolling skies ! Jesus, the God, extends His arms — Hangs on the cross of love, and dies. Sure I must love ; my passions move : This heart shall yield to death or love. AUGUST 21. Shall not God avenge His own elect ? Luke xviii. 7. The Lord's people are often oppressed, they are tempted to bo revengeful, but our God says, " Vengeance is mine, I will repay." Under man's wrath, remember you are the ob- jects of the Lord's love ; when men oppress you, rest assured that God will befriend you. Carry your case to Him, spread the whole of the matter before Him ; plead with Him, and then rest assured that He will appear for you. The master will interfere for a servant he values ; the parent for the child he loves, and the hus- band for the bride he has chosen: ''and shall not God avenge His own elect ? I tell you He will avenge them speedily." Cry to Him day and night, look to no other quarter for relief or deliverance ; never encourage any unholy feel- ings, but pray for grace to imitate your insulted, persecuted, and crucified Lord. Consider Him who endured such contradiction of sinners against Himself, lest ye be weary and faint in your minds. He will tread all your enemies under His feet shortly. He is able to avenge you, and His word is passed. Shall we distrust our faithful Ood, Or question His almvghty power, Because lie doth not our desires Accomplish in a little liour ? He will avengo llis own elect, And evermore Hi^ pain^s protect. 2S8 AUGUST 2 2. They that seek the Lord shall not %mnt any good thing. Psalra xxxiv. 10. What a comfortable promise is this to the poor, weak, and timid Christian ; he has not attained to a state of assurance, but He is seek- ing the Lord, and here his God promises him that he shall not want any good thing. He feels that he has no good thing in him, finds he can do no good thing of himself, fears that good will never be enjoyed by him ; but his God as- sures him, no good thing shall be withheld from him. His God will pardon his sin, justify his person, strengthen his soul, supply his needs, comfort his heart, conquer his foes, sanctify his trials, and give him victory over death. He shall not want long, if God is able to supply ; he can- not be neglected, if our God is true ; he shall receive all that is good, and when, and as it will do him most good. Let us therefore seek the Lord, and rest assured that He will withhold from us no good thing. The silver and the gold are His, and He says, " If ye, being evil, know how to give good things unto your children, hoav mucH MORE shall your heavenly Father give good things to them that ask Him." If earthly parents hear Their children when they cry, If they -with love sincere Tlieir children's wants supply, Much more will God His love display. And answer when His children pray. 239 AUGUST 23. God, even our oion God, shall bless us. Psalm Ixvii. G. Hk lias pledged Himself to do so in His word, and He deliglits to make good His promise. He is our God by covenant ; by a spiritual birth ; through Christ Jesus ; and at our own desire, re- quest, and consent. He is the great God, who fills heaven and earth ; the all-sufficient God, who has all resources in Himself; the unchang- ing God, who is eternally the same. He es- pouseth the quarrel of His people, He dignifies and ennobles them, and proves Himself gracious and merciful unto them. He blesseth them in- deed ; and if others curse, He turneth the curse into a blessing. We may rest fully assured of this pleasing fact, " God, even our own (tod, WILL BLESS us." He has done so in Christ be- fore time. He has promised to do so through time, and when time shall be no more. He will bless us in temporals and spirituals, He will bless us wherever we are. Let us believe the fact, and plead for its realization in our experience ; this will embolden us in danger, fortify us against fear, and keep us in perfect peace. Let us trust in Him, and He will bless us ; and so shall we rejoice in Him. Rise, my soul, with ardor rise ! Breathe thy wishes to the skies ! Freely pour out all Thy mind, Seek, and thou art sure to find ; Ready art thou to receive, Readier is thy God to give. 240 AUGUST 24. A living sacrifice. Rom. xii. 1. When a beast was set apart for sacrifice, it was considered sacred, and was carefully preserved from all injury. The Christian is devoted; he is intended for the altar, his body as well as his soul, and he is required to present it to God holy, acceptable, as a reasonable service. It is not to be defiled by fornication, by intoxication, by gluttony, by filth, by pride ; he is to look upon it as the Lord's, bought with the blood of Jesus, consecrated as the temple of the Holy Ghost, set apart to be the habitation of a Holy God. The believer's body should not be united by marriage to an unbeliever; this is sacrilege, for the vessel is holy ; it is rebellion, for it is plainly and positively forbidden ; it is sinning wilfully, and provoking the eyes of divine holiness. It is offering insult to the GoJ of love, and calling upon Him to vindicate His injured mercy. Believer, present thy body daily to God, washed in pure water; that is, cleansed from defilement by observing His word ; never call that common which God has consecrated, or debase that which He has devoted to Him- self. Lord, it is but just and right That I should be wholly thine ; Only in Thy will delight, In Thy blessed service join ; Now my sacrifice receive, Give me grace to Thee to live. 241 11 AUGUST 25. The Spirit helpeth our injirmitics. Rom. viii. 26. We are compassed with infirmities ; we know but little of ourselves ; we know not what would be best for us ; we know not what is corning upon us ; we know not Satan's position or design ; we know but little of God's provi- sion or intention ; we are as weak as we are ignorant ; weak to withstand evil ; v/eak to perform good ; weak to obtain benefits ; our infirmities, many of them are constitutional, arising from our tempers and dispositions ; from bodily ailments ; and from the smallness of our capacities. But though thus infirm, Jesus is touched with a sympathetic feeling for us; and the Holy Spirit is given to assist us. He teaches us what we want ; leads us to the precious promises ; furnishes us with the prevailing plea ; excites us ta pray^ and assists us in prayer. He produces the ardent desire ; bestows the wrestling power ; and warms the affections while pleading ; gives us such a keen sense of what we need, and such an ardent desire after it, that unutterable groans are begotten, to which God attends. Let us daily seek the Spirit's power to help. Spirit of interceding grace, I know not how or what to pray ; Relieve my utter helplessness, Thy power into my heart convey ; That God, acknowledging my erroan. May answer, in my prayers. His own. 242 AUGUST 2 6. J%e unsearchable riches of Chrht. Eph. iii. 8. Rom. vii. 4. Never forget that Jesus is our Brother, and that He has devoted all His riches to us, so that the riches of Jesus are the Christian's for- tune. " Ye know the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, that, though He was rich, yet for our sakes He became poor, that we through His poverty might be rich." He employed all He possessed for our redemption, sanctification, and salvation ; and now, at the right hand of the Majesty on high. He giveth liberally, and up- braideth not. He has riches of grace ; riches of mercy ; and riches of glory. The residue of the Spirit is with Him. He has promised largely ; He has proved His readiness to bestow, in the most wonderful way ; let us therefore ex- pect great things from Him, for He has un- searchable RICHES. O believer, look not at thy poverty, at thy wants, or thy circumstances ; but look at Jesus; all things are under His feet, all blessings are at His disposal, and His heart is set upon thee to do thee good ! He will supply all thy needs while on earth, and afterwards receive thee to glory. My soul, thy Jesus has all thou needest ; therefore look to Him, and Him alone ! Possessing Chinst, I all possess, Strength, wisdom, sanctifying grace, And righteousness complete : Bold, in His name, I dare draw nigh, Pnr„i-p thp Ruler f>f th? Mr-, And a!i ilis justice mnei. 2!n AUGUST 2 7. We should bring forth fruit unto God. Without union to Christ, there can be no good works; and until we are dead to the law we cannot be married to Christ. We must see that there is neither help nor hope for us in any law that God has given ; that only grace can save us, before we shall be willing to take Christ as God has set Him forth in the everlasting gospel. Being married to Christ, we renounce our own name and take His ; we live upon His fulness, walk by His word, and aim to please Him in all things. By His grace we perform good works ; and through His merit, and His name, they are accepted as evidences of our love, proofs of our sanctification, and fruits of our oneness with Him. He that is joined to the Lord is one spirit with Him ; and it becomes his meat and drink to do the will of God. Without union to Christ we can do nothing acceptable to God ; being married to Him, our poor, imperfect, and (in themselves) worthless performances, are acceptable and well-pleasing to Grod. No UNION NO FRUIT, NO FRUIT NO UNION. Beloved, are we bringing forth fruit unto G-od ? Do we bring forth much fruit ? Herein is our Father glorified, that we bear much fruit. Blest Jesus, animate my heart ; Let Thy rich grace abound ; So, to the honor of Tliy name, Shall plenteous fruit be found. 21-t AUGUST 28. Being justified freely by His grace. Rom. iii. 24. It was a solemn question which was proposed in the days of old, "How can man be just with God ?" Man is without righteousness ; he is chargeable with many crimes ; he is brought in guilty, and condemned by God's holy law ; and he has no excuse to make. His mouth is stop- ped. We feel this to be our situation by nature. But the Lord who is our Judge, hath devised a way by which He can be just and yet justify us. It is by grace. He justifies, or acquits us from all charges ; pronounces us righteous ; accepts us ; and introduces us into His favor, friendship, and fellowship, freely; without anything being done or suffered by us. He presents us with the work of Jesus, by which all our debts are paid ; our righteousness is wrought out; the law and government of God are honored ; and a good title to eternal life is made out ; we receive this work by faith, which He also bestows, and we are " justified from all things." Not one charge remains. There is no condemnation. But we are justified freely by grace without the works of the law. Slain in the guilty sinner's stead, Jesus, Thy righteousness I plead, And Thine atoning blood : That righteousness ray robe shall be; Thy merit shall avail for me, And bring me near to God. 245 A U G U S T 2 9. They all slumbered and slept. Matt. xxv. 5. When we think of the warnings Jesus has given, the promises He has made, and the precepts He has dehvered, we are ready to conclude that His people must be always active and always happy. But when we look around us, or when we look at our own course, we are obliged to lament that this is not th-^- case. Jesus is gone to receive a kingdom and to return ; He has given talents to his servants, and to every man HIS AVORK, and commanded the porter to watch. But it is said of the wise, as well as the foolish virgins, " they all slumbered and slept." Are we awake to our duties, to our privileges, to our expectations ? Are we looking, longing, and pre- paring ibr the coming of Jesus? Are we sober and vigilant, because our adversary the devil, as a roaring lion, is going about seeking whom he may devour ? Are we active for God ? Are we hasting home ? Do we pass the time of our sojourning here in fear? Is the talent in the napkin, or at the bank ? Let us not sleep as do others, but let us watch and be sober. Be- hold the judge standeth before the door. It is high time to awake out of sleep. He comes, He comes to call The nations to His bar ; And take to glory all Who meet for glory are : Make ready for your full reward ; Go forth with joy to meet your Lord. 246 AUGUST 3 0. He will not always chide. Psalm ciiL 9. If we sin, our heavenly Father will correct us, in order to reclaim us ; His strokes often fall heavy, and the effects remain for a long time. But He will not always chide ; when we repent and confess. He pardons and restores. His anger is but for a moment ; but His mercy is everlasting. He loves when He frowns, and pities while He reproves. " The Lord is gra- cious, full of compassion, and plenteous in mer- cy; He hath not dealt with us after our sins, nor rewarded us according to our iniquities, for as the heaven is high above the earth, so great is His mercy toward them that fear Him." Let us not therefore despise the chastening of the Lord, nor faint when we are rebuked of Him; for whom the Lord loveth He chasteneth, and scourgeth every son whom He receiveth. In a little wrath He may hide His face from us for a moment ; but with everlasting kindness will He have mercy on us, and prove Himself our Redeemer. His frowns are transient, but His love is everlasting. His strokes are few and light, but He daily loadeth us with benefits ; and crowns the year with His bounty. God will not always chide : And when His strokes are felt, His strokes are fewer than our crimes, And lighter than our guilt. He cliides us with a Father's heart, That we from Him may not depart * 247 AUGUST 31. The Lord is good tmto than that wait for Him. Lam. iii. 25. The Lord is good to all, and His tender mer- cies are over all His works ; but He is especially benevolent, kind, and attentive to the praying, waiting soul. He has prepared of His goodness for the poor, and His goodness is ever great tow- ards us. He bids us ask, promises to bestow, makes us wait, and then blesses us indeed. We have proved Him to be good ; but if we had more faith in Him, and were more earnest with Him, we should see and enjoy His goodness in a much greater degree. He delivered David from the horrible pit ; Jeremiah from the dun- geon ; Daniel from the lions ; Peter from the waves ; and Paul from the forty Jews. " The Lord is good, a stronghold in the day of trouble ; and He knoweth them that trust in Him." He will renew our strength, illumine our path, take vengeance on our foes, and introduce us into the glorious liberty of the sons of God. Let us wait for Him in faith, look for Him in hope, and plead with Him to work in us all the good pleasure of His will, and the work of faith with power. Wait for the Lord, and prove Him good. Jesus, preserve my soul from sin, Nor let me faint for want of Thee ; I'll wait till Tliou appear within. And plant Thy heavenly love in me : In every soul that waits for Thee, Thou wilt Thy goodness, Lord, display 248 SEPTEMBER 1. Tlie Deliverer. Rom. xi. 26. The Lord Jesus Christ is anointed and ap- pointed to deliver His people whenever they need His aid ; for this purpose all the treasures of wisdom and knowledge are stored in Him, au- thority over all flesh is given to Him, and every attribute of Deity can be exerted by him. We are not left to the mercy of men, we are not expected to deliver ourselves, but we are to look to Jesus, who is glorified in delivering us from all evil, and preserving us to His eternal king- dom and glory. To Him we are to repair in every trial, from Him we are to expect de- liverance in every danger; He is in office on purpose to hear us, appear for us, and bless us. He delivers in temporals as well as in spirituals, from internal and external foes. Let us remem- ber this title of our beloved Lord, and make use of Him as the Deliverer, in preference to every other ; apply to Him first in every diffi- culty, rely on Him with confidence in every trial, and He will deliver you until deliverance is no longer required. " He will deliver thee in six troubles, and in seven shall no evil touch thee." Why should Hig people now be sad ? None have such reason to be glad As those redeemed to God ; Jesus the mighty Saviour lives, To them eternal life He gives, The purchase of His blood. 249 11* SEPTEMBER 2. Be not hifjh-miiuled, hit fear. Rom. xi. 20. Believers are sometimes tempted to think more highly of themselves than they ought to think ; they forget that they are indebted to the free, sovereign, and distinguishing grace of God, for all the difference there is between them and the vilest of the vile. They should consider they are still weak, and liable to be overcome ; fool- ish, and prone to wander; sinful, and easily wrought upon ; that Satan is strong and deter- mined ; subtle and insinuating ; malicious and designing ; active and persevering ; that the world is alluring and ensnaring ; treacherous and vain ; attracting and deceitful ; and this would preserve them from being too secure. A high-minded Christian is sure to be unfruitful, and is generally left to fall. Therefore let him that thinketh he standeth take heed. David fell, Peter fell, and thousands beside have fallen ; and they exhort us with groans, sighs, and tears, " Be not high-minded, but fear." " Work out your own salvation with fear and trembling." Let us cultivate humility of mind, and habitual dependence upon God ; so shall we be safe, holy, and happy. Je3U8, if Thou withdraw Thy hand, That moment sees me fall ; Oh, may I ne'er on self depend, But look to Thee for all : Lead me in all Thy righteous ways, Make plain Thy path before Thy face. 250 SEPTEMBER 3. My God shall supply all our need. riiil. iv. 19. So Paul assured believers at Philippi, and so He assures us. They had many wants, so have we ; they were dependant on God, and so are we. The Lord engaged to supply them, and He is engaged to supply us. The Lord was faithful to them, and He will be faithful to us. His absolute promises are our invaluable treasure ; His unchangeability is our immutable security. While Jehovah lives we cannot be friendless, we shall never be left to want ; and at last we shall be able to testify, " Not one thing hath failed of all that the Lord our God. hath prom- ised." We can this morning rejoice, and say, " The Lord hath blessed me hitherto. Thou hast dealt well with Thy servant, O Lord, ac- cording to Thy word.'" Our wants should re- mind us of Grod's promises ; the promises should be used to quell our fears, and comfort our hearts. We know not what a day will bring forth ; but we know that " our God will supply all our needs according to His riches in glory by Christ Jesus." Let this banish care, and let us rejoice in the Lord as our Provider, In Jesus is our store, CI race issues from His throne ; WhoeTer says, " I want no more," Confesses he has none : But they who come to be supplied. Will find Jehovah doth provide. 251 SEPTEMBER 4. Tlu gospel of your salvation. Ephes. L 1 3. Our salvation is our deliverance from sin, the curse, and the wrath of God ; this was impos- sible to man, but God sent His own Son in our nature, to save us freely, fully, and eternally. The gospel is the " good news of our salva- tion." It is sent to inform us that Grod is love ; that grace reigns ; that heaven is opened ; that provision is made for our guilt, weakness, and fears; that God waits to receive us, bless us, and glorify us with Himself forever. It sets before us all Christ has done ; all he possesses ; and invites us to come and receive, to use and be happy. It requires nothing of us to entitle us, it presents all it has, and gives it freely to the poor, the halt, the maimed, and the blind. It has all our misery requires, all our wants demand : we cannot wish for more than it brings ; it is full of grace and full of glory. Precious gospel ! Glorious news ! May we re- ceive it, believe it, act upon it daily, and so be happy. It is intended to fill us with joy and peace in believing, to lead us to abound in hope ; and to make us more than conquerors over despondency, doubt, and fear. For you the purple current flowed, In pardons from His wounded side ; Languished for you the eternal God; For you the Prince of Glory died : Believe, and all your sin's forgiven ; Only believe, and yours is heaven. 252 SEPTEMBER 5. I loill in no wise cast out. John vi. 37. The strongest believer is subject to fears, and may at times be strongly tempted to doubt, not only all that God has done for him, but His right and title to every promise in God's Book ;' at such times it is well to have recourse to those wells, from which we have drawn the choicest consolation in former times ; and the words of Jesus which we have chosen for this day's por- tion stand foremost. Here He tells us, with peculiar tenderness and love, that He has made up His mind, that He will on no account refuse to receive the coming sinner, or allow him to be driven from His throne ; neither the nature nor number of his transgressions, his age or cir- cumstances, shall be found sufficient to procure Him a rejection. His arms and His heart are open, He stands and calls us to Him, giving us this assurance, " I will in no wise oast out," Nearly two thousand years have rolled away since He spake the words ; millions of sinners of every clime and character have made application, and all have found Him faithful. Let us not then grieve His love, and distress our own souls, by doubts and fears, but trust His word. When, gracious Lord, when shall it be, That I shall find my all in Thee ? The fulness of Thy promise prove. The seal of Thine eternal love ? Ah ! wherefore did I ever doubt ! Thou wilt in no wise cast me out. 253 SEPTEMBER 6. I mil love them freely. Hosea xiv. 4. The Lord loves his people naturally, as parents love their children ; freely, without any cause whatever in them. He looks for nothing in them to move Him to love ; nor will He allow anything in them to prevent His love. He loves them as vessels of mercy ; disciples of Jesus ; as bearing His image, His name, and His nature. His love to them is infinite, fruitful, and unchangeable. He will love them, though they deserve hatred, merit wrath, and may be justly sentenced to perdition. Beloved, let us never look into ourselves to find out the cause of God's love ; it is in Him, not in us ; but let us believe Him when He says, " I have loved thee with an everlasting love." Let us plead with Him, encouraged by the words of Jesus, " The Father Himself loveth you." Let us re- joice before Him, and praise Him for distinguish- ing grace. If He will love, who shall forbid Him ? If He will love us, who shall dispute with Him ? If He love us, as His word testi- fies He does, who shall estimate the honor, the advantage, or the happiness, which will eternally flow from His love ? All glory to free grace. O Jesus, full of truth and grace, More full of grace than I of sin ; Yet once again I seek Thy face ; Open thine arms and take me in : And freely my backslidings heal, And love the faithless sinner still. 254 SEPTEMBER 7. Rejoicmg in hope. Rom. xii. 12. The believer cannot always rejoice in possession, for he appears stripped of everything ; but he may rejoice in hope even then. He is warrant- ed to hope for eternal life ; for rigliteousness by faith ; that God may be magnified in his body, by life or by death ; for the resurrection of the body, and its reunion with the soul ; for the appearing of his beloved Saviour, and complete salvation through Him. The hope which is laid up for him in heaven, of which the gospel now informs him — a weight of glory, a crown of righteousness, and an eternal inheritance, are in reserve for him, and in hope of these he may re- joice. They are set before him to excite desire, produce courage, prevent despondency, and fill with joy. They are freely given, plainly prom- ised, and carefully preserved ; therefore we shall never be ashamed of our hope. Let us not yield to our gloomy feelings or -to distressing forebod- ings ; but let us lift up our heads, rejoicing that we shall so soon be made partakers of our hope. Let us hope in God, and daily praise Him more and more ; making use of hope as the anchor of the soul, sure and steadfast. Come, Lord, and help me to rejoice, In hope that I shall hoar Thy voice, Shall one day see my God ; Shall cease from all my painful strife, Handle and taste the word of life, And feel the sprinkled blood. 