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With Portraits. Second Edition. THE LAMB OF GOD. Expositions in the Writings of St. John. Fourth Edition. THE RETURN TO THE CROSS. New Edition. TEN-MINUTE SERMONS. New Edition. THE PROBLEM OF EDWIN DROOD. A Study in the Method of Dickens. Second Edition. THE KEY OF THE GRAVE. Eighth Edition. JAMES MACDONELL. Second Edition. By Claudius Clear. LETTERS ON LIFE. Eighth Edition. THE DAY BOOK OF CLAUDIUS CLEAR. Third Edition. HODDER & STOUGHTON LIMITED 4>in*~x. »S$rul5?6>* > . — — / LETTERS OF PRINCIPAL JAMKS DENNFY TO W. ROBERTSON NICOLL 1893-1917 v - JUL S S 1921 S/CAL St / HODDER AND STOUGHTON LIMITED LONDON NEW YORK TORONTO CONTENTS PAGE PREFATORY NOTE vii APPRECIATION. By W. Robertson Nicoll . . xiii MEMORIES OF A STUDENT. By Professor J. A. Robertson, M.A.j Aberdeen ...... xxxi LETTERS . . . . 1 INDEX ........ 265 PREFATORY NOTE This volume is not a biography of Principal Denney. The field for that is still clear, and it is to be hoped that it will be occupied. In the meantime, and with the cordial concurrence of his immediate relatives, I have ventured to put together the following selection from his letters to me during an intimate friendship which lasted over a quarter of a century. Our intercourse began when I invited him to contribute translations to the Foreign Biblical Library. Afterwards it made great progress. Principal Denney wrote commentaries in the Expositor's Bible and in the Expositor's Greek Testament. We discussed together his other books. He agreed to furnish regular contributions to the British Weekly which I edited. These were often leading articles, and many of them were signed. Every week almost he sent me some reviews of new books, and their remarkable qualities of incisiveness and scholarship attracted attention and admiration. In sending his contri- butions he was very often good enough to enclose viii LETTERS OF PRINCIPAL DENNEY a letter, and it is from these letters that I have made up this book. It will be seen that they deal with most of the controversies which dis- turbed the world during these years. We were not always of the same mind, but we never differed in sympathy. The subjects touched upon in this correspondence are such as the Atonement ; the situation created by the action of the House of Lords in the case of the United Free Church of Scotland ; the unsuccessful attempt made to establish a magazine for the united Church ; the proposals of the Church of Scotland for Presbyterian union ; Social Reform ; Local Option and State Purchase ; and, above all, the war. I have not kept more than a fraction of his letters, but I trust that what remains will be found stimulating and characteristic. Very few omissions have been made from the letters. There was never any venom in Dr. Denney's pen, but he was both keen and frank as a critic. In the Appreciation I have partially reproduced an article I wrote on his death, and have strengthened it with quotations from the tribute paid by his colleague Professor James Moffatt in the British Weekly. I ac- knowledge with much gratitude the contribu- tion made to this book by one of Dr. Denney's PREFATORY NOTE ix most distinguished students, Professor J. A. Robertson, of Aberdeen. I am deeply indebted to Dr. Denney's intimate friend, the Rev. W. R. Thomson, of Bellshill, for a very suggestive letter, and I thankfully acknowledge the help received from my colleagues Miss Jane Stoddart and Sir Ernest Hodder- Williams ; also from the volume of the Rev. T. H. Walker. Hampstead, October 1920. APPRECIATION By W. ROBERTSON NICOLL APPRECIATION James Denney was born at Paisley on February 5, 1856. He was educated at first at the Highlanders' Academy in Greenock, a large school providing a thoroughly sound but plain education at a low charge. The headmaster in Denney's time was Mr. William Bowie, a robust, red-haired resourceful man of middle age. He maintained strict discipline and he was a born teacher. James Denney became a pupil teacher, and was from the first very successful with the boys. He was tall and slight, with a grave yet kindly expression, the student and scholar written in every line of his face. A startling contrast to Denney in that old Academy was found in John Davidson, the poet, who was a scholar and teacher at the same time. Davidson was the son of an Evan- gelical Union minister, and I remember a con- versation in which he told me that his father was a man of rare ability. From school Mr. Denney passed to the University of Glasgow. He matriculated as an Arts student in November 1874, and took an eminent position from the first. One of his xiv PRINCIPAL JAMES DENNEY colleagues, Dr. Clow, says that in the Latin Class a stillness at once fell upon the students as, in level tones and with perfect enunciation, the listeners heard a translation as loyal to the original as it was clean-edged and felicitous. Mr. Denney was fortunate in his professors. He won Edward Caird's coveted Gold Medal. But he never accepted Caird's philosophy, and though learned in the history of philosophy he declined to tie himself to any system, holding that one system gave way to another and that Christianity was bound up with none of them. His unreserved admiration was given to Professor Jebb. To the biography of Professor Jebb Dr. Denney contributed an appreciation. He admitted that Jebb could not in any sense fraternise with his pupils, the main interest of most of them being too remote from his own, yet he was most willing to help those who sought his guidance in his own field. ' What impressed the imperfectly prepared students, who had to do any work for Mr. Jebb, was the precision and finish of all his work for them. Most of us had no idea of what translation could be — whether from Greek into English or from English into Greek. His renderings of Sophocles, which have since become known to all the world, came on us like a revelation. He not only did the thing, but created an ideal for us by doing it.' Denney, after leaving the University, assisted Jebb for APPRECIATION xv some years in examination work, and was im- pressed by the interest that the Cambridge scholar took in the progress of his men. Another professor with whom he came to work was Professor Veitch, of the Logic Class. Denney assisted him. A pupil at that time says : ' What drew one's attention to this man with the slender frame, the scholar's stoop, the countenance " sicklied o'er with the pale cast of thought," the intent look, the reticent manner, the metallic tone of speech, was his character rather than his career in Arts, brilliant as that had been.' James Denney's parents belonged to the Re- formed Presbyterian Church. The little de- nominations in Scotland have been fruitful in giving us great Christian leaders. Denney passed over to the Free Church, taking with him his stern but warm piety, his appreciation of dog- matic truth, and his hearty interest in the Church of Christ. He proceeded in time to the Free Church College, Glasgow, where students were under the stimulating influence of A. B. Bruce, J. S. Candlish, and T. M. Lindsay. Perhaps it was Bruce who most influenced Denney. Denney admired his work, and espe- cially his Commentary on the Synoptic Gospels. Denney had a period of what might be called Broad Churchism, but when Bruce and his pupil came to the fork in the road the master took b xvi PRINCIPAL JAMES DENNEY one way and the scholar another. He was reticent in describing his spiritual history, but I believe that his wife, who gave him the truest and most perfect companionship, led him into a more pronounced evangelical creed. It was she who induced him to read Spurgeon, whom he had been inclined to despise. He became an ardent admirer of the preacher and a very careful and sympathetic student of his sermons. It was Spurgeon perhaps as much as any one who led him to the great decision of his life — the decision to preach the Atoning Death of the Lord Jesus Christ. This, as Dr. Moffatt has said, was all in all to him. He spent and was spent in making it everything to the Church. He went first, in 1886, to Broughty Ferry as minister of the East Free Church. There he wrote his Commentaries on the Epistles to the Thessalonians and the Second Epistle to the Corinthians, in the Expositor's Bible. His rela- tions with the Church were so intimate through all changes that one of his successors generously declared that he was minister of the East Church till the day of his death. In one of his sermons he states his position with the utmost clearness : — 1 In one way of it the Christian life always begins with a great humiliation. Christ comes to us as One without Whom we cannot take the APPRECIATION xvii first step in the new way of life ; even to begin it we must be infinitely and for ever indebted to Him. How do we need to begin ? All we sinful men need to begin with the forgiveness of sins. Now when we think of it, when we think of the forgiveness of sins, what are we to say ? We cannot earn it, we cannot claim it, we cannot take it for granted, we must go into debt for it, and we must go into debt to Christ. That is the very heart of the Gospel. Christ brings the forgiveness of sins, and He brings it at an unspeakable cost. Christ died for the ungodly : "in Whom we have redemption through His blood, even the forgiveness of our trespasses, according to the riches of His grace." ' He also delivered in America, and published in 1895, his memorable Studies in Theology. There followed his precious Commentary on the Epistle to the Romans in the Expositor's Gieek Testament— perhaps the very best piece of work he ever accomplished — and his weighty volumes, The Death of Christ and Jesus and the Gospel. His book of sermons, The Way Everlasting, presents his characteristic thoughts with marked simplicity and power, and has taught many ministers how the Cross of our Lord Jesus Christ may be preached. He was very happy as a pastor, but he found his true place and legitimate sphere when he was appointed a Professor in the United Free xviii PRINCIPAL JAMES DENNEY Church College, Glasgow. This was in 1897. He was eminently fortunate in his surroundings. No Divinity School of the world stood higher. He had the warmest appreciation of his col- leagues, and it was fully returned. The scholarly, laborious, and courageous Professor Orr was a close friend. The learned and accomplished Principal, Dr. T. M. Lindsay, had a very special place in his regard. Professor George Adam Smith brought with him ' an intellectual and moral stimulus of which he would speak some- times with a singular note of intensity.' With the students he was eminently successful. He had all the qualities needed for a great religi- ous teacher — profound pietjr, wide culture, and scholarship which could not be gainsaid. It has been well said that he was a living conscience among his men. A favourite phrase of their professor was ' Crowd in conscience.' And this he did himself, for even more prominent than his teaching was the high standard of duty and responsibility he set up for those who would be ministers of Jesus Christ. It is not easy to induce theological students to be students in earnest. But Denney could not endure a shirker, and though he did not storm he could speak in a stern, quiet way when anything displeased him. Some of the students were in awe of him, but his rich, generous personality conquered all. His genial sympathies, his catholic taste in APPRECIATION xix literature, proved the breadth of his nature. Dr. Moffatt has told us of his intimate knowledge of the eighteenth century. His lectures on Johnson, Gibbon, and Burns were monographs of a high order. He said to a friend that if the historical plays of Shakespeare were lost he could reproduce them from memory. He could find a place for Byron. When a friend argued that you must be under twenty to get a real taste of Byron, ' Yes,' he said quickly, ' but Byron has something for us even in the sixties ' — though he humorously refused to disclose what it was. He indulged himself in light reading, and shortly before his death he was especially caught by ' Q.'s ' fiction, reading with delight Troy Town and The Delectable Duchy. Graver studies went along with these, and he would speak of what he had found in St. Bernard, and of how much he had been disappointed in Aquinas and the Puritans. I have a certain mournful pride in thinking that I did something to induce him to come forward as an author. At that time his mind was fully made up, his future was foreseen, he was to preach the Cross of Christ — on the one hand its power to save, and on the other its sharpness and sternness, its imperious calls to duty and self-denial. From this preaching of the Cross he was never moved, but as time went on he became more and more master of a style xx PRINCIPAL JAMES DENNEY which did justice to the great thoughts. In fact, his Studies in Theology are perhaps the freshest and brightest of his writings. It was his deep conviction that want of style prevented almost all Scottish theological books from reach- ing the first rank. Indeed, he held that Macleod Campbell's treatise on the Atonement was the only classical theological book that came from Scotland. Like Dale he drilled himself in Burke. There was much in Denney that recalled Dale, and the older man recognised with joy a true fellow soldier. I do not say that Dr. Denney rose into poetry or that his imagination was highly developed. His wife used to say laugh- ingly that there was not enough pathos in his sermons. There was, however, a deep evan- gelical warmth and tone. He learned to write with self-command, a majestic sense of sim- plicity and precision, a deliberate measure of expression, a resolute limitation of general state- ments by the severity of facts. This serious clearness, this grasp of his own thoughts, is most plainly seen in his chief book, Jesus and the Gospel. What was said of a great preacher may be said about Dr. Denney. His inmost spirit was busy with the New Testament. He preached New Testament doctrines as one who lived in the presence of great subjects, subduing him, restraining him, calling for self-recollection and sober words. By dint of constant labour APPRECIATION xxi he arrived at a style which was the perfection of lucidity. Dr. Denney loved controversy, and he was one of the most formidable of fighters. It is needless to say that he scorned personal dis- putes and took no part in them. But he had a profound contempt for sciolism. He was com- pletely armed, a thorough scholar, in full com- mand of all his weapons, with these weapons always at their brightest. A keen logician, he could detect and expose a fallacy with almost supernatural quickness. He had great powers of irony and sarcasm, but he was incapable of striking a foul blow. His insight was hardly ever at fault, and he could take the measure of disputants. Dr. Denney was one of the most modest of men, simple to a degree in his manner, absolutely free from pretentiousness of any kind. Sometimes he appeared to be aloof. Many men feared him. But his nature was gentle. He could think and speak with a readiness and clearness and keenness to which few could attain. For years he wrote none of his sermons, but one might listen to him and fail to find a sentence unfinished or a wrong word used. It was in this way that he came to be the power he was. In any assembly that might be gathered he was, when he chose, the leader. Scotland, happily, is still very rich in great preachers and scholars and theologians, but I think they will xxii PRINCIPAL JAMES DENNEY be the foremost to admit that none of them is quite on the same level as the master we mourn. One of the most eminent leaders of the Church of Scotland was known to say that the whole decision with regard to Union lay with Dr. Denney. If he supported Union it would carry. If he opposed it, it could not be carried. His chief sorrow was the death of his wife, which took place some years before his own. This made a great difference to Dr. Denney, but the subject is too sacred to be written of. Whatever he did was strengthened and com- pleted by her constant watchfulness and aid, and I have often thought that her death gave him a better comprehension of the deeper problems and tragedies of the heart. Not that he was unsympathetic. He was the most sympathetic of men, but he had much of the Scottish reticence, and he did not wear his heart on his sleeve. An impressive testimony to the growing esteem in which he was held was given by his appointment, in 1914, to succeed Principal T. M. Lindsay, who for forty years was identified with the Glasgow College. When the General Assembly met in 1915, it was found that the Church was united as to this appointment. Denney's name was the only one mentioned. After his nomination had been proposed and seconded, the whole Assembly rose to its feet APPRECIATION xxiii when the newly elected Principal was introduced to the House, escorted by his proposer and seconder. It was a magnificent and moving spectacle, which was only intensified by the humble bearing of the man on whom was con- ferred this spontaneous tribute. In a few brief sentences he declared his willingness to accept the appointment, making the characteristic re- mark that the chief joy of such things is the demonstration they give of the amount of good- will there is in the world. Dr. Moffatt has told us that what he said in his college, what he was, mattered as little else did. So the years went on, crowded with labours. A warning came when he was attacked by illness, and was confined for some months to his room. He was allowed to see very few friends, but he had his books, and it was hoped that six months of total rest might restore him. He was only sixty-one — comparatively young as years are counted now. He was taken away at a time when he had reached the highest point of his influence. He would have gone much higher if he had been spared to us, through the sheer strength and beauty and wisdom of his nature. He never sought power. He was one of the most un- worldly, unselfish, retiring of men, and was in a manner forced to the front. In his own Church, the United Free Church, he was the chief leader. xxiv PRINCIPAL JAMES DENNEY In his beloved city of Glasgow he had come to be one of the most influential of public men. All over the world he had his readers and followers. That he was in many respects the first man in Scotland was coming to be acknow- ledged. It is my own deliberate opinion that hardly any greater loss could have befallen the Christian Church, for he seemed destined to guide thought and action in the difficult years to come as hardly any one could but himself. There is no doubt that he sacrificed himself. The zeal of God's house had eaten him up. Not content with his work as student, professor, and author, he undertook the charge of the Central Fund of his Church, moved by a deep sympathy with the needs of his brethren, and to that noble cause he gave himself continually. He was also preparing to deliver the Cunningham Lectures, and had chosen for his subject the Atonement. He preached incessantly, generally twice every Sunday. Also he had been called to leadership in great vital causes. His whole soul was absorbed in the movement for Prohibi- tion and in the resistance of State Purchase. He slipped almost insensibly into a large share of ecclesiastical work. His pen was always ready. He gave us in the British Weekly such help as no other man could, and over a period of many years I never remember him refusing any request. Thus he was continually spending APPRECIATION xxv himself, and all of us seemed to take it for granted that he was capable of any labour. Also he thought so himself. But, alas ! we were all wrong. It is a hard task in writing of a friend who has gone to analyse and reproduce for others, as a picture, that of which we feel the reality and perhaps do not care to feel more. Yet something must be said somehow. To me he was the truest, the warmest, and the tenderest of friends. Our intimate association lasted unclouded for more than twenty-five years. From his sick chamber he found time to write to me. I take leave to print a few lines from this letter : — ' I am counting on the open air, which I have not breathed for seven weeks or so, to set me up again. I don't know what was wrong with me : I just collapsed suddenly and completely like the one hoss shay in O. W. Holmes, and I have spent all these weeks in painfully gathering myself in bits out of the debris. I am past the point of despair now, but when I shall be able to do any kind of work with body or brain I cannot foresee. I have been a little astonished at the people who condoled with me on having to postpone the Cunningham Lectures : the things I am sore at being unable to help are the Temperance cause and the Central Fund.' What we have lost in him we shall have to discover in travelling what remains of the xxvi PRINCIPAL JAMES DENNEY journey. We cannot realise that this eager tenderness, this high, self-possessed and furnished intellect should have been taken from us. Every- thing reminds us that at a moment when we most needed such a mind we must look for it no more. Dr. Moffatt recalls what Denney once said about one of his favourites, Dr. Johnson. The two were speaking of Boswell's paragraphs at the end, and he remarked, ' The best thing said about Johnson's loss was not said by Boswell.' When asked what he meant he quoted Gerard Hamilton's words : ' Johnson is dead. Let us go to the next best — there is nobody ; no man can be said to put you in mind of Johnson.' ' To the last he was able usually to work. His Greek Testament and notebooks were beside his bed when I last saw him, and he was planning new lectures, talking of theology, of Professor Gwatkin's library, of Tertullian, even as he gasped for breath.' But it is all in vain that we try to tell how much we miss him. Francis Thompson wrote : — ' When a grown woman dies, You know we think unceasingly What things she said, how sweet, how wise, And these do make our misery.' It is not with mere misery that we think of Dr. Denney. We are happy in the remembrance of a man in whose presence we felt that God and goodness could not be doubted. But the APPRECIATION xxvii news of his death was a blow on the heart. ' Alas ! my brother, very pleasant wast thou unto me.' I recall Dean Church's words about Hugh James Rose. ' As far as could be seen at the time, he was the most accomplished divine and teacher in the English Church. He was a really learned man. He had the intellect and energy and literary skill to use his learning. He was a man of singularly elevated and religious character ; he had something of the eye and temper of a statesman, and he had already a high position. He was profoundly loyal to the Church, and keenly interested in whatever affected its condition and its fortunes.' MEMORIES OF A STUDENT By the Rev. Professor J. A. ^ROBERTSON, MA., Aberdeen MEMORIES OF A STUDENT When Dr. Denney appeared one day as preacher at King's College Chapel, Old Aberdeen, two youths went to hear him, with anticipations whetted ; and the first impression was one of disappointment. There was nothing prophetic, or even leonine, about the physical build of this reputed defender of the Faith. His longish face, with the dark, close-cropped hair and beard, had the pallor of the student about it. And when he began to speak, his thin, high- pitched voice was not immediately magnetic. But his language had an athletic and purposive directness. It knew where it was going, and made straight for the mark, taking every obstacle on the way with the ease which only comes with long discipline in thinking. He had not been speaking long before we detected that the clear note of the voice had in it the ring and clash as of a bright, well-tempered sword. The riposte was perfect — without any fumbling or faltering. 1 It is frequently said that Christianity is on its trial to-day. That is precisely what it is in the nature of Christianity to be. It is a thing that is always on its trial in the world.' xxxii PRINCIPAL JAMES DENNEY And one felt that he himself was an embodiment of the truth he spoke : a trained swordsman, always on guard, always ready to do battle for the cause that was his very life's-blood. The incisive mind gripped and held : and a disciple was won that day. When I went to Glasgow to study under him, the old spell was at once laid on the mind by Denney the teacher. At first we reacted against it somewhat. The minds of the class were but half-disciplined, and eager with a half-informed passion for liberty of thought, which was really, I suppose, licence. We hardly knew then that liberty had its perfect law, in the world of thought as elsewhere. In the minds of most of us there was a smattering of the elusive idealism current in the universities. And we felt the pull of a mind strenuously shepherding us into a pathway which seemed to us somewhat hedged in, and which for him was the only pathway leading to ' reality,' his favourite, or most characteristic word. How often was theory or opinion tossed aside with intellectual indignation as 6 unreal to the last degree,' or some such word. The qualities of his mind which impressed us were a precision and exactness of scholarship which could not tolerate looseness or short-cuts or slovenliness ; a limpid clarity which glittered like a mountain stream with a kind of fierce MEMORIES OF A STUDENT xxxiii impatience of all tangled and confused think- ing ; a sincerity, a feeling for truth, which was ever scornful of mere futility or irrelevance or trifling iinesse ; and a passionate intensity which was contemptuous of superficiality or vague imaginative sentiment. The high, close-packed, shining temples, the thin, mobile lips that never moved to utterance but with the considered and significant word, the speculative, almost Jewish, nose, the dark, piercing eyes behind the close-poised spectacles, the pallor of the face — all became transfigured for us. They were symbolic of so much more than the merely studious mind : symbolic of an intellectual asceticism which had no use for the beauty that was not also purposive, the emotion which was not moral, or the fine which was not also the true. Not — as I have said — that he was not passionate : ' passionate scholarship ' is a phrase which describes his work as well as any. But all his passions seemed to be called off from the pursuit of other ends in life, and dedicated wholly to the service of the mind and conscience, which in their turn were dedicated wholly to his Master. It was an exhilarating experience to watch his relentless and inexorable logic remorselessly pursuing some theory : probing, e.g., that per- sistent tendency of the Teutonic mind to find some hidden motive behind the artless naivete xxxiv PRINCIPAL JAMES DENNEY of an evangelist's words ; then finally, with one last, pitiless thrust, leaving the man with his theory, wriggling, a mere worm in the dust, while the class gasped at the deftness of the knock-out blow : ' And so this evangelist has gone on deceiving the world all these centuries — till Schmiedel found hi?n out ! ' Behind it all one recognised the presence of a profound and definite spiritual experience which he himself had lived through. You often hear men say of such a man : ' His life has been hedged-in from the tragedy of the world ; he has not felt, and has no sympathy with the struggles and temptations of ordinary men.' It is simply not true of Denney. His teaching had the note of battle about it, because he him- self had fought, and was ever fighting, for the faith that was in him. He did experience the struggles of other men, though his spoken word was never introspective ; but to this battle, which lies in the life of every man, there was added the battle of a man who had been brought up in a strict orthodoxy of religious outlook, the spirit of which he had made his own in his loyalty to truth, and the rigid and cramping trammels of which he had fought through in obedience to that same loyalty. That on the one hand ; and on the other, one felt that he had passed through the ordeal of a philosophic speculation whose tendency was to obliterate or MEMORIES OF A STUDENT xxxv blur moral and spiritual distinctions ; and he answered the subtle temptation it offered, by the demand that it should conform to the moral realities of life, or perish. ' The difference be- tween right and wrong is real and ultimate : Christ died for the difference between right and wrong.' Above all, his experience of a sin-bearing God agonising to reconcile the world in Christ was, for him, the ultimate reality. And ever, when he rose up from the battle of life, to meet God undertaking for him thus in love, the thrill of battle in his voice was changed to a lyrical note — the thrill of adoration. The intense and sometimes harsh note of a conscience aflame, in the search for reality, became the intense note of love aflame with redemption-gratitude. Most of us could have said — quite reverently — after the experience of his class : ' Thou hast enticed (constrained) me, and I was constrained : thou art stronger than I and hast prevailed.' It was a great experience, written in red and inefface- able letters in our lives. One thing more — besides bequeathing some- thing of his spirit of precision — he certainly did for us : He made the New Testament the most real of all books to us, the record not of a dream- world apart from life, but of the highest human experience. He led us into something of the liberating greatness of that experience. ' The xxxvi PRINCIPAL JAMES DENNEY New Testament,' he was fond of saying, ' is the most free-thinking book in the world.' And his own mind was advancing into the greatness of that freedom to the end. Some of his last — posthumous — pronouncements fell startlingly into some religious camps ; and the full effect of the seeds of freedom he sowed has yet to be reaped. Because his life was lived before us always at this high-strung pitch, it was difficult for us sometimes to approach him. We never did so without much heart-searching beforehand as to whether the thing that was perplexing us was ' real.' And often, when men laid their ques- tionings before him, they came away with a feeling of awe, as if they had been standing at the judgment seat of God. But he was, nevertheless, intensely human. Once, in an off-moment in his home, I remember him saying with a whimsical, half-sigh that one had to brace and key oneself up when one opened one's Bible ; and one laid it down and took up Punch, e.g., with a distinct and visible relaxation that was not merely mental but bodily. I am not sure now whether it was an original word of the Professor's. I think I have read something like it elsewhere. Is it in Smetham's letters ? But even so, it was a re- vealing word on his lips. One of the great liberating thoughts which he constantly taught is that ' Christ's Divinity was because of, not in MEMORIES OF A STUDENT xxxvii spite of, His humanity.' And yet it would seem that in one direction at least he did not permit himself to find a full humanity in Jesus. He was inclined to deny altogether the presence of a note of humour in the sayings of the Master. His high vocation, he thought, did not permit of it. I remember once hearing the late J. P. Struthers of Greenock (the only man of genius, Denney confessed to a friend after his death, he was ever intimately acquainted with) say that he and his great friend always differed on this question ; he was referring in particular to the story of the Syrophcenician woman. But surely Struthers was right. There is a lambent — at times almost mordant — humour, widespread in