r?.'. MB •■AN'.*, c. :3 . =^- -^'^ * PRINCETON, N. J. % :« Presented by ^ X^CAr~\C^^ C>U.(2><7\ <§i. BV 637 .T49 1888 Thwing, Charles Franklin, 1853-1937. The working church THE WORKING CHURCH. THE orfetng B|I)urcI). BY CHARLES F. THWING, D.D., AUTHOR OF "AMERICAN COLLEGES: THEIR STUDENTS AND WORK, "the READING OF BOOKS;" AND JOINT AUTHOR OF "the family: an historical and social study ; " etc. ^ NEW YORK: THE BAKER AND TAYLOR CO. 740 AND 742 Broadway. Copyright, 1888, By The Baker and Taylor Co. Press of J. J. Little & Co., Astor Place, New York. TO Z\)t ^ijjo Cfjurdjes I HAVE LOVED AND SERVED AS MINISTER : THE NORTH AVENUE CONGREGATIONAL, OF CAMBRIDGE, AND THE PLYMOUTH, OF MINNEAPOLIS, CONTENTS. Chapter Page I. The Church and the Pastor: In- troductory 9 11. The Character OF Church Work . i6 III. The Worth and the Worthlessness OF Methods 3' IV. Among the Children 37 V. Among the Young People .... 53 VI. Among Business Men 62 VII. From the Business Point of View 70 VIII. Two Special Agencies 86 IX. Treatment of Strangers .... 98 X. The Unchurched 109 XI. Benevolence 127 XII. The Rewards of Christian Work . 145 ^*^ Parts of several of the chapters have been published in such journals as the "Independent," "Christian Union," "Con- gregationalist," and "Advance." THE WORKING CHURCH. CHAPTER I. CHURCH AND PASTOR. — INTRODUCTORY. HE Church is at once the church of the Son of God and the church of the Son of Man. It is the church of the Son of God. He is its head ; He is its Spirit, and it is His body ; He is its life. Its origin is in the principle of divine love em- bodied in Him. Its history is the history of the unveiling of the principle of human re- demption. The church is the church of the Son of Man. It includes all those who accept the principle of divine love, and endeavor to obey the duties revealed by this love. It in- cludes all those who are " predestinated," says lO THE WORKING CHURCH. Wycliffe. It embraces all holding the Word and observing the sacraments, says- Luther. It is the visible organization in which pure doctrine is taught, says Melanchthon. It is a society in v^hich every regenerate soul is a component part, says Schleiermacher. It is the religious community into which civil so- ciety grows in its moral development, sug- gests Rothe. The Church, therefore, is at once divine and human, — divine in origin, di- vine in continued dependence on divine grace, divine in the glorious consummation which awaits its development ; human in including mankind, and in having as its sphere of ac- tivity the whole world. Down to the Refor- mation of the sixteenth century the Church was considered primarily as a divine insti- tution ; in the last three hundred years its human relations have, with each passing generation, become more conspicuous. It is to the human relations of the Church that this book is devoted. Of these human relations only the more aggressive are in- cluded within its view. CHURCH AND PASTOR. 1 1 The work of Christ's redemption is con- tinued by His Church. The labor of the Church, therefore, is primarily the turning of men from sin unto righteousness. Its pur- pose is the incarnation of holiness in the individual and in the community. The field of this labor embraces all classes, ages, and conditions. Its prime duty is the conversion to, and edification in, Christ of those who are within its immediate relation ; but it also bears rela- tions to the universal cause of Christ, and owes duties to philanthropy. It is the great missionary power. It is to obey the com- mand of going forth and evangelizing the world. Missionary endeavor — local, national, universal — is its simple duty, and is also its increasing joy. Its members should heed the individual call of the consecration of their lives and of their wealth to this ser- vice. Every form of wise charity it should seek to foster ; it should strive to inspire charity with the spirit of Christ, and to impress it with the methods of Christian self- 12 THE WORKING CHURCH. helpfulness. It is itself a temperance organ- ization, and should co-operate with every wise endeavor for ridding the home and the nation of the direful curse of drunkenness. It should strive to teach labor its dignity and duties, and capital its responsibilities and worthy rights. It should seek to dispel pov- erty by removing its causes, giving not alms so much as friendship. It should welcome every wise attempt to construct the social order upon a better basis than the present, yet disavowing all regard for a godless com- munism. It should show to the working-man that every movement toward a free Sunday is a movement toward a working Sunday. It should, in general, prove itself a friend to every man whom it can help to make more worthy of the Christ who died for him. The sphere of the Church is as broad as the world : its work is limited only by the needs of sinning, suffering humanity ; its duty is measured only by its power, in the name of Christ, of serving and saving lost men. In its relation to other churches of the same or CHURCH AND PASTOR. 13 Other order, the individual church is to be guided by the principles of Christian liberty and courtesy. Laboring for the public weal, it is never to strive to build itself through the decline of other worthy interests. It is to recognize that the prosperity of all churches and the prosperity of common interests and objects are more worthy than its own individ- ual growth. Yet it is always to labor to make itself vigorous, strong, and efficient, for the sake of Him to whom it belongs and whom it serves, and for the sake of the world He would save. The pastor of a church holds to it a two- fold relation, — ■ that of preacher and of chief executive officer. The preaching should be devoted to the promotion of Christian char- acter. Its content and burden should be the gospel. Its methods should be adapted to the intellectual and other conditions of those to whom it is addressed. Its tone should be inva- riably warm, earnest, and spiritual. It should embrace the doctrines, and should also be in- tensely practical in aim and application. It 14 THE WORKING CHURCH. should be supported by the Bible, and should prove itself true and just to human reason. It should be convincing in argument and per- suasive in appeal. It should be the truth of God known in the life of the preacher, mak- ing itself known to other lives. It should be at once, in the broadest and narrowest sense, Christian. The executive work of the pastor is as broad and diverse as the work of the church. But his chief purpose is to develop the activi- ties of his church as a Christian institution. He is, therefore, to plan methods and to sug- gest lines of Christian service ; to stimulate energy ; to adjust work to worker, and worker to work. He is to unite individuals into co- operative labor. He is also to attempt to allot to each member some specific and in- dividual Christian service. He is to work through workers. Yet he should be ashamed to spare himself. In his general bearing he is to be a bishop, overseeing the individual lives of the members ; a shepherd in the older meaning, leading and not driving his flock, CHURCH AND PASTOR. 1 5 loving and trying to show himself worthy of being loved, trusting and trusted, as he may merit ; a minister, rejoicing in every oppor- tunity of service for his Master among m,en. In a larger and more public relation he should not fail to conceive and to do his duty to the cause of education, embodied in school and college, endeavoring to make it Christian ; never, moreover, should he forget that he is a citizen of a Commonwealth whose founders regarded the Church and the State as one. But if the pastor is a minister of the church, he is also, and more, a minister of, and for, and by Christ. Like the disciples on the Mount of Transfiguration, he is to see no man "save Jesus only." The truth of Christ he is to know, the duty of Christ to do, and the com- mendation of Christ to endeavor to receive. CHAPTER II. THE CHARACTER OF CHURCH WORK. HE course of study in the theological seminaries has been greatly enlarged within a decade. Biblical theology, archaeology, languages cognate to the He- brew, and science in its relation to religion, have found a place in the curriculum. Es- sential as some teachers regard these studies to the complete scholarly equipment of the minister, they are yet not as essential as a subject in which little or no instruction is given. This subject relates to the adminis- trative or executive work of a church. In one sense this department is akin to what is usually called pastoral theology ; in another sense it is quite remote. As pastoral theol-^ ogy has been taught, it consists of the barest commonplaces and insipid platitudes. My CHARACTER OF CHURCH WORK. \J own Studies at a theological school are not so distant that my memory of them is in- distinct ; but the chief fact in the course of lectures on pastoral theology — delivered by a most godly and lovable professor, now of blessed memory — which I yet recall, is that a pastor should not, under ordinary condi- tions, make a call of more than twenty min- utes. Instructions as to the performance of a marriage or the conduct of a funeral service or the leading of a prayer-meeting are not by any manner of means to be despised ; but such instructions are no more adequate to the demands which the young minister is asked to meet, than the old spinning-wheel is capable of furnishing thread for the modern loom. The problem which every young minister meets in his installation over a church is this: What car^be done to put this church to work? What can be done to cause it to impress Christian sentiment upon this community ? What can I, its pastor, do to make this church a power ? How shall I work with it ? His sermons may be biblical, eloquent, 1 8 THE WORKING CHURCH. instructive, inspiring ; his pastoral visits re- lentless in their systematic thoroughness ; his leadership of the devotional meetings wise : but all this, his work, does not quicken the church to its work. Over and above all this, are several departments or sections of church work which he should organize and formulate, and for the organization and formu- lation of which the training of the theological school should give him aid. The training of the baptized children in the truths and duties of the covenant which their parents have made in their behalf ; the training also of all the children in a knowl- edge of the Bible and of Christian doctrine ; the ways and means of conducting classes in some catechism or synopsis of bibhcal truth ; the work with, for, and through the young men and women of the parish, — their.organiza- tion for aggressive hbor, sympathy with them in the difficulties besetting the first years of Christian experience, and the methods of arousing and guiding their enthusiasm ; the ways and means for reaching the unchurched, CHARACTER OF CHURCH WORK. 1 9 — the character of the popular Sunday-even- ing service, the neighborhood prayer-meeting, the open-air meeting of the Sabbath afternoon in the city, the reaching the back districts in the country through school-house Sunday- schools, prayer-meetings, and preaching ser- vices ; the work for the intemperate, for the young in reference to temperance, sewing- schools, cooking-schools, and similar philan- thropic agencies ; special endeavors to restore lapsed church-members ; assigning special church work to each new member ; the in- troduction of the new families joining the congregation to the older families; methods of greeting and interesting strangers in the church ; the Sunday-school in all its manifold interests of the instruction of teacher and pupil, of division into departments and classes, of keeping vigorous the spiritual side of the teaching ; the organization of mission schools, — all these, and many more features and departments, the young pastor, immediately after his first service on the Sabbath, is called to consider. A minister of large com- 20 THE WORKING CHURCH. mon sense, without previous training, will attack the problem and solve it to the best of his ability. But many ministers will be either unconscious that any such problem is before them, or will be inclined to sit down before it with hands folded. The solution of the religious problem of the city lies in the administration of the church. So, also, does the solution of the equally important religious problem of the country. No class of professional men is working more hours each week, or working more severely than the clerical. The sur- prise is that their sermons are as good as they are. The seminaries train students well, never better, for doing their individual work of writing helpful sermons. To the sermon I would assign the highest place in Christian instruction and inspiration. But the minister should know that his chief executive work is to make other people work. He can do little, very little himself, to lessen misery, to arouse religious conviction, and to convert the city or the village to sound views or righteous prac- CHARACTER OF CHURCH WORK. 21 tice. He should read carefully the lesson of his inability and limitations. But he also should know that through others the little one himself may become a thousand. Let him be the commander-in-chief, not to fight himself, but to train others for fighting, to plan the campaign and put these trained workers into the field of action. The churches — that is, the individual members of the churches — are to do Christ's work. The pastor is the chief of directors. The most useful church is the most laborious church. Not less preaching, but more ; not less learning, but more ; not less eloquence, but more ; but above all present human in- struments, abiUty to put a church to work in its community, is the need. Various definitions are given of the Church, according as the Church is conceived as local or universal, denominational or catholic, visi- ble or invisible ; but these various defini- tions have one common element, a belief in Christ as the Saviour of the world. It would be well, I think, if our conception of the 22 THE WORKING CHURCH. Church could be so formulated as expressly to include, not simply those believing in Christ as the world's Saviour, but also those who are laboring to bring the world unto Christ to be saved. The Church is the col- lective body of those who are endeavoring to serve Christ among men. The idea of the Church as a working force needs reiterated emphasis. For the Church is the incarnate Christ, and is to continue and to complete the work which He came to begin. The Church is the evangelizing, missionary power. The mission of the Holy Ghost we are to honor and to co-operate with ; but with His purpose of leading into all truth and of sanctifying men, we are in closest union when we obey the command of Him who sent the Holy Spirit, the command to " go." The Roman Catholic Church has its order of workers ; but in the Protestant Church each member is supposed to be a worker. Wesley's motto, with slight variations, is right : ** All at it, at all times, in all places, and in all ways." We should not have simply the church of Saint CHARACTER OF CHURCH WORK. 23 Paul, the church holding forth the faith ; neither should we have simply the church of Saint James, on whose front works are bla- zoned ; but we should have the Church of Christ, in which neither faith nor works are neglected, but in which both are harmoniously united and effectively adjusted. It is, there- fore, evident that the Church of Christ is the Church at work in Christ's service. To the church thus at work the pastor holds the relation of bishop, overseer, presi- dent, director, guide. He is himself to be a laborious worker. He cannot hope to have his church at work, unless he is at once an example and an inspiration. If he be labo- rious ; cordial to strangers and new families ; attentive to the sick, the mourning, and the poor ; wisely regular in his parochial labor ; thoughtful of those requiring special watch and ward, as the new convert and the in- quirer ; strong, vigorous, aggressive, eager to do as much as possible, — his church will catch the enthusiasm of his example, and will be aroused by the inspiration of his work. 24 THE WORKING CHURCH. Choose the churches in New York, Chicago, Boston, Philadelphia, which are most active and aggressive, and it will be found, with scarcely an exception, that they are the churches manned by the most active, aggres- sive, and laborious ministers. The old min- ister said to the young minister, " If you are a faithful minister of Jesus Christ, you will have many an aching head, weary back, and heavy heart." Yes ; the minister's head ought to ache, and his back ought to be weary, and his heart ought to be heavy, in the noble and devoted earnestness of his labor. As a class, ministers are more laborious than law- yers or doctors ; but most ministers should be far more devoted to the work. If they cannot be Pauls, they can be Paul-like in the enthusiasm, courage, and persistency of their work. In arousing his church to its work and \\\ securing workers, the pastor will receive aid by making the tone of his preaching mis- sionary and evangelizing. The conception of the Church as a collective bodv of Christians CHARACTER OF CHURCH WORK. 25 laboring in Christ's cause should be almost as constant an element in each sermon as the statement of the terms of salvation. He should seek to indoctrinate his hearers with the gospel of work. This general character of his preaching will not prevent him from occasionally devoting special sermons to spe- cial departments or demands. But beside this method and principle, each pastor should per- sonally and individually call men to special service. Knowing the work which God seems to ordain his Church to do, alert to discover those who may serve in this divinely appointed mission, he should be as the chaplain of St. Andrews who summoned John Knox into the Christian ministry : ** I charge thee, as thou hast a regard for the glory of God, the salvation of men, and your own eternal well- being, that you neglect not this duty to which God calls." The pastor can and may in God's name summon men to service in the Sabbath- school, to service in gathering in the un- churched, to service in establishing missions, 26 THE WORKING CHURCH. to service in the cause of charity, to service in any one of the Unes of endeavor by which the Church seeks to mo.ve the world. Though no member is to be indifferent to any part of the work of the church, each member has abilities which more efficiently qualify him for service in one part than in another. The dictate of common sense and the dictate of the Scripture is that he de- vote his powers to those lines of work in which they will prove of most worth. One man, with a peculiar readiness of address, may be ordained by the pastor for looking after the unchurched and the new