255 SEPTEMBER 8. The word of our God shall stand forever. Isaiah xl. 8. The word of our God is like His nature, immu- tably the same; He saith, "My covenant will I not break, nor alter the thing that is gone out of my mouth." Believer, this is thy com- fort ; every promise is confirmed and shall be fulfilled. But what hath He said? He hath said, " Though your sins be as scarlet they shall be white as snow. Many are the afflictions of the righteous, but the Lord delivereth him out of them all. No weapon formed against thee shall prosper. I will strengthen thee, I will help thee. I will never leave thee nor forsake thee. No good thing will He withhold from them that walk uprightly." All that He saith Cometh surely to pass. Not one jot or tittle can fail. He never spake hastily, insincerely, or unwisely ; He has drawn His plan, given His word, and everything shall answer the end He had in view. Man may be disappointed, God cannot. Man may change his mind, or break his word ; but God cannot. He abideth faithful. He cannot deny Himself. Trust, and be not afraid. The word of God shall still endiire, Faithful, immutable, and sure : This solid rock shall never break, Though earth should to her centre shake. And while it stands we should not fear, For all we need is promised there. 256 SEPTEMBER 9. Oh, love the Lord, all ye His saints. Psalm xxxi. 23. Our God has revealed Himself as the source, centre, and end of everything lovely. In Jesus He appears as the fairest among ten thousand, and the altogether lovely. The wealth of the universe is His. He is worthy of our highest love. He is air we could wish or desire. To possess Him is to be made for eternity. To have Him on our side is to be safe forever. But you may ask, What is His mind towards us? Emphatically, "grace." We have found favor in His eyes. He is the Friend of pen- itent sinners. He loveth us with an infinite love. Do you doubt it? Read His word. Look at Calvary. Ask His people. Prove for yourselves. See what He has already done for us. Have we a being? He gave it. Have we a good hope? He bestowed it. Have we liberty ? He bought it. Have we holiness ? He wrought it. Consider what we may have been but for His grace. What we certainly should have been but for His salvation. What we are now, and what we shall be, as the effect of His love ; and, " Oh, love the Lord, all ye His saints !" It is happiness ! It is holiness ! It is heaven ! Love all defects supplies, Makes great obstructions small ; 'Tis prayer ; 'tis praise ; 'tis sacrifice ; 'Tis holiness ; 'tis all ! 257 SEPTEMBER 10. To comfort all that moitrn. Isaiah Ixi. 2. The Lord's people are all mourners ; grace sets and keeps them mourning over sin committed — depravity discovered — evidences needed — com- forts forfeited and lost — apparent uselessness — the sins of others — the state of the church — or for the salvation of relatives and friends. We mourn after Jesus when we do not enjoy His love, and over Him as suffering when we do. But He has declared, " Blessed are they that mourn, for they shall be comforted." Jesus Himself is anointed and appointed to be our Comforter ; He has given Him the tongue of the learned, that He may speak a word in season to them that are weary. He comforts us by pardoning our sins — subduing our iniquities — restoring the joys of His salvation — employing us in His service, and making us successful. He comforts us by His word. His servants, and His Spirit. Admire the wisdom of God in the person appointed ; the love of God in the work to which He is appointed; and the faithfulness of God in the perpetuity of His office. He ever lives, and lives to comfort us. Sweet view of Jesus, let us dwell upon it. Now in the Lord will I be glad, And glory in His love ; In Ilim I'll joy, who will the God Of my salvation prove : My Saviour will my comfort be, And set my soul from trouble free. 258 SEPTEMBER 11. Wilt thou be made whole ? John v. G. The great Physician presents Himself to us this morning, and He asks, " Wilt thou be made WHOLE ?" This is a searching question. Are you wilUng to be sanctified throughout ? Will- ing that He should use what means He pleases, to conform you to Himself? Jesus is able to sanctify us wholly ; the time of mercy is now ; are we desirous of being healed? If so, let us put ourselves into His hands for the purpose; let us submit without hesitation to His terms ; He performs the cure and receives all the glory. Let us not fancy that our case is hopeless, but let us look to Jesus, who will heal us, and heal us GRATIS. Open thy whole case to Him, consult Him daily, trust Him implicitly, and expect to shine before the Father's throne as a proof of His skill and kindness. No case can be desperate, while Jesus lives to heal ; no sinner can be too poor, for He heals without money and without price. O Jesus ! heal us thig morning ! Soften our hard hearts. Regulate our disorderly wills. Elevate our earthly affections. Fill us with holiness, fill us with love. We lie at Thy feet, and we trust in Thy word. Jesus, to Tliee for help I call, With pitying eye behold me fall, Diseased at Thy throne ; Oh, heal my soul, remove my sin, Now make the filthy leper clean, Remove the heart of stone. 259 SEPTEMBER 12. / lay down my life for the sheep. John x. 15. Jesus has a flook peculiarly His own ; Hi^Father chose them and gave them to Him ; He received them and became their Shepherd ; they wander- ed and were doomed to die, but He interfered and died for them. Oh, what an infinite love was the love of Jesus ! He left His Father's bosom, left the songs of angels, left the throne of glory ; and became a man, that He might become a Substitute. He offered Himself for them. His blood for theirs, His life for theirs. The offer was accepted, and He redeemed them to God by His blood out of every nation, country, people, and tongue. They are doubly His, for He bought them when they had sold themselves, though before they were given Him by His Father in love. Herein is love; not that we loved Jesus, but that He loved us; and gave Himself to be the propitiation for our sins. Are we among His sheep ? Are we like them ? Do we love them, cleave to them, and walk with them ? His sheep are gentle, harmless, peaceful, humble, dependant upon Him, and devoted to Him. They hear His voice, love His ways, and follow Him whithersoever He aroeth. When the Shepherd's life was needful To redeem the sheep from death, Of their safety ever heedful, Jesus yielded up His breath; Faithful Shepherd ! Love like Thine no other hath. 260 SEPTEMBER 13. Let patience have her perfect work. James i. 4. Patien'ce supposes trials, and troubles ; it sig- nifies to remain under a burden ; it is opposed to fretfulness, murmuring, haste, and despon- dency. It produciss submission, silence before God, and satisfaction with His dealings. The Holy Spirit produces this grace by means of afflictions; tribulation worketh patience. Every Christian is supposed to possess it, and is re- quired to exercise it ; yea, to let it have its PERFECT WORK. To this cud let us study the examples of suffering and patience set before us in the Bible ; let us take up and plead God's promises ; let us remember that eternal love appointed every trial and trouble ; that Jesus forewarned us of tribulation ; that He has set us an example which we are required to imitate. Impatience dishonors our profession, and grieves the Spirit ; patience benefits others, and is of great advantage to ourselves. Let us watch against temptations to impatience, and in pa- tience possess our souls. So shall we fill up our character as Christians ; complete the evi- dence of our sincerity ; and prove our principles divine. Dear Lord, though bitter is the cup Thy gracious hand deals out to me, I cheerfully would drink it up ; — That cannot hurt Tvhich comes from Thee. The gift of patience, Lord, impart, To calm and soothe my troubled lieart. 261 SEPTEMBER 14. Aiid Jacob said, I have enough: or, I have all things. Gen. xxxiii. 10, 11. Poor Jacob left his father's house with only a staff, but he returned with two bands ; so great- ly had the Lord prospered him. But it was not his earthly possessions, but the kindness of his brother, and the grace of his God, which led him to exclaim, " I have enough : or, I have ALL THINGS." Bcloved, such language becomes us, as the objects of Jehovah's everlasting love ; as interested in the well-ordered covenent ; as entitled to all the promises ; as invited to come to the throne of grace to receive all we need ; as directed to cast all our cares upon God ; as having a warrant to expect every good thing on earth, and glory at the journey's end. Ought we not to rejoice and shout, " I have enougil" Enough to make me happy. Enough to make me holy. Enough to fill me with gratitude. Enough to fill angels with wonder, and devils with envy and vexation. O Jesns !^ to what a height hast Thou raised us ! With what great, lasting, and glorious blessings hast Thou blessed us ! Everlasting praises to Thy name, and eternal glory to Thy sovereign grace I Jesus is all I wish or want ! For Him I pray, I thirst, I pant : Let others after earth aspire : Christ is the treasure I desire ; He is an allsuflicient store; Possess'd of Him. I wisli no more. 2G>2 SEPTEMBER 15. The end of all things is at hand. 1 Pet. iv. 7. The mountains shall depart, and the hills be removed ; only Jehovah's word, love, purposes, and perfections remain the same. The world passeth away, and the fashion of it ; but he that doeth the will of God abideth forever. The end of all things is at hand ; our labors will soon cease ; our commerce terminate ; our earthly relationships dissolve ; our pleasures and sorrows in this world be concluded ; the last sermon will soon be preached ; and the last op- portunity for us to do good will make its appear- ance. The coming of the Son of God draweth nigh ; let us be therefore preparing ourselves for so great, so solemn an event ; and whenever tempted to trifle, to loiter, or to sin, let us re- member " THE Lord is at hand." Let us be sober, temperate in reference to the body ; and let us think soberly of ourselves, of others, of everything around us. Let us not be rash or hasty, careless or indifferent ; but let us speak and act soberly, as those that must give an account. He that shall come will come, and will not tarry ; and He bids us be ready to re- ceive Him with gladness, joy, and rejoicing. When Thou, my righteous Judge ! shalt come To fetch Thy ransom'd people home, Shall I among them stand ? Shall such a worthless worm as I, Who sometimes am afraid to die. Be found at Thy right hand ?• 263 SEPTEMBER 16. £ven to hoar hair.i will I carry you. Isaiah xlvi. 4. What a sweet portion is this for the aged dis- ciples of the Lord Jesus j heart and flesh may fail them, but God will not forsake them. Having begun a good work in them, He will carry it on. His gifts and callings are without repentance. He will be as kind, as tender, and as gracious at last as at the first. He will CARRY us. The eternal God is our refuge, un- derneath are the everlasting arms. He will carry us safely through every danger, over every diffi- culty, into His presence and glory. Aged pil- grim, lean upon thy God ; look unto Him ; and as the nurse carrieth the sucking child, so will thy God carry thee. He will prove Himself faithful to His word, and ultimately call you forth as a witness to the same. Fear not then in reference to the evening of old age : thy God will supply thee ; He will support thee ; and at last land thee safe where the storms of trouble never blow, where weakness and fear are never felt. Take no anxious thought for the morrow ; let the morrow take thought for the things of it- self ; sufficient unto the day is the evil thereof. The promise of thy God cannot fail thee ; He will guide thee and carry thee to His kingdom and glory. He says — E'en down to old age, all My people shall prove My sov'reign, eternal, unchangeable love ; And when hoary hairs shall their temples adorn, Like lambs they shall still in My bosom be borne. 264 SEPTEMBER 17. Fight the good fight of faith. 1 Tim. vi. 12. Faith has to fight with ,the deep apd direful depravity of the heart ; with error and super- stition ; with despondency and early prejudices; with unbelief and carnal reason : with Satan and the world at large. Faith has to fight for victory ; for a crown ; for God's glory. True, faith fights in God's strength ; witl^ certainty, arising from the faithful promise ; in holy fear,, produced by grace talcmg advantage of our weakness; with courage; principally roni^thc^ knees ; and looking to the great Captain of pur salvation, the end of the conflict, and the de-i sign of the combat. . Believer,, '* Fight, the^ GOOD FIGHT OF FAITH." Thy God ' bicls thce* His promises are intended to encourage thee. The example of Jesus should ayimate thee. The coward's doom should alarm and instruct thee. The connection between conflict and conquest should impel thee. Jesus sa}^s, " To him that overcometh Will I grant to sit with me in my throne, even as I also overcame, and am^ set down with my Father in His throne." . God is faithful, by Avhom ye were called unto,^ the fellowship of His Son Jesus Christ our Lord. Omnipotent Lord, my Stividur .ind lOng, , Thy succor afford, Thy righteousness bring; On Thee, as my power, for strength I rely ; All evil before Thy presence shall fly : Thy love everlasting will never deniirt, Thy truth and Tliy iiicrcyihallrtile in my heart. ^4^ 265- .4$ SEPTEMBER 18. He forrjetlcth not the cry of the humble. Psalm ix. 12. The humble grateful soul, may have anything from the Lord ; so great is His love to them, and delight in them. He cries to the Lord to be kept from every false way ; from falling into sin ; and that he may be devoted entirely to the Lord's glory. He prays for his enemies, that they may be blessed ; and for his friends, that they may be rewarded. His cry is constant ; sincere ; and hearty. But he is often tempted to think that because he is so unworthy, so insignificant, and so vile, God will not hear him, and especially when answers are delayed. Bat the cry of the humble cannot be forgotten. The Lord will not neglect or pass over such an one's prayer without notice ; He will not despise, or contemn their petitions ; but He will regard, attend to, and answer them. His wisdom will shine forth in the time when, and the means by which He answers their prayers ; and He will get Himself a glorious name by their sanctifica- tion, salvation, and glorification. O believer, never harbor the thought that thy God will for- get thy petitions I Friend of sinners, King of saints, Answer my minutest wants ! Let my cries Thy throne assail. Entering now within the veil ; Free my soul from guilt and shamr, — Lord, I ask in Jesus' name. 260 SEPTEMBER 19. Sin shall not have dominion over you. Rom. vi. 14. What a precious promise. How many of the Lord's people have been cheered and encour- aged by it. Sin lives in us, works in ns, fights iu us, but it shall not reign. It may annoy, it shall not destroy. Its authority is destroyed by the Lord. Its power is weakened by grace. It is warned to quit its old residence, and it will soon be ejected. We are not under the condemning power of the law, it is not our rule of justification ; but we are under favor ; God dealeth with us as with children. He pardons, pities, and delivers us. He will not allow sin to hold us in perpetual bondage, or to condemn us at the last day ; but He will set us at liberty, and justify us fully. The flesh will lust against the Spirit, corruption will rise and fight ; bat we shall be strengthened, assisted, and coun- selled until we finally overcome. Grace shall reign through righteousness unto eternal life, by Jesus Christ our Lord. The law will be honored in our endless blessedness, and Jesus will be glorified in us throughout eternity. By grace we are saved. On such love, my soul, still ponder, Love so great, so rich, so free ! Say, while lost in holy wonder, Wliy, O Lord, such love to me ? Hallelujah ! Grace shall reign eternally. 267 S'SPTEMBER 20. / have gone astray like a lost shei'p. Psalm cxix. \^&. This is the humble confession of a man of God, and may not we adopt it as our own this morn- ing ? Have not we also gone astray ? Does not this display our iveakness ? How weak to wan- der from so kind a Shepherd, so rich a pasture, so good a fold! Is it not a mark of inatlention? Jesus hath warned and cautioned us against it in His word. Is it not a proof of our ingratitude 7 Oh, how ungrateful to forsake Him after so many favors, such rich blessings, such tokens of unmerited kindness! Does it not betray our folly? — to go from good to bad, from safety to danger, from plenty to want and wretchedness. Oh, the power of corruption! The deceitfulness of the human heart! Lord, seek Thy servants, for we do not forget Thy commandments. We smart for our folly ; we grieve over our sin ; we desire to return ; restore us to Thy fold, to the enjoyment of Thy favor; and enable us to delight ourselves in Thy ways. Jesus, Shepherd of the sheep, bring us back from all our wanderings, and keep us near Thyself ; for why should we turn aside from Thy flock and fold ? Thou know'st the way to bring me back, My fallen spirit to restore — Oh, for Thy truth and mercy's sake, Forgive, and bid me sin no more : The ruins of my soul repair. And make my heart a house of prayer. 263 SEPTEMBER 21. 2^he Lord was ready to save me. Isaiah xxxviii. 20. Tins is the testimony of a good man who had been in great danger. His heart was full of fears, and he gave up all for lost ; but now he is recovered, and stands forth to acknowledo-e his mistake, and bear witness to this pleasin"- fact, that the Lord is ever ready to save His people in every time of trouble. The Lord hath saved us, and He will save us even to the end. He has power, and He will exert it ; He has authority, and He will employ it ; He has sympathy, and He will manifest it. He is a Saviour at hand and not afar off. He is ready and willing to deliver. Has He not proved Himself so in our past experience, and ought we not to trust Him for the future? Let us in every danger cry unto God to save us ; wait upon Him in humble hope for the blessing ; banish carnal and unscriptural fears far away ; refuse to listen to Satan, sense, or unbelief; persevere in seeking until we obtain and enjoy the blessing. The Lord is ready to save us. Let us believe, hope^ prove, and be happy. He will save. He will rest in His love, and joy over us with singing. Salvation to God will I publish abroad, Jehovah hath sa^d me through Jesus's blood ; The Lamb was once slain, but He liveth again, And I with my Jesus forever shall reign : Then filled with His love, in the regions above, I shall never, no never from Jesus remove. 269 SEPTEMBER 2 2. Be ye imitators of God, as dear children. Eph. V. 1. The Lord proposes Himself to us as our pat- tern, and He gives grace to every one who de- sires it to imitate Him. He exhorts us as His dear and tenderly beloved children, and in mildest strains proposeth Himself for our imita- tion. Let us imitate the Lord in the world, dealing justly, ever acting from holy principles, and by a righteous rule; adhering strictly to truth, for our God is the God of truth : choos- ing our company, being only familiar with them who are familiar with God ; and doing good to all, especially unto them who are of the house- hold of faith ; for He causeth His sun to shine on the evil and on the good, and sendeth rain on the just and on the unjust. Let us imitate Him in the church, cultivating a spirit of love to all saints, notwithstanding their infirmities, exercising for- bearance, and pity ; being slow to anger and ready to forgive ; accepting the will for the deed, and being always ready to help in trouble and distress. Let us imitate our Gfod, for He com- mands us ; our relation to Him requires it ; and our peace is involved in it. This will solve th' important question, Whether thou art a real Christian, Better than each golden dream ; Better f.ir than lip expression, Towering notions, great profession ; This will show your love to Him. 270 SEPTEMBER 2 3. Cast thy burden npon f'le Lord, and He shall sustain thee. Ps. Iv. 22. The Lord's people are often heavy laden, their burdens are heavy and their grief great; but the Lord kindly directs them to cast every bur- den upon Him, and promises to sustain them. Guilt in the conscience and a sense of sin in the soul, often prove an intolerable burden ; but the Lord will remove it by the blood of His Son, and the whisper of His Spirit. The care of a family sinks the spirit, and fills with distress ; but Jesus says, " Cast them all on me." Losses, crosses, enemies, temptations, and the inward conflict, often burden the soul ; but our God will sanctify them to us, sustain us through them, and deliver us out of them all. Our God has determined that we shall use Him, feel our dependence upon Him, and glory only in Him. Believer, He will sustain thee by speaking peace to thy troubled heart; by ena- bling you to leave your intricate affairs in His hands; by strengthening you with strength in your soul ; and by enabling you to contrast the present with the future. Thanks be unto God who giveth us the victory. O Jesus, teach me to bring every burden to Thy feet and to cast every care upon Thee ! Thou, O Lord, in tender love, Wilt all my burdens bear ! Lift my heart to things above, And fix il ever there! 271 SEPTEMBER 2 4. In the moxint of the Lord it shall be seen, i, .. ,j\ Gep. xxii. 14. Jehovau has provided supplies for His people, He arranges the bcstowment of them, and hears and answers prayer fof t,hei;n|. Hi^- inay allow them to come into trials, dangers, apd troubles; but "in the mount the Lord will be seen." He will show Himself jas rigidly faithful:, to Hi§ word J as kind apd merciful in all His dealings; as attentive to the wants and wishes of His peo- ple ; a^. ready to supply them, and display His love and power in delivering them. In the mount, of the Lord it shall be seen that Satan is a liar; that (^uc fe^rs wer^ all groundless); that ui^belief. is a great sin ; that prayer shall surely be an-, swered ; that faith and hope shall not be disap-, pq^^^dj that Jesus ^ is, touched , w^th , the feeling of our infirmities; and that none shall be asham-i ed who trust in, wait for, and obey the commands, of the jyEosj; High Gpd. Beloved, we have seen the Lord in the mount of trial, we have found it turned into the mount of jnercy, and we shall see Hinjjpiithe! rnovint.Qf gliory. . ; ., ,,, / ! >j • oliiiJ c-ii ^Anfjiiy oitijilt c-i)J i! . 1} .,iii ilOo:.»TUIrrtlle ihiunt tlrt lidrdis'sfeeftv ' :r> ■' 3«*it> Oi And all His saints shall surely find, j ^ilJld Oj Though clouds and darkness intervene,. ,..,,. „,,i^..c He still is gracious, still is kind. ^ Yes, in the mount, the Lord makes bare His mighty, His delivering' power; Displays a Father's tender care, In the most trying, darkest hour. I-VUVjU i;- ■-< ,)( /n t..>i:. 2??.- SEPTEMBER 2 5. ' What think ye of Christ / Matt. xxii. 42. Bklovkd, let us inquire what do we think of Jesus this morning ? What do we think of His divinity, as one with the Father ? Of His humanity, as one with us? Of His complex person, as God and man in one Christ ? What think we of His one sacrifioe for sin? What think we of His grace as displayed in the whole work of our redemption ? What think we of His word as the ground of our hope, the source of our comfort, and the rule of our lives ? What think we of His kingdom ? What think we of His coming ? How do we think of Jesus ? Do we think of Him frequently, as of a subject full of pleasure ? naturally, as we do of refreshing food? pleasantly, as of choice and delightful music ? Or, only seldom, aad then with gloom, or without love and ardent desire ? What does our thinking of Christ produce? Does it pro- duce desire— contrition — love — trust— resolution — prayer — action? What are we willing to sutler for Christ ? What are we willing to part with for Christ ? Wliat can we cheerfully give to Christ, to fieed. His poor, or to help His cause ?' Oh ! could I speak the matchless worth, — Oh ! could I sound the glories forth, ci Which iu my Saviour .shine; !. i ; I'd soar and touch the heavenly .strings, And vie with Gabriel while he sings, In notes almost divine. 