Jesus' words. Unless laughter were an attri- bute of Deity, one would be inclined to weep for God in His terrible burden-bearing. But the Professor himself had quite a distinct sense of humour. One remembers how, at a party, when the question was propounded, — If one were given a choice between the gifts of beauty and goodness, which ought one to choose ? Dr. Denney unhesitatingly voted for beauty. Pressed for his reason, he said, ' because if one didn't possess beauty it was impossible of achieve- ment : but the way was always open for a man to become good ! ' And this was told me lately by an eyewitness : he was about to board a train one day, when a lady friend beckoned him xxxviii PRINCIPAL JAMES DENNEY into the carriage beside her. ' But,' she said, ' perhaps I am doing wrong, Doctor, in enticing you away from your comfortable first-class carriage. ' A pause and a smile. Then : ' I never travel first-class ' — another pause while the lips twitched quizzically — ' except on the last train to Airdrie on a Saturday night ! ' In public his humour usually took the form of sarcasm, which I suppose is humour bent to the purpose of moral or intellectual criticism. I remember very vividly how, once, in the class, he was warning us solemnly against the employ- ment of sarcasm in the pulpit. ' " Sarcasm," says Carlyle, " is the language of the devil." ' A pause, while the lips hesitated, moving with the burden of a momentarily suppressed aside. Then he let it go : 'And one might almost say it was Carlyle's mother tongue.' The class laughed unrestrainedly ; subsided ; then was swept by a second wave of merriment. The Professor's own gravity collapsed — one of the few times, almost the only time, he descended, in the class, from the academic pedestal. He laughed very self-consciously. It was a witty stroke in itself ; but in the very act of con- demning sarcasm, he had been detected perpetrat- ing a sarcasm himself—' hoist,' by his own hand, ' with his own petard.' Yes, he had his very human side. But it was no easy task for him to unbend. He had MEMORIES OF A STUDENT xxxix no small change in his conversation, nothing of the quality of the man whom Coleridge depicts as ' given to paying his pounds in pennies.' Yet he laboured at the task of winning his students' confidence, of drawing them out and getting them to talk of the things that interested him. I remember my first invitation to his home. In answer to his queries. I remember telling him diffidently what an impression Sartor Resartus had made on me, in the pre-university days. ' I have been re-reading it lately,' he said, c reading it aloud. And it 's a great book ! ' It was easy to talk after that. But I remember the sense of effort while we laboured to reach common ground. So he always toiled — to be- come all things to all men, often fingering awk- wardly a lighted cigarette while he strove, for he was no smoker. Yet there was an air of serenity and love in his home, which was very restful. The sweet woman who was queen there understood him, and could make him show his human side as no one else could. ' James,' she would say, 4 I think your preaching style has greatly improved since you took to reading those French novels.' And then would follow some delightful con- fessions, and criticisms of the things he had read. I can recall him, once, in the class, discussing the usage of the terms ' subjective ' and 4 ob- jective.' He was putting us on our guard against xl PRINCIPAL JAMES DENNEY the elusive way they seemed to change places. And he quoted one of those ' French novels.' It was the description of a man who had fallen in love, and out of it again. He had met again the former object of his affections. ' He looked at her objectively, as a man does at the plate off which he has just dined well.' What a full mind he had of all the best in literature ! Dr. Johnson was evidently his hero among men of letters. We always became alert when he began, ' as Dr. Johnson says.' And how penetrating, wise, and just were the literary criticisms which fell so easily from his lips. His appearance on the platform or in the Assembly was always memorable. One recalls the passion of his earlier declarations against Establishment. I heard him speak at a great Conference in Inverness after the Lords' fateful decision of 1904. He was blaming ' establish- ment ' for nearly all the worst troubles in the history of the Church. ' Even at the Disruption,' he said, ' the Free Church had found difficulty in shaking off the temper it engendered, when she went out into the wilderness declaring she was the Church of Scotland— Free. Dr. Chalmers himself was not immune.' (Here a man in the audience shouted, ' Question.') ' A gentleman here says, " Question." Dr. Chalmers once said he had been at a meeting where there were voluntaries and common folk ' (other quota- MEMORIES OF A STUDENT xli tions followed). * That,' added Dr. Denney, vehemently rapping out his words, while the interrupter cowered in silence, ' is nothing else than the odious insolent temper of the establish- ment principle.' One recalls the passion with which in an Assembly Union debate (to clear the air in which he was often summoned by the House), he called it ' an acrid poison.' Later, of course, there was a change, in method of approach, though not perhaps in principle. One of his later day utterances I have never been able quite to understand. Defending the Church of Scotland's desire to maintain the historic con- tinuity of the National Church, he fell foul of a previous speaker, who had been distinguish- ing between a de jure and a de facto establish- ment. ' I would not,' he said, ' give an ounce of history for a ton of theory.' Where, I have often wondered since, does the nerve of history lie ? Not surely, not often at least, in legal enactments ; not in parchments laid up in the archives of Westminster, but in the life of the people of the land. Probably I had misunder- stood him, for often I had heard him say — and had drunk it in as the pure milk of the word — that no Church is truly established which is not established in the hearts and consciences of the people of the land. The Professor would have no establishment which involved either coercion xlii PRINCIPAL JAMES DENNEY of conscience in favour of a wrong policy, or yet coercion of superstition in favour of a right. He had grown to be the incarnation of the conscience of Scotland in his later days. One recalls how he went once with a deputation to the Glasgow magistrates to plead for the removal of licences in a certain district. He described the situation in burning sentences, tense with all the moral shame of it. ' Now who is re- sponsible for this state of things ? ' The eyes darted a searching glance from behind the spectacles, as he made his characteristic pause. Then the long finger shot out, raking the bench of magistrates and making them squirm un- comfortably in their seats. Slowly, emphatic- ally, decisively, this modern Nathan said : ' You gentlemen are responsible.' Though his mind ' was like a star and dwelt apart,' he also ' the lowliest duties on himself did lay.' Every task that fell to his hands he did thoroughly. To hear him speak on the Central Fund was always a liberal education in the high principles of Christian ecclesiastical policy. It was in and for that cause he died. The situation is bad enough in Scotland to-day — through the war. One shudders to think what it might have been but for his sacrifice. ' He yet speaketh.' He was the humblest and least assuming of men. He had a great heart. One would not MEMORIES OF A STUDENT xliii speak of inmost sanctities, save in a letter, that the full impression of the beauty of his soul might be felt. But I have been told that a friend met him one day standing still in the street, his head bare, and tears on his cheeks. He said simply, it was there his beloved wife had felt the first pangs of the illness from which she died. All his public labour was the work of a great heart ; but the last years of unsparing activity were the spendings of a broken heart. LETTERS Broughty Ferry, July 10, 1893. I will send you something by Monday next for the B. W. Somehow my sermons are so undis- guisedly sermonic that they don't lend themselves very readily to the purpose. I am afraid I can't give you Corinthians for a while yet. This year of the Expositor's Bible came out so swimmingly that I thought I could give my congregation a rest from Paul : so I have not done anything for some months. How- ever, I have finished all the difficult, at least the most difficult, and especially all the dogmatic part, and will have it done in good enough time to appear in the next series if that suits you. Who is Rashdall, who gives the Ritschlian appreciation of Anselm and Abelard in the shape of a Univ. Serm. in Expositor 1 I think that line of interpretation has been taken as far as it will go now, and has yielded all it can yield ; and that it is time to rediscover the fact that the Apostles in their doctrine of atonement were dealing with something which never comes with- in Rashdali's (nor Ritschl's) view — namely, God's condemnation of sin as a terrifically real and serious thing. It may seem irreverent to say so, but the ' hochste einzigartige Heldenaufop- A 2 LETTERS OF ferung ' theory of the atonement seems to me simply to ignore the serious element in the situation which the atonement is designed to meet. A martyrdom in plain English, no matter how holy and loving the martyr, is an irrelevance. I believe all evangelists would agree in that. There is a fascinating way of presenting Ahelard- ism, but as a fisher-evangelist, a friend of mine, once said to me, to preach it is like fishing with a barbless hook : your bait is taken, but you don't catch men. The man who said that has been greatly blessed as an evangelist, and I lay great stress on an experience which squares so exactly, as I think, with both the experience and the doctrine of St. Paul. Broughty Ferry, November 1, 1893. When I read your proposal about ' Romans ' I was both flattered and taken aback; I only hope you have not offered it to me because all the people of reputation have declined it. How well or ill I could do it, it is not for me to profess ; I think I could do it as sympathetic- ally — I mean with as entire an appreciation of the author — as any man, and I can promise at all events to do it as well as I can. I feel as you do that there is something uncanny in mort- gaging the future at this rate, but not being PRINCIPAL JAMES DENNEY 3 pagans we can do it, let us hope, and still be humble. The money question I am content to leave to you. Would you mind telling me who the other contributors, or any of them, are to be ? I hope to send Corinthians in about a month ; I am going to America about the middle or end of March, and would like to have finished the proofs, etc., by that time. I suppose that will be possible ? Of course I could send the bulk of it immediately, if you wanted it, but I have not yet written the Introduction, and cannot conveniently do so for a week or two : could you begin any other where ? I must have some introduction this time apart from the exposition : the questions are rather complicated which it involves. I don't think the Chicago lectures would do for a book — so far as I can see them just now. There are to be ten : the subjects left wholly to me. What I mean to do, though the subject is syste- matic theology, is not anything very systematic : rather a review of the chief loci communes theo- logici with reference to current ideas, especially those of Ritschl, and also ideas not so current as they should be, especially those of the Epistles in the N. T. I will lecture on Christ's conscious- ness of Himself, and on the apostolic doctrine of Christ ; on Man and his condition in relation to the work of Christ, and on the work of Christ as related to the actual condition of man — there 4 LETTERS OF will be two lectures, I think, on the N. T. doctrine of Reconciliation, and on defective approaches to it, or substitutes for it ; then I mean to have one on tne Church (the College is a Congregational one), one (or two) on the Bible, or rather on the word of God as a means of grace and as a spiritual authority ; also I wish to say something on Eschatology. Of course this is private, and open to modification as I find the topics lend them- selves to more or less elaboration as I go along. But it will make me very busy till the winter is over, when added to the ordinary work of a Free Church minister. I shall be very grateful for any suggestion that falls in at all with that general idea of a course, or for any direction to book or man that will help me. Fairbairn, of course, I have read ; but with all his strenuous- ness he does not leave on one the impression of solidity. The constructive part of the book has something breathless and positive about it, which is not very convincing, and some queer mistakes too, which both Lock and Candlish have pointed out. I think far the most valuable part of it is the bit immediately preceding the constructive, the history of German philosophy and theology in their relations to the Return to Christ. What bothers me a little about the Chicago lectures is that I have no idea in the world, and can get none, of what the men who are to hear PRINCIPAL JAMES DENNEY 5 them already know. It is a considerable place, in size at all events : the students are resident — all theological— and last year there were 205. It was Curtiss, their Prof, of Hebrew, a man who had dealings with Delitzsch, who came here and invited me over. I have just looked at 's book, and think it an odious sample of an odious kind of pro- duction—at least the first half of it. It would be a sin to advertise it on your front page by making a leader on it : but his sociology may be better than his theology. I am going to be with Adam at Kelso on Sun- day, and hope to enjoy it. Broughty Ferry, December 10, 1894. Many thanks for your note. I would by no means have a paper label on my book, though I never imagined it could affect the circulation. My objection is that it never sticks on. I leave it to you to fix up in your wisdom, always retaining the name Studies of Theology on the back in the same type as in the covers you sent : I liked it extremely : it was only my own name which seemed obtrusive. I don't know much about legalism, and don't take to Law, except the Serious Call. I have only read two others of his little books : when 6 LETTERS OF he lapses into human nature, as in the ' char- acters,' I enjoy him ; otherwise his positiveness and obstinate incapacity to understand other people, and his endless argumentation about things where logic has no hold, are purely repellent to me. seems to reverence a man provided he cannot understand him, but I never feel inclined to be humble because a fellow-creature contrives to be unintelligible. I think there are just three ways of religion, Legalism, Evangeli- calism, and Antinomianism : Evangelicals who tamper with the New Testament doctrine of atonement inevitably lapse into one or other of the bad ways. Bruce 's hatred of legalism is un- mistakable, but though his moral sense is the very strength of him, I don't think he appreciates sufficiently the need in his theology of this safe- guard against avojAia. Broughty Ferry, July 29, 1895. I enclose notices of two books I had from you some time ago. Nothing has yet occurred to me coherent enough to make one of your new series out of ; I find my sermons fearfully parochial, pastoral, and for the day. If there is to be some homogeneity in the little volume, I am afraid I must make a little course of sermons on purpose, and I don't yet see the PRINCIPAL JAMES DENNEY 7 subject. When I think I do, I will let you know. I congratulate you, in spite of the result of the elections, on the place you have made for the B. W. in the political as well as the religious world. You are quite an authority in places where you might hardly expect it, thanks to your candour and principle, not to mention the other things needful to command attention ; and if Liberals appreciate your last leader (as many of them do) we should show up much better in a few years. We had a very hard fight here, and great feeling, especially about the Church, but came out all right. I have been much more disappointed with the Scotch than with the English elections, and many people, depressed by the immense Toryism of England, are becoming much more interested than they once were to have Home Rule extended to Scotland. The Established Church here make consider- able use of the No-popery cry, and of the need of the establishment and the teinds to secure the Protestantism of the country ; it will be an inter- esting light on the situation if the Tories go in for supporting Catholic schools, whether from rates or taxes. As a rule, the R. C. people who support the Establishment, so far as I know them, are constitutionally (physically, I mean) Tories who contemn ' the mob ' and maintain every- thing that is, on purely selfish principles. There 8 LETTERS OF are plenty of them, but the strength of the Church is not in them at all, and I don't think it needs much courage to disregard them. I had a young fellow here from Chicago last week, going to study two years in Germany. He was amazed at the universal interest in the elections — nothing else talked about in trains, hotels, streets, by men and women. There was nothing, he said, in America to compare with it at a presidential election. Of course their voting is all on one day, but even that does not seem to produce any concentrated excitement. Broughty Ferry, March 11, 1897. I wrote a letter, indeed I wrote two letters, about Greece and tore them up. I don't know why, but I could not at the time say what I wanted. I agree entirely with the line you take about the Eastern Question. To coerce Greece would be an abominable crime. The Greeks have done the only humane and heroic thing which redeems the infamy of the last three years, and to employ the resources of this country to punish them for it is an idea not to be endured for a moment. The Concert of Europe is not an end in itself. It did nothing for the Armenians — except veto every mode of interposition pro- posed on their behalf. It did nothing for the PRINCIPAL JAMES DENNEY 9 Cretans. It never would have done anything. And to have it step in now, impotent for good, but irresistible for evil, is too much. What is it to us that for the sake of it we should be dragged into such shameful courses ? The latest news seems more hopeful, and if Lord Salisbury would only stiffen his back, the danger of coercion would disappear. The powers who want to coerce don't count in the Mediterranean compared with those who are against coercion in their hearts ; and the idea of Britain, France, and Italy, that have bought their own freedom at a price, com- bining to do the vilest work of these despotic empires, only needs to be stated to have its monstrousness appear. What a time you are having over the Education Bill and the unprincipled Nonconformists. The Parliamentary proceedings seem at this distance simply scandalous, and though the interest in Crete tends to lessen the attention paid to them in this country, I am sure a great body of opinion is gathering, intensely hostile to the Government. Cameron's election in Glasgow by a majority of 120 instead of 1400 was as happy an omen for sound Liberalism as there has been for a good while. He was universally regarded as having betrayed that very principle of Liberalism with which he has been identified all his life for the sake of the Irish vote, and if he won that vote, it was evidently at the cost of what is a great 10 LETTERS OF deal more important. I was almost sorry he was returned : a man who sells himself deserves to be sold. Have you any objection to tell me what you didn't like in my review of Stopford Brooke's O. T. Sermons ? I wrote one at your request for the Bookman, corrected proof, and then one by Darlow was printed. Of course I am not disputing your right not to print mine : but I would like to know whether it was the contents, or manner, or length, or what, that made it unsuitable. I must say the book did not leave a pleasant impression on my mind. We have lovely sunny mornings now, that make one long for holidays : and clear day light till half past six — the most blessed time of the year. [On Tuesday, May 25, 1897, the General Assembly of the United Free Church elected the Rev. Dr. James Denney Professor of Systematic and Pastoral Theology in Glasgow Free Church College. Four hundred and fifty-six members of Assembly cast their votes for Dr. Denney, and seventy-six for the Rev. John Macpherson. At the same time the Rev. Alexander Martin, M.A., Morningside Church, Edinburgh, was unanimously elected to the Chair of Apologetics in the New College, Edinburgh. Dr. Denney succeeded the late Professor Candlish, and Mr. Martin, Professor Garden Blaikie. Dr. Martin is now the honoured Principal of New College P Edinburgh.] PRINCIPAL JAMES DENNEY 11 Broughty Ferry, August 21, 1897. Your article on Hall Caine was capital. A man who is in such form ought not to get any holidays, but I could feel curious to know how Hall Caine would take it. Most authors take themselves so seriously — even Baring Gould — that in another land it might mean swords or pistols. And it is evident from the reply you printed that there are men to whom even Hall Caine is a god. I hope you are enjoying the heavenly weather up north : I sit here a little like Giant Pope or Giant Pagan, desiring to maul the happy pilgrims who for the time have nothing to do. 21 Lynedoch Street, Glasgow, January 15, 1898. I was very willing to write the enclosed about Forsyth, not because I have not enough to do otherwise but because I liked his little book x very much. When the first half of it appeared in the B. W. I took the liberty of writing to him, though I did not know him, to say how much I appreciated it, and he made me a very friendly reply. It is a book of real experience, a redis- covery of the Gospel, worth as much as most of 1 The Holy Father and the Living Christ, by P. T. Forsyth, D.D. (Hodder and Stoughton). 12 LETTERS OF the other little books put together. I hope it will have a great circulation. I almost wrote you at Christmas to remon- strate with you for putting in a communication about me from somebody in the class. I did not like it, and if I knew who wrote it would not be able to avoid having some prejudice against the man. You may think that unjust or a sign of incipient professorial demoralisation in me, but so it is. Up till now, I have found the work not impossible. The students have been very willing to be friendly, and appreciative of anything one has to give. Having two classes in one, which make a roll of 50, 1 really don't know them very well, but another year will be able to individualise more, and so, I hope, be of more service. This week I have begun the Pastl. Theol. class, and have both till the end of the session. Glasgow, November 12, 1898. I have written something about Dale's theo- logy * — though it has limited itself, as you will see, to two points — the atonement and Chris- tian ethics. This ran over all the space, and more, that an article usually fills; but if you like, I will write another next week about the 1 The above-mentioned article on Dr. Dale's Life, by Professor Denney, appeared in the British Weekly for November 17, 1898. PRINCIPAL JAMES DENNEY 13 Church and the Lord's Supper. 1 The book has interested me exceedingly, but I should like to read the essay in Ecclesia before I wrote about the Supper, and that I have not yet been able to do. Many thanks for your last letter on the subject. I agree with all you say about the Resurrection and the Lord's body, but I do not see that that has really anything to do with the Supper. I do not deny that there is mystery in the presence of Christ; what I objected to in Calvin, as in Luther and the Romanists, was that they made an artificial and superfluous mystery out of their own heads — a mystery at a point where no mystery should be ; and this still seems to me to be the case. Perhaps you would not wish me, in these circumstances, to commit myself needlessly on the subject : if so, of course I shall not write anything. 21 Lynedoch Street, Glasgow, June 11, 1900. A friend of mine has written a book called a History of Epic Poetry (Post Virgilian). 2 It is published by Oliver and Boyd, of all people to deal in such a commodity; and he tells me 1 Dr. Dale as a Churchman was published on December I of the same year. - A Hi.stury of Epic Poetry (Post Virgilian), by John Clark, M.A. (Edinburgh : Oliver aud Boyd). 14 LETTERS OF that copies will be sent to the Bookman and the B. W. for review. If you have no other arrangement made, and it is not against your principles to have a man's book reviewed by his friend, I should willingly send you a short notice of it for either. But as the book deals in the Spanish and Portuguese epic, and in some other things quite off my beat, it would no doubt be possible to find a more competent hand. I believe the work is thoroughly original, and done throughout at first hand : though the writer has only an assistant mastership in the High School in Dundee, and writes badly, he is a genuine scholar, and it would be a service done to a first rate man if his book could be made visible. I hardly expect that it will have many readers. I hope you are feeling up to the mark again. I gave your message to Grant at Nottingham, whom I got to know there for the first time, and took to extremely. Your letter on the man who lately wrote on Wesley interested me much, as I have been read- ing Wesley lately. He deserved all you said about his estimate of Wesley's style, but I feel it easier to agree with you about his style than about his character. The only man of whom Wesley reminds me much intellectually is B. Franklin. They have the same relentless prac- ticability and effectiveness in their minds, and something of the same kind of limitation. Frank- PRINCIPAL JAMES DENNEY 15 lin went about and saw how badly done things were in this material world, how the street lamps smoked inside the glass so that no light came out, etc. etc. ; and he not only saw this, but found out how to mend it, and could put pressure on people to get them to mend it too. Wesley did the very same in the spiritual world. His genius was purely practical in that sphere ; he did things, and he got them done, and that was all. I don't mean, of course, that that was not the greatest of gifts, but it is only one gift, and the ever present consciousness of infallibility which accom- panies it strikes one as a very extraordinary intellectual limitation, when its influence in other directions is considered. Nothing amused me more, e.g., than Wesley's criticisms on the books he read. For distinctness and emphasis it would be impossible to surpass them, and I daresay a man who knew all the books could make a very interesting article on Wesley as a literary critic ; but the infallibility is out of place there. It may seem impious to couple Wesley, because of something in his mind, with a Pharisaical old Sadducee like Franklin ; but there is a decided intellectual affinity in them somewhere. With all you say about Wesley and Law I heartily agree. Chalmers got down to the ground about that controversy when he said, If God did not justify the wwgodly, what could I dot 16 LETTERS OF [The Union Magazine, edited by Dr. Orr and Dr. Denney, represented the United Free Church of Scotland, and continued the good work done for so many years by the United Presbyterian Magazine. Among the contributors were representative men from both Churches. The price of the Magazine was four- pence, and afterwards sixpence, and the opening number was full of attractive features. It is needless to say, wrote Claudius Clear, ' that with men so able as Dr. Orr and Dr. Denney, even the obiter dicta of the Magazine are always interesting.] 21 Lynedoch Street, Glasgow, January 4, 1901. It was very obliging of you to give us such a friendly and helpful notice as you have in this week's B. W., 1 and I am most grateful for it. I would have sent you a proof of your article about Aberdeen College, but I knew you were from home and looked over it myself. We have arranged for some others on what are meant to be the same lines, but as everything depends on how they are written, I am not without misgivings. It needs a skilful and practised hand to do the thing in a style which has any attraction, and that is rare. I think all the reviews in this number were written by Orr and myself, so that if there is any terrible 1 The Union Magazine was reviewed by Claudius Clear in his letter of Jan. 3, 1901, PRINCIPAL JAMES DENNEY 17 responsibility to bear in connection with them its distribution is comparatively simple. But do you think in such a case we should really sign them ? It would be too monotonous. What I feel most difficulty about is the extent to which we should write in it ourselves. We want to have all subjects of interest to the Church discussed in it by competent people, but I dread its degenerating into aimlessness unless some one takes charge of it to a greater extent, and gives it a purpose, if not a policy. If you have any idea that would help us here I should consider it thankfully. I was interested to see you putting in a word for Mansel in the British Monthly. I have always felt like you about him, that so strong-headed a man had a case, and was not to be easily dis- missed from the field as he has been by philo- sophers and theologians alike. He saw and felt (what is the truth) that agnosticism is an element in true religion, and a pervading element in it ; where he erred was perhaps in exaggerating this truth so as to give the impression that agnosticism was really the principle of religion. But between gnostic philosophers, like those who succeeded him in Oxford, and agnostics who think that their philosophy rivals or excludes religion, he had hold of a piece of the truth, and will no doubt get his due when all is done. We have had our usual holiday here, such as B 18 LETTERS OF can be had in a rainfall exceeding anything known for 120 years : so at least they told us at Crieff, where we were for a week. 21 Lynedoch Street, Glasgow, January 11, 1901. I am much in your debt for all your suggestions about the Magazine and will try to act on them and to get the other editor to do so also. I entirely agree with you about the Topic, and I feel generally that to have too many ' series ' of things going on, and turning up in every number, must be fatal. But I had no idea of doing a whole series myself ! The paper on ' Anger ' I had in last number was the first of a set to be done by different men, and I only did the first because there was no other at hand. Some good men have promised contri- butions, and I hope we may be able to make it readable, more or less. I am sending with this the first half of a dis- cussion of sin in Romans : I found that the whole thing would be absurdly long for one article ; and this, which deals with the conceptions of sin and law, but leaves the experience of the sinner under law and the questions raised in connection with Chs. 5 and 7 to be dealt with in another paper, has a certain unity in itself. PRINCIPAL JAMES DENNEY 19 The Union Magazine, January 29, 1901. If the old men in the Church die at the rate at which they have done lately, we shall not want for ' historic interest.' I think in the notices of such this month there is one which is extraordinarily well done, to be a suggestion of a man whose life had no events of public interest. It is signed A. P., and is by Mr. Philip of Invergowrie — on his pre- decessor, Mr. Hunter. I knew the old gentleman, whose son was an elder in my church, and can certify its truth. 