families taking up their residence in the neighborhood of the church. To one woman may be committed the special task of gathering children into the Sunday-school. To another woman may be intrusted the duty of instructing the children in the Bible, in a way more thorough than the hour of the Sabbath-school permits. The charitable work, not in the negative sense of giving away old clothes or sending out dozens of Thanksgiving turkeys, but in the positive CHARACTER OF CHURCH WORK. 2/ sense of showing one's self a genuine friend to those in need, may be commended to the wise diligence of a special board of ladies and gentlemen. The work, too, of instructing the young men and women in the Bible and in Christian doctrine and in matters of church work should be placed in the special charge of those competent for this serious duty. The outlook committee on mission work, local, national, foreign, should not fail of re- ceiving consideration. The pastor, seeing the work which his church ought to do, understanding so far as possible the abilities of its members, should seek to set each member to that task to which nature and grace have fitted him. His worthy purpose is to put others to work. He may in the first year of his pastorate work much harder in getting his church to work than he would in doing himself all the work which he gets it to do ; but it is better for the church always, and in the end better for himself, that this division and sub- division of labor be pursued. Let the pas- 28 THE WORKING CHURCH. tor himself train special workers for special works. Agassiz was once asked what was his greatest work in Ameriea. His reply was, the training of three men. " One," said the great naturalist, ** has abandoned my theories, and one has become indifferent to me ; but the scientific training of three scholars is my greatest work," — greater than the building of the great museum at Cambridge, greater than all the investiga- tions on two continents which made him one of the first naturalists of the century. Likewise many a pastor finds his greatest work in a ministry, not the building of a splendidly equipped meeting-house, not the receiving even of hundreds into church-fellow- ship, but the conversion to Christ and the training of a few men and women who are thus qualified for eminent service. Let each pastor know the work which his church is evidently by its position ordained of God to do. Let him, with this knowledge, study to allot this work in its diverse forms to those who can and ought to do it. CHARACTER OF CHURCH WORK. 29 Having secured his co-workers, the pastor is to train them for effective labor. In most instances these whom he thus invites are in greater or less need of instruction and disci- pline in church work. The work itself is the best training-school, but he may himself give them aid. The more than four hundred mis- sionaries of the London City Mission receive a training more or less peculiarly fitted to their peculiar duties. The instruction which a pastor gives may be special and individual; but the main purpose which qualifies all his teaching is to teach the use of the Bible in bringing the unconverted to Christ. In fol- ' lowing this aim he will give instruction in the Scriptures, and in particular in the fun- damental truths of the Scriptures. He will illustrate and emphasize his meanings by the use of actual instances of conversion. God the Father, God the Saviour, God the Holy Ghost, grace, repentance, forgiveness, confes- sion, faith,' regeneration, conversion, justifica- tion, are subjects which he considers in the light of the Bible. In the study of individual 30 THE WORKING CHURCH. cases he will seek to show how the Word, " fitly spoken " and " in season," has proved to be the " sword of the Spirit," sharper than a " two edged-sword, piercing even to the divid- ing asunder of soul and spirit . . . and a dis- cerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart." He will endeavor to give sugges- tions as to dealing with the doubter, the igno- rant, the fearful, the discouraged, the wilful, the complaining, the proud, those lacking con- viction, those lacking decision, those weak in the faith, backsliders, and new converts. Thus, month by month, year by year, train- ing his associates to service, he tries to equip them for the general or particular duties to which nature and grace seem to call them. CHAPTER III. THE WORTH AND THE WORTHLESSNESS OF METHODS. VERY pastor has his methods in working with and for his church, and in getting his church to work. The exact nature of these methods is of less importance than the fact that the methods are his own, — methods with which he is ac- quainted and which he can handle. Eccle- siastical methods, like personal habits, are constitutional. If they are not his own, if he fails to understand them, he is quite as helpless as David in Goliath's armor, or as Goliath with David's sling and stones. In his use of methods of work the pastor is exposed to perils. Among these perils is the danger of believ- ing that methods which are successful in one 32 THE WORKING CHURCH. church will prove successful in another, or •that methods which succeed in a church at one time will always succeed. Methods should be very elastic. They should be capable of great adaptiveness. They should be adjusted to the peculiar needs of each church. For instance, the prayer-meeting should be a meeting for, and of, and by the people. But a church may for generations have been ac- custome'd to regard this meeting as a lecture by the minister. The newly installed pastor, with memories of the pleasant conferences of his former charge, cannot transform the hour of a lecture given by one into an hour of religious conversation shared in by a score. Moreover, the type of the prayer-meeting in which religious conversation prevails may in time become vapid and inconsequential. The pastor should endeavor to throw greater in- tellectual vigor into its exercises without dim- inishing their heartiness. In every respect a pastor should hold himself ready to surrender or to alter his methods according to the de- mands of the place or the time. WORTH OF METHODS. 33 In thus doing, the pastor is guarded from a not uncommon peril, — namely, of believing that methods have intrinsic worth. Of course we all know that they are good only so far forth as they do good ; yet long associations with methods may result in transferring our regard for the end to the means by which the end is gained. Systematic pastoral visitation is an idol with not a few ministers ; but the annual or biennial call on each family is not an ideal which is to be followed inflexibly without reference to the real needs of any family, or to the good which a pastor may do by special attention to certain households. Each minister is to put his pastoral or his other work in that place where it will effect the richest results. In subordinating methods to ends, aid may be drawn from keeping constantly before the mind and heart the supreme aim of all church work, — the development of Christian char- acter. If any method fails to achieve this purpose, it is useless ; if it succeeds in achiev- ing this purpose, it has value. Every method 3 34 THE WORKING CHURCH. should be brought to this ultimate test of conversion and edification. No matter how perfect the machinery of a church, or how admirably and noiselessly or boisterously it moves, if it fails here it is a complete failure. We must maintain this aim as ultimate and supreme, and cause methods to adjust them- selves to this ideal. This most worthy pur- pose elevates toil, ennobles self-sacrifice, adjusts difficulties, eliminates selfishness, strengthens patience, gives to work enthu- siasm and enlargement, and crowns it with increasing success. A pastor should also guard himself from the danger of imposing his methods on churches unwilUng or indifferent to receive them. We ministers are not to have pet hobbies to impose on anybody, least of all on those whose servants we are. We are to justify the wisdom of what we propose to do in a church, and of the ways in which we hope to win our aim. This justification it is not necessary to herald in advance, if our purposes are right and our methods wise. WORTH OF METHODS. 35 They will prove to be their own justification. It may be that a church to whose pastorate a minister is called, has methods and practices which are superior to any he may himself possess. In this case he should be more than willing to adopt these methods, and to work them to the best of his ability. Along this same line it is to be still further said that abrupt changes of method are usually evil. Churches, no more than children, like to be jerked. It is also worthy of remark that we young ministers in particular are in danger, in an adoption of church methods, of not showing sufficient deference to elders and to those who have special interest in the church. It may also be true that we are in peril of paying too much deference to the wealthy and scholarly classes. To avoid this peril of pastoral autocracy, the pastor shouM hold full and frequent conferences with the officers, and should not adopt important measures except with their approval and the promise of their hearty co-operation. For he is not lord or autocrat, but overseer, president, nay, 36 THE WORKING CHUBCH. the servant, of his church, and of him whom he calls Master. It is further to be borne in mind that no method, however perfect, is a substitute for power. The method is only the way in which the intellectual, emotional, volitional, spiritual power is manifest. Method without power is a locomotive on the track without steam. Power without method is the loco- motive with steam in the boiler and pipe, but derailed and ploughing its path to its own de- struction. Power manifests itself in method, but method is no substitute for power. Noth- ing takes the place of a real love on the part of the pastor for his people. If he fails to love them, the wisest of methods will succeed in winning only a partial success. If he loves them, his best methods will succeed more thoroughly by reason of his love ; and his indifferent methods will prove of some worth. '* My little children, I write unto you that ye love one another." CHAPTER IV. AMONG THE CHILDREN. IIILDREN should be constantly trained to love Jesus and to feel His love. Character sets early. Life- long tendencies are indicated in the first years. In his autobiography Darwin says that in his early boyhood he had a passion for collecting all sorts of things. Shells, seals, francs, coins, and minerals were among the objects he gathered. We have now fewer juvenile prodigies than formerly; but on the whole, character is fixed at an earlier age. The boy is not only the father of the man; the boy is the man. Evil begins to train its children early for its service. A boy of four- teen was lately hanged in Texas for murder. A lad whom I knew was accused of an infa- mous crime. When his mother was told of it 38 THE WORKING CHURCH. she said, " Why, it is not possible ! Arthur is only a little baby." Children grow old in wickedness before they reach their teens, and while their mothers think they are as inno- cent as infants. Heathendom trains its chil- dren early. As soon as a pagan boy is strong enough to hold a flower in his hand, he is taught to lay that flower at the feet of an idol. The Roman Catholic Church trains its children early. Every mother entering the church with her baby in her arms puts the holy water upon the baby's forehead. From the earliest years children should be trained to love Jesus and to feel His love. Thomas Chalmers was so thoroughly trained in this respect, that from his first years he de- clared his purpose to become a minister. It is told that Edward Payson, when he was not more than three years old, would often weep under the preaching of the gospel, and would sometimes call his mother to his bedside to talk with him as to his soul's salvation. Such an experience is abnormal : it ought to be discouraged ; it is neither healthy nor health- AMONG THE CHILDREN. 39 ful. But it is normal for the boy of ten, like Leonard Woods, — the first Professor of Theology at Andover, where he continued for a quarter of a century, — to desire to be educated for Christian service. Tertullian made a remark which has be- come famous : " Man is naturally Christian." In one respect the remark is false ; in another it is true. The remark is true, in that the child heart loves Jesus. The child " takes to " Christ. The story of Christ's love awakens the child's loyalty ; and the story of Christ's death, the child's indignation. Next to the love for father and mother, nay, beyond, be- neath, and around the love for mother and for father, the child from the first should be taught to love Jesus. There should be no need of conversion and turning about. The curve in an ascending spiral, not a right angle, should represent the Christian's devel- opment. Children should never know the time when they did not love Jesus. The saintly Baxter was at one period greatly troubled because he could not recollect the 40 THE WORKING CHURCH. hour when there was a gracious change in his character; but at last he discovered that education is as properly the means of grace as preaching. Thus he found comfort sweeter in his love for Christ, because he could not remember the time when he did not love Him. A distinguished clergyman now living writes in charming style of his early Chris- tian life. Such a story as he tells should be far more common than it is : — *' My earliest memory is a religious memory. In my home the entire atmosphere was persistently religious. I learned to read so young that I have no recollection whatever of the process, and the daily reading of the Bible was as much a part of my young life as the daily breakfast. With sweet and steady pressure, and at the same time with a pres- sure wonderfully wise, my mother was always lead- ing, referring, forcing me to Jesus. I can think of no time when, because of her enwrapping teaching, I did not recognize myself a sinner, and did not, in a boyish way at least, look to Christ as Saviour. Her steady test for things by which she taught me to decide concerning this or that was. Would it AMONG THE CHILDREN. 4 1 please Jesus ? When I had done wrong, — and I did wrong by no means infrequently, — though I might repent toward her and ask her forgiveness, I was always taught that the finishing of the matter had never come until I had personally sorrowed toward and asked forgiveness of the Lord. So Christ hung as a sun steadily and consciously to myself in all my childish horizon. To please my parents was a sweet thing, I was taught; but to please Christ and my parents for His sake, a sweeter thing. Yet there was no cant in all this, nor the least sanctimoniousness. It seemed to be all as natural and right to me as breathing. So, really, I cannot remember the time when I did not look upon the Lord Jesus as my personal Saviour, did not trust Him, did not recognize and accept it as the task of life to serve Him." The proposition, therefore, is evident that children should be constantly trained to love Jesus and to feel His love, for them. If any period of half a dozen years in the life of a child be more critical, religiously, than any other, it is the six years follow- ing the age of ten. At this age the boys and girls usually are graduated from the primary department of the Sunday-school 42 THE WORKING CHURCH. into its intermediate or higher department. If they have received proper instruction, many of them are at this time Christians. If I need not seek evidence beyond my own early boyhood to prove the doctrine of total depravity, I also need not seek evidence beyond the limits of my first pastorate, to prove that the hearts of many young children are inclined to accept Jesus as their guide, helper. Saviour. They, at an early age, know- somewhat of the evil of sin. They appreci- ate, even more than many who are their seniors, the tenderness of the love of Christ. They affirm their love of Jesus. They are willing to promise to try to be and to do as they believe He desires. Their homes and school-rooms and play-grounds bear witness to the reality of their endeavor. Their wills are moved, their intellects are also enlight- ened, and their feelings touched. " Except ye become as little children : " they have no need of becoming ; they are little chil- dren. They are essential Christians. They have not an ''experience" such as their elders AMONG THE CHILDREN. 43 have. They ought not to have ; they can- not have it. But they are able to endure the test which our Lord appHed to Peter at the close of His divine mission, "Lovest thou me .'' " They are in kind as truly Christians at the age of ten, after a few years of proper instruction, as they are at the age of seventy; as the child who is studying his " first reader" is as really reading as the scholar who is perusing Gibbon's poUshed and well- rounded sentences. But with children thus circumstanced and -inclined at the age of ten, the following four or five years work tremendous changes. They have fallen from grace. They have be- come, if not hard and hardened, indifferent and careless. Their attention to Christian truth is not easily secured. The heart is not quite so soft as before. They reason, inquire, in a way doubt. The fact is, their suscepti- bility to spiritual impressions has diminished. They feel the downward gravitation of the world, the flesh, and the devil. Their love for Christ is either dying or dead. 44 THE WORKING CHURCH. In this common condition the problem which the church has set before it is this : to keep these child-Christians from falling from their first love between the critical years of ten and sixteen ; to foster the spirit of Christian character; to strengthen the weak hope ; to educate and discipline the imperfect faith. For the solution of this serious problem we may look for aid to the Sunday-school teacher. If he is wise, faithful, earnest, we do not look to him in vain. But in too many instances he fails to have the power or the time essential for this work. It is a surprise, in view of the lack of proper method in the choice of teachers in the Sunday-school, that the Sunday-school accomplishes so great results. As now constituted, however, the Sunday- school in its main department is seldom nur- turing to a natural maturity the Christian character which is born before the child reaches the age of ten. In this failure, what can be done .-* I write out of my own experience when I say that AA/OA'G THE CHILDREN. 