fa^O Per Do7. . •«^ © »« ® ^> g ^ s ^ « « :l S .2 ^ 'Q m ?4 ^ to ^ m £ •- m +3 3 RE §sm X" s # . ' 3 o 0) ' M 1 1 rt «^ j ' -s.r m S '3 m o « CO ^ '.^ ;_i .^1 o fo |j s ;p ^ 5 K "" » "^ jj pq .2 ^ b -^ is »3 i characte satisfact making «^ -f ^ FROM THE LIBRARY OF o 03 3^ J2 IcCJ >> LOUIS FITZGERALD BENSON. D. D. q f«J ^- I g^ BEQUEATHED BY HIM TO h CO O THE LIBRARY OF D kf <1 PRINCETON THEOLOGICAL SEMINARY 1) tf^ ^ I f3 3 J?" '" ' a u3 c a) cs g ip. C_3 ■^ ^ X< ._ "•' w « a; ft 2 ^ Pi PQ »-5^ J^ - = P J 5 ft ^C^iS i 1 f if> 'ii t^-'-^ y NFANT JjSToTwj^ /; RAISES^""'". ^/J/HAL 8Ei^ A COLLECTION OF Sacred Songs, Hymns, and Music, FOR USE IN THE SABBATH SCHOOL PRIMARY DEPARTMENT. EDITORS : Tno. R. Sweney and Wm. J. JCirkpatf^jck. Philadelphia: JOHN J. HOOD, 1018 Arch St. C«p7ris;ht, 1881, \>j Jonif J. Umd. ©I^EFAGE. IN our former publications the Primary Department has not been provided for except by the presence of a few suitable pieces in each book. The increasing number of hymns of this class at our command suggested the idea of bringing them all together in one collection. In Infant Praises this has been accomplished, and we have also mtro- duced a large number of pieces not before published, all of which we trust will prove valuable to Primary Teachers, and helpful in their important work. Jno. R. Sweney. W. J. KiRKPATRICK. Methods of teaching little children to sing. Miss R. dwelt on the importance of singing in a wor- shipful manner; felt it a hindrance in the accomplishment of good when it was used merely to fill in the time, or to make the children appear to advantage. Her plan was to dictate and teach one line at a time, always being careful to explain the meaning of the words, so that they might sing with the understanding. She always transposed the music to suit tlie children's voices ; also taught a few chil- dren first, so that they might lead the others. Mr. B. had words printed on board ; also had words stenciled on muslin and attached to ordinary spring rollers and hung in front of scholars ; also had a board with mov- able type on which two verses could be arranged at once. Mrs. M. taught the children to learn the air, humming the tune after committing the words to memory. Mrs. W., with copies of hymn book in hands of children, taught the children before school. A most excellent way seemed to be to first explain the meaning of hymn; then write the words upon a board; then have tune played on organ ; then have children place the tune to the words as the teacher points to them, and the air is being played ; then have teacher sing the piece through, and the children will be ready then to join the teacher in singing. — Gleaned from papers read before the Philadelphia Primary Union. ■ ' C«K;tl(lit, lets;, bj John i. UoQB. (ii) We are Little Children. Fanny J. Crosby. Melody by Josephine H. Swbnby. 1. We are lit -tie children, Learning how to pray, Sing-ing in the morning. Sing- ing all the day. 2. We are lambs of Je - sus, Carried on his breast, Cradled like a bir - die In its leaf- y nest. 3. Je - sus loves the children Ten- der-ly we know; He is watching o'er us Ev - 'ry where we go. 4. Ve - ry close to Je - sus We would like to stay, Ve - ry close to Je - sus, Sing- ing all the day. 4SL -0- ^-^ t=x ^ f^ i=S=5 -^— b'- ^ ^ CIIOKUS A15 the day 5=t^^EL j -^^ all the day, Pret - ty songs to sus Sing - ing all the -o- 1^ day. t m -p- Copyright, 1884, by John J. Hood. cz> o CD o CD o ca no KR MI FA so LA a E. E. HKwn-r. Vi[[ always QIad when gunday comes. Wm. J. KtRKPATRlCK. ^ -s — I 1^^ — *- r r 1. I'm always glad when 2. I'm always glad when 3. I'm always glad when 4. I'm always glad when Sunday comes, The res - ur- rec - tion day : For they who sleep in Sunday comes, The day our Fa - ther blessed ; So sweet and ho - ly Sunday comes To sing God's ten- der love> And pray that he would Sunday comes With lessons from his word, That teach us how we ifi :S=t^ t=t: ^^ :!=:! •t— 1?=^ CHORUS. I EEES ^ t is the time, — The first bless us all With good may be saved. And how Christ shall rise, To dwell ^^r m day is the best. gifts from a - bove. to please the Lord. with him al - way. — 0- I'm al ■ ways glad when Sunday comes ! Lord, ^n^T tr 1- s=t ^ p -N-^t- To keep it ho - ly as thy day, A precious gift from thee. :f=^: OoiTilcht, lag;, bj JoBjf J. Hood. ^rt m :t=t=^:=zl ^ ^ Rer. C. W. Ray, D. D. Lord, I'each a Little Child. Jno. R. Swbnky. -A — \ — 1^1 I I r=f=r -•--•--♦- ^ 1. Lord, teach a lit -. tie child to pray, To plead for mercy in thy name ; Oh, turn me not in 2. When sufiTrera sought thee long ago, And thou such wondrous works didst do, Re- lief was found for 3. Thy hands once held in fond ca-ress The lit- tie children on thy knee; And to thy bo-soni 1 t^ -p w — r~ : 1 — \ — r CHORUS. r-4-=S-Nr-N -^-^■ ^ • J 1 -^- =^=f lx± -1t-^ Jt± ^^^-r grief away, When I thy precious promise claim. When- e'er I lift my heart to thee, Regard my ev - 'ry woe And children were made welcome, too. thou didst press The weak and helpless ones like me. '° *". P f p I F~r — J- > i ^ =r d. |i I- :t=X ':^= r^~~P'~P =ic 1^- i^e ■I V-. 1 ! 1 ^ -J ¥ ¥ \ y w ^ [^ -PS-A- d_^_j t m -€3- • • d ■^ PP P 1 P d d i ^t—p- s prayer and answer me ; Regard my prayer and answer me m ^=itp: ^*^-*- ■^ — I — I — (■ My ev'ry need thine eye can see, Oh, hear my prayer and answer me H^-»-*-ri P • t=t=r g u 1/ 1^ I ff v-rtr Copjiigbt, IMT, by Jm K. Swnr. Opening Prayer. Mrs. V. J. Kent. Lizzis Edmonston. * 5;=tc H F^-H K FN — li 1 « 1 1- Szzz^ Dear Father, we thy lit- tie ones As -sem- ble here to-day To hear of Jo- sus' love to us, And -f«-^t=- ^ -#— # — ^ — ft- ^ r ^ ^ t -w — ^ f=£=f -+: h 1— ^ ^P - ^=JE=:'^=t^ ^M^ isUi 4^=t: k* 1/ i :^=8: ^ learn to praise and pray O, help me and my schoolmates dear Re - mem - ber that the F^=Fr=r=r=f s i «> ^ ^ 1^ V ^ l\ i g-^-njr^- '=gFf*- Lord is here : O, help me and my schoolmates dear Remember that the Lord is here. CtfTiicht, -.esi, by Joan J noeo. I 1 Mrs. S. L. Oberholtzer. Jesus LoTfes the Lambs. Jno. R. Swknky. Vlit t: =]^ -N-- tie chil- dren, He remem - bers all the lambs ; He will gath - er tie chil- dren, In his fold and pastures fair Gent - ly lead - ing tie chil- dren, SufPring us to come to him; In his arms we tie chil- dren From the blasts of storm and cold, Ten - der-ly he 1. Je - sus loves 2. Je - sus loves 3. Je - sus bless - 4. Je - sus saves lit lit lit lit ^ ^^ m^ ± ? iPzz'p: -rr $ CHORUS. L -m « m-^ m :g=tj M ^ us to - geth - er, Sing - Ing some sweet shep - herd psalms. Hear him, hear him, and in- struct - ing, Guard - ing us with ten - der care, find pro - tec - tion, Though all earth - ly love grows dim. speaks and tells us That he has a high - er fold. -*- -^ _ -p- -0' 4 -p- -f - -f- -0- * I -»— ^ 1 i q-?=z^i-j=^3*? t We are near him, children, hear him ; Hark ! he ^t -f — f-^ — r^F>==t C- #- -P- !-l — a m— S^ -CD- f^^ -1^ i :»- ^^^B§ 1 — r JGS- Copyrighc, 1884, by John J . Hooo. r — — r— r CD O CD O CD S> O ve KB MI FA so LA SI 10 Fanny J. Crosby. We Come, a jlappy 'f hrong. Wm. J. KiRKFATKICK. it qsm -Nt- 3i=S: -1—4- 3EE«33 i= t^ — ^— ^ — i We come with smiling fac - es, We come with happy soug, We blend our hearts and voices With We sing of him who taught us The pure and perfect way, Of him whose hand has brought us To We sing of our Cre - a - tor, Our Lord and Saviour-King, Who robes the earth in beauty, And We thank our gracious Saviour For ev - 'ry gift we share, For all his lov - ing kindness. His Oh, may he still pro-tect us Thro' all our years to come, And fit our souls to praise him In aft I- -l»— ^- .-^ ^ #- #- W W ^ -f^-^- f±=^ CHORUS. :^ - — ^ Sii M na - ture's minstrel throng. wor-sl)ip here to- day. crowns the gen - tie spring, ten - der, watchful care." yon - der peace- ful home. '■» -0- — #- ^ 1/ We ^ £^ mm \t=t come, we come, we come with smiling fac - es, We -^ -^ -^ -*-• #- 1 -MT^ -t^-r 1 — t^-i- i ir^5t: :2=ii: t ~: trf^ :i«: come. 1 t^—f corae, -J? we come with hap ■ py song, We ^ e blend, blend, we ±t: -gn^ Cni(bl< l*f 1, bx JoBi J. Ho y/e Gome, a J^appy I'hiong.^coNcxui 11 blend our hearts and voic - es With na- ture's song, a hap - py throng, We come, a hap - p3' throng. -r- ^^ Rev. T. L. Baily. Endless Praise. Jno. R. Sweney. 1. No night in heaven, e - ter - nal day! 2. No night in heaven, no dark'ning sky, 3. No night in heaven, and yet no sun; 4. No night in heaven, God's light a - lone fct^ '1±^ -O- No gloom is there, no No clouds a - rise, no No moon is there her In glo - ry shines a- =1 s g -^-^ ^ t need to pray ! tem- pests fly, course to run ! round the throne; ^. No life to lose, No thun-ders roll, No chang-ing scenes There to the Lamb. -^ i-^it :^== no hopes to raise, For all, yes, all is end - less praise! no lightnings blaze, For all, yes, all is end - less praise! to mark the days. Where all, yes, all is end - less praise! in joy - ous lays. The hosts of heaven give end - less praise! — I— ^ ^'--r^f- -^— • g 12 I'he Children's Blessii^. Words arranged. f) h 1 -1 ^■ Thoe. H. Ervin. \ ■J ^^-4 — : \ -J ^- 1 — J !- — -j— -+ V- — 1 ^ 1 — 1 !»r _ rT^~2 — J — I • J "^ 1 — -]«—»*- f: 1/ b b I CHORUS. F=T ^ ^ rs -N-«- greet our little friends to - day. As we lift our praise a-bove. love the little children's Friend, You will join us in our praise, he will keep his lit - tie ones In the shelter of his wing. -d — dr Oh, we love to lift it, on our way, -^- ifc ^^ ^F^g= F #. #. ^ ^ - p w w w t-^ti-U p " I * ^ ■>- t — I U -U- V— ^ - w—w~w - 1 — \ — r -A — \— N tT4^=s: B ^- :!!!=i!: -N-A— N ;!L_^-^y._^ ^¥i^i^ i H4 i f ^ ^' s i i -&- < d S #-g-^ Praise of little voices that so sweetly blend ; And our Saviour hears us as we sing. For he is our loving Friend. f" '^ ^ •-/-•- •<9- * « -^- #->- -p- -0- -0- -t9- -m- ^ ^ ^ h :f=^ hhm^. ~W~W P= OOfiyrichi, lo47, h] Joan J. Uood. b b b I ^ ^ -f- #- #- -^- -•L £^ :|t— ^ ^ -d d d d -^'—^ WW HATTIH S. RUSSBLl.. -«! — m- Lil^e a ghephcrd, 'The Lord is my Shepherd, I shall not want." 15 W. A. Ogden. -H— * — M — H— }— N J J . d r^—^ -H — « — M — I 1 — m — oi 1^-^>-«|— ^x-S- -■1—=^- - 1. Like a shepherd kind and good the Lord is ev'ry day,From the tempest fierce and rude he guards the holiest way; 2. Close beside the waters still,or in the pastures fair,There his sheep he leads at will and guards with loving care; 3. Oh, his goodness follows us thro' all our pilgrim days,Yea,his loving care hath guarded us thro' devious ways; ± -^—d- -^-^- .*• — ^ , 1 — i^i/ :2=^ ^ N ^ ^4 ^ Press'd against his bosom warm his tender lambs may lie,There they hear no gath'ringstorm,they see no angry eye. Even thro' death's quiet vale his flock may fearless go, For his love will never fail us, Jesus told us so. And at last in heaven high we'll reign with him above. Singing ceaseless hallelujahs in a song of love. -W—'P—W—W- i -^ :?: -^-#--^- -^ — P--P- ^ -P—fi- wm -U— U~U— i^U— U—U— U-T*=P»— ^ :t '■P—W- CHORUS. -^^ iV-^ ^ y ^0/ rit. V— t/- ■=^- -J — «- -JB tm- i. — ^ — ^ -A— IV s — :! r ^— #— ^ O Shepherd kind and good ! O Shepherd fond and true! Do thou our footsteps guide, O Shepherd kind and true! J J^ JL_ ! - -^ -^ -F-- -^ ■*- - -#- -p- -#- s^^ & # I ^B^ £ le^M* :^ — 1»- ^ C«Fjn(ht, 1887, bj Jun J. Bwo. rTT w— w- t/— t/— t/- 16 i E. D. B. fe3= A X- jiosanna to oup I^ing. ^- 1 J ?h i=^ E. D Beddalu m iE^ w :fc5: -^ r ^B 1. The mul - ti - tude their garments spread, As Je - sus rode a - long ; The children all ho- 2. For - bid them not, the Sav- iour said. But let them come to me ; Un - to my arms let 3. Out of the mouths of babes so dear The Lord has per- feet praise ; He con - descends fi-om HHH :^: CHORUS. -H O 1 — h =s=^^=§ ho na To our san - na said, — Hosan - na, was their song. Ho - san - - na them be led, I will their Saviour be. heav'n to hear The songs their voices raise, Ho - san-na to our glorious King, Hosan- na to our glorious KinR.Our m. s=t -^ -P- -»- ^ :P±I=i m I ^ ^ ^^JL^A^A -iz:^=:^ :t^ ^ i>^U — ^- :t^=p: U 1/ 1/ 1/ ^ :*=?= i *=« 3t ::^ r r glorious King a - bove ; His life he gave our souls to save ; His name we'll ev - er love ! m^- »- J>. -P>. I ^ fr -o-P i fz (n~ e=: ^ ^f=T — I \ r- CD O CD CD ^ O DO KB Ml FA Copyright, 1884, by John J. Hood. JKNNIB E. JOHNSOIf. young Soldiers for Jesus. Jno. R. Swbney. 17 ll il 'j II **=^'^tgz=g=j u U '1/ 'I 1/ '^ -^ 1 . Oh, we are young soldiers for Je - sus, And he, our Commander and Friend.Will help us each one to be 2. Oh, we are young soldiers for Je - sus, And promise to follow him still; A place in the Sunday-school 3. Our pathway may sometimes be rugged, Our marching may sometimes be long. But gladly our footsteps shall -P- -O- HO- -o- -o- -o- V 1/ l> ^ D. S. — we are young soldiers for Jesus, And he, our Commander and Friend, Will help us each one to be Fine faith- ful, And lead us safe on to the arm - y To-day we are hap-py to ev - er Keep time to the voice of our ^^r- tb: -9- -9-' -9- -O- -&- -&- — I ^ end ; Wherev - er the post of our du - ty Let none of us fill; Yes, we are young soldiers for Je- sus, And proudly our song; And oh, when the warfare is o- ver. And Je- sus our h h 1 is P— r-^-T— S Q-r9 P- ^1 I I l^ -^ V- faith- ful, And lead us safe on to the end. CHOKUS. D. S. ^m fal-ter nor fear; Remember no danger can harm us When Je- sus our Saviour is near. Oh, col-ors we show; Our watchword is right and press onward; We dread not the field nor the foe. Saviour shall come, How sweetly we'll rest on his bo - som, In E- den, dear E- den our home. - 0- p fta I^C^ ^ 4*- O- -O- ^ _ • . -^ m _ -O- -O- -O- a, _ . -»-. -V— u- ^ «=: :t -V — fc^- r -w- -w- -w- ^ ^ , -iw-» Copyright, 1884, by John J. Hood, C3 <2> CD C^ CD O O DO KB MI FA SO LA SI 18 Pass not by. E. ALBRIGHT. W. N. Pontius. 1. I am weak and I am small, But I've heard thy gen - tie call ; Sav- lour, hear my 2. I have been a wayward child, From the path of truth he- gulled ; But when I for m 4iz?-=P_: 4:-^ h-- -9 'P- ^ ^ t: CHORUS. Tit I '^ ear - nest mer - cy ~W^ =3? x^=tz§: 1=^: a — a — Ft -o- ery, Je - sus, do not pass me by. Though a lit - tie child am cry, Je - sus, do not pass me by. ^^m -Jzz :o=P -#- rj: -& P H M ' Lov-ing Je - sus, pass not by. Pass not by, pass not by, Gen -tie Je - sus, pass not by, -lO- -O- P- -P- -O- -P- -CD- -P- HP- -O _ I « _ I ■I 1 ■ — I 1 1 — ' ' 1 — «» 3 ■ ■ T r- W 1 1 1 — -1 » 1 I 1— 1 • 1 1 »— • 163- • 1- 1 • • « €B — It E. E. Hewitt. geriring the l(ing.- MOTION SONG. 19 m Wm. J. KiRKPATRICK. 4- 1/ - 1. On - ly a pair of sparkling eyes, How can they serve our King? By plea-sant, gen - tie 3*=t=t ^-T"TT-f t=t=h ^F^ ^ — ^ — ^ • r looks as sweet As sunshine in 1 N I ^ the spring. ^ I I -^— »•- 1=^1: :^:z:^ i 1 Only a pair of sparkling eyes, How can they serve our King? By pleasant, gentle looks, as sweet As sunshine in the spring. 1st line. — Kore fineers to the eyes. 2d line. — Remove fingers; look up. 3d line. — Hands raised and brought down with fluttering fingers. 2 Only a pair of rosy lips, How can they serve our King? Oh, lips can smile and .speak kind words. And pray to God, and sing. 1st line. — Point to lips. 3d line. — Touch lips and waft hand upward. 4th 3 Only a pair of dimpled hands, . How can they serve our King? Some way of helping others find, And little love- gifts bring. ist line. — Present hands. 3d line. — C?hildren join hands, line. — Right hand as if dropping contribution. 4 Only a pair of little ears. How can they serve our King? By list'ning well when good is taught, And heeding everything. ist line. — Pointing to ears. 3d line. — Right hand back of ear; head bent as in listening. 5 Only a pair of busy feet. How can they serve our King? By running errands cheerfully As birdies on the wing. ist line. — Looking down. 4th line. — Flight motion upward. 6 Only a little, loving heart, How can it serve our King ? Oh, when that heart asks Jesus in The angel harps will ring. Tst line. — Hand on heart. 3d line. — Press hands together; look up. CoTTTifbt, 1S8T, b; Joax J. Hood. 20 Annie E. Thompson. I^ise and pollcw JVEe. 'And he said to another, Follow me." — Luke ix. 59. Nr~^ — ^ Frank M. Davis. ^S ±=% -t -t-t±l -m — m — «- -» — •- — 0- ■ji-—jd- 1. Day's bright beams are falling On the shore and sea ; List, a sweet voice calling, " Rise and follow me !" 