A —W — J ~><) ‘ oon ire : : 8% aye _ ¥ FN —— Kia De 6 eT * 7 — any ¥ ⸗ 3 rf y r ' \ a te : . > * — i. Ne 4 J Foe * — a : ¥ —— 4 id J = ‘vr. = : < ie >" ‘ ea as - te * * 7 = e 4 s A’ . ‘ X es 8 — ⸗ é- * Fae i ee | +e : k cS at ete ; Wea se aed 2 | | aii: sihs lo suo: sds | +38 ; c ; Pe — BS atria eg ie ‘ ‘ ry ⸗ "Wal. ea J SR A J — 1 — a ; : , ey = , — ali fl ' ai ~ f ~* , . , 1 * > e e J a, - $, — xX — * — — — — — A pa a a 4 a « : +a - i 2 ¥ LG Rite) SMe SOR eee eg oe Anadmonitionto the Readers = * mo Aitter Donan beinge defirous te- $552), Bi poure out bis poffon again the god⸗ aye fy lp government of Chzittian Princes - Yged \q binge thetc laufull authogitie in ae Dd ANY Zi bandeninge of Poperie ¢ Superttt- Paw tion, einthe reſtoryng of true pictie — am RKeligion, and hauinge a great facultie and opostunitie offered readie fo bis hande ta accomplifh bis intended matice(as thal hereafter plain⸗ lp appeare) Would needes bp bake 02 croke, binge in this longe impertinent treatte again godlp Chriſtian princes, emonge the partes of bis procefle of p Popes fupzemacte:and the fame bath be alfo profequuted moze largelp a great deale, than the (aid paincipall matier of the Popes (upzemacie tf (elfe makinge this, moze than double in quantitie to that. : | The caule which he coloutedlic counterfeiceth, why be would thus dm , fs bp him felfe in the conclufion of bis laſt poceffe,and nert before the beginning of this, expreſſed bp thefe berp tomades . It folowerl now that 1 {40 to you who is and of right ought to be hat Head: if fir? doo you to vnderſtãd. that it muſt necoffarily bea prieſt, and that fo by iuſt confequence neither lay man; ‘woman, nor childe can becapa~ - bleof that office . Thele be his wordes. ut ſeinge the ofe fice, whiche he fpeaketh of,can be none other, than the Office of beinge the onely head of Chriftes vniuerſall Churche here én earth: whereof he bath in that whole proceſſe (ntrea- fed, all the world map ſee, that be had no cauſe, by any co- fequenceto prone that neither lay man, woman nor childe can be capable of that office : fo2 thus be {peaketh , as though * Pein: x 2 ban = Se ; a - Wm, * AN ADMONITION TO a Mad mafscefted that a Chaittian Prince m ight be beab opf Chriſtes whole Churche herein earth. But we do mot certatnelp ¢ plainely affirme that neither Prince, no2z Pete, noꝛ any perfon earthly can be capable of as any fuch office. Waiherefoze 99.Dozmans bead was ſcarſ⸗ Ap capable of gad reafon, and remembzaunce , whan be would pꝛoue that nolap man, woman, noz childe, can be capable thereof, as again bs, who do our felfes.afs firme the fame · And all men map fe, that ifthat were bis confideration,be might well baue {pared bis labour beſtowed in this proceſſe. But be meaneth, be twill fav, to pꝛoue that no Chꝛiſtian Prince, man, woman 5 Noy chiloc,can be capable of the office of being chiefe gouer⸗ nour,as well in cauſes Eccleſiaſticall, as cfutll, within their owne dominions. J would be bad than ſpoken platnely accozdinge to bismeaninge : fe2 fo ſhould be not haue deceiued the fimple, and the tmpertinencte of fuch atreaticin bis procetle of the Popes ſupꝛemacie might well baue appeared, and withall bis meaninge had bene manifel,that be twas determined ira proceſſe though impertinent,to cal bis benime; and poure out his poifon again godlp Pꝛinces as J haue ſaide. How bifides bis malice mo mouing him thereto,that be twonld, be thought be bad god facultic,and.babilitie,, that be could largely accomplith the fame, bp the opoz- tunitte of plenfious matier and fu ffe, offered bnto. him readie framcd onto bis handes.. Wibiche twas Jaſſure pou, what colour fo euer he pꝛætendeth, the verp canfe in Dede, why be would needes prsfequute this proceſſe fo largelp tn thistmpertinent place. The cafe ſtandeth thus. * . Stantiaus Bolus a Biſhop of Bolonte,e note * dinall ~- Ov Pits TREADER? v3 dinall of Wome alto, bath walten an anſweare toa litle boke of wzentius intitoled Prolegomena:3n the {ee conde bole of. the tubicbe De Ludicibus Ecclefiafticiss he hath at large pzofequuted this matter againſt Pꝛin⸗ teschiefe gouernment tn caufes Ecclefiatticall , This treatic of Holius M. Dozman founde ſo readie framed. fo2 him/ and had fo god a likinge thereof, and fo feared pexuention bp fome of bis felowes, daplp ſnatchinge bp other mens workes, t thaulling of them abzoade ine to the worlde fo2 theit owne, that be thought gad to . tranflate it, though tmperfinent to bis purpofe, into this bis boke out of Hoſtus, as thall hereafter to the god Keader mok plainelp appeare. Jn dede he hath furniſhed the margent of bis boke with the names of theancient Doctours, ignarius the holy martyr, Policarpus difciple to Yoln the Euangeliſt, bleffed Cyprian, Athanaſius that frronge piller of the churche, s. Hierome, S. Ambrofe, s. Angufline, efofo2th. wut be was made Wacheler of Diuinitte J beleaue,befoze be opened any of their bokes:had be furs niſhed bis margent with thefe notes, Bolius Polonus, Hoſius Uarmienlis, Bolus Cpilcopus, hoſius Carat: nalfs,be bad dealt fimplie;foz J allure you, be oweth to bimalone all his Doctours, all his anthoztties, all big Diuinitie tn this treatie:the ſtudie of whome alone, it map feme, bath made him Bacheler of the fame. And to the ende,the god Keader map lex, that O. Doman nee⸗ Ded not to fake the mater fo hoate, that called. him ato the prefree traflatour , and bozotwer , and faid that J did anſweare ofhis dilproufe: Hoſius rather than him, Jhaue here in a briefe table ſet fazth ®. Dorman bis tubole Wethode of thts treatie, twherbp the J Reader may ealſely iudge of this mater: or Bees * * 3 Fire AN ADMONITION TO WM .Dormans Methode vfedin: this his feconde parte. Irſt pou muſt onderKande that fot o2 thé ofbis firit leaues of this treatle, tobiche are thers. 16.€17. are fpent fo2 the mott parte in a pꝛæſace, as plentie full of raflinges,reutlinges, and repzoches , as bare of god reafons,authozitics, and proufes : pet could be not goe through with thefe mafiers though peculiarlie ap⸗ pertatninge to bis otune proper facultic, without fone borowinge. Foꝛ (hoztlp after the beginninge , be bath bozowed of Hoſtus fire Dodours on abeape af once. S.Ambrofe, S.Hierome, Dorman, Hofius lib. a. S.Baſill,and * S.Auguftine, fol.1s.b. fol. a6. b. Theophila&tus. and Chryfoitome. 217.2, Theſe doth he alleage in the fame o2dze, and with the ſame wordes/ and deuideth them into tow leathes as (€ were, by itj. and tf. tut as decth Hoſtus. And as be be- ginneth , fo confinneth be like a conftant man: and bp and by boroweth moe tertesof Scriptures of Boſius than here be doctours. q Places of the scripture. | AlleagedbyM, | BoroWed of” ¶ Leuitici. 10. Deuteron.17. Dorman, Hoſius. Deuteron.2t. Ezechiel.44. Aggzi.2. Malach.z. Dor. fol.18.&,19. | Hof. lib.a.fol.sg r.Corinth.z. Act.ao. per totum, b.98.a,. Eight textes of Scripture in order one after an other. @ Ignatius adSmyrnenfes. {Dorm.20.b, | Hof. li.x, fo.39.6 ¶ 1. Corinth. i2. & A&, 20. Dorm.20,b. Heſ.li.a.ſo.ↄ.b againe. ¶ Heb.13.Obedite ijs &c. Allea- ged without coatatiéd for that] Dorm. Hof. lib. x. fold he founde it fo in Hofius , and]20, b. 37.b. pitas ſecke further, {Cons ov MTHEI READER + > vq Wiflories, ands 5 \ AMeaged by Xe...) Bororved of Hi. Doctours. vDorman. fru. ¶ Conftatinus the Empe- |Dorm. 21.b« ‘Sour alleaged out of Ru-|D.Hard. Céfut. A- Hofius. lib, 22 finus, hiftorie Ecclefiafti- | pol. fol. 309. hath fol.113,a,b, gall. lib.t: cap.2. the fame. "3 @S. Auguftine, epiftola. | Dorm. 22.2, 366. . * » Nec the elder/Dorm, 22.4, — perour. ¶ The expurgati6 of Pope] Dorm. 22,by ‘Sixtus. ~ 46* Fe: “q@ Valentinian the ydger}| Dorm,22.b.23.a. Emperoutr. ~ tHof. lib. 2. fol.n3.a, verfus finem, | Hof.lib,2.fol.rr9. B Hof, lib,2.fol.119,b ‘|Hofilib.2. fol.ng.b: @S. Ambrofe lib, 5. Dorm,2z.b Hoſ.lib.i. fol.39.a, epiftola.33. . ‘ | 4 ag S.Ambrofe lib. 5¢ Dorm,22.b. Hof. lib. 2, | D.Hard.Céfuts A- | fol.38.b. sepiftola. 32. , pol.fol.317.b, hath | the fame, In thele tow talk be bath vſed hyfteron proterom Both with S.Ambzole and bis authour Hoſius alto. 5. Ambrole lib. 5, epi-/ Dorm.23.a, } Hol Jib.2, fol.119.b ftola.34. @ Bafilius the Emperour,| Dorm. 23.a.b, @ Theodoric® king of the Gothes alleaged out of| Dorm.23.b. ‘the. 4. Romaine Synode Fab Symmacho papa. Aurelian? the Emperour| Dorm. 24. a- alleaged outof Eufebius, The examples. of Ozias| Dorm.24.3. ‘and Oza, @ The example of kisge | Dorm.24.3. Sale, * 242 Hof. lib. x. fol.m8.b: ' Hof: libs 2, fol. 120, b, Hof. lib. 2. ſol. nt.a Hoſ. lib.2.f0l.63.6.. 64. a. & 75. a. 1 Hof. lib.a fol.ʒ⸗ꝰ.b. 38.2, Thele — —— «AN ADMONTITION TO ick "the pottotrsiand | Alleaged & 6 | Benowed Haffories . | Dorman. q Conitantius the Empe- Dorm.24.b, rour. ann eclg pe Gib it | * Hoſ.lib.a.ſol rap, 43 — 4 z4 — BB ¶ Pope Liberius out of A- orm.tq.be Hof. fi, faba ghana. ad folitariam Vita}, oppo) & ib.ꝓrio a. 7— agentes. ie ¢ Hofius Cordubéfis out|Dorm. 5.40 · Hof. lib.i. fol.36.B; of Athanafiusin thefamef & 37.3. & lib,2.foly place. . rer ee BB ei eyo TR ¶ Athanafius him felfe E- Dorm.25.b, ° | Hof.lub.2.fol.novag piſtola ad folitariam vit Semen yo agentes. * — — Dorm æs.a. Hoſ. lib 2. fol.120.b. ‘> q Athanafius againe.. | ob € Iohn Damaſcene. Dorm.27- as Hot Wb folaee qDeuteron.17. Ezech.44. Dorm,29.a.b. Hof. lib’, fol.97.b. Agez.2. 1.Corinth.12. | 98.26 —— Ac. ꝛo. repeted. ————— ¶ Liberius, Hoſius Cor- Dorm.⸗. b.ʒo 2. | Hof. lib.i. fol.36.be dubenfis, and Athanafius, lib. 2. fol, 43. bs & repeted. ! | e,a.b. ¢ 5. Ambrofe repeted. [Dorm.go.a. | Hof-I.2.fo.18.2.19.b, q Chryfoftome in verbajDorm.30.2. Hof. lib.x. fol.s9.b, Efaix & lib.3. de facerdo- tio, alleaged , inuerfo or- : dine. aes; ¶ Damafcene repered. [Dorm. 30.b, Hof. lib.r.fol.37.a,b, Darmnfol gobs Now W.Dozman bere leauinge the Withop of Sa⸗ — rum bis fermon,falleth in bande with the Confutation ean of a piece of the Apologic, hauinge opoztunttte of great facilitte therein liketotle offered him by Bofius , tuba of bis liberalitic bath leante bimbts anftweares therto alfo. And foz (o much as D. ardinge hath weiten a Confutation of the Apologie, foz theſe twentie leaues now folowitige 9. Dorman bath the fame treatte, that $ * #. | ip ITER. gismaitter in his (afd. Confutation,bath. * ——* from henſe forth kor the molt part, make mp table tris partite;and fn confutinge of 99. Dozman > 3 multe ans Civcare not onely hoſius, asafoze, but his maiſter DJP. Hardinge alſo: whereby the god Keader map in the * meane time take a tatt a pꝛoufe, what maner ofthinge 101 p that Confutation of the Apologte is, vntill the boty ane — ſweare thereto be put fit printe. | GExpofitios of Scriptures ved by M. | By D. Har- _Borowwed of Doclor. and liſpriet “eDormign, ho dinges. —— CMolb · buene or no Dorm. fol. 32. D. Hard! Confur: Prict, the 98. Pfalme, and 33. 34. ae Apol. fol.305.a.b: S.Auguftine alleaged. —54— ¶ fofua his example with|/Dorm ss 36.2. Hard. 305.b, ; the like treatic. | — cap: Wy. allea⸗ Doimissia. | Hardigo5 h. onigs P kings Dauid tig exatit Ditaiiskib. 37.44: Hard.305,b. a ete lib e fol ce ple anfweared. Pee 4 306.8. iat b.67.a, 1.Paral. 23 ad > : ; 78 ¢ Fundatigns made by Doim. aa OM 7 Hof, lib, 2.fo.67.a Kinges.” — “hE Gen. Osrall | 74 ‘ 1-57! q¶ Solomen, Eiachas loft — J MHol.lib.ꝛ.ſol.cs.b phat, loſias, loas,examples 38.a. te? of} Bt ayo f allat onceanfvveared. 7 aCT2 0 iy aitene 55 example — Dorm.g8,8,, -¢ | Hard 305.b,306.2, [Hof lib.2.fol.66.b arlie anfweared. earn i 67. a. ¶ Solomons example aa- Deru. 38.b. “bhi | Hard, 6s | Hof. b.2 .f0.67.b Gweaved particulailic, — Sati E 5 133 — —— ene a Dorm. 38ib. 08 Heed deras ins — example, any “\Dorm.38.a.39.b. ‘Hardysos.a.b. _ |Hof, lib.z. fol. : . , 63,4. GIchu his ¢ example an- ‘|Dorm. a. | Hard.306.b, | Gveaied, Ble Cai outi — 0 — A——— — fot wa i Swe ee + ot aa asl . yp ee AN ADMONITI0 Ro" TExpofitids of scriptures) Vfed by Me” By Ds Hare f ‘Borowed of* ? Doéfors,and Hiffories Dorman, dinge. Hoi. ay ¶ Tofias his — — an- Dorm as Hitd.yoy.a. ‘ [Hof fb.2. fet {vveared, en} teria @lofaphat and Iaas exam- |Dorm. pry as Hard.306.b. » - Hof. 2 fo. pies anſweared. 307+. ; @ Alexander Magnus his} Dorm.39,b. Hoe lib.i. fol. exiple alleaged our of Q 440,805 © Curtius,lofephus, and O- | : Sis rigines. GY SY tyne eee qCofentines Magaus his}Dorm. 41, 42. Hard; 308. 309... | Hof. lib,2. fol. 2 example —5— & 13.2. be ¢ Theodofius the Empe-|Dorm.43 Hard.309.b.& . |Hof.lib.2.fol. ‘75:8 rour his example anſwea- Oro. . 112.b. uʒ · a. b. J red. ¶ Concilium ais Lise Dorm.43.b> | Hof-lib..fo.m.6 alleaged, . A— qS. Ambrofe lib, 5 Epitto. Dorm. 43,b.. Hard.337.6..»), |Hof.lib.a, ſol.na.b la. 32. alleaged. Chalcedon Councell. Dorm. 44.2.b. = Hard.31s. b.336.a.b| Hof. li.2;fol,mg 2 @ The thirde cauncell Cé- |Dorm.44.b. Hard.316 Hof.lib.2,fol.ng.b ftantinopolitan, 45.0.6. | 116.2. * @ Arauſican Councell. Dorm. 45. b. 46. a. Hard. ʒus.b. Hol. lib a. fo. us.a @ luftinian the Emperour|Dorm.46,b. 47. Hard. * ig a UPN his example: anfvyeared,. 148. 49. Here is the ſumme of themat ter and the maner of the Pethode, which M. Dorman vſeth tn this treatie as gaint Chriſtian Pzinces : here fs the di€erence bes tivene $9.Dozman and Hofius: whereby all reafonable men map (ee, that J lted not, whan J ſaid, thats thould in deede anſweare the latine Papiſtes, and namely Has fius, rather than M.Doꝛman.Foꝛ what bath . Doze man of bis otune? Surely nothinge, thatis any thinge to purpafe bath be but of other mens, and that thames fullp Goulten , nat honetly boꝛomed. And * on 24 Ng En (G3 -FHE\ READER . english Papiſtes bakes, whiche Hie fo chiche abroade; as nue workes and inuentions, are all by like art and Pethode made, and compiled, sno meruatle therefoze that tue haue {uch plentic of thent, fefng 99. Dozman and bis felowes bane now ine vented a way/ how any that hath alitie learninge in the Latine language, map ſodenlie, and with great eafe and factlitte, become nota Bacheler of Diutnitie only, but a fwoozthie wziter, and famous authoꝛ alfo: and 5.49) fpetfally acunninge compiler of fpanne hue wꝛought compilatores woozkes. alienorum ſcri· Andfoz my part, Ido thanke M.Doꝛman, that be com. Hath ſo handled the matier,that (nconfatinge of him ᷑x might at once anfiveare the reafons of that fo bighly xfemed Archpapiſt Bofius: and withall gene the gad Meader a tall, what manner of thinge that confutacior of D. Hardinges ts, vntill the til anſweare to the fame be publithed, whiche to fo longe a boke as itis , requte reth ſome time: and alfo to notifie to the worlde, that though our abduerfaries dm wꝛite many bokes,there ts HOE pet fo great diuerfitie of matter, as there ts of bakes, which are made many, bp. often repetion ofthe fame thinges, bozowed.of the Latine Papittes : whole bokes bane. benelonge aboade tu } world in the hades of them, who do vnderſtande that language, with ſuch euell fuccette of their wopitheluperftition, ſith the wats tinge thereof,as to the world fs wel knowen, Whe like efle map our Cnglitye, Papittes lobe foz of their bokes,o2 rather. fatre worle how much, moze fimple, ¢ ofbafer æſtimation are thett fealte tranflatfons, then were the other o2fginall workes of the learned Latine authours, Lhe fragmentes t patches of ivhofe ie > ** 2 P i I: — > et, AN EDMONETION ForHBE READER ~~ “by DP. Dorman here atleagtay Idoubte nothinge but Jhaue anſweared to the latiturng ot al indifferent and reaſonable Keaders. Ihaue thought god to notethe panies of: tévtalnie Bokies blually here alleaged', that the teaver, who ule ſeeke, map the more calely linde the places out of heute alleaged. Hofius, Confutatio Prolegomenon Brenti}. Dardisapa ‘i Gulielmum Defboyes, &¢.1560.in octa uo Euſebꝛꝰ.&c Hift.Ecclefi.& deyita Coftatini .&c, Froben Baflles 15548 : Conciliorum Tomi tres. Colonia Agripp. ex officina Johannis: Quentel, 15 51 . The places alo, where 9.Dozmian ta in thts boke anſweared ſummarely and batefly, are theft. | Fol.55.b.56.57.58-59.&Cs Fol.m3.114.&¢. Fol. 135. 135.86, Fol.171.1721173, &¢. Fol.t92,193) KG. |)’ Fol, 221:233.. &¢.;; Fol.237 238. &c. Fol 2141.246.247.KC, Fol. 250.251. Kos. Fol.2.75.276.&¢. Hereot alfa ¥ thought gad fo abvitonit thie sabia Occupied readers, that tit not below their ged time, tit long pzoceffes, which pet are neceffaric fort the readers of meaner bnderttanding, fpectallp in the anſwearing of ſuch maliciouſe ¢ benemous falfe fclaunpers 3.3 D. Domain this treatic, without, all {ot caufe,bath hea⸗ ped vpon Chritttan pzinces 5 € {pecially vpon our more: gratious foveraigue, vpon our lates, ¢ ronntrep, mote inturtoully and dntoaithelfe : which mote odtons Fatte reproches of an bnnaturall fabled, Xcoulo not but (as bp the ouctte ot a trocfubled J da frahd boonden d al earneſtnes and vehemecie labptit to arepell, * motkfatretoremoue. : _ BINIS. ¢q The faueeseeaped inthe Drintinge ould Be mendes 5 before the readinge of she Booke. Leafe. Page. Line. Faultes,. Correction, 7 Ie Plat partes the poartes otthe 74. Sie Il, man bp Chzꝛiſtianitie, man, bp < hrikianitie 8. I. 3 fhall haue fhould haue it. ae 27: and felowes. and pour felowes 12. 1. 8. of Church _ ofthegharch — 15. 2, lat errours and tgnozace, errours ,.and ignozace $6. Ie 20. bepreachinge by preachinge 22. 2, lak ought tocuerte ought everie Gy 2. - 22. at that 29.> 2 2. — this bis. 37. & i136 that ik all that all eeen—— moſt perelous 40. 1. 20, bp the fame tẽpozalitie al thoſe wooꝛdes mn + Cpiritualitie together be blotted out 43. Te 226 BOpleftes,betwene Pꝛieſtes, and bettwens - Ge: | - Be. 1 D.PVardinge noted Bolius noted $60 2. 6. proucd he proueth 47+ Ye 29, Thus ſaith S. Paule Chus Cath S. Paulez 60. I. 17, £wasfoznaught, was not koz naught, 14-4. 2, 24. wfeth vſeth, B63. 1. 27. thee. Chie 3Q2e 3, 4. the marginallnoteis Hofius libj2,.fol,9 6.5. lackinge. 194. 1. 16. 189 in the margent. 179. 201. Te. 20, Popes. ope 204. 2 9. and 83 224. 2 17. mo moze 232. I, 28,29 Eunonius. Eunomius | Bunonian Eunomian 241, ¥, 24, ‘where, now where: Mow 243. 1, 26, to Dioſcozus, it is [03 to Miolcogus, Zt is fo; 243, 2. 28. Pꝛrintes Judges 248. Js 31,. tobolle foode whole Councell ſtoode 254. 2, 1. but tothe miſchiefe, butitistop milchiefe: 259. 24 25. Matan @Mraiane 259% 2. 29, this Zuftinian: thus, Juſtintan 47452. 3 therulers the rules 275. 1. 17, cleuches eleuches 281. 1. 18. xxemptuous exemptions 282, 2, 32. Shakerlep Hhaklocke 287, 1. 4g. tomp to pyke my Other poincies inorthographie, and pointtinge the good Reader may cafely perceine... per APMlj acer, —* toe — ve Mares) — — ion 2. igor tk —E— Sete . er Li th ams ee be Kut “ ; ~~ . wg 7 4 * 7 > : iF i c . ‘' X 7 J * Lent y «. —* 4 J "7 * —B ee. / ‘ ‘i igle 4 : - Sy | ee : 3 . , ate ' ‘5 * * {ee ld 2% \ 4 , efi ey +? he Sek Ld, ee = sth a3) ‘oa ~ Paee eRe * bs * Oye; #\, iz tS a - * * 7 — we. 4 ye ‘ +s a ay it . 3 ——9 8 Re = x3 he —— a — ‘ss a ‘ ww J J x J ea s a 4 3 § i= . a * 1 — J 1 aN , ’ 9 : J J 2 04 , aie —————— + digas © a | t Date ti by palatine 8 TOT patsy an — —A—— Spee ged — ar — 9 * path ere 2 ere heey Me * Leap * 5 “AY uk * oy. SUNG asd — @ a Brioies at ab fate — ——— — os m it% Itty S373 s7ecd age | 4 OSH staqa! siti}. 1344 fi * Le * ina nis — raf: ——— Tae | BNE Ins Soe te we LEE eS - as ee aout Pains 5 ene Sp ohva — — fae —— cin rive A — J —— weg — os . — baie —— ee say. gE Ot Lal oa —— --> Sf qin eenemon al —9 — gamotud - eee GRRE nda 3— 6 wens * ie 8 ah 3S sa siatlacaratt vod: * 7 Mudie Gore Neng _ Perse 4 1 . Py . - a — Ate as x. a we if | ‘eit gia adios ableton: ai : Base ” —— oe B44 135 — —* cits Be ee t aot ‘ MYO 3 TIs A r * —— SHAT THE HEAD ‘OF CHRL jSTES CHVYRCHE HERE IN. EARTH QM YST — —— BE wi — a4 bi Nowe. ——— — bis ssepattion’ woulde either pane ues 0 ian cotiftes, . plag by Naz ét ® ne, iudgeméet Zen DORMANS PROVFE. 5 durin all god learninge and eloquence fo thofe in Na⸗ The Scotittes, planjenes time, fo farre ercellinge all Arittotles and e4 Thomifes Platoes in captions curiofitte,beinge in deede nothing nitely pafvia * elles but barbarous ſubtelties, and curious trifles to be). Egyptiaa learned with much labour, and loffe of time, With the plagues of Na- loſſe of gwd learninge,and all godlines Wwithall, where⸗ zianzenes time. with of late times our whole Keligion was oucrivhels med, Wwoulde be not, thinke pou, affirme that all the plagues of Cgipfe had oppꝛeſſed bs at once: From the Plagues of Ac- whiche plagues, cmongt other many mot abbomina- gyet tke away ble abutes, and errours, the light of the Gbhofpell by >Y te Golpell. Goddes grace clearelp ſhininge in our dates, bath part- lp deliuered bs , and hall Jtruſte, fhoatlp fet bs fullp fré from them. And thusthefe men takinge away the papiſte⸗ that gwd oꝛdre, whereof Nazianzene bere ſpeaketh, and chardge vs vith bringinge tn (uch diſorders as ave by him bere condem⸗ their ovvac ned, are not alhamed bp Pasiansenes. wordes to charge 4" bs with Bꝛeake of all god and comelp ozd2e. Wut if — %.Dozman twill ne&des drawe Nazianzenes wordes to ordre broken by ſuche as dm leaue their obne dueties, and inuade other mens offices , as reſembled by the fis militudes of the Delphine plotwinge , € the Dre ſwim· mingesthe Dunne bp night, the Mone by dap (hinting, the fatedefiring the place of the bead, ec, It is euident that this difozdze is bp the ope,t Papiſtes them ſelues of all other men molt bfed,¢ that all comelie ozder is bp fob ygiedio them mott biolated ¢ baoben . With them, the Wiſhop The Pope ind- of one Citiee Dioceffe (that is one mebze of the Bodie) his Cleargy,doo til needes be the onelp head of the whole Church: with — the Sad them the Delphine leauing the water, wil néedes ploty ? Boss the lande:¢ the Dre fozfabinge the lande, will ſwimme 5 me, inthe water ; that is; the pops bp bis office * | 43087 1B einge A REPROVFE OF M The Pope hath bęing but a Wiſhop of one diocelſe, and one ofthe Cleve fortuken the of- gic, forſakyng bis miniſterie tn the Church, will needes A tack ano? Tatrarie to the erpree doarine of the ——— & Math. 20. contrarp to: the fentence of Nazianzene/; and alt other Scétés quia pri- aticient docours, be a tempozall 1.920, per Lord of al the Oper eT wwoatn foitabinig the bumilitie appertainpng to an Ec⸗ minanvar 2 sesiateicall aivwtthenp will tvbabe vpon Kingcs's Empe· —— ies neckes, Will Laue them bide bis fete, belde his te Ws. Co BANAT rap his ttirroppe, like gentlemen of his — foxfabing the pulpette; and the mo ——— br. betr.eg. miniſtringe of the mp HN “ * i hath in ſteede eg; cen domi- Zcriptures eother eccleliatticall oueties, hath te geede * b With Caſtels, gunnes, horſes, Harnetes, ninexercentes Of tyem,to do with * * fo bgp eters dodrine arn — — —— ——— men of the HOS.07C. (whofe ſucceſour he —— wert the ay utfing bp into the t Eph. 6. Chuth ſuch dominion, ð p > inhich e clears The Pope Put ¢. cpirituall ſworde of perigee Se — teth vp the ſpi gic fpectaily are commaunded to dzatwe; doth dzau ie rituall {worde, 7 oF de which d Peter(as he faith his perder . and dravwech fepazal tiaras; top d to puf vp. And not contẽted him be er He pono sont of ecclefiatticalt¢ tems fwoorde. felfe to chatenge both-p worde — —— d Michie poral Juriſdigton, doth plucke the tempor 55 The Pope p, eb argument, p either thep eſtceme not in deede, their VV bat is to © atfe as fo high, bolfome, holte ¢ fpirituall a thinge, as the Popes and tbep Wwould haue others to beleue tt (8,02 that tf thei do his Prelaces fo foefeme it; there ts no cate of anp Keligion at allin feldome fayinge thefe {piritual pzelates, fo ſeldome vſing the pzinctpalt of Maſſe. poinde, oꝛ rather tobole fumme of their popith ſpiritual The poore prie- ſuperſtition. he poze Prꝛeeſtes likewife haue left ther ſtes —*8* ra office of pzeachinge by Codapoinded them , as well ag vhen cheir of: thett Prelates, wholly given them felues,to matking, fice alfo. ¢ mumminge, to Sozcerie,¢ coniuringe of fire, water, bzead, bowes, ¢ other baggage,e their Deacons leaving — the care of the poze, peculiarlptothemappoinaedbp — the Scriptures,do nothing els but ſtande by the preeſt, When he ts at Dalle, ¢ finge, o2 reade the Coſpeil in a . language, which neither them ſelues, nor thetr bearers. do vnderſtande. And thusall comelp o2d2e requifite,in the o2dzelp doynge of euery mans peculiar office and ductic , (with the beeache whereof thefe men falfelp thardge bs) is bp them felfes in deede, molt hamefuls ly violated, and vtterly bgoken, and defacedinall potn- tes. Andin the meaneceafon whiles thofe preſump⸗ tugus Weelates, af humble miniſters of the — DORMANS BROVFE. 7 ‘pill needes become Princes Peeres,and Supertours, they difdetne that Chriſtian pzinces Mould in Chriſtes Churche haue ought at all to doo, but thinke it reafon, D. Hard. céfur. that what fecuer thep thal fay,appoint,o. commaunde Apolo. fol.jon.a in Religion(whiche pet ts no part of their ſtudy) mutt ~°°* byall perfons, Prꝛinces andother , without any en- quirie, oꝛ queſtion, without cramination,o2 grudge,be freight beleeued, folowed,and obeied. Foz this ts the comelp order, whiche not spastansene,but M. Dozman and bis felowes would haue:els fozfosth, thould Pein, ces being but the fecte ( by H. Dozmans doarine ) tabe Chriftian Prin- vpon them to be beads, and fo bzeake the order, tobiche ces the fete, by the Papittes accompt foz comely, Foꝛ who els be thote, M-Dormas do~ whome pou A. Dozman doo affirme that ot feete we tree; would haue to be beleued fo be the beades, but Chꝛiſttã P2tnceszthough Nazianzene doo compare the ſimpleſt, and vnlearneſt men,and verte childzen, and babes, in vnderſtãding creeping bpon the grounde, to the fete: t a. ¢though Hofius pour autbhour, reafoning not againtte — Princesonely, but againit the common people alfo, rue ne, thought bemight feetlie apply the terme of fetetoth?, bao. as hauing no fadgement in matters of Keligton:be pow neuet fo loth to leave any woꝛde of him not placed 5 in Hogs fpeaking fome place of pour baoke 5 pet fhoulde pou haue bad fo of the common. muche confideration , as to haue {pared the bfe of that peole , cdpareth terme in this place,and treatic of Princes. Foꝛ we tõ⸗ the™, to the — tend onelp foz the fuperiozitie due to Chꝛiſtiã Pꝛinces, ——— foz the whiche vou ſaie, wee will haue Princes of the thinker he * fete ;tobethe beads. Bane pou ſuche an opinion of may likewife, Pꝛinces, and of the Pope, and bis peelates , that pour compare Prin- Pope mut be the heap » bis Prelates the eyes 5 and o⸗ er to the feete. cher punetpall partes the bodie, and Princes the fetes 15 3 els. — |) on _ _ — — * A REPROVFE OFM. els tell me what other feete be they, whome we wouldve haue te be the heades, but onelp Princes, that is to fap, Tao what eftima- euerp one within his olwne domintons? But what doo 94°) * go Irequire an anſwere of M, Dozman , whome be meas Princes, Neth by the feete » the Pope him lelt treading the Em⸗ perour vnder hts feete, and admitting allkinges , and Princes fo the bile of his feete ( thus folowing the er ample of our Sautour , walthinge bis Diſciples feete, — like a good Gitar) aunſwereth me moſte effcctucuiip, ad phile ia nem, Hut in woordes onely, but in deedes alfo, J Oneſimus * ot a ſeruaunt, 02 bound man,by rather inte _ bts matters 02 Loꝛdes brother, Jdoo maruetil that the pope woulde haue all Cmperours, kynges, and Prin⸗ on , ces, bp Chꝛiſtianitie to be bꝛought te fo bate laueries¢ ———— all Papittes doo fo mainteine the Came. Wy which che Pope examples of motte vntut: and intolerable tozonges 5 € prelats to break Prelumptions, of the Cleargte , it Pꝛinces iuſtly octa⸗ order , haue yer ffoned, fhould either erempt them ſelues, from all gus —* vir rifotaion of all Ccclefiatttcal perfons , as is cnerp Po⸗ take ci haue pithe Prielt, Bonke; Frier, Punne erempted fromthe ; Juriſdiction of Pꝛinces: 02 it Pꝛinces ould deſixe anv vndue office 02 honour, and would claime to be pꝛrieſts, as woll as Princes, (as in deed they dco not.) Though D. Hard. céfut. tp, Harding, M. Dorman, and other ſuche, doomote | oe nig 08 vntrulie reporte of them,as though they fo bid. Ff ſuch me" silogdze, 3 fav, ſhould happen amongeſt Tempoꝛall Pꝛinces, with what colour pet could any popiſh prieſt, Monke, oꝛ Frier, being evempted from all Zurtfoiaton ot Pꝛinces/ complaine,that Pzinces did erempte. thems ſelues, from the Juriſdiction of Pꝛieſtes? Dz with what face, could any Popiſhe prelate, finde fault that Pꝛinces woulde be Prieſtes, Ceinge they of ae eg aue ~ DORMANS PROVFE. 8 haue fo long claimed, and preſumed to be Princes, and Princes Peeres, and tye — thetr beadde , to be Pꝛince of all pstnees 2 PF Pꝛince 3 Byatt baue likewiſe broken into the right of prteites , as the ope and bis prelates have broken tnto the righte , and Zuriſdicion of Princes, pet might thep by reafon ferme rather fo ir isifticero . haue recopentt, than to bane doon wrong: and to haue lſoffer, as one caufed wrong doers to ſuffer tight, by doing to them, ae done, and 3 to haue thefame as they baue doon to others: by meaſuringe to them, peatmre whiche as they haue meafured to otbers : by bꝛeakynge order, he hath viedhim with oder bzeabers ; bp vſurping bpon blurpers. But fclfe to meafure bleſſed be Cod , who bath geuen ſuche moderation to a — Chꝛiſtian Princes, that they (though vppon fo great — — occaſion by the Pope , bis Pꝛelates, and Prꝛieſtes, to order and cone. them genen ) woulde not peat fo Beale with them as fufion,cometh gavne, as thep bane dealt with Pzinces. Foꝛr had of the moderad there not been moze moderation in Princes, than was Hon of Chriltis: in the Pope and his prelates herein, but that comelp °°: order noted here ant of Pastansene, had likewiſe bp them, as it bath bp the Pope, bis Pꝛelates and prieſtes, been broken, all bad 02 now bp difozdze and confufion, been turned bpfide downe. | Dorman. Fol. 16. This és nonerwe or flraunge prattsfe good Chriflian Readers 5 but vfed euen from the beginning and continued dailie by shat olde. enemie tomankinde , and. wily ferpent the Denil sto fet vpvice- and: onerthrorwe vertue. Thus cloaketh he pryde with the name of Clenlineffe, Conetoufneffe he termeth Erugalitte, Pro- digalirie: Léberalitie ; Adulterie inother menne folace, in Prie- fresand ſuche as haue vowed the. contrarie , xhe couereth it with the benowrable sitle of Matrimonse 3. Alshoughe she aunciene iy) Sle kethers —_— A REPROVFE OFM, | fathers of chriftes churche, haue not doubted, fome of them to call a ad vir * Tranflated fr, nop 4s doo the Denils miniflers mariage , but adulterie: as dothe lapfam, pe pee rde ¢, Ambrofe a s. Bafilb and Theophilactus : c fome of themas 8. Hie - —* Lake af Hone, rom, 4. Auſten, e and Chrifoftom, f not adulterie onely , as dooe the m oad wvhofe vvoordes other, but facrilege and inceſt. 1 135 x. Cor, arethefe: yg> Ambrofius, Bafilius, Theophilaftus,vocant hoc genus nup- d. li.t.¢ - ties adulreriii: Hieronymo, Auguftino, Chrifoftomo vifum traloui eft,non ſatis pro eoac ipfius turpitudo meretur , facinusid ¢.Ji. de appellari, fi vocaſſent id adulterium : itaque peius quiddam no vid,< adulterio,hoc eft,incocftum facrilegium eas nuptias appel- f, Epiſt. landas purauerunt &c. Fol.21.b, ANS Theodo lapfum. Nowell. | Why continue pou 9. Dorman, to charge bs with pour owne faultes 2 It is no newe D2 ſtraunge deutles @ Meds. cs but an olde practifeof Sathans , and fill continued in Tim; te Popithe Spnagoge, toclokeail vices onder the 2.Pet.s. names of bertues. Vnder p cloke of the honour of dot | Nõ domioaã.&c. and bis Churche, the Pope and his prelacte couer their 6 1.Timoth.s. pzeſumptuous loꝛdlines andoominta bp a Chriſte, and ———— his holy Apoſtles Peter and Paule to the Clergie for⸗ 7 vidde. » Their cruell tyrannie, they terme katherly cops forem. ibidem. redid. © Their couetouſnes, whereby they haue ſcraped t 1.Pet.5. fogetber the beſt part of the poffeffions of this twozlde, —* —— f- thep mainteine vnder the pretenſe of Peters patrimo⸗ > Mathar, nle, €tight ofholy Church. > Ano by felling ofall holy Lucy. and vnholy thinges foz monep , of the temple of Woo Vosautem fe- thep bane made a denne of theues. Andthus doinge,, ciftis fpeluncam name them felues the Vicars of Chit , who caſt ſuche —— ,, marchaũtes out of his temple: e and the ſucceſſours of. AG. d. aoe pe- eter, the difpiter of Hluer ¢ gould. Surkeiting in fithe cuniatuateca meates deuouring of aldelicates,and bibbing of fwate Gs in pditioné. {ypnes,thep haue termed fatting, rue pꝛaler onto the . eternall — DORMANS PROVFE. 9 efernall liuing God, baue thep turned into the inuoca⸗ tion of dead men, andinto mindeles mumling of thete mattins, and maſſes, mingled with fables and blalphez mies. Under the cloke of celibat , € botwes of chaſtitie, thep baue defiled them felues with whoꝛedomes, adul⸗ y teries,and other vncleanlines not to be named:contra⸗ rie tothe Scriptures, willinge them to live with their: Timoth. 3. one wlues in ail chaſtitie. Andthus as though thep Oporter cpifco- were menof perfec puritic, thep do with all repzeches Pum eile irre- reuile fuch,as accordinge to the doctrine ofthe Serips Prehenfbilem — _ tures, ¢allotwance of the auncient holy Fathers, band o councels, do line chatelp with their owne wives. Fo2 a r.corinth. 7. this ts that marke, that 9.Dorman in bis rouinge and 1.Timoch.3. compallinge,doth chielip hote at. And fome ſœlie yas Avbrof in eũ- piftes (einge him thus dalhinge in with bis docours —— * on an heapẽ, do meruaile, J beiceue, that he him ſelle ts paohuntius ea not docour allo, ſhewing him ſelfe ſo woꝛthie thereof, cocil. Niceno. but remaineth in the inferiour degree of a Bachiler ſo Sozꝛom. li.i.c.23. longe. Whereas others vnderſtandinge/ that all this 603. Carthag. diuinitie was learned not in fire yeeres ſtudie, but tn eee ee the readinge of fire lines, findinge the lke practiſe — ke chꝛ oughout hfs whole bake 5 will tudge that be bath come,as by his diutnitic, fo by his degree tn the fame, farre moze cafelp than ofber men, (who baue not the like gtfte of facillitie)candm. This matter M. Dor⸗ man findinge readie framed fo bis bande tn ofius, coulde not fuffer it,though nothinge pertinent to this bis purpofed matter, to {cape him, but muſte ne&des traflate it woꝛde foꝛ woꝛde inte this place of bis bake, as the learned in the Latine tongue mav bp Hoſius bis Hofius lib. 47 Wades by me adioyned fo 9.Dozmans, wel percetuc, fol.216.b, verfus Heither hath 9, Dorman onelp the fame tu numbre M™: C of A REPROYVFE OF M, of doctours but in the verp fame ogder alfo: ¢ bath made them by diuiſion cer geminos cufe,as hath Hoſius donne. After which fort, tt is no hard maticr fo2 .Doꝛman to Write not Wachlerlike onelp, but docourlike alfo: pea gE Irismoreeafie Cardinallike to, if it be,as in dade it is, bis pleafure fo to write, thi to tg am throughout all this treatic. And Hoſius tn deede * Cont hath thefe wordes towardes p latter cnde of bis fourth ; boke,in bis treatie of bowes, a place not vnmeete there M.Dormans foze.1but .Do2man bath tranflatcd the fame into the. difpofitionof beginning of bis fecond treatic, of the head of the church to re BBE a bea Price, very aptly , 4 doubt not, as be thinketh: but aptly,o2 onaptlp , be cared not where be placed Hoſius bis authours fapiinges,fo be were fure to place the fome where. And thefe notes out of Hofius by H. Dorman tranflatcd (nfo this inipertinent place , etther fog that thep appertaine nothing to the preſent matier, 02 fo2 p thefe docors fav nothings here them felfes, but onelp a. ſhort tale is in their names tolde bp 9. Dorma, haſius bis name, Whole in dede itis, being ſuppꝛeſſed, J might iuſtly paffe ouer in filence, dntil M. Doꝛman do binge in vᷣ faid doctours, {peaking in their olwne wordes: but J Will in the meane time aducrtife the gwd Readers, pᷣ : the docours bere by M.Doꝛmã out of Bolus reberfed, Ad Vir, lapam. a8 . Ambrzoſe, Chzpfollome,¢ Theophilactus, waite as Ad Theodorũ gainit Monkes ¢ Ponnes,fuch as our ecclefiaical mi⸗ Japfum. nifters,thankes be fo Cod, are none. Whe titles of the In.1.Corinth.7. bokes, 4d virginem laplam.ad theodorunlapium, that is, to a Sonne fallen,to Theodoꝛus a Boke falle:fo witte, bp Wwhozedome.(as do our Popithe botaries vſually now) dow declare the perfons ¢ maticrs,that thep do write of, Hofius lib.4. nothinge to appertaine to our miniſterie. Which pour contra Brentii, SUtHO? Hoſius alleagpng thofe docours, onelp again aA Tass Te ) Monkes DORMANS PROVFE. 16 Ponkes and Ponnes, might haue taught por, li pou 4 Balil. de vir- haue fcene anp moze , than the marginall note, whiche ah cea c onely pou caught trunne away twith , toframe thereof. 3. this impertinent patch of vour treatie. € Cyprian. lib.r. as. Ba/il,» s.Hzerome, with al p ret bere by pou named, epilt. 1. Ad Põ- e bifides thi,¢ s.cyprian, d Clemés Alexadrinus,€ e Epiphanius, ponium. : with mary other auncient bolp fathers agreeyng tothe ate — ¢ Scriptures, willinge al perſons without erceptionte;,. c6 p ; gearp P lib.2. cap. 10. marrie, without mariage ca not liue chaſtly in body e Epiphanw lie. minde, would rather haue ſuch as vndiſcreetly had vow⸗ To.i Hæreſ.ot. ed, fo marie.than fo line in ſuch beaſtly abominations, i. Corinih. 7. as) moſt parte of pour popiſh votaries dw. Meither the — ————— aücient fathers onely, but the beſt learned of pour s por ⸗· 244 piſhe doctours of latter time, vnderſtandinge the beak: bere gvri. &c. ip life thaf you leade,be of the fame minde. gPanormitanus And vs. Anguſtine, home pou emongt other ancfent dc lericis cõiu- docours dw here name,voth erpiedy affirme, > the ma- 5° WP a trimonie of ſuche as had bowed, is true mariage: that acneas Syluius thofe who diuorſe fuch(as vſuallp now pou papiſtes OM) poft pius.29, imb.li.t. do offend greeuouilp. And pour authourt Wofiuscbfef Platina. Fa- — ſeth with, efira,tt ts ſo,o S. Augulline fo faith: Wher⸗ —— eh foxe though pou neuer loked in S. Auguſtine, pet Vs "oo" sr.7, ‘wight pour Hoſius haue taught pou, not thus at once .& ex Gratia- siph. cõ- both to belie S.Auguſtine, in fapinge that he called tt no dit. 27. cap, a Moran. not mariage, where he Doth call it mariage : and alfo fo Quida nubétes, ref. 48- call him the Deuilles minitter,foz ſo callinge it:fo2 vou! Hoſus lib. 4, ? ‘ fav they be the Deutlles mintters,that fo call it. eae ne : Sed Auguſt. ais, riginesin & Furt her p dodours here bp you named, With a great pihilomin® has rba Pauli nũbꝛe mo bifides, declaring sf large in their workes, pᷣ eſſe ouptias cõ- = gs PP ſe vowes ought tobe made aduiſedlp, diſcreetly, freely, cõ⸗ teditsnec a ma- *>2°- tantly, without all woꝛidiy reſpec:vpon onciv loue of "Patri x· ortet f2- ores,quafi adul- re, Hallitte, e zeale to lerue God moꝛe purely and quictlys 2.35 permittics C 2 (f02 Eſt ita.&c. Ecclefi.¢. Math.14, 2.7. ao A REPROVFE OF M, (fo2 other vowes thep allow none) do plainely giue bs fo vnderſtande that pour popithe bowes , wherunto bp fozce, and fraude, by pꝛomeſſe of woꝛldly retwarde , ¢ lis uinge, yonge men,and maidens, pe botes and gitles als mol, bcide of all diſcretion and confEancte, haue bene either compelled, o2 intifed, are in deede no bowes, . (though vou falfelp ſo terme them)but bolte halters,and finnefuil Mares , wherein your craftie Komiſhe fores haue intangled ſuch vnſkilful pouth. And that likewile fuch, as beinge of greater age , but of (mall difcretion, and leffe bonettic and vertue, haue taken bpa them the faite vowes, vpon hope of worldly rewarde, and pleas feunt idle life, rather then bpd any seale to ferue God in puritte and cleannefle, (tobich bp their impure and vn⸗ cleane life they dm plainly declare fo the whole woꝛlde) the fame doctours Jſay, do giue bs fo bnderlade, that fuch, how fo eucr pou cloke the matter, dm not in dade _ make anp vowes to be rendered to Cod , but folifh and faithleſſe peomiffes, difpleafaunt fo Cod, and moſt cons trary to the ancient dDodours mindes : and therefore ne. moze fo be perfozmed, than was Heroddes wicked pros miſſe made fo Herodias daughter , as beige no leſſe caufes of all filthines, than twas bis paomifecaufe of moſte crucll murther, but are fo be bzoken , as difpleaz faunt to Cod, and made againg all the ancient doaours. mindes , rather than by any fentence of theirs to be mainteined. WWiberefoze cealle fo alleage the ſeuere fapinges of thofe auncient Dcaours , for the matntes naunce of pour popiſhe, foliſh, and fatthles pꝛomiſſes, whoſe wholeſome counrelles tn the making therof, pou woulde neuer folotwe,but haue eucr refuled , and difpte fed the fame, Duche moze fondlp do poualleage their fapinges: DORMANS PROVFE pase” ſaiynges agatnt our Cleargie of England, who neuer made any vowe of foole 02 fengle life, ¢ therefore be in Decde no botaries at all. And we vnderſtanding by the perp fame 4 Doctours bp pou bere named ¢ bp & Igna⸗da Ambrofius in tins, ¢ Clemens, > Jrenius, e Clemẽs Alerandzinus, arbi ooh €@regorie Pasiansene, Cpiphanius,and others, with ——— fondate s biffoztes Ceclefialtical, that the holy Apoſtles cpift. Pauli: ad alt faning Paule and Jobn,02 as {ome faye,fautng on⸗ Timoth.& Tit. ly John, bad wiues, and that a great numbee of moſte ———— * godly Biſhops and Partyzs inthe primitive Churche 3. bere phil. likewife tere maried: pea and that moe Withoppes, -gonio. foure bundzeth peeres after Chꝛiſte, in S. Hieromes b Ad Philadel- time, were maried than vnmaried: andthatthe mas Ph. riage of Ccclefiatttcall gintters continued euer in has Tre Eebio- : | Lib. 1.ca.9. nour inthe Churche of Ood fn the olde lawe, and in the siromat..3. Churche of Cheifke tn Greece , from the beginninge to € In oratione fu this date: andin the Churche of Germanie and Eng⸗ nebri patris. lande alfo,a thoufand peeres after our ſauiour Chꝛiſte: ſ Sozom.lib.r. and that therefoze pour ſorced celibate in comparifon to |? * 5 the antiquitte and continuance of the mariage of Ec· ticron ad tlefiafticall minifers, is but anewe invention of Po⸗ Oceanum. piſhe tyrannie: we Flap, confideringe the peemiffes, ' Alber.Crantz® have chofen rather to folowe the doctrine of the holy ib · 4.ca. 43. Scriptures, the doarine and eramples of the holy Apo: —— ſtles, and of all the ſaid holy Biſhoppes and Wartypzs, 4 ia ; of the pꝛimitiue churche of Chzifte, in honeſt and bos Polid.Verg. In nourable Matrimonte, than tobe like vour Popiſh vo⸗ vita regis Edgari taries,in ail abbomination and deteffation of moſt fl- Ee wuea tors thie and damnable life: litle regarding pour bilanous p71 7". teuflinges, as nothing touching our laufull martages, ji. -, S mainteined by Gods woorde, but bewratyng the filthy Samesfmoldering within pour polluted and adultered Cc 3 mpndess, A REPROVFE OFM. From whéce te myndes, out of the whiche thele finkinge ſmokes of —— Abe pour vncleane woordes, moſt mete foꝛ {ache mouthes, ie Papifts dork doo continually breath anv breake out againſt Goddes procede, moſt bonelt ¢honozable odinatce, who in bis time, we D.Hardinghath doubt not, will avenge his, our commen quarel e intu blorcd his tle, bpon bis , ¢our comme aduerlaries and enemies. WHOL ret —J— me Dorman.Folto. 16. — This practiſe l [aie of the Diuell their fathers,do thofe his mi- fuch treaties, as *4(lers moff diligently imitate thofe clawwebackes and Princes para- fol.7.b.10.b. 15. ſues, Whofe fauour when they labour to winne, that vnder the f ha- 159.2.160.b.238 dow therofsthetr here/te may finde the better entreteinement,and to 2 -323+1.347.2.& rhe yoyfoning of the world the freer paſſage, they vſe to them thefe con ede pernicious perſuaſions, that they be here in earth by almighty God saad - placed in his churche,to be the heads cherof , and not membres, tobe fathers and not children,to rule in caxfes of Religion,and not to be ruled,that to them tt belongech in the right of their cro-wne,toap- prone doctrine or to condemne it, to alter at their pleafure the flate of Religion by acdes of parliament , wrthout the confent of their Cleargie , to depofe BifShoppes and put other in their places,in their ſtiles and titles boldely to write them felues gouernours intheir Re- almes in althinges and caufes,as Wel Eccleftaflécal as Temporal:and yet no order al this while broken, bicaufe forfoth they be fuch as they beare them inhand they are, that is to faye, the heades , the rulers, the shepherdes, the fathers,maifters and guides in Religion, | ° : rr Nowell. sae ech call _ Coltcecning thefe contumelics of tumgdes , where to the Papittes, With pou bere and els there continually ouerwhelme doo fhove what 08 they doo x pꝛoue nothing again vs, butdo declare they be who do the malice of vour, anb fe owes hartes, out of the abun⸗ Pe rte ee toberofthev proceade : we thinke it no marueill ata * wyhen the maiſter of the houſholde twas called Beelze⸗ fpoken. bub, that te bis pooze fernauntes are thus mifnamed, and tee DORMANS PROVFE: i2 and reuiled: nap we take it fo found to our praiſe,to be confozined to him inthis part of repzoches, ſuſteined af their bandes, who are the berp fucceffours and childzen of the ſſaunderers of our Saviour. Wut to the matter, twe fap., Doman here maketh bs to ſpeake as pleafeth him, and there be can not cz M.Dorman frag peoue p whiche we fap, be maketh vs to fap that tobich meth our fay- be map repzoue. For thar Princes be heades of Churche and not 8° *s pleafeth member s,that Princes may by no meanes be ruled in caufes of Reli- gionsthat they by the right of their crowne may approve or condéne dottrine,and alter at their pleafure the flate of Religion, &c. We M. Dozmans ſaiyngs and not curs:fo2 tf thep be ours, let him thowe where ¢ when we baue fo faid,o2 trite, Suche kinde of phaafes be proper to p Papiſtes onelp, Who doo make fo of their ope ¢ attribute all this,and much moze to bim: it is WH. Doꝛmans pꝛeſent propofte fion note in hand,char the rope is the head of Chrifles vniuerſal Churche here in earth, of which office as befoze be bath -p207 Dorman fupra mifed to proue,that no lay man, omã nor childe,can be capable. fol.tss a. (fo2 thus be (peaketh) fo is be bere not aſhamed mote bntrulp ta charge bs, as though we bad affirmed, that a prince fo might be. But we ever graunted p our Chat- flian ptnces.thougs they be the chiefe perfons and gos uernours in the particuler Churches of their stone do⸗ Chriftiz Princes minions , be vet both the ſelues ¢thefr particuler chur: childré and me- ches alfo,chilozen and members of Chriſtes pniuerfall bets of Chriftes church:toberof as be faith motte ontruly , p their Pope hurche. inearthisthebead,tnomembcr, fogethbetotherbis | felowes teach, vᷣ their fatd pope muſt rule in all caufes eta Hierar, of Religion, ¢ by no meanes may be ruled, that noman ys. 3. map gainelap bis determinations, but are of neceſſitie Apolog. fol. zc23 bonnd to obep the without anp grudges inquiſit õ og crs 304. i aminatiõ atal,p (t apperteincth to him tn p right of bis | Romaine ope * antiga OF ARE AR trine, and ocrine, at 02 neue aE “tise app2oue tate of bat be c tein, e, to the foz t ft cer chat iter 8.8 mo e his aine ————— cMeth, are thate in Rom fure crip let d of Ha tog fi bS, s the t fa cd 3 expo m ape an 15 cree gt bis er who alw ped th cea the B Fol. 85 rte, fallible r eto be moze thozitie p pope Sarum. Sixti.2. and in tis M02 that be Is h all au of their 8 of © Epiſt. rarch. emen lde: be bat aching pope f igh-hie ludg le wor that us fe make pe ery a clecs tbe wie the — Falfelp th e wouide chiefe me — 2— ftate. ¢ h. a ug St ur i⸗ — doo as es, who lo them ſubiea by it m ople A cial Paap he — ——————— once Extra Io inter. gry er tang € mort {ties: a0 bea kee the 7 Cum eeu be bu infirnt heyd ma € Cap. Et de w to ine lie t ither ope, in tats. lepaed, uma ntru ld,et ep e — any —— be —J— dently ap hat of Pꝛ to them e claim geuing wn in glo — ande,t ibuting be yop es, byg their o 1b tte st op in e — roo gu eames bo Beipiatid oth — doo en sone — uni opithe € Ta neithe oo take ally ou ir Raga ppt p tnions. nd that inces d gener ch of the .Apol. bom besa UP ther hurc za⸗ —* BE —* sa ibe eine ouer ita — tvve se pain the p; rticu e au diy P: d ta bou pop 02 pa elpth nd go ꝛoue or ke Princes - fuche burch, 3 but on is cus a che 5 p inely ‘make or petie hole C intds, 3 It vertu Chur fte pla 03 —— i ——— * orp hohe he pope — ow and eram fhe, and C this pꝛo wer of t nt of the g Chri ow take ic, Fthe Jui fhallin rped po nconfe arlia⸗ don ne ho Sem, e vſu mmo dinp es no bot fot bth by co big 5 them Ms bn ug 0, bp em —— eat. Fo —— Ne thant rin- appe Church 3 of the * bothe of t i- ince an ks ea * Be Bea ment 2 DORMANS PROVFE 13 ment, beremoned ; though the Scriptures, praters and fernice of Cod, in our natiue language to all our coun trep men knowwen , with certaine other gonlp thinges, belongitige to diuine ferutce , by the ſaide falſe vſurper the Pope, and his prelates. before vniuſtly remoued and taken alway from the people of God itt our countrey, be reſtored and eſtabliſhed by the fame comon authoꝛitie: Vet istherefoze neither any true doctrine condemned, No true do- neither any fate of Religion , in Woddes and our Sa- ctrine, norgood uiour Chritkes woꝛrde and Lawe taught 5 02 fet forth, —* — Renee altered o2 chaunged, but rather are all thefe thinges bY 56 c 2 ; Nowtell -A REPROVEFE OF M | | | Nowell. | a D.Harding obs ou haue hitherto ſhewed no godthinge, that we icéteth the ame haue called euill:no darknes,that toc haue called light: vnto vsinfon- neither contrarywiſe. Dnelp pou haue made euell and * apy "fo, lalſe reportes of Chꝛiſtian Princes, and vs:and woulde na, tab as. a, Bane the umple people to beléeue that pour euel fayings Xe. areours. Wut in deede who fo euer knoweth pour ſay⸗ , inges and dDoinges, map Well beléue that the Prophete here fpeaketh directly of pou. Foꝛ fouchinge euen that matter of the mariage of Eccleſiaſticall miniſters, fo fclaunderoullp a litle befo2e by pou rentled, who ſo euer beareth the worde of God , teachinge euerp man ¢ wo· man (fo2 the auoydinge offoznicationasa great euill/ to marie: and that fo marie fs befter then fo burne: and that mariage is not onelp good and hone; but al- fo honozable emongf al men without erception.¢ that Gor will condemne whoremongers and adulterers; pn the contrary part.feeth 02 heareth how manyſpopiſh Pꝛieſtes haue continucd,¢€ do continue in forntcat ions. adulterie, and otber not fo be named vncleanneſſe, ras ther then they twill marie, as though mariage were gteater euil then (uch vncleanneſſe, whe fo euer, Jſay, will confider this, map knowe who they be,that dw call god euill, t euill gad. And pou not content therewith,. vo with all repzoches and bilanie of contumelies ouer⸗ whelme (uch of the Cleargic,as hauinge not the gilt of teadinge a fole life in frue chattitie of minde and bow die, and fearinge Goddes deeadfull theeatninges der nounced, not onelp to ſuche as liue in whooredome and filthfe life, but alfo te ſuche as doo burne with vnlawlull defires and luſtes, and therefoze ſearinge moze Oaddes wath, than mans coꝛrupt tudgement: DORMANS PROVEE, iy - and vniuſte fclaunders , boo marie , as Mod osthe in ‘dis holy wooꝛde not onely permitte, but in ſuche cafe alfo,doth willand commaunde them,and all men and women fo dos. : | Agatne wholoener confidereth boty od forbiodeth Exod.20, Now all Idols, Images, Stmilitudes, and likenciles of anp /4¢75 Non thing what fo eubt whiche are the workes of mennes ! ea oe bandes,and haue eiesand fe not,bandesandfelenot, _ fete and goo not,ec. (for bp all thefe namesand citcite , Terms 534 fances,vooth the Scripture terme them, erceptinge i, como ia qua none,) to be placed in bis temple , 02 to be woꝛſhip/ inuocarum eft ped; calling them not onelp eutllbut the beginninge comen mei, ve and ende of all cull, abbomtnable , defiltng of Coddes Pollucrenteam, bolp boufe,the fentation sf mens foules, the tnares of PoP = Se fimple mens fete: and withall readeth the hoarible ches cora,&c. theeatninges of God: toall ſuche as doo make , € woꝛ⸗ Sap.14.d.27.%e, fhippe (ath Fools, Images, Similitudes, oꝛ likeneffes, Deur.4. drs. boingeutll before the Lorde, asfateth the Scriptures, Si decepti fece- Andon the contrary part hath feene Images , Stilts Vs Vers 2 fubes.and likeneffes of men, and women, ( wbicbe 19 dincm pacrsce doubt are thinges in beaue aboue, in the earth beneath, malum coram 02 in the water bnder p earth, wozkesof mens handes, Dño Deo veſtro hauing epes and {é@ not, bandes and feele not)placed bp —72— ad iracũ Popitch Pꝛieſtes in the temple ol God, as goodthings, at; w! oꝛ oꝛnamentes of the Loꝛdes boule, and the light of the ti & terri * blynde, and named Idiottes, oꝛ laie mens bookes: who vos ꝑituros eſſe them ſelues haue worſhipped them, and cauſed others de terra,&c. to iwozthip them, with febing ofthemby pylgrimage, isu f:victis with imeling ¢creping: to them; with bidinge of their feete with giltes and oblations, and with perfrminge fir ign & lap} of incenſe/as with burnt facrifice: and baue by the ſaid di qui non vides. Amages,and ſuche wozſhipping of * robbed * &c. 3: peop A REPROVFE OF M “ peopleboth of all godlines and of their gould fo, and gete fo them felues thereby tirfinite thoufandes. And asthe Scriptures tefkific,that fuche Pꝛinces as bate _ palled downe fuch Images , haue doone that wiche is good (nthe fight of the Lorde, and that thofe Princes wbliche fet them vp, and worſhtpped them, haue doone euill in the fight of the Lorde: So doo our Papiſtes cleane contrary calling them that fet bp fuch Images, garniſhe and decke them, honour and woorſhip them, good and catholike men, and ſuche as do pull them Downe, 02 will net wo2hip them/, thep call loulardes and heretiques. @bo fo eucr,Z Cap; will confider thele _ thinges on both partes, andtnfintte ether like thinges, : in the Popihe Churthe moſte bfuall, and beareth MH. - Dozmancrie out: thelebe they good Readers , that as the rae : Gi ns. Tala phet faith, call good enill, and euill good exc. woulde be not pedib? meis ver. toinke/ that He direalp potted out, and defcribep the bum tuum.&c. Popiſhe Dinagoge z foz it ts enough by thele tiwoo exe Pracepridailu> amples,to geue the Reader a taſte of alotber thetritke cidi illuminaos wzong eſteming ang mifnaming of thinges. Further } —— mz. Weboſoeuer readeth in the boly Scriptures, that the culara & céuer- wooꝛde of God is a lanterne,and light to our feete,;and tés animas. &c, ſteppes: that bis commaundement and laweis clear, Sapiétid_preftas lightentng the efes,pure couerting més foules,geuing paruuliss wildome to the litle € fimple ones: and findeth that foz ba 33 ehefe cauſes out faufour Jeſus Chꝛiſt, erbozteth men to oft. & lex inx. * fearche the Scriptures, fhotwing the ignoraunce of the Iohn.-s.f. 39. Scriptures to be the canfes of errours. And on the cone Scrutaminifcri- trarp part doot} heare and fee what the Pope and bis ae Pꝛelates fay, and doo ; botwe thep teacbe that the fears sth.22.6.29+ ching and knowlengeof the Scriptures, are the caules Exratis nefcien- tes Gripturag OF evrours.¢ ignozacesthe mother of — 9— DORMANS. PROVES. 16 tive the light of Gods word, from the efes of p fimples to whome it Mould Hine, bnder the buſhel of a ſtrauge language: bow thep burne that light of Gods worde, Palm.ns. Mining to the fimple tn p bgightnes of a knowen tage, !uninaos ocu- in a light fire: and by al thzeatninges ¢ terrours,feare °° — um the people of God, bound to kepe the twotlof God, from paruauas. the reading of the warde of God, and from knowing of bis latwe,conucrtiing thetr fonies, and bnderftandinge of bis will in bis woꝛde conteined, as though ft did not conuert, but pervert mens joules :not fuffering them(onittl neato of late time, that p Papiſtes were foz verv ſhame there to compelicd)as much as Co baue the articles of thechri- fian faith, the tenne comanndemets,¢ the logdes pater, in their knotwen mother tongue , notto kuowe howeto beleue, how to liue, bow to peap:butcopelling chriſtiãs like Popentapes,to pzonunce wordes not vnderſtãded, and ſo by afking they tote. not what, tobe giltp thers Mach:5.b.137 foze befoz¢ the Roꝛd. Againe whoſoeuer reaveth in the Vos eſtis lux {criptures, that mẽ of the Cleargte are catled the light ™=>d- of the world, fox that thep Moulo bppzeaching of Gods ine A. — word, vᷣ true light,conuctt the world fra the darkenes a ae" ig of the ignozaunce of God, to. the light of the knowledge aa. is. Vrcone of him, efeth aur popity Clergie,not. contéted to with/ vertantur· a te⸗ draw the light sf the feriptures from p people, to with⸗ nebris ad fue: daly alfo the light of their peraching,z.to become blind guides, ¢lead-the blind info the ditch of ignorance e ers rour firl,¢ of damnation. afterivard,. And fo, where as pur Saulo; Chzikk. faith,at } is made manifel ts light, Feb. 5: Omne: thefe me Hot foffcing * woꝛrd of God, neither any thing Lea ment els.to be maniteit, would kepe al on pee the leiues to bate the light, as eull doers fearing. —— bp thelightto be made mane , ng: A REPROVFE OF M. and thus not teaching them ſelues, neither notes the eyes of the blinde, neither ſuffering the people to fee the light with their owne eyes; thep baue fet bp blinve | Images that can fee nothing the felues, (it map feeme in verp mockage of vᷣ pooꝛe blinde people) to geue fight fo otbers,that can fee fometbing: and lame Images that can not go one fote, to leadee guide otbers , that can go fn the wape-of ltfe, as they fap,fo2 thep cal them Late més bobkes(as J (ald) that is to fap, their teachers . and inſtructers. Mhoſoeuer Flap wel conſidereth thefe thinges, and infinite mo like, and beareth M. Doꝛman crie, thefe be they that call tight darkeneſſe, woulde be not thinke % fape , that- be appoincted moſte direcly; and painted out moſte linelp, the Popiſhe Spnagoge 2 And Collof:.b.5. haue we nof good occaſton, vea, mok iuſt caufe,fo geue Gratias agentes hartie thankes to Ood, the father of lightes, and to fet Deo oe * forth bis excellent goodnes, tubo bath called bs from rencbrara.éce, the power of this Bopithe deutlithe darkenes, vnte the &,1.Pet.2.b.9.- ee light of bis glorious Neat poe waghy Vr virtutes ang OL LaT Osta adj tiemus cigs qui if) 0 2 as Dorman. Fol, 7. — a be they that as their tdol of Genena (in * —— a Calui. l sabile tumé fai. —— anf Wet £6 about to seme repo tii tn God. » Int, ca. ant Nowell: Pid dlgtl ac * Caluine, whome ir plealeth 8. — to . . tall our Idollbut 9. Dsꝛman him felfe faith fo of bs. ' 7yoꝛ though Calnine was by miſrepoꝛt abuſed (as thal herealter plainely appeare) pet in deede tue doo attri⸗ bute no moze to Chetan Princes, than bedooth: net⸗ ther'gane be any tette to them than we doo’, as hereate ter,toliere @. Doꝛman fs th hande with — J 03 thr — DORMANS PROYFE. 82 thaife againe, hall manifeſtly be declared, naw {s a falfe (claunder,that tue go about to make Pꝛinces to De eledt.& elec. fuftle tuith God. They be the pPapittes > that makethe poteftate.cap, : pope to fultle with God, terming him thelr Loꝛde and Sigaificafti. Bod the Wope,, atfreming bim to be moze than a man, pape 0m : that be can not erre,aduouching that bebathal power jc4. that Chriſt hath. Dhat bis will ſtandeth fozreafoni- p< Maior.& o- Chele be thofe clawbackes, and Popiſhe Paraſites, bediẽtia. ca. voi that fet their Pope not onely aboue all the Churche, —— in glofa. but alſo auaunce him agatntt all that is called Goo, as © —— = ea was before fo2fhotved, that Anttchstt a —* auan⸗ —— a ras ged inaguified. . Dorman. ¥ol. 1. * Findlhy thefe avethofelorwofie brokers , that Indi as it were bythe hand, their good and-vertuous Princes, after this ſweete poy- foned bait,from the moft pleafaunt and fertilevaleis of bumtlitieto the top of the high barven,and craggy mountaines of prideand ar- rogancte,/ howing them chen they hane them there the viches and ornamenites ‘of the Churche,the landes and renenues thereof (by good and vertuous Princes their predeteffours and aunceftours , long time ecaufeof Fe/ore for this enrent efpecially thereto g iuen, that the Minifters of dowinge Chriffes moffe boty woorde and bleffed Sacramentes , beinge by ha- ¢ Church wing of their o wne, delinered from that comberous care of proue- th lides, ‘fon for them ſeluer, that afier-warde the holy chofte who “tsas the —— almoife ,and flitred from time to tinæ, the dewo. | Hon of goed men thereto,forfarwe through the decaie of pietic, and coldeneffe of charitie to wardes the latter ende of the worlde, they were likely to fall into: might thereby the more quietly folovce “theirrvocation:,) promife of all the ſame to make them the Lordes and msilters\ if they wili doo them homage, ani fall dortne and wor- [hip them that is toſaie, barken to thers dogtvine. fbmitte’ them » and praunte ir within their Realmes and: domi. E nions, — A REPROVFE OF M owl —5— vid J vy Nowell. 33*8 it bath pleateo $.Dopman, to prions fastens ‘the moft honoꝛable perfons of our Pꝛinces and Soue⸗ raignes, as to lead them by the band. be might, bad it fo pleaſed him , fo2 that time at the leatt , baue geuen bs an other moze honeſt title and name , than Loufie bꝛo⸗ gers; fo2 thep fhould be ſomewhat moze cleanly; that chould be placed fo neere fo bigh, and honourable Prin⸗ ces, by anp officer. in Court , vnleſſe (t were 9. Doze man. Andconcerning the matter: They be not. the pleafaunt and fertile bales of humilitie, that M.Doꝛ⸗ man doth {peake of , but the bimme dales, o2 rather dennes and dongcons of bondage’ and flauerte ,in the whiche thep would keepe all Chriſtian peincesthzall, vnder theit Pope and Popiſhe Cleargie , to be lead by the nofes, tobiche wape thall pleafe them. Dtbherwwife,. wo haue bene motte earned at all times to adinoniche Peintes of their dutie, and that thep ſhould humble the Aelues before the Maieſtie of God, with farre moze dili⸗ gence than ever were the popith preachers, Jam fure,. Further, all men be not of @.Dormans minde, but. thinke rather that the exceſſiue riches and pocſeſſions, Apecially domintons, pꝛincedoms, and kingdoms, giuen ‘Venenum iofu· go the Cleargie, as porſon poured into the Church, haue fam in Ecclelis- bon the caufe why thep haue left the dutie of preaching, and right minitterte of the Sacramẽtes, and geuen the- felues to inogloly cares.and couctoufnes,and to all tige toufires pꝛide, pompe,logdlines,and mundane vanitie. TWhiche horrible abuſes of the Popiſh Cleargie, pꝛouo⸗ king Gods. and mans iuſt indignation, haue beene the cauſes of (uch their decay, as M. Doꝛman tea 74 | c f ane: DORMANS PROVEE, - 18 — pf and not we: who,as it (6 well knowen, haue not af anp time, encouraged Princes to conuerte the gmds of the Charche to their pztuate gatne , bat to publique. Godip vle: as erection of (choles, entarging of the vni⸗ ueriities, maintetning of learning, foundinge of hoſpt⸗ talles;and releening of the pooze. Mherfoee 1. Dor⸗ man dott: attribute ail this fo bs vntruly and malici+ oully. be might iuſtiv baue applted thts alluſion of ithe Deuils offre,to his Wope,¢ popih prelates: whom the Deuill hath led From the bale of ‘humulttiecef Eccleſia⸗ ficall mintiers,bntothe craggie toppes of pꝛoude po⸗ pithe Rome, and from thence hath ſhe wed them the rve ches;dominias, pompe, and glozie of this wozlo, which. thep(foxlaking their miniſterie) haue folowed, and cate ched with toothe enaple. Foz fare tt ts), that the Pope. received not all bis woꝛldiy pompe, riches , and domts nions ofour Sautour Chꝛiſte who refuſed the likes bp the Deutll buto him offered, denied bis ktugdome to be. ofthis wo2zlde,and fozbade his true diſciples the poſſeſ⸗ ſion vf fuche riches;and wozldlp Dominios, asthe Pope twholp claimeth as bis right, andin part haththefame in poſſeſſion. Wiberefoze be might herein moꝛze tuſtly brag to be his Wicar bere tn earth , who offered to fuch,: as would worſhip him, all thefetbhinges : the Utcar of the Deuill, 3 fap, rather than the Wicar of Chatte, who offered them fo none’, fozbad them bis true diſciples. De Maj Arid FJ maruetle much that 9.Dozman confetleth that.) ... the poptthe Cleargte haue hadall thetrliuinges geuen poagam. them bp the liberalitte of Pꝛinces:foꝛ he (carp agreeth Scxt. Decrer.li.s beretn with other Papiſtes, whoeteacherh atthe Pope ti t.9.€2. Pericu~ ts. the Aoꝛd of althe wozld, ¢that neither Conftantine yo ech 7 she gteat, nop Phocas, nop oe — i ome See D.Hard, Confut. Apolo. fol. 37. a. A REPROVPE OF M tilnis the Counteſſe, gaue the Pope any thinge,but rer ſtored him part of p wbole, whith of right was wholp: bis ownesno doubte, as deliucred hint bp the Prince of this worlde, who claymeth it as his owne, and made offer thereof to fuch,as would jwoozthippe him. WMher⸗ foze 2. Dogan might have doone moze difcretely to bane aduouched, that the Popiſh Cleargie had alltheir Hiuelebode of thefr Lord ¢ God the Pope, whole isithe fworlde,and all that therein ts, asthe Dentis heire apparaunt. Foꝛ by this bis ſaivng; chat the riches and re.’ uenues of the Churehyyoere by vrinces geuen to it, be map leme: fo baue bzoken wide open that wyndoe ( with the ope⸗ ning tobercof,be falfely chargeth vs) vnto Pꝛinces to take againetbat, whiche fs confetfed to haut beene by them geuen:ſpectally, ſeing the intent and vſe, where⸗ foze it was geuen; is not perfourmed on the Papiſtes partes, but the ſame tiberalitie of Pꝛinces, ts moſt illi⸗ beralty and fhamefulip by them abuſed: whlche bath: beene the decaie of all pletiein the Romie Cleargte,: ands the caufe; inby men bane iudged it more mete to: take patt frontthem ,. rather tha to geue the moze, Ste: rely 9p.Dozman , pour diuinitie matiers haue ſtrizen the remebzannce of pour Canon lawe out cf your — * when you did wꝛite after this —* at iN ‘perenen Fobir yn bu OF ‘And thas thie is true good Readers’, that ele haue * * mefilly abuſed and decerued their Princes, and not fusmifed or ima- + gined by me to bring them into hamẽd, whom Cod 1 take to record,T: * pitie much and hate nothing: \ hope by his afifaceruho is the giver of all good thingess ſo plainely to prokeszhat you syour felues’f halk — lect ttt them any. fparcle of grat) DORMANS PROVFE fea be hable to denie it . The whiche Anme⸗ »1 [hall truely bringe foorth, as it were into the fascof th the open courte , all fuche euidence of importance , as either parte ‘thy to alleage for them felfe :fo truely Liruſte, that the conncell of the other fide {hall haue no cauſe to complaine , that either 1 haue fuppreffed and concealed , their neceſſarie proufes one “waie or obfcured their — bringinge of them — she other. — Vou mav knolwe the diſciple of a pitifull Mater, by bis berp Kile. is matter D, bardinge {peaketh thus: ye are accufed of your fathers , of your bretherne, of Confuts Apol. your mother, who loue you mofte tenderly, and with vnfpeake- f0l.37.2 able griefe of harte bemone your caſe. Thus muche D. Bare dinge. M. Doꝛmans woꝛrdes are : This is not imagined by me to bringe them into hatred wlome God 1 take to recorde , 1 pitie muche and hate nothinge. hus faithe the ſcholer. And is one egge moze like fo an other, than are the {peaches of the fcholer andthe matfler. « And thefe pitifull men, € boide of all hatred, are of that. forte, who of loue coula not onely (as did the in Werence,) thut bs ont of the dores of our countrev, but alfo of pure pitie and tendze loue, would roft as many of bs as thep map get, quicke at aftake , ag becometh. the chilozen of ſo tenderly los uinge a Stepmother, asis the Romithe Churche: but bicaufe thep are not bable nowe foto qucr seache bs, thankes be to God,and our gracious Soucraigne there foze, pet doth as ivell the maiſter as the ſcholer, as all the chilozen of that mother,that whiche thep map, at e uery light oscaGon,thet do in their bokes duerwhelme Sa itaal railinges, — fpttefull ordes: na 3.Reg.22. 2. Paral. 18. A REP ROVFE OFM. no doubt of the aboundance of their pittfall ¢ chavitar ble heart tolwardes vs. Foꝛ who mav doubte thereof tir M. Dorman. feing he taketh God to recozde therein-pet J would wifhe he ſhould remembre that the Lozde will not holve him guiltletfe that taketh his name in vaine. He doeth with as god confidence truſt that he will bp” Goddes helpe goe theough with his lies,as be doth with god confcience cal God to recozde of bis pitie towardes bs: be map tn Dede rather put bistro inthe aide of that lpinge {pivite menctoned in the bake of ihinges € Chronicles, whiche hath fo2 this greate while inſpi⸗ Ero fpirit? mé- ped the fongues and guided the pennies of ſuche Papi⸗ dat in ore oĩm frog motte pithely,and effeauonld,to the deceiuinge of prophetarum ous, &c. fuche as do delight in lies . That be will bringe all euidente of importaunce that both partes haue,into the face of open Courter he will deale ſo truely that none (hall have caufé to complaine, and proue all thiages fo plainely tothe ce. Pou map belé&ue hint by that erpertentce v vou haue alreadie bad of hint bpport like promiſſe. 