.r s> ^ t''\'','-€5S< '*%( $;^^ — > EUAS SMITH -K19087- LIBRARY OF THE THEOLOGICAL SEMIHARY PRINCETON, N. J. Division.JSX. b7 ^ D Section : .'.. ^-"^ f>tyf ■■i''- ••V.'.'t/'./.'VS IJERALD OF GO.SFEL LIBERTY '^'' ?r r~ II III ' IAS S.-\I1TII. ;o. l.]|,. 4'iI*i;sDA fti'^ V EvrSLVt;, S^I'IiMBKU 1, IHOS S^. "<">""'"• I »Ki.o.v> ; wi y,tt Tilt s»o« ttoct o> Oi;> ^ISO lovk «»x Z f.lAovHJas n> ins vluuc. ^^^ ' «!'> herv^fr rr^,i iit tvittoitt, ■* AKi> F*iin» Ciri/esi^ ^^ ijl^^ti I ti t|Ll|^|||lji . fcrjdIAiju, .uul i.>rli.„larlv. as il to,„i.|, «JViHn»l,^lgc ft t.!r3firuH ,n prevent thim <■' '. iUj->.i.x wImi liny bare bt^il tnttglii bf- ) Ji-', lo liiciu, aa > right ■fWai by ihtir CVoi- ti^i jjid giuraiit^eit by ihv ^vemmvm of the c^my III whiih \^*: hve. Thi- >u-ii^.|c vibith lia> anil Mill cQnlioiKii to cocnolM! Ilio miionj in the old cuiiiuriri, ,«« irt II grem iitcanirc over h«rf. Liberty ii* lii«% Mwbai niaiiy nn- ik>u- makm^ viok-ut ex«ticiw to obt^m, anil olht-rs (ilioii(jli lew in liiilUber.) by trerj- posaiblc mean ii(»cii fml,«voored lo dei,riTo la ol (lie rit;lii. wbicli f;„l h„ j„ai us id torn, moil Kith all naU.«i., i„uii,li,.lw ,„ CD.Iared with the ,,riiKii,leibr»'l from Europe by tbos<- ijlrtio bnl „i,kj thi, couott)-. Had fA„™ <;, A-drJ, vheo l»- «itla)r«». hi. tr,.,,. ft„„ i|,„ Bounli)-, nitlidrann all Am- ,,rinci|,lr. respert- |iig ci.il anil itligiou. aftair., «hicli an iaop. Josiuoil to tlie light, of mimtiti.1, ire sbould aavc b«n a much more united and baiii.y Mo- pk- that) ire now are : but ala, ! ,|„.y /„ u-ft M>obg <•^ litf Uk- CamiMiitc in .iki„, „„„. to be o,ere,«nf by liulc m«| |i„|„ . j^j m, the atmy „f Cog, „)^h Ml upon di« nu.m,. twn. of l«el tbey aro ,„ be burk-il by men |£ruploj-cd for that purpow, »hile ever)' pi^- ■^S" ■■ W erect a monument, wb«n:>ei he ""»'"! e'>'onuoem „l,„h dcpnve, u. of ;i. ^fv,^ ^highly de«ni,:,i„.p„„,ip|„ •nd ihoush thcK principle. ,„ „^ p,„„cti-d '^ Uw. y, , „„„ , a,,.,!,,,,^, „ ,^,.„, __^ _ five g„„„,^„ p„.„.„„ j^^ rnjovmenl of ^['71'^ '-"J t'" S"™ u., Jtihichall the United .Sr.m-i, A iiirnilicr of (,.,n.:i,.„ ( i:ud 10 me not 1..!,^; a.!o (Mhilr .peaking lipoii ! the stau- ot tl'c pviijile in ihi« cuUiriy, an it [ r(-«|iirclf!:cli^iou,Ijbcrtn)ii.ili«aujoyiit, "the | (.eople in Ibis covmtiy -TKm gcn(*«d fr^v, as I to |,iilitic,i( mailers; bufflpiiiuiiJ of leliaioil Binlt1n*le» of Hi«n«r» apimraHt^ ^,„:,„„ „, »h.il Liberty i< ;" '1 Ui< is trw.-, >l»-.)it;io aj,- |Har to liriou.Mt.it belong* lo tlicin a.M itueiiV and who \v:il contcuil fur Uieir rigbt:^ ; when lb. y talk or net ii|(Ou things of the bijjhcit iui| orlanic, appeal to Ik- j^oijcd « holly bv thf'npiniojK of dc-.i^niii|^ men, who n ould' liind them ill the chains of ignorHiicr «J( their days, ,tiin;;-s to men, iM it reopecj tjlcir du- t^- to (»^«l, and each other. /t is an eslablishcd priiK-ipIc wili mc. that the mun « ho a|)pc»n in any public «^r^ ice and 1. failhSil to hi. UI1W-, mil havcadoublecliar- actitj ; by lire unjust and them whojudKe liom the tesiiinony of such, tic' will be coissid- credadi«,irl„r uf ib,- peace, as turmov'llic world upside d„w„, and Mining, op the p^opfe to re.olt^ut l,y the well inf.irnitil loic of tnxK,— fc#*nU *« have a steady and jxrscvering r^td to troth, and Ihc general good of men ; «id to Iir,)^ every tkiag in a fair and maijy iray ; not scandalusin^ any, or doiui; »iy thing bv par- lulily. .should ;my scandalize Ihrmsclics lis bad conduct ; Jet them .lot ctintjrc it to inc. If men do not « ,sh to liarc bad ikings said of Ihero, let them ivil do b.ld ihuipi. It is my sle.ign m the fullowing numbemlogite aplain descoption of the riiihu of mm, and to shew the principle on which ilicy arc foowlid, and hkewist to slicw the opposite. There .re ma. ny tbmgs lakinj( place in the ptiaent d.yrt- spectini! reU(£io.i, which «ill bt noticeel as they occur. A particular allcmion will bu paid lo the accoimts uf trvivals of religion in diflirait parla of the woild, arooilg the Yaiionj drnomimlioiu who call Jcsns liird. as far aa It can be oblaijied. A rehgioBs Ncw-i-papcr, u ahnos; a mnv ihmB under tho «m, i Vnoi» not but Hits is utility ol. iiich'a pai«.. ., gi-slul to me. from tbtfpsal uk ,.t!iei paper are lolo lite coiiimunity at I'j^-. ]q this my almost the wUIc state ot tli^wW is nrcsr nt • cd to us lit once. InjJ diori :.ii(( cheap r.aj, a jjfiK'ial knowlcdgcof our alliiii^is'difl'jsed thi.iur^h the srhblc ", aitd by looiiiiig ijiio a Ncws-p.apci-, we ofti-n mofc at tile state ofna- ' tioiis, and swu ihcin rise into importaiice, of criiHiblc into rout, ' K we urs- profit? J in jio-' liticid aflaini in this wuy, 1 do not see why ihe know lalgc of Ihc Kcdeeioer'^ kingdom *l:iai' not Ire promoted or incrcised In the same way. ft apjiegrs to nic best to mate the tr» at. The liberal subscriptions for this work in tliev trying liiues, li.w encouraged nw to begin it, liopiiig that others will 6ik! an adv.'uit..;.'e in liirwardin^ the" stork by ad- . ding their names lo tire lisl ul'tiiosc who hare already wished such a n^irk to apjiear in the * world. There arc many tbuigs whit h wall be. |flti£o tip which arc not new, hot are iRipoilani,'afbt which if staled lo tlic riatng j;i iieratien wip ■erre to give them a kiKnelcdgc of that lilici- ty lor which their fatl.r- iiljl itK- glorious l.il«.rty of tho sous ol Cod vhich Christ proclaimed ; aoit srhich alllwho • hare, are eitltOrtsMl lo stauri fast in, being tiiat ' which IS given ami enjoyed Iiy tlie lawof l.ib. erty ; which )« the la v (A' the spirit ot' lit* m Cliri.i JcHs^liliiclaiiiiikca liec from (he law of sin and ik«th. '^ In this plai-c. f i^Jvi; the mtaitin^ of the> v,i>Tjsrt. Tltf tmsiDc«s of an Flemhl iti the £ii)i^tsh ^((Aatm- meiil is u futhnvs— ix To marshal, order, and conduct at] rsij-at casittcadcs. ccfsmvoweii a» comnatiuav, ro)-at marriage*, imtaltations, rr.-: First p.MJJO of III lirsl issito of tlio tif.st religions iicwspniter — yrciitly i-f'thiced. ^ APR 21 1941 ' The Centennial "^^^ 3l \ OGIC'I SBAV^ 5^, OF Religious Journalism 'Thy Kingdom Come" EDITED BY By REV. J. PRESSLEY BARRETT, D. D Editor IIekald of Gospel Liberty "The Oldest Religious Newspaper" DAYTON, OHIO : CHKISTIAN PUBLISHING ASSOCIATION 1008 CHRISTIANS. Ye are called with a holy calling The light of the world to be; To light up the lamp of the gospel That others the light may see." DEDICATED 1 o tlie memory or tne early leaders or theCnristianMove- ment, as the propnets or a broader rellowsnip among Christians — Xo tne religious press as messengers or lignt to every tribe and nation — And to every individual believer as the personal repre- sentative or our Lord and Master in tne church militant. "We call ourselves Christians, not in any invidious, or presump- tive sense, but devoutly, as most expressive of our relationship to Christ, and at the same time as most promotive of real brotherly fellow- ship and true Christian unity." A THRESHOLD MESSAGE This book is designed to commemorate the first century of the history of the Herald of (lospel Lih- erti/u and therein to give a bird's-eye view of the worlv and progress of the Christian Church. The introduction of the religious newspaper marks an era in the work of the church in modern times, and gives to the Christian Church a distinc- tion as the originator of the idea of religious jour- nalism which others have coveted, in some cases even to the point of an effort to wrest this honor from us. In this volume, beginning on page 37, the his- torical facts jjertaining to this question are given in a very definite and convincing manner, fixing beyond any reasonable doubt the right and jus- tice of this claim of the Christian Church. If after examination any one should question our right to this distinction, here and now we ask for the proof to sustain the justice of any such doubt. The following topics, including many allied sub- jects, are covered in this volume: The Beginning and Beyond ; A Concise i^fatement of our Denomi- national Position; The History of the Herald of Gospel Liherty; One Hundred Editorial Gems; Early Leaders; Our Century Churches; A Hundred Years of Progress, or The Development of Our Denominational Life and Worl: : The American Christian Convention; Constituent Conventions; The Outlook. Certain celebrated sayings and historical inci- 8 T II E CENTENNIAL O F dents are occasionally repeated — due to the fact that each of the several authors wrote on a given theme, entirely independent of tlie others, but each one had the Centennial ol' Religious Jcnirnalisni as a coni- nion center, with the history of the Christian jNIove- nient as a setting for the whole. The biographies of a number of our early leaders, together with the pictures of many of our pioneer and later workers, Avill be highly appreciated by our people, to say nothing of much other valuable mat- ter. It is much regretted that the faces of so many eminently worthy of a place in this book are kept out for the lack of space, and that, too, after the size of the volume, as originally i)lanned, has been doublerl. Some of our editors are not included be- cause Ave could not get necessary information, al- though we sought it again and again. No doubt some of our century churches are not includ- ed, and for the same reason — information, though asked for time and again, could not be obtained in time, or not at all. The ccdlection of material and its arrangement for publication have been under the })ressing duties of editorial and pastoral service. The reader is therefore kindly recjuested to bear patiently with defects, for they are more painful to the editor than to the reader. Among the pictures used a few are not so good, because made from very old photographs, or from a reprint, but they are the best we could get. In behalf of the Centennial Committee and tlie editor we extend a sincere word of thanks to the writers and to all who have helped to make this volume of special interest to our Brotherhood. RE I- Hi Kirs .TOTMi XAI. I S M We are stauding in the twilight of the closing days of our first centnr\ , :uid already we behold the dawning of the morning of our second century. We look backward upon the thin«.>s that were, and for- ward that we may catch glimpses of the things that shall be. From this mount of vision the promises of God stand out as so many beacon lights, luring us on- ward to a fuller realization of, and a larger fruit- fulness in, our mission to the Avorld. For more than one hundred years God has led us, bearing our burdens and comforting our hearts. He has brought us to this vantage ground, this Pisgah outlook, where we may study the prospect in the light of the retrospect. In the retrospect we shall see enough to humble us, while in the pros pect are visions so enchanting as to stir our hearts and inspire our lives to a better service in the great work of giving the gospel to a lost world. In this day of light and progi-ess God calls us to the front of the battle that we may honor His Son in the face of the enemy by a glorious victory for the Cross. In the coming conflict, for which God has been preparing us for a century, the battles will be such as the modern churdi has not known — struggles that will try men through and through. Funda- mental truths will be assailed, while many may fall by the wayside. Be not dismayed — it is the Lord's battle, and if we prove true, He will honor us with victory. We must rememlier we are under marching or- ders. There must be no faltering. The battle song 10 T II E C E N T E N N I A L O F must he sung in earnest. Every true soldier will join in the refrain: Siirvli/ the Captain, may depend on me,. Thouiih hut an armor-hearer I may he. Thus ooniuiittiug ourselves to the Lord's work for the Twentieth Century, through the hearing of faith, we shall receive anew God's ancient promise to his people: / iciU not leave thee, nor forsake thee. From this thought we get hope and inspiration for a new day and a new battle. Let us be much in prayer, constant in love, enthusiastic in purpose and faithful in service, seizing every opportunity as it passes, and meeting bravely each responsibility which may come to us in the vicissitudes of our second century, and it will be enough, for the vic- tory in Christ will be complete, and the reward sure and glorious forever. J. P. B. Dayton, Ohio, August 1, 1908. HISTORICAL ms ¥ The Present Herald and Its Editor. R E L I r. I OTT S JO Ti U X ALTS M 13 THE BEGINNING AND BEYOND A Brief Study of the Conditions and Ideals Wliich Gave Rise to the Christian Church BY THE EDITOR. Beo-iunings may be obscure, but they are iuterest- in*; and instructive. Ouce discovered and conipre- bended, we have the true view-point from which to study development and after history. In celebrating the Centennial of Religious Jour- nalism, we may well introduce the event by a brief study of the beginnings of the movement which gave birth to the idea of a religious newspaper. To do this we must look beyond the mere formal- ities of organization. We must study the conditions and in them find the causes which made the new- body a necessity in meeting the religious needs of the age. It was in the etfort of this infant body of believers to meet these needs that the idea of re- ligious journalism loomed up on the horizon of their possibilities as an excellent aid in the execution of their work and in the accomplishment of their mis- sion to the world. In their ministry a ]>ropliet arose whose keen vision caught glimpses of a new world of activity and usefulness. ELIAS SMITH saw in a vision a religious news])aper. The idea fastened itself ujion his mind and heart. He de- clared that in it — 14 T 1 1 !•: ( ^ E N T E X N I A T> O F From realms far distant and from clinics nnknoion We make the knoxvledgc of our King your own. From the impressions of tliis vision, the idea slowly developed till September 1, 1908, when the first issue of the first distinctly religious news- paper the world had ever seen appeared from the city of Portsmouth, N. H., under the name of the Herald of Gospel Liho-fi/, and the same is yet with us in active service. To the Christian Church, therefore, is due a debt of appreciation for introducing religious journal- ism, and for giving a practical demonstration of its utility in the publication of the Herald of Gospel Liherty. From the first, the idea secured a sure footing in the history of the modern church. Its development has been rapid, till to-day, as an institution, the re- ligious newspaper is the right arm of all denomina- tional effort, and a great power in giving tlie light of the gospel to the world. It surpasses in power all influences of other human agencies for the health and prosperity of the church militant. The centen- nial celebration of religious journalism, therefore, promises to be an event of peculiar interest, A.S to the validity of the claim, that the Christiai^. Church published the FIRST RELIGIOUS NEWSPAPER^ we only ask for a study of the facts. Three other religious newspapers have laid claim to the distinc- tion of seniority, as follows : 1. The Religious Rememhraneer, Philadelphia, now the Christian Observer, of Louisville, Ky., first ])ublished in 1813. RELIGIOUS JOURNALISM 15 2. The Wichli/ Recorder, Philadelphia, first pub- lished ill 1814. 3. The Boston Recorder, Boston, Mass., now the Congregationalist, Boston, first published in 181 fi. As the Herd Id of (h)spel Liberty was first pub- lished September 1, 1808, it is clearly five years the senior of the oldest of the three. In proof of the date of its publication, orijiinal files may be seen on application, at the office of the Christian rublishing Association, Dayton, Ohio, s\'liich necessarily ends the contention as to the oldest religious newspaper, giving the Christian Church (not the Disciples) the honor of being the mother of religious journalism. We may, therefore, combine in a brief study the introduction of religious journalism and the history of the people from whose ranks it sprang. The beginning of the Christian Church is some- times reckoned from the date of the famous ^leth- odist Conference, Baltimore, Maryland, in November, 1792, when that body divided under the leadershij) of James O'Kelly and his associates, not on account of doctrinal differences, but because of the *^*^0NE MAN POWER/^ which found its expression in the rule of the bishop. The real beginning, however, of the organic his tory of the Christian Church is August 4, 1794, when the withdrawing wing of the Methodist Conference, then known as ''Republican Methodists," met in gen- eral meeting at I>ebanon, Surry Co., Virginia. It was on this occasion, after much prayer and delib- eration, that Eev. Rice Haggard stood before that 16 THE CENTENNIAL OF ■-*' '-■ 1 :4 .1. f^ .^flfiflH IttKj S'f'im liMi H • j.'- -'■-* i V H Inl H ^^^ Hi '^' 9§^^^^-^^^^^^^^^S ■^^'■'- ^^^81 - ,,^ ^ "• - > < ■■^' The exact spot on which stood Lebanon church in wiiicli tlie conference had met wlien Uev. Rice IIn,i;.i;ard made liis famous motion for the adoption of the name Christian. 1^^^^^^^^^^B^^^^H93« 'JiT^'S^^^iiJPVM ■f {^^^^^^^^^^^^M^^mmmJ^ mh !iS«^ 'H Jfe jis* ' II : ^' '^ .:.^^^. . '-^^ i^ NEW LEBANON CHURCH 'I'lic successor of the "Old Ijel)anon" — located a hit distant from the old site, Snrrj' County, Virginia. U K L I G I O T^ S .!( » r K X A L I S .M 1. assembly, lioldinji aloft, in his right hand, a copy of the New Testament, and said: Brethren, this is a sufficient rule of faitli and practice. B.v it we understand the disciples of our Lord were first called Clu-istians, and I move that henceforth and forever the followers of Cln-ist be known as CHRISTIANS simply. The motion was pnt to the house, and unanimons- ly adopted. From that date to this we have never acknowledj^ed or answered to any other name as a body of believers. This was unquestionably the beginning of the modern organization of the Christian Church. Of course, its principles came to us from the teachings of Christ and the apostles. To understand condi- tions which made its existence a necessity, we must go back of the Lebanon meeting, and even beyond the Baltimore Conference. In our search, we must fol- low mere threads of history, if we would find the real cause of this division, and the formation of the new body in the Lebanon meeting. At the end of these threads of history we shall find ourselves on English soil, and in one of Mr. Wesley's conferences. Here we get at the conditions which brought forth THE CtlUISTIAX CHURCH as a modern organization, all centering about one man and one event. That man was Francis Asbury, and that event was his appointment as missionary to Mr. Wesley's. "Societies'' in America. We shall better understand this fact Avhen we learn that Mr. Wesley, after searching ,the ranks of his people, could find no man who would accept this missionary appointment, except Francis Asbury, who was well known among his acquaintances as possessing a 18 T n E C E N T E N N I A L O F domineering spirit. It was on this account that even Asbury's friends were surprised that Mr. Wesley accepted him for this work. Later develop- ments will show how well founded was this sur- prise. To this man and his appointment as mission- ary to America, and no further, have we been able to trace the causes which made the existence of the Christian Church, as a separate organization, a necessity. Appointed, and once in power, Mr. Asbury quick- ly assumed the attitude of a commanding general, and began to rule the preachers, who were under his supervision, with a rod of iron. He determined all matters of debate by his own ipse dixit. The ma- jority against him counted as nothing. Even the preachers were denied the right of appeal to the body. Those were the legitimate fruits of the "one- man power."' Of course, sucli methods could pro- duce but one effect — A REVOLT CAME. The new body suffered great i»rovot'ations under the rule of the bishop, who, we are told, dominated the conference at will. No man could be ordained to the office and work of the ministry, unless he was elected by the confer- ence, but the conference itself did not elect, until the bishop had nominated, ])ractically making it impossible to ordain a man against the wish of the bishop. O'Kelly and his compeers defied this sort of gov- ernment. They could not be frightened into sub- mission and they would not be driven to surrender. RELIGIOUS JOURNALISM 19 It was in this crisis that they led the way to a larger and more Christlike religious freedom. American Methodism s]»rang from English im- migration, but the Episcopacy of the American Methodists was an innovation, for the English Meth- odists have never had a bishop. No wonder a re- volt came, resulting in a new bodj' of believers. It is quite clear that the new denomination was far more nearly in harmony with INIr. Wesley than were .Mr. Asbury and his followers. The bishopric idea was distasteful to Mr. Wesley. Had it not already' practically driven him out of the church? It divided the Lord's people in Eng- land— and it did the same in America. The truth is, Mr. AYesley and Mr. O'Kelly were in closest sympath}-. Indeed, according to Mr. O'Kel- ly's own testimony, Mr. Wesley's views largely in- lluenced Mr. 0'Kell3''s ideas and gave shape to his work as the leader in the establishment of the Chris- tian Church. Let Mr. O'Kelly be heard as to the facts. In writing of Mr. Wesley, he said : They (certain ministers) came to us under direction of .Tohn V^'esloy. \vlios(> name to nie is of precious memory. Ilis writings magnified tlie Bible, and ga^-e it preference and lionor ; he dechired he regarded the autliority of no writ- ings l)ut the inspired. He urged tlie sutlieiency of the Scriptures for faitli and practice, saying, "We will be down- right Bible Christians." Then O'Kelly added: This doctrine pleased me. and so did the conduct of the holy preachers. I entered tlie connection (I think) in 1770, and soon entered the list among the traveling ministers, where I labored night and day, pleading with God for that connection in particular, and the world in general. But in those days Wesley was re.1ected, and his name blotted out of our book. I took an alarm! In the year (I think) 20 THE CENTENNIAL OF 1789, I contended against a growing power, tbongh myself in legislature; (in the council with Mr. Asbury) this con- tention continued until the Conference for 1792, from thence I withdrew. But as a free man, I have continued to traveK I soon found myself undesignedly in a little band, the Christian Church. I think by the grace of God, if all should seek my life, I would never change my Christian name, nor subscribe to any government (as to religious conduct) but that contained in Christ's Word, and that which rests on His sliDulders. From this statement several facts are clearly presented, viz., Mr. AVesley repudiated human creeds — only inspired writings he accepted as authority. He held to the sufficiency of the Scriptures for faith and practice, and he favored the use of the name Christian, as is shown in his own words, when ho said: ''We will be downright Bible Christians." * That is a pretty fair summary of the leading princi- ples of the Christian Church. Mr. O'Kelly said: "This doctrine pleased me." Thus we can distinct- ly trace the hand and influence of Mr. Wesley in the shaping of the views of Mr. O'Kelly, and through Mr. O'Kelly the great Biblical strongholds of the Christian Church are ours to-day. It is thus clear after the history of a hundred * It is related that once John Wesley, in the visions of the night, found himself, as he thought, at tlio gates of hell. lie knoflied and asked who were within. "Are there any Roman ('atholics here?" he asked. "Yes," was the answer, "a great many." "Any Church of England men?" "Yes, a great many." "Any Independents?" "Yes, a great many." "Any Tresbyterians?" "Yes, a great many." "Any Baptists?" "Yes, a great many." "Any Wesleyans?" "I'es, a great many." Disappointed and dis- mayed, especially at the last reply, he turned his steps upward, and found himself at the gates of paradise, and here he repeated the same questions. "Any Weslevans here?" "No." "Any Pres- byterians?" "No." "Any Church of England men?" "No." "Any Roman Catholics?" "No." "Whom have you here, then?" he asked in astonishment. "We know nothing here," was the reply, "of any of tliose names you have mentioned. I'he only name of which we know anything here is 'Christian.' We are all Christians here, and of tliese we have a great multitude, which no man can number, of all nations, and kindreds, and peoples, and tongues." nj-: r. I c I < t r s j o imj n a l i s m 21 years has been written, as with a pen of fire, tliat Aslinry, and not O'Kelly, Avas the innovator. O'Kclly withdrew from this innovation and not from the trntlis Mr. Wesley lield, for tliese, as named above, we love, cherish, pnblish and defend in the li<,dit of the Twentieth Century. Is it not safe to say, had ^h\ Wesley been in America, he would have stood with O'Kelly in his revolt aj»ainst the in- novation of the Episcopacy? The facts seem to answer decidedly in the affirmative. From the beginning the movement encountered SEVERE THEOLOGICAL STORMS. It had strong friends, but met great opposition. They fought their way through the first ten years of their existence under many discouraging situa- tions. They were thoroughly tried, but their faith was more precious than gold, for they lived through it all, to the praise and honor and glory of Jesus Christ. It was about this time, that similar movements sprang up among Baptists in the east, and among I'resbyterians in the AA'est, each being actuated by the same spirit, seeking similar ends. Each body, upon learning of the existence of the other, sought a closer acquaintance, and as they came together, they found themselves one in Christ. This gave tliom great encouragement and largely stimulated their efforts to occupy larger fields in the hope of greater fruitage. That the Christian Church has not become a large body, numerically, is no proof whatever that she has not a truly Go.d-given mission to the 22 T II E C E N T E N N I A L O F age in Avhicli she has been called to serve. On the contrary, her lack in numbers is more than bal- anced in achievements peculiar to the genius of her thought. While she has been zealous in preaching the Gospel in common with sister denominations, she has also led the way to THE MOUNTAIN HEIGHTS in a number of modern problems, peculiar to her own ideas. At first these new fields called forth much severity of criticism and great opposition, but the acute stage has been passed, and now many of these reforms have the sympathy of the great brother- hood of churches. Some of these we may name, as follows : 1. They have held before the Christian world, for more than a century, the Bible as the only creed on which all true Christians can ever unite. This is self-evident, since all Christians accept the Jiible; while the Methodists, as such, will not accept the peculiar tenets of the Baptists, nor will the Bap- tists, as such, accept Methodist teachings; and what is true of these two denominations, is true very largely of all. The Christian Church holding to the Bible as her only creed, with the privilege of individual in- terpretation, makes it possible for all, not necessa- rily to come into her membership, but for Chris- tians in all evangelical denominations, to come together with the Bible as the only creed, and Christian life, and character, and service, as a full expression of their relationshii) to Christ. In the last one hundred years the drift of this idea has RELIGIOUS JOURNALISM 23 been little less iliiiii marvelous, as witness the good fellowship and kindly co-operation among most of the denominations of to-day. May not the next one hundred \enr» witness all denominations, STANDING T0GETIIER_, with the Bible as the only creed-basis for their faith? 2. The Christian Church was used of God to introduce to His people of the Nineteenth Centu- ry a wonderful agency for the spread of the truth of the Gospel of Christ in the religious newspaper which, to-day, is the right arm of every important enterprise in the church. Indeed, without it, the best equipped denomination in all Christendom would feel itself so handicapped as to lose hope of success in aggressive work. As the mother of the religious newspaper, eternity only will reveal the fruitfulness of this small body of people, reaching, not only as it does, every denomination, but almost every nook and corner of the great field in which the church universal has been called to labor. 3. The Christian Church was the first of all denominations to open her college doors to women on equal terms, in every respect, with the men. In standing for this reform, they encountered much opposition, but they bravely stood for the principle, until now, after half a century, the idea is sweeping the country with a strong footing in the larger portion of the great colleges and univer- sities of all Christendom — a blessing to all. To-day we are looking out upon LARGE FIELDS, white already to harvest. Our fathers contended for 24 THE CENTENNIAL OF the faith, as they believed it was once delivered to the saints; they fought a good fight; they gained a glorious victory. They are dead, and yet they speak to us and through us they are feeding the hungry multitude. It is no wonder the church in those days Avas called "a man of war," since she must needs fight her way across a roaring sea of disturbed theology. She was like a ship sailing at night in a storm period, near dangerous shoals, her lights were be- dimmed by the mists of human dogma. The light of the Bible in the church was obscured by reason of those ugly man-made creeds, till few knew her course, or her destiny. Prejudice, ignorance and sectarian bias almost paralyzed the power of the Lord's people in those days. No wonder the church was non-spiritual. No wonder she lagged at a poor dying rate. AVhat good thing could live smothered in sectarian thought and paralyzed by its own self- ishness? All this was quite enough to stagnate a crystal spring. To rescue the church from the perils of that age was the noble i)urpose of these godly men and women in the formation of the Christian Church. They had fearful odds against them, but they had courage and grace for the task. Thev did their work noblv and, after toil and suf- fering, they rest from their labors. What a grand company of WITNESSES ARE LOOKING upon us, upon whom their mantles have fallen. They are expecting great things from our labors in this, the Twentieth Century of unparalleled op- portunity. The Holy Spirit calls to us through li E L I Cx I OU S J O U R NAL I S M 25 their lives, their teaeliings and their labors to a more faithful study of the Word as the expressed will of God; to a larger spiritual life, to a gi-eater field of usefulness and to a more abuudant fruit- age in the service of God. Noble men and women— stalwarts they were upon life's great battle-field, heroes of faith and victory in Christ! They wrought mightily for larger and better service, and they have gone to their reward" in the fullness of the blessing of the Gospel of Jesus Christ. No nobler characters have graced the world's history than the men and w^omen who have loved unto death— illustrious examples of the true life as exemplified in Christ. Let us rejoice to believe that this is no small company wiiich has gone before us, both in service and reward. The world was not worthy of their sacrifices, but they none the less lavishly dedicated their all to the one thing — preaching the Gospel to all men. In the '^''tower of constance^^ during the reign of Louis XIV, Protestant women were imprisoned because they would not renounce their faith at the bidding of the king. Among those who thus suffered was Marie Duran who spent forty years of her heroic life within that dismal chamber. On the paved floor of her room they found after her death, the one word. Resist, carved there by some sharp instrument and evidently by her own hand. It was but one short word, but how full of meaning! It was a volume in a word. It expressed the life pur- pose of as brave a woman as ever suffered for the truth. Forty years of imprisonment for her faith's 26 THE CENTENNIAL OF sake, had engraved the sentiment of that thought so deeply upon her heart and mind, that she had cut that word Resist into the paved floor of her prison-house, as an expression of a determined pur- pose to be true to the truth. Marie Duran was a heroine of faith! When human lips refused to tell the story of her dauntless courage, she made the mute floor speak as in thunder tones of her purpose to dare, to do, and to die for the right. With a similar heroic spirit the pioneers of the Christian movement gave their lives of service to the one great purpose of standing for the truth. They labored, suffered and died for the cause, but they surrendered, never! We may fail to do them honor, the world may be slow to accord a place to them in THE TEMPLE OF FAME, but they have written in their life-work encomiums far beyond the power of mortal lips to express, and they live to-day in the hearts of their successors, as well as in heaven, through their unyielding faith, their undying courage and their more abundant life and labors. "No sculptured stone in stately temple Proclaims their rugged lot; Like Him wlio was their great example, This vain world Icnew them not. "But though their names no poet wove In deathless song or story, Their record is inscrihed ahove — Their wreaths are crowns of glory !" R E L IGIOIIS JOURNALISM 27 A CONCISE STATEMENT OF OUR DENOMINA= TIONAL POSITION PREPARED BY THE DAYTON CHRISTIAN MINISTERIAL ASSOCIATION. If you are not already acquainted with the Chris- tian Church, you may desire a re\y words of in- formation. There is mudi to he said, hut we will not intrench upon your time for more than a few minutes now. PECULIAR ORIGIN. This church does not owe its existence to any one man. It is a part of the great moyement for relig- ious liberty, which characterized the Eighteenth Century, and is still dominant in the Twentieth. The Christian Church, in the United States, came into existence under the impulse for liberty, fol- lowing upon the realization of American indepen- dence. Three bodies of people, in widely separated sections of the country, determined to secure a larger religious freedom than they had enjoyed, and to quit the denominational sectarian strife and bitterness then ram[)ant. Those bodies soon learned of each other, came together, and the result was the Christian Church. GRADUAL SPREAD. Slowly the Christian Church has spread from Maine to Oklahoma, from Alabama to Washington (state), and into Canada. Its highest represent- atiye body is the American Christian Conyention, 28 THE CENTENNIAL OF which meets qutidrennially. The local work in the states is organized in state associations and conferences, which meet annnally. THE NAME '^''cIIRISTIAN/^ The name "Christian" is not taken in any invid- ious or presumptive sense, bnt merely as the most expressive, and the most promotive of true fellow- ship and unity. We answer to the names "The Christians," "The Christian Church," and we are sometimes called "The Christian Connection." We are an entirely different body from the "Christian Alliance" and from the "Disciples of Christ" or "Church of Christ," and came into existence before those bodies. MODE OF GOVERNMENT. All our churches are self-governing': tliat is, free from the dictation of other churches, or confer ences, or of associations, and without any form of presbytery or episcopacy. SPIRIT AND ]MISSI0N. The Christian Church is — loyal to God, loyal to Jesus Christ, loyal to the Bible. It has no hobbies to ride, no theories to exploit, no pet system of theology to force upon anyone, and does not wish to pose: but its mission is — to serve God and man, to give people liberty of conscience, to give them freedom to interpret the Bible as Christians, K i: I, I (J I or s J () r i: \.\ 1. 1 s :\i 20 to give tlieiii an uiitrammeled but Christian fel- lowship, to give the gospel to the unsaved, to give a true fraternity to all Christians of all denominations. To this end we especially enjoin our membership to abide by the teachings of the New Testament in matters of faith and discipline. , YOU ARE INVITED to become acquainted with our people and their past history. No denomination has been more con sistently evangelistic and revivalistic. No denomi- nation has produced a larger proportion of thor- ough-going revivalists, men who have won their thousands to Christ. We do not glorify men, we are not living on our past record ; but we invite you to investigate, and discover whether, as a peo- ple, we are still true to a noble aim. ADDRESS TO THE PUBLIC '^ BY REV. ELIAS SMITH. T(i the snh.'()n the mountains of Israel, they are to be buried R E L 1 ( J I O U S J O TT R N A L I S M 31 by men employed for that purpose, while every passenger is to erect a monument, wherever he finds a bone in his way. It is not now a tyranni- cal government which dei)rives us of lihcrty; but the highly destructive principles of tyranny in a good government; and though these principles are not protected by law, yet men's attachment to them, in a free government, prevents the enjoyment of Liber- ty which God has given us, and which all might enjoy according to the Constitution of the United States. A member of Congress said to me not long ago (while speaking upon the state of the people in this country, as it respects religious liberty) to this amount : "The people in this country are in gen- eral free, as to political matters; but in the things of religion, multitudes of them are apparently ig- norant of what liberty is." This is true; MANY who appear to know what belongs to them as cit- izens, and who will contend for their rights, when they talk or act upon things of the highest impor- tance, ai)pear to be guided wholly by the opinions of designing men, who would bind them in the chains of ignorance all their days, and entail the same on all their posterity. The design of this paper is to shew the liherty which belongs to men, as it re- spects their duty to God, and each other. It is an established ])rincii)le with me, that the man who appears in any public service and is faith- ful to his trust, will have a double character; by the unjust and them who judge from the testimony of such, he will be considered a disturber of the peace, as turning the world upside down, and stir- ring up the people to revolt; but by the well-in- 32 T HE C E N T E N N I A L O F formed lovers of truth, lie will be considered a light to them who otherwise would sit in darkness. There is no donbt in my mind but many will be dis- pleased at what may appear in this paper from time to time, nnless they own that right is equal among all. How difficult the task may be, which is now un- dertaken, is unknown to me, experience will shew this; — however it is my design, to have a steady and persevering regard to truth, and the general good of men, and to treat everything in a fair and manly way; not scandalizing any, or doing anything by ])artiality. Should any scandalize themselves by bad conduct, let them not charge it to me. If men ("o not wish to have bad things said of them, let them not do bad things. It is my design in the fol- lowing numbers to give a plain description of the rights of men, and to show the principles on which they are founded, and likewise to show the oppo- site. There are many things taking place in the ])resent da}- respecting religion, which will be notic- ed as they occur. A particular attention will be paid to the accounts of revivals of religion in ditfer- ent parts of the world, among the various denomi- nations who call Jesus, Lord, as far as it can be obtained. A religious News-paper, is almost a new thing under the sun. I know not but this is the first ever ])u]»lished to the world. The utility of such a paper has been suggested to me, from the gi-eat use other papers are to the com- munity at large. In this way the whole state of the world is i>resented to us at once. In a short REi. Kirous jOT'i; X A 1. 1 s .M sn and clioap way, a geiienil knowledj^e ol" our all'airs is. diffused tlirougli tlie wliolc; and by looking into a News-paper, we often look at the state of nali(.iis, and see them rise into importance, or crumhle to ruin. If we are profited in political affairs in this way, I (!o not see why the knowledge of tlic Kei]eem er's kingdom may not be promoted or increase;! in the same way. It appears to me best to make the trial. The liberal snbscrijitiou for this work in these trying times, has encouraged me to begin it, hoping that others will tinil an advantage in for- warding the work by adding their names to the list of those who have already wished such a work to appear in the world. Tlicie are many things which will l>e taken up which are not new, but are important, and which if stated to the rising generation will serve to give them a knowledge of that liberty for which their fathers bled, and lor which (hey ought to contend. It is the design of the Editor, in describing the nature of civil and religious Ubciiij. to come to the capacities of those whose advantages have been snmll, as to accpiiring a general knowledge of the world. It may be that some may wish to know why this paper should be named the ''Hcnihl of Gospel Lihcrtij." This kind of liberty is the only one which can make us happy, being the glorious Lib- erty of the sons of God which Christ proclaimed ; and which all who have, are exhorted to stand fast in, being that which is given and enioved bv the law of liberty; which is the law of the sjiirit of lifo 34 T II E C E N T E N N I A L O I-' iu Christ Jesns, which mnlces free from tlio law of sin and death. Jn this phue I give tlie nicauing of the word llvr- uhl. Til is word is derived from the Saxon word Herchault, and by abbreviation, Heralt, which in that hmgnage signifies tlie Champion of an army, and growing to be a man of office, it was given to him who, in the army, liad the special charge to denounce war, to challenge to battle and combat, to proclaim peace, and to execute martial messages. The business of an Herald in the English govern- ment is as follows: — To iiiarslml, order niid coiKltict all royal eavalcados, cere- monies at coronations, royal marriages, installations, crea- tion of Dukes, Mar(inises, Earls, Viscounts, Barons, Bar- onets, and dubbing of Kniglits. embassies, funeral proces- sions, declarations of war, proclamations of peace, etc., to record and l)lazon the arms of tlie nobility and gentry; and to regulate any abuses therein through the English domin- ions, under the authority of the earl Marshal, to whom they are subservient. As this is the meaning of an Herald and as many such things ought now to be attended to, I see a great propriety in the name. The origin of Herald is very ancieiii. Htentor, is represented by Homer, as Herald of the Grccl's, who had a voice louder than ////// men together. O may the voice of real liberty be heard above all the opposite sounds which can be made by tyrant kings and priests! Elias Smith_, Editor Herald of Gospel Liberty. Portsmouth, N. H., ^eptemlwr 1, 1808. REV. D. B. ATKINSON. i; i: I. I (; I or s .i ( m' u xa i. i s m 37 THE HERALD OF GOSPEL LIBERTY The Pioneer Religious Journal — A History r.v i».\Mi:i. i:i:n()XI a'I'kinsox. m. a., i;. i». Tiiii IIkrai.I) of GosPKr. Linicinv has (•oiiiplelo;! the first one hundred years of its Itistory as a re- ligious newspaiKM". t( was established Ity I'lias Smith in Portsmouth, New Hampshire, on the first day of Se])toinl)er, A. I). 1S08. Trevious to the pub- lication of the HcnihJ of Oospel Liberty, Mv. Smith had published a number of books and tracts. The tracts were found to be a helpful and inexpensive method of disseminating religious knowledge, and doubtless suggested some advantages of a regular publication. In the early part of 1804, Mr. Smith proposed the publication of a quarterly magazine, and made an effort to secure a list of subscribers. Later he issued a second ''proposal" for the ])ublica- tion of a magazine, "the first number to be pub lished by tlie first of June, 1805." This ]»erio(lical ai»peared under the name, ^'Thc Christian's Mr 1. ISOS. IlEKALD OF (JUSI'KL LlliKKTV. Tlic first nuniber of the Herald of (io.sprl Libert ij, "Xo. 1. Vol. T.," boars the date of "Thursday evening, FophMiiher 1, 1808." Tt contains tlie followinj;- an nounceuiout : TJic Herald of (Jospd Ijibcrly is published at Ports- mouth, N. II., every other Thursday evening by Ellas Smith, at his house near Jeffrey Street. Terms — One dollar per year, exclusive of postage; hfty cents to be advanced when the first number is delivered ; the other fifty when twenty- six numbers are delivered. The \M\\\Pv v»as to he "inincluall.v f(»rwarde1 '10 'J' II E f E N T E N X I A L ( ) I' to any part of llic ruikMl ^-'lates Avhere oon- veyauce is practicable." The postage was to be paid by tlie subscribers at tlie rate of one cent for one hundred miles or less, one cent and one-half for a greater distance, but not more than one cent within the state. The Herald of Gospel Liberty was a four-page paper, and the size of the page was about nine by eleven inches. It was well printed on good paper and contained three columns to the page. Two hundred and seventy-four sub- scribers were obtained for the first issue. March 31, 1809, the time of jmblication was changed to Friday morning. About one year later ]Mr. Smith removed to Portland, Maine, and from , April 17, 1810, to July,^ 1811, the Herald of Gospel Liberti/ was "printed and published" in that town. In December 1810, Mr. Smith visited Philadelphia, and spent several months there. This city was in a central part of the United States, "a place where a correspondence might be opened to all parts of the countr}', and the free gospel spread in every direction." He was induced to make this city his home, and in I ho summer following his family came from Portland to I'hiladelphia. He began the pub- lication of the Herald of Gospel Liherty in the lat- ter city July 5, 1811. While living here Mr. Smith engaged in pastoral work, traveled extensively, and published a number of tracts and books, among the latter being his New Testament Dictionary. Living expenses were high, subscribers were slow in the payment of their subscriptions, churches paid him but little for his services, and sickness invaded his home. He was soon heavilv burreiie 1 willi rebts. i; i: 1. 1 (; 1 (»!• s J () r K .\.\ I, I s M 41 and in the liope of finding? relief from his liiiaiicial biii-deiis, he returned to his old liome in Portsmouth and began to issue the paper from that place Feb- ruary 4, 1814. The number of subscribers was about one thou- sand five hundred. Many of these were not prompt in paying their subscriptions, and Mr. Smith's finan- cial troubles were not relieved. He continued to make extensive journeys, i)rea(h the gospel, and pub- lish his i»aper. Probably in the month of May, 1816, he removed to Poston. The Rev. Jasper Hazen in an editorial note in the Clirisitian Palladium of De- cember 2, 1840, gives the following explanation of this change: From the multiplicity of his (Smith's) labors, the ex- pense of liis numerous publications, and extensive journeys, be became embarrassed, and probably to free himself from pecuniary difficulties, he formed a connection in business of some character with the celebrated Dr. Sanuicl Thomson; and from that time he gave himself to the healing art. From September, 1815, to May, 1818, the Herald of Gospel Liherty led a precarious life. In the is- sue of September 20, 181;", notice was given that one number more would complete the seven! Ii vol- ume, the number of subscribers was 1,40(1, and some changes would be necessary if the paper were to be continued.^ The agents and subscribers were requested to send in their names by the first of January, if they wished the paper published. Should there be nine or ten hundred of the present sub- scribers who wish the paper printed again; it shall be done upon this condition — that each subscrilx-r shall pay one dollar jier year in advance; the money to be sent as soon as the tirst number of volume eight is received. Vol. \'III., No. I., appeared in August, 1810. Its 42 T HE CENTENNIAL O F form was i-hanged and if sliowed less vigor than former!}'. It Avas now issued "the first of every other month'' and contained thirty-six pages and a cover, each ])age being about five by eight inches. This volume was published in Boston. In the August number of 1817, the editor gave notice to the following effect: One muni XT more will complete the eighth volume of the Herald, which has now been published in nine years I now conclude, after the next number, to drop the publi- cation forever nnless those who are indebted pay before the time for publishing the first number of volume ninth. In the meantime Mr. Smith had been giv- ing more attention to the practice of med- icine and less to the preaching of the gospel. He traveled much less than formerly, and also in his preaching manifested a leaning toward Universal- ism. October 1, 1817, an "I^lders' Conference'' was convened in Portsmouth, N. H., ''occasioned in pai-t, by the shock given the preachers by the turning away of Elder Elias Smith to Universalism." Elder Elijah Shaw stated in his journal that this Conference "laid the foundation for setting limits to the encroachment of this pernicious doctrine among us by a more stringent discipline, and the organization of conferences." Elias Smith was not present at this conference, but he heard about it, and in the October nund)er of the Herald of Gos- pel JAherty, he published three articles called Fare- wells. He clearly set forth his ideas of Universal- ism, and embraced the doctrine. This was the last nund)er of the paper issued by Elias Smitli. He gave notice that "this nund)er closes the volume," and "no more are to be printed by me." He also It i: 1. 1 (i 1 (M" s J () r i; \AL I s M 43 sljitcMl in (ho panijirnpli f(tll(»\viiiace. How great his goodness and how rich his gi"ace ; Till wondering nations should his grace adore, Jehovah's Christ. (Jod hlest forever more." The Herald of Gospel Libert 1/ was founded as an advocate of religious liberty. The editor writes: Ifeiigious Liherty signifies a freedom to helieve in God, and to obey Him according to the manifestation which he has made to man, in his works, in the Scriptures, and by the Spirit of truth, the manifestation of whicli is given to every man to profit withal. Every kind of liuman law re- specting religion is inconsistent with real religious liberty. 44 T n E: C E N T E N N I A I. O F I *l The tower rising' in the distance shows tlie church in whicli Elias Smitli was preaching in Portsmouth, N. II., when he founded the religious newspaper. Tortsmouth Historic and Picturesque," by courtesy of C. S. Ourney. R. E T. I ( ; I O IT S J O r R X A L I S M 45 In the lirst one !mii(li<'(l and I'orty-six nuni bers there are lifty-tliree articles on llie siil)j(Mt of "Liberty," written apparent iy by llie editor, 'i'he one entitled ''Liberty No. KJ" begins \\\\]\ tlie fol- lowing lanji'uage: lieligious liberty is wliat my lii'.irt i-cjoices in, and wiiat I loiiu for all men to enjoy. I am Iiotnid as a lover of man- kind to instruet them, .and teaeli them tlie nature of it, according to my al)ility and the oi)i)ortunity siiven me to do it. This is the "glorious liberty of the children of God;" begun here, to be completed at the resurrection of the just. This is the lihcrti/ wliich the Son of (Jod proclaimed to captives — founded on the perfect law of libcrtjj: wherewith Christ makes free indeed. This liberty was first preach- ed by Jesus Christ, next by his apostles who learnt of him, and was known and enjoyed by the Vhrisliaiis in the days of the apostles. In the struggle for liberty it was inevitable that the jtajter should contend for certain ]»rin- ciples. The advocacy of any cause involves lovaltv to foundation doctrines. The editor and «■ *-■ his fellow-laborers were pioneers in the cause of religious freedom. They liad a glorious vision of a new day, and they heard a voice saying unto them, "Stand fast therefore in the liberty Avhere- with Christ hath made us free, and be not entan- gled again with the yoke of bondage. "" It was not to be expected that these men wliose training had been largely in the school of experience would un- derstand the full meaning of that voice at once. They grew in their conception of liberty, and grad- ually discarded many of the vagaries advocated at first. However there were certain fundamental principles wdiich have obtained throughout tlie his- tory of the Htrald of (losj-el Liherfjj. Tn a letter 4G THE CENTENNIAL OF from Virginia, dated December 18, 1808, William Guiry wrote: After we became a separate people, three points were determined on. 1st. No head over the clnn-eli but Christ. 2d. No confession of faith, articles of religion, rubric, canons, creeds, etc., but the New Testament. 3d. No re- ligious name but Christians. In replj' to this letter Elias Smith wrote: The three things you mention -are what we have all agreed to, and are now agreed in throughout the whole Union. Sometimes a writer referred to "The Holy Scrip- tures," and not simply the New Testament," as the law of the chnrch, although the editor regarded the New Testament as a sufficient rule, saying, "that we ought to hear Ood's Son, Jesus, in all things." Many articles dealt with the "Sacred Import of the Name Christian." William Lanphier wrote: We believe tliat jiarty names engender jiarty animosities, and that the most and only proper name for the follinvers of Christ is Christians. That all other names, given or assumed, are nicknames, and serve only as a rallying point for a party spirit. Those who assume party-names say they do it for distinction's sake, and this is the very reason why we discard tliem ; because Christians ought not to be distinguislied from each other; for "tliere is one body, and one Spirit, even as ye are called in one hope of your call- ing." Many w-riters contend that the Scriptures favor this name as the proper one for the followers of Christ, for "it was given by divine authority." It will be impossible to understand the spirit of the Herald of Gospel JAherty in its opposition to certain doctrines and practices, unless we keep in mind the fact that the writei-s wore struggling for liberty, and liberlv to tlieir minds was the right to believe Bible doctrines. Ami Jlible doctrines K K 1. 1 ( ; 1 () r s JO T' n x a l i s u 47 were sucli as could be expressed in tlie language of the Bible. Trinitarianisui, with its scholastic terms, "There is one person of Die I'^atlier. another of the Son, and another of the Holy (Jhost. The Father is (Jod, (he Son is (lod, and the Holy Gliost is God," seemed to them to be Irilheisni, a limited f(U'ni of polytheism. They could not find the word Trin- ity in the New Testament, ncitlier could they par- allel the terminology of its doctrinal statements with liiblical quotations, and therefore they turned away from this ^'mystery'' to the simpler I*»il)lical statements concerning the Father, Son, and Holy Sjurit. Calvinism seemed to be fatalism, but they found in the Word no eternal decrees determining the fates of men. It seems not to have occurred to the writers in the Herald of (lospel Liherfy at first that there could be any serious differences, of oi)inion on the essentials of Christian faith, and so we read noth- ing in the earlier nund)ers of the paper concern- ing the rights of the individual in interpreting the Scriptures and the test of Christian fellowship. There were differences of opinions and of practice, but these offered no serious problems. They believed that a more perfect understanding of the Scriptures would i-emove these differences. In New lOngland baptism was by immersion, and in the South both sprinkling and immersion were practiced. The question was asked : If a lu'ollicr is nut Inirifd in liajd ism. is it a l>ar to coiii- nmniiin V The answer was : It is tlie uniforni liclii't' of all the elders and brethren 48 THE ( ' K X r I-: X X I A L O F in this part (New England), that baptism is only one thing, viz., a bnrial in water ; and that it i.s enjoined on all be- lievers only ; that it is the dnty of all believers to be bap- tized as soon as they are born again ; and that baptism is the tirst thing enjoined on a believer by Jesus Christ and the apostles. At the same time they do not think a be- liever ought to be driven to submit to that command before he sees the dnty. and do not think a brother ought to be shut out until he is baptized ; but they consider it their duty to instruct such in the way of the Lord more perfectly. I>y the year ISIO the policy of tlie Herald of Gospel Liberfij was quite definitely settled. In the number of January 19, the editor issued a ''Protest," from which we make the following quota- tion to show the advocacy of the paper: I do in the first place publicly declare, that the IIolji Serlptnres which contain a revelation of the will of God, are the only sure, authcntlck, and iiifallibJ-c rule of the faith and practice of every Christian, by which all opinions are to be fdirlji (iiid iinpartiaUy critDi'mcd ; and in conseiiuence of this I do protest against settiug up and allowing the decrees of any man, or body of men, as of equal authority and obligation with the word of God ; whether they be eouneils, synods, convoeations, assoeiations, missionary so- cieties, eoinpanies called eJiureJies, or yeitcral asscmliHes ,- whether ancient or modern, Komish, p]pisc())).nl, Presby- terian, Congregational, Baptist, or Methodist, Popes, Fath- ers or Doctors of Divinity. I do further assert and maintain according to the doc- trine of Christ and the apostles, and the practice of Chris- tians in the first century ; that In all things essential to the faith and practice of a Christian, the [Scriptures are plain, and easy to be understood, by all who will diligently and impartially read and study them ; and that charging the Scriptures with obscurity and uneertaint.v is contrary to the plain declaration of the Scriiitures, and is an abuse of the rule given for Christians to walk by, and an insult upon the Holy Spirit, by which the authors of them were y aided. I do further assert that every Christian is under an in- disjiensable obligation to search the Scripture for himself, and make the best use of it he can for his information in tlie trill of God, and the nature of "pure religion;" that he hath an unalienable riyht, impartially to judge of the sense and meaning of it, and to follow the Scripture wlierever R K L I G I OU S J O IT R N A L I S M 41) It leads hiiii. even an equal right with the Bishops and Pas- tors of the churches: and in coiiscmiuciicc of this I furtlicr protest against tliat unrighteous and ungodly pretence of nialciiig the writings of the fathers, the Oecrcca of councils and synods, or the sense of the ctiurrh, the rule and stand- ard of judgimj the sense of tlie Scriptures as J'opisfi, nnti- Chrisfidii, and danf/eroiis to the eh inch of God. I ious newspaper, and they would not willingly let the paper die. On the first day of January, 1835, an assembly of "preachers and others" met at the home of Abram Drake, in Hamp- ton, N. H., and organized the "Eastern Christian Publishing Association." The following named of- ficers were elected: President, Elder Noah Piper; Vice-President, IGlder Simeon Swett; Recording Secretary, Elder S. E. Brown; Corresponding Secre- tary, B. F. Carter; Treasurer, J. C. lilodgett; editor of the Christian Journal, Elder Elijah Shaw; Edi- torial Council, Elders Mark Fernald, Moses How, and S. E. Brown. The Association was organized for ^'the purpose of publishing and circulating a religious newspaper and such books as it shall be thought best for the interest of the Redeemer's kingdom in the world." The Association purchased the Christian Ucrahl of Robert Foster and removed it to Exeter, N. H. The name was changed to the Christian Journal. The tirst number appeared April 1*, 1835. Elijah Shaw was the editor. This is the second time that the Herald of Gospel 54 r 111-: (' K NT K X N I A T. O l< Lihcrtij has cliaiii;ed owners. The coutiuuoiis piibli cation of the juipei' I'lom September 1, ISOS, to the time it assumed the name Christian Journal is abundant!}' proved by the files of tlie paper wliicli are complete and extant to-day. There is also abundant proof that the chaniie of names and owners is not evidence of neAv publications. The Herald of Gospel Liberty gave notice of the publication of the Christian Herald by Roliert Foster in the is- sue of October, 1817. The Christian Church of Portsmouth, of Avhich Elias Smith was a member, believed that the doctrine of Universalism was "un- scriptural, dangerous and licentious," and there fore it decided : That we tlo not approbate the preachiniL: of EUler Elias Smith, nor can we receive him as a preacher so long as he preaches the doctrine of Universalism. This was the position of the church gen- erally, and therefore it was a matter of policy not to say anything about the con- nection of the Christian Herald with the Herald of Gospel Liherty. Later, when Elias Smith was being felloAvshiped by some of the Christian ministers, Robert Foster acknowledged that his paper was the successor of Smith's ])aper. In May, 1828, Mr. Fos- ter w^rote in the Christian Herald: The i)resent number commences a new series of the Cliristian IJcraJd. As this is acknowledged to be the first Religious Newspaper ever published, we hope to receive for our n(>w series so nuich patronage and snpi)ort both from its subscriptions, and from those who may assist in furnish- ing matter for its columns, that it may not be late the least in circulation, or the last in influence. Mr. Foster could not have been ignorant of the fact that the JJoston Recorder was K i; 1 . 1 < i I ( » 1" s .1 < > I ■ I ; N A I , I s M &r> foiiiuled in ISKi, nearly hvo years before he look tharfie of his paper, and of course he was aware of Smith's publication. He, therefore, must have regarded the Christian Herald as a con- tinuation of the Herald of Gospel Liberty. In July, 1832, the following statement api»eared in the CJiristian Herald : 'I'lic CliristUiii Ilcnild is our poriodical. It lu'loiiixs to tlif Christiaii ('liuiilu's of New Englaml. They liave patron- ized it for twenty-four years. The first nuniher was issuetl the first day of Septeuiher, 1S08, and was a lonely traveler in the world; not another relijiious jjaper existed in Anier- iea. It has had but two owners, who have also been its editors. Signed "E. S." (Elijah Shaw.) Elijah Shaw, Mark Fernald and Asa C. Morrison were an advisory committee to assist Editor Foster, and so the above statement is issued with the sanction of the owner of the paper. The testimony of Mark Fernald, given in 1835, accords with the above statement. The following statement is taken from the ^Memoir of Elijah Shaw, written by "His Daughter'': The '"UeraJd of Gospel Lihcrty" the first religions news paper published in this country, was connnenoed at Torts- niouth. New Hampshire, in 1808, by Elias Smith, and in 1S18 it passed into the hands of Robert Foster, and the name was changed to the "C7( /•(«//«/( ]/criil < ' 1*^ N 'I^ E N X 1 A L O F words: "lu necessary things, unity; iu iion-esseu tials, liberty; in all things, charity." Kobert Fos ter was a lay member; Elijah Shaw was a minister; hence it is not strange that the paper should become more theological in tone. "Doctrinal subjects," an- nounced the editor, "will find a place in our columns. Doctrine is the foundation of practice." Many of the subjects of editorials and contributed articles were practical, such as Sabbath Schools, the Sab- bath, Sacred Music, Education, Kevivals, The For- giveness of Sins, Charity, and Spirituality. The paper was progressive, and always ready to advo- cate measures that promised success in building up the Redeemer's kingdom. It was a strong advocate of the establishment of church schools. It favored a trained ministry : If God does not call the man to preach the .uospcl, education can never qualify him for the work. But if called of God, the better his education, if properly used, the more useful he may be in the world. Human learnin.i; can never supply the lack of a call from heaven; and a call from heaven can never supply the want of education — the want of knowledge of books and of men. The missionary movement was commended and the churches were urged to form missionary societies. At first the thought of missionary work was con- fined to the home field, but in 1842, the discussion included the foreign field. In 1838 the Association passed the following reso- lution : Rc.s()lrcitatinj!^ the minds of the people. The Kcv. William Miller had reached the conclusion that the Christ would return to the earth in 1843, and the advocacy of the doctrine Avas i)ushed with such evident candor and support of projdiecy that many people were led to believe it. The Christian Herald acknowledged that the New Testament taught that Christ w^ould return to earth, but denied that the Bible gave any basis for the determination of the time of his coming. When the views of Alexander Campbell were be- ing promulgated in New England, the Christian Herald both in its editorials and in its contributed articles took issue with Mr. Campbell on the pur- pose or design of baptism and on the operation of the Holy Spirit. In February, 1838, Barton W. Stone wrote an article for the paper, which was published with the approval of the editor, in which is this language: I apid'ovo of my choice in takinj; the P>il)le alone as the foinulation of my faith ami iiractice; and to meet all Chris- tians ou this l)road platform without regard to diversity of opinion, if that opinion were not of a demoralizing na- ture and tendency. On this foundation I am fully convinced the church of Christ nuist ultimately settle. I most heartily ap])rove of my course in so strenuously advocating the doctriii(> that immersion is not the sine qua lion of Christianity; hut that there are many Christians better than myself, who. not knowing immersion to be a duty, have been ble>;sed of God without it. They have the humble spirit of obedience. For this sentiment I have ex- perienced much opposition. 60 T 1 1 II C E N T E N x\ I A L O V I also approve of my course in tenaciously adlierinj; to and advocating the- influences of the Spirit through faith and obedience. About 1837 the qiiestiou of a test of fellowship comes to the front. One writer in statinnj the posi- tion of the church nses the following language: They (the Christians) hold that the only proper test of Christian fellowship is sincere piety, evidenced by an up- right walk and meek deportment. Thus they extend the hand of fellowship to all who "have the fellowshi]) of the Father and the Son." They own all as their brethren whom they have evidence that God owns as His children. They are free to commune with all whom God communes with. June 28, 1838, the Eastern Christian Publishing Association purchased The Christian, a paper which was being published by the Rev. J. V. Hinies of Boston, and consolidate:! it with the Christian Jour- nal. THE CHRISTIAN HEKALD AND :\IKSSENGER. In 1850 the Christian General Book Association was publishing two papers in Albany, N. Y. The one was called the American Christian Messenger and the other, the Christian Palladium. The Rev. Jasper Hazen was the editor of both papers. There hnd been some discussion of the advisability of con solidating the denominational papers, the result of which was the union of the CJtristier, the Ivxecutive ('(.iiiiiiitkH' of Ihe 10. ('. r. A. <;ave notice lliat tliey had sought and accoinplislipd :i union of the "Old rionocr" with tlio AiiKriciin Christian McssciHicr. The next volunic of tlu" Christian Herald will coniuicnci' with the new volume of the Christian M(ss( iii/cr. under the name of CHRISTIAN IIKItALL) AND MKSSKNCiKK. All the subserihers of the Herald will be tr:nisferred, and they will receive a larger sheet at the same price. The senior editor. Elder Elijah Shaw, has received and accepted an appointment as oiu' editor for the next volume. The first ninnbei- of the Clirisfidii Herald and Mes- senger api)eared March 27, 1850, but the union did not prove satisfactory, as will be seen by the follow- ing explanation, taken from the "•Committee's Salu- tatory" in the Herald of Gospel Lihertij of March 13, 1851. At the annual meeting of the Eastern Thristian Pub- lishing Association last November, it was voted to open correspondence with Elder Jasper Hazen, Publishing Agent of the Christian (ieneral Book Association, with a design to repurchase the list of CJiristian Herald subscribers, that we might commence its publication again in New England. The Comnnttee inunediately did so. and received from Elder Hazen two prujiositions, either of which, if accepted by us, would be satisfactory to him. and we might go on and pub- lish the paper again in New P^ngland. One of these propo- sitions has been accepted. With the purchase (tf tlie CJirisliaii Herald by the Eastern Christian Publishing Association, the paper was removed to Newburyport, Mass. The fol- lowing is the heading of the first issue: ()2 T 1 1 I ; {' i: X T E N N I A L OF HERALD OF GOSPEL LIBERTY. rnhlished I)y an Association of Bretln-on. In Necessary Tliinjj;s. Unity; In Non-essentials, .Liberty ; In All Things, Charity. ^'ol. XLIII. No. 1. Newbnryiwrt. Thursday, March 13. IS.jl. Vol. I. No. 1. Tlio publishing agent was B. F. Carter. The editors were Daniel P. Pike, A. G. Morton, Elijah Shaw, Oliver Barr, John B. Weston, O. J. Wait, and Austin Craig. Later the list of editors included the names of Thomas Holmes, David E. Millard, E. Edmunds, Moses Kidder, J. R. Hoag and others. The Herald of Gospel Liberty^ under the new man- agement, was issued weekly at |1.50 per year. It was a four page paper, the size of the page being fifteen and one-half by twenty-two inches. February 14, 185G, Benjamin F. Carter became the resident editor, and Charles Bryant, assistant editor. Six years later Daniel P. Pike assumed the duties of editor, and John W. TTayley was associated with him in the work. THE CHRISTIAN MESSENGER AND PALLADIUM. In January, 1802, the Herald of Gospel Lihertij enlarged the scope of its work by the consolidation of another pa])er with it. Some time after the re- purchase of the Christian Herald by the Eastern Christian Publishing Association, the Christian Gen eral Book Association removed its headquarters from Albany to New York City. The Christian Messen- ger was issued weekly from that place, and the Christian Palladinm semi-monthly. Moses Cum- mings was the editor of both papers. On the third day of January, 1801, these papers were consoli R E L I G I O IT S J O TT R X A L I S M 63 dated under the naiiie of Christian Messenger and PuUaiJium. One year later the Christian Mes- sciHjcr and Palladium was united with the Herald of Ciospel Lihcrti/ at Newbui-yport, Mass. This closed volume XIV, of the Christian Messenger and volume XXXT. of the Christian Palladium. Durinji this period many of the contributed ar- ticles were written by such men as Daniel P. Pike, John B. Weston, O. J. AVait, James Burlingame, O. P. Tuckerman, K. Edmunds, Moses Kidder, David E. Millard, J. R. Iloag, Oliver Barr, Austin Craig, Thomas Holmes, John W. Hayley, and B. F. Sum- merbell. The editors announced in 1851 that the pa- per "would advocate fearlessly and lovingly educa- tion, Sabbath Schools, and the diffusion of useful and general intelligence among all classes." As early as 1853, B. F. Summerbell urged the churches to provide parsonages for their ministers. The sub- ject of education was made prominent, and the movements which resulted in the founding of Starkey Seminary, Antioch College, Union Christian College, and the Christian Biblical Institute were greatly accelerated by the earnest advocacy of the paper. Fears were occasionally expressed lest the ministers should depend too much upon education, and not enough upon the Spirit of God. But there had been a great change since the days of Elias Smith. Such men as Thomas Holmes, O J. Wait, and John H. Weston were in a large measure shap- ing the policy of the paper. In a series of articles addressed "To Young Ministers," O. J. Wait argued in favor of a divine >call as a sine ublished at New Carlisle, Ohio, and after an itinerary which included Si)ringfield, Yellow Springs, Colund)US, and Eaton ils headciuarters were established in Dayton, about the first of May, 18G5. The Ohio Christian n E T. H ; I () r s .t o t' t; x a i . i s m c^^ Book AssociatioD became the Western Cliristian Book A.ssociatioii in lS;j2, and at a nieetinf? liehl in Covington, Oliio, November 27, 1866, tlie name was changed to the Christian I'nblishing Association. The list of editors of the Gospel ncrahl from lS4:i to 18()S inclndes tlie names of Isaac N. Walter, .lames ^^■illiams()n, James W. Marvin, James Maple, L. Pnrviance, X. Summerbell, John lOllis, and Henry Y. Rnsh. Neither the Herald of Gospel Liberty nor the Gospel Herald fnlly met the demands of the de- nomination. Possible plans wore discnssed, and at a meeting of the Christian rnblishing Association held in Hagerstown, Indiana, November 10, 1S(;t, arrangements v^-ere made for the consolidation of the Gospel Herald and the Herald of Gospel Liberty. The two papers were united January 4, 1868, under the name of the Herald of Gospel Liberty. The paper was published at Dayton, Ohio. The Rev. H. Y. Kush was editor, and the Rev. 1). P. Pike Avas associate editor. With the removal of the Herald of Gospel Liberty to Dayton, Ohio, it became the general denominational organ. The Christian Pub- lishing Association is composed of the same dele- gates as is the xVmerican Christian Convention, and is therefore representative of the entire brother- hood. The policy of the paper under the editorship of Rev. Dr. Rush cannot be better expressed than in his own words, written at the close of his editorial career : To maintain the peace and liarniony of the brotherhood : to allow all possible liberty of discussion that shall not in- GG THE CENTENNIAL OF A-olvo ill temper and undue personality ; to exclude from tbo paper all forms of liberalism and all ingenious outcrop- pings of infidelity ; to make it the pi'eacher of a pure gospel, and the promoter of personal, domestic, and church piety ; to recogijize the labors and the usefulness of the fathers, the vast good being done from city to remotest wilderness by the large number of pious, zealous, devoted ministers, who never had the advantages of literary education — an ad- vantage or disadvantage, just as the heart and mind are sacredly consecrnted to Cliristly labors; to speak well of all good, industrious, useful ministers and laymen ; to make as many and as earnest pleas as practicable for our schools and colleges ; to give the fullest possible accomit of revival intelligence, of churches organized and dedicated ; to make the paper a church i)aper, a denominational paper, a peo- ple's paper, keeping it alive with our own work as a i>eo- ple, rather than a scientific, speculative, or dogmatic jour- nal. In keeping witli his policy as outlined above, the editor i»i-ei»ared and published many strong editorials on such subjects as The Book of Books, Religious Revivals, German Theology, What Our Position IdijiUcs, The Glory of Pentecost, Our Mission. In 1808 Union Christian College was making an effort to raise an endowment fund of one hundred thousand dollars. The Herald of Gospel Liberty performed commendable service in keeping the sub- ject before its readers, and in the presentation of the general subject of education. The contributed articles cover a large range of subjects. The follow- ing are characteristic: ?7te Secret of Ministerial Success, , Spiritual Liberty, Benevolence, Pulpit Style, Resting Plaee of the Soul, A Sinner's Friend, Bible Reading, True Age of Man, Sanctification. At the close of twelve years of service as editor of the Gospel Herald and the Herald of Gospel Lib- erty, the Kev. Henry Y. Rush resigned, the resigna- R E L I G I OT; S .T O n R N AL I S M GT tion to take effect December 31, 187G. The Eev. N. Summei'bell, D. D., immediately assumed tlie duties of the office. With the new editor there came a new emphasis upon theological subjects and the position of the Christians. Such subjects as Thcologij, Science and Religion, God, The Gospel, Christologij, Science, Science Confirming Revelation, Jesus and His Glory, are prominent in the editorial columns. Although the Herald of Gospel Liberty was not a '"passive medium equally of truth and error,'' it welcomed to its columns articles from writers whose views were divergent. The editor believed that ''truth's floods flow eternally on, washing over those who with wisps vainly strive to sweep back its onflowing deluge." The "fundamental principles" of the denomination were strongly advocated. The editor writes: Our cause is the cause of heaven and we have no right to resipi it. betray it, forsake or neglect it. Tliis is our mission! We are tlie advocates of a purely P.iblical relig- ion; a religim most readily worded in P.iblical language. AVe advocate the Pdble as the only universally accepted rule of faith and duty : we advocate Christ as the only true leader and lawgiver; we advocate the Christian name as the only universally accepted name for Ciod's people ; we advocate universal charity and Christian union, with free Christian fellowship and connnunion for all the followers of Jesus; we advocate all these with charity and fellowshiit. .... These are the great fundamental princiiiles of relig- ious truth advocated by Christians from the beginning, or the days of the Savior, and now principally represented by us in making character the only test of fellowshii>. Dr. Sunimerbell divided his time between the edi torial work and business affairs for the Association. The indebtedness on the Publishing House was quite large, and the editor undertook the task of ])aviiiii ^ ■» lit off the debt. July <>, 187S, he reported (hat |l),(i:J4.(;8 08 T H E C E N T E N N I A I. O F had beeu paid out on old obligations the past eight- een months. During this time the number of sub- scribers increased from 4,r):{G to 5,520. The editor had been chosen by the trustees "to pilot them Ihrough a terrible strait.'' When he had accom- plished this task, he hastened to lay down his com- mission. "I confess," he wrote, "that to me there was a charm in the editor's chair. I loved to speak to the people." lint believing that his work as editor had been accomplished, he closed his editorial la- bors August 1, 1878, and stepped "up and into the pulpit," his former place. The Rev. Thomas M. McWhinney, 1). 1)., at once took charge of the office. Again the editorial jtolicy changes. Moral reform becomes a prominent theme. The evils of the liquor tral'lic were vividly portrayed in the editorials on "Legalize 1 Crime." The Farm and Home Literature also are favorite subjects. A department devoted to the Sunday-school lessons was introduced August IH, 1878. The Rev. John li. Weston and the Rev. A. W. Coan became associate editors August 7, 1880. After the removal of the Herald of (losj.vl lAhcrhj to Dayton, among the leading writers were Warren Hathaway, James Majjle, N. Summerbell, D.P. I'ike, H. M. Eaton, J. R. Hoag, R. F. Summerbell, P. Roberts, Josiah Knight, Peter ^^■iIlebrenner, and J. P. Watson. Among the younger men of that time may be mentioned S. S. Newhouse, J. J. Summerbell, T. C. Smith, A. H. IMorrill. John Whitaker, Martyn Summerbell, and E. \\. ]lum])lireys. The editorial labors of Dr. McA\'hinney ceased about July 1, 1881, and the Rev. Asa W . Coan be- R E L I (} I O IT S J O r K N A I. I S M 09 caiiui I'dilor. Under llic Rev. i\Ii-. (Joan tlie i)aper was the advocate of the <;eneTal nieasnres of the denomination. There was no subjeet of supreme importance at the front. The contributed articles were of a practical nature. The form of the paj)er has underage was reduced to fifteen by twenty- one and onehalf inches, and the number of [)ages increased to eight. In 1884 it was changed to a sixteen-page paper, the size of the i>age being eleven by fifteen inches. When the Rev. Mr. (Joan became editor, the busi- ness affairs of the Association were placed in the hands of the Rev. C. W. (Jaroutte, but later ]Mr. Garoutte resigned, and Mv. Coan assumed charge of financial matters in addition to his editorial work. In the early ])art of 1885, Mr. Coan was stricken with paralysis. February 10, the Rev. Charles J. Jones, 1). 1)., became editor ])ro tern. Mr. Coan rallied and for some time hopes were entertained that he would be able to assume llie duties of the office again, l)ut on A]>ril 7, he tendered his resig- nation and Dr. Jones was elected editor. The Rev. Dr. Jones liad been a pastor and evan gelist. It was but natural that the subjects with which he was familiar should be iiinde y)rominent in the Herald of fi'osiicl Lihoii/. The ])aper became the advocate of an evangelistic Christianity. To assist the ministers in their work, a liomiletical 70 THE CENTENNIAL OF department was opened. There was much discus- sion of the question of Christian union, and nego- tiations were carried on esj)ecially with the Free Baptists looking to a closer union of the two bodies. The editor expressed his views as follows : To us the union of Christians is simply union in Christ and for Christ. To talk of a difference between Christian fellowship and church fellowship, is to talk of that which indeed is, l)ut which ou.uht not to be. The only true Christian union is the spiritual union //; Christ; the possession of that living relation to the Son of God and Savior of men which comes from faith in him and leads to the abandonment of sin and the consecration of the life to his service. The financial atfairs of the Publishing House were not in a flourishing condition, and once more the editor is called from his duties as editor. Dr. Jones traveled much among the churches, and se- cured many subscriptions for the indebtedness. There was a call also from the churches for him to devote his energies to evangelistic labors. July 12, 1888, Dr. Jones became corresponding editor and general evangelist, and the Rev. J. P. Watson, D. D., who had been associate editor, was elected editor. March 23, 1893, the names of J. P. Watson and George D. Black appear as editors. This arrange- ment continued until November 9, 1893, when the Rev. Mr. Black retired from the office, and Dr. Wat- son became the sole editor of the paper. It is impossible in a few sentences to give any satisfactory characterization of the paper. As the organ of the denomination, it was the advocate of all the general plans of the body,* and grew in de- partments as the work of the church developed. Be- fore ]h'. Watson became editor, he had enlisted the RE LI (Mors J () r i; N A I. I S M 71 fhildren in mission work, and liiinislicd mailer tor the "(Miildren's Mission Dopartnienl." LatcM-, wIumi the first missionaries were seni lo I lie lorciun land, a department devoted to t'oreiun missions was in trodnced. With tlie advent (»!' I lie Christian l"]n- deavor Society came the Endeavor Department. The fo]k)wing is the general ontline of the contents of the paper nuder Dr. Watson: Contrihnled articles, editorial articles, selected poetry. Christian Endeav- or department, Home dei)artment, the higher life, A. C. C. department, conference minutes, Mission department, field notes, marriages, obituaries, and church notices. At a meeting of the Christian I'ublishing Asso- ciation held in Haverhill, Mass., in October, 1894, the Rev. J. J. Summerbell, D. D., was elected editor. He assumed the duties of the office in January following. This position he held for twelve years. It was a time of general readjustment of denomina tional machinerv, and the advent of manv new^ workers. The missionary work was enlarged and pushed with new vigor. There was increased ac- tivity in educational circles. The conferences gen- erally adopted courses of study for the ministers. An educational department was begun in (he Herald of (ioHpcl Liberty. Increased attention was given to the care of pastorless churches. The subject of Christian union was discussed quite generally in conventions and conferences as well as in the Herald of (I'ospel Lihcrfi/. Negotiations were carried on with some denominations, especially with the Con- gregationalists, relative to union. The paper had grown in its influence over the denominational life, 72 TllK CENTENNIAL OF and its utterances were strong factors in sliaping tlie course of events. To recite tlie history of this period in detail would require more space than can be given in this article. January 1, 1907, Dr. Sumnierbell was succeeded by the Kev. J. Pressley Barrett, D. J)., who had been elected to the position of editor by the Christian Publishing Association at its meeting held in Octo- ber, 1906, at Huntington, Indiana. With the first number of January, 1908, the form of the paper was again changed. The number of i)ages was increased to thirty-two, the size of the page being nine by thirteen inches. During the centennial year, 1908, especial attention is being given to the genius, his tory, and mission of the denomination. A series of biographical sketches is ai)pearing under the general heading of ''Our Centennial I?iograi)hical Sketches." These are the biographies of men wlio have been prominent in the history of the Church. ^laiiy other articles of a historicar character are being published. In January, 1907, the CJiristian Messenger of New Bedford, Mass., was consolidated with the Herald of Gospel Lihertjj. This ]>a]iei' was begun in February, 1900, and was published in the interest of the churches in New England. It was governed by an editorial board. At present one page of the Herald of Gospel Liberty is devoted to the work in New England. CONCLUSION. The facts contained in the foregoing account have been obtained almost entirely from the Herald of Gospel Liberty. Where doubt existed as to the K E L I G I O U S JO TT K \ A I, I S .M 73 real truth, recourse ha.s been had to other sources of inforniatiou to establisli the facts. The files of the paper are practically coiiipk'te from ISOS to IIMIS. At times the life of the paper was at a h)\v ebb, and when one number appeared, it was doul)t- ful whether the next would be published. However the next number always came from the jiress, al- though it was delayed occasionally. Twice the des- tiny of the paper was in the balance for several months, bnt it survived and has come down throuiih an unbroken line of successicm to the present tiine. From 1808 to 1835 it was owned, edited, and juib lished by individuals,— first by Klias Smith, and then by Kobert Foster. These persons were mem- bers of the (Miristian Church, and ccmducted the pai)er in the interest of the Christians. Since 1835 the paper has been owned by associations as follows: from 1835 to 1850, by the lOastern Chris- tian rublishing Association; from 1850 to 1851, by the Christian General Book Association; from 1851 to 18t;S, by the Eastern Christian Publishing As- sociation; and from 18G8 to the present, by the Christian ]*ublishing Association. The Herald of Gospel Liberty was founded as a religious newspaper, and has maintained its char- acter throughout its history. Under the editorship of Elias Smith, it was largely the exponent of the editor's views, while at the same time it reflected fairly the denominational life. It has grown with the denomination, and has been a factor in deter- mining church polities. It has uniformly contended for the r.ible as a sufficient guide in matters of religious faith and itractice, for the name Christian 74 THE C E N T E N N I A L O F as the iir(»[)er designation for all the followers of Christ, and for the Christ as the only head of the ehiirc'l}. AVhen the question of Biblical interi)re tation was raised, it took the position that the in- dividual Christian was under obligations to inter- pret the word of God for himself, — a position which it has maintained to the present, although not all tlie editors and contributors have agreed as to what is involved in the proposition. About 181(3 the churches generally had come to the conclusion that Christian character and not dogma was the pro])pr test of Christian fellowship, and that there ought to be no distinction between Christian aiirl church fellowship. The paper was in accord with this position. It may be fairly stated that the Herald of Gospel Lihertij has been the advocate of the general pro- gressive measures of the Christians. Under some editors it was slow to ally itself with certain re- forms, and even opposed certain polities which af- terward became the adopted measures of the Church. I>y way of illustration, reference may be nmde to Elias Smith's opposition to salaried and educated ministers. We shall need to remember, however, that he was blazing the way through the forest without compass or guide. His erratic nature and lack of general training will explain many of his vagaries. As the denominational life has changed from the simplicity of one hundred years ago to the variety and com])lexity of to-day, the ])aper has undergone a corresponding change. Its columns have teemed on all the practical ({uestions of church i)o]ity. Ed- RELIGIOUS JOURNALISM f Aiiicrird. Ihtlian Ifi/imi. or fHirct. R E r, T ( ; TOT'S J O T' T{ X A T. I S M 77 Upon the jni tiled parjc. From pen of saint and sage, The light doth shine. It shows the oninird irai/. It heralds coining dai/. Revealing in each rag — The icill divine. One hundred years have gone, The day begins to dawn When souls arc free; The vision of the years. Delayed by doubts and f<ecting the dear old Herald^ I must now close. The reader may be glad, but I am sorry. One hundred years of struggling, useful life! and more youthful vigor to-day than ever before. Hal- lelujah ! Praise the Lord ! ! May many centuries yet be added to the life and usefulness of the Herald of Gospel Liberty — the pioneer of religious journal- ism ! In all its future, as in its past, may it be found unwaveringly in the front rank of progress nlong every line of heaven-approved growth and de- velopment; holding fast, at the same time, the funda- mental, unalterable principles taught by Him who said: Upon this ROCK I will biiild my church ; and the gates of hades shall not prevail against it. Chelsea, Mich. ^^^^ EDITORIAL GEMS IIKV. IIIONUV CUAMITON Secret.! ry CMiristian I'ublisbing Association K K I. I i; 1 OT' S J or H XAL I S M 85 ONE HUNDRED EDITORIAL GEMS FOR THE CENTENNIAL CROWN OF THE HERALD OF GOSPEL LIBERTY- A Word to the Wise The successful attempt in the Northern and Southern states to revive the ancient name, CHRIS- TIAN, formerly given by Christ to His followers, makes no small stir among the friends to modern party names. They cry out: ''Why make another party?" ''We all profess to be Christians." "This is as much a party as the rest." These objections make me think of a man who is opposed to day- light, and cries out as the sun is rising, "Why do we need another light? We have now, the moon- light, starlight, and the light of lamps and caudles, and there are many asleep and do not need any light." Why should there be another light? What good will it do among all the rest? Ah! What will the others do when the sun comes? The fact is, all the other lights will be overpowered, when the sun appears. So it is with the name Christ. It, like the sun, overpowers all the rest. "His name shall endure forever, and be continued so long as the sun." "IN that day there shall be one Lord and His NA:MK one." "God hath highly exalted Him and given Ilini a name above every name." Those who name the * Selected by Rev. Henry Crampton, Katon, O., from the various papers of our ))n)tIierhood for the first centiirv of our lournalistic efforts. The purpose of this section is fo" show the drift of reUgious thoutrht from a spiritual standpoint. lliese gems are very rich and shine with a beautiful luster. — Editor. 