2. Shades of eve are fall - ing On the shore and sea ; Still that voice is calling, " Rise and fol- low me !" 3. Death's dark door is falling. Life's soon done for thee ; Sweet that voice is calling, " Rise and follow me !" -» — .( g — ^-M—M — m—0^^0. — * — ^M • « - # — ^•— ^ — ^ Wt^T=t=^^ ^ — #- # — p- 1= -| I I ^ {C ^_.|« fL- ::tz t=t: -^ — W- -^-±- r=r -w — w- ^ \ Leave thy cares and duties, Leave thy race un-run ; Christ will show new beauties,When his will we've done. Leave thy joys and pleasures, Tho' full bright they glow ; Christ hath countless treasures Of his love to show. Scale yon mount of glory, Which by faith you've won; Softly walks before you God's most blessed Son. If; :?: If: It i^- if: -*: f: ■/: f: rglif: ^— I 4=— T=-rl= ^— r--* • ^ ^-H=2 r^-H 4=-4=-rt= F I 1 r r t=t=: tt .(t — n — ^ t:=t=t -f=f: \ J ±x w >< u Bejjeatpp. 4=^^ -\-- i=t=t =pi i List ! a sweet voice calling, " Rise and follow me!" List! a sweet voice calling, " Rise and follow me!" er ■i^-f— =1=^ :t=±:: ^-r'^—r "^ ■ -(22- -^— =1 ^ ^ #__•_ ±=t:=t i From " New PekrU of Bong," bj ] V ^ Lizzie Edwards. Ill Oup Qkdness. 21 '^^SM -M^ --]— J- Jno. R. Swbnky. 3 :|5^=:^ jv- V i=^ :=^: 1. In our glad - ness we are sing- 2. We are lit - tie buds of prom - 3. We would live and bloom for Je - 4. He will take our hearts and keep r* r >JZ3l- 1 ^=t ing Hap-py songs to ■ ise In his gar - den sus In this world be - them For a home a - day, For we know our Saviour fair, By our faith - ful friends and low, Showing forth his pure ex- bove, Where we all may sing for- m ^t^lTfV ,"FTr^ ^ izizt 'W — ^- -:^ ^^ nrn^rr -z^ p^ ■ A ?, P, ^7"=^ H 1- list - ens To the words we teach - ers Trained with ten - der am - pie Ev - 'ry - where we ev - er Songs of joy and I—* — ti — c:0^0 — I — ^ — LZ| — ^ ^ x. say. He is call care, go. love. - ing, gent-ly call- ing, "Children, H^ f^ 1= mm r:4 :l gz: ^r-r _i^ ^ i :^ 3^ ±^t -z?^ T -*-^ come to rJ- J He has said that of his king - dom Lit - tie ones may be. 4^ Fg: ^ -^ .0 ia CopTiifttt, ItlBI, b/ Joaa i. Uoob. 22 1'he Children's Offerins Eliza E. Hewitt. Moclerato. ^- Jno. R. Swknhy. ^ I -y -•- -jp- -•- =^4 1. Flowers breathe their fragrance, Birds give their song, Stars shine in beau - ty All the night long, 2. Thoughts pure and ho - ly, Words kind and true, • All gen - tie ser - vice, Lit - tie hands do ; 3. Faith that will trust him, Hope that will smile, Though clouds may cover Blue skies a- while ; Az r f^E :r;4=^—-*- --^ Voic - es of na - ture Prais Work for our Mas - ter, Joy - Hearts that will al - ways With 'S^ ■ es re -peat; What can the chil-dren Lay at ful and sweet, Prayer for his king- dom Lay at his love beat ; Chil - dren, these treasures Lay at his feet ? his feet, his feet. * T i CHORUS. m 1 m. S^=^^=^z 5= ■A- iJ When through his mer- cy Je - sus we meet, We will our bright crowns Lay at J s- -•- -P- ^ his leet. m. -<^-- i u — tr- CcTTTifht, ISbT, bj JoBji J. Huop. ?^^^F" Mrs. Mast D. James. Loving Words the ghepheid said. 23 Wm. J. KiRKPATRICK. 4 ! I 3^ i 35 ■' w f r -^ r 1. Lov - ing words the Shep-herd said — "Let the lit - tie lambs be fed;" "Let the 2. Hear the ten - der Shep-herd say Precious words to lambs to-day: — "Close to 3. Set your hearts on things di - vine ; — Place your lit - tie hands in mine, — Then so 4. In the dark and in the light, Thro' the day and thro' the night, Ev - er chil-dren me, dear safe - ly shall my ¥B -f r r -^ i V CHORUS. =5: -^ li^ =5= 1% ^ come to nie;" " They shall my sal - va - chil - dren, keep, Thus I love and guard you will go Thro' this world of sin sleep -less eye Watch you as the years tion see." Safe and hap - py, — oh, how blest my sheep." and woe. m ur :f=t: E 1 I \ -^ w 1»5- r—r-r T M -(5^ Those who find in Je - sus rest ! Wisdom's ways are pleasantness, Wisdom's paths are ^^ -L- !-i !- -« — m h — I 1 4- -0 — 4 - J m 1 — •— ^ ^^^ Copjil|bl, U87, Vi JoaM J. How. i — r 24 Fanny J. Crosbt. yes, Ws come. i Wm. J. KiRKPATRICK. ^ 3t2 ^3Et pm s r^- 1. Bless - ed Lord, how good thou art, Thus to take each lit - tie heart ; Ver - y glad in- 2. Thou hast made this world of ours Full of beau - ty, love, and flowers ; Ev - 'ry where thy 3. In the ro - sy beams of light, In the si - lent hour of night, In the twinkling 4. Young and weak and frail we are, Ten - der buds that need thy care ; Oh, how thankful, £ :2ri 3^ r r -b> U L. ^rf CHORUS. I ri-g— r deed are we hand we see, stars we see. Lord, are we ^ ^ ^ Thou dost bid Thou dost bid Thou dost bid Thou dost bid A ^- ^ us come to thee, us come to thee, us come to thee, us come to thee. Yes, we come, quick - ly come, m :l ^Jf=i: i s r dear. Now thy gen - tie voice we hear ; Yes, we come, quick- ly come To thy fold, our Saviour M' JU ^ M- T^ .^ ^- 'J -g- h!- -g- J^ T ^ ' — f — ^ — ^-\ ^ . ~f — ri — V- • i> — r — r I 1 * f T i l l ^" ^tf=^ i ^ ^ t ^. "-V- Ocnrlifbt, 16(7, b7 JoBi i. Booo. F. G. Burroughs. Jesus l{noWs ]\ly jiame. 25 Jno. R. Sweney. £3 m ±&: ^z -0- -#- q;# -•- ' -0- 1. Ma - ry stood be - side the tomb, Ah ! her heart was bro 2. When my heart is sad with fear, And my spir - it bro 3. When I walk through death's dark vale, Will he then be near I ^ I N I ^ ken ; Near her was the ken, me; Will Will I know him my lov - ing ^ I ^ m=& m -y- ^-^ -^ — ^- ris - en Lord, Yet he had not spo - ken: But when Je - sus in the dark By the same sweet to - ken? Will he put my Sav - iour's voice Whis - per words to cheer me? Yes, he'll know me ^ ^—^ ±r i :r- ^ gent - ly fears to just the I ^ came shame game, :t=: :t=t: ^ i^ r 1? — r ^ ^ ^ a=i5: ^ m IK Close to her, and called her name, Hap- py then was Ma When he kind - ly speaks my name As he spoke to Ma He will call me by my name As he then called Ma ry. ry; ry, Hap As As py then was Ma he spoke to Ma he then called Ma -^ Iz: irzjfL -w — ^- -I bz: 1 — tr-r Capjti(hl, 1«87, bj J«b> J. Boob. 26 Marv D. James. Jesus Galls the Children. Wm. J. KlRKPATRICK. i 5£E ? w ^-It :2: -d— :::^ 1. Lov - ing - ly the Sav- 2. Oh, how bless -ed ev 3. He will hold us by 4. How 'twill brighten all iour stands, Reaching out his gracious hands, Say - ing, '' Let the • 'ry day Walk- ing in the heavenly way! Pur- er joys will the hand, Lead us through this dang'rous land, Guide us safe - ly our days Thus to walk in wisdom's ways! Then in realms of chil- dren come," Call - ing crown our years Free from to his home. Where no bliss a - hove We will all his loved ones home. Come, chil- dren, come to the Saviour ! sin - ful snares and fears, sin can ev - er come, sing the Saviour's love. =t ±: 3=^ ^- t ^ zpzz^zztr ^ u 'm-^t ^»-t it 2^b:^ -7^ '-^^ at=:?: (S- ^ ^ 3? -<9- W^ Come now in life's bright morn, Come, give our lov -ing Redeem- er Youth's ear - ly dawn. I 1 1 h 1— t::^ ^=F CopTright, 1887, bj Jou J. iloOD. r-=r-=f ^ -f- :Vz± ■f aE Parable of the goWer. 27 E. E. Hewitt. 3:fi: -^— ^- ii-z:^bt=i^=pl: MOTION SONG. Nt Wm. J. KiRKPATRICK, =i==1: f^=r^ =t 55- zijtb^ r-^— ^ : *- -^ti^/ ^i^- -#- -# -N-- ^ 1/ • ^ sit I U u/ A sow- er went forth with precious seed, Beside the way- side sow - ing, He hoped that a har- vest But careless feet trod the good seeds there Till they were dying, dy - ing; To car- ry them off the And some fell upon the rock - y bed, — The tender shoots upspringiug, — No root had they there and ^ rich indeed Would soon be growing, growing. 7'" '^' 1/ birds of air Came quickly fly- ing. fly - ing. Sow-ing, sow- ing, Scatter the seed both here and there; soon were dead, No fruit the Master bring -ing. i-$-- *• ^- ^^^^^ -4- -#- -#- T» -*- -•- -*- -♦--—•- :::* -L L C 4 And some among thorns, it came to pass, The sower too was sowing ; The thorns springing up — alas! alas! — Soon choked the good seed growing. 5 But some fell upon good ground, we're told, Oh, happy, happy story; Rich fruitage they bear, a hundred-fold, — Unto the Master's glory ! Copjrifht, '.8«7, bj JoBK J Hood C ^ }^ ^ \ ^ First Verse, ist and 2d lines. — Motion of scattering seed : 3d and 4th — Bending forward, hands lifted from toward ground upward ; frowth motion. Second Verse, ist and 2d lines— Right and left movement of feet; 3d and 4th —Bird flight downward; bird ight upward. Third Verse, ist line. — Scattering seed; 2d — Growth motion Fourth Vekse, ist and 2d lines. — Scattering seed; 3d and 4th. — Growth motion. Fifth Verse, ist and 2d lines.— Sowing seed : 3d and 4th.— Hands pressed together in praise, eyes looking upward. Chorus, 1st, 2d, and 3d lines. — Scattering seed; 4th. — Open hands extended. Sow - ing, sow- ing. Surely 'twill yield a harvest fair, 28 Lizzie Edwards. -N — ^-4- Jno. R. SwEMsr. :ir=t ^M^ N— N— V- - ah- #- - #— «- ;-A-^v- ^-^^ r -N-- mer- ry lit- tie rob-in in a greenwood tree Sang away, sang away, sweetly all the day ; She rosy beam of sunlight with a stream at play Ran away, ran away, laughing all the day; They soon they all united in a tune-ful lay Borne away, far away, o'er the meadow gay; We let us, like the robin in the greenwood tree. Sing away, sing away, happy all the day; We -#-- #- -#- J -<§- -#-• -#- -•- -•-• -0- -0- n» . M ^ ^ 0—9^^ « — » — — W- -•7f—\/—\>f- m :t=^ ^ ^^ filled the air with music, and it seemed to say, Pret - ty birds, all of you, sing with me. saw the lit- tie rob - in and they heard her say. Pretty beam, laughing stream, sing wiih me. all are ver-y hap-py on this clear, bright day, Cheer - i - ly, cheer -i - ]y thus sang they, hear a gen- tie whisper, and it seems to say. Sing a- way, sing a- way ev - 'ry day. I ^ ^ 1 -* — t- t=t^ 4^ --t- -^— V — li^- CIIORUS. -O- -A— ^ ^e*^= t: -- s^ r— PV- f 2 g'- ^— --•---» O hap-py aa the birds are we; Glad mu-sic in our hearts we bring; Notes of joy are swelling m £=£i ^-,-^.iL-t X -^^ 3=^-^-:^: ^^ =-&^: :f^ :t=t J^ 1^ ^ ^ h ^ — h h ^ ' — ^ — \^ ^ I ^- I r J :/ '^ Ooprnfht, 13!I7, bj Juan J. UooD. ping ^Way.— Concluded. 29 Fanny J. Crosby. Gall us ftine own. ^^^m ^m^ m Wm. J. KiRKPATRICK. -! 1 ^ • I- -^ iR= 1. Dear Saviour, we gather Once more at thy throne ; Oh, hear us, we pray thee, Now make us thine own. 2. Dear Saviour, thy promise W-j tru- ly be - lieve : Who - ev- er will seek thee Shall mercy re- ceive. 3. Dear Saviour, behold us, In thee would we hide ; We ask that thy Spirit In us may a - bide. 4. Dear Saviour, we love thee, Thv name we a- dore ; Oh, grant us thy blessing, Thy joy ev- er - more. ^ ^ '*^ -— IV N ^ te gffif^^i^ I 1/ b b ' i 6 6 6 '\ -y— b^">'- U \/ CHORUS. ^ s ^ ■ i -&T-li—,i-^ DO KE Ml FA SO LA U 30 E. E. Hewitt. I. Will Qo to Jesus. Wm. J. KlRKPATRICK. ■^-- d d 1^ -d- -dr -d ^r 1. I will go to Je - sus, Saviour kind and great; If I wait till old - er It may be too late. 2. I will go to Je - sus To be pure within, For his blood most precious Cleanseth me from sin. 3. I will go to Je - sus Ev-'rydayand hour; He will be my Keep - er By his mighty power. 4. I will go to Je - sus, He will be my Friend ; No one loves like Je- sus, Freely, without end. I will go, I will go, I will go to Je ■ sus, I will go, I will go, Je - sus bids me come. m\ -fi—^ -d-4- -t=^- :§S: g Sg: -^2- i CopTTight, 1887, bj- Jona J Hood. jlappy Land. Oi.D Meijjdt. i ±=l=[ fca •ms=i=i ^^ -^—dr ^'■ i -p- -^-d: -i^-tr^P 1. There is a hap- py land Far, far a- way. Where saints in glory stand, Bright, bright as day ; 2. Bright, in that hap- py--fend. Beams ev - 'ry eye; Kept by a Father's hand. Love cannot die; 3. Come to that hap- py land. Come, come a - way ; Why will you doubting stand ? Why still delay ? i -*- -p t^-- r-1 :t=::^ — — - r-» • • I 1 L LJ W. E t Jicippy Land.— Concluded. 31 ^- 3=gFX= g: :^-|-,_^_j =:K: r^r-f ^r ^ Oh, how they sweetly sing, "Worthy is our Saviour King," Loud let his praises ring, Praise, praise for aye ! Oh, then to glo - ry run ; Be a crown and kingdom won ; And bright, above the sun, Reign evermore. Oh, we shall happy be, When from sin and sorrow free,Lord,we shall dwell with thee,Blest evermore. ^ ^ .^ JL ^ .^ .ft. .fL -fi- -^ -ft- -«- I :tzz±: |E t^ i'"- Little goldiei. Fine, ;5" S -a- Rev. J. H. Stockton. am a lit - tie mean to fight for be his lit - tie < al d-^z ' " -a- -^ dier. And not yet ver - y "-T 5-1— »— L^_* — — 0—^—e — -# — t sol - dier. And not yet ver - y old Je - sus. And wear a crown of gold sol - dier. The Bi - ble says I may ' \ I know he makes me hap- py, ! ^—XL 9 • - t _^_C5ZZ^ — ^ — ^_C .t B.C. ^ ^i^^lB And loves me all the day; _^_ _p I love my precious Saviour, Because he died for me. And if I did not serve him. How sinful I would be; He gives me every comfort. And hears me when I pray; I want to live for Jesus, The Bible says I may. I now can do a little. But when I am a man I'll try to do for Jesus The greatest good I can ; God help and keep me faithful In all I do and say, I want to live a Christian, The Bible says I may. CopjtigbCy 1678, l9x JAB" J- UooD. 32 Little Ones Lil^e ]VIe. Jno. R. Swenbtt. n *f ^ K. ^ ^ ' y **^^ '1 ,■^ ^ 1 _h i IC ■ > tj 1 1 "" ■" > U*'> J J . « J ^ ^ 1 N IV C Ir^ 4 « •! ' 2 . " « 4 m A • - J t> ^ # • m s m *m € . # f d ^ e m i- 1. Je - sus, when he left 2. Moth-ers then the Sav 3. Did the Sav - iour say 4. 'Twas for them his life the sky, - iour sought them nay ? he gave, m <:> 11 • • r And for sin - ners came to die, In the plac - es where he taught, No, he kind - ly bade them stay, To re- deem them from the grave. In his And to Suf-fered Je - sus (JM?»-^— J- w • !• i* 1 '- ■z^ — __£_•_•. ^^L__^ — r~ -^ p—^x ^^^4 1 r~ — f— i L L\lr^>^ g -P — --fM^^ 1 "" "■ w r^ t 1 ' "SS.: w CHOKUS. r— A— ±=d- ^^ sz ^ :J=S: mer-cy passed not by Lit- tie ones like me. him the children brought. Lit- tie ones like me. none to turn a - way Lit- tie ones like me. now will gladly save Lit- tie ones like me. Lit- tie ones, lit - tie ones, "Suf-fer m ■^ -^ — ^ Lit - tie ones, lit - tie ones. =t: W =^ t^ -»-= — W — »■ rr ^Si =S=i: t—t=V0=^=f=i=^ '-^- r^=t =t=tt them to come," said he ; Je - sus loves the lit - tie ones. Lit - tie ones like me. fei -U: r Cjright, 1880, b; Jon J. Uooa. S. Martin. Little piiends of Jesus. 33 Wm. J. KiRKPATHICK. ^ -A N IV- Tt± — '^' — ± Do you know what makes us happy, When so many hearts are sad ? We are little friends of Je- sus, Jesus loves the children dearly, — In his Word he tells them so; Once he took them up and blessed them, We are lit- tie lambs of Jesus : He, our Shepherd kind and dear, Speaks,and tho' we do not see him. If we try our best to please him He will take us by and by Where our spirit eyes will know him, :?=p: HORusy tub ^SL. CHOR 3EEE3^ =^ ^ — I — ^ — *- -a<- 3" That is why we are so glad. Ma - ny, ma - ny years a - go. We are lit- tie friends, we are lov-ing friends, We are happy, happy In our hearts his voice we hear. Far beyond the star - ry sky. 1^ S3 t=^ T*=t=tt: r i=it m :t: t=:!==t=-t ^^rrrr ^ J v^^m^ ^^m ^=^=r ^ lit -tie friends of Jesus; We are lit- tie friends, we are loving friends, We are happy all day long, It feJiEEt E 1 rr^ :ti=:^ v-v ±:z - -w — v- f ^ LP.-C OaiTiltfat, UMk 1)7 Jon i. Hot*. 34 Lizzie Edwards. Oh, I^eceiire fJiiri. =T :il=3!= ...^ -^ — i^- ■^- -^- -^ — * -4— h Jno. R. Sweney. ^^i: -- N- — I — -A - ^ m -^ -^ ^ ' ' ' ----- s» (2? ~ ^. .^ 1. Lit- tie voic - es, hap-py voic - es, Sing of Je - sus and his love, While the an - gels bending 2. Lit- tie voic - es, hap- py voic - es, While we praise him day by day, Lo ! the an - gels hov - er 3. Lit^ tie voic - es, hap- py voic - es, While we breathe his name so dear. From the Bi - ble, ho - ly 4. Lit- tie voic - es, hap- py voic - es, With our teachers while we sing ; They are tell - ing, sweetly ^ ^ . . . ■ r :1:3d ^— sh -4- 1-4- ±^Z :=T i :i^: 'CHORUS. :<^ o er round Bi - tell - — I 1_ 1 L_^ ^ -•- -75)- ^ ' -A-p !«E:z]: a - bove, — -it — I 1 pt fc-f US Whis-per soft - ly from us; In our hearts we hear them say, — Oh, be-lieve him, oh, re-ceive him, Your Re- ble. Still the gen -tie words we hear, — ing. Of the Lord, our Sav - lour- King. PE 4 ^=^- 1=1 •V- s^ it± g^ =3= -^-^ .0. ^- -J. -# — #- er kind and true ; How he loves you ! yes, he loves you More than all your friends can do. — -^ — '-J — h P ^ h- '-'^- -h- M -) • Ff 4 1 OopTrigb^Kilie, b; JOBK J. HMD. "falje ]V[e in fMne Jlnns. 35 E. E. Hewitt. MOTION SONG. Wm. J. KiRKPATRICK. -^7^ f^tf: 1. Oh, how kind- ly Je - sus smiled When he called a lit - tie child And took him in his arms; H:g il_l_f_ -M: » — • »- 1/ I 1/ =!