273 SEPTEMBER 26. Partakers of the heavenly calling. Heb. iii. 1. Beloved, God hath called us by His grace and gospel, into the knowledge of Christ ; into the favor of Jesus; to partake of the Spirit of His Son ; to enjoy fellowship with. Christ ; to wear the image of Christ ; and to possess and enjoy His righteousness, strength, wisdom, unsearch- able riches, and eternal glory. This calling is heavenly in its origin, nature, tendency, and consummation ; it is from heaven and to heaven. All believers partake of the same calling; they are called by the same voice; to the same cross and throne ; to possess and enjoy the same title and to claim and use the same blessings. This calling is the greatest honor that can be con- ferred upon a sinner ; it is altogether a favor, the fruit of free and everlasting love ; its enjoy- ment calls for gratitude and praise. Arc we called with an heavenly calling? Then we should come out from the world ; walk with God ; imitate the Saviour ; set our affections upon things above, and prepare for, and hasten to, our blessed home, our glorious inheritance. Let us make our calling and our election sure, and then sing — A3 Thou wilt, dispose of me, Only make me one ■with Thee ; Make me in my life express All the lieights of holiness ; Sweetly in my spirit prove All the depths of humble love ! 274 SEPTEMBER 2 7. Is the Sj)iri( of the Lord straitened? Micah ii. 7. Why then do you despond ? Why are you satisfied to live so far below your privileges ? The Holy Spirit is promised, to teach us all things : to testify of Jesus to our hearts ; to glorify our precious Saviour in our souls ; to help our infirmities, to comfort us by taking of the things of Christ, and showing them to us ; and to lead us in the way everlasting. Do we experience His love in these particulars? If not — what is the cause ? "Is the Spirit of the Lord straitened ?" NO. But do we sow to the Spirit ? Do we pray for the Spirit ? Do we expect the Father to give Him, in answer to our prayers ; that Jesus will send Him accord- ing to His promise ? Oh, beloved, look at your doubts, your fears, your carnality, your coldness, your want of life, love, and power ; and now ask — "Are these His doings?" Is His arm shortened ? Is His love changed ? Is His word false ? Or, rather have you not grieved Him, quenched His operations, and caused Him to withhold His hand ? Oh, pray for the Spirit ! You are absolutely dependant upon Him, for without Him you can do nothing. Come, Holy Ghost, uU-quickening fire, My consecrated heart inspire. Sprinkle with the atoning blood : Still to my soul Thyself reveal ; Thy mighty working may I feel. And know that I am one with God. 275 SErTEMBERj2f.. Be content with such things a? yc have. ■ ' " ' ' Hcb. xiii. 5. ; We may not have what we wii^h, but we cer- ' tainly have what oui: God thinks best for us. ■ Every mercy is directed by infinite wisdom and ■ eternal love, and never misses its road, or comes ; into the possession of any but the persons for j whom it is intended. Let us therefore remem-. I her, that our God has chosen, our inheritance for \ us, and it becomes us to be content; yea, to be I visry grateful. We have infinitely more than I we deserve; we have more than mauy of our I follow-believers. We, have liberty, while the, i Apostles were shut up in prison ; we have a . ! home, while many of the primitive Christians wandered abput in dens and caves of the earth ; our lives are protected, while the martyrs were burned at the stake ; we live in hope of heaven,, • while many are lifting up their eyes in hell, be- . ing in torments. Let us strive to be content . w;ith present things, and hope for better ; let us t endeavCr'to learn Paulas lesson, "I have learn-. I ed, in whatsoever state I am, therewith to be . I coilteH^'." I know both how to be abased, and I' t know how to abound. , Arid say — r ,• .^^ .,^.v Take my soul and body's powers, ! I'iike my iiieruorv, miirJ, and will, - , . , I All my goods, and all my hours, j All I know, and ail I feci : 1 Thine I live, thrice Iwppy I ! ., ,, ^., f Happier s^ill if Thme. I die. , , j.ii 2(6 SEPTEMBER 29. 2'rust ye in the Lord forever. Isa. xxvi. 2. We .are often discouraged by the difficulties of , the yay, and cast down through the weakness of our faith ; we look to creatures, instead of looking to the Lord ; and reflect upon our weak- ness, instead of believing His promises, and trust- , ing His faithfulness. But the Lord our G-od should be the only and the constant object of our trust ; His word warrants us to look to Him for all we need, both temporal and spiritual; and His character assures us that we cannot be dis- appointed. He will appear for us, and make all His goodness pass before us. If we connect prayer to Grod with trusting in God, and waiting for God, it is impossible that we should be left in trouble, or be neglected in distress. We may trust Him with the fullest confidence, and ex- pect without doubting all He has promised to bestow. Are you at this time tried, tempted, and distressed? Cast your burden upon the Lord. Commit your way unto Him ; He will bring tp pass His largest promises and your best desires. Seek out His promises, confide in them, and plead them with God, and expect their ac- complishment. Oh, trust in the Lord forever ' ij.-il'-. .-( »y Trust Him, He's faithful to His word, His promise cannot fail ; He'll never leave you nor forsake. Or let your foes prevail : Then trust His word, expect His grace,. Until you see Him face to face. 2Y7 SEPTEMBER 3 0. Ye arc binder grace. Rom. vi. 14. Believers are delivered from the law, and are dead to it ; they are married to Christ and are alive unto God as a God of love. The curse is removed, sin is atoned for, and we stand as high in the favor of God as we possibly can. We should look upon ourselves as the favorites of God ; His beloved children, whom He hath reconciled to Himself by the death of His Son. Grace reigns over us, rules in us, provides for us, and will glorify us. Why then should we fear ? Of whom should we be afraid ? Sin is pardoned. The law is magnified. Justice is satisfied. God is at peace with us ; yea, He delights in us. The world is overcome for us, and even Satan shall be bruised under our feet shortly. What shall we say to these things ? As God is for us, and with us, who shall injure, or prevail against us ? All things must work to- gether for our good ; nothing shall be able to sep- arate us from the love of God ; we shall be more than conquerors through Him who loved us ; and why ? Because we are not under the LAW, BUT UNDER GRACE. BcCaUSC JcSUS livCS, we shall live also. On Jesus only I depend, He is my Father, God, and Friend, My Prophet, King, and Priest ; Had I an angel's holiness, I'd ca.st aside tliat glorious dress, And wrap me up in Christ. 278 OCTOBER 1. Your heavenly Father. Matt. vi. 32. When ye pray, say, " Our Father." "When ye are cast down, remember you have a Father in heaven who loves you, cares for you, has given His word to you, and is ever ready to do you good. It is truly blessed to begin this month, and every month, believing that we have a Father in heaven ; and that, " like as a father pitieth his children, so the Lord pitieth them that fear Him ; for He knoweth our frame. He remembereth that we arc dust." Let there be no reserve between us and our heavenly Father, but let us communicate everything to Him ; let there be no hard thoughts of our Father encouraged ; but let us take His own word, which sets forth His own immutable mind, and rejoice. Our heavenly Father know- eth what we need. He hath provided all we need, He will give all He has provided ; but He will be acknowledged and sought unto. Nothing is too hard for Him to effect, nothing is too great for him to produce, nothing is too good for Him to bestow upon His people. What a mercy to have a Father, and such a Father, in this inhospitable world I To Him let us car- ry, and with Him let us leave all our cares. Father, on me the grace bestow, To call Thee mine while licre below, To love Thee as Thy law requires ; To this my longing soul aspires ; May every word and action prove, My soul is filled with heavenly love. 27) OCTOBER 2. Who is on the Lord's side? Exo. xxxii. 26. Every believer is ready to answer, I am. Well, the Lord has a cause upon the earth ; it is weak, and wants your support ; it is opposed, and needs your countenance. If you are on. the Lord's side, you are on the side of truth — holi- ness — charity — of His worship and ordinances — of His people and His ways — and you are jeaknjs of His honor. You unite with His people, go forth to Jesus without the camp, bearing His re- proach. If you are on the Lord's side. He will spare you as obedient children, supply you as faithful servants ; protect you as loyal subjects; and honor you as brave and courageous sol- diers. You will never see any just occasion to change sides;, or regret that you decided to serve so good a Master. You will find the Lord to be on your side, supporting you in affliction ; com. forting you in trouble; giving you victory in death ; and pronouncing you just in the judg- ment. If you are on, the Lord's side, avow it openly ; prove it daily ; and let your whole con- duct say, "I AM THE Lord's." Use* all your influence for His glory, consecrate all your energies to His cause, and rejoice to suffer.. fof:, His name. 'en ■, Shall I for fear of feeble ui;in, The Spirit's course in me restrain ? Awed by a mortal's frown ••'hall I Conceal the word of God most high i How then before thee shall I dare To stand, or how thine anger bear ? 280 OCTOBER 3. TJuiu shftlt be a blessing. Gen. xii. 2. We were by nature cursed of God, and a curse to others ; but a God of love interferes for us, pours His blessing upon us, and makes us a blessing. He gives grace to form the character ; gift3,:to fit for usefulness; wisdom to choose the course ; strength to do His will ; supplies to complete the design ; faith to trust His word ; patience to persevere and wait His time ; and success to crown our efforts. The result of His thus blessing us is, we are a blessing to others ; to sinners and to saints. We are a blessing by the spirit we breathe, if it is meek, gentle, and lovely ; by the example we set, if it is an imita- tion of Jesus ; by our prayers for the good of souls, and the glory of God ; and by our efforts to spread abroad the knowledge of the truth in every place. What a blessing to be the means of the conversion of but one soul ! To be used to instruct the ignorant, to strengthen the weak, or to comfort the desponding, or distressed. O Jesus I make us a blessing. Thy grace is suf- ficient ; fulfil to us Thy promise to Abraham. Beloved, let us look to Him, depend upon Him, act for Him, give praise daily unto Hira, and we SHALL BE A BLESSING. Lord, make me faithful unto death, Thy witness -with my latest breath. To tell the glories of the Lamb, Him ■whom I serve, and whose I am ; On whom for strength I daily lean. Whose strength is in my weakness seen. 281 : OCTOBER 4. / will do you no hurt. Jer. xxv. 6. How is it possible that a God of love, who is full of compassion, plenteous in mercy, ready to forgive, waiting to be gracious, should do His children hurt ? It cannot be. His dealings may cause us pain, but nothing shall by any means harm us. We ought rather to argue with Paul, " He that spared not His own Son, but delivered Him up for us all, how shall He not with Him also freely give us all things ?" He sent His ancient people as captives to Babylon, but it was for their good ; He allowed His children to be cast into the fiery furnace, into the lion's den, to be driven out to wander in sheep-skins and goat-skins, but He did not allow them to be hurt ; all was sanctified to them, and the curse was turned into a blessing. If He scourge us with one hand, He will support us with the other ; and at last we shall come up before His throne, out of great tribulation, having washed our robes and made them white in the blood of the Lamb. Not one who has arrived safe in heaven will say that his God allowed him to be hurt; notwithstanding the trials endured by the way. Nothing shall by any means hurt you. Lord, I would my all resign, Gladly lose my will in Thine, Careless be of things below, Thee alone content to know ; Simple, innocent, and free, Seeking all my bliss in Thee. 282 OCTOBER 5. Only acknowledge thine iniquity. Jer. iii. 13. Will the Lord receive us when we have back- slidden from Him, and are desirous of returning to Him ? Oh, yes, He invites. He exhotts, He beseeches us to return. Nor does He prescribe any hard conditions, but He says, "Only ac- knowledge THINE INIQUITY." He is SO ready to forgive, so infinitely gracious in His nature, that if we confess our sins, He is faithful and just to forgive us our sins, and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness. Have we wandered ? Have we left our first love ? Let us go and re- turn to our first husband, for then it was better with us than now. His bowels yearn over us, His arms are open to receive us, and He waits to fall upon our neck and kiss us. Let us go to His throne, and there confess our sins, crave His pardon, sigh for the enjoyment of His love, and He will restore unto us the joys of His salvation, and establish us with His free Spirit. Let us daily confess our iniquities unto the Lord, and He will pardon our numerous sins. In His fa- vor is life. In His frown is distress and woe. He delighteth in mercy. He will receive, par- don us, and bless like a God. His mercy en- dureth forever. This glorious news dispels my fears, Makes glad my heart, wipes off my tears Displays the riches of His grace, Inflames my love, and claims my praise : A p.irdon'd sinner lives to prove The height and depth of Jesus' love. OCTOBER 6. jffye ^rightfousness which is of God by faith. PhiL iii. 9. TiiK rignteonsness here intended is that which God requires in His law ; provided by the life and death of His Son ; presents to sinners in the everlasting gospel ; imputes to every be- liever, of richest grace; accepts when pleaded at the throne of His grace ; and. honors with a title to eternal life. This righteousness is by faith; it is the office of faith to receive it; plead it; trust it; rejoice in it; embolden the soul through it; and clothe the soul in it. It is not offered to anything but faith, nor can it be received and enjoyed in any other way. Every unbeliever and self-righteous person re- jects it, but every man who is taught of God feels that he needs it ; discovers' the beauty, glory, and value of it ; applies for it with ardent desire and earnest longing ; embraces it as one of God's greatest favors ; enjoys it ais a rich and durable treasure; arid dies confidehtly expect- ing to be accepted in it and admitted to glory through it. Oh, may we be found in Jesus, not having on our own righteousness, which is of the law, but THE RIGHTEOUSNESS AVUICH IS OF GoD BY faith! And "Niv^hile we pant for holiness wiih every breath, and aim at it in every action, may each of us devoutly say — And even when I feel Thy grace, And sin seems most subdued, I'll wrap me in thy righteousness, And plunge me in Thy blood. 284 OCTOBER 7. He that loveth me shall be loved of my Father. John xiv. 21. Do we love Jesus ? Are we cultivating an ac- quaintance with Hitn? If we love Him, we desire to know Him more fully ; to serve Hirn more cheerfully ; and to enjoy Him continually. If we love Jesus we are willing to part with all things for Him, to renounce whatever He for- bids, and pursue whatsoever he commands. If we love Him, we want to love Him more ; and to be always with Him. If we love Him, He assures us His Father will love us; for He so delights in His beloved Son, that He visits, re- vives, and blesses every soul that loves Jesus. If God loves us, what good thing will He withhold from us ? Will He suffer any one to hurt us ? Oh, no ! He will manifest Himself to us. He will appear for us. He will glorify Himself in us. He will be to us all a God can be, and do for us far above our expectations and hopes. To be the object of the love of God is to enjoy the highest honor, and \o possess a title to the great- est happiness which it is possible for rational creatures to enjoy. Let us therefore ascertain beyond a doubt, that we love Jesus, ardently, sincerelv. To His meritorious passion All our happiness we owe ; Pardon, uttermost salvation, Heaven above and heaven below : Grace and glory From tliat open fountain flow. OCTOBER §. We will remember thy love. Sol. Song i. 4. What subject is so sweet as the love of Jesus ? The good-will of His heart towards us, which He fixed on us sovereignly, immutably, and eternally. Let us remember this love of Jesus, for it is sufficient to fill us with joy, peace, and love. Oh, how it condescended to look U}Don us, come and die for us, and now to dwell with us ! What benevolence it has and does display, giv- ing everything that is necessary for life and god- liness. How it dignifies its objects, raising them to glory, honor, immortality, and eternal life. Let us remember His love ; to comfort our hearts amidst changing friendships; to encourage our souls in seasons of darkness ; to produce con- fidence in times of trial ; to inspire with forti- tude in times of danger ; to beget patience when burdened and o]ipressed ; to reconcile the mind under bereaving dispensations ; and to produce zeal and devotedness in the Lord's cause and service. Oh, love of Jesus ! be Thou my daily subject and constant theme f Beloved, let us remember His love, if we forget everything be- side ; there is nothing so sweet, so valuable, so excellent as this ! God only knows the love of God : Oh, that it now were slied abroad In this poor stony heart ! Give me to know this love divine, This lieavenly portion, Lord, he mine; Be mine this bettor part ! 286 OCTOBER 9. The poor commUtcth himself to Thee. Psalm x. 14. Those who appear the most friendless, have the best and truest Friend. The Lord's people are poor, but they are not friendless nor forsaken. They have Jehovah for their God, Jesus for their Saviour, and the Holy Spirit for their Comforter and Guide. They know God and commit them- selves and their all to Him. But how do they commit* themselves to Him ? As the debtor does to His Surety. As a sick man does to his Physician. As the client does to his Lawyer or Advocate. As the needy does to his rich and generous Friend. As a sinner to the Saviour. As the loving bride does to her beloved bride- groom. But wliy do they commit themselves unto Him ? They commit themselves to His grace to be saved by it ; to His power to be kept by it ; to His providence to be fed by it ; to His word to be ruled by it ; to His care to be pre- served by it ; and to His arms at death to be safely landed in glory. This flows from grace, and produces peace, safety, satisfaction, and suc- cess. Let us, beloved, commit ourselves to the Lord daily, heartily, deliberately, and unreserv- edly. My soul shall cry to Thee, O Lord, To Thee, supreme, incarnate "Word, My rock and fortress, shield and Friend, Creator, Saviour, source, and end ; And thou wilt hear Thy servant's pr.ayer, Though death and darkness speak despair. 287 OCTOBER 10. Who sliail lay anylhing to the charge of God's elect ? Rpna. viii. 33- God's elect are ' sinners ; they know it, feel it, and deplore it. The world is against thfem, and Satan tries every means in his power to rain them. But blessed be God' lie cannot prevail. The work of the Holy Spirit within them, sets and keeps them panting for holiness ; striving against sin; aiming at God's glory; and desiring to be a blessing to all around them. The work of Christ for them, brings forth a sentence of justification from the eternal Father ; and be- lieving His word they realize their privilege, and may boldly ask — " Who shall lay anything TO THE CHARGE op God's ElECT ?" Will God? No^ — for He is perfectly satisfied through the death of His Son. Will conscience ? No — for it is cleansed by the blood of Jesus, sUenced' by the word of God, and corroborates Jehovah's testimony. Can Satan ? No — for he is cast out;' bis testimony cannot be received, having long since been proved a liar by the God of truth. Will Jesus as Judge of all? No — ^^for He' would rather die for us than condemn' lis. O beloved, see the perfection of the Saviour's work. Complete atonement He has made, And to the utmost farthing paid Whato'er Hia people owed ; How tlien can wrath on me take place, If shelter'd in His righteousness. And sprinkled with His blood ? 288 OCTOBER 11. Keep yourselves in the love of God. Jude 21. The love of God to His people is free, unspeak- ably great, and eternal ; our love to God is de- pendant on His love to us as its source, on faith and fellowship with Him as its fuel ; therefore we are exhorted to keep ourselves in the love of God. This implies that we are beloved of God, and that we know it, and love Him in return. That we should endeavor to retain our stand- ing, and keep ourselves sensibly in the love of God, by setting it always before our minds ; exercising our faith on it ; and seeking the en- joyment of it by prayer and in the Lord's ways. We should keep ourselves in the exercise of love to God by avoiding temptations, walking by faith, and living as in His presence. We should keep ourselves in the exercise of love one to another, by exhortation, forbearance, and ex- ample. We should preserve ourselv^es by the love of God, from the temptations of Satan, the snares of the world, and the lusts of the flesh. Beloved, consider how the love of God aggravates our sins ; how it should fire us with courage to oppose everything that is unholy or forbidden. O love divine, how sweet thou art ! When shall I find my longing heart All taken up by Thee I Grant me, O gracious Lord, to prove The sweetness of redeeming love, The love of Christ to me ! 289 13 OCTOBER 12. Be sure your sin loill find you out. Num. xxxii. 23. Sin cannot be concealed ; it meets the eye and affects the heart of God ; and unless we find it out, confess it with sorrow, and forsake it with disgust, it will find us out, and expose us to the rod of God, and the contempt of godly men. It found Achan out, and proved his ruin ; it found Noah out, and covered him with disgrace ; and it found David out, so that the sword never departed from his house, God cannot be rec- onciled to sin, nor should we be. However secret the sin, God is a witness; and He will bring it to light. " He that covereth his SIN SHALL NOT PROSPER ; but he that confesseth and forsaketh his sins, shall find mercy." Let us be careful that we give sin no quarter, or vainly fancy that because God loves us He will not expose us ; He assures us our sin will find us OUT. Oh, to hate sin as God hates it, to loathe it as Jesus loathed it, and to become dead to it, and be entirely delivered from it \ It is the source of all our miseries, the cause of all our pains, and the occasion of all our troubles. It cannot be hid, it will find us out, and sorely wound us. O God, our sins have found us out, And melted us with grief ! Before Thy throne ourselves we cast, And supplicate rehef : To Jesus' feet we now repair, And seek, and find salvation there. 