45 a special class should be formed of those young Christians, and that special instruc- tion and guidance should be given them. This instruction and guidance should be com- mitted to one most able to give it. This one may be the pastor, or it may not be. If it is not he, he should discover some other person qualified to perform this duty. I think I may say that the pastor will usually find that it is wise to intrust this labor to other hands ; and yet these other hands he may think it well specially to train for this important service. This instruction should consist of a sys- tematic presentation of the great truths of Christ. It should be systematic, taking up in order the central doctrines and themes of the Bible. It should be, it must be, to se- cure favorable results, attractive, — attractive in the person of the teacher and attractive in its methods. It should be thorough ; for children will receive and appreciate, be it properly illustrated, Christian teaching far more profound than is commonly credited to them. Such a class should meet on some 46 THE WORKING CHURCH. week-day, after the close of the exercises of the public school, and should be held each week for certain periods of each year. With the methods and the results of such teaching, I am already somewhat acquainted. Year by year I have seen a class of boys and girls grow from a membership of forty to a membership of three hundred. I have seen these boys and girls listening intently to the presentation of the historic facts and truths of the Bible. I have seen this class made so attractive that scores of children would run from the pubUc school- room to the church school-room in order to lose no moment of the short hour. I have seen this interest aroused and maintained by the power of a strong and living personality rather than by extraneous aids. I know this teaching to be systematic and thorough. I have seen examination papers in writing of these boys and girls that were a wonder in their revelation of the appreciation of the na- ture and duties of the Christian life. I have been made glad in receiving many of those AMONG THE CHILDREN. 47 thus trained into the membership of the church, and have daily rejoiced in beholding the good confessions they witnessed at home and school. The church may aid in such training of children by receiving them into its membership. I know of no help so great which the home may receive, I know of no help so great which the child may receive beyond the walls of the home, as the help which the church may thus give. Such a confession in the church of Christ brings to the surface and crystallizes all the child's love for his Saviour. It furnishes him with a high exterior standard of conduct ; it puts him in that direct line of which the end, as is also the beginning, is life eternal. The Christian child needs the church to make his Christian love vivid, positive, ag- gressive. The Christian parent needs the church to aid in the Christian training of his Christian child. The church needs the Christian child, that its altars may never lack for Samuels, as its ministering priests. If the church is a family, it must specially care 48 THE WORKING CHURCH. for its children. If the church is Christ's church, it must specially seek to bless those whom He blessed. If the church is ever to rejoice in its millennial triumph, it will in- clude children, even little children, among its disciples and apostles. Various objections are urged to children becoming members of a church. These objections, however, are in large measure founded upon misconceptions of the need of the child or of the duty of the church. One of the more common of these objections is that the child does not fully understand the meaning of a public confession. It is true that a child does not fully understand this step ; but who of us, of whatever age, does fully understand? Are we not often asking our children to take important steps, the meaning of which is not fully understood? How much does a child need to understand to join the church ? How much does an adult need to understand ? Has the reader fathomed more than a small part of the doc- trines of the creed ? Who has reached final AMONG THE CHILDREN. 49 conclusions in all his thinking ? Has God's Word ceased to break forth with new light ? What did Philip require of the eunuch as a condition of baptism ? " And the eunuch said, See, here is water ; what doth hinder me to be baptized ? and Philip saith, If thou believest with all thine heart, thou mayest. And he answered and said, I believe that Jesus Christ is the Son of God." Philip baptized him. A class of girls in the church was re- cently asked to write out their answers to the question, " What is it to be a Christian 1 " Among the answers were these : A girl of fifteen said, " It is to believe that the Saviour is able to save us, that He will forgive us ; it is to love the Saviour and try to do His will." A girl of thirteen replied, "To be a Christian is to love and serve the Lord, and try to do as much as you can, and live as near Him as you can." A girl also of thirteen said, " It is to try to be good and do good, and to love Jesus Christ." A girl of fifteen answered, '* To be a Christian is to love Jesus 4 50 THE WORKING CHURCH. Christ with your whole heart, and to yield your will to Him completely." One of thir- teen gave this answer, which is remarkable as a philosophical definition of what it is to be a Christian : " To give one's whole being to the will of God." It is not to be said that children do not understand more of wickedness than their parents desire. Children do understand more of goodness and more of Christian truth than their parents give them credit for. It is also urged as an objection to children joining the church, that they may not hold out. A little girl said to me recently, " Why, if I join the church, I may go back." " Yes," I replied, *' and you may go back if you don't join the church ; the church should be a help to keep you from going back." Do all those who are not children hold out t I might select fifty boys and girls from the Sunday- school whom I thought suitable candidates for church-membership ; I might select fifty men and women from the congregation whom I thought also suitable candidates. AMONG THE CHILDREN. 5 I After five years I am confident I should find a larger proportion of the children than of the adults maintaining their Christian faith. Two or three principles or methods under- lie the Christian character and the church- membership of children. One is that the Christian life is of the individual charac- ter: being of the individual character, it is chiefly concerned with the feelings and the will : in children the feelings are strong and the will easily influenced : therefore, without full intellectual apprehension, the Christian life may begin in children. The second principle is that the Christian life is a growth, not a manufactured product ; a flower, not a machine: therefore, for its purest and noblest development, it must begin early. It is also evident that for the Christian life of children parents are in a large measure responsible. The method, as some one has said, is to " make a young person love you, and then simply being in his presence will make him what you want him to be." The 52 THE WORKING CHURCH. *' experience " of the child so far as he is concerned is slight, but it is important so far as the mother or the father is con- cerned. As one has said, writing of his mother : " She put my little hand in the hand of the Lord Jesus. I did not know what else to do, and so I clasped His hand, — that was all. But if I ever stand yonder in the great shining, about the sole reason, on the human side, will be — my mother, God bless her!" • CHAPTER V. AMONG THE YOUNG PEOPLE. DEPARTMENT of the administra- tion of the church in which the pastor finds it well to have peculiar interest, is the work among those who are universally known as the "young people." The " young people " have within a genera- tion come to occupy a most important place in the church. To work among them for their conversion and edification, to work for them fitting them for Christian service, and to work through them in the manifold endeavor of the church, no one is better qualified than the pastor. The systematic organization of this body for work in the church is to be greatly desired. These young men and women usually lend themselves ^more easily than their elders to organization and to organ- 54 THE WORKING CHURCH. ized effort. Many of them desire Christian work. They have fewer prejudices and less individuality. They are not heavily laden with the cares of business or of home. They are less conservative, more progressive. They also need the Christian training of systematic planning for, and systematic doing of, service. For the good of the church as well as their own good, this organization is to be fostered. Many a pastor finds that the most prompt, the most thorough, the most earnest, the most persistent, and the most satisfactory work of his church is done through the young people. They are his aids quite as truly as the members of the church committee. This general movement among and for young people has taken positive shape in the Young People's Society of Christian En- deavor. Its great growth justifies its wisdom of administration, as well as proves its need. In seven years it has increased to include more than five thousand organizations, em- bracing some two hundred and fifty thousand members. It is simply the young people of AMONG THE YOUNG PEOPLE. 55 the individual church associated for the pur- pose of promoting their Christian growth and of bringing those not Christians to Christ. Its methods are simple. Frequent testimony in the weekly meeting is emphasized. At- tendance at this service is obligatory. Social, literary, and musical interests are grouped about the central principles of Christian growth and Christian service. Committees on various departments — such as the Sunday- school, the visiting of the sick and the crirni- nal, the introduction of strangers, the care for the prayer-meetings — are selected. A full corps of the other customary officers forms a part of the society. Membership is of two classes, — the active, embracing those who believe themselves to be Christians ; and the associate, including those who may wish to enjoy certain privileges of the Society but are not prepared to be known as Christians. So familiar are the general principles and methods of this movement, that it is unneces- sary for me to say more in exposition. But it may be fitting to add that in every church in 56 THE WORKING CHURCH. which the Society of Christian Endeavor has been established, it has proved to be the most satisfactory way for organizing its young people for Christian work. In not a few churches it has given birth to a prayer- meeting for young people ; in others it has quadrupled the attendance and increased the interest of this meeting ; in others it has proved to be the most laborious and the most effective of all the means and methods of church administration. In churches in which this general form of work among the young people is well planned and executed, it may or may not be wise at once to transfer a prosperous young people's organization into a society of this distinctive name ; but it is certainly true that God has not in this gen- eration in America given a wiser method for the doing of Christian work for and through young people. Every church which is not thus organized among its younger members is neither availing itself of its strength nor entering into its waiting opportunities. For the Young People's Society of Chris- AMONG THE YOUNG PEOPLE. 57 tian Endeavor, or any organization of young people, is not an association outside of the church. Undoubtedly any such alliance may be so formed or conducted as to give the impression of either rivalry or antagonism to the church. But it ought never to be so formed or conducted. It is simply the church at work among, and for, and through its younger members. It is not to be doubted that this peril exists. It is the peril of clique and faction. It is a peril which may result in direct opposition to the church. The younger members, feeling that the older have little interest in their work, go by them- selves ; the older members, thinking that their juniors prefer to be by themselves, do not frequent their devotional or social meet- ings. Such a division is lamentable. It should always be avoided; it should, when existing, be healed. The younger members should know that the church is more than their society, and that of the church their society is a part or function. The older members, by sympathy most cordial and by 58 THE WORKING CHURCH. endeavors for co-operative service, should prove that they rejoice in the activity and aggressiveness of their junior brethren. In the organization of young people for church work, the religious basis must invari- ably be strongly maintained. No foundation, social, literary, musical, aesthetic, is either worthy or enduring. The young people themselves will accept of a constitution and method which are .profoundly religious. Many of them even demand that a pre-eminently Christian character prevail in all their or- ganized efforts. There is no need of hiding the Dover's powder of Christian service in the raspberry jam of " socials" or debates. Many of them find that Christian service is not a bitter thing, but very sweetness itself. Therefore let the centre and circumference of all organizing and of every organization be devoutly Christian ; and on the radius may be put whatever of social enjoyment and of literary culture may seem fitting. The church is a spiritual institution. Its means and methods, therefore, are determined AMONG THE YOUNG PEOPLE. 59 by its character as a spiritual institution. Yet, though spiritual, it should be free to use such indirect as well as direct agencies as may contribute to the salvation of men from sin. Some indirect agencies may be included in the work of young people. Among these agencies may be placed popular amusements. Shall the church pro- vide amusements for its young people ? Shall it countenance and nourish amusements which it would not be expedient to admit into any part of the church edifice ? Is it wise for it to erect a building in which games, such as for example billiards, may be played ? The answer to these and allied questions depends upon the influence of these diversions upon the moral character of the young people. It is the business of the church to minister to this moral character. If the church is so placed that it is necessary in order to catch young people to use a billiard cue as a fishing- rod, no hesitation should be felt in employ- ing such an instrument. Churches situated down town, and obliged to contend with 60 THE WORKING CHURCH. saloons as rallying-places for young men, may at times find it wise to use these measures. The church should be willing to adopt any method which will keep the young people away from evil associations. If it cannot secure the whole loaf of Christian char- acter, let it secure the half-loaf of moral character ; if it cannot secure the half-loaf, let it endeavor to secure as large an absti- nence from evil as may be possible. The churches which bear the name of " People's Churches," and are attended by those less well-to-do, usually can minister in more ways to their members than churches composed of the wealthier classes. Such churches fre- quently find it advantageous to establish reading-rooms and parlors for the use of their members. Classes, too, for the instruction of the young people in stenography, needle- work, and telegraphy prove of much worth. The church should have as one of its impor- tant aims the service of the young people of the church. This service should be as broad as the condition of the church and the need AMONG THE YOUNG PEOPLE. 6 1 of the people allow. But in all service thus broad and sufficient, the highest aim should control the development of Christian man- hood and womanhood. The church working for its young folks should also put them to work. The older young people should give their hands and hearts and brains to philanthropic efforts, such as the distribution of books and newspapers in hospitals and jails, the holding of services of song in the wards of hospitals, the estab- lishment and carrying on of Sunday-schools and gospel services in the mission stations of cities and in the schoolhouses in the country towns, and the holding of temperance meet- ings such as belong to the Bands of Hope for children. In all these and similar services the young people of the church may be made most efficient members of the working church. CHAPTER VI. AMONG BUSINESS MEN. VENTURE to recall a bit of per- sonal experience. I was calling on my parishioners who do business in the Chamber of Commerce. Among those to whom I paid my respects was Mr. A. Mr. A. is still under forty; he is reputed to have large wealth, and to be making large additions to it. His commercial interests are various. His mind is keen, alert, vigorous ; his heart is tender. He has all the best qualities of the best business man. As soon as I entered his office I saw that he was busy ; I also saw, I was assured, that he was glad to see me. Presently he said, " You do not know how much good just your coming to see us does." I ventured to suggest that his sense of cour- tesy was getting the better of his sense of truthfulness. But he replied : " No ; we men AMONG BUSINESS MEN. 63 are from morning to night engaged in a hard struggle. I know that every man who enters that doorway comes to make some money out of me ; and every man who enters that door- way I intend to make some money out of. It is more pleasant than I can tell you to see a man who you feel has some personal care for you, to see a man who looks upon you as something besides a mere money-maker, to see a man who represents something besides banks, real-estate syndicates, and elevator companies." The earnestness of my friend's words and my knowledge of his character lead me to be- lieve in their sincerity. They suggest the need of a Christian mission and the need of special spiritual endeavor for business men. The working church has been doing much for various classes, — for the children, for the young men, for the young women, for the out- cast and wandering of every sort. It has not, however, made a solemn and aggressive attempt to reach the business men of middle age and of absorbing interests. The fact is. 64 THE WORKING CHURCH. these men are in greater need of the help of the church than any other class in the com- munity. They are in peril of the most prac- tical and personal materialism. They are ab- sorbed in business. Their business demands the best energies of brain, heart, body. They are laboring for the visible and the tangible. The unseen and the eternal are not naturally and immediately present. Wealth flows in upon them ; and they are in danger of either that avarice or that unwise prodigaHty which increasing riches may develop. Wealth flies from them ; and they are in danger of either that hard and rebellious or that despairing