•— -F= 1 — tr-r r-v i -1^ — ^- :i3i — ' — p^ — |- ^-«^:i^ ^hj=g: y-^ :=? ^S= Help me list - en, Saviour dear. Call to me, for thou art near ; Oh, take me in thine arms ! I ^ i I ^ I u :-;■ ■ ■#- :f=f: Oh, how kindly Jesns smiled When he called a little child And took him in his arms ; Help me listen, Saviour dear, Call to me, for thou art near ; Oh, take me in thine arms ! I ad line. — Arms extended, downward. 3d line — .\rms raised and crossed over breast. l4.th and 5th lines. — Hands clasped in prayer. 6th line. — Arms extended, upward. Make me thine own little child, Save me from rough paths and wild, Now take me in thine arms ! In my heart to thee I speak, Carry me, for I am weak, ' Safe, safe in thy strong arms. ist and 2d lines. — Hands clasped. 3d line. — Arms extended, upward. 4th line. — Hand on heart. 5th and 6th lines. — Arms folded over breast. CspTTigbt, 1887, bj Jobs i Hooo. Here thy blessing I will know, Here in love and goodness grow "When folded in thine arms ; Sweetest place for little child, Looking up to eyes so mild, Joy, joy, in thy dear arms! ist and 2d lines. — Arms at the sides. 3d line. — Fold again. 4th and 5th lines. — Look- ing upward. 6th Ijne. — Clap hands very lightly at each "joy." 36 Jennie Garnbtt. JVEoniiiig, jloon and Everiing Praise. Adam Gbibhl. 4^^ ^ 1 - I — I- i I I , I ^ J I I ^ - Wl 1 1 I I. tJ I =1=^ .fg r < . ^ 1. When the morning breaks in splendor O'er the valley warm and 2. When the noontide hour is beam-ing, Happy songs each bird is 3. When the evening winds are sigh-ing, And the light is soft - ly ten-der, Joyful praise our hearts would sing - ing, May our hearts in measure dy - ing, Then, to nature's voice re- ^pbyE^^ render To our Father God on high ; Thro' the night,when all were sleeping,We were guarded safe beneath his ring- ing, Praise our Father God on high ; With a gentle hand he leads us, He is still our patient, loving plying, Praise our Father God on high ; He has crowned our life with mercy. He has scattered blessings on our ^ , ■^■■p. - p. JfL -PL care. When the stars their watch were keeping In the calm, blue sky so fair. Oh, the love, precious Friend, And the hand we now are hold - ing Will protect us to the end. way, And we hope to see and praise hira In the realms of endless day. Oh, the love, ' -^ ^ -^ -P»- « ^=> " ^ tq:^s=^z=^i -9—t! r -g-^-g- P -g- i^-?'- opyright, 1884, by JoHK J . Hood. O CS) CD CD S) e> 1A> KB MI FA so LA SI J^opning, jloon and Evening Praise.— concluded. 37 love, He be-stows precious love, -o-^-o-©- i^rJS*^*- v-'>-i Arranged by W. J. K He bestows — o--»-o from a-bove! Let our soulsand all within us Praise the Lord for all his love. from above! ^ Jl. Ji. -P- fZi. ^ w ^w- — h — 7-h =EEt ^ -V— s'-'-r ^>— p f=r ]V[al^e JVEe Losing. Wm. J. KiRKPATRICK. ^^^g^^S^^^^ 1. Saviour, who in love divine Came to bless a h'eart like mine, Make my spirit now thy shrine. Saviour dear. 2. Ver - y frail and week am I, Oft forfjetting thou art nigh ; Hear my prayer, and swift reply, Saviour dear. 3. Ev- er watch about my home. Never let my footsteps roam Where the tempting voices come. Saviour dear. 4. Thro' the busy hours of day,While I study, work, or play, Close to thee I fain would stay. Saviour dear. ^ -^- -p. .p. ^ 4i- ^ ». ^ ^zj. " " " " " " " " ■ ■ -O— i-:r— P— h— tr-TB— fer-S— rl 1 r f^ | C U r ^ b b L/ CHORUS. g^PP=^^3^ Make me loving, make me mild, Let me be thine own dear child. Ever growing more like thee, Saviour dear. Copyright, 1884, by John J. Hoou. O CD CS) G) S> DO KB MI h'A SO lA SI Jesus LoTfes the Little Ones. Wm. J. KlRKPATRICK. -N-r -Bi— ""ig: tle ones. Calls them to come near ; Watch- es o'er them tie ones, Gives them food and friends ; Grace for life- time tie ones, Guides their steps aright; Shields them all the - -^ ^ N ^ -Ji J- ev - 'ry while it bu - sy flay, lasts, day, :q: ,-i |B__ :t=*-=;: n # k. CHORUS. ^ 1 1 1 y ^ \. ^ r 1 1 1 « A |9 A .. / r J ]^ la r f * — ^ — - K ) j m <— — al — — ^ _|_J ;_ »— — • — — »— — »- — ^ _ ^^f — s — ^ — ^— On from year Glo - ry when Guards their bed « — ' to it at ^-Si- year, ends, night. — ■- 1 — y Je - sus 1— — loves the 1 — 1 y lit - -0- y tie — h i 1 ones, Yes, yes, yes; /m)'n ' • ?$ EM m S 5 __ m 5 .5 _ ■ • ' ^f^' \^-« — » — — »— -t i- H ^, ^- ^— — H h 1- — ^— • _ ^-^ h 1 r i __| ^ k#_ — >^ — — ^— — y — — w— 1 -- p ! 1 - if ly 1 I ^J m: All who come to ^ 4^ -P- -». -^ ^ him by prayer He loves to bless. i 4 Jesus loves the little ones. Bears their sin and care ; Loves to hear them lisp his name In his praise or prayer. 5 Jesus loves the little ones, Wheresoe'er they roam ; Then he takes them when they die To his heavenly home. CapjTifht, 1883, b; Joan J. Hood. Ckarlbs H. Elliott. Gome and ^ee. 39 Jno. R. Swenby. ;s ir— *- -?rH^ :^z 1. There is pardon sweet at the Ma,ster's feet, Come and see, O come and see; There's a song of peace thatshall 2. There's an easy yoke that you all may bear,Come and see, O come and see; There's a ho - ly joy that you 3. There's a healing balm for the weary breast.Come and see, O come and see ; There'sa tranquil peace and a 4. There's a life beyond, 'tis a life divine, Come and see, O come and see; And the light of faith on your -» — 0— -<0-*—W- nev - er all may sa - cred path will _• ^_ cease, share, rest, shine. Come, Come, Come, Come, O come O come O come O come ^3: and see. and see. and see. and see. In the precious, precious blood of Je - sus Washed a- -©'- -(S- J^=jfF I -f- f- .-r f- -r f- r r f r i -^^ H — • — ,1 1— --1 ~A— ^ - I ~ J ' ^ itzt ^li i your sins may be; You may plunge just now its cleansing flood, — Come, will you come and see. =^t±:=' >:fei:^k »-=i^ -y - I y— b^- fy —f —w—w — p— pt-P: J V ^ > ^ u Co|)jilgbt, 188S, bj Joiu J UooB. 40 Mrs. E. C. Ellsworth. ^ DUET. Cheerfully. Ghildreri of Zicn. Chas. Edw. Prior. :^ :^4= t=r 1. Oh, ma - ny, ma - ny chil - dren In Zi - on shall be found ; We hear their hap - py 2. Oh, who will be the chil - dren With - in the ci - ty bright? Will you be one to 3. Then come and bring a play - mate, Perchance a broth - er dear ; Let sis - ters come to- ^ w ■ ^ 1 m- voic - es, And plea-sant is the sound; For chil- dren can be Christians, en - ter. And come by morn-ing light? Oh, do not wait till old - er— geth - er, Oh, nev - er, nev - er fear; For Zi - on must have chil -dren And The Up- -N- a ^ — «- ~r — * 5^ ^^- t: while at work, or play, Be gen - tie like the Mas - ter. And all his words o - bey. shadows may ap - pear — You may not see to en - ter When night is al - most here, on her gold - en street. Then come, and bring in with you Who - ev - er you may meet. CHORUS. -A— N- — fv ^ — S =Bri — f^ — V— d S- — ^ — I ^-^ r- Oh,children,come to Jesus! His service is a joy; Oh, come within the ci- ty, Yes, ev'ry girl and boy. - - - - - ^ CopTTight, 1883, bj Jonx J. Hoco. Frank Gould. Our Shepherd. C/ MOTION SONG. 41 ite£ ^^ ^=^ =^ Jno. R, -fW-N SWBNFT. A--- N- i^ii 1. We have T^n n — » — T"* 1 ' f a ten-der Shepherd N ^ N s J As kind as he can be, He loves us ver ^£i£ y dear - ly ; His -#— ^ -J» — P — P— P- -l» — 1^ ^ £ CHORUS, First Verse, 4th line. — Left hand across the breast. Cho, — He takes our hearts and keei)s He leads us every day, [them, And if we closely follow, From him we cannot stray. ist line. — Right hand on heart. 2d line. — Motion with hand towards the floor. 4th line. — Pointing upward at the word " him." B And when the lambs are wearj', He gives them happy rest ; He carries them so gently. And folds them on his breast. ist line. — Bring out the word "weary" as though you were tired. 3d line. — Left arm across the breast. 4th line. — Cross the hands over the breast. 3 His eyes are always open, Our Shepherd never sleeps. But o^r us when we slumber A loving watch he keeps. i«t line. — Point to the eyes. 2d line — Looking upward when "Shepherd" is men- tioned, and close pyes at the word "sleep." 3d line. — Put the palms of both hands to- gether, resting the side of the face on them. 4 And by and by he'll take us To pastures green and fair, And then we'll stay forever "With him. our Shepherd, there. ist line.— Looking upward. 2d line — Swinging motion with the hand towards the floor. 4th line. — Pointing upward. Copjiight, 1PS7, b; JoHn i. Boon. 42 Fanny J. Crosby. .-4 — pponi JVEorning till flight Jno. R. Swenby. ^~ -ji—^. ist -^-. ■«i- ^^ Dear Je - sus, how thanktul and hap-py are we, .So ten - der - iy fold - ed and safe in thy care ; Thy goodness and mer-cy, how gently they flow! Thine eye watcheth o'er us wherev - er we go; We thank thee, dear Jc-sus, that here we may come, Where thou hast provided our beau - ti-ful home ; We thank thee, dear Je- sus, we hal- low thy name, That ev - en the youngest thy promise may claim ; ~1 . I — ^ ]•-= — fr- -» » -— If I — F -fiM — a — I r-. v. — H 1 w' — •' — *- -1=^-1 1 ^— ! — r Our hearts are so cheerful, our footsteps so light, We sing and we praise thee from morning till night. Thy blessings rre making our pathway so bright. We sing and we praise thee from morning till night. We thank thee for teachers to guide us a-right, We sing and we praise thee from morning till night. And now in thy service we glad - ly u- nite. We sing and we praise thee from morning till night. ■g _ I A 2S-; — X — a s 1 r-S S-i — g — 5—! 5 i -H F 1 1" -l»— ^ ^ -|e- -P- -f3— »»- -l»- -'^ -V- ,.p ^. ' p ^ cnoRus. lisng -^^— fi- iMz«=« From morn - - - ing till night, from We sing and we praise thee from morn - ing till night, We morn - sing and - ing till night. We we praise thee from morn -ing till night, Copyrijlit, 837, bj 3<>wa J. lloon prom JVIopning till jlight— concluded. 43 sing and we praise thee, we sing and we praise thee, We sing and we praise thee from morning till night Lz=tz=u=^ -L ^ 1- :::t: 1 Fanny J. Crosby. Gome; come to-day. Wm. J. KiRKPATRICK. 1^ ^ }s -& n »••-»'- ^. d^ - -»^ -ft ^ rt p^ tt ''•-o- -^ 1/ ■ 1/ ■ 1. 'Tis the gracious Saviour calling, Come, come to-day ; In our hearts the words are falling, Come, come to-day. 2. To his loving arms so tender Come, come to-day ; Now to him our all surrender; Come, come to-day. 3. Thro' his Spirit he is saying. Come, come to-day ; Let us then, our Lord o- beying, Come, come to-day. 4. While we tarry how we grieve him, Come,corae to-day ; Let our hearts with joy receive him,Come,come to-dav. / \. _ — ; '=^ 1* PS ^ 1- Like a shepherd he will guide us. In his mercy he will hide us. Come, come to-day, Come, come to-day. Copyright, 1884, by John J. Hoob. O CX> O O S> (^ 00 .iB MI FA so LA a 44 i Kb We Qather. E. A. Barnes. 4-al — a -^— \- ■f-dv- £^ i1=1: rJs- Jno. R. Swenby. 1_ 1. "We as children come to Jesus now, Come to knowhim,for he says we may; Friend of little children, 2. We as children learn of Jesus now, Learn to serve him and in faith to pray; Friend of little children, 3. We as children ask of Je - sus now Grace to keep us lest we go a- stray; Friend of little children, ^. ^ -fs- ^ ^ ^ ^. ^ ^ .^ ^ .s> ^ i'^ ^ ^ ^ -^ ms^ -pt- E W W f w- 3t=#: -4-f- :j«— pcip=^ -XrV V— i^— i^_U- ^^^ S^ I^-^- CIIORUS. A— >,— A-J^-- N- f^=:A=^ — I -1 1 1^ — I 1 =i -_M~- ±=jt i^— t -g— , he will smile upon us As we gather here to - day. Gather, — as we gather in our Sunday- he will sweetly bless us As we gather here to - day. it is sweet to praise him As we gather here to - day. ^ ^ ^ ^ I i -•- -»-- #--#- -^ -•-T i -school, Our ^=W=W- ■Ti d d M d ' ^— ^— ^ -W F W - y y -p^ 3^aE± e m 'm—F~ B U 1/ U y u w k^ F=f ^ Sunday -school, our Sunday -school, Gather, J.4 -as we gather in our Sunday-school, Our blessed Sunday-school. at=*: ::=1: -F—F—F- -^"=P= tr-tT- u/ I./ k' Copjrrliht, 1887, bj JoDn J. Boos, ± ^E£ 1 — r Ttr:*: s Little gunbeani. 45 W*t. J. KiRKPATRICK. ^— :?^- =1^ ^i=J=^^- zizr: -N--A-_-A--N- -^ — =T — I — -i — i- -f- F--A--iv I 1 r^ 1^ P>-f— + lit - tie sunbeam, Just a gold-en ray, And my smiling brightness Helps to make the day. lit -tie dewdrop, From its mossy bed, Fainting flower, to greet me, Lifts its pretty head, lit - tie bird - ie, 'frilling all day long. Till the woods re-ech - o With my merry song. 1. I'm a 2. I'm a 3. I'm a V^ — ,4- -I 4 ir=T _l» — ^_^e_ :t: ^r CHORUS. I Lit - tie Lit - tie Lit - tie beam, sun - beam, Shin - ing by the way. Lit - tie sun - beam, sun - beam, drop, dew - drop. Sparkling by the way. Lit - tie dew - drop, dew - drop, - ie, bird - ie, Trill -ing by the w^ay, Lit - tie bird - ie, bird - ie. ty sun- dew bird * ^ t=,^=k m. -if- -^—y. py all the day. iz ir i CopTlicht, ISe;, b7 JoBK i. Uoos. I'm a little flow'ret, God has made me fair. So my breath shall praise him Sweetly on the air. Cho. — Little flow'ret, flow'ret, Blooming by the way. Little flow'ret, flow'ret, Happy all the day. 5 More than birds or sunshine. More than flowers and dew, Loving little children Scatter blessings, too. Cno. — Loving children, children, Singing by the way, Loving children, children, Happy all the day. 46 Priscilla J. Owens. jiappy Little Worl^eps. -N — ^ — ^^ Wm. J. KlRKPATMCK. IN 1— -«l— ll- ^ Je - sus is the children's Friend, Happy little -workers we ; In his love our days Je- sus is the children's King, Happy little workers we; To his might-y hand Je-sus is the children's Joy, Happv little workers we; Help-ing ev - 'ry girl ... . _ ^ I I ' we spend, we cling, and boy, t '/ X ^, V. — b;- r feg ^^ ^ FT^ ^ a m •»' a 1 1 -JS 12 1_ I I j g -^ Hap- py lit - tie workers we. Round his throne we love to bend, Hap-py lit -tie workers we. To his cross our hearts we bring, Hap-py lit -tie workers we, All of e - vil to destroy; On his words with joy at- tend, To his praise our hymns we sjig, May his work our lives em-ploy; ^r=- Tt MMT-r^"^ ^^ c g r " Fine, chorus. m * * * g j ^-L r we. we. we. ->-iH jd'-^d^-^z Je - sus is the children's Friend, Hap- py lit -tie workers Je - sus is the children's King, Hap-py lit- tie workers Je - sus is the children's Joy, Hap-py lit -tie workers ■ JL .^- .|t ' ^ ^ ^ ^ Hap-py lit -tie workers. 2t?i V- -s^ g= ^ ft I g^ =F ^ L L L !. L I v' — I 1 © — !- — » — » — • — • — p — » — t" C«pjri(hl, ia— 1=2: :?: * 1. Gx)d make my life a lit - tie light, With - in the world to glowj p :^- ^ A lit - tie flame that bum - eth bright, "Wher-ev - er "^J ^ may ^ I go- P ?-[^^- 2. God make my life a little flower, That giveth joy to all, Content to bloom in native bower, Although its place be small. 3. God make my life a little song, That comforteth the sad ; That helpeth others to be strong, And makes the singer glad. 4. God make my life a little staff* Whereon the weak may rest, That so wliat health and strength I have, May serve my neighbors best. 5. God make my life a little hymn Of tenderness and praise ; Of faith tliat never waxeth dim, In all his wondrous ways. Jleart Bells. 49 Joseph Vouns. Jno. R. Swknky. -ah- — al — •- -^- -» 9 — 'g 1. Heart bells, joy- ful - ly, Ring a mer-ry chime; Clap our hands joyful - ly, While we beat the time; ^. -^ ^. -^- -^ -^ - - -f- -* -^- fe# -•--ft Ul -^ft—p- 5?=?C :1:: 1 f i^ ^=^ ^ — N- — H H 1-: — H- -» — 4 d i -m m m — • i^-izjd. -N — N— i= g -S- -1 ^ Keep step care- ful -ly, Lit- tie feet of ours, Mever mind, though we find Thorns among the flowers. Ht H«. .^. .^ ,2- H«. ^ ^ HflL p. ^ |1 Heart bells, tunefully, Riug .'i merry chime; Clap our hands joyfully. While we beat the time ; Keep step carefully, Little feet of ours, Never mind, though we find Thorns among the flowers. ist line.— Hand on the heart. 3d line. — Clap the lirinds. 4th line. — Beat time with right hand. 5th line. — Mark time with their A-tt. 6th line — Point to their feet. 7th line —Left hand on their breast. Infant Praises — D 2 Bright eyes trustfully Meet our teachers dear, Parted lips give to them Smiles of happy cheer ; Hark ! hark ! silence now ; Let us all obey ; Fold our hands, close our eyes, While we kneel to pray. ist line — Point to eyes. 2d line. — For- ward motion of the hand. 3d line. — Point to their lips. 4th line — Smiling. 5th line. - Holding up hand, all the finger.s closed ex- cept index finger. 6th line. — One turn to the other. 7th line. — Fold hands and close eyes. 8th line. — All kneeling. 