290 OCTOBER 13. Return, ye backsliding children. Jer. iii. 22. We are prone to wander, and are daily going astray ; our God may justly cast us off, but He lovingly invites us to return. He bids us take words and coine to Plim, and gives us every en- couragement to hasten to His feet. We are CHILDREN, though baclvsliding ; and it is our Father who bids us return. Beloved, let us return to our God this morning, let us confess our sin, deplore our folly, crave His pardon, plead His word, hope in His mercy, and expect the token of reconciliation and love. What an unspeakable mercy to have such a Father ! So ready to forgive I So willing to receive ! So de- sirous that we should be happy and blest I His love is wonderful. His forbearance beyond de- scription. See His arms extended ; hear His word inviting ; and hasten to be blest. Do not dwell on your miseries, or your wretchedness ; they are the effects of your backsliding ; but He says, " I will heal your backslidings." " Come, and let us return unto the Lord ; for He hath torn, and will heal us ; He hath smitten, and He will bind us up." His heart is grieved for us. His word invites us, and His love will make us happy. Father of mercies, God of love ! Ob ! hear a humble suppliant's cry ; Bend from Thy lofty seat above, Thy throne of glorious majesty : Oh, deign to listen to my voice, And bid this drooping heart rejoice. 251 OCTOBER 14. I will restore health unto thee. Jer. xxx. 17. Jesus is a skilfal Physician. He heals all the falls, bruises, and dislocations of His people. He brings health to the heart. Believer, is thy heart hard, wandering, unbelieving, or wounded ? Jesus can heal it, and to you He says, " Co.me AND BE HEALED." He rcstorcs the fainting, the dying, and the dead. He is a perfect master of every disease. His terms are " No money : no PRICE !" But He will have an absolute surren- der to Him ; you must refuse all other medi- cines ; take all He prescribes, bitter or sweet. Touch — trust — and be happy. Jesus is Jeho- vah RopHi, therefore look for health to no oth- er. Lodge in His neighborhood. Consult Him daily. Lay open your whole case to Him. Never despond until His nature changes, His skill fails, or His advertisement is withdrawn from the book of God. Be grateful for healing, and show your gratitude by endeavoring to send others to Him. Recommend this gracious Physician. Trust Him, and remember His question, " Were there not ten cleansed, but where are the nine ? They are not found that return to give glory to God, save this stran- ger." Beloved, come to Jesus and be healed ; and be sure you render again according to the mercy shown you. Saviour, I wait Thy healing hand ! Diseases fly at Thy command ; Now let Thy sovereign tonch impart Life, health, and vigor to my heart. 292 OCTOBER 15. And He marvelled became of their unbelief. Mark vi. G. Unbelief is represented as filling Jesus with surprise ; and is it any wonder, especially our unbelief? Consider what God hath done to remove doubt. He hath sent His character, " God is love." He hath made a proclama- tion, " Behold, now is the accepted time ; be- hold, now is the day of salvation." He hatii given an invitation, " Look unto me, and be ye saved." He hath employed entreaty, " As though God did beseech yon by us, we pray you in Christ's stead, be ye reconciled to God." He hath issued a command, " This is His com- mandment, that we should believe on the name of His Son Jesus Christ." He hath sworn an oath, "That by two immutable things in which it was impossible for God to lie, we might have strong consolation." He hath given His Son as a pledge, to assure us that " whosoever believeth on Him shall never perish, but have eternal life." He hath added the testimony of all His saints. Well then may He marvel at our unbelief. Never let us attempt to excuse it, but let us plead and pray against it, until we con- quer it. O Lord, fulfil in me Thy •word, Now let me feel Thy pardoning blood, Let what I ask be given ; The bar of unbelief remove, Open the door of faith and love, And take me into heaven. 293 OCTOBER 16. The Lord shall be thy confidence. Prov. iii. 26. Our happiness consists in knowing God and believing Him ; if we know His true character, we can believe His precious word ; and if we believe His holy word, we enjoy peace and sacred satisfaction. He presents Himself to us in His word, as able and willing to make us holy, happy, and honorable. To him we may communicate all that troubles us, from Him we may receive all that our circumstances require, with Him we may walk and enjoy peace. We may be confident in God, for He has power, love, and faithfulness ; He has spoken to us, will appear for us, and will never turn away from us ; but will rejoice over us to do us good, with His whole heart and with His whole soul. Let us make Him our confidence, by believing His word, frequenting His throne, and seeking His glory in all things. Are you troubled, fearful, and cast down ? Acquaint now thyself with Him and be at peace, thereby shall good come unto thee. They that trust in the Lord shall be as mount Zion, which cannot be removed, but abideth forever. * Thou, Lord, on whom I still depend. Wilt keep me faithful to the end : I trust Thy truth, and love, and power, Shall save me to the latest hour ; And when I lay this body down, Bestow a britjlit immortal crown. 294 OCTOBER 17. My strength in made perfect in weakness. 2 Cor. xii. 9. The more the believer feels his weakness, the more should he expect his Saviour to appear for and strengthen him. The strength of Jesus is imparted, enjoyed, and displayed in our sorest trials and most distressing seasons. Never was Abraham so strong, as when offering up his beloved Isaac upon the mount; never were the martyrs so courageous, as when in prison they felt their entire weakness, cried to Jesus for strength ; and depending on His faithfulness and love, left all and went to the stake. Then they could exclaim, " None but Christ. None but Christ." " Farewell life, welcome the cross of Christ." Beloved, let us walk by faith, not by feeling ; when we feel weakest, the strength -of Jesus is nearest, and He magnifies His mercy by giving power to the faint, and increasing the strength of the weak. Let us depend on Him, for we can do all things through Christ who strengtheneth us. He is our strength, a very present help in trouble. The Lord is our strength and song, He also is become our salvation. Saviour, on earth I covet not That every woe should cease ; Only, if trouble be my lot, lu Thee let me have peace : Thy grace and strength display in me, Till I arrive at perfect day. 296 OCTOBER 18. / will look unto the Lord. Micah vii. 7. Looking to creatures always ends in disappoint- ment ; therefore it is forbidden by Him who loves us best, and consults our best interests at all times. The prophet had been weaned from this, by many and sore trials ; and now he de- termines to look unto the Lord, Let us imitate his example. We cannot do better than look to the Lord, as our Captain, to command; as our Master, to direct ; as our Father, to provide ; and as our God, to defend. His name is a strong tower, the righteous run into it and are safe. Looking to Jesus, will preserve us from a thousand, snares ; and prepare us to suffer as Christians and triumph as conquerors. The eyes of the Lord are always upon us ; may our eyes be ever towards the Lord. Let us look to Him for all we need ; from all we fear ; through all that obstructs our progress ; and so press on towards the mark for the prize of the high call- ing, which is of God in Christ Jesus. He says, " Look unto me and be ye saved." It is record- ed, '• They looked upon Him and were lightened, and their faces were not ashamed." Jesus is the same, yesterday, to-day, and forever. Lord, 8hine on my benighted heart, With beam3 of mercy shine ; And let Thy Spirit's voice impart A taste of joys divine : To Thee I look, to Tliee I cry, Oh, bring Thy sweet salvation nigh. 296 OCTOBER 19. I will call upon TJu:e,for Thou wilt answer me. Psalm Ixxsvi. 7. Such was David's purpose, and suoli his assur- ance ; and we have the same warrant for confi- dence as he had. Our God will answer prayer. Let us inquire what is necessary, in order to the assurance that our God will answer us. We must REALLY MEAN what wc Say when we pray. We must pray for a definite object. We must pray in accordance with the will of God, as re- vealed in His promises and precepts. We must pray in submission to the will of God, as to the time when, and the means by which He will answer us. We must heartily desire what we pray for. Our motives must be pure, as that God may be glorified, sin subdued, and Jesus exalted. We must pray with importunity and perseverance. We must oiler all our prayers in tlie name of Jesus, and expect them to be ac- cepted and honored only for His sake. There must be no sin indulged ; for if we indulge ini- quity in our hearts, God will not hear our PRAYER. We must pray in faith, believing that God is, and that He is the rewarder of all them who diligently seek Him. Lord, on me Thy Spirit pour, Turn the stony heart to flesh ; And begin from this good hour, To revive Tliy work afresh : Lord, revive me ! All my help must come from Thee. 297 13* OCTOBER 2 0. Behold, thy salvation cometh. Isaiah Ixii. 11. The Lord's people may be now sorely tried and often cast down ; but the present is the worst state they will ever be in ; they are hast- ing to the day of God, which is to them tlio day of deliverance. Their salvation is on the road; they will soon be freed from all disease; from which they now suffer ; from all sin, un- der which they now groan ; from all foes, of whom they are now afraid ; and from all cares and troubles, with which they are now burden- ed. Beloved, why are you so fearful, and why do desponding thoughts arise in your hearts ? Behold, your salvation cometh; behold. His re- ward is with Him, and His work before Him. He will free you from all that pains you, and raise you above all your fear. The time of deliverance is at hand, the year of release is near ; the trumpet of the Jubilee will soon be heard; our Saviour will arrive to lead us to our Father's house, to the mansions which He hath prepared for us, and so shall we be ever with the Lord. Comfort one another with these words. " Behold, the Bridegroom cometh, go ye out to meet Him !" V • Jesus beckons from on high ; Fearless to His presence fly ; Thine the merits of His Hooc], Thine the righteousness of God ! Go, His triumphs to adorn, Made for God, to God return ! 298 OCTOBER 21. TImu shalt guide me with Thy counsel. Psalm Ixxiil 24. This supposes a knowledge of the Lord as in- finitely gracious ; inflexibly just ; inconceivably wise ; and immutably faithful : except we know Him we cannot trust Him. But here is an entire surrender to Him, to be led where He pleases ; as He chooses ; and by whom He will. This surrender is becoming, prudent, gainful; for godliness with such contentment is great gain. Such a surrender is the effect of faith in the Lord's promise, gracious presence, and cove- nant character ; it exhibits expectation from the Lord. Whom the Lord guides He pro- tects ; He preserves ; He supplies ; and receives. He receives them now at the throne of grace, to be His charge and His care ; and He will receive them at the throne of His glory, and in- troduce them to holiness, happiness, and honor. Beloved, have you thus surrendered ? Are you daily surrendering ? Can you say to your gra- cious God, " Thou shalt guide me with Thy counsel, and afterwards receive me to glory ?" If so, happy are ye ; the Spirit of glory and of God will rest upon you. Thy word, Lord, is light and food, Tlie law of truth, and source of good ; Oh, let it ricWy dwell within. To keep me from the snares of sin ; And guide me still to choose my way, That I no more may go astray. 299 OCTOBER 2 2. After he had patiently endured he obtained the promise. Heb. vi. 15. Abraham was long tried, but he was richly rewarded. The Lord tried him by delaying to fulfil His promise ; Satan tried him by tempta- tions ; men tried him by jealousy, distrust, and opposition; Hagar tried him by contemning her mistress ; and Sarah tried him by her peevish- ness. But he patiently endured. He did not question God's veracity ; nor limit His power ; nor doubt His faithfulness ; nor grieve His love : but he bowed to divine sovereignty ; submitted to infinite wisdom ; and was silent un ler delays, waiting the Lord's time. And so, having pa- tiently endured, he obtained the promise. God's promises cannot fail of their accomplishment. Patient waiters cannot be disappointed. Be- lieving expectations shall be realized. Beloved, Abraham's conduct condemns a hasty spirit ; re- proves a murmuring one ; commands a patient one ; and encourages quiet submission to God's will and way. Remember, Abraham was tried ; he patiently waited ; he received the promise and was satisfied ; imitate His example, and you will share the same blessing. All anxious cares I fain would leave, And learn •with sweet content to live On what the Lord shall send ; Whate'er He sends, He sends in love. And good or bad things blessings prove If blessed by this Friend. 800 OCTOBER 2 3. We should walk in newness of life. Rom. vi. 4. All who profess Christ are supposed to pos- sess a new nature; they are brought under new obligations; and are expected to keep new objects in view. Being baptized into the death of Christ, and participating in His resur- rection, they should wallc as influenced by new principles; the free grace, holy truth, and di- vine power of God, should lead them to new- ness of life. They should walk by new rules, no longer following custom, or imitating the world; they should walk according to God's word, the Saviour's golden rule, and bright ex- ample. The love of God, gratitude to God, and zeal for His glory, should be the motives from which they act: while to honor God; to enjoy His presence ; to exalt Jesus ; to benefit others ; to prove the power and purity of their principles; to justify their profession: and to evidence their faith and love; should be the ends they have constantly in view. A new life is expected from new creatures ; and without it our religion is vain, and our profession a false- hood. Beloved, do we walk in newness of life ? Finish, Lord, thy new creation, Pure, unspotted may we be ; Let us see our whole salvation Perfectly secured by thee : Changed from glory into glory. Till in heaven we take our place ; Till we cast our crowns before thee, Lost in wonder, love and praise. 301 OCTOBER 24. I am Jesus. Acts ix. 5. I.MMANUEL presents Himself this morning, and tells us He is exactly suited to us, whatever may be our circumstances or feelings ; He says, "I AM Jesus." Are you seeking the Lord ? He is Jesus, the gracious, powerful, tender- hearted, ready and willing Saviour. Are you tried, troubled, and cast down ? He is Jesus, the constant, sympathizing, present, wise, and unchangeable Friend. Are you a returning backslider, filled with your own ways ? He is Jesus, and He says, " I will receive you ; I will heal you ; I will restore you ; I will rejoice over you, as the shepherd over the sheep he had lost." Beloved, Jesus is the Lord our Grod, our all in all ; our God is Jesus the Saviour, merciful, kind, and tender ; this proclamation is cheering to the sinner, and delightful to the saint. Let us remember, whoever may change, whatever may change. He is Jesus still ; still touched with the feeling of our infirmities ; still able and willing to help us; still full of compassion and plenteous in mercy unto all them that call upon Him ; still ready to forgive, waiting to be gra- cious, full of pity, and pledged to receive us. When darkness veils His lovely face, I rest on His unchanging grace; In every liigh and stormy gale, My anchor holds within the veil ; On Christ the solid Rock I stand, — All other ground is sinking sand. 302 OCTOBER 2 5. In everything give thanks. 1 Tliess. v. 18. EvERVTHixG we enjoy should be viewed as coming from the liberal hand of God; all was forfeited by sin ; what we receive is of grace. The providence that supplies us, is the wisdom, benevolence, and power of God in operation for us ; as expressive of His infinite love and unmerited grace. Talents to provide supplies, opportunities to obtain, and ability to enjoy, are alike from the Lord. Every mercy increases our obligation and deepens our debt. Thanks- giving is the ordinance that God hath appoint- ed, that we may express our gratitude, and •acknowledge our obligation; and our thanks- givings are acceptable and well-pleasing in His sight. Thanksgiving is never out of season, for we have always much to be thankful for. In everything we should give thanks, to that end view all things as arranged by His wisdom, dependant on His will, sanctified by His blessing, according with His promises, and flowing from His love. All our blessings come through Je- sus, and all our praises must ascend through Him ; for our Father only accepts what is pre- sented in the name of His beloved Son. Praise Him who by His word Supplies our every need, And gives us Christ the Lord, Our hungry souls to feed : Thanks be to God for every good, Eternal thanks for Jesus' blood. 30"; OCTOBEE 2 6. Am I in God's stead? Gen. xxx. 2. All our mercies are to be traced up to our G-od, and all our miseries to ourselves. We are constantly making ourselves wretched, by de- parting from our God, or by putting creatures in His place. We often put persons and things in G-od's stead in reference to our affections, loving them inordinately ; in reference to our dependence, trusting them instead of Him ; in reference to our worship, idolizing them instead of adoring Him ; and in reference to our expec- tations, expecting them to relieve, comfort, or deliver instead of Him. But insufficiency is written upon every created object. No creature can fill the place of Jehovah, take the richest — the wisest — the kindest — the nearest relative or friend, and you must exclaim, " Vanity of vanities, all is vanity." But Jehovah can fill the place of all ; He can be instead of Father, Husband, Child, Wealth, Health, yea, of all things. Creatures may say, Am I in God's stead ? If not, why look to me ? why depend on me ? why expect from me ? why grieve so to part with me ? Am I in G-od's stead ? If so. He will remove me, or I shall disappoint you. Heavenly Adam, life divine, Change my nature into Thine : Move and spread throughout my soul, Actuate and fill the -whole ; Now my fainting soul revive ; There forever walk and live. 804 OCTOBER 27. The Lord will give grace and glory. Ps. Ixxxiv. 11. This is good news, for except the Lord give us grace Ave shall never be sanctified; and un- less He give us glory we shall never be glori- fied. All must be the free gift of free grace. If anything good was required of us to entitle us, we must sit down in despair ; but now all is of divine bounty, we can hope ; we need not be afraid. The Lord has given grace to thou- sands. He has given grace to us ; and He will give more grace ; grace to fit for duty, grace to support in trial, grace to sanctify the heart ; and He will give glory, which is grace in perfection. Brethren, let us endeavor to believe that our God is as kind, bountiful, and beneficent as His word declares. Let us confess our sins before Him, seek grace from Him, and look to be glorified with Him. Our all is in God ; our all must come from God ; and all the glory should be daily given to God. Whenever we want grace, let us ask it of God ; for He giveth liberally and upbraideth not. Let us approach His throne this morning, and be this our prayer, " Lord, give us more grace. Give us grace daily, grace to devote us to Thy service, and fill us with holy love." Blest is our lot, whate'er befall ; Who can affright, or who appal ? — Since on Thy strength, our rock, our all, Jesus ! we cling to Thee. 305 14 OCTOBER 2 8. Son, go work to-day inmy vineyard. Matt. xxi. 28. Some are God's sons only by creation ; the Jews were so by national adoption; believers are so by regeneration. They are born of G-od, and adopted by G-od. Oar G-od never intended that His children should be idle; He says to every child, " Son, go work." This is the command of a Father; it contains affection, it flows from authority. We are to work for His glory, for the good of others, and to lay up for ourselves treasures in heaven. Working for God is creditable — profitable — pleasant. Our work is in His vineyard, the church finds work for all. Some are employed to plant, some to weed, some to water, and some to watch. The command is " Work to-day." The present is the period. To-day, while you have light, strength, and opportunity. Remember, it is but a day, a short period at longest, but it often proves to be but a short day. Are you standing all the day idle ? G-o into the vine- yard. Are you discouraged? Imitate her who did what she could. Look to the Lord ; He will give ability-opportunity — and crown with success. give me, Lord, an upright heart, Well nurtured with a godly fear, Which from thy precepts will not start. When clouds and threatening storms appear : But onward press with even pace, Refresh'd and fortified by grace. S06 OCTOBER 29. The love that God hath to us. 1 John iv. 16. Who shall describe it ? What tongue or pen can set it forth ? It is infinite, and what can finite mortals say ? It is eternal, and how can we who are but of yesterday declare it ? It is the present heaven of the saints, to know and believe the love that God hath to them. None can reveal it to us, or shed it abroad in our hearts, but the Holy Grhost. He can direct our hearts into the love of God, and into the patience of Jesus Christ. He is in office to show the saints the things of God, and enable them to believe and enjoy them. Let us, be- loved, daily pray that we may know and enjoy the love that God hath to us ; it will be an an- tidote to all our miseries, a source of joy under all our sorrows. Our friends and frames may change, but the love of God is unchangeable. Our temporal prospects may be all blighted, but if we know and enjoy the love of God, we cannot be unhappy. Who, or what shall sep- arate us FROM THE LOVE OF GoD ? JcSUS liaS told us that we shall never perish, neither shall any pluck us out of His hand. The love of our God is the source of our happiness, and the cause of our safety. Oh, to know and believe the love which God hath to us I God is love. "What shall I do my God to love ? My loving God to praise ? The length, and breadth, and height to prove, And depth of sovereign grace ? 307 OCTOBER 30. Take heed, and beware of covetousiiess. Luke xii. 15. Tins is a warning from the lips of our beloved Lord. He knows our weakness and our foes, and He cautions us against them. "We want but little here below, for we shall not be here long ; and we are going to the land of plenty, rest, and joy. A little with the Lord's blessing is enough. We ought not to be anxious about temporals; only let us be careful that the world is not a loser by us, and we need trouble no farther. The Lord will give us enough if we are living by faith upon Him, and walking in com- munion with Him. We are all prone to be covetous, and it is a fearful sin. Covetousncss is idolatry. It steals the heart from G-od, and sets it upon base and sordid things. It prevents our enjoying either temporal or spiritual bless- ings. A covetous man must be miserable, must be unholy, must be lost forever ; well may our dear Lord say, " Take heed, and beware of covETousNESs." It is sly and insinuating, it is deceitful and powerful; and if it once becomes rooted in the heart, nothing but omnipotent grace can root it out. Covet only the best gifts, spiritual blessings. Great things we are not liere to crave ; But if we food and raiment have, Should learn to be therewitli content : Into the world we nothing broiiglit, Nor can we carry from it aught; Then walk the way your Master went. 508 OCTOBER 31. Call upon mc in the day of trouble. Psalm 1. 