MttRiLunei \jyyfOJyO (;c^v4.^ '^ cC j'Ia;^ /hs- i A^ t /^jwi/^tM^W'^ Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2011 with funding from Princeton Theological Seminary Library AN ENGLISH-HEBREW LEXICOI: /ns. COMPLETE VERBAL INDEX GESENIUS' HEBREW LEXICON AS TRANSLATED BY Peof. EDWARD ROBINSOX, D.D. PEEPABED BY JOSEPH LEWIS POTTER, A.M. BOSTON", MASS.: PUBLISHED BY CROCKER & BREWSTER, 51 Washington Street. 1872. Entered accordiiifr to Act of Congress, in the vear 1872, by CROCKER & BREWSTER, In the Office of the Librarian of Congress, at Washington. INTRODUCTION. The dictionary of a foreign language, to be complete, sbiould not only state the significations of all the words in that language, but likewise reverse the process, by exhibiting the words which answer to any given signification. The Hebrew Lexicon of Gesenius, in its original form, like most Oriental lexicons, is provided with an index to all its definitions, referring to the page on which each definition occurs, and where, of course, the Hebrew word is to be foimd which is so defined. This index was not reproduced by Dr. Robinson in his English translation of Gesenius, which it is safe to say is still by far the best Hebrew-English Lexicon in existence. Gesenius, although not faultless, remains the acknowledged leader in Hebrew lexicogi^aphy, and there is no prospect of his being soon superseded. And Dr. Robinson's has the advan- tage over any rival translation of superior accuracy and precision, and of incorporating the latest and most matured views of the author, as shown in his Thesaurus. The lack of an English-Hebrew Index, which has been its most serious defect, has now been admirably supplied by Mr. Joseph L.- Potter, a young gentleman recently graduated from the Theological Seminary in this place, and abundantly cjualified for the work, both by his careful accuracy and by his knowledge of Hebrew. He has, in fact, not merely made an index, with references to the page, in consulting which it would be necessary to turn back and look up each Hebrew term separately ; he has greatly enhanced the value of his work and the facility of using it by preparing what rather deserves to be entitled an English-Hebrew Dictionary, which exhibits along; with each English word its Hebrew equivalents. As such, it possesses an independent value, being not only a needed supplement to the Hebrew- English Lexicon of Gesenius, but capable of being used separately by those who have other lexicons than his. And it has all the completeness of which the case admits, since it contains terms corresponding to the entire stock of Hebrew words used in the Old Testament. I have perfect confidence in the thoroughness and conscientiousness with which this work has been prepared, and have no hesitation in commending it to teachers and students of Hebrew as an important aid in imparting or acquiring a knowledge of this venerable and sacred tongue. W. Henry Green, Professor of Oriental and Old Testament Xiiterature. Princeton, N. J., June, 1873. PREFACE. This work does not profess to be a full and complete English-Hebrew Lexicon, but simply a faithful Index to the Hebrew Lexicon of Gesenius as translated by Dr. Edward Robinson, giving the English words which there occur as translations, alphabetically, with their Hebrew and Chaldee equiva- lents following them ; and to this extent will be available as an English- Hebrew Lexicon. It may be of service to the student to notice the following principles which have governed its preparation : — Chaldee words are placed after the Hebrew, enclosed in parentheses and introduced by the contraction Ch. Such significations only as appeared to be in actual use are noted ; and of the proper names a few of the more familiar ai-e inserted, and also some which could not readily be found in the Hebrew Lexicon from their English form. When the derivative vei'bal species have their ordinary force, as Niphal passive of Kal, Pual of Piel, Hophal of Hiphil, Piel intensive, Hiphil causative, and Hithpael reflexive of Kal, they are not inserted ; but when a different relation is found, as Niphal passive of Hijjhil, Piel causative of Kal, etc., they are inserted ; and when two or more species have the same meaning, each of them is noted. It will be observed that some Hebrew words are immediately preceded by the word see. This signifies that some doubt is expressed in the Lexicon as to that meaning, or else it is found in the translation of phrases given for the sake of example under the word. These significations, although not equal in importance to those given as direct equivalents, seemed nevertheless to be deserving of note. Some Hebrew words are followed by the word once, which signifies that the word, or that foi-m of the word, occurs but once with that meaning,' although it may occur elsewhere with other significations. When the same Hebrew or Chaldee form has distinct gi-oups of meanings, and is repeated in the Lexicon as separate words, the particular one referred to is indicated by the Roman numeral attached to the word. The gender of nouns in the singular is given, and also in the plural, when not indicated by the termination. The forms of adjectives are masculine, unless otherwise stated, except in a few instances, where the gender is not designated in the Hebrew Lexicon. 7 O O PREFACE. V The poetical usage has been noted ; as also that of the later Hebrew. The names of vei'bal species are somewhat more abbreviated than in the Hebrew Lexicon, and to. has been put for with. The other abbreviations are for the *aiost part as they occur in the Lexicon, and it is hoped they will be readily understood. Only translations given in Italics have been regarded in the preparation of this Index. ' Although neither time nor labor has been spared to render the work accu- rate, errors and omissions will probably be discovered. That its imperfections may not prevent its being of service to those acquiiing the languages of the Old Testament Revelation, is the earnest wish of its author. Joseph Lewis Potter. THEOLOGiCiL Seminary, Pbinckton, N. J., April, 1872. \mi\ 1x0. Q eictLish-hebrew index. a, inx . (Ch. nn .) Aaron, "i'nx . abandon, to, n^D Hi., see u3:i3 d, 3T5 . aliandoned, b23 . abandonment, bizUi m. abase, to, bsuj Hi. (Ch. bsid" Aph.) abased, to be, bs':J . abdomen, ffiis'n H m. Abel, b::n . abhor, to, bnr , Vra K. Hi., -ix3 Pi., r^p I -with 2 ., I'pUJ Pi., 3Nn H Pi, part, (once), aj-n Pi. to cause to, ::sn Pi. abhorred, to be, nrn Ni. to cause to be, :rn Pi. abhorrence, lisTn m,, -(ixTi ni. to fill one with, 3?n Pi. Abib, the month, 2"'3Xti fflnh. abide, to, see -i!ia I, 1, nil)"' , "jib and "iib K. Hithpal., n^D , "p© also -pa , see n^n Pu. ability, -jix I ni., b-^n m., nb m. abject, to be, bb; , abjectness, see rn^T . able, to be, bi:"i ^ n's -i^s c. b . (Ch. b:"^ or bD^ , bri3.) a}>le to bear, to effect, to be, bb"! . able to, to be, bbii Avith inf. c. b . abode, ainai m. abodes, tT'Sn (once.) abolish, to, -iis I Hi. abominable, bias concr., see in COTZJ Po., ::;t3 , the setting up of the, see D^d Po. thing, yipiiS m., yp;j m., nr:i;-pi f. - to be, nst . abominable, to make, i"V\ Pi. Hi. abominate, to, zxn H Pi. part, (once), i-sy\ Pi. abomination, n'^D f., m">3 f., bias m., y^ipui m., irpm m., nnrin f. of the desolator, see in n^d Po. to be an, :;rn Ni. abortion, nbi!D'2 f., bs: m. to have, bbitJ and battj Pi. to make an, bbit) and b 303 Pi- HL abound, to, -izs Ni. to cause to, -ini Hi, about, bx , a , -i?3 and n?2 , 3 , b . this time, to-morrow, nnia n53 . about to, to be, b Ti^r> withinfin,, ai^n Pi., snp I with inf. and b . above, (besides), •'js bs . (higher than), bi'^sia , b bsa^ , nbso , nb^^b, nb2-2^53 , byia , b? , b b;-^', b brTs' , ' bs>3. (Ch. bs , N^y followed by -,12 ,) (more than), i;sb .(Ch. "j^ comparat.) Abraham, Abram, nni3x , ai3it . abroad, ■j^sin , t^^''^ , y^na , yinb (poet.), Vi-irrh . abrogated, to be, (Ch. m3 .) Absalom, cibttSnx . al>solve, to, npj Pi. c. -jTa ., sns , p"is Hi. abstain, to, it: Ni. Hi. c. "j^ , from, to, -i-Q'3 with p . from evil, to, ns>-na niDS . abstaining, an, ps'j I f. abstinence, vow of, -lox Hi. - T T T : 7 against, to, ■'.p Hi. admonished, (Ch. -|inT .) to be, -iDi Ni. admonition, id^'2 m., -iDb, nnain f. T T ? - - to receive, -int Ni. - T ado, much, ■ji:25 ah. Adonis, see Tl52n . adopted daughter, n!3 I f . adore, to, r,ha Pi., linn , nn ^^'^^. °i' T : ■■ ' •' TT ' •■ t' t t ^ ■ T (Ch. z^^v .) the, (Ch. -,-:? i^lur.) to be, j<:t Pu., bbn , n:r H K. Ni. Pu. Hi'th., nsj; Ni. (Ch. n:?) 11.) affliction, ibn m., 1., ■jTib m., niiS) f., '2:;m., nyn f., ^2: m., n^:: f. aforetime, b'l'irx and bni^ns , once birnx , c-^TSinp , cnp . (Ch. -p^-ijsto NW .) afraid, to be, rra Ni., -l^l^ I with ]^ , ''3BT3 ., ax^ , bnj , x-i^ , y^i (once pret), y-iv , "ins , r^-i . (Ch. bn^ c. of, to be, nji only 1 and 2pers., c. ace. to make, rra Pi. (only poet.), iin Hi., x"!^ Pi., ynr Hi., ran , after, (adj.), V'TX- (adv.), "'"inx'bx (w. verbs of motion), vv's , ■'irxs . (prep.), -nx , "^-inx , "^nnxp , 2 , ■1S3 and ira , a , b , "I'a , bs , vpn , rpb (later writers), see ns;5 2, risp": . (Ch. -inx , "^nnx , ■inxa, nra, -^ i-: •) after, (conj.), i:c3 , irs . a near time, ciipia . some time, c^o^a . that, Tx , lujx , inx , ~i^x innx , innx w. inf. this, rXT ""inx (later Heb.). those who come, rr^nnx f. concr. time, ninx m. 'i-nx ci"' , tT'i.nx f. (Ch. n-'inx f.) to be, inx (once.) after-birth, n-'bttJ f. after-math, iiipb m. afterwards, -^nx , "3 inx , c'^ia'nn -nx ^\i<^ , rXT ■'inx (later Heb.), innx ",3 , 13 •'inx^ , again, no'' (defect.), w. another verb, liy , n-'j'ij , D nd (Ch. n!ir:ri .) against, bx (w. hostile motion), see nx H 2., a , b , i:.ib , bs , see zv B. c, ■'rsb (after verbs of motion), -DQ'by (Ch. br , cr , n:ib .) agate, see nrbnx "ia'C" m. age, an, b"^5 m., iTn m., peril, inr m. (Ch. iri .) (time of life), n"'"2"' m. plu. (Ch. yo'^'^ m. plu.) great in, cai plu. men of an, b^'j m. of great, c^^ i"'a3 . old, ',pT m.. n:p7 1, C'rpT m. plu., nbs m., 3"'© m., na^it) f. youthful, c^^sib?. m. plu. aged, ipT, to be, ipt . ages, D'^isbiy . ancient, everlasting, C"cb'ir . future, riinm., c-rbir. agitate, to, csin , rflT Pil. agitated, to l>e, (lis a Hithp., oj-j Ni., see 11-3 II, ^^o Ni., c"5 Ni. Hithp., DSi . to be violently, iSD . agitation, nvj f. agree togetlier, to, (Ch. pt Hithp. Keri.) agreement, nT'n m. AGE ALO agriculture, nn's-" f. ah ! Pinx , nx II c. dat, ■•x II c. dat., T -t ^ T I pray thee ! ah now ! K3X . aha! nxn . T ■■• Ahasuerus, ttiii'^nx , aid, Si-iT f. rarely m., ns-ioS"; f. to, pm Hi., Hithp. w. 3, DS., Sffii Hi., x£U3 Pi., -nyo , -TS> K. Hi.^ (Ch. ^vq c b .) ' to implore, N~'p I w. b^ of pers. on account of, against. aide-de-camp, c^ba siDJ . aim, nna'D also xii^'c f. T T - T T - at, to, nx"i . to, -,^3 Pil. w. b3? of mark, Hi. c. ail', (mien), 31:5 plu. air, breath of, nn f. aired, mno , airy, n^-na . alacrity, (to do anything) with, ^13 X c inf. alarm, nyn^n f- to sound an, S^n Hi. to sound the, nj-^nn SpPi . alarm-trumpets, □"'bizi'' ninsitlJ . alarmed, to be, Tsn . alarms, trumpets of, c^bni'ri niisilj . alas, nnx , nx II c. dat., -^x II c dat., ibb-x only with --b ., in , "'in , alert, ribn . to be, yon K. Hi. Hithp. to be on the, ynn (once.) to make, ^bn Hi. to render, yi2i<. Pi. alienated, to l)e, rpa (only in prefer.) fi-om, to be, rp- (only futm-e), with alienation, nxn:n f. alight, to, bs: c. b^'o.., n:s . alike, in- , •nn'^. . to be, to be regarded, niiT Nithp. aliment, irsj com. alive, -n . (Ch. ^n .) preserving, saving, (Ch. xn^a.) to be preserved, n"^n . 1* alive, to preserve, n-'n Pi. Hi., niar I Hi., D!ip Pi. ' ' to save, i'fs3 b-isn . alkali, la II m., n-na f. all, nn^ w. nouns or pronouns, ^-r\n1 \y. plu., b's, see ^"-1 at end. (Ch. b's .) as one, in] w. nouns or pronouns, I'nn'i w. plu. T : - kinds of, b's . manner of, see bb , 4. the, b's before a plu. sub. made definite. together, bis C5 , nni , I'nn'' . allay, to, see nsij ^ Hi. A. . allegiance, to yield, nnuj Hithpal. alleviation, nns f. alley, psiui m. allied, cibttl . to be, -i^n K. Pu, allot, to, njTS K. c. b , Pi. (only in later Heb.) to, to, x:£^ Hi. allotted, to be, y^n Pu. to have, bn: Ho. allow to, to, ns"i I Hi. with b of pers. allowance, an, njiax f., nnix f., ph m. T T -: T .. -: ' alloy, b-iiS m. ally, nx I m., ni'nx f., S"-.! f. rarely m., my, i^ib'JJ tti^X , i?2btt3 . Almighty, the, bx I m., I'n'iD m. almond, an, ^p'lj m. nut, np'r m. tree, see T!ib , np'r m. almonds, mads like, nraoSia . 't \ : almug-trees, n"'5'2bx . almost, -j-xs , 'i^'J'03 , alms, to ask, bx!l3 . aloes, lignum, D^bnx and mbnx . alone, TjX (before subs.), nrb (c. sufE.)> alone, (adj.), nnx , i^ia, ttii . to be, in 3 . to let, bin and bnn w. ••q of pers., ns-i I Hi. w. b of pers. along with, 3 , r5a"b . ALR 6 ANG already, "i^s (later Heb. onlj'^ in Eccle.), nrjr . also, C)x I, ca (com. put before the word to which it refers). (Ch. c^s .) as, 1 , :i and 1 (pec. to Pent, and Josh.) altar, rj^'t'O ni. (Ch. nrt^ m.) brazen, rrrnsn nsT^ . golden, -i-tTn* n2T?2 . of burnt- off eiing, see bN"nn , rS"^ of God, bs'-'X m. of incense, ^-•^•pT^ naTia . altars of incense, r".'^:; pia . alter, to, q^n Hi., n^o , nr:: I Pi. (Ch. srr Pa. Aph.) altered, to be, n:"r I. (Ch. xstti Pe. Ithpa.) alternate courses, in, ns'^^n . T • — alternately, ns-i^n . alternation, nr'bn f. although, !|Vx (later Heb.), ex , r]X I, ■"ttJX (rarely), "3 I, ^3 D3 , cj , i3 ca , 1 , >l and 1 (sometimes), bs connect inf. altitude, nrj m., cii^ m., r;u;^ m., n^'^T) f. T ' altogether, nnxS, ~x (before an adj.), T!! , "^^.1 » ^3, "^= • (Ch- Vs.) as, n^J'"b3 . always, n"sn-b3 , "r^'^n . amazed, to be, hr\2 Ni., cr'n , ~~n and ""^n , n^i (once), cr;':: K. Hithpo., ni>!lj I Hithp. amazement, nr'>li'3 f., "'i^'J'li '^^ to be struck with fear and, rr^n K. Hithp. ambassador, -[zy amber, see ebb , src C'^Tr-.p 3. umbush, an, niix , S"]'is ., n-'H K. and Ni c. 3 . - ' T T : ■ Hithp., -nn Ni., ors , n:::? ^ -T -t" -■-- Hithp., t\:ip , T5"i w. h towards, against. (Ch. o:3 , ti^p_ , Tan .) to be very, cs'T . to become, ?ba Hithp. w. 2 of thing, cause. to make, 0"3 Hi anguish, -iiy H m. I am in, •'h "is . to bum with, pb'n . animadversion, n~ip2 f. animadvert, to, ip3 Pi. animal, n'n f., ajsj com., nxDlDJ f. (Ch. srn , n-in f.) animals, smaller aquatic, y'-ni3 m. coll., fully, n-isn r-iiu , ankle, bb^p . ankle-band, ods m. ankles, see dsx in du. anklet, crs m. anklets, to put on, to make a tinkling (with), 0D5 Pi. annals, c^'^'n "'•^3'n . announce, to, -i;3 Hi., y?3tt5 Hi. future things, to, mv I. (good news), to, -Jua Pi. revelations, visions, to, mn with b. annul, to, n-iQ I Hi. anoint, to, •jt^'n Pi., nnia (once), nuiis , -o; I, -!io (only after washing, etc.), nED and nsb . one's self, to, rpo K. Hi. anointed, rr^r^ . anointed one, rt'OJ . to be, bba . anointing, an, nn'r^ f. anointing-oil, nn"ii53!i "jiQl^ . another, nnx , -ii , ■^■^=3 , niSi f., see ijuj at end. (Ch. iinx f., •pnx ,) family, nation, one of, -it . answer, an, nwia m., n3i;lJn f. to, nss I K. Ni c. b ., nr':; "'^v! . (Ch. njy or srs I, x-Q^ns nTix , T-: T-: tt:- • -: ^ c^fhs ^Tin c. ace. of pers.) to bring back, -ir'n 2"^UJn . answered, to be, nij." I Ni ant, an, nb":3 f. antelope, 13a m., ixn . female, n'^S f. (species of), ■jiiji"'^ m. anterior, "i:sb . anticipate, to, D"tp Pi. Hi. antiquity, manp f. ants, see b73:n . anvil, £559 . anxiety, nrix':^ f., "^bn m., niS H m. to be in, ^s"* impers. anxious cares, rriiiy (once) c. suff. to be," as":! , nbn K. Ni. c. b:> ., •J/np I C. ^3072 , any man, dix m., aj^s m. one, mx m., nx I m., "inx , itSiit m., bV, ?■; II m. (Ch. bb.) one who, "'a . other, -IT . thing, -c'n m., bb , nia^ix^ , n« . whither, n3NT n:x . apart, n3b . apartment, mn m. women's, see "jiTaix . ape, C)'ip m. aperture, ns m. (Ch. oris m.) aphorism, n:;"'b'a f. apostasy, n3^ffiT3 , n"iD f. apostate, (adj.), 33'l!D , 33ilU. (sub.), 331© m. apostates, see ciiil) . apostatize, rrinis yiSa . apothegm, biiia I m. apparatus, ibs m. APP ARM apparition, n-M'^x . appeal, nn^'n f- appear, to, nb; Ni., cp , nx-i Ni. appearance, ri'^'n f-, nnn f., nxT^a m., ■,';r f., n:r:n f. external, c":q l>lu. appease, to, -^23 Pi. appeased, to l)e, r,rtt!i . appetite, ix (once Chetli.), n'sn f. applause, bbnia m. apple, nfiDP m. "* apple-tree, n^iEn m. apply, to, sr; Hi., "ir: with hv ., nbr Hi., ciiU and c"iD . one's mind, to, y.'s Pi. w. h , one's self, to, h -zh )r}i . one's self unto, to, \r~'n . to, to, xb: Hi. w. bs . IT appoint, to, yc>< Pi., ~pn , yii Po., n=i Hi. c. h ., nb' , no-' K. Pi., -T :'-T^ -T "I"-' w. b ., 1^3 Hi., n:i; K. c. b , TT : ' ' T T : ' Pi. (only later Heb.), "fcv I H., nius I, nps K. Hi. \v. ace. of pers. and by., n'S Pi., iijnp Pi., c^ib and ctU , --tij ^ r-^tn . (Ch. nr-s and s:^ Pa., nv:; .) to, over, to, niUs' I w. b . apjiointcd meeting, ms? I f. place, mri" f., "ip3"C m. j)ortion, nn-s , ph m. sea.son, sign, n-'TO m. (something), Piisx f. time, '^•c^ m. (later Heb ), c^ia" w. gen. (Ch. I'lT and "i^T m.) to be, i-iD-o Pu., i^y I, -ipa Ni. to have, bn: Ho. appointment, moM^ f., -i''i>3 m., "ipST: m. a])portion, to, pbn Pi. c. b ., n^ld . approach, n2"p f. to, rs^ Ni. pret. K. fut. w. b.x , Hi., nno , -^o c. bs ., r"^p I and ::-ip K. Ni. (Ch. --p .) to cause to, z-^p I Pi. Hi, to command to, z~p Hi. npproaching, --p . approbation, ■,'ia"' m. appropriate, to, pbn . approve, to, -ra , "yj"^ Pi. apron, m'jn f. ajit, -in^ . to be, -in-a I Pi. to push, n52 . aquatic animals, the smaller, y'^a m. coll., fully, c"'>3i"! ]"^3 . aqueduct, nb:Jn f. Arab, Arabian, an, ^z"" , "'iz-y . Arabia, see T'six , see nb^"n , ~~S . Eastern, ains. mountain of, CTpn -in . Arabian desert, the great, -anjsn . Arama^a, the Aramaeans, c~X . Ararat, ai-x . arch, an, rrrtr.x f. archer, an, n-iiia m., nt'p m., mDii rffip . archers, Q-'-'l-' , can ""br'S , see y)in Pi. part., noip ""n-j-a , nirp com., see architect, "i'tox I m., "itx m. architrave, i? I m. Arcturus, see C""i7^ . ardent, to be, n-n Hi., i-iy . ardor, ttjx com., r^n'.p f. to do with, n~n Hi. w. finite verl?. arduou.s, to be, xbs Ni. are, see in x^n , 4. area, prob. ni;; f., •pj m , oj-j-o m., nn-j f. (Ch.'-Tix .) ' areola, nsi'^r f. argue together, to, nr"^ Ni. Hithp. argument, nix I com., rnrin f. arid places, c"'~'nn . tract, nn-iy f. to be, "^.nn , ttjz"' . arise I cip . to, r\'n , nsr I Ni. Hithpal, te? I. cp , C!n . (Ch. cap ) ark, "ii^x com., nzn f. (Egyptian word.) arm, ;-i-TX r'lT f. rarely m., y^r\ m., ■;:in m. (Ch. ;•-•: ■ , r -r, one's self, to, -ix Hithp., y';r Ni. AHM ASC arm, th? lower, i'liT f. rarely m. to, see -3D Pilp. arm-l)aiul, mriiX f. armature, r^-y m. armed, y^hn . force, nrin n" . 'tt -: T man, ■|j'3 itJ'S . to b.', see xbn Ni. armies, n-DSx (only in Ezek.) armor-bearer, n"'b3 N'viS:. armor, to bo fenced with, see sh^o Ni.. armory, z^h^ n'2 , pais and paJ3 m. armpits, see p-'n iu plu. arms, (of the body), r'ni , n"'3p . arms, (weapons), "iriri, C^? , HTiai^, p'lj: and ptcj m., ri'isbn (pro- phetic. ) to cover with, see -qio Pilp. amis, to fold in one's, pnn . to fold (or) take in the, j'ap Pi. army, -^h^rt m. once f., rim f. rarely m., bin m., b^n m., qjs f. (poet.), nsn-a usually m., x:::: m. (Ch. bin m.)' ' aromatic herbs, cinpn^ . odor, cba and ciia m. I^owder, rxs: f. aromatics, n'530 . around, h 3'3a , 013120 c. suff., ni^i^a , hi^ . arouse, to, 7,30 Pilp., "ifl3> I Hi. arraicrn, to, -ly^ Hi. arrange, to, -i-i-' , rpt^ . aiTanged, to be, -1:13 Ho. arrangement, T\'^.y-2 ra., n3^3.''^ f., Hjisn n f., nijsn f. array, n3iy2 of pers. also ace. of thing., -ii'n Pi. w. b and 3 ., d-^fl , bxttJ K. Pi. (Ch. xr^a c. -(la ., bx'r w. b of pers., w. ace. about which.) asking, an, nbxii5 f. asleep, "jtii^. to fall, ittSi . aS3 . asp, i^ffi^y m., "jps m. aspect, n\'nT3 m., yy 1, di;s plu. (Ch. 1-1 .y asphaltus, "irn m. ass, 'I'Tcn m. wild, see ^is» , -liiy m., x-jg once nns com. (Ch. ins m.) young, 1*is m. ass-driver, ii^:,iD . assail, to, r.En Ho. c. bs?., nnn Po. ■I - T - ' - T (once), rjbn , ^Z'J c bs ., rjD K. Hi., i^a I, n"ip Pi., N-ir H, :;£© Po., - ' T t' T - T together, to, sb^ Hithp. w. b:.' . asfaUar.t, S5-:s'0 . my, ''::s'iU'a . n? ailni.ts, c 'ns assault, an, rsc-o m , -jr-ig m. assav, to, byi H Hi. w. inf. 1; - T assay er, "jina m. a-ssomblage, nsDX f. assemble, to, r^ox , pvi Ni., 1:"^ Ni. w. bs against, d_:3 K. Pi., r\rr: Ni., see ttjiis, 7=;? K. Pi. Hi., bn;? Ni., n;;5 Ni. (Ch. nirs .) themselves, to, see -^la I Hithpal. assembled, rs3~'2 f. to be, TiDX Ni. Hithp., -i^s Ni. (Ch. t:3 Ithp.) assemblies, risps (only in plu.), D'^bn;?^ , nibnpia . assembling, an, bnp m. assembly, npnb f. (once), isi^ m., 15510 m, H-'p_-o m., nio m., mri T f., n^ss and p-i:ry f., bnp m.. T T-: •.' V -: t't n.htiT? f. T ■ ' : place of, 'iS'i-a m. assign, to, pbn Pi. c. b ., lO"^ . assist, to, pm Pi. assistant, n"^ , -"!?- • (poet.) first, n:(E3><-'a , niiix-ib . T ■ T ' T • T hand, l^ ""-J^- large, nnma . last, n:hnx3 , nnni^b . (Ch. —w T -: - T ' T -; - T ^ r"!"^ , peril. chEX .) once, nnxs , rnx3 , ca , ni^2, d"s nnx . (Cli. n-jn? .) that time, tx , "'TX , c'Tn , nra x^inn , Dd . (Ch. 'j-iiix , na XDiat .) T I ■ / the feet of, niba-i^ , 's ibj-^a , B'l'ban bs . the same time, i , ^i and i . (pec. to Pent, and Josh.) the side of, bs . the time, rv . this time, ai'n , ri'3 . rSS , nn? , nx-Tn craa . (Ch. ■,r3 .) what time, -n?3b . atom, pTi , atone for, to, x:3n Pi., "iS3 Pi. atonement, 2"i-s3 m. plu. for, to make, ~eS Pi., Xtt)3 . to make, x::n Pi. attached, to be, pain c. 2 . to, to be, paT and -z'ti <^- - 5 ^ • attack, an, rss^ m. to, X13 w. bv ., bs3 K. c. 3 , Hithp. w. b? ., w":d , ips . attain to, to, x:i^ c. TJ . unto, to, x'l3 w. iy ., X2£^ , :'53 Hi. - ' T T ' - T c. b ., :to: Hi. attempt, to, -^zi , no3 Pi., bs'Q (poet.). (Ch. nbttj w. -i"i c. b .) attend, to, "1*3 K. Pil. Hithpal., nttip K. (once), Hi. \y. "tx., see CTO Hi. to, to, 73 Hi. w. 3 , bx ., iab nr::, bob Hi., -iiauj c. bx , b:? , 2. (Ch. b:tu Ithpa. c, a .) attendant, r~i'r^ . female, nrrb t, n'lttia f. attendants, cs m. attending, z"'iD'Q . attention, 3'rp . attentive, 3':;^p , n'larp f. (plu. only.) to show one's self, ■j-'a Hithp. attire, n"'ia m. splendid, see ttJiiab . attract, to, sts Pi. audience, nSJ'CttJo f. augment, to, nsO (only in imp. and inf.) augur, to, ujn: I Pi. auguries, to take, lljnj I Pi. augury, uin: m. august, x~i'3 . aunt, nTTr^ f. aurora, -inttj'o m., nnaj m. (Ch. X"i3-D-J m.) author, ^x m. authority, qax m., qph m. royal, XS3 m. autumn, v|"iH. and winter, to pass the, rjnn . avail, to, n^'ili c. b of pers. avaritious, to be, see bna . - T avenge, to, ©""n , Cip3 K. Pi. one's self, to, nn: Pi., Dp3 Ni. ' -T '-T Hithp. avenged, to be, cp3 Ni. Ho. avenger of blood, c^n bx J , also bxa without □'nn . aversion, V'lXi'n m., tj'n'O . ' T : : avert, to, X'i3 Hi. w. ",10 ., n:23 Hi., -laS Hi., aw Hi. averter, see bTXTs) . avoid, to, yiQ . await, to, nzi I K. see also Hi. awake, to, vp-i (only future), niis I (only in imp.), v^P ^^ o^^J ^^ ^^ (intrans. poet.) to be, -ins) I. to be wide, nis I Hithpal. awaked, to be, "-liis I Ni. awaken, to, -isis I K. PO., Hi. aware of, to become, yf . - T away from, '^-o . to do, -123 Pi. awe, nxT^ f. T : • awful, X113 . AWL 12 BAN awl, an, s:!^*: m., n^io . awning, an, perh. nB3^ m. axe, an, "(Tna m., ^nn f., b"'t"3 m., rrrrsT? 1, "1:1?^ m., c^-^jt m. axes, nisb"'3 . axle-trees, riT^ . axles, n'lT^, c'i-Q B Baal, Baalim, iSsn , cbsian . baljljle, to, i3n Ni. to lay, n-? Pi., i-iy Po. to make, nba , nb; Pi., tibn . to make one's self, -i^v (once im- per.) barefoot, c^ri , bbiuj. bareness, rn3; f., rnnp f. - I y bark, (as a dog), to, rc3 (once), bark, (strip off), to, r,it5n . bark, to tear off, to strip off, b:jD only in Pi. 2 barley, nISilJ f. barley-bread, Q"'i3?ii3 cnb . barley-harvest, c-'"'i)iu ■^''::p , barley-meal, c"ii''J nrp . barn, d^lx m. barren, nii'sbj , c^:^ , b^iri:^ land, nnbia f. to be, bbtti , b:ii; Pi. T ' •• T barter, s'i^t: I m. (only in Ezra), fT^iinn f. to, n'lS I. - T bars, Qitia I m. plu. laid over, c^BpttS . i base, a, -j-in m., niis^ f., "js II m. base, (adj.), Ui"'2'0 , bfittS . basin, -jjx m., bis'^sx m., -ii*3 m., p^if?: m., no m. a (large), ni m. basis, •(is^ m. basket, see bzj'iSN , n-i'n m., xji: m., 3^bs m., see rT'Sto^ , baskets, D"'X'itl':i. bass, basso, (music), see in ij^'ctti . bastard, "iT^ia . bat, Cj^HiS m. bath, (measure), r3 II com. (Ch. Jn2.) bathe, to, yn'i battering-ram, ^5 m., see bn'p m. battle, n^nb-3 f., n'lp m. (poet.). (Ch. n^^p m.) battle-shout, "itti m. T " battlement, Cl53 f. 'T T battlements, niili'^ai . bay, (color), phto . S' bay, of the sea, dTi "jirb , bdellium, see nb^2 , be, to, rrn (rare and poet.), ti^n K. Ni. (only in pret. and part.), see Uji 2. also Note 1., x^J'O Ni., xnp I- T T t' T Ni. (Ch. nin and x^n , T"'N with pronouns suffixed.) [Note. — -The sub. verb is sometimes expressed by the pronouns. N!in , x-n , an , T^y2r. , -.n .] bead, (of wine), y:} f. beads, a row of, st>ing of, d^lin . BEA 14 EEC beam, niip m. a weaver's, CJiX "i^3l3 . (of a balance), mp m. beams, nirariTs , c';;b:!i and nSrb^ . a layer of, TipiU m. (once.) hewed, nirns . laid over, o'EpttJ . to cover with, '.ed . ' - T to lay, nip Pi. bean, Vid m. Bear, (constellation of the) Great, uiJ? II m. bear, (bring forth), to, see rrin Note, bm and h^n K. Pil., -ib- K. (Hi. only trop.), bs: Hi., ri^s (carry), to, -jt^x I, Ni3 Hi., xb: , 1" TT ' bzD , ti'qy once b^y , early fruit, to, -~z Pi. forth, to, x:i"< Hi. (fruit), to, x^s Hi., nis . T T T T in, to, xi3 Hi. up, to, bi.2 Pilp. Hi., xb2 . ui3on the palms, to, ns:: Pi. beard, "ipt com. bearded chin, -pT com. "tt bearer, b2D m. bearing, a, n'Ji-o m. on the palms, a, n""nQ:3 . beast, n52n3 f., rrn f. (Ch. xm , r^^^n of prey, see rans . ravenous, rrn f., a"? m., v^-iQ T - • - • ■ : the great, rirna , beasts, n-^ra m. (only in sing, collect.) domestic, nma f. coll. of burden, nm: f. coll. of the field, n?:n3 f. coll. (poet.) wild, nrna f. coll. (poet.) beat, to, pet; obn , nP3 K. Pi., yp-i , TiEn K. Po. c. by . down, to, nrs K. Pi. Hi. fine, to, (Ch. bffin .) (in a mortar), to, r^siri , irr pieces, to, pntt) . off, to, :2'zn . out, to, ::5n , rpn K. Pi. beat small, to, pp'ri K. Hi., "jna . (Ch. pp^ Aph.) beaten, nTS , see in :;nr 3. path, nr^n: ---i . small, p'n . small, to be, pp":] K. Ho. (Ch. ppTj .) to be, nrz Ho., rsD Ni., X33 Ni. n=3 Ho., yp-i Pu. TT '- T to feign one's self, y:,3 Ni. beating, a, nti-q f. off, a, 7.p':i m. out, a, r\3^ f. beats, (taps), cbsi (only plu.) beautiful, zvj , HE"' , 'p"> , n^xs . see 7 V T ~ ' T T ' V T " nixsn . (Ch. -1-120} .) foim (or) figure, of a, "xh HE"' m., -XFl nE"! f. to be, HEi , nx3 Pil. (Ch. lEttJ .) to be very, ns"! Pu. to make, see in n^EttJ . trappings, n^XEn "'bs , beautify, to, nE"i Pi-, "xa I Pi. one's self, to, riE"' Hithp. beauty, -in m.. Ton m., "in m., -ron (once), VEn m., r^:: m., •'E'^ m., "^z"- m., nrE"^ f., ip"i m., nxi'a , cyb m., "'~5£ m., -isili m., n^EOi 1, fr^XEFl elsewhere rT'XBFi f. because, -irx (before a pret), mjx rnn , ittJx -!irr2 , -!Ux by , -lUx -r"n by , lUJx ■,5';; ,"'ii3 (later Heb.). (Ch. i'3,by,b-pb .) EEC 15 BEN hecanse that, -laix (before a pret.), "i^'nbr -mix (before a verb), ntiix '^S"^ , -mix -JSTS , -ti) , -rs . (Ch. -^n .) —therefore, 'i:^-, — '3 ■j3?'^ , — "jri become, to, n^n K. Ni. (only in pret. and part.), h n^n . as, like, to, d rr^n . : T T becominoc, rrxD c. b ., m: . ^^ V T : ' VT to be, nxi impers. w. b., nx3 Pil. c. b to (any one.) bed, ss^-' m., n's-o f., r!i"o m., rS'lJ-a m., (13-S5 f. (Ch. •z3-j}i-c m.) (of a garden;, b'nS'a m., ns^n^ f. (of a stream), p^2x or p^EX m. bedimmed, nns f. only. bee, n^i-'n f. beeve, a, -ps com. befall, to, n:x II Pu., r::'n and pni . T T ' - T i .. T 7 NS'O (c. acc. of pers.), x^p II, n''\'p . IT ^ t't t't to cause to, x-^p II Hi. (c. dupl. acc.) before, r.yj , Ciisa , c'l'j-q , c'l'^S , xba , bn^ , see -j-a 2. c, -i53 , i5]b , n=b, n:bb , xb-ny , xb ^uix ns , h'J (after verbs of covering), "^jq cS , ni3Q, t:^:sb , n-'ra^ , ^as-bx , ^sa-nx , ■'jsa , ^:^h , "'DS^^ , ■':3-bs , b=p according to other copies bnp , cip , cnp^ , nrnp , cVjJbai (Cheth.), bi^nr cittibilJ . (Ch. bapb , nnp..) me, I'l-a , "rcb . now, ri-V's "^rsb . that, ipsb (w. intin.) beforetime, nriix'na . beg, to, tti^':; , bxilJ K. Pi. beget, to, nb-' K. Hi. children, to, 'D'^22 Dliu. begin, to, n^n , bbn Hi., see bx"^ H Hi. 1., r'lQ , nns , Ujnp Pi. (Ch. x'nUJ also -r-' -t' -'t ^ t; X"]!!) Pa.) to be, to, iT"n . beginner, rriux'^ f. concr. beginning, n52x , -iD"' m., Ii5x-i I m., iiuJx'i f., ntiix-i f., n'lrx"; , perh. nin© f. (Chetli.), nbnn f. to have a, bbn Hi. beginning.-;, ^onp plu. coustr. begotten of, to be, 'b "^rsia xs^ . begun, to be, bbn Hi. IIo. Behemoth, n'i^na . behind, nnx , iinx^a , "'^nx , '^"nx'2 , ■^nnx-b:^ , ""^^ and nra . to be, -inx (once.) to stay, nnx (once.) behold! nx , xn , )n II, n:n (pers. pronouns are suffixed), xbn . (Ch. !|bx , ^-ix ( only in Dan. ), xn , xn .) behold, to, npa Pi. "w. 2., nin (mostly poet), 1323 Hi., -133 Hi., nxn , baiu Hi., nxtti II Hithp. 'c. b., nnai II K Pil. (Ch. njn and xin.) beholding, to delight in, nTn c. 2 . belch out wicked words, to, ris Hi. Belial, bs^b2 , believe, to, -,0x1 Hi. (absolutely, oftener w. b .) bell, a, "(iiDrs m. bellows, ns^ m. bells, nibaia (only plu.) belly, bflx m., )^3._ t, iri-zn II m., to-;3 , csi'D plu., 3-;ip m., onn com. (Ch. nriD or ayo only in plu.) (of reptiles), -pna m. belong to, to, b n-'n . beloved, -i2 II, see pim:n at end, -iipi , one, n-^f}}^ t, I'ln m., ni-i'i m.. Si n m., n-iyn f. something, n'n^T' f. below, na'sb , nnn , nnn-a , b nnn'o , b rnrn:b after verbs of motion). (Ch. J'"]?. •) belt, a.3ax m., -liTX m., siiin m., n-hn'ia f. Belteshazzar, iSX'Jiabs . belts, Q^niSTp , bemoan, to, n!i3 K. Hithpal. benches (of a ship), tij-ip m. coll. bend, to, njn , -(^En , r|23 , s^s , nre Pi. (only pret.), nis Pi., 0";!^ . (a bow), to, -^1^72 J puis , nri3 , espec. back the head, to, nS>:i . BEN 16 BIX bend forward, to, r;rd Ni. one's self, to, rs':> Ni., ni5 Hithp. the arrows, to, can --^n . the knee, to, r,-;3 , r-3 . bending, a, n:^^ m. down, a, nriST f. beneath, nzi-*: , nurb , rnn , rnnia , b nnr^ . benediction, nD-13 f. benefactor, rx ni. benefactress, C5< f. beneficence, (Ch. nj?ns f.) benefit, h^^^ m., nb^iizi f., lia , isi:: 1, : T : ' T to, t^j w. bs ., 3::^ Hi., •,=D w. b , benefits, n:n3 , c-non , ■;';:j-! m. benevolent, Try. , 3".:: . benign, 3"0 , D*s: . to show one's self, non Hithp. benignity, see n3'ia , 3. Benjamin, "|''t:^;3 . bent, (inclined), siibrj w. b . to be, n-r Ni., ns'2. bequeath, to, n^: Hi. w. dat. of pers., ace. of thing, bereave, to, bbr and hzia Pi. Hi. ' ' T *• T bereaved, bni'r , nb^3ffl f. to be, bbo and brii: , bereavement, bizttj m., n^bsaJ plu- bereaver, a niiglity, bisOJiQ i'i3a . berry, -';n; m., n"i3 f. beseech, to, 's "'rs Hin , bxaj •. beset, to, n^n , -11 :j I. besides, bs , rx I, nx H, nsb w. ',13 ., in-bs , "'IsbaTS , ■^nb33 (where a neg. precedes), rbiT , '"Q yin , in'"'"' , ir^ , b , 1^ , nis , b? , n-ssb , -3Q-br , pn (after a neg.) that, ^irx ""nbs, ^. i~ii . besiege, to, -iin , HDn , n:j3 L n^a I, -i-;S Hi. besieged, to be, -iia^3 X"i3. besiegers, n'>"is'3. besmear, to, nia . besom, st:;s:2T3 . besprinkled, to be, nij Pu. best, the, 3bn m., 3^:3 ra. (w. gen.), 3::"'T2 m. (w. gen.), n"'icx"i f. l)art, the, 3-"iQ m. (that which is), irx-i I m. (whatever is), in3i3 m. (only in constr.) bestead, hard, r^^p': , bestow, to, "irn (w. 2 aces.), n*tt3 Pi. w. br of pers. upon, to, -1:0 (w. 2 aces.) bestrewed, to be, n^t Pu. Bethel, bs n"3 . bethink one's self, to, pais Hithp. c. b. Bethlehem, cnb r.^3 , betray, to, nbs Pi., nas Hi. *^ TT - T betroth, to, iij-ix Pi., nr" (w. ace. and betrothed, to be, qnn Ni. better, to be, -in3 Ni. w. '.-o ., 3^:"' w. - T ^ " T between, •,•'3 , "'3 bx (after a verb of motion), •]-3 bs (after a verb of mo- tion), b n'lrSTO , -ins . (Ch. -ps .) betwixt, ■j-'S , bewail, to, ins Hithpal. one's self, to, nsi Hithp. beware, to, nm Ni., mattJ K. Ni. w. r-a . lest, T]11523 -iTiffl seq. ",3 . of, to, bnn and b-n (vr. -.^ and inf.) beyond, b nxbno . xb3 , "i3r-bx , b n3"p , b? , -(^ pin- . thee, nxbm r,a'C . bezel, see nxb-Q , 3p3 m.. r'n m. bezels, n'^lStti-Q . bid (to a banquet, &c.), to. x^p; I. biennium, D";r3a5 . bier, n-j-2 f., 33U;^ m. big with j-oung, 3^b33-2 plu. bile, m-i'^ f.. m'-:^ f. bill, (writing), a, 120 m. of divorce, n^o m. billows, D-ib: , c-a^iir (only ulu.) bind, to, cbx Pi , iDS , tt:3n , tp:; , -ittip K. Pi.'^tCh. rS3 Po. Pa.) around, to, -tx , C3r ~'n . BIN 17 BLI bind, by a pledge, to, bin , fast, to, '£,zn K. Pi., ptn . fast to, to, pTn Hi. in, to, n-irf w. a . on, to, iB^n, n5S , or-n , tinn . to, to, -OS , c=n . together, to, tiba , lii^i I, 1-1:1 . up, to, uisn Pi. c. b ., -i5is I, n-^s . up a wound, to, dsn . upon, to, 1 r p w. ace. and bs . upon one's sjlf, to, laip Pi. binding up, a, -iitt: I m. bii-d, n-E:sn b?2 (poet,), nieu com. (Cli. ns:: .) angry, see ns3S . clamorous, n^x f. of prey, ir'n f. ravenous, a^s m. (species of rapacious), see nxn . (species of) ravenous, nx^ f . (once.) (species of) unclean, rs^asi'n f. young, bjiiv m. bird-cage, z^bs m. birds, qis m. coU., m"s^ com. coll. (Ch. tl^y .) like, ninl'sb. . of prey, z:"'S m. coll. birth, nn^n , nnbiia f., n-i-i^ia and nni='?3 f. at, un-i?3 . earlier, nil's a f. of noble, a"*"?! . to declare one's, nb^ Hithp. birthright, niban as'iJa . to, to give the, ira Pi. bit, (bridle), ban m., snp m. (morsel), na f., nins . bite, to, -iiJ: K. Pi., y^p . biters, n'^rnbis , nir^n^ (only constr.) bitter, 1^ , "I'^n^ , grief, MT'-lia f. herbs, D"'l'l''a . injury, n:sb f. lot, njsb f., 175 m., tiin'-na plu. things, nii'ia . to be, -1113 . to make, 1173 Pi. Hi. 3 bitterly, 1^, ni-^ H, d-^iniian I. in, to act, 11:2 Pi. ■with, to deal, 1173 Hi. w. b . bitterness, 113 m., ni^a II f., ni73 f., ni'af.,nni-'i'3 f., niiTs 1 to be in, li^: Hi. bitternesses, n"^1i:s73 , tjiinl'in L bitumen, I'an m. to daulj -wdth, i7:n . bivium, rpin CS . black, DW , -httj . ^ T to be, to become, 'n ntt5 II. blackness, linj m. blade, anb m., nanb f. blains, rrarax . blame, D'lix m., nTSUSx f. T T » : ~ free from, "^p;-. to bear the, san Pi. blameless, d^Tsn . to be, D73n . bland, pbn , r^i . to be, pbn , r^al . blandishments, nipbpbn . blaspheme, to, C]ia Pi., apa . blast (of trumpets), rpn m, fof wind), n^il f. blast, to, n"i!U . blasting, a, msi'j H f., nsill5 i, "JlB'nai m. blaze, a, isis ra. blemish, tjiixia , dits m., nnirc m., yjj m. without, (adj.), ti"'72n . bless, to, r,ia Pi. (Ch. r,ia Pe. Pa.) one's self, to, Tjia Ni. Hithp. constr.. w. a . blessed, Tjfiia . one, n3ia f. concr. T T : to be, I'ix or iiiSs Pu. to call, mis or mix Pi. blessedness, ^1'JX (only plu. constr.),. loSx . blessing, a, natia once n:f 3 f-i see pjs' m. an object of, naia f. concr. the divine, nini naia . T 1 - : blight, noittj n f ., nsnid f ., "jiBn^fl m. BLT 18 BON blind, -nw . to, -nns Pi., liiy III Pi., yyui Hi. to make, n^s III Pi. blinded, to be, nvv II, yyi:n . blood, CI m., Q'^r^'n plu. T • T * relative, bx2. blood-guiltiness, c'n m., n'^r'n plu. blood- kindred, nsiy m., nisaS f. blood-relationship, n"ix';j f. blood- relatives, 'ixui m. bloodshed, en m., cian plu., ns-^T? m. bloom, rr^s m. to, -jriis Hi. blossom, yj m., nS3 f., 1523 m., see l-iTZp , n^D m. an opening, 'X^^ m. to, rr^s K. Hi., y^'s, Hi to make, n~S3 Hi. blot out, to, nrr?: K. Hi. blotted out, to be, IBS Pu., nma Ni. blow, a, T^ f., n3^ f., rro m. blow away, to, nsi K. c. a , Hi., nss Hi. (once.) the trumpet, to, isbin (only in part.), -lElili rpn or -iS'iTl'2 'Fi, to, ns3 , ::u:3 c. 3 upon., ci'rs , rws, ' T up a fire, to, irsa ns3 . upon, to, nss K. c. 3 , Hi., Cjuis c. 3 ., ros Hi. blown up, to be, piEJ Pu, blows, n'lE^n'O , bludgeon, nr"nm. blue, see rbsn . dark, nbDn f- blunted, to be, h^-0 Hithpal., tinp K. Pi. bluntness, n-i-sa m. blush, to, ctx Ilithp. board, a, ra I m., nib m., Tyn;? m., ciTHl5 (only constr.) boards, to cover with, "ED . boast, to, b\n, nns Hithp., ni'i. boast one's self, to, -it:x Hithp,, hhf^ Ilithp. boasters, n'''na II, d-ibb-n , boasting, n^Tno f. vain, 12 II m, boat, iVs m, Boaz, tra . body, bix m., nba m., trs II f., nira 1, nsna f., nnn f., c-ia m„ oiinb or nwb m., -lij m. (poet), tiSS f., QSS m., peril, isfis m. (Ch. taisa .) dead, n*'a f-, nc^iaf., r.ia dsj . (of soldiers), (ijx-i I m, politic, "^ia m. body-guard, n2a m. (Ch. naa .) boil, a, 'pno m, boil forth, to, rS3 . over, to, a3n-i . to, iic;2 or btr2 Pi., nn-i Pu. to be made to, "n:n Poalal. to cause to, ns>2 . to make to, nr~i Pi. Hi. up, to, ^rn , ajr'n . boiled, the, br2 m., nb"r2 f. to be, biri2 or bui2 K. Pu, - T *• T boiler, liirri m, boilers, ti"'S"i>l'n , ribt"2^ . boiling, (adj,), "pTi , (sub.), nn-i m. (only plu, c. suff,) (of waves), irn m. u}), a, tno m. boiling-places, nVs^i":^ . bold, -IT2X concr., pry . boldly, naa , bolsters, see nincs , bolt, n^"i2 m., b^irsr m., bvi-q m. to fasten with a, b'Jz . -T bolt (a door), to, br3 , bolts, to close with, n2? Pi. c. i;£b . bond, a, "iitx m., "i^iox m., r'lbr: f., (Ch. n^ox.) bondage, r!n2'' f. bonds, fp'T , cidS^q and niiDi'^ m. (only plu.), ti'nbs' and nirb^ . to put in, nox . b»ne, ti'13 m. (poet.), DS:; f. (Ch. ti'ia,) (of arm), the upper, mp m. BON 19 BOW bone, the very, D~ia m. hones, the, w:!'" m. coll. book, -rs m., nVais f., "^SS m., n^BO f. (Ch. nb^ , "^Ep m.) of the law, -ed , lED H^S^ . to unfold (or) open a, "lEp nba . booth, r,b m., nsp f., T^iU ni. booty, T2 m., nja (later Heb.), ns-ibn f., rrirriD m., ns'iiia m. w. T'., nB'IJTa f., n? m., ^ar m., bb'i" m. T ■ : - • : T T border, b^ini m., nb-iza f., "T m., C133 f., Z313 m., r,r3 f., n'lap'a f., nsb f. upon, to, b:a w. 3 ., r;s c. 3 , bs . western, d-^ b^i^a . borders, n^sbd . bore, to, :;r3 , "^"J . out (the ej^e), to, -i]?3 . through, to, see -|!i3 I, 2|?5 . bom, Ti^i , T'b^ . a male, to be, "isT Ni. in the house, r"3 T'b'i . one, nb"' m. to be, N-13 Ni., bin Ho. PuL, lb" Ni. Pu. Ho., bsa . to let be, NS"' Hi. TT borne, to be, ■,'ox I Ni., sicj Ni., nsn Hi. borrow, to, n^b, nil5D H, a3» , bNttJ . to let, nib Hi. borrowed, bi."*© . borrower, n'lb , na33 . bosom, 3h m., p'ln or p^n (Cheth.), p^n m., -jsh m. boss (of a shield), 35 m. botch, •pnaj m. both, n-rr w. suffs., o-^j-^j os . — and, tia— na , tiai— da , i — 1 , ">?— I - , •li'?— ■'9 • ' together, inx3 DH-'Sai . bottle, p^2p3 m., nti: m., b33 and b33 m., r,2 m. a leathern, z'lS , Man m. bottom, p'^ss or p-'Bxm., rp'ip m., irnib m. of a pit, (Ch. pisix f.) bough, -js m. (poet), ra f. (poet), n23 f., na^ m., cjisD m., nss-ip f-, ClJS m., tjJS (once), mx3 f-, "I'^Sp m., rjib m. (Ch. D?? .) bough, to, -ixB I Pi. topmost, see m^l . boughs, ni'bn (only plu.), 153? m., TNIQ, ^■'Sp? m. coll (Ch. -^ss .) to go over the, 'ixs I Pi. to lop off the, r,ro Pi. ' bound, (sub.), bsiTsa m., pn m., see mxn in end. TV- to, b3a . bound, (adj.), "nox . fast, to be, p-(n . one, -i-^px , n-ex m., -iJiax . to be, ^•q'H Pu., pn^ Pu., see ipto . together, -i-^Tit (once.) together, to be, "nrp Ni. bound up, ^ "I's'Q . T : bound-up places, n"^p3^ . bounding, a, ttjs"! m. bounds, tiib!i3a and nibsisa . around, to set, baa Hi. bountiful, to be, lis Pi. bow, a, attJp m., nrp com. bow down, to^ ran , r33 Hi., niJJ Hithp., see nnp H, o"!p , nntt5 K. Hithpal., nnttj , down, to make, yis Hi., nnoi Hi. dowTi upon the knees, to, 2?n3 . one's self, to, C]S3 , n?s . one's self down, to, ina . the knee, see Tp3X . the knee, to, see Tip H. to, C1E3 , y^3 , n::3 K. Hi. bowed down, those, tjiEiisS . down, to be, C)B3 , ni3J Ni., nss , nsmi K. Hi. (Cheth.),^ nnilJ K. Ni. bowels, sea yq^^ 3, ti^bp3 , D-'S'^ (only plu.), 3np m., b'^nri'i . bowing down, a, nm' f. bowl, a, "jax m., yi^j m., ba m., n^a f., Tip m., bsp m. (only in Judges), n^Sp f. ' sacrificial, pity m. bowls, m'»p373 (only in plu.), niiup (only plu.) bowman, nt'p m. BOW bowmen, nip>— 'ina?: , piib;r com. box, TiOX m., nrn f. (Egyptian word.) box-tree, see i!|f xn . ])oy, -,2 m., -lb;; m., nya I m., bbir m., boyhood, -53 m. boyishness, (for concr.) boys, D"'blb"P , bracelet, msss f., 'i">7:s m. bracelets, nT^tlJ , braces, ninan^ . braid, j-ix m., nh? com. to, s'^X . braided, (something), -i'^33 m. braided work, rhr rttvq . braids (of hair), risbnia . bramble, b'")n m., n}p m. branch, p m. (poet.), na f. (poet.), rri'irT f., PES f., na?? m., -1^5 m., Cj-'SCJ m., ns3i-it3 f., Tirs , ri.Jr (once), n-^xQ f., nbW f. (Ck ':]3s> '. j degenerate, -iso m. with thick foliage, ni5 com. Branch, the, pirs , branches, d"":^3 I, n'i'b'n (only plu.). nisro (only plu.), nsi-i's , c-'iir , c^tiix"! , ti-r-ib . fuu'of, ?:s / . green, nil sis. interwoven, r,2D m. thick, T(3iiu . waving, Cinbn . brand, a, n»i3 1, ^3 II (once.) brandish, to, qfls Pil. brandished, to be, bs-i Ho. (only.) brandishing, see "pnp , brass, nojin: f. (poet.), see ona , rffinj com. (Ch. ajn: m.) (any thing) made of, nojini f., naJns com. burnished, polished, smooth, bcrn m. brave, "itrx concr., see irrn II part, pass, to show one's self, pm Hithp. bray, (as an ass), to, pns . bray, (in a mortar), to, "nnTj, ttJr3 . brazen, ttJiina . 20 BRE brazen sea, ptijnsn w^ , ps^i^a n'P . (seqjent), tlie, see •,najn3 . thing, rnu^n3 f. breach, p-13 m., -,—13 m., irq and ^rtli m. breaches, Q-'r^pa , Q"'p"'pi . to repair, pn3 . bread, '(Stj m., snb com. a cake, loaf of, cnb "133 . white, ■'-n I m. bread-basket, bo m. bread-cake, j""s^ m. bread-corn, tanb com. breadth, 3n"ii3 m., snn m., nn'-i m. (Ch. -ips m.) break, to, obn , bbn Pi. Hi., ppn Hi., PP3 K. Pi., vs: K. (only in pret. and inf. abs.), Pi., 'pri , y'-i'a , png ^ -i-jg IK. (once). Hi. (always trop.), a"i3 , r-D , ??■; , ",'s-; , nsr . (Ch. nrn H.) asunder, to, rnj K. Pi., r-ig . away, to, pna , ^wS , -j'-q Hithp. aAvay, to let, yis . bread to, to, b tinb D"^B . down, to, 1^113 K. Pi., z'V H, y s , UJ!li-i Po., nittj , ■for one's self, to, see nstti Ni. forth, to, i-p3 Ni., p'^s and P'a K. Hi., pns, y^B, q>-p, , ir^:j. (Ch. r-'j or p'-a Aph., q-jp .) forth into joy, to, p;-i P2£S . forth, to cause to, sps Pi., P"'2 and P'lj, -l-JQ . forth, to let, pbs Pi. forth upon, to, yng w. 3 of pers. in, to, Din . - T in pieces, to, ;-S3 , rTj Pi., D-ij Hi., x:^ Pi., n=n Pi.', pp-^ k! Hi., ppp Hi., pa Pil. PHp., p:is Pi., p~D Pi., """a K. (once), iUHQ , nna , -ii"i , r.nn K., so ; also Pi., DS-i K. Hi., yj , PS" Pi., ysi Pi. Hi., rr-^ Po., -i-uj K.Pi., q^lU. (Ch. ppTi Aph., 2?;-;.) in upon, to, in- c. br ., rrp Po, (once), v-.Q w. 3 of pers. 1 BRE 21 BEI break off, to, pns K. c. b?T3 , Pi., tp_p^ , off from one's self, to, p-\Q Hithp. c. ace. open, to, yjra K. Hi. out, to, onn K. Pi., rP3 , vrj K. PL, n^s, 7-13, Ti^p. (Ch. r,^p.) throusfh, to, spa w. a ., ->pn c. acc, 2 , through into, to, -irn w. 3 . through to, to, 5)p2 Hi. w. bNt . up, to, cbn , -j^s: Pi., on: , nbs Ni., pry Hi.' ' - T up (a camp), to, sp3. up (with the plow), to, n-'S . breakers, 2i-i2ttJi3 . breaking, a, rtz^pf f-, ns'-i 1, -i2ld and -121) m., 'p-^'IJ m. down, a, -12 3 and ^2'^ m. forth, a, v'TS m. in, a, pi'inn'a f. in pieces, a, r\T\o-c f ., n5£") m. up, a, sa-a m., i^-is m. with one anotlier, brethren, nx ' ' T saJEJ . breast, pTi m., nu3 m., nuj I m. (Ch. *,i";n plu.) a full, T-'T m. (of animals), nTn m. breastplate, -(Ujn m., Sinn m. breasts, •'^'n (only in du. constr.) breath, b2n,^2n, ttjs: com., mar? f., nin f. (Ch. xTD'r? f.) of air, of life, nil f . to take, uJE3 Ni. -T vital, nn-i f. breaths, to, n23, 2'iS3 c. 2 upon., qyjj, r!!i2. after, to, 2nx and 2ns . - T • T hard, to, sn: , rixUJ . out, to, nr; w. nit:: ., nis Hi. out (one's life), to, r-s (mostly poet.) breathing, a, ^2.1 , n-c'JJJ f., nmn f. ^ V V ' T t; ' TT : (adj.), n2^. out, a, ns"? m. breathing-time, nm'l f. breed, s^t . breed, to, "iSS Pi. abundantly, to, vnoS . breeze, ni-i f. brethren, my, lax "'ja . briars, c-i'^D and nV'^D m. bribe, a, nrni? f., nnttJ m. to, IDJU. brick, n32b f. brick-kiln, 'f^h/q m. bricks, to make, "jrb . bridal-bed, nsn f. bridal state, nibiibs plu. bride, nbs 1, nrb? f. bridegroom, •]nn m. bridle, see m2"'b2 , b2n m., "jb") m. brier, seens'io. briers, vn'p m. coll. bright, -n'x3 , n-'na , ni'uSs , ns . and sharp, to make, nn2 K. Hi. looks, (Ch. rT m., in the plu.) to be, nix , bbn , nffls , nnjt . to make, see in niBilJ . brighten up, to, -in3 H. brightness, ^x com., "iMt m., "ints m., nnp m., 2nb m., ptsb f., nnw t, y'^ m., -isit) m., n-stt) f. (Ch. 1^7 m.) golden, 2nT m. (in the skin), fi'^fl? f. brimstone, n"'"iE5 f. bring, to, nnx Hi. (poet.), x''2 Hi., b2"' "' ' T T ^^ - T I Hi. (poet.), npb , sri: Pi., Xto5 , -12? Hi., 2ip I Hi., xrttj Pi. (once). -T -'t TT ^ (Ch. nnx Aph., b?^ Aph., 2*^^ Pa. Aph.) about, to, 220 . again, to, 21© Hi. again and again, to, 2*103 Hi. away, to, xi2 Hi. (Ch. nrs Aph.) away from, to, 2*17 I w. •^•o . back, to, xi2 Hi., 2niU K. Pil. Hi, down, to, in-i Hi. (Ch. nns Aph.) down upon, to, 'jn Hi. forth to, n"'a and n'i , see n'nrt Note., b2n Pi., bw and bTi K. Pil., nb"' K in Hi. onlytrop., XS"^ Hi., ubia Hi., U355 Hi., bs3 Hi., see s=:53 K. 4, nbs Pi., aba Pi, BRI 22 BRO n-i9 , nr:c Hi., 2-1 p I Pi. (Ch. pB: Ilaph.) Ibring forth (herbage), to, x'i'n Hi. fortli thousands, to, tibn Hi. (Keri.) forth, to help, nb"* Pi. forth to light, to, s::"' Hi. home, to, xia Hi, in, to, Nia Hi. (Ch. bbs Aph.) in as with a flood, to, rpttj . low, to, r:3 Hi., yns Hi., nnu3 Hi., bsttS Hi. ' near, to, a5;3 Hi., anp I Pi. Hi. (Ch. 2-!P Aph.) on, to, 3'^p I Hi. out, to, Tfljj NS'J Hi. (Ch. p23 Haph.) out fully, to, pSD H Hi. over, to, tij . (quickly), to, yii Hi. to an end, to, vi^ Pi-, "ir-5 . (Ch. to light, to, t;: Hi. to remembrance, to, i3T Hi. together, to, n~ip I Hi. to pass, to, x'3 Hi. to, to, N13 Hi., NJt'a Hi. w. bs . up, to, b'li Pi., r\h*J Hi., nan Pi., C!n Pil. up tlie rear, to, c^cx K. Pi. upon, to, nT3 Hi. c. Vs , biinging a trespass offering, a-'x (adj ) of a tresspass offering, the, n^'i'x f . up, a, njr-x f. bristle, to, -17:0 . bristling, iro . *-' T T broad, :m . and large, to make, nrs Hi. long and, rrTl . place, jjoji and yuji m. to make, m Hi. to make long and, ani Hi. broad-sided, cni alTi m., n*;'!'' n:n~) 1 brocade, nis2tt3?3 with nriT . broken, 7,-^ , nn , iJiatU . (Ch. T^nn ) and contrite heart, nsir "^auJ: rb . broken down, to be, yp: Ni. Pu. (once pret.). Ho. (once fut.), vng Pu., uii""i Pu. in pieces, to be, xr'n Ilithp., n;'n (once Chcth.), nrn Pi., itj::; Ni., y!i3 Ilithpal., p'^s Ilitlip., r:;-i Hitlipo., iii'^-j Pu. (Ch. ppn ,) Tin spirit), S3"J3 , XS^ . (in spirit), to be, xdt Pu. in upon, to be, rp2 Ni. into, to be, ypa Pu. off, to be, y-\p Pu. open, to be, rp2 Ho. (something), (jj-ia . thing, a, ns^p f. to be, J>s2 (see addenda), ynj Ni., D-^a (once), x:':^ Pu., ni'n Ni., - T ^ T T T r npn , nns Ho., n-g I Hithpo., 71="^ , 5?-;! , -j^x-; , lauj Ni. Ho. very small, x3^ . brood, a, niSX m., irnT , nn"iQ m., r!i3HP f. brood, to, -.JTi . over, to, pn") Pi. l>rook, p-isx or p-isx m., bz^ia I m., br3 m., sbs m. brooks, abs m. coll., n'jbs (only plu.) broom, xax::!? ni., cr'"i m. broth, r'ra m., rrio m. ' T T ' T T brother, nx I ni. (Ch. nx .) hus1)and's, cz"^ m. next, second, njirTS m. brother-in-law, C-^ m. rr brotherhood, n"nx f. brother's wife, n^n"^ f. brought do\vn, to be, T^i K. Ho. (Ch. ppis Hoph. after the Heb.) forth, to be, ^r1 Pu. - T in, to be, xi*2 . low, to be, bb'n K. Ni., ?:3 Ni., - T ~ T 7,rT3 K. Ho., -'r^ , rniu K. Ni. Hithpo, to be, npb Ni. c, bx , Pu, pret, and Ho. fut., X5:"0 Ni., zao , ■ZIP INi. (Ch. nrx Hoph.) up, to be, bn; Pu., nbr Ni. ^ - T T T upon, to be, n:J< II Pu. BKO 23 BUB brow, 11'4'q m. bruchus, c75 m. bruise, xs'n , ni^sn and n-i!i3n f. to, Tirji. bruised, one, m'lia m. - T to be, xsn Pu. bruising, S2^ . brushwood, □"'O'sn plu. brutish, -1^3 concr. men, C"7\ m. bucket, "bn m., ■^b'n ni., ns f. buckler, riiS f. buckthorn, southern, iXiH m. bud, a bursting, -iSias m. buffalo, see rxi . buffet, to, ,135 Hi. buffoon, ;r ? . build, to, n:3 , r^b'j I, nitSs Pi., nip T T ' T T ~ T t't Pi., nn-i Pil., nrj and a^b . (Ch. a house for any one, to, n33 w. ace. of pers. a wall, to, -in a . a wall upon, to, bs -il; -iTa . around, to, 330 Hi. on, to, ,-133 w. 3 . over, to, n:3 w. ace. of place on which, up, to, -i-Qs I, n:3 , irs I Hi., niip Pil. upon, to, •('cx I Hi. builder, •^^'^on. I m. building, a, nirs f., "33 m., n33T3 m. (Ch. i;3i.)"' a high, n''~i:i m. a large, bsTi com. mode of, rT'Srw f. buildings, fallen, nbs'a and nbsna f. built, to be, (Cli. b3G Po.) Bui, (month), b^s m. bull, IS and is m., see -liir. bullock, '-■'3X (poet.), T\^'kn , "13 and ~,3 m., "liiii 111. a young, b;y m. bullock-ox, -13 -iiii5 , bulrush, n3X m., y^iii m., a-q'^ m, bulrushes, !ins (Egyptian word), tjiiD m. bulwark, 3a m., ^■\^ri m., m:ia I m., nniisa f. bulwarks, niias? . bunch, rrnsx f., bisujx m. bundle, prnjx f., nr33 1, "liia m. of grain, nabx f. burden, a, r]Ds m., see in ^Ti^ , no^ria f., N'lai: m., bt:; m., njjfiiaa f., bao m., bab m. heavy, npysna f. to become a, b30 Hithp. burdens, nib 30 (plu. constr. only.) burdensome, 133 . to be, yj^ Hi., 133 w. bs . to make, m:ir) I Hi t't burial, nnnp f. burn, to, -irs K. Pi. Pu., pb'n , jn-in (only of anger), n-in , ns'^ K. (only in fut), Ni. Hi., ipi K. Ho., nrs I Ni., -jnb I, see ibo, n-i;? , n-jf? I Hi., rarely Pi., t\lii I w. ace, qTd. (Ch. pb^, "ip^) "' _ _ incense, to, ^i:p I Pi. Hi. to cause to, -1^3 K. Pi. Hi. to let (anger), n-rn Hi. c. bs . to make, unb I Pi., pb'n Hi, up, to, -ir3 K. (mostly w. 3), HL, rjnb I Pi., :]-ib I. with anger, to, -inn Ni. with anguish, to, pbn . with zeal, to, N3p Pi. burned, nbp3 . to be, -i23, ns'' K. (only fut.) Ni., ni3 Ni., -1133 I Ni., 3TS Ni., nniD I Ni. Pu. ' - T burner (of the dead), ?1";D?3 . burning, a, niS3 f., "nn m., Tipi m., n's's f., ipiT3 m., n'=5: f., nx^a f., nbp5 , r.Qiiy f. (Ch. x-ip-i f.) ' ' (adj.), 312 . (Ch. xn^pi f. emphat.) anger, C]X -(l-n . arrows, n"p"'| , D^pt , coal, nbnj f., ens m. fever, innn m., nn^p f. BUR 24 CAL burning for, to make a, h ns^iu "*](!) . mass, -i!ip"' . place of, nnSP f. (with lust), c^ns part. plu. burnings, ri*E'ii3"a (plu. constr. only.) burnished brass, braJn m. plate (of gold), y"2 m. burnt clay, (Ch. r)on m.) in, a mark, "3 II (once.) offering, nbi? f. (Ch. nb? f.) offering, a whole, b''h^ m. spot, n''3^ f. burst, to, pns , laaJ Hi. forth, to, IT'S and ni'a . forth, to be, -iriD Ni. open, to, -las Hi. bursting bud, -in:;Q m. bury, to, ')'::: K. Hi., izp K. Pi. bush, n-'Ui II m. bushes, n-'^ II m. coll. biisiness, "1;"^ m., vgn m., nrsbia f., ntoS^ m., nbilj^ w. 1^ or QiT'^ ,, mhs f., '"IS m. (only in Eccle.), br'E m. (poet.), nh'Q f. (Ch. x'i-'2S f.) busy, to, n:? II Hi. but, bDX , cbiis once c^S , "s (after particle of exception), sib'CSt (after a neg. particle), i (before adversative clauses), •'S I (preced. by a neg.), 13 CX . (Ch. B-^a , -,nb .) also, but even, 13 qx . if, ix , OX ■'S . (Ch. -,n -^^ .) no, •'s I. since, i , si and 1. 1 ' T but truly, •'S I (rarely). yet, bas (later writers), obflx , DBS ■IS , •'S I (rarely). when, DX ^3 . butler, nt5!l3iQ m. chief, see isbr . buttock, nu5 I m. buttocks, see rp^ ^ nsbBia f. buttress, see b^x . buy, to, rriB II, nn^ II, njt? . (Ch. -j^t , xsp.) off, to, ri3p . t't buyer, rtJp. buzz about, to, rrcrt . by, bx , bsx , 'b bsxx: , nx II, 2 , nra and lya , iaa (poet), ')^ , bs , bsia b , bsia , cs , nas (once), nasb . (Ch. nib .) day, D**^ , ci'n , ctsi'i . himself, •ia;a . me, 'I'l'^a , •'■IBS . night, nb-jb . (bh. x^b^b c» .) one's self, nab (w. suff.) order of, "'B'b? . the wall, na''5S . the way side, ""inli bs . by-way, aTiS m. (poet.) by-word, n^ia f. (poet.) to use a, bllJTS . byssus, yna m., iliuj III (Egyptian word), cloth of, -jriia m., UJUJ IH. Egyptian, iiitij III. c cab, (measure), ap m. cage, njiio . Cain, ',';|5 . cake, nti5-<'rx f., rtbn f., njs also n;s f. a flat, n-^n-B:! f- a (kind of), "jiis m. a round, njs f., bibs , b-'b:! (Keri.) a sweet, -mib m., perh. sss (once.) a thin, p^pi . cake baked on hot stones, CBsn nrS . of bread, onb -33 . cake-buffoons, 5i*y^ ^arb . cakes, n'r^tiJx f. (a species of), n^a'ab . round, cban f. plu. unleavened, nisia riiss' . calamities, niin (only plu), C^nha^ , nauji; m. (only in plu. c. suff.) CAL 25 CAR calamity, -(ix m., T'x m., bsx m. (poet.), nbss f., n-^h, .Tn. f. (Cheth.), an m., nxan f., ^hn m., 7,rn m., 1^3 m., b^b , ns-a f., -na m., "iSD also 133, "(is ni., n-iQ m., yn m., nsn f., Kll^ m. calamus, as m., see njp . caldron, "iiiasx m. calf, ba? m., nbas f., ii'ia m. calix, s-2a m., bsna . call, to, nrs , X"!? I, r^'r Pi. Hi. aloud, to, ^a-i Pi., bip xiu; . by name, to, -pj . for, to, xia Hi. forth, to, x"ip I. out, to, xn;5 I. (Ch. x">p .) to mind, to, ^dt K. Hi. to, to, ibip ]m c. b ., X"ii? I w. bs of pers. together, to, py: Hi., p?s Hi., bnp Hi. TV. bs against., x"^p I. upon, to, prT Hi. upon the name of, to, 's cttSa X"ip . called, X"'"^p . to be, X"ip I Ni. Pu. t' t together, to be, pST Ni., pSJt Ni. calling together, a, xnpo m. callous, to become, p^3 . calm, a, ."n:r^ f. (adj.), np;j (Keri.) to, nittJ Pi. caltrop, "I'^n?! m. calyx, ny2p f. camel, bra com. a young, -id3 m. camels, swift, rn'"i3i3 . camp, n:n's usually m. camps, rr^'j-n m. plu. can, (verb), b'3^ . (Ch. bs'^ or ba'^ , Canaan, *,?53 . canal, "I'x"^ m. (Egyptian word.) canals (for oil), m"-in:s . candelabra, 'iixia m., mi'sia f. (Ch. NPKJ-^ra f.) candlestick, I'^'x'a m., n-11'3^ f. (Ch, xn'jjia: f.) 3 cane, a, c;x m., TMp m. cane, cultivated, sweet, njp m. canopy, nsn f. cap, nsajTa f. capable, see b'^n 4. caper-berry, nji'ax f. capital, dx'n I m. (of column), nnS3 , n-ins f., DBS f. capons, see 0'^"*.3"i3 . Cappadocia, see nnE3 2. captain, n(t3 . captivate, to, npb . captive, (adj.), "^aa) . (sub.), T'px m., -fSX m., -i!|DX , bbi'iii m. T to be carried away, nba . to be made, lox Pu. - T to be taken, npb Pu. pret. and Ho. fut. to carry away, nb^ Hi. (Ch. nba , xba Aph.) to hold, to lead, na':3 . T T to take, n=b , nattS , ilisn . -t' tt' -t captives, nbi'a f. coll., nb-ian 133 , niba f. coll.,, Di!)3«J , riSttJ and n-'S!!^ f. concr., 13UJ m. concr., n'^a-J f. captivity, nbir, f., niba f., riatl) and rcaiB f., ■'aaj m., n'^a'ii f. (Ch. nsiba f.) to go into, nba . capture, ^Db m., mso m., nn^lS^ f. to, nab , npb . captured, to be, (uep Ni. car, nbas f. caravan, nn-^k f., n"pT3 also X'pia m., n^jij f. ' ' T T caravans, n'*3''bn (only in plu.) caravanserai, ■ji'br m. carcass, n''i5i f., nbaa f., nbna f., ijq m. carcasses, nbaJ f. coll., ^jg m. coll. care, nips f., nn-n f., t^ f., nnps f. t't - T T — . T t'... : for, to, uj'^'n , "iin w. bx ., yT' , a33 Hi., -id: Hi., ny-i , -iruS c. -T -T TT? TT of, to be taken, "jiis Ni. of, to take, "ipa Pi., tti'i'n , 113 Hi, *ipB , nx-i . '■ T ' T T CAE 26 CAS care, to, rVbx csiit) w. inf. and h . to take, ~5-bN CVJ . cared for, to be, nx~i Ni. carefully, Z'^^T" . (Cli. N'n^Tl'iX , x:~BD5<.) careless, "jrx'r , is'JJ . caress, to, '5 1:5 nkn , pn^i Pi. caressed, to be, rs'ui Polp. caresses, n'^nn (only in plu.) caries, rpn m. carious, to be, ;p"i . Carmel, h'C^ . carouse, a, xzb ni. carousing, a, ir'ii I m. carpenter, ttj^n m., fully n'^sa linn . carpet, nriab f. carriage, a, 13 m. carried away, to be, nbs Ni., xiCS Ni., *' » T TT see n:,tti . T T off, to be, ojnj Ni. to be, i^D . carrion-vulture, cm ni., nrn-i f. carry, to, •,'?:x I, si'2 Hi., r^bn and r^b-i Hi., Nii)3 , ^50 , 0^^^. away, to, j<"i2Hi., 5n: K. Pi., nnD , Nias K. Pi. (Ch. N-Jj .) away cai^tive, to, nbj Hi. (Ch. down, to, n-ii Hi. into exile, to, nba Hi. off, to, see bT5 I 2, n^nJ . - T ' T r out, to. Nit" Hi. up, to, nbs Hi. carrying away, a, r^bj f. carve, to, bOQ, nrsj Pi., r^p H. carved, npn^ . ceiling, D-^ni (Keri), ::-'ni (Cheth.) image, bcs m. images, ti"'b"'C3 . ■work, nybp^a f., n^irs m. carving-tool, nr!i::pi3 , cassia, n'np f., n^'^sp f. cast, to, hv^ Hi., mi I (only prct. 3 pers. plu.), rT,'-\''' K. Pi., nni K. Hi., an"^" Pi. (once), bss Hi., x^ai , Cfiit) and cb , r'tu (sometimes), nbio Pi., r,biu Hi., ypn . (Ch. n^-i , x^n .) around, to, qps Hi. cast at, to be, n-^i Ni. away from one's self, to, r.biiS Hi. w. Miya , i^b^'D . away, to, bs; , r^b ■ Hi. away, to cause to, nsT Hi. before, to, "iS'a (once part, pass.) behind one, to, Ijj ""^ns Tpbttin , down, ntt) . down at full length, to be, bia Ho. down, to, bia Pilp., n^:: Hi. (once), i-;^ Hi., y-s Hi., -15:3 Pi., nnj Hi. c. •^•q .