mood which misfortune may create. The constant attrition with human life may wear them into cold and polished hardness of char- acter. The knowledge of cunning rascali- ties may make them pessimists. They began business, intending to be masters of business ; they retire from business as its slaves. They are inclined to know nothing, to do nothing, but business. The commercial success which at first they regarded as a means to some AMONG BUSINESS MEN. 65 noble purpose, they have come to consider as an ultimate aim in itself. Such is the condition of thousands of men in the offices and stores of the cities. What can the church do for them ? They are not remote from, or alien to, the church. Not a few are members of the church ; many occu- py their pews, with their families, on the Sab- bath. They are not specially troubled with difficulties as to doctrine. They believe the Bible, respect the church, and keep the Sab- bath. In answer to the question of the duty of the church, I say : — The church should not denounce money or money-making. The church should rejoice in all the money which its members either have or gain. The church wants money, must have it. The great need of the church is men who will make money for its mission- ary work. The church and the ministry should discriminate, as did Christ and Paul, between money and the love of money, be- tween riches and the trust in riches. It is not money, but the love of money, which is 66 THE WORKING CHURCH. the root of all evil; it is not the riches, but the trust in them, which keeps us from enter- ing heaven. Let the minister pray that his parishioners may make money; let him also pray that they may be kept from the love of money. It is also evident that neither the church nor the ministry can serve business men by courses of sermons or addresses upon methods of business. The counting-room can teach the pulpit far better upon this theme than the pulpit the counting-room. Sermons on spec- ulation — speculation in stocks or wheat or pork, speculations of any kind — are as valua- ble, and only as valuable, as Saint Anthony's sermon to the fishes. In many cases, too, they are contrary to that wise remark which Dr. Bellamy used to make to his students as to preaching : " Don't raise the Devil, young gentlemen, unless you can lay him." Many ministers cannot lay the devils which their sermons on speculation are liable to raise. Turning to the positive side, I venture to suggest three methods that may he of worth : AMONG BUSINESS MEN. 6/ Spiritual preaching. The most worldly man prefers spiritual preaching to worldly preaching. The merchant absorbed in busi- ness is sick at heart Sunday morning when his business, to which he thought he bade good-by at five o'clock the night before, again appeals to his ears in his pastor's sermon. He may rightfully claim in such an instance that his minister is robbing him of a part of his Sabbath rest. Ministers labor under a lamentable error when they think that college professors of natural history or of geology or of political economy want to hear sermons on Darwinism, or on the consistency of Evolution with the first chapters of Genesis, or on anar- chism. The error is no less lamentable when ministers think that manufacturers and mer- chants, bankers and lawyers, want to be preached to as manufacturers and as mer- chants, as bankers and as lawyers. They want to be treated as men, — as men who have souls, as men who are tempted, as men who want all the help possible to resist temp- tation and to win noblest characters. 6S THE WORKING CHURCH. Preaching, therefore, being spiritual, should follow the fundamental lines of thought, doc- trine, teaching. It should embrace the great themes : sin in all forms — the self-deception of the sinner, its self-perpetuating power, the moral disintegration of the soul — in which it has special allurement or power over the business man ; God in all those qualities and elements in which He is made known ; human responsibility, for one's self and for one's fellows. But I know whereof I speak when I affirm that the more closely the min- ister can centre his preaching in Christ, the more thoroughly he will please the un-Chris- tian as well as the Christian business men of his congregation. No other theme has such power ; no other theme has such variety ; no other theme has sources of such satisfaction. A great court preacher, preaching before the Queen of England, chose as his subject : " Religion in common life." The sermon be- came a favorite of Queen Victoria. Let the minister of the most worldly congregation se- lect the most spiritual of subjects, — Christ AMONG BUSINESS MEN 69 himself, — and he will not only do the most good, but also give the greatest satisfaction. I would also beg to suggest that ministers should not fail to come into the closest per- sonal relationship with the business men to whom they preach. It were well if ministers were even more anxious to call on the men of their churches at their places of business than on the women in their homes. If a minister is at all worthy of being known, the bank pres- idents and the plumbers, the lawyers and the carpenters, want to know him. The pastor should get down close to the hearts of the rich as. well as of the poor men of his church. Not in gushing, not in the manner of the cloth, not in either fawning or patronage, but in simple and true manliness, let him know, and be known by, the busy business men. Let the men know his life as well as hear his truth. CHAPTER VII. FROM THE BUSINESS POINT OF VIEW. CHURCH is not a business concern, though in certain ways it is to be managed on business principles. It is not a business concern, for its purpose is not to see how it can get the most money or hire the cheapest help. Its purpose is not to save money or to secure the largest surplus. Its purpose is not to make its income equal to its expenses. The pecuniary motives of the business concern have no place as aims in the church. For the church is a spiritual institution. Its purpose is moral, ethical. Christian. Its purpose is to continue the work begun by Christ, to turn men from sin to righteousness. Its purpose relates to human character. And yet the church has a financial side. Though it is not a. business institution. THE BUSINESS POINT OF VIEW. J I it is in certain respects to be managed in a business way. Though its purpose is not to make income equal expense, yet in every church income should equal expense. The general principles of economy, efficiency, and honesty prevailing in successful business should prevail in the management of the church. In securing such principles, it seems wise for Christian business men to be the leaders in its financial interests. With their Christianity, they will manage affairs as if the church were a church; with their mer- cantile methods, they will make the manage- ment economical and efficient. It is not wise usually, it seems to me, for ministers to take an active interest in the pecuniary affairs of their churches. In some cases it seems necessary for ministers to have an important part in this work. In many small churches the deacons and elders leave the pecuniary affairs of the church, as they do the spiritual, to the pastor. They ought not so to be remiss in their duty ; the min- ister ought to cause them to take up this "JZ THE WORKING CHURCH. task belonging to them, and the doing of it would be found to be a means of grace. But in many large churches, of course, the min- ister not only has no need of being especially concerned in these financial matters, but also he ought not to be so concerned. Men are in the church with greater ability than his for such administration. A former pastor of one of the principal churches in New York City said to me that about one half of his time was taken up with the pecuniary affairs of the parish. His ministry was not successful, and it is not a surprise that it was a failure. Time and strength devoted to financial admin- istration were time and strength subtracted from spiritual efficiency. The minister, though having no active part in the financial management of his parish, should yet be deeply interested in that man- agement ; for the success or failure of his ministry may in a large degree be dependent upon the success or failure of the financial execution. He should also look upon the failure or success of the financial management THE BUSINESS POINT OF VIEW, 73 of the church as a symptom of the interest or lack of interest in his work. It is to be said, however, that even business men do not employ in the management of their churches the same wisdom which they employ in the management of their own mercantile inter- ests. A prominent church in a university town, in its love for its departing pastors, borrowed upon one occasion five thousand dollars and upon another occasion ten thou- sand dollars as a farewell gift. It is not wise to put a mortgage upon your principal property for the sake of making a large present to a friend. A church in New York City some years ago, out of love also for its pastor, presented him with a sum of money to meet the expenses of a trip to Europe. This sum was not the result of gifts, biit was raised through a mortgage upon the church edifice. Certainly such methods are not the methods that men employ in business. The church has its financial side, and its financial interests should be administered with effi- ciency, economy, and honesty; and it will 74 THE WORKING CHURCH. usually be found that the business men in a church are the best fitted thus to administer. It is frequently said that churches are too expensive ; that the cost of being a member of a respectable church is so great that many respectable people are kept from affiliating themselves with such a congregation. It is complained that pew rentals are too high; or if the pew rentals are not too high, that the demands for missions and missionary work are too frequent and too heavy. In some churches a basis for the charge may exist. But the reason of the complaint lies quite as much in the fault of the one complain- ing as in the churches themselves. In all churches are pews of which the rental is so cheap that no person earning ordinary wages should hesitate to hire them. The rental of a single pew in some churches for a year amounts to several hundred dollars. But such pews are very few, and are taken by those who are presumed to be able to pay the thou- sands. But even in such churches the ma- jority of the pews can be had for a few THE BUSINESS POINT OF VIEW. 75 score of dollars ; and a large number of them can be had so cheap that a single sitting costs its occupant only a few cents each week. The charge of the too great expensiveness of churches is of course to be viewed in rela- tion to what one receives for the expense. One receives from this financial relation to his church more than first thought might suggest. He receives the right to his sitting for two services each Sabbath. He also has a special right to all the meetings of the church of prayer, of social intercourse, of musical and literary culture. In relation to what he receives, the cost is very small. The chief element in the cost of the admin- istration of churches is, of course, the salary of the pastor. The salaries of a few pastors in this country are large, but of only a few. The number even of pastors having more than four thousand dollars each year is not large. In one sense a minister should re- ceive exactly what he earns; his wages should be determined by those same laws of political economy that determine the wages of any 'je THE WORKING CHURCH. wage-earner. In another sense he cannot receive too much. What does the minister give to his church } He does not give his brain merely, he does not give his physical strength only, — gifts which most men bring to their work ; but he also gives his heart, himself, his all. The relation between a minister and his church is more akin to that between a husband and wife than to the re- lation between employee and employer. A church, therefore, in one sense should not look upon their minister as a hired servant, but as one to whom, in return for his great gifts to them, they are to give all that he is able to receive. I take it that this is the relation existing between Mr. Spurgeon and the church of which he is pastor. A promi- nent officer of that church told me that Mr. Spurgeon was usually supposed to receive five thousand dollars a year, but that he drew whatever he wished. The church trusted him, and he trusted the church. With cer- tain ministers this would not be possible ; for, as was remarked of a prominent minister in THE BUSINESS POINT OF VIEW. yy an American city, " he would," said the treasurer of this church, "break the Bank of England." But the charge of expensiveness of the churches is not based simply upon the paro- chial item, but also upon the demands for what is usually termed benevolence. The contribution box is looked upon as the sym- bol of this exhausting process. The notice from the pulpit for the collection is regarded as a thief regards arrest. In this same line of expensiveness, also, the pastor is supposed to be, through his personal endeavors, an es- pecial factor. With the subscription paper in hand he goes to individuals in office and home, asking for money either for building a new chapel in the city, or to endow a college in Dakota, or to raise a testimonial fund for a retiring deacon, or to increase the annual offering for the cause of foreign oe home missions. Of such endeavors for benevolence, it seems to me that many people have a false and wrong idea. As a rule, people are not to be yS THE WORKING CHURCH. urged to give. As a rule, people do desire information as to Christian work. They are willing that such opportunities of Christian service should be pointed out to them ; and when such information has been given and such opportunities have been pointed out, the time has come for their action. The minister has done his whole duty in giving the infor- mation, in indicating the opportunity. The subsequent action belongs to his people ; and their do!ng, or failing to do, their duty is a question for themselves as servants of the Most High. People should constantly have placed before them opportunities for Chris- tian giving and for Christian service. Such opportunities it would be difficult to present too frequently. But the minister should re- frain from either speaking or acting in such a way as to give the impression of undue urgency. It also seems to me that it is well for a minister to refrain from soliciting per- sonally contributions for Christian work. The temptations to such solicitation are frequently very strong. Some pastors have much sue- THE BUSINESS POINT OF VIEW. 79 cess in such endeavors. A prominent min- ister of the Presbyterian Church himself raises the debt which afflicts the parish, or secures the money for a new organ. But, on the whole, it would be wiser for him to have a great interest in any such attempt, — to be, if one chooses, the heart of it, or even the heart and the brain of it, but not either the hands or the feet. Serving thus personally, he is in peril of lessening his spiritual influence over the character of his parishioners, for the sake of a financial gain. Such a peril he should never be willing to run. To his pastor a pa- rishioner may not infrequently be inclined to give a larger subscription than he feels he ought. Such a subscription is far from being a means of grace to the subscriber. In gen- eral, more money will be given by a church for benevolent work if the pastor does not take a personal concern in its solicitation. In the business management of the church, as in business management of every sort, great advantage is to be found in frequent and frank conference of officers and pastor. 80 THE WORKING CHURCH. If the pastor is inclined to emphasize too strongly the pecuniary side of his work, the officers should very plainly tell him his mis- take, and he should be willing to bear the crit- icism and correct the fault. If the pastor sees in the church elements or conditions which he believes are antagonistic to its spiritual or other interests, he likewise should be very free to communicate his impressions to the officers ; and they also should bear with Christian charity the criticism, and endeavor to remedy the fault thus indicated. Church quarrels usually begin in a lack of free fra- ternal communication between the officers. Such communication should be very full and broad and intimate. It is thus that estrange- ments are avoided ; and with the avoidance of estrangements, ecclesiastical quarrels would also be prevented. In the business management of a church, as well as in management of other kinds, it is important for the pastor so to bear himself towards his parishioners that he will appeal to their highest needs. He will approach THE BUSINESS POINT OF VIEW. 8 I them upon the highest planes of conduct and character. He will not allow himself to give the impression that he desires to make money out of them, or that his purpose in being pastor of a church is pecuniary. He will give the impression that he comes seek- ing, not theirs, but them. In this approach to men in their highest needs, he will be frank and hearty. As he will not suffer his parishioners to lose respect for him, so also he will not suffer himself to lose his self- respect. He will approach the members of his church as a Christian man having the highest aim, — to serve in the noblest ways those whose spiritual nurture is in no small degree committed to his keeping. In this endeavor to foster the interests of his church, he will, above all else, love its members. Love is the universal solvent. If the minister fails to love, he should cease to be a minister. If he loves his church, his church will love him ; if he fails to love his church, his church also will fail to love him. His church is usually worthy of his love. If 6 82 THE WORKING CHURCH. he love it, he can, it may be said, persuade it, as a church, to almost any line of ecclesiasti- cal conduct. The history of churches shows that the churches in which the pastorates are long and successful are those in which the pastor has loved his church with a fulness of affection next to the love for wife and for child ; and the churches in which the pastor- ates have been short and have not succeeded, are those in which the pastor has not loved his church. In the spirit of love, the pastor will 'be saved from the not uncommon fault of antag- onizing the members of the church and the church itself. It is never wise to antagonize in church life. If a fundamental principle is under discussion, the minister must of course make known his opinion, and make his opinion impressive by wise means ; but he should never suffer himself to be led into an antagonistic mood over matters of trifling importance. Some ministers