3f02 3 ature pon, pou fhall finde him ne chaungeling, but thalat the eve fe molt enidently, that as be hath begunne in bis format treatie,of the necettt te of onc bead of the Churche , therein are as many lics as there be lynes , fo till he continue conttante fe the ende in bringyng fozth whole loades of leude lies,¢ fonde fables into the open face of the Courte ; without any fuppzeftinge, concetlinge,oz obfcuringe of them at al. And hitherto, gad Keader, Jpray thee remebee that #9). Dozman from the beginninge bath proued nothing, neither platnelp nor darkly, though he haue laide many thinges very plainely. As thar wve haue broken all, 1 good or | alre, made the'Delphine to plov'e , the Oxe ro fWinime st the Weal, 4 feete — : thar We hane kesh idle names DORMANS PROVFE. 20 names of vertues:that we Well have Princes by no meanes tobe ru- led in matiers of Religion:that "we teach that Princes in the right of sheir crowne may at thetr pleasure condemne doélrine,andalter - the ſtate of Religion : that we call good euill, and euill good: lighe darkenes, and darkenes light: that we make Princes to uſtle “with God sthat we make a {horwe of the Riches and revenues of the churche to Princes , promifinge to make them Lordes thereof ; bf they. "will fall downe and -woorfhippe vs. Alb this, and muche moze, hath be alreadie fatde,in fo fhoate a ſpace, and adourned bis {aide ſaiynges with all vile repzoch- phge ef bs. But be bath onelp fo fatde, and of all thefe ~~ fapinges,bath be pꝛoued nothinge but onelp bp faping: Wwhiche euidence, Jtrult the Courte wil not allowe, as god and latofull , o2 of any impoztaunce., {pecially fee, inge J haue proued truely and at large declared, that al thefe bis ſayinges, are falfe fables , letwde lies , and Mamelull ſclaunders: and that the ope and bis Pa⸗ “piltes them felfes bane accomplityed,all thefe dtfog- doug 5 dled, thele clokinges ; ; fo bfurped vppon Chꝛriſtes Churche, € Chrilkian Princes: fo miſnamed god and thtes the termes of enill anddarkenes , fo. iuitleo ‘with God , fo. fallen downe befoze the Deuill Heiw- ynge and offerings hem the Riches of the worlde: ſo wBoꝛthipp nge bis offer, Ail which bpp, Doaman in jumape attributed to. edin A NA ETE to 9 1 ot ~ 37 od i+. es —_ Wie FIER ES oA Sila 35° Cs Prt ote sh. ERs ra Pee £5 i 2 28G “3 * 2 —— ⁊ 1 J ei — — — sds A REPROVFE OF M. Shall not be amiſſo becauſe tobe chiefe gouernour in thinges and caujes ecclefiafticall,is nothinge elles but ta bane the fupreme iurif- diction thereto belonginge) to examine firfte, in-what pointtes that con/ifteththat foby conferringe our eutdence with the fame, Wwhe- ther it agree With euery parte , Withnone, With fome , and with which: we may at the lengthby good feanting come to the knoe ledge of euery mans o wne. 7 ‘Wartfdiction therefore ecclefiapticall , confifteth ofpeciall in Ecclefiatt thyee pointtes:in aultoritie totadge ouer doétrine whiche is found call iuriſĩ and whiche is other , in the porwer of the Reyes , that is to fay, as 05 wh our fauiour him felfe hath expounded i it in loofinge and bindinge, —— excommuuicatinge and abſoluinge, in makinge rules and lawe⸗ for. th, P the gouernement of the Charche, and tn the mintfiery mn the = — the sacramentes . Nowell. It ien bp this eutdente, file feanninges 8 and handlinge, of the matter, and ſpectally by that earnelt cfe te the (fue, as becometh an vy peight Judge, that @. Doꝛrman bath beene bocking or — in lome fuites of the law and walted ſome time therin. And that bow fo ener be bath trifled hitherto, he twill now haue (as be faitbe) an eve to the iſſue; and fall earnettly to his ma⸗ ter. Wut tobere Dorman had rather hfe the terme of Juriſdiction, than gouernaunce of the Churche, efatth, to be chiefe gouerneur fs nothing elles, but to bane fa- preme Juriſdiction:it femeth to me that be erpoundeth a plaine tomade € maffer by a darker , and that of fome ged purpofe , pee map be Cure. We can well houlde our felfes content toith the termes 02 names, of tare and gouernaunce in the Church and canfes Eccle call, as bathe plaine endtigh, and neerer to that tile, DORMANS PROVEE, 21 which Chriſtian Pzinces do bp right vſe And J do con⸗ feſſe Jhaue bere fir learned p the mintierp of the Das - cramentes,¢ preaching of p woꝛde of God, is called Jue rifdicion : bplike what fo euer perteineth foanp mans office 02 ductic, is with H. Doman bis Jurifdiction:as feeding of p ſheepe, is the Juriſdictiõ of the Heapherde. Againe me thinke p here be moe poindes of Juriſdictiõ than thee, elles bath either .Dozman,o2 bis printer, poincted amitlesercepte,makinge of rules, and lawes, for the gouernment of the Churche,¢ the minifrerie of the Woorde and sa- cramétes,be altogether but one parte, fo ſo it is poincted, €pet one woulde thinke Chem diuers poinces: elles be meaneth,) the making of rules for the gouernmét of the church, is a parte of binding and loofinge, though tt be not fo poinc⸗ fed. dnd fo be hath enlarged p parte, to moze than retefs ning 02 remitting of finnes, as our Sauiour him felfe erpounded if. ut 7 thinke it of nature neretk to that poincte, which it ſtandeth kurt heſt fra:3 meane the fir, of authoritie to iudgeouer doctrine, wel, tt is fo placed, that it map bea parte of whiche poince ve twill,oz elles it maz keth no matier , tobetber it be any poincte o2 parte at all,oz no:fo2 though it baue an incerfaine place bere tn .Dozmans diuifion , pet in the peacefle of his treatte folowing, it hath no place at al,but is patted over with great filence , no mention at all bepnge made thereof, An other mater there ts in this diſtribution, that ff all Eccleſiaſticall Juriſdicion do ſtande tn theſe potnaes, than al that haue al theſe poinctes, are the heades of the Churche : but all Withoppes haue full authozitie in all thefe potnaes, (as thall in the fequele appeare, it till fallout therefore , that there be ſo many heades ‘n the Churche,as there be Withoppes. And fo 9. Dozman oo not t herebr gaine fo muche, foz the Juriſdiction of F Withoppes, A REPROVFE OF M~ Bichoppes, as Eccleſiaſtical perfons, again Ch2ittian princes, as Lay perfons;but he thall lofe a great deale moze of bis one onelp bead , fo neceflarp in. the whole church(as be faith) which is bis firlk ¢ chtefe fundatis of all. And (0 fs it to be feared, lef . Dorman, while in this bis feconde pzopofition, be,tw incõſideratly trauai⸗ leth again Chriſtian princes,d0, bp to blunt biolece, ouerthꝛow bis iri pꝛopoſitiõ of the neceßitie of one head: € fo wreſtling With Princes bn wares, caſt him ſelf in bis thoiwe, ¢ therewith onerfurnep Pope bis head. And J pap thee, god Keader, conſider of al p %.Do2man thall bring into p face of open Court(as he {aith)in this trea⸗ fie of Juriſdictiõ eccleffattical, tobat one thing there fs, $ may ferue to prove bis peopotitio. that the head of chri- fies Church muft needes be a Prief. Vhat one thinge there ts whiche appertaineth not as well fo all Biſhoppes; as fo the Wiſhoppe of Kome. And fo confequentlp maketh all Wiſhoppes equall with him, which tf if fall ont, 9. Doman had not fo godan epe to bis iſſue, as be fatthe be woulbve haue. Wut tohereas 9. Dozman hath bere made ts a very darke diuiſiõ of Juriſdiction ecclefiakis call, baninge as be faithe thee poinctes, but as tt appea- reth,one moze fs crept in vnwares, andfo tobere thee onelp are appoinded, there are founde foure forth coms ming, two of the which three, oꝛ rather thee ofp which ‘Dormia, fol.20.2 fonre,be by and bp after.fatth be til not trauaile in, bat - will let fhem alone, for that there ts in fhentnacontras uerfie, whereas in deede the moſt controuerſie ts in one of them. Jmeane, aboat che authoritie in makinge rales, and. lawes for the gouernement of the Churche. Mhiche peinas pet with the otber tion poinctes of the power of the keiest AND miniffery of the Woorde and Sacramentes,. 9). Dorman np y2ocelle paſſeth ouer in great Glence, and fo he leaueth to: DORMANS PROVFE. 22 to ds bebinde, as remaininge in controuerfic, onelp the fir poincde of bis Jurifdiaion, whiche ts: the authoritie to iudge ouer dottrine, whiche is founde and whiche is nor . Wut — Whereas knowledge in Codvdes worde, is moſt requts fite in indgeing of dodrine in matters of Keligiõ, with» out the tobici, there is {ure no authozitie to iudge ther- iit, (fo2 blinde men can iudge no colours.)Z do maruaile that .Dozman maketh no mention of knowledge in iudgeing of dodrine, but onelp of authoritic to iudge ouer doctrine. Woulde he at the firſte, beare vs in bande, that a Biſhop, as blinde as abeetell, as ouer many are to be founde euen nere fo the Pope, and hauinge not muche moꝛe learninge almoſt than fome afte , fhould onelp by bis authozitie tudge of the dDocrine of a learned man, bepnge no Biſhop· Surely great learned men of pour Cetſos· five ᷣ Dorman do affirme that in thingesconcerning Poi i faithe,the faving of a meane man, ts fo be preferred bee Significatti. In foze the favinge of the ope ,tf he beinge better reas cdcernentib® fiz fons ouf of the Newe and Dlde Wellament,than doeth dẽ, etiam dicta the Pope: whereby it femeth thep do not gene all to — * at ao authozitie without knowledge, 02 truethe. And if oe 4 pou da meane authozitie with knowledge to fudge 5 Jle moueretur woulde pou had fpoken moze plainely. Wut for that meliorib? ratio- pour diuifion fs berp obfcure, tn the whiche me thinke 1° sou! & ve⸗ Ado fee foure pointes, there you make but thee, and ve Pehamicts, for that pou do geue ouer by and by tive of the thee, * ?* oꝛ rather thee of vour foure , as beinge in no contro⸗ uerſie, where in deede one of them is motte in contros nerfie : and fo2 that the onely firſte poincte remavning, Wwhereuppon you do bende pour whole intent, ts very darke, and doubtfullp poinded, Jcan not bere folow the poindes of pour dfuifion,for that in deede Jdo not like them, But (einge pou haue chofen this place, wherein 7 oe to A REPROVFE OFM, | to make pour diuiſion of the whole, and haue bere fuch an earneſt and narrowe epe tothe ifue, J will bere al- fo, though not folatelike and finely, as pou baue done. pet moze trulie, andas plainelp, as 3 can declare. Fick, how p Church of God vniuerfallv is goucrned, Pert, bow clearely, we deutde the office of Withoppes,, from the office of Chziftian Princes, as diſtinct ¢ divers: offices,¢ by no meanes to be confounded and mingled. Thirdly and lafke, what matters and caufes eccleſi⸗ afticall thev be, wherein We do attribute and geue the chiefe authozitie to Chzifian Princes, and what mar ner of authoritie itis , that we dm geue to them in the: farde caufes,and ouer perfons Eccleſiaſticall. Fir we teache,that Chait the oneiy head ¢ gouer⸗ nour of his tubole Church thzoughout all p worꝛld, hath: — committed € appoincted ᷣ charge of particuler churches. parcelles of the faide whole Church,to cerfaine officers. € goucrnours Onder him bere in carth,bp the according to his holy woꝛde, as bv an expreſſe lawe, to be ruled € gouetned, as moll mete fs p Chriſtes Churche ſhoulde be by Cheitkes law gouerned. Moreouer concerning the fame laine 02 worde of God, ¢ of our Sautonr Chꝛiſte/ Wwe teach, that it is immutable ¢ vnchaungeable ( as ber cometh the law of Cod to be)s that neither pzince, noz. Pꝛieſt, nor any other man, noꝛ al men together have as ny authezitic to alter o2 chaunge any doctrine 02 poincte of Religion , deliucrede appoinced in that lawe bp sur Hautour Chik to be kepte ¢ obferued, thꝛoughout his whole Churche,¢ ineucrp parcell of the fame : but that all perfons within the fatd churche echurches, princes, prietes,¢ al other potentates without ercepttd, of de⸗ gree, eſtate, 02 vocation, do ſtande bounden te the obe- diece of the fame lawe and worde of God: and ought : curry. DORMANS PROYVEE 23 suerp one in their bocation tomantein, none other but that onclp Kelfgton and doarine, whiche ts in the ſayd Lawe by our Santour Chꝛiſt deliuered , ¢ fo2 ever eſta⸗ bitthed, Wiberfoze the falfnes of thefe ſclauderous faps inges of P. Doꝛman, affirming a litle before, that we ſhould teache, shar Prences may in the right of their crowne at Dorm, ſol. is. bis. thetr pleaſure approue or condenme doctrine, and alter the ſtate of Religion, ec. Doth hereby moſte euidently appeare. Hecondip, we evprellp deuide the offices of Chriſtiã and godlp Princes, from the offices of Wifhoppes, and other miniffers of the Churche vnder them , as diſtinct and dtucrs offices. And we dm teache that the offices of preaching of ods iwoogde, of the pronouncinge of pus blique pzaicr in the Churche of Chriſt, the power of the beies,o2 of binding and loofinge, and of miniſtring the holy Sacramentes , are bythe worde of Ood appotns fcd,to be the peculier offices of Wiſhoppes, and of other Ccclefiaticall miniſters: the whiche offtces the fatde Biſhoppes ¢ other mintiters , as the miniersof Goo and bis Churche, mu erequute and fulfill, accozdinge as they are taught, and commaunded bp the fatd lawe⸗ and worde of God, and our Haufour Ch, and ng os therwyſe: whithe fo the ende they map doo the betters. thep are bounden to be moſt ſtudious of the fapde Lawe And worde. And twe feache and pacache 5.cuen in pes ſence of P2tnces , that neither Princes, noz any other perfons,fauing onelp Biſhoppes andother Eccleſiaſti⸗ call minifters bnodcr them, map entermedie with the faid offices and miniffertes Ccclefialicall, fo pecutiars . ip and onelp apperteining to the (aide UBifhoppes , and. other miniffers of the Churche. Andthus we ciearip serattg vnto 9. Dorman thao of the thee poinctes of: F 3. bias ay A REPROVFE QF M. bis iuriſdicion Eccleſaſticall:that (s te ſay, che power of the keies, and the minifferie of the weorde and sacramentes, as to twhich, Chriſtiã Pꝛinces de not, noꝛ ought not to make any mãner of title o2 claime,tobe the mintters therof, ea th the erecution of thefe thtnges , we do graunte, that Prꝛinces muſt gene place to Withoppesjas to thete - faperiouts tn their otone peculfar and particular. offts Hofius.lib.2. fol.71. 72. Sacerdos vel Chrifti capitis, ces, Wherein Princes haue nothing to do: 02 fo fpeake moze properlfe, the Princes muſt geue placeto Goss woorde miniſtred bp the Biſhops, and other minttters Ccclefiakicall,and ought as well as other meane men, to fubmitte them Celues, and bumble to beare the word of God by them preached, reuerentlp to recetue at their handes the bolp Sacrametes,bp them duelp,accogoing to the fame woꝛde of God, miniſtered, and delfuered: patiently to heare their bices by them with the fame woꝛrde of Dod,and bp the authorttie thereof rebuked: ¢ if they dw deferue by contempt again&® the fame, to be alfo exxommunitated, quietly to (uffer the fame, with: out all korce and violence: All (upertozitie in the whiche thinges ts pzoperly appertetninge to Chꝛiſte, whole fwom2de is herein obeied , whoſe holy Sacramtentes are Herein miniſtred, and whoſe Churche ts hereby gouer⸗ ned. Piniſterie fs the Wifhops and Prieſtes, who are thereof alfo called mini fers of Chꝛiſtes Church: which the aduerfartes them felues can not dente, wherefore thep all being fn deede minters of the Churche, one of vel Chrifti cor- them death bfe great pꝛeſumption to clatme to be the peris minifter. bead of all the Churche. Hitherto good Keader, thou matt fee shar we neither force the Oxe to labour in the Sea , nor Dor.fol.ts.b.16, the Delphine to plo we the lande , neither. goo about to chaunge the 6.&.27,2.27. b « course of che Sonne or Mone, neither make the feete the bead ; nor st i the head ; DORMANS PROVEE 24. the head the feete, neither teache that Princes may by no meanes Le ruled in matters of Religion, nor that they may alter at their plea- fare the late of Religion , as ralers.and maifiers in Religion: Nei» ther doo we mingle heauen and. earth, holy and prophane thinges togethers a8 9). Dozman laieth Co our charge ; neither doo swe confounde the office of Spirituall gouernours and Temporal Ma- 1 Hard, Céfut, giftrates . Neither doo we appointte the fupreame pafior{ hipof the Apol.fol.7.&. Churche to 4 Lay Magiftrate. Neithet "woulde our præſumptuous 298-.2.b. heades, that Princes [ hould take vpon them the office of Biftoppes, and of the Pope him felfe . Neither doo tre animate them {oto doo: D.Hard.ibidé. Neither make we the office of a Bishop fo indifferent and communc, *99:4* shat whan Bi/Shoppes be negligent » Temporall men may doo their Sede, ag Doctoꝛ hardinge chargeth bs , but we doo leaueto the Biſhops and pzleltes of Chriſtes churcbe, their peculfar office whollic, and vntouched of Prince, 02 other perfone, And withall thou matet well vnder⸗ ſtande, good Keader that manic of M9. Dozmans reac fons and allegations.in this bis pꝛoceſſe, proninge naz thing els but that pꝛieſtes may erecute and doo thele offices,and. minifterics Ccclefiallicall , ¢ that Pꝛinces map not doo them, nozintermedle with the peculier of⸗ fices of Biſhoppes, ave ſuperſſuous, and might well be (pared. Foz we do graunt,and euer haue graunted the fame: F02 whan we dm {peake of caules Eccleſiaſtical, wherin Cheiſtian princes are the chief gouernours, we meane not vᷣ Princes ſhould erecute theſe peculier offi ces of patetts,as.is alſo in the Queenes Maleſtles {nti cions,{n a plaine admonition to the imple men, that. might be otherwile decetued by the malicious , notified fo al the ſubiedes of the Kealme, that will be diſpoſed to. bnderftande the trathe without cauillation. 3 .' Butnome to come tothe third parte peak autho⸗ — | Ow at wend aS. =|,” a Sa A -REPROVFE OFM | ‘ean 8" authoritie of Pꝛinces, to ouerſee that the Biſhops and Cleargle,do thefe their offices , fo peculiariy by Goos wooꝛrde fo them appointed, diligently and traelp , aca coꝛding fo thz rule of Gods word, to comaunde them ta» do thelr dutie,to admoniſh the being therin ſſack, to res pꝛehend the offending depoſe o2 depziue them, being in⸗ coꝛrigible:vea, and to puniſhe al others that wil fa any wylſe impeache Withoppes,o2 other Eccleſiaſticall mi⸗ nilſters in their offices. This, we ſay, is the office of a chtefe gouernour ouer the ſaid perſons Eccleſiaſticall, which deth apperteine to Chriſtian Princes, euery one fn their owne dominions:as bp the examples of al god⸗ dp auncient Pzinces , as well ofthe olde Lawe, as of Chꝛiſtian Weligton, hall hereafter moſte platnelp aps peare. And fo for that ptettes map bp Gods worde re⸗ p2oue the errozs, vices, and eutll manners of Pꝛinces, and map ercommuntcate Chꝛiſtian Pzinces, (as S. Ambꝛole ercommuntcated Theodoſius) but they map go no furtber with any violẽce:and Chꝛiſtian Pꝛinces, map not onely admoniſh and blame Pꝛieſtes, fo2 theit eutll coꝛrupt maners, oꝛ fo2 not doing thetr offices Due, lp, but map alfo with the aduffe of the godly learned, fpecfallp being of the Cleargie,punithe, depofe,and de⸗ priue Pꝛieſtes Chat are manifel offendours. Whede ftulp fap that Chꝛiſtian Pꝛinces are herein, and in this fozte,chtefe qouernours ouer perfons Eccleſiaſticall. Further, beſides the office of preaching and mints firing the Sacramentes, whiche are befoze named, as apperteining peculierlp to prieſtes: there ar alfo manp other oꝛders, matiers, andcanfes Cccleftatticall , tour ching Ceremontes, and the outwarde Kegiment ofthe Charche, (which may be termed the eciniiaete f | tie) X DORMANS PROVFE. 25 licte) whiche fs not thꝛoughout all the whole Church, in This is to be all pointes of one ſoꝛt(as ave thoſe immutable Lawes {crc in Sozom. of the onely bead therofCheth but are in diuerfe partt- ——— ne culer Churches of diners fogtes , and that without anp meee LEE: inconuenience at all, fo they all agree in thofe vnchan⸗ places of the geable Lawes, geuen bythe vniuerſal bead, Chai, . Eccl.hiftories. CThere ts allo the authogttte to receiue appellatias, aud to beate,and finally to determine controucrites,tis fing amongelt perfones Ccclefiatkicall, the authoꝛitie to fommone and call Biſhoppes and other Eccleſiaſti⸗ call perfons,as men erercifed in the ſtudie of the Sctis ptures,te Spnodes, conuocations , andconncelles , tn neceſſary cales, asin controuerfies rifinge about the fenfe of the Scriptures,and other contentious matters 2 caules of tweight,to ozder;gouerne , and protede the fapd Biſhoppes and Cleargie, being fo called togethers and to app2oue and authoztfe thinges fo2 the outwarde o2d2e Ccclefialicall, and policie determined in fuche Spnodesandcouncels. Theſe be thoſe cauſes Eccles — fiatkicall that toc Do fpeake of, tobiche dw not perteine to Biſhoppes and Prieſtes onely. In theſe cafes and cauſes Ccclefialtical, the authoꝛitie of a Chaiſtiã pꝛince {snot onely not excluded from intermedlinge with the Withops and Cleargie , but the Princes authozitie, ts the chiefe therein: whiche authozttie the Chatitian. pzinceerercifing,deth not intermedle with anv office belonging to Wiſhoppes o2 Pꝛrieſtes onlp(as the aduers faries of the truthe, dm falfelp beare men tu bande) but With theft owne offices, by the eramples and pzactife of all auncient godly Pꝛinces, as tell in the olde Lawe, asin Chꝛiſtiã tKeligton, proned of right to them to ap- Petteine, as thall beveafter be plainly declared ; and to our A REPROVFE OF M, our Pꝛinces alfo , by the ancient Lawes and ſtatutes of the Realme, (as to the learned in the ſaide lawes (3 not vnknowẽ)of right apperteining. And where Chri⸗ ſtian Princes are not onlptn , and of the Churche, but alfo (as Jhaue faide) the chicfe and paceminent inthe Churches within thelr one dominions : thefe-men do great wong to Chiltan Princes every where fo {peas _ bing ofp Church, that they make fimple men to thinke D.Hard, Cofur, only Pꝛieſtes tobe of the Churche. And to mainteine Apol.fol.32.2. that opinion,thep call Chꝛiſtian princes mere lay, and 298.b.299.4 mere Dempozal Princes: as though thep were no bets fer than Pagaine pzinces, neither might thet any moze medle in matiers,o2 with perfons ecclefiaktical( whom thep call Sptritualeba map Cthnike ¢ Pagane Prin⸗ ces, Andit is an vntrue and abfurde diſtinctiõ to name onelp Biſhops ¢ patettes Spiritual,¢ Chꝛiſtian pꝛintes tempozal perfons,and therebp to ſequeſtre the as mere tepozal, from matters ¢ perfons Eccleſiaſticall, ¢ Spts Hard. Céfur. Uitual,as doth D. Hard, by theſe berp woꝛdes. The duitie Apolo. fo.299.4. ofa chriftian Prince( whom be calleth a céuill.tcporall meere tẽ- pordl, and meere Lay Prince) confifteth in ciuil or temporall matiers, and ferueth to the præſeruat ion of mens perfons,or bodies. the duitie of Bifhops confilteth in spiritual chinges, and ſerueth to the prafer= uation of theér ſoules. Theſe be bis woꝛdes. ut Withops do fometime intermedle in things not berp Spiritual, as whordomes, adultertes, ſclaunders, ſubtractions of tithes, cafes teſtament arie, ec. whiche in deede are no moze Spiritual,tha are murthers,theftes, oppꝛeſſiõs, tother iniuties:¢the Prince rettratning bis people fro thefe mifchtefes belpeth theretn as much to the pzefers ~ uation of mens foules , as dm the Withops refraininge them trom the other miſchiefes ſerue to the ſaid peelers | | / uation — DORMANS PROYVYFE. - 26 natton of their foules. Wiberfoze thep obſerue not their diſtinction, neither of perfons, noz of things Tẽpoꝛal ¢ Spiritual, noz of the pꝛeſeruation of bodfes ¢foutes, ſo pꝛeciſely, as thet would haue it ſceme:⁊ they are in deede moze careful to kepe Princes from theſe and ſuch other theit Spiritualties, than curfons to abfetne the (clues from mok groffe ¢ carnal Tempoꝛalities. Wut in dcede Chꝛiſtian Princes have notonelp as Princes , to da {with Ciutl o2 Dempozal matiers,¢perfons,¢ with the care of publique honeſtie, wealthe, € peace, and prefers uing of mens bodies, but alfo as Chꝛiſtiã princes, they haue to do(as befoze ts expꝛeſſed) with Spiritual e Ces cleſiaſtical matiers ¢perfons , x⁊ with the careof pietie and godlines,¢ peeferuing ofthe ſoules of men, to theit charge committed,foꝛ a good heathen Pꝛince map do/t vſually doth, as much as D. Harding ſpeaketh of. But the Chriſtian Prince is not onely a Pꝛince, as (sp Par gane prince, but alſo the tutouz, the foſter father,oz mor Ly ther.of the church of Chrilt, wherof comonlyp v Pagane Fly. 49. Petuce(though other wiſe fuch a god cfuil printe as D. Ward.defcribeth)is an enemy ¢ perfecutour, Wiberfoze where D. Barding fatth.char the officeof a prief? and a Prince D. Hatd. Cõfut be ſo muche diftintted, as the ftate of the Churche differech froma Apol.fo.301.b. prophane common wealth : though J dM graunt their pecus lar offices to be fo diſtincte, that neither of them map medle directly with the erecuting ¢doing of others of. fices (Coz nelther map p Prince miniſter p Sacvamets, i102 pꝛeache, 02 dfe the power of the keies, whiche ts p peculiar office of. prick , neither mapp pꝛieſt vſe ciutl role ¢domininion, which is the office of the Pꝛince) and pet map both p pꝛieſt admoniſh the Prince , how to vſe bis Dominfon, and repzebend him bp Gods tweo2de , foz not doinge bis princely office rightlie: And a good © 2 Chztiiarn er er es A REPROVEE OF NM. Gheittan Prince, bath muff, and toll, beare and obepe the fame, And the Chattan Prince map libewvie both admonifhe and reprehende, pea; with the aduiſe of the godlp learned, ſpecially of the Cleargie, remove and des pꝛiue the priett fo2 neglecting-wilfullp bis office, ¢ not doing if according to Gods word:and the prieſt in tha€ ~ gale ought not fo diſobey the fame. And fo as ft ts trues Cladius gladiũ iuuare debet. D. Hard. Cafut. Apol.fol.z99» that neither of them map medle directly with the doing of the others offices (for that they are diſtincte offices:) . Soisit allo as true, that etther of them bath an infers mingled suthozitte ouer the other in the doinge of their offices. hough we do grat ft to be true,that D. Barz ding faith : that the office of BiShops is not a thing fo indifferét, and fo comunesthat han Bifshops be negligent ; Temporal mémay do their fied: pet mapa godlp Pꝛince not withſtadinge; when Withops be euidentlp negligent, either by calling bpon them , make them diligent: o2 (f they will nedes Wwilfullp be —* negligent, may ſee other,that wil be dfs .. ligent, placed in their rowmes. And where as there cant ‘ fices,Z Ow much marueil neceſſitie are cotent to fa D. Hard. Céfut. be no greater lacke , 02 neceflitic in Chriſtes Churche than isin p negligence, ignopaiice,o2 maltce of pꝛieſtes and ithops, fi not dotng, o2 wong doing of their of⸗ tic men, who in cafes of r a womã,a midwilte⸗ to mi⸗ niſter the Sacrament of Baptiſme, which is p peculier office of pꝛieſtes, can ſpeake after thts ſorte. Although Bi. Apol.fo. 299.b. f-hops had but atitle and-the name of Bishops, by changing a gar- Gnd — eae defede and neceſſitie is as great, ment onlyas you ſayyet that defect in thé ſ hould not geuehabititiey. so the mere lay,as ro kings arid Qucenes to do thofficeof Bishops. Theſe be D. Hardinges wazdes. How furelp tba Bi⸗ fhops thall haue no point of Biſhops, but ponlp name ane, DORMANS PROVFE. 29 and qreafer in Chriſtes Church, than ts the defeae ofa Priel in the Chꝛiſtening of a fickely childe: wherefore J wondze muche that theſe men, whe tn the one defeae and neceflitie,admitte a toma to do the peculier office, and duetie of Prieſtes, 02 Biſhoppes, in as greate and greater defeaes , and cafes of neceflitic, will not fuffer ian,No2 woman, Linge noz Nuene, (J fap not,to do the peculier offices of Pꝛieſtes 02 Wilhops,as do their * MHidwiues) but nof as muche as to preutde foz ſuche as will and map do their office, when they can nof,o2 wil not dm it rightly them felfes, from the tohiche molt nes ceffarie pzouifian in ſuche defectes , thep woulde frare godlp Princes, by bearinge them fallelp in hande , that to make {uch pouifion , is the onelp office of 1ifhops, who be the onelp cauſe of Cuche defestes:in which cafe of neceflitie , no doubt but a Chziftian Pꝛince map , and ought to pꝛouide for conuenient remedie. Wiberefoze, D. barding fobinding the office of a Pꝛince to the fate of a prophane commune wealth onelp, ſaithe wꝛonge therefit:foz'a Chiittian prince hath alſo todo with the fates Opies Churche, and to oucrfe that Prieſtes do theit offites accodinge to Coddes worde: (as it fhall plainelp appeare, that auncient godlp Princes of allages have Done) as the Prielt againe(though be ble not ciuill dominion, yet map he teache the Prince how the clutl dominion ſhould, according to Coddes worde, be well bled. For in deede the Prieſtes ought to haue moze knowledge in Goddes Law(as beinge their onely Tudie)than the Pzintesoz anv other Lay man. And the prince’ ought to Heare and obev Goddes worde by the Prick truely preached, and taught /pea and i pou fa. aa Pꝛieit alfa, * — the Prieſt, as ers equutings A REPROVFE OF M. — bis peculiar office, and as the wiſer, ebetter learned in Gods worde. As the god Prince in narrow and doubtfull poinctes of the lawe, will likewiſe heare the aduiſe, and fallow the iudgement of bis Judges, not onelp in controuerſies bet wœne ſubiect ¢ ſubiec, but ale fo betwene bint ſelle ¢ bis ſubiec as the aduiſe of wiſer and better learned, not as his ſuperiours, though they geue fudgement with the {ublea againſt the Prince. I men will needes haue anv faperiozitte aboue v Pꝛinces in theſe poinctes, Jſay, in the one the woꝛde ¢latwe of God is the ſuperiour: in the other the lawe of p Kealme o2 of thecountrep , as made not onely by the pzince, € bis authozttic,but alfo by the whole authozitte and cone {ent of his whole Realme.Yet as the minifker of the ci⸗ uill lawe pꝛonouncing again the Pꝛince accezding fo the law/ ceaſeth not to be a ſubiect:euen fo the miniſter of Gods lawe pronouncing accozding top fame though againtke the Prince, remaineth Hill a ſubiecte fo the prince. Foz as J fatde bothe the lawes are the Pꝛinces fuperfours, wherunto be ſtãdeth boüde fo obey, though tot alike Cupeviours. for the pofitine Lawes ef, the Realine,as mans latwes, by whome thep are made, map by the fame authozitieand confent, whereby thep were made , be altered , repealed,oz ſuſpended foz a time og place : but Gods labo is alates aboue all men, bauinge Verbũ Domini the oziginall begining from God, and therefore bp ne Manctin xtet- meanes alterable. And as the Judges being minifters one of thelatues of the Kealme, can not dm, oz determine as np thinge te binde the Prince again the. lawes of the Realme, whiles thep ſtande in ſtrength:much more, cã not pz2tekesthe miniſters of Gods law, determine anp thinge agatntt it, ever fanding in ſtrength, and by the Pꝛince, DORMANS PROYPFE 28 Prꝛince, ¢all men to be obefed: Andas a wiſe Prince, ts not bounden to foloty the councel of an vndiſcreete cons cellonr,noz the vnlawfull aduiſe of an vnlearned o2 vn⸗ rightcous Judge, be bis office, and title neucr fo great: fo fs nota learned, and godlp Prince bounden to obep the falfe doctrine of an vnlearned oꝛ wicked pete, be he neuer fobigh a Biſhoppe. And as a Prince beinge not of him {elfe fufficientlp learned tn the lawes of bis Mealme to determine againte anp Judge , that fhalbe accufed of erronious tudgement , map and ought fo ble the aduife of other Judges, and perfons learned in the lawes of the Kealme fo2 the triall of the matier, theres uerfinge of the Judgement,¢ punifhinge of the Judge, ’ fH thecrime were twilfull : ſo may the Chzittian Prince beynge not fufficientlp of him felfe learned in Goddes worde and lawe fo diſcerne the faultes of Biſhoppes, in negledinge twilfullp the doinge of their ductics , in preachpnge and teachinge of berefies , 02 in mainteps ninge confrouerfies amongeſt them felfes, to the dts urbance of the Churche, dle the aduiſe of others , {pes tially of the Cleargte, therefoze bp o2d2e appoincted, as learned in Condes worde, for decidinge of ſuche caules,and map with the faide aduiſe, coꝛredt, puniſhe, 02 depofe the fatde Biſhoppes, as iuſte caufe hall mas nifeftlp appeare . And fo map the Pzince in taules both Ciuill,and Cceleftallicall, baue either bis learned Councell With him, o2 bis learned delegates foz bin. Iknowe they will obiede , that a Princes ſuperiori⸗ fie ouer bis Judges, and ouer Pzrieſtes ts not like : fo2 that a pince maye him felfe erequute the office of & Judge,but not of a Pꝛieſt. Wut the queſtion is nok whether a Prince map be a Pete, but. whether a e A REPROVEFE OFM be the Prieſtes fuperfour tn caufes Ccclefiaticall A Pꝛince in that be is a ince and foucraigne,can not be a ſubiect neither: and pet ishe the ſubiedes ſuperiour. Neither may be certainly erequute the office of a iudge in bis owne perſon, in all cafes : ¢ pet is be the Judges ſuperiour alwaies. Andy haue clearelp declared an’ conkelſed diuers times before.that a Pꝛince map not ere equute a Prieſtes office, and J hall hereafter haue oce cafion fo repeatetbe fame againe. Wiberefoze it is e⸗ nident , that jdm not goe about tomake themlikein | that poinde: but inthe poinctes whiche are to the pur⸗ poſe, of pꝛouinge the Chriſt ian Prince to be ſuperiout to Prieſtes, they are like, that is to ſay: As the Prince in that be ts the chiefe, ought to ſce to the gouernaunce of all the inferfours in the comon wealth , ſo ought be as a Chꝛiſtian Pꝛince fo fe to the gud gouernaunce cf the Chiitian Churche. And as he doth folotwe the ad⸗ uffe of Councellers in the qouerninge of the common wealth, or of Judges tn ciuill controuerfies, and ts not therefoze inferfour fo bis councellers, 02 Judges , fo v⸗ feth be the Prieſtes learned and godly aduiſe, in Eccle- ſiaſt icall cauſes, and is not therefore inferiour to the Prꝛieſt, in the ſaid cauſes. Foz authoꝛitie and knotys ledge do not alwaies ioyne, and as a Prꝛince map bie the aduiſe of ſuche, as are well learned in the lawes of the Kealme, though they be tnferiours tn office, againſt the higheſt Judges of fhe Kealme, miſuſing them ſelfes tn thetr offices againte the Lawes: ſo map the Prince bfe the aduife of men learned in Goddes lawes, ſpecial⸗ lp of the Cleargie.though othertwife inferfours,againtt the gteatett Prieſtes and Withoppes of his Kealme, miluſinge them (elfes again Goddes lawes. And as a Pꝛince DORMANS PROV. . 29 Pꝛince mapbp platy remoue bn 02 euil fudges, - offendinge in their Judgementes again the lawes of the Kealme, and in ſuch default of the ſaid Judges, may With the aduifeof ofbers bone , and well: learned tn the lates , fee Juſtice in clutll matters fo his ſubiectes to be miniſtred, bp other good officers : fo map alfo a Chꝛiſtian Pzince depole ignoꝛaunt o2 euill Withoppes 02 Prieſtes, offendinge again the lawes of God, and du fuche default of the faide Biſhhops and Prieſtes, map with the god adutce andbelpe of the godly learned, ſpe· ‘tally of the Cleargie, fee the tructh to be taught, € thie Sacramentes ducly adminiftred in Goddes Church, bp other gad minifters Ccclefattteall And herein Flay, : the fimilitude op cõpariſon of the authoꝛitie of a Punce Quer Judges,and other officers in the common wealth, and of bis anthozitie over Biſhops, and other minifkers ofthe Church. in caules Eccleſiaſtical ſtandeth vpꝛight. grow whereas the quetkis is about the correcting 02 des pofing of an ignozant o2 cuil pꝛieſt, not doing bis office (which a Chriſtian prince map, ¢ ought fo dw)it is ime pertinet to alleage, vᷣ a Pꝛince map not erequute a p2fes ſtes office: which is alwaies graunted $ in deede he map not do. either hath it ben cdtrarily pronoiiced bp any difcrete perfor at anp time. Ahereby the god reader, map well vnderſtande how impertinent this treatie of %.Dormans is: toberin fo2 the motk parte he alleageth Such places of Scriptures, o2 auncient Doctours, as do feach nothinge,but that Prieſtes map preache, vſe the power of the keies, and miniftre the Sacramentes,and that pPzinces map not dw prieſtes offices: which things ate not dented; neither ts therein them any controuer= ae at all; therefore inthe — he 9— no⸗ ge F M,- EPROVFE O AOR aif ‘| ts 3 8to is 08 deade —9* e m {itt iſtian Pp em tick ith the ech: ofthe next. toe w fram : forme he Prieftis arp ont better * mae te and ience v ng ty ma cellerhr) ing ere iflaus Oo abfolute fap: Prieft fo fe h a brute : ry AS nthe A ne, a not — and ys the ; saan agai: he xing to: a hymara borne of bo gocth wpr ingeey Prieff exc Aeſt e pre= rye Rex P re man vho g ror fead Rashi the before aP nfed ta. , hon ag nb iebie — — * ex — ret he Creator eri * * 5) me 0 aga before es do: Moone: Fo he aga pore tems newt Mt er —— — — qu ræſta exce nb pe e ut a rt hy eart Z homo ai #3 aving r preſup Were p witht — horrid“ ; bieéte. which he Popes a es of misftof ne ——— F if ——— enen in the pr Ringes? b — Des fay; dS cenandt his amplen there rth by Ring: r balan other, eight.is thefe'e ea f Care Quasru facerdo of the asvin the dfiich a as 6,0ne 0 ely. præſta ſacerdos and the Sé: ha force Aan Lmitre hc imran > e5 J tru , ti, tari oi, al: fc ha than fr flaus D2 worde iſtian ſtat Reg b. them ould he tani ciples yp Ch é — ad and wire farce i Deus sites grieue —— ee akon _ ap anitlau will it no im felfe to beat ; fo ſ⸗ — nn Binal St And mitte h boue a b2(D Bla doti, is an aif wflate . lp to fub as he is a he Prielt farte — 70.b pir ſo farre te: as is —9 fo2 ** the pie DI lituf n e eee smi naa elt han corel — — ie tla 5 —— thefe qual ce, f ippes fda aden — ———— —— a porcine — no es terre * is the the pop — yet & wut nowe a ca tanx, WBu pay deprimnat na oat inces 3 as well, e t alto, —— revue we — by heauin feeft. tan- wet mece $,&6, #8 pondus, Ls le DORMANS PROVFE. chion; be is beauter than al the kings of the cart, with the carth tt (elfe,andathe Seas adiopned. O mercitul God, what would theſe mẽ not fap o2 dm tn the blind times patted, that ave not aſhamed to w2ite ‘thus nowe tn our Oates , inthe whiche Cod hath reues led thefe Balamites, and that Wabilontcall beak their bead 2 And fo2 that we beinge moucd with thefe, and fuche like fndignities,ow as becommeth true Chriſtiãs, {Peake againtt their faltywde, and admoniſh Chriſtian Pꝛinces according to the dultte of true ſubiectes, of their right and due authoritie, again fuche falfe vſurpers ouer the ſaid Chziltian pzinces 5 (without neuertheles any blemithing of the ſpecial authoꝛitie of the true mts niſter of the @holpel they da therfore name bs Schiſ⸗ matiquess and beretiques, Fire brondes of bell, elt boundes, and a thouſande ſuch: andnoftconfentedthere With; thep do perfequute bs to the death motte cruelly. And ſuche Chziſtian Princes ,.as do gene credit to the: truthe and acknowledge their due authoritie, with res. uerence to God, and his miniſters, and do defende vs their true ſubiectes, from the raging lurie of thoſe ra⸗ uening Komiſh wolues, vnder their tutele ¢ protediõ, they do charge with piaine violence, and robberte, og bais⸗ with latrilege and Antichriſtlaniſme, as imnuadinge byꝰ *e tprannie pꝛieſtes peculiar offices, and pꝛieſthodit ſeit, and mingling heauen and earth; holy and prophaue cthinges together:but caltecclaunders and true proles, be diuers thinges. Thus good Keader, thou matett te the: bifference Bettoene bs, and where the controuerſie ſtandeth. Chet. fap thatin cauſes Eccleſiaſtical befoze reherſed, paſeſts es mentee dw, and that errs Princes yt vil thing ACREPROVFE ‘OFM. | pitts to do thereitr, otherwiſe than it fhall pleate the Pꝛieſtes to appointe and aut horiſe them. We fap, that Chꝛiſtian Dzinces haue of their tone tights the chiefe authozitie and gonernmet,as wel inthe ſaid canfes,as Quer the Prieſtes thé ſelues. If H.Dozman bane inthis pꝛoceſſe any thing founding foz the onelp authogitie of Pꝛieſtes, againſt thischtefe gouernement of Chettiat Pꝛinces in theſe cauſes, and ouer perſons Eccleſiaſti⸗ allie js to he anſwered, as beingagatust bs : therelk; as vayne allegations agatnt thole; whode-attribute to Pꝛinces theoffices af Biſhoppes, that ts to ſaye a⸗ gain noman;furelp not agatnt vs, and vaine profess thatthe Cleargfe hath authoritie, to prꝛeache and erx⸗ pounds. the Scriptures to binde, and late; and to mints ‘Ker the Sarramentes,( which no man denieth) as vain ſtutting of %. Doꝛmans bake, map witbout any bis loffe; 02 our gaine, ſauing onelp{paringe of paper 5 be pated over: with, ſilence: the gatne, oꝛrather lacke of loſſe; halbe thine good ticader, not beingbpreadingiof {uch long lende tmpertinettriffles, occafioned to fpend and loofe thy good time. % bane; J confelle beene former Dormi.fo.2648 {what long and tedtous herein ged Keader, Wut where 27. &c. as the aducrfartes of the truthe, continually charging Chatitian Pꝛinces with plafne biotence, and robberte; with tyrannie,; ſaerilege, aud’ Autichstkignifine, and — with mingling of beanen and earth together, by fuche mot vntrue and {clanndergus tepostes , labouring fo bing felp fubleces info euill fafpition-of thete good Pꝛinces and the Weincesjand bs fogetber,foz maintei⸗ ning ofthe. truthe; into the battredofias many as wyll open their eareste {urbe ſclaunderous lies :to deliver Chꝛiſtian peices; from ſuche hainous ee ANGE J es X — Wit, 10. DOIRMANS) PROVFEA 32 felfes from ſuche falſe fclanndes, and the, god Weaver, . front all errour inthis matter, Zhauebeene the boule | der vpon thy pacience. Andthat whiche Jhaue here ſummarely ſaide touching Chꝛiſtian princes authori⸗ tie ouer Pꝛieſtes, and in matiers Eccleſiaſticall, J thal particularlpin this pꝛoceſſe proue true, bp the ancient piadife of Gods church, both of fhe Jewes ¢ Cheitttas : not leaning anp one reafon oz allegation made fo the contrarp, vnanſwered: to the fullcontentation and faz tiffipng, of allreafonable and indifferent Reavers, by Gods grace; Idoubt not. Mate sh it » “tothe firftof chefe three whae title Kinges and Princes haue, Traflated word it [hal if they hae any; be feene hereafter. but for Prides you f bal = woorde, out PE RT ORAS aE EZ Ppt Sf ._, of Hoſius.lib.ꝛ. Jeeto begin Withiall ; an auncient commision out of the Scriptures: — be aude “where almightie Gad -fpeakinge to Aaron, Vſed theſe woordes : guid dixerit da * Præceptum ſempiternum eftin generationes veſtras, vt ha- ad Aaron: Pree beatisicientiam difcernendi, inter fan¢tum & prophanum, ceptum fempi- intenpollurym & mugdum, doceatisy filios lſrael omniale- terné eft in eee gitima mea >that iito ſaic, it ts a precept thar [hall ewer endure nerationes ye- through all your generations to hane the Rnorplédge to difcerne and ftras,&c, begin~ put difference» bes"weye holy hinges and prophane, bettwene cléan 07S andending and polluted: and that you teache the children of iſrael all my con- * ow Bln Za whom gane 4 nightie God, here the power to tudge of do- M.Dor. Cui de- Etrine 2 wham conmaunded he to teache? anyother then Karon and'dit hic De? dit. B rerpendi,cui do⸗ bis race Blache WerePriefes he 670). 009)5 oo) a Necendi faculeare 2 MEL ous) li ye Nowell. ch hy » ON6ne Aaron & +99. Dorian dothdere bfemoze conttancte, than be fis cisGcerdo- is dtherwile in this boke accuſtomed. Foꝛ not onelie ꝰu this place o€ Leniticus with the lame beginninge 3* ending A REPROVFE OFM... J Ex Hoſio lib. 2. ending iuſt ag map be, fs by him tranllated out of Hos folo7.b.58a- fins his authour, wooꝛde for wooꝛde: but alſo all bis terfes of Scripture folowing, of the olde teſtament and | the nue, in ozder as thep lic therein Hoſtus are here in 9, Dozmans beoke ozderlp placed: © Wibiche factlts tie in bttering of bis niatiers , be dooth not commeniy ble but bp the figure hyfteron proteron, be maketh primes locos in Hofio nouifsimos, & nouifsimos primos, Be letteth lightly places in Boftusbefoze 5 in bis booke bebinde, and contrariwyſe. His plaine deas ling bere(s praple worthy. And he bath alfo wellbes gone with the Scripture, as knowing that the chiefe autbozitie dooth belonge to it: and that in matiersand controuerfies of Keligion , there fs no fuf€icient pzofe without the Scriptures. Wut M. Dorman either lace — ked this remembzance, 02 bad notthis facultie at os fius bis hande,o2 els where, in bis firk ppopofition., of the necefitie of one head in Chriffes Church. In the profe wher⸗ of, be beginneth and continueth with motte baine alles gations, nothing to bis purpofe, taketrout of the bleſ⸗ fed Marty, S. Cpypztane , the anclent fathers S. Ba⸗ fil, &. Hierome/ bolp eo, ec. with reafon natural, with eramples poltticall, though al awꝛie and nothing atall to bis purpofed matter , of onehead of chriftes church bere incarth.o€ the Scriptures there (s long, and almolt continual fence with him in that parfe, and that one onelp tert out of Denf.the.r7.fo offer fo: lacke of moꝛe ſtoare repeted, not onelp making nothing fo2 the caule, but btterlp defacing and ouerthꝛowing the fame . But here fir,pou haue Scriptures bpon Scriptures ont of Leuiticus, Deuteronomie, and out of other Pꝛophetes, as Wel as out of Boles, out of the new — — | as DORMANS PROVFE. 33 ag tell as the olde, And why fo F pray pou 2 foꝛſoth bi» caufe pour Scriptures bere alleaged , dm proue that, Iwhiche no man denieth ; that is, that Prieſtes ſhoulde haue knowledge to difcerne in matters of Meligton,that tn (cruples of confcience , doubtes and controuerfies of Religion, we ought to confult with p learned Prieſtes: and that the Prieſtes cought to teache the people. Foꝛ concladinge, pou do with hoſius, alke >To whome gave God here porwer to indge doctrine ? whome commaunded God here to teache? any other than Aaron and his rafe whiche Were Priefies? why, we neusr dented but that godly ¢ learned Prieſtes Might accordinge to Goddes worde fudge of the finces ritie of doctrine, and teach: elles fhowe where we baue dented if. But fir, JItoulde pouthat J liked not this pour firlke poincte of pour dinifion, whiche ts, authoritie to iudge ouer doctrine, whiche is founde and "which other . J ſaid that knowledge twas in this cafe neceſſarie, whiche pou there make no mention of, but of onelp authozitic. and now the fir Scripture, which pou bring to pꝛoue pour faite firſte pofnete of authozitic, maketh no mention of anthozitie af all, but it fpeaketh direalp and onelp of knowledge, which in this pour irk poincte J miffed, as by pou not mentioned af all. Will it pleafe pou now to make peur argument of this your firffe terte , foz the p2oute of pour firſt poincte:can tt be any other tha this $f is an eternal comaundement foal pour generations that pou haue knowledge fo diſcerne betwene holp thinges ¢ pzopbane, bet weene cleane and vncleane, and that pouteach the childzen of Iſraell my commaunde- mentes: Ergo, Pꝛieſtes haue authoꝛitie and potwer to {udge of doctrine. Foꝛ fo pou mutt needes conclude, and fo pou do in Dede coclude,albinge, to twhome gaue God 4 bere A REPROVFE OF M here p power to iudge of dodrine but fo 2 feltes? But Dorman vou do not reafon ſubſtantially, frõ knots ledge, to power:and from acommanndement to be ſtu⸗ dious and to get knowledge, to difcerne and teaches. to the poſſeſſion of authozitic and power to difcerne andteache. Zt foloweth not, that tf Pꝛieſtes be cont mannded fo haue knowledge that thep therefore haue knotwledge, no moze than it folotweth that all are gods ip, that ave commaunded fo fo be: mache leiſe foloweth it, that Prieſtes vpon commaundement to have know⸗ ledge, haue authoritie 02 power tf thei lacke knowledge, « Ofeg.4.b.6. And ifthe Prielſtes diſobeying God, cõmaunding them —* tu ſciẽtiã to haue knowledge (as xin ſondrie places of the Scrip. stay — tures it is recoꝛded,the Juiſhe prieſtes did)be ignorant rhe i and wicked, erringe from the right way both vpon fhe tio. right bande, andileft, and folafinge knowledge to diſ⸗ Efa.8.b.7. cerne and teache, where is than their authovitie and. Sacerdores eel- potuer to diſterne and teache 2 A blinde mid that tacketh senorauerune ” UGHE to fudge colours, tobat authoritiecan be bane to iuditium.& iudge colors· Now that the Jueiſhe Prieſtes did lofe rem.2.b.3.& 4, knowledge Here commannded, did cere them felfes; and. c.9. Tenentes bring othersintoerrour,and fo lott authoritie ẽ power legem nefierit ¢9 diſcerne aud teach, 3 fhal plainely proue hereafter by. the very tertes. by M.Doꝛman alleaged. And it it fall. Ezech.7.g..s, ult that our poptihe Prieſtes with them haue loſte all. Lex peribit 3 fa- tight knowledge: 3 trufte (t-twill fall out that thep of cerdote &fex- right,dom reteine ſmall authoꝛitie, oꝛ power to difcerne, - me: obftupefeér facerdotes : & censa huiulmo- 9» teache, ⁊ ſpecially to. iudge, which vou goe about {pes Gis ignozant, they map call their learned chapleines to the, Janſweare fo may Princes to:and the moze ignorant, the Pzelates.be,the rather aught Peinces ſo todw,. Vou wil fap:princes haue nothing to dm tuith fuch matters: {e.. ciallp to pꝛoue. Vou till fav:3f the Pope o2 prelates be. DORMANS PROVFE, 34. Ga map pou fap, in deede, but pou thall neuer be batle to pꝛoue, Chzilian ¢ godly princes map not rather baue fo Do, with fuch matiers, than ignozaunt ¢ wicked pre⸗ lates. In fome {ue Do graunt that, which the Scripture here alleaged doth teach,» God hath gene prieſtes aco- maundement p thei ſhould haue knotwledge to diſcerne _ @eteache, € that tf thep bane that knowledge they map difcerne and teach . Wie graunt this Z fap: M.Doꝛman bath no néde fo p2ouc it. But he thould proue p whiche we Do Dente, ¢ Which thei do moſt conſtantly afkirme,t fir of al bis pꝛeſent pꝛopoſitiõ: thar the head of the church anuftneedes be a Prie/?, ¢ that all men, pꝛinces, and other are bounden of neceflitie to obey al the Popes definitions € Zudgementes, without any diſcuſſing 02 eramining at al,as Pighius teacheth. De which is all one, that if the Pighius Hie- mater decreed be (piritual,¢ appertaininge to faith, the rarch.lib.6.cap. prince ought to obep without quettta oꝛ grudge, wohich %-f!-35-¢. are D. bardinges wordes, 02,though Biſhops be neis D-Hard.Cofur. ther fo wel learned, nether fo godly as Lap men be, vea APel: fol. m2. though they be ofa thameful life, pet a Lay man bebe i ton of neuer fo great Dignitie, holines.wiſedome, ye though be ercell inal bertue, may tn no toile diſpute 02 reafon, yea 02 once moue any queſtion 92 talke of cauſes Cccles 20 lib. 2, fol « fiaficall, Wibich wordes piked out of an ozation of the © ones parts Cmperour WaGlius by Hoſius, by pou W.Doam pi- oigima. kedout of Hoſius, yvou both dm allotve as a true,¢ moſt Dorm: fol.23.b gobdle fapinge:as pour cuſtome is alwaies to receive all fapinges and eramples not of Pꝛinces onelp , but ofall men wyhat ſo ever they be, that dm abale Chꝛiſtian Princes Onder Pꝛieſtes, and to reiect all fapinges of Princes, Pꝛieſtes, and al men, tf they founde any thing fo2 the peerogatiue of Chꝛiſtian painees . Thele be pour ſayinges: thefe fapinges Wwe fay are motte falfes q2 ana { A REPROVFE OF M and twickeds'as thole that mainteine the Pope, and his popiſhe Prieſtes in all their fallhode/ and abufing of Cheikian Princes and the whole woꝛlde. Whele favinges tf psu goe aboute fo proue, your authour Bos ſtus and pou fhall finde as great ſcarſitie of textes of the Scvripture fo2 vou , as you now haue plentte , fo prone that which neither We, nor no man els doth denies} is, P Prieſtes map,and ough to teach, accozding to Goos woꝛde:and that the aduife,and iudgement of Petettes, — as men learned it Woddes worde, is in doubtes and controucrfies to be required, and folotucd alfo, as longe as thep anftweare , and gene fentence accoadinge to Goddes worde: and other than this pꝛoue not thofe places of the Scriptures bp vou boꝛowed of hoſius, and bere ſo plentifullp alleaged as thal in the procens plattis lp appeare. , + Further J would 9. Dorman bad taken the whole matier with bint. Godin the fame chapter commants ded Aaron and. bis rafe , that thep fhoulde dzinke ne wine whan thev entered into the tabernacle of telſti⸗ monic. Ergo, the popiſhe Prieſtes muſte dzinke no wine that dap they enter-into tbe Church:fpeciallp mr dap thep fap Walle. Item Aaron ¢his rafe had tofucs:Ergo; the poptth Prieſtes mutle haue fo tw. Theſe argumentes haue both better forme and matter than. Dormans ars guinente : fc they doo directly conclude from thoſe Prieſtes to theſe, inthe fame matiers, notin diuers, as it is in M. Doꝛmans argument : and werethe cons tluficns admitted, popithe fir Johns ſhoulde be leſſe Daunkardes , and Wiberemungers than thep be. And whp thete rant choutde not conclude, as we DORMANS PROVFE. 35 fell, pea rather than the otbers,let 9. Dozman thewe areafon. Foꝛ concerning tudgement of doctrine, which is founde, whiche other wiſe, howe can thev be iudges thereof, whiche either haue no fudgement at all , fucbe Ailes they be: 02 tf they haue anp iudgement , are the chiefe cozrupters of all founde , and teachers of all cor⸗ . rupte dodrine : otherwyſe ſuche tubgement as is agre⸗ * | able to Gods woozde, whiche apperteineth tothe office — | of a godlp learned Biſhop o2 Pꝛieſte, tue never dented, | Concerning the other part of pour queftton, whom com. | maunded God here to teache,any other than Aaron and his rafe whiche were Priefes? Wie dw not ftriue with pou about ctthe teaching of the people ( as pou pour felucs doo well knowe, and a little hereafter confefle , that pou doo ſo Dorman pox knowwe) fo that they do teache Legitima Domini, that fo.20.2. {s,accozding fo Gods Lawe, as isin this place of Leui⸗ Legitima mess ticus bp pou bere alleaged , erpzeMed:els if thep teache their owne phantfafies and inuentions, (as the Pope, bis Peclates, with popifhe Pzielkes, monbes, and frie ers, baue of long time dene) Igeue pou plainely to vnderſtande, that this place maketh nothing foztbem, - but onelp to the condemnation of them ¢ their doarine, andthe difcharge of bs diſobetyng them fo not teaching Legitima Domini. And thus you mabe bere a dubble fault. Firſt in'labouring by the Scriptures fo otligents it lp to prone that, whiche we dente not, and whiche pour: “oft vad felfe doth knowe and confeſſe that Wedenfenot. Sez ],r condly, for that pou bꝛing, in the profe of this fir part of pour diuiſion, that, whiche doth apperteine to. pour thirde parte thereof , of the miniſterie of the woorde: q {o pou mengling togeather the partes of pour divifions befoze bp pou {eparate 5,000 make ( as vou tcrme Suche: ; AREPROVFE OFM dealing) an botchpot theresf. Beſides that, Motfes in that chapter controwleth Aaron the high prieſt:and be being admonifhed boldeth bis peace. Wihich is a chzeud place, fignifipng that the high Pꝛieſt whe be offendeth {s fublect to controulement. But pour Pope, though be ge to the Deuill him felfe, and binge thoulandes thts Dikk. or that the indge alone. determined a meere Temporal mat= ters a5 What panifhement this or that traitour { boulde haue: or that, bothe, sogeather [haulde determine a cauſe of mixte lawe and iudgement scsi in "what manner the Temple ought, to: be tex payred. ee. thele- be D. Pardinges wordes and aman map maruatle why be woulde hane the, determininge, whether a difeate be thelepze 02 no ,,to-beamere Spte: rituall matter, botde of all Tempoꝛalitie: andthe de⸗ termininge howe the Temple ought to be repayred, to be acauſe mite with Tempoꝛalitie and Sptrituau⸗ tie together. V kie kogether ·· -by the fame reaion bilibe 5 the: popiche Cleargie hath reſerued cauſes, of adulterie and whoꝛe⸗· dome, as matiers mere Spirituall, to their owne onely cognition and iudgement. Surely in the Ce Coneil. Calce⸗ piitie, ſente in the name of the whole Calcedonenſe aoo. Aa. 3. f22 Councell, to Leo the Bichoppe of Rome 5 amention . coli. gicut: ig. made that Zozobabell., and Jelus were bufied ; Jee 5 aboute-the buildinge of the Churche ot Hieruſalem Hieruale xdifs as. concerninge dogrine, and Keligion; whiche are cationem reno-: Spirituall mat ters, and in the sobichn,the Prince was ware circa dog· thechiefe.. Wut be it as D, Pardingewoulde. haue it, is adniten>: Tit mite faide deteranininge: in what manuer the ————— a —* —. .. tontinually , toben be fpeaketh of them both together, > 2 batalle fpeabing of the Prince alone,beclareth his molt A REPROVFE OF M. berepsived bea cay of mixie lawe, and indgement : doth it not eufdentlp follotve thereof, that the Prince haninge the chiele place appoinacd him bp the holy Oho aboue the high Prieſt cdtinuallp (as bere in Aggeus the pro⸗ phete hath Zozcbabell the Prince aboue the high prieſt Jelſus) ts the chiefe in the determination of that cauſe “of mirte lawe and fudgement : fn whiche mirte cauſe, ſeeinge there ts ſpirituallitie, as well as tempozalitic, why did not the holy Gholt firke place the high Prieſte before the Prince, in caſe be were tn dcede the chiefe in that determination. ut whan D. Bardinge and other Papiſtes do {peake of {piritual men and maters in ſuch {ogte, as though godly Chziftian Princes labouringe atcoꝛdingeto Goddes latwe ; to ſubdue the deſhe onto the ſpirite were no ſpirituall men, nor map medle With’ {pirituall maters,o2 maters of Keligion, but that theit Prꝛieſtes onelp be {pirituall met, ¢ they onelp Co medle in ſpirituall maters : thep do in ſo fapinge and fn fuche diuiſton not folowe the Sctiptures , tho though they teache a diſtinction of offices of Pꝛieltes, andother that be no Prieſtes, oꝛ Lap mett:vet hane the Scriptures no ditineion of fpiritualitie in Pꝛieſtes onely,from other godly Chrikian Lap me,¢ {pectally Chziflian princes, Wwyho in all Wwifedome, godly knowledge, ¢ life, that is to lao, in true ſpiritualitie houlde fo farce excell the baly gar loꝛt, as thet de ercell them in dignitie. To procéede, God him felfe doth not onely thꝛoughout the whole pꝛo⸗ phete Aggeus place the Prince befoze the highe prick w? ſpeciall fauour towardes him bp thefe very wordes: J twill take the onto me Zorobabell my feruant ; been DORMANS PROVFE, 41 the as mp fignet , becaufe J haue chofen the faith the Rode God of hates: than the whiche lapinge there ts none fpoken of anp high pztett moze notable, But if 9. Doꝛman fap this is ſpoken in figure, ¢ that Chriſt here fs mente bp Zozobabell: tell, tobat fo ever ts alleaged fo2 the Pope 02 his popith pꝛieſtes out of the old Teſta⸗ menf,ts plaine as a packe faffe,and true ſimplie with- out figure. Wut it pleafeth me right well that S. bie- rome ¢ ofber tnferpzeters do declare, that God in this place hath chofen the Pꝛinceto be the figure of Chriſtes kingdome, € the high Pete tobe the figure of Chziftes Pꝛieſthode: in whiche refemblaunce , fwinge the godly Hicron.in Ag- Pꝛince ts fo often and oꝛdinarily placed befoze the high 8*"™- Pꝛieſte, arqueth that the Prince who firlke figureth Chzitke , the vndoubted head of fhe Churche, whicke ts Chziſtes kingdeme here in earth , ts fuperiour fo the high Prieſt. Andas the Papitkes can ſhewe no cauſe, why Chꝛriſtes kingdome in bis Churche , and ouer all, Mould be inferiour fo bis pꝛieſthod: focan they ſhowe no cauſe, toby the godlp Prince refemblinge Cheittes kingedome, citber in the churche,o2 ouer ail, Gould be inferiour fo the godly bighe prieſte, refemblinge bis pꝛieſthode: foz bis kingedome is as eternall and glo⸗ rious, as bis pꝛieſthode, and both tn deede moſte glori⸗ ous. Iknowe that D. Harding woulde haue Chꝛiſtes D. Hard. Cofut. pꝛieſthode to include bis kingedeme, as the greater of: Apol, 305.2, fice includeth the leſſe, to proue thereby a Chrittian “Prince fo be inferfour toa p2teft:but he onely faith fo,¢ pꝛoueth it not, neither can be ever be hable fo pone if. Naovb concerning the other prophete Malachie:God there inueyeth againt the couetouſenes dtfobcdience,¢ contempt of bis Maieſtie, which was tn the 2telkes,¢ | : iL be A REPROVEER OF M he thzeateneth them, that be will bainge them te begs gerie , curfe thetr Bleſſinges, and blefe their curs . finges , and that be twill thaowe in * faces the Stercus folem- dounge of their folemnitics. @Wibercfore J thinke aitaiũ veſtraiũ pong, and 93. Doꝛman fhall finde {mall aide in thele Pꝛophetes for the pzeferrement of Pzieſtes befoze Peinces, 62 foz the Juriſdiction of Petelies in matters Eccleſiaſticall. Foꝛ what Zurifdiaton J pay vou, lea⸗ ucth God to thole Pztelles , tubofe fentences be will reuetle, whole bicMinges be will curfe , whole cure finges be will bieile 2 that ts, what fo euer thep binde, the Lorde twill lofe ; what fo ener thep lofe, the Lozde. {will binde ; and be grueth fmall bonour to ſuche Judges , in whole faces he theeatneth, be will thaowe. the donge. ' : Hofius lib.a, Wut faith Hoſius out of HB. Dozmans penne, thele- fol.58.b. Pꝛophetes bid bs to enquire of the lawe at the prieſtes —— handes, and not at the hinges . Vea, ſo woulde Jbidde ne: — any man that woulde be refalued in the lawes of this. interroga prin Realme,to require tf af the iudges bandes,rather than cipes.&c, the Princes: and pet dath Chat not pacue the Judges: to be fuperiour in Juriſdiction ctuill fo the prince. J woulde afke of M.Dorman in cafe be were in doubte inbis Canon late, whether be woulde require theres folution thereof of the Pope ( who hath bene oftetimes. {ofgnozant that be knewe not bis Crammer.as fs bp Alphenfusde Papiltes, that knewe the tructhe , tekificd) o2 of fome Caftro. lia.ca.4 notable Latuler well fudied in the faide lawes. D. D.Hard. Cofur. Hardinge pour maiſter H.Dozman, doth. confelle thet Apol, fol.314-b. Necarius the great Patriarke of Contkantinople , dia learne the beite wate in mofte weightie controurriies of Religion, of one Sifinius: who though ees | great DORMANS PROVEE, 42 greate Clarke, pet was be buta poze reader in a pore Churche bnder the Pouatiane Biſhoppe Agelius, as Wwitnefleth Socrates in bis Ccclefialicall hiſtoꝛie. Lib.s. cap. Wherefore vnleſſe pou will graunt the pwze reader, to baue bene fuperfour to that great patriarke , for that the Patriarke (as faith vour mayſter) afked, and vſed bis aduiſe, pou dw inconſiderately mengle together au- thozttte and knswledge, as though there fhoulde be alwafes greateft autbozitie , where is the greateſt knowledge: whiche if it be true, the authoritie of the pitdus: Pope bfuallie moſte ignoꝛant, doth lie in the duſte. Papa eſt doctot Againe J fap ; as we are contented to require the veriufque legis Lawe at the Prieſtes handes: fo are the Prieſtes °° ae » fed borden fo anſweare accozdinge to the law of Gon:from “Oe the whiche tf ther ſwarue, we are not bounden fo heare, 02 obep them. Howe where pou fay .Dozman , thar theſe prom phetes doo promiſſe that the Prieffes lippes {hall not miffe to Reepe the true knorwledge , bicaufé they are our Lordes Angelles : pee bo fcarfelp deale fincerely herein . hoſtus pour aus thour faithbe: Dei digito fcriptum eft . Labia ſacer- doris cuftodiunt {cientiam Kc. that fs to fap: 3t is writen with the finger of Cod:the lippes of the Prieſts bo kepe knowledge . Bou fap, the Prophetes doo promiſſe the the Priefles lippes ſ hal not miſſe to keepe the true knowledge. Cuſtodient. Wibkerbp tt is euident that either pour autbour bofius, 02 pou, miffed fo kepe true tranflation, fo2 though one once haue the keepinge of a thinge, it foloweth not bye bp be bath a promi fe never to miffe of the keeping ther- of. And tf this(cuftodiunt {cientia)thet do keepe knows © ledge, twas wꝛiten with Gods finger,as Cardinal! Ho⸗ fins bis fingers, bp wzitinge dw tefifie,than was rour 2 p2omiffe, Cuftodiunt, A REPRO VEE OF M. promiſſe; that the Prieftes Lippes { ball not miſſe to Keepe. time knowledge, writen with 99.Dozmans fingers onelp. For Gods woꝛrde, writen with bis owne finger in that Pꝛo· phet, doeth declare plainely and largelp,that thelippes of thofe Prieſtes did faile to kepe true knowledge, and that therfoze they bad nocertaine promiffe net to miſſe to kepe tt:as pou baue Gere with pour fingers woiten. % Wil reherſe the wordes of the prophete moze larglp, — fo2 if is tothe purpoſe fo to do, lex veritatis fuit in ore eius,Xc. (faith the pecphete Malachic) that fs to fap: > laive of truth was in bis mouth (be ſpeaketh of Leute) and wickednes twas not founde in his lippes:be walked. Wwith me in peace and cquitte, ¢ turned manp from inis Cuſtodient. quitie: foz the lippes.of the Pꝛieſt ſhoulde o2 ought to rong marie keepe knotwledge , (fo2 both S. Bterome andthe pze- teth it Cuftodi. celle tt felfe heweth that the worde cuftodient fo fis it. gnifieth, and thep hall require the latve of bis mouth: foz be is the Angell 02 legate of the 11020 of hoftes. but pou(pPatelkes)haue departed from the wav, ¢ haue caus fed many to offende againſt the lawe : vou haue bꝛoken fhe conenaunt of Leute, faith the Lode God of hoſtes. Wiberefoze Jhaue made pou to be in contempt ¢ with, out eſtimation emongſt al people, as pou haue not kept Accepiſtis facié mp waies, but haue had refpect to perfons iniudgemet. vel perfonam.in Hitherto haue J rebearfed the terte of the Prophete: lege. bpon the which S. Gicrome bath theſe woꝛrdes:deſcri⸗ bitur ex perſona Dei, perfecti officiũ ſacerdotis Xe. that is to ſay:the office ofa perfect Pꝛieſt is deſcribed in Ex perſona Dei. Gods perſon, and what manner of man the ſaide prick 4 ee fhould be,¢ what manner of man Cod would haue bint tobe, whocommaunded bim ſo to be, tc. thus faith >. Wicrome of p fick parte, what palettes fhould be, of the. ſeconde DORMANS PROVFE. 43 fecond part, what thet were in decde, S· Hierome ſaith thus: Vos autem recefiftis de via &c.that is.But pou haue departed from the waye #,the ſenſe ts : Jwoulde haue bad pou done the thinges, which are conteined in the fir part, whereof Iſpake by Moples in Deuteros Quz priore can nomie ; Geuc to Leute bis doctrine, and truthe to that pitulo conting- righteous man ¢éc. But pou haue declined and gone fro coe· the right waye: notwithfandinge that J faide , thou Dicenre me. fhalt not decline, netther to the right bande, no2 to the Ici. To decline to the right bande , fs fo abſteine from meates, which Cod hath created to fe, and to condene matiage , and fo offende again that, whiche ts watts ten tn an other place: benottorighteous, To furne fo Eccle. 7, ¢, the left bande, is,whan one geueth bim felfe to luſt and vncleaneſſe, and offendeth many tn the Latwe, whom tt were better ta haue a mille fone tied to bis necke , and. to be caft (néo the Sea, than to offende one of the little ones «. thus farre S. Bicrome vpon this place of the Pꝛophete Malachie. Wy the platne tert therefoze, and. by. Bieromes expofition it plainely appeareth , that _@od maketh a cory parifon.betisene Lente and the ould godly Pꝛieſtes betwene the wicked Przieſtes of thoſe latter Dales: and that God made them not promeſſe what they ſhould not faile to do, but telicth them what bad beene their cuttic to haue doone: that is, that thep ought to haue kept knowledge. As the like phraſes, Deuter. 5) thou thalt feare the Lozde thy God : thou halt walke Exod.20. — in bis wave: thou fhalt not decline to the right bande, no2 fo the lefte : ( whiche S. Hierome in the erpoſition of this place alfo,alleageth ) thon ſhalt not ſteale, and * | Other places like fo this by 9. Dozman bere alleaged, conteine no promefe , that Wwe hall certenly do ſo, but IL 3. acoma Deuter. 12. Hec funt præ- eepta atque iu- thcia, quæ facere debctis. A REPROVFE OFM a commaundement, and declaration. what we ought fe do:as bp the Scriptures in other places , is eutdentlp expzeſſed, as in this tert foz exãple. Theſe be p preceptes and fudgementes, which pe ought todm. Foꝛ as tt aps pearefh bp our continuall failing fo dm thele thinges, that tue bad no certen promeffe of Ooo, that toe fhould not fatle to do the:fo,that no promefie was bere made, that the Prieſtes lippes ſhould not mille to Reepe true knowledge, (as .Do2man ſaith) appeareth euidently bythat immedtattp after be Hhoweth , they bad miſſed tokepe (€,¢ bad erted mo thamefullr, from the wape, both bps the right hand,¢ the left,and that therfoze all people ſhould deſpiſe the, becauſe thev bad decetued the people,¢ bad not anſwered according to Gods Late, but bad caufed the people, that ofd credit ¢ folot them, fo etre from Gods Lawe. And therefoze, as befoze was fouched, be theeaticth that be will make them pooze,¢ beggerly, will caſt donge tn thetr faces, till carte theft bleſſinges, and bleſſe their curfinges . Loe %. Doꝛman bere fs the authoritie and iuriſdiction of pour Pope an’ Popiſhe pꝛieſtes, who baue likewpfe lok knowledge,¢ ſwarued fromthe right waye, botbe bppon the righte bande , by abfeining from meates, and marfage, and fo2binding thent to otbers,as bnlaipfull: and bpon the left bande , by their bile life in fuche tmpure celibat of⸗ lending manp,truelp and liuely bp the Pzophet alae chic, and S. Hierome velcribed : bere are the caufes of | the beggetie and contempt , whereunto pou beginue te gꝛowe, plainely and truely fet foorth. Wbercfoze pow baue dealt inſyncerely with the prophets, and deceit⸗ fully with Gods people, todzawe their ſaiynges force⸗ ablie fo pour purpofe , fo the whiche thep are moſt —* traries DORMANS PROVFE. 