21 Lynedoch Street, Glasgow, February 22, 1901. Your two letters have such a lot of things in them that I hardly know where to begin to answer. I have been thinking about Schmiedel, and am not quite sure whether he ought to be treated as a deadly enemy of the Christian faith (he certainly throws it all away), or as an entirely irresponsible person. The one sentence you quote from him in the British Monthly, about the Johannine question entering on a new phase (the Simon Magus one), is only a specimen of hundreds as good ; once you discount all that follows upon the rejection of the supernatural on principle, most of what remains in Schmiedel, 20 LETTERS OF in spite of an occasional acuteness, is infinitely more absurd than ingenious. If it were worth the trouble it would be very interesting to com- pare his view of the Gospels with Abbott's : except in their common rejection of the super- natural, I question if they have much in common. Anyhow, there is nothing I should like better to hear than SchmiedePs opinion of Abbott's single, double, and triple tradition, and so forth. The publication of two such articles side by side is a sign of extraordinary courage or of sheer despair. I don't believe that the Christian religion — let alone the Church — can live unless we can be sure of (1) a real being of God in Christ ; (2) the atoning death ; (3) the exaltation of Christ. All these are embodied in the apostolic testimony to Christ, and indeed are omnipresent in it ; but I am not sure that they are all represented in their full dimensions in the Gospels — i.e. I am not sure that the Gospels represent the whole of the apostolic testimony, and therefore I could not think of basing Christianity on them alone, if it is to have a documentary basis at all. It needs the whole of the New Testament to show what Christ is, and a man only deceives himself when he goes behind Christianity, and exhibits as the historical Jesus a figure which could never have created Christianity at all. The ineffective- ness of Schmiedel's Christ to do what the historical Christ undeniably did proves that his is not the PRINCIPAL JAMES DENNEY 21 historical Christ at all. For the public at large, it is only in this general way the subject could be considered : the arguments for and against the Johannine authorship of the Fourth Gospel must be left to experts. The only thing in connection with the three essentials of Christianity men- tioned above in which there is any ambiguity is the first : the certainty of a real being or presence of God in Christ does not, so far as apostolic testimony allows us to judge, imply anything as to the mode of the incarnation. The Gospels of the infancy are in harmony with it, but it might be held (and the sinlessness of Jesus too) in independence of them. 21 Lynedoch Street, Glasgow, March I, 1901. Struthers has practically prohibited me from saying anything about him, and has indicated his reluctance (which I hope he will overcome) to have the Watch 1 issued in London. He spoke in the kindest possible way about your letter to him, but regards being written about with the sensa- tions of a whelk being wormed out of its shell on a pin point. But there can be no harm in telling what everybody knows — that he is a minister of the Reformed Presbyterian Church of Scotland, not an 1 The Morning Watch, edited by the Rev. J, P. Struthers, of Greenock. 22 LETTERS OF Original Seceder; that he preaches for anybody who asks him, and gets only too much of it to do ; that he is a good preacher, the most solemn and the most tender you could imagine, as any one could infer from the Watch ; and that his age may be guessed (it is only so that I have any idea of it) from the time when he was ordained — which according to the Clerical Almanac was 1878. His congregation is not large, but his church is full. I was very much interested by all you told me about Abbott. His analysis of the Gospels is as utterly unscientific as anything could be, and I don't think it is difficult to see that Schmiedel thinks so. When I said it showed either great courage or sheer despair to print both, what I meant was that the utter inconsistency of the two made the presentation of both, side by side, either a sort of bravado, or a confession that the editors ' gave up ' the synoptic problem. How- ever, Schmiedel is the only one of the two who needs to be taken seriously, and I have an idea of writing something about him in the next number of the Union Magazine. It is just Strauss over again, but without a spark of the wit or genius — a pedantic Strauss, who leaves on the mind the impression of a man who has learned to spell, but not to read — or who believes that the life of Christ is in the letters of the dictionary, and that it is merely a matter of PRINCIPAL JAMES DENNEY 23 putting them properly together to produce the force which has created Christianity. What the responsibility of Black or Cheyne can be for it I don't know ; but I should like to know what Schmiedel conceives his own relation to Christi- anity to be : and if he thinks it a ' clear case that there is nothing in it,' why he should have been asked to do this piece of work by men who must be assumed to believe in the Christian religion. In the circumstances you must not expect me to write about him in the B. W. It is of course an infinitely better place to write in than our poor little Church paper, but I am reduced to the necessity of doing it for the latter and could only repeat myself — as I have had to do with Moffatt. 21 Lynedoch Street, Glasgow, January 9, 1902. I ought to have acknowledged at once the Church's One Foundation : it is very good of you to send me the book. I am at the subject all the time, and can therefore, I hope, appre- ciate the seriousness of it; and, as you know, I agree with you in everything in it which is of real importance. What troubles me is not how to blow the trumpet, or sound an alarm, but how to teach in detail, and persuade people who are alarmed not to close their minds in 24 LETTERS OF impatience, but to face the kind of questions criticism raises, and to meet them with the com- posure of intelligence, as well as the assurance of faith. One tries to do it in teaching, and with time and pains it can be done, but who will give time and pains ? I hope we are not in for a time of panic, or of apathy either, but may be brought through the strait into a larger room. What you said in a ' letter ' lately in the B. W. about the ' interestedness ' of good editors was what struck me most in turning over your other book : it is so desperately easy to look at things, and even people, without seeing them, or to get valuable hints and be unconscious of them. I am glad to see you are in the third edition already. That, by the way, reminds me that some weeks ago I saw in the Glasgow Herald an advertisement of my Studies in the 5th edition, whereas I lifted one in a shop the other day marked 6th edition, completing 11th thousand, and dated 1899 — which I suppose is correct. Your pious hope that I will put the lectures on the Death of Christ into The Expositor can hardly be fulfilled : but I would like to revise them in the summer, and have them published in autumn. There is nothing in them but an exhibition of the New Testament teaching ; but the centrality and gravity and inevitableness and glory of it im- pressed me more than ever, and I think it is worth insisting on. The epistles deduce every- PRINCIPAL JAMES DENNEY 25 thing Christian from it, theological and ethical ; and there is no choice but to take it or leave it. I have been trying to get interesting historical matter for the Union Magazine, but you see with what success. Next month we are to have an article on Dr. Aird of Criech by a man who knew him well and got all his papers, but there is not much in it. I have one promised also on Mr. dimming of Melness, by a lady, which one may hope will have a sense of what is inter- esting in character. But no one, apparently, can write who has not made a study of it ; and the circle to which we can appeal for contributors does not contain many who have. Most sermons must be extempore compositions. At Christmas we spent a week at St. Andrews, and I did what I venture to say you have never done in your life — spent the whole seven days without once dipping a pen in ink. Neither did I use a Swan fountain, but wrote no word to enemy or friend. Mrs. Denney is happy again in her restored Watcfies, and joins me in wishing you a happy new year. 26 LETTERS OF 21 Lynedoch Street, Glasgow, July 29, 1902. I am posting along with this the MS. of which we have spoken before. 1 It is in length, so far as I can judge, almost exactly equal to George Smith's Yale Lectures ; 2 and I should like it printed in something like that fashion, or like one of Dale's books. Instead of an index, to which it does not readily lend itself, I have put in a sort of outline of each chapter in the contents, which will enable any one to see the line of the thing and to find what he wants if it is there. For a title, I should like it called either ' The Death of Christ : its Place and Interpretation in the New Testament ' ; or, ' The Death of Christ in the New Testament : its Place and Interpretation.' I hope you can come to see us when you are in Scotland. We go to Pitlochry on Friday, and will be there till the end of August. Dr. Orr was proposing the other day to try the Union Maga- zine at 6d. ; if we do anything different with it, I fancy it must rather be 3d. I should like to hear your mind about it — not the price only, but other things. I have a growing conviction that editing must be made one's business if it 1 The Death of Christ, by Professor James Denney, D.D. (Hodder and Stoughton, 1902). 2 Dr. George Adam Smith. PRINCIPAL JAMES DENNEY 27 is to come to anything, and that no one can do it in the bygoing. Not that I ever indulged any such delusion, but even a little experience has made me proof against it if I had. How the Nonconformists seem to want a man of weight just now like Dale ! Fairbairn can never be an Englishman, with all his ability, and there could not be a more fatal drawback to any one wishing to deal with an English question. The political weakness seems to me to be that while the High Church party has principles as well as the Nonconformists, so that in this respect they are equally matched, the Liberal party, through which the Nonconformists have to act, has at present no principles at all — I mean no religious ones — and is therefore an ineffective instrument. It does not naturally care for spiritual religion as the Tory party naturally cares for the Established Church, so that in the field of action the Nonconformists have all the advantages against them. I am afraid, unless it comes as you suggest to fines and imprisonments all over, they will just be trampled on. I forgot to say that I had made up my mind not to reprint the articles on Romans with this. Partly because the subject has a complete- ness in itself, partly because there is a slight amount of repetition at one point, and partly because I could not think what to call it. Practi- cally I believe it will do more good as it is. 28 LETTERS OF 21 Lynedoch Street, Glasgow, October 16, 1902. I want to ask a considerable favour from you. Could you spare the most of a page of the Scotch edition of the British Weekly to print the enclosed — the address which I gave at the opening of the College yesterday? I wrote it for the present distress, and should like it to be read by more people in the Church than heard it, and you can give the only effective help, if you think it worth while. If not, may I ask you, in spite of all your rules, to let me have it back? We are watching here with the closest interest your action on the Education Bill. If any man is entitled to the credit of the national movement, it is you, and one could only wish for Liberalism a leader with any principle or backbone to take the guidance of it, or responsibility for acting on it. The other side are strong only because we are weak ; and the only sign that they are a little frightened is Chamberlain's visit to Birming- ham, and Balfour's loss of temper. It is not like the popular ideal of him to speak of ' deliberate mendacity.' A few more bye-elections like Sevenoaks and North Leeds would be very opportune. We have begun this session with 20 regular students in the first year — two of them Ferguson PRINCIPAL JAMES DENNEY 29 scholars. It is a mercy to have quality when quantity fails. 21 Lynedoch Street, Glasgow, February 19, 1903. Your faith amazes me. These lectures are like a cloud in front of me, but I cannot sit down to think of them till the session is over, and what will come out of it when I do I have no idea. They might be what I should wish to publish or wish to hide, but if they are likely to do anybody any good, I will certainly think of your assistance in circulating them. Have you any idea of what ' the modern mind ' is ? Is it the same as the Zeitgeist ? or is it something with much more of truth and eter- nity in it than that ? It strikes me that the question about the relation of the modern mind to the atonement is only one phase of the larger question of the relation of reason to revelation, or of human nature to God — a question on which it is easier to say what seem profound philo- sophical things than to say things which really have power either to convince or persuade. But it is no use talking vaguely before the time. I hope you had a good holiday and that your letter in this week's B. W. is not urgently autobiographical. Here we have had frightful 30 LETTERS OF weather, but begin to scent the spring, and feel that we will not go under before it comes. 21 Lynedoch Street, Glasgow, March 18, 1903. Mr. Carroll, of St. John's Church here, an old friend of mine, and a life-long student of Dante, has written a book on the ' Inferno ' 1 which he would like to have published, and asks me to write to you about it. Carroll is one of the most gifted men I know, has been much in Italy, knows Dante not through trans- lations merely, nor commentators, but with an intimacy which if it is not balanced by a strong sense of proportion might qualify him to write a book which only enthusiasts would read ; but I believe he has the faculty to keep proportion, and I should expect his book to be really valuable. May he send it to you, and have your mind about publishing it ? I don't know whether it is a line which Hodder and Stoughton would wish to cultivate — I fancy it is a precarious public to count upon ; but if they should, I am sure Carroll would be a creditable supporter. He has written a few short papers for us in the Union Magazine, but they are slight and give no idea of his power. 1 Dr. Carroll's work on the ' Inferno ' was published by Messrs. Hodder and Stoughton, under the title Exiles of Eternity. The firm also published his work on the ' Purgatorio/ Prisoners of Hope, and on the ' Paradiso/ In Patria. PRINCIPAL JAMES DENNEY 31 15 Lilybank Gardens, Glasgow, June 12, 1903. I have been immersed in the chaos of * flit- ting,' or would have answered you sooner. The three lectures I have to give at Aberdeen are now finished, and I will send you them when I have read them there. They are rather long, severally, for Expositor articles, and too short, collectively, to make even a very little book on religion ; but if you think they would be interesting or useful I should have no objec- tion to their being printed. There is nothing in them about ' the powers of evil ' — not that I do not think there is anything to say, but I do not think it is an aspect of the facts which the modern mind finds very accessible. I read Nordau and Merejowski : in the latter I was much interested, though I cannot say much has remained in my mind except the abstract contrast between Tolstoy and Dostoevsky, which, like all such abstract contrasts, is as false at least as it is true. Merejowski is evidently, like Plato, a most poetic philosopher, and one who could compete with the dramatists on their own ground, but, as far as he has a way of thinking of his own, I do not see in the least how to bring Christianity into contact with it. The one thing in him with which I profoundly agreed, and which I had long felt quite apart from him, is that the things or 32 LETTERS OF aspects of things which we call natural and spiritual do not exist at all except in and through each other. That truth, I am confident, is at the bottom of the simplest statement of the atone- ment — Christ died for our sins. If death was only physical, and if sin and the divine reaction against it were only moral, these words would have no meaning. There must be a ' mystical union ' of the natural and the spiritual in sin if this is the condition of redemption from it. 15 Lilybank Gardens, Glasgow, July 1, 1903. With this you will get the three lectures I gave in Aberdeen. There are, I should say, 24,000 (or thereby) words in them. This might be enough to make a little book on religion, if you thought it worth while to use them so after publication in The Expositor : I should rather like that those who bought the Death of Christ should be able to have this also in a convenient way, as it is partly of the nature of a supplement — at one or two points an explana- tion or defence — of what I have said there. The School was quite a success, — a large gathering and very hearty. Everybody, of course, wanted opportunity for discussion, and the com- mittee, when they try again, will have this in mind ; but with only a few hours altogether, dis- PRINCIPAL JAMES DENNEY 83 cussion is apt to be too engrossing, and the one purpose such a gathering can serve — to bring men who have been out of the way up to time — might easily be defeated. I have a class in which there is always opportunity for discussion, and usually discussion as well ; but what you can do with men whom you meet several times a week may not be so profitable in a chance audience. Smith 1 has had a very bad time, but is getting better. He must walk softly, which he is not used to, for a long time to come. 15 Lilybank Gardens, Glasgow, November 18, 1903. Miss Wallace, whom you know about, has had a story printed in the Union Magazine this year, which she wants to publish as a book. She asked me to write to you about it, and I could not refuse, though I told her it could make no difference either to you or the story. She calls it The Harvest of a Dream, and seems to love it : if she sends it to you, you will know to what I refer. I hope you are keeping well this winter. As a rule I have a Johnsonian indifference to atmo- spheric conditions, but the endless rains of this autumn came as near to making me melan- choly as any weather I have ever known. Smith, 1 Dr. George Adam Smith. C 34 LETTERS OF you will know, has sailed for India : his work is divided between Eaton and Welch. He had been dreadfully ill, and though he was up to his old weight before he left he seemed strangely pithless — for him. I sincerely hope the year off may do him all the good he needs : we miss him dreadfully at the hall. Last month MacEwen in Edinburgh and I in Glasgow gave notice of overtures to the Assembly about the curriculum. What the Assembly will do if the overtures go up I have no idea : to appoint a Committee will likely be everything, to begin with. What we both have in view — don't laugh — is a substantial addition to the length of the session. I have found out already that there will be opposition to it in two at least of the Colleges, if not three ; but nevertheless I have hope that something may be achieved. The universities are feeling the need of it too, and may move at the same time. The one discourag- ing thing is that every one who hears of the session being lengthened immediately assumes that the four years' curriculum must be reduced to three. It may be difficult to stick to four when the Established Church has three, and the U.P.'s were accustomed to it, but the last year, even though we make little use of it, does make most men less unfit to be ministers. PRINCIPAL JAMES DENNEY 35 15 Lilybank Gardens, Glasgow, November 28, 1903. It was very good of you to write me so long a letter, and I am correspondingly grateful. But you must not imagine that you could harrow my soul by anything you say about theological education. I question whether you are as revolutionary about this as I am, and I was very much interested to find that all the points you touched on had in one way or another been forced on my attention before. Last year, at a meeting of the association of former students connected with our College, I opened a discussion on the training of ministers, and a few weeks ago I gave an address on the same subject to the students in the hall at Aberdeen — all the pro- fessors except Johnstone being present. Iver- ach compared it good-humouredly to Chamber- lain's fiscal speeches — the work of a person who is quite clear, quite sure that he is right, very plausible, but entirely, hopelessly, and, if he cannot be suppressed, fatally wrong. I went generally on the line that what we want in ministers is educated men and Christians, but argued that the ways of being educated are now so varied, compared with what they once were, that our narrow compulsory system ought to be revised and largely antiquated. A minister ought to be a specialist in something, no doubt, 36 LETTERS OF but the something is not, or need not be, either textual or historical criticism, on which we waste a disproportionate amount of our time. We could teach a great deal more that would fit men to be ministers if we did not indulge the pretence of teaching through Greek and Hebrew instead of teaching in the mother tongue. You seem to reserve your animosity for Hebrew : I am quite prepared, if a man comes up with an M.A. degree which does not include the subject, to extend it to Greek. Of course I don't think either Greek or Hebrew worthless, nor do I think the Church should be without them, or fear that it will be : but I do think it no better than a superstition to believe that every man who is to preach the Gospel and do pastoral work must affect to be a student of Greek. In our present first year there are men who have honours in chemistry, zoology, mathematics and natural philosophy, and we generally have some now who have economics or history in their degree ; all these are just as good instruments of culture as Greek or Hebrew ; and as for finding the word of God in Holy Scripture, and presenting it for the edifying of the Church, the men who cannot do that with the English Bible — which is all that the Church itself has to depend upon — cannot do it at all. I entirely agree with you about English too, and spoke of it at Aberdeen. I have fort- nightly papers written by my classes, and the PRINCIPAL JAMES DENNEY 37 correction of them is as much teaching English grammar and composition as anything else. It is not always that they have no ideas, but there is not one man in a score who can say what he means. Partly from impotence and partly from ambition, they are totally unable to put their minds plainly on paper. But though all this is sad truth, I do not hope for much more than an extension of the session, and it may not be quite easy to get even that. About the Atonement, I have no desire nor intention to say more at present, 1 but I will be interested to hear what Peake says. To reduce St. Paul to moral commonplace is very far from my intention, but I must frankly say that be- tween soaring above the intelligible and sinking beneath it there does not seem to me to be much to choose : and when a man maintains that there is something which may be described as a 4 mystical union,' which transcends a moral union, all I can say is that my mind does not follow him. I cannot conceive anything which transcends a moral union. There is a mystical union, if you like, between a stone and God, but the union of man and God transcends the mystical and rises out of it, into the region of the intelligible and moral. It does not seem to me to be clipping or sweating the spiritual coinage to say this : on 1 Dr. Denney's work, The Atonement and the Modern Mind (Hodder and Stoughton), was published iu 1903. 38 LETTERS OF the contrary, much of what appears (in St. Paul) to favour the idea of a mystical as going beyond a moral union is the language of passion, which has a poetic and emotional truth — a kind of truth which is necessary to religion — but which loses its truth the moment it is turned into prose. It is just like the language of passion in which the sacramental bread and wine are called the body and blood of Christ. No other language would satisfy Christian feeling. Yet they are not the body and blood of Christ, and a great deal that is written about the mystical union seems to me as unreal as transubstantiation. Probably there will always be differences here due to differences of temperament, some men having more need than others for particular modes of expression. I hope nothing may hinder you from writing the series of papers you propose on the Atone- ment and Modern Literature. Few people read theology and everybody reads novels, and you have the art of speaking both to the few and the many. I used to be annoyed in Oliver Wendell Holmes with his insistence on physiology in morals, and should hardly think it so important as you seem to do. But are you not wrong in saying that he ' took up Darwin's conclusions as showing that the area of responsibility is far more contracted than the theologians imagined,' etc. ? Holmes never had a word more to say than he said in the Autocrat, and the Autocrat is a year PRINCIPAL JAMES DENNEY 39 older than the Origin of Species. Personally, I always feel that the ultimate effect of Darwinism must be to enlarge indefinitely the area of re- sponsibility, and in some ways the general con- science is coming to recognise this too. When we look back in the Darwinian light, our responsi- bility seems less ; but when we look forward, if we acknowledge responsibility at all, as every one does, whatever his philosophy, then our responsi- bility is enormously increased. Everything that intensifies this feeling will work in the long run to make the atonement credible, and I feel pretty sure that the common conscience, while it may be fully as ready as it once was to impute its burdens to its ancestry, is more sensitive than it was about transmitting them to posterity. When you begin your articles you can count on an interested public. 15 Lilybank Gardens, Glasgow, January 5, 1904. I am posting with this the article on Harnack and Loisy. It is an interesting duel, and I wish Harnack could find leisure to say something more. He seems to me the better Christian of the two, but they are both anxious to run a very big concern on a quite inadequate capital. I see what you mean about Mark Rutherford, and agree ; but do you think it is true to say — 40 LETTERS OF 4 this is the good in life which is in a manner within the reach of all ' ? Sometimes one is tempted to think that there is nothing which is so little within people's reach as this deliverance through love. What an immense number of women there are in this country who never get the chance of it, or any chance they can take, and who when they get to about eight and twenty begin to be a little bitter and irritable and gene- rally sceptical about all things. What a number of people, too, don't really get it even when they marry — they get the music of the fiddle, as Ibsen says, where there are always strings breaking and needing to be mended, but not the thrilling passionate music of the bell, which once cracked (he seems to think it is mostly cracked) can never be mended. It was partly with this in my mind that I did not emphasise love in the De- liverance. Resignation and doing good are open doors to everybody in a sense in which love is not. About Mark Rutherford's own history I know nothing, and I was not attracted by his interest in the incompatibilities, especially in his later books. Clara Hopgood I thought detestable. The year is too new yet to have yielded any news. We are living in a reign of interdicts and responses which seem intended only to illustrate the malignity and unscrupulousness of the ' Free ' Church, and the imbecility of the law. When PRINCIPAL JAMES DENNEY 41 we will see the end of it I cannot imagine. Churches may be annexed to any extent to which the minority please before Parliament can do anything, and if they like to spend the capital of the funds in their hands the minority may keep them going for a while. I did not think that such unprincipled and unscrupulous scoun- drelism as is being deliberately planned and practised every day was within the limits of possibility in men who had Bibles and affected an unusual reverence for them. It really looks as if they thought the highness of their creed could cover any depth of lowness in their con- duct. 15 Lilybank Gardens, Glasgow, February 10, 1904. ... I am glad you feel the better of your holiday, for your work in the B. W. is cut out for you. There has not been such an approach to political chaos in my memory, and the levity of the responsible people in face of Russian wars and education iniquities and Chinese slavery and Protectionist bribing of the people seriatim at the cost of swindling them en masse is enough to make one despair. I heard Campbell-Bannerman when he was here lately. He was in remarkably good spirits, spoke wisely, and wittily, and had a great reception : but there was not enough of momentum in it. In- 42 LETTERS OF deed there was no momentum at all. He spoke like a man who was happy in having an excellent case, not like a man with a cause — it is the want of such a man that is the ruin of Liberalism just now. Positively I have had more hope of the Duke of Devonshire than of any other man on the scene. Can you offer me a job if the House of Lords gives my salary to the true Free Church ? 15 Lilybank Gardens, Glasgow, February 19, 1904. I cannot find words to express my sense of the extraordinary kindness of your letter of yesterday. It would never have occurred to me to put labour or responsibility on anybody else, least of all on any one so occupied as you are, in connection with the collapse of the Union Mag. At present I can only thank you, as I do most heartity, for your interest in our poor concerns : when I have seen Dr. Orr, and talked it over with him, I will write again with more particulars of the situation. But I ought to thank your publishers too, even in this note ; it is exceedingly generous of them to make the offer which they do. My first feeling, or next after the first, was, as I told you, one of relief. I dislike as much as Swift or anybody to hear men talking of how much they have to do ; but I have to lecture twelve hours a week, spend as PRINCIPAL JAMES DENNEY 43 much time on students' papers— not perhaps a wise investment for me, but the only way in which I can get work out of a lot of them— preach every Sunday, and either do or refuse to do a crowd of other things, besides the reading and writing which are one's proper business ; and I frankly say that the unfortunate and inevitable Magazine sometimes came near being the last straw. You know that the first thing in that kind of work is speed, and I am not speedy in anything, and apparently cannot acquire it. But I share strongly your opinion that it is a pity to see the Christian religion beaten out of the region in which people generally lead their intellectual life ; and adding to this the aversion of the natural man to being beaten, my inclination would be, if things should make it practicable, to try again. What Dr. Orr may say I do not know, but I should think he would be favourable. His connection with the Magazine was older, and his affection for it more sentimental than mine. If it is to be suspended for a little while anyhow, perhaps I might see you before anything further has to be decided. I have to be in Oxford some time in May in connection with Welsh University Examinations ; and could easily take a run to London when there. 