8G T II E GEN T E N N I A T. OF name of Christ are called by the most worthy name on earth, a name which as much outshines all others, as the sun outshines the moon, slars, lamps and can- dles.— Rev. Ellas Smith, Herald of Gospel Liberty. March SI, 1809. The Light of the Moon Preferable to the Light of the Sun It is said that two men were riding out one very pleasant afternoon, while the sun shone remarkably clear, there being not a cloud to be seen to prevent its shining. As they passed along, one mentioned to the other, the very great advantage the sun was to the inhabitants of the earth. ''Very true," replied the other, "but it is not half equal to the moon ; for the sun only shines in the daytime, when we might do without it; but the moon shines in the night, and were it not for the light of the moon, it would be very dark every night in the year, which would be very disagreeable indeed." This story puts me in mind of the system nmkers — creed makers — article makers — platform makers —discipline nuikers — confession of faith nuikers— catechism makers, etc., etc. They all i»rofess some regard for the Scriptures, ''a light which shineth in a dark place," and all en- deavor to prove that it is the foundation of their buildings of wood, hay, and stubble, while they pre- tend, or think the plan they have invented is founded on the Scriptures; and they are like men taking light from the sun to use in the night instead of candles. RELIGIOUS J O IT R N A L I S M 87 We often see such people lay aside the Scriptures to keep their own rules, but it is seldom we see such I)e<)j»le lay aside their man-made rules to esteem the Scriptures concerning all things to be made right, and to hate every such false way. The Scripture, they say, is a very good book; but it is not suitable to govern a church by. Like the sun, it only gives light in the daytime; we want something to shine in the night, changing every four weeks. W'a want a rule that we can alter once in four years if we think ])roper; so that if our minds alter, we can sha])e it to our minds. The Scripture is such a book that our minds must be shaped to that, and to do this, we must all be servants, and no one can be chief, or above his brethren. * * * * * * * In the time of the apostles, when men preferred the light of the Sun of Righteousness to all other lights, Christ was the only King, Lord and Lawgiver; "tlie great Shepherd and Uishop of their souls." Ilim they heard in all things. All the ministers were servants for Jesus' sake, and the members were Christians and all brethren, preferring one another. Let ministers and all saints come to this now, and all will soon be convinced that the light of the Sun of Righteousness is the greatest blessing to the world. — Rev. Elias Smith, Herald of Gospel Liberty, April III, 1809. Aphorisms When men raise their passions to support their doctrines, or rules, it is pretty certain that their arguments are all gone, or that they never had any. 88 THE CENTENNIAL OF When men charge othei-s with beiiiu men of bad characters, and that all their friends, or "ad- herents," are the same, it is generally thought their own characters will not bear a close examination. AVhen men set up notifications in their own houses against proselyte makers, representing their friend.s as the devil's pack-horses, it is a common sign that thev do such business themselves, and are afraid of being suspected or discovered. When men turn from one thing to another, and turn back, and turn again, and turn again, it is generally thought that they are like a broken tooth, or a foot out of joint. A guilty person always thinks himself suspected, and often discovers himself by endeavoring to pre- vent that suspicion. — Rev. EUas Smith, Herald of Gospel Liberty, August 4, 1S09. The Happy Man The happy man was born in the city of regenera- tion, in the parish of repentance unto life. He was educated in the school of obedience, and lives on the plain of perseverance. He works at a trade of diligence in the country of Christian contentment, and many times does acts of self-denial. He wears the plain garb of humility, and has a better dress to put on called, "the robe of righteousness." He often walks in the valley of self-abasement, and sometimes climbs the mount of spiritual-mindedness. He breakfasts every morning upon spiritual prayer, and sups every evening upon the same. He has meat K i: L I <; I () r s .to t^ r na l i s m so to eat which the world knows not of; and liis drink is the water of life. Thus happy he lives and Iiapi)y he dies. Happy is he who hath j^ospel submission in his will; due order in his att'et'tions; sound peace in his conscience; sanctifyincf grace in his soul; truth in his breast; true humility in liis heart; the Kedeem- er's yoke on his neck; a vain world under his feet, and a crown of glory over his head. Tn oi'der to attain which, dear reader, i)ray fer- vently; believe firmly; wait j)atiently; work abun- dantly, the work of faith — live holy, die daily to every inordinate desire and affection; watch your heart with all diligence; guide your senses; redeem the time, love Christ and long for glor^'. — Rev. Ellas Smith, Herald of Gospel Liberty, April 29, ISlJf. The Passing Year The swiftness of time is among the many reasons which might be adduced as motives to i)rompt us to fill up the measure of our time allotted us in this transitory world, in the most profitable and useful manner both to ourselves and others. We ]»ossess but one short life which when it is passed, like the rolling years, returns not again. How pleasing to, look over a life spent in wisdom's ways with a quiet conscience, and behold the sj)ring of our life fol- lowed by a pleasing summer when the ex])anding mind, like the summer sun, was ever ready to diffuse its waini and genial rays of beneficence and friend- sliip, and pour the light of life on every inquiry af- ROBERT POSTER Editor and Publisher IlcraJd of 0(j>ii)cl Liberty 1818—1835 KELIGIOT^S JOTTRNALISM 91 ter the right way of the Lord, whicli has been suc- ceeded by tlie harvest of blessings, from the heaven above and the earth beneath, and the blessings of the j)Oor who were ready to i)erisli. Thus, "he that reapeth receiveth wages,'' and although the winter of death may succeed, yet he gatiiereth fruit unto eternal life. The person who lives for himself exclusively may have the paltry satisfaction of having obtained his object. lint tliis satisfies not the philantln'oi»ic mind. He views himself formed for society, with social ties and social feelings; his end Ls not attained unless friendships are preserved, misery is relieved and happiness prevails. The incentives to human greatness and honor are but few and insignificant in comparison to those for that honor which conieth from God only; which those who by patient continuance in filling up their time with well-doing receive. An Alexander shines in splendor, with conquests and wealth his situation looks enviable; but he weeps amidst it all because this earth circumscribes his confjuests and his glory. But the beggar in rags, with his scanty pittance, having the honor that comes from God only, exults amidst reproaches that he is worthy to suffer shame for his name's sake, and rejoices amidst his crumbs that at his Father's table he shall eat of the richest fruits that heaven affords. A Bonaparte may regale in splendor, and pour destruction and dismay in all his path ; but in a moment the scene is changed ; he that carried away captive is carried into captivity. He soon sees the 92 THE C E N T E N N T A li O F end of Iniman greatness. But the person who seeks honor from above, though he may be a servant or a slave, shall be raised to glory, and tread upon the high places of the wicked when his God shall come out against them. Well might the wise man cry out ''vanity," when beholding human greatness and hu- man honor. But above all the reasons we could bring why we should improve our time as it flies, in acts of kind- ness and friendship to one another and obedience to our Lord is, and let it suffice, that our Lord has commanded it. Read and learn his precepts in his inimitable sermon on the mount — follow his example and obey his commands ; then shall our days pass on in prosperity and our years in peace, then shall the pleasure of the Lord prosper in our hands; and although our days may be fast passing away, and the exit of the year remind us of our own departure, yet they do but in reality bring us nearer to a life that never ends. — Rohert Foster, in the Christian Herald, December 16, 1824. Christian, Be Careful How careful should Christians be to have their life holy and their conversation chaste, particularly those of influence, remembering that for every idle word and action they will have to give an account. Not only so, but how many who are under their in- fluence are led astray and do things which they would not have done had they not seen others in R E L I (J I O U S J O r K N A L I S M 03 whom they had more confidence than they had in themselves, do so first. To be Christians we must believe on the Lord Jesus with the whole heart and obey all His com- mandments, take up our cross daily and follow Him, take His yoke upon us, and learn of Him; for He is meek and lowly in heart and we shall find rest to our souls. — Rcr. J. Rodcnhaugh, Christian Palla- dium, November 1, 1835. The Dark Side Some preachers and brethren are always dwelling upon the dark side — are filled up with spleen, jeal- ousy, unbelief and despair. What an evidence of weakness and folly ! The torrent of despair which is poured out by some individuals is enough to freeze up all the energies of any living society. When a preacher has the misfortune to be troubled with the BLUES, the whole congregation will partake more or less of the same contagion :— like priests, like people. Where a minister is full of life, am- bition and enterprise, his congregation will be so. It is best for all to look sharp to see what manner of spirit they are of, and what influence they exert. If we addict ourselves to ponder upon the dark side, we shall be useless. The Scripture teaches us to look unto Jesus — then all is light. — Kev. J. Badger, Christian Palladium, August 15, 1836. An Affectionate Address The Christian name, the Christian character and fellowship, and Christian brethren, are to me of the REV. SIMON CLOUOII Editor Gonixl JjUiniminj 1832 — 1833 U E L I (J I O TT S J O TI II N A L I S M 95 sweetest savor; and for their welfare and honor I have, as a preacher of the gospel, devoted more than thirty five happy years. Yes, I say happy years, for preaching the gospel is my highest honor, it is my soul's delight; it is my chief joy, it is my only busi- ness. Splendid thrones, dazzling crowns, brilliant palaces, gorgeous apparel, luxurious tables, gay horses and glittering chariots, gaudy theaters, the honorable halls of state, the able orator's sound dis- cussion, the vain, pompous, parliamentary spoutings of mauv windv stomachs, as well as all earthlv glorv, vanish away before the truth as does the sparkling of the morning star when the sun ariseth. Dearly beloved, ''Let nothing be done through strife or vainglory." Let all, east, west, north and south, be gathered into one spirit, all harmoniously laboring in the great vineyard of the Lord, for the good of the whole, yet let every man work over against his own house, until the wall is joined firmly together in general measures. If we are not per- mitted to see each others' faces on these mortal shores, God grant us a happy meeting in the land of glory, honor, immortality, and eternal life. Yours in gospel bonds never to be broken. — Rev. Ahner Jones, Christ idii Palladium, June 15, 1837. An Address to Ministers Ministers of the gospel should seek a revival of religion in their own hearts, that they may be the means of reviving others. If there is to he a revival of religion, whore should it commence? In whose 96 T H E C E N T E N N I A L O F bosoms should the fire of zeal, of love, of ardent de- votion be first kindled? Who may be supposed to be first roused to activity in the cause of God? The ministers of religion. As the sunbeams strike first upon the mountains, and as the clouds pour forth their treasures first upon the hills, which often form a kind of reservoir for the valleys, so may it be expected that the spiritual rain will descend first into the pulpit, before it reaches the pew. The influence of ministers upon their flocks is very great, for good or for evil. ''Like priest, like people," is a proverb founded in truth. Like central fires, ministers produce a glowing atmosphere; or like icebergs, which chill everything in their vicinity. If ministers are eminently spiritual and devotional, the influence will be felt by all their people. Their prayers and sermons in the house of Ood, and their conversation in private intercourse, will all tend to keep up the power of godliness in the hearts of their hearers. But if they are secular, lukewarm and trifling, the same spirit may be looked for in the church. Should a revival take place in the church, and not in the minister, he would undo what has been done; but if the piety and spirituality of the minister be increased, the influence of it will, in all probability, be spread through the whole assembly. But does the state of religion need to be revived in the minds of the ministers? I am of the opinion that it does. I am fully and painfully convinced that the bulk of the present race of ministers is by no means distinguished for the more spiritual and elevated exercise of religion. Do we not fall very sliort in what may be called devotional habits — in K E L I (J I O U S J () r K .\ A L I S M 97 spirituality of mind — iu comiiiiinion with God — in self-examination? I^t ns read the memoirs of emi- nent and pious ministers in former ages, and com- pare ourselves with them, to see how dwarfish is our piet}'. Permit me to ask: What is the state of your closet devotions f Do you spend much time in reading the Scriptures, not as critics, but as Christians, anxiously desirous of drinking deeply into the spirit of the word of God? Do you spend hours, or even an hour, every day, in that breathing, panting, and wrestling after God, which characterized the ministers of a bygone age? llave you seasons of extraordinary devotion; days of fasting, humiliation, and prayer, as they had? My dear brethren, does the fire of devotion burn with that intensity upon the altar of your hearts, which is necessary to form a central llame, from which the whole church should ever be receiv- ing a renewed warmth and glow of hoi}' feeling? Are you in your families men of God, ministers of Christ, prophets of the Lord, always teaching by your word and actions? You should be domestic ministers; j)astors of the church in your own houses; looking well after the souls of your wives,' children, and servants; breathing the s])irit of devotion througliout your habitations. A minister's house shonld be the element of piety, the vestibule of heaven. How do you act and appear in the houses of your friends? Are you mere guests and companions? Or do you preach from house to house, not ceasing to diffuse the knowledge of Christ in every place? If religion be revived in the church, it must be revered in the 98 THECENTENNIALOF lioMie, 5111(1 if it Spread with greater vigor around the greater circle of the vestry, it must be nourished M'itli care in the smaller circle; and if this be done at all, it must be done instrumentally by you. And in your intercourse with each other, you should re- member while you cultivate cheerfulness, and dis- countenance gloom and grimace, that you bear a high and sacred character; that your vocation is religion, your grand business is salvation, your labor is for immortality; that you are ambassadors, and should be consistent, and maintain that dignit}' and seriousness which become your office. Let there be much of mutual edification, of mutual excite nient to deeds of piety and zeal, of earnest prayer, of conversation upon the difficulties and encourage- ments of 3'our office. AVliile you entertain each other as men and brethren, improve each other as men and as Christians. Are you spiritual and devotional in your i)ublic services? Are your sermons the fruits of your own experience, as well as of your studies? You should lay before your flocks that which you yourselves have tasted and handled of the word of life, and never ])reach to others what you have not first })reached to yourselves. Discourses full of thought, yet at the same time characterized by fervor, sim- }tlicity, and spirituality, are too rare; if ministers take ])ains, it is too often merely to shine. They look for tokens of approbation, and expressions of admiration, and are, perhaps, disappointed if they do not receive them ; and seem to feel as if they had preached in vain, if they hear not the language of a})plaiise. I do not say that this is the case with U E I. I G I O U S J O TT K N A L ISM 99 all, or with any at all times, but it is too much the case with many i)reacliers, and must ji;i-i('ve the Spirit of God, It is also to be feared that the prayers of most preachers are not characterized by that solemnity, spirituality and earnestness, which are essential to the cultivation of devotional feelinjjs in the jjcople. A minister's prayers, when they are of an intense and elevated character, do more perhaps to keep up the spirituality of his people than his sermons. My dear brethren, examine yourselves. You must beoin with your own souls; you must seek, first, the revival of reli«>ion in your own hearts; you must exhibit a state of piety, renewed and invigorated. Of a revival of religion, ''this kind goeth not forth but by fasting and prayer," on the part of the min- isters. The impulse must be given by you not by words, but by examples. All your operations are influenced by the kind of religion which prevails; the members of your churches, the teachers in your Sabbath-schools, the singers in your galleries, the peoi)le who wait upon your ministry, the heads of families, all feel the influence of a revived state of religion; they cannot be expected to be active while their souls are lukewarm; or if they do anything to circulate religion, they will circulate only a poor, heartless kind of piety. Suflfer me, my dear breth ren, to exhort you most seriously, to inquire whether an improved state of our cliurches must not begin with us who are ministers of the word ; and whether we should not immediately, and most earnestly, ap- ply ourselves to this business? T^t us begin afresh to live for God, and to commune with ITim. O, 100 T H E C E N T E N N I A L O L' what preachers would we be, if we preached from the full, rich experience of a renewed and revived l>iety ! An earnestness and freshness would be imparted to our public services, and this by the grace of God would clothe them with new power, and invest them with new attractions. — Rev. Simon Clougli, Christian Journal, June 15, 1837. A Short Sermon ^^And they took knoicledge of them, that they had been irith Jesus." — Acts 4:13. This is what St. Luke, the writer of the Acts of the Apostles, says concerning the ^'rulers and elders and scribes, Annas, the high priest, and Caiaphas, and John, and Alexander and so many as were of the kindred of the high priest, who were gathered at Jerusalem." It was the boldness, the spirit, the holy min- istration of the word by Peter and John, that' caused this mixed multitude of doctors, lawyers, priests, and those who composed the Jewish Coun- cil at that time, and those who were gathered to- gether at Jerusalem, to marvel and take knowledge of them, that they had been with Jesus. While there are many duties performed and traits of character possessed by many, which most naturally and readilv lead us to the consistent conclusion that such persons have been with the Savior ; yet there are on the other hand a great many duties left undone, and a kind of cold indifference in- dulged by others, and not unfrequent.ly by the K K I, h; I or s .(OIK \.\ 1. 1 s m kh same, which greatly contribute lo in the idea that the disciples of Christ should con- sent to be called by other names, even by those of other eminent disciples, such as Luther, Calvin, Wes- ley, and so forth. It niij;lit be asked in the language of the apostles. Were these eminent saints and re- formers crucified for you? or were you baptized in their names? And if you were not baptized in their names, how can you with consistency be denomin ated after them? I know that many [)ious and holy persons attach little or no importance to names; and conceive that if they jiossoss the thing signified by the same, it is a matter of no importance by what name they may be called. In this indiffer- ence about names, many errors have been committed. The name Christian, with the thing signified tliere- b}', constitutes the sum total of religion. It is always proper and correct to call things by their appropriate names. If we are Christians, why not be called by this title and no other? A rigid ad- herence to this course would long since have ended these divisions and sub-divisions which most pain- fully harass and i)erplex the church of Christ; but there are some who contend that the name Christian w^as bestowed upon the disciples at Antioch by their enemies, as an appellation of reproach. For this opinion T can find no evidence, either in the word of God or elsewhere. We may therefore conclude it to be a mere assumption. In ojjposition, however, to the notion that the name Christian was first ap- plied to the disciples by their enemies in a way of 114 THE CENTENNIAL OF reproach, we will adduce two witnesses, whose authorit}' in such matters will not be called in ques- tion. The first is Dr. Adam Clark, who, in his criticism upon the original word rendered in Acts 11 : 2G, were called^ expressed himself thus: It signifies in the New Testament, to appoint, warn, or jioniinatf by divine direction. In tliis case the word is used, Miitt. 2:12; Lnlce 2 : 2G ; Acts 10:22. If, therefore, tlie name was given by divine appointment, it was most lilcely that Saul and Barnabas were directed to give it ; and. that therefore, the name Christian is from God, as well as tliat grace and holiness which are essen- tially reiiuired and implied in the character! The doctor continues, A Christian, therefore, is the highest character which any human bei)ig caii bt>ar upon earth; and to receive it from (Jod. as these appear to have done, how glorious the title! The next is the i>ious and learned ]Mr. Davis, who wrote a sermon expressly on this subject, and in which he uses this language: The original, which is here rendered called, seems to intimate that they were called Christians by divine ap- pointment, for it generally signifies an oracular nomination, or declaration from God ; and to this purpose it is gener- ally translated. Hence, it follows that the very name Christians, as well as the thing was a divine original ; as- sumed not by a private agreement of the disciples among themselves, but by the apjuiintment of God. In this view, it is a remarkable accomplishment of an old prophecy of Isaiah, G2 : 2. These views have been submitted, not with a de- sign of impugning others, but for the purpose of exhibiting some of the reasons which influence us firmly and strictly to adhere to the Christian name. This rigid adherence to a name, may be a subject of sport or derision to some, and of contempt and scorn to others. liut still, experience and observa- R E L I Cx I O TJ S J O r K X A L I S .Af 115 tion unitodly conspire to satisfy our minds com- pletely, that too great particularity, in religious nuitters, even in external things themselves, can hardly ho used. The Bible is the only criterion for regulating and guiding our course in relation to all religious concerns. No Christian can esteem a strict and rigid conformity to its requisitions of little im- I)ortance, What that book inculcates must bind the consciences of all true believers; and as we make this the standard of our religious opinions and faith, we dare not depart from it even in the selection of a name. Who but must wish that all the party names, which tlie circumstances of the church from time to time have. given rise to, and the strife and con- tention which have accompanied them, were entire- ly obliterated, and their efforts forgotten forever? The religion of the New Testament, when divested of mysticism, is a beautiful and most interesting scheme, entirely adapted to the wants and circum- stances of fallen men. Its peculiar excellency con- sists in the simplicity of the means exhibited and insisted upon for their recovery and restoration. These means are, repentance towards God, and faith in the Lord Jesus Christ. Here no perplexity is presented. The conditions are plain and simple; and imply just what the awakened sinner feels to be the case — an utter inadequacy to save himself. When, by the grace of God, which is freely offered to all, the sinner feels the force and iiower of divine truth freeing him from guilt and sin, and renewing him in the spirit of his mind, and enabling him to cry, Abba, Father; it will then be his duty to make a profession of faith in Christ, and his sul)jection uiov. I. N. WAi/ii:i: Editor Goxiicl Herald 1843— 1 84 G R K L I (; I O TT S J O T' K X Al. 1 S M II7 to Iliiii. Now, in Scripture languago, ho has piil on Christ, and as lie has thus received Christ Jesus the Lord, so should he walk in Him; and he is ex- horted by the apostle not to return again to the weak and beggarly element^ of the world. How incongruous that such a one should take uj^on him self any other appellation besides the one descrip- tive of his connection with Christ as a follower and disciple!— F//-«^ editorial eve?- wriften for the Chris- tian >S'»/«. It appeared February 11, IS'i-'i, and was from the pen of Rev. Daniel W. Kerr, the founder of that paper. Excuses for Not Attending Church There is a class of individuals who never can prevail ui)on themselves to attend church, unless everything in nature, in their physical dispositions, and all the circumstances under which they may be placed, be decidedly propitious. The sky must be perfectly serene, the air balmy and soft, of a most happy and exhilarating tempera- ture, neither c<»()l nor warm, neither dry nor verv airy. The roads must be in a delightful condition ; not a particle of dust to offend the eyes and soil the garments, neither must they be wet and heavy, lest they spoil the shoes, or occasion cold feet. There must not be the slightest cloud to indicate a change of weather in less than twenty-four hours. In a word, the elements must be in their gentlest mood, and nature must array herself in her most bewitching charms, to allure their reluctant foot- 118 T HE ( ' K \ 'I' !■: X X I A L () 1' steps into the path wliich leads to tlie liouse ol' worship. Tlieu there is another consideration whicli bears an important influence. The wardrobe must be per- fectly adapted to the occasion, and indeed, this point is so essential, that we are inclined to think it is generally satisfactorily settled in the mind of the part}', before the state of the weather is taken into the account. We have known many contests between a lower- ing atmosphere and a new coat, or a fashionable shawl, and have frequently seen a pretty ribbon, or a bunch of feathers prevail over a rainy day. On the other hand an old hat, or other article of dress, that has seen some service, or is not al- together the thing, will obstinately resist the love- liest attractions of a ]May morning. Those sinners, the tailors and milliners, are often accessories to empty pews. It is dreadfully vexatious to the mind, that has been ])leasing itself all the week with the idea of making a display on the next Sabbath, to be obliged to endure the pangs of disappointment. On Saturday how often have we heard, and you too, reader, a pretty little Miss, with pouting lips, exclaim, ''There now, I cannot go to church to-morrow." It is too bad to be compelled to listen, under the conviction that our personal appearance is some- what antiquated, and perhaps during the prayer to turn around accidently and observe the Misses Van- horns are in the next seat and are looking so satis- fied under their leghorns. Is it wonderful that the HELIGIOrS J () r U XAI, I S M 11!) resolution is iumiediately foniied — "7 icill not (jo to church (ujuiii till 1 get a ncir hat?'" lUit besides the weather jiihI dress, ihere is a \ai'i- ety of other excuses resorted to l>y (h'liuqueuts. We will uuMitidu a lew, "I'eel indisposed" — "over- slept myself"— "(luirch crowded" — "a little feverish" — "lazy"' — "expect coniitany to dinner" — "got a back- ache"—"a slinht cold"— "hurt my foot"— "not shaved in time" — "new boots" — "don't like extem- p(n-e preaching" — "don't like a written sermon" — "dislike the preacher" — "don't like an organ" — "bad singing" — and "cannot keep awake in church. " These end)race the most prominent excuses, but oth- ers might be mentioned. We scarcely hear of tlieiii when an excursion of pleasure, a visit to ditfereut places of amusements, is proposed. In such cases all bodily infirmities disappear as if by magic, the eye brightens and the cheek glows with anticipated happiness, every little obstacle to enjoyment is proiiijitly removed. An evidence that the objections stated in relation to their attendance on the worship of God, are in reality unfounded, or may be easily obviated. An old adage says, "TF/icre there is a icill, there is a way," and when a disposition exists in the mind to attend to the duties of religion, if will not be prevented by trifles. It is plain, therefore, that these excuses are occasioned by a criminal inditYerence to the exercise of the sanctuarv. The more thev are indulged in, the more habitual they become, until at last the mind becomes perfectly insensible to re- ligious obligations, which almost induces people to V20 T 1 1 10 (' 10 N 'I' E X X I A L O F believe they are jiistiliable in iiiaglecting the house of worsliip. — Rci?. I. N. Waf/cr. do.spcl Herald, May 15, ms. An Address We should encourage young preachers and ex- horters, and endeavor to bring out the gifts that are in the church to profit. "77k; liurvcst is great and the kihorers are few." l>ut suffer me here to give a few hints to young teachers: First. Study the Scriptures prayerfully, and be sure to have the Holy Spirit of God in your own hearts. Second. Humbly seek for your proper sphere., and keep in it; do not intrude your preaching upon popular assemblies, or those of high rank ; never take what is called a big text, in order to show yourself to be a great preacher; preach what you know, and live up to what you preach. The preachers may be covetous and desire more money than they really nee 1 ; but, instead of this, it is often the case that they are obliged to leave their fields of labor, and choose rather to dig than beg. I have no opinion of making preachers rich, but the "Lord has ordained that they which preach the gospel should live of the gospel."' It is just as unreasonable to engage a man to spend his time laboring in the gospel ministry for us and not give him a reasonable compensation, as it is to employ. a man to work on our farm and withhold his hire. How often have preachers visited churches at their U ELIGIOTT S J (» |- i; \ \ I. I s M IL'I 1-oqiiest :ni.l spciK ('nys and weeks, IravckMl scores of miles and faillilully pi-eadied (lie word to tiiem without receiving as much eartl.Iy (onipensation as would have borne their exi)enses home; and the cry was still incessant, ''Come! come aj-ain!" The love of souls has led them to stay at home and provide for those of their own lumsehold ; the churches have been left without a re^jular ministry. In such ]>laces the church seldom exists long before the "candle- stick is removed out of its ^nacc.'' But the time has been when there was some apology for such a state of things. For when we took our stand on the Bible, and rejected all human creeds, it was a time of excitement, and some enthusiasm ; and some of our preachers and exhorters declaimed against salary preaching, in a manner calculated to lead the peo- ple to think it wrong to give a preacher anvthing. They concluded if God had called a man to preach, he would not let him suffer. And some worldly minded, little-souled professors, thought it was a first-rate idea to get clear of Presbyterianism ; but this age of ignorance is fast passing by, and the people are beginning to learn that God works by means, and requires His children to do their duty. "Bring ye all the tithes into the storehouse, and prove me now herewith, saith the Lord of hosts, if r will not open you the windows of heaven, and pour you out a blessing that there will not be room enough to receive it." Mai. 3: W.—Rev. Lem Pur- nance, Gospel Herald^ November 15, 18-',5. 122 T 1 1 10 C E N T E N N I A I. O F A Dissertation on Preaching There is some preaching' which is less offensive, yet of little profit. It has a form of godliness, and it may be addressesd in fine spun style, but if it imparts no life, it is speculative, and lacks the min- istration of the Spirit. Whereas, the pure testi- mony, the simple gospel, when preached (as Peter expressed it) with .the Holy Ghost sent down from heaven, is the power of God unto salvation to the believer, '''it is the joy and rejoicing of his heart;" "more to be desired than gold, yea, than much fine gold; sweeter than honey and the honeycomb." — Rev. David Purv'umce, Gospel Herald, January 15, W,6. Faith and Works — The Sun First. Faith is the bough on which all the Chris tian graces grow. But faith itself must be deeply rooted in love. Second. Hope is the morning star, which ever invites us onward; encouraging us with the great recompense of reward. Third. Charity is the principle which assimilates us most to God. And though the devils have faith, and the hypocrites' hope; yet love — love unadulter- ated, ever has, and ever will, exist alone with the good. Fourth. Obedience ever was, and ever will be, the test of our fidelity to good. Our divine Lord seeks a peculiar people, zealous of good works. Nothing K K r. I (; I or s j o r u x a l i s m ij:; can Im} a substitute foi- ]>ersoual righteousness — if we lack that, all is lost. Fifth. I>ut p*ace saves! We are sa\etl by grace, through faith, and this (Salvation) is not of ourselves, it is the gift of God, not of works, lest we should boast. Sixth. We are saved by faith; by hope; b^' Christ; Ilis blood; His name; baptism; preachers; by the gospel, etc. Still all these are but means. We are saved by grace! Unbought, unsold. (Jrace bestowed before the world was — FKEE grace. All is of grace. All of God. — Rev. N. Summerhell, D. D., Christian Palladium, August 28, IS'il. Remember the Earth is the Lord's I do not know but what the cares of this world, and the deceitfulness of ri<'hes have made many pro- fessed Christians forget that the "earth is the Lord's and the fulness thereof." Surely we ought to give the Lord some rent or interest for the proi)erty he has blessed us with. What we give our ministers for laboring for our personal good, is but a reward for service received personally. Now this is not giving to the Lord. Let my good brethren take some of that portion which they are preparing for their children, and give |25 or $50 for the Lord's truth in the West, and set their children to earning that sum to refund it. In the end the children will be better off, God lietter honored, and sinners bene- fited.— Rev. ]\[ark Fcrnald, Christian Palladium, December 4, IS'il. REV. MARK FERNALD RELIGIOUS .TOTTKXA L I S M 125 Profane Swearing I( is j)i-()bal)lv true of our whole race, that we, like ancient Israel, have "so]hical discpiisitions of the age, or time, have added anything to the plain, common- sense understanding of the Scriptures. — Rec. Jufijicr Huzcn, Christian Palladium, May 12, 1849. Christianity The obligations which the world is under to Chris- tianity never can be fully known, and are far from being duly realized. As the riches of Christ are unsearchable, so the advantages derived from the gospel are incalculable. The poor and the weak are I»eculiarly benefited by the protection and assistance it atiords them. Its foundation is laid deep — at the bottom of the heart. While other systems only regard the out- ward forms and acts of life, this regards the motive — the inward thought. While other systems seek to sweeten the streams, this changes the fountain, and purifies all the streams at once. Who can compare the advantages secured and the privileges enjoyed in Christian lands, and fail to thank God tliat he is so highly favored in his lot? Who would not dwell in a Christian counti-y? Who would not be a Christian? « 128 THE CENTENNIAL O F Christianity is one and the same thing the world over. Tlie being and perfections of Jehovah, is a sentiment at the basis, the root of all religion. Faith in the Son of God, the brightness of the Father's glory, and the express image of His per- son, is acknowledged by all who pretend to the name of Christian. The rewards of virtue and vice are ad- mitted bv all Christians. The general course of life we are to pursue, as well-pleasing to Cod, and enjoined upon us by His word, is too plainly marked to admit of any doubt or uncertainty in the mind. Indeed, there is so uniform an agreement in this matter, that men are prepared to judge of the character of a man by the fruit he bears, throughout the wide earth. * * * * * * -» Were less attention paid to the mint and rue and anise and cummin, and more to judgment and mercy and the love of God, it would be favorable to the cause of Christianity, and better for those who are designed to be benefited by its holy principles. — Kcv. Jasper Hazoiy Christian PaUadiNni, August Jf, 1849. Sect This is a Latin word of Ihe same significance as the Greek word Hercsis. The latter word i-s used by the Apostle Peter (2 Epis. II: 1-10), in speaking of false teachers who should arise, ''who shall bring ill damnable heresies (or sects) even denying the Lord that bought them and bring u])on them- selves swift destruction." — He adds that these, be- RELIGIOUS J O r R \ A I. I S M 120 ing great lovers of themselves, are not afraid to introduce new setts. — Here we arrive at the i)rimary meaning of the word sect. By the other associations of religionists, the early Christians were regarded as a sect; and they even regarded themselves as such in view of Judaism and heathenism. But the apostle most pointedly' condemns any movement calculated to form sects among themselves. This could not be without a departure in some sense from the true spirit of Christianity; and hence any appearance of such a movement, met with a stern rebuke. In the Greek word answering to sect, we arrive at the meaning of heresy, which was separation or sectarian division. It was an insubordinate or re- fractor}' movement for division. Heresy did not consist in honest belief, but in a rigid, uncharitable demeanor, calculated to produce sectarian division. Then every rigid, uncharitable sectarian, is, ac- cording to the original meaning of the term, a heretic. If any man wishes to dogmatize over the faith of others, as good and pious as himself, mak- ing his own judgment the standard of belief for others, he is a heretic. The people called Christians are not to be regarded as a sect. They claim to hold Christian union with all Cod's children. All whom God owns as His children, they claim to fellowship as their brethren. — Rev. David Millard, Christian Palladium, October IS, ISJ/O. The Bible Is Our Rule Preach the word. Preach Christ in the language God has authorized ; in the record He has given of His 130 THE CENTENNIAL OF Son. That will stand. Preach the future in the lan- guage God has given it in His word. That will stand. Explain Scripture with Scripture. Hold up your rule, the blessed Bible. That has God for its author — we bow to that. Here is our strength ; and it is being strong in the Lord, and in the power of His might. Illustrate the Truth of God by a holy life. Live as the Word of God teaches. Let all who behold us witness a living exhibition of the gentleness of Christ. Live a living illustration of the love of God to men, by the benevolence portrayed in all the acts of life. We shall thus evidence the sincerity of our profession, and glorify God. The blessed Bible. This is our rule. It is good enough for us. T^t us abide by this article of our faith, this sentiment of the Christians. — Rev. Jasper Hazen, Christian PalJadium, January 11, 1850. Things I Have Never Seen 1. I have never seen a preacher too punctual to his appointments. 2. I have never seen members too punctual to attend meeting. 3. I have never seen a congregation of profes- sors of the Christian religion pray too much. 4. I have never seen a husband love his wife too much. (I would ride fifty miles to see such a sight) ! 5. I never saw a man that would get drunk be a good Christian. 6. I have never seen a preacher engaged in specu- R E L I r, I OTT S J O TI K N A L I S M 131 latioii to any amount without losing the spirit of preaching to some degree. — Rev. 0. Gorily, Gospel Herald, March 1, 1850. Order of Repentance and Faith Many commit a great mistake in gospel order, by a wrong and arbitrary arrangement. Thus, they place Faith, first; Eepontance, second; Baptism, third, etc. This is wrong. We are to "repent" and believe. The apostles taught repentance toward God, and faith in our Lord Jesus Christ. John began to preach, saying, ''repent.^' Jesus began to preach, saying, "repent." "God commands all men every- where to repent"^ — but "all have not faith." How, then, can they repent? All know that they have sinned and are convinced that there is a God — but this is not faith; still it is a sufficient foundation for repentance. We could repent and believe — repent and be converted — repent and be baptized — repent and return to God. In short, repent and do every duty. No man will ex- ercise genuine gospel faith, until he first repents. Kepentance is the great dodrine to preach to a sinful world. xVfter repentance, faith, prayer, the Holy Ghost, conversion, baptism, and all may come in, and the true believer will generally have the or- der right. — Rev. N. Sunwierhell, D. D., Gospel Herald, June 1, 1850. Our Cause I am now fully satisfied that as a denomination there is more union in feeling, in sentiment and 132 T H E C E N T E N N I A L O F practice aiiioug us than any denomination with which I am acquainted. Our cause is one; our aims are one; our principles one; our feelings one; our interest oiie. In truth it may be said, ours is a union church. Christ is our HEAD— (^K IS TIANS our NAME, and the BIBLE our GUIDE.— Rev. W. B. WeJlunft, I). P., (lirhtUui PaUadiiiiii. Novemher 30, 1850. The Bible Class — Count one Said a pious individual, "I would attend the Bible class whether I could study my lesson or not, for at least I could count one.'' So ought all to feel, for, at the worst, nothing can be lost by at- tending the liilde class. 1. The study of the Bible is important. It is the Word of God — His voice to man. In it we learn our Father's will. It is the directory to our faith, the chart of our life. It is to teach us what is truth, and to guide us over the quicksands of life. We should study it as the mariner studies his chart when at sea. It tells of heaven and breathes its spirit; it tells of hell and warns us to escape it. ^^^eareh the Scriptures," they testify of Christ. 2. Conversation on Scriptural to])i('S, especially when conducted in the Scriptural light, are alvv^ays conducive of good. They are profitable both to be enjoyed and to be heard. It is ]>rontable, then, to listen to the exercises of the Bible class, even if one is not pre])ared to take y\\v\ in it. How much better would it be for manv church-members and i; i: 1. 1 (; I or s .i o r i: xak i s .m I3;i other advilts, il' the hour of Sabbath-srhool and Bible class was not s[Xint in casual remarks about the weather, or in conversation on I he l)usiness and topics of the we<'k ! Many ('hristians have no idea of what is lost in this manner, 3. One's presence "counts one." Tl shows to the world one interested in the study of the I'ible, thouj^h worldly cares press hard. It is one givinj? countenance to the Sabbath-school and liible class. It is one manifesting' an intercsl to learn of (lod, and hiMvcn, and eleinal tliinj;s. If for nolhinji; else, the Jiible class should be attended because you count one. But every one can jjive the lesson some study, if he tries. If you cannot study it so much as you would like, do not be ashamed to i^o and leani of those who have studied. (So to the liible class and count one. — I^cr. ./. />'. Weston, I). />., Herald of Gospel Lihvrh/, Mai/ 29, 1851. Newness of Life The change in a sinner's state before God, by faith in Christ, involves a change in his character before men. Being renewed in the inner man, he walks iii newness of life. His new vimvs, his new desires and aims, atfect the exhibitions of his tem- l)er towards those around him. They effect his conduct, sometimes in a marked degree, so that observers take knowledge of such, and no hmger doubt the reality of the change. ^'Ohl things have fassed auaij, and all thiiigs lyrcome neic." The 134 THE CENTENNIAL OF Scriptures are no longer a sealed book, they are read with avidity; discoveries are made in them never previously dreamed of. They are found more precious than gold. They reveal an inheritance that can never fade, and the way to attain to it. Prayer, after their conversion, is a most welcome duty and highly prized privilege. — Rev. Jasper Eazen, Christian Palladium, June 21, 1851. Christian Suffering The human constitution is such that very many of the seeming ills of life are conducive to the higher blessings. Thus, individual suffering is only the great crucible through which the soul that passes successfully, comes out purified and ennobled. The man who has never breasted the waves of adversity — who knows not the drink of the cup of sorrow, is but feebly prepared to sympathize with the sufferings of the world, or to engage with energy in the great struggles of life. All are not benefited by suffering. The alloy, as well as the pure ore, goes into the crucible. The office of the meltiug-pot is to separate the dross from the pure metal, that the valuable may be saved, and that which is not, rejected — and hence, where evil in the individual predominates over the good, it may be to an extent that precludes his being perfected. There are degrees of virtue. There may be two causes, both of which are good, and yet one of these be better than the other — and so, though there be many good causes in the world, It E L I G I O IT S .1 O TT R N A I. I S M 135 the cause of Christianity is the best of all, as it is the sum of all that is }iood here upon the earth. — li. F. Sumincrbcllj Gospel Hcndd, July 15, 1851. Life's Golden Grains Our years are bearing us onward with the swift- ness of the mountain torrent to a long eternity. Great is the work which we are all called upon to perform during the hours of our mortality. Life may be divided into little .golden grains of which each moment is one. The riches of the miner who returns from the El Dorado of the West with his coffers filled with gold have accumulated by his gathering up the little golden grains, and preserv- ing them with the greatest economy. The more durable riches of righteousness and true holiness, can only be accumulated by improving with great economy the golden grains of life. Improve each hour. Do something for God's glory and the good of man, and study 3'our own improvement each moment, and all is well. — Rev. Charles Bryant, Herald of Gospel Liberty, July 31, 1851. The Two Ways Our Savior in His inimitable and instructive ser- mon on the mount, speaks of two ways exactly op- posite in character and final termination. The one is strait, entered by a narrow gate, found by but few, and it leadeth unto life. The other broad, the 136 T II E C E N T E N N I A L OF entrance wide, and leadeth to destruction, into which many go. In these two ways, and from free choice, are found the entire world of accountable beings. One class is seeking for glory, honor and immortality, which shall (through grace) secure to them eternal life. The other is seeking for the honors, pleasures and riches of the world, and are, ''treasuring up unto themselves wrath against the day of wrath,"' that will ultimately drown them in destruction and per- dition. This is truly a solemn and momentous truth. Men may wrest this, as they do the other Scriptures, but Christ's meaning is clear and unmistakable and caviling will never alter it. Reader, in which of these two ways are you found? Stop and ponder well this question. It is fraught with an eternal weight of interest. Rest not, I be- seech you, until in the light of God's truth you settle it. You are passing on to your journey's end. And O, where will it be? Think, O think, where will you spend eternity? What of all your gain, if heaven is lost? Neglect what else you may, in this matter you have no time to lose.^i^ey. Seth Hinkley, Herald of Gospel Liberty, August 21, 1851. A Prepared Ministry You would not have a mechanic work upon your building without evidences that he was duly pre- pared, and skillful. You need a ministry prepared in the age, for the work and the wants of the age, to labor in God's husbandry, on God's building. R E r- I G 1 O U S J ( ) r K X A L 1 S M 137 May God prepare us, head, heart, and hand, to every good work. — Rvr. Oliver liurr, Herald of Gos- pel Liberty, Fchruary 26, 1852. Is It Duty to Love Christians? The life principle of all religion i« that divine love and goodness which arises from a ])nre faith in God and in Jesus the Savior, if we have formed a proper estimate of the things of God. ^Vlloevor seeks to promote i>eace, unity and love among Chris- tians, seeks to promote godliness and the will of God. Whoever seeks to promote discord, division and enmity among Christians, seeks to promote tlie weakness of the church, the desolation of Zion, jind a lejjrosy upon the body of Christ. — Rev. A. G. Coin- itujs. Christian Palladium, May 8, 1852, Milk Diet And I, brethren, could not speak unto you as unto spirit- ual, but as unto carnal, even as unto babes in Christ. I have fed you with milk, and not with meat ; for hitherto ye were not able to bear it, neither yet now are yo able. For ye are yet carnal ; for whereas there are among you envy- ing and strife and divisions, are ye not carnal and walk as men? For while one saitli. I am of I'aul ; and anotlicr. I am of Apollos; are ye not carnal':' — 1 ('(tihithidiiH .i:!-). The same state of things that Paul describes in these verses, exists at the present day. Envying and strife and divisions are still prevalent among mul- titudes who nominally are Christians. The Corin- thian sectaries boasted themselves, some in Paul and 138 T H E C E N T E N N I A r. O F others in Apollos. Modern sectaries display the same spirit wlien they boast, one, / am of (Jaluin. another, I ant of Wcslcij; a third, / a))i of Luther; a fourth, / avi a lUrptisf, and I, a Unitarian^ and I, a UniversaUst. Whenever men make their denomina- tional connections a nmtter of boastinjj;, or pride tkf mselves in their minister, or perpetuate divisions in the Lord's family, they would do well to pause and consider the jirave question of the apostle, "Are ye not carnal and walk as men?" It is unhappily the case that many believers have not been nourished sufficiently upon the simple nu- triment which the gospel provides for the babe in Christ. "As newborn babes" — says Peter — "desire the sincere milk of the word, that ye may grow thereby." A 3'oung convert requires careful nursing in the first princiijles of Christ, that lie may become humble, self-denying, prayerful, watchful and loving. He needs, first of all, the simple facts and the pervading spirit of the gospel brought to his affections, that they may entwine themselves around the living Christ. This gospel in simplicity is Avhat the apos- tle calls milk. All the babes in Christ should have this milk diet. Eut, unfortunately, they don't all get it. There are so many "dry nurses" in the church — preachers of speculative theologij rather than of Christ's gospel, that many of the "babes," as soon as they are born, are put immediately upon the strong meat of theology and dogma. Soon as the converts are made, many commence to indoctrinate them into the "mysteries" of the sect. Some fall to teaching them the "Trinity ;" others — not less mischievous — - ply them with doctrines antagonistic to the Trinity; i; i: I. h; 1 ou s J o r k xa r. t sm 139 the effect in either case is to draw away the atten- tion from Christ. And thus they cease to grow, they remain babes a long while — some always. The evidence that they are babes, even though they have been "professors" for many years, is to be found in their spiritual tendencies — their babyish contro- versies and squabbles about theological rattle-boxes and paper dolls. Oh ! ye that feed the flock, I pray you feed the lambs with "milk." When a "babe" is born into the family of Christ, do not feed it first of all with dogma — not of any kind. Don't teach it first the creed, or the catechism; nor occupy its attention with Trinitarian, or Calvinistic, or Baptismal controversies; — not even with Abolitionism. Because the natural effect of all this high feeding is to derange the weak di- gestion of the babe. Babes are "not able to bear" meat ; it sours their stomachs. And so, "babes" in Christ, who have been fed upon the meat of dogmatic and metaphysical theology instead of the "sincere milk of the word," usually possess very sour stomachs, evinced, now as of old, by the disposition to say "I am of Paul ; and I of Apollos." If the state of things in the Corinthian church made it necessary that the members should be fed with milk, does not the similar condition of multi- tudes at the present day call loudly for a milk diet? Away with your heavy, indigestible "pound-cake;" and let us have more "milk-men !" Surely we need a dispensation of the gospel, in which Greekish dialects and Romish polity shall have place (if they have place at all), far in the distance; while in the foreground the undivided. 140 THE C E N T E N N I A L O F living Christ is presented as the vivifier of the spir- itual affections. Certain virtues of a lunnble sort, but greatly valued in the primitive church, are al- most forgotten in the heats of party controversy; such are meekness, patience, long-suffering, brother- Ij'-kindness, self-denial, charity. Would it not be well for the ministry to abstain for a while from dogmatic preaching — from the inculcation of sec- tarian tenets; and bend their united energies to the work of instructing the young, — the poor, — the simple, — the weak believer, in the principles of moral and spiritual life? ''Milk," "milk;" my brethren, more "milk!" Some, we have, no doubt; but there is so much disturbed electricity — so many thunder-storms in the theological heavens, that the "milk" is sometimes soured. — Bcv. Austin Craig, D. D., Herald of aospel.Lihcrtij. Jiili/ S, 1852. The Bible The Bible! Precious volume! What sliall my heart dictate; what shall my soul utter concerning the Book of books! Too much cannot be said in praise of the Bible. We cannot lay it too near our hearts ; we cannot entwine our affections too closely around it. It comes to us with the knowledge of God ; it sat- isfactorily accounts for human existence; it dispels the dark clouds that shadow, and dissipates the doubts that agitate the soul. It proclaims that man is the offspring of the creation of Cod, and presents the Infinite as the Father of the human K E r. I (; I O V S .7 O ll II X a L l S M 141 family — as caring for all lii.s creatures — as dosirinp; their happiness^ and as providing all things richly for their enjoyment. It speaks to us of Jesus — of a resurrection — of immortal life, and of a heaven liome in prepared mansions, through Him that died for us. It comes to ns with the love of God. Its mes- sages are of love; by the prophets, by angels, by His own Son. Yes! God so loved the world that he gave His only begotten Son. Herein is love, not that we loved God, but that he loved us and gave His Son for us. Existence — life itself, the heavens stretched out o'er us, the sunshine and the clouds, the elements and seasons, the moments and the rain- drops, as well as oceans and length of days, speak of God's goodness; but it is the gift of His Son that most proclaims, and establishes that God is Love. — Rer. B. F. Suniinerhell, Christian Palladium, May 28, 1853. Education and Religion Education should never be divorced from i)ure religion. United they become the voice of heavenly wisdom, which "utters her voice'' loudly in our streets and plants the standard of Biblical Chris tianity '*in the openings of the gates," as the rally- ing point of safety for the youth of our country. — Rrr. D. P. Pike, Herald of Gospel TAhcrty, May 3, 1855. UKV. DAN'L I'. PIKE Editor Jlifdhl of CokikI Lihcrly 1851—1808 RELIGIOUS J O TT K X ALTS M 143 Injured Influence There is no computation that can fully set forth the value of one's inlluence. It is always at work, and deathloHs in its advances. Once begun it never stops or returns. It is always onward and as last- ing as eternity. Few, it is to be feared, stop to consider its tremendous power. But as tremendous as are its results very small things act upon it to injure and destroy its power for good. A dishonest act, an improper word and an un- guarded phrase has ruined the power of thousands in their influence for good in the community where they reside. Many able ministers have, by one word or look or a simple act, destroyed their power for truth and righteousness. Christians should be on their guard at all times, but never should they be more guarded upon any one subject than that of inlluence.— /?ci;. D. P. Pike, in Herald of Gospel LiherUj, A iigust 23, 1855. " Unworthy Church Members Nothing is more deprecated by the Great Head of the Church than the retaining of persons in church fellowship whose conduct is objectionable in the eyes of men and of God. It is very pleasant and encouraging to receive members, but few churches are strict and willing to enforce discipline among their members after the New Testament direction. For this neglect we have weak and sickly churches; weak and sickly in their influence. Some churches wink at members 144 TH E CENTENNIAL OF who are known to be dishonest; members that are often disguised with liquor; members that attend other meetings, lending their influence, because of some selfish interest, to build and sustain other dC' nominations, and members whose veracity is often questioned. Such laxity is injurious. Christ cannot be present to sustain those churches that neglect the duty of discipline. There are members who often feel unworthy and think they should leave the church because of their feeling of unworthiness. Generally such persons are not correct in their feelings, and are not the persons to leave the church. The truly unworthy do not often think of leaving, but seek to cover their sins and retain their posi- tion in the church. Every means should be taken consistent with right, to reclaim and restore the unworthy or back- sliders, but no leniency should be indulged because of the olTender's position. No matter if a rich mem- ber does wrong, he must not be excused any more than the poor offender. Discipline should be im- I)artially adnnnistered. Churches and ministers should awake to this subject in good earnest. There should be an immediate reform in respect to this great duty among many of the New England church- es.— Rei7. D. P. Pike, Herald of Gospel Liberty, Sep- tember 6, 1855. The Great Business of Life There are thousands of professed Christians at the present day, who have mistaken the great ob- ject and business of life. In all their plans and R E L I r; I O T' S J O TT K \ A F. I R M 145 schemes and actions, they make their worldly ad- vantage the first great object, and their religious duties and privileges secondary to it. This is re- versing the order which Christ himself has given for our guidance, and is an unmistakable evidence of the covetousness which is idolatry in the sight of God. ''Seek ye first the kingdom of God and His righteousness" — is the command given to all men, but thousands who profess the name of Christ seek His kingdom and His righteousness last. They toil hard. They are active, industrious and enterpris- ing in their habits and calling — but it is all for the world and themselves ; not for Christ and His cause. They are diligent in business, selfish in spirit, serv- ing Mammon — but not ''diligent in business, fervent in spirit, serving the Lord." They do with their might what their hands find to do — but they seldom, or never, find the right thing to do. They lay admira- ble plans, and start new enterprises to promote their worldly interests — but they never contrive a scheme, or start an enterprise, for the glory of God. In all that they do, they are governed by the interests and considerations of a worldly character, with little or no regard to their spiritual advantage or im- provement. They look constantly at the things which are seen and temporal, and not at the things which are unseen and eternal. Such professed Christians must be an abomina- tion in the sight of God. Their conduct almost con- stantly belies their professions. They have solemn- Iv declared, before God and men, that thev had re- nounced the world and all its vanities, the devil and all his works — and yet, they are governed in '''-Hm #'■ . ••^ \ ■ "^y-' . # # ■1- ^SH^t r REV. .TAMP:S WILLIAMSON Editor QoRpel Herald 1847—1856 R E L I G r O U S J O U R N A L I S M 147 all things chiefly by the prince and spirit of the world, which they profess to have renounced. They have solemnly covenanted with God to obey and serve Him, but they obey and serve Hira not. They have solemnly sworn allegiance to Christ who hath bought them with His blood, but they deny Him be- fore men, and oftentimes put Him to open shame. The great business of life here is, not to serve Mammon, nor to try to serve God and Mammon. It is not to toil and drudge and sweat to pile up a heap of glittering dust — to add house to house and field to field — or to gain honor, fame or power among men. The great business of life is, to promote the glory of God and the welfare of man — to lay up treasures in heaven — to do justly and love mercy, and to "labor not for the meat which perisheth, but for that which endureth unto everlasting life." The great error and guilt of many professed friends of Christ is that they make that secondary which God has made their first duty. They reverse the moral order of things which God has estab- lished, and attend first and chiefly to their secular afl'airs and interests, even though it be at the sac- rifice or neglect of their higher interests in the world to come. Business first and religion after- wards, seems to be the maxim which governs them; whereas, it should be, religion first and business after^ivards. It is right to be active, enterprising, and dili- gent in business. It is right to labor for a home •and competence for ourselves and families. But it is not right to make this the great object and busi ness of life, to which every other interest and duty 148 THE CENTENNIAL OF must yield. The man who has so much business that lie cannot attend to his religious duties, has too much, and is in danger of losing his soul. The man who prosecutes his secular business because he loves to make money rather than to serve God, may succeed in laying up treasures on earth, but he will have no "title clear to mansions in the skies," To all, therefore, we say — be diligent, active, sober^ vigilant in your calling, — "Provide things honest in the sight of all men," for yourselves and fami- lies.— But remember that the first great business of this life is, to "fear God and keep His command meuts; for this is the whole duty of man." — Rev. James WiUiamson, in (Jospel Herald, Septemher 8, 1855. Ministerial Apologies Thinking men cannot but be disgusted when listen- ing to the introduction of a sermon consisting of useless and unnecessary apologies. It is most sick- ening to hear a minister of Jesus Christ, when about to address his felloAvmen upon the great subject of religion, say that he "is unprepared," "did not think of speaking until entering the pulpit, and shall speak but a few minutes from the following text." This apology is useless and it is often partially false. The text may have been preached from a dozen times. The idea of being unprepared is wlud- ly beneath the dignity of a minister of Christ. If he has nothing to say, then he should not attem]»t to preach; and if he has something to communi<'ate, then he should say it, and when it is said, stop. It KKLMMorS .FO r K NALl S M 14!» is most becoming to let others judge of <»iir produc- tions, and they can make all the necessary allow- ances. The force of many sermons is entirely lost by foolish and unnecessary aiiologies, especially when the preface promised a short sermon, but the secpiel was a sermon over sixty minutes. If ministers could but feel how their ai)ologies are generally regarded they would be ashamed and never make another. — Rev. I). P. Pike, in Herald of Gospel Lib- erty, October If, 1855. Wages of Sin We think a good man has no more reason to dread death, than the Israelites had the passage of Jordan to possess Canaan. He should regard it as a part of the economy of a merciful God, and as necessary to the end which he contemplates. He should no more regret that state, than the agri- culturist does the ripeness of his crops; true, his fields look very diffei'ently from what they did when "every plant was gay and green;" and a dolt might deplore the change, but the wise husbandman sees in it his crowning interest. In what does death consist? Not alone in the last throes and agonies of dissolution; but in its certainty, in all that produces it — its harbingers and attendants. In this sense the king of the Amalekites (I Sam. 15:32), could say that the ''bit- terness (the worst part) of death is past," be- fore his execution commenced. This view is sus- KIOV. ISAAC C. GOFF, D. D. Associate Editor Christian Palladium 1855-1857 UKLIGIOUS JOURNALISM 151 tained by relei-eiu-e to the following passages: God said to Abinielecli, "thou art hut a dead man," etc. Not that the king of Gerar was already, or entirely, dead; but the evil into which he had fallen, rendered death certain. ''Noia therefore forgive, T pray thee, my sin only this once, and entreat the Lord your God, that he take away from nw this death also.'' (Ex. 10: 17.) Not that the i)lague of the locusts had already produced the actual death of the ju-oud Egyptian monarch; but he saw in it the certainty of his death. ^^And the Egyptians were urgent upon the people, that they might send them out of the land ill haste; for they said. We he all dead men." Dead in that their death seemed certain, with- out a merciful interposition. Of the same char- acter, manifestly, are those texts in the New Testa- ment: "The H-ages of sin is death;" etc. What death? The death of the soul— the "second death." Not that it is really executed at anv time during our mortal life; but (without forgiveness) it is ren dered certain. And not only rendered certain; but its influences upon the soul, are, even now, in fear- ful harmony with the experiences of the final ex- ecution of the sentence, ''Dying thou shalt die," most emphatically expresses the dreadful intiuence of unforgiven transgression upon the soul from the conception of lust, — the bringing forth of sin, (Jas. 1:15), and the concluding act of this grand drama according to Rev. 21 : 8. — Rev. I. C. Goff, D. D., in Christian Palladium, Ortohrv 21. /8.7.T. 152 . TU K CENTENNIAL OF The Christian a Philanthropist The gospel of Christ is a gospel of peace and love. It brings comfort to the sorrowing, restoration to the captive, and freedom to the slave. It clothes the naked, feeds the hnngry, and relieves the distressed. The same spirit that Christianity breathes also characterized its Founder — and surely, the spirit that marked the life and is manifested in the teach- ings of the Master should also govern His disciples. Hence the Christian should be always active in works of philanthropy. He should visit the sick and administer comfort to them in their suffering. He should relieve the poor, console the bereaved and cheerfully welcome the fleeing fugitive from op pression and help him on to freedom. Like his divine Master he should go about doing good. He should never be indifferent to sorrow, nor pass the distressed by ''on the other side." In the line of true benevolence whatever his hands find to do he should do with his might. — Rev. D. E. Millard. Herald of Gospel Liberty, Fchruanj llf, 1856. Light in Dark Places The darkest place of which we have any knowledge on earth, is the unregenerate heart. The greatest light of which we have any knowledge, is the gospel of Christ. This is the light of the world's dark places. One power alone can illumine them. The Holy Spirit may silently penetrate these dark re- cesses by the frequented path so often trodden, and shed ray after ray of gospel light, until the dark K K L I (; I or s .1 () r It XA I, I s M ir.: cavern of the soul is full of light and heaven, and the wildei'iiess shall rejoice and blossom as the rose. — Ncr. li. /•'. Carter, Herald of Gospel Libert ij. April 10, 1S56. Unseen but Yet Enjoyed The Christian has an unseen Savior, who is the object and source of his soul's richest enjoyment. A living presence — Christ in us the hope of glory; but yet invisible. The mind of man lingers, and is lost at seasons in silent communings with distant friends, whom the eye sees not, and ear hears not; and yet the spirit may find greater delight in than it does in com- munion with the visible. So of ('hrist. We love Him for His labors and sacrifices for us. We delight in Him for the present peace which He bestows upon us, and for the hope with which He gilds the future. We love Him for His spirit and life in us. We delight in Him for what He has wrought out for us. He is the present joy and future hope of the Cliristian. Christ is all in all to him. He is his living and his dying song. His eyes, opened to be- hold the celestial day of heaven, shall see Him as He is, and find everlasting joy in His presence. — Rev. Charles Tirj/aiif, If cm hi of Cosjirl Liberty, Sep- tember 18, 1856, The Christian Church The Christian Church was organize! eighteen hundred vears ago bv a Teacher sent from God. 154 THE CENTENNIAL OF Weak and feeble apparently, in its elementary state, many expected to live to note its extinction. But their hopes were not realized. They passed away, but it remained. It witnessed the downfall of the various nations, religions, i)hilosophies and systems, which were existing- in their vigor at its birth; and since their overthrow it has witnessed the rise and fall of empires, the birth and annihilation of na- tions, the overthrow of newer systems, and the downfall of later religions; and still it exists. Exists, and shall exist when all the present empires, kingdoms, philosophies and systems shall have de cayed and been forgotten ; it will exist. Sects may disturb its peace for a time; but sects must ])ass away. Creeds may mar its beauty for a time; but creeds wax old and perish. Human laws and dis- ciplines may lead the weak to serve other masters, or to worship other gods; but human systems will perish. Yet the church exists; exists by the fiat of Him who said, ''The gates of hell shall not prevail against it," preserved by Him through the immortality conferred upon her, in the grace of a heavenly character, and not by the wisdom of men. She Avas not founded in man's wisdom, nor will she be pre- served by man's wisdom. Neither was she founded to subserve the designs and desires of man, but for the humbling of the pride and his reconciliation to God. No wonder then that man does not find her heavenl}^ laws adequate to his desires, when her de- sign and his aim are so different ! He may turn a fraction of lier onward rolling flood from its high destination, but still her course Avill be onward to R E L I G I O U S J O IT R N A L I S M 15."5 accomplish the great design of lliin whose love gave her birth. — Rev. N. Sutninerhcll, D. D., Gospel Her- ald, May 28, ISol. The Prayer=Meeting Christians, how is it with the prayer-meeting among the people with whom you associate? Do you attend regularly? Is your voice heard in prayer, and your example noted as being commenda- ble? If so, it is well! If not, what reason can you assign for your neglect? What a volume of excuses might be written per- taining to this matter! Excuses which would nuike a truant schoolboy blush, if he was obliged to render them for absence from school. One nmn is absent because he does not know when oi- where the meet- ing is held; and yet the regular apjtointment has been given each Sabbath for years. Attentive hear- er, indeed ! But another attended once and the meeting was dull. True; but whose fault was it? A third is too tired when night comes; but he can go to the lodge, caucus, lyceum, or show. What a reasonable excuse! Is such conduct right? Who is responsible be- fore God and the community for the prayer-meet- ing? Certainly it is not expected that the minister will sustain such a meeting. You cannot expect the unconverted to sustain it. Indeed, it is appointed for the especial improvement of the brethren, in their social cajtacity; and on them rests the sole responsibility. The Christian who mny be at the REV. JAMES MAPLE, D. D. Editor Gospel Herald 1850—1858 R E L I r, I O T' S J O T' R N A L I S SI 151 prayer-meeting and is not, onglit to feel that he is a truant; hunted and reproved as a delinquent bv every man whom he meets. Reader, are you negligent in this matter? Mnj the Holy Spirit call you to duty, till the voice of your confession be heard at these gatherings. — Rev. B. F. Carter. If (raid of Gospel Liberty, June 18, 1857. God — Nothing The name of God means power, and we may read, P.ower said, "Let there be light, and there was light." The infidel denies that God, or power, created all things, but admits that nothing produced all things. Thus the unbeliever is driven to the absurdity that his nothing is greater than all worlds — is as power ful as power itself. The infidel, therefore, is more credulous than the Christian, ascribing his own, and all other existences, to nothing; and as the pro- ducer is, at least equal to what it produces, he is at least nothing, and by his own probabilities, is in a fair way to make himself less than nothing. — Rev. O. J. Wait, Herald of Gospel Liherti/, August 6, 1857. The Plague Spot It is said that when the terrible plague was rag- ing in London, sweeping off hundreds daily, that the awful disease made its first a{)pearance in a dark spot on the skin. This was called the plague spot, and it was the seal of death. Thus, there is 158 THE CENTENNIAL OF the plague spot of sin. When you see a young man early in the morning or late in the evening, slip- }»ing into the back door of a hotel, or a baker's shop where there is a secret bar, it is the develop- ment of the plague spot of intemperance: it evinces the existence of this frightful disease. When a professor of religion shows a hankering for the ball- room it reveals the terrible plague spot of sin, and is the seal of spiritual death. When a Christian neglects the prayer-meeting and spends his evenings in idle company, it shows a great departure from God, and reveals the fact that he is on the road to death. When a member of the church neglects the house of God, and spends the Sabbath in reading political papers, or in visiting his neighbors, it shows the existence of spiritual disease. — Rev. James Maple, D. 1)., Gospel Herald, September 2Jt, 1857. Death It must be a strange and solemn experience, when Ave find ourselves beyond the reach of human aid. Our friends stand around us, ready to obey any wish of ours, ready, if it were possible, to fly to the ut termost parts of the earth for our relief; but no relief can come to us. We must sink, while hun- dreds stand ready to help us. We stretch out our hands for aid, but none can aid us. We have drifted beyond the help of human arms. We feel their sympathy, but they are as powerless as ourselves. They have accompanied us to the ship, and have kneeled down upon the shore and commended us R E L I G I O U S J O U R N AL I S M 159 to God. But DOW, we must launch out into the mighty deep alone. Our cable is cut, our anchor that held us to earth, is taken in. Whither are we going? Here is where we shall feel the need of Christ, whose voice once came through the darkness and the storm saying, "/^ is /_, he not afraid." But what is death to the Christian? It is crossing a stream to a happy and beautiful country lying be- yond it. Just putting aside a garment of clay, to wear a robe of immortality. It is forsaking an old, worn out tenement, the roof broken in, the timbers decayed, the doors unhung, and going into "a house not made with hands, eternal in the heavens." Jesus said to His disciples, ''I go to prepare a place for you." Jesus Christ has gone before us, and has passed through the shadows of the grave. His footsteps are in all the valleys. He stands upon the other shore, and waits to welcome those who have trusted in Him, and conquered in His name. The first hand that shall be stretched forth to meet the ascending spirit, will be that of Jesus Christ. And how cheering it will be to know that a friend, so powerful and so dear, will meet us on that mys- terious shore, and welcome us with His smile. Let us then make Christ our friend. — Rev. W. 0. dish- ing, Christian Palladium, May 8, 1858. The Cross The cross of Christ — blessed emblem of death to sin and life to holiness. The day was when the cross was onlv the instrument of sliame. Ft was REV. I!. V. CARTER "Resident" Editor Ilvnild of Gospel Lihcrtu isr.O — 1S02 RELIGIOUS JOURNALISM ICl reserved for criminals of the worst grade whose crimes were such that they must be distinguished in the wretclied manner and instrument of their death. The Jews did not want Jesus stoned — that wouhl be too respectable a form of death — hence they clamor against Him, and say "Let Him be crucified!" 'Twas done I Yes, the wretched deed was done! But Christ redeemed the cross. Paul preached the cross ; he became conversant with mental crucifixion ; he gloried in the cross by which the world was crucified to him and he to the world. The cross is the boast of the Christian and the glory of the church. From it the perishing sinner receives the first ray of hope, and in it he sees the first sign of promise for him. At the foot of the cross the wanderer finds his long lost Lord; here angels wipe away his tears and bind up his gaping wounds. When men are convicted of sin and seek for aid — for life and salvation — we point them to the cross for help, and teach them the importance of being crucified by it. It is exceedingly interest- ing to contemplate the cross in connection with the day before Christ's suffering, and the subsequent Christian day. Now the cross waves in the ban- ners of the armies of Christian nations, — under it they fight. It crowns the dome of many sanctuaries. It is wrought in jewels as a personal ornament. It is carried about the persons of many as if it was a personal safeguard, or a charm. However much of superstition may be associated with this, it shows deep reverence for the cross, and the wide-spread power of Christian sentiment. The idea only wants to be spiritualized so that the 102 T H E C E N T E N N I A r. O 1'^ man shall be crucified to the world. The cross needs to be regarded as the sign of a power rather than the power itself. The onward march of Christiani- ty will do this, by and by. We see but the sliadow of good things. — Rev. B. F. Carter, Herald of Gospel Libert I/, July 15. 1858. The Christian Name How pleasant is the name Christian ! It is ex- pressive of much which is of interest to us. It is worn out of respect to the great Redeemer — Christ, the Anointed — anointed to be a Prince and a Savior. The name is adopted as expressive of peculiar at- tachment to Christ, and of humble dependence upon Him for salvation. No other name can be equally expressive of the same idea. Friend is a name which may express friendship with ('hrist and man. Disciple may intimate that one follows, learns of, and loves Christ. But Chris- tian comprehends every idea embraced in the others, and also has this advantage — under no circum- stances can its import be mistaken. The Christian, like the Lord, is anointed from above. The spirit and power of the Highest is given him, by measure, from above. He is anointed for the especial Avork of saving the lost world, and bringing it back to Cod. He is in the world, though not of it; but, in a higher sense, he is in Christ — dedicating him- self, body, soul, and spirit to Him in whom he lives. Probably many true Christians have adorned other R E L I G I O U S J O II R N A r. I S M 163 and sectarian names. It is a misfortune, liowever. They are not expressive of Christian sentiment or work. Take the name Congregational — it only ex- presses a democratic idea — that the majority is right, but is awfully destructive of everything which is Christian, if the majority is wrong. The name Baptist comprehends but a single idea — immersion in water. But the name Christian covers the idea of full faith in all which Christ said, did, or suf- fered. Another thought — the name was divinely given as the distinctive family name of the Church. The child who discards the name which his father gave him does not show particular respect to the father in so doing. He calls in question a father's judg- ment. Is not the judgment of God questioned when His people forsake the name He gave them, or make another of their own adoption more prominent? Let us reflect! — Rev. B. F. Carter, Herald of Gospel Liberty, February 11, 1859. Why I Love the Christian Church Nothing seems more unseemly to me, though nothing is more common, than to support an in- stitution simply because (without any agency or even consent on our part) our lot has been cast there. The denominations which have, or will, bless or curse Christendom, are by many thought to be in number GG6. These all have their separate in- terests and opinions to advance and advocate, and it will be for us to consider whether the Christian REV. N. SUMMEUBELL, D. D. Editor Herald of Gospel Lihcrty 1876—1878 R E 1. 