3 Rise now thoughtfully, While again we sing; Merrily, cheerily. Hail the children's King ; O'er us tenderly. From their home above, Angels now, bending low, Hear our song of love. ist line. — Rising all together. 4th line.— Point upwards. 6th line. — Pointing up- wards. 7th line. — Incline their bodies. C«p;right, IPS), 1)7 Josh J HoM. 50 Rev. John O. Foster, A. M. jlelp me, Jesus. Jno. R. Swenby. n ■-, 1 '1 1 1 1 1 > • ^ 1 1 1 1 Z' 1 -, "+ r 1 J a ^ -D 1 1 ' ■ ^|^ 'I J m • S •' ^ m m J ■ s d »■ * - v-'; -*- 3 *9 a • J f 9 d C'. _i _i • 1*^ i 1 r r r ' ' ' " 1. We are lit- tie, -weak, and poor, Wait-ing by the o - pen door, 2. Foes a -round us great and stroug Call-ing to us loud and long, 3. Guide our feet, we hum - bly pray, In the strait and nar - row way, 4. Guide us, Je - sus, ev - 'ry hour, Shield us from the tempter's jKtwer ; „ m #• t~ "P 1 a m m o B m 1^ Je - sus. make us But we'll turn our In the path -way Help us till our /m)' -I \ " ! P 1* » 1 i 1 l^J-^ T H- !• « » m • !•'<:? 1 1 i P r r f m "^^^rj i-i 'I ■ i 1 i ' ■ L' 7 4- ■ 1 1 1 1 ^ 1 1 ill' CHORUS. ^ r pure with - in, Shield us from the world of sin. thoughts a - way To the Sav - iour day by day. thou hast trod, On -ward, up - ward, home to God. work is done. Then, O save us, bless - ed One. £. Help me. Softly. Je - sus, t—Jr- '^ -at- — • * ^ ir Help mo while I t-z2z -9-^- pray; Help O Je - sus, Help me ev - 'ry day. h22- e :t===t m OejiTriglil, IBS!, ij Jeoi J. Boos. Our piands for Jesus. 51 E. E. Hewitt. MOTION SONG. Wm. J. KiKKPATRICK. i^ ^*^ 1. Je - sus, take our hands in thine, Lead us gent- ly, Friend divine ; Con _ - -t— I secrate these lit -tie hands w — r I • — • — (5"- To thy ser- vice and commands. Je - sus, now thy children see Lift -ing up their hands to thee; IC' -m- J- -tS>- Take them, keep them always thine, Make them useful,Friend divine. ^^ J2 Little hands can clasp in prayer For God's blessing everywhere ; Little hands can fold in praise. While we sing our grateful lays. jst line. — Hands clasped ; heads bowed, id line. — Spreading arms outward. 3d line. — Hands folded ; looking up. 0•|7Iicll^ 1887, bf Jon i. HoOB. 3 Little hands can comforts be. By their touch of sympathy ; By their help in many waj's. Busy hands make busy day.s. ist line. — Arms around each other's shoulders. 3d line. — If for week day use, jtive different motions, to represent sewing, sweeping, etc., otherwise, present hands, paims outward. 1 Jesus, take our hands in thine, Lead us gently, Friend divine ; Consecrate these little hands To thy service and commands. ist line. — Hands pressed together, ex- tended. 3d line. — Open hands, extend palms upward. Chorus, 2d line. — Hands uplifted. 4 Little hands their gifts can bring For the honor of our King ; Lift your hands to God above; Clap for joy, for he is love. ist line. — Hands together, bowl shape. 3d line.— Hands uoliftcd. 4th line. — Clap lightly. 52 I Want to be With Jesus. Old Melody. i ■^r ^ -#-T- ■S-T- r^' to Lc with Je - sus, When I shall come to die, Not in the grave to tar - ry, er shall be wea - ry Nor ev - er shed a tear, Nor ev - er know a sor - row, I'm weak and sin - ful, But Je - sus will for- give, For ma - ny lit - tie chil- dren - - . ^ ^ *■ i^U - - . . . . ^ ^ ^^ :-£ -i 1 1 y It :^ ^=^ 3 :^=^ -gj- S^-^ r- r- But straight to heav'n to fly; There, right be- fore my Sav - iour, So glorious and so pure, Nor ev - er feel a fear ; But bless- ed, pure, and ho - ly, I'll dwell on that blest shore, Have gone to heav'n to live; Dear Saviour, when I Ian - guish, And lay me down to die, -&- .e ^=f ^ A V f=I^ ^E :t==t= -W—-V 4-^—^ r- I'll wake the sweetest mu - sic And praise him ev - er - more. And with ten thousand thousands I'll praise him ev - er-raore. Oh, send a shin-ing an - gel To bear me to the sky. * - ^ f- i f-^-f- S _!• pi- IP 4 Oh, then I'll be with Jesua And with the angels stand, A crown upon ray forehead, A harp within my hand; And there, before my Saviour, So glorious and so pure, I'll join the heavenly chorus, And praise him evermore. Rev. John O. Fostbr, A. M. 1-4- yiwal^e and ging. xN- 53 Jno. R. Swkney. :^-H N r^s^r^ ^^ -g — ^-- - .. / Wake, lit- tie children, awake and sing prais-es, prais - es; Let your glad voices in triumph ring ■ \ Join in the worship of Christ our King, ho-ly, ho - ly ; Tokens of love you may freely bring, \ -0-' fL' ^- ^ ^ ^ JL ^ ^ ^ cheerful notes of praise, in childhood's happy days ; notes employ in songs of joy that never #- #- -ii— itz^l: ^ ¥ rt p:i:p=pi 6 Hands that are little may do his will daily ,daily, [more. Hearts that are young with his love may fill more and Feet that are tender may journey still onward, onward. Voices may sound over vale and hill, shore to shore. ^ ■|«— '!»— P— "pt ^^^ 3 Sing to the Lord with a cheerful song, hallelujah! Glory and honor to him belong, peace and love ; Follow the Master where'er you go, gladly, gladly, Then from his bounty will he bestow life above. CapTrifhl, Ita, bj Joa J. Hooa. 54 por the Qlory of Jesus. E. E. Hewitt. Wm. J. KiRKPATRICK. -T -i-^ :i=r 1. Little Christians, at home and school, Living ever for Je - sus, Practis - ing dai - ly the Golden Rule, 2. Little singers, our hymns of praise Singing ev- er for Je - sus, Joy- ful - ly, free- ly, our voic- es raise 3. Lit - tie workers, ia simple ways Working ev- er for Je - sus. Gladly we give him our ear - ly days, 4. Lit - tie sunbeams, where'er we go Shining ev- er for Je - sus, Letting his light thro' our actions glow ^ y f * - -l» — le— P — Ft- Si P P P - T P P f f w~ JU \ I 1 — 3tl=l!t ■ P P P - -^ ■P P- -W-^ — P- y w m -A — ^ — N- CHORUS. -^ — #- -0- -0- -^ . -0- - zi jj- -i- r For thjj glo-ry of Je - sus. Sing- ing and working, our hearts we give, Give them wholly to -•- -•- 1 \ -P- -P- -P- -P- -»- -P- - #--#--# - -#- -•- -•- ^ :p=zp= az^i ■»- -p — p — p — p- 3ES -V- -V- i ! -A 1 p — *! « bI ■ 1-^ 1- Je - sus; Led by his gra,ce may we al - ways live, Live to the glo-ry of Je - sus, II « I . ^p==f: a {f^ i^izipc V— tr =|; 07l<(ht, 1887, bT ioam 3. Ho«D. Rer. C. H. Yatman. flis ehad I "Want to he. 55 Jno. R. Swbnbt. f va - tion -^ The chil-dren to Je - su3 may come And life and sal -va- tion receive; New hearts "will he My name will he write in , his hook, And call me a lamb of his fold ; When Sa - tan shall I read in his own bless- ed word How lit - tie ones use - ful may be ; Fll stand with my ^ fPF4 i=d=J lE^S ^ dN- ^ :?: - V 1 1 ^ A J • J <^ J r '/l ^ ^ 1 • . fi J '^ _r \ '0 •v» \(\ ~ ^ 1 ' <^ « • - ■ ai- ]^ > ^ • ^ di • dl ' c s • 'S .^ 2 1 }^' _l i-^— fl— J. . J a •—9-9 d - - - 1 pive seek face ev'-'ry one, to de- vour, to the cross. - 9 9-0 9 ^.. ^ ^^ If on him they on - ly be-lieve. I will love him, I Then me in his arms will he hold. That oth - ers the Sav-iour may see. will love him, |/«V''f^ * S . -m o a t o \ '^ \ ^ • U ; 1 III . a S » r ^^•i — 1 (^^_^ -i;^— ; ^^i — 1-» »■• » i* i»-^ — 4— -«---^ --»—=■ — i* — • ■» — -h — ^— ^ — — h |:w 4_ f • "^ '— t-r h -^ — ! h tr- --^ 1 1 1 — -H ^ 1 1 \- »/ 5 1 1 1/ V \ V y '^ 1 ■ i/ 1 1 '-^v-^ ^ d ' S d i#— ^ T" — « — M 1 — ■^ -^ z^izt T^ #- For his child I want to be ; On the cross he died for sin- ners, On the cross he died for me. -"- gf- f - -- - i I 1 ^ l=t rs= I I I r i^ :?=|i I Oorrrlfht, 1884, bj J«u J. How. 56 Little Ones may Come to Jesus. E. £. Hswrrr. Wm. J. KiRKPATRICK. n , . , ^ 1 ^ 1 1 N ^ 1 1 1 1 1 1 i >r U 4- N p 1 1 1 1 1 ' ■ J ^ c m^4 J •*- -S i — i— -%— -25 +— — M. — —J ^ «— (S2 . •< d r-I- d i — «— _ WZ_=t_W ._L^ 1. Lit -tie ones 2. Lit -tie ones 3. Lit -tie ones 4. Lit -tie ones r-r. — T — » P— rf^- may come may come may come may come -•- •-#- 1 to to to to Je - Je - Je - Je - 1 sus! sus! sus! sus! — ^ -9- Je - He All Give M- « « 1__!^^ •_=_ sus wants them now; See, is ver - y near; If to him ' be - long; He him now your heart; From * w » 1 U . 1 L he waits with we whis - per, will save us this ten - der, ^^#_f fL_ - -P- * — fL_ P- T T -1- 1- 1— 1 — - r >; H — P- — p — f— - .!"■ 1 1 1 . 1, ! ' L ;i ^ I I CHORUS. I ^ :=l: i==F -^-| — d-T « al 1- -«- -#- -&- -#--#--«--#- -«5^* o - pen arms; Love is on his brow. "Lord, I come," He will sure - ly hear. from our sins, Fill our lives with song. might - y Friend Nev - er, nev - er part. ^ It: I will come to Je - sus now, =1: ■J- -=]=F r ^ ^t -75^ i Come and learn his love ; He will take me in his arms. And bless me from a - bove. Ps^ £=£: i =f ?-=t *:=t f=r-=Ff t — ^ — r Mast D. Jaxes. Jesus Galls ifs. 57 Jso. R. SwEKET. By per. 1. Je- SOS calls US, Ust-en. list- en. See the loving Saviour's charms: Let the children come, he's saying, 2. Je-sus loves us — how hes longing Now to fold us to his breast. Let us go to our dear Saviour, 3. He will take us to those mansions. Beautiful, prepared on high : There well live with him forever, fe 4 : ^^^ 4 » » # g : , , *— ^ i i I I I Ti ■-, iL »■ ' , CHORUS. ^ ^ N . s s s 7 ? . K *« m • « • - ■/ \ "^ ^ m * N ^ • • • • • ^ " , , • ' f-\^ m * K > *m m 9 a • Lj-J ^— w-g S * *^ \* ' ^ '" f 9 0- m Now we'll hasten to lus arms. O, oome. let us go. let us go. let us go, Hark I how he's calling tis, In his arms well sweetly rest. Far above the az - ure skv. ^ ^ — — m • r s • j. •>- • ^ -0 — • — • — •- r N ^ ^ 6 g *-#"-y ^^ — • — ^ * ' '* ^^^=^ » *— m.. Hark I how he's calling tis, Come, let us go, let us go. let us go. Come, let us go to Je - sus. _• m « ^.M c c m • ^^ s . m »"P" m m .J^ M- m -0 — ♦- i I ppeal^ Bright Words. Wm. J. KiRKPATRICK. -^ ' " ' -*^ ^ 1. Speak bright words for Jesus, Children of the King ; Fair- er he than sunshine Of the golden spring. 2. Sing bright words for Je- sus, Let his glo-ry shine In the joy which sparkles In each glowing line: 3. Speak bright words for Jesus, Nearest, dearest Friend ! Standing by his ransomed, Till life's day shall end : i •S N- t) -^-f—f- i: J5 ^ — ^- =i=.'ot- "t— jt ^r^ ^ See his winy;s of heal-ing Scatter- ing the night; Can we not speak brightly, Liv-ing in his light? Joy that he has bought us, That his name is Love, Joy that he is reign- ing On his throne above. Then, with loving welcome, He our souls will bring Where bright words for Jesus We'll forev- er sing. 4^ ^•fc:$= t^V -^—r ipzz^ n =^— ^ 1 1/ u u CHORUS. -Z !- -^— j — N — ;y-ai — al — gi- -*^- ij — d i ^ — 7^- ni — • — 9 -■= — ^ — s % g i— *- Bright words bright words For our matchless King; Gladly will we speak his praise, Gladly will we sing I ^ ^ ^ jt. .0 .^ ^ ^ ^ ^ _ ^ -r " — h i — I — I — 1 — -I 1 — I — I — I 1 — 1 — 1 tV V4 V* V^ 1 Cop^ri^ht. 1B87, br Joan J. UooD. -V — \h j^zzt: -V — t^- m S. Martin. Galling you and ]V[e. 59 Jno. R. Sweney. i:^:z:hi±z -4-^-*F-F : -•I — al — dz a=E^ 1. "Tis the Shepherd's voice we hear Callinji you 2. He is ev - er watchinir nigh, Calling yoa 3. Where the sweetest flowers grow, Calling you 4. To his gen - tie, lov- ing breast, Calling you and me ; and me; and me ; and me; -(2- ^ ft irS: :e£ To the precious fold so dear, Looking down from yonder sky, Where the brightest waters flow, Where the lambs in safety rest, - •- •- P- -#- _ . -^—y- CHOUUS. '^- -N-- 3 Call- ing you and me. =P-)^ 1= ^m Ma - ny times in ev - 'ry day, We can hear him -(•— -p- -ej- :=t:: m :t: in our play, Call - ing to 'll - ^ . -f-- - g- - g L the -r r- bet - ter ~* ^ -^— --- way. Call - ing you and me. —» •-- Copjrichl, 1686, bj Joan J. Uoos. 60 Edgar Page R Little "WopI^ for Jesus. Jno. R. Sweney. S2I A little work for Jesus, Kow sweet the thought to me, When evening shades do gather, Something I've done for thee. It may have been but little, The good that I have done; But still thou wilt accept it, Though from a little one. Oh ! it is such an hon - or, To do for Christ the Lord ; To do an act to please him. Or speak for him a word. I may not do as oth-ers A mighty work of grace, I may not bring a thousand To seek the Saviour's face : But I can tell a sin-ner Of Jesus' precious love, And point him to the mansion That's waiting up above. *-^#-^-#--^-#- ^ -•- -0^ ^ -•- ^ . ^ I M — i^— k- ^-t^— r ^^-^- -^—P P W- f P W=K u i*' ciroKus. -A — N- T :n-:t H ^ ^ -* — li- • !l V t^ %^ Working for the Saviour — What a precious thought ! Do- ing for the Mas- ter. Who my pardon bought ^- M- jp. ^. =P=I» — W — P— !•- ipL^ip: e -p — ^ - Kyi* — P — ^ — v ~&r- — N — ^ ' d 1 1 — •-^— I — « — d — al af '^ &*- 1/ '^' - ^ I Saviour, I will praise thee. Thou hast made me free ; Now I'm do- ing something Ev -'ry day for thee. ^„^ ]CH*-- i* — P'--H — ^— ^ — f- — f^ 1 — U 1 1 1 1 r -«- -p- -ft- f=^¥=l- — a H :& 4^ i Our gongs of Love. 61 S-^=s=sg^ Wm. B. Blakb. ^-^T i ilt=f : 1 t±^ trea- sure up the sun-beams Of the bright Sabbath day ; "Tis the Mas - ter, in his ear - ly learn the les - sons He Avould have us to know ; So his blessings ne'er shall Mas - ter, we a - dore thee ! Hear our prais- es to - day ; Keep us near thee, — ev - er -O- -O- -O- -O- -«- -O- -P- -O- -O- -O- -O- j ^ M- Jno. R. Swenet. ■T^— d- -^ B£ 1. I have found a friend di - vine, Wont you love him too ? I am his and he is mine, 2. Oh, how dear his name to me, AVont you love him too ? None can save your soul but he, 3. Heav - y - lad - en, care-oppressed. Wont you love him too ? How^ he longs to give you rest, 4. Cast your burden at his feet. Wont you love him too ? There is par - don pure and sweet, -P- S: -^- ^ i^ -0-? — P — o- : O wo KU. All FA SO U^ SI Martha J. Lankton. Joy Bells. 63 Wm J. KiRKPATRICK. 1. Pretty, golden sunbeams, Looking from the sky, Call us now to wake and sing Praise to God on high ; 2. Pretty birds that carol From the waving trees, Hiding in the brunches green, Cradled on the breeze, 3. Shall our tongues be silent? Have we naught to say,Whenourhearts can feel his love Better far than they? J. ^. ^- #. ^ #. ^- ^ j(=i. V — ^ — M — V — I 1— k — k — k — b — 1 1 1 Ph — H — I- — '-r-?> r r -V — He — N— P — 1 — I — r — r — v— N — s — V 1 — \ — ^ — N — i^—A 1 1 — I — V s^ r Song and beauty ev'ry where, On the earth and in the air, Still the blessed truth declare, God, our God is love. Thro' the laughing summer days Still their greatCreator praise; In the simple tones they raise TellingGod is love. Like thebeams that sparklebright,Likethebirds on pinionslight,Like the bells,let all unite,Singing, God is love. V 1/ 1/— t^— fe-*— y- CHORUS. I 1 -•- -•- -•- -•- -P- -P- ■ -• — • — • — • — I h- -P- -P- ^- 1/ U 1/ U i=i -JV— V- -V 1/ I -^-^- ■f-t — I — - — I — I -t/— k— t^ V— t^- Bepeat pp. Et o^^ s Be/I accompaniment if desired. Joy bells, joy bells, Hear them ringing, sweetly ringing; Hear the joy bells, joy bells Echo God is love. Joy bells, joy bells, merry joy bells, joy bells, joy bells, meriy joy bells ?-Jtl -•—•—•—»- V-%^% -V->— b'-b'- V-k-'-U-v/ -r» — • — • — • — • — • — •— •— •— a-i-« -H ' : !- 1 1 1 1 1 1 — H- Oorrright, 18S6, by JuBii J. Hood. u- K ^j K y yi yf -b^-y-V- 64 Mrs. A. M. Chawce. Joyous, jiappy, Bright:, and pair. Jno. R. SwBjJKTr ->— H : i 1. Joy- ous, happy. iDright. and fair. Welcome is the Sabbath dear, "^Tiich we gladly hail to - day, 2. Bless -ed .Shepherd, lead us all. Teachers, scholars, by thy call, Xev-er let us faint, or fall 3. List'ning, learning of thy will Glad - ly may we it ful - fil, 'Till at last on Zi - on's hill £ -^ T gs -# -d Pre-cioiis day of grace. Sweet this rest - ful, pray erfal hour. Hallowed by the Spir - it's power ; On our pil-grim way. Thou our glo-rious lead - er be. Bring- ing us to pas-tures tree, We from toil shall rest. Gathered home at last to dwell, And the heavenly mu - sic swell, '^Sl m -V- CHOErS. ^ zzi: ^=^ ^^^ Je - sus. Master, now draw near. Fill us with thy peace ! May we thy sal - va - tion see In these courts to - day. We .shall know that all is well — Ev - er-more be blest! ' -^ . ^ N ^.. •J -^ » . m J J -, ^» - 9-. W W Joy- ous, hap- py, bright, and fair, ZMZ -hv- -^ ^ ^ ^ -y- Oivrnikt, van, Ij .loss J. lioc«. Joyous, Jiappy, Bright, and pair,— concluded. 65 ?R: i -5— <-j^ Wel-come is the Sab- bath dear, TNTiich we glad- ly hail to- day, Precious day of grace! m -y — y- -J- r -•- ^^^ .ta L_ ^-v'- H. L. B. Loving Jesus. ^ ^ Harry L. Brooks. linJ^I iSzi: :fv— ?