44 LETTERS OF 15 Lilybank Gardens, Glasgow, March 16, 1904. With this I send a paper apropos of Gardner and Jiilicher, or rather of Gardner alone : Jiilicher is a book one could only treat in detail. It is heavy, I fear, but this reconstruction of the New Testament has got to a point at which what we want most is a statement of first principles — such as might be evolved if the Harnack and Loisy duel were fought out to the end. The tacit presupposition of much criticism is that Jesus was just another man ; and the astonishing thing is that in the circum- stances, with this one essential point fixed in advance, people should imagine that there is still anything particular in the New Testament to talk about. What we want, along with a consideration of first principles, is a statement of the mind of Christ about Himself : I feel as sure as I can be of anything that to this the Christian religion will be driven back, and I am equally sure that there it is impregnable, both ' histori- cally ' and ' spiritually.' We have not yet finished up the affairs of the Union Magazine so as to be able to show you exactly how it stood, but Dr. Orr, who is looking after it, hopes to be able to do so soon. If I did not tell you before, I ought to do so now, that he appreciates as highly as I do your extraordinary kindness in connection with it. PRINCIPAL JAMES DENNEY 45 I thought Carnegie Simpson did Dods very well in the British Monthly. If he goes to Canada I shall be sorry, as he is a near neighbour here and a friend. 15 Lilybank Gardens, Glasgow, May 28, 1904. I have made up my mind with much regret to decline your generous offer about restarting the Union Magazine. The more I thought of it, the more I appreciated your kindness, but the more also I became convinced that the work was not for me. You will think I will not do anything better with the time I spent on it, or any the more at all because I have so much the less to do, but this is the conclusion to which I have come. Dr. Orr, you may know, is very anxious to continue, and unless you feel precluded by the possibilities involved in the circular which I enclose, I hope you can make the proposal to him alone which you made to us jointly. About this circular I have not been able to find out much. I asked Erskine, the printer, about it, and he said he was not at liberty to mention the names which were behind it, but he alluded in- advertently to MacEwen and Ross Taylor, though Ross Taylor, he said, wished to remain in the background. From these names I should be disposed to infer that the new move is being 46 LETTERS OF engineered by people who do not agree with the line Orr and I took upon public questions : but I do not know for certain. In the course of next week, the meeting to which the circular refers will probably be held, and it will be apparent then whether anything can be done to make a fresh start on a three- penny basis. A paper like the Young Man, with 46 pp. and 4 pp. of inset advertisements, is Erskine's notion of what is wanted ; as he has had the circulation of it for twelve years he perhaps knows what people are willing to pay. The Natural Science Chair had a narrow squeak for life — at least the regular professorship had. Iverach spoke strongly for a full session of teach- ing on the relations of science and religion in- stead of the forty lectures we get at present, as if the one fundamental fault of our system was not that students get far too many lectures already, and that in any rearrangements we make the number must be diminished, not increased. I have written an article on the training of a minister for the next London Quarterly ; I should expect you to agree with it as far as it goes. 15 Lilybank Gardens, Glasgow, July 10, 1904. ... It was very good of you to write as you did again about the Union Magazine, and I PRINCIPAL JAMES DENNEY 47 am more grateful than I can say ; but the more I think of it the clearer it seems that it is not a work to which I have any call. I would gladly be a contributor on occasion, if it could be undertaken by anybody else, but the regular responsibility of it does not suit either my faculties or my other engagements. It is with the more regret I say this, that Dr. Orr's interest in it is quite keen, and that there will no doubt come occasions in our Church life when such a mode of address would be particularly useful ; but I hope you can believe that I have done my best not to be selfish in deciding. I wish you could find some younger and more fertile mind and make the same generous offer to him. Last week I was in Aberystwyth and heard Silvester Home and Jones of Bournemouth. They had an enthusiastic audience and made good speeches. The Church evidently counts for far more in Aberystwyth than in Glasgow. Who could get a crowd here on a summer night to hear about Free Church principles or any other principles ? 15 Lilybank Gardens, Glasgow, July 12, 1904. You must marvel at my infirmity of purpose, and I need not try to explain it. I really did not think, nor do I think yet, that this Magazine 48 LETTERS OF work is a thing I am meant for ; but I feel what a good thing it might be, and what decided me at the last moment to try again was rather the feeling that I was keeping the light from being quenched than that I could ever fan it into a flame. Possibly if it is kept from going out for a year or two some man may appear with the gift and the will to tend it : if so, I will gladly resign my place to him. When I saw you, I forgot to speak about advertisements, which used to be a good part of the income : but I presume Hodder and Stoughton will look after these, as well as all about paper, printing, producing of pictures, etc. ; and that our business — I mean Dr. Orr's and mine — will be solely the providing of the literary matter, and the photos, or whatever else the pictures are to be taken from. The one dread I have about it, apart from the labour, is that it is too small for the money, that people will not give 6d. for it, and that the publishers will lose by it ; and, though you have said everything that kindness could say to mitigate that apprehension, it comes back on one's mind, and if it were to be realised would certainly make one feel unhappy. However, I am truly anxious to save the life of the thing, if I can, and you will understand this, I hope, in spite of vacillations. PRINCIPAL JAMES DENNEY 49 15 Lilybank Gardens, Glasgow, August 4, 1904. With this I am sending some observations on Hastie's book. 1 It is not a very good subject, but it may give you an idler day in August, and I am sure you want one. So do I. It is curious how Hastie touches on a number of the subjects which the House of Lords has made so interesting, and in what I have said I have referred principally to these. Hastie's death is a great loss to the Established Church. The sensation of the judgment is spreading as the significance of it in detail comes home to people's minds. Some, like Rainy, think its seriousness cannot be exaggerated ; others, with Sheriff Guthrie, do not see the need of putting so grave a face upon it. Some settlement must be made — so they say : and when matters come to a point they may not be so bad after all. I entirely agree with the strain in which you have written about it, and I am quite sure that what- ever happens there will be no thought of giving up ' spiritual independence.' Whatever may be thought of it in the House of Lords, it is the one thing which everybody in the Church understands, 1 The Theology of the Reformed Church in its Fundamental Principles, by Rev. Dr. Hastie, Professor of Divinity in Glasgow University. The work was published after Dr. Hastie's death, with an introduction by Professor Flint. Dr. Denney's article on it, entitled ' A State Church Theologian,' appeared in the British Weekly of August 25, 1904. D 50 LETTERS OF and I have not come across anybody who does not see that when it is refused there is no longer any such thing as a Church. What I dread most is what I feel most — the temptation to indulge one's temper, and to say what one feels about representatives and supporters of the other side. But I hope the magnitude of the crisis will help everybody to behave worthily. What you say about the parties agreeing to promote an Act of Parliament will find very general support. We, of course, have nothing to offer, and nothing to negotiate upon — like a Free Trade government dealing with tariff-walled nations ; but it will be possible to get into relations with the appellants somehow, and to see what they want to do or to get. The people for whom I feel most are the ministers and members in the Highlands who adhered to the Union, and will have to lose their churches and manses in consequence. The loss of a great part of our bursary funds, too, might be very embarrassing at the Hall, for many students cannot do without them. Whether Free Church Professors will have any salaries left them, and if so what, remains to be seen : meanwhile we have nothing. I believe what would be felt more than anything as a kind of insult within the injury would be the appropria- tion of the Assembly Hall and the New College. It must be tempting for the appellants to seal their triumph visibly in some such way : but PRINCIPAL JAMES DENNEY 51 perhaps Glasgow College would suit them better. We are in some way entirely in their hands. As for an Act of Parliament, I believe Balfour would do anything reasonably within his power to conciliate good will in Scotland : he needs all he can get. And Balfour of Burleigh would help him, knowing that any liberty legally secured to our Church would also be legally secured for his : at least he would feel that we could not decently oppose its extension even to the Establishment. But there may be a good while of suspense, and the need of raising another £30,000 a year to carry on the work which has hitherto depended on endowments. The Hotel, Abingtox, Lanarkshire, September 9, 1904. You may be away before this gets to London, but I take the risk. You know I can only welcome any suggestions about the Magazine, and I am much indebted for those in your last letter. The only thing in your letter which doesn't quite commend itself is the suggestion about Mark Rutherford. All his books make a strong impression, but to me it is an intensely disagreeable one, and I would rather forget than digest it. No doubt that is cowardly and immoral, but it is instinctive — which you may say only makes it worse. If any one sent a good 52 LETTERS OF article I should willingly accept it, but I do not feel moved to look for one, or to attempt one myself. 15 Lilybank Gardens, Glasgow, October 8, 1904. Your letter was as much of an astonishment to me as R. R. Simpson and Lawson's was to you, and with all that you say about the latter I cordially agree. I anticipated, as you know, that people might find fault with us for using the name of the Church, but I thought only of irresponsible persons who might think it presum- ing on our part, not of officials who would try to prevent it as illegal. You must not include me in the ranks of United Free officialdom : I was never in my life a member of any standing committee of Assembly, nor am I now, though I have tried to do my duty by the Church as a full private. If there are two men alive who have worked harder and more disinterestedly for it than you and Orr, I don't know them. Our affairs at present look as black as can be, except inside the Church. I do not believe there is any prospect worth mentioning of discussion in our congregations ; but when it comes to negotiations with the other side, they have an unassailable position in the Lords' decision, and their only idea seems to be to use it unscrupu- PRINCIPAL JAMES DENNEY 53 lously, no matter what becomes of the work of the Church, to humiliate the majority and to rob them. Isn't it queer to see a body which has just been fastened by the law to the Revolution Settlement recruiting the professors who are to train its ministers from O.S. and R.P. sources, whose raison d'etre was and is to denounce the Revolution Settlement ? But compared with other scandals, this is a scandal of a highly respectable character. 15 Lilybank Gardens, Glasgow, December 22, 1904. Many thanks for your note. If I write another book at all, I should like to write on a subject which needs a big one, and it could certainly not be done for next autumn. Lately I wrote a paper on the Harnack and Loisy controversy about the Essence of Christianity : if you cared for that kind of thing for The Expositor — I think myself it is interesting, though I daresay it has gone off the boil for a little — I will send it. But I should have to abridge it somewhat. Ramsay's new book x has a lot of interesting matter in it, mostly of the nature of preface to Revelation, or rather to the New Testament, and to early Christian history in general. On the 1 Letters to the Seven Churches of Asia, by Sir William M. Hamsay, P.C.L., LL.D. 54 LETTERS OF epistles to the churches he has not any conclusive addition to make to what recent expositors have done. I have written something about it in the Magazine, making the best of it, but hinting at the fantastic side of his new thoughts — which he himself admits. I am glad to hear that you think the sale en- couraging. Until the booksellers return at the end of three months what they have not sold, I do not feel at liberty to be sanguine about this : Geddes is always sanguine, and requires to be discounted. But it would be pleasant to think that more people were taking it. 15 Lilybank Gardens, Glasgow, April 11, 1905. It occurred to me yesterday in sending you a notice of Rosadi's Trial of Jesus, that I never answered your last letter about the Commission. The reason was that the Commissioners decided at once not to hear the kind of evidence you and others were prepared to give, and that of course you knew at once. On what principle they actually proceeded I could never make out, as they heard or refused to hear about the intentions of donors in the most capricious fashion. I am going to America at the end of May, and will be away all summer. The Magazine will be mainly in Dr. Orr's hands for the time, but I will PRINCIPAL JAMES DENNEY 55 arrange for as much as I can before leaving ; and will be able to have some hand in it all the time. We do not hear much of it, and I have an impres- sion that it is not taking hold to any great extent, though the things that are said of it are friendly enough. We get very few books to review, fewer than under the former conditions : why, I cannot tell. This, of course, is the dull season, but I hope we may get more in autumn. Do you think there is any opening in English for a book of selections from Kierkegaard ? I do not ask as if I were intending to produce one —I do not know Danish at all, but Dr. Grieve of Greyfriars' here, the translator of Deissmann's Bible Studies, and a really gifted man, knows Kierkegaard well in his native tongue, and would like to know whether there are prospects for such a work. I believe it would consist for the most part of selections from his diaries, of which there are eight volumes in print. Amiel's journal is the kind of model Dr. Grieve would have in view ; but Kierkegaard is piquant and rebellious : not apathetic and resigned. I once thought of doing a translation (from the German) of his extra- ordinary study of Abraham's sacrifice, and print- ing it in the Magazine as a specimen ; and I may do so yet. His more formal works do not seem to me likely to have any vogue in this country. They are as much eccentric as original, and with sober minds a little paradox goes a long way. 56 LETTERS OF What a preposterous book Rosadi's Trial of Jesus is ! It is difficult to understand a man using such a subject as the vehicle for conveying his opinions on all that is of present interest in Italian politics ; but that is what he has done. As for the translator, if he knows Italian he does not know English, and his mangling of the ancient languages is past belief. Dr. Emil Reich, how- ever, is the absurdest of the three, and ought to be put down. A man who knows himself to be infallible might surely be at the expense of good manners even in correcting fools, but this omni- scient alien contrives to be as impertinent as he is absurd. He should be deported, and asked to apply his great mind to the relations of Hungary to Germanic Austria. I was truly sorry for you that the Brighton election came just when it was most difficult for you to get the good of it, but it doesn't matter. Balfour is in to stay as long as the Septennial Act will let him, and all we can do is to wonder at the House of Commons which supports a man who so ostentatiously despises it. 15 Lilybank Gardens, Glasgow, October 4, 1905. I only came back from America to-day, and was horrified to see in the B. W. opinions of mine about American preaching which I really PRINCIPAL JAMES DENNEY 57 must disclaim. While I was on the other side I heard very little preaching but my own ; and B. has generalised from the impression I gave him of one sermon I heard in ' the more cultured part of the country.' There are people preaching in America, I dare say, as there are plenty preaching at home, to whom it does not seem to have occurred that Jesus is the Lord, and that the Christian religion is faith, and that faith is some kind of utter dependence ; and the impression that kind of thing makes on one who can read the New Testament is very disconcerting. But I never said or dreamt of saying that that kind of thing was character- istic of American preaching, nor could I possibly have any right to think or say so. Do insert a line to say that I disclaim any opinion about American preaching, having only heard two or three sermons during the four months I was in the country. I would not mind what anybody represented me as saying except that everybody in America was so kind to me, and this looks like speaking ill of them behind their backs — and makes me feel mean. I enjoyed Northfield very much, especially as I was staying with Paul Moody, who attended my class here a couple of years ago, and who made me feel at home. Campbell Morgan was there, and I heard him preach twice — once magnificently. ... It will not be news to you that the B. W . 58 LETTERS OF has many interested readers both in the States and in Canada ; we came across them all over. We spent a fortnight before leaving for home in Canada, and saw Toronto, Montreal, and Quebec. They have done very well for Toronto in getting Kennedy and Kilpatrick to go there, and they have really a magnificent opening : I hope they may prosper. I have not yet seen any one here to know what our prospects are for the winter : we certainly will not have the Canadian support we had last year. I hope you are well and fit for the winter's work : it does not seem politically as if it were going to be so short or so triumphant as some people expected a few months ago. 15 Lilybank Gardens, Glasgow, October 17, 1905. Many thanks for the line you inserted about my opinion of American preaching : I only hope Bridgman will take note of it. I have read Mackennal's life, 1 but except in a few sentences here and there it did not much interest me. The series of letters on which the author lays such stress is good enough, but the perplexities which it discusses are of the sort 1 By the Rev. Dugald Macfadyen (James Clarke and Co.). The article to which Dr. Denney refers appeared as a signed leader in British Weekly of November 2, 1905. PRINCIPAL JAMES DENNEY 59 which people generally digest in private. I have written a paper, not in connection with anything in the book, still less in America ; but apropos of a remark of Dr. Mackennal that he did not care much for the antithesis of objective and sub- jective in discussing the atonement. No more do I, and in fact what I have written is meant to show that the words in question are not only misleading but meaningless in any discourse about Christ. Of course I don't use them in the paper. Our College opened to-day. Orr gave his lecture — one which he printed lately in an Ameri- can Baptist Review — on ' The Place of Christ in Modern Thought.' Philosophers and historians seem always to be at cross purposes somewhat when they discuss this subject, but I never heard Orr so impressive and eloquent. I have no idea yet what kind of classes we may have, but we had the best meeting of former students we have had for a long time, and the air seemed to be rather more vital than usual. You will see that the commission is getting under weigh, and I heard to-day from Howie that the latest rumour is that the minority will get either Aberdeen College or the Offices on the Mound. As you know, there are many in the Church, though more U.P.'s than F.C. men, who would quite cheerfully see Aberdeen thus dis- posed oi. But as such a settlement would be 60 LETTERS OF equally resented by Aberdeen and by the Wee Frees, I should think it in the highest degree improbable. I agree with you about the God save the people kind of hymn, and it may interest you to know that the commonest subject of complaint in our Churches, among old and young, men and women, especially those of any education, is that we have too few psalms in our praise and too many hymns. For this, organs are to blame. 15 Lilybank Gardens, Glasgow, November 8, 1905. I send with this an article on Stevens. 1 There is really just one mistake in the book, but it is perpetrated a thousand times, and makes him endlessly unjust to almost everybody he criti- cises : that one I think I have sufficiently pointed out. I don't think I ever read such a water-logged sort of book ; it is really like one of the old wooden ships that would neither founder nor steer, and sometimes you feel as if there was not a soul on board to tell you even where they wanted to go. His incapacity for seeing what earlier theologians were absorbed in when they discussed the work of Christ is astound- ing. It has evidently been given (I should say) 1 The Christian Doctrine of Salvation, by G. B. Stevens, Ph.D., D.D., LL.D. (T. and T. Clark). PRINCIPAL JAMES DENNEY 61 as lectures to a class ; it is chopped into bits all of the same length no matter what the subject — the length being determined by the time at his disposal for lecturing purposes. The idea of his heading the anarchists in theology, considering his record, is too absurd. Many thanks for the Day-book of Claudius Clear. I envy you everything in it — the abund- ance of matter, the ease or apparent ease of writing, the memory, the relevance, the good sense and good feeling — the whole thing, in short. I hope it may be as popular as its predecessor. 15 Lilybank Gardens, Glasgow, November 17, 1905. Your reflections on professors interested me as they always do, and when the match is set to the gunpowder we will see what happens. I hardly think the explosion will be very alarming. If you add up the professors in all the colleges, the number who have gone to America or Australia in twenty years is not very great ; and though I have no intention of cross- ing the sea again, I don't suppose this kind of sin excites much animosity in the church. The root of all the evil is the length of the summer, and the vis inertia? of men. I quite acknow- ledge that the Church pays for all my time, and I think, quite frankly, that it gets the whole 62 LETTERS OF of my strength ; but I would be quite glad if what it expected from me were more clearly denned. Here, in Glasgow, we all preach — all but Lindsay, who has literally no breath ; and to preach every Sunday all winter, even though you only take one service, is a sensible addition to your other work. There are 200 churches in Glasgow Presbytery, and it is only by the most dogged rudeness to your co- presbyters that you are able to keep out of week-night engagements. I don't know how they do it in England, but here it is quite impossible for professors as a class to have nothing to do in Church work ; you must have to do with it, and let it pass as part of your service, even though it is not favourable to writing books or guiding thought. The only remorseful reflection that Orr, Smith, or I can have under this head is that we have probably written more books than had much guidance for thought in them. What did you mean when you wrote : ' I think I wrote you that I was hoping to hear of the progress of the book ? ' What book ? I am not writing one, though there is one wanted on the Gospels ; and I have foolishly undertaken a number of articles both for Hastings and for Jacobus (whom I liked better than any man I met in America), that will take all my spare time for a good while. Some of them are on the Gospels — I mean on Gospel subjects— and I hope will be useful to those who read dictionaries. PRINCIPAL JAMES DENNEY 63 What we really want here is a longer session, so much longer that we must be at our proper work most of the time ; and that we shall not get. It may be lengthened by three weeks or a month, but no more, and even that is doubtful. Orr is reviewing Stevens in the Expository Times. As he knows and likes him, he may be more complimentary to him than I. 15 Lilybank Gardens, Glasgow, December 22, 1905. I am sorry I cannot do a leader for you for January 4. It so happens that I have let myself in for a lot of things just at the holiday time, and will find it difficult to do this and to get the day or two off which I need. I congratulate you on your 1000th number, and on the place the B. W. has attained. There was a young fellow in here last night who envied you the pontificate you exercised for such multi- tudes of readers in religion, politics, and letters. He put it in the disagreeable way of saying that he could not think of anybody who would be more missed than you, and told me he had read The Iron Gate with avidity by the light of the lamp on a country railway station. As his appetites are not particularly spiritual, this is an appreciation with which you have a right to be pleased. 64 LETTERS OF One of the things which occupies a little of my time at present is reading the proofs of Lindsay's book on the Reformation which is coming out in Clark's International Series. Lindsay is one of the happy men who read a page at a time and therefore cannot spell ; I am one of the poor wretches who do their reading in the infant school style, individualising vowels and consonants with scrupulous care, and therefore useful as a cor- rector of the press. I look forward to this when I can lecture no more. Lindsay's book, if I am any judge, is a really masterly piece of work, and it pierces me to the heart that it should come out in a series. There are to be two volumes, but they should have been published as an inde- pendent work ; it would have been far greater glory both to Lindsay and the College, and the book would have had a far better chance of getting known as an authority. 