1 G I OU S JO U K N A L I S M 165 Church lias any peculiar claims upon us. If she has not, we will be acting a wise part to abandon her, as quickly as possible, for many are the ad- vantages in this world to be gained by adherence to the fashionable religions of the day. There, is the popularity. There, the dominant party. There, the prevailing opinions. There, the chance of pre- ferment. There, the educational opportunities. There- the stereotyped literature. There, the entailed property; and there, the power. There, the colleges are established, the schools in operation, the congregations consolidated, the churches al- ready built and ministers educated. There, the libra- ries, endowments, encouragements ; and were heaven confined alone to this present life, and consisting simply in popularity, wealth, and earthly advan- tages, I would advise all to join the worldly church- es, the fashionable party. But when we consider that this life is only the beginning of our existence — a moment compared to eternity, we esteem it bet- ter far to sacrifice to the truth now than, ill-pre- pared, to lose a fraction of future joy for the transi- tory good of time present. I prefer the Christian Church, because she is a Biblical church. She has no stereotyped phrases by which she affirms her faith ; no hunmn creeds to set for her doctrine. Her language is the language of Canaan. I prefer the Christian Church because, in asking only conformity to the Bible, she confuses us not with contradictory dogmas, and by requiring exact conformity to it, she brings us into the closest reconciliation with God, and prepares us for heaven 166 T II E C E N T E N N I A L O F by teaching us to do God's will on earth, as it is done in heaven. Thus while others are sectarian- ized, and with much care cast into forms of doc- trine unknown to God's word, and alienated from God, and from each other, becoming more exclusive the longer they live, cultivating those systems less and less prepared to enter into heaven, in any reasonable conformity to God's will, or conformity to each other; the Christians cultivate that system of religion which best prepares them for both. Who does not see that a new conversion from sectarian- ism to Bible truth, charity, and forbearance will be needed, between death and the resurrection in all these, unless we suppose heaven to be filled with sects, battling each other, — conflicting creeds; people marshalled under divers leaders, and following vari- ous systems. I prefer the Christian Church because she puts no book into my hands but the Bible; points me to no leader but Christ; teaches me to recognize as my brethren all God's people, no matter how erring or weak in faith. How I have pitied ministers when I have seen them writhe and struggle because I have quoted opposition to their sayings, the doctrines of the Westminster Confession ; Calvin, Campbell, Wesley, or some other human erring leader. Who could thus trouble the Christians? What man could be pointed out as their leader? None! absolutely none! I prefer the Christian Church because her prin- ciples are divine and apostolical. They are neither new, nor novel. Her faith in God is the faith taught to Adam, Noah, Abraham and Moses. (Deut. R E L I G I OU f« J O TT R N AL I S M 1G7 6:4.) By Jesus aud Hiss apostles. (Mark 12:30; Luke 10:27.) That her doctrine concerning Christ, and all the principles of her systems, are those rec- ognized by the church 1800 years ago; and because they are such as will not grow out of date in the Millennium nor obsolete in heaven. But eternal in their nature they will last while man exists or reason and justice hold the throne of the Empire of the Universe. I love the Christian Church because she teaches that God is love, — that "God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son;'' and depends upon the word of Truth for the salvation of our race. True, she speaks of the terrors of the Lord, of the thunders of Sinai, of hell fire; but as such was not the burden of the Savior's preaching, so it is not the burden of her's. She teaches that God is a spirit, that God is love, that God is our Father, that love is the fulfilling of the law, that the tree is known by its fruit. I prefer the Christian Church because she does not restrict the plan of salvation. I of late heard one calling himself a Christian — but surely a coun- terfeit— "proclaiming" that there is but one plan of salvation, viz., "Faith, repentance and immer- sion," Only to think of it ! The one only plan of salvation, leaves out all! — All infants, all godly in- clined heathen, all Quakers, all Pedo-Baptists, all souls converted who fail to reach the baptismal water. I love the Christian Church because she has God's own plan — a platform broad enough to take in all who are accepted of God. I prefer the Christian Church because she en- 108 T II E C E N T E N N I A I. O F courages a growth in grace, and a knowledge of God's word^-becaiise she teaches "all prayer," and "supplications for all men." Because she cherishes a godly spirit, and holy motives and pure desires. Because she teaches the cultivation of all Christian graces, and righteous dispositions — because that in her the soul has all its natural liberty, and the mind can put forth its strength. No Chinese shoes are upon her feet, nor sectarian helmet upon her head. She has no "bed shorter than a man can stretch himself on it," no "covering narrower than a man can wrap himself in it." But her platform is as broad as God's grace, and her principles as pure as the waters of the river of life, which proceed out of the throne of God and of the Lamb. I prefer the Christian Church because she has God for her God, and Christ for her Savior, and advancing toward heaven, or the millennial state, she need change neither her God or her creed, but all others must come to her principles. — Rev. N. 8ummc7'l)ell, D. D., Gospel Herald, Julij 23, 1859. Rest How sweet it is to rest, when we are tired and weary. We think that natural rest is a great bless- ing to the human family — to the working class of the community ; but the idler never can enjoy its sweets. It is not in the nature of things that he should, for he is very tired all the time of resting; then, how can he enjoy the luxury of rest. How refreshed we i: i: L 1 (; I or s j o tt n na l i s m ion feel after a calm night's rest, and how invigorating seems every passing breeze; ever reminding us of the eventful morning that dawns on the night's rest of the grave. We have ever viewed the rest of the grave as an inviting spot to the wearj-worn traveler of earth who has sought, and found, rest in ''the Rock of Ages, cleft for me." How beautifully the Savior invites us to come unto Him and rest: ''Come unto Me, all ye that labor, and I will give you rest." We must labor through life's day in the cause of God and humanity, to the best of our ability, then the better shall we enjoy the glorious brightness of that eternal dawn- ing of the saint's hereafter. The idle Christian can never feel this invigorating power in the morning of the resurrection; no more than he who spends his day in doing nothing, and going to his couch, like one whipped to his task, can expect to rise with new vigor, and hail the morning with joy and de light. — Mrs. Caroline D. EUis, Gosjiel Herald, August 13, 1859. Our True Position Have the Christians, South, always occiipietl the same position that your recent controversies show that they now do? Were they not Unitarians in sentiment, at one time? Have they always believed In the divinity of Christ? These questions were recently propounded to us, and we choose to answer them through the columns of the Sun, as well as privately. As far as we know, or have been able to learn, the Christians, South, have always occupied the same position that they UKV. WILLIAM B. WELLONS, D. D. Editor Christiini Sini 1854—1876 RELIGIOUS JOURNALISM 171 now do upon this subject— certainly for the last thirty years. They never have been Unitarians or Socinians in sentiment, and the divinity of Christ has never been denied by any intelligent man among them. And yet strange to say, as far as they are known, this charge of heresy has been rung against them. When we separated from the Methodist Episcopal Church, it was not on account of doctrine, but church government alone. The reformers were op- posed to an Episcopal form of government, and to all creeds and confessions of faith, at all calculated to bind the consciences of men. The right to think for one's self on all matters pertaining to the soul's salvation was declared not only a privilege but a duty also. Having severed themselves from all men-made creeds and confessions of faith they soon learned to cease using the terms used in the creeds to express certain doctrines and to use the language of the Bible in their stead. Unscriptural names, doctrines and expressions were all discarded. The terms used in the creeds to express the doctrine of the Trinity and the name Trinity, not being found in the Bible, were all discarded; not that in discarding these unscriptural terms they intended to deny their faith in God the Father, in His only begotten Son, our Savior, and the Holy Ghost which came forth from the Father and the Son to sanctify and cleanse us from all sin and unrighteousness; nor that they intended to become Unitarians, for Unity and Trinity and Unitarian and Trinitarian are alike unscriptural names. They did not intend to run from the use of one set of unscriptural phrases into an- 172 T II E C E N T E N N I A L O F other set equally objectionable. But such was the construction placed upon their course, and the cry of heresy was raised by one of their opponents and has been shouted through the whole encampment, and Unitarianism has been sung by every opponent of the church m all places and everywhere. A more unjust and censurable course has never been pursued toward any people. We hesitate not to say, that the Christians be- lieve firmly in every thing that is said in the Scrip- tures concerning God the Father, the Lord Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit, and when the ])eculiar phraseology of the creeds is laid aside and the Bible students come together and notes are com- pared, the Christians will be found as free from heresy as any other denomination in the land who are as free to think for themselves and to express their honest sentiments when, Avhere, and to whom they please. But have you not changed your own private opinions on this subject? Thus inquires a good brother whom we highly esteem. We are glad to have an opportunity of answering the question publicly. We have not changed. We hold the same views now that we did in 1845, when we first joined the Conference, and received license to preach. We preached the same doctrines, on this subject, the first year of our ministry that we do now. When we entered the ministry of the Christian Church, the denomination had been so long misrepresented on this subject, and so little effort had been made to disabuse the public mind, that all Christian ministers were represented RELIGIOUS JOURNALISM 173 by their opponents as being unsound in reference to the divinity of Christ. This error in public senti- ment, we have labored to correct from the first vear of our ministry until the present, and now that we have succeeded, in a very great degree, in ac- complishing the object aimed at, and the denomina- tion stands forth before the world in its true char- acter, many are ready to ask if the (Christians, South, have always occupied the same position that they do now? — if they were not Unitarians in sentiment at the one time— if they always believed in the divinity of Christ? and if we have not changed our private opinions on the subject? To all we answer, no change in our position has been made. The true light now shineth, while here- tofore men were in darkness in reference to our true position. — Rev. W. B. Wellons, />. I)., in (niris- iian Sun, December 9, 1859. Two Scenes — Earth and Heaven It was evening, and the beautiful day was slowly passing into the solemn stillness of night. The bright sun was quietly sinking down to rest behind the western hills, and fringing the fleecy clouds with rainbow tints, while the evening zephyrs were chanting a solemn requiem over the departed day. The- evening star shone brightly amid the gather- ing st^'llness of twilight's sacred hour, and nature seemeJ in her holiest mood. With a subdued, yet chastened spirit, we beheld an earnest mother fondly bend over the low couch 174 THE CENTENNIAL OF of her dying child; ejaculating with fervent ten- derness, ''If it be possible, O ray God, let this cup pass from me, that I do not drink it; yet neverthe- less not my will, but thine be done." The cup did not pass, but she drank it, to the very dregs. We saw the little hands droop, and those innocent sweet eyes close up in the darkness of death ; for the terri- ble struggle with the little sufferer was over, and the flickering life-taper went out. That grief-stricken mother bowed in sadness, weeping the loss of her first-born ; yet we distinctly heard her say, "God gave," "God has taken," "God doeth all things well." Friend after friend assembled at the house of mourning, speaking words of comfort to a sorrow- ing spirit, and the minister of Jesus came, rehears- ing the sayings of Christ, "I am the resurrection, the way, the life," "thy brother, thy child shall rise again." A little grave opened in the churchyard near the house of prayer, and a sweet little form, a casket that once contained a priceless gem, was laid down to its resting place in the tomb; and the mournful drama closed. SECOND SCENE. I looked again, and the portals of glory were opened, and a vision of bright angels stood before me. The spirit of the dear departed one, released from its prison house — the grave — where I had just seen it consigned, and fashioned like unto an angel of light, appeared in their midst. A rainbow of immortal beauty was about his head, as he walked amid the never fading flowers of Paradise and sung, RELIGIOUS JOURNALISM 175 in seraphic sweetness, the anthems of undying love. The tree of life was there, which bore "twelve man- ner of fruits, yielding its fruit every month, whose leaves were for tlie healing of the nations." The tliornless rose, long sought on earth but never found, there bloomed in untold beauty, and sent forth its richest fragrance. And there were crystal founts, and purling streams, and birds, and brooks, and flowers, and angels, and seraphs, and the spirits of the just made perfect, and the glorified body of Jesus, and God the Judge of all, and blooming groves, and silvery bowers, and elysiau fields, and cloudless suns, and enchanting skies. And there, too, was a host of infants, from all nations under heaven; pure, harmless, holy, undefiled, with voices tuned celestial, singing the song of "redeeming grace and dying love." The myrtle and the rose mark the resting place of the earthly form, but the spiritual, the immaterial, freed from earthly ills, rests in Abraham's bosom. O ! could that bereaved mother have seen her precious boy, a companion of angels himself, his tiny feet treading the flower-clad walks of Paradise, she would dry her tears, and rejoice that she was counted worthy to add one to the angel-bands of glory. — Rev. John Ellis, Gospel Herald, August Jf, 1860. An Hour With Jesus To be with Jesus, in any proper sense, is to be in sympathy with Him. It is "to know Him and the power of His resurrection, and the fellowship of His suffering, being nuide conformable to His death." It 176 THE C E N T E N N I A J. O I' is to possess His Spirit, "be renewed in the spirit of our mind," be "crucified with Christ," and have "Christ live in ns." To be thus with Christ is to be in liarmony with all the good in the universe — the highest attainment of a human being, or of created intelligences. In the earthly pilgrimage of Jesus, as a messenger of mercy to a lost and perishing world, there was one special hour when lie solicited the presence with Him, and the watch- fulness of a select number of His disciples, sufficient, according to the divine law of evidence, to estab- lish any fact, of which they were cognizant. It was His hour of suffering in "Gethsemane." It was about the period in which Jesus said to His enemies, "this is your hour, and the power of darkness." At this eventful period, this crisis in the work of human redemption, Jesus says to His disciples, "Tarry ye here and watch with me." How many have volunteered, unasked, to watch with dying friends in their last moments, and anticipated their wants by the faintest signals. But Jesus, who "trod the winepress alone," invited His own watchers. And why? Was He so made in all things like unto His brethren that even the manifestation of human sympathy, in watchfulness and prayer, was some solace to the troubled soul? Did it ease the bosom of the suffering Jesus to say to Peter, James and John, "My soul is exceeding sorrowful even unto death f" Was it that, by calling three of the most favored and trustworthy of all the disciples to this post of honor, this labor of love, to watch and pray with their suffering, dying Savior, they might evince their weakness and depravity, by falling asleep in R E L I G I OU S J O TT R N A L I S M 177 the hour of peril, and thereby merit the gentle, though severe reproof, ^'^What! could you not watch with me one hour?" Was it that they might be competent witnesses of this crowning act in the earthly life of the world's Deliverer? Doubtless this last was the great idea, whatever else was in- cluded. To be with Jesus in' IJethlehem, in Egypt, in Nazareth, in Galilee, in Jerusalem, on Mount Olivet, or the Mount of Transfiguration, is profitable and delightful. But, without watching with Him this last hour, we have no clear views of the depth of human depravity, or the grand scheme of human redemption. — Rev. John Boss, Christian Messenger, January 3, 1861. The Divine Existence Faith in the existence of God is the first principle, lying at the very foundation of all religion ; for if this be removed, all obligations to virtue and piety are swept away with it. This was fully demon- strated in France, when infidelity, reaching its climax, unblushingly asserted, "There is no God/' pronounced death an ''eternal sleep," and in the madness of Atheism, enthroned and worshiped a courtezan as the goddess of reason, giving themselves up to unbridled licentiousness and unmitigated cruel- ty. Atheism, denying the existence of God, is forced to deny the human spirit — to maintain a gross ma- terialism— regarding man as a mere animal, the off- spring of chance— the sport of fates whose end is annihilation. It thus destroys all sense of responsi- bilitv to God. removes all obligation from the con- 178 T H E C E N T E N N I A L O F science; all restraint from the passions; makes the belly the god, and leads to sensual gratification and carnal pleasures, as the most suitable object of pursuit. — Rev. Moses Cummings, Christian Messen- ger and Palladium, October 2^, 1861, Bad Signs, Read and Reflect First. It is a bad sign when we see a minister striving to tickle the ears of his audience with smooth words, elaborately drawn similes, fine-spun rhetoric and nicely rounded periods, instead of urg- ing upon them the soul-strirring truths of the gos- pel. It is an indication that he was never called to the work, or else has wofully misconceived the spirit and nature of his mission. We have heard of one such minister who would not repeat the word ''Christ" in his pulpit, because it contained harsh consonantal sounds. Such men never mention hell to ears polite. Nay, instead they read to drowsy audiences beautiful essays upon the ''Dignity of Human Nature," "The Science of Esthetics," "The Excellency of Virtue," etc., etc. Their preaching, like the moonbeams, may be beautiful, but it is de void of the least heat. The devil delights in such ministers, and hell will be populated with them and their deluded followers. How different the conduct of Paul the apostle when he "reasoned of righteousness, temperance, and judg- ment to come." Plain, earnest, forgetful of self, armed with the might of God, he pierced the heart of his royal hearer, as with a keen two-edged sword. RELIGIOUS JOURNALISM 179 If men have God's truth burning in their hearts will they not give it expression in good, strong, solid, unvarnished Saxon? Will they not preach "Christ crucified" to lost men, rather than seek to display their own talents, and oratorical powers and graces? Will they not, in Christ's stead, persuade men to be reconciled to God, rather than enunciate in polished phrase, the speculations and soft senti- ment, as destitute of saving efficacy as an iceberg is of vital warmth? Alas! alas! that men "will not endure sound doctrine," but turn away their ears from the truth, and are turned unto fables. Second. It is a bad sign when a professed min- ister of Jesus Christ finds his associates, admirers and adherents among irreligious and ungodly men rather than in the church among Christians. It is infallible proof that so far from being a true herald of the cross, he is one of Satan's daubers with un- tempered mortar. For since "the carnal mind is enmity against God," plain, spiritual truth, the gos- pel in its purity, is uniformly distasteful to the unre- generate heart. Hence those who love the truth, and whom the truth has made free, will cluster around the messenger of truth, and will be his intimate friends, associates and confidants, while unconverted persons, though they respect and esteem God's minister, will rather avoid than seek intimate acquaintance with him. The well-knoAvn adage, "Birds of a feather flock together," is strictly true in this case. Hence if the minister preach a smooth, velvety gospel, if he cry "peace, peace, when there is no peace," if he disturb not the repose of the wicked, he will be applauded, admired, and courted 180 THE CENTENNIAL OF by worldlings, while Christians will mourn in secret over the desolations of Zion. Woe to the minister when ungodly men, instead of the saints of the Most High, are his intimates and confidants. In such case he is a "dnnd> dog," an unfaithful watchman, a l)lind leader of Idind. "For if ye were of the world, the world would love its own," etc. Third. It is a bad sign when we see a minister acting the fo]), putting on airs and graces. What, shall a man laden with the weightiest mes- sage ever borne by mortals, spend his precious time, and employ his talents in playing the dandy? God forhld! It is no less inconsistent and unseemly than if our ambassador to the imperial court of Russia should debase himself to act the part of a clown for the amusement of the Czar and his courtiers. If the minister feels the weight of truth, if he realizes the value of the soul, if he appreciates the infinite magnitude and importance of eternal interests, his attention will not be occupied with ti'itles, decorations, or useless elegance. Neatness of dress and i)ropriety of manners are in the highest degree commendable, but foppery and prudery are execrable in a minister, and contempti- ble in all |)laces. — Rev. John W. Hayley, Herald of Oospel Liherfi/, April .?, IS62. Love Your Pastor Reader, are you a Christian? and have you a pastor? If so, love him and be kind to him. He comes to you as the servant of the Most High God, R E r. I ( ; I o us JO tt u n a r. i s m 181 and holds a coniniission from the high courts of I:eaveii. To voii lie is a God-given treasure. How disinterested his love for you? What though the world hangs out its glittering baits to allure him from the lowly work of a minister of Jesus? ^N'hat though fame sounds her trumpet in his ears? Will lie leave the sacred desk, and his pastoral walks, to seek for perishable honors? Never! for on his great warm heart, beating with a divine and holy love, glowing with a hope whicli grasps the unseen and the eternal, he bears you'in fond remembrance daily. The eye of his faith has looked beyond the pageantry of earth, beyond the stream of death, and seen a crown of fadeless glory. Think of his labors and anxieties for you. Does his pale face and care-worn look never attract your attention? You have no idea of the greatness of his work. He may not toil with his hands, but his mind is overworked, perhaps wearing out his mortal system. He spends his life blood, necessarily, in the region of thought and deep meditation. He needs your sympathy. Do not think he is so much above you that you cannot reach him. He does not feel above you. His heart craves your lo\e. To him, the heart-felt "God bless you," the look of love and kindly regard, the firm grasp of the hand, is worth more than the praise of men. Prize him while you have him. When his mission is accomplished the Master will take him up on high. Up from the thorny path of earth to the flowery walks of heaven ! Away from this scene of toil, where his brain 's often burdened, and the scalding tears roll in silence down his cheek! Ah, could you see him in his study, in his lonely hours REV. E. W. HUMPHREYS Editor Gospel Herald 1863-1865 RELIGIOUS JOURNAL IS INI 183 of solemn thought, could you mark the gathering paleness on his brow as his hand falters, and his pen is laid in weariness away, you would feel he needed your sympathy. The writer is not pleading for himself. He knows the lines have fallen to him in pleasant places. But he pleads for the pastor wherever he may be, wearing his life away in the service of Christ. Give him the heart's warm affec- tions, the smile of friendship, the look of love, and the kind salutation, and God will bless you. And when his form shall vanish from the walls of Zion and his tongue no more shall sound the gospel, you can feel that you helped strew his weary way with flowers.— /v'ev. N. Day, Herald of Gospel Liberty, May 22, 1862. The Christian Church The meaning of the word church is the same as that of ''congregation," or "assembly.'' In this sense, there may be a good or a bad church. But the specific meaning of the word church, at the present time, is a body of worshipers, united to- gether (generally) in one place. From the time of Christ, ''church" has been a very common name, and has been used to designate the followers of Christ. For three hundred years from the time of our Savior, there was but one Christian Church, and with the exception of a few schismatics, here and there, all of the members agreed to disagree. For no one, for a moment, would assert that all the Christian fathers held the same \iews in regard to what they taught of 1S4 THE C E N T E N N I A L OF the Christian doctrine. Alexandria, in Egypt, was the place where the first great division was made in the Christian Chnrch. It would be useless here to follow the Christian Church through the wilderness of the dark ages. Suffice it to say, the priests saw fit to take the Scriptures away from their followers, and taught them verbally what was true and what was false in doctrine. This was the state of the church when Martin Luther, of Wittenberg, in Germany, acci- dentally came across a copy of the New Testament. Luther knew there was something wrong, but could not tell what. One thing he was convinced of, lliat the sale of indulgences, or selling the right to sin, for money, a practice very common then in the Catholic Church, was wrong. He challenged the indulgence agent to a debate, and Luther soon had debates enough. The ground that Luther and his associates took at this time was, that no person was bound to believe anything of the doctrines of religion, unless taught in the liible, and that any- thing taught in the Bible must be believed. Popes, Councils, or Fathers, to the contrary, notwithstand- ing. Furthermore, Luther insisted that not only the preacher, but the layma^n also, had a right to read and judge what the Bible taught, each in- dividual for himself. Although, perhaps not in the same words, yet in substance, Luther taught in the sixteenth century the same right of private judg- ment that the fathers of the present church taught in the nineteenth century, in North Carolina by O'Kelly, in New England by Smith and Jones, and RELIGIOUS JOURNALISM 185 in Kentiuky by Stone, Dunlavj, Purviance, and others. We will not trace the fluctuation of parties in the church during the following two hundred years from Luther. We will only say, it was a con- stant effort of the one part to give the priest the power which he had lost, and on the other to grant the right of private judgment to every man. In all the struggles of Calvin and Servetus, Henry VIII., of England, and Charles V., of Germany, Cranmer and Wolsey, Wesley and Whitefield, and especially the Exodus of the New England Puritans — all the church movements of this time were brought on by this contest. — Rev. E. W. Humphreys, in Gospel Herald, May 23, 1863. The "Will Not" God's wish is to bless all men; but all men do not choose to be blessed. And this is the difficulty. Jesus savs to those whom he would bless, "Ye will not come unto Me that ye may have life." There was a ''will not" on the part of those who heard Him. Here is where the road is lost that leads to heaven. This is the voice that turns men from the track, and sends them wandering into by and for- bidden paths. Jesus wept over Jerusalem, and said, ^'0 Jerusalem, Jerusalem, how often would I have gathered thy children together, as a hen doth gather her hrood under her icings, and ye would not." Thus does the Savior long to bless and save the perishing souls of men, and gather them to His sheltering REV. II. Y. RUSH, D. D. Kditor Gospel Herald 1SG5— 1868 Editor Herald of Gospel Liberty 1868— 187G R E h I a I O IT S J o Ti J. X ,\ j^ I ^ ^i 187 fold to give them eternal rest. But all God's divine love can avail nothing, so long as the human will is unsubdued and contrary to the divine will. God cannot save us without repentance on our part. God is "not willing that any should perish, but that all should come to repentance." True repentance will save us, but nothing else can. Jesus can die for ns, but He cannot repent for uh.—Rcv. W. 0. Cnsh- ing, Cospcl Herald, NorcniJjer 25, 1865. Long Sermons Sermons should be so delivered as to attract, in terest, instruct, please, rest, and refresh the hea'rer. There are individuals and whole families who dread the Sabbath, as if it Avere a day of penance, or of fnneral rites. Long hymns, long pravers, long ser- mons, long sighs, long faces, are not the natural accompaniments of piety. They are generallv the Inrking places of the devil. Indeed, too many ser- mons invoke the evil spirits by their wearisomeness, thus making the minister a sorcerer, rather than a messenger of God. We know of churches from which a man might stay away by authority of that prayer, "Lead me from evil." Some men s(iuirni and frown more, and harbor more bad thoughts under a point- less sermon, than they do all the week in driving oxen and balky horses. Long, dry sermons! It makes one sigh to think about them; but the thought is paradise compared with the hearing. Long sermons— brethren nodding —sisters dozing— boys snoring— babies crying— 188 THE CENTENNIAL OF Satan laughing — magnificent specimen of Christian worsliip ! The minister who intends to drag ont his days in. long preaching, would better go to fighting steam, electricity, and civilization. AVhen these are con- quered, he may have the rest about his own way. Sermons must interest, and not disgust; rest the hearer, and not weary liim. The benediction should be pronounced upon smiling hearers, and not upon frowning ones. The audience should leave the house desiring to re- turn again rather than preferring ever to stay away. — Rev. H. Y. Rush, D. D., Gospel Herald, Fehruary 10, 1S66. Manliness There are few things nobler in this world than a man standing up in the grandeur of a true in- dividuality. There is calmness, self-reliance, God- likeness there. I have stood on the shore of the ocean and watched the seaweed as it was rolled up, tangled and flung helplessly on the beach by the billows. Turning from this, I have looked at the rock dashing back the waves in snowy spray — there it stood on the borders of the deep — unmoved, un changed; it was the same, pelted by the storm, or crowned by the sunshine; the mountain surges were swung against it by the temi)est in vain. Sometimes we see a man fixed, unmoved; some- times one like Luther, facing the rude storm of an opposing world, saying to the entreaties of fear and the threatenings of power, ''Here I stand — I cannot RELIGIOUS JOURNALISM 180 do otherwise, God help me," O brother, be the rock, standing in the strength of God amid the changes, the calms and the storms of time; not the pliant weed, though ])earls are tangled in its meshes. ]\fanliness finds its perfect ideal in Him who, for the regeneration of the world, made His advent in a manger and his exit on a cross; who pleased not Himself but, that He might bless and save the sor- rowing and the sinfnl, endured the cross and de- spised the shame. — Rev. Warren Hathaway, D. D., aospcl Tic raid, January 26, 1867. Ministerial Changes As a general rule, I think frequent changes in the ministry and churches are not desirable or calculated to build up our cause. Societies may sometimes be- come careless and neglect to exert themselves to do what they have ability to do for their pastor, and ministers may get behind the age and not study enough to nmke their discourses very profitable or interesting. All these conditions make changes necessary sometimes, but in the long run, a settled ministry is best for pastors and people. Let friends look at the work of the ministers who have become settled, and compare the strength of such churches and thfe colonies that have grown from them, and place in contrast the history of churches where con- stant change takes place, and they will find no dif- ficulty in drawing a conclusion. — /. E. Brush, Gos- pel Herald, February 9, 1867. KKV. THOMAS' GARBUTT Editor Christian Vanguard 1891—1902 RELIGIOUS JOURNALISM 191 An Earnest Plea - We ought to weigh well our words and our actions, for this is an historic time. We. make history to-day. The future of the Christian de- nomination in Canada, is to bear the mark of our decision ; it is to take higher or lower ground from this period. God grant us wisdom, Christian for- bearance and love. Just let me say, before I close these remarks, that the dread, we, as a denomination, have felt in re- gard to organization has not been without excuse; this power has been abused, hundreds of hearts have been crushed by it; yet we must not condemn all co-operation because it has been used by bad men for selfish ends. We cannot obviate this dif- ficulty by setting our foot upon government, and upon order, that we may rid the country of igno- rance and selfishness. Rightly directed' the very government, that once seemed to grind the people by its cruelty and tyranny, will become the means by which the liberty, happiness and prosperity of the people are secured. Have not thousands con- cluded that religion itself is a bad thing, because bad men have used it for superstitious, ignorant and immoral purposes? It is as unwise to con- demn one as the other. Such reasoners have con- demned education because educated men have been powerful in evil. The very instrument that can be used for evil can be used for good. The fault is not in the instrument, but in the heart of him who uses it. * Closing words of an address delivered as President of the Conference of the Christian Church in Canada, June 22, 1867 192 THE CENTENNIAL OF This thought leads us to our concluding remarks. No system will secure us from the evils we dread. Freedom from system will not secure us. The truth is, system is a great power, and if in the hands of good and wise men, it is powerful for good; if in the hiinds of bad men, it is just as poAverful for evil. Even in the hands of ignorant and supersti- tious men, whose hearts are pure, it may be used for evil ends. Nevertheless we must not reject the power. When we discover the cause of the evil we must remove that, and then the power will bless the church and mankind. How important then is love, faith, holiness of heart. We want the true love of God shed abroad in the heart. We not only want the head but the heart right. An animal all head would not be a man, nor one all heart. We not only want the body, but the soul; they must go together; let no one sunder in his ignorance what God designed to go together. A church with ever so much piety will be comparatively weak, without order. A church all order, all system, and no piety, would be worse; let these two go together, and we have the God- ordained church, the true church.— /?cp. Thoiitus Garhiitt, Christian Magazine, ISIH. There Must Be Friendship There must be friendship, kindness and deference among the ministers of Jesus. One must not be puffed up or pay no attention to others. Learning, looks, position or privilege must not exalt one man RELIGIOUS JOURNALISM 193 above anotlier. And as the great must not look down upon the small, neither must the small look up meanly and unscripturally to superiors. Says Elihu, "Let me not, I pray you, accept any man's person, neither let me give flattering titles unto man. For I know not to give (to greet or address men) flatter- ing titles; in so doing my Maker would soon take me away." Job 32 : 21, 22.— Rev. H. V. Rush, D. D., Herald of Gospel Libert)/, January 31, 1874- Our Doctrine How do the Christians stand in regard to doctrine and principles with the Christian world? Please answer and oblige. — Many Readers. Rcplij: The Christians hold what may be called "conservative orthodoxy." They strip so-called orthodox doctrines of all popish dress, and hold them in Biblical truth; but HOLD them. We do not encourage or tolerate attacks on the Bible ; we stand or fall with the Bible. If the Bible be true, as we affirm, it is the foundation of all truth ; if (which is impossible) the Bible were not true, we have no business as a church, and should disband. Only imposters will call themselves Christians, to preach against Christianity and use the Bible to combat its truth. When I say that we hold the Bible true, stripped of popish pollution, I mean that we hold them in Bible language, just as the prophets did, and as Jesus did, and as the early Christians did. The things which we have to assure our faith are : 1. We hold the truth in its normal and Scrip- 194 THE CENTENNIAL OE tural form, as it was in the beginning, is now, and ever shall be. 2. We hold it in the words in which God gave it, prophets wrote it, Christ spake it, and the apostles taught it. 3. We will neither add to the words for popery, nor give them up for liberty. If the improved forms are taught in the Bible, it must be in the Bible language. If that is the way God chose to teach them, that is the way we choose. If we can learn them in Bible language, we have no need of formulas, if we cannot, then we did not learn them in the Bible. 4. We know that we are right, because all de- nominations admit what we say. The only doubt is upon men's additions. There is'one God. All respond, ''Correct." Christ is the Son of God. ''Correct." The Holy Ghost is the Spirit of God. "Correct." The Bible is the Word of God. "Correct." The Mediator is between God and men. "Correct." The Bible is the only perfect creed. "Correct." Jesus died for all. "Correct." We must repent. "Correct." We must believe. "Correct." • We must be converted. "Correct." We must obey the Lord. "Correct." Immersion is baptism. "Correct." We pray for union. "Correct." We fellowship all saints. "Correct." We must hold out faithful. "Correct." There is judgment after death. "Correct." And eternal life. "Correct." — Rev. N. Summcrdcll. D. D., Herald of Gospel Liberty, iSeptemher 8, 1877. RELIGIOUS JOURNALISM 195 There Is and Can Be no Antagonism There is and can be no antagonism between God, Christ, the Bible, and Conscience. They are all on the same side. Header, which side are you on? If you are on that side, you are then on the side of victory and everlasting blessedness. But if you oppose these, then be forewarned of the dreadful fact that it is but a question of a little time when you will be overwhelmed in irretrievable ruin.— Rev. Thos. M. McWhinney, D. D., Herald of Gospel Liherti/, Novemher 30, 1878. Christian Union We may formally receive a man into the church, and give him the right hand in token of fellowship, but unless we believe he is a Christian, it is not Christian fellowship, but mere church fellowship. That is, we fellowshii) him because he is a^ member of our church, and not because he is a Christian. Many indeed make baptism a test of fellowship, but it cannot be Christian fellowship, for they know many who have been baptized, besides Simon the sorcerer, who, like him, were not Christians; and a church made solely on those two tests would not be a Christian church, but a creed church, or a Baptist church. In fellowship we fellowship a man solely because he is a Christian, and not because he adopts our creed, nor because he has been sprinkled, or immersed, or baptized at all. To be consistent, if we make immersion the test, we must hold, as many do, that there are no unimmersecl Christians ; and yet they, themselves, would not baptize a man KIOV. KM.IAII WILLIAMSON RELIGIOUS J O U R N A L I S M 197 unless he professed to love God and believe in the Lord Jesus. Now John says, '^Every one that lovcth is horn of God, and knowcth God." I. John 4 : 7. And '^Whosoeve?- helieveth that Jesus is the Christ, is horn of God." I John 5:1. Is he not then a Christian when he is born of God, and that before they will baptize him? Now what will become of the loving believer in Jesus, if he dies before he is baptized? If he goes to heaven, according to this theory, an unpardoned sinner goes there. And if he goes to hell, according to John, a child of (Jod goes there. Let us blush at a test that is so ex- clusive, unreasonable, unscrijitnral, and dishonora- ble to God. For if true, it would consign to per- dition many of the most pious and devoted men of our race who have been a blessing to the church and to the world, and who, in the service of Christ, have suffered the tortures of the rack, joyfully embraced the stake, and triumphed over death through faith in their dear Redeemer. — Rcr. Elijah Williamson, Herald of Gospel Libert j/. May 1, 18S0. Secret Prayer But tliou, when thou prayest. euter into thy closet, and when thon hast shut thy floor, pray to thy Father which is in secret, and thy Fatlier wliich seeth in secret shall re- ward thee openly. — Jesus. Here is a command and a promise given to the children of men. All may claim them, but there are many who reject them and live without prayer and the Father's blessing. However, we esteem it a grand, precious, heaven-given privilege to outer into REV. THOS. M. McWHINXEY, D. D. Editor Herald of Gospel Lihcrty 1878—1881 R E I. I (MOTTS JOURNALISM 199 the closet and there humbly bow in the presence of the Father and unbosom all the desires of our heart. We would not do tliis in the public congrej!;ation ; not but what we may and do pray with as much true devotion and fervency of spirit as when in secret, but there would be impropriety in revealing all our heart-yearnings and the confidence reposed in us by those who have so earnestly besought us to remember them at the throne of grace. The sick and the afflicted, the sad and weary, the lonely and bereaved, the oppressed and distressed, and the mourner in Zion, all find great comfort in secret prayer. And why not? For the Father is there, Jesus is there, and the comforting influence of the Holy Spirit is there — it is a sacred place. The Father verifies His promise — strength and peace and blessing are given to those seeking souls. The Father whispers, "/ love thee;" '^I will strengthen and hlcss thcef "I am thy God and imll still give thee aid." Tears may fall, and nature weep, but a sweet peace fills the heart — a heavenly peace, that which passeth understanding. Oh, how we love the sacred words that fell from the Savior's lips! —Rev. Rehecca Kershner, Herald of Gospel Liberty, August 28, 1880. The Christian Life The Christian life may truly be characterized as a continual prayer to God. The soul that is full of the love of God, and has come into reconciliation with Him through faith in Jesus Christ, has no loftier ambition, no higher aspiration, no purer de- IU:V. WILLIAM T. WALKER Eflitor ChrisUun Sun 1881—1882 R E r. I G I O IT R J O TT R N A I. I S INI 201 sire, than that of continual personal coninuinion with God. — Rev. Thos. M. McWhinncy, D. D., Herald of Gospel JAl)erty, January 21, 1881. Evidences of the Right The long and rapid steps of onr present Chris- tian civilization are but the measure of increased charity for those who differ in Bible interpretation. And this fact is a standing miracle in favor of the proposition that the broad Christian charity of the ''Christians" is Christlike, and hence calls loud- ly for the friends of such charity to rush to the rescue of our God-honored undertaking. Every grand movement which tends directly to advance the heavenl}' kingdom, works alike to increase in- telligence and broaden the charities of our being. Only "let there be light," for our cause to be loved has but to be seen. — Rev. Thos. M. McWhinney, D. D., Herald of Gospel Liherty, Fehruary 10, 1881. The Pulpit Among the many responsible i>ositions of life, that of a gospel minister stands preeminently at the head. Those who strive to maintain the majesty of the law by securing justice and equity to all men are in a noble calling. He who seeks to make wholesome laws and a salutarj^ government is a benefactor to his race. That profession whose ob- ject is to unfold and disseminate knowledge and truth is productive of great good. Each of these, together with others, are important factors in good REV. A. W. COAN Editor Herald of Gospel Uberty 1881—1885 R E L I G I O U S J O U II N A L I S M 203 government; but the calling of the pulpit outshines them all in the bent and luster of its objects. In the conflict with atheism, skepticism, agnosticism, and the isms that engage men's thoughts, the pulpit stands almost alone in waging a defensive warfare. To-day it stands the most jjotent, the most inde- pendent, and the most erective agency against the bold attack upon Christianity and the Bible. Stand- ing at the head of all great reforms, it makes an unceasing war against all forms of immorality and vice. The paramount object of the pulpit is to preach the sublime principles of Christianity — principles that furnish the highest incentives to moral and upright actions. — Rev. W. H. Orr, Herald of Gospel Lihcrty, June 9, 18S1. The Aim of the Christian Movement Every successful religious society, or organiza- tion, must have some well-defined purpose which it seeks to accomplish. An aimless movement falls to pieces for want of common interests and common ends. An end that is at all worthy of being attained can be reached only b,y overpowering opposing forces. There is always something to oppose as well as something to favor. He who opposes noth- ing, favors nothing, Sin and evil in all forms stand opposed to righteousness and truth. It is a pecu- liar and universal characteristic of sin that it seeks to intrench itself within the camps of those Avho claim to be the Lord's hosts, and wage its deadliest battles beneath the standard of the Lord's anointed. Jesus' severest conflicts were not with publicans KEV. C. J. JUNKS, I). D. Editor Herald of Gospel Liberty 1885—1888 R E 1. 1 r; T O TT S JOUR N A r. I S ^1 205 and harlots, but witli the soribos and the Pharisees ^with sin and wickedness that had intrenched it- self in the ecclesiasticisni of the times. The early chnrch fonnd its bitterest foes among the leaders of the prevailing religions of the world. Neither the violent bigotry of Jndaism nor the heartless ernelty of heathenism was able to stay its progress nor hinder its growth. It was not until Christiani- ty had aeqnired so much of power and position in the world as to make an alliance with it desirable as a means of power and influence that its opponents began to ask for compromise. After the compromise was once commenced it progressed with wonderful rapidity. To Christ was given the honor of the name, while He and the apostles were made the chief heroes. In the spirit and the forms of wor- ship the pagan influence largely jtredominated. When Luther nailed his theses to the door of Wit- tenberg, his conflict began not with men who made no profession of faith in Christ, but with the pope and his cardinals, who assumed to be the vicar of Christ and the guardians of His church. Protestant- ism was a protest. It could get itself place in the world only by shoving something else aside. Sin in all its forms is insidious ami plausible. It wants no better victory than a truce. The white flag is the signal of its triumph.— i?ey. Asa W. Coan, Herald of Gospel Liberty, January 5, 1882. The Spirit of the Truth There is a skepticism that is a])parently honest, and strong in its argumentative antagonism to the Bible, the church, and religion. There is an un- 20G THE CENTENNIAL OF belief which may be voiced by careful moral men like Robert Owen, of Scotland, or by reckless blas- phemers like Ingersoll ; but you will observe that their opposition, for the most part, is directed af>ainst the inconsistencies of professors, the haughty arrogance of the priestly class, the spirit of sectism, and the narrow intolerance of the popular systems of theology. We risk nothing when we challenge the world to produce a man who can rationally and philosophical ly maintain his opposition to the spirit and genius of the gospel of Jesus Christ. If it be true that a man cannot oppose freedom, tenderness, helpful- ness^ wisdom, truth, and love, as these are imperfect- ly manifested among men, without dishonor and disgrace as an irrational babbler, and an enemy to society, how can he antagonize the perfect freedom, universal tenderness and helpfulness, infinite wis- dom, truth, and love, which breathes all through the gospel, and at the same time escape the charge of mental imbecility on the one hand, or insane malignity upon the other? — Bcv. C. J. Jones, D. D , Herald of Gospel Liberty, February 26, 1885. Picking Bones A friend of mine related a little incident that I thought would be good enough to put in type. He said he knew a skeptic who one day encountered a gospel minister of his acquaintance, and, as usual, he began to ])ick flaws in the Bible. The minister said to him: "When you go into a restaurant and RELIGIOUS JOURNALISM 207 call for fish, do you occupy your time — especially if you feel hungry — in picking over the bones and leave the nicely cooked food?" The skeptic had to admit the force of the illustration. How strange it is that any one can be so foolish as to reject a loving Savior who so earnestly desires to convert them from evil ways to purity and holiness, without which we are told no one can see God. — J. E. Brush. Herald of Gospel Liberty, March 5, 1885. A Religion That Can Be Felt We often hear the expression made, in common parlance, "I icould not give a cent for a i^eliglon that I cannot feel." We are convinced that many persons have false conceptions of religion, growing out of a mere sensational feeling forced upon them by their immediate surroundings, which, like seed sown among thorns, is choked by the cares and trifling things of earth, and produces no fruit. A religion that is felt by reason of deep-rooted love in the heart for that which is pure and holy, and a continuous walk with God day by day, so that the inbreathings of the heart are, "Nearer, my God, to Thee, nearer to Thee," is a religion that pro- duces the fruits of the Spirit, which are love, joy, peace, long-suffering, gentleness, goodness, faith, meekness, temperance. This is a religion that is not only felt, but that, when passing through the cru- cible of the world's trials and persecutions, will only brighten. This is a religion that brings us nearer to God and to humanity ; that bows us down 208 THE CENTENNIAL OF to human woe and human suffering, and lends them a hand to lift them up, and pours the oil of glad- ness into the sad and despondent heart. This is a religion that so unites with the good of this world and the world to come "that neither death, nor life, nor angels, nor principalities, nor powers, nor things present, nor things to come, nor height, nor depth, nor any other creature, shall be able to sep- arate us from the love of God which is in Christ Jesus our Lord." This kind of religion does not ask how far away we may get from Christ and be saved, but is a continual feast upon which the inward man is fed and grows, and is fitted and prepared for that build- ing of God, that "house not made with hands, eternal in the heavens." — Rgv. W. C. Smith, Herald of Gos- pel Libert u, March 19, 1885. Confidence and Caution For I am persuaded, that neither deatli, nor life, nor angels, nor priucipalitltes, nor powers, nor things present, nor things to come, nor height, nor depth, nor any other ereature, sliall be able to separate ns from the love of God, which is in Christ .Tesus our JA)vd.—Noiii(in.'i 8:38, 39. What confidence; what a blessed assurance that no power outside of the individual can bring the Christian under condemnation ! Yet we are assured and warned of the fact that "your sins (no out- side power) have (and what has been, may be) separated between you and your God, and have hid His face from you." And further, "When I shall say to the righteous, that he shall surely live; if he trust to his own righteousness, and <*ommit in- RELIGIOUS JOURNALISM 209 iquitj, all his righteousness shall not be remem- bered; but for his iniquity that he hath committed, he shall die for it." ''Therefore let him that think- eth he standeth take heed lest he fall;" but, "Be thou faithful unto death, and I will give thee a crown of life." The race must be run unto the end — no stopping or switching off— then the crown.— i^ev. J. G. Bislwp, D. D., Herald of Gospel Liherty, August 21, 1885. The Kind We Don't Want When a minister is in search of popularity and a big salary, I don't blame him for leaving the Christian Church and going to some other denomi- nation. He can't be a success in the Christian Church, and is not needed among us. We want ministers whose chief aim is to save souls — ministers who are willing to preach the gospel to the poor, even for a small salary. Men who are after large salaries may get their reward. I honor the minister who labors to save souls, and will not leave a field of usefulness for ''filthy lucre's sake."— i?ei;. H. M. Eaton, Herald of Gospel Liherty, August 27, 1885. Baccalaureate Address Live in Christ, for Christ, and like Christ. The doctrine of physics is that the pulsation on the atmosphere occasioned by the human voice, will never cease. Not a word has escaped from mortal lips, whether for the defense of virtue or the per- version of truth, but is registered on high. The ■ H Kpi 41^ ^''" \ ^^1 ^^^^H|»' i ~ > J ^^H ■1 Hp «i^t>, *% ^ ^i^H ^P^ ' J k 'fl|^H ^^k t^^^slH^^^I ^^•■*"v^ msm Wm^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^M 1 KKV. JOSIAII PRESCOTT WATSON, 1). 1). Editor Herald of Gofh. 5: IS. How much more shall your heavenly Father give the Holy Spirit to them that ask Ilim. Luke 11:13. Every true Christian must feel something of the great need that exists in our home churches and RELIGIOUS JOURNALISM 223 mission fields for genuine revivals. Revivals that shall cause a "shaking among the dry bones ;" that will drive back the high tide of worldliness and materialism that is engulfing so nmny Christians; that will break up the dead formality that in too many cases characterizes religious services, and in- fuse new life into the churches, making them real "lights in the world" and soul winners for the king- dom. During these winter months many pastors, evan- gelists and churches, are engaged in special services for the quickening of the church and the salvation of men. Let there be humiliation, heart-searching and waiting before the Lord for a larger indwelling and manifestation of the Holy Spirit. To every faithful watchman and spiritually-minded Chris- tian it must seem more and more evident that Christianity, in this materialistic and exciting age and in our complex and exacting civilization, can succeed only by its supernatural power. As preachers, missionaries, churches, or individuals, we may sug- gest, plan, organize, and muster our forces, and work as we may, but the poiver of God is the one fac tor without which there can be no real success. This fact is not realized as it should be. Human agency must be used; but human agency must be coupled with and made subservient to the divine agency. It was only when the apostles "were filled with the Holy Ghost," "endued with power from on high," and "spake as the Spirit gave them ' utterance," that the people were moved as by one mighty im- pulse to cry out, "Men and brethren what shall we do?" and multitudes were converted. (Acts 224 T H B C E N T E N N I A L O F 2:37.) In that Pentecostal revival there was doubtless some excitement. With them it was not a mere quiet meditation, neither was it a gentle sobbing-, but ''they were pricked in their heart," and cried out, ''What shall we do?" Suppose there was some excitement; it seems to us that if there is anything in this world that is calculated to make one tremble, and fall down, and cry out, "Sirs, what must I do to be saved?" (Acts 16:29, 30.) it is when the Spirit carries conviction to one's own heart that he is a sinner and under the condemna- tion of death. (John 16: 8, and 3: 18). And, then, why should it be thought strange, if when one's sins are forgiven and he is made every whit whole and the joy of the Lord comes into his soul, he should do a little "walking, and leaping, and praising God." (Acts 3:8). But this was not all mere excitement, for these Pentecostal Christians "continued stead- fastly in the apostles' doctrine and fellowship, and in breaking of bread, and in prayers." Spirit-born Christians are likely to be in the mid-week prayer- meetings following the revival. A service in which the power of God is manifest may possess some things counted irregular and out of the usual order. The Spirit of the Lord is not bound to work according to our human rules and methods. It is a criticism of many church serv- ices of to-day that they have nothing unusual, but always the same routine, prosy and tame. No fire. No enthusiasm. God is the God of life, and where His children are dominated, inspired and led by the Holy S])irit there will be life, and this life may express itself in a variety of ways and forms. Like R E L I Tx T O IT S J O IT R N A L 1 S M 22.-> the ligiitnino's tliat play in the heavens, shootinji this way and then that way, so the Spirit of God oi)erating in the minister and the eongreoation. will refuse to be tied down by human customs and regu- lations. When these last named assert themselves, holding check on all nmnifestations of vigorous life and action. Christian effort will remain, as in many places it now is, powerless to combat the tide of worldly interest, excitement and prosperity that is now reducing Christianity to a profession, and the church to a clubroom or a place of entertainment. What is more interesting, more enlivening, more inviting, nuire stirring than the realization of divine power in connection with religious work? The writer heard Dr. Willingham, of Richmond, Va., tell of a brother minister who held special meetings the Aveek previous to taking their missionary offer- ings. Much time was given to prayer that they might be filled with the Holy Spirit, and their hearts prepared for the contemplated offering. Their praters were offered (Luke 11:13); the Spirit was given. While in the meeting there was a marked stillness, there was a deep feeling; the souls of the people were full ; hearts were melted ; and tears of joy floAved from the eyes of believers. A man of the world was jtresent who seldom attended religious meetings, and with astonishment exclaimed : "I never saw the like of this before. I& this religion? If this is religion it is just what the world wants." Ah, yes; it is a religion of life, warmth and power that the world needs and the world wants. * * A thousand dollars was the missionary offering. 226 ■ T II E C E N T E N N I A L OF Paul was a missionary, an evangelist, a builder of churches. He was a learned man, a philosopher, a logician, a Scripturian, a theologian. While these gifts and graces were doubtless all helpful to him he depended on none of them. He says : "My speech and my preaching was not with enticing words of man's wisdom, but in demonstration of the Spirit and of power." Dr. Wayland's ministry was spiritual and fruit- ful in conversions almost weekl3\ One Sunday morning Avhile the organist was playing the open- ing voluntary, the pastor failed to enter the pulpit by the side door from the study below, as was liis usual custom. One of the brethren, fearing some- thing was wrong, went below and found the minister prostrate on the floor in pleading prayer. The bur- den of his prayer was for the manifestation of the presence and ])Ower of the Holy Spirit in that service. After a time, having obtained assurance of the answer, he entered his pulpit, and twenty souls were converted under that sermon. O for a ministry set on fire of the Holy Spirit I And let the pew cry out : "Though we have eloquence, culture, wealth, social standing, all these are naught unless God manifests Himself in our midst." Given these in our churches and mission fields, there will be revivals, souls saved, churches built up, and God glorified. That lit' would ,i;r:int yon to !:(• strenstlieiu'd with iiiisht hy his; spirit in the iuuer iii.-ui ; that t'hrist may dwell in your heai'ti-i hy faith. Eph. r>:lG, 17. Then the people rejoiced, for that day they offered will- ini,'ly, hecanse with a perfect heart they offered willingly unto the Lord. I Chron. 2'.):i).—Rcr. .}. 0. Bishop, />.//., Christian Missioiiari), Jainianj, 1902. R E L I G I O U S JOUR N A L I S M 227 One of the Greatest Hindrances One of the greatest liiiulraiices to the general enterprises of the church to-day is localization. For a long time we have realized this fact, and have endeavored to bring abont a change, to the end that all our general Avork might take on new life, and that the cause of Christ might be more materially strengthened. It is ''centrifugal" rather than "centripetal" ef- fort that widens our iufhience and increases our field of activity in the Master's service. Certainly, we should centralize rather than dissipate our ef- forts, but the centralization should be upon the general rather than the local good. Look after the local work, to be sure, but mainly as a means to a larger end. If we, as a church, would but realize this fact we would see such a quick, vigorous, luxuri- ant growth in all phases of our work as we have never seen before. We have preachers who always subordinate the general welfare of the church to that of their own local organizations. They quote and twist to suit the occasion and their inclinations that "Chari- ty begins at home," and they live up to it more rigid- ly than they do the precepts of the Bible which they i)rofess to follow. We have no patience with, and no faith in, that pastor who says: "I just can't get up anything much for home missions, foreign missions, education, and the like — we have just about all we can stand up under to keep up the work in our own church" — meaning by this the little local organization wiiich he is pretending to serve, and which very properly keeps him always 228 T II E (' E N T E N N I A I. OF "in a fidget" about his salary. He is not worth a salary. We have heard of preachers who go to conference, and even parade the fact that "every cent of my salary has been paid," and can sit still, without a blush, and hear their church letter read showing a deficit, many times a very large one, in the funds brought up for the various enterprises of the church. Yea, more than this, some time ago we heard of a preacher in our church boasting of the fact that his local church had "over-paid" his salary — and a reference to the conference records showed that this church, that same over-paying-salary church, had in every instance fallen short, far short, in the amounts contributed to the various enterprises of the church. Now, we do not know that we were correctly informed; let us hope that the brother who told us was, by some means, mistaken. But, if it is true, God pity the church, and God pity the preacher. They are "local" sure enough, narrowly, selfishly, so — and eventually botli will die of self- love, life literally burnt out by the fires of selfish- ness. And again, there are laymen who profess great love for their local church — and perhaps they do a little something for .it — but you never hear them mention the general enterprises of the church. They are narrow, self-centered and selfish ; and are seemingly content to go through the world without feeling even the faintest thrill of that larger life that comes to him who loves somebody outside of himself, outside of his own immediate family; who UKLHilorS .T (» r K X A L I S M 22!) loves hiiinanity, and who strives lor the advance- ment of Christ's kingdom rather than his own. We believe the tidal wave has been started in (Ik; right direction by those broad-minded, large-hearted, humanity-loving ministers who have studied and worked together for the general good, and from their labors they will pour henceforth an ever-increasing stream of influence for the cause of Christ and His church into our conferences -and churches that will help to purify them of some of the narrowness and selfishness that has crept into them through un worthy channels. If your pastor is interested in, and labors for, the local church only, or disproportionately, you had better make a change — his salary is the thing that is uppermost in his mind. If your church is only local in its interest, and you, as pastor, cannot teach it the lesson of larger life and duty, you had better leave it, and go where your talents may be better employed — ^'E[)hraim is joined to his idols." Their vision is bounded by four walls, and their ideas are in their pocketbooks. Let us love our local church and work for it with a zeal that becomes an interested and worthy mem ber. And on the other hand, let us love the general enterprises of the church at large and labor for their strengthening as becomes a Christian who loves his fellowman and his God as Christ has loved him. — E. L. Moffitt, LL. I)., in the Christian Sun. Not by Might nor by Power There is in our generation a growing idolatry of military glory and conquest. We desire to be the PROF. J. N. KALES lOdilor CliriNtiuti VumjiKird 1002— R E L I G I OU S JOV n X A L I S ^f 231 possessoi-is of the vastest empire that has been — one upon which the sun never sets. We ought to be- ware of this lust of imperialism, for it is not the great militant empires that have contributed most to the world's progress. A small nation may possess, if not the arms that conquer, the ideas and resources that lay the universe under tribute. Such is the lesson of history, and over and over again have aggressive kingdoms been forced to repent in sack cloth and ashes. It is one thing to admit that there are certain causes for which a Christian may properly unsheath his sword ; it is another thing to claim that war in itself is better for a nation than peace, and that we ought to look chiefly to mighty armaments on land and sea as the great instruments for the spread of civilization and Christianity. No nation needs to sacrifice life in war to be truly great. Rather do the ravagings and cruelties of war ob- literate the divinity that is the birthright of all mankind. The forerunner of Jesus Christ was not Samson, but John the I>aptist. The kingdom of God cometh not with observation, with acquisition, nor with sub- jugation. If all the territory of this great round earth were to-day subject to one conquering em- peror, no matter though the cross were blazoned on his banner and on his throne, the kingdom of heaven would not be one whit nearer. "Not by might nor by power, but by my Spirit saith the Lord of Hosts." That is the message of Chris- tianity. A literature that is Christian must ex- act love and that lo^^al obedience that springs REV. F. H. PETEUS Editor Christian Mcsserujcr 1904—1006 R E L I (i I OT' S J O T- K N A L 1 S M therefrom. It innst check and reprove the thirst for conquest as well as the confidence of brute force. It must firmly vindicate and commend righteous- ness. The simple proclamation of the truth must be depended upon to bring nigh a better age and teach all the tribes of the earth to dwell together in peace. "By the soul, only, the nations shall be great and free."— J. N. Dales, in Christian Vangiiarcl. Character Self=Revealing Character is self-revealing, and men are known by their manner of life. Our human names and our way of doing things become synonymous. AVe can- not hide our real selves; and to speak a name is to recall that for which the life is given. Rocke- feller and money, Napoleon and war, Shakespeare and literature, Lincoln and freedom, Jesus and righteousness, is the order of the world. The teach- er knows her pupil by his Avork; the nation knows the citizen by his care for its interests; and the church knows its members by their attitude towards Christian Avork. If this is true, it becomes us to make our mannei- of life worth while. We need to hold fast to the good that has been given room in our lives in the past. Many fail in this. The child loses its i)i- nocency, and the young man neglects to practice the virtues of his early training, and begins the down- ward A\ay. Every one Avho plans to succeed, must tighten his grip on the virtues already his. He 234 THE CENTENNIAL HF must do more. He must i»l;ui to widen his useful- ness. This is the method of tlie Bible. Jesus so in- vites us, and every accepted invitation is a decision to enter a larger life. David's watchers knew Ahimaaz by the way he ran. Our gait should reveal our discii)leshii) with Christ. And since we cannot change the (Jospel to fit our lives, we should take great care to make our lives meet the Gospel meas- ure, both in the work we do, and in the way we do it. It is something to know the exact nature of the things Jesus did, and to give our strength to like deeds; but it is more to know His manner of life, and to do our own work in the Christ-like way. — Rev. Frank H. Peters, The Christian Messenger, Sept. 7, 1906. A Splendid Challenge Doors are ajar everywhere. But what of it? Why so much fuss about it? Men and women, if you did but realize it, just this recital of places where so much work waits the doing is the most splendid challenge and appeal to us the Master has ever presented. It challenges us to self-mas- tery, that we nmy lay aside the ''weights" of every sort and fit ourselves for the accomplishment of a Christian mission. It challenges us to self-denial, the cutting oflf of needless indulgences and fur- belows. It challenges us in the name of humanity to hasten to humanity's rescue, when to turn a deaf ear can bear no other interpretation than criminal, unchristian indifference, both to duty and humani- ty and God's will. It challenges us to attempt RELIGIOUS .TOTTRNALISISf 235 something worthy of manhood and womanhood; for we have long enough pampered ourselves, served our own lusts, centered our attention on chattels and things and materiality. This is not worthy living. But to make all else subsidiary while we serve men, while we develop character and civiliza- tion, that is worth the effort of true men and women. And finally, these open doors all over the world challenge us to share in the ultimate con- quest and victory of Christianity and the kingdom of our Lord Jesus Christ. —Be v. M. T. Morrill, in Christian Missionary, January, 1907. With Whom Do You Make Your Investments? "If you give the Lord pennies and the devil dol- lars, what can you expect in return?" Man's in- come is in proportion to the amount invested ; where he invests his pennies, he receives a penny's reward : where he invests his dollars, he receives a dollar's reward. A dollar to the devil, a penny to the Lord ! How many in this world make their investments in this proportion! And alas! how many draw their interest in the same proportion ! How many pay twenty- five, fifty, a hundred, dollars a year for whiskey, and— nothing for their church paper, noth ing for their college, nothing for their church. Sold out to the devil, and signed the contract with your own blood! Will not the devil own your children? ~E. L. Moffitt, LL. D., in Christian Sun. 230 T II E C E N T K N N I A L OF A Policy and a Plea It iis soiiieliiiies asserted that the (Mirislians, as a deiioiiiination, have no definite policy, stand for no definite thing, and represent no si)eeific propo sition ; that we advocate everything in general and nothing in particnlar. All snch accusations are far of the mark. They have in truth no foundation in fact. We are a free people, a people who dare to think, speak, and act on our several and individual accounts. But the Christians nevertheless have a policy, stand upon a platform and preach a creed — yes, a creed. This editor would not dare to speak for all the churches, nor by any means for all the brethren. Neverthe- less, of all those called Christians we have never yet found one who did not at least believe the fol- lowing to be true and steadfast, to-wit: 1. The Lord Jesus Christ is the Head and the only Head of the Church. 2. TJie name Christian is sufficient and i)refcr(ihle to all sectarian, names. 3. The Holy Bible is a sufficient rule of faith and prae- lice. Ji. Christian Character should lie flic only lest of fellow- ship and of church-memhershiy. 5. The right of prirate judf/nicnt and the liberty of con- science is a privilege that should be granted to all. What is our creed? The Christ of our Holy Bible. In Him is our life centered and He is our Head and IMaster. From Him we Avould take our name, and living in His life we would all be breth- ren. Now there are individuals belonging to the dif- ferent churches who may believe more than the above; but we have yet to find one who does not R_EJ. I G I OU S JO TT R N A L I S M 237 believe as much as the above. Many believe more; none believe less. Is there anything indefinite, vague, unreal, im- aginary about this? We think not, no more than there is about the Word of God itself. That Word is broad, liberal, inclusive, full of loving friendship. So should all Christians be. Because our preachers do not deliver denomina- tional discourses, doctrinal and creedal sermons, let no one be deceived. We have a belief, we are a denomination, advocate a doctrine — that of the Bible —and preach a creed— the Word of God. Somehow, over a century ago now, these people had enough of sectism and doctrinal dogma, and they pursued peace and found it.~Rci\ J. 0. Atlinson, D. D.. in Christian ,Sun, April 3, 1907. Let Us Keep to the Main Line A church that shows itself to be a church of Jesus Christ must guard well its tendencies — it must keep to the main lines of its great purposes. The church as an organized institution may have important enterprises to foster, but her chief work must be found reaching out in four distinct direc- tions : 1. The Church must be Spiritual, or it can be a church only in name. If it has only a name, it is a dead failure as representing the Lord Jesus Christ in the matter of the salvation of the world. The day may yet come when churches which are not si)iritual may be called "clubs," for that is about 238 T H E C E N T E N N I A L O F all they are. The true church, however, will never become a ''club," but will go about its work, seeking to save the people from sin through Jesus Christ. It is essentially spiritual, and as such its chief work must ever be along the way of spiritual needs. 2. The Spiritual Church will be a rcriral church — a soul-saving agency. In this sphere it will arise and shine and show forth the glory of God in Christ in the winning of the world to Jesus. This is a wide field, and to all practical ends, it comprehends the fulness of the work of God among men. If there is one need above another at this time, among us as a people, it is that we become a flame of revival fire — pressing to the ends of the earth with the gospel message for all men. But to do this the church must go forth as a lamp that burneth. This she can never do till she is herself baptized with the fire of the Holy Ghost. She must burn with His consuming power before she can set others afire with the divine flame of His love. The altar on which this flame must be kindled is the altar of prayer. If the church would see the w^orld brought to the altar of prayer, she herself must first go there, and she must there abide till power is given to her from on high — then shall slie go forth to spiritual warfare as an" army with ban- ners mighty in God. This is the battle-ground of the church, and she may as well center her main eff'orts here, for till she is victorious here, she can never have power for great conflicts and great vic- tories in bringing the world to Christ. Here she must take her stand, here she must fight her great RELIGIOUS J O IT R N A 1. 1 S M 239 battle for her right to have dominion over the liearts and lives of the lost. Victory on this field, will mean victory every- where, and it is just as true that defeat here will mean largely defeat in every sphere of action. 3. The Spiritual Church will be a niissionarij church. There is no qualifying clause to be worked into that statement — it is the naked truth, unless it is possible to have a si)iritual church that is ignorant of its obligations and the needs of the world. It may 'be possible that a deeply spiritual church might be kept for a short time ignorant of the Lord's call to His people to give the gospel to all men. If this be possible, the situation would soon be relieved, for a deeply spiritual church could not a great while be kept in this state of ignorance, and with the bonds of ignorance broken, she would soon speed away with the gospel message. Let the true church know her duty and she will be hard to keep from the fields of missionary service. 4. The Spiritual Church will be an educational church — she will never be content to yield the reins to the hand of ignorance. Christian Education, not merely in name, as seems to be true in many in- stances, but in fact. An education whose basis is Christ, whose main thought is Christ, whoso highest end is to glorify God in the lives of redeemed men and women, and everjwhere shed forth the light of the Sun of Righteousness on a dark and dismal world — this is the Christ church. Here we have the four corners of the great and widening field of the church in service. Let us catch up the situation and make it the 240 T H E C E N T E N N I A T. O F rallying cry of our dail,y service through tlie gen- eration in which we live and serve, and dying leave it a precious legacy to our children and the world. A spiritual, revival, missionary and educational church — that is the church of the future upon which the blessings of God will rest in great power and unto much fruitfulness. — Rev. J. Prcssley Jinneft. Herald of (Jos pel Lihcrty, Manch 7, 1907. Origin of the Name Christian There is absolutely no use for any secular history, or mental speculation, as to the origin of the name Christian. The writer of Acts, one of the most grai)liic and vivid of all the ages, makes the matter clear enough for the most indifferent to see and understand. Follow the account of the Acts just Itriefly and you shall see. If you will turn to Acts chap. 6, ver. 7, you will read that the church was confined to Jerusalem. ''The number of the disciples multiplied in Jerusa- lem." Now turn to chap. 8, ver. 1, (just after the death of Stephen), "And there arose a great per- secution against the church which was at Jerusalem ; and they were scattered abroad throughout Judea and Samaria, except the apostles." The apostles were not scattered. Thev remained in Jerusalem, and preached there. Now turn to chap. 11 : 19, 20, 21 : They therofoi-e that were scattered ahroad ni)ou the tril)iilation (persecution) that arose ahoiit Stephen traveled as far a;-! rhoenichi, and Cyprus, and Antloch, speakini; the word to none save only to .Tews. But thi're wei'e some of them, men of Cyprus and Cyrene, who, when they were come to Antioch, spake unto the CJreeks also, preacliin.i: the r.ord Jesus. R E L I G I OU S J O IT R N A L I S :M 241 Now at Antioch, not at Jerusalem, you find a company of Jews and Gentiles increasing to such an extent that they soon want a pastor. When they finally decided upon a pastor and leader for that flock, they did not send off to Jerusalem for Peter, who up to this time had been chief spokesman and leader, but instead thev sent down to Tarsus to fetch Paul. Now read ver. 20, chap. 11 : For a whole year they were gathered together (not gathered now as Jews, but gathered together. Jews and Gentiles) with the elinreh,. . . .and. . . .the diseiples' were called Christians first in Antioch. Here was a new collection of jjeople — be- lieving Jews and Gentiles. Here was a new lead- er, Paul. And here is established a new religious center, Antioch, and such a new organization must have a new name. There was nothing else like it under high heaven and never had been. And they were called Christians. What else could they choose as a name for their new order and organization? They could not be called Gen- tiles, for there were Jews. They could not be called Jews, for there were Gentiles. My conviction is that by divine direction they wilfully chose this new name for themselves, — Christian. Their name is a consequence of the teaching of Paul and Bar- nabas, the teaching about Christ. There is absolute ly no proof anywhere that it was given as a stigma. It was the most natural name in the world. Paul taught them, both Jews and Gentiles, at Antioch, about Christ. They learned of Him, accepted him as their Savior and Redeemer. Why, then should they not be called Christians, and Christians only from the name of their Master and Leader? 242 T II E C E N T E N N I A L O F And, by the way, it was from this same center, Antioch, and not from Jerusalem, that Paul, the great missionary, went out on his three famous missionary journeys. Our Savior and the eleven began at Jerusalem and went out from there. As soon as the Gentiles are admitted, the center of religious influence shifts from Jerusalem to Antioch, and from there Paul went out to preach the gospel inviting all men to accept Christ and become Chris tians. — Ecv. J. 0. Atkinson, D. D., in Christian Sun, March Ji, 1908. EARLY LEADERS li E L T a T O TT S J O TT K N A r. T S iM 245 THE EARLY LEADERS OF THE CHRISTIAN CHURCH An Appreciation BY REV. M. SU.MiNIERnELL, D. D. President of PalimT Iiistitute-Starkey Seminary. Tlie religions denomination in America known as the Cliristians owes its origin directly to tlie leader- ship of six men, avIio lived and labored at tlie close of the eighteenth and the opening of the nineteenth ceutnries. Strangely enongh they fall into three groups, separated widely in geographical situation; one in Virginia and North Carolina, one in New England, and the third in the new land of Ken- tucky. More strangely still they were all follow ing the same general lines of work and teaching, although for some years each group was ignorant of the existence of the others. It is of prime im])ortance to the younger people of our churches to gain a more intimate acquaintance with the personality of these men, and with their work, inasmuch as the qualities which insured their success are those which confer leadership in all situations and for all time to come; and further, inasmuch as such knowledge will give a better un- derstanding of the Christian movement itself, and a more profound respect for the principles for which it stands. The intimate view of great men engaging in a great work in a great way is always 246 THE CENTENNIAL O F an iuspiratioii to nobler living, and the possibility of reading in their achievements the outworking of great and enduring convictions is a satisfaction to every judicious mind. The period at which these men appear was one of great ferment in the political and social world. France had discarded her kings, and although the excesses of the Red Terror were to make place for a Bonaparte and a recall of the Bourbon, the mon- archical system was destined to give way to the rule of the people for the people. In America in- dependence had been achieved, and the new nation was expanding w^estward and winning, in the con- quest of forest and stream and mountain, a freedom of thought, the ultinmte consequence of which it was incompetent to measure. All life is the out- come of actions and reactions. The sixteenth and seventeenth centuries had been a storm center of religious controversy, with Luther, Calvin, Knox and Wolsey pitted against the Pope and the So- ciety of Jesus. The eighteenth century applied the theories of religious conflict to the political realm, and the argument which had been potent against the domination of lords spiritual was turned against the tyranny of lords temporal, the sword that had smitten bishops and prelates now cutting into the pretensions of provincial governors and kings. Now as the nineteenth century approaches the reaction turns toward the religious realm. Ameri- ca, as it happened, became the special battle-ground of contending forces. The Old World churches had planted themselves in the new land. Roman Catho- K E L I Gi I O n S J O TT R N A I. I S INI 247 lies had settled Maryland, and owned the strongest centers of the Mississippi valley. Puritanism was entrenched in New England and the English Church in Virginia. Holland had set her Dutch churches in New York and Albany. Roger Williams had made Rhode Island and the Providence plantations a cita- del for the Baptists. William Penn had built Phila- deli)hia as a Quaker colony, and Scotland was send- ing Presbj'terianism into every settlement where her stalwart sons made their home. Put America was young and enterprising. The wild was calling to the venturous. And to add to the expansive forces of states, the soldiers of the Revolution were collecting their back pay by help of land warrants, which they realized on by sale to others, or by actual settlement. From Maine to Georgia the frontier line was jjushing westward, and new liamlets were springing like magic from the depths of the forest. With this migration of homes came also the rivalry of churches. Which should prevail in each new community, the Boston Platform, the West- minster Confession, the Heidelberg Catechism, or some other of the struggling faiths? Each stream of emigration carried its own worship, and where the streams met one found the eddying currents of confusion. Preachers and teachers on the frontier felt it imperative to soundly indoctrinate their hearers in order to retain the territory they had preempted, or to gain over adherents from a rival worship. Thus there came to pass a most strenuous doctrinal warfare. What the spear and battle-ax are to the soldier, such are dogmas to the religious 248 THE CENTENNIAL OF partisan, the weapons of his hand-to-hand battle. On every side the voice of controversy was blatant. Arniinianisni accnsed Calvinism, Adult-baptism smote Tedo-baptism, Predestinarianism belabored Freedom of the Will, Free Grace trampled upon Election. Every pulpit was an entrenched redoubt, from which safe spot to deliver hot shot, Avell aimed, not so much against sin and sinners, as against the i)ulpit across the way. What the ministers ex- pounded, the deacons and the people elaborated. Theological debate was rife, in the parlor, in the kitchen, in the tavern and in the blacksmith shop. Church-members, or unregenerate persons, all had the language of dogmatic contention, and all were naming their adversaries reproachfully, and con- signing them to the nethermost perdition. To com- plete the picture of the period one must remember til at on tlie frontier line there was no lack of primi- tive vices. Brawling, Sabbath-breaking, profane cursing, drunkenness and profligacy were so com- mon that the letters of the period, as well as the sermons that have come down to us, all have their wail at the prevalence of iniquity. Into a society like this, of sinners sinning exceed- ingly, and of saints quarrelling contumaciously, came the six men whom we have in mind, declar- ing the sinfulness of sin, and proclaiming every- where that men should repent, and that Christians, without respect to their opinions, should serve the same Christ, and live together in brotherly fellow- ship. Now, at the distance of a full century, we must note the greatness of these men and something of K P] I. I (J I OU S J O IT R N A L I S INI 240 the value of their contribution to the welfare of the church. We have right to deem them great in the power of their inMuence. Tlieir attitude was hopelessly foreign to the prevailing conditions of church or of social life, and the truths they taught were a full lialf-century in advance of their fellows, and yet such was the virility of these men, call it mag- netism if you will, that they forced a hearing from a gainsaying world. They preached to growing congregations, they estaldished living cliurchos and they left to their successors a heritage of abiding principle. We esteem them gi'eat also in the earnestness of their consecration. They believed in God, and felt that they were accountable to Him for every act. They believed that God called them to preach the gospel, and they dared not shirk the obligation. Thev felt themselves commissioned to save souls, and they must be in haste lest they fail of good ser- vice. So they taught on Sabbath days and week days. They preached to congregations of hundreds, or to a congregation of one. They forsook their homes and traveled on missionary journej'S for scores and hundreds of miles, facing perils of tempest, perils of Hood, perils of ungodly men and, in the case of the Kentucky pioneers, tlie perils of redskin savages. Nothing daunted them, for they were messengers of the Word, and the Word must go. We may call them great also in the power of their religious culture. It is an error to imagine, because these men traveled much in waste places, 250 THE C E N T E N N I A L O F that the}' iinist have been illiterate. On the contrary, Abner Jones, of Vermont, was a physician and a writer of ready pen. Elias Smith, of New Hampshire, was a gifted orator and a writer of no mean repute. To him belongs the credit of establishing the first religions newspaper, of which he was proprietor and editor, and which is now, after a -hundred years, still the otlicial organ of the Christian people. Barton W. Stone and David Purviance, of Ken- tucky, were trained in the learning of their time, and both on occasion earned their bread as teachers of academies, imparting their own learning to younger minds. James O'Kelly, of Virginia, and Rice Haggard, of North Carolina, were able speak- ers and writers. O'Kelly had Thomas Jefferson and Patrick Henry for classmates, and he held such rank among the ablest preachers of his day that Thomas Jefferson once had Congress adjourn to enable O'Kelly to preach them a sermon, and there, in the meeting-room of Congress, he preached so ten- derly as to bring many of them to tears. But we may call them great again in the power of insight. Others were students of the Bible, but these men had the vision of proportion. While others were bothering themselves with the husks of the gospel they had the solid grain. They perceived that it was far more important that men should be good and true than to perplex themselves Avith questions which no one could solve with ab- solute certainty and so, while others were contend- ing about dogmas and making schism in the Body of Christ, they were teaching that character was a better test than creed, as all the world at last is n E L k; I o us .7 o r u x a r. i s m 251 finding out, and tliat all Christians ought to be brothers. The churches are coming to that posi- tion now, but a hundred years ago the most of them were stone-blind to any such proposition, and the men who were then able to see the truth were wise above their peers. Accordingly we claim that the world owes these pioneers a debt of gratitude which it will never be able to discharge. But we are able to give them the benefit of appreciative remembrance, and grant them the honor of having blazed a path through a trackless maze, which presently all earnest and honest disciples of the Master will be glad to tread, as they march triumphantly toward the Holy City. Lakemont, N. Y. 252 THE C E N T E N N I A I. O F MY CONVERSION My first iiicntal alarm icas not through the Messed means of preaching, hat hij the kind ilium inat ions of the invisible Holy Spirit. I san? hy tJtis divine light, that I iras vithout God, and destitute of any reasonable hope in my present state. Now, being moved by faith through fear, I attempted to fee the wrath to conic and seek a place of refuge! But, O irhat violent opposition did / meet with! After many sorrowful months I formed one resolution. With a low cadence of voice and fearful apprehen- sion, I ventured, like Queen Esther icho approached the king's presence at the risk of her life, so 1 ventured in a tcay of prayer, to speak to the Al- mighty! With the Bible in, my hand, 1 besought the Lord to help me, and during life that sacred- book should be my guide, and declaring that at the close, if I am sunk to perdition. 