^:1^: t*=2=*: li=^ i 1(— J, — = — •— r- " — •— • — • — • X -S-: • • — r-^~Zr — ^—^-^9 — 9 *^if 1. I love to sing of Jesus, Because he died forme; Itgrievesmyheart to thiuk that he Should suffer on a tree, 2. I love to sing of Jesus, For, tho' he's gone above,He listens to my feeble praise.And shields me with his love, 3. And if on earth we're faithful,Inheav'n his face we'll see. And sing,in songs more joyfQl,Thro' all eternity CHORUS. ^ 1 i —\ l-y- *i IT I # 1-=^ -# g » 1|^=-M +^^ ^-^ ' * • M •11 Oh, lov-ing Je-sus! Praise him! praise him! Oh, lov - ing Je sns! I'll ev - er sing of thee. ^ ^ }z2: ±=1 t== -• •-!-• a ^ ^^T r- J u-L - p «l -s-r~M" -g= Pf 66 Children's Praise. Rev. F. W. GoADBT. A. L. A. 1. A crowd fills the court of the tern- pie, A sound as of praise stirs the air, Je - ru- salem thrills with e- 2. Lord, make each young heart thine own temple, Reveal thy sweet presence within, Illumine our minds by thy 3. And when in the temple of glo - ry, Where falls never shadow of night, Where sorrow and sin never m ^ ■a- =8^ -0- a-^o:. -P- -^ g P o P ^ gt^ -fl H^ ^ -!• — P- X: ^^ -t b^-V- -rr -fc/ — i/ — h i p ^^=^ 7=^1 w -A- :^i 1^ q: :^=^=zi: IJl^c^ -^Jfeh •S- -8- u^ ^ -^ -• H^ -8- -S- -S^~~^ -o- -o^ mo- tion, The Lord of thetem-ple is there! In vain is the priestly dis - pleas - ure To com - ing. Ex - pel ev-' ry long- ing for sin ; For when in our souls we a - dore thee. How sad - den. And thou shalt thyself be the light ; When round thee the ransomed are thronging. High ^. ^ ^ ^ ^ N i: ^ P — ©- T- — — ' 1 r— f^ n ~ w «r w r-—\ 1 r *^ 1 — -J-l i-. ^, 1 h n — "— 1 1- -f |s=: t=t^ / ^ J * — ri — o — "-J-cz^- w ^ y \ . \ i — -f-5-N- rit. 3Qt -^ ^=SE^3ErM m. silence the anthems that ring, Hosan - na ! Hosan-na ! Hosan- na ! The pure the glad praise we shall bring I Hosanna ! Hosanna ! Hosan- na ! The he£ven with their praises will ring, Hosan-na! Hosan-na! Hosan-na! The -p- - - I -o-h-« -ci>-* -«>-+- -o- -o- _ ^ 4=t: ¥ rt^ -iO- r-O — CD- children all joy- ful-ly sin children will joyful -ly sin children for-ev - er will sing, -ol A Wf te -I — n-*- -\ — I — v-v s By permission. C3 O CD O Cv) S) C2> 00 RB MI PA SO LA M Beautiful Sabbath Bell. Faknib M. Chadwick. *-i^ -A- -J^a =M=f=8^=S=S^Jff Chas. Edw. Prior. 67 &=a -i<-^-t- 1. Beau-ti-fnl Rab-bath bell! Always sweet is thy sounil ; Ev - or thine ech-oes tell 2. Beau- ti - ful Sab-bath bell ! Like the voice of a friend, Bidding from hill and dell gEr^pt^^^^=i^i^^jJ Where pure love is found ; Beau - ti - ful Sab-bath bell ! Ev - er sweet is thy call : — Joy - ful praise as - cend ; Beau - ti - ful Sab-bath bell ! Bid - ding all who may roam, CHORUS. ^-^y- g3 ==ir=^=i^=s^y4^=iF=^ :jzj^ -A — « ^ 38=^=4^ : " Here is sal- va- tion's well, Free and o- pen to all." Beau- ti - ful Sab- bath bell ! Come and with Je-sus dwell In the heaven - ly home. Beau-ti- ful Sab- bath bell I I f P=F sweet call we hear ; Now may the songs we swell Eeach the Master's Thy sweet call we hear ; Now may the songs, the songs we swell ^1 ear. J- ^ -P- A JiL. -]/ — t/- m JL f i Copyright, 1883, by John J. Hooo. O CD CD O BO RK MI FA C3 S> so UA O 68 Mrs. Grace W. Hinsdale. What can Little Hands do? Chas. Edw. Prior. S ^=^^ 1!=8: --A IN- ca; ^zTt^zzim 8==?^ y *-®^ « ^ ^ ^i^ -jj. .^^ .^ please the king of heav'n ? The little hands some work may try, please the king of heav'n ? The lit - tie lips can praise and pray, please the king of heav'n ? The lit - tie eyes can upward look, please the king of heav'n? Young hearts, if he his Spir-it send, ^i. JIL ^ .Q. -fi. h3^ O, what can lit - tie hands do To O, what can lit - tie lips do To O, what can lit - tie eyes do To O, what can lit - tie hearts do To ^9- A ^ f^ A » ^ -p^ fir^lB te k ia I y \- ^ 3^ S=2=*: ^=^^ ==&!« -S — S' *: 5^ s ^»- ^- -©- "ij- -g- ^ -©..©. M©. ^. ^. ^ That will some sim-ple want sup- ply; And gen - tie words of kindness say Can learn to read God's ho- ly book Can love him, — Maker, Saviour, Friend ^ N ^(-= — e- ~^ ' - u u 1 Such grace to mine be given, Such grace to mine be given, Such grace to mine be given. Such grace to mine be given, ^=-Jt ^ \ Such grace to mine be given. Such grace to mine be given. Such grace to mine be given. Such grace to mine be given, -P- ^0 • -P- -P- -p- x M -^- P^4^E^44^^^ I cannot Seek too Early. 'Fear thou not; for I am with thee." — Is. xli. lo. C. E. P. # i i=t=ttt::^E^ «rfc4 I can- not seek too ear- ly in the morn No e - vil can approach but thou be- hold Shall I not seek thee in life's ear- ly morn #_ — P p P P p P p_^.<2>_ $f^ ing, I cannot come to thee toa late at night; est, No danger compass me but thou art near; ing, Shall I not cling to thee thro' earthly night, -P — P — P — P— P — o — s— P 8 — i Br~ lB " ^^^ ^^ r-^^ — r Ai t— tr r 1=^ Copyright, 1883, by John J. Hood. O O CD CD DO KB MI I-A SO s> -4 Thou wilt I cannot Seek too Early. — Concluded. 69 r=r itf: Ji O- fj ©- XLt F re-ceive me in the ear-liest dawn - ing, And thou wilt welcome in the darkest night. My trembling heart beneath thy wing thou fold - est; With - in thy secret place can come no fear. Till thou re -veal to me the heavenly dawn - ing, And I shall see thy face, and no more night. » * i » « « • » H» • • 1 1 i^ ^ b* ^- "tr-tr r -v— V- C. E. P. C. W. Ray. Jesns Watches Over Me. The very hairs of your head are all numbered."— Matt. x. 30, H — -\ — -T— i-n r^ ; r-f-^ 4 i U ^-a — ig- 1. Je - sus watches o - ver me, Though a 2. Je - sus watches when I pray, Though I 3. Je - sus watches o - ver me When I -«- g=Hzr§=8r= j-FS-g=z g!=l: -©- lit - tie child so weak ; He my ev-'ry step can see, am so young and small ; Ev ry word I think or say, lie in deepest sleep ; Though his face I cannot see, He He He can hear each word can un - der- stand my life can safe m ±-=t ^=^1^ -P3 pi- speak. all. keep. 4Zi want pro - vide. Wti: ^ F 4 Jesus watches over me, [skies; ■ Though he reigns o'er earth and He my constant guard will be. Though my path thro' danger lies. 5 Jesus watches over me ; He my wayward feet will guide. He from sin can make me free, £ And for every want provide. Copyright, 1883, by John J. Hood. 6L CD O CD CS> CD S) CD Do KB MI hA SO LA SI 70 C. W. Ray. SOLO. The Ceaseless Call. 'Unto you, O men, I call; and my voice is to the sons of man." — Prov. viii. 4. Chas. Edw. Prior. 4t-^ T==1=F=1=^-4=P -f»— s- tZJ O . ri — CD- ^ ( Lis- ten, childr*n, one and all, Hear the eag - er, ceaseless call ; Boys are wanted : earnest, strong, ■ 1 Boys are wanted who may be From all slav-ish vie- es free, — Boys of heart, and nerve and will' „ / Lis- ten, children, one and all, Hear and heed the earnest call : Girls are wanted to inspire ■ \ Girls are wanted who may win Reckless souls from paths of sin, Girls who ev- er- more shall be P :^ in Brave to bat - tie with the wrong. Wise to plan for human needs. Strong for worthy christian deeds ; \ Highest place of trust to fill ; Boys with courage brimming o'er Will be need- ed ev - er - more ! J Drow- sy boys with holy fire ; Girls whose pure and winsome ways Shall command the highest praise ; 1 In a-bid-ing sympath - y With the tireless and the brave. Who despairing souls would save. / Copyright, 1883, by John J. Hood. o o CD o o e> o PO KS MI FA so LA U The Ceaseless Call. CHORTTS Concluded. C. W. R. Precious Words of Jesus. Suffer the little children to come unto me, and forbid them not." — Mark x. 14. C. W. Rat. 1. Precious is the Saviour's promise, Children to receive ; He will welcome to his heart All who in him believe. 2. Precious words of admon- i - tion, Spoken tender- ly : Hinder none, for ev'ry one May my disci - pie be. 3. Precious are the words of Jesus, When by fears oppress'd ; He can take all guilt away.And give the weary rest. 4. Precious is the pledge of pardon. All may be forgiv'n ; And each penitent shall find The endless bliss of heav'n. ^. -M. .tL M. M. Jt. JBt. ^. J^. -^- _•__•__•_ ^ -O — O — I 1 — rsk \ ri — H O— rO — i-C — O — O- Sweet are the words of Jesus, His grace how wondrous free: "Suffer the little children To come unto r me. Copyright, 1883, by John J. Hood 72 Meet Me Oyer There. C. W. R. Not too slow. C. W. Rat -^■ jv SEJE ^ ^t=5 •«h i ~B &~~ V \- - ^ ^ 1. A darling child lay dy - ing 2. !RIy sins are all for- giv - en, 3. I shall be there to-mor- row,— 4a p^ :2=t= Her kindred weeping near, The Saviour smiles on me ; -My pains will all be o'er ; t- When in a song of tri- umph, I soon shall be in heav - en, — No drea - ry night, — no sor- row, — £ tft* - ia — i»r— o — | - iS^ rr-r :?»=?*=?: CHORUS. m ^^^ Si W ^ -it-^ iZ3fc 30 if ' ^-^ V ' ■ Her voice rose sweet and clear ; I'm go - ing home to glo - ry, A gold - en crown to wear; Its pearl - y gates I see. But pleasures ev - er - more. Pj _0 -^^_ _ -«- -O- -P- H»- -O- • _ HO- -o- -p- p- ^^ BE^ m ^^^^ -p ^ s— pi Copyright, 1 The Lord hath sent his angels All fears of death to quell ; O papa, say you'll meet me, Before I say. Farewell ! Then, while he kneeled beside her, She kissed away his tears ; And in the softest accents. Still whispered in his ears : O CD O O S) ttO RB UI FA SO LA SI Rev. E. A. Hoffman. Because He loves Me so. Gabriel Miesse 73 ^^S^ 'TWS' ^Ef. -ft ^^^ ^ 1. Why came the Sav- io'ur from *a^ hove, To dwell on earth be - low ? Why suf- fered he on 2. Why bowed he in Geth - sem - a - ne Be - neath a weight of woe, Till blood - y sweat be- 3. Why does he wash my sin-stained heart And make it white as snow ? Why does he make his 4. Why wUl betake me up to heaven From cares and toils be- low? Why gije a^rown of Cal - va- ry ? Because he loves me so. dew'd the ground ? Because he loves me so, home therein ? Because he loves me so. glo-ry there? Because he loves me so, He loves me, he loves me, He loves me, this I m He loves, he loves me, He loves, he loves me, E S ^^'^i this I know, He gave him- self to die l»r me, Be- cause he loves me so. i -«- -ol- -*- -flTj ^ ^-y— ^ -55= t^ jL ■^ Tt — I — r Ait. from " Happy Songs.," by per. CT) OO CO CS> CO «^ cz> DU BB Ml rA so l-A SI by per. Happy Little Birdie. Chas. Edw. Prior. -« i=^ --r^g^ i^ I 1/ „ Hap-py lit -tie bird-ie, Singing in the tree, Tell me why you al-ways Are so blithe and free; When the storms of winter Drive you from my door, Who is it that guides you To a warmer shore i "God is my pro- tect - (jf , He directs my way, — Taught m^ how to warble ^^11 the summer day.' '^^±± ^-V-U- J: °^ ■K i^zrjs: , — Taught me how to warble AH the summer day." f-^^-i^ :?^=A=|t zit. ^^=^ -co 6 6 6 —^ yrv :f- ^=:^^ 3t -c g^ -^5- B«- -»--«- -o--|W--5fi-"*'''»''-^uUt^u ,. l)o you ev- er sor- row? Do you know a care? Singing thus so glad - ly As you mount the air Thro' the pathless heavens, Who points out the way? Who is it that keeps you Always glad and gay? This the bird-ie told me, As it mounted high, Singing loud in gladness. Thro' the a-zure sky. ^ J ^ ^ ^ f ^ ^ ^ A -o ©- ■t=^^- -f — r ^^=^^ Jt -\/—^ -j= r r E3^EE^J -tr- tr-tr V -»- £=t=e: C. W. R. fc^ Jesus, I would follow Thee. "My sheep hear my voice, and I know them, and they follow me." — ^John x. 27. IV 1^ C. W. Ray. is-V ^Z -A — ^— A JSES -i— Bl- T -«- -^ -■^ ^f^n 3:3 f Jesus, I would follow thee, Follow thee, follow thee, Tho' thy form I cannot see. Yet thou art ever near; ■ \ Thou canst hear me when I pray. When I pray, when I pray ; Thou art never far away. And ever very dear. f Jesus, when I look to thee, Look to thee, look to thee, Thou wilt surely pity me. And bless me with thy love ; • ( Jesus, thou wilt hear my cry. Hear my cry,hear my cry; Thou wilt bring me when I die To thy blest home above. "" - — — _— — Q — p — O 1 O _ — — — — -1 — p— O- " ■+- — ! — ^ — I— f-t — ^— s — e-4-jd— itr f^r; 7=j— O • ^-T-Ot 1 1 ® id's-* & 1/ U. l^ u u CT U U U — b^ ^ F C. W. Ray. My Feet, My Hands. Chas. Edw. Prior. 1. Je- sus, guide my lit- tie feet Along the heav'nly way ; Safely guard them from each snare. Lest 2. Je- sus, help my lit- tie hands To do thy ho - ly will ; Ev- 'ry page in my life's book Help 3. Je- sus, touch my lit- tie eyes, That I may always see Work that waits mj' willing hands And 4. Je- sus, teach my lit- tie lips To tell thy wondrous love ; Change my prayers to songs of praise, And they should go a - stray ; I shall be sure to turn a- side, Un- less my footsteps thou wilt guide. me with good to fill : How sad life's record should I make No sac- ri- fioe for thy dear sake ! shows my love for thee ; Help me to hear and hc*d thy voice, And daily make thj' ways my choice. bring me safe a - hove : In mansions bright prepared for me. Thy face and glory I shall see. Cooyright, 1882, by Chas. Edw. Pkior. o cs) G> ts> o e) 00 RE MI FA SO LA SI To Jesus I will go. And the blood of Jesus Christ his Son, cleanseth us from all sin." — i John 1. 7. C. VV. Ray. s ^m m^-v^-i -Or 3t 3l 3^ -o-xh -o- C:> S> O 00 ax MI fA so LA 91 C. W. Ray. UUET, Little Hearts and Little Hands. "He that believeth in me, though he were dead, yet shall he live."- 77 ■John xi. 2$. Chas. Edw. Prior. 1. Blessed Je - sus, we a- dore thee For thy patience and tliy love ; Bless "us while we wait be- 2. May not children leam to know thee, And to sound abroad thy fame ? Teach us, Lord, how much we 3. Lit - tie children may receive thee, And receiv - ing thee may live ; To each soul who will be- fore thee, Let us all thy mer - cy prove, owe thee. With thy love each heart in- flame, lieve thee Life e - ter - nal thou wilt give. Lit - tie hearts may sure - ly love thee, Lit - tie ^ Mm «=j i feet may leam thy ways ; Lit- tie hands may leam to serve thee, Lit- tie lips mav sing thy praise. E Copyright, 1883, by John J. Hooo. O OD CD O S> ^ Uu Kit WI tA HO UK Ul 78 ABOVE THE CLEAR BLUE SKY. E. J. Hopkins. to their God ; Hal I P le- lu-jah, They love to sing to God -^» -^ — * — d — ! — H-*~ te^ their King, Halle-lu jahl ^ -^ S ^ S . ■ffT^"' crrV-rc'r rT^^r^yfr^^ Li -W •— !-* p-i—0 — fi. ^totizit I ^^^ jtz: J N I- ^ f^= It r -#-•-#- 2 But God from infant tongues On earth receiveth praise; We then our cheerful songs la sweet accord will raise : Hallelujah ! We too will sing To God our King Hallelujah ! 3 O blessed Lord, thy truth To usi Thy babes, impart, And teach us in our youth To know Thee as Thou art. Hallelujah ! Then shall we sing To God our King Hallelujah! 4 Oh, may thy holy Word b'pread all the -world around ; And all with one accord Uplift the joyful sound. Hallelujah! All then shall sing To God their King Hallelujah 1 Lively. BEAUTIFUL BOW. I do set tity bow in the eloud, and it shall be /or a token o/a covenant. — Gen. ix. 13. 79 >-&- i^^ J. J. Hood. pHi#E^ 1. Beautiful bow ! in mer - cy giv'n, A token of love to earth from heav'n ; When thou art beaming 2. Beautiful bow! — a brighter one Is shining a- round th' e-ternal throne; And when life's fitful m& N N ••- sa^i3: qczz^z ^-^«c V V S -N — I — \ — =r^= bright and fair. May we ev- er behold the promise there. Beau storm IS o'er, May we gaze on that bow for ev - er- more. 0'-i — ^ « i- beau • ti - ful, ^¥^ beauti - ful, beauti - ful bow, Sweet token of God's mercy and love to all be - low. ■=t=JC=f e^3EaE*E*ES^ Jfci^zzB: t±. ^ ;s f^g— »- 1i=^=|i=t: V"tr-t/ 'i; U U I *'IIS 80 Rev. H. C. M'Cook. |1 ±liZ LITTLE PILGRIM ON THE ROAD. They desire a better country, that is, a heavenly. — Heb. xi. i6. Jas. M. North. By per. =3EEi3Ei ^ ^ ^. \j \j \ •*■ -0- 1. I'm a pil- grim, pilgrim on the road, Little pilgrim on the road, To the City of our God ; I have 2. I was burden'd, burden'd with a load, Heavy burden'd with a load, When I started on the road ; 'Twas the k' ^ r=?q^^=SPS -N— N- -^-i—' ^— N-T S N ^ -V-r .w ^ ^ ^ r ^ 1 r ~ 1 — ^ — « ^ — ^ — a — ^— — I — I — 9 — « 7^ — ' — - X I i=P* « — «(- left the way of sin That I long had wander'd in. And I'm pressing 'tward the land, the land of glory. sin that I had done ; My own hand had laid it on, Ere I started for the land, the land of glo - ry. T'^n * — ^ — ' \ ri r I ■• — ~r~7' ti=>: ^—fi~9—0- y-v- :fc=^ Chorus. ■•- *■ £ I ! i :^= r^-r ^ ^ k ^- "-IT H H — hr- V~7~7 V V V '^ V i rft- ! I l l r I ! fv4— d— " I ! I I ^ ^ I -fs— N- N N On, on, on! I'm trav-'ling on, ^n to glo-ry! 1 I I I I .N 1 ^ N ^ ♦ -*— tf- l:t=fciti=^izfc ?^ On to glo - ry ! + » •— I have left the way of -jjA-y- ^izkziit: VV' LITTLE PILGRIM ON THE ROAD. -Concluded. 