seem to have a peculiar facility for catching upon some snag in the current of ecclesiastical life, and there THE BUSINESS POINT OF VIEW. %2> resting. The snag, to be sure, is small, but it holds them just as firmly from all advance in Christian service as if they were ashore. If a minister is to antagonize his church, let there be chosen a point worthy of antag- onism. If there is to be a church *' quarrel," let the " quarrel " be over some important point that is worthy of a battle. And as a rule, the minister is to bear himself above all parties ; he is to mind his own business, which means that he is to do his own work and to do it well, and also not to meddle in the work of others. Such a position, free from antagonism, may be gained by a right intellectual and moral perspective of the work of the church. In the church some work, some methods, some plans, are of prime importance ; others are of secondary or third-rate importance. Let not the minister, for the sake of adopting meth- ods that are of third-rate importance, suffer methods that are of secondary importance to fail. Let him not, for the sake of accomplish- ing work of secondary worth, allow work of 84 THE WORKING CHURCH. first-rate importance to suffer. Let his view of truth be broad and accurate, adjusted to the real conditions. Furthermore, in the management of the church, it is well for the minister to work along long lines. Let him ever keep his end in view. Let him know the discipline of patience. Knowing that the end is of su- preme importance, let him be willing to change his methods, his means, his measures. Let the principles of ministerial service be laid broad, deep, and firm. Let the applica- tion of these principles be made in all wisdom and charity. These principles, with such ap- plication, will eventually become realized. If, for instance, that matter which at times dis- tresses every minister — the introduction of a better hymn-book into the Sabbath services — perplexes him, let him not be in any special hurry to change it. The time may not be ripe. Many people do not want it. He may give himself the reasonable assurance that the service is not suffering serious loss by reason of the use of the present book. Let THE BUSINESS POINT OF VIEW. 85 him, however, lay down the principle that the service of music in the church should be of the most elevated character ; in due time this principle will become so prevalent among the people that they themselves will demand a change in the hymn-book. The adage, " A place for everything and every- thing in its place," may with a slight change be applied to time : A time for everything and everything in its time. The minister holding the supreme purpose of his ministry strongly, will, with waiting and righteous en- deavor, find that purpose achieved. And though all this be true, he should withal, in the managing of the interests of his parish, be a man of convictions. For his own sake and for the sake of his church, he should have, and also be willing to manifest, the courage of his convictions ; manifesting this courage, of course, with all courtesy, and with a full regard for the convictions of his brethren, but holding his own as he holds his life. CHAPTER VIII. TWO SPECIAL AGENCIES. I^^SjN the working church are two agencies PSm deserving particular mention, — the Sunday-school and the mid-week service. These agencies are related to our special subject as the means or methods through which the church labors. The aim of the Sunday-school is the aim of the church, — the turning of men to right- eousness through love for Christ. In secur- ing this aim. it is of prime importance that the atmosphere, the tone, of the school be spiritual. The present is an age of machin- ery in ecclesiastical work. The peril is, there- fore, that the spiritual will become eliminated from the life of the church. No display of knowledge as to Biblical cosmogony or geog- raphy or history should be permitted to TJVO SPECIAL AGENCIES. 8/ impede spiritual activity. Much less should any endeavor for securing a large number of members or constancy of attendance be allowed to thwart the gaining of the ultimate end. Not a few schools seem like vast ma- chine-shops in which processes and methods and tools are more manifest than the pro- ducts, good and great as the products may be. Schools should be a garden in which the still atmosphere of love, the still shin- ing of the sun of God's peace on the soil of human life, should each contribute to the growth and nurture of the individual Chris- tian character. The supreme purpose of the Sunday-school, however, is more vitally dependent upon its teacher than upon its general influence. Through the Sunday-school teacher the church works most directly and powerfully and effectively upon the individual. The opportunity that is open to the Sunday- school teacher is marvellous. No such op- jDortunity for the influencing of the character of children is found outside the home. Most 88 THE WORKING CHURCH. boys and girls do not gain much knowledge in the hour of the school. But the effect that a noble Christian man or woman has as the teacher of a boy or girl is a mighty factor in the moral character and life of that child. It is an influence somewhat akin to the influence that the Earl of Shaftesbury ex- erted upon a depraved man. " What did his Lordship say to you, that made you a reformed man.?" was asked. "Oh, he didn't say much," was the reply. "He just sat down by my side and said, * Jack, we will make a man out of you yet.' " It was the upward gravitation of Christian manhood that helped Jack. Such celestial attractions belong to the character of the Sunday-school teacher. The most important element of the Chris- tian character of the Sunday-school teacher as related to the character of the scholar, is his love for the scholar. No amount of Bib- lical knowledge, indeed, no degree of intel- lectual skill in presenting the truth, can sup- ply the lack of personal affection. If a teacher loves, his intellectual qualifications TIVO SPECIAL AGENCIES. 89 will become the more useful. This love can- not be simulated. Young human nature de- tects the counterfeit as quickly as the bank balances the depraved coin. The teacher is to be willing to sacrifice himself for his class. He is to respect its members. He is to have a regard for them, not in the mass, but as individuals. " He calleth his own sheep by- name." Having a love for each, he will also have a knowledge of each, in the home and the school, in the trials and the joys, in the past and the hopes of each. Furthermore, the teacher bearing this love to his pupils is to feel free to talk with each pupil as to his personal character. The teacher is to be the pastor of the class ; he is to be the shepherd of this little flock. He is to be the great aid of the parent in training each boy or each girl into Christian manhood or womanhood. It would be well if the teacher should be not less of a teacher but more of a pastor, and if each teacher should recognize himself as the pastor of the class. To the giving of such personal influence 90 THE WORKING CHURCH. most members of the Sunday-school easily offer themselves by reason of their age. A large proportion of the Sunday-school" con- sists of young people. It is to the young people that we are to look for the beginning of the Christian life. In a recent meeting at St. Paul, a distinguished evangelist asked for the age of the conversion of those who were in the audience. The audience numbered about twelve hundred people. He first asked for those who became Christians after the age of fifty to rise, and one arose. He asked next for those who became Christians between the ages of forty and fifty to rise, and one rose. Then he asked in turn for those to rise who became Christians between thirty and forty, and twenty-one rose ; for those between twenty-five and thirty, and thirty-eight rose; for those between twenty and twenty-five, and one hundred rose ; for those who became Christians before twenty years of age, and six hundred rose. The larger share of the mem- bers of the school consists of those who are below the age of twenty. It is the age of con- Tl^FO SPECIAL AGENCIES. 9 1 version. It is the period when the teacher's love and words have the strongest influence in leading boys and girls into the acceptance and confession of Christ. In the Sunday-school the working church works in and through its teacher. The re- mark of Garfield that the best college for him was a log, at one end of which sat President Hopkins and at the other James A. Garfield, is quite as true of spiritual discipline as of intellectual. The best church is that which has the best Sunday-school, and the best Sunday-school is that which has the best teacher, A second agency which the working church employs in its administration is the mid-week service. It has been said, by the best of recent Eng- lish historians, that the England of the Puri- tan was a nation of a book, and that book was the Bible. It may likewise be said that the mid-week service of the church is becoming the study of a book, and that book is the Bible. The prayer and conference meeting 92 THE WORKING CHURCH. is undergoing a change, not of purpose, but of method. This meeting of a former gen- eration partook of the character of a lecture conducted by the pastor, deacons, and elders. Undoubtedly it had many advantages. If it were dull, as it not infrequently was to the younger attendants, it certainly was edifying in Christian character to the more mature. Within the memory of many young Chris- tians, this type has become comparatively extinct. It has been followed by a meeting of quite a different character, in which the interest and profit were measured by the number who took part. The meeting was a meeting of testimony. The minister asked not for speeches, but for talks. The briefer were the more acceptable ; and the more per- sonal they were, the greater was their power. This form of meeting still continues. It has much to commend it. It is a most important means of Christian growth. It suggests one cause of the marvellous growth of the Metho- dist Church. Its principle is the central prin- ciple in the admirable Christian Endeavor TWO SPECIAL AGENCIES. 93 movement. It is of great usefulness in lead- ing men to the personal acceptance of Christ. It promotes the sense of personal responsi- bility. It is a constant and public confession of Christ. It develops the spiritual life. Its peril is the fostering of a mechanical and hol- low type of piety. Its danger lies in lacking intellectual and Scriptural substance. Its weakness consists in the development of self- consciousness. But this type of meeting is being already somewhat pushed aside by a third and in many respects a higher form. The central principle of this meeting is knowledge of the Scriptures. Its method is determined by the Bible. Its purpose is edification by the Word of God. This type of meeting is less a study of the Bible in its historical or ethical, doctrinal or theological relations, than in its practical. It seeks to know the mind of God as thus recorded upon all those sub- jects which relate to the upbuilding of in- dividual character. It is a Bible reading, conducted not by the leader, but by the 94 THE WORKING CHURCH. whole congregation. Various and diverse are the measures used in conducting it. The subject, announced in advance, may be an- alyzed, and different divisions assigned to different members for treatment. Slips, with certain passages of Scripture indicated, may be distributed among a dozen or more for reading when they are asked for. The leader should, at all events, hold the meeting in his own keeping, making the best of the com- ments, yet encouraging the habit of asking questions ; suggesting many passages of Scrip- ture, yet encouraging in every way the habit of independent study of the Word of God. The mid-week service of this type is in widely separated parts of the country becoming pop- ular. An eminent pastor said to me recently that he does not care to hear the voice of the attendants upon the prayer-meeting of his church, except as the truth of the Bible is indicated. In the church of which I am the minister, this method seems to work to the satisfaction and profit of all. It combines the advantages of the two forms of meetings TWO SPECIAL AGENCIES. 95 to which I have alluded. It is in the best sense edifying, tending to build up the individual character in the simple truth of God. It promotes the sense of individual responsi- biUty. It fosters constant public confession of Christ. It has warmth with light, appeal- ing to the feelings, yet having sufficient in- tellectual substance and vigor. It turns the eye of the soul away from itself to the Father and Saviour. This method succeeds in avoid- ing stupidity and dulness ; it stops the long and hopeless exhortations ; it gives movement and progress. If the prayer-meeting were more true to its name, there would be less cause for rejoicing over this evolution of the Bible meeting. But the prayer-meeting is not true to its name. It has become a " remarks " meeting, — remarks which are of some worth, but not of such a degree of worth as an hour in which a few score or a few hundred men and women of in- telligence and piety assemble together, ought to offer. But the Bible meeting demands and promotes piety and intelligence, quickens 96 THE WORKING CHURCH. the heart and the brain, and endeavors to support sound practice with sound theory and to cause sound theory to eventuate in sound practice. The causes of this development or ten- dency are manifold ; but the chief cause is the same general movement which in theo- logical seminaries results in the introduction of Biblical theology into the course of study, which in the college is demanding that the Bible be made the object of special attention, which in the Sunday-school is contributing to the enlightened as well as reverent study of the Word of God. The age is an age of in- quiry. Systems of theology have use, — a use of prime importance. But this age of inquiry has gone back of theological treatises to that Book which is the fountain and source of whatever in those treatises is of enduring worth. It may prove of aid in conducting such Bible meetings as the mid-week service to bear in mind : — (i) That the subject considered should be TWO SPECIAL AGENCIES. 97 drawn immediately from life. It should pos- sess the most interesting practical interest. The Bible fosters the choice of subjects of this character. It is concerned chiefly with human life and with God's relation to human life. (2) That all finical and allegorical inter- pretations should be avoided. Sound com- mon-sense should be predominant in all exegesis. Men of sense, Christian or un- christian, are repelled by interpretations which lack sense. (3) That topics chosen should be so broad as to lend themselves to easy division and to give that variety of personal reference and application which the Christian in the variety of his spiritual needs may require. CHAPTER IX. TREATMENT OF STRANGERS. HE church is not primarily a social institution ; it is primarily a relig- ious institution. Yet the social re- lations of its members have a primary im- portance in the development of the church as a religious institution. The problem — simple in its terms, though far from simple in its so- lution — which each church has thus presented to itself, is, How can we attract strangers to our services ? How can we secure their in- troduction to ourselves and to our work ? How can we the most speedily and cour- teously cause them to be at home with us ? In answering these questions I can hardly hope to give more than suggestions. But before making any attempt, it may be said that those moving into a town and at- TREATMENT OF STRANGERS. 99 tending its church as strangers owe certain duties to that town and to that church as well as the town and the church to them. These duties are seldom considered. Pas- tors endeavor to open wide the doors of hospitality to strangers ; but they are pre- vented from driving or pushing strangers through the portals. They exhort the older members to be cordial ; but their sense of courtesy forbids their preaching to strangers upon the proper methods of accepting offers of hospitality. It is, we doubt not, the experience of the large majority of ministers that strangers fail in their duty to the church far more lament- ably than the church fails in its duty to them. In every congregation are a few who from the first morning they are shown to a pew are as ready to receive attention as the older members are prompt to bestow it. But nine tenths are far otherwise. They hold them- selves aloof from the church services. They occupy the rear seats at the prayer-meeting ; and before the pastor can reach the door they lOO THE WORKING CHURCH. are in the street. They receive a dozen calls at their homes, but wait months before re- turning them, even if they see fit to return them at all. In a large Congregational church of a large Massachusetts city two ladies made in a month seventy-five calls upon those who were comparative strangers. Of these seventy- five calls only one received its fitting and courteous acknowledgment. The wife of the pastor of a church less than a thousand miles from Boston has a rule of calling upon all new people coming into the congregation. The proportion of those who return her calls is about one to five. In that respect of which strangers usually complain bitterly of a church, they are themselves most derelict. Strangers are also, as a body, negligent in contributing to the financial support of a church as soon as they have decided to make it their relig- ious home. The writer knows of a lady who remarked, after attending a church for a year, that she was ashamed to be seen there longer without renting a seat. She felt as she ought to feel, — that as soon as possible after her en- TREATMENT OF STRANGERS. 