1 n'ill say, '■'Just, O God! yet di-eadful! But if Thy clemency and divine goodness should at last rescue me from the jaics of a burning hell, this miracle of grace shall be gratefully rononbered by me, a Monument of Mer- ryr The things )chich followed, which were such things as belonged to my peace, the inexpressible change, the instantaneous cure, I am incapable of speaking of; hut O, mi/ soul was lodged in TmmanueVs breast, the City of Refuge — the Ark of my Rest. And in those days God sent preachers into our dark regions, wlio were burning and shilling lights. X a^i^^^y R E L I G I O IT S .7 O TT Pv N A L I S :M iMS JAMES O'KELLY A Champion of Christian Freedom BY WILP.TTR E. iMA('("rj:XNY. A. P.. Rev. James O'Kelly was born in Ireland, in 1734 or 1735. He was a descendant of Cellach, Cliief of Ily Many, who was fourteenth in descent from ]Main Mor. The O'Kellys derive their surname from Cellach, and the annals of the family go back as far as A. D. 9G(). The ♦nembers of the family have held important places in the localities of Gallagh and Tycooly for generations, and many have been church workers and church builders. James was the son of William O'Kelly, who had married into the Chetewode family. On his moth- er's side several members took Holy Orders, his grandfather being a Doctor of Divinity. Thus we see on one side his family had been church builders, and on the other preachers. History is almost silent concerning his early life. He says he was born of jjoor parentage. Regarding his education we know very little. From his will and books we would judge he liad some educational advantages in his youth, and ])erhaps studied Latin and Greek, and he was fairly well read in history. We are informed wliat occupation he followed before he began to preach. In early life, having worked his way over on a vessel from Ireland, he settled near Moring's Post Oflice, in Surry County, Virginia. Here he lived a worldly life, being fond THE OKELLY MEMOllIAL WINDOW in the First Christian Church, Greensboro, N. C. Planned by Rev. L. I. Cox, first pastor of the Greensboro Church. RELIGIOUS JOURNALISM 255 Of prize-fighting and of his fiddle. About this time he became acquainted with his lifelong friend, John Moring, with whom he later moved to North' Caro- lina. Here he met Miss Elizabeth Meeks, his future wife. Her family was one of the oldest in the colony, having settled near Jamestown in its infancy. They were soon engaged and were married about 17G0. She proved a faithful helpmate and through his long and checkered career shared his joys and divided his sorrows. She would go with him to the prize-fights, and when she saw enough had been done, she would ask him to stop and he would al- ways obey her. To this union two sons were born— John and William. The date of John's birth is not known. William was born April 23, 1763. To the influence of this son the father perhaps to-day owes his prom- inence. When William was eleven years 'old he was converted, and was instrumental in his father's conversion. William desired to preach. This is said to have greatly affected his father who thought he Avas too young for such a calling. William did not preach, but became a statesman, and sat for many years in the North Carolina Legislature, and some say he was once in Congress. In the summer of 1774, James O'Kelly turned his attention to religious matters and was soon con- verted. As to his conversion, see page 252. After his conversion everything irreligious was abandoned. His iron will knew no half-way ground; he deliberately laid his fiddle on a huge fire and burned it. REV. WILLIAM T. IIEUNDON * Elon College, N. C. The only living great-grandson of IJev. .Tames O'Kelly. * Dr. Ilerudoo's mother \Yas a granddaughter of James O'Kelly. In early life he was a very successful physician. Later he entered the ministry, serving as pastor with good success. lu a crises in the financial affairs of Elon College, he was sent by the Southern Christian Convention among the churches to raise money for the relief of the college, when great success attended his labors. He is now doing evangelistic work. Last year he wit- nessed over 600 professions of faith in Christ. RELIGIOUS JOUT^NALTSM 2r,7 He joined the Weslejan Societies, and on Jan- uary 2, 1775, he was licensed a Methodist lay preach- er, and traveled in that capacity until 1784. His name appears first in the Minutes of the Leesburg. Virginia, Conference, in 1778. The first mention that we have of his preaching in Methodist history was in an old colonial church, in southern Vir- ginia, about 1777. Perhaps this was in the old brick church near Moring's, Virginia. One writer noticing this early work of Mr. O'Kelly says : The people flocked to hear him and great was the work ot God under his powerful exhortations, and earnest pray- ers. In spite of the curate's violent opposition he continued to preach in the chapel for more than a year with Increas- ing success. He was a man of ability, and soon took a high stand in the ranks of Methodism. His first official station was on the New Hope circuit, in North Carolina. In order to fully understand James O'Kelly's early work, we will have to take a bird's-eye view of the conditions in Virginia in 1778. The Meth- odists had been in the state six years. English laws, manners, and customs prevailed. The Episcopal Church was the state church, and in many instances it had become very corrupt, and many of its min- isters were poor examples of morality, yet they op- posed other sects. The Methodists, seeking a closer walk with God, regarded themselves as a part of the Episcopal Church up to the year 1784. The Revolutionary War was on, and the Virginians were down on everything having the English stamp on it. Rev. John Wesley had sent over Rev. Francis As- 258 THE CENTENNIAL OF bury as a missionary. Mr. Asbury was ambitious to leave liis Dame at the head of American Meth- odism, while republican ideas were shooting in the popular mind, and the people were demanding the greatest possible freedom in churcli government. The subject most discussed in the conference w^as regarding the ordinances, baptism, the Lord's Sup- per, marriage, and the burial of the dead. No Metli- odist could administer these rites. Episcopal min- isters were few, many having returned to England, and those left paid little attention to the Methodists, so that in some places the Lord's Supper had not been administered for years, and thousands were unbaptized. The Methodist ministers and laity felt the thrill of free American air, and demanded that the ordinances be administered by Methodist preach- ers. Mr. Asbury with a few others oi)posed this. This was the issue that first started the movement that led to the organization of the Christian Church in the South. James O'Kelly championed the cause of religious freedom, and the sufficiency of the Scriptures as a rule of faith and practice. This displeased Mr. Asbury and the Northern brethren. This theme in some form was discussed in almost every conference until 1792, when the separation took place. We will now look at another side of his life. While the Revolution was on, he stood his draft as other men did. Once he put in a subslitute, once he marched on foot as far as he was able, and was honorably discharged at the close of the war. During the war he was captured and robbed by the Tories, but was retaken by the Whigs before day. RELIGIOUS JOUR N A L I S M 239 He was captured by the British. He refused a bribe, and was starved out, and came near dying, but he remained true to his adopted country, and at last made his escape. This proves he was true to America. Rev. John Weslev called the Christmas Conference for the American Methodists to set up a form of government for the societies. They were directed to follow the Scriptures and the primitive church, and to stand fast in that liberty wherewith God had so strangely made them free. This was Mr. O'Kelly's idea exactly, and had that idea been car- ried out no separation would have taken place. This conference met in Baltimore, December 24, 1784. The representative Methodists of America were there. The time-honored plan of Wesley could no longer be carried out in America with no Estab- lished Church. The Conference was held with closed doors, and nothing was put to tlie vote. The so- cieties were organized into the Methodist Episcopal Church of America, though Mr. O'Kelly and many others wanted the word Episcopal left out. He did his uttermost to prevent its being used, but could not prevent it. On Sunday, January 2, 1785, Rev. James O'Kelly with twelve others were ordained elders, by Dr. Thomas Coke, Revs. Francis Asbury, Richard Whatcoat, Thomas Vasey, and P. W. Otterbein. Then and there James O'Kelly ceased to be a mem- ber of the Episcopal Church, ceased to be a lay Methodist preacher, and became an elder in the Methodist Episcopal Church of America. When the organization was completed it was a 2G0 THE CENTENNIAL OF church of ministers, by ministers and for ministers, with Kev. Francis Aslmry at its liead in trnth, if not in form. Mr. O'Kelly with otliers did not like this form of government, but could only express their disapproval, and hope that the time would come when it could be changed to a free and untrammeled church, and the subordinate preachers get their rights, and still be Methodists. In organizing, they' departed from the New Testa- ment principles — the equality of the brethren — the parity of the ministry — and a hierarchy was in- evitable. Virtually every official from the highest to the lowest was an appointee of the bishop. Mr. O'Kelly's influence in his district was great, and when he returned home he set about to instruct the people, and show them the weaknesses of the plan of government adopted, and to try to have it remedied. Kev. Francis Asbury did not like this, for he thought a layman should pay, pray, and obey. Mr. O'Kelly is put down in Methodist history as one of the strong men in the great revival in Vir- ginia, in 1788. This lasted for about a year. It is added that he w^as a man of great powers of en- durance, mighty in prayer, full of the Holy Ghost. He was accustomed to arise at midnight and pour out his soul to (lod in prayer. He attended the Council in Baltimore, in 1781). This meeting was to try to remedy some of the things adopted in 1784. He saw that the measures applied did not suit the case and would have notliing to do with its workings when he went home. Mr. O'Kelly was working for religious liberty anil Rev. Francis Asbury Avas riveting an autocratic, or U E r> I < I I O T ' S J O TT U N A L I S M 2G1 aristocratic, form of cluircli government on tlie Metli- odist Church. One instance of tliis we give. In 17!)(), IMshop Ast)ury turned out nineteen God-fear- ing, pious and devoted ministers, because they would not adopt liis plans, and only two voted for the adoption. About this time Mr. O'Kelly began to correspond with the leading Methodists, both in America and ICngland, and made a powerful impression on them for a more liberal polity for the church. He won over T)r. Coke and had a General Conference called November 1, 1792, and to-day some say the Meth odists owe this most important part of their polity to James O'Kelly. The purpose of this conference was to revise the plan of government for the church. After discussing other things, on the second day, Mr. O'Kelly of- fered the follov.ing resolution: After the Bishop appoints the preachers at conference to their several circuits, if anyone thinl^s himself injured by the appointment he shall have the liberty to appeal to the conference and state his objection, and if the conference ai)pruve his objection the Bishop shall appoint him to an- other circuit. A long and stormy debate followed, lasting nearly a week. The ablest men of Methodism were arrayed against each other. At first it seemed that the reso- lution would pass without much opposition. The resolution was at length divided and the discussion begun anew. Sunday intervened and Mr. O'Kelly preached in the city. IMonday the discussion was continued until bedtime, when the vote was taken and the resolution lost. When the motion was lost, Revs. James O'Kelly, 262 THE C K N T E N N T A Ti OF Rice Haggard, William McKendree and others, left the conference, and Mr. O'Kelly wrote a fare- well letter to the conference. English Methodists had passed a similar resolution a few months before, but Mr. O'Kelly did not know of it. IJishop Asbnry and Dr. Coke at once set about to try to reconcile Mr. O'Kelly and his associates. They were asked on what terms they would return. The answer was: "Only let an injured man have an appeal." This would not be granted. Mr. O'Kelly and friends then Avent home, liishop Asbury sent messengers to him beseeching him to return, and telling him how he valued him. The Methodist pulpits were left open to him, if he would keep quiet, and he was to receive his usual pay. This, however, was never paid. When he was leaving Baltimore the false report was started that he denied the doctrine of the Trin- ity. Did space permit it we would give evidence to show how he was slandered. His account of his conversion, and the form of ordination of his min- isters, shows where he stood. Mr. O'Kelly and his brethren met at Reese Chapel, in Charlotte County, Virginia, in 1702, to look over the situation. Another meeting was soon held at the same place. At these meetings the seceders strove hard for union with the Methodists, and sent messengers with their petitions to Bishop Asbury. They only asked for some amendments. These were not granted. INIr. O'Kelly then drew uj) an humble j)etition pointing out a few of the evils he saw in the government of the Methodist Episcopal Church, and prayed for union. The Methodists were not R E L I « I OTT S J O IT 11 N A T. 1 S M 2G3 allowed to sign these petitions under pain of ex- pulsion. The seeeders next met at Piney Grove in Chester- field County, Virginia, on August 2, 1793. They now asked permission to meet the Bishop in confer- ence that the INIethodist Episcopal Church govern- ment might be examined by the Scriptures, and amended according to the Holy Word. Bishop Asbury's reply to this request was : I have no power to call such a meeting as you wish; therefore, if five hundred preachers would come on their linees before me, I would not gi-ant it. Two courses were now left, to separate, or to slavishly submit. They chose the former. Here is where Rev. James O'Kelly ceased to be a Meth odist Presiding Elder, and became the first Chris- tian minister. This was at a conference at Manakin- fown, Powhatan County, Virginia, December 25, 1793. Here the plans were laid for a free and untram- meled church, with the Bible as a creed. The min- isters were to be on an equality, the laymen were to have votes, and the executive business was left with the church collectively. Another conference was called before inaugurating the new plan. They called themselves ^'Eepublican Methodists." Mis- sionaries w^ere sent out and did wonderful work. The next General Meeting w^as held August 4, 1791, at Old Lebanon, Surry County, Virginia. K was held with open doors that all might see and learn. A committee of seven was appointed to de- vise a permanent plan of church government. Final- ly they determined to lay aside every manuscript, and 264 THE CENTENNIAL OF follow the Bible as their guide, and have no govern- ment besides the Scriptures as written by the apos ties. The question of a name then came up again. Rev. Rice Haggard arose, holding a copy of the New Testament in his hand, and said : BretlirtMi. this is a sufHcicnt rule of faitli and i)ractice. By it we are told that the disciples were called Christians, and I move that henceforth and forever the followers of Christ be known as Christians simply. The motion was carried. Mr. O'Kelly says: At this conference the blessed Jesus was proclaimed King and Head of the people witlioiit one dissenting voice. The holy qualifications of an elder as laid down by St. Paul were read and explained. Then after prayer we pro- ceeded in the following manner to ordain ministers: In the name of our Lord Jesus Christ, by tlie authority of the Holy Scriptures, with the approbation of the church, and witli the laying on of the hands of the presbytery, we set apart this our brother to the holy office of Elder in the church of God: In the name of the Father, and the Son and of the Hohj Ghost. There were about lliirty ministers with Mr. O'Kelly at the organization ; prominent among these were Revs. Rice Haggard and Burwell Barrett. The organization completed, aggressive work was begun. O'Kelly's Chapel, in North Carolina, was organ- ized the same year, and he began his preaching tours afresh, and planted churches in the destitute places. For something like thirty-three years he labored faithfully to establish the Christian Church in the South, and before his death he saw it well established in the minds and hearts of the people. Prior to his death he asserted that he believed the cause of full religious liberty would finall}' triumph. RELIGIOUS JOUR N A L I S M 205 He often held open discussions witli the enemies of the new church, for they were many. One of these was in the Methodist Church in Portsmouth, Va. He Avas a firm believer in baptism by sprinkling or pouring. At the General Meeting of 1807, at Kaleigh, N. C, he baptized Rev. Joseph Thomas, the "White Pilgrim,'' by pouring. In Mr. O'Kelly's day the territorial limits of the Christian Church in Virginia and North Carolina were as large, if not larger, than they are to-day. Commencing at his home in central North Carolina, it extended from there to Norfolk, Virginia, then up the Chesapeake Bay shore to the neighborhood of Mt. Vernon, from there to Winchester, Virginia, and then it seems that there were some churches in southwest Virginia. From this we get an idea of the size of his circuit, for he visited all the churches, and while riding in his gig he wrote most of his books. It is said that he was an intimate friend of Patrick Henry and Thomas Jefferson, and perhaps visited these distinguished persons on his preaching tours. While visiting in Washington, D. C, Mr. Jeffer- son is said to have secured the Hall of Representa- tives and invited Mr. O'Kelly to preach. He did preach twice, and on the second occasion Mr. Jef- ferson was the most delighted man in the audience. Bishop Asbury has this to say in regard to the last yieeting with Mr. O'Kelly near Winchester. Virginia, on August 23, 1802: INIonument over the grave of James O'Kelly, the hero of "the three mouth's circuit," on the O'Kelly farm in Chatham County, N. C. "When spring returns, with dewy fingers cold, To deck the sod that wraps his mold ; She there shall dress a sweeter sod Than fancy's feet have ever trod ; By angel forms his dirge is sung, By forms unseen his knell is rung." RELIGIOUS JOURNALISM 2G7 We met in peace and asked of each other's welfare, talk- ed of persons and things indifferently, prayed and parted In peace. Not a word was said of the troubles of former times. James O'Kelly is said to have preached Ave ser- mons at different places in one day and none of these bore any sameness. The strongest Methodist preachers followed in his track to win back those who had joined the Christian Church. He was the author of several books. We mention the following: The Aiithor-'s Apologrj for Protcstirifj against the Methodist Episcopal Government, A Vindication of an Apology, Divine Oracles Con- sulted, Christicola, Church Government, The Chris- tian Church, Annotation on His Book of Discipline, Letters from Heaven Consulted, A Tract on Bap- tism, Commentaries on the Books of the Neio Testa- ment, Hymns and ^Spiritual Songs Designed for the Use of the Christians, and The Prospect Before Us. Hope did not desert him in age and feebleness extreme. He gave testimony to those around him at the close of his life that he went down to the grave satisfied with the past, and peaceful and trusting with respect to the future. He had a long, white, flowing beard, and continued to preach after he was unable to stand, sometimes sitting while he preached. He passed away at his home in Chatham County, Xorth Carolina, on the 16th of October, 1826, in the triumphs of a living faith, after a painful and lingering illness which he bore with Christian forti- tude and a perfect resignation to the Will of Heaven. He was in the 92nd year of his age and had been a 268 THECENTENNIALOF minister of the gospel over fifty years. He was buried in tlie family cemetery on the farm. For twenty -eight years it seems that no shaft was erected to his memory, but in 1854 the Christians, South, erected to his memory a monument bearing this inscription : "James O'Kelly, Chami)ion of Christian Freedom.'' This short sentence sums up the life work of the organizer of the first free and untrammeled church in America. He lived far in advance of his time, and he will be admired more and more as the years go by, until his creed shall become that of the Protestant world. He served his day and generation well. IIELIGIOUS JOURNALISM 200 . RICE HAGGARD r.Y nrov. j. .t. sumimerbbll^ d. d,, dayton, ohio. Rice Haggard was the herald to the church, and of the churchy ''coming up out of the imldcrness." At midnight Rice Haggard uttered the cvy, ''Be hold, the Bridegroom cometh; go ye out to meet him." He was the herald calling on the bride to take the name of the Bridegroom. He also insisted on the full purity of the bride's principles. This will appear by the history I will relate. Rice Haggard was born in 1769, and died in 1810. The following matter is condensed from a letter of Joe Berkley Green, published in the Herald of Gospel Lihertij, June 29, 1905: J. J. Summorbell, Dear Brother : — I have traveled hun- dreds of miles in quest of information in regard to Rice Haggard. — Since writing to you, I have visited his old home in Cumberland County, Kentucky. Part of the house in which he lived is still standing. It stands at the forks of Kettle Creek, the Logan fork on one side and the Wells fork on the other. In the neighborhood I found a copy of the Christian Hymn-book published by him in 1818. Rice Haggard was born in the eastern part of Virginia. His mother's maiden name was Rice. He was born In the year 1700, and was ordain(>d to preach the year he was twenty-two. in the year 1701, by Bishop Asbury. The license is still in existence. It was written on parchment and signed by Bishop Asbury, a copy of which I have before me at this writing. Haggard was appointed to a work in Kentucky, where he served about two years, then returned to Virginia, sever- ed his connection with the M. E. Church, attended the Re- publican Methodist Conference at Lebanon, Surry County, 270 THECENTENNIALOF Virginia, in 1794, proposed to tbem to take the name "Chris- tian" to the exclnsion of all sectarian names, and the Bible as their only creed, which they agreed to do. Pie and his brother, David Haggard, labored in connec- tion with James O'Kelly and others in Virginia and North Carolina for several years, in which time he married the AVidow Wiles, widow of Samuel Wiles. She was the daughter of Captain William Grimes, of Norfolk, Virginia. Ilice Haggard's oldest son was born in Virginia. He was named James O'Kelly Haggai'd. About the year 1803 or 1804 he settled on Haggard's Branch, near Burksville, Ky. We find him at the meeting of the Springfield Presbytery, June, 1804, and Elder Samuel Rogers says it was Haggard first who suggested to Stone tlie propriety of taking the name "Christian" as that divine- ly given at Antioch (Autobiography of Elder Samuel Rogers, p. 101) ; and B. W. Stone says that the presbytery pub- lished a tract by Haggard on the name Christian. (Biog- raphy of B. W. Stone, p. 50). Haggard sold his farm on Haggard's Branch, and moved to the forks of Kettle Creek. It seems that his labors ex- tended as far west as Simpson County, Kentucky, as far south as Alabama, and as far north as Champaign County. Ohio. He died in Cham[)aign County, Ohio, while on a preaching and business trip, and was buried there in 1819. I have a copy of the will, written on his death-bed in Champaign County, Ohio. His daughter-in-law thought he was probably carried to Xenia and buried there. I have a list of twenty-five congregations in the field of his home labor that existed before 1831, one of which. Bethel, on Marrowbone Creek, was probably the oldest in southern Kentucky ; but I find no trace of local church or organization among them until 1819, the year of Haggard's death, only among the Christians called Mulkeyites, a move- ment of Christians coming out from the Baptists in 1809, under the leadership of John Mulkey. The movements were independent of each other at the start. Thus it seems that in his later years Haggard was opposed to both local and general church organizations. Some of the members at Old Bethel were memliers be- fore in North Carolina, and I heard of an old brother who. when called a Canipbellite, would laugh and say, "My mother was a Christian before Campbell was born." Having twice carefully inspected the forejjoino,- matter of J. B. Green, (at the time of his writino;, RELIGIOUS JOURNALISM 271 at Pope, Allen County. Ky.), I find it bearing all the tests of truth that I can apply. As to Haggard's influence on the movement in Kentucky, in which Stone, Purviance, Marshall, Dunlavy, M'Nemar and Thompson received the credit of being leaders, T find the statement of Brother Green corroborated In part by that passage in the Biography of Stone, to which he refers, as follows: — Under the name of Springfield Presbytery we went for- ward preaching, and constitnting elmrclies ; but we had not worn our name more than one year, before we saw it sa- vored of a party spirit. With the man-made creeds wo threw it overboard, and took the name Christian — the name given to the disciples by divine appointment first at An- tioch. We published a pamphlet on this name, written by Elder Rice Haggard, who had lately united with us. Having divested ourselves of all party creeds, and party names, and trusting alone in God. and the word of his grace, we became a by-word and laughing stock to the sects around ; all prophesying our speedy annihilation. Yet from this period I date the commencement of that reforma- tion, which has progressed to this day. Through much tribulation and opposition we advanced, and churches and preachers were multiplied. That Stone and his companions were influenced to adopt the name Christian by the instruction and influence of Haggnrd, as represented by Brother Green, is easily understood, also, when we remember that Haggard was the man who, on August 4, 1794, at Lebanon, Surry County, Virginia, had made the motion, which was unanimously carried, for the adoption of the name Christian. For Haggard was a minister of great success in persuading men to the truth. He was a good man, an able leader, an author of various productions; and in 1804 pub- lished one work entitled ''Union of All the Fol- lowers of Christ in One Church," of which E. W. 272 THE C E N T E X N I A r> O F Humplireys said, it "created quite an excitement among friends and foes." It is thus seen that the brethren of the west were indebted to Rice Haggard for ligiit on the true name. It is interesting to observe that Brother Green, who had made investigations among the localities and congregations remembering Rice Haggard, at- tributes to him in his later years a spirit of op- position "to both local and general church organi- zations." It is evident that his logical, philosoph- ical, and independent habit of thought, compelled him to recognize that the New Testament did not place any approving emphasis on ecclesiastical or- ganization or government, but wholly on individual spiritual life and Christian conduct. Had Barton W. Stone possessed equally accurate insight into religious truth, he would never have made his so-called union with Alexander Campbell. But Stone seemed to feel that organization, in the human sense, was to be cultivated. As result came disaster to the cause of truth. Members of Stone's congregation where the so-called union had been effected, have personally told me (J. J. S.) how in his latest years Stone would sit in the audience weeping with pain, listening to human doctrines, that cut off from the promises of the gospel all sprinkled Christians, arbitrarily preached by Camp- bell's followers in the pulpit made sacred by Stone's labors; Stone, too late perceiving that his organic union with Campbell made him seem to approve, in the name of union, a narrow, unscriptural, un- spiritual, dogmatic sectarianism. But Stone's tears RELIGIOUS JOURNALISM 273 could not wash away the negotiations to which he had been a party ; and year by year he was less hon- ored in the locality where he had been diplomatical- ly duped. Now he is made a saint by the succes- sors of those who tricked him. Rice Haggard, apparently, made no mistake. Ho was more like a prophet. But whether he opposed ''organization" in such a spirit as to paralyze growth, I have not yet discovered. But I have seen no proof of it. It was Stone's ecclesiastical "union" with Campbell, years after Haggard's death, that injured Bible Christianity in Kentucky and south- ern Illinois. But on the subject of the name. Rice Haggard's work was so effective that the momentum of it continued for twenty years after his death ; for as late as 1839, in number (9) nine of the "Millennial Harbinger," we find that Alexander Campbell, the founder of the denomination, Disciples of Christ, theologically termed Campbellites, wrote the fol- lowing article, whose perversion of truth I do not now take space to name, but call attention especial- ly to the vehemence with which he argued that a denomination had sprung up in various sec- tions, already calling themselves Christians. The following is Alexander Campbell's article; showing that Rice Haggard's influence had been mighty : — Our Name. — Into what, or into whom have we been inunersed? Into Calvin, Luther, Wesley, Campbell, or Refor- mation? If not, then why nickname us, or we nickname ourselves, when we assume or choose such designations? Shall we be called Disciples of Christ, or Christians? Why not call ourselves Christians? Not because we have anoth- er leader than Christ ; for he is our teacher. We believe in him — were inmiersed into his death — and have thus put 274 THE CENTENNIAL OF on Christ. But we have been anticipated. The term Christian in New England, and in some other sections of this land, is a name chosen and appropriated by a party who boast that they are Unitarians — disbelieve in baptism for the remission of sins — and refuse to celebrate the Lord's death as often as they celebrate his resurrection, t&c, &c. Were I, or any brother, to traverse much of New York, New England, and some other sections, and call ourselves Christians, as a party name, we should be admitted by all Unitarians and rejected by all of a different belief. One party would fraternize with us. while the others would re- pudiate us and unchurch us. because of our supposed Uni- tarianism, Arianism, &c. For this reason we prefer an unappropriated name, which is indeed neither more nor less than the scriptural e(iuivalent of Christian; for who were called Christians first at Antioch? They had a prior, a more ancient name. They were called Disciples. Disciples of whom? Of Christ. Disciples of Christ is, then, a more ancient title than Christian, while it fully includes the whole idea. It is, then, as divine, as author- itative as the name .Christian, and more ancient. Besides, it is more descriptive ; and, better still, it is unappropriated. It claims our preference for four reasons : 1st. It is more ancient. 2d. It is more descriptive. 3d. It is more scriptural. 4th. It is more unappropriated. 1st. Our first reason is indisputable; for the Disciples of Christ were called Christians first in Antioch. Those , who from the day of Pentecost were known throughout Judea, Galilee, Samaria, and among the Gentiles as Disci- ples of Christ, were, at Antioch, many years afterward, called, for the first time. Christians. 2. It is more ilcxcriptirc: because many people are nam- ed after their country, or their political leaders, and some- times after their religious leaders, who would feel it an insult to 1)0 called the pupils or disciples of the persons whose names they bear. Germans, Franks, Greeks, Ro- mans, Americans, ColumI)ians, Jeffersonians, &c., do not describe the persons who bear their names, for they are not supposed to be the pupils of such men. Might not a stranger, an alien, imagine that Christian, like American or Roman, had some reference to comitry or some benefactor, or some particular circumstance, rather than scholarship? Disci- ple of Christ is, then, a more descriptive and definite desig- nation than Christian. 3. It is more scriptural. Luke wrote his Acts some thirty years after the ascension. Now in his writings. R E L I O I OU S J O V R X A L I S JM 27.J which give at least thirty years' history of the px'imitive church, the word Christian occurs but twice — used only by the Antiochans and l>y King Agrii)i)a ; hut no disciple, as far as Luke relates, ever spoke of himself or brethren under- that designation. More than thirty times they are called Diseiplcs in the Acts of the Apostles. Luke and other in- telligent men called them often "brethren" and "disciples," but never Christians. Again, we have the word Christian but once in all the epistles, and then in circiunstances which make it pretty evident that it was used rather by the ene- mies, than by the friends of the brotherhood. Our proposi- tion is, then, abundantly proved, that it is a more scrip- tural, and consequently a more authoritative and divine designation than Christian. 4. It is more unappropriated at the present time. Uni- tarians, Arians, and some other newly risen sects abroad, are zealous for the name Christia)i ; while we are the only people on earth fairly and indisputably in the use of th:* title Disciples of Christ. For these four reasons I prefer this designation to any other which has been offered. Can any one offer better reasons for a better name? A. C. Tims Alexander Campbell argued against that swelling tide of favor for the name Christian, given by divine appointment at Antioch to those who had before that been called brethren, or disciples, or children, or other names not significant of character. Thus Alexander Campbell argued against that tide of favor which was winning his own sect to the name Christian; a tide of favor whose first impulse in modern times originated in the sunny brain and heart of Kice Haggard ; a tide that was started by him in 1794, when the "times"' of prophets were fulfilled, in Virginia, and by his Bible logic, stated in Kentucky less than a half score of years later, was made to sweep along Barton W. Stone, Purvi- ance, Marshall, Thompson and others in its mighty flood; a tide of favor that has captured the En- deavor Society, the Women's Christian Temperance 276 THE CENTENNIAL OF Union, the Christian Alliance and many missionary societies. It should be remembered all along that Rice Hag- gard led in this whole movement, in the sense of pointing to the true Bridegroom, and weaving the true bridal garments for the bride, while still in this world. O'Kelly accepted his principles; and so did Purviance and Stone, though Stone was later mis- led. Even in Virginia, Haggard was the man, not only who proposed to drop all names but Christian, but he was the man who proposed to drop all creeds but the Bible. All this was while Elias Smith, Barton W. Stone and others were slumbering and dozing, in their dreams calling themselves not by the name of the Bridegroom, but Baptists and Presby- terians, though having gone forth to meet the Christ. In the darkness of human creeds, sectarian exclu- siveness, and divisive names. Rice Haggard, proba- bly unconscious that he was fulfilling the prophe- cies of Revelation, chapters 11, 12 and 13 and other Scriptures, came, saying, "Prepare ye the way of the Lord," the ''Bridegroom cometh." Dr. Barrett, though having asked me to prepare this article concerning Rice Haggard, kindly gave me help by securing of Prof. P. J. Kernodle, of Elon College, the following matter gained by the patient and skilful labor of the professor: — He married the widow of William Wiles. She was the daughter of William Grimes and only legal representative in ISOD. William Grimes was an officer in the Revolution- ary War and became entitled to 4.000 acres of military bonnty lands which were valued at $5,000.00. These lands descended to his daughter Nancy Grimes, for which "a war- rant No. 3990 was issued from the Land Office of the said State of Virginia on the 2nd day of December, in the year RELIGIOUS J O U R N A L I S M 277 1785, to the said Nancy Haggard, tbeu Nancy Grimes, as legal representative of the said William Grimes, deceased, for three years' services as Captain in the Continental line " She joined her husband William Wiles in the execution of a deed bearing date September 3, 1792, at which time she had not arrived at the age of twenty-one. and hence was born about 1772. Rev. Rice Haggard entered the ministrv of the Methodist Ei)iscopal Church in 1789. While he labored among the Methodists, he proved his gifts and was admitted into full connection in 1790, and stationed In Bedford County, Vir- ginia ; in 1791 he was stationed in Cumberland County ; and in 1792 in Mecklenburg County. He is recorded as with- drawn with O'Kelly, Allen, and Robertson, in 179.3. He was in the Methodist "first regular General Conference" in Baltimore, which began on the first day of November, 1792. Some of those who were arrayed on the same side with hini and O'Kelly in the discussion of the "appeal," were Free- born Garrettson, Ivey Harris, Hope Hull, Stephen Davis AVilham McKendree. When the vote on the resolution' which was lost, had been taken. O'Kelly with others with- drew from the Conference. O'Kelly was asked on what terms he would return ; he said, "Let an iniured man have an pppeal," to which the reply was, "That cannot be grant- ed." Revs. Rice Haggard and John Robertson with others left the place, O'Kelly leading. About two weeks after the General Conference had ad- journed, As.bury says. "Sunday [November 25] came to IManchester and preached in the afternoon, and felt life amongst the people and preachers who were met for the District Conference." "W. McKendree and R. H. [Rice Haggard] sent me their resignations in writing." While McKendree returned to the Methodists, Haggard stood firm and faithful to the cause he had espoused. • On the 4th of August, 1794. at Lebanon church in Surry County, Virginia, Rev. Rice Haggard, after the committee had labored some time in vain, arose and moved that the Bible be the rule and guide for the Church, which motion was unanimously accepted, and at this suggestion the Con- ference decided to discard all names except the one which would fully express their relation to Christ, the Head of the Church,— Christians. Though they may not all have been present at this General Meeting, the following co-labor- ers also took an active part with .Lames O'Kellv and Rice Haggard: Micajah Debruler, William Glendeniiing, Adam Cloud, ^Mlliam Dameron, Joseph Hartley, Joshua Woorley, and others. In 1801, he traveled the "Mountain Circuit" in Virginia with Rev. William Dameron. This territory was not un- 278 THE CENTENNIAL OF known to him, he having Itecn stationed in parts of it be- fore his withdrawal from the Methodists. He was the author of several productions on the doctrine of the Cliurch. one of which in particular, published in 1804, it is said, created quite an excitement among friends and foes. This was on the subject of the "Union of all the followers of Christ in oue Church." In this the name proposed was "Christians." The name as well as his other measures of union were such as had already been adopted, and such as continue to be the platform of the Christian Church at the present time. In 1807, Rev. Thomas Reeves with Rev. Joseph Thomas visited Elder Rice Haggard, who then resided about twelve miles from Norfolk, out toward the Great Bridge. It was in December about Christmas time. Rev. Joseph Thomas says, "He was a man of a sound, deep, penetrating mind, capable of looking over and excusing youthful imperfec- tions, and of judging their probable abilities. .. .Though it was supposed by some he was an austere, lordly disposed man, yet I found liim possessed of every necessary qualifi- cation to make him a great, a good man, a Christian." Again, in 1809, Rice Haggard was visited by the young preacher Joseph Thomas. For the following year, he made an engagement with Rev. Joseph Thomas to travel in the western country, but owing to the sickness of the latter the engagement was broken. They had arranged to meet at the home of one of the brothers of Joseph Thomas on New River in Virginia. The time appointed for the meet- ing was the first day of June, 1810: It is more than prob- able that this visit was planned to return the visit of Elder Reuben Dooly, who had visited Elder Haggard during this year at- his home in Norfolk County, or to visit his brother David Haggard and to make a prospecting tour with refer- ence to his moving to Kentucky. Dooly, born in Vir- ginia in 1773, now lived in Kentucky, and it is said of him : "Indeed, he was like Paul, he knew nothing but Jesus Christ and Him crucified." About 1812, Rev. Rice Haggard moved with his family to the State of Kentucky, and settled in Cumberland County. He disposed of the remainder of his property in Virginia by deed acknowledged May 14, 1816. It is to be inferred that after his withdrawal from the INIethodists, he was none the less active and pei-severing in the cause of the Christian Church as was evidenced by his writings. His name will be long remembered by those wh» wear the name "Christian" only. Tn a volume of ^'Poems'' of Elder Joseph Thomas, commonly called the "White Tilgrim", and concern- RELIGIOUS J O LI U N A L I S M 270 ing wlioin Eldiir John Ellis wrote the poem begin- ning', ''I came to the spot where the White Pilgrim lay," I tind two passages about Kice Haggard, Avhich ought to be preserved in this tribute. The first passage is on page 25 in the "Life'' of the "White Pilgrim", introducing his poems, and is as follows : — - About Cbristuias, we wore some miles below Norfolk, and went to brother Rice Haggard's, a Christian preacher. I found liini to be of strong intellect, and of profound piety. He exhorted me to be faithful, and the Lord would make me useful. I loved him, and received with joy his coun- sels. The weight to be given to these words may be un- derstood, when I quote the following language of the White Pilgrim concerning the celebrated Elias S!mith, found on ])age 72 of Thomas' **Life" : — May 24tli I arrived in I'hiladelphia. I i»ut up with John Hunter, Esq., deacon in the Christian society. An ap- pointment was made for me, at their meeting-house, that evening, at candlelight. Before meeting came on, Elias Smith and John Gray, from N. England, arrived. I preach- ed to an attentive audience. On the next evening I heard E. Smith preach. I preached during several days in differ- ent places in the city. That is all the White Pilgrim said about this meeting with the celebrated Elias Smith. You may observe how his statement is marked by careful re- serve. There is no "puffing". Then, in the follow- ing poem, we may not only derive satisfaction from the glimpses we get of the early life of Rice Hag- gard, but we are justified in giving great weight to the words of the eulogy, inferring that the extraor- dinarv merits of Hacuard broke down the usual re- serve of the White Pilgrim in such matters. The poem begins on page 128, as follows: — 280 T HE C E N T E N N I xV L O F AN ELEGY On the death of Rice Ilofunird, an eminent preacher of the gospel- — well known, and highly esteemed in the South and West by the Christian brethren. He died at an ad- vanced age in Champaign County, Ohio, when on a journey to preach the gospel. O, Haggard! thou hast left thy hcuse of clay, And winged thy passage to immortal day! Kind angels hail'd thee to their bright abode, And shouted. Welcome, valiant son of God. Imagination points me now thy throne Among the saints and highest seraphs known. There dwells thy spirit, and forever reigns, Triumphant in high heaven's supernal plains. No storms distress thee in thy sweet repose ; But heavenly peace on thee thy God bestows. Thy toils are ended ; and thy fortune's found Where golden treasures and rich spoils abound. Eternal honors crown thy worthy brow. And scenes celestial open to thee now ! I hail thee gladly in thy r olios of white On streets of gold, in mansions of delight. No howling winds, nor tempests, beat thee there. Nor earthly wants, to generate thy care. Thou hast escaped thy native land below. To over live where trees ambrosial grow. Thoii hast liehind thee left a name revered. That once consoled the saints, and sinners feared. In youth thy God commanded thee away From fond pursuits and objects of the day — To leave the plough and all thy friends around To seek a Savior, and the gospel sound. Thy parents, poor, had never taught thee then To read the Bible, nor to use the pen ; But in the smooth sand thou didst learn to write. And taught thyself to read by faggot light ! Not long till science shone upon thy mind. Thy sins forsaken, and thy soul refined, The Savior's call to sound the Jubilee Was loudly heard, and then obeyed by thee. In melting strains thy youthful voice was heard, And weeping eyes among the crowds appeared. Thy son'rous voice, like silver tnunpet's sound. Awaked the sinner from his sleep profound. Convinced him he was in the downward way. Constrained him to repent, to weei) and pray. Tliy friends, a num'rous train, now left in tears, R E L I G I O n S J O U R N A T, 1 S M i:81 To ruouru thee absent for some tedious years, Do foiuUy lii>i)e to meet tliee ouee again Wbert' deatli is toiled in heaven's extended plain. We do not say that Rice Haggard was inspired in 171)4; altliongli his motion had the originality of thought, suggesting Joliu the Baptist at the Jordan, saying, "Beliold the Lamb of God." Wlien he made the motion to discard human religious names, and to take only the name of Christ, the Bridegroom, he was preparing the way to discard also human creeds and sectarian tests. Thus, as the Bible had suggested, the church that had "tied into the wilderness'' (to the barbarians, from the decrees of Justinian the Great issued be- fore the middle of the sixth century), there to abide "a time, and times, and half a time," Avas now "com- ing up from the wilderness, leaning on the arm of her Beloved," Christ; coming out of the wilderness of human creeds, sectarian names, and dogmatic tests; coming from the wilderness of Virginia, North Carolina and Kentucky; but again "clothed with the sun, the moon under her feet, and upon her head a crown of twelve stars." "Clothed with the sun," she had the clear truth of the central, chief, original source of light. "The moon under her feet," she stood superior to the reflected light of creeds. "Crowned with stars," she was radiant with the diadem of apostles, missionaries, pastors, teachers and evangelists. "Leaning on the arm of her Beloved," Christ, how else could she do than take the name of her Hus- band? Leaning on the arm of the Bridegroom, how 282 T 1 1 E r E N T E N N I A L OF else could she do than take liis word, rejecting the dogmas ot human lovers? Too long had she flirted with popes, bishops, prelates, councils, Luther, Knox, Wesley, Calvin and other suitors. And Rice Haggard's was ''the voice crying in the wilderness, Prepare ye the way of the Lord, make His paths straight." He cried it in Virginia, and the bride made herself ready; the "virgins arose and trimmed their lamps." In Kentucky he cried, "Be- hold, the Bridegroom cometh, go ye out to meet him;" and Stone, and Purviance, and all the watch ers arose and "trimmed their lamps." Twenty-five congregations in Kentucky gathered around him. AVhat a career of joy his must have been ! to awake the church ! to announce the Bridegroom ! But it is ever the lot of the herald of the Christ to decrease, while the Christ increases. And to-day, notwith- standing his greatness, we are historically curious concerning the fate of Rice Haggard. When John the Baptist, in ancient times the herald of the Christ, was put to death in jjrison, his disciples came and took up his body and buried him. When Joseph Thomas, our "White Pilgrim," the loving personal friend of Rice Haggard, died of smallpox far from home, in the work of the ministry, he was buried by our brethren of Johnsonburg, N. J, But where lie the bones of Rice Haggard, or who buried him, we do not know. But his glory does not depend on the loftiness of a marble monument, nor on the beauty of a memorial window. He is remembered by what he has done. We are amazed at the surprising unanimity with which the brethren in Virginia agreed to his motion RELIGIOUS JOURNALISM 2SC for the name Christian. We recognize his philosoph- ical and keen intellect, that did not stop Avith the one victory, that of the name, bnt itrcssed on in the restitution to the world of true Christian principles; and we wonder that in this he fully succeeded. And when we stumble on the fact of history, that the adoption of the name Christian was his work also in the west, we begin, to recognize a l)rophet, or more than a prophet. * "What •went ye out into the wilderness for to see? a prophet? yea, I say unto you, more than a prophet." He was the herald of the dawn ; and for more than a hundred vears the bride has been more and more falling in love with the Bridegroom. Kice Haggard may decrease, .but Christ increases. He exclaims, "I am sent before Him. He that hath the bride is the I'ridegroom ; but the friend of the I>ride groom, that standetli and heareth Him, rejoiceth greatly because of the Bridegroom's voice: this my joy therefore is made full." "O tliou fairest among women," no more wilt thou consort with human leaders; but "thy desire shall be to thy husband, and he shall rule over thee." Thou shalt have no leader but Christ. And thy name shall be Christian ; thy character shall be Christian ; thy creed shall be Christian; and thy fellowship shall be Christian. * This view of Rice Iliijrgafrt is yet furtlier confirraed by r>avidson"s History of the I'reshyterian Church in Kentucky (page 198) which says : "They (the Christians) proposed to establish a grand communion, wliich sliould agree to unite upon tlie simplest fundamental principles, according to a plan drawn up by Rice Haggard, such as worshiping one God, acknowledging Jesus Christ as the Savior; taking the Bible for the sole confession of faith, and organizing on the New Testament model. To this union of all disciples of Christ, they gave the name of "The Christian Chtkch," and would recognize no sectarian appellation." — Editor. REV. A. II. MORRILL, D. D. RELIGIOUS JOURNALISM 285 ABNER JONES Founder of the "Christian Connection" in New England BY REV. A. H. jNIGRRILL^ D. D. The term ''Founder," I believe, is correctly given to Abner Jones, from the fact that he established the first church organization in New England tak- ing simply the name "Christian." He was born in Eoyalston, Mass., April 28, 1772, of humble parentage. He knew the deprivations of pioneer life, as his parents removed to Bridgewater, Vt., before he was eight years old and lived, as the early settlers of that town lived, with none of the luxuries now found in the homes of rural communi- ties. He evidently improved the scant educational privileges then afforded of a few weeks schooling in a year, as he was able to teach several terms before he entered upon the work of his calling, first as a physician and then as a preacher. The obstacles he encountered were overcome, and doubtless contributed their share in the making of the man and the development of sturdy character. One experience which has been preserved for our consideration and profit was his spiritual exercise of mind when a mere lad. For several years a great conflict was waged in his mind as to the dutv of living a Christian life. The sense of sin was es- pecially acute, and caused him great mental anxie- ty. Depressed much of the time for many months Kiev. ABNER JONES RELIGIOUS JOURNALISM 287 because of his coDSciousness of sin, he finally sur- rendered himself to Christ, and found inexpressible joy. This experience was evidently his before he was fourteen years of age. But after this experi- ence of several months, he passed through seasons of doubt and anguish, from which he was not en- tirely delivered until some years later. The ques- tion of baptism was one of the subjects that en- gaged his attention frequently, and, because he shrank from it, occasioned many unhappy hours. However, he finally decided the question, and was baptized by Elder Elisha Ransom, on June 9, 1793, undoubtedly by immersion, near the North Meeting- House, in Woodstock, Vermont. Some of the incidents of his life, prior to his bap- tism, the record of which he preserved in his publish- ed personal narrative, were regarded by him as judgments from God, sent upon him because of his disobedience. Among these may be mentioned his sickness at about the age of seventeen ; the cutting of his foot with an axe, inflicting an injury which caused him inconvenience during his whole life; an injury a few months following this which disabled him from engaging in hard, physical toil, and another sick- ness while spending a few months in the state of New York. Immediately following the baptism, he set out on foot to go from Woodstock, Vermont, to some place on the seashore in New Hampshire, a dis- tance of fully 125 miles by the route which he traveled. On his way, he visited in Grafton, N. H., Salisbury, where Elias Smith was laboring in a "glorious reformation," and several other towns Site of the log cabin erected by Abner Jones' father, the first set- tler in the town of Bridsewater, Vermont. The rock pile indicates the exact spot of Abner Jones" boyhood home. (From a photograph by F. A. Richmond.) RELIGIOUS JOURNALISM 28H on the route, finally reaching the coast, probably in the present town of North Hampton, where he remained for some time, receiving much help from bathing in the ocean and drinking the salt water. He met Uriah Smith, the brother of Elias, who had just commenced to preach, and was laboring in the towns in the vicinity of North Hampton, and spent some time with him, later returning home by much the same route by which he went. He was soon call- ed to his brother's in Stillwater, N. Y., on account of the sickness which soon terminated fatally, though not until he had renounced Universalism and become a Christian, evicenli}- as a result, in part at least, of Abner's faithful elforts. On his return from New York, he engaged in teaching in the neighboring town of Hartland, Vt., where he remained nearly a year and a half, during which time he actively participated in the religious meetings, though still hesitating to believe that his life-work was to be that of preaching the gospel. Apparently because his mind was much exercised upon the subject of i)reachiug the gospel, he gave earnest heed to the teaching from the pulpit, and found that he was not fully in accord with it. He gave much thought and careful investigation to re- ligious subjects, which resulted in his finding him- self not in harmony vvith some of the doctrinal preaching of the ministry of the Church. He de- termined to believe and practice only such teachings as he found in the Bible. He discarded the name "Baptist,-" but Avas willing to be styled friend, dis- ciple, or Christian. >Vhile the pastor of the church declared that he would accept no teaching for which 290 THE CENTENNIAL OF he did not have Biblical authority, Mr, Jones was unable to dissuade him from some of his views, even when he was unable to cite Scripture for them. While his mind was not fully settled as to the future work, because he had thought much about becoming a phj^sician, he studied medicine, apparent- ly teaching some of the time, possibly to secure the means to help obtain his medical education, and he entered upon the practice of this profession. He lived for a short time in Hartford, Vt., Grafton, N. H., and Lyndon, Vt. He had nmrried, his Avife being INIiss ])amari« Prior. Before his marriage he had made Miss Prior fully acijuainted with his views of duty, assuring her that he might feel ob- liged to give up his work as a physician and become a minister. His success as a physician was good, and ap- parently his i»rofession had so engrossed his at- tention that he had slackened his activity in Chris- tian service, for he bears testimony that his hope became dimmed, and as a result of laying down his ]»ubli<' testimony, a season of darkness had ensued. In the third year of his residence in Lyndon, there was a great revival in a neighboring town some ten miles north, and having heard much about it, he de- termined to visit the place and see for himself. This led him to confess Iris backslidings, both publicly and privately, when he again received the assurance of his acceptance with Ood. He again entered heartily into the active work as a Christian, and in that connection, the duty of preadiing the gospel was forcibly pressed upon his mind. Careful and prayerful attention was giv among other places, and tarried there and preached, as they were destitute of a pastor, owing to the death a short time before of Rev. John L. Peavey. Thougli lie had entertained no thought of severing his relation with the Salem church, the appeal of the Milan brethren finally prevailed, and he decided to become their pastor, serving them some three years. His relations here were pleasant, and he anticipated continuing as pastor, when he went on a journey, accom[)anied by his wife, to visit their children and old friends in Salem and other places. After having been away from Milan nearly four months, having received a pressing invitation to become pastor at Assonet, Mass., he decided to ac- cept it, having secured a release from the Milan church, and entered upon his work in October, 1833. Three years later his wife, after a long sickness, during a year of which she was helpless, passed away, which was a great affliction to him. He continued his pastorate there until the spring of 1838, pur- posing to take a journey into the Middle, and pos- sibly, the Western states, thus carrying out the plan that was interrupted by sickness nine years before. However, he was never able to carry out his plan. He supplied the Portsmouth, N. H., church for a few months, and then accepted the call to a s)iiall parish in Upton, israss., where he dwelt about two years. While here, he traveled some, and visited all the churches of which he had been pastor. On August 1, 1839, he was married by his son, A. D, Jones, to Mrs. Nancy F. Clark, of Nantucket, at his son's home in Brighton, Mass. Concluding his ministry at Upton in April, 1840, 20G THE CENTENNIAL OF he decided to make liis home in the beautiful vil- lage of Exeter, N. H., now an important educational center, and he accordingly purchased and refitted a cottage there, his health giving promise of several 3'ears more of life. But this promise was soon dissipated, as he was taken ill in the winter, and his sickness made such progress that he closed his mortal career on May 29, 1841. The funeral service was held in the Christian church, in Exeter, May 31, Elder Elijah Shaw, a long time friend and brother, preaching the sermon, while some twenty preachers, representing several denominations, were present, including the well-known Mark Fernald, who, in his autobiog- raphy, speaks of Elder Jones in these words, after mentioning the fact that he was at the funeral: "Much might be said in justice and truth in favor of Elder Jones." Certainly we may give him the same meed of praise that is spoken of Barnabas: "He was a good man, and full of the Holy Spirit and of faith." While onh' four churches which he served as pastor are now included within the fellowship of the denomination called Christian, yet many places where he lived and preached are to-day reaping the fruit of his labors, and of others associated with him, in the larger spirit of brotherhood that pre- vails, and only eternity can make known how much and how well he wrought. He was a man of great activity during all his ministry, and was instrumental in leading many unto a saving faith in Christ. Laconia, JSf. E. RKV. M. T. MOURILT- K E r. I ( ; I ( » r s .i < » i ' k x a i: i s m 299 ELIAS SMITH The Founder of Religious Journalism liY REV. M. T. IMORUILL, A. M. Forci.mi Mission. Sccrohirv Tlie centennial of religious journalism is an event worthy of more than passing thought, and the man who pioneered the way, who published the first re ligious newspaper, was a man whose acquaintance it is still worth while to cultivate, even though it must be by biography. ELIAS smith's early DAYS. Stephen and Irene (Ransom) Smith, of Lyme, Connecticut, were blessed with three sons and two daughters, the son Elias being born June 17, 17G9. Of these five children, the two brothers, Elias and Uriah, gained the most fame, and Elias outshone his brother. The elder Smith was a tiller of the soil, in very humble circumstances, and his family never knew the enervation of luxury. But Stephen Smith was an intensely religious man, affected by the re- ligious atmosphere of that time in New England, a member of the Baptist Church. Mrs. Smith had been a Congregationalist before her marriage. And the children who lighted their humble home shared the religious instruction imparted by their parents. The boy Elias was inured to hardship and pri- vation. His privileges were exceedingly limited. He tells us that his schooling began in his fourth year, UEV. ELIAS SMITH RELIGIOUS J O r R X A L I S :\I 301 and practically ended in his thirteenth. He was naturally (juick of mind, and the events transpiring during his earlier years, together with the throb bing religious atmosphere, effectually awakened and developed his intellectual powers. The American colonies were passing through the throes incident upon birth of American Independence, and the lad used to see the British ships sailing Long Island Sound. The Battle of Bunker Hill was fought on the sixth anniversary of his birth. And from his earliest days until mature manhood his mind was under the influence of successive religious awaken- ings in the communities where he lived. As a mere lad he used to have fears for his eternal welfare and went by himself to pray a prayer out of his spelling- book. When eight vears old, bv connivance of his mother and her brother, the boy was captured while endeavoring to escaj^e from the meeting-house, forci bly held in front of tlie minister and baptized by sprinkling, in spite of vigorous juvenile protests. In the spring of 1782, Mr. Smith, Sr., went to South Woodstock, Vermont, and began the erection of a house, back on the hillside in the dense forest, where he had purchased a- tract of land. The who]:' country was new and largely a forest wilderness. And yet Mr. Smith thought to move his family to that new country. Before the house was complete 1 he returned to Lyme; and somewhat later in the sea son loaded his household effects onto a primitive cart, and began the difficult journey to the new home. The road was exceedingly hard, lying up along the Connecticut river as far as Windsor, and then westward a dozen miles through avooIs nn 1 Site of the Sloplien Smith home, now part of the Isaiah Fiillertoii farsn, Koutli Woodstock, Vermont. Here Elias Suiitli grew from Ijoyliood to nuinliood. (From plioto liy Walter Slnirllrff. ) RELIGIOT'S J ( ) T' K N A I. I S SI 303 over hills. Elias trudged on foot nearly every mile of the one hundred and eightv. When at last the family came to the new home, this son was so re- volted at the sight that he really started back to- vrard Connecticut. ?iouth Woodstock was a growing little village, and before long there were two meeting-houses in the place, one belonging to the Baptists, and one to the Congregationalists. Eev. Aaron Hutchin- son, of Pomfret, the town north of Woodstock, used to preach in the Congregational meeting-house. This man was a Harvard graduate, and the pioneer preacher in that part of Vermont. The Bajitist ministers were itinerants, and within a few years the South Woodstock people heard a number of them of varying degrees of ability and training. These preachers were the men under v>^hose influence Elias Smith came. In one of his despondent moods, some time in his sixteenth year, he went into the woods to brood over his religious condition, and experience'd what he afterward recognized as his conversion; although years later he was tormented with doubts as to its reality. He now read his Bible continually, and fell into the way of squaring all his experiences and <,'onvictions by the plain understanding of what he read. He was so much immersed in religious re- flections that he was quite unfit for ordinary man- ual toil. Ste{)hen Smith recognized the fact that his son would not make a good farmer, and plainly advised him to seek some other occupation. It was here, in his eighteenth year, that Elias had forty days' 304 THE CENT ENN I AT, OF schooling, thirty to learn Dilworth's grammar, ten to learn arithmetic, and eight evenings to learn music. With such meager accomplishments to boast of, young Smith began to teach school in his own district, acquitting himself satisfactorily. He had leisure for reading. I^y a visit to Connecticut his horizon was much broadened, and his religious experience deepened. Soon after his return to Woodstock he was much exercised about baptism, and set his mind at rest by being immersed by Rev. William Grow, after which he enrolled himself Avitli the Second Baptist church of WooAstock. His services as school- master were again required by his home district. MINISTERIAL CAREER. For several years Smith had been much vexed with thoughts of becoming a minister. In the last year of his school teaching, impelled largely by the necessity of deciding one way or the other, he obtained leave of absence from school and visited several Baptist association meetings. Finally a dream seemed to furnish him indubitable evidence of a call to the ministry, and he yielded to Avhat seemed the divine will, immediately procuring books and setting about preparation in earnest. By in- vitation he made a trip northward in Vermont, and across to Piermont and Haverhill, New Hampshire, preaching a few times. For about twenty years he continued to travel and preach. Most of his earlier efforts were in New Hampshire and northeastern Massachusetts. In 1793, while residing at Lee, New Hampshire, RELIGIOUS JOURNAL I SIM 305 Elias Smith was ordained as an evangelist, care- fully stipulating that he should be free to travel and preach as the apostles did. Three thousand people, it was estimated, were present at the or- dination, which was granted by the Baptists. A year later Mary liurleigh, daughter of Josiah Bur- leigh, of Newmarket, New Hampshire, became Mrs. Smith, and they set up housekeeping in the humblest fashion at Salisbury. Notwithstanding all his hatred for such things and all his fulminations against them, Smith actual- ly suffered an installation as pastor of a Baptist church in Woburn, Mass., black clothes, band, and all the trappings accompanying, and determined to settle down and stop his wanderings. The church agreed to pay him |;333.33 a year. This was in 1798. He immediately felt himself in galling bondage, which continued until he snapped the bonds. The church demanded all the benefices conferred upon its pastor, and he departed almost penniless. Mean- time, to mend his finances, he had become a member of a mercantile company which opened a store in AVoodstock, Vermont. The store was moved to Salisbury, New Hampshire, in 1801, and Smith de- termined to settle there, engage in business and quit the ministry. The business throve, and he re- garded himself as quite affluent. But being a mer- chant was bondage to him also, and he felt as bad as ever. This time Providence released him; for the declaration of peace between France and Eng- land destroyed war-time prices, and Smith and his partners were left nearly bankrupt. Finally his real estate was turned to the partners, and he was 30G THE CENTENNIAL OF released from his obligations, almost in destitute condition. It should be stated that a second reason had in- fluenced him to engage in merchandising — the loss of his Calvinistic theology, leaving him undecided as to what he should preach. He was regarded as a Baptist minister in good standing; but for some time had preached with "mental reservations," and felt guilty and ill at ease. Reason and heart told him that the doctrine of election and others of that class were wrong. The influence of his younger brother finally swung him to Universalism, which he embraced for fifteen days. Then he parted from all isms, as he supposed forever. JOURNALISTIC CAREER. It should not De supposed that Mr. Smith ceased his gospel ministry at this point, when he began to write and publish. On the contrary, authorship was an extra line of work, and did not abate a jot of his incessant ministerial labors. After the disappointing experience in the mer- cantile business, Elias Smith moved to Portsmouth, New Hampshire, and began to preach there. It was about this time, in 1802, that the stinging cuts of his enemies who attacked him in print suggested to him public printed rejoinders for the dissemina- tion of his views and defense. A discourse on bap- tism was his first printed piece. Three large edi- tions of a Thanksgiving sermon were printed and exhausted. In the winter and spring of 1803 he composed ''The History of the Anti-Christ," which was first printed in the IsIgio HamjjsJiire Gazette, K EL I (MOT'S .TOT'KNA L I S M -^oj later appearing iu pamphlet form. That was fol- lowed by ''The Clergyman's Looking Glass," a brochure severely arraigning the "clergy," by which word he meant to include the ministry of the Epis- copal Church, and such others as were "settled" in the various towns and supported by public taxa- tion. The year 1804 was a busy one, and Mr. Smitli suffered greatly in spirit because of his persecu- tions. New numbers of "The Clergyman's Looking Glass" were issued, attacking prevalent doctrines and abuses in the Church. About February of this year he underwent the most trying ordeal of his life up to this point. During his absence from the city an advertisement of a pamphlet aimed at an "Episcopalian priest" appeared in the Nciv Hamp- shire Gazette, which greatly incensed some of the people. The printer had his printing office taken from him, and was later imprisoned. When Elias returned to the city, it was in an uproar, and the authorship of the pamphlet was laid to him. A mob surrounded him in a barber shop, and he was in danger of physical violence. With difficulty he convinced the committee from the mob that waited on him that he had no knowledge of the pamphlet, and the crowd withdrew, although the city was in a tumult all night Wednesday and all day Thurs- day, and a large body of his friends had to escort him to and from his evening services. During March he published, "The Whole World Governed by a Jew," and his enemies grew still angrier. About this time he started a magazine entitlerl, ''The Christian's Magazine, Remewer and 308 T HE C E N T E N N I A L O F Religions Intelligencer, consisting of subjects His- torical, Doctrinal, Experimental, Practical, and Poetical." Contemporary sermons were pungently reviewed in the new publication, and Smith's ene- mies were not at all mollified. He was met with a cold shoulder throughout a trip to Massachusetts, owing to the influence of the Baptists, who claimed to have excommunicated him. This he met with *'A Short Sermon to the Calvinist Baptists in "Mas- sachusetts," the text being 1 Samuel 20 : 19, 20. A history of the clergy from the third century down was printed in the Christian Magazine. Mr. Smith remarks that the clergy in Massachusetts and New Hampshire were much disturbed by his writings this year. And now we come to a noteworthy date in the histor.y of journalism. On September 1, 1808, ap- peared the first issue of the Herald of Gospel Lih- erttj, the first religious newspaper ever published, so far as is known. The conception of a religious netfspaper belonged to Hon. Isaac Wilber, of Little Compton, Rhode Island, who made proposals to Mr. Smith to edit such a paper, friends providing for its publication. Smith rejected the proposal, but a few months later issued the paper as above stated, and on his own responsibility, insuring his own freedom of utterance. The journal was a four-page sheet, ])ages about nine by twelve inches, issued at Portsmouth, N. H., every other Thursday morning, at one dollar a year. The motto contained the idea of a newspaper : From realms far distant, and from climes unknown; We make the knowledge of our King your own. K E L 1(4 I O IT S J ( ) n K N A L I S INI 309 Tw^o hundred and seventy-four subscribers com- prised the first list, and in September, 1815, the number had increased to only fifteen hundred. At Little Hampton, south of Portsmouth, Mr. Smith again narrowly escajied mob violence. This Avas in 180S. His publishers refused to print any more of his books, and he arranged with Henry Ranlet, of Exeter, N. H., to do his printing. After seven years of residence in Portsmouth, in February, 1810, Elias and his family removed to Portland, Maine, and the Herald of Gospel Lih- erty was published from that city. This move he always regretted. The next spring he was induced to move to Philadelphia ; and there, at his resi- dence on Christian Street, between Fifth and Sixth, he issued the Herald once in two weeks. Six months of the next year were occupied in compos- ing his ''New Testament Dictionary," the most dif ficult of all his undertakings. Greatlv reduced bv his herculean labors and by imminent bankruptcy, he fell sick with tj'phus fever while in New England collecting money to relieve his embarrassment. Early in 1814 his wife died in Philadelphia in his absence in New England. And so trouble was heaped upon trouble. Mr. Smith resolved to return to Portsmouth, and actually arriv^ed there in January, 1815, with his second wife, who was Miss Rachel Thurber, of Providence, R. I. To liquidate his debts in Phila- delphia had taken his whole property, even to table cutlery, and once more he was stripped of posses- sions. Friends rallied and he kept on printing the 310 T n E C' E N T E N N I A Ij OF Herald. His autobiography was completed and printed in the spring of 1816. In rapid review we have passed over the four- teen years of Smith's life which were most prolific of labors and trials. His ministerial labors were prodigious; his journeys were frequent, long, and arduous; the opposition he met was bitter and vio- lent. Looking back over this period he expressed surprise that he had been able to undergo so much. For a long time I was a spectacle to those characters, and an obiect of ridicule while passing the streets. Some of every class, from children to men of gray hairs, treated me with contempt, while passing peaceably along. I often received abusive language from people in the streets, and from windows of houses, stores, and workshops. ELIAS SMITII^ THOMSONIAN PHYSICIAN. In the spring of 1816, probably already con- temi)lating a change in occupation, Mr. Smith re- moved to Boston. It has been generally acceded by^ his critics that his financial difficulties drove him to the change. For Smith's finances were al- ways in chaotic condition ; he traveled and pub- lished much; he received only the meagerest sup- port from churches he served; and he ahvays had a family to support. Hence after settling in Boston he formed con- nection with the famous Dr. Samuel Thomson, of that city, originator of the "Thoinsonian System" of medicine and therapeutics. Smith had read con- siderable about the Thomsonian system, and had made practical trial of it. He believed Thomson right, and saw a w'ay to l>ecome a practicioner. Hence he learned Thomson's theory and "Materia Medica," and soon fell into a lucrative practice; al- u E r. I ( ; I o IT s J o IT R N a l i s ini 311 though at first he had only thought to practice in his own family and among near friends. Henceforth he was Dr. Elias i^niith, and resided many years in Boston, maintaining his practice. He is said to have written nuich npon medical themes, his most considerable pieces being ''The People's Book," and "The American I'h^sician," copies of which are still extant. The change of occupation greatly chagrined his friends; but that emotion was mild compared to their consternation and Avrath, when, a few months after he embraced the medical profession, he announced his conversion to Universal ism, mak- ing the declaration through the Herald. He joined the "Universal Convention," and preached the new doctrine in Boston and elsewhere. But he could not go the whole length of the universal tenets, clung to the most of his former beliefs, and did not find real hearty fellowship among the Univer- salists. Thus far Smith had continued the Herald. The vagary of the editor and publisher no doubt affected its subscription list; and then he was almost ab- sorbed in his new occupation. The Christians need- ed the journal, and a very loyal man, named Robert Foster, acquired the paper, moved it back to Ports^ mouth, changed the name, and went on with the publication. The former champion of religious lib- erty was now quite free to pursue his medical studies and practice. This was in the spring of 1818, a turning point in the career of Elias Smith. Not many of Smith's medical writings are accessi 312 T i I E (' E X T K X X I A I^ O V ble now. The general tenor of his work may be judged from the title page of his best medical book, THE AMEKICAN PHYSICIAN AND FAMILY ASSISTANT. IN FIVE PARTS^ CONTAINING: I. A GENERAL DESCRIPTION OF VEGETABLE MEDICINES. II. THE MANNER OF PREPARING THEM FOR USE. III. DESCRIPTION OF DISEASES^ AND MANNER OF CURING THEM. IV. A DESCRIPTION OF MINERAL AND VEGETABLE POISONS^ GIVEN BY THOSE CALLED REGULAR DOCTORS^ UNDER THE NAME OF MEDICINES. V. HEALTH VARIOUSLY ILLUSTRATED. This Avas a constructive work, following out the Thomsonian lines of practice and theory. A few events in this period may be enumerated in concluding. In October, 1817, soon after Dr. Smith embraced Universalism, an "Elders' Con- ference" was held at Portsmouth to consider what K E L I GIOUS JOUUNALISM 313 could be done to hinder the inroads of that faitli. The upshot was the beginning of discipline and or ganization among the Christians in New England. The Herald of Gospel Liberty changed hands in the spring of 1818. Some time between these two dates the Tortsmouth Christian church withdrew fellowship from their former pastor. At a session of the New Hampshire Christian Conference, held at Guilford, June 16, 1823, Smith was present and publicly renounced Universalism, explaining how he fell into the error. He made a second confession before the same body at Dur ham, in 1827. At sundry times he acknowledged his error, in hopes of re-establishing fellowship with his old comrades in the reformation; but his ad- vances were met only coolly. In 1829 he started another magazine, which con- tinued for a time. "The American Physician" was published in 1832, seven years after Dr. Thomson had issued his "Ma- teria Medica." "The People's Book" saw the light in 1836. Finally the Portsmouth church restored Smith to its fellowship on February 20, 1840. He was then a hale and hearty old man, full of hopes, planning to resume his Christian ministry. He did preach some; but the lost ground of more than twen- ty years he never recovered. Before he had freed himself from other cares and fairly embarked again in the preaching of the gospel, he passed to his rest on June 29, 1846, in the city of Lynn, Mass., whither he had removed some time previous to his death. .