^ nn: Hi., tti^D , b£3 Hi., nnu: Hi., i^aj Hi., -T ' -T - T ' ' - T ' nbuj PI, Ti'^'U Hi., ariij , bs«3 Hi.,' nr; Hi. (Ch. i;-q Pa^ down, to be, "j^i K. Ho , r::3 Ni. Pu., rnuj Hithpo., bstii , (Ch. ^S5.) down to the ground, to, 22!lJ Hi. w. n^"ix . eyes upon, to, c^:"":) si£J3 w. bs , b . forth, to, nbo Pi. forth, to be, Ofl^ Hithpal., r^bttj Ho. (metal), to, p:i^ , -,p3 I. off, to, r37 K. Hi., tti::5 , nan . see -T -t' Tt' rniL" Pi., see nbuj Pi., T(buJ Hi. one's self down, to, bs3 . out, -ij: II m. concr. out from, to, r^'^a Hi. w. ",13 of place, out, to, uins K, Pi., ni^ Hi., b^ia Hi., m3 I Pi., ttjas , buJ3 K. Pi., ' TT -T'-T nbttj Pi., 7(3 lu . out, to be, r^buj Ho. (thrown), to be, in"' . to be, p:!'' Ho (of metals.) up, to, bbo K. Pilp., -EiD , bbn . upon, to, ttja3 w. brr, nbs Hi. c. bs . casting down, a, nb:;b:: f., r3^«^ f. (of metal), a, T\pl'] f., ps^-a m., nps'ir) f. out, a, -2?: 11 m. castle, "p'la-is m., n-^a f. (later Heb.), tr^S m., v'^":^! J "''^ ^•' ^''^'^. '"•' njCTS m., nni'ii^ 1, nniiri-a f., nnb m., rryj. m. (Ch. nva f.) I CAS 27 CER castles, ni':'n"'3 . castrated, p^inJ , catamite, (tjip m. cataract, -n'::: m. catch, to, Tnx , t'^n ^ r,nn , nsb , nns , irsn. - T cathedra, XSS . cattle, n^2 f. coll., ^-^^S (only in sing, coll.), -ira com., nDsbiD f., nnui m. " 't T T T : coll. (rarely). (Ch. 'p-ih.) slaughtered, n^'J m., nnra 1 to keep, ^pn riTi . cattle-breeder, npb. caught, to be, n:ji3 Ni. caul, n3D?3 m., see -liso . cauls, o"'0"'2iD . cause, (forensic), -i^'Ji m., ms'n f. (most- ly later Heb.), ^'^ ™-) ^SIJ^ di-j 3''"i m. (Ch. nbxUJ f.) (reason), -i2n in., ni^'^J f. (Ch. n-i2n f., nW f.) for this, ^^Z"z , "|2 h'J . (Ch. -bs ri3'^ bnp .) for which, (Ch. ^-z brp-bs ,) of, to be the, n::D . of, to protect the, •^''i . (of), to wrest the, rt'S Pi. w. ace. of pers. one who has a, n"'"i aJ"'X . to (any one good or evil) to, hi^i (w. 2 aces., of pers. of tiling.) to be judged, a, (cr:: m.) to have a just, pns . to have an unjust, ytlJl . to gain one's, pns , ril3"i Hi. to maintain one's, b^isPilp. Hi. to make one gain his, pna Hi. to manage a, ni-i and an . to plead a, ::"i-i and an . without, Dsn , ipia . cautious, (Ch. n^m .) to be, ins Pi. cave, -nn II m., nkn-q t, rrisia f. cavern, -lin II m., see msix^Q, n^n^ f., tTiy^ f., *p3 m,, nnpS (only constr.) cavity (in which a gem is set), apj m. cease, to, ess , b^a , -ii:a , nrtj H, c-c'^j , bnn and hnn , nbs Pi., see DDQ , n^uj K. Ni., d^n K. Hi. (Ch. ^•'i!^ .) from, to, b'ln and bnn , xbs Ni. w. i^ and infin., aniij w. ",13 . to be, to, bnn and bnn , rrsti . to cause to, nrn II. (Ch. b::3 Pa.) to let, yns Hi. c. p .^ n^'Ji Hi. to make, nbs Pi. ceasing (to be), b"Tn . cedar, Tix m., see -'sa. of, mx (adj.) of Lebanon, the, t^x . (species of), "iidx or ifiiljx m., -ilTSxri m. work, t^is m., mix f. cedar-wood, t'in r3; . ceil, to, ',30 . ceiling, ijisd m. carved, fretted, uti-i m. (Keri.;, u-n'j (Cheth.) celebrate, to, rpa Pi., mn 1 (poet.), bbn Pi., nat Hi., 17:7 H Pi., nn; Hi Hithp. c. b ., n',: Hi., nso Pi,, ntes I, -|iiU rarely liitti (Cheth.), njn IT Pi. a holiday, to, 55n . celebrated, to be, ainp Hith., see sip I Ni. celebration, ti"''Ta'i3 m. (only plu.) cell, ni3n f., nsojb f., riS'a:^ f. cells, ci'T^ , ti"'3p . cement, -i^n m., nh-q m. censer, t3 f., nnn-a f., trnap?: f. censer-full, nnn^an xb^ . censurer, rr^aio . census, "ipBia m. certain, (Ch. 2"'Si .) for, ■jirj-bs . one, ■'Ibbx ijba . the, ',i33 . to be, "iTas I M., *,n3 Ni. certainly, bas , "X , "iTin , Tias-bs . (Ch. a-s::-iia .) certainty, r^x f.. "irs . to speak the, (Ch. as^ Pa.) CER 28 CHE certainty, -with, *,i33"i5< . cessation, mo f., r~tii I f. chaflf, hihi m., vi?3 m., ^p_ m., 'pFl m. (Ch. -.^s.) chain, a, -lirs m., nuJnj com., T'-'i m., psin": ni., p"«rin (Cheth.) chains. Deists , c"';?! , nSpnn , pi'iu: ^ n'iJ")U5 (plu. constr.), ni"-HBi!iJ (only plu.) chair, nb3 m, Chaldean, (Ch. ""nSS , '''n'US .) Chaldeans, D""n"r3 (plu. only.) chamber, -inn m., ns'ij^ 1, sn m. upper, nbri; f., n'by f. (Ch. p-'by f.) chamberlain, see in nn!i:T3 at end. chambers, ti'Sp . chameleon, see n's 2, see m:ilJ5n , champion, bx I m., n^:2n uj-x . chance, n"ipT: m., yjs m., nip m. to be by, rTip Ni. change, a, piB^bn f. often, to, n:i!j I Pi. one's self, to, n^^ Hithp., njl^ I Hithp. to, r.En , nbn K. Pi. Hi., iri Hi., 1 - T ' ' - T - T 11^ Hi., rzo K. Pi. Hi., ar? Pi., njuj I. Pi. (Ch. N:d Pe. Pa. Aph.) changeable, Ci^;il3 plu. changed into, to be, h :fl(t5 . let it l)e, see (Ch. srj Pa.) to be, r^En K. c. ace. into, Ni. w. h, ace, Hithp., Tibn , 1^1:3 Ni., ano Ho., pijuj I K, Pu. (Ch. X3tli Pe. Ithpa.) channel, p-'SX or p-'EX m., I'x'' m. (Egyptian word), nbrn f. chant, to, nrt H Pi., n2: Ni. Hithp., n:s IK. Pi., -i^aJ rarely nnuJ (Cheth.) Pil. a mournful song, to, ^!|p Pil. chapels, pii'asn ""na . chapiter, nnrs f., riES f. chaplet, I'nE? . chapters, see n'inb'n at end. charcoal, ens m. charge, a, pn'Siii^ f., asilJ'D m., n-ps f., ^1pB m. charge of, to take, sitj; , solemnly, to, rsuj Hi. to, n's Pi. to, to give, ni:i Pi. w. ace. of pers. with, to, nps K. w. b? of pers., Hi. c. n^ br , 1^3 . charger, (dish), b^"i5S m., nirp f. chariot, ss'ir m., nrs^i^ f., n?-) m., 212'! m, chariot-warriors, see ui^buJ . charioteer, Z3'^ m. charitable, to be, -(jn . charity, to give in, "jjn . charm, niSFi f. away, to, -in(l5 IH Pi. inf. c. suff. (once.) to, -inn , -ind HI Pi. inf. c. suff. (once.) channer, -pcb bS2 . chase, the, "t^^ m. away, to, n~2 Hi., Ti: Hi., q-in . to, rji^ K. Hi. chased, n'n^ . to be, Tf'il Ni. Pu, chasm, rntU f. chasten, to, ns^ Hi., -id^ K. (rarely), Pi. Hi. (once.) chastened, to be, ~iO" Ni. chastise, to, see nr"^ Hi. 4., 'iDi K. (rarely), Pi. Hi. (once), nr3 Hi. chastisement, niJsS f., I^^'O m., pEtt) m., nnain 1, nnsin f. chastising, see t^ti , chatter, to, see una, bb:i I. chattering, 'isisr (adj.) cheat, to, bbn Hi. c. s of pers. checker-work, see yS'l'Pi . to weave in, "rittj Pi. checkered, "iis*] . cheek, "^nb 1, n;?"! f. (poet.) cheer, to, -nx Hi., 2.ixi Hi., n^i) Pi. Hi. cheered, to be, "n: IT. cheerful, to l)e. ;b3 Hi., r-ia, 2::'^ . to become, sba Hi. to make, sba Hi., zr^ Hi., aa^ Hi. CHE 29 CIB cheerfulness, r"';"'b2'a f. cheese, piJTS 1, nx^n f. cheeses, see ncr . cherish, to, r,n"i Pi. vain hopes, to, b^n . Cherub, -1-3 in. Cherubim, Ci"'l!n2 plu. chest, a, i;nx m., "ji-ix com., nsF) f. (Egyptian word.) chests, n"'T3j , chew the cud, to, i-^a . cliide, to, -is*3 , nzi Hi., iin^s Pi. w. 3 ., ms Hi., nU; I Hi., yoi Pi. chief, a, see -|i2S 2, vtix , Ti^bx m., 1123, -bia m., t;: m., see xiirs , 17 m., T-iQ ra., -|isp m., ffis-i I m., si T T • • T m., lb m., :;2iD, (Ch. nn m.) men of a State (or) city, ''Syi'' officers, nb'C^iz f. concr., D^ir . T T : V • T place, in tire, n:u3'x"i . (that which is), bx-i I m. the, t:^3>ix plu. (Cheth.), nr2 m., ttjx" I m., n'^aixT f. to be, nSD I Pi. only inf. and part, w. bsJ , b . chief -judges, (Ch. "pITSI'is .) chiefs, "iTla lu. concr. chieftain, "^l^'X m. child, -lb' m., -ib"] m., n^b"' , nb^ ni., I^b"' m., -,:;■): m., -s: I m., bi"2> H m., }>'!\S , bb-is m., bbis'i? . condition of a, see ■pj'a . one having her first, m-'rs'O f. male, la'^fflSJ* S'^i . sucking, jTZ'i-' . with, nin only 1, w. b of pers. by whom, childhood, ni"ib^ f., D"'"il:'3 plu. childless, i-i-'-iS , nbiisttj f. to be made, b"sUJ and brffl . to make, b'mj and b:ttj Pi. childi'en, ti"':2 (sometimes), 5-1T , &"inb^ com., n^siix:: . to beget, D"':3 Di'J . chimney, 113- s f. (once in sing.) Chinese, see qijo . chink, p-i2 m. chips, CiSp m. coll. chiq), to, qs:£ only Pilp, chisel, air, f., nr^^ipTa f. Chislev, (month), ibos m. choice, (adj.), iina , "ina: , nsna . (sub.), mnnia m., "inaia m. (only in constr.) choicer than, -inzj w. "jia . choicest, (whatever is), nns^ m. (only in constr.) choir, nTn f. choirs, see nin»n , Bibnpia , nibnpTa . chomer, (measure), "iTsn m. choose, to, yen Pi., nnr c. ace, more frequently w. 3 ., ffijrS Pi. w. ib ., riTn , iDb . for one's self, to, -ir3 w. -ib. out, to, b-i3 Hi. Av. '.-o ,, ma . nsn . - 1 ' ' T T ' T T chosen, n^na , inn: , 13 H, -m3 , T ' T : ' - T ' by, to be, -ina Ni. w. b . of Jehovah, rrin"] "i^n'i . out, to be, bna Ni. w. b to or for. to be, ina Ni. Pu. (Cheth), xi;? I Pu. ' Chronicles, book of, D'^^i"?! ^~.3i "i£0 . chrysolite, seettjia-in. churlish, ii^ p . cicatrix, rma f. cincture, m'jn'a f. cinders, rrg m. cinnabar, see ic|ia . cinnamon, ''"Qlp . cippus, ri33?2 f., nasi? f., a'^s? m., •,!l'^ m. circle, b^bj m., •"ib"'ba f., m m., ann m., r,bQ m. (of events), nT^SS f. (of persons), mo m. to describe a, jiin. to move in a, ti'^z . circles, nia^'ao . circlet, -I'nsja . circuit, b^bj m., nb-'ba f., p^^En m., 133 f., aoiti m., a-'ao m., r|bQ m., Hiipn f. (Ch. x-'^-n t) CIR 30 CLE circuit, in a, s'^r&'D . circuits, n'i::^20 . circumcise, to, b^ia . one's self, to, bn:a Ni. circumcised, to be, bb^ II Ni. circumcision, nb^TS f. circumspect, to be, npiD Pi., bait) . circumspectly, to lay his hands, see bsit) Pi. circumjacent places, a'^a'^sp , ni3"'rD . tract, ^23 f. circumvallation, a wall of, line of, see circumvent, to, ips Hi., aps . - T '- T cistern, -^a (Chcth.), -lia I m., aa I m., staa m., nri'ji f. citadel, *|ianx m., n*;? m., n:iar m., cite before a court, to, yT^ Hi. cithara, see -lija , nbnjo m. (Ch. Dirr^p (Cheth.), d-irji m. (Keri.).) cities, see nbiira 3, c^-^S . citizen, ttj^x m. w. gen. of city, citizens, c^bssa w. gen. of city, city, -I-':! I f., -3? I m. (only as proper name), n^-p f. (poet), n"ip f. (Ch. fT'-^p and s^^p ,) fortified, -i^ia^ m., "lisis "i"'? , ny:i-Q f. the chief, n-^r I f., w. gen. of peo- ple or country, civil, 'iiri-n . clad, poorly, d't^S . clamor, ns"i m., r'"Xtt)n plu. clamorous bird, n'x f. to be. Pirn . clan, nns'li72 f. clang (of trumix'ts), ypn m. clangf^r, nrn-n 1 clap, to, pED I, rarely pz'Ci . the hands, to, C;3~bN r,a n;n , nn^^ w, r;3 ., D-ea-nx pso , ypn w. ?:a . clasp, nn m., Tin (Cheth.) to, nsb . class, rp'brna f., njbsia ^., nabs f. (Ch. itjbs or s<;bQ .) class of men, ^i^i m., y-it . claw, 0*3 m. clay, -irh m., a-^-j m., -irr m. (Ch. -jib m.) burnt, (Ch. rcn m.) clean, -la I, "T and t,t , r]n ^ mna . to, -in 2 Hi. to be, n-i2 Ni., nzT (cverywliere in a moral sense), r.sT , -jia , np3 ! -T 7 ■• T ' 'tT K. (once), Ni., cnp and ujnp . to become, 1,-1:2 . to make, nai Pi. to make one's self, -ni: Hithp. to pronounce, "in:: Hi. cleaned out, to be, np: Ni. cleanness, 13 II m., nn:: m., yvpa m. cleanse, to, nna K. Pi. Hi., nw Hi., naT Pi., r,2T Hi., j<-jn Pi., ^n-j Hi., Daa K. (only part.), Pi., -jab Hi^ from ashes, to, "jri Pi. one's self, to, r\z^ Hithp., nn:: Hithp., "lab Hithp., ujnp Hithp. cleansed, to lie, ym Pu. cleansing, a, nrb m., n^in^ 1, see •'rfflia , pi^rn m. (Keri.) clear, -12 II, -^p: c. '('s ., na . away, to, nro Pi. one's self, to, pn:; Hithp. out, to, n:Q Pi. to be, bbn . clearness, see ina , ^n^ '^''•) nsab f. cleave, (adhere), to, pa'ri and pan K. c. 2 , bx , b , Pu., pTn , pen c. 2 . (Ch. p=^) fast, to, pai and pan Ho., nss . ' • - T ' *■ T - T fast together, to, pa'n Pu. to, to, pa'n and pa'n c. a ., n'b , '-T •"T :^ TT' see p!ia I. unto, to, pin Hi. w. br of pers., a of thing, cleave, (rend), to, ypa K. Pi., see asn , -1^3 Hi., nbe K. Pi., d-d Hi., nia I Po., yotti K. Pi. asunder, to, yp2 . into, to, ypa w. 2 . through, to, yp2 w. 2 . through to, to, ypa Hi. w. bx . CLE 31 COL cleaving, (adhering), ps'n , cleft, n-n:^ f. (once), r-'yo m., rotlj m. of the rock, rbsn p-p? , nnp3 to be, rp2 Ni. Pu. Hithp. clefts, ti"^?""p2 . clemency, m:? f., m:s f. cliff, nbs"!? m. cloaca, ny-ini3 f. (Cheth.) T T -: i- cloacsB, rixJt'iB f. (only plu. Keri.) cloak, rnsiJTa f., •ns^t.'? ^• a wide, n^x m., n-i'ns f. cloaks, see (Ch. '"'IsS'iD .) clod, uiiij, ttji; , ns^:^ f., asn m. clods of earth, n'T^SS m. plu. close places, m'^SDia . close, to, tiiis K. Hi., -las (once), tt' -t' -t" tt' -t' -'t n, see DP© , (Ch. ^•^•q .) with bolts, to, ^zy Pi. c •'3S3 . closed courts, rviiipp ni"i:in . closure, -i::s! m. cloth, n53 m. (a species of), pUJii'n , 17^ m. coarse, "laaiQ m. fine, p'l. of byssus, riam., laip III (Egyptian word.) of cotton, iij'q III. clothe, to, '^v^ (once), t^ab Hi., t\'^v constr. w. b . (Ch. ©ab Aph. after Heb. form.) one's self, to, ojab . one's self with, to, ni22 . clothed, ba'^3'0, Uiiab . with, to be, ujab , naS) c ace, cjwS c. ace. clothes, ■'xiba (only plu. constr.), n'^nb^ (only plu.) old torn, riansri ^tba . clothing, nS3T3 m., rno m. (once.) cloud, as II com., "jj^ m., riDiS f., '^'^•^''P: m. (Ch. ):s .) to, -,:? Pi. clouds, nix-^ii): , as II m. coll., i;? ■ ; ^ r 't T m. coll., D'siTr (poet.), D^ipna (poet.) clouds, thick, bs'nS' m. to gather, to make, "jjs Pi. clouted, N^a"!? . cloven foot, onS m., n0"i3 f. club, nni'n. cluster, bbcx m. clusters of grapes, D"'a5y VstlSx . coagulate, to, ssp . to make, xsp Hi. coal, a, nbna f., nins m., tarjQ m., see Cl^n , see ns^"^ . a burning, nbnj f., tans m. coals, D-^HD m. coll., tins m. coll. coast, IN I, jjin m. coasts, ci""S . coat, r:'ns f. of mail, irnp , n"j-niJ t, "jiivii m., •pittj m., x'^nn m. ' T : • T -: - coccus color, insect, woitu, see sbl'n m. cockroach, see a'lS . coffer, Tiiix m. coffin, a3>ij^ ni. cogitation, n^T^ f. (Ch. 'jl^'S'i m.) cogitations, nisriu . cohabit, to, baT . with, to, air*' Hi. cohabitation, njl's f. cohere, to, nab Hithp. cold, (adj.), ip . (sub.), nts f., -ip m., rrnr? i; rr^p m, to be, 5^3. collapse, to, o~p . collar, PIS' m., see "(I'-iiiis , nian ni, to adorn with a, p:r (once trop.) colleague, n;^ m- (only in plu.). (Ch. riD3 m. (only in plu.).) collect, to, -jx , TiDN K. Pi., c::3 , upb , ' -t' -t -t' '-t' pny Hi., yap K. Pi., tiiajp K. Po. one's self, to, ins Hithp., oicp Hithpo. collected, to be, dox Ni. Pu., n'la Ni. collection, nipiQ m. also X*p^ . (of fruit), q-'pX m., ClpX. collections, Q"^BDX (only in plu.), see in colors, a worker in, Dp'n. COL 32 COM colors, ■work in, nrp"i f. column, see b''X , n:"2N f., n^ttjx 1, see • - ' T : T : T p;iS3 1, see n~;i"a , p'lS'C m., D3 m., nsia? m., n-.rn f. (poet.) a (short), •,:i'ss ni. columns, Di-iujs , r'nir (onlyplu.) (of a book), rirb':| . ujiright, D''~i!i~rn 11. comb (of honey), Cj^:: m. come ! nrb , !i:b plu., rizn . around, to, r^O . before, to, ci"ip Pi. Hi. down, to, see T^i , pns K. Ni. (only jjoet.). (Ch. rnj.) forth, to, r,n'n w. ",13 ., SS^ , tJ^ip. (Ch. Dip.)' in, to, XI 2 , near, to, ttjsj Ni. pret. K. fut. w. bx ., ::"ir and s-ip I K. Ni. now I nrb , !i3b plu., nr? . on! nrn . on, to, (Ch. n:;?: , rt'^'o .) out, (adj.), x'^s"! . things to, n'Trixn . ^ • T to, nrx (poet.), xi'a , ~^n and -b-j (rarely), r53 Hi. (Ch. nrx , xa^a , n-ji3 .) to an end. to, nrs , see xs'' s., rztu . (Ch. nra .) to cause to, n^:; Hi. (Ch, nrx Aph.) to have, y:3 . to let, xia Hi., npb . to one's self, to let, ttj'i'rj Ni. w. b . to pass, to, xia , riTi K. Ni. (only in pret. and part.), x^p H Ni. to, to, xia w. n? , uJ'nn c. ace. bx ., xs^a K. c. -IS , Ni., ysj K. c. a , T T - ' - T : ' bx , Hi. w. -is . (Ch. xais , na^ c. b ., n-is c. a .) to, to make, xsia Hi. together, to, pyt Ni., nr^ Ni., nriD NL, see oj^s, psjt Ni. up, to, rib? . up, to make, nb? Hi. upon, to, nrx (poet), pa"^ and pr^^,xuT3,r5:Hi. w. bx.,nps, nbs and nbs I c br . (Ch. xaia . r-i'^-o w. b:y ., mr c. a .) come upon suddenly, to, rra or ri?3 Pi. comeliness, nx"i?a m. comely, see in Ten , •^2"' , niX3 , ni3 . form, nxn m. to be, nx"' impers. w. b . nE"* nx3 TT * : ' TT ' -jT Pil. to make, aa^ Hi. comfort, nn!i3^ f., T'3 m., nirinsn plu. to, 'V) ab bs -ia:n , t^p: , n^n Pi., n!i3 w. b ., Dn3 Pi., xsn K. Pi. comforted, to be, cn3 Ni. Pu. Hithp. coming about, nE^ipn f. down, (adj.), fpn: plu. together, a, nri:a m., bnp m. command, it:x (poet.), -la^ m., n'ST3 f., ns m. (Ch. r^^ f.)'' a thing, precept, statute, law, to, n;s Pi. of, by the, ■'sb , to, n?2X (later age), na'n Pi., n^s Pi. (Ch. ^rx.) to go, to, n*:: Pi. commander, t~s m , nb m. commandment, is and i:: m., m::T3 f. of, to keep the, 's "^S "i?3ttJ . commandments, the ten, o'^na'^n niii:S. commands, to send with, n"S . T T commemorate, to, n:n H Pi. commend, to, bbn Pi. w. bx . commentary, uiinia m. commerce, to have, -ino . commiserate, to, nnj w. dat. commit, to, nbr I, *ips Hi. c. n^ b? , n^a . (Ch. -la? .) to, to, u)-j3 w. b? ., 'a i;: bs 'ins , 't 1^3 aTs . commodious, -i-^jin . common, b'n. house, nan n^a . people, u:''3X m. (poet), D?n 13a , cs m., v-ixn DJ' . soldiers, n? m. commonAvoalth, c^ m. COM 33 CON commotion, '(■i'sn m,, n'n m. to be thrown into, Ta"( . ' - T to make, t^i Hi. to put in, Clin . to tlirow into, r^n . commune, to, see t;x Kal 2. '•ommunication, divine, •,"Tn m. ommunity, nzn m., ns m. mpactness, rizv^ m., ^:s m. comijanies of travellers, ni3">bn (only plu.) companion, nan m., ":in m., IT^wn f., S-1T3 m. (always c. suff.), 130, 5"] 11 m., ns;-] m. (Cli. nan m., iTinn f.) female, nr"i f., n^3>"i f. : T • - of, to make the, nsn Pi. to be his, nsi w. ace. of pars, r T companions, ci'irbn^ . female, ni"i . of, ui-'x m. coll. (w, gen. of king, leader, etc.) companionship, n"'T39 f. company, a, b:n m., -i^n m., n"i2n f., npnb f., n:n;^ usually m., xb^ m., n-p/o m., also N'pJ'a, fTjS I f., a3j<-i I m. of exiles, nbis f. of travellers, nnnsi f. in, nnsSi . with, to, rx , ds -bn . with, to go in, nx , nr T^brj . compare, to, rrcri I Pi. c. bx , b ., bui'Q Hi. c. dat., r.^s w. b ., friuj Hi. w. ace. ' T : ' T T and b. (Ch. nrii Pi. c. ace. and OS.) compared, to be, n^ttS Nithp. with, to be, n*ffi e. b of pers. compass, p:i5:n m., njina f. to, rno . to mark out with a, jiin. compassion, in m., lo-n , o'^asins plu., Dian'n , CTaiin^n , (Ch. 'j'^ann .) on, to have, o^n c. bs . to have, bian w. b? ,, nnj Ni Hithp. upon, to have, cnn Pi compassionate, "liH., QJin'^ (only of God), ''Sian'-i . compassionate, to, -jrn . (Ch. ",51-, .) compel, to, d:x . (Ch. OJX .) compensate, to, -vj Hi. for, to, nrr c. 3 of thing, oomijensation, miTan f. complain, to, ",jx Hithpo., "jiib Ni. w. bs against, rr'b , complaining, a, n-'b I m., nisbn (only plu.) complaint, ns-a f., see i-i^ ^ rr'tu I m. complaints, to utter, n"'b . complete, b-'bs , c^-cTi . (Ch, ^•^m .) to, y2L2 Pi., ->'aa , nrn , nb3 Pi., bbs , xb-Q Pi., Dbaj Pi. Hi., dT?n K. Hi. (ck nra, bbs Shaph.) to be, nbs, n^n. (Ch, obllJ ,) completed, nbuj . to be, xb^a , -lUS'^ , oboS or cbil) . ■•t' -'T ' ~ T -T completely, nbs . completeness, n"'b3P f., fT'SrFi f. completion, nbs 1, nVan f. completions, nibD^a I (once plu.) compose, to, -nas I Hi., xitt5 Pi-, *;5n Pi. (later Heb.) comprehend, . to, S5-!i , b's'' w. dat. of thing, compress, to, r^'S'o (only part, pass.), -.^^ I. compression (of a wound), "liiia I m. compute, to, n'lin Pi. computed, to be, nttjn Ni. conceal, to, X3n Hi., ujin Hi., "jiao K. Hi., nn3 Pi., n03 Pi., is5 I, ino -T TT ' -T -T Hi., cb5 I K. (only part, pass.), Hi., one's self, to, )'Z'£ c, b . concealed, to he, nn3 Ni. - T conceit, rr'siuia f. conceive, to, nnn , sit Ni., dTi"^ Pi., -as Pi. " T seed, to, sit Hi. conceived, to be, n"iii Pu. conception, "linn m,, ')'i''-irt m, (Ch. concern, nmn f. concerned, to be, nbn K. Ni. e, bs . T T concerning, bx , 3 , b , b? . (Ch, b? .) CON 34 CON conciliate, to, see rfSI Pi. concord, -iij'«73 m., D"'nai">ri (only plu.), T concrete, to, itep , concubine, «3;bQ oftcner ttisb^D f. (Ch. nin-n f., nsnb f.) condemn, to, •,->'n , Nun Hi., yiri Hi., condition, nnx com. (poet.) condolence, see T'j . conduct, Tj^'n com., nil)S^ m. one's self, to, jns . to, b:'^ I Hi. (poet.), piprb, sr?: , bn: Pi., nnj . -T Tf conduit, nbrn . coney, see "jeu . confederate, nst I m. (men), 'S r'i"}3 "''^iS , ^"^"13 ibsa 'B. to, nrn Pi. to be, izn K. Hithp. c. C3> . confess, to, riT^ Hi. Hitbp., "i;,3 Hi. TT * -T confession, min f. ' T confidants, my, ^nio 'VO . confide, to, r;::2 I w. s , bs , bx ., non . in, to, -j-ix I Hi. confidence, ni^TSX f., n::3 m., r\rr^3 f., "iW^s "!•) M^^l'n f., bC3 m., nbos f., naiiTa m., nip^ m., also x;;pi2^, nS3 I m., see nb=n . object of, ns3 I m. confident, to be, na2 I. confidently, ri::3 . confiding, n!i::a. confine, to, n^s . confirm, to, naa Hi., *,S3 Hi., nr5 I Hi., n;:£ Pi.,'c!ip Pi. Hi. (Ch. ciip Apb., ripn and r,ppi Pa.) confirmed, to be, '(lax I Ni., pm K. Hithp., y3 Ni., cip. conflagration, np-^fl m., ns'^a^ 1, MB->b f. (Cli. N-jp^ f.) conflux, see zi7 . confound, to, bna Pi. Hi., bba , rnn Hi. confounded, to be, bna Ni., pirn K. - T - T Ni. confused, to be, liia . confusion, rtiia f., n'csn^ f. to be covered with, rQ53 t'ab , nttSa n-jy . T T confute, to, ns"' Hi. confuted, to be, nz"^ Ni. congeal, to, see xep . congelation, ",ixBp m. (Keri.) congregation, isi-D m., ntS I f., n'l::? and nnss 1, bnp m., nbnp f. tent (or) tabernacle of the, bnk congregations, n-.QCX (only in plu.) conjoiners, m'-i2n73 . conjointly, ^n^ , inn;} . conjurers, o'^iUnbia . connect, to, nan Pi., pain Pi. consciousness, yri^ also r'n^ m. (later Heb.) consecrate, to, "nrn , ci^n Hi., nrs Hi. c. b ., nas Hi. c. njn-«b., xbo Hi., la-ip; Pi. ' by unction, to, n'r^ . one's self, to, "Ts Ni. Hi to God, to, ttinp Hi. ■^vdth solemn rites, to, ninp Pi. consecrated, (iJinp , (linp^q. one, -1-T3 m. (something), r"ip m. things, the, ci"'ii:~'pn . to be, ttinp Ni. consecration, najn f., a-'Xi!^ plu., it m. sacrifice of, C^xb^ plu. consent, to, nix or nix Ni., bx" H Hi unto, to, nix or n^tx Ni. w. dat. of pers. consequence, nx^rn f. consider, to, ^tx H Pi. (only), ','3 Hithpal., npa Pi., n=t , aOJn Pi., •fab-bx •,n3, obs PL, iab nvii, bato Hi , iiui II. (baiu Ithi^a. c. a .) accurately, to, see 3D3 Pi. consolation, nnajTi f., nrnp f., T'S m. consolations, o-'Taiins , □"'?::in3n , nrinjri . console, to, 'si ab bs ia^, ni: w, b ., ens Pi., stB^ K, Pi. CON 35 CON" console one's self, to, srs Ni. Hithp. consort, a, ^ri f. (Ch. bS'lJ 1) conspicuous, bns'r^ . something?, nitn f. conspiracy, -iiiip m. against, to make a, br Trp Tiip . conspirators, n"'"i'l3p , conspire, to, -mip K. w. bs against, Hithp. c. bx . constant, to be, ptn w. inf. c. \ . constellations, nibi:a . consternation, xsn or pirn f., nriin^s T T T r T : f., npr?3 f., ".injsn m. T • ; ' T ■ to be in, rrcn K. Hithp. to put in, ti'in . to throw into, c^in . constitute, to, nbi, "lO"' , "is Hi., n:?; Pi. (later Heb ), ',n5 av. two aces., irS I Hi., niur I, n«a Pi., c^ip Hi., D^b and D'^b , n'b . (Ch. ,1:73 Pa., c^ip Aph., cnb.) constituted, to be, It;? I. constraint, nay m. construct, to, n;2 (material in ace, more rarely w. 3 ) , nbs I. : / 7 T T consult, to, uinn , no"" Ni., vi"* K. M. Hithp., Tib's Ni., vw I (only in imp.), bsb , together to, (Ch. ::yi Ithp.) consultation, nSo m. to decide after, yy Ni. consume, to, bsx K. Pi., nb3 Pi., ?b3 , irs Pi. Hi., zii'n Hi., nbs Pi., -jnb ~ T T r - T I Pi., cnb , nT-1 . T ' T T away, to, pp-o Ni. with fire, to, ns'3 mostly w. 2 ., =1^^^ I- consumed, I am, ib "ll . (one), ca na. to be, r-JL"^ K. (only fut.), Ni., lib's , n-3 Ni., see ors Ni., nrn . with fire, to be, 153 . ■ T consumption, iba , nb3 f ., -(I'l^s m., ■(irn I m., in m., nsn/r f., r-'b^n f. contagion, 3::p m., 3::'p m. contain, to, bi3 Pilp. Hi. one's self, to, psx Hithp, contemn, to, n3 c. ace, oftener b ,, nra I *' T T K. Hi., -jra , -p-n , 0x0 , •jTxj Pi., nsa Hi., nbo I K. Pi., -j'^iU II. ^ - T T T contemned, nT33 , nis , 7X3"3 , ■i"'s:r , one, nna f. to be, nbi5 II Ni., bb;5 K. Ni. contemplate, to, nin c. 3 . contempt, t!i3 m., m!l3 f., "ji^TS m., DXia , libp m., -jui'j m. to bring into, bbp Hi. to cause, ym Pi. contemptible, something, 33 1 ra. contend, to, cnb Ni., ns3 Hi., 31"! (Cheth.), 3"'"i K, Hi. part., i^iu I c. bx with or against, nnb c. cs , nx . before a judge, to, s^n and a^n , aEUJ Ni. together, to, y:\ Ni. with, to, n-ia Hithp. c. 3 ., )^':\ w. OS ,, iTjn Tiph. c. nx ., 121 rx casbia . content, to be, bx"" H Hi. contention, -p-na I m., D'^S'^niQ (only plu.), c^z^ro (only plu.), ns^ H f., 3''-i m., n-ij,n f. continual, see n-rn . dropping, nnts qb^ . continually, diin-bs , ms , ii:!:?! . (Ch. xni-in2 .) continuance, T'lsn m. (only in gen. after other nouns.) continue, to, rr^^ , Tov I. M - T ' - T to do, to, C]Di K. Hi. (both defect.) continuedly, lis. continuity, (Ch. xn-iin f.) contract, to, ntJN , VSp , see rjn 2. contracted, Dlbp . to be, b:ix Ni., xs;? (Cheth.) contractions, m'S^sia . contradict, to, ,133 I. T T contradiction, inia m. contrary, the, rjsn or rjsn na. contrite, X3"13 , X2n , nil HD? . to be, xr'n Pu. contrive, to, tosn . Tct Hi. w. na-in . - T ' - T T : • controversy, yr] m. contumacy, rwiT? f. CON 36 cou contumacy, land of double, c'^nn'O ynx . contumely, tiBln f., nabs f., nisbs f . to treat with, b:3 Pi. contusion, yna m. convenient, •,"'2n . to make, n-p Hi. converse, familiar, to m. to, -i:t Ni. c. 3 , bs ., rrib , with, to, n^tj Hithp. conversion, nninlJ f. (once.) convert, to, r,En , ^IJ PiL converted, to be, rra . converts, her, ii'^zvi . convey, to, isi Hi. convict, to, piDi Hi. convicted, to be, riD^ Ni. convocation, x^pr m., Vnp m. place of, jt"ipc m. convoke, to, pi'T Hi., pss Hi., bnp Hi. w. bs ., s"ip I. convoked, to ]>e, pvf Ni., bfip Ni. coo, to, nrn. cook, a, na-j , nraa f. to, nsx , b!iJ2 Pi., i!iT Hi. cooked pieces, cj-'eP (once.) things, DTian . to be, bttia or bira K. Pu. cooking furnace, prob. n^'n^D (only du.) cookings, cs'cn (once.) cool, -!p (Cheth.) cooling, a, n~p'Q f. copper, nun: com. (Ch. irns m.) (anything) made of, nttJna com. copula, the, see 1 , !| and i , copulation, n:j, na^ K. Hi. w. two aces., T'JS constr. w. b ., n-.j? w. b2»., 7)=^ . to cause to, ran I Hi. wnth arms, to, see 7,20 Pilp. with (beams, rafters, boards), to, ISO. with darkness, to, -^3? Hi. with fat, to, ',13113 Hi. with lime, to, T^b . witli (timbers, beams, boards), to, mx . covered in darkness, to be, C]!i3J . over, to be, ^^y . to be, nsjn Pu., nc3 Pu. Ni., ns3 Pu., nit33 (once), D"ip . with, to be, v'^v c. ace. covering, a, n^sx f., nsa m., cibj m., •jii^n m., non f., see r>,:3 2, ^!ic3 (constr. only), r!i03 f., i:'ib m., nsS'^a f. (once), no^TS m., riD2T3 m., n'D'O m., rjD'2 m., nrp^ f., n:s?2 II 1, •irD m. a thin, ^sis^i m. (for the head), -irx m. covering.?, '^vjh m. (once), o*"n^"i'2 . coverlet, i;3 m., .see ri33 2, ns^iQ m. coverlets, c'rizii; . covert, a, r~ix m., rp m., nso f., iro m. covert arts, to use, 'fiy Po. covertly, to act, nsa , br^ , ",35 Po. to do, xEn Pi. covet, to, man K. Pi. cow, ip3 coui., "iitt5 m. craek, to, pbiQ . cracking, a, bip m. crackling, a, bip m. cracknel, D"''ip3 . craft, pi^py or better nap? f., brii) also t' : T T : T V - brit) m. craftily, to act, n'~,v I Hi. craftiness, d'ns m., n72~r f. craftsman, cin m. T T crafty, ciiS , b'nbns . to be, ens I K. (once infiu. absol.), briD Ni. to make, di? I Hi. to show one's self, brs Hithp. craggy valley, ",inn2 m. crami^s, (hooks), n"n2n?3 . crane, see riVl";"^ , see DID , cranium, nbhbj f. crash, to, nxui I to fall with a, nxi" I. T T crashing, a, mxuiri plu. craunch, to, ens Pi. the bones, to, csS Pi. craw (of birds), nx-na f. crawl, to, bnT , b^n ^ 7"i'j . create, to, x"i3 , biin Pil., "ib"! K. Hi., *i:i^ , 1^3 Pil. Hi., niuy I, bra (poet.), P3|5. (Ch. 133.) created, (something), ntasTS m. to be, nbi Pu., nb? I Ni. Pu. - T T r creation, nx'^ns f. creator, 3X m., nsv , nilis . T ..7 creature, a, •,"i:p m. creditor, siiJ3, ntt33. creep, to, bni , ili'q'^ , ]'ntt3 . creeping thing, (i3T:"t m. things, v-ittJ ni. coll. crescents, ci:'"iniu . Crete, see "i'fiB3 3. crib, see OiSX , is'^ , b'pibns , to be, brs Ni. to make, rr^r Hi., ris Pi. to show one's self, bna Hithp. ways (or) places, D"'^!;!??.'?? . crop (of bird), nx'i'a f . crop (of tlie field), y^i , -i"'2|^ m. cross-bar, h-'ia m. cross-beam, jjerh. c^SS (once.) cross- wise, to lay his hands, see in bail? Pi. crouch, to, -jr^n , nn(l3 , T(?iij . crouching-place, vana m. crow, a, see -"li) . crowd, "jian m. once f., ibj'i m., mj;a"i f. themselves together, to, Tia Hithpo. to, ynb . upon to, n"i5 c. b? ., nia . crown, IT m., "iFiSS , "ins m., niliS f., STi-'Eit f. (of the head), "^'ptp m. one's self, to, ins Hi. to, -laS Pi. w. b of pers.. Hi. only pai-t. f. to encircle with a, nas Pi. w. b of pers. crowned, to be, ins Hi. crucible, rpiii'O m., see b'^bs , crucify, to, ysn bs 's nbn . I ■• T - T T cruel, "1173 X . to be, n;"i . cruelty, n>i*"iT3X f. crumb, rs f. crumb-cake, qi"!;?:-. crumbs, cnpa , dtis f. plu. cruse, nns:: f. crush, to, 0^2 Hi., (tj^'n, tljiti and llS-'n , XDtj Pi., n=n Pi., pp^, "na , see V^^ 5 y n 7 5 pn"2 (once), p-i!3 , -j^an , qsiaj. (Ch. uinn, b'Jin .) (bones), to, d"i- Pi. crushed, r^ , nins . one, ni-iia m. (something), b")a . to be, bna (once), R^'n Pu. Hithp., riD^ K. (once Cheth.), Ni., pij-rj , crushing, (adj.), see r^n . (sub.), ns'i f., ■^s'l m., n:i"i m. crutch, '^bs . cry, a, np:x t, pi'T m., npyt f., see nn:ja , n|5^:: 1, bip m., sioS m., :?iuj I m., yw I m., n^Jioi f. aloud, to, nns , nsa I., bna c. a for, ']3'i . fervent, 5"'3n m. • T for help, to, Nip I, sid Pi. mournful, ns'i f. of joy, a, n:3"i f. out, to, p^T K. Hi., 32'; Pi., pKJ , pri3, nxQ (once), ni^^ , pss K. Pi., M^p I, SNUJ , rrnj Pi. (Ch. t't - t " - t ^ pS7 , ns Aph.) to, it'll:; I. (Ch. x'lp .) to lift up a, n"ii£ Hi. to, to, py:£ w. bx of pers. unto, to, pi'i Hi. with a loud voice, to, i^n Hi. c. ^?. crying, a public, rtN^np . crysolite, see Oi^ujin 2. crystal, Tzj-^aa m. (once), tT'SiDt f. (once), nnp m. cub, -,!ij m. cubit, riTsx , 'ira m. (Ch. nax f.) cubits, two, DTiBX du. cucumbers, t:"'5 I K. (once inf. absol.) to show one's self, czn Hithp. cunningly, to act, ens I Hi, cup, see -iE':3s , ^"nj m., d"3 f , D"3 m. (Clieth.), t;s2 m., roap 1, nD;? f. (of flowers), s^-j m. cup-bearer, npttj"!: m. cupidity, n^tri f. cups, n'ibp? (only plu.) crn-b, 5n^ m., -lOn in, curdle, to, ntp Hi. curdled milk, nr:3 1, Mxrn f. curds, nx::n f. cvu-e, a, nns f., NS'n'2 m. to, nn; , TTn Pi., nei K. Pi. . T ' ' - T T T cured, to be, ss^i Ni. curiously shaped, to be, Cy^i Pu. wrought, to be, C|?n Pu. curls, CLjnn . current, a, in: m. current money, -iri? rip3 . sUver, ^re^ nzi? rjDS , curse, nbx f., n-ixT3 f., n'^nia f., nbbp 1, n:?!iriti 1 ' ' one's self, to, ib h\p, to, nbx II, inx K. Pi., Ti-^a Pi., 'r^r?^,, Q2f], =i?;, ==p,, ^^15 Pi- to cause a, n-^x Pi cursed, to be, ^"ix Ho. cursing, a, r.Vzp f. curtain, n^i-17 f., -D^ m., P.aSa f., sbp m, curve, to, ypn , ^23 . curved blocks, stocks, see in nirn . T cushions, ninc3 , n-inap"^ . custody, n"!i3tliT3 f., H'npQ f. custom, ph m., as'ii^ m., niin f., nn^irn f. customs, mpn . cut, (shape), nin f., irip m, asunder, to, stj K. Pi. asunder, to be, p-is Ni, down, to, s'la Pi., y-12 , -in , nc3, cp'13 , iTis , bi73 Pil., rip3 Pi., -iS|^ , (Ch. nn: .) cut down, to be, sn: Ni. Pu., n^3 Ni. Pu. in, to, ppn , tti-n , r-in (once.) in, to be, z^n Ni. in pieces, to, y:i3 , pna Pi. (once), in2 K. Pi., nr: only Pi., vjtp Pi., CiptlJ Pi. in two, to, nna K. Pi., ^u , nsn . ■ T - T ' T T off for, to be, c-ij K. (once), c. dat. off from, to, pn3 Hi. off from, to be, pn: Ni. Ho. c. p . off from one's self, to, nb :, Hithp. off, to, nax Hi., r^a Pi., ^j£3 , jnj , see in inj 2., nba Pi., bpn , 35£n and rsn K. Hi., nrs Hi., nco , Dp-.3 , n-13 K. Hi., bna K. Hi., bb^^ II K. Po., see b^5 , pPD c. )-o., ro-.l K. Pi. Hi. Pil., Dp;? Po., 3:jp^ , n-j,p_^ K. Pi., ysp^ K. Pi., n:jp^ K. Pi! Hi. (Ch. -izx Aph., in Ithpe., -j^sp .) off, to be, -^n K. Ni., t"is Ni., n^T n Ni., OBI Ni., nri3 Ni., nns Ni. Pu. Ho., b^B Hithpal., bbia 11, nrs Ni., -i:j;r ^ -17;^: Ni. one's self, to, 115 Hithpo. out, to, ^-oo Hi. (Ch. T-i:i Ithpe.) to, N-2 Pi., 115 ^ --n (once), 3-jn , 32£n and 3:in , n-r , bpD, =s;:r,anr. (Ch. -n, ,) ' up, to, inn (once), nbs Pi., y^p^ Pi. cutter, a, c"in m. cutting, a, isna m., •/"''nri . instrument, uiih m. (of stone), n'TJ f. off, a, aap m. off (of rain), Pi"i'S2 f. to form by, bos . - T cuttings off, ''Z'ip (plu. constr.) cycle, nT'Sa , cymbal, see ]i^rs . cymbals, D'^rbs'D (only du.), D"'bsbs . cypress, iiii-a m., nil2 m., see "is*. cypress (-flower), ie3 m. Cyprus, see "IFISS . Cyrus, UJniS. DAO 41 DAY D Dagon, "j'^j^^. daily, cii ci"« , d-i-^J Di"> , dl'-^a Cl'"'!? , T dainties, o'^^V'^^'O and ni'xi^a'a m. plu., D'^s:?:'? , Q"'3"i?.'a , 52ris m. dainty morsels, D-73nl:ri^ . damage, pjjj m. (Ch. b:n m., nilS f.) Damascus, plL"^^ . damask cloths, D"'i3i'3 . stuff, see pti:-;"n . damask-work, sion n!£i?T3 . damsel, a, n-i?3 f., mann f. Dan, -fl . ' T dance, a, bl'n^: m., ,"ib"'n^ f. around, to, ins Pilp. to, •,'ii'n , 5^n , bfin and bTi K. Pil., nD3 Pi., np-j K. Pi., pnib Pi. dancing, a, bin^ m., pna m. dandled, to be, yj':i Polp. Daniel, bs'sji . daric, "|ir3~'n m. darics, D':3tix (only in plu.) Darius, UJ "■'n'n . dark, b3x , •'h-'hpn , T(tt5n, "I'n'int^ . colored, to be, nnp . flashiag, (adj.), •'h'^h^n . flashing, (sub.), nnb^DPi . places, 0*3 in •2 . thicket, 22? II com. to be, r/ijn K. Hi., 2-iS 11. 1 - T - T to become, -■np . to begin to hz, see bba; IL to grow, zyj II. to make, r,uin Hi. darken, to, •^■:in Hi., i"ip Hi. darkened, to be, r|-;jn , see dns Ni., bbs n (once), -np K. Hithp. darkness, u5t2X , bsx m. (poet.), nbsx f., 'intux m. (once Ken), see D-'Siaais , Tjttjn m., nr'rn f., nycon , nDicn f., bsxia m., r]S'!i-2 m., T)ffin?3 m., qsiria tiltSs m., 2S II com., ns^s f., n::bs f., bans m., see in V'^^? , ni'i'ip f., HEiirn (iu 3 Mss.), (Ch. T|'UJr. m.) darkness of death, n_']abs f . (only poet.) of Jehovah, n^bosTS . thick, btk m. (poet), nbsx f., see n^bsxT?. thickest, n'^ab:: f. (only poet.) to be covered (wrapped) in, qw . to cover with, 'z'^'S Hi. dart, SD^ m., ii hrt^ , ii'S'^i f., nbttj m. to, n>«'n. darts, see in abilJ . fiery, nip-'T , a-'pl . dash in pieces, to, y:j3 , "j^n^ , ysi K. (only pret. and inf. absol.). Pi., lua'n Pi., I'Sn, n:i-i Pi., tjiiiiJ. one another, to, yai Hithpo. to tlie groimd, to, uiai Pi. dashed, to be, rin3 Pu. dashing, a, ^sn m. dative case, — marked by b . (Ch. h .) daub, to, nsio . with bitumen, to, "i^n . daughter, n? I f. an adopted, n2 I f. daughter-in-law, nfe3 f. T - daughters, ni:3 . David, Tin . dawn, -\p2 m., -.nizjia m., ^^^3 m., nni^j m., n^-inai f. (once.). (Ch, sosisii) m.) at the, ^riTES . to, -lix Ni. day, Di'^ m., rarely f., n? usually f. (Ch. dii m.) by, di"i , dl'n , diaii . day by, di"* d"'"" , m'">i dv , "nrb di^3 di'i . (Ch. d''">3 di""! .) of calamity, m'l m. of the new moon, OTn m. on a, Dvn . the next, mn^i3 . this, di"'n , di*'? . time, in the, dl'i , dl'H , dT^a , da'ii . DAY i day-break, (Ch. {nsb .) day-liglit, nix m., bii m., rarely f., n-jrj f. day-light, at, iiNb . days of rejoicing, c^'b-bn . two, frv . dazzling white, ns . white, to, be, pins . dead, xro . body, rr^is f., nE!i5 f., n^ ttSsj . body, one deliled by a, tiisD xro . one, r^ UJE3 . person, nia . place of the, n'la ni. region of tlie, b~n m. the, m'x , r';?3 m. (poet.), c^ni^TD only plu. (concr. Cheth.), dTt: "iSS m. T T deadliness, n^ m. deadly, ^7:n coucr., nr , ri^ii) . disease, m3 m, evil, pibin nri . the, ni'sbn only plu. wound, nbnj .1x12 . deaf, ir-n . to be, ttj'^n K. Hi, deal bitterly, faithlessly, falsely, etc., see under the adverbs. with, to, brs w. two ace, of pers. and of thmg, n ncr , ncr I w. b. dealers, treacherous, D"'"i:a . dear, -I'^js'] , ip;^^ . to be, -ipi . '-T death, 'psx , P.';t3 m., v;? m. (Cli. m'lQ ,) shadow (or) darkness of, r*rbs f. (only poet.) sons of, nni^n"*52 . to be put to, t3'"in Ho. to put to, n:x Pi., nnia Pli. death-shade, n"!:bs f. (only poet.) deaths, n^n^r^ only plu. debauchee, rnx-o . debauchees, ti""!! . debt, :;in ra., x^'Q m., nxii'^Q f., nvi"?? m., •'tti: m. 2 DEO debtor, nui3 . decachord, ^Vi'S m. decad, -I'rrS m. decads, ri-ius;. decalogue, the, n^ns f. decay, to, nba . decayed, nba . decease, Cll'bn m. deceit, ';"x rn., rtrs (everywhere concr.). 313 m., ttjns , xrcr.xi, f., ■|i-'*^;^ '^^-^ b=3 m., r,^?:-i , -'|^';j m., riisnp plu., m:-ri f., Tr-cr.ys f. deceitful, pbn , "^bis and ""bs . frs , to be, bra Ni. tongue, n*T3n "p^b , nirenp! V*^^- deceitfully, nnncb . to act, nsa . - T deceive, to, rs J K. espec. w. 3b , Pi. w. ab ., see brn , Dan Hitlip. w. b ., aT3 K. (only part.). Pi. w. b., irrs PL, bD3 K. Pi. w. b of pers., Hithp. c. 3 ., x^: I Hi., aps , nrs Pi , nan :' TT ''-»? ,1 TT Pi., nbttj Hi., -jrttj K. c. dat, Pi. c. a of pers., bbn Hi. c. a of pers. deceived, to be, x!li3 I Ni., rsn Ni. to let one's self be, nrD Pu. deceiver, •T3 m., bre m. (poet). (Ch. nb^zn f.) fearful and wonderful, xnia m. great, bSE m. (poet.) great and splendid, rsia m. deeds, ti^bbs/ia . glorious, nt'xiia , good, tjiian . marvellous, m'xbsi . deem, to, n^i I Pi. deep, '^p'CS only plu. constr., pbSJ . (Ch. p^^v .) place, nbi'^13 f., also nbsia^ f. the, cinpi com. (poet.) things, mpTSSi or nipr? . to be, prs . to make, p-QS Hi. deeps, D-'pw^ . deer, see iri . (a species of), "isi^n;; , defacement, nn':3^ m., nnttSia m. defeat, nuJ^bn f., nS'O f., ym m. defeated, to be, Cjj; Ni. defecation, rpuiia m. defect, "(inon m. defection, n-ns m., na^lliia f., mo f., V V T : T T ' yirs m. one who makes, yii'a m. to venture, see -ic"q , defence, -iro m., ts> m. defences, strong, m'?33? . defend, to, nin w. b ., n^'^ Hi w. b ,. T T : ' T ! ' -S3 I, a:(u Pi. - T - T his cause, to, BSllJ . one's cause, to, riD"' Hi. one's cause and deliver him from Ms enemies, to, asOJ w. '^ and the cause of, to, ",■'':; . defender, •j''^ m., a-i . defer, to, nns Pi., "rx Hi, ' - T '' - T deferred, to be, T|Is373 Ni. Pu. deficiency, ■|l-pn m., -lionia m. deficient, (Ch. iisn .) defile, a, '|i-P3 m. defile, to, bxa II Pi. (later Heb.), bbrj Pi. Hi., Cijn , sra Pi., C,::: Pi. one's self, to, bs". II Hithp. (later Heb.), xr-j K. Ni. Hithp, Hothp., i'tiJE:-ns ypjo . defiled, stra . to be, bs* II Ni., bbn Ni., ?5n , STsa K. Ni., n-c-Ji Ni. ■■ T T T defilement, bxa. deflect, to, n::3 K. Hi. to cause to, -iso Pil. deflour, to, s^ej Pi. deformity, sh m. defraud, to, rsa Pi., ap^ , pCiJS , degenerate branch, shoot, -.!|d m, degrade, to, aw Hi, degrees, nibsiQ , dehort from, to, -lO" Pi, w. "j^ . DEI 44 DEN deities, deity, C^n'^X . dejected, rjri , nx3 (Keri.) to be, nx3 Ni. delay, to, -.nx K. (once). Pi., r,"n«< Hi., Hi 13 Pil. c. inf. et b ., b^in and bTl , -ipi (once), nn:: or r^'CifO Hithp. delayed, to be, T,ti;^ Ni. deliberation, nio m., n"is II f. deliberations, zh "'ipn . delicacies, D^ry3'2 , C"'iiSO . delicate, ytv , ab? , Tj^ . food, 5xrs m. living, D"'::rn and m'sjyr) m. to be, j:5> Pu., r^sn . delicately, to bring up, p:s Pi. to live, •,"]? Hithp. delicateness, --i ni. delight, D'^snN plu., nsnx f., "inn m., pi^jTsn 1, vsn m., pitin m., niT^n";! 1, ixnr m., brn-? m., cny plu., apsm., -j"::"! m., n-'srsd plu., nixn f. an odor of, nh"": n^n . in, to, znx and :rnx seq. infln. c. - T ■■ T h ., -ins c. ace. a ., i^n , ysn c. a., pttin w. inlin. and b ., Hi. w. 3 ., ~y"i w. ace. of pers., N2"i 11, n:i-i . *■ r T T T in beholding, to, mn c. 3 . in (intercourse) with, to, ns"i w. cir . one's self, to, a:r Hithp., rria Pilp. c. ace. in or with, Hithpalp. to, 55sai Pilp. with, iT^'a^r'o , delighted, to be, ssu) Pilp. c. ace. in or with, delightful, D-iyj. delighting in, I'm. delights, riT'i"; , U'S'i?'? , t)"'^"'S3 and ni^Ts , c^ar^Jp and r-ia:rn m. plu. in, one, 3 yzn ib Vi^ . that which, ■j'-En m. delineate, to, -.xn Pi. delineated, npnTD . deliver, to, nb"n Pi., yhn Pi., x^'^ Hi., ytlJn Hi., -jbi3 Pi. Hi., bs3 Pi. Hi., ^ao Pi. Hi., a* -ID (once), -Jb^ K. Pi. -T -T^ *T Hi., nsQ , pns , (Ch. bs3 Haph., deliver, (a woman), to, nb^ Pi. one's self, to, '^biz Ni. Hithp. over, to, •,3'a Pi., na-o (once part, pass.), xs^ Hi. w. -1^3 ,, "(PS C dat., lao Hi., ",20 I Ni. c. n^3 . (Ch. zrr> .) ' to, to, bs IPS , up, to, XS73 Hi. w. i;i3 ., -las Hi.,' *,:0 I Ni. c. n;;3 . deliverance, nbsn f., nriffii f., rttS*' and 5'«i^ m., xs-^T3 m., nsns f., -^^q ^ mx2"in plu., nrittin f. deliverances, nirc'i^ . delivered, nrnd^ f., T^s: (Cheth.) fully, to be, ubo Pi. c "jia. over, to be, (Ch. rn'i Ithpe.) the, Qi-'nE plu., n::"bs f. concr. to be, vbn Ni., xs"! , a'UJ'' Ni., !-T Tt' -T ab'O Ni. Hithp., b:i3 Ni. deliverer, rsW"" f., S"*!!;!^ . my, la'Ui- concr. delude, to, nns Pi. deluge, b-iap m. delusions, rn^nn'o , c"yri3;n . demand, to, ttjps Pi. w. ]-z ., li'nn w. ace. of thing, and •;*: , ti^-q of pers., bxr . (Ch. bxb w. b of pers.) back, to, ai-ri w. n^?3 . demolish, to, ni:? Pi., -i-;i^ Po., yno . demolished, to be, y-jQ Pu. to be utterly, n-iar Pilp. Hithpalp. demon, foreboding, zix . demonstration, nnsin f. den, nyin-Q 1, "(n'^ '"•' "?l"^"? ^-J •^".? m. (only poet.). (Ch. 3S.) denounce, to, Ta3 Hi. - T dens, see trniia . denseness, "izv m. density, n3ST2 m. deny, to, see rps Pi. 5., rns Pi., X!13 Hi., n33 Pi. not to, nriD xb . to, to, iijns Pi. w. 3 of pers., -jSS c. 'i^O . DEP 45 DES depart, n:b . to, bTX , rex Ni., bl2 Ni., r,bn and '-T? -T -T '-T Tjb-j seq. 'T,ri , cs-q , nxia , "^JD^ , •"J-S^ .,-i^T II K. Ni, i^bn w, )^ ., Tnb K. c. -j-i, Hi, (in Chald. manner), 'ii^-o I K. Hi., j!io I, -1-10 c. -,13 , b?^ , or 13 , ■'■inxtJ ., "irs w. '(-a , nxia ., nib lU (once). (Ch. iTwNt , bjS , n-S c. -,13 .) to cause to, S)o: Hi. to let, nbuj Pi. to make, "ito Hi; w. ace, often w. departing, (adj.), inO"^ (Cheth.), pnn . departs, one wlio, : n^c (Cheth.) departure, bTN , wjibn m., ys?3 m. deplore, to, n^3 . depopulate, to, p]?3 K. Po. depose, to, (Ch. nn:? Aph.) deposed, to be, (Ch. nn: Hoph. after the Heb.) deposit, a, "("iipQ m., n?:rrn f. w. gen. ni added. to, nnj Hi., Tpa K. Hi. (Ch. nns Aph.) deposited, to be, nps Ho. c. nx . with, (something), "(inpa m. depravity, y-\ m., r\'J-i f. depress, to, TuTJ Hi., nnttj Hi. ■^ TT T T depressed, nitJ , bsCU . to be, •.fl'rj or v'n (once), pi'S Ni., ' T T niO K. Hi. (Cheth.), nriffi , bsb . depth, nbi:jT3 f. also nbiiais f., pTsi) m.,- see in ~iN!i^ , nbsia f. depths, lio"! m. (poet), D^pigsi: , pi-xhn . inmost, ^ipira deride, to, see brn , vrib K. Hi., a?b Hi. c. 2 ., 5sb K. c. b, 3 , Hi. c. b, 2 , bj> ., pi^a Hi., yss , s:r Hithp. c. bs ., g\p^ Pi. Hithp. c. 2 ., pniu K. Hi. c. bs ., bbn Hi,, ysn Hithpalp. derision, jsb m., yisb m., pniu?3 m., obp m., ph^ m., nsisuj f. (once), nr:ilJ f., m'p"'-nt5 (Keri), and mpin© (Cheth.), np-;;^ f, song of, na-'ba f,, buJiD, nrss f. derision, to use a song of, bttJtt , derisions, D^bm . ■ \ -■ descend, to, t^-' , nn: K. Ni. (only poet.), bs^ c. b;-p ., njs . (Ch. nnj .) to cause to, nrs Hi. to let, nni Hi. descendant, female, n2 I f. descendants, IT^^nx f. concr., rr^a m., Di:2 plu. of the fourth generation, n''"3'i (only plu.) of the third generation, n*^tt5^ia (only plu.) descending, (adj.), D'^nnj plu. descent, (declivity), n-iia m. (origin), m'x:n'T3 (only plu.) descents, (family), nnb'n . describe, to, n"X HI Hithp,, 2n3 , nxn TT '■ -t' T' I Pi. a circle, to, jin . desert, a, nn-.}, f. (once), y^n m,, •ii?3''a3'^ m., -13-1^ m., nnbT3 f., nr^s , I • : T : • T *• : t t -: ' m:T3iiJ f., t-'n. Arabian, lanBfi , desert, (wasted), npbsis f. to lie,' c^n and ^^n , desert, (what is deserved), b!i"!3a m., more fully, n'^ni bsnss , nb^ioj f. to render any one his, ibroa 2''!l5n b . desert, to, bnn and bnn , bE3 c bs ., nui: I, 2T? , ns"i I Hi, w, ',73 . TT - T ^ T T ■ • to treacherously, 153 constr. absol., oftener w. 3 of pers. deserts, nir^n . design, rrns f. (Ch. xia m.) by, n'^-T^3 , designated, "|np3 . desirable, "ranp . something, l!i^n , things, ^aj m. coll. desirableness, ^-qn m., mxn f. desire, see n3X , "'X (once Cheth.), nsis f., n^nx f., r\v-\ f., n-n^sn 1, irsn m., pirn m., "i^ania m., r-i II m., n!i~n f., •(i'^^T! ™-» ^-^.^ ^- (once), njxn f., nrr^iiJr f. c. bs , by , DES 46 DES desire earnestly, to, 2x1 c. h , for one's self, to, n"x I Hithp. greatly, to, ros K. c. b , Ni. object of, rr^nan f. to, :nx and mx , l-i'X I Pi.. - T " T ' T T ina c. ace. 3 ., nsn K. (once part.), Pi., nrn K. Pi., |rsn , bs u3e3 xiB; , rxn or :xn (only 1 pers. pret.) c. b of thing. desired, thing, •mn-o m. desires, ^'ixia plu. constr. (once.) desiring, ytn . desist, to, b"'n and bin , *ir2> I w. yo .. -T "T^ -T 1 ' ? nei I Hi. T T from, to, bss c. p ., nB"i I K. Hi. - T 1.7 T T w. I'D ., li'aai w. ',13 . to make, n^tti Hi. desolate, 2"]n , na-in f. concr., OBitJ , Jin'n concr. one's self, to, ci3'r Hithpo. places, ns'^ia f. concr. (always coupled with nxvj ), nx"il5 1, to, 3-1 n Hi., rniti Pi. to be, ns3 K. Ni., n72tt5 Ni. ' TT ' " T to be made, nUJi , np3 Ni., CTDI13 K. Ni. Ho. to make, DroS Hi. desolated, n:^^ f. concr. to be, 3nn Ni., ms I Ni., nn':j Ni. ' desolateness, »n'pi. desolater, n'nuii? . desolation, npiB f. (once), nra f., nra f., n^.i f., bin m., r-;n m., na-n f.. rNiaJTD f. (ahvays coupled with nxrr), nriu-o f., nz^rj f., -iix'r m., rxttj f., lit) II m., nxiuJ f., nao f., narai f., nr-cui f., inn. to make (it), nrioTa ciiiu, '.nj uttermost, npis-ci npiia. desolations, p'^is'iii"' , r'ixtttJa , desolator, the abomination, transgression of the, see in crtli Po. despair of, to, tijxi Ni. w. ",« . one in, uJxis . despair, to give over to, tix"^ Pi. w. iab . to let, ^ixi Pi. w. iab . desperate, ttjisx , irxis . despicable, to become, nbp II Ni. despise, to, Tna c. ace, oftener b ., iill K. Hi., bbT Hi. (w. Chald. flexionX Dxa , I'XJ K. Pi., b33 Pi., bbp^ Hi., KflUJ II, y';^'3i Pi. despised, ni^j , n'T3 , yiifo , T:s"^. to be, nrj3 Ni. c. -(^ ., xba Ni., ntr' I, 2;b Ni. t' T T to be too, sbs Ni. w. "j-a . to make, rrrp I Hi. difficulty, r!i"i:;3 f. diffuse, to, DCS . dig, to, nsn I, npn Hithp., see -i!i3 I, n-^3 I, "IV. a jjit for, to, "isn I c. b . for, to, nsn I. ' - T in, to, -!n2 Pi. c. by . out, to, 'irn I. over, to, ptr Pi. (only.) through, to, npn . under, to, -i:p Pilp. up, to, pTSJ Pi. (only.) digged, to be, nnr Ni. digger, ^sx ni. dignity, niwS m., -ijr'] m., rsto f. (Ch. "ir"' m-) royal, sea m. dilate, to, nna Hi. diligent, I'rnn H. to be, pTn w. inf. c. h . diligently, n-''Jiri . (Ch. K'^nns , KJ'lEDS .) dim, nn-3 f. (only.) to be, nn'2 . to become, nns , cias) Ho. » r ' - T diminish, to, hDX , ynj , '^Vo Hi. diminished, to be, -.^z y"i53 , -ion , asiQ , dine, to, cnb bast . dip, to, hz'J , ~an (only Hoph. part.) in, to, bsa w. ace. of thing, a of liquid. (Ch. z'Z'i .) one's self, to, baa . direct, to, -mi^ Pi., -jiis Pil. Hi., tsiiu and cip , n-'OS . words to, to, r,is> w. b . I - T I directed, to be, ir"' Ho. director, a, 333 . directors, ciaiii. dirt, see •,'mr"iQ . to remove, s::^:: Pilp. (once.) dirty, to be, ~\-)p . color, to be of a, ilp . garments, to go about in, it|? . disallow, to, xsj Hi. disa2)point, to, ujia Hi., rba Pi., llSns Pi. disappointed, to be, iijia . disband, to, cb-n . disbrancli, to, r;rD Pi. discern, to, y2 K. Hi., y-ii . between, to, bna Hi. (constr. c. discernment, crii m. (Ch. era m.) discharge, nnbr"'^ ^• disciple, •^'z m., nsiab , T'^bn m. female, na I f. discipline, "D^its m. to, 1?3b . disclose, to, nbj . discomfit, to, cm , Uibn , "I'tiQ Hi. discontinue, to, arlS w. "iia . discouraged, to be, ns"i I Hithp. discouragement, "|VS"i w. c^n*' added, discourse, nrx (poet.), nrx Qjoet.), ni^s f. (poet.), nirx f. (poet.), na-n m., npb m., n^-a f. (only poet.), nc m., bip m., rr^iu I m. (Ch. n|« !)■ to, n&D Pi. discover, to, I'l"" , NS^a . (Ch. yl^ .) one's self, to, nb5 Ni. discovered, to be, nbj Ni. discreet, '(laa . to be, -pa Ni. discreetly, nrna . to act, c^v I Hi. discretion, (Ch. xZiS .) disdain, to, a bra (prob.), nsb Ni. disease, ibn m., niilJEn and rr'tlJan f., n'la m., nbriT? m., nbn^a f. diseased, to be, nbn . DIS 49 DIS diseased, to make, n-n Hi. cliseascs, U'lbn': , c-xbrp (only plu.) disfigure, to, see h!|3 I, see nsUJ Pi. 3. ciis2:race, niiia f., "ion , nE~n f., ribss L, T\'pv f. to, iu-3 Hi., nnn Pi., b:3 Pi. to cause, -sn II Hi. flisgracecl, to be, Hz'^ Hi., ti^s Ni. disguise one's self, to, (UEn Hithp., njiy I Hithp. disgust, to excite, ^'x3 Hi. to feel, Y^•p I w. 3 . dish, q3 1, ro m., bsq m. (only in Judges), n-^n'bir f., nn^s f., noj^ f. a deep, rriSp f. T t' : dishes, mnbs (only plu.) sacrificial, ni'p3T3 (only plu.) dishonor, -jibp m. dislocated, to be, s;?- (only fut.) dismay, nn m., rnn m. to, nnn Pi. dismayed, nn , nnnn . to be, see •j.'yn , nrn K. Ni. dismiss, to, nna , -11:3 , ynQ K. Hi., nsi I Hi., nbtti Pi. dismission, d-r;!itil) plu. dispai-t, to, pit) 3 K. Pi. disperse, to, -it3 , nm Pi., S"i7, 'p'yn Pi., nn: Hi., ^-jz , yti K. (only in pret. and inf. absol.), Pi., y^Q K. (only fut. and imp.). Hi., "its K. (only part. pass, f.), Pi., ops , Tia Hi., y-\B^ , 'iu'^s Pi. one's self, to, y^^ Hi., ^na . themselves, to, VS3 K. (only in pret. and inf. absol.), yiisK. (only fut. and imp.), Ni. (only pret. and part), TiQ Ni. dispersed. yiQ . to be, v^aNi. (only pret. and part.), tr'ilS Ni., -Its Ni. Pu., T^e Ni. Hithp., ©"ns Ni., see dlQ Ni. disperaer, a, y^'S'O^ . dispersion, vsj ^ see vsj , yns m. dispersions, see in ns'sn . displaced, to be, nrn Ni. displease, to, (Ch. iijxa w. bs .) 5 displeasing, S)*i . disposal, to leave at one's, 'b T'S 2tS. - 1 - T disjDOsed, to be, nrx . disijosition, (arrangement), r.-i?a m., nrny;? f. (spirit), rii-i f. disi^ossess, to, n:^ Hi. (w. ace. of pers. and •,•»:), uini also uin" Iv. Pi. Hi., bn3. dispossessed, to be, llSsi'n . dispute with, to, nr"; Ni. Hithp. c. sr. disquiet, nS'T f., n'l m. to. Sin Pil., tsn Hi. disquieted, to be, 7,n3 Ni., n^n , 'iSO Ni. disquietude, y.-cii m. dissemble, to, -123 Ni. Hithp. dissimulation, •,ixi!3i2 m. dissipate, to, ^t2 . dissolve, to, nD"a Hi. dissolved, to be, jnia K., see also Ni. dissuade from, to, s!i3 Hi. \v. "jb . distance, pin"! m. at a, isria, pinna (once.) to a, p'in-o and piniTa nj) (after verbs of motion), pini TS . distant, pi'nn. (Ch. p-rin .) far, p-inn . land, pnnTa •]'7X . place, pmia m. to be, pnn . distil, to, qbtj , :i-J3 , rn^ I, TiSn K. Hi. distinction, niiB f. distinctly, iiSnaia . (Ch. 1l5na^3 .) distinguish, to, bna Hi. (constr. c. 'j'^a. Hi. distinguished, biian , n233 . to be, Nbs Ni., nbs Ni. T . T T to make, xba Hi., nbs Hi. to show one's self, xbs Hithp. distorted, to be, n''" Ni. T T distracted, to be, y.Q (once.) distress, ^^nb m., psiia m., piSB m., n;r!i:£?3 f., -lis^ I m., na^ m., 135 DIS 50 DOM m., pais m., np^ttjr f., pi's m., n^ss f., IS m., rr^a f., nxVn f. distress, one in, pis*a IB^x . to, ynb , pvs I Hi. c. dat, Tis: Hi. to be in, "ix-^ impers., ^nx impers. distressed, 'i^nx , ''Z'S . to be, f;; Ni., -inst . distribute, to, pbn K. Pi., inj K. Pi. among, to, p^n Pi. w. b . largely, to, -iTQ Pi. one's self, to, pbn Ni. district, bs2a m., b:n m., nbs m., njiniD f. (later Heb.), ci'pifl com., Tjbs m. (Ch. nrnia f.) disturb, to, fcn , S!i3 Hi., nrs , Sld'i Hi. (Ch. ttiriu'Pa.) disturbance, nj'"n. disturbed, to be, tsn . ditch, a, y^Ti I m., n*Mi m. (Egyptian word.) dithyrambic ode, 'pisui m. songs, in the manner of, pn'jiya bs . divan, n'ji-o f., 2013 m., nio m., b^s f. diver, (bird), see r^h^ m. diverse, (Ch. Pa. part. pass, of s:!l5 .) kinds, two things of, d'^xbs du. only, to be, nrr I c. I'q . (Ch. x:a5 c. '^-q ,) weiglits, •;nNl ^^X . divide, b"i2 Hi. (constr. c. yz^ — y^ ^ rrb-r?, ^— r?), "P2, ^ra k. Pi-, "i!? , P^n , "^n , 7^1 , sbe Pi., see 503 Pi., D'HQ Hi., yottJ . (Ch. sbe , ons .) and distribute, to, ri:in w. — y'2 among themselves, to, pbn Ni. Hithp. one's self, to, pbn Ni., nsn Ni. out, to, HT^ , nrn (once), pbn Pi., nt'O Pi. w. b of pei-s. (later Heb.) out by lot, to, bss Hi. w. ace. of thing and b of pers. out to, to, pbn w. b , up, to, perh. xt3 (once.) divided, r.rc . divided opinions, fsro f. plu. out, to be, Y^n Pu., ins Ni. to be, rpa Ni., n:in Ni., ysn-, nns Ni., aba Ni., nna Ni. divider, a, b'^isia . dividing, b"''n:T: . (spoil), those, Q-'san^s . divination, CiOp^ m., ncp m. reward of, tJDp m. to practise, UJnj I Pi., cDp (only of false prophets.) divine, to, tijnj I Pi., cop (only of false prophets.) blessing, j^^.n"^ ri3*ia . communi edition, ytn m. influence, to speak under a, m23 Ni. instruction, -;3 m. diviner, so'p. diviners, (Ch. y)i .) divining spirit, -"Ix . division, np^bn 1, Pp'brn: f., nsbsa f., nns f., naba f. (Ch. naba or xabe .) divorce, nw-i3 f. to, ttinj , nbd Pi. do, to, bbs I Hithpo., nr^ I, b?B (poet.), diil) and c-'b , n^iu (rarely). (Ch. n:s .) a second time, to, -!ia3 . again, to, riO"* K. Hi. (Ijoth de- fect.), rTiJ , n:u5 I. away, to, -ie3 Pi. further, longer, the more, to, tp"^ K. Hi. (l)oth defect.) not to, bnn and b"!n . the second time, to, n:Ta I. T T to, to, b^" w. two ace, of pers. and of thing, doctrine, lix m., npb m. document, ars m. (Ch. ars m.) T I ^ T : dog, abs m. dog-flv, see aiS . doing, nb-'br f., n^ra f- domestic beasts, n-cna f. coll. domicil, nri-cv f. dominion, r.^abiQ f. (later Heb.), nsbatt DOM 51 DRA f., VttSr^ m., rViiiriQ 1, rr^to^ f., -t:2!iJ-a m., btii^n , buJ'D m., 'linQ ni. (C\\. ^:bB f., -.-jb^j) m.) ^ : - ' T : T domiuion over, to have, br2 w. Ip ., tjba c. 3. (later rieb.) to gain, L;b"J3 c. a , (later Heb.) to have, b'ris , t"55 , iTTn c. 3 over., -,:\b I, i':!iy . (Ch. abu c 3 in or over.) to let have, ablU Hi. (later Heb.) to, to give, biBr Hi. w. ace. of pers. and 3 of thing, done, ought not to be, see in ntoS' I Ni. (something), ni"S)i3 m. to be, Nl3 Ni., -in K. Ni. (only pret. and part). (Ch. nn? Ithpe.) to have, crn w. inf. c. b . door, bn m. (once), nb'n f. (Keri), rb'n f., ni'pbn plu., nns m. (Ch. ynn m.) double, folding, cnb-n f. (du. for the most part, sometimes in sing.) door-keepers, (Ch. x''""in plu. emphat.) door-post, nTlTia f. door-way, nns m. doors, out of, V!in. whatever is out of, vsin m. dote, to, bs"' I Ni. on, to, zi'S c. b? , bx . double, biiS , n'^bsB du., nsoJa . enclosure, D'PSd du. folds, D^bES du. the, n:fflTa m., c'JttJ m. du. to, bs3 . to be, csn . doubled, o^rx'n plu. doubling, a, bss m. doubt, without, rts , doubter, pro . dough, p^a m. dove, nrr f. dove-cote, naix f. (once in sing) dove-house, n3">X f. (once in sing.) dove's dung, c''51"'3ti (Keri.) doves, young, n;i"' "^rs . down, nis-a , narb , nnn . down, a letting, rnj f., nibEtt) f. that which is let. nn3 f. concr. to let, nb'n , in; Hi., n^iD Hi., ns*! I Pi., nbii5 Pi', to let one's self, ryi . ',2tt5 also - T ' ' - T upon, bs . downcast, see noJ . downward, n::rb . downwards, na'cb , na^ , nnn . T ■ t ' T - ' dowry, nrt m., D'^niklU m. plu. drag, to, r,a:T2 , ano , away, to, *T]J K. Hithpo. dragged together, to be, Tia Ni. dragon, n"'Sr) sing., 'pjn m. dragons, see in nrn . drain, to, nsia . draw, to, ntu^ I K. Hi., r,Qj7: . ' T T ' •! - T along, to, ano, away, to, pn3 c. '(O , away from, to, nna Hi. c. '^-q . back, to, :)cx , aio K c. ',o , Ni., srcj I, aid Hi. forth, to, n^a and n'ia , rjbaj . in the feet, to, xsp , in the yoke, to, r^j-o w. a of man- ner. near, to, u353 K. fut. Ni. pret. w. bit , Hithp., r,T:o c. bx ., ant? I and anp , (Ch. anp .) near to, to, r^j Hi. w. n? ., anp I Hi. w. inf. and b . off, to, irbn , biija , cibd . on, to, TjUJ-D . one's sword, to, "iann ffibd . one's self together, to, isp Pi. one's self up, to, VEp Ni. out, to, nbtj Pi., ybn K. Pi., n^jt Hi., noj^ I K. Hi., r,aJ^ w. '{O ., ttSa; , bttJ3 , psi-i Hi., see nbtl3 3., bbttj , tht) . - T ^ ' - T out with relish, to, v^-q . the bow, to, nij]3a r|iiJT3 . together, to, yap . towards, to, TjUjiq . (water), to, nbl , asiB . (water from the surface), to, CittJn , DRA DP.O draw up, to, qox , rbs Ili., csib and drawers (of Heb. priests), ■'D!2a (plu. or du. constr. only.) drawing, a, T^oip m. near, a, nsiP f. nigh, (adj.), =7.p^ , drawings in' (of a wall), m'?1JT3 . diawn in, to be, bsx Ni., nsp Ni. (Clieth.) over, to be, nlsS . swords, rinns . dread, n^a^x f., nsNt^ f., n^M f-, m T" TT: ' TTI ' m., TTin f. dreadful, xm: . dream, a, nibn m., see TMiSi . (Ch. c^n m.) to, njn , cVn . dreams, to talk in one's, SiTM . dregs, o'^iTStlJ . drench, to, nn Pi. Hi. drenched, to be, nn K. Pi. c. *,« dress, i^s m., p-'ttj m. (the head), to, 2a'' Hi. to, nias I. dressed, to be, Tii' Ni. and offered, to be, niiJS I Ni. dresser, a, aJ^h. dned, to be, 2-n Pu. up, to be, TjEn Ni., 2"in and a-in , -I'm Ni, uin-" Hi., irnj Ni. T •• T - T drink, npd^ m., nniiSia m., nrpoS (only plu.), i!ip!l5 m. abundant, niin f. causing to, npqia . deeply, to, ns'j I, in, to make, n^i Pi. of, to, nrttS I w. 