15. Keep the straight path of duty, and if troubles come, or difficulties arise, thy Grod invites thee to call upon Him. He will come to thy help, and bring all His boundless resources with Him. He is always within call. His ear is never heavy, that it cannot hear ; His arm is not shortened, that it cannot reach or save. Ho can make thy greatest troubles prove thy choicest blessings ; He can give thee cause to bless Him through eternity, for thy sorest trials. Oh, trust Him, and fear not ! Run not to crea- tures ; but, " Arise and call upon thy G-od." Look not to others, until thou hast proved that He cannot, or will not help; and that will never be. His heart is too kind. His word is too faithful. Art thou in trouble this morning ? If so, you have a special invitation from thy Grod to pay Him a visit, and lay thy whole case before Him ; expecting His sympathy, inter- ference, and blessing ; He says, " Call upon me IN THE TIME OF TROUBLE. I WILL DELIVER THRE, AND THOU SHALT GLORIFY ME." He is faithful who hath promised. Oh, trust Him, for so you honor Him ; expect from Him, and you cannot be disappointed. Wait for Him, and you shall not be ashamed. Dear refuge of my weary soul, On Thee, when sorrows rise, On Tliee, when waves of trouble roll, My fainting hope relies. .309 NOVEMBER 1. Thou Preserver of men. Job vii. 20. We have neither wisdom nor strength to pre- serve ourselves ; we are daily liable to fall ; and unless Grod preserve us we certainly shall. Our hearts are so deceitful, our corruptions arc so strong, and Satan is so vigilant, that we need look to God as our Preserver every hour, and call upon Him to uphold us every moment. He can preserve. He doth preserve ; but only in the way of obedience. Except we are watchful, prayerful, and walking humbly with Him, we have no security ; we may fall into the grossest sins, and commit the greatest crimes. be- liever, never think thyself safe, but as thou art leaning on Jesus, calling upon thy heavenly Father, and cultivating communion with the Holy Ghost ! Indeed thou art in danger ; Satan, the world, and thy corruptions are all leagued against thee ; nothing but onmipotent grace can keep thee. Cease from man, trust not thy own heart ; but keep close to thy good Shepherd. He is able to keep you from falling, and to present you faultless before the presence of His glory, with exceeding joy. Every foe must fly before Him, Earth and hell shall feel His power ; HeaveQ and earth with joy adore Him. Hail the long expected hour : Hallelujah ! Jesus has almighty power. 310 NOVEMBER 2. They were tempted. Heb. xi. 37. That is, they were tried ; and the design of their enemies by these trials was, to draw or drive them from the Lord. Their trials were of the most cruel kind, but they found that as their day, so was their strength. Brethren, we shall be tempted; Satan is not dead, no, nor yet asleep ; the world is not reconciled to god- liness ; nor are we free from indwelling sin. It is not our sin to be tempted — this is our trial ; but it is our sin if we yield. God has promised strength, wisdom, and grace ; and we should seek these, that we may be able to withstand, and so overcome every trial. We may expect to be tempted daily, for Satan goeth about ; and if at any moment we are off our guard, that is the time he is most likely to beset us. Let us keep close to Jesus the great Shepherd of the sheep ; let us keep our eye on our Father's house; and let us aim in all things at God's glory, and temptation shall not harm us. " Blessed is the man that endureth temptation ; for when he is tried, he shall receive the crown of life, which the Lord hath promised to them that love Him." If the enemy come in like a flood, we may still sing — His oath, His covenant, and blood, Support me in the sinking flood ; When all around my soul gives way, Jesus is all my hope and stay : On Christ the solid Rock I stand ; — All other ground is sinking sand. 311 NOVEilBEIl 3. What would ye that I should do for you? Mark x. 38. So spake Jesus to the sons of Zebedee, and so He speaks to us. Beloved, have you your pe- tition ready this morning ? Jesus is at the par- don oihce ; He is on His throne of grace ; He is in a loving temper ; He is ready to bless. He says, " Ask, what shall I give thee ?" Jesus! give me sanctifying grace. Subdue my corruptions. Purify my heart. Make me a vessel of honor, meet for Thy use. "Why should sin bo allowed to work so powerfully ? Why should Satan be permitted to have so much power over me ? Why should the world attract and lead me astray ? Lord, I would that thou shouldest make me holy, and make me useful ; fill me with Thy Holy Spirit ; write Thy word on my heart, and enable me to write out Thy precepts in my life. Saviour ! I would that thou shouldest make me lilce Thy- self; as meek, as humble, as diligent, as disin- terested, as useful to Grod and man. May I be holy, harmless, undefiled, and separate from sinners. Oh, make me shine, to the honor and glory of Thy free and sovereign grace. Holy Ghost, no more delay ; Come, and in Thy temple stay ; Now Thine inward witness bear, Strong, and permanent, and clear : Source of life. Thyself impart. Rise eternal in my heart ! 812 NOVEMBER 4. They limited the Holy One of Israel. Ps. Ixxviii. 41. This was Israel's sin, and has it not often been ours? Our Grod is the Holy One, and will do what is most for His glory ; He is the Holy One of Israel, and will therefore consult His people's welfare. We must not limit His wis- dom, for it is infinite ; we must not limit His power, for it is omnipotent ; wc must not limit His mercy, for it is as high as heaven and deep as hell ; we must not limit Him to time, for He will display His sovereignty. He will not be tied to walk by our rules ; or be bound to keep our time ; but He will perform His word, honor our faith, and reward them that diligently seek Him. However tried, beware of limiting the Holy One of Israel; say not "It is too difficult, or it is too far gone ;" this was the fault of Martha and Mary, but Jesus convinced them they were wrong. Rather say with Jona- than, " It may be that the Lord will work for us; for there is no restraint to the Lord to save by many or by few ;" Jonathan honored the Lord by trusting Him, and the Lord honored Jonathan by giving him a victory over the ene- mies of Israel. Exercise unlimited confidence in G-od, for He will fulfil every promise He has made. Wide as the world is His command, Vast as eternity His love ; Firm as a rock His trutli shall stand, When rolling years sliall cease to move. 313 14 NOVEMBER 5. Be ye aho cidarged. 2 Cor. TJ. 1 3. Contraction is a great evil, enlargement is a great blessing. We need to be enlarged in our knowledge — love — ^liope — liberality — faith — and every grace. Our God disapproves of contrac- tion. The Apcstles set a different example. Provision is made in the covenant to gratify en- larged desires. The promises warrant enlarged expectations. Jesus bids us ask largely. The gospel calls for enlargement in prayer — ^benevo- lence — pity — and compassion — and in our ef- forts for God's glory. Let us beware of narrow views or feelings, for the heart of God is large; the love of Christ is large ; the provision of mer- cy is large ; the gospel commission is large ; and the mansions of glory are large. We are not straitened in God, nor in His gospel, but we are straitened in our own bowels. Jesus, enlarge our narrow hearts ; expand our con- tracted souls! Fill us with all joy and peace in believing, that we may abound in hope, by the power of the Holy Ghost. May we be full of goodness, able also to admonish one another. Oh, to be filled with the Holy Ghost and with power ! With holy fear, and reverent love, I long to lie beneath Thy throne •, I long in Thee to live and move, And stay mj-sclf on Thee alone : Teach me to lean upon Thy breast, To find in Thee the promised rest. 814 NOVEMBER 6. Thou art no more a servant, but a son. Gal. iv. 7. It would have been a great mercy if G-od had made us His servants, after we had proved His enemies ; but He has adopted us as His sons, and. taken us to the bosom of His love. He is now our Father, and wishes us to call Him so ; we are His children, and He wishes us to walk and act as such. We are not mere servants, therefore we should not be servile ; we are sons, therefore we should love, obey, and delight in Grod. as our Father. " Beloved, noio are we the sons of God." "We are delivered from bondage, introduced into favor, have the promise of eter- nal life, and should rejoice with joy unspeakable, and full of glory. It was free grace which adopted us ; the Holy Spirit, by the word, be- gat us to a lively hope ; and the gospel pro- claims our privileges, and invites us to enjoy them. Let us to-day think, " I am a son of God. My Father is holy, His children are holy. His word is holy, He loves holiness, and com- mands me to be holy ; I will therefore lift up my heart to Him ; seek grace from Him ; and in all things aim to glorify Him." Pronounce me, gracious God ! Thy son, Own me an heir divine : I'll pity princes on the throne, Wlien I can call Thee mine : Sceptres and crowns unenvied rise, And lo'e their lustre in mine eyes. 315 NOVEMBER 7. Goforvmrd. Exodus xiv. 15. Beloved, there is no standing still in religion ; we are either going forward or going back. Our Captain's command is, " Go korward." This is our direction. Go forward in the Lord's way ; in the Lord's work ; in the Lord's king- dom. The command contains great encourage- ment. Go forward, remembering the Lord's wisdom ; trusting in the Lord's power ; and be- lieving in the Lord's love. Go forward in union with the Lord's people ; with zeal for His glory ; until summoned into your Master's pres- ence. Go forward, notwithstanding difficul- ties, fears, and discouragements. Go forward, because God has bidden you ; He has promised to go with you ; He will crown your journey's end. Let us imitate ardent and holy Paul, who said, " Not as though I had already attained, either were already perfect ; but I follow after, if that I may apprehend that for which I am also apprehended of Christ Jesus." Let us look for, and hasten to the coming of the day of God. There is nothing behind us worth a thought, if compared with what is set before us by the gospel. Much ill sorrow, oft in woe, Onward, Christian, onward go ; Shrink not, fear not, dare not yield, Never quit the battle-field : Forward press and win the prize, Then to endless glory rise. 816 NOVEMBER §. As having nothing, and yet possessing all things. 2 Cor. vi. 10. The Lord's family are generally poor ; men may look at them as having nothing valuable, im- portant, or calculated to make them happy ; but in reality they possess all things, because God is theirs. Our God has said, "I am their in- heritance," and we say, " Thou art my portion, Lord." His eternity is the date of our happi- ness — His unchangeableness, the rock of our rest — His omnipotence, our constant guard — His faithfulness, our daily security — His mer- cies, our overflowing store — His omniscience, our careful overseer — His wisdom, our judicious counsellor — His justice, our stern avenger — His omnipresence, our sweet company — His holiness, the fountain from which we receive sanctifying grace — His all-sufficiency, the lot of our inher- itance — and His infinity, the extent of our glo- rious portion. This is the blessedness of the people of the Lord ; they have God for their Lord, and all His perfections engaged to make them blessed. love the Lord ! Live upon the Lord ! Glorify God in the day of visitation ! Make Him your portion and everlasting all I To us the privilege is given To be the sons and heirs of heaven ; Sons of the God who reigns on high, Andlieirs of joys beyond the sky : Oh, may our conduct ever prove Our filial piety and love. 317 NOVEMBER 9. God, Thou hast taught me from my youth. Psalm IxxL 17. The Psalmist was called early, and he ascribes it to divine teaching. None but Grod can teach us experimentally ; and the lessons He teaches are always useful and important. He teaches all His scholars to know themselves — their de- pravity, poverty, and slavery. He teaches them His law — its purity, claims and penalty. He teaches them His gospel — its fulness, freeness and suitability. He teaches them to know Him- self : as a reconciled G-od, as their Father and faithful Friend. His teaching is accompanied with power and authority. Are we taught of G-od ? We may know divine teaching by its effects ; it always produces humility, they sit at His feet ; dependence upon Him ; abhorrence of sin ; love to God as a teacher ; obedience to the lessons taught ; thirst for further attain- ments ; and brings us daily to Jesus. Let us earnestly seek divine teaching ; it preserves from dangers, sorrows, and snares ; and if suit- ably improved, it brings great glory to G-od, and honor to the cause of religion. Our God says, " I WILL TEACH THEE." Lord, tcacli mc, and make me entirely Thine ! Oh, let my heart bs wholly Thine, Thy j>ropeity alone ; No longer let mc think it mine, Or call myself my own. 318 NOVEMBER 10. Behold the Lamb of God. John L 36. Sin requires a sacrifice, and the sacrifice must be in proportion to the offence, and the dignity of the offended ; such a sacrifice coukl not be found, but Grod condescended to provide one, which was no less a person than His only-be- gotten Son. This Lamb was provided to ex- piate and remove sin ; to honor the divine gov- ernment, and reconcile us to Grod. Let us daily direct our attention to the Lamb of God, who verily was fore-ordained before the found- ation of the world, but was manifested in these last times for us. He is set forth to be a pro- pitiation through faith in His blood, and to be the daily object of our faith, desire, and affec- tion. Provided by Grod, He presented to Grod an infinite atonement ; and we have redemption through His blood, even the forgiveness of our sins. The Lamb is to be presented daily to Grod by us, in our prayers and praises ; and all our expectations are to be founded upon what He is, what He has done, and what He is doing now before the throne of Grod. Take off" your attention from all other subjects, and " Behold THE Lamb or GrOD." Cast thy guilty soul on Him, Find Him mighty to redeem ; At His feet thy burden lay, Look thy doubts and fears away ; Now by faith the Son embrace, Plead His promise, trust His grace. 319 NOVEMBER 11. I Ray unto all, Watch. Mark xiii. 37. The hour of death is uncertain, and the second coming of Jesus is equally so ; therefore we are commanded to be always ready, and to be on the AVATCH. His coming is the grand object of onr hope, and should be our daily desire and prayer. It will be awfully grand. We are deeply inter- ested in it. It is certain, necessary, and will be sudden. We know not the day — month — or year. G-od has purposely concealed it, in wis- dom, in mercy, and for our good. He com- mands us to AWAKE, and keep awake. To be at our post, and employed in our calling. In order to our watching we must be daily believing Je- sus will come ; thinking and praying to be found ready. We should watch the signs of the times ; the workings of our own hearts ; and over our daily conduct. We should walk as we wish death or Jesus to find us ; and transact every business as though Jesus was at the door. Would you, beloved, wish to be found idle — contentious — at enmity — or murmuring — or in- dulging in any sin? If not, watch against these things ; put off the old man, and put on the new. Behold, tlie awful clay comes on. When Jesus on His ligliteous throne Shall in the clouds appear : With solemn pomp shall bow the sky, And in the twinkling of an eye, Arraign us at His bar. 820 NOVEMBER 12. The Lord is my helper. Ileb. xiii. 6. This is a very encoaragin^ view of the Most High G-oJ. He is the helper of His people, and therefore it is that they are more than conquer- ors. Beloved, let us remember this, when called to perform self-denying duties, or to pass through great and sore troubles. We can do nothino- right, apart from God ; but we can do all things through Christ who strengtheneth us. He will help us in every distress, bring us out of every trouble, lead us through the world with honor, and land us safe on the shores of the heavenly Canaan ; all this is promised to every one that trusts in Him, waits for Him, walks with Him, and aims habitually to glorify Him. What sweet encouragement is this ; we have an om- NipoTEXT HELPER, Grod in the person of His Son is our DELIVERER : let us come up out of the wilderness leaning on our Beloved. Let us not grieve His love, or dishonor His grace. Let us keep a clear conscience, maintain a holy walk, exercise simple faith on our covenant God, and then we may boldly say, " The Lord is my HELPER, I will not fear what man can do unto me." To look to Jesus as He rose, Confirms my faith, disarms my foes ; Exalted on His glorious throne, T see Him make m, cause His own; Then all my anxious <. ares subside, For Jesus lives, and wiD provide. 321 NOVEMCEll 13. Spcafc evil of no man. Titus iii. 2. Speak of no man from an unholy motive, or with a design to injure him : this is decidedly wrong. We are commanded by our beloved Sa- viour, to love our enemies ; to do good to them that hate us and despitcfully use us ; to pray for them and seek their salvation. If we speak evil of them we dishonor God, bring guilt upon our consciences, grieve the Spirit, and spoil our peace of mind. If we can indulge in detraction without feeling guilty and distressed, our con- sciences must be blinded, and our hearts har- dened through the deceitfulness of sin. Our tongues are not our own, they are bought with a price, and should be employed in the service of their proper owner. Never indulge yourselves in thinking evil of another, or in feelings of jealousy, envy, revenge, bitterness, anger, or malice ; for these are earthly, sensual, and devil- ish. How unlovely it is to hear one professor speaking evil of another ; the hearer speakcth evil of the minister ; the rich speaking contempt- uously of the poor, the mistress of servants ; much more ministers of ministers. Speak not evil one of -another, brethren. Whene'er the angry passions rise, And tempt our thoughts and tongues to strife, To Jesus let us turn our eyes, Bright pattern of the Christian Iffe ! How mild ! how ready to forgive ! Be these the rules by which we live ! 322 NOVEMBER 14. Consider how great things the Lord hath done for you. 1 Samuel xii. 24. We are very apt to dwell upon our miseries, and forget our mercies. If we are injured by man, how seldom we forget it ; but if we are favored by Grod, how little attention we pay to it. Let us this morning consider how great things the Lord hath done for us. He gave His Son to be our ransom. He has given His Spirit to be our guide, and His word to be our directory. He called us by grace, when we were posting to perdition ; wrought a change in our hearts, when we were enmity against Him ; and pardoned our sins, when we expected to suffer His fiercest displeasure. He has given us faith to trust Him ; promises to plead with Him ; and proofs of His faithful regard, without number. He hath supplied us through all our journey, cor- rected our mistakes, conquered our foes, and no good thing hath He withheld from us. Let us consider these things, and praise Him for the past, and trust Him for the future. He that is our Grod, is the God of Salvation ; He hath done great things for us, and He will do greater things, that we may glorify Him forever. My soul, consider thy obligations, and give glory to thy God. Oh, may I ne'er forget The mercy of my God ; Nor ever want a tongue to spread His loudest praise abroad. 323 NOVEMBER 15. He will be very gracious. Isaiah xxx. 1 9. We are often very miserable, always very un- worthy ; but the Lord is very merciful, and He will be very gracious. He will glorify His grace before angels, men, and devils, in His ex- ceeding kindness toward us ; therefore if a sense of our deep depravity and entire unworthiness discourage us, let us appeal to the graciousness of our Grod, and rely on that. " He will be very gracious unto us at the voice of our cry ; when He shall hear it, He will answer." He has said that when, forsaking our evil courses, we return unto Him, He will prove Himself gracious. " Then shalt thou call, and the Lord shall answer ; thou shalt cry, and He shall say, Here I am." Yea, He will prove Himself very gracious, fur Ho says, " Before they call I will answer; and while they are yet speaking I will hear." Oh, the infinite grace of a gracious God ! Lord, keep it uppermost in our minds, and before our eyes continually ; let it be our encouragement under all the discoveries of de- pravity we make, and our comfort under all the trials we endure. Let us endeavor to give our God credit for being " very gracious." What from Cluist my soul shall sever, Boutul by everlasting bands ? Once in Him, in II im forever, Thus the word of promise stands : None shall pluck me From the strenirth of Israel's hand^i. NOVEMBER 16. Arise ye, and depart, for this is not your rest. Mich. iL 10. There is no permanent rest for the believer on earth; here briers and thorns will be with him; and a voice is daily sounding in his ears, " Arise YE, AND DEPART." Here you are not to loll at ease, or to idle on your journey ; here you are not to expect to find satisfaction, for it is an enemy's land, and you are only passing through it to your heavenly home. If your march is quick and your conduct scriptural, be not sur- prised if the dogs bark at you ; they know you not, nor did they know your Master. He was pursued, annoyed, and at last put to death by them ; and in agony of soul He cried out, " Dogs have compassed me ; the a.ssembly of the wicked have inclosed me ; they have pierced my hands and my feet." Lay not up for your- selves treasures upon earth, where moth and rust doth corrupt, and where thieves break through and steal ; but set your affections on things above, where Christ sitteth at the right hand of Grod. Use the world, but do not abuse it ; pass through it, but never seek a home in it ; remember it is peopled by the enemies of your God. When snares and dangers line my way, Jesus is all my strength and stay ; Cheerful I'll walk the desert through, Nor fear what earth or hell can do : Jesus will ease my troubled breast. And shortly bring ray soul to rest. 325 NO A^ EMBER 17. Be ye reconciled to God. 2 Cor. v. 20. Is there anything but love between God and your souls ? There ought not to bo. G-od hates nothing but sin. He is offended with nothing but sin. This we profess to hate and forsake. We were once enemies, but Jesus died to recon- cile us to G od. "We are now professedly friends, but do we act towards GoJ, and speak of G-od, as though wo were His friends ? Are we offended at anything in God, or at any- thing done by God ? Why should we be ? His nature is love. His ways are all infinite!}'' wise. His tender mercy is over all His works. He desires that we should be on the best terms with Him. How wonderful I He offers a par- don for all our sins, grace to sanctify our na- tures, and heaven to receive our souls ! Hr BESEECHES US- TO BE RECONCILED. As tllOUgh His tender love could not rest, as though He could not be happy, or content, unless we are friends with Him. Beloved, are you living or walking at a distance from God ? Is there any shyness between God and your soul ? God beseeches you by me, and I pray you in Christ's stead, " Be ye reconciled to God." Sprinkled now with blood the throne Why beneath thy burdens groan ? See the curse on Jesus laid ; Justice owns the r.ansom paid : Bow the knee, and kiss the Son, Come and welcomi:, sinner, come ! 826 NOVEMBER 1 §. I will be as the dew unto Israel, llos. xiv. 5. Our. hearts by nature are like the dry, dead, and barren earth ; there would be neither life, beauty, nor fruit, but for the grace of God. And even after regeneration, we are as much de- pendant upon Grod, as the earth in the east is dependant upon the dew. If there be no dew, there will be. no fruit, and if there be no grace, there will be no real religion. But our God has said, " I wii-l be as the dew unto Is- rael." What the dew is to the earth, God will be unto His people. Doss the dew cool and refresh the earth ? So will the Lord cool and refresh our souls with the sense of His love and the tokens of His favor. Docs the dew soften and break the clods of the valley ? So will our God soften and dissolve our hard and impenitent hearts. Does the dew prepare the ground for the seed, and cause the same to vegetate and grow ? So will our God prepare our hearts to receive the word, and cause it to grow and bring forth fruit. Does the dew fall in- sensibly, and in the evening, when most needed ? So will our God come unto us, when we most need His quickening and fructifying operations. Come, Holy Ghost, as heavenly dew, My parched soul revive ; The former mercies now renew, Quicken and bid me live : Thy fertilizing power impart, And sanctify my barren heart. 