4-4. trarie:going about motte falfelp hereby to poue , that Sod bad made a pzomeſſe that the lippes of pour Popes and Popithe Pzelates, and popithe fir Johns, moſt ig⸗ nozant doultes and affes,a great parte of them, theuld not miffe to kepe true Knowledge: whoſe blindnes, ig⸗ nozance,crrours,feducing, of the people, and the cone tempt, pouertie, and decay th this world, and the curfe, and bigh indignation of Goo(wheretnta foz their faide faultes thep are moſte iuſtly fallen) ts bp the Prophete Malachte mot platnelp ¢ linely bere depainted and {ct Hier.io Malaa footh:&. Hierome vpon the fame teltifipng, that (uch ois G ap. do fn bainebaagae of the dignitic of prieſthod, who do .o;5ti5 in (crip nof perfourme theadutttes thereof. turis fanétis ob= Concerning the woꝛdes Angelus Domini, which tenderit, negli- P. Doꝛman chaunging the numbze,bath traflatcd our ay frufira 3 Lozdes Angels, . Wierome as well bpon the Pz0pbet ins snera n6 Aggeus,as Palachie bere by H.Dozman alleged, doth exhiber, erpounde Angelus Domini, by this woꝛd, Nuncius, Hier. in Agg. 22. the meffenger of the Loade , of ſhewinge the will of the verfus finem & Loꝛde to the people, faith &.terome. Which interpre⸗ Meech.» tation S.Hierome rather foloweth , vᷣ be might theres by deliver from thefr errour, fuch as thought that Ag⸗ geus and Malachtas the Prophetes, and Zohn Baptiſt alfo ( of whome the Scriptures.do vſe that phraſe of | Angelus Domini.) were Angels in deede. F025. Picrome bpon Agacus witneſſeth that (ome than, had. fuche an opinion. Jtruſte . Dozma meancth not ty terming prieſtes our Loꝛdes Angels,to bzing bs into ᷣ strour, out of the which S. Hierome would deliuer bs, fo2 thongh fimple men,bearinge ſuche godlymen 5 as were the culde Pꝛophetes, and palettes, terined Angeli: Domini,} Lozdes Angels, by occaſiũ of the title their — holines Math. 1$.¢.39. A REP ROVFE OF M. holines together , might thinke them fo be Angels in deede: ipet fache fs the life of our Popiſh Pzelates, that no man can be bought bp any title of the Angels of the Lorde,to them attributed, tothinke them therefore ta be Angels in dede, ercepteftbe Angeli Domini mali, the enill Angels of the Lorde. And S. Hierome fatth, thatthe title ofthe Lozdes Angel, that ts the Lozdes meflenger 02 Legate, is geuen fo Pzieltes of howing the Lozdes will to the people , for the whiche caufe the © faide Prieſtes ought fo be learned and fearchers of the trothe, as faith S. Hierome: and thts woorde Legate of the Loꝛde, fmpozteth. that the Prieſte ought to fap ne other thing than that tobichets geuen him in commits neither them felues preached fhe Lozdes twill , nefther ‘would fuffer the people to knowe it, but , as muche as in them oft lie, by keaping tt bid from the people. onder & ffraunge vnknowen language, and bp fearing of the people bp al crueltie, from the ſeeking of the knowledg of the Lozdes twill, in ſteede whereotf they haue taught thelr owne til, the title of Angeli Domini, the lordes Angels, meflengers,o2 legates,ca in no ſenſe be truelx applied fo them: buleffe they map(as Jſaide) be termed Angeli Domini mali,the eutll Angels of the Loꝛde:foz that they plucke the good {ede of Gods woorde, out of the bartes of the people, and in feede thereof, dw ſawe the darnell and cocle of theft erronious traditions, and ſuperſtitions, afterthe erample of thewozofaltbe = Angels. Whoreforꝛe M. Dozman needeth nottobyagge . ofthistitle, Angeli Domini, our Lozdes Angels, as apperteining to theft ticked, vnlearned dolfithe, and bombe Poptthe Prieſtes. Where 9, Dorman we atte ſion from the 102d. Seing therefore our Papiſtes, haue ? DORMANS PROVFE i 45 haue no ſuche warraunt for Pꝛinces a8 be theſe ·ſ· Prieſtes. J would be ſorvit we had ſuche: for here thtey haue none other warrant/but a declaration thatitbep © bane broken all couenant and pꝛomeſſe with God, and. all duitie toiwardes God, and man, And, Downare | map(tf he liſt febe) finde p terme of Angelus Domini, 1.Reg.15:a%, ° the Lordes Angel (ashe erpoundeth its)and Chriftus 2-Reg.14 4-17. Domini aifo ; the Loꝛdes anndinced, 07 the aLozoes ° * i ee 2. Chzitke, (fo2 (oA might late bp as good right, as he ter⸗ a TR meth Peteltes the Lozdes Angels) not vnuſuallie; coultis tocis, in the Scriptures appliedto Princes And in the ende df the thapter of Aggeus by him here alledged; he map finde abetter warrant foz Zoꝛobabeli the Pꝛince/ as J batie befoze noted, than ſs Were for tye Prieſtes· And God doth promple that hinges and Nucenes thalbethe Efi. 4 koſter fathers, and nonrceies of his Churcbhe bothe to * or, guide and to feade ft, And the Striptures ſaye thatthe Auguſt. Epi. ic. hattes ot Princes are in the Lordes handes, and that Oonatiſtas. — he doth turne them whither he wilt, Upon which terte — uses ~~ &, Auguttine anoucheth; that he who will not doo cenene, ee that,the whiche the truthe it felfe commaundeth him ipfa veritate cõ- bp the bart of the kpnge , both fhalbe puniſhed in this tra erroré iubẽt worlde, and thall not be hable to ſhewe bis face before (Od quifquis God: and S, Augultine aftirmeth cõſtantly, that wyo mri se » iple ‘focuer(without exception) al delpite thecommanndes ,;-. wie ment of a godly Prince, in matters of Religion, procu⸗ hogs pznasluir, teth him felfe iudgement 02 damnation . Cbicbe are & apud Ded frõ- farte better watrantes fo2 Princess: than ®. Doꝛman tem novhabebit, bath bere‘ahw tos rtectes · Se par —— $lodas sdf ode? 0}. . aviiet sae ke -araigint —— * — ye ght per cor cgis Dormant 18. aie 4's Spfa veritas iuf Bat to proceade , is this aurhoritie genento * onelie in the ſit. &c. M olde wh A REPRO VEE OF Moc; Tranflated out pie teftamentiare they not patrroeyou tas great trufte in- the of Hofius.lib.2. purge a Or are theythinke youcexce fuded.and | Bapiges admitted theres razifye had been fonener Woulds. Paule that bleffed Apofile » haue x. Cort. the fame Cofur, made his accompte , that. God had placed inhis churche; faft he Apol.fol.298.b. pofMessnext to them Propheres.then doctours, and fa fiurtb. Emongeft fol.45.a.&.98,2 D. Hard, hath &.320.b, Ex — — " — — lng placed there : as verity bore rhinke and all the whiche, although that frantick foole that preachinge net many yeeres fence at Paules Croffe , went; about wech bes raylinge ’ Rhetorickestomake his andience as fools{ he ashe was madde in beleuinge that this place { houlde make againft the authoritie of the Pope » becauſe forjorh he coulde-e. fatde, finde no roume ſor him shere sand therefore of bis charitie wifshed that efuny good fel, dowe emongel? his asdience Were Wearie oh his ro wme he might be norwe there were manic s that wif bed borhe them felues awaie ,and him i in Bedlem emongel bis compaignions ,neuer to come more in pulpit » efpeciallie in. that * to ds/ honour the vniuerſu ie his mother , from “whence he \ came » by ſuche vnreaſonalle not reafoning but rayling + although he ° Ufaie scon(de finde there no place for the vope , be might yer | haue 0 ah his youg fight found at the lefithat,which1obn Calin. could Li.g. Yn al tare wirh bis olde and dimme eyes ¢[pic out, that is, that he ca. 3 fot, chiefeft place of gouernement in Chriftes Churche , belonged tothe Apofiles and jo.r0 Bihoppes and prieſes their fucceSors . Except his braine would ferue: himto safe , that Chriftes churche died ima Nowell,» Poive 2, Dorman hath doone with the ould Celta ment, and made an ende thereof with hoſius, bedoth Hofius.ti 2, fol well ta pꝛoceade with bimto the new Teſtament, and 45 Ack 98.3. beginning with the fame terte of &. Paule to the Cos rinthians, as doth Bofius , to take the whole treatie with him in order ast lieth. Rowe. * am panle bath the aaa ie DORMANS PROVFE ⸗Mu⸗ 4.6 fectefn bis Cpiſtle tothe Cpheſtans, no⸗ ted bis booke in the margent thas.1. corimb. . and — ad Ephe. 4. Wiberefore Moroz Hardinge, who bors: D. HardiCéh fae. eth as fate of Pokus, as Dothe H. Dorman, diuers L$ fo.298.b.& ‘titties alleaginge this &. Paules reberfall of Ectleit:· aſticall miniſters ſeinge M. Dorman bad catchedthe fir note. 1. Corinth, 2, dOth with diſcretion make bis tote continualy EX Ephé'4.and tot 1. Corinth. 12. as dothe @. Dorman.’ Wat who itis that B. Dorman here, of that bis charitie and pitie(whiche be tould bs of befoze) calleth frantike foole, and mad man, and woulde Have Placed in Weethleem, 4 dw not certeinlie knowe. Wut ef he haue a delight to raile bpon ſuche; who bp fickhes; 02 ether toile, baue had ſometime an tole heads be map emohgt his ncereſt atquaintance ¢ ftiendes of the Pa⸗ pittes,finde matter enough to gnawe bpon with that . buiaũ fran tooth, till be bꝛeake tf to pieces agatite; and tf be accoz? gere, ©: ding to bis withe, that (uch were fn Bedleem amongit their companions,ali Mould not beth Louatue, ᷣnow be there, And WD. Doria might peraduenture dack fome of thebeattes compantons andfrfendes that ‘be bath, vnleſſe be would for goodcompanie , atcompany them into Bedleem him felfe. And that Preacher, whofoeuner he was, that intreated bpd that tert of S. Pauleto the Corinthians, did ſhewe hym felfetohaue had moze Difcretion and learhinge in bis bead, than yvou haue ..,.. Dozman: and alfo moze truthe in bis mouthe, than was in pour penne , when you alleaged this terte of © &. Paule fo2 proufe of pour propo rove ee * bad of the Churche muſt needes bed Drigffe,’ Foꝛ Ibeſeche the —— — as 6 vale oath betcibe eft forth the hierarchie Cetlefiaticall ¢ % 2. oꝛders 1, Cor.ia. Ephe.gy - ee atone OF oM orders of Eccleſtaſtitall minitters 5 in the irtteto. the Cozinthians and alfoin the Cpiſtie to the — | it it badbene Goddes opdinaunce (as thefe men do that ofnece@itteone Waletke ,, and of all otber the a, Cor sa. Multa quidem membravnum auté corp? KC. mox,vt non fit {chifma in cor~ pore. &e, fhop of Home, (ould haue beene the onelp bead of that Hierarchie oz whole oꝛder Ceclefiattical,¢ of the whole Churchesis it credible, that S, Paule would haue lefte him out Unnamed, as be bath Done in thoſe places? S> Paules wordes tothe Corinthians ave thefe .Eralios quidé pofuit Deusin Ecclefia primi Apoftolos.Ko that ts to fap: And God bath alfo oꝛdeined in p Churche oꝛ congregation ; fir the Apotties , fecondarilp: Pꝛo⸗ phetesithirdlp teachers. than them that om miracles; after thatthe giftes of bealing ,belpers, gouernours dDiuerfitinof tongues ¢c, And to the Ephefiansintreas ting of the fame reberfal,of Eccleſiaſtical mintterssbe _ hath thefe wordes: Etidem dedit, alios quidem: Aa poftolos:Kc. that is to ſay:and the berp fanre( Chriſt) made fome Apottless'fome Propbhetes, fome Cuanges liftes, fome Shepardes o2 Pallours , ¢fometcacherss, that the Saindes might haue all. thinges neceſſary te inazke, and fo miniſter withall, to the edifipnge of the body of Chꝛiſt, and le forth. bus farre are , Paules wordes, wherby he teſtilieteth that be hath named mis niſters neceſſarie, to the ediftyng of the body of Chriſt, whiche is his Church, and tothe bꝛinging of all to vni⸗ fie, which beerpecteth bp the ſimilitude of one body.ia the whicbe be would have no Schiſme. Wut in thele ree betfalles fafeth be anp there, that Cod 02 Cbzifk o2dek- nied, 03 made firlt Peter,as the bead of the Apoftles +¢ of alithe Churches andhis furcefleurs Popes of Rome after er ‘theatherApattes 5 and thett a “DORMANS PROVFE 47 ſours: and fo forthe. No ſurely:he ſaith not thus, noꝛ fo this effect, here, ‘ nor no where elles at all. But it had beene moze than neceſtarie, be ſhoulde fo haue ſaide M. Dozman, had he mienfe,o2 vnderſtanded, that ſuch an one onely head(as pou woulde haue vour Pope to be) had bene fo neceſſa⸗ rie to the ebdifipnge of Chriſtes Church, as pou woulde haue it ſeeme that he is:which not to be neceſſary theres “unto, by S. Paule rechentnge of necelſaries, and omite ‘tinge this pour bead as vnneceſſarie, doth mott neceſſa⸗ rily folowe . Yea S.Paule. erpzellp fapinge , that Goo oꝛdeined and made fir Apoltles, doth declare that the _Apottles,and their ſucceſſours the Biſhops, are equals Ip the chiefe;fo2 all the Apoftles,and confequently thete {acceffours,are equallp by S. Paule, firl; and none can be befoze the firfte. And where thefe men do dzeame, that this their one bead of the tubole Church, ts motte neceſſarie foz the auoidinge of Schifmes , and diffentt- _ ONS , and foz vnitie in the Churche, marke J pray thee _ god Reader » how carefull .qaule ts fo2 the vnitie of the Churche,and what be faithe therefore in the fourth tothe Cphefians , where be. bath the fame reberfall of CreleGaticall miniſters, and the fame treatic,that be / hath beve,Soliciti(inquit)feruareynitatem {piritus,in Eph... . vinculo pacis, vnum corpus, & vnus fpiritus Xc, that is to faysbe pe carefull to kepe the vnitie of the (pte tite, in the bonde of peace: one body 5,one. ſpirite, one | hope of pour vocation, one Lode, one faithe, one bape _ £iime,one Goed,and Father of all. Thus faith S. Paule P might not bere haue bene added; e one Pope the bead _, BF the whole Churche , to kerpe it in vnitle⸗ furely it lie — * bene added, and fhoulde of nes PD 3 celitie Litera {cripta manet. A REPROVFE OFM. | ceſſitie hane bene added, bad S. Paule thought} fuch an head of p whole Churche hand fo2'p vnitic of the fame bene fo neceffarie,as theſe men fap it is. Wiherefoze J conclude oͤ tn this treatie, of the vnitie of the Churche,no ment for being bp S. Paule made of any fuch head as necefarte fog the vnitie thereof,tio2 in the reberfal of al neceflarte mints fers ¢ officers Ccclefiatticall bere, ¢in that. n.chapter te the Cozinthians bp S.Paule made, any mention at allis made of any fuche head, S. Paule doth geue vs to vnder⸗ ſtãde v he did net know of any ſuch head, ſo neceflarie to ᷣ Church, the vnitie thereof: p be therelore doth clearelp ouerthꝛow pour ſirſt falle peopofition of the neceBitie of one head ouer Chriftes church here in'earth,g withal pour fecdb of one head pri, ¢ fo cofequétly vour popes fapzemacie, therfore neither the preacher, § fald he could finde no place,th that plate of &. Paule foz p Pope.neither p vniuerſitie his mo- ther, fro whece be came, nedeth to be athamed of § ferma, p moſt faultie place toherof, § pon conlde finde, ts fuch,as all Papittes in all their fermons tbakes to, fal neact be hable truelp to pzoue fautie. And pou $. Dorman fuch a Bacheler ofdininttic not (peaking wordes, which oftens fines fone vanity, but waiting workes, liger to endure: ¢ fetting thé fo2th as your otone, knowpng in pour cone fcience how you bad bozolved,¢ where pou had borowed § whole, ¢ fometime by lupes taking fire doctours, 52 eight tertes of Scriptures together in ogder as thep lie in pour authour, by pou fe fhamefully robbed:¢ in vour entries to § (aid places,¢ in pour cocluffons of the fame, tranllatyng fwo2de foz worde out of pour ſpoiled authour: pou 4 fap thus dealinge in writing pour felfe,might haue {paredto fpeake of thame 02 difyonour of an other, fora fententce in a Sermon fo longe agoe,¢ fo wel and truely ſpoken: nuch moze might pou have {pared in pour exceſſiue vebemeécte, te DORMANS PROVFE 48 focal the fafde preacher frantique fole,¢ Bedleem madde man;¢in Bedleem to be placed, fo2 ſaying that be coulde finde no roume in this place of. Paule for pᷣ Pope: which fn Deede neither be , no? any man livinge can finde; and ~ pou P.Doꝛmã thal finde farre moze calcly a place 02 tivo, 02 thee, fo2 cerfaine fratique furious Popes in Bedlecm, oꝛ in the dougen of S. Angels cattle woꝛſe tha Bedleem, where ſome of them died like dogges(as their otune hiſto⸗ ries do teftifie)tha pou thalbe able to finde place fo2 any Pope in theſe places of S.Paule, oꝛ in anv other places, thzoughout the whole bovie of f ſcriptures. Vea W.Do2 mat, J thinke aman ſhoulde bardlp finde any place, not onelp fo2 p ope, but foz any one popith pꝛelate o2 Pꝛieſt at all in thefe places of S.paule . We pour Cardinalles ¢ Withops, Apofles, o2 their ſucceſſours, preachinge,and feaching as thei did·S. Paule faith docozs ¢ teachers.are neceffarp: he faith no where, pour dombe, idle, proude pze⸗ lates ,are neceflary top xdifivng of chziftes church:be thet Withaps:be they not rather tempozall Loꝛdes € Pꝛinces, which top iy Apottles ¢ their ſucceſſours is by Chzitt, bp S. peter, bp} Scriptures,¢ ouldeſt Cands to thé foꝛbidden⸗ do pour Cardinalles ¢bifbops miniftcr p Sacramentes, as. thep did: 02 dw they not rather fende both preaching ¢ miniferinge of the Sacvamentes , as thinges to bale fo2 their Lordly fate, ta lowſie Fricrs,¢ poꝛe pelting popith fit Johns-be thei prophets o2 Cudgeliftes? be they teach- ets 02 dodours 7 do thep woꝛke mpzacles., cure difeates, haue thep vᷣ gifte of tagues: foz thefe be thafe, whome 5. paule fpeaketh of. Qo furelp thei benone of all thefe: fos they teache not ,thep fede not,but fpople, denour,g mur⸗ ther the flocke,thef do nothing to ædiũyng, but to deſtru⸗ ato 9 Chzitkes bodie.tnbich is his Church. Durelp,as you do fap of zinces, J may truelp fap of eae ercey Cardinalis Bébs de Iulio.2. Platina de Boe nifacio oftauos 1.Petr.5. Math.20. Cané.Apoft. Non quafi do- minates in gre- gé. Math,zo. Caluinus loſtit. lib.4. c. 3. ſect. 4. A REPROVFE OFM. ercept ff be this worde, gouernours that thet map take” houlde of, there fs none other place fo2 tht in. paules — reberfall of Ccclefialical miniſters. But what manner of gouernours be they, J pap pou? fuche as S.aule, fucheas S. Peter (bpon whome pet thep grounde, and fcunre all their gouernement) fuch as Chriſte our Sa- ufour, (who fozbidde to Ccclefiaticall minifters alt do⸗ minton and worldly gouernment,)dw tequiresno {ures ly,but cleane contrarp,bfinge loꝛdly Dominion, prince⸗ lp polver,tpzannious crueltie oner the flocke of Chriſt. Wherefore J dw conclude, that bere in S.Paule there fs no place, not onely fo2 pour Pope, but alfo not fo2 ae np pour popiſhe yzelates , 02 Pꝛieſtes at all. sroto where 9. Dozman alleageth Caluine foz Withoppes ar gain Princes, Jdo meruatle that his bꝛayne ſerued bim (kor fuch phrafes it plealeth him bere to bfe)to pray aide of an aduerlarte,¢ fo ertremelp bated an aduerfarte. And where Caluine tn the place by M. Dorman here noted, intreateth bpon the fourth tothe Cphefians , tt fs not the parte of aman findinge faulte with other mens old dimme efes,and bragging of bis cleare ponge fight , to alteage bim as though be baa there intreated bpon the.12.chapter of the firft to the Corinthians 9 foz © that isthe place tobiche M. Dozman ts here in bande withall. And Caluine in the place of bis Inſtitution bere by M. Dorman noted, onely reberleth fuche Eccles fiatticall gouernours ,as haue the peculier offices of preachinge Goddes tomzde , and minilſtringe of the Sa⸗ cramentes , tobiche tue did nener attribute to punces. 3 And there was no caufe why, be ſhould place wWrinces | emongſt Apoſtles, Pꝛophetes, Cuagelittes, Patours, — Docants » fo2 af thote onelp irene Caluine ** DORMANS PROVFE, 49 placebp M. Dozman here alleaged. Wiberfoze this de- clareth that @. Doꝛmãs fight twas not fo cleare, as be maketh it:and efpeciallp, the dafeling of 2. Doꝛmans epes, appeareth in that be is ſo bufie with thefe places of S. Paule, and with Caluines iudgement vpon the: Cor, fame, who teacheth that in thofe places not onely no Ephe.<- place ts to be founde fo2 bis Pope, but that thefe places of all other, do moſt eiffectuouſſy onerthzow the Supzes macte of this one bead pꝛieſt the pope. And lo whiles $).Dozman would gatne hereby again princes , foz the authozttic of Biſhops, be lofeth the Supzemacte of bisone bead Withop the ope, ouer all Biſhops, and ouier the whole Churche. And bp his owne places ſelec⸗ fedas well out of the newe Deament,as of the ould, vpon earneſt ſtudie of prontnge bis confequence , that Pꝛinces can not be the chiefe gouernours in the parts tular Churches of their owne dominios, be quite oucrs throweth both bis fir pzopofition , of shenccefitie of one onely head of chriftes churche here in earth, and alfo bis fee conde propofition, That the {aide head muſt needes be a Prieft, bringing nothing but that whiche doth tndifferentip € equally apperteine to all Prieſtes, and therefore not making (pectallp, fo2 the Supꝛemacie of one oner all ; and ſo bis places by not pꝛouing that, for the proufe whereot they were brought , bat ratber the contrarie , do vtterly diſproue, and onerthzotve ff, oer - Dorman. Fol.19. But if 4 man{bould aske this great Clerke that hath fo naro-wely feanned the texte, what roume be founde there for Ringes : 1 mare well what his wiſdome would anwere. There is bat one worde in #ll he texte that { hould ſeeme tomake place for any temporall ma- | 2 Lytrate, , A REPROVFE OF M — giſwate, and that hath cCaluin watred with ſuch a gloſethat it can inno Wife ſerue his purpoſe. The Woorde is gubernationes, ouer nementes, placed befide fo farre from the chicfeſt and firft place , (ff it Were to be vnderſtande of Temporal Magifirates.) that it occu= pieth the jenenth. But Caluin{aierh it may not fo bevnderflande, but that the Apoffle ment by that Woord ſuche Spirituall men, as were toyned to the Preachers » far the better. order in sptrituall gouerne- ment And be addeth a reafon, Why it may not be vnderſtande of Ciuill Magiftrates : becaufe (ſaith he) there were at that time none of them Chriffians . By whiche woordes thes mery man maie fees that tf he will needes daunce after his maiſſer Calutne bis piper he muftefaie that there is not, not onele no roume in this place for Cinile Magiflrates » but that be is excluded alfo fromthe | hope of findinge for them anie,(Imeanein the gouernement in ee: Ecclefrafticall cauſes) in any other place of the nerwc Teflament.. — | — uerne 1 Nowell: churche 4: his matter fs (clenderlp handled bp pon M. Does 9 oot man,thus to paſſe oner thts place, andnot to ſhewe vs a tn what part therof pour pope fhould be placed: which +.9.m argueth in ocede , that pou can bere finde no place foz by Calui bim at allselles woulde vou not(% beleue,)haue ſo diſ⸗ ceaſon· {cmbled the maticr, and flilie Honke awave. And bes ing not bable bere to place 5. bis Pope ( a5 aman moze deſitous to ſtrike bis aduerſarie, than fo dciendebis — Stone bead,) be. doth alke what rowme map be founde there, for hinges ¢ and proceadeth to proue bp Caluine pet once againe, that pzinces can haue no place there, . Dorman may in deede be as boulde tobclic Caluine nowWwethzife, as he bath beene,.andis continuallp, te fallefie the bolp Scriptures , and fatpnges of the ane dent dogours. BWut kbp pane. pou not noted dsp place DORMANS PROVFE, 50 where Caluine fo ſaieth, the place before noted bath no ſuche thinge , as J baue declared, Wut pou knowinge that Caluine by this place of the Cozinthtans, and the 4.to the Epheſtans, euery where proucth that the poe pes Supzemacie ts a vatne fazged lie, naming Caluine as again vs, and therupon mabinge vour difcourfes and marginall notes,durft not note the places, lef thet fhould be founde to make with bs, againſt pou. J will fhotwe the place which J thinke vou do meane. Calute in bis Inſtitution the fourth booke.u,chapter and fire fection vpon the wooꝛde gubernationes, in the.2.cbaps ter-of the firſt tothe Coztnthians, bere by. Doꝛman alleaged, and bpon this in the. 1. fe the Komaines. Qui praeft.Xc.Let bim that tuleth cule with carefule nes, bath the like woordes, as are by M. Dorman bere reberfed, after thts ſorte. Non enim alloquitur Magie firatus,quinullitunc erant Chriftiani. Xc. that iste faie. Foz he (peaketh not to Magittrates.of whomnone Were than Chriſtened ec. bp which woozdes of Calutn, as it map fame, 9. Doman would gather that there is norowme fo: ciuil Pagifrates,not only in th? place of the Copinthians , by bis tudgement, but that be ere cludeth bs from bope of findinge fo2 them any place of governemet (n Eccleſtaſtical caufes,in anyother place of thenew Teſtamẽt. Wibich in deedeneither Calutne {sith bere , nefthercan be gathered of him , by thts , oz any otbet place in bint, that % baue redde. In this fame boke of bis inſtitutiõ, Calutne erpsiding plame word gubernationes,. gouernmets(in this verp place of S. Pauls epiſtle to} Coꝛ.by W.Dez.here noted) bath thefe wordẽ Fameth eni-eoc.$ 13 to far. Although . Paule do pzopers ly {peake of p confell 03 cõpany of graue me, who in the ſect. 4. N2 pꝛimitiue Lib.4.€2p.203 A REPROVFE OF M pꝛimitiue Churche were appoincted to be ouerſeers in the ozdcring of publique difctpline , the whiche officett bis Epiſtle to the Coꝛinthtans,he calleth Gubernatioz nes, gouernementes : pet becaule we do (ee the ende of Finemciuilis the Ciuill Magiftrate, to tende to the fame potnde poteſtatis eodẽ 99 effect,there is no doubt, but that . Paule doth there recidere. by commend to bs all kynde 02 Coates of iuſte gouerne⸗ ment . Thus farre Caluine: whereby pou map fee that Caluine doth not onelp fay, that ciutlt Magiſtrates are Calui.li.4.ca.n. commended fo OS, bp this berp wm2d, Gubernationes, {e&t.1.&.cap.20- gonernementes , tobiche M. Doꝛman denicth, but alfo eat affirmeth that the office of the godly Magiftrate tens ~~" deth te the fame ende, that is to the maintenaunce and: ouerfight,of publique difcipline tn the Churche, (for oF that be bere {peaketh) whiche thefe mend dente. Rom. nm. Qui Gtherefoze M. Dozman, though Caluine fap that 2. ꝓræeſt in folici- Paule in that place , and in the. 12. to the Romanes, did tudine profit not ſpeake to Magiftrates , who than were not Chat widem fened, pet doth be not exempte Chriſtian Magiſtrates Dij nacupstur, Whan Gad dio after ſende them , bp this place :but ras Mandatũ a Deo ther confefleth that S. Paule dothe by this place coins. habent, diuina spend them to bs, betnge the beſte kinde of tuft gouer⸗ - authoritate pre nours: and whoſe office faith Calatne , tendeth to the ea ek fame ende of the orderinge of publike difciplinein the rnius vices quo. Cbutche. Vea, and Caluine faith, that the Pagittrate dimodo aguat. (andelpectallp the Codly, is Gods Utcar: whiche title: Ibidé. ſect.s. Se thefe men can fuffcr in no wyſe to be geuen to any , faz: Dei Vicariosefle ning onelp their Komiſhe Pope. Be affirmeth. tbat the- rae pepe! ftate of the Churche fs by God committed to the patro⸗ Vicarijfant.&c, cinie and pꝛotection of Pꝛinces: that the office of Mar: nẽ in.7.c, Ole giſtrates ertendetistt felfe to bothe the tables ; that the. fa, 81, Magitirates ought to take bpon them the care of Kells. glon, DORMANS PROYVEE. 51 gtom,to reſtore it Decated,o2 fallen downe:and that they are in Goddes place ordeined not onely to decide world⸗ Ip controuerfies, but alſo to ſce that God be purelp wor⸗ Mhipped, according as is appoinded in bis latwe:fo2 that - thep be ozdeined to be the protecdours, and mainteiners ‘as tell of true Religion , as of publique peace and hoe neſtie. Thus faith Caluine, with much moze to be ſaid hereafter , where .Doezman lateth him pet agatne fo sur charge, as diſſenting from bs. Wut berebp itis ents dent, that Caluine doth aqre with vs in thele potnaes, and that 9, Dorman alleaginge him as charginge vs, that we do goe about to make Princes tu/tle WithGod , and as excludinge'ys from the hope of findinge any place,either in this k= pile of s. Paule to the Corinthians,or els where in the newe Teſſa- ment for Chriftian Princes gouernement in cafes Ecclefiafticall , and. as direétly contrary to ys: doeth pipe a lie, € daunte atwrie. F 02 1D. Dorman will daunce after Caluins pipe, be mutt both confelle with bs that his Popes fupzemacte. fs, bp this berp place of S,.paule tothe Cozintbians,. beve by him felfe alleaged,cleane oucrthzowen:and alfo that Ch2iian Princes, as Oods vicars, haue to do in Eccleſtaſticall caules,and with refozmation of Keligiõ. Chis and much moze muſt he confele 4 fap, tf he will daunce after Caluines pipe. Wibiche phraſe F vie, foz that it pleafeth this meerie man bere to ble this meta: * pher of pipinge, and dauncinge after a pipe:as he Did bee Dormã. fol. 17:41 fore as leudly vſe the like of firikinge vpon a wꝛonge fringe , and ts vſually in bande with like minttrellike pheales , and foliſhe termes , bled againſte bs in ſuche places, as be him felfe, like a blinde harper , and lewde piper, ſtriketh molt awzic,and whiſtleth motte leudlie. And for that Jhaue fully reproued, and derided the. Q 3: notable: > AREPROVFE OFM : notable foliſhnes thercof,.tn fuch forte, as (€ deferned; & fozte of popiſhe rimers haue therefoze ra‘led bppow me, and Doꝛman alfo chargeth me, as though J had geuen fhe fire occafion of fuche lewde minftrelffe. But theydo wel now all reafon fatleth them , to fupe plie that defecte by railinge riminge , as mott mete foz them, and ſuche matiers as thep baue tn bande: leak thep ſhould altogether ſceme deſtitute of all both rime and reafon. Caluine in d&de taketh from princes the office of preachpng,of ercomunicating, 02 binding ¢ lofing,an® of miniſtering the Sacramentes,and geueth all this fe the Ccclefiatticall minifters: and ſo do we alſo, andda pꝓꝛoſeſſe as doth Caluine,that pᷣ Pꝛince him ſelfe ought to be obedient to the Eccleſiaſticall miniſter executinge theſe bis offices according to Gods worde: pea though if be againſt the Pꝛince him felfe, accozdinge as Theo· bofius the Cmperour twas in this cale obedient to S. Ambzole. wut let H. Doman how there Caluine dee nieth bute Chzilian,princes authoꝛit ie fo repzoue,coze redt,o2 puniſh Ecclefiattical perfons ſlacke in thetr offts ces,inanifettlp ſwaruing from Goddes worde, or others wile offenders to ſummon o2 cal fhe to Sinodes within their owne Dontinions : fo be prefent , and prefident tf they lif, af their treaties, and. to eftablith fuch o2ders, 2 oꝛdinaunces as Do appertaine to the outwarde regi⸗ ment, and policieof the Churche within their otvne Dominions. Foꝛ this muſt M.Doꝛman do, ff be will ꝓꝛoue Caluine to be af (quare with bs. Wut the vſage of the Magittrates of Geneua (there Caluine was)by ‘whofe authozitie Keligion was refozm2d.and Caluine bim ſelfe euerp where do ſtande clearly with bs. hey DORMANS PROVFI. a bath %. Dorman intermingled in this place one fabs teltie, not to be oucrpaffed : the tumzde Gubernatias nes goucrnementes , faithe 9. Doꝛman,/ is placed fo farre from the chiefett and firtte place, occupipng the fes nenth , thatit can not make fo2 anp chiefe roume that. painces fhoulde haue in Eccleſiaſticall regiment. J toil not here trouble 9. Dozma with Eraſmus tran- flation , who bath tranflated this woꝛde Aweueis pos seftates , powers , tobiche ts.in the fourth place , and: whiche tomade , as it femeth, map be vnderſtanded of. princes tell enough, to bringe Princes moze fozes Warde here. Wut J will put M.Dorꝛman tn remem⸗ baaunce, that Pꝛinces were not than Ch2ifkened(as be. fo2 bis. bantage bath before out of Calutne noted) and: and that therefoze be doth inconuententip, fo ſeeke the: chiefe place inthe Churche fo2 them, whiche than bad: there no place , beynge Beathen men: whiche pet ma⸗ keth nothinge again Chriſtian Princes, to wheme J do truſt Doman twill not denie a place in Chriſtes Churche: though be might bp as god teafon not fuffer Chꝛiſtian Peinces to haue anp placeat all in Chriſtes Churche for that Heathen Princes bad none: as be Will not: fuffre Chriſtian Princes to haue anv rule. 02 gouernement in Cheiffes Churche, for that Bear then Princes there bad none: fo2 there is like rea⸗ fon in bothe .. Powe feinge W. Dorman thinketh it reafon,that ſuche oꝛder in reberfall,fhoulde proue who be thechiefe in dignitie, and who inferiours, it. Were fell that he toculde receiue the fame reafon bint. felfe ; and eyther to finde, 02 btterlp toloofe bis one heade of the Churche the Pope. Foz bothe in this. place, and likewile in the fourth to the. Epheſians, S.pPaule: Age.1.&.2. A REP ROVEE OFM &. spaule faith, that Cod ordeined and made fire, not one Apoſtle, oꝛ Peter, but Apoſtles, that is al the Apos les to bexquallp the firſt and chiefc,euerp one in bis — charge:and not one (peter) to be the fire, and overall ‘the other Apottles(as the Papiikes dm dꝛeame) wheres foze bp . Dezman bis reafon of o2der in reberfall,fe- tinge bis Pope, oꝛ anp other nian foꝛ him, bath not bere the fire and chiefe place fn o2der of reberfall, be ts not the chiefe aboue all otbersin dignitie , and authozitie. Gnd it were meete alfo, that M. Doꝛman fhould not res fulethe fame reafon cf prouingep chiefe in dignitie, by fuche o2dze of reberfall in other places, {pectally fuche places,as be bp bim ſelfe alleaged,as namelp,in p #220- phete Aggens bis fir and (econde chapters; where res herſall bepng made toinalp fine times of Zozobabel the Duke 02 prince, and Zelus the high Prieſt, the Prince bath the chiefe place, and the bigh Prieſt the fecond cas tinuallp,and the people the thirde(as 3 baue befoze nov ted) whiche place by M. Dorꝛmans reafon , proueth the Pꝛince to haue the chiefe and higheſt dignitte , and the high Pete the ſecõd. Vea tt is greater reafon that ſuch 2dze in the pꝛophete Aggæus Mould pzoue the Prince the bigh Prieſt bis (uperionr, than that S. Paules res herſal thould pꝛoue princes inferiour fo peiettes in the church of God:fo2 that in S. Paules time Pꝛinces were Heathen, Pagans,and Idolatours eſtrauged from the Church of Chꝛiſte, pea moꝛtall enemies thereunto,and therefoze no maruatle ff S.jaule in bis reberfall of the officers appertetninge to the builainge of Chriſtes Church, bad litle regarde 02 refpec to pagane pꝛinces, who were none of the ſaide Churche, neither builders, but pullers downe thereof. dWthiche can a aga DORMANS PROYVFE againſt Chriſtian Pꝛinces,the builders of the 4 bnleſſe M. Dorman thinke it reafon 5 becauſe Heathen Pꝛinces had no place in Chriſtes Church in S. Paules time, that Chriſtian ‘princes fhoulde therefore pane no place in Chriſtes Churche in our time (as J haue before noted) iwbich if it do not folotw, (asin dede tt doth not) iwbp ſhoulde tt moze followe , that Chetiian Princes Yaue no authozitic in the gouernement of Chꝛriltes Churche , becaule heathen wWeinces had no authozttic in. the gousrninge of Chriſtes Churche - but let vs feeke foz the due places of Princes and prieſtes in Gods Church, not whereas the one bad no place( which ts not -reafon) but where both the Pꝛince and the prietke had their places, that ts, where both were godly. As in the prophete Aggeus bis time, the Prince was godly, and of the Churche, as well as the high Prieſt: the matier the prophete ſpeaketh of, is the Lordes tvozke,anod buil- dinge st the Lordes temple , and Churche , by expreſſe Wwazdes : and tn the aide builoiuge of Goddes temple; the Pzopbete beinge directed by Woddes{pirite,vothe fiue times together place the Pꝛince aboue o2 befoze =.” P high Priel. Likewiſe in Solomons time the Prince and Pꝛieſte beinge bothe godly, and therelore both bas uinge place in Goddes Churche, the Scripture, faiths Time Dominum fili mi/& Regem, feare God my prouerb. 4 childe, and the kinge: placinge the kinge nerte vnto Good as nereſt in authoritie, without any comminge betivene. of the Prick. Wherefore this oder of pla⸗ Cinge the Prince before the highe etek ina reherlall, toincly and erpreftelp made.of the Prince ehigh Prielt together, and that ſo often times.alfo, they both beynge CPB Cheri: veaandin Gods workes tw; D and “fol. 35.6. &.93.a ced you toruleand gouerne the church of God. A REPROVFE OFM. and builoing of bis temple, declared bp the prophet Age geus bp pour felfe alleaged, ¢ this placinge of the godly Pꝛince next vnto Ood,as nert him in dignitie,in other places of the Scriptures , do by pour owne reafon P. Wozman, poue the fuperforttie of the gedlp Pꝛince ae boue the high Prieſt, and al Prieſtes. And fhe omitting of bngodlp and Beathen Princes in S. Paules reberlal of Ccclefiatficalt gouernouts,doth nothing binder the dDignitie of godlp and Cheiftian Princes , as pou with⸗ out all rime oꝛ reafon,iwoulde reafon. And as pou bane herein piped like pour felfe 9. Dorman , fo Houlde be that would daunce after pour pipesdaunce like a ſole. _ Dorman Fol.19, * Aen pain But not in this place onely was s. Paule of that minde, that Priefles (hould gouerne the Churche of chrifte.but in that notable sermon of his alſo, that he made tothe Prieftes of Epheſus at his departnre from thence , where he giueth them ae tee 2 Attendite vobts & vniuerfo gregi , in quo vos fpiritus fan- saga ctus pofuit epilcopes sebercettlthiaaat Look faith keto — ‘for woorde , your ſelues. and ro-your flocke inthe vhiche the holy ghoft hath plu- can there be any plainer euidence then is this? Let them there foreeither vule (4s $.Paule faithe they are appointed thereto , and shat by the holie ghoft) or if Princes muff, let vs deny faintt Paulé his auctorit ie, and ſaythat the fpirite failed him, for furely bothe may nob. me. S Paule fs euery where of one minde,but no where af your minde M. Doman. Bou and Cardinall hoſius be of one minde , who do fo iumpe agrée together, that ſometime pou alleage 4 great manpof docours(as ats tle befoze pou did and hereafter often de) fometime > a J great DORMANS PROVFE 54. gteat many moe Scriptures (as bere in this prefent place)toget her in the fame ozdze one after an other, and that with folike 02 rather the fame handlyng ¢ circume ftancies that pou ¢be mut nevdes be of one minde. Lhe whole fozce of pour ofan argument ſtandeth in this lumzde Regere, which vou, bp amplificatio dw trailate, torule € goucrne the Churche: but the oztginall woꝛde in the Greke is moi nowey,p is,to gouerne, ¢ fede as a Theparde doth his ſhcepe. And i. Petri. 5. the ſame worde — is tranflated, Paſcite, feede the docke. And immediatly. Petr. 5. after S. peter torbiddeth them to erercife dominion og Nowe cc dow lordſhip ouer the flocke: tobercbp vᷣ chiefe ſoueraigntie that .Dozman bp this worde thinketh to be geuen £0 ros Kc, * Pꝛieſtes, ¢ ſpecially that pꝛincely oꝛ imperiall loꝛdſhip of the Pope ouer vᷣ flocke, is excluded, ſceing they be not lozdes ouer the flocke, woiawey therefoze,Regere,vel palceresfignifieth to guide, fœde, cheriſh and defend the locke. Foz bp and by he maketh mention of rauentnge wolues, which would inuade the flocke,frd the whiche, the thepardes ought fo defende them. Wut our popithe prelates (boty fo ever they baue cloked them felfes)baue ag: Be by their fruictes d&des (wereby thep are fo be knowe) fhelwed the (elfes, not p thepardes, but thofe raucning woulues, of whome S.Paule there fozethetucd,¢ gaus Warning. Now if we will gratit,as M.Doꝛman would haue it, and as be fatthe erpzelly hereafter, that the whole goucrniment,¢ chiefe ſoueraigntie in the Church is in this worde Regere, torule 62 gouerite, geucn fo Pꝛieſtes:doth it not than folowwe , that all they , fo whome 5. Paule {peaketh thts worde, as alfo all they, to whome S Peter (peaketh p fame (of the which none Was Biſhoppe of Kome)had this whole gouernement, | i , D 2 and A REPRO V¥E OF M~ and chicfe ſoueraigntie geuen them thereby, and fo that cither the Withop of Rome hath it not,o2 fhe haue it} that be hath it common ¢ aquall with other Withops? and where is his fupzemacie than, if other alfo haue the whole gouernement, and chiefe ſoueraigntie· which ei⸗ ther let M. Doꝛman graunt , 02 els geue duer this bis. lendereafon, grounded bpd the worde Regere,torule; 02 goucrne: as though the whole gourrnment ¢ thtefe foucraignetie were therebpinent , atherein conteined· Further emonglt al thole,to whom S.paule ſpake theſe wordes: Looke to your felues and to all the flockés inthe wohichthe holy ghoftshath placed syousto rule the charchithere twas | Mot one fuch priett,as be p popiſh pꝛieſtes nota dates: who luke neither to them felues , ercept it'be to cite, drinke, fleepe,and plap,noz attende to the flotke, But to: - fpoile,¢ murther: fo that noone worde of that tert can appertaine tothem, vnleſſe mindeletfe milling of theit mattins ¢ males be feding:and fpoiling, perfecutpng; murthering,€ deuouringe,be gouerninge of the flockes Foz what other feeding 02 qouerning bath the Pope, € his ſworne Cieargie,of lage time b{ed-but fuch qouer- nours Zam fure, were never placed bp p holp ghoſt, in Chꝛiltes church. How be tt, that godly Withops,¢ other Ecclefiatticall miniſters (fuch as S.Paule tn this place fpake bnito)by pzeaching of Gods worde, tebubing, res prouinge, ercommuntcatinge alfo ( whan ncede hall fo: require, map governe,and rule as well the Pzince,as: the people , we never dented . Heither will we Micke fo graunt that the peince his (cholematiter in his of, fice, doth rale,and ought to rule the Prince and in that reſpect is aboue him alſo: fo2 the maiſter ts aboue the {cholat, as he is a ſchelar am ſure. Nowe as we ar|e contented DORMANS’PROVFE.” | 55 contentedto graunte that the Printe ought fo heare a Biſhop truely preathing, humblie to reteiue the Sa⸗ cramentes at bis hande;duelp adminifringe thefame, pactentlp fo heare bis bites reprebended ofthe Biſhop bp Gods worde, yea and being ercommuntcate bppor {ult canfe,to fubmitte him felfe alfo to the Withop., as Goods mihiker in that bebalfe 5 but further the Withop: imap not proceade,as to depeiue the Printe from bis of⸗ fice, and to place an otber in bis Meade , 02 to vſe fuche tule as the Popes, thoſe falfe biurpers, baue of longe and to longe done:ſo let} Do2man, and other Roma⸗ niltes graunt to bs, that the Pꝛince may coꝛrecte, pur nilſhe, and depoſe Biſhoppes and other Eccleſiaſticall miniſters being negligent,ofendours,o2 i ntorrigible accoꝛding to the qualitie and quantitie of their crime: and that the Prince may ſommon them to Synoddes oꝛ councels, dle his authoꝛitie as chiefe in oꝛdering thé aſſembled, and in authoriſing and eſtabliſhing of out⸗ woalrd orders foz the gouernement of the Church: 02 let hint and thent pzoue the cétrarp. Foz hitherto be hath onely proued that Pꝛieſtes ought to haue fuche kynde of ruleand goucrnement, as no man denteth them. His enidence therefore ts nothing ſo plaine and certen as he makethit· Foz where be ſateth/ har we e ſtoonfeſſt that. BiShops: wmfi'eéeher rile (as s. ‘paule (aith jor. be tiled anil fe what the ſpirit fatial's: panle herein, for ſurelie faith he both ma not. Surely WM. Dorman Ahad thought, that the Cot tell might rulea good Prince , by thetr wifedome > and the Judge of vᷣ Kealme, by aduertifemetofthe Latwes: and His Phiſitians in his ſickneſſe, might rule him by bolfontephifikesand his Scholewal Ker might rule tint: dringruciens: ano that the maiſter vf iain D 3 of na⸗ | A REPROVFE OF M : of named in latine gubernator, may gubernare 02 ree gere, (to ble the berp terme , foz all (sone) gouerne 02 rule,and by good. gouerning map ſaue both the thippe, - and the Prince alfo failinge therein: and that pet the prince might rule them all bp bis.authozitie, and that therefore to rule and be ruled, thinges whiche pou ale firme furely map not both be, might ſurely in diuers ree ſpeces 02 comparifons both be well enough. 1 } badd . “Dorman Folio; 19. a s aha And thus for the Scriptures(good veaders) ye feesto “hom of righe that part of Ecclefiaftical gouernement,whiche ftandeth in the alan ying and condemning of doctrine doth apperteine. For that doo the authorities by me out of the old Teſtament alleagedsexpreffely proue as alfo doo thofe brought ont of the ne-we.by 4 nece[Jarie confequéces in that they giue to them the whole goucrnment and chiefe ſouerein- tie, of whiche this is» as is before ſaide, a parte. goat dyats NeW ooo oe ous cof avnuia des hus pou fee good Keavers,that the Scriptures ate leaged bp $).Dozman out of Hoſius, ¢ fick thofe of the olde LeLament,apperteine nothing to bis purpofesas thofe whiche partite tnfreate of offcerninge bet weene thinges cleane € vncleane, as meafes,dzinkes beattes, folvles, fithes, offerings, difeafes, pꝛiuie murthers,and other like ceremontali matters, nowe either cleang abs olifhed amongeſt Chziftians, o2 tf any remapne fn bfe, — pet not apperteining top office of pꝛieſtes(beſides that muche inatier in the proceſſe of the {ato Scriptures cõ⸗ teined, ts directly againſtt manp Popiſhe ceremontes; € ſuperſtit iõs now bled). and partly the fad tertes pꝛoue fach thinges, a6 tue neuer denied:as that — — s & to baue DORMANS PROVFE. 56 to haue bnderitanding in the Scriptures;thercby fo in⸗ ſructe the people, and to refolue them of their doubtes, accozding to God his woorde and commaandementes ¢ whiche dcth in deede apperteine directly to the miniſte⸗ tieof the woorde, oꝛ office of preaching, whiche is with $.Doznian the thirde part of bis diutfion , and fo2 the Dorm. fol,z0,a. whiche him fel€e confetcth, we do not ſtriue with bins neither make anp quarell: and therefore be bath beene well occupied about the pꝛouinge of that, whiche no man denied: and be alfo kepeth a good methade in pro⸗ uing bis thitde part in the treatie of tbe fir. To cons clude therefoze fo2 this parte, pe fee good Keaders,bow vntruly ¢ fondly 9. Doma faith, Thar the autorities of the olde Teftament by him alleaged, doo expreffelie prone , to. "tehome she allowinge and condemning of do€trine doth apperteine: meas ning that it ould apperteine to pafeftes oncly, where as thofe authorities tntreate moze, what knowledge to. fudge and teache thev ſhould haue, than, what authoole tied? power in tudging thep baue. For Curelp to whom ſoeuer it appertcineth,to iudge of dDodrine , they fande bounden to baue knowledge tn Goddes woorzde, and to deale accozding tothefame. Wherefoze it can in no wyſe apperteine tothe Pope 5 and Papiſtes, who are partipignozaunt; and whollie the cozrupters thereof, Powe bis places out of the newe Teſtament be fuch; that they bauc not one woo2de in them , of; no2 fo: the indgeing of the doctrine , "whiche is foundewhiche is ober. twbhich is the firt part of bis diuiſion, andbp bin bndertaken to be proued bp thefe places of the Scriptures: wheres fore that be fateth, be bach proued by shofe sextes chat Precfies oughe tohaue the Abole gouernement.and chiefe foneraigntie (8. f * A REPROVFE OF: Me Forit he wauld thus proue the whole, at ance »-fubat needtd that folemme tripartitedinifion folatelpmangy — | as though he would pꝛoceade to pzoue the partes in oz⸗ der: Was it made more to. how bis conning tn dialec⸗ ticall diuiſion, thar o gap neede of the matters ſeiyng | fodenty-by one woozde Abat o feingt fs euident that thoſe tottes of the newe Teſtament de apperteine ndthing at allto his Popiſhe Prelates and Pꝛieſtes as thoſe to whome netthen the names/ nor functions of Eccleſtaſticallocticers/ by S, Paule reher⸗ {cd,0m502 can bp any meanes agrees (as hath at large beene befoze declared) ¢ where aa the woord miupuveys {whereupon M. Doꝛman graundetb bis pzoufe afte) 1. Petr.5, ‘with &. pPeter(bp whome the Bape doth clapme.al bis Pafcite quatum ſuperioeitie ¢fouetaigntic) is nothing els but pafceres in vobis eft, gre- ¢g feade the focke, the whiche S. Peter noth allo with — gallexpꝛeſſelte ſoꝛbidde dominion to. alt Eccleſiaſtitali nism exeroen. PerOls; andconfefleth bim ſelte equaling felowe mi⸗ tes, &c. niſter andieldet with others, M.Dorman maybe athas ou KmeEOCU iz Med vpon that woord, as hpon good groundto.aftirme TepoG, £.confé- that thechtefe ſoueraigntie doth apperteine to pꝛieſts: ior. where as fhe woꝛd foueraigntie doth ſpecially in deede appertetne to Princes, who, and not Prieſtes, arerai led ſoueraignes:and to whom,as te Pꝛieites, dominis is not ſorbidden. Further what whale gonernment avdichtef foaeraigntre{oeucr, 9, Dozman hath hitherto declared (as be thinketh)to pertcine to Prieſtes, itis bp theberp woꝛdes of bis tertes entoét,that the fame equally doth apperteine, firke to all the Apoſtles, and thetvfuccefe — fours equallie, and not to one onelie bead fpettaltp and _ pꝛineipally. And this wooꝛde Regeres:to gouctne; (bp — the whiche woorde 9. Dozman fatth the whole gonere nement DORMANS PROVFE, 57 nement and chiefe foueraigntie is fignificd) ts not bere ſpoken to,noz of Peter,oꝛ the Pope of Kome, but to os ther , that is,tothe Cleargte of Cphelus , fo that tt is commune and indiiferent fo all Wifhoppes , and mints fters Ccclefiaficall,and not pecultar to one onelp bead Withop.Anod fo 9. Dona, whiles he ſtriueth to prove that pztnces haue nothinge toda in Chriſtes Church, — hath bp bis diligence, cleane ouerthzotwen and marde at once,as tell al bis fir matier of the neceflitte of oxe onelie chie fe head in the churche, as alſo bisfecontd and pres fent propofition,of one head Pricfe, and finallp bis thirde treatie of the Pope ; tobe that one head : faring berein ( as me thinke)like one plaipng bufbilfully, with a weapon called the Burlebatte, who whẽ be went about to ftrike — bis aduerfarie with the foe ende thereof, didivith the — binder ende bnivares, knocke bin felfe in the nodle bee hinde, and alfo with the rebounde of the fozmar baule let, bzeke both bis ſhinnes. | | | - Powe lt remaineth that we eramine, howe thele authozities,bzougbht bp M.Doꝛmã ont of the (criptures of the oulde Teſtament andthe newe, do conclude and pꝛoue bis peefent pzopofitton , whiche ts this, Thar the Dorm. fol, 18,2; head of chriftes charche here in earth.miſt needes be a Prief. Flrit faith .Dozman, 1: és written in Leuiticumcap. 10. Precep- tum fempirernum eft in generationes veftras , vr habeatis fcientiam difcernendi inter fanétum & prophanum, inter pollutum & immundum, doceatifque filios {{rael omnia le- gitima mea: That isto fate, it is 4 precept that / hall ener endure through all your generations, tohane the knorwledge to difcerne and put difference bet Wene holie thinges and prophane , betWeene cleane and polluted: and that you teache the children of \frael all my commaundements, Ergo, the head of Chꝛiſtes Churche bere in carth , mull necves be a Prk, his is a pꝛetie te 2 argunent, Derm, fol, 18,26 Fol.18.3.¢a.17. Deut.2r Ad verbũ facer- dotum. A.\REPROVFE OFM. argument. Foz this text pꝛoueth neither head nor fote. but ſheweth p office of alk the Leuttes.o2 Juiſhe clears gle. Wibiche pet tfit did prowe anp headſhip/; tt did fubs uert M. Dormãs firk propofitia of one headof Chꝛiſtes Churche,fetng all that ts bere ſpoken, perteintth to all the Leuttes 02 Juiſhe Cleargie,as 9.Dozman him lelf ronfefletb bp thele woꝛdes: o whom gaue almightieGod here the power to indge of dottrine ? phoma comaunded he ro teache?any other than Aaron and his race "whith Were Priefles? Iſ poulape true M Doꝛman than mend pour popofitis, fo as this tert proucth.after this ſoꝛt. That al prieſts haue power to iudge of docrine, ¢to teache the people, thanteache bs J pray pou; what this text maketh foꝛ one pꝛieſte to be bead. dgatne faith 9. Doman. 1» the Bookeof Deutero faith he not aljo.that if chere ariſe ante hard or doubtful queftion, she prieft mujt be confulted, and that he,that of pride wil [purne a- gainft his ordinance { had ſuffer death therfore.Er go the bead of the whole Church bere tn earth mult nedes be a pote. As though, bicaule one chtef prick may refolue p doub⸗ festifinginone nation of p Joes, one chiefe pret map in likewiſe refolue allthe doubtes rifing thrꝛoughout ᷣ whole world. Gbich reafon of his, M. Dormã hath lt ked fo wel, that be hath now bpon this tert reherſed it fire times,at tbe leaft:and Jhaue been dztuen fo often to anſwere it.2ea bpon this one woꝛt hycollecion, ta deth bis whole ſirſt treatic of che necefitie of one head of chriſtes whale churche here inearth. The good Reader that litt, map {ce a full anſwere to bis abufing of this terte fol. 59. 4c. in mp former treatic. Again fatth M. Doꝛmã in the fame booke in an other place (tt is ſaid) tharvpon the priefies Woordeor woorde of the prtefles,all caufes.{ hall hange Ergo the bead of tye whole Charche tn earth muſt needes bea Week, Wihp WD. Daman this concludeth not, * plate 4 ‘DORMANS PROVFE, 58 place fpeaketh of all and euery Pꝛieſte Leufticall , and therefore tt can make nothinge for pourone bead, A⸗ gaine it is a matier of fecret and Onknowen marther fpectallp, whiche that place howeth, mui bange bpon the Prieſtes woorde, whiche nowe bangeth chiefly vp⸗ pon the Crownars woorde. Whereloꝛe if that place niake foz any bead of fhe Churche at all, tt declareth, that the Crownar fhould be that head. Againe faith M.Dogman, Exechiel the Prophet doth he not witnes the fame? Fo} 18.b.c4.44. and when there is anie controuerfie ((aith he) they f hall ſtaie in my iudgementes and gene indgement. Aggeus and Malachias, _ doo they not bidde vs enquire for the Lawe of God at the Prieſies bandes ? whofe lippes they promeffe »f hall not miffe cokepe the true , Knowledge becanfe they ave our lordes Angelles . Ergo the head of A8S°Us-2- - the Churche mufi ncedes be @ Pricff. In all thefe argumentes “22> Jgraunt there be tivo extremes, but euerp one of them lacketh a debrtum medium , and J beleue they are fo farre a funder, that tivo 02 thece media ill {carly betnge them together. Foꝛ al thele tertes dm ſpeake indifferentlp of all palettes, and their Uppes, andtherfoze prone ne one fo be the onelp bead of the Churche, but that all ought to be able, treadp to teache in the churche: which as we bo graunt , fo doth it repzoue the ignorant Aves , and bombe dogges,the Popithe prickkes. Further there is Hoſius hath an vntruthe M.Doꝛmã, where pou fay'the Prophetes Labia cuftodiiie, pꝛomiiſe that the pꝛieſtes lippes (hail not miſſe tokepe the true knowledge, for p fame Prophets, ¢ in the fame places,do declare vᷣ the prtettes lips,¢ beads to,bad lot al knowledge. berfoze thet make no promiſſe in that place, what their lippes thal do, but ſhowe what their lips ought fo do:farre otherwiſe fuerip; tha thet d(d,03 than pour popicſh affes lips baue of log time dane: and therfore p place repꝛoueth pour lips as well as theirs. pz And A REPROVFE OF M. And thus you fee good Readers , that thefe textes of the ould Teſtamẽt do declare the duities of al peteftes, tn knotwledge, andfeaching of the people ( whiche we dente not, but we do wiſhe thep bad, and did the fame accosdinglp)¢ that fn al thofe textes by M. Doꝛman als leaged, is not as much as one woꝛd ſoüding tolwardes the pꝛoufe of bis propofition , that one price / houlde Le the onelie head of Chrifies wlole Churche here in earth. hele be bis arguinentes out of tbe ould Defkament. Nowe out of the newe Teſtament he reafoneth thus: s.pauledeclareth. - that Chriftordeined and made for the gouernaunce of bis Church,firft Apofites(that fs al the Apoſtles equallp to. gouernein the Churche, and liketwile their fucceffours after them.): Ergo, the onely head of the churche muſt be a Prief. tobithe 1s: aS good an argument, as it one fhould thus reafon. All the Senatours mul rule equally, Ergo one mutt rule suet all. dgaine S.Paule fatd fo the elders 02 Pꝛieſtes of Epheſus, acitie in Afla, Attendite vobis Kc. Lookete. jour felucs and to yourflocke,in the stehiche the holy ghoſt hath plas ced you to rule,and gouerne the Churche of God . Ergo the bead of the churche muft be fome one prieſt and cofequently the Bif hop of Rome. which fs like, as (fone wold reafo thus: lhe Scnators. of Frankefo2d, mutt loke fo the gouernement of thefe citie: Ergothe Latgraue of Belle mut loke tothe gos uerniment of all Germany , 02 rather of all the wozldes- for fo we ſhould make ft like to M. Dormans argumẽt. And {tis as reafonable almoſt, of that whtch twas ſpo⸗ ben bp S. Paule (ndifferetly to althe cloers o2 Prieſts af Cpbelus acitiein Affa, to gather a (pectall præemi⸗ nence of one bead prieſt of Rome in Italy: as ifone- hould fate, it ts fire,Ergo, (tis water. Seing therfore , Dazman, that neuer an oneofthele, noz all tbefe | 30%! pꝛoutes DORMANS PROVFE. 5 9 pronfes together, do pꝛoue pour propofitta,rhar the head of Chriffes Church here in earth nuft ncedes be a Pricfe What doth fuch a propofition fandinge fo faringly in great letters,in p firtt face of pour bake: foz ſhame ma,tf pou baue anv face at al,blotte out,cither pour popofitta,o2 pour p2oufes: o2(twhich (s belt ¢ moſt meete fo2 the fens them both fo the dongbill together. Foꝛ that, whiche in Dede theſe Scriptures do proue, and teache, touching the office and duetie of Prieſtes, we neuer denied, but Do, and euer did mo gladlp admitte and receive. And thus gwd Keader thou ſeeſt howe 9, Dozman hath tn parte ſubſtantially perfogmed this bis promiffe . 1 (hall — truely bringe foorthas it Were into the face of open Court, all fuch fangs enidence of importaunce,as either parte hath to alleage for himand that fo truely 1 trufhehat the councell of the other fide { hall haue no caufe to complaine exc. This godly and well framed pro⸗ melſe, fet fo2th with thefe and other latwlike termes at large 5 hath 9. Dozman foz the Scriptures very well performed, binginge forth al euidence of impoztaunce in the Scriptures fo2z their parte tobe founde , that is to fav:bzingpng forth out of one place of Fofius, cight places of the Scriptures (t moze would baue bꝛought, bad be founde mozethere)in god o2d2e,and aray,as thet. there fande, with like ingreffe and outgreſſe, to and fra: ‘the {aide tertes, wade fo2 woꝛde With Bofius, Which. frade bere bled in the Scriptures, be twill net fatle, but: hkea conftant man , will continue the fame in band- linge of the doctours, and Hiſtories Ceclefiatkicall , in this whole treatie, euen as Bofius doth, and no others wile, for feare of ſtumblinge. Andas here of the Scrips tures, foot bis hoſian handlinge of the docors, bath be alreabie giuen pou a taſte, bꝛingyng fo2th in a ranke Ai 12 3: fire: A REPROVFE OFM. | Dorman fupri fire doctours, in the fame o2d2¢, places, e berp wmsdess ol.ic.b. as doth Hoſius: whome be likewiſe foloweth theough- put this whole pzoceffe. And vet diſdaineth beto be cal⸗ led a tranflatour , and twill needes be accompted an au⸗ thour of this treatie. | Dorian Fol. 19. — The nexte membre of ſpirituall gouernement, is the po wer as chrifthim felfe calleth it of binding and loofing . vVhiche porter to a excommunicate and to abfotue our ſauiour gaue to his Apofiles, Math. ty when he ſayed to them: what fo ener yon binde in earth { halbe ‘G bounde in heauen, and what fo ener you loofe on the earthe f hall be doofed in Heauen. VV herein and in the laſt whiche is to preache and minifire the Sacramentes, becauſe thefe peuiſ he prottours pres tende not as yet any greate title for Princes but feeme rather to grounde their action in the firft: 1 will leaving thé both as either by the scriptures in all mennes iudgementes ſu ffectently che our aduerfaries them ſelues not aſſaulted, examine of “what minde touchinge this controuerfie the holy doctours of Clreftes Churche from time to time haue byn . Not 4s though mannes woorde f bdalde bane ‘with vs more auctoritie then Goddes, or that it needeth tobe bouljired vp therewith , but for this canfe onely,that if it happen them to wrangle, as their manner is , about the true interpretacion thereof; all men may perceine that We gine no other » then 2 Fae shers of Chriftes churche before vs haue given. Nowell. $9. Dorman vſeth amaruatlous methode . set be deuideth the whole Juriſdiction Ccclefiaticall into ty. partes, than be prontifeth be til orderly pꝛoccede Than bp the oulde Teſtament he gosth about to peoue his Sct parte. And by andby , bp the net Teſtament be proueth DORMANS PROVFEE. 60 pꝛoueth as he faith, the tobole Juriſdiciõ fo appertaine fo Prieſtes. Ahan he maketh a howe as though be would pzoue the feconde parte:and with that by and by, fo2 bis eale, be geueth cleane ouer both the feconde and thirde parte, that is tivo of the thae,as to the tobich the penithe proders,as he ſaith, do pretende no great title. Wibp fir, but where is the auhoritie of makinge of rules and lartves, for the gouernement of the churche become 2 Wwhtch is a parte of pour diuifion, ¢.no doubt pertaineth (pecially fo pour deuided Juriſdiction, and in the which ſtandeth the chiefe controuerfie betwane bs ( for we fap that tuninian the Chꝛiſtian Princes haue chiefelp todm therwith) where Emperour hah is it now become 3 pap pou , that vou bere in this ſe/ made fo many conde reberfall of the partes of pour diuiſiõ paſſe it over —— With filence , 02 rather caſte it cleane alway with the . cy all ist partes, betwene the whiche pou had fo doul fully ioined rogethes placed it: It was fo2 naught, that where there tere in they woulde © deede foure partes 02 poinctes in pour diuifion,that pou makea greag woulde pet have no moze but thee: and rhe autboritie of olume. making rules and lates for the gouernment of the churche,tobich is in Dede the chtefe potna in controuerfie, pou placed and pointed fo doubtfully,that if were fo much ado fo finde fo which of the the@it apperteined. Foꝛ now lo it is cleane ſhꝛonke inthe wetinge , and is become ng p(oincte, neither parte of anp poinde at all, but is cleane caſt away with the two laf partes, betiwene the which {t was fo daubtfully placed. But faith %. Dozman be bath omitted it , for char theſe peeni he protters make no great title for Princes therein : where as in dade our chiefe title etontrouerfie with the is there aboute. Now truly M. Doꝛman pou plaicd the peuthh procour in ſo faptug.¢ bunging pour ſolemne tripartite diuiſion of gre 4 * Cc Borman fupra fel.17.a. A REPROVFE OFM Crclefiatkicall to this potnae . J pap the god Keader call to remebzance bis wordes before about his diuiſiũ, hore he will bringe all the enidence of importaunce that bothe partes haue tof ho-we far shem, that he will nether ſuppreſſe icon. cetlenor obfcure any thinge, that lke an-vpright iudge he will haue an earneſt eye to the iſſue.tliat be will fo conferve the euidence with euery poinctthat tt may appeare Wwherher it agree Wwith any parte, with none, with fome,or with whiche: that at the: length by good (caning We may come tothe knowledge of eucry. mans owne. hele be M.Doꝛmans otwne wordes: and pet vpon fe glozious andlawlikea pexface ¢ pꝛomeſſe, in the pros ceffe fozgettinge bis iſſue, and both what is his owne and other mens eufdence to , leaucth out almotte all of obliuion,oꝛ of purpofe conceileth it,confoundeth, men- gleth, and iumbleth al together, ſo obfcuringe all mate ters, that no mancan come to the knowledge of bis ovbone. This if thou wilt twellcompare together gav Reader, thou (halt truelp finde him, the fame whiche be without caufle obiecteth to vs,a peuiſhe popiſh procter, pꝛating without al rinte og reafon be woteth not tbat, and by ſuch bandlinge of bis matters, truclp making bs an hotchpot,to vſe his otune ferme. And thus in deede if muſt needes happen fo thofe, who {pending their ſtu⸗ die and time tn lave matters , till fodainelp become Wachelers of diuinitie. But as tt is aide, it were better tobe a god poman, than a beggerlp Gentleman. Pow whereas M. Dozman confelleth that be will not allege the detours after the Scriptures , as though mans woorde fbould haue vith them more authoritte than Goddes, or that it nee- ded to be boulſſered vp thereweth, this faping bath the better grace, if it be remembzed bow ſtrongely be bath before foztified bis matier bythe Scriptures, And J woulde gor DORMANS PROVEE Sr god Keader, thou wouldel compare this favinge with M.. Doꝛmans doinges and bandlinge of otber matters, as the poufe of bis fire pespofition of the necefitie of one head over Chriftes Churche, toberein be beinge contented to leaue the (criptures,fo2 that be coulde finde none fo2 his purpofe, is faine fo boulfter bp the matter by mans authozitiesbeginning, pꝛoceding, and endinge bis mae tier therewith, whiche peat (as bath bene declared) did nothing further 02 ferue bis purpole . But bere bppon ſpecial confidence that be bath alreadte pithily and fullp proucd his matter by the Scriptures,fo liberally(as be thinketh) though bpon Cardinall Hoſius bis cofte , bp him alleaged , be doth not a litle auaunce bim felfe , as hauinge Goddes worde tn chiefe ble, and efkimation, ¢€ litle regardinge mans woꝛrde in refpec of it. In dcede 3 mult confeſſe that 99. Dorman bath bene moze plen⸗ tifall in beinginge in the Scriptures into tbe faceofse | pen Court, than be is otherwiſe accuſtomed to be ; but to what purpofe 02 effec be bath bꝛought them in, 3 fruft the difcrete Keader doth twell vnderſtande, for thoſe Scriptures proue nothinge, that be alleageth them foze, and we dw dente none of thole thinges, whiche thep pzoue. And not withſtandinge this favinge of 2. Dozman here; pou fhall well vnderſtande, that in this and all other controuerſtes betwene the Pa⸗ piſtes and vs, be and they all put their chiele affiance and truſt in mats woꝛrde and authozritie, ¢ vſe it mot, and almoſt onelp: well knowinge that were the matter tried by Gods worde, thep ſhould not longe haue many woꝛdes to ſay. Wut whereas the ould docours though in deede holp fathers, pef as mer, dw barp one froman other, ¢ fometinte by fozgetfulnes,cz change of * fort MQ rom A- REPRO VFE OFM. front them {clfes alſo: as longe as the favinges of the docours (the Scriptures fet afide) fhalbelearched, and for triailof the faide cotroverfics alleaged,the Papiſtes doubt not , but thep Hall Mill finde fomethinge to fay, out of their fapinges, who do vſually fav one againſt an sther,and fometune(as J haue faid)againk them felfes alfo. @iberefoze what ſo euer .Dogman bere faith; be and thep aldo knowe tn deede, that were the maticr fried by the Scriptures, tobiche be euer conftant and agreeable fo them (elfes in vnchaungeable truth almac ters woulde Moztly be af an ende. Neither do we re- fule the fentences.and erpofifions of the Docto2s : nefe ther wzangle we abonte the ſenſe of the Scriptures tleanecontrarp:fo theit moe maniſfeſt ſenſe, (as the Papiſtes dw) beinge aſſured, that although fome doe ctors in fome places map fente to make. fog them yin fome matfers: pet in all neceflarie poinctes of Kell. gion, the moſt ancient, belt learned, and greateſt num⸗ bre of the doctors, moſt clearely, wholly ſtande of our fide, againſt them:as in this M. Doꝛmans treatic,bery bare of the Scriptures, and Goddes worde/ but truſ⸗ fed full of dotours, and mans worde, J baue parte- lp declared. alreadic 5) and fhall in the proceſſe there- of thrꝛ2oughly peone, and make the fame motte manta fel vnto the —* Meader > bp Goddes * sys — nots” J vorman. —— 20 And hers to pbegin swith Ignatius that holy: martyr ; woh All Ignatius, ; the faithe of chrifte was -with the reethofwilde beaftes torne,and ushe writeth him felfe , farwe our faniour in fle(he: confident befecke ‘non in the prefcribing of ſuch order for obediéce in Clrifies churche 3. | | | | 7 | i - DORMANS PROVEE Gt ih ois churche 4s whereby vnit ie might be preferued ; "what place of ka ladel. preeminence he gineth to Emperours (who! aré of the latetie the shen, greate/t eflates;) and mwhatito Bifhoppes, bis woordes are thefe, Principes obedite Cæſari, milites principibus , diaconi : pref biteris facrorum prefectis : prafbiteri , diaconi & reli- quus clerus,vna cum omni populo & militibus & principi- bus & Cæſare, epifcopo:epifcopus Chrifto, ficut Chriftus patri, vt itu vnitas per omnia feruetur. princes ({aith he)obey Sour Emperour ; f ouldiors your Princes,Deacons the Priefies whiche haue rhe charge of Religion: pricſies, Deacons , all the ref? of the Cleargy with the peopl what foener they are , fouldiors; Princes, yea the Emperour him felfe, be you obedsent to your Bif hoppe : the Bi hoppe'to Chrifte,as Chrifte is obedient tohis Bather , that ſo vni- tie may in all poinctes be obferued . Here may "We fee good Readers - that euen in the dates of the holy martir ignatius, it was then thought neceffarie and expedtent, that for the better obferuinge of ‘ynitie , the Emperour him felfe/ houlde obey the Bif hop. well 1 wore our aduer{aries Will not reftraine this obedience to temporal gonernement » and therefore it muft needes be vnderſtanded of /pi- ritual and in caufés Ecclefiafticall. But if the obſeruinge of this obedience be the Way to conſerue vnitie, what {hal we alas thinck of them that laboure to violat and breake the fame?as doo all they that trauaile to make Princes in matters of Religton'to rule , and Bef hoppes to obey Bets cauiaien’ ciate No doubt Ignatius was amok holp Withoppe,an cronſtant Martpe:but he fapeth nothinge for pou,no; as gainſt vs. Foz what place of prxeminéce ſhould Igna⸗ tius geue to heathen Emperours tn Chriſtes chutch: St is wel knowen it was longe affer bis time (bepnge martpzed inthe. ri. pere of Traiane the Cmperour) Hieron. de fcri4 02 any Cmperour were Chriſtened. And how ſhoulde ptor.ccclefiatt. pm03 N 2 be A REPROVFE OF M. | be geue a place of pexeminence in Chriſtes Churche ta them, who bad there no place at all? And we doo not denice, but that Emperours as wel as other men, cught tobe obedient fo the Biſhoppe, fo pou take withal that which foloweth, that the Biſhop be obedient to Cheifte, elles twill Ignatius difcharge bs of obedience to a By⸗ fhoppe difobedient fo Chritte. Foꝛ be faith in the fame place that p2iefts not beleauing truelp thal lofe euerla⸗ Ting life,as toclas other:e would pou 3. Dorma, baue bs to obep ¢ folow fuch Prieſtes, (o govnge befoze both in falfe doctrine, into bell to:· To peocede we reſtraine not the obedience whiche an Cmperour o2 other Pꝛince olveth fo a godlp Biſhoppe, to tempozall goucrnement: ¥ woulde therefore H. Dozman woulde reftraine bint felfe from fuch trifling but we do enlarge tf to preache inge of Coddes worde, that isteachinge, erboztinge, repoufnge,comfoztinge,¢c. binding, and lofinge, and. minifferinge of the Sacramentes accozding fo Goddes woꝛde:all whiche be fpirituall matiers, anv in all the tobiche, all perſons as well P2inces, as other, ought to obey Goddes worde deliuered by the minifterie of the: Wifhoppe, as Jhaue at large befoze declared . Wut ſce⸗ tnge that bolp martp2 Ignatius fpeakinge of obese dience, and makinge areberfallofall degrees Eccleſi⸗ atticall,frd Deacons to Pꝛieſtes, from Pꝛieſtes to Bi⸗ fhops,from wWifhops te Chzifte,¢c. maketh no mention: at all of your owne heade of the whole Churche,ppPope of Rome, (whiche beade pou fay ts ſo neceflarie , and of all inen without erceptionto be obeyed) what thal we fap? did that holie martp2 not knotwe-pour Pepe, as pet in dade vnborne: 2 did be , who foegat not Deacons, and Pꝛieſtes,ſo meane men — JJ | DORMANS PROVFE. - 6 foaget this pour bigh bead of all e toberefoze pou hall hardly frame an argument of this (entéce of Ignatius to pꝛoue pour pꝛopoſitiõ, That the head of the whole churche wuusft needes be a pricſt. And tn pour tranflatton of thefe woꝛdes, Obedite Epifcopo,be you obedient io your biſ hop. on haue not bled that difcretion that J lobed fo2 at pour banbdes:foz therebp pou geue men to vnderſtande, that bp Ignatius euerp Biſhop in bis owne Dioceſſe ts to be obetcd sand ſo that ft maketh notbinge foz pour one head Withop o2 Pꝛieſt, but fo2 the obedience due fo euery Biſhop. Poumight bauc done better to haue tranflated {t,be pou obedient to the Biſhop: fo2. fo fome would bane thought that the Pope, as Wiſhop of al Wis fhoppes, bad bene meant: according as bp pour like ale legations out of S.Cpprtane, and S. Hierome in your fozmar treatie, pou baue bozne all men/ and ſpecially the fimple in bande, that the fentences bp them writen of euery Wiſhop, the onclp and chiefe Withopin their olpne dioceſſe, were ment of your Pope, as onelp and chiefe Wiſhop and head of all. the Churche thꝛoughout the worlde. Dorman. Fol 20; sift. ad: The fame Worthy Bif hop and Conflant Martyr ignatius, Wri j uM i ting in another place ad Smirnentes, biddeth he themnot to ho. 1** fated out of nour firft God, next the biſ hop as bearing his image, and then af Hof? li.i. fo. 330. ter the Ring. pm i Nowell. .. Concerning the oder in Ignatius reberfal, wher⸗ of Bofius and pou dw gather the preeminence of Bi⸗ Moppes aboue kinges, 3 graunt, Ignatius might well make that oder:foz hinges tn bis time,as Jhaue fatod,. DQ 3 being: u,Petrin2.