15 Lilybank Gardens, Glasgow, W., January 31, 1906. I am glad you are going to have a rest, and will send something for the B. W. in time for the 15th. The election has dazed every- body a little, and politics will be more inter- esting than they have been for long when Parliament meets. You must feel rewarded for your efforts on the right side, and I hope PRINCIPAL JAMES DENNEY 65 the issue will not have anything in it to disappoint you. It was very good of you to speak so cordially of the U. F. C. Magazine at the beginning of the month, and I fear it is not out of the need of it. The advertisements, which used to bring in a considerable sum, have practically vanished, and Geddes who has this in charge says he has so much other work to do for Hodder and Stoughton that he has simply no time to give to this. If this is so, it is a pity, or, as an old gardener once said to me when I said it was a pity his strawberries had been blighted in a thunderstorm, ' It 's waur than a peety, it 's a loss.' Envying your pro- spects of sunshine and profitable reading, in a Christian and Pickwickian sense, I am, &c. Broughty Ferry, June 6, 1906. I am truly sorry to refuse to help you just now, but it is really impossible. My Communion address at the Assembly would be of no use, and this week is already congested with preaching and lecturing. The Assembly was humdrum on the whole. I was not present at the Church and State dis- cussion, as I had to leave that morning to be at a meeting in Shrewsbury. The report in the Scotsman gave me the impression that there is E 66 LETTERS OF hardly more principle in our Assembly with regard to disestablishment than there is in the House of Commons with regard to religious education. If people get what they want them- selves, they seem to find it enormously easy to forget others, especially if they are few. ' Why shouldn't Presbyterians combine in Scotland especially when their members would make other Christians a negligible quantity ? ' The cer- tainty that other Christians would be treated as negligible greatly mitigates, I must confess, any enthusiasm I might feel for further union. I hope I believe in the mystical body, the body which is constituted by the one Spirit ; but in the visible reduction of this body to one legal corporation — and that is what our ecclesiastical unions produce — I believe less and less. Perhaps it is because I know Congregationalism less that I see or seem to see the truth in it but not its drawbacks. Anyhow, the drawbacks of a Church which has no external compulsion on it to be just are so conspicuous that I don't crave for more unions till we are all more conscientious men. Have you any feeling that people are getting sick of the Education Bill, and that the Govern- ment will suffer neither for the goodness nor the badness but for the abhorred presence of the thing ? The only thing the ' silent voter ' wants is to hear no more about it, and if it were possible PRINCIPAL JAMES DENNEY 67 that it should lead to an election in spring, I fear it would be all up with the Liberal Government. The poor Government are much to be pitied when friends and foes conspire to prevent them from acting on principle, and then unite to de- nounce their unprincipled action. I am far from thinking you are to be pitied, but I am truly sorry that, after doing more than any other man to get a Liberal majority on this very subject, you should find your own principle of settlement the only one which meanwhile is declined all round. But the very impracticabilities of Clause 4 and all such clauses promise you success at last. Broughty Ferry, July 2, 1906. I am truly sorry to hear you have had so bad a time, and would have sent you some- thing better if I could. But I have been here since the second week of April, and to add the business and the pleasures of one's old congre- gation for a whole summer to what had already been undertaken in the shape of other work has proved rather exhausting. My successor here, Macgilvray, has a year's leave of absence — he has been very ill — and I am on duty in his place till the beginning of September. If I had only had the church, it would have been delightful, but I had a good deal of other work on hand when I 68 LETTERS OF was asked what help I could give here, and, though you might not think it, I am really tired. How- ever, as there is good news of Macgilvray, Mrs. Denney and I are enjoying the strange experience of resuming our old duties again and living in our old house. I have been intending for some time to write to you about the Magazine : it does not seem to be doing at all. The advertisements have quite disappeared, and, as a large proportion of the revenue came from them, it can only be carried on at a heavy loss. At the Assembly too I heard from Geddes, who acts for Messrs. H. and S. in Edinburgh, that only 2300 were being printed, and that he had no idea of how many were being returned, as the returns were made to London. This seems to me just about as unsatisfactory as could be, and I really think it is worth while to consider whether in the circumstances it should be kept on. I know that neither Dr. Orr nor I would have anything to say if it were decided to discontinue it before the three years' experiment which you proposed to give it. It does not seem to meet any particular want in the Church, and it is difficult in a periodical which only comes out once in a month to keep up with the subjects of passing interest which might perhaps attract more readers. I have an impression too, though I do not wish to suggest that any one is to blame, that the disappearance of the advertisements is PRINCIPAL JAMES DENNEY 69 part of the result of a general want of interest in the commercial side of the business. But that may be quite wrong : one could understand that advertisers want a bigger circulation than the Magazine can claim. I wish you would tell me what you think about this, or what the publishers think. What a jungle the Education Bill is becoming. If the House of Lords mangle it past recognition, do you suppose the present House of Commons would venture on the logical alternative sup- ported by you and Chamberlain ? The more intricate the jungle, the clearer and more tempt- ing the way out. Broughty Ferry, July 26, 1906. Many thanks for your letter. Should I write formally now to Messrs. Hodder and Stoughton about stopping the Magazine ? or is it enough that you have seen them about it ? I have read the letters on the Sermon on the Mount with interest, and might write an article if it did not need to be a learned one. 1 I have not read Lyttelton's book, and as it is a big book I do not want to read it just now ; but if one could do anything relevant out of his own head I might try. When would you want it ? As for ' my book ' and the ' solemn silence ' 1 These letters appeared in the British Weekly of July. 70 LETTERS OF over it, I fear the silence must be maintained. I do want to write something on the subject you mentioned, and I even intend and hope to. But it will be a little while yet till I get started, and even after that I may get stuck. There is an old Canon in Consuelo, who says it is much nicer to talk about a book you are going to write than to hear other people talking about a book you have written ; but it is not this that makes me slow. I have a superstitious feeling that if I talk about anything I will never do it at all. No doubt that damages in some way or other the things one does, but I cannot get over the feeling that there is something in it. I hope there is nothing in what the specialist told you about your lungs. No men work more in the dark than doctors, and cures seem to be due either to nature or to faith — not to art. I have read most of Moliere lately, and had some happy times with his reflections on physicians. The one thing I envy in what you have recently betrayed of your prospects is the chance of talking over a play of Shakespeare weekly with a com- petent person. I should like to hear your con- verse, and once in a while perhaps join in. Broughty Ferry, August 7, 1906. Many thanks for your letter. I have written to Hodder and Stoughton, and, as Dr. Orr had PRINCIPAL JAMES DENNEY 71 already heard from them, I assume this is the end of the Magazine. I had told Dr. Orr what you said about the editing, so that there is no necessity for your writing ; but as his heart has really been engaged in the business not only while I have been his associate, but much longer, I am sure it would be grateful to him. I am sending with this the article on the Sermon on the Mount, 1 and am glad you have a moralist like Dods and a critic like Moffatt to tackle it. But I am sure it was meant to defy the mind, which is a great part of the art of preaching, and that therefore nothing said by any or by all of us can either be or seem satisfying. It would be a great point gained if people would only con- sider that it was a sermon, and was preached, not an act which was passed. But these italics horrify me and I am sure you, so I will leave it here. 15 Lilybank Gardens, Glasgow, W., September 15, 1906. I am writing to ask a favour from you. On Tuesday I have to give the opening lecture at the Baptist College in Bristol, and if any one sends you a paragraph about it for the B. W. will you give directions to have it left out. The 1 Dr. Denney's article on 'The Literal Interpretation of the Sermon on the Mount' appeared in the liritish Weekly of August 23, 1U0G. 72 LETTERS OF reason I ask this is that I am going to give the same lecture at the opening of our own College next month, and if the heads of it appeared in the B. W. I should be given away. Are you going to the University celebrations at Aberdeen ? or do your notorious opinions about professors debar you from such functions ? A little of the kind of thing they are arranging will go a long way with most people. The papers on the Sermon on the Mount seem to have provided lots of men with a text, but the general impression is that we are not further on. I had a letter of twelve pages from a Christian Socialist, accusing Dods and me of making conscience a higher authority than Christ. This is a ticklish point, but I answered him as dis- creetly as I could. Moffatt's article was the one I was most curious to see, and the one which did interest me most : it struck me as mighty clever, but so impalpable that only another man as clever as the writer would see all that was in it. He greatly relieved me also by writing two columns more than I did, for I was shocked to see that I had done one more than Dods. I expect we shall have him this winter at the Hall to deliver the Bruce lectures — the date, however, is not fixed. Everybody here is sick of waiting for the Com- mission, and particularly disgusted that no settle- ment has yet been made about the New College. PRINCIPAL JAMES DENNEY 78 The general impression, right or wrong, is that the fact of having the law on their side will eventu- ally count to the Free Church for much more than it should ; especially if any inference can be drawn from the attitude of the sub-commis- sioners. I only hope now that we may not lose our College as the price of saving the Edinburgh one, but this is an idea with which people's minds ought not to be familiarised. Ballater, October 2, 1906. I was sorry I did not have an opportunity of speaking to you at Aberdeen. Except at the banquet, I never so much as saw you, and though that, as it happened, was very much of a conversazione, we were hardly within convers- ing distance. I hope such a week of stand- ing and smiling and speech-making may not take a year from the old Chancellor's life. On the whole, it was a much more imposing and suc- cessful function than the 450th anniversary of Glasgow, which was celebrated a few years ago. I have thought over your proposal about the B. W., and concluded to give it a trial. To be quite candid, I have no such fertility of mind as can be depended on to produce interesting matter regularly — I don't need to tell you that ; but between books and other things I dare say 74 LETTERS OF I might relieve you once a month, and it is a pleasure to me to think that you have been willing to ask me. If the circulation declines, the remedy is obvious. The only condition I wish to make is that you don't ask for anything before November. The address I mean to give in Glasgow would not make an article as it stands ; it is far too long, for one thing ; but I dare say I could get one out of it. We have been staying here for a fortnight, but leave at the end of the week, though I will not be in Glasgow till the 12th. However, the Glasgow address will always find me. 15 Lilybank Gardens, Glasgow, W., November 12, 1906. The judgment was a great relief to us all : and though our College will lose at least £25,000, we neither lose our buildings nor our library, and I quite agree with you that the Church is equal to the situation. If the Free Church had evicted us instead of the New College, I don't believe we should ever have got back ; but they were too anxious to wave the flag on the citadel, and now Providence has got the better of them. The audacity of , who says in their Monthly that £100,000 will give their professors ' a living wage,' but leave hardly anything for bursaries for their poor students would be sublime if it was not ridiculous. PRINCIPAL JAMES DENNEY 75 Many thanks in particular for your own book. Do stick meanwhile to the outside ; I like the title and I like the cover : Mrs. Denney thought the cover ' humdrum,' but she was not in a happy humour at the time. I am going to read the preaching of Hall and Foster first, and then go through the rest again. Smith told me the other day he had heard some one at Mansfield preach a long and dull sermon on, ' Shall not the Judge of all the earth do right ? ' Do you remem- ber Carlyle's indignation over hearing Hall preach once with his characteristic eloquence on ' God that cannot lie ' ? Things about preaching — not anecdotes only — interest me more than usually at present, as owing to Hislop's death I have two hours a week to take on Pastoral Theology. 15 Lilybank Gardens, Glasgow, W., December 8, 1906. I am posting with this an article on Oman. 1 He delivered these lectures in our College here, and I thought them exceedingly good. I think so still, though the exposition of his ideas is sometimes cumbered a little by unnecessary in- formation, and sometimes by indifference and a kind of inarticulateness in himself. For those who can digest this kind of matter, however, it 1 The Problems of Faith and Freedom in the La.it Two Centuries, by John Oman, D. Ph. Leader appeared December 13, 1J)06. 76 LETTERS OF is a very appetising book, and the more you know of the people he writes about, the more highly you think of it. I am glad you like my articles in the Diction- ary. 1 I rather grudged myself the time I spent on them. Ramsay is always interesting, but I happen to be one of the unfortunate people whom he does not persuade, and if I were you I would not lean too hard on him even though he has taken his holidays in Iconium. He has got the length now of referring to people who identify the council of Acts xv. and the events of Gal. ii. as a species of historical curiosities on whom no more words are to be wasted ; but there must be many people who have investigated this as laboriously and patiently as he, and to whom it is as certain as mathematics that this identifica- tion is correct. Harnack's book is certainly good reading for those who have resisted what had become a ' tradition ' of criticism ; it is even amusing to see how Harnack raps everybody on the knuckles for saying what he himself would have said if he had written not very long ago ; but Ramsay does not possess the art of sup- pressing the personal equation so perfectly that he should read Lucas der Arzt for the sake of studying Harnack rather than Luke. Did I tell you that this next week Moffatt is coming to deliver his Bruce Lectures at the hall ? 1 Dictionary of Christ and the Gospels (T. and T. Clark). PRINCIPAL JAMES DENNEY 77 The subject is St. Paul's Teaching on the Holy Spirit. He is to be staying with us from Monday till Thursday, and I hope to get better acquainted with him. 15 Lilybank Gardens, Glasgow, January 17, 1907. I am sorry you are not yet feeling up to the mark, and will try to send something in time for next week. But you seem quite vigorous, and Providence is very good in providing you with subjects. In spite of agreeing with what you say about students and principals, we re- joice in a principal of phenomenal popularity in the college and great influence in the Church, who never preaches now : for better or worse the rest of us are only too much in evidence in that way. Our hall will not be like the same place if Smith * goes to the University. None of us would grudge his promotion, and he could do a great deal to Christianise an institution which is sure to become more and more influential, but we should miss him more than words could tell. I hope Carnegie Simpson will get Rainy's life to write : he is immensely interested in it, and would do it well. 1 Dr. George Adam Smith, now Principal of Aberdeen University. 78 LETTERS OF 15 Lilybank Gardens, Glasgow, January 19, 1907. I enclose what was once a sermon : it has not suffered transformation quite so well as I expected, but it is the best I can do to-day. Would you care to have an article on Creed Revision, apropos of Mr. Templeton's book? Some time ago Wallace 1 of the Herald asked me to do one of the series appearing there weekly, but I declined. Partly my mind was not clear about what could be attempted, and partly I felt that the Church could not think of two things at once, and for some time to come must be engrossed with other matters. But there are aspects of the subject that are worth stating, in view of what is in people's minds, and it might turn out interesting. The number of people who would like to be Principal of Glasgow University is astonishing : among those with whom I have any communica- tion the betting is in favour of Jones. I should say Smith comes next. The newspapers seem to favour breaking the clerical tradition : but what they want is an ' administrator,' and they seem to take it for granted that they cannot get this in a minister. I know them both very well, and have no doubt that Smith would be a far better man of business than Jones. He is be- 1 Dr. William Wallace. PRINCIPAL JAMES DENNEY 79 sides a far more thoroughly educated man, except in philosophy. Both would be immensely popular with the students, and command far greater interest in the community than has for long attached to the post. I hope your influenza is as good as over. My wife has had three months bronchitis, with influenza in the middle of it, which is pretty bad : but I remain unsympa- thetically well. 15 Lilybank Gardens, Glasgow, W., January 29, 1907. I was glad to hear you were going off to the Riviera, although the proper place seems to be Iceland. On Sunday, and therefore on Monday, I was in Edinburgh, and you know what a Princes Street hurricane is ; I never saw such weather, and I hope you may not see it in the South. The article on Campbell seemed to me pretty decisive, and I don't know what more can be said. It is really not worth while to elucidate any man's improvisations on God and the uni- verse. Setting conscience aside, as James Mozley said, there are no two easier subjects to talk about ; and pantheism just means setting con- science aside. I do not believe there is any way to argue against it except by insisting that con- science cannot be set aside — that it persists in 80 LETTERS OF spite of all the systems which have explained it away, and that a man knows quite well he is a scoundrel when he applies solvents to it. Nothing ever impressed me so much, as an argument for theism, as the first verse of the 139th Psalm. A man is incapable of judging anything if he does not feel that it expresses the most real experience of which human nature is capable. Thou hast searched me, and known me — and if he does not feel that the thou is just as real and as personal as the me. Only God can prove His being and His personality and His character to man, and He proves all three, in the first instance, by experi- ences like this. I believe I once quoted in The Expositor a thing quoted by Sainte-Beuve in his Port Royal about pantheism, which also impressed me much. It was repeated to him, if I remember, by a friend from a letter (no names were given), and was to the effect that Christ has two great enemies, the God Priapus and the God Pan ; and while you can finally vanquish the former, you can never quite get rid of the latter. The fascination there is in the idea of a unity in which all differences are lost must depend on some truth which the mind hungers for ; but it is not easy to state it in the right way. The answer in the Shorter Catechism to the question ' What are the decrees of God ? ' is one attempt to exhibit the truth, and might be called an attempt to combine pantheism PRINCIPAL JAMES DENNEY 81 with the personality of God. If the truth in tins is questioned in the interests of morality, one is very apt to make man as independent as God, as if this were the only basis on which he could be regarded as responsible for his conduct. How to secure the intellectual formula which shall do justice at once to man's freedom and responsi- bility, and at the same time to his absolute dependence on God, is perhaps an insoluble pro- blem ; but the latter truth, the one with panthe- istic affinities, must have its due as well as the other. Goethe's airy saying about being a poly- theist for artistic reasons, a pantheist as man of science, and a theist as a moral being, is a very good way of revealing the difficulties, but does not point at all to their solution. I often feel that Pantheism is akin to religions which make time and its contents unreal — like Brahmanism or Neo-platonism ; and in that respect at the antipodes of Christianity, in which history is the scene of divine works which have eternal meaning and value. The pantheistic temperament always feels strongly the relativity of all our knowledge and ideas, and indeed of all that ordinary minds call real, and it is characteristic of it in all those who know what it really means that Christ, like all historical persons, is brought under this law. He also pays tribute to His time. His person can have no absolute significance. There is no truth in Him which abides, and no work done by Him F 82 LETTERS OF which never loses its value. It is when it comes to be applied in this way that I am afraid of it, and I do not know any way to fight it but by appealing to Jesus Himself — especially to every- thing in Him which betrays or declares His sense of the absolute significance of His person and work, and especially also to the tremendous things He says about final judgment. Let a man be never so pantheistic, these things pierce to the dividing asunder of soul and spirit, and establish the great distinction at the vital point at which pantheism would fain have it annulled. But all this is commonplace, and I hope the opening of Parlia- ment will relegate the New Theology to its proper place and spare the world the trouble of trying to understand a man who probably does not understand himself. I hear no more about the Principalship, 1 but I have an impression that Smith's chances are improving. The Government, and at least Lloyd George, want Jones in Wales, and that is in Smith's favour. There is quite a strong citizen interest also on his behalf. . . . I was in St. George's on Sunday, where there was great joy over Whyte's withdrawal of his resignation. They seem likely to call Kelman, and he seems likely to go. Yet they are con- scious it will not continue their tradition. 1 Of Glasgow University. PRINCIPAL JAMES DENNEY 83 15 Lilybank Gardens, Glasgow, W., March 5, 1907. Many thanks for your kind letter, and for Lodge's book. I am rather interested in it as a whole than in the details, and will write something for next week. The book, I should think, is sure to be read eagerly by a great many people, and it probably represents a great quantity of mind in the Church, which has not been at the trouble of making its thoughts clear to itself. I wish it could be believed that all who are not of us were as thoroughly in sympathy with Christian ideas. 15 Lilybank Gardens, Glasgow, W., March 9, 1907. Here is what I have written about Lodge. 1 I once met him here and heard his lecture, and I like him very much. But though the spirit of his book is admirable, I cannot think this is the voice which is to lead many out of the wilderness. I have sometimes been tempted to say to my class that there are not many qualifications for preaching the Gospel of less value than second-class honours in philosophy, but after reading this catechism I begin to 1 Sir Oliver Lodge published about thi6 time a little book entitled, The Substance of Faith allied with Science: a Catechism for Parents and Teachers. A leading article on it appeared in the British Weekly for April 11, 1907. 84 LETTERS OF be doubtful. It seems to me incredibly in- coherent in all it says about sin, and to have no power to discern things that differ. However, I have not gone into details about it : it is diffi- cult to do this when all the main questions are raised within a few pages. The great want of the book is any notion of epistemology. He talks as if to know how far it is from here to the Trongate or the moon, or to know that Lycidas is a fine poem, or to know that Cromwell was a heroic character, or to know that falsehood is a sin, or to know God, were all identical operations of the mind, and it leads to endless confusion. But I hope many people will read it, for I don't think it can do anybody harm, and there are no doubt those whom it will help. I hope you are feeling better of your holiday. You have returned to this endless winter, I suppose ; here it is snowing as unconcernedly as if it were January. But I infer you are in good spirits from the story of the Socialist at the end of your letter in the B. W. It is the most com- forting story I have heard for a long time. Possibly you are right in what you say about the views of Hegel and Cousin on God and Nature. The worst of it is that you cannot pin a pantheist down to anything. I suppose even Spinoza might have said that God ( = natura naturans) was, and was more than, nature ( = natura naturata) ; but it is just like saying that six (singly) is other, PRINCIPAL JAMES DENNEY 85 and therefore in some sense more, than half a dozen (=6 collectively). Lodge says at one place that God is ' a mode of regarding the universe,' at another that He is 4 a part of the universe,' and at a third that He is c a guiding and loving Father in whom all things consist.' It would be diffi- cult to be fair or unfair if one tried to criticise this. 15 Lilybank Gardens, Glasgow, W., March 23, 1907. Here is the other article. It was practically finished when I got your letter this morning, and though I have not appended any defini- tions, I hope it may serve your purpose well enough. I constantly felt in reading the book 1 that it was only a popular example of that Hegelianising of Christianity that was once so popular in Germany and is now extinct. In one way it can be represented as a systematic debasement of the Christian currency : every Christian term is used, but in a sense determined not by Christianity but by the philosophy : words like atonement, reconciliation, etc., being especi- ally open to abuse. But though series of parallel definitions are an effective way of exhibiting this, the only thing certain about the definitions you give of your adversaries' terms is that they will 1 The Xew Theology, by the Rev. R. J. Campbell, M.A. (Leader in British Weekly, March 28, 1907-) 86 LETTERS OF dispute them ; and without putting it exactly like this, I think what I have said will help even the simpler sort of intelligent reader to take up his proper attitude to the whole affair. I once thought of adding a paragraph about the Church and the Labour Movement, but decided not to. The article is already longer than usual, and I am not sure whether my criticism of this bit of Campbell would coincide with yours. Both intellectually and morally it seems to me as un- sound as anything in the book. What astonishes me much is how people with Bibles in their hands, and the great way of psalmists, prophets and apostles in thinking of these things before their eyes, can stand the puerility and the moral offensiveness of much of the New Theology. I have great faith that the Bible way of looking at everything human and divine will win in the long run, because it is the big way ; and all uncorrupted minds succumb to that eventually. It is half-educated sophists who write New Theologies, deceiving and being deceived. You probably infer from this that I am glad to have done with them. 15 Lilybank Gardens, Glasgow, W., April 1, 1907. I was glad to see you meant to discuss the practical situation created by The New PRINCIPAL JAMES DENNEY 87 Theology. For my own part, I cannot think it will be a serious situation very long. What strikes me most in looking back on the book is its extraordinary triviality compared with Scrip- ture, and this is sure to be felt. I never preach to any kind of audience, in the poorest mission district, as I did last night, or in a well-off con- gregation, without feeling that the Church has the Bible in its heart far more than it gets credit for ; and a Church with this innate appreciation for Scripture will no more take the New Theology for Gospel than a man who knows Shakespeare and Milton by heart will take Davidson and Kipling for the greatest of poets. And to men- tion Davidson and Kipling is to put it too favour- ably for Campbell. However, there must be something to say 4 for the present distress,' and I hope you may be guided to the right word. I enclose short notices of two books you sent lately — one good of its kind, the other of a kind in which I find it impossible to get any joy. By all one can hear of it, Australia seems to be about the most godless place under heaven. 15 Lilybank Gardens, Glasgow, W., April 7, 1907. I have rewritten and considerably expanded the last paragraph of the article on Lodge. In reality, I don't think I disagree with you, 88 LETTERS OF but on looking again at what I had said I became conscious of the missing links, and I think I have been able to supply them. In speaking of the grounds of faith in immortality it is necessary to remember that such faith did not originate with the resurrection of Jesus, however powerfully the resurrection reassured it : it was practically universal among the Jews of our Lord's time, and its roots in the experience of the Jewish Church will, I am very confident, be its roots always. To ask a proof of immor- tality which shall be independent of such experi- ences is like asking that Jesus should have mani- fested Himself not only to Mary and the Apostles, but to Pilate and Caiaphas — or to the Areopagus, perhaps, if we want a parallel to the Psychical Research people. Do you know who wrote the ' Easter Sunday Reflections,' signed H. B. in this week's Nation, and the review of Dinsmore's book on Atonement in Literature and Life ? Most people will agree with what you say about theological colleges making believers uncomfort- able, but I am not sure that burning is the cure. I fancy it must be establishing a more intimate connection between them and the life and work of the Church, and this makes me doubt whether yon were right in giving such a cordial welcome to W. P. Paterson's proposals. The general tendency of these, however limited or qualified, PRINCIPAL JAMES DENNEY 89 would be to make the divinity halls less part of the Church — less under its influence and control, less animated by its faith, life, and interests — and more part of the universities. Any one who knows the university attitude to Christianity in this country knows what that means. Our whole situation is terribly serious, and will become more so, but as far as I see light in it, it is in the direction of the Church taking more interest in its divinity schools, seeing that they are used for its purposes, the training of its members for its ministry, and not for ends which are academic or scientific, perhaps, but not the ends for which the Church exists. There will have to be a great internal eclair- cissement before there can be the effective co- operation which is so desirable of the Church's faith and the College's science in the training of men for the Christian ministry. The Nation mentions this week that the students in the Pro- testant faculties of theology in the German universities have fallen since 1871 from over 4000 to 2300, while the population of the Empire has risen, I should think, in almost the reverse proportion ; and we are more nearly in the same case than some people think. There were more students — a great many more — in our Glasgow College when I entered in 1879 than there are now ; yet then it was a Free Church College only, and now it represents the United Church. It is not the College itself which is to blame for this ; it 90 LETTERS OF is the university and the general intellectual currents of the time. If there is no supernatural in any proper sense of the term — if even Jesus is only one more whose work could have been done by others had not He appeared — then there is no supernatural life in the world, and no room for an institution to guard or express it, and for an order of men whose vocation it is specially to represent it. The Church, if there is a Church at all, is not an institution in any sense, but the new moral and social order ; an official ministry is so far from being essential to it that it is a con- tradiction in terms of the true Christian idea. This is the state of mind we have to confront without becoming Catholics or legalists in religion. That the Catholics and legalists will gain in the coming crisis — I mean, get some gains — is probably inevitable ; but if we could get all the faith there is in the Church to apply itself intelligently to the situation I should not despair. 15 Lilybank Gardens, Glasgow, W., April 13, 1907. I hope you are too pessimistic about pan- theism and morality. I always think it is men's excuses for their conduct that vary from age to age, not their conduct itself. Our passions, Montaigne says, are more constant than our reason, which is ' flexible a tout ' ; if men are PRINCIPAL JAMES DENNEY 91 going to be immoral they will be so, and if they have not pantheism as a plea they will have something else — or do without. This sounds as fatalistic as if I were a pantheist, but I do not mean to speak of it lightly. Somebody says that of all men of genius who ever lived Pascal was the least of a pantheist, and I have always felt this was just another way of saying he was the most of a Christian. 