1 01 trance she should hire a seat and pay for it. Many strangers are also inclined not to be faithful in contributing to the directly relig- ious welfare of the church. They do not let their light shine in the meetings of devotion as early as they ought. For Christian mod- esty, humility, and the passive virtues we have great reverence ^ but they are ever to be distinguished from positive indifference or unassuming selfishness. What, then, is the duty of strangers to the church which is so seldom paid t The duty is the very simple one of making themselves known ; of holding themselves ready to re- ceive attentions from the older members ; of declaring, in forms either direct or indirect, their desire to co-operate in the work of the church. They should come towards the church, not perhaps half-way in accepting its hospitalities, but at least a quarter way. They should not only manifest their willing- ness to receive the social courtesies of the members, but also their hearty purpose and wish to return all such courtesies in fitting 102 THE WORKING CHURCH. ways. They should let their voice be heard in the service of song and of prayer. They should let the influence of their dollars be felt in the revenue of the parish and in the benevolent offerings. They should give peo- ple a chance to shake their hand. And all this they should do at the earliest possible day after making their home in the neighbor- hood of the church. In the swiftly changing communities of our cities the new members of any congregation soon find themselves the old members. With- in a decade one half of the ordinary congre- gation of the cities changes, and at the close of a period of twenty-five years hardly one member in ten remains. Much sooner, there- fore, than they would think, have the strangers become the established residents. Upon them, therefore, at an early day devolves the duty of showing those same rites of hospitality which were shown to them. They ought to forget, as soon as may be, that they are new members, and so become an integral part of the essential and aggressive forces of the church. TREATMENT OF STRANGERS. IO3 For its social work the church should be furnished with a body of ushers, and also with a reception committee. The work of these gentlemen is limited to the more pubHc services. It should, however, include the larger week-day prayer-meetings as well as the services of Sunday. The reception com- mittee should remain in or near the vestibule of the church at each public service to extend a greeting to strangers. Its members should know the congregation so well that they can at once detect those who are " new-comers." The welcome thus given should be hospitable, courteous, neither effusive nor indifferent. It should, by both words and manner, indicate the heartiness of the greeting of those who are personal friends in Christ, even if they are not in each other. The member of the reception committee who thus welcomes them should at once say to the usher that the gentleman or lady is a stranger and would be glad to be shown to a seat. This semi-intro- duction may give the usher a sufficient occa- sion to speak a word of greeting. But in the 104 THE WORKING CHURCH. coming of many strangers into a large con- gregation, any conversation is necessarily brief and fragmentary. It is not, therefore, unfit- ting for the usher to adopt some more satis- factory method for extending the courtesy of the church. I know of at least one church in which a body of polite and faithful ushers has found the following method of much worth. Each usher has a small card, on one side of which is printed this : — " If you are a stranger in this church it would give me pleasure to see you at the close of the ser- vice and to introduce you to our pastor and other members." This simple invitation is signed by the name of the usher. On the obverse side is a blank space for the name and address of the one who receives the card. This method has various advantages. It gives the stranger an opportunity for knowing somewhat of the ser- vice of the church before revealing his iden- tity. He need not be hurried against his will into taking up a connection which he may TREATMENT OF STRANGERS. 105 regret. It is not too effusive. It is yet suf- ficiently aggressive in the offers of hospitality. It invites accuracy in identifying each person. It puts each stranger in the line of the per- sonal life and work of the church. In the execution of this plan the number of ushers must be large, and they should be aided by the reception committee and by others who may be blessed with social gifts. Emphasis should also be constantly laid by the pastor upon the duty of all pew-holders speaking to strangers whom they may meet. It may also be noted that it is well to pursue a similar method in the case of large prayer-meetings. Along this line it may be suggested that the pastor at the close of the prayer-meeting should make his way to the door through which the people pass, and should give to each one a hearty greeting. I know of able ministers who indicate their hospitality in a like way at the close of the Sabbath morning service. Selecting the aisle which is the least filled, they rush to the door of exit. I con- fess that such a procedure under the circum- lo6 THE WORKING CHURCH. Stances seems to me to be lacking in dignity. It is far better for the ushers to meet strangers at the close of the service, and to escort them to the pastor, who remains near the stairway to the pulpit. As soon as one indicates his desire to feel at home in a church, the people of that church should extend to him the ordinary courtesy through calling at his home. Every church should have its committee upon strangers, but no church should demand that this com- mittee have all the pleasure of first knowing these strangers. The members of this com- mittee should indeed call at the home of strangers, but they should also make these strangers known to those of the church who live in the same neighborhood into which they have moved. In a large church it is quite impossible for any one person to know more than a small proportion of all the members. Acquaintance, therefore, in the same neighbor- hood should be specially fostered. The chair- man of the committee on strangers, therefore, at once on knowing that a family in a neigh- TREATMENT OF STRANGERS. 10/ borhood desires to become associated with the church, should communicate the fact to the older members residing in the same neigh- borhood, and ask them to call and to know the new residents. This method tends to do away with a mere formality of church acquaintance. It tends to found this ac- quaintance upon genuinely social as well as ecclesiastical considerations. It makes ac- quaintance easy because natural. It is eco- nomical in labor and time. It is simple ; it adopts the principle of the division of labor, and wherever it has been wisely applied it has proved of much worth. The traditional '' social " should not be slighted in the organized endeavor of the church. But the " social " should always be sociable. If it is cold in its atmosphere and filled with unnecessary formalities, it is a dull, gloomy, distressing occasion. The hour should not be so filled with music and read- ings and addresses as to leave no time for conversation, and yet the hour should not be so devoid of such pleasures as to seem vacant I08 THE WORKING CHURCH. and bare. The socials should also recognize the fact that it is much easier to be sociable over a cup of coffee ! It remains to be added that as the pastor succeeds in getting strangers at work in the church, they cease to be strangers. The work identifies them with the church. Work promotes knowledge of, and love for, the church. The sooner the pastor is able to assign some individual Christian duty to each new member, the sooner he may throw aside all responsibility as to mere social acquaint- ance. Work for Christ and His church makes all one. Let the church hold itself as a spiritual institution, using social courtesies as agencies in its -spiritual development. It is also true that the use of social courtesies as means renders them more social and more courteous than if they are regarded as ends. CHAPTER X. THE UNCHURCHED. LUSTERING about many churches, be they in the city or in the country, is a population as remote from the church in sentiment as it may be near to it in space. As to the duty of the church to endeavor to reach these people there is no question. The question is as to the method of reaching those who are thus unchurched. I answer, first, that a systematic religious cen- sus should be made of all the families of each city, town, and parish. The church census is not designed as a substitute for spiritual power. Its express purpose is to facilitate and to make more effective the work of the Holy Ghost. Nor is its aim the annulling of the religious duties of the members of a church. It proposes to increase these duties and to no THE WORKING CHURCH. add to their obligation. The Massachusetts pastor was as right in his logic as he was wrong in his piety in saying that he did not desire his church to make this canvass, since it would give the members too much to do ! The church census is simply a voyage of discovery to learn who are outside of direct religious influences, for the purpose of draw- ing those thus found within the circle of these influences. It is a movement pre- liminary to the wise presentation of the or- dinances of the church to those not receiving them. The motive is spiritual, the method simple, and the means accessible. The present conditions of social and re- ligious life emphasize the need of a canvass of this character in each town. The in- clination of non-attendance at church is strong. The causes of this inclination may be open to debate ; the fact is generally acknowledged. Population circulates rapidly. Families have no permanent abiding-place. The American home, like that of George Eliot in her last years, is on wheels. The THE UNCHURCHED. Ill increasing custom of renting houses invites this constant rotation. Furthermore, the drift of population from rural districts to metropolitan centres is great, — hardly less great in the West than in the East. The church census is therefore needed. For the constant or irregular migration from town to town loosens the religious ties of the ordinary home. Without special desire of availing itself of the privileges of the church, the family fails to take up a connection with the church in the new neighborhood. It simply falls out of all ecclesiastical relation- ship. This condition every minister knows is not infrequent. The canvass reveals fam- ilies of this nature. It so makes them known that the church not only can open its doors to them, but even invite them to enter. The urban movement of population works similar effects. Many persons from country homes are inclined to feel that they are not wanted in the city churches. The feeling is, I be- lieve, not accordant with the facts, yet it is more or less sincere. The religious census 112 THE WORKING CHURCH. of a city discovers not a few homes, whose members are church-members, in which this sentiment prevails. The knowledge of the fact prompts to urgency in the extending of the courtesies of the church. We present on page 113 a series of ques- tions which should be asked of each family of a town, through a personal canvass. This form has also been- employed in a census. The census represents the proper attitude of the churches toward those who are in- clined to neglect their services. This atti- tude should be that of hearty invitation. The church, like Christ, is sent to find the lost sheep. It is not merely to invite, it is also to go out into the highways and the byways and compel, them to come in. The minister who, when asked what he was doing to reach people, replied, " Opening the doors of the church Sunday morning," had failed to grasp the central truth of Christianity. By its very constitution the church cannot be any- thing else than missionary. This attitude of the churches is at the present time of special THE UNCHURCHED. 113 DATE AO No Street. Name Members of. Attendance or Preference.. Members elsewhere or letter No> in family Under 21 years No. who attend S. S. Where. „ Servants Boarders Willing to teach in S. S,. Have you a Bible f Remarks Will the pastor to whom this is sent keep this slip for future reference and use ? 114 '^^^ WORKING CHURCH, importance. For communities both change and increase rapidly in population. In twenty-five years the constituency of many urban and suburban churches undergoes a complete revolution. In these swift changes many families fail to form any relation, other than the slightest, with a church. If they know the church, the church, under ordinary conditions, fails to know them. A minister of a church in a city, either large or small, or in a village, cannot learn the ecclesiastical preferences of families that are more or less peripatetic. But such families should be reached ; if not reached, they fail to receive the gospel quite as much as the heathen. But this canvass is of greatest worth in form- ing a basis of more definite and more aggres- sive Christian work. The canvass reveals those who are unchurched ; the minister and congregation should at once endeavor to gather them into the church. When the census makes known " backsliders," efforts should at once be made to reclaim them. When the census discovers children who are THE UNCHURCHED. 115 members of no Sunday-school, Sunday-school committees should at once be sent to bring them into classes. If the church has no room for these new-comers, room should in some way be made. The privileges of the house of God should be denied to no soul by reason of lack of square feet of flooring. If one church can«not give them room, another may be able. Certainly under so^ne ecclesiastical roof-tree they should find a Christian church- home. The endeavor to reach the unchurched should not simply be systematic, it should also be constant. Systematic visitation should be continued, not for six months, but for years. Constant pressure is more effec- tive for the proposed purpose than heavy periodical pressure. Furthermore, both the church and the minister should strive to re- tain even the slightest ties which may connect a family with the church. The service at a wedding or a funeral may be the small cord which may in years grow into the cable uniting the individual family to the church- home. I 1 6 THE WORKING CHURCH. In many instances, instead of the man coming to the church, the church must go to the man. The church is apostolic, mission- ary. In this aggressive endeavor no methods are more worthy of attention than those of Mr. McAll in Paris. For several years the churches and min- isters of the United States have been talking as to means and measures for reaching the unchurched of the large cities. The general difficulty with many means and measures proposed is the difficulty of most patents, — complication ; the machinery is too elabo- rate. The methods of Mr. McAll represent the simplicity of spiritual genius and the genius of simplicity. The first point relates to a place of meet- ing. The stations of the McAll Mission are rooms, seating from one hundred and fifty to three hundred persons, plainly furnished, yet attractive, with chairs and pictures, on the ground floor, and usually in places where people *' most do congregate." To reach the masses, one must ^o where the masses are. THE UNCHURCHED. \\J We must get as close to them as we can. It is not necessary to build a church edifice. A simple, attractive room, on the ground floor, brilliantly lighted at night, is far more ef- fective than a building which in form and structure proclaims its religious purpose. To effect this purpose of gathering in all classes, the place of meeting must be immediately off the street. Mr. McAU would never have achieved his present success had he obliged Frenchmen to climb a flight of stairs to attend his services. We cannot evangehze Boston, or New York, or Chicago on the second floor! In every way should the ap- proach to the room in which these evangehstic services are held be made easy and attractive. Placard and gas should draw and hold the attention. The surroundings should be in- viting to the evening stroller. A word of welcome should await him at the threshold, and be continued and emphasized with a warm grasp of the hand within the doors. A second point as important as the loca- tion and attractiveness of the place of meet- Il8 THE WORKING CHURCH. ing relates to the character of the meeting. The service, first of all, should be interesting. If it is dull or stupid, it is a failure for its im- mediate aim. It is impossible to hold the unconverted masses without interesting them. In gaining this purpose, the power of song has, in France, proved most effective. The Moody and Sankey songs are translated and sung quite as much in Paris as in New York. The wanderers on the streets at night can be thus attracted. These songs are open to criticism on grounds of reverence and truth- fulness as well as of aesthetics. But for their purpose of drawing and holding the masses, they are unequalled. Scores of people will come off the street to sing, " The half was never told," who would turn away from the most eloquent sermon. But a meeting at a McAll station is incom- plete without an address. This address is usually a direct, personal, warm, wise appeal. I have seen scores of the blue-jacketed work- THE UNCHURCHED. II9 men of Paris listening to such appeals. Some were listless, more were touched in heart, most were interested. Will not the laborers of Boston, New York, and Chicago likewise listen } The masses of the American people seem to me less hungry for the gospel than the masses of the French people; but I am constrained to believe that under proper con- ditions scores, if not hundreds, could be gathered night by night into little mission rooms in our great cities, — scores who now do not enter a church once a year. Work of this character demands a man, and demands money. It requires wisdom, faith, hope, tact, patience, and, above all else, a love for perishing souls and a love for Christ who died to save them. But is it not a method of work the success of which in the new republic of the Old World gives a promise of its success in the old republic of the New World ? Is not God able to do, through us, for American cities what He is doing through an English Congregational min- ister for Paris and other French cities ? I20 THE WORKING CHURCH. If the individual church would do its duty to those who live in its immediate vicinity, and who neglect all religious services, it were well. Yet even such faithfulness would not effect results equal to the general needs. For beyond the immediate vicinity of the church- es, in parts of the cities whence churches have withdrawn, are thousands of people who are without the help which the church should be able and willing to offer. In each country district, too, miles away from any church, are many families, who are more bereft of the priv- ileges of the church than the Fiji Islanders. Many churches are devoting every energy to keeping themselves alive. They feel unable to be aggressive in either personal or pecuni- ary effort. They yield to the up-town pres- sure of the tide of the better class of people. They seek what is recognized as a more desirable constituency. They are not worthy of blame only, since their mistake is quite as much one of method as of motive ; but the church, however, should know that it can maintain its integrity only by bringing into THE UNCHURCHED. 