327 NOVEMBER 19. It is good for us to be here. Mutt. xvii. 4. So said Peter when on the mount with Jesus, and so we have said when enjoying His presence and His love. It is good to live and walk in communion with Grod. It is good to be num- bered with God's people, and to occupy a place in His church. It is good to be in the present world, because we have an opportunity of bear- ing witness for Jesus, and against its course ; we have talents to use, and opportunities for usefulness, whereby we can glorify Grod. Is Jesus honored by our patient suffering ? Then, when on the bed of affliction, we should say, " Lord, it is good to be here." Is our God glorified by our industry, forbearance, and tes- timony to the power and grace of Jesus ? Then when in our business, or in company with those whom we are trying to benefit, we may exclaim, " Lord, it is good to be here I" Yes, Christian, it is good to be anywhere, and any- thing, so that thy Jesus may be glorified, and the end of thy creation, redemption, and sanc- tification, obtained. Oh, to aim always to honor God, and then we may everywhere say, " Lord, IT IS GOOD TO BE HERE !" Great Comforter, descend In gentle breathings down ; Preserve me to the end, That no man take my crown : My guardian still vouchsafe to be, Nor suffer me to go from Thee. 328 NOVEMBER 2 0. Brethren, the time is short. 1 Cor. vii. 29. Then our sufferings must be short, for they are bounded by time, and are confined to the present world. Consoling consideration this. Then our opportunities to glorify our Grod be- low, must be short ; therefore we ought to seize them and improve them with all our might. Then the triumphing of the wicked is short, and the contradiction of sinners against us will soon be ended ; let us therefore be patient, and prayerful, and diligent ; for our redemption draweth nigh. The time is short ; then we shall soon see our Jesus, enjoy the company of our sanctified brethren, and be forever with the Lord. The time is short, but eternity is long ; let us therefore be laying up for ourselves treas- ures in heaven, where neither moth nor rust doth corrupt ; and let us be daily preparing for our last remove. The time is short, it flies away, our dying day will soon be here ; it re- maineth therefore, that both they that have wives be as though they had none ; and they that weep, as though they wept not ; and they that rejoice, as though they rejoiced not ; and they that buy, as though they possessed not. Ob, may my soul maintain her ground, From faith to faith go on ! At the last day in Christ be found, And form the circles that surround His everlasting throne. 329 NOVEMBER 21. My peace 1 give unto you. John xiv. 27. Peace is an invaluable blessing, it is the gift of Jesus. None but believers know the sweetness of the peace He bestows. He made it by shed- ding His blood. He proclaims it in the ever- lasting gospel. He bestows it upon us when we believe, and it is enjoyed in the heart under the influence of the Holy Spirit. It is peace with Grod. A peaceful conscience. The be- ginning of heaven in the soul. He gives it often when in the midst of trouble ; and it makes every burden light, every trouble less, and the sinner happy in every situation. Jesus! give us thy peace this morning! Let it reign and rule in our hearts this day. Believer, look only to Jesus for peace, for " He is our peace." Believe His word, receive His atonement, trust in His perfect work, aim to show forth His praise, and peace which passeth all understanding shall fill your mind. Let it be your daily prayer, that you may enjoy this peace in death ; for then you will die happy, honorably, and safely. Seek it as a gift of grace, and you shall enjoy it to the honor of God. Close to my Saviour's bloody tree, My soul untired shall ever cleave ; Both scourged and crucified for me, With Christ resolved to die iind live ; My prayer, my grand ambition this, Living and dying to be His. 330 NOVEMB'ER 2 2. I will correct you in measure. Jer. xxx. 11. Sin procures correction, and love sends it. Every child is chastened, because every child sins. But though we are corrected for sin, yet not according to the desert of sin. Our Father chastens us in measure, not in wrath, but in love ; not to destroy, but to save us. There is no wrath in His heart, for He has sworn that He will not be wroth with us; yet He will visit our sins with the rod, and our iniquities with stripes. He is reconciled to our persons, but not to our follies; therefore He says, "As many as I love, I rebuke and chasten; be zealous therefore and repent." Let us not de- spise His chastening, nor faint when we are rebuked of Him ; for it is the common lot of all His children, and if it drives us to Him, and humbles us at His feet, it is evidently sent in love. It is a painful blessing ; a mercy sent to purify and cleanse us. If we sin and are not chastened, our sonship is questionable ; for what son is he whom his father chasteneth not ? But if we are chastened, God dealeth with us as with sons; and our sufferings are the fulfilment of His promise. Though ten thousand ills beset thee, From without and from within, Jesus saith, He"ll ne'er forget thee, But will save from hell and sin : He is failhful To perform His precious word. 331 NOVEMBER 9 3. Open thy mouth wide, and I will fill it. Psalm Ixxxi. 10. The word of Grod affords all possible encour- agement to earnest, fervent prayer ; men ought always to pray, and not to faint. Believ- ers should ask all they want of G-od as their heavenly Father; they should ask of Him because He has bidden them, and expect to receive because He is faithful. Are our wants many this morning? Our God bids us open our mouths wide, and promises to fill them. We should ask largely, for God considers Him- self honored when we ask for much, and expect much. He rejoices over us to do us good. He looks upon us as His dear children, and pledges Himself to give all that we want, or can use to His glory. Let us then ask for a supply of every want; let us continue to plead His largest promises ; and let us continue to plead in the name of Jesus until we receive. Oar God heareth prayer : and if we, being evil, know how to give good things unto our chil- dren, much more will our heavenly Father give good things unto them that ask Him. Let us therefore come boldly unto a throne of grace, that we may obtain mercy and find grace. Thou art coming to a King, Large petitions with thee bring ; For His grace and power are such, None can ever ask too much : He Himself has bid thee pray, Therefore will not say thee nay. 332 NOVEMBER 2 4. I will see you again. John xvi. 22. The presence of Jesus is the happiness of His people; when He is present manifesting His love, we are filled with joy and peace ; but when He hides His face we are troubled. Nor is it any wonder, for then generally, Satan comes in with his temptations ; our corruptions rise and trouble us ; and for a time everything seems to be against us. But if Jesus hath once visited. He will come again ; and He will man- ifest Himself unto us as He doth not unto the world. In every season of desertion and dark- ness, let us plead this precious promise given us by our adorable Lord ; He sympathizes with us, and says, " Ye now therefore have sorrow ; but I WILL SEE YOU AGAIN, and your heart shall rejoice, and your joy no man taketh from you." Precious Lord Jesus, let us this day enjoy Thy presence and Thy love ; come and visit us, or rather, come and take up thy abode with us, to leave us no more forever. Our souls thirst for Thee ; we long to enjoy Thy love, as we have done in days that are gone by. Oh, manifest Thyself unto us this day, and unite us closer than ever unto Thyself! Then let us sit beneath His cross, And gladly catch the healing stream ; All things for Him account but dross, And give up all our hearts to Him ; Of nothing think or speak beside ; My Lord, my love, is ciucilied. S33 NOVEMBER 2 5. I trust in Tliy word. Psalm cxix. 42. It is unsafe and improper to trust our feelings or fancies; to listen to suggestions, or judge by appearances; the Christian's guide is Grod's word, and this should be the object of His trust. If we cannot take Grod's word and depend upon it, what can we trust? It is true; on all ne- cessary points plain ; it has been tried and always found faithful. "We should believe it, rely on it, plead it, expect its fulfilment, and comfort ourselves with it ; especially when sur- rounded with difficulties, when in darkness or filled with forebodings, because Grod delays and our prayers are not answered. Trusting in Grod's faithful word will bring peace to the mind, ex- perience to the soul, and deliverance in every time of trouble: if we trust G-od's word we may be confident, for our supply is certain. Trust- ing a naked promise is difficult, but it is attain- able, and truly desirable. The promise is G-od's bond, and is intended to set our minds at rest ; if we trust it calmly and implicitly, we shall en- joy peace, quietness, and confidence. Trusting God's word, we need fear no foe, or dread any trouble ; all is safe, and safe forever. In Thee, Lord, I put my trust ; Mighty, and merciful, and just, Thy fiiitliful word I prove : Thou canst, Thou wilt my helper be ; My coiilidence is all in Tiieo, Thcfaitliful G.Kloflovo. 331 NOVEMBER 2 0. An heir of God, through Christ. Gal. iv. 7. By nature we are cliildren of wrath ; but union to Jesus exalts us to the highest pitch of honor and happiness. All our mercies flow through Jesus ; we must ever look to Him as the me- dium of access to God, and of union with G-od. If we are one with Jesus, we are heirs of Grod ; to us He has willed all the riches of grace, and all the riches of glory. The testament is made and sealed, and all is secured to us by the oath of God, and the blood of our dear Saviour. Oh, what an honor ! To be the heirs of God I To possess and enjoy throughout eternity all that God can impart ! Unutterable grace ! We have enough secured to us while on earth ; and we shall be put into full possession at the res- urrection. Let us then ascertain beyond a doubt, that we are the sons of God ; that we have received the spirit of adoption; that we are united to Jesus ; and daily walk with God. Let us live expecting the day when we shall be put in possession, and preparing for that glorious event. Let us walk worthy of the vocation wherewith we are called, with all lowliness and meekness, watching unto prayer. Let earth no more my heart divide ; With Christ may I be crucified ; To Thee with my whole soul aspire ; Dead to the world and all its toys, To idle pomp, and fading joys, Be Thou alone my one desire ! 335 NOVEMBER 2 7. I a) a (fie Good Shepherd. John x. 11. Beloved, are you in the fold of Jesus ? Are you numbered with His sheep ? Are you feed- ing and resting among them ? Jesus presents Himself to us this morning, in a very lovely character; He says, "I am the Gtood Shep- herd." There is no other shepherd so good or so great as He. He has the tenderest affection for His flock. He affords them His powerful protection. He finds them plenty and suitable provision. He gave His life to redeem them. He sends His Spirit to sanctify them. He is preparing a place in heaven to receive them. He will eternally dwell among them and bless them. Oh, how great is his goodness I He is indeed abundant in goodness and truth. He says, " My sheep hear my voice, and I know them, and they follow me ; and I give unto them eternal life ; and they shall never perish, neither shall any pluck them out of my hand. My Father, which gave them me, is greater than all ; and no one is able to pluck them out of my Father's hand. I and my Father are one." What glorious security ! What honor is con- ferred on the flock of Jesus ! Gtood Shepherd, keep us near Thyself. Never let us wander, no, not for a moment ; but may we be always de- lighted with Thy love. The least, the feeblest of the sheep, To Him the Father gave ; Kind is His heart the charge to keep, And strong His arm to save. 886 NOVEMBER 2§. The day shall declare it. 1 Cor. iii. 13. Tiin day referred to is the day when the Lord Jesus shall be revealed from heaven in flaming fire, when the dead shall be raised, and the judgment commence. Oh, what a day will that be ! Then every covering shall be removed, and every secret exposed. It will be a reveal- ing day — a convincing day — a confirming day — a condemning day — a justifying day. Then our motives will all be discovered, and our in- tentions laid bare. Hypocrisy will be con- demned, and deception punished. beloved, let us live as having that day before us ; let us act as though persuaded that then all will be discovered. Are we sincere? — the day will de- clare it. Are we aiming at Grod's glory, or self- exaltation ? — the day will declare it. Are we conducting our business on Christian, or worldly principles ? — the day will declare it. Are we honest and humble ? — the day will declare it. Is our profession from principle, from faith in, and love to Jesus ? — the day will declare it. Oh that that day may declare that we are hum- ble, holy, watchful, diligent disciples of the Lord Jesus ! Before me place ia dread array The pomp of that tremendous day. When Thou with clouds shalt come To judge the nations at Thy bar ; And tell me, Lord, shall I be there, To meet a joyful doom ? 337 15 NOVEMBER 29. I will mention the loving-kindnesses of the Lord. Isaiah Ixiii. 7. "What subject so suited as this to engage the thoughts, fill the memory, and flow from the lips of the Lord's people ? Let us mention the provision made for all His poor, for all their wants ; the promises given to all His people, comprehending all their desires ; the prayers answered in all times of trial, granting relief and defence. Let us mention the loving-kind- ness of the Lord to those who are seeking Him, it will encourage them ; to those who are com- plaining, it may silence them ; to those who are tempted, it will support them ; to those who have backslidden, it will convince, and perhaps restore them. Let us speak of His kindness to ourselves, to check murmuring, produce grati- tude, and raise hope. Let us mention the loving- kindness of the Lord, at the Lord's throne, in pleading and intercession ; in prayer and expos- tulation ; in praise and thanksgiving. Let us often speak one to another, and let this be our daily subject, " The loving-kindnesses of the Lord." This will comfort, strengthen, and sanctify our minds ; it will bring us peace. "We'll speak of all He did, and said,^ And suffer'd for us here below ; The path He mark'd for us to tread,^ And what He's doing for us now ; Discarding every worldly theme. Our conversation fill'd with Him. 8S8 NOVEMBER 30. Return unto thy rest, my soul. Ps. cxvL 7. There is no rest for the Christian but at the feet of Jesus ; when we live near to Him, and exercise our faith upon Him, we are at rest. Conscience is silent, or commends us. The law has nothing to say against us. The world has but little influence over us. Satan is weak, and cannot overcome us. But if we wander we become weak, we lose our courage ; and dark- ness, perplexity, and trouble, frequently fill our minds. But we may return, for Jesus is still inviting us ; we must return, or we cannot enjoy peace ; let us therefore return unto our rest this morning. Jesus I we come to Thee ! Re- ceive Thy wandering sheep, restore unto us the joy of thy salvation, and let us find rest at Thy cross. Oh, to rest on Thy faithful word, with Thy faithful people. To rest from slavish fear, worldly care,, and distressing anxiety ; to rest in Thy boundless love, satisfied with the dispen- sations of Thy special providence. Return, re- turn, ray soul; from all thy wanderings, and find thy rest in Jesus ; thy faithful Friend and Sa- viour. Sweet assurance, " He will receive us graciously." Indulge me, Lord, in that repose. Which only he who loves Thee knows : Lodged in Thine arms, I fear no more The tempest's howl, the billow's roar : Tliose storms must shake th' Almighty's seat, Which violate the saints' retreat. 339 DECEMBER 1. The Lord God Omnipotent reigneth. Rev. xix. 6. Our Grod is the author of all good, the only ob- ject of religious worship and fear, the infinite, all-controlling Being. He can do all things, and do all things with ease — swiftness — certainty — and precision. He is on the throne, — His reign is merciful — just — glorious. He reigns univer- sally over every empire — kingdom — state — par- ish — person — thing. Everything that takes place is either appointed or permitted by Him. Everything is overruler^ ; for nothing escapes His notice — frustrates His purpose — or disor- ganizes His plan. All things are tributary, and bring honor to His name. Does the Lord Grod Omnipotent reign ? — then let us fear to offend Him ; aim to please Him well in all things ; trust in and rely on Him ; call upon and prove Him ; live in the daily remembrance of His reign ; this will conquer fear — prevent sins — strengthen faith — nourish all the graces of the Spirit — and inspirit us in our obedience. If the Lord God Omnipotent reigneth, be sure He will take care of His children. He will man- age all their affairs. He will secure their best interests. Behold the King of Zion rise To endless glory in the skies ! Hail, Fount of blessings ! — placed in Thee, Our life, our strength, our all, we see : While in thy God thy joys endiu-e. In Thee our blessings rest secure. 340 DECEMBER 2. From this day wlH I bless r/on. Hag. ii. 19. AViiAT day ? The day we begin to seek the Lord. The day we decide to be on the Lord's side. The day we publicly and honestly pro- fess Him. The day we heartily engage in His work. The day we return from backsliding, and repent of our sin before Him. The day we identify ourselves with His people in heart and soul. What docs the Lord promise ? To bless us ; He will bless our temporal mercies ; He will bless our trials ; He will bless our labors ; He will bless our families ; He will bless our souls ; He will bless us with light — liberty — strength — peace — contentment — and success. Beloved, let us be decided for the Lord, and always walk in His ways. Expect His blessing, for He has given you His word, and confirmed it with a solemn oath. Be diligent in the use of all means. Constantly look to Jesus as the only medium through which all blessings flow. Plead this precious promise before thy God this morn- ing, and many times to-day ; yea, and every day ; so shall thy peace be like a river, and thy righteousness as the waves of the sea. He will bless thee, and thou shalt be a blessing. Then let no care perplex me now ; My only wish and care be Thou, Be Thou my sole delight ; Bid every sigh of rising thought, And every pant of breath go out For Jesu3 day and night. 341 DECEMBER 3. Believe the Lord your God. 2 Chron. xx. 20. The proper object of faith is Gfod in Christ, not G-od as the Grod of nature. In Christ He is gracious unto us, ever with us ; ready to help us ; and takes pleasure in us. Ho is our cove- nant Grod, all-sufficient, and ever propitious. AVe should believe in His word, which is true and faithful ; in His presence, for He will never turn away from us ; in His power, for nothing is too hard for Him ; in His character, which He will never allow to be dishonored ; and in His faithfulness, which is like the great mountains, and abideth forever. We should believe in God, though men rise up against us ; though Satan worry and distress us ; though doubts and fears arise within us. We should believe in God, for strength to perform duty ; deliverance out of every difficulty; and for courage in every con- flict. Believing in God will produce content- ment, zeal, and humility. Let us have faith from God ; it is a gift which He is willing to bestow ; and let us have faith in God, it is an exercise which He requires and approves. If the Son of man were to come would He find faith in our hearts ? Saviour I — Let us trust Thee evermore ; Every moment on Thee call, For new life, new will, new power ; Let us trust Thee, Lord, for all ! May we notliing know beside Jesus, and Him crucified ! 342 DECEMBER 4. I will go in the strength of the Lord God. Psalm IxxL 16. Our own weakness would dismay us, but God's strength is offered to us ; in His light we see, and in His strength we work. We have duties to perform, difficulties to encounter, and foes to overcome ; let us therefore go in the strength of the Lord. It is promised to us and may be re- ceived by us ; we must ask it of Grod, we must expect it in faith, and go forth believing that He is faithful who hath promised. Never let us at- tempt anything in our own strength ; if we do, we shall be sure to fail ; let us first take up Grod's promise, rely on His veracity, and so go forth to duty, conflict, and danger. Then the battle is not ours, but the Lord's ; then we are sure of success, succor, and victory. The Lord will then be our strength and song ; our refuge and certain salvation. His strength is made perfect in weakness, and His grace is glorified in the unworthy. Let us not fear, let us not loiter, let us not despond, but let us go in the strength of the Lord, and we shall be more than conquerors. He giveth courage to the faint, and to those who have no might He increaseth strength. I know the God in whom I trust, The arm on •which I lean ; He will my Saviour ever be, Who has my Saviour been : Strong in His strength my foes I face. Assured of victory through His grace. 