'p2 . out greedily, to, nso . strong, -i3aJ m. to, nnttj I. (Cli. nr!l5 and snil) .) to be sated with, mn . T T to excess, to, n:;o . to give to, N^5 Hi., nj"j Hi., nj5'lJ Hi. to hilarity, to, natiS I. to let, npaJ Hi. drink together, to, nn-" I. drink-offering, tj-ds m., r|3: m., and r,03. (Ch. -03.) drinking, a, nrnii'S m., TO) I m., rrnilS f. drinking-bout, a, s:b m. drinking-troughs, see fpstlS . drinking-vessels, np'i^ "^ j3 , drip, to, Cib'n . dripping, c;l'n m. drive, to, crn , iar.3 , jn: K. Pi. - T ' -r" -T away, to, m: I Hi. (Keri), t^nj . away by a puff, to, sttis Hi. back, to, aiiui Hi. down, to, nrs Hi. forth, to, (Ch. in:: .) hard, to, psn . (in a vehicle), to, -sn , into, to, ;pn, off, to, sri] . out in haste, to, bna Hi. out of a possession, to, uj"i"i Hi. out, to, ttina K. Pi., rnn w. i:q'3 ^ "SEiJTa., ttJi'i also ©3-', m: Hi., n:i3 Hi., bnj , buis Pi., uir: . driven about, to be, nn; . away, to be, r.T'n Pu. forth, to be, nns Pu. out, -I?: H m. concr., "^Jia , see nbil3 Pu. out, to be, nns Ni. to be, u5ns Ni., -so Po., nbtt) Pu. up and down, nma . driver, ttjji: , rsi m. " ' T - driving, jrj'Q m., nsa-i f. out, a, nail 5 f. to iix, to fasten by, rpn . dromedaries, ni'^S'iS . droop, to, box or b-sjt K. (part, pass.), Pul. (only in poetry.) drop, a, na m., qaJ m. off, to, bu:3 . to, C]bT , ci-j: K. Hi., hz: Hi., q-^s I, q^"j K. Hi. to let, HE"! I Hi. dropping, a, -^^a m., cb'^ m., PBD f. continual, Tntj rb^. DEO 53 DWE droppings, (of honey), ^2."i m. cli-ops, peril. tt:!i3 m. coll. (for the ears), n'S""::;. (of dew), see in b:,j< , C"'0"'0"i . to fall in, ni:3 . to flow out in, nrs Pi. to let fall in, n'j: K. Hi. di-oss, b-ina m., jip m. (Keri.) drought, n-iS3 f., a-in f., 3";'n m., •jiz^n m., n»:| f. droughts, mn::n:i , drove, a, nij? m., •,xs com. drowned, to be, sjnll) . drum, a, ^p m. drunk, TSli . to be, nil Pi. T T to get, -i=lU I Hithp. to make, nrilJ I Pi. Hi. - T to make one's self, nsllS I Hithp. drunkard, x-'d. drunkards, c-ixro (Keri.) di-unken, x^iio , ni^3lU . to be, izu: I. drunkenness, ^.1 ^•» I'i'^^ttJ m., nbs-n . dry, 3-;r , ffi::'^ , naia'i only f., rnC2^ f., ■(Oj'i , nns , n-Tiia , b^:s . (Ch. Npaia^ st. emphat.) and parched land, nnT^St f., Tl'^ri:: (Cheth.) earth, ieS* m. grass, UJain m. land, "s I, rn-inn (only w. the art.), ntija;: f., nuia^ f. place, •,'i""S ni. concr. places, nis-in . to be, a-in and nin , "nn , to^"- , ',©■« Ni., p^5£ . to become, UJ^"' K. Hi. "■ to make, uj^i Pi. Hi. up, to, r^rn Ni., n-in Hi., Idz'^ K. Pi. Hi., nuJD I, see niJS , p?:it . dryness, s-jn f., :7h m., nann f., "lirin m., n*s f., ■,i-'S m. due, a, ::2ilJi3 m. dug out, to be, -ij53 Pu. dull, 123 , nn3 f. (only.) eyes, nir'n c-^rs . ' 5* " dull, to be, ttSSM , "i:s , bos (once), ISB Hi. to become, fit^p K. Pi. to make, nas Hi. ~ T dullness, nT'SQ f. dumb, bbx . struck, cnij . to be, cbx Ni., ma-n II, D^i , uinn , to be struck, cr?i . dumbness, cbx m., crin. dung, bba m., bba m., i-q^ m., n-^x-in plu., nnio f., ttJns m., see •,i'nitj'ns, ^y'^sa plu. constr. only. balls of, n'"bba , dung-gate, n'silJNn "iSuJ . dungeon, ma I m., more fully liin n"? . dunghill, psttj.s m., nsTsn?? f. (Ch. .ib".3 f. and •'b'^D .) dunghills, ninsttSx . dupe, to, bbp Hi. c. 2 of pars, duijlicate, njUJia m. durable, -(lax I Ni, to make, r^ai^ . duration, cbl's m. during, -,3 m. w. gen. of time, na I f. w. gen. of time, is . (Ch. ny .) dusky color, to be of a, -np . dust, pax m., n;^2X f., ns^ (poet.), -IBS m., pniti m. (poet.) at, to throw, nsr Pi. cloud of, yijy m. (poet.) fine, -i3S m. small, pT m. to, -IS? Pi. to vanish in, nb^D I Ni. (once.) duty, -1^1 m. to (any one), to keep one's, niatt) dwarf, anbp (participle.) dwell, to, -iflj I, -m^, baT , njn (poet.), a©" , "jlV and -pb K. Hithpal., ,t: , ny-i , -(DiiJ also -,2113 . (Ch. -iri'n , an"; , •JSIB , X"iUJ also ii~-J^_ .) at, by, near, to, aiU'^ c. ace. in, to, a©"" , in, to cause to, "pii Pi. w. ace. of pers., 2 of place. DWE 54 EAS dwell in the earth, to, y^ii ",383 . quietly, to, r;n Hi. to be made to, -uji Ho. - T to cause to, (Ch. -n^ Aph., 1205 Pa.) with one's self, to lot, rffli Hi. - T dweller, a, uoir , •.stij m., rffiin m. •• ' ' " T T concr. dwellers, riuiia m, concr. dwelling, (adj.), ,"T3 , •,'nz^ , a, bnk, n^s m., "iSri m., bi:T m., n!i:o m. (once sing.), z^^Xi m., ■pria m., nais'ia 1, 'iiaiia m., nij m. (only poet.), n*3 f., 'p ni., Tjiu m., na-'O II f., *|3d m. (once), ttj-iiu m., n:!i=n I f. (Ch. dwelling, in one's, '(iro . in quiet, irxui . near, one, "puj m. quiet, yni m. dwelling-house, -ttiiia n"'3 . dwelling-place, ni^n ni. (poet.), nip 73 com. dwellings, nixj only plu. constr. (poet.), nisn (once.) dwelt in, to be, istlS also '.z'O . ' - T ' " T dye, r,!iQ m. dyed garments, ?-s ui. concr. garments of double embroidery, something, rss m. concr. twice, see ijui . dyeing, (of garments), r^S m. E each, tti"s m., •'■Z'< m. (poet.). Note. — Each is indicated by repeating the noun with the insertion of tlie copula. eager, see irrn II part, pass., y^-.n II. to be, y-in (once), pptlj . eagle, -iffi: m. (Ch. -mj: .) (a species of), n'jTS' f., ois m. ear, -jix f. to give, '(TX I Hi. ear, a green, 3"':x m. (of grain), a'^rx m., nh'^h^ f. (once), rVao (dialect of Ejihraim- ites), nbk'JJ f. ear-drops, ms''a3 . ear-ring, cT3 m., b'Sr m. ear-rings, see tijnb 3. oar-witness, to be an, yraS . earlier, the, *|rjx"i ra. earliest, •,ittix"i m., n3ttJX'l f. early, npn mx , oftener np23 , Ip3^ (poet.), "njrin nr , npa , naai Hi. w. another verb in infln., Q-'DiiSn . fruit, to bear, id 3 Pi. to do, c*ip Pi. w. infin., D=a5 Hi. w. an infin. to rise, crtt5 Hi. early to, to get up, crilj Hi. w. h . earnest, an, "pris m. earnestly, to do, caffl Hi. before another verb, earnings, i'^37 m., yj- m., t5^3i:Ty . ears, to jjoiut, to prick up the, ^Tx I Hi. earth, Htshx; f., tax f. (poet.), v-!x com., Vrn f. (poet). (Ch. ynx , clods of, niiBS m. plu. dry, -^ES" m. the whole, b:n f. (poet.) upon the, ^BS br . earthen vessel, ttj-tn "h^s , :ss m. vessels, bnn ''hp,-: . ware, (Ch. xr:: rion .) earthy particles, v-ix com. ease, at, (adj.), "hxb , living at, pxtlj . ease one's self, to, vbj'i -en . easily enticed and seduced, TQ m. concr. East, tlie, ci^x plu., x^llTS m., nnTi; m., • *■ T t: • Q^np m., c"'p m. at the, WATZ'O , ti'ip'a . of, at the, h zn^-a . EAS 55 ELO East of, on the, HTanp? , nin!^ • of, to the, ■':b--? . on the, nn75273 . side, d'^np Pits . towards the, rmab , niTia , nnTria , {ran;? • wind, n"'Tp ni. eastern, "lirnp , "'iia'ip . quarter, onp ni. eastward, n^7i3 , nn"jT^ , tj'ip'a , fiinp , of, •'jeIj , •'rs-bs , b ta^tsiTa , r^-ip . the east side, nrnfia niDTp nsQ . easy, to be, hbp Ni. eat, to, bsx , tria K. Pi., in (fut. O.), onb (poet.). (Ch. bax.) a little, to, a;*:: . off, to, brx , ben . - T ' - T to cause to, ma Hi. w. two aces., ri'i-j Ki. (Ch. DS-J Pa.) cat, to give to, bsx Hi., rria Hi. w. two aces., 'iivh Hi. (once.) up, to, bas K. Pi., b:'2 Pi. Hi. eating, an, nb-irst f., bDX m. ebony, ebon-wood, n"'32n (Keri.), D^jain (Cheth.) ' ' ^ ' ebullition, ms m, Ecclesiastes, see rbnp . Eden, '(iip . edge, b^ina m., ns m., ry^^ m., n^ss plu., -i^s m., nsiu f. edges, ni'S"!? . having, n"i'S"5 b?3 . edict, rr^ f. (later Heb.), "irxT? m. (later Heb.), 3P3T3 m. (Ch. rr:! f., Dxa m., -■QX13 , Dsrs m., n';p m.) to set forth an, (Ch. tii'a Qsti) .) edifice, y^^ m., brTi com., n:2r m. (Cb. -i^ja .) Edom, tinx . effatum, ni'n m., x'la'a m., nxto^a f., QS3 m. effect, ntbs'g m. to, n'cv I. effects, (goods), rtbv^ m. effeminate, •,•^1" . effete, see nba . effusion, see nas'j . eggs, D^S''3 f. plu. (not found in sing.) to lay, lb'' , ub« Pi. Egypt, see dn II b., -ii:£^ II, d^'^isa , see sn", . Lower, see ni:ia U. Upper, Di'-ipB • Egyptians, see d'^5''D at end. eight, PJbiL' w. f., njBUS w. m, eighteen, eighteenth, n";;b3> n:bia f., -liBS n:72ii5 m, eighth, the, "^railS m., n'^S'^aisn 1, nsbuj w. f., rjbiiS w. m. eighty, d^sritJ . either, "ix , eject, to, bi^3 , nbll5 Pi. elaborately shaped, to be, dp'l Pu. wrought, to be, dpi Pu. elated, xa , nxa , I'^n'j . to be, see .-ti^j 3., ht'S Pu. elation, di"ia m., din m., nxib f., ynai m. elder, bin a , 3") . elders, d'^jp] , (Ch, x*2il) plu. emphat.) eldest, binj . elegance, ',n m., non (once), vsn m. elegy, in3 m. elephant, see ni'an3 . elephantiasis, see 'jTittJ . elevate, to, t\'^i . elevated, one, x"^b3 m. seat, XS3 m. stage, bnj^ m. state, nsiis, to be, pT2a , Xtb3 Ni. Hithp. elevating, an, x'viJ'a m. elevation, di"i^ m., C|i3 m., din m., din m,, nicii f., nxttJ f. eleven, eleventh, -lius "inx m., rnx niius f., -iitJ5 THIJ3J m., nias iniay - : ... T T " : - •■ : V - « - f. EU, ■'bs. Eliezer, nrsibx . Elijah, n'bx . Elisha, yirbx . elm, see -imn . elongate, to, nas . ELU 56 END Ehil, (month), h^^n m. embalm, to, urn . embalming, Ci"a:n plu. embittered, to be, yon Hithp. embolden, to, rni Hi. embrace, to, pzn K. Pi. embroidered festive garment, see b'^a'TiQ . garments, nrpl "'isa . with colors, cloth, nrri f. t': • embroiderer, cp'l. embroidery, pirpn f. dyed garments of double, yas Dinrpi . emerald, see np'ia . emigrate, to, nba . out of, to, see ss"! K. a. emigration, nbij f. eminency, X''it5 m. eminent, something, nb m. eminently, sbsfi, emission, nr'iT f. emit a stench, to, n;t Hi. - r rays, to, "pp . saliva, to, -i:in . emolument, ini"^ , ■'i~n'i m. empire, na^ m., nibia f., -latlSia m. (Ch. vjbui m.) employ, to, nj? II Hi. employment, "pisi m. (only in Eccle.) emporium, iro m. emptied out, ripi"T3 f. emptily, cp"'-i . emptiness, sina m., np'S f. (once), nii^ m. (once), iip^z^ t, pi-i m., xiui m., sin'm. empty, bibx , !ina concr., 13 II. "jD iib, out, to, pba . room, nyr m. (something), ban . talk, na II m. to, ppa K. Po., rriy Pi., pn Hi. to be made, np3 M. to leave, pin Hi. to make, pba . (vessel), with, dp^T . words, nsia f. emulate, to, nin Tiph., s:p Pi. c. a . encamp, to, rtin , bE5 , -pr also "ptiJ . encampment, pflia f., ni-a f., n:nTj usually m., -i-'S I f., rijnn m. plu. enchanter, r|irs , -piub bsa . (Ch. TiTTS .) enchanters, Q-'airbr . enchantment, -lan m., ttinj m. enchantments, D^anb , enchased, to be, vailJ Pu. encircle, to, c;p3 Hi. with a crown, to, n::S Pi. w. b of pers. enclose, to, xba , 510 H. enclosure, inj com., nina f., niTa f. (prob.), -i;ia m., nn*':: f., -i-ijo m., see -,iu . a double, Q-rsii5 m. du. enclosures, D"'nsttJ^ du., crEttS m. du. encomjjass, to, c:£x (jjoet.), aao K. Po. encounter, a"ip m. (poet.). (Ch. a*i,T> m.) hostile, "'^p m. to, 0*1 p^ Pi., sfji^ H. witk, to go into, cr "^-p -^n . encourage, to, yr;x Pi., pin Pi., nas c. bx . end, n"<";nx f-, CEx m., art m., cjia f., rpo m. (later Ileb.), y^ m., nsp m., see na:p , ni.siipi plu., rribrn f., r,!i:n m. (Ch. rio m., nsp m.) even to the, aps . in the, perh. (Ch. trsx.) of, at the, ypTi , r^'.'a . of, to make an, ni':\ H, nba Pi., n^D Hi., CibuJ Hi. (Ch. r^rioAph., cba5 Aph.) to, nba Pi. to bring to an, yaa Pi., "i-ra . (Ch. to come to an, -;ra , see ss'^ , s., raw. (Ch. ^^.) to have an, DSX , qio, nattS Ni., ci^n . (Ch. r|!io .) to, to put an, ratlS Hi. endamage, to, (Ch. pn Aph.) END 57 ENU endangered, to be, ",30 Ni. endearments, Q^";.T only in plu. ended, to be, nbs , cbuS or DbllS , bisn . endow, to, n^T (once.) ends, r"i:jp plu. constr. of the earth, y^ii iiSj? , endure, to, rs^ Hithp., bis Pilp. Hi., Xb3 , n^y I, Dip. (Ch. dip .) enduring, (Ch. D'p ,) enemies, rq-ix f. coll., D'^S , see ti-^p . enemy, a^inx m., -it, tin'b, ny II m., y^SB-a , -IS m. (poet.), in's, -jaib m., Hip, xsitJ-a , nw m., -inuj. (Ch. ny , N5iy.) to be an, ;ix . to treat as an, nnaj (Cheth.) enfeebled, ti^'-ttnj plu. to be, hh-i Ni. enfold, to, nab . engines, warlike, n'^rhli'n . engrave, to, nna Pi. engraved, npn-o . engraver, uiin m. engraving, n^ns . enigma, m-'n f., ns'^bia f. (Ch. nn-Tix .) enjoin solemnly, to, *i!|5 Hi. upon, to, -ips w. bs of pers., dip Pi. w. b? . enjoy, to, bsx c 3., see nx'i K. 3. b., ni-i Hi. TV. 2 . one's self, to, obs Hithp., ap Hithp. c. 2 , b? . the light, to, nx'n , enjoyment, 5i:xn m. enlai'ge, to, do"^ K. Hi. (both defect.), na-i Hi., 2n-i Hi. T r - T for, to, nns Hi. c. dat. enlarged to me, it is, ■^b nil . enlargement, na^'a m., ni-i m. enlighten, to, nix Hi., -in: Hi., ma: . enliven, to, aba Hi. enmity, n2"'X f., nxi'n f. Enoch, rpjn . enough, (adj.), sn . (adv.), -ITT ^ -pn , nan . (sub.), I'n . enough, it is, a" . to be, pEO 11 and psiu . niia C. b of pers. to be more than, ri"r~ Hi. to gather more than, t,'^v Hi. enrich, to, -njjx Hi., piuj Pil. enroll, to, nby Hi. one's name in the genealogical tables, to, (un'^rin . ensign, nix I com. ensnared, to be, ujp'^ Ni. entangle, to, na? Pi., p'liy Pi. enter, to, xia, ""'^ , ^ T\\^ ^ "i?5 "W. a . (Ch. bby .) ' ' in with, to, xia w. 2 . to cause to, bb? II Po. to make, nay Hi. c. 3 . entering, an, xia^ m. enterprise, n'Oiin f. enthroned, to sit, yei"* . entice, to, rtrs Pi. away from, to, riD Hi. w. )^ . enticed and seduced, easily, tiQ m. concr. to let one's self be, rspQ K, Ni. c. b?'to. enticement, see bittSa'a . entire, D'^isP . ■ T to make, taboS Pi. entirely, see n:£3 I, 4. entireness, ch m. entrance, "lirT'X ni. (Keri), nxa f., Xia?3 m., xaio m., ns m., rns . (Ch. nis m.) entreat, to, "jjn w. b of pers., bx , ■ijsb ., ?aa K. Hi. c. a , b for., bxoJ , .... 7 - T ; 7 : - T (Ch. x?a c. ',13 ,, •,:n Ithpa.) for, to, ti5-?a Pi. w. by ., nry I Hi. w. b , lya , entreated, to let one's self be, nny I Ni. c. dat. entreaty, ^S , "^ya m., rrrpa f., perh. nsn f. T ~ with, "2 . entrust to, to, 'a TS aty . - : - T entry, an, nxs f. enumerated by name, to be, ni^aoSa xia. ENU 58 EVE enumeration, nnps f. envious, •,;;"is (Keri.) to be, rsn c. 2 . environs, n''3"'nD and ria^SD . envy, non , nx;p f. to, n:p^ Pi. w. 3 . ephah, !nE"'J< f. a double, riS"'X'i nS'^X . ephod, mss ni. Ephraim, t3";'iSX . epistle, tT^r.s f. (later Heb.), 2Fi"7a m., yriai: m., ied m. (Ch. x'^r.>5 , •,^piir3 .) equal, to be, nrlS c. h of pars., a of thing, isn Ni. to, to be, xia w. -IS ., n^d c. b of pers., 2 of thing, with, to make, see r.-'ttJ 1 b. equally with, see or A. 1. f., nJzsb . equipage, splendid, n;!i:ri II f. equipment, "^Iss m., r^ns m. equity, -nr-^ m., n-ioi^^a m., D-«'ia3'''a only plu. to do, pi:j i;Etti , ti'^'iui^TQ asaj . ere, (Ch. •''n ns .) erect, n^i'Tirip (adv.) to, n33 (material in ace., more rarely w. 3), 3::3 Hi., nbs I, C!ip Hi., Dl-i Hi., DitU and u^b . (Ch. G!ip Aph.) erected, to be, (Ch. brp Poal.) err, to, jstiS , n;c , nrn K. Ni. Hi. erratic ode, ■|i'^yttj m. error, nabTS m., njniU?3 f., rit'y:^ t, ns{^5ttJ f. (once), baj m., nsin f. (Cli. nV:j f- (Cheth ), >i^tB f.) through, n55ffi3. to commit an, nj:ttJ 53ttJ . Esau, liar . escape, np''bni3 f,, ubs-a m., niJ^Vs , nix sin plu. to, Zih-o Ni. Hithp., 0!i3 , ^s: Ni., "i^Q , isbs , T^iO II. to let, -jb-a Pi., a'-o K. Pi. wholly, to, ubs Pi. c. "la . escaped, ::b3 , 1:^33 . one, TntO m. escaped, the, D"'abD only plu , wbe!"" coll. escapes, that which, ri::'bD . espousals, ,"i:pn f. establish, to, JU"* Hi., ■,!I3 Pil. Hi., 2X3 Hi., irs I Hi., D!ip Pi. Hi., ?;■; Hi.^ SJiU and n^il) c. b . (Ch. Qnp Aph.) established, (Ch. z^VT .) to be, nin , pin K. Hithp., -,!i3 Pol. HoVNi. Hi^hpal., C'p . (Ch. •)pn Hojih. w. Heb. flexion.) estate, nbn! f. real, nbn3 f. to inherit one's, ttin^ also OJ'i'^ w. ace. of pers. esteem, to, 3Uin , T\'^V . lightly, to, nE3 Hi. to lightly, bST Hi. w. Chald. flexion, b33 Pi., nhp HHi. "T t't esteemed, ip^ . to be liglitly, bb;^ K. Ni. Esth(;r, -ppx . estimate, rpr m. to, T,-J> K. Hi., -S'j I. estimated, to be highly, -ip; w. br^; by. estimation, r^-is m. eternity, n:i3 I m., 'iv m , cbiy m., see n>i^b» . (Ch. cib^:? m., u\y m.) Ethiopia, ^r^l^. eunuch, 0"'"p m. Euphrates, ^ X"; (in two places, see Ad- denda), nn:n , r-^s. (Ch, ins.) evade, to, see ^'O'l Hi. Eve, njn . even, rix I, ns , 1 , =1 and 1 (occasion- ally.) (adj.), nciv as, D5, r\-iz'jh , -iirs ''sa . as — so, -,3 — "'^J?.? • for, 1 , !i and 1 (peculiar to Pent. and Josh.) if, rx I, 3 (w. infin.), •'S I, Da , as "'3. now, nt nn? . oue, nnsTS . EVE 59 EXC even out of, *|T2-bx . so that, 1? . though, CjS I. to, bx , ■iffis 1? , b , -I? , h i» , hs (in a few examples.) until, (Ch. ns .) unto, bx , b , xhb is (in geograph- ical description.) upon, bs . when, 13 I, -^3 da , oa , n? •'S . even, to be, naj'' . ' - T to make, naJ'^ Pi. Hi., t)bS3 Pi., n: m. (approach of), b:r m. (once.) at the, ^'■^ri , anisa , a^^b (poet.) in the, 3";^y3 , 37.yb (poet.) to do at, z-^T 11 Hi. to draw towards, 3"]S H. twilight, ci'rp f. evenings, between the two, niS'nsn '"3 . evenness, ^uj^ m., -lifflia m., d"i"ii13"'^ (only plu.) event, n^'^nx f., Mi.;?^ m., see I'lS , ras m., Yp_ m. ever, see l-i 1, h., ns.3 I m,, nbis m., 3)5? , T'lsn . (Ch. nib-'^ ,) since, niria . everlasting, n^p I m., ns m., obis m. (Ch. obs m.) to, ns3 IS , nsjb , ns ■'■is . to everlasting, from, isi tibis?a nbis , (Ch, xnbs nri x^sbs—,^ .) evermore, dbis-. every, b*3. (Ch. b'3.). Note. — Every is indicated by repeating the noun, with the insertion of the copula, day, Di'n-bs, nii-bzS . kind and sort, of, b's. one, tlj-ix m., mi'X f., n3J m. (poet.), b'3, side, on, 3''3S'a , v-irs-bsiD . ■ T • ^ T T-: T • evil, (sub.), -('x m., see bs^ba , ■'bn m., nso f., see b-s , n^bs , s'n m., sn m., ns'i f., xiilJ m. (adj.), ^D, sn. evil deed, ntO'J-q m., br's m. (poet.). (Ch. nb>i3n f.) to be, ys-) , (Ch. tiSxa .) to become, sn Ni. to do, bbs I Po. c. b of pers., ssn Hi., ruj'-i K. Hi. to make, rsi Hi. to suffer. Sin Ni. upon, to bring, ^rS . evil-doer, snia , su3-i m. evil-doers, ■j'^x ""bra, sn '^ilJS, sn ''bsQ. evil-eyed, ',15 sn . ewe, a, bni f. ewe-lamb, nbas f. ewes, see rr^wiis plu. 2. exact, to, xs"< Hi., b'2 , XI1J3 H Hi. c. ' ' TT ' -T ' TT a of pers. exaction, rttljia f. exactions, nipilJS^ . exactor, iaji'ij . exalt, to, F135 Hi., xib; Pi., see bbo Pilp., cin Pil. Hi., a:a) Pi. (CK na-] Pa., Din Pal. Aph.) one's self, to, xcj Hithp., c^-i , 3?ia Hi. exaltation, ni3 I f., ta^oii m., nxto f. exalted, ti^aiiTa , f^^''?;i"i f- one, X"'ir3 m. • T to be, nxa (poet.), piaa , xiDD K. Hithp. c. b ., nbs Ni., an K. Polal., ciQT I, a:a3 K. Ni. to show one's self, ajiU Hi. examination, ~pn . examine, to, n'a (once), npia (later Heb.), -ina , "^j^n K. Pi., see npra , bi^aS , Tfln.' (Ch. n;ra Pa.) example, -.ovo m. exasperated, to be, -1-173 Hithpalp. w. bx of pers. excavate, to, -isn I. exceed, to, cjoi K. Hi. (both defect.) exceedingly, -irf , "ix^ . (Ch. rriTi^ .) too, 1X13 IS . very, ixa "iX'za , nx^ "iS , 1J nx'^b (later Heb.) excel, to, ini Hi. Ni., 'a bs nbs , (Ch. nSJ Ithpa. c. bs .) EXC 60 i:xp excellence, •j-'xa m., "ir;; m., "|inn7 m., -iniia m. excellency, ,Txa f., see •,ixa 2, rixj 1, na-^nj t ' excellent, n-'nx , nnpia , nnas , ne" . (Ch. n-^n: .) something most, 1513 m. the most, rr'ttixi f. except, "^n^-a (when a neg. precedes), nbiiT , '{2 y^n, ex •'S (after a neg.), p-i. (Ch. -nb.) ■ that, -,ii5x Tils 3 , rbnt (once.) exchange, nE^br. 1, ni^rpi f. for, in, rbn . to, iTs"^ Hi., "liiia Hi. w. 2 for which, 3-;j I. excise, prob. (Ch. iVa .) excite, to, nry I Pil. Hi., nnp Hi. c. ^y against, (strife), to, n^a Pi. exclaim, to, ps: , py:£ Pi. excluded, to be, -itj Ni. excrement, nsb f., Ui"iQ m., nx:J f., nx-ia f. excrements, cx'^n , "^v^t'l plu. constr. • T — . ^ .... A only. excrescences, niSES only plu. execration, nbx 1, nix'O f. execute, to, see viz Pi., Tva'$ I, SJip Hi., cbtti Hi., crp'ffi. executioner, nt.'^ m,, 13 m., T'-i3 m. (Ch. ns-j .) ' exercise one's self in, to, nrs He. 2 . exert one's might, to, h'b'S I Hithp. c. a . one's self, to, (Ch. mtU Ithpa. c. V) exhalation, ban . exhale, to, srs Hi. exhausted, ^a"' , Ho. particip. of C]5^ , rriTa once in plu. to be, nxb K. (only fut.), Ni., nnb , -153 Pi., crn . exhilaration, P'^j^bz'O f. exhort, to, nrx (sometimes), "iD"^ Pi., nss K. (once) Cheth. solemnly, to, nss Hi. exile, nbi; f., ri'^a f. (Ch. niba .) exile, to carry into, nbj Hi. to go into, nby . exile-s, nVa f. coll., nbv.n ■'pa , mia f. coll.'(Ch. xrflb,^ "la.) company of, nbia f . exist, to, nin (rare and poet.), n^n , XJCTQ Ni. (Ch. -!ip.) existence, to be in, n"n T T " exists, whatever, cipi m. exit, xsiia m., nixs-in plu. place of, m'x^C'n plu. expand, to, piEa Pi., rtu: , DQD , T^Q , It/'-^Q K. Pi., TilJ-iQ , KttJQ (everywhere intrans.), npB , Ti-i Hi., rpn , nu'lJ . by beating, to, yp- K. Pi. expansion, nap m., riUi?:i2 m., b^Ba m. exi^ect, to, bni Pi. w\ ace. of time, b of pers. and of thing, nip Pi., -laiu Pi. ex^iectation, 1:312 m., ^"^'0 m., also x"p73 , ^aiu m., nbn-in f., njpri f. expedite (for war), y^hn . one's self, to, ybn Ni. expel, to, 113^5 K. PL, \ijti Hi., ni3 K. c. -,p , Hi., ttjr: , rbuj Pi. expelled, one, htis . to be, n"i3 Ni. expended, to be profusely, -EOJ Ni. expense, (Ch. xpS3 f.) experience, to, xin , yn"^ , nxi Hi., see also Kal. 3. b. to be taught by, yii Ni. expert, ifiab . expiate, to, xiin Pi., -sa Pi., X'i'J . expiated, to be, -iB3 Pu. Hithp. Nithpa. expiation for, to make, -isa Pi. expiations, d'^ieS . expiator, see blXTS . expiration, ntSTO m. expire, to, S)«r; (mostly poet.) explain, to, •j-'S Hi., tiib and d'^iu w. bx . (Ch. -lUiQ Pe. Pa.) one's self, to, 'nxs H Hithp. explanation, see iii-s in Pu., -lOia . (Ch. nirs m.) explore, to, -yrn I, ipn K. Pi, exportation, x:j"a m. EXP 61 FAI exported, see ns^ 1. exposition, irii-iB f. expound, to, nj<2 Pi. expulsion, nirna f., nyj II m. extend, to, r^-x Hi., aaJ^ only Hi. o. ace. et h ., nm: , nas K. Hi., nbiu I ^ - T ' TT - T K. Pi., -ixn K. Pu. to, to, nn-Q 0. hs . ' T T extended, n^io . T to be, Ti-o Pi. extension, n'n'3 f., "ilTa 11 m. T • ' T exterior, y's^n . exterminate, to, nin Hi. extinct, to he, 7,ST Ni. (once.) to become, r,r':T Ni., ros Ni. extinction, rirr'Ti^ , until, rn-irsab , nr'^^ab . extinguished, to be, r^S'n , "St Ni. (once.) extirpate, to, uj'niij Pi. extol, to, b-15 Pi., tan Pil. (Ch. C!n Pal.) one's self, to, tii-. . extoUed, to be, bna , Wi . extort, to, pttjy , extorted, (any thing), pais m. extortion, nria f. extraordinary, to be, sba Ni. to make, s;s Hi. extreme part, pi'inx 1, nxs f. the, n5is''p only f. extremities, n'::p i^lu. constr., risp of the earth, y-in "^rsi" . extremity, osx m., n:3 f., nxD f., no m., -jrp m., n:i;? m., rix3-;n plu., n-'bzn 1, -^:ri m. at the, n^ipia . exult, to, h^i , rarely b^a or bia , ibo Pi. (once), nw I Hithpal., ibs , D:S K. Ni., yby , ^tj and iyq w. bs at. to cause to, nT3 Hi. exultation, ^■'5 m., nb- m. eye, ■,-;» f. (Ch. )y_ m., see Addenda.) pupil of the, -,iiti^N w. -,-5 added, the gate (pupil) of the, y^ n:3 . to eye, ■j-'sa 1-;^ . eye-ball, see ■jiiDis 3. eye-brow, 2 a . eye-lashes, ta'^sS'SS m. du. eye-lids, ri"iru3 (once.) eye-lids with the eye-lashes, cssss m. du. eye-paint, see "^fis . eyes of, before the, 's "'3"'Sb . of, in the, ijsb . upon, to feast the, riTn c. 3 . eying, ^71:) (Keri.) Ezekiel, bxpTn"! . Ezra, SITS . F fabricate, to, ttS-in , face, c-'Qx du., era plu. - - • T (surface), •,'^JJ f., d-^SQ plu. of, at the, before the, '^ra'b? . to one's, 't ■'3S~bs . to the, ■'is-bs . faculty, -jix I m. fade, to, see bbs Hi. and fall away, to, bas . faeces, ©"is m. faggot, ip-;^ m. fail, to, 02X , nba , ita , -,tta , bnn •t' r.' -t' -tJ -t and bnn, ion w. b of pers., irSna K. Pi., nbs , bffiS , bs3 , nuij I, see TT? -T? -T? TT roSs , Ci'S (once), see oDs , -ns I -t' "t^ 't' -t Hi., nnai Hi., see Ciisn K. 2. in duty, to, cUJx also ouiN . to cause to, nb2> Pi. failing, (adj.), nbs . torrent, a, 3T3x bnj . failure, "^ba . faint, mn , iJi'n , lyj"^ , Hoph. particip. of r-?^ , ??^ , f^^^ri i- only, r|ia5 , Pi":' • FAI 62 FAL faint away, to, t\'^s . to, ^'i3 K. Ni., nxb K. (only fut.), Ni., see nnb, dd^^ Ni., b:: , r^iiS, r,a3 K. Ni. Hithp., C)-s (once), t]br Pu, HithiJ. to be, n*^ , r:-' , ri?'' , nr^^ , -i;b Pi. to become, r^in^ Pi., rpn . to make, 551 Pi. faint (color, of a), jiilS f. only, faint-hearted, zzh rii . to be, rnn coupled with C3i2, B^a'ri ., nns PI. to make, oo'O Hi. faintness, •,12x1 m., ')i''S'i w. o'lT' add- ed, fair, 3ia , ns"; . (Ch. ^"saJ .) to be, ri:: , ns'j . (Ch. -leai ,) to make, z'l'J Hi., i:n Pi. '- T fair, a, d-jizT? only plu. fairish, n'ETiE^ . fairness, ZTJ m. faith, n:^':x f. good, ni:x f. faithful, 1^X3 , "j^X . (Ch. '(O^r^Xi .) the, D^r^rx . to be, ',12 X I K. Ni. faithfulness, "jJirx m., n:>ii3X f., "jisx abstr., -i-cx m., n^x f. faithless, 'r^ja . to be, b^TD . faithlessly, to deal, iss constr. absol., oftener w. 3 of pers., bS'a w. 2 of pers. with, faithlessness, nsa m. falcon, see rrx , see n''n . fall, a, in'n m., nin , n-^n f. (Cheth.), •(■ibTTS m., n^Q*? f., ybs m. a lettins?, n'^x') f. at the feet of, to, 'b "'bsn br bsj , away, to, nb2 , see no'O , *TjT2 , b=3 , b23 , UiTS, S5'rD c. a, nnnis ., r^tl) Pil. (once.) away from, to, see itj Ni. below, to, bE3 w. '"O comparat. down, to, bE3 . (Ch. bE3 .) down (in adoration), to, tjd C b (later Heb.). (Ch. n:t3 c b .) fall down i^rostrate, to, bss Hithp. headlong, to, n-jn (rare and poet.) in, to, uittJ:.'. in drops, to, r:;3 . in drops, to let, r|i53 K. Hi. in ruins, to, r^aia Ni. in with, to, uj;s , r\''p Ni. c. br . in with, to let, n:x H Pi. into, to, bE3 . more than, to, bs: w. "jia comparat. ofp, to, bttJ3 . off, to make, riEO and nsis Pi. out, to, bE3. (Ch. bE3.) prostrate, to, (Ch. bs: .) ready to, bB3. sick, to, nbr Hithp., bss . suddenly upon, to, nb:: I and nbs c. b» , bx . to, fi'rt (rare and poet.), ni"' , see buis'Ni., -j:b Ni., bss K Pilp. (once). (Ch. bE3 .) to be made to, nnn Pu. to cause to, baJs Hi. to let, n-i^ Hi., 111:3 , bss Hi., ns*] Pi., ari. to let one's self, bss Hithp. to make, bE3 Hi. to the ground, to, bE3 , fully bs3 ns-ix . upon, to, xia w. br ., bE3 K. c. 2 , Hithp. w. b? ., J"3Q K. w. 3 , Hi., ©53 , tpS , DTj^ Hi. c. n-a . (Ch. -jbu) w. 3.) upon, to cause to, aiia Hi. upon, to kt, ni3 Hi. upon the knees, to, (Ch. rpa .) with a crash, to, nxili I. fallacious, to be proved, a;3 Ni. fallen, bE3. buildings, nbrj's and nbe/Q f. falling, a, ■'H'n m., bs^ . cause of, biuiz^ . fallow ground, 1^3 II m. fallow-deer, prob. -ii^n^ . false I -ip;iy . false, (adj.). pbn , uins , tl5;35 . to be, see n;;iy Pi. FAL 63 FAT false, to be proved, zt3 Ni. falsehood, "ii-s ni., 3TDX (but every- where concr.), 3T3 m., nitia 11 m., SJaJ-i m., nriiJ".* f., s'l© m., npttJ m., rriscnn plu. (Ch. nsns f.) to speak, aT3 K. (only part.), Pi. falsely, -ij^iiJ ^S . to deal, nja constr. absol., oftener w. 2 of pers. to swear, ip'ii.^ rar? . falter, to, b;D3 K. NL to make, btD3 Pi. (Cheth.) fame, cui m. familiar, r|!itx . converse, m'o m. friends, my, "^"lio T;;^ . to be, '(Dii also -,3'^ (once.) families, see zziU 2, nnlsin. family, r|bs , it;? m., snt, rp m. (sometimes), bn^ m. (silver age), n-ibi'ia f., nnsiia f., nnr I f., d? m., see aaa 2. one of another, "T . famine, -.23 m., 3J>-i m., "jisSi m. ' ' T T T T I T 1 to suffer, aip^ . famish, to let, -ri Hi. famished, "^A-cibi , aS"] . to be, 23-1 . fan, nE3 1, nnn f. fane, msa . far above, '^-o pi'nn , away, pin'nti (after verbs of mo- tion), pin';,!? ns , pin'n is , pnnn. away, to put, pn"! Pi. Hi. away, to be put, pn"! Ni. (Cheth.) be it, n^"*bn w. "iia and inf., w. tix before a future. countries, ynx '^isn'n'o . distant, pin"i . from, '(la . off, pin-i , T:ri'in^ . (Ch. p-^r;^ .) off. to be, r:m . fare, i3b m. T T famess, pnTa m. farther off than, "|Ta p^n^ . fascinate, to, "lan, "ina3 HI Pi. inf. c. suff. (once.) fashion, lasttJia m., nrsi^n H f . to, x"i3 Pi., ^ii , a-jis Pi., also T T - T J - T see Hi., -i:i:ii I (only in fut.) fast, a, Qis m. to, ^:x w. sib ., iuJE? nra , c^is . fast, to be bound, pTn . to be made, see -ipio . to bind, ran K. Pi., pm . to make, Tnx , IDX , nxs , Dm , tosn. to, to bind, pm Hi. fasten, to, ?pn . by driving, to, 5pn . to, to pm . together, to, tnx , ptjjn Pi, upon, to, pm Hi., nbs Hi., tiiliB and ci"'iu w. hv . with a bolt, bar, to, b^; . fastened, to be, tnx Ho., itss Pu. together, to be, TJip Ni. upon, to be, (Ch. an-q Ithpe.) fasting, a, ais m., n'"::yn f., (Ch. n^a f.) fastness, a, m:3 , "is is m. fat, (adj.), "ina , N^ia , '^m , n?a , x-^'^ia , (sub.), -,(13^ m., abn m , TiQ m., ni2"'B 1 T fields, D'^sriBS . heart, aVn m. ones, •,T:ffl''a m. concr. places, ta"!: ^uiio . tail (of a sheep), trbx . to be, ■,115'n ajs-j , nar , -i^ttJ . to be smeared with, ■;uii'n Hothp. to become, ■,!^ri , -^coj K. Hi. to cover over with, •,';ii3 Hi. to make, xia Hi., •p':\ Pi., )'Q'i^ Hi. " to pronounce, to regard as, ■j(^':t IH. fat-cakes, prob. n''a" m., niiT'nu) f. (Ch. X2:£3 f.) first, (adj.), IPX (only vv. days of the month), •,'itt5x"i , "^JC.^i . (Ch. mn (adv.), ci'3 , n:cix-i, nsm"!^, nbnn . as at the, nri5x-i33 , n3iSx'i3 . at the, n:xiiii2 , nziixib . T • T ' T ■ T child, one bearing her, nT'sag f. part, uJx-i I m., nuix-i 1 place, peril, nbix f. (place), in the, nriiXT . shoots, sffi'n m. state, rr^CXi f. FIR 67 FLE first, the, 1133 m., ■j'ittJxn m,, n^uijti f. timo, the, nr::xia , n^nn . (what is), uixi I m. first-born, (adj.), mir2 1 (sub.), -nr3 in., ri'i-'z^ 1, i::q cni , niiQ ni. to make, constitute, as, "id 3 Pi. first-fruits, see "("ix I, Qi-i!i33 , r^dxi f. fii'stling, (adj.), n-iira f. (sub.), see •(■is I, 1133 m., i::e en-;; , ->::3 m. to be treated, devoted, as a, -irS Pu. firstlings, rT'ttSxl f. fish, sx'n , a'n m., n:.n f. (mostly coll.) to, j-'n and j-n . fish-hooks, n;ii ni"i"'D , fish-net, niiaDO . fish-spear, b:£b:t m, fisher, fisherman, ;w m., a'"n m. fishery, ns'!':! f. fishing, a, Tiyn f. fissure, n-nr-Q f. (once), n'ip3 (constr. only), rps;p ni., liJS m., riTJQ f., rp13 K. Hithpal., -jrAS , n^3 , see p-.jj , n:s Hi., iiiu II. (Ch. ti3 , n^s^) away, to, TSn Ni., 1^3 K. Poal., D!13. hastily, to, ^m Hi. in trepidation, to, bn3 Ni. to make, nia Hi. to, to, non w. 3 of place., piis -w. b? of place, fleece, tr, m., n'la f., more fully nTa -i^sn . FLE 68 FOA fleeing, n"ia . fleet, a, i:s com. fleet, (adj.), ytx . horse, a, bp3 m. (poet.) the, ni2 . to be, bbp . flesh, -iiU3 m., n:T in., nnnb or cwb T T ■ V : T ni., -,saj m. (Ch. i«;2 .) flesh-hook, a^T'^ m., nsbTia f. flies, divei-s sorts of, see s'"i? . flight, "^^^ m., '.'C'Z'O m., riO:i:"!3 f., lis m. hasty, ^iTsn m. to be put to, n";3 Ho, to betake one's self to, qm Hithpal. to put to, -173 Pi., ni2 Hi., an: . 0!i: Hi., nrs Hi., y^Q Hi., C)ni , to save by, tl? Hi. fint, c?:^n m., ^a m, float, to cause to, tA^ Hi. floating, a, see nss . floats, niis'JJjm'nbsn (later Heb.) flock, Ti'iirn m., rr'r-i^ f., nns m., cs m. (poet.), "jxa com. a little, """irn m. one of a, naJ com, flocks, "(Sa com., Nps also n'.2 com. torn (by wild beasts), nsia f. flood, see biiai? , "^nj m., n"'SO m., nVaiiS f., t;i3yj and oa!^ m., see cinn . gates of heaven, ta'^iaiEn m'a'iX . to bring in as "with a, 7(a^ . floor, a, r^S"* m., rp?-i;5 m. flour, nrj? m, fine, nbb f. nourish, to, see ribn K. 1,, "iss Ni., see ■•■': , 7=13 Hi., n-^Q K. Hi., ps, nba I and nb:i . again, to, Cibn Hi, again, to make, :]bn Hi, flouiishing, ^n . flow, to, r^bn and r,bi K. Pi. ((mly poet,), Hithp., -IT , o-iT , ppa Ni., ?j3 , inj I (only of nations, trop.), bn , nDQ Pi., qis c. b? , (Ch. nsj ,) abundantly, to, cjair . flow away, to, rsT , i-.t Pu. (once.) do^\-n, to, 5:1^ K. Hitlipal., qq-q in K. (once.) down, to l)e mad^ to, see zzi Ho. down, to let, n-i^ Hi. forth, to let, -|!ip Hi. off, to, 2-it Pu. (once.) off, to cause to, r^zri and r^bi Hi, out, to, n;3 Ni. out, to cause to, and Hi. out, to make, nso and nsffi Pi. out in drops, to, n:s Pi. softly, to, rr^ , spontaneous, -li-Tj m. to be made to, r,n3 K. fut. Ni. pret. Ho, to cause to, 5!io Pil., ncc Hi. to make, ppt , r^r: Hi. together, to, inj I (only of nations, trop.) with, to, r,bn and 7,bi w. ace. (poet.), 2!iT Av. ace. flower, y: m., nas f., ")S3 ra., nns m., v^^ m., nsi:j f. to, yas. flower-buds, opening, cs:! "'-iius , flower-month, see it . flowing, a, r^bn m., aiT m,, m:nT f. (adj), ba':. flush, a, -i!i-iss3 m. flutes, prob. nib"in3 . flux, SIT m. fly, a, aiat m. fly about, to, ?,!)? Pil, away, to, Ti3 K. Poal., qiis K. Hithpal, away, to make, qsis Hi, swiftly, to, b^'j , to, ns":! , 7(bn and rjb" Pi, (only poet,), CIS , 7^3 , n:j3 , r!ir K Pil, upon, to, u-'r constr. 3 , bx . flying, riS-;-^ , the, rinn'B. foam, c?^ m,, see qap . to, -irn . foaming, a, 173'r m. FOD 69 FOB fodder, k-IdOo m. to, DSX (only part, pass.), bb2 . foe, cn'^ . foetus, -i;a3 and -iJW m. fold, n-i:i2 f., n-nj^ t, nbsia II f. around, to, qjr; Hi. in one's arms, to, pzn . in the arms, to, yzp^ PL (the hands), to, pnn . to, cbj (once), bss . together, to, prob. r]p!. up, to, na> . folding (of the hands), pan m. foldinff-doors, D^rbn du folds, D"'na-;^ du., c-ns© m. du. double, DibE3 du. foliage, p-i2 m., nbs m., iss m., m'-X3 only plu., ni'>2'^ i; T":?!? m. coll. (Ch. ^sr .) branch with thick, nz? com. fresh, Tiy^ m. follies, ni^ibn m. plu. follow, to, ui^Ti , I'inx "ibn , ^ns) w. •inrix ., see b^'n 3., qn-i Pi. (poet.), -n"n w. ^-inx . after, to, ri"!"! K. (poet, in Pi.) close, to, pyn Hi. w. ace. and ■'■iriit . eagerly, to, r|Tl . on continually, to, Tna (only par- ticiple.) the party of, to, 's n'^'CttJia "■'qtO . trembling, to, Tnn w. "^inx . follower, isiab . followers, itj"'x ni. coll. (w. gen. of king, leader, etc.), c? m. following, "("i-inx . folly, n^iix f., Tihhin t, niVbin f., see r*in^n , nib-03 f , bos m., nbcs 1, nbaj 1, bro m., n^bso f. (only in Eccle.), iro m., nii'rs 1, nV^iiu f., nbnn f. (once), riisriri plu., nb^n f. food, bsk ni., nbax f., see J2 , rma f., rr-iz f., ri^'J m., Qiinb or cwb m., cnb com., bzH-q m., nbbxia f., ■|1TT2 m., rb's-a f. (once), Ti:: m., n'ii:j f., nxuj m. (Ch. nnb , '^v-c .) food, delicate, ;3rB rn. insipid, see ri^bn . savory, niTi^n tinb , tasteless, niiabn . to provide one's self with, nns Hithp. to set on, cnb cb . to take, cnb b:s . fool, b">l5t m., b^pS m. foolish, b'^ix , "'bi'ix , zn33 , b::3 , bro , nnb , "^ns m. concr., ni'PQ f. Conor., ban. (any thing), see nl^^n . man, h'^'iii m. to be, bbn Hithpo,, see nria Ni., b33. " to become, bx^ I Ni. to make, bbn Poel, brtj Pi. to show to be, bbn Poel. foolishly, to act, bx"^ I Ni., bS3 , bso Ni. Hi. fools, brp m. concr. foot, C5"B f., b;-) f., "^bjl. m. (only military sense), t3 (of quadrupeds). (Ch. b:n and bs'l m.) on, b;n3 . foot-path, n-^'ri. m. (poet.) foot-soldier, ■^bs'n ni. footman, ibs'l m. (only military sense.) footstep, tS'S f., bj-i f. footsteps, ta'^-p?. and nirpS m. plu. footstool, Dnn everywhere w. D'^bs'n (only trop.), \D:3 m. for, (conj.), -ifflX ,1,1 and n (before causal clauses), 13 I, ex "^S , -03 . (prep.), see bx III, A, 7., 3 , n?3 ■ and -iS3 , "^la , r|bn , b , --Q , ■i;:b , r^ib (after a verb of inter- ceding), -i!i3S3 , bs , nnn , (Ch, — and, 13 — "3 , "^Si — "'3 . certainly, 13 I. ever, D"'T:»n-b3 , ns3 -S , n'jsb , cbi3> nr , 3pr , nn-Qiib , rn-iiasib . (Ch. Dib-!3b , r^bxb .) ever and ever, ti^n::3 ns:b , cbi:"b nsJi, ns* cbis>, 1? "^Tsbis -is. FOR 70 FOR for if, tiS •'B . indeed, •'S I. surely, 13 I. the sake of, 3 , nr"^ hv , "'"ir'n bs , •,srb , i!i="3 . this cause, -i^izr? , '|3 b? . (Ch. -^3 whether? ex "3 . Avliich cause, (Ch. I'n hzp-'b^ .) forasmuch as, (Ch. ""rr bzjT'bs ,) forbear, to, bin and bnn , . - T ■• T ' "I - T forbearing, bin . forbid, to, (Ch.' b-j2 Pa.) force, npTn f., see D"!? . (a woman), to, airS . armed, nrin ti . ' T r — T by, npjTna . military, yi-T f., rarely m. one's self, to, prx Hithp. to take by, bT5 I. forceps, niiXiTTa only plu. forces, bTi m. (Ch. b^n m.) ford, i3S»T3 , n~2r'o f. to, nbs I and rbs. - T - " T fore-arm, ri52X , "jsn m. fore-leg, yi-T 1, rarely m., pitJ f- foreboding demon, 3ix . forefather, 3X m. forehead, ns^ m. upon the, ti^3^5 *f3 . forehead-bald, naa . foreign, "1-133 , p'ini . nations, n"^i2 , tongue, speaking in a barbarous or, srb. tongue, to speak in a barbarous or, as-b Ni., 7?b . foreigner, ^2, -n , m:72 m., -i3:",3, foreignness, -^3i m. forelock, m^S f. forelocks, n"S"p . foremost, "(itiix"! m., nriijsn f. (what is), ttjx"! I m. forepart, n"'5Q plu. on the, b!|52i3 w. 13Q . foreskin, nbis f. foreskin, to, b"i5 . to remove as, bi5 . forest, oi-ih, iy m. forests, D'^ii?'; (Cheth.) foretell, to, 153 Hi. forfeit, to, xun . to cause to, s^in Pi. forge, (devise), to, bs:: . forge, (hammer), to, nrS K. Pi., forget, to, ntt53 I, nsOb and naaj . to cause to, nuis I Pi. Hi. forgetful, nsaj . forgetfulness, n'tti3 f. forgetting, rtzlU . forgive, to, nos Pi., lES Pi., np?3 Pi., N(t53 w. dat. of pers., nbo, 135 K. c. TT '■ - T ' - r dat. Hi., NS'n . T T forgiven, to be, lES Nithp. forgiveness, nn-'bo f. forgiving, n^D . forgotten, to be, -isr , n:.:: Ni. Hithp. to cause to be, nr!^ Pi. fork, i.h]i2 m., n^btia f. (of two ways), p-13 m. three-pronged, "('fflbp fflbttJ . winnowing, n-iT'2 m., nni f- forlorn, "i-i^-S , "iSnS. form, n^n f., niTS- f-, "T m., nsn^ m., -11a m. (Keri), n-jns 1, i-is H m. (Cheth.), 3Sp m., -s'n m., r'':3n f., n3!trn f . (Ch. -,: , in .) by breaking through (or) into, to, comely, is'n m. for one's self, to, •!i3 Pil. in mind, to, ns"i w. bs . of a beautiful, nxh ns^ m., ns^ -isn f. to, n:3 w. b ., wsna K. Pi., bw Pil., mnn, is'j , ?3 PiL, =^» Pi., nrs I, b?3 (poet.), -ms I (only in fut.) formation, -x;; m. formed, thing, 12"; m. to be, is^ Ni. Ho. former, ■'rt-p , ■poixT . FOR n FOX former condition, n^ttSs'i f. state, iTaTip f. things, ni'ib-ij:? , nSsiiJx"^. time, n:xa-2 , ri-nrs'i f. (Cli. ^"^y- ■) times, c^i? m. times, in, (Ch. N:'n-nT3'7;5T3 .) formerly, 133 (later Heb., only in Eccle.), nsfx-ib , Da bi^rx na , D'iii^tlj . as, cidbffl ^■'■^^3 • formidable, c''X . fornication, t;"'Di:'t plu., ni;T f. (only trop.), P^^in f. to commit, n:t K. Hi. Tl to seduce to, ,-137 Hi. TT forsake, to, n^iD Hi., see uJ-jj d., ziv , nsi I Hi. w. •(■2 .. see ni'r . T T ' . J T T forsaken, ^obx , bnn, T'P"' , one, i-,Z]S f. to be, see ttj::: Pu., sTj? Ni. Pu., nboj Pu. forth, y!in . abroad, irin , n:j!in , ^JiPin , without, b vin^'bx . fortification, bin m., "is:i2 m., -n^£T3 I m., m^:j^ f. fortified, -ifl:j3 , city, -i:!i3T3 m., -iia-Q -i''S , tTisiiir f. '' place, Tiria m. ■■■ T fortify, -1^2 Pi., pTP Pi. fortitude, nb m., 32b m. fortress, "iiiinx m., nn^a f. (later Heb.), ',i-i32 m., -p'^-iiri , n-ii:: 1, nsn^o m., b'ns'p m., xiVij m., ti"^ m., ii:i^ m., n"i'a?a 1, ny\:ii^ f., -,i:na I m., nn^:i.-o f., ^nb m., -i-ip m. (Ch. nni3 f.) fortresses, ni'3T3 . fortunately, n;3 (Cheth.) fortune, ij m., rtipia m. good, n-;-j , a!ia m. the god, 'I J w. the art. forty, c^ra-^N . forum, in "I f. forward, nNbn , nbria . T : T ' T : - forwards, i-^jd ^2i>-bs , D'^JSb , ms'^p. T T V ' . r t ' T • ' T straight, nrbb , ii;d ~i?S"bx , bs 'S3 -i3S , i-i35>b . fosse, "k';! m. (Egyjjtian word.) foster-child, see "p^x I. foster-daughter, na I f. foster-father, "jiax m. foster-son, ',3 m. foul, ^SitJ, to be, nnp . found, to, -(Tox I, y-QH Pi., ID"! K. Pi., nil , -lo Pil. Hi., n:p , y;i Hi,, oiiit) and D'^iU , IT'ttJ . found (metals), to, 7^0 3 I. found, to be, x-ip H Ni. (Ch. nsoS Ithpe.) among, to be, x^'^ Ni. w. )-Q . foundation, "j^ix m., n:3x , ncn , 10^ m., Tioi ™-' ST^io? f-) loi^a m., ■TiD!!^ f. (Keri), "jiD^s m., iqd m., l^s^ m., ypnp m. foundations, nilDi'lJx plu. only, m'TOia m., only in plu., see niB in end. (Ch. founded, issi^ . to be, ID"! Ni. Pu. Ho., '.sis Ni. founder, 2X m. fountain, ba m., nba f., y!i3^ m., see xsin , ",-5513 m., -lipc m., 1'^ f., see m'x:iiin . fountains, a place of, "ps^ m. four, nss'ix m., S3"ix f. (Ch. nSS"!}* , ss-ix.) four-fold, d'n^a'ix . four-square, ssiai , sania . fourteen, fourteenth, -lius nrl3"ix , T T T T : - fourth, "iSin-i . (Ch. ■^^■'3- .) a, rr^Sian f., Sa'l m. generation, descendants of the, D'^S'SI only plu. pai-t, a, n"'S-'3"i f., Sr^i n m., S3* m. fowl, Ciis m., coll., ^iE^j com. coll. (Ch^ ci-;s.) fowler, iijipi m., also •:i!ipi , uSjJ'i'' . fowls, D^-13-12 . fox, bsw m. FOX FEO fox-colored, p'-ib . fracture, a, nr=^ f., i:td and -i3tt5 m,, ■)in2a5 m. fragile, (Ch. -iirr) .) fragment, v-i m. fragments, U"'r:tt3 . fragrance, cb3 and ri^a m. fragrant, ^I'a . incense, D"'5:p n~i:p . frail, inn . (Ch. -ii:n .) to be, aibn . frame, la:"' m., ui'ia m., n-ij?:a ra. to, irs Hi. w. nr-iia ., nip Pi. ' - r T ; • ' t' T frame-work, nip^ m., see •piJ'C. frankincense, ,i:'-b f. fraud, sts m., .Ta"^^ f., it;?? or better nn,?? f., n^r-i f., yd"! m., ny©-) f., i;?^^ m., nirQrn plu., n^-in f., rTionn f. and violence, any thing got by, piry m. wealth got by, nr-TD f. fraudulent, r'py . fraudvalently, to deal, bo 3 K. Pi. w. "b of pers., Hithp. c. 3 . free, ^cEn , "^p: c -,:!: ., 111:3 (Cheth.) a letting go, -i:i-'n m. from blame, "ps . from guilt, to, -£3 Pi. (from labor), to be, b'JS . (Ch, Vj2 .) from punishment, to be, np3 Ni. the, Di-i!ii:a (Keri.) to be, np: Ni. to be set, uiEn Pu. to go out, misn sui, lOJEnb ss"^ . ~ :t XT' ■;t- tt to let go, lUisn nid , ""ulEnb n^ffl , Sty , niD w. •(•Q ., -.KB , nrnj -r' TT r.7 -T' TT I Pi. (Keri.) to set, ribn Pi., bbn Hi., -ins Hi., niQ w. ',13 ., nbu5 and -ibtlJ , Tr r.3 rr -T' nbttj Pi. free-bom, ni in only plu. free-will offering, nils f. (Ch. r!|Z':i:nn .) freed, to be, ttisn Pu. freedom, mr , noJsn f. frenzied, one, yr^ria , r^yi Hithjx, c]:?;? (Keri.), aini frequent, to, oSitj . fresh, '(tli'n , ^'71 » "^^ > """^H » ^7^» nb. "' freshness, nb m. fret one's self, to, Hithp. fretted ceiling, aini (Cheth.) fried things, Din::n . friend, rns, :nx-a , nx I m., n^^s m., li'n m., 11-I1 m., ynt m., ryniia f., 1313 m., yi?3 m. (always c. suff.), •jDO, ?n n m., ny^ m., cbuJis , female, n::b 1, n^yi f., n-3.;i f. my, i53ib«j tiix , "^^bb"- of, to become the, cbu: Ho. c. b. of, to make a, ubb Hi. to treat as a, nyi Pi. friendly, cibiD , nbu: . friends, perh. DmiDS (once), see siip b. my familiar, iiio T'D . friendship, aibb in. living in peace and, cibb . to live in, cibb Pu. to make, nyi Hithp. c. ns with, (with), to be in, nbai or nbttj , frighten, to, nba Pi. (Cheth.), yiy . fringe, D"'b">ia only plu., r^is f. frog, yniE^ m. frogs, y'tl'iES m. coll. from, ',13 , )-ch , nxTS , byi: , tya , r,'ini3 . (Ch. -,13 , Dip )-q .) above, bya'o , nbyiib's . ancient time, TX^ , TX 'n , Q^pTa . between, (where two things are mentioned), "psis (repeated), beyond, layia , b "^"^^ . day to day, oii^ oiib , -;x Dl'ia — even to, iy — '.-o , isi — 't'o , iy ly"! ■.12b morning till night, nb"]b iy t3i*a on high, byi3 . one's house, mind, power, cya . out of, (Ch. -,13 .) that tiling, Db^ . FRO 73 FUT 1^, ^- nr — -.^b. from the time that, tx'Q , Ts 'i"0 . T " ' T ' • time to time, rv (br) bx nria — to, 1^ — -i-p, n?i — ^ — 1^, ",— 1^. - *isi — "I'lb . what? n.TT3 •'X . when, TXtt , ts ',"0 . front, the, n:; c. suff., 0-^:0 plu., cii'ip^ m., irs"i I m., nitis"! f. from the, "^rc^ . in, (adj.), n=: . in, ".zh, bnr"3 w. "js ., Q'^IQ , of, from the, b'TZ^o , "^JS Pxr . of, in, bio , -i:.3 , nsbb , nsj , D-'je , "'ra-nx , ^:z2 , "isEb , "'so-bs . of, to the, ■'rs'bs . of, unto the, n^'i ns . frontlets, nn^-Q f. frost, b-33n, frowardness, n^iTb f. fruit, b-n m. (poet), r.(t)?'a m., a^^a m., 1-9 m., '|'i|:; m. (Ch. nx m.) to bear early, ir2 Pi. fruit-basket, see ba^^JX . fi'uit-harvest, Y"^^ m. fruit-tree, ^ns yy , n'nb f. fruit-trees, i"is |'S coll. fruitful, to be, yni Hi., ms . to make, nbi Hi., ms Hi. fruitless, (something), ban . fruits, b=x m., n's m,, m::s m. to gather the late, ttjpb Pi. frustrate, to, ui-ia Hi., bro Pi., "i^ia Hi., ^^Q I Hi. frying-pan, nan-a 1, P-ib^ . fuel, nbsx f., ipio m., mpio f. fugitive, n-^a , nia^a m. concr., Tiia , D-'j (Cheth.) to be a, nsia . fugitives, n-3 m. coll., nnns f. coll. fulfil, to, x"ia Hi., see ys2 Pi., xbio Pi., D!ip Pi. Hi. 7 fulfilled, to be, xi3 , nba , xbia . (Ch. ■' T T ' •• T ^ =110.) -full, — indicated by xbia av. gen. of space or measure, full, xb?3 , 5»a'^ . " T ' - •• T in, (adj.), oibir. measure, in, D52r3 . number, in, xbo . streams, nxbo f. concr. to be, xbr K. Ni. w. ace. with which, to make, xbr K Pi. to the, saiub , nsabb . weight, nrbuj lax . fuller, a, Daia, b;H m. fully, xb'c joined w. another verb, xbo (adv.) fulness, xb^ m., xb^o m., nxbia f., saas m., ns^aiu 1, nrjaib f., on m. furbish, to, see p^T2 . furious, one, 5rui'2 . T \ : furnace, 'jaiaa m., ^^3 m., -i>irtn . (Ch. ')WX com.) (portable), nx HI f. furnish, to, pns H Hi. furnished with banners, to be, b5"n Ni. with provisions, to be, b^iS Polp. furniture, -(Tx m., mas' f. costly, ,-i3!i=n n f. fuiTow, a, nnj m., nay^a f., rr^ssia (Keri), dbn m. to, nbs , nrs Pi. further, nybn , nni'i , li:> . off than, b nx'^no . : T : T - to, piiQ n Hi. to go, ^as . fused, something, pat^ia m. fusion, nprfiTS f., iiais^ I f. future (time), tab-:? m. the, -linx m., ni-jrx f. (Ch. rT^nnx f.) GAB 74 GAT G Gabriel, bx'^'nra . Gad, la . ' T garl-fly, ^'-iS m. gain, y^3 m., y-'j,^ m., ^ri"' , '(I'-n"! m., ini^ ui., -"'S''0 I m. (only in Ez.), ni^i-Q m., -ino m., hhw m., nx^i^n f. his cause, to make one, pn:i Hi. one's cause, to, pis , ritji Hi. the victory, to, suji Ni. to, uTo , ^n? 5 J^^iv • (C'li- h! •) to be greedy after, r:J3 r^3 . to get unlawful, SS3 ^'22 . to try to, ffi;53 Pi. unjust, r^3 m., p«tr3 m. unrighteous, -iu m, gains, ti"^:i:T5> only plu. galbanum, nrsbn f. Galilee, a-^i'.-n b-'hi , b^b:M , r^h-^h'^n , gall, n-i'iTS f., nniTD f. gallery, pTiX m. game, (food), n^:: m. gang, niS I f. Ganges, see •,iw"'S . gannet, the, prob. r,btlj m. gap, a, p-;3 m. gape, to, "-.lis Hi., 'iro constr. only w. ns , once nsa . upon, to, ri:JS c. h'J . garden, •,& com., n": f., nsa f. (chiefly later Heb.), bT2-i3 m. garden-fruits, see b^"3 2. garden-house, ",r.n IT'S . garland, rfib f. garlic, D'^rw only plu. (once.) garment, 133 m., nios 1, UJ^i-b m., n^ m., nma f., nia m., ttifl3!3T3 m., nasiQ ni., nflo m. (once), nrbii' f., nb-q'-a f., nc2bn f. (Ch. iu!i3b'.) an embroidered festive, see b"'a'^rQ . of silk, see ■^vi^ . outer, n^-:ir f. splendid, (ij'ib m. garment, upper, b"'ST3 m. garments, 1^3 m. costly, nsbni3 , dyed, rss m. concr. embroidered, nnp'n I'ija . festive, nsbn^ . linen, c''i2 I. splendid, cVbz'?. to go about in dirty, inp . worn out, cnb'Q only plu. gamer, nuix m. garners, QilT^ , H'ilfB'a . garnet, perh. D*ik . garnish, to, see in iT£tt) . garrison, iS'a m., see 3S"2 , Z^^i m. gash, a, z'-m m., nzj-ib f. (one's self), to, ::ib . gate, nirbT i^lu., ssio m., nrs m. (poet), -i^tti com. (Ch. r-^n m.) For gates of Jerusalem, see in "iS^ . gate-keeper, "^s^^UJ m. gates, D-nV'n f. du. gather, to, -i;x , ~0X K. Pi., niX T, yzp^ K. Pi., ajcp K. Po., uSsi. figs, to, obj . (grapes), to, -ij:3 . more than enough, to, ci^S Hi. one's self up, to, VEf? Ni. the late fruits, to, ujpb . themselves together, to, ros Hithp., n!i5 I K. Hithp., -jpb ' Hithp.. ■j^3p Ni. Hithp., n'pj Ni. to one's self, to, C|DX . together, to, tjox , see -^iij I 3., o:3 K. Pi., yzp^ K. Pi. (Ch. 0333 .) up, to, 50X , Bp^ K. Pi., -irS Pi. gathered, nsspia f. riches, n~23 . to be, xi3. w'pb Pu. " '- T togetlier, to be, crx Ni. Pu., im I. (Ch. UJ:3 Ithpe.) gathering, a, nmin f., nrS^ f. (once), yiip m., n:!;3p 1 GAT 75 GIV gathering together, a, riEOX f., ni;r^ m., also S'piQ . gathering-place, n'pia f. Gaza, n-T5 . gaze, to, nTn (mostly poet.) at, to, nx*! usually w. 3 . upon, to, ntn c. 3 . gazelle, see iicT . gazing-stock, ■'x"i m. geese, see n"'"3-i3 . gem, px com., r,2b m. (a species of), n'rjprs m. (once), ni^na f., ctub m., rnzjs f. (a species of) hard, ti'^n^ m. gems, red, see n''3''2Q . gender, to let, rsi I Hi. genealogical table, register, iun^n "iSD , genealogical tables, to enroll one's name in the, (un^nn Hithp. genealogy, book of, n"ibin "^353 . generation, (age), b-'a , "li'tT m. (Ch. generations, n"nbin. according to their, cnSb'inb , many, niT I'ti. to come, riTi'n m. plu. generous, -■>n3 . things, m3"''i3 . genista, Qri m. genitalia muliebra, ns'p f . (once.) genitive case, see -iffix A, 3. sign of the, b . (Ch. '^'n , b .) genius, n^- f. Gentiles, n-ia. gentle, rilbx , T\l . to be, r.ri . '' - T gently, i:x , ::xb , Msb . genus, nn9ili"2 f., Oina m. gerah, (a weight), ma f. get, to, xia Hi., npb , UTO , bnj , xtos , ab3 Hi., niDS I, p^is II Hi., n:|5 , 053-1 . (Ch. -jai , nrifi Aph.) before, to, cnp Pi. for one's self, to, ss?: , niBS I. T r ' T T out of, to, -i::3 . out (stones), to, i'03 Hi. get one's self up (or) away from, to, nbs Ni. w. '.-0 . FT ' ■ together, to, yzp Pi. getting, a, •j'^jp m. ghost, n"'b"'b f. giants, &''b"'E3 only in plu. gibbous, -,33 , giddiness, yrttS m, (once c. art.) giddy, to be, jsn . Gideon, y.Vji . gift, "13CX m., n:^rx f., 'snx and ■,;r)x m., na^a f., 137 m., nni2 f., n^-q m., nxbia 1, ■jn'? m., njnia f., nni? f., nxta: f., nnii m., -^ttj m., cbuj m., niTOn f. (Ch. N3n73 f., n3T33 f.) ' ' voluntary, n3i; f. gifts, n:D"i2 , ta-iznin , D-:bb\i3 . to distribute, nsn I K. (once) Hi. T T ^ (once.) to make, to offer, si3 Pi. c. b . gin, a, ban m. gird, to, -'tx K. Pi., -ir,n , ptn Pi., on, to, nsx . one's self, to, -its K. Hithp., njn . tight; to, pin . up, to, -i:n , DJtU Pi. girded, ^tX3 , niy-iT (once), Tiin , b2".Dia . to be, iTX . girding on, a, STnax f. girdle, t:33X m., iitx m., nisn m., m-ian f., aitSn m., m-a m., n-'txi m., n-ijn;3 f. to bind, a, pm Pi. girdles, D"'iTlJp . girl, rrnb^ f., see -iy3 I 3., n^ss f., nobs f. give, to, laT (once), an"^ (def. and rare), 'n3 , see p:s Hi., t'JD and n"'to . "inaj . n^ttj w. ace. and b of pers., HE 113 w. ace. of thing and b of of pers., n:n I K- (once), Hi. (once). (Ch. an^ , "(PS only in fut.) back, to, perh. -^r: . (Ch. ubtti Aph.) GIV 76 GO give graciously, to, ^3n w. two ace. of pel's, and thing, in charity, to, *,:!! . in marriage, to, -nn . into one's power, to, 's "'IB^ 'rj . more, to, c^o"* K. Hi. (both defect.) out, to, yr: Ili., pris II Hi. over, to, -53 Hi., "(rj w. ace. of pers., n;D Hi. e b . (Ch. :ni .) over into the power of, to, piblli Pi. w. ace. of pers. and T>3 . over to, to, mi Hi. place to, to, see diss 3,, cjiii nib b. up, to, b'ln and b'ln , )r\: , -lao Hi. up in the presence of, to, ■'leb irs way, to, tuina I K. Hi. given over, to be, (Ch. ani Ithpe.) to be, irj Ni. Ho. (only fut.;. (Ch. 2n';i Ithpe., Diio Ithpe.) giving willingly, z^-ii . glad, nia , n*:iy c -(la because of, in. to be, sba Hi., nnn , iu^ia and - T T T ^ b'^b w. bs at which, m:b also - T rn:iu c. a in, at which. (Ch. asi2 c. b? .) to become, 5b 2 Hi to make, mr Pi. tidings, n-iib3 f. tidings, to bring, 'iba Pi. gladden, to, >Tix Hi., n-Q'a Pi. Hi. gladness, b">a m., nb-^a f., nnn f,, nn^itj f., 'piuiD m. of heart, ab aiu . glance, a, -ps f. forth, to, ^'i:: Hi. glass, n-'aizT f. (once.) glean, to, aj5b K. Pi., see C|5b Pi., bbs I Po. ' gleaning, a, apb m. gleanings, ribbis . glide, to, r;bn . along, to, c^brl . glitter, to, y^j: (only participle plu.) glittering, (par:ici^)le), an:£^ . glittering blade, anb m. brightness, anb m. sword, pia m. (poet.) gloat upon, to, nx"i usually w. 2 . globe, nb f., tana m. the habitable, ban f. (poet.) globule, Tria m. globules, perh. tria m. coll. gloom, bax m. (poet.), baiS m. gloomy, to be, qrt . glorified, to be, nas , glorify, to, ia3 Pi. himself, to, ikd I Hithp. glorious, -ii'nx , -iix3 , naas , see rr^xEn . deeds, nix"i''3 . things, rinaa3 . to be, -inx Ni., nxa (poet.) to show one's self, ttjtp Ni. to show one's self great and, naa Ni. glory, r-'nx t, n'^xr. f., iiaa m., n:i3 I m., -13 m., ti? m., las m., nb"n f., niNEn elsewhere r-ixsn f. in, to, nauj Hithp. e. a . object of one's, nbnn f. to, bbn K. Pi. Hithp., laa Hithp., "iXS I Hithp. c. by against, tn , glorying, a, n-,NEn elscAvhere r"iXEn f. glow, nsrbt and nESjbT , -rn-is m. (of anger), i"in m. to, nin (only of anger), n-nn . glued, to be, pa^ and pz'z constr. 3 ^ b!<,b. (Ch."pan.) together, to be, pa'n Pu. glutted, to be, rato also raio . gnash, to, pnn . gnat, )3 III m. (once sing.) gnats, c;3 . (a species of small), 0153 . gnaw, to, c^a Pi., p'ly . the bones, to, n^y Pi. go ! nab . about, to, r|bn and r^b^ Pi. (poet.), Hithp., p^n Hithp., aao K. Po., ->no , b;'7 Pi., -iiuj II. about after, to, i-ip w. "'"^nx . GO 77 GOD go about in, to, rro Po. c. 3 , Hi. c. ace. abroad, to, -sin. aside, to, ms , astray, t(j, n:uj , nbttS and ibilS Ni., n?n . (Ch. n^iD .) away, to, h}i< , bns Ni. w. ••q ., r,bn and T,b-; , pisn , nuj , n=s; w. 1^, rx^., aiiJ, -iVj III (once). (Ch. iTX , b|X .) before, to, n^i' w. "'JSb ., r^a, c-p. Pi- by steps, to, nra . do-rni, to, sia, Ti'' , rrj K. Ni. (only poet.), see n:'J . (Ch. bbs .) down, to make, ti"' Hi. far away, to, pn'n K. c. ^'^^ bsx: , Hi. first, to, -12? w. "i:Eb . forth, to, and r^b-^ , X3'^ . (Ch. ps3 .) forth free, to, x:i'- . forth, to cause to, SC3 Hi., -i::s Hi. fortli to war, to, s"^ , ri*5£ . from, to, (Ch. niS" c. •^■o.) further, to, -iss . hither and thither, to, w^ I K. Pil. Hithpal. in, to, N13, '^as w. 3 . (Ch. bbS" .) in company with, to, rx , rs T|bn . in peace, tiibajb r^b . in unto a woman, to. niEX"bx xi'a. into, to, 3 Tjbn . off, to, -i!iT n K. w. -jTa from, Ni., ^10 c. p , b^i3 , ti5JT3 , "^'inxia . off from, to, j!io I c. '^2 , aiil) I. on, to, -lOJx or "nqx K. ' Pi., bns Hithp. on well, to, nba I and nbs . on well, to cause one to, (Ch. nbs Aph. after Heb. form.) out, to, -J:'n , ss'; , .123 , p!ia n. (Ch. pz{.) out and in, to, xi31 nx2 . over, to, 220 K. Po. c. a .. Pibs I - T : ' - T and nbs, see uiia I. "'7* go round, to, 225 Po., ivr H. round about, to, 220 . round, to let, rp3 . softly, slowly, to, nT? Hithp. straight forward, to, Tix and itrix . straight, to cause to, -iiijx Pi. swiftly, to, and r^bi K. (in Pi. poet.) through, to, r^bn and -ib"' w. ace, ^zv , nb:r I and nbs . to!n=b,"^b, .=b;'n2n. to, n"ix I (once as finite verb), nrx (poet), bia Ni., xi'3 (rarely), -bn and r^h'' K. (in Pi. only poet.), Hithp , n-j} , st'Q , nn'i . (Ch. btx , T^^n , -bn Pa! Aph.) to and fro, to, ::!iijj I K. Pil. Hith- pal. to be let, nb'JJ Pu. to cause to, 123 Hi. to command to, n":i Pi. to let, (ij^ia I Hi., 2T3 , nna , nan I Hi., nbilj K. Pi. ' to see, to, nps , nx"i . to, to, tlj-i^ c. bx ., -2? c. bx ., ■tpa . (Ch. nn? c. a .) up, to, po: (once), nbs K. Ni., -iSS . (Ch. po3 , pbp or pbo .) up, to be made to, nbr Ni. Ho. up, to make, nbs Hi. '■ r T upon, to, br -ntj . (Ch. nns> c. a.) with, to, -liittj H w. a (once.) go-between, a, o^ran UJ"'X . goad, a, -ja-iti m. goads, m':i2"i'n only in plu. goat, TS f., wvj nb , nia com. Avild (or) mountain, br^ m. goat's hair, c^TS f. plu. goats, sheep and, "jxa com. goblet, y^aa m., 'liaa m., rsap f. God, bx I m., nibx m., n^nbx , D^nbxn , Note. — For usage of the names of God, see in bx I, 3. forbid, nb-'bn with nini^ add- ed. GOD 78 GRA god, bx I m„ nibx m. (Ch, nbx m.) goddess, tiTibx . godless, one, t'.n . godlike shape, cTisx . godly, T'pn , n-^nbx x']^ , nin-^ x-i/i , gods, Qibx , DTibx , (Ch. "fribx .) household, D""3in . goes forth, that which, xjf'ia m. going, a, "iVrx or -i!irx m., r,-'^ com., T^'^hn or Ty^hn m., mss f. down (of the sun), (Gh. b?^ m.) down of the sun, ujiattrn s^ia . far away, (adj.), pnn . forth, a, SS"Q m., nisS'tn plu. forth, place of, xs"ii2 m., nixsin plu. out, a, NS'i^ m. softly, a, ax m. up, a, nbri2 f. goings, n'is'^Vn only in plu, gold, :ni m., I'nn m. (poet), tns m. (poet.), see rcniTD . (Ch. nnr m.) exactress of, see n^nTo . heap, treasury of, see nrmia fine, pure, ts m. massive, solid, see is . mixed, beaten, see in onoJ 3. gold-colored, -ns . golden brightness, oil, rnt m. goldsmith, d"]i: , Cl"iS?3 . Goliath, p-bs . Gomorrah, n-^rs . gone, to be, r,bn and -bi K. Ni. forth, x'S"* . • T good, (sub.), ria , nnia f., sa*'^ m., B"b"r m. (adj.), r-f-j , ns^ , p-'^a , crn . (adv.), iiza . deeds, C'lon . faith, nrx f. fortune, ria m., a'a si- news, n^iitja f. qualities, nia'a. quality, b"!n m. reputation, coj m. thing, ria m., nsi'u f. things, r!ia m. concr. good, to be, na (always impers.), z'S^ K. Hi., pna , nbs I and rb:£ w. b for. (Ch. :a-i .) ' to make, (compensate), -smJ Hi., cbijj Pi. to seem, (Ch. i-ji-i w. bs .) good- will, ion , •,'is"i m. goodly, 2ia . raiment, m'nrn ^nja . to be, ria. to make, si'a Hi. goodness, ion , c'^'^cn plu., r!ia m., nsia f. constant, ion coupled with nrx . goods, n"3 m., -ia, nr"ia f., n:xb:Q ■ - ' T T T I f., ntoSTS m., 0=3 m. (later Heb.). (Ch. or: m.) household, ttifis"! m. gorge, ^ys-Q m., n-jsria f. gorgeous, rsiisri . gorget, •(itjn m. gourd, see "(T'p'p . govern, to, •,i'n , uiqn , aE'dJ . (Ch. yn and *{fr\ ,) governor, ns H c. suff. (once), nns. (Ch. ']5q m., nne .) a military, "csa m. governors, D'':Q"^w'nx , 0^:50 only plu. (Ch. 'j'':s-'nl;nx .) grace, (beauty), yn m., •,n m., non (on(!e.) (favor), "(n m., nrn f., T\r^'.n t, ion , crb m., •,is'i m. gracefulness, -jn m. gracious, ■,n:n , n^on , c^rs . to be, •jsn . to make, -(jn Pi. towards, to be, ti'il . T T graciously received (or) accepted, to be, r:ri Ni. to give, ):r[ . to receive, n::"i . grain, b:x m., na HI m., •;:'n m., onb com., i!