¢.17. Prguerb.24; A REPROVFE OF M, being 110 Chꝛittian no? godly men, were onely fo be Obetied in worldlte matters ; whome beinge’ pagans; when hat godly Party: did fee muche honoured , and the Biſhoppes, who were guides to life euerlatting, ſo litle eſtemed, be did well admoniſh the people of the bos nour due to them. But if he die notwe fee Princes Chats ians and godly, and alfo fo litle honoured € obefed of Byleties toe fubtectes being fo {picked and proud, and atminge tmmunitic fro all obedfence to Princes, the bleſſed Marty: Ignatius would J beleue , fell another tale of Chzittia Pꝛinces, than be bath tould of the Pa⸗ gane Princes in his timesand would ofver where haue placed our wicked and proude prelates, hauing to much worldly horiour,than be placeth thofe godlp Biſhops of his time,lacking all due honour. Wut (f pou do delight fo muche toreafon foz anthozttie by order of reberfall vſed fome therein the WDoecours ; S. peter him lelfe fatth, Deum timete Regẽ honorificate. that ts 5 teare God honour the king. Thus laith S. peter, without a ny placing of the 13ityops bet weene. Cibat fap pou, fs not bere a peefident geuen to pour Pope, by S. peter ase pope fatth)bis firk fice fist? haue not a 3 ~ ot eS eeare glote of the Cacceffours,and not the tert at the arn kon⸗ Dev S. Peter. And the like order is to be founde in fiche times, as Pꝛinces were godly Time Domini fili mi, ‘& Regem &Kci that tsifeare Gov, my child,¢ the bing, “faith Salomon, when binges as wel as Pꝛieſtes were godly, t pet placed be not the bigh pziett bet wene God ¢ abe king. Pou ry peraduentare fap: It (s feare, not bas nout DORMANS. PROVFE. , 64. nour be ſpeaketh of bere . It is in deede Cuche feare , as bath bonout fopned.with it,fo2 the king was a worthy. and godly Prince in his moft doinges, as eucr was:els ff J graunt it to be feare onely, in that reſpecte ſurely might the Pope and his Prelates not vniuſtly claime a place of precininenice aboue kinges ; feing thet are by their ty prannie moꝛe terrible, not onely than any Chats . fian hinges, but allo then all Herous, domitians, and aioclefias. Further touching drder in placing of godly binges Pꝛieſtes, Jwold vot bane pou forget that Cod bim {clfeby bis Pꝛophet Agg vernement all the people is gonerned by them. : ' “So La.good: fol.16.2. - and lamentable difcourfe out of Pasiansene, again A REPROVFE OF M Lo good Readers here mayyou fee that in Chrifoflomes time, in thar pure ſtate of the primitiue Churche, all the people was in mata ters ſpirituall governed by (not. the Kinges or other cinile magi frrates) but che. Bifhoppes and Prieftes. Then were the Prieftes in thofe matters iudges, and Emperours them ſelues fubsectes . Then bad Emperours and Kinges this per{uafion that they coulde garnifh their fale with none more excellent title, or name more honorable, then to be called the children of the Churche .. . vod Nowell. . 99, Dorman ſhoulde haue done well fo haue taker in Chryſoſtome before bis recapitulation , and not fe baue left him thus ſtragglinge, 02 pofte alone . Wut to Cheplotome Janſweare, tithe Prieſtes be the harte € fomacke thet be not the head, and this argument,chry- foftome calleth the prieſtes the harte and ftomacke of the Churche . Ergo, 4 prieſt is head of the churche. J truſt M. Dorman will mende, when be calleth to remembzatice his longe that odious difozdze and confufion, when the fecte will be the head,the eies the eares,the eares the eies, and one membre Will needes doo anothers office, &c. as M. Dozman hath before at large profequuted. But now lo, alamentable thinge; fhe hart and ſtomacke Will needes be the Head : whiche M. Dozman there calleth fumblinge together, and ma⸗ hinge of an hotch potte . But F know W.Dozman will deride , 02 peraduenture fume at my grofnes , that fe not the erpofition folowing in Chzpfottome. Quia per eos totus gubernatur populus; that isto fape sfor dy .:° ‘ the Prieftes all the people is governed ; toviche { twill M - —* Doꝛman fay) doth proue the Prieſtes to be the head -- haue hearde alike phraſe M. Dozman,that bp the cies Bony, OJ all DORMANS PROVFE. 69 all the bodie is gouerned:and 3 am (ure it is as natural a phraſe, as the bodie fs gouerned by vᷣ Lomacke, (which ispours bere out of Chꝛyſoſtome) pet are not the efes fo2 all that, the bead, bu€ in the bead. Jhaue bearde alfa that by the ſterne the whole Hippe is gonerned, anv pet isnot the ferne the toppe gallant. ¥ baue bearde alfo that a great Pꝛince hath fatled in a thippe, whiche Wwas goucrned bp one of hfs stone ſubiectes, a cunninge ippe maiſter, and fo fhe Prince in that fournep twas gouerned bp hint: tubo alfo of Gubernari , the berp worde here bp pou bled ont of Chzpfottome ; fs called imn latine Gubernator fhe gouernour: whome pet we do rather call the ſhippe maiſter, than the head: and be he the bead of al bis mariners, pet is be not bis Princes bead, though be bein that cafe bis gouernour . #ea if the prince fe be gouerne folithly,oz periloully,be map not onelp (as bead in Dede) warne him Ehereof, but pus nithe bim therefore. Lo . Dorman pou map te bp Cheplottomes woꝛrdes in bis time, the pure Late of the pꝛimitiue Churche , Pꝛieſtes gouerned the people bp the pzeachinge of Woddes worde, and pet Cheriſtian Princes might neuerthelefe gouerne the Prieſtes in feinge them to dm their duitie, and if thep did it not, in blaminge 02 puntthinge them therefore. Concerninge the ile of Pzinces,F know no Chet- ‘tian Pezince , but he will be contented and gladde to be called the childe of the Church . And tbat wWithoppe fo ener be be, that diſdaineth likewiſe to be called the childe of the Churche , J fap be isa proude Pꝛelate, and worthyto be pour Pope. Vou , when pou {peake of the Churche , trouve beare {elie foulesin bande * * Eiettes: ate mente , war the ** that A REPROVFE OFM | ¥ that Chelttian princes,and people be of the Churche as Wellas you:vou are miniſters, that fs {cruantes of the Churche, whether fo euer pe wilbe called chilozent of the Churche,o2 not, choſe pou:godlp Pꝛinces wil not Difdaine that title 02 name. Wut how pzoue pou that p minifer o2 feruaunt ts the heade of his maiſterschilde, though be be admitted to wayte bppon if , to guide 02 gouctne it: muche leſſe can pe proue that be fs head of bis mailers whole familie childzen and all, Dorman. Fol 21. ipit 94300 . Thus thought Conftantinus the greate, rhe firfle Emperour thie Céftantia It is li.i.not.io. is reported to haue openly profeffed Chrifte. who as Ry nus Wit= Lib.10. &) — nefJech of bim, beinge preſent at the firfte generall councelof Nite ecclef, il aaa — ——— swhiche was affembled aboue tvxelue hundred yeares agoe; , ad | for woorde fol, “ere delivered vnto him certaine libelles and billes of complaintes, m3.b, that the Bifhoppes had one of them put vp againft an other. Scribit de Con- ‘The whiche all as he receiued and put yp into his bofome : fo after Coſtantit ftatino Rufins, op 4 he had refuſed tobe indge in their caufes , affirminge that st the Emp — ———— became not him to iudge them, to whome God had giuen power to — . ti fuerant libel. dye hint, and that therefore their querels ( what fo ener they i, she Bi. los ei quofdi,p- Were) they { houlde referre to the iudgement of almighty God: as {hops ca - tuliffeat &c. ad hauinge no other indge emongeſt men: he caufed without once ope- {es . Or ——— oo ninge them to fee the contentessto be throwen inte the fire, that the capt the Cafar. — brarwle and diſcorde he faide of Priefles , might. neuer goe farder * —J | 309.b. hath the énto the knowledge of men. conta fame. But here our aduerfaries ( as blame them can not feeyng they Ashe begonne will needes be patrones to deſperate cauſes, if they be gladde to — J Aerie ‘ catche holde of a little) will perhappes fay that Ihaue vndiftrete- — Min by behaned my felfe in alleaginge this aucioriue, whiche fardereth ! me not fo muche one Waie, as it bindrethme an other,inthat by the - biflorie it appeareth that the Emperonr fat-in she councell with the. | Ef hoppess. DORMANS PROYFE 70 5. Well, of the alleaging of this place whois like to get fhramesand who honeſtie wlo to winne and who to lofe thereby(for our aduerfaries alſo I am not ignorant thereof are Wonte to bringe this example for them:) the trial thereof | leaue till fuche time as it) halbe layed more Wwhotly to my charge : wehiche halbe hereaf~ ter inbringinge to light fuch ſimple ftore; as they haue gathered to- gether for the confirmatio of their parte,fiomthe examples of ſuch Emperoursas fence Chriftes time haue reigned. Nowell, CThat P. Donan talketh of defperate caufes doth wel appertaine to the Popes ſupremacie, and other po- pithe pelffe, now dpiuen ad accenfos , and lefte to the Accéfi militcs, defence of (uche peeuiſhe prodours as he is. But for that Bofius, out of whome M.Doꝛman bath olen this Hoſius lib.ꝛg of Contantine, asall the rette , vnderſtandeth no En⸗ fol.uʒ. gliſhe, twould aſke of 9.Dozman, who doth fo much auaunce Prieſtes, and depreſſe Princes, Whether he thinketh that all thoſe Biſhops affembled in the couns cellof Mice were men of gwd iudgement o2 no: It ſce⸗ meth thep twcre, by that authoritie and eſtimation of thinges bp them decreed, tobich thep dm fo this dap ree feine. Shan why thould not thetr commen confent ¢ fudgement, deferring the tudgement tn their cotroucrs fiestop Emperour as their tudge, be of god authorttic With pou @.Dozman ? me thinke that pou , who haue ſtuffed this pour bake with the fapinges of feuerall Withoppes, and thinke (€ mete that thep ſhoulde be taken fo2 god authozitie, ſhoulde not refed the con- ſent of fo manp,fo learned, fo godly,fo ancient Fathers, Dotours , and Biſhoppes agreinge allin one. Wut thep agree allin one, thatthe Cimperour ought to be pus 5 2 their oF A REP RO VFE OFM, — their iudge in their controuerfies, and to him as their iudge/ offre their billes of complatnte. What will you: fhamefatt man, fo willinge to winne, and loth to loſe, fo carefull fo2 boneftie , and fo fearefull of fhame 5 and: blame, fap in thts cafez dtd that whole Councell (whole authozitie euer bath bene fnufolable) erre in that one pꝓoincte:did thofe fo many, learned, and tuife Biſhoppes whiche vnderſtode all thinges, not vnderſtande this thinge(twhiche of all other thet ſhould baue beſt vnder⸗ Handed) fo witte, what twas the ductie of a Withoppe,. and what of a Pꝛince: will pou bere mabe Withoppes. (tobome otheriwife pou auaunce aboue the ferres)fuch doultes inthis matier, that-thep wiſte not tobat they aid: wil pou make the Cmperour whome veu otherwiſe fo depzeſſe vnder all Prieſtes fo wiſe, that be knewe both bis otone,and fhe Biſhoppes duetics, better that. them felfes? Gel M. Dormã hitherto vou haue taught: bs ont of the Scriptures , of the oulde Teſtament and. the nue, and ouf of auncient doctours, and bolp Fa⸗ thers, to require the latue , the knotwledge of doubtes,. the decidinge of controuerſies, at Pꝛieſtes bandes 5 not at Princes. Pow pou do teache vs a nueleffon , tha. Wwe mult learne of the Prince, of one Prince, € the fame afouldter all bis Dates, moze erercifed fn armour, than in bokes, rather then of .318.qodlp Biſhops, moſt lears ned doctours, holy Fathers,alemblinge,and agreinge. together in one, what be the dueties both of Prꝛinces, and Prieſtes: and ſo vnwares pou haue conſtitute and made the Emperour iudge ouer ſo many Biſhoppes, whoſe fentence ¢ deferminatton-pou make the ſaid Wie: fhoppes to folotv, ¢ obep,as the (udgement of him, that. knew sain was tools buetive teen chan them * ND, oe DORMANS PROVFE \ 71 Gnd thus yon fee good readers, howe by 9.tDo2man bis tudgement of Withops, be they never fo many, fa icarned , fo boly , tf thep geue any authoritie to Prin⸗ tes, 02 fubmitte them ſelues anp thinge , be ignozaunt what thep do and fap, and are not to be creaditer. But one Biſhop alone faipnge any thing fos the authoritie of Withops,and to the depzeſſinge of Princes, is of aus thozitte autbentical,and not to be denied oꝛ doubted of. Againe P2inces though stherivife bnlearned, ¢ theres foze not fo be con{ulfedin doubfes , pet tf they depreſſe them felues,and anaunce Prꝛieſtes, ate wiſer and bets. ter learned, and. moze to be creadited than Biſhoppes, as is bere the Cmperour Confantine ; but if they ſays anp thing fo2 thetr owne antbhozttic, demaunding their right ouer Prꝛieſtes, then be they Beretiques , ambitt- ous, ignozant,not to be creadited: than whether zine ces oꝛ Biſhoppes be Superiours , vou mutt learne not of Prꝛinces, but of Withoppes ; foꝛ that is moſte indicfe⸗ tent becaufe they be no parties. Foꝛ where this fame Cmperour Conatine, doth by bis Epiſtle thzeaten al fuche Withoppes as would not obey bis comaundemet Thkeodrit. lib.x. that be would depoſe them, which fs the office of a Suz capo, perfour,and doth in berp many places take bpon him, as the Biſhops Superfour, (as thall hereafter at large appeare)in this poind the Cmperours fudgement. fate led him, will 9, Doman fap, and that he was tnduccd hereto by the Artans, and therfore. not to be credited in thofe places, tobcre be taketh antho2ttie to bim:: but in. the other, where be putfeth it from bim to the bifhops, there was bis (udgement frrefragable.. This is... Downans oininitie, thisis bis Lawe, thists bis Lo⸗ athe, biarethontbe and altogeatber . But the truthe is D> 3. that: ‘ A REPROYFE OF M © | a that thofe fo many, learned, godly ancient Biſhoppes/ and fathers, accozding to their learning € knowledge, acknotoleged the Cmperour fo2 thetr Judge: and that moſte wozthte and wyſe Prince, not willinge that mar tiers of greateſt weight ſhould be hindered by (uch bra⸗ beling of the Wifhops amongeſt them ſelues, bppona pretie and moſt wittie pretence of bumilitie,as though be tere not worthyto decide, and determine, cõtrouer⸗ fies amongelt Biſhops, did in deede decide, determine, and end them all af once, by burning al thet beabbling billes of complaint. in alight fire at once, as worthie to better (uruep: and fo made a final end, and determi⸗ nation , of all the ſaide Biſhops contronerfies ; and ſet them a wozke about matiers of moze impoꝛtaũce: this isthetruthe. Now in cafe that woꝛthy Pꝛince of his Angular modeſtie, and humilitie, would not at the be⸗ ginning of that councell take bpon him all due autho⸗ ritie, pet that be thought be might decide cantrouerfies amongeſt Bithops tf be ould, fhall euidently appeare by bfs doinges hereafter. And that the refufall of a thing bpo humilitie, maketh nothing again the right of the ſo refuſar/ {f other authozities thall fatle me 5% will prone ff bp 95. Donan him felfe, il he dare dente : it. ut feinge the Cmperour twas by M. Doꝛmans tue RufiousHifto. gement inferfour to euery one of thole 1Bithoppes, was Eccl.ib,1.ca.2. it not trotwe pou abould part of him, to appotna thent | Sez6, la.c.i · all certaine Date to come together befoze him, and to geue dp to bim as their Judge, their billes of coplatnte, and be at the daie appointed fo fitte downe, totakeof them the fata billes, and whan be bad them, af once ta burne all bis Lozdes the Bithoppes letters in a lighte fre? Foz thus muche doth the Sorte in the — | yD. DORMANS PROYVEE - 72 by 9. Dozma alleadged, record of him. And bere it fees meth befozgate bis due obedience ; foz fure Jam, thep Delivered them not fo be burned by bim alt at once after that fozte:thep bad ſpente to muche labour, ſtudie, and time,in conceiuing and weitinge of then, than to purs poſe them te fucbe a fhozt ende. Seing therefore be burs ned all their billes of complainte,and determined thers bp that they ſhould ceaſſe from all ſuche controuerfies, and be quiet, were bis woordes nener fo humble , bis Beede was the fact of afupertour over the fad Biſhops, ending at once all their controucrfics . And no doubte, pad the Cmperour offered bis. billes of complaint to all the fatde Biſhoppes, thep all woulde not , noz might nof bane ferucd his one bill, as be alone ſerued all theirs. M. Dozman, who fo chafeth and fumeth at bs befoze 5 4s men who will be controuled of none, but God onelie: Dor. fol. 8,b,9:z (whiche yet we never ſaid nor thought) and theeatneth bs with one, that hall kepe bs Onder, meaninge their ‘Pope , doth pet well prouide bere, for bts popithe wis thoppes 5 in bis marginall note , char onelie God is the Sup. fol.3.b% Iudge , of Bifthoppes cauſes: whiche tf it be true, shan will they {hifte for them/felues well enough, (that J map vſe M. Dozmans otune woordes) and farre better, than we haue thifted for our felues:, tobo haue bogne away alt the blowes.at their Lordſhippes handes. Now concerning the Emperours being andodealing in the fatd councell : pou fe 9, Dozman bath differred — the maticr, as pet to colde fo be handled:andreafon is, weo tarie bis time, bntil be ware warmer: which ſhalbe be faith hereafter, in p bꝛinging in of our fimple faze: whiche, be haning (uch great ſtoze of gwd ſtuffe, as you do ſce, may of good right contemne and deſpiſe. Dorma: ee etree — A REPROVEE OF A. Sor OI GAR, ioepemaalpel gern. oleate es - . * 3350 0 Ga eee vet this may 1 beboulde to faie in the meane feafon that dé CO NLant inus fat in the councell with the Bifhops » there Was neuer-yet Emperour nor king forbidden i dare Well faieto fitte nor neuer i trowe [hall . And ouer this that in there being it és not very lzkely that he encroched any thing ypon the ſpirituall iuriſdiction, bothe by that whiche you haue heard before » and aljo for this, that being on atime as 8. Auffen reporteth of him, required bythe Donatiftes, Epitt.x Tranflated out to take vpon him the hearinge of the cauſe, whiche depended be- of Hofius.lib.z, rweene them and Cecilian, the Arche bifhop of Carthage : he refu- fol. 13.2. fedto medle therewithall, becaufe (faith he)non eft aufus de cau- fa Epifcopi iudicare, becauſe he durfinot be iudge én a Bifshops caufe. But leaning this for the while, let vs examine, the doinges of other good and catholske Emperours. : Nowell, sic Real ‘Wilbere pou may bebolde and dare well fate , that there was neuer yet » nor never {ball you trowe Emperour nor king be forbid= den to fit in councell with the BiSboppes as Conftantine the Empt= rour fate. Jſce pou map be bolde and dare well faie that, whiche no learned 02 toife man may be boulde 02 date well to beleaue, finding the contrarte fn all bitozies of ConLantine,and all pour Popes, and popiſhe Pꝛelates doinges, in all latter councels, tobhich pou map as well troive thep will leaue , as that a Fore will forlake bis manners, with thecafing of his beare. owe ts bere a peece of 2. Dormans arte ; this fapingof S. Augue fine touching Cofantine the Cmperour, Hoſius hath immediatly before, the hiſtorte of Ku fine, concerninge the burning of the Withopsbilles. And ts not 9. Doꝛ⸗ mans (etting that tobich was immediatly bebinde, tats J mediatlx es? er od DORMANS PROVFE, 73 mediatly befoze , worthy fo be accounted an autbour? re pou M. Dorꝛman ſpeake of (ncrochinge bppon ſpirituall iuriſdiction:Conſtantine vſed no incroching, but bts owne right. But where pou dare well ſaye that Conſtantine refuſed, becauſe be durſt not, to be iudge ta Biſhops cauſe, and do allege theſe fewe woorzdes of S.Auitens long Epiſtle. Non eft auſus de Epiſco⸗ Auguſt. epiſt. is pi cauſa iudicare, he durſt not iudge ofthe Biſhoppes, Ad Dopatiſtas. (Cecilianus)his cauſe: though pou neuer reade D, Aue beri a gultine, pet had you put but as mante moe woozdes fn te pour Hoſius nert folowing, the Cmperours authoꝛitie Donatittas. in this canfe,and ouer 1bithops, wha be made bis delle Tom.7.c0l.560, gates bad appeared. But ſeing pou curtall, not onlp S, Hoſius fo. 13.2. Auten, but Hofius your authour allo, after thts ſoꝛt, * ese a and fo woulde leaue the matier fo; a while a8 vou ſay: Jdare well fay, that pou gladlp would leaue this falle epifcopis delegas opinion inthe Readers mindes, that Conantinus the uir. Cmperour, dark not in deede fudge in'that Withoppes cauſe, and that be bad no right fo fudge in any biſhops cauſe: foꝛ the fimple Reader of vour woordes can gas ther none otber . But though pou would leaue the mae tier fo , ¥ will not fo leaue ft, vntill Jhaue declared by S, duguftine, that pou will be bould, ¢ dare wel to des cetue all the tuozld, ff poucoulde : and that in all vour Wwritinges, without allfeare of God, 02 ſhame of the worlde, pou attempte all meanes , howe pou may by mayming and manglinge the ſaiynges of the ancient Docours, moſte platne when they are fullp alleaged, concetle and hide all trutbe , and mainteine the falle v⸗ furpation of pour Pope, and popithe Pꝛelates vppon Chꝛiſtian Pꝛinces, with all other pour deteſtable er- tours, S. Auguſtine after be bad declared that wicked commaun⸗ ) A REPROVFE OF M 4 comaundementes of vngodly Princes are not fo be o⸗ befed:of the commanndementes of godlp Princes (ſuch a3 was Cõſtãtinus)ſomwhat befoze theſe few wordes by M. Dozman bere alleaged out of im , ſateth thus. Auga.Epitt.s. Quando aũt Imperatores veritaté tenent Kc. that ts to fap. Wiben Cmperours hould truth, thep geue com⸗ maundemet fo2 the berp truth againſt errour, p whiche cõmaundemẽt wholoener difpifeth he procureth to bins Ipfe ſbi iudiciũ felfe fudgement o2 Damnation : fo2 both be fs punifhed acquirit,fronté amongſt men,and thal bane no power to thew bis face rte — *bekore God, who will not do that, whiche by the heart Roe. Ol the king, the trath ft (elfecommauntdeth. Theſe are S.Auguittines wordes, the whiche be largelp profecue teth:where pou fee be ercepteth no man, Pete, noz or ther ; from the obedience of the commaundement of a godly Pꝛince, in matters of Religion. Jt foloweth bp ebpafter, in. Auguſtine of Biſhop Cactlianus his berp caufe(wbiche H. Dozman bere toucheth) bp theſe 190208. Scitote quod primi maiores veftri caufa Cæ⸗ cilianiad Imperatoré Conftantinum detulerunt, fed guia Coftantinus non eft aufus de caufa epifcopi iu— dicareseam difcutiendam atque finiendam epifcepis delegauit. Kc. that ts to fap ; know pe that pour fire ancefters bꝛought Biſhop Cxctlianus bis canfe befoze the Cmperour Conflantinus: Wat becaufe Conſtanti⸗ nus durſt not fudge of the Biſhops cauſe/ be did dele⸗ gate ft to be oifcuiledD,¢ended by Biſhops. Whe whiche re —* was Done in P citie of Keme , Melciades Biſhopof that il? — Church being preſident, with many other bis Colleges multiscollegis 02 felowes. Uibo when thephadpronunced Cxctliane Suis. to be innocent/ and bad bp their ſentence condemned Donatus, whe bad made the ſchiſme at Carthage >a . . gaine medle. But the truth maniteſtly apearing in} proceſſe, Ihe ame is DORMANS PROYVFE, » 74 gaine pour men came to the Emperour, and murmured of that iudgement of the Biſhops, tn the whiche they woere ouercome. For how can be that bath an cuil cauſe Litigator malus pꝛaiſe the tudges,bp whoſe iudgement be ts ouercome: Pet againe, the moſte merctfull Emperour, gaue them Alios iudices E- other iudges, Biſhops, at Arelatum 02 Arle, a citte of piſcopos dedit. Fraunce: and pour men appealed trom the to the Em⸗ perour bim felfe, til that be alfo him ſelfe did beare the chit — * canfe, €did pꝛonouce Cæcilian to be innocẽt, ethemto;.... be quarrellers. Neither thet being ſo oft ouercome could Of this matier ref, but weried p Emperonr with cdtinual cõplaintes S.Auguttine in- bpon Felix Aptungitanus,a Biſhop by whom Cactlis treateth allo lib. ane was ogdeined, faiyng that be was a trattour, and Cort ST co therfore that Caciliancouldebe no Biſhop, becaule be cay. 65.8.70. was o2defned bp a traitour: vntill p matter by the Em⸗ Tradicor. perours commaundement, being beard bp lyanus the . proconful, Biſhop Felir him felfe allo was tried to be tnnocet. Dhan Conkantine p Cmperour made a moſt feuete Lawe againſt the partieof Donatus. And the — Emperours fonnes folowing their father, gaue the like cõmaũdemẽts. Thus farre S. Auline truelp tranflate and muche moze to that purpofe, with fir wordes of the which long peoceffe, gleaned and piked out,99. Dozma {would beare the fimple Keader in hand, p Confantine the Gmpetour, would not medle in a Wiſhops canfe:as amatter wherin of right he being a Pꝛince, might no€ declareth, that be both might, ¢ did medle and fudge in ., be fen ote the canfe ofthe ſaid Biſhop Cxctlianus: wherein M. 162. & in Breui- Dozman faith be wold not medle. Foꝛ that S. Auffen culo collat. cum faieth that the Cmperour durſte not be Judge in a CO. Tom, Wi thoppes caute , twas not for that he thought of right 7° “NS | 2 he A REPROVFE OFM - be might not, as the proceſſe proueth: but fo2 that the maticr being intricate , and be not fo exerciſed in fuche controueriies, and otherwiſe occupied in the mofte weightie affaires of a great parte of the twozlde, conld in| not bim (elfe theoughlp vnderſtande the groundes of — that matier. And therefore be delegated oↄ committed Canis delegauit. that matier vnto Withoppes 5 as men toꝛ knowledge € icafure,mete to be bis delegates 02 commiffioners thers _ tn, bp them fo be tried:as if a good Pꝛince ſhoulde fave to two fufers, be durf not be fudge betiveene them tina title of right, fanding in narrowe ¢ doubtful poinaes of the Lawe, but would appotnet the Judges,o02 Serges antes at the Lawe, as men learned and (kilfull in fach matiers,to be bis cõmiſſioners fo2 the deciding therof.. ALikewile durſt not Conkantine the Cmperourbe Auguſt. iudge at tbe firſt in Biſhop Cecilians canfe , but afters Lib.3.cap.71.cd- fyarde by ofte bearing of that controuerfie,the Empe⸗ * ee rour vnderſtanding the botbome of the matier, vpon enicop. ivdicia SPPellation made from the fudgement of the wWithop Gees adiudi- to his tudgement, he beard and finally determined the cium Imperator faid Biſhops canfe. Inthe whiche proceffe by S, Ans ris pductæ fue- {kine declared, Jpꝛaie the good Reader, note firft that terre the Biſhop of Kome with bis colleges 02 felowes, were Delegauit cauts the Cmperours delegates , whiche pꝛoueth them inte⸗ Epifcopis. rfours to the Gmperour, whole delegates they were. And that S. Augulline calleth the fatd Melciades, not head of Chriſtes Churche, bere inearth, asthefemen poo, but Pelcfades Withop of that Churche, (of Rome): fo2 otherwyſe be Was not taken, noz Rnowen than: ’ and he calleth the other Biſhoppes, whiche were fn cõ⸗ Pi Ni miffion with bim, bis colleges oz felowes. Secondlp- chis time had Mote, that whan the one partte mould not houlde them: ao College of | | ſelues ™ ‘ DORMANS PROVFE. 75 felfes content with the iudgement of thoſe Biſhoppes, Cardinalles you the Emperour aſſigned and appoincted them or (as the moſt voderſtãd. Latine hath)gaue them other Judges, as the Biſhoppe tmperator alios of Arle in Fraunce, and others. Whereby it is eui⸗ iudices Epiſco⸗ dent, that he, who aſſigned them fo be iudges, was fur Pos dedit. periour to the Biſhoppes, who were by him alſigned. And withall, it is pꝛoued to be moſt falſe, that the Pa⸗ pittes fap, that a fentence once geuen by the Wiſhop of ' Rome, map not by any other Withoppes be hearde, 02 eramined: feinge this matier once determined bp Del- clades Withoppe of Rome and his Colleges, was by the Emperour afteriwarde referred to the Biſhoppe of Arle and bis Colleges. Thirdly note that latte of ali one of fhe parties appealed from the Biſhoppes to the Empe⸗ rour bim {elfe, who heard the caule,and pꝛonoũced ſen⸗ tence therein bim felfe . Which arqueth the Emperour to be ſuperiour to the Biſhoppe of Kome, and all the o- ther Biſhops, from whome to him all appellation twas made 5 and by bim the matier was finally ended. And farther the Emperour alignedand comaunded Zlfane mperatoris the Pzoconfull fo heave, cramine,¢ determine the caule iuſſu. of Felir the Wifhoppe of Aptange, who was alfa falle, tp accufed by fhe Donatiſtes as a Traitour, bpon furs Traditot⸗ mite that be bad burned the holy Scriptures o2 deliue⸗ red them fo be burned (whiche our Paptites now do in deede)and fo it is euident, that Conſtantinus durſt not onelp him ſelle be iudge ina Witheppes cauſe, but durſt alfo make bis officers iudges therein, (oberin vet ſure⸗ lp Cheiltian Peinces,ought to ble the aduiſe of the gode ty learned and [pecially of the Cleargte.) And this de- termination in thefe Biſhoppes caufes and matters: Cccleffaticall made bp the Emperour Conftantine, | x 3 &. Au⸗ | A REPROVFE OFM — J— Augut epitt.sss S, Auguſtine euery where calleth the tadgement of Pann 15 Co: Contantine the Emperour: which terme our Papittes — cig Conttanrin; nowa daies, can not abide to be attributed in fuch mas vinit &c, &li.3, fers to any, but to Prieſtes onelp. Let . Doman cõtta Creftonia nol goe, and with ire tomades piked out of this longe gram.cap.7r. pocefle of >. Auguiline, beare the fimple people tr pot —— hande, that Conſtantine the Emperour refufed/foz that okright be might not) to medle or be iudge in a Bi- tini perdude Shoppes caule. And pet be map Will make thisbzagge, — fuerunt. that the Emperour encroiched nothinge Vppon their ſpirit uall iurif~ Itẽ in breuiculo diction. foz in dede be vſed bis owne iuriſdictiõ, of right Collationum ts writeth of himsbeing required on the behalfe of the Bif hoppes *or. I —* —— that inhabited the partes of Helleſpontus and bithinia, that bee ad — infte vwoulde voucheſaufe tobe preſent with them to entreate of certaine his anfewi withhim. pointes in religion to be reformed : he made them this anſ weare beinge ri D.Hardiege. Tome, beinge one of the people,it is not latofull to fearch out fuche quired te Confur. Apol- shinges. But the Prieffes , to ‘home the charge thereof belongeth, o°" > | eg FS Nowell: Pou do bs wꝛonge H.Dorman,fofetbsatworke — fo feeke this matier in Wheodozetus fenenth boke, a did write onely fiue bokes. ut fo the matier. Firſt what iuriſdidion fo ener pou woulde the Bl⸗ | Shop bp this place hould have geucn him ouer the Ems: yerour it is euident that it appertaineth peculiarly to a the Biſhoppe of er not of Kame. Agatne: DORMANS PROVEE 78 Againe we do not, no2 euer did dente M.Doꝛman, but that a Prꝛince erringe ought to ſubmitte him ſelfe to the wholeſome monitions of the Wiſhoppe, as be beinge ficke ought to fubmitte him felfe to the wholes fome Councell of the Phiſitian, fo2 that ts the ſimili⸗ tude o2 comparifon bere bf{ed, (as afterwarde tn deede, Theodoſius the Emperour ſubmitted him felfe to the faide S. Ambzoſe) but 7 true M. Doꝛman, pou twill not pzoue hereby, that the phifitian ts therfore the Em⸗ perours fuperiour? And fo tobat purpole than can this place ferue pou, but enelp to fhotwe pour groffe tgno- raunce , and great impudencie, in alleadginge a patche of that,as fo2 pou, whiche wholly maketh again vou; and with bs 2 whiche map be mot manifelk to fuche as will reade this whole hiſtoꝛie of the election of S, Ants bole, wrꝛiten bp Socrates, Theodoretus, and Sosomes nus; out of whoſe wꝛitings foz the fimpliar foztes fake 7 twill truely note out the petncipall poinaes. -Firlke faith Wheodoretus , Walentinean the Em⸗ Theod.li.4.cc5. perour goinge into the well parte of the Empire, in· Valentioian she ſtructed the inbabitaunce there withall iuſtice, and —— begonne with the Pzeachers of our Keliglon. Foꝛ whan Aurentius Withoppe of Millaine beinge an As aſuce begse rian twas dead, the Cmperour cailed the Wiſhoppes firite withthe - thereabout onto him, and ſpake thus to them. ou ag Preachers of re- men nozithed bp in theboly Scriptures, cannot be lgion ignozant what maner of man be ought to be,to wbome — icc he pi the dignitic of a Withoppe is fo be committed: and Chops together: that be ought to intrude thoſe, that be onder him The Emperous not bpdoatrine onely, but by: bis mannersand lifes “orien te. and fo forth .. And be concludeth , as 9. Dozman Pi herpes , and bere alleageth that he woulde baue ſuche aman to be ;, , — 2 choſen duetie. oe Ss | A: REPROVFE OFM. - chofe Withoppe , as to twhome him felfe alfo beinge Cmpcrour, might ſincerely (ubmitte bim felfe , and whole monitions ,as moe wholeſome medicines , be might gladlp recefue. Thus farre Theodoretus. Soerates. lib.g. Further toben the people of Myllane had reques cap. 30. ſted S. Ambzole , pet not Chriſtened, to be ordeined Sozomlib.é. thetr Biſhoppe: S. Ambꝛole refulinge it ; as an office Theclorer? lib, to Great, and vnmetto for him, the matter beprige’ 4.cap 6. declared fo the faid Galentinean the Cmperour,be fens Sozom. illum 4 defh to the Bifhoppes 5 Willige and commaundfiige ciufsime ordi- them fo goer though with the matter’, and to Chat- —— fen Ambroſe, and to make him Biſhoppe: for that it imperator ‘uber WAS He laide, euidentlp Goddes eltaion ; rather than ftatim instiari MANS. BVeaandfurther fatth Theodoretus, that the & creari Epif- ſaide Emperour bearinge diffentions aboute Religion copum. dco be in Alia and Pbhzigia , bp his anthozitie called to⸗ Theodoret.lib. gether a Councell,and fente the articles there decreeds Synedum in AND confirmed, to fuche as were at biffention, willinge lilyrico coégit, Ehem fo agree to the ſaide decrees. &c. And vet further ſaithe the fame Theodoretus Theodorit. ib. that the ſalde Emperour toinaly with Ualens, and 5** Srat ian, did waite to all the Biſhoppes of Alia, Phꝛi⸗ gla, Carophzigia and Pacatiana , declaringe what: Vos incbediétes papnes thep bad: taken from the beginnpnge to the reperti eftis. Nos ende,fo the procuringe of bnitic, bp the fade Synode: quidé ordine 4 hy thefrautbozitie commaundinge the aid Biſhoppes primoad us tobepe the dectées of the faide Sptiode , ano to ceafe: me Pree from perfequutinge one an other: and thep do rebuke fitz, ipfivero. certaine foz their diſobedience, and accurfe arid con vofmetipfos ab- dempne them, if thep do netrefozme them felfes. alicnaftis, Whee poinctes ¥ fay , truelp reported out of the felfe- fame hilt ories, bokes, e chapters, that 2. is J DORMANS PROVEE 79. him alleadgeth, dw entdently proue , that Valentinian thought tt lawful enough foꝛ him to aſſemble Biſhops, and fo deale in Eccleſiaſticall matiers, whiche O. Dor⸗ man befoze would beare the fimple in hande not tobe laivfull. dnd the fame poinctes withall do proue , that Chzlfkian Princes, pea € Good Pꝛinces (whole faipngs and doinges M.Dozman with other Papiſtes alleage fog thei) did then ble as. great-autbozitie over perfons. and tn maters Ccclefiatticall, as we this dap do attrts bute to our Chetan Prꝛinces. Foꝛ/ who was it, whons thele ancient hiſtories Eccleſiaſtical dm teſtifie, to haue according fo iuſtice, tnttruced all bis ſubieces, begine - ning with the Cleargie, Preachers, and Wwihops:. the Cimperour Valentinean. Tho was.be, thaticaticd tos gether and fommoned the Wiſhoppes to. the eleaton of & nue Withop? Galentinean the Cmperour, Wibo was. be that bp afolempne oꝛatiõ admoniſhed the Biſhops, going fo the fald slection, of thetr bonden duties 7 Va⸗ lentinean. Wibo was be, that allowed the election of Ambzofe,and commaundedthe ſaid Biſhhops toorth⸗ {vith fo oꝛdeine him Withop of Millane, who was a tẽ⸗ pozall man,no Clarke, no Pꝛieſt, pea as pet, not Chale. fenced 7 the Emperour Galentiuean:.. bom did all thofe Biſhoppes ſtreight obep ſo commaunding them, without any exception made to Ambzole,.as. vet no Clarke,no Prtek,no Cheitians Valentinean the. €m: peronr: Polwe what. maner of Biſhop proucdbe-thus: electedsand made Biſhop of alay man. bythe Empe⸗ rours commaundement⸗ Better than cucr was any made bythe ope, of anyof his holy ſhauelinges this manp bundzeth peeres,, Further tn. diſſentions about: as fommoned the Wiſhops to. councels · ua⸗ A REPROVFE OF M lentinean the Gmperour . Who by bis authopitie fen€ - abzoade fo Biſhops difagreing, the decrees of the ſaide councel,comatiding them fo be obediẽt, €€0 recetue thez Cislentinean. Mho declareth what painés be had takẽ {n the pacification of Ccclefiattical diſſentions, from» beginning to thendsGalentinean. MWho repehendeth, accufeth, condemneth ſuch Withops,¢ail other, as will not obepzthe Emperour Ualentinean. To cõclude who declareth that the Emperour Galentinea of bis autho/ titte did al thele thinges,¢ in what places; foꝛſoth the biffozies Ccclefiattical tripartite of Socrates, Theodo⸗ ritus,¢Zosomenus,¢ {pecially Wheodozetus; {up berp places by P.Doꝛmã atleaged, for p authoꝛitie of pꝛieſtꝭ aboue Princes. Go pour wates therfore . Doman, € alleadae bs bereafter VUalentineã the Cmpcrour out of SLheodoretas,o; other eccleſiaſtical hiſtoꝛtes of bint, og other princes fo2 pour pat pote, that all the woꝛld may Dnderfand,¢ have in aomiration pour great diligẽce in fearchig,your god lugemẽt in chafing, vour dexteritie efpectally pour modettic.¢ fhamefattnes in bing, t bade ling of pour proufes, piked out foꝛ ᷣ prerogatine ofpour popith Pꝛelacie. Pow gad Keader, 3 haue, I truſt, pers formed Jpꝛomiſed to prone bp Walétinean the Empe⸗ routs affembling of Biſhops tocouncels 5 ebp his dea- ling fn matters of Religion 5 } his formar refufalto dm the like, whan be was required, was efter of bufines Micephli.n.e.3 that be tha could not,as alfo Hicephorus erpreselp ate . firmeth,o2 of a certen lone of quietnes,¢ litle medling, that be than would not, rather than oflackeotright,p = be might not fo haue done. And that therfore the motte | gentle Prince fought of his oton nature an ercule of bits | blenes,of all others excuſes motte acceptable ; owe 7 tbat . = DORMANS PROVEE . 80 that pꝛeſent, he wold not do that, wbich be afterivarde _f often did, Dorman. Fol, 22. cola? Pa- this tobe {hort ishe, whiche would not ſo muchas be prefent Triflated word ‘in Epitt. when sixtus the B.of Rome Was charged With certen accufations, a Hag a . 01.41,2,0, 117 “open but vifing from the councel suk) to be iudged of him felfe. Hee lle V ae ta. SEbisis very short ¢ lubttantiall ute that you do gdb tte bere knitte op the maticr withal 99, Dozman, and pou ci sixto porifica haue a {peciai grace to be neitber thoater noz longer.tha queda crimiha fs Cardinal Wofius , but as tuft of the fame file as map result seyeii poſſiblie be, But to the matter it ſelt J om anfwere Bo «);, ichiis id fius thus. Firſt peter, Crabbe } Colledour of the coite bitrio sixti epi, tels, tubo bath placed amongſt other thinges this frag: vt iudicarer-iu- ment Deexpurgatione Sexti Papa. 3..0f the expurgation of dicinth ſuum. pope Sixtus the third,bere by 9, Dorman alleged fog J." He Pers. authopitic,cofetteth that the coptes of the {ath fragmiét 5; icone a4 legs. which be bad, were fo crabbed; fo intollerably diners e torẽ. Prope exe falfe,# many times it could. not be vnderſtanded what cmplaria into! thep intended, oz meantzand be is chaeudly alraide, leſt !erbile nimize § readers wil «hake their beads, ¢ langh in their flea- prea gona nes, whe thei thal reade {uch ftnfte. Wiberfoze WD. Doꝛ⸗ tioné & ia Veins: man bath done right wel to be fhozt, ¢to knit bp p mar naga’: quid ins tier loꝛ bis popes to be tungesin their owne cauſes (fo tendat-n6 valeat in dade hig the thartest wap.) with.Cuche thozt, ¢ fubs ———— antial ftutte as is this expur gation of pope Sixtus } 1 tu tk, third:a worthy maticr ta be bad, to fome place seein this confelieny gatton,to fuch conuentent bie as (s mete fo2 it, as fall Newo erpocas: bereafter plainly appeare. The eifect of that proceite, pet fubGnando. ‘as farreas J could gatber of the wordes of thre prin⸗ — ted copies, iweiten in latine, worſe J belraue than any Remarne Carter did (peake inthofe dayes off, flee ef -rbo3 al EE a - A-REPROVFE OFM, Crefcentius(vel Dine Crefcentius (whom one of the Copies after the Ceckevoauied Ztaltan,not latine phzate,calleth Crefcentio) a man ð $3 — feared od, whan be died, left all his poſſeſſlons to the <6pofuerat p an- Chutche; one of the mansurs of the which Creftentius nos vitz fux,oés lipng {ir Dicilte , necte to the landes of Martanus, the facultatesfuas fain Martanus would hane had of Sirtus wWithop oe the | sit Fspqelt he Citle of Nome, the whiche the ſatde Withop denied him, Wins abut Wher fore: a@artanus being angrie ; > tfopning with ip jograecpuim one Baſſus ( whe twas alfo fo; another caufe offended diGefsit ab co, {with the fatd withop) accufed the Withop to Ualeritts blia it aecẽderer nean the Emperour , that be had lien with a Ponne, Augull’velma- named Chryſogontes, oꝛ Chꝛyſogonis.b Wherupõ the ‘ter. eius furore & {ulpéderiat fe Cmperont being very angry and abffeintng from tõ⸗ adinnitema ci munton with Withop Sirtus,called before him and the gmunione, ; Whole Senate of omic; into S. Peters Churche in < Qh. in, meo Kome, the fatd Biſhop Sixtus. Where Cpiphantus the arbitrio ẽ indi- ꝓꝛfeſt ſaide with teares: let triall of this matier be sae x — Prt made, that the Churchebe not defiled. But Marinus non abfcondatur (De exconfull (othe tertes call him)anfwered, that it vericas, ‘alias,iu- Was not latofall to geue fentence again the Bichop icare, Spon iu- Wiherupan Bithop Sfrtus fad, < although it be fn mp dicant.. +> hoffe to fudge, ¢ not to be fudged’: pet let not thetruth |e Leuanit fe Aus Ge hid. Dhan the Emperour Vialentitiean commaiived ,8 dedi air iosivia, Maftus to confette all the matfer,thzcatning bint, that pitcopiriudicate it be preued not His accufationttue 5 be chouid beth the iudiciam fuurms Churches, ¢ Biſhoppes bannger,and power, and chuld he kondentd . And the 4 Emperour allowing artmus ag a bis ſalyng, that tt was not tatwfullte gene fentence as (ting muaica(vel gaintt the Withop , let Sixtus the Withop be indge tts vnita)ecclefia, his obne caute: and fo went bis twave , tolth tope and ita vt cũ gaudio fpo3t, tnfulting vpon Partanus and Watlus the acca &ioco difcede- as watitinian 7 lets, and fo the Churche was quiet as afore’. —— Ms DORMANS PROVFE, | 31 other dap Strtus the Bi | Pꝛieſtes of the Crtic, 4 — — mane we : —* —* place, where te Emperour fate b uthe lame te hacenule : efore: andi . tans (alas exul- cell with the (aid Prieſtes, and condemned br nd tas. )Mariano & Parianus, and depztued thei both of- the — ————— ig —— eee of their cõdemnation fo all Bithoppes * —* J aſſus one ot the accuſers heard thi 36 Tsai is tbide ovfifte- matier berp gricuoilp,> and offerred a —2 — * satin nodes to the Church, bpon condition, that be might b fecit cũ omnib? recetucd to the Communion, but be — get —* € cõciliũ & dana⸗ Partanus the other actuler laughed, and (cot — RPGR matier,andfatbe, it is tuziten tn the 1 edat the Vator ve { iL:f, 2) is writen in tie wordes ofthe @o- comunione eos os ‘ orgeue,and it (halbe fozgeuen pou, whiche — — ambos vaitos rtus the Biſhoppe heard, be ſaid: Ft is writen i ———— Eolpeil, who fo euer ſinneth tn this world tt t * * * ———— geuen: but be that ſinneth againſt the holy ——— cae i —* hot be forgeuen, neither here, noz in the world to Ae _ vite —— da = be did not recelue them tothe Communion, foth 4 pofuifler annos a * — — in that cafe , paſſed out of the rie J — xtus the Wi peer ays æ dercline the calendes of ſhoppe condemned them the. oy. of queree ve ad cb eo Septembre: and fittinge in hts (ate, ™rionem Ms ged thus, fapinge: Dhere is no ſeruaunt aboue —5 & —* Loꝛd, noꝛ diſciple aboue his maiſter.c And foꝛ fom ® fubleuaretur. * — ¢ Marfanus fatd of me ſinner, that J * ee * * an whore, Jhaue read ouer the Goſpelles i * lieing on p AEs where it is wꝛiten, whan Jeſus fate ¢ tu * hanes my ae — — —— —* the earth, and becauſe the * —— 0 thev might cond gociul releoi Es brought hinvan adulteretle 02 whore * bim ther uaogclsa in loco ſwered thus. Ff an of “ » AnD Felus ane vb (criptum eft: pof vou be without Gn feeb 3 a ftone at this woman. 4 — ee ccicsis ane Golpell, Awithoppe sor And bp thefe wordes of the Icribente digito eng Sirtus iudged his fee. his geare sn Pe was n6 inuenicbant f ludei,quomodg. A REPROVFE OF M. eũ dinarent,ad- (nag done inp belian Wafilike,o2 great Church. Theſe —— notes did the Archidamus Patek gather together, and cit joc te'PO- be laide it bp,as tt were into the libzarte of the Church, ——— ae This is the peocefle truelp (as farre as J could bnders peccato, inijciar Lande ſuche kinde of wzꝛitinges) tranſlated worꝛde foz in iſtã lapidẽ. Et woꝛde, out of the treatiebp 95,Do2man, out of Hoſius per hac verba ere alleged : and Jhaue noted inthe margent the la- dicche. de fgg, fine as it is in the two original oz moft auncient prin⸗ AGG in bafilica C€0 coptes. But Dh S. Bierome, S. Ambole,¢S. Aus elementa alias, guitine , who woulde thinke that in pour learned Heliana. Hoc ates , the Decretarte of the Pope, ¢ Church of Rome, — * collegit the mother of the Romane oꝛ latine tongue, would, o⸗ ‘lias Achida, coUlde turite fuche latine, tothe which J thinke, there mus prefbyter, is 110 baafle nog coper fo courfe, that it may be in tourſ⸗ & ipfe quafi in- nesany thing comparable thereto chartariumec- Qgatne concerning the matier:this authoꝛ teltifieth —* = $ the Withop of Rome did indge,¢ geue fentence in bie tollocauiz, SWhe caufe: that he would not be pacified with Baltus bis accufar being panitent, and offcringe al bis landes (which belike were great)fo the Church, for a mendes: that be called the accufing of bint, the finneagaint the bolp Ghott, not remiſible tn this wozlde,no2 in vᷣ world to come: ¢ ſo did lef fhe die Without hope of grace. And $ the fade Biſhop Mould be fo tgnozaunt of the Scrip- tures, to compare the frompet , with the abufinge of ‘Wwhome be twas bim felfe accufed , to the adultrefle bꝛought to Chzik tobe iudged:and to peruert the ogdz2 of the Scripture, and to fay,p toban Jeſus fate, ¢ wrote with bis finger bpon the gronde, the {ues not finding hobo to condene him; bought an adultreffe vnto Him: where as in dede thei brought her,befoze he did Write. And to conclude 5 thatthe Pope iudged bis ſee by thee f wordes DORMANS PROVFE, $2 wordes of ourfautour . Jf any of you be without finne let him caſt a tone at this woman ; whiche wordes dw not cleare him, noz bis fee, but ſhould rather codene him as guiltic, though not tobe accufed bp fuche,as were as evel as bint felfe. Alp which muſt needes be a leude fo2- ged lie of Sirtus Biſhop of Kome, who(as Biſhops tha were was bilike, both wilelearned.¢ godly. Al this mas fier ſtãding thus, M.Dozman inp ende of his treatie of Walentinean the Emperour,as a man meaning fo knit bp the matier with Come ſhort ¢fubfantial ſtuffe faiths This(Valentinean)to be { hort is he, whiche Would nor fo much as be prefent whẽᷣ sixtus the Bif bop of Rome Was charged with certain accuſations, but rifing fro the councell left him to be iudged of hins felfe. This is the eutdence of importaunce that thele me haue to proue their Pope iudge in all canfes,and in bis owne caule tm,as weil as other mens:whiche eutdence of impoztaunce M. Doꝛman pꝛomiſed he would bꝛinge noman faprd into the face of the open Court, Give worth p Churche, folz7.b. which, leauinge the true triall of the Scriptures, vſeth fuch eutdence, twill compell bs to be tried by {uch ents dence as thisis: wherein ts not fo much truth, rime, noz reafon,as there is muſike ¢ melodie tn this felp fonge: 3 tobe mp barpe into mp bad € twange > mp fringe a. 02 in any other moze foliſh and leude rime than this fs. Foꝛ the moze Coli it is, the meter a refemblaunce ts ff of fuch leude lics,and fitter anſwere to ſuch allegati⸗ ols, as are by thefe falſaries beought into the face of os pen court, for right god euidence, and of very great impoztaunce, Nob in this leude fable pet is there moze again 9. Dozman,than with bim. Foꝛ tf the Pope appeare before p Emperour to be fried he acknowleged dim therein fo2 his (udge , I tbe Emperour gaue him . % 2 chotle | A REPROVFE OF M ; | Auguftus dedit choiſe (fo2 fo is the Latine in all the tit.copies) to be his * in arbitrio Sext! gine Judge, it lap fn the Emperour to haue not geuen —4 —— —— him that choiſe:which pou vnderfanding M. Doꝛman, haue guilefullp mifrepozted the wordes thus : he lefee him to be iudged of him jelfe : but for fo muche as M. Donan him lelfe (FZ thinke)thinked this ecpurgation to be but flender euidence, be adlopneth foz furtier ayde p Eptttle of Pope Picolas, who lined about.860,peares after Chriſte, a man with tothe o2 naile labozinge bp this crpurgation and other like baggage to proue that no man map iudge the Pope of Rome, whiche being bp fuch indiffcrent witneſſes teſtified, multe needes be fo, you knowe. Dorman. Folto, 22. | Nu fonne alfo Valentinian [uccedinge his Father in the Empire, Valétini — proclaimed he him felfe chiefe gouernour in caufes Ecclefiafticall? the fonne ot Hof? woorde True tt is, thar beingeyet a childe, and feduced by hes wacked ma- for woorde, ther Iuftina, to fanour the horrible herefie of the Arrians: he began fol.38.b.& u⸗. b co affect that title. But after 8. Ambroſe like a true Bi hoppe, and 1 « epi Valentinianus JAaetbfull councelor »had tolde him that it apperteigned not tobim, {tol.33. junior Impera- * ie 1 pretende any auctoritie or right to meddle vith the ouerfight _ impulfe cũ puer Of Gods matters,that to him belonged bis palaces,and to the Prieftes $ adhuc effet ꝓ⸗ she Churches, that he f houlde not auaunce him ſelfe but be ſubiecxt : pemodum &c. toGod,and pine ro him chat Which was bisreferuing toCefar that Lib.s.eps which: Was Ceſars. | tol. 320 | Nowell oe Hofius ibs fol. Hoſius alleageth this place thé times tn his boke a 38.& 2. fol. 43.b gaint Bꝛentius, out of whome pou haue tranflate this Kus.b, —_ gubole procelfe worde for worde· ¢ after pour'enttome fo obfcure the mater, you haue fet befoze that, whiche is alter both in S. Ambzole, being in bis.33.€pittle , ¢ in | Bolus: DORMANS PROVFE 83 Hofius:and that twbhtche ts befoze tn Hofins, ¢S. Ame bzofes.32. Epiſtle, like an artificer, pou baue (ct after: es Lis els vou vſe Bofius bis very woꝛdes both tn p entring to the matier,¢in the concluding of it. And bere appeas reth all the colour pou baue to erempt pou, tubo would feeme an authour,frobeing not onelp a felie, but adit fembling,and bugratefull tranflatour, whiche that ho⸗ 5 in adc reo lic father S. Waſil doth fo mache abbogre. And vou vt⸗ Theologum. terlp confounding and menglinge the ogver of S. Am: i b2ofes bis treatie(as map fo the learned that twill come pare pou with bim , plainely appeare) do compell me alfo in anfwering to folowe pout bnozdertic ordre. To pour queftton , did valentinean the yonger proclaime him ſelfe chiefe gouernour in cauſes Eccleſiaſtacall 3 anfwere,be did not:foz be woulde haue bene, and otber perfuaded him that be was not chiefe gonernour in caufes Cccleftatticall, and therefoze bothe would be haue taken bpon bim,and otbers did beare him in band farre otherivpie,than either dm our Chriſtian Princes fake bpon them ,02 any man goeth about to perfuade themtodow. Where pou fap , s. Ambrofe tould him, that it apperteined not tohim , to pretẽde anie authoritie or right to medle withthe ouerfight of Gods matters, thts ts not to mollifie,but — to cozrupt S. Ambzole , to make the matter feme like bur Pꝛinces doinges. For S. Ambzofe willeth him, ocis, «: that be fhould not thinke that be bad any (mperial aus ——— hye thozttie ouer Gods atsciers, tobiche gam fure, May as lib.1.39 &.2.43. welt be fad to anp Biſhop, as to any Pꝛince. And {ure Noli te grauare Jam, that our Chriſtian Princes neuer tobe anp {uch wpetatoe ve thing bpon them, but take them felucs to be (ubicates sree hgh —* to God, whofe imperial authoꝛitie declared in his word dc ah- (Gnd not their own imperial authozitte) thep muſt, and quodius habere oie = 3 will A REPROVEFE OFM © will obcv in Gods matiers: and therefore thep foil not — auaunce them felues,but be ſubiect to God, renderinge fo God that whiche ts bis: and houldinge them ſelues contented with that whiche belongeth to Princes. To haue Churches 02 temples to be deliuered bp into their handes, thep defire nof, as didthis Galentinian : nets ther fend thep armed men bp force to take poſſeſſion of the fatd Churches , as be dtd; neither erpell they trac peeachers,and place Arians tn their rowmes. Suche pꝛæſumption therefoze againſt Gon, ¢ violence againſt godlie Biſhoppes, Churches, and temples, M. Doꝛman doth vnſitly applie to our Chziſtian Peinces bumbling them ſelues befoze God, x moſt farre from all violence. Dorman, fol. 22. Ambroflibs, After that be had propofed to him the exaple of his father, who Epift.32. not onely in woordes fatd,that it was not his parte toindge among/t the Bif hopssbut eſtabliſ bed alſo a lawe,that in canfes of faithand Religion , yea in the examination of the maners of BifShoppes and Pricftes,onely BiShops / hould beiudges. Nowell, Whe worde of Ualétinian the cloer,that it was not bis part to fudge amongeſt WBiſhops, are the berp fame woꝛdes that were of bim befaze bp M. Dozman alleas _ ged: whiche woꝛdes that they were ſpokẽ, by that moſt myld Emperour af a certen modeſtie/ and lacke of ley⸗ ſure, rather than of any lacke of right to deale with the Biſhops in Keligion, Jhaue by Nicephoꝛus bis playne wyorꝛdes, and by the Emperour Hslétinfan bis dealing Sozom.li.6.c2.7 aye them therett,befoze declared. And allo by the tude Fond ec nits gement of al the Sithops of Welleipantus ¢ Bithimia. | | and | Hof li.1.f0.38.b _ Suprafol, 22.a DORMANS PROVFE. $4. and allother Biſhops, who helde the true faith of ovr oiam,ac quiciig: Santour Jeſus Chik, that is, by the iudgement cf all ally shee pet Withops, that bad true iudgemẽt, Jhaue J (av, pꝛoued Meas: = alreadp, that the Cmperour Valentinian might be pres ' fent with the ſaid Biſhops, to entreate of certe pointes of Keligion,than to be refozmed, foz that thep required this of him, as meete and conuenient in their (udgemet by bim to be done, befides the biftozie, J baue pour cons Ante ſol.az. a felion,9. Dozman. And though pou and otber aduers faries do thinke the curtefie of one Pzince vnexerciſed in Religion and bakes, moſte erercifedin warres ¢ are — - Mour,fo be of better anthozitie again® Pꝛinces right fo2 Pꝛieſtes blurpation,than ts the Laid tudgement of fo many, fo learned,fo godlp 1Bifhops.to the contrarie: the tudgement 9 fap, of Biſhoppes of the right faith tn Jeſus Ch, that is,of right tudgement , and Biſhops affembled together by commune aduife to fudge the bef; pet Itruſt all good, wyſe, learned, ¢ indifferent mien, will fudge the Fated tudgement of fuche, ſo manp withoppes, fo qualififeabpthoppes , to be of moze au⸗ thozitie fo2 the right of Chziftian Princes, than the vnſkilfull curtefie, and gentle wooꝛdes of one fouldfar, fs to the contrarfe :fpectallp fetnge the deedes of the fata Valentinian, of moze effect than woo2des , proue bis authozttte in thefe matiers, as J haue before larges lie declared. DftheLawe made by the fatde Ualen⸗ finian p elder Jſay the fame, that J ſaid of bis wards, No meruaile fa gentle Pꝛince, made a gentle Lawe. And in eemembzaunce of Conſtantius, and Zulfanus the Cmperouzs vnlauful, cracll, andivicked handling of godly Biſhops, ſuche a lawe might feme a neceſſarvx Tawe, led the like might folotve after, as — ng be⸗ A REPRO FE OF M. ned befoze. But where that Lawe comp;tfed, that onelp Wilhpppes ſhould haue tye eraminattd, not of doctrine snelp,but of Biſhops manners alfo, it ſhewech tt felfe mantfettly to be mans,not Gods Lawe. Foz touching manners it is focuident tbat godlic Princes both of the olde Lawe, and of Chriſtian Keligion, bane both examined tye maners of Biſhoppes, and puntthed tits Bed Wiſhoppes, for thetr euill maners. And ache a law vpon occafion, made bya Chriſtian Prꝛince, map vpon occafion laiwfullte bp Chꝛiſtian Princes be altered. In Ualentinians time whan Withops were learned, and godlic of life , and Cmperours readfeto be incenfed as gaint Cache godly Wiſhoppes, and foz the motte parte vnchriſtened ( as was thts Valentinian the ponger) 02 long differing to be Chziftened , ſuche a Lawe, to ſtaie fuche Princes either buchzikened,o2 bnlearned,o2 vn⸗ fktlfall, and withall rathe , from toe eraminatton of Chꝛeiſtian docrine, ¢ godlp Wifhoppes maners , might be (ufferend:fpectallp the Biſhoppes of that time, being both them ſelues of a feuere life,and ſeuerely repeefling the licentioutnes of their Cleargte, but tn this cozrupe tion of doctrine, and life of our poptthe Withoppes and Cleargte now a Dates, one winking, and bearing with anothers both falfe doctrine, and ticked life,{t were an burtfall and pernictous Lawe, tending fo the mainte⸗ naunce and.continuance of fuche ſuperſtitions,errours and bereffes,as the Popes andthetr Cleargte, haue oz uerwhelmed Chriſtes Churche, and Chriſtian Keligis Withall. Wut what fap J than to S. Ambꝛoſe, who bs feth theſe wordes ¢ Law of the Cmperour p father, foz anthozitteagaint Galentintan p ponger? Mav S. Ame * bfeth the erapte of Pmodekie of pfather,an aged, a graue⸗ J DORMANS PROVEFE 83 catholike, and chzittened Prince, like a wiſe and godlie Withop,to Lap the raſhenes of a ponge Prince the fone being vnlearned, and without erperfence, infected with berefie,and pet not chziffened, takinge bppon him all latwfall and vnlaufull hinges . Andthe fame J ape ta alltberefioue of S. Ambzofes woꝛdes touchinge that matier,and that {uch eramples neede not, there Pzin⸗ ces ave chꝛiſtened, godly, and voide of ſuche raſhnes. Dorman. Fol. 23, After that s. Ambrofe had willed him to fearch the scriptures, yroGus.\ib.x. where he { bould finde that BiShops ought in matiers of faith robe £o1.38.b.39.4. iudges ouer Emperours,not they contrarinyife ouer Bi Shops : After D.Hard, Cofut, that he had bidden him call to his remembraunce, tf ener be fo much Apol.fol.317.b. as hard, that in a matter of faith the Lay mea Were indges ouer the Bißhops. | Nowell. S.Ambzales woꝛdes, a litle before this place by M. ambrof.lib.s, Doꝛmã bere alleaged, are thefe: Si docendus eft Epiſ⸗ Fpiſt.ʒꝛ. copus &Kc.that ts to fay. 5f a Biſhop mutt be taught by a Zap man, what be fhould folowwe,than let the Lap ma difpute,¢ let the Biſhop beare , € let the Biſhop learne mn oftbe Lap man. Wut Corelp,tf we do eramine the ordre biped ‘gps of the ſcripture oꝛ ould hiſtoꝛies, who is tt,that can de⸗ cant inquim fiz nie,that in a caufe of faith, 3 fay, tn a cauſe of faith, Bi⸗ dei cos lolere fhops ate wont fo be iudges of Chꝛiſtian Emperours, de Imperatorib® not Emperours of Biſhops. Thus farre S. Ambzole, iudicare.&c. And vou fhould haue done tel 9. Dorma, not to haue omitted bere the intemperancie of vnlearned Lap men in S. Ambzofe bis time,tabing bpon them to tcach the learned Biſhops: that the diuerſitie of thofe , and our times, ¢ doinges might baue appeared, And vou ould not not haue omitted the repetitio of theſe wozdes, in acauſe of faith,t fate,ina cauſe of faith, wherebv is figntfied that by S. Ambzoles tudgement , Prtnces might be ſudges of Wifhoppes maners, not with andinge Galentintan the clders Lawe,that ſuche tudgement, fhoulde apper⸗ teine to onelp Biſhops, as pou haue before alleadged, Andtouching cafes of faith and Keligton, we dente not, but that Witheps of ould time, being better learned tha were the Princes tn matters of faith and Keligion, did teache and inſtruct the Princes tn the truth, did iudge, pes, and bp excdmuntcation condemne alfo the wicked factes of Pꝛinces:as did not long after this S. Ambzofe ble Theodoſius p Emperour fo: his hainous murther, Wie take not from learned Biſhoppes(as Galentintaw Ambrof, would hauedone)theright of diſputing, and of teaching i SiDocendus eft {tue Religion fo Chꝛiſtian Princes, and all other men eps 3 Laico. &c. pablikeip, and (whiche fs neceſſarely fopned ) of iudge⸗ frig what fs true fn Keligion. Forꝛ how can thep teache the truth, who ca not tudge what fs the truth· we take not from the the office of iudging alfo fn canes of bine. | sing ¢ loſing, oꝛ of ercommunicatto and abfolution, for 4 a of thefe rightes of Priteſtes doth S. Ambzofe ſpeake. B . And true it is,that all thefe rightes do peculfarlp aps 4 pertetne to godlp and learned biſhops, ſuche as S. Am⸗ b2ofe ſpeaketh of, as vnto Gods and bis Churches mi⸗ niffers. And we do confeffe that neither Ualentinian, neither any other man had euer beard , that anp godlie T Pꝛinces, 07 other Lap men, ofthemlelues,withoutthe — aduiſe and aſiſtaunce of the godly learned , {pectallp of | the Cieargic, toke bpon them fo be fudges of Biſhops in a matier of faith,as S. Ambꝛoſe teſtifieth, this pong Aalentintan would haue dane. Heither did we ence: — — i. — A REPROVFE OFM. a 2 ER SOTA « heares. — DORMANS PROVEE 88 beare that ante good Pꝛince would be (udge in amatier of lawe ouer bis (udges, without the adutle ¢ aſiſtance of others learnedin the Law. And what inconuentéce doth folowe hereof, Jpray you. bat where 9. Dorma would drawe all iudgement ouer Princes in matiers of faith to bithops,by S.Ambeole his woꝛdes, F wold aſke of M.Dorman, whether an Arian Withop fhalbe fudge ouer the Emperour,o2 any other Lap man.o2 me in the cauſe of our faith in Chet Fefu our Sautour 2 J frowe not:and pet was he called Withop. And whe⸗ ther the whole Arriminenfe coücell aſſembled of aboue 4.00, Biſhops ſhuld be fudge inthe fame cauſe ouer the Cmptrour , o2 otber Lap men ¢ Itrowe not: and pet was it calleda generall councell tn thofedates , of as manp both Lap men and Biſhoppes (J thinke) as it was Denfed to bea councell of the other fite. Leaue therefoze pour baine names of Pꝛiteſtes, and Biſhops, as though they thould diſpute, teache , andiudge Lap men,in cafes of faith, onlte bicaufe thet haue the names of Pꝛieſtes, and Biſhops, by S. Ambꝛoſes mide: who Anbroſ.ibidem ’ (asin the ſame Cpifkle bp pou alleaged plafnelp ape lb.5 epiſt. zr. peareth ) would neither fuffer by hts will anp Artan Mæritò concilia Biſhoppe to teache o2{udge, and abhorred the whole ee We councelloffo many bundzeth Biſhoppes aſſembled in otteo· &c. Acriminum, And therefore geueth B. Ambole all nien to vnderſtande, that be (peaking of Biſhoppes to teach, diſpute, and (udge, meaneth onelp of learned and godlie Biſhoppes: ſuche, as vntill pou proue pour Pape,and popithe Prieſtes to be , (as vou Hall neuer pꝛoue, whiles thep be, as thep be)pou ſhall in vayne als leage S. Ambzole fo2 pou: op againkbs . Ffo2, halla ignozaunt Withoppe teache the true faithe , o2 be tudge 3B 2 theretny De maiorit.& obedicnt.cap. vnam fang. A REPROVFE OF M, Bi 4 | therefn 7 thall fir John lacke learninge, feache the pooze plowman in the countrep the tree faithe2 If pou faie be Mhall: ¥ afke, howe becan : ſhall Pope Wonks face the eight teache, that it is neceffarp to faluation fo2 all men,to be vnder the Biſhop of Rome , and halk be be fudge, howe, and in what fozte all men mutt be vnder bpm felfe 2 thall be condemne all that will not fo be vnder him, though other wyſe good Chriſtian me, though divellinge in Greece, tn Aſia, in thiopia, though bnder Prieſter John , in the vttermoſt Africa, 02 els wheare, tubo peraduenture never beard of the — pope, neither do knowe, whether be be blacke or whyte, nefther the Pope of them ? Peither can theres fore tgnozaunt Pꝛzieſtes difpute, o2 teacbe , neither ought wicked Peieſtes to be Judges of godlines : noz anp Pꝛieſt,to be their bead and ruler of them,of whous be fcarfelp ener beard, o2 thep of him. S. Ambꝛoſe na doubt erempteth vnlearned and wicked Withoppes, as. well as dnfkilfull and wicked Printes ( fucheas thar was this Ualentinian the ponger ) from iudgement, and intermedling fn maters of Keligion. Other wyle touching wyſe and godlie Princes, ,. Ambzofe could not be ignozaunt , what Confantinus had befoze dane in the cauſes of the Biſhoppes Cætci⸗ lianus and Felix, before declared, and in manie other Ipke canfes : neither coulde be be ignoꝛaunt, that all the godlie Biſhoppes of Bellefponte and Withinta, with manp otbers , bad bp their Legate Biſhoppe Pppatianus , peated Galentintan this ponge Em⸗ perours father, that be woulde bonchfaueto be peer fent with them , to entreate of certen poinctes of Kelle gion taberefozmed. Andas S. Ambzole was nok: _ ignozant: DORMANS PROYFE 87 ignoraunt of thefe thinges,fo was be net againſt The⸗ odoſtus the Emperour, doinge the like, that did Cons ffantinus,and as was required of Vialentinianns, wut neither Conttantinus,no2 Theodoſius, noz anp other godlp Enrperour , would take bpon them as did Cons fantinus the Cmperour, ¢as this ponge Valentinian would baue donne: noz Would fuffer any Lap men vn⸗ det them fo fo dw,a5 Did thofe bnder the other; that ts, to take bpon thenrthe right of Prieſtes, to teach. the 1. ſacerdotale, Biſhoppes, being better learned than them felfes, to di⸗ ambrofius. li.g. fpute,the Biſhoppes bearinge ¢ bouldinge thetr peace, epiftola.32. as learners; foz of fuch (peaketh &.Ambeole. Let gp, Si docendus eft Dozman lap S, Ambeoles fapinges again Calenti- ee or ae nean the ponger,ponge inperes , and vonger in leat jhicus ergo dif ninge,erpertence,and wiſedome, and alfo infected with purer & epifco- the Artan berefie, and as pet not Chriſtened, beho(as pusaudiar: epi &.Ambzofe faith) whan he knew not as pet the Sacra⸗ copes diſcat a mentes of the faith it felfe, and was therefore bnmete 7)" 3 totake bpon bim the iudgement of faithe, toculd pet ;, —— Without all aduiſe 02 aſſiſtaunce of anp godly learned, 33. epiſtles of 8. haue taken vpon him the iudgement of the very grea⸗ Ambrok. tel, and higheſt potnete of our fatth ; let M. Doꝛman J Vb. . Epitt. & fav, lap S. Ambroſe favinges againt {uch ponge Ualés 1h" “cle _ tinfans, where he can finde them; and {pare to vepzocbe pufniliase.7; godlp Princes moſt farre from {uch rathenes; impietie, and onebeifhianitie. And il M. Doꝛman will fap ought fo the purpofe,let him bꝛinge out of S. Ambꝛroſe, oꝛ any other auncient godlp Fathers of tbe Primitiue Church proufe, that learned and godlp Chettian Princes, ſuche as be in thefe dates, (wherein popith Withoppes and Prietles be either {o bnlearned that thep can not teach, 92 wickedly learned, and teach that 5 whiche ts naught) 39 3 takinge Lib.5.epift. 