343 DECEMBER 5. Create in me a clean heart, God. Psalm ii. 10. Such a prayer implies a conviction of sin, a sense of pollution, a desire for holiness, a knowl- edge of weakness, grief for inconstancy, and tlie possession of true wisdom. It is the prayer of every Christian; let it be our prayer this day; let us lift up our hearts and voices to our God, and cry, "Remove guilt and pollution, produce purity and peace in our hearts. Cleanse us by Thy word, the blood of Jesus, and the influence of the Holy Spirit." Purity of heart can only be produced by God ; it enters into the very es- sence of religion ; we cannot be godly except we are holy. If we love sin, if we can indulge in sin, or if a sense of having sinned does not pain us, and cause us to adopt this prayer, our religion is spurious, we are destitute of the power of godliness. No real Christian can live in sin. He is called to holiness. He is the temple of the Holy Spirit. Holiness is his ele- ment and health. His God says, " Be holy, for I am holy :" and he cries, " Create in me a clean heart, God." Let us be holy in all manner of conversation, looking for and hasting to the coming of Jesus. Supreme High Priest, the pilgrim's light, My heart for Thee prepare ; Thine image stamp, and deeply write Thy superscription there : Ah, let my forehead bear Thy seal. My heart the inward witness feel. 344 DECEMBER C. And delivered just Lot. 1 Peter ii. 1. Lot was a godly man, justified before Grod by faith, and justified before man by his good works. But he was a weak man. He chose to dwell in Sodom because it was a wealthy place ; ho aimed at a fortune, but he was vexed and grieved daily, by seeing and hearing of the un- righteous deeds of his neighbors. His children married into the world, and were ruined ; and he himself, though delivered by a gracious and faithful God, suffered severely. His sons and their wives perished in Sodom ; his own wife was made an example of on the plain ; he was hurried away without a solitary servant, or anjT property of importance ; and had to take up his dwelling in a cave. See the folly of being led by appearances ; let not the heart follow the eye. See also the certainty of being chastened for sin — just Lot could not escape ; the faithfulness of divine love towards its wayward children ; and the importance of being distinct from the world. The Christian in the world is like Lot in Sodom, and if he choose his place from the same mo- tives, the Lord may deal with him after the same rule. Oh ! to be brought to Jesus' feet, Though sorrows fix me there, Is still a privilege ; and sweet The energies of prayer, Though sighs and tears its language be, If Christ be nigh and smile on me. 345 DECEMBER Y. Cast not aioay therefore your confidence. Heb. X. 35. Every believer is confident that Jesus Christ is the Messiah, the sent of Grod ; that He is the only Saviour, and the eternal G-od. He is confi- dent that heaven is promised to all true believers, and is certain to all holy disciples. He gives credit to G-od's word, which reveals the same, is fully satisfied of its truth, and finds courage and boldness to profess the same. His confidence be- ing produced by the Holy Spirit, and grounded on the divine word, will lead him to commit his all to the divine blessing ; to surrender all to the divine will ; to part with all in Christ's quarrel ; and to rest on the word and veracity of the Lord Jesus. His confidence will often be assailed and sharply tried ; but it must be maintained, for we are made partakers of Christ, if we hold fast the beginning of our confidence steadfast unto the end. It has great recompense of reward, in the present life a hundred-fold, for all it parts with for Christ ; and in the world to come life ever- lasting. Beloved, let us hold fast our confidence and rejoicing of hope firm unto the end. Protect me in the dangerous hour, And from the wily tempter's power, Oh, set my spirit free ! And if temptation should assail, May mighty grace o'er all prevail. And lead my heart to Tiiee. 346 DECEMBER §. I rejoice in Thy salvation. 1 Sam. ii. 1. God's salvation is a deliverance from the worst of evils, of freest grace, for the best of purposes. He saves the poor and needy, the guilty and dis- tressed, who call upon Him, and believe in Him. And we who have obtained mercy, should with Hannah rejoice in God's salvation, as those who have received an invaluable favor ; as those who are laid under, and are ready to acknowledge our infinite obligations. Salvation is the proper source of our joy and rejoicing ; and while some rejoice in property, some in power, and some in earthly prospects, let us rejoice in the salvation of our God. It is a cause for rejoicing in sick- ness and health, in poverty and plenty, in life and in death. Although the fig-tree should not blossom, neither should fruit be in the. vines; though the labor of the olive should fail, and the fields should yield no meat; though the flock should be cut off from the fold, and there be no herd in the stalls : yet we may rejoice in the Lord, and joy in the God of our salvation : for not one thing shall fail of all that He hath spoken. Delightful truth, " Salvation is of the Lord!" Join, lieaven and eailh, to bless llie Lord our righteousness ; In Him I will rejoice, With clieerful heart and voice : In Him complete I shine ; His life and death are mine. 341 DECEMBER 9. Walk in love. Eph. v. 2. Religion is love ; the love of Grod shed abroad in the heart, transforming our nature into love. The blessing is bestowed to be exhibited ; we are to let our light shine, and walk in love. Under the influence of love to Gfod, for His mercy towards us ; and love to man for God's sake. By the rule of love, doing unto others as we would they should do unto us. Seeking their spiritual and eternal welfare. Letting it be clearly seen, that we indulge no envy, jeal- ousy, malice, or ill-will in our hearts against any ; but that we wish them well, and desire to promote their best interests in any way we can. Love should run through the whole of our ac- tions, and be the ruling motive in our souls. Grod acts towards us from love. The Holy Spirit is the Spirit of love ; and love is the brightest and surest evidence of regeneration. Let us not be satisfied to feel that we love, but let us manifest it ; let us " walk in love ;" this is the way to be happy, useful, and honorable. Bitterness, wrath, censoriousness, and selfish- ness, prove that we are under sin ; but love is of Grod ; and he that loveth is born of God, and knoweth God. May I from every act :ib.stain, That hurts or gives my brother pain : Nay, every secret wish suppress, That would abridge his happinjss ; And thus may I Tliy follower prove, Great Piiiice of peace, jjr^at God of love ! 818 D EC EM B Ell 10. Neither pray I for these alone: but for them also which shall believe on me. John xvii. 20. Beloved, when Jesus was praying for His dis- ciples, He prayed for us ; His prayer extended to all who believe, however fearful, weak, and timid. He prayed that we may be one with Himself; one with His church, as members of the same body, children of the same family, heirs of the same inheritance, and parts of the same spiritual temple. He prayed that we may be so one as the Father is one with Him, and as He is one with the Father ; that we may have the same love inflaencing us ; the same object always in view; and may exhibit the same virtues. What glorious privileges our Saviour here prays that we may enjoy ! What honors He seeks for us! What unspeakable blessedness! Think of being one with God ; one with God as Jesus is ; one with the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. To be of one mind, one will, and, as it were, of one soul. Gracious, gracious Lord, hasten on the time when this all-comprehending prayer shall be fully answered in our experience ! Let us, be- loved, daily pray for this blessing; nothing can be greater, sweeter, or more important. Thy revealing Spirit give, "Whom the world cannot receive : Fill me with Thy Father's love ; Never from my soul remove ; • Dwell in me, and I shall be Thine through all eternity. 349 DECEMBER 11. Why dost Thou strive agaiiist Him? Job xxxiii. 13. A BELIEVER strive against his God ! Yes, it is sometimes the case ; he may strive against some of the doctrines of His word ; or, against some of the dispensations of His providence ; or, against some of the commands He has issued. But why dost thou strive against Him? His wisdom is infinite. His love is unchangeable. His ways are all righteous. His methods may be mysterious, and His dispensations trying ; but His designs are all gracious and good. It is your duty to submit and be still. It is your privilege to believe and trust. It is rebellion and treason to strive against Him, for He giveth not account of any of His matters. It is the glory of God to conceal a thing. He is not ac- countable to any. He will not be questioned by the curious, or called to an account by the proud. He demands our acquiescence on the ground of His perfections, promises, and word. He will make all clear and plain to us by-and-bye, and then we shall know as we are known, and b3 perfectly satisfied. He says, " Be .still, and know that I am God." " Be silent, O all flesh, before the Lord." Oil ! let nie live of Tliee pi3se?s'd, In weakness, weariness, and pain 1 The anguish of my laboring breast, . The daily cross I still sustain. For Him that languish'd on the tree. But lived, before lie died for mc. 350 DECEMBER 12. He is the Saviour of the bodj. Ephes. v. 23. The church is the body of Christ. Jesus and His people are one. They are His elect whom He hath chosen; His seed which He hath be- gotten ; His portion which He hath received ; His delight and glory, in which He constantly rejoices. He saves them by substitution ; He took their place, their obligations, and their sins. He saves them by communication ; giving them grace and His Holy Spirit, with every spiritual blessing. He saves them by instruction ; for they are all taught of God. He saves them by separation ; bringing them out of, and delivering them from this present evil world. He saves them by visitations ; He grants them life and favor, and His visitations preserve their spirits. He saves them by translation ; first out of the kingdom of Satan, into His kingdom of grace ; and then out of the present world into His king- dom of glory. He saves them to display His perfections; confound His foes; exalt His name; satisfy His love ; and from sympathy with them. All who are saved form part of His body. Sal- vation is entirely of God. What happiness to be saved thus I Joyful truth, He bore transgression In His body on the cross ; Tlirough His blood there's full remission ; All for Him we count but loss : Jesus for the sinner bleeds, Nothing more the sinner needs. 361 DECEMBER 13. Ask what I shall give thee. 1 Kings iii. 5. We are not straitened in our God ; He has boundless resources, and is constantly calling upon us to ask and receive. What do we want this morning? Is it not more lioliness ? We want our understandings enlightened, our wills brought into perfect conformity to the will of God, and our affections fixed on holy and heav- enly things. Let us agree to ask these things of our God. He will give freely, cheerfully, and plentifully. Let us ask as Solomon did, wisdpai; even that wisdom which cometh from above, which is pure, peaceable, easy to be entreated, full of mercy and good fruits. This wisdom will guide our hearts and direct our ways; it will lead us safely to a city of habitations ; it will lead us to do God's will with pleasure, prompt- ness, and delight. It will make us wise to escape from Satan's snares, to avoid temptation, and do good unto all men. How important is this wisdom ! How necessary for us ! Well, Jesus stands before us this morning, saying, "Ask what I shall give thee :" in Him dwcll- eth all the treasures of wisdom and knowledge, and every one that asketh receiveth. sovereign Love, to Tiiee I cry ; Give me Thyself, or else I die ; Save me from death, from hell set free, — Death, hell, are but the want of Tiiee : My life, my crown, my heaven Thou art ! Oil, may I find Thee, in my heart 1 352 DECEMBER 14. The author and finisher of our faith. Heb. xii. 2. All Christians have faith, but some of us have but little faith. He who gave us what we have can increase it; and He will if we apply to Him, plead with Him, and wait upon Him. We need more faith, to enable us to escape the many dangers that are in our path ; to do and suffer the Lord's will with patience ; to hold fast the faithful word which we have been taught ; to grow in grace and holiness ; to exercise forgiving love towards those who have grieved, offended, or injured us; and to honor God, by believing His promises — trusting His providence — expecting His interference — ^being active in His service — and leaving our concerns in His hands, to be arranged, directed, and brought to pass. We are encouraged to pray for more faith, by the nature of the request, and the de- sign with which we ask it — by the promises which God has given — by the precepts of His holy gospel — by the examples of faith set be- fore us in the word — by the well-known char- acter of our God — and by the blessed results which must follow from having such a prayer answered. Author of faith, I seek Thy face, The work of faith in me fulfil ; Confirm and strengthen me in grace, To do and suffer all Thy will : From hell, the world, and sin secure, And make me in my goings sure. 353 DECEMBER 15. Make your calling and election sure. 2 Pet. i. 10. Put your religion beyond a doubt: let there be no reason to question whether you are sincere or not. Calling separates us from sin, Satan, and the world ; to holiness, Christ, and the church. Election is the root of call- ing ; it is God's choice of us from others — in Christ — by grace — to holiness — for His glory. We know our election of God, by our being led to choose Christ, holiness, and heaven; to choose them, freely — heartily — and habitually. If we thus choose them, we shall use every means to obtain them. We know that we are called of God, by our calling upon God, secretly — heartily — constantly — for holiness — salvation — and fellowship with Himself. When we thus call on God we carefully avoid all evil, and fol- low after everything that is good. Let us give all diligence to know our election, for it is worth all the pains we can take, or the time we spend. Let us follow on to know the Lord — give up ourselves entirely to God — exercise ourselves unto godliness — seek the witness, earnest, and sealing of the Spirit, and cleave unto God with full purpose of heart. Nothing is worth a thought beneath, But how I may escape the death That never, never dies ! How make mine own election sure. And, when I fail on earth, secure A mansion in the skies ! 864 DECEMBER 16. The rirjldcoua shall hold on his loay. Job xvii. 9. The way to the kingdom is rough and rugged, our strength is often small, and our fears are very many. But if we are justified by grace, sanctified by the Spirit of truth, and pursue a consistent course, there is no doubt of our safe arrival at our Father's house ; for " the right- eous shall hold on his way, and he that hath clean hands shall wax stronger and stronger." The true believer shall hold on, for the promise of God secures him ; the fulness of Christ sup- plies him ; the Spirit of grace influences him ; the new nature urges him ; occasional love- tokens encourage him ; and attachment to the Lord and His people prevents him forsaking the right ways of the Most High. Beloved, let us be concerned to have a blameless con- versation ; let us live near to and walk with Jesus, then our graces will flourish ; we shall become rooted in Christ ; our daily conquests will give us courage ; and our God will give as He hath promised, even grace and glory. It is not for us to be timid ; it is not for the righteous to despond, for he shall hold on HIS WAY. " They go from strength to strength : every one of them in Zion appeareth before God." They may on the main of temptation be tost, Their troubles may swell like the sea; But none of the ransom'J shall ever be lost, Tlie righteous shall hoLl on his way. 355 DECEMBER 17. Let the viord of Christ dwell in you richly. Col. iii. 16. TiiK word which Jesus preached, or the word which His servants wrote, the whole word of God, is the word of Jesus. Believer, look at your Bible as containing the word of your best Friend — loving Saviour — and final Judge. Let it find a home in your memories — affections — and hearts. Let it keep house, ruling — feeding — and directing your souls. Let it dwell in you plentifully, and know how to apply the dif- ferent portions to difTerent persons, and different cases. Let it dwell in you richly, that you may have that to plead in prayer which God will notice — approve — and accept ; to form — guide — and preserve your judgments ; to curb — bound — and regulate your desires ; to raise — confirm — and direct your expectations; to silence — en- lighten — and purify conscience ; to enable you to resist and overcome Satan ; that you may be able to reprove sin, and speak a word in season to the weary. Let the word of Christ have the best room in your souls ; let it be your daily meditation — food — and directory. "Let the WORD OF Christ dwell in you richly in all WISDOM.' Still let Thy wisdom be my guide, Nor take Thy light from me away ; Still with me let Thy grace abide, Tliat I from Thee may nev^pr stray : Let Tiiy word richly in me dwell. Inspiring me to do Tliy will. 356 DECEMBER 1§. They are enemiea of the cross of Christ. Phil. ui. 18. Thk cross of Christ is the Christian's glory ; and few things would give him more pain, than to be considered its enemy. It embraces the whole doctrine of salvation by grace ; and is viewed by the Christian, as the foundation of his hope, and the object of his faith ; as the end of the law, and the antidote of misery ; as the centre of truth, and subject of the church's song ; as mercy's sceptre, and the Saviour's throne ; as the mirror, in which Jehovah dis- plays all the perfections of His nature ; and the key that opens the gates of the celestial para- dise ; as the glory of eternal wisdom, and the mystery of incarnate love ; as the destruction of death, and the gate to everlasting life ; as the object of the angels' wonder, and the cause of the devil's everlasting confusion. Beloved, let us fix our eyes and hearts upon this glorious, this surprising object ; and never, never let us, by our conduct or conversation, bring a disgrace upon it ; but let us endeavor to advance its triumphs, spread its glories, and bring sinners to admire, love, and trust in it. " God forbid that I should glory, save in the cross of my Lord Jesus Christ ; by which the world is crucified unto me, and I unto the world." Ob, may my single aim be now To live on Him tliat died, And naught on earth desire to know But Jesus crucified. 357 DECEMBER 19. If yc love Me, keep My commandments. John xiv. 15. Here is the Christian's grand rule of action, the commandments of his dear Saviour. Jesus commands us because He loves us ; because He desires our present welfare ; because He will prove the sincerity of our profes.sion ; and be- cause He approves of the obedience of faith. He commands us to imitate Himself. He is our great pattern and example ; and we .should endeavor to imitate Him in His Spirit, and de- sign, and actions. He commands us to believe Him, profess Him, obey Him, and continue in His love. Here we have the Christian's grand MOTIVE and spring of action — love. Spiritual love is always loyal to the King of Zion ; jealous for the glory of the Lord of Hosts ; and deter- mined in the cause of the Prince of peace. The obedience of love is easy — hearty — and thorough. Love is the strongest incentive to obedience ; it conquers fear — furnishes with zeal — equips with courage — devises the means — surmounts diffi- culties — and triumphs over opposition. Let us inquire from what does our obedience spring ? By what is it regulated ? Is our motive and rule, holy love ? Love is the fountain whence All true obedience flows ; The Christian serves the God he loves, And loves the God he knows : May love o'er every power preside, And every thought and action guide. 35- DECEMBER 2 0. / will give you the sure mercies of David. Acts xiii. 34. The mercies of David are suited to a sinner's wants ; they comprise all he needs for time, for body and soul ; and al' he will need through eternity. The mercies ol David are covenant mercies ; the Father has engaged to bestow them through the doing and dying of Jesus ; the Son has secured their bestowment by His vicarious sufferings and death ; and the Holy Spirit will put the Lord's people in possession of them. They all flow from free grace, are revealed in the promises, and are stored up in the fulness of Christ. The mercies of David are sure mercies ; they are unconditionally promised to all comers ; are received by simple faith ; and are bestowed by Jesus as the ap- pointed trustee and administrator of the cove- nant of grace. They are sure, for God has sworn, and will not change His mind, or remove His covenant of reconciliation. The mercies of David are given mercies ; no desert is requisite to establish a claim ; no hard conditions are laid down to entitle ; no price is fixed, or money demanded ; but it is, " Come and receive freely." Thy favors, Lord, surprise our souls ; Wilt Thou indulge Thy creatures thus ? The stream of full salvation rolls, To strengthen, cheer, and comfort us ; How rich the grace ! how kind the word ! All praise and glory to the Lord ! 359 DECEMBER 21. Oh, keep my soul, and deliver me. Ps. xxv. 20. What a mercy to have a God to go to, a throne of grace set before us, and the precious name of Jesus to plead. How encouraging the ex- amples set before us in God's holy word. Let us imitate them who spake as they were moved by the Holy Ghost. We are going into the world ; the business of the day is before us ; our hearts are false and fickle ; let our prayer be, " Oh, keep my soul." Keep mo from sin, let me not indulge it in my heart, or commit it in my life ; keep me from Satan, suffer him not to lead me astray from Thee ; keep me from men, let them not prevail against me. Keep me in Thy way — in Thy truth — in Thy church. Keep me by Thy word — Thy Spirit — Thy pres- ence — or Thy rod. '"Deliver me:" from guilt and condemnation ; from fear and shame. Keep me at Thy footstool, and deliver me from my own wandering heart. Let me be clothed in the robe of righteousness — cleansed in the fountain of my Saviour's blood — accepted in His glorious person and perfect work — and be crowned with loving-kindness and tender mercy. " Keep mc as the apple of the eye." Ah, will not He who ransomed man, A Saviour's work fulfil ? Almighty is His power — He can : Boundless His love — He will. Saviour Divine ! deliver me, Oh, keep my soul still near to Thee ! 360 DECEMBER 22. They shall not be ashamed that wait for Me. Isaiah xlix. 23. Waiting for the Lord, supposes that we want Him to do something for us ; bestow something on us ; or fill some relation to us. It implies that we have sought Him, that He has promised, but that He delays to answer our request. It proves that no substitute can be found. This promise suggests that there may be fears, lest He should not come ; lest after all we should be disappointed. This supposes, that there may be temptations to distrust the love, faithfulness, and goodness of God ; to think they shall be ashamed of having sought, believed, or expected that the Lord would appear. But this precious promise secures the waiting soul from shame, disappointment, and confusion; it assures us that the Lord will appear, answer, and bless in His own time, and in His own way. Are you tempted ? — wait for the Lord. Are you afflicted ? — wait upon God. Are you sorely tried ? — wait patiently for the Lord ; He will not suffer you to be ashamed. Abraham waited, and received the promise. Joseph waited, and was raised to honor. David waited, and had all his desire. Affliction is a stormy deep, Where wave resounds to wave ; 1 Though o'er ray head the billows roll, I know the Lortl can sate : I'll wait, and bow beneath the rod ; My hope, my confidence is God. 361 IG DECEMBER 23. Hia eoul shall dwell at ease. Ps. xxv. 13. The man that fears God must have faith in His word ; love to His character ; a desire to please Him in all things ; a fear to offend Him in anytiiing ; a realization of His omniscience ; and be looking forward to His appearing. Be- loved, is this our character ? It is said of such, " His SOUL SHALL DWELL AT EASE j" free from slavish fears — from soul-distressing cares and anxieties — in a state of contentment and solid peace. And well he may ; for he has God for his portion — ^the eternal covenant as his stay — the precious promises as his security — the glo- rious atonement for his plea — a complete salva- tion for his shield — providence as his friend — Christ as his constant Advocate, Captain, and Man-of-war — daily fellowship with God as his relief — and heaven as his final home. His soul shall lodge, or dwell in goodness : so some read it. The goodness of God is the storehouse of every blessing, and will supply his every want — silence all his fears — contradict all his unbeliev- ing doubts — and exalt him to peace and honor. Beloved, let us not be anxious about anything, but casting all our cares upon God, let us dwell at ease. Once the world was all iny treasure ; Then the world my heart possess'd ; Now I taste sublimer pleasure, Since the Lord has made me blest ; I can witness, Jesus gives His people rest. 362 DECEMBER 24. IVTiom resist, steadfast in the faith. 