\r33 m., -i-'^p m., "istli and naaJ m. a, n-^a f., see ii'ix m. T- (a species of), nicos f. GRA 79 ORE grain, bundle of, na^S f. early, see 'b^p'S 2. field of, r"iT . parched, ^bp m, pounded, n'S"'i m. roasted, -'bp m. standing, nrp f. coll. to buy, -i3d w. -iruJ added, to sell, -i2tti K. Hi. - T grains, niiiQ . granary, CIZX'O m. grand-daughter, pa I f. grand-mother, cx f. grand-son, -(S m. (Ch. -13 I m.) grandeur, ^isr. m., n^S m. grant, to, ',713 , cr:: and ciu . (a request), to hear and, 133 xiuj grape, 3:S| m. once sing., elsewhere only plu. grape-gatherer, a, n:£i2 . grape-kernels, -stones, ti'^jiiin (once ) grape-vine, -jra com., fully -pivn "JES grapes, c"'::s . bad, COJXS only in plu. diied, n-pfl:aa only plu. sour, ^D2 and -oa m., see ych , see E"'S:i"in . unripe, 'no 3 and "loa m. wild, c-'ttJxa only in plu. young, see "nro . grasping, a, ni:"n f. grass, -I":!!! m. dry, ui'jin m. latter, ttjpb m. tender, nibt m. (Ch. sn^ .) grasshopper, b:|b:j . grassy place, prob. brx 11 m. grate, a, 12=13 m. grate, to, pin . grateful, fcrtz . to be, -.ia-ib nin , •,i:zi-bs rfn . ' .:tt'' T - TT gratify, to, nix or nix Ni. w. dat. of pers. gratis, Dsn . gratuitously, losn . grave, (adj.), -ip'^ (Keri.) grave, (sub.), lia I m.. nap m., nnuJ (sometimes.) in the, -lES V? , nsrb . grave, to, -1x2 Pi. c. b? ., ppn, ttJnn, nin (once.) in, to, ppn . graved in, to be, ppn Ho. gravel, v^tn m. coll. gravel-stone, y^n m. graven, to be, asn Ni. graver, (instrument), am f., liin m., tti-ri m., -niD m. (workman), ©m m. ^ T T gravid, cibaoTS plu. gray, to be. ^<-q . (Ch. n'^iu.) hair, to have, a"'(b . gray-haired, to be, 21b. gray-headed, iia . grayness, 3"'iO m., nn"ib f. graze, to, n~~i . grease, nns m. great, -ii?tx , bi"ia , bl5 , xnis , *7aa , -i-^aa (poet), 2"! , X'iJb . (Ch. 2*1 , x-i^b .) and glorious, to show one's self, 123 Ni. and powerful, to show one's self, b-15 Hithp. becoming, bna . in age, D'an plu. man, 2~i m. number, Ta's. (one), 2": m. things, n'ibna , n^na f. concr. (later Heb.) things, to do, nib>b b"n:.n . things, to speak, nra , ns b'^'nsn . (Ch. ',2-2T b^^ !) to be, bij , 123 , xba Ni., n2"j . (Ch. xab , rpn and qpn .) to be made, -i-ix Ni. to become, bna , na'i . nsb . (Ch. nz'} , xsiu , r)pFi and C]pn .) to make, b"ia Pi. Hi., xba Hi., nbs Hi., na'n Hi., x;b Hi. c. b . (Ch. nan Pa!) great-grandchildren, see in tt5|aS , GRE 80 GTJA greatly, nf?Tr , nr- Hi. w. h and infin. of another verl), r^2~.ii . (C'li. H''iV .) to value, b"ij Pi. valued, to be, bnj . greatness, -nx m., see Vina , bn'a m., ntnj f. (later Heb.), r2"^i2 m., n^S'^^ f., :n m. a1)str., ;n m. (Ch. al"! f.) greave, greaves, nnj£"2 f. Greece, see -,"i , see CT3 2. greedy, to be, see bra , p;rd . after gain, to be, rS3 r2£2 . man, ite; bra . green, p-,; , nb , •,:r^ . (Ch. -,:s^ .) again, to grow, u:b::'i . branches, n1~^^^. herb, pni m., -tur m. (Ch. ri"? m) herbage, pT' m. lierbs, PTiN , sbr m. coll. in full, at:-! . leaf, t^Tj: m. something, p~^ . the, pn;; m. concr. thing, p'iT' m. to l)e, x'Jin , ir-i Pil. T T ' ' - T to grow, pbn . greenish, p^p^^ . greenness, nx m., pii m., ■'ip^'' m. greens, see rs , m'TiN , CS".'! and Q":?-!): , p'r m., -b? m. greet, to, r,'n2 Pi., cibaib 'sb bxiJj , greyhound, see -i-'nT . grief, ■'bn m., see inn , 'j'lj'j m., rX3 ni., c>3 m., xi"S m. (only in Joli), "•ixs'a in., n^p m., rrnTs f., nib f., n:!in f. " bitter, rii-.i-^ f. cause of, nsin f. grieve to, r\\r> Hi., nr I Pi. Hi., ;x3 , ors Hi., inia K. (impers.). Hi. c. b?., Gnj Ni. Hithp., c;s c. b for., sijr K. Pi. Hi., nin H Hi. for, I, ■'b TS "w. bs . for, tOv "(jn Poel. grieved, nssi: . (Ch. S'^SS .) for, to be, Din C bs . grieved, to be, b'n and b-n Hithpalp., nbn K. Ni. c. b:-., -5:-, rxb Ni. w. infin., ::^'J Ni., t;-i . (Cli. x-s Ithp.) grievous, TZ3 , to be, nz3 w. b? . grind, to, 'p'j . grinders, (teeth), nirrt:, nirpbn. grit, yan m. coll. grits, nD-'-ir only phi., n'^-;''! . groan, to, n:x I, r:x Ni., p:N K. Ni., pm , see cn3 , 5suj . groaning, a, nntx f ., npx-i f;, n^nj f., njx'ii f. groats, rio^"? only in plu. grope, to, "C^-c Pi. Hi. for, to, ttjuia Pi. ground, the, ni:"ix f., ya com. (Ch. rnx , r-3-x f.) fallow, -i-'j n m. habitable, "^x I. to the, n".i")X . upon the, "lEi' hv . grove, buJx , nsj f., n:a f. (chiefly later Heb.) ' grow, to, bnj , 10"' Ni., ss"' , 313 (only trop.), din (once), nyr . (Ch. nsn.) long, to let, nbttJ Pi. (once.) to cause to, b"7a Pi. to let, bns Pi. ' to make, nrs Hi., nn PiL up, to, nbs , nrn , up, to let, nrn Pi. up, to make, U'p Hi. growing up, (adj.), bnj . growl, to, r^z.'n I, r.rn , tns . growling, a, cr: m. (of thunder), n;n m. grows of itself, what, pi'sa m. of itself the second year after sow- ing, (that) which, cn'IJ m. of itself the third year after sowing, that which, uJTlo (once.) growth, nrs m. slow of, b'BX , • T guard, ntttJri m., rrnrOJ^ f., n'i^^'. f-. n'^E^i ■?.. nnr:ia f. place of, r^^'s-c f., also x~ai3 . i ' T T - T T - / GUA 81 HAM guard, to, -i::3, 15£3 I, "iTiilS . guarded, what is, Tcoi^ m. guards, nrili'C m. concr., riialSia f. concr., d-i-Jib. guests, c"'xs"i|5 . guidance, nibnsnr; plu. guide, ".rs'Q , right to, -lUix Pi. to, T.iTi Hi. w. a ., nn3 , ^^in Hi. ' ■' - T : ^ TT ? guided, to l)e, lyis Pu. guiding, art of, nibsrnn plu. guile, rT2 m., n^-iv f. ^-^ T T T : T guilt, Diiis 111., nr^iJx f., "p'n m., asu5^ m., -jis) ni. laden with, ntl . to l)e laden with, ltl . -T to bear one's, Qtt:x , guilt, to free from, IE 3 Pi. guilty, DiBX . of God, to be held, jJian w. one liL'ld, nsn m. to acknowledge one's self, see CtliX . to be, ctlix also id©x , SlS^ . -T "T' -T to pronounce, si::n Hi., rail Hi. guitar, nbna m. gullet, s'b m. gum, (an aromatic), r|3l m. fragrant, see db , gush out, to, r23 , H-"^ • out with, to, rnj Hi. gushing, a, r,::Ui and 7]L!aS m. H Habakkuk, pi;33n. habitable globe, bsn f. (poet.) ground, ^x I. to be, rai"' Qioet.) habitation, bnx, rr^a m., niiJ f., ii'-r: m., b!i3T m., nijtn m. (poet.), see n-tSsr , li;-^ m., nair^ f., dips T : ' ' T T : ' T com., ",r!rT3 m., ni; m. (only poet.). (Ch. nin^a .) habitations, m's: only plural constr. (poet.) hack up, to, npn Hithp. hackled, p"^-iiD . ' • T Hades, bnn m., h'^h , niTD m., bixiij com. haft, 223 m. Ilagar, nsn . '^ ' T T Haggai, ijn. hail, •r-'sabx •'ssx , ina m., n-i'p m. (poet.) to, ina. to scatter, nia . - T hail-storm, n^a ti'lT . hail-stones, "i"i3 -(aN , Tns ■'33X , "'JSX ttJ''25^X • hair, nbs f., :>'nQ m., -sb m., n^S'to f. (Ch. nria m.) hair, long, unshorn, ^T3 m. to tear out the, ut^ . hair-cloth, perh. -i2dt3 m. hairy, -i-'SiiQ . half, sp2 m., ■'isn m., nsnia f., jr^sriTa f. (Ch. 3bQ.) a shekel, ypa m. (spec.) part, "sn m. half-cooked, X3 II. hallow, to, ttinp Pi. Hi. hallowed, anything, Qi-p^ m. to be, 05 -ip Ni. c. 3 . halt, the, nsVsn f. coll. to, noo , sbs. halter, -ni m., "(On m. halting, a, ybs . halve, to, nan . Ham, on II. T ham. Till f. hamlet, 't^.n com., n'^-^Zi f., 1E3 m.,. ■is's m., see iijJ I. hammer, n^^lsn f., nrpia f., nrp^ f.,- ttjii:s m. to, rrs K. Pi., (fiab . hammered bar, b'^a'2 m. (once.) hammock, nsibia f. HAM 82 IIAR ^ hamstring, to, ^ps Pi. hand, t; f., r;? f. (Ch. n^ .) at, n^ ni'2 . hollow of the, Cjs f., ^sb" m. palm of the, (Ch. stT^i tjQ .) hand-breadth, rs:3 m., nsb m. hand-mill, -ir.'j m., n:ni3 f., Q"^!!"; only du. handful, sec nsQ , ydp m., b:;jilJ m. (of grain), -i^rS' m., nrs m. handfuls, tiTrJt (once.) by, L-Sxp^b . handle, a, ^:i: m. (the breasts of an immodest wo- man), to, nbv I Pi. to, ttjsn . handles (of a bolt), niES . handmaid, nrx f., n"i553 1, nnsoj f . hands, the two, id'T"^ f. du., 0"E3 f. du. hang, to, triJ and cO) . down, to, bb'!j , ns~i I. down, to let, nbai Pi. (once.) down, to make, ns"i I Pi. one's self, to, p;n Ni. over, to, n'jD . up, to, sbn , nVn K. Pi. (Ch. up (on stake or cross), to, S|5'< Hi. upon, to, pr'n and piyi^ w. 2 , Ip ., nbn K. Pi/c. bs . ' T T upon a stake (or) cross, to, 'ej nbn hanging, a, n:5^-i'i , vhp m. after, x'bn w. h . hanging-l)cd, nr^b'S f. hanging-work, tiv3 nb?^ . Hannah, nrn . hap, n-pTi m., frip m. happen, to, r^":! K. Ni. (only in pret. and part.), bj: , x~p II Ni., nip Ni. (Ch. bs3 .) to be, to, K-ip II Ni. to cause to, s-.p II Hi. c. dupl. ace. happen, to, to, nnx (poet.). Nit's ^ sjs Hi. w. bx ., x-;]r II, r^-^^p^. (Cli. ,-1:313 ^ n-jrn w. bs .) to, to let, n^p Hi. c. ■'jBb . happiness, ii.*t m., i-nrx only plu. const., nbx J c'^n plu., nri'a f., 1: m., pTa: m. happy, =ia. am I, "i-ibxa . one prosperous and. riD'^S f. concr. to be made, nbx Pu. to pronounce, Tjis Pi., nib Pi. harass, to, i^s Hi., yjj-i . one another, to, b53 Ni. harassed, to be, b;; Ni. harbor, tin^ m., V'E'C m. T It:* hard, n^^bj , prs^, n;3 , t? , f^^p^, li-'^b , "'■?."'~b only jjIu. constr. (Cli. ^"15 V) bestead, nbp:. labor, to have, see in n:iip I Pi. to be, tts II once in fut., ttbe Ni.. - r ' T T • nbp I. t' t to be too, xba Ni. w. yq . to make, rt^iip I Hi. hard-faced, cjs niT J? . hard-hearted, rb ii':^-^'^ . harden, to, yea Pi., n^sPi. Hi., iitip } '• T ' - T t' T I Hi., nbp^ Hi. one's face, to, T'IS p^n . one's heart, to, pjn Pi. w. ab ., izh nrpn . hardened, prn . to be, pTn, -trS. to become, (Ch. rpn and Cipn.) hardness, ibp m., niTinb f. (Ch. s:^:i5 f.) hare, r23"ij< f. harlot, n3lT f., !T;"i~3 f-, nb"ip f. to play the, n;: . harm, ■,iDX m., j-i "-"n . (Ch. brn m.) to, cbs Hi. (Ch. b=n Pa.) harmful, yn , harness, to, lex . - T harp, (Ch. see X320 , Dip-'p (Cheth.), onnp (Keri.).) IIAR 83 IIEA harp, (a species of), Tirs m., b^: aud b~: m. harpoon, bs-S m. harpoons, n-MTi rii'^p . harrow, to, nn-:: Pi. harsh, t? , nrp . harshly oppressed, nrp^a . to treat, nrp Hi. liart, a, b'x m. harvest, r|CS , S-iT , y'p_ m., ^■'Sp m. to, -,:ip^ K. Hi. (Cheth.) harvest-msn, -ii:ip "'-IX. harvest-time, yp^ m., "f'Spfi rs , •'J37 -i"^:j^ . ^^2tp cii, T'::,^ m. harvestman, -i-jj-ip . haste, -iTsn m., ri-rfq t (Ch. sib-ina , nbnsrn.) in, (Ch. nbn^rin w. pref. a .) to, tin K. Hi., C5^3 . to do, to make, njtin w. inf. and b , to let make, -n-a I Pi., yi-\ Hi. to make, ym , tlj^n K. Hi., (Dti , -in^ I Pi., see ^TiVJ. hasten, to, -j'six K. Pi. Hi., bn2 Ni., cinti Ni., ajnn Hi., ©in , n^n w. -(Ta from, -iHt: I K. (once). Pi., see ai^s, ri!!3 Hi., rxaj . away, to, ab'O Ni. to do, to, bna Pi. w. inf. c. b. hastened, Kal. pass, participle of rjnn ^ bnh"o . to be, bna Pu. (Keri.) hastily, uj-n , -in^ I Pi. (coupled w. another verb), nniq . to come, (li!in . to do, bna Pi. w. inf. c. b ., ti^p Pi. w. inf. to flee, ttjan Hi. to lead up, y^-\ Hi. hasting, n"'ilin part. plu. hasty, b'^rn part, plu., "itras . flight, liTsn m. hatch, to, 3rp3 K. Pi. hatched, to be, rp2 Ni. hatcheled, p'nilJ . hate, to, lis , x:!b . hated, nx"':iu only f. hateful, K. pass, participle of N;ib . to be, 115x3 Hi. c. s . to become, ©X3 Ni. w. 3 and rx of pers., Hithp. c. cv . to make, U5x2 Hi. w. a of pers. hater, n:b , iitt-q . (Ch. x:b .) hatred, nx:(t; f. t: • haughtiness, nx.i| 1, nixj f., " m., nixa f., j:t3j m., ninaa f., n^a I f.. ■|inT m., n-iaa f. haughty, x.^ , nxi. , '|iixa (Cheth.), fnaa ,' bins, to be, n35 , -laS Hithp. haunch, rp"' f. haunt, "(^ria m. have, to, b irn w. apei's. subject, b ttJ"^, 5i03 Hi. -T haven, Tinis m., V'n2'2 m. hawk, see rrx , prob. vd m. hay, ttJuJn m. hazel, see T!ib . he, xin m. (often implying the substan- tive verb). (Ch. xin often impl. the sub. verb.) he who, .tij (later books). (Ch. "^tj .) head, nrx ,. nbaba f., nirxn^ f. (poet.), i!)X-i I m. (Ch. ujxn .) at the, piiiixn'O . of a family (or) tribe, qji^x m. under the, nirs"]^ . upon the front part of the, "pa head-band, ^bx m. head-bands, d^biiaa . head-dress, -ixq m. headlong, nn-os . to be, u"]i (once.) to throw, i:T> (once.) heal, to, pin Pi., nbn Hi., xS"i K. Pi., ' ''-T -r 'tt nsT II. healed, to be, xS"i Ni. to cause to be, xsi Pi. T T to let one's self be, X3i Hithp. healing, a, nainx f., nna f., xsn^ m., n!isE-i f. health, na^nx f., SBi^ m., nsixs"! f-, cibaj m. IIEA 84 HEI health, in, (adj.), Q"'rn . heap, ba m., "i"i'cn in., niiTan f., '^•qn m., nr-^S'o f., ma-jsi f., nxap f., ni:;-! f., sec r!i^-i . of rubl)isli, ^r^ m., bn m. (of sheaves), ttj"'l3 m. (of stones), is mostly w. fsis added, nrjnTS f. (Ch. ij-i m.) of straw, 'zrt'o m. coll. (of waves), n: m. (only poet.) together, to, -na? Pi. up, to, nns Hi., d:3 , riED Hi., "!::s , d-b and n-b , b^n . heaped up, to be, ens H Ni., nns . heaps, ti'^'iarJ. hear, to, "ts I Hi.. •,i5i K. Hithpal., srii: . (Ch. y?:© .) a rausincf to, niS^tlJfi . o T : - and answer, to, ©"'n Ni., n35 I, ' - T T T -irS I Ni. c dat., y:ab . (and) grant, to, '53 ^33 5 n f., ins m., PtNSp f., 3103 m. (Ch. Nian , n-on .) (of anger), ffis com., nrn I f., "in m. heat, (of lust), nsxp f. (once.) (of mind), j'jn m. to, T^r . to be in, dp:i Pi. \'iolent, nssbT and nsrbT . heathen, cia. heave, to, xc* . heaven, crui plu. (Ch. "pr'r plu.) in, D-'^Tirn . towards, rrcTiTrn , n^'ita , D"rTi"n. heavens, the, hz'n m. (poet.), c^2"'"'3> (poet.), pntti m. (poet.), rarely in sing., oftener in plu. d-ipnii , D"'7:(U , (Ch. •,-;riB .) heavenward, rro'rt'n , D";r'j , Q'^'^.'i'n , ti'^rTrn-bs . heaviness, -izb m., nil!: 3 f. heavy, "123 . to be, -!33 K. Ni. to make, 133 Hi., r\'::p I Hi. heavy-mouthed, ns T'S . Hebrew, ^nsin^ (later Hel).), i-[ZT . hedge, nziCTS f., n3itt)?2 f., see r^to . about, to, 5!iD H, ;!ib II Pilp., in, to, 7^30 Hi., r^'^iSi . to, -vj . hedgehog, I'sp rn., see "iSttS . heed, 3©~ m. to do, to take, nijaS Ni. w. inf. c. b (once.) to give, "i^a . to one's self, to take, liaiD Ni. Hithp. c. '^•Q . to, to give, ";^3 c ace, 3 , bx , b , bs ., b 3b 'ins . heel, 3pr m. to take (or) seize by the, 3p? . he-goat, -I'EX ni. (later Ileb.), -i*y'r m., a)-n m. (Ch. -,i2S .) he-goats, D"'"i^n? only plu. heifer, nbas f., n"iQ f. T : V T T heifer-calf, nb:,i' f. height, rias , n3J m., r\it , "iz:: m., Q-n'n m., 3;iD'3 ni.. r,i: m., nsj f., nE3 f. (only in Josh.), br m., lEEI 85 HID iTDip m., Di-i m., nil m., ma"! f. (Ch. c!i-> m.) heights, crjqa , ni'sxn , see niES/n Note. of heaven, a-^r^ . heir, uJ-iT' . to be one's, llJ-'^ also tl5n^ w. ace. of pers. to leave as, bro Hi. he-larab, iiiZ3 m. Heliopolis, "px 11. helmi't, 5;3"3 m., 5>3"ip m. help, r!ib-x f., i'i-,f f., rarely m., T; f., ni'rJ7 f., ?'Ji- and rr;; m., xs-iia m , -ITS m., rrnis f., ri'ii/.n f., ns^dn f. to, pm K Pi. Hi. Hithp., b?-; Hi., Siii"^ Hi., Nil:: Pi., n^is (once), ^.7/ K. Hi. (cii. nsp c. b .) to cry for, s"ip L, S]i: Pi. up, to, cnp Hi. helped, to be, rci Ni. to be wonderfully, "iT?nb i<"'b5rt . helper, ri-.T f., rarely m., -ip, -iT5 m. concr., iili:} f. concr. female, -it 3 m. concr. my, ■'S'jj'^ concr. helpers, n^iS f. concr. hem, brr m. hemorrhoids, ti'^'nini: . lence, n^-q , n'sis . [lerald, Ti-i3 m. T herb, green, aijy m., piTj m. (Ch. rbs m.) herbage, -|i:in m. (Ch. siUS m.) green, p""^ m. young, Ntti'n m. (Ch. nrfi\ .) herbs, see in x^is . p^"^ m. T ■ ' TT aromatic, n'^nn-iia . ■ ' T : r bitter, n"^"i'"!T3 . green, ninix , SbS m. coll. herd, -ipS com., -ins m., rarely Tilt) m. coll. herdsman, ip'j , ns;'"! . here, see t;x , c'bn , njfi H, ht , nT2 , nb rarely, •^-:'j , nns , ns or is once xs. and there, nsn-' nsn . — there, njrt repeated, n's — rb, B':j — ciii . ^8 hereafter, -linxb , nn^ , -ini2 ti'i">3 . ' T : ' T T ' T r 1 hereditary portion, bin m, heretofore, DiujbuJ ua biicpx tiJ . hero, bx I m., see bxix . (Ch. naa m.) heroes, see bx^^X , U" m. concr. heron, see "W?'^ , see nriisn . heterogeneous tilings, D";xb3 du. (only.) hew, to, z'cn , 2:jn and arin , bos . (Ch. i-ra . j down, to, sjna , n^is. in, to, ppn . in pieces, to, v^'ot Pi. out, to, z'Sn and Zi.n. hewed beams, nini3 . hewers of stone, c"'::^n . of wood, n-^sn , hewing (of stone), n'^73 f-, 2Sn?3 m. he-mi out, to be, 2::n Pu., nan Pu. - T - T stones, rr^Tj f., n-iTa ■'23X , "^Das zitn-q . Hezekiah, n»pTn . t' : • hid, to be, -ira Ni. to lie, xan Ni. Pu. Hithp., -ir.o Ni., nbr'lNi. hidden, '^zo , csino, r^Ro^a f., tibsi , "i^EJt . (Chi p"'^5 ,) men, Q"'i;b353 . places, n";B2£'a . sins, n"i-ino: . something, -n3 m. thing, mobsn f. things, ri-.po: . (Ch. xn'^nOTs ,) to be, nra Ni., tabs I Ni. - T - T treasures, TiDO "':^::o . hide, (skin), ni? . hide, to, xan Hi., fian K. (once), Ni., -,^-j K. Hi., ins Pi. Hi., noa Pi., -152 Pi., -1S3 I, -30 , -inO Pi. Hi., tibs I K. (only part, pass.), Hi., Ci^~ , -,2S K. Hi. (Ch. ',rQ Pa.) away, to, D^aa (once part, pass.) one's self, to, xan Ni. Pu. Hithp., nan K. (once), Ni., ban Pu. Hithp., "jra Ni., d:3 Hithp., ri33 Ni., ^no K. (once Cheth.), Ni' Hithp., '(ss Hi. (Cheth.) niD 86 HOA hide themselves, to, see -iia I Kal, 3. hiding, a, "p'^sn m., -ino in. hiding-place, nzrro m., -inD?a m., "ipco m., -^no m. hiding-places, tJ'xhnTa liigh, ^v.jn, hn; , n:5 (constr. only), nbs , b^-ii , hy concr., -,i''br , di . anything, n^Xi f. from on, ^^Jis . God, Most, (Ch. Iirl""'^? P^"-) Most, cii-13 concr., by m. concr. (Ch. nN^V) most, "(i^bs). (Ch. "23) ,) on, dSh533 , sec n^s Hi,, tn'nri , bs , nil. place, nr2 , D'ii^a m., n£3 f., nsD f. (only in, n^i f. place, in a, ciiia . place, to be set in a, r;b Ni. Priest, b:i;n insn , uix^n ',nb , ttix-n -nsn , tiijinn . the, Itj-N "33 . things, r"'^xi. to be, nn-. , CN-;, Dn , d^"^ I, r?ttj K. Ni. (poet.) to be made, t)!t~i . to make, a^J Hi., H i Hi., c^n Pil. Hi. to set on, din Pil. Hi., r^ib Pi. to set up on, :;r Pi. high-priced (tilings), n>ax'n . higher, n'^S f. only, ',iibj) . highest part, the, -1:13:3 m. place, •iTX"! I m. place, in the, nriijx'i . rank, uix-i I m. the, !iJN-i I m., n-'ffiX'i f. (what is), llJN'n I m. highly, b5 . liiglnvay, nbo"a f., b^ibco m. hill, nr^a f., btS m., 3p? m., see ■>£«) , bn m. a bare, naked, i£tt5 m. a fertile, "(rUJ— ,2 'f';,p . hill-chapel, nra . hin, (measure), "pn . hind, a, b'x (once), nb'^x f., rb*X (as a term of endearment.) hinder, "S-inx . hinder part, -linx m., nr'^i f., C'rS'-'' du. ' '" " ''' parts, •''inx only constr., C"r3-*^ du. side, c-rS'^^ du. hinder, to, nnx Pi., X!i3 Hi., ^is:; . (Cli. b-j2 Pa.) hindermost, "i-inN . hindrance, -i">£:-^ m. hinge, Ts I m. hinges, female, rips m. plu. hip-joint, rp^n f,'2 . liil^jjopotamus, see nim3 . hire, perh. fri-'sx f., •;:rx and -jinx m., Trr m., -isiB m., -irb m. one's self out, to, -irb Ni. Hithp. to, -iro II, -13b , n:n I K. (once), -r -1' TT ^ ' Hi. (once.) hired laborer, -i-^rttJ m. • T one, -i-rb m. hireling, i-^zb m. hiring, a, n-i^:iu f. hiss, to, p->!U . for, to, r-ic w. b . - T : to call by a, pnttj w. b . hissing, a, np-^Ui f. to become a, np*,iiib ii'fi . hissings, n'-p—ittj (Keri), nip!|-iiij (Cheth ) hist ! on . history, nnV^n. family, nnbin. hit, to, ,-133 Hi. hither, c'bn , n:n II, nrn-iy , ns (after verbs of motion), nb . and thither, nsxi n:x , nrni rzn , i-.b^ n's. and thither, to go, u^ittJ I K. Pil. Hithpal. hitherto, c'bn-ns , n:n-ns , rb~t^_ , •|3-n? , ntyj , nnr-ns? . (Ch. ns-is .) ho ! ■'■in . hoar-frost, -iiE3 m. hoard, a, f^S^p f. to, -.ES . ' - T up, to, "iri: w. b . hoarded, to be, -(Crr Ni. hoards. d^r^T^ . HOA 87 noo hoariness, fin'^io f. lioary, to be, n'^b . (Ch. s'to .) hoe, "I'ny?? m. to loosen with a, pp only Pi. hold, to, trx c. ace. or 3 ., ptn Hi., -iun , bo Pilp. Hi., r,ii3o c. 3 ., nU5> I, -rn , t-En . as, to, iOin c. ace. et b ., 3 "PJ , back, to, 7,iDn w. ",12 from., "n^s ^ fast, to, ins c. ace. or 3 ., pin Hi., fast to, to, ptn K. Hi. fast together, to, izh Hithp. of one another, to take, nzh Hithp. of, to be laid fast, a^p Pu. of, to lay, tnx often e. 3 ., ptn Hi. c. 2 , b , bs , (poet. c. ace), nnn (once of a pei's., elsewhere always of taking up coals, fire), npb, -'^1 c. 2., T,^n, (usn. of, to lay fast, -ji-Qp . of, to take, see inx . see rjrn , - T 7 "1 - T to lay, (UEn Pi. to take, btPi Pi. together, to, thin. up, to, bns Pilp. Hi., rjign c. 3 . holding back, a, nx!i:n f. hole, nin 11 m., *iin II m., ii'iflx'a f. holiday, to celebrate a, 5;n . hollow, 2^23 . a, nnra f., r,n m. of the hand, r^s f., bsia m. vessel, "2 f. hollows, rnnn-irp© . holm, see ".mn . holocaust, b-^bs m., nb:? f. (Ch. nbs . T T *■ T-; holy, xn'o , Tri~;5 , tti'np in gen. after another noun. ('Ch. ttj'^'rip .) fear, nx'i f. oil, ointment, see 'j'^ttj 3. One, (ijl'-ip . ' T place, 'C'^p/0 m., b"i"ip , bn'p m. place, most, ti"'tlJ"ipn ©"I'p m. something most, cbtp llin'p. the Most, D''^Ii■i^p . holy thing, oS'i'p m. thing, to institute any, tiJnp Pi. things, the most, D^'dnpn ■'^l3^p . to be, ojnp and ttinp . to be regarded and treated as, ^l5^p Ni. to keep, ttJ'ip Pi. to make, ijjnp Pi. to jjronounce, ttjtp Pi. Hi. to regard and treat as, lljip Pi. to show one's self, iiiip Ni, Hithp. holyday, to keep, n2(lJ . homage, to do, nnttJ Hithpal. home, Dip^ com., ni: m. (only poet.), mj f. XT at, -jiJ^TD . to bring, xiS Hi. home-born servant, slave, rr^S Tibi . homer, (measure), 'nrn m. honest, see bTi 4., ■,2 I. honey, ll52n m., n^r'i f. honey-comb, qsis m. honor, nin m., -ipi m., •Ti23 m., n-iX2n f., elsewhere iTi^lSFi . (Ch.' ^nn , -i;:)-! m.) one's self, to, -122 Hithp. to, -nn , XT' , 122 Pi. Hi., *ixa I -it' "t" - r -T Pi., ^iDilJ. (Ch. ^nn .) to acquire, 122 Hi. to be held in, T22 M. to do, 122 Pi. to enjoy, n22 Ni. to one's self, to get, 122 . Ni. with, n'23 . ; ; honorable, 13 = 3 , T'SJ , "i^CS . to make, nx Hi. honored, 1223. (Ch. I'^pV.) to be, 122 K. Pu. Ni., ins I Hithp. to cause to be, 122 Hi. hoof, 2pS m., ncis f. (Ch. isa m.) hook, n m. (spoken of tabernacle cur- tains only), nin m., nn m., inn (Cheth.), n2n f., Oip m., CinstSS m.. du. hooks, ni'iSijia , t3"''~"'0 and nii^O m^ ; (for fishing), niS^ . IIOO 88 HUM hoopoe, see ns'':"^ . hope, "jinaa m., ^p^ ™-' '^^^s f., «373 tn., n";ri3 m., also x^p^ , nab m., r^snin f., see nb:n , n'prn f. for, to, n-p Pi. in (anything), rbnin f. w. b . there is no, t S'^ Ni. imijers. to, hr-i Pi. Hi., n'p , -12b Pi. c. bs , b . (Ch. -izD once.) to cause to, bni Pi. hopes, to cherish vain, bsn . hojHng, bTi^ . horn, "j-^p f. (Ch. inp f.) (musical instrument), •("p f., nsittJ m. (Ch. -,np f.) ' ' hornet, nsin;;: f. hornets, nsts f. w. art. coll. horns, to have, -jip Hi. horrible, see in d*:tlj Po., -isi-iytlS , ''"?^"'?.''^ ) "^y^T^ (Cheth.) something, n~ii~S>ttJ f. the setting up of the, see in niD'a Po. horrid, nsi; . horror, ym' m., in other MSS. ri"i5 , rviVs f., see nirp , nrb m. horse, l-^ax (only in Jer.), o^O m., ttJis m., aiD-i m. a fleet, bp m. (poet.) horseman, qjio m., bna m., o^D ^^'^j ZT} m. horsemen, n'^tl5~iS ""bya . pairs of, ti"ui~iQ "i^S . horses, ciD m. coll. two pairs of, coio asi ''lb . Hosea, rbin . host, ■jiisn m., once f., h'^n m., b^n m., nsJi^ f. (once), ir"T3 m. (poet.), nrrna usually ni., rnVry f., xrst m., see nr:i . (Ch. bin m.) hostages, niaiyn "ra . hostile encountei", iip m. to, to be, ins . hostility, naix f. hosts, niB:.N (only in Ezek.) hot, lan II. to be, to make, -113? . hough, to, -ipy Pi. house, bnx, n^a m. (Ch. rr^a m.) common, nan n'^a . great, *,n^a m. in the, n^a . into the, nn^afij '^■'^''tS- of bonds, niiDxn n^^a . of, in the, rT^a , tiS . one over the, n^a" bs nbx, household, n"a m., mr I f. gods, csnn . goods, b!ian m. hover over, to, ti'n'^ Pi. how ! t;ix , na^x , 3 , nbsa . (Ch, nrs.) how ? Tj-'x , na-^x , '^^^/^ > '"^S"^ > '^"'^! > T exceedingly, (Ch. nrs .) great, a . great? nrS , nisa . great, so great, 3 — a , long? -x-n:? , n:x-i^, nas, !^53^, n73-n? , -'riz'-iv . long? after, ttd ^nnx . many ? nra , njar . many times ? crsJa naa . much, ni2 (in exclamations.) much less, ^a C]X (preceded by a neg.) much more, "^a c;x (preceded by an aff.) often ? naa , na? . so, n-fn^ . then, n.7"r:?3 . howler, the, ix II concr. howlets, prob. n-nx only plu. howling, a, bb"! m. animals, n^nx only plu. human race, the, c" m. humble, xrns , xan , ""iv , rn:s , bab . (Ch. bEb.) one's heart, to, (Ch. bab Aph. w, one's self, to, s:a Ni., n:? n ' ' - T T T Hithp. Ni. c. ^:bt3 before., DBn and '■as''\ Hithp., nnb . the, n:s». HUM 89 IF humble, to, r:3 Hi., h;S H Pi. Hi., htt Hi. (Ch. brilJ Aph.) to be, y,^ or y,^ (once.) to make, bsttJ Hi. humbled, to be, X3i Pu., nx3 Ni., yjs Ni., n;y H, bstiJ . humbly, to act, r::f Hi. to live, y;:i Hi. humility, n*:r f. humor, to be in good, nia . hum23 (of a camel), na)3'^ f. hunch-backed, "j23 . hundred, nx'o f. (Ch. ns^ .) times, n Nia . two, D'^rx'S du. hundreds, by, ris^b . hundredth, the, nxT3 f. hunger, niU' m. (once), -,33 m., ns"! m. for, to, 2~-i "w. b . to, see ",23 , 2""i . hunger-bitten, n^T . hungry, rri . to be, :;i5n . hunt, to, i.i:i , after, to, ni5i H. hunter, ii'iz m. hunter's net, -i^r^a and "ibsa-. hunting, ni^ m. hurl one's self, to, bin Hithp. hurled, to be, b^in and b"in . hurricane, nsno f., m f. hurried, inr: . to be, -ina I Ni. hurt, "lies m., nsn f. (Ch. bnn m., b^n m.) (animal), the, nnattiin f. one's self, to, nss Ni. (w. a of instrument.) to, Dbs Hi. (Ch. b:n Pa.) to be, y^2 (see Addenda), nbn K. ' - T ^ '^ T T Ho. hurtful, yn . husband, UJ-'x m., ni"i3;n qi^x , by3 . of, to become the, bra . to have a, bS3 Ni. husbandman, n^nx ttJ"'X , 13X m. r T -; ■ ' T ' husband's brother, D2'' m, hush! on. to, not! only in Hi. to ])e, nojn , T T hushed, to be, pnQj . husk, if m. hut, tiz^h^ t, rjb m., nsp f., rp m- hyacinth, see tffib . hyena, ysi^jc m. (once.) hymn, ^^x (poet.), ITlTSX f. (poet.), n^TSX f. '(poet.), -i"i73T m., 'VSili m., ^■^d m., r.VttJ f., n'rnn t, nbsn f. hymns, 1^115 m. coll. hyssop, riTX m. I, "^jx , •'zbx . I pray thee, X3 I. ibex, bSJ^ m., nb-'^ f. ibis, see r)!iiii:^ . ice, ttii2-.bx m., y.HUp m. (Keri.), Wtp, m., rn'p m. idle talker, an, n::i3. to be, ns'n I Ni. idol, ■,';x m., n,B2 f., -S^ m., ritbjj'o f., 3a:y m., nasr f., T^st H m. (Ch. nbs and nbs m.) idol-god, cnbx . idol-image, naa''? f. 8* " " idol-priests, e'^ias only plti. idolatry, to commit, nr: . idols, "iix m., cr^x , D-ibsba , ti"'b:ri , D-ijan only plu., D"'S3S' only plu., n"'abs , D"^ntii only plu. Idumea, cSx . if, ix , i^x (later Heb.), nx , ncox , -n H (chiefly in later books), 13 I, x^ib, !ib. (Ch. -.n.) any one, see '^'q 2. indeed, XJ-DX . not, ibiix I (once), xb-ox , xbsib , IF 90 IMP if — or, (Ch. '^T^ — •,n .) perhaps, ix . that, *ia3x . ignoble, ^■'ri , n^p3 . ignominy, rt2 t, rT"iS f., "li^J^^p m. ignorance, -tiin m. ignorant of, to be, ^r3 Pi. ilex, see imn. ill, (adj.), tii'rs , r-i . (sub.), s"^ m., nm f. at ease, to be, nil: (once trop. of the mind.) to come off, yti-i Ni. to do, y?n Hi. to take, c:"3 , n^b K. only fut, Ni. treatment, nv"i f., n-rt f. •with me, it goes, "^b :."~i^ . with, to deal, 2."s"n Hi. c. h . ill-favored, sn , -ixh vn . ill-gotten wealth, orn m., prob. |'rn m. ill-will, S") m. illuminate, to, ^ix Hi., n53 . illumination, (Ch. r\-\'nz .) image, I'sx m-, r^i^^ f., "".li"^ m., jirob. •|^-3, r,"3ibT0 f., bro and b^O m., ~:£y ni., "i-i:: II m., tabs ni., r-iintn f., n:irn f. (Ch. nh-j. and tabs ni ) carved, boa . molten, r^-'D: m., r^&s and 7,03 m. imagery, see n^Sb^ . images, d'ljsn only pin., d^^^lS" only plu. carved, fbiOQ . of the sun, see in '^"sn . imagination, '^'^^ m., n"'3bi3 f. imbitter, to, n-i'c Pi. Hi. imbittered, to be, -'-i-c Ilithpalj). w. bx of pers. imbue one with, to, r,:n . ■'- T Immanuel, bx':^s . immediately, d"!'!! , "3 I (preceded by 5 of time). (Ch. ■(■'■ixa .) after, ■■2. immerse, to, b:a , (Ch. z'z'Z .) one's SL'lf, to, b::: . immersed, to be, yz'J K. Pu. immolate, to, n^T . impale, to, Sjr"' Hi. impart, to, cbili Pi. to, to, pbn w. b . impatience, n^^ *^2i'p. impeded, see "iipx . impel, to, rinrt ^ n^n , to:3 , in^ , rns , C!i3 Pil., niio Hi. c. b , ace. and infin., away, to, ttij Hi. to labor, to, CiDX (once.) impend, to, see ?,2'r Ni. imijerious, L:"^b'dJ . impetuous, -irrcj . impetus, r-is m. impiety, rbjix f., t'.n m., ns;ri 1, nrin f., nbEP f. impinge, to, r;9 . impious, b"",N , bi^3 , -i'il3a , rU5"i . one, t'.Ti . to be, yiD-i . implement, ■, ;x m., •'bs m. implements, nih? f. implore, to, p^:j \v. bx of pers.. yittj Pi. (Cli. xb:? Pa.) ' aid, to, N'^p I w. b^ of pers. on account of, against, impose, to, xs"* Hi. w. bs ., T,*;0 , '|n3 ^a "isb , Dib and wxi ^'V'- ^^" . (Ch. rn2"i , x^-i .) a tribute, to, t>'q nbsn , much upon, to, n;l Hi. w. bs . upon, to, xtiJ3 I Hi., baj w. bs . imposed, to be, see tzv Pu., n'tlJ Ho. c. impoverished, '(^©"a , p") . imprecation, nbx f., h^^k ^■■> ^"''-^. ^• improbity, nbbin f., nibb'n f., nb::3 f. impudent, "prv . impudently, to sjieak, pn5 ~il"i . impure, ifc'^ . to be, to become, aiz-J . impurity, nxri: f-, nx^a f., rTn3 f. impute, to, 'z^r^ w. ace. of thing, b of pers., -(P; w. bs of pere. to., n^lIJ w. b of pei-s. IMP 91 INC impute to, to, tTi) and D-^il) w. by , ^ , a . in, Vx, see rx II, 1, c, 3 , ',3 m. (w. gen. of time), b , i?;2 (poet.), -(-a , bs, =71^3, r,ir2. (Ch. 3, 153, Ni'ja .) a circuit, 3''3a"2 . a little -while, ZiV^'S . a moment, :):-;;3 , cxns , ?PQ , sa-i3 , ra- , amongst, "ps'sx after verbs of mo- tion, behalf of, n:'3 and nrs , b , i'3Si3 . between, "f 3-b.s , ',133 , b n"i3"'3^ . company, nnx3 . front, (adj.), nb: . front, (adv.), •';Db , b'la'n w. -1:3 .^ front of, bflia , x: , n:bb , n:D ., fis ., ■':Q"nx , i,:s3 , "^ssb , -rx •• : 7 T ■ : like manner, ""1^33 . not, Tnbzb c. inf., t<:b (once.) one's mind, body, las' . order that, -lUix ^ ^'rs ',r^b , 1 , >i and 1 (before final and consecu- tive clauses), '^(lis •,»" vr. future, 'p_izh w. infln., n^zv^ , "iizvzb c. infin. presence of, pirb . proportion to, irS . respect to, bx , 3 , b . return for, 1'iJx nnn . some way, 3 . that, ntiixs , 2 w. an infin. that not, Tib 33 c. infin., xbs . that place, ciii . T the end, perh. (Ch. chss .) the eyes of, '<:zh . the house, n"'a , n^^jQ . the house of, n''3 , ns> . the manner of, 3 , "^isb . the manner that, (Ch. i^ b3p"b3 \ the midst of, irS and n:;3 , CiSJ , Tii'na . (Ch. i;3 , N-ijS.) the presence of, b>ii3 , n;: , I5:b , ■i:3-bx , i.-sb . in the sight of, 'i.'.j ^ ^:zb , "':a-bs . this manner, 3 . (Cli. xi:3 .) this place, nm II, Ka . union, nn"" . vain, b3n , c:n ^ p--| more fully p^~^, p-*^^, p^ "13, i<:^\, wliat manner — so, "p — "TUSS . what way, irxs , 3 . what way ? n'a . whatsoever, -ittJx bilia (later Ileb.) inaccessible, -i-':!i3 (Keri), nn-^2 . to be, -i:j3 Ni. c. -j-a., 3.yJ (poet.) to make, ■i:s3 Pi. inactive, to be, (ij-n Hi., rt'Xin Hi. incantation, ttinb m., ilin: m. incantations, est!) 3 . incense, -^zip^ m., -ir^ m., n-i:::p f., n-^-jpTa f., ^'^p"? , n-bp f. (Ch. •,"'nni: .) altars of, m'^:ip7; . fragrant, ti'^T33 r~bp, to burn, -ii:p I Pi. Hi. incident, r;.3 m. incision, -irtir. m., i;iiu m., n::-itb f. TV •.■ V V T incisions, to make, ttj Ilithpo. incite, to, •3^3 , HiO Hi. w. ace. of pers. and 3 against, t,:d Pilp. away from, to, r^o Hi. w. "-s . incitement, nbtOs^D f. inclinaticm, ^rsn m. incline, to, njn , "rn , I'lin , n:;; K. Hi., ns^i KPi., 32'r Hi.' one's self, to, see nnp 11, nnoS . - ' T T T inclined, xibn "W. b . to be, n3X , n^-x . include, to, bsis K. (once.) in-coming, an, xi3a m., n3''73 m. increase, bia m., b^iai m., n3--3 m., rris-i^s f., ni2u m., nNS3n f., nsnsn f., n"'3-;n f. to, nx; (poet), b-ij Hi., rc'^ Tv. and Hi. (both dyfect.), Ni., 3^3 (only trop.), -jr-ia ^ n3i K. Pi. Hi., nab Hi. increased, to be, nrri (once), n^-i Ni. increment, (architectural), see p"'F)X . INC 92 INS inculcate, to, •,:it5 Pi. c. ace. of thing, dat. of pei"s. incur, to, san . T T incurable, Uin:x . indeed, Vax , nrrx, nj^x , Da. India, see T'S'X , '-ih , see nb"<:n . indicate, to, ',1^ Pi. indignant, to be, d?t c. ace, bs ., mri Hithp., rivs . (Ch. 0:2 .) indignation, see DrT , nn^p f. indiscreetly, rsni xb, ps"i "^ba , "'baa rr-i . indolence, nb:jr f., nib at" f. Indus, see *,ti;''s . infamy, see nx'n . infant, bbir m. inferior, to Ije, br3 vr. p comparative, infirmity, r-vrsn and r""rsr f. inflame, to, -r2 , rb'n K. w. 2 . Hi., ~=0 Pilp- inflamed, n-rnj j^articiple i)lu. ulcer, •pnyj m. inflammation, npbi 1, nnin m., inflated, m . to be, btv Pu. Influence, l::ii3'a m. inform against, to, i;3 Hi. (Ch. brs ingathering, an, ?"'CX m., r,ox . inhabit, to, z^_^ . the land, to, y-.^ )2'd . inhabitant, uj-x m. av. gen. of city, peoijle, or land., sai"' , "llJ m., "Ui'in m concr. inhabitants, c"'b22 w. gen. of city, n2 If. (])oet.), nrri f. coU., naji:^ m. concr., -I'S f., S2S 2, a. T T of the desert, ca . inhabited, to be, z^_-' K. (poet), Ni. Ho., ',ru: also 'p'B . to cause to be, aaJ'^ Hi. mhabiting, (adj.), ri'Z. inherit, to, ©-■' also ffi-n"' , b-2 w. 2 of place. one's estate, to, ttiT* also oj-i^ w. - T •• T ace. of 2Jers. inheritance, biia m., brn m,, ncri 1, nbn: f. to distribute an, bn: Hi. to get by, bnj . to leave as an, bna Hi, -T iniquity, "j-x m., bl? m., nb;!r f., "pS m., nibs , see bis? , X"ii m. initiate, to, r^'n . injure, to, see -irn , Dbs Hi., nia "iPJ 3 . injuries, n'pitDr . injury, niiin only plu., pes m. bitter, n:rb f. injustice, riBn m., n?tt5"i f. to treat with violence and, pifis . ink, i-'n m. ink-horn, is'sn nof? . ink-horn, a writer's, 'issH rop . ink-stand, "lESn ncp . inlaid, ri^^ti . inmost depth, -pnr m. part, y^2 f., ipn , n'^jp plu. only, inn, ■,ib72 ni. inner, ^Ti":B , ""^Ti , IDart, r'^2 m., z~p m., r,'p m, jjarts, ni.-S ^ du. sanctuary, i^2^ m., n"'ilJi7)n Uin'p. innocence, D'^n" "2, D";3 "lia, c'n m., nrn f. (Ch. 'fi=i f.) innocent, ■'pj , en , C""2n , to be, rp: , to make, ttj Pi. ' - T to pronounce, np3 Pi. c. ■;■>: , p-ia Pi. Hi. innumerable, •nBO'a "X , i5p"3 "j^xb , inquire, to, nra , iti~'n , bxtli . (Ch. npa Pa.) after, to, ttip2 Pi. of, to, ttipa Pi,, 'r-iti , bxilJ (often C.3,)'^ into, to, ;i3p3 Pi. w. b . insane, one, rJUJ'a . to be, rstli Hithp, insatiable, to be, riitJ xb . inscribe, to, ppn, ia~n , rnn (once), INS 93 INT inscribed, to be, p-pn Iloph. insert, to, csit5 and c'^iB w. a . inserted, to be, N"'S Ho. inside, nn";2 , r^a^ , i^rj'^a'o , ^ n'^a, h r.'^aia , b r.^z-ah , nia-'iEb . and on tlie outside, on the, n^a'a on ths, n"2'3 , n?;"257a . the, p-a m. insight, nra f-, nr'n f., nna m., -(Jarj m., n:n:n f., nr^^n (Cheth.). (Ch! nj-al) insignificant, to be, bbp , insipid, bsn . anything, ■'"n m, insipid food, see psi^^n . insipidness, see ni^bn . insolence, a-b bna, maS f., art"! m. insolent, bnj . to be, pais , insolently, to act, b"i5 Hithp., n^iT Hi. to conduct one's self, 1231 Hithp. w. bx against, to speak, n23 , ns b-'Tisn . inspect, to, see ns"i K. 2., n::iB w. a . carefully, to, -ipa Pi. w. b , — "i^a b. inspectors, c'^iliiu . instead of, , di'pia w. gen., niara , rnn , irx nrn . institute, to, n"s Pi. any holy thing, to, aJ'ip Pi. instruct, to, ■,".) and through, a . my power, "^n-ia . the house of, nir^ari , ma'^iQ . the presence of, ^:E~bx , "^JQTIS , intoxicated, niaaj , n"!i:iti . intoxication, •,ii m. intractable, to be, ^'-,0 (once.) intrenchment, aa m., i^n m., prob. Ni^'3 m. intrepid, rs'O . intricate speech, niTl f. introduce, to, (Ch. bVs) Aph.) introduced, to be, (Ch. h\^ Hojih. like Heb.) inundate, to, rii'ij . uiundation, c"'^i m., b^ia'D m., rE3 m., n"^sD m., HE^ 1, T'J>;ii and tp^w^ m. invade, to, n^a , i:'iJ3 w\ b? . invent, to, xta w. labia ., airn . T T . . 7 - T inventor, auin, investigate, to, nsin. inveterate, to be, \r^ Ni. invite, to, s~r I. invoke, to, prT Hi., tw Hi. c. a against. (God), to, T,-a Pi. inward, nr-^a , r-^ai: , nr-a^ , b n-'a, b n-ar/br-axb,' n^--EVn^-:Eb'. part, rrba plu. parts, cbos . inwardly to, b rrcrsb . inwards, the, Ci"i:am . Ionia, ■,1'^ . iron, b;i";a m., n-bs f. (Ch. by-is m.) fetters, bTna m., fully bi-ia "'baa . point, nrS m. point of a spear, see vn 3, wrought, see in n'ttJ" . irons, biia m., fully bna ■'bas . irrigate, to, npsi Hi. irrigated, to be, npiti Pu. irritate, to, Ci"a Pi , y'Q Hi., ",-,t2 Pi., cri Hi. irritated, to be, rb; Hithp. w. a of thing or cause, n^J Hithi). is it not ? ■^rn . it so that ? -^rn . not ? csrt , Kb-ax , xb in neg. inter- rogation for sibn . Isaac, pn^';' , Isaiah, !in-^si'i . Ishmael, bxriittj'; . island, an, "'x I m. Israel, bx~li)'^ . Israelite, ■'bx-iia'i . Issachar, "z'^li^ (Keri.) issue, D"x:ixs plu. to, xi:'^ , issues, D'xsxs , it, rx I (in Ezek.), X*n f. Italy, see in n'^nS . itch, D"^n m. itself, rx I (in Ezek.) ivory, ■)il) f-, c^nriu plu. jackal, ■'x II, briui ra. jackals, see in n:n , U'^sn only plu. Jacob, a'pr"^ . jail, rrr-'ia f., also xiaia . •" ' T T - ' T T - Japhet, rt2 . jasper, nEUJ''. JAV 95 JUD javelin, i'iT'3 m., n- b;?^ , nV>tJ iii- jaw-bone, "^nb f. jaws, r,n m., -ci m. the two, t)"'nip^'3 m. clu. jealous, s'i5 5 '<'^S;? • of, to be, Tis . to be, s:p Pi w. 3 , jealousy, nmp f. to excite to, x:p Pi. w. 2 by or with. to provoke to, x:p Hi. c. S . jeering, a, n^-siD f. (once.) Jehovah, n"< (poet.), mn'i . Jephthali, nns"^ , Jeremiah, n-'Ta-i': . Jericho, in'^-i"^ . Jerusalem, sbjii-i"; , see thtH . (Ch. dbiiiii-'i .) jest, a, p'ri'J m. to, pnrj Pi., pnia Pi. jester, i:!_h . Jew, innn^ . (Ch. "'"iW] only in plu.) to become a, nni Hithp. to make one's self a, ini Hithp. Jewess, n'Tnrri f. Jewish, in, r"'"i*l~'^ . Jezebel, hzyi^ . Jezreel, bxi;"in'. Joab, s>fi"' . Job, s-ifx . Joel, b.\"i"i . join, to, tnx , ^DX, >l5?3 Ni. pret. K. f ut. w. a . in league, to, ■^an Pi. one's self, to, nc"' Ni. one's self to, to, n',b K. M. c. h:! , bx , nr . one's self with, to, -isn Hithp. c. CS . together, to, ins , -isn K. Pi. Hi., p(ljn Pi. joined, see sbaS Pu. participle. in one, C"'ln5< plu. to be, tnx Ho., nni . together, to be, lan K. Pu. joining, a, n-;z'n f. joinings, Q-'puJn . joint, b'^ax m., bb";ip . small, bb~ip . to be out of, sp'i K. only fut. joints (of back), (Ch. "P^wp only plu.) (of a coat of maU), n"'p3i . joist, n"i"p m. joists, c^vh^ and ni'rb^ . a layer of, c;piiii m. (once.) to lay, rrip Pi. Jonah, n;i'< . Jonathan, -piii . Joppa, 'is'i . Jordan, •,'n'~^ . Joseph, r;Di'' . Joshua, riliin"! . Josiah, wUJNi . journey, --itt com., r,bn m., "^nia m. to> "(T'n nt;s;, 7,";;^ r,bn , yD3, -moS n. " journeying, r&'O m. joumeyings, ""i;^ plu. constr. joy, n^-in f., -b zrj , b'ir^ ni., nniDib f., ■ji'itjb m. cry of, niDT f. object of, iii^'vxi m. shout of, in m., TT-n m., nsi f. to break forth into, nn r::3 . joyful, ni:; , n^b c ',-a because of or in. acclamation, "iTirr m. to be, ;b3 Hi., zvji , y^y , n^ia also nritJ w. 3 in or at. to become, sba. Hi. to make, mn Pi. to make one's self, obsJ Hithp. joyous, n-a. to be, 2::"i . to make, z'^'' Hi. jubilee, see brii . the year of, bai^ n:© . Judah, Judea, n^ini , mini . judge, -,^n m., pph (poet.), pph^ , "pap m., usiD , see osa) Po. at end. (Ch.' -jstii ,) justly, to, p-i-j; ::sa3 , ni'iui'i^ £!S(U . skilful to, CDD . T T to, '^n or "(ill (once), "jiti , nsi JFD 96 KIN Hi., b^Q Pi., -jstd . (Ch. 'p'n and '."•) judge, to contend before a, 211 and unjust h', to, h*v t'B'J . uprightly, to, p-i:i ::£ai , UEUS judges, see in n:bx A, Note, cb'^ba only plu. (Ch. x'TnrTj m. only plu.) pertaining to the, ^^^Vis . the, (Cli. 7^ m.) judgment, -(Siri (Keri), -""n m,, I'Sinn I m., D"a m., i:d'Ijt3 m., nb^'ba f., see in ",1^0) , aiEiB m. (Ch, ^^ m., era m.) ' to execute, bis 3 Pi. to give, asit'o ::£© . judgmcnt-soat, "("n m. judgments, ::"::r!li only plu. juice, nilib m., nS3 II m. juicy, ^b-i . junction, r^^in 1, tT^an^ f. juncture, b-2X m., P"i2n^ f. jurisdiction, k£? m. just, -rnj-i , nb: , p-tis . cause, p"!:! m. cause, to have a, p'la. now, r,N , HT . to be, p^i . to pronounce, pns Pi. Hi. to show one's self, -i'^2 Hithp. justice, niix f., ••'ri m., ucfflTa m., r.nbj f., nb-lra f., pns m., npia f.V'i- "^ m.)' according to, 132(15 5:b . fj T ; • - acts of, n"ipn:j . to do, P!3i Hi , pis tJS!l5 . L:Ea5 to, to do, pfs Hi., liEO) . justified, to l>e, pns K. Ni. justify, to, PIS"' Hi., pn:: Pi. one's self, to, pns Hithp. justly, p-i^b. K keep, to, c'n:« c dat., ria w. bs ., -iun , tj:, -^^r I, irtl) K. Hithp. (Ch. -lis.) (any stated day), to, nfs> I. back, to, r^bn w. "jia from, rrTS , •|BS . back from, to, V^ax K. Hi. w. '"O . cattle, to, "ipn irn . in mind, to, ^^tu , in remembrance, to, "^27 Hi. one's duty to, to, 'a n'lTsaJTa -rai . one's self, to, -iraj Ni. c. -^-o . one's self quiet, to, thn Hithp. quiet, to, Uj^'r . safely, to, -i^'iJ , secret, to, aro . silence, to, dbs Ni., uJnn K. Hi., nilin Hi., n=0 Hi. (once.) keeper, iriu . keepers, cisb. keeping, a, n^^^iia 1 keeping off, a, rS": m. kept, to be, irip Hithp. what is, TC11J13 m. kernel, -il'-s m. (apparently.) kernels, rin-'S . kettle, rmin"i:Q f., rn^p f. a heated, •iTar.X m. key, nra'D m. kick, to, Iir3, see a'DOJ . kid, inj m., .Tnj f. kidneys, n'l"'b3 only plu. kill, to, n^.v Pi., ;-n , n=T , n:a , r.173 Pil. Hi., rr: Hi., 5j:q w. 2 ., bap (poet), n^l , antt3 . (Ch. b:;p Peal, Pa.) for sacrifice, to, n3T . many, to, nxi Pi. killed, bbn. to be, j-^n Ni. Pu. killing, a, j-n m,, n;-;ri f., naTllfi f. kin, next of, bsl'n . ♦I KIX 97 KNU kind, (adj.), I'Cn , ::"'i:. to show one's st-lf, non Hithp. towards, to be, ns" . kind, (sul).), '(T m., 'pis m. (only w. sufifs.). nns^': 1, L*3r^ m. (Ch. -(T .) kindle, to, t.x Hi., 'l?3 K. Pi. Hi., rb-n K. w. 2 , Hi., n-in Hi. c. bs ' - T : ' T T (only of anger), ■^'-.n Pilp., ^S'' «nly in fut. c. 2 ., pr: Hi., niiJ Hi. (once), nnp . (Ch. Kix and .-its .) up, to, -152 , rit"i Ni., n^Q Hi. w. 3 . kindled nmss, n^pi . to be, ^S3 K. Pu., rr^n (only of ano^er), np"' Ho., -irS I Ni., t?ffl2 Ni., n-p. kindness, •,:! m., -ion , see nai:: 3., np-s f. 't T : to, to do, irs w. h ^ h^ . kindred, n^xs f., rn^iia f., cS m. kine, n^'E^N only plu., see -ip2 , 2. king, 7,;-Q m., (crj , -jp. (Ch. r,b^ m.) to be, r^h^ constr. "w. hv of people. to be made, 7,^73 . to constitute as, r^^'a Hi. to make, 7,^13 Hi. kings, Q-n'sx -32 (once.) King's Dale, -^53" p'r^' . kingdom, rcV^o 1, nirl?^ f., f^=^^^ f., r^iz^^-u f. (only constr.). (Ch. I2b^ f.)' ' kingdoms, (Ch. x'splittS ,) kinsman, nx I m., bxa m., see sinp , b. the nearest, bxhn . kinswoman, ninx f., nisai f. kiss, a, np"'ilJ3 f. to, p-^: I K. Pi. Hi. kite, (bird), see n'X , see i-i»'n . knaw, to, ti"^j Pi. knead, to, uib . kneading-trough, p-ixiliTS f. knee, rp2 (sing. once). (Ch. n2!i3'iN f., to bend the, rp2 , ms . kneel, to, 7,12 , r'ls . down, to, (Ch. r^na .) kneel down, to make, 7,-13 Hi. knees, D'S'S du. (spoken not only of two, l)ut also of many.) to fall u;)on the, (CIi. ~^2 .) knife, n-n f., nrrx'? f., n:j m., *p2to m. a sharp, -sn I m. a writer's, -\zhr\ ^;'n . knives, sharp, of stone, see -i:ia , 2. knock, to, pz'n . (Ch. Cpj .) down, to, nn"n . knocking in rivalry (at a door), d'^pS'in'O plu. knot, rrrtsx f. knotty questions, (Ch. *''"i:jp only l)lu.) knots, (Ch. "p-i-p only plu.) know, to, -(""a K. Hi., y"^-< , idj Hi., ',30 Hi., ns-j. (Ch. ■j-]'].j not to, 12: Pi. of, to, ?■!■' W. 2 , to be made to, jrn'^ Ni. to cause to, ST^ Pi. - T to come to, S'"''. (Ch. Sni .) to feign not to, -123 Pi. to let, s-;;^ Hi. knowing, a, nv^ ^-j ^'^'^ ^• (adj.), 1=123 , d=ri . to be, •p2 Ni. Hi., r'7'j. knowledge, nix m , si m., nyn f., nV'T] f., npb m., yri^-o also y:\-q m. (later Heb.). (Ch. yi:^ m.) of, to have a, y-r^ , -33 Hi. (rare - T ^ T ^ and later books). (Ch. sn"i .) of, to take, S"]"^ . known, not to let one's self be, "i33 Hithp. to be, "131 Ni. Hithp. to be made, -liij Ho. c. 3 . to become, z"\-' Ni. Ho. to let one's self be, s*]" Hithp. to make, nbj Pi., rn^ Hi. (Ch, yi"i Aph.) to make one's self, "$'}'' Hithp. knows, what one, yn m. knuckles, Qini ni^jiax , "^b^ax . • - T . - 7 ... LAB 98 LAN labor, r^ji^ m., f^.^J^^I f ., 55'^ m., nax^ia 1, i-itv^ m., nna?. f-, b^r m., -,1:5 m. (only in Eccle.), 3X2? ni., rit3> m., •jlzsr m., hvB m. (poet.j, nbrs f. (Ch. N-j-'=r f.) and toil, to, n:5> II Pu. for, to, brr c. b , fruit ol, bizv m. his, in: 5 . in vain, to, nxb K. only fut., w. b c. inf., Ni. product of, y"';'' m. to, :3 5"i w. b c. inf., irr , b72S , n:'J II, nasJ Hi., niDS I. (Ch. T r - T T T ^ nbo.) to be made to, riZV 11 Pu. to compel to, n-j Hi. to have hard, see in nii)p I Pi. to impel to, S"|rx (once.) upon, to, brr c. 3 . upon, to bestow, n:S II c. a . ^ ' T T I laborer, b-:;" ni. hired, -■siU m. laboring, br? m. labors, n"is""n . hard, crxri . laced work, nsix f. once in sing., else- where plu. lacerated, to be, o'lb Ni. lack, to, ion K. Hi., ips Ni. to cause to, -^on Pi. to let, nnr Pi. lackinpr, ncn w. ace, '."o . to be, nnr Ni , nrUJ Hi. - T - T ladder, cfeo m., see n:,!-!? f. lade liberally, to, see p:» Hi. laden, b"^:::: , Ci-'b2D"3 plu. with guilt, -1T1 , with guilt, to be, -ill. laid down, to be, see nrn Pu. fast hold of, to be, a"ap Pu. out, (money), see ssf m. up, (something), ITnpS f., *)'i''"Q "i- up, to be, -jcr Ni. laid upon, to be, ir» w. bs ., nbs , rr'UJ Ho. c. bj . waste, ns" f. concr., tsTStti . r \ - T waste, to be, niiix , D'C'ri Ni., 'z'ln and 2~n K. Ni., cuJ-' , nST K. " T - T ' TT Ni., nxtu I K. Ni., mtu Ni. Pu. Ho., rniij Ni., i-o'Xi Ni., criti K. Ni. Ho. (Ch. 2^n/Hoph.) lain with, to be, bvjj Ni. Pu., -silJ Ni. Pu. lair, a, ^-i^s m., ','^vo m., nri'ria f., yzi-i-c m., '•ZV-o m., r,b m., niD f. lamb, nbo m., 13 m., rbS m., nsiUs f., see nii-'iDp . (Ch. ^■bh m.) lambs, cxb-:: only plu. lame, rsQ . the, nsbsn f. coll. to be, ros . to be made, nc3 Ni. to become, ncQ Ni. lament, a, inz m. lament, to, nbx II, brx Pul. (only in poetry), n=2 w. ace, bs , ^x , ^ ., ^\l Hi. w. bs , b over or for., nn: , dnj Ni. Hithp., nsc , "np Pil. c. bs over or ui)on. for, to, 130 w. b . to make, brx I Hi. lamentation, b:x m., iix , iT^iS , S33 . ' T ' T T ' ''za m., ^ri m., nbb-i f., 1QCT2 m., see nb , see n-ns , n;-p f. lamina, ns I m. laminae, ta'D^b: C'rpn . lamp, see niDb 2., -,^3 I m. (only met- aphor.), -13 m. lance, ttji'-a m., n-'in f., trjiia m., 'j'^p m., n^'i m., aa'ii and unuj lance-head, n^^-i m. land, n^-ix f., "j^-ix com., pbn m.. n:''"i'>3 f. (later Heb.), nbnj f., nnb m. barren, nnb^a f. dry, "^s I. dry and parched, nriTIS f., Tl'^na (Cheth.) LAN 99 LAY land, tliirsty, ri'^x^n V'lX , strs m., "(ixiss 111. the dry, nn-^rn (only w. article), ^-.^1 f-' ruia: f. (Ch. NPttS?": st. cmphat.) tract for) portion of, crit3 m. land-serpent, •p;n m. lands, heathen, rr^lixn . language, -ii'itib com., n'^riEtt) SSi^S , see nsb . languid, bbrx , n;'n , txjs^ , T,'^^:!. to be, r,i- , hhi, bc3 (once), nnb TT^ -t' -T TT (once), qb*) Pu., :!iQ M. to become, -32 Hithp. languish, to, anx only in Hi. inf., brs or brs K. jjart. pass., Pul. (only in poetry), =x'n,b^Ti, see r,nb , tf4'J K. Ni. Hithp., cii^S! (once.) languor, ■,''l3^''^ m., iin m. to show, TiOSi Hi. lank, p-rr . lajj, rn m. lap-full, his, i^rin xb?3 . lap, to, ^^h K.' Pi. lapse (of time), nEflpn f, large, -i^t^x , see bii:, , na'ia f. concr., 2-1 , 2m5 , nn-i , " ' T : • ? T r at, n2n-i3 . on both sides, cili ^H"' . place, see srr'Ta . to be, n—i , nn'i . to become, ^n'\ . to make, nn-i Hi. to make broad and, npia Hi. largeness, n2~n2 f. largess, (Ch. nrT23 f.) lash one's self, to, see s"it2 I Hi. last, (adv.), n:inx , nj^nsa , ruSnsb . at, npnsa, nnnxb. (Ch. —is days, in the, D-i^in ninnxa . night, tijrx . part, rr'n-s f. the, "(i^nx m., nj^nx f., rps m., nsiri'p only f. lasting, to be, "j^ax I Ni. latchct, pi-ia m. I late (of fruit, etc.), bi2X . fruits, to gather the, ttSpb . lately, Di'2 , aii,?^ , later, "|i^nx , lateral projections, supports, n'iT' . latest, the, "(i-inx . latter, •|'i-inx . state, n"'-in^ f. lattice, na-ix f. (once in sing.), asiiJX, m., nzaiu f. lattice- work, nsri) f. lattices, cs-n , C;"'3a!b only plu. laud, i:t m. and "irT , ts> m., ntnn f. one's self, to, natl) Hithp. c. 3 . to, -irx , H-p^ I, x.y:j Ni., natti Pi. (Ch. nn^ Pa.)' ' laugh, to, 5sb , pn5£ c. b at, pnib (more usual in later Heb.) at, to, pniu c. bs . at in scorn, to, rnia K. w. b , Hi. c. b?, upon, to, pnb w. bx . laiTghter, p'ns m., p'n(a m. lave, to, yn-\ . laver, a, -(Sx m., "ii'^S m. law, see cbx , rrn f. (later Heb.), pn m., n;3r f., pp^n^a , til^TS f., n")T3tl5i2 f., asuii: m., nms; f., "^p and ip m., mini', n^^rn f. (Ch. r^ f.) divine, n'^nS 1, i^stliro ni. (Ch. nf.) persons learned in the, (Ch. XT.2n m. jjlu. emphat.) revealed, niTn f. skilled in the, (Ch. X'''nar'n m. only plu. emphat.) to go to, UEUi Ni. O - T with, to go to, astt) Po, lawful for, to be, bb'^ impers. it is not, -,'x before an infin. lawgiver, p;?n?D . lawless, y-iS . laws, (Ch. fi':! f. coll.) lawyers, (Ch. X"nsn m. plu. emphat.) lax, to be, to become, cr)n"t . lay, to, np-i K. Pi., )m , j'n'l HI, Dito and □•!;:: , r"'IU . LAY 100 LEA lay (a foundation), to, rTi"^ . (Ch. ^'n'' .) a snare for, to, ttjp: Ilithp. c. 3 . beams (or) joists, to, n-p Pi. before, to, GTiJ and D'iu w. bx . circumspectly, crosswise, to, see b=b Pi. - T down, to, tp"' , bs5 Hi., UX2 and z-'b , 2211) Hi., ^-jsid Hi. (Ch. rn; Apli.) fast hold of. to, :3^p . hand on, upon, to, see nb'r K. 3. hands upon, to, "irS Hithp. c. a ., nbaj c. 2 of pers. hold, to, insn Pi. hold of, to, Tnx c. 2 ., pm Hi. c. 2 , b , bs , ace. (poet.), npn (once of a pers., elsewhere always of taking up coals, fire), nf^^ , r.iB^: c. 2 ., r.rn, tOtin. off, to, aitits . - T on, to, rtbs Hi. one's self, to, 22ll5 . one's self down, to, 22ti5 , "iSOJ also - T ' ' - T *,2tl5 . ' •• T open, to, i^p2 , nbs Pi., bbn Pi. out, to, p:j- Hi. snares, to, uip"'^, dp3 Pi., *i!i3 , tt5"ip (once in fut.) to heart, to, isb-bx ',r3 , "bx tilb 2b , 2b-bs ciiit), 2b-bx a-'cn . up, to, ^xx , D"i5 c. dat., Drs (once part, pass.), n^J Hi., "ip3 K. Hi., •|E-.i , nvjand Qiit) , i?3!li . (Ch. nr: Aph.) up for one's self, to, S'la w. bx . upon, to, ni3 Hi., bB3 c bs ., •fn w. bs of pers., r^ro , nbs Hi., s;b Hi., 22n Hi. c. b? ., n;;ffl Pi. w. br of pers. wait, to, 21X Hi. waste, to, n2x Pi. Hi., g>13 Pil., sb2 Pi., nrti II, ban Pi., a-^n Hi., CD-12 , nsi! I Hi., ^"iiiS , "i^ttS, nnuj Pi., -iraS Hi., cTO'r Hi. ' layer of beams, joists, qpa) m. (once.) of stones, (Ch. ■qa"}3 m.) laying waste, a, n^tB f. lead, r;:x m , n~2y f. lead, to, -,^"n Hi. av. 2 ., r,bn and r^b"* Hi., b2^ I Hi. (poet.), -ajn Pi., npb ^ sn: K. Pi., bn3 Pi., nnj, n:--i, xttJa: Pi. (once.) about, to, 22D Hi., -iin Hi. around, to, qp] Hi., 220 Hi. astray, to, pir:? Hi., nb'ii Hi. away, to, jnj , nnj , -i2r Hi. back, to, 2t:: K. Hi. down, to, T^i Hi., nnj Hi. (only poet.) forth, to, SS" Hi., 5n3 . in, to, xia Hi. in music, to, .see ns3 I Pi. into sin, to, x:3n Hi. off, to, sr; Pi., nrc . on, to, 5n3 , briD llithp., ""C. out, to, bn: , nn: , rp: Hi., pn Hi. out and in, to, X'2n N"5£in. up to, si2 Hi. AV. bx , b , to., nhv ■1 -.7.7 -r T Hi. up hastily, to, yin Hi. leaden weight, n~iES'n "2X . leader, ":rx'Q , ppn (i)oet.), ppfra , -b^ m., T'js m., T-Q m., r"iQ m., 'i":»p m., 2"^ m., liu m., "lailJ. (Ch. Z~\ m.) (in music), Ti'l'.'O . in Avar, -nar. . leaders, c"2blT2 , •"T'-q m. concr. leaf, a, nbs m. a green, q^:: m. league, see Dbx , n"'"i2 f., riTn m., nsiTn f., nrcjTO I f. to join in a, -i2n Pi. to strike a, rT'-i2 n"2 . AATith, to make a, -i2n Hi. c. tjS . leagues, see d2'i , Leah, nxb . lean, "i^rbr. , bn , nn , p"n . to jjecome, mn Ni. lean against, to, "jru Ni. c. h'j. one's self, to, psi Hithp. c. by upon. LEA 101 LES lean upon, to, r,^D , "iruS Ni. c. bs. leanness, \l3r3 , •,iT> I ni., renui f. leap, to, •j'fi'n, ar-i K. (once). Pi., nOE Pi., yEp? Pi., -jrn K. Pi. (for joy), to cause to, nT3 Hi. forth, to, p:T Pi., ntJ . over, to, ncD w. br . to cause to, uj?-i Hi. - T up, to, n;D Pi. (once.) leaping, sse tie H Pi. a, uii"j m. learn, to, r,bx or rbx , rni , nrb , ns<-i . (cii. ,-::.) to causa to, qbs Pi. learning, a, ;nb m., n;rb m., -lOJia m., joined usually w. nr'n , i^^^rj • leather, ii? m. leathern bottle, six , nrin m. leave, (a peiinit), yrta-] m. to ask, bxaj Ni. with, 13 everywhere joined with leave, to, bnn and bin , a::-i Hi., -,r"^ Hi., m: Hi., r:i3 , -vj , -ixui Hi. (Ch. psui.) at one's disposal, to, 's T^a ""S . behind, to, nri: Hi., rrJ5 Pi., ns'r Hi., nrttJ and rriti . for, to, rp w. ace. of thing and dat. of pers. off, to, D'^Tj , b-in and b-ir! , nbs Pi., rT3J , nrs I w. -.^ ., nsn I Hi,, -rdj w. -(Ta . off, to let, TjAi Hi. remaining, to, n>i3 Hi. to, to, n^i: Hi., rTS w. ace. of thing and dat. of pers. leaven, Kxb ra. leavened, ri:'2nia . anything, yen m. to be, yen. leaves, nbs m. coll. (of a door), nnbt; , csbs . to put forth, y_-\ Pil. Lebanon, -,"D2b . cedar of, T"iX . led, to be, -©x Pu. led away, to be, nbs Ho., see nstti . T T T T to, to be, s'ia Ho. up, to be, nbv Ni. ledge, npr-o m., n'^rv f. (later Ileb.) ledges, mr-^j-a , □■'Sbiij , leech, npflbr f. (once.) leek, -i-isn m. leeks, ni^rn m. coll. lees, d^irui . left, (forsaken), bnn , T'-i'j. one, T'-iiu m., nxaij . over, to be, "ixui Ni. - T that which is, -nS: m., niniJ f. T V V to (any one), to be, ib n-^xiun , to be. -in"i Ni., 2T3 Ni. Pu., nxid K. (once), nbili Pu. (Ch. pao Ithpe.) to have, isttJ Hi. left, (on the left), h^-o'JS-o , "^bxrto . hand, the, bx^^r , b.xriu-n^ . hand, at the, bx'C"va"a . hand, on the, bx""JS^ , bxi3':)-bs , hand, to the, bx':i';i; , bx'S-lJrt , "bs bxT2'i5 . hand, to use the, bxrit) Hi. to tui'n to the, bx'cb Hi. left-handed, 'I'jii;"! n^ lax . leg, proj f. (Ch. pr.) legs (of quadrupeds), D"'S^3 f. du. upper part of the, nrrE"!: f. lend, to, nib Hi., ntti: H K. Hi., 3:;s ' r T Tr - T Hi. w. ace. of pers. to whom., bxQj prob. K. w. b , Hi. at one per centum to, to, nVi 3 nurq. to, to, nr: n Hi. w. a . TT : length, r^-x m., n^'p f. (Ch. n3"ii< f.) lengthened, to be, n::3 Ni. lengthening, a, (Ch. ns^x f.) lentiles, tD"'.LiS . leopard, ir: m. leprosy, (white), r""^S f. leprous, r^-a , si-s-a m., rSISiQ f. less, how much, •'S r|X (preceded by a neg.) of, to be made, r-^". Ni. lest, iib -irx , ba , -inb^b c. infin., nab LES 102 LIP also trch (later writers), ",13 before an infin. (once l)efore a future), ",3 . (Ch. nrb , nrb "^ti .) T : ? T : ■ / lest perhaps, nrb also nrb (later wri- ters), sib ■|r'?b w. future, let, to, n^3 Hi., nils; , ins w. ace. of - -T ' ' -T pers. and inf. c. b , alone, to, bnn and b'ln w. ",1: of pers., nsi I Hi. w. b of jjers. be, to, ;t3> , down, that which is, nnj f. concr. down, to, nb^ , Ti"> Hi., n^ia Hi., ns-j I Pi.,'rb!ij pY go, to, 'i:!i?3 I Hi., rir , nits , hei I Hi., nbai K. Pi. ' go, to be, nbij Pu. loose, to, see nbttj K. 2., rti) . one's self down, to, v.t'S , "tD also out, to, "lua. remain, to, -n^ Hi., r^ij Hi. letter, n-iJX f. (later He)).), rn3"a m., ■j;;nu53 m., ^ed m. (Ch. x-ijXj^nr:. letting down, a, rn? f. level, "^ttji , a place made, "j-ih m. region, s"'? rarely s-^j and n-i; com., ^iiii-ti m. to, -.ffi'n Pi. Hi., nnj Pi. (only poet), i-jiu Pi., n'V Pi. to be, iir*i . to make, ir-i Hi., oba Pi. Levi, Levites, 11b , c">'ib . (Ch. siib plu. emphat.) levy, CTD m. concr. to, xra Hi., en Hi. lewd, to be, rns . liar, -ipttj ni. concr. (once.) liars, Ci"'"nS II, 2"3 m. concr. libation, r^-o: ni., -03 and 7^03 m., (Ch. -C3.)' to make. r;03 I K. Pi. Hi. (Ch. r,C3 chiefly in Pa.) to pour out a, nrs'3 7|b3 . liberal, r;"'"i3 , SW II. gift, n"'3 m., •,n3 II m. liberal man, 'rua tiS'^x , soul, n2"i3 ttJE3 . to be, i}D Pi. liberality, n-n3 1, np-ia f. (Ch. mi's tt: *TTr 't:- liberty, -li-Tj m. Libya, Libyans, see ::ss, c^^b, lick, to, r,nb K. (once). Pi., pjrb K. Pi. up, to, r^nb K. (once.) lid, n"n's3 f. (only of the Ark), t<73:i m. lie, a, 313 m., ujns , xyr m., ".r?d m. (Ch. n^-is f.) to, r: K. (only part.), Pi., rr!3 Pi., -jroj K. Pi. to give the, ZTS Hi. to make, -73 Hi. to, to, -i;rttJ K. c. dat.. Pi. c. 3 of l^ers. lie, (recline), to, Z2^ . by, to, nrtlj . down, to, thi , y^l , 3=u5 , -,333 also '.sd . down for sleep, to, see in Hi. do\^Ti, to make, 33U) Hi. in Avait, to, 3~N K. constr. w. ace, b , by , Pi. c. bs ., 3aJ^ , ms II, nE:j I c. b ., vjiD , -.p^iji c. b? . in wait for, to, n!i:j Pil. n"p Pi. c. dat., c:jb , out over, to, t;P'^ Ni. prostrate, to, nEO and piElU Pu. to let, aii;3 , :;rrii . with, to, j-T' , r3"i I, b;a3 , 3311) W. DS) . with a woman, to, rrrsTiX 3311) y-iT n23ffi , nt^x3 ir33ai-rx '(Ps . lier-in-wait, a, 3'i'S , rnixn , ipS m., ^!5lB m. liers-in-wait, STi'st , 3iixn coll. lies, ti-'na II. to tell, -iptl3 . life, "iix nij-'in com., •'n , more usually in plu. c'n , rrn (only poet.), nrn f., nbn m.. see di"" plu. 2 , m-n" f. (poet.), 3b m., 33b m , mr3 com., nroi: f., n-: f. (Ch. •'n , xrtti^ f.) acain, to brinir to, : — n Pi. 1 LIP 103 LIK life, breath of, nn 1 in jeopardy of, (lis: 3, meausof, nin'o f. preservation of, riTiia f. time of, c^-c"^ plu., pcrli. its; m. (Ch. -ptJii plu.) to grant one's, n^n Hi. to restore to, rr^n Pi. Hi. to save one's, rrn Hi. with danger of, lusia . life-blood, see -iiiib . lifeguardsman, rH'^ m. (Ch. ns:: .) lift up, to, in; Hi., t,^: K. Hi., bi::3 K. Pi., see OD: II Hithpo., xbJ K. Pi., i^S I Pil. Pilp., O-cV once arS" K. Hi., cflp Hi., Dn Pii. Hi. (Ch! baa , Qsi-i Aph.) up a cry, to, nn:: Hi. up one's self, to, -nav{ Hithp., nx; (poet.), xb3 K. Ni. Hithp., nbs Ni. Hithp., CII K. Hithpal., dtdt I Ni. (Ch. N!i33 Ithpa. c. bs ., Dm Pal. c. b!J against.) lifted up, nx^ , L-i . up as a banner, b!i:"n . up, to be, see in n^J 3., n'1 , U'a^ I. (Ch. tn.) lifting up, a, n^ixa f., nia II f., brb m., n^-q m., ^^< m., mix f., liXTS T T m., n-^n; f., "i-j I m. (only metaph.), ^5 m., -inil f. (Ch. Tin: m. (Ken.).) of day, -lix m., cii m., rarely f. to, -i":t Hi. (Ch. xtx and nix.) to be, mx . to be made, "lix Ni. to become, nix K. Ni. light, to biing forth to, XS"^ Hi. to bring to, ns3 Hi. to come to, nba Ni. TT to enjoy the, nx"i . to give, -nx Hi., -int Hi., jjtsj , to give forth, bbn Hi. to make, -ni< Hi., -.iit Hi. up one's countenance, to, "I'^xri vidth the, -lixb . light ujjon, to, ssQ w. a ., 11353 K. Pi. (poet), n-^p^ Ni. lighten, (biighten), to,, "lix Hi., pna (once.) lighten, (of burdens), to, bbp Hi. lightly, n^pa bs . to act, -(in Hi. lightness, (shame), see Kal infln. of bbp . lightning, -ii'x m., ffix com., piS m. (once), pna m., t^m or v^n m.,. jia^n m. flash of, pT3 m. (once.) to send forth, p-13 (once.) lightnings, p'-['2 m. coll., n'2-l'^ . (ijrep.), 3 , b , nsrb , n^i'b , ''B3 , ^:sb . (Ch.' 3 .) ' as, -i©X3 , S , 3 (rarely), -ias , i-03 , b . this, "i^'iSB . to, 1? . like, to act, d rr^n . to be, ni:'n I c. bx , b ., 3 rrjrj , btlj-a Ni, c. bx , 3 , cs ., n^!d- c. b of pers., a of thing, to be made, (Ch. n'UJ or xiid Peil. (Cheth.).) to become, n^cn I K. c. bx , b , NL c. ace, Hithp. w. b ., 3 r.'