3 I was weary, weary of the load, Very weary of the load, As I totter'd o'er the road ; But the Saviour took the pack From the little pilgrim's back ; And I'm trav'lingon with lightsome heart to glory. — Cho. 4 There are perils. perils by the road, Many perils by the road ; But I trust the pilgrim's God ; With my staff, believing pray'r, Ev'ry danger I may dare, While I travel to tlie land, the land of glory. — Cho. IJ^FJJ^T (P^JISES. 5 Blessed Saviour,Builderof the road, Thou the way to me hast showed, Grace to enter it bestowed ; Oh, support me day by day. Giving strength for all the way That I journey t'ward the laud, the land of glory. — Cho. Arranged. 1. .Jesus high in glo - ry, Lend a listening car; When we bow before thee. Infant praises hear. 2. We are little children. Weak and apt to stray; Saviour, gtiide and keep us In the heavenly way. 3. Save us, Lord, from siuning,Watch us day by day ; Help vis now to love thee, Take our sins away. 4. Then,when Jesus calls us To our heavenly home,We will answer gladly "Saviour, Lord, we come." Infant Fraises-V 82 TBE CHILDREN'S FRIEND. Suffer little children to come unto tne. J J. Hood m ± ^ 3:— 121 1. Thou Guardian of our youthful days, To thee our pray'rs ascend, To thee we'll tune our PB es ^"T"r~~r I -^^ CItorus. h=F=g= ^W=^0n m ^ F=S-- H 1 *• ;i^S ^ -t^-t^ i^ songs of praise. Thou loving Children's Friend, O draw our hearts to thee, And when this life shall N -^ . . ■0- •0- -fi~fi- ^=^ -^^-V- :y=fc -^ :^=i| SEEJ :* =^^=t=S^_erj =^ end, Raise us :t: to live ^ SE^ a - bove the sky. With thee, the Children's Friend. i r -^z- m^ :P=^ P 2. 3. From thee our daily mercies flow, | Teach us to prize thy holy "Word, Our life and health descend ; And to its truths attend ; Oh, save our souls from sin and woe;' Thus shall we learn to fear the Lord, Thou art the Children's Friend, | And love the Children's Friend. 4. Oh, may we feel a Saviour's love, To him our souls commend, Who left his glorious throne above To be the Children's Friend. H. J. K. WE NOW GIVE OUR HEARTS TO JESUS. 83 I Imie them that love me ; and those that seek me early shall find me.— Vx. viii. 17. Fred. B. ScHtLL. 1. We now give our hearts to Je- sua. For youth, like a ten- der flow'r, Requires his pro-tect-ing 2. How love- ly the dewy morning, When earth seems all bright and fair; But brighter the morning 1 1- — \-j \ ! -1 = — I ■ 1——. i — 4- » ' i fet ' r r -v-^ -•-^-» duyrus. f=Ff ^ Z^ZL 3 ^ r j-/- 1 -*■-*■'•*■-«■-*■ love and care, To shield in temp-ta- tion's hour, time of life, When hallowed by faith and pray'r. ^ ^ -i— •*. ■#- *-• -^ ■»■ - _ Pg Glo - ry, glo - ry to God ! In '-V- -(C — ' t f i9- rT rTFT ^A fe 22: P w S rapture your voices raise, — Joy- ful- ly sing, for Christ is King, To him give the highest praise I -0 #-*-#—# , g^^ g L-r^ m,'^—M ^ :0 f- # _— r_| ^-*— * #-^ i2- -^^- ^ >^--i«- i»- rf 3 The song-birds their prai«es warble In forest, on hill, and plain ; But sweeter the songs of joy we raise, To Jesus, for sinners slain. — Cho. 4 Then praises to God we'll render ; In songs let our voices swell I He trives to his children joy and peace, With them he delights to dwell. — Cho. 84 Mrs. Sharpless. JOYFULLY, JOYFULLY. From Goodly Pearls, by per. Wm. J. KlRKPATRICK. t=x. d= s ^ iM=^=S 1. Oh, joyful- ly, joyful-ly, onward we go; We see notour path, but our Lead- er we know; 2. Tho' trials as- sail us, and dangers affright. And nearer, still nearer, comes death's awful night; 3. Then onward, still onward, thro' life's varied track, In hope we press on, nor look mournfully back ; :^ §1=4 >-r>- >->-r T=i- r d=td -^^-^ S^ =? 75^ =? -^^iF^=^ And where'er he may guide us, thro' shadow or sun, Ever joy- ful - ly, joy - ful - ly fol- low we Yet what shall dismay us, when close at our side. Stands he who can help us, our Saviour and With our Saviour beside us to point out our way. We'll joy - ful-ly speed us through life's lit-tle P^ jEiprzjizit -P-^ l^=£P- ^ I on. Guide- day. -V-hA ■u. ^ Vlr C}u>rti8, ^ ■^ d +- SI ^ s -.«-— f f ~ G> ' Joy- ful - iy, joy- ful - ly, for - ward we go, Joy - ful - ly leav-ing all sor - row be - low ; it 1 1- , U \- 1 P m h. — ^-1 ^=33 1 n 1 N 1 JOYFULLY, . JOYFULLY.— Concluded. .1 , N 1 1 1 1 85 \J * • # J J ^ ■ J 1 ! ' ^" ^ ^ 3~' "n -^. * : ■ — * — *^ ^ # *- ^"^ i Onward and ■#-. upward, tho' Sa - tan as - 1 • ' ! sail; Joy - ful - ly on-ward, thro' ^> ^^^ Clirist we'll pre-vail. ! 1 r^ — i* — ^ — v^ — ' b^' ^. i* . J? • 1— • » « — ^ * ^ ^ _' ' ^ I i 1 ~7s f y 1 1 1 w 1/ 1 1 ; 1 ^ 1 I LET THEM COME TO ME. Mrs. A. H. Adams. W. W. Be-ntley. By per. u ^T=i|^=l=fc ^ * \* * * • -V— A- ;S3z^i=5==E 4: 1. Hear the gentle Shepherd, Calling lambe like uie, In his sweetest accents, Let them come to me. 2. He will bid us enter; When our tired feet Reach the golden cit - y, He'll be there to greet. 3. Thanks, dear, blessed Saviour. For thv words of love, Bidding children enter Thv bright courts above. ^ ••••#-•#- ••■ ••-•#-■ *~ . » f '-W-^n ^=^ shall bring forth golden grain ; we pass a - long the way, ¥-P^ ^ s ±2t ^ V^^ -y-V- ■^ -V— v^ a J— j ^ a € — ■- 4V-^ Kit. (Jhoyus =j=r^ ^ Are we sow-ing seeds of falsehood? We shall yet reap bitter pain. And we'll gather of the fruitage In the last great harvest day. ^9V Whatsoe'er our sowing be. ^^M!- 'titl ti tit. ^&±^ K^ I J i — ^— ^ !^ -H \J V \J \J -f— r - 1; w -^ ^ w-^ ^ SOWING AND RE APING. -Concluded. _N I I ^ ^' h. Reaping, we its fruit shall *^*= Whatsoe'er our sowing be, PLeaping, we its fruit shall see. H«- ^' ^ ^ t: t: M. -^ 2z:z: -y— ^ ir-t~9 -V-- ii 6c» years old. GOOD COUNSEL W. J. K. i-J I.", - '^ iffi: * ' -i- r^r pass "ST. j -e^ Guard, my child, thy tongue, That it speak no wrong, Let no e • vil word Guard, my child, thine eyes, Prying is not wise; Let them look on what is Guard, my child, thine ear, "Wicked words will sear ; Let no e - vil words come Ear, and eye, and tongue, Guard while thou art young ; For, a - las ! these bus - y o'er it; right, iu, three IP ^iS — :ff=F r H — I- r ^ i ' * t t SI rr-^ Set the watch of From all e - vil That may cause the Can un - ru - ly truth be ■ turn their soul to mem - bers fore it ; sight; sin ; be; Tliat it do no wrong, Guard, my child. Prying is not wise. Guard, my child, "\Mcked words will sear. Guard, my child, Guard while thou art young, Lars and eyes ~Sr thy tongue, thine ey^s. thine ear and tongue. rTT7 =f 92 We all can do Something for Jesus, N I ■ N w —^ ^1 Jno. R Swhnkt. Ourschoolis a vineyard, a garden of truth, We all can do something for Je-sus; And tho' we are just in the 2. A word to the erring of kindness and love May often remind them of Je - sus, A song of our beau- ti- ful 3. O sweeter, far sweeter than riches or fame To feel we are working for Je - sus, The cup of cold wa- ter we morning of youth, We all can do something for Je- sus ; The deep rolling riv - er that flows to the sea Is made of the mansion above May lead a poor wand'rer to Je-sus; The acorn when planted, tho' small it maybe, How quickly it give in his name Will bring us the blessing of Je-sus;Thebrookarfdtheocean,theleaf and thetree,Areteachinga T brooklets that sparkle so free ; A lesson, dear schoolmates, for you and for me We all can do something for Je - sus. grows to a wide-spreading tree, A lesson, dear schoolmates.for you and for me We all can do something for Je- sus. les-son to you and to me, No matter how simple the ef- fort may be, We all can do something for Je-sus. %f?=p: ^-ft -| ^:^-8 =pt -v—\^- \ Copyright, i88i, by John J. Hood. O CS> CD C^ CZ> 00 RB MI FA SOL LA 81 Calling, Gently Calling. 93 Rev "And the Lord came, and stood and called as at other times, Samuel, Samuel. Then Samuel answered, T M Lyons Speak; for thy servant heareth." i Sam. iii. lo. John T I IN t\ I 1 1 Hood. In the midnight si - lent watch - es, What a wondrous voice I hear! Charming accents, sweet and Blessed Lord, O great Cre - a - tor, How I wonder can it be, He that built the star - ry N ^ Chorus. a^^p^^^^^^^^^S -•^--d v>- o 5: -o tender, Music- like sal -ute mine ear, mansion, Doth regard a child like me, Calling, gently calling, Wondrous accents, sweet and mild ! H — .-I 1«- H f—^ -f—^ -a-, r m 3EES Calling, for he loves i^:; i^: ^ ^ ^ me : He loves IF=S -M- 1 lit - tie child. ^ ^=P; ^ r-r ^ From Silvery Echobs, by per. 3 There again I hear thee calling. In such tender accents near; Here am I ! oh, yes, I listen; Speak, and I will gladly hear. 4 Speak, O Lord, thy servant heareth; Help thou me to understand; Here I wait to do thy errands. And obey, Lord, thy command. C3 OO CD CO S) DO RE MI FA «0 U4, SI 94 F. J.C. We all can do Good. J. R.S. 1. Our lives we are told are but fleet - ing at best, Like ros - es they fade and de - cay; 2. A look, or a smile, that in kindness we give. May com- fort a des - o- late heart; 3. How man -y a- round us are strangers to God, How man - y poor children we see; 4. We all can do good, and we all can be- stow Some gift for the sake of our Lord; ^^^m -e. :_P_«^__ It ^—p^ — u- g=l g=E 5S 5-Jfs -§. — N 1 dl Fine, "5=— ^- — ^- 4^=8: StE^E^3EgztS= ^ N ^Effi^ Then let us May sweet -en If such we If on - ly do good while the pres - ent is ours, Be use - ful as long as we stay, a life that is lone - ly and sad. And hope to the wea-ry im - part, could bring to the foot of the cross. How grateful and glad we should be. a cup of cold wa - ter we give, Our souls will not lose their re - ward. t-m^^' Copyrijrhi. 1881, by John J. Hood. O <2) CD O CZ> S) Gl> 00 KB MI FA SO LA SI He Loves us Still the Same. 95 Priscii-la J. Owens. Wm. J. KiRKPATRICK. 1. Who left for us a throne in heav-en, Glo- rious and bright ? Whose precious hfe for us was giv-en, 2. Who loved us when for -lorn and dreary, By sin o'ercome? Who sought us when we wandered weary, 3. Who gathered lit- tie children round him, With blessings kind? Who now, tho' glory bright has crown'd him, 4. Who watches us when lone- ly straying, By night or day? Who list- ens when our hearts are praying, 5. Je - sus the children's friend, we bless thee. Teach us thy fear; Let not our lips a- lone confess thee, -o- -o- -o- -o- -o- -o- -o- -0-. ^ ^ ^ _ -o- -o- -o- -o- -o- \ m lo U "r"^^ — I- 1^ 1 1 I e — g g e — 1 — r i- l i- » - S3E8Ef-^ES Chorus. I^^ii^i^^^^ =8=1 That we might live aright ? 'Twas Je - sus, Je - sus, Glo - ry to his name, halle - lu - jah ; When he dwelt oa Far from our heavenly home ? Faithful we always find? 'Tis Hears every word we say ? Kf ake thou our hearts sincere. — Je - sus, etc. earth be -low Lit -tie ones to him might go, Halle - lu- jah, praise his name. He loves us still the same. us St 0—1 ^- -O- -O- -O- -O- -O- -O- -O- -O- -O- -«»-c£0'--0- -O- -O- -O- ^ en ^ -^ 1**"* d — . • Copyright, 1881, by John J. Hood. o CO CD ^) f^ 00 KB Ul' FA so LA SI Come Hither to Me. F. J. C. S. J. ROBSOW. ^^i^^^^^^^ 1. The 2. Our 3- The 4. A- Saviour is calling, how ten - der his voice, His kind in - vi - ta - tion should make us rejoice, Friend, of all oth - ers the dearest and best, How gen-tly he gathers the lambs to his breast. world may deceive us, its pleasures will die. But he has pro - vi - ded a home in the sky, gain he is calling, we must not de - lay. With bright, smiling fa - ces we gladly o - bey ; ^^ ^P I ifi: se: -(O- -e?- -^1 1 BJ He speaks, and no language so lov-ing can be, A - rise, lit- tie children, come hith - er And there from all e - vil how safe we shall be ; O hear him still call - ing, Come hith - er He tells us how hap-py our dwelling will be. And whispers now. Children, come hith - er- Oh, Saviour, our Saviour ! how thankful are we That all are in - vi - ted to come un J — .^ — _< — :f5: to me. to me. to me. to thee. M -iO l«> £ r^ Chorus. Come hith - er to me, come hith - er to me ^ ^ ^ J-j- Of such shall my kingdom in Par- a-dise be; Come a: . I I ^J^-J^ E^^^E J*— I* — I*- ■^ — ^. TT — ^- '1^ r-b~l/ r- ? Copyright, 1881, by John J. Hood. COAfE HITHER TO ME.~Concluded. 97 '^^^^^^^m^s^ — « o- hith - er to me, come hith - er 1^ 1»- y^ ---/ ^W- to me, A- rise, lit- tie children, come hith- er to me. -V — V — \r^-^7~% — ^ — "^ ^ \ — r Mrs. A. M. Chancb. Children Invited. JNO. R. SWBNKY. 1. Come 2. For 3. je - 4. That to he sus his Je - sus, loves you, suf - fared chil - dren Chil - dren And he Pain and Happy might dear, He'll re ■ died; On the woe. For you, be, — Saved in ceive you ; Do not fear. cross Was cru - ci - fied. chil - dren, Here be - low. heav - en, From sin set free. ^=?S te: 1 10 ■» >N 11 A ttg I f-^ I ^^^E^^pp^ F^ Chorus. 1 Wont you love ?nd serve him, Wont you love and serve him. Wont you, wont you love and serve him. Wont you love and serve him, Wont you love and serve him, W- i ffi W w WTV^ ji ^ i^ ^^- F*=^^ a: Copyri^At, iS3i, by John J. HoOD. G C3 CO CD C7> c=^ r^ »0 RB UI FA so LA &I 98 F. J. C Little Ones May Come to Thee. Solo 1. I would seek . 2. Thou did'st leave 3. Precious Sav and find thee now, thy crown of light, iour, Friend divine, i3 1; b Blessed Sav Thou did'st leave Take and keep iour, teach me how , thy home so bright, my hand in thine ; I would Thou did'st Then how ^ Duet. l^-fr ^^ '^m -©-=-©- «p^& 33E|!^^ Chorus. -^- T^- -^ lay . . . my heart to rest leave . . them all for me, hap - py I shall be, and un-de- On thy gen - tie, lov - ing breast. Thou art pure That my soul might live with thee. Step by step to walk with thee. Thou art pure and un - de- Copyright, i88i, by John J. Hooo. C3 O CD CS) 0> ^) DO RE MI FA SO I.A SI IJTTLE ONES MA Y COMS TO THEE.— Concluded. Word has said to me, Lit - tie ones may come to thee, Yes, the lit - tie ones may come to thee. ^^^^^ 1 VJ 1 1 1 t— > • 1 3ES -o — o- 9 i Long time ago. :3: 1. Je - sus was a 2. Wise men guided 3. We may come as ! 0-= lit - tie child. Long time by a star. Long time well as they Long time ^=8 fZJt Wm. J. KiRKPATRICK. ^ a - go, Gentle, loving meek and mild, Long time a - go, Came there from the east a - far, Long time a - go. For we read that Christ did sav, Long time O^ hO^ -P- -P- HO ip go: go: go. He was in a manger sleepmg, Angels o'er him watch were keeping, Long time ago, Long Came with gifts, and bent above him, Came to worship and to love him. Long time a - go, Long "Suf-ferthem to come un- to me. Let of such mv kingdom be," Long time a - go. Long ^ ^a. ^is- .(a. -o- -?a- -^ -o-io-ffl ~-W- :J?^^ ^^EfeS ^r-V 1 — 1 Copyright, i88o, by John J. Hood. O CD Our Welcome Song, ^^^^ ^feUdJal^fe r^" i I 1--^-^— ' If 1. Our hearts are full of joy and song, While here once more we come, And warmly greet the many friends With- 2. Oh, welcome, welcome, ev- 'ry one, Where purest pleasures dwell ; Where faith and hope whene'er we meet Their 3. Oh, welcome, welcome, ev- 'ry one. To this our home so dear; Where we are taught the way of life. That 4. Oh, welcome, welcome, ev-' rv one, And this shall be our prayer, That each of us at God's right hand A ' : V C3^^ 1» in our Sabbath home. Thrice welcome, glad welcome to all ; We're happy, as happy can be ; precious sto - ry tell, blessed way so dear, robe and crown may wear. /^!N 1/ b Je - sus we sing, our Re - deem - er and King, For who is ^ I 1* — r^-r^^ so lov - ing as o, 4a. -P P I he? ^ 5SE g i 1/ m r-r- f^ Copyright, 1881, by John J. Hood, C3 OD CD CO S> DO RB MI FA SO LA Gl Mrs. A. M Chakcb. Anniversary Song of Praise. 