32. =| i 1s = A REPROVFE OF M,: takinge fo them learned ¢govly councellers, Clerkes, and others , 02 aſſigninge fo2 thent learned and godly delegates, map not take ordre fo2 the reforming of fuch a Cleargie, and of Religion by than decaied: but that ſuche vnlearned ales , 02 wicked P2elafes , fhoulve fill remaine them (elfes vncontrolled, and tudge leave ned and godlp Chzikian Princes, and al other learned, and godlp Lap men. Itruſt pou Mall fiveate twell 9. Dozman,o2 vou can beinge any otte ſentence 02 Vorde of S.Ambzofe, 02 of anp otheraunctent , learned, and godly doctour,to this purpoſe: which pet vntill you do, IJgeue pou warninge pou do nothinge , that anp twife man, oꝛ of anp tudgement, twill regarde. X Nowe whereas this treatie is aboute tudginge of controuerſies, and pou do call vs hæritiques, and call bs fo Kome, and to pour Tridentine Councell there to be iudged, (where tue are ſure to be condemned, before we be beard) pou dom therein nowe no moze reaſonably, than did the Arians in thoſe dates callthe fruc belea⸗ uers tt Chriſte Jesu our Sauiour, before Arrius, Cus febius, Auxentius:oꝛ fo the tudgement of the Arrimis nenſe Councell, which S. Ambzole here faith be did abs horre. If pou aſke bs how, and before what tudges than Wwe twill be tried 2 SF we ſhewe pou that we are contens ted fobe fricd, as S. Ambeole , here by_pou alleged, Wwas confented: and in this place bere by pou alleas ged, S. Ambzole hath declared that the dle of the wets mitiue Churche twas fo procede, will pon beare if, Iwill pou boulde pour felfes contented with if 2 J double ve fill nof . Wiell S. Ainbeole whan be had declared that Aurentius bad appointed ſuche tudges foz him, as he twas aſhamed fo name , tn this fame — a DORMANS PROVFE, $$ hath theſe wordes. Veniant plane fi qui ſunt, ad Ambrofius lib. Ecclefiam,audiant cum populo, nõ vt quifquam ius 5 ¢P!*-3- ? dex refideat,fed v nufquilq; de fuo affectu habeat ex⸗ amen,eligat quem fequatur. Agitur de Ecclefiz ifti? facerdote,fi audierit illum populus, & putaverit me- lis difputare fequatur fidem eivs,non inuidebo. O- mitto quia iam ipfe populus iudicauit: taceo quiae- nim quem habet,de patretue clementiz poftulapit. &c. that is to fay. Let them come in deede ( ifthere be anv fuche)to the Churche, let them beare with the peos He meaneth the ple:not that any Mall fitte as tudge, but that euerp one Church of Mil- map bp bfs owne affection make eramination, and Vipe. choſe whome be map felowe. the matier ts in bande agiturde iſtius aboute the Biſhoppe of this Church, tf the people heare Ecclefiz facers him, and hall thinke him fo diſpute better(than 3) dote. lef them folow bis faith, Jwill not enuie him: 3 ict it paſſe that the people themfelfes haue alreadie iudged: J will not fap, that the people aſked the Biſhoppe, whome thep haue/ of pour clemencies Father: J will nof fap that pour Father pꝛomiſed that all woulde bs quiet, tf he, tubo was chofen , houlde fake fhe Biſhop⸗ rike byon him. This faithe of pour fathers pꝛomiſſes have J folowed. Thus farre S.Ambeofe, and ſhortely after againe be faith: Veniffem Imperator ad Confiz ftorium clementiz tuz vthec coram fuggererem, fi me vel epifcopi vel populus permififfentsdicentes de fidei eccleſia coram populo debere tractari.that is ta fay.3 Mould haue come Db Emperour fo vour clemen- ties Cõſiſtoꝛie, fo haue declared thele thinges preſently befoze pou,ifetther the Biſhops, o2 pesple would haue futtevedine,fapinge, > treatte of } faith ought to be had th the Church befoze p people. hus farre — Who il ~ A REPROVFE OF M. WMho beclareth the vſe of the primitiue Church fo haue bene, that in controuerfies of faith, treatie, and triall, fhould be bad, not before the one partic, whiche muſte needes be parfiall, but befoze the people: whtche vſuage had continued from the Apoftles time, who appeared not befoze Annas and Catphas , and the councell of the | Pꝛieſtes, Scribes,and pbarifies,to geue an accompe of their faith, but taught the truth to the people. sap the Apottles beinge called befoze them, forbidden fo teach: and foze thzeatned tf thep did teach(as are we now likes wile handled bp their fucceffours , the Romaine Cale phas, and bis Pꝛelates) pet did fhep feach the people, and gaue an accompf of their faith and bope to the peo ple:all heard, and manp folowed them , tudgunge that thei taught the truth . And from the Apoſtles likewiſe continued this ozdze till >. Ambzole time, andafter in theancient Catbolike Churche. Let the people heare (faith S.Ambzofe)the controuerfie of faith: let the treas fie of faith be bad befoze the people in the Churche : let the people eramine and chafe whome thep twill folow: and the pleople (faith be) bath tudged of this matter ale. readie. Be faith not in any of thefe places (as fap pon) let the Wope examine, but euery tobeare,let the people examine. Wo haue liketwife done as . Ambzole teachs eth bs,andas the Apoſtles gaue bs erample, we baue not gone to the Romaine Caiphas and bis Conſiſtorie, faugbt bp the eramples of thofe, tubo wenfe, and came not againe,being not beard but burned: we haue gone Ambrofi’ vou to the people, who haue heard vs, and haue ſuffered vs quiſque cli- toreturne againe: all bane hearde vs, many(as it was ee equa- tS, Ambofe time) haue chofen fo folowe bs, manp ur &c. ‘ 1i ip( populus haue fudged alreadle , that we ave no hæretikes, but iudicauit. &¢. that DORMANS PROVFE, . 89 that pow are enemics and perfecutours of the truthe, and therefore haue fozfaken pou , and fledde from pou, | andiopned with bs. Andypet pou, who alleage . Amy Hofus lib, t. bzofe againtt vs , crieout again® bs, will pou make the foliſhe andinconfant, buigare people iudges in cauſes of faith , and iicligion 7 we anftweare: we doo know that the bulgare people are blamed of foliſhnes, lightnes,and inconflancie . And that they are the moe iuſtlie blamed thercioze , is longe of the Pope and his _ Prelates., who bp all meanes poflible haue labozed to kepe Goddes people in all ignorance of his holy lawe, and will, and votde of all gad tudgement, that they therebp might the mozeealelp bfe their tirannie ouer them and abule tient; like bute beattes . Howbeit we fap not Vulgus,but Populus, not the vulgare people, Populus. but the people,as (aid S. Ambzofe,and be that faith the people; meaneth not onely the vulgare people: this woꝛrde Populus, people ; conteineth wife men, lear ned men, godlp men , councellers , magiffrates , pea the Prince him felfe. Wefoze this peopledw Wwe auouch to pꝛoue pou enemies,and perfequutours of the truth, and haue ſo proud it alreadie, thata great parte of this people, not onelp of the vulgare, but of the bef Ambrofius. forte, haue alreadie fudged it to be fo: and haue theres 1 ipſe populus fore fozfaken you. Vou crie out fill, that none ot iudicauit. the people ,learited 02 bnlearned, godly o2 vngodly magtfrate, noꝛ pꝛiuate perfon , Pꝛince no2 fubtect , nozall thefe together ave competent Judges in cons trouerſies of faith 5 bet weene the Pope and his (wo2ne Cleargic on theone ſide and vs poze men on the other: but that the fapde Pope and bis Confittozie onelie are eR ME 2 Why thaw are netther pou , 02 Z Wwe, A*REPROVFE OF M we either plainetiues, oꝛ defendauntes , buf pou are both tudgesj;and witneſſes, and Wwe codemned men, we haue our iudgement alreadie before we be berte. Wut this isnot S.Ambzole fudgement,this ts not the Apo⸗ ftles iudgement, it is not Peters, but Caiphas bis tude gement , tobe wdge tn his clone caule , wherein be is partic. Lo conclude Itruſt god Keader, thou dock vn⸗ derftande , that S. Ambeole in all this pzoceſſe doth ree p2oue the mannour, whiche Valentineanus the Cmpe- rour would baue dled tn indgeing oucr Biſhoppes, in cauſes of faith: that ts, that be beinge vonge, vnlearned, vnchriſtened, guided by the Atrians; who were the one partic, without affittatice oꝛ councel ofanp inditterent,¢ godly perſon, Mould not call Biſhops before him to his confiftozic, ¢ there him ſelfe, oꝛ bp fome wicked lay met bis deputies,of whom(as faith S. Amb;ofe)fome might be Jues, 02 Jnfidelles , geue ſentence againt learned and godlp Wiſhoppes, in the higheſt poina of our faith, plainelp declared in the Scriptures; whiche was not te be called into queftion, much leſſe fo be fudged by any, e ſpecially fuche. But bad the ſaide Galentinean bene a wile, ⁊ godlp Pzince,S. Ambzole who admitteth anp of the people inte the Churche, fo beare difputacicns in caufes of faith ¢ Keligton,and fo chafe home thet wil fclotue , toould neuer baue excluded the godlp and wife qBrince,foz that he was a lay man, from that, whereane fo he admitteth anp of the people, beinge alfo lap mem, And that S. Ambzofe ,.twho faith , let the people heare the treaties of faith, tobe badin the Churche before _ them, let euery one of the people examine and chofe whome thep twill folow , and faith that the peoplebath fudged sesiusiciah fame S. Ambzol¢ who bath mee DORMANS PROVFE, 50 of the people , would not miſlike that the godly Prince the beadof tie people, the magiffrate, learned, wife, and godly, that ts the fhoulders , breſt, and bert of the people , ſhould heare treaties of the faith , ſhould eras mine andchofe tubome they map folow;: and to folow without tudgement, were but fo folow blindly, andta go out of the way, wherfoze it folotocth that they map alfo accozdinge fo Coddes worde, fudge whome thep map folow in the fatde matter, (pecially being a matier to them belonging, and touchinge their owne verp fal: . uation o2 dampnation : whiche to credite to thefe jae - piftes ({peciallp bpon ſuche erperience of their doinges) without all care, eramination,triall,oz tudgement, (ag thep would baue it) were the parte of men to —— and careleſſe of their owne health. Dorman. Folta, 23. —— ely s. Ambrofe tolde —— that if he f houldle Hof us lib.a. gine him fuchcouncell,or beinge vimindefull of that right arhich fol.39,a. belongeth to priefthood , committe that to other spobiche God had gi- iwi Our counsien rohiinsthat hef hould not then treadein the vpright parhes of E te Bic cruthamò ſimplicitie, but walche in the croohed way of allalat ion J a * and fistteriesand that atthe lengihhe hould ( he doubted not\bim flatterers ſelfe.as be gre we to more ripenes in yeeres, Well vnderſtand what byS. Am- manner of Biſ hop that “were 3 that Woulde dente the auctoritie brofe, ay ong to — of lay men. Pps) oe inst * “Newell: ‘ : “Chat wbiebe pou here vitngs in finally is in S. rea befoze pour formar places : but pou da delight in cotifoundinge and obfcuringe ofthbeould . — ſapinges. Tothe matier 4 hauc ſaid: that... Z2 none - Imperatorve terfe,as being ithe to'them. Si Ambroſe witneſſeth that | . ACREPROVFE‘OFM™ 2 sis” none of our Biſhoppes dw committe to Princes o2 d⸗ ther ,that right, whiche belongeth to Prieſthode:nei⸗ ther ſubmitte thep theauthozitic of Prieſtes in pacaths inge, bindinge and loſinge, and miniſteringe of the ‘SH atramentes , to the tudgement of Lap men, bat te the iudgement of Goddes worde: and therefozeis pour — marginall note againte them as flattercrs , for the aAmbr.epitt.s3. Avinge 02 doinge ot that, whiche they neuer fad, nog Allegatur Im- 1D, dtterly in vaine. Jt ſhalbe tothe putpoſe, out oF peratori licere the places of S. Ambgole by M. Doꝛman Here allea⸗ cia, ipfus efle ged , truclié te note’, tobat maner of men the Arrian 7 Pe a. ee Peleltes, and others about Galentinian were, whome ‘fol. 37.2. @-Ambzole calleth llatterers: and therbp to iudge how Noli grauare . tuftly B®. Dorman hath chargedour Biſhops with fae pures teinea a thep did beare p Pzince in band, that al thinges were que diuina (°° lawlull fog him, that all thinges were bis otune:that be guid iushabere, » bad impertal authoritie ouer Goddes matiets,that be ¢ Ambrofius 1. ſhould auaunce him felfe,and not to be ſubiecte to God, s-epiftola.32. Mould thinkebislawtobeaboue ods law, ſhould noat — — p welde to Cad; that whiche is Gods, and hould him ſelſe igo is Ah, contented with that, that belongeth to a Pzince: theyxy us, qab Aurens? wouloe have had vnlearned, wicked, bnebeiftned, lap | tio effer electꝰ men and peradventure Jues;02 Intidels, to be tudges -...... quibus tradere-.gucrlearned, and godip Biſhoppes; in the higheſt poin · mus de Chiito ges of our faity: as foreramnples ef the diuinitie ckour de Chute iwi. SHautour Jeſus Cheiffe ( fo2 that ts the caufe of faith, cit cOmittere. bere fpoken of ) they woulde haue (uch lap men to teach ms &c. quid il- gotly Biſhoppes their dueties, and to diſpute afar clts lis ahud pote gion.the lsthoppes houlding thairpeacetuoulatauc a — “1 2 ponge, vntkiltul, bn heiltned Peince. inlected with he Diuinitas deng-i¥OGeds a guided byhreretiques,to take vpan him elte. i ints getury Wwitheut " DORMANS PROVFE 1 without all aduife 02 affiffaunce of the godlfe learned of the Cleargte, the tudgement oucr fuche learned and godlie Wiſhoppes, in fuche bigh caules of our Religton: 02 at the fuggettion of beretiques,to appotnte fuch Lap men (as Jhaue ont of S. Ambzofe before noted ) to be fudges thercin. And not onelp Lap men, dtd make (uch Wicked fuggettions to the ponge Prince/ but alfo the Arian Withops and Petettes them ſelues, bnmindfall of the right of Pꝛieſtes, tooulde committe that tothe Prince, whiche God had geuen to Prieſtes, and like naughtie Biſhoppes, wonld thzotw the right of wicks vnder Lay men. Againk ſuche ould Hoſius haue als leaged S. Ambꝛoſe (if any ſuche be, whiche God forꝛbid Mould be)not againſt them, who teach no ſuch things. Suche were thoſe courtears and Prieſtes: ſuche Icon feffe, ( for of ſuche ſpeaketh 5. Ambroſe) tf they. were Ambrof bz Biſhoppes, were counterfeit withoppes:and 1Bifhops, Epift: 32533 4 02 NOt Wifhoppes, thep were trulte crooked. flatterers, =... And ſo let DB; Dorman callour Biſhoppes, whanhera | pzoue that thep makeany fuche ſuggeſtions, teache,.o2 maintetne any Cuche thinge, But Jknow that they do fully agree with S. Amb2ofe, that no fuche thing {sta —— be taught, oꝛſuttered: and that therefoꝛe not O2. Mmhe⸗ꝰ bzofe,twith whom they do agree, but. Doꝛman doh ‘call them flattcrers:: who might, by as good right, call S Ambzole ——— as hein, snr a et ect beret en bed savdaa A) thseeisiey X soy mol 3, n? eeR oI 2 nT ; apn * a thf ——— —— * — eae bik of laimed at bimyélfreporse rh of Lim in an epifite which 4 the Tatnig’” be! nya he —— Ae word for — wed. ¥ A REPROVFE OFM loued himmthere before he tooke him for his mortall enemte, nowe he reuevenced him as his father. VVhiche (s. Ambrofe neuer yelding in his or rather Gods right) the Empercur Would neuer vndoubtedly haue doenshad he not well knowẽ that s. Ambrofe Was in the right and be in the wrong. , re HifForiar + Nowell. 23907 That S. Ambzofe was tn the right, and Ualenti⸗ nian in the wong, we do graunt, as bath bene before Declared: and tn al Chat matter, we be of the fame mind that 5. Ambꝛoſe was, Wut whples pou goe about to doe &. Ambzole,a Withop in deede worthy of all true come menbation,to muche right ,onelpfo2 that be as a Wie Mop, and tithall, oo that moſte wyſe and vertuous Emperour Wheadolius; for that he was a Pꝛince, and i nao Pꝛieſt, to muche wꝛonge: pou de not well therein & Lib. s.epit.34 ag) Ambꝛole him felfe, b Theodoretus, and e Kufitus : es : Sof in thei hiſtories Eccleſiaſticall, and Hofius pour aus Fol lies.f. — thour,outof tubomt pou haue ſtoullen this whole trea⸗ ‘tie,do all there ioynctly geue thechtefe praiſe of the cõ⸗ uerlion of this vonge Prince from the wronge to the vight 5 onto'the Emperour Theodoſius. Firſte S. . Aeabrof.s.cpit. Ambꝛoſe tetting to the Cmperour Theodoſius, faith: 34. Ad Theod. Valentinianus Auguftus informatus fide; ac tuis int Imperatorem. ftitutis;tantam deuotionem erga Deam noſtrum in⸗- daerat,atque tanto in me incubuerat affectu. &c.that is to fap’: Aalentinlan the Emperour infoꝛmed in the Tuis inſtitutis. faith, and your inſtructions, bad taken vppon him ſo great a deuotion toward dur God, and fo great loue to⸗ ward me, that whom before be did perſecute, nowe be Hof lib,2, Con did loue gc. Lhe fame woꝛdes hath vour hoſtus, which traBrendum you haue guiltully left out, to hide p Cmperour Theo⸗ fonds. Bofias behppalten platppipatanee bath tpctcannatees —J gS an ye) | 4 DORMANS PROVFE. 92 and cozruptoz. And again faith S. Ambzofe. Quas cle~ mentiæ tux gratias defereba,quod eum nõ ſolũ rege noreddidifles, fed etid quod eft ampli? inflituifles he dei & pietatis tua difciplina.that is; what thankes did % geue vnto vour clemencte, fo2 that pou bad not onlte reftozed bim vnto bis kingdome , but allo that, whiche is moze, pou had inftruced bim with the learntnge of Theodoret.li.5) faith and godlines. Thus farre S. Ambꝛoſe. And RKufi⸗ 2P-15- hath the nusin bis Cccleffaficall hiſtorie declareth, that Theo⸗ Rufa.li rut, * doſius the Empcrour not onely delinercd this Halentt- —— nian the ponger, from the tpzannte of Maximus, and Theodoſ fidem reſtored him to bis bingdome: but alfo reſtored the Cas catholica, quam tholike faith, whiche was bp the faide ponge Princes —— i wicked mother violated,and cogruptcd. Loe, Dor... —— man, Theodoſius the Emperour not onelp the refor⸗ repituir, mar of the ponge Cmperour Galentinfan, andteacher ; _of the right faith to bim,but alfo the reſtorer of the cae tholike faith almoffe oucrtbzotven . This betnge thus, what meaned pou to concetle the worthy peatle of this moſt godly Prꝛince Theodoſius: were you afraied lett it ſhuld be knowen, oᷣ a Chꝛiſtiã Pꝛince had pꝛiuatly ben a teacher of the faith to others,⁊ had reſtored the catho⸗ like faith and true Keligion publibely: whiche ts the ofs fice'of the ‘Supreme goucrnour of Ch2iltes Churche here in catth v Jom not enuie S. Ambrofe praife, J knowe him wozthp of moze piaife, than both pou, and Ican geue him. Wut pet 7 prate pou , let Chriſtian Pꝛinces have theft due, and deſerued praples, as well aS Pꝛieſtes: oz fo becometh pou, fo oftencemplays ning of the vneauen dealing of dthers. Aud here Hos fius pour authour , teacheth pou better than pon da. Gut though pou concelle the due praples geuen bp B, Ambzole, wi tae This is when Prophetes were pites were genen, but not vſurped of Petekessandit is by Gods fpeciall commenly fatde, that Emperours haue moze defired comaundement pꝛteſthood, than Pꝛieſtes Empire. Ch2ik fier, that be | Eot to anoint ss i nie of a Preteſt, is weikenes. When Jam weake( faith AREPROVFE OFM Ambꝛole, that learned ¢holp Biſhop, to Emperours: J will not counceile the due praifes geugn bp bim in this place bp pou alleaged, to true Glſhhoppes. S. Ams broſe being accuſed as atyzaunt , bathamoget manp others thefe woꝛdes: Quid moraretur ferire ſi tyran⸗ num putaret.Xc, that ts to ſay: whp did be (fatth &. Ambzole) Cape to ſtrike, and kill me, if be thought tn deede that J was a Wypzaunt ? Wy the ould Law, Cme fhuld not be made a bing. We haue tpzanny,the tppane S. Paule) than am J mightie ec. and thogtlp after be fateth againe. Addidi quia nunquam Sacerdetesty= ranni fuerunt,fed tyrannosfepefunt pafsi. Jfatdfure · ther (faith S. Ambgofe ) that pzietkes were neuer tps | rauntes,but thep baue often ſuſfered tvzauntes . them, flipng from Chriſt: not weike, not humble, but Thus farre S. Ambzofe, truelp pꝛayſinge true Bi⸗ H fhops, fuche as twere befoze, and in bis time; no blurs is pers , to Defirers of emplres , kingdomes, and domi⸗ | nions,the folowers of Chat, the flicr of wozldlpkings doms, and dominions, ſtrong onelp in weakenes, and 7 bumilitte, neuer platpng the tpzauntes , but ofte fuftes | rig them. From the whiche crample of true Withops, ; howe farre that pzetenfed Uicar of Chꝛiſt, and his cons | terfcict poptthe Pelates, mok greadle defirers; moſte falfe bfurpers of tuozldlp kingdomes,¢ dominions,not folotwing Chꝛeiſt in fliyng from them, but in folowinge . ſtrong, pꝛoude, and dzeadfull eve to the greateſt power of ay worloe:not ſutfering, bat them ſelues platen the mo DORMANS PROVEE 93 the moſt terrible tvrauntes , erceadiuge in crueltie all Nerons Domitians, Dicclefians, and all others infaz moullte famous tyꝛauntes, and bloudfuckers, is to all the wozld fo tell Bnowen, — Dorman, Fol, 23. + ore vvhae f hould 1 herve alleage the wordes of baſilius the Empe= Tt Aflated wo rde perour. who being preſent at theeight synode; the fourth of Cons 3 — * rie of fisntinople , made there a novable oration, in the whiche to the laitie — —— * hevfed theſe woordes: De vobis autem laicis. &c. Oou that do quæ Cé- are Lay men whether you be ſuche as hane dignities in the common {tantinopolitana wealeor none: 1 haue no more ta faie, but that inno wiſe it is lat. quarta interfuic full for you to di/pute or reafon of caufes Ecelefiafficall. For tofearch scp ake bine out thofé thinges it belongeth to rhe patréarches,the Biſthoppes and” the Prie/ts, who haue receiued the office to rule, who haue the power to ſanctifie, to lofé and to binde,in whofe handes are the Eccleſiaſti- call and beauenly heies: not vnto vs who muſt be fedde who haue neede to be fanttified, to be Lound and to be releafed from our bades For the lay man, of how great deuotion and -wefedom foener he be, ye although he haue all the vertue that is poßible to be ina man : yet swhilefhe ts alate man, le is inthe place of afhepe. ) Nowell, hati Bou do Verp well to athe pour felfe the quettion: phat [huld 1 alleage Bafilias she Emperowres Woordes? $03 fare other reafon to alleage thems but becaule 150% Hofiusfol.ns, fius bath alleaged thent, bane you none, vnleſſe tf map : pleafe vou to anſwere pour queſtion pour felfe, by pour owne wordes thus: Becauſe 1 minde to. Reape me within the Dorman poft.' Amittes and terme of yeeres appointed tome: Theſe are pour fol.sr.a," to02des, ſhowing pou tufl alleage none authoꝛitie but af fuche fathers, and hiſtoꝛies, as were — the lirſt Aa fire A REPROVFE OF M” fire hundreth veeresiafter our Sauiour Chk (for that is the terme of peeres pou dos ſpeake of) whiche pou vm well bere obferue : feing this Baſiltus the Einperour liucd not within eight bundecth and. co. peeres after Chꝛiſt at pleat, ¢aninebe bꝛeaketh no (quare % pou, Further, this eight Spnode the fourth at Conkans tinople is fo certen , that which of. tii. Spnodes., neere together there aſſembled, and one cleane contrary to.an other, fhould be this eight geticrall. countell, that pou do [peake of the autho2s, who do iwatte of tt can fcarfip tell,andit is of fuche authozitie,that Frier Crabbe,the gatherer of all councels, general, ¢ others, wold geue it no place in his.itj.great tomes of coũcels, but left it out cleane,as vnwoꝛthy of. anp place at all. how much the nove meete culdence it is fo2 p declaratiõ of peut rights - And pou had fo good liking of this enidence pour felfe, that ſhowing vs before very plainip, where in the {los mes of the councels you bad pout erpurgation of pope Sirtus, vou dare not tel bs , where youhad this ,fuche ſtuffe it is.And as this eufdence of it felfeis naught, fo bane pou bp eacelig of a great part of (t,made it wore, fuche as itis, Boftus hath move truelv reposted it bp Lib.a. lol. ns. theſe woꝛdes. Nullo modo vobis(laicis)licet de Eccleſi aſti cis cauſis ſermonẽ mouere, neq pœnitus reſiſtere integritaté Eccleſiæ, & vniuerſali fynodo aduerfari. Hæc enim inuefti- gare & querere Patriarcharum, Pontificum, & Sacerdotum Sermonem moz ¢t-&e. that is to faye: Jt isin no wife laufull foz pou were. Lap mẽ to moue any talke of caufes Ccclefiatttcalsnets Poenitus refifte- ther btterlp to refitt the integritte of the Churche, and reintegritad the Hnfuerfall Spnove. F 02 to (carche out.thofe things Ecclefe, ~ belongeth to Patriarkes, Biſhoppes, atid prteſtes, and fo Furth. %H. Dozman leaueth quite ont thefe wordes, Neg — reſiſtere integritati Eccleſiſæ. &c. Neither alto- gether. a DORMANS PROVFE 94. getherto refit the integritie of the Churche, & goeth on ſmoth ly as though there were no ſuche wordes at al:fearing fome padde in that ſtrawe. If we fhuid do the like, all ‘mens eares wold be filled with outcries. Let M.Doꝛmã therfoze fir& pzoue p integritte,that is fo fap, the whol nes and foundnes of theic Komithe Church(in p which from the bead fo the bele (s no fanttte, but al fal of bop, les and bofches)and the let him at bis pleafure alleage : this bnicarned Emperours fimple faings,as a notable Dor. a notable oꝛation:oꝛ, as hoſius termeth it,a mooſt godly ozatta, oration. againtt bs. be oration tn derde ts fo notable, that qp, HVeſus fol. n8.2- Bafiliy Imperato Dozman dur not tranflate tt,nonot fo mache of {58 5: O.aci0 pijGi- be foundin Bofius : for be bath left out the moſt part, jn. and part be bath molified bp tranflation. That oration Hofi.li2.fo.ns. feacheth,p a Lay man,be be of neucr fo great bolines,¢ wiſdome, yea though be ercell inwardly inall vertue, pet is tt not lauful fo2 him once to mone any {prache or talke of caules 02 matiers Ccclefiattical: which, M. Doꝛ man fearing lett it hhould ſceme incredible, bath traflas fed, it is in no Wife laufull for any Lady man te difpureor reafon of cauſes Ecclefafticall. It teacheth further that a Biſhoppe though be be mache infertour in vertue and wiſedame Quantleuoq; fc toa Lap man ; vea though the Biſhop be naked of all irreucrentia vertue, and fall of never fo muche frreucrence 02 diſho⸗ plenus & nudus neſtie, as.longe as be is a a Biſhoppe, and preacheth ommivirtute do rightly the woorde of truthe., thall fuffer no loſle of °° — ———— bis pattozall name op dignitie. This part though cone teininge an exceſſtue pꝛerogatiue for Biſhoppes, M. verir.xc, Doꝛman durſt not foꝛ bis life touche, but cutte of the ) matier befoze be came to tt 5 fo2 feare of thole worꝛdes, Donec veritatis verbiitecté pradicauerit,as long ag De rightly preached the word of truth:vppon confcience Aa 2 of the » ej Bee A REPROVFE OF M, — of the continuall png, andcogruptinge ofthe woꝛde of trutho, moſte bfuall to his Romtſhe Churche. And as be bath cleane lefte out before, Integrivari Eccle- fix the integritic of the Churcke: fo bath be atter lefte out; Donec veritatis verbum recte pradicauerit, that is: 45 longe as.be { hall preache the woorde of truthe rightly : {einge in thofe woordes a Double exception to bis vnſound and. vnwhole Churche, and to bis popithe Wwithoppes,cozs rupters of the woorde of truthe 5 why the woordes of Waliltus the Cmperour could not ſerue his purpoſe. It teacheth further, that many forgetting thetr owne ozs dꝛe, and not remembring that thep be fecte , will aps poinde a Lae to the eies. Whis allo M. Dorman thought god fo let slone,as bn kt for him in this places for though otus reafoning againſt the commen peo⸗ ple, as well as Princes, as vnmeete to medle in mas tiers of Keligion , might in refpecte of the peopls 5 vſe Dor, fup.fol.ss, the terme of feete, pet W. Dorman did fee he could not well ble it here, againk Chriſtian Princes: though bes fore, forgetting bimfelfe , he fatd the feete would pres fume to be the bead. Mozeoucr, 4 thinke be did {carfip. like (t , that the Biſhoppes are bere (bp hoſius olpne confeſſion) comparedts the efes , whiche are not the head, but in the bead. Anodtherefoze hall . Dorman hardly cocludeby this notable ozation, bis prefent pro Pofition; har thehead of thechurche muf? needes be a pric, he might moze eaſely conclude that the efe of the Churche: mutt needes be a Prieſt. And Wafillus here rekeninge. fir Patriarkes than Withops, and that by the Warde. Pontifices,¢ loſt ef al Pꝛieſtes,al in the plural ibe, without anp vntuerſal patriarke , 07 porifex Maxim art named 2 geueth a sisi fufpttion that none ſuche WAS: / DORMANS PROVREE., 95 was knoboen in bis time, eight hundreth pares after Chk. And Hoſius alfo vnwares, % thinke, maketh the maticr woale bp alleaginge thele woꝛdes of the Boles ¢. cscil. Tolet. tane councell; Dum fecundum carnis aflumpta my- cap.4. 0 | fierium ecclefia fuz;fuerit dignatus caput exiftere Chriftus,merito in membris eius,intentio epiſcopo⸗ rum officia peragere cernitur oculorum. p is to fap: Seing according top myſterie of his humanitic aſſup⸗ ted, Chriſt hath vouched fadfe to be p head of bis church, emongſt the memb2es of the fame , wozthily is the in⸗ tention 02 diligent heede of the WBifhoppes, accomptcn to do the offices 02 dueties of the cies. Here Chriſte tg: declared to be the bead of the Churche, and Biſhoppes fobe theeies and therefoze not the head: contrarp fo pour peefent propofition. Zf %.Doaman twill fap,. though fome inferionr Wiſhoppes be the cies, pet the Withoppe of Rome, the chiefe Withoppe, and WBiſhop of of Biſhops, may be the head, be map fay fo: but be hall neuer be hable to prove if. And will pou ſce, howe Bos fius was bore ouerſcene, who carefull to pꝛoue that Bi⸗ fhoppes(beinge now a daics very blinde of fight) were the eies in the bodie of Chziftes Churche, thinkinge be. bad well thzpuen, tfbecouldobtrine (o muche, doth by alleaginge , further of S. Auguſtine, who calleth the Hofius lib. . holy Apoſtles eſes, vnwares proue that no Biſhoppe us. b. cx au· can be moze than an efe,feinge no Biſhop can be grea- Buſt. in Pſal. 87. further, to finde that S. Avguibine faith , that Peter Perruserar ocu⸗ him felfe alfo,(bp whome fhe Pope claimeth to ke bead) lus in capites . was aneicin the beade,¢ ſo conſrquently not the head. But $. Dorman wiler than Pofius herein, commeth Aa .3 na&re es ee A REPROVFE OF M, neere none of all this geare ; but diffemblinge fo manp notable thinges in thts notable oration of Wafilius, (as be calleth it) whe be had bought the lav man, be be ner uet fodeuout, bolic, verfuous, and wile, inte the place ofa thepe , thereleaninge him like a ſheepe Fandinge, be gocth bis way:thinkinge that this fimilitade of the Meepe, refemblinge the Lap man, as the theperde the Pꝛieſt, will keepe the Readers , fpectallp if thep be any fhinge ſheepiſh in vnderſtanding, in ſuch a mamering; that they will thinke that lay men, though neuer fo ho⸗ ty, vertuous, and twife, foz of fuch lay mẽ ſpeaketh Ba⸗ filius fn thts place , map finde no moze faulte witha Pꝛieſt, though bare of all vertue, and full of all dice (foz pf (uch Prieſtes (peaketh this place) tha map the hcepe with the ſheperde. Vea, and that if {uch Pꝛieſtes ſhould peathe to fuche lap men, falfe doctrine, to the popfoning of their foules,vet thould thet haue no moze vnderſtan⸗ dinge thereof, nor power fo fie (t,than thepe:but muſt beleaue, and folet ft, euett as the hepe muff, and wile be ordered bp their theperdes, though thep would detue them fo poiſoned paſtures: and though thoufandes of them die of the rotte, pet thet not at al to vnderſtand ff, Pea to be fo ſheepiſhe, that though the bpzelinge thees perdes , do continuallp kill, and murdre the hepe, pet mutt they thinke them god ſheperdes, e deſendours of the flocke . Wut Hofius fs better fo bs than fo, whe fo2 this fimilitude of (heperdes and thepe,doth alleage emongit other thefe wordes of S. Baſill, ever in this place of the treatte of this Dzation, bere by M. Doꝛman alleged. he wordes are theſe: Vos oues nolite paf— cere paftores,neq; fuper terminos eorti eleuemini:ſa⸗ tis enim eft vobis firecté pafcimini.Xc.that ts to - ou an DORMANS.PROVFE. 56 Pou thepe (fpeakinge tothe people) 2m not pou fede pour thepardes, neither lifte bp vour (elfes above their limittes : fo2 it is enough , foz you, if ve be well fedde, Thus farre,and much moze S. Wall. Which J maruel 9). Do2man did not alfo alleage, and iopne Faſiltus the Cmperour and the Withoppe together,as doth Bofius: fo thereis much that maketh fo2 theperdes , tudges, heads, ac. J thinke thele wordes recte pafcimini, fated. him. But thankes be to S, Baill, that geueth the Chats fian hepe fo much hill, as to vnderſtande when thep be bp their paour tell ſedde. Mhich, vntill pou prous that pour Komiſhe depakours haue done, vntill vou ppꝛoue the integritie of pour Charch,the true preaching _. gf the woꝛde of truth by pour popiſhe Biſhops, knowe e that pou thal tn vaine alleage again€ vs the notable ift.ca.18. Deations of cither Wafilius that bnlearned Cmperour,, o2 of Baſilius that moſt learned godly Withoppe , 02 of anp other auncient godly fathers; fome parte of whofe: favinges will euer plainelp paoue, that thep ſpeakinge of Paſtours, neuer ment of ſuch depaſteurs, and Hhepe weriars as pou are. * Dorman. Fol 23.. -Hetherto Bafilius the Emperour, towhome 1 might ioyne bothe the doinges andfayinges of many. other, were it not that euen of thofe earthly ralers who haue beene tyrantes and perfecutors of the Chriffians, We want nor yet examples to beate doxre tlicfé beafily, flatterers with all. Emonglta nombre of the wchiche that mighe: be here brought »1{ ball for this rime be contented to alleage one- ly three; Gallio she proconful of Achaia, Theodoricus Kinge- of the. Gothes 5. and Aurclianus she, Emperour of Rome. Of whome the ſuſie al:hough he were an infidel , yet refufed he to: heave the accufations layde at Corinthum agaimſt 5, Paule ‘4 ‘Tranflace out although an Arviah > yet would not prefume to be prefent at 4 cer- of Hofius lib.2. taine councell of biſ hoppes whereunto he was called , but modefflie In. 4. fin fol.n0b. Hofaslib., but alleage fuch eramples, tagge ¢ragite, as pou fotte fel RR, fat, - “yeuerence . The thirde beinge an ethntke and of the Chriftidns — - Keligioit , that their Tellimonies or doinges Hould be Tyrauntesand of any authozitic, whome, bp the verp titles , that pou perfequaters of hoy adourne them withall, you do declare to Hane beene che Chrifians. vdide of right iudgement: Wiberebp, not pout ſtore(as ose ae I A REPROVFE OF M. 9 faied in plaine woordes: Ego iudex horum eſſe nolo, t-will not take on me to tndge tn thefe matters, becauſe the accuſation con- cernéd Religion where with he bad nothinge to doo. The feconde excufinge him felfe, made this anſweare: that in matters of the Rom.| Churche he had nothing to doo,but onely to beare to wardes them his Simachy hicated the hererike Paulus Saitiofarenus, and deprived himof what | bis biſ hoprike ; reforted to hin for bis helpe touching the remoneng Pr 3 of the [aide paulus out of the manfion houſe belonginge thereto; the pe —J— polfeion whereof he i > Wouldenor rake vpon him the icy, Bo wiedge of this matter “Where bif hoppes ‘were parties , bat re- eccle, ferred the indgement thereof to the Bi hopes of Italie and Rehr. | C2p.26, ™ Notwell. 34 is 20 . Dorman by a prette figure faith ye twill omitke Plaptiges of other Chriltian Printes obereot he hath plentic) and will pꝛoue bis matiet euen bp tirauntes € perfecutours of the Chztltians . Kow lurely B.Do2- man all wife men twill thinke pou dm fife to fuch ſcelie Thiftes , not fo2 plentic , but for great (carfitte of gaa proutes , F702, tohat iudgement could ſuch men be of in you dw bzagge)but pour ertremelacke and beggetiets bewzaied to the cies of al mẽ. But that ſhould pondw, in pour authour hoſtus, from whome pon can not de- : parte DORMANS “PROVFE, 97 parte one fote, fauing in chaungeing of } ordre of pour feppes, by letting the left fate fozeward, whã be doth theright,els pou treade alivaies in bis ſteppes: as here in alleaging thefe evamples of Theodoricus ¢ Aurelia⸗ nus together, as be doth, putting in pet fo2 fome barfes tie, Gallio pᷣ pꝛoconſull in feede of Hiumcericus with Ho⸗ fius,like a learned mai. But to examine thefe worthie Wwitnelles of veurs. Firſt concerning Gallio the procons full, i¢ was of no Religion o2 reuerence vᷣ be ablteined from the tudgement of thofe matiers, which the Jues bought befoze him again S, Paule, but of contempt q.is. doeth be reiect both the Jues,¢ their matiers from bim, fapinge: as the hiſtorie ſhoweth, F will not be iudge of quafids about wordes ¢ names, loke pou fo (uch ma- tiers pour felfes:¢ (o be Dau them from the Judgemẽt feate: which bilike 2. Doman thinketh be dia of modes Tie, conſcience, and reuerence fo them ¢ their matters. - Peaand tubere thet fel fo boffeting one an other before the fudgement feate , ¢ Oallioas the ſtorie faith, cared foz none of all theſe thinges:all this bilike be did of res uerence € confcience, as 99.Dozman {peabeth, ¢ not of mere contempt, as the holp hiſtorte plainelpy ſhoweth. Foꝛ who were they, whome p Proconſull bivdeth loke fo fuch matiers them felfes? foꝛfoth a forte of Raſchall bacabound Jues,p were at Cozinth, whome bilike, vpõ Wallio his tekimonfe, M.Doꝛman thinketh tobe mes ter Judges in matiers of Religion , than p2inces ; fo2 fure place of the Ades maketh mention of none other, 46. 18. $ Lode again Paule, whome the proconful badloke tofuch matiers them felfes. Foꝛ, Criſpus p chiefe ruler af the Synagoge belceued in Chzitte, ¢ was on Paules fide, ¢ Soſthenes an other ruler of the Spnagoge, was bb of AG.24. U0 Act. a5- A -REPROVFE OF M ~ of ſmal reputacion ¢ litle regarded of Gallio who beyng | well bu ffeded,as the hiſtorie (otucth, Calli patted nos thing thereof. But bad the chicte Prꝛieſtes, e Pꝛinces of thepeople of the Jues ſtande again Paule before @aliic(as thei did befoze the prefidentes Foelir and Fe⸗ ſtus)IJthinke Gallio would hauc heard them. ¢€ Paule, as well as Feelix and Feſtus din. And here Zz pray pow note $9. Dozmans argument. allio the proconſull a Pagaine, of contempt reteced a fozt of rafchall Jues acs cufinge S. Paule: Ergo, Chziftian pPeinces map not medle with maticrs of Keligion. And if this erample of @allio the pzoconfull reiecting a ſoꝛte of rafchall ques, With their matters from bis tudgement feate 5 doeth in 99, Dormans tnogement , make fo mush againſt Prin⸗ ces, as no competent iudges inmaticrs of Keligion: JI would learne why the eramples of Fcclir € Feſtus pꝛe⸗ fidetes of Suric, admitting before their iudgement feat p bigh Pꝛieſt with other Prictes,¢ with the Stribese — Wharifics,al men of the Cleargie, the head and bodice to of the Cleargie and bearinge , and cramininge thetr matiers laid againſt S.Paule:( whiche were cocerning Religion) why do not thefe eramples J fap, as well, vea and much moze make fo2 Wzinces , as competent fudges in religiõ: Foꝛ, are not towe fo notable eraples, asiarge euidence as one: ¢is it not as god euidence fog Peinces suthozitie, that the high Prieſte and other oF the Cleargie, ſtode to be tried before Folix and Feſtus prefidentes,as it is againſt Pꝛinces authozitic, p Cale lio the pꝛoconſull of contept reieded a fort of bacabound Jues, fromthe iudgement plact:Pea J will fapypet fare ther euen in the fame maticr:p. S. Paule being offered bp the peefident Fettus to be tried before p high Priect, Ans — — — — — —— ts + Se ö— — — —— — — i) ee es Ve > = ao DORMANS PROVEE, . 98 e@ other the Juiſh Cleargic(twho by W.Dormans tudges ment twere bis copetent iudges as men of the Chutch, in Churche matiers)pet be refuſinge them, appealed te the Emperour from them . Js not thts J pray pou, gar $9,Dozman,a better,moze neerer,and apter proufe for Pꝛinces,⁊ again vour high Pꝛieſt ¢ corrupt Cleargie, fuche as twas that bigh Pꝛieſt with bis Cleargte, than fs pourerample of Gallio,oꝛ any other pou cam bzing.to the cofrarp? 4nd J would be fuil loch, that vou bad anp againt bs,focleare,¢ pithic, as is this againſt vou. ¥ confelle, 9 like not anp Pagaine Pzinces iudgement itt matiers of Keligion: vet am J inconlcience periuaded, that. in {uch cozruption and partialitieof the Cleargies as than was, andnowis, S.pPaule bath geuen bs an erampleto appeale front themto the tudgement , not onelp of Chatitian, but alfo of pagaine Pꝛinces, rather than fo be bndoubtedlp by ſuch acogrupt Cleargie moſt vniuſtly oppeeed,¢ the truth With vs ſuppreſſed. And Wwithall J tru€ , Jhaue by this and the other examples well pzoued, that H.Dozmans proufe of his purpoſe bp the poconfull allio, is not fo well te be liked of anp wile man,as be bim felf ſcemed to like it, whan be brag⸗ getht would theretwith beate, dotwne thele beaſt⸗ lp llatterers WUberebp be hath howedhisiudgenent and difcretion to be ſomewhat butithes fo bluiteringlp fa bꝛagge of ſo bafe bombardes, and flinges, as though they were duble canons 5 tobeate dotone main walles withall euen tothe grounde. His fecond example of Theodoricus is vet moze bates whereby be would bane it pꝛoued, p a Prince both bars barous,2.an beretike, Did better knot who had to inter⸗ mie in matters of Keligion , € * pat than the 1Bts fhops + * A REPROVFE OF M Chops the felfes, who called him oun | 9. Dozma hath in Socrates, Wheovoritus, e Soʒome⸗ nusfe manp eramples of Cofantius,Galeus,¢ Walene tinean the ponger,Cmperours, who continuallp inter, medled in maticrs of Religion, ¢ bled ſuperioritie over Withops : tf M.Doꝛman do fo delight in the fapinges € doinges of barbarous, ¢ heretical princes, fuch as was Wheorvoricus, why fhould be refule the eramples of the, though fauozinge the Arrians betefie , as did Theodo· ricus, pet being Romaine ECmperours,¢ therefore to be peeferred befoze a barbarous Gothian: bis third eraple of Aurelianus the Emperour is pet p baſeſt of al:fo2 the quarell being about the poſſeſſiõ of an boule, Ptatholike Withops, who ſuede ta him thereabout,did wel kno w Pp - the Prince might well deale therein:els bad thet vndiſ⸗ Fu&b.h.7.c.30. cretelp made p fulte to the Emperour . Bea ¢ he doth e- Aurelian? inter- uidently alſigne the Wiſhops of Ftalic ¢ of Kome, tobe — ————— bis delegates to determine pᷣ matier,as hauinge authos creuit, illis eam Ultie fo todo. Foꝛ did not F pray pou P Wihops of Ita⸗ domé adiudi- lp ¢Kome,by bertue of p the Cmperours comiffion,put cari przcipiens, put Paulus. S/amolatenus, ¢ placed IBithop! Dodmnus? quibus epilcopi tyherfore Culebius faith; Paulus fumma cũ ignomi- Iraliz & Rome - gn Dogmate cõ· Paulus was to his great ſhame put out off Church bp a Mundane o2 woꝛldly Prince. And pet the ſtorie being thus euident, O.Doꝛman of bis accuſtomed finceritice fhamefaftnes faith of his otone bead , this Prince bes inge a Ethnicke, e cruell perfecutour of Chꝛiſtians (¢ therefore of ithelibmde (pared not to marther Chrillian mens bodies) woulo not (bilike of a ſcrupulous t take vpon him p knowledge of this great niat (erent. ning pottettion ofan houſe: faz thus faith M. * nia per Mundanum principem eccleſia expellirur. DORMANS PROVFE. 99 Sut Cuſebius in his Ecclefiattical bitto: fe faith cleane tontrarp. That thefatd Mundane Prince put out Pau⸗ las: botwe would be not than medle tn the matter 2 but belike 9. Dogman did knotve better what was faide ¢ Done at that time, than Euſebius, foz he doth contrarp him not in this poinaalone. Foz Culebius veclareth Lib.7.cap.30. that Aureliane though a pagane , was than berp faz nourable to the Chzittians, as this bis care about their matier doth mantfeltipdeclare. Wut 9. Doꝛman foz amplification fake,thought good, rather than be would lacke bis Ampulla,to make one of a lie, ſaiynge, that the Emperour Aureltanus betnge of the Chatitians , a eruell perfecutour, would not take bpon bim the knows ledae of this matier : where, by Culebins the truth aps peareth , that Aurelianus as than favourable to the Chꝛiſtiãs, «regarding p apeafing of thetr cotrouerfies, did fake bpd him the knowledge of this matter, ¢ erpels led Paulus, ¢ put Domnus in poleMta, this is p truth. Foz though,as Culebius faith, Aurelfanus afterward was alfgnated from the Chriſtiãs, ¢ intended to perfe- cute the , be teas bpdeath preneted, pet whã be dealt in thefe matiers, be was friendly to them , and not as 9). Mozman faith, acruell perfecutout of the Chriſtians. This dealing declareth that H. Dorman bath a fingue lar seale fo boult out the trethe: which ts the end wher⸗ unto all true Chitttians ought to aplic theft toz(tings, and faipnges. Chere is pet One incommoditie moze tn Quibus epi raz this matfer of . Doꝛmans: that the other Biſhops liz & Romain, of Ftalp are plated before the Biihop of Kone, e that ogmate cocor- be bath hone other name of dtanitfe, but the Bichop of 2S" Mome onety. W.Dozman perhaps till fave , the Pa⸗ gaine Prince did not knowe 07 remenibee the Supies | Bb 3 niacie A REPROVFE OFM macte of the fea of Rome, Why, bot me thinke pet that the authour of the hiſtorie Gufebius , a Biſhop, and fe learned a Biſhop, would not,o2 ould not baue fo plas ced bebind noone the pope of Wome, had he bad anp fuche knowledge o2 opinton of bis fupzemacie , as is nowe a dates by 99. Dozmnan,and other ſuche, ſo mache beagged of. Foꝛ be had not marred the hiſtorie; bad be fatd durelianus referred thetudgement to tbe Wthop ot ome, andthe Bichops of Italy. And theſe be thoſe weighty proufes, fo2 whole fake P. Dozman forfooke Berstap.fo.ty.b bfs great plentic of other no fimple ſtuffe, and ensdence of iis importaunce,as be caleth them, be might bane a rome to bꝛing this geare into feet a 1 — aA aie buage geth be would do. Dorman. Fol 24 If Heretikes good Readers,tyrantes and — were wt fe | modeſt tbat chey would not,or of the wrath of God(-which brooferh Palms. into fitters the proudeſt of them all like the | herdes of potters pot, ds continually "Was reprefented vnto their eies by the terrible exe a Borowed of amples of the t wo kinges 2Qzxias and Oza) fo fearefull , that they Hofi? li.z.f. 75.4 durf? not with b saule cut any part of Samuels coate , With ¢Oxias : b Li.1.f.37.38.2 snuade the Prigfles office,and fraie out of she limites of that iuriſ- —— ae * diction whiche Godbad genento them: what may then the Ringes 6:3» and Princes of our age [aic, -who by thiefe furious firebrandes haue bene fo farre abujed that they haue not doubted to rake on them — that, whiche heretikes and mifcreantes of con{cience haue refaſed 2 For this by the way 2s well to be noted , shat as. thefe beinge heree tikes and Ethnikes refuſed tointruderhem ſelues into Ecclefiafticall iuriſdiction: fo was there never Emperour [ence firf? theybecame chriſiened. onleſſe he were him ſelfæ an heretiteor by hererikes fet om chat t attempred to doe orher-wufe: and that mmediatly in bon DORMANS PROVEE. 100 ewhat fo euer he-were , as he was by hererthes mainteined : fo by goodand Catholike Bißboppes, ſuche as of “whofe bothe Vertue and karnig no mda doutethywas he both earnefitie and / harply reproued. , Nowell. oe good Keaders after this terrible gonnefhotte, and horrible batterie , wherewith as pou haue bearde 9. Dorman hath beaten downe the beaſilie flatterers, now as reafon ts, be fingeth Jo trimnphe. It fs ridicus lous that be alleaging the iudgemẽtes of thefe men fo2 His Prieſtes authorttie, again Pꝛinces, doth eftfones by calling them beretikes, Tyrantes, and Cthnikes, Declare them to baue lacked their right tudgement, and fherfoze to be moſt meete to be witneſſes with him, and to iudge of bis ſide. J dare fay, tf we ſhould alleage the fatpnges and doinges of ConfEantius, and Valens the Emperours, againk Prꝛieſtes, be wold fav wwe did moſt leudly. But though the papiſtes being deſtitute of good witnefles,do ſeeke the tetimonies of baretibes , Ty⸗ 3) rantes,¢ Cthnickes,twe baue no neede ſo to do (thakes be to God therfo2e) hauing plentie of eramples of godly Pꝛinces to pone the truthe. Ft is as ridiculous that be faith, char Herertkes, Tyrantes , and Ethnickes,either of modelte wouldnot,or of fcare of Gods wrath ( prefented vnto their eies by the examples of the two Ringes Oxas and Ozia)darf? no t, or of con- feience refufed the intermedting with the matiers,that he hath ſpo- ken of . $02 what elles but modeltfe, ſhoulde be in Ty⸗ rantes, feare of Godin Cthnickes,confcience in Hares tikes, right iudgemet in them all, ik they fap, o2 dw anp thpng that map femeto ſerue M. Dozmans purpoler Beſides that W. Dormã to make the matier moze ams ple, maketh of L3(as ¢ Psa tivo hinges: ong moze tha euet Cod, 02 man, but 9, Dozman made, * 7 Pots F ? | A REPROVFE OFM A&.8. Hote it is mok euident that Gallio of meere cone Gallio abegit " tempt and not ofanp modeſtie,conſcience,oꝛ feare, ree ra “gio a fected them and their matiers. And Aureltanas divin eratillicure, Ddeede intermedle in the matfer,and as( Cufebias fatth) ‘Lib.7.cap.3o, erpelled Paulus Samolatenus;:fo farre of ts it, that be refuſed it of anp confcfence 93 ſeare, as M. Doꝛman fete neth he bad therein: taboconfellinge bim to have been an Cthnicke, and cruell.perfecutour (and therefore not {paring to murther both Biſhoppes € Chriſtian mens bodies)inabeth bim of a {piced conf{cience not ſo boulde as to intermedle with a Biſhops boule. And it is mofke creadible, that netther Galifo, noz Aurelianus , both ebeing Cthuickes, ener heard of Ozias o2 Dsa, to take any erample bp thent, o2 (f thep bad beard thereof, that they cared net muche fo2{uche repoztes. Wiberefore M. Dorman map referue thefe terrible eramples vnto a place moze meete,and conuentent foz theim: fo2 fure & here they ferue to no other purpofe , but to fatiffie 9. Dozmans phantafie,{n framing of Hoſius phꝛaſes afe ter his fond fathion. Foꝛ Bofius bath the fame wwm2ds, Hofies,fol.7s.a. and like a wittie and learned Papiſt fateth, that Cone flantine, Theodoſius, Galentinian , Martiane, Juſti⸗ nfan, and other godly Chꝛiſtian Princes, bearing and fearing the eramples of Dstas and Dsas punithment, durſt not intermedle in matiers of KReligton: whiche woozdes though falle , pet haue ſome pzobabilitie, fog thoſe Princes as learned fn Gods wooꝛde, might beare - 02 teade thereof; and as godly princes, might feare Gods terrible tudgement. This M.Doꝛman finding, € iking, and purpofing to ble the fame fathio of phzale, now not dpeaming, but btterlp dating, bꝛingeth thers aut of al fathion , applipng them to Ethnickes ¢ Ty⸗ rauntes⸗ . > DORMANS PROVFE | 10k rauntes, whom it is moſt creadible either nener to haue beard,o; litle to baue cared fo2 anp ſuche cramples , tn our hiſtoꝛies reported of Dsias and Dsa. Theſe groſſe fuffurations , and carterlp conugpaunces can with ns cautele be couered, srotw fo Che matier it felfe, Wibere as our Pzinces do no fuche thinges as did Ho £.67.2.75. 2. Oʒias, and Oʒa: hoſius. D. Harding, and pou dw tn D.Hard, Cofur, baine thzeate them with the puniſhmẽt of thofe, whofe Apol. fol.298.2. taultes they beclearefrom. None of our Pꝛinces are ©?” guiltie of the tearinge of Samuell his garment, with king Saule, whiche M. Dozman calleth cuttinge , and aplicth it to the prefuming vppon Pꝛieſtes offices , fos Fof Ii.1,6 9.6 lowing, as Ithinke, Damaſene, in the placeout of him >" bp Hoſius alleaged: there as it is bp Samuel him felf, 1.Reg.ty.e.22.F, and by Chryſoſtome, and other the be interpreters, 27.28. aplied as a figure, to the tearing of Saules kingdome Chryfoft. in ede from bim : the cauſe whereof was, bis difobedience to 4 locum. Gods comaundemét,¢ not the tearing of Saules kinge dome from him:the caufe whereof was, his difobedience to Gods commaundement , and not the tearing of Da muels coate. —V— CToncoerning ftratyng ont of the limittes of that iuriſciction whiche God hath geuen them: P. Doꝛman may fing thts og fo bis Pope and popithe Pzelates, who palling the bur ble limittes of Eccleſiaſticall miniſterie, bane boulolp burt into the proud poſſeſſion, and onlanfall vſurping of wozldlp Dominios, erpeellp in the Scriptures by our Sauiour to them foꝛbidden. Whe effect of all this treas tie {3 this : @alifo the pꝛoconſull an Ethnicke gouer⸗ nour of contempt would not::;Ergo, Chꝛiſtian Pꝛinces map not. Pꝛinces beinge hæretikes (and pet be bath bzought in but one hæretike Prince) wold not medle Aik Cc in mas A REPROVFE OF M in matters of Religion: Ergo, godly Princes map not medle with them. The tyrant Aurelianus wold not, fos. fo . Dogma (though fallp fuppofeth, Ergo gad Pꝛin⸗ tes ought not, Theſe arguments Jam ſure, wil neuer be framed into any forme of lanfull Syllogiſme, in any figure 02 mode, ercept perhaps it be in Bocardo: foz: this Logtke inas neverlearned (nother fchele.¥ might by as good, and better reaſon beinge tn ConFantiuss. Walens,and Galentintan the ponger, Emperours, v⸗ ing continuall fupertozitie in caufesandouer perfons Ccelefialicall, to pꝛoue the authoꝛitie of Princes. wot 9. Dozman would aunfivere me , as be bere Both : thet "rere Hæretikes, or deceiucd and fette on by Harerikes , and that therefoze it is not to be regarded hat thep did. Wabp map one Haretikes ſatyng ſerue foz Petetkes pꝛeemi⸗ nence, and a numbze ferue nothing foz Princes præro⸗ gatiuez3 (ap further, Conſtantine no Bæretike, allea⸗ ged alfo by you, for your purpofe, did intermedle in By⸗ Auguft.epitt.rcs SHOP Cecilianus ⁊ Biſhop Feeltr his cauſes:did tharply. Theod,Ji.t.ca.19 rebuke ſuch biſhops as be tudged to be fautte,thzeatnig. to puniſhe them, ta depofe, and banithe them: which be would not baue thzeatned. vnleſſe be bad thought it had | apperteined to his office ſo to Dw. Pea and the fame Cis. Socrat.libsz.cap. fLantineat the motion ¢ faiteof Athanaſtus beinge no 32.34. Paretike, cõmaunded the whole councell of Biſhops Sozom.lib.2, a ffembled at Tyzus, perſonallv foappeare befoze hints . ( promifinge onthe one ſide greate fel 3b. —— — — — * a | co A 2 . ; > * V7 AOREPROVFE OFM, ; Munera pollici- yewardes if hedid ,and threatninge onthe other exquifitetova tus fi fecifler, eee if he vefufed ) he receined this anfweare. Non ita ſe ha· Athanal fapp —** Bet écclefiafticus canon, neque vnquam accepimus talema epiſt ad * ews PAU" patribus traditionem. Quod fi omnino Imperator curam ſuã liuarian woord for word ro eccleſiaſtica pace interponere quatit, aut {cripta d nobis tam agé begioninge and eae Athanafio deleri iubet : deleantur quoqut ea quæ con- eading iuft with tra eum {cripta funt, fiatque deinde ecclefiattica fynodus vbi Hofius. nec Imperator præſto fit , nec Comes fe ingerat , nec tudex minetur . The rules of the Churche quoth he teach vs nofuche _. thingessor We neuer receined of our fathers amy {uch tradition. But ifthe Emperour "will needes be cave full in procuringe the peace te — commaunde that I * — —J I ed written in the behalfe of Athanafius:let them aljo be called in that haue beene Written againfthim,and let there be after that »an ec- cleſiaſticall fynode affembled, far fiom his palace , where neither the Emperour [halbe prefentyneither his lieuetenant intrude hem felfes nor éudge threaten, Newel - - . Dogman now be bath (as he thinketh) longe es ucugh ptked flozes out of hoſtus his feconde bake, lek be ſhould leaus that place cleane bare, leapeth Backes Wwarde)like an hare that feareth trapcers folowing ber) eg lib. into Potus firſt boke,and there be gathereth an band: “366.5 37-% Fult o2 tivaine, and fo returneth tebere be wasiagaine. But J dw anfiweare Bolus here, as J did anſweare him befoze, alleaginge likewife by 9. Dozmans penne >. Ambroles wordes again# Vialentinean the Empe⸗ tour: fo2 the caſt ts allone . Conſtantius did the lame, that Galentineanus would haue done, Libertas, Bor © ſius Cozdubenfis,and Athanafius blamed the famedo- © inges in Conttantius ; whiche S. Ambzofe blamed tit Walentineanus beginning todo > like. Pine — therefore | — — DORMANS PROVFE, — 105 therefore to Hofius alleaginge by %. Dorman S. Am⸗ broſe as againit bs , may ferac to him bere alleaginge likewite by H. Dorman, Pope Liberius , Bofius, and Athanaſius as agamit bs. And whan Wottus and ®. Dorma can proue that our Chrittian Princes be ſuch as was Lotant:as the Cmperour, who twas both wic- ked, gait haeretique,ethat our Princes do ſuch things, and ſo inordinatly, as ye did: than let M. Dorman out of Hoſius lay toe favirges of theſe godip men, {poker a, gaint Confantius thts doinges, tothe chardge of our princes, as like perfon $, and againt their doinges, as the like doinges. Let them do tt 9 fay, whan thep haue proued them like ; whiche bicaule thep can neuer do, J will prove that our Chꝛiſtian Princes are them felies moft vnlike to Conftantius that wicked Cmperour ; ¢ / their doinges moft vnlike to his deedes which Donne, a : tratt thereafonable Reader will fone percetue, that the like fapinges of gcblp fathers, cannot tnlike manner erteine to perfons and dedes mott onltke ; and ite — 9). Dorman hath donne tthe him ſelfe. Mote is to be noted, that where Athanafiustn this ſentente, here out of ofius by 99 Dorman bozcived , bath thete es ae woorꝛdes: Neg; vnquain accepimus talein a patribus —— ___ tradition€,quam ipti a beato & magno Apoftolo Pe, i troacceperunt &Xc. that is to fap. either did we cuer receiue any ſuch tradition of our fathers WHICH: thepres ceiued of ᷣ bleſſed ⁊ great Apottle peter. Thele words bath M. Dorman left out, as his authour hoſtus doeth which argueth that 9. Dorman loked vpon hoſius, ¢ not bpon Athanaſtus, when he weote this place And Hoſius of purpote left the ‘out, fearing as it map feeme, . latte tyife tomzbes of Riberitis, our fathers: newer receined / Da any A -REPROVFE OF M - any ſuch traditiõ of the-holy and great Apofe Peter, might geue men occafion fo thinke of our popiſh traditions, which came neuer neete S. Peter, noz any ofher Apottle , bp many bundzeth peres. Wut (pectallyp be lefte them out, for vᷣ S. Peter being alleaged bere, by a Pope of Kome, is not called Prince of Apottles,noz head of p church, but the holy ¢ great Apoftle: tubich title ts vſually geuẽ to S.pPaule alſo.But ithad bene moze than neceflarfe, p again Contantius,tabinge bpon him tobe head of the whole Church, ¢calling befoze him Liberfas Pope of Kome, as bis inferiour, Pope Liberfus fhoulde haue alleaged Peter,as the head of the whole Church:and fe confequentlp bane crepted bim felfe, as Peters ſucceſ⸗ four, and therefore bead alfo(as thefe men teafon)ef the whole Churche, from ſuch apparaunce before Conſtan⸗ tius:and to haue called him, and all thofe controuerfies of 4acligion ,befoze him ſelfe: fo2 this had bensaplaing € fhozt way. It wilbe (aid peraduenture , that Liberius befoze (uch a tyzaut durſt not claime bis. right . Surely Liberius fpabe theſe wordes bere bp M.Doꝛman alleag ged, fo one Cufebtus achamberlaine, egeloed man (as appeareth bp that pzoceſſe) who durſt at that time haue writen 02 fpoken any thing that be thought to be true, fo the Cmperour him (elf. Neither could he haue offer- ded Conſtantius moze than. be did, bad he fo aide. Gnd would p gad father twbich tozote,¢ aide the tructh in} principal poine of our faith to the Cmperour hin lel€, though be therebp moſt grieucully offended him, haus left this ſo necefarie a thinge,¢ in a time fo neceflarie, ty be id, 0nfainer Ana ik not tothe Emperaur, yet to f - cowardly gclocd chaberlaine,furclic would be haue ſaid i, bad be thought if fo be trac, Pap,¢ in althole ne DORMANS PROVFE, 106 uerfies before Conſtantius, it teas neuer ſaid by Libe⸗ rius,oz any other Withop » ᷣ the controuerfics of Kelts gion, did {pecially apperteine to p cognition, deciding, ef the Biſhop of Kome:but men did call fuch maticrs ta the knowledge of all godly ¢ learned Biſhops tndiffes rently: whiche would neuer haue beenc fo done, had me bad p opiniõ of the Popes ſupꝛemacie that now ts. Pea Liberius him felfe pelding herein , that bis otune torts finges thould be called in bp the Cmperonr , fo p other contrary twritinges might likewiſe be called in, doth feeme fo peelde both fo the Cmperour berp much, ¢ alle to matche him felfe, as equall with others, ¢ that done be faith not, let them than refozt fo the court of Rome, Peters chaire,there fo be tried:(as fap thefe men note a daies)butfaith he, let than a fre councell be called, and Liberius ibide, there let Athanaſius be iudged, and who ſo ener elsts 45 charged o2 accufed : (not ercepting hint felfe, who bad to i bo in p matier, ¢ was accufed to the Cmperour)e let as at, aut fi.quis * manp, faith Liberius, as can be founbe by the councell lius reus agiture culpable,be catt out. Al thee things tnclofed tn the fers & quotquot ab féce of Liberius, bp Hhoſius alleaged, oꝛ ioyned thereto, iP“ — hath be left out. and ®. Dorman could write no moze, Fo ot than be founde in hoſius, ¢ therefore pou muff pardon ihe bint. Wut J wot not what myſterie there is, o he trans flateth thefe woꝛdes. Si iubeat Imperator fcripta 4 nobis pro Athanafio deleri .1f the Emperour commaunde that I retract thofe thinges, wluche 1 hane writen for Athanaßus. Deleri. And thefe woꝛdes. Deleantur quoq; ſcripta cõtra eũ. Let the writings ugainf? him be alſo called in. whp, J fav, where Deleantur. Piame berbe deleri ¢ deleantur is vſed in p Latine, v Ens gliſh ſhould be diuers: Is tt onelp foꝛ copic,o2 thinketh D. Dorma vᷣ things once not ee alto wri⸗ d 2 ten A REPRO VEE OFM, .; ten. bp the Pope, map.be retraced. vpon the — comandement?3t! were god be bled bis copie ¢ cloquéce in. maters of leffe tunpo;taunce. Pet bath ®. Doꝛrmã his Meaning that Emperour ſhouid not call in Aiberius writinges, as he did other mẽs, but p Liber ius him ſelle as Pope, might onelp retrac his owne wꝛitinges, and no man cls might medele with them. But this is the glofe,¢ not the texte, which erpzellp (aith that the Em⸗ perour ſhould commaunde hts waitinges,;as tell as ov ther mens tobe difanulled. And fn deede Liberius as bere befoze p Emperour, he preferreth not him felfe nog bis {&, and weitinges befoze other Biſhops: ſo dealinge Liberis epitt. ad with other Biſhops (as namely with Athanafius,out Athanafium. gf whom this proceſſe ts talken)be ſheweth no figne noe Bye a sak token, of any pꝛaæeminence tn bimfelfesoz bisitee , but — —* very many tokens of bis aqualitie with other Bi⸗ feribas'\&e “thoppes doth be howe euery where. But toreturne. fo: ruaque * Conſtãtius:where it appeareth, partly by thoſe parcel inhæſitanter ··which P. Dozman ¢ bis authour alleageth here, heres obeam ec. after of Wibertug, of Wodus Cozdubetis,¢ Athanauus, » oe oid bp that longe treatie of Athanafius at large motte plainelp,p.the Emperour Conttantiug called Synodes n2 couccls of Biſhops into bis palace, there bled thzeats ning, foꝛce againſt the godly ¢ learned Biſhops, which: ig not the cuftome of gad Princes, but the violence ẽ app2ettion of cruct tpzauntes; the wordes of Liberius, _ Jet acouncell be afembled farre fromthe palace, where: neither the Prince (vſinge fuche Diolence) not the in· trud hige Lieutenant, 102 the theeatningetudge ſhalbe prefent, do nothing appertaineto our Princes/cauung no Councellcs of Biſhoppes into their Palaces, nei⸗ ther. them, felfca > naz their Leutenantes 02: — either: rs Tr. ie DORMANS \PROYVEE.: 10y either intrudinge, inforcinge, orꝛ thaeatninge them. And where. Dorman by alleaginge thts ſawnge of | Popedtberins againſt Confantins , woulde beare tie woꝛrld in bande, that our Princes aretnthele pornctes like to Contantius , thep ate the moze bounden to him therefoze. And where be would alfo bane v fimple Kea- dersof this placeof Pope Liberius, fozbioding Wares Lidcrius fa: 451, tikes, and wicked Princes, intruding leaueteanantes, ie * ner theeatning Judges, to be at coucels to learne this lend poteftve locum leffon that no Pzinces , Leaueteanaunt, noꝛ Audge in synodo ha- ‘map be peefentina councell of Biſhoppes: Conſtan⸗ beant qui fide tinus the great(altwapes great in bertue and godlines, iwpij {uor.&c. a8 well as in dominions ) pꝛeſent and bufilie occupted gba gon * with the Wiſhoppes at the ſirſt great holy general Ni⸗ ae minequr. > tene councell: Theodoſtus the Cmperours doinges af F the ſecond councell at Conſtantinople, and bis Emba⸗ ſadour Candidianus, being pꝛeſent foz bim at the thirde councel at Cphefus, Partianus the Cmperour pꝛeſent at the fourth councell Chalcevonenfe, will feache them | that lif learne tbe truth, to take furth a contrarte lefs fon, That ts:that chꝛiſtian Princes map be pzefent € intcrmedle with Withops in councels,in caules of Re⸗ ligton, and.that therefoze pope Ltberius bere ſpeaketh of Emperours i caucteanauntes, and Judges, that be: Haretiques, intruders, thzeatners,and pice ap pacanetaa | —— — 34 tact — — alee Emperenivan|Wered by that ereat od * mans Out of Hofius ” andere confeffor Hofits. he Bifbop of Corduba. in Spayneto sho nglib.t.fol, 36sb, & “ Theodoretus "teriterhi Arhanafins Was AYont to fate that no. man *:43> b. ae a Went nob at ay hole and cured. DDS Nowell A REPROVFE OFM. Nowell. | at ff berptene that %. Dorman faith: fie tolius Caroubentis was a great, good, ould man, anda true Athanafi’ Apol. confeffour, of whom Athanaſius, not onelp bp the teſti⸗ de fuga, fub Sy- monte of Theodoretus,/ in bis hiſtorie bp you noted, but tiano duce pag. in bis owne woꝛkes alfo doth geue moze cõmendation “Bay 38» ‘fo him, than pou haue bere noted:and this amongeſt o⸗ thers . Non enim quicquam latere poteft in viroillo (Hofio) tant claritudinis. In qua enim Synodo ille nondux & antefignanus fuit ? quem non ille recta tuendo in fententiam fuam pertraxit ¢ Que ecclefia illius pra fidentiz non pulcherima monumenta retie net.Xc. that ts fo fay: fo2 nothing can Ue hidde tn that man(Bofius) being of fo great fame oꝛ renowne. Foꝛ Dur & ante fig- in what Spnode oz councell was not he captaine;and mers chiefe ſtãderd bearers Whom bath not bebp defending Tn-fud ſententiã. and mainteining of the truth.bzaiven to bis ſidee what Churche doth not reteine moſt godly monumentes and. tokens of bis pox fidence? Thus farre Athanafius,and muche moze to bis further pratle, And J meruatle that $5, Dorman teas fo {pare in bis comendation,and why he omitted thefe bis true pꝛaiſes, that he was the cape taine and peefident in Spnodes and councelles 2 Did it greaue him that be could finde no ſuche praple fog Pope: Liberius: oꝛ feared he ptt might ſceme to fohd ſhreudly again€ the fupgemacte of the Churche of Rome, tthe: Withop of Cozduba and not of Kome, were the captatne and pzefident in councels 2 Jt may be that 99. Doꝛman », fetllfape, be was a captaine and pꝛeſident, as deputie . Op legate-of the Churche of Kome/ and not in bis owne ‘) tight, fo, ſo JIhaue beard. But Jthinke hoſius him felte ncner andertecee that. Will pou heare bis owne wozdes 3 DORMANS PROVSE. 108 woordes wittẽ within foure lynes after the place bere by P. Dorman aileaged, where be fpeaketh of Atbanas ſius:whome the Emperonr would baue bad him by bis fubfcription to accufe , there be faith thus . Neque A- thanaftj aceufationibus fubfcribo, quemnos & Ro- mana Ecclefia, X vniuerfafynodus.innocentem pro- nunciauit,that ts to ſaie: netther wil 3 fublfcribe(Catth. Hofius ) to Athanafius accufations, whome ie, and. the Churche of Home, the vniuerſall Spnode,baue pros nounced innocent. Thus farre Hoftus Cozdubenfis, Mowing by the ord2e of thele tumzdes that be thought, euen as Athanafins reporteth of him: that be was the captaine and preſident of the councell in deede. Which wordes Hofius Uarmienũs did wel bere fo leaue ont, left it might be knowen, that holy Bofius Coꝛdubenſis bad no knowledge of that Supzemacie of the Churche of Rome, which ts now defended bp Hoſius Varmiẽſis: rit.1.f0.36.b, & els bad be bad knowledge thereof; was be not berp pres 2.fol.43.b. fumptuous,oz partial to him felfe,to keape fuch oꝛdre: Wos & Romana ecclefia; weethe Komain Churche. Tiel And was not Atbanafius alfo-partiall with bim, who l= Apologia da beapeth the fame o2d2¢,. ſaivyng: Nec magno Hofio fuga fabSysiane: confeffori,neque Epifcopo Romano, nequé tot Hi- {panis,Gallis,£giptijs, Africanis Epifcopis peperces runt, that is:neither (pared thep, great hoſius the cons. feffor , neither the Biſhop of ome, nettherfomanv, — Spanih, French, Agiptianjand African Withoppes. Is this {a cdftant preferring of hoſius befoꝛe vᷣ Biſhop. and Charche of Kome,fo no purpole , {pectallp fepnge %. Dorman doth of fuche e2dze ble to gather a ſuperio⸗ vitte of thoſe, who be firk in o2d2¢ 2.1But if 9, Dorman Dor.fas.fo.r93 Spill in thefe places bane p greateſt ( asin pꝛoceſſion . &420,. — — —— — — — — — — — — \ 261 KREPROVEFE OFM 7 the Cletgie)to go bebinde,tha doth — and after the Romayne Charche, makinge mention oF the generall Spnode or councelt, giue a ſuſpition that it Moulde be of greater autbozttte than the Churthe of Roine , whiche map bp no meanes be abidden: andbp thefame reafon, the Cgiptian and Atricane Biſhops fhouldbe greatcr than the Romaine Withoppes; for that they are placed by Athanafiusinthe latte places, Sup. fol.t9.