•!14 T II E C E N T E N N I A L O F ELIAS SMITH^ THE REFORMER. Like most reformers, Elias Smith became so by force of circumstances. He had, as a voutli, taken his stand by the Bible, declining to accept more or less in the way of Christian faith and guidance in practical conduct. As early as 1802 he had ab- jured all sectarian names and professed to be mere- ly a "Christian." A little later he stigmatized the catechism as a human invention. During the same summer eleven Baptist preachers met in "The Christian Conference," and all but committed them- selves to leave behind "everything in name, doctrine, or practice, not found in the New Testament." Most of the eleven retreated later. During 1802 and 1803 Elder Smith was gather- ing a following in Portsmouth, N. H. In 1803 El- der Abner Jones, of Vermont, arrived, and by his influence the church in Portsmouth and the Chris tian Conference were induced to throw away their articles and accept the New Testament as an "all- sufficient rule for Christians." For years the Baptists had been fighting Avhat they were pleased to call "The Established Church," the church supported by tax, and waged war on much of the Puritan ecclesiasticism then predomi- nant. Smith threw himself unreservedlv into the conflict. His condemnation was unsparing. In the year 1803 he was cited to appear before the Woburn church to answer to charges. Immediately he withdrew "for want of fellowship," telling the church that he voluntarily joined them, and that he as voluntarily withdrew. However, he was ex- communicated. He told the church : RELIGIOUS JOURNALISM yio If you wish to kuow what denomiuatioii I belong to, I tell yon, as a professor of religion, I am a Christian; as a preacher, a minister of Christ; calling no man father or master ; holding as abominable in the sight of God every- thing highly esteemed among men, such as Calvinism, Ar- ininianisni, frcc-willism, universal ism, reverend, parsons, chaplains, ilfjcfors of diviniti/. eiertin, bands, snritliees, iiofes, creeds, covenants, platforms, with the spirit of slander, which those who hold to these things, are too often iu pos- session of. In 181 G he dofined positively his position as fol- lows : The Holy Scriptures are the only sure, authentic and infallible rule of faith and practice ; the name Christian is the only proper one for the believer ; in all essentials the Scriptures are plain to be understood; every Christian is free to examine the Scriptures for himself and to im- partially judge of the sense and meaning of the same ; every Christian has a right to publish and vindicate what he believes is contained in the Scriptures, and to serve God according to his own conscience. Beyond these statements Smith never went. In his later years he seems to have recognized the ex- cess of his reformatory zeal, and some intemperance in his denunciation of error and abuse. The state- ments of his principles were in moderate diction and terms; but the principles themselves Avere but little altered. In concluding- this sketch one may declare his admiration for Elias Smith, minister of the gospel and reformer. Considering his humble origin and limited early opportunities, no one could have pre- dicted such a brilliant career. He was a natural, forceful orator, a brilliant journalist, and intrepid leader in reformation. His character was above re proach. His conscience was tender, and his sense of true religious liberty was keen and clear. While he was subject to despondency and vagary, yet his 310 T HE C E N T E N N I A r. OF doctrinal contentions largely foreshadowed the com- monly accepted positions of to-day. On the snbjects of church organization and association, and dele gated conferences, his positions were probably un- sound. Smith's labors were prodigious, his perse- cutions and trial almost be^'Ond belief. On the whole, he was a renmrkable man, and lacked little if any of true greatness, being one of the command- ing figures of his day in JN'ew England. Dayton, Ohio. RELIGIOUS JOURNALISM BARTON W. STONE A Scholar and Reformer BY REV. O. P.. WIIITAKER^ D. D. President of T'iiIdu Chrislinn College Among the brightest names on the list of God's evangelists shines that of Barton Warren Stone. In brilliancy of intellect, in nobility of character, in purity of heart, in fearlessness in the discharge of duty and in fullness of Christ's spirit, he had few equals; but, like all great men of his class, he was bitterly persecuted and venomously slandered by those who hated and envied him because of his fear- less denunciation of the evils they succored. The opening words of his autobiography are: I was born near Port-Tol)acco, in the state of Maryland, December 24, 1772. My father, John Stone, died when I was young. I have no recollection of him in life. My mother, whose maiden name was Mary Warren, a few years after the death of my father, with a large family of chil- dren and servants, moved to the then called backwoods of Virginia, Pittsylvania county, near Dan river, about eighty miles below the Blue Mountains. This occurred in 1770, during the Revolutionary War. Though a mere child the horrors of the Revolu- tionary War made a deep and lasting impression on his mind. In the battle between Generals Green and Cornwallis, he says : '*We distinctly heard the roar of the artillery, and awfully feared the re- sult." Then followed (as they had preceded) the bitter religious contentions, — the I'resbyterians, the Baptists, the Episcopalians ; until ''about this time KEv. r.Airiox w. stonf: RELIGIOUS JOURNALISM 310 came a few Methodist preachers," and the older sects began to unite in their opposition to the new arrival. The child was very deeply impressed by the religious agitations, revivals and wars, and was much tossed about on the waves of doubt and un- certainty in the midst of these troublous seas. And 3'et even now his precocious mind was forming opin- ions and arriving at conclusions that would have done honor to the low standard of sectarian conten- tion of the time. Little did his widowed mother, laboring in poverty to provide for her household, dream that the bright, alert, vivacious, yet remarkably conscientious lad, playing in her yard, or with sparkling eyes relating to her his childish discoveries of joys, or with troubled head bowed in her lap pouring out his childish troubles, was one of the mighty ''chosen ves- sels" of God to bear to the world the glad message of Christian fellows^hip, and to lead the ai'mies of Jehovah against religious intolerance and ecclesias- tical bigotry. Like the slave mother of Booker T. Washington, like the widowed mother of Lincoln, or of Garfield, so the mother of Barton W. Stone, all unconsciously, yet nevertheless carefully and prayerfully, was preparing for her nation, for her church, for her God, a gift such as the wealth of a Rockefeller or a Carnegie or a Gould cannot offer. He took deep interest and intense delight in study, and quickly and thoroughly mastered the rude branches that were then considered a "common school education," and then determined to secure a higher education. In this ambition his mother fully 320 THECENTENNIALOF concurred. He entered an academy at Guilford, N. C, in 1790. To quote liis own words : With the ardor of Eneas' son, I eomuienced with the full purpose to acquire an education, or die in the attempt. With such a mind every obstacle can be surmounted in the affairs of life. I stripped myself of every hindrance for the course — denied myself of strong food — lived chiefly on milk and vegetables, and allowed myself but six or seven hours in the twenty-four for sleep. By such indefatigable application to study, as might be expected, I passed several classes, until I came up with one of equal application, with which I continued through the whole of our academic course. At the very time he entered this academy the dis tinguished Presbyterian preacher, James McGready, was engaged in a revival meeting in the community, and a number of students of the academy were among the converts. Young Stone had entered the academy determined to secure a thorough education, and to fit himself for the practice of law; and he feared that religion would thwart the object he had in view. He therefore determined to avoid the com pany of the religious element of the school, and to that end immediately sought the association of "that part of the students who made light of divine things, and joined with them in their jests at the pious." "For this," he says, "my conscience severe- ly upbraided me when alone, and made me so un- happy that I could neither enjoy the company of the pious nor the impious." Space forbids the full account of his long struggle and profoundly inter- esting conversion. I will quote only the closing words of his own account: The discourse being ended, I immediately retired to the woods alone with my Bible. Here I read and prayed with various feelings, between hope and fear. But the truth 1 had just heard, "God is love," prevailed. Jesus came to RELIGIOUS JOURNALISM 321 seek and to save the lost — "Him that cometh unto Me, I will in no wise cast out." I yielded and sunk at His feet a willing subject. I loved Him — I adored Him — I praised Him aloud in the silent night, in the echoing grove around. I confessed to the Lord my sin and folly in disbelieving His word so long — and in following so long the devices of men. I now saw that a poor sinner was as much author- ized to believe in Jesus at first, as at last — that noio was the accepted time, and day of salvation. From that time until I finished my course of learning, I lived devoted to God. As with Paul, as with Luther, so with Stone, — ■ God laid the foundation of his great life in the mor- tar of trials and sorrow. Stone became a thorough scholar. He mastered not only the natural sciences and mathematics; but he became remarkably proficient in the languages — English, French, Latin, Greek and Hebrew. He spent several years of his life as a teacher, in pri- vate school, professor of languages in a Methodist academy, principal of academy, etc. In 1793 he became a candidate for the ministry in the Presbyterian Church, but upon taking up the more careful study of his church standards and re- quirements his mind was deeply troubled. His deli- cate conscientiousness and high standard of integ- rity forbade even the appearance of deception or hypocrisy. His first stumbling-block in the study of his church ''Confession'' was the doctrine of the Trinity. Witsius was put into his hands. To quote his own words: Witsius would first prove that there was but one God, and then that there were three persons in this one God, the Father, Sou and Holy Ghost — that the Father was luibe- gotten — the Son eternally begotten, and the Holy Ghost eternally proceeding from the Father and the Sou — that it was idolatry to worship more Gods than one, and yet equal worship must be given to the Father, the Son and 322 THE CENTENNIAL OF Holy Ghost. He wound up all in incomprehensible mystery. My mind became confused, so much confused that I knew not how to pi-ay. Till now, secret prayer and meditation had been my delightful employ. It was a heaven on earth to approach my God and Savior ; hut now this heavenly exercise was cliecked, and gloominess and fear filled my troubled mind. He later procured Dr. Watt's treatise on the sub- ject of the Trinity, and with his views he appears to have agreed. He made known to "the pillars" of his church his doubts and position regarding the ''Confession of Faith." He says: They labored, biit in vain, to remove my difficul- ties and objections. They asked me how far I was will- ing to receive the confession. I told them, as far as I saw it consistent with the word of God. They concluded that was sufficient. I went into Presbytery, and when the ques- tion was proposed, "Do you receive and adopt the Confes- sion of Faith, as containing the system of doctrine taught in the Bible?" I answered aloud, so that the whole congre- gation might hear, "I do, as far as I see it consistent with the word- of God." No objection being made, I was ordain- ed. As an evangelist his life can be compared only with such as Wesley, Whitefield, Edwards, or Moody. The climax of his achievenients in this respect was the great "Cane Ridge Revival," of Kentucky. This wonderful manifestation of supernatural ])Ower beggars description of either tongue or pen. It was in ISOl, ''on Friday before the third Lord's day in August." God had already manifested His presence in connection with the recent preaching of Barton W. Stone, and when this revival "of only six or seven days and nights" began there was an immense congregation from all directions, representing all the different religious sects. For some almost unexplainable reason a spirit of unity prevailed. Methodists, l.aptists, Presbyterians, etc.. RELirxIOUS .TOURNALISM 323 etc., all united in prayer, praise, song and com- munion. When Barton W. Stone rose to deliver the opening address of that wonderful meeting in the midst of the gathered thousands, his eloquent lips became more eloquent, his clear mind became clearer, and his heart of love was overflowing with the outpouring of the Spirit and love of God. A wave seemed to sweep the mighty audience, and in all parts men and women were seen to fall to the ground calling upon the Lord. The air was filled with cries and prayers of the penitents, soon in- termingled with the shouts and praises of the new- born souls. Then followed a scene still more re- markable. Ministers of all denominations, their hearts touched by an unseen power, sprang to their feet in ditferent parts of the congregation and be- gan preaching the same things. Mr, Stone says: On the universality of the gospel, and faith as the con- dition of salvation, I principally dwelt, and urged the sin- ners to believe now, and be saved. And again : We all engaged in singing the same songs of praise — ■ all united in prayer — all preached the sanie things— free salvation urged upon all by faith and repentance. So intense was the interest that during five of the seven days' meeting there was no intermission day or night; but the solemn hour of midnight rang, as did the full glare on noonday, with the triumphant shouts and praises and prayers and i)roclamations of the mighty army of Israel. It is estimated that thirty thousand people were on the grounds during the revival. The number of converts is unknown, only that they numbered in the thousands. But 324 THE CENTENNIAL OF let me again step aside, and permit the chief actor in this scene to speak: A particular description of this meeting wonld fill a large volume, .ind then the half would not be told. The number converted will be known only in eternity. Many things transpired here, which were so much like miracles, that if they were not, they had the same effects as miracles on infidels and unbelievers ; for many of them by these were convinced that Jesus was the Christ, and bowed in submission to him. This meeting continued six or seven days and nights, and would have continued longer, but pro- visions for such a multitude failed in the neighborhood. Considering" the circumstances probably no revival since apostolic times has equalled it. Such is only a weak, pitiable glimpse of the wonderful "vision," '^et down from heaven by four corners," before this holy man of God. And was it not for the same purpose that God had sent the vision to his great apostle at Joppa — to teach the great principle (the very key) of Christian fellowship — '^What God hath cleansed, call not thou common f" Stone "was not disobedient unto the heavenly vision." He was no longer a sectarian; but declared his desire to fel- lowship all "whom God hath cleansed." Then came the bitter wars of persecution. All the sects seemed to combine against him; but through it all he stood like a hero, with one liand scattering the bread of life upon the waters of the ocean of lost souls, and with the other wielding "the sword of Jehovah and of Gideon" against the Midianitish hosts of sectarianism. Having been first a Presbyterian, Stone was a pedobaptist. Years after he began preaching the gospel, in fact, several years after the great Cane Ridge revival, he became convinced that immersion RELIGIOUS JOURNALISM 325 was the proper Scriptural mode of baptism, and true to his convictions he was immeysed. Though his views in this regard were changed, and he had acted in accordance with his changed views, yet it was not with a spirit of intolerance or bigotry, but with a spirit, as he said, That every brother and sister shouhl act freely, and according to their conviction of right — and tliat we should cultivate the long neglected grace of forbearance towards each other — they who should be inuiicrsed should not de- spise those who were not. liarton W. Stone was not a Campbellite. Hq never turned traitor to the principles of the "Chris- tian Church," of which he was one of the earliest [)romoters; and true to those principles he was ever ready and rejoicing to fellowship every child of God, whether of liaptist, Methodist, Presbyterian or "Quaker" faith. Christian Character alone was his test of fellowshij), and he believed that none of these peculiar "faiths"' in an}^ way invalidated that character. He was likewise ready at all times to alTHliate with any body of Christians that was willing to take the Bible as their rule of faith and practice, '•Christian" as their name, make Christian character their only test of fellowship, and grant to every fol- lower of Christ the right to interpret the Bible for himself. He visited at one time in Meigs county, Ohio, a small Baptist association. He was received kindly, and urged to take part in the deliberations. Wlien opportunity offered he presented the position of the (then) new Christian Church, This was done so clearly, so lovingly and so convincingly tlint. as he savs: 326 THE C E N T E N N I A L O F The mind of tlu" Association was withdrawn from any farther attention to their knotty cases, to the consideration of what I had said. The result was, that they agreed to cast away their fornuihiries and creeds, and talie the Bible alone for their rule of faith and practice — to throw away their name Baptist and take t4ie name Christian — and to bury their Association, and to become one with lis in the great worlv of Christian union. They then marched up in a band to the stand, shouting the praise of God, and pro- claiming aloud what they had done. We met them, and embraced each other with Christian love, by which the union was cemented. I think the number of elders who united was about twelve. After this the work gloriously progress- ed, and multitudes were added to the Lord. Many years after, in fact, duriuii; the declining years of his noble life, when a nuniher of Campbell- ite elders (including Alexander Canipliell himself) made overtures for a ''union," insisting that they occupied the same ground, being finally convinced by their prolonged assurances that they were acting in good faith, he gladly welcomed them into the closest union and affiliation. But as regarded the "Christian Church," of which Stone lived and died a member, these elders proved to be ^'wolves in sheep's clothing," and "scattered and divided the sheep" of many of the Christian ilocks he had been instrumental in organizing. In many instances they carried off entire congregations (just as the ''Shakers" had done a few years before), in some instances securing the houses of worship themselves by having them deeded from the ''Christian Church" to some other name (in order to hold them). In truth, few men were further from the Camj^bellite position than was Stone. He pleaded for the union of all faithful believers in Christ, they refused mem- bership to millions of the noblest and purest fol- lowers of Christ; he believed in the power of God's R E L I G I O TT 8 J O U R N A L I S INI 327 Spirit in conversion and never doubted tlie j;enuine ness of the great Cane Ridge revival and the many others like it in which he labored, they ridiculed it all under various depreciatory names; he prayed for the conversion of sinners and taught them to pray for themselves, they denied the efficiency of all such prayers; etc., etc. Barton Warren Stone died ''on Saturday morn- ing, at 4 o'clock, November 9, 1844," in Hannibal, Mo. Though no great marble statue has ever been erected in his honor, yet he was instrumental in erecting the great monument of universal Christian fellowship that will stand untarnished long after marble or granite has crumbled to dust; though his name has not been written on the human scroll of fame, yet he wrote it in golden letters of love in the Iiearts of thousands and tens of thousands. Surely in his crown of rejoicing there are many bright stars. Merom, Indiana . REV. O. W. TOWERS, D. D. Home jMission Secretary RELIGIOUS JOURNALISM 329 DAVID PURVIANCE The Preacher=Statesnian BY REV. O. W. POWERS, D. 1). Homo Mission Set'rotary The materials for this sketch are taken from the biography of Elder David I'urviaiice, written by his son, Elder Levi Purviance, and published in 1848. David Purviance was the son of Col. John Pur- viance, a native of Pennsylvania, who removed in early life to Iredell County, N. C. Here David was born November 14, 17G6. His parents were members of the Presbyterian church, and took care to have their son well taught in the principles and doc- trines of that body. He was destined by them for the ministry, and to that end was given as thorough a training as the circumstances of the time per- mitted. His father served in the American army during the Revolutionary War; and upon David, his eldest son, devolved much of the care of the family. By this and by ill health his studies were interrupted. Later he engaged in teaching. In the year 1789, he married Mary Ireland, and settled on a farm near that of his father. Soon his father and other relatives moved to Tennessee, where he also went, locating near Nashville. But th.e country was too much disturbed by unfriendly Indians to be either pleasant or safe, and in 1792 IlEV, DAVID rURVIANCB RELIGIOUS JOURNALISM 331 he removed to Cane Eidge in Bourbon County, Ken- tucky. Here he cleared a space, erected a cabin, and began to change the little holding from a dense wilderness into a farm capable of supplying his simple Avants. Although well educated for those times, frontier life at first afforded no scope for his talents. But in the year 1797, he was elected to the legislature of Kentucky, and thereafter for some years represented Bourbon County in that body. He was a sturdy champion of the people, and stood resolutely for their rights in more than one notable contest. His first antagonist was the Hon. John Breckinridge, afterwards United States Senator, who appears to have been easily Avorsted by the young giant in homespun. In 1799, an election was held for members of a Constitutional Convention. Mr. Burviance Avas a candidate; but, OAving to his advocacy of the gradual emancipation of the slaves, was defeatetl. Never- theless he was returned to the legislature, and serA'ed until 1803. In the year 1801 occurred the ''Cane Ridge Re- vival." Under the influence of this movement he formed his decision to enter the ministry. He had united Avith the Bresbyterian church in North Caro- lina at the age of twenty, and was at this time a ruling elder in the church. He received a license from the Presbytery to exhort, before being elected to his last term in the legislature, and Avlien the session closed, he ''placed himself under the care of the I»resbytery- as a candidate for the ministry. At the next meeting of the Presbytery he Avas called upon according to the custom for a "trial sermon." 332 THE CENTENNIAL OF His effort was not entirely satisfactory. There was too much 'liberality" and ''free salvation" in it. He was then examined on the principles and doc- trines of the Westminister Confession. Not being able to fully subscribe to the confession, he was continued on probation. Meanwhile, charges had been brought against Richard M'Nemar, of the Washington Presbytery of Ohio, for preaching doc- trines contrary to the creed of the church. The case was carried to the Synod at Lexington. It became evident that the charge would be sustained, whereupon four men, Barton W. Stone, Dunlavy, Thompson and Marshall drew up a protest against the proceedings and withdrew from the Synod. The Synod at once passed an act of excommunication, declaring the congregations of these men vacant; but they denied the authority of the Synod to vacate the congregations, seeing that there were no charges against the four. With M'Nemar, they at once formed a new organization, naming it the Spring- field Presbytery. David Purviance cast in his lot with the new body, and was at once ordained. The majority of the churches went with their pastors, and the new doctrine was boldly preached. And this was the heresy of which they were charged: That God loved the world, and gave his well beloved Son to die, that whosoever believeth in Him might not per- ish, but have everlasting life. That Jesus Christ, by the grace of God, tasted death for every man, and that there was no partiality with God. That the provisions of the gospel were full and free, provided for all mankind indis- criminately. That if sinners were lost, it was not because God had decreed it, but because they would not come to Him that they might have life. Strange "heresy" this. But more Avas to follow, for RELIGIOUS JOURNALISM 333 it began to be evident to these men that they were not completely out of bondage, and that in continu- ing in the Presbyterian organization, they became a part of a sect. They, therefore, agreed unanimously to renounce their former name, with all man-made creeds, and acknowledge no name, hut that given to the disciples at Antioch (Chris- tian) and no creed but the Bible. This conviction was set forth in the "Last Will and Testament" of the Springfield Presbytery, which was in effect the act of dissolution of that body. Mr. Purviance now threw himself into the work of the ministry without stint. He preached day and night, exhorted, sung, and prayed, and brought all the power of his trained mind into requisition for his great work. He studied the Scriptures with diligence. On great occasions he would withdraw for a whole day at fasting, prayer and study of his theme. The spread of the revival spirit continued, and Purviance seems to have been the most striking figure connected with it. Believing that it was wrong to accept a salary for preaching, he received none. His biographer quaintly says : Some of the preachers seemed to think that it was God's business to feed and clothe the preachers and the business of the preachers' wives to feed and clothe themselves and children. At any rate while Purviance was traveling in Kentucky, North Carolina, Tennessee and Ohio, his family (the oldest child being only twelve years of age), made a frugal living on the little farm. In the summer of 1800 he bought a small farm on 334 T II E C E N T E N N I A L O F the east fork of the Whitewater, Preble County, Ohio. His son Levi was sent to make some im- provements on it, and in the autumn of 1807 he re- moved to the new location. It was a wilderness. A few families came from Cane Eidge and formed the beginning of a church at New Paris, Ohio, *'the first church that was ever organized in that part of Ohio." Just before leaving Kentucky, he became con- vinced that immersion was the Scriptural mode of baptizing and was immersed by Barton W. Stone; but he never disfellowshi])ed unimmersed Chris- tians, nor in his teaching made immersion a condi- tion of church membership. As when he lived in Kentucky, he began to travel and preach in the frontier settlements of Ohio and Indiana, and made frequent visits to the more settled parts. In 180!), his character as statesman became known and, without any effort on his part, he was chosen a member of the lower house of the legisla- ture of Ohio. The next year he was elected to the Senate, where he served for the next six years. Here his labors were of immense value. There were few members who were able to draft a bill correctly, especially among the farmers and mechanics, who were largely represented in the legislature. So his associates were accustomed to apply to him. While he was in the Senate, the seat of government of Ohio was established in Cohnnbus. He helped to establish the penitentiary system of Ohio. He gave his infiuence for the present location of Miami University at Oxford, and for manv vears acted as one of its trustees, giving it his fostering care. RELIGIOUS JOURNALISM SSo The church at New l*aris soon became so large that it divided by common consent, and another church known as Shiloh was organized. Mr. Pur- viance was for many years pastor of both of these churches. When the Kew Paris church became divided on account of Campbell ism, he was much distressed by it, but was unable to restore liarmony. He had ceased to be pastor of the church for some years when the division occurred, and held his membership in the Shiloh church until his deatli. His last years were full of honors. He was loved and respected by all. For the last twenty years he took little active part in politics. After his wife died, in 1835, he lived with his son, John Purviance, and ceased to take an active part in worldly affairs. Put he was constant in visiting the afflicted and caring for the distressed. He wrote occasionally for the Gospel Herald and other periodicals, at- tended conferences, and preached as he had occa- sion until very near the time of his death. His last visit to the Miami Conference was in 1840; his last sermon was in the Shiloh cliurch at New Westville, a few weeks before his death; his last ])ublic ad- dress was at the funeral of his grandchild; and on August 19, 1817, this veteran of the cross fell asleej) in the hope of the religion he had so long proclaimed. Our review of the meager materials we have at hand convinces us that David Purviance was a great man. He left his impress upon the institutions of two great commonwealths. In Kentucky he was the friend of Governor Garrard, and the worthy an tagonist of John Breckinridge and Felix (Jrundy. 336 THE CENTENNIAL OF He served seventeen terms in all in the legislatures of Kentucky and Ohio and was Presidential Elector in 1812. He was a constructive statesman, and es- caped being famous in the sphere of statesmanship only because he deliberately chose to devote his life to something of vastly more moment. In Kentucky he failed of election to the Consti- tutional Convention by a few votes, solely because in a slave state he dared to advocate the gradual emancipation of the slaves. In Ohio he sacrificed his prospects for further political honors because he advocated the repeal of the oppressive ''Black laws" which made the condition of free men of color in- tolerable. He could always be counted on the side of the poor and oi»pressed. He was very much de- voted to tlie cause of temperance, and espoused the Washingtonian movement with all his heart. But it is as a preacher of the gospel that he ex- celled. In early life he was a controversialist, in tlie days when men were obliged to stand for tlieir liberty; but he tempered all his controversy with cliarity. His biographer says of him: As a preacber, though he was never backward in the reproof of sin, he was ever popular with all classes of hear- ers, and, although firm and zealous in the maintenance of his peculiar tenets, yet his exemplary piety commanded tiie esteem, and the softness of his manners and sweetness of his disposition procured him the love, of his opponents. The following is taken from his memoirs, written by himself eleven or twelve years before his death : In reviewing my past course, I see many changes in matters of opinion, but I have never changed my religion. My religion is LOVE, and I am happy in reflecting that in this all Christians agree. ... In vain is that faith that does not work by love, and in vain is every effort to pro- RELIGIOUS JOURNALISM §S7 mote unity in the church or among religionists, where love does not predominate. ... It avails but little for a person to declaim against bigotry and sectarianism, saying his creed is the Bible and he is certainly right. It is true his creed is right, but his judgment and practice too may be erroneous. With equal confidence another and another may claim to be right, and finally the pope may claim infal- libilitj'; and commonly he who is the most clamorous and censorious is the farthest wrong. ... I admit that certain articles of faith are essential and proper tests of Christian fellowship; but these may be found in the Scriptures, in explicit terms. In many matters of opinion on various subjects men may and do differ, and it is indecorous to impeach a man's motives or honesty in such a case. Of all classes of men, religious bigots are the most intolerant ; whereas, charity and forbearance are badges of Christianity. I can boast of no high attainments as respects my knowl- edge of divine things, but I can say with Paul, "I know whom I have believed, and that he is able to keep that which I have committed unto him against that day." And that day is at hand. I have nearly finished my course. I feel as though I was within one step of eternity. While I bid my brethren of every name a final farewell, permit me to add : For the honor of God and of the benign religion of Jesus Christ, henceforth "Let us be kindly affectioned one to an- other, with brotherly love, in honor preferring one an- other." Dayton, Ohio. ^^^i^ REV. JOSEPH TIIO>[AS "The AYhite I'ilgrim" RELIGIOUS JOURNALISM 339 THE WHITE PILGRIM I'.Y liKV. JOHN ELLIS 1 caiiic to the spot ivJicrc the White Pih/)-im lay, And pcnswcly stood hi/ the tomh; When in a low whisper I heard something say, "How sweetly I sleep here alone! "'/'lie tempest may howl, and, the loud thunders roll — And gathering storms may arise — - Vet ealni are my feelings, at rest is my soul, The tears are all wiped from my eyes. ''T wandered an exile and stranger heloir. To puljlish salvation ahroad; The trump of the gospel endearored to hlou:. Inviting poor sinners to God. "Bnt when among strangers a)id far from home — ISlo Jdndred or relatives nigh — / met the eontagion and saiil: in the tomh. My spirit ascending on high. ''Go tell my companions and children most dear, To weep not for Joseph, though gone; The same hand that led mr through scenes dart: and drear Has kindly conducted mc home." REV. A. C. YOUMANS RELIGIOUS JO U It N A I> I S M 341 JOSEPH THOMAS "The White Pilgrim" BY REV. A. C. YOUMANS. Few if any of our pioneer ministers were more striking characters than was Elder Joseph Thomas, better known as '^'Tlie White Pilgrim." This so- briquet was given him because he was always attir- ed in white apparel. The writer remembers, as a little boy, hearing many conversations among the older people con- cerning the Pilgrim who had visited our state and made a circuit of the churches in the eastern sec- tion. The descriptions given by them of his appear- ance, his manner, and his power in the pulpit in- spired a young and listening mind with great rever- ence for the itinerant preacher. The Avriter has served, as a pastor, two churches in which Elder Thonms had preached and in these as well as the neighboring churches there were to be found many reminiscences and great regard for the subject of our sketch. Joseph Thomas was born in Orange County, N. C, March 7, 1791. He was born of parents who had moved from Pennsylvania to North Carolina, and had succeeded in gathering together considerable of the world's goods, which the Kevolutionary War dissipated through its ravages. Joseph was the youngest in the family of nine children. Some prop- erty had again been accumulated which, quoting 342 THE CENTENNIAL OF Mr. Thomas, ''by the change of times, with the curse of intemperance, on my father's' part, was spent, scattered and entirely wasted." He says: The first seveu years of my life, I bad the guardian care of a dear fatlier and tlie affectionate attention of a fond mother, in which lionie I was taught to read, write and cipher. In the year 1798 hard necessity compelled that I should be separated from my parents and from my once peaceful home. The next five or six years ol' liis life were spent amid cruelty and affliction. The first family with which he lived treated him cruelly, subjecting him to the extremes of hunger and cold, and denied him all school privileges which had been pledged; but he employed himself in his leisure hours as he said, "reading the books my father had given me, among which my favorites were the Economy of Human Life and the New Testament." At the age of ten he was afflicted with a white swelling on his knee, necessitating the removal of one of the bones in his leg. It was thought that he would never walk again and his life was even despaired of. Having removed to Virginia Avith his brother, he found a benefactor and friend at last in a neighbor, Andrew Johnson, who insitired the boy by moral precepts and gave him advantages in school, the teacher of which became especially interested in young Joseph. Mr. Johnson had taken him as a boarder, but when the end of the year came, he would receive nothing for his board, neither would the teacher take anything for his tuition. Here was a great change in the life of the youth. He soon began to teach and with assiduity he applied him- RELIGIOUS JOURNALISM 343 self in all of his leisure iiioineiits to studies, which habit he coutinued to the end of his life. When one has read the life and writings of Joseph Thomas, he will have seen him to have been an ex- ceedingly sensitive soul. This condition must have been partial!}' constitutional and perhaps partly induced by the vicissitudes through which he was caused to pass in his early years. Very early he felt the conviction of sin weighing heavily upon him, and under its baneful load he struggled for years. Praters and promises upon his own part seemed to give him no light or relief, neither did the prayers of Christian people avail in bringiug him peace. He wrote: I felt that I was destitute of salvation of my soul which I desired altove anything on earth. My distress of mind in- creased. I was soon convinced that my soul was in too much dani,'er of being lost, if I coutinued long in so wicked a place. In March, 1800, I went to Carolina again. This was in the time of the celebrated revival when it was not a strange thing to hear many, old and young, profess re- ligion, and to see them engage in the vmaccountalde exer- cise of shouting, dancing, hallooing, jumping, laughing, etc. He attended a campmeeting in October of the same year, to which he looked forward with expecta tion as he might here find the pearl of great price, the salvation of his soul. Here he sought the aid of the ministers and brethren and had a dream which he interpreted as having divine significance, yet the camp meeting closed witliout his finding peace. He said : Many prayers were offered for me, but alas, my heart was too unbelieving to receive the blessing I had so long sought, and without which I was sensible I would be mis- erable and utterly lost. He left the ground at the close of tlie meeting 344 THE CENTENNIAL OF solemn and mournful, not believing that he had ob- tained forgiveness for his sins. He writes again: After the meeting, I continued to .seeli the Savior by constantly attending meetings, by private prayer and by attentive reading of tlie Scriptures. I was for some time tossed to and fro in my mind, sometimes almost sunk in de- spair, burdened with grief and sorrow and other times felt glad that the Lord showed me so much mercy. For some months the exercises of my mind were so conflicting and distressing, that my flesh was reduced almost to a skeleton ; and I could enjoy but little comfort in anything on earth. On the 7th of May, 1807, early in the morning, having spent the night previous in groans and tears, I arose and sought a private place in a distant wood, where I often had resorted, determining if there was yet mercy with God for me, I would wrestle with Him in prayer, until I would find deliverance from the intolerable burden that pressed my sorrowful soul. I found the place I sought, and some- time after sunrise, I found the Lord Jesus. The love of God was shed abroad in my heart — I found the blessing I had so long sought, and for which I had shed so many tears, and uttered so many groans. O ! the glory, the trans- porting joys that filled my soul ! Had I the wings of an eagle, and the voice of a trumpet, I would have declared to the whole world, the wonders God had wrought on my soul. The joys qf that day were unutterable and never to be for- gotten. At once he felt that he should receive baptism by immersion and become a preacher of the gospel. He was acquainted with the Tresbyterians, the Methodists, the Calvinists and the Free Will Bap- tists. He declared, ''the Presbyterian or the Bap- tist Church would have suited me in point of govern- ment; but their doctrine, to my mind, so evidently opposed the doctrine of the Scriptures and the whole course of my experience that I thought it unneces- sary to offer myself to either." Finding intellectual barriers in all the denominations surrounding him, he concluded that he would either have to sacrifice his conscience and his faith, or stand alone and be opposed by the surrounding sects. RELIGIOUS JOURNALISM 345 Hearing of the Chi-istiaus who professed to take the Scriptures for their rule of faith aud practice, he sought out one of their jjreachers to get informa- tion on the subject whicli gave him so much con- cern. He found in this people, a body with which he might unite and labor and he became a member thereof, and was licensed as an exhorter. Wrote he: I now began to close up luy little worklly concerns, and prepare for an itinerant life in the gospel. I exercised in exhortation frequently through the neighborhood, but my efforts were weak and much ridiculed by many who heard me. My mother, relations, aud the most of those who conversed on the subject, rigidly opposed the luidertaking. And had I not been strongly convinced that the Spirit of the Lord inspired and moved me to the work, I would not have assumed a calling for which I thought myself so little qualified. I counted the cost — I determined to obey God, rather than be intimidated by man, or overcome by inferior obstacles. I now surrendered all pretensions to the advantages of this world, and to the gratification of carnal appetites. I bade farewell to ease, to the hopes of honor, to the popular- ity, and to the friendship of a gain-saying generation, and freely sacrificed them all upon the cross of Christ, resolving to follow the footsteps of Jesus, whom I now took to be my only friend. I considered myself starting on a mission, the most important ever engaged in by man, and on a pur- suit which was to occupy my constant and assiduous atten- tion, during the remainder of my days. The 10th day of October, 1807, when I was sixteen years and about nine months old, I bade farewell to my mother, my relations, and to a sneering world, and started for the meeting in Raleigh, and thence to people aud lands un- known. At the meeting in Ealeigh he met James O'Kelh' and during the meeting he opened his mind to O'Kelly on the subject of baptism and desired to be immersed by him, but, writes Thomas : In explaining the nature and use of baptism to me he made it mean pouring. I believed from his age, experi- ence and abilities of mind, he must be right, and on the 346 T II E C E N T E N N I A L OF Sabbath clay of the meeting, I was baptized (as we then called it) in that way. He with four other young men presented them- selves at this meeting for the ministry, and he w'as appointed to travel and labor with an elder till the next union meeting which Avas to convene some six months later. lie at once set out with J. Warren, to make a circuit of the lower counties of Virginia, who did not seem to understand, or have sympathy with the youth set to his charge, and instead of encouraging him, did all he could to try and mortify and silence him. Young Thomas in his maiden efforts was ex ceedingly weak, and this the over-i^reacher informed him should be evidence to him that he was not cal- culated for the work, and should take it as an evidence that he was not called to the ministry. But opposition and obstacles could not silence the boy preacher. Instead of discouraging him they drove him the more to meditation, to prayer and to the search of the Scriptures. He had cast himself out in the deep and he was trusting himself to the waves. Time should see what he should be and do. The preacher of this generation can form but little conception of what it meant to be pioneers in a liberal gospel movement. Sectarianism had built high and almost invulnerable walls, and Christiani ty was interpreted by the sects to mean the keep ing intact the beliefs of their special bodies. It was no uncommon thing in those days for a lay- nmn to speak out in the meeting, to arise and op- pose the minister for his doctrines. This thing oc- curred the more often to the early preachers in the RELIGIOUS JOURNALISM 3i1 Christian deuoiiiiuation, for their audiences in the new fields were made up of those who hekl to sectarian views. It was not infrequent that the ministers of otlier bodies came to oppose and ridicule what the}' styled the "rotten Arminian mushroom doctrine which was preached by the tail end of the Methodists, the O'Kellyites." In these contests and tilts Thomas had the ability to hold his own, if not to wound or dispatch his foes, for he possessed a wonderful power in satire and could hold up the objects of his scorn to ridicule, a method which is stronger and more convincing than argument. Com- munities were warned against him as a renegade and an O'Kellyite. He, speaking of his failure to accomplish anything in a certain community said, I could not do many mighty works there because of the Presbyterians. Their religion seems to consist in keeping the Sabbath and withstanding everything that is not Cal- vinism. The opposition against Mr. Thomas not only took the form of debating, but at times threatened his life. For twenty-eight years the White Pilgrim jour . neyed and preached. He gives us a record of his work for nine months, during which time he had held 300 meetings with 73 souls professing a hap- py change from darkness to light. His itineracies included the States of Virginia, North Carolina, Maryland, Tennessee, Kentucky, Ohio, Pennsylvania, New Jersey, and New York. We have no way of knowing how many meetings he conducted, how many people he addressed, how mau}^ souls were inspired, how many brought to faith in Christ, but 348 THE CENTENNIAL OF the records that we have would show that in the twenty-eight years, this Avandering man of God stimulated the faith of, and opened the heavenly door to, thousands, besides championing the cause of religious liberty and helping to break down the walls of sectarianism. These things he did amid the most adverse cir- cumstances— on foot, horseback, or gig, he traveled under the scorching sun or over the frozen fields, fording swollen streams, disregarding the wet, hun- ger and severest cold, facing death in many in- stances. Not for one moment did the man, who had put his hand to the plow, turn back; but followed the footstejjs of the Master, seeking those who were lost. As a preacher of the gospel, he had a message to the people of his generation. It was a time of peculiar religious jdienomena, when people had what he styled the "jerks/' and fell down in what was called the "power," when religion was expressed by physical fervor with jum])ii!g, shouting, dancing and laughing. As we read his writings, it is evident to us that the Pilgrim was a type of a man we call "literal," for he seemed to be dissatisfied with the baptism that he had received at the hand of O'Kelly and was afterwards immersed ; and he records how at Stoverstown he introduced washing of feet among the brethren. His loyalty to truth as he saw it and his readi ness to sacrifice any and all things of this life in the discharge of duty, is clearly illustrated by his life's work and is clearly presented in his poems. RELIGIOUS JOURNALISM 340 I'erliaps none of his writings more clearly show how invincible were his principles and loyalty than the poem "On My Xew Pen." He had seen that his life was to be spent in far and wide travels by which he might not only preach the gospel to sin- ners, but that he might publish abroad the message of a new Catholicism and knit together the chil- dren of the broader faith in the different sections of our country. From this purpose he might not be swerved. He refused one sympathetic and ap preciative people's offer to him of fifty acres of land with a good house on it, etc., if he would settle and take charge of the church in that place. This would have been congenial, for he had already married Christiana Rittenous on April 5, 1812, which mar- riage was an exceeding happy one. A flood of light may be shed upon the character of the Pilgrim as well as that of the wife by a por- tion of a letter which she wrote to Prother Padger, published in the Palladiuni when her husband was touring Xew York and New Jersey. Wrote she: \yiieii I joined him in matrimony, I nffrood never to stand in Iiis way in preaching tlie gospel, and I have reason to be thanlvfid that God has to this day enabled me with all cheerfnlness not only to submit, but to aid him by my prayers, industry, and economy to conthuie and extend his itinerant labors over the world. lie has suffered nuich for .Tesus' sake; for the salvation of perishing sinners he has sacrificed the world. My soul always went with him in bis arduous and distant travels, panted high for the pros- perity of the cause, and participated in his griefs and trials. Anxieties and solitude have often spread a gloom over many solitary and lonesome nights. But the success with which God has often attended his labors, has so often been to me like a morning without a cloud, and as the bril- liant sunshine to my soul. I have gladly suffered with him for the sake of .Jesus, and I strongly hope I shall be a sharer of bis reward in heaven. 350 THE CENTENNIAL OF Those who heard him preach claimed him to be an orator, a logician. How much of a sermonizer he may have been, looked at by present standards, we may not say as we have no sermons written by him at hand; but that he drew large audiences, moving them to tears and convictions, we may ac- cept as most favorable judgments passed by the best of all critics, — the common people. That his pure white attire added to his notoriety and aided him in comnuinding the attention of audiences, cannot be doubted. His personal appearance was good, "about six feet high, light complexion, straight, athletic, strong, well-proi)ortioned, and the picture of health." One in writing his impressions of Elder Joseph Thomas as he preached in the pulpit of Isaac N. Walter, in New York, says: Presentlj- a niau dressed in white, bearing a modest, mild expression of connteuance, arm in arm with the pastor was seen to ascend the pulpit, and was introduced as Joseph Thomas, the White Pilgrim, who at once proceeded to ad- dress his numerous hearers. His preaching was in har- mony with his general appearance: mild, persuasive, and evidently dictated by love for souls. I never saw a counte- nance more, indicative of what I have ever regarded as the stamp of the spiritual than his. Of his talents as a preach- er I can only speak in general terms. His oratory was the winning and persuasive style, his knowledge of the Scriptures appeared to be remarkably good. INIr. Thomas published a volume of poems from his own pen. We may not speak of him as a great poet, neither will we see him to be one minus of poetic conceptions. He had a good sense of rhythm and in his writings there scintillate many lights from the muse. Quite as frequently these ap- pear in his prose as in his verse. At the age of forty-four, while on his itineracy in RELIGIOUS JOURNALISM 351 New York State, he was unconsciously exposed to the small-pox, it is supposed in New York City, and succumbed to the same in Johnsonburg, N. J., where they laid him to rest in the little churchyard. Tlius the man who had spent his life to a great extent among strangers for the sake of Christ, fell asleej), far from his wife and children whom he had left in Ohio. He had served well and realized in death the de sire of his heart as he expressed it in verse: 'Tis for His sake I'd leavp all tilings, U])oii this earthly sphere, O. had I but celestial wings, I'd soon with Ilini appear. A Ihany, ^. Y. TROF. W. A. HARrER R E I- I ( J I O U S JOT' R N A L I S M ar,:; DANIEL WILSON KERR Scholar, Preacher, Journalist BY PROF. W. A. HARPER. Heroes are ever interesting characters — the pagan world exalts, deifies and worships them. The Chris- tian world regards them with peculiar respect and veneration. Leaders in the various avenues and ac- tivities of life always attract the attention and com- mand the admiration of the throng. Pioneers in any direction have a charm that is all their own. Daniel W. Kerr (pronounced Kar) was all of these — a hero, a leader, and a pioneer ; a hero of the cross, a leader in church, community, and state, and a pio- neer in the fields of religious education and journal- ism. It is for these reasons therefore that the people of the South in particular, and of the Christian Church generally, honor and cherish his name; and well we may, because he did as much to advance the interests of our cause and to strengthen it as any man who ever lived among us. He is one of the noblest types of our ministry, — a man of God and a human man, a devout Christian and a good citi- zen, a John the Baptist in education and religious journalism, a spiritual torch-bearer and a living, vital moral force in the world. Elder Kerr was born on July 10, 1796, in Cum- berland County, Va., of parents who traced their ancestrj- to the early families of Norfolk County of that state. Of his early life and education we have i;kv. uaniiol w. kioki: Fdundcr nnd First Editor of tlie riiiistiaii Sun 1S44— IS.JU n K I. k; I o u s j o v r n a l i s m 355 no definite data. His family was one that had sent many men into the professional life, and Kev. E. W. Hnmphreys in his Memoirs of Deceased Christian Ministers, states that Kerr intended to become a lawyer. His comparatively late profession of faith at the ajie of twentj'-two, lends some color to this statement. Be that as it may, it is certain that he received the best edncation available for his day and generation; he was a good scholar in the ancient languages, particularly Hebrew, Greek, and Latin, and his vigorous editorials and other writings left to us give ami)le proof of his versatility in the use of his mother tongue 4ind of the wide range of his reading and general information. A man of his intellectual attainments and of his grasp of know- ledge would not be at a very serious disadvantage in our own day, noted for its deep learning and profound scholarship. Elder Kerr was a man of commanding personality. He stood considerably over six feet in his sock feet and his frame was well proportioned, — if anything he inclined to corpulency. His expression was one of grave dignity and solid worth of character. He looked the master of men as the cut of him i)rinted in connection with this article shows, and when he spoke his utterances reinforced and deepened the inevitable impression produced by his prepossessing and towering i)hysique. He loved social intercourse as few men do ; he was the soul of mirth, wit, and sparkling humor. He was never more at ease nor at home tlian when seated in a x>iii'lor with a group of admirers around him, and for him to come into a home was the signal for such a gathering there. 356 T H E C E N T E N N I A L O F On such occasions lie was the centre of attraction, the cynosure of all eyes, the primal source of pleas- ure and inspiration. Such was the reputation of his home for genuine, unalloyed hospitality and good fellowship that it became a favorite resort for min- isters particularly, and travelers generally, entail- ing upon his modest income a greater burden than it could bear, and so resulting in frequent financial embarrassment to him and his noble wife. ^ye do not know exactly when he moved from his native state to Kortli Carolina, destined to be the scene of most of his great labors, the arena wherein his life gave out its noblest and its best. We know that he belonged to the same conference, the North Carolina and Virginia, to which the Kev. James O'Kelly belonged, and that he and O'Kelly were circuit riders together. O'Kelly died in 1826, where- as the first record we have of Kerr, after he became an active minister, is the minutes of the North Caro- lina and Virginia Christian Conference for 1830, at New Providence, then Orange, now Alamance Coun- ty, North Carolina, where it is recorded that he was present as an ordained elder. His tombstone records the facts that he professed faith in Christ in 1818, and entered the Christian ministry in 1819. Natur- ally he preached a few years as a licentiate before his ordination. We do not, however, know the date of his ordination, nor the ordaining i^resbytery, but we do know that he was ordained before 1828, the first minutes of his conference which have come down to us, and that the North Carolina and Vir- ginia Christian Conference ordained him; it is more than likely that James O'Kelly was one of the or- RELIGIOUS JOURNAL I SIM 357 daiiiing- presbytery. From 1830 on he was the leading spirit in his conference, tlie one to whom all eyes were turned as the leader, advisor, and ripe and ready counselor. He is always fjound on the com mittees that count for most, on those on finance, on circuits, on the oflice of ruling elder, on the state of the church, on education, and on publication. He never failed to be on the ordaining presbytery, and he preaches frequent sermons before the body and delivers special addresses. We find him introducing resolutions touching the status of licentiates, on the matter of union with the North Carolina Chris- tian Conference and with the Northern conferences, represented by the Christian Palladium, of Union Mills, New York, and on other matters vitally con- nected with the extension and upbuilding of the church, and yet he was never president, or modera- tor, as they called their presiding officer in those days, of his conference. He was one of the men who lead and rule by putting other people forward and acting as "scotch-horse" to them. He is rarely chair- man of a committee, but he always did its work. This characteristic of him is well brought out in his relation to the matter of union with the con- ferences affiliated with and represented by the Chris- tian Palladium. The idea of such a union was born In his fertile brain, and it was due to him that the understanding finally arrived at in the matter was consummated. In the year 1840, while living at Junto, N. C, a copy of the Christian Palladium by chance fell into Kerr's hands. He read it, liked it, and immediately subscribed for it. In the issue of June 1, 1810, we 358 T 1 1 E C E N T E N N I A L OF find his name printed among those who had snb scribed and paid for tlie paper for volume nine, the volume of that year, and in that same issue a letter from him to Brother Marsh, editor of the Palhtditiui, bearing date of May 8, 1840, which reads as follows: Junto, N. C, May 8, 1840. P>ro. iMavsli. one nninlier of the I'aJliidium, wbit-h has fallen into luy iiands, and which I have examined with some attention, contains views, both of church discipline and doctrines, which correspond very nearly with my own. I myself claim to be an biunble min- ister of the Christian Church, and reject ever.v principle of sectarianism in whatever shape it presents itself, and feel much delij^hted in every successful attempt against it. We have one conference embracing the states of Virginia and North Carolina, and comjirising something like a thou- sand members, more or less, and about thirty or forty ministers. The man of our counsel in all matters pertain- ing to ehiu'ch discipline and doctrines is the Holy Bible. It affords much pleasure to find that correct notions (as I huml)ly conceive) are disseminating themselves extensively in various portions of our country. Yours sincerely, D. W. Kerr. The Noi'th Carolina and Virginia Christian Con- ference that year met on October 2, at TTnion Meet- ing-House, then Orange, now Alamance County, N. C, and on the second day of that session we find tlie following minute: On motion of Elder Daniel W. Kerr, resolved, that a oom- nnttee be appointed by this conference to corres])ond with the editor of the Christian Palhidinm on the subject of luiion between the C'hristian Church re])resented by this conference and that in connection with the I'aUadliim. On this committee were appointed Elders Thomas Reeves, Daniel W. Kerr, Jesse K. Cole, and Thomas Lynch. Note that it was Kerr's idea and his motion, but some one else is put forward. But further, as soon as he got home, though he was not chairman of the committee, he took the mat- R K L I (i I <) U S J () T' K.N A L 1 S M 359 ter Up with lirother JNIai-sli, wi-itiii<; liiin nndor date of October 15, 1840. His letter and IJiother Marsh's response to it api)eared in tlie Palhtdimii of Novem- ber 16, 1810. The copy of the Palladium containing the response did not reach Elder Kerr until January 5, 1841. He replies ininiediatx'ly, and his second communication and IJrother Marsh's response there- to appeared in the I'alhuJium of February 1, 1841. At the end of lirother Marsh's response, Elder Kerr was asked to give a history of the Southern Chris- tians. He does so and it appeared in the PaUadium of March 15, 1841, and in the <7hrisfian ^lui bv re- I)rint November 9, 1844, but in this reprint he is so modest that he does not even suggest that he is the author of it, and but for the fact that we have the original PaUadium with his name signed to the article we would be driven to conclude that the editor of the Palladium, wrote it. Brother Marsh, in an editorial in the issue of the Palladium for June 1, 1841, calls upon the brethren of the North at the approaching conferences to approve or disap- prove of what he had said to p]lder Kerr in regard to the proposed union. Kerr's conference in 1841, met at Apple's Chapel, Guilford County, N. C. Re- specting the proposed union, the following motion prevailed : That there be u union with .such NorthiTii conferences as have sanctioned, or may sanction, (it*) I)y the committee of correspondence and Rrotlier Marsh, which terms will he considered as forming said union. Writing under May 12, 1841, Elder Kerr laid down the following terms of union : * I have inserted this word to make the sense complete. 300 THE CENTENNIAL OF That we shall retain oiir distinct individuality as a church, and transact our ecclesiastical affairs, receive and administer the ordinances in a manner suitable to our own views, convictions, and beliefs, and not at any time be molested or interrupted. Brother Marsh in the same issue of the Palladium accepted these terms and added: You will also, if practical, send messengers to our con- ferences and receive ours and so forth. And should you at any time choose to dissolve the ijuion, it will only be necessary to cease to act with us ; and each can let that brotherly love continue which now exists between us. As said above, this correspondence was ratified at the North Carolina and Virginia Conference, at Apple's Chapel, Guilford County, that same fall, and so became the basis of union between that conference and the Northern branch of the Christian Church. This union was short-lived, however, because of the stirring times soon to follow. In 1844, at the New England Convention, held in Lynn, Mass., May 14, 15, and 16, strong abolition resolutions were adopted. These resolutions appeared in the Palla- dium of June 12 of that year, and in the Christian Sun of August 9, of the same year. Elder Kerr re- plies to them, citing Scripture to prove the permissi- bleness of slavery and adding: The BoreaHs of the North cannot frighten and bewilder us. To the New England Convention, we say farewell; we have no desire to be united with you. Of course this was Kerr's individual opinion. The formal severance of relations came ten years later at the general convention at Cincinnati, Ohio. This episode in Elder Kerr's life has been given in detail from the authentic records, not alone for K E L I G I PITS J on U NALI SM 3(51 its intrinsic value as history, but also and primarily to exemplify his manner of leadership, or rather of "pushership." The idea of the union was his and he did all the Avork leading up to it, but he made his brethren believe they were its originators and that he was acting as their agent to carry out their ideas, that he was their mouthpiece, their AARON. This was his method, and a very effective method it proved. By it he brought things to pass, and that is all that the best of the world's great ones can do. rerhaps he adopted it from intellectual contempla- tion that it was the most certain way to accomplish his ends; perhaps it arose from the modesty and generosity and unselfishness of his nature— for he was truly modest and instinctively generous and un- selfisli to a fault. As an expounder of the Word, Elder Kerr had no equal in the church in his day and has had but few since. As has already been stated he was a proficient Hebrew, Greek, and Latin scholar. His editorial in the Christian Sun of June 21, 1844, on the translations of the Bible put him in the fore- front as a Biblical scholar. His lively imagination and his realizing power gave him exceptional ability and forcefulness in the field of Biblical exegesis. His power as a preacher was the power of Moody and of Spurgeon, the power to resurrect the skeleton scene described in the language of the sacred writ- ings, to make it live and move and have a being. He was not eloquent as some people understand that word, nor was he oratorical in his delivery, but he was dramatic and convincing. Rev. Solomon Apple, 362 T II E C E N T E N N I A T. O F writing of him in the Christum Sun of Febniarv 21, 1884, says: On soiiu> occasions lie disiilnycd great ability and cajiti- vated liis hearers by his eIo(iiience I wrote a paper * some thirty years ago designed to give my estimate of his preaching. At the time I wrote, my impressions were very favorable, and in reference to two sermons that I heard him deliver, I expressed the lielief that I scarcely ever heard them surpassed. One of these sermons was remarkable for the lucid exposition of the doctrine of grace. The other sermon was noted for the powerful effect produced on the congregation. In the whole course of my life, * * I have never seen such a change in the congregation from one sermon. It was no uncommon occurrence to see even the irreligious perfectly captivated by his lively and soul- stirring utterances. Elder Kerr was not onlv a leader on the floor of conference and in tlie pnlpit, but also a ])ioneer in the field of religions edneation. He was a scholar and had the scholar's love for instructing others. He was, during the most of liis sliort, but eventful life, a successful and widely known teacher. A pupil of his in the year 1842, Mr. J. P>. Lynch, of Efland, N. C, writes me that lie was a good and kind teacher. In 1826 we read that ''the Wake Forest IMeasant Grove Academy, situated on the Oxford road twelve miles north of Raleigh, N. C, was incorporated,*** with I'^ldcn- Daniel W. Kerr as i»rincipal. Twelve years later he was principal of ♦ It is very much to be regretted that the Christian Sun con- tiiliiiiig this article has been h)st. ♦* Brother Apple was then about 70 years of ase. **♦ The North Carolina State records give us this and the next Item. For putting me on the track of this and the next piece of information, I am indebted to my colleague, Prof. P. J. Ker- nodlc, who will shortly publish an account of the lives of Chris- tian ministers In the Southern Church. u E L k; I or s J o u k na l i s m 31 ; Junto Academy, formerly called :\It. Pleasant, which was incorporated in 18.38." This school was sit- uated in Orai)j>:e county, North Corolina, about three hundred yards from the present :Mt. Zioii Chris! ian church, founded by Elder Kerr while teachiui; at this point. The Academy, which was situated on Kerr's own farm, in his front yard in fact, consisted of three log cabins. The central one, a one-room frame building, 24 l»y 32, was used for recitation purposes. The two on either side were dormitories for boarders, one for young men and the other for young women. In 1842, so Mr. J. B. Lynch writes me, there were about 50 students. Mr. Lynch also writes that the original building was burned soon after and a new one built and that later the name was changed from Junto to Mt. Zion Academy. The curriculum olTered prepared for any of the colleges or universities, and its advertisements boldly de- clared that it was a non-sectarian school, wdiicli gave strict attention to moral as well as intellectual training. Kerr, on May 12, 1841, sent an adver- tisement of his school to the Christian Palladium. It appeared in the issue of June 15 and with it a very complimentary notice from its editor, Brother Marsh. In a private letter to Brother Marsh, which however was published at the same time as the advertisement above mentioned, Kerr spoke of there being " in this section a strong and tremendous com bination of sectarian bigots to prostrate my academy and they are using every means in their power, except those of openness and truth, for the ac- complishment of their nefarious purpose." This '^combination of sectarian bigots" had so much in •M-i THE CENTENNIAL OF llueuee that in 1S49, perhaps before, Kerr removed the Junto (Mt. Zion) Academy * to Pittsboro, N. C, where he taught a Male Academy until his death the next year. With him his school died. The enemies of his school were the enemies of his church, he calls them "sectarian bigots." Yet he was the educational pioneer, who endeavored to establish a school for intellectual and moral train- ing in our Southern Christian Church, and while he undertook to establish these schools on his own responsibility, he regarded them as church schools and so did our people. * * But for his efforts, and the efforts of others like him, Elon College, the pride of our people, our Southern Athens, as she has been fittingly called, a blessed and noble institution, sprung forth as if by magic to one who does not know the hardship and the suffering of the pioneer serv- ice to this end of such men as Kerr and J. K. Holt and the Longs, would not be to-day. He failed, but in his failure lay the seeds of a larger success than fancy's dream had ever pictured to his ener- getic soul. But the enterprise for which he is most noted and the institution which will forever entitle him to name and fame among us is the Christian Sun. From 1833 at the conference held at Kedar, Mt. Auburn Church, Warren County, N. C, and par- * The land on which the .Junto .(Mt. Zlon) Academy formerly stood is now owned by Mr. J. B. Richmond, Mebane, N. C, R. F. D., a relative of Elder Kerr through his wife, one of whose sisters married a Mr. Richmond, of Hurdle Mills, I'erson County, N. C. The academy has been torn down and no picture of it exists. ** For proof that his school was viewed in his day as a denom- inational enterprise, see his letter to Brother Marsh and Brother Marsh's response in Christian Palladium , June 15, 1841. U K L I G 1 O II S J O IT R N A L 1 S M 'M:> ticularly from the time that the Christian Palladium fell into his hands in 1840 until Feb. 17, 1844, when the first issue of the Christian Sun appeared, he labored constantly on the idea of a religious periodi- cal for his conference. Here, as in the matter of union with the Northern Church, he was the real power behind the throne, he furnished the ideas, but made others believe that they were theirs, and so he was enabled to bring the Christian Sun into being. At the conference at Mt. Auburn, referred to above, in the year 1833, a resolution prevailed to the ef- fect "that efforts be made to establish In North Caro lina, the printing of a paper to be entitled the 'Cliristian Intelligencer/ and that the treasurer be and is hereby authorized to pay out of the treasury, if there be a sufficient surplus, |50.00 to the su]) port of said paper, and that Brother Elijali Lewelling, Thomas Reeves, D. W. Kerr (italics mine, note the place of his name), and J. P. LelNIay be, and that they are, hereby appointed an editorial committee to conduct the printing of the same." The matter slept until May 14, 1842, at a called session * of the North Carolina and Virginia Con- ference at Union, then Orange, now Alamance Coun- ty, a session called especially to consider the estab- lisliment of a church paper. At this session a motion prevailed "that a monthly periodical newspaper be established amongst us, to be denominated, the * It is worthy of notice that the two greatest enterprises of our Southern Church were formally launched at called meetings of the bodies fostering them. The Vlirintidn i^un at Union in 1X412. and TOlon College at New I'rovidenee in 1888. Both these called sessions met on tlie soil of Alamance County and hotli tlie institu- tions have their seats at present in the same county. 366 THE CENTENNIAL OF Christian >S'u7/." Motions also prevailed to appoint twelve men as a Southern Christian Publishing Com mittee who should select an editor and arrange for the publication of the paper at once, and to make the Christian ^iin ^'auxiliary to the Christian PaJJa dium." This committee met the same day, im- mediately niton the adjournment of conference, and "unanimously elected Elder 1>. W. Kerr as c lit(U'."' For the next year nothing was done so far as the record shows, but Elder Kerr w^as at work laving his i»lans and making his foundation sure, for he realized that if the paper once failed the cause would be permanently injured. Not until the conference at rieasant Grove, Randolph County, N. C, held on September 21), 1842, did Elder Kerr speak for the public, and then simply announced that he hoped soon lo be able to begin the ])ublication of the Christian ^ini, and llie conference authorized him to begin as soon as he thought advisable. The minute reads : It was left (liscTetiouary with him (italics mine, to show lidw comiili'tely he was the leader in the matter) as editor vhcii to conniience it. Oil I'd). 17, 1844, the January number of the Chris- tian :oni in KentucUy, .laimary 15, 171(4. His fathei- was IVo-ii New Jersey, liis motlier ( wliose maiden name was Castro) was a Virginian. In 1811 he attended his first religions service — forty miles from his home, conducted by Rev. Cor- nelius Bowman. He was there, not to worshi}), but to fight Ned Bowman, the grandson of the preacher. Before lie got the chance to fight, he was deeply con victed of his sins. "After that," he said, "God bless you, I would not touch a hair of Ned Bow^nan's head.-' In 1814 Sneathen attended a meeting in Cincin- nati, became a Christian, and began preaching. In 1827 he went back to his old home, where the rowdy element of the community had allowed no meetings to be held since 1812, making fifteen years without the preaching of the Gospel. On his ar- rival at his old home he held a meeting of great power and blessing. Thirty-six of his old-time neighbors were converted, and a church was organ- ized. In the early part of his life he was known as a great fighter, but from the time of his conver- sion he became a brave soldier of the Cross, endur- ing many hardships in the Lord's service. REV. AnuAlIAM SNKATIIEN RELIGIOUS JOURNALISM 377 May 3, 1815, lie married IMiss Lydia Kicliard, of Butler County, Ohio. He then settled on the Twin Creek in Preble County. His wife became his teach- er, with the Bible as their text-book. It is said that he literally spelled his way the first time throui^h the Bible. In 1820 he joined the Miami Christian Con- ference. Later he was ordained by Elders Hhidler and David Purviance. In 1835 he moved to Indiana, and was at one time pastor of the INferom church. AVhen the convention, held near I'eru in 1858, decided to build a college in Indiana, it was Mr. Sneathen who proposed as a name for the college, Union Christian^ which was accepted. In 1870 he was invited to lecture before the col- lege. They offered to pay him, as they usually did others, but he refused to receive it because, as he said, he was not a college-bred man. However, the committee insisted as they had received the benefit, he must receive the compensation. Then he yielded and accepted it, but at once called the committee to prayer, asking God's blessing upon them, and also wisdom for himself that he might use the money they had given him for the glory of God. He organized the first Christian Church in north- western Indiana. August 31, 1844, assisted by four ordained and two unordained ministers, he organiz- ed at Mt. Pleasant, Cass County, Indiana the Tippe- canoe conference with fifteen churches. In August, 1879, the name was changed from Tippecanoe to Northwestern. In this conference he labored until 1871, when he went to Kansas. He devoted his labors largely to pastoral and evangelistic work. 378 THE CENTENNIAL OF always seeking; to assist the weaker churches. His thought seemed to be "to sjieiid and be spent" lor ('hrist and the Clinrch. Under his labors there arose a lay-preacher by the name of Bayless L. Dickson who wrought a great work under the Sj)irit's power among; the churches. Some of those converted uiuler this lay-preacher's labors refused to accept baptism except at the hands of this lay- preacher. Father Sneathen called a special session of conference and Brother Dickson was ordained to the work of the nunistry. He became a most useful minister of the Gospel ; and, next to Sneathen, or- ganized more churches, traveled more miles, and baptized more believers than any other man in the conference. Mr. Sneathen's home was well known for its hos- pitality— he turned no one away. At one time a big' meeting; was to be held in his community, but he had no meat with which to feed the peojtle, but taking- his gun he went in search of game. He told the Lord if he would give him two deer, he would return one to him. In a short while two deer were in his possession. Then he thought: "The Lord has sent me two fat deer, one larger than the other, and it suits me to keep the larger one." Afterward he said, "But I was onJi/ tempted, for I gave the larger deer to a poor widow." He was a heroic character, going through heat and cold, swimming the rivers, enduring many hardships, and doing without many comforts of life that he might more truly serve God and his fellow- men. At times his poverty in earthly riches seemed to stand in the way of his usefulness as a minister. I{ E L I ( ; I ( ) r S J () I M{ X A L 1 S ^! 37!) and yet the heaven-born magnetism ol' liis groat per sonality was more than a match lor adverse condi- tions. As illustrating this fact in his life, it is related in the days of his early ministry, when he was very poor, he attended a campmeeting at Honey Creek clinrch in ]Miami Connty, Ohio, and was so poorly clad that the ministers in charge were ashamed of him and refused to ask him to the platform, but when they attempted to conduct the services their efforts failed utterly — they could not awaken any interest, nor get attention. In this extremity it was proposed that they invite little "Abe Sneatlien'' to the stand and give him a chance, but some ob- jected, saying that he would "disgrace the meeting," and yet something iinisf he done, or the whole campmeeting would go to pieces on their hands. Yielding to the inevitable, "little Abe" was invited to come forAvard and help. It was no doubt a trial to their pride, but he came forward barefooted and otherwise poorly clad. He i)reached a great sermon. His magnetism as a speaker was so great that his ai)pearance was forgotten, and while he preacheil the Word, sinners were convicted and converted, and Christians wept and shouted for joy. It was in the midst of this w^onderful scene that Elder Kyle cried out, as if in prayer: ''Lord, send lis more barefoot preachers to convert the people." From this incident in his ministry he came to be known as the "barefoot preacher," a sobriquet not coveted by his brethren, but none of them were ashamed of his power, or the fruits of his wonderful preaching. 380 THECENTENNIALOF After spending' more than sixty ^-ears in active service, Abraham Sneathen fell asleep and passed to his reward January 1, 1877, just two weeks prior to his eightv-third birtlidav. Like Isaiah of old (Isa. 20:3, 4), God seems to have called Abraham Sneathen to service in poverty and much humiliation, but after all his was a won- derfully etl'ective ministry, a means of salvation for the lost and a great blessing to the church militant. Witli Elder Kyle may Ave not pray, "Lord, send us more preachers with such power for the conversion of the peoj)le and for the building up of the church?" Well might the dving note of this old veteran of the Cross have been the same as Paul's parting message to his brethren : ''I have fought a good fight, I have finished my course, I have kept the faith : henceforth there is laid up for me a crown of righteousness which the Lord, the righteous judge shall give me at that day." Dayton^ Ohio. CENTURY CHURCHES CHRISTIAN CIIUUCH Swrllison, ^I;iss. Orgnnized in 1093. R E L I G I OU S J O U R N A L I S M 383 OUR CENTURY CHURCHES - Swansea (Mass.) Christian Church Services in connection with ''the Chnrch of Christ in Swansea" were held as early as KISO. Formal chnrch organization was effected in 1098. No doctrinal tests were made conditions of ad- mission, but all Christians were recognized as pos- sessing equal rights in the household of faith. In 1725 it was decided to receive members only by the .''laying on of hands." In 1803, and subsequently for sixteen years, it had its repx'esentatives in the ''Yearly meeting of the Six Principle Baptists." From that time until the present Christian char- acter has been the onh' test of communion and mem- bership. A few years ago the church united with the Khode Island and Massachusetts Christian Con- ference. O'Kelly's Chapel, Chatham County, N. C. BY C. S. HOLLEMAN. Located in the Northeastern part of T'liatham County, N. C, is the Christian Church known as O'Kelly's Chapel. It stands in a grove of native oaks, and is probably now the only remaining church for which James O'Kelly preached. As late as 1852 the church was very prosperous, having about two hundred members, Rev. Thos. J. Fowler being pastor. The deacons were Alfred Moi'ing, Josiah Atkins and Reuben Herndon. On the death of the last named, C. S. Holleman was chosen to fill the vacancy. The board of deacons then remained unbroken for tliirtj- years. * rrepnreil by I'rof. J. N. Dales, Toronto, Canada. I- a> a 60 a 3 o J a -^ a J H b R E L I G I O T ' S J O T^ K \ A L I S M 385 The Civil War greatly hindered the usefulness of this churrh, but it is still active and has recently built a new house of worship as shown on page 384, It is now a handsome country church. It has a good Sunday-school. The grove where the monument to the memory of James O'Kelly stands is about one mile from the church— on the O'Kelly farm. The monument is a handsome one of granite and ap})r()pri;ih'ly marked thus : ERECTED BY HIS CHRISTIAN FRIENDS TO THE MEMORY OF JAMES O'KELLY OF NORTH CAROLINA. THE SOUTHERN CHAMPION OP CHRISTIAN FREEDOM. The cemetery has fourteen graves marked O' Kelly on the tombstones. There are but few of the O'Kelly name now living in the vicinity. Kev. W. T. llern- don, of Elou College, is the only living great-grand- son of the great leader. (See page 254.) Hon. F. O. Moring, of Raleigh, and Kev. A. V. Rarbee, jtastoi' of the Christian church at Durham, N. C, are the only surviving great-great-grandsons. The old home place is still owned by one of his descendants. Dr. J. M. O'Kelly, of Durham, but no buildings remain on the farm which were occupied or use 1 ])y the Rev. James O'Kelly. .■'■:"" ;*-i'?5Kf"'V*»'."'5^t""'- >-' U Iwllbill I ■WlyHi.^v il^.i- I J o o N a 5 .s O -l1 cc RELIGIOUS JOURNALISM 387 Christian Church, New Carlisle, Ohio This church is perhaps the first of any kind planted in the whole region north of Dayton. Serv- ices were first held at the close of the Cane Ridge revival (1798), in a cabin on the farm of Elinathan Cory, afterwards a deacon in the church. The erection of the present building was begun in 1827. It has been remodeled several times and is now commodious and convenient. The deed for the church lot is dated 1816. The ground was given by Mr. William Rayborne. Mrs. Sallie Smith left the church a good home for a parsonage and Sis- ter Jane Cory bequeathed |1,000, and Mr. William Bean |500. It has had as pastors. Elders Stack- house, Worley, Purviance, McCoy, Potter, I. N. Walter, Simontou, McWhinney, Daugherty, J. G. Bishop and C. B. Kershner. At present the church is without a pastor. Court Street Christian Church, Portsmouth, New Hampshire Elder Elias Smith visited Portsmouth in the sum- mer of 1802, when he was about thirty-three years of age. lie preached in different places and Jan- uary 1, 1803, organized a church in Portsmouth, with no name but Christian and no creed but the Bible. The first communion service was observed in April of that same year. From this church mem- bers were received into Hampton, Hampton Falls, Newington, N. H., and Haverhill and Bradford, Massachusettts. This, undoubtedly, was the parent CO o 00 o u a 0) S3 o a> +-) i/2 o COURT ST. CHRISTIAN CHURCH roi-tsmouth, N. II. Organized iu 1S03. o oo 0) a be > -t-» a o o o 1-1 t-i o P X u H t/2 H O z Q o RELIGIOUS J O TT R N A L I S M 391 church of the Ilainptou churches as well as the churches of Haverhill and Stratham. Following is the list of pastors who have served the church : Revs. Elias Smith, 1803; Moses Howe, 1826-183G ; Abner Jones, 1837-1838; David Millard, 1838; E. N. Harris, 1840- 1842; Geo. W. Killiu, 1842-184.5; A. M. Averill, 1845-1850; Tliomas Holmes, 1850-1853; Chas. Bryant, 1853-1853; O. P. Tudvermau; A. G. Cominj^s; B. S. Fanton, 1855-1857; *Thos. Holmes, 1857-18.50; Moses Howe, lS.59-1800; I. F. Water- liouse, 1860-18G5; *C. P. Smith. 1808-1872; *John A. Goss, 1872-1885; C. D. Hainer, 1885-1887; *.Tohn A. Ilainer, 1887- 1890; W. R. Spaid, 1890-1891; *J. P. ]\Iarvin, 1892-1894; *Myron Tyler, 1895-1!X)0; F. H. Gardner, 1901—, now In the eighth year of his pastorate. To celebrate the one hundredth anniversary of the church, appropriate exercises were held April 5, 1903. Kev. John A. Goss gave an historical ad dress in the morning. A union service was held in the afternoon and Rev. Greo. W. Gile, of the Baptist Church, preached. The evening services were conducted by the pastor, Rev. F. H. Gardner, who gave an address on ''Thanking God and Tak- ing Courage." The present membership is one hundred and thir- ty. It is in this church that "The Centennial of Religious Journalism" is to be held next Septem ber. It was while Elder Elias Smith was pastor of the church that he began to publish the Herald of Gospel Ldherty. Providence (Va.) Christian Church This church was organized in ISOI with Rev. Nathaniel P. Tatem as pastor. For the first twenty- • still living. SOUTH CIllMSlIAN CIIlUCIl Haverhill, Mass. Organize;! in ISOG. R E L I r; I or s .u\v n x a l i s m 393 five years of its existence the lueiiiber.sliip average was probably fiitj. In 1817 a Coufereuce session was lield there. During the second twenty-five years of its existence 153 persons were admitted as members. During the years 1854-79, tlie cliurcli felt the blighting effects of the Civil War, but yet it welcomed into its fellowship 12G persons. The last quarter century of its history has not been quite so prosperous, owing to the fact that the location is not now so favorable for work, and re- movals and withdrawals have had their silent but powerful effect upon its life. It has had great and good men for pastors and officers, and we trust that the busy life of enterprise which now prevails in the Southland may soon touch the immediate neigh- borhood of the old church so that the strength of youth may be renewed and noble service yet be possible. South Christian Church, Haverhill, Massachusetts The South Christian Church, of Haverhill, Mass., was organized April 9, 1800. Previous to this there had been preaching at intervals for three years by Elders Elias Smith and Abner Jones. Elder Smith first visited Bradford in 1803, and. preached in the home of John Marble. Several people from Haverhill attended, among whom was Frederick Plummer. At this meeting the young man's atten tion was arrested, he soon afterward confessed Christ, and in 1812 became pastor of what is now the South Christian Church. Before the church 394 THE CENTENNIAL, OF was organized, fifty-four persons were baptized by Elders Smith and Jones. Tlie final organization of the church was effected in the house of Silas Plum- mer, then standing on the south side of Merrimack Street, opposite the present site of the Academy of Music. For several years meetings were held in private houses. The first meeting-house was a plain brick structure situated on the corner of Washington and l*]ssex streets, known as the ''Christian Union Chapel." Many revivals commenced in this chapel and spread throughout the town. It was known far and near as the "Eevival church," and was the leading church in the community. Both pulpit and pew were out spoken against slavery and intemperance. In 18G0 the old building was entirely remodeled and rededicated. October 0, 1873, John Pilling and Jesse Simonds, for a consideration of |1,000, purchased the site for the present church building. October 25, 1873, "The First Christian Society of Haverhill" was incorporated and continued until June 18, 1902, when the "South Christian Church of Haverhill, Mass.," became an incorporation and the society by general consent was dissolved. The present house of worship was erected in 1874. The vestry was formally dedicated April 2, 1874, and the main building September 2, of the same year, Rev. Alva H. Morrill preaching the sermon. Many changes and alterations have been made since. A new pipe organ has been installed, a ladies' parlor, and steel ceilings have been added and redecorating has been done. In 1905, the church was the happy re- R E L I G I O TI R J O TI R N A L T S M 395 cipient of a beautiful parsonage, the donor being Mrs. Eliza Pilling. It was given in memory of her late husband, John Pilling. The growth of the church in members in recent years has been encouraging. In 1889 the member ship of the church was 89, now it is 220. During the present pastorate 132 have been received into the church. The present membership of the Sun- day-school in all departments is 272. ''One hundred years for Christ ! Who can com- prehend it? Noble deeds, not written upon the pages of memory, but recorded in the Lamb's Pook of Life." Woodstock (Vt.) Christian Church The Christian Church in Woodstock, Vermont, is the result of the union of three organizations of the Christians, all of which were in existence in this town about a century ago. In 1801 Rev. Abner Jones sowed the seed, and in 1806 Pev. Elias Smith gathered the first congregation of Christians — thirty-six in number. In the year 1808 there were 167 baptisms. Rev. Frederick Plummer with Rev. John Rand held meetings at the court-house in September, 1810, and the result was forty con- versions. The former remained as pastor of the three churches, now united, till 1813. The Rev. John Rand served the church until 1810, when Rev. Jasper Hazen began his fruitful ministry of thirty 3'ears of service, both for the church and town. The present building was dedicated in 1827. Rev. Moses Kidder was the next pastor, serving the church CHRISTIAN CHURCH Woorlstock, Vermont Organ izod In ISOG n K L I O I OTT S J O TT R NAL I S M 397 continuously I'oi- TjO years and leaving behind him the living inlluonce of a godly life. Rev. E. O. Fry, now in .Jai)an, was jjastor about two years, and was followed by Rev. M. T. Morrill, now Mis- sion Secretary, wIki remained ten years, and Rev. C. A. McDaniel, who has just resigned after a pas- torate of three years. Knob Prairie (Enon, O.) Christian Church Near the beginning of the nineteenth century, sometime during the year 180G, the religious spirit of the time gave birth to a Christian organization which was destined to contribute largely to the nation's welfare. The Christian denomination was yet in its infancy, only a few years having passed since the first movements which led to an organiza- tion of those who accepted Christ alone as their creed, when liarton W. Stone and Wm. Kinkade be- gan i>reaching in this part of the country. The min- istry of these two men soon led to the organization of the church known for all these years as Knob Prairie Christian Church. Tlie first meeting which led to the organization of this church was held in the old log house which still stands on the P>aker place, about two miles east of Enon, Ohio. After a few years the old log house was replaced by a frame building, which was so long and widely known as the Old Knob Prairie church. In 1851 a new brick church — the present building —was erected in the village. In 1852 it was dedi cated to the Lord by Revs. Daugherty and Simon ton. 9 rt a ■ Da !» K o I— I 1—1 < 03 PM PQ O - 7^ ct to .— ' o >-H (/) rH /-. a O P Tl 0) N 'w a C C3 tin CM t-t o O m RELIGIOUS JOURNALISM 390 The devoted and consecrated band of men who have ministered to this people are: Rev. Francis Montfortl, the first resident pastor, Revs. N. Summerbell, T. M. McWhinney, P. McCullough, the Siraontons. the Kyles, Melyn Balder, Levi Purviauce, Nathan Worh^y, Caleb Worley. D. F. Ladley, Asa W. Coan, Myron Tyler," E. A. DeVore, G. B. Merritt, G. D. Black. C. W. Choate, W. H. Orr, Fred Strickland. D. B. Atkinson, Arthur S. Henderson. T. C. Benson, A. R. Bosworth, Henry Cramp- ton, Clarke B. Kershner, W. H. Sando, Ercy C. Kerr and the present pastor, C. C. Jones. The one hundredth anniversary services were held July 14-15, 190G, in the present church building. Many of the ex-pastors, friends and almost the en- tire membership of the church, were in attendance. Eaton (Ohio) Christian Church The church now known as the First Christian church of Eaton, was organized in 1807, by El- ders David Purviauce and Barton W. Stone. For several years the Christians worshiped with other denominations in "the Old Public Church." Doc- trinal matters divided the church about the year 1829, but in 1841 the scattered members were again brought together in fellowship. From the year 1807 complete records are available. Rev. Hugh A. Smith is the present efficient pastor and the mem- bership is now 35G. Among Eaton's pastors we notice many well-known names: David Purviauce, Reuben Dooley, William Kinkade, E. W. Hum- phreys, T. M. McWhinney, James Maple, C. W. Garoutte, W. H. Orr, J. G. Bishop, Henry Cramp- ton, J. F. Burnett and W. D. Samuel. The organization has had three buildings. The present o CO a be 1— ( W o R E L I ( J I O TT S J O F R N A L I S INI 401 one was dedicated Feb. 10, ISDf), during the pas- torate of J. F. Burnett, I). I). The church has never enjoyed a greater degree of activity and spiritual usefulness than now. North Christian Church, New Bedford, Massachusetts Sunday, Jan. 25, 1807, a company of Christians met at the home of Obed Kempton, corner of Pur- chase and Middle vStreets, New Bedford, with the thought of organizing a new church. Thirteen per sons, former mend)ers of the Dartmouth Baptist church, in .the presence of their former pastor. El- der Daniel Ilix, united and formed a church, to be known simjjly as Christian, i)art of what soon came to be known in NeAv England as the "Christian Connection." The membership rapidly increased and the following year a church was erected, which was the first built by the Christians in New B.edford. and one of the first in New England. Before the building was shingled, and during a hard thunder- shower, a large crowd gathered in the unfinished basement of the church and listened to a sermon by that dauntless reformer, Elder Elias Smith. The church had no settled pastor until 1811, when Elder Benjamin Taylor came to them, but such men as Daniel Hix, Elias Smith, Frederick Plum- mer, John Cray, Douglass Farnham, and Dr. Ab- ner Jones ministered to them on different occasions. In 1822, during Moses Howe's ministry, a great re- vival took place. Charles Morgridge was pastoi- frH ci *— ' to ■-; o 0) R E L I (J I O U 8 J O IT 11 N A 1. 