101 Jno. R. Swsnbt. I N 1. God has bless'd us with - out meas- ure, Crown'd our years with rich - est treas- 2. And our school to - day re -joic - as, While we praise with hap- py voic - 3. Thanks to God, our Heavenly Fath - er, Who has bless'd and kept us ev - ^^3^^^3 ure, J oin'd our hearts irk es, On this An - nl- er, W^ith u - nit - ed love to him. That we all might praise his name. Praise him, ver - sary Day We would bring our grate -ful lay. heart and tongue May his praise by us be sung. praise him. f^ A & fk fte i^t jp^ ^ f33^1pl ^ rrrr ^: 3 1 y 1^ 1 1 y 13 m ^ f=^ «-s^ Praise his ho - ly name; Praise him, praise him, Praise his -m- -m- -gt- -el. i^ r^ fi g ^ M -el- ho - ly name. a m i=t ^ Insist: n p-^ Copyright, 1881, by John J. Hooo. [3mall notes for Cornet or Organ.] CD CO G C5 O CD CO G> BO KB kll FA SOL LA SI 102 Suffer Them to Come. Rev. S. y. Harmer. al el' -o- ^- -oi- :=1=1 Text — Mark. x. 14. gl=g ^=n: Wm. J. KiRKPATRTCK. ^i^Hi^M 1. In the days of his flesh they brought little children, That Jesus might bless them when placed by his knee, 2. Suf- fer children to come as heirs of my kingdom, I welcome them all, for the banquet is free ; 3. Yes, the children are welcome, welcome to Je - sus. To lit - tie ones ev - er the promise is given; While bringing thern there, his dis-ci-ples rebuked them ; But Jesus said "Little ones, come un - to me.'' O nev - er for- bid them, I come now to save them, And say to the lit- tie ones, "come unto me.' The Saviour declares it, his word now assures us. Of lit - tie ones, such is the kingdom of heaven, -^. -p- -fa- H ^:M^ -t -fe^-- 1 1 ^- 1^ -P- +- :_Pi_p: -o- -o- Fr^ ¥—1/ — h 10 — » =T m •i — t^v CHORUS By permission. C3 tS> CD CS> G> K> (?5 DO RE MI FA SO LA SI Our Christmas Tree. 103 Selected. Arranged. Fine. p 1-**=^^ <^ O-^^ «^C Q^-It Christ -mas tree is decked once more, In joy we meet a-round; ) tells of bright - er things in store, — Let songs of praise re-sound. ) Our Christ -mas tree is fresh and green. While skies are cold and drear; \ Its bar - vest store of fruit is seen When Win - ter blights the year. ] B.C. — A cheer - ful song we sing to thee. This hap- py Christ -mas day. M CHORUS. ^m: '--vt -jSi- :^r"- -rt- I Our Christmas tree, fair Christmas tree, Bright Christmas tree, blest Christmas tree ; ■jff m t=t: :P^=t 3 Our Christmas tree is shining bright, While shadows may surround ; Thus God doth give his children light, When darkness falls around. 4 Kind friends, whose hands have decked this Our grateful thanks i-eceive ; [tree. Yet, Lord, for Christmas joys to thee Our highest praise we give. 104 Hushed was the Evening Hymn. A. SU1.I.IVAN. ^^ ~f=T- njv Jilr^l ^ ^-^qz: ^ j r -—I & 3^ I -^ 1. Hushed was the evening hymn, The tern- pie courts were dark, The lamp was burning 2. Oh ! give me Samuel's ear, The o - pen ear, O Lord, A - live and quick to 3. Oh 1 give me Samuel's heart, A low - ly heart, that waits Where in thy house thou -Hca- 3 -o- 3i ^: :zzq: d- ^33 :^ ^ 31 dim Be - fore the sa hear Each whis-per of art, Or watches at lat-^ cred ark : When sud - den - ly a voice di - vine Bang thy word. Like him to an - swer at thy call, And thy gates. By day and night, a heart that still Moves -J- -^ -^- :^=ii3^ thro' to at the o - the i si - lence of bey thee first breathing of -^ — -fa— r_o- t^m t: E»_ the of thy shrine, all. will. 1 :?3= !^E :§: i 4 Oh 1 give me Samuel's mind, A sweet, unmurmuring faith, Obedient and resigned To thee in life and death, That I may read with childlike eyes Truths that are hidden from the wise. Priscii-la J. OwBNs --N — N — N Growing Up for Jesus. i-_HV-^-^ - =t^ =3=3-^=--g=;-^^=^ Wm. J. KiRKPATRICK. 105 1. Growing up for Je- sus, we are tru - ly blest, In his smile is welcome, in his arms our rest, 2. Not too young to love him, little hearts beat true, Not too young to serve him as the dew-drops do, 3. Growing up for Je- sus, learnuig day by day How to follow onward in the narrow way ; M^=fL-^\ In his truth our treasure, in his love our rule. Growing up for Je-sus in our Sunday school. Not too young to praise him singing as we come, Not too young to answer when he calls us home. Seeking ho-ly treasure,finding precious truth. Growing up for Je-sus in our hap- py youth. 1 ^-"^-^-t ■ I a) - o — o — t- fc& V — * ii -I— D.S.-ln his truth our treasure, in his love our rule, Growing up for Je- sus in our Sunday school. Chorus D.S. v u \^ V y V Growing up for Je-sus, till in him complete, Growing up for Jc- sus, oh, his work XT. sweet : ^^ 'd — y k' — k* — k* — V — V— V P — -P— 4^ — W 1/ — V k' — k«<— V k'— y I I 1 1 If- Copyi%ht, i88a, by John J. Hooo. CO O CD G5 «a> <2> UU KB MI FA SO UA SI 106 W. H. Flavtli-k. Jesus Loves Me So. Jno. R. Swbnbt. O -0--0- 1. I love 2. I love 3. I love 4. I love my Saviour dear, — How much can never tell ; He comes so very near, his own dear word. The book of books to me, In ev-'rylandis heard his ho - ly day. The day he calls his own, That keeps me on the way the Sunday school. Oh, who can stay away ; Its teachings be my rule And with him all is well ; Its gospel full and free. To my celes - tial home. Of life from day to day, I love my Saviour dear, How much can nevershow ; He makes my pathway clear. And ever loves me so. I love his own dear word. With love 'tis all a- glow. My ve -ry heart is stirr'd, For Jesus loves me so. I love his ho - ly day, That gives me grace to grow. And ever watch and pray. For Jesus loves me so. I love the Sunday school, Oh, would that all might know Its joys so rich and full. For Jesus loves me so. ^^^Si^S Je - sus loves me so, Je - sus loves me so, I will love him more and more, For Jesus loves me so. *=^=F "TT i3=t: w m — o — » ■' -^ 1 1 i [— — I — f 1 — \ — t- ^^ Copyright, io3i, by John J. Hood. C3 OD CD CO e> 00 RB tU FA so LA 91 Jesus Died to Save IVIe. 107 Lively Ira Orwig Hoffman. —I 1— J 1 — ej — -—jizz^ZiZ 1. Je - sus died 2. He hath made 3. Trusting his 4. With the saints 5. Oh, let ev' ■ up - on the an end of al - might - y in heav'n a - bove rv rinsomed tree, sin, aid, From And I I my sins to set me free, From my sins to his blood has washed me clean. Yes, his blood has will ne - ver be dis-mayed, No, I will not will sing his dy - ing love, I will sing his soul Sound his praise from pole to pole, Sound his praise from r^ - -^^ -^^ -^^ -\ o o — ei -^ -.§=: d=F=if r Chorus. o— H-^ =i ^=g set me free, washed me clean, be dis - mayed, dy - ing love, pole to pole. He He He He He Re Re Re Re Re my my my my my -c^ deem deem - er. deem - er. ileem - er. deem - er. HE ^ Pre - cious love I won - drous lave 1 T—^ 1 — I 1 D O I — I 1 ■ r-T -=i=i± l^.^E ^zi|j;i^g= g^ ^ :S=;3: -A-^-A — -« — ei — m 1 a^i^^^^ His own lifa he gave me; On the Cross of Cal - va - rv, Je - sus died to save me, (t^ rs. " P"~"l^~~**~''*>~~ rf>~ ~" "f^ ^p o I T ^^ — I — pig— g — ^ — po — o- ' r ' ' — \^ — ' — i i - ' — ' i I - :e=*=s I By pennissiOQ. C5 CK) CD O G> S> <2> BO RB MI FA so LA SI JAMBS N1CHOI.SON. Hymn for "Children's Day.' ^- -«p — w Wm. J. KiRKPATRICK. ^t^^m^^ S3 1. Our Fath - er, we come on this "Children's Day" A tri - bute of praise at thy feet to lay; 2. P"or free - dom of conscience, of speech, the press, For schools of learn - ing, thy name we bless- 3. Now Fath - er, we come on this "Children's Day," For thy grace, and mer - cy, and peace, we pray,' ^ ^- js: -fsa- I b'-H t<-V — I ^ — 1/-1- i= > I r ^ a M S r^ s — ^ We thank thee for birth in this fav - or'd land. For good- ness and mer - cy on ev - 'ry hand. We thank thee for beau - ti - ful lib - er - ty To read thine own word and to wor - ship thee. May the Ho - ly Spir - it comesweet-ly down, And now with his pres-ence our meet - ing crown. Chorus. -^- 3= i =» ^1^^^;^^ ^==::^:=^==^^=^^ ^ ± £ «r ^ oi-f I O help us, our Fath - er in heav'n, that we May give up our youthful hearts^ to thee -&• -O- -O- •I" — f»- » I m » — a JS- £ f^ ■«»- Copyright, iS8;i, by John J. Hood. C3 CS> CD CD S> <2) BO KB Mt FA SOL LA SI -HYMN FOR "CHILDREN'S DA Vr— Concluded. Lizzie Edwards. ^p^ — N So would I be. n . IT 3 ^ Wm. Church, Jr. F=^l=3= ^ trX^ — T. oi — ^ 1 ly P> N ^ 1- ai .i: F-g^- ■■{ Like a pret - ty sunbeam shin-ing, All a - round with pleasure twin-ing, Like a mer - ry brook- let flow-ing, ^' \ Do - ing good, and joy be - stow-ing, {Like a lit - tie bird - ie sing- ing, Sweet-cst mu - sic ev - er bring- ing, "O — o • c So would I 3 be; So would I be ; So would I be ; So would I be ; Chas - ing ev - "ry So would I be ; Glid - ing on and So would I be ; Prais - ing God who cloud of sadness, Fill- ing ev - 'ry heart with gladness. Like a pret on for - ev - er. Always hap - py, wea - ry nev-er, Like a mer- gent- ly folds me In his lov- ing arms and holds me ; Like a lit- ty sunbeam shining, So would I be. ry brooklet flowing. So would I be. tie bird- ie sing- ins;, So would I be. ■«►■«, ^ ^ ^ Cepyright, 1881, by John J. Hooa C3 CD CD CT) to CD DO Kfi .MI FA so LA SI 110 Rev. John O. Foster, A. M. Ringing, ^Winging. Jno. R. Swknet. I t- -9 — O- — •— :^T^^- -S'r— N- -a — a- lii— 2:: -n- r -«|t =ir ^^^ 1. There's a lit - tie bird's nest high among the trees, Swinging in the branches, wav- ing in the breeze, 2. There's a lit - tie swallow up among the eaves, Bu - sy as a nail - er with a nest of leaves ; 3. There's a flow of mu - sic, sweet, and pure, and good, Bass, and air, and treble, with an in - terlude ; 4. "What has heaven taught us? how have we been stirred By the cheerful music of a lit - tie bird? m ^± -ie-^e---l»— »»- ^-v— — v—v- 4=^- ^ ^' ^ ^. ^—t- ^ -y — ^-H?"- -W---W- ^E?^=S^^=i^ ~N- N^ f -^ — ^ ^=S: ^33 j^-i&: -A^ N-«- Mov- Then Mel- Sing- l"e: ing back and forward, like a rocking chair, Lit -tie birdies sleeping, swinging in the air. a flock of blue birds, perched along a line, Looking out for something, so they all can dine. • o - dy and mea-sure, in the leaf-y bowers. Full of pulsing gladness, coming down in showers, ing in the morning, with a might and main, Singing in the darkness, singing in the rain. -W — J«-^-^» — » !•■ -f»— ^•^-#— ^ # t: ■^—v- ^-f~ =? --(2- r CHORUS. ? ^ ±i: izii -^ — ^- *— ai ?-r "TT -^ — #- t Sing - ing, swing- ing, sing - ing, swing- ing. All the mer - ry song birds singing -It ^-. ^, — I- ev - 'ry- where ; j?; Copyrufht, 1^87, by Jonn J. Hood. Ringing, ^Winging.-coNCLUDED. Ill ±3t r r -^- s. s s - :5^ Sins-ing. swing-ing, sing - ing, swing- ing, Swinging in the tree-tops, sfnging in the air. Fanny J. Crosby. Buds of Promise. Wm. J. KiRKPATRICK. Fine, 1. We are buds of promise fair, Blooming on, blooming on, Guarded by a Saviour's care, Praise his name ; 2. Like the birds, their tuneful lay Chiming on, chiming on, We are singing, glad as they, Praise his name ; 3. Like the brook that all day long Sparkles on, sparkles on, We will sing our happy song, Praise his name; ft — p_ r r o _ -i» — P— 4=- £^ ^f ^-^Wiz P ^ Cho. — We are buds of promise fair, Blooming on, blooming on. Guarded by a Saviour's care. Praise his name. He is bending very near, Smiling on, smiling on, Watching o'er his children here. Praise, praise his name. Like the beams we love to see, Shining on, shining on. Little workers we may be. Praise, praise his name. To a bright and sunny land Marching on, marching on, Jesus holds each little hand. Praise, praise his name. -o_o_ -P-^— o- >__p-_c-|-^-: ^ I I , .0 o_ V u tr-r M V u Copyrigat. 1684, by JoHW J. HooB. 13 OD CD CD S) CZ> SO Kli MI FA so LA SI 112 Jiosanna to Jesus. Words & Music by C. Dakutoh. ^m ^M ^i -^ -tf- V gSM 1. Ilo-san-na we sing to Je - sua our king, Who came down from heav'n sal - va- tion to bring; ZSl i ^g ? ^F :^-- tt w= g— J I d — ^ j s ^ To bless lit -tie children who trust in His love, And try to 9E i^-r-^-^ i o - ^^y Him like an - gels a - bove. 1— t ^^ g Chorus. ^^ ^ Pl^ ilo - san - na, ho - san na, ^ ho - san - na, 48. ■^- -42. ho - san - na tE liii to Je - BUS our ■0. -^ £=^ King. -42 I ^ ^ t- Hosanna again to Jesus proclaim, For oh how we love the sound of His name! While angels in heaven are sounding His praise, We children our songs of thanksgiving will raise. Chorus. — Hosanna, etc. Hosanna we sing to Jesua our King. On earth and in heaven His praise:! shall For Jesus will take us to live up on high, Beyond the bright stars in Hi"? beautiful i Chorus. — Hosanna, etc. ring; iky. Mrs. FiDBLiA H. DbWitt. Dropping Pennies. 113 Wm. J. KiRKPATRICK. 1. Hear the pen-nies drop- ping, 2. Dropping, dropping ev - er, 3. Now, while we are lit - tie, 4. Though we have not mon - ey, Lis - ten while they fall, From each lit - tie hand, Pen-nies are our store, "We can give him love, Ev - 'ly one for Je - sus, 'Tis our gift to Je - sus, But, when we are old - er, He will own our off -'ring. -^- -I — r fe£ REFRAIN. liS: -^ m He From will his Lord, we'll Smil - ing get lit give from them all. tie band, thee more, a - bove. — • 1— g Drop - ping, drop - ping, drop - ping, drop - ping. _^_-. :t=: T' r^ t=it: -g^--5i: =1=q: I I I f -^ Hear the pen-nies fall; — i — I — 1— i^EjlEEiEE Ev - 'ry one for Je - sus, — He will get them all. -m trC \.»pjil(bt, lo6C, bjr JOBH J- ilJDD. ■i »- =t=l: =t H 1 — r idE±m^ p 114 Children of the l(iiigdoiii. Fanny J. Crosby. r\ f. ^ ^ J NO. R SWENEY. 1 JL^^ — ^i— A J^ — ^ ^ ^ ^t V IV V 1\ \ ^^ 1 — \ ^ - _ ^ Y^-?-^^— *— ^^ ^ J ^~ -- H ^ — N !v , — h^ py — 1-^ hi — id \ — "^ -\— ' V^T ^- 1 1 * 5 • * J « ai • « » • ^ 9 a a A 1. Chil-dren of the king- dom, 2. Chil-dren of the king- dom, 3. Chil-dren of the king- dom, 4. Chil- dren of the king- dom, 7'^r, — A ^. ^ — '-^ p*^ 1 ' — while we jour-ney here, press-ing on our Avay, while we watch and wait joy - ful let us be, On - ly for a time a - Nev - er let us fal - ter, Ncv - cr he discour - aged, Yon- der is the shin - ing 1 #-7—0 fi-^ ^ 4-^ • 1 bid nev nev riv - mg; - er; - er; - er; ^"^^~f ^j~^' ^' 1 \ 1 l^""'. ' V. % ?~\ — f- V i u — f— 1 — fS 1^ - ■v £\. \^ 1/ ^ ^ \ ! f r P K ! U > U t' 1 1 1 I ^ L - 1 Fine. -- ^ T ffl- a ^ ^ &-i^-: -^—d- r^rj— ^--^-'-^ -^ ig: Look- ing un - to Je - sus, ban - ish ev - 'ry fear. For Bear the cross for Je - sus, bear it ev - 'ry day. In Soon our feet will en - ter through the pal- ace gate, And There in all his beau - ty we the King shall see, And -I:- i his eyes his mer ■ go out behold our path ■ cy trust • no more his face -•-f F f— is guid ing ev ■ for - ev • for - ev • mg. er. '-t- -0--- -S)-^ -V- -^- ■»-= — ^ — »-^ --^ D.S. — Children of the king-dom, tar - ry not, but come Where the pure in heart are call - ing. CHOKTJS, i :d B.S. m ^ -^s — ^- ^ -- i m w zsz -9- 1 r to thine. night long. the sky. him thpre. lit - tie child, lit - tie child, if thou said'st yet; Itut love thou need'st not fear, he looks at thee it e'er so low, him here he - low, He ILst'n- eth All day and He'd hear it And thou shalt now aU in praise -•r. ~J. t vww ww -l^-r p=^^ i CHORUS. n r i=<5f =s==f £ii Come, come, ye chil - dren, heark - en un Come, oh, come, # ■ a • p- 1: to me. And And will teach you the yes, I will i— I l^ I X^^ I ' I \ ' ciy or CD c Copyright, 1884, by John J. Hoob. CD O Lo DO KB MI FA S<> LA SI r^ (Sod is in jleaven.— con CLrDED. -^«-- 117 fear the of fear of the the Lord: Lord : [I you the fear of the fear -^ — - s ■ ■ ■ g Zion's street, So gold- en and so broad. Room enongh, room enough Up - on the nar-row road, golden streets. And room for millions more. Jesus' heart. There's room enough in heaven. ^m p^ -•-f- • 0- i V— h ± > I r 331 lit- tie feet. On Zi- oa's street so broad. 118 pestal Hay. Each scholar should have a small bouquet to be swung like a censer while singing 7th and 8th lines. .g. JKO.R. SWENRT. -N-- ^ m— ■ -0 *— "l^I ij: 0—f, — ^ — ^ 1. 'Tis our year - ly fes - tal day Come a-gain, bright and hap-py; God has led \is on our 2. Let our hearts with rapture swell While the Lord we are praising ; And of all his mer- cies 3. 'Tis the children's ju - hi - lee; Thanks to God we are sing-ing; With our hearts as lisht and fcfcls :t^ :p=:r^ :P=i^P=: -V- Fine. d d - =r ^^-^ ■way. And we meet once a - gain. From the homes we love so dearly We have come with blossoms fair ; tell, Light and love,from above. He has crown'd the year with goodness With his blessings rich and rare; free As the birds on the wing. Look up -on us, loving Saviour, From thy blessed home above, &^ i j-j-i .4* ■^ -^ p=t=E &«: ^— |t- CHOKUS. B.S. m ^: =J^=J=F=J^^ 9-' -0- -0- "* y And we swing our lit - tie ceii- sers, Mak- ing sweet all the air. 'Tis our year - ly fes - tal Swing a-gair, ye lit- tie cen- sers. Breathing praise ev - 'ry where. Let our hearts like lit - tie cen- sers, Send response to thy love! Use first four lines as Chorui. ^t^t»- fcfc RlBEiEEE ^-? v-n Copjrigbt, 1887, bj John J. Hood. F. G. Burroughs. While gabbatli Bells. FOR CHILDREN'S DAY. 119 Adam Gbibel. ->~^— I m^ 1. While Sab - bath bells their sweet - est tune Chime out in 2. Here gath - ered in this heaven - ly place We love to 3. O bless - ed Sav - iour, kind and mild, How dear - ly 4. Then while the bells their sweet - est tune Ring out in *_± r-^-- n-^-'- joy - ous mea - sures, sing of Je - sus, we should love thee! mer - ry greet - ing m H± H S « 1— i- N- To greet the Who died to Be - cause thou Up - on this Children's save our wast a fra - grant E^ Day fal lit day — ^- in June, The len race, And lie child, Thou in June, To day of sa - cred plea- sures, We'll now from bond - age frees us : With art not far a - hove me; We hail the chil- dren's meet - lug, — Our m A ^ --&-- join their ring, voic - es strong feel thee near,— joy - ful lays and loud we will - yes, thou we, too, - ly sing. To crown pro- long Our praise, art here To let will raise. And crown with prais - es Christ our King. to crown our King in song. us crown thee, Je - sus, dear! our Sav - iour King with praise. Oopjr^bt, 16d7. bj Jouf J. UwOD. -^ — -ts*- li^ia 120 1'he Doop of my Lips. RESPONSIVE EXERCISE. School Recites. — Let the words of my mouth, and the meditation of my heart, be acceptable in thj' sight, O Lord, my strength, and my Redeemer. Ps. Sing. , Boys. Girls. xix. 14. For there is not a word in my tongue, but, lo, O Lord, thou knowest it altogether. Ps. cxxxix. 