&.20 Wihiche Jhaue the cather neted, for that . Dorman fg fucbe a narrowe obfecuer of the oder of reberfalles, both tn the Dortozs and Scripturs alfo. Wat howſoe⸗ uer the ogder be, verp truthe tt is, that this Bofias was as faith Athanafius,and as bis name foundeth,an holy man, but vet ama, which he, as wel as Pope Libertas befoze alleaged , dtd (hove . Jn which reſpect gy, Doz man fhuld baue done better, to have alleaged thete (aps ings tn Athanaſius name, in whole epiſtle (here bp M. Doꝛman noted) thep are toztte, tha in Pope Liberius ‘€ Bofius bis names. Foz popes teltimonies,as vſually ſtriuing againk pꝛinces, ate to be ſuſpected tn this caſe. EPope Liberius ( though bp the ertreame inforcement of Confantius J grant)did ſubſcribe tothe Arian Bas reſie:and Hoſius did communicate with Urfatius and Wales; Artane hæretikes, as Athanafius tn this fame Epitt. "ad folitae Epiſtle by M.Doꝛman bere alleaged, doth tettifies the id vitã agẽtes.autoꝛitie therefoze of ope Libertus, and hoſius Coꝛ⸗ dubenſis, as men veildinge te the Emperour tn ſuche matiers of Kelfgton , are not fe good in this cafe; as fs AthanaGius bis authozttie : though a. Dozman,as do they that numbze, rather thantudge, do delight to - Makea matter cf a multitude of teſtimonies. And tt fs tobe noted; that hoſius Garments the Cardinalt, . DORMANS PROVEFE 109 pour onely authour (1 this treatie .Doꝛman, beinge nothing moued with that great blotte of ofius Coz. bubenfis,comunicating with hæretikes, noz with the communts of the name hoſius, commen to them tow, to purge the ſaid Hoſius of the ſaid crpme: be vnderſtã⸗ ding pet, what a Daungerous thing it was to the bolp church of Kome,that Liberius Pope of Rome (who cart not pou know, erre)fhuld fublcribe to the Aria hæreſie: there the man like a good Cardinall of Wome, ſticketh not fo fay, that Athanafins who tellifieth,that Pope Liberius dtd fo (ubfcribe to the Arian hæreſie, knewe Hof. Jin2.£,34.00 not the trutbe of the matter, but beleaued vncerten and falfe repoztes,and rumozs. DES. Pierome alfo, who likewile teftifieth of Liberius, that be ſubſcribed to the Arian berefie, Hoftus faith the fame, that S. blerome as ama lining in totldernes bnew not the truth. Wel/ thep towe,the one ſo worthy a Wifhop,the other a moze inoztby Pꝛieſte, both berp godlp, both excellently lear⸗ ned; the one liutng in the ſame time, that pope. Libe⸗ time, and being a rius did, and exerciſed in the fame cõtrouerſies againſt ‘the Arians, with bim,the other liuing ſhortly after bis Pꝛieſt of Rome: thele towe, and ſuch towe, knewe not the truthe of Liberins Pope of Kome: but one bofius Warmienfis liuing nowe 5a Cardinall of Kome that nowe. is, knoweth the truth of that, which was. done. rity. bundzeth peeres before be was bozne. But note let bs fee what —— eset * mee ould man faith. — peste ite Godel auncient Farber, shis true oda of — 2 — Prantlared word Ashanafi Gus call him ae mle he fare that’ the'for woorde, out Emperoup | _ & REPROVFE OF M - : ¥ of Hofius.tib.. EBmperour Conflantins would needes takevpon him the gouernen | fol at —* oa of the churche whiche belonged not to bim : firft he propofed to hi * ene A J theexampleof his brother € onfits,wlo-liumy hike a vertuons Prince em plo,quid tale within his bodes nener attépted the lekesand a fier he arueth thas. inquita Coftate Ne te mifceas ecclefiafticis neque nobis in hoc genere præ⸗ Athanaf, factum efe&xe, cipe,fed potius anobis eadifce “Tibi deus imperium come epift ad} miſit, nobis quæ funt ecclefiz concredidit. Er quemadmodũ litatiã vii qui tuum imperium malignis oculis carpit. contradicit ordi-⸗gentes. nationi diuinæ: ita & tu caue ne que funt ecclefiz ad te re⸗ trahens,magno crimini fias obnoxius. Date (ſcriptum eſt) qua funt Cæſatis Cafari,& que Dei deo = that is to fate. En~ tremedle not your fel fe (O Emperour)inecclefiafficall cauſes nor rake not vpon you to commaunde vs in thofe matters; but the rhinges that belong thereto learne you them rather of'vs:'To you hath God com- mitted ch'empire., and tovs the bufines and affaires of thechurche. = And euen as he that will ‘pith comptrolling vie fix re Anecefts nement reſiſteth the ordinaunce of God : fo take you. alfo good hede, admonit Aſt in drawing to you thofe thinges which apperteine to the church’ for Prin you incurre a great and aheynoufe faulte 5 Gine (it is mpritten to tbat e cæſar that whiche is his dutie; and toGod that whiche ssGeds. | Nawell: Redd Wiby do not pou fell H.Dorman, what manner of governement of the Churche tt was, that Contant ius would needes take vppon bim? why make pou no mens. tion of the violence by him, and tis courtears vſed in Hof.li.nh3<,, Chalites Chueche,by Dofus vour authoz,and not only Hof> Cordubé- in Athanaſius, plainly expꝛeſſed· Wibp tell you not a⸗ fs. Owitte tu gaine what ft was, that Conſtans the Emperour, Cõ⸗ olẽtia zuã.&c. ſtantius bis bꝛother, never attempted, but do fap that. Conftans neuer attempted the like 2 Hou might haue - bene boule with pour authour Woftus to haut toulde chat neither Contans the Emperour noz bis — DORMANS. PROVFE 116 ‘fed anp ſuche force againſt Biſhoppes, ag did Conitã⸗ uli maioré vies fius. But pou would not open the truthe, leſt it chould lub tuo ade exe appeate, that our Pꝛinces beret ave like to Conttans, <8" &c. not, as pou would bane it feme, to Conſtantius: whe neither by themelfes, nor thetrcourtears , baue vſed anp fozte : and that pour pope bp alcrueltie, tnfogcing : alli meu to his popyſhe Hæreſie, is moſte lyke to cruelt Conſtantius, moſte vnlike to that mylde Prtnce Cone apa ud we de graunt,that Bofius Cozoubenfis,ota ihe an bolp Wihoppe warne Conſtantius, betnge a vicked and violent Pꝛince, oꝛ Dyeaunt rather, and an Haretique alſo, that be Mould not intermedle with Thurche matiers, oꝛ perſons, and that be beinge both vnlearned, and iafeded with errour, ſhould not take bppon bpm to teache learnedand godlie Biſhoppes, bot chouid rather learne of them. And it is very trae, that all Princes learned and vnlearned, godlie and vn⸗ godlie, ould learne of the Biſhoppes, rather thant teacbe them: and folearned and godip ſhould the Bi⸗ fhoppes be, that learned Lay men (not onelp vnlear⸗ Hed) might be gladde to learne of them. Wut twill MH. $Dozman gather hereof, that men muſt learne of vnle⸗ arned Biſhoppes, who can not teache: oꝛ of vngodly Bichsppes though learned, who will not teache the truth: Would M. Dozman that Conftatins ſhuld haue learned of Cufebtus the Artan wWithop , oz other Arias Bithops: It be wold, ſure J am, oᷣ neither hoſius Coz dubẽſis, noꝛ Liberius,noz Athanaſius wold fo. And pet — $hep, though wicked Biſhoppes, were calicd and couns ted Biſhops.It ts certen thererefoze, vᷣ ſuche ſentences as is this of hoſius Coꝛdubenſis: De net O Emperoursinter= medle wich Chuarch maticrs aad pojon bath bis taelicntily Ce2 oth eree-- AS REPRO VFE OFM) both ofthe Emperdur, and of the Churche,perfons Ki Biſhops. Foꝛ, be the Emperour godly, (a5 for erample was Vaientinian the elder) than do all the godly Bi⸗ fijops of helleſpontus ¢ Bithinia fay(not, as doth here Hotlus to Conſtantius, intermedle not tn Church ma⸗ tiers, nor with Church perfons but)-we prate youvouch{aue to be prefent -withs,to entreate of certen poinctes in Religion to be | _ __-eformed. Ze the Emperour be godly , as was Conſtan⸗ Agult, epilt.166. tinus, than do the godlp Withops Cacilianus ¢ Fcelix not fap, (as doth bere bofins)medle not with Ecclefias ficall perfonnes, netther dw they refuſe the tuogement of fuche delegates , as were bp the Cmperour ape pointed s neither the fudgement of the Cmperour bint felfe, who tn deede finally determined Biſhop Cactliar — nus his cauſe. Whe refioue of Hofius woꝛdes again€ Conftantius are fpoken,becaufe that be toke vpõ his. Princeps Epifco- as Prince of Withoppes , oꝛ as Biſhop of all Withopss porum. as Athanafius tefttficth,and as Bolus, and with bint Dos. poft.f.26. 9, Dorman alſo hereafter doth acknowledge. GUbicbe thinge fetng our Pzinces neucr d1d(noz no man at this: day doth p like, but the Pope. ) Hoſius faipngs agatuſt fuche Princes, as do take vpon thé Withops octites,cã not appertein to our Princes, who are fo farre of front. claiming to be Biſhops of Biſhops,(as did cone) | "athe admonis tbat fhep twill not take bppon them any pore Prette⸗ tion to the ſim· office, noz any part therofias thep dw alfo publikelp tes ple, deceiued by ſtifie to pᷣ woꝛld. Now as Wofins M. Doꝛmãs authors. she maltious. doth foo a batage ĩntermit ¢ lene out words, e fentẽces in the midle of places, out of the anctét authours by him alleaged,as he did in the laſt place befoze of Wope Biber. ttus,fo doth be euer cut of,and make an end of bis alles. gatta, wa any thing foloweth,p maketh a DO RMANS! P RONFEA mi Fo tt toloweth immediatly after theſe wandes allea- ‘gtd bere dut of Hokus Corꝛdubenſis, bp Hoſtrus Gar- miẽ ſis, and out of him, by. Dozman,atter this fazte. Date, fcriptumieft; quæ funt Cafaris Cafari:X que Dei Deo. Neqigitur fas eft nobis in terris Imperiũ tenere), neq; tu thymiamatii , & facrorum poteſtatẽ habes Imperaror &c. What is to fav:At is Wweite, giue fo Cæſar that whicheis bis ductic, and to God, that whiche is Goddes. Fo2 neither ig it latofullfoz vs (Bi⸗ Moppes)to hould Cmpire ozdominton tn the earthsnets tmperium. ther thou D-@mperour,bat potwer of offering incenfe, and of Goddes holp Sacramentes,o2 thinges. Theſe be gcrorum. Hoſius Cozdubenfis woades , who like atrue man, as the tert of our Sauiour was of tow partes ,.of Cafars duetie, and: Geddes ; fo maketh be declaration ofthent. both:that neither Biſhops being minifters, not lozdes: of Woddes Church, may mevdie tofth wozlolp dominios,, noz Cmperours and Princes with Wilhoppes offices,. Wut pou that are ſo affraicd leaſt Prꝛinces Moulomedle sexe Decretal With Wihoppes offices, dw matnteine, that. pour high li. 3. Tit. is caps Biſhoppe map tnuade Princes dominions. Pot had Periculofo in the offices of Withoppes, that Pꝛinces map not medle 80%. — — with, poteftas thymiainatum & ſacrorũ, the power of inci aru. offering tikeenfe, ‘and of the Satramentes, or holy thinges, béene bp fee Hoſius Varmienſis added as they werein Hoſius Coz? bubcniisevpeted,altye worlde might have feene, that Sur Princes did intermedle in no ſuch matiers: a that therefoze theſe places were in: vayne alleaged againſt thent. ut. Bofius VUarmienſis, wilier than Hoſtus Coꝛdubenſis, whan he had Laide fog Prieſtes againit Princes, let alone that, which was for Princes again. Site, eames tenti — — — Ce. 3. zelat A: REPRO VEE: OF Me. spittates werun dominions, and princedomes fo ndere the quicke: who, wit hout all cauſe quarrellinge with Pꝛinces, as vſinge a poinc of Antichꝛiſt/ by inuadinge ‘of Pꝛieites offices; wilbe ſure of a potna of Antichꝛiſt. by inuading of worldlvy dominions, by Chriſt him ſelte, &. Peter 5 and holy hoſius Cordubentis,bere to thent fozbinden. Should we vfe fuch mianglings,maymtuges minlnge, ¢ curtallinge of the annctent Fathers autho⸗ tities, ſuch difembling of their fulbſentence, and true : Meaning, as Doth Hoſtus Uarminiens here in Hoſtus Coꝛdubenſis, and elles euery wheresthetwoula ill the ayre tt felfe with outcries againſt vs. Thou wilte mer⸗ uaile god Keader peraduenture, that om blame hᷣo· Aus onely, and not M. Doꝛman.with whome J haue to Ro: ſurely it this treatie J baue almoſt nothinge to do but with Hoſius: with M.Doꝛman verp litle; who ts blameleſſe here, feeinge be did Wweite as much jas was in bis autbour. Foꝛ though Hoſtus Coꝛdubenſis haue maoꝛe than M. Doma, pet bath. hoſius Varmienſis no moꝛe in this placethã he:though other where he do geue him lelle this libertie, to leaue out allo; of bis oe ſius Uarmienſis tumzdes,02 fentences,that.be thinketh to lſounde againſt him. But pet here is one foule faulte im P. Dorman. F025 where he hath but one vnely fene tence of Bolus Cozdubentis;that ould holy Father. € that, asaltother, bozowedof hoſius Garmicuiis, pet bath be like a bindeman, tn the margentacknowleged fhe authour, thoughfelonge agoe dead, peaandthat {with bis notable commendation: but bautnge tois;and all ether-places , veaand alitbis whole treatic out of Hoſius Uarmientis , thisdap liuinge ; faken by whole pandfulles, pet doth be not as much, as once — DORMANS PROVEE * iz his margent anpremembaite of him, as his authour, that 3 tan finde: not fo gratfull towardes ould ofius Cozdubenfis, as vngratfull to hoſius Uarmienfis: — neither fo mindeful of me dead, time out of minde finee, ‘as mindeleffe and forgetful of men,and ſo notable men, - Cardinalles of Kome vet liuinge, to whome be ts ſa muche bounden, and ſo deepely indebted , for fo many ſlummes of ſentences, and authoꝛities. Dorman, Fol. 25.. ianafus —Athanafiue [beakinge to this purpofeaieth, Siiftudeft iudis Tran(lated out epift.ad cium epifcoporum,&c. 1f this indgement belonge to Biſ boppes, of Hofius lib,z.. = Vit’ wehae hath the Emperour to doo therewith? or if on. the contrary fol.120. parte theſe matters be wrought by the threateninges of Cefar, “what neede is there of any men befideto beare the bare title of Bix hopstwhen from the beginning of the world hath it beene harde ory of, that the indgement of the Churche hath taken antloritie of the re anl Enpperour2Or when hath thig byn agnifed for any iudgement?Many —* eae haue there byn before his time many councels. hath the Churche holden , but the time is yet to come that ener either the Pa- thers tent about to perf wade the Prince am fuche matter, or that the Prince [horyed him|elfe to be curiouſe ww matters of the church, inshe- Bar'now haue We a ————— * stag * in —* * e fire ti — alate Mes 2 — dle in. “fot * wether leape — * into the farms Hofius Sib; 23 ters of place(ontof the which be lepte backe ward before)of Ho⸗ fol.120. Vbi pri⸗ church. gue Varmitenis not Cosdubentis)fetsd boke: whith is eret a Gardéie moſte plentions of ſtoers, fo2 9. Dorman fo garniche his garlande wWithail + It is mok truce that - ee matiers ot Keligio in — ould. ‘ — 1 AREPRO VFE OF M fhould: be fried by the tudgement of godly and learned Wilhoppes; according to the woꝛde of God, andnot bp Epitol ad (oli- the thgeatninge of bfolent Princes, accozdinge to thetr arid a Poi owne pleafure:as Conſtantius would have ozdered the bib. s, fol. nea, Matte : fog, fo faith Athanatius , ſo faith ,Dozmans Conftantius fa. authour Bofius, though M. Dorꝛman do partly diſſem⸗ cit qued fibivo- bletbe truth . Wut tubere the Wiſhoppes be either one lupe eft, &c. learned 02 Wicked, as haue of longe pour Popes, ¢ pos —— pithe Pzelates bene, godlie Chatitian Princes map not — with threatninges, as did Conſtantius the Cmperour, * but by reafonable and peaceable meanes , aſſemblinge | learned and godly men together, and not accogdingeto » their owne pleature, (as did Cõſtantius) bat accosding = to Coddes pleafure,declared in bis wWorde,anendethbat = is amiſſe: as godlp Pꝛinces of all ages haue Bone. To pour queftion to be anſweared bp the hugue⸗ notes(foz fo is vour pleafure now toterme bs , fringe the contumelies of Cnglith termes can not(ufficepour => malice) we ſay. From the beginninge of the worlde till ieee | this day 5 we neuer hearde that the tudgement of the = Churche, hould take authozitie of the Cmperour, nog of any other woꝛldly creature,but onelp of the truth, of Goddes efernall worde, els is it no fudgement: though pou do to pour Komithe Antichzitte blafpbemoullp at · tribute this peerogatiue,» the tudgement of the Church © ould take authozitieofhim. And thus much we ſa/ to pour meruclous quettion,as vou take it to be. ». — To the reſidue of Athanaſius wordes we ſay: that to call in all the Synodes oꝛ councelles that haue beene,weuce did any godly Fathers goe aboute to perſwade any Prince any ſuche matier, that the iudgement af -the Churcbe fhould take authoritie of him, neit her did * g Zs. 4 *7 = | DORMANS PROVFE, 1B godly Prince ever take vpon him any ſuch matier: nete ther (owed him felfe cutious th’ Charch matiers shot" * * With reverence, and god aduife of the godly and tears | ned, {pecially of the Cieargie, hath ſeene (uch things ag were amiffe,vefozmed accozdinge to Gods holy worde. To conclude:pou da ſe no {peaacle of Arrius herefie in our Church:¢ therefoze is pour note falfe ¢ malttious, bearing the people in bande, that Arrius herefie(whtch broughe into the Chucthe the oxderinge ofall thinges after wicked Princes lates) ſhould haul brought ents gut Churches the reformatta — — of vour popiſhe abuſes and harefies , atcompliſhed ac- cording to Goddeswill; in hid holy worde declared v/ the ean diligenee, and aut horitie of our Cheiltit Princesalter the examples of all govlp Princes OF MN ages befoze thent. i SOs PRISE of ———— TRUS e Ropmnarh BoltoPagh i FL “> “And towardes the ende of the fame “Epiftle ; of Conflantins at- temptinge to meddle in canfes keelefiafticall he *oriterh thus- Quid igitur hic quod‘ Antichnifti et omifitvaut quid ille vbi vene⸗ tit plus committere poterit ? aut quomodo ille ĩn aduentu {uo non repeterit ſibi expeditam viam ad dolos ab iſto præ⸗ paratam? Si quidem iam denuo in locũ eccleſiaſticæ cogni- ons , palattum fyum tribunal earum caufarum conttituir, equé earum litium fummii principem & ‘agthorem facit. What istherefore [aithhesto bedone by Antichrifathat Coftantins bach omitecd?or what can Antichriftdoo more ar histoinmiinge thn he hath done already? Or how can it be that he (hall nor'findle the cing of Way ready made by him when be-commeth for all his difeett full achriſt Wyles. For even noW againe in the place of the ecclefiafticall tnr slay m3 diction; be hath placed and appointed his ted sink robe the Male in “OV ifchofe cafes thax aild-hawe beene Weternined theres itualt 54nd hemaketh him felfe the chtefe tulge and apbilre thereof. iMiais. FF And 2bia tka Be. ERB cots J J | A -REPROVFE OFM. i Tranflated out * little after be adderh: Quis enim videns eum in’ decer⸗ of Hofius lib.2. nẽdo principem f fe facere. epifcoporum , & præſidere iudicijs fol.iꝛo.b. ecclefiafticis: non merito eam ipſam abominationem defo- I" : lationis dicat effe que 4 Daniele prædicta eft? for who, yen Daniehs him in iudgement make him felfe tke chiefe of the B Bi hoppes and i rule in caufes eccleſiaſticall, may not Wosrthely fay that he és that i abhominati ton of | sapien that Danie/ prophecicd orwell. “at is mioft true ie Conftantius that wicked Sioa perour refembled Antichzitt in verp many poinctes: whereot pon do diffemble the mot parte,to make the | fimple to belene our godlp Painces tobe like to Cons J fantius in conditions, and fo with bimto beguiltic of : Anticheitianifme. And pou do wickedlp, and fclanndes rouũy applic the ould Stathers fapinges fpoken againk | Conſtantius, bauing fo manv poinces of Antichat,te ij our Pꝛinces, hauing noone poitiae of Antichetf at all, | noz of Conflantins neither. Foꝛr P moze plafne declara⸗ | fion thereof, J wil fir note $ poinctes ot Antichꝛiſt bp : | Bases | rou partly out of hoſius (as by him moze fully. fomes | Where out of Athanafius)gathered:¢ aftertwarde J wilt | 7 fopne to the {cme other poinctes, plainelp tn p fame E⸗ — piftle by pou allesged by Athanatius him ſelfe declared: | : fo baue bene in Cattatins:foz $ which poinas,as toel} | {aid Athanafius,as Liberius, Hoſius, bilartus,¢ other gonlp auncient fathers laine, Antichziftianifme. to his | chardge. All whiche poinaes lacking insur godly Chet- | Cian Prꝛinces, hall d {charge the of Antichatfianiime,. . Wwherwith pou do mot malitiouſly attepttoblottethe. A Firk be bir to call Biſhops into bis. Palace,as into... a place of Ecclefattical! Spnode, oꝛ councell 02 tothe ~~ eae of nngement, wanton eCieligan. —E a cn V DORMANS PROVFE, 4. 2 — «And there be vſed theeatninges and force, by him hanafius felfe.o2 bis officers,againtt godlp ¢ learned Biſhoppes: ift.Ad {0- thereby to mate them to agré to bis lutte 02 pleafure © w.vie™ tn cantes of Religion : andas Athanatius (aith , be at- 0, 454. tempted this,not bpreafoninge, councellinge, perſwa⸗· 6. & 465. Dinge, but by ſwordes, and dartes, bp violence , whipe pinge,beatinge,and killinge:whiche to do, ate the oftti. X dem vbi tes of Pilate and Caiphas,asto {uffre, is the pꝛopertie va, CChelKlansifaith Athanafius. 3 — Whiroly he toke vpon him, to be Prince of Biſhops, oꝛ head Wrthoppe of Biſhoppes: fo that all Biſhoppes muit of neceſſitie pelde to his minde, and will, dnd thus farce map appeare , bp the Antichzittian poinctes by sp. Dozman noted , to haue beene in Conſtantius, “ eg though to obfcure the maticr,be withdraweth bereand... ....., = therefome wordes and fentences in Athanalus sane. 2 oe ve Hollus bis authour, at bis pleaſure. Now biſides theſe poindes 5 there wire it the ſaide Contlantius other re poinctes al Antichꝛiſtianiſme by Athanaſius in his latd * — Epiſtle plainely declared: whereof Jwill note parte, « . -. Made by naughtie me dpa gcolp and learned Biſhops, tolaad anid ‘thereupon, without all proute made accuter ripitur ,& — Imperatoris e veſtigio in exilium mittitur. ih 5. In admittinge others into the rowmes of fach bn d. fa. 4381p. and learned Biſhops expelled 5 the erantination was of + not had aceoꝛdinge to thisrule of 2. yaule 437 debouet⸗ _ that 4 Bi(-boppe be blameleffe s but it was onely ſaid to them relit,non beagaint Chet, and be uot carefull foꝛ thie maners, i occinit, * that onelp twill (uffice the to thy commendation, porter E * FF 2 and be would without triall credite eucry falfe reporte. made be ae 45% ‘{udges in cauſes Crcletiatteall, 8 and londete of! | made Withoppes alfa. © | g, her and other as wicked men as they, tite 7 Fa. agr. Sed ex SUbdt pottipe; and company of Soindiats brought palatio cũ mili-® Bitſhopriques, as tt had bene into ſeculer ocfites. tari manu & magnifica pompa, wiſſus Rites non ali te eee fi fecularis muita ei demandatus cfleri& 4505 irenre of GA Big en 9. To ſuchas durſt — —— fa. 450 At ny CanonErclefiatticall for thems he tooudbiantineare: ee it ce, but my will chalbe tn fedect the: Ganon selthce obep Aut igitur ob-stherefoze,de be banihhed. J——— temperate aut — * exules ęſtote. 106 Itany Bichoppe/ 02 other matt, ere benener wo". —— dit, ‘learned , 02 govlp, durit {peake-againk thefc thinges,:,,. uit sual eas fure fog —— — kanitymants; “toil Moré reportat. * deathe. an nu, The Heathen neurbvled —— as * Cae ftantius bis Courtéars bearing the name of Chriftian ‘mets Dhep inuaded Churches; whenthe Withep end. ‘people were at prater, and fluemany; ⁊ would not ſul ⸗· fersthe bodies of the flaine to be buried itthout marie» iil iil Bs. seek Ae. * ⸗ ~ igi [26 J DORMANS PROVXFX. 115 Moly birgins 5 who ferned Chꝛiſt in true chaſtitſe, Arhao:fus Apo, -thevibatled by the beare, andibzinging them to the fier, de fuga fua.fa.323 and thzeatning to burne them, whan thep could not fo £24 Holita. vitg boinge them to their batefie, they ripped them naken 24 in the open fireate , whipped them fo , both vpon thetr naked bodies, and faces, that their friendes coulde not knowe them ; and whan thep in theſe tozmentes cried vpon Chzitke, the Wpzantes would fhote 5 grenne vpõ them,blafpbeme 5 and increaſe their croeltie , not cea⸗ fing, bnttltbey, by mo bozrible tozmentes:bad ſſayne many of them, not abttetning; alterwarde from bilanfe to theit dead bodies.) > | und, whiche was pet worle if worſe map be: Con. Ibidéfa.457.Bel- ſtantius made all this ado, all this perfecution; ¢ cruell oe — {varre,foz impietie, againit godlines:bppon ſtudie and — zeale for the Ariane hæreſie, againſt the true faith: mar Ariana herefi, bing a wap for Antichriſt, as bis foꝛruner, againſt our preludiaque Ans Sauiour Chail, So; thatno Churche could be ſutfered tichriſti, cui via freelyto woꝛſhip Chett: fo; thatthe Chalfttas mour⸗ * —— onan ning; taid: Is Conftantiusbecomean Werctiquer {he qhiders fa, Heathen retopfing on the other fide, and pratfing thsir 46o. Omni- Joollesfaid: Conttantius ts become ait Heathen: and bus non fine ad- the Arians allo we dur Keligion. Th : mirationeinters Theleʒ theſe, ſo many, and many mo, to many bete — to be tuzitten;fo wicked, focrueth, fobogvible jf before cerice ae eller fnbeatd abominations , perpetrated by Conftantius, Ibidem fa. gor. that wicked Emperour, and his more wicked Wourtee Ethnici igi? ldo⸗ ars and otficers/ and ſpectally by bis impure chambers ge pres! fez JeMescand geltingesi;monedthat frée man ibertus, Choris Erbe bolp Boffus; and Athanafids , of immoꝛtall famre 5 td cus Haus eſt, & waeite of him as they did : moued them to forbidde fuche Ariani noftra amie 8 eee Leaueteanantes ſuche Judges, Booſcuni.&c Fes ſuche tie AREPROVFE OFM’ ~~ J suche Eunuches, the intermedling in matiers of Kelle gion, with ſuche theeatninges,fuche violence, ſuch eras eltie, ſuche wickednes, ſuche falſhhood as they bled: mo⸗ ued thentto tell bint, that ſuche a palace, with ſuche compante replentfhed was no meet place for Eccleſia⸗ ficall councelles,noz a Judgement feate mete fox mas tiers of Kel{gton : moucd them to tell hint, that be did wickedly take vpon Him Co be Pzince, oꝛ head Biſhop ouer all ifhoppes:moued them fo tell him 5 that be oe mitteth nothing belonging fo Antichut , that be mave a ready way foz Antichziſt, as hts berp forriner. Lele fentences ſpoken bp thofe ancient fathers again ae flantius , and bis officers , fache men, 02 rather cruell beaſtes, fo? ſuche cauſes, ſuche bꝛiberies, (ache thꝛeate⸗ ninges, ſuche biolences, ſuche cruelties, ſuch inuaſiõs, of true Chꝛiſtians, and godly Biſhoppes, being at theit prafer, and feruice of od tn the Churche , fuche murs theting of bolp mien, fache batling, fuche naking, ſuche {courging,fuche tearing in peeces of hamefak,tendz¢, and pare Uirgins:and al this,fo; the seale, and mains tenauuce of ſuch bozrible Arian hæreſies, euen againſt our Sauiour Jeſus Chꝛeiſt his diuinitie Whe ſentẽces J ſlavy, weiten by Liberius, Bolus, Athanaſius, againſt Auch, and koꝛ fuche cauſes, it ſeemed good to M.Doꝛ⸗ .. man to applte to our gractous Soucraigne, knowen to the tuozld, to be as farre from al Attan,and other hæ⸗ reliles, as the ts farre from fuche wꝛonges, force; and crueltte:larre fcom fuche bozrible toꝛmentinge of Uits gins, fo ſhewing ber loue to birginitte 5'as ts to other . Qudenes bnenomed: fo farre front heading of inno⸗ cent blood , that the neuer vet hed d2op of blood of hee moſt dearly enemies. Whoſe loue,and maintenance of rue Religion natwithſtanding, whole abſtinẽce front all » DORMANS PROVEE, 16 all M20ngs, theeatninges, and biolences, whofe clemẽ⸗ tie aboue all Pꝛinces, of al times, whole vertues mofte contrarie to Conffantius bis vices, could not fap gp. - Dozman from blottinge of bis booke , weiten again ber moſt lauful,and godly gouernaunce, with fuch fens tences,fucbe poindes, {uch notes of intrufions, thꝛeat⸗ ninges, diolences,barefies, Antichziſtianiſmes, as ber gracets moſt farre from, and are therefore motte vn⸗ meete fo2 ber grace to heare:meete fo2 no man, but @. sDozman,to wife. Wout fo2 fo mucheas 9. Doꝛman bere fs bufie with poindes of Antichziftianifme, and Confantius is bp $):Do2man noted,.and bp Atbanafius plainely declas red, tobe the forruner, and wap maker for Antichriſt, feing thoztip after this Confantius,the power of that Momithe Antichstk the Pope, began to {pzinge and tife, Let bs {e, whether, as Jhaue declared the pointes Of Antichzilianifme, whiche were in Conantins, ta be falſty aplied toour Chriſtian Pzinces:fo % can pꝛoue them moſte truely tobe in their Anticbaittfan Pope of Rome. And firlk, to the firk poinct of Antichzit. _ Lhe Pope of Kome , being indé&de none other, but a worldly Tyraunt, doth make bis Komiſhe Court, the {ndgement ſeate of all controuerſies in Keligion, and chere determineth them at bis pleaſure. Andin coune cels likewpfe; thinges ave Done and determined after his will and luſt, and not according to the tilt of God, declaxred inthe Scriptures: and fo in this potnde of Antichat,bp Liberius, Bofius, and Athanafius,veclae revdsbe.agrecth with Conikantius.. Touching the fecond, be vſeth theeatupnges,fosce, and — — infogcement, beating, and — notby | A REPROVEE OFM”: not bp reafoning;councelling, perſwadinge, to bꝛinge all men to bis obedience, and popithe hæreſie, euen as Achana.ad folit. did Conſtantius. Aad where as Athanafius ſaiethto vitam agentes. He beaten, is the pꝛopertie of Chriſtians, to whippeans fa.454e perfecute Chꝛiſtians, tobe the offices of pilate, eCale phas, what would he iudge of our ope ene ddim lates; were benowliuinge > 30 Thirdly, the Pope being no wWithopat alls neither | yaning anp figne:, no? toben at allofa withop, by the | Scuptures appotnded , and hauing all fignes and tor : Rens of a tempozall Dvzaunt, taketh vppon him as did Hof. lit. fa 35.2 Contkantius,tobe Pꝛince of all Withops ,-o2bead Bi⸗ thop over all: Biſhops: and the * bw our Segre 4. mainteine and delende· Fourthly talſe rumours and reportes — ty men, are bp him, and his Pꝛelates creadited, wheres pon,be, bis Pꝛelates, and inquiſidours do pꝛoceade ex officio, and othetrwyſe, and condemne innocent men without laufull —— a wane — as did Conſtantius. 5. Fiftlie, learning, and innocetitie of Ufe(actozoinge to S. Paules rule) are not fo muche required in him, that ſhalbe made a popithe Prelate , o2 the Pope Hine felfe:but bis baitred of Chit, and true Chriſtians is a fpecfall commendation to the atteininge of all popehe Pꝛelacie, euen as tt was fn Conſtantius bis time; © © s. ° Slrtlfe,foonehaue monep enoagh to offer to the Popes holines, be he neuer fo vnlearned an alle, be be of neuer ſo beaſtly a life, he ts admitted to the gteatelf poptthe prelactes, And fe commentp, Pzinces, 07 noble més fecond ſonnes, courtears, tutters, and Soulolars, fa they haue money to geue, become popithe — DORMANS PROVFE 7 Cardinals. Foz as frter Pantuane one that wel knew the cuſtome of the Court of Kome, ſaith, Venaliano- bis, Templa,Sacerdotes,altaria,facra,ceronz,ignes, thura, preces, ccelum eft venale, Deufq;.Cburches, Pꝛieſtes, altars, bolic thinges,and crownes, fires, ins - Cele, pzapers, beave,t God bim Celfe are {ct alale with >, % vs at Kome:kfoꝛ of that place be expꝛeſſely ſpeaketh. The Popes chamberleines (euen ſuche as were Confantius chamberleines, J ned to Cay no moze)are preferred to Biſhoprikes before godip oz learned men, a Andreas Alctatas euen in our dates, when men * — might thinke they would be moze circumfpea cdplats fos; to, neth, and fameth at ope Paulus the thirde, foz pres uij. Quendam, ferring to the Biſhopꝛike of Come, a vile vnlearned qui ex arcanis man, taken from the fecret filthe of the Popes cham⸗ cubiculi ſoraib⸗ bre, befoze Paulus Jouius, being fo notably learned, and gg — eloquent a man. And it is knowen and abhozred notas VA bzode onely, but in Rome tt felfe, that Pope Julius the oy), 01 fosny third, woboſe beat ly lifeneither thefe times could fay, platinæ. nor popiſhe wꝛiters could coner, created infamons pers fones, Cardinalles of Rome, and amongel others , one moſte abominable,not onelvin all bone places, but euen in the berp court of Kome it felfe, Diuers popithe Pzelates ,and (pectally the popes them felues,are mith great Pompe, and companies of Houldiours,and armed gardes,bzoughbt into thelr pres lacies,and papactes , as it were into feculer oſfices:euẽ as it was in Confantius bis time bled.to place the A⸗ tian Wiſhoppes. 7 cur Sfanp alleage Scriptere,reafor oz ould Canon,a- gaint thefethinges , the Pope andhis Papiſtes Cape, that the Scripture is the fenfethat the Pope gathereth — , Og thereof 1D —?. * one \ A REPROVFE OFM. thereof, bis wibisin feed ofreafon, bis pleafare declas rev in bis refcgiptes,is the Canon of the Church seven as (afd Confantius that his twill and lat toute fand fo2 the Canons. . It any dare gaine fafethefe tbinges, bant{(hement,oz death (enen as it was in Confantius time )is his re⸗ warde. And as in Conſtantius time not conlelles, reas fons, perfuafions,but ſwoꝛdes, wwbippes, ertles,impats fonmentes, and deathes were bed, as tellificth Athas naſius:ſo nowe in thefe cruell daies , bppon a queſtion n2 tivaine, touching the Popes Supzemacte, o2 their Tranſubſt ant iation moucd, and anſwere not to their mpnd recetued,in ſterde of reafons,counfetics, perſua⸗ fions:thzeatnings,p2tfons, fockes,chaines, whippes,. > fozmentes,faggottes,fire,and moſt cruelldeathes,are u. 12, nowe the poptthe perfuafions , asthep were p Arians, Neither was this craeltie andmurtber bled vppõ al fortes, fercs,¢ ages,in Confantius bis time moze, tha {tts now bled bythe Wope epoptihe prelates, bppon ‘Athana.ad folit. wita agér.£.408, all foztes of men and wemen, vppon ſtriplinges € pong mafoens , whome thep da not onelp binge to the fite,. thaeatning to burne them, asdidthe Arians ih Cons ftantins bis. time,but in deede do mot cruelly roft them quicke,and burne them toathes.. And as all that adoe was made in Conttantias bis time, tobaingealtmento the Arian hæreſie: fo is alt this cruell bofines made nowe bp the pope and dig Pꝛelates, to bring atmen to thett popithe —— Anticheitianttte. To conclude therefoze, fetng Liberius, Hotius, and ſpectally Athanafius,tudged Conſtantius to be the for⸗ runner and way maker to — ee cing: DORMANS PROVEE ng ſeing the papacte beginning to gather ſtrength ſhortly after Contlantius bis timiz, and nowe growen fo this greatnes, bath all thoſe poinctes of Antichziſtianiſme, by Athanafius tu that long treatie deſcribed, € a great Fpiſt. ad ſolita. manp moe; who canvonbt ,butthat papacieis Anti⸗ vitã agentes. chꝛiſtianiſme, and the Pope Antichriſt · Wibiche tacos net, M.Doꝛman, and other like Popelings.oblece ane tichꝛiltianitie to Chꝛiſtian princes. * Dorman. Fol 26. _ Thus haue you hard good Readers, how thiefe auncient fathers | übberius, Hofius,and Athanafins, teproued the doinges of Conſtan- | tins the Emperour, the firll(that We reade of and yet him felfean | Arrian and prouoked thereto by that wicked broode ) that tookepa him to medle in ecclefiafticall iuriſdiction. . Nowell. «, Thosn pou fee god Weavers the fatpnig. of. thaiicfent fathers, Liberius, ofius, and Athanafius to2ttten as gain Confantius, that wicked Cmperour, cruel Ty⸗ raunt,and Arian hæretike, theenempofour Sautour Chzite, the fogrunner of Antichztt, tobe by. Dogma moſt vnworthely aplted to our gracious Soucrsigne, € mot merctfull Prince, the enemy of the Arian, and all other hereties,p letter Furth, ¢ mainteiner of Chriſtes frue Keligfon and Ghoſpell. Where as tn deede all the properties in Contlatius, the fogerunner of Antichztt, with manie moe, and moze bozrible , are this vap tobe feene thzougbly accdplithed, fulfilled, and perfected, tn their Komith Pope,as the budoubted Antichꝛiſt, thers by fo be knowen fo all, that bave eles fo ſce, and grace fo vnderdtande. Og 2 Dorman A REPROVFE OFM 7 oh 1.) 2 Dorman, Fol 26. yet natal . Next after him ſucceded in the Empire Iulian of the hiftorio. Tulianusy erdphers called apoftata, for that that being once a profeffed chri- J— flianshe after warde rented his faith and became a wicked infidel He 1.6. hift robbed churches, he plucked priefts frõ the aultars, and fent the to the eccleſ.ca. wares. He did facrificeand called bim [elf as Soxomenus Writeth of him by the name of Bifhoppe : and finally by contempt termed the Chriftians Galileiſand Was to them d more cruel ſcourge then any. ; that vient before him Ofhim it és likely that Gregorius Naxianze- Oration, nus vho lined in his time would fate no leſſe, then of Valens the. fubdit. t Empetour plaieng not muchevnlikepart be ded. vvbome in the mid. °F deff of that ruffle whiche he made in the churche he told io his faces yer, ira that his power was ſubiect to his confiftory and him felfe a fhepe iem. of his flocke. J —— La | To this Janſwere. Dur Pꝛince fs no Apoftata, no: renter of v faith, no infidel, no Church robber, no-pluce: - ber of Prieſtes from Gods aulters, 02 tables, nofacrt> ficer,no vſurper of the name of a Biſhop,no miſnamer of Chatitians,no cruell fcourge , but a mofte merciful. defender of thent.': Wiberefoze , what foeuer is likely. that Gregozius Pastanjenus wold fay of the Apoſtata Julianus/ it is dere likely, pou do meane to faye ng good, no2 truth, that do bing inthe example of ſuche an abomtnable A poftata,and bis vſurpations, in pour: treatie again our moſte Chꝛiſtian, and godlie fouers afgnes latpfull authositie. Masiansenes faipng to the. Cmperour Calens, our Chriſtiã Pꝛinces do wel like, and allowe:neither rekuſing to obey them pꝛonoucinge Gods woozd, 1102 to feade of the pattures of their whols- fome doctrine. Wut pet.are thep not foe theeppfihe- | eS (thankes: = DORMANS PROVFE ag (thankes be fo God) as to take pour poptthe woulues ſoꝛ true paſtours, noꝛ pour poifoned doctrines, fo2 hole⸗ fome paſtures. —E Dorman Fol.26. - Ican not here paffe ouer in filéce the anſ weare(l Wot not whbe- ther 1 may call it move pleaſant, more witite, or. more golly) that i ‘Theodoretus:in his ecclefiafticall hiſtorie writeth tobe made by one 14.6018. Enlogius, 4 man for his vertuesemong/? his neighbours highly eſte- ed (the hiftorie calleth: him primarium inter ſuos, the chiefe of the place where he dephélfe@)ito an officier of Valens the Impe- vvur touchinge this matter. This Valens fauoring the hereſie of hr nus, encroched fo far ypon ecclefiafticall iuriſdiction, that he fell to. the depriuinge of Bifhoppes , and the iplacinge of other in their roomes, Lefides many other fondry enormities,and outrages . It hap pened fo, that comingeon.a time to aceytaine to wne in Meſopota- mia called Edeffa ,tehere this Eulog ius was then gonernour, and: thincking to doo there as elles where he had ( that was to place: there a chaplaine of his tobe biſ hop) be was by this good man and: - certaine other withſtand The officer that had to deo vnder the Em- perour ; trauayled earneftly to get his confent,and emong eſt other per- ſuaſion that he yfed.to induce him thereto, it chaunced him to caffe leafant out thefé ryoordes, Coniungere cum imperatore, Be contented. ¥ and man totoyne with the Emperour. set your harte at refte he will ly 30- Maue it fo: Tum ille ((aith the hiffory) placide & feftiné Num- ey quid vnã cum imperio etiam ille pontificat eft confecutus? uthes WAyanfWeared he coldely and pleafantly, was be made a Bif. hoppe hall, that he was crowned Emperour?as who would fay, what although 2in = «he be Emperour., yet bath not he thereby gotten auctoritietodepofe ters of Bit hoppes and ordeine nee, whiche onely Bif hoppes mute doo. So. atl firange athinge feemed it then good readers in Chrifies Churche: Po hiche nia fe acoranon deve i oritie. @q 3: Nomtef,. 5 AREPROVFE OFM © 280 | Nowell, en | 9 any Chꝛiſtian prince om take vpon him af this Dap » that be fs a Biſhop as well as a binge , than map this anſweare of Eulogius, pleafantlp ¢ wittilie be vſed again him:but if there be none fuch, than fs it vnplea⸗ fantlie ¢ fondlp bought in bere by .Doꝛman. This is the ſtorie in Theodoretus. Ualens p Gmperour with⸗ -out all right ẽ lawe baniſhed at bis pleaſure godly Bi⸗ — fhops, who were alſo bis faithfull fubieces , ¢ placed in fhetr roumes wicked Arrians. Emõoglſt others be bani⸗ hed Wiſhop of Codella named Warles , a herp godly ¢€ learned Biſhop, with whome ail the Citie was ioyned tn vnitie of godly doctrine. Thã he (ent his captaine nas Theodorctus. med Modeſtus, who exacted of p Pꝛieſtes ¢ Deacos that Principes, pref thet fhoulo confent ¢ agree with the Emperour Nalens a et @ in Keligion:as though their Biſhoppe being baniſhed, sna dduei see, Emperour(who, euen as did Conttantins before him, Athanafius ad foke vpon him to behead Biſhop of all 1ithoppes) had folitaria viram note become to them in ſteede of thett Withop . Wiberes agentes. bpon Culogius one of the chiefe of the compante ( ¢ not gouernour of ) totoneas M.Doꝛman deceiued vntruly reporteth)fatd, bath be than with p. Empire gotteit our — Biſhopꝛique tw< for immediatly after p fame Culogius {ilies autus fe- fatth further, we haue already a Withop, ¢wefolowhis quimur. —- acttine. Wherefore how pleafant, wittic,¢ godly foes - © uer this faving of Gulogius was touching wicked Tias ⸗ lens, beinge both an Arcian hæretique, ¢ a mo cruetl tpraunt, bfing bis will foz lawe,bantfhinge godly Bi⸗ fhops, bis faithful ſubiectes, eogdeining wicked Arriãs in thetr places, plaving the Prince 02 head ithop ouce - — : all 1Bithops(as did befoze him Conſtantius who would alfo by all inde of perfequution bauccompelledallthe people “a * DORMANS PROVEE. BO people in Codella to forſake the truth , whiche thep bad learned of their godly Withoppe Warſes, and to conſent fo bis bereticall dDodrine , pzoponed to them tn bis name , as though be had beene their Wifhoppe tn War⸗ fes ſteede:though Jſay Culogtus anſweare cocerninge fuch a Pꝛince, might be pleafaunt , wittie and godly; peat is it bnpleafauntlp, vnwittely, and wickedly aps plicd by, Dorman fo our Chꝛiſtian Prꝛince, no hæ⸗ refique, no fpzaunt, no taker bppon ber of anp Wi⸗ thoplp ductic,c2 office, but leaninge fo the Biſhoppes their peeachinge , their bindinge, and lofinge , 02 ere communicating and abfoluinge, and their minifferinge of the holy Sacramentes; depofinge no godlp Biſhops of will and pleafure , as Did Galens, but accozdinge fo @Goddes, and mans lates , depofinge , 02 rather ſuffe⸗ tinge the law fo depole popiſhe herefiques , ſworne fo their Soucraignes (ivozne enemie. And M. Doꝛman commingein with bis as who woulde fay not onelp vn⸗ pleafauntlp , but moſte faifelp beareth the fimple in bande , that Chriſtian Princes Do commonly note de⸗ pole godly Withoppes , and oateine nus; whereas the lawe, rather than the Prince as. Jhaue fatde , dee. pofeta fuche popifhe p2elates , ſwoꝛne, and confpired againt thetr Prince, with a foꝛaigne dfurperp wince. ordening no nue Wiſhops in their rolwmes, as WH. Doz man lieth, buf comendinge mete men by the Cleargie. fo be o2deined , as godlp princes haue bled to do: and. as the popes them felfes (uffercd the hinges of En⸗ glaunde fo dm 5 fo longe as thep woulde fuffer the Popes to take of thefaide Withoppes foz their poptthe Pauics, both great ſummes of money, andalfo a (olene. athe, that they ſhould neuer be true to their * aa ~~ worn Ps REPROVFE oF Me. Andthus pou ſee, how P. Dorman coulve tof (ashe fatth) pale ouer in filence this pleafaunt , wittie sand godlpfapinge, vſed bp Culcgius of Valens the wicked Arrian Emperour, vntill he had thereupon framed out & gveat forte of vnſauerie, wicked, and moſt leud, loude lies, bpon godly Chzittian Princes. Andbe hath heres bppon marked in the margent , fo2 a pleafant ; witties and godly anſweare, that, tobich no moze foucheth our godly Princes authoritie in matters, and oucr perfons Ecclefiaticail , than our Prince ts touched with defire ’ tobe a Biſhoppe. But MP. Donan — euere | * deſire be * — — — * 2. ie Has Tranflated out inks after the Emperours fiarte vp Leo nr Empercit ; of Hof, woord of Confbantinople(he that made warre With images). Againſt him for woorde, Gud raiſed vpaljolis Axarias,one to warne him of bis duetie, and Uib..fol.37- shar was that notable learned man lohn Damafcenus.Gine([aith be) Sermon the Apoſtle Paule crieth; to euery one bis due, honour, fedre, penfion, tribure,toeche one that Which they ought tohane . Thecharge that finges haue, is to fee Well to their common weales, the ordering of the churches apperteineth to the paflours and teachers . This man- ner of inuadinge other. mennes offices » Lcan terme it no better my brechern then robberie and A plaine violence. And a little after be: hath thefe wordes: Tibi 6 rex in ijs que pertinent ad præſen⸗ tis vite negocia &c. As for thofe thinges õ Ring which concerne onely this prefent life,in thofe we willingly obey the. Inorderinge the ftate of the Churche swe haue { hepherdes “which haue fpoken ta ys the woorde of God, that is to fate taught ét vs, and haue left vs rites and orders therefore. And inthe fame place be addeth, Now recipioregem qui per tyrannidem fibi facerdotiam vfurpaty Lacknowwledge him for no king sthat vſurpeth by tivany the priefles | office. ~ ve DORMANS PROVFE Ir ‘office.And laſtofall to Knit vp the knot in plaine Woordes he faith. Nonaffentior vt regum legibus gubernetur ecclefia,fed pa- trũ potius traditionibus, fiue ſcriptæ hx fint ſiue nõ fcripre. tconfent not faith he that the Churche of God / halbe gouerned by the la wes of Kinges,but by the traditions rather of oure fathers be they written or vn Written. Nowell. Here hath B. Dorman arte backwarde agate tti- ; to Wofius ſirſt boke , euen to the very place, tohere he Hofus libr. x ‘had before bis allegations of Liberius,and Bofius Co2- fol.37. 2. dubenfis favinges again Conantius the Cmperonr: ~ sano there bath be borowed this treatie of Leo Iſaurus, and Damafcenus , truſtinge that no man would trace him out/ fetchinge fuche longe leapes fo2tvarde , and backWwarde , as be doeth. Andas befoze he arte fore⸗ warde from the Cmperour Galentinean, vnto Baſilius the Emperour aboue. iij. hundeeth vceres: fo doeth he here nowe like wiſe, krom Conſtantius and Galens the Emperours, arte foꝛeward no leſſe than.itj.hundreth yceres. But what ſhoulde the man do , feinge hoſius bis authour ſtarteth no leſſe: with wome M.Doꝛman mult needes ſtart, or elles ſtande ſtarke Kil, not hable fo goe one fote without him. Wut as before in fhe treatie of the Emperour Wafilius, fo bere in this of Leo Iſau⸗ rus,¢ Damalcenus, 9. Doman hath ſtarte aboue tow Hundzeth peres ont of the compaffe of vi. C. peres afe | ter Chik, within the which compatfe pet he pꝛomiſeth Dorm. pott fol. be would kepe him felfe. And therefore it maketh no” great matier what Damalcenus,being in thofe latter corrupt times, manifettlp mainteinitig manifet Idola⸗ erie, doth fapin this matter, Wut god Keader map X b ° well A REPROVFE OFM well vnderſtand where Damafcenus it hfs firſt and (ee cond ſermons(out of the which are thefe fentences here Damafe. ferm.t. bp . Dornan alleaged.taken)bath theſe wordes in cfs — * Pais tea. We toil not ſutter, that any man ſhall teach vaa oud fiz cdc. Muefatth, for out of Sion ihall the law proceede, and the ceat,ex Sion ent Warde of Cod out of Wierulalem,as faith the holy ghoſt egredictur lex bp the Pzopbete. Andagaine: Chri die not gene the & verbi Dai ex power of bindinge, ¢lofing vnto kinges,but to the A⸗ Hicrublem.&c. potties¢ their faccetfours,#. And againe: Gad (aide ta: Quiavirfaa- Dauid: Thou alte not builde my houſe, foz becauted guoumes, alt ſhedde bloud,¢c. 4nd againesSuch tnuafion of an Eiutmodialies others office ts § parte of robbers ¢ theaues, Thus ts if nx fundtionis waeiten in Damalcene ¢Polius to:though Dorman iousto Pracont path ag pou (é,mollified p matier, tranfating it thuss —— aT can terme it no better my bretherne than robberie and plaine vio- ) lence &c. And agatnes! acknowledze him for.nokeng,faith Da- Sacerdotiymy- ma{cene,that by tyrannte vfurpeth prieſthood, uhich M. Doꝛmã ſurpat. fo2 his purpoſe termeth the Prieſtes office, truſtinge p fome would beleaue him, that our Prꝛinces dm. take vpõ the Pꝛrieſtes offices though no man would beleue him, ? thep do take vpon them prietthwd)thefle be Damaſce⸗ nes wordes in effect. Mhich wordes with the allegatt- ons of p tearing of Samuels garment by king Saule, of the perfecution of. Zefabeil., of Herode murtheringe John Waptitt, of S.Cermanus cruellp beaten,.¢ bante hed, ¢ many other Withaps with him: all theſe thinges doth Damaicene 4 fay, lap out again Leo the Cmpe- rour. By the which p god Header map wel bnderftand; } this Leo tobe bpon him farre otbertuile, than dm our Cheilian Painces , who do teach no nue faith, but. 30 snainteine the fame law that pꝛocceded out-of Spon,the ſame woꝛde of God, p cameout of hiexuſalem: as Das. maſcene DORMANS PROVFE 122 maſcene requireth. Let the Pope ſee, this place touche not him: who as be bath brought in a nue fatthe, bath made nuclawes , whiche neuer pzoceeded from mount Svon,but fra S. Angels caſtell, neither are to be foie inthe worde of p Lord, receiued frd hieruſalẽ, but inh Popes wozde,infozced bpon Chzikian men frõ Rome: fo by Damalcene it femeth $ (uch nue wicked faithes,¢€ lawes proceeding from Rome, mult be abolithed by the laiw,¢ wade of Cod, proceeding from Hieruſalem. To proceede:our Pꝛinces inuade no other mens offices,thet claime not the potver of binding elofinge, bat do leaue it top Apofties ſucceſſours:neither dw thep bp tprannie bfurpe prieſthode, but leaue if fo the Prieſtes. Dur Pꝛinces haue tozne no Samuelles coate with Saules baue not perfecuted with Jefabell: haue laine no Zohn Baptiſt, o2 other Satine, with herode: haue beaten oz banithed no S.Germaine,o2 other godly Biſhop. Our — Princes are no thœues, robbers, oꝛ murtherers. Let M. E. e Doꝛman lap theſe things to their charge, who are guil· nx fuoctioni⸗ fie of them, and {pecially to bis Pope moſt guiltie of all inuafio , prædo ethers. Wut there are bifides thele fapinges , in Das num eſt & la⸗ mafcene, other thinges (twill 9. Dozman fap ) direalp “°° againt ſuche Pꝛinces, asintermedle with the Tate of the Churche, and fo2 the fraditions of the fathers , be thep toziten 02 bninziten. Jknowe, there be ſuche thinges 9. Dozman,in Damafcene : and lo ts there in him manifell maintenaunce of manifee Idolatrie to. And no maruaile tf be, toholiued aboue, 8oo. vceres afe fer Chik , in the tabiche mol cozrupt times Prieſtes bad inuaded a mere tyzannie ouer other Chzittians, did ſo coꝛruptlie wzite of this matier . hough Damalcene contented not that the Churche thouloebe | : PSEA Bh 2 gouerned A REPROVEE OF M . — an Auguft.epilt.166 snail by p lawes of hinges : pet doth — ad Donanifias. teach that, tbo fo euer doth difpice the ceommandement —— ot gad and gediy Emperaurs touchingereligion, pro⸗ * conegis ipfa CUreth him felée danation, bicaule be would not do that: veritas iufsit,abi Which the truth it felfe commaunded by the berte ef the iudicium acqui- Binge; faith . Auguſtine. Gnd Juſtinians tates in, rit &c. Churche matiers,are pet to be (ene in great plentic.. Dorman, Fol: 275. And thus much hetherto good readers have 1 thought good to: reherce , that you may the better vnderſtande horw the auncient ſa- thers of Chrifles churche, haue not ceaſed continually from time- to time, to reſiſt the vnlaufull attempt of ſuch Princes , as. beinge- heretikes or enueigled. theretoe by heret ihes ( for of other perdy, it "was neuer gone about , nor of all them neither) -woulde rontra- ty to the expreſſe woorde of God , the cuftome of Chriftes churche from the beginninge continued , the alowed examples of all agess of all common Weales Chriftian and heathen hetherto-prattifeds. mingle heauen and earth;holy and prophane togethersby vnla full | ‘vfurpinge to them felues the fupreme and chiefe. — in cauſes ecciiaſtical. Nowell. Wemembre pour wordes before P. Dorman, — out of the prophet Clap. Woe be fo them that call enell: god, and god euell: and beware. Foz hitherto it hath ſcemed god to pou, to do and ſay cuell, of god Prin⸗ ces. And what ſo ever. pou coulde finde wrꝛiten in the- auncient fathers, againſt the bnlaufull attemptes of | princes; who were wicked harefiques,¢ tyrautes, you de wickedly and falſely applic to the due authoritie, ¢ inf gouernement of gad, Chriſtian/ and moſte mers. cifull Peinces, and to their motte godly and neceſſarie xelorma⸗ Do RMANS. PROVPE refogmatio, and reftozing of true Keligion (bp pou sel pittes defaced)in the Churches of thelr own dominios, accomplithedaccogding tothe erpreſſe woorde of God,, and the eramples of all anncient godlp binges, az well . inthe ould Lawe, as of the Chzitian Keligton. Dorian, Fol.27, -. Tocomenearehometo our owne time and daies , if init any wvirce have attempted the like, there hath not lacked alfo floare of diuer/e men; finguler both for their vertuous life and exquifite lear ning , whiche haue rather chofen to wit hſtand the fame. with the. _ expenfeof their bloud,and loffe of this prefent life, then to thevtter. __ deftrutizon of both body and fouleand loffe of that whiche muſt cõ- tinue for euer.to confent thereto. ‘Nowell, hat amonaett the whole numbze of the Cleargte, . and people of England fome fewe were found, that did to the death ſticke vnto ther perfuation of the popes. fupzemacie, which they bad dronkẽ in as (t were, with: _ their motbers milbe,and were from thetr chilobood cos: tinually confirmed in the ſame all their life, what mare. uetle was that? The like seale was fo be founde in the- Jues, and Ethnickes, tuban they were by the Ghoſpell talled from their chadowes, ſuperſtitions, and errours to the true Chriſtiã Religion. And in the Jues the like. - remaineth this dav. But this was the. maruel that nef- - ther the continuance efionge cuſtome, noz perſuaſion begonne in chilabood , and moſt deeplie rooted by cone tinuaunice, uo2 fhe cramples of their progeniftours,nog : _ erbogtations of their friendes , noz the. terrour of Ty⸗ rauntes, loſſe of goodes, and of life alfo,bp motte cruell: ; Bb 3 > death, 5) oF ze A REPROVFE OF M death, could ſtay efther Jues, 02 Gentiles, as many as were appotneed fo faluatia, from the recefuing of that nue doctrine of the Obofpel(as tt was termed)fo inuin⸗ cible is the potver of the truth. The ame truth now bp Gods grace ſhining mo brightlie in the Ghoſpell of our Saniour Chri, and reueling the errours of poperp — to the efes of met, and wemen, of all Degrees, and ae ges, bath (uch power with the chiloze of the light, that no tnuet erate cuſtome of popti>e errour,nocontinuacea — of time, no eramples of forefathers, no perſuaſions ok frendes , no theeatninges of Tpzauntes, no loſſe of goodes, 102 of life by moſte crucll death, coulde Tape a thoufande, foz euerp one, that pou do (peake of , from embzatfing of tbetruth. Foz this is the pecaltar pꝛaiſe of the trutbe, that of it elfe , without thefe belpes, pea againſt all thefelettes , ff getteth the victorie in mens mpndes. So thatrather than thep will fozfake tt, thep will fozfake auncient cafomes,ould perſuaſiõs, goods, tandes,life and all. oe Dorman. Fol. 27, ‘iy ee Cems ‘But iſthieſe examples pleafe not the deinty taf? of the aduer- , — ——— faries as hie ouer fal ; Chel fet before them — deare teth Caluine as dearling,the piller while he lined of their Religion theverie head agreeiog with oftheir churche (éf they be not altogether beadle(fe) their idol and th As * “hig fhᷣeir God én earth, whofe doctrine and opinions at other times » and —— MENS in other thinges,they haue ſo rauenouſis deuoured, toh Caluin him — felfe.For if kénges and temporall gouernours (as our aduerſaries af firme)ought enerie one of them in thetr Realmes,fignories,and domi- nions,to gouerne in caufes Ecclefiafticall and mdtters of Religion: why-did then that monftrous beafte in his comentarie-ypon the Pros) one. plutesOfee and Anws,ratlevpon our late foueraigne lorde Ringe 4 * cap.i. Henrie Amos.7. DORMANS PROVPE 24. Henrie the eight, calling bimhomo belluinus a beafidie man, and comparing him "with iehit » tehomehe termeth wicked and nonght? Vvhy termed hethé blafphemers that firff buxzed into his eares that vaine defire to be called chief head of the Churche of England(for of other yow wot "Well he neuer attemptedto be nor euer was called) vnde Chriffe here in earth? 1f Calnin have taught the truthe ,.then haue his ſcholers taught vs and yeat doe feedevs with lies. If they were blafphemers that called king Henrie chiefe head of the Church of Englandeynder Chrif? , (whiche is toſaie in effect nothing elles but to be chie fe gouernour in all caufes belonging tathe fame ) wha was yet aman although laie, and thereto alfa of great wifdomand tearning :in what degree of blafphemie| hall we place thobuthat gine this title not ta lay menonely, but to women alfoand children: without refpect ? 7 | Nowell. Py He miflike no aunctenteramples ( whiche poucall ffale)fo thep be good. Wut that pou lacked good exam⸗ - plesspou fhawe by pour alleaging fo2 pou of the exam⸗ Dor. loß· lo.ay ples of Tyrꝛauntes, hæretikes, Apoſtatas,and Heathẽ 24. i men,and that pou tere deſtitute of the auncient exam⸗ ples of the paimitiue Churche, appeareth by pour alles gatidot Baſilius the Cmperour, andof Damalcenus; ro) 23) (who were intater andberp coznptitimes)\andby your” praipng of aide at Caluins handes, aman fobaited of pou, that pou could net diffemble pour battred fo.long, as pou wold have bim to and on vour fide, bepꝛaiyng therein your difeafe 5 not-barting Caluin therebp : one part of whoſe true praviets, that be mifliketh fucbe as pouate. Pot Caluine, but Cheiſte is the head of our Churche, whiles Chriſt liueth, our Church fhal not be beadles.Calutn noz no other fozenar ts seaiaaae OUP: “io. A REPROVPE OF M. ot our Churche vnder Chriſte (as ts waeteratgne io⸗ mtthe Antichet of pour Synagoge,)but our owne na⸗ ‘turall gracious foueraigne. Calutne thougbin Deeded ‘worthy man, (whatſoeuer h. Doꝛman faith\but pet a ‘man, Was abufed anddeceined bp the wilie chfldjen of © pour woꝛldly generation. Andbetnge ly decciued, die fw2pte otherwyſe of our late Soueraigne of famous memoꝛry/ than the truthe was, and than be would bane done, bad be mot bene abufed. Wiberetintt halltwell appeare that they, who by gutifuland vntrue repoztes brought bim thereunto , were mozetoblame than be? howẽe farre malice fs worſe then crrour, and decefuing §wozfe than credulitie. Let him lelfe in the verp places bp pon, Dozman here alleaged, be a proufe ofthat Z Do fay. Upon the fenenth of Amos the prophet ; thele ‘be Caluines wooꝛdes.Et hodie qua multi funtin pas patu. Kc. And th{s dap how many be therein vᷣ popiſh fate, that dw beape bpon kinges all authozitte and poz wer that thei can, that no reafoning 02 difputing of Kee ligfon ſhould be: but that this power ſhould remapne : fn the king alone,to determine accozpding to bis mpnd, Exrfioe contro. Whatloeuer he liſted:and that his determination ſhuld uerfiahocfxa ſtande firme and fure tofthout all controuerfie. Thus mancat. muche {peaketh Caluin of Papiſtes onip. Ft foloweth : immediatly: they who in the beginninge dtd fo bighlp fette bp Benrp king of Englande,farelp were tnconfiz derate met, they gane bim the fupseame polwer of allthinges , and that did ener grenonflp wounde me. Foꝛ thep were blafphemous, when they called him the fupzeame bead of the Churche bnder Chriſt. Surelp this was to muche: but let it lic burfed, for that thep of ended byinchGoerateseale, Theſe be Caluins words. Wibereby DO RMANS PROVEFE ns whereby it map apeare that be incon fideratlp beleaued fuche,as gaue him this infozmiation:that with the title of the fupzeame bead of tbe Church vnder Chztf, there was giuen withall to king Henrie the eight of famous memozie 5 the Hupzeame authoꝛitie and power of all thinges, to determine what pleafed bint,in thechurch: and that no diſputing in Keligion ſhould be, but what ſoeuer be determined, ſhould ſtande firme ¢ ſure, with⸗ out any controuerfic, 02 any great regarde bad, either toreafon, oꝛ Scriptures. Foꝛ that Caluine thus twas infozmed, and thus thought, and bpon that errour ota fo vnworthelyweite of king henrie the eight, fs partlp bp that whiche Jhaue of him already rebearfes , to be vnderſtanded, and fhall be pet made moze plapne. tut pou will atke, who ſhould fo mifinfozme Calufnez will pou beare him felfe anſwere: It foloweth immediatly after: thefe wordes of Caluine before reberf{ed, thus. — Sed vbi Impoſtor ille; qui poftea fuit Cacellari?.&e. that is tofap: but when p deceiuer, which twas afters ward Chaunceler ( I ſpeake of this latt Chairceler, that ?- Twa i Was Iithop of Wlinchelker) was at Ratifponne, be dio” Hot contende with reafons, noz cared muche fo2 the tes ſtimonies of the Scripture: but he faid 5 that (t was in the lsnges pleafure to difanulle thinges decreed, and to makehue rites:thatt£ ordꝛe thal be taken concerning fatting, the bing might appoincte and commaunde the peopleto cate fr the, this, 02 that dap s that the kynge might foꝛbidde Pꝛieſtes mariages, that the kinge alfo might forbin-the people the vle ot the cun in the Lordes ſapper that the king might do, and determine this or⸗ tatuére, that in hiskingvome, Why foro: theking (faith be) bath the ſupꝛeame potver, Suche twas the fetned pre Commentum, | Ji of bis A) REPRO VFE OF Mi of this Amastas,oftobom the Prꝛophet (peaketh inthis place(of Amos the Pꝛophet)and fo furth. Theſe be Cals nits berp wordes: whereby be betwzateth one of theſe miſreporters of our late gractous Soveraigne, the Mueenes matetties fatber, of moſte noble memozie, and of the laives of the Kealme. Mho, whan be was moſte defirous that the bing fhould moſt miflike of Calutne; and ſuche as be tas, andof theft doctrine: onder thecos lour of houlding earneftlp with the binge, in talke and reafoning with them, wold attribute to the king moze than {was geuen fo him/ oꝛ than be take bpo him:moꝛe than etther reafon told allowe , 02 was agrecable to the Lawes and {tate of this Kealme, 02 the Lawe of God would permit. Wibereby, be firk got an opinion of earneſtnes of the kinges fide, wherein was wozlolv faufetic. Pert he greaued muche, and as Caluin faiths fore wounded the (aide learned mens mindes , beinge ſraungers, and beleauing that tbe bing df fo largely - take bpon bim,as be bad reported. Thirdly, betruttes that thereupon fome of them would trite fome thinge again the king, whiche in deede, as you bere fe , came to pafle. And laſtly, that the binge offended therebp, fhould fall inalfpleafure iwith them, and in batred of thefr doctrine, whiche no doubte, was earneſtly labour red by D. Gardiner, and other workemen with him, in the late dates of the ſaid hinge of noble memozte 5 tobe accomplifjed. ea,and J pray Dod fo pardon me 5 (fF iudge amiſſe, where D. Steauen Gardiner Withop of Wincheſter, in this matter was the moſte forewardes man vpon the kinges ſide tn apparaunce that could be; be did both bp word and weiting teo too much fet foorth the kinges — that he might by geuing him * muc 7 DORMANS PROVFE. 26 much, atid bp making the world to beleaue that be twke vpon him no lee, bzinge bim in to mache baitred with allthe worlde, vnder the colonr of muche lone to bint; and earneſtnes of bis five. And it there were tn the acte of parliament , touching the kinges authozifte in mar tiers Ccclefiaficall any termes 02 wordes offenſiue te the ignoraunt and finiple ,thep came tn chiefly bp bis meanes: whe was the chief inthe penning of that tubs milion of the whole Popiſhe Cleargie(than, by depen⸗ Ding vpon the Popes authoꝛitie contrarie to the laiwes of God and the Kealme, wholly fallen inthe cafe of przmunire)twbo fir gane to the bing that title of ſu/ preme head, moe amplic,andfatlp. But that fuch bis earneſtnes, e dofnges tere not fro the heart, be declas red afterward bp bis earneſt and bearttedcaling to the contratie: geufnge thereby. to tuple men orcaffon to thinke,that be therefoze in talke, and report bad geuen befozetotheking more than was reafon, and tha was geuen him in deede bp ac of Parlament, (geutng onely laufull authozitie to bim)and ſuche as was bythe auns cient Lawes of the Kealme , before of right to bim aps perteining, to bꝛinge ignozaunt men in opinfon , that the act of Parlament didgeue him moꝛe than was reas fon, tothende that bemight feeme with reafon afters Warde, to take ff aware from bis chiidren and face / | teffours. © * Nowe lette bs fee the truthe touchinge — eh a Caluin ſaith, it wounded him very ſore,that fome gaue the fupzeme power ouer all thinges tw king Henry the eight, e vᷣthey were blafphemous, whẽ they called bin the fappeme bead of the om vnder Chettte. Is it Ji 2 not oe A REPROVFE OFM. not euſdent by Caluins one owne woerdes, thathe tooke st; thatin callinge bim the ſupreame bead of the Churche, they gaue him thefupzeame power overalls that at his will and pleafure be might dbo and vndo, bynde and loofe, what be lifted, without anp great res garde of reafon , 02 teſtimonies of the Scripture :.and that whatſoeuer the king thould fo at bis’ pleafure de⸗ termine,the fame fhould remaine firme and (ure with⸗ ont all contronerfie? As the eramples.of D. Gardiner his argumentes afoze cited; do maniteſtly declare. But moſte certen itis , that nofuche thinge was geuen to hing Henrie, with that titleof Supreame bead of the Churche vnder God oz Chelle, by the ad oſ Parlia⸗ ment, tobiche geueth bint no fucbe: anthozitie jas is pnlaufull foꝛ any Judge Ecclefiakicall , oz Tempoꝛall to execute. either was any fuche thinge geuen to the kyng bp the Proteſtantes, who bp the woordes vnde⸗ God: orvnder ohriſte, adioyned in that ſt yle euer tooke (€ them ſelues, and taught others that he had none autho⸗ ritie geuen him, therebp to do any thinge contrarie to. God oꝛ Cheittes lawe, vnder whome he was declared to be. Dnelp Dod, Steanen Gardiner Biſhop of Win⸗ cheffer and ſuche as be wasof the Popiſhe Cleargie Cafuinns ibidé. (fo2 faith Calutne manp inthe poperie do heape vpon Multi io papa- kinges all the autho2itie and power they can) dia, for vᷣ to regi’ acct canfes betoe expꝛeſſed, pretend ¢ repogte that withthe poffunt juris 3, title of tupreame head ot the churche, the fupzeamte poe porettaris,kc, iver over al,todo tn the church what be liſted, without anp great regatdeto reafon,¢ withoutteftimontes ofp ſeriptures, was gen? top king? where as no (ach thing was geuen him,noz be toke no ſuch thing sree 3 DORMANS PROYVFE. Ry What twas it therefoze that wounded Caluine fo gree⸗ noulltesfo2fmth the falſe pactenfe and report of D. Stes nen Gardiner, and ſuch other papiſtes. Mho were than blaſphemous in geuinge the king the title of ſupreame bead, with fuch a lente, that he might thereby do what he lifted in the Church of Chattke 2 D.Steauen Gardi⸗ ner andfuch like Papittes, This is the truth: and Cale wine him ſelt declareth this to be thetruth:thole popiſh Withoppes twere thoſe blafphemers,that be ſpeaketh of, In dedeCaluine who faith, thep were inconſiderate that gaue to the kinge the fupzeame power oner all, did inconfideratlp belceue the falſe repoztes of ſuche ſub⸗ file peacifing fores, fobcaring him in bande,and theres upon did weite as be did. And do not pou .Dozman and pour maiſter D. Hardinge, reporting and weit ing, that "we would make the feete the head, and the head the feete. That we teach that our Princes be heads of the church and not mé- Dorm.fopra. bresito vule and not to be ruled an cauſes of Religion : that to them fol.16.b. it belongeth in theright of their cro wne, to. approue doctrine, or 10 condemne it, io alter at their pleafure the [tate of Religion exc. as miaifiers in Religion. And that our Princes by takinge ſo yponthem, Dorm.fupra, Vea poinct of Antichriftianifme, and mingle heauen and earth to. ‘0l.26.a. | gether. Andthat rye confounde the offices of /pirituall gouer- D Hard. Céfaes nours; and temporall magiftrates: that our prefumptucns beades Apol.fol.7, 298». *woulde that Princes { hould takevpon them the office of Bif hoppes, & 293+ and of the Pope him felfe. Do not J fap 5 pour Matfer, and pou,thus reporting, gee about bp {uch falle ſclaunders, now to bainge men ignozant of the truth, into a like o⸗ pinion of sur Pꝛince, and bs, as was Caluine bought. into by D. Steauen Cardiner,and others: and thereby as much as in pou tieth,to pꝛocure learned men(thougd. 4 dodtine agreeing With vs , as in Dede did Caluite): At 3 bpass: term. Sozom. lib.ↄ.cap.i.