1 S ]\I 40.' Peter Youuy; was ordaiueil its first miiiistei-, but remained as pastor less thau a year. Elder Moses Salford was chosen pastor and continued so until his death, April, ISIG. While pastor, seventeen members were added to the church. For two years there was no minister and then Elder Mark Fernald was called to the church and renuiined until 1829. During his pastorate thirty-eight members were added to the church. Elder l*eter Youjig, having returned to that part of the country, was again chosen pastor and remained four and one-half years. A great revival came to the church and fifty new names were added to the church list. For nearly three years the church was again without a leader. At this time Elder E. L. Robinson came to preach for them. He was followed bv Brother Abner Hall, then Elder Thomas Bartlett, Elder Stephen P. Bick- ford and Elder Charles E. Goodwin. Elder Goodwin labored among the people for twenty-one years with much success, and during his stay one hundred and twenty-four members were added to the church roll. Elder Joseph H. Graves then came and filled the puli)it, followed by Elder H. Short. During these last seven years tliirty- eight members enlisted in the cause of Christ. In 1881 Elder James R. Phillips commenced the ])as- toral work of the church, remained three years and was succeeded by Elder J. W. Card, then Elder B. S. Maben. While Rev. Maben was here Sister H. Liz- zie Haley came and helped conduct a revival for four weeks and as a result twenty-four were taken into the church. After this pastorate Rev. W. B. Flanders commenced his labors with the church. ^^C**!*! ^M ^ miitgiih j^iXSiAfiig^ff^fii^^^M O CO OJ '3 OS bo a' o p W o < R E L I G I O TT S J O TI R N A L I S M 407 staying from 1S87 until 1891. Following him came Rev. 0. V. Parsons, who commenced his pastorate with this people, and on May 13, the new churcli edifice was dedicated. Alter working about three 3'ears he resigned and Rev. W. G. Voliva was chosen pastor, followed by Eldev T. G. Moses. May 13, 1890, the 88th birthday of the church was celebrated by a reunion and roll-call. The clerk reported a membershii» of one hundred and twenty-four, of whom sixty-eight res]»onded by name and twelve by letter. I^acli year at this time the church' held a reunion until 1900. In May, 1900, Elder Moses resigned and Rev. John A. Goss became pastor and is still with the church to-day. The membership is now eighty-eight. The church celebrated its one hundreth anniversary, May 13, 1908, with a public meeting. First Christian Church, Milan, N. Y. This church was organized in the summer of 1808, and worshiped for several years in a building called a Union meeting-house, the Baptists being the stronger. About the year 1824, the Christians, under the preaching of Elders Shaw, Perry and other pioneer ministers, grew in numbers and in- fluence; finally the Baptists sold their share in the building to our people, who erected the present building in 1825, Elders I. N. Walter, Badger and others preaching here occasionally. Since 1833 they have had a settled pastor. This is called the "Mother Church" of the Christians in Dutchess County ; from this church four other churches have been organized. 408 T H E C E N T E N N I A L O F viz., Clove, Stanl'oi'dville, Sdiultzville, and West Pine I'lains. The Milan clmrch has had her strug- gles, but through all these years she lias stood the storm, and from her i)ul[)it the gospel has been faithfully preached, and the principles of our people set forth. To-day the property is well preserved, in good repair, and congregations are good, for a country church. Her present pastor. Rev. B. S. Crosby, is serving the church for the second time. A HUNDRED YEARS OF PROGRESS u Q o o -a a ■a s ^ a -O ._^ O S a a a .S § « K o 3 "O i^ o aa,y O C3 O ■=^ — fa o .01.0 03 - ^ V ^ ® a— a a is * TO >,«2 O' :o o oj a n-l ■*-* rtT 01 RELIGIOUS JOURNALISM 411 A HUNDRED YEARS OF PROGRESS Or the Development of our Denominational Life and Work Our Educational Institutions UY J. B. WESTON^ D. D., LL. I). President Christian Biblical Institute The early founders of our churches were men of education and ability, among the foremost of their time. In these respects James O'Kelly was quite the i)eer of Bishoi) Francis Asbury, whose autocratic methods he opposed and refused to submit to. His associates were men of leading minds. David Pur- viance, of Kentucky, and afterward of Ohio, was not only a man among the foremost in intelligence and ability as a speaker, but a leading practical statesman in the legislature of both states. Barton W. Stone and William Kinkade were educated men and vigorous thinkers. Abner Jones, of New Eng- land, was an educator and physician before he was a minister, and Elias Smith was one of the in- fluential and able Baptist preachers in New Eng- land, a popular pastor of a city church, brilliant and strong as a preacher, too independent, as it proved, to be kept within the traditional limitations of his denomination. But though educated them- selves they did not realize the importance of educa- tion for their successors. Indeed, they did not set out 412 T n E C E N T E N N I A L O F to build up a denomination, but to be free men, to preach a free gospel, and to win souls to Christ. Besides, tliev made the not uncommon mistake of considering' things which they found co-existing as related to each other as cause and effect. They saw a professional education and salaried settlement of the prevalent ministry associated with a spirit of in tolerance, sectarian bigotry, and religious apathy. They took the former to be the cause of the latter, and often denounced both reliance on professional education and stipulated salaries as cutting the nerve of spiritual power and success in the winning of souls. So, along with their consecrated zeal, their earnest application of gospel truth, their suc- cess in winning souls to Christ who had not been touched by the old methods, and their wide charitv among those who were real believers, they did not si)are their shafts of sarcasm against the educated "hirelings'' who enjoyed the fat places and popular esteem, but who stood in their way, and whose ministry was barren of spiritual results. In s])ite of the fervor of their zeal and the splendor of their immediate success, the ill results of this mistake remained long after them. It has been only by de- grees that it could be outgrown at all ; it has been an incubus on their successors' progress and an obstacle hard to overcome in all the denomination's history. When, however, the constructive period came, and it became necessary to take the field along with others in organized work, the mistake became ob- vious ; especially so when it was seen that the young people of the families who were ambitous for good RELir, lOTTS JOTTRNALISM 413 education liad to go to schools where the tendency was to lead them away to other denominations. But this awakened the people only to the necessity of furnishing the means of secular education under religious influence which would keep alive the re- ligious spirit and the love for the church of their parents. The prejudice against special training for the ministry was strongly entrenched. The earliest movements in educational lines were for secondary schools and academies, located among their own churches and under their own teachers, for such ed- ucation as the public schools could not give. OUR FIRST EFFORT. As far as I know, the first definite movement in this direction was in New England or New York; I am not certain which was first. In the late thir- ties, or early forties, a vigorous movement was made to establish an academy in New Hampshire. There had been some talk of a school in Massachusetts, but it had not materialized. The New Hampshire movement, with the influence of all the leading ministers of New England at its back, resulted in the establishment of an academy in Durham, New Hampshire. Of this Rev. O. B. Cheney, afterwards the honored president of Bates College, Lewiston, Me., was at one time principal. This academy was at Durham for some years, then removed to Wolfboro, back to Durham, and then to Franklin. Here a wealthy gentleman, named Proctor, made a very favorable conditional offer for the permanent es- tablishment of the academy, but our churches failed to meet it, other parties accepted it, and our efl'orts a o a OS >^ H W <^ H P H m S KKV. MAUTYN SUMMEUIJELL, U. D. President of I'.'ilnicr Institute Stnrkey Seminary 416 THE CENTENNIAL OF came to naught. It was the mistake and misfortune of our eastern people. STARKEY SEMINARY. The educational movement in the state of New York was more successful. At its annual session in 1839, the New York Central Conference decided to establish an academy ''on free and liberal prin- ciples." A committee of nine was appointed, with Rev. Ezra Marvin, an enthusiastic and able young minister, at the head, to carry the work into exe- cution. "Elder Marvin'' was pastor of churches in the vicinity of Starkey. He threw time and heart into the work, raised money in that neighborhood, secured money enough to warrant the establishment of the school in the town that gave it its name. This was the beginning of Starkey Seminary. Un- der the same energetic leadership, money was raised in the Central Conference and churches of the state, and a lot of about one and a half acres was secured for a building, with a prgviso in the deed, however, that it should never be used for other than "literary purposes." This was explained at the time to be a safeguard against its being used for a theological school. The first building was erected, and in November, 1842, the school was opened with Rev. Charles Morgridge as principal. Under him and other prin- cipals the school continued with varied success till the fall of 1847, when Prof. Edmund Chadwick was secured as principal. Prof. Chadwick brought new life to the seminary. He was a graduate of Rowdoin College and Rangor Theological Seminary. In ad RELIGIOUS J O T' li X A L I S M 41T (lition to his education he was a praotieal teacher, of Christian spirit, a man of resources, energetic, hard-working, self-sacrrficing and faithful. His character made him friends. Library and. apparatus were obtained for the school, and in 1848 a charter was secured and with it a share in the state's edu- cational funds. He built up the school and put it on a sound foundation. At the close of his admin istration in ISGl it had a faculty of eight te icliers and four assistants. On this faculty was Prof. O. F. Ingoldsby. He had been educated at Starkey, and had proven him- self an ellicient teacher, and he became Prof. Chad- wick's successor. He, too, was an efficient, enthu siastic,. self-sacrificing man. Under him the Chad- wick spirit continued. The early years of his prin cipalship suffered from the depletions incident to the Civil War, but the interest rallied and a new hall became necessary for the accommodation of laily students. Under his energetic endeavors the money was raised and Hathaway Hall was built and ready for occu]iation in December, 1800. He continued as principal till 1873, the school meantime holding its high rank and sending out strong men and women into the active pursuits of life. After a, few years of retirement he was recalled and was principal from 1878 to 1885. The lives of Chadwick and In- goldsby have been largely the life-blood of Starkey. Being self-supporting and without endowment, un- der subsequent headships the seminary lacked funds for repairs, and the buildings suffered in conse- quence. About 1890 Hon. Francis A. Palmer came to the rescue. First he aided in repairs to the old bO o fa to a M 5 0) ^ tH taH a> ^< o - M h R E L I G I O T' S J O TT K N A T. I R M 419 buildings. Next he decided to bnild a new building on new grounds nearer the beautiful lake which is so charming a part of the scenery. Land was pur- chased, a president's residence and a new hall erected, with first-class rooms and appointments for educational purposes, and students' rooms and din- ing-room for students. ''Palmer Hall' was dedi- cated in September, 1900. Grounds have been beau- tified and enlarged in the finest taste, and a sub- stantial backing furnished. Rev. Martyn Summer- bell, D.D., IMi. I)., is president and the outlook for the future is most flattering. ANTIOCII COLLEGE. A movement for a school in Ohio, in the vicinitv of New ('arlisle, was agitated but dropped. The establishment of academies preceded by many 3'ears any movement for a college. In the late forties, Mr. A. M. Merrifield, of Worcester, Mass., in conjunction with Elders Oliver Barr, David Mil- lard and others, instituted an active agitation for a college for the entire denomination. The papers and leading ministers in all parts of the United States and Canada joined in approval. The time seemed opportune. A convention was called to meet in Marion, Wayne County, New York, in October, 1850, the first really national convention the de- nomination had ever held. It was numerously at- tended and enthusiastic. Plans for establishing a college were adopted, but entirely inadequate. Com- mittees were appointed for carrying the plans into execution. Funds were raised on paper and the enthusiasm, especially in- Ohio, ran high. Antioch 420 THE CENTENNIAL OF College was established in Yellow Springs, and Horace ISIann called to be president. But the mis- take was made of relying on individual notes en- titling to a free scholarship in the college on each note of flOO, given with the understanding that the principal should never be called for as long as the G per cent, interest was paid. TTnder Horace INIann, who indentified himsell' with our people, splendid educational work was done, an exemplary record made, and a high ideal incorporated into the school. But the financial plans iind methods ])roved a failure, as money was not forthcoming and ultimately the College passed from our con- trol. It is still doing a good work as an umlenom inational school, under Dr. Fess, a liberal Methodist, as {(resident. Some grand men and women have gone forth from its halls. A THEOLOGICAL SCHOOL. By degrees the prejudice against theological edu- cation began to give way, especially with the men of leading intelligence and influence. When by some wealthy and benevolent Unitarians a tlieological school was established in Meadville, Bii., with Dr. Rufus 1*. Stebbens at its head, and some of oup own men, like Rev. David Millard and Austin Craig, as lecturing ])rofessors, and an oi)pn door olTered to young men for our ministry, several availed them- selves of the opj>ortunity. They took courses of study and came back to our churches, especially in the west, and brought talent and scholarship and zeal to their work. Dr. Stobbins was a devout and scholiirly Chi'istian man, highly honored and be R E L I G I O T" S J O r IJ X A I> I S M 421 loved by all who knew him. In theoloj^ical views and evangelical spirit he was in closer harmony with us than witli the lar. 1>. I'resident Union Christian College a U y. se _a; o , CJ '^ ^~' a ,_• o s -", «w ?^ o o 1 h^ a; Vi a a> 3 o R K L I G I O IT S J () r U N A L I S :M 425 hy the conference. In 1S5S, the Indiana Conferences took it up and determined to raise it to the rank of a college, erect a new building on the banks of. the Wabash, and provide an endowment. The work was undertaken with enthusiasm and success. Among the early presidents were Doctors Nicholas Summerbell and Thomas Holmes. But the financial mistake was made again in relying on individual personal notes. An endowment of |100,000 or more on paper faded away, more was raised and only partly collected. Meantime the educational work went on successfully and good results have been achieved for Indiana and Illinois and other parts more remote. Many of her alumni and other stu- dents have done valuable work and filled important positions to the credit of their ahna mater. A few years ago, Hon. Francis A. Palmer added |!30,000 to 120,000 raised by other friends for an additional endowment, making a fund of about 175,000. Under Dr. C. J. Jones, as president, money was raised for extensive repairs and improvements. With the opening of the current school year. Dr. (). 1>. Whitaker entered on the presidency with in spiring prospect of success. GRAHAM INSTITUTE. Our first educational institution in the Southern States was opened in 1852, in Graham, N. C, under the joint approval of the then two Southern Con- ferences. It was named Graham Institute, and Rev. John R. Holt was made principal. Until 1857 it was conducted as a high school for boys, was self- supporting and successful. Among the students of m m H o O H o EMMETT L. MOFFITT, IvL. D. I'resideut of Elon College, North Carolin:i 428 T II E C E N T E N N I A L O F that period were Doctors W. S. Long, J. W. Wei Ions, and others of national repute. In 1857 it was chartered by the legislature of North Carolina as Graham College, and Prof. W. H. Doherty from Antioch was elected president. It grew in favor and prosperity until the outbreak of the Civil War, when it suffered such depletion that its doors were shut, and subsequently the property was sold. In 18G5, Rev. (now Dr.) W. S. Long opened a high school in Graham in a small brick building. The school i)rospered in his hands, and, to provide larger accommodations, other property was acquir- ed. Finally, Rev. W. S. Long and Rev. D. A. Long acquired the old Graham College property, and to it the school was removed. W. S. Long was still president, and the school was endorsed by the North Carolina Christian Conference. About 1873, I). A. Long purchased the entire property, and became president. He secured its incorporation as Graham Normal College. Upon his resignation in 1883, to become president of Antioch College, W. i^. Long became president of Graham Normal College. Its prestige continually increased, and strong men, who have later made their mark in public affairs of church and state, were numbered among the stu- dents.. ELON COLLEGE. In 1888 the General Convention (South), under the advice of an intelligent committee, took steps to build a college. A Provisional Board was appointed, with President W. S. Long as chairman, to select the site and oversee the erection of the building. R_ELIGIOTTS JOURNALISM 420 A site on the North Carolina Railroad, seven miles west of Graham, was secured, a fine building erected, adequate to immediate purposes, a charter for *'Elon College" was granted, and the new college opened in September, 1890. He continued as president Tor a number of years, and to his business ability, self-sacrificing energy and devotion, added to his success as an educator, Elon College is largely indebted for its success. The Southern churches, though crippled in their finances as a result of the war, responded loyally to his effort, and in return were largely rewarded by an increase of numerical, spirittial and financial strength. After the resignation of Dr. Long, for eleven years Rev. W. W. Staley, D. D., was its president. Though he did not reside at the col- lege, he was its executive officer and exercised gen- eral oversight over its work, giving to the college the benefit, both educationally and financially, of his wisdom and executive ability. When he resigned the college was entirely free from debt. It has a fair endowment, which was recently increased |!r>(),0()0 by Hon. Francis A. Palmer's joining |30,000 to |20,000 raised by themselves. The present presi- dent is Dr. E. L. Moffitt, under whom and his col- leagues, it is doing an encouraging work. DEFIANCE COLLEGE. Of late years the interest of our people in the North, especially in Ohio and northern Indiana, has centered around Defiance College. This institution was started as a Female Seminary by citizens of Defiance and an adjoining county from the sale of O a a

INSTITUTE I)oti;inc(\ Oliin IIEV. J. i:. WIOSIOX, 1>. D. rresklent Clirisliin Biblical Institute 438 T 1 1 E C K N T E N N I A L O V ill the ollice till now. Tile remoteness of Stanford- ville from the center of our population was a detriment to its efficiency in the work for which it was intended, and in the summer of 1907, in re- sponse to liberal inducements and a conviction of advantages for its work, it was removed to De- fiance, Ohio, to grounds donated by Defiance Col- lege from its campus. Here a new building is in process of erection for its use, to be known as Weston Hall. This building is to be near the present college buildings, and so located as to con- stitute with them a convenient and unified group. It Avill contain six recitations rooms, a Y. M. C. A. Hall, a convenient and w^ell-appointed residence as Avell as a large audience room, and in the basement, a capacious gymnasium lor use in botli iiistitnlioiis. It is to be of two stories, above a nine-foot stone basement, the upper stories of brick, with stone trimmings and surmounted by a dome. It is ex- pected to cost from |30,()00 to |35,000. In Defiance the Institute is centrally located, and easily accessible from all directions. It will have the advantage of co-operation with the college in general work, besides sustaining for itself a special faculty of five or six resident professors and many non-resident lecturers, among whom is Marion Law- rance, the world-renowned Sunday-school specialist. These advantages, the scope and thoroughness of the instruction given, the free evangelical spirit of the school, together with the economy of expense, will render it an inviting school for any who are pre- paring for the ministry or other Christian work. RELIGIOUS ,7 O U It N AL I S M 430 PALMER COLLEGE. Of importance in its locality is Palmer College, in LeGrand, Iowa. This too, has arisen from an academy chiefly by the endorsement and support of the Iowa conferences. In raising funds and giving character to the school much is due to the persistent energy and self-sacrificing efforts of Rev. D. M. Hel- fenstein, D. D., who was its president from 1890 to 1899. This college too is indebted to the munificent liberality of Hon. Francis A. Palmer, of New York. He put 130,000 to |20,000 raised by the immediate friends, making an endowment of |50,000. In recog- nition of this the name of the school was changed from LeGrand Christian College to Palmer College. The building is of brick, and contains a chapel and forty rooms, besides attic and basement. The loca- tion is in the central part of Iowa, and has the con- fidence and support of the Iowa churches. Under Dr. Helfenstein's presidency, and that of Rev. Car- lyle Summerbell, for several years his successor, and of the present president, Rev. Ercy C. Kerr, the college has done and is doing a successful work for the churches and the people of the state, and gives encouraging promise of increasing success. IN CANADA. Our people in Canada have had no institution of learning of their own within their own territory. They have been liberal patrons of the Chris- tian Biblical Institute and other institutions in the states. Of late years, through the earnest and wise direction of Prof. John N. Dales, they have had very advantageous alliances, first with Queen's Col- i 't .inl)l(\ni Christian Collpfjo 446 THE CENTENNIAL OF business basis, and does not encumber itself with debt. It has an efficient Normal department and has its representatives in the public schools of Kan- sas and elsewhere. It exerts a wide influence moral- ly and religiously as well as educationally. Rev. Geo. R. Stoner, A. B., is president of this college, having succeeded Dr. O. B. Whitaker, resigned. In concluding this sketch of our educational his- tory is must be said that the founders of our body, — grand, intellectually strong, broad-minded, progressive men, as they were, — in important re- spects taking a position a century in advance of their time, and one towards which the Christian "world is fast approaching, — in some other lines made sad mistakes. These were chiefly the outgrowth of their protest against the state of things then ex- isting, and which they believed to be in restraint of spiritual life and of the freedom essential to the growth of spiritual life; organized churchhood was against them, and it was cold ; a professionally edu- cated priesthood was against them, and it was cold. They were for spiritual life, then and there. They did not look forward and plan for an organized, solidified body to propagate itself and its special work in the future. Their w^ork was for immediate re- sults, and as such was effective. Their organizations at first were local and for local purposes. They took no organized interest in education, and pro- fessional education for the ministry was under their ban. Later their successors awoke to the necessity of measures for consolidated general work. Then the necessity for organization and education became evi- dent. But the early-indoctrinated and long-con- RELIGIOUS JOURNALISM 447 tinned habit had so ingrained itself, that the new- life was obstructed and was slow in getting hold of the general interest as strongly as it ought. Be- sides, some of the early educational enterprises were undertaken by unwise and unbusinesslike methods, and resulted in financial embarrassments. But gradually, by patient persistency, these obstacles have been overcome. It may be truly said that our institutions of learning were never in so good and hopeful a condition as now. Never has the harmonious co-operation in their behalf been so strong as now. Never have they been so well officered and so well patronized as now. Never have the business affairs been so well administered. The eastern churches suffer a loss in the removal of the Christian Bib- lical Institute to Ohio, but New England has for a long time drawn largely on the west for its sup- ply of ministers and will probably continue so to do. But all the schools are in need of larger material resources. It is hoped and believed that the in- creasingly awakening interest will see that this need is met. Defiance, Ohio. H a: < REV. GEO. R. STOInER, A. B. Presitlent Kansas Christian College .TUDCE O. W. ^Y^ITELOCK RELIGIOUS .TOTTK X A L I S M 4r,1 OUR PUBLISHING INTERESTS BY JUDGE O. W. WITITELOCK President Christian Publishing Association The Christian Church was founded by the fathers on broad and liberal principles. These principles had as their advocates strong men, men of capacity and force. These men believed in the principles of their church and they sought methods and oppor- tunities to teach others these principles. The prin- ciples of Christian liberty; freedom of religious thought and action; the interpretation of God's word by each believer, and the fellowship of all the followers of Christ under the simple but all- embracing name. Christian, were themes that our fathers believed should be heralded, for they were lights that should not be hid ''under a bushel," but should be put upon the candle-stick that their beneficent rays might shine out and give liglit and warmth to a world which was then groping in the darkness of religious thralldom and feeling for the light of liberty. With such impulses and desires it Avas but natural that the early Christians should seek to establish religious newspapers and period- icals, and publish tracts and books to disseminate the religious principles they loved and desired to teach. With such thoughts in mind, Elias Smith, of Portsmouth, New Hampshire, one of our deepest thinkers and ablest pioneer preachers, established the Herald of Gospel Liherty, the oldest religious newspaper in the world, whose centennial birth- day we celebrate this year. The first issue of this 452 THE CENTENNIAL OF paper was on September 1, 1808. Smith con- tinued to publish this paper until the close of the year 1817, but he did not publish his paper from Portsmouth all these years. It was issued at Port- land, Maine; Philadelphia, Pennsylvania; then back at Portsmouth again. Smith finally moved his paper to Boston. Here he sold it to Robert Foster, who moved it again to Portsmouth, New Hampshire. Here it was published from 1818 to 1835 by Mr. Foster; he had, however, changed the name and is- sued the paper under the name of 27te Christian Herald. PUBLISHING ASSOCIATION ORGANIZED. On January 1, 1835, at the home of Abrani Drake in Hampton, New Hampshire, was held a meeting of Christian preachers and other brethren ; this meeting being for the purpose of forming an organi- zation to publish a religious newspaper and books. The result of this meeting was the organization of the Eastern Christian Publishing Association. This Association had as its first ofiicers. Elder Noah Piper, President; Elder Simeon Swett, Recording Secretary; Elder S. E. Brown, Corresponding Sec- retary; B. F. Carter, Treasurer. This Association also had an Executive Committee composed of El- ders Elijah Shaw, R. Davis and J. C. Blodgett. This Association in the year ]835 purchased the Christian Herald of Robert Foster and again changed its name. Its new name was the Chris- tian Journal, and the first issue bearing this name was on the 20th day of April, 1835, and was from Exeter, New Hampshire. The Associntion had made RELIGIOUS JOURNALISM 453 Elder Elijah Shaw its editor, and his name ap- pears as such on the first issue. The Eastern Chris- tian I'ublishing Association continued in business for many years, publisliino- the paper until March, 1850, but not all the time under the same name, but all these years edited by Elder Shaw. The Associa- tion seemed to have the idea that an occasional change in the name would be helpful and aid its circulation among the people; at any rate this Association published the paper first under the name of Christian Journal; secondly as the Chris- tian Herald and Journal, and then as the Christian Herald. We have followed the Herald of Cospel Liherty under its various names and publishers until March 1850. Its last publisher during that period was the Eastern Christian Publfehing Asso- ciation, organized as we have seen, in 1835. In March, 1850, the Christian General Book As- sociation of Albany, N. Y., purchased the Christian Herald of the Eastern Christian Publishing Asso- ciation, and it was consolidated with the American Christian Messenger, and ])ublished for one year as the Christian Herald and Messenger. Early in 1851 the Christian Herald was repur- chased by the Eastern Christian Publishing Asso- ciation. The paper was then moved to Newburyport, Mass., where on March 13, 1851, the first issue was under the name of Herald of Gospel Liherty, which name it has borne ever since. In 18G2 the Christian Messenger and Palladiuni were purchased by the Eastern Christian Publish- ing Association of the Christian General Book Association and consolidated with the Herald ^ o K O Z. a O o O 2 a;' o) ■J} y. JASPER N. HESS rublisliing Agent, C. P. A. 456 THECENTENNIALOP of Gospel Liherty, which was published by the East- ern Christian Publishing Association at Newbury- port, Mass., until January 4, 18G8, when it was sold by the Eastern Christian Publishing Association to the Christian Publishing Association and moved to Dayton, Ohio, where it was consolidated with the Gospel Herald, and continued to be published by this Association under the name of the Herald of Gospel Liberty. Although the Eastern Christian Publishing Asso- ciation came into existence very early in our church history, yet it was not the first organization of its kind in the history of the church. While the brethren were active in New England and were disseminating knowledge of the church by preaching, by issuing a paper and publishing books and tracts, in that day it was a long ways from New England to New York. The means of communication between these two sec- tions of our country were poor and limited so that the one section knew but little of Avhat the other one was doing. THE GOSPEL LUMINARY. Prior to the organization of the Eastern Chris- tian l*ublisliing Association The (lo.spel LiuitiiKiri/ was started at West P)loomtield, New York, by Rev. David Millard in 1825. In the year 1827 the Gen- eral Christian Conference, now called the American Christian Convention, met at West Bloomfield in New York, where the paper was published. This Conference endorsed the paper and recommendel that it be moved to New York and that it be pub- lished from that city. The recommendations were R E L I G I O U S J O U R N A L I S M 457 carried out and the paper, changed in form and size, was published in New York City for a time under the management of the General Christian Conference, then called the United States Christian Conference. GENESSEE ClIUISTIAN ASSOCIATION. From the memoirs of Eev. Joseph Badger we find that before the Association was formed in New Eng- land one had been organized in Central New York. He uses the following language: The Gospel Liniiinarn, started at West Bloonificld in 1S2.5, had been in 1827 i-enioved to the City of New York, and though ably conducted in the main, the feeling became strong and general in the State of New York that some- thing perfectly adapted to the wants of the people should be issued; accordingly the Uenessee Christian Association, composed of some of the most experienced ministers and competent men, was organized December, 1831, with a constitution and officers for the purpose of publishing, purchasing, selling and distributing, such books and pub- lications, as the wants of the Christian Connection should, in their judgment, require ; also to assist young men in the ministry with libraries and such other means of im- provement as might be within their power ; and especially did they contemplate, as their first work, the establish- ment of a periodical at Rochester. New York, whose ob- jects were announced to be the vindication and dissemina- tion of gospel truth, etc. Of this new monthly periodical. P.. Miller, O. E. INIorrill. and Asa ChajMn were the Executive Committee, and J. Badger, Editor. A prospectus for this work called The Christian Palladium, a name sacred to liberty and its defense, was issued by Mr. Badger January, 1832. The Christian Palladiuin was the name, however, of a paper issued years before by the Rev. Joseph Badger at Pittsfield, New York. The Gospel Lum- inary was probably merged into the Christian Pal- ladium, as that paper was continued for many years 458 THE CENTENNIAL OF thereafter, and we will have occasion to refer to it again in another connection. However, we find reference to the Luminary at a later date. THE CHRISTIAN BOOK ASSOCIATION. THE FIRST ORGANIZATION, What seems to us a little strange at this distant day is, that in October, 1831, The Christian Book Association should be organized in New York City and then in December following, "The Genessee Christian Association" should be formed. The gen- eral conference of the Christian Church, then called the United States Christian Conference, met in New York City at the time this Association was formed, and a constitution for the Book Association was adopted. From the minutes of that conference the following is copied: Constitution of the Christian Boole Association adopted at the General Christian Conference, Holden in Neto York, October 3, 1S31. This Association seems to have been formed with a large view of what should be done by a publishing association. The stockholders of the Association met in the Christian chapel, Friday, October 7, 1831, and elected the following persons as trustees, to wit: — Martin Kochensperger, James Taylor, James McKeen, Esq., John Duckworth, John S. Taylor, Simon Clough, William Lane, Frederick Plummer and Isaac C. Goff. Acreeablv to the constitution of said Association the trustees elected the following oflScers: Simon Clough, President; Isaac C. GofiP, Secretary; F. Plummer, Treasurer. RELIGIOUS J O U R N A L I S I\I 459 An Executive Committee of five persons was elected to carry into effect the business and objects of the Association as follows : Simon Clough, Wil- liam Lane, Frederick IMuumier, Isaac C. Goff, and James McKeen, Esq. While the organization of the Christian Book Association in October, 1831, seems to have been the first organized effort to establish a publishing association by the Christian Church, this Association was soon to be followed by the organization of the Genessee Christian Association in IS))!. These as- sociations were soon, however, to be followed by a larger concern which seemed to swallow up or take the place of the two. Besides the printing of the religious papers, in- dividual enterprise had printed hymn-books prior to 1831; for a collection of hymns published by Elder Matthew Gardner, had reached its eighth edition in the year 1829. In 1832 the United States Christian Conference met at Milan, New York, and voted to dissolve; the closing sentence of the minutes being: "This Conference is dissolved forever." It seemed to be the opinion of those who attended the convention of 1834 that the dissolution of the United States Conference dissolved the Christian Book Associa- tion, which had been organized in 1831. This view seems to be reasonable, for the convention of 1834 organized a new book association. Immediately after the dissolution of the United States Christian Conference, Isaac N. Walter headed a movement for the re-organization of the Confer- ence, or the calling of a general convention. As to o S m I— I O o u C3 H H a o «2 10 fa a o o •f to 0) RELIGIOUS JOURNALISM 4G1 the result an informal convention was held in June in the City of New York which provided for a general convention, which met at Union Mills, New York, in 1834, and organized THE CHRISTIAN GENERAL BOOK ASSOCIATION, Joseph P.adger, editor of the Christian Palladium. in the issue of November 1, 1S34, says : The couventiou lasted four days, and resulted in an organization of a Christian General Book Association. A full account may be expected in our next. The next issue seems to have been November 15, 1834, for in that he says : We now redeem our pledge to give a further account of the convention. The following minutes aud acts of that body, we think, will give a general view of <«;^hat they have done and intend to do. The formation of the Christian General Book Association is designed to be a business department for the whole connection. It is not to be a court of appeals; it is not to legis- late upon the faith of our brethren, but simply to super- intend our books and periodicals, that the connectiou may assume a character; that the public may not be imposed upon; and to allay those jealousies and fears of individual speculation which have heretofore existed. At the convention of 1834 the following resolu- tion was passed: Resolved, That we so far adopt a resolution of tlu- Milan Convention, that this convent ion now form and org;niiz(' itself into an association to be known by the name of "Christian General Book Association," composed of one del- egate from each local conference. Resolved, That the officers of this Association be a presi- dent, two secretaries, aud an executive conunittee of twelve, which executive committee shall transact and manage such business as may be conformable to the instructions and powers we give them. Resolved, That the only object of this Association is to publish or cause to be published such periodicals, books or publications, as they or their executive committee shall fi'om time to tinre deem advisable. 4G2 THE CENTENNIAL OF This Executive Committee was given specific pow- ers and directions by resolution : First. To publish or cause to be published a semi- monthly periodical of the character and form of the Chris- tian Pallad'nun-, at the present location of that periodical, and in case a removal should be necessary, that it be fixed at the nearest convenient place. Second. To make such improvements in said periodical as its patronage and funds shall permit by putting all the profits arising therefrom into the work. And also to issue any other publications, which they may deem warrant- able. Third. To appoint or remove the editor of said period- ical. The Association also resolved to begin the pub- lication of its periodical the first of May, 1835. The first Executive Committee of the Association was appointed in 1834, and comprised the following Elders: David Ford; Elijah Shaw; Ira Allen; John Spoor, Jr.; David Millard; Joseph Marsh; Mark Fernald ; Oliver Barr ; Jasper Hazen ; Isaac N. Wal- ter; Joshua B. Hines; and Frederick Plummer. Elder Joseph Badger was selected as editor. A resolution was also passed that the Christian Psalmist and Millard & Badger Hymn-Book (by the consent of the proprietors) become the property of the Christian General Book Association and be introduced to the churches as the hymn-books of the connection. By resolution the first regular meeting of the Association shall be held in four years from the first Wednesday in the month of October in such place as the Executive Committee shall appoint, six months' notice to be given in the periodical published by the Association to the con- ferences, for the appointment of their delegates. That this Association was intended to be a con- RELIGIOUS JOURNALISM 463 solidation or continuance of all the former asso- ciations and publishing organizations of New York State is evidenced by the following resolution passed at this session : Resolved, That this Association is not bound for the fulfillment of any contract or contracts which have been made by either the Christian Book Association, the Milan Convention, or the Genessee Christian Association. A resolution was also passed approving the course pursued by Elder J. Badger, in conformity to the advice of Elders Hazen and Spoor, in publishing the Christian Palladium in its present semi-monthly form. The first officers of the Association were: Presi- dent, Elder Frederick Plummer, of Philadelphia; Secretaries, Elder Simon Glough, of Fall River, Mass., and Elder David Millard, of West Bloomfield, New York. The Christian General Book Association met quadrennially at the same time as the Christian Convention. The first meeting of the Association after its or- ganization was at the Christian chapel in New York City, October 3, 1838, and continued in session three days. Elder A. Jones called the meeting to order. OFFICERS ELECTED. President, Elder Isaac N. Walter. Secretaries, Jasper Hazen and Oliver Barr. Editor of Christian Palladium, Elder David Millard. In October, 1842, Elder Jasper ITazen was elected President, and Elder Seth Marvin was made Fij'st Pi( h lish in g Agent. 464 THE CENTENNIAL OF FIRST STEPS TAKEN WHICH LEAD TO THE CHRISTIAN PUBLISHING ASSOCIATION YEARS LATER. It was at this session of the Christian General Book Association held in October, 1842, that the following was passed : Resolved, unanimously, that the petition of the Ohio delegation, for the concurrence of this body to publish a periodical in the state of Ohio, as soon as the time shall admit, auxiliary to the iCIiristian PaUadium, to be luider the direction and control of an association to bo organized by the Christian conferences in the Western states, be granted. In October, 184G, Elder Shaw was elected presi- dent of this Association and in October, 1850, Elder David Millard, New York, was elected president. THE OHIO CHRISTIAN BOOK ASSOCIATION. The Western organization first formed was the Ohio Christian Book Association, organized at Ebenezer Chapel, Clark County, Ohio, April 24, 1843, with the following officers : Elder J. G. Reeder, President; Elder E. Williamson, ^ccrctary-Trcas- nrcr. The Executive Committee was Elder Jacob G. Reeder, Derostns F. Ladley, Arthur W. Sanford, Robert McCoy, and Elijah AVilliamson. At this meeting it was decided to publish a semi- monthly paper to be called the Gospel Herald. VAdev Isaac N. Walter was chosen first editor, and the first number of the paper bears date October 2, 1843, and was issued at New Carlisle, Ohio. One of the first matters considered after the or ganization was the publication of a Hymnary, and the Association took stejts to ascertain tlio wishers of the church u]»on this matter. K E L I Tx I O IT S JOT' K N ALTS M 4G5 In October, 1843, the Association adopted a con- stitution and by-laws. In Februaiy, 1844, Elder Isaac N. Walter was appointed the first agent of the Association, and served until June 10, 1845, when he resigned as agent and Elder D. F. Ladley was appointed book agent for the Association. On the 14th of December, 1846, M. D. Baker was elected president of the Association and Elder I. N. Walter, publishing agent. On December 16, 1846, Elder I. N. Walter, having served as editor of the Gospel Herald since the or- ganization of the Association, tendered his resigna- tion as editor and publishing agent, which was ac- cepted and Elder James Williamson was appointed publishing agent and James Williamson and James W. ilarvin became editors of the paper. On October 28, 1848, John Phillips was elected president of the Association, and James Williamson was ordered to i)ublish the sixth volume of the Gospel Herald. January 22, 1850, he was ordered to publish Vol. VII of the Gospel Herald w\Hn\ his own responsibility, if the number of subscribers would justify him in so doing. On April 1, 1850, James W. ■Marvin resigned his position as associate editor and James Williamson became the sole editor of the paper and was con- tinued its editor until after the Association changed its name. THE OHIO CHRISTIAN BOOK ASSOCIATION CHANGES ITS NAME TO THE WESTERN CHRISTIAN ASSOCIATION. At a general convention or meeting of the Ohio Christian Itook Association held October 20, 1852, 466 THE CENTENNIAL OF at Ebenezer Chapel, the place of its organization, the name of the Association was changed to the Western Christian Book Association. The Association had gone bejond the limit of the state of Ohio, and was spreading westward over the states of Indiana and Illinois, hence the demand for a more comprehensive name. Jacob G. Reeder was chosen the first president of the Association under its new name, A. W. Sanford, secretary, and John R. Miller, treasurer. The tenth volume of the Oospel Herald was published by the Western Chris- tian Association at Springfield, Ohio, with James Williamson as its editor. John R. Miller was appointed book agent. March 2, 1853, the Association passed a resolu- tion that the Gospel Herald should be published on Friday of each week ; thus making the publication a weekly paper instead of a semi-monthly. On January 12, 1854, a resolution was passed that Vol. XI. of the Gospel Herald should be pub- lished weekly at fl.OO per annum, invariably in advance. The publication was to be from Yellow Springs, Ohio. It was published at Yellow Springs from March, 1854, to May 12, 1855, when it was moved back to Springfield, Ohio. In 185G, James Ma])le and James Williamson be- came editors of the Gospel Herald, and the paper was published by John Geary and Son, at Colum- bus, Ohio. In 1859, John Ellis became editor and publisher, and the paper was removed to Dayton, Ohio. In 1801, TJie Gospel Banner of Indianapolis, Indiana, was consolidated with the Gospel Herald, RELIGIOUS JOURNALISM 4G7 and H. T. Buff was associated with John Ellis as editor for one year. In April, 1863, Elder E, W. Hnmphrej'S became editor and moved the paper to Eaton, Ohio. In 1863-1864, William Worley was president of the Association. Elder E. W. Humphreys was em- ployed to edit and publish Vol. XXL of the Gospel Herald, beginning on the 27th day of May, 1864, at a salary of |600.00. On December 13, 1865, the Executive Committee of the Western Christian Book Association met at Richmond, Indiana; this being the first meeting of the committee elected by the Association at its ses- sion held at Ogden, Henry County, Indiana, Decem- ber 14, 1864. William Worley was then president and J. T. Lynn, secretary. E. W. Humphreys was chosen as general agent and J. T. Lynn was elected editor of the Gospel Herald on December 26, 1864, at the close of the current volume. On January 17, 1865, Elders Humphreys and Lynn are released from their connection with the Gospel Herald as editor and publisher. Elder Lynn, however, to remain to superintend the issue of No. 37 of the Gospel Herald. At this time Elder Henry Y. Rush was appointed editor and publisher of the Gospel Herald, from the 25th of January, 1865. On January 31, 1865, Elder Humphreys resigned as general agent of the Publishing Association. BEGINNING OF SOLICITING OF FUNDS FOR PUBLISHING HOUSE. At the meeting of the Executive Committee held January 31, 1865, Elder J. T. Lynn was appointed 4G8 THE CENTENNIAL OF as Soliciting Agent for all territory west of the line of the state of Ohio, and Elder Peter McCullough for all territory east of the western line of Ohio. About May 1, 1805, the Gospel Herald was moved from Eaton, Ohio, to Dayton, Ohio. Elder H. Y. Rush was continued as editor and W. T, Hawthorne was chosen publishing agent at a salary of fOOO.OO per year to be paid only after all other expenses were ])aid. On April 28, 18G5, the appointment of W. T. Hawthorne as publishing agent was rescinded and Elder Rush was made publishing agent as well as editor. W. T. Hawthorne, however, from June 29, 18()r), was again made publishing agent at a salary of |;S()().0(), and Editor Rush's salary was fixed at $725.00. On March 8, 18G6, Elder Rush was continued as editor of the Gospel Herald and ^^undal/-^^chool Herald at a salary of |800.00, but W. T. Hawthorne was relieved from his duties as agent, and Oliver A. Roberts was appointed publishing agent in his stead. Oclober 31, 18GG, ^y. A. Gross appears as ngent of the Association. At the meeting of the Executive Committee held on this date the following resolu- tion was passed: RcmJvciJ. That tlie Prosidont and Exocutivo CominUtco be instructed to call a nieetiniEc of the stockholders and conferences representing the Western Christian Book As- sociation to meet at Covington, Ohio, Tuesday, November 27, 18(5C.. The basis of representation at this meeting was as follows: R E L K; I O T' 8 J O T' K X A I> I ^S M 401 Each confei-ence iu the Uulted States is entitled to one delegate for every $500 sul^scrihed to the rul)lishiug House fund, and each Christian conference not so repre- sented shall be entitled to one representative. CHRISTIAN rUBLISniXG ASSOCIATION. At the meeting of the stockholders and members of the Western Christian Book Association held at Covington, Ohio, November 27, 1S()(), the name of the Association was changed to the Christian Pub- lishing Association, and the old board of the West- ern Christian Book Association was elected to be trustees of the new Christian Publishing Associa- tion. William Worley was elected first president of the Association and Peter ]\IcCullough first sec- retary of the Board of Trustees. On ]March"25, 1SG7, Rev. H. Y. Rush was elected editor of the Gospel Herald and ^unday-^ichool Herahl by the Board of Trustees of the new Associa- tion. He was to serve one year, from May 1, 18G7. THE TRIENNIAL CONVENTION. The Triennial Convention was held at Hagers- town, Indiana, November 19, 18(17. William Worley was elected president and P. McCul lough, secretary. At a meeting held in Dayton, Ohio, December 4, 1867, Elder C. A. Morse was authorized to visit Newburyport, Mass., and negotiate with Elder D. P. Pike and others in the purchase of the Herald of Gospel Liberty, which was then published by the ICastern Christian Book Association. PURCHASE OP THE HERALD OF GOSPEL LIBERTY. At a meeting of the Board of Trustees of the 470 THE CENTENNIAL OF Christian Piiblisliiug Association, December 30, 1867, Elder C A. Morse reported a consolidation of papers and a contract for tbe purchase of the Herald of aospcl Liberty, at a price of |1 200.00, which contract was accepted by the Board of Trustees. Elders D. P. Pike and H. Y. Rush were made editors of the consolidated papers for one year. By the purchase of the Herald of Gospel Liherty by the Christian Publishing Association, both the Oospel Herald and Herald of Gospel Liherty be- came the property of the Association, and H. Y. Rush and 1). P. Pike editors respectively of the two papers became the first editors of the consolidated l)apers under the old name of Herald of Gospel Liberty. The first issue of the Herald of Gospel Liberty after the consolidation was on the 4th day of Jan- uary, 1808. Decenil)er 30, 1807, Rev. W. A. Gross was appoint- ed general agent of the Association for the period of one year from January 1, 1868. March i, 1868, H. Y. Rush was elected editor of the Herald to serve from May 1, 1868, to May 1, 1869. At the same time O. A. Roberts was elected office agent. After the sale of the Christian Herald in 1851 by the Christian General Book Association this Asso elation continued to publish the Christian Palladium at Albany, New York, until 1854, with Jasper Hazen as editor. From 1855 to 1860, the Palladium was published by the Association at Camptown, (Irving- ton), N. J. In 1860 it was moved to New York RELIGIOUS JOHRNALISM 471 City, where it was published until January, 1861. Moses Cummiugs was its editor from 1855 to the end of 1862. In January, 1861, the Christian Palladium was consolidated with the Christian Messenger and the papers continued to be published under the name of "Christian Messenger and Palladium." This con- solidation took place at the close of the i;Uli volume oi' the Messenger and the oOth volume of the Palla- dium. After the consolidation the Christian Mes- senger and Palladium was published by the Chris- tian General Book Association for nearly two jears, when it was purchased, as we have seen above, by the Eastern Christian Publishing Association and consolidated with the Herald of Cospel Liherty. After the sale of the Christian Messenger and Palla- dium in December, 18()2, the Christian General Book Association probably went out of existence, as no further mention of it is made in connection with any of our publications. The trustees of the Christian I'ublishing Asso- ciation, March 4, 1868, bought of J. L. Falkner, of Dayton, Ohio, property on the southeast corner of Sixth and Main streets, Dayton, Ohio, for |11,500.00. The purchase was made by William Worley, Peter McCullough and W. A. Gross. On July 14, 1868, O. A. Koberts, office agent, resigned and J. J. Sum- merbell was elected publishing agent. He con- tinued to serve as agent until May 27, 1869. Wil- liam Worley was then put in charge of the office and on August 4, 1869, the trustees elected Elder L. Coffin, of New York, as office agent for the balance of the term of J. J. Summerbell. 472 '1' 1 1 K C E N T E N N I A L O F TRIENNIAL CONVENTION AT MAUION^ INDIANA. June 21-22-23, 1870. This general meeting was called to order by President Elias Smith. The report of the Committee on Finance showed the gross assets of the Associa- tion to be 120,721.00. At this triennial session the Christian Publishing Association, in accordance with plans adopted by the Christian Convention (not the American Christian Convention) assembled in Ogden, Ind., December 14, 1864, and amended by the Christian Convention at Covington, November, 1866, did, on the 23d day of June, 1870, adopt a revised constitution on a stock basis. The new constitution provided for biennial meetings instead of triennial meetings, which had been in vogue for some time, l^lias Smith was elected president of the Association and H. Y. Rush was continued as editor. February 1, 1871, A. L. McKinney was elected agent of the C. P. A. On February 28, 1871, oc- curred the death of Elder Elias Smith, president of the Christian Publishing Association. He died at his home at Woodstock, Ohio. The first biennial session of the Christian Pub- lishing Association was held at Troy, Ohio, from June 18 to 21, 1872. This session was held in con- junction with that of the American Christian Con- vention. A. L. McKinney was elected president of the Association and H. Y. Rush continued as editor of the Herald of Gospel Liberty. McKinney only served, however, until January 22, 1873, when he resigned and Perry Stewart was elected to fill the vacancy. KELT 0 10118 JOTTK NAT T SIM 47n This biennial session of the Christian Publishing Association Avas held at Dayton, Ohio, June 23, 1874. Elder A. C. Hanger was elected president and H. Y. Kush continued as editor. FIRST PUBLISHING HOUSE. At this time the first publishing house was com- pleted at the cost of |1G.()00.00 of which $0,700.00 was borrowed money. The new i>ublishing house had been occupied since December 1, 1872. The publishing house equipment at that time cost |4,500.- 00 with an indebtedness against the same of :p2,00r).00. The third biennial Was held June 30, 187(5, at Covington, Ohio. Elder A, C. Hanger was re elected president and H. Y. Rush continued as editor. The fourth biennial session was held at Dayton, Ohio, June 18, 1878. The fifth biennial session was held at West Lib erty, Ohio, June 15 and 16, 1880. A. C. Hanger was re-elected president. The sixth biennial session was held at Yellow Springs, Ohio, June 13, 1882. A. C. Hanger was re-elected president. The seventh biennial session was held June 10. 1884, at Utica, Ohio. Kev. George H. Hebbard oF Lakeville, New York, was elected president. The eighth biennial session of the Christian Pub- lishing Association was held at New Bedford, Mass.. October 6, 1886. President G. H. Hebbard presiding. Rev. C. J. Jones, editor of the Herald of Gosjiel Lihrrfi/, made a verbal report of the condition of that 474 THE CENTENNIAL OF publication. Tlie coiiistitiitioii of the rublisliiiig Asso- ciation was amended. By this amendment the mem- bers of the Christian l*ublishing Association became the same as the members of the American Christian Convention. Rev. I). A. Long was elected president, and Elder C. J. Jones re-elected editor of the Herald of Oospvl Llhvrtjj. J. P. Watson was elected assistant editor of Siindav-school literature. Dr. C. J. Jones served as editor until July 3, 1888, when he resigned as editor and Rev. J. P. Watson was elected editor to fill the vacancy. FIRST QUADRENNIAL SESSION. The first quadrennial session of the Christian Publishing Association was held at Marion, Indiana. October 8, 1800, Rov. I). A. Long, ])resident, pre- siding. At this session amendments were made to the constitution, and the constitution as adopted author- ized the sale of the first publishing house in Dayton, Ohio. D. A. Long was elected president and J. P. Watson, editor. FIRST PUBLISHING HOUSE SOLD. November 6, 1890, the first publishing house was sold to a railroad company for |22,000.00 and the deed ordered made by the president and secretary, bearing the date November 17, 1800. After April 1, 1801, the business of the Publishing Association was done in rented quarters until April 1, 1005, when the new i)ublishing house, built in 1004, was first occupied. (See page 454.) February 3, 1801, Rev. Mills Harrod resigned as RELIGIOUS JOURNALISM 475 publishing agent to take effect February 1(5, 1891, and Rev. T. M, McWliinney was appointed as his successor, who continued to act until August 11, 1891, when he resigned and George E. Merrill, of Troy, Ohio, was elected as agent, CHRISTIAN PUBLISHING ASSOCIATION INCORPORATED. January 12, 1893, the Christian Publishing As- sociation was incorporated at Dayton, Ohio. The incorjiorators being T. M. McWliinney, Daniel Al- bright Long, C. W. Choate, George D. Black, E. A. DeVore, and W. A. Gross. The Articles of Incorpo- ration are as follows : These Articles of Incorporation of the Christian Pub- lishing Association, "Witnesseth ; That the undersigned, a majority of whom are citizens of the state of Ohio, desiring to form a corporation not for profit, under the general corporation laws of said state, do hereby certify. First, the name of said corporation shall be. The Chris- iian I'lihUsJiiiHj Assedford, Mass., in October, 1886, a more concrete and effective organization of the Missionary department of the denominational work was effected, in the form of a ''Missionary and Church Extension Department" of tlie Con- vention. Rev. J. P. Watson was re-elected for an- 484 THE CENTENNIAL OF other four years as Mission Secretary. With liini were associated four other persons constituting a "Mission Board," which board was charged with the management of the Missionary Dei^artment of the Convention. This board elected its own record- ing secretary and treasurer. Kevs. J. P. Watson, N. Summerbell, D. I)., J. G. Bishop, E. A. DeVore and W. T. Warbinton constituted this first Mission- ary Board. At the Norfolk session of the Convention in 1902, the membership of the board was increased to nine persons. Up to this time the calls for the two an- nual missionary collections were to be made by the Convention Secretary, and the money was to be sent to him, and by him transmitted to the mission treasurer. At this Convention the constitution was so amended as to place the entire management of the mission department in the hands of the Mission Board, subject only to the Convention or its ex- ecutive committee, including the making of tlie mis- sion calls and collecting missionary money. Since that time it is expected that all missionary monev designed to be used by the Mission Board will be sent direct to the mission treasurer. In 1880, at the New Bedford, Mass., Convention, a Woman's Board for Foreign Missions was organ ized, and in 1890, at the Marion, Ind., Convention a Woman's Board for Home Missions was organized. Each of these Boards has a permanent membership of twenty-five women. In addition each of these has a Life Membership. This membership is con- stituted by the payment, at one time, in the Foreign Board of |25, and in the Home Board by the paj- II E L I (; I O TT 8 JO TI K N A L I S M 485 meut of |10. These two national Woman's Boards organize Conference Woman's lioards, and these in turn organize Auxiliary Missionary Societies in the churches. These woman's boards and societies co-operate with the General Board, and have been active forces in missionary work in their respective lines. Up to the Huntington Convention, in October, 190G, both the home and the foreign work were car- ried on under the one department. At that Con- vention it was divided into two departments, the Home and the Foreign, each department having its own secretary, but both working under the one Board. Until the New Bedford Convention, in 1886, prac- tically the only missionary work done by the de- nomination was in the home field. With the ex- ception of some agitation of the subject of foreign missions and the gathering of |1,281.69 with which to begin the work, almost nothing whatever had been done for the vast heathen world. At this Con- vention the Mission Board was authorized to com- mence foreign missionary work, and Japan was se- lected as the field in which to begin. The follow- ing January, 1887, Rev. D. F. Jones and his wife, Amelia P. Jones, the Christians' first foreign mis- sionaries, sailed from New York, going by the way of England, where they tarried awhile, reaching and commencing work at Ishinomaki, Japan, the fol- lowing May. Since that time twelve other mission- aries, including wives, have been sent by our Mis- sion Board to that interesting and important field. In January, 1901, the Board sent its first mis- 486 T HE GEN T E N N I A L O F sionaries to Porto Rit-o, this island having been se- lected as our second foreign missionary field — though most denominations now doing missionary work on this island regard it as a part of their home field. Our first missionaries to Porto Rico were Rev. D. P. Barrett and his wife, Eva Olyn Barrett; Rev. H. J. Rhodes was sent with them un- der appointment for one year, to assist in locating and opening the work. Three other missionaries have since been added to our force of foreign work- ers in this field. It is now 21 years since we commenced foreign missionary work. During this time the Board has sent, including wives, 14 missionaries to Japan, and 6 to Porto Rico, averaging nearly one a year. Suffice it for me to say further, that for the amount of money the Church has contributed for missions, home and foreign, and for the number of workers the Board has thereby been enabled to em])loy and support, the results have been all that the Church could with reason expect; and that af- ter having given 35 years to pastoral and evangel istic work and 17 years exclusively in the adminis trative department of our missionary work, and with the pretty extensive knowledge I have been able to acquire of the Christian Church and its enterprises, it is my honest conviction that the de- nomination has no enterprise that signifies more for its own growth and usefulness, and to the cause of God in general, or that has larger claims upon the sympathetic co-operation and financial support of the entire brotherhood than has the cause of missions — which is God's, own appointed plan for K E r. I (; I o r s j o tt k n a l i s m 48? woi'ld-evangelization, giving the gospel to all peo- ples, that all may have at least a chance to look and live — to believe and be saved.* Dayton, Ohio. * The limit of worcte allowed for this article has necessitated Its brevity. But for a much fuller historical account of the missionary work of the Christians, its growth, trials and triumphs ; where and when ; missionaries, home, native and foreign ; moral wilderness turned to fruitful fields, ungodly in the home land and heathen in non-Christian lands transformed into believing, work- ing Christians ; churches organized, church-houses built. Christian schools established ; cuts and biographical sketches of a number of tlie workers and more, we must ask you to patiently wait for our forthcoming liook, which we hope may be out at no very dis- tant day. — J. G. B. JUDGE A. M. IIEIDLEBAUGH u 10 1: 1 ( ; I o r s j o u k n a l i s m js-.i THE LAYMEN'S MISSIONARY MOVEMENT BY JUDGE A. M. HEIDLEBAUGII President Northwestern (Ohio) Christian C onference An interdenominational x^rajer -meetin direct offer of the laymen to supplement the work, were very im- pressive. Hon. O. W. Whitelock, president of the ChrivStian Publishing Association, attended the Chicago meet- ing, April 8, 10(17. In his report he says : The end sought was to arouse a greater sentiment among laymen in the cause of missions, that their hearts might be touched with an unquenchable thirst for the evangelization of the world. At a session of the Eel River, Indiana, Christian Conference, August 15, 1907, at Wakarusa, Indiana, an evening was given to the Laymen's Movement. 492 T HE C E N T E N N I A I. O F An address was delivered by A. M. Heidlebaiigh, president of the Northwestern Oliio Christian Con- ference, in which the orij2;in, growth and possibili- ties of the movement were discussed. At the Miami Ohio Christian Conference, Septem- ber 2, 1907, a men's meeting was held, with one hundred men in attendance and was addressed by Hon. O. W. Whitelock, in a strong plea to the men of the denomination in behalf of missions. In the evening Mr. J. Campbell White, of New York, ad- dressed the conference. At the close another meet- ing of men was held. After an earnest conference, a committee Avas appointed to report a plan to fur- ther the movement, which committee recommended a standing committee of five to look after the organ- ization of the movement within the conference and secure a reijresentative in each church of the con- ference. At the Northwestern Ohio Conference, September 27, 11)07, lion. O. W. Whitelock delivered an address, in which he discussed, with peculiar force and apt- ness, the importance and obligation of the true mission spirit. The Indiana State Conference, at Muncie, In- diana, October 22, 1907, held a men's meeting and ai»i)ointed a committee to foster the Laymen's Move- ment in that state. The Ohio State Christian Association, held at Lima, Ohio, November 5, 1907, endorsed the Lay- men's Movement, and the Secretary of Missions was instructed to push it among the conferences of the state. At a special meeting for men, Mr, H. E. Clemm, of Troy, Ohio, chairman of the standing RELIGIOUS JOURNALISM 493 committee on Laj'men's Movement in the Miami Conference, gave an address, and tliis was followed by an informal meeting, in which plans were dis- cussed for reaching the men of the chnrch in the interest of missions. Mnch interest being manifested in the Movement throughout the denomination, and it is possible that it will be vigorously pushed. The plans seem to possess the possibilities of great good, and, if prop- erly carried into execution, will, no doubt, result in a substantial and lasting benefit to the cause of Christian Missions. OttaiLd, Ohio. Mils. ALICE V. MORRILL RELIGIOUS JOURNALISM 495 OUR WOMEN'S WORK BY MRS. ALICE V. MORRILL. Since the day when Miriam led tlie women of Israel in their anthem of praise; since those same wise-hearted women gave of their handiwork to adorn the tabernacle; since Deborah led the ar- mies of Israel to victory, and Sisera fell by the hands of a woman, there have ahvays been, in every age of the world, noble and faithfnl women who have "come np to the help of the Lord against the mighty." How many of the beautiful words of our Savior were spoken to a woman ! "Not she with tralt'rous kiss her Savior stung. Not she denied Him witli miholy tongue; She, wliile apostles shranlc, could danger hrave, Last at the cross, and earliest a-t the grave." Paul speaks appreciative words of "those women who labored with me in t!ie gospel." Wherever the cross has been planted, God has owned and used those women whose hearts have been open for the King of Glory to come in. The Christian denomination has had its share of consecrated women who have given freely of their lives and love and service that the cause of Christ might advance. Just how much the denom- ination owes those women eternity alone will reveal. AS PREACHERS AND EVANGELISTS. In the year 1812, a woman preacher by the name of Nancy Cram went to Charleston, New York. She was a member of a Free Will Baptist church. MRS. ABIGAIL ROBERTS RELIGIOUS J 0 U R X A L I S M 407 but had associated considerably with the people of the Christian denomination, and had embraced their principles. While visiting a relative in Charleston, she was invited to hold meetings. A wonderful revival followed, during which scores were converted. At the end of several months there was a general desire for a church organiza- tion, and Mrs. Cram started out to lind a minister who would baptize the converts and organize a church. She first went to New Hampshire, but could induce no one to go. She then journeyed to Woodstock, Vermont, where several Christian ministers were holding a general meeting, and suc- ceeded in persuading one of them to go within two weeks, and two others within two months. Mrs. Cram returned to Charleston with the good news. Within a month a church was organized which for many years was large and prosperous. An unusual- ly large number of Christian ministers have come from that church. Mrs. Cram continued to preach in the eastern part of New York. In the summer of 1814 she held meetings in Ballston and surrounding towns. Crowds flocked to liear her, and often the services were held in groves and orchards, there being no available building large enough to hold the au- diences. A churdi was organized in that place in August. Mrs. Cram's public labors extended over four years, as she was called to her rcAvard in January of 181G; but the fruits of her labor were abundant. At least seven men who afterward became minis- ters of the gospel were led to Christ through her MRS. MARY STOCDILL RELIGIOUS JQURNALI S M 499 labors, among whom were John Ross and David Millard. One of Nancy Cram's converts at Ballston was Mrs. Abigail Roberts, who was probably the best known woman of the Christian denomination, dur- ing its earlier years. Mrs. Roberts began preaching in 181 G, and preached continuously until 1828. From that time until her death in 1841, she was a great. sufferer from disease, and for months at a time was unable to engage in any public work. The story of her life is more fascinating than fiction. She gave up home with all its comforts; gave her children over to the care of others; and traveled up and down through New York, New Jer- sey, and Tennsylvania, receiving no salary, but only such articles or money as people were disposed to give her. Much of her journeying was on horse- back, through severest storms and intense cold. Sometimes suffering persecutions, finding churches closed against her, oftentimes bitterly denounced by ministers of other denominations; yet she could say with that old hero of the cross. None of these things move me, neither count I my life dear unto myself, so that I might finish mv course" with joy, and the ministry which I have received of the Lord Jesus, to testify the gospel of the grace of God. There is record of at least four churches which were organized chiefly through her efforts. In Jan- uary, 1827, Mrs. Roberts went to Warren County, New Jersey, and began holding meetings in several neighborhoods. At Everettstown a meeting-house had been erected a short time before, being desig- nated as a Methodist church, but, according to the articles of agreement, it was to be free for all UEV. MARY A. STRICKLAND RELIGIOUS J O IT K N A Iv I S INI 501 Christians to worship in, when not occupied by the Metliodists. A request was made for the use of this building for Mrs. Roberts, but it was not grant- ed. As access to no building large enough was to be had, a proposition was nuide looking toward the raising of funds and building a church. At Mil- ford, in April, 1827, a public meeting was called, and five persons were appointed to solicit subscrip- tions and carry the plan of building into effect. In November of the same year this house was opened for public worship, and later a church was organ- ized. Mrs. Roberts and her family resided in Mil- ford for several years, she having the pastoral oversight of that church when her health would permit. Mrs. Roberts was a very convincing speaker, and ministers of opposing religious sentiments did not often care to discuss those differences with her in public. She Avas indeed a workman who needed not to be ashamed, and she might truly have said at the close of her earthly life, ''I have fought a good fight, I have finished my course, I have kept the faith." There were three other women who were contem- poraries with Mrs. Robei'ts — Miss Ann Rexford, a very eloquent speaker, who labored mostly in the eastern part of New York, and traveled considera- bly with Mrs. Roberts; Mrs. Sally Thompson, who had been expelled from the Methodist Episcopal Church because she felt it her duty to preach; and Mrs. Sarah Hedges, who preached mostly in cen- tral New York, and did much to advance the cause of the Christians. REV. II. LIZZIE HALEY R E L I G I O IT S J O T^ K N A T> I S M 503 111 1821 Mrs. Mary Stogdill, of Greenville, New- York, moved to Canada, a few miles north of Toronto. She was about the first of the Christians to go to Canada. Being denominationally alone, she longed for the church of her choice, and wrote many letters to her former home, some of which were published in the Christian Herald, expressing the wish that some Christian minister might go to Canada. She lived to welcome twelve ministers to her home who were instrumental in organizing several Christian churches. On the fifteenth an- niversary of the first Christian church in Canada, there were thirty church organizations and twenty- three church buildings belonging to the denomina- tion. All of these church-members' except those who joined by letter were brought to Christ directly or indirectlv bv the labors of Marv Stogdill. Like the Mary of old, "she did what she could." There is scarcely a section of the country not associated with some of our early women preachers. Rachel Hosmer and Sabrina Lamson, of Vermont, who were in that state about the time when Mrs. Roberts was doing her most active work in New York ; Hannah Corner and Elizabeth Stiles, of Maine; Rebecca L. Miller, who preached in Ohio and Vir- ginia, and was a remarkably eloquent speaker; Bar- bara Kellison, whose labors in the west will long be remembered — these are a few names on the honor roll of early times. Our early women preachers were not ordained : but to the Christians belongs the distinction of regularly ordaining the first woman ordained since the fifth century, Mrs Melissa Terrell, who was MRS. ELLA S. WATSON K E L I Tx I O U S J O IT R X A L I S M ' 505 ordained in 186G, and is now living in California. Since that time scores of onr women have been set apart for the sacred calling of the ministry. At I>resent there are at least forty regularly ordained women in our Conferences. We hesitate to mention the names of any, since it is impossible to speak of all, and all have been faithful workers in the vine- yard of the Lord. At least four women have worked in our home mission fields under direction of the Mission Board. Mrs. N. E. Land), JNIrs. Maggie Wal lace, Mrs. Vina AA'ilgus, and Mrs. S;irah M. Bailey. Tn all the galaxy of names of women preachers there are perhaps none that shine brighter than those of Rev. Mary A. Strickland and Rev. H. Lizzie Haley, A. M. They were both highly educated women and preachers of unusual ability. Their services were much in denmnd as evangelists, and both will doubtless have many stars in their crowns of rejoicing. Mrs. Strickland labored principally in Indiana, and Miss Haley in New England and the Middle States. Yes; we are proud of our women preachers. God has wonderfully used and blessed their efforts to hasten the coming of His kingdom upon earth. IN SUNDAY-SCHOOL PUBLICATIONS. There is, perhaps, no woman's name more familiar to the young peoi)le of our denomination than that of Mrs. Ella S. Watson, who gave such efficient aid to her husband in his duties as editor of our Sun- day-school literature, and whose stories in the Sun- day School Herald were always read with intense interest by old as well as by young. MK8. LETTICE S. HOLMES n K r. k; T o TT s j o n r n a l i s m 507 IN EDUCATION AND BENEVOLENCE. Our educatioual and benevolent institutions owe not a little to women. When Antiocli College was founded in 1850, it opened its doors to women— the first college in America to grant equal rights in every respect to men and women, both in the class room and on the faculty. Miss R. M. Fen- nel 1 and Mrs. Lettice S. Holmes were valued members of the first faculty of Antioch. Mrs. Holmes was also a member of the first faculty of Union Christian College. While Rev. N. Summer- bell, D. D., was president of Union Christian Col- lege, his wife earnestly interested herself in the welfare of the students, and organized the Young People's Prater-Meeting, which is still a prominent feature of the college. Although now merged into a Christian Endeavor Society, Mrs. Summerbell is still honored as the founder. Franklinton Christian College has always ap- pealed strongly to the sympathies of our women. Mrs. Emily 0. Wilson, of Philadelphia, built the first dormitory and also generously endowed the institution. Several women have also served on the Board of Control of the college. In 1894 the Aged Christian Minister's Home was incorporated through the efforts of Mrs. Lois L. Sellon, she having previously raised |1,500 for the purchase of a house and lot in Castile, New York. IN MISSIONS. The missionary annals of our church are replete with the names of women who have given their time, their money, their influence, and themselves, REV. ELLEN G. GIISTIN RELIGIOUS JOURNALISM 509 that this most glorious work of the church might prosper. In 1878 the Mission Secretary of the American Christian Convention, Rev. J. P. Watson. IX D., inaugurated "The Cliildren's Mission." Miss Olive Williams, of Troy, Ohio, gave the first dime. The first letter published in the Children's Mission Column of the Herald of Gospel Libert ij was writ- ten by Miss Donna Murray, of Covington, Ohio. This was really the beginning of our general mis- sionary work. In 1S84 Dr. Watson recommended the appointment of women as Foreign Mission Sec- retaries for the Conferences. In 188.^ the followin.o- had been appointed: Rev. Ellen G. Gustin for Jifas- sachusetts; Rev. Emily K. Bishop for New Jersey; ]\rrs. K. M. Judy for Ohio ; and Mrs. O. K. Hess for Indiana. In July of the same year the first woman's missionary society was organized by Mrs. Gustin at West ]\ransfiel(l, Mavssachusetts.* The same year, at a missionary meeting held at Craigville, ]\his- sachusetts, Mrs. Bishop suggested that Secretary Watson be asked, with the consent of the editor, to devote one column in the Herald of Gospel Lih- crty to a Foreign IMissions Department. This sug- gestion crystallized into reality. Thus the l)tigin- ning of our regular missionary publications was due to the wise though tfulness of a woman. At the quadrennial session of the American Christian Convention, held at New Bedford, Mas- sachusetts, in 188G, the Worann's Board for Foreign * ITiere are records of Women's Missionary societies 'in IMich- igan as early as 1S50, but tlieir w()rl< was of a'verv limited nature, being confined principally to tbeir own conference' or state. 510 T H B C E N T E N N I A T. O F Missions was elected, consisting of twenty-five wom- en, including the following officers: Mrs. Achsah E, Weston, President; Mrs. Emily K. Bishop, Vice- President; Miss Annie E. Batchelor, Recording Sec- retary; Mrs. Ellen G. Gustin, Corresponding Sec- retary; and Mrs. Elizabeth D. Barry, Treasurer. Four 3^ears later, at Marion, Indiana, the women of the Convention organized a Woman's Board for Home Missions, with the following officers: Rev. Mary A. Strickland, President; Mrs. O. H. Keller, Vice-President; Miss Ella Kiefer, Recording Secre- tary ; Mrs. J. P. Watson, Corresponding Secretary : and Mrs. D. A. Long, Treasurer. The Convention voted to make this Board auxiliary to the Home Mission Department of the Convention. Thus our women became fully organized for work. What these Boards, together with the Conference Boards and local societies with their constituents, have done for the missionary interests of our de- nomination would fill a volume; and in one short article we can not even mention the names of these noble women. Suffice it to say that they have not worked to *'be seen of men," but "He who seeth in secret" will reward them openly. At the quadrennial session of the American Chris- tian Convention, in 190G, the two Woman's Boards inaugurated a Cradle Roll Department, with Mrs. Emma S. Powers, of Dayton, Ohio, as the first superintendent. She has set as her aim the en- rolling of one thousand babies before the Quad- rennial in 1910. The latest development in our Woman's Boards is the appointment of a superin- tendent of Young People's Work, Mrs. Alice M. RELIGIOUS JOURNALISM 511 Burnett, of Dayton, Ohio, who also holds the office of Corresponding Secretary of the Home Board. Tlie Christian Missionary has been given much valuable aid by the women. The publisher will tell you that the largest lists of subscribers have been sent in by women. They have always con- tributed to its columns, and served on the editorial staff. Mrs. M. P. Jackson, Mrs. Aclisah E. Weston, Miss Annie E. Batchelor, Mrs. E. K. Bishop, and Mrs. E. G. Gustin have served in this capacity, the two latter being associate editors at the present time. But the women have aided the missionary work not only by their prayers and interests, but with their money also. Of the six who gave the first 14,500 as an endowment fund, five were women. Our brothers, after the lapse of years, recognized the capabilities of women in missionary work, and in 1S98, Mrs. Ada O. Warbinton was elected a mem- ber of the General Mission Board; and she was su- perseded by Rev. Hannah W. Stanley in 1902; and she in turn by Mrs. Athella M. Howsare. These women have proved wise and careful counselors. This sketch would not be complete without men tion of the presidents of the Home and Foreign Boards. Mrs. Achsah E. Weston, the first president of the Foreign Board, was a woman of rare talents. By her words, her Avritings, and her leadership she was a tower of strength. She wrote the first tract that was published by the Christians about foreign missions. Not only in mission circles was she a leading spirit, but she was an educator of no small ability, and for many years was a teacher in the MllH. ACIISAII K. Wi:STON RELIGIOUS JOURNALISM 513 Christian Biblical Institute. When she laid down her earthly work, April 3, 1899, the future looked dark and lonely to those women who had worked by her side on the Foreign Board. In August of the same year Mrs. Gustin was chosen as the new presi- dent. She had always been connected with the work, liaving faithfully lilled the office of Corresponding Secretary since the Foreign Board was organized. From that time until the present she has been the beloved leader of the Board. Aside from what she has done for missions, she has held several pastor- ates, and was the member elected by our Woman's Boards to serve on the inter-denominational commit- tee to arrange the United Mission Study Course for women's missionary societies. It is doubtless true that no one woman has done more for the cause of missions among the Chris- tians than Mrs. Emily K. Bishop. She has been the Vice-President of the Foreign Board since its organization, and in reality the only president that the Home Board ever has had, as IMrs. Strickland resigned soon after her election, and before any work had been done. But in addition to all that she has done in connection with our Woman's Boards, she has labored unceasingly in the interests of our general missionary work. During the sixteen years in which her husband was Mission Secretary of the American Chris- tian Convention she worked by his side in the mis- sion rooms, day after day writing and planning for the spread of the gospel. She traveled with him up and down throughout the country, speaking, or- ganizing missionary societies and conference boards, KEY. EMILY K. P.ISIIOI' RELIGIOUS JOURNALISM 515 and doing all in her power to create interest in the cause so dear to her heart. Ail honor to these noble women and their co-laborers. Last, but yet first, are those women who have gone from among us to carry the light to those who sit in darkness — our missionaries. How familiar their names are to us : Mrs. Amelia P. Jones, who, with her husband, was our first missionary to Japan ; Mrs. Alice G. Rhodes; Mrs. Ida P. Woodworth ; Miss (Jhristine Penrod; Mrs. Susie V. Fry, principal of the Utsunomiya Christian Girls' Scliool, Japan, the support of which the Woman's Board for Foreign Missions has assumed; Miss Alice M. True; Mrs. Edith P. McCord; Mrs. Katherine W. Garman, to Japan; and the following to Porto Rico; Mrs. Eva O. Barrett ; Miss Jennie Mishler, and Mrs. Mat- tie S. White. Mrs. Jones has entered into rest ; Mrs. Rhodes is serving in the home land; but the others are still on the foreign field. A more loyal, con- secrated, and self-sacrificing band it would be hard to find. Self-sacrificing, did I say? That is what ice say, but they — oh, no; they deem it a blessed privilege to break the bread of life to starving mul- titudes in other lands. When all has been said that can be said, the half will not have been told of all women have done for ours or any other denomination. How many men owe their success in life to a godly, praying mother. Dr. J. J. Summerbell, in dedicating his "Life and Writings of Nicholas Summerbell" to his mother, pays her this loving tribute: "Whose long companionship and efficient aid made the life of her husband, N. Summerbell, so successful and MRS. E. J. SUMMEKBELL RELIGIOUS JOURNALISM 517 useful iu the miuistry." What was true of his life Is true of scores of other lives. After all, the home is woman's kingdom, and it is here that she wields her mightiest influence, unheralded though it be. It is said that the strength of a nation is in its homes. This is equally true of our churches. "A house Is built of bricks and stones, of sills and posts and piers ; But a Iwme is built of loving deeds, that stand a thousand years. A house, though but a humble cot, within Its walls niav hold A home of priceless beauty, rich iu Love's eternal gold ihe men of earth build houses— halls and chambers, roofs and domes. But the women of the earth— God knows the women build the homes." ALMOST AS OLD AS THE— MRS. MBIIITABLE ("AUNT IIITTY") ALDUICII of Shrewsbury, Vermont, now in her ninety-sixth year. —HERALD OF GOSPEL LIBERTY MRS. CATHERINE F. OTPPLEB of Gulf Mills, I'a., now in lier ninety-eighth year. REV. S. Q. IIELFENSTEIN, D. D. R E L I G I O IT S J O U R N AL I S M 521 OUR SUNDAY=SCHOOLS BY REV. S. Q. HELFENSTEIN^ D. D. Editor Sundiiy-Seboo] Literature After the publication of tliis article, will there some one arise and state that he is the descendant, the grandson of the Christian minister who organiz- ed the first Sabbath-school in "the Christian Connec- tion?" If so, I wish he might arise now and give me information which I most eagerly long for, as I am unable to ascertain where the first ''Sab- bath-school" was organized, or who had the courage to ''follow the methods of the sects," and adopt their ways of instilling the truth into the minds of the young, and thus prepare material from which there should arise able defenders of the Christian I)rinciples. But some one started a Christian Sab- bath-school ("Sunday-school" is a name that came into use later), and drew upon himself many ad verse criticisms, for there were many who did not favor the movement in the Christian connection, and the reason is not far to seek. Soon after "the rise of the Christian Church," the leading sects adopted Sunday-school methods for the purpose of instilling their peculiar dogmas into the minds of the young, which, from their view-point, was a wise method of procedure, but one that did not appeal to those who would have the young grow up free from sectarian bias. The catechetical method was used and the questions were largely framed on the catechism and other man-made formulas; so, at 522 T H E C E N T E N N I A L O F first, it seemed that tlie Sabbath-school and the catechism were inseparable adjuncts, consequently, some stoutly opposed the Institution that held with- in itself the leaven that would work in such a love of the truth as to drive out sectarian bigotry and bring God's people closer together in the love of and adherence to the Scriptures of divine truth. Otliers were slow to see the effectiveness of the Sab bath-scliool ; but it was not long till some of the fathers saw the leverage the Sunday-school wouhl give them on the mind of the young, and making practical the statement, ''the Bible the only creed,'' they made use of the Sunday-school as a means of imparting a knowledge of divine truth, and adopted the Bible as the text-book of the organization ; and those who were early taught its principles, and be- came ''rooted and grounded" in the Christian faith, became ''seed beds" for the propagation of the Chris- tian princijdes, as is shown by the exanijjle of one sister in Iowa in an early day, who, rather than join the sects, upon hearing of a Christian minister in an adjoining county, rode twenty-five miles on horseback to get him to come and preach in her neighborhood and organize a Christian church. Her efforts were rewarded, and the church stands to-day as a monument to her loyalty and devotion to the truth. But many of the churches held aloof, and were i)ained to see their children gathered into the schools of their brethren "yet under the yoke." During the "thirties" of the last century, the more wide-awake churches began to see their opportuni- ty and organized Sabbath-schools and Bible classes, and churches that did so, secured for themselves RELIGIOUS JOURNALISM 523 a tenure of life not realized by sister organizations that neglected the ''open door." The movement was not general, but local. We have something analo- gous within the time of our own recollection. Tlte churches that early adopted Christian Endeavor methods, and organized Christian Endeavor socie- ties, became stronger, more missionary in spirit and practice, and more efficient in the home field. So the churches that introduced Sunday-school methods, other things being equal, are the ones that have been strongest and done the most efficient work. In those early times, as in all times, there were lead- ing spirits who sought to inspire the churches to action in the work of organizing schools and Bible classes, among whom were the editors of our re- ligious periodicals. These men used tact, some- times introducing the subject by means of clippings from their exchanges, showing the great advantages other denominations were realizing by means of the Sunday-school. As late as 1840, the work was looked on as somewhat tentative, as shown by a resolution passed by the Indiana Bluffton Christian Conference, which reads thus : Resolved, That we consider Sunclay-sehools beneficial, wliere they are properly conducted, and we, therefore, re- quest the brethren to reconnnend and establish them in every cliurch where it is convenient. From the minutes of the New Hampshire Christian Conference, held June 12, 1810, I glean this : The committee on Sabbath-schools beg leave to make the following report : Whereas, well conducted Sabbath-schools and Bible classes are of the highest importance to the young of our congregations, and may be regarded as nurseries of the church: Therefore, Resolved, That we recommend to all the churches within the bounds of this conference, to estab- lish and sustain them in their respective societies. 