^ii , b'dJia Hithp. C. 3 ., 223 W. 3 . to make one's self, nTsn X Hithp. c. b. to, to make, n'to Pi. w. aco. and 3. (Ch. nnj Pa. c. ace. and QS .) LIK 104 LIV like to, to set, n'tu Pi. w. ace. and 3 . like, (desire), to, -in 3 . liken, to, nr-n I Pi. c. bx ^ b ., n'llj Hi. w. ace. and h . in one's mind, to, nr^ I Pi. likeness, n^'S'n f., "p"^''! '^•» ^r^ J^i., bro and biaq ni., Db:i m., n^;:n f., ■ n:!n:n f. T (of disposition), — expressed by nx I m. lily, see nbs^n , -laii© m., '((iJri) m., piiiuiuj f. lily-work, '(ttj-ttj nb:-?? , -,©^113 nbS'T: . limbs, a">~2 I. lime, "(■'J m., T^a m., brn m. (Ch. '.^^) ■ to cover with, Tiii) , Eme-kiln, see 'ai-S . limit, b^sj ni., ph m., see n-xn . to, bra . limp, to, noQ , rba , line, b'^ns m., ip and ip m., n'pn f. a measunng, ip and ipj m. upon line, "pb ip , lineage, ni3 m., br.'^ m. (silver age.) linen, na I m., riiJo f. and woollen together, cloth of, see cloth, rai D f . cloths, uiuj III (Egyptian word.) fine white, -mn I m. linens, white, ■'nn poet. plu. for cnn. linger, to, nnx Pi., nn-2 or n^an^ Hithp lintel, ri'pai'a m. lion, "^nx m., ni^x (used only in sing.), ' ^''^b (poet), iij";b m. (poet.), bnili m. (poet). (Ch. n'^nx .) a young, ni'^ix "■'E3 , "fES m. of God, bx'^ix m. lion-like champion, see bx'^nx . lioness, x'^b f. lionesses, nixrb . lion's whelp, a, -!ia, ni'^'^x n^ia. lions, t3X:b only plu. lip, riEit) f. lip-talk, DTEiD -irt^ , neb f. * • - T : - : ' T T lips, the, f^rEb du. upon, the, ns-bs . liquor, ns3 II m. listen, to, -(TX I Hi., ttJ-":i Ni. w. b ., ntt5;5 K. (once.) and obey, to, 's b'ipa rroj , yrttJ 's bipb . to, to, 'e b-p rria , S'rttJ. litigate, to, nx C'':;E'iJ'a "2^ . litter, (carriage), "^"'-lEX m. (once), ns m., n'si2 f.. rs m. little, Lii'Ts J "^Vi-o , -pp and -ji^p . (Ch. a, "i-iyT m. by little, ::rr zi^-n . children, t'J ni. coll. even a, r.-i"ra^ f. finger, see n"iT ^ -Ij'p m. for a, 'cv^ . man, a, ■pui'x m. ones, r:: m. coll. thing, r.-""S"2 f. to be, '^v-c , "(bp . to do, to give, xiv^ Hi. to make, zv^ Hi. very, wSt::; , 'i^]^ li^'O . while, a, z^^ . while, for a, -ssBb . while, in a, zv^c^ . lituus, "EittJ m. live, to, cnb b:x (sometimes), xia, n'ii (rare and poet.), nTt , r^bn and r^b-i K. Pi. fpoet.), Hithp., n'jn , ■'in , nxi , rs-i . (Ch. n-n , x-'n .) again, to, n"n . as I, "^rx "'n . delicately, to, ps Hithp. forever, O King, (Ch. -pTibsb xSb^Q in quiet, to, "iXttJ Pil. prosperously, to make, nT Pi. sumptuously, to, *,"i» Hithp. to let, n;n Pi. Hi. to make, n'H Pi. to permit to, n"n Hi. uprightly, to, see in can Hi., see in ti'^rn , 4, a. LIV 105 LON live voluptuously, to, ','13 Hithp, well, to, nin . live (raw), soraethiug, prob. nima f. lively, in , n^n . liver, the, Tr3 . Hving, (adj.), ^n . (Ch. ^n ,) (sub.), D^'n plu., nnb com., Ti^n-q f . again, Tn . animal, ttjss com., n^ara f. at ease, "|:n!1j . creatures, ujsj com. coll. creatures, all, ~iiJ3-b3 . ' ' T T T delicate, ci3:;ti and m'^rsn m. i:)lu. in peace and friendshiiJ, nbilj . the, n-^r, . (Ch. -,i»n .) thing, irn f., ID33 com., nrttJ: f. thing, every, rrn-bs . things, Qiip-i m., tiisp com. coll. together, a, n:is f. lizard, see tipis , see nisiD'P. (species ofj, see ::-:n, nx::^ f., "^ m. (species of large), ns m. (species of poisonous), pi^rb , in someMSS. r^TiirlJ . * T ; lo! GX , DXn, i^n 1 "iv! II) ^r.^, l^^'l • (Ch. !ibN , ^-iN in Dan., nh , xn , as, (Ch. "ID xn .) load, a, Ti^N m., x'i'-a m., b::3 m. to, sse rn'Ji Hi., Q-zv once v^'j K. Hi. c. is . up, to, ',y:i II. loaf of bread, cnb -i33 . loam, nrn m. loan, str-Q m., ns'i"^ f., nz-i m., nbxtti f . ' to, siiij n c. s to., n"jJ3 II, Idxc TT : ' TT - T Hi. to ask as a, bxuJ . loaned, a thing, nbxa f. loathe, to, ina , dht Pi., n:T , nxb Ni., a)r3 (once in pret. c. 2) , asp K. c. 3 , Ni. c. ^:zz , HithpaL c. a .j vnp I w. 2 ., "pji Pi. loathing, a, bsh. loathing, to reject with, b25 K. Hi. loathsome, nsiiJ . (anything), "ii m. to be, ttJx3 Hi. c. 3 ., nit H, njt. to l)ecome, IUX2 Ni. w. 2 and nx of pers., Ilithp. c. c» . to make, ilJX3 Hi. w. 3 of pers. loathsomeness, x^T f. (once.) TT ^ lobes of the liver, see mr"i . lock (of hair), r2£"^ f. locks (of hair), nsi f., r'jS m., m'ss-p , locksmith, "^ro^ , locust, n2"ix m., 2a II, ria I m., dtj m., r^n m., rain m. migratory, prob. ns^x m. (species of), b^on m., phi_ m., a"bo m. lodge, a, njili'o f. to, ■J15 and "I'b . (Ch. xnilJ also x"i'iJ .) lodging-place, "iV-a m. loft, n^b? f. (Ch. ni^r f.) loftily, niiia^ . lofty, -i-'i£3 (Keri.), -i!is2 (Cheth. in Ad- denda), nxa , R2a (constr. only), nba , x';a3 , m . - T J T - ^ r jjlace,- n35£'2 m. to be, pT25 , tiii'l. log, (measure), ;'b m. loin, bp3 m. (Ch. ynn m.) loins, D"i^bn only du., D^bos plu., Di:r.'o m. du. (Ch. -jiri-n .) lonely, n^n^ . long, (adj.), r,-ix (constr. only), -'ix , (adv.), n:i:b, ti\'.s-q . ago, -23 (only in Eccle., later Heb.), pinTa , pim^b . I T .• ' T •• ; ago, from, pi-'irb . and broad, 2n^ , and broad, to make, an"\ Hi. past, cb'25 . since, txtq , tx )'z . time, n^:b . time, of a, ob'Sp . time to come, for a, pin^"9b . to be, r:-ix , tto Pi., nai . '■'-r' -T TT to be made, t,"x Hi. '! - T LON 10(5 LOS long, to let grow, nraJ Pi. (once.) to make, r^-^x Hi. (Ch. r^ns .) long, to, mx I Hithp., p;ru3 . after, to, qor K. w. h of pers., inf. c. b ., Ni., nxn or rxn only first pcrs. pret. c. b of thing, for, to, ::ni< :ind rnx , .tx I Pi., 2X'' c. h ., n-C3 (once), xrj hii uje: , b ujs: xr: , i^_v w. hv , bx. ''"'' ' '"' ' longer, n-s) . longing, n^ix f., niliix f., n^xn f. (once), n\xn f., npsiffin c. bx , b? . look, niiTn f., )y_ f., t]-:s plu. about, to, nES I K. Pi., ^p_b Pi , 1!HtJ II. abroad, to, rp'ii Ni. after, to, i;?3 Pi., npra, MS";, ^^ID II. after anew, to, nps . around, to, "iVdi II, nSJttJ I K. Hithp. askance at, to, -trj-i Pi. - T at, to, -ip3 Pi. w. 2 ., ZiZi Hi.. nx-i , bsb Hi., nxui II Hithp. c. b. at one another, to, nxi Hith}). away from, to, r.v^ I K. w. -f-q , brio , Hi. w. "j-a , back, to, t;:3 Hi. w. i">^nx ., ni Hi. behind one's self, to, :;;:3 Hi. with 1'1-nx ., n:3 w. T^^nx . down upon, to, nxi . for, to, n=n K. (once j^art.), Pi. w. ace. et b.,-i:':: Pi. forth, to, rpr Ni. Hi. on, to, (Ch. ntn and xtn .) one another in the face, to, nxi Hithp. out, to, mn , nrn K. (once part), Pi., nxn , CipiIJ Hi. out for, to, nsi: I w. bx , out for one's self, to, ib nx"" . to, m-i (mostly poet), n:n K. (once part.), Pi., a ^3 Hi., xiD3 rrs ., n353 c. bx , r ., nx-^ , irb , n;ttj Hi., nisai I, C]p!i) Hi. look towards, to, a;; Hi., n:2 K. w. bx , Ho., qjriu Ni. Hi. w. "':s-b? . unto, to, nx~i c. bx . up, to, bx T'rs xio; . up towards, to, yi^ w. br , bx . upon, to, ntn c. a , ace, -^z: Pi. (once) c. b , Hi., -i=: Hi. Pi., bx n;s, "iiiu w. 2 ., II, -.rj; , nrttj I w. bx . upon as, to, 3 nxi . upon each other, to, nrtB I Hithp. ui:)on with confidence, to, T^:s XU53. T T f upon with delight, to, nx"* usually w. 3 . u2ion with disdain, to, nx~i . upon with pain, to, nX"i c 3 . upon with pleasure, to, xizi HL w. 3 , upwards, to, nbrrb n:s. with favor upon, to, by ^^5 D'^tt) , look-out, to keep a, "|n3 . lookincr after, a, n^ss f. C t' T - upon, a, see ij-jjia, looks, nx^^ m. proud, m'?:-i ti"'3"Si . loops, nxb^b m. plu. loose, to, bbn Pi. Hi., nr3 Hi., ni'i I - T -T T T Pi. (Ch. xiUJ also x"lt) .) let, see nbli; K. 2. to let, z\V . to let go, j'-iQ . loosed, to be, nna Ni., see ■rT>.'-\ Ni. - T ' - T loosen, to, nns Pi., nr"^ I Pi. (Keri.) with a mattock (or) hoe, to, ply only Pi. loosened, to be, (Ch. X"HJ3 Ithpa.) lop the boughs, to, r]S-^ Pi. Lord, "|Tix m., ■'31X . ' T T : lord, -("inx m., brs , - 3: m. (Ch. b53, X"}^ m.) over, to be, b?a w. b . over, to make, (Ch. abaS Aph. c. 3 .) lords, tiVUi^Ta , cs-o . lose, to, n3X Pi. one's self, to, nax , xan Hithp. loss, pT3 m. to bear .. xun Pi. LOS 107 LYR loss, to suffer, (Cli. p13 . ) upon, to bring, (Ch. pT3 Aph.) lost, to be, inx^ , vh2 Ni. a thing, ntza f. Lot, aib . lot, n"ix com. (poet), b"jia m., r,-;'n com., rbn m., see in irr^ , 0'3 f., n:^ '!._.- - T ' T T 1, n-]p?3 m., nbn: f., n^nj f., c-nr plu., usually f., -1:13 m. (Persian word), ncp m. (Ch. pbn .) bitter, ti:vb t, 112 m., C"''i"i53 plu. final, r"'"inx f. to divide out by, b£3 Hi. w. ace. of pers., b of thing. Note. — To express the casting of lots, the verbs used are, ni'i , ^T^ , r,^b'rr! , b-'sn , bi-jn , -,03 . lotus trees, see cbsa . loud, c"i . noise, nrn-ipi f. love, sns m. (in sing, once), n:ns 1, inordinate, nz:3 f. machinate, to, ujnn w. hs against, riJn Pi. w. bx , bj.' of pers. machination, '.i^an m., fi^fo f., tiS'iirra 'T' T-l TT-:- and r:;x;n'o f. machinations, see nir^a . T *• : mad, bb"in73 . to be, bbn Hithpo., xr3 Hithp. to become, s~: Hitlip. to feign one's self, hhn Hithpo. mad-apple, prickly, pnn and pnn . made, to be, n-2 Ni., n^n K. Ni. (only ' ' T T ' T T \ J in pret. and part), nb? I Ni. Pu. (Ch. i::s> Ithpe., csib Ithpe., n;tt3 Ithpa.) (something), r.iUS-a m. madman, nbnVn"0 , ;'j'U*3 , to play the, y;,iti llithp. madness, ■j-'rjt!; m. magazines, n':~p'Q. magi, D-r:n , t^-^^^n . (Ch. -pBU-;)!.) magic, trnb m. arts, c'di^n , ciDrb , cab. to practise, rii33 Pi., "j:? Po. magician, r-:;x , "^312 , Ci^rs . (Ch. riTi;x , D-'rr, itic3 m.) magicians, CTizn , n^ntDS . magistrate, T'pa m., "pisip m., -.:;iUj aibffi m. (Ch. V'^^'^) .) magnates, (Ch. c*'::'^2~i .) magnificence, bna m., nV7^ f. (later Ileb.), -h"' m , n~NEtn f., elsewhere 't : T T : ■ iriNEri . magnificent, irniirs f. magnified, to be, mx Ni., b"25 . magnify, to, -inx Hi., b^a Pi., NVJ Hi. one's self, to, b"!5 Hitlip. magnitude, bnh m (Ch. bbs m.) Magus, 513 m. (Ch. czn.) maid-servant, rrix f., nnruj f. maiden, na I f., mb^ f., see -^r? I, -., n'y:} f., nrbr f., cn-2 f. (poet.), -rr- f. mail, a coat of, ■,'i'^io ^ rt'iuj f., *|i"''ntl5 m., *,—id m., x^nn m. maintain, to, "^^cV I Hi. one's cause, to, b^S Pilp. Hi. one's right, to, 's asffi'^ ni'S . majestic, to be, nut (poet.) majesty, n;xi f., -px; m., r^ixa f., n2a m., bnh m., nVna f. (later Heb), ^■:n m., Tn , ni;3 m,, t3> m., pxib f.'l'ch. nnn , iiz-i f.) make, to, n:2 w. b., n^S Pi., ii;-n -1-4^^, -^r:, r\tv I, bra (poet.), c^b and n^iy , n-'ttj (rarelj'). (Ch. IDS , n-ttJ Pa.) T : (a bed), to, r,En . a thing as, like, similar to, to, "jna (a way), to, obs Pi. account of, to, zX'n Pi, (Ch. CVJ ^? cs-j .) as, to, ',a73 Pi. for, to, n"'tti w. ace. and b . for one's self, to, nii:r I. Malachi, ■'rsbo . male, a, d'X m., nra m. (poet.), ")!i:t m., -irT m. child, D-Ujjx z'-^i . to be born a, -i:i Ni. malediction, nbbp f. T t' : males, tiTia . malevolence, nS" f. n alevolent, n^on sib , malice, si ni., nsi f. ' - r T with, S-12 . - T malignant ulcer, S"n '"'nilS . mallet, ri-iibn f., y^Z'O m., vs'Q m., nipt) f. t't - maltreat, to, r^T Pil., ti;"' Hi. man, cix m., Cinx— ,2 (poet), tt5-«x m., ttiirx m. (poet.), -112:; (poet.), "laa m. (poet), -iDa (poet), iiiEj com. (Ch, \ij:x , 'iijx , "12a .) a great, -n m. a little, yiui-ix m. MATT 109 MAR man, any, ens m., a)-x m. ' "^ T T by man, D-'izsb , c"'";^."^ . old, "jfTT m., c-r" m. (only poet.), ttjuii ni., z':: . this and that, ib-^xi "I'^x . to show one's self a, c^x only Hithpal. young, nnna m., ihi m., d^s m. man-child, -!::, m. (poet.) manacles, ti";3TX . management, nibsiSnri plu. Manasseh, nil"3'Q . mandate, -r'n ni., rri f. (later Heb.), cS:: m., -i-S"0 m. (later Heb.), ipsia m. (Ch. cy-j m., cS'j m., iiax^.) mandates, Q-'nips . mane (of a horse), n^rn f. (poet.) manes, (uml^ra), ttJsJ com. (once), n-'xr'i . mange, ppj m., nnso f. manger, see oiizx , n'''nx and rr^x f. manifested, to be, nba Ni. manifold, to be, 331 only in pret. and once inf. manikin, "jvjiix m. mankind, cnx m. (Ch. il53X , tt53X.) all, ns' m. manliness, ttjix m. manly age, form, one of, d"'X m. to become, bbn . vigor, n33 m. (poet.) manna, -i^a m. manner, nix com. (poet.), see 131 1, at end, m-'n f. (mostly later Heb.), 7,-^ com., "|7 m., :33!ii72 m., i-in K, n-jin f. (Ch. IT .) in like, "p— i^3 . in this, 3 . (Ch. n-c:3 .) in what, — so, ]'s — laxs . of, in the, 2 , ^:th . (of sfjeech), nsiu f . that, in the, (Ch. "^ ^zp-h'3 .) mantle, "("ix m., r'^'nx f., ui'ba m., nnsu'i f., nE:::-?2 f., nbisto f., Ti'^l^n m. (Ch. xbans f.) mantles, see (Ch. "fba-iO .) mantlet, r.rc. ' 10 manure, ";?;'n . many, "113, Z^ , see n3"i in Hi. (Ch. x':b.)^ times, rr^'S-i tii*c^"3 . times? how, D"'~"2 n:33 . to be, csy , i3i only in pret. and once intin., nnl . to liecome, 331 only in pret. and once infin., n3"' . to have, n3n Hi. to make, 133 Hi. to make one's self, 133 Hithp. mar, to, 3X3 Hi., rnCO Hi. marble, (a species of), i:r;3 , see I'n . black, spotted (or) shielded, see n-]nb. (white), see un2 , Oi-ni) m. (once), ttiuj II m. march, to, r,tti?3 , n"a . through, to, nm "W. ace. marching, a, ni'j'S f- mare, no^o 1, ~(^-i f. (once.) margin, br35 m , nb!i3; f., 33~3 m., rrnrpi: f., ip and -p m., nEttJ f. mariner, rib's m. maritime regions, ti"'''X , tii rn. (poet.) mark, a, lh3r3 f., mtso f., also x"i::'0 , s'5E73 m., s:: m., rprp m., ^r\ m. burnt in, ^'s II (once.) out, to, nix in Hithp., nxp I Pi., T T T T ixrj Pi. to, n{x in Hithp., -,^3 K. Pil. Hi. Hithpal., 2J-i'n , ->r© , n;n I Pi. to make a, in n'^nn . upon, to set a, in nirn c. b» . with a compass, to, jin . marked off, irc: . off, to be, -ixn Pu. with stripes, to be, 3:jn . market, 3-iS'a I m. (only in Ez.), nb's^ia f., c-:i-T;; (only plu.) market-place, crcTS (only plu.), 3'n'l f. markets, see in yin , 1. marks, to make, mn I Pi. marred, to be, nnili Ni. marriage, to give in, ",rr . MAR 110 MEE marriage, to mutually give and take daughters in, *,rin Hithp. to take in, ',rn . with, to contract affinity by, 'ipn Hithp. c. rs , 3 , h . marriage-gift, a, c^rii^ttj plu. married, to be, ^52 Ni. - T marrow, nb m. marrowy, n?3 . marry, to, "jrn , rui'^ Hi. a brother's widow, to, c3i Pi. (a wife), to, brS , - T away a daughter, to, "jnn . Mars, see ~"i^^ . marsh, csx ni., nsa f., Nlia m. marsh-grass, :tnx (Egyptian word.) mail, 2'^si^ I m. (only in Ez.), rVsTTS f., -no m. T r marvel, a, s^Q m. marvellous deeds, n''Nbs3 . to be, N^s Ni. marvellously, nix-ES . with, to do, xbs Hi. w. nx . mash, to, uirs . masons, D"''n"ia. massacre, to, artti . mast, ^2n m. (once), •,'-i'n m. master, -x m., -ii-ix m., ryS 'T'SS ™- b^j-'o , Z"^ ni., n:;n, liu m. over, to be, bra w. h . to, bi:"' w. dat. of thing, mastery of, to get the, (Ch. libuS w. 3 .) to get the, ::b-tD (later Heb.) c. 2 . matter, -irx (poet.), ^^tj m., yzn m. (Ch. ns^ f., !ir:i m.) mattock, see nx III. to loosen with a, pTS) only Pi. mattress, -i-rs m., n^iriu f. mattresses, r'.nso^ . maul, yfo m., rs-a m. maw, T^z~ f. maxim, "i-ti m., mTi f. an o1)scure, nri'^b^ f. may, (verl)), hb^ . not, 5X I. meadow, \m)]). bzx H m., n3 m. saffron, sie nb!i3n . meal, a, nb^rx f., nn'ix f., Drb com. to take a, cnb bsx. ' V • - T meal, (flour), nrp m. coarse, n'D"'-S> only plu. fine, rbb f. mean, -'iJn , -"'"3, bjr'bp. something, -:t m. meanwhile, n'3-nrn n's-ns . measure, a, see -is:;x , see -ir^ I at end., seen-- 3, seed's, see 5"b. *iT3 m., rrn'o f., n:'rn:c f., nxo f., see llJ-buj, -i?'IJ com., "rh ni. (for grain), r^-b m., nxD f. in full, cans , (of liquids), n-!i!bT3 f. to, b?,3 K. (once), n-i-Q K. Pi. Pc, i=n Pi. measures, q-ti'C'o . prudent, r."ib^2nn , measuring lino, bin m., n^'; bin. reed, rod, n:p , fully r.'ri^r\ n:p . meat, b-x m., nbrx f., nba m., naa m., r-ir\^2'4 f., D^nb or mnb m., cnb com., -ix'ti m. meat-offering, nnr-o f. (Ch. nn:iQ.) Media, inr f. (Ch. inia .) medicaments, ri'xs'i only plu. medicine, nsiTi f. medicines, rrlxE-i only plu. meditate, to, jii':[ I Pi., n.'.n I w. a in oron., n-n K. Po., irT , crt , 3U5n K. Pi., see n-tt;, n-'b K. Pol. c. 3. meditation, fz:n m.. n'lSn f-, 'li'^rin m., n^TT2 f., niu m., nn-'it) f. meek. "irS (once), ■'js . T T ^ -" . y the, irS m. meet, (Ch. Tj-'ix .) meet, to, tti;s , D■^^^ Pi- Hi., x*;!? 11 Ni. w. ■'lEb , b? ., r,-^p^ K. c. ace, Ni. c. br . to appoint to, nS"^ Hi. to cause to, n:x H Pi., nri Hi. to come to, x"ip II Ni. w., "jsb , to go to, Dnp Pi., nnp. together, to, lusss Ni. MEE 111 MIO meet together at an appointed time and place, to, iv^ Ni. with, to, y:,Q c. 3., oSsb Pi. (poet), tsHp Pi. w. 2 . with at an appointed place, to, -iJ>i w. b , bx . meeting, an appointed, ms I f. Melchizedek, pi::-i3b^ . melons, n'n'Bas; . melt, to, y.-c K. Ni. Hithpal., nryo Hi., DDO K. (once), Ni., p^TS Ni., r|n: Hi.' p-:.a . away, to, -s'n , Dxri , s^na Ni. away and perish, to cause to, 55153 , to causa to, jii-a . to cause the heart to, nD?3 Hi. melted mass, a, p:£s^ m. to be, DXt: , ppi: Ni., r^ri K. fut., Ni. jjret., Ho. melting, a, rjiirirr . away, a, oijn m. memlier, (Ch. cnn .) members, r"''na I m. plu., Qi-i:sti (poet.) memento, "j^n^T m- memorable saying, "(i-St m. memorial, n'x I com., mstx f., 151 and irT m., "p'-iST m., 130 m., cUJ m. a day of, '^^^^Z1 m. sacrifice, ■,i-'3i[ nnj^ . sacrifice, to offer as a, ist Hi. memory, Izt and n^T m., du) m. Memphis, rt , r,: . men, c'lx m. coll., cn^a , cs m. (Ch. aj:s , ffi:x .) brutish, Diisa. class of, -liri m., STj . common, other, see in Qix . young, n^tb^ f. concr. mend, to, ss-i Pi. (Ch. ain Aph.) menstruous cloth, n^n . mention, to, -rt K. Hi. -T of, to make, -irT . with praise, to, -rt Hi. mentioned, to be, sb by nbs . merchandise, ninp'O plu., mrip f. costly, D^bbs^ plu. merchandise of, to make, see ir? Hithp. merchant, 83e -rrs , 3., see "'Drrs , 2., -nb m., br'-i . female, n";)nb f. to traverse as a, "ino. - T merchant-ships, im'o ni'JS . merchants, nlnp f. concr., see in -i!in , 2, a. a band of, n-\'ii f. mercies, cnon . merciful, "iSirn , T'On , ti^inn (used only of God), ■'Srn'] , to be, "jin . to show one's self, *ion Hithp. Mercury, ir3 . mercy, nbrn 1, ririn f., ion , d'^Tsni plu., nsnn f- (Ch. y^--\ plu.) faithful, non coupled w. nrx . to be shown, y.n Ho. to find, cni Pu. to implore, "jin Hithp. to show, (Ch. ■i_^n.) to, to show, b Dirrn tj«b. towards, to show, b C'Tinn )r\i . upon, to have, tin-i Pi. mercy-seat, see rri^bs . merely, ~x'. merry, to be, n?3b and n'sb , 12115 I. to become, n'siU and r\T2p . meslin, b-'bs m. Mesopotamia, ciinj c-:.x , c^s ^is , message, n'Dxb^ f., n:Jni3!l3 f. messenger, yh-q , "xb-a m., i^riia , i^a Im. to, to send a, 'D'^'^Z'^i nba5 . Messiah, n-'ilji2. met with, to he, xip II Ni. metal, base, a"'p m. (Keri.) metals, (ore of) precious, ia:a m. mete, to, liia K. Pi. Po. out, to, mis . meteor, see iisiu , Methuselah, nbisirra. metropolis, ex f., n^ax , i''S I f. ("W. gen. of people or country), cj^i I m. Micah, ,13"<^ . T IVIichael, bxa^^a . MID 112 MIN mid, (adj.), "r="n . (prep.), cr. middle, (adj.), "|iDTi . the, ■(•mj-'N in., 12 m., n':in f. (constr. only), "'Sn m., sis m., zz'b m., n■^^^^ f., 2"ip ni., -■;p m. (Ch. 1; m.) Midian, ",-^2 . midnight, nb"b rrsn , nVbn ■':jn . midst, the,^ir*x) ni., ra m., nisn f. '^ (constr. only), 'un m., -b m., ::rV m., n"':jn"c f., =■;;;? m., r^-n m. (Ch. ia m.) from the, (Ch. S\-.--^ .) of, from the, see ','3 , 4. of, in the, nra and nrz , r"ip2 , r,T2 . (Ch. -aa , x-iaa .) of, into the, T)"n~bx . (Ch. sis^ .) of, out of the, rp'n'O . of, through the, nra and -ivz . midsummer, yp m. midwife, n"'i"'a. mien, c"':o plu. might, b"s m. (once), bx I m., T'"'ax m. ai)str., n-i^na f., "23 (poet.), si'^t f. rarely m., p^'r, m., b'^n m., t^ f , n's m., nk"2 m., Tr m., tstji m., ip and ip m., r-pi m. (Ch. n-.i2a , "jOn m., r'pn m.) to exert one's, V;2J I Hithp. c. 2 . mightily, nx"2 , "I'.XTS I'xra . mighty, n-'SN , -rTjx , bx I, "j^'fix , p'iX or p-^Ex , -1125 , i-icn , -123 (poet), TS , T^T» , see q-s , ti^^v , 7^nr , :n , =-; , -J-ViJ , ri^jsri . (Ch. deeds, n".flia f. concr., nb"ia , nbia f. concr. (later Heb.) man, (Ch. "123 .) men, n-^'sa f. concr. mighty one, -i'i2j< , bx I m. to be, nsa and "^2a , n» , &:£? , .12-1. t T to become, -12a and "123 . - T .. T to show one's self, sbs Hithp. c. a towards, against. Avork, 1^ f. migrate, to, nb-. , rcj , 'rjt . into, to, 'I no w. bx . to cause to, (Ch. xba Aj^h.) migration, nba. milch, r'bv plu. kine, n"br n"-s. niilch-camcls, rrp'z''^ . mildness, r\':v f., n':v f. military force, ri'T f. rarely m. governor, ^osiJ . scnbe, "th. station, 2"' ^3 m. tribune, ^sb. milk, -bn m., nxxn f. (poet), n«n T T T : V ^-^ ^ T * II f. curdled, m-^zi f., nxtn f. to give, bsy . milk-giving, nibs jilu. milky words, see nix';n^ . mill, a, -(-n:: m., r.:n-j f., C^nn m^ (only du.) mill-stone, nbs . the lower, nTinn nba . the upper, rzn nbs , 2;^ . millet, -nVi m. mina, r.:i2 m. mince, to, ?Ea . mind, p^n m., ri-bs plu., !i5s3 com., nriTD f., 2";p m., n-i f., I'siij m. (Ch. 2b and 22b m., n-\ .) to bear in, "rT . to call to, -i=f K. Hi. to have in, urt . (Ch. nc's , rr^ttJ" c. inf. et b .) to keep in, nrilJ . to recall to, ^dt , 2b-bx r'^irn . upon, to fix the, ma II. with a willing, n2"i3 . mindful, i^irr . of, to be, nri . mine, a, xsi^a m., r2p^ f. mingle, to, bba , ~00 , ~2"i only Ho. part f. (Ch. 2-? Pa.) one's self, to, r-r I Hithp. c. a . mingled mass, (people), a'lS m. cone.. minister, izv m , riiB-: . MIN 113 MO>r minister of court, see D'^no . to, rniti Pi. - T unto, to, ■':2b TO? , n'ltlJ Pi. c. ace. of pci's. (Cli. ili^iu only Pa.) ministers, D*~iiJ . (Ch. 'j"'";i::'nli , 'I'^^no plu. only.) ministry, rrx^^ f., rrihs? f., n'^tlj m. ' T T : T -: •• T ths sacred, mh^ f. minority, n'lTU: f. minute, (adj.), pn . anything, p'n . miracle, nix I m., nsi'^ m., Nlia m., s^3 ni. (Ch. nrn m.) miracles, rix^S'a constr. plu. (once), n-'xbss . mirage, see zy:i . mire, y's m., ^■ch m., o'^a m., "iiii m., 13? m., (tjsi m. Miriam, Qi-i^ . mirror, nsTO f., "^xi m. miiTors, cj'iba . miscarriage, ribstlJ^D f. miscarry, to, bbuj and bD'Ji Pi. Hi. mischief, ■;ids m.,rn!in f. (only plu.), n^T f., rrizi-c t, ny-i f. miserable, to be, nix , misery, T,ffin m., bib, rmJSp^ f., "pS m., briJ m,, i:s m. misfortune, T^x m., bsx m. (poet.), nbsx f., nx::ri f., t^q m. miss, (slip), a, nxiin f. miss (one's way), to, xan Hithp. to, N-n, np3 . to let, n-jn Hi. missed, to be, nis) Ni., IpQ Ni. Pu. missile, nbiij m. missing, something, mix f. misstep, rxan f. mist, TN m., ban . mistake, n:,y:i f. mistress, nby? f., nnaa f. of anything, nbsa f. mitigation, nr3 f. mix, to, -D^. (Ch. a-is Pa.) one's self, to, bba Hithpo. w. 2 . wine, to, ■^O'q . mixed, see in, un'jj , 8. (Ch. -isa .) 10* mixed multitude, C)02CX m., 215 m. concr., n"^S)n . provender, b^ba m. to be, bba Hithpo. w. 3 . mixture, see n'lr . Moab, ax'i'D . moan, to, n-^n , sri: Pi. moaning, a, nyr\ m., see a-;n . mt)ck, to, see brn , yib K. Hi., a?b K. c. b , 3 , Hi. c. b , 3 , bs ., pliQ Hi., bby I Hithp., 3;? Hithp. c. bs ., pnio w. 3 ., bbn Hi., yyn Pilp. Hith- palp. at, to, 3rb Hi. c. 3 . mocker, yb , :5;b . to show one's self a, y^b Hithpal. mockers, tiibnri (poet.), -(isb ildax , mockery, yjh m., n:"':^) f., d^iyriSP) plu. mocking, a, •,'i::b m., na^ltS f. (once.) mockings, Q"'bnn . mode, nix com. (poet), n^ai f. (most- ly later Heb.), --"n com., -lin H, of acting, nto"T3 m. of building, n"':3n f. model, m^'i t, niD3n f. modest, i"^::j , modestly, to act, live, s:s Hi, modesty, m;r f. moisten, to, dg-i . (Ch. y^-s Pa.) moistened, to be, 3::-! , Hp^ii Pu. (Ch. 3r35t Ithpa.) moistening, a, isiptu m. moisture, vital, nrb m. mole, see n-iEisn , nia f., see na^dsn . Molech, Tibt . mollified, to be, rrai Pu. "■ - T molten, ps'a , see n:s^3 I. image, tjidj m., rpj and r^tJi m.,. bp3 m. to be, p^i Ho. ' - T moment, a, srE, SJT m. (Ch. nsilJ f.) as in a, yj-i3 . every, n-^saib . for a, S15-1 ins , sai . (Ch. nStt53 MOM 114 MOU moment, in a, r:";«3 , cxna , i'rQ, S5"ii , in the same, (Ch. xn2ll5-n2 .) money, i-im;x f., rc3 m., ntlJns com. current, nri; ?Dr . piece of, ""'ir.x f. pieces of, n^r^g , month, ttj-in m., n-^7 m., (Ch. n*"^ m.) by month, uinhs (linn . of time, cr^ d"in . monthly courses (of women), t;"^^? f. only plu. monument, rri.H I com., n^ f., see rs^ , T T \ ' nzs"? f., CO) m. moon, nni m. (in prose always with the article), nsn^ f. (poet.), see in day of the new, C'lh m, full, sr3. new, iTTn m. Mordecai, "'='^-'3 . more, -ini"' , Tr . how much, •^s cjs (preceded by an afe.) than, '^-q y^n , '^•q■ inii , in;; , "j^ (in compar.). (Ch. "jia .) to be, -ir^ Hi. Ni. Mori ah, ri^'^b . morning, -jr'z m., -n'ii m. every, -pzz -p33 , -p^h ^pbib , in the, -,;r2 -ix , ""3^ • light, -lis m., -;;?3 nis, (Ch. nsb.) the next, -pa m. twilight, r-tti: m. morose, b"i2 (Cheth.) to be, rr?! . morphew, prs m. morrow, the, ^rr, ^rx: , n"inifl f. '•• ' T r ' tt: t on the, n'".n'a'a . morsel td f., ptq. dainty, c-r:r;brn3 . mortal, a, uj-x m., ira m. (poet.) mortar, Tch m., •ch'o m., isn m. mortar, a, nrh^ f., uJri3^ m. Moses, ri'JJiD. Most High, Di-x concr., hv m. concr. (Ch. nsb.) moth, a, DO m., Qis I m. mother, nx f., min f. (poet.), ITnbii f. w. gen. mother-city, CX f. mother-in-law, n'?:n f., p:rn f. motion, to i)ut in, tJin . motions, uneasy, D-T13 . mound, a, x'b^ m., nisia I m., n-insiQ f., T^hVx:) f., see ta'O'^ , -n m. T : T ' •• (of waves), "13 m. (only poet.) sepulchral, nra (rarely.) mount, a, in m. mount, to, n";:? , ""Sli . ujj wards, to, nax Hi. mountain, -lin (old and unusual), nn m., -i-n once c. suff.*, and -i-n only a suff. (mostly poet.), (Ch. "1:1a m.) a steep, -,',-. -12 f. gorge, "i-ina m. ranges, see D2"t . mountain-cock, see nE'"2!i'n. mountain-goat, hv^ m., ixn . mountain-pass, n~2ST3 f. mountaineer, i">nri . mountainous region, nn m. mountains, in m, mourn, to, bax I K. seq. hv over, Hithp., brx Pul. (only in poetry), n=3 K. Pi., -i-ir Hi. c. bs „ lEO , -injj . for, to, ncc w. b . mourner, -I'p . mournful cry, nsi f. song, to chant a, "pp Pil. mournfully, r.-' . mourning, (adj.), brx I. (sub.), bzx m., rrrx f., np3x f., r!i=3 f., ■'=3 111-, rr^ra f., r^rxn f. a song of, nrp 1 in, rcpip (adv.) mouse, a, na^s m. mouth, lai-a m. (poet.), ns m., n^Q m., ',0-1 m. (Ch. c!i3 m.) in, into, upon the, ■^C'bs . in the midst of his, ian Tpna. MOU 115 MUS mouth, tlie inside, r^n m. move, to, 'J^•o , -iq-^ , n^ij Hi., r"3 also s-'i K. Hi., r^D Hi. foil, by au ace. and inf. c. b ., crs , m. : ' - T ' - T about rapidly, to, ino Pilp. in a circle, to, Tijt: . one's self, to, rsii , it: . quickly to and fro, to, bbf^ Pilp. slowly, to, 1"'!. swiftly, to, -in'ri . to and fro, to, yrv , TiJ , Ti3 , S:i2 Hi., q^D Hi., psiD I K. Hi. up and down, to, Ti: , n^3 , rji: K. Hi. moved, to be, c^5 Hitlip., wen M., nn; Ni., -',723 I Ni., k^ts K. M. Hithp., a!!3 (once), -i::;; Ni., era Ni. Hithp., bbp Hithpalp., t;1 , Cjin Polal., C3S)-i , ffir-i . a being, aiia m. to and fro, to be, nsiJ Hithpal. " violently to and fro, to be, ojyj K. Pu. moving thing, any, V] m. (poet.) to and fro, a, ns^jp f . mower, -^^jip. mowing, a, ti m. much, (adj.), nrs , in. (Ch. X^sb .) (adv.), i::s-2 xb , nan , nan Hi. w. b and iuf. of another verb., nz-jf} . (sub.), n'n m. ado, -,"«:^ an. less, how, IS C)X (preceded by a neg) more, how, '^3 rx (preceded by an afE) not, ur^a . to be, a an only in pret. and once infin. to become, aan only in pret. and once intin., nan . to do, r\z~i Hi. to have, nan Hi. to make, nan Pi. fli. too, nni"" , nx^ ns , see nan Hi. mud, ra m., D^a m., •,'i'^ m., uisn m. mud, to remove, saxii Pilp. (once.) muffle, to, axb , asib K. Hi. mulct, uJDi) m. (Cli. ttj:s m.) mule, n-iQ m. mules, c^j-^nUJnx . multiplied by myriads, niaania plu. to be, aan only in pret. and once infin., nan . T T multiply, to, n.-n (once), naa Hi., -\r\S^ II Hi., aan only in pret. and once infin., nan K. Pi. Hi., -j^nttJ . one's self, to, nas Hitlip. multitude, ",i73X II, ''.'Cii m. once f., na'a, niaai?, xbi: m., r-ani? f., r,b m. (once), nns I f., nrsty f., see ^ ■" T " T : T ttJQ , brji? m., an m., ttjjn m,, ntj^") f., nSEU) f. a whole, an m. (poet.) mixed, ^iDBtsx m., an5> m. concr., in, a*-b . of, according to the, -^r^-o ^ ina . of persons, cy m. mural turret, nJ3 f. murder, en m. murderer, rit'^ , nsnia . to be a,' n:in Pi. mm-mur, ::x m., ■)i"';tn m. to, -(Sx Hithpo., n:,n I, -jiib Ni. Hi., ■ CX3 (once). Tan K. participle, Ni. w. a of pers. murmuiing, a, nST? f., m'sbn only plu. murrain, ^a'^ m. muscle, (shell-fish), nban f. muscle, (sinew), nilj m. music, nniaT f., STSiB m. (Ch. nat m.) instruments of, n"ttj ■'bs . of stringed instruments, n3"'23 f. to lead in, see n^3 I Pi. musical instrument, a, tiiina m. musician, chief, ns:?3 . mustachios, the, de© m. T T to cover the, tiB"v&tn-bs ncS . T T - - TT to tnm the, tis">an n(t)S . T T - T T muster, a, n'npQ f. to, nps K. Pi., xas Hi. '- T T T muster-master, ^tb. MUS 116 NATJ mustered, to be, oSni Ni., i;rQ Ni. Pu. Hithp. Hothp. mute, D^s , n^^ii'n f. to be, D^s Ni., (U"in . mutter, to, mn I, nx3 (once.) ' mutterers, ti"'BX concr., D^'jnTa . tnuttering (of thunder), r\:.ri m. mutuli, (architec), mnsa m. plu. muzzle, a, D'Orro m. to, ti-jn , con. myriad, rz::-^ f., 12 1 f. (later writers), ni2-^ f. (C'ii. i3n f) myriads, multiplied by, msr*i73 plu. myrrh, ■^'o ra. myrtle, onn m. myself, (I), luisi:. N Nahum, nw? . nail (of finger), "jiCS m. (Ch. nra m.) nail, (peg), ii m. (sjioken only of taber- nacle curtains), nn"" . nails, D-'-i'cO'Q and ni'^co^ m., also c'^-'CO'o and r.i"n:p53 , nin^:©'?? . naked, nV? concr., ci-JJ , ri'is , bbittS . hill, a, •'Etij m. place, n-'.S'Q m. ■ places, p't5> . space, 'iria m. the, E"'52-S'>2 plu. concr. to be. -i-r K. (once.) to be made, nbj Ni. Pu., nsir II Ni. to lay, nns Pi. to make, nba K. Pi., pbn , rr^S Pi. T T ' - T ' T T Hi., r"iQ . to make one's self, nns Hithp. nakedness, ly^D m., cb'Sts plu., tiS'5 m., m-i5 1, rr'iy f., "EttJ m. (Cheth.) name, nai and ".zi m., tiai m. (Ch. dta m.) after death, Dffi m. by, r^iTsra . great, good, nii m. of Jehovah, to call upon the, see in cittj , d. of, to call upon the, 'a dttSs N~p . to, -rx , s^p I, fully b tittS K-ip . - T- ' t't " ! - t't (Ch. nTDOj nsiu.) to call by, rpj , to make one's self a, nttj ib nibs' . T T ' ■ib Difi c^o). to, to give a, ib Clfl Qlb . named, the, lo^ira . named, to be, N-ip I Ni. Pu. names, (Ch. rn^ai plu. constr.) name's sake, for his, iis'ij -^Tib . name's sake, for my, iriU "Slab . Naomi, ^r?: . nape (of the neck), rps ra., "ixiS m. (Ch. -ixns ni.) to turn the, q-? "ns . Naphtali, "^briBJ . narcissus, see rbsiPi . nard, n-ij m. narrate, to, iso Pi. narration, neoi: m. narrow, i:*! m. path, birttJT3 m. something, ps'iia m. to be, vix , -is^ only in fut, way, see birttJTa . narrowness, "is m. Nathan, -jr: . nation, ex f., max also D"'BX f. (only in plu.), lia ni., txb m. (only poet), •jiujb com., nno'liTa f., ti? m. (Ch. nax f., ;z-h m.) T •, ■ ' T • one of another, -it , nations, D"'^'?:? . (Ch •prrs .) foreign, Q-iSa . native, niTX m., -jS m. (w. gen. of place), ri2 I f. (w. gen. of place.) country, nibiia v-ix . tree, riTX m. nativity, r\-t\n nnbiia f., mirr and n";n=^ f. naught, for, cp"'l . naughtiness, i"x m. NAU m NEW nauseate, to, ijiip K. c. 2 , Ni. c. *'5E3, Hithpal. c. 2 . nave (of a wheel), n"'']t"n plu. navel, see -^z'^ , ~ib m. navy, "';s com. nay, bx I, xb . but, Dbax , •'S L for, •'S I. indeed, brx . ' T -J rather, b~s . T -1 Nazarite, n^T3 . • T near, (adj.), si~I5. (prep.), bx , b^X , rs n, 2 , '1S2 and 1^2 , Tlib , i;] ns2 , "i] bx , bsT2 , zy , rss (once), ns^b . away, to, ©;: Ni. pret. K. fut. by, n;i nra , b brsT: . to, ttiss Ni. pret. K. fut. w. bx , to be very, 2"^p I Pi. c. inf. et b. to bring, u3;5 Hi., 2np^ I Pi. Hi. (Ch. stp Aph.) to come, ui;j K. fut. Ni. pret. w. bx . 2np land 2-ip K. Ni. to draw, ir?: Ni. pret. K. fut. w. bx , Hithp., -ro c. bx ., 2np I and 2^p. (Ch. 2";;p .) to, to be, 2'^p I Hi. w. inf. and b . to, to draw, S53 Hi. w. ns ., anp I Hi. w. inf. 0. b . nearly, s , asrs . Nebuchadnezzar, -.ax5"TS!i23 . necessary, to be, (Ch. nc'Pi ,) necessity, ninojn f. neck, rn'^i"!? plu., ■(■ina m., Pp";;!;^ f., tpS m., -ixjs m. (Ch. -ixis m.) to break the, qir 11. to lay upon the, see p^SJ Hi. neck-chain, p;s m. (Ch. r.i:icn or Cheth Tiflj^n necklace, ibn m., n-bn f., pss m. (Ch. Ti'lisn or Cheth r,":rn .) to adom with a, p:s> (once trop.) necklaces, c^'T^nn, necks, C"'3-,!is only plu. necromancer, lix . need, nwtt5n f., -licHTa m,, r,'iii m, •-- to have, (Ch. nilin c. inf. et b. ) needed, to be, (Ch. nujn .) needy, -i^nx , •,32i3 , '':v , uj-j , p-'-i , neglect, to, ar2 , nUi: I, "ilD Hi. doing, quietly to,' ujnn Hi. v.'. b and iuf. neglected, see nbil) Pu. Nehemiah, hits n 3 , neigh, to, bn'S . neighbor, rr'rS f. concr., Sn II m., •,rjlJ m. a female, n33lt3 f. neighbors, Ci">2"'20 . neighing, a, nbns'o f. neither, — nor, ox — nx preceded by a neg., nx — cxi preceded by a neg., *is — )-q w. neg., isn — )-q w. neg., ns — "iTib w. neg., -is^ — -j^b w. neg. nerve, Tia m., see nr: , nest, a, p m. built, to have a, ^rp Pu. of young birds, ",p m. to, -jrp^ Pi. to build a, ):p Pi. nestle, to, -(Sp Pu. nestlings, ',p in. net. Din once D"in , seeTit^Q H, 'n^ra and "I'Taso m., rribra , li'^a m., misa f., n-j!i:jia f., ns I m., ri^n f.,' n=2i£} f. ' ' T T : hunters, ^rD^ and -ira^ m. Nethinim, ti''3-n] . (Ch. "fs-'n: .) nettings, CD'^aO . nettle, see ns'io , oi'isp m. and ttiiiD-p . net- work, n2"ix f. (once in sing.), ^23:0 m., nirn nii)?i2 , nUJ-i f. never, see ni , 1, h., cbi"T3 w. neg. nevertheless, bnx (later writers), n-^!ix , ■'2 Grx , c? , ■'2 I (rarely), "i-b =^2,-,nb.) new, -!T , uj-:n , i-iii , ti-ia , nb mn ,) moon, ui'in m. moon, day of the, ttinn m. thing, a, nttiin , wine, O-'DS m., ci-iipi m. (Ch. (Ch. NEW 118 NOE newly, Si-|?i3 . news, nr^iTS'J f. good, n'lrrs f. next, (adj.), "inx . day, the, rnnis'a . morning, "ip3 m. the, n:aJT: m. nigh, ri^p^. niglit, tlirx , b-^^ , tjl^s ra. (Ch. H'h^h m.) by, nb^b . (Ch. x;^^ bS .) last, uirx . this, nb-bn . to pass the, -f^h and 'pb. (Ch. n^S.) to put up for the, (Ch. x^iffl also to remain over, "(Sib and -j-b . to stop for the, "jJib and "(-b . night-hawk, see ornn . nifflit-robbei-s, nb^b ^TittJ . o T : - " : night-spectre, n^b^b f. Nile, see ■j-n'^j , nx"; m. (Egyptian word), see c"^ , see "]rr"'S , n'in"'© . Nimrod, "i'-it:: . nine, jJCn w. f., nrilSn w. m. nineteen, n-b? rffin w. f., "tes< nytiin w. m. ninety, D"Sa;n , Nineveh, nir'^j . ninth, ^r'^rn , see rain . nip, to, pbia . off, to, pb^ . nipped, to be, y^p Pu. nips sycamore figs, one who, ob'ia c-^rpii). Nisan, (month), "jcj . nitre, ^r: m. no, -px (including sub. verb.), see bx I, 2, I)., ba (poet.), xb , 5tb. further, DEX . longer, nir w. neg. man, tiix m. w. neg. more, DEX, Tij-' w. neg. one, t3"ix m. w. neg., -irx '"^x , '"'* > '^^^ "^^* °^S' ^3 ■""• neg., see ■'12 1, e. (Ch. bb xb .) no-gods, bs xb coll. Noah, ni . nobility, ns'^ns f. of Israel, bx'^b'' TirS . noble, "i-'ax, n-'^sx , b-'sx , bin; , r^ , *T';3 , V13 , 1"'©? , r*;® II. (Ch. nip^ .) a, r"'"i3 m., rip m. (once), -liu m. birth, of, n^'iJ . lady, niiu f. the, iD-^x "ra . things, d"!:,; , r'i::'i: . noble-minded, ^-^n; . nobles, see in -i-'ax 2., Q"'-''":ix , D'ib"'X , D";r! (plu. only), c-raiin (once), crn-B , rirrr only pli^. (Ch. '•rz-i^'^ .) of Israel, bx'^b"' nias . nocturnal visions, nb"'bn r'x"i^ . nod, to, "i^ij K. Hi., r^j also ri5. nodding, a, Ti2^ m. noise, •(■''rn m. once f., ri^z^ f., bi'p m., t;S ra., r";} Im., -jixaj m., nffl II f., n-ixttipi plu. a loud, nri'^n f. a roaring, ^r'n m. to make a, cnn Hi., nm , (l35n , nxoj I Ni. noisy places, rii'iain (poet.) to be, nm . non-people, a, cr-xb (once.) none, -(-x , •fxr; , b'3 with neg. at all, in" w. neg , '^'q w. neg. besides, orx . noon, Ci^'ris du. noose, uip/a m., r^/ab-a f. ti*'^S m. sing. norm, "p and ip m. north, the, y^:! com., bx^iu . from towards the, nr'ES "'3313. of, on the, "('ESia , b 'lEJ?^ • on the, 'iz'&'O , nj'ESia . side, -("iES nxQ . towards the, nj'Eit , nr^Esn-bx , ' T t' t t- r' nr'Esb . wind, -pBa com. (poet.) winds, f-'T'O (poet.) northeni, "^liE^ . heavens, -'ieS com. (ijoct.) northward, n;iES , nr-rrn-rx , niisab . NOR 119 OAT northward of, on the, h nsiss^ . nose, r]X 11 m. nose-ring, scenn, nfj m. nostrils, Diss du., t3']")""ri3 du. not, IX III, ","'X (includ. sub. verb), see bx I, ^3 (poet.), ^nba , "^n^s^ (before infin.), xb , xb , rih (Cheth.), ib (twice.) anj, b'3 w. neg. anything, rnD"'b3 . by, for, in, with, jiba . even. Da w. neg. particle, sibi . even one, "px'3 . lawful, permitted, \ "px before an infin. may, bx I. much, a?i3 . one, 'fXia . so ! bx I. so much as, dj w. neg. particle, that, bx I. there is, are, was, were, 'px . to be here, present, at hand, -px . unto, "■iS'.ba. ■ yet, ba, ni-rj (Clieth.), t^yq , xb . yet, when, cn::3 , tD":2"Q . note of, to take, "ijra Pi. w. b , b — ',13 . nothing, 'px I (usually includ. sub. verb), bx I. D3X , ba , "'ba , n^-'b2 . nr^ ■(■'X , 121 xb , bs w. neg., n^iix^s w. neg., -,'0 w. neg., -inpi. (Ch. xb , nb Cheth.) at all, bs •■'X , nrsxTD w. neg, but, r,x before a sub., DSX . of, b-^bx , 02x^ . to, for, '^'i:"b3 , whatever, rrzix^ w. neg. nothingness, '(nx m., "px I, xiid m., notwithstanding, b^ , C3 , nt t35 . nought, -j-ix I (usually includ. sub. verb), bx I, bnbx (Cheth.), b-^bx , DDX , iba . for, D5X3 , ',in xbs , to bring to, xfl] Hi., ^nQ I Hi. to come to, 'I'^a I Ho. nourish, to, b^3 Pilp., njJ-i . now, isx and xisx (always postposi- tive), nt , Di*!-! , tDV? , ns , X3 1, ns , nrj? , tia'Q . (Ch. n3, '|i'3 .) as before, D:"Qn~D:y33 , indeed, cSS . number, nOD'O f., "i^oia m., nn'so f., n^35 f. (Ch. -,"273 m.) a great, nr's. according to the, "iSO^ (adverb- ially.) out, to, n'O . the whole, m'Jtp plu. constr., nsp m., r.5£p f., see Cib'i. to, 0D3 (once), leoi: xiD5 , X\B3 - T ^ T : • TT ' rr ilJsii, 12D K. Pi., nps. (Ch. n:T2 and XJ-Q .) to be strong in, w^y . without, -iSQ-O ■px , 13G73 'pxb , ■^spr "pN""!? . numbered, to be, nso Ni., ipg Pu. Hithp. Hothp. numberer, n5i?2. numbering, a, ipso m., isp m, numerous, taJiss?, l*] . to be, c^S, na"! . ,". ' nuptial couch, nsn f. nuptials, nsriii f. nurse, a, nsox f., nursing, a, taTisa plu. nursing-father, ax m., -(OX nu nut, a, fisx m. o 0! see iisx , "in, "^in. O that, "^bnx , "'bnx . oak, nbx f., see nbx , 'pVix m., ',ibx m., perh. rmn f. oak, hard, see miF) . oar, u'iilJo and liiiro, li";!^ m. oath, nbx f., n^^a-r f., ra-iJ n m., s^uJ HI (in proper name.) OAT 120 OFF oath of covenant, an, nbx f. to bind by an, nbx II Hi. to bind with un, vz^ Hi. to promise witli an, vz':i Ni. to put to an, r.^sn x"'::n . to take an, nbsz X13 . Obadiah, !i.T'n:;i>, T : - obdurate, to make, nttip I Hi. w. lb . ' r'T obedience, nnp"' only constr., nr^-j'^ f- obedient, ni'^OJ^ f. concr. to show one's self, r'OttJ Ni. c. b of pers. (Ch. vov Ithpe.) obey, to, nsx w. dat. of jjers., nay (once), 's bip3 sr'j , 's bipb rriu , STDUJ Ni. c. b of pers. (Ch. rpd Ithpe.) to hear and, vcvi , to listen and, 's bip3 3>rQi , yar 'Bbipb. oblationv : )^-\p^ m., -janp m., nic^ntn f. oblation-shoulder, n-2^-nn pittj. obliterated, to be, ie3 Pu. oblivion, n»tl)3 f. to be given over to, nx 3 I Ni. obscurations, n"<";''~ir3 . obscure, 7,ain . maxim, ns'bia f. to, -lip Hi. -' T obscured, to be, -en ^ D7:S Ho. obscurity, ',:iilix m. (once Ken), TOTip f. observance, ^TZia^q m., ITiiaUiT: 1, D'^nS'li only plu. observe, to, sn^, 1:15 I, "^r^ 11, -irtu K. Hithp., nriu I c. S . closely, to, nrs I. diligently, to, i:j3 I. observed, one who is, nrltS^ m. concr. obstacle, np^iQ f. obstinate, -b T'SX , see t?"; Ni., nrp? . to be, pin . to become, (Ch. rr^pn and ri'^pP .) to show one's self, "jib Ni. obstruct, to, Qro K. Pi. obtain, to, npb , r;3 Hi. c. b ., NilJS , ato3 Hi., ptia II Hi., nyp^ , ti'qr; . obtest, to, n!is Hi. obtuse, to be, i:£Q Hi. occasion, n3xin f. (Ch. nbs f.) against, to seek, n:x II Hithp. & b. Occident, the, a-sia II m., n2'-iS''a f. occupation, niDi'Ta m., rbn: f., nVjjg f, occupy, to, ui-ii also ui-i- , n:b , n::? II Hi. occurrence, an evil, si,',d w. S"! . ocean, tiinn com. (poet.) ochre, red, -ittiil) . octave, the, r.-^r^rTrn . ode, dithyrambic, erratic, "(i'^sttS m. odious, Kal jjass. participle of N:(t3 . odor, tUE3 com., pfi m. (Ch. n""-i m.) aromatic, DilJS and ctra m. of delight, nn^s n"'n . of, to enjoy the, nm Hi. w. a. pleasant, nn"'3 ni- . odors, sweet, (Ch. "i^nh"': .) of, bx,2,^,-r,b?. (Ch. )x>.) all kinds, b3 . course, "is I. every kind and sort. Vs. nothing, 03X13 . old, Tx^ , tx— ,12 , birnx and b!l^n^< once bi7:rx , tDbij' , tibi?^ , D-':Eb , D-ip . old, things, ni':b"]p . one, some, out, -ja . off, nxbn , br^. r ; T ' - .. from, 'ii: . offence, cause of, bit' 3 12 m., nbrsa f. of mind, 3b bw^'a. offender, s::n m. offer, to, xia Hi., ba; I Hi. (poet.), ui:: Hi., 13S Hi., nbi; Hi., ntv I, =1p^ I Hi., Dl- Hi. (Ch. an-; w. ace, a"]p Pa. Aph.) gifts, to, xb3 Pi. c. b . sacrifice and oblation, to, nat nas nn:i:i . t: • spontaneously, to, a"]; Hithp. (Ch. a-;: Ithp.) voluntarily, to, ans Hithp. w. inl c. b. OFF 121 ON offering, an, nvi;s m., nn:r f., "a-^p^ m., '.a-ip m., n-nn f., n*r!iin f. (Ch. nn:^ .) festive, "ir"*^ m. free-Avill, nn-j? f. (Ch. nn^'Mirn .) votive, -i-i: and ^-td m, offerings, n-'rnrn . office, nsT? m., n-^ira 1, riipQ f., lips m. officer, s-ias m., nipQ m. concr., T^ps m. officers, D'^'ispo , rrnps f. concr., D"'"iL:iU. chief, nbttj-::i3 f. concr., di'ib . offscouring, "inD ni. offset, p-^nx m., n-TSi f. (later Heb.) offspring, nbi m., nb-; m., js-jt, nn^iia f., '^i:^ ni., n'S'^ri f., ","'3 m. always coupled with hd:., ti"'XSX^ , see.ssn at end. Immbler, nirs:: only plu. (of animals), -i:iu) and ^ai3 m. ogle, to, ^piu Pi. oh if ! cs , xib , !ib . that ! nx , n^h , >\b , ■,n'^ in . oil, nns"' m., -jriu m. (Ch. riyia m.) golden, rriT m. spiced, ■,73J m. to, nu:': , to make, ^na HL to press out, 'nra Hi. oil-flask, TjsDX m. oil-tree, *|':!U y:} . oint, to, bbs , nffiTD . ointed, n'^Uiis . ointment, rnp"]'0 f., np'l m., i^;!!) m. ointments, c^np"! . maker of, npn m., nnp'n f. precious, "'pman plu. constr. old, nb3,ipT, yx^i, p-n?. age, "ip't m., nrp] t, d^SpT plu., nb? m., s^b m., n^-'to f, age, a good, vigorous, perh. pibs m. clothes, ixiba only constr., tiTib^ only plu. man, an, -(pT m., tiiiiiji m. (only poet), irmj^ m., rit5 . men, (Ch. x'^b plu. emphat.) li" ' old, of, txn , TN—,^ , b'irnx and biionx once biianx , cb-irn , n^zEb . nip . things of, rri'Diip . times of, rr'ilJxn f. to be, ipT K. Hi., -(Uji Ni. to become, "pi . to grow, -(PT K. Hi., prtV . to wax, nb 2 . women, n'jpT . older persons, □"';T3"ip . than, "ipT w. -(^ . oldness, nrnp f. oleaster, ^riu ys . olive, n-^t m. branch, n^t m. oil, nil •,r!i^_ . tree, pi^T ni., more fully •{di£i n^t , n-^'tn ys . olive-yard, n'^T ti^S . Olives, Mount of, Q-'nijn nbs^ , nn omen, rix I com., Pisin ni., ttSnj m. omentum, nSDia m. omer, -i72S> m. omer-fuU, iiaiJ xb?: . Omnipotent, the, inid m. on, bs , 3 ,■ b , 1^ , bs . account of, niTix"b:^' , bx , "ill^NS b , 1S3 and 1S2 , bb:3 c. suff., a verb of interceding), "innsa , b? , -p2:"b? , :p? , see niis Note, iJE^^ , "'55''3 , bra (later Heb.). (Ch.'-,,3,"bV, bqpb.) account of what, nrb . every side, z"':a^ . high, cl"i^3 , see nas Hi., di^TS , b? , cii . my account, tjI-ix bs , ^^aiS (later Heb.) that account, '^zb , ")3"b? . that day, ci'S . the inner wall, nn"':Q . the inside, n^S^ , ni2"'5Sn . the inside and on the outside, tT^aa ynnic!! . the outside, rw^ . ON 122 orp on this account, nxib , '^3 hv (poet, style.). (Ch. nn 1:? .) this side of tlice, n:m ^b"3 . what account ? n:a3 , msa . •whose account, i^baia (later Heb.) once, nnx , nns zrs . — again, r^-i repeated, and again, r^njii c?3 . at, nns3 , rnx2 , C3 , ci'S , c?s nnx . (Ch. n-ins.) one, nnK , uj-'n m.. -in II. (Ch. -in .) a being, ini m. a certain, ""rrbx "'r'^s . after anotlier, nnx rnxb . — another, nnx — nnx , n'^'x f. followed by ninx or r^rl ., UJ"'X m. with nx or sn ., ni — nT , rxT — rxt. by one, nnx nnx^ . no, cnx m. w, neg., nnx •px , •,"'X , nn"' w. neg., bb w. neg. (Ch. bb'xb.) only, nnx . (pereon), llixn I m. some, nnx , tti'x m., "irbx ^:'V>d . — the other, nx — ai"'x , — ilj"^x sn , n'inX' — nrx , rrj^< — nt"x . time, nnx , rnx Dra , rp-. time as another, ursn-z^'ss . time, at, rnx crc . to another, ni'bx nT . to become, nn^ c. 3 ^ nx . to make, nn"* Pi. oneness, nn^ m. onions, D"^b::3 only plu. only, nnx , T(N , D?N , "13^ (later Heb.), TT)^, pn . begotten, -it'' w. ',S . now, r^x . onward, nxbn , nbaia . onyx, see c'bn^ , see crttti . mariuus, see pbniy . opal, see Dttjb . open, nsine . eye, "s^nth, see under, bn'i) . field, (Ch. na II m.) fields, "13 III m., -i3no m. open itself, to, rp2 Ni., nre Pi. one's eyes, to, T'j'^r nps , place, 'wnsTS m. the eyes upon, to, nps w. bs . to, Tp_2 Pi., np3 , nns , nre K. Pi. (Ch. nrs .)' to be, nrs Pi. to break, Sp3 K. Hi. to burst, n:;s Hi. to lay, 3--3 , nbj Pi., bbn PL '-t' TT -T to, to, nns c. dat. wide, to, ni'S constr. only w. ns , once nE2 ., nss , -itJQ K. Pi, see 3n~i Hi. open-eyed, n p d . opened, to be, sips Ni., nrs , nrQ NL opening, an. nnso m., n-pnps , nns ni., nrs m., -jinns m. blossom, an, •^ffjs . Ophir, T'B'iX . opinion, s^ m., nwois f., ns m. opinions, divided, fsro f. plu. opponent, my, i:;ei3t2 hs2 . opportune, ^r.'S . oppose, to, rin?2, US "^"ip ~bn, "t^b . one's self, to, bbo Hitlipo. c. 3 . - T ^ : opposite, cbrx , bso , see rbaj Pu. part. to, n:b , n^-:3 , rx'-^pb . to be, b^p Hi. oppress, to, n;3 c. 3 ., t^:'n Pi-, Csn , nr Hi., 7nb , nrs II Pi. Hi., pajs . TT l-T-' TT '"t" yv'-i , i^an K. Pi. Po., nn?u K. Pi. Po.! nno\cheth.) wholly, to, ppp . oppressed, r,n , i:? , pluSs . harshly, n'lJpa . one, see yi-an . the, tJ-pnili? . to be, bbn , nnb (once), n:? H K. Pu. (Ch. n:^.) oppression, nirt f., orn m., ^'■nb m., nsi'i's H f., nsi.' m., npv f., ptiir m., np^US f., T|ng m., '['la II m., rp m. oppressions, p'ip'iS';? , Cpi'liS , C"'rrPi (once.) oppressive, n33 . oppressor, nisj , pnn , ^'i^n m., (iS'^s OPP 123 OVE tjian, n"'prn d-^s, y-q, pit's m., pmiy , I'^'-iS m., pis?? , Tiii5 , iijist D"'=sn (once.) oppressors, see in b^im . opulent, yr^ , Siu: II. the, ti"'2^rn (once.) or, ix , see 1 , 1, i. else, lit . rather, ix . orach, rj!!^*: m. oracle, n2':i m., ^■ifr m., ITiirt f., ti}£rq .m., nxiU"0 f., DX3 m., cop m., irj-in f., nnirn f. '' to ask an, iii'in . oracles, ir':! ni. coll. orbits, n"in''ZO . orchard, ".a com., br"i3 m. Orcus, bisUJ com. ordain, to, rrn , lo"^ K. Pi. c. bs ., ITS Pi. order, (arrangement), SiD'^Si'g f., ino m., -in I. to be set in, )'!\3 Ho. to put in, ^■ir , TO^ > '^•S PJ-» i^l*^ Pi- to set in, "niy , Ti-rj . n^b and Q-'b , ' - T ' ■' - T ? to set in ricrht, •];rn Pi. (later Heb.) order, (command), ns m. of, by, iQ-b? . ordinance, ph m., npn f. ordinances, mis plu. only, ordure, bbj m., bbj ra., nss f., nxi's f. TT :■•• ' T •• T ore of gold and silver, -i:j3 m. (stone), ",2X com. Orient, ti-'-iiix i^lu., rTTfis m. oriental regions, see ci'-Q . oriiice, nB m. origin, mx:jiT3 only plu., riibin . Orion, see b-c3 . ornament, n"X3 f., "'isti m., niSa f., mn m., -iin m. (once), min f., I'^s T T V V ^ T T -: • -: m., ^^-iS'J (Ken), ^i-isc (Cheth), n'nssn f-, elsewhere n^xsn. (Ch. ornamental, something, nj m. ornaments, ^-\y m. coll. splendid, D"'"^ "^ns . orphan, an, cir^ m. osiers, Cw'i? plu. only, ossifrage, see o"iQ . ostrich, see ir*' . female, n:^^ f., n:r*n na , male, see ornn . ostriches, females, c"'::l f. plu. (poet.) other, '^nx . (Ch. nizn f.) day, the, Di'3 . out from, 'f-Q , or, b v>inis"bx (after a verb of mo- tion), 3 J sba , "i^ , br?2 , rpn^ . of doors, yin . of doors, whatever is, yw m. of, from, (Ch. '^-2 .) of, one (or) some, -jTa . upon, irs'b:? . outbreak, (of voice), ns~i m. outcast, an, nT,j , outcry, pS| m., nprt f., ri-j-q , ^"i^a m., npx3 1, nn':j f., np?s f., ns"i f., sn I m., rSiT m., n;.saj f., rnuJ m. outer, ■iSTi . outgoings, ni'sJ£l^ only plu. outline, nxn m. outpouring, an, -ittix m., max f., n"i33> f., wi^'IJ and CjlJ^J m., rjSai m. (once.) outrageous", to be, sm c. 3 against, outside, ^'^in . on the, yf.n-o . outwit, to, d^n Hithp. w. b . oven, -f.sri . over, nhv-q , nb2J^b , ijjb , -IBIS'S , -bx 133) , bs , b h-j'q , •':^-'-'J . (Ch. n^? fol. by -,13 !, bs .) against, bi^ once b"'i3 , b.\i^ (Cheth), bxi^b , n5: , n:2b , i:,!^ , nab, n33 , i;;?~bx , ns-b , "^is-bs , nxnpb.'(Ch! i3:,b3pb.)' against, (the region), cip m. and above, nb:-7;b w. -^^ ., b^ . to be, ns: I Pi. (only inf. and part.) w. bs b . to be lord (or) master, br3 . overcast, to be, i-ip Hithp. overcome, to, b*="', n=3 Hi. (Ch. ba-; or b"'3i w. dat. of pel's., n::-3 Ithpa. c. OVE 124 PAI overcome, to be, tfly , "1^5 K. Ni. Hithp., r,^S Pu. Hitlip., see ■ji'n Hith- pal. overdrive, to, pE'n . overflow, to, r,r: K. fut. Ni. pret., ^z'J K. Hithp., ■,''!i3 K. (only fut. and imp.), r,!is c. br ., prij, tp-j. to cause to, prjj Pil. to let, Y>[ E Hi. to make, r,!i2 Hi c. ace. et V» , overflowed, to V)c, yp_-:i K. Ni. (Keri.) overflowing, "/^^ m., n~q? f., rjisd and q-j/r m. overhang, to, C];^il5 Ni. overlaid, to be, nsn Ni. overlay, to, nrn Pi., 'E3, nb» Hi., HtJ: n Pi., n-^p^ w. h'J , Ti'i Hi., ypn Pi., iUEn . overlaying, an, n'nrx f., ''^DiJ . overmuch, ■^ni' . overjjlus, to have an, ^^y Hi. overpower, to, rp.'^ . overrun, to cause to, -^ns Hi. overseer, tt,: m , nsria , 31^5 m., T'pQ m. chief, n-':: n-ps . of the works, nDxb^n hy ^'I'n . of, to make, nps Hi. w. ace. of pers., and bl5 of thing, overshadow, to, 0^:2 . oversight, nviJo m., rnps f., n^npsa f. of, to give the, 'nps w. ace. of pers. and hs . oversight of, to have the, ipa Ho. overspread, to, rpi Pi. overtake, to, pr^ and pr'n K. Hi., r.-n I - T ' - T * - T Hi., 5-r: Hi. to let, pr-n and pan Hi. overthrow, r\zt'r\ f., n'jirbn f., iinna m., n'sni^ plu., nrsn-o f., nir f., see n:iruj . to, nr.^^ , rpn , -sn , tzr , nsTS Pi.,'n=3 Hi., T^-o Pi., ririttj Pi. TT • T - T Hi., r,biu Hi. (Ch. ban Pa., -i;b Pa.) overthrown, to be, enn Ni., ht3 Ho., isins Ni., -i2tti Ni. overturn, to, r,En , n:3 Hi., n*y Pi. ' - T ^ TT T T overturning, an, n^is f. overwhelm, to, en: , "irS , C]:?'!} . (and) swallow up, to, cp'^ . to make, ri>is Hi. c. ace. et bs . overwhelmed, to be, t,'^v K. NL ■ - T overwhelming, an, irs^ m. owl, see r;!Hli:'n , see das, 2. owls, prob. Qink only j^lu. own, to, r\:p , owner, "linx m., bs3, fi'-p. ox, Ti^bx m., -ip3 com., nid m. (Ch. -lin m.) kind, one of the, "liuj m. wild, see ixp . ox-caii, nb."? f. ox-goad, ^psin "i^b^a . oxen, C"'sbx only plu., -ipa com. colL, rarely ni'uj m. coU. pace, a, lV)t m., ht'^ i. pacified, nib© , pacify, to, n^iD Hi. package, nr:3 f. paddle, '^n"' . paid off, to be, ns"» Ni. pail, -13 f. pain, "(IS m., ban ra. (mostly in plu.), b"n m., nb-'n f, (once), nbnbn f., y"'!";' m., ::x3 m., :"ix3?2 m, nzi's-o f., ass m., 3S> m., ',-;2SI3 , n32S f . " pain, causing bitter, -i' Pi. over to, to, -^s w. bs . swiftly away, to, -i3S , through, to, n-j^ , T!12 , Tjbn and r.b^ w. ace, rbn, 12? , nrs w. acc. through, to cause to, ti:i , i22J Hi. through, to let, -12? Hi. throughout, to cause to, -i25> Hi. (time), to, niDS' I. to, nba Pi., -)2s , ni25 . (Ch. r,bn .) passage, a, .1-23 -a f. passers by, D'i-i2i;. by on the way, rjl-n D''"i2S . passing away, a, qibn m. over, a, -i2»i3 m. i:)]ace of, -123 'a m. passover, the, ncD m. the festival of, nOQ m. past, from time, uiiibtD blTsma . in time, ciuib'ji bionia . just, 2i'';?^. past, the, rTiij . to be, n-'s . pastoral, (adj.), "^s'-i , pastry, (a kind of), perh. 5"3 (once), pasture, prob. b2>< II m., -i2^ m., 13 m., iljn5"3 ni., ns-iia m., bbn: , nij (once jjrose, elsewhere poet.), n"3 f., ijJi m. land, "127^ m. to, nsi . (Ch. -jiiT .) pastures, vsin m., nix: only plu. constr. (poet.) pasturing, a, rr^Siia f. patch up, to, hfj. patched, Pu. paiticip. of xb:: . path, nnx com. (j^oet.), r|-.ri com., b;sa m., see 2^r3 . beaten, n2T3 "-I'n , nari'ow, biriii-a m. paths, nV.p'3 (poet.), •'b"'2'i5 only plu. constr. patience, c^SS -";X (once), C^sx ~1X . to tire one's, nxb Hi. patriarch, uJXi I m. patrimony, nbnj f. pattern, n^TS'n f., n"':2ri 1, n-'rrrj f. pause, ri5»sn f., see nbo , njiis f. pavement, nE:i"}"a f., J"!^";!^ ni-, S'^pn m. a tesselated, ns^l f. T : • paw, PS f- to, see ^sn I. pawn, a, ::i2S m. pay, to, 2flUJ Hi., cbttJ Pi. off, to, r::i-i K. Hi. out, to, n":n Hi. peace, np-a f., -liaJ-'^a m., cnr*'^ only plu., D-b'U m. (Ch. obsij m.) and friendship, living in, oVr . go in, Dibajb r,b . seeking, Dibc . to be at, cbilj or nhxo . to hold one's, (Uin Hi. to make one hold his, tcnn Hi. to, to grant, b tiibui nbs . ' *-' : T T T with, to be at, cb'^ii Pu. with, to make, 353 c nx ., cb'^ Hi. w. rx , 03 . peace-offering, a, ta-'-ab-j n2T , nat n--:bt"n, cbyj m. (once.) PEA 127 PEE jjeace-offering of praise (or) thanksgiv- ing, D'^ab'!) n~in nzt . peace-offerings, c"i m., li'na m. pedestal, -px m., ",3 11 m. peel, to, t]ibn , b:is . peeled spots, streaks, ni'bsQ . peeling, a, rj'rr.'o m. peep, to, 7,2:^ only Pilp. peg, 11 m. (spoken only of tabernacle curtains), nr-i . a forked, n"'n3'i5 m. du. pelican, see o^iS, 2., see nxp , t^^oS m., see rritDsn . Pelusium, -|-d . penalty, n^iDS f. to bring under, 21 n Pi. Penates, D"'B-in . pendants (for the ears), n'isaa . pendulous, (anything), bs^ m. to be, brTj . penetrate, to, n^ . penny, n-ii^x f. pent up, -i:| . Pentecost, niraii) 5n . people, ojix m. coll. (w. gen, of king, leader, etc.), cipbx , ex f., max and Ci-iBX f. plu., lij m., n^n f. (poet.), txb m. (only poet.), -pcb com., t-ins'r^ f., -i-'S If., cs m. (Ch. nax f., n? m.) the common, (iJi'jx m. (poet.), ijS tiS5n , dS m. per centum, one, nxia f. peradventure, iblx I. perceive, to, -j-a K. Hi. Hithpal., ntn , . wj , sTi, n-b ,nxT , nn Hi. (Ch. to let, yni Hi. percussion, Tto m. perennial, see •,n'"X . perennity, "(rrx , perfect, b-'bs , zb'j , en (only moral sense), d"'T:n, (Ch. i"''ca .) to, ■^m , see nb: Hi., ocn K. Hi. (Ch.%pa .) to be, nb2 . to make, bbs . perfection, bib:^, bbs-a m., nbDH f., nibsn f., n"':2n f. perfections, nibsi; I (once plu.) perforate, to, -p: . perform, to, nb'J I, d^ip Pi. Hi., dboS Pi. Hi. (Ch. inr .) performance, r'^rtti'C f. perfume, ujsj com., np'i m. to, np-i. ' - T perfume-boxes, tlisj ^na . perfumed, to be, np"i Pu. perfumer, npn , np"] m., nnpn f. perfumes, dTip-, , ■'pn-i?;n plu. constr. perhajjs, "ibnx I, see in •'•o , 1, e. period, a certain, ns usually f. perish, to, n::x , r.ox Ni., otlix Ni., S>b2 Pu., -iTa Ni., n?:'n H Ni., dic'ri Ni., -bn and rjb-^ , nbs, r-jS Ni- Ho., rt^i2 , -2^ K. Ho., cjiio , nro K Ni., -lay, -i:aa Ni., -n:© Ni., drifl Ni., crn , see nsn K. at end. (Ch. nrx , n-is .) suddenly, to, br3 Ni. to be ready to, n^X . to cause to, "irx Pi. under a curse, to, bbp Pu. perishing, ct3"!D. permanent, to be, "-ex I Ni. permission, 1)y, ■'S everywhere joined w. inx , "nx . -: ' T -r permit, a, "P'^UJ"] m. to, pin w. inf. c. b ., n-u Hi. w. ace. of pers. and inf. c. b ., tt5:33 w. ace. of pers. and inf. c. b ., xiU3 c. inf., )n w. ace. of pers. and inf. c. b ., ats , nrs I, libtlS Hi. (later Heb.) permitted, it is not, -px before an inf . PER 128 PIL perjietual, see tjb-y , A, 2. time, IS m., n-i;n m. (only in the gen. after other nouns.) to l)e, rrsi I Ni. perpetually, i-] I'-z ~v . pei-petuity, ',r^x , prx f., n'S} I m., T-ZT] m. (only in the gen. after other nouns.), (('h. x-'-nn f.) in, rn"^"jb , r.p-'T:sb. perplex, to, (Ch. uirij Pa.) perplexed, to be, 7,12 Ni., tlSia, '^B (once). perplexity, nri^': f. to wander in, r^sa Ni. persecute, to, r'^x , n-^^j , 0:210 , "lib . persecution, r?i— »: m. persecutors, CET-i. persevere in, to, nr? I w. 3 . Persia, see -^srx , 0^3 . (Ch. D"^D .) Ijerson, ujrs com., d^:c pin. i:)ersons, a number, multitude of, n? m. older, cjrTp . two, D-]3x du. persuade any one, to, nns Pi. persuaded, to let one's self be, i-iTz Ni. Pu. pertinaciously refusing, 'jXis . jjerturbation, nsin f. perverse, 25 -i"'3.^ , tibj, i-OO, n;]r3 , a);?r , bhbrs . to be, brn , -jni (once), x'lia I, Ti^a w. 2 of 2)ers. against., niX3 w. 2 against., ni? Ni., dprS Ni. to declare, tiipr Hi. to make, ribo Pi., nuJp I Hi. w. -I. to show one's self, bns Hithp. perversely, to act, ban , n*:' K. w. br of pers.. Hi. perverseness, ~eH m., Tib: , rttb f., inp m., flbo m., d-'r^s plu., nnuJiTS f., n"rsf",Fi plu. (Ch. ■,'•;• f. only plu.) perversities, o^yi :• . pervert, to, -gn , r,bo Pi., nar Pi., p;r Hi., ryj Pi., aips PI, aiuJ Pil., rraJ Hi., n:iu I Pi. justice, to, ::Bri3 n:;n . pervert, the cause (of), to, ri3 Pi. w. ace. of pers. the right of, to, :;s'l5": H'jn . perverted, Tib: , bpr"2 . to be, rpy Ni. pestilence, na'n m., n^ m., aap m., a'j'p m. fatal, niw ir^ . pestle, ibr m. petition, n'rxttJia f., nbxaJ 1, rbia f. (Ch. iira'fO to, (Ch xra c. "j-a .) Petra, ybo . petty, n-'s:: . Pharaoh, n?