ðc. A REPROVEE OFM: Spon the credite offuche vntrue reportes, to waite ae gainſt our prince and vs, asthan did Calnine? But what if any fo by pou decefucd , ſhould write of vs, as pou motte faliclp repoztes that we be aſth flatrerers, hell houndes- ton $ of all; minglers of heauen and earth holy and propbane rhinges together, guiltie of facrilege and Anti- chriſtian⸗me. Should we therefore be fo v oꝛ ſhoulde not you rather be(as pou are)falle ſclaunderers· and theps fo belecuinge of pon, fhould be fnconfiderate men , and light of credite, tf thep fhoulde , bpon pour repoztes; weite againt bs , with whome tn dede thepdm agree in dodrine, enen in this berp poince of doctrine, as doth alio Caluine agree herein with bs: as bath part: ip beretofoze, tobere pou charge bs with bim 5 as cons frarfe fo bs , and thall pet hereafter moze plainely aps peare. Touchinge the ages, and feres of Princes, where af pou do alfo quarell :-the fame right,the fame authozitie, (though not the fame &nowledge andere perience ) hatha ponge pPzince', that bath an olde: the fame right and authoritie bath an abfolute Queene, as bath a Ringe. And be that ſaide that hinges ſhoulde be nutrici foſter Fathers , faithe allo, that Quenes ſhoulde be nutrices, nurces, 02 foſter mothers of the Charche. And be that will diligently reade the. bis ſtorꝛies Eccleſiaſticall ſhall finde that the pouge binge Jofias , and alſo the Empereſſe Pulcheria , though a Dery ponge Ladie, did as prudently , and profitably gouerne,the one, the kingdome of Jurte , the other,the Empyre, and Churche of God , in the noneage of her bzother , as it was lightly at any times bp anp graue and gad Linge, 03 Cmperour befoye, o2 fithen gouer⸗ DORMANS PROVFE, 2& Vorman Fol. 28. If Caluin, who touching the geuinge of this vnlaufull title ta ony Lare lorde and maifter was viterly innocent,complained yet that euen his confcience “was wounded not a little there ithall: how much more daigeroufely wounded oughr thei to thincke them felues, swho of fo many horrible and blouddy Woundes (whereby for the re- fifall to folow this example in Chriftes churche neuer harde of beforefomany godly , learned and innocent men in this reabne haue died : fome by headinge,fome by hang inge, fome by quarteringe and tearinge peace meale one membre from an other , haue by there fale and yntrue fuggefizons hyn the chiefe and onely occafion? "who vet like cruell murderinge bloudfuckers and bloudy bourreaus, ca- ry about. in their murderinge and malicious. mouthes the naked Knife, whiche were it laufull for them they woulde { heath in the. shroates of enery one of vs that thincke not as they doo, Nowell. - Wiho wounded Caluines confcience Jhaue before. declared: even the {claunderous and vntrue reportinge apiftes : euen ſuch as ts bere M. Doꝛman, who is not aſhamed bpon fo light an occaffon, 02 rather none at al, as not geuen, but fought bpon the woꝛde of wounding of Catuines cdfcience, fo hoꝛribly to difcourfe bpon our trueltie (whith ts none) with fuche earnefines, as the moze vehemẽt ft is,f more ridiculous it proueth. Wut - ff ve, who hitherto haue Hhedde no mans bloud,by cruel murthering, bloudſuckers, blondie bourreaus ac.what be pou Papittes tobe haue fo cruellie murthered fo mas np thoufandes by the motte terrible kinde of death that the Deuell, and pou coulo deutfe,after pou bad of longe pined them in priſon, and not (ef, but hanged them in Hockes,andprons,bp feete, handes, and — ~ oe A REPROVFE OFM.) wiſe intolleratly tormented them: Kemembze M. Doꝛ⸗ mai that be, tho ts ſo readie fo fe a mote in an other mans cle, ſhuld five lake to his otone beamenté fo great a beame , as pou haue, would fuffer pou to fe. D that Wwe hada man of vour eloquence on our fide , that. be might pet in fome parte fet ſorth the raginge, raue⸗ ninge, and infatiable bloudthirſtie crueltie of that pur- pared ſtrompet, the romiſhe Antichrilt, pour Pope, and bis popiſhe Pꝛelates, moze redde with bloud., of men, women, andchilozen , by them murthered , than with {carlet and purpure clothes : whoſe vnſpeakeable cru- eltic, no office of fonge.o2 penne can woꝛthely erpeelle. Whatvoulpeake of the chiefe and onelp otcafion by vs VVyaton.de ve- geuen, is molt vntrue. so men were more fozewarde raobedientia, fhan the verp pillars of pour religion, as by their ba prefation® wordes, and wozkes vet extaunt, it doeth appeare. And . WAN pou ſpeake of occaſion of murther, remembꝛe ſith cione, cori Hé- the ũrſt claime of this ſupꝛemacie by pour romiſhe pope rico. 8. Anglice firike made continuinge to this dap , and now by pou impreſſa. mainteined by fire ſworde, of bot many thoufandes of moſt crucil murthers , it bath bene not the occaſion onelp, but the berp chiefe and onely caule . Where pou fpeake of our crueltte, that we would vſe, were it law⸗ full for 0s , ts an vnlikely coniecture: pour deedes ate knowẽ, and your moſt cruell bartes bp-pour. deedes:and pou therebp to be fhe childzen of that great homicide ,€ murthering manqueller pour father. Who fo ener twill cememtbze thofe milde fathers, D, Cranmer, D.Kidley, and. Latimer, fometimes Biſhops of Canterbutie, London, and Woꝛceſtre,a in fauonr with their prince, bow facre thep were from all crueltie them ſelles, and fra moutng their Soueratgne thereto, pea how — ; 4 DORMANS PROVEE. 129 hep were fo moue him to all clemencie: ¢ withall twill copare in bis minde thee otbers on the contravie parte, with them thee ; and ſo bp theft crample , compare all {ith all on both ſides:may eafelp bnderftande on which fide the cruell bloudfuckers , and bloudic bourreans were. Unlefle h. Dorman will fo terme them who. v⸗ finge all others moft gently, were mofte crucllic murs thered them {elfes:¢ bp the fame reafon , be map ferme thofe that fo bfed them, innocent, meke,¢ milde, harme⸗ oF lambes , God wotte. Dorman. Fol 28, But if now on the contrary parte t heir maifter — were deceauid, if they be in the right and he in the trong es why feppeth none of them faorth,to defende and vindicate from perperuall in- famy, that prince of famoufe memory whiche by his railinge wri- tinges this wretched caytife goeth about to bringe him into? why hauethey left him fo longe vndefended , who did no other thinge then whereof them felues Were the authours and. firfte beginners? Or why at the leaft purge theie not them felues , of the horrible cvime of blafphemie laied by him to their charges and all fuche as theie are? for if they were blaſphemers that called binge Henrie head of the churche of Englande what priuilege haue thefe that callinge not oncly him, but his fonne and daughter by the fame title in effect , they{ houlde not incurre the fame crime? vvhere is now thetr ſpirite of wnitiethat they ave wont fomuche to bragge of; whiche diffent nor here in any {mall poinChyor from any meane max; but exen from the chiefeft caterpiller (Wwhyle he lived) of their con- gregation’ who not onely in thefe places before by me alleaged kee- peth as it were with their proceadinges a combat, but elles where —* cat. inhis — dee mernedloly difcredite the fame. tg i a Nowell, @ul A REPKOVFE OF M” Siete Bao ba eit 11 83 ut eae — ec brsaud cat! Vas VUTNGTS SONG Bie Megtag Caluine was *8 ee in his tadgement etthie doctrine wherein be agreeth with bs) but inp crediting of the falfe reportes of liynge Papiſtes. He laicth blat⸗ phemte to the charge of ſuch oñelie as with that title of fupzrame heade,qaue to the bing fupzeame power over all in Chriſtes Churche to de what be litte. Whole be howeth by one, who thev al were, euen pou Papiſtes, as Jhaue declared . $f bpon vnderſtandinge that fome fimple men miftoke the title of ſupꝛeame head of the Church, tt was afterwarde, fo2 their fake mollifien bp. thefe wordes, chiefe gouernour é€. and an admonition alfo to the imple by the makttians deceiued, was fo the fame added, al whiche not withſtanding, pon here twiſe tn one leafe dw quarell at the fame , and in this treatie continuallp {9 doo: pou thetwe vour {elfe fo be of that fozte of the malifions , that will neither be. admoni⸗ fhed pour felfe, noz twill utter the * to take admo⸗ nition. Couchinge the delending of king Bente the eight of motte noble memoꝛie, whiche pou require of bs M. Doman, bis worthines nedeth not our defence. Ane were there anp neede of our defence, we fhoulde rather haue vſed if again fuche falle Papiſtes, dis ontrug ſubiecdes, as-continually out of all pulpettes, with res proches not tobe named, railed vpõ him, thetr late motk grations and redoubted Soucrafgne. Theſe and their railinges ret almoſte foundinge in the eares of mers. andabbozred of all god men, vou that efpted a place oz. twaine in afozenars ww2itinges 5 coulde not Heare, 1102. ie, And pou, felotofo them, that thus oid, falle ſubiectes DORMANS PROVEE 130 to fhefr god Prince, conuerſant in that Citie, andfpe- cially in that Popithe Spnagoge , there bothe by twzis The Charthué- finges and piaures vpon the walles, theleude difpgap=2* in Louse. fes, and motte falfe reproches of that moſt woꝛthie Pꝛince, are motte vnwoꝛthely (et out fo the cies of me: befoze the whiche pictures vou papiffes as manp of pou as be Pꝛieſtes, do deuoutly fay pour blafphemous matles:pou that baue by wzonge ſuggeſtions peocured pꝛiuileges in printed bokes , to blotte (as muche as in poulieth) the noble fame of our , and pour motte gras tious Quene, and naturall Soueraigne, with ſpottes of plaine violence, and robberie, of facrilege, and Antt- cheittianifme,and of minglinge of heaucn and earth to- gether: and what nof elles: 00 3 fap, who thoulde be true ſubiectes, and therefoze fare from thefe partes, fone doinge pout (elfes,do pet aſke of vs, why we /kppe rthto defende, and vindicate the Fame of our late mofte no- Me Kinge deceafed againſt the raylinges of one ſtraunger and fo- raigne Writer deceiued,¢ note likewiſe him felfe deceaſed als ſo:vou, Jſay, do aſke this, wha dw procure bs fo much, andfo much ado infpounginge out of the ſpottes and blottes, wherewith pou ber ſubieces pet living, do at- tempt fo diſteine the motte worthie and noble fame of ber. maieſtie, pet liuinge,(immoztall thankes be te Sod therfoze) elonge ⁊ longe by bis grace vet to live. Gnd we dw confefle , that were not ber tumethines as bone all malice, and ſclaunders of Papiſtes, we fhould baue enough, and to mucha de, tfo anſweare the cons tinuall fclaunders of fuch bnnaturall fubleces , pet If- uinge: ſo litle leafure leaue pou bs, fo deale with the miſreportes of one ſtraunger dead , andby the falle res aa of fuche lipnge ſubiectes, as ee now ave, whiles be A*REPROVFE OF M- ; s ‘be liued, deceiued, and fo induced fo to wꝛite. Touching the purging of our felfes ——— mie haue done it alreadie, and proued that Caluine Caluious in. 7. Hoſeæ fol, 82. Caluinus Infti- tut. lib.4.ca.7. Se€t.2, chargeth therewith not vs, but the Papiſtes. Concerninge the diffention betwene Caluine snd. bs , wherewith H.Dozman chargeth 035 4 fav there is none:and that Caluine ¢ We do agree in this doctrine of the chiefe gouctnaunce of Chziftian princes in caus {es Eccleſiaſticall. And thus J do proue ft. ‘ Fir Caluine vpõ the pꝛophet Dieas bp a. Dorma. bere alleaged, faith thus:Si quifpiam Rex ftudio glo- riz Dei propaganda ardeat,dabit operam vt fubdi- tos o¢s fuos contineat in puro cultu. &c. that ts to. fay : It a kinge bane an earneſt defire to fet forth the glorte of God, he will endenour him lelke tokcepe all bis ſubiectes in the pure worſhipptnge of Gon. Whele be Caluines woꝛdes. Where pou ſee firlke that Cal- uine teacheth that a godly Pꝛince may and will krepe all bis ſubiectes, without exception of any, in the true worſhippinge of God. And that is the berp fame, that: we fap : and bp thefe very woꝛdes he allotweth , as we Bm, our gratious Soueraigne goinge likewile aboute tokeepe all her ſubiectes in the true worchippinge of Cod: twhich can be done none ofherivife, but bp cauling of Biſhoppes to do their duetie, and if they {will not, to. fe others that will,placed. , Againe in the fourth bobe'of bis. Inttttution here and befoze by M. Dorman alleaged, Caluine bath theſe woꝛdes: Vniuerſale concilũ mdicere ſolus lmpera⸗ tor poterat &c.The onelp Emperour coulde ſummon a generall councell. Jf any Withoppe ſhoulde haue at⸗ tempted it, thep woulde not anelp haue dilobeied, wyo were. DORMANS PROVFE Bi were without bis pꝛouince:but atumulfe alfo woulds haue rifen thersofstherefore the Cmperour commauns ded all tndifferentlp that thep ſhould be prefent. And againe,a litle after the fame place be faith . Gregori? Ibidé Sect.iʒ Papa Aquuleienfem Epifcopum iuber quidem. Kc, Pope Gregoꝛie, did indede commaunde the Byſhop of Aquileiato come to Kome , to anſwere ina contros uerfie of faith, rifen betwene bim and others: vet did be not fo commaunde bim by bis otune power, but bicaule the Emperour bad fo commannded. Thus far Caluin.. And bere alfo Caluine agreeth with-bs, that the bts fhop of Kome hath no authozitie of him (elfe, to call ez thera Spnonde 0; countell, oꝛ anp one WBiſhoppe out of bis owne paontnce, but bp the Cmperours commauns Dement,oz commiſſion. | os And againe,in the fame place be fafeth. Gregorius. officium paſtoris finonexplebat.Xc. Pope Oregozte though be dfd not throughly the office of a withop , pet: be did it (as be might) be abſteined from the gouerning of ciufle empire o2 dominion:and acknowleged bim ſelf with others to be the Cmperours ſubiect: he thruſt not him ſelfe into p care, 02 intermedling with other chure ches, but whan be was fo.compelled by neceffitte, Thus farre Calutne:wheretn be agreeth with bs, tue ly charging the Popes that nowe be, for not doinge the: office of 15tthoppes , for taking bppon them ciuill Dos minton : fo2 withdzatwing them ſelues from the ſubiec⸗ tion df their tanfall Loꝛde and foueraigne,the Empe⸗ Your: who beinge fn deede bis ſubiectes, dm offer vnto theit Logde thetr fete to kiffe: wohiche intollerable pre- fumption and arrogancie was never pet bp any prince fed towardes their ſubiectes. Further, Caluine declas: bb. 3: reth A REPROVFE OF M- reth that the olde Biſhoppes of Rome did neuer but vp⸗ ‘pon neceſſitie, that is as be befoꝛe declared, vpon the Emperours commtaundement 02 commillion⸗ inter⸗ medle in other Biſhops dioceſſes. Touching appeales, and authozitte in the bearing, andendinge of controuerfies arifingein the Churche Tbidem fed. 10. befiveene Biſhoppes: Caluin alleageth theetample ol Accufaucrat ¢he Emperour Conttantinus, befoze whom the canfe Svinte cpr betwene Caectlianus wBithop of Carthage, and Danae Donatus a cafs U8, after fentence before geuen theretn bp Withoppes, aigris.&c, was brought: the Emperour aligned the matter to be Heard and determined by Melctades Withop of Rome, fopning to him as Colleges.certen Biſhhoppes af Italp, Fraunce,and Spatne, who pronounced vppon Biſhop Cxcilfanus bis fide. Wut Donatus not contented with that iudgement, appealed to the Cmpercur Conſtanti⸗ nus:who afligned tie iudgemẽt of the apeale to f Bi⸗ Thop of Arie in Fraũuce, who fate tudge, to geue ſentẽce as he thought good, after the 15. of Rome. Whus farre Caluine,/ vpon p which pꝛoceſſe be gathereth.ij.things. 1. Whe firſt, that it was not the oꝛdinarie iuriſdictiõ of the (ee of Kome to heare appeales tn cauſes Eccleſiaſti⸗ ies: calsboth fo2 that be (uffered other Colleges, at vᷣ Em⸗ Ympatorisarbi- jerdurs pleatare and allignement , to be fopned with vio him:and for that him felfe tobe vpõ him the iudgemẽt, Quierofficio TAtberby the Cmperours commaunsement , than bp | Sze. _ hisotone right 02 office. — 2, The lecond, that the Komain fe hav not the lupre⸗ i mee power without appellation , feingetbe Biſhop of | Arles twas preferred before him. Andthus faith Cal- | uin, oid that Cmperour(Conkantt hus) whom p popes \, 20 bragge to yy betfowed not onely all — J— i t DORMANS /PROVPE ° Bz bat alfo almoft ail the riches of the Empire, to the anw plifipng of the dignitte of their fee. Thus farre Caluin trolietranflated, And. Augntine alfo out of tubom Epit. 10. Caluine alleageth this proceſſe, declarcth that finallfe the Gmperour him felfe ended and determined this cos tronerfie Eccleſiaſticall, betweene Biſhop Cæcilianus and Donatus: as J haue before declared. Note tf it pleale 9, Dozman ta aſke, where is that fpirite of ynitie ,whiche we reioyſe in? (not bragge of, as be faith) we fap, it is bere tobe feene tn that very poing of doctrine 5. with diſſentian wherein 9, Dozman ſo bꝛaginglie, and falſely, chargetb bs. We ſaye that godly Chriſtian Princes map, and ought to beape all their fublectes in the true woorſhip⸗ Ping o£ @od;02 tn truc Keligion: Caluine faith fo too. Wie fay that Chꝛiſtian peinces bane power tocall Bi⸗ fhops to Spnodes 02 councels::Caluine ſaith the fame. Wile fap, whan the 15, of Rome o2.any other Withop, calleth an other. befoze bim out of bis oon p2oulnce,ta. anfwere in a caule of fafth , be doth tf not by bis owne power, but. by the Chaitian Princes authozitie : foe faith Calutne alfo.. . Wile fap, that.the Pope ; and other Prelates ought not to intermedle with ciuill regiment „and that. the Pope is ſubiec to the Emperour, and other Biſhops to their naturall Pꝛinces:and fo faith Caluineta, Wie fay,thatif a Wiſhop be oppreſſed by the wrõg⸗ fall tudgement of other Biſhoppes(as was Cæcilianus Biſhopof Carthage ) that he map appealeto a Chri⸗ fian Prince, onder whome be and thev do lyue: that the ſaide Prince map. afligne what deligates be reenaaine good to heare the canle., fpectailp of the Cleargie, A REPROVEFE OF My * iergie, as did Conſtantinus: and tf they can not ende it, that the fafd Pꝛince map aſſigne otber delegates, foz the determining of the matier: and that the fatde deles gates do not bp their otune,but bp the Princes author ritte deale and proceade in ſuche matiers: and — faith Calutne to. And S, Auguffine Caluins authour herein bythe erample of Confatinus the Cmperour , atueth vs furs ther to vnderſtande, that the Chzttian Prꝛince, may tE be tufl,end ¢ finallp Determine, (uch cdtrouerfies Eccle⸗ | ſiaſtical fn bis own perfon. Befides thele poinctes:Cal⸗ infti.li.4.ca. 20 gin calleth p Chꝛiſtian Pꝛinte Gods Vicar, ¢akirmeth feét.4.&.9 that the fate ofthe Churche , and care of Religion , to reftore it decaied, fo maintetne it reſtored, accozding to Gods Lawe , doth apperteine to govlp and Chaittian Pagiflrates and P2inces,cuen as we do, as hath ben befozedeclared. Theſe thinges dw plafnely proue, that Calutne agreeth with vs tn thisdoarine of the chtefe gouernement of Chꝛiſtian Peinces tn caufes Eccleſta⸗ ſticall: and that . Doꝛman fo triumpbeth oppon our diffention, whiche is none, without caufe. bis anthour Hoſius, who occafioned him to {ecke diſſentiõ bet wene Calufne and bs fn this poinee 5 coulde pet finde fo litle Hofus. lib.4. matter for bis purpofe, that be fattb, Inhac re nobiſcũ foliosa, pOtius quam tecum fentire videtur Caluinus. In this matter, Calutnus feemeth fo agree with bs rather than with thee, fpeaking fo Brentius. Lbis ts all that Pofius thought might be fatd with any hamefattnes: | fo farre of is (t,that beglozfcth as both %. Dorman of our dDiffention, whiche, Bofius well perceined bp Cals uins plafne dDoarine Co be none in deede. Foz,touching Caluins woordes, ft fs euident bow that be beingede- ceiued — —R — DO RMANS PROVE BB cefued by the falle reportes of ſubtile Papiſtes, vid Wweite fo of our tate gracious foucraigtte , of bis one greauous wound, eof theblafpbemy of others: whtcbe, (bad be knowen the trutheybe would never baue done. And that defouraduerfaries wellnowe, wba had ra⸗ ther-quarell about a woꝛde flipped froma ſtrauger ves ceined, than to knowe the truthe clearlp fet ſoorth in . the aces of parlament, and to bndcrifande bp Caluins platne declarations, bis agreeing. both with the tenure of the ſaide actes, and our, Dearing: alſo tonchinge the fame. WBut let vs beare how Calutne vet furthers (as faith .Dogman)ooty mecuatloudy oifcreadit vs, - Stn eri ges io: * — — os pes eft Dorman, Fol 2B. i » And in fleedeof manie places whiche might be brought here gut of bis woorkes : Uf ball onely for thes téme be contented soel- leage one,infucheforte as 1 finde ét in the Etenche, becaufe at.the writing hereof 1 had not, nor could get anie other copie . The place és thus : Pour tant ceulx qui defpouillent l Eglife de cefte pui fance,pour exalter le magiftrare, ou la iuftice terriene , non feulement corrompent le fens des paroles de Chriſte par faulfeinterpretation,mais aufsi accufent d'une grande vice, les frinétz cuefques qui ont eſte en grand nombre, depuis le semps des Apoftres, comme fi il euſſent vfurpé la dig» nite & office du magiftrare , fubz fanlffe couverture. That isto faie in engliſ he. Thofe therefore which to exalt the ma- giftrate or earthly infrice,do ſpoile the church of this power(he mea- neth and fpeakethof the ordre touching churche matters) do corrupt not onelie the fenfeof Chriftes owne woordes by fatje interpretation, but doo aljo accuje of a heinouſe faulte the holie bishops, (wherof the wombre is not {mall -whiche haue bin fence the Apofiles time, as | though they had vfurped by falſe colouring the matter,the office and signitie of chemagifrare. sen! oO heh lewndtadvedd sdkcteBbh) con aie a pat F 4 tet A CREPROVEER OF Mi! Notte choſe good Readers, wherber ye had raiber beliue Cabut ‘mainteing the autthoritie and iuri{dittion of the —— —— and — which — ** fae! oo po Nowell. F pe -@. Dorman 7 as at the weiting nie. be —— | pomiblie get anp Latine copfe of Caluins inſtitution/ no moze could be at thepzinting of p fame at Anwerps finde any:as tobere Latine bakes are berp fcatte , and. Caluins inkitution , ſoꝛbiddẽ bp like bp'p inquifinours. in atine, was onelp (ufercd tobe had in Frenches. © _ Wat will pou kno we the matter:9. Deiman would not onelp bane pou to Bnow that be ts a Wacheler, bat that be {s,02 would be a gentleman alſo: and therefoze be lifted here to fpeake Frenche, and he noth commenlp- call bs bya Frenche termeofrepoche, Huguenotes, & forme tubeare bloudie Borreaus. And can you now laps. that .Dozmarts not {killed in manp languages: In deede Jcan ſpeake no Frenche: but J find tn the fame: boke, chapter, e ſection of the Latine inſtitution of Cals. uine, bere by M. Doꝛman alleaged, that the wordes in this place bp hym Engliſhed; are by Calnine fpoken Hppon the towades of our Saufaur, Amen dico vobis: quæcunq; ligaueritis fup terra &c. that is to fay: ves. rely Z fap to vou:whatſoeuer vou dm binde vpon earth, fyalbe bonden in heauen: and twhatfeeucr pou do lofe. in earth, ſhall alſo be loſed in heauen. They(ſaith Cal⸗ uin vpõ theſe wordes) who to adournethe magittrate, do ſpoile the Churche of this power(to ſay, of binding and looſing before mentioned)de noe onely corrupt the ſenſe of Chzittes woordes, by falſe tnterpretation: but: alfocondcmne-all bolp Biſhoppes gc. But we: never gaue this power of binding anbd lopfinge tothe MPagi⸗ Grate, noz ſpolled the Churche thereof, but do leaue it wholly DO RMANS PROYEFE B4. Wholly to the Churches Ergo; we neither corrupt the fenfe of thoſe wordes of Chu; touching bindinge and loſing:noꝛ condemne the bolp Biſhops er. Ergo, M. Dozman, where be faith that Caluin meanety bp this power we ordre touching churche matters, bp fuch generalte tle, going about to dra we the readers fromthe ſpeciall matierof binding andlefing, bere ſpoken of bp Caluin, into this errour,tbat Calutne ſhuld ſpeake tndteretlp 02 Getierallp, of the ozdering of al church matiers, doth herein by a falfe parent belts corrupt thefenfe, and true meaning of Calnins woꝛdes, thereby tomake a thow, as though Caluin did herein diſcẽt frd 035 with whom he doth folly agree. And M. Dormã him lelfcleareth th? Dot.fuBifort9.b matter befoze,by thefe berp woꝛdes. The power to excom- municate and abfolueour Sauiour gaue to his Apoftles, whan he (aid tothem:-whatfoeuer you Linde in earth,f halbe bondé,imheanen: and whatfoeuer you looſe on the earth,f halbe loofed.in heauen. ¥Vbercin, and in preaching & miniftering the sacraméts,bicanfe thefe pestifh ptors prætẽd not as yet, any great title for Princess1 wil leaue thẽ bothas by our aduerfaries them felues nat aſſaulted. Theſe be 9, MDormans twogdes, thereby be cdfeleth } we make no title for princes touching binding and lofinge(twbereof Caluinbere (peaketh)netther do aſſaulte the fame, but - Doleaue tt inthe quiet poſſeſſiõ ofthe clergie echurch. And pet now pman bytngeth in thes notable place of calain in fleede of mante,and that in Erenche alſo, and thereupo brddeththe goed readers chofe who thei had rather folaw: Caluin maiteinig, ey defeding by she {cvipeurssthe agtoritie iuriſdicliõ of the churcly cor ome clanubackes faith hesandparafitesstchich impugne the fame. Thele are MD. Dormans woozdes againt thete claty- backes: who befoze.acknowleged that they. do not im⸗ pugne noꝛ agault the fame. This dealing of thetr pro⸗ aour wil( J beleane)make fome his felowe Papiſts, foz chet R12 berp ad Qui vnũ norit omnes noucrit. $ti AiR PP RO VEX OF Me! Herp chame to clawes leratche fo where it itcheth not. And J doubt not hing but that all diſcreate Readers will by this bis alleaging of this one place in eade of many, as moſt notable to Hewethereby the diſſention bet weene Caluine ands, and fo as be (ateth matuels louſly to diſcreadite bs , twill creadit’ that M. Dorman Pad in deede no place at all, whereby he coulde pꝛoue any diffention betweene bs, and that therets no chotſe left, but that whoſoeuer will beleaue Catuine 5 muk alfo beleaue bs, as herein agreeing with bs ; ahd toe twith him. And that by this one place fo alt alleaged, they will take the better hecde to all other bis allega⸗ tions: and bp knowing of this one Papiftes fo guilfuls lfedealing , wyll beware of them all. Wut vntill . Doꝛman can pꝛoue that Caluine teacheth that Chale - tian Prꝛinces map not ouerſee the Withops and Clere gte within thetr owne dominions, that thep deo thelt Duitfe accosdinge to Gods woorde: that thep map not cogtede, punithe, depote 02 depztue the fatd Biſhoppes, 6; other of p Clergte, not doing thefr dultte accozdings {e:that they map not fummone Withoppes and others: of the Clergte to Spnodes 02 counecls , gouerne them alſembled, approuc and authoziſe thinges in fuche Spe Hodes agreed bponsthat thep map not tecetue appe ales tn controuerfies tm the Clergie, and in caufes Eccles ‘Gattcall; affigne conuentint Delegates’, 07 vnto them conucntent councell, ‘fo2 the hearvnge and de⸗ termininge of the fame? whan J ſaye M. Dorman can pzoue that Caluine teacheth that Chritttan Pitt ces Map not doo thele thinges, WHiche we ped firme they map doo, thantet ®. Dorman inqutre out * ot wit i ;andbjaigge of — of : J x i i | DO'RMANS” PROVFE Bs Wat frites am that! nether 9. Dorman noz other pas (tte is hable to make any proufe thereot:and that ther- e this fs a cauteles ana sex vaine bragge of 2. ote dom ae : fs N⸗ ave Dorman. rol 9 —* one bath scripture todefende it . The other hath ist deuter. 17. 20.affanlte ie. the scripture faieth that in doutefull queftions "we —* fbould reforte to the Pricftes, that at their “woorde / houlde all mat- alae izech. cap. ters be dectded , that they fhoulde indge that at their handes we g 98120 — Me fhoalde demannde knowledge,thas their Yipes be the Repers theve~ | of becaufe'they are our lordes angels . Now commeth the heretike, BEI. . pernerter of Scripture, he telleth ys that we muſt feke it at the Princes handes, that he is Goddes chiefeſt miniftre in thinges and cauſes il Ecclefiaflicall as Temporall . Nowell. oe is a ſummarie reberfall of all that bath bane bitherto alleaged by 9. Dozman , and firft out of the Scriptures, And it is ridiculous that be maketh bis ree petion in Caluins name, faptige:Caluine bath Scrips re fodefende ft , that is to defende M. Dorꝛmans pure pole againſtt bs; where be can byinge no one place of Stripture by Caluine alleaged with him o2 againtt bs. But inthe Striptures,not bp Caluine,but bp 9.202 man alleaged as againſt bs,out of Leutticus.Deuteroe Leuit. io ai {um,and Ezechiell, the matiers by the Prieſtes to Deurer.17. ecided ate outtwarde ¢ cere moniall matiers, touch, Echicl.44s fiige tleaties 02 oneleancs of fowle-, fifhe’, beattes ec, touchinge difeates,€ priute murthers ge Wiberewith, as now beinge cleane aboliched of td Other men than Prletes apperteminge, the miniters of the nuc teftas BL 3. ‘ment ACREPROVEE /OF Mo. ment haue nothing to do: either els the office ot teach /⸗ inge ¢ inftrucdinge Goddes people is by the {aid Scrip, tures fo the Prieſtes comended,¢ contmaunded; which office we neuer dented fo our Prieſtes, but euer lamen⸗ ted $thep gaue them felfes to tolenes,¢ ignozance,leas Eeuit.1o.Docea- ying the fatd office. sotw whereas thep ande bounde tifque filios IC ¢9 teach the Loꝛdes laww,not their owne phantafies,and racl omnia le- Eee es * iudgementes in Goddes tudgement , it is eutdent that Er Facies quod. ff they paſſe thefr commidion, bere is. no ca , cusque dixcrint £9 hinde men to obediẽce fo them therein. he wordes * — ———— folowinge touchinge the. Prieſtes lippes are not in Ezechiel 44. 9SeUs the prophete here by M. Dorman noted , but Ciifacrit otros in Walachiag. And in netther of thele pꝛophetes Ag? | uerfia ſtabũt in gæus 02 Walachte , is thereany promiffe that the lippes of iudicijs meis& prieſtes ſ houlde not faile rokeepe knowledge , (as 9p. Dorman dudicabit, leSes vntruely hath reported befoze). neither any affirmation micas & prxcep- me ea mea&ccu. lat heir lippes be kepers of knowledge, as he ſaith fodient. dere, but cleane cotrarp, that the lippes of the Prieſtes Malach.z. had kailed from all knotoledge,bad erred and cauſed * people to erre. Whereſore they are rebuked for no inge their duet ie:lor (faith the pꝛophete) the lippes of the Prieltes ſhoulde keepe knowledge, fog that thep; re the Angelles,o2 meffengers of tbe Lorde, but pou haue donne cleane contrarte : wherefore J will make pou fo be in contempt ſaith the Lorde, 2c. Wberefore M. Dore ma, be fs no hæretique, nog peruerter of the fcriptures _ (as pou terme him) but the mainteiner and folotwer of the Scriptures , who feacheth that the Prieſtes thus teachinge not the Lozdeslatw , but their owne phanta fies: not accoꝛdinge fo Goddes woꝛde, but mans. uentions ; not Ratprge, fn Soddes hodgen nc but fotudge accoꝛding fo Goddes worde, euer faingethefr DORMANS’ PROVFE. 36 taried bp thefr otune affections: not keping true knobo⸗ ledge, but hauinge groſſe ignoraunce in their lippes, and beades to, ate no mete noz competent fudges itt matters of Religion . And in this cafe , J lap, Ye that teacheth that goolp and Chzittian princes ought tores buke, correc and puniſh fuch Prieſtes, and either being them to the doinge of their duetie, 02 tf thep be incorri⸗ _ gible, fo fee other placed that can, and will teache the people,to the ſald Patnces charge bp Gad committed, ‘accordinge fo Goddes worde, fs no heretique,no per- wetter of the Scriptures (though . Dozman fav he fo be) but the teacher of the truth ,and matntetner of the ; Scriptures. Peither hath Calutue (in whole name be ridiculouflie maketh this reberfall conclufion ) anp Scripture againſt ſuche teachers, but faith the fame bim felfe it bis erpofitions of the Scriptures, bp 0. Doꝛman alleaged:afirminge that a godlp Prince will catyine in Hoz geue dis diligéce to conteine all bis fubtectes in the true (ex.7.fa.8:, woꝛrſhippinge of God, andright Religion, And thus much foz the Scriptures by him alleaged out of the oulde Teſtament. Bras Vorman. Folio, 29: i ; = Cone. ‘The seripture reaconeth in the firftplace in Chrifteschurche ae olies, thar is to fay, Priefies.( for we may not thincke that in that Out of Hofius place the A poftle deftribed a:forme of the churche to endure but for lib. 2 fol. 98» 2». that onely age). The héretike “will hane Princes placed aboue and erro. Priefies beneath. the holy shoft appointed Bf hoppes and priefles to gouerne the flocke of Chriftesthat is the churche. The Diuell in his mebres appointetl ciuile magiftrates 20 rule,and Prieftes to obey . So that hereby te may moft euidently ſeeho w mani feftly they peruert sank cornipe the true fenfoand meaninge of Gods -woorde. Nowell... eee A. REBRQVEL OFM) 4 Nowell, ete ge pow converninge the :riptures of the nue Setter ment, Die veberfall of the —— s bp r.Corinth wn, SPaule in bis epiſtle to the Corinthians: bp Ephef.q. man alleaged, (¢ to the Cphefians) {9 diligently made, €43 M. Doꝛman (aith, deſcribing a. lorme ol the Church fo endure and continue, hauing no mentiõ of one bead qd2(cé of Chriſtes whole Church oucy-abethers,butan æqualitie of the Apoſtles, and cofequently of thelr ſuc⸗ ceflours Biſhoppes, doth moe ectectuouſiy ouerthrow M. Dozmans propofition of the neceſſitie of one hear qd2ielt,fo2 the peoufe toberof it was brought: and fo te- Tifieth Caluine vpon theſe places of the Scripture, tit whoſe name M. Doꝛman beingeth in thele Sucvture⸗ as againſt vs. True it is that Pꝛrinces, who were pata nat Ghats ened, neither hane; nor coulde haue any places muche leffe the chiefe place in Chriſtes Churche at that time. Wut inthe peopbet Aggæus by. . Doman before aly leaged, whan Peinces were godly, as wellas Biſhops (and therefoze might baue a place in Goddes Churches _ as well as thep) pou thail finde that God bp the peor phet naminge together the govlp Prꝛince Zozebabell, and the godly bigh Prieſt Jeſus, fiue times iotnaly,the Pꝛince ts (et firke, and the high Prieſt after continus ally. dnd there is a better bueof the degree of Prꝛinces and Prieſtes in Goddes Churche whan thet were both godly and might both haue place there: than.of fuche times and places, as Pꝛinces were Heathen, ¢huchztt- sed, and therefozecoulde haue no place, much leſſe the chiefe place in Chꝛiſtes Churche, to lake as doth M. Dormana fupertozitte fox Pꝛieſtes, as ſirſt placed, a4 = J — DORMANS PROVFE B7 of inferfozttie of Princes, as not at all placed . ut we fill not ſticke with 9. Doman to giue the firk place fo godly Prieſtes aboue Chriſtian Princes, touchinge the offices of preachinge, the power of the ketes, and of miniſteringe the Sacramentes, apperteininge ſpecial⸗ lp tothe Apoſtles, Pꝛophetes, Doctours, ec. there firik veckened we friue for no fuperiozitie to be giuen te Pꝛinces, th the erequating of thele thinges. But whan pou come tothe ouerfight that Ccclefiaticall minifters do their duetics, ¢ to gouerning of the Church touche inge the outwarde pollicie, oꝛdꝛe Ccclefiaficall, what can poufay again Chzifian Pꝛinces, as not the chiefe therein 7 Though thep were not Cheifkened at p fime, as ®.pPaule did write this, vet in fhe worde Guberna⸗ tiones,gouernmentes, which is in D. Paules reherſal ave the offices of god ẽ⁊ godly Prinees, commeded vnto vs, as Caluine (whom pou vntruely alleage as againſt Calaiaus lib.4. vs in this place) doth alſo confeife. Pow ſeinge alk it. cap..10. godly gouernours are there comended onto bs (though ° ** princes Were than, vngodly ⁊ Heathen) will yeu there⸗ foze refed the auchozitie of Chzifttan princes , and gos uernours, when God ſendeth them, and leaue them no chiefe place tn the gouerninge of Chzitkes Church, foz vᷣ Weathe Princes had no place there 2 pou might as reaz fonablic ſucfre Chzifian Peinces to haue no place at all in Chriſtes Church, foz that heathen Princes had there no place af all. Belike pou wil reiece the gouerment of Cmpercurs in the Romaine cõmon wealth, when thet came in place, foz that they had no volume emongh the ould Romaine liinges¢ Cofulles. Jn vour other place off Ades; the wumades.rogonerne the flackeof- chris are no Ac.r0. moze fo fap,but Palcere gregen ro feede the flocke of Chrif, " ut 4 bat Dormas ſupra fol.t9.b.” se A A REPROVFE OFM, that is to fap with the fade oz bꝛead of Doddes woꝛde: in effect to teache them Woddes tumade; which would to God vour popithe Weteltes woulde once beginne fo daw, S. Peter vſeth the fame worde, favinge : fede pea the flocke of od, as much as in pou lfeth ec. and by and by be addetl :. not as thofe that vſe dominion ouer the. flocke. io fir bere is feedings (whiche pout Pope and popithe Prelates ble nof)commaunded: bere is vving of. dominion (whiche pour Pope and popiſhe Prelates do. bfe)fozbfdden.And thas would pou abuſe the fimple bp the worde gouerne, which whan all cometh to al,isne_ ntoze than to fede Chriſtes flocke, that is to ſay, to teach them: which kinde of gouerninge being common to alt. godly ¢ learned Biſhops ⁊ Prieſtes, can nothings ferue- fo2 the paoufe of pour pꝛopoſition, of one Pꝛieſte to be head gouernour: ef by theſe woꝛdes Regere Ecclehiz fo gouerne the Church, the whole gouernement, and chiefe ſo- aerentie be given, as pou ſay, than haue the Biſhoppes of CEphelus tn Græte to whom thoſe wordes tere (poke, . the whole regiment ¢chiefe ſoueraintie: and not vour Pope. Wut that gouerninge of the Church tobiche ts in dcede mente bp this worde Regere, to rule, thatis to ſay, to feede,bp the preaching of Goddes worde, neither do ChzikianpPeinces enuie pon, noz we, thofe barett- ques pou talke of, would have from pou:but do lament that pour pope. and bis Peelates,dw forſake the ruling by preachinge, commaunded them by the Scriptares: and do take to fhem the ralinge by dominion, lorbidden them bp p Scriptures, Hot we therfoze, but pour Pope and hfs Pꝛelates thus doinge, and you fo vour power mainteininge the fame, are the peruerters andcorrup⸗ ters of the true fenfe and: meaninge of Coddes J n DORMANS PROVFE 38 And ᷣ godly Chriſtian Princes map not bzidle pour pope, ebis prelates vſurpinge rule ¢ dominion, to thé bp the Scriptures foꝛbidden:oꝛ map not cozrec the lea- ning } ruling bp preachinge, by p Scriptures comauns ded them:or, ff thet will not be reformed, that Cheiftian Pꝛinces may not provide fo2 other that cant, ¢ will teach Soddes people,to the faid Princes charge comitted,acs cording fo the Scripture, what Scripture,o; what one worde of Scripture can pou ſhow M. Dorman? Pow to conclude concerninge the Scriptures ; if it pleafe the ged Keader, fo loke backe tog). Dozmans pꝛopoſition (feing him felfe toil nof take the patnes to do it) which be proponed in the beginning to be pzeued bp this pzo- cefle:that is, That the head of the whole churche in earth muft needes be a prieſt Shou ſhalt finde tn al thefe Scriptures nothing at all therefeze, but onelp that, which ſhoweth the office and ductie of ail Pꝛieſtes æqually, and there- - fore none to be as bead aboue all the ref. And ſo finally all theſe Scriptures do nothing ferue bis purpofe, but Tgnatius. Epiftol.ad Phent, cleane ouerthrowe the fame, aersia i Dorman, Fol 29.0 > hs forthe other poinét which Caluin alſo lateth ro thetr charge, of accufinge of a moft heynoufe and grieuoufe fault the auncient Bi- Sf boppes that haue beene fence the A pofiles time , as though they had by vnlanfull: meanes vfurped to them felues the office and dignitie of the Magiftrate: it is allo if thety doctrine "were true, moſt plaint andenident euen at the eye. Yor firfte if Kinges mufte be the chiefe . Tite, gouernours in matters of Religro,and Bif hopes their vnderlinges. Who ſceth not thenshorw far Ignatius that holy martyr abufed Lothe him felfe and vs, to bid all men without exception, euen the Em- perour bim felfe by name,to be obedient tothe Biſ hop, to tell vs that after him nextthe Kinge is tobe honored . J pares D—— 2m 2 Nowell, .% Prouerb.24. RT Sg cL LL LLL LLL LL LE — — — — — —— —— — — — LLL LL A A ee , Vee A REPROVFE OFM, ~ — Nowell, po remedie but Caluine mutt needes fill atntetite ihe matier with %. Doman again vs, bp the doctors, as well as he dtd before, by the Scriptures. Firſt Jhaue declared that none of bs doth charge: gzaccule the auncient Wiſhoppes, as though they in. bfinge the power of bindinge and lofinge (fo2 thereof fpeaketh Caiuine) did vſurpe the office and dignitte of. the Magiftrate., fo2 We acknowledge it fobe the offite of Wiſhoppes and Churche, and not the office of the. Magittrate: wherefore thep vſurpe not af all, in doinge their owne office. And fo hath W. Dorman begonne bis procetfe of Docours- with a maniteſt vntruth. Ig⸗ natius (peaketh of none other obedience to bebp Prin⸗ ces, and all other, geuen to Biſhoppes, but pacientlp to: heave, tredife,and folowe them truely teachinge Gods. worde, which was molt neceflaric (n Ignatius time, {whan Princes Were Heathen men: and therefore coula. - Time Dam fli not haue place of honour befoze Withoppes in Chriſtes mi&Regem. Church, where than thep haa no place at-all, ation the. 1.Petri,2. Deum reſpect of teachinge Goddes woorde truelp, if greneth- timete , Resem not Chailttan Peinces, nog bs, that the Withop as the Agoai.1. Fa- feachersbe fet before the Prince as the learner. Els if bp. Gi eft verbum Ignatius o2d2e, fettinge Heathen Princes alter Wt — Dai in maou fhoppes pou would gather that-ablolutely the Biſhop Aggsi pphetz were aboue the godlp Chriſtian kinge : the ordre of the _ adZorobabell, Seripture placing * ofkinges nerte te God; placing d ine ae of a godly Prince; befoze the chiefe Withoppe in ſome magnum.&e, one place fine times together, is of —— * .Aoni And fo fue the utente: times together .. i Dorman Fol. 29, - co Tis) eave ea ° f 2 * — eis. OF if thie true hich * teache hoi be char eaniendif. ; Liberiu J DORMANS PROVFE,: oe Liberius, Libereus that holie fathersrtoho forthe determining of matters con- Tranflated our; cerning the Churobe, Would haue a Synode kept where the Emperouy of Hofius.lib.1.. Hofius. ould not fo muche as be prefent : Or-that reuerend father Hofius ; rh — 8.2 who “willed the Emperour not to entremedle in ecclofrafticall caufes, h Ro- nor to comptroll or commaundethe bifshoppes therein, but ta learne | of them in thofe thinges, to "whofe charge they were comittedsnot to tthanafius 4#%Or Athanafius that frog piller of Chrifts church, who when he awethat wicked Emperour Conftantius,doo that which the Here- tikes of this our time,perfwade the Xinges and Emperonrs that now are todoo, as the Arians didthofé of their age: that és to takevpo Bim the determination of matters Eccleftafticall , ro make him felfe chiefe indge bothe of the sifhoppes and canfés belonginge to the ; churche, called him that abhominatzon of defolation /poken of by. Daniel the Prophet,and pronounced that for his fo doinge his impiem tie was fachesas Ant ichrift when bef hould come him felfe , ſ hould not be able to goe beyond : termed it a ne we deuiſe brought in by the. Arrians,and finally demaunded but one example ab æuo condito, from the beginning of the worlde, where by it might appeare that- the doinges of the-chirche{ houlde take theér authoritie from the. Eynperour till Arrius his tim. ——— Nowell. Theſe thece, Liberius, hoſtus Coꝛdubenſis, and A⸗ thanaſius, do all ſpeake of one matier and perlone. Wherefore one anſwere might ſexue fozthemall. pce ye Firtt concerning atberius, he wouide not have the wicked Arian, and violent Emperour Conſtantius, pag. ss, tobe prelent.at the councell, whiche maketh nothinge Socrates. lib.. Again. the pꝛeſence of godly Petnces x. Foꝛ both Cone p · ·c·. Kantinys:bis father, a godiy Pꝛince, was. pꝛeſent be⸗ ais fiat; 4 : 4 P.7. &. 9. fore bim at the Qicene councell: and other godlie Em⸗ gom id.a . Perours were after pꝛeſent at other councels, as is be/ cap.ro, wen | 9m3 fore 9 A REPROVFE OF M, foze declared, and fs moſte euidently knotven fo al leaks ned met, tobe plainelp recorded in the hiſtories Eccles fiakicall, Pot the erample therefoze of a wicked hares tike, and Tyrzaunt, hall ferue to exclude godlp Princes Fro coücels:but p eraples of govlp pꝛinces prefent, hall ferue fo2 the pꝛeſence of godlp Chrtttian pzinces there. Wouching Hoſius Cozdubenfis,the like anſwere ts to be made. Be dfd twill the fame wicked Emperour nok fo fntermedte in matlers of Keligiõ, who bp intermed⸗ ling ther with, wold do nothing els , but peruert them, Sozom.li.¢.ca.7 Wut all the godlp Biſhops of Wellefponte € Withinia, €up.fol.22.a, fending biſhop Hypattanus tn a folemne embaflage to the godly Emperour Galentinianthe cider, prated him that be would be prefent with them, to intreat of certé poinctes in Keligion, to be refozmed, (as, Doman bath befoze acknotoleged)tobich declareth not a Prince abfolutiy, but ſuche a wicked heretique, ¢biolent 2p. rant,as was Confantius,to be willed bp hoſius, not fo intermedle in Ceclefiatticat caufes. Athanafius that ſtrong piller of Chrꝛiſtes Chutche, dtd call the fame Co- fantius the abomination of defolatts , andtheforerise nev of Antichziſte not foz that be intermedled in cauſes Ccclefiattical, foꝛ than be ſhuld alfo baue called bis fas ther Conffantinus,that godly Emperour, thabeminas tion of defolation,¢ as euel as Antichꝛiſt: fo2 be did in⸗ termedle as fudgetn the caufes Eccleſtaſtical betweene Biſhop Cecilianus€ Donatus: and betivene Biſhop Fclix t the Donatiſtes, and in many like cauſes of bi⸗ hops. But Athanafius had many other moſt weightie antes, why be fhuld fo call Confantins, which Jhaue aft large befoze profequuted. As; fo that be tooke vpon him to be chiefe Withop of all Withoppes: — | : ane DORMANS PROVEE | 14.0 baue bis will and pleafure to ſtande for Canons and Lawes: that be would not by reafon and Scripture, but by thaeatning and foece compell all. men to faye as be fatd,that be bantfhed o2 murtbered fuche , as dur alleage Scripture , 02 reafon againſt him:that be likes toile banithed 02 murthered innocent and godly Bi⸗ thoppes, being onelie complained vppon tp ſuche as be fauoured, without triail of their caufe, 02 knowledge of their aunftweres sthat be admitted moſte wicked and bile men, Cunuches, and ſuche lpke, fo Biſhoprikes, and placed them therein, with pompe arid compante of men of warre:that no other commedation in the adz mitting of fucbe was loked fo2, but onely that. they Were enemies fo Chriſt, and offcred rounde ſummes of money ; that be bilanonflpy bled, fourmented, and mure thered bolic Girgins. Foz thele canfes, ¢ {pecfallp,foz that be did all thefe biolences , and outrages, fo2 the maintenaunce of the Arriane hæreſie, whiche was directly againt the perfone. of our Sanfour Chꝛiſte, did Athanafius worthely charge him. with Antichzi⸗ ſtianiſme, affirminge bimto be that abomination of defolation , that Daniel (peaketh of . To the whiche moſte bozrible biolences. and outrages, and to the canfe cthereof, the Arrian barefie 5 ſeeing we newer perſua⸗ ded our Chatiian Princes, and they are in deede moſte farre from the afd abominations,99,Dozman doth the to muche wong, to lav Athanafius diſpraiſes of Cone fantius fo our Chꝛiſtian Pꝛinces, being moſte vnuke Onto bim in all deferuing thercof, As for bs, be map at. Dis pleafure belfe, when be liſt. It he lik be occupied, . de may iuſtly applie Athanafius bis ſaiynges of Cons Tantins , so bis. Komithe Pope, tn — all theſe bettues: A REPROVFE OF Me > ‘bertues of Conttantius are to be fonnde, with: vent increaſe of other abominations befides, proning him te be the abomination of defolation,that Dantel (peaketh ‘of, and very Antichriſte in deede: as J baue befoze at large declared. We perfuade our Chriſtian Princes no other wile, nettber do they anv other thinge , than did betore them Dauid, Solomon, Czechias, Joſias, Cone Tantinus Valentinianus the eloer, Theodoſius, Pare tlanus,and other mot godlie kinges and Cmperours, as partly bath bene, and thal moze fulliebe declared: in | folotwing of whom, thep delerue like praiſe with them, as like bnto them in vertues, and well doinges: and are therefore moſte vnworthely charged by M. Dorma with Antichziſtianiſme and other diſpraiſes of Conſtã⸗ tius, vnto whole impietie and wickednes/ theft pietie and godlines is moſte vnitke. Athanaſius doth well terme Conttantius his doing a nue deuiſe, and vppon good caufe dDocth demaunde but one evample , from the begining of the world, wherby tt might appeare; that the (udgement of the Churche(whiche 99. Dorman ters meth dofnges of the Churche) bath taken authozttie from the Cmpevour . Foꝛ in deede it taketh authozitie from Gods woorde: and all good Princes are contens fed, that it fo fhall take : though Conantius, and ſuch as be was, and the Popes alfo at this date, would baue - it fo fake autbozitic of their willes and pleaſures: and pou,and ſuhe as pou are , da moſt wickedly ae the fame. Dorman, Fol $0. Or Gregorius Nazianzenus, who rolde the Emiperour' hat by — she lawe of chrifte his power "was ſubiect to his conſſrie, and Nazianz! that DORMANS PROVFE — 4 shat al:hough he Were an Emperour » yet was henot Withfanding af hepe of his flock. | Nowell. Sregorius Nazianzenus ſayeth the verie truthe. There is no Pꝛince fo great, but he ought to obete A fuche a godiy Biſhop as twas Nazianzene, pronoucing Gods woorde, and not fo diſdaine fo feade of the whole fome paſtures of bis true docrine. Wibiche pet letteth nothing but that a godly Pꝛince, map both oifobep a ticked Biſhop/, teachinge falle doctrine, andfaue bis fublectes, from the feading bpo thetr potfoned paſtures. And tohereas CGregozius Pasiansenus beinge but a poze Biſhop in comtpartfon,¢inan outfide,doth claime the fupertozitie ouer the Cmperour, than the whiche the Biſhopof Rome can clatme no moze, tt may apeare that Pastansenus twas asm with bim , tn fuche fupertozitie. Dorman. For. 30. . Ors.Ambrofé, that bad the Emperour fet his hart at refhand not Our of Hoſius ‘to thinke that behad by the right of his crowne; any authoritie tn lib.2.fol. Tig by thofe matters that concerned religion : that his palaice belonged to himand the churche to the Priefies. Nowell. S.Ambzofe fatth fo Galentinfan the ponger, goinge about fo dm the fame that Conſtãtius befoze did, as did Athanafius before fo Conantius: and therefore F fap fo 2, Ambzofe his woꝛdes here of alentinean , as J befoze fatd of the like twmzde8 of Athanafius fe Cone ſtantius. Vou do fondly compare the right whiche Has lentinta clatmed, 16 the right of godly Chrittiã princes. Fy what right . prate pou,could Galentintan the por An ger, pet ~ ———— —⸗ Aimbrof.Epitt, 2... 33* “pranflated word: for vwoorde, out af Ho. li.2,£39, b Dor. fuß · fo.2i. a Ex Homel. 9 Sin Math.2 A REPROVFE OF M ger, vet not chriſtened, bane in Chzifkes ehurche Wiban M. Dozman can proue that our Chꝛiſtian pei. ces are borne in bande , that all thinges arclaufullfoz them, ¢ that thei bane impertal potwer,¢ authogitie ouer Gods matters, as S Ambzole teLifieth, that Valenti» nian was bozne tn had: 02 Chat any paince doth fo fake vpon them, as be dtd, that is to fap, betng vnchriſtened, as be was, vnlearned ¢ vnſkilful, as be was, infested to the Arian berefie,as be was, wil either bim felf with⸗ out the aduife ¢ affiffance of anp godly learned, fadge of the higheſt potnaes of our fatth,o2 apoinct not onely onlearned Lap men,but Jues, 02 Infidels, tobe Judge therein: let bim than Jſay,ſay the Uke of our pꝛinces, as ſaid S. Ambaofe of Walentinian the vonger, when be can prove them like to Galentinfa in thofe leks fo2 the whiche . Ambzole ſo (aid of hint, Dorman. Folia. 30: | Or Chryfoftom, who comparing the porter of aXKing, with the Chiifofto autoritie of a priefiscalleth the one a prince afwel as the ather,and “greater then he toe,by fo much as heauen is greater then the earthea- , addeth that God him felfe to witneſſe the fame; bath brought vnder the handes of the prieft the head of the Prince.For that ſaith he that tHeb.7; is leffer is bleffed of the greater.vvbo in an other place faieth that 13,. 3. Di theporwer which is geuen to priefies is ſuchas the like thereto was faccrdoti neuer ginen to Angels or Archangels ; feing that to none of theni tt wa / cuer ſaid: What ſo euer you binde in earth { balbe bounde in. — “what faener.you loofe inearth [halbe — in sean Nowell. whe fontence of Chapfottome before —5 by c ——— — are the hart and flomack, of tl the e church fob teh: ys: DORMANS PROVEE 142 He than liked fo well, p be fatd therupon, Loo good Readert, — you fee how it was in Chryfoftomes time exc. hath bere , J wot not tuby,fo miſſtked bimtbat be bath tn thts reherſall concluffom made no mention thereof: peraducnture bts propoition of one bead pꝛieſt came bere into bts bearé 02 mind,¢ be confisering the vnhandſomnes of the reac fen,fo pꝛoue one prieſt to be head, bp Chryſoſtomes (as tng, that petefs were the heart ¢ ſtomacke (which pars die, ve wot is not the bead) be let it go,as not liking bis ffomack in this place. ut be hath lok nothing theres bp, fo in toffing of hoſius bis authours babe, and fins Hof li.r. f 3503 ding fo2 this one place, tow oꝛ thee other of Chrvſo⸗ Chryloſt.li.ʒ. ftome there notcd, be liktng them better tha the other, O¢ — —— hath bere ſticked downe , not fo; a gooſe, a fether, but Fs toms three acele,fo2 one:which Jſay, in refpect of bis abuting r of Chzvfokomes places. And verptruc tt is, p Come princes in Chꝛyſoſtomes time taking fo much bpon them , ¢ being to extreme as gaint bim,¢ (uch godly biſhops ashe was, he did go a⸗ bout bp depzeſſing of peinces, and ertolling of pꝛieſtes, as much as be rould,to batng the princes of his time.ta a moderation. And we neucr denicd but that in doinge thefr office, according to Oods wo2d,a5 in binding and lofing, which part of ther office is (pecially, ¢ bp name bp 2. Doma out of Chꝛyſoſtome bere noted, the godly pꝛieſtes be aboue pꝛinces: ¢ that princes ought fo obey them, fo doing their office.as did Theodoſius ) Empe⸗ tour obey S. Ambzofe, teorthelp ercomunicating him. Neither toil 4 be again Chevloome,but the prieſt in this poind bath a potwer geuẽ him, which not onely binges,but Angels alfo haue not geuen to them. Wut will 9, Dorman thereof conclude thatthe Pzrieſte fs Hn 2 the A REPROVFE OF M the bead of Angelles fo , and not onely of Princes 2 In deede be map. Foꝛz it is (aid p Angels geue attendairce vpon the Popes bighnes,to carfe and recarie ſoules to and fro Purgatozie. : Dorman. Fol.30, OurofHlo.Jin, O7 bowe were it poßible if rhis doétrine of our aduerfaries $0}.37- . HA you haue hard before)the Emperour, and many 4 one more of the holy fathers,which for breuities fake Lam here conftreined to paffe oner in ſilence —D 2 | 4 | Nowell. Damaken?.. Ne Dammaſcene may be wel ercufed fog repꝛehending secipio Regem Heo Iſaurus the Emperour for vſurpinge andtabinge qui per tyranoi- Pꝛieſthood bpon him by tprzannp: as Damafcene twits dem fbi feerdo netteth,and pou 9p: Dorman have atleaged. Hum vlarpat. Wut M. Doꝛmã can nok be fo wel excuſed forlaiypng Daãmaſlcenes ſaiynges agatne a tyzant, and vſurper of pꝛieſthode (if Damafcene fav true) againſt godly prin⸗ tes, neiter tyrantes noz vſurpers of prꝛieſthood. And be doth alfo moſte vntruely charge our docrine, as main⸗ fefning either fuch tyranny, oꝛ fuche bfurp ation. | Chat you for beeutties fake are conſtreined fo paffe ouer in filece many an one of the Holy fathers, making with pou again bs , can no wyſe man beleaue , whoe Dor fob fot. 23, Heading pour procetfe befoze, Thal finde that of great pes 344 nurte, ¢fcarfitte of bolp fathers , vou teereinfozced to Theodosicus. alleage fo; vou the dofnges and fatpngs of bnbolp Has Tulianus, retiques, Apolatas, Tyꝛauntes, and Paganes, and: _ | yee thercuppon, as vppon good euidence, to make no ſim⸗ plebzagge. ogy mt Were true,toexcufe Damdfcenus for reprehending Leo I ſaurus (as 4 DORMANS PROVFE 143 HPobe as of the Scriptures, fo likewpfe of theſe dos dors bp M. Dozman bere alleaged, J prate the good Meader , confider whether there be any one that map pꝛoue bis propofitton, Thar the head of chriftes churche here in earth muftneedes bea Pricſt. JFO2 doo not all theſe places of the Scriptures and Dodozs , declare the office and authozitie of euery Biſhop and Pꝛieſt indifferently , ¢ therefoze derogate from the chtefe authozitie of one head Peiek ouer all? Further thele Scriptures and doe sours bp M.Doꝛman alleaged proue nothing elles,but that which is, and euer Was graunted,and therefore did neede no proufe/ that is to fap: that 1ithops and Prie⸗ ſtes haue todo in matiers Ccclefiatticall, that Pꝛinces ought reuerentlp to beare,credite,¢ obep them, doinge their office accozding fo Goddes worde:that is, preach⸗ tnge the worde of God, bfinge the power of the betes, andminiftering the Sacramentes, ſyncerely accogding to the fame. Wibiche reverent obedience is ſhowed in Dede fo Coddes worde, rather than tc them:againk the twhiche worde of Cod, in cafe the ſaide Biſhoppes da notoztoullp offende,o2 in doinge thetr office ſwarue frõ thefame , the Chzifkian Prince may with the god ad⸗ uffe of the godlp learned, ſpecially of the Cleargte,by exe ample of all godlp auncient Princes, admoniſh them, punitive them, 02 depole, and depriue them: tobiche ars gueth in the fatd prince alupertozitie oucr them, Fur⸗ ther tobereasto ſummon and call Wiſhoppes and the Cleargie to Stnodes 02 Coitcelles, in cafes requifite,to moderate and gouerne them aſſembled, fo vnderſtande, appoue, and authozife thinges in fuche Spnodes 02 Councelles agreed bpon ; to receiue appeales , aſſigne delegates, foz the heaving, and determininge of contro⸗ Pu 3 uerſies — —— Dorman ſupra fol 7 b, AREPROVFE OFM = | Y | uerſies betweene Withops, andothers oftheleatgicn ein cauſes Eccleſiaſticall, are poinctes of fapertozitie o⸗ uer the (aide Bithoppes and Cleargic, and of chiefe go⸗ ernment in the ſaid caufes Ccclefiatticall,¢ do appers feine fo Chriſtian pdzinces,as hath been partly alreadie € thal hereafter be maze fully and clearlp declaredstt fo- loweth neceſſarily, $ Chriſtian Princes ave chiefe gor uerners ouer fuch perfons, einfach caufes Ecclefiaki: — call. Agatnt the whiche, feinge . Dorman in this fivi parte tuberein be promtfed co bring into the face of ope courte all fuch euidence of importance , as his partebath to alleage for them (elfes, fo2 thele ave bis tuwzdes)bath brought nov thinge, that ts of anp timpoztaunce,o2 toanp purpole af all, be bath therebp in the face of open courte confefled; that be bad nothing of anp impoztaunce at all to being. And fo confequentlp bath be neither paoued bis propas fifton 5 that the bead of Chriſtes Church bere in earth muff nedes be a Prieſt:neither by anp iuſt confequece thereof, that a Chꝛiſtian Peince ts not the chiefe go⸗ uernour tit caufes,zouer perfons Eccleſtaſticall with⸗ du bis clone dominions. aay Dorman. Fol. 30. Ain Leauinge therefore our aduerfaries thus at ſquare, bothe with the olde Fathers and thetr newe dottours: it is bigh time good rea- ders that I remembre ta di(charge my felfe of m promiſe, whiche was to (aie before your eyes , fuch euidence as in this matter either part had to bringe for thé felfe.vvhich as 1 haue for the catholikes accordinge to my fimple Witte and poare knowledge alreadie dones. fof hall 1 by Goddes grace on the contrary parte for the protefiantes and Huguenotes , faithfully endenour to doo the like . And becaufes, for ihat aſwell of all the potfoned reafons touching esther this mate 1 $€7,0% —_ — re 2! — _ T — A sat ot i — tate me - ‘ ‘ DORMANS PROVFE 14.4. Senor alniof? any other at this day in queftion the Late Apologie of the Churche of England(for ſo is zt by the authours termed)may wel be called as it were the forme or abridgement.as allo for that there is. as it / hould feeme and fence hath been confeſſed, in it comcnconfene of all the fantafticall congregation 1 meane of them that trouble Chriftes Church in our countrie of Englande: 1 could not me thougle either for their parte(which tconet to make as ſirõge as the naugh- tines of the caufe will (uffer(doo bettersor for mine owne aſſurance worcke moretarily,then to take and cull out ſuche proufes, as for the maintenaunce of their opinio they haue there heaped to gethey, For then: becauſe there 1 perfuade my felfe the reader may finde, the very force and ftrength of all that they haue for them felues én this matter to ſaie: as the place where bothe of good reafon they [boulde , and for their craftie conueyance 1 nothinge doubte ut they woulde , bringe foorth of their groundes the very beffe, if they haue any better then other , For my parte or rather for chriſte and his churches trhofequarell although farre vn wor- thy, at this time Iſuſſeine, tt {hall thas ſtande in ſieede, that if it fortune in your indgementes good Readers their ſaid groundes and. reaſons to feeme fuche, as any good man ».yea happely with fome of chem [ome of them felues may mifleéke: they can not yeat flee to their olde flartinge hole that it is but one dociours minde,as they vfé bes ing Jore preſſed cuftomably to doo , whereas the booke bothe by the manner of the publiſhinge thereof appeareth , and. fence hath bene acknowleged, tohe no prinate mans atte « Novell .. That wo be at (quare either with p onto fathers,o2 our nue doctors, bath appeared euidently to be buf 99, Do2- mans dzeame, voide of all reafon and truth. It is patie — woꝛrthie i. Dorman vᷣ be remembzeth his promerffe, WwWebiche pou hall fe bins go theough with all a bis MFO AST Au cand Huguenotes. > oe A REPROVFE OF M. feconde parte , With like witte, knowledge, faith and grace, as be bath in the firſt part alreadie performed if. - He doth well allo feing be hath once begonne tofpeake Frenche, fo continucin Frenche termes of repzoche, leaft he might feeme fo haue bttered all his Frenche at once. But now it pleafeth 9. Dozman to relpite the Withoppe of Sartlburie his Sermon, and to fet vpõ the Apologie: which be gathereth bp probable coniecture.(as he thinketh)and by confeſſion alfo (as he faith) tobe ne one mans ace , but the common deuiſe of all the phan⸗ fafticall congregation (as tt pleafeth bim to terme bs) out of the whiche Apologie he will cull (for fo be ſpea⸗ keth) our reafons and pronfes: and that vppon amante kolde confideration,and caution. As,/ir/tt0 make our parte as ftronge as he can: Scilicet. Becondlp, warely for his owne af- farance: And thirdly, leſt when he (hall fore preffe vs, we ſ hould flee to our cuſtomarie flertinge hole,that it is but one dottors minde: and that fo be will confute, not onely the Biſhoppe of Sariſburie bis fermon, but the Apologie alſo: and with it all the aduerfaries of the papacie at once, as one though farre vmworthie, ſuſteinynge at this time the quarell of the Ro- mif be churche. This the mang mantfolde circumfpedion — and diſcretion here tn fhe beginning notified, as he cus fomarily vſeth in the proceſſe pou thall (eit fall out, accozdinge fo that expertence , whiche pou haue bad of the fame heretofore. ut in de⸗ P. Dorman hath not fo2 the cauſes bp him here alleaged, anſweared theſe ale legations in the Apologie. Foꝛ the Apologie doth onely goe about bp fondzp eramples beteflp touched fo pꝛoue that godly Princes of all ages did thinke , that the care of the Church was not impertinent to thet office. Ahe berp wozdes of the Apologte are theſe:Ex hiftorijs & optimo⸗ ay DORMANS PROVFE 14.5 ‘optimorum temporii exemplis videmus pios prin- g.i.2. in Sse. cipes procurationem Eccleſiarũ ab officio fuo nung putafi e alienam, That ts to fap: toe do ſce by hiſtories ẽ eramples of the bef ages 02 times, p godlp Pꝛinces did thinke that the lobing to, care of Churches, twas ne- uer impertinent fo thetr princely office . This he faith before bis peoufes: And inp concluſiõ after bis pzoufes, he faith againe. Anad eos dicemus religionis curam g. iij. 2. non pertinere? Xc. that is to fap: Shall we fap therfore that the care of iKeligion doth not apperteine to godlp Pꝛintes, oꝛ that a Chꝛiſtian Magiſtrate intermedlinge in theſe thinges, doth naughtly, immodeſtlyp, oꝛ wicked⸗ lie? Theſe are the wordes of the Apologie , than the which, what can be moze modeſtly, o2 moze truely {por ken Andthat nothing info great bꝛeuitie, can be moze effectuoufly pꝛoued, than is the {aid moſt true propoſi⸗ tion(euer dented by the Papiſtes)proued by thole erams ples and bifkozies Eccleſiaſticall ſo thogtipinthe Apos logie touched, they map wel onderftand, that will reade that parte of it. Mhereſfore feinge the Apologic tn that r treatiedoth not fo much infozcep fupertozitie of Pꝛin- ¢ ces ouer Prieſtes, but is contented fo proue, and doth ppꝛboue, though b2ieflp , pet moſt ſubſtancially, that the cave of Religion doth apperteine fo Chriſtian Princes, whiche thefe men do dentesit is not therefore to make our 7 9 partie as ſtronge, ag may be (as 99. Doꝛman pꝛofeſſeth he ~~ (gould) but fomake it as weake as maybe, and moze weake, than reafon would it thoulo be, tobzing tn exã⸗ ples, by p Apologie briefly alleaged, 02 rather touched, onelp fez proufe, p care of Keligfon ¢ Churche maters doth apperteine fo godly ¢ Chriſtian princes, as though thep bad bene alleaged pecultarly, largely, and with al * Do fortes — — A REPROVFE OF M force, to prone al the authozitfe vᷣ Pꝛinces Dave in may tiers of Neligion, ⁊ their whole ſuperioritie } thei haug ouer Prieſtes. Whereas M.Dozmar,¢ all our aduerſa⸗ ries do right well know, ¢ inthis litle treatie it ſhall alfo wel appeare,that both we haue great ſtore of other eramples ¢ poufes foz our Chꝛiſtian Peinces chiefe gar uernement ouer Prieſtes, in matiers Crelefiattical,¢ voᷣ the examples alſo by the Apologie, though but betefip, ¢ to a certaine purpoſe touched, €in the onely tow litle leaues conteined, map be moze fully, ¢ with morze force. and effect applied fo the pꝛoute of godly Pꝛinces pꝛæro⸗ gatiuc aboue Prieſts, x authozitie in Crelefialicat ma- tisrs,than in oͤ bꝛeuitie the authoz of ) Apologte either could,oꝛ ment todo, ot toftrengthen our caule, thers foze,but moſt to weakẽ tt,bath 9.Dorma dꝛeamed out this deutfe of dealinge with the Apologie in this places. And fo2 that he did {ee thofe fo many erantples fo beteflp fouched in the Apologte in tow 02 thee leanes onelp, be furmifeth, and would beare the Reader in hand, that there ts all, that tue all can fap, ¢as largely. and effedus ally, as by ds alkca be (aid fo2 the authoꝛitie of Pꝛinces ouer Prieſtes, in matters Eccleſiaſtical.But in deede, $9, Dozman thought vᷣ bꝛeuitie, tn the touching ofthis matter (which was neceſſarie in the Apologietouching ſo many maters) to be moſte fitte foꝛ bis purpoſed qua- De ludicibus ec rellinge: and {pectalip he findinge that Hoſius in his clefiatticis hb.2. hese of Eccleſiaſticall Judges had laboured at large to AeeL anfiveare, all thofe examples of the ould Judges.and Hofusfl.s. Binges of Hcaell, Jofuas,Dauid, Salomon, Czechias, | Joſophat, Fofias ,.and likewiſe of the oulo Chzittian GEmperours, Contantinus, Theodoſius, Galentines: Nanay a8 Else RE EOS Tae SI DORMANS PROVFE 14.6 site of Pꝛinces ouer perfons ¢ fn caules Eccleſiaſtical, thought tt the beſte to folowe bis ould bfuall cuftome, and bis eaſieſt oꝛdinarie wap, ¢fo franflate the whole treatie of thofe eramples ont of Bolus into his boke. After whiche forte , a meane clarke map borite, like not onelp a bafe Wacheler, but alfoa profounde docour in diuinitie, and like a great Cardinall of Wome alto. Wibat colours therefoze fo ener M. Doꝛman doeth p2e- tend, the very caufes of bis, thus dealinge with the A⸗ pologie are thefe-: falfelp fo beare the reader fn bande, that be dealeth with bs all, and that be oppugneth alt our chiefe firmamentes at once , andfotake bis otone eaſe, and pet neuertheleſſe being but abalde cowete, to bꝛagge of that proude peacockes feathers, And now foz thele twentie leaues nert folotwinge in this 99. o02- mans freatie , all bis anſwears are the fame that be in D.hardinges boke intit uled a confurarion of the Apologic ‘of the Church of Englande, and the fame are fo be founbde in Carbdinall hoſius feconde bake of the iudges of fhe tofiuslib.e. de Churche , where thep both bozotwed them. Map J nol iudicibus Eccle⸗ therefoze truelp without lie, e ſoberly without beagge ſeſticis. fap, that in anſweringe P. Dozman, J do anſweare bis Matter D. bardinge,and Cardinall Bofius, with all otber ovr aducrlaries,cotitremen,o2 rangers, that baue the fame reafons,and allegations: Dornan Fed. 31. The firft argument therefore of theirs, to prowe that lay men in fhe * that they be kinges may rake on them the ordering of matters in re- Mantes. “igion; that to them belongeth the ankboritie and onerfight thereof, doyles, v taken from the example of Moyfés,"tho being cinile magiffrate, J is Do2 i _ receiued — — — ert: ll eee ⏑—— — — — — — —— — — — a> oe F J + RP at A REPRO VFE OF M... receiaed neuertheleffe at the handes of almighty God,both the charge andordre of all the religion and ceremonies , delinered the fameta — the peoplesand hen arõ beinge a Biſ hop had contaminat the true Religton by makinge the golden calfe, he failed not { harpely tare= buke and reprehende him therefore. 