524 T 1 1 I*] C E N T E N N I A L O F lu the same volume of the Falladium, this is found : We as a people, have too loug been indifferent on the subject of Sabbath-scliools. And by our neglect, have lost ground, which now might have been yielding an abundant harvest, had we, in due season, availed ourselves of Sab- bath-schools and Bible class instruction. While we have slumbered, the neighboring sects have been busily engaged in i)lanting, in the minds of our children and yoiitJi, the seeds of their peculiar dogmas. . . . Good policy says, let every church have connected with it a flourishing Sabbath- school and Bible class. During the forties and fifties, more of the con- ferences turned their attention to this institution. Some of tliem began to liave committees on "The Sabbath-school," and the churches maintaining them, gave reports, telling the number of scholars enrolled. The Sunday-school literature of that time consisted of, Sunday-school Hymn-Books, Lessons of Love. First Ques- tion Book for Little Children, and Jesus the Messiah, a his- torical (luestion book, all published in our own denomina- tion. Our churches being mostly in rural districts, few schools were held the entire year. April and May were the months of opening and reorganizing. At the first annual meeting of the ''Christian Publication Society," June 5, 1857, the secretary, P. Roberts, suggested the publishing of Sunday- school books and a Sunday-school paper. In the Christian Palladium of Septend)er 25, 1857, is an announcement as follows: "We will publish a pai)er called the Christian Sunday-School, on as good paper as the Youth's Penny Gazette," etc., but looking through the later files I fail to find any mention of the paper, so I presume the Sunday-school con- tinued to take the Youth" s Penny Gazette and The R E L I G I O U S J O U R N A L I S INI 525 Childreu's Friend till 1865, when the Sunduy-School Herald was started. In the Memoir of Daniel Hix, page 137, this is found : ^'In the summer of 1835 the first Sunday-school was organized at Hixville." Whether this means the first one at Hixville, or the first one in the conference, or in the state, or in the connection, I am unable to learn. Methods in vogue at that early time may be learned from the reminiscences of some of our older ministers and the reports of Sunday-schools given at their yearly picnics. From the Westerly, Rhode Island, Sunday- school's report this is copied: "Enrollment, 100; verses of Scripture committed to memory and re- cited, 17,000 plus." Rev. I). E. Millard, D. I)., says : ' Tbe first Sunday-school of the Christian Church I had any knowledge of, was the one in West Bloonifield, N. Y., in the church of which my father was then pastor — 1842-3. I do not know who organized it, but at that time, Rev. Asa Chapin was superintendent, and succeeded in maintaining a very good school for some time. In those days Sunday- schools in our country churches were not very numerous and were lightly attended. This from Rev. Thomas Holmes, D. D.: My reeollections of my first Sunday-school experiences are very vivid, and very interesting to me. They com- mence about 1830. I know nothing a1)out organizers, but the method of the school of which I was a member can never be forgotten. It was in a country schoolbouse. Classes were formed according to ages of members. Each member was instructed to commit as many verses as possi- ble during the week, and the teacher heard each recite the verses learned, and gave credit for the number recited. Each scholar selected his or her lesson from any portion of the Bible preferred. Psalms and Proverbs were fre- quently chosen because the verses were short. I chose the New Testament. My first lesson, I remember, was the third chapter of Matthew. I remember reciting akso, at one lesson the 25th chapter of Matthew, 46 verses. This method has always ajipoared to me the best that has ever been adopted for children and young people. The scholar soon had large portions of the Bible at tongue's end, and 526 THE CENTENNIAL OF they were ready for use during all the rest of his life, for they were seldom forgotten. Rev. D, W. Moore says : The first Sunday-school that I reniemher of attending was about 1842, in a log schoolhouse in the district where my father lived in Tx)gan County, Ohio, ahout one mile from our home. This school was held irregularly for several years, usually Iieginning in 'May and holding till Septemlier. There was little or no oi'ganization, and few if any regular teachers, but when the scholars assembled they were formed into classes, and some one who was considered competent, or willing to act as teacher, would take the class. The scholars were usually quite well behaved, and not half so troublesome to manage as those of the present day. We had no "Lesson Helps," or study of the lesson beforehand, but the exercises consisted in reading several chapters (perhaps half a dozen), without any comment or exi»lana- tion, the work of the teacher being simply to pronounce the hard words that the pupil coiild not pronounce. It was also customary to request the school to memorize Scripture verses during the week, and repeat them in the class dur- ing the session of school. Some of the bright scholars would sometimes recite forty or fifty verses at a single session. Frequently a large pai't of the time was taken up by some class in their recitations. The singing was from cliurch hymn-books and the hymns such as "A charge to keep I have." "Broad is the road that leads to death," "Amazing grace, how sweet the sound," or "Blest be the tie that binds," with a prayer at the oi)ening and closing. A felt need of a Suiiday-scliool paper published b}' our o\vn people, among the Siinday-seliool work- ers of the Christian Church in the early sixties, led to a discussion of the question in the JlcraJd {Gospel Herald) and resulted in the beginnin"- of the Simdaif- School Herald^ which is still published at Davton, Ohio. AYhen the churches of the country adopted the International Lesson Series, and Les- son Helps were prepared by different denomina- tions, our people for a time procured ''Helps" from other houses, but as these w^ere thouglit to be sec- tarian and erroneous in their teaching, a sentiment grew up in our schools in favor of "Quarterlies," RELIGIOUS lOURNALISM 527 published by our own people, and in 1882, "Our Teacher's Guide and Schohu-'s Help" was published under the editorship of Asa W. Coan. This brought new strength to our Sunday-school cause and the Sunday-school as an institution became one of the main channels of religious life and Christian ac- tivity in the Christian Church. From the middle of the last century and onward conferences have given special attention to, and heard reports from, schools within their bounds, and many of them have adopted the plan of the Sunday- school Institute, thus devoting a part of the time of conference to various phases of Sunday-school work. By the adoption of helpful methods, this insti- tution has become a factor of great potency in the Christian Church. Before the close of the last cen- tury there were over twelve hundred Sunday-schools in active organized work, in touch with, and, in a measure, under the control of the American Chris- tian Convention. Thus the Christian Church recoff- nizes the Sunday-school as a power for good and a safeguard for the young, that is found in no other in- stitution except the Home, and since the latter is so far inferior, in many instances, to what the Lord de- signed it, and the instruction therein received other than helpful, the great field of activity for the Chris- tian Church to-day, is found in the Sunday-school, and by means of the Cradle Roll and the Home De partment, the field is being worked with some degree of efiiciency. The church holds within its grasp great possibilities through careful, prayerful, organ- ized work in the Sunday-school. Dayton, 0. REV. W. G. SARGENT, B. A. RELIGIOUS JOURNALISM 529 CHRISTIAN ENDEAVOR BY REV. W. G. SARGENT_, B. A. President Toronto Christian Endeavor Union Every great forward movement in the history of the church has had its genesis in, and has been the direct outcome of, the need of the church at the time of its uprising. To instance the missionary work of Paul as giving the character of universality to the message of Christ; the Lutheran reformation, in its break with the effete forms of Catholicism; Calvinism in its systematizing of the new religious thought; Wesleyanism iri its effort to breathe new life into the formalism of a decadept church; the modern missionary movement under Cary, to arouse a church on duty at home to its duty abroad; the Sunday-school to quicken the church to a sense of its duty to the child ; the Y. M. C. A. and the young man — to instance these is enough to make the con- tention hold good. It is noticeable, moreover, that with one or two exceptions, all these great move- ments are inseparably attached to the name of some individual whom God has raised up for the specific work. What has been true of other great movements in the church is true of the Christian Endeavor organization. It is the direct outcome of the con- dition, and the need of the church. It is not at all to be supposed that the founder of the first Christian Endeavor Society, at Williston, Maine, had an eye to the need of the church at large, or any idea of 530 THE CENTENNIAL OF the proportions which tlie society would attain in so short a time ; but rather, that, studying the prob- lem of his own chnrcli, he endeavored to meet its needs by banding his young people together, for definite service, and purposeful development of Christian life. It happened, however, that the needs of one church in a generation, in an age when the four corners of the earth were brought so closely together, were, in the main, the needs of every other church ; and the society, originally intended to solve the i)roblem of the young man and the young woman and the Kingdom of God, in a particular locality, proved to be the organization that could success- fully meet the need in tens of thousands of churches in every sphere of Christian activity, the world over. What were the distinguishing nmrks of the church of a quarter of a century ago, that called into being the Christian Endeavor Society? First, unused, and consequently, more or less vitiated power of the young man and young woman. The Sunday-school was doing a heroic work up to a certain point, and that, the danger point of every young man and young woman's life. For a time the youth, merging into young manhood, were likely to be untouched by the church. Here was stored untold power, that might be utilized for Christ. But the church stood hopelessly looking on, now and again exerting some effort, with bars of its own fashioning, to move this mighty mass forward, all-forgetful of the dynamic of service, as the great means to the end. In the second ])lace it was a period of unusual evangelistic fervor. ^Veary of polemical struggles, the church was finding vent for its life in a new and living RELIGIOUS JOURNALISM 531 way — seeking the individual for Christ The grad- ual reaction within the church was manifesting it- self in every quarter, and the church was subcon- sciously endeavoring to meet the problem of the young people in this way. With the evangelistic fervor, and the submerging of the greatly magnified controversial element of the past, however, another change, far-reaching, and to the church at large, probably imperceptible, was taking place — a simpli- fying of its message. Christ as a universal Savior to all who accept Him, and the consequent life of righteousness, issuing in service, was the burden of its delivery. With the simplifying of its message, and its evangelistic zeal, there arose, what con- stitutes itself a fourth element of the church, at the time of the birth of Christian Endeavor — a grad- ual co-operative tendency among all denominations. Evangelistic services were held in great centers. The Christian Endeavor Society in a most provi- dential manner met the condition of the church directly and comprehensively. It said, ''We will set free this vast reserve of power, stored in the young people of our church, in service for Christ," and exultingly the young man and young woman sprang up at the call. The first place for that reserve of power to find v(Mit was in leading others to Christ, and the Endeavor Society set a place for the as- sociate member, where he might be won for God. Young people for the most part are not systematic theologians though they may be Biblical scholars; and so the Christian Endeavor Society emphasized, not the points of controversy, but the essentials of Christian faith. But the essentials of Christian 532 THE CENTENNIAL OF faith form a base upon which people of all denom- inations may stand, and with a larger outlook, and clearer vision of the purpose of Christ, and the need of the world, interdenominational amity found vent in the large fellowship of the Christian Endeavor Society. When the conservative element in the his- toric churches scented danger, and probably Justly so, the Christian Endeavor Society, rising to the need again, while enjoying interdenominational fel- lowship, embodied in its pledge the feature of de- nominational loyalty, elements that, with condi- tions as they are, and in the gradual evolution of the cliurch, must be harmonized. Christian Endeavor has had, however, to work out these principles in definite forms, and the suc- cess attending the development of the movement must be attributed, in part, to the manner in which this has been done. At the forefront we must put the pledged allegiance to Christ, upon which Chris- tian Endeavor insists. The somewhat nebulous transition j)oint in the young person's life in the former regime, is clarified in the definite, signed vow to serve the Master. Not only are young peo- ple asked in a general way to render obedience to Christ, but definite lines of activity — witnessing for Christ, daily communion with Him, and attend- ance at divine service — needs universally recognized among Christian people, are opened up, and gen- erally required. More recent developments have been the "Quiet Hour," "Tenth Legion," "Macedo- nian Phalanx," and "Christian Endeavor Home Cir- cle." It put itself in favor with the better classes by insisting upon the needs of good citizenship and R E L I G I O TJ S J O U R N A L I S M 533 intelligent endeavor in the development of the state. Two negative features of the movement which have added materially to its success, have been the absence of over-organization, and the fact that no appeal for funds has been made. Like all great re- ligious movements, it has won its way by appeal to the inner life and not to externals. The marvelous success that has attended its de- velopment in the scarcely over one quarter of a century of its existence, has vindicated the essential elements of its constitution. Over sixty-seven thou sand societies in all parts of the world, with a mem- bership of over four million, and a past membership of over ten million attests its far-reaching influence. And this with no mention of the tens of thousands of denominational young people's societies that are the real offspring of the Christian Endeavor Move- ment. Its constitution has been translated, and is in use, in over thirty different nations. Thirty-seven million young people's religious meetings, with an attendance of one billion one hundred million ; con- ventions, by far the largest religious gatherings the world has ever known ; fifteen millions of dollars given to missions and other charitable purposes ; religious impulses that can never be tabulated; and all this in twenty-five years. What hath God wrought ! Its future we cannot predict. However the chang- ing conditions of the church may effect it, it will stand forth on the pages of the history of the church as one of the great movements in bringing the world to Christ. Toronto, Ontario. REV. J. L. FOSTER RELIGIOUS JOURNALISM 535 THE CHRISTIAN ORPHANAGE BY REV. JAMES L, FOSTER Superintendent The Christian Orphanage was authorized by The Southern Christian Convention in session 1S9G at Burlington, N. C, and funds to be collected for the same by the children known as "Band of Cous- ins" in the "Children's Corner" of the Christian Sun. Deacon I). J. Mood was then secretary of "The Band of Cousins," and continued till Febru- ary, 1897, when Kev. J. L. Foster, then of Raleigh, N. C, was elected secretary, and known as "Uncle Jim," and has continued as secretary till May, 1908, when the late session of the Convention abolished the office of Secretairy of Children's Orphanage Fund. From year to year the work has grown from a few hundred dollars till last year's report showed over 13,000 in cash for one year's work. The fund for building the orphanage is largely due to the ef- forts and prayers of the children. Thousands of little letters have been written and published in the Chil- dren's Corner, and these letters accompanied by a nickel, a dime, or any amount they felt able to give. December 27, 1904, the Board of Trustees accepted subscriptions of over one thousand dollars towards paying for land, from the citizens of Elon College and community, and located the Christian Orphan- age on the north side of the Southern railroad, on a site of 112 acres of land. In the summer and fall of 1905, the Children's Building was erected ; the in- 536 THE CENTENNIAL OF side work being finished in the summer of 1906. The trustees in charge during the period of locating and building were Rev. W. S. Long, D. D., THE CHRISTIAN ORPHANAGE Elon College, N. C. chairman, Graham, N. C. ; Captain W. J. Lee, Norfolk, Virginia, and Rev. J. L. Foster, of Ra- leigh, North Carolina. The building is of brick, two stories high, IIG feet on the front, with nine small bed rooms, five large ones; with nice chapel and large dining-room, two large wards for little children with necessary closets, etc., nice sitting-room with double office, kitchen and pantries. The new board of trustees elected May, 190G, after having had the inside work finished, elected Rev. J. L. Foster, Superintendent, and he entered upon his duties October 1, 190G, and the building was sufficiently furnished by January 1, 1907, that the RELIGIOUS JOURNALISM 537 trustees declared the Orphanage open and ready for the reception of inmates. The first child to arrive at the Home was Lelia May Canada, of Durham, N. C, and from time to time others have been received till May, 1, 1908, there were 24 present. Miss Dora Edwards, of Raleigh, N. C, is housekeeper and Mrs. Susie H. Kissell, of Durham, N. C, assistant, Mrs. Myrtle W. Foster as teacher. "Uncle John," (John H. Carrington, col- ored) is the first farmer, and has proven himself efficient and faithful. The Orphanage now has a large barn which will accommodate four horses and six cows, with com- fort; and also furnish storage for a large supply of food for horses and cattle; most necessary out- houses have also been built, and the farm is being brought into cultivation and liberal crops planted. They now have 1 horse, 1 mule, 1 colt, 5 milch cows, one 1 year old calf. Wagons, harness, etc., have been added as best we could. It is the purpose of the administration to add land and fixtures as fast as their limited means will permit. The institution is now in need of a large lot of cattle and hog wire for fencing, mowing machine, grain drill, etc. It is the purpose of the trustees to fill the institution as rapidly as the support will justify. The present building will accommodate about 45 children with- out crowding and furnish rooms for matron, teach- ers and have office and reception room. The Orphanage is owned by the Southern Chris- tian Convention, and is so chartered by North Car- olina that it must forever remain under the control of the Christians. 538 THE CENTENNIAL OF The support is from the children's work, volun- tary offerings from churches, Sunday-schools, aid societies and friends. Most of the churches in the Southern Christian Convention make a ''Thanksgiv- ing offering" each year; this gi'eatly helps in the support of the work. Two bequests have been made to the orphanage, but as yet we do not know the full amount. Deacon Jesse Windborne, deceased, of Elon College, N. C, and Deacon R. A. Hyslop, of Nor- folk, Va., each has made provision whereby the orphanage will begin its great work by using said funds in putting up memorial buildings, or invest- ing for permanent endowment funds. This brings us to one of the most beautiful features of Christian charity, that with a few thousand dol- lars a very substantial and serviceable building may be built, which will last for generations and be the pernument home of orphan children. It is said that the three sweetest words are "'niotlicr, home and hcavcny In these orphan homes your Christian cliarit}' will help in supplying a home, and filling the ]»lace of a mother, and will aid in leading the children to heaven. May the Lord guide others in helping this worthy institution of our church. Elon College, N. C. JAS. S. FROST, ESQ. RELIGIOUS JOURNALISM 541 AGED CHRISTIAN MINISTERS' HOME * BY JAMES S. FROST^ ESQ. Treasurer To Rev. P. R. t^ellon and his wife, Lois L. Sellon, belong- the honor of first conceiving the idea of a home for aged ministers and their wives among our people. It was not until after Bro. Sellon's death that his wife determined to found this home as a memorial to her husband. She agitated the matter in her home town, Castile, N. Y., and at conferences and conventions. At last, on March 29, 1894, there assembled at the home of James S. Frost, in Henrietta, N. Y., the following persons— Lois L. Sellon, Latham Coffin, James S. Frost, John B. Weston, B. S. Crosby, Isaac C. Tyron and J. W. Wilson, who proceeded to organize and adopt by-laws. Rev. Latham Coffin was elected president of the board. Rev. B. S. Cros- by, secretary, and James S. Frost, treasurer. At this time there was but little money on hand and no location selected. Mrs. Sellon worked from now on with untiring zeal in raising money for the purchase of a house. In Castile alone she raised |1,440, including her subscription of .|.300. In 189.5 |1, 002.13 had been raised. During this time Mrs. Sellon had been corre- Since this article was written the Board of Trustees has voted to remove this Home from Castile, N. Y., to Lakemont, N Y , ?-l>^*^, •1?*^' ^*'"'^" ^^^'^^ ^^ '''i^fJ l>''ive been bought, overlooldng beautiful Seneca Lake, and before the close of the vear the removal will be accomplished, giving the home many advantages over the present location. Needy ministers and their wives, or widows, will bo gladly received. — F. 12; ID OS O 5Q < H a Q O w. H H 1— I s I— '. W Q P W o o :£ P^ Q P o 02 544 THE CENTENNIAL OF sponding with Francis A, Palmer, President of the Broadway National Bank in New York City, who was interested in the enterprise, and gave |10,000 as an endowment fund for the home, on the day of the annual meeting, May 15, 1895. A home was purchased in Castile, N. Y., and on May 15, 1895, Rev. B. S. Fanton and wife paid their entrance fee, thus becoming the first persons to enter the home. About 1897 Mr. Palmer visited the home and made some needed imf)rovements, which he paid for himself. In 1899 the increasing number of old people made it necessary to enlarge the building. Again Mr. Palmer aided them. Rev. Alden Allen and wife are conducting the home at present. Donations have come from friends from time to time and endowments have been made, but the in- come from the endowments is not sufficient to keep up the home, hence the necessity for donations. The Board of Trustees at present are as follows: Rev. J. W. Wilson, Newark, N. Y., President; Mer- ton Phelps, Caledonia, N. Y., Secretary; James S. Frost, Lakemont, N. Y., Treasurer; Rev. J. B. Wes- ton, Defiance, O. ; Rev. M. Summerbell, Lake- mont, N. Y. ; Rev. John MacCalman, D. D., Coving- ton, O. ; Rev. F. S. Child, D. D., Fairfield, Conn. This is a beautifnl Christian Home, where the ordinary comforts are enjoyed, within a short dis- tance from the Christian Church, and where minis- ters of good standing, who have preached twenty RELIGIOUS JOURNALISM 545 years and are fifty years of age, may go. Widows or wives of ministers may also find a home there. A fee of floO.OO is required from each man and flOO.OO from each woman. Lakcmonf, N. Y. REV. B. F. V AUG II AN RELIGIOUS JOURNALISM 547 HYMN WRITERS OF THE CHRISTIAN CHURCH BY REV. P.. F. VAUGHAN. Although all writers of hymns have not become famous, and most of the hymns written, even by the authors of famous hymns, have never gained popu- lar acceptance, yet each branch of the church uni- versal has no doubt had worthy song writers. AVhile it is true that the Christian denomination has not produced many hymn-writers, and none of these have written any great number of hymns, yet some hymns of high order found in our Christian Hpnnary, and a few in other collections, were writ- ten by those who have found sweet fellowshii) with us. We take pleasure in giving such credit and in- formation as we have been able to obtain concern ing the hymn-wTiters of the Christian denomination. Much of this information has been furnished me by Rev. I). E. Millard, D. D., of Portland, Mich., himself a writer of several ver^^ worthy songs and hymns. Rev. W. 0. Ctislntig was the author of a number of hj'mus, some of which have found wide acceptance. In "Gospel Hymns" we find the following written b}" him: — "Rinfi the Bells of Heaven/' ^^When He Cometh to MaliC up His Jewels/' ^^ Hiding in Thee/' ''Beautiful Valley of Eden/' ''To de There/' and "I am Waiting hy the River/' found in the "Gospel Hymnal." Some of these have been used extensively in revival meetings and general evangelistic work. The author was a graduate of Meadville Theological R E L I O I O US JO U K N A L I S INI 549 School, about 1848, and served as pastor of Chris- tian churches in New York State. He was greatly beloved bv all who kneAv him, and was a gentle and sweet spirited man. Elder Damd Millard was the poet of his day among the Christians. In his Memoirs, edited by his son, we have several of his poems with some hymns, but none of these have come into general use in later years. He and Elder Badger edited a collection entitled ''The Millard and Badger Hymn-book" which was first published about 1830, and for a number of years was the standard hymn-book in many of our churches in New York State. Elder Millard com- I)osed several hymns in that collection. The titles of three have been given me by his son :— ''Meeting of Three Friends:' ''Hymn for ^atwrday Night}' and ''The Star of Bethlehem:' Only a few copies of this hymn-book are now to be found. Rev. D. E. Millard inherited the poetic gift of liis venerable father, and has composed a number of songs and hymns for special occasions. Some of these have appeared in Strickland's collections. The Convention Song, used at the opening of the Ameri- can Christian Convention, at Marion, Ind., in 1890, was written by him. Also the Reunion Hymn, sung at the same Convention when the Northern and Southern wings of the Christian Church were re- united after a separation of thirty-six years. Bro. Millard has written, and still writes, songs for Sunday-school assemblies, soldiers' re-unions and other occasions. We would gladly give titles and extracts if space would permit. M o II EI. I <; I OT S J or It XALISM 551 Rev. A^ Day has written many excellent hymns, and a number of short poems by him have appeared in the Herald of Gospel Lihcrty. His life and work have proven the sincerity of his purpose and the sweetness of his spirit, and his songs will live in the hearts of many long after he has entered into his reward. One of his hymns may be found in The Christian Hi/iiniarij^ No. G51. ''0 Teach me, Father, to Suhmit.'' Rev. A. G. Comings has written some hymns, one of which, ^'How siceet the hour of 2)rauer/' may be found in the "Gospel Hymnal," No. 735. Bro. Comings lived to a ripe old age, and his life was full of good fruit. Rev. John Ellis has left one hymn to the Chris- tians, ''The White Pilgrim/' (Elder Joseph Thomas) which will long be cherished by many in memory of that departed saint, and has been sung by hundreds who never knew its author, or who ''The White Pilgrim'' was. This eccentric man, who dressed in white garments, was bounti- fully gifted by nature, and became a traveling evangelist who attracted large crowds. He died of smallpox, while on a journey homeward from the eastern states, at Johnsonburg, N. J., April 9, 1836, at the early age of forty-four jeavs. He contributed a number of articles and some poetry to our denom- inational journals. It was while standing beside his grave that Elder Ellis composed his lines on "The White Pilgrim," which begin as follows:— I came to the spot where the White Pilgrim lay, And pensively stood by his tomb, When in a low whisper a voice seemed to say, "How sweetly I sleep here alone. 552 T II E C E N T E N N I A L O F The tonipest may howl and tho loud thunders roll, Aud leathering storms may arise. Yet calm are my feelings, at rest is my soul. The tears are all wiped from my eyes." Ih'v. Warren Eatliaicay, pastor of the BloomiDg (irove church, New York, has written some hymns of high order. Two of these may be. found in the late edition of "The Christian Hymnary." The first, No. 105, is a noble rhythmic tribute to the ^'Presence (111(1 lore of Cod." The following exquisite lines occur in the second stanza : — There's not a leaf in yonder hower. Or gem that sparkles in the sea, Or hlade of grass, or tender tlower. But has a voice of love to me — A voice that speaks of God. Another by him in the same collection, No. 433, begins, "The Samor sj)ca]i-s to every heart." The thought, sentiment, and poetic composition of Bro. Ilathaway's hymns would take rank with some of the best in the hymnology of our day. Rev. B. 8. Batchelor has contributed one number used in the Christian Hymnary, which displays the man, as well as his excellent literary style and grace- ful ease of expression. It is a prayer befitting every devout Avorshiper of God in the public assembly. We quote from the third stanza : — Where'er thy servants worship Thee, From east to farthest west, Upon the land, or on the sea. May all in Thee be blest. Dr. N. Siimmerhell, one of the most remarkable RELIGIOUS JOUR N A L I S M 553 and gifted writers of our body, has left a great number of poetic effusions, from among whicli a DoxoJogy has been preserved in the Christian Hijmnary, No. 129. To God, the gfeat, eternal one, To Jesus Christ, His only Son, Be ceaseless praise and glory given. By all on earth, and all in heaven. Among others of our people who have written very worthy hymns, we make mention of Rev. T. G. Moulton, one of the committee who compiled the Christian Hymn Book issued in 186.5; Rci\ W. TF. f^talcy, a member of the committee which compiled the Christian Hymnarij in 18G1, and Rev. H. Lizzie Haley. There are others no doubt who should have favora- ble mention in this article for our Centennial Booh, but the writer has been unable to secure such informa- tion as would make more complete this very im- perfect sketch of our own hymn-writers. It is to be hoped that this branch of devotional literature will be cultivated by our people even more than it has l)een in the past, and that the quality and care- ful selection of our hymnody will be kept up to a high standard, for it is the highest and holiest medium through which the devotional spirit of a people can be expressed. Centerville, Ohio, KEV. X. DEL McREYNOLDS RELIGIOUS JOURNALISM EDUCATION AMONG THE COLORED CHRISTIANS OF THE SOUTH liV KEV. N. DEL McREYNOLDS Ex-Presitleiit Fniukliutou Cbristiau College After the close of tlie Civil War many of the colored meinbers of the Christian Church in tlie Southland thought it desirable to have a conference of their own, and by the assistance of Dr. D. A. Long and others, the North Carolina (colored) Conference and the Virginia (colored) Conference were organ- ized. The members were then only few in number, but there has been a wonderful increase since the or- ganization. They soon felt the necessity of a better education and knew tliat education was absolutely necessary to their continued existence. The Rev. Geo. W. Dunn came into correspondence with the Rev. J. P. Watson, D. D., Mission Secretary of the Christian Church, and through his efforts Rev. Geo. Young was sent to Franklinton, N. C, and opened a school in the old church, situated near the present more commodious church building. The people were eager to learn, and it was soon apparent that a school building must be erected to accommodate the increasing demand for room. Rev. Geo. Young was sent there first in 1881 and by the close of 1882 the present college building was ready for occupancy. It has chapel and hall on first floor, five rooms in- cluding library on second floor, and three large living rooms for young men in the attic. It was soon apparent that a boarding-house must be pre- CIIUISTIAN COLLEGK FranklintoD, N. C. TROF. II. i:. LONG I'l-esident Franklinton Christian College 558 THE CENTENNIAL OF pared for those who came from a distance and Mrs. Emily Wilson of Philadelphia visited the school and at once began the erection of the boarding-honse, now used by the college, and named it Gaylord Hall in memory of her father. It contains fifteen rooms and is nsed for a boarding-honse for all the students and lodging-honse for yonng ladies. It was thoroughly furnished by IMrs. Wilson with all that was necessary for its use. In a short time afterward the North Carolina Conference bought a lot adjoining the campus and built a residence for the president. This was, un- fortunately, destroyed by fire in 1904. The school was first incorporated for a term of years as the Franklinton Literary and Theological Christian In- stitute, but in 1S!)1, through the influence of Rev. J. F. ITllery, the Legislature of North Carolina granted it a per])etual charter as ''Franklinton Christian College." Mrs. Wilson started an endowment fund which now l)rings an income of about |500.00 yearly. The late Kev. O. J. Wait left flOOO.OO by will, and a num- ber of smaller bequests have come in from time to time, but its main support must come from the free will ott'erings of the brotherhood of the Christian Church. In 1J»0,5 the lioard of Coiitiol lioughf s:5 acres of land about one mile north of the college and are planning for an Industrial College. Last summer they made 70,(100 brick to begin building with as soon as the funds are raised. The school was at first controlled by the Mission Board, but was soon transferred to a Board of Control, but in 1902 this Board was abolished and RELTOIOTTS JOURNALISM 559 the college was put in the hands of the Educational Board of the American Christian Convention. In 1904 the Board of Control was re-created by the American Christian Convention and the college was again put into its hands. The present members of the Board of Control are Kev. John Blood, Treasurer, Lewisburg, Pa., Rev. J. L. Foster, Sec'y, Elon College, N. C, Rev. W. H. Hainer, Irvington, N. J., Rev. F. H. Peters, Coshocton, Ohio, and Rev, P. S. Sailer, Norfolk, Va. Rev. Geo. Young, of New York, was president from the starting of the school until 1889, then Rev. C. A. Beck, of Pennsylvania, one year; Rev. J. F. Ullery, of Ohio, one year; Rev. N. Del McReynolds, of Ohio, six years. Rev. Z. A. Poste, of New York, seven years and Rev. 11. I']. Long, of North Carolina, the present president, four years. The first colored member of the faculty was H. K. Long, in 1891, and since 1904 all the members of the faculty are colored. The main objects of the college have been to prepare young men and women for teachers in the public schools and to train young men for the ministry. It has turned out the best equipi)ed teachers in all the adjoining counties by the hundreds in its existence of only a little over twenty -five years. As the college was established to meet the absolute needs of the church, so has the growth of the church kept pace with the growing usefulness of the col- lege, but has outstripped it in its growth and edu- cation. From a feeble beginning there are now three conferences in Virginia and North Carolina, viz. : North Carolinn. Virginia, and Eastern Atlantic, with 560 T II E C E N T E N N I A L O F 94 ordained ministers, 58 licentiates, 121 organized churches and about 8000 members. A number of the older ministers and the great majority of the younger and middle-aged ministers are now, or have been, students of the college and their influence on the spiritual welfare of the membership cannot but be elevating, especially when you consider that almost every church has had one or more representatives at college. At one time one church, situated seventy miles from Franklinton, had nine students in school and most of them were preparing themselves for teachers. At the session of the North Carolina Conference in Cary, in 190G, an effort was made to organize a Franklinton Societj- within the Conference by ask- ing all present and former students to retire and meet in the schoolhouse adjoining the church. It was found that this would take every officer ex- cept treasurer, and the chairman of all the principal committees, so it had to be abandoned and the meeting was held during a recess of conference. The same condition of affairs will more than likely be found to exist in the other conferences. The conferences are well organized and pay due atten- tion to all the departments of church work, more especially Sunday-school, mission, and education. The Educational Committee is a very important one and the candidate for license, or for ordination, is most thoroughly examined by it. Although the standard is not as high as it is in some conferences, it is being gradually raised to keep pace with the demands of the membership. Every student that comes from a distance receives and assimilates les- RELIGIOUS JOURNALISM 561 sons ill Christianity, literature, morality and social culture, and taking these home with him, of necessity imparts them to others and thus there is a wide and increasing influence in these matters going out and year by year becoming more powerful. The colored ministers frequently visit the college to see their parishioners in attendance and are quick to see the advantage of such a visit to them and to the school. The library consists of about 2,000 bound volumes, besides a large number of magazines and pamphlets. These have all been contributed by friends at differ- ent times. Two libraries, that of Rev. Caleb Morse, and that of Rev. O. J. Wait, D. D., are a part of the books. Coming from so many different sources and at so many different times, there will be dupli- cate copies of some books, and the Board of Control, in 1804, authorized the president to give the dupli- cates to the parties who would make the best use of them. One pastor came twenty-five miles for a Bible dictionary. There were two in the library, and we sometimes needefl both of them, but, realizing the need of the pastor, one copy was given to him and he went away rejoicing, literally hugging the book in his great jo}'. The next week some friend sent a copy of a better edition than we had ever before had in the library. Rev. M. M. Hester, of Durham, one of the oldest ministers of the conference, being within eight miles of Franklinton, walked there to get a copy of "Summerbell's Christian Prin- ciples" to replace the one he had, but had loaned it till worn out. He obtained it and went on his way rejoicing. Many tracts written by our brethren o H P 1-5 !C G RELIGIOUS JOURNALISAf 563 were sent, and these were sent to the churches and mniKsters as opportunity offered, thus spreading onr principles in all outlying communities It is safe to say that the progress of the school and the jn'ogress of the churches haye gone hand in hand and without one was successful the other must fail. Some mention should be made here of those who were instrumental in establishing the college, but the limits of this paper would not allow a mention of all. Rev. J. P. Watson, D D was the first of the white brethren who took' the matter up and was instrumental in having the first teacher sent. In recognition of his services, many years ago a literary society was organized and named the Watsonians and is still in existence His picture hangs in one of the schoolrooms and the students learn of their debt to him. Rev Geo ^ oung the pioneer teacher went to Franklinton ^^•lthou a schoolhouse, or any of the equipments of a school with the promise of only one hundred dollars and his board, and laid the foundations of he college which others have sucessfully built upon, nhen he retired he left a college building, a board- nig-house and a president's residence. Let him be accounted worthy of honor. Deacon Jonathan E Brush was very successful in raising funds for the college building and was a firm friend of the cause nntil Ins death. Rev. J. ^V. Wellons assisted very n.aterially in the erection of all the buildings and has been a warm friend of the enterprise from its inception. Mrs. Wilson's work is mentioned in anoth- er part of this article. Rev. Geo. Dunn who first set the forces to work by writing to Dr. Watson, implor- 504 THE CENTENNIAL OF ing aid, is one deserving mention. The college was as dear to his heart as his chnrch, for he considered them almost the same work. He was for years president of the North Carolina Conference (colored). He stood in the college chapel at the Alnmni meeting in April, 1907 and, after speaking of the beginning of the work and his prayers for its snccess, now after attending commencement the night before and this meeting he was ready to say with Simeon of old, "Lord, noAV lettest thou thy servant depart in peace, for mine eyes have seen this great salvation." During a stay of six years at Franklinton, the writer and his family were treated with the greatest couitesy by all the citizens, and they look upon those years as the most pleasant and useful of their lives. Very many others are worthy of mention but space forbids. In conclusion let us consider that the needs of the college are still great, and let us be prepared to heed the appeals of the Board of Con- trol from time to time as they are made. Belief ontainc., Ohio. CONVENTIONS Officers of tne American Christian Convention UEV. W. D. SAMUEL, D. D. President REV. L. W. I'lIILLIPS Vice-l'resident KEV. J. F. BURNETT, D. D. Secretary REV. JOHN BLOOD Treasurer RELIGIOUS .TOUKNALISM 507 AMERICAN CHRISTIAN CONVENTION BY REV. J. F. BURNETT^ D. D. Secretary The American Christian Convention was not so named until 18G6. Prior to that time, it had been known by several different names, as will be shown later on. It had met in Marshall, Michigan, in Oc tober, ISGG, when a new Constrtution was adopted, which changed the name to that of the American Christian Convention. This name had been recom- mended by the committee on organization, but there was not a unanimity of opinion in favor of the change, until several addresses had been made which finally turned the current of thought and feeling, and permanently fixed the new name for the Con- vention. Our fathers saw very early that, if they succeeded, they must organize. Indeed, the American Chris- tian Convention was the legitimate result of our life and work as a people. It was in response to the spirit and demand of the age in which we were born, and through which we have lived, and is a necessity in the plans and energies of our life to- day. In a very correct sense the American Christian Convention is an evolution, an evolution of thought, of plan, of power, and of purpose. The Christians began holding general meetings very early in their history, but neither the thought, nor the plan, was deliberation, but the bringing of 568 T H E C E N T E N N I A Ti OF the ministry and laity togetlier for a blessed fellow- ship in the spirit of prayer and jH-aise, to have a refreshing from the presence of the Lord. The power, was the power of the Holy Ghost, and the purpose was to save men. The same thought and power obtains to-day, but exists in different form, and expresses itself through dilTerent methods. ' The Convention has developed from the mass meeting, of early days, to a deliberative body with limited powers of legislation. It now takes hold of the vital interests of the Church, and carries them for- ward with strong and effective force from year to year. In the early history of the Christians, it was quite common to hold "Gieneral Meetings" which were purely evangelistic in their nature and purpose. The ministers would travel many miles on horse- back, braving all the dangers of the early days, and the inconvenience of travel, tliat they might meet and spend some time together in preaching, praying, and enjoying each other's society in religious ser- vices. But in addition to these "General Meetings" there were, very early in our denominational life, conventions and conferences, wliich exercised authority over their membership. Some of the early conventions heard and approved the proceedings of the local and state conferences and were, to some extent, bodies having general supervision over all the bodies of which they were composed, but never interfering with the doctrines held by them. It was not uncommon for them to discuss abstract themes of faith and church polity, for the purpose of gaining greater light in the multitude of counsel. R E r. I G I O U S JOURNALISM 509 8ik1i convocations dictated no articles of faith, presented no formulas of belief, except the generally conceded revelations of God. Of course these earl}- conventions and conferences were purely voluntary, as there did not exist at that time local conferences from which delegates might be chosen. In these very early meetings, the churches were not represented by delegates, but were i^romiscuous assemblies, and very little order observed in them, but he that exerted the greatest influence, ruled the others. Rev. Mills Barrett, then of Norfolk, Va., said in 1839, that James O'Kelly, as absolutely ruled one branch of the Christian Church, by his influence, as ever Bishop Asbury ruled the Methodist Church by his episcopal author- -ity. At what time these voluntary conferences ceased, and the churches began sending delegates, we have been unable to determine, but we know that the Eastern Virginia, and the Eastern New York Con ferences, were organized in 1818. This date is even later than the conferences that were held dur- ing the very early time of the separation from the Methodist Episcopal Church. We have the minutes of a conference which held its seventh session in 1821. Two conferences were held at Reese Chapel, in Charlotte County, Virginia, one in 1792, and the other late in 1792, or early in 1793. From one of these meetings they sent John Chapel and E. Al- monds, over the mountains with a petition for union with Rev. (Francis) Asbury. Their efforts were in vain. The next conference 570 T II E C; E N T E N N I A L OF met on August 2, 1793, at Piuey Grove cliurcli, in Chesterfield County, Virginia. There tliey con- demned the Episcopal form of government, but still desired union with their Methodist brethren. They prepared an address to the bishop, and asked that the Methodist form of government might be examined and tried by the Scriptures, and amended accord- ing to the Holy AVord. That request was denied by the Methodist brethren. Mr. O'Kelly has this to say in regard to the fourth conference : And it came to pass on the twelfth month of 1793, alwnt the 2r)th dny of the month, we met pursuant to adjoiu-n- ment at IMaiiakiiitown, to receive the answer from (Francis) Asbiii-y. Our friends made report that his answer to us was : "I have no power to call such a meeting as you wish, therefore, if five hundred preachers were to come on their knees before me, I would not do it." We formed our ministers on an equality, gave the lay incmbei"s the balance of power in the legislature, and left the executive business in the church collectively. In those early days of the Christians, there were at least four different kinds of meetings, besides the regular church service. First: The Elders' Conference. This was an in- formal gathering of the elders, for consultation, about matters pertaining to the ministry andi churches. It exercised no authority over the churches, but did arrange for the ordination of men called of God to preach His Word. Second : The General Meeting. This was a meet- ing for religious worship only; it was usual for it to last two days, and to it, ministers and laymen came from quite a distance. When the weather would permit, the meetings were held in a grove, and large audiences attended, and as many as four sermons a day were preached. K K L I < ; I () U S J O TT R N A I. I S M 571 Third: The Animal Conference. These were or- ganized very much as they are to-day, and minis- ters and churches were members and reported to the annual session, and were subject to the rules and regulations which might from time to time be adopted. Fourth: The General Convention. At the first the General Convention was a voluntary assendjlage, called general, because all denominations Avere in- vited to attend and participate; but later on it was composed of ministers, and delegates, appointed by the local conference. Though its origin was (]uite informal, it soon came to be a body with power, and while it disclaimed any jurisdiction over the local church, it did at a very early date exercise authority over the local conferences com- posing it. It has been known as the Convention ; the United States Christian Conference; the General United States Christian Conference; the General Chris- tian Convention; the Christian Conference of the United States; The General Quadrennial Christian Convention, and the American Christian Conven- tion. The United States General Christian Con- ference was its popular name for several years during the twenties. The first session was held in 1808, at Portsmouth, N. H. The next session was held in 181.5, at Wind- ham, Connecticut, and the Kev. John KanJ was chosen Moderator, and liobert Foster "Standing Clerk." In the year 1819, a session was held at rortsmouth, N. H. The minutes of this meeting are signed by Robert Foster as "Secretary, 572 THE C E N T E N N I A J, O F General Christian Conference." There were annual sessions held from this time on, excepting the years 1828 and 1830, nntil 1K\'2, when the Convention met at Milan, New York, and voted to dissolve the "United States General Christian Conference for- ever." In 1833 an informal convention was held in the city of New York, which arranged to hold a General Convention at Union Mills, New York, in 1834, which it did. From that time on, the meet- ings have been held quadrennially, and at the fol lowing places: In 1838, New York City. 1842 Stafford, New York. 1840, Union Mills, New York. 1850, Marion, New York. 1854, Cincinnati, Ohio. 1858, Clinton Hall, New York City. 18G2, Medway, New York. 180(3, Marshall, Michigan. 1870, Osha- wa, Canada. 1874, Stanfordville, New York. 1878, Franklin, Ohio. 1882, Albany, New York. 1880, New Bedford, Mass. 1890, Marion, Indiana. 1894, Haverhill, Mass. 1898, Newmarket, Canada. 1902, Norfolk, Va. 1900, Huntington, Indiana. A special session was held at Troy, Ohio, in 1872, the purpose of the session seeming to be an effort to define and establish the proper relationship be- tween the American Christian Convention and the Christian Publishing Association. The history of the Convention cannot be traced independent of the history of the Christian General Book Association, which is now the Christian Pub- lishing Association, and indeed it should not be, even though it were possible so to do. The busi- ness of the Christian General Book Association, having been committed to the management of a committee, it is not difficult to discover its growth RELIGIOUS JOURNALISM 573 and usefulness as from time to time they are set forth in the printed proceedings. As at present constituted (1908) the American Cliristian Convention exists to maintain and pro- mote the Charitable, Keligious, Missionary, Educa- tional and Publishing enterprises of the Religious body known as Christian, and includes the follow- ing departments: ]\Iissions, Education, Publish- ing, Sunday-school, Christian Endeavor, and Fi- nance, with the societies and organizations auxilia- i-y to the Convention or its departments. Each de- partment has a secretary, except the Department of Missions, which has two, a Secretary of Home Mis- sions and a Secretary of Foreign Missions. The membership is determined as follows: — First. Presidents or Principals of Institutions of learn- ing endorsed by the Convention, or recognized as co-operat- ing with it. Second. Presidents of Conferences, State Associations, and District Conventions, au.xiliary to the Convention or co-operating ^-ith it. The Olfirers and Trustees of the Christian Publishing Association, the Editor of the Herald of Gospel Liberty, the President of the Woman's Board of Home Missions, and the President of Woman's Board of Foreign Missions. Third. Each local conference, except those of the South- ern Christian Conventi(jn, which is itself so entitled, may be represented by one minister and one layman for each seven hundred me>,nbers, or major fraction: Provided: that no conference shall be deprived of representation by one min- ister and one layman in addition to the president. Fourth. The ofiicers of this Convention, and the members of the Mission, Educational, and Sunday-school Boards here- inafter provided for, shall be members of the Convention until the close of the Quadrennial Session following their election. The following brethren have served the Conven- tion as presidents in the order named, the year men- tioned being the year of their election to office: 574 THE C E N T E N N I A L OF John Rand, 1815. Benjamin Tavlor, 1819. Mark Fer- nald, 1822. Daniel Hix, 1823. Henry Sullings. 1827. Da- vid Millard, 1829. Simon Clougli, 1831. Abuer Jones, 1832. Frederick Plummer, ]S34. I. N. Walter, 1838. Jasper Ilazen, 1842. Elijah Shaw, 1840. D. P. Pike, 1850. R. B. Stebbins, 1854. I. H. Coe, 1858. Amasa Stanton. 18G2. D. P. Pike, 180G. I. H. Coe, 1870. A. W. Coan, 1878. J. W. Osborn, 1882. D. A. Long, 1886, A. H. Morrill, 1894. O. W. Powers, 1898. W. D. Sanuiel, 190G. The following named persons have served the Convention as secretary in the order named, the year mentioned being the year of their election : Robert Foster, 1815. David Millard, 1827. Robert Fos- ter, 1831. Joseph Badger, 1832. Simon Clough, 1834. Jas- ])er Hazen. 1838. John Ross, 1842. J. R. Freese, 1850. N. Snnnnerbell. 1854. D. W. Moore, 18G2. N. Summerbell, 18GG. J. J. Summerbell, 1870. J. F. Burnett, 1894. In 1908 the following named persons constituted the board of officers : President^Rev. W. D. Samuel, D. D., Piqua, Ohio. Vice-President— Rev. L. W. Phillips, Franklin, N. H. Secretary— Rev. J. F. Burnett, D. D., Dayton. O. DEPARTMENT SECRETARIES. Finance — Rev. John Blood, Lcwisburg. Pa. Education— Rev. M. W. Baker, Ph. D., Lakemont, N. T. Home INIissions— Rev. O. W. Powers, D. D.. Dayton, Ohio. Foreign Missions— Rev. M. T. Morrill, A. M., Dayton, O. Sunday-schools — Rev. Thomas S. Weeks, Troy. Ohio. Christian Endeavor — Rev. A. C. Youmans. Albany, N. Y. ■ Publishing— Hon. O. W. Whitelock, Huntington. Indiana. Mission Board.— Rev. J. G. Bishop, I). D. ; Rev. O. W. Powers, D. D. ; Rev. M. T. Morrill, A. M. ; Rev. Clarence Defur, A. M. ; Rev. W. P. Fletcher, B. A.; Rev. M. D. Wolfe; Mrs. Athella M. Ilowsaro ; Rev. P. S. Sailer; Rev. W. II. Denison, D. D. Board of Education. — Rev. D. B. Atkinson. M. A., B. D. ; Rev. F. G. ColRn, A. M. ; Rev. W. G. Sargent, B. A. ; Rev. P. II. Fleming, D. D. SuNDAY-scfiooi, Board. — Rev. T. S. Weeks ; Rev. S. Q. Ilelfenstein, D. D. ; Rev. Edwin Morrell, D. D. Board of Advisors for Aged Ministers' Home. — Rev. J. W. Wilson ; Rev. T. M. McWhinney. D. D., LL. D. ; Rev. F. E. Gaige ; John B. Pease ; Robert Call. RELIGIOUS J O r H X A L I S M 575 Board of Control of Franklinton CoLLEGE.^Rev. John Blood ; Rev, W. H. Hainer ; Rev. F. H. Peters ; Rev. J. L. Foster; Rev. P. S. Sailer. THE WOMAN'S BOARDS. For Home Missions. — President — Rev. Emily K. Bishop, Dayton, Ohio; Vice-President— Mrs. Clellie Loback, Darling- ton, Indiana; Recording Secretary— Mrs. Athella Ilowsare. Versailles, Ohio; Corresponding Secretary— Mrs. Alice M. Bnrnett, Dayton, Ohio; Treasurer— Mrs. Abbie B. Denison, Huntington, Indiana. Fob Foreign Missions. — President — Rev. Ellen G. Gustin, Attleboro, Massachusetts ; Vice-President — Rev. Emily K. Bishop, Dayton, Ohio; Recording Secretary—Mrs. Rebecca Coxen, New Bedford, Massachusetts; Secretary Missionary Cradle Roll — Mrs. Emma S. Powers, Dayton. Ohio; Litera- ture and Mite Box Secretary — Rev. Emily K. Bishop, Day- ton, Ohio; Corresponding Secretary — Miss Annie Libby, Saco, Maine; Treasurer— Mrs. Mary J. Batchelor, New Bedford; Mass. The Convention has given birth to our greatest enterprises, and has carefully fostered them in their youth, and encouraged them in their more mature years. In 1831 the Convention proceeded to organ- ize a book association. The dissolution of the "United States General Christian Conference," in 1832, created some confusion as to membership, and in 1834 another book association was organized by the Convention, which apparently drifted away from the parent body, into a business organization, and did not return until the year 188G, when the consti- tutions of both bodies were so changed, as to make the members of the Convention members of the Christian Publishing Association, though plans for such membershi}) had been discussed at previous sessions of the Convention. • In 1850 the Convention brought forth that great institution of learning, Antioch College, of Ohio, which opened its doors with equal privilege to both THE MEMORIAL CHraSlIAN TEMl'LE Norfolk, Va. P.uilt iis fi memorial of the re-nnion of the Southern and North- ern liranches of the Christian Cliurch after a division of tliirty- six years over the issues of tlie Civil War, both sides coutriliutiny; to its erection. RELIGIOUS JOURNALISM 577 sexes, and was presided over by Hon. Horace Mann whose reputation as an educator, was at least in- ternational, if not world-wide. In 1S54 occurred the division of the church, North and Bouth, over the question of slavery, and it was not until 1894, that the division was removed, and the two sections made one again, although the plans for the reunion had been discussed and adopted at the Convention in Marion, Indiana, in 1890. The Convention of ISGO, discussed the plans of a Biblical School, and appointed a committee on location, and a board of trustees and at the session of 1871, the buildings were formally dedicated. It was at the Convention of 1878, that Doctor J. P. Watson was chosen secretary for the depart- ment of missions, who developed splendid arrange- ments for Home Mission work; but it was not until the session of the Convention at Albany, New York, in 1882, that an organization was effected that could be called regular organized mission work. ' In 1878, the school at Franklinton, N. C, was es- tablished and opened in the interest of the man in black, and has been carefully fostered by the Con- vention from then until now. At the Convention of 1880, at New Bedford, Mas- sachusetts, the Convention authorized the sending of missionaries to Japan, the motion so to do being made by the Rev. J. J. Summerbell, D. D. During the sessions of 1891 and 1898, the question of de"^ nominational union occupied the time and thought of the Convention almost exclusively, but notwith- standing, the session of 1894 added much to its 578 THECENTBNNIALOF efficiency by making the Cliristian Endeavor a de- partment of the Convention itself. The Convention of 1906 was historic in that it elected two mission secretaries, one to have charge of the home, and the other the foreign work. The Convention has grown in strength and influence, un- til it now requires the entire time of the secretary, besides the work of the two mission secretaries, and the mission treasurer, each of whom gives his entire time to the duties of his office. I close this article in the words of the pres- ent editor of the Herald of Gospel Liberty, the Rev. J. Pressley Barrett, D. D. : Let us try for a moment to wipe out all the good that has resulted from the organization and work of the Amer- ican Christian Convention. Think of it, think well and care- fully. What would we lose? Nearly every city church that we now have, with a host of our country and village churches (for they were all practically planned for in these conventions), and conferences, must go. Not only were they planned for, but in many instances they were materially helped financially to a point in their history where they were not only able to stand alone, but were able to take part with them who had helped in the great work of help- ing others. If we had held no conventions of any kind, we should not have Union Christian College, nor Defiance, nor Elon, nor Palmer, nor Starkey, nor Christian Biblical Institute, nor Lincoln, nor Weaubleau, nor Franklinton ; and what would the Christian Church be to-day as an organ- ized liody. if we were deprived of all the good influences which these institutions of learning have exerted in our behalf? Then if we had held no conventions, we should have no missionary work in progress, and that means that all the chiu'ches planted by the missionary labor of our people would have no place among us, and we should liaA^e no churches in foreign fields. Again, if we had held no great conventions and conferences we should not have to- day our Publishing House with its practical equipment for giving a Christian literature to our people, and that woidd mean that we had no Ijooks and papers, and no Sunday- school literature, and all this together would not lack much of meaning that our cause was dead and buried beyond the RELIGIOUS JOURNALISM 579 prospect of resurrection to earthly usefulness. Again, had we held no conventions and conferences as a people, we should have had no concert of action for moral reform' for civic righteousness and, indeed, no influence as a people for the larger fruitfulness of the Christian life. The truth is, about all we are, and all that we shall be, m this life, as a people is due under God to the influence in one way or another of the great conventions and confer- ences which we have held in the past, and if we are to con- tinue to be a power for large usefulness in the kingdom of God, we must continue to hold these conventions and pub- lic gatherings of our people, or we shall decline and go backward to nothing in the way of real fruitage in the Lord's vineyard. Dayton, Ohio. REV. W, 1'. FLETCIIlOIt RELIGIOUS JOURNALISM CHRISTIAN CHURCH IN CANADA 581 BY REV. W. P. FLETCHER President of Ontario Cliristian Conference A hundred years is long enough for a church to have a varied, interesting and instructive history. We who enjoy to-day the fruits of the early plant- ing of our great-grandfathers, and the watering and nourishing of our more immediate fathers, should be very much helped by the knowlerlge of the course they have taken. It ought to help us to avoid their errors, and to cultivate their virtues, and to follow courses which have been for the furthering of our cause and the kingdom. It is well that the work in Canada is to have a place in our Centennial record, not only as a help to the Canadian brethren, but as an inspiration to our whole church. For to Avrite a sketch of our Canadian work is to prove that very early our movement was splendidly mis- sionary, and that the heroism which cannot enjoy itself while others hunger was then a force. Mrs. Mary i^togdill, who had been converted un- der the ministry of Elder David Millard, in Green- ville, N. Y., came to Canada somewhere about 1820 and settled at Newmarket. Having had a taste of the freedom of the Christian Church, she longed for its enjoyment in her new home. She accord- ingly wrote for a worker to visit them. Her letter is of real interest : Mary Stogdill to T. Brown. Dear Brother :— Having the opportunity I again take my pen, fearing my second letter never reached you, as CANADIAN WORKERS REV. CHAS. H. HAINER JACOB BURKHOLDER MR. AND MRS. RICHARD KIRTON REV. THOMAS HENRY REV. JESSE TATTON RELIGIOUS J O U R N AL I S M 58J I have heard nothuig from you since your first letter ; and that is a long time. Elder Doubleday has never seen me. Bro. Mclntyre has never visited us, although most anxiously have I looked for them. Think how great the disappointment, yet I still hope. Oh, persuade them to come : Tell them Taul sought other countries that he might not build on another's foundation. Bid them God- speed to this part of the vineyard, for the fields are white and ready to harvest. Have you seen Elder Millard this winter? Perhaps he would come, if he knew where to find us. I long for brethren, being such a tender lamb when I was transplanted from the flock at Greenville. Come in, ye heralds of the cross, and Jesus come with you. This was in the summer of 1821, and in a very short time the request was answered. Toward the close of August a young brotlier from Xew York, named Allen Huntley, arrivel at her home. At that time Darius INIann was at Mrs. StogdilTs house and invited Bro. Huntley to go to Lake Simcoe and here, as early as October 21st of the same vear, Bro. Huntlev was ordained, and our first church, now known as Keswick, was instituted with forty-three members by Elders J. T. Bailey and Simeon Bishop. Bro. Huntley stayed in Canada a little more than a year, but he began a work that has gone on ever since. Shortly after Bro. Huntley's return to New York two other young men, Bro. Nathan Harding, and Elder Asa C. Morrison (the latter ordained for this special mission) were sent by the New York Conference to further the Canadian work. They probably did not stay long, but for some years the work seemed very dear to the brethren of New York State, and they continued to send men such as Bailev, Blackmar, Goff and others who did very much for the new movement. They were soon CANADIAN WORKERS B. J. RODGERS W. W. TRULL MR. AND MRS. W. R. STONE RELIGIOUS JOURNALISM 585 joined by workers Canadiau reared, and the work quite rapidly developed during the first ten years in the face of fearful odds. There were no railroads and most of the traveling was done through dense forests. Yet prior to 1830, the following churches (and probably others) were organized: Keswick,. East Gwillimbury (Union Street), Newmarket,' West Gwillimbury, Brougham, Darlington, Whitby (Oshawa), Haldimand (Eddystoue), Clark (Orono)', and Hope. That would appear to be a good nine years' work on virgin soil. During these first few years also a conference was formed. The isolated churches probably felt the need of being united, for they had the most bit ter opposition to meet, particularly by the Method- ists at that time. The opposition was political as well as religious. They were suspected because they were not preaching the doctrine of the" Trinity, and also because of being of United States origin, for the echoes of the war of 1812 had hardly died away. The first conference assembled in the Darlington church in September, 182.j, there being present fi'om the United States, J. T. Bailey, who presided, J. Blackmar, Isaac Goff, and from Canada, T. Henry, J. W. Sherrard, J. VanCamp, Sisson Bradley, Wm! Noble, and other representatives from the new churches. In all these years since, apparentlv, the conference has not failed to gather in annual ses- sion, for it meets this year in its eighty-third ses- sion. The next twenty years were still quite active in church organization, the churches in Whitechurch, Mariposa, Markham, King, Burford, and Drayton' 586 THE CENTENNIAL OF belonging to this period. But tlie work was largely done b}' Canadian ministers. During this period also a struggle was going on for legal recognition. Our ministers were not allowed to perform the marriage ceremony, and had no legal status. It was indeed a struggle, for, as already indicated, they were sus- pected because hitherto the most of their ministers had come from the United States. And then it was during this period that the Canadian rebellion for responsible government took place, and our people were suspected of being rebel sympathizers, as they no doubt largely were. However, these obstacles were at last removed, and in 1845 the Christians became a legally recognized denomination. It was also during this period that the Ontario Conference first embarked on the troublous seas of religious journalism. It was felt that our work could be more firmly established, and our workers united more effectively for a common cause, if they could be kept in touch with each other by a church paper. Accordingly in the fall of 1844, The Christian Luminary made its appearance in Oshawa. Elder Wm. Noble was the first editor, but it was apparently Elder T. Henry that stood behind the enterprise. The constituency, however, was too small and it never paid its way. The burden at last became too heavy and its list was handed over in 1840, to The Christian Palladium. During the forty years from 1850 to 1890 the work seems to have somewhat languished, but sev- eral churches were organized during these years, among them Franklin, Scott, Church Hill, and Minto. Two further efforts were made to establish K i: r. i( ; I o r s j o v n n a l i s m 587 a church paper. The first was by Rev. J. R. Hoag who started in 1853, again with Oshawa as the place of publication, The Christian Offering. This venture was probably a little more successful than the former, but in 1859 it, too, handed its list over to The Palladium. Elder T. Garbutt was the next to try it, but the financial burden was too great for one to carry and soon it, too, ceased publication. What may be considered as the great act of at- tainment of this period was the incorporation of our Conference as The Conference of the Christian Church in Ontario. This occurred in 1877, and im- mediately solidified our work, as the conference could now hold property, and so the churches were brought from being semi-detached units to form in- tegral parts of a body. During these years no con- ference was ever blessed with a more devoted, self- sacrificing band of ministers than labored in the Ontario Conference. But there seemed nothing around which to rally, and growth was hardly evi- dent. Then, too, if in our early history the United States was largely our source of supply for preach- ers, now the tide had turned and practically all our young men were going over the line and im- poverishing our work by staying there. This was I)robabh' but natural as there were no schools, nor colleges, controlled by our people in Canada, and so they went to our schools in the United States, received their education there, and were almost im- mediately invited to some attractive pulpit to which their college association had introduced them. Our conference came to be composed largely of noble, old men. 588 • T H E O E N T E N N I A I. O F Now Ave come to our closing period, from 1890 to the present. We might speak of this as the period of reconstruction. Three movements distinct, and yet but one needs to be mentioned here. Once again a conference paper is attempted. In January, 1890, the Christian Mufffnine (now The Yanguarcl) made its appearance. This time, however, it is a conference enterprise and the conference makes up its deficits, hirge or small. So, witlnrnt a break for over seventeen years, it has been entering our homes, carrying its message of cheer and brother- hood, and bidding us ever Onward, Then again the exodus of our yoving ministers has practically ceased. Our young men were first encouraged to enter Queen's University, Kingston, and the home of Bro. J. N, Dales became the fount of educational and denominational enthusiasm. In October, 1906, Bro. Dales became our professor in the faculty of Mac- Master University, and there our student colony from the United States and Canada, now in its second year's existence, numbers a dozen, and there is much hope for our pulpit of to-morrow. Then also a forward march was begun to occupy new and strategic territory. In December, 1899, a church was organized in the city of Toronto, the capital city of our province and the second city of our dominion, ,which promises to be one of our strong churches in the near future. In ]!)04 a church was organized in the, to us, important village of StoutTville, and then in 1!)07, work was begun in Western Canada. These movements are all of them full of hope for the future. Our problems are not yet all solved, RELIGIOUS J () U K X V I. I S "M 589 neither are our dangers all passed. We have not yet recovered from our impoverishment of young men, and our grand old men are laying aside the armour. But, if we can, and we believe we can, tide over this pressing period of two or three years, victor}^ shall be ours in the Master's name. As I close this sketch let me speak of two char- acteristics of our church in Canada, past and present. We are an evangelistic people. We pub- lish the Evangel of Jesus, and seek in revival ef- fort, and otherwise, to get people to accept it. And we are a loyal people; to our British King, of course, but also to the people and denomination called only Christian. In all these years surprisingly few of our ministerial brethren, and comparatively few of our lay members who have remained in Cana- da, have left us for other denominations. With all our hearts we believe in the principles of liberty and brotherhood that characterize the Christian Church, and unitedly we pray that long ere another Cen- tennial is celebrated, the Master's prayer may be answered that "Tlieij (ill iiKiij he one." Drayton, Ontario. REV. JNO. A. GOSS R E L I G I OU S J O T' R X A L I S M 591 THE NEW ENGLAND CONVENTION BY REV. JOHN A. GOSS. The New England Christian Convention is com- posed of members of the Christian churches. The object of the Convention is to promote a general in- terest and aid in the general prosperity of the whole body. The Convention was organized in Lynn, Mass., November 5, 1845. Its officers consist of a president, vice-president, .secretary and treasurer; also a Sunday-school secretary, C. E. secretary, and Junior C. E. secretary. The Convention therefore takes an interest in all the departments of Christian work in the churches. The officers are chosen annually. At the first its membership was composed of delegates elected from the churches. As at present organized the Convention is com- posed of delegates, lay and clerical, from the several conferences. The Convention meets annually in the month of June. The Convention has no authority over the churches. It gives advice and, the churches having the good of all at heart, the advice is usually fol lowed. There is perfect harmony between the Con- vention and the churches. Some years ago the Con- vention authorized ''A statement of general senti- ments held hij tJie Christians." While it was not a creed, yet it was generally accepted by the churches of New England. When it was before the Convention, in the discussion that followed, there was one brother PILLARS IN THE NEW ENGLAND WORK REV. I. H. COE REV. B. S. BATCIIELOR REV. WILLIAM MILLER REV. A. G. MORTON R E L I G I OU S J O U R N A L I S M 593 who objected, unless they put upon it what is some- times found upon a railroad ticket, ''Good for this day only," ''for"' said he, ''I do not know what I shall believe to-morrow." The ''statement" disowned all formal creeds, and considered the Bible a sufficient rule of faith and practice, and Christian Character the only test of fellowship and church-membership. That the high- est expression of God's love was in the gift of His Son who, laying aside the glory which he had with the Father before the w^orld was, took upon Him man's nature, and suffered upon the cross that we might through Him have everlasting life. That the grace of God was freely offered to all, and the church is composed of all true believers in Christ, whose duty it is to associate themselves together for spirit- ual growth, and Christian fellowship, for the ob- servance of the ordinances, for the teaching of gos- pel truth, and for a zealous effort for the conversion of men. The following note was attached to the statement : The churches of the Christian denomiuation almost universally administer baptism by immersion, but regularly invite all Christians to the Lord's table. . A few years ago the Convention authorized the publication of a W'eekly denominational paper in the interest of the New England churches. For several years the paper was published, but for lack of sup- port has been discontinued. Many of the workers in the Convention in years gone by have entered into rest. I recall Revs. D. P. Pike, H. M. Eaton, B. S. Batchelor, John Tilton, E. Edmunds, and many others that might be mentioned. 594 THE CENTENNIAL OF The Convention has been, and is a help to the churches. It brings together annually the strong men and women of our churches and they work together for the best interests of the general cause. The Con-- vention is a help and inspiration for greater work for the Master. The Convention has helped some of our weak churches, and to-day they live and are strong because of that help. For various causes many of our churches in New England have lost their visibility. But few churches in the past twenty-five years have been organized. Churches of other denominations, and ministers of the gospel, have nearly taken the position of our own churches. The Congregational Church of New England is as free and liberal as the churches of the Christian faith. Yet we live, and have soma strong churches and as able ministers as can be found in any of the denominations about us. The New England Convention and Conferences are to- day a power in connection with the churches of our faith. Our work is not yet completed, and will not be until the prayer of Christ is fully answered. That they all may be one, as Thou Father art in me. and I in Thee, that they also may be one in us : that the world may believe that Thou hast sent me. — John 11:21. We have every reason therefore to thank God, and take courage. York Corner, Me. REV. W. W. ST ALE Y, D. D. m^LlGl O r S J (^ U K X ALTS M THE SOUTHERN CHRISTIAN CONVENTION 597 BY REV. W. W. STALEY, D. D. President About the fourth decade of the Nineteenth Cen- tury, the ^Southern Christian Association" was formed and, soon after, "correspondence" with the northern and western "Christians," bodies which Had come into existence soon after the formation of the Southern Church in 1794, brought all three of these bodies into intimate relations. . This -Union Correspondence" continued till the "General Con- vention" held in Cincinnati in 1854, when the south- ern delegate withdrew for reasons which appear in the preamble and declarations when the "General Convention of the Christian Church, South " was formed at Union Chapel, Alamance Countv, North Carolina, in September, 1856. This meeting lasted five days, with three sessions each day. The whole subject was thoroughly canvassed and, finallv, the Convention" expressed sincere sorrow that cir- cumstances made it necessary to organize; that thev had been denounced by northern brethren as sin- ners; that the bitterest language had been emploved by them in their conferences and conventions; and that the Southern delegate, W. B. Wellons D D in his effort to present a minority report at the Cincinnati Convention, had been treated with con- tempt. The record of that meeting also shows that slavery was the question on which the church divided mto "North" and "South." w P* CO rH a . K CO .9 9 -«1 CS 5 »-= II 0) 4w a OS C3 'O a ^^ ~ a CM CO OJ a ^ ^^ = ■& o J5 ; ■"-• be d ^ tn es a S to *? •, - oj a s- c: ja oJ a ;^ (3 . Ofe,' ='^2. a SSa* Z S « s S±l >*: - 2 - — o S " ^ 5 'I' 2 V ■- '- 9 O M ?^ '^rrs^as ►-; -3 J = > .^ c^ -- - ^ o ■- -^^ 0^- : X 5= 3^ _?r-Kj.9 a ^ ■' !;";;: fu a -4=C3U t,P- a 4_. ^ "^ — , ^ ;-! RELIGIOUS JOURNALISM 599 At this first meeting the "Five Cardinal Princi pies" were adopted, the organization and functions of local churches defined, the annual conference out- lined, and the basis was laid for the fuller organiza- tion in 1866. The Five Cardinal Principles adopted at this meeting in 1866, were as follows: 1. The Lord Jesus Christ is the only Head of the Church 2. The name Christian to the exclusion of all party or sectarian names, 3. The Holy Bible, or the Scriptures of the Old and ^ew Testaments, our only Creed or Confession of Faith 4. Christian character, or vital piety, the only test of fellowship and church-membership. 