-D . phenix, see bin. phenomenon, see ^"ai) . Philistia, niba . Philistine, "^rnuba . phylacteries, niE-ia . phylarch, a, x^'lD: ni. physician, xs"i. pick out, to, see np: . jjiebald, nSa . piece, b-a m., see ^2:2 , ira m., "iTa m., nbsi f., r"i m. (of flesh), nr: m. pied-footed, "I'pr . pierce, to, np-i . bbn Pi. Po., Tibn, see "i^a I, ap: , np: , v'4-1 . pierced, bbn 12 , bbn. to be, bbn, ■;;© Hithpo. piercings, m-pi"? . piety, nor , Q'n'bx ns-i"; , nin-i nx"ii , np"TS f. pilaster, see b"x . pile, na-si? f., ranst? f.. ""S m. a round, l^rt m., n-:!|*T3 f. T : piles, the, B'>-iina . pillage, to, n^2 c. a ., j:~^^, ^1'^ ■ pillar, nr'cx f., see aa'o , nas^ f., *■ r : f \ T •• - p!i:j"2 m., a"':£: m., -i^yzv m., -(ti^s m., n-i-sn f. (poet.) a wooden, n-ilJx f. pillars, D"'")\i5.x f. plu., n^roi only plu., cri-^n 11. pillows, rino* , PIL 129 PL A pillows, long, see riros . pin, nn"". a forkecl, c")riE'i5 m. du. pine, the, "i-jx m., see ci-ia , 1, at end., see n-2 , see-irh, prob. -,-11:1 m. itine, to, bbn , see trois . ■ ; - T ' - T after, to, n":3 (once), qc3 K. c. b , Ni. away, to, rnx only Hi. inf., ::x^ , rsT , nVs , -?n , pp-i: Ni., do: I. away and die, to, h'cp and b^p . away, to cause to, 2^'n Hi., ppxi Hi. away, to make, nbs Pi. pining, a, V-^'^ "^v "p"'-v "^-j 'Of"' ^ ^• (adj.), nbs . away, a, ttJnS . (one), Q-c m. pinion, a, -i^n m., nias f., nsij f. pinnacle, r):3 f., nss f. pious, Tion , n-in-i xni , d-'n'bx NI1 , T ' T : " : ' • -.1 - : ' the, ncn "'ttisx , c^ajin;?. to make, pn^i Hi. pipe, (musical), bibn m., 2il3 m. (Ch. Nr^iTi-iir^ f.) a double, prob. (Ch. H'^iE'Osid f.) to, bbn K. part., Pi. to play the, hhn K. part., Pi. pipe, (tube), p-^sx or p-^SN m. pipes, (musical), prob. nibinj. pipings, r>p"'-iaj . Pisgah, .-1503 . piss, to, see ■,•^'13 Hi. pistacia-nuts, D'^raa . pit, a, ^x2 f., -i-ia I m., y'n'!\i, m. (once), nns'p m., rra m., nnmj f., r^r.i^ f. , r^Tim f., nnq f., nr-'u: f. (Ch. 2s.) for, to dig a, -isn I c. b . pit- fall, nnd f. pitch, nST f., "is's m. to (daub with), ni^n , "^an . pitch a camp, to, n:n . a tent, to, yia: , -.ziiJ T'l., bnxspn. one's tent, to, bnx Pi., run . pitcher, 'bz'i and bns m. pitied, to be, y.n Ni.. pits, nS3 only plu. const r. pity, nb'cn f., ion , c-'Tsnn plu., criinrn plu. to, cnn c. hv ., brn w. b? of pers., •,2n Poel., -113 w^ dat, nn: Ni. c. h'J , bx , b , p , Hithp. c. hv., DHT Pi. to treat with, Din c. bs., b^n c. placate, to, 12 3 Pi. place, r"2 m., ni f., "iS II m., "lis^ m., n3i:ri f., ti'p'o com., "ix;i> m., 3h"^ f., n^ffi II f., prtii m., nnn n:i:ri I f. (Ch. -irx m.) in one's, nnn . of , in, Dipo w. gen., rnn . of, to take the, ~fc'> Hithp, one's self, to, -:j"< Hithp., 2S3 NL c. b to or before, the first, perh. nb^ix f. to, rrt"! (defec. and rare), na^ K. Pi., ;*4i Hi., p^ri Hi., n-i-', tiizj'' (ChetlJ), :nt:"iPi., 1^3 Pil. Hi., n!i3 Hi., :J£; Hi., ",ri: , n7:y I Hi., ti^ib and u-b , miii PL, n'lU , ::3aJ Hi.^ •,3iu Pi. Hi., nroj , nnia . (Ch. to, to give, see 'li;,; , 3.. D'ln'^ Dlto b. together with, to, --^s w. b . upon, to, xb3 w. bs' ., T{CO, 33" Hi. c. b'J '.' where cattle and flocks lie down,. a, ■,-';;s> m. which has or contains anything, at or in which anything is or is found, bya . placed, to be, cb"' , 3tt3i , 'in:. Ni. Ho.. only fut. placidness, XD1T3 m. plague, "".n-n m., HE??? f., niTa m., 033- m. burning, r;U3~i m. to, C133 . plain, a, niaj^a m. a low, nsp3 f., N-ia rarely «'»a and N''5 com. PLA 130 PLO plain, a wide, ^>^p^2 1 the low, nbs'i'n . plain, (adj.), in:-' , r^ , tP (only moral sense). to make, ir"* Pi., tibs Pi., n'OS Pi. plain-mindsd, srb i-ii5"i . plaited, anything, jnx m. (sometliing), ~\^z3 m. plaits (of hair), r'Ebnia . plan, r\-o] f., n^T f., nattJnt: and nrcrr. f., ns^ II f. to, -ttip. Pi. plane-tree, •fi^-\i' m., see -irrin . planlc, u;~p m. plant, n:3 f., y::: m., ztas m., nbtD m., b-'riti m. a bad, ntiixS f. to, s-]i w. 2 aces., ssi , "jrs , csib and Q'iu , brta (poet.) plantain -tree, see nrNH . plantation, ru'a m,, vziz m. planting, a, s-T , rza"? m., yap m. plants, D"r::] . wild, n"© m. (once.) plaster, niii ni., bsn m. (a bandage), nb"n f. to, n^u , n^b . with lime, to, liiiD . plate, (lamina), ns m. (of gold), burnished, V'S m. plates, (laminse), cr^ibj , Q^SJpn . platform, -'i-s m, nb^'^c m., n^ijasJ m. plating, a, r'n3X f. platters, r"nb-j only plu. play, to, prrs Pi., pritJ Pi. (an instrument), to, -ittt II Pi., tosn . (on a stringed instrument), to, ■;;: K. Pi. players on instruments, D"'35b. plead, to, nr" Hi., D2Ui Ni. a cause, to, n''"i and m . pleadings, see n^~i at end. pleasant, n-rrs , -■'O , ii'i'i , pin^ , land, a, ysn ■j";is . region, ci^t;-"3 . pleasant, something, -iriian . to be, crj , --2? IV, -lEtiJ w. b5 to. to make, "jsn Pi., pr^ Hi. pleasantness, I'ln m., m-sn f., prra m., nrb m., -(rrj ^ ^riD m. please, to, see inn , 3., ■jrsn , p'Uri w. inf. and b ., see z-ia , bx"' II Hi., ra"' K. impers.. Hi. w. bx . (Ch. saa , -lEli c. bs , D-ip .) to seek to, j-[-^-\ Pi. pleased, to render well, n5£-i Pi. pleases, that which, ysn m. concr. pleasing, 2ia , to be, n-^i: , see -uJ-^ K. 2. to be well, ns" Ni. to make one's self, n:j-i Hitbp. c. to, to 1ie, (Ch. 2^7 w. by .) pleasure, nsx f., see ysn puin m., c"'!*!? only plu., ni'iSJ f., ;:i> m., -ps-i m., Cii:;itj5)iij plu., .v::;n m. (Ch. r.iirn f.) in, to tiike, irn , f.Xl . to take one's, ji'ui Hithpalp. w. a in, with. wicked, ""^"' i^i- pleasure-grounds, O'n-B m. pleasures, D-'in:;!? , d^'2-5)3 and nio"'?? . loving, nn^b rtik . pledge, a, b'::n m., nbhn f., aiss m., r^--v f., r=;" . ^ '" of, to take a, ban . things taken in, a^aaS m. concr. l^ledge, to, ziv I. to bind Ijy a, bzn , to give a, a~s . to give in, 3-55 I. to take as a, to take in, b~n . - T Pleiades, n7:"3 f. plentiful, see nzn5 , 3. plenty, r~b m. plot, -iiTTo II m., n^atia f. against, to, see ->a'n Pi. Note., BttT w. b of pers., -i:ji w. bs . to, nr,n I, -ujn . plots, a^x m., ria"ix plu. constr. only, plough, to, < m., nbpui^D and nVpltJip f. plummet, i^x com., r(;x m., nbp'r^ and rb'p'i-a f. plunder, rss m., bta m., nsuSia f., bbiij m. to, TT3, SS3 K. Pi., tti-^.a, ^©5 Pi., bbiii , noiij K. Po., do© . plundered, to be, n_3 Ni. Pu., bb(D Hithpo. plunderers, coiJ , plundering, a, nD'.ai^ (Cheth.) poem, m-r; f., -n^'a m., DnaiD (only in inscrip. of Psalms), b"'3il:;^ m., biD?3 I m., CN3 m. enforcing intelligence, wisdom, piety, perh. b'Sb'2 m. poetess, nx"':: f. poets, D'biii^ . point, perh. nsiin , fT^pJ f-, 'J'lbJt m., -,© m. of a spear, the iron, see yn 3. iron, n's"! m. out, to, -i55"i w. b ., rni Hi. sharp, "p^liip m. points, sharp, iririn . pointed, to make (the tongue), see r^n , 2. poise, to, bpilj , •ZT\ . (Ch. bpn .) poising, a, (03273 m. poison, n^n I f., lUxn I m., once Oii-i . poisonous, •i-i''-n3 , D"ib . plant, a, uiNi I m. pole, a, ai^ m., naia f. a high, 03 m. poles, D1T13 I, c"^pu3n . polish, pbn m. to, nna J u"]^ , p"^T3 , bbp Pilp. polished, n:;"'o f. (oncej, ::na^ , bbp. brass, b?:i:;n m. to be, an^ Pu. politic, body, ■^■i* m. poll, rbjb:. f. poll (the head), to, tiD3 (once), pollute, to, bx5 II Pi. (later Heb.), q:n K. Hi., sr-j Pi. to let, ST;a Pi. polluted, bxi,^ (later Heb.), bbn . to be, bxa II Ni. Pu. (later Heb.), nrn , n-c'j K. Ni. to let I)e, a-cp^ Pi. pollution, b.vs, nx-aa f., nx~i3 f-, see bnss. foul, b-n . pomegranate, y.'B'^ m. pomp, mn m., nis'^br! only plu. (Ch. pond, a, n~~3 f. ponder, to, "jtx II only Pi., oba Pi. pool, a, tiax m., n3-,3 1, s^jj m., n;ip^ f. poor, ',i-::x , b^ , -(rcia , ^:j; , ffix-; , man, licrns ur-iN . the, n^^ f. concr., nsbn or xsbn (Cheth.) to be, ttSm. to feign one's self, aJsii HithpaL to make, ilj-)"^ Hi. to wax, r^fna . poorly clad, siiS . poplar, white, see npab . poppy, see It) X -I I, 5. populace, cipbx . porch, cb!ix , see tjbix , 'j'i'i'^O'a m. portent, nix I com., nsia m. (Ch. nx com.) porter, bro m., -'5>iOJ m. porterage, h'^-q m. porters, (Ch. N"5)"in plu. emphat.) POR 132 POU portico, ci^iix J ~C1?a m. (Kcri), '""'iD'O m. porticos, open, see in ■'215 . portion, r:-cx f., V^i'j m., phn m., T^P^V; f., ph ni., see in 2~i , 0'3 f., r^':\'o f., 0:^2 m., n*^ f., nia 1, nnitS^ f., nrttS^ f., r\hn: 1, pbnj f., ns ni., n'r!iV':3 phi. (Ch. p5n .) an appointed, nnix f., pn m. an hereditary, b-n m. measured out, brn m. (of food), nnix f. statutory, p'n m, porti-ay, to, ppn . portrayed, npms . possess, to, b5J3 w. b ., Uini also -ijii , K:iT3 , bn: , n:p . (Ch. -,Dn Aph. or Hiph. after the Heb. manner.) for one's self and for (one's heirs), to, bn: Hithp. one's self of, to, bn3 Hithp. possessed, to give to be, Vns K. Pi. possession, mriN f., ban m., n^lil^ f., rnii-ii f., 'li-ii^ m., nii)-n'i3 f., pdiD'a m. (once), see nbjia , n:piQ f., r.'ij'n m., pir^ (once), nbns f., nbn? f., a taking, nbn: f. of to (any one), to give, ttSni Hi. w. two aces. of, to get, pm Hi. of, to take, pm Hi., ^l}'^^ also a5-ii K. Hi., npb Jbn:. '- T ' -T to have, inx Ni., bnj . to have in, (usn . (Ch. •,Dn Aph. or Hiph. after the Heb. manner.) to get as a, bnj . to give as a, hn Hi. to take, Tns Ni., bra . possessions, mp-o m. once f. (always of cattle). uiMD-i m. possessor, bra , nb;-3 f., B'nii , T^:p . of, to make one's self, Tiix Ni. post, (column), see b^N . wooden, yv m. post, (station), Toy-Q m., as'Q m., asfO m., nr2"Q and nns'a f., n"ipaSi: f., a-'SJ m. posterity, r^Tix f. concr., n"S m., Q-'ia plu., ri'-T m. plu., r^^T . pot, a, -;:n m., rin-'n f., i-p m., i!i~XQ m., -n-c m., rrVp f. a large, nx III f. potent, n''2X , "abai pots, d-N-iin, see c"rstu . potsherd, b-n m. pottage, Tu . potter, a, ^a:"ii _ (Ch. -ins m.) potter's vessel, Ci"'";^:'' brs . wheel, dTtx dji. pottery, nflO'fn (Cheth), n^O"n (Keri). pouch, w!ipb^ m. pounch (upon), to, ii'ii::. pound, to, ttjrs . fine, to, pniu . (in a mortar), to, r,!"?? . pounded corn, grain, ri"S'-i . (something), jb'i:. . pour, to, ppl , ti-17 , p-^l , "o; I, r^nj K. fut. Ni. pret., tii'i) and c"'b , see abroad, to, ■,''nB Hi. down, to, ^:o Hi. forth, to, -,n: Hi. forth copiously, to, vz'. Hi. into, to, nib and r"ia w. 2 . one's self out, to, n-r Hithp. out, to, ppz , b-.T (once), bb; , ppT, 2"it once in Pu., t^T Po. c. ace. with., ps-i K. Pi. Hi., -;3 Hi., ' - T T r,03 I K. Hi., -r: Hi., r-.z^ and nsb Pi., nn:." Pi. Hi . p-:i H, - T T T ' pn Hi., QiiU and c-iU , r.'JttJ , -sd . (Ch. Tip! chiefly in Pa.) over, to, bba (only of oil), psm Hi. together, to, bba . upon, to, c"^T c. ace. poured, to be. 7,51 (once), forth, n^no . out, to be, pp3 , ps" K. Ho., -33 Ni., r.o: Ho., r.n" K. fut. Ni. pret., n-p Ni., n;3 Ni., r,Eai Ni. Pu. Hithp. over with oil, to be, bba , pouring out, a. ^p'^i'', f. POU 133 PRE pouring out, place of, rjS'^J m. poverty, i-i^x ui., nb'n f., non m., ion 111., ^■iDni: ni., r'z^o'z f., u3N"i m., ffi-'-i ui., ui"'-! m. to bring to, ui-ii Pi. to come to, \:;*,i Ni., ttSsin . powder, aromatic, rxr3 f. of the merchant, bail njrSJt . power, ijerh. rb^ix f., ^x I m., bx I m., mnrs f., :3""i7 f. rarely m., T< f., nb ui., na"0 ni., Ti? m., C];?n m. (Ch. nnn:::, , "iCn m., y^^^il m-, "I'pn mO ^ in, having, (Ch. is-i^li c. 2 .) of, to give over into the, nbuj Pi. w. ace. of pers. and n^3 . one having, ::-Vffi m. one in, (Ch. ']'i::Vr .) over, having, "(iijiai w. 2 ., vh^ c. 3 . (Ch. D^b'IJ c. 3 .) over, to have, (Ch. ub© .) there is no, (non licet), (Ch. tip to do, to have, nb c. infln. et b .^ bvi-o w. inf. c. h . to give, :;Vi; Hi. (later Heb.) to give into erne's, 's ■:£!: -,71: . powerful, -i'2s , -rnx , n25 , bi"i"i5 , -,-i:3b!i5 , ::^bu; . (Ch. ij-'b'ii .) deed, t* f. the, n^rnx (Cheth), cb-is . to be, TTr;, ns^, n3"j . (Ch. Tp^T\_ and Ti'pn .) to become, pin Hi., c*in. (Ch. TipPi and r,pn .) to make, bnj Pi., 3;iU Pi. to show one's self great and, bns Hithp. powerless, b^ . powers, Q's^x'o , ri'a^^n . practise, to, ujnn , bsg (poet.), "ii^'lj , divination, to, en: I Pi., cDp (only of false prophets.) magic, to, r]!!;3 Pi., "j3? Po. sorcery, to, ",3? Po. practised, nsiab , -its c. inf. ■ 12 ■' praise, -i3t and ^rt m., bbn-^ m., tSj m., D"2-^ m., r.V.-in f., m-in f. T T . : ' T (God), to, jt3; Ni. Hithp. (Ch. xii Aph.) song of, -i"'t:t m., nknn f. to, Ti-.s Pi., bn; Pi., b';n Pi., —t Hi., n-j-i Hi. Hithp., 133 Pi.^ n;: Hi., xnp I, nattJ Pi., ron II -T t't - T ' T T PL (Ch. Tj-.a Pa. w. b., natt) Pa.) to cause to, "^37 Hi. (once), to mention with, -137 Hi. to recount with, ied Pi. with rejoicing, to, p-i . worthy of, bin's . praised, to be, b^.j , bbn Pu. Hithp. to let be, -izT Hi. (once.) prating fool, a, D-PEil) b'^ix . pray, to, -ns I K. Hi. w. bx , b ,, bbs Hithp. c. bx , b^ , b ,^:sb . (Ch. xb:i Pa.) prayer, 12 , ira m., perh. n:n 1, llinb m., n:nn 1, cj^inn only plu., n^sn f . ' ' preacher, see rbn'p. precede, to, tsrp Pi. precedence, see nb^ix . precentor, nS3^ .' precept, ^2'n m., rrs m., ni^'a f., nnn^; f., ns m., 13 and ■'s m., n-.'n f., n^!i:;n f. (Ch. rns m.) upon precept, "i:ib ia . precejits, ninr , nm:? f. coll., c"'"i^ps. (of God), n^-)2 f. (of religion), n'in-i rx-^-i , nxn** DTI'bx . precious, irn: , see n^^n , sae niiTsn , -ip"' , -ifl;o . ' TT ? r metals, (ore of), -5£2 m. ointments, "^pm^n plu. constr. something, i-zn-q m., d"i?i"2ri3 plu, something most, I;"; m. stone, ";2S com., tjej m. stones, n"ip*i "X coll. the most, see n"'iBx"i . things, nSn^n , Q^ssn , ^pi-b3, nrirs f., r.'ij'^jTS , ^lU m. coU. to be, ^p- , PRE 134 PRE precious wares, r")S>^ I (only in Ez.) preciousness, np'^ m. precipice, n:."iTa f. precipitate, to be, ^rf2 I Ni. predestined, to be, -,^i Pu. predict, to, v:-i . pre-eminence, 'irT' in., ',"iin'' m.,"iri?a m. pre-eminent, (Ch. iirii .) prefect, a, -iias , i^;: m., :s: , na?^ , D''^: m., ns II (once c. suff.), nns , ^1pa m. concr., T'pa m., -;iD m., "iciii . (Ch. *,:p m., nns .) pregnancy, -p-.n m. pregnant, n-n only f. w. ^ of pers. to or by whom, one, nxbia f. to become, n~n . preparation, --ir ni. prepare, to, -sis Pil. Hi., n!:3 Pi., n:T3 Pi. (later Ileb.), bbo , ~yJ , riav I., nny Pi., nss Pi., b:-Q (poet.), cnp Pi., cW and D-'b , drp Hi. a way, to, bbc K. Pilp. (a way), to, oba Pi. for, to, n">!ij w. ace. and "b . one's self, to, -jiis Ilithpal. prepared, n!>rr (Cbetli), i-ns" c. b . things, nin^rs[ (Keri), niT^n? (Cheth). to be, "|fl3 Pol. Ni. Ho., nbs . prepuce, nb-iJ) f. prescribe, to, 'ir'n Pi., no'i Pi. c bs ., 2rs w. b? . prescript, a, nns m., rPD'c m. (Ch. arr m.) prescrii^tion, aSvlJTa m. without, (Ch. sn3 sb •''n .) presence, Q-^ja plu. of, from the, •'js nx^ , ^;£2^ . of, in, n:'3. of, in the, b^o , n;3 , "i3:b , "'rs-bx , ■^33 b. of, into the, ■'3Q~bx , "';D~nx . present, a, *3bx m., nD-13 f-, nnri: T ; V T T : T ; • f., rxiu^ f., nrnia f., nn^ f., nx;^3 f., "^ni: m., id m., n*:fl-n f., n^rii-n 1, nnwn f. (Ch. ns::: f.) present, to make a, in^l) . present one's self, to, r^i Hithp. w. bs ., see rs: Ni. to, sta'^ Ui. w. bx ., ttij: Ili., t^li Hi. ' with, to, -liT (once.) - T present, not to be, "jix (sometimes.) to be, wXU'Q Ni., S5;3 Hi. presented, to be, see bs; , g. presently, nns? (poet.) l^resents, to bring, ntj b''-in. preservation, n-T:'i3:iD f. of life, n-^n,': f. preserve, to, -,iDn , bsj Pi. Hi., -1:23 I, iry I Hi., -.riti . (Ch. VJ3 .) alive, to, nin Pi. Hi., tc:! I Hi, nsp Pi. ' ' the life of, to, g -££3 nia . preserved, i^:j3 (Cheth), "j^so . to be, b:J3 Ni. preserving alive, (Cli. xn:^ .) presidents, (Ch. i^sic plu. only.) press, a, ra f. press, to, j'bx Pi., C3X, Libn (once in Hi.), i^nb , -S'c K. (only part, pass.), yn: , p^r Hi., n:j3 w. 2 of pers., p^s I Hi., n-s I, ;;nb . (Ch. C3X.) close, to, y^x . close upon, to, see ps:: I. down, to, nrs Pi. (only poet.), pw Hi. c. rnn ., rpili Hi. greatly, to, rm Hi. on, to, "jrsix K. Hi. on rapidly, to, -ni . one's self, to, rnb Ni. out, to, -i!iT I, n^-Q , anb . themselves together, to, nn: Hithpo. together, to, ^it I. upon, to, -nj, c. br ., nij, Pri'^, , pm c. b:?., I'-D c. 1., pn:j I Hi. c. dat., -ifl:i I, nn:i K. Hi., rn-i . pressed, to be, r,r^ Pu., tosi Ni., nna. a seal closely, is cn'n . -' ' r T out, to be, see -i:it L pressing, r!ir; . PEE 135 PRO pressure, y^-q m. presumptuously, to act, l:it or l^t Hi., bar Hi. pretext, (Ch. r\\^ f.) prevail, to, n^a and -)25 K. Hi. Hithp. ■w. 'b?., bbi. (Ch. i>D-; or ba"; w. dat. of pcrs.) against, to, Sirn. over, to, -jrisx w. )-o ., pm w. -,13 ., Vz'^ w. b of pers., tts "W. b:^ . prey, hz'n m., "n^2X f., T3 m., ma (only later Heb.), jraa m., r,pn m., C)";;tJ m., n''pb'2 m., ii::i3 m., mii^ii: f., rfbv-o m. w. T' ., n&'ij^ f., ns) m., TiS m., bbr m. to become a, tzh n'r^ . - T T T to seize as, na . upon, to, tT3 , Tjllj . price, -ip^ m., -inb m., I'^tTD m., no:^ f., "13-Q m., nipD f., T|'ns) m. at a, -iipira . at what? ,-1333 , n33S . prick up the ears, to, -(Tx I Hi. pricked, to be, y.iXi Hithpo. prickle, 'pto and ^ibo , prickcs, D'3^ , cij"'::! , D"'rJ . prickley mad-apple, p'^n and p^n . weed, a, ttiijsp ra. and uji:3"'p , pride, .-in:, f., nvxa f., ■,ixa m., n>iX5 *■ T" T -: - ' ' T f., Prrj ni., nnnrj f., rrb bna, nia I f., -(i-iT m., r\-\zv t, rnn m., snS m., nsn f., di-i m., -b sn'] , wsiii m., -iixaj m., irri'jj m. (Ch. nvn .) priest, pb m., r|il3ia m. to, iro . proper, !TX3 c. b . to be, ys Ni., nx3 Pil. w. b ., rr'iu c. b of pers. property, nrxb-o f., niry'Q m., nbn3 f., nb;q f., irnrn m. moveable, ui^lDi m. l^rophecy, •■irn m., x'i'i? m., nstis f. (Ch. n.yi/.) prophesy, to, XZ3 Ni. Hithp., r;:;3 Hi. (Ch. x=3 Ithpa.) proijhet, HTn m., "X^^ ni., X"'~3 m., nxn, (Ch. x'^3,) the, rAl ui-'X . prophet's wife, nx'^3 f. prophets, see in n:>-i , I, a. prophetess, nx'rs f. proportion to, in, ie3 . propose, to, 's "'rsb ',r: , D'ttJ and WV) w. ■'rab . a riddle, parable, to, nin j(>ined w. m'n . propound, to, DVr and D"b w. bx , prosecute, to, 1:2 'jj Po. prospect, (Ch. mn f.) prosper, to, r,-;3 Pi., n-'P , ys Ni., naiS, nbs I and nb:: K. Hi., britj Hi. in one's ways, to, nbii I Hi. w. 13-1^ and IT'^T . to cause to, bzb Hi. to make, rrrj Pi., nirs Hi. prospered, to be, (Ch. nbs Aph. after Heb, form.) prosperity, "lix m., nr1~x f-, c^*n plu., 3i'j , 31:3 m., n3'"J f., n35?u3"; f., ?©■] and rc;] m., n-ilJ-3 f., ""ili3 m., -13 m., p-^ m., np-'S f., bato also b=iu m., nnlj m., cibuj m., on m. (Ch. cbitJ ni.) PKO 137 PSA prosperous, in , a"a. and happy, one, nD"i2 f. concr. to make, 7,-3 Pi. to make him, n:3 with ace. of T T pers. prostitute, ci:!i:t ni^N , njit f., tr^t f. a female, nuiip f. T ■• ' : a male, uinp m. prostrate, "^iiirn . one's self, to, in; , bs3 , nso c. b ., D3~i and ii'E"' Hithp. to, (libn , Wji Hi. Pilp., y-is Hi., br: Hi., ::2tD Hi. w. n:j-.x . to fall, nn'lj Hithpal. (Ch. bs3 .) to lie, nso and nzb Pu. '^ prostrated, to be, (roj Ni., qno Ni. protect, to, ■;:;, K. c. br , bx , Hi. c. br , ^^^ ., -sn w. b? ., bns Pilp. Hi., bni Pi,, r,D5 H, T,:o K. Hi. c. b? ., ns c. b ., r;b Pi., i^-j . : ^ - T - T the cause of, to, •,"'ti . protected, to be, tt" , ::i5 Ni. protection, na*;x f., nan f., T* f., "ipD m., .-Tnnq f., is m., b;a m. to have, its . protest, "i-t/o m. to, n!i:r Hi. protract, to, "(lin . protruded, to be, nrb M. protul )erance, pa f. proud, S5 , nxj , •(i'^xa (Cheth), n:a (constr. only), ni; , bina , TT , -iT|;j , ■i">ajr , :;n-i , rnn , ',3x0: . looks, ni-s-i c"3"? • the, C1N5 , n-'bbin . things, to do, niiusb b^'nsn . to be, nra , sibD Hithp., hts Pu., p'JiS , ens, ins . to show one's self, n*]!-! Hithp. proudly, Di-'C . to act, bna Hithp. c. bs ., bas' Hi. (Ch. n^T^Aph.) to carry one's self, inn Hithp. to conduct one's self, 123 Hithp. w. bx against. to show off, !i;as. to speak, nsa , ns b'^'nsn . 13* proudly, towards (or) against, to act, ini or nit c. bs , bx . prove, to, n!i3 (once), -(ns , -in3-(later Heb.), nna, n^T Pi., ns^ Hi., n03 Pi., see nps , t)-i^ , -,:n K. Pi. proved, r|">3n . to be, "(na Ni. Pu. provender, mixed, biba m. salted, y^-on b'^ba . to, to give, bba . proverb, nfc'O f. (only poet.), tc^-q m., buiia I m. to use a, bili^ w'. bs concerning, provide, to, -j^s Hi., nx"i . for, to, bns Pi. ■ T provided, (adv.), pn . for, to be, nx"i Ni. providence, n^ps f. province, rsi^ri f. (later Heb.). (Ch. ns-i-ii: f.) proving, (act of), nn^^'n f . provision, bsx m., nnb m., n^s m., n-i-'jt f. provisions, to be furnished with, b^lS Polp. Ijrovoke, to, oss Pi. Hi., y-i-o Hi., -in^ Pi., nio ^i. to anger, to, rjiip Hi., t5"i Hi., ta^i Hi. (Ch. tan Aph.) provoked to anger, to be, tij't Ni, prudence, n53T?3 f., njtS H f,, nifl'iS f, (Ch, x-JJ) .) ' prudent, Qf.^s . measures, nibsiznm . one, biib^, to be, b=b K. Hi. to become, b:b Hi. prudently, to act, dis I Hi., bab K. Hi. prune, to, n^T I, pruning-hooks, ni"ii:TO only plu. pruning-knives, nii^Tl? only plu. pruning-time, n^r T ' m. psalm, TiiaTTa m. (only in inscrip. of Psalms), rns'D m., lDn3"s m, (only in inscrip. of Psalms), n3"'aD f., iiuj m., n^nn f. . ' ' PSA 138 PUR psalm, golden, see era?? . revealed, rm? f. psaltery, see-,ina:&Q. puberty, to arrive at, ti^n . public crying, a, nx^np . publish, to, x:!-! Hi. w. bs of or about, y23 Hi. - T pudenda, n3~n f., crnia plu., n^nirr plu. only, •^V'2 m., n'~i2 f. muliebra, rs m. viri, -lirs m. virilia, see nns in du. or plu. puff, to, nE3 , nflo. at, to, n!i3 Hi. c. S , ^ . to drive away by -a, ~ffi: Hi. puffing out, HE"! . pull, to, n-x I, riV4 • apart, to, bi:: Hi. c. "pa. away, to, bu: Hi. down, to, c-n K. Pi, in pieces, to, fp-j . off, to, ■jrbn K. Pi. out, to, see nb'ii , 3., h\'^ . up, to, 5)05 . " up stakes," to, yc5 . pulpit, -ii'ss m., b'n:r . puncture, to, nr: Hi., uj-^B Hi. pungent, to be, yen . punish, to, cujx Hi., y:\ , (li'^.'n , nz"; Hi., -ip'' K. (rarely). Pi. Hi. (once), ips w. b? of jjers., lit'V K., see alsoNi. 2. punished, to be, tauix K. Ni., cpj Ni. Ho., iii:s» Ni., npQ Ni. Ho. punishment, n-'p3 f., nxun f., nbrJ f., "I'lr ni., n'H-a f., lips m., yuip m., n^iiiu f., D-isd m., nnqin f., nnsin f. (Ch. "i-in m.) for sin, nxDn f. of sin, x:;n m. to be borne down with, ntl . to be free from, np: Ni. to bear, xtos . to suffer, niiix . punishments, ti"::EiU only jjIu. pujDil, 13 m. female, ra I f. pupil of the eye, •,iii3-'x w. ',-» added. purchase, nrpia m. once f., (nrp^o f., a bill of, n:p5:n ieo . to, n;3 H. ' purchased, a thing, nsp^ f. concr. I)ure, 13 H, "izz , "7 and -^ , t]n , nina , ■'pj , ts , see its Ho. participle, pass, part, of r,~i:i . (Ch. xpD .) in heart, azb ";S , to be, nn (everywliere in a moral sense), 7)3^, in:: , np: K, (once), Ni., Trip and ©-p . to become, -n:: . - T to make, n:7 Pi. t6 show one's self, 'rna Hithp. pureuess, I'a H m., see ">ia , I'n:: m., n^:f}-^^ f. purge, to, I'lS , "'ES Pi. purification, nnb m., n~n:: f. purifications, c^pii?3 , "'pii^rFj plu, constr, purified, 13 . to be, 1-2 Hithp. purify, to, lia K. Pi., ppT Pi., x:2n Pi., in-J Hi., 023 Pi., irb Hi., qi:j , one's self, to, i^2 Ni. Hithp., x::n Hithp., 'in:: Hithp., ^zo Hithp., ttiip Hithp. Purim, festival of, ti"'"S3n ^^"^ , Cisig.. purity, inb m., uiip m. (Ch. siz* f.) purple, •■o:.ix m. (Ch. ■)"j,"]X.) cerulian, nbm f. cloth, covering, a, "I'l'-X i:3. cloths, ■'^J"iX ni. cloths, garments, yain, thread, dyed with cerulian, nbrn f. reddish, '^ix m. purpose, n527 f., ni2i f., fcT m. "En m., iusn m., -S"' m., mzTO f., nriiin'o and raajn'2 f., n:r^ m., n^^s n f., n*i:i f., nn f., n^iw f. (Ch, xtS m,) staid in, -nro "i:JV to, iaba i7:x, n:i I Pi., n-n K. Po., cTSt , a'in K. Pi., yv^ , sec IS"' , r:9 nfl© w. inf, c, h . (Ch. nirs , n^iii? c. inf. et b.) PUR 139 PYT purpose, to no, DSn (adv.) to, to suggest a, nn i3 ',03 , upon, to fix tlie, n-^s II. wicked, nsT-a f. purposely, n-niia . purse, CS ni., Ths ni. purslain, see n^ -iti . purses, n"::""*in. pursue, to, p:'n Hi. w. ace. and ^"ins ., Cinn K. Pi. (poet.), Hi. hotly, to, p^Ti w. ace, ■^'^nis p\-^ . pursuers, c^snn. push, a, Ti'n m. apt to, nr? (adj.) at, to, na: Hithp. away, to, see nail) , 3. down, to, nn'ri, T T forward upon, to, -|!is I w. ace. and \>v. pustules, n"3r2x f. plu. put, to, -n"! (defec. and rare), 'nO'i , as"^ Hi., ciU"' (Clietli), -(PJ , tiiib and fb , n;iu Pi., n-© , :=a3 Hi., nsui , see nnii . (Ch. -n'^ , crj, nv-y or st-O) Pa.) aside, to, "nil 3 Hi. away, to, -i?3 Pi. Hi., (ij-is , X2^^ Hi., i^*a73 I, n^D I Pi. c. b ., SOJ Hi., a^ol Hi , "AO Hi. w. ace. and often -(0 , b^«i3 ., '^zv Hi., nn::j Hi., r3-:j Hi., n'-ai Pi. back, to be, v-.^ Ni. down, to, ni: Hi., csito and trb . forth, to, x::-' K. Hi., see 213 , see 1^3 , nns K. Hi., nb-u K. Pi. forth the hand, to, (Ch. nbilj w, ■': •) forth, to cause the horn of (any one) to, b "("np n-^rsn . in bonds, to, "lox . in commotion, to, b^irt . in. consternation, to, DrM . - T put in fear, to, |'!!p I Hi. in motion, to, tiin. in order, to, -i^r- , Tj'nS , n35 Pi., n^OJ Pi. in jDrison, to, "ion . in, to be, xia Ho. (Ch. Qiiiu Ithpc. C. 2.) in trepidation, to, (Ch. bna Pa.) into, to, "ip: w. bx ., DTij and ti''iO . off, to, biL': , m" Hi., ::rQ . - T ' r T - T on, (something), rr'tu m. on, to, nsx , nc3 Pi. c. 3 ., bans , t'nb and iiirb K. Hi., nny , n::3> , rj-js , nbs K. Hi., crjj and ti"'li) c. bs . (Ch. \Dzb ,) out, to, nin (once), nnu Pi. out (the eye), to, -ip: Pi. to be, see r|:"n , citJi , ar^ , "jns Ho. only fut., ds-j Ho. (once, Keri). (Ch. c:iiD Ithpe.) to death, to, n-x Pi., r,^'0 Hi. to death, to be. Din Ho. to fear and shame, to, nnn Hi. to flight, to, ^t2 Pi., n-^a Hi., ni3 ,013 Hi., n=: Hi., y^^ Hi., to flight, to be, ni: Ho. to shame, to, iris Hi., bbn Poel., Db3 Hi. to shame, to be, isn H K. Hi., itiq"; Hi., nbs Ho. Ni. to the test, to, -jna . to, to, 5b3 Hi., crj and ti"'b , n""!!) w. by . trust in, to, non e. a . up, to, ciiu and trb . upon, to, xi53 Hi. w. bx ., 5^3 Hi., nbs Hi., 33-1 Hi. c. bs . IT ' - T pvitridity, pia m. putting on, a, n'nsx f. python, nix . QUA 140 BAG Q quadrated, Siir'n , ysma . quadruped, the liuge, nianS plu. niajcst. quadrupeds, r/i^na . quadruple, c^Pi-s^s du. quail, a, i^iu m. quails, ihiu m. coll. quake, to, itira K. (once), Pu. Hithp., sm , bht Hi., bw and b'n , 1:15 (once), jfsj also sij , t;."i , n?-i , UJs-i K. Ni., n;r-; . quaking, a, nriT f. qualities, good, rni'ia . quality, bad, rn m. good, b-^n m. quarrel, "jii^a I m., na"? II f., n^ia^a f., nn^"ii3 f., :■") m. to, n::: Hi., pi" Hitlip. (once), c. cv .7 rn^ (ChLth), d^i K. Hi. (only participle.) quarried stone, ^'.in^a "^rrx . quarry, peril. n-Jfrir m., rr;3T? f. quarter, (side), hns 1, nin f. quartennaster-general, see nnfl:73 in end. queen, nVrj f., ."isb-s f., rrbiD f. (only in Jer.)' b.VvU f. (Cli. S25^ f.', V:.\l) f.) quench, to, n-3 Pi., nrilJ. thirst (of lust), to, Iby I Hithp. c. 2 upon, quenched, to Ijc, •^r'n K. Pu., n;3 . queries, 33 •''np>n . questions, knotty, (Ch. T^"»a|5 .) quick, D^'in plu., -i"'nr . to be, -nn , -irc I Pi. - T ' - T quick, (raw flesh), the, nT.ia f. quicken, to, bna Pi. Hi., nin Pi. - T ' T r quickened, bnhia . quickened, to be, bna Pu. (Keri.) quickly, nx^ , -n?3 , n-n^ , n-rnBa , n-rr-n? , -j?-:3 . (Ch. nbnarn w. pref. a .) to do (anything), -n-3 I Pi. coupled with anotlier verb. quiet, san ni. (once), -•^^f.r[ f., ^•c'n m., ■^r'n ni., nnjr; f., r^'fc m., nn'^^'c f., nrsiia f., ni: m., r.n: 1, ibi m., ■'Vdi m., 'Ji'pyir: , -jp/r in. (Ch. rrbitJ (adj.), -ifT (Cheth), y:n , 'ixoi , dwelling, a, rai m. dwelling in, -(rxtr . to, br'n Po., n^: Hi., rattJ Hi., - T - - T see n-tu Pi., upiij Hi. to be, ttj-^n Hi., nrn K. Hi., r«, rp Ni., -(Xaj Pil., Lipaj Hi. to give, r^i Hi., a;-© Hi. to have, irn'i; to keep, cp'iiJ . to keep one's self, iiinn Hithp. to leave in, nfl: Hi. to live in, •,xtD Pil. quietly, nnsj'a . to dwell, r;"i Hi. quietness, see XE"^^ . quilt, -;iz3 ni., na'^ril) f. quilts, n'insp'3 . quinquefied, see uJrn II part. pass, quit, ■'jrs c. ",13 . to, ax? , ' - T to be, rt-i Ni. quiver, a, nsilix f., "^bn m. (once.) quiver, to, bb:i I. to be made to, hv'i Ho. only, quivering, a, fnrrn f. quivers, see in abiu . K rabble, rcEOX . rabbit, see -.Etl) race, (posterity), r."ia m., -I'i'n m., snt , n'lb"'^ f-) tis m., tti-iy m. EAC 141 RE A rnce, the human, z'J m. race, (running), ri"i^ m., nar'^j f. Rachel, brn . rack, (for cattle), niix and n"i-ix f. rafters, to cover with, -,£0 . rafts, ni-.::'n, m-i"oB"i (later Heb.) rage, CjrT m. (Ch. t;"7 ni.) to, r,bn and r,b-: , bbn Hithpo., nrn , t:.-i Hithp. w. bs against., rs-i , rm c. 3 against., cm . -t" -t : ^ - T ragged, CT? . raging, a, "'zn m., ■ixttS m., prob. nrrn f. (Cheth.) (adj.), -,ii^T. rags, ixiba plu. constr. only., c^rip . rail at, to, r^is Hi. c. s , b . railing, (support), nT heavy, I'^'iSO m. the early, n^i"' m., rr^l'Ta m. the first, n-ii"' m. the latter, tlJipbia m. to, -o"a Hi. to cause to, tiuSa Hi. - T to give (or) send, laia Hi., 'inJ violent, DttJj , vas m. rainbow, ntljp com. rained upon, to be, "i::'^ Ni., see in caJa . raise, to, sb3 , nbs Hi., ti1"i Pil. Hi. one's self up, to, see ntq I Hi, up, to, qpT , 'isi!? I Pil. Pilp., nbs Hi. c. ace. et b ., -i^v I Hi., cip Pi. Hi., csn lii. (Ch. qpi , QSip Pa.) up again, to, z'p Hi. raised up, to be, -i^s I Ni., dn , 35b . raisin-cake, csis ""iiitux . raisins, D^p-jas only plu. bunches of, D-ipitrs only plu. ram, h-^n m. (Ch. -13'n .) ram, a young, iu -3 m. ramble, to, rrcn , nn K. Hi. Rameses, occri , rampart, b^'n m., 5i"^'3 m., nbbb f. range, a, -.fl:: m., mrj f. of chaniljers, rb^i m. coll. rank, n~ib f. high, peril, rblx f. ranks, ri:~""0 . ransom, ncs vci., n"'"'!nD plu. only, ci"'-TB and •('{•''ns m. to, bxj I, m3 w. 3 of price, rapacious, one, r-'is m. rapid course, mnn f. rapine, -^aa m., cjnn m., p-g m. rare, (half-cooked), nj II. rare, (precious), "npi . to make, '-ip"' Hi. '- T rase, to, rr^S Pi., "ns" Po. rased, to be, -)-ir Pilp. Hithpalp. rash, liTCJ . to be, ::"ni (once.) rashly, to speak, rb"' , nsb (once pret.) uttered, (something), n:;3T3 m. rat, see .Ti5~2n , n-5 f- rattling, a, bip m. ravage, to, r,bn and •r^h-' Pi. (poet.) ravager, T\^'n'0 , ~\r\r.'0 , rave, to, n23 Hithp., t;-i Hithp. w. bx against. raven, a, 3-3) . ravenous beast, n'V:] f., a*;? m., V'l'iQ ni'n . bird, a^S m. to be, pp-j . ravine, see -;!Bx , ni'ijs f., bnj m. raving, bb-inTS , one, 3'jffl^ . ravish the heart, to, 33b Pi. ravished, see ns'JJ , 2. to be, b;ffl Ni. Pu., 33'13 Ni. Pu. ' - T ' - T raw, •'r , «3 II. rays, Qi3-ip du. to emit, "j-p . razed, to be, ms I Ni. razor, 3in f., n'I'a I m., nyn I m. reach, to, s^Ta c. n?., airs Hi. across, to, Pfja . REA 142 EEC i-eacb forth towards, upon, to, jtoj Hi. out, to, n:n I K. (once). Hi. (once.) out to, to, ais c. dat. (once.) to, to, 3.*53 K. c. 3 , is , b , Hi. w. nr . (Ch. NU'o , naT2 w. b .) unto, to, xia w. n? ,, nni3 c bs ., ab: Hi., yjs c. a, bs. read, to, k^i^t I. (Ch. x-^p .) aloud, to, s'^p I. (Ch. X"ip .) reading, a, K"ipTa m. aloud, a, x~.p'0 m. ready, y^hn , a^-r: , i?,ns (Cheth), i-ins c. b. (Ch. n^r?.) of access, to make, M'lp Hi. to be, -jSS Ni., nba , nns Hithp. c. b . (Ch. an: Ithp. c. b for.) to be made, ",na Ni. Ho. to become, nba . to fall, bEb (participle.) to make, ',^a Hi., nb? Pi., nibs I, iny Pi., crn Hi. (Ch. nar .) real estate, nbnj f. realm, n^irb"? f., n:br73 f., nboiiitj f. (Ch. !i:bo f.) reap, to, -1:2 p K. Hi. (Cheth.) reaper, a, '^^'ip . reajping, -ii:ip m. rear, 'T'nx m., n'^nS'i"; du., ejiO m., aps m. of an army, to smite the, aST Pi. to bring up the, r,DX K. Pi. rear, to cause to, see nbs) Hi. 1. up, to, c^p Hi. rear-guard, to cut off the, aSt Pi. rear-ward, to be a, Cipx K. Pi. reason, ia"n m., n-'a'^ f., "liauin m. (Ch. T T T : • ' : '.• ^ n-ia'n f., ti^;:: m.) together, to, na"' Ni. Hithp. reasons, r.'':iar> . Rebekah, npai . rebel, a, aav:J ni. rebel, to, T-i: w. a against., t^^-o K. Hi. w. a against., r©Q c. a , nnnTD ., ',:.-! K. part., Ni. w. a of pers. rebellifm, n-iia m., s»'rs m. (Ch. nllWlJs , Tn^a m.) land of double, Din^a r"ix . rebellious, 1-10 m. concr., ->& , ano . aa-iai, aaiui. (Ch. -i^-o .) the, D"^i~iiO . to be, x-TS I, i-^0 (once.) rebelliousness, r^i'niia f., ■'"1:3 m. rebels, 1-112 ""ra . rebuild, to, p-ia , n:a , iiJ-in Pi., pm Hi., n^n Pi." ' rebuke, a, n-iss f., n'^S;'; f. to, ^s; , na^ Hi., see nna Pi., t:bs I Hi! recall, to, asili Hi. to mind, to, ■^zt , ab"bx a"'ll5n. recalled, to be, a^uJ . recede, to, c:;!^ I, ttj-,: Ni. pret., K. fut, pn-j c. -,12 . receive, to, r.DX K. Pi., npb , xsn , Xto , baf? Pi. (later Heb.), an;? I Pi. (Ch. bap' only in Pa.) as one's own, to, bn: Hithp. graciously, to, ns"> . into favor, to, ns"! . to let, xs - Hi. received, to b3, r;CX Ni. receiver (of a bribe), bra . receiving, a, np^ m. recent times, in, aiipia . receptacle, n";a m. recesses, niran^ du., ipn-a m., see nnn3i2 . recite, to, x'"p I. (Ch. X'p .) reckon, to, auin Pi., CDS (once.) one's self, to, aain Hithp. c. a among, to, to, ailJn w. ace. of thing, and b of pers. reckoned, to be, aaJn Ni. - T recline, to, '^'SX^ Ni. reclining, a, aSiJ'O m. recognize, to, ia: Hi. recognized, to be, -123 Ni. Hithp. recollect, to, nat . recompense, bnra m., nbira f., ap5 m., tibtlJ . to, to, \)-q\ c. ace. b? ., cbu3 Pi. w. b of pers. reconnoitre, to, "i>in. REC 143 REG reconnoitre in ambush, to, 31X K. Pi. - T to let, -iTO Hi. record, •,t3t m. (Cli. ■|'i-i2'n m., )-p/i m.) I'ccorcl, to, -r: Hi., ars , c'lJ'i . rt-corcled, to be, nb? Ho. T T recorder, i-ST-a . records, book of, p'isi-iz-T!"! i£0 . the book of the, (Ch. wX':-i:'n ^so .) recount, to, -ied Pi. with praise, tp, -iED Pi. recover, to, rin , n'^n , z^ilj Hi. ' - T ' T T ' to let, D;n Hi. recreation, t3"^"n plu. rectitude, D^'ii^ m., p"]^ m., njDlS f. recurrence, a, n^'lin f. T : red, (sul).), gtx ni. (adj.), dis , i2i::nx . color, ntijiij m. dyed, made, tanNia . ochre, -.eiii m. to be, c"i.s K. (once). Hi. Hithp., to become, T^n Poalal. red-haired, •^ji'stx . redden, to, ti"]J{ Hi. reddish, fn -tx , rib . -.--.71 ^ purple, Tc-.-.N m. redeem, to, bxj I, n"j3 w. a of price., n:i5.(Ch. p-,3.) one's self, to, bsa I Ni. redeemed by, a field to be, nhnz f. w. gen. of jjers. redeemer, hai. redemption, c^bnxa plu., ntxa f. perpetual right of, abi'^ r^JXa . price of, nsNj f., ta-i'iinQ plu. only, nr^a ra. and "p'^na. right of, n^xa t, fully lisiii^ (12X3 . redemptions, n-ibixa . redness, cnx m. redundance, ns- m., mo m. redundant, to be, ^-\s . with, to be, y^.^ c. ace. reed, nrx m., c;x m., "lioJiX m., quo m., ■2-^rj> m., ::y m., nsfs m. reed, a measuring, ri:p m., fully nap reeds, finx (Egyptian word.) reel, to, ttJsa Hithpo., ;r,n , n^ia Hithpal., r!i3 also yi: , n^'li w. 3, '^iz of Avine., see nyn . reeling, a, biJI m., n-ir"im f. refine, to, p;rT K. Pi., c]-s , refined, to be, ppT Pu. refiner, C]";^, r)7.2"3 . reflect, to, -irt . reform, to, --12 Hithp. refractory, -(S-a , -o , 3^10 , nnio . to be, n'l'D , "Ti"!2 (once), refrain from, to, -icj Ni. c. "j^ . one's s;!lf, to, psx Hithp. refresh, to, nix Hi., n-n Pi., r^-q^ Pi. c. 3 .. see n;-D , I3-1 Pi., 3iaj PH. w. : " - T ^ - T ttiEO . refreshed, I am, ^b nin . to be, ©E3 Ni. - T refreshing, a, nipiD f. refreshment, a^^n plu., nb'to m. refuge, n^on f., mrsio f., noriTa, ncrrs m., oirt: m., n-no'O m., •.iva v ; - T : • ' T m., nrsna 1, "jbp-2 m., 35113^ m., fSJ m., -,^:i ni. to take, non . T T refuges, iD"i"5n . refuse, bQ-a m. refuse, to, b^x K. Hi. w. )-q ., 'X^ Pi., DX?2 , xn: Hi., 5)-iS , refusing, "^X" w. pers. pron. for finite verb. pertinaciously, 'jx'a . refutation, nrs^a m. refute, to, n325 I. regard, to, aj-n , 3aJn , S"ii ^ k35 Hi., -1:: Pi., bx njQ, nsT , -iw II, ir^aS 3b , n^C K. Pi. (Ch. 3tl3n c. 3 .) and treat as, like, to, 3 "(r: . as, to, "lEb -nj , nx-i w. S . for, to, i:sb -jris . highly, to, 3UJn Pi. regarded, to be, n^tu Ni. regarding, n"'b'a (participle.) a, nnsri f. REG 144 TvEM region, nr"ix f., h-h'j, m., n^-iba f-, hzn m., n:"'"ii3 f. (later Ilel).), t)"p72 com. beyond, i-r m. (Oil. '^:-v .) cut up (witli mountains), -p-inS ni. on the other side, opposite, isr ni. "well-watered, njr'i:"c m. regions, n2"^x com. register, ^-3T2 . (Ch. •'1-=':: m., ■pr'n m.) genealogical, bn'rt i-ro. in the manner of a, (un'mb . to, nrT Hi., nh'J Hi. registered, to l)e, fr-rn Hithp. reign, rAzh'z f., n:b-:i2 f. (Ch. 'izb'q f.) to, •r^h•Q constr. with b? of people., nsy c. 2 ., -iHO I. - T : 7 to begin to, -b^. . rein, ipi m., "jo-i m. reins, ninv , n^-3 plu. only, reject, to, prol). a bra , n:T K. Hi., DX^ , 7X2 , "NJ Pi-) li^3 , 13; Pi., ^•^3 , Tk'IJ Pi- with loathing, to, b"5 K. Hi. rejoice, to, b''^ rarely bis or bia (poet.) w. a in, also bsj ., mn , in: H, bip nid: , ~.!ii' I Hithpal., obs? K. Ni., ybr , y.v Hithp., •;:i , -(Dt Pi. Hi., iii^b and b'^it) w. br at., pnb Pi., nra; and n'cb w. a in or at., srir Pilp. (Ch. ax-j c. bs.) to make, ni: Hi. w. ace. and br in or because of., "j:-! Hi., nrb Pi. Hi. with great joy, to, r.nriu nrit) nbinj . rejoicing, (adj.), r\x.ti c. ",73 because of, in. (one), Tbs m., 'f<\^ ra. rejoicing, (sub.), b-'j m., nb"a f.. in m., iyiitJ'O ni., ni^l-bs) f., p m., nsi 1, nn-:it3 f , nyi^n f- days of, cbiin . to ])raise with, iJ-i . relation, a sign of, see (Ch. •'•n .) relatioiiship, rtxs f. intimate, expressed by, ax m., DX f. relative, nx T m., ninx f. blood, bx'j . relative (by mari-iage), -rin m. relatives, jDerh. Q"ii;:x (once.) relax, to, nci I Pi., nba and 'bid . relaxed, to be, see qm , nan I. release, a, n^":'!' f. to, a-r ,^3-:-; K. Hi. relief, n"*"! m. relieve, to, nir Pilel. religion, --"n com., c-nbx nxi"; , rxi'i nin-i . (Ch. ni f.) relish, to draw out with, ys"; . to feed upon vv-ith, pr?3 . rely upon, to, 'fV€i Ni. c. br , bx , a . remain, to, nnx in K. (once), 'iw, ar-' , '"r" , -j^b and --b K. Hithpal., iTcy T K. Ho., dip, "X'lJ K. (once), Ni.'(Ch. c"p.) anywhere, to, -xttj Ni. behind, to, -ixtt) Ni. long, to, Tj-x Hi. to let, rn^ Hi., rAz Hi., arr , nxti3 Hi. ' remainder, 'in';' m., -n''3 m., r";n"i3 f., niD m. concr., ix© m., n"'"ixtt5 f. (Ch. -ixilJ m.) remaining, -r-ii) . part, -xtu m., r'^-X":; f. to leave, m: Hi. remedy, xet: m., pfnT:n m (Keri.) remember, to, n-cTr I Pi., n;n I, "zi K, Hi., ab br nb-n . remembered, to be, ab br nbr . remembeiing, "iSiaT . remembrance, na" m. and •:] , "pi^T m. to bring to, "^rT Hi. to keep in, -lai Hi. remembrance-offering, a, n">~TX f. remiss, ns"i . to 1)0, h'SV Ni., net I Ni. to show one's self, ns" I Hithp. remission, n-o f., n;s3 f., n:;'?:© f. remissly, n'ln . remissness, n'-;i f., "VB'i m. conftr. only, remit, to, b-jJ , -^ar Hi., ai? , -J-coi BL Hi. KEM 145 KEQ remit from, to, hhp Hi. w. "■a of bur- den, remnant, -ipi m., -n"0 m-, FTiniD f., "iSlD m., n"'"iXiD f. remote, nxbnin f., pin~i . regions, c"n2"i^ f. du. time, (Ch. c'^r m.) to be, pni . remoteness, pni-s m. remove, to, -^-3 Pi., n;i II Hi., ttJiTD I, r.n: I Pi. c. b., :po; , :^3 I Hi., iso Hi., -ir:' Hi., m::' Hi., rri:' Hi., . see z'i'p I Hi. at end., tain Hi., pnn Pi. Hi.,' n=uj Hi. (Cli. njj Apli.) from, to, c";n Hi. c. •,•0 . - T ' • mud (or) dirt, to, s2'\ m. coll», ynffl m. coll. repulse, "pxTn m. from, to, n:T w. "itd . to, rnn n'j; Hi. ' - T TT reputation, good, btji m. repute, to, (Ch. 3ffin c. 3 .^ request, nilj?3 f., nbxaJo f., nbxtti f- ■*• TT- TT;. T"' (Ch. »S-3 f.) to, ttips Pi. w. "jo of pers., ace. of tiling, require, to, mp3 Pi. w. ",13 ., ^"n, bxQJ . back, to, Ujn'n w. To . requital, zh'(D m., nktfl m. EEQ 146 RET requite, to, perh. '^r': , 1^05 Hi., c\tt5 Pi. w. b of peis. rescript, a, rns'c m., c;na m. (later [ Heb.). (Ch.'crns m.) rescue, to, -nu) Hi. rescued, nmii f. the, c'^^iiJ plu. resemble, to, n-ci I K. c. b , bx , Ni. c. ace. reserve, to, d";5 c dat., y^a w. bit. ., rj'rn w. h ., n^iu . for, to, b'^s K. Hi. w. b ., ''Z'j w. b . reservoir, N-5 m., ba m., nba f. mps'S f. reservoirs of the dew, b'J ''h:,n . reside, to, nij . residue, -;r"i"> , "n"' m., '^xttJ m., n"i"isaJ f. (Ch. -isuj m.) resin, (an aromatic), r;::3 m. resist, to, n-r Hi., bbo Hithpo. c. a .. T T - T ^ : / resisting, power of, iTC^ipn f. resolves, "'jrjrn i)lu. constr. only, resort to, to, sc!e zs^ Hithp. .resound, to, --ttj Pil. respect of persons, ci:s iCli'O . to, 'e ^:a Nb: . to, in, bx , 3 , b . to, to have, -^zi Hi., bx n33 , nxn , n;;;ii I c. 3 . respected, ona, crs siiUJ , resi^ite, a, nmn f. respond, to, nir I. response, r,""" m., n^luSn f. to give, ri:~ I, ^iTt z"'ttin . rest (quiet), x:t m. (once), '^r'n ni., nnjn f., n-'j-o m., nr.iiris f., riJ-T? m., rirr.^13 f., nia m., phd f., see nbo , rz'ii If., 'j;r;in , ::~tt3 m. at, "baj . (day of), rS'jj com. from, to, ba-3. (Ch. bqa .) is given, rflj Ho. c. dat. (impers.) . permission of, nn:n f. place of, nn-j-a f., S"i:,-i^ m. T : - : - to, rrii H, D^n , bnn and b"!n , nrn , n^3 , n!i3 , r:.-i Ni. Hi., nriij , ::ui , -^z^ also -(ZttJ , Mjrtt: . rest, to be at, n: , nbtlj and ibiil . (Ch. - ' T T « T ^ nbui .) to cause to, r5"i Hi. to find, L*;?'JJ Hi. to give, nij Hi. to let, r!i: Hi., y-Q Ni. c. l'-^-> n^'iii Hi. to make, n3 "3 Hi. to take, -3tu , -(^iij also *,2a5 . to, to give, n^: Hi. upon, to, -:;o K. Ni. c. bs ,, ',?tfl Ni. c. b? . ' rest, (remnant), ^ni"' , ^r^ m., nria m., n-iri: f., -.xtu m., n-'-x'^J f. (Ch. -1.XIIJ .) resting, a, r\':xi m., nn^r'a f. resting-place, nr.i:^ f., yz") m. restlessness, t:.'"! m. restore, to, yzy Pi., n:2 , ''3 Hi., "Jiis Pilel., Dip Hi., rrj K. Pil. Hi., t:bt^ Pi. (Ch. dVuj Aph., rw Aph. w. Heb. form.) one's self, to, nsi? Hithpol. to life, to, iT'n Pi. Hi. to (one's) former state and pros- perity, to, 's n^nttj ""itin . restored, to be, r,cx Ni., rw K. c. b, Ho. restrain, to, tti::n Pi., nns Pi. w. 3 ., Kb3 , v:-o , -,5S , nrui Pi. Hi. TT' -T''-t' -T from, to, -11 ; Hi. one's self from, to, xbs Ni. w. "ja and inf. restrained, to be, Ni., 15£S NL ' - r - T from, to ])c, -S2 Ni. c. )-o . restraint, -iSsr-o m., -isS'a m. rests, (ledges), nir^r.'o . result, -i-iD m., n>"n f. retain, to, see '-■ss K. 3., nsttS Hi. retard, to, %-]x Pi , ""nx Hi. retract, to, "i^D Hi. retreats, see n-ir:-2 . retribution, b^-z^ m., nb!|*23 f., c|a5 m., D^ili ni., n^sbiij f., n^.^iTin f. return, nrrjj f., nr"'!!: I f., nE>ipn f., nrrrp f. and do, to, ^Vli w. another verb. RET 147 RIG return for, in, nil5x rnn . to, :r3 , -uti K. Hi. (Cli. 2!in Peal, Apli. AV. Hl'I). form.) to causa to, ~'Mi K. Pil. Hi. to let, x"2 Hi. to the doing, to, rTii ■\\dth another verb, returned, to be, b^'IJ K- c. h , Ho. returning, those, n;"'j I f. concr. Reuben, "p^xi . reveal, to, nb; K.Hi. (Ch. rtba , K^? .) one's self, to, ri"' Hitlip. c. bs . revealed, to be, r:^; Ni. revelation, Qi-^ns plu., 'ptr! m., ni'tn f., niTn f., 'p'-'.Tn m., cN3 ni., nn-:? f. ' revelations, cniiX . to, to announce, MTn tv. b. to, to declare, .-iTn w. h . revengeful man, a, cp:nr . revere, to, 'ej i;s xb: . reverence, nxT' f., x^i^ m. T : • T deserving, xm':. object of, xi'/a m. to, "^in w. 'd "^rs ., it-i^, -123 Hi. -T ■• : ^ -t' -t to, to da, n:s Pi. reverencing, xni w. pers. pron. for finite verb, revering, iin . reverse, the, T,sn or m, review, a, Tpfo m. to, nps , revile, to, r,n:i Pi., d1;3 Hi., V;p . reviling, n^x: f., nsx3 f., nVsp f. revilings, c-emtij only plu. revisit, to, n;r53 . revive, to, n^n K. Pi., Cl^n Hi., see also K., c^p Hi., ttJEa-i . reviving, (adj.), in . revoke, to, z^'ii Hi. revoked, to be, 2ilU , revolt, to, rrc c. 2 , nnnio . revolters, see c">-iD . reward, n;nx t, n"isiC"? f., zp_v m., ";:tt; m., see nn-jj, tJilU m. for good tidings, miit)3 f. of, in, npv , rp.r-b5 . reward, to, bxn w. b:> , ace, ;^la5 Hi., db'li Pi. w. 3 of pers. rewards, c^ibo'lJ . i-ib, a, yb'i m. (Ch. i>55) f.) rich, yjiTj , r^ , "'"'UJ:; , J?::'::, y«;u5 H. man, one, "r^v ni. the, I'm m. concr. to be, njs K. Ni., niUs , -,rs II Ni. to become, yr":! Pu., -iiliy Hi. to feign one's self, TJis Hitlip. to make, -luis Hi. riches, •,»;.-! m., yzin m. once f., l;in m., -jcn m., nv'-j f., n-jp^ 1, lizS m., nb m., n:p^ m. once f. (only of cattle), 033 m. (later Heb.), -^^s m., -111)3 m., niT^n? (Chetli), nnns f., S!Hl) II m. gathered, n"i~i5: . their, dircn only in plu. c. soft to get, b>in !1W. richest of people, us ^TiaJS . (part), the, mbn m. ricinus, the, see ■vp"'P . riddle, a, n-rn f. (Ch. nlTix.) to propose a, n^in joined w. rt-fn.. ride, to, r=^ w. bs of beast. to let, i2l Hi. rider, (horseman), d"i3 m., DnD 2dt., rS-i m. rider, (upper mill-stone), SD'n nbe,. riders, ^r'l m. coll. riding, a, nsDi f- right, (not left), 'p^i com. rarely m. (in gen. after other nouns), iji^i (Cheth), hand, ■j":3i com. rarely m. hand, to turn to the, "j-cx H Hi. hand, to use the, ',1:1 Hi. (side), yc'^ com. rarely m. to take the, to turn to the, '^12'^ Hi. right-handed, dirTDiTO plu. right, (not wrong), (adj.), -"ia , niri, ■,T33, -3 I, n=3, F^^:i. (adv.), z-q^n , -,3 I, p"':i2. (sub.), •p'n m., 31:3 m., niJii m., i;silJTa m., nnbs f., n^^bs f., pns m., np^ns f. (Ch. -(-^ m.) RIG 148 ROB right, according to, aS'l^'S^ . of, to wrest the, 's :;s"r'2 ^'Jn . one's self agiiin, to, -1:13 Ilithpol. to act, r"*::!!!. w. inf. c. b . to be, -lai"' , •,13 Ni., -luis c. ■'rs'b ., - T ' ' •• T .... 7 pTS , n'tu c. b of pers., ',rp Ni. to l)e in the, p-_)i . " to esteem as, Tij- Pi. - T to maintain one's, 's as'U^ n^i . to pronounce, pT.i Hi. to set, nzi Hi., -qi Pi. to show to be, nc^ Hi. without, UE'IJ^ Nb2 . brightness, -tt5"< ni., pn:£ m. righteou.s, -;;ri , "p-Ti-i , bTtUr . acts, r"ipn:!i . men, see in -2 9, c. to be, pna: . to make, pns Pi. Hi. to pronounce, pns Pi. • righteousness, -liui^is m., p*^ m., 'n'p''^t f. (Ch. -i^-n m.) righth% -iiji J see -,3 I. (Ch. S':i1~'iX .) rigor, r,-i3 m. rim, :in m., ip and lp m. ring, a, b-iba m., piin m., nn m., inn (Cheth), n?rq f., Dn m., h^z.v m. .ring-streaked, n'pr. linso, to, nv^lJ . .rinsed, to be, rpU) NL Pu. rip up, to, rp2 K. Pi. .ripe, to 1 e, btija or b'^a . • ' to become, cbn . ripen, to, bir2 or b©3 K. Hi., bpa H, i:;n (poet.) ripened, to be, bffl3 or bt^2. ripeness, see riin. ripped up, to be, rp2 Pu. rise, to rN3 (poet.), n-iT , xs"' , nbs , unp , nn . again, to, cip early, to, -di) Hi. up! nip. up, to, .S3C' ns"" Hithp. 1, at end., ■ "liis Ni., see XTO I Hi., xb; Hithp., nbs Ni., nas I, Dip K. Pil. Hithpal., tm K, Hithpal., tj-cl I Ni. (Ch. x'i5: Tthpa. c. bs ., cip , ni-i Pal. c. bs rise up against, to, cip K. c. br , bx 2 , -:rb , nrr.brb , Hithpal. c. b . up and go, to, G"p. U[) l)efore, to, :rp 0. ■'rs'c , nx~pb. up suddenly, to, Tsn . up to, io, d;i-' c. "irs": . rx~pb. up upon, to, uflp Hithpal. c. b . rises up against, one who, cr-pn m. rising, a, nn: m., rxr"? f., rx".:: f. (of the sun), x:i"!2 ni. up, a, c-p m.. T^-c'p f. rite, -iriDTs m., rn*:tti"a f. rites, to consecrate, sanctify, with sol- emn, uinp PI. rival, a, n~!£ f. to, n-Tj Tiph., --:: . river, a, bnx m. (only in Dan.), nx-i m. (Egyptian word), b2"' m., b2i^ m., ^n3 m., ",n: ni. (Ch. nn; m.) (large), c"^ ni. river-gates, ni^nm ""^rffl . rivers, the two, n — ^n; du. rivulet, sbs m. road, n-x com. (poet.) roam al)out, to, -bn and -b^ Pi. (poet.), see nrai II Hi. roar, to, nrn , see tn: , i53 I. 5xai , nx'r I Ni. roaring, a, T^^'n". f.. njx'ij f., prob. nvrn f. (Chetli.) noise, ■'Dn m. roast, (adj.), ^hl . to, see r;-in , see -I'ro , nb:: , nbr I. ' '-t' -r' TT' t't roasted, -ba . grain, "^bp m. rob, to, bTS I \v. ace. of ])eis. covertly, to, r2 - . of, to, :"3p c. dui)l. ace. one of liis heart, to, 2 " Pi robbed, b!i2ilj . robber, -bn^ , -bnr'2 , qn^ m., po^t for rjrn ©•'x . robbery, bra m. robe, "i;3 m., b-s-c ni. a wide, ""'irp m- KOB 149 ROY robust. •^TOp . to make, -'r~ . rock, a, ",-x com., 'jho m., -i!i:j m., n'a :ni. (Ch. -ivj m.) ■d sharp^ yd m. rocks, c'Z3 . rod, a, i:;r; m., n-ji-z m., b^^a m., ::rui and a::'!) m. ' a measuring, n:p5 ui., fully n:p (of a balance), nrp m. rods, D'prn . roe, ipx m., •'■Z'l m., n^q:i f. roe-buck, ipx m. roll, a, -b:,-o 1, nn:: f. (Ch. nbo .) along, to, hh:. Ni. around, to, T'.S . away, to, V-i Hi. away from, to, h\t w. bria . down, to, bbj^ Pilp., bsa III (once.) itself together, to, 7,:x Hithp. (once.) off, to, hiy., th:^ w. hv-q_ . one's self, to, 7,sn Hithp., see nibs I Hithp. one's self down, to, hh-^ Hithpalp. one's self up, to, -zp^ Pi. one's self upon, to, bba Hithpo. w. to, hh/. K. Hi. Pilp. together, to, tVs (once), see n~s Pi. up in, to, -i-^st w. a . rolled, to be, bba Ni. Poal. down, to be, bh-s HI (once.) together, to be, bhu Ni., see n;^D Pi. up, to be, r;rx Hithp. (once.) roller (for binding up a wound), b^'nn m. rolling, (adj.), h-'H . roof, ;j m., n-'ip m. to, . room, a, xn m. empty, irr m. root, ui-iiij m. (Ch. uj->'i: m.) 13* root out, to, rr: , nps , cJ"nai Pi. (Clt to, Ti'-itti Peel. to have taken, ttj-ili Poal. ; to take, iiinr Poel, Hi. rooted, to be, \D~\V Poal. up, a plant, -ipr m. concr. rooting out, a, (Ch. rj-'UJ f., i'i;-.ii) Keri.) roots, to strike, !ij-ia) Hi. rope, b;:n ra., -in;; m., na^D f., rtip.- or nip (Cheth.) (of reeds), "i^sx m. rotten, to be, rp"i . rottenness, p-q m., :p-i m., •prp'^ m. • rough, bin a (Cheth), -['sv . roughcast, rr^a m. round, V:,~ . about, n?3 and -i32 , ip"3 , n'i2t3"3, ^20'=, ="''P_f^. ="'rO"2, =^;0, s^'rD 3"':;o , b ^"'iio , n"':-2D c. suff., ri3"'2q , br . about, places, D*i''ZD , ni:"':© . . ' about, those, c^iro . about, to go, -30 . (loaf), see ^33 , see 5irp . pile, lin m., n-in-na f. T : to go, r^D Po., -iBffi n. to let go, Tpz Hi. round-cake, nyj f., b-i'sa , b^b:; (Keri.) rounded, b":i? . roundness, ^riD m. (once.) rouse, to, -i!i? I Pil. one's self, to, n.-s I Hi. Hithpal. up, to, -i!ir I Pil. Hi., c^p Hi. roused, to be, -.fl:? I Ni. rout, see nsrtlS . to, nrr K. Pi. Hi., -jriia Hi. rove, to, see "i?,-i Hi. rover, r^brro . row, (range), a, ^!i:: m., ns^""? f ., "5 m., n-n-j f., n-.-iiu f., -,n L to place in a, rr-r . r(*w, to, -irn . rowen, iljpb m. , rowers, ti^-^'ii . . royal, HDibia f. (in the genit), n^blj EUB 150 BUS '' L (in genit., later Ileb.), nrb^ia f, (in genit.). (Ch. izbia f. in genit.) •royal authority, dignity, XC3 m. rub, to, x^n (once.) in pieces, pnd . over, to, rn-2 (once), naJTO . rubbed small, to be, nh'z 1 Ni. (once.) rul>bing, a, "irffl m. (Cheth.) iubl)is]i, naiTSJ f., ■'3? m., -sr m. heap of, •'ria m., bn m. rubrica, nrd m. ruby, perh. Dnk, prob. n2~3 m. ruddy, cnx . to be, n"ix K. (once.) ruin, Tx m., tux com., n-in , r.''n f. (Cheth), no-";n f., "pb'.'-S m., nrTo m., ni2n-;-a plu., r'n m., nnrra f., nb'.u:^ f., rbc'c f., nxiiij?: f. always coupled Avith nxrii, izuJ and ir'J m., xiu; m., nNVi f., ns'ii f. cause of, cipiia m. one's self, to, yri Hithp*. ruins, c^oj-'ilix only plu., ta'^J , m'^-in , ni^-'Oi"^ , n"nD"'2 m. only jjlu., ^^-q ni., nl:^-2 and nbg-o f., n\H^t"'3 , nriTr f., "5 m., ■Q'"''j , -sinsi , -\v-v m., D"'o-'D-' , s'x'D f., nsrr f., m'^r© . to fall in, -r^ Ni. ■rule, b'rr^ m., nbiir^ f., h-iy m., -jif^s m., ijr and i;? m., :;r«J and arm m. over, to, bai^ w. 2 , rarely bs> i;b':j c. 2 (later Ileb.) to, -(inor "iTi once i^ri ^ ttj::n , bai'a , to:: , -i:jr c 2 ., nn-i c. 3 over., "^■^ ) ^"-^ > US'IJ. (Ch. yr] and *iin, ;:b':j c. 3 in, over.) to bear, mi c. 3 over, to let bear, (Ch. i;br Aph. c. 2 .■) ruler, p|rh (poet.), p;rri-2 , biii'iTs , a-boj . m., :;siu.'(Ch. •vjbtii , :2'b-JJ .) over, to make, (Cli. ubii) Aph. c 2 .) ■rulers, nbili^^o f. concr., cr.'.Q only plu, "pT-Q m. concr. ruminate, to, -in:; K. Ni. ■rumination, nij f. rumor, 13^ m., bSp m., rty^-Q^_ f., si^qJ m., STiiu m. run, to, r,bn and "b^jbi; (of liquids), nvo (once), -p^. K. Pil , x:n I, see in aru; , -xn . about, to, p;ri" K. Ilithpalp. after, to, r^-Ti K. Pi. (poet.) (as a sore), to, ::x^ , ppi: Ni. away from, to cause to, v!n Hi. w. down with, to, see n-i"' . on, to, XS" . out, to, see x;i^ , o. over, to, ::rr I Pil, Hithpal. over, to let, piia Hi. swiftly, to, TiwOi . through, to, n-"j , -jTi I Pil. HithpaL togetlier with tumult, to, (Ch. oJsn Haph. c. b:3 .) to, to, |'.n w. 2 . to and fro, to, ppto K. Ilithpalp. up, to cause to, ym Hi. up and dowai, to, ij^iij I K. PiL Hithpal., ppoj K. Hilhpalp. upon, to, yr\'\ w. bx , bSJ . wild, to, see -i^n . with (a fluid), to, iji-i. runner, "j'-i . a public, ^pbe m. everywhere join- ed w. 'n~3 . runners, the public, "^nba m. coll. w. the art. everywhere joined w. "Ti'S . running, a, ri-TS ni., rai-r I f. about, a, pria m. (as a .sore), b2^ . footmen, o^ai and vsi . ruptured, to be, sp3 Ni. rush, c^Q m. rush-cord, "irsx . rush, to, r,bn and r,bi , nSD (once), riNtD I Ni., Tjaoi , see B'CttJ . forth, to, n""J f. rust, nxbn f. rustic, a, if a m. village, riT^a f. rustling, hip m. rut, a, bjsa m. rut, to, en'' Pi. Ruth, n^"i . s sabbath, ^2c5 . T - a keeping of the, •p'naiu m. every, rzr^n Diia r3"rn m'la . rites, ■.inrtli m. ' T - to celebrate, the, n2aj . to keep the, n2tD . sabbath-year, see r2UJ . sabbatism, ■.■ir2lj . Sabeans, C;"'X2D , X^UJ . • T : ' T ; sackcloth, piu m. sacking, p'a m. sacred, ilinp , anything, Ui'np'a m. books, the, c'lrsn . ministry, mzSJ f. scribss, t3"'53:3"in only plu. (Ch. tbnn , ^r^'^pr, .) (something), ttiip m. song, ntsn f. to be, Ui-p and \Q^p , to hold, ttinp Pi. sacrifice, n\:"x m., wzl m., nr3T3 f., ■,2np m. (Ch. n2ti , nr:T3 .) family, nna'ii^ ri2T . festival, sn m. for fault, guilt, cffix m. of consacration, D-'X^^ plu. of dedication, nSiH f. (Ch. nssn f.) the daily, nirn* ellip. for nbiji Trnn . the yearly, ci'C'n r^l . to, n2i K. Pi., nhv Hi., nib^^ I. (Ch.V.^'n.) voluntary, nrl3 m. votive, -|-T3 and -in: m. sacrificial dishes, ni*p3'2 only plu. sad, n-n , ns2 (Keri), it?, ID-, nt5|5' nn , J"i . in mind, tt523 "'^SS? . to be, pj-t, 2X2 , d;y c. h for., Ssi." to make, 2X3 Hi., nxS Hi. saddle, to, d2n . sadness, rjttjn m., -i:a m., sS m. saffron, n"3'i2 m. ■'' meadow, seenb22n. -' safe, Dibffl , aVtt3 . to be, TTS , 2;i5 Ni., tbtd or dbt' .• '-t'-t "t -r to make, abttj Pi. safely, n::;^, naa . safety, ni-'IU)"' f., saj"' m. and SQi^ , n:;2i3 m. (Ch. rr^baj f.) to place in, rD'z Hi., t^lS Hi., XibH Hi., cn-i Pil. c. ",73 . sagacious, c=n . sagacity, njs'TO f. sailor, b2'n m. saints, see in -ja , 9, c, ti''U3lip . sake of, for the, 2 , ■i2'n hv , in2'n b? , l?7:b, n^2r2. ■ ■ ■ - ■■■ sale, ■^s-cTs m,, n^2r"a f. something for, -is-sia m. Salem, obii) . saliva, to emit, "isn w. ace. salix, nsiJE^ f. salt, nb73 I. (Ch. nb^: .) a land of, nnbia f . of lye, -I'a H m., n'i'i2 f. '• ■ to, nbia n. to eat, (Ch. nb^a .) vegetable, -13 II m , n">'ik f. salt-pit, nbi: rr^ra-. SAL 152 SCA salted, •(•■'■qn . to be, nbia II Pu. IIo. salute, to, 7,-2 Pi., c-iVa:? 'zh bxiij . salvation, nrnrn f. Bamaria, y-r "i" . (Cli. "I'-^r":: .) sambuca, (Cli. xrxp f. and strsb.) same, tlie, tpn , D"''7~x plu., x'n m., KTJ f. this, rx I. Bamson, •|rr::!iJ . Bamuel, bsfl"cr . sanctified, to be, iii-^p Ni. sanctify, to, r'lp Pi. Hi. one's self, to, ii"^p Hilhp. with solemn ntes, to, 'i""i~ Pi. sanctity, (ti-p ni. sanctuary, 'r~p^ m., lii'-ip , lli^'p m. tlie inner, n-'z'n m., D"'!lJT~n Uin'p. the outer, hz^r\ m. sand, hin m. sand-piper, perh. nE:x f. sandal, hv: 1 sandal-wood, red, see U'lJ -bx . sandals, to put on, bSD . sap, nitb m. full of, viJ'^ . sapphire, Ted ui. Sarah, n-b . sardonix, see oniu . Batan, see ht'ihz Note , yjriiri . sated, ni-i , tzb . V T ' - T to lie, rrtL' also vz'S . to be f nlly, n*i Pi. c. '^-q . with diink, to be, mi . satiate, to, ni-i Pi. Hi., sr© Pi. Hi. satiated, srriD . to be, -,11 'n Pu., ■szb also "szb . to become, srb also 5;-:; . satiety, srb m., s^b m., r.s::iu f., nyniu f. T ■ • satire, n:">;:'a f., n:"".*,: f. satisfied, vzb . to be, sbio Ni., nsi Ni., s:to also to be aV)undantly, ';C'n Pu. to become, I'Z'D also r-b. satisfy, to, n'!^r\ ii\-q , llJtS nH , tih^ Pi., njt-j K. Hi., srb Pi. Hi., n;itJ c. b of pers. satrap, -lOEU m. satraps, n"':s~i'niiir!x . (Ch. ■;-:DrryiJnx .) Saturn, see 'A^z , see r,br. satyrs, see in n-'rb . savage (men), c"<-"i3. save, (adv.), pn after a neg. (conj.), npli2. that, r^lT , once for -mjx r^^T . save, to, , sb" Hi., -^h-o Pi. Hi., bsD Hi. alive, to, toe: b"SM . by flight, to, Tr:; Hi. new, Nr-nr"ili"n. one's life, to, rrn Ili. saved, to be, sa;-; Ni., 1:^13 Ni. Hithp., b^'3 Ni. saviour, 55"'!lJ"i'a , savor, sweet, rn-j n-'i . savory dishes, c"^:2r:;^ and ria?:;"; m. f*od, Mis^n tnb . saw, n-5^ f., -li'va-s m. to, n!im II. sawed, to be, n*^; Poal. say, to, "irx , see bb's I Pi. (Ch. I'lX.) again and again, to, nw (once, Cheth.) to make, -^rx Hi. saying, a, ir":! m., x'jys m., CX3 m. memorable, "j-inrT m. jjointed, r::"'M; f. sententious, r,n"n f., bii'Ta I m. sharp, n;"yj; f. sayings, to utter sharp (or) pointed, scab, i-!5 m., riE^^ f-, nns^-a f., s:: prsn , pn: m., rrco f. scabl)ed, z^i ni. concr. scale, a, nttjpiup f. scaled off, see in rcn at end. scall, pr: m. one affected with the, p'T'lrf S;3 , p-.