1 21 its life as constant factors those who dwell about its edifice. For the purpose of bring- ing these persons into the church, every means of personal visitation and attractive- ness in service should be employed. For the purpose, however, of reaching the non-churchgoing population, the union of churches in aggressive endeavor may prove of much worth. The organic uni-on of all denominations of Protestants is a hope born of the unreasoning heart of the religious en- thusiast. Organic union is not possible, and if it were possible, is not to be desired. And if organic union were once formed, it is more than probable that the union thus formed would for religious efficiency become dis- union. But union for Christian work is pos- sible at the present time, and is more to be desired than any other practical method of evangelization. It is thus that neighborhoods having too few churches may be supplied with religious privileges. It is thus that neighborhoods having too many churches may spend their superfluous strength in destitute 122 THE WORKING CHURCH. districts. It is thus that the evils of an over- multiplication of churches may be avoided, and religion instead of rivalries promoted. The history of Christianity since the apos- tolic age, when there were Cephasites, Apol- losites, Paulists, and Christians, has been the history of ecclesiastical divisions. The list of these divided members of the one body of our Lord is to-day longer than ever. The pastor has been too eager to build up his individual church, and not sufficiently eager to build up the whole church of his order ; and the whole church of all orders has suffered. The whole church of one order has been too solicitous to build up itself, and not sufficiently solicitous to build up the whole church of all orders ; the church universal has suffered. ^ The time has now come when the broadest and high- est motives should have a controlling influ- ence. Denominational methods have proved 1 " The Catholic religion respects masses of men, and ages. It is in harmony with Nature, which loves the race and ruins the indi- vidual. The Protestant has his pew. which of course is the first step to a church for every individual citizen, a church apiece." — Journal of R. W. Emerso7i, Cabofs Memoir, p. 472. THE UNCHURCHED. 123 insufficient. Interdenominational methods of work are not practicable. Undenominational methods are at once practicable, desirable, and full of promise. With a basis as broad and strong as the love for God and man, let all the churches unite in the aggressive war- fare against the world, the flesh, and the devil. With a doctrinal union as firm and elastic as the Apostles' creed, let all those confess- ing the one Name in which alone there is salvation, become one in purpose, methods, and movement. Let co-operation take the place of competition, and diversity be sub- stituted for division. The religious census is the beginning of this advance. The second step is the sys- tematic visitation and personal invitation to participate in the work and worship of the church. Personal conversation upon the most personal, which is also the most impor- tant, of subjects should become usual. Those classes now neglecting and neglected by the church may thus be won into close and help- ful fellowship. Let the churches unite in 124 THE WORKING CHURCH. caring for districts in our own land that are now more heathen than Japan. Such a united movement would be most useful in calming the ruffled waters which are so stirred up by socialistic agitations. By hanging bomb-throwers, the law cannot put out the fires hissing in the furnace of public discontent. The gospel alone can cure socialism and anarchy ; and the gospel must cure socialism and anarchy, or they will not be cured. The divine love as the divine law for human acceptance, and the divine love as the divine law for human obedience, must be- come supreme. The Church, the one Church of the one Christ, having one body though many members, and each member adjusted to every other, should, in love for Him and love for man, give itself, in a Christlike spirit and according to wise methods, to these Gentiles of its own Judaea. Note. — In answer to the question " What can the ordinary church do to reach the masses ? " the Rev. Dr. D. A. Reed (Pro- ce2dings of the Second Convention of Christian Workers in the United States and Canada, Sept. 21-28, iS?;, p. 32) has suggested these methods : — THE UNCHURCHED. 1 25 " In concluding, let me summarize : * What can the ordinary church do to reach the masses ? ' "(i) Let the services of the church be simple, pleasing, and attractive. " (2) Have special evangelistic services in the evening, with good music. " (3) Have a well-manned Sunday-school, with building suitable for class-rooms for a large number of adult classes ; also where classes can meet during the week for literary and social purposes. " (4) Have educational classes, and lectures on certain evenings, on the great burning questions of the day, by live, earnest men. "(5) Where a church numbers over three hundred, have two pastors, or a pastor and a trained assistant, devoting his whole time to the work, under the direction of the pastor or supplement- ing him. " (6) Make much of personal work, the efforts of individuals whose hearts are full of love for souls. Have a band of men and women trained in the Bible, who shall know how to use it and love to use it, ready to work in all meetings of an evangelistic char- acter in the inquiry-room, ready to go and see individuals and con- verse with them about their spiritual needs, wise to win souls. " (7) Have the parish districted, and find out where the people attend church, if possible ; and if they do not attend, go for them and invite them, not once but many times. " (8) Have branch chapels or cottage prayer-meetings, or both, in the districts where fewest people attend church. They will often go into these places when they will not go into the church. *' (9) Have a sufficient number of visitors for each district, so that too many families will not be given to' any one. *' (10) Have classes into which those who are converted can enter and be instructed in the great doctrines of Christianity, and taught how to study the Bible with profit and pleasure, and how to engage in some form of Christian work. 4i»' *'(ii) Set the converts to work, watching, directing, encourag- ing them until they get to love it and consecrate themselves to it. Show them, by the teaching and example of pastor and older Christians, that the great aim of the church is to bear true witness to the gospel of Jesus Christ and save men. Show each Christian that he or she has a personal work to do with persons ; that 126 THE WORKING CHURCH. money and prayers are not sufficient ; that sympathy and love and personal solicitude for the comfort and salvation of men are w^hat the masses need. "(12) Money, brains, consecration, and the aid of the Holy Spirit v^rill enable any ordinary church to win the masses." CHAPTER XL BENEVOLENCE. ERTAIN principles every pastor may and should impress upon his church, (i) All property should be conse- crated to God. The Christian's wealth is not his ; it is Christ's, to whom he himself belongs. He is, therefore, to keep or to give, to hoard or to spend, as will result most fully in the doing of the Divine will. He may, like Dea- con Safford, place a self-imposed limit on the wealth he will retain, giving away each year whatever he finds in excess. He may, like not a few, reserve ten per cent of his income for benevolence. He may give away large amounts or small, either in person or by be- quest. But whatever method he adopts, the principle is to be followed that property be- longs to God. 128 THE WORKING CHURCH. (2) The peril of great property, which is worldliness, is best avoided by great benevo- lence. Many members of our churches are becoming rich, and not a few" very rich. The United States is to be the richest nation of history. Many men making money rapidly can keep alive their Christian faith only by giving away a certain percentage of it as rap- idly as it is made. ** I grow avaricious," said a prosperous banker, "if I do not give away much money." Benevolence is an ethical and Christian safeguard. (3) Benevolence is a duty laid upon all. Churches distinguished for their generosity usually gain their eminence from the gener- osity of a few. An offering recently made in a Presbyterian church of New York amounted to some fourteen thousand dollars. It was heralded as a munificent contribution ; but in it was one check for ten thousand dollars, and the larger part of the balance was given by two or three men. I have been told of a con- tribution of sixteen thousand dollars, of which fifteen thousand dollars were given by three BENE VOL ENCE. 1 2 9 contributors. Each should not only give, but each should give in proportion to his means. (4) The larger one's property or income, the larger should be the percentage of his benev- olence. The tithe represents a great funda- mental principle. But one hundred dollars from an income of a thousand is, relatively to the needs of a home, a much larger sum than a thousand dollars drawn from an income of ten thousand. The thousand dollars may hardly more than suffice to buy necessaries; the ten thousand, after supplying the common wants, leaves a large balance for permanent investment. On the whole, rich men are rel- atively less generous than poor men. (5) The just demands of benevolence are to be recognized as imperative. What do they not include } Home missions and foreign, charitable organizations of every sort, philan- thropic movements, the endowment of col- leges and schools and seminaries, and every endeavor looking to the redemption of the world from sin and unto Christ, are within tlie horizon of these just demands. Almost 9 I30 THE WORKING CHURCH. daily comes some appeal to the desk from which this chapter was written. Each ap- peal is worthy. By itself each demand seems to deserve prompt and generous response. Every secretary of every mission board hourly hears the cry for help. To refuse to hear the cry always means retrenchment of the work, frequently retreat, and some- times absolute defeat. Despite their great generosity, most churches and most Chris- tians have no conception of either the duty or the joy of giving money to Christ's work in the world. (6) Benevolence should not be subject to impulse, but the result of wise deliberation upon the needs of Christian work. Offerings should not be proportioned to the interest which a speaker for a cause may or may not awaken ; they should not be dependent upon a rainy Sunday or upon personal presence in a service in which the contribution box is passed. Their amount should be adjusted to income and to property on the one side, and to the demands of the work on the other. They BENEVOLENCE. 131 should be systematic, — systematic as to time, as to amount, as to distribution. They should be the subject of premeditation, and in many instances of pledge in advance. The objec- tion, so often made, to pledging an offering of a certain sum, since the amount of future in- come is an uncertain quality, is not candid. Pledges made toward the benevolences of a church are usually so made that to cancel them is easy. Furthermore, the objection is so based as to lose all definitive force. Every family lives in a certain recognized way, though its future income is unknown. For this general work of the church the system of annual pledges and weekly gifts is the best. The system is an education in be- nevolence. It is an education in the feeling of benevolence, but it is also an education in the principle of benevolence. It tends to make giving constant and wise. It em- phasizes the duty. Unless one is trained, he seldom gives according to his ability. The largest givers, proportionally to their means, are found among those who have 132 THE WORKING CHURCH. been thus educated in and from youth. This system teaches children as well as men. It attracts and retains the pennies and five-cent pieces. The constant regularity develops the generous impulses and motives. Akin to this advantage of education is a second which the system offers. It tends to change benevolent offerings from being re- garded as acts of grace to being regarded as acts of regular church administration. It les- sens the inclination to judge benevolence as a work of supererogation. This inclination is strong. Many nominal Christians look on the field of foreign and home missions as one to which they bear no relation. If they aid in maintaining missions, the assistance is considered as a favor bestowed and not as a duty done. They do not look on the Ameri- ican Board as a society doing their work in China and Africa. They do not regard the 'Home Missionary Society as their representa- tive in the churches of Minnesota and Mis- souri and Texas. They do not consider the American Missionary Association as their BENEVOLENCE. 133 teacher and preacher to the American black man and red man. This, however, is precise- ly the fact. These and all other societies are simply the churches organized and working for certain ends. If this work is at all a duty, the support of it is not an act of grace, but of duty. The regular giving tends to foster this just estimate of it. The system of weekly offerings, further- more, encourages all to benevolence. It en- courages specially those whose gifts must be small. One easily gives twenty-five cents a week who would not feel able to pledge twelve dollars a year. It is easier to give a sm^ll sum regularly than a large sum, in the aggre- gate no greater, irregularly. Those who are accustomed to give nothing, through this sys- tem are usually moved to give something. Those who are accustomed to give largely are thus moved to give more largely. The man who is accustomed to give twenty-five dollars a quarter discovers that he can and ought to give more than two dollars a Sunday. Sub- division, by diminishing the amount of each 134 THE WORKING CHURCH- gift, at once convinces those who are not wealthy that they are able to give something, and those who are wealthy that they are able to give more generously. Following from this advantage is a fourth, which is that the amount of offerings is thus greatly increased. The statistics show that the introduction of the system usually results in a gain of from 20 to 200 per cent. Of three churches in Massachusetts one reported a gain of 300 per cent, one of between 400 and 500, and one of not less than 500, conse- quent upon the adoption of this method. Of this increase there is indeed abundant need, when, in a rich and generous Commonwealth like Massachusetts, each Congregational church-member gives less than five cents a day for the maintenance and extension of the church at home and abroad. The disadvantages of the system are few and slight. The uncertainty of income, the uncertainties due to sickness and other disa- bilities, render it inexpedient, it is said, to pledge for a year in advance a specified week- BENE VOLENCE. 1 3 5 ly gift. But each person can usually be as- sured of a certain income. He can make his calculations upon this basis ; and if the 31st of December shows that he has been pros- pered more than he dared to hope, his bless- ing may fitly be recognized and bestowed as a thank-offering. The pledge is, indeed, not one to be kept except as one is financially able to keep it. In the use of pledges, the apparent pub- licity of the system would seem objectionable. But this publicity is only apparent. At the furthest the treasurer alone knows the amount of each offering ; and usually he is ignorant, — for an account is kept, not of the names of the givers, but of certain numbers which represent the givers. This system of weekly offerings, though so excellent, does not succeed of itself. It needs, without exception, to be worked. A poor system well applied may prove more effective than a good system ill applied. This method requires constant instruction and appeal. 136 THE WORKING CHURCH. In his own relation to the benevolence of his church, the pastor should impress him- self with the duty, ( i ) of giving full and exact information to the members as to the condition of those missionary endeavors in which they invest ; ( 2 ) of never suffering himself to be tempted by meagre contribu- tions into petulance or scolding ; ( 3 ) of setting a fitting example himself; (4) of wisdom in approaching individuals as to the time, place, and amount ; ( 5 ) of the education of the young and old ni generous giving ; (6 ) of per- sistence, which is only aggressive patience. But principles even broader and more fun- damental than, those to which I have already alluded are to be made potent in the adminis- tration. It is hardly too much to say that money is the greatest material power in the modern world for either good or evil. *' It can do," as Mr. Dombey said to Paul, — " it can do anything, almost." The expression may seem bold, yet it is true, — that the pas- tor should inspire his parishioners to make money for Christ. This is an age of differ- BENEVOLENCE. 1 37 entiation in work. The workman who fifty years ago knew a whole trade, now knows only one branch of that trade. The editor of the old times was the printer; his hands set up and struck off the copy which the same hands had written. To-day, on a large paper, each department commands several writers. This differentiation runs through all departments of labor. It exists in Chris- tian work. The old New England minister received a part of his salary in the farm which surrounded the parsonage. He raised the oats and hay for the horse which carried him over his parish ; and potatoes and corn for the family use. To-day, in most parts, he gives himself entirely to his work as a minister^ and allows his parishioners to at- tend to agriculture. The missionary goes to China ; he goes simply as a missionary. He goes with no purpose of earning a liveli- hood. But he must have a livelihood. Now, with this differentiation and subdivision of labor, it becomes the duty of the home church to make money for his livelihood. In a New 138 THE WORKING CHURCH. England State is a farmer who has been a missionary. He has sisters in Asia who are now missionaries. He desires to aid them in their work. But he can aid them more effec- tively by staying at home, and on a Vermont farm coining the dollars which are devoted to the wise and effective prosecution of their dis- tant labor. Prayers are essential, conversion is essential, personal effort is essential ; but benevolence is equally essential in Christian work. But money is not only an essential means of doing good, money is also the means of doing the widest good. Civilization increases the power of the dollar. '' A dollar in a uni- versity," remarks Emerson, in his essay on Wealth, "is worth more than a dollar in a jail ; in a temperate, schooled, law-abiding community, than in some sink of crime, where dice, knives, and arsenic are in constant play." The electric telegraph has widened the dollar's circle of influence. One can sit in his dining-room and write a message which shall, before he finishes his dinner, put bread BENEVOLENCE. 