5. The right of private judgment and the liberty of conscience the privilege and duty of all. The adoption of these principles did much to es- tablish the evangelical position of the Christian Church in the South. The first regular- Convention was held in Cypress Chapel, Nansemond County, Virginia, in May, 1858. At this session arrangements were made to trans- fer the Christian ^Sun, which was first published at Hillsboro, North Carolina, in 1844, from the South- ern Christian Association to the General Con- vention. The paper had fifteen hundred sub- scribers, the price was one dollar and a half, and Rev. W. B. Wellons was editor. Graham Institute, which ultimately became Elon College in 1890, was placed under the care of a Board chosen by the Convention, and plans were matured to increase the capital stock to four thou- sand dollars. A Missionary Society of fifty members at one dollar a year, and thirty-five life members at ten dollars, was organized; and plans for a book con- O Q P 1-5 C3 a "^ I* ^ Ha O) o a bt RELIGIOUS JOURXALISM GOl cern, on a small scale, were partially matured. The Convention failed to meet in 1862 on account of the Civil War. The second regular session met in Mount Auburn church, Warren County, North Carolina, in May, 1866, with only fourteen delegates present, and re- mained in session four days. Plans were initiated for the resuscitation and publication of the Chris- tian Sun, which had been totally destroyed by the Federal troops in Suffolk, Virginia, during the Civil War. "The Principles and Government of the Christian Church" was adopted and referred to a committee on revision, composed of Rev. W. B. Wellons, presi- dent. Revs. John N. Manning and Solomon Apple, and Deacons Thomas J. Kilby and Alfred Moring, to prepare the manuscript for publication. An extra session convened with this same church in May, 1867, when twenty-four members were pres- ent. The work of the revision committee was unani- mously adopted and Dr. Wellons was authorized to have the book published, which was done in Peters- burg, Va., that same year. The committee on publications had allowed Rev. W. B. Wellons the use of the name "Christian Sun" and he had published the paper on his own respon- sibility since February, 1867. The third regular session was held in Suffolk, Virginia, in ]May, 1870: Revs. I. H. Coe and B. S. Batchelor, of New Bedford, Massachusetts, were present as fraternal messengers from the New Eng- land Convention, This was the first step toward the restoration of fraternal relations between the 602 THE CENTENNIAL OF church north and south after the Cincinnati episode of 1854, and the additional estrangements of the Civil War. The lack of efficient ministers and ministerial support was deeply lamented in an elaborate report. Educational interests were considered, and con- ference schools were recommended. A financial re- port first appears at this session, disclosing a balance of 1219.90. Christian union was a prominent topic for dis- cussion, and ended in preamble and resolutions ap- pealing to all true Christians to unite in promoting the "unity of the Spirit in the bond of peace" as the only safeguard of Protestantism. Clmrcli Fed- eration is only the wider application given to the position of the Southern Christian Convention in 1870. The fourth regular session was held in New Provi- dence church, Graham, N. C, in 1874. Christian Union was the burden of that session, President W. B. Wellons being on fire on that subject. A mani- festo was addressed to lovers of union everywhere, but there were no practical results, and the mani- festo expired among its ardent friends. The fifth regular session was held in Lebanon church, Caswell County, North Carolina, in May, 1878. Rev. W. B. Wellons, D. D., who had been the president of the Convention since its organization in 1856, died February 10, 1877, and Rev. Jesse T. Whitley, the successor of Dr. Wellons as pastor of the Suffolk church and editor of the Christian Sun, was elected president. RELIGIOUS J ( ) IT It N A L I S M 603 It was decided to issue a second edition of the Hymn-Book, and Kev. James W. Wellons was chosen as evangelist; and it was decided to meet in extra- ordinary session, in Suffolk, Va., in 1879, for the purpose of revising the Principles and Government of the Church. The extra session was dulv held in Suffolk, Va., in 1879 ; and Rev. W. S, Long was chosen president. After a long and careful review of the whole sub- ject of revision, no change was made and the Con- vention adjourned. The sixth regular session convened in Alorris- ville, N. C, in May, 1882, and Rev. W. S. Long was again chosen president. Favorable report was made by Committee on Home Missions, upon work of evangelist Rev. James W. Wellons; plans were adopted to found a denom- inational college; Rev. D. A. Long was elected gen- eral agent to secure subscriptions to stock, and the Executive Committee was authorized to call a meet- ing of the stockholders and organize when the agent had secured Ten TJiouscuul Dollars in sub- scriptions. Rev. D. A. Long was elected to the presidency of Antioch College, Yellow Springs, Ohio, in 1883, and the college proposition languish- ed till revived in 1888. This session of the Convention appointed Revs. D. A. Long, M. B. Barrett, J. W. Wellons, and J. D. Kernodle, Esq., fraternal messengers to the Amer- ican Christian Convention which met in Albany, N. Y. This was the first time messengers were so sent after the war. The seventh regular session was held in Mount REV. M. J. W. ELDER REV. J. D. ELDER Father and Son, both ol' Alaltnma. Christian Pioneers in the further South. REV. Jl'BILEE SMITH of Georgia A theologian of much ability. DEACON ALFRED MORING For many years Treasurer of the Southern Cliristian Convention. RELIGIOUS JOURNALISM 605 Auburn church, Warren County, N. C, in May, 188G, and Rev. W. W. Staley was chosen president. The Virginia Valley Conference was reported in a state of disorganization and provision was made to reorganize the Conference through the president of the Convention. Rev. J. P. Barrett was appointed Children's Ed- ucational Secretary, with prescribed duties; and the money raised through this seci^etary was to be loaned to worthy young men preparing for the gospel ministry. This department finally became the stream from which the Christian Orphanage was derived. In response to a memorial from the North Caro- lina and Virginia Conference on Foreign Missions, a Board of (Control was created, with Rev. P. T. Klapp as chairman, under rules prescribed by the Convention. This was the first Convention action on this great subject and marks an era of wider growth. A Theological Department was established in con- nection with Suffolk Collegiate Institute, Suffolk, Va., Prof. P. J. Kernodle, principal, and Rev. W. W. Staley chosen as teacher. Rev. C. J. Jones, editor of the Herald of Gospel Lihertij, Dayton, Ohio, attended this Convention, and brought such a spirit as to reduce sectional preju- dice. Revs. W. S. Long and W. G. Cletnents presented a memorial from the North Carolina and Virginia Conference, requesting that the Convention and the Conferences composing it be represented in the usual way in the next session of the American Chris- North Carolina Preachers laboring chiefly in the last half of the nineteenth century. REV. THOS. J. FOWLER REV. ALFRED ISELEY They l:il)ored together in the cause of Christ, doing a great worlc in their day. REV. ALFRED AFRLE REV. SOL. APPLE A man of deep piety and a He was true under trial and did power for righteousness in his day. a good worlc for the cause. RELIGIOUS JOURNALISM 007 tian Convention; and it was finally decided to send the folloAving fraternal messengers to the New Bed- ford Convention in October, 1S8G: Revs. W. S. Long, W. G. Clements, J. W. Wellons, J. P. Barrett, M. B. Barrett, W. W. Staley and layman F. O. Moring. This was a second stej) toward reunion. At the New Bedford Convention, Rev. D. A. Long, President of Antioch College, was chosen President of the Con- vention. As he 'was 'jorn, reared and educated in North Carolina, this added another step to the union movement. An extra session was held in New Providence church, Graham, N. C, in September, 1888, to con- sider the wisdom of immediate effort to establish a denominational college. After mature deliberation a board of fifteen trustees was elected, and the fol- lowing provisional board was chosen with power to select location : Revs. W. S. Long, J. P. Barrett, and F. O. ]\foring, J. H. Harden, and Dr. G. S. Wat- son. Rev. J. P. Barrett was chosen agent, but afterward resigned, and Rev. W. S. Long was elected in his place by the Provisional Board. The agent. Rev. W. S. Long, solicited donations and subscriptions and the present site of Elon College was finally selected by the Board. It was also decided to unite with the American Christian Convention in the pre])aration and pub- lication of a new hymnal. This proposition was presented to the Convention by Rev. J. J. Summer- bell, secretary of the A. C. Convention. The Convention also approved the election by the A. C. C. of Rev. C. J. Jones as General Evangelist, and voted him an o[)cn door and hearty welcome 608 THE CENTENNIAL OF to the churches of the South. Dr. Jones was present and acknowledged this courtesy in the sweetest words. The eighth regular session was held in Suffolk, Virginia, in May, 1890, In addition to improve- ment in foreign mission efifort, Elon College was opened September 2, 1890, and delegates were elected to the American Christian Convention which met in Marion, Indiana, of the same year. At the Marion Convention the Southern Christian Convention and the American Christian Convention united and there was great rejoicing. This was the first reunion of any Protestant de- nomination after the war. The ninth regular i^ession was held in the chapel of Elon College, in May, 1892, the quadrennial session having been changed at the extra session of 1888 to biennial sessions. From this date the Convention has met every two years. The Christian Missionary Association was launched at this session, the first consideration of the Christian Orphanage was introduced, the col- lege interest took important place, and routine work filled up those busy days. The tenth regular session was held in the Memo- rial Christian Temple, Norfolk, Va., in May, 1894. By invitation the Executive Board of the A. C. C. met in Norfolk at the same time and were presented to the Convention and invited to take part in the deliberations. Besides the Board, many other officials and prominent persons from the North were present. On Sunday the Memorial Tem- ple was dedicated and Rev. Thos. M. McWhinney, R E L I G I O U S J O TT rt X A L I S :M GOO D. D., preached the dedicatory sermon. This church was erected as a monument to the Marion reunion, both sections contributing to the building fund. The visit of the Board and so many prominent men was a supreme moment in the history of the Con- vention. The lamented C. J. Jones, D. D., was the pastor of the church and had been from its organi- zation in 1889. Report showed increasing interest among the conferences in missions, and that Elon College had surpassed the most sanguine hope of its ardent friends. A committee of five was ai)pointed to consider and report plans concerning an orphanage. The eleventh regular session was held in Bur- lington, N. C, in May, 1896. Report on education showed that Elon College had inspired and quickened almost all local church- es. The orphanage was further considered. The Christian' Endeavor movement was endorsed and commended. The whole session was characterized by enthusiastic interest and a hopeful outlook. The twelfth regular session met in Raleigh, N. C, in May, 1898. The most important new action of this session was a plan to raise money annually from the conferences, through the local churches, for Elon College, which is equivalent to an endowment of thirty-six thousand dollars at five per cent. This has not been realized in full, but nearly so, and proves to have been a wise plan. The growth of the orphanage idea was evident, and all other enterprises seemed to be sustained with increase of interest. I— t O Q W W o Q O zc O n K I. I Cx I O U S .7 O T^ R N A L I S M 611 The thirteenth regiikir session was held in Frank- lin, Ya., in May, 1900, and Rev. P. H. Fleming was chosen president. The matter of maturing a plan to raise a Twen- tieth Century offering for Elon College was the most important subject before this session. It finally resulted in the sum of $12,000,00 to which Hon. F. A. rainier added |20,000.00 which he counted as payment on his $30,000.00 bequest to the college. All other enterprises received due attention in relative proportion. The fourteenth regular session was held in Ashe- boro, N. C, in May, 1902. It was a good session; the enterprises of the Convention were duly fos- tered; the orphanage idea was growing in favor; Elon College had made improvements in buildings and work; and a forward movement in systematic woi'k was manifest along all lines. The fifteenth regular session was held w^ith the Berea church. Driver, Ya., in April, 1904, and Rev. W. W. Staley w^as elected president. The Christian Sun was purchased by the Con- vention from Rev. J. O. Atkinson, D. I)., editor, for twenty-three hundred dollars. The name was already the propertj- of the Convention, but the subscription list, good- will, and equipment was the property of the editor. President W. W. Staley, of Elon College, reported the college out of debt the first time in its history, and an endowment fund of $30,000.00. The first donation to the endowment was by Rev. O. J. Wait, D. D., and was $1,000.00; the second was $25.00 by Rev. J. J. Summerbell; then Hon. F. A. Palmer G12 THE CENTENNIAL OF gave 130,000.00, most of which went into the en- dowment. The A. C. C. had met for the first time in the South in the Memorial Christian Temple, Nor- folk, Va., in October, 1902, and this convention had aided in the entertainment in the sum of six hundred dollars. The orphanage interest was ui'ged with new em- phasis upon the Convention ; and home and foreign mission ideas were pressed with new zeal. The sixteenth regular session was held in Bur- lington, N. C, in May, 1900. President J. O. At- kinson, D. D., reported the Christian Missionary Association as growing in interest, collections and usefulness. Kev. J. L. Foster, secretary of the orphanage, reported collections since 1897 |8,929.86 And expenses for the same time 895.85 Balance above expenses |8,034.01 Rev. W. S. Long, D. D., and Rev. J. L. Foster, committee on orphanage, reported charter for or- phanage secured; location chosen at Elon College; 112.5 acres of land purchased at cost of |2,410.05; a good two-story brick building erected, 116 ft. by 39 ft. 9 in., with wing 30 ft. by 24 ft. at total cost of less than ten thousand dollars. A board of seven trustees was elected, and Rev. J. L. Foster was subsequently elected superintendent by the board. The editor of the Christian Sun reported 2,906 subscribers against 2,046 two years before, with thirty-seven states, territories and foreign countries represented. It K I> 1 (} I (ir S JO r K XAL I S M 613 The committee on education reported the erection of a new and splendid dormitory for young ladies at Elon College, a new power-house, and the in- stallment of an up-to-date water, light and heat- ing system for the college; also, that the number of students had increased in proportion to the new equipment. The seventeenth regular Convention was held with the First church in Greensboro, N. C, last of April, 1008. This was pronounced the best session in the history of the Convention. Rev. J. P. Barrett, D. D., editor Herald of Gospel Liberty, and Rev. O. W. Powers, D, D., Secretarv of home missions for A. C. C, Dayton, Ohio, were present and added to the interest of the session. Forward movements along all lines seemed to be the watchword ; especially in Sunday-school and Christian Endeavor work ; and it was planned to put a mission agent in the field. Good reports came in from all departments, and a determined purpose to develop the resources and make more efficient the agencies of the Convention characterized all that was done. The growth of the Convention has been slow but steady, and every position taken setMiis to be per- manent. The government under Avhich the Con- vention, Conferences and local churches, perform their work, has produced order, system, and uni- formity among the churches. The Convention is composed of seven conferences, Georgia and Alabama; Alabama; North Carolina and Virginia; Eastern North Carolina; Western North Carolina; Eastern Virginia; and the Virginia G14 T II E r E N T E N N I A L O F Valley Central. Tliere are about one luindred ministers, two linndred ehnrches, twenty thonsand members, property value five hundred tliousand dol- lars, and a good future outlook. The Convention is small, but has self-respect and the respect of other denominations and the i»ublic. If it had not been for its form of government and the order that has grown out of it, it is fair to say that it would be next to extinct. "Order is heaven's first law," and law is heaven's first order; law and order be- long together in the church. The Southern Christian Convention takes its place among the brotherhood, and joins all in thanksgiving for the privilege of taking part in the celebration of the Centennial of Religious Journal- ism. Suffolk, Va. UEV. D. M. IIKLFENSTEIN. D. I). K E L I (^ I O TJ S J O IT K X ALTS M 617 THE INVITING WEST L!V KEY. J). M. IIELFENSTEIN^ D. 1). Ex-l'resident Palmer College Where does the West begin, or where may one stand, with face to the North and say, "All to my right is East and all to my left is West?" The most natural division between the East and the West is the great Mississippi river. -In considering our opportunities as a church, in this great West, it will not be out of place for me to call attention to some statements of Jesus. In His explanation of the parable of the tares in the field He said, ''TJie field is the tcorhl" In that in- teresting and heart-revealing talk of Christ with the woman of Samaria, which resulted in moving the inhabitants of the city in that marvelous manner, and out of which came that remarkable statement of Christ to the disciples: ^^Say not ye, there are yet four months and then comcth the harvest ? Behold, I say unto you; Lift up your eyes and look on the fields that they are tchite already unto harvest." As I understand our work, as a people, these statements of Christ have a meaning for us that they cannot have for a people whose basis of church-fellowship is determined by human opin- ions and, consequently, many of the followers of the Lord cannot conscientiously take fellowship with them. Our basis of fellowship being Christian character. 618 THE CENTENNIAL OF and not mental assent to some man's interpretation of the Scriptures, warrants ns in saying our field is the world. It is to be lamented that we have not occupied it better. It is to our shame that we have thought so little of our heritage. But while we have not occupied as we should, God has been working through agencies and bringing about re- sults in the line of Christian unity, even in the fields of the East, where sectarianism has held sway so long. All over the world there is a cry for a basis of fellowship that takes in every true fol- lower of Christ. This growing spirit for Christian liberty, cries unto a people and says : ''Lift up your eyes and look on the fields, that they arc ivhite already unto harvest." The great field of the West is "white unto harvest," and furnishes a wonderful opportunity for us in the name of our Lord, and invites us to acquaint ourselves with the needs and opportuni- ties that lie before us. One great need in connect- ion with this work is for us to realize the vastness of the field, and see and make use of our oppor- tunities. In gathering statistics, I have not considered Western Canada and Alaska, though they might be considered a part of this GREAT WEST. In the West that I have considered, in 1900 the population was 20,283,119. It is a conservative es- timate to say that in tlie last eight years the popu- lation has increased twenty-five per cent. This would give a population at the present time of 25,- K E L I G I O U S JO T^ Jl X A L I S IM G19 352,898. Suppose one-fourth of this popiihition are Christians, we still have 20,283,119 souls without Christ. Suppose ajjain that all other agencies for saving the lost will be res])onsible for ninety-five per cent, of this unsaved population, and that God will hold us responsible for the remaining five per cent. We then face this proposition, 1,014,355 souls to give the message of life to and win them to Christ. If we should establish one church each week and each church established would have a membership of 100 at the end of the year, and the growth of the churches would be in ])roportion to the increase of population, it would take us 195 years to accomplish the work of saving just five per cent, of the unsaved portion of this multitude. We have not considered that many souls will per- ish before the 195 years which it would take to ac- complish our work at the rate of one church a week. Hoi(y long tvill it take at our present rate? Who will be responsible for the souls that perish in that 195 3'ears? The estimated wealth of this Great West in 1900 was |G,950,G60,S11. A very conservative estimate it would be indeed, to say that this wealth had in- creased twenty-five per cent, in the last eight years. This would give the vast sum of 18,088,326,013. Now suppose we would be able to influence five per cent, of this wealth for the extension of Christ's kingdom, there would be |2,228,288 each year for 195 years that would go to advance the work of our Lord. About 2,000,000 of this population are foreign born. This fact places upon us added responsibil- .620 T II E C E N T E N N I A E O E ity and 0ves us added opportunities, for it brings the foreigner right to our door and his greatest need is the gospel of Jesus Christ. In the presence of these facts, bretliren, we need men with tlie faith of Joshua and Caleb. There are unlimited openings for the Christian Church, if it sends forth men of faith and deep conviction ; men who are above the price that may be offered by any sectarian body ; men who can be depended upon by the Mission Board ; men who will so faithfully live and lovingly teach a unifying gospel that the words of Jesus: "One is your master, even Christ; and all ye are hrethrcn/' may carry with them the unifying power that our Lord intends that they should have, and thus the spirit of fellowship among Christians may become as broad as Christ's great heart of love. Soon the balance of power numerically, financial- ly and religiously, may be found in this Great West. Already millions of the inhabitants of earth depend upon the west for their bread and meat. The bowels of the earth are giving up their rich treasures and wealth is being piled up by the millions of dollars. With all the vast resources of this marvelous field it has need of Christian colleges and Christian settlements after the plan of the Wyoming move- ment, and this great field Avill support many of these movements, if the opportunities it affords are embraced in time. If every opportunity this Great West offers for Christian settlements were em- braced and a Christian college and training school established in connection with each settlement, we RELIGIOUS JOURNALIS M G21 would then be preparing for the work in a manner more worthy of the cause we represent. Oh, young men ! This needy field, this inviting field, calls to you! Turn your faces westward and with faith in God and the cause you represent, do not wait until the Mission Board has ability to guarantee a part of your support. Time is too precious, souls are perishing. Up and away to the fields so loudly calling, and with faith in your God and confidence in the message you have to give to the people, go forth to establish the cause of the Christians in the cities, towns and hamlets of this grotving West. If you have a message from God to the people. He will see that you are supported. The world is in need of the teachings of the Christians. The cause cannot afl'ord to wait until the Mission Board has means to send you. You cannot afford to wait, for if God calls you to a field, the call is a pledge that He will sustain you if you trust Him. \\i 1 you accept the honor He confers upon vou in calling you to this important field? We read with interest and approval the work of the pioneer min- isters, and almost envy them the honor given them because of their loyalty. The days for pioneer work are not over. This field of the West invites you to exploits that will try your mettle, and give vou a taste of pioneer work just as interesting as any of which you ever read. You may not have as many hai-clships as the early pioneer ministers, but you will be quite well satisfied along this line. The cit- ies that are so rapidly building up on account of the mining industries, represent various denominations but the thought of a unified church, if presented in 622 ' THECENTENNIALOF the early life of these cities will forestall the intro- duction of factional teaching among the people of God ; and not only this, but some of the great wealth of these mining cities will 'be consecrated to help advance the kingdom of Christ. This field of the West presents a call to the churches and bids them enter the open door of a wonderful opportunity. It says to the mend)ership of the church : "God has planted you in a church that is cosmopolitan. Yours is a fellowship that takes in every follower of the Lord. Yours is a fellowship the world is needing. Yours is a fellow- ship that this field will welcome. We open our doors to you and bid you enter. Our teeming mil- lions of inhabitants; our multiplied millions of wealth, because of the genius of your God-given mission, will have a welcome for you that they can- not have for a peojde whose fellowship is not as broad as Christ. Hear our call and attend unto our needs; for the unifying gospel you preach will meet our need, and answer our call. Come to us, our response will be quick. You shall have our sons and daughters to worship at the altar of this church with a unifying gospel. You shall have a part of this vast wealth to assist you in giving the mes- sage of liberty and union to the world. We open our doors to you and again bid you welcome." Dcs Moines, loiva. IlEV. J. O. ATKINSON, D. D. RELICxIOTTS JOURNALISM 625 THE OUTLOOK BY REV. J. O. ATKINSON;, D. D. Editor Christian t^iiii In the introduction of his "Prospect Before Us," published in 1824, llev. James O'Kelly uses these words : The little Cliristian Church moves gradually out of the wilderness. She has rubbed through several hard shocks, with some loss, but her true frieuds are getting more estaltlished ; the farther we go, the more we see, and the good old primitive path appears. O, the Christian Church is groaning for a reformation back to the apostolic order. Heaven bless every hand that shall aid her, and every tongue that says "God speed." * * * We have nothing so dangerous as ourselves. From which it is seen that the Rev. James O'Kel- ly was not only liberator and reformer, but prophet as well. "We have nothing so dangerous as our- selves." The world outside the Christian Church, members of other denominations included, look up- on the principles, platform and position of our de- nomination with wonder, envy and admiration. We have never heard a person call in question the beau- ty, wisdom and catholicity of our principles, or doubt the divinity of our doctrine. Truly, therefore, with O'Kelly "we have nothing so dangerous as ourselves." But, "the further we go, the more we see, and the good old primitive path appears." Though "we have rubbed through several hard shocks with some loss," the future of our cause never 026 THE CENTENNIAL OF seemed so hopeful, nor the prospect so bright, for at least three reasons: First. Organkation has heeti effected. The early Christians feared to organize, or to operate in concert as touching legislation and the enactment of plans for public weal. Time was when our Christian churches dared not send "dele- gates" to a conference or convention. Instead "messengers" went up to a "yearly general meet- ing." And when these "general meetings"' were concluded the "records" (proceedings) w^ere all burned that nothing might be left by which to bind the next "assembling of messengers," or from which any written rule or formula might be made to bind Christian churches, or Christian people. This Chris- tian Church of ours went to the full length in mat- ters of freedom from all restraint. Such a people naturally did not organize. The}' feared that organization would result in crystal- lization and a creed. There is a world of difference, but the popular mind failed to distinguish. A creed is a formula o*' belief; an organization is a formula of operation, nay better, of co-operation. Now co- operation is essential to the life and growth of every institution under heaven. The early Christian churches did not build col- leges, own publishing houses, send missionaries. They feared to co-operate in such enterprises lest the individuality of the members be lost in the whole, and the church with its enterprises gain strength at the expense of personal liberty and individual interpretation. The scattered forces of the Christian Church of R E L I G I OU S J O U R N A L I S M 627 our day are now gathered into a compact whole. Individual interpretation is not incompatible with systematic service and extensive co-operation. The consequence is that the Christian Church has build- ed, and is building, colleges, publishing houses and charitable institutions. The day of organization has come and the church presents, not a few thou sand fragments, but a mighty and solid phalanx of brave souls marching together to herald the battle cry of freedom and to do service for the "rigiit of private judgment." That which a few scattered in- dividuals have had to do on their own initiative, namely, declare that ''the Bible is a sufficient rule of faith and practice" and the "name Christian'' is a . sufficient designation of those who follow Christ, this our several colleges are now inculcating and our pub- lishing houses are heralding. A Christian force of free and liberal souls has been brought into a com- mon and compact whole for Christian service and the enlargement of the kingdom. No longer do "messengers'' merely go to speak for tliemselves, but regularly chosen representatives are sent with delegated authority, not to a yearly meeting, but to a duly constituted conference, to deliberate there in behalf of missions, publications, education and charity. The Christian denomina- tion now has its several churches organized into conferences, and the conferences organized into Con- ventions and state associations, and these all or- ganized into the American Christian Convention. And to-day the individual is as free as in the days when he feared to speak his mind in behalf of a common cause or a general enterprise. 628 THE CENTENNIAL OF Here then is our hope, here our strength, here our glorious outlook: We face a future with a com- bined and organized force not ashamed of itself, nor fearful of results and undertakings. This body of believers is buoyant with the belief, and the di- vine assurance, that its destiny is large and its future assured. We have a past of which we are not ashamed; a present that inspires us; an out- look that is joyous to contemplate. We have proven to the world our right to be, and shown to all man- kind that a church, whose test of membership is personal piety and individual character, may be united with inseparable bonds and achieve untold results in the Master's name. We repeat, that, because our energy is now con- served and our efforts are converged into harmoni- ous organization for united efforts, the prospect be- fore us seems bright indeed and the future looms large with results. Secondly : Wc have taught and learned the primal lesson of self-respect, and from it imMhed the sjnrit of self-reliance. This means untold measures for our Christian cause. There has been a reckless spirit with us to run after people of other denominations, to have them join us without our having shown to the world and to other churches, that we had any particularly inviting brand, breed, or brotherhood for them to come to. We failed to show that we had a self-re- specting, and self-relying brotherhood. We wanted others to come, but had only i)oorly equipped quar- ters, and uninviting surroundings when they ar- rived. We calculated that our "principles" were RELIGIOUS .7 O U R N A 1. 1 S M 029 siiflficient, without sliowing what the principles would result in. We have at least learned, and let ns hope forever learned, that we are to build and equip from the ground up. If ours is the best church, the one best adapted to the salvation of a sin-sick and sin-cursed humanity, then it will survive by manifesting its own strength, beauty and character. We are now building and developing a self-respect- ing enterprise. It will yet command the respect and admiration of the nation, and of the world. The plan is pure ; the purpose, holy ; the principles, heavenly. We have learned to respect ourselves. We shall teach the centuries to respect us because our mission is heavenly and our errand divine. To simply assert that the Bible is our only creed, a suflflcient rule of faith and practice, merely catches the attention of passing strangers and wanderers. To build a great church edifice upon that liberal basis, to unite a great brotherhood on that as a foundation of its life and operation, is an under- taking worthy of stoutest hearts and a most in- vincible faith and courage. Yet such has been ac- complished. To-day there exists a widely scattered, but a compact and loyal brotherhood, united upon the basis, and with the single creed, of the Word of God. And that brotherhood has built institutions and promulgated enterprises of which it is not ashamed. In the practical affairs of men and measures we have tried our strength and achieved momentous results. When, therefore, the challenge is flung out to the G30 THE CENTENNIAL OE world to come and unite with us, we have that with which men may unite and not be ashamed. With pardonable pride we point to our a( liieNeineiit, and in humility acknowlege, as all fair-minded men must see, that God is with us, and our future is assured. Thirdly: There has been 'begotten a calm, confi- dence in the everlasting ness , and the eternal neces- sity of our Christian Cause. Many have feared^ faltered, and fled away. But the ranks have ever been filled with new and strong and brave recruits, and we have learned not to fear nor dread. We have somehow discovered a people who love libert}^ and fear God, nay, who have learned under God, to ''advance upon chaos and the dark" and not dread. Institutions, educational, charitable and mission- ary, have called upon our strength and have given us the privilege of measuring our might. We have learned something of our ability to achieve. A calm confidence has been begotten and in the strength and assurance of it we march toward sure victory and ultimate triumph. Our outlook is most hopeful and inspiring. We have a past of which we are not ashamed. We have a present that challenges wonder and admiration. We have championed a cause that cannot die and entered a contest that cannot fail. We stand to- gether, many thousand strong, for ''the democracy of religion," the brotherhood of all believers, the fellowship of all spirits made akin by the blood of the Lamb, and in answer to our Savior's holy in- vocation that — They all may he one. K E L I G I O U S J O TJ K N A L I S M 631 General Index A Address to rublic, E. Smith 20 Agrippa, King 275 All)auy, N. Y 572 Allen, Alden 544 Allen, Mrs. Alden 544 Allen, Ii-a 462 Almonds, E 500 Americans 274 American CifiusTiAN Conven- tion— 433, 472, 483, 500, 527, 559, 567, 572, 627 So named in 1866 — Consti- tution adopted — Conven- tion legitimate result — An evolution — General meetings 567 llie power of the Holy Ghost ■ — Development • — I'urely evangelistic — Hard- ships of early ministry- — Authority over member- ship— No interference with doctrines — Helpful discus- sions 568 No articles of faith, no for- mulas of belief — Early conventions voluntary — Absolute rulers — Organi- zations effected in 1818 — Separation from M. E. Church — Conferences at Reese Chapel — Petition for union — Efforts vain... 569 Episcopal government con- demned-— Address to the bishop — O'Kelly's com- ment— Four kinds of meet- ings 570 Names of general meetings — First meeting in Ports- mouth, N. H 571 Beginning of annual sessions — Places of meeting — ■ — I'roper relationship — History hard to trace. .572 Purposes of the Convention ■ — Secretarial departments — Membership determined 573 Names of presidents of the Convention • — Names of secretaries of the Conven- tion— Officers of the Con- vention— Department Sec- retaries— Boards of the Convention 574 Woman Boards — Convention fosters church enterprises — Confusion as to mem- bership— Members C. P. A. — Antioch College . . . 575 Division of church. North and South — 'Plans Bibli- cal School — Formally ded- icated — Department of missions - — Franklinton school established — Mis- sionaries to Japan — De- nominational union con- sidered 577 Christian Endeavor depart- ment— Two Mission Sec- retaries chosen — The value of the Convention .... 578 American Christian Extension Society 483 American Christian Messen- ger 60 Antioch College 63, 419, 421, 507 Apple, Solomon 361, 601 Apple's Chapel 359,360 AsBunv, Francis 17, 258, 259, 261, 262, 411, 560 His appointment to America - — Bearing on beginning of Christian Church ... 17 A commanding general. . 18 632 THE CENTENNIAL OF An innovator 21 Ambitious to liead Method- ism— Displenseil 258 Minsters turned out ..261 A noted refusal 263 Last meeting witli 0'KelIy26i5 At Mancliester, Va 277 Atliinson, D. B .37 Atlcinson, .T. O. 47S, 611, 612 625 B Badger, Joseph 457, 461 Bailey. .T. T 583,585 Baih\v. Mrs. Sarah M 505 Baltimore Conference 259 Baker. M. D 465 Balier. :\r. W 574 Bangor Theo. Seminary ... .416 Baptism in New England. . 47 Baptism in the South 47 Baptism not a requisite to communion 48 Baptists 276,325 B.utK, Oliver 62, 63, 419, 421,' 43.3, 462 Sudden death of 421 Barrett, Burwell 264 Barrett, Eva Olyn 486,515 Barrett, D. P 486 Barrett, .T. P. 72, 276, 478, 578, 605, 607, 613 Barrett, Mills 569 Barrett, M. B 607 Barry, Mrs. B. D 510 Batchelor, Miss Annie 510, 511 Batchelor. B. S 552,601 Bates College 413 Beale. E. W 598 Beck, C. A 559 Beginning and Beyond, The. 13 Berea church 611 Biblical Interpretation .... 74 Bishop, Rev. Emily K. 509. 510, 511, 513 Bishop, J. G 481 Bishop, S 583 Black, George D., becomes edi- tor— Retires 70 Blackmar. .T 583,585 Blodgett. .T. C .-)3, 57, 452 Blood, .Tohn 559 Bowdoin College 416 Bollinger. Maggie R 477 Bowman, (' 375 Bownuin, N .375 Boston Recorder, The 15 Bradley, S 585 Breckinridge. .Tohn ...331.335 Brougham. Canada 585 Brown, N 292 Brown, S. E 53,452 Brush, .T. B 563 Bryant, Charles 62 Buff, ir. T 467 Burford, Canada 585 Burkholder, .Tesse 600 Burlingame, James 63 Burnett, J. P 567 Buzzell, Aaron 292 C Cable, A. C 477 Calvin 282 Calvinism, fatalism 47 Campbell, A 272, 273, 275 On design of baptism... 59 Campbellites 273 Canada 439 Cane Ridge Revival ..322, 324 Canada, Lelia May 537 Castile. N. Y 507,541 Carnegie, A 319 Carrington, John II 537 Carter. B. P. ..53,57.62,452 Centennial of Religious Jour- nalism, The 13 Centennial Biographical Sketches 72 Century Churches, Our. .383 Swansea, Massachusetts ■ — O'Kelly's Chapel, North Carolina 383 New Carlisle. Ohio — Ports- mouth 387 Providence. Virginia ...391 South. Haverhill, Mass.. 393 Woodstock, Vermont ...395 RELIGIOUS JOUItNALISAI G33 Eaton, Ohio 399 North, New Bedford, Mass- achusetts 401 Knob Prairie ( Enon, O. )397 Milan, New York 407 York, Maine 4o:', Centennial Hymn, Our .... 7(1 Chadwick, Edmund 416 Chapel, John .509 Chapel, ©"Kelly's 264 Chapin, A 457 Charleston, N. Y 495 Cheney, O. B 41.S Christian all embraciny . . . .451 Child, F. S 544 Children's Mission 71 Children's Mission Column 509 Christians 4, 17, 48, 273, 274, 270, 27S, 283, 285 Christian Alliance 276 Christian Biblic.\l Institute 63, 411, 439 Removal to Defiance, Ohio — New buildings 433 Christian Church, i?outh...599 Christian Church, The 18, 20, 21, 22, 23, 27, 28, 51, 79, 325, 360, 451, 459, 481, 486, 527, 555, 625 A necessity 13, 17 Validity of its claims.. 14 Mother of religious newspa- per idea — Organic begin- ning 15 Back of the Lebanon meet- ing 17 Its God-given mission. . 21 Achievements 22, 24 Christian Church in Canada 581 Fruits of early planting — Missionary character- — Mary Stogdill's work — A taste of freedom — A let- ter 581 Missionaries sent 583 Rapid development — Much opposition — Churches or- ganized— Conference form- ed — Bitter opposition — First conference in 1825 — Activity In church or- ganizations 585 I^pgal recognition — Canadian rebellion — Our first effort at religious journalism in Canada- — The Christian Luminary — The Luminary consolidated with the Pal- ladium— A period of lan- guishing— New churches organized — Further efforts in journalism 586 Consolidation again follows — Act of incorporation, 1877 — Self-sacriflcing min- isters— Not much growth — -Ministers from United States — Lack of schools 587 Another conference paper — - Seventeen years of good work — Its message on- wavd — Alliance with ]Mc- Master University — Edu- cation enthusiasm — Work in western Canada... 588 Christian Church in Canada — Passing of the aged — Incoming of young men — An evangelistic people — Loyalty — Prayer life 589 Christian Connection 285, 457 Founder of 285 Christian Endeavor 71, 275, 529, 530, 531 A great forward movement — Universality of the mes- sage— Other great move- ments — Awakening and quickening — Y. M. C. A. — The need of the c'uircb 52!) The needs of one, the nee Is of many — Distinguishing marks — Stored power ' — Evangelistic fervor — Find- ing new life 530 034 THE CENTENNIAL OF The individual for Christ — Simplifyins the message — Setting free the power — The essentials of Chris- tian faith 531 A larger outlook — Interde- nominational amity and fellowship — Pledged alle- giance to Christ — Render- ing ohedience — Daily serv- ice— "Quiet Hour" 532 Negative features — Great success of the movement — Its great membership — ■ Working in thirty nations — Staggering statistics — Its future 533 Chuistian General Book As- sociation 60, 73, 461 , 463, 464, 471, 572 Removal to New York City 62 Christian Herald 503 Christian Hymnary 547 Christian Intelligencer ....365 Christian Magazine .......478 Christian Messenger 72 Christian Ministers' Home, The Aged 541 Founded by Mr. and Mrs. Sellon — Organization — Mrs. Seilon's untiring zeal . — Removal to T^akemont 541 F. A. Pal'mer endows the Home — Rev. B. S. Fanton and wife, first to enter Home — Enlarging the building — Endowment in- sufficient— Donations need- ed— Board of Trustees — Home comforts : — Condi- tions of admittance 544-5 Christian Offering, The 587 Chuistian Orphanage 535, 605 A convention work — The Christian Sun's Children's Corner — The Band of Cou- sins— Rev. J. L. Foster, Sec'y — Location — Building erected 535, 536 New Board of Trustees — J. L. Foster, Supt. — Orphan- age opened — First orphan received — Orphanage equip- ment— Orphanage capaci- ty— Owned by Southern Christian Convention 537 Supported by voluntary of- ferings — llie annual Thanksgiving offering — Bequests — Most beautiful feature, Christian charity ■^Needs — Mission of the Orphanage 538 Christian Palladium 60, 61, 62, 349, 357, 359, 360, 363, 366, 457, 461, 470 Christian Publishing Asso- ciation ..65,71,73,491,572 Meets at Hagerstown, Ind — Consolidated Papers 6.") Christian Sun 359. 360, 361, 362, 364, 365, 366, 367, 369, 370, 371, 478, 599, 601, 602, 611, 612, 625 Suspension 366 Subjects discussed 368 Christian Vanguard, The 478, 479, 588 Church, "a man-of-war," The Her lights dimmed .... 24 Church In Wilderness, The 281 Church Hill, Canada 586 Cincinnati, Ohio 375, 572 Civil War .......417,428,555 ■ Clark, Canada 585 Clark, David 410 Clark, Mrs. N. F 295 Clements, W. G 605,607 Clemm, H. E 492 Cloud, A 277 Clough, Simon 57, 458, 459 Coan, A. W 68,69,527 Coe, I. H 601 Coffin, L 471,541 Coke, Dr 262 Cole, Jesse K 358 K E r> r (; I o U S J O U R N A r. I S M 635 Columbus, Ohio G4, 40(5 Coming Conflict, Tlie 9 Comings, A. G 57, 551 Constructive Period, The ..412 Cooper, Fred 443 Co-operation wealiened ....421 Corner, Hannah 50.3 Cornwallis 317 Covington, Ohio ..468,472,473 Cos, L. 1 254 Craig, Austin ..62,63,420,435 Cummings, Moses 62,471 Cradle Roll 527 Crampton, Henry ..85,476,477 Cram, Mrs. Nancy 495 Crosby, B. S 541 Cushing, W. 0 547 Cypress Chapel . . . ." 599 D Dales, J. N. .439, 442, 478, 479, 588 Dameron, W 277 Darlington, Canada 585 Dayton, Ohio 64, 468, 469, 471, 473, 475, 477 Davis, R 452 Davis, Miss Rebecca B....371 Davis, Stephen 277 Day, N 551 Debruler, M 277 Dedication 5 Denominational Po.sition 27 Peculiar origin 27 Name — -Mode of government — Spirit and Mission.. 28 Dickson, B. Ij 378 Differences not serious .... 47 Disbelieve in baptism for remis- sion of sins 274 Disciples of Christ 273,274,275 Dismarks, Maj. A 370 Doctrine foundation of practice 58 Dogma no test of fellowship 74 Dooly, Reuben 278 Drake, Abraham 53, 452 Drayton, Canada 585 Duckworth, John 458 Dunlavy, John 271,332 Dunn, Geo. W 555,563 DuRANj Marie 25, 26 A heroine of faith 26 E Eastern Christian Publish- ing Association formed 53, 73, 471 Purchases Christian Herald 53,56 Purchases ITie Christian 60 Eaton, n. M 68 Eastern Virginia Conference 600 Ebeuezer Chapel 464, 466 Eddytown, N. Y 435 Editor Herald, The present 12 Edmunds, E 57, 62, 63 EuucvTioN Among the Color- ed Christians in the South 555 Better education needed — - School opened in old church ■ — Demand for room — Col- lege building erected.. 555 President's residence built — Destroyed by fire — First' name of school — Incorpor- ated— Wait's bequest- Support from free-will of- ferings— Board of Control — Planning an Industrial College — Brick-making — Controlled by Mission Board 558 In care of Educational Board — First colored mem))er of faculty — Objects of College — Its work in the past — - Feeble beginning — Color- ed conferences and statis- tics 559 Influence of College on churches — The Cary Con- ference incident- -Exami- nation of candidates for ministry — Assimilating lessons in Christianity, " etc 560 636 THE CENTENNIAL OF Library — Donations to - — ITairsting for knowledge — Summerbell's Cliristian Principles 561 Progress of College and churches go hand in hand • — Watsouian Literary So- ciety— Young's sacrifices and successes 563 Dunn's delight with tlie Col- lege— Courtesy received — • Needs of the College.. 564 Educational Institutions, Our Early founders 411 First movement for ....413 Staekey Seminary — First building erected 416 Hathaway Hall 417 Palmer Hall — Antioch Col- lege — Inadequate plans 410 A Theological School . . . 420 Provisional Committee — Un- ion Christian College 421 Endowment • — A financial mistake 425 F. A. Palmer endows — C. J. Jones, president — O. B. Whitaker, president . . 425 Graham Institute — Our first southern school — John R. Holt, principal ■ — ■ Graham High School opened 425 — Graham College — W. H. Doherty, president 428 Graham Normal College 428 Elon College — Convention plans for — Provisional board appointed .... 428 Located — F. A. Palmer en- dows 429 Defiance College — Started as female seminary. .429 Location — Additional build- ings— Trowbridge Hall — Mr. Carnegie's gift — Help of O. S. C. A 432 Apparatus, library, athletics, etc. ■ — Faculty • — Outlook promising 433 Christian Biblical Insti- tute Early prejudice 433 Opens at Starkey — Instruc- tion— David Clark endows — Never deeply in debt — Austin Craig, president — Death of Dr. Craig — Dr. Weston, president . . . 435 Removal to Defiance, Ohio — Weston Hall — Y. M. C. A. Hall — Gymnasium- — Professors and lecturers 438 Palmer College — Iowa con- ferences support — Presi- dent Helfenstein's labors — F. A. Palmer endows — Name changed — President Summerbell's work — Mr. Kerr's presidency . . . .439 Canada Alliance with Queen's Col- lege 439 Alliance with IMcMaster University — A professor- ship 442 Weaubleau College Location — First as an acad- emy— Rev. John Whitaker, principal 442 Re-chartered as a college ■ — Fruitful work— Presi- dent resigns — O. B. Whit- aker president — President resigns • — Fred Cooper, president 443 Kansas Christian College Established by conference — Thomas Bartlett, princi- pal— Becomes a college — President resigns — O. B. Whitaker president . .443 President resigns — George R. RELIGIOUS JOURNALISM 637 Stoner president — A cen- tury in advance — For spir- itual life — An awaljening — Early indoctrinated 446 The prospect 447 Edwards, J 322 Edwards, Miss Dora 537 Elon College 276 Our Southern Athens. . .364 Elon College 599, 611 Ellis, John ..65,279,466,551 Author of White Pilgrim 339 F Falkner, J. L 471 Fernald. Mark 53, 55, 57, 296, 462 Fess, Dr 420 First impulse originated. . .275 Fleming. I*. II 611 Fletcher, W. P 581 Ford, David 462 Foster, .1. D. . 535, 536, 559, 612 Foster, Mrs. Myrtle L 537 Foster, Robert 43, 50, 55, 58, 73, 311, 452, 571 Broken health 53 Freedom and loyalty 75 Free Will Baptist 495 Franklin church, Canada.. 586 Franklin, Ohio 572 Franklin, Va 611 Franklinton College ..507,555 Franklinton, N. C 555 Frontispiece 2 Frost, Henry 482 Frost. James S 541,544 Fry, Mrs. S. V 515 G Garbutt, Thomas 478,587 Gardner, Matthew — Gardner's Hymns 450 Garfield, J. A 319 Garman, Mrs. K. W 515 Garoutte, C. W 69 Garrard. Gov 335 Garrettson, F 277 Gaylord Hall 558 Gems, Editorial 85 A Word to the Wise, Elias Smith 85 Light of the Moon I'refer- able to the Light of the Sun, Elias Smith 86 Aphorisms, Elias Smith 87 The Happy Man, Elias Smith 88 The Passing Year, Robert Foster 89 Christian, Be Careful, J. Rodenbaugh 92 The Dark Side, Joseph Bad- ger 93 An Affectionate Address, Ab- ner .Tones 93 An Address to ^Ministers, Simon Clough - 95 A Short Sermon, B. Ed- munds 100 Promote Good Feelings, Eli- jah Shaw . 101 The Sower of Discord, Jo- seph Marsh 104 Principles of Union, Ira Al- len 105 Consolations of Religion, Hi- ram Simonton 106 Infidelity in the Church. Joseph Marsh 106 The Ministry, S. S. N..109 ITie Lambs Must Be Fed, Joseph Badger 109 Christian, D. W. Kerr.. 11 2 Excuses For Not Attending ■ Church, I. N. Walter. 117 An Address, L. Purviance 120 A Dissertation On Preach- ing, David Purviance. 122 Faith and Works — The Sun, N. Summerhell 122 Remember the Earth Is the Lord's, Mark Fernald 123 Profane Swearing. John Ross 125 Scripture Investigation, Jas- per Hazen 125 638 THE CENTENNIAL OF Christianity, Jasper Hazen .127 Sect, David Millard 128 Tlie Bible Is Our Rule, Jas- per Hazen 129 Tilings I Have Never Seen, O. Gordy 130 Order of Repentance and Faith, N. Summerbell. 131 Our Cause, W. B. Wei Ions 131 The Bible Class — Count One, J. B. Weston 132 Newness of Life, Jasper Hazen 133 Christian Suffering, B. F. Summerbell 134 Life's Golden Grains, Charles Bryant 135 The Two Ways, Seth H ink- ley 135 A I'repared Ministry, Oliver Barr 13G Is It Duty to Love Chris- tians? A. G. Comings 137 ■ Milk Diet, Austin Craig. 137 The Bible, B. F. Summer- bell 140 Education and Religion, D. r. I'ike 141 Injured Influence, D. 1*. Pike 143 Unworthy Church Members, D. r. rike 143 The Great Business of Life. James Williamson ...144 Ministerial Apologies, D- P. Pike 148 Wages of Sin, I. C. GofE.149 The Christian a Philanthro- pist, D. E. Millard. . .152 Light in Dark Places, B. F. Carter 152 Unseen, But Yet Enjoyed, Charles Bryant 153 The Christian Church, N. Summerbell 153 The Prayer-Meeting, B. F. Carter 155 God — Nothing, O. J. Wait ■ 157 The Plague Spot, James Maple 157 Death, W. O. Gushing.. 158 The Cross, B. F. Carter 159 The Christian Name, B. F. Carter 162 Why I Ivove the Christian Church, N. Summerbell 10:5 Rest, Mrs. C. D. Ellis.. 168 Our True Position, W. B. Wellons 169 Two Scenes — Earth and Heaven, John Ellis... 173 An Hour With Jesus, John ■ Ross 175 The Divine Existence, Moses ' Cummings 177 Bad Signs, Read and Re- flect, J. W. Hayley..l78 Love Your I'astor, N. Day 180 The Christian Church, E. W. Humphreys 183 The "Will Not," W. O. Gush- ing 185 Long Sermons, II. Y. Rush 187 Manliness, Warren Hatha- way 188 Ministerial Changes, J. E. Brush 189 An Earnest I'lea, Thomas Garbutt 191 There Must Be Friendship, H. Y. Rush 192 Our I>octrine, N. Summer- bell 193 T'here Is arid Can Be No Antagonism, T. M. Mc- Whinney 195 Christian Union, Elijah Wil- liamson 195 Secret Prayer, Rebecca Kershner 197 The Christian Life, T. M. McWhinney 199 RELIGIOUS JOURNALISiU 639 Evidences of the Right, T. M. McWhinney 201 The rulpit, W. II. Orr.201 Aim of the Christian Move- ment, A. W. Coan....203 The Spirit of the Truth, C. J. Jones 205 Picking Bones, J. E. Brush 20G A Religion That Can be Felt, W. C. Smith 207 Confidence and Caution, J. G. Bishop 208 The Kind We Dont Want, H. M.. Eaton 209 Baccalaureate Address, D. A. Long 209 llie Weight of the Word, J. P. Watson 211 The Train That Follows, W. G. Clements 213 The Men of Pisgah, J. P. Watson 216 Life Interpreting Life, G. D. Black 217 "For All His Benefits," J. J. Summerhell 219 The Resurrection of Jesus Christ, J. J. Summerbell 222 A Great Need — The Holy Spirit, J. G. Bishop.. 222 One of the Greatest Hln- dracnces, E. L. Moffltt 227 Not By Might Nor By Pow- er, J. N. Dales 229 Character Self-Revealing, P. ri. Peters 233 A Splendid Challenge, M. T. Morrill 234 With Whom Do You Make Your Investments? E. L. Moffitt 235 A Policy and a Plea, J. O. Atkinson 236 Let us Keep to the Main Line, J. P. Barrett . . . 237 Origin of the Name Chris- tian. J. O. Atkinson. .240 General Christian Conference 456,457 General Conference ...261,277 Genessee Christian Association 457,458 George III 30 Germans, Franks, etc 274 Glendenning, W 277 Goff, Isaac 458,459,585 Good Hope 369 Gospel Herald 64, 66, 456, 464, 465, 466, 467, 468, 469, 470 Gospel Luminary (Canada) 478 Goss, J. A 591 Gould, Jay 319 Grafton, N. H 287 Graham, N. C 429 Graham Institute .599 Gray, Isaac II 477 Gray, John, 279 Green, General 317 Green, J. B 269,271,272 Grimes, Nancy 276.277 Grimes, William 276,277 Gross, W. A 468 Grundy, Felix 335 Guiry on "Three Points".. 46 Gunter, W. S' 370 Gustin. Rev. Ellen G.. 509, 510, 511,513 Gwilllnbury, East, West 585 Haggard, David 270, 278 Haggard, Rice 264, 269, 270, 271, 272, 273, 275, 276, 277, 278, 279, 280, 281, 282, 283 Suggested name Christian 17, 264, 271 His work in Virginia — His work in Kentucky .... 270 A herald to the church — Vir- ginian by birth — His par- entage— Ills ordination 269 His brother David — His marriage — Suggests Chris- tian as name to Stone — Labors in Alabama and Ohio — His burial place un- G40 THE CENTENNIAL OF known, probably Xenia, Obio 270 Settles in Kentucky 278 An able leader 271 Indebted to — Habit of tbought 272 Made no mistake — No proof of opposition to organiza- tion— Work effective 273 Leads the movement — Ac- cepts his principles — The man in Virginia — Fulfill- ing prophecy ? — Marries Mrs. Wiles 276 Enters the Methodist minis- try— Withdraws with O'- Kelly — Stands faithful — Discards all names but Christian .' .277 Estimate of (nioraas).278 An Elegy 280 A prophet ? • — Presbyterian testimony to 283 Ilainer, W. H 559 Ilaldimand, Canada 585 Haley, Miss II. Lizzie 505. 553 Hanger, A. C 473 Hanover, N. H 292 "Harbinger, ISIilleniar' ...273 Harden, J. H 607 Harper, W. A 853 Harrod, Mills 474 Hartley, J 277 Harris, Ivey 277 Hathaway, Warren . . .^68, 552 Haverhill, Mass 71 Hawthorne, W. T 468 Hayley, J. W 62, 63 Hazen, .Jasper 60, 61, 462 Heart, Dennis 366 Ilebbard, Geo. II 473 Hedges, Mrs. Sarah 501 Heidlebaugh, A. M 489,492 Ilelfeustein, D. M 477,617 Ilelfenstein, S. Q 478,521 Henry, T. 585, 586 Herald of Gospel Liberty 7, 14, 15, 33, 37, 39, 40, 41, 42, 43, 45, 46, 47, 48, 49, 50, 54, 55, 56, 61, 62, 63, 64, 65, 66, 67, 68, 69, 71, 72, 73, 75, 79, 82, 308, 309, 313, 451, 453, 456, 469, 470, 471, 472, 473, 474, 476, 477, 478, 509, 551, 573, 578, 605, 613 Why so named 33 Oldest religious newspaper 15 History of the Herald of Gospel Liberty 37 First number 39 Moved to Portland, Me.. 40 Returned to Portsmouth, N. H. — Moved to Boston, Mass 41 Passes into the hands of Robert Foster 42 Files of the Herald — Char- acter of the paper — Its mission 43' The spirit of the paper — Its policy in 1810 48 Helps to bring South, East and West together. . . 49 The Christian Herald — ■ Change of name and pol- icy 50 Controversial spirit disap- pears 51 Continuous publication.. 54 The organ of the Christian Church — Miss Shaw's tes- timony 55 Name changes 56 Another change — Christian .Tournal 57 Motto of the paper — Subjects discussed — Against slavery 58 The Millerites — Against Campbell 59 Herald and Messenger unite 60,61 Moves to Newburyport, Mass. ; 61 Under new management — Messenger and Palladium K E L I G I OU S .7 O V R NAL T S M G41 unite — rublished in New York City 62 Herald absorbs Messenger and Palladium 63 A new era dawns 64 Not a passive medium — Fun- damental principles.. 67 Removes to Dayton, Ohio 68 Evangelistic 69 Union much discussed. . 70 Advocates education ... 71 Increase of size — Absorbs Christian Messenger. . 72 Files complete • — Maintains its character 73 Progressive measures . . 74 rtility and Influence . . 79 Spiritual influence of — A sure exponent 81 Herndon, W. T 2.56 Hess, J. N 478- Hess, Mrs. .T. N 375 Hess', Mrs. O. K 509 Hester, M. :M 561 nines, .1. B 462 Hillsboro, N. C 599 "Hirelings," Dislike for . . . .412 Hix, Daniel 525 Hoag, J. R 62,63,68,587 Holmes, Mrs. Lettice 507 Holmes, Thomas 62, 63. 79, 425, 525 Holt, J. R 364 Homer 34 Hope, Canada 585 Hosmer, Rachel 503 How, Moses 53 Howsare, Mrs. Athella M..511 Hull, Hope 277 Humphreys, E. W. .68, 272, 421, 467 Hundrad Years of Progress 411 Huntley, Allen 583 Huntington, Indiana ...72,572 Hutchinson, Aaron 303 Hutchinson, Geo. W 482 Hymx Writers of the Chris- tian Church 547 Worthy song writers — Hymns of high order — Cushing's Hymns ....547 David Millard's poems and hymns— The Millard and Badger hymn book — Son inherits father's gifts — Strickland's collections— The Reunion hymn . . 549 "O Teach Me, Father," etc. "How Sweet the Hour of I'rayer"— John Ellis and the "White Pilgrim". .551 llathaway's "Presence and Love of God," etc. — Ranks with best hymnology — Batchelor's graceful ex- pression-— N. Summerbell's poetic effusions .... 552-3 Christian Doxology— Other hymn writers — Scant in- formation— Hymns a me- dium of devotion .... 553 Hyslop, R. A 538 I Iowa 442 Indiana Conferences 425 Indiana State Conference. . .492 Informal Convention 461 Ingoldsby, O. F 417 Ireland, ]Miss Mary 329 J Jackson, Mrs. M. P .511 Johnson, Andrew 342 Johnsonburg. N. .T. . . .351, 551 Jones, Abner ....57,411,463 Biographical sketch — Birth — Removed to Bridgewa- ter — Sense of sin 285 Season of doubt — Baptism — Visits seashore — Visits Elias Smith 287 Engages in teaching — Dis- cards name Baptist • — • Brother's sickness and death , 289 Studied medicine — Residence at Hartford. Vt., Grafton, 642 THE CENTENNIAL OF N. H., and Lindon, Vt. — Marries Miss Prior — Suc- cess as physician — Great revival brings awalcening Impressed to preach.. 290 Final decision - — Organizes first church at Lindon — Withdraws from Baptists —Ordination 291 A busy preacher — Christian church at Boston organ- ized 292 Resides in I'ortsmouth — Fi- nancial embarrassment — Moves to Hopkinton, N. H. — The Cold riague.293 In a great revival — Banishes liquor from his home — rastor at Salem — New church building — Pastor at Milan. N. Y 294 Pastor at Assonet, Mass. — Death of wife — Returns to Massachusetts — Second marriage 295 Resides at Exeter, N. H. — - Last illness and death.. 296 Jones, A. D 295 Jones, Amelia P 485,515 Jones, C. J. 69,474,605,607, 609 Visits the churches 70 President of U. C. College. 425 Jones, D. F 485 Junto Academy 363 Removed to Pittsboro. .364 Junto, North Carolina 357 Judy, Mrs. K. M 509 K Kansas 442 Kedar 364 Keller, Mrs. O. H 510 Kellison, Barbara 503 Kentucky 271, 275, 278, 281, 331 Kernodle, P. J 276,605 Kerr, Ercy C 439 Kerk, D.vniel Wil.son 478 Early life 353 A scholar and linguist — A commanding personality — Social nature ....... 355 Moved to North Carolina — Cast lot with the Chris- tians— Ordination ...356 Modesty in leadership. . .357 North ("arolina and Virginia Christian Conference. .358 Marsh correspondence ..359 Borealis of the North.. 360 "Pushership" — Expounder of the Word 361 Estimate of preaching abil- ity— A leader in confer- ence— As a teacher .. .362 Moral and intellectual train- ing— Ills success ....364 Christian Sun launched 365 Elected editor ....366 Free service as editor — The name Christian 367 Exponent of principles. .368 Removes to Pitsboro. . . 369 Death of 370 Death of Mrs. Kerr 371 Keswick, Canada 585 Kidder, Moses 62,63 Kiefer, Miss Ella 510 Kilb.y, T. J 600, 601 . King, Canada 585 King, N 292 Kinkade, William 411 Kissell, Mrs. S. H 537 Klapp, P. T 605 Knight. Josiah 68 Knox. John 282 Kochensperger, Martin . . . .458 L, Ladley, D. F 465 Lamb, Mrs. N. E 505 Lanphier, William 46 Lamson, Sabrina 503 Lane, William 458,459 Latchaw. Dr 432 Lawrance, Marion 438 Laymen's Movement 489, 491, 492, 493 • [t E r. I (i I o u s .7 o T' n n alts m 043 Interdenominational prayer- meeting — American Board of Commissioners for F. M. — A committee of twen- ty-five— Missionary din- ners 489 The Laymen's Commission — Southern Baptist, M. E. Church, South, Episcopal C h u r c h, Congregational Church, Northern Baptist, Baptists of Canada and Christians — Interdenomi- national committees — Lay- men sent to England and Scotland — Topeka, Kan., meeting — Meeting in St. Joseph, Missouri ....490 Meeting in Toronto, Canada — Toronto Globe's testi- mony— Philadelphia meet- ing— ITie Chicago meeting —Eel River (Ind.) Chris- tian Conference 491 Interest in the movement 493 Leaders^ Our Early — Their character — Estimate of their worth •..245 A storm center — Reaction 246 America calling 247 Prevalence of iniquity. . 248 Strenuous life 249 Bible students 250 Lebanon, Virginia 271 Lee, W. J 536 LeMay, .T. P 365 Lewelling, Elijah 365 Liberty — God-given 30 Lack of religious liberty 31 Articles on 45 To believe Bible doctrines 46 Lincoln, A 319 Long, D. A. 428, 474, 555, 603 607 Purchases Graham College — President of Antioch College 428 Long, Mrs. D. A 510 Long, II. E 559 Long, W. S. 428, 536, 603, 605, 607, 612 President Graham Normal College 428 Success as an educator — Resignation 429 Loyalty to the Word 81 Luke 275 Luther 282 Lynch, .1. B 362, 363 I-ynch, Thomas 358 Lynn, J. T .467 M McCord, Mrs. E. P 515 McCuIlOLigh, P 468,469 McGready, James 320 McKeen, James 458, 459 McKendree, William ....262 Resigns 277 McKinney, A. L 472 M'Nemar, Richard .... 271, 332 McReynolds, N. Del . . 555, 559 McReynolds, p. W — ■ President of Defiance Col- lege 432 Self-sacrificing 433 McWhinney, T. M 608 Becomes agent 475 Becomes editor — Moral re- form prominent 68 MacCalman, John 544 MacClenny, W. B 253 Magazine, Tlie Christians' 37, 38 Mann, Darins 583 Mann, Horace ....420,421,577 Manning, John N 598. 601 Maple, ■ James 65, 68 Marion Convention 421 Marion. N. Y 419, 572 Marion, Ind 472,572,577 Mariposa, Canada 585 Markham, Canada 585 Marsh, Joseph 358, 359, 360, 363, 462 Marshall, Mich 567,572 Marshall, Robert. .271, 275, 332 644 THE CENTENNIAL OF Marvin, Kzra 416 Marvin, James W 05,465 Meadville Theological School 547 Medway, N. Y 572 Merom, Indiana 421 Merrifleld, A. M 419 Merrill, Geo. E 475, 476 Methodisji, Ajiekicax 19, 262 325 An innovation 19 Methodism^ English 262 Never had a bishop .... 19 Miami Ohio Christian Confer ence 492 Milan. N. Y 459,572 Millard, David E 525,547 Millard. David 419,420,456, 402. 549, 581 Miller, B 457 Miller, .Tohn R 460 Miller, Rebecca L 503 !Minto, Canada 586 Mishler, ^Miss Jennie 515 Missionary Society, A 599 Mississippi 442 Missouri 442 MOFFITT, E. L., I'resident Elon College.. 429 Alood. D. J 535 Moody. D. L 322 Moore, D. W. . 526 Morgridge, Charles 416 Moring, Alfred 001 Moring. F. 0 607 Morning Star and City Watch- man 52 Morrill, A. II 68, 285 Morrill, Mrs. Alice V 495 Morrill. M. T 491 Morrill. O. E 57. 457 Morrison, A. C 55, 482, 583 Morse, Caleb 561 Morse, C. A 469 Morton, A. G 62 iMountain circuit 277 Moulton, T. C 553 Movements, Similar 21 Mt. Zion Academy 363 Mt. Auburn church 364 Mulkeyites 270 Murray. Miss Donna 509 N Nason. N. F 482 New battle 10 New Bedford, ;Mass 572 New Carlisle, Ohio 04, 419, 464 New England Convention, The 360, 483, 591, 593, 594 Object of the Convention — • Organized in 1845 — Offi- cers— A delegated body — Advisory — A statement of general sentiments held by the Christians. . .591 "Good for this day only"- — ■ The Bible is a sufficient rule — Christian character the test of fellowship — • Spiritual growth — ■ Bap- tism— A weekly paper — - Departed laborers . . . 593 As a helper — Loss of churclies — A liberalizing sentiment — Christ's pray- er 594 Newhouse, S. S 08,476 Newmarket, Canada 479, 572, 585 New Pakis (O.) CHUECH..334 Divided 335 New Testament Dictionary . Smith's 40,309 New Thing Under the Sun . . 32 N. Y. Central Conference. .410 New York City 572 Noble, 'William 585,586 Nom de plumes 57 Norfolk, Va 572 North Carolina ..281,331,865 N. C. Colored Conference. .555 N. C. & Va. Conference. .428 Establishes church paper 365 N. 'U'. Ohio Christian Confer- ence 492 Nota Bene 6 RE L I G I OU S .7 O n R X A L I S M 645 o Ohio Christian Book Asso- ciation- 64, 464 Becomes the Christian Pub- lishing Association . . 65 Officers elected — Executive Committee 464 Ohio Christian Home Mission- ary Society, The 482 Ohio S. C. Association ...492 0"Kelly, James 15, 18, 19, 20, 262, 268, 270, 276, 277, 356, 411, 569, 625 Not an Innovator .... 21 Biographical sketch ...253 Moves to North Carolina — ■ Marries Miss Meeljs — His children — Son leads fa- ther to Christ — William, a statesman — His conver- sion 252, 255 Only living great-grandson 256 Joins the Wesleyans — Joins Virginia Conference — Abil- ity ranks high in Meth- odism 257 Champion of religious free- dom^ — A prisoner of war — Retaken 258 Ordained an elder ....259 Influence great 260 Offers resolution — A stormy debate 261 Withdraws — Effort to recon- cile— His plea — First con- ference— M. E. pulpits left open to him — A false re- port 262 Second conference — Request denied — Two courses left — Ceases to be a Method- ist— Becomes first Chris- tian minister — The Bible as a creed — Lebanon Con- ference 263 Haggard's motion to adopt name Christian 264 Believes in baptism by sprinkling — Baptizes "White Pilgrim" — Terri- torial limits — Visits Jef- ferson— I»reaches before Congress 265 His monument 266 O'Kelly's works — His death 267 Conditions of return. . .277 On a candle-stick 4,51 Opposition to slavery .... 64 OltlGIN AND GkOWTH OF OUR Missionary Interests 481 Early ministers, missiona- ries^Later, larger plans — Gaining new concep- tions— It is now expan- sion or extinction ...481 Progress of fifty years— Or- ganized work began in 1844 — David Millard on Missions 432 N. E. H. and F. Missionary Society organized — Dr. Watson, Mission Secre- tary— The children's mis- sion— A better organiza- tion 4g3 Mission Board — Board en- larged— Change in the plan made in Norfolk Convention Women's Board of F. M. organized in 1886— Women's Home Mission Board organized in 1890 — Permanent and life membership 484 Election of two secretaries — Began foreign work — Our first foreign mission- aries— Work begun in Ja- pan 485 Work begun in Porto Rico — Porto Rican missiona- ries— Number of mission- aries in the field— Results most encouraging .... 486 Oshawa, Canada ..572,586,-587 Our name 273 G-±6 THE CENTENNIAL OF Outlook, The 625 O'Kelly's "prospect" before us — Our platform admir- ed— Several hard shocks 625 Organization — "Assembling of messengers" — Fear of organization — Organiza- tion not a creed — The fear of co-operation 626 A change — Now co-opera- tion and prosperity — Now chosen representatives — Thorough organization — 627 Our hope and glorious out- look— Proven our right to be — A primal lesson, self- reliance — A reckless spir- it 628 Build and equip — A self-re- specting enterprise — Our mission divine — A com- pact brotherhood — • Mo- mentous results ....629 A calm confidence — Men flee, but the ranks fill — Our abil- ity to achieve — A cause that cannot die — That all may be one 630 P Palmer. R A. ..410,417,544, 611 Paul 321 Peavey. John L 295 Peckham, Rev. :Mr 38 Pennell, Miss R. N 507 Penrod, Miss C 515 Peters, F. H 559 Petersburg. Va 601 Phelps. Merton 544 Phillips. John 465 I-iermont, N. H 292 Pike, D. P. . . 55, 57, 62, 63, 68 Associate editor 65 Piney Grove 570 Piper, Noah 53,452 Plummer, Frederick . 458, 459, 462 Pope's Chapel 369 Portsmouth, N. H. 14, 37, 43, 44, 50, 56, 293, 295, 304, 308, 309, 312, 313, 314,, 451, 452, 571 Poste. Z. A 559 Powers, Mrs. Emma S....510 Powers, O. W 329,613 Prejudice against training. 413 Presbyterians 276, 321, 325, 331 Public Notice 52 PcBLisHixG Interests, Our 451 A publishing people — The Herald of Gospel Liber- ty 451 Its locations — Purchases the Christian Herald — Name changed to Christian Journal 452 Eastern Christian Publish- ing Association organized 452, (453) Elijah Shaw, editor — Fre- quent changes of name — Christian Herald sold — Consolidated • — Christian Herald repurchased — Re- moved to Newburyport — Again assumes name. Her- ald of (iospel I.il)erty — Christian Messenger and I'alladium purchased by B. C. P. Association 453 Consolidated with Herald of (Jospel Liberty — Sold to Christian Publishing Association — Moved to Dayton, Ohio 456 Gospel Luminary ..456,457 Joseph Badger, editor Chris- tian I'alladium 457 Christian Book Association and Genessee Christian As- sociation 458 Work of the Association 459 Resolutions 461 Work of Executive Commit- tee— Joseph Badger se- RELIGIOUS JOURNALISM G47 lected editor — ■ Christian I'salmist and M. and B. Hymn Book 402 Consolidation of all former associations — Elder Bad- ger's course approved — First officers of the Asso- ciation — Jasper Hazen, president — Seth Marvin, first publishing agent. 4C>3 Ohio Book Association . .404 I. N. Walter, Agent 46."> I. N. Walter, editor — Change of name 4(;r) Funds for I'uli. House.. 467 Publishing interests moved to Dayton 408 Christian Publishing Asso- ciation formed — Purchases Herald of Gospel Liberty 469 Consolidation of papers — Property bought 471 First Publishing House 473 Sold 474 C. P. A. incorporated. . .475 New Publishing House — lo- cation — Completion and dedication 477 Publishing interests in the South and Canada... 47S PuRViANCE^ David 271, 275, 276, 411 Early days — Marriage — Moves to Tennessee. .329 Moves to Cane Itidge, Ky. — Elected to legislature — Defeated for constitution- al convention — Cane Ridge revival — Candidate for ministry 331 Too lilieral — Withdraws from Synod of Kentucky — Synod excommunicates — Springfield Presbytery formed — Ordained — charge of heresy 332 Renounces man-made creeds — Fully enters the minis- try— His territory — Moves to Ohio 333 Adopts immersion — B^ellow- ships unimmersed Chris- tians— Travels much — Elected to State Senate — Work as a statesman. 334 Death of wife — Resides with son — Writes for the Gos- pel Herald, etc, — Last vis- it to Miami Conference — Last sermon — Death.. 335 Presidential elector — Tem- perance advocate — Against slavery — Very popular 336 I'urviance, Col. John 329 Purviance, L 65 a Quaker faith 325 Queen's University 588 R Raleigh, N. C 345, 362 Rand, John 571 Ransom, Elisha 287 Ranlet, Henry 309 Recorder, Boston 15,54 Recorder, The Weekly . . , , 15 Rexford, Miss Ann 501 Reese Chapel 509 Reeder, Jacob 466 Reeves, Thomas ..278,358,365 Religiols Newspaper, The FIRST 2 A vision of 14 Files of 15 Remembrancer, The Religious 14 '"Republican" Methodists, 15, 263 "Resist," heroic example 25, 26 Rhodes, H. J 480 Rhodes, Mrs. A. G 515 Richard, Miss Lydia 377 RiTTENOLS, Christiana ..349 Letter from her pen .... 349 Roberts, Mrs. Abigail 499 648 THE CENTENNIAL OF Roberts, P 68 Roberts, O. A 470 Robertson, John 277 Rockefeller, J. D... 319 Rogers, Samuel 270 Romans &c -274 Rush, H. Y. 65, 66, 468. 469, 470, 472, 473 Elected . editor — ■ Editorial policy 65 Retires 66 Russell, P. R 57.482 Russell, W. H 482 S Sabbath Schools 63 Sailer, P. S 559 Samuel. W. D 470,477,574 Sanford, A. W 406 Sargent. W. G 479, 529 Scott church, Canada 586 Sellon, Mrs. Lois L.... 507, 541 Sellon, P. R 541 ShaWj Eli.tah 42, 53, 55, 57, 58, 62, 452. 453, 462, 482 Editor Christian Herald 53 Sherrard. J. W 585 Smith, Elias 13, 37, 38, 39, 40, 41, 42, 46, 49, 50, 52, 54, 55, 73, 74, 276, 279, 411, 451, 452 Financial troubles 41 Becomes a Universalist. 42 311 Farewells 42 Letter to William Guiry 46 A reformer 50, 314 Forsakes Universalism 52, 313 Oppositon to religous des- potism 50 Disfellowshiped ....54, 313 Early days — Inured to hard- ship 299 Religiously inclined . . .301 Despondent moods ....303 Early educational advanta- ges— Ministerial career 304 Ordination — Baptist pastor — In mercantile business 305 Losing Galvanism — Fifteen days in Universalism — Author and .iournalist — Controversalist 306 Much persecution — Almost mobbed — The Christian's Magazine 307 Establishes first religious newspaper 308 Another mob — Changes pub- lishers— Cloves to Phila- delphia — Stricken with typhus fever — Deatli of wife — Second marriage 309 Autobiography — Career as a physician 310 Medical works 311-312 Abandons .iournalism ..311 Re-enters journalism - — Re- stored to church member- ship— Dies at Lynn, Mass. 313 Organizes Portsmouth church 314 As a Christian — -A brilliant career 315 Abundant in labors — Great- ly persecuted 316 Smith, Elias, Jr 472 Smith, Stephen 299,301 A Baptist— :Mrs. Smith a Congregationalist ....299 Smith, T. C 68 Smith, Uriah 289 Sneathex, Abraham 375 A pulpit oddity — Birth — Young manhood — Convert- ed in Cincinnati — Fifteen years from home — Returns — Holds great revival 375 Married — Settles in Ohio — Ordained — Pastor at Mer- om — Names Union Chris- tian College — College lec- ture— Organizes first Chris- tian church in N. W. In- diana— Organizes Tippeca- RELIGIOUS JOURNALISM G49 noe Conference — Visits Kansas o77 Sympathy for weak churches — Hospitality — The deer Incident — Heroic charac- acter 378 rersonal magnetism — Visits Honey Creek Camp meet- ing— "Will disgrace the meeting" — Preaches great sermon — Called a barefoot preacher 379 . Falls asleep 380 SocTHEitx Christian Associa- Tiox ■ — • Becomes Southern Christian Convention ..369 Southern Christian Conven- tion, The 369 Organization — Separation from A. C. C. — Regret in parting — Slavery cause of division 597 Five Cardinal Principles — Establishing an evangel- ical position — First regu- lar convention in 1858 — Christian Sun transferred - — W. B. Wellons. editor ■ — Missionary society.. 599 The Civil War — Convention meets in Mt. Auburn in 1866 — Plans for re-publi- cation of Christian Sun — Principles and government of Christian Church adopted — Revision com- mittee— Called session of 1867 — Revision fully ap- proved— Publishing inter- est— -Third regular session — Messengers from N. E. Convention — First step to- wards reunion 601 Educational interests — ^Chris- tian union — -Church fed- eration - — ■ Convention of 1874 — Union again- — Fifth session at Lebanon, N. C. — Death of Dr. Wellons^ His successor 602 New Hymn-Book Issued — Evangelist chosen — Call- ed session, Suffolk, Va., 1879 — Home missions — Antloch College — Frater- nal messengers to A. C. C. at Albany, N. Y . . 603 Seventh regular session, 1886 — Children's Educa- tional Secretary — Foreign missions — Era of wider growth- — S. C. Institute — Theological department — Memorial presented. . .605 Messengers to New Bedford Convention — Called ses- sion at New Providence, 1888 — A denominational college — -Provisional Board — Elon College located — Joint publication of Hymnal 607 Eighth regular session, 1890 — Foreign mission effort — Elon College opened — A. C. Convention, 1890 — Re- union — Ninth session, Elon College, 1892 — Changed from quadrenni- al to biennial sessions — Christian Missionary As- ciation launched — Chris- Orphanage introduced — Tenth regular session, Norfolk, Va., 1894 — Exec- utive Board of A. C. C. meets same time and place — Dedication Memo- rial Chr. Temple 608 Interest in Elon College growing — Orphanage fur- ther considered — Eleventh regular session, Burling- ton, 1896 — Twelfth regu- lar session, Raleigh, N. C, 1898 — Endowment of Elon College 609 Thirteenth regular ses- sion, Franklin, Va., 1900 • — Twentieth Century of- 650 THE CENTENNIAL OF fering — F. A. Palmer en- dows Elon College — Four- teenth regular session, Ashboro, N. C, 1902 — Orphanage and College en- terprises— Fifteenth regu- lar session, Driver, Va., 1904 — Christian Sun pur' chased — Elon College out of debt 611 A. C. C. meets Norfolk, Va., as guests of Southern church — Sixteenth regular session Burlington, N. C., 1906 — -Orphanage finances — -Building erected ..612 Dormitory at Elon College - — Seventeenth regular ses- sion, Greensboro, N. C, 1908 — Forward move- ments— Growth of the Con- vention— Value of church government — Southern conferences 613 Statistics — Order, Heaven's first law — Centennial of religious journalism. .614 Southern Christian Publishing Committee 366 South Woodstock, Vt 303 Spoor. John, .Tr 462 Springfield, Ohio 64, 466 Sj'RiXGFiELD Presbyteky — Over- throws man-made creeds 271 Last will and testament 333 Stanley, Rev. Hannah W. .511 Staley, W. W. 553, 597, 605, 607, 611 President Elon College — Col- lege freed from debt. .429 Stanfordville, N. Y 572 Starkey Seminary 416 Statement of general senti- ments, A 591 Stebbens, R. P 420 Stewart, Perry 472 Stiles, Elizabeth 503 Stoddard, B. M 476 Stogdill, Mrs. Mary 503, 581, 583 Stone, Barton W. 271,272, 275, 276, 322, 411 Against Campbell 59 Diplomatically duped— "Un- ion" injured cause in Kentucky and Illinois 273 Early days — Religious con- tentionn 317 Opposition — Noble mother — Against bigotry 319 Student— An upbraiding con- science— conversion .320 "In the mortar of trials" — A scholar — A linguist — Candidate for ministry - — Theological stumbling block 321 Diflicultes over the Trinity — Cane Ridge revival — Spirit of unity 322 His eloquence — Touched by unseen power 323 Scenes at Cane Ridge — Perse- cution— A Pedobaptist 324 Not a Campbellite — Fellow- ships every child of God — Visits Baptist Associa- tion 325 "Union" (?) with Campbell — Ivived and died a mem- ber of Christian Church — Shaker and Disciple schisms 326 Dies in Hannibal, Mo. — His crown of rejoicing. . .327 Stoner, Geo. R 446 Stouffville, Canada 588 Strickland, Mrs Mary A.. 505, 510 Summerbell, B. F 63, 68 Summerbell, Carlyle 439 Summerbell, Mrs. E. J. 507, 515 Sumjnerbell, J. J. 68, 71, 72, 269, 471, 476, 515, 577, 607, 611 Summerbell, M 68,419,544 Summerbell, N. 65, 68, 425, 507, 515, 552 Becomes editor — Theological RELIGIOUS JOURNALISM 651 editorials — Division of la- bors G7 Business success — Fond of editor's chair — Returns to pulpit 68 Sunday-Schools, Our ....521 Early Sunday-schools in our work — ^The catechetical method in teaching. .521 Opposition to — The Bible as a text-book — The Sunday- school as a seed bed — An Iowa example — Holding aloof 522 C. E. Methods — Resolutions of the I. ,B. C. Confer- ence-— Resolutions of the N. H. C. Conference. 523 Our S. S. and the Palladium • — Beginnings in S. S. Lit- erature— A S. S. paper suggested — Christ iun Sun- da ii-School — Youth's Pea- Ill/ Gazette 524 Children's Friend — Sundaij- School Herald — Hixville Sunday-school ■ — Letters from Rev. D. E. Millard, D. I)., Rev. Thomas Holmes. D. D 525 Letter from Rev. D. W. Moore — A "felt need" — The Sunday-School Herald published 526 Our Teacher's Guide and Scholar's Help — Growing interest — Great possibili- ties 527 Swett, Simeon 53, 452 T Taylor, .Tames 458 Taylor, John S 458 Temple of Fame, No 26 Terrell, Mrs. Melissa 503 I'est of Fellowship 60 Theological Storms 21 Thompson. .John 271, 275, 332 Thompson, Mrs. Sally ....501 Thomas, Joseph, "The White Pilgrim" — Reason for sobri- quet— Birth 341 Curse of intemperance — First seven years of life — ■ Six years under cruelty — Favorite books — Afflicted — Moves to Virginia — A friend in need 342 S'ensitive — Feels the weight of sin — Seeking Christ 343 Conversion — Baptism — Call- ed to preach — Objections to Presbyterians and Bap- tists 344 Falls in love with the Chris- tians— Enters the minis- try— Becomes a traveling evangelist — Baptized by O'Kelly 345 Works under an "over- preacher" who seeks to dis- courage him — Invulnera- ble walls — Laymen oppos- ing Christian preachers 346 Called "O'Kellyite" — Life threatened — Twenty-eight years of service — A nine months' record — Territory traveled 347 A fruitful ministry — -Hard- ships— Message to the peo- ple— Becomes an immer- sionist — I'oems 348-9 (350) A call to settle declined — Marriage 349 An orator — Personal ap- pearance - — In Walter's New York pulpit 350 Death of — Burial at John- sonburg, N. J 351 Three months' circuit 266 Threshold Message, A 7 Thurber, Rachel 309 Tippecanoe Conference . .377 Becomes Northwestern. .377 Toronto, Canada .... 442, 479 Tower of Constance 25 652 THE CENTENNIAL OP' Trinity and Its Scliolastrc Terms 47 Trained Ministry, A 58 Troy, Ohio ..402,508,509,572 True, Miss A. M 515 Tiickerman, O. P 63 Tyron, I. C 541 U Ullery, J. F 558,559 Union, Christian ....75,278 Union Nortli and Soutli .359 Terms of union 360 Union Christian College 63, 377, 421, 507 Seeks endowment 66 Union Mills. N. Y 572 Unitarians 274, 420 United States Christian Con- ference 457, 458, 459, 572 Dissolved forever 459 University, Palmer 432 Utsunomiya Christian" Girls' School 515 . V VauCamp, .T 585 Vaughan, B. F 547 Virginia 281 Virginia Colored • Conference 555 Virginia Valley Conference 600. 605 W Wabash 425 Wait, O. J. 62, 63, 482, 558, 561, 611 Wakarusa, Indiana 491 Wake Forest Pleasant Grove Academy 362 Wallace, Mrs. -Maggie 505 Walter, I. N. 64, 65, 462, 465 Leads in reorganization 459 Warbinton, Mrs. Ada 0....511 Warren, ,T 346 Washington, Booker T....319 Washington I'resbytery of Ohio 332 Watson, Mrs. Ella S.. 505, 510 Watson, G. S 007 W.\TSON, J. P. 68, 71, 483, 509, 555, 563, 577 Becomes editor 70, 474, 476 Wayne. Gen. A 432 W. C. T. r 275 Weaubleau 442-3 Weeks, T. S 76 Wellons. J. W. 371, 428, 563, 603 Wellons, W. B. ..597,601,602 Wesley, John 282,322 In sympathy with O'Kelly 19, 21 Taught principles of Chris- tian Church 19 Repudiated human creeds^ A dream 20 Christmas Conference ..259 West, The Inviting 617 The natural division. East and West — The field is the world — Our basis of fellowship 617 White unto harvest — Great West — Comparisons — Overwlielming facts — Es- timated wealth of the great West — Our part. .619 Openings for the Christian Church — A call under the unifying gospel — The bal- ance of power in the great West 620 Young men, come — The need is now — A field to try your mettle 621 A wonderful opportunity — • A cosmopolitan cliurch with open doors 622 West Bloomfield, N. Y....456 Western Christian Book Asso- ciation 466 Weston, J. B. 62, 63, 68, 411, 482, 541, 544 Weston. Mrs. A. E... 510, 511 Whitechurch 585 White. .1. Campbell 491,492 White, Mrs. M. S 515 Whitaker, John ...68,442,443 Whitaker, O. B 317,446 RELIGIOUS JOURNALISM 653 President U. C. College 425 Whitelock, O. W. 451, 476, 477, 491, 492 Whitby, Canada 585 Whitfield, George 322 Whitley, J. T 602 Wilber, Isaac, suggests religious newspaper idea .... 38, 308 Wiles, William 277 Wilgus, Mrs. Vina 505 Williams, Miss Olive 509 Williamson, James ....65,465 Williston, Maine 529 Wilson, Miss 432 Wilson, Mrs. Emily G. 507, 558 Wilson, J. W 541,544 Winborne, Jesse 538 Windham, Conn 571 Winebrenner, Peter 68 Witsius 321 Woodstock, Vt. 287, 302, 303, 304, 305, 497 Woodworth, Mrs. I. P 515 Women's Work^ Our 495 Miriam and Deborah — Our consecrated women — Mrs. Nancy Cram 495 Her revival work — Work in Ballston, N. Y. — Abun- dant fruitage from her labors 497 Mrs. Abigail Roberts — A woman of remarkable abil- ity— A great sufferer— Her sacrifices — The fields of her labors 499 Work in Milford, N. J. — Miss Ann Rexford — Mrs. Sally ITiompson — Mrs. Sarah Hedges 501 Mrs. Mary Stogdill — Her work in Canada — Great success of her labor — Thirty churches in fifteen years — Rachel Hosmer and Sabrina Lamson — Hannah Corner and Elizabeth Stiles — Rebecca L. Miller and Barbara Kellison — Mrs. Melissa Terrell, first woman ordained since the fifth century 503 Mrs. N. B. Lamb, Mrs. Mag- gie Wallace, Mrs. Vina Wilgus, Mrs. Sarah M. Bailey, home missionaries, Mrs. Strickland and Miss Haley — Women's labors greatly blessed — Mrs. Watson as a writer — Sun- day-School Herald ...505 Miss R. N. Pennell and Mrs. Holmes — U. C. College — i'oung People's Prayer- Meeting — C. E. Society — Mrs. E. J. Summerbell — -Mrs. Emily G. Wilson — Mrs. Lois Sellon, founder of Aged Christian Minis- ters' Home 507 Miss Olive Williams — Miss Donna Murray — Foreign Mission Secretaries for Conferences : Rev. Ellen G. Gustin of Mass., Rev. Emily K. Bishop of New Jersey, Mrs. K. M. Judy of Ohio and Mrs. O. K. Hess of Indiana — First Woman's Missionary So- ciety— Beginning of our missionary literature 507 Officers elected — Organiza- tion of Home Board — Cradle Roll inaugurated, Mrs. Emma S. Powers first superintendent — Young People's Work, Mrs. Alice Burnett, Super- intendent 510 ITie Christian Missionary and the women — Women editorial writers : Mrs. M. P. Jackson, Mrs. A. E. Weston, Miss Annie E. Batchelor, Mrs. E. K. Bishop and Mrs. E. G. Gustin — Members of Mis- sion Board : Mrs. Ada Warbinton, Rev. Hannah 654 THE CENTENNIAL OF W. Stanley and Mrs. Athella M. Howsare — Presidents of H. and F. Boards 511 Mrs. Weston as a teaclier — Death of Mrs. Weston — Mrs. Gustin, new presi- dent— United Study Mis- sion Course — Mrs. Emily K. Bishop — Mrs. Bishop's abundant labors 513 Our Women Missionaries : Mrs. A. P. Jones, Mrs. A. G. Rhodes, Mrs. Ida P. Woodworth, Miss Chris- tine Penrod, Mrs. Susie V. Fry, Miss Alice M. True, Mrs. Edith P. Mc- Cord, Mrs. K. W. Gar- man, Mrs. Eva O. Barrett, Miss Jennie Mishler, Mrs. Mattie S. White — Death of Mrs. Jones 515 Woman as a home builder 517 Woorley, Joshua 277 Worley, William 467,469 Y Yellow -Springs, Ohio ..64,466 Youmans, A. C 341 Young, Geo 555, 559, 563 3" "i* * Index to Illustrations A Aldrich, Mrs. Mehitable. . .518 Apple, Rev. Alfred 606 Apple, Rev. Solomon 606 Atkinson, Rev. D. B 36 Atkinson, Rev. J. 0 624 B Badger, Rev. Joseph 110 "Barefoot Preacher"' 376 Batchelor. Rev. B. S 592 Beale, Rev. Edwin W 598 Bishop, Rev. Emily K 514 Bishop, Rev. J. G 480 Blood, Rev. John 566 Brush, .7. E 562 Burkholder, Jacob 582 Burkholder, Jesse 600 Burnett, Rev. J. F 566 C Carter, Rev. B. F 160 Christian Biblical Institute 436 Christian Ministers' Home. .542 Christian Orphanage 536 Church in which Ellas Smith preached 44 Clark, David 410 Clements, Rev. W. G 214 Clough, Rev. Simon 94 Craig, Rev. Austin 434 Crampton, Rev. Henry .... 84 Coan, Rev. A. W 202 Coe, Rev. I. I^ 592 RELIGIOUS JOURNALISM 655 Colonial State House 388 Cooper, Rev. Fred 445 C. r. A. Building 454 D Dales, J. N 230 Defiance College 430 B Eaton (Ohio) church 400 Elder, Rev. J. D 604 Elder, Rev. W. J. M 604 CENT— 18 Ellis, Rev. .Tohn 550 Elon College 426 Enon (Ohio) church 398 P Facsimile 2 Fernald, Rev. Mark 124 Fletcher, Rev. W. P 580 Foster, Rev. James L 534 Foster, Robert 90 Fowler, Rev. Thomas J 606 Franklinton College 556 Frost, James S 540 G Garbutt, Rev. Thomas ....100 Goff, Isaac C 150 Goss, Rev. John A 590 Gustin, Rev. Ellen G 508 H Hainer, Rev. Charles H 582 Haley, Rev. H. Lizzie ....502 Harper, W. A 352 Hathaway, Rev. Warren . . 550 Haverhill (Mass.) church. .392 Hazen, Rev. Jasper 126 Heidlebaugh, A. M 488 Helfenstein, Rev. D. M 616 Helfenstein, Rev. S. Q 520 Henry, Rev. Thomas 582 Herald and its editor 12 Herald of Gospel Liberty, The house where first printed 39 Herndon, Rev. W. T 256 Hess, Mrs. J. N 374 Hess, Jasper N 455 Holmes, Mrs. Lettice S . . . . 506 Holmes, Rev. Thomas .... 78 Humphreys, Rev. E. W....182 Iseley, Rev. Alfred 606 Jones, Rev. Abner 286 Site of boyhood home.. 288 Jones, Rev. C. J 204 K Kansas Christian College.. 448 Kerr, Rev. Erey C 441 Kerr, Rev. D. W 354 Kilby, Thomas J 600 Kirton, Richard and wife.. 582 L, Lebanon church. New 16 Lebanon church. Site of old. . 16 Long, Rev. D. A 418 Long, H. E 557 Long, Rev. W. S 424 M McCuUough, Rev. I'eter ...400 McReynolds, Rev. N. Del . . 554 McReynolds, Rev. P. W...431 McWhinney, Rev. T. M....198 Mann, Horace 418 Manning, Rev. John N....598 Maple, Rev. James 156 Memorial Christian Temple 576 Milan (N. Y.) church 406 Millard, Rev. David 548 Millard, Rev. D. E 548 Miller, Rev. William 592 Morrill, Rev. A. H 284 Morrill, Mrs. Alice V 494 Morrill, Rev. M. T 298 Moffltt, Emmett L 427 Morlng, Alfred 604 Morton, Rev. A. G 592 N New Bedford North church 402 New Carlisle (Ohio) church 386 656 THE CENTENNIAL OF O O'Kelly Memorial Window. 254 O'Kelly Monument 266 O'Kelly's Cliapel, N. C 384 P Palmer College 440 Palmer, F. A 410 Palmer Institute-Starkey Semi- nary 414 Peters, Rev. F. H 232 Phillips, Rev. L. W 566 Pike, Rev. D. P 142 Portsmouth church 389 Powers, Rev. O. W 328 Providence church 390 Purviance, Rev. David.... 330 R Roberts, Mrs. Abigail 496 Rodgers, B. .T 584 Rush, Rev. H. Y 186 Rush, J. E 562 S Samuel, Rev. W. D 566 Sargent, Rev. W. G 528 Sellon, Mrs. Lois L 543 Sellon, Rev. P. R 543 Shaw, Rev. Elijah 102 Smith, Rev. Elias 300 Smith Home. Site of 302 Smith, Rev. .Tubilee 604 Sneathen, Rev. Abraham ..376 Staley, Rev. W. W 596 Stogdill, Mrs. Mary 498 Stone, W. R. and wife 584 Stone, Rev. Barton W 318 Stoner, Rev. George R....449 Strickland, Rev. Mary A.. 500 Summerbell, Mrs. E. .T....516 Summerbell, Rev. J. J 218 Summerbell, Rev. M 415 Summerbell, Rev. N 164 Swansea (Mass.) church... 382 Supplee, Catherine F 519 T Tatem, William 610 Tatton, Rev. Jessee 582 Thomas, Rev. .Joseph 338 Trull. W. W 584 IT Union Christian College. . .422 Vaughan, Rev. B. F 546 W Walker, Rev. W. T .' 200 Walter, Rev. Isaac N 116 Watson, Mrs. Ella S 504 Watson, Rev. J. P... 210, 562 Weaubleau College 444 Wellons, Rev. J. W 424 Wellons, Rev. William B..170 West, H. T 610 Weston, Rev. J. B 437 Weston, Mrs. Achsah E...512 "White Pilgrim," The ' 338 Whitaker, Rev. O. B 423 Whitelock, O. W 450 Williamson, Rev. Elijah ..196 Williamson, Rev. James... 146 Woodstock church 396 Worley, William 460 Y York church 404 Youmans, Rev. A. C 340 DATE DUE TT 1^ ^^ A'^^ *isi*aiiia)i*i'jff* CAVLORO PRINTED IN U.S.A. BX6765.5.B27 The centennial of religious journalism. Princeton Theological Seminary-Speer Library 1 1012 00062 0544