1 Pet. v. 9. Satan is the Christian's unwearied foe, he is the enemy of all righteousness, and aims at our destruction. He is especially the enemy of our faith — comfort — prosperity — and usefulness. He is our enemy before God, and he gets access to our hearts ; he excites to sin, accuses of sin, and terrifies for sin. We are called upon to resist him, steadfastly believing God's word — faithfulness — and love. Steadfastly believing what Christ is to us, as Satan's grand opponent. Is Satan a deadly serpent? — Jesus is the bra- zen serpent which heals. Is Satan a roaring lion? — Jesus is the lion of the tribe of Judah who prevails. Is Satan a destroyer ? — Jesus is a Saviour. Is Satan an adversary? — Jesus is a friend. Is Satan a wolf? — Jesus is the good Shepherd. Is Satan a tempter ? — Jesus is a De- liverer. Is Satan a deceiver and a liar ? — Jesus is the truth. Is Satan an accuser? Jesus is an Advocate. Is Satan the prince of darkness? — Jesus is the light of life. Is Satan a murderer ? Jesus is the resurrection. Is Satan god of this world? — Jesus is God over all. Resist the devil in the faith of this. Jesus is all you need. All power is to our Jesus given ; O'er earth's rebellious sons He reigns ; He mildly rules the hosts of heaven, And holds the powers of hell in chains. Jesus, the woman's conquering seed. Shall bruise for us the serpent's head. 363 DECEMBER 2 5. / will be glorified. Lev. x. 3. This is the great end Jehovah has in view in all He performs, and all He permits. Ho created and He preserves the world, that He might be glorified. He redeemed His people by the blood of His Son, and He will gloril'y His saints with Himself, to the same end. He will be glorified in His sovereignty, doing as He will — in His supremacy, commanding as He pleases — in His wisdom, disposing of His creatures to secure His design — in His grace, saving an innumerable company of the lost and wretched, to sound His praise forever — in His goodness, supplying the wants of all His creatures, though in rebellion against Him — in His justice, punishing the daring impenitent offender. Beloved, it is our duty to aim at the glory of our God in all things. Does Jehovah command ? — then we should observe His commands and obey them Does He graciously promise, and in wisdom and mercy provide ? — then we should trust, rely, and depend on Him. Does He work in provi- dence and grace ? — then we should acknowl- edge His hand, submit to His wisdom, bow at His throne, fear to sin against Him, or grieve His love. Lord, turn the stream of nature's tide ; Let all our actions tend To Tliee their Source ; Thy love the guide Tliy glory be the end : In all we think, or say, or do, Thy glory may we still pursue. 364 DECEMBER 2 6. This honor have all His saints. Ps. cxlix. 9. What honor ? Of being redeemed by the blood of the Lamb, out of every nation, country, people, and tongue. Of being born again, not of corruptible seed, but of incorruptible ; by the word of God which liveth and abideth for- ever. Of being acknowledged as the sons of God ; " Beloved, now are we the sons of God, and it doth not yet appear what we shall be ; but when He shall appear we shall be like Him, for we shall see Him as He is." Of be- ing closely allied to Jesus ; He is not ashamed to call them brethren. Of being heirs of God ; " If children then heirs, heirs of God and joint- heirs with Jesus Christ." Of being delivered from slavery to serve God in liberty; " that be- ing delivered out of the iiands of our enemies we might serve Him without fear, in holiness and righteousness before Him all the days of our life." Of being appointed to sit in judg- ment with Christ ; Know ye not that we shall judge angels ? " This honor have all his SAINTS." Are we saints ? Do we walk as be- cometh saints ? Are we living under the influ- ence of these great privileges ? Let us admire, adore, and obey. Pause, my soui, adore and wonder ; Ask, " Oh, why such love to me ? Grace hath put me in the number Of the Saviour's family ; Hallelujah ! Thanks, eternal thanks to Thee." 365 DECEMBER 27. 1 would have you without carefulness. 1 Cor. vii. 32. Anxiety, or carefulness, is very injurious ; it divides the lieart, distracts the mind, chokes the word, leads to distrust, and destroys our peace. It is inconsistent with our profession ; we have resigned all. into the hands of the Lord, and should leave all to His blessing. We should do everything as for the Lord, and consider our families, our property, and our business, as the Lord's ; so should we be holy and enjoy peace. Anxiety, or inordinate care, dishonors God ; it reflects upon His sufficiency to supply all — upon His omniscience to discover all — upon His authority and ability to manage all — upon His mercy, bounty, and liberality, as if He would leave us to want — upon His veracity, fidelity, and immutability, as though His word may be forfeited or His promise broken. Carefulness injures our own souls — it is opposed to content- ment and resignatidn — it nourishes impatience and unbelief — it hinders our usefulness, and hardens our hearts — it cuts off supplies, and procures the rod and the frown. We should therefore aim to be without carefulness, for the Lord careth for us. How sweet to have our portion there, Where sorrow never comes, nor care, And nothing will remove ! We then may hear without a sigh, The world's destruction to be nigh — Our treasure is above. 366 DECEMBER 3§. Let us not be io;ary in wiU-dnnj. Gal. vi. 9. It is not enough for us to be doing, we should be doing good. We are redeemed and new- created for this very purpose. Let lis act as before God, for the good of man ; let us co.m- MUNiCATt: advice, encouragement, or relief, in the fear of God, and for His glory. What is done well, is done in a good spirit, even the spirit of love — humility — and prayer ; it is done from a good motive, even the love of Christ ; is done by a good rule, the commandment of the ever- lasting God : is done to a good end, the glory of Him who hath called and commanded us. Bat we are prone to get weary of dning, especially if we are hasty — or meet with disappointments —or look at creatures — or consult our own ease. But let us not lose heart in the work, neither let us give it over; for in due season we shall reap if we faint not. This is sowing time, but reaping time will come ; let us therefore go on in divine strength — with holy fortitude — with fixed determination — and resigning ourselves daily to God. We shall reap in due season if we faint not ; for God is orderly — faithful — bounteous — gracious; He will not forget our work and labor of love ; but will reward even a cup of cold water, given to a disciple in His name. Put thou thy trust in God, In duty's path go on ; Fix on His word thy steadfast eye, So shall thy -work be done. set DECEMBER 29. All things work together for good. Rom. viii. 28. All the Lord's people love God. They do not love Him as they desire, yet they cleave to Him and follow on to know Him. He is their God, and has called them according to His own purpose and grace, which was given them in Jesus Christ before the world began, and it becomes the Christian to view every- thing as having its place in God's economy ; and its work to do in accomplishing God's pur- poses. Angels, men and, devils, but perform His pleasure. All things are connected by the infinite wisdom and good pleasure of the Most High. He superintends every movement of every one of His creatures ; and directs them to answer His purpose and end. He overrules everything for our good ; we never lose any- thing worth keeping by any of His dispensa- tions. We may gain by all that occurs; we may gain wisdom — holiness — matter for prayer or praise — work for faith, patience, or hope. However, our best interests are secured ; every- thing is working for the good of the church ; and though it be a rough, it is a right way to our heavenly Father's house. All things on earth, and all in heaven, On God's eternal will depend ; And all for greater good were given, And all shall in His glory end : This be my care ! and this alone ; Father, in me Thy will be done. S68 DECEMBER 30. Twill never leave thee, nor forsake thee. Heb. xiii. 5. If the Lord is with us, all will be well ; but He has promised to be with us always, even unto the end. Any one but our God would have left us long ago ; but He is long-suffering, full of compassion, and of great mercy. He will be our God to all eternity, and will conduct us through life with safety. He will be with us in every trouble, to support us ; in every trial, to comfort us ; in every difficulty, to provide for us ; in every danger, to deliver us ; and under all cir- cumstances, to bless us. He will be with us as our heavenly Father — as our firm and faithful FriencL — as our God ; and we shall be with Hun by-and-bye, as His children, dependants, and jewels, to be glorified with Him forever. Be- loved, let us rejoice in this, that God will never leave us ; death may rob us, friends may leave us, troubles may come upon us ; but our God will not forsake His people for His great name's sake, because it hatli pleased the Lord to make them His people. Having loved His own, He will love them unto the end. Since He has said, " I'll ne'er depart," I'll bind His promise to my heart, Rejoicing in His care : This shall support while here I live, And when in glory I arrive, I'll praise Him for it there. 369 DECEMBER 31. A friend loveth at all times. Prov. xvii. 17. Where shall we find such a friend ? He that redeems from slavery, and delivers from bond- age, is such a friend — but Jesus does this. He that restores to the favor of the judge who condemned, or the Lord who delivered over to bondage, is such a friend — but Jesus does this. He that admits to intimacy with himself, out of pure love, notwithstanding disparity of condi- tion, is such a friend — but Jesus does this. He who counsels in trouble, and gives the best ad- vice in perplexity, is such a friend — but Jesus does this. He who rescues from foes and ren- ders their attempts to injure us abortive, is such a friend — but Jesus does this. He who takes in the rejected and homeless, who clothes the naked and feeds the hungry, is such a friend — but Jesus does this. He who exposes Himself to pain, injury, insult, and death, to do us good, is such a friend — but Jesus has done this. He who expends all His property for our welfare, is such a friend — but Jesus did this. He who kindly reproves our faults in prosperity, and visits, comforts, and relieves in adversity, is such a friend — but Jesus does this. He who loves us through life, in death, and forever, is such a friend — but Jesus doth so. He is the FRIEND WHO LOVETH AT ALL TIMES ; changing scenes change not His affection. His friend- ship flows from purest love, and is founded in a perfect knowledge of our persons — wants — 370 DECEMBER 31. dispositions — and propensities ; His friendship is maintained by infinite patience — ^boundless pity — and the prospect of our being glorified with Him forever. He knows our frame, consults our welfare, and is determined to do us good. He will not allow us to lose by any of His dispensations ; but will increase our spirit- ual wealth by all means. The friendship of Jesus secures all good, and prevents all evil ; He will never fail us, nor forsake us. He com- menced His friendship with a view to extend it through eternity ; and it is the same at the close of the year as it was in the beginning. O Jesus ! let us love Thee with pure affection — walk with Thee in sweetest friendship — and prove ourselves Thy friends in every place. Be Thou our Friend — Counsellor — Brother — Sa- viour — Lord — and God — in life, death, and for- ever. Amen. One there is, above all others, Well deserves the name of Friend ; His is love beyond a brother's, Costly, free, and knows no end : They who once His kindness prove, Find it everlasting love ! Which, of all our friends, to save us. Could or would have shed his blood ? But our Jesus died to have us Reconciled in Him to God ! This was boundless love indeed — Jesus is a friend in need. 371 IMPORTANT INQUIRIES. Do you believe on the Son of God ? Do you so be- lieve on Ilim as to look to Him for salvation — trust in Him for life and peace — prefer Him to health, wealth, or pleasure ? Do you deny yourself, and aim to please God in all things — often asking yourself, Will this action, or this course, please God, and bring glory to His name ? Do you consider yourself a witness for God, being bound to witness against sin — and to the world, that the works of it are evil ? Do you witness, by your daily walk and conversation ? Do you always take God's side against sin and sinners — and plead with God for their salvation ? Do you live and act under the full persuasion that you must give an account of yourself to God ? That your account may be demanded suddenly ? That it may be called for to-day ? Are you walking close with God, relying only on the perfect work of Christ for justification and acceptance with God ? Are you living to self, or to God ? Do you seek your own, or another's welfare ? Do you distribute tracts, and speak a word for Jesus, whenever you have an opportunity ? Do you attend the means of grace on week-days ? Arc you justified in remaining at home when the Lord's people meet ? Does not your conduct betray a lukewarm, indifferent state ? God says, " Forsake not the assembling of yourselves together, as the manner of some is." 372 IMPORTANT INQUIRIES. Are you a decided Christian? Have you been born of the Spirit ? Is there no doubt upon this point ? Have you made your calHng and election sure ? You should do so. Do you indulge in any known sin, or neglect any known duty ? This is a dark sign, beware of it. How do you feel towards perishing sinners? Can you see them perish without sympathy or concern? What are you doing to convince them of their danger and lead them to Jesus? What have you done for your relatives — your near neighbors ? What have you done to-day ? What are you going to do ? Are you praying for grace and gifts, with a view to do good ? That you may watch for souls, and labor for God ? Were you ever the means of converting one soul to God ? Did you ever pray that you might be ? Do you use the means that are likely, under the blessing of God, to convert souls ? Which has most of your thoughts, affections, and money — worldly ornaments, or the conversion and sal- vation of sinnei-s ? Do you know anything of travailing in birth for sinnera until Christ be formed in them? Is it your heart's desire and prayer to God that they may be saved ? Are you willing to make sacrifices for Christ ? Can you cheerfully give up your time, your money, your ease, and your many indulgences, for the good and sal- vation of souls ? 373 IMPORTANT INQUIRIES. Are you reconciled to God ? Can you approach Him as a Friend ? Do you love Him as a Father ? Do you obey Him as a Master ? Do you love His word — His people — and His day ? In vain do you profess to love Him, if you do nothing for Him. Are you hke Jesus, going about doing good ? Do you visit the sick — pity the poor — and seek the salvation of all around you ? Do you consider your present life as an opportunity given you to serve and please God ? Do you improve it as such ? Jesus says, " Son, go work to-day in my vineyard." Your work is day work, and should run through every day. Do you daily hve under the impression, " I am respon- sible. I am responsible for my time — talents — and op- portunities to do good ?" Are you growing in grace? Is the heart hard or soft ? Is Christ precious ? Are you willing to receive all He has, and to do all He bids ? To make a complete Saviour of Him, imitating His example, as well as trust- ing in His blood? Are you prepared for death? You will soon be summoned ; how much better to be summoned from the field of labor than the bed of sloth ! " Work while it is called to-day, for the night cometh when no man can work." Are you looking for the glorious appearing of the Lord Jesus, who will come to be glorified in His saints, and to reward every man according to nis "WORKS ? 374 IMPORTANT INQUIRIES. Are you really a child of God ? Have you really the Spirit of Christ ? Do you live by faith on the Son of God? Do you look to the Lord Jesus alone for life and sal- vation ? Are you living upon Him as the bread of life — walking in Him as the way to the Father — and obey- ing Him as the Lord of all ? Are you regular in your attendance on the ordinances of the gospel ? Or do you prefer ease, increasing wealth, or gratifying friends, to meeting with saints, obeying Jesus, and seeking grace ? Do you confine your efforts and sympathies to a sect, or are you seeking the benefit of all ? Do you subscribe to the Missionary — Bible — and Tract Societies ? Do you do so according to your ability ? Do you meet with the Church to pray, and unite with the Church to work ? — or are you only a cumber- ground ? Do you ever ask. How will my present course appear on a dying bed? or when I stand before the judgment- seat of Christ ? Are you keeping up that distinction between your- self and the world, which should always characterize the Lord's people ? " Have no fellowship with the unfruitful works of darkness, but rather reprove them." Do you bear the image, delight in the law, and aim always at the glory of Jesus ? 375 TABLE OF TEXTS. Page Page Gen. xii. 2 . . . . 281 Neb. IV. 14 ... . 233 XV. 1 . . . . 26 Job vii. 20 . 310 xxii. 14 . . . . 272 xvii. 9 . 355 XXV. 22 . . . . 106 xxxiii. 13 . 350 XXX. 2 . . . . 304 xxxiv. 32 . 125 xxxii. 9 . . . . 158 Psalm ix. 12 . 266 xxxii. 12 . . . . 117 ix. 18 . 232 xxxii. 29 . . . . 152 X. 14 . . 287 xxxiii, 10, 11 . . . . 262 xi. 5 . 56 Exod. iii, 7 . . . . 191 xxii. 6 . 14 iii. 12 . . . . 150 xxii. 11 . 74 xiv. 15 . . . . 316 xxiii. 1 , 96 xxxii. 26 . . . . 280 xxiii. 1 . 97 xxxiii. 14 . . . . 236 XXV. 13 . 362 Lev. X. 3 . . . . 364 XXV. 20 . 360 Num. xi. 23 . , . . 55 xxix. 11 . 197 xxxii. 23 . . . . 290 XXX. 5 . 83 Deut. iv. 31 . . . . 187 xxxi. 15 . 42 xxxiii. 3 . . . . 94 xxxi. 23 . 257 xxxiii. 3 . . . . 175 xxxii. 8 . 30 xxxiii. 25 . . . . 170 xxxiv. 10 . 239 Jos. xvii. 14 . . . . 138 xxxviii. 6 . 16 1 Sara. ii. 1 . . . . 347 xl. 17 . 220 xii. 24 . . . . 323 xlii. 11 . 47 xxix. 3 . . . . 179 xlvi. 10 . 211 1 Kings iii. 5 . . . . 351 1.15 . 309 2 Kings iv. 23 . . . . 144 li. 10 . 344 iv. 26 . . . . 20 Iv. 22 . 271 iChr.xxix. 14 . . . . 62 Ivi. 3 . 201 2Chr.xxx.20 . . . . 342 ^ Ivi. 9 . 45 376 TABLE OF TEXTS. Page Page Ps. Ixvii. 6 . . . 240 Song i. 4 . . . . 286 Ixxi. 16 . . . . 343 Isaiah i. 3 . . . . 200 Ixxi. 17 . . . 318 ii. 22 . . . . 93 Ixxii. 17 . . . 230 viii. 10 . . . . 192 Ixxiii. 24 . , . 209 viii. 17 . . . . 213 Ixxviii. 41 . . . 313 xxvi. 4 . . . . 277 Ixxxi. 10 . . . 332 xxvii. 11 . . . . 34 Ixxxiv. 11 . , . 168 XXX. 15 . . . . 234 Ixxxiv. 11 . . . 305 XXX. 19 . . . . 324 Ixxxvi. 7 . . . 297 xxxviii. 20 . . . . 269 Ixxxvii. 7 . . . 155 xl. 8 . . . . 256 xci. 15 . . . 95 xl. 29 . . . . 90 cii. 27 . . . 19 xli. 10 . . . . 69 ciii. 9 . . . 247 xli. 13 . . . . 12 cxi. 5 . . . 222 xliii. 12 . . . . 163 cxvi. 4 . , . 227 xliii. 25 . . . . 193 cxvi. 7 . . . 339 xliv. 5 . . . . 92 cxix. 19 . . . 215 xliv. 21 , . . . 132 cxix. 37 . . . 114 xlv. 21 . . . . 208 cxix. 42 . . . 334 xlv. 22 . . . . 5 cxix. 94 . . . 186 xlvi. 4 . . . . 264 cxix. 117 . . . 209 xlvi. 10 . . . . 195 cxix. 106 . . . . 268 xlviii. 16 . . . . 223 cxxx. 7 . . . 165 xlix. 23 . . . . 361 cxxxix. 23 , . . 43 li. 12 . . . , 122 cxliii. 9 . . . . 98 Iii. 7 . . . . 80 cxliv. 3 . . . . 78 liv. 5 . . . . 65 cxlv. 18 . . . 235 liv. 17 . . . . 137 cxlv. 20 . . . 237 Iv. 4 . . . . 199 cxlix. 9 . . . 365 Ixi. 2 . . . . 258 Prov. iii. 6 . . . 153 Ixii. 4 . . . . 49 iii. 26 . . . 294 Ixii. 11 . . . . 298 xii. 13 . . . 156 Ixiii. 7 . . . . 338 xvii. 17 . . . 370 Jer. iii. 13 . , . . 283 XX. 22 . . . 133 iii. 22 . . . . 129 xxiii. 26 . . . . 185 iii. 22 . . . . 291 xxvii. 18 . . . 196 xxiii. 6 . . . . 157 xxviii. 14 . . . 198 XXV. 6 . . . . 282 Eccl. vii. 14 . . . . 231 XXX. 11 , . . . 331 377 TABLE OF TEXTS. Page Page Jer. XXX. 17 . . . . 292 Matt. xvii. 5 . . . . 73 xxxi. 20 . . . . 71 xxi. 28 . . . . 306 Lam. iii. 24 . . . . 167 xxii. 42 . . . . 273 iii. 25 . . . . 248 XXV. 5 . . . . 246 iii. 33 . . . . 135 xxvi. 36 . . . . 13 Hosea x. 2 . . . . 189 Mark iv. 40 . . . . 27 xiv. 4 . . . . 254 V. 40 . . . . 177 xiv. 5 . . . . 327 V. 36 . . . . 68 Joel iii. 16 . . . . 184 vi. 6 . . . . 293 Jonah ii. 9 . . . . 173 vii. 27 . . . . 162 Micali ii. 7 . . . . 275 X. 36 . . . . 312 ii. 10 . . . . 325 xi. 22 . . . . 118 iv. 9 . . . . 128 xiii. 37 . . . . 320 vi. 8 . . . . 116 Luke i. 17 . . . . 24 vii. 7 . . . . 296 vi. 20 . . 8 vii. 18 . . . . 57 vi. 21 . . . . 141 vii. 19 . . . . Ill vii. 48 . . . . 88 Zeph. iii. 17 . . . . 103 viii. 25 . . . . 87 iii. 17 . . . . 142 X. 19 . . . . 149 Hag. ii. 19 . . . . 348 X. 42 . . . . 102 Zee. ii. 8 . . . . 181 xii. 15 . . . . 308 iii. 5 . . . . 169 xvii. 5 . . . . 104 xiii. 10 . . . . 37 xvii. 32 . . . . 183 Mai. ii. 15 . . . . 146 xviii. 7 . . . . 238 iii. 17 . . . . 46 xxii. 35 . . . . 31 iii. 17 . . . . 139 xxii. 40 . . . . 206 Matt. i. 23 . . . . 36 xxii. 44 . . . . 130 V. 8 . . . . 204 xxiv. 34 . . . . 84 vi. 24 . . . . 25 xxiv. 38 . . . . 108 vi. 32 . . . . 279 xxxii. 40 . . . . 206 xi. 28 . . . . 15 John i. 36 . . . . 319 xi. 28 . . . . 85 i. 50 . . . . 229 xii. 50 . . . . 23 v. 6 . . . . 259 xiv. 16 . . . . 72 V. 39 . . . . 33 xiv. 18 . . . . 89 vi. 20 . . . . 99 xiv. 22 . . . . 143 vi. 35 . . . . 119 XV. 23 . . . . 82 vi. 37 . . . . 253 xvi. 24 . . . . 11 viii. 49 . . . . 61 xvii. 4 . . . . 328 X. 11 . . . . 336 378 TABLE OF TEXTS. Page Page John X. 15 . . . . 260 Rom. xii, 12 . . . 255 xiii. 7 . . . 221 xiii. 8 . . . 225 xiv. 1 . . . 171 1 Cor. i. 31 . . . 216 xiv. 2 . . . 172 iii. 13 . . . 337 xiv. 14 . . . 147 iv. 7 . . . 120 xiv. 15 . . . 358 vi. 19 . . . 28 xiv. 18 . . . . 174 vii. 29 . . . 329 xiv. 21 . . . . 285 vii. 32 . . . 366 xiv. 27 . . . 330 X. 13 . . . 178 XV. 4 . . . 207 xi. 28 . . . 151 XV. 5 . . . 100 xiv. 1 . . . 194 XV. 14 . . . 29 2 Cor. i. 10 . . . 214 XV. 26 . . . 190 iii. 5 . . . 113 xvi. 14 . . . 105 V. 7 . . . 140 xvi. 22 . . . 333 V. 20 . . , 326 xvi. 24 . . . 91 vi. 1 . . . 212 xvii. 20 . . . 349 vi. 2 . . . 52 xix. 5 . . . 121 vi. 10 . . . 317 Acts ix. 5 . . . 302 vi. 13 . . . 314 ix. 6 , . . 161 vi. 18 . . . 126 xi. 23 . . . 38 xii. 9 . . . 182 xiii. 34 . . . 359 xii. 9 . . . 295 Rom. iii. 11 . . . 210 xii. 11 . . . 123 iii. 24 . . . 245 Gal. i. 4 . . . 226 V. 11 . . . 35 ii. 20 . . . 58 vi. 4 . . . 301 ii. 20 . . . 59 vi. 14 . . . 267 iii. 20 . . . . 7 vi. 14 . . . 278 iv, 7 . . . 315 vii. 4 . . . 244 iv. 7 . , , . 335 vii. 21 . . . 21 V. 1 . , , 115 vii. 21 . . . 22 vi. 9 , , . 367 viii. 26 . . . 242 Eph, i. 6 , . , 134 viii. 28 . . . 368 i, 13 , . , 252 viii. 31 . . . 164 ii. 7 , . , . 159 viii. 33 . . . . 176 ii. 7 . . . . 160 viii. 33 . . . 288 iii. 8 , , . 243 xi. 20 . . . 250 iv, 30 , . . 50 xi. 26 . . . 249 V. 1 . . . 270 xii. 1 . , . . 241 V. 2 . . . 348 370 TABLE OF TEXTS Eph. Phil. Col. V. 15 V. 23 iii. 8 iii. 9 iii. 9 iii. 18 iii. 20 iv. 4 iv. 6 iv. 19 ii. 10 iii. 1 iii. 2 iii. 11 iii. 15 iii. 16 iThess. ii. 12 V. 17 V. 18 1 Tim. iii. 16 iv. 10 vi. 12 2 Tim. ii. 13 Tit. iii. 2 Heb. ii. 15 iii. 1 vi. 9 vi." 15 vi. 20 viii. 10 X. 35 xi. 37 xii. 2 . xii. 5 . xii. 28 ■ xiii. 5 . xiii. 5 . Pago Page 18 Heb. xiii. 6 . , . . 321 351 James i. 4 . . . . 261 43 i. 6 . . . . 17 154 ii. 5 . . . . 228 284 iv. 6 . , . . 145 357 iv. 7 . . . . 66 148 V. 8 . . . . 53 136 1 Pet. i. 8 . . . . 205 10 i. 19 . . . . 40 251 ii. 7 . . . . 41 109 ii. 9 . . . . 180 77 iv. 7 . . . . 263 110 iv. 16 . . . . 79 60 v. 5 . . . . 202 6 V. 7 . . . . 54 356 V. 9 . . . . 363 70 2 Pet. i. 1 . . . . 39 131 i. 4 . . . . 86 303 i. 10 . . . . 354 81 ii. 7 . . . . 345 218 iii. 11 . . . . 181 265 iii. 18 . . . . 127 107 1 John ii. 1 . . . . 32 322 ii. 15 . . . . 64 9 iii. 2 . . . . 75 274 iii. 2 , . . . 76 217 iv. 16 . . . . 307 300 Jude 21 . . . . 289 112 Rev. i. 5 . . . . 203 51 i. 18 . . . . 63 346 ii. 9 . . . . 124 311 iii. 2 . . . . 44 353 V. 12 . . . . 101 219 xix. 6 . . . . 340 67 xxii. 13 . . . . 166 276 xxii. 20 . . . . 224 369 880 i DATE DUE ^"^"^ir^TBB mmJQi^^ HIGHSMITH m ^5230 Printed In USA