= - scanty, to be, n::"' only in fut. scape-goat, see 5tx'" . SCA 153 SEA Bcar, r:';;s f. scarcely, ^,^5 . scarcity, m m. scatter, to, -irx Pi., -j3 K. Pi., n^T K. ■ f i-' ^y, , P~\ , "1= 5 "'3 Hi., tti-j: , •I's: K. (onlypret. and inf. absol.), Pi., ^l"0 Pi., i^nsK. (only fut. imper. plu. an J part. pass, once). Hi., 173 K. (only part. IXISS. f.), Pi., j'ns , itJ-B Pi- (Cli. •ins Pa.) seed, to, S"^: . themselves, to, nVn . - T scattered, (anything), ::-;;q ra. concr. to b3, n^i Ni. Pu., r-T Ni. Pu., pni Pu., ISO Po., yiiE K. (fut. and imp.). Hi. (pret. and parti- ciple), uina Ni., Tj3 Hithp., itj~S Ni., see uj'-s Ni. as dust, to be, y^s Hithpal. to let be, ■j'ns Hi. scattering, a, see yz: , w^S m. scent, r*'"! ra. to, n!|-i Hi. sceptre, ppn*a , nii-c m., ::iaj and :;iaj m., Lj-i^iffl 111. (later Heb.) sceptre-bearer, u"':: Tir'n. scholar, ~i"''crn m. scoff, to, 'S'Jr Pilp. at, to, c'^p Pi. Hithp. c. 3 . scoffer, yh . scoffing, ;rb m. scope, n-i:2-3 f. also Kola's . scorch, to, cii'IJ , rvj . scorched, nbps . to be, inn Ni., nts Ni., -irs I Ni., r^-/Ni. scorching, (adj.), -^::, (sub.), nix com. scoria, j-q (Cheth.) scorisF, v-ix com., 5-0 m. (Keri.) scorn, r.Q-in f., yjh m., "j-^ib m., p*n:s m., cbp m., p'niD m., mpiTJ plu. (Keri),' r-pq-iu (Cheth.) to, Cjin K. c. ace, Pi. c. ace. 3 , ^ ., ol:;? Pi. Hithp. c. 3 . to laugh at in, pniD K. w. b , Hi. c. br . scomer, yh . scorners, Q"'::3'ib for ti'^SS'ib'a . scorpion, i-^p'j m. scour, to, p-na . • - T scoured, to be, p-^is Pu. scourge, 3-jp? m., ai© m., ijii-ij m., u-tti m. (Cheth.) scout, a, ht^-c . scrape away, to, t~'o , nsp Hi. off, to, 3.•■^^, !T.ip^ Hi., jjij? Hi. one's self, to, "i-a Hithp. together, to, nsa Hi. scraped together, to be, hed Ni. scrawl, to, see n"n I Pi. scream, to, nrs . scribe. -ED. (Ch. -,eo m.) a military, isb . scribes, sacred, ciz'^'.n only plu. (Ch. rb-in , ■j-'jaii-in.) scrip, ::'pb;; m., "ibps m. scriptures, the, di^e&h . sculpture, rabp^ f., nW3 m. to, nrs Pi. sculptured, to be, ri^n Pu. work, n"'"^vs . scurf, 3->5 m., nEi"" f., n~EO^ f., rriED f.' white, •^Ti'Zi m. scurvy, a~3 lu. sea, d"' m., ninn com. (poet.), (Ch. sea-coast, ix I. sea-eagle, see o~ Q . sea-gull, see qnni . sea-mew, see rjnaj . sea-monster, "n"^'? , ~n"i m. (poet.), ■,-:ri m. sea-purslain, ry^i.'q m. sea-weed, 7,10 m. Seah, (measure), nso f. seal, (animal), see in (linn . seal-skin, uinn ^"1" . seal, (signet), dnin m., ITcrn f., rc?:? f. to, Drn . (Cli. dnn .) up, to, cnn . (Ch. nnn .) seaman, rh'd m. search, a, -i!ini m. SEA 154 SEE search after, to, -inx tti'-'n , ttJsn . (Ch. -- -r' -T for, to, (lira Pi., ttJ-i'n . '- T - T into, to, nips 3 Pi. "o". b . out, to, nsia (once), -i-^2 , n-i Pi., "isn I, iUEn Pi., i;rn K. Pi., •,!tn c. ace. of thing., b of pei-s. through, to, ban Pi. to, -i-3 Pi. w. b , b — "pa ., iDsn Pi., npn K. Pi., n-;^ II, b;-; Pi! (Ch. --3 Pa.) searched, to be, r,V2 Ni. out, to be, irsn Ni. Pu. searching out, a, -^pn , nnr"' m. season, ";sx m., •^•c^ m. (later Heb.), rs usually f. (Ch. "jrT and -^-zt m.) an ajipointed, nr^-ii; m. proper, rv usually f. season, to, nb": II, rpi K. Hi. seasonably, to do, br© Hi. (before an- other verb.) seasoned, y-zr, . to be, np-i Pu. sea.soning, a, nnpTO f. seat, NS3 m., nr-r m., aSi'a m., rri: m, (only poet.), ,-,•: f., nriij 11 f., ttj^isj m. elevated, xsa m. low, ti";:3s du. seat, to, aaJ" Hi. one's .self, to, atU'^ . seated, to be, 3U3"' . down, to be, nc Ni. seats, riss only plu. constr. (poet.) second, *rN ^ ^rq . birth, see ■'rto . brother, nrr'n m. order, place, i-ank, n^ii-o m. story, cells, chambers of the, d"''':id . the, nMi'>: m., •>:uj m. (Ch. ■|-'3n .) time, a, n^:!ij 1, ti-nffl f., nirrn . secondary, i:ilj . secrecy, ~,no m. secret, n~PD'0 f., ti^T-bs . a, "ijsn m., mo m., nno m., rn:bs)n f. (Ch. in m.) arts, D'^ab . secret, in, Tr&3 . to keep, DTD . secretary, (Ch. -ieo m.) king's, Tibi^n "isb. secretly, tlj-;n , -irc Ni. (followed by another verl)), ~irS3 . to do, xsn Pi. to take, a:a . secrets, ri^nc: . (Ch. xr'^p.O'a .) section, "ina m. secure, ibuj , DirUJ . •• T ' T to, cfl3 Hi. to be, r:;3 I, ip , nbttj and ibttj , nb;r or cb'ij. (Ch. nb© .) to make, n:;3 I Hi., Tp c. b., cbd Pi. ' securely, n::3b ^ p;;:3 . security, n:"rx f., n:;2 ni., nnaa plu., rziz'z m., nz'^v f., ^bo) m., ib'i; m. (once c. suff.), n^b'lj f. (Ch. n;b'iJ f-) careless, n"ba f. for, to give, 3"j" I c. b , 13 sb . in, n::3b, r::3 , sedan, ^i-'-iax m. (once), 3:f m. sedge, !inx (Egyptian word), r^o m. seduce, to, ni"J Hi., ni: I Hi., n"i3 Hi., 's zh rr^r\ , s'dJ: I Hi., nno Hi., nrjQ Pi., n:u3 Hi., r-nij Pil. to fornicati(m, to, n:T Hi. to vanity, to, brn Hi. seduced, easily enticed and, ■'na m. concr. to be, nn3 Ni. to let one's self be, nrs K. Ni. c. T T b'J to. seductions, cT'tj^ . -see ! (Ch. iibx .) see, to, ";i3 c. ace. 3 , b ., mn (mostly poet), rn-i , nxi . (Ch. n'^n and sjn .) after, to, rn'^ . and learn from, to, nx"i w. ')'a of pers. to go to, -ips , nxn . to let, nxn Hi. to make one, nxi Hi. SEE 155 SEP see to, to, nsn. seed, yj . (Ch. S'-.f .) to bear, to conceive, S-t Hi. to scatter, jj-.t . seed-time, s-f . seeing, (adj.), n;?3 , nsn , nxH , (sub.), r!iX-i f. . (Keri), n-^s-i f. (Cheth.) seek, to, nra , ffl;r2 Pi., lii-"n c. ace. h ,, iusn K. Pi.. xs"3 , -iruJ I K. (once .7-T TT' -T ^ part.). Pi. (poet.). (Cli. NJ-"3.) after, to, Nti'O . carefully, to, inui I Pi. (poet.) fi'om (any one), to, uin-n . occasion against, to, n:i< II Hithp. c. b . out for one's self, to, Uip3 Pi. w. ib . to do (anything), to, ttjpa Pi. w. inf. c. h . seen, to be, nxi Ni. Pu. T T to let one's self be, nxl Ni. seer, n"n m. (silver age), nn'- . seethe, to, btua Pi., nit or tit Hi. seethed, (something), n^Tj . to be, b!lJ3 or bxa K. Pu. Seir, -|iriu . seize, to, ins constr. often with 3 ., pm Hi. c. 3 , b , b^ , poet. c. ace, •^n , nrn (once of a pere., else-where always of taking up lire, coals), qnn , ttj^i also CT , n=b , (Dsn, -T -t' - T ' -T as prey, to, 7T2 . suddenly, to, pS3 Pi. upon, to, bir. I, It'll Hi., npb . selah, nbq . select, "ins , x^^ft . to, b"i3 Hi., "ina c. ace, more frequently w. 3 ., n~G , fiin , iiz'i I w. bx . selected, -ii-^3 , "'^x^ . to be, b-]3 Ni., -ir3 Pu. (once Cheth.) self, rx I, b";2 m., xm m. and X"'n f. (after a noun), zh m., S3b m,, ©33 (w. suffs.), tisr f. (w. gen., but only of things), U'':q plu. self-avenger, a, cp:n^ . self-same, v^-j f. (w. gen., but only ol tilings.) self-sown, the, n'SD m. sell, to, -.z-Q , ir: . n:p Hi. one's self, to, -iq«2 Ni. Hithp. semen virile, S'jT . seminis fluxus, nrTT f- senate, see npnb . senators, Qirp; , send, to, r\hv Hi., n-j; Pi., nbttj K. PL (Ch. n'ro; .) away, to, nbtu K. Pi. down, to, 1-1 Hi. forth, to, XX"! Hi., nbaj K, Pi. on his way, to, nb'ij Pi. one with (or) for, to, nbaj c. dupL ace. out, to, hyj Hi., nbaj . to, to, nb'^. ' upon, to, nbffl Pi. Hi. c. 3 . with commands, to, n"S Pi. sending, a, nbJ'u m., n~br-2 f. away, a, nrib-jjia f., n-'nb'lj plu. forth, a, nb'ri2 m. (only in constr.) seniority, n^ir3 f. Sennacherib, 3"'"ir::a . sennight, a, j'iizaj m. senseless, to sink down, wi~\ Ni. sent away, to be, n's J . one, 7)XbT3 m. to be, nbaj Pu. sentence, -ir'ri m., bffl-a I ni. (Ch. n-n f.) (judicial), --tt m., asui'O m.,ti5r2 m. (later Heb.) upon, to pronounce, a3il5T2 "ia':i nx . sententious saying, m^n f., boj-a I m. separate, to, bT3 Hi. constr., ')^q!i — -,13 , 73b — "i-is, b — 73., 1-3, n:n 11, x:i- Hi , see -icri , -.T3 Hi , zi' , ■ pr.i Hi. c. b for., nbs Hi., tie . (and) remove, to, -1-13 . from, to, b"i3 Hi. w. "jTa . one's self, to, ti3 I, bis Ni. w. ■i^., see -,0'3, ITS Ni.. n-iQ Ni. Hithp. SEP 156 SET separate out, to, b"2 Ili. w. '("S , ^^'O . separated, ts'2 . out, to be, prs llo. Ni. to be, bna Ni., ^t:, Ni., n; Ni.. n:n IT, see -,0-3 , nba Ni. c. -,•: ., i-ia Ni. separately, t~5 , ^^3 . separating liiniself, (one), Ti25 . separation, t;2 ni., r!in^"i3 f. separations, mVn--; _ sepulchral mound, rrss (rarely.) seT)ulc]u-e, -■12 I m , r'a m., nn-irft f., T * : ■\r~ 111., sometimss rn'ii f. in tliL", ^rv 37 , "rrs . sepulture, n-n:p f. Seraphim, Seraplis, c-s"iiD . serene wind, ns r-n . serenity, see "^-3 . serpent, -ir-ib , uirj m. ' T r : • ' T r a great, ti-jr> sing. (a species of), "ib^^'lJ lu. venomous, r-'J . seqjents, huge, see in -p . servant, -ii"3 I m., n~Si3 f., -iz'S m. (Ch. :nz^) " home-ljorn, rri ~i'h' . servants, r.'n'i' f. con or., c? m serve, to, -\-v K. Ho., ^tzh -ir:v , :^? Hi., n-iUi Pi. (Ch. nbs w. ace. and as (or) for, to, h rrn . Baal, to, brrb m2-.i: . God, to, s"!"" . in the temple, to, x"2 . to b3 mada to, nar Ho. to make, 2 "i2v . sei-vice, nisis^ f., m'ry 1, n'n-? f., n^ttJ m. (Ch. "in'-s m.) hard, X23 m. (later •writers.) upon, to impos3, 2 "I22 . sei', C"5^ ^"ij . sei-vile laljor, work, -tz'J nhs . servitude, r^T25 f. to reduce to, n-r Hi. session, 2'ij"i"3 m. set, to, N"2 K. Hi. (of sun), br-i (w. ace. of boundary), -r:i (def. and rare), no- K. Pi., 5-41 Hi., rttS"" Pi. Hi., -(iir Pil. Hi., r.^2 Hi., zsj/ffi., ■~^ , ''^^ I R^-i ti''P Hi., r:-i , tori) and c-ia , r.tuJ Pi., r"!-' , nttti , rr'i. .7 XT • ' ■ T ' • T (Ch. zn- , Vtv (of the sun), nin ■ a-z-, , LW , n-aj Pa.) set as, to, Qflb and D"'iu , r/^uj . aside, to, ro: Hi. bounds around, to, bz". Hi. down, to, ni3 Hi. fast to, -,rrx Pi., "iO"' Pi. f •■ T - T fire to, to, -irz mostly w. 2 ., "ira 2 iijx , 2 irx """^rn, r"'an 2 tt;x . forth an edict, to, (Ch. zS'^ CV::.) free, to, nbi Pi., bbn Hi., nnj Hi., m2 w. ■(•2 ., nbffl and "ibu) , nbr Pi.' free, to be, ttjsn Pu., nrs Ni. in array, to, sse cTi? Hi., n'U; . in order, to, — ir , ~~r , rrij and in order, to be, "jiz Ho. off, to, D!ip . on (a table), that Avhich is, rnj 1. concr. on fire, to, rip K. Conly in fut.), c. 2 , Hi., np"; , :;n-3 I Pi., pitjj Hi., ri:i Hi.^once).' (Ch. n--; .) on fire, to I)e, ~vz . one's SL'lf, to, 2"4i Hithp., nrS T Hi., =np. ' one's self down, to, n:n , n^: . out, to, pa-' Hi., nbtu Pi, over, (one), z"SZ m. over, to, .-;:•; Pi. w. br ., ipc K. Hi. w. ace. of pers. and ^v of thing., n*S Pi. w. ace. of i)ers. and b?., T T ~ ' tt;x~2 ti'iU, r"0 w. ace of peis. and zv . (Ch. QJip Aph. c. b» ., nr::.) ' right, to, -MS Hi. the face against, to, 2 D*:s •,^:. the heart on, to, (Ch. b :2 n^itJ.) the heart upon, to, b r's nri) , rfttS bN 2b , bx ttir: sr:. to be, -tt"^ Ho., zi'" , 2"^: ^ i. Ho., SET 157 SUA 1~S I K. Ho., sec r^n 2, at end., - T ' tiiiu Ho. (once Kerl), yz^^ Pw- set to, to, LVi) iincl s-'b . up, to, ;:£-. Hi., y3 Hi., s::: , :s: Hi., -i-_v I Hi., dp Hi., cin Hi., nnb and D-a , i:'^ Pi- Hi., "jzn Pi. (Ch. c-p Pii. Apli.) up again, to, nir Pilel., ci^p Hi. up fimily, to, -sis Pil. up, to 1)3, ■|!13 Ni. upon, (assail), to, nnn Po. (once.) upright, to, -pa Pil. ■with to, np3 w. nx . Seth, rt HI. setting (of gems), nx^^ f., D"iira), tlic hollow, nrp m. shag, (of woolen cloth), perh. -s-j m. shaggy, -i'Sb . shake, to, bn2 Ni., see n^-o H, la-^ Ni., yr^-o, niJ Hi., r^i: Hi, t^m Hi., -yj n, bbp Pilp., "-1 Hi., nyn Hi. iii- trans., uiSJi Hi., seeu'cr. at, to, CfV Hi. c. ace. off, to, D'an , "Ji II, -n: Hi. (Ch. - T ' - T • T nrj Aph.) one's self, to, mi] Hithpal. one's self out, to, -i25; II Ni. out, to, hv (once), Vdi , -ir3 II K. Pi. to cause to, ns)-2 Hi. to make, nns Hi. to make to, see nrr IT. violently, to, n-s I Pilp. shaken, to be, rpa Ni., fJS. K. Pu. Hithp., bbT Ni., zi-2 Ni., -i^i: , ~!i3 Ni., ^bs Hithp., b';p^ Hithpalp., rm Polal., tti^T Ni. out, TS-; . shaking, a, Tijis m., ©r-i m., see ns'iin at end. T of the head, a, ttixi n-;-3 . off, a, apb. shame, n'ria f., ~:'j:3 f., vTz f., na-in f., nabs f., n^^sb? 1, r^ba: f., n'-:V f., •ibp-'p m., "libp m., see inf. of bbp , see na^'c' , parts of, nn':2: f. to, Hi '2 Hi., ttJr- Hi., dVa Hi. to be affected with, nbs Ni. to be clothed with, r.'r2 ttSib , n^sbs (li^b, ruJ2 ri::s , to be put to, irn II K. Hi., ^Z^ Hi., cbs Ho. Ni.' to bring to, ttjia Hi., -eh II Hi. SHA 158 sm shame, to come to, ieh II Hi. to feel, uj-i2 , li ji Hi., dVs Ni. to put to, uiiS Hi., bbn Poel., d:3 Hi. to put to fear and, nrn Hi. shameful, tti-'^'o . deed, nV-: f. things, to do, d"i3 Hi. to make, 2:'n Pi. vomit, "iibp-p m. shamefully, to act, ^D'ia Hi., nsn H Hi., ai::-! Hi. ■■ T shank, rp'i f. ■' - T shape, rsi'C'n f., "i!i2 m. (Keri), -i"^s H m. (Cheth). r-^p m., nrfirn f. a godlike, r;"'n'^N . to, p\n Hi., ',vs I only in fut. shaped, to be curiously, cp~i Pu. to be elaborately, cf^'i Pu. share, pbn m. to, see pbn . sharp, nn I, -ii^n , t)u^"a , f^:;S?a f. (once), see in anuj , 2., '^^yii . to be, inn, }'t)n, ynn (once), D--a Pu. to make bright and, •^'la K. Hi. sharpen, to, mn Hi., d'S's , lj^ts . b^^ Pilp., ):t . in, to, "jMJ Pi. (the tongus), to, y-n (only in pro- verbial ])hrase.) sharpened, d-^'S , see in linilS , 2., to be. Tin K. Ho., ::"i'3 Pu. sharpness, perh. tur^n . shatter, to, -j's-i . shave, to, t]5 , nVa Pi., nso , nr? Hi. c. 3r . off, to, pibr. Pi., S"^5 . off from one's self, to, nhi. Hithp. one's self, to, nbs. Pi. (once), Hithp. sh'', s^n f. (oft.'u imply, the subs. verb). (Ch. s"n f. often imply, the subs, verl).) sheaf, n^a-JX f., -i"ir5> m., "i^i." m. see sh^ar, to, ttj . qod (once), saip . shearing, f". m. she-ass, a, vrx f. ' T slieatli, "j-i: I m., -rn H m. (Ch. njlj m.) sheaves, a heap of, aj-fold, n-s3 f., nbro H f. sheep-folds, "jxi: riiT; . sheep-owner, a, "ip'i. she-goat, ts' f., nT'rb f. (Ch. ts> f.) a -wild, perh. nb'X f., nVs^ f. shekel, bpb m. half a, t'pz m. (spec.) shekels, a hundred, n:"3 m. she-kid, n^n; f. shell-flsh, rbzn f. shelter, ncna , ncn^s m., ^n*] ni., na^l m., bir m. to, to take, non . Shem, cb . she-mule, nt^^a f. Sheol, bib r"?3 m., bixtt) com. shepherd, i|5l3, ip.b , "(XS H'^S , TO', of a, •< Hi., -,';x K. Hi., h^ii K. Hi., nn: Hi., n:.: , n'>i3>, 'i'])^ . forth, to, ftl Hi. forth, to cause to, jba Hi. to causs to, Hi., ys'^ Hi., bns Hi. upon, to, :*si Hi. sliining, a, nrb f. (adj.), n-n2 . ship, n*3i< f., nr-'EO f., ^iJ H m. shipman, a, bzn ni. ship-men, m'^rx "'©'X . ships, n-i'rix f. plu. (Cheth), ijx com. shirt, -|-iTO m. shiver, (break in pieces), to, n^'lS Pi. shiver, (shudder), to, -iSin "w. hs of cause, shock (of grain), tlj-'^a m. shod, ■xb . shoe, a, br? f., "i'ixc m. to put off one's, b;'o ibr? "j'^n ib:-i . to put on one's, "ib^iia ibsij c"to . to, bra K. Hi., -xo . shoe-latchet, b"*"-;i-iit: . from a thread to a, "Tjiniu nri ::^rn; shoes, a pair of, D'^bss f. du. shoot, a, •,2 m. (poet), mi-aT f., s^t , -iLiri m., n:3 f., n^r m., bisT: m., *is; m., Vi'C'j. m. only coll. (but see 2, at end), nb'i: m., aj-iir m., jsTitJ m. degenerate, -iiio m. young and pendulous, 12a com. shoot, to, n-i" K. Hi., see ::3"i , 2., nr^ , nbtlj Pi. forth, to, see n?32 . up, to, r.hv . ^ T T shoots, Ci"'^lbT only plu., cainto , ninboj . the first, N'i"^ m. (worthless), nirES only plu. shore, qin m., nsb f. shorn, w.p-a . shorn wool, ta m. short, "laip . to be, '-I'S'Ti . ■• ' T short-handed, t> nsSi . T ■ ' : shorten, to, ^^jp Pi. Hi. - ' T shortened, to be, ->sp . shortly, 'j'J^^ , nr? (poet.), ain;3T3 . shortness of spirit, rrn "i!?'p. shot through, to be, n-i"' Ni. shoulder, lyiiT f. rarely m., fjns f., cra3 m. (in animals), p"ill3 f. shoulder-blades, cs'lj m. only sing, shoulder-piecss, nrns , shoulders, tii'ij m. only sing. (of an axle), rrsrs . shout, a, n::-i f., v'n I m. for battle, a, nr^iin f. of joy, -iri m., "ii"'n m., iif-) f. shout, to, bb-< Hi. (once), bip sit)3, njS I, bn^ , nyj , n-:;s Hi., r^n Hi. c. aloud, to, b-ip ti"'-;n w. n^'i^na . aloud one's praise, to, -]]-! Pi. for, to, bn-jj c. 3 , for joy, to, y^n Hi. c. hv over, against, Hithpal., -p Pi. Hi. one's praise, to, ■;:-) w. ace. shouting, r'n'q , nn*s f., -p m., ',2n , see nsi-ipi , nixrn plu. shouts, ni'xiiip . of deliverance, icbs""**"* . of joy, n:*!i-in f. shoved, to be, nriT Ni. shovel, y m. winnowing, trifo m., rirj"! f. show, to, 'B "TX nbs, n'n Pi. (poet), S'T^ Pi. Po. Hi.,' nil Hi., -ir.3 Hi., - T TT - - 'r.\ , ~5<"5 Ili- (Cli- !^;n Pa. Ap.i., yn'i Aph.) (good or evil), to, boa w. 2 ace, of pers. and of thing, mercy, to, c"'^nn cib. (Ch. "Jn.) one's self, to, b n'n , nx"" Ki. T T ^ T T the way, to, "iin Hi. show, to make a, bbn . - T shower, a, tii2"'3-i i)lu. SHO 160 SIG shower, heavy, C(l5j m. violent, r,"!-! m., n''"7 m., d": m. showers, n^~rriu . slirewd, tarr , ci~r . shrew-mouse, see np;s . shriek, a, np:s f. to, p:x K. Ni. shrink, to, nr- Pi. away, to, isn Ni. together for fear, to, r;,-i . shrub, n'b II ni. shrubs, r.^'-c II ni. coll. shrunk, ^ribp . shudder, to, -;t:d , ~r(D w. Vs of cause. at, to, nriu w. ace. shuddering, a, nr""] f., ii"b m. shut, to, Tnx , ti'JX K. Hi., -lax (once), r^a Hi., -:.D, nav , -.-jp^ II, y^.Tl, see cruj. (Ch. n:D .) fast, to, crs . one's self up, to, ^,:c Ni., "j^r only in Ni. out., to, b^3 Hi. w. "jtp , ^"■>: . out from the presence of, la"' w. "'.-^"2 • out, to be, bna Ni. up, -i:jx , N^s . up, to, TPx Pi., ttirn K. Pi., urn Pi. Hi. (once), sbs , -):d Hi., bro , -ar Pi. c. -^rEb ., d-:r , dsr Pi., ^.li'J , n^S . up one's way, to, -^lai . up, to be, Kbs K. Ni., i;o Ni. Pu., ^:o I Ni. up. to let, "iro Hi. up, to i-emain, •^:.v only in Ni. shutting up, a, xbs m., -i"i;D m. s]iuttle, a weaver's, jnx m. f-ick, n-Ti . (at heart), n*'n , •'^'![ . the, see xV^np . to be, nhn (once), nbn K. Ni., ttjii: (once of the mind), dd; I. to be made, nbn Ni. to be veiy, ui:s Ni. to fall, nbn Hithp., bs5 . to feign one's self, nbn Hithp. sick, to make, nbn Pi. Hi. to make one's self, nbn Hi. Hithp. unto death, to be, r:"b ribn , sick-house, n"ttJTr.n n"3 . sickening, (anything), ^■':\ m. sickle, !i:'C"',n m., br"2 m. sickness, ^ii m., ■'bn m., r.'i'o m., sicknesses, c"'Nbr:n only plu. side, a, b-^s* m., b::N m., ni f., -— . f., nr-"; f., z^r's f., see -p :;ri , nxs f., no m., n:j m., rbs m,, ---"i II m., rnn f. (Ch. -:: m., -i::"j m., or rather -ii:'!" .) at the, n-b , n^ nra , n^ bx , b? "T ) ■'']■' '? • by the, n-b, Ti nra , t;: bx , b? Ti , •i-ti br , from the other, n-r'a , b "^zvc . of, at the, b^x , 's b:ix-a , n.vsb, of, by the, b br"3 , n2?3 . of, on the. iD-b? . (Ch. -iS"2 .) on every, "■'rS'O , i^'^rr"b::'2 . on the, n-b , T^ n:'2 , ti bx , b^' n^ , ^y b? . on the other, b ~zS"; . on this side — on that, p-f: nrSP'O •inx i^rb . the opposite, other, "zv m. upon the, with the, n:;a . side-borders, niT^ . side-chamber, ybs m. side-chambers, a range of, sibs m. coll. side-story, rbs m. coll. siege, crb, m'^io I m. sieve, n-ir3 f., he: f. sift, to, n-j Pi., ?': Hi., ?i'3 Hi. sifted, to be, ^sj Ni. sigh, a. nn:x f. to, n:x I, n:s Ni., see r;-:n , n:^ Ilitlip. sighing, a, nn:x f., n'3x f , r^'^T} m. the, cTirro . sight, r.n^-q m., r'xn f. (Kcri), is^. m., n-.xn f. (Cheth).' (Ch. riTn .) SIG 161 snr sight, in his, ■'JSTX , ''JS^ . in my, •'-I'^^a . of, in the, 135 , ■';sb , "'SQ"^? . to, to s:\ve, restore, ^'^:•^y pire . sign, a, nix r com., neiia m., rxb'o f., o: m., nii m., m m. (Ch. nx com.) an appointed, nri^o m. sign, to, niN III Hithp, (Ch. DUi'n .) signal, nsi^Ts m., rXttJ^ f., DJ m., T a lofty, d: m. signal-horn, ">3i'n 'j"lj5 . signal-pole, -pn m. signal-trumpet, isii'n "isittS , "iSitt5 signature, tn m. signet, rrcnh f. signet-ring, cn"in m., nsaa f. (Ch. silence ! on . silence, cbx m., ni2!i*i f., n'sTasi'n f., um'^, maii'^ f. from, to turn away in, niMn w. ^^ . land of, nrii f. to, t3i2^ Po., nttJn HI - T T T to bear in, ni3 w. b . to keep, nhn. Ni., ffinn K. Hi., niiin Hi., nso Hi. (once.) to put to, ujnn Hi. silent, iT's^n f., "'UJ"'in . to be, nbx Ni., n^'n H, o^a'n , ttjnn Hi., rmJn , ni: . to make, cc^ Hi. silently, n^TS^i'n , c^-'n, on, ttJin . silex, aJiiDfen m. silk, see iiii'a . a garment of, see "^aSa . stuff, pilJTi'n . sill, -ins^ m., rjD m. Siloam, nbilj . silver, r|03 m. (Ch. qos m.) current, "inbb ";zi? "03 . pieces of, qos m. in plu. Simeon, ■jiyrttj . similar, to be, ncn I c. b , bx . (Ch. n-CTi •) to become, n?3'^ I c. b , bs . T T : ^ r 14* similar to, to be, bui^ Ni. c. bx , 3 , br . similitude, buJ-a I m., buiia ra. similitudes, to use, nr^ I Pi. simple, nnb, ■^nsm. concr.,' ni'nQ i concr., Dn (only moral sense.) (anything), see nn^bn . simplicity, see ri^in , "ips m., ni''r3 f., see zh, 3. sin, xan m., nn'^n f., nxan f., nxtsn f., by-q I m., -ps m., siffls m., nsi f., nbnn f. (once). (Ch. lan m., •,'sns only plu.) cause, occasion of, nxan f. to, x:2n , n's' w. hs of pers., soJa c. bs against., jjtli , nbttS and V^tl5. (Ch. nbd.) to cause to be accused of, xan Hi, T T to lead into, xun Hi. sin-offering, nxwn f., nx::n f., rxan f., rtiJs m. (Ch. n-an f.) to offer as a, xan Pi. T r Sinai, "':"'0 , since, txt3 , TX "iTa , ex (rarely), nifiXTa , 1 (before adversative clauses), tji'^o , ^3 I, -jr (before infin.). (Ch. "^ , -bs that, (Ch 'i^nx )-q .) sincere, pass. part, of 7\']1t . sincerity, nrx f., na"^ m., a^naJ^a only plu., ns; I m. sinew, n^a m., liu m. sinfulness, rarely rxati f. sing, to, ^n-n Pi., r^yn I (poet.), -irt 11 Pi. w. dat. of pers. to or in honor of., X23 Hithp., n:s I K. Pi., bns , n^ii) , TT * T T - ,. 7 - . 7 -i-iiti rarely -inuj (Cheth) K. Pil., 5^ia Hi. before, to, -ii© rarely -niaS (Cheth) w. b , bs . concerning, to, ^"'ilS rarely -isioS (Cheth.) of, to, njs I w. b ., n-'to c ace. 3 ., ' T T : ^ - • : ' -i^ltS rarely -isiaj (Cheth) w. 3. sacred songs, to, X33 Ni. unto, to, THIS rarely liittS (Cheth) w. b. SIN 162 SLA singed, to be, (Ch. r^-^n Ithpa.) singer, a, -ittJ , inc^ . (Ch. -iST m.) singers, female, ni"!© , rini'iJTS , singing, a, s"*a"3 m., ■<"'(B m. singing-women, niitti , m~iii;73 . singular, in's'S . sink, a, nx-ini3 f. (Clieth.) sink, to, y^u K. Pu., y;r;aj Hi. down, to, ns-, I, ni'iJ , nniiJ, down senseless, to, cl"i Ni. down stupefied, to, c^-^ Ni. together, to, o'lp . sinner, s-jn m., nxiijn f. sins, hidden, m-ipip: . sip up, to, see ybs . sister, rrinx f. sister-in-law, rrai f. sistrum, see c^i"3r5?2 . sit, to, rttj'; , n;: . (Ch. in'' .) down, to, tiibs , air-i , (Ch. nn';',) down together, to, np"' Ni. enthroned, to, auJ^ . still, to, ruji , up, to, sili"! . site, -uina m, sitting, a, adia m.. nntd II f. still, a, rn-I) II f. situation, rtliiio m. Sivan, (month), "]"!•& m. six, cjjj I w. f., rniroi w. m. (Ch. nir and rT'tt) .) parts, to divide into, niild Pi. sixteen, sixteenth, n-nrT ttScJ w. f., n\!i\U nil5S w. m. sixth, iiriJi . a, rr^'^d f. part, the, n"'\i;il5 f. sixty, D-iirt; . (Ch. -pnaS .) skeptic, a, C]55Ta . skies, the, D"'T3'15 m. plu. skiff, lb 3 m. skilful, c:n , V"^'^, i^rS c. inf. to judge, nzn (adj.) skill, nra f., n-EDH f., nran f. (Ch. rrs f., rraqn .) work of, nztlinia and nattSriTa f. skilled, dsn , s>n^, n-^nia . in, to be, -pa c. a , ace. (one), an m. skim off, to, rion . skin, nttja m. (once), nba m., ^lis m. (of a grape), ;t m. skip, to, Y^"^, "in!"^ • skii'mish, to, pniu Pi. skirt, r;3 f., bailj m., see bltl). 'T T skull, nbhbj f. sky, pnir m. (poet.) rarely in sing., oftener plu. O'pnilJ . sky-dividers, (astrologers), QTcttS ^nah (Ken.) slack, nsn . hand, to labor Avith a, aa niDS ■ - T T to be, h\i:\ , S!1S , ns-J I K. Ni. to show one's self, nri I Hithp. slack-handed, ns"! w. cni added, slacken, to, he"! I Pi. Hi. slackened, to be, nsi I. slackness, 'liiEl m. constr. only, slain, bbn , nm'jj . the, CTlTSTa only plu. (Cheth Conor.) to be, 5^n Ni. Pu., nio Ho., bs3 . - T -T slander, nan f., see "^e^ at end. to, ',ujb Po. Hi., snp^ , b?n K. Pi. (once), c. 2 of pers. (Ch. bas •'T Tl-iS-ip , i^ ■'^-Ip b=X ) slanderer, ';:.'i3 ni. slanderers, b'^an ''ttJiX . slaughter, "I'nax m., j-^n m., ri;-;n f., nat m., naa m., nnaa f., nEii? f., naiai: m., ns^ 1, b::p m., iisp m., naTir f. to, i'yi , naT , naa , unoJ . slaughter-basin, see bij^jx . slaughter-knives, csbn'o once in plu. slaughtered, cattle, na:: m., nnaa f. D ' - V T : • slave, a, nay m. home-born, r-3 "jib" . slaver, (slime), -i^n m. slay, to, jnn, nau , n^T2 Pil. Hi., nsj Hi., y:Q w. a ., bisf? (poet), ns- , SLA 163 SMI fsVayer, a, ran. sledge-hammers, rn'E^"3 . sleep, n:p f., n:ti5 f. (Ch. n:a5 f.) at noon, Q"~n:in asiliia . deep, nt^in f. light, nrii: f. to, "lUi^ . to cause to, "jiiji Pi. to lie down for, see in -ro Hi. to lie in deep, dti Ni. sleeping, "(lU"^ . slender, pn ^ see nbttJ K. 3, at end. slendcrness, n^l f. slice, a, nbc f. to, nlss Pi. slight, (adj.), pn . slime, -i"''n m. sling, a, rbp m. out, to, yhp^ I K. Pi. to, sbp^ I K. Pi. to throw with a, i>hp I K. Pi. slinger, sVp, y^p . dip, to, Cibn . away, to, hr: , ~i:jq , isbs . away, to let, obiD Pi. (of the foot), a, n.'tun f. off, to, bffi: . slipperiness, ripbpbn plu. slippery, phn. places, nrpbn, r-ipbpbn . slipping away, a, npbn'a f. sloth, nb^v f., nnbs? f., ^•'•c^ i. slothful (one), h^p m., .ttdt f. concr. to be, bs3 Ni., ns-i I Hithp. slothfully, n'Tcn . slothfuluess, double, c^nbss du. slow, rpx only cbnstr., n-3 . of growth, b'^sx . to be, n:;3 . slowly, t:x , L;xb , Dxb . to go, n"i"n Hithp. to move, nr:j . sluggard, h-^v m. sluggish, -123. to be, nr3 ^ bos (once), 5!is. sluices of heaven, c*i^^"n rrianx . ■ - T - \ -• slumber, m:s3 f., n•Q^^in f. slumber, to, tiia . small, pvi , asp (rarely), nysi: , n-^Sit , •,:3n and pp . (Ch. -l■^r1 .) anything, pti . beaten, pn . broken very, s3^ . dust, pn . something, r:T m. to be, "(b;? , bbp K. Ni. c. "^J^rS . to h& rubbed, nb^ I Ni. (once.) to beat, ppn K. Hi., -(n:: . (Ch. p-py. Aph.) to become, bbp . to make, xisja Hi., "jtop Hi. (Ch. veiy, p-ijn (adv.) r-!5 » 1^1^ > ii-j3 '.ap m.. smallness, -lyTia m. "(li'p m. smear, to, rmJ^a , rstti Hi. smeared together, to be, nyir II, S?a5 (once.) with fat, to be, "jttjtj Hothp. smell, to, nn Hi. at, to, Hin Hi. w. a . to have a bad, ttjxa . - T smelling bottles, u:e3 ^na . smelt, to, r'^5: . ' - T smelter, ri-iis. smile upon, to, prja w. bx . smite, to, ann , nbn , nna Pi. Hi., ' 1-1-3 -t" -T xno K. Pi., s:5 K. Pi., ri:3 , uj-jj , Tr -T ' -r" -t" HDD Hi., pso I, rarely pEia, "pi, r)En Po. c. bs ., spn . (Ch. snia Pe. Pa., (ijpj .) down, to, nrj Hi in iMeces, to, cbn, n;5 Hi., rp3 Pi. out, to, nrj Hi. c. ace. out of one's hand, to, nsJ Hi. w. TT (the breast), to, nso , the rear of an army, to, aST Pi. through, to, p'ryo (once), nsD Hi. thi-ough and through, to, vn:a . upon, to, y;: w. 2 . upon one's hand, to, (Ch. jtna Pa. w. "i^a.) SMI 164 SOF smite with the tongue, to, nsj Hi. smith, a, tijnn m., i;oi3 ra. smiting, d"*33 only plu. a, ns^ f., psio m. in pieces, a, vets m. smitten, X23 , see x:: , n33 constr. only. to he, n:3 Ni. (once), Pu. Ho. smoke, yijr m., "i'B*p m. to, '.ai:? , smoking, yvv . smootli, pbn , pbn , na?T2 f. (once), bb-. part, rtirbn f. places, npbn , rripbpbn. things, p-ipbn . to'be, pbn , ]'b^ , ptus , to make, pbn Hi., aniQ , bbp Pilp. smoothly, D"'"!tB"r2 , CittJ^rb . smoothness, pbn m., npbn f., -lOSi m., r.pbrT: f., n-'-mJ^'i only plu. in, Q-'-ija-'-ca , n"'-'.d''ab . snail, bnbaaj or blbaoJ m. snare, bnn m., iiip-ia m., see ^iT72 H, cnisb-s f., ntiacT? f., ns I m., ti-':as m. sing. for, to lay a, ttjpa Hithp. c. 3 . over, to cast a, tt)r3 Pi. ' - T to, see rpn , nns Hi. to be caught in a, tt5p^ Ni., a5p3 K. Ni. snared, to be, rp"^ Ni., cps K. Ni. snares, seecisS, n^noj^a. to lay, tpi , cp3 Pi., -ins , dip (once in fut.) snarl, to, nrn , cn3 . T T ' - T snarling, a, crj m. snatch, to, bs3 Pi. Hi. - T away, to, nS^ (once), nSQ . snatched out, to be, bs3 Ho. snatching away, a, nbsn f. sr.eeze, to, ^-t II Po. sneezing, a, niiJ^aJJ m. snort, to, qxtij . snorting, a, nbnitiis f., ins m. snow, abtu m. (Ch. jbn m.) to be wliite like, see abu) Hi. snowy, to l)e, see abilJ Hi. snub-nosed, cl^n . snuff, to, nm Hi. up, to, rso . snuff-dishes, rrrinTa . snuffers, m^53t"a only plu., cppb-a m. dn. so, 1 J n and • (in clauses to be com- pared together), nT , 3 , ns "2 I, ivz , ^^3, "3 I. 'ir.2. (Ch. n:-;2, 13, n^:si.) and so, ntsi nirs , hxt:^ nsT3. (and) so, n33. — as, 3 — 3 (i-arely), -irs , iia3 (repeated), ~u:s3 — ",3 (rarely), ■i'^s — '(? • as, nirxs , -E3 . as not, 151 before infin. as not to, ■'nbib c. inf. as that, "i I. great, 3 . long, ^2 I. long as, "nba "JS , 15. many, much, is I. often, "iS I. soon, ",3 I preceded by 3 of time. that, 1 , :t and "t (before final and consecutive clauses), "3 I, see in ■,ST3 , A, 2., -ly, ^£3. (Ch. -TT.) that no one, ■'ba'Q w. participle. that not, ''ba'C, Tibrb c. inf., Jn3? f. sacred, nkz'n f- songs, ~iiir m. coll. sons, (Ch. "psa plu. only.) soon, 1^2, ttj-'pi, a5i33, ainpra , riiisp. sooner than, dia . soothe, to, n;il3 Pi. soothed, to be, 55SI1J Polp. soothing manner, to addi-ess in a, n53 Pi. soprano, see in ir^bs . sorcerer, a-ix , •':2.*^'^ m., Ciisdt? , tiTSS . sorceries, D"'StU3 only plu. sorcery, d^ab plu. to practise, -|:r Po. sore, a, Titn I m. r a burning, "("Ti© m. sore, (heavy), (adj.), n:3 . to be, 2X3 , 123 , Vl^ Ni. " T ' - T ' I - T sorrow, -jl^x m., r,tBn m., yia^ m., 2iX2^ m., -ir-o m., n2^~i3 f., brs m., 2^i) m., -,"12^3 m., n»:xn f., njsin f. ' ' r • T- -: - T in, with, n-i5!3 . sorrowful, n:!: , brs , sn . in mind, UJES "'^csx . to be, SJ^'n . sort, "(j m., '^•^•Q, m. (only w. suffs.), asriD m. (Ch. -(t.) sought, to be, iiitn Pu. out ^o '>e, nra Ni., uS'^n Ni. soul, m^'ba plu., (lis.: com., nsn f. sound, (adj.), DibttJ , cbai, D"'«F!. to lie, nbtti or tblli . sound, (sub.), -(-Tan m. once f., ni^ri f., n^rn f., ns m., ip and If? m., . b"ip m,, srttj m., nsiip f. (Ch. bpj m.) sou 166 SPE "aound, a gentle, ax m. a transient, yzvd m. of, at the, •'s-bs . (of the liarp, cythera), ■ji'^jn m. to give fortli a tremulous and strid- ulous, n;-) (once.) sound, to, r.-cn , vc^ Hi. (a trumpet), to, rm Hi. an alarm, to, s^-i Hi. the alarm, to, nr^i-ip srn . T : '- T sounding, well, 21:2. soundness, UT'O m., nibiU ni., CFi m. SOU]), r"ii3 and rnc m. ' T T ' T T sour grapes, -iC3 and noa m. coll., see ycr , see c-rsin . to be, yen . source, '^'i^s-o m. soured, r:i?:na . anything, y^n m. south, the, ni^ri m., -jitdi com. rarely m., r:: m., -j-:'!:! com. in the, ya"! . side, -:,3 nxE. side, on the, 2:3 bitaiq . side southward, niii'n na;: rxs , wind, Di'-.':j m. (pocjt.), )-c^Pi com. (poet.) southern quarter, T^^c com. rarely m. soutliward, ,-1253 , ni^cTi . ^joutlnvards of, h niTlTl . sow, to, SJ^T . sown, j'fl-iT . a place, yTfO m. things, n"'i'fl"iT , to be, (adj.), ysi-T . to be, (verb), ynT M. Pu. 8j)ace, ni2 m., ni-i m., pini m. between, rb m. trodden upon, rpTO m. bl)aci()us, m~'?2 , zmj , snn , ' 'T \ : ^ T : • 7 T T to be, ni"! , 2r-i . to become, -n-i. spade, a little, ini . span, a, n~T f. span (of horses), see in rrnx , 2. spare, to, oin c. b?., b^n c. bs , bx , b ., -tun, noD. spark, a, 'n'T'3 m. (once), yia^j m. (once.) sparkle, to, ci'ix Hithp., yrji only part. plu., "I'm:! Hi. sparks, see in cutJI . sparrow, ms:: com. spatula, nr"" . speak, to, ^3'n Pi., n;n I K. Po. (poet.), bbia I K. (once part.). Pi. (mostly poet.), q::3 Hi., -ied Pi , n:s I, n:i3 Hi., I'^E-nx nne , n-iu . (Ch. bb^ , n:2.' or x:r I.) against, to, iiti Pi. w. br , 3 . falsehood, to, ZT3 K. (only part.), Pi. great things, to, he 2, ns b'^'n^n . (Ch. -,3^2^ b^^3.)' in a barbarous or foreign tongue, to, yjh Ni., T:;b . kindly to, to, n;s Pi- kindly with, to, 's zb bs nr'n . ef, to, -ii Pi. w. ace, n:n I (poet.) one with another, to, ^z'n Ni. c. 2,b.. out openly, nriD xb. proudly, to, nE3, ns b"'n:.n. rashly, to, sb"' , nrb (once pret.) the certainty, to, (Ch. rif Pa.) the truth, to, pn:: , (Ch. zis^ Pa.) through (or) by, to, 3 ^z'n . to begin to, nyj I. (Ch. n;? or h:j I. under a divine influence, to, X33 Ni. with, to, *,3'n Hithp. with one's self, to, -bs , "bx "13^ 13b. speaker, a, ns m. speaking in a liarbarous or foreign tongue, (adj.), J55b . spear, p-'jn f., •■'T'3 m., nao m., proTl "s:? (once), -(-p m., nrn m., liZir and :;3w' m., nb(D m. the iron point of a, see yn , 3. species, yo m. (only with suffs.) specified, to 1)0, tt:-3 Pu. SPE 167 SPO specify, to, 2p3 , ^is , speckled, np: . spectacle, a, "^jt-i m. speech, -ir-n m., "piJ^ com., nh-Q t (only poet.), ns ni., b^p m., niiu m., HEiU f. '(Ch. nh-o f.) intricate, nT»n f. instrument of, "isn-a m. (poet.) spc'i'd, n-,iTo f., n"i-::yin plu. (Ch. to, Tjlsn and 7,b-i Pi. (only poet.) speedily, "i|r'3, tx^ , mn^ , mn^a, n^n^-n?. (Ch. Nj-^SDx.) to do, DTp Pi. vv. infin. spell, 'nsn m. spells, to bind with, i^Pi . spelt, n*iS3 f. spend, to, nbs Pi., vhz Pi., nbs Pi. (time), to, nto I. spent, to be, nbs , D'ar. . spew out, to, xip K. Hi. sphere, a-in m. spice, cit32 and Dili a m., np") m. a kind of, nxa: f. spiced, to be, npn Pu. spicery, nba and ti'iia m. spicery-house, his, perhaps n*n33 ri"'3 . spices, ti''520. spicing, a, nnf?-.^ f. spider,-a, ujinss m. spikenard, Indian, ti-; m. spin, to, ni:: . sjjindle, r^ba m. spine, n:£5! m. spinning, a, n'^qia m, spirit, n^ribx , niz's n\ (poet.), fflp: com., n-z'ii^z f., n^n f. (Ch. rj~..\ a wizard, "ijytii m. divining, nix . evil, nn f. (of the dead), nix . vital, n'sn f iudj com., nr^3 f. unclean, nsn f. spinted, -j^t^x . spirt, to, m: . spit, to, pni I, pp-i II. out, to, n:!, -n-i, pp"^ n. spit upon, one, nsh f. upon, to, pp-i c. 3 . spittle, n"'-) m., pS m., nSFi f. splendid, -i-"nx , niX3 , y^nan , ip^'j , r.'nn^s f., pT:> pT^v . T : ' ■ T * •• T something, pi3 m. splendor, inx m., n-'nx f., UJx com., nnxj f., "lixa m., n^ixa f., ^nn m., -inn m. (once), Tin , nni m., inp m., ■'sy m., 131 m., n353i f., -ipi m., -ipi m., 1123 m., nnj: f., nyb m., n::i3 I m., tis) m., i^S m., ni-iBUJ m. (Keri), "i!ilEit3 (Cheth), nnxEH f. elsewhere pnxEjn . (Ch. -inn , r: m.) splinters, Cj^p m. coU. split, to, sod K. Pi. spoil, \2 m., :!::i3 m., see nbn , ns'^bn f., pbn f., bbtu m. to, n;3 c. a., tT3, S^a, pp3, bT3 I, ona , vbn Pi., pbn , bno (once), baa Pi. Hi., mil5 K. Pi. Po., bbttj . nottj K. Po., 00 . spring, (fountain), bs m., ribs f. spring (of year), the, see y-

2 NsSt3 . spring, to, sH K. (once). Pi., y p^ Pi., npn Pi. forth, to, pr: Pi. forward, to, see aisttS . spring up, to, xa5^^ , 5t^"j , nbo Pi. (once), nbs , nrs K, Pi. up, to let, Tibn . up and down, to, ipi: Pi. springe, Uipiia m., nn'sb-a f. springing up, a, n^'x m. springs of the sea, C'^—'siiJ (once.) warm, d^'O"' (once.) sprinkle, to, p-;T , n-^^ K. Hi., ^^: K. Hi., nn Hi., DD"i . sprinkled, to be, p'lt Pu., nTj w. br . bx on or upon, with spots, i'-2 . sprinkling, a, piES f. sprout, snt , np^:*; f., p:i> , -^irs m., nr^ m. only coll. (but see 2, ajt end), nbai m., tii-jiii m. to, xui'n , ittjs, see -liij , nr:: K. Tt' "t" '' -T Pi. to cause to, :>ij Pil. sprouting, a, n^s m. sprouts, p'inbaj . spun, a thing, m::'0 m. something, b-T^xia . spurious, one, -nra . spurned, to be, ya: Hi. spy, a, ba-i'o . out, to, -'EP! I, bsi Pi., "Hittj n, squander, to, bbt . squanderer, bblT . squared stones, n''lj "S^X . squeeze (tlie breasts of an immodest wo- man), to, niUS I Pi. out to, n:£i3 . stab, to, npn. stabber, a, 13 m. stable, a, D12X m., niis and n-'ix f, p2"iT2 m. stable, (adj.), see tnx . to bo, "jrx I K. Ni., bin and b".), moJB f. steer, bir m. steeling, a, nibiiarn plu. art of, nbn2rn plu. stem, biSttJN m. (once), s'Tj m., irn*; m. (silver age), n:p ni. stench, iij.xa ni., n:n:£ f. t© emit a, n:" Hi. step, nsiuix or "^rix m., -Vi'X , rpbn or T(-bn ni., nbs'2 f., nrins^ f., isi'o m., 3" I m., n^•D f., res ui., n:v"^ in., bn f. to, -isj£ . to make a false, H'^n . step-chains, riisa . step-mother, nx f., see in nttrx , 1, h. steps, nby f., cz'pv and n'^i^r m. to take short and quick, rru . sterile, Ti'cb; , "^p» . region, nz~v f- stern, (adj.), u", bn; (Cheth), n^p . stick, a, ur'IJ and 1:3" m. stick fast, to, p~'n and pr'n constr. w. 2, bs, b.\ch. p^t,!) stiff, n^p. stiff-necked, q-:) i^ilJp • to l)e. ntiip I Hi. w. tr'" . T ' T ' V stigma, yp?p m. still, (adj.), ^lli^-n ij;-^ . (adv.). ^-v. a sitting, r.nui H f. to, non only Hi., ntt5n Hi., ta^ Hi., nriu Pi. Hi., nriu Hi., r.buS -T -T 1-T Hi. to be, nri II, u^-^ , ttJ-n Hi., nttjn K. Hi., apd , priii . to keep one's self, ttj^n Hitlip. to make stand, -\tV I Hi., tiip Hi. to sit, 3aJ"' . to stand, perh. •j'ix I Hi., n'm , nry I K. Hi. stillness, ""Cn m., ^ri m., nrT:"n f., •^biu m. sting, to, li-a Hi. stink, a, ttjx3 m. to, UJX3 K. Hi., n:T Hi. to be made to, ujx2 Ni. w. 3 , nx , Hithp. c. d:." . stipend, •^ria m. stir, to, yn'2 . up, to, riD Hi- w. ace. of pers. and 3 against., -is:) I Pil. Hi. up (strife), to, ni; Pi. stock, ^U'X m., rT3 m., y^j^ , ajntti m. of wood, ■jrr bis. stocks, rzsnr f., no m., p':"'a m. curved, see in ri:n . ' T stomacli, D^rr only plu. stone, ",3X com. mostly f., -ma na., -la m. (Ch! -,3X .) a hot, riEST f. a small, ran m., i-ra m. I T T (heated for baking), ra-i m. precious, -(Sx com., 7,e'3 m. to, (to free from stones), bpD Pi. to, (throw stones), bpo K. Pi., ns'i. stone-ore, "irx com. stone-quarry, 5'B-a m. stones, "px com. coll. a heap of, bs mostly w. D^WX added., m:;-;r , (Ch. -j"^ m.) a layer of, -3-iD m. at, to throw, nS"' . STO 171 STE atones, hewn, n"*:; f., rT'Ta "^px , ■'::x quarried, -sn*? "':::s . to free from, bpD Pi. to "-iitlier out the, brO K. to pelt with, ■j;:?D K. Pi. stool, D-2r;x clu., cnn m. only trop., everywhere w. :"3;t.,xS3 ui. stoop clown, to, -3ij . stop, to, nax K. Hi., c^, can Pi., con , cnn Hi. (once), n-qv I, n?!U . (the nostrils), to, cpn . up, to, dno K. Pi. stopped, to be, tza I Ni., nno M. store, -ijtix m., •,np3 m. to, -i£x. up, to, -irs . store-chiiuibers, see in qbx . store-house, isis ni., ■i:n>{ n"^2 , Diirx'a T T - ' -: - m., n-i!i373 f., "jiTsa^ m., see under rstsD . store-house, to set one over the, n:is Hi. store-houses, ci^ox , m'-iaaiQ . stores, CEDS only plu., ni:30'!: , nnp3 f. hidden, •I'cuia m. stork, mion f. storm, rfk; f. (once), t3"iT m., ysJ m., ISO m., n"irq 1, -sb m., m^b f., nxiaj f. (Keri), n'xaj (Cheth.) to sweep away in, nriu K. w, ace, Pi. c. -jra , storms, it, nra Ni. impers. story, (floor), ^n:ji m. atout of heart, -•: Tix . stove, a (portable), rx III f. straight, -loii , nb: . forward, to go, TiJs or -mix . forwards, riz:h , v:3 -1^5-bx, hv to be, -;i;i , -(irn (later Heb.) to be made, --t (later Heb.) to cause to go, -lajx Pi. to make, ^ttj"' Pi. Hi., -|5n Pi. (later Heb.) straightness, pTJ£ m. straightway, p I preceded by a of time, strained, to be, pp; Pu. strait, (adj.), 1^ . I am in a, ^b i:: impers. to be, rix . to be in a, --rs' impers. straiten, to, p^:c I Hi. c. dat., -liis I, T-:: Hi. straitened, to be, -.s' only in fat., -"n:i . straitness, ni m., i^rv:^^ ni., p'r^^o m., nps".i^ f., ii::r I m., ^^■q m. straits, p'ry ni., rtp'iiv 1, "S m., n'-.^t f. strange, ^i , "'nr* pin-i . fate, -;r3 also irb. made, -it^to . woman, mT f., n'^r: f. strangeness, -13; m. stranger, ^j , na m., ^t , "!?^'3, "3 i=: , •'-133 , ■'-id: iij-'x , :ui-n m. T- ' • :t ' -IT • ' T concr. strangle, to, pjn Pi. one's self, to, p:n Ni. strangling, a, p:r''3 m. stratagem, m" m., p.Tx m., see C" , csi; m. nTiSS* f., ''P and ip m., see p'^s^'in , n"i^:£S'n plu. (Ch. b-n m., ■;on m.) for, to have, ns "ijts c. b . to, to give, ttS c. b . STR 172 STR strengthen, to, y^ii Pi., 123 Pi., pjn K. Pi. Hi., TiiB-a, nro , ns . one's countenance, to, T7S5 Hi. one's self, to, pin Hithp. strengthened, see ttd H Pi. to he, pTn Hithp. strengthening, a, npin f. strenuous, yn'n H. stretcli, to, nn^ , na; , -ixn K. Pu. one's self, to, n-.T2 Hithpo. one's self out, to, y-iiu Hi. out, to, ntrt (once), auJ"' only Hi. c. ace. et h ., rrjj K, Hi., y-,it; , n-j'ii Pi., nb'ij k" Pi. out the hand, to, (Ch. nbtti w. t^ .) stretched, nnio, rn-o . out, to be, 133 Ni. stretching, a, na'O m. strew, to, n-T Pi., nr-i . strewed, (anything), ij-^q m. concr. with spots, nia , strict, (Ch. HEirnrr.) stride, a. nj'iUE'a f., ybs ni. to, rbs. stridulous sound, to give forth a tremu- lous and, n:-i (once.) strife, "i^n m., yi-a I ni., cj'tt: only plu., c^i-iiz only plu., r-'Sr f., Pia*^"!^ f., risp m , ri-i ni., n-^sp f. strike, to, cbn , xris K. Pi., ?:: , nn: c. Vy ., nr; Hi., pso I, rarely psiB , s;e , rsn, ypn. (Ch. nr-a Pe. Pa., -T^i-T' '-T ^ ri Ujp3.) against, to, Ci53 K. Hithj)., S5B , tSB . hands with, to, psD I. rarely ptiii Hi. c. 2 . into, to, spn . (the chords of an instrument), to, niCT H Pi. (the strings), to, ■;;; K. Pi. through, to, np: , up (with the voice), to, nry I. upon, to, rss w. 2 . striking, a, r53 m. string (of musical instrument), ip and ■r m. stringed instrument, a, rT^nj , ns-'M f. (in titles of Psalms.) strings, "in'w m. (only in plu, c. suff.), of pearls, C'^1~n . strip, to, b]." I w. ace. of j^ci's., vbn Pi., -JUJE Pi. Hi. off, to, bij I, rbn , hn: Pi , bicq -T '-T' -T -T Hi., bbtii . (off Ijark), to, qbn . one of, to, ars Hi. w. two ace, or ace. of thing and bi'ia of pars, one's self, to, ailis Hithp. one's self of, to, h'S: Hithp. stripe, a, ni^an and n-^zn f. striped, n'ps . to be, zz:r\ . stripes, nii2'-rn , to be marked with, ran , stripped, j'fl-n , bbitti, strive, to, n:i3 Hi. Ni., pbr Hithp. (once) c. cy., r"^"] and asii K. Hi. part., 'liib I c. bs with, against. (Ch. "in IB Ithpa. c. b .) after, to, Ujp2 Pi. together, to, y:\ Ni. with, to, nib c. Dr , nx . XT • ' striving, a, nisi f., ■,'i"'yT ni. stroke, a, n^ f., •>n-2 m., n2"Q f., rjs m. one's face, to, 'b ''ZZ n^n , strokes, rriabrra. strong, -I12X , bx I, "j^'^ax , p"'£X or P-EX, lnS3, 1132, PTH, pin , ^H , C!isy, nttJi^j-iiuip , ri"pn . (Ch. ■'iniax f-, tT'pn .) and firm, to make, nj) . defences, mizs? . in number, to be, taSS . in the feet, to be, ya_i< . membei-s, c"''ai::r (once.) one, -i-'ax . ones, TS m. concr., n-TS m. coll. place, ^iyc m. the, D"'3r"'X , D""Ci:JS , m'lr^pTS . the being, becoming, npTn f. to be, "Zi and -133 , b^n and b'ln, STR 173 sue Fin , ^=: , n^, , ns,DS5,n^». n's , ns II K. once in fut. (Ch. Tirn and r;rr .) strong, to be made, -^3 Ilithpal., tt?. to become, n;:. and "~:. , p'n K. Hi., TTr , =sr, (Ch. r;rn and "k" .) to grow, r?"n . to make, y^x Pi., i:; Pi. Hi., I -. T - T pin K. Pi. Hi., yhn Hi., n? , nsr Hi. (Ch. and r,pn Pa.) to make one's self, yoii. Hithp. to show one's self, 13a Hithp. w. br ., pTn Hitlii?., tt? , xbs Hithp. c. 3 toward, against, waxing, pvn , strong-hold, nta , '"i^'Sa m., 35 m,, nsi: m., mn^J13 f. strong-holds, see dsn; , ni'iSD^ . stronger than, to be, rrs w. "jia ., "nsr, and -135 w. ";t3 , also br ., pjn w. "jia , structure, n"':3n f. struggle, to, ysi Hithpo, struggles, n-b^ipiE? (once.) stubijle, b^ba m., uip m. stubborn, "in-io , q-ib) ntp , -oJf? . to be, i^b Ni., 1^3 Hi., nii;p I Hi. stubbornness, -ijcsr^ , "uip m., nni-ttJ f. w. 33 and ;•-! 3b . stud (of silver), rr^pi f . study, artb m. stuff, nsxb^ f. a species of, nnia m. cotton, 03-13 m. silk, pd^n . stumble, to bra K. Ni., r;: K. Hithp. to be made to, bujr Ho. itumbling, a, qaj m. ^tumbling block, "ieti m., b1tt33iQ m., np^s f. stump, rT; m., 3:1 m., n3S^ f. (Ch. -p3 m.) stun, to, see izn . stunned, to be, cT-i Ni. stupendous, s-ii: . stuijefied, to sink down, uTn Ni. 15* stupefy, to, see -i3n . stupid, ->y3 concr., baa . to 1)e, csu , -133 . stuttering, (adj.), j^S . style, ijnn m., ::s m. stylus liin m., L:r m., n^b m. styrax, see r,a3 . subdue, to, i"p3 K. Hi., -13'n Hi., -t^i Hi., tii33 K. Pi. Hi., r:3 Hi., nts! - T - T T T sulxlued, to l)e, r:3 Ni. subject, a, "i^ m. (adj.), nr'3ilJ^ f. concr. sul)ject, to, -jfl:! or •p'sj (once.) sublime things, niaxi . submerged, to be, yptlS K. Ni. (Keri.) submissive, yijs . submit, to, y:3 Ni., nnttJ . one's self, to, qs3 Ni. c. b ., n:5 II Hithp. one's self in peace to, to, labttj Hi. c. bx . subscribe, to, ^E03 3n3. (Ch. oaJ-i .) subside, to, r^o^a , rpaj , pntlj . to make, r;3ttj Hi. substance, 'lix I m., n-3 m., Q-ia m., ■j'n m., bin m., ni33 m., nssbr f., ntipQ f.,' --zp m., !ij:i3-i m. substitute one's self for. to, -ito"' Hithp. sui>terranean cell, a, ■,■!■»::: ^ m. subtle, see -!:i: I at end., ditS . subtlety, n:2pv , or better n3ps f. subvert, to, c^.bo Pi-, n'r Pi., n"J5 Pi. succeed, to, -i\iJ3 , nb- I and nbx. to let, p!\B II Hi. success, •i-uis m. prosperous, bsb also bstt) m. to give, nbs I Hi., b3tt3 Hi. to have, nbs I Hi., briu Hi. - r - T successful, to be, nb^ I Hi., nba I Hi. w. i3-iri and rr-^n . succor, n'aJ!in f. to, rttj'i Hi., nw (once), -TS K. Hi., 3ip^ Pi. succored, to be, siii Ni. such, HTS , nfexs, -jS I, see-ij'ba. (Ch. an one, see •':'b3 . sue 174 SUP such and such things, iijnsi n'ris , as, i^3 , "irs . suck, to, p:^ , ^•^^'^,i ^^^ p^^ • down, to, sab. out, to, nS"3 . ' /er/.-^ to give, pp III. up, to, rib Pil., see ybr . sucked out, nin (once plu.) sucker, a, :^p'Z''_ 1, psi^ . sucking child, pj-ii . suckle, to, r:"^ Hi., bi". • - T suckling, a, n!|; m., psi"^, bi? m. sudden, nxpQ in gen. after a noun. destruction, nbn-3 f., nbna f. w. the article., ninfca plu. suddenly, nns3 , see in nr'n , 1., see in ?-ii , B, 1, a., urrs , Dxrs , J'ns. to come upon, to seize, ryz Pi. very, cxn3 yrsa , nxno i'Pr.^ , snsb cxPD . suffer, (permit), to, nis Hi. w. ace. of pers. and inf. c. b., It5a: w. ace. of pers. and inf. c. b ,, Nil53 c. inf., -pj w. ace. of pers. and inf. c. b ., see STJJ , 1, e. suffer, (to be afflicted), to, iizv H K. Hitlip. patiently, to, uij Hi. suffice, to, s:j-2 c. dat., pEO II and pEb . sufficiency, •I'n , pED . for (any (me), to, ^-i2 . suggest a purpose to, to, nn la "iPj . suggestus, -li's m. suit (at law), -i^i m., mn"n f., asaiia T T T : • T : • m., :i-i m, one who has a, 3^-1 aJ^x . suit, (of clothes, etc.), rjns m. suitaljle, "i-isn , nix3 c. b . for, it is, nxi impels, w. b . to, to be, nx: Pil. w. b . sullen, "ID . sulphur, rr^^EJ f. sultry, •'tti'nn . sum, nsr f., irxi I m., n"*33n f. (Ch. r^p m., (iJx-; .) summer, ir-^p m. (Ch. ij-p m.) summer, to, vip HI or y_p . summer-house, the, v-pn rT'S . summit, -i::x m., ns^:; m., hv m., •j'-.p ni., nix- I m. summits, D"':::a . summon, to, x^p I. s-^'i) Pi. Hi. sumptuously, to live, -ps Hithp. sun, -i-ix m., nrn I f. (poet), O'ln m. (rather poet.), ^-Q-a com. images of the, see in ',iar\ . the going down of the, UiTS'rn ^Z'U . sundered, to be, i-e Hithp. sung, to be, -i-^U) Ho. sunk, to be, rru K. Pu. Ho, sunken places, n"ii1"'S»piI) . sunny, ns , nTii . suns, (images), see in 'jian , little, see C'C^IU . sunset, to draw towards, s-^s H. sup. to, cnb bDX . superabundant, to be, ynB K. only fut. and imp. superfluity, n-D m. superfluous parts, n-o ni. concr. superintend, to, rj:3 I Pi. only inf. and part. w. bs , b . suppliant, ins m. supplicate, to, 's ''IE i'(iT\ , in? I K. Hi. w. bx, b., y;s Hi. c. 2, b for., bbs Hithp. c. bx , b, br, "psb . for, to, mp^ Pi. w. bs ., bba Hithp. c. -ira , ^s , ^ , w. bx with whom, to cause to, rss Hi. supplication, perh. nrn , s*ai m , nsnn f., Ci^3i3nn only plu., n^En f. to make, '^^n w. b of pers,, bx , ^3Bb, (Ch.'-;:?! Ithpa.) supply, to, pis II Hi. support, nirx f., "'^P'o m., 'V'J'C m., •(SOJt? m., n3r!iJT3 f., nn-'E'i f. to, 7,1:0 , iro , "IS"! Pi-, T(^n c. 2 , supported, to be, -(isx I K. Ni, supports, lateral, nil"' , suppose, to, isba iiax , bbs Pi. supreme, •jvbs . (Ch. "^S .) SUP 175 swo supreme, to be, a^iu Ni. sure, (Cli. ::^^-^_ . C'p.) to be, ■('cs I Ni., )^3 Ni. surely, -x , |3X , -n II. (Ch. '^n .) there is not, "jix pT . surenoss, rrs f. surety, n2~x f. T \ -r for, to be, 2"^ 5 I. to become, z'^v I. suretyship, n21^"n 1 surface, •-V f., D'^zs plu. upon the, •'iQ'bx , "'jQ"^? . surj^ass, to, ro"' K. Hi. (both defect.), 's ^^ nbv , D5:s . (Ch. nss Ithpa, c. surplus, to remain over as, CjlS . suiTound, to, qsx (poet.), "inS Pi., Pi;r: Hi., ano K. Ni. Po. Hi., -iw Pi., -i:as c. bx. surrounded, to be, aaO Ho. with, see nra , 1, b. survey, to, n^d II. survivor, n-i-itj m., iNttSj. sui-vivors, Ti-ib m. coll., n'''iNaJ f. suspend, to, sbn , nbn K. Pi. sustain, to, bs3 Pilp. Hi., bPS Pi., t;^0 , nro . - one with, to, T,ro w. two ace. sustenance, c^'n plu., onb com., nims f . swaddled, to be, bnn Pu. Ho. swaddling band, n^rn f. swallow, (bird), see m'Tn , DiiO m. (Cheth), D"'p (Keri), -injs m. (poet.), see ornn . swallow, (tiling swallowed), yba m., Itfb m. greedily, to, ytib . to, rba K. Pi., S7:a Pi, (poet.) to let, srs Hi. T T swallowed up, to be, sbS Ni. swarm, m:' I f. to, v- Ittj . ' - T with, to, y-t^ c. ace. swarthy, nmniD . swathed, to be, bnn Pu. Ho. sway to and fro, to, sns also si's . swear, to, nbx 11, t^ sibj also ti3 x(b3 w. dat. of jicrs. and inf. c. b ., rau5 K. (only part, pass.), Ni. falsely, to, 'pyih ys'jjs . rashly, to, yaoi Ni. (sometimes.) to cause to, rauJ Hi. swearing, a, nS5!iaui f. sweat, n"T f., SJii m. (once.) sweep away, to, Cj-ij (once), n-)j K. Hithpo., Nijxa Pilp-) nsi (once), qsio Hi., nno only Pi., rino,ri:ia5. sweepings, nn^io f., "'no m. sweet, zr^ , nao I f. concr., pirn: , odors, (Ch. 'J'^nn'^j .) savor, nn''3 ni-i. things, D-ipnioTD . to be, pr\-o K. Hi., ciS3 , a">s IV w. b of jDers. to become, pnia-. to make, pnia Hi. sweetness, plrio m., pnis m., pna m., D^'J m. sweetnesses, cpniaia . swell, to, p::3 , nas . out,, to, n253 Ni. to make, ns3 . swelling, (adj.), -p-i^T , nas. swept away, to be, iljna Ni., C]nD Ni. swerve, to, n::: Hi. c. -jia . swift, bp . to be, bbp^ K. Ni. swift-footed, to be, v^x . swiftly, bp . to move, "ir^ , DS3 . swiftness, r'issin plu. swim, to, nniu . to cause to, qsia Hi. to make, nniu Hi. swimming, a, see nss , inOJ f. swine, a, nitn m. swing, to, bb^ . to and fro, to, see S^ia . swollen, -i!nn , n2:i . to be, nra Ni. sword, 2"in f., see nis?3 , glittering, p-ia m. (poet.) swo 176 TAK sword, to draw one's, "3-in ti^tti . two-c'dgc'd, n*s*Q2"in. swords, drawn, rnnns. 3Woni covenant, n'^x f. sycaniore-fijfs, one who nips, obia to cultivate, 0^3 . sycamore-trees, n^^;?aJ only plu. sympathy, to have, btr, w. bs . Syria, o-^x . the Plain of, ans ',^3 . T -: I - - Syrian, ■^s'^x . Syrians, D^^'n . syrinx, a, 2t^v m. (Ch. Nn"pi^tt3T3 m.) syrup, Uir'n m. tabeniacle, bnk , n^2 m., •S'li's m., msq 1, -ir m. of the congregation, nsna bnx . tabernacles, pi'i'Csn "piS . tabid, pn . table, -.i'^j m., r.fih m., -inlsiij m. tablet, "ivfes m., nib m. tabrct, ci'n m. tache, ©"p m. tail, 2:t m. (of a sheep, the) fat, n^bx , take, to, Tnx often c. 3 ., r;DX , pm c. 3 , b , br , poet. c. ace, nnr (once of a jjers., elsewhere always of coals, fire), uj""" also ffiT , n:b , rrb -T t' -t' '-T* -©■c c. 2., xr: , bapj Pi. (later Heb.), ci-i Hi., r,T:n , tasn . (Ch. a pledge of, to, ban . a stand, to, 3^1 Hithp., n^s I. a wife, to, n;i:xb npb , n;sx npb , mrx ib npb , nrx xias . and bring, to, nrb . as a pledge, to, ban . away, to, Tnx , r)px , ^"3 Pi. Hi., 5-15 , riin H, r,bn and r,b^ Hi., I'bn Pi., n;^ H Hi., npb , r^^/o , bj:: Pi. Hi., x©: K. Pi., nno Hi., HED , 135 Hi., nhs Hi., pnr Hi., m-j , 01-1 Hi., n3r Hi. (Ch! sa: , nns . ) away ashes, to, yi'n Pi. back, to, rox , "110 Hi. by force, to, bij I. take by stealth, to, r:a , hvt w. 3 of thing. (by storm), to, I'ps K. Hi. captive, to, 12b, n3'iJ , iUEn. captive and cany away, to, npb . care, to, 3b-bx CT-" w. inf. and b . care of, to, -ip3 Pi., ^yn , -^^3 Hi., i:,5 , nxi , charge of, to, xiD: . counsel, to, yv , -b^s Ni., v^|^ only in imp. down, to, n-,1 Hi. food, to, Dn- b:x . for one's self, to, s-i;, w. bx . forth, to, x:£"' Hi. from, to, bsx , bux K. Hi. w. heed to do, to, ir'>li Ni. c. b (once.) heed to one's self, irilJ Ni. Hithp. C. ITS. hold of one another, to, nrb Hithp. in, to, ptn Hi., npb . note of, to, -p3 Pi. w. b , b — ""2 . of, to, b:ix K. Hi. w. -,-2 ., npb w. one's stand, to, 35:2 Ni. out, to, tr.H , nj, x:i" Hi., nnn . out of the way, to, r;DX . pleasure in, to, T^n . possession, to, inx Ni., bnj . possession of, to, pm Hi., ttil^ also c'-f K. Hi., npb, bn3. to one's self, to, r~5 K. w. bx , Pi- npb w. b of pers. (rarely.) to wife, to, Z'U-' Hi. TAK 177 TEA take up, to, -jpb K. Pi., b'JJ K. Pi., Kit:, err , once ictv . up (and) awii}% to, n;? Hi., d^ii Hi. up and bring, to, siu: . up and plac.y upon, to, or? , once '•C-ZV v»'. '-zv of heart, ace. of l)urdcn. up (and put) l)3fore, to, di"i Hi. up out of, to, (CIi. po: Aph.) upon one's s:'lf, to, bx"i II Hi. w. inf. c. h ., sr: , T^br c^p . with the hand (or) fist, to, ynp taken, a being, •=':) m. away, p"r3J . away, to be, hu Ni., n:.rt II, npb Ni. Pu. pret. and Ho. fut., -i!io , nED K. Ni., p-S . by lot, to be, nzb Ni. (by storm) to be, rp2 Ni. Pu. Ho. captive, to be, npb Pu. pret. and Ho. fut. off, p-«ri3 . to be, npb Pu. pret. and Ho. fut. up, to be, npb Pu. pret. and Ho. fut, nbr. (Ch. po: Hoph. after Heb. form.) taking, a, np^ m. arts, npb m. tale, (task), rrsri? f. tale-l)earer, "j;-i: m. tale-bearers, b'^Dn ""'IJrx . tale-beanng, b'rn m. talent, a, -rs f. (Ch. -iS3 .) talents, two, c"";X3 . talk, to, n'b. empty, na II m. idly, to, x^a and na2 K. Pi. in one's dreams, to, nin . of, to, n'io w. a . inadvisedly, to, xua and n-"3 K. Pi. with, to, n-'b c. ace. Anth one's self, to, n^'q . talkative, y^,',^ . talker, an idle, nD"3. tall, nia , see r-'i^a Pu. 2., bi. - T ' 1 - T ' T tall, to be, r^zt^. tallness, nza,-,!!^ II m., see m'srin, Note, tamarisk, a, bxx . tame, c;??x . to, nE3 . tap, (l)eat), to, rsn . tapestry, yjH m. (once), lilEtd -flOU (Ken), -i!ns-JJ (Cheth.) tardy, Tj-^x constr. only, tarry, to, r,nx Hi., br;-' Hi. c. b ., im (once), 3"di" . late in (or) by, (to), nnx PL \r. ^?. task, pn m., nrisn'O f., "iz'n m. task-master, iD;'3 . task-masters, n"&*3 ^"^b . tasks, nib 30 plu. constr. only. tassel, n"S*s f. tassels, cb^nj only plu. taste, z'J'Ji m. (Ch. cS'J ni.) intellectual, cr:; m. to, perh. b=x , criJ , y^^. to have the sense of, cs:3 . to make, (Ch. cr:: Pa.) tasteless food, see rflrbn . tattler, i;n'3 m. taught, to be, -i-qh K. Pu. by experience, to be, rn'^ Ni. one, n^Tsb . teach, to, r|bx Pi., -"a Hi., nnt Hi., 5n; Hi., n-ii Hi., nrb K. Pi., -r: , b=b Hi. teaching, nnio m,, nr^i'S'i: f. teacher, ix m., ry.i2 m., nabTO , nsS. teachers, wise, see c"';iz'2 . team, see in rr'-.x , 2. tear, a, r^-^ m. tear, to, r^rz . ' -T away, to, hit I, nc! , pPJ, S*^";? c. -,13 , b?^ . . away with violence, to, orn . down, to, o-jH K. Pi., ^^r? K. Pi., -T ' T - T * in pieces, to, rs2, spa Pi., C|^a, nuis only Pi. fut., yp'J) Pi. off, to, pP3 , p-13 Pi., S-]I5 c. y2 , br^., n-n . TEA 178 TER tear off from one's self, to, o^Dn , pns Hithp. out, to, D'^n K. Pi., yD3 , pr: . out tlic Imir, to, Z3~i2 . through, to, D"in . ui), to, ::]-!:: Hi., ros K. Hi., cr:, tearing down, a, n!i3"'-in . in pieces, to, n;no f. tears, srTi m. coll., nr'oi f. only coll. to shed, rbTj , v^"^. - T ' - T Tebeth, (month), n:a , teem with, to, v-mJ c. ace. teen, -liCs m. and niior f. only in numbers compounded with ten. teeth, n'rnVT3 (poet.), n'S^rn: only constr., p-i m., D^rttj f. the double row of, ijp-i bss . iell, to, nrx , n;3 Hi., -eo Pi. to, to, 's "TX nbj . telling, a," iecq m. tempest, a, nitt f. (once), nsno f., -SQ m., n-»p f., nn f., -isiu m., niyiu f., nxid f. (Keri), n;xtti (Cheth). to rush on as a, -i3"o . to rush on like a, 'isb Hithp. c. temiiestuous, it is, "lyij Ni. impers. temple, bnx, n"ii2 f. (later Heb.), n''3 m., mrr; b:-n , )'S'^.'o m. (Ch. n^3 m., b^'Ti m.) fortress of the, n^^a f. (later Heb., when it refers to Jerusalem.) servants of the, u^jt: . (Ch. 'cr^.^. •) temple-slaves, u-'j'^ns . (Ch. -pair: .) temple, (of the head), np-i f. temples, (of the head), np-i f. tempt, to, nC3 Pi. temptation, nS'O f. ten, nbv f., n-ius; m., -ijb^ m. and iTiirSJ f. only in numbers compounded with ten. (Ch. nbr f., n'.b'S m.) a, Tibs) m. commandments, tlie, D'^T-'^jn niiUS) . ten-stringed instrument, Tib:' m. ten-stringed lyre, mbs I533 . tender, r^'n . grass, sb'n m. (Ch. xr^ ,) to be, y.v . tenderness, Q-^Tan"; })lu. tendon, nij m., see nbj . tendrils, rib"':: 3 . tenons, rrn . tens, m>br| . tent, bnx, n-^a m., -,3^73 m., nsisb f., nsp f. to, bnx . to move one's, bnx . to ijitch a, ra3 , "pb Pi., spn bnk. to pitch one's, bns Pi. tent-companion, my, ibns ^ri3 . tent-pin, "in"^ . tenth, i^ibsi . a, )ii'xvi m., n^-i-br f., n''']''ikjs f. day, the, -irrs m. month, •^i^b:' . part, a, ibsi;? m., 'p'n'as m. part, to give the, -ib:? Pi. part of, to take the, -ibs . tents, see in nr3 , 4. Teraphim, n"'S"'n . terebinth, b"'X (once sing, in proper name), nbx f. term, to, -iTsx . terrace, p'^nx m., rr^TS f. (later Heb.) terrible, q^n , "'"}^=^, S*^' , 'fl'?}. . (Ch. b^ntj!) terribleness, see n^bsn . terrified, nn , nnrn. to be, rsa Ni., n-n , rrn K. Ni., s^-j . terrify, to,' bns Pi. Hi., PibS Pi. (Cheth), rra Pi. (only poet.), see inn in end., nnn Hi., rnn Pi. Hi., x-i';: Pi., y'^Ki jTJip I Hi., y;-i . (Ch. bnn Pa , bn^ Pa.) territory, bli:) m., pbn m., nbns f., nnb m. terror, n^/x f., nbr.3 f., '"irj^3 f. (mce sing, often plu., nr"3 f., nax'n f., ni-^.i f., xr,n or n;n , b'H m,. nb-^n f. (once), nbrbn f., min f., TEE 179 Tin nn m., nnn f., rr^nn f., rnn m., nx"^ f., "113^ m., n"n?3 II (Clieth), nnn-a f-, nsn^ia f., •^•'S II m., yn-^s in other MSS. y^'V m., nns m., see in nr-^i:., see ms;? , l:u3-i m., rnn m., -'::ij and -13© m., ■,in:i2n m., na:bsfi f. object of, ins ni. to be in, ins Pi. c. •^:Q'o , terroi-s, nin^2 , DTiii'3 . tesseliited, nn:j-i . pavement, ns::"i f. stuff, •j'ajn m. test, to put to the, 'pz . testicle, TjCX m, testify, to, n?.S5 K. (once Cheth), Hi., iiyj I c. 2 concerning, for, against, testimonial, xn^nniD f. testimony, n:5m., ni:5 II f., ns m., sn^in'iJ f. tetter, nsk^ f. textures, nvjrtlJ'a . thank-offering, D^^o^tt) n'lin P!3T , see Qbuj, Note., pn^n nsT, min f. thanks, see nTR. to give, riT^ Hi. thanksgiving, m'Pi f. days of, ti^'b^bn . festivals, fb^ijjn , that, (conj.), iffix , ) , ^ and \ (before consecutive clauses), 13 I, dx "'S h (once), see in -(STa ^ B., ntisys , -ttj (later Heb.). (Ch. -i^.) (pron.), nuix , XJin m. and x^n f. (with the article after a noun having the article), nt m. (rarely, poet, style only), -uJ (later Heb.). (Ch. -^.) aside from, -ittjx^ 1!?