4. W. J.K. =1: i-Ttllli 1. What are the words that we must say ? Kind words! kind words ! Gentle to all, in work or play, Speak kind words. poco rit. Set a watch, O Lord, before my mouth; Keep thou the door of my lips : Keep thou the door of my lips. ■^ -0- -0- m=^%-\ v-^ ^ ^^ ^ ^r- -m- -w- ^ ^ ^ ^ "W' m Recite. — A soft answer turneth away wrath, but grievous words stir up anger. Prov. xv. i. 2 What are the words that we must say ? True words ! true words ! God's own command, we must obey, Speak true words. Cho. — Set a watch, O Lord, before my month ; Keep thou the door of my lips. :|| Recite. — The ninth commandment is, " Thou shalt not bear false witness against thy neighbor." Ex. XX. 16. Lying lips are abomination to the Lord, but they that deal truly are his delight. Prov. xii. aa. CopTTight, 1887, bj Jouh J. Hooc. fhe Door of my Lips.-co.NcLuuED. 121 3 What are the words that we must say? Pure words! pure words! Pure as the shiuing light of day ; Speak pure words. Cho.— ^et a watch, O Lord, before my month; Keep thou the door of my lips. :|| Recite. — The third comraandnient is, " Thou shalt not take the name of the Lord thy God in vain : for the Lord will not hold him guiltless that tak- eth his name in vain." Ex. xx. 7. Let no corrupt communication proceed out of your mouth. Epli. iv. 29. 4 What are the words that we must say? Bright words! bright words! Happy of heart as birds in May ; Speak bright words. Cho. — Set a watch, O Lord, before my mouth ; Keep thou the door of my lips. :|| Recite. — Pleasant words are as a honeycomb, sweet to the soul. Prov. xvi. 24. A word spoken in due season, how good is it. prov. xv. 23. 5 What are the words that we must say ? Good words ! good word ! Loving the Lord, we'll sing and pray ; Speak good words. Cho. — Set a watch, O Lord, before my mouth ; Keep thou the door of my lips. :|| Recite. — It is a good thing to give thanks unto the Lord, and to sing praise uuto thy name, O most high. Ps xcii. I. Continue in prayer. Col. iv. 2. And whatsoever ye do, in word or deed, do all in the name of the Lord Jesus. Col. iii. 17. Cho. — Set a watch, O Lord, before my mouth ; Keep thou the door of my lips. :|| — E. E. Hewitt. With animation. Qood I'emp' .-4 er. CHORUS. i ^^i^53;^zifl^g.ggTEfe^ There is one thing quite sure to make A happy heart at home, ) '■ I That all the painful sting will take From troubles as they come, j f Good temper! sunshine of the heart; Home's solace and delight; I Whose constant toneand look impart True joy .sereneand bright. C. O. Nevkrs. By per. -4. :*=*: Ehjzl: ^- r Good temper, good temper, Will make a happy home. [ Good temper, good temper. Will make a happy home. 122 Mrs. A. M. Chance. ^ padeless pioWers. FOR CHILDREN'S DAY OR ANNIVERSARY. IV N I N . ^ ^ Jko. R. Swknby, -fS V- 1. Praise we bring to our King, Joy - ous an- thems sweet - ly ♦sing; 2. Though on high he lives a - bove, He de - lights in chil - dren's love, 3. While we come with flow - ers fair, Fling - ing per - fume on the air, -•- • -•- -#-' ^-0- -O- ' -9- -#- - g- -•- ^ ^ -•- -0- -0- 3^ -W--- -V- :t= =1:^: TtlZZ CHORUS. JEZCza: ^ I, I . He is wor - thy to re - ceive All the hon - ors we can give. And the bless - ing gives to them Thus to hon - or his dear name, He the fra-grance of our love Gath - ers up in heaven a- bove. -V- ^W- -0- JS»- n Fade - less flowers m £ it W ^ iiMii T-- bloom- ing fair, "We would give tbee, Je - sus dear, Take us, Sav - iour, Thine we are. ■•- -•- -0- ' 1 i-t^- ^5~- -y — Copjright, 1881, by JoDS J. LlooD. W- Jl feSEEtBfe s fhe Birthday Box. 123 E. E Hewitt. Wm. J. KiRKPATRICK. 1. Ti- ny notes of mu - sic, Chiming all thfi year, Swell in - to a cho - rus, Praises sweet and clear. 2. For our pleasant birthdays, While we gladly sing, For our years so hap- py, Lord, our gifts we bring. 3. Ma- ny lit - tie chil- dren Now are sick or sad ; These will we remem- ber, Help to make them glad. fe|^ ■^ — w- m t: ■^- t li =)•— )L=:p= 1— I 1/ \> CHORUS. U ^ 1/ ^ ^ m ^^tj - ^—t- — -. -^ — • -s- w-^^ — *- Tink - le, tink - le, tink - le, tink - le, Key of love the heart uh- locks; Tink-le, tink le, ^ tink - le, tink - le, Love drops pti^^ies in the birthday box. :« »^» m. r — r — r CopTriKfat, leST, bj JMX J. Hood. [r For thy love, dear Saviour, For thy tender care. Thiinkfui hearts we give thee, Hear our birthday prayer. May we truly love thee, Thy dear children be; Take our lives. Lord JesuB, All our davs for thee! 124 Lizzie Edwards. -. — ! N— ^- jio; not I! I ^ Jno. R. SwBNSt. -A— N- 3!=r ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^s^^- -#— ^ -^— #- te 1. Four lit- tie fin- gers said one day, We will no longer the hand o- bey: She has determined that I f ^ ! ! J m * -^ f- • « - #- -.(2- -^ -^ #- #- -^ _ f^ 4-i ! ^^— ^_M 4-JLm # ^ 1 — _;::3=J ^=j =tf= f -W—P—W- t P F P 1«— Pi- -yl—yl- -U^— k -t— I :=P ¥ __ _ ^ — 1^ — ^ — i^ j^ — ^ mnst work, We have de-cid - ed our task • ^ £=f to shirk ; Those who are stronger the work can do ; ,fZ. ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ -^ ■^- A -f2- :P=?: :r=:^ -A-A- -N— N- -H -j 1 h i i -»— »- -b'— ^— t- Prav little Thumbkin,what say you? Coming to j -P- -#--#- -f- -^-^-(22- .fL ^ ^ -fL hg— p — P— !*-H*--F ■P P ^ ■P — w- — ^ — ^^ oin us by and by ? No ! was the answer, No ; not I ! • g UJL — ^ — rl h — rr -W W- SE ^ T-r r|l t=t=::t 1 Four little fingers said one day, We will no longer the hand obey : She has determined that we must work, We have decided our task to shirk ; Those who are stronger the work can do ; Pray, little Thumbkin, what say you ? Coming to join us by and by ? No ! was the answer. No ; not I ! ist line.— Holding up four fingers. 2A '.ne.— Open the hand wide. 4th line — Holding up four finge..,. 6th line. — Hold up the thumb. 8th line.— Snake the thumb. ..losing the rest of the hand. t 1 f- 2 Well, said the fingers, Mr. Thumb, You'll be the loser if you dont come ; You'll not be with us our fun to share; Stay, if you waTit to, for we dont care ! Stop, said the pinky sisters three, Thumbkin is wiser by far than we, Tet he will join us by and by; No ! was the answer. No ; not I ! ist line. — Holding up four fingers. 4th line — Hold up the little finger, closing the others. 8th line. — Shake the thumb, closing the rest of the hand. Co|>7ri(ht, 1887, bj Joaa J. Hoos. Anna Barttlbtt Warnbr. Jesus bids us ^hine. Wm. J. KlRKPATRICK. 125 -•- -m" "•■ "•" iV N- 3E^3 i3 -at— al— a( — #- 1. Je - sus bids us shine with a pure, clear light, 2. Je- sus bids us shine first of all for him, 3. Je - sus bids us shine, then, for all a - round M=t=tz t==p: Like a lit - tie can - die Well he sees and knows it Ma- ny kinds of darkness -W — P — W- burn-ing in the night, if our lights are dim, in this world are found ; [= 433*: >" P ¥ P— ^-^- 1 -A — N — N — ^- -N— N- # ' J m I -«— J- -•- ^9- -0- -0- -0- -#--#- m -• — # — • =— • — -tr^ :^ In this world of dark - ness we must shine, He looks down from heaven to see us shine. Sin, and want, and sorrow : so we may shine. You in your lit- tie cor- ner, You in j^our lit- tie cor-ner, You in your lit- tie cor-ner. and and and m 0=^ in mine, in mine, in mine. I i_j— — m 1_ tz ^t=^ f-t-f-t-r-^ Tz =P — 0—'0- M—^ ff-p- tr-t Copjrigbt, ISSS, bj Wm. J. KiSKrATmlcK. 3 Off went the fingers out to play, Wasting in mischief the hours away ; liars were astonished, eyes were sad, Lips told the heart it was quite too bad ; Heiid thought a moment, then said she, Let them alone till the end we see: Thumb, will you join them by and by ? No ! was the answer, No ; not I ! 1st line. — Put the hands behind. 3d and 4th lines.— Touch the ear, eye. and lips; hand on the heart; head down. 7th line. — When addressing the thumb raise the head. 8th line. — Shake the thumb, closing the rest of the hand. \^Music on opposite page.'] 4 Four little fingers side by side Crept in the hand at the evening-tide. Told her how naughty they all had been, Asked her forgiveness and love again. Now. little children, this for you : When you are tempted a wrong to do. Always be ready with one reply, Answer with l)oUlness, No ; not I ! 1st line. — Hold up the fingers. 2d line. — jhut the hand ti^lt. 5th line. — The last four lines should be sung by one alone. \ 126 i Jane Taylor. DUET. 'f Winl^Ie, fwinl^Ie, Little gtap. OCCASIONAL PIECE. Wm. J. KiRKPATRICR. ^^ r — w • — ' 9 — 9 — ■•-» — w — — a 1. Twinkle, twinkle, lit - tie star. How I won- der what you are, Up a- bove the world so high, 2. When the blazing sun is gone. When he nothing shines up- on, Then you show your little light, 3. Then the trav -'ler in the dark Thanks you for your ti - ny spark ; He could not see where to go 4. In the dark l)lue sky you keep While you thro' my window peep, And you never shut your eye m E^& - 4— »- =r=^ CHORUS. S * -A-^-r iS HV-«- :^-N- t -it— ^ :S=ii ---^ Like a diamond in the sky. / / U I*' Twinkle, twinkle all the night. Twinkle,twinkle, little star,How I wonder what you are, Twinkle, twinkle, If you did not twinkle so. 'Till the sun is in the sky Wi 5±=t i ^t::*: 8va. -4— r- , Sva. -^ — »— r fei 8=^ :8=^ ^ :S= -25>- lit - tie star, How I won- der what you are, Twinkle, twinkle, twinkle, lit -tie star. ^^ l^t^ --it- Ckipyrighi, 13S7, bf Jou J. Booa I3SriDE2r- Above the clear blue sky, . 78 A crow cl fills the court of the 66 A darling child lay dying, . 72 A little work for Jesus, . 60 A merry little robin in a . 28' Anniversary bong of . 101 Are we sowing seeds of kind- 90 A sower went forth with pre- 27 As WE GATHER, ... 44 Awake and sing, . . 53 Beautiful bow ! in mercy . 79 Beautiful Sabbath bell, . 67 Because He LOVES ME so, . 73 Blessed Lord, how go. d thou 24 Blessed Jesus, we ado ; e thee, 77 Buds of promise, . . Ill Cat.lino, gently calling, 93 Calling you and me, . 59 Call us thine own, . . 29 Children invited, . . 97 Children of the kingdom, . 114 Children of Zion, . . 40 Children's praise, . . 66 Come and see, ... 39 Come, come to-day, . . 43 Come hither to me, . . 96 Come to Jesus, children dear, 97 Crown Him, . . . 115 Day's bright beams are fall- 20 Dear Jesus, how thankful . 42 Dear Saviour, we gather, . 29 Do you know what makes . 33 Droppino pennies, . . 113 Endless praise, . . 11 Fadeless flowers, . Festal day. Flowers breathe their fra For the glory of Jesus, Four little fingers said one From morning till night. Full oft does Satan try, God has blessed us without God is in heaven, and can he God make my life a little Good counsel, . '€rooD temper, . Gladly do we^ather in our Gladly will we sing for Je- Growing up for Jesus, we Guard, my child, thy tongue, Happy land, Happy little birdie, Happy little workers. Haste, let us worship, . Heart bells, joyfully, . Hear the gentle Shepherd, Hear the pennies dropping. He loves us still the Help me, O Jesus, His child I avakt to be, HOSANNA TO our KiNG, Hosanna we sng t j Jesus, Hushed was tlie evening Hymn for children's day, I am a little soldier, I am coming to tlie cross ; I am weak and I am small, I cannot seek too early in . I have found a friend divine, 127 122 118 22 54 124 42 47 101 IK! 48 91 4«1 14 86 10.-, 91 30 74 46 13 49 85 113 95 50 55 16 112 104 108 31 87 81 68 62 I love my Saviour dear, . 107 I love to sing of Jesus, . 6 > I'm a little sunbeam, . . 45 I'm always glad when Sun- 4 I'm a pilgrim, pilgrim on . 80 Infant praises,. . . 81 In our gladness we are sing- 21 In the days of his flesli they 103 In the midnight silent watch- 93 I want to be with Jesus, . 52 I will follow Jesus, . 89 I will go to Jesus, , . 30 I would be a Christmas bell, 8 I would seek and find thee . 98 Jesus bids us shine with a . 125 Jesus calls the children, 26 Jesus calls us, listen, listen, . 57 Jesus died upon the tree, . 107 Jesus, guide my little feet, . 75 Jesus, high in glory, . . 81 Jesus is the children's friend, 46 Jesus, I would follow thee, . 74 Jesus knows my name, . 25 Jesus loves me so, . . 107 Jesus loves the lambs, . 7 Jtsus loves the little chil- 12 Jesus loves the little ones, . 38 Jesus, take our hands in thine 51 Jesus was a little child, . 99 Jesus wat.hes over me, . 69 Jesus, when he left the sky, 33 Joy p.flls 63 JOYFILLY, JOYFm,LY, . 84 Joyous, happy, bright and . 64 Let them come to me. . 85 INFANT PRAISES. Let us treasure up the pun- 61 Like a pretty sunbeam shin- 109 Like a shepherd kinda'id . 15 Listen, children, one and all, 70 Little Christians. at home and 54 Little fkiends of Jesus. . 33 Little hearts anb little 77 Little ones like me, ■ . 32 Little ones may come to Je- 56 Little ones may come to . 98 Little i'ilgrim on the , PC Little soldier, . . 31 Little sunbeam, . . 45 Little voices, happy voices, . 34 Long time ago, ... 99 Look, ye saints, the sight is . 115 Lord, teach a little child to 5 Loving Jesus, ... 65 Lovingly the Saviour stands 26 Loving words the shepherd . 23 Make me loving, . . 87 Mary s' oo 1 beside the tomb, 25 Meet me over there, . 72 Morning, noon and eve- 36 My feet, my hands, . . 75 No night in heaven, eternal 11 No ; NOT I, ... 184 Oh, how kindly Jesus smiled 35 Oh, joyfully, joyfully on- 84 Oh, many, many children, . 40 Oh, ueceive Him, . . 34 Oh, we are young soldiers . 17 Only a pair (if sparkling eyes, 19 Open NG PKAYER, . . 6 Our Christmas tree is decked 103 Our Father, we come on this 108 Our hands for Jesus, . 51 Our hearts are full of joy . 100 Our lives we are told are but 94 Our school is a vineyard, a . 92 Our Shepherd, ... 41 Our songs op love, . . 61 Our welcome song, . . 100 O, what can little hands do . 68 Parable op the sower, . 27 Pass not by, ... 18 Praise of little voices, . 14 Praise we bring to our King, 1 22 Precious is the Saviour's . 71 Precious words op Jesus, 71 Pretty, golden sunbeams, . 63 Rise and follow me, . 20 Room for LITTLE feet, . 117 Saviour, who in love divine, 37 Serving the King, . . 19 Sing aavay, .... 28 Singing, swinging, . . 110 Sowing and reaping, . 90 So would I be, . . . 109 Speak bright words for Jesus 58 Suffer them to come, . 102 Take me in thine arms, . 35 Teach me, O Lord, this very 9 Tfmptation, ... 47 The birthday box, . . 123 That from guilt I may be, . 76 The ceaseless call, . . 70 The children's blessing, 12 The CHir,DREN's Friend, . 82 The children's offering 22 128 The children to Jesus may . 55 The DOOR OF MY lips, . 120 Themultitudetheirgarments 16 There is a happy l\nd, . 30 There is one thing quite sure 121 Thei e is pardon sweet at the 39 There's a little bird's nest . 110 The Saviour is calling, how 9f) The wo. Id is very beautiful, 89 Tiny notes of music, , . 123 'Tis our yearly festal day, . 118 'T sthegraciousSaviourcall- 4-5 'Tis the Saviour's voice we . 59 To Jesus I will oo, . . 76 Twinkle, twinkle, little star, 126 "Wake, little children, awake 58 We ALL CAN D) good, . 94 We all CAN DO something 93 We are buds of promise fair 111 We are coming to the fount- 8S We are little children, . . 1 We are little, weak, and poor 50 We as children come to Je- 44 We come with smiling faces, 10 We have a tender Shepherd, 41 We now give our hearts to . 83 What are the words that we 120 What can little hands . 6S When the morning breaks . 36 While Sabbath bells their . 119 Who left for us a throne in. 95 Why came the Saviour from 73 Wont you love my Jesus, 6i Yes, we comr, ... 24 Yet there is ro >m for little . 117 Young soldiers for Jk.sus 17 Tr^^; ^,iTFN'r-POri]|..--K ^V 'li-^^.Tl . )('M^ofH!;ileiji!iiiiLoifi. ,''-'"'^-' '''^ "J' \ ,( Homm