1 39 in the mouths of starving men in China. He is feeding them just as truly as if he were in Pekin, and standing on a street corner giving away food. One can sit in his pew in a church of New York or San Francisco, of New Orleans or Minneapolis, and by his gen- erosity dictate the removal of the barbarism, and the enlightenment by Christianity, of Asia and Africa. The forces of the air co- operate with each Christian in his continental labor of love. Puck put his girdle around the world in forty minutes. The Christian of the United States can put his girdle of con- secrated gold as quickly around the globe ; and wherever it touches the earth, its flashes of divine influence illuminate the night of heathendom. At the opening of this century lived in Salem a rich merchant by the name of John Norris. Three years before the establish- ment of the American Board he had resolved to give a sum of money to the cause of for- eign missions. To his home came, one winter night in 1806, Dr. Worcester and Dr. Spring, 140 THE WORKING CHURCH. of Newburyport. The reverend gentlemen were endeavoring to found a theological school at Andover. After explaining their plan, they departed, without any promise of aid from Mr. Norris. The next morning, however, Mr. Norris said to Dr. Spring: "My wife tells me that this plan for a theological school and the missionary enterprise are the same thing. We must raise up the ministers if we would have the men go as mission- aries." With this idea he promised to give $10,000 to found Andover Seminary. He went to the bank, drew out the whole amount in silver, carried it to his chamber, and with prayer dedicated it to the cause he loved. He explained his gift in silver by saying that " he had never heard that paper money was given to build the Temple." Who shall estimate the influence of those silver dollars t They have helped to educate three thousand ministers. They have helped to educate hundreds of missionaries, who have preached and taught, lived and died, for the heathen. They have gleaned in a path reaching from BENE VOLENCE. 1 4 1 Andover hill round the globe to Andover hill, — like the path of the just, which shineth more and more unto the perfect day. But money may also be the most lasting power for good. Not only through all the world, but even through all time its influence may abide. For hundreds of years Oxford and Cambridge Universities have existed. For their endowment kings and queens were glad to contribute. Henry IV., Edward VI., Mary, Elizabeth, and Charles I. gave of their rich bounty. The august rulers of England, whose dust has mingled with native dust, still rule in the kingdom of scholarship. Here on these shores John Harvard and John Winthrop and Saltonstall and Yale endowed colleges. Funds are still held in trust by Harvard University which have for two hun- dred and fifty years made an education pos- sible to youths whose brains were as large as their purses were small. From generation to generation, as men have come and men have gone, these benefactions have remained, and have dropped their showers of honorable aid. 142 THE WORKING CHURCH. In benevolence much money is so used as to be more useless than spilled water. It is the nurse of indolence and of crime. The Middle Ages were distinguished for their benevo- lence. The begging friars overran Europe ; but they came as the locusts upon Egypt, to devour and to flee. But few results equal to the amount expended appeared. The relief was temporary. Money is not to be spent in loaves of bread to toss to a man in a bog ; it is to be spent in a plank to get him out of the mire, that he may himself earn bread. Money, to be the means of the greatest good, must be so placed as to make its benefits lasting ; and money may be so placed that its benefits shall last as long as eternity. The individual dies. His money may never die ; it may last as long as there are woes to relieve, needs to supply, hearts to regenerate, souls to save. His money may be as an enduring character to remain on the earth to continue the work which he himself began. Wealth represents the highest values. BENE VOLENCE. 1 43 What are they ? They are intelligence, vir- tue, honor, truth, duty, character. Wealth is to be used in the fostering of these elements and ideals. The men and the society that are blessed with riches should be more intelli- gent, more honorable, more loyal to truth and to duty, and more just in the regard paid to human character than those not thus blessed. To the creation of these highest values wealth should be devoted. This nation is rich. It is the wealthiest nation on the face of the globe. It has a future of material grandeur which exceeds the brightest pictures of fancy. Wealth nearly doubles every decade. In 1850 the real and personal property of the United States was seven billions; in i860 it had increased to sixteen billions ; in 1870 it had become twenty-four billions; in 18S0 it was forty-three billions. It increases six millions every twenty-four hours. With this vast in- crease of vast wealth, the question becomes of mighty importance : Are these billions to be devoted to the service of God or to the 144 THE WORKING CHURCH. service of Satan ? In San Francisco are forty millionnaires, and only one is sai.d to be a member of an evangelical church. Shall the wealth of this country be in the hands of godly or of ungodly men ? The old motto was, Noblesse oblige, — Nobil- ity of blood binds one to noble service. The new motto is, RicJiesse oblige, — Riches bind one to noble service. CHAPTER XII. THE REWARDS OF CHRISTIAN WORK. O the members of every working church, as to every pastor, in the midst of wearying toil, frequently recurs the question : " What is the reward, what is the compensation ? " The answer should always be free from utilitarian con- siderations. Every Christian laborer needs to inspire himself with the thought that the noblest rewards are his. To the Christian one such compensation lies in the assurance that he is co-operating with the best forces of mankind, — he is putting himself in the line of the operation of the highest and most lasting powers of humanity. He is a part of that which makes for righteousness. He is one in that body of noble laborers which creates the best -history. 146 THE WORKING CHURCH. He is one in that line of true men who re- ceive the ball of progress and hand it on to those who come after. It is only the Chris- tian whose life and work are thus embodied in the noblest forces of the race. I acknowl- edge the cultured learning, the high wisdom, and the literary genius of a Goethe ; but I cannot forget that the pathway of Goethe was like the pathway of the lightning, bril- liant and destructive. I acknowledge the pure aims, the unstinted generosity, the calm judgment of Harriet Martineau ; but I cannot forget that her last years were devoted to a so-called science which, without lifting mor- tals to the skies, does not succeed in drawing angels down, — the science of Spiritualism. I acknowledge, and acknowledge with pleasure, the active philanthropies and the healthful re- forms which are born and nurtured beyond the pale of the Church. Those who thus la- bor have their reward : it is the reward of putting their lives and operations in the line of those forces which work for righteous- ness. But in a degree higher, in a mean- REWARDS OF CHRISTIAN WORK. 1 47 ing nobler, does a Christian put his life into the work which elevates mankind. It is only the Christian aim which provides an ideal high enough for man. It is only the Chris- tian motives which furnish strength suffi- cient for permanent activity. It is only the Star of Bethlehem which guides men to the shrine of purest worship. In the crypt of the old cathedral at Glasgow, facing toward the statue of John Knox, is a window with a picture of the Good Samaritan, and above it these words, in broad Scotch : " Let the deed shaw." So the Christian can say that his life, his work, are to shaiv. In his life, in his work in relieving the evils of the race, in giving light for darkness, joy for sorrow, he has his compensation. 'One may say that his life is a small life, that his work is a slight work. Say it if one will ; but I also say that great results may flow from a life apparently small, from a work apparently slight. At one time the history of Europe depended upon the question whether the look-out man upon Nelson's 148 THE WORKING CHURCH. vessel would or would not descry a ship of Napoleon's expedition to Egypt which was passing not far off. " What shall we have ? " An aching head, a heavy heart, a weary back ; ** many a sorrow, many a labor, many a tear." ** What shall we have t " If we have wound-prints in our hands and feet, if we have a crown of thorns, they are only what He had. "What shall we have.?" We shall also have what He had, — the con- sciousness that our arm is striking strongest blows against evil, that our hands are lifting high the standard of the right. " Would you see his monument, look about you ! " are words written concerning Sir Christopher Wren on the walls of St. Paul's in London. Is there any compensation of Christian ser- vice more sweet or more precious than the assurance that we are working with the best forces in the world for the improvement of the race '^. No petition is more frequent in the heart of the faithful pastor than this prayer that he may make his character of the greatest REWARDS OF CHRISTIAN WORR\ 149 worth. He would sell his life as dearly as possible ; he would spill his blood, drop by drop ; he would use heart and brain to the utmost. But he asks for himself no higher compensation than the consciousness that his prayer is answered, and that he is spilling his blood, drop by drop, in the fight for the faith. A further compensation of Christian ser- vice, belonging both to the church, the pastor, and the individual, is the assurance that one is working with God. A faithful pastor can bear the loss of popularity, can endure the loss of the personal love of the church, can see pews emptied and income decrease ; but he can see all this with a braver heart than he can see that his church is failing in its personal consecration, thus failing to give itself to the work of God for the world. At Williamstown a single granite monu- ment marks the spot where fourscore years ago stood a haystack, kneeling in whose shelter five college boys consecrated them- selves to foreign missions. It is the birth- 150 THE WORKING CHURCH. place of the foreign missionary work of the American Church. I follow those boys into manhood, and to the other side of the globe. The Asiatic cholera smote Gordon Hall and Samuel Newell, and their dust lies mingled with the coral sands of India. Adoniram Judson was buried at sea. Samuel J. Mills found an ocean grave on the coast of Africa. Say, if one will, if one is so narrow and hard-hearted, that their lives knew no peace and satisfaction ; but one cannot long reflect on their work without knowing the deep com- pensations of their lives. They had builded their lives, they had builded their bodies, into the temple of God on earth, — a temple within whose walls the nations are to be gathered. They had laid down their lives as stepping- stones in the brook of time, that on them the Son of Man might walk in His trium- phant progress round the world. Thus to build and thus to be were compensation sufficient. We ask, Was Christ's life happy or un- happy, joyous or sad? It seems to me that REWARDS OF CHRISTIAN WORK. 151 it must have been a life in which both joy and sadness were more complete than in that of any other man. No one of Christ's insight into human nature, of Christ's tender heart, could live thirty-three years without seeing the sufferings of our poor, fallen, suffering humanity. Do you not think that He who saw and felt all the anguish and woe and sorrow of human hearts must have been sad and sorrowful? We never read of His smil- ing; we do read of His weeping. I think He must also have wept many silent tears. But do you not think that compensations of infinite worth were also His ? What if one could go down to the pestilential parts of the great towns and say to the hungry, suffering, maimed, perishing bodies and souls, " Come to me ; I will give you what you most need," would not his heart be full of the deepest and richest and completest joy .? This was Christ's power. This power must have been the source of joy. He could give. He wanted to give. He did give to all just so far as they were willing to receive what each most 152 THE WORKING CHURCH. needed. His work was simply the work of man and of God, — the work of the God-man for the redemption of the world. His life must have been a life of the supremest joy and satisfaction. In the feudal period of the Middle Ages, when a young man was to be made a knight, the attendants clothed him in a white tunic, a symbol of purity ; in a red robe, a symbol of the blood which he was bound to shed in the service of the faith ; in a toga, — a close black coat, — a symbol of the death which awaited him as well as all men. They put on his coat of mail, bound on his spurs, and girded on his sword. With his helmet on his brow, bran- dishing his lance, he went forth to war in the contest of chivalry. Imprisonment, suffering, death, might await him ; honor and fame and station might be his reward : but if he were a true chevalier, his deepest compensation would be the assurance that he was fighting for the faith with all his might, and that a hundred deaths were a bauble compared to his loyalty to his Divine Master and Lord. We recognize REWARDS OF CHRISTIAN WORK. I 53 the compensations of the passive Christian virtues. We remember the eighth chapter of Romans. We know that like the anchor to the ship is this assurance that all things work together for good to the believer. We know that confidence which is founded upon the truth that ** every man's life is a plan of God." We know the blessedness of seeing the love of God as revealed in the cross of Christ. They are all rich blessings and heavenly rewards of Christian service. But we would first give to men a richer com- pensation, the compensation of the service itself. " Behold, we have left all and fol- lowed thee." The following is the reward. Every faithful Christian can well say : *' My Lord, in His work among men for God, suf- fered. If in my work He calls me to suffer, in that suffering may I find compensation. My Lord knew His Gethsemane. If I also have a Gethsemane, there, in the night and the cold and the loneliness, too, may I find my compensation. My Lord was crucified. If I am also nailed to some cross, in the very 154 THE WORKING CHURCH. agony of death may I find compensation : all, all in the assurance that the suffering, the dark Gethsemane, and the cross are the ways in which I work with God in His labors for the redemption of the world." UNDER FRENCH SKIES; Or, Sunny Kielos ^no Shady Woods. By Madame de GASPARIN, Author of ^^ Near and Heavenly Horizons." 16ino, Cloth, $1.25. This is a new work by the author of " Near and Heavenly Hori- zons," which, when pubhshed some years ago, attained such popularity that the Countess Gasparin's latest publication will probably be eagerly sought for. The author's love of nature, the depth of her religious feeling, and the rare quality of her literary skill, give her works a charm and grace which secure to them an assured place in literature. 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And this district, known and loved as it is by the writer, is here peopled with a number of actors who come forward in the various tales contained in the volume. Raoul and Marjolaine, the happy young couple in their mountain cottage and bit of farm, Pierre the woodman, Silvio and Serinelte, the loves of Victor and Louise ; these, and many more, form the dfamatis personcB that appear in the pleasant pages of the book." — London Bookseller. Sent, postpaid^ oti receipt of the price, by THE BAKER & TAYLOR CO., 74-0 and 74-2 Broadway, New York. Two Books of National Interest. Tha very general attention attracted by the publication, under the title of "National Perils and Opportunities," of the Discussions of the General Christian Conference held at Washington, D.C., Dec. 7-9, 1887, under the auspices of the Evangelical Alliance, has induced the publishers, in the hope of finding a still larger circle of readers, to issue, in two uniform cheap volumes, certain of these noteworthy papers, grouped under the two following titles, which describe the divisions into which the work of the Conference naturally fell : PROBLEMS OF AMERICAN CIVILIZATION: Their Prac- tical Solution the Pressing Christian Duty of To-day. By Pres- idents McCosH and Gates, Bishop Coxe, Rev. Drs. Pierson, Dorchester, McPherson, and Havgood ; Hon. Seth Low ; Prof. BOYESEN ; Col. J. L. Greene, and Rev. Samuel Lane LoOMis. (Uniform with Co operation in Christian Work.) i6mo. Paper, 30 cents ; cloth, 60 cents. 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We commend this volume to them, especially to all who desire to get an intelligent view of one of the burning questions of the day." — Presbyterian Journal. " The book should be in every home ; and we are sure that if the principles which it advocates and the information which it presents were given to every family in the land, the present disturbances in our country would soon be at an end." — St. Louis Central Baptist. Sent, post-paid, on receipt of price, by THE BAKEE & TAYLOR 00., PuMisHers, 74 and 74-^ Broadway, New York. EVANGELISTIC WORK In Principle and Practice. By Rev. Artthur T. Pierson, D. D. 12mo, Cloth, $1.25. A new book on that method which has been one of the most potent means of building up the Christian Church — Evangelization. It is written by an acknowledgv,d master of the subject. *' This book is preeminently a book for the hour. It is at once a fruit of the reviving evangelistic spirit and a welcome and powerful force for the promotion of that spirit among the disciples of Christ. All who are working for Christ, especially all ministers and teachers, ought to procure and study this book." — Christian Statesman. " More truth, perhaps, than can be found in any single uninspired book, concerning 'evangelistic work,' is included in a volume with this title, by Arthur T. Pierson, D.D. Truths of the first imp'ortance are spoken concerning methods and the treatment of the poor. After having set down the principle as he believes it to be, the author has enforced it in sketches of Whitefield, Howard, Finney, Chalmers, Moody, Bliss, and others. The book ought to have a wide circulation ; it cannot but be productive of the greatest good." — Hartford Post. 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