15 Lilybank Gardens, Glasgow, W., April 25, 1907. The secretary of the Office-bearers' Union of our Church in Dundee has asked me to write to you and support an application of his that you should lecture to them, or give the opening address at their first meeting in autumn. If you can do this, I need not say how much it would be appreciated. You would get a very good audience — some cranks in it, no doubt, but many of the most loyal and devoted members of our Church. I have done myself what they are asking you to do, and I do not think it would be wasting time, like addressing a Synod. I have read Du Bose, and will write something about him, though there is nothing in his book that was not in his Soteriology of the New Testa- ment, which I think I must have reviewed for 92 LETTERS OF you some fifteen years ago. The combination of effervescence and logic, or rather of efferves- cence and what is meant to be but is not logic, is not very attractive to me. But it is delightful in these times to meet a man who can write about St. Paul with enthusiasm, who believes that the apostle had a Gospel, and who rejoices himself to preach the same. On the 15th of May I am going abroad for five weeks : I will be back on June 22nd. I don't want to do anything in the way of writing during that time, so if you have anything I could do for you before I start, you might let me know. 15 Lilybank Gardens, Glasgow, W., April 28, 1907. I post with this a short article on Du Bose's book. 1 The spirit and intention of it are very good, but his main idea is an exploded and antiquated one which only a mind that has lost its natural simplicity could stick to for so long. I have confined any criticism of the book to this central point, and have tried to be generous as well as just to him. I can hardly think that Sanday will accept his con- ception of the person and work of Christ without qualification, and, if he does not, there is nothing 1 The Gospel according to St. Paul, by William Porcher du Bose, M.A. PRINCIPAL JAMES DENNEY 93 else in the book to talk about. I forgive him much for his ardour for St. Paul. 15 Lilybank Gardens, Glasgow, W., May 10, 1907. I enclose an article on Adams Brown's book. It is a very good book in a way, well meaning and free from objectionable quali- ties, mental or moral, but with a queer want of intellectual backbone about it. This, with what I sent on Du Bose, will ease your passage, I hope, over the next six weeks. We leave here on Wednesday first. Watson's death is a terrible shock to all his friends, 1 and, though I only once exchanged words with him, I can understand from your article and otherwise how much he must be missed. His appointment at once to the Principalship at Cambridge and to the presidency of the Free Church Council would have given him new oppor- tunities of proving the extraordinary variety and force of his gifts, and outsiders would have been eager to learn whether he could do anything to force English Free Churchmen into a homo- geneous and effective force, political or religious. To judge by the way things are drifting in Parlia- ment, a great deal of the fight for freedom is yet to come, or rather will have to be done over again. 1 Dr. John Watson passed away in America in May 1907. 94 LETTERS OF Campbell-Bannerman's words are strong, but the outcome as yet is not exhilarating. Many thanks for the paragraph in your Claudius Clear letter about the people who write for books for bazaars, and who demand your favourite quotation and a shilling. The demand always paralyses me, and I have generally compromised by sending the shilling alone. I have never written my name on a book, but the man with whom I deal here must think me quite a devoted admirer of my own works. It gives me a shudder to think that he has paid 4s. 6d. for what may quite likely go at the end of the bazaar in the sixpenny or the twopenny box. If we had only the courage to strike ! I saw Carnegie Simpson's pamphlet in MS. and thought it exceedingly well done. It will serve a good purpose if it damps down a lot of the futile talk about union that is going on chiefly among people who don't care a penny for any religion or Church in the world, and others whose interest is obvious. Personally I have far more sympathy with Congregationalism than I think you have, or many Presbyterians ; and I cannot get up the smallest enthusiasm over uniting all the Presbyterians and even all the Christians in Scotland in one vast legal corporation. The evils incident to the existence of such a corpora- tion would be as vast as its benefits, or I am much mistaken ; and I cannot think it was anything of PRINCIPAL JAMES DENNEY 95 this kind that our Lord had in view when he prayed that his disciples might be all one. What we want for a while, anyhow, is not union, but unity of spirit, and peace. 15 Lilybank Gardens, Glasgow, W., October 8, 1907. I was glad to hear from you again, and to know you had enjoyed your holiday and had good prospects for the winter. We had a very pleasant time too, though we have been in Glasgow since the 23rd of June, which is a mistake. We were not in Germany but in Venice and Switzerland, and for better or worse I have no idea of the currents of thought there. But I will send you an article in ten days or so, if not on Christus Futurits, 1 which I have not been able to look at, on something else. Your suggestion about The Expositor bothers me more. I have spent most of my time this summer working at something which is connected with your proposal, but in such a way that I am rather hindered than helped so far as acceding to your suggestion is concerned. What I have in mind is like this. The Christian religion is what it is, and what it has been all through its history, in virtue of the place which Jesus holds in it ; and the one question which really exer- 1 Christus Futurus, by the author of Pro Christo et Eccleaia. 96 LETTERS OF cises men's minds at the present time is whether the place which the Church has given Him is one which He Himself claimed : in other words, whether there is a historical basis adequate to support the spiritual phenomenon of Christianity. I have done all the first part of it, showing what the place assigned to Jesus in Christian faith has always been : I have also done, what is an essential part of the scheme, a statement of the evidence for the Resurrection, in what seems to me the proper form — in all, I dare say, 50 or 55,000 words ; but the part answering to your question — What we know about Jesus — I have not yet done. If nothing comes to hinder me, I count on doing it next summer, and having it ready for Christmas of 1908 ; but I could not undertake a series of articles on it at the same time. Per- haps you remember my once saying that I had a superstition — the opposite of your superstition — about mentioning things I only intended to do ; I would hardly have done it now except to let you see that the particular suggestion you made is a rather impracticable one at the moment. Let us hope it will do no harm. I could more easily give you an occasional expository paper, but not a series. The last Expositor struck me as particularly good, especially Mackintosh's paper, but I don't know whether criticism like Bacon's or mysticism like Macintyre's would soonest make me hang myself. It is a particular kind of PRINCIPAL JAMES DENNEY 97 * mentalite,' as Loisy says, which is represented in the Fourth Gospel, but lunacy is no kind of mentalite at all. If the Gospel consists of conun- drums, which no one so much as guessed were conundrums till Bacon arose, the author deserved all the kinds of martyrdom that befell him. 15 Lilybank Gardens, Glasgow, W., November 6, 1907. With this I am posting a paper for The Expositor. The subject may seem threadbare, but I feel as if I had got the hang of it in a more morally intelligible way than some who have discussed it ; and if criticism, as you say, and not exposition, is popular at the present time, why, there is a little criticism in it too. Forsyth's book x interested me very much, but the peculiarity of his style is such that only people who agree with him strongly are likely to read him through. It is immensely clever at some points at which it is not enough to be clever. It is like hitting Goliath between the eyes with a pebble which does not sink into his skull, but only makes him see clearer. When I went out last Thursday morning and saw the contents bill of the B. W. blazing across the street — ' Dr. Forsyth replies to Dr. Denney ' — it gave me quite a turn, for I was quite unconscious of having 1 Positive Preaching and Modern Mind, by Rev. Principal Forsyth, D.D. (1U07.) 98 LETTERS OF said anything that called for reply. However, when I saw his letter I was relieved, and I have since had a very friendly communication from him. I hope his book will sell and be read, for it is needed, and, though some people will not be convinced, it should do a lot of good. The article I wrote on Jesus and Paul was prompted by one of these Volksbilcher which are having such a circulation just now. It is by Julicher, and to be written by a professor of theology who prepared men for the ministry of the Christian Church is the most barefaced piece of paganism I have seen for many a day. It is called ' Paulus u. Jesus.' The Principal, who has been off duty for a fortnight, expects to be back on Monday. 15 Lilybank Gardens, Glasgow, W., November 7, 1907. I wrote at the same time to you and Forsyth, and in both cases the letters crossed. It did not occur to me in writing on his book to say anything of the single sentence in which he refers to the bodily resurrection. I entirely agree with you that no relief is given by denying the bodily resurrection to any difficulty about the supernatural by any one who accepts real communications between a Saviour who survived death and His disciples, and that, short PRINCIPAL JAMES DENNEY 99 of such real communication, the Christianity of the New Testament has not a leg to stand on. But all this about evading the bodily resurrec- tion is part of the widely diffused desire to get a religion free from historical uncertainty, and not dependent at any point on any testimony except the testimonium internum Spiritus Sancti. There is a good side to that ; there is no saving faith but that which is spirit born and spirit attested, and people have the feeling that you cannot claim the witness of the spirit for any given story of the appearance of Jesus. What they do not seem to feel is that the whole phenomenon of Jesus (if one may use such an expression) crucified and risen, and seen and understood as it was seen and understood by the apostles, is attested by the spirit ; and that in this large sense there is an inward witness to the outward historical facts. If this were not so, I do not see how Christianity could survive. There are writers in plenty who do not seem to have the faintest perception of what the N. T. religion is, and of course such considerations are nothing to them. What do you think of this from Schmiedel ? ' The inmost religious good which I possess would not be in- jured at all if I had to admit the conviction to- day that Jesus never lived— as a historical in- quirer, however, I can only say that of this I see no prospect.' What has a man who can say that in common with the man who says, ' The life 100 LETTERS OF that I now live in the flesh I live by faith in the Son of God ' ? How it is to be cured I do not see, but the number of people who are on the slope that ends here, and who suppose that they are Christians while it is all the same to them if Christ had never lived, is appalling. I have got rather weary of reading the kind of thing which Lake has done, as there is no new evidence and no new point of view for appreciating the old, but I will examine his book, and send a notice of it soon. The merit of Forsyth is that he returns to his N. T., — I delivered unto you first of all that Christ died for our sins. I am as sure as I am of anything that people that stick at that will sooner or later come where Schmiedel has come, and I could forgive some rash obiter dicta to a man with whom I am so heartily at one on the main question. He says ' the treatise ' is not for him, but if I were near him I would urge him to give up the policy of pinpricks and go in for a pitched battle. If there were few to fight with him there would be plenty to cheer. 15 Lilybank Gardens, Glasgow, W., November 14, 1907. I enclose one or two reviews, including one, a little longer than so short a book usually gets, on Lake on the Resurrection. 1 We have enough 1 The Historical Evidence for the Resurrection of Jesus Christ, by Rev. Professor Kirsopp Lake. PRINCIPAL JAMES DENNEY 101 and to spare of the kind of man who splits the world into two unrelated sections called histori- cal and spiritual, but mostly they do not quite realise what they are doing. The odd thing in Lake is that he has some perception of it, yet does not seem to mind. ' To think that he should know what he is, and be that he is ' — it is a spectacle, if not for men and angels, for philo- sophers and Christians to wonder at. 15 Lilybank Gardens, Glasgow, W., November 29, 1907. I will do something on Garvie 1 for next week. I am glad you had another subject to propose, for I was terribly disappointed with Illingworth. He always seemed to me the ablest of the Lux Mundi men, and I have read all his works with profit, but this book on the Trinity 2 is obscu- rantist and irrelevant to an incredible degree. I have written as polite a notice of it as I could, but it is impossible to praise anything in it which is related to the subject. 15 Lilybank Gardens, Glasgow, W., December 16, 1907. The best thing I could do with this article was to omit the references to Demonology and 1 Studies in the Inner Life of Jesus, by Rev. Principal Alfred E. Garvie, D.D. 2 The Doctrine of the Trinity A)io/oyetieu//i/ considered, by Rev. J. R. Illingworth, D.D. 102 LETTERS OF the Second Advent, and to replace them by a shorter paragraph on the general subject of our Lord's knowledge. I am very sensible of the difficulties connected with both subjects, and perhaps do not estimate them quite as you do. I have thought of all the things you say before as well as since your writing them, and am prepared to leave more room for agnosticism. The only thing that makes me hesitate in the least to give up Demonology is not the authority of Jesus, which I cannot use exactly as you seem to do, but the fact that I have known a saintly person, pure, affectionate and charitable in a signal degree, on being deprived of reason become in every respect the opposite — foul, malignant, and unspeakably restless and miser- able. The unknown quantity in this is bad enough to be the devil or his angels. The Second Advent is far more important, but it is not only true as you say that the Epistles are pervaded by the glow of it, but that in the form in which the writers of the Epistles expected it, it has never been fulfilled. There was an error of some sort or at some point in their hope. I do not like to say that our Lord was responsible for it, though I do not doubt that the hope in general is to be referred to Him. Is it not possible that words like those in Matthew and Luke — From hence- forth ye shall see the Son of Man sitting on the right hand of power and coming on the clouds of PRINCIPAL JAMES DENNEY 103 heaven — suggest a continuous rather than an instantaneous advent, something to which the experience of Pentecost rather than of the Last Day are the key ? Of course there are the sayings on the other hand about the lightning flashing in an instant from East to West : but that is just the difficulty — there are two sorts of sayings referring to the same thing, and there is the com- mentary of experience to throw into the scale, for the one and against the other. It is rather curious that half the readers of the N. T. should cling to the Second Advent in order to maintain the authority of Jesus, while the other half is asserting and emphasising the very same apoca- lyptic passages with a view to undermining His authority. There is something here to be cleared up, and I thought Sanday's point — that apoca- lyptic language is used by Jesus in other connec- tions, not literally, but in a symbolical sense — an interesting one and worth mention. However, I have no desire to disturb any one's hope, and I think you will find what I have written unobjec- tionable, and perhaps not quite pointless. 15 Lilybank Gardens, Glasgow, W., December 31, 1907. I am very sorry you are laid up again ; I hope it will not be a severe attack. When you wired, I had gone to Blairgowrie to the funeral 104 LETTERS OF of an old class fellow, Osborne of Dundee ; and in the congested state of the lines I did not get home, nor your message, till near midnight on Saturday. Yesterday I had to preach. I mention all this that you may see I have no qualification for writing about Rainy except that I have not influenza. If I had had a little longer, I dare say it would have been a little shorter, but you can remedy that and anything else in it as you please. Excuse the haste of this as I am just going out to the post. 15 Lilybank Gardens, Glasgow, January 13, 1908. It was very kind of you to write to me as you did, and I ought to have acknowledged it sooner. 1 But you can understand. We had been married for more than twenty-one years, and in all that time I never had a thought of which my wife was not part, and I hardly know yet what has befallen me. I have no doubt you are right in bidding me work, and I am sure nothing could grieve her more than if I were to be faithless for her sake to any of the persons or causes in which we used to take responsibility together. But it came so suddenly that I was stunned for a while, and though I did what had to be done it was in a kind of dream. Happily I am not alone just now, having my wife's sister 1 Mrs. Denney died in January 1908. PRINCIPAL JAMES DENNEY 105 with me, a sister of whom we were both very fond, and with whom I can speak of her as freely and as intimately as I wish. I cannot be suffi- ciently grateful that she was with her when she was taken ill. They had been shopping together on the Saturday afternoon, and literally the last thing my dear wife did in this world was to order a set of books as a Christmas present for me. It was rather expensive, but she said to her sister as they left the shop she was so glad she had got it, for she knew the surprise it would be to me and the pleasure I would get out of it. They were crossing from the bookseller's to the subway to come home when she was stricken with a violent pain in the head and sickness. A girl passing fetched a cab, and when she came home she could walk upstairs. The doctor thought it was a violent attack of influenza, and, when we told him we had meant to go to Moffat at the end of the week, assured us there would be no difficulty about that. She was very prostrate for three days, but quite clear in her mind and, except for the headache, which continued, quite cheerful. In point of fact, it was a slight haemorrhage on the brain, which recurred in a severer form at ten on Wednesday night. She became unconscious immediately, and in three hours was dead. We did not know she was dying, and said no good-bye. Yet the last word I had said to her was adieu, and she waved her 106 LETTERS OF hand feebly, and gave me the look she always did when I went out to my work. It seemed as though I never could work any more without it, and yet I feel now as though I never shall be without it, and I must resolve even for her sake not to be faithless, but believing, and do what I can. You will forgive me for telling you all this : though you never saw much of my wife, you have been so constant a friend to me that I am sure you will understand. I was very much interested in all you wrote about your father, and could have wished to know him. His love for the classics and espe- cially for Horace attracted me. An evangeli- cal Christian who appreciates Horace deserves Horace's Omne tulit punctum better than any kind of man I know. Once in the Union Magazine I wrote a line or two about your Letters on Life with just this allusion to Horace in it, but I was not aware that your appreciation of the Horatian as well as the Pauline view of life was inherited. When they are separated, in ordinary mortals, Paulinism is feverish and Horace insipid ; but it does me good to think of a solitary scholar who got the full good of both. I am sending with this an article on Gore's book. 1 It is a hurried book, and with no kind of unity, yet here and there it has interesting 1 The New Theology and the Old Religion, by Charles Gore, D. D., D.C. L. , at that time Bishop of Birmingham. PRINCIPAL JAMES DENNEY 107 points. There is something picturesque in the meeting in one city of two such worthy repre- sentatives of the scientific and the Christian in- telligence of our time as he and Sir Oliver Lodge : it should make the negotiations or the contro- versies of science and theology worth following in their neighbourhood. But it is the more a pity that reference has to be made to Campbell and the New Theology. He is not on the level of dignity and manners which belongs to the Bishop and the Principal of the University. Perhaps you may not agree with what I have said about Gore's ideas of i massing ' the opinion of the artisans in the Church. It strikes me there is a lot of unsound talking about this, and, what is worse, a lot of unconscious patronage. My father was a working man, and while no man could have been freer from any kind of self- assertion, I am certain it would have seemed very queer to him to be regarded in the Church as belonging to a particular class which had to be recognised in some particular way. With all our faults, the self-respecting working man can keep his self-respect, and be at home in our Church as completely, I believe, as in the apos- tolic age. I had rich merchants, secretaries of financial companies, schoolmasters, shopkeepers, tradesmen, and coachmen in my session, and we were as true a brotherhood in Christ as a minister could wish to have part in. There is no need that 108 LETTERS OF a different degree of education should separate men, and I am quite certain that decent working people are proud to think their minister is a thoroughly equipped man, and like him the better and not the worse for it. 15 Lilybank Gardens, Glasgow, February 4, 1908. I am sending with this the article for The Expositor on ' The Cup of the Lord and the Cup of Demons.' If you want or need to curtail it any, the easiest way would be to omit the last two pages, beginning at ' The lesson of this passage,' on p. 14. But I hope you need not, as it is not over the usual length, I think, and I am interested in the lesson. I am curious to know what you cannot assimi- late in my article on ' Preaching Christ.' It is so long since I wrote it now that I have only a general recollection of it, but I hope you agree in the main. I rather regretted giving it to Hastings, for there are some things in it I want to put into the book I have in mind, but I daresay he may not object to this. Judging by your review and by some conversation I had with Dr. Orr, who is reviewing it for the Scottish Review, the new volume seems miscellaneous and inconsistent in a high degree. Dr. Orr says there are eleven or twelve places in it where the census under Cyrenius is PRINCIPAL JAMES DENNEY 109 fully discussed, the same evidence adduced, and all sorts of incompatible conclusions announced. I have had a week to-day of living here abso- lutely alone, except for people coming in, of which I have had enough. There is nothing to do but work, and every inducement except the one which once made every other needless. I hope you and all your house are well. 15 Lilybank Gardens, Glasgow, March 17, 1908. Many thanks for your letter and your kind thoughts of me. I think I understand Calvin's saying, and am happy, I am sure, in having at least one person who loved my wife so truly that I can speak of her almost as unreservedly as I think. Smith, too, has been the kindest and truest of friends ; he really knew and appreciated her, and the notice he wrote of her for you was grateful to her sisters as to me. These bright spring days I have seemed to miss her more than ever : she had the keenest delight in all the sights and sound of spring, and the blackbirds in the park in the morning literally infected her with their own exhilaration. It is another life to hear them alone. I hope you are better than when you wrote. We have had much influenza and other illness here too, yet the winter was not severe. 110 LETTERS OF I have been reading Loisy, and will write something about him soon. As bad luck would have it, I had spent 24s. on him myself and sampled him freely before your copy came. Shall I return it, or present it in your name to the Library, which is sore smitten by the Wee Frees ? If you happen to have his book on the Encyclical, I should be glad to have a look at that. There is an interesting letter on it in the Spectator this week by a R.C., and though the writer (and Loisy too) disown all philosophy and Apriorismus, I feel sure it is the philosophy of this whole business — its preliminary assumptions and its view of Christianity as a whole — which needs to be considered. There is no use in dividing the Gospel into 140 paragraphs, and criticising them on the principle that no chain is stronger than its weakest link. This metaphorical argument is sufficiently countered by changing the metaphor, and saying that the statue as a whole carries conviction though you may be puzzled by a chip. What strikes me on the whole about Loisy is that there is no continuity, on his showing, between Jesus and the Christian religion. He did not originate it either directly or indirectly. He lived and died under an illusion or delusion which L. does not hesitate to call naif and absurde, and it was not out of any revelation made in him or by him, or out of any great conviction he held, but apparently in getting the better (in- PRINCIPAL JAMES DENNEY 111 consistently enough) of his naive absurdities that the Christian religion made its way in the world. The Gospel — that is, the religion of Jesus — was a dream ; but it died ; and only when it died was Christianity born. I don't wonder the Pope excommunicated him, but only that he left it to the Pope to do. 15 Lilybank Gardens, Glasgow, March 28, 1908. I have written something on Loisy, 1 and send it with this. The only remarkable thing about his book is its appearance in the Church of Rome. The air of ' preternatural suspicion ' in which he criticises everything in the Gospels is remarkable too, and sometimes one remembers gratefully the saying, 'Whoso speaketh a word against the Son of Man it shall be forgiven him.' I never had any difficulty about the clause in our confession that calls the Pope Antichrist, but in this present case I am quite on the side of the Church. If the members of the Church read this book and believed it, there would not be two or three left in the world to meet in the name of Jesus. Still, the human mind is capable of the queerest inconsistencies and perversities, 1 A signed article by Professor Denney on M. Loisy's work on the Synoptic Gospels appeared in the liriti.sk Weekly of April i), 1908. The title is "Taking away the Lord.' 112 LETTERS OF and except for impenitent vice of some kind one always has misgivings about excommunication. I have been reading your articles on Socialism with great interest. 1 It is not a subject on which I have any scientific opinions, but I cannot say I could make out any ground for distinguishing between property which would and would not, or could or could not, be socialised. It seems to me that all the property I have is of one kind. If I lend my savings to the Corporation of Glasgow and they put them into the Tramway system, they have no more right to the dividends they promised to pay me on them than they would have to my plate and spoons, suppose I had invested them thus, or to my old wines or first folio Shakespeares if I had bestowed them so. Property is that with which a man can do pretty much as he will, and if property ceases too in capital, the only quite certain result (I should say) is that capital itself will soon cease. If indivi- duals don't save, Society will not, and capital will presently disappear. Probably your studies will make this seem nonsensical to you, but so it strikes me. I am not afraid of Socialism, though foolish experiments may be made by a combina- tion of the benevolent and the bad, but when it comes to the point, the people who have anything will astonish the people who want just to take it from them. Winston Churchill in a speech he 1 The New Socialism : an Impartial Inquiry, by Jane T. Stoddart, PRINCIPAL JAMES DENNEY 113 once made here in Glasgow indicated very sagaciously the point at which the seemingly swift and irresistible growth of Socialism would meet a check. 15 Lilybank Gardens, Glasgow, April 3, 1908. I am going for a fortnight to Moffat on Monday with my brother and sister : if you want to send me a proof of the article on Loisy, please have it addressed c/o Henderson, Mayfield, Moffat. After the 20th, I shall be at home again. Enclosed you will find the article for Expositor on * Coming by water and blood.' I did it now, partly because I had the chance, partly because it touches on the sacraments, as the one I did last month also does, and it might be as well not to have them too far apart. But if you think differently it will do for a later number. It is difficult here to follow the Bp. of St. Asaph and Mr. McKenna, or to know whether there are personalities as well as principles influ- encing different members of the Government, as is freely asserted. Your earnest appeal has all the logic and all the facts on its side, but it is a desperate business to have to do with men who pride themselves on not being logical, and shut their eyes to facts. I have more hope of the H 114 LETTERS OF Government on Temperance than on Education, for they have a better chance of a fair fight. If it only continues furious enough it may put education into the background, and the number of people who are getting sick of attempts to satisfy all the Churches by compromises, which ex hypothesi must fully satisfy none, will make this all the easier. 15 Lilybank Gardens, Glasgow, May 7, 1908. I will be very glad to write something on Smith, 1 especially when I may let the archaeology alone. It is not in my line in the least. He showed me the New Testament sheets of his book, and, like you, I was much impressed by the part about Christ, and in particular by Smith's sense of the difference between Christ's way of speaking and that of the prophets. Of course a man who cannot see this is stone blind in the Bible, but it delighted me to see how deeply Smith had been impressed by it, and I twice spoke about it in my class last session. I am basing much on it in the book I am trying to write, as justifying the whole attitude of N. T. faith to Jesus. I finished Adam's 2 book last night, but cannot 1 The reference is to ' ! 'r George Adam Smith's work on Jerusalem. (Leader in British Week of May 28, 1908.) 