^ . day, ci'n . if, DX ^3. not, bx I, sib nt^x , ba , xb ',^_ib ■w. fut., — ;s . place, in, tittS , which, (Ch. ^Ti .) the, -n , n , Ti,_ . Thebes, x3, fully •,iiflx~Xi. thee, nnx (in oblique cases.) theft, n=:j f. themselves, nsn f. then, tx , ■'TX , inx , -lUJx , ^ , ^i and 1 (in introducing an apodosis), ma , oi'n , r^^r\ ci^na (once), -^a I, -,32 , cuj. (Ch. •(•^■ix ,) thence, tx , cii'ia . T ' T ■ there, nr , Citli , ns'ii. (Ch. naPi.) appears, arises, ",n"^ , "in'l impers. are, Uix , IDV exists, \15] . (Ch. in-'x .) is, iijx , IB7. , "|n"i, "n*] impers. (Ch. ■^r'^x w. pron. suff. equal subst. verb, with participle equal finite verb.) is not, are not, was not, were not, was, were, tt5^ . thereafter, -,3 -inx , "ja '''nnx . therefore, TX , 1 , 1 and i (before in- ferential clauses), nXTb , -pb , "3~b:) , ',nb. (Ch. n=^ b?, inb.)' therein, -(aa , dtlJ . thereof, cir^ . thereupon, tx , "'TX . (Ch. I'^ix , ""ix3.) therewith, therewithal, ds . these, bx H, riiX, T^n com., mrt f. (w. the ait). (Ch. yhi< , r,|x .) ^ they, en , n53r| m., 'p I f. (only w. prefixes), nrn f. (Ch. "i^SX , "j'rx f., ■iHrt and -pjan m.) thick branches, TiaiiU. cl»uds, bsiss m. darkness, Vsx m. (poet.), nbsx f., see nibsx?3 . to be, na? . T T wood a, (ii-,n . thick-leaved bough, naS com. thicket, ilj-;n , ns"! m., r^ap m., r^ap , T»::b, -a;b. dark, zs II com. of thorns, rnisj'j m. thickets, d^n'in and D'^nin. thickness, 1335 m. thief, asa m. thigh, Tin-j f. (Ch. nan^ f.) Tin 180 THR thighs, see ina in du. or plu. thin, b-n , pi , p- . to make, (Oh. bson .) thing, l^k (poet.), ~-'n m., hh^t f. (mostly later Ilel).), yyj m. (only in Eccle.). (Ch. r\\'0 t, i;s m) things, great, n^-ij f. concr. (later Hcl>.) to come, . think, to, izVa -irx , nm I Pi., roin K. Pi., b^s Pi., n'-'iu Pol. (Ch. roJs ,' p-«u;2> c. inf. et b .) of, to, -ir; , :"rn. - T ' - r out, to, rttir, K. Pi. to do, to, ^233 -i^n w. inf. c. b , upon, to, -ip3 Pi., n-c'jj I PL, n;n I, -.=T , =ii-n Pi. third, "^uj^bj . a, u:"'b'jj m., iuj"T5 and r'i-'""D m., 0*:^, Ci"':"':a , "Tpm. coll., see tti-rp , ti"~b , r"^ilj m. coll., -■'•I'iii m. coll. a thicket of, •,'?:j^'3 m. thorny (plant), a, T^-':; m. those, see in zn , Ji-zn , 3. thou, PS f., rs , mx m , tix rare form, (Cheth). (Ch. nr;x .) though, tix , 2 (w. an infin.), •"> , :i and 1 (sometimes.) thought, ,-i;n m., rs;n f., njsT f., 'i^J'' ni., S'n-a also y^-r, m. (later Ilcb.), n^T-a 1, nin'ijy f., r-i II m., n-q m. (Cli. "^'n-^n , "i"- "^ ni. ) thoughts, m':rnu" , csrii: , D'^cr-.b. thousand, rjbx . (Ch. Tibx , rbx .) ten, nzzi f-, izi f. (later wiiters), VAZ^yf. (Cli. T^2Z■': f. (Keri), on f.) three hundred, rbx r"Nr Uibb , twice ten, criz") du., n's"! "Pb , thousands, to bring fortli. rbx Hi. tlii-ead, yj\ m. (once), n2 I m., nV^j f., :;!in m., r=a^ f., b-'rs m. a fine, see -b^ . to a shoe-latchet, from a, iv'_ aiPTO bj5_3-r,iib . threads, fine, c^Tip , stuff composed of fine, see ■'X13 , threat, a, -:x (poet.) THR 181 TID threaten, to, i~ri Pi. three, th^ w. f., noJ^Oi w. m. (Ch. T T : rbn w. f., nrbn , xnbri w. m.) days ago, ="!lJ3'ii: . parts, to divide into, ItjVj Pi. stoiiL's liiffli, ttJilU^ . T \ : stories, of, uisr^ . times, D"'rsJ-3 tiJbi' . • T ; T yeai"s, of, ujbl3"3 . years old, ii;bjj"3 . T \ : threefold, uife'J:?: . thresh, to, uinx once inf. abs., ttJf,':!, tii-^ and UJ-'n , '^zn. threshed, nxin^a or n'i'TO f. concr. to l)e, iij:'n , Ui'i'n and ©■'^ Ho. threshing sledges, D'rp-a . threshing-dray, ,-15 r.:? f. threshing-floor, -i-ij in. (Ch. "mX.) thresliing-sledge, yn-in I m., more fully ■j'?nr :,yz , 7"'")n , 5-^1:3 m. threshing-time, ^-1 m. threshold, ■]n2"3 ni., ro m., zv I m. to wait (or) stand on the, TiID Hithpo. thrice, c-'rrB ttJbil3„ • T : T thrive, to, n-'n , nb-j and ns:: , T T ' T T throat, -p-j ni., :/o m. (the external), ni~»~a plu., 'p'-is m. throes, D"'r~n , ti"'"."^ . throne, see C3 , N&3 m. (Ch. N0"i3 .) throng, "i'lap m., n^:-i f. throttle, to, p:n Pi. through, nr2 and irS . the midst of, -ir-3 and li'S . throw, to, tVJi Hi., nn^ I only pret. 3 plu., n-^, nn^ K.' Hi., hz: Hi., nrn , =?,b and n-b , nVtlJ Fi., -biii Hi. (Ch. n-c? , s-c'i .) down, to, r?i2 Hi., bs?, rr-^' Pi. Hi., -j-i-ij. headlong, to, i;-^-! Pi. (once.) off, to, r,3 -.5 Hi. w. s:"2^ "br^ - T V • ' T T • • one's self down, to, bsjD . ■T stones at, to, c;-. . - T up, to, r,ru) . with a sling, to, j'bp I K. Pi. 16 thrown, to be, (Ch. m:1 Ithp(j.) thrown down, to be, -^zh Ni., vn5 NI. Pu. (once pret.). Ho. (once fut.) thrum, n^'n f. tlu'ust, a, ■^r'ri m. away, to, n^tr Hi., cinn w. -■;., n:? w. •,•2., see nbiij Pi., 3. away, to be, m: Ho. down, to, ri^n , nj: ^ n-i3 Hi. c, down, to be, nni Ni. Pu., ^-l■^ K, Ho. forth, to. rnz , forward, to, see arid . in, to, hhv n Po. out, -li-o . out, to, -"^x Hi., bna Hi., ti-in w. •':3'a , "'rsbo ., nr- Hi. w. ace. of pers. and -jr., n-i*i Hi., m3 I Pi., ni3 K. c. p , Hi., n::D Hi., out, to be, nn; Ni. Pu. through, to, npti , -jS-j I, nr: Hi. through, to be, npn Ni. Pu. to, nnrj, rnrj, r,n:j, pnrj, ps^ , r,"in n;: K. Pi., n:o , mj Hi., -t' -r ' -t' -t nD3 Hi., rpn. (Ch. t^'j.) thrusts, nilpTO . thumb, -,^3 m. followed by t^ . Tlmmmin, D"^^n . thunder, nrn^ bip , riin"^ Sn , c^n m., peril, ttjs-i m. to, c^i . thunder-flash, P"'bip t"Tn. thunders, nib'p m. thus, HT , 3 , nb , irs , "irs , -js I. (Ch. , and thus, riTzi nT3, rXTZi rx"3 . ' V T : T ' T : T (and) thus, n=3 , far, cb--na , n:n-n? . thyself, (thou), r,iJ3:. tiara, rZ'.'Z'O f., r.":jC m. ' • T tiaras, D-^bii:: . tidings, nri";!:; f. glad, n~''r2 f. messenger of good, "iBS'a . reward for good, n-niua f. TED 182 TOE tidings, to announce, to bring glad, nbs Pi. to bear, rarely njija Pi. to receive good, -,b3 Hithp. tie, to, itlip . up, to, DSS . tiger, prob. -.?33 m. tight, to gird, i^Tn . Tigris, bp'nn . tile, a, nj^ib f. till now, ■,'ir., !^S"t?. now and till tlien, !^*^"^S^ n*3"ns» , that, (Ch, ■'■:[ ns«.) when ? jfQ ~iV . till, to, -113 , -i^v w. ace. of land, tillage, mhs; f. timber, ns? I f. timbrel, rh m. time, "(EX m., •f'ci m. (later Ileb.), d^"" m. rarely f., n-'^i plu., pis' usually f. (Ch. "(TOT, ",737 m., ■;iT3T' plu., ■,'n3 m.) aijpointed, ',7:1 m. (later Heb.), pn m., ti'^'c w. gen. (Ch. •,t:'i ^ -,t3t m.) at one, nnx cirs . at that, Tx , ■'TS , Qi^n , stinn rsa , tiii. (Ch. •,'^nx, s3-:t na.) at the, vs . at this, niTi, n"-3 , nrs, nn? , rsTn CSS2 . (Ch. "(j's .) certain, see oi^ , 3. fit, r? usually f. for a, ns ^^ , from what, (Ch. "^"^""2 .) in the, rr . of life, n'^'C plu., perh. •^'^s m. (Ch. -(-rii plu.) past, from, in, titubil3 bi>2n73 . perpetual, ns m. remote, (Ch. aby m.) set, p"n m., -iri?2 m., ns usually f. this, cssn . to come, in, in-a . "inr ni"'3 . to time, from, rs (ny) bx n5 . until this, nrs is . t jnely, ips . times, Ciis , C-ibin only plu. (Ch. nn before numerals.) appointed, nirjsT'S o-ry, ens at all, ci'H-bs, D'-'-bra , rv-'zzz . of old, p-'iiix-i f. stated, m':aT^ c-n^ , f:rT2 z'r\'J . timid, nnr.n, XT', nnra w. Vb ., -p =^b. to be, rail's Pi. to become, r.r-i . timidity, 77-1^2 m. tin, b^-i3 m. tine, -oj m. tingle, to, bba I K. Hi. tinkling (with anklets), to make a, Grv Pi. tip of the ear, r^Jijpi m., w. -tx added, tire (of the head), a, nxs m. tire (the head), to, rz:"" Hi. tire one's patience, to, nxb Hi, tired, to be, vzb also y^b . tithe, ^bi'ia . to, -bsj. tithes, to give, "^irs Hi. to pay, -^\a'J> Pi. to, bx , n.x II (rarely), b , (For differ- ence between b and bx see bx , III, A.), -T^ , bs , Qy (w. verbs of doing). (Ch. b,",?,by,cn^.) meet, (prep.), rxnpb (after verbs of motion.) that place, n3 IS . the end that, -ttj rn^l bs , "yiab ittix , 'p-sb . (Ch. n-'^i bs the intent that, -ibx "J^ w. fut. (Ch. ■'■n n-i3"n by.) this place, nm II. to-day, ci*n , era . to-morrow, ip3 , ^nr , nn'C qi"' , ^n^b, r'^n-a f., r""m2n ct' , r-^nrab, d: — ^nrb . about this time, -in"2 nys . , to-night, nr-'tn . toe, y2ax w. D-'b;n tlie great, -jnin followed 1)_ bsn . TOG 183 TEA together, ■In^t^ , nnsa , ta^ , "^rr^ , I'^n;; . (Ch. n-^h N'n , nnns ,) both, "inxs cn"':"li . with, bN , bv . rm' (once), nasb . toil, (snare), a, ban m. toil, (labor), -(-x m., r-'ji m., brS m., ■;'':» m. (only in Eccle.), ^SS m., ■|i:a^ m. his, ins? . to, ?:,^ , bias , to labor and, n;? II Pu. toiling, h-qy. toils, see D"^:xn, ni'2S"in. token, a, n'S I com., nsiis ra., 03 m. toll, a, (Ch. Tirn m.) tomb, a, ^115 m. tongs, ninpb'!3 m. du. tongue, -ji'iib com. (Ch. -(^i'b m.) deceitful, n'laT 'lidb .niDSnn 'liajb . too much, -ini"' , nj m. tract, (district), a, ban m. arid, n^-iS) f. of land, ti3il3 m. trade, ~nDT3 m., ans'ia I m. (only in Ez.), nV=T f . ' ' T v. : to, -ino , hz"! . trader, inb , bsi. female, n~nb f., nbsS f. traffic, inOTO m., 3~S'a I m. (only in Ez.), n-iho f., n^D-i f. to, -ino , 3"j5> I, ban. train (of a prince), c25 m. (of a robe), bailj m., blttS m. train, to, ~3n, mab K. Pi. trained, 7('^3n . to be, n?2b K. Pu, TRA 184 TRE trained up, to be, ^ns Pu. trample, to, uir'n, ui'i'n anJ (U-'n , Tj'^'n , OS'l. (C!l. ttir^.) down, to, n-i-. . (Cli. cs~i .) in pieces, to, d"2 , m-! . under foot, to, C"2, ::r3 , ~nn (one-), brs, 0^"j. upon, to, ciJ" once in Po., N2'n Pi., C2"i and iOE"' , (Ch. CS"^ .) tranquil, see -ir', 1., V^*^ > "i^?.^'^ > >bij, c-biu . to be, "jxiii Pil., nb'Jj and ibl) , t3.;ra; Hi. tranquillity, r'~.'^2 plu., xeit: m., nb-tC m., nitui f. transact, to, y^ III. transacted, to be, y^ Ni. transcribe, to, prr Hi. transcript, ";!1)~Q . (Ch. "'iJ-S.) transfer, to, ni: Hi.. r::D Hi., -,25 Hi., pnr Hi., r:aj I Pi. transferred, to bj, rro . trjinsfix, to, r;bn . transgress, to, c'lix also ciUx , "^2?, ruis c. ^v against., :,:,a , n;'U . (Ch. N,Vii Pa, Aph.) to make, -zv Hi. transgression, brJ": I m., n-io f , see His, ?lli3 m., n;:tt3 f., nx";-:) f. transgressions, D'lJO , ci:;b . transgressor, rtbs. transit, nzsi: m. translate, to, (Ch. ns^n .) translated, (Ch. n ~in*3.) translation, s;ie ui-s in Pu. transport across, to, irs Hi. trap, a, n~::;iO": f. trap-cage, z^'~3 m. trap-net, ns I m. trappings, ■^•:^ m. travail, b*cr m., Z'^'J ni., 'liisiS ni., a-^ixn plu., HN^n f. a woman in, nnbi"^ , rarely rnbi"' . to, ^::nPi. travel, to, see 's^.'ii , I, 3. about, to, -i\v H, nnn. around, to, -irc . travel through, to, see :;vr I. traveller, p.-iit ^ n-s com. (poet.), oJ^st travellers, a band of, n'-ttj f. a company of, nrnx f. coll. companies of, r":"'bn only plu. traverse as a merchant, to, nno . trays, rinn": , treacheries, m"t:*3 . treacherous, Tija . dealers, q"'"i;2. treacherously, to act, br'a . to deal, -i:S constr. al)sol., oftener w. 3 of pers., brxj c. a of pers. with, to desert, T:.2 . to fall away, see -o-2 . treachery, i;2 m., -\v>-z II m., Vs'? I m. tread (of the foot), C2s f. down, to, CiZ K. Pil., w>2, cjra (once in Po.), 7,nn (once), OCS , 11-;, cr-., :--n. in, to, Tj-Tj c. 2 , ace, bs . in pieces, to, czv , t"^ , see mi Pi. out grain, to, ilj!"n , ffi"'n and ^ij-'n . to, ui^^, ui-n and ^--n, --"n K. Hi., m-i , D^^ , D3- and iasi . (Ch. Uir-n.) upon, to, r,-^ K- c. 2 , ace, bs , Hi., ir33, D-:n. treader down, a, 0^:^ . treading, a, Tpi": . down, a, -oiZ'O f-, &"^1"3 ni,, rc!i:p. f. water made foul by, rs"*; m. treasure, -^^I'S ni., -pn m., •,ir::*a m., nin^rc; (Keri.) hid, "jTc::": m. up, to, -sx , ■s:i. treasure-house, ^sc*s rr2 . treasurer, -27 r. m. treasurers, (Ch. ■,— sr. , "i"-!":;.) treasures, d*t:j , c-:':='C (cmce), -SS m., n-iT'rs (Cheth), ci-:ii*^ , nias'n. (Ch- T"^ ".) bidden, -^nz/c "^j -:;"5 . TKE 185 TKO treasury, -isix m., -i^ix n-3 , -!3J m., see uncbr rx:3, (Ch. x't:5 n"'3 .) to set over the, "isx Hi. treatment, ill, nr'T f., mrt f. Tt: T-- treble, sefe in nrbr . tree, a, sra in plu., yv m. (Ch. -,b"ix m) a strong, hardy, nbx f. a strong, stout, miglity, b^x ni. any large, 2^erh. b'iis. native, n-TX ni. trees, bffix coll., y:? m. coll. trellis, see nin-iS . T ■: tremble, to, bna Ni., r~3 Ni., b"'* , rarely b'',:i or bi; (poet.), ^^T , bbi Ni., b^in and b"'n K. Pil., ^nn (once), nnr , r-i (pret. onC3), v^2 also sij , ^r3, T-'-i, '^r^, y\^ Hlthp., t:-i, l»-. K. Hi., c:*-, tv-^. (Ch. snt c. for, to, T^n w. bx . to be mad3 to, b""i Ho. (only.) to cause to, bns Pi. Hi. to make, nr.a Hi., Tsn Hi. trembling, (adj.), n-,n av. b^ for., tst . to come, n-n . to follow, --i.-i w. "i-.nx . to, to tu'n, ins w. bs . trembling, (sul).), b'Pi m., nb"n f. (once), nbnbn f., nn-n f., n^^lbs f., m;-i f., -tV' m., rn^J-i f., nrs-i r:T -- ' Tr: t:- f., tv- m. tremor, :;::"■, m. tremulous and stridulous sound, to give forth a, n:-"i (once.) trench, a, y^-n I ra., nbrn f. trepidation, m:,"' f. to be in, bna Ni., ;nn (once), T^n, nn2. to flee in, bn3 Ni. to put in, (Ch. bna Pa.) tresjjass, niijx m., see r\ivn ri^g m. to, see ctax . trespass-offeiing, Q'jjx m. bringing a, tiUix (adj.) the bringing of a, n?;tDx f. trespassing, a, mc'Jix f. trial, -jna m., riS"a f. ' 16* trial, to make, no: Pi. triangle, (musical), ':J"'ba3 m. tribe, n:^X and Wizy: f. (only plu.), na"? m., nniiUi'a f., cs m., -^z^ and urtii ni. (Ch. njsx f., w-'ij m.) one of the same, nx I m. tribes, tii-c-:i) . (Ch. •;-'r^:S .) tribunal, XB3 ni. (Ch. yr\ m.) before the, -,sf 3 . tribune, military, nro . trilnite, see -nn , r.'ri-a f., cz'a m., nn:T3 f., d"c m., x'v^'a m., nxtU'2 f., n-cA-p. f. (Ch. iba , rti-a m., r.-n'-io f.) T : : ' T ■ ■ t: • ' tribute-master, o:3n b^ -.'JJX . tribute-service, 0:2 m. ti'ibute-service, to Ijecome subject to, C-rb ri-ri^, izs c-2b n-n. trick, m-n f. trickling, 1:2 m. triclinium, 30"a m. tried, to be, -,713 Ni. Pu. wisdom, (a man of), ";"3y3. trier (of metal), yr,z m. trifles, m'^i'bn . trifling, to be, bbp Ni. c. ■':-':?3. trill the voice, to, ■;:-i , trim (lamps), to, 3:51 Hi. (the nails), to, najs I. trinket, ■'bn m., nibn f. trip, to, CjEa . triple, m's'ii^ . triumph, song of, "i-'?:t m. triumph, to, ruii Ni., thv , over, to, uibn w. 'b'J . to let, rail Hi. triumphing, (one) insolently, T*i5 . trodden, 3"n3 . out, nrma or nt'iTS f. concr. Bomething, O'l^i'a m. imder foot, di"'2 . under foot, to be, 012 Hithpal. upon, space, --T3 m. troop, a, r.TiriX f., n^"i:i m., rrsn f. coll., nsiia m. (poet.), nrn-; usually m., nnb!i3-3 f., r,^,r I f., rv m. (poet.) troops, ID -IX ni. coll., 331 m. coll., see D3i. TRO 18G Tl'R trophy, Ti f. trouble, "jiN ni., rr^t: m., 023 m., p's m., np^a f., Tsn m., n:?^ f., nxbn f. I am in, "^b t:i impers. to, t>:-3 Hi., nil;. (Ch. lliiiii Pa.) to be in, -1:11 impers. water with the feet, to, n\^ , troubled fountain, iUQ-j T'^'O . to be, "ciia, c»s Ni. Ilithp., C"^ . troublesome, n^r . trough (of wine-pressj, n; f. troughs, a"'2xit5^. trowsers, wide, see (Ch. "i^ba-.D.) truce, nr&Ta I f. true, 3ia , ",1=; , c-^rrj. (Ch. S-'a^ .) . to be, )-os I Ni., "jiis Ni. to l)e found, -.-ix I Ni. truly, bnx, "izx , -rx, niisx , Di^cx , di'qx, p^'ris . (Ch. -j'iip -^-q .) trumjjet, ririijn f, "^svvIJ m., see ',aJrr. to, -lubin (only in paiticiple.) to blow the, -:si:n (only in parti- ciple), -iti':; rpn or -isiira 'n , to strike up tlie, n^:jiiR2 yppi . trunk, STi. m., n^S?? f., perh. "^xl^i m. (Ch. -np:? m.) of wood, yj bflS. trust, njitiox f., n::a m., nr:'^i f., ■Sn'j3 m., ri'r'i'n f., nzyz'c m., pToiaJn f. w. gen. ni added. t' T in, to, )v^^ Ni. c. 'b:; , bx , 3 . in, to put, non c. 3 . to, "(rx I Hi., n-J2 I w. 3 , bs , hit.., non , n*p . (Ch. "irx Aph. c. 3., i2D (once), "jTin Ithjja. c. by on, in ) to persuade to, n:j3 I Hi. w. bs , b? . trusting, na::2 . trustworthy, (Ch. -i^-r;^ .) to be, ^-on I Ni. truth, rr^ix f., n:i2 I m., pis m., aoSp m., see uttSp , D"'52ri plu., D"^73n m. sing. (Ch. u'iujp m.) of a, (Ch. ziitip -^-o .) to speak the, pT^ . (Ch. 3^'^ Pa.) try, to, ',^2 , -ns (later Ilelj.), no: Pi., :i^.^^ , bpo: , ;zn K. Pi. to find, to, Si's . to gain, to, ujp3 Pi. tul), n3 f. tuI)o, piEx or p^EX m., npsiTS f. tubes, ninn:a , Q-'rp . T : - ' • ' T tumble, to, 7,En Hithp. down, to, -:^'zi2 Ni., bb:!£ HI (once.) tumid, inn . to be, rf'jz Ni., hz'J Pu. tumidly, to act, bsr Hi. tumors, C)"'b2S (Cheth.) tumult, ',vzn m. once f., -n"T"3 m., nr^in:; f. , ii'~\ m., iSJ-] m., -pxaJ m., nuJ II f., nE^:n 1, nrsnn f., nixrrj plu. to make a, ir:.-i . to run together with, (Ch. aJjn Haph. c. b" .) to stir ui), rttjl Hi, ^ - T warlike, i"Ti3 m. tunic, see rr'ns , see (Ch. tli'^BS .) of (many) colors, see under os . reaching to the palms (and) soles, see under OE . tunnel (for pouiing), npSiTS f. tur))an, ^ex m., n;'3;!T2 1, rEiSi: f., ^xs m., ri-'is m. turbans, DibsiZIi . turbid, to make, nb^ , ' - T turmoil. t:"-i m. turn, a, n3p3 f., nsD 1, "y£S f., ^n T. ' ' about, to, , p^n , -ES I, 3WB K. Hi. against, to, TjEn Ni. w. 3 , Ho. c. aside, to, in; II K. Ni., nsb Ni., nus Hi. c. 1^ ., nso K c. -(^ br^a ti?^ , "'T'j.J*?. J H^- P^^-' nub . aside to, to, linib . away, to, -tn , -^t II K. Ni., tiib K. c. -,'a , Hi. (in Chald. man- ner), n-j: K. Hi., bs3 Hi., "nsio K. c. ^^^ , hv-c , cri3 , ■^T.nxia , TUR 187 TYR Hi., -I-S5 Hi., n:5 c. tiV-q ., ar:;, asillS K. Pil. Hi/' turn away in silence from, to, nctJn w. awfiy tlie eyes from, nytii I w. "jia ^ back, to, 7^5 n K. Ni., r.;s Ho., rw K. Hi. (Ch. r!in.) back after, to, 2r0 w. i-inx-bx . deeply, to, n-o P''^-n . far away, to, n-'O p"'^r!'"' • in one's mind, to, izba ~Ari. into, to, r,En w. b ., G^iD and D-^iO w. ace. and b ., b -rj. on one side, to, nys K. Pi. one's self to, r^sn K. Hithp., nsb Ni., nno K. Nl Hi , n:s,. one's self about, to, -rn , one's self round, to, is:: I. one's self to, to, nrs Hi. w. bx . over, to, rjsn . the back, to, p^jy -.ri] , n:s Hi., 0211) n:En. the eyes, to, njs c. bs , 3 . to, r,En , n::: K. Hi., ::zd K. Ni. Pi. Hi. Ho., n:Q K. Hi., tiTJ and T T and c'ia , z^:i K. Hi., rr'ttj . to, to, r,sn M. w. by , bx, b., rsD , n:Q c. by , bs , b . to the left, to, bxiaiu Hi. to the right, to, ■jrx IF Hi., ',12^ Hi. towards, to, n;Q c. bs , bx . b , trembling to, to, -irg w. bs . upside down, to, bzn Pi., n^'S Pi. turned, to be, TjEn K. c. ace. into, Ni. w. b , ace, Hithp., ^2;1 Ho., --0 Ho., n:3 Ho. T T against, to be, tjem Ho. c. bs . away, to be, 3'0 I Ho. w. -n'nx . back, to be, 5:10 I Ni. Ho. w. ninx ., n:5 Ho. turned over to, to be, 320 Ni. c. b . turning, (adj.), b-'b; , -^=ari . away, (adj.), -:ri5 . away, (sub.), n-rria f. of the sword, a, ^"in nnns (once.) turi'et, a mural, r.t^ f. turtle-dove, see -lii'Ti ^ -iin I. tutelage, fijisx f. tutelary, (divinity), see "i^is . twain, c^sx'n, C-'Tsn . to be, cxp . twelfth, -litj? D"'3ai m., ni'ijy D"'na5 f. twelve, lbs C">;UJ m., -iiDrn c:!!; m., n-ibs n-rb 1 (Ch. "wv i-jn .) twentieth, ti^-ibs . twenty, D-^niDS . (Ch. "fniCS .) twice, di?3SD . (or) thrice, bbb ="'^S>q . twig, iTTinT f., Tj'n m., rbab f. twigs, D"^Drn , ti"^2TbT only plu,, nibiu3 . twilight, evening, morning, nb3 m. twin, a, nxn m. twinkling (of the eye), a, 5)nQ . twined byssus, ^w-o bb . twins, ti'^nixpi only plu., irxn plu. constr., d"'53n . to bear, nxn Hi. twirl (of a spindle), -iib"'3 . twist one's self, to, bsin and bTi . twisted to be, bns Ni. two, ci'jb m. du., c";rb f. (Ch. "^"Pi.) (or) three, nbbb ci:b . (or) three times, bbb D"i^r3. things, c^nb f. du. two-edged sword, riT'fS 2~n . two-fold, nfi!i-c m., Dijb m. du. tyrant, nia-j , h'ri^ , '"CTZ , S'^nj m., v-ins m , yi'-s m. Tyre, ^!ia . Tyrian, iis. UGL 188 UNK CJ ugliness, sn m. ulcer, inflamed, "(TiilJ m. malignant, r-\ yr.'d . unalloyed, "lin:; . unawares, r^'n '5^3 . unbind, to, nn3 Pi. (Ch. i^-iiiJ also umbra, irE3 com. (once.) unbridled, s:i^d . to be, r-ig Ni. to let go, "^s . to make, :— Q Hi. unchecked, to let go, r~Q . uncircumcised, bis . to show one's self, bir Ni. uncle, T"n m. (spec.) unclean, bxS': (later Heb.), xra . bird, (a species of), rE"":!":! f. meats, broth of. D"'5;3 p'^'3 . thing, nn'Z'^ f., ns?::: f., r.'n: f. thing, to remove as an, bir . to be, X"::: , nra Ni. to be pronounced, bx j II Pu. (later Heb.) to become, H'z-^ . to make, sriJ Pi. to make one's self, si^:: Ilithp. w. 3 J h with which., "!ibs:-nN |';?a: c. 3 of thing, to pronounce, sr:: Pi. uncleanness, ns-cij f., nx'>::j f., rrnj f., n-j"': f., r-.-^r'j) f., bn;Q m. uncover, to, nbi Pi., r,(un , rf-Si Pi. Hi., 5>"^s . I ncovercd, to be, nbr. Ni. Pu. i;nction, nntr-a f. to conseci-ate I)y, nria . undaunted, to be, pTn . under, rnn , b rnn"; , b rnn~b (after verbs of motion), rnn"bx . (Ch. ninn preposit, nn-;; .) what is, nrn . world, the, bix'lJ com. undermine, to, -np Pilp. underneath, nai^-a . understand, to, -j-s K. Hi., rT^ nxn rruj . (Ch. rn-' .) understanding, n:-'3 f., rr'n f., 'pSttJn m., t-'J'J m., see ::3b e., rA^ f. (rarely), b-3in , brio also briu m.. •(izn m., n:n:n f., n^tai-n f. (Ch n:"3 f., r^a?; m., !i:r\b=iu f.) of, to give the, bria n?i-' . to have, •,-«2 K. Hi. Hithpal. to give, ■■'2 Hi. to want, :ab Ni. undertake, to, brs (poet.) undertaking, an, rt'ili'n f. undeservedly, zin , nr"'"t , T • ' ' T - undone, to leave, -isis Hi. uneasy motions, D"'~13 . unexpectedly, rrn •'b^a , see in rsn 1., see in 3ti , B, 1., rnE3 . unformed mass, substance, cbs m. unfortunate, one, nzk m. unfruitful, to be, b'ri: and br-j Pi. ungirds (hiniself), one who, nns^ . ungodliness, riUT m., r'V"'~i f. ungodly, b:: , h^-'J I, "^^tv , vt^ . the, CT.'S. unguent, r~r:»*i'C f-, "'I'ii m. unguent-kettle, nrpi": 1, nrj^-cB f. unguent-shop, see nnp-^ . unguents, maker of, npS. unhappy, rrn , nx3 (Keri), sn . unharmed, cbttj . unheard of, -t , uj-n . T ' T T unholy, bn , b^bn . uninhabited, to be, 3'i:'< xb . union, tni m. in, iri'i . unite, to, nn'i Pi. one's self, to, 1"X Hithp., in^ a 2 , nx. united, D"'"ir!X plu. to be, nn"" . unknown, "^iz! . to be, "lES Ni. c. *,'>3 . UNJ 189 URO unjust, rttJ"! . balances, raj-) '':TJ<^ . cause to liave an, v:il . unjustly, to jadg3, b^p ::sffl . unknowingly, r?T "i^r^ . unlawful, "T . unleavened, n:i-2 I f. concr. bread, ri'>l"3 Dr^ . cakes, n'S"? n:js , unless, "h^iH I (once), xb Dx , ipba -lOJx , ex "^n'-a , nx '3 (after a ncg.}, sbnb, •'b/b . if, ex Tiba . perhaps, "ix . that, ex Tib 3 . unmarrowed, see nn*: Pu. unmoved, -'^"o . unprosperous, y^ . unpruued vine, see "•'T3 . unpunished, to let go, n-p'i Pi. unrighteous gain, -,i? m. unrighteousness, riiii m. unruly, r^is , - T to be, sns Ni. to make, 3."j3 Hi. unsavory, anything, ban m. unsearchable, "ipn ■;"'x , p-cv . (Ch. to be, prS) . unseasoned, anything, bsn m. unshod, c;,r,i . unsteady, to be, -ivo , psg I K. Hi. until, ex ■:?,•':; nr , b , ns , ffl ns . (Ch. 1-j , -n -rj .) none, -pibs niJ . not, -nba 1? . now, "(S""!? . (Ch. "iSg -iv .) that, nojx ns , "s-ns , (Ch. ny ^^•) '■" this time, nns "iS . when, ex *i? . when ? ix-n? , n:x-^:^' , 1^^"^? . unto, bx , 2 , b , -iS , bs (in a few ex- amples). (Ch. br .) unwell, to be, n"n . unwilling, "|X7: (w. pers. pron. equal finite verb.) unwilling, to be, ",x*2 Pi. unwise, n^-]2 xb , n^T ^b-a , "ba , nsi , ern xb . unwittin-'ly, n;,:r3 ^ T T : ■ imwortliy of, to be, y^p c. -(^ . up into, bs . upon, br . upbraid, to, r"-n K. c. ace, Pi. c. ace, 2 , b ., nnr Hi., vxyii Pi. upheld, -!i72D . upliold, to, -'CO , *tSD , ~'?P1 c. 2 . uplifted, sec em K. part., n^*ci-i f. upon, 3, "«E5 b" , b, b b:J^-a , bs . (" the forehead, 's T"? ","'2 . upper, P'b:? f. only, ■ji-'b:? . chamber, an, nb"*? f., n'^bs f. (Ch. n-kr f.) part, 2S m., aj m. uppermost, (what is), ujx-i I m. upriglit, -rN: , 2TJ , ni.-r; x'l'^ , x")-^ en (onlv in moral sense), d-'Tir-. upright, (adv.), n^''-2-o-p. columns, cii-ii^n II. to be, pns , ern . to be set, (Ch. -(pn Iloph. w. Heb. flexion.) to make, pTjc Pi. Hi., ti^-n Hi. ' - T - T to show one's self, -in2 Hithp., e^n Hithp. uprightly, -,3 I. to judge, pn-j; as© , D'^"ia3"'55 as(B , to live, see in e'^n Hi., see in tr-Ci^ , 4. to walk, rpbb iti'^ , D"T:r3 -bn , ti-cn -bn , crn --'i3 7,bn. with, to deal, q .n Hithp. c. er . uprightness, riix f., -ittJ"' m., nui'^ m., n^^'ii-i f. or -■^tli'^ f., D"'-!a3">p only plu., pn:j m., en m. uproar, uiri m., see '.ixilJ , m'X'JJn — ' T ' -. : plu. upwards, nb:"cb , nbr'2 . Ur of tlie Chaldees, u-ritB^ -!ix . urge, to, -j-ix K. Hi., 7bx Pi., 03X , qr':! , abn (once in; Hi., ir:,: , "f "J , URG 190 VAX Sno c. 2 „ CJJD , -i:it3 w. S of pers., ^-E c. 2., pas I Hi. (Ch. 0:x.) urge on, to, risx (once), an: . one's self, to, qn'n Ni. strongly, to, nn-i . urgent, y:in3 . to be, ptn c. bs , Urim and Tlmmmim, c'^Tanni Q'^iJiXti . • \ - : • T urine, D"^-:"i ■^12"'^ (Keri), "pijj m. (Cheth.) ' to void, see in T|3D Hi. 2. Ursa Major, ^v II m. usage, nraJr m., n^r'iSia f. use, mir f. to be of, b?"' Hi. used (to anything), Tsiab . usurer, a, nttJj . I usury, n"'2'i'a f., xr*: m., r^^i in. to lend on, r.'ii; . ■' - T to take, r,tU3 Hi. •■ - T utensil, ^^3 m. (Ch. ■jx'i m.) utter, to, -173 X , ">~^ Pi., rz3 Hi., see *i;: Hi., x-:;:,-r-, rno Hi., n-'ii) . aloud, to, rr'ij Hi. cries of joy, to, •,:« . words, to, VQ-rx rpQ . utter destruction, ta^n , once w^n . uttered, (something rashly), x^^ia m. uttering, an, x\a'2 m. utterly, nj<^ -.v . uttermost, see ri'^p . jsart, rc-irx f. parts, D-psn^ du. vacant, something left, nj'a . to be, b-j2 . (Ch. b-j2 .) vagabonds, qoEOX ni. vail, nrSc f. vain, biibx (Cheth), b-ibx , ^d s:'p'\ f. vary, to, n:u5 I Pi. vase, 1^3 m., piiT: m., n:a:3 f. (Ch. ■|X^ 111.) a (large), c"^ m. Vashti, Ti'tSi . vassal, ",3 m, vast, ^•'Z3 (poet.), s* , vat, n; f. vault, a, "I'nr.x f., ra m., nisPi f. vaunt one's self, to, ixs I Hithp. c. b? against, vegetables, o^'shl and Q"^:5'''it , Sius m. vehemence, 133, "ikia m., T3) m. even to, I'xr n? . vehement, pfn^ "^3" ? ^k''^ , ^^ j ^? ? to be, mn , -i::3 , vtq Ni., ntiip I. -t' -t'1-t t't vehemently, n;rm , nxTS , nxT? ns , is vehicle, to fasten (or) yoke to a, -d-i Hi. to set (oi-) place upon a, 33"i Hi. veil, a, "irnn m., see in nsios , a'ib m., n-pT3 m., r,or3 m., -ino m., nias f., Plus's m., n-inn m. ' • T • T one's self, to, r,b3 Hithp. to, nsn , ino Hi. T T ^ - T veiled, n'^'Sv f. veils, n'bsJ-i m. plu. vein (of silver), saiia m. veno^eance, crs m., niopj f. ^ ' 'tt t' r; , desire of, nrps f. to take, Dn3 Pi. Hithp., apj K Pi., Dps cpi. 'tt '-T upon, to take, a i'i'Cp} nib" . venison, t^s m, venom, see n"iiTa . venomous, r)iii' . serpent, q-iiu m. ventricle, nnri f. t' " ventriloquists, see nix at end. Venus, see •'r:: , see n-^rHlS? . verdure, 2X m., pn^ m., n"]B m. verified, to be, "j-cx I Ni. verily, -i^N n:rx , citdx , d:idx . '"T/ riT^ T;r' T;\ verity, -irx ni., ta'^cn m. veree, a, bui*3 I m. versicolor, niap-i f. vertelu'se, (Ch. ";"'i::p only plu.) vertex, "^'pip m. vertigo, x;n or njn f., r^tlJ m. (once ^ TT TT ItT ^ c. art.) very, see -ix^ , xbsn . (Ch. n-iTi^ , X-'jiO .) vessel, lbs m., p"it^ m., bas and bsJ m., nstiJi: f., -(-^p f. (Ch. -(X^a m.) hollow, r? f. vestibule, tibiix . vestment, tijsrb m., T^ m., rrn^ f., 1*113 m., ii:!i3b73 m., n-^v;2 m. (Ch. ttSsiab ) vestry, nnnb^a f. vex, to, nba Pi., 0^3 Hi., xtl33 H Hi. "w. 3 of pers., -ffl: , bbs) I Po. c. b of pers., -in'^ Hi., vsn Po. (Ch. xba Pa.) one another, to, iD."3 Ni. vexation, ci^S m., Cj3 m. (only in Job), -isi? m., n:nn f., DibibsJn plu. vexed, to be, c^s . vexer, a, bb'Pi m. (once in plu.) vexing, to gratify (or) indulge one's self in, bb:5 I Hithp. vibrate, to, s?: also sis . vibration, see ynv . vibrations, to give forth the voice in, V . T viceroys, n'i:a";'ntt3nx , m'3"''ii3n inia . (Ch. "j-ss-i-iTitJ-^?. •) vicissitudes, D"'P2J usually f. victim, nni m., jn m. victorious, to be, 'irT' Ni., sa5-i Hi. - T • T victory, ny\2-^ t, n^vii"] f., nriaJn t to gain the, S'-J'^ Ni. to get the, -in'' Ni. to give, iJuJi Hi. view, nxi^q m., ess plu., ^xn m. (Ch. niTn f.) to, nsa I, nx-i , -lato w. a ., njttj HL ' T1 TT' -t :7 -T VIE 192 vol view, to have in, nxi . vigor, -iin , n-^n f ., rb m. manly, -:: m. poet, one of, la-^x ni. vigorous, ptn , -n , n-n. to make, rVn Hi. vile, hp'hp . (of flocks), the, nr:^; . to be, V:t, Vt- K. Ni. vileness, p-b; f. (once.) vilify, to, hhp Pi. village, riiin f. (in projjer names), -.^jn com., -rTTj m., -ir3 m., -ies m., t3"ip"2 com. rustic, n-":: f. vindicate his cause, to, ::2lS . vindicated, to be, pns Ni. vine, "Ej com., piiu m. (bearing) ceiulian (or) pur23le (grapes), p-© m. unpruned, see t't: . wild, miu •,£-. . vine-blossom, n-;*:o ni, vine-drcsser, c"i3 m. vine-shoot, n'l-tT f. vinea, ~zb . vinegar, yzh m. vineyard, C"i2 . vineyards, r.'!"C"tO only plu. vintage, -i"':j3 m. vintage-shout, titi m. vintager, "iS"2 m. violate, to, ^bn Pi., see O^n , inQ I Hi. (a woman), to, xra Pi. violated, npr"-3 f. violation, hti m. violence, bTr. m., nbTj f., SiiT f. rarely m., ccn m., nr'2,p'3 m., ism., ptus' m., p-B m., rm m., niu II m., -n m. and injustice, to treat with, pais . (anytliing) got by fraud and, ptiJr m. anything taken l)y, bT5 m. concr. one who suffers, see V'ian . sudden, rtii'^vq f. violence, to act with, v-n . to l)c treated witli, o-n Ni. to do, orn, -.-lo; K. Pi. Po. to tear away Avith. err; . to treat with, n.^- IIi , y^- K. Pi., violent, ~T3S concr., -^^z^ , p:n y^^y heat, PS:'"-" and PE^'bi. man, ycr} m., yzh m. one, ■('■'- 2 m. rain, Drj m., ■jtj m. shower, ~"'nT m , n"i-:T m., c""T m. to be, n;^^ , rn-i c. 3 against, violently made bare, to ]>e, crn Ni. violet, (color), rbzn f. viper, see rsx , ~"^H com., 5ss m., "':;•£:£ m. virgin, nbnra f. just married, pbira f. virginity, D"b-r2 plu. signs, tokens of, r'biira . virtue, b";n m , r.p-.s f. virturus, p-n*:i . visage, (Cii. -nir:N only ])lu. c. suff.) vision, •■Tn m., r'.irt f., r.^Tn f., ■;i-".7n m., m-n f., riTnr m., nx"i?3 m., nx-^ f., rx". , 'xn ni. (Ch ijn m.) visions, nocturnal, nb-'bn n'.'t , see -ni53 . see ns*l . the black, see rrn . w i wafer, -(iis m., p'^pn m. wag the head, to, u^x-i S'^sn . wage war, to, crib Ni., nss Hithp., nS3 Hi. TT wages, perh. n-iiji* f., iT)^ m., n-i'slai? f., nps m., byis m. (poet.), n^ss f., "lab m., 13© m. wagon, nb;si f., ::'i m. wagon-rampart, h-yj^ m. wail, to, nbx IT, bb-' Hi, nn3 , nao , ' ' TT -T FT' - T ^ V-l- to be made, to, bb*i Ho. wallers, female, m'33'ip^ . wailing, -^ix , n-^ix c. dat, ^n m., nbb^ f., HEpp m., nnig , seenb, see 13 , wain, a, nbss f. Wain, the, !iis> II m, wainscot, -,^30 m. to, -jso , wait, 31 X m. for, to, bm Pil. Hithp. c. b ., ri'Dn K. (once part.), Pi. c. ace. et b , inf. and b ., n'^p Pi., i2b Pi. for (or) on Jehovah, to, -ps nsip nin-i , ni'n-ib 'p . for, to lie in, ins PH., n'p Pi. c. t't dat., tiub . - T on the threshold, to, C]SO Hithpo. 17 wait to, biin and b"^n , bn^ Pi. Hi. Ni., 2llS^ w. dat. of pers., irs Pi. to lie in, 31X K. w. ace, b , bs , Pi. c. bs ., nbi , ms, nss I c b ., "jb , npb c. b? . upon, to, rr^b Pi. c. ace. of pers. (Ch. tt'Tsb only Pa.) waiting, b'^n*' m. wake, to, 'ins I K. Hi. wakeful, to be, ipb . walk, Tjiri com., -bn?3 m., "iSStd m, a covered, rp^-n m. (Keii.) aljout, to T^bn and r^bi Hithp. contrary to, to, cr •'ip r,bn . to, nix I (as finite verb once), sia , r.-'n K. Hi., and r.b'i K. Pi. (poet.), Hithp., nni . (Ch. r,bn Pa. Aph.) to take a, see n^ib . to teach to, b^-i Tiph. up and down, to, 7,bn and -b*i Hithp. uprightly, to, PDbb -ib'i , "bn D"':2r3 , n"i73p r|bn , r,i-i3 7,bn crn . wall, "jisa m., "iia com., iia m., tiTTS f., n^-in f., "['•■n m., -i!i::m., nnia f., bns m., -,ip m., i!)tt} m. (Ch. X3nbx , bn3 , rj2^3 m., -i!iu5 m.) WAL 194 WAS •wall around, to, -ina . by the, ni2^:a . in, to, -ins . on the inner, ni3''3Q . to, -i-tj . to build a, -Tis . up around, to, 'b *iya "ila . upon, to build a, b^ ma -na . wall-chamber, a little, nsijp T^p-n*b5> , wall-seat, the, iipn 2©1a . wall-side, rtrinn T'p . wall-storm, T'p d^t . walled, -isizia . in, a place, n"i"ra f. jjlace, a, ina com., i^p m. wallow, to, see dbs I Hithp. walls, n'inlli . two, crb'n f. du. wander, to, i!i3 , n:i^ , nrn K. Ni. about, to, n-x , prn Hithp., -iij -t7I-T i' -t' i"i3 als» S13 , nn K. Hi. in perplexity, rpa Ni. over (or) through, to, nsn w. ace. of place, to and fro, to cause to, y^ia also 3?i3 (Chcth.) to make, ^3N Pi., n^OJ Hi, wanderer, a, nnij . Avandering, a, Tij m., see riT'S , iiritn f. one, nii-Q m. want, ii::x m., ion m., -lon m., non , "lion^ m. to, non K. Hi. to be in, ion , to cause to, -lOPi Pi. to suffer, tljsn , wanting, ^on w. ace, "ja , (Ch, "i''&n.) to l)e, icn w. b of pers., ■«,'is> Ni., ri^lU Hi. to let be, -ny Pi, wanton, to be, Tns , wantonness, •,i:i'n m, ' T war, ttjx com, (poet), "liT^S m., dnb , nrnbia f., xas m,, u-p m. (poet.). (Ch! 3-,p m.) ' to, tinb , to go forth to, S2S , nns , war, to make, n-s c, bs against, to wage, Dnb Ni., n53 Hithp., n:£3 Hi. upon, to make, ma Ilithp. c. 2 . war-chariot, nbas f. war-chariots, ^Dn m. coll. war-chief, -ii25 , war-club, vie"Q m., vctd m, war-cry, rtJJinn f. war-horse, see -i"'T"il , 010 m. war-horses, o^iO m, coll. ward, -\T;tBn m., n-.i::: f., rrn&Q f. -ward, -wards, b , wardrobe, nnnb73 f, ware, 12T3 m., -i273?3 m, wares, n'npia , precious, 3"i?T3 I (only in Ez,) warfare, see bin , 2., jt^s m, warlike engines, ni:':Tl"n , tumult, -linis m, warm, en II, T (in strife), to grow, SJba Hithp. w. 3 . springs, ctz"^ (once.) to, crn Pi. to be, D'cn , ur\i Pi., ^'03 I Ni. to become, D'^n , to make, orn Pi. warmth, en m., n^an f, warn, to, irtj Pi., -'.nT Hi., na'^^ Hi. warning, "iDsi'O m. to take, ->n7 Ni., no^ Ni, warp, the, n2B^ f-, "Titt) H m, warring, (sub,), msnbia f, warrior, niaa , ^~a m, (poet.), tt'^S nrrbTD , r.i7:ribT3 ttii.x . (Ch, naa .) warriors, fierce, D'^hb? . young, 3i~i^r2 , wash, to, r,=T Hi., C33 K. (only part), Pi., yr\', fj'ii . away, to, n^'^ Hi., q::a5 . wash-basin, n"i'3 m. washed, to be, yn'^ Pu., n'JOS Ni, Pu. washer, D3"3, washing, a, yn'i m., nitn"^ f. wasps, nrnp f. coll. w. the art waste, (adj.), r-n , na-n f. concr. WAS 195 WAT waste, (sub.), -'^n m., •("io^'llj^ m., a desolate, n'2'riti "istq . a laying, r^'a'^_ f. away, to, nba , tti^n , itjrs, n^3, see, oo': , n7"i Ni. away, to make, n^l . laid, nTST f. concr., dTDO) . one anotlier, to, 2"in Ni. - T places, n'':nn . to, n^x Pi., vh'z Pi., snri and -■;n , see fflitii' . to be laid, tnrs , Ci'C'n Ni., :nn and n-in K. Ni., cttJ-' , n:jD K. Ni., " T - T ' Tr nx- I K. Ni., n-jilj Ni. Pu. Ho., nn'i Ni , Toui Ni., cr!l5 K. Ni. Ho.\cii. 2-?n'Hoph.) to lay, nas Pi. Hi., 5s3 Pil., rba Pi., nr^^ II, h-zn Pi., n'ln Hi.^ tiD'^S , nxui I Hi., mai , nsim, -;.' TT -t' ' nnitj Pi., nTSffl Hi., cruJ Hi. - T " T " r to make, pba . wasted, np^iio f., o^iti . to be, ::-in and ann , nnili Ni., HE 05 Pu. (Keri.) wasteness, n3~n f., Jiii'n. waster, a, nTidi? bra . wastes, nxiiiip f. concr. always coupled w. n-xvj . T wasting, a, Tdj II m., 13 'a m. (Cheth.) away, a, "jii^a m. watch, n-i-c-ix f., -irir?3 m., n"i7aaj:o f. a tower of, ni^::; T'S' . closely, to, -a: I. for, to, ^iiiD 11. insidiously, to, ~f^'i Pi. nari-owly, to, -irtU . the first, niiTsaix irsn. the third, ->p'an nbll'N . to, a-^x K. Pi., -,na , -1^3 I, nss -T '-T' -T TT I K. Pi., -i-caj , npaj . to keep, "pttj . watcher, a, (Ch. 113 m.) watchers, n^"i::3. watchful, to be, lpi3 . "* watching, a, n^si: f. watch-tower, -jsina m., -jna m., bn:.?: m., nsuia m., ti^-;2i3 ^ns?3 , ir^a:: f., n-'-i:: m. watch-towers, c'^'V . water, 1^3 II (once Cheth), cj"'X) plu. made foul by treading, iDSi^ m. stagnant, b^x m. to, nTi K. Hi., n*- 1 Pi. Hi., npir Hi. r T T T ' T T to make, see -pttj Hi. water-course, -lij^i m. water-fall, -nss m. water-pot, bap and baa m. water-serpent, -pan m. water-skin, n^an m. watered, well, mi , watering, a, 1-1 m., "(flpTi: m. watering-trough, a, npii f. watering- troughs, n"'3X!liTS , n"^i:fi"i . waters, dits plu. abysses of, n'-iorir (once.) mass of, rarely ta-ir.P com. (poet.) wave, to, bb'n , v^i also r^S ^- Hi., q« Hi, up and down, to, q^D K. Hi. wave-breast, the, ns^Jnn njn . wave-sheaf, ns^snn ^^35. waver, to, lOI^ K. Ni. Hithp., nr^a , Si: also ^;!3 , pf.s I K. Hi. to make, ns^ Hi. - T wavering, a, Xi^'Q m., p'^2 m. waves, n-'naai^ only plu., m'^ahn . rolling, d'^j . waving, a, ns^:n f. branches, uiknbn . wax, sjin and y:^r\ m. way, nnk com. (poet.), D'^a'^'n du., r^-ri com, Tibn m., ■rbn'c m., ba2?n m., •'■■.• -1 -r — - T : - tJSttJr) m. (Ch. nnk.) a raised, rkca f., blbo^ m. in some, 3 . in what, T; , ^aiX3 . narrow, see bistUia . (of life), ii\o^ i out, a, NSi^ m. to be on the, n~ix I (as finite verb once.) to betake one's self to the, see iis Hithp. WAY 196 WEI way, to show the, nflpi Hi. up, a, n»bs f. way-fellows, czbri^ . way-tux, (Cli. r,Vn m.) wayfarer, mk m., n^x com. (poet.), -^n d-x . waylay, to, see ";i":^ Pi. Note. ways, n"="''~n only plu., i^"'na5 only plu. constr. winding, rT~-^x ^ riV;?^;^? , wayside, by the, Ti-in hs . we, s:x (once Cheth), ^3n:x , 1303 . (Cli. s:n:x , n:n;x .) M'eak, brt , ilijn , i^isn , nn3 only f., btti33 , ti^VlV , -"1 , HE-;! . to be, bb^ , nbn , uibn , nns , bttSs K. Ni., i;q Pi., qn'n . to be made, nbn Pu. to become, b©3 , nni . - r ' ' - T weaken, to, nri I Pi. weakened, to Ije, r,D-i . weakness, nbt; f., nwsn and rr'Hisn f . weal, (stripe), a, n^iisn and n-^l^n f. weal, (welfare), sibiij m. wealth, ■(■x I m,, r-a m., -(in m., -p'rn m. once f.. bTi m., -jpn m., 21:3 m., na'^a f., y-'S-i m., nnn-^ f., m-n m., nnnns f., n's m., 31?^ I m. (only in Ez.), n:p?: m. once f. (only of cattle), nbn? f., 023 m. (later Heb.), nb:.p f., -no m., ■'^•r m., n^irs f., ')';3p m., ssittj II m., niEi-in plu. (Ch. 033 ni.) got liy fraud, n'llB f. ill-gotten, orn m., prob. y:fln m. their, tinman only in plu. c. suff. wean, to, b^; II. vvcajjon, pixi: juid pa53 m., see nb'J^ . a pointed, nrit) f. weapons, '^.h , cbs , pais and pojs m. coll., ni^Ebpi only plu. (prophetic.) wear, to, aJrb , xit33 . away, to, xbn (once), pn!l5 . wearied, y-'ji ^ Hoph. particip. of ?]?■> , out, to be, C]ri . wearied, to l)e, nbn Ni., r.'." w. 2 in (or) with., r"i , nxb K. (only fut.), nnb , ©;; Ni. weariness, r[y:r f., t"i m. wearing away, a, -S'li m. (Cheth.) weary, r-;.-;! , rr , nrbs f., T-'J . of, to l)e, nxb k. (only fut.), Ni., ap3 once pret. c. 2 , one's self, to, nxb. Ni. out, to, nxb Hi. to, rr^ Pi. ili. to be, nxb Ni., nnb (once.) to make, nxb Hi. with severe laljor, to, n22J Hi. weasel, nbn ni. weaA'e, to, ;nx , -ro , ""■-" Pol. in checker-work, to, yzi " Pi. weaver, j-iix m. (an inventive), nain . weaver's beam, c^'^-x "n'3T3 . shuttle, 5^x m. webs, ti"'']np. weed, a, na5x2 f. a prickley, aj'sp and 'r"i?2ip m. weeding-hook, n'nST3 m. week, r:i2ttj m., see n2'ij , 4. weep, to, nD2 , Cibn , rr':^ . for, to, nr2 K. w. ace, br , bx , b , Pi. c. ace. weeping, a, X23 , n32 ni., n^:3 f-, "32 m., n-'32 f. tree, see X32 in plu. to, to come, n32 c. bs . weeping-willows, wz.^'S only jjIu. weft, i"!? m. weigh, to, -TX II Pi., cbs Pi., bpffl , ■,3Pj K. Pi. (Ch. bpn .) for, to, bp-lJ w. 2 . into tlie liands of, to, ■^-ii-bs bp •' 'S . out, to, obc Pi. out to, to, bpai w. ace. of thing, b of pcrs. over to (or) into, to, bp!l5 av. bs . weighed,'' to be, xbo Pu. (once), nbo IPu. out, -jsniq . WEI 197 WIEE weigliecl out, to be, i>j:u3 Ni. Avciglier, b;rttj . Avcigliing, ;i, bp':;'^ m. act of. bpui": ni. ■weight, r^i.s m., tDS , bipllJis m., bf^itii: in. (Ch. sbrv m.) (ii certain), see n'j-'itjp . (of a l)alance), ■,2X com. Aveiglity, to be, t:3 . weights, diverse, 'i^xi "ZX . Avelding (of metals), pi'ri m. ■welfare, -i"x m., nan-x f., Ci"'"^n plu., Z'.'ii m., -!i:: m., nriu f., ii:^'^^^ f., ^Jtli"! and -en m., -i; m., cibiri m., ch m. to announce, promise, nibffl -12'n w. 2,b. ■well, a, -x2 f., -i'3 (Keri), 35 I m. well, (adj.), zv^ , Dibc . (adv.), =i-j , iu-!-i , -,3 I. all is, cibili . is he ? b Dibuin . nigh, "i-^xD. to be, 3"i:s always impers., z'J"^ K. Hi. (Ch. 3-J-) .) to Ijacome, n'n . to cause one to go on, (Ch. nb:: Apli. after Heb. form.) to do, 3113 Hi. c. ace, inf. c. b ., 31:1 Hi. w. inf. c. b . to go on, nbs I and nbs . to make, 30"^ Hi. with thee, may it be, r,b nibttj . ■well-disposed, silJ. wells, n~3 only i)lu. constr. west, the, ninx m., Di m., BT21i;n x'3^ , Z'iVpq H m., .-13-??: 1 at the, Q»^ . of, on the, "''irx , b G'ts , Z^VV w. b. on the, D''3 , toward the, ttJrt'n X3T3 . western quarter, n-inx m., d-> m. side, D* rX3 . westward, hb'^ , aJrt'n X3^ , C*i3 , TT ' •/ V - : 5 T • ' wet, to, (Ch, s'Ds Pa.) 17* ' ' wet, to be, 3:^1 . (Ch. sz'S Ithpa.) wet-nurse, np:"'0 f. what, -aJX , n^ (once), .^^ee i^ I, •a) (later ileb.). (Cli. -'n , nr .) what? HT ""x (ref. to place), rrs . (Ch. by, ,-1523 , nii3 . kind of? HTD . A\dlt thou, T^h-n-o . with, nsa , n^3 . whatever, b'3, n^ixic , n^ . (Ch. itd .) whatsoever, in, idx bui3 (later Heb.) wheat, n":in f. (in sing, mostly of the plant), n-'an f. plu., cnb com. (Ch. 7q:n plu.) wheel, ■,Eix m., bjba m., b^bj . (Ch. ^^^.) whelp, ni; m., -.sia m. a lion's, -i^a m., minx -^la . when, Dx (fol. by prefer.), -fflx , 3 (w. an infin.), Dl"'3 (w. inf.), 3 (w. inf.), -ifflx? , ^3 I, 1^3 , iT33 , b (w. inf.), "'D'Q , TnTDb , "^Eb, -d (later Heb.), .Its. (Ch. -i-13 ^ nns.) yet, r,x I. when? r.;x,, tro , "^vv , ''n'o ^nnx . whence, dt"^ ^iijx . whence? n-T^ ^x , •px^ , "X'O (Cheth.) whenever, •"n?3 (w. inlin.) where, nb-x (once), najx , Dttj — nttJx , -ifflX3 , Dili — "^!iJx3 , c'ii noix nipias , "'^Q-bx , "ittix cipp , or -iij cipia (later books), nnD c. gen., — -lUJx ns'JJ (rarely). (Ch. 1:1 -inxr , I'n n52P .) where ? "nx , "^x , n»x , n] ^x , ni^n , (artj thou, (is) he, (are) they, etc., n3*x , I'X , D\X , etc. whereby ? n522 , TtbZ . wherefore, n , si and 1 (Ijefore inferen- tial clauses), .-it n^ab . (Ch. b3p-b3 ^? ) wherefore? nxxb "^x , l^^i'n^ , n:a , njsb also rrob , thrice nieb , n^-br , nas, n523 . Ch. nrb .) wherein ? naa , n533 . WHE 198 WIC wheresoever, ^toxa , ctl) — ^l5i<2 , n"pTc2 c© "iirx . wherever, nrs cipo , or -tiS cipia (later books.) whether, nx . (Ch. -n .) not, ib^x I. — or, ix — IX , nx — ex , — Dx ir — ■'a , "I?? — T^ , '"ch fol. by 15 or Tri . (Cli. 'p — -(H .) whether ? bs I, r , n , n (in indirect interrogation), ^zn , "|n . (Ch. bx . ) — or ? nx — n , nx^ — n , — qxn tjx'; . which, -!fflx , see ■'3 I, A., • a; (later Heb.). (Ch. ^T, .) ■\vhicli ? nr "ix (ref. to place.) wliile, 3 (w. an infin.), ny ^ m"ra . a little, a?r , for a little, *is:ifib . in a little, xsvc^ . yet, lira . whimpeiing, the, D"'ania . wliip, a, aiui m. whirl (of a siMndle), iioj-^s ni., -bs m. to, bw and b-'n . whirled, to be, bnn and b"'n , whirlpools, n'n't:n^ (once.; whirlwind, brbj m., ns^io f. whirring (of Avings), bsbs m. whisper, ax m., ycto ni. among themselves, to, ttjnb llitlip. w. by against. to, 13X3 (once.) whisperers, c''::x concr. whispering, a, n:j'qaj f. (once.) whistle, to, rittj , for, to, pnoj w. b . to call by a, p-ittj w. b . whistlings, rip"''ntlj . white, i^b , -(^b , -i'n:f . (Ch. -ijn .) bread, itH I m. dazzling, na . like snow, to be, see ;btl5 Hi. to be of a dazzling, nna . to become, T^n , -.zb Hi. - T ' ' - T to make, 'jab Hi. white-footed, ip? . whiteness, nzih f., npia m. whitewash, bsn m. whitl)er, n:x , titu itax , nattJ -ittJx . "lE'bx (after verbs of motion), — • .aJ whither? "jX , njx . whithersoever, nad ~ttix . whiz, to, see n;i . whizzing (of wings), b:jb^ m. who, ~.irx , see •'3 I, A., -lij (later Ileb.). (Ch. ^1 .) he, .(B (later He)).). (Ch. ^i.) who ? i-a . (Ch. -,72 .) whoever, Vs , ■''2 . (Ch. b's, "'i-",^ .) whole, Vs, cib'r, nba , Dn (only moral sense), ti"'7:n . burnt-offering, b^'bD m. ^ ' T multitude, a, r'"i ni. (poet.) number, tlie, niifp plu. constr., n:jp m., n^p f., see cbd . V ' T T ' : " T part, tlie, b-bs m. (Ch. Vr.) the, n'i:ip plu. constr., n:ip m. (Cli. r-s- »!•) to be, msn . to make, cbilj Pi., crn K.,Hi. whole-minded, c^rn . to l>e, cT2n . wholeness, Dr"S m., clbaJ m., dh !«• wholesome, to render, xEi Pi. wholly, -N , nn^ , Vr , nba , b-bs , is nxT3 , see n:i: , 1,4. (Cli. bb.) because, (Ch. in b-p-b3 .) whoi'c, naiT f. to let be a, n:T Hi, to play the, n:T . whoredom, nH:: f. (only troj).), niltn f. whoredoms, C"312T . whoring, to go a, n3T . why ? nxtb ^x , I'iit? , fT2 , n?3b, also n^b , tin-ice rrb , nr'bj* . wick, nrilJQ f. wicked, bi';x , ui^"^ , ""'On xb, biSJ , b'^'ir I, prs , p''"! , ^1 , Sttj'J, i^a. (Ch. tti^xs!) counsel, n3(un'>: and rncni: f. deed, r.'JI f., nri'-i f. WIG 199 WIN wicked deeds, 0"'5i3n . man, b^^^a , ellipt. for br^ba ttS^S . men, iBi:x in. (poet.) (one), bw m. (person), rai^ m. the, ciria, nbis f. concr., ipa nb's , c'^^ , c-:5"ii"i . to be, rui-i . woman, ni'UJ'ir f. concr. wickedly, to act, aJjta Hi., nsiT or Tit Hi. w. inf. et b , b» of pers., bn: , bis Pi., nbis nm , ys'n Hi., yiijn Hi., see anoj Pi., nntt: Hi. (Ch. n-iT Aph.) to do, bao Ni., see antlj Pi. to speak, pns "12^ . towards (or) against, to act, niiT or T^T c. bs or bx.. wickedness, nb^x- f., •is m., bs^ba , niin f. only plu., nbbin f., nubbin f., nat f., Ci:n m., nspn f., -tun m., n53Ti3 f., nsttjn^ f., nbaj f., bi3? m., nb:s f., mby , 5*1 m., sn m., ns'^ f., sJtD.-i m., nv-q-i 1, K-Jtti m., niVttS f., nrin f. T : - T wicker-basket, bo m. wicker-baskets, niVobo . wide, am . place, an-173 m,, sn^ '^• to be, nnn . to become, an'^ . to make, rni Hi. w. b of pers. for. widow, a, n3T:bx I f. widowed, ■iT:bj< . ' T : - widowhood, "ibbx m., ni3^bs . width, n'1 m. wield, to, bsn . wife, mEx f., nnan f., wzh m., rrnoS f. (once.) a prophet's, nx"'23 f. to take to, 3'1"'h Hi. wild, to run, see n^-i . wiles, bsj m. wilful, ab -iiax . to make, nujp I Hi. w. ab . r' T wilfulness, ^^isn . will, IX (once Cheth), rmx f., nn f., S-] n m., •pu'-, ni. (Ch, ni?-i f.) to, nax , I'sn , bx; II. (Ch. xau .) willing, yzn , a-in: . mind, with a, na"i3 . to be, nax , (Cli. anj Ithp. c. b for.) to show one's self, ai3 Hithp. w. inf. c. b . towards (any one), to be, nax w. dat. of pers. willingly, giving, a^i3 . to give, 2-13 Hithp. (Ch. a"!? Ithp. c. b lor.) willingness, na"i3 f. willow, ns 1:2:1 f. willows, D"'a~5> plu. only, wilt, to, ba3 . wind, nroJD f., m-i f. (Ch. r^n .) wind around, to, C]"^ . winding, (adj.), -saEn , -,ip|;5S . stairs, d'bib . ways, nin-ix , rT'^f?bi?S . window, na")X f. (once in sing.), ■(■i^n com., ntn^ f. (Ch. is .) windows with closed bars, t3"'Sp!t) ■'3'ibn c'sax; , wine, ta'n m. (poet.), nrn I f., i^n m., ■,i^ m., xab m., a:3> ti"^ , ti^'2lV Crj . (Ch. -i^n m.) master of, see "lab^ . mixed, Jli2 m., rp'O'^ m., r^tp^ m. new, C^CS m., aJi-iT) m. spiced, STTD m., TjO'DD m., •,'i'i np-n . I- .. T tempered, see jttq . wine-bottle, -("^i nx3 . wine-bowl, pTtia m. wine-diinkers, •^f';; inii3 . wine-garden, -nsn u~3 . wine-press, a, nj f., ip"^ m., n'liis f. wine- vat, ap7 m. ^Jig> 5l;3- f-) Y^^ ^^- (Cli- r|a .) wing-feather, lax m., rnax f., n:£i3 f. wink, a, ?rc , y;") m. to, -(-ir -jj-np and ti'^3"'y3 , ran Hi., dp (once.) WIN 200 WOil wink, to give a, v^^ Pli. ■winnow, to, n^.t K. Pi. out, to, r,-T Pi. winnower, niT"2 m. winnowing folk (or) shovel, iTifo m., nnn f. winter, ino ni. (Keri.) to, qnn . to pass the autumn and, q-ipi . wipe away, to, nrn: . off, to, nn*3 , nno Pi. only, wisdom, rstt f., nrsn f., niisDn f. sing., nrzn f. sing., see d^:i3^ , nsi; II f., b->s-:;n , brin also bziu m., ri'ffisin f. (Ch. nrsn , n-iinD f.) (a man of) tried, ",53x; . to have, nrn rn" . wise, ■jim? , Drn, Dfl-.3J . (Ch. c"'3n .) in one's own eyes, to be, ddpi Ilithj). man, (Ch. c"^3n .) men, frrn. one, b^Siyo . teachers, see c^sisiD . the, n^'ra . to be, -,"'3 K. Hi. Hithpal., Drn , sn^, bz'-a Hi. to become, can , -rb Hi. to make, nrn Pi. Hi., bzio Hi. to show one's self, t33n Hithp. wisely, rrna . to act, DDH , b3iU K. Hi. - T ' - T wish, nixn f. to, 12^3 -irs . with, seebx III, A, 6., nx II., 3 , seeTi , l,aa., seeb, A, e, at end., 17:3 (poet), hv , DS. (Ch. 3, see Ti , nijb , cr.) me, i-iis , "'"153? . no, ^b33 , sib , put for jibs . withdraw, to, ripx , xd^-o I, 3riJ Hi. from, to, pn3 Hi. c. cvo . one's self, to, -j'^x w. '-o ., yhn w. quietly from, to, bin Hi. w. '^"0 . withdrawal, nx^irn f. witlidrawing, a, 3"b m. wither, to, see bb2 Hi., b33 . withered, p'Ti . withhold, to, v-}i , -an w. -(^o from., xbs , ?:73 . T T ' - T one's self, to, psx Ilitlip. within, 3 , ^-3 , nr-3 , r-3r , nr-^si: , b r^-'Z , b r"^3-:, b n-3':b , b , bs , nr^rs , nr-:i;b . (Ch. -;:;; .j me, "is-ips . to, b n-'xr-bx . yet, mrs . without, -px , "|"'X2 , "bzs (only in poet.), ibrb , "'l^bs , ■'1?.^?^ , •^ribzs , Y^n, n:ifln, ",'in3 , "fnnb (poet), n^jin's , b y-n^ , b nijsinia , b rflnr"bx (after a verb of motion), xba , sib , itbb (once), )-q . cause, dsn , ifroj . doubt, rjx . to be, -I en , withstand, to, cip c. "^:Eb . witness, a, n:; m., m" II f., nnb m. (once.) against, to bear, 3 nr n:y , borne, ni' m. to bear, nsis" Hi. w. ace. against, also for., n:3." I c. 3 concerning, for, against, to call as, to take as, irj Hi. witnesses, to take, nni" Hi. wives, the king's, (Ch. b;i f. in the plu.) wizard, i:3."ni m. spirit, ■':i?'n'^ m. wo, "^n m. wo ! see "^irx , "'■ix c. dat., "^x II c. dat., ibbx only w. -^b ., nn , in , inn w. is me for, -ib "iS w. br . wolf, 3XT m. woman, nrx f. a strange, n-^T f., n^-133 f. a young, n3 I f-, mibs f. having a divining spirit, zis nbS3. in her pains, n"i:j^ r-'rx . in travail, a, n-br , rarely rnbi^ . wicked, riJ'iJ-;-: . womb, "jLJS 1, c-SJr only plu., 31}^ m., tim f., Dn-i com. WOM 201 WOR womb, the mouth of tlio, "larr m. women, n'i'X f. "w. art. coll., U'^ttJJ f- pin. old, r':~} . women's apartment, see "rix . wonder, a. n'x I com., rs—c m., n^3 m. (C1i. r:-;r. m.) to, ri":n K. Hithp. "Wonderful, tlie, xl:s m. wonderful, nt; , ""x'ss (Cheth.) acts, nvx-i": . to be, nhB Ni. to make, nh^ Hi. way, in a, m'xi"i3 . works, ri"xVE3 . wonderfully, nix-i':, n'NbsJ , Ci"'X^3 . helped, to be, -nrns N''bEn . wntli, to deal, xbs Hi. w. rx , wonders, r.ix^2 m. to do, hh'j I Hithp. c. S . wondi'ous works, n"ixbE72 plu constr. only, wondrously, to do (or) act, s^-'^sn wont, to be, Tzh c. Vix .^ ■=& Hi. c. inf. eth. wonted, ^it^x . to be, rjbs or r.bx . wood, -jry m.. D^^^S plu., hStS I f. (Ch. rx.) a, buJx , -;■;; m. (a kind of) precious, ti'^JTobx . a thick, ui";n. wood-cutters, D'SSn "n~3. wood-demons, see in niro . wooden pillar, n~ffix f. post, yv m. woods, ir-ini's'i (Cheth.) woof, z^v m. wool, -ir:£ m. (Ch. "i?2S) m.) shorn, t: m. woolen and linen together, cloth of, see T3i:5JaJ , word, -ipx (poet.), -nax (poet.), n"it;x f. (poet), n-px f. (poet.), -i-n m., n|?3 f. (only poet), csns m. (later Heb.). (Ch. ni-c f., c;ps m.) words, in'n m. coll., D^rEi) x::i^ . a man of, d"'"!:"n br3 , tti'^x . emijty, nsb f. ^ IT intelligent, r'':fl3n . work, b^-aa m., nbs^ar. f., noi'in f., y^;-; m., -i^i m., n:xb-3 f., nbr'^a m., h'Jz-Q m., nb^'s-a f., -inv m. (once), mh^ t, nb-b:> f., rrb-b!? f.. br's m. (poet). (Ch. -i^v^ m., r\-\-'2'Ji f.j (a miracle), to, ";n: . artificial, uj-in m., riliJJ m. (evil) to, tnn K. Hi. for one another, to, -i^S . over, to, nbs I K. Pi. (immodest sense.) to, -iz'J , bbr I Hithpo., nbs I, see bsJ3 . to do, T255 , working (in wood, stone, etc.), nttJin f. workman, -.rx m., irnn m., h-QV m. ' T T T T ' •• T works, csTn , ti''bb?73 . workshop, bibi' m. (once.) world, the, see ob-i;- , B., ban f. (poet) (the habitaljle), ban f. (poet.) this, "ibn m. worldly things, love of, nbi? m. worldly-mindedness, cbiJJ m. worm, n^-\ f., rbin m., nsib-ip f. and nrbi'n . worm-crimson, rrbin ■':tt5 . worm-eaten, to 1)6, api . worms, r!73^ f. coll, wormwood, n;~b f. worn, to be, nbs . T T away, to be, ns© Pu. (Keri.) down (in strength), to be, nbn K. Ni. out, nb2 , out, to be, nba . worse, to be made, ssi^ Ni. worship, T^in com. (Ch. "(rbs m.) Baal, to, brsb nriSJ . to, tti'^'n , x"^"! , "133 Hi., nas K. Ho., ^■^v Hi., nnuJ Hithpal,, - T T T -i^tli K. Pi. (Ch. nbs w. ace. and'b.) WOR 202 WRO worshipper, a, nns m. a female, ra I f. (of God), nr? m. worthless, -|-552£ , p'^"; , r'l , :5>ri3 . thing, snh concr. worthlfssness, b^^ba . would God I ■'brx , "'bpix . that ! DX , x^b, nb, •,ni '^^; . wound, n's'ri , yn ra., iit^ I m., yn-q m., n3?3 f., SJSS m., see^qtiS . slightly, to, yin . to, bbn Pi. Po., 2X3 Hi., pns , to bind up a, llJan . wounded, bbrra, bbn . slightly, y-nn . to be, nbn IIo., bbn . » T - T woven together, to be, j-itt) Pu. Hithp. woven-work, j-.x n'bS'T? . wrap, to, t)!i25 . around, to, ::xb , tl3S . one's self, to, o:3 Hithp. one's self up, to, nos Hithp. c. a , together, to, cba (once.) up, to, anb K. Hi., ii-j^ . wrapped in bandages, to be, bnn Pu. Ho. in darkness, to be, ciiS . wrath, dST m., XTsn (once), nion I 1, ■inn m., ioi'3 m. (only in Job), m^S f., -i^r II m., r.jtp m., Tjn m. (Ch. xrn , N?3n , rsp m.) wreath, nr m., r^'"b 1, rrs . wreathed work, n'-y nbSia . wreathen work, rnbqa f. wreaths, (architec), uJ'i"*'b . wrecked, to be, niiij Ni. wrench, a, rrsma . wrest, to, qbo Pi-, Hi 5' Pi., see p"j:si , 2 the cause (of), to, nis Pi. w. ace. of pers. the right of, to, 'a usttia ntsn . wresting, a, nais . wrestle, to, pnx Ni. seq. Q5 ., bns Ni. wrestler, see "i'^'j-t . wrestlings, cbins: (once.) wretched, izk , "li'^x , nsbn or XDbn (Chetli), -spr , bri;, -zv , ":», one, nnx ni. to be, -i::x . wretchedness, -ii^x . write, to, zr\3 K. Pi., -sa (only in part.) about, to, rns . concerning, to, bx :r3 or b? 3P3 . down, to, :n3 , c'lJT . (Ch. aps .) for, to, bs rns . of, to, bx ans or hv ars . up, to, ara . writer, -ED . writer's ink-horn, "(sbn rpp . knife, -isbn nrn . writhe, to, ban Pi., b^n and b^n K. Hithp., n-S Ni. writhings, c'lban (mostly in plu.), writing, a, ars m., nara f., aPaiD m., wnz'C (only in inscrip. of Psalms), -lED m. (Ch. aP3 m.) written, to be, aPS Ni. wrong, ')-'n m., o.n m., b'3; m., nb"^ f., yv m., -liij II m. (Ch. nbuJ f. Cheth.' ^bai f.) action, 'li^ m. to, Drn . to do, ^yj Pi., 551B . what is got by, O'sn m., prob. ■j-rn m, wrong-doer, bw m., rtti-', m. wroth, he was, ib n-in . to be, n-in K. Ni. c. a ,, -a? ' T T : ' - T Hithp., ass Hithp., r;,:ip^ , T:n w. b towai-d or against. (Ch. 5|^i^ .) wrought iron, see in nicy . (something), prs f. to be,, nas Ni., r^itiy I Ni. to be curiously, dp^ Pu. to be elaborately, cpn Pu. XEB, 203 TOU Xerxes, see ttJi-iiiiJnx . yam, "jiias m. (once), 13 I m. ye, crs m., "iPX f. (Ch. -(SinrN .) yea, r,x , ca , "in II, 1, l and n. even, i , ^ and 1 . furthermore, see "^3 qx . more, qx I. now, nps tia . year, d^idi (sometimes), ns;iia m. (pro- phetic style), n:uj f. (Ch. "iTisj m. in prophet, lang., niui or sjiij f.) by year, njttJn n:ui . •^ "^ T T : T T every, n:tt3 nrii , n:ffi3 nsiy , I'nia ■'' 7T tt' tt: tt' "• (grain) of this, Oiin . of jubilee, hzi'< r?© . to year, from, irs-iai D"'t:'«'Q , n:£[3 •'. ' ' TT -T-' TT n:ffl, nr:)^ nrdi, njuin n:ai ■''nia. yearn, to, •^■qii I w. bs , bx . years, some, Qirui indef. to be advanced in, nrs? . ' - T two, D"ri3aJ du. yell, to, b";"' Hi. (once.) yelling, a, bb^ m. yellow, fn:: . yellowish, p-ip-|i . yellowness, lipn"] m., "I'ip'l'] m., p"ip'i"^. • yesterday, iijt2X , b-iiarx and bnTonx , once birpix , biian , and the day before, both, bisaPi C5 DiDb'JJ t35 . (and) the third day, cilibtt) bi^n , ciuJbiiJ Dy bi^nx D5 . and to-day, both, d5 bi:2n da m'^ri . day before, diaJboS . yesternight, (15t3X . yet, -(DX , D5 , •'S I (rarely), "j^S , ni-ij , -iSs. (Ch. n-;3 , nis.) again, liy. more, niy . the more, TiS . > therefore, "Jwb . yield, to, nbs I. (Ch. nin';! .) fruit, to, ■'-iQ ■jn3 . to, to, bS3 w. ",73 compar. yoke, Dio m., n::"ia f., 113^ m., Vs m., ■"r^ m. to, nox. to a vehicle, to, 2D1 Hi. yonder, ii's IS . young, -j-jp^n , )bprt . again, to grow, oJEai . big with, nibsDT: plu. man, ^W3 m., nb;^ m., dbs m. men, r^nbi f. concr. (of animals), "js m., o'^'ib^ com., IS'iJ and I5!i5 m. (of birds), the, nSsx m. without, bn3lt3 . woman, n3 I f., nrbs f. younger, "iisij£. the, -(liisn , 'b;?!-! . youth, a, -liins m., -^s m., ib;] m., nss I m., tib:^ m. youth, (time of life), cnns m. plu. and nin^rs , r^nb';] f., Di-jiisa , ni-ifl3.'3 , irb m., I'ly m., D-'-q^hv , ns usually f.,rTiis a f., ni-inuj f. (once.) youthful age, di^a^ib^ . spouse, niabs f. ZEA 204 ZOD zeal, nx:p f. to burn -with, N3p Pi. to do with, mn Hi. w. finite verb, zealous, to be, n^n Hi. for, to be, s;p Pi. w. b . towards, to be, st:p Pi. ' t't Zebulun, 'i^lbist . Zeehariah, n^'ist , Zephaniah, ,T:Ea . Zidon, "ilTS . Zion, yf:i, . Ziv, (month), it m. Zodiac, the twelve signs of the, nib^ia nin^a (once.)