2 The Religious Teache s of Greece, by James Adam ; edited, with a Memoir, by his wife. PRINCIPAL JAMES DENNEY 115 write anything about it till next week. Some of it seems to me extraordinarily good, but I know what you mean when you call it disappoint- ing. What ought to have been the best and weightiest bits in it are not so, and with all the zest and fervour there is a certain want of com- posure and weight. He seems to have known rather little, too, outside of his historical beat : his only Christian teachers are Hastings' Dic- tionary and Matthew Arnold. But in a race such as his life seems to have been against death and time, the imperfections rather call for com- passion than comment, and I don't know in English nearly so useful a book of its kind. 15 Lilybank Gardens, Glasgow, May 22, 1908. I might have sent the enclosed last night and saved you the trouble of wiring. The book is a really admirable companion to the Old Testament, and though not every part of it can be equally interesting to every one, it is a remarkable proof of the manysidedness of Smith's own interest that he has done every part of it with such thoroughness. The book I am trying to write is really an elaboration of ,.the argument in his chapter on 'The Temple and the Lord.' I have got on a good way, and 116 LETTERS OF though there are a lot of interruptions ahead I hope to have it finished by the beginning of the session. About your proposed Aids to Faith I have no suggestions meanwhile. I have seen a number of the German series to which you refer, but do not think them likely to be of much use here. The paper and the type are unattractive, and in some cases the style and temper are equally so. There seems to be less of sweet reasonableness in the Fatherland than in less scientific countries, and I am quite sure you are right in aiming at native rather than foreign productions. If the other thing were once off my hands I would gladly try once more to say in the briefest and most persuasive way what I have to say about the atonement and the forgiveness of sins, but I cannot undertake it till then. The thing that is wanted to keep people from lapsing into Uni- tarianism — which has all the science and all the philosophy in the universities on its side — is a tract on the lines of that chapter of Smith's, showing that the attitude of New Testament Christianity to Jesus is justified and demanded by Jesus' consciousness of Himself. This is to be the burden of my book, but it might be con- densed and brought to a practical issue in such a series as you have in view. But I must do the book first. Another thing wanted is a little book on the sources for the life of Jesus. But I have PRINCIPAL JAMES DENNEY 117 not had time to think round the field, and will write you again when I have done so. 15 Lilybank Gardens, Glasgow, Juhj 2, 1908. I send with this a paper for The Expositor on Jesus' estimate of John the Baptist : perhaps it might better be called simply ' Jesus and John the Baptist.' Also a notice of Du Bose's last book which you sent me. I am going to preach in Interlaken from July 19 to August 16, and expect to leave here this day week. What address I may have there I cannot tell, but if you wish this paper in the August Expositor the proof would either need to be sent here before I leave, or forwarded there. I expect to be there on the 17th, and I suppose * Scotch Church ' would find me. The heat here is tremendous, and I hope it may be past the worst before I have to start. Interlaken itself is a hot enough place without any aggravations. I have a note to-day from Hodder and Stoughton wanting a description of my book to advertise it in the colonies. What occurred to me as a title, when Mr. Stoughton was here, was 'Jesus and the Gospel,' but I am not just satisfied with that. The idea I have is to show that the Gospel, as the apostles preached and believed it, can be 118 LETTERS OF verified in the mind of Jesus. There is something known to history and experience as Christianity — something of which the New Testament is the classical example — and I want to prove that those who accept it are not false to Jesus, but true to Him; or, in other words, that the historical Jesus supports and not discredits the Gospel. If you can think of anything better for a name it will be a great obligation to let me know. 15 Lilybank Gardens, Glasgow, October 9, 1908. I enclose a short notice of Forsyth's book, 1 which I found very difficult to read. If this is how one feels who is heartily at one with the writer, how must it strike an unsympathetic reader ? He has more true and important things to say, in my opinion, than any one at present writing on theology ; but if these papers were preached, as most of them seem to have been, I am sure most of the audiences, while willing enough to take hold of them, must have been sadly perplexed to find the handle. To con- vince a man that he has an inadequate or false view of the Gospel may do him good, or rather must do so ; but to give him a strong impression that you are contemptuous of his view of the Gospel while you do not enable him convincingly 1 Missions in State and Church, by P. T. Forsyth, D.D. PRINCIPAL JAMES DENNEY 119 to apprehend the better one may have quite opposite effects. But I do not like to say these things about a man whom I like so much, and in the few lines I have written I do not do more than allude to them. I was sorry to see from the B. W. a while ago what a rainy holiday you had in Aberdeenshire. We had a delightful month in Switzerland. My sister-in-law came with me, and, though we travelled little, we had such weather that I think we were able to be in the open air an average of eight or nine hours daily. I was very much the better of it, and hope to get through the winter well, though I have already promised to preach once every Sunday except at the Christmas holidays. . . . We begin again at the hall on Wednesday. Orr is to give the opening lecture, but he has not yet announced his subject. Smith is on tour in England, having a great time. If you have any ideas on the tenure of the pastorate I should be much your debtor for them, having been appointed convener of a committee to report on this to the Assembly. 15 Lilybank Gardens, Glasgow, November 21, 1908. I enclose one or two reviews. Ferrero's book on Rome and Egypt x is one of the 1 The Gfreatneti and Decline of Rome, vol. iv. , 'Rome and Egypt,' ]>v Guglielmo Kerrero, 120 LETTERS OF most vivid and interesting books I have ever read ; I could not have believed it possible that on such a well-worn bit of the field any one should have made such a brilliant dis- play. The other books are not much worth. Warschauer's 1 is the abler of the two, though I don't think he realises how much he has thrown away, and how greatly he deceives himself by verbal association about the worth of what he keeps ; the other man, Nolloth, 2 has a fair acquaintance with critical opinions on the Gospels ; but though he writes of ' The Person of our Lord and Recent Thought ' he has not so much as begun to think. Judging by the Claudius Clear letters your vitality has not been impaired in the least by your visit to the North. I hope you may keep it up through the winter. Since you were here we have enrolled a few more men at College, and for the first time for some years have touched 100. I wish I could be con- vinced that more men were entering the Church, not the ministry : if we get members, the ministers will be all right. Glasgow, 15 Lilybank Gardens, December 7, 1908. Your letter was very reassuring and grate- ful to me, and I am happy to think that the 1 Jesus: Seven Questions, by J. Warsehauer, D.Phil. 2 The Person of our Lord and Recent Thought, by Charles Frederick Nolloth. PRINCIPAL JAMES DENNEY 121 argument of my book as a whole commands your assent. This is really what I am interested in, and though I am prepared to stand by criti- cal details of various kinds, I am also prepared to find that they do not convince every one. As for your remark that you missed an unequi- vocal statement that Jesus is God, I feel inclined to say that such a statement seems unattractive to me just because it is impossible to make it unequivocal. It is not the true way to say a true thing. I think I have made it plain that for me to worship Jesus as God is worshipped, to trust Him as God is trusted, to owe to Him what we can owe to God alone, is the essence of Christianity : I have said in so many words that no one means what a Christian means by ' God ' unless he in- cludes in that all that a Christian means by ' Father, Son and Spirit.' This I hold to be the Catholic doctrine of the Trinity, but I dread ways of putting it which do nothing but challenge contradiction. ' Jesus is God ' seems to me one of these provocative ways, and therefore I avoid it. It has the same objectionableness in my mind as calling Mary the mother of God. The N. T. says debs r\v 6 \6yos, but it does not say 6 koyos tjv 6 deos, and it is this last which is really suggested to the English mind by Jesus is God. Last week the Rev. Dawson Walker, D.D., theological tutor at Durham, sent me a penny book on the Trinity he has written for 122 LETTERS OF Church of England young men. He takes this (as I think) mistaken line : ' Jesus Himself claimed to be God,' etc. I can only say that the wrong things it suggests seem to me so completely to outbalance the right that we can well afford to dispense with it. About the Creed, I did not make in my mind any distinction between members of the Church and officebearers in it. On general grounds I think the less distinction there is made between the members of Christ and their obligations, theological or moral, the better ; though it is arguable, no doubt, that once there is an organised Church those who represent it officially should be more completely than others in harmony with the average theological opinion. Nevertheless, I am inclined to think that the dangers of legalism here are greater than those of liberty. About reviewing it in the B. W. I have really no useful suggestion. I should value your own mind upon it, to say the least, as much as that of any of the men you mention ; and apart from some ' critical ' questions in the second book, it is not specially ' expert ' qualifications that are required for its appreciation. I should rather know how it appealed to the average educated members of the United Free Church than to Moffatt or Forsyth — and especially to those who are under forty. I sent Moffatt one, and he has promised me his serious thoughts later. The PRINCIPAL JAMES DENNEY 123 only other name which occurred to me was that of Cairns in Aberdeen. It is a line in which he is interested, but whether he would write the kind of thing you require I do not know. I don't wish you to do it against your will, or if you feel it irksome or think it in any way inexpedient ; but I should rather you did it than anybody else. It is quite possible that Forsyth or Moffatt may do it elsewhere. I was delighted to hear you were beginning your literary history and on such a scale. Six volumes of 150,000 words stagger the ordinary idle worker, and I can only say Made virtute esto. Though I have several times spoken of Chalmers, I have no essay on him at all : only a distinct impression that he is our greatest man since Knox, and greater than all his works. He had the greatness of the nation in him as well as that of the Church, and it is an immense gain to a Churchman when he has such an interest in the State as keeps his ethics from becoming ecclesiastically narrow in range. If I can be of the least service to you at any point I shall be delighted. I will write soon about Church and Kingdom, but my class is waiting. 15 Lilybank Gardens, Glasgow, December 12, 1908. It was very kind of you to write to me again, and I really do not think there is any 124 LETTERS OF difference between us. When you say that you do from your heart believe that God was manifest in the flesh, I am sure I can say the same. I have often said in teaching that if a man does not worship Christ I do not care what he thinks of Him — he does not see what is there ; and I have missed the mark completely in what I have written if I have not made it clear that all men should honour the Son even as they honour the Father. Probably the aversion I have to such an expression as Jesus is God is linguistic as much as theological. We are so thoroughly monotheistic now that the word God, to put it pedantically, has ceased to be an appellative and become a proper noun : it identifies the being to whom it is applied so that it can be used as the subject of a sentence ; but it does not unfold the nature of that being so that it could be used as the predicate in a sentence. In Greek, and in the first century, it was quite different. You could say then 6 'I^a-ovs Oeos icmv. But the English equivalent of that is not Jesus is God (with a capital G), but, I say it as a believer in His true deity, Jesus is god (with a small g — not a god, but a being in whom is the nature which belongs to the one God). I have no objection at all to Parker's formula, Jesus is God the Son, because ' the Son ' introduces the very qualification of God which makes it possible to apply it to Jesus. In the same way I have no hesitation in saying PRINCIPAL JAMES DENNEY 125 Jesus was God manifest in the flesh, because * manifest in the flesh,' serves the same purpose. It is because God is to all intents a proper noun with us, which, if it is used as a predicate at all, must make an equation with the subject (Jesus is God being the same thing as Jesus=God), that it seems not only to me, but I am sure to most people, an unnatural way of declaring their faith in Christ as Immanuel — God with us. Jesus is man as well as God, in some way therefore both less and more than God ; and consequently a form of proposition which in our idiom suggests inevitably the precise equivalence of Jesus and God does some kind of injustice to the truth. Forgive me for being so expository on this, but I don't want you to think that I have other than the highest thoughts of our Lord and Saviour. I wrote my book for nothing so much as to assert for Him, in a way which would perhaps appeal to some people afresh, the name which is above every name : there is nothing I say more fer- vently than To Him be glory for ever. I am sorry I don't know much of the English history to which you refer. Fairbairn's appendix to Dorner is very appreciative of Doddridge, and I don't want to think ill of the man who wrote ' When I survey the wondrous cross.' About Watts he mentions some writings of his later years which not only his orthodox executors, but Lardner, who was a Unitarian, thought unfit 126 LETTERS OF for publication ; Fairbairn apparently believes that his mind had given way ; and that his Unitarian views are the incoherent scribblings of his dotage. This is surely not the posthumous work to which you refer ? I will try to acquaint myself better with the story, but I confess I find the kind of thing very irksome. The very idea of historical interpretation was either lost or had never been properly discovered when Clarke and Waterland controverted one another, or Priestley and Horsley : I do not feel when I read in them that one is right and the other wrong, but that we have sailed into other latitudes, and that the whole relation of the mind — I mean the believing Christian mind, loyal to Christ — to questions of this kind is different. Our whole conception of revelation and of scripture has changed. No doctrine is for us merely a question of exegesis, and though I think most heresies would have been nipped in the bud if men had been able to parse, we must take the mind as it is, and speak to it for Christ as we can. I have no opinion of whether I have done well, but I am sure I meant well. 15 Lilybank Gardens, Glasgow, January 9, 1909. I cannot thank you enough for your far too generous appreciation of my book. 1 It 1 A leader on Dr. Denney's work, Jesus and the Gospel: Chris- tianity Justified in the Mind of Jesus, appeared in the British Weekly of January 7, 1909. PRINCIPAL JAMES DENNEY 127 is very good of you to do it yourself, and to make so much of it, and I assure you when you point out the places at which you differ from me I will give the most careful consideration to all you say. It was a particular pleasure to me — to refer to a minor point — that in speaking of the style you could say ' no lingering.' It is a good big answer to two questions, and I was not without apprehensions on this very matter. The Church and the Kingdom don't clear up, somehow ; not that I have no ideas, but I have not seen or hit on a programme. The Church is suffering in all Protestant countries at the present time from the persistent disparagement of it by preachers : we have run it down as if it had no real relation to living Christianity, and the lesson has been only too well learnt. It is no part of the average Protestant creed any longer to say I believe the holy Catholic Church. This, at least, is the theological aspect of the situation : no doubt there are many others. In Germany the Roman Catholics, I believe, are gaining at the expense of the Protestants, and it is small consolation to say as Wernle does, that it gains those who were Romanists anyhow. In this brilliant writer's last book — Einfiihrung in das theologische Studium — there is incidentally a great deal of interesting light on religion in Germany. What can become of a Church whose ministers 128 LETTERS OF are trained by a man who writes that ' Jesus never made the slightest claim to sinlessness, much less to Godhead, and that as He is depicted in the oldest sources He would have positively shuddered at the idea that men should honour Him as they honour the Father.' In another place he writes, speaking of the displacement of Christianity in education, etc., ' Eine Menge studierenden Theo- logen sind aufgewachsen ohne die Anschauung christlicher Personen und ihres Glaubenslebens ; sie wissen tatsachlich nicht was christlicher Glaube ist.' Yet they have to keep the Church alive ! 15 Lilybank Gardens, Glasgow, January 30, 1909. Here is an article such as I have been able to do for next week. 1 As you will see from the last sentence, I can do one or two more, if you think this line is of any use ; I fancy the next one would have more flow in it. I hope your influenza has gone : you must have overdone yourself in Edinburgh. My sister-in- law heard you preach, and was much edified by the combination of skill and caution with which you manipulated your first pair of spectacles. Let me thank you again most heartily for all 1 c Criticising the Church ' (British Weekly, signed leader of February 4, 1909). PRINCIPAL JAMES DENNEY 129 you have done for my book : I am sure your articles will do good. About the conclusion, I had some misgivings while writing it, in the sense that I thought some people might read it without reading anything that went before, and those misgivings, by what comes occasionally to my hearing, are to some extent being verified. I am truly sorry for this, for I did not set out with the conclusion in my mind, nor with any inten- tion at all except to answer the two questions : and apart from its relation to the premises I put no importance on the conclusion. I am glad that you like the body of the book upon reflection. If it is not sound, then I have studied the New Testament all my life in vain ; and in face of the audacious and irresponsible writing about Jesus which at present has such a circulation, I felt bound to do what I could for what is to me the foundation. I feel inclined to say when always another and another book comes out by somebody who can see everything in the Gospels but Jesus, * From henceforth let no man trouble me ' : I have done with this kind of cleverness. By the way, where is Robertson Smith's article on the Place of Theology, etc. ? I blush to say I have never read it. Your proposal about a Harmony does not appeal to me. I always use one in my junior class, and it is indispensable for a certain kind of study, but there is no thoroughly satisfactory 130 LETTERS OF way of making one, and there are plenty, such as they are. For some years I used Teschen- dorf's ; these last two years I have used Huck's ; and I have also worked, and got some of my class to do so, with Wright's. The English one, by Stevens and Burton, which Hodder and Stoughton published two or three years ago, is also very serviceable. Besides, before I print anything else I am going to work a lot more on the Epistles and rewrite all my lectures on Paul. I have given them for three sessions now, and found out what is the matter with them. I am going to Canada in April, but all the time I can command next summer I mean to spend on this. 15 Lilybank Gardens, Glasgow, February 6, 1909. As I am not sure whether you have got away or not, I am sending this to Hampstead. It will do some other time if it is not wanted now. I hope you are in the sun somewhere. I read your letter with painful interest, especially your Monday in Edinburgh. When I was a minister one of the things I felt most constantly was the amount of sorrow there is of every description under apparently placid surfaces often; and I many a time regret that the kind of situation I now have tends to put this out of mind, and wish I had a congregation PRINCIPAL JAMES DENNEY 131 again — not that I have any morbid interest in pains or griefs, but just not to be so far away from what is too terribly real to so many. Here, when I am not in College, I sometimes spend 24 hours without exchanging a word except with the girl who brings in my dinner, and as I am not one of the men who can work at reading or writing without end, the loneliness is long. Our whole College affairs just now are in con- fusion. With this £92,000 going to the Free Church, and the exhaustion of the Emergency Fund, I do not know what they will do. Cer- tainly they cannot give us another professor in- stead of Hislop, and when they fill up the vacancy in Edinburgh they must at once reduce the salaries all round. I wonder that they have continued to pay us at the old figure all these years. We have bought the College Church, and are taking it into the College in a way that will add greatly to our convenience and comfort, but will cost from beginning to end about £14,000. Of this £7000 has been raised, and the financial board are appealing to friends of the College for the rest. When it comes to the point, I fancy the Edin- burgh vacancies will solve themselves. I forgot to say that in your criticism of my book I felt the force of what you said about my not making more use of the ' mystical ' element in Paul's teaching — his consciousness of a present relation to Christ unparalleled by any relation to 132 LETTERS OF a human spirit living or departed : it was brought to my mind again by Mackintosh's article in The Expositor, which I liked. Apropos of your dissent from my remarks on the risen Saviour eating, I had a long letter from a lady of eighty, a life-long student of the Bible, as she told me. Since she was sixteen she had studied it daily, comparing Scripture with Scripture according to the excellent method taught her by the late Dr. Muir of St. Stephen's, Edinburgh. She entirely agrees with you, and argued the likeliness of our Lord's ' taking nourishment,' as she repeatedly called it ; but she wound up with a piece of the most audacious criticism I have ever seen. In St. John 20 17 she says, ' I prefer (!) reading Touch me instead of Touch me not — as in Luke, Handle me, etc' Isn't that good for eighty ? It shows how ' the wild living intellect of men ' will have its way. In this paper on the Church I have also kept off 'the body of Christ,' but I will bring it in later if you wish me to do more. There is no possibility of a book in them. 15 Lilybank Gardens, Glasgow, February 13, 1909. I enclose another article on the Church * which I think you will agree with in the main. 1 ' The Church and the Gospel/ leading- article in the British Weekly of February 25, 1909. PRINCIPAL JAMES DENNEY 133 I can do one or two more, but not next week. It happens to be peculiarly occupied with other things, but you will have Parliament to keep you going. I hope your influenza has quite departed : the weather here has been intensely cold — colder than any time all winter. Canon Hensley Henson sent me the other day a copy of The Churchman, with an article in it in which he refers to my book. He agrees with the things in it, apparently, with which you don't agree, but he grieved me to the heart by de- scribing me as an 4 eminent Scotch Divine.' It sounded appallingly extinct in my ears, as if the seal of oblivion had been set on my poor pro- duction almost before it had had time to see the light. 15 Lilybank Gardens, Glasgow, March 17, 1909. It was extremely kind of you to wire to me about the review in the Times, and also to give it the publicity you did in the B. W. (That is a compliment to the Times which I did not intend when I began the sentence.) It was friendly, and I presume will advertise the book in another circle, but it did not strike me as the work of one who had anything to overcome in accepting the argument. It seemed to me a typically Anglican utterance — the traditional Anglican, too, not the kind which will henceforth 134 LETTERS OF be trained at Cambridge under Burkitt. Never- theless I am glad it has been well spoken of even by a man who writes ' United Free ' in inverted commas. I am sending with this a longish review of vol. v. of Ferrero's Rome. 1 When you sent me vol. iv., it was the first I had seen of the book, and I was extremely taken with it, so much so that I immediately bought all that had appeared of it in Italian. The consequence is that I have found it necessary to point out some provoking ways of the translator. Ferrero is an unusually pictur- esque writer, and abounds in comparisons which don't always suit English taste ; but this trans- lator, by regularly leaving them out, quite takes the colour away from his author. The examples I have given are not the worst, and I could give literally dozens besides. Partly it is because they are morally or aesthetically disagreeable that he omits them ; but in nine cases out of ten it is just because they are difficult to translate. I presume there will be no more of it for a while, as the translator has overtaken the author and the author has gone to America to lecture for Roosevelt. I hope the keen weather has not been bad for you. We had two days of west wind here which were heavenly, but most of the last fortnight has 1 Vol. v. of Ferrero's book, The Greatness and Decline of Rome, was translated by tbe Rev. H. J. Chaytor, M.A. PRINCIPAL JAMES DENNEY 135 been bitterly cold. I hope it may mitigate before I sail on April 9. 15 Lilybank Gardens, Glasgow, March 30, 1909. Many thanks for your letters. I read what you said of Dods with the greatest interest and sympathy, and share your feelings as you look back on his constant friendship. He was always the most generous of men. The very first thing I wrote in the B. W. was a review of his book on 1st Corinthians, and I remember he wrote me from somewhere abroad such a kind note about it. I don't wonder at his decision about his MSS. Of course if the editing had been left to you, it would have been all right : but there is a great difference — at least with me — between a MS. from which I can lecture and preach, and one which I could send to the printer : and we have had recent enough examples of what can be done in the way of injustice to the departed. I always have the feeling, too, that in the kind of matter with which he would deal, the public are not interested unless the author is alive to stand by his opinion. On Sunday I was in Edinburgh and heard of him : so far as I could learn he seemed to be again in a less critical condition. Oddly enough, I had read last week both your 136 LETTERS OF Gilfillan volume and Dr. Scott's book on the Epistles. Thank you for the copy of Gilfillan. I first read Paradise Lost in his series, and I remember his introduction almost as well as the solemn soaring sentence with which the poem opens. What a full-blooded creature he must have been. When I went to Broughty Ferry I was introduced to his wife, and remember her as a typical Scotch woman — massive head, plain spoken, sagacious and kind. The ' new poets ' were a terrible lot, and it is difficult to keep from laughing sometimes at Gilfillan's enthusiasm and ideas of what is poetical and sometimes at his paternal or avuncular criticisms of them. On Macaulay and Burke he shows real insight, though it seemed curious to me that he never mentions any of Burke's finest work, and magni- fies the Letters on a Regicide Peace, etc., which could very well be forgotten. Your own intro- duction made me hope your History is under way : it would be worth while dropping some other things to secure it while so big a thing is within your power. I hope to send another article — perhaps two — before I go, which will be some day next week. 15 Lilybank Gardens, Glasgow, April 8, 1909. I go to Liverpool to-day and sail to-morrow for Halifax. I am sorry that in the crowd of PRINCIPAL JAMES DENNEY 137 other things I have not been able to do any more articles : but perhaps at Vancouver I may have more time for recollection. At present I feel very distrustful of the organised action of the Churches to promote legislation even for Christian ends, or ends which can be represented as Christian, and perhaps if I said all I thought you might think it out of keeping with a journal of Christian and social progress. The multiplication of laws and the deterioration of character to a large extent keep pace with each other, and I believe it is one of the lessons the Church needs to learn that it can help society best by minding its own business, and letting the Legislature mind its. There is a whole crowd of ministers going in for ' social ' reform, mainly because they have no Gospel ; and because, like a certain class of politicians, they think this is the way to secure a following. How to say this without throwing cold water on Christian zeal for improving the conditions in which people live, or without seeming to be heartless or in- different to the wrongs of the poor, may be difficult ; but it is just as needful to say Put not your trust in Parliament as Put not your trust in princes. I am quite Johnsonian about all this kind of thing, and perhaps feel more like the eighteenth century than the twentieth. I am sending Findlay's book on 1st John to David Smith, as I have not been able to do more 138 LETTERS OF than glance at it. It is every way an attractive book, but there is an excess almost of application and edification in it. Law's book has less of that, and, though some ministers will find less in it, most students will go through it with greater avidity. I expect to be home by August 6, at the latest ; till then, any communication would reach me at Westminster Hall, Vancouver, B.C. I hope you may have a good summer : it seems to have set in at last. Laggan, Alberta, July 18, 1909. I have had a bad conscience about these articles on the Church ever since I left home, and now that I have got another off my mind, I am not sure that it is much relieved. But here it is anyhow. In Vancouver I was kept quite busy, between lecturing and preaching, but had on the whole a very good time. The Presbyterian Church there seems strong and active. The growth of the city is phenomenal, and the Church to a certain extent expands with it without an effort — a situation in which it is easy for men to become the victims of illusion. I was astonished at the size both of the churches and the congregations. The general methods of action, of course, affect church work also, and PRINCIPAL JAMES DENNEY 139 occasionally one was tempted to think that a church, in its determination to be practical and to deal with things as they are was giving itself to everything but the word of God and prayer. But the Church people, like all people here, are hopeful — and how much that means ! In British Columbia there is an immense amount of natural happiness due to the climate, the fertility of the soil, the certain but undefined chances of getting on, and so forth. The one thing about which people are really serious is the Japanese. They don't care a pin for the German Navy, and will never tax themselves a penny to build British dreadnoughts ; but the peaceful penetration of their country by the Orient makes them cold at the heart. The Japanese already monopolise the fisheries on the Fraser River, and are rapidly engrossing the labour, at least of the valuable timber trade, and they do not know how to resist them. While I was in Vancouver two Japanese cruisers visited the harbour, and it was curious to see the kind of courtesy the town extended to the officers — a mixture of deference and reluctance which could hardly have been mistaken by those to whom it was offered. The Canadians are intensely self-conscious about their nationality, and many of them have the absurdest ideas of their importance in the Empire, but they are deeply concerned about China and Japan. They know that they have no cruisers of their 140 LETTERS OF own, and the power of Japan on the Pacific is a menace from which they cannot escape for a moment. The unknown possibilities of it are the one thing, so far as I can see, which sober the imagination of this youthful race. Although I have met with every sort of kind- ness here, Canada as a whole does not attract or exhilarate me, and I should not like to make it my home. I dare not say so aloud, but that is how I feel. I am no imperialist patriot, and one of the things in the B. W. I can never quite under- stand is its attitude to Rosebery ; but I love the poor Sparta I was born in better than the greatest of dominions, and I would rather be miserable in Glasgow than happy in Toronto or Vancouver. It cannot be news to you that the British Weekly is as readily and as regularly to be had in Van- couver as in Glasgow, and that a large number of Canadian and American ministers read it regu- larly. I knew this before, in a manner, but had not realised it, nor how very wide the circulation was. Armstrong sent me a lot of American reviews of my book, almost all of which quoted from your articles. Although I say it who should not, the quotations were almost the only intelli- gent things the reviews contained. I never saw such stuff. I do not say so because they were unfriendly ; on the contrary, they were meant to be commendatory and even laudatory in the extreme ; but three-fourths of them were written PRINCIPAL JAMES DENNEY 141 by people who had not the glimmering of an idea of what the book was about, and who evidently were total strangers to the situation to which it is addressed. If this represents the average intelligence of American Christianity it is omin- ous ; I am certain the poorest country newspaper in Scotland could command infinitely more com- petent hands for reviewing this kind of matter than seem to be at the disposal of the organs of considerable denominations in the States. Arm- strong, however, was very well pleased with them from the publisher's point of view, and has re- printed the book, so that one ought to be grate- ful : if the buyers read it, they will get better value for their money — different value, anyhow, than the reviewers would lead them to expect. I have been staying here for a day or two, and go on to Toronto on Tuesday, where I have to preach on the 25th. On the 30th I sail from Quebec to Liverpool. I never was away alone for months before, and I do not think I will ever be again. I hope you have had a good summer, and have a good holiday in view. Some time ago you wrote about the things people read, or did not read, in hotels ; there are about 300 people in this hotel just now, and no visible indications that they read anything. This is not yet a reading country. Books are dear and inacces- sible ; ministers' libraries positively startling. I have seen several in which there was literally 142 LETTERS OF nothing but dead matter. The intelligence of the country is certainly mobilised, but it is exclusively given up to commercial and practical ends. They are alert to everything but man's chief end. I have read none but old books, and, though there is something valetudinarian in the confession, I have not pined for new. One of your correspondents lately mentioned that George Meredith thought the xxivth Iliad the finest poetry in the world, and having just read through the Iliad again I assent with all my heart. But why should a man who saw that the finest poetry in the world was pure gold, as it were transparent glass, have been content to leave so much of his own poetry no better than conundrums ? I felt never so much before the dramatic as well as the epic value of Homer : the truth with which Hecuba, Andromache, and Helen are marked off against each other as they mourn over Hector, is as wonderful as anything in Shakespeare. This reminds me that another book I have turned over is Wilhelm Meister. But I cannot get on with it. The instinct for reflection became a disease in Goethe. He culti- vated it till he was bound to have thoughts about everything and to write them down, whether the Muse had inspired them or not, with the result that he is responsible for a greater quantity of sound platitudes than any great genius I know. I am sure that to anybody but Schumann he must PRINCIPAL JAMES DENNEY 143 often have been an insufferable bore. And as for all the profound reflections on the dramatic art in Wilhelm Meister, I had a thousand times rather study the Vincent Crummleses, and am only sorry I didn't put Nicholas Nickleby into my bag instead of Meister. But these are hardly Sunday thoughts, and I am going to preach to-night to as many of the guests here as will sacrifice their after-dinner nap to listen to the Gospel. 15 Lilybank Gardens, Glasgow, W., September 30, 1909. I was horrified the other day to lift the kind letter in which you welcomed me home, and to see that it was dated August 2. It did not seem so long ago, and I would have answered it sooner if I could have found it in my heart to write anything about Canada. But it would not have added to the happiness of any- body in Canada, not to say my own, if I had done so : though I had a happy enough time there and met with nothing but kindness. What you said about Smith perturbed me very much : and we are still in suspense. On Sunday I was with Moffatt in my old church, and he reported on what was said to be the authority of Balfour of Burleigh that the offer of the Principal- ship had now been sent to Smith. If this is so, he will no doubt be lost to us. Though the 144 LETTERS OF College and the city will both miss him more than I could tell, I think he ought to go. He has always been a loyal member of the United Free Church, and the place is one where such a man is needed and could do a great deal for the faith. But no possible successor could ever make up for him to me, and though I will be truly glad to see him put in so important a position I will be more unmitigatedly sorry to think of the College with- out him. I saw you had some letters about the article on the Church and Legislation : the one by a Quaker, the second week after, struck me as particularly good. The others seemed rather to show how such an article is needed. I had quite a lot of letters about it too — more than about any casual thing I ever wrote. Most of them were evidently from evangelical old Tory gentle- men, who adore your religion and abhor your politics, and I felt bound in common honesty to point out to some of them that what I wrote about was not the B. W. and Legislation, but the Church and Legislation, and that in point of fact I was on your side in politics as well as in religion, and only meant that while politics had a place of their own the Church was not that place. The most reasonable appreciative letter I had was from Dr. Robertson, the Moderator of the Established Assembly. He said he wrote because he knew I would be much attacked, and PRINCIPAL JAMES DENNEY 145 wished me to know that there were people who agreed. I am sending four reviews with this : Bowne's Studies in Christianity x will be a seductive and impressive book to many, but he seems to me almost always just to stop short of what is most vital in the New Testament conception of Christi- anity. There is a lot of this kind of thing among Canadian Methodists, and I cannot be reconciled to it. I like lucidity as much as any one, but I like still better the sense of magnitude and even of immensity in a man dealing with revealed religion. Fog is abominable, but it is not so abominable as a man who thinks he has taken the measure of the breadth and length and depth and height, and that he knows all round what passes knowledge. The other books are hardly of any importance, and I was astonished to find two columns in the Spectator on Lady Mabel Lindsay's Anni Domini. Carnegie Simpson spoke to me some time ago, in connection with a letter from you, about reviewing Rainy's life, and I said to him I would write an article on it if you asked me. But I was delighted to hear from him that you are going to do it yourself. It will not suffer from not being attacked enough. I do not know whether any one could have Boswellised Rainy ; I only met him in private once, and his observations on 1 Studies in Christianity, by Borden Parker Bowne (Constable). K 146 LETTERS OF things were interesting : though one could not speak of his ' copiousness of communication.' Your article on Rosebery's Lichfield address was interesting to me, and would have been even more so if you had been severer on his want of appre- ciation for his subject. The only thing in which I don't agree with you (or with Johnson) is in the appreciation of the Ramblers. There is hardly one of them, no doubt, in which there is not a good sentence with the sap of experience in it, but they are leaden and wooden on the whole. The title of the Great Moralist was really earned by the author of the Lives of the Poets, which are a genuine criticism of life even more than of literature ; and win much of their interest in this way. I read the Ramblers as Rosebery says he did Rasselas, but I will not read them any more, whereas I hope to read in the Lives often. Did I tell you that a notice of my Johnson lecture in Vancouver spelt his name with a t, and mine without ane? Now could I write a column about a country in which such things are possible ? Do you think there is enough in the six articles I have written to make even a very little book on religion ? I had an idea of writing another on the Church and Education, but though we have a great duty there which is not being done, and for the neglect of which we are suffering under new theologians and what not, the subject is so complicated practically, that I don't know PRINCIPAL JAMES DENNEY 147 whether anything sufficiently definite could be said. It is getting to be quite an anxious ques- tion in foreign as well as home work, and is deeply exercising missionaries in China as well as in India and Japan. I hope you will keep well this winter to fight the battle of liberty : the taxes will be unpopular when they come to be paid, but the Budget is all right. 15 Lilyjbank Gardens, Glasgow, W., November 12, 1909. Allow me to say again, more deliberately, what a pleasure it was to see your name in the King's Birthday List. All your friends here rejoice in it, and if honours go by public service there must be few indeed whose title to them can compare with yours. Stet fortuna domus, as the pious iEneas says — unless my memory fails me. I hope you and all your house may long be happy in the enjoyment of this one. We are terribly put out by the loss of Smith ; for some days I felt positively disabled by it. You can imagine what kind of colleague he is, and especially what he has been to me. We arc of the same age, and though all four of us are on the friendliest terms, he and I were able to fraternise more completely with each other than with our seniors. He is not only the most genial of men, but what by no means always goes with 148 LETTERS OF geniality, the most truly unselfish ; he always took with the utmost readiness not only his own share, but far more than his own share of the common work. I don't think I ever missed my wife more than the first few days after I knew he was going. I could not get away from it, and had nobody who could feel how much it meant. Nevertheless, I think he did right to go, as I told him beforehand, and though the far shining light of our College has departed we will hope for compensation elsewhere. I had turned over the Hibbert Journal supple- ment before you sent it, and enclose an article on it. I never read such a production : the Plain of Shinar would have been a home of rest and a seat of light and leading in comparison with it. What struck me most in many of the papers was their conceit. It is like walking through a mad- house where everybody that talks talks about himself ; and though there are obiter dicta of comparative sanity, the whole thing is as mad as Legion. R. J. Campbell, I think, is the very worst, and if something does not happen to him I should be really concerned about his future. Jones's article is really a review of the conclusion of my book : he wrote to me about it himself before it appeared. To me personally he is more than courteous, but I have put in a paragraph about him because he is far the most influential university teacher in Scotland, all our students PRINCIPAL JAMES DENNEY 149 are strongly impressed by him, and a good many who ought to be our students are diverted from the Church — and as I am convinced from the Gospel — by his influence. I swithered once whether I should do the article, partly because I was asked to contribute to the volume both by the editor and by Jones, who is one of the board, and partly because my name figures conspicu- ously in one of the really readable papers in it, but one may as well speak as think when he is in dead earnest. 15 Lilybank Gardens, Glasgow, W., December 11, 1909. The book of which I enclose a notice * is one of the best of the kind which I have seen for a long time. I do not know the author at all, except that he is a parish minister in Kirkcudbright somewhere : I have an impres- sion that this is a kind of work in which more ministers are interested in the Established Church than in ours. I have been inclined to complain lately that we get plenty of philosophers but too few men who can parse ; but if we got the genuine article, like this, I should complain no more. 1 The Principles of Religious Development , l>v George Galloway, M.A., D.Ph. 150 LETTERS OF 15 Lilybank Gardens, Glasgow, January 5, 1910. Here are notices of the last two books you sent me. Ramsay and Miss Bell 1 are rather beyond me : I cannot form any estimate of the work of all these photographs for the history of architecture. But I cannot resist the impression that they have baked a huge cake with very little meal. As for Hawkins, 2 his book is the best of its kind, and I only wish for the sake of students it were half the present price. You will be pleased to see how well the Central Fund has come out. No less than £38,000 was received in December, and there is more than enough to pay the dividend of £160 to each minister. Besides, we start fair for 1910, instead of with a debit balance of £9000, so that we ought to have an easy year compared with last. Every- body is grateful and encouraged, and all we want now is for those who were throwing stones at each other in a panic because they thought they were going to lose through each other's failure to do what was right by the Fund, to leave off recrimina- tions and attend to the common good. There will be troubles within five years over town ministers who once depended in part on the Sustentation Fund, but who are now compelled 1 The Thousand and One Churches, by Sir William Ramsay, D.C. L., and Gertrude Bell. 2 Horce Synopticce, by the Rev. Sir John C. Hawkins, Bart. PRINCIPAL JAMES DENNEY 151 to be self-supporting if they get any supplement, as they must, if they are to live at all ; but sufficient unto the day is the evil thereof. Much may happen within the five years for which their personal interests are secured. I have not written anything about the election, not because I am not on the Liberal side, but because I have no business to, nor anything par- ticular to say. I hope to hear Churchill next Wednesday, whose address to the Dundee electors is the only thing of intellectual quality the elec- tion has yet produced. 15 Lilybank Gardens, Glasgow, January 29, 1910. I have had a letter from one of our ministers, Mr. Muir of Rothesay, about a book he has written on the history of the relations of Christianity to Labour. He asks me to speak of it to you, as he would like to have it published by Hodder and Stoughton. I have not seen the book, which extends to about 85,000 words, he says : but I have known Muir since we were in College together — he was a year or two behind me — and think him an unusually able man. He was convener for a while of the Assembly's Temperance Committee, and had some legal experience before he became a minister ; he is a B.L. as well as a B.D. There will not be 152 LETTERS OF anything unreal in his book, I am sure : he is a hard-headed man, and as a minister in a great variety of charges — Muthil, Glasgow, Blair- gowrie, and Rothesay — he has seen all kinds of labour, and all kinds of relations between it and the Church. I know this will not make any difference to you or to Hodder and Stoughton, and that the book will be judged on its merits, but I should anticipate that its merits would be quite distinct. I am glad to see you keep up your spirits about the election, and I am sure the Liberals who have been returned will be of the same mind. The only chance they have of life is to make no terms with the Tories. The mortification of the Tories over the Scotch elections is indescribable. An interesting thing in that book of Monte- fiore's x is the proof it gives that the Church is full of Jews — people whose attitude to Jesus shows that they are at the O. T. not the N. T. stage of religion. The hundred and third Psalm is all they want, and they take it without misgivings, but the 8th chapter of Romans is only an em- barrassment. 15 Lilybank Gardens, Glasgow, W., March 28, 1910. Here is a notice of Schweitzer's book, which I hardly thought would have been translated. 1 The Synoptic Gospels, edited by C. G. Montefiore. PRINCIPAL JAMES DENNEY 153 It is one of the most extraordinary books I ever read, but not nearly so important as the author thinks. Indeed the more I read in this line the more I feel the incomparable superiority of Strauss in sceptical power to any of his successors ; most of them live on crumbs that have fallen from his table. Both Sanday and Burkitt have made a great to do about his book, and as the translation is really masterly, it is certain to be much read. It is a curious phenomenon to see extreme scepticism about the history of Jesus driving men to appeal to St. Paul on the one side, and to the Catholic Church on the other, especially when the Catholic Church rejects the appeal as emphatically as I have no doubt St. Paul also would have done. I am leaving to-morrow morning for Rome, and hope to be mostly there till the end of April ; by May 12 I must be back here. Perhaps you may get the general election over in my absence : it does not feel well for the Liberals at present. If Asquith is to be coerced by the Irish, and that in the interest of the whisky people who pay them, a great many earnest Liberals will not take the trouble to walk to the poll. The one moral of all that has happened is that there must not be any more equivocation in high places. I hope you may keep fit for the fight ; it is certain to give you work when you find out when it is. 154 LETTERS OF 15 Lilybank Gardens, Glasgow, W., May 27, 1910. I enclose a notice of Sanday's book, 1 which I found here when I came home. It was an evil hour for Sanday when he took Moberly and Du Bose for philosophers, and now that he has gone in for William James and Myers he is past praying for. I am sorry I cannot think his book likely to be of use, for he has been very polite to me in it. I had a very good holiday in Italy, most of it in Rome. Pagan Rome impressed me much more than Christian — at least much more favour- ably. The pagans were not saints, but they were not habitually engaged in doing infamous things in holy names, and it gives them an honesty and dignity even in their badness to which most of the popes can make no pretence. I cannot understand how people who go to Rome can ever go over to the Romish Church. The whole thing rests so palpably on lies from top to bottom that it could have no effect on me but to make me a more determined Protestant than ever. I saw almost all the ministers in the Presbytery of Italy. A lot of them are wanting successors, ' young, vigorous men who will give their lives to the work,' but I must say I should hesitate to recommend any of these continental stations as his life work to a young and vigorous man. We 1 Christologies , Ancient and Modern, by William Sanday, D.D. PRINCIPAL JAMES DENNEY 155 want all our youth and vigour for more clamant needs. I never spent six weeks from home during which so many of my own friends died. There was some one every week — the last being Scott of Arbroath, the first man who asked me to preach for him when I was ordained in Broughty Ferry. We had been friends ever since, and on the first Sunday of this year I preached for him. He died just as my wife did, only more suddenly. Yesterday afternoon I heard Rosebery speak of the King x at the University Council. It was interesting because he knew him, but not other- wise remarkable. The greatest charm about Rosebery's speaking is his voice : he has without apparent effort the right quantity and quality of it for any purpose. I have never heard him eloquent, except in a literary sense — never in a flame of fire, as I once heard Gladstone de- nouncing the Cyprus Convention. I hope you keep well and have your literary history in view. Do you expect mc to read Frazer's book through before I review it ? I sympathise with Johnson : ' One set of savages is very like another.' 15 Lilybank Gardens, Glasgow, \Y\, May no, 1910. I was out of town on Saturday, and did not get your telegram till it was too late to 1 King Edward vu. died in May 1!)1<>. 156 LETTERS OF answer till this morning. If I had not written such a long review of Sanday, I should have done an article on him, but I hope the enclosed may not be irrelevant. They will be giving in the Conference Reports at the Assembly as I write ; but I don't think it compro- mises the future of the proceedings for me to say what is here said. 15 Lilybank Gardens, Glasgow, W., June 13, 1910. You must not count on my writing anything about the Conference. I can only be there for part of two or three days, and my conscience smites me when I remember that some months ago I promised to speak at it. Whether it will interest the world outside I cannot tell : I have an impression that a great deal of what is called ' interest ' in the Church is artificial, and that when it comes to the point of doing anything it is exceedingly difficult to get it done. The Protestant Church has perhaps taught too exclusively the duty of consecrating to God the life we are born into, and left too little room for the truth that in this present evil world there must be great renunciations as well if there are to be great Christian careers. There is in- finitely more talking about missions among young people than there used to be, much more PRINCIPAL JAMES DENNEY 157 knowledge too, and more of what are supposed to be ideas ; but though the student volunteer movement has fostered this, I question if it has increased by an atom the kind of enthusiasm which has the sense of duty in it, and which will materialise as self - denial. I hope I am not unkind to any one in saying this ; unhappily I think there is reason. Your article on Vaughan * interested me very much, but though I appreciate his evangelical (?) poverty, I can't help saying of such men, Do not I hate them, O Lord, that hate Thee ? It is not evangelical poverty when a man buys even with all his money the power to enslave his fellow-men and to lord it over their faith. I had just as soon be Dives in the parable : the misrepresen- tation of Christianity and defamation of Jesus are not a whit worse or better in the one than in the other. 15 Lii.ybank Gardens, Glasgow, W., July 1, 1910. I am posting with this a long review of Bacon on John." It is not an article, though it is as long as one, and perhaps it is not suitable to have a revic out of proportion to others, though a shorter one would have to be too 1 Thr Life of Cardinal Vaughan, by J. y P. T. Forsyth, 1>.1>. 186 LETTERS OF new wrought tin,' with an undertone as of one sug- gesting that he did not expect to be understood by or convince everybody : which I acknowledged as well as I could. 15 Lilybank Gardens, Glasgow, W., November 25, 1911. As you will see, I have written a long notice of Lake. 1 It is a really important book, and in some essential points I think a thoroughly misleading and pernicious one. I don't care a straw whether the Galatians were ' north ' or * south,' and the present adherence to Ramsay is to a large extent as much a matter of fashion as the size of ladies' hats ; but this reduction of Christianity to one of many ' redemptive ' religions which struggled for victory and sur- vival in the early centuries, the most religious period our race has ever known, and the identification of the Christian sacraments with pagan mysteries, which is partly the alleged basis of this, and partly an inference from it, is serious, and I have taken space to be explicit about it. I am sorry you are going in for the woman's vote in politics. Manhood suffrage, on the basis of universal military training — a vote to every 1 The Earlier Epistles of St. Paul: their Motive and Origin, by Kirsopp Lake. PRINCIPAL JAMES DENNEY 187 person of twenty-five who had put in his drills — is the panacea which commends itself to me. If we had any more demonstrations like Mrs. P.'s last, I should say, ' Do not hesitate to shoot ! ' I admit this is a subject on which I can get few to agree with me, and that my dear wife was, as her sister is, altogether on the wrong side. 15 Lilybank Gardens, Glasgow, W., December 8, 1911. You have always been much more than gen- erous to any writing of mine, but the way in which you speak of my sermons * quite over- whelms me. You must believe I am grateful, and not for this only, though I do not know how to do more than flatly say so. Though I gave up the idea of calling them ' Sermons on Texts,' I am glad you noticed that they are textual ; I don't know how a minister gets on at all who does not let the text preach. There was one thing in your notice of Maclaren which gave me a thrill of joy — the sentence about his boots. Many and many a time when I have been baffled by a sermon — or by something else — in the forenoon, I have found no way out but to get up, put off my slippers and put on my boots and a coat, collar and tie in which I could go out ; it usually had the effect of bringing my desultory 1 The Way Everlasting , Sermons by James Deiiney, D.D. 188 LETTERS OF faculties to the scratch. But I had no idea I was in such distinguished company, though I remem- ber Scott used to take an hour in the morning to shave, dress, and put on his shoes, having an energetic contempt for the dressing-gown and slippers mode of life. Most people, in spite of these high examples, will have a sneaking sym- pathy with Descartes, who created the higher mathematics while sipping brown soup under the blankets in broad day. Welch, who has been delivering the Kerr Lectures in our hall on the religion of Israel under the kingdom — the religion of the Genesis stories, of Elijah, Amos, Hosea, and Isaiah — asked me to introduce them to Hodder and Stoughton with a view to getting them published. Perhaps you will pass this on to them and let it count as an introduction. I think them unusually good lectures, perhaps with some crankiness, but really powerful and stimulating, and very well adapted to revive interest in the Old Testament, which seems for a time to have flagged among us. ' Under the Kingdom ' does not include Jeremiah, but does include Deuteronomy : he could not bring Jeremiah in within the limits he set himself. I see in the papers to-day the death of Charles Thomson, who took the Hebrew Class here during Smith's first year in Aberdeen : a most promising life cut short. PRINCIPAL JAMES DENNEY 189 Warm congratulations on the semi- jubilee of the B. W. It is the semi- jubilee of my ordination. 15 Lilybank Gardens, Glasgow, W., December 16, 1911. I have read with much interest your article on Immortality, 1 and I think I agree with it all. To say Christ would not have done and suffered what He did for beings less than im- mortal is probably the simplest and truest way to bring His work into relation to the question of immortality, but it assumes a certain view of what He did and suffered. I should never dream of being dogmatic about conditional immortality ; it seems to me to have all the marks of a half-way house about it, and I cannot think it will ever be more than a flitting and vanishing idea in this region. But from the point of view taken by Dale, is it not arguable that Christ might have done and suffered all He did do and suffer for people who had the capacity of immortality, but had forfeited it by sin, yet were capable through Him of being restored to it again ? If we speak of Jesus as acting on motives, is not the motive of putting immor- tality within the reach of mortal men, or blessed immortality within the reach of lost men, one 1 ' Immortality in the Light of the Cross.' (Leading article in the British Weekly of December 14, 1911.) 190 LETTERS OF on which we can interpret His life and death ? What I feel is that it is unreal to separate life and blessedness, or death and doom, and that you seem to say that unless man was bound to have for ever a being which is not determined either way Christ's work is unintelligible. I don't like to forbid a man to preach Christ who only feels able to say that to men whose future apart from Christ is 4 all unknown.' Christ came to bring, at the cost of His cross and passion, life and immortality. But as I can hardly think you would forbid this either, it is possible I may not have exactly seized your mind. The sermon on immortality is one I must have written about twenty years ago, and I never preached it but once since. It does not preach well, but I thought the substance of it would be instructive to some when read, and accordingly I put it in. When I left Broughty Ferry I burned nearly all my sermons, and was horrified as I did so to see what an amount of repetition there was in them ; I have the same horror, only worse, when I look over them in print. 15 Lilybank Gardens, Glasgow, W., December 23, 1911. I enclose with this a review of Ward's book. 1 It 1 The Realm of Ends ; or, Pluralism and Theism. Gifford Lectures, by James Ward, Sc.D. PRINCIPAL JAMES DENNEY 191 is extraordinarily interesting for this kind of thing, and keeps closer to reality than metaphysicians usually do. But he has a curious way when he encounters a difficulty, of saying, ' But first we must ' — raise some other very remote question, which is apt to put out a reader who finds it diffi- cult enough to hold a single thread in such abstract discussion. On the whole, however, it is decidedly on the Christian side, and therefore a book to be thankful for. I meant to have sent with this a notice of De Witt Hyde's book on The Five Great Philosophies of Life, 1 but I left it lying in a shop in Edinburgh on Tuesday, and, though I sent stamps at once to return it, there is no sign of it yet. I had read about two-thirds of it, and thought it excellent, a really happy specimen of modernising and applying the ancients without traducing them at all. I hope you are going to have a rest at Christ- mas ; we are going to Crieff on Tuesday for a week : our holidays, you will have a malicious joy in hearing, are longer than usual. Like you, I have sometimes wondered at Dickens's representation of nonconformity in people like Stiggins, but I think I understand it apart from any personal reason. All the novelists like Dickens, Thackeray, and Fielding represent the natural man and his goodness — that is, goodness 1 The Five