7 J The effect ofall Tothis argument good Readers whiche out of this example thisanfvveare they frame,thas therefore by good confequence it folorweth that the touchinge Mo- x jn oes, emperaurs,and other cinile mag iſtrates of our time may doe fes,andthis place 110 166, thus doe we an{Weare: that, that auCloritie Which Moy~ The anfe of the Apologie ‘ is in DD. Hardigs feshad ouer the Priefies , Was not becaufe he was a Prince but in Veate. cõfutatiõ of the that he was a Prieſt, as appeareth mofte exidently in the Pfalme — Apologie. fol, where he is ſocalled. J un Pall =: Nowell. | — The very fame anſwere maketh D. Harding fo this flsos. Place of the Apologie. But vou do not fap truely Ps. Phlm.s8,. Dozman that tt appeareth mo euidently tn vᷣ Pſalme : where Moles ts called a Prieſt, that the authezitie, whiche he had ouer the Prieſtes, was not becaufe be Cohen ,id eft a- Was a Prince, bul in that he was a Prielt. F02 firſte oF cerdos vel dux, a oꝛde of doubtful figntfication , as ts Cohen, itt. vel princeps, vel that Pſalme, poucan not make motte euident appear. contharius&c, raunce, that poles was a Prielt. Secondly tt beinge | graunted pou that in the Pſalme be ts called a Petes. pet can pou not thereof make tf likely , muchleſſe moſte euldentlp fo appeare , that be bad bis autbozitie ouer Aaron the bigh Peieſte, with others, ts repꝛoue and: cozredt them, not becaufe be was a Prꝛince, but in : that be Was a Prꝛieſt. Foꝛ if J thould fap the contra⸗ — tp, that Mofeshad that authoritie in that he was a: prince, tbat cai pou fav out of the Pſalme/ oꝛ anp other place of Scripture againfke me 2 Aaton offense. ding, fatth to Poles being difpleaten with him or | DORMANS PROVFE, 147 Ne indignetur Dominus meus. Let not mp Loꝛd be Exod.ʒu. > angry. It J fap, be called and.achnowleged. Poles bis oꝛde, becaufe be twas bis Pꝛince, not becaule be was. a Petetl, foz that this name £030 fo properlte fignifieth and impogzteth, what will pou fap againd it ; 02 bowe can it reafonablie be, that there tuas a pꝛteſt abeue the higheſt patef,as Aaron was? Wut it fs no abfurdts tie, that a Petnce be aboue the higheſt prieſt: but the tifle and name, of higheſt pziel® (as twas Aaron) erclus deth all (upertoziticot all pꝛieſtes ouer him: but not of all Princes. VMherefore, 3 map rather fay, that daron . - calling Wofes bis iozde, and fo confelling him ſupert⸗ ~~ pur, fo called and confetted him, as bis Pꝛince, and not as bis higher pzieſt:toꝛ be wasp higheſt patel bin ſelf. | Dorman, Fol ʒi. But againft this anf were laboureth(as thei fay) with toorhe and: nailesthe author of that booke which walketh abrode in many més handes ;-vnder the name of a harboreugh for faith full fubiectes, vvhofereplie ts this,that in that pfalme how ener the olde interpre. tors haue giuen vs the Woord the hebruetext hath Cohanim, 4 worde indifferent to fignifie prieffes or Princes sand. that therefore fuche as doe beſt vnderſtande the tongue gine it thus: Moyfes & A aron inier miniftros cius,Moyfes and Aaron emongeft his mim. nifives - And toprone that it may wel ſo be , the feripture be ſaieth dulleth Dauid bis forines Cahanim, that is to faie miniſtres, for vraellhe woteth that no man wilbe fo fond.to ſaie that a kinges ſon- nes Were prieftes : yea he addeth that the befteemongeftthe Hebrues. interpreting thiefe wordes giue it in Chorei Shemo: Moyfes & Aaron inter eos quiinuocantnomen eius, Moyſe⸗ and Aaré: emongefithem that call ypon his name Thieſe in effect be the rea- fons that moued the man to thinke that Moyfes was no pricf, we Pee OO, Tobe: 1¢Reply. - ö— — — — — — ———— — — — — — t to be a Worde doubtful. But to take away all ſuch ambiguitie, and J 7 ne dl “'To= 2 2. ee ae a 0 —— = — A REPROVFE OF MS ; tobe (hort. vvhome he taketh far the beft.or thon be accop- The folu teth for the wonſt in the hebrue tõge or what his habilitie to indge provig tt shereof isit confiffe in good faith 1 Gnowe not.But of this x amet Movies usfJured,that $.Hicrome,Pagnines and(whofe tranflation for bis re- 8°" ligion he nede not to ſuſpect, Sebaflianus Munfterus,emongeft almé taken for fmgulerly learned in that tongue) interpret the worde to fignifie prieftes. And if all chis fatiffie him not.the'7o. interpretours tran/lace it ſo or thiefe are their wordes: MGUONS Hal Ange tp Tors iegeVoup KuTe.that is;Moyfes and Aaron in the nobre of his prieſtes. And for fovndoubted 4 truthe was it taken With s. Hierom,that he in the expofition of this vfalmevfed thiefe woordes. Vterq́; Moyfes (cilicet & Aaron,domini aduentum facerdo- Hicron, tali preconionunciauit. Both of them, that.isto fey Moyfes and Pil Aarondid swith their priefttyvoyce denouncebefore hande;the coma ming of our Lorde. Nowe touching the indifferency of the Worde Cohanim to/fignifie a miniffer or 4 prieff, we graunt it to be true: but that becaufe in ſome one place it fofignifieth, it ought therefore 0 to be expounded in this , thar Wevtterly-denie. And for proofe — hereof we bring Abrahamus Efdrasyemongeft the olde Rabbini cal- ded Sapientifsimus.He expotding this place of the platme,calleth Moyfes and Aaron by the name of pricſtes. And becaufeno man { buld cauill about the ambiguitie af the worde Cohanim,he graunteth tomakeys «/furedlyvnderfiand When it fignifieth this orthat » he giueth this ralethat being ioined and applied to the name of god, or any thing to him belonging (as here it ts) it fignifieth alwaiesa — prieſcbut other wife referred to prophane thinges.a miniffersas may be anſ wered of Dauids children in the fecond booke of finges the.8. chapiter.And firely ſo long as he fiandeth ypon his bare vauntes of the beft-without naming at all any: Lfenocanfe but that te may swell ref? in that interpretatio Which thieſe forwer,for their know= dedge in that tongue of the learned fore accompted moft * ay -* = DORMANS PROVEE. 14.3 befide the nombre of the. 70. interpretours haue delivered vnto sefpecially feing that interpretation vhach the very bef? enongeſt the Hebrues be faith have geuenvpon that place , that is. Moyſes and Aaron emongeft thems that callvpon his name :1thinketo him that confidereth wel tke -wordes that followe. Es Samuel inter eos qui. inuocãt nomen eius, will feeme and proue to be euen the very um but becanfe youl hall well perceiue that Moyles Was in deede a priefibefides the teftimonies alveady brought firth, 1 f hall here alleage certein other to proue the ſam 7 im, 98. Fir/ts.Auflen writing ypon the [ame Pfalue where both he and D.Hard: Cafee: Aaron are called priefiessmaketh as it Were againſt the priefthood. kc ‘ol.so * of Moyfes a certein obiection, and afterwardcocludeth that Moyles hach the aoe teas not Withftanding 4 prieſt His wordes are thtefe:Ibi quidé non —J videtur facerdos eſſe niſi Aaron. Apertẽè enim in illis literis Aaron nominatur facerdos dei. De Moyfe nonibi dicitur quod facerdos erat,Sed fihoc non erat, quid erat © Nunquid maior facerdote effe poteratꝰ Expropriat pfalmus ifte quia & 00,28, ipfefacerdos erat:Moyfes & Aaron in facerdotibus eius. Er- go erãt illi dominifacerdotes. that is to fay theres ſemeth thar there was no other prieftbut Aaron: for in that place is he plainc. b named apricf,but of Moyfes there is no ſuche word. but if be wer not 4 pric what was he then? Could he be greater ? The plalneve- treth that he Was 4 prieſt Moyſes and Aaron emongeft his prieſſes. They were therefore both our Lordes prieſſes. Here 1 befeche you good readers. bebold the falſe and ynewen dea- fing of an heret ike, the author of the harboroughof whem a litle be~ fore made mention. He minding toelude this mani fel? expofition of S. Auſſen, anſ wereth inthis manner : thats. Auſten "was ignorant in the Hebrue tongue, whereby being eafely deceiued and ~yrapped' in thiefe t wo places of Scripture. therein there seemed contra- diétion, he leaueth them ata iarre as he founde them, the one to faiehe Was a priefte , the other to [aie that he tas none. VVhich naaner of interpretario and recociling of feriptures how it is e be. | TES ~ —_ = — 5 . & REPROVFE OFM Abkcdd. he leaueth he ſaieth tothe learned reader to tndge, ~ ForaunfWere to this mere cauillation of this vaine tanglor — Before 1 procede any fardersbecauft he {ball not abuſes. Auffens ig. norance in the Hebrue tongue to the deceauing of you good readers, you {hall ynderftande that s. Hierom was not ignorant theretn, and yeat doeth he fo expounde the place. The.70.interpretonrs chofen and picked as it were out of the be/Plearned and cunninge? in that tõ- gue (by all likelihood ) that could be founde: Santtes Pagninus and sebaflianus Munfier , yea that moff learned Rabbine , Abrahamus E/dras 4 lewe born; Wer not ignorant but pearleſſe paragos therin, and yeat doc all thre{eexpounde the Hebrue word to fignifie prieftet as Saint Auften doeth. And where he ſaieth that's. Auften beinge thus wrapped in thieſe t wo contrarie textes , Was driuen to leant them.as he founde them, the one to faie he was a prief?, thother that be was none: inthe one be hath belied the holie feriptures in the other be hath ſclaundered that holie and learned Bi{fhop. For where, or What ſcripture faieth,that Moyfes was no prieſt (4s he faith thar one texte (aide he was, an other that he was none?) Let him {howe Somme fach feripturesor cls hath he lied vpon the feripture He tay [howe \ confeſſe where the ſcripture (as therevpon S. Auflen made his obiettion ) [peaking of him, calleth him not by name of a Prief?: which in many other places it doth alfoof Aaron.ts this therefore good reaſon to faie? The scripture in that place made no mention that he was a prieſt: therefore it ſaith that he Was none. Yea true- lie, euen as good as is this . The feripture maketh no mention that the Apoltles "were ener baptifed : therefore it faith that thet nener were baptized.Or dot thefe textes make any iarre, the one affirming the the other denteng,to fate Aaron the pricſtin one place,and Moyfes ¢- Aaron his priefkes in an other? But as this is a levod Ge, fo to poe a- Lout to note s. Auſſen to the world of fuche ignorance inthe ſerip⸗ tures,as though he had not byn able to vndoe this ſimple knot (4 knoe Ef tt be) but was forced to leaue the t wo places at a — céled: DORMANS PROVFE 149 ciled:I can call it no better but euen by the name of wilful malice. As appeareth by that, that guilefully in alleaging after their mana mer Werhout cotation,(the eafelter thereby to deceaue the reader) this place of s. Auffenzhe left out thieſe later wordes, Ergo erant illi domini facerdotes therefore they Were (Moyes, and Aaron ) our Lordes prieftes. | ; » Nowhere note tbefeche you, diligently that are of the learned fortesthicfe wordæ of S- Auſten whiche impart en them thus much It may feeme ſaith he; to fome man , that Moyles ( becaufe the fertprure * mameth there onely Aaron by the name of a prie[tand nut him) were no prieſt: but of chem that fo gather 1 would knowe , if he were no prieſt what he was then, whether they can make bim King » Empe- rour,or any thing that { hould be greater-And although the ſcripture inthat place doe not call him by the name of his office ,yet necther doeth it therefore deny him to be priefinor we are deftatute of other places to prone the fame by,as namelie thes pfalme, wherein expreſ- elie he is ſo called. vvberfore feing neithes that place or any oxhers doe fate that he Was not a pricft, and there is plaine (criprure thae ddeth call bim one : mate boldelie conclude, Erant ergo illi ſacer- dotes domini.Therefore they were bath our lordes prieſte. Ibis is (no dout) the true fenfeof's. Auſſens wordes, whereby syou may fee howe greate the. difficulties were, in whiche he Was wrapped,and how he wounde him ſelfe out. at ink oe cap Nowell | | . - Bon fe how fharpely 99. Dozman interteineth the authour of the barbozonugh, repzebending bim foz affirs ming that Boles was ne pꝛieſt, and fo2 not allowpng of . Auguftines erpofition bpon the.93. plalme teas ching that Moles was a pꝛieſt: and fo2 bis tnterpzes ting of this ebzue woorde ( Cohanim ) in the ſaied Plalme ‘Miniftros non facerdotes, Piniſters not Bp prietkess Lxod as· vod.x. Leuit.ꝛo. A REPROVEE OF M. Prietkes, ctherivife than S. Autten taketh it rand Top thatthe ſaide authour affirmeth that S. Augultine was not learned inthe hæbrue tongue. In the bande Ting ofall whizbe matiers, M. Doꝛman thoweth hint felfeto bea great Hæbꝛrictan, and familtarip convers fant in the ould Kabins. Ineede not bere to Land inthe defenfe of the authour of the harbarough againſt M. Dorma for that the faid authour (if be litt)can weil e⸗ ough bim felfe Hitte with 9, Dorman, cz anp ether his aduerfartes. And the leſſe canfe haue ¥to trauell av gaint %. Dozman in thts bis fo longa diſcourſe, for > it is not fo muche miatertall , whether Poles be takew fo2 a Bꝛieſt 02 foz no aDatelk as Hall bereafter appeare. And though Jcan p2ofette no knowledge imp Hæbrue tongue: pet J map be boula to fap thus muche, that ale though Moles , bntilt he bad inſtituted Aaron bighe Prick, did bp Gods comaundemét the office of the high prtett, facrifictng, anoincting Fozvering of Aaron bis children: vet afterward it appeareth riot that he octered any laerttice, which ts the peculiar office of the Pꝛieſte, but left it to Aaron and his fuetefoursjas.Dozman. out of Caluine hereafter allcageth : bowbeit, after be pad inſtituted dard highe Prieſt, be repꝛoued ann cor⸗ rected Aaron,and directed him in bis doings: not bp the aut hoꝛitie of the bighe Pꝛieſthoode, whiche new Aara. had, bat bv the authozitie of bts Rorꝛdſhippe and Prin⸗ cedome. And tobere as Poles in the. 98. Plalme ts ters meda Prick with Aaron, thatistobe referred tothet fpectal time, wherein Boles bled the prieſthod befoze, and at the inſtitution of Aaron. Cls; ifvou do vnder⸗ ſtand that he was called afterward by this name Qo⸗ hen; ideft Sacerdas. pa Pꝛieſt, Sacerdosis thereas mucbe DO RMANS PROYFE 150 muche fo fafeas Cultor Domini, timenfq illum, a Weletk, that is to fay,a waz Mhipper of the Lozde, ¢ one that feareth bint: as Sandes Pagninus, aman well learned tn the Hæbrue tongue , ¢ not tobe ſuſpected as partial of our fide, bpd p.no. Pilalme, ¢the.r. Paral. i8. ¢in other places doth out of R. Danid Kimhi doeth in⸗ terpzetate tt: Cohen, inquityid eft, Sacerdos,ac ſi dicat tu es colens Dominum,& dux Iſrael &c. and agatne, Cohanim facerdotes,id eft, cultores Domini, timen- tefq; illum: Cohen ¢ Cohanim , a Pꝛieſt 02 Pꝛieſtes, that is to fay, the woꝛſhipper of God, ¢ the dube of Iſ⸗ rael;i¢ one p feareth God. Such a maner of etelt,p is fo fap, one that feared ¢ tum2fyipped God,one p was of councel with God,¢ a prophet of Dod, we wil not denfe bat that Mofes was cucin the higheſt degre. And we truſt that no reafonable man wil denfe p a godly Chaf- ian Pꝛince map be called Cohen a Pꝛieſt, in p fente, fhat fs, one pfeareth God, woꝛſhippeth eferucth God: ſpecially cing the Scripture termeth al p truely godly, a kingly prieſthod. D.hardig ſurely ſticketh not te (ay , per that a Chꝛiſtiã Pꝛince in baptiſme recetueth a ſpiritual p.Hard, Cofut. pꝛieſthod:⁊ fo be mav be called Cohen,id eft Sacerdos Apolo.fol.319.a,. a pꝛieſt:but pet fs be not properlp a p2tetk in office. $202 Exod.29. that Moſes was a pꝛieſt properip after pheonce had in, Leuit.s. _ Hituted Aaron, doeth it appearebp anpfacciticep he Oe Mo? did offre, Which was p propre office of fhe prlelk, & nas. — erecuted by Aaron: beſides the abſurditie of tow highe Pꝛieſtes at ouce, whiche ſhould folowe in caſe Moſes were highe Puek to, and aboue Aaron alſo. Whereotf moꝛe is tobe ſaid hereafter.But as R. Dauid kimhi by PPasgninus his interpꝛetation expoundeth a Pꝛieſte and allſo ſoꝛ that Poles was of the Tribe 02 Kaſe of Aeceuie, to which the prieſthood was by God pecultarly Pp 2 aſſigned, A REPROVFR OF M . : aligned, be might therefore haue the name of a pret; though bebad not the proper office of a pzieſt, after the inftitutton of Aaron. Wut nowe that G9. Degman hath. beſtowed fo muche taboure to prone Moles a pꝛteſt, and pet bath not made it as be ſaid mo/t enidenth to.appearesthar he was 4 Pricft in deede, though be fometwhere haue the name of Cohen,o2 Sacerdos: if tt ould be graunted: yim for certen, that Moſes was a pre, vet hath be fapd nothing to the pzincipall poinct, to make ft apeate any thinge entdently, muche lefle mot enidentlp,that | be bad bis authozitte ouer Garon being the bigh prieſt, | forepzoue and coꝛrecte him by his Pꝛieſthood, and not by his Princedome. Foꝛ ſurely this is no good reas fon; Moles was both Prꝛieſt and Prince, therefore be had al bis authoritie ouer the bigh Prieſt bp his Prieſt⸗ hood, andnot by bis Princedome. And Jtruſt Jhaus partelp made the contrary enfdent , and will pet make: it moze enfdent , bp declaringe of the authozttie st — londrie Princes, noe Peiettes 9 oner —— —* —— i! | J Dorman, Fol'34. yi er But then faierh this floute Champion, there Were t wo bighe Brieftes at once, "whichcould not be by the Lave ; and ajo Moyles muſt nedes be inferior to Aaron becauſe Aaron and not he, is eon called-che high prieſt This obiection hath in dede af hort’ eof fomerwhat, although in sheir manner of gonernement,to haue manie heades Were no great abjurditie at all. But to this obietlion anf-wereth mol? fully s. Auſten him ſel Fin an other place afier this fart: Cum et go videatur, & c. ts * ssingewherefore shat the highe prifiehbods: feemeth to have beds, : fone in, Aaron ‘what thinkewe shat cet was} 1 eo —* ‘a ca DO.RMANS PROVEE 151 not a Prie(, bay didthe then all thofe thing és whiche he did? if he wereho w (ay we'that thebigh prielibood Seganne in his brothe⸗ the Bi- Aaron? although the Pfalnie alfo "here it is aide, Moy/es and: Aa. Ops ap· ton emonee/t his Pricfirs,docth temoue all caufe of doubte, affirming om that Moyles was allo ⸗ Pritefle . vere they: therefore Moyſes and en of Aavon; borhe chiefe Priefiessor rather Moyfes thé chiefe'and Aaron ~ s thinges vader birt 2xyea ‘Avon alſo 'the chic fel? in reſpect of the Bif. hopes longioge appavell,cind Moy/esishe thiefe in reſpect of a more excellent mini- HELO. heyy’ Foy at thic beg inninge was ie faide to May/és Of Aaron . Hé sy Mov. J Pall bethy director in i thofe thinges that ar to be handled with ed J et — * bis in nee bigfines * isto ee done “with God. d hovve Bitte 3613 — S—— that — 32 tots vigh Pele⸗ ties at once chreudly encombeeth pou W.Dorman, wha you are driuen to fav, that in their maner of gouernmet to hane many headesWere "0 great abſurditie at all, MWhy M. Dorma, éf it Were no great Abfurditics it femeth pou graunt it forte 'ablurditie which to graunt in Goddes ordinance, ſs the greateit abſurditie of all’, Aad where pow fay no great abjurdicce at alhit appeareth pou wiſt not what pon —* af all:fo2 (fit be no abſurditie at all(as being Gods ordinaunce, touching Moles and Aaron it muk needes be) than is it neither greatnog (mall. TDhat meaneth thetefoze pany no great abfurditieat allsand twhiche is hat, cheir maner of ‘gowernment'pou ſpeake of· Vou yor aboute to: ew it ont of S. Auguttine, but pou labour in vaine: for it was With him no ſuche abſurditie to graunt tow high Prieltes or head Biſhhoppes in the Chatih,as itis. With ydu :who will nerdes haue but one onely head Bi· Hoppe. In S. dugultines tite all Wiſhops were high Puletiessthat 195 eucrv one in their owut dioceſſe: * pos =| ip ’ A REPROVEE OF Mo by Goddeslatne all Bithoyipes are — authori⸗ tie, and therelore no one aboue all, as you ſay vour Pope is. Wheretore both the æqualitie of Bihhoppes, as euery one higheſt in his owne dioceffe. bp Goddes lawe, and pour grauntinge of tots bighe pPrietkes at —— once, (as pou hereda) andol the tou, Moſes to be ſu | pertour to Aaron, whe isthe figure ofpour.bigh Pꝛtelt the Pope, do make.both again one onely high Prieft, and againſt the fupgemacie ofthatone. Wut itis wags thie the reading that be alleageth out of S.auguttine: Aaron the chiefe in rofpecte of tbe if hopes. apiparell and Mofés the chiefe in reſpect of 4 more excellent minifferte, &c. theſe fum2des of S. Auguſtine faꝛ that M. Dorman fuppos {cd them fo be darke, be doeth dluttrate ith amargic nall glofe thes sy shenifhoppes apparel: vnderflande, the-sxa equation of the, thinges belonginge theretoo : — mans glofe .dnd who is be. now that will not thin him felfe well and clearely reſolued of. that daubtkuli fomerohat whiche M. — Be ⏑⏑ ———— cid of row high prieſſes at oricesdnd al matters toibe ays of doubt: feing M. Dorman ſaith, that in their maner of gouernements and in diuers reſpectes ¢s,na great abjurditgesat all 105 hane, tons. high, Priefies and many, heades. And ) reſpect whereby Zaron is the chiefeſt Prieſt, isthe reſped of the. Ibi hsp me parell, wherebp yea? vaderfiand cheexequutia of th belonging sheretoo: ANd in the fame refpect ts the qDonebp Aaros evample,the chiefett Prieſt ta, belike. And now pou vnderſtande why he fs fo Aaronicall in bis appa⸗ rell, feinge be hath bis bigh Weietthon by Aaronsiere ample in vefped of bis Biſhoply apparell.. Wut is thie torefolue douhtes, 02 is it not rather; fs make Vuoie inbite with a blasts coale, fo ble ſuche hla red DORMANS PROVFE. 152 gerde of erplications Of great Doubtes: bubs. Dogma one moje platricly bereatter: · (I ovapat me LST S299 Dormani*B0l 3K o 9 rere s:Aufien.by Whometre learne that it is no ——— 4 * two houlde be chrefe mn ro Jeuerall veſpectes rhe one in o- He hae not fay ‘werfeinge and prefersbing what { halbe done,the other in practifing, chiefe pricier. “and purcing in execution;the thing es preferibed : the one abjolutély withont relation; the other in a reſpect by a compamon. AS2n the neWlaweſa figure hereof diuerſe Well learned nich haue expel ded this priefthood of Moyfes and Aaron 0 be)chrift*ve feesis of his ** onely Jfiniph and abfolut ely the bead: Peter and after him “bis ſacceſſours, no orherife bie in compariſon of orber inflriour iniembres. Moyes a3 he Was With God more familier then dny orher, ai he received immediatly (toithout the belpe of am other mtrumtt ‘sotonwiey i it —— fromthe mouib of Ahmhrie God bis ho d‘pleafure i he was there is no doubte thereof y the high eft Karon alle’; as he vas by almightie’ God chojen —* he to the people thoſe thinges whiche Moyles had giuen bith tn chat gerashe offred the: factifices and executed the arg Siebel — —— and — SUI] St os Nontell ; Be if 38 9p. —* faith, — is no — that sorts {hon be vide Peieltes int tow fencrall refpettes,the one — refcrebinge what i hatbe done the orher in pur~ — inn the thinges prefercbed ¢ ere. we are tontẽted — leinge it is nd abturditie. Let if allo Jpray “port, be likewiſe no abſurditie that the Churche nowe haue tow hi igh Priettes: and foi heades, be it in otte,o2 — Ilay let vs ior bg — vs pout the onely head / Ha he in reſpectes othe oF freee and reqautinge; be not the OMEIL - \ A REPROVEE OFM ah 4 bead ofthe Church, as pou do make bitn.90u iott . fay, J do require thig again allreafon ; that be, pout Aelfe indge of .Dozma. Whele be pour otwne wordes: Dor, a fol.7.bl Hane perceined that God in that people in thetr late and: prieſt- | hoode / hado wed out vnto vs, like a cunninge workeman the »phole ds fore and proportion of his Churche,¢oc. And. fhoztlp. after pan fav ,9ou may reafon thus: It Was ſo inthe [badowe therefore dt mftbe fain the badiepand.in the trurhfignified. by the fhadarwe. CThele be pour otane. wordes M. Doman; with many mo to that effed,in that place. · Mherefore, as von.als firme that there weretow bigh Prieſtes in that people, and in that lata, let (tbe fo in our Church now. Do nat Spray pou, marre Condes cunning wozkemanshippe: do not alter the ſarme and propoztion of his Churche, br bina lelle ſet fazth:but let vs now alle god M. Do⸗ man ⸗be it in onexelped, or in digers, haue tow highe Pꝛieſtes,one to ouerſo and pꝛæſcribe as did Moſes, an other to exequute as did Aaro: ¢ let not vour one Pope be all inall, but that il the one do erre, as did Aaron, the other map controule him, as did Motes. it the onc leade vs to Idolatrie, as your Pope, folowinge therein Aaron, hath done, the other map withdraw bs from if, : he as bid Poles. Andifthe one play the tyzaunt ouer vs, as bath pour Pope of longe done, the other may. bp bis authozitic whiche he mut bp the! laide forme and pro⸗ poꝛtion have ouer pour Pope,as had Poles auer Aard releaue and heipe vs in ſuch oppꝛeſſion. Neither map pou fife fo this miſte, which vou ſhortly afterare faine to (eke.at Caluines bandes, that Moles example tn bas | ninge and. binge hothe the turifoicions.GrcleGaticall | and Temporal, was hut foz a tine:foz Caluine ſo ſaitz; to DersInUR POU ‘Pope and his prelates fraus. —— | DORMANS PROVEE 13 and vᷣſurpatiõ of them both bp Moles erample. And pou of all others map woꝛſe alleage, that it was but fora time, there were tole bigh Peteltes:fo2 pour woꝛdes of the forme and proport iõ by God as a moſtcũning workemanfha- Nor fol.7aacbQ - dowed out to be'obferued in our Churche, as inthe Bodie and trurh, ms are {poken of that time tuben Soles and Aaron were together tow bigh Prieſtes (as pou fap) and when Mo⸗ fes bad the {upertozitie ouer the high Pꝛieſt Aaron:and pour tertes there alleaged out of Deuter.the 17.and25. chapters, were writen when Poles had this authozttie ouer bim. Wherefore either let this fozme and propos tion of the Church bp God p beſt woꝛkeman ſhadowed ‘out fo be obferued,as pou do confelfc, ſtil remaine, that : we map haue Come Moles to cozrect pour Aarõ the bigh : ariette : 02 it pou will né&des by Caluines heipe have — Moles be but atempozall erample , andnot fo erfende to Chritian Princes, 3 p2ap pou deale with pour mats ſter D. Harding, p Moles eraple may be tempoꝛal alfo, tocontinue onelp foz that time , € not fo erfend to pour popes tempoꝛall Jurifoiaid,as pour mater ertendeth Hardiog cdfar; it.And with all, let Aaron, as one onelp high Prieſt, be Apol.fol.zos. atempozal eraple alfo,foz the onely nationof theJues: andertende not bis erample to the peoufe of vour one onelv high Prieſt ouer all nations, in the teczlde, which ts a thinge plainely tmpoffible fo one man: deale pou, who dm finde faulfe with ofbers vneuen dealinge , euenly with vs in theſe matiers, Jpꝛay pou. Andif pow | will with Caluine haue Moſes erample tempozarte 5 ¢ peculiar fo that time onelp, let alfo with Caluine Gas rons erample be peculiar to the onelp Jues,¢ the time of their Church, ¢ extende it nof to all times, ¢ Churches. either can pour figure any thing helpe pou, chat Mofes , et Ny figured ? A REPROVFE OF M: figured chrifte as abjolutely the higheſt Priefie: and Karon figured’ Ae Peter as head ina reſpect and his ueceſſours Popes after him. Foz Confut. Apol. pour maiſter D. Gardinge maketh Moles an erample fol, 305. 0; figure of the Pope, as both Pꝛieſt and King, and not onelp Aaron, as you dw of the popes high Prieſthod. And that Aard,¢ the high Prieſts his.fuccelours tocre figures , not ( as pou fave out of pour diners ſurmiſed wel learned men, naming noz noting no man)of peter and bis fucceffours , but of Chzitte him felfe that onely bigh Biſhoppe, all the Scriptures do feltifie, and S. Auguiline, with all other ancient fathers to witneſſe G@yprianus lib.3, He fame, And S.Cpprian with manp other godlpoulo epiftola.s.&lib. doctours do make Aaron a figure or erample of euerp 4;cpiftola.o, Biſhoppe in his owne Dioceſſe, and not of the Biſhop of Kome oucr all dioceſſes. Wiherefoze pou to reſemble Moles to Chriſte, pour maiſter fo refemble him fo the pope ; pou agatne forefemble Aaron fo the Pope, as Head and bigh Wifhop ofal Churches, where the Scrip. tures and all the doctours refemble him to Chriſte, as that onelp head and bigh Biſhoppe: and S. Cppetati: with others reſemblinge him fo euery Biſhoppe tt his: otune Church, net fo one Withop ouer tobole Charch:- to baue, Jſay, fo many figures ¢eramples continually. fo feruc for pour Popes, both fpirituall and tempozali: iuriſdiction, and fo make all examples tepozarte , whan thep dm proue the Princes authoritie ouer Palettes, is no euen dealing: ¢ ¥ trutt that pou who ſo lately blamed: the vneuen dealing of the autho: of the Apologie, wil deale fo euenly with bs, as to diminiſh nothing of shar forme and proportio by God as amof? ciining -workeman { hadorwed out inthe iuiſ h Church,to be obferued in our Church. as pout ſelſ erprelly doth attirme: ¢fo.cther to let vs haue tow hich SS aii: a zv0 DORMANS PROVFE | 34. Pꝛieſtes, as vou fap Moles. and Aaron were : 02 elles as _ the truth twas in deede in fhe Juiſhe nation ¢ Churche, and as it {sitrall godlp common twealthes,¢ Churches, ict bs haue our Moles, to ſay, our Pꝛince, our Aaron, that is, our Biſhoppe and high Prieſt: and let him be vnder the Prince as his Lorꝛd, accoꝛding as has Aaron vonder Poles, his Lozde. | . | | Dorman. Fol.34. And thus muche for an{weare to that obiection made of two high prieftes. But to make this matter more euident and to folovt'e noratione my purpoſe, this is nor faint Auftens minde alone , that the man yas habuit (houlde fo frette and fume at him therefore, For Gregorius Naxian- nage xenus »hath of Mayfes and Aaron, in plaine woordes, that they ‘rpc ” were bothe Prie/tes, and alleageth to proue it (as ſainct Auften did) leMoyfe he Bfalme where they are fo called , with dinerfe orher auncient KAaron, ‘Writers whome becauſe 1 take the café to be cleare emongeſt the ⁊ arned I here forbeare toalleage: and am for this time contented (to gine to our dduerfaries the larger feope) to put the cafe as though Mayfes had beinge noPrig?, corrected and reproued Aaron that was one » that he prefcribed tohim what he / houlde doe, that anit .capi- he made him Priel as it appeareth by the scriptures he did. The 68. whiche imagtned to be true,1 aſ Re this queftion, whether it doe therefore folow that Princes being lay menmay at this day in mat- ters of Religion, comptroll the Biſ hoppes., and preſcribe vnto them what ordre they {hall obferue and folowe therein? "whether they may alfo gine orders to Prieftes and confecrate Bif hoppes now,be- cauſe Moyfes confecrated Aaron then? No truely if you Will beleue tb.Inftic, lohn Caluine, it is an vntrue and a falſe collettion . For that Moy- peapar. _fesfaieth be , had bothe the charges , that is of thinges aſ well Ec- q.s. elefiafticall and fpirituall as cinile and politcke together: to that L anf Weare that it was done firft by miracle and [econdarily that that was but semporall, till ſuchtime as chinges Were better ſiaied. 3 — Qq 2 For J AREPROVFE OFM. for aftertarde faieeh he,as fone as God. had ordeined 4 forme fuch Caluins at an as be would / hould continue, there remained to Moyſes but onely the Svver to th cinile gouernement, concerninge the priefthocd , it Was nece/Jarée obiettio ¢ that he { hould refigne chat ro his brother Aaron. And good reajon wyfor it paſſeth natural power that one man{ hould fufteine both. the charges. Hetherto Caluine. Nowell .. The obiection of tow high Prieſtes at once, bath fo: much in if, ¢ pon Haug fatde fo litle againſt it, and fo fe. litle purpofe : that pour otone difcourfinge about tot. bighe Prieſtes at once tn this place, marreth all that you bere fo fore haue {aide ſor one high Piet , oz ſhall hereafter fay, fo2 the 1ifhoppe of Rome 5 as that one: high P2iek , and head of the whole Churche. Wheres. © ſoꝛe it greeueth not me,though Nazianzene agree with. — S.Auguttine , that Moles and Aaron were bothe high Peieſtes, for they and all other ancient docours. an agre that all Biſhoppes bp Goddes lawe be high Prꝛieſtes, euery one in theit owne diocefle higheſt and chiekeſt: and fo that none is aboue them, buf that- thep be all aquall , and therefoze pour Pope tn tas. binge bpon him to be the bighe Judge , ouer the Jud⸗ ges , and the bigh Withoppe ouer all Bithoppes ; isa: falfe vſurpar. wut here WM. Dormã of his largions liberaiitie,thinke: you (as be fatth) 02 of doubt, of bis fozmar dealinge foz: Poles Pꝛieſthod is content for this time to bane tow: - fringes to bis boe, one beinge cleane againt an other, that be map ſhote the freighter biltbe. And to put: _ p cafe that Poles was no Petelk,e that he Leinge no pricſt corrected, and dreproutd A Aaron ; that was one ; that he Eee 3 a Moyles. - DORMANS PROVFE. S$ to bimewhat he { buld do:made him prieft, as appeareth by the ſcrip- eares he did, what than ( faieth he ) doeth at folorwe therefore thas Princes being lay men { ball doo the ltke that they may at this daie in matiers of Religion controulle the Bifshoppes,and præſcribe vnto them what orders they {hall obſerue, and folo we therein , that they. may gene orders,and confecrate Bi[shoppes naWe,bicaufe Mofes con- fecrated Aaron than? To bis demaunde J anfiwere, that Princes map not doo all the thinges whiche Moles did. And we des maunde againe , map pour prteftes , 02 pour Pope hint: felfe, 02 can they doo the thinges that Moles did: JE thep can not 2 It is nothing to the derogation of Pꝛin⸗ ces anthozitie that they map not do al, that Boles dtd;. whiche all pour Popes and Galatians map not, noz can not doo. Touching giuing of orders, 02 conſecrating of Bi⸗ Moppes, we neuer fated that Princes might do ſuche thinges. Wiberefore itis in bathe to demaunde it, as: though we bad ſaid, they fo mighf.. | Hou would interre thereof, that Pꝛinces may not: thetefoze repꝛoue and cozrede prieſtes offendinge, as Poles d1d Aaron. Wiltke becaufe thep can not doo all. thinges that Moles td, therefore they tan da notbinge thatbe did... But by that reafon pour pope may not geue ozders,02 conſecrate Biſhoppes, as Moles didto Aaron, fo2 that be can not deuide the fea, bzinge water out ofa bard rocke , and do all the refioue of Moles his mpzacles, We graũt that Poles did facrifice,dtd anoinct andiniitute Aaron, and made him priette by fpectall commiffion,and thereforenc erample. oꝛdinarely to be folotwed;can be taken thereof.iBut that the repꝛouinge aad cozreding of Aaron the bigh prieſt offending, twas: Dy 3 miracu⸗ Se a ⸗ r⸗——— ¶— — — ——— — — A REPROVFE OF M enpracuions , and bp ſpeciall comméftion , op. Doꝛman ‘can never proue. Wut that it was oꝛdinary and oꝛdina⸗ welp €o befolowed we will prouein this pzoceſſe folos wing, by the ordinary bfage of auncient godlie Prin⸗ ees, a8 wel of theould Law, as of our Keligion, beinge $10 Pꝛieſtes, € pet oꝛdinarely repꝛouing and coꝛrecing Biſhoppes and Prieſtes, as Moſes did Aaron. Pou do very often pꝛay aide of Caluine, whom and Wwhoſe weitinges pou Be pzofeſſe that of allotherspow - ‘po mo dete but moze tncoruentétly,than now, por Newer did alleage him. Foz fir, pou putting acafe of © Moles as no Pꝛieſt, do baingin Caluine to pꝛoue your ‘purpofe:inbe faith that Moles than bled the prieſthod, and hab both the charges,as well Ccclefiatttcal ¢ Spi⸗ rituall,as ciuill and politique together: but afterward ‘(faith Caluine) it was necefarp that Poles thould res figne ouer the prieſthod te bis bꝛother Aaron, wherby dt is euident, that whã be did thoſe thinges, which por fpeabe of be bp Calutns tudgement,was a Pꝛieſt, and Hfed the prieſthoade. Caluine therfore fhould bane bene alleaged bp pou befoze, where pou travell fo earneftlp {0 prone oles a Peieſt. Secondly, where Caluine abe horring the vſurping of ciuil ¢ fempozall dominions € fartfofatons by pony Pope and other Prelates, doth in the place bp pou bere alleaged, declare that thepta not by Moles eraple(tobich twas mpzaculous, ¢ ſoꝛ a time) claime anp {ach thing:pou alleage this place of Caluin as againk bs, with who herein he doth mok theoughlp agreagain€ pou. Wherefore pou might better finge this Cong, that Mofes authoritie toyſe both the piritual and tem- poral tur i{di€tion came to him by myracle,and was t¢poral, for that tt 5 paffth natural ** that one man ſimuld fisfteine boeth the charges DORMANS PROVEFE » 156 charges as wel of the gpirituall as of cinilthinges: thts ſonge J ſay, may pou fing to pour maiſter D. Harding, whe a⸗ Hard. Confut boue all natural power and reaſon, gathereth of Moſes ·pol. zoj. mpzaculons ¢tempozal authoꝛitie,that Pꝛieſtes,⁊ {pes cially pon Pope map rule both Spiritually Tempo⸗ rallp. Wut thatthe antbozitie bled by Boles oner Aara, which we do attribute to Princes, is not-myaculous,. but o2dinarfe,not fempozal, but cotinuall, thal appears. suldentlp by other godly Princes of p Jues no pꝛieſtes, and bp Chziftia Pꝛinces alfo ogdinarilp vſing the like. It is no myzaculous noꝛ extraozdinarie thinge for 9.. Doꝛmã fo bzig in places of Caluin, where be at-large. and moſt erpeflic. oppugneth the Wopet his prelates. {niu and vnoꝛderly ofurpation , as though be therein had with them houlven againt bs. But that (tis no ers. traozdinarie thinge in Caluins fudgement., fo2 godly. Bainces to repꝛoue Pꝛieſtes ſwaruing fro Gods two2d, as here did Moſes to Aaron,f{s euident by Caluin euery where, where be intreateth of this matier, as Jhaue at large befoze declared. Caluin therefoze in this other. places, is again pour maiſter E pou ,and other pour: felotves, whoconfenting al, do attribute fo pour Pope both Lempozal and Spirituall office, andrule ; not as. gaint bs, who do make) offices cf a Pꝛince € a pꝛteſt, fo Difkinc, that. no Pꝛince may bꝛeake info the office of. a Pztell, as to pꝛeache,to bynde and-loofe, fo miniſter the. Sacramentes : neither contrarie wyſe, map a Pꝛieſte burt into pꝛincipalitie, and ciutll dominion, and iuriſdicion, as Caluine in this place bp pou allea⸗ ged, largely declareth to be expꝛeſſle by. Gods word ſor⸗ bidden him. Wut theſe men, who fo carefulife auoide all. confusion of Pꝛinces and Pꝛieſtes offices that thei can — note Sex.Decretal. Jib.3.tit.16. cap. Periculofo. in glofa. * REPROVFE OF M not abide that Chelttian Princes ſhuld controulle falfe — prtettes erring from Gods woorde, and do affirme it to be ertraozdinarie prefuming fo to de, which in deve bp the eramples of all ancient godlp Princes is proned moſt ordinarte, and no pꝛeſuming vpon Pꝛieſtes office at all:the fame men can well abide that prieſtes fhall tale not onelp (pirituallp , but tempozallp ta, and nof snelp controulle,but alfo depofe and depꝛtue Princes, (as vſuallie, though moſt bnozderlp their Popes haue done)and take bpon them to be lozdes of all the world, and bigh Cmperours atoue al princes,as in their own canon Lawe is recorded moſt contrarie to Gods word, forbidding the ſame:and Caluin in the berp fame place by .Dozman bere alleged as againt bs , likewile tee ffifipng tt tobe again Gods word/ and erprefip theres .” fn korbidden. Nowe as Calufne fatth, that your Pope ¢ bis pres | lates can not clatme both Ecclefiaticall and Ciuil do⸗ minfon and turiſdicion bp Moles example, fo2 that it ivas but tepozarie and pecultar to that one onelp time: fo teacheth Caluine, that pour Pope can claime no high Pꝛieſthood ouer the whole Chuarche, by Aarons erame ple,fo2 that it was peculiar to the onelp nation of the Jues, and their Churche,to haue one onely high Prieſt: and that it can not poſſiblie be that there ſhuld be likes wyle one head over all nations,and all Churches: and fo that neither Boles noz Aarons example can ferue pour purpofe, and pet pou being in Caluine as again® Ds. Lhe berp concluffon and effect of all pour dzifte is; that Prieſtes, though never fo wicked and abominable, snap not be controulled but bp Prieſtes (a good caution Sure, Quando lupus lupinam non eſt) e that —* » DO RMANS PROVEE 157 athey controull Pꝛieſtes,do tate vpon them Pꝛieſtes oitices:but Pꝛinces, Kinges, and Emperours, map be tontroulled by Pꝛieſtes, pea, and map be depoſed from thefr domintons, kingdomes , and Cmpires, by them: and vet do they not herein take bpon them Princes of- fices, but do, as it apperteineth to them by their prieſt⸗ Upright to da ; fo as D. Harding teacheth, Pꝛieſtest Conf, —* —* ſpecially the yope ; tmay tule both Tempozallie and Spiritually > but Princes map not. Wists pour docs trine of Pꝛinces and Pꝛieſtes: this is the pzactiſe of pour Pope and his Pzelates , motke contrarie to the Doctrine of our Sautour Chet, and his holie Apoſtles, and all godlp auncient Doctors, errrenene rear dane ſuch rule aud dorninion. | | — * 1 co oi a Now éfit be Jo that this auctoritie of Moyles came to bie * J miracles or that he had it by eſpeciall conimifion sthen'cde we not 6 so you “pot, of cither of thefe eto cafés gather a neceſſary conjey giitce, 8 ; And thus might we anf~were our aduerſaries good Readers, euen ~~ by their owne Doctour. Bat cleaning to the ſeriptures, and auncient fathers of Chriſus church, we hold the firf? opinion that Moyſes was abrieſt and that in that refpect he * es ouer * Neches end wot as he "Wasa Prince. 3 — Tuauhry bath pour matter D. Hardinge chan gathe⸗ ted this concluſion hereof, in thae Mofes had both the offices, D Hard, proueth that a prieſt may haue both, but not contrari wiſe that i wane, Ring mate have borh And againe. Now if Mofes were bot and his chief office was prie{thood,te folowpeth by that example hide the Pope may rule temsporallie,but not that a a miay Yule a ae r lg Apolo.fol.jo5, A REPROVFE OF M Thelſe pou wot are vour maiſters caclufions gathered of this example of Motes.Vou ihuld therfore make this anfwereta yvour maiſter not to vs. Foz we do graüt that Poſes did bp myzacle and by ſpectall commiſſion, both manie other thinges, ¢alfo fopned the exequution at diners poinctes of the Prieſtes effice with bis ciuill dominion:neither do we go about to gather any necel⸗ ſarte conſequence thereof, that ꝓꝛinces now mav aw p likestobichetbep neither dm, nog defireto dm. as doth pour Pope ¢ bis prelates, t voudo mainteine the fame, But that Poles dtd repzone and coꝛrect Aaron erring committing Idolatrie, either by mpzacleso2 ſpeciall cõ⸗ miffion, that we dentcsand by the odinarfe doinges of other godlle auncient Pꝛinces no Prieſtes, like wile res pꝛouing and coꝛrecting Prieſtes ofending, tt thal heres Xuſchbius in vita Meter be platnely pꝛoued. As Cufebius and Socrates Conftant, lib.x, do in their hiſtories Ccclefiakical compare Cõſtantine fol 2.& fa. 152. and Theodoſius the poger , Emperaurs, with the fame — & fo.153.& tur- oſes, as like to bint in fondgle vertues a deedesſo dare fam.15.167- we be boul to compaire aücient godly Princes repro⸗ Socrat.lib.7, €ap.42, ving and cezrecing Pateltes offending, to Peles doing map godly Chelan Princes of our time repzoue and cozrecte the tucked Prieſtes of our time: pea not res pꝛoue them onelp, but remoue themto. And fo doing, fhall folewe no myraculous erample done by fpectalt som Mion, but the oꝛdinarie office of all godly Pꝛinces in all ages mof vſually pꝛactiſed. Now that M.Doꝛ⸗ man did knowe right well that all thatbe had faidetn , ” Bis cafe ‘here put, was nothing tothe purpofe in deede, bin, ſelfe euidently declareth bprecoiling! back from big wih, cafe, wbiche of bis liberalitie be baba litle vein pu the like:and bp the crample of both Moſes, andthent, — DORMANS PROVFE 158 put, to geue bs the larger ſcope, as be faith. VBut notwe Hebloweth the retreat to bts Fozinar opinion, that Mo⸗ fes twas a Pꝛieſt, as vnto afafer ground to Land vpõ. But thus to put the cafe, that Moles were ns Wiel , € fo prove p fame bp Caluine, who ſaith be was a pate, and bled the prieſthood, that is, to mingle fite and wa⸗ ter together ; and whan be bath all bone after fo teude profequuting of the cafe,to put the cafe withall the tina plemetes thereof cleane awap, is not bis tiberalitie tas wardes vs in geuing vs the larger {cope as be faith but rat her bis libcralitte towardes him felf.geuing him felf a molt large (cope, to abuſe both bis own time and the Readers patience allo, with (ach leud triflinge, ¢ found anſwering of bs, bp our owne Docours (a5 he fateth) motte euidently declaring thereby to all diſcrete men bis owne notable dotage. To conclude: pou {ee good Keaders, that it: can not by ant hæbrue woorde of doubtfull figutfication, vn⸗ doubtedlie, and moſt euidently(as (atth . Doꝛmã)ap⸗ peare that Moles was a Pꝛieſt, ſpecially after he haa once inſtituted Aaron Prieſt: muche lee doth tt aps peare that Moles had bis authoritie oucr the bighe Pꝛieſt, not becaute be tuas a Pꝛince, but in that be was a Prieſt, as MD. Dorman aifirmeth. Vou fee allo, that as it were apparent abfurditte, one by bts pꝛieſthood to be aboue the highe Prꝛielt, who bp hfs office ts bis gbef of all other Prꝛieſtes: (ots it no abfaroftic for a godlie Pꝛince to be aboue the highe wWetelt, ¢to reprouc Exod: him offending,as Aaron confetted Motes to be His 1020, Lec ney and pactently Cuttetned, toban be was bp him (ulelte res we proud. And pou map lee that wehaue no cauſe/ muche cocave whether Doles tere a Pelelk , 02 no pete: Ir 2 fo2 were _——_ = — ‘ A REPRO VFE OF M fo2 were be no Prieſt, and pet both did direct and cor⸗ rect Hara the bighelt Prteſt, as it maketh wholly with the Apologte, and vs:ĩo to. grant that he werea patetts and ſo confequentlp that there were at once tow bighe Pꝛieſtes, and of the tow, oles to be the ſuperiour, and Aaron the tnferiour,do0eth ouerthzowe thetr doctrine of one bighe Prieſt, and the fupzemacie of the fame. And furtber pou fe, how dnreafonablie he alleageth out of Caluine that the tempozaric authosttie,whiche Moles had bp fpectall commiſſion and mpzacle, to be betha Pꝛieſt anda Pꝛince is not fo dꝛawe into erample, as though that were again vs, who da plainelp teache that the offices of Prieſtes and Pꝛinces are. diftinae, and may not be cõtouded: but itis moſt direcly againk bis matfer D.Barding ¢ other Papiſtes: who by that erample would eftablifh the Jaopesmpzaculous oꝛ ras ther montrous authozitic , in beinge both Pete and Pꝛince oz Magiſtrate: to the repzoufe wherof as being direclpagain& Gods word , Calutne (peaketh in that place :tobo alfo teachethithat the erample of arenas one onelp high Pzieſt, was likewiſe peculiar tothe nas tion of the Jues, and not to be dzatven into example fog ane onelp bigh Prieſt quer all nations, and Churches, no2 no otheriwifetabe bled; but that euery Charcheo2 Dioceſſe ſhould haue his Biſhop, that ts, bis one high Pꝛieſt to gouerne tt: and fo that Calutn being fo whol lic andclearlte with bs,¢againk them , fs by M. Doz⸗ man as with them, againſt vs moſte fondly alleaged. Gnd thus finally pou fe good Readers, that theere amples as wellof Aaron as of Moles , were be Prieſt 02 vis Patek maketh with vs andagain&tpem. DORMANS PROVFE. 159 GMI MN dorman Fol35.. : The next example that theyalleage is of Ioſue, who beinge alſo Hofius begin a cinile magiſtrate, receiued (they fate) at the time that he Was ap- neth this treatie poinéted to gonerne the people , expreſſe commaundement and by * yee name , of Religzon and Worf bipping of God.But by what Woordes ment. lib.2, fol that Wonlde 1 faine Rno-we. For in that chapitre by them in their 66 .b. we, Apologie alleaged , can 1 finde no Woordes whereby there might be grounded in temporal men, as we call them, or ciuile magiftrates any fuche au€toritie ouer matters of religion, as they labour to in- duce . For firfte this is out of all queftion , that in one of thefé t wo D.Harding.Cé. fentences it és which 1f hall here alleage,or that elles ĩt is not there fut.fol.305.b. to be looked for . The firftof the whiche two is this; Confortare & eſto robuſtus Kc. Be of good comfort and be ftronge, that thow. maiefikepe and doo all the lawe, whiche Moyfes my fernaunt hath conimatinded thee. s-wparue not either to the right bande or to the lefeesthat thon maieſt vnderftande all thinges that thon doef. 1s there here good readers any auCforitie given to meddle With veligion? was there not 4s much as this cometh to, fated to enery ene The fame faith dear ofthe children of t/raell, that they/houlde truely obferue the com. D. Hardinge. maundementes giuen to them by Moyfes? 1s there not as much [aide Confut. Apo}. to euery une of ys touchinge the obferuinge of the commaundemétes Bol. 303.4 of almighty God? and yet had neither the children of Yfraell then, nor we no w auctoritie ouer Religion pardie. The other fentence is this.Non recedat volumen &K¢. that is to faie: let not the booke of this lawe departe from thy mouthe, but thou ſ halte [bende thy i time both night and day in the meditation thereof; that thon maicſt Reepe-and doo all thinges that are vrtiten therein. Then [hate thon dirett thy way and vnderflande the fame. Where \ pray you is loſua here commaunded tomeddle with yeligion?in that that he is bidden to ftudy the scriptures?NowW [ures _ dythat és far fercht and needeth no great refutacion. For this kno c. fuith 1) seard. swell will they graunte,and for 4 Maxima and ‘very principleis Cofut.fol.303.2 * ga dina Xe 3 és | A REPROVFE OFM it holden in their religion, that thefe woordes perteine to every ma a like , af well tothe Cartar as to the Kinge or Duke sand make as, + much for rhe one to.be a Xinge, as they-doo —— arhersocntres la meddle inthe order of Religton.. | a Novwell. Whether there be nothinge to be fonnde inthe frte | chapter of Jolua,foz the anthogitie of godly ciuill Pagte | itrates in matiers of Religion, vnleſſe tt be in one. of P I: tow fentéces by. M. Doꝛmã here noted, we thal fe bere- i after. But thofe worꝛdes which arebphimberereberfeo } Apologia. 2.1. be (uffictent to pone al p the Apologie affirmeth of Zor re madara ſua:which {85} Joſua tecefued comatidement erpaellv, | aoe eatim de Louching Religion, and the worchipping of Goo, foz fo | religione,deque Much Jam Cure no ma but M.Doꝛman, wil vente fo be . colédo Deo. conteined tn thefe wordes of that chapter; Ne declines &c. and Non recedat volumen Xc. pistofap:ZLbow fyalt not ſwarue either tothe right bande, oz to the left 4 from mp law:that vᷣ maiſt vnderſtand al thinges that ᷣ doeſt. Let not vᷣ boke of this law departe fro thy month, . but thou halt ſtudie therein both night ¢dap,that thou | maiſt kepe ¢do al fhinges p are writen therein: that [ fhalt thou direct thv wap, and vnderſtande the ſame. Is fi not bere Jpzay pou an expꝛeſſe comaundement of God fo Joſue, touching Religion, and the woz thippinge of God? And more the Apologte faith not. | Now cocerning theſe wordes of Ood fo Joſua twite repeted, Vt cuftodias & facias oẽm legems Kc. Kites rum.Vt cuftodias & facias omnia que ſcripta funtin volumine legis huius Xc. vᷣ ts to ſay: That thou maitt f Keepe and do all the law:and that thou mail kcpe and | | ao all thinges conteined in the bolume of this latwcs | | — Dozman faith there is no moze here * oſua⸗ DORMANS PROVFE. 160 Zoſua, tha fo cuery one of the chilozew of Iſraell, thaf as:that thei fhould truely obferue the comaundementes geuen to them bp Moles, and be ſtudious of the Scrips tures:and beaddeth , that {t is holden fo2 amaxima, ¢ very principle in our Religion , that thele wordes pers teine fo enerp man alike 5 as Well to the Cartar as to ‘the Binge 02 Duke: it is M.Dorman that fo faith ,.and not tee. Foꝛ we, feinge the wordes vt cuſtodias & fa- ‘cias, that thou mai kepe, and thou mat dw all the lawe tivife repetcd ¢fpoken to the Prꝛince, do fap: that agreater charge is giuen top Petnce than to euery one of the common people, e that in theone vtfacias, that thou matt do all the lat, isa comandement touching the Princes obeing of it him felfesand in the woꝛde, vt cuftodias oẽm legein,that thou matt keepe al the lat, is a commaundement ſpeciall to the Peince,tohauetbe = => ſaid loawe in bis cuſtodie, as by the Scripture it is euf- Prioceps cuſto⸗ pent be thould haue,to maintaine the ſaid lawe, and to 8" cauſe al other to keepe it. And if this diſtincion like not our aduerſaries, fure Jam, that nolearned man will Dente,but that thofe wordes, cuftodies, & facies, thou thalt keepe, anddo fhe tobole late , being fivife fo ncere together repeted, do conteine a moze carne charge, than té it had been fimplie once falde,facies,thon Malt do it: And where is added oẽm legem,Xc. all the law, oꝛ the whole lav, that, fap we, doth fignifie both D - tables of pᷣ law,as wel the firſt table, touching the true woꝛrſhipping of God, as the fecond, touching outward god o2d2¢, iuſtice ehonelic: which both fo keepe;t to fe kept; fap twejdoth appertatne fo.a godly Pꝛince. This, Dauthog of the Apologic wꝛiting but thae lines of Jos faa in this place, coulde not expꝛeſſe,but ancly touched ' it, as D.Hard. Cõfut. 4pol. fol.303.a A-REPROVFE OFM it, as in fach breuitie was neceſſarie. And be was the fhozter , for that he hada fe lines before thus wetten — the fame. Praterquamn ꝙ principi fideli A Deo man⸗ data eft cura vtriufq; tabula &c, that is to ſay:biſides that a Chꝛiſtian Prince hath the charge of both tables committed fo him bp God,fo thende he map vnderitãd, that not tempoꝛal matiers onelp but alfo religions and Eccleſiaſtical cauſes perteine to his office. Theſe be the wordes of the Apologte, gathered out of thefe wordes of God fo Joſua in this place, and of {uche like woꝛdes fo other godlp Princes in other places. Pow will pou heare D. Bardinges anfweare hereto: itisthis If jo meane that the Ringe ought to fee others to kepe both tables of the law:that may be doo either. inappoincting temporall paines for the tran greſſours of them, or in executinge the faide paines vppon the tran greſſcurs. But as becan not excommunicate any man for not ap- pearing when he is called ſo ca he not indge all cauſes of the law. Lo. Dorman here ts ſomewhat grauntes by pour maiſter that pertaineth not as well to the Carter as to the Kinge or Duke, and that maketh moze for a Kinge to intermedle in the ordre of Keligion, chan ic maketh for a cartar tobe a Kingeas tt pleafeth pou, pleafauntlp (as pou thinke) to plap with thefe tum2des. Here, J fay, tt is confeſſed that a Prince map either appoinct tempozall patnes, for the tranfgreffours of Goddes lawes of both the fables , oꝛ ſee the {aio patnes erequated bppon the tranſgreſſours;: this can not a Carter d0,thts pour matter confetleth a Linge may do. And tf pour Withoppes and Prieſtes be tranſgreſſours of both the tables, pou fe ÿvᷣ¶ Pꝛince map ſce tempozall patnes, as impꝛiſonement, ſequeſtration from their lintnge, 02 depriuations, ifthe caufe fo ter quire, to be erequuted spon them, And this kceping inf ) DORMANS PROYVFE - — allthe law, oꝛ charge of both the tables we fap , is here by God committed ecomannded to Joſua, what ſo euer poufay. And what pou fap t€ forceth not,fo2 pour mats - ffcr confetleth the fatd charge of the keeping of both the tables of Gods lawe bp fempozall paines, fo apperteine to godly Princes:which being by pour maiſter grated, Wwe fay,proueth p Princes map intermedle inthe ordre of religton;though pou do dente it. How vᷣ which pour maiſter ercepteth after ward, chat 4 kinge can not excomunie cateany mannor,can not tudge all caufes of the lawe , toe gladly admitte,¢ do thinke verely that no kinge will deſire to excõmunicate any man.And godly wiſe Pꝛinces which know they are not bableto iudge all cauſes of ciuill 02 mans lanes , twill nof peafume to iudge all caufesof Gods lawes.WMWhich ff pour Pope dw præſume to do, be fhalbe moze peefumptuous , than cither wiſe o2 godly. But will pou alſo heare what Bofius anſweareth to p like obfection } Princes hauc thecharge ol both the tas bles, and confider whether, D. Harding bozotwed not his anfiveare of him. Nam & nos Magiftrarum itidem yt Hofius lib.⸗ ille(Caluinus)cuftodé effe prima & fecunide tabulze fol.ios.a legisyquod ad externa difciplina attinet,profitemur, Debet enim prohibere externa ſcælera, punire fotes, . prohibere Idololatria veftram 5 & blafphemias &c. ss fs to fay: Foz wwe alfo (latth Hofius) do pꝛoteſſe ltker twife as doth Caluine, $ the Magiſtrate is the keeper of Cuſtos prime & the fir ¢ feconde table, as much as. apperteineth tg the ſecunda tabulx⸗ outward difcipline: Foꝛ the Magiſtrate ought to forbto outward wicked Deedes, ta punith ocfendours, to co bid | pour Zbolatrie,¢ blaſphemies: that the Dagitttate taf, fer pou not fo fet ſorth top people , in Kee of § tuwzde of God penr owne worde, eit to be worſhipped of the onthilful people, as though it — woꝛde, onely —— J 8 ’*?: = — Oi - - ASREPROVFE OF Me * fo2 afew twoides; ont of 8 5 * hought awꝛeſted to a wronge ſenſe · The hagittrats ought to. Tueri & pro- defende,g fot forth the godlv doctrine which be hath fra. — the lathers, to fathers, as it were by hand rece iued, and Ci impijs culti. Lour wicked doctrine together, With pour wicked wor⸗ busveltris, hlippinges ought vᷣPagiſtrate to. abolif ¢put away AY cies Thus farce hoſius truely tranllate worde Foz tww2de; Lo here allo M. Dorman an other maner of kceping of the whole law or both the tables confetted bp pour mate fer. his authour and pours, than apperteineth te the - Carter, as Wellas tothe Ringe. And we are tell tons font that the Chika Wagikrate Linge op Printe dar — torbidde all out warde wicked dee des, and punith aloe ſendours:and Qo ſorbidde Idolatries and blaſphemies/ and ſuffer not mans worde fo be fet forth fo the vnſkil⸗ kull people, and by them to be worſhipped for Goddes Wade; onely for tata ek Awe A | fures, and Wetted to a wzonge ſenſe WMee do graunt __ that thegpagittrate tinge, 02 Pꝛince ought to detende and ſet forth godly doctrine receiued from the lathers ot as it were bp bande 5:and ought to abolithe and put a⸗ way wicked doctrine with all wicked worſhſppinges. Herein do we agree: With your maiſter D. Hardinges. herein we agree with Hoſius, pour maiſters authour of this ſentence. But weagree not with you, who Da on Maps that this kepinge ofthe whole law, oz both tables, doeth mahe as mach for aCarrer.tobe a kinges as for. 4 Kinge? to anteruiedle in the. ordre of Religion... F024 to puniſhe outs Warde wickednes, and offendours.aga(htt both the tas bles »;fa foebidde Idolatries, and blaſphemtes tote that.mans woꝛrde be not ſet feagthand woo2 hipped fog Goddes worde, to deſende mainteine and. fet forth god⸗ doarine and eliglon⸗ ato aholfty wicked an | ace Religion⸗ DORMANS /PROVFL. 16% Religion, erites (all fobiche pour authour hoſius par- ficularly graanteth , and pour maiſter D. Hardinge ttt effed,docth graunt the ſame, foapperteine to the Was gifrate,isinge,o2 Prꝛince) this we fay, is to intermedle in the ozdzc of Keligionsand I beleue no man but pou, will denie it ſo to be. And thus pou fe gad Keaders how D. Hardinge, and Cavdinall hoſius do graunt thatdinges e Prin⸗ tes haue the keepinge o2 charge of both tables, oꝛ the wyole law committed vnto them: as bere was the god⸗ Ip poince oꝛ Duke Joſua cõmaũded to ktepe the whole lawe, or fo be a keeper of both the tablesof the latwe, fog. allis one. But pou will fap 5 thep are our Idolatrtes our blaſphemies oꝛ wicked doctrine, Keligton, and wor⸗ thippinge's that. ofins faithe the Magiltrate ought to fopbinoe saboltthe , and put-alwap «We know he fe faith:but will pou fap,that the godly Magiſtrate ought not likewile to foꝛbidde, aboliſhe and put. aivap. your Joolatrics., pour bla{pbemies , pour Wicked doctrine⸗ Heligion — Vou will fap pou haue no ſuch thinge im pour- Churches giue vs leaue ta fay.the, like, fo2 eur felfes, that we haue no Idolatries blaſphemies, wicked docrine, Keligion, noz rites: and giue the Magiſtrate, tinge +s 02 Pꝛince, et. leaue and authoꝛitie, te fogbidde; abolithe, and put away all Ado⸗ latries, blafphenties, wicked dogrine, and wicked Keli⸗ gion, where ſo euer they. finde it, in pono in vs: foꝛ ſo ãcknowiegeth D. Hardinge fo. confeſſeth and profeſ· ist vardinall Wodus , Onletfe pour aquitie, and euen ng fill — —“ ouer vs, but 1106 ———— J oon sosviglenderld ol names ensisd Pow: care Dottus tyeabeth, of gobly nodvine,as ; wastes weretelued fromthe Fathers sno godly aig. Ss 2 doctt ins A REPROVER OF M ! pocrine fo receiued will we rekuſe: ¢our doctrine which theprefute , we doubt not to proue vᷣ ve haue receiued it fromthe bef, ¢ mo ancicnt holy fathers, ¢ from the Apoſtles them felfes the fathers of fathers; yea front Chꝛiſt, who ts befoze and aboue all fathers, and bp the agreinge of cur dodrine , with bis doarine in bis holie woꝛrde conteined, we haue alreadie ſo proued the ſame before both Magiſtrates, a pꝛiuate perfons, before both qazinces , and people, that agreat humbze of them are fhaoughlp perſuaded, that not we, bat pou hate; vſe 5 Idolatries, blalphemfes, letting lorth of mans worde Foz Ooddes worde, wicked doctrine , Wicked Religions. Wicked waz Hippinges; ¢ rites, by godly Princes to be forbidden, abeliched, and cleane put atwap . — leaue it to thie iudgement gud Reader, whethers and Princes, With other Magiſtrates, hauing with be kepinge of the whole latue, oꝛ both tables , anthozitie- to puniſhe offendets againt both: the tables 5 hauinge authoritic to ſoꝛbidde, abolifhe, and put away Idola⸗ tries, blafphemies, mans wade; Wickes’ docrine; wie⸗ Hed Keligtan, worz hippinges, (which ts by the adi ſaries confeſſed they baue;) haue not witball fomnethine. | todo with intermedling in p ordre of religis: which . Dorman here venieth v Ringes ⁊ Pꝛinces hanes How. by the way: whereas God itr the places by: %, Doz man here noted, commaundeth Jotua’ a Souldier anv: man of warre, to fudie in the Scriptures both night. - anddap’s no Doubt he willeth princes; who enisye the quietnes and leafure of. peace 5 te 20 no leffe’ And Wwhete Cod faithe j that the adie of his lawe dothe beinge aman to the knowledge and onderftandinge of that he ought to doe, andto the direction Of hid: wates: bow thete nen > — keepe all men Princes and athers — — — — — DORMANS PROVFE 163 others as muche asin them lieth, not onely from the ſudie/ but from the reading and fight of the fcriptures, as the cauleof all errours 5 not the Direction of mans wales: prxferring {gnozace,as the mother of deuotion, befoze knowledge what we ought todm , hereby God commẽded:how they Jſay, do herein agree with Gods twill and comaundemét,F prap the god Keader cofiver.. And thas muche touching the tow places out-of the. firll of Joſua which it pleafed . Doꝛman to note. Now, where he faith that an the one of theſe tory places of shar chaprer by him alleaged,-what{cener may be faid forcinilMa- gifratesto haue any authoritie in matiers of Religio isto be foud, erels it is out of al queftion thar it isnot there to, be looked for. on hail bnderitand, thata queſtion o2 twayne map reafonablie be moned of other places in that chapter, € that therefoze it ts not fo cleave out oꝛ all queſtion, as be would make it· Foꝛr what fate you 9. Dorman to. thefe woordes of God in the fame chapter, Sicur fui cũ Mofe & ci As F was with Poles, fo wil J be with the:: J wil not leane the noz forſake the. And vpon this cõ⸗ miſſion,the Pꝛinces ofthe people 5 with all the people together, to whom. ſaid Pꝛinces were by Joſua ſent, do ioinctly fay. Sicut-obediuimus. in cunctis Mofi, ita: obediemus & tibi &c.to ſay.As toe obcfed Poſes inal thinges, fo Will we.alfo ober ther; onelp let the Lord be: with the,as be tvas with Poles. Mholoeuer thal gain fay thte mouth, €not obey all the wordes, tobithe thou. halt commaund him, let him die... Whele be their very woꝛrdes, Which Do not alike belog to the Carter: as to the King: neither do make as much foꝛ a Carter to be a “Bing, as foꝛ a Wing to intermedle in the * of sell 3 — pleafeth poute fapes on 33, Powwe: SS wr —— — — — —_ — Eee A- ‘REPROVFE ‘OF M,° Hoty fix, tf thep all will obep Joſua in all thinges stip obcted Polesrand thet ebeted Motes tn matiers | DOF WEligtoi, (as ts euident, and as ts before by you con⸗ feted) Why Houldthep than not obep Joſua in matiers ‘of Keligion: This fs one queſtion fir. An other quekia 48, whoſoeuer thal gains fap Joſua his monthe and not obey all bis commaundcmentes Mal die:why ſhuld not sthan any ofthe Prieſtes o2 Leultes ;that is, anpol the Clergie; gainelatpng 02 Difobeing Joſua, die allo⸗ Pore ſe herets an other queſtion, and peraduenture it will trouble pour beadto makea good anſwere thereto:and therloꝛe the matier is not cleare out of al queſtiõ. Jam fare pon wilbe dziuen of this abſolute vniuerſal propo⸗ “fition: as Wwe obeted Moſes in all thinges, fo twill we ds “bep thee,to make a particalar, byrettratning tf,t0 mas ‘fers of watre,€ thinges tempoꝛal(as vou cal the)e like⸗ wile of tht bifuerfal, hofocuct thal diſobey thé let the die. Pou wil make arettraint te twhofocuct:of the lat⸗ tie thal difobep thee, let bint die. Wut whether poumap mate ſuch glofes bpon p woord of God,02 no, is a ques ſion alſo:and if pou map, (tts ont ofall queſtion/ ᷣ pow —* turne le athipmans bole, — * —* reer of ti ithel ae bie 0 Dorman. Fol: 36. * 9¢ i 7 Capa isa at ely perc —— —2 — theihad had but ——* toſerue they puri \pofe for Ringes, as the catholikes hane for priefies out of the bolic ſiptares many If thei coulde haue founde bit one puce àn al the ‘nppholecorps of the fériptures,~where had ben [eid chat che lips ofthe cauile mapiftrate ſ hould Repe the knowledge of Gods moft holy nil and pleaſurc and bis mouth be the treaſme of the ſame as ts faideof the oe O lord horww ts itlehely that thety lippies ; monthes. aid é tongues, DORMANS PROVEE » 164 songnes {hould haue ſowned anil:clattered thereof long before. this, shat yu ffle fo roith the example of iofuebecanfe(or for no cause) hat he *was willed to ſtuch the feripturesids,fembling in the meane fede fom the.27.chap.of the booke of Numerésrtphere in plaine Wordes it D. Hard. Confu? is tobe foundesthat lofue Was fubielt to Eleaxarus the high pricfhat fol. 305. obiece. whofe bidding the feripture faith bef bould £ — mon come in, teth the fame,. * god all the lilo of Ifraell., + Nowell; vou niede not 29, Dogma to fpeaticof Penis He and ruffling forwith the example of Tofua, the Apologte ſpeaketh modeſtly ¢foberly thereof ; lefie nde bane poutotalke oł fotwning eclattering of lfppes,mouthes, etongues; the Apologie 1s moſt bziefe, bttering al that it ſpeaketh Apologia.g.c. of Joſua, in leſſe than foure lines,'falpng, p bereceiucd pas ·· Acces , cõmaundemẽts of God by name of Keligton,¢the wo, a sep ban: : Wipping of God. Thus faith the Apologie: and here joinc,déq,coo- neit her triiphing, nor rucfling:much leſſe of ſo wninga ieado Deo, tlattering of lippes, mouthes/ ⁊ tõgues. But ſome fond beads are ful ofruffling ¢ triumphing topes, where ng cauſe is:⁊ haue belles ¢ratles, ringing ¢ clattering cõ⸗ tinually in them, when althinges bequiet ¢ fill, But now $. Dorman bath well declarcd, ( a3 he thinketh) but how, pow haue beard, that Joſua bis exãple is ſim⸗ ple, weake, farre fetcht, impertinent fo out purpoſe; nedeth no great refutation: be doth of notable art ope⸗ pone, and ſette againſt it , as it were a Giant againſt a Child, the ſtrongel ficmamét, and impzeqnable bulz warke, p be bath fo2 p.authorltie of pꝛieſts aboue Pꝛin⸗ £e8ythat is:the lippes of the: Pricfies {4 houldheapeshe. knovwleve, of Godsmaftholie wil and 1 pleafure:and h his mouth f huldbe the threa- four of the fame: wherot he made mẽtion afoge,0 lord /aich —— thet could find but one abe dibe text out of she "whole Dox.fup.fo.3:b» a corps. tee ees eee ee j A REPROVFE OF M * of the scrépturessfor ſunges: how their Lippes, mouthes 5 and tongues, Would found and * thereof. Thele be , Doze mans woꝛdes. Nowe lurely MD. Dorman, Jamright —__ | ſlad that we haue no ltke tert toꝛ Chꝛiſtiã Pꝛinces as | fs this pours foz Prieſts:toꝛ as J have befoze declared; | wha Doo by bis JBrophet bath toulothepPrlettes tbat | was their duetie, ¢ what knowlege in his worde thep I : ought to baueinthetr lippes,what guides to bis people t ia they ſhuld haue bene, how honeſt a life thep ſhuld haue | led: be doth than declare, tbat in deede the fatd pzieſtes } Malzch.2. wore, that ts:fuch as bad departed from the right wap, | Hicr6. io Mala, g had erred both on the right band, andleft, e therefore | | not tobe folowed{n their wꝛong wales, ſuche as cau⸗ fed many to offend againſt the Lawe , ¢ ſeducers of the ik people that folowed them, bzeakers of Gods couenant, i partial,¢ accepters of perfons:and that God bad theres i | ou. >) faze bꝛought the fatd Prtebes into cotempt amongit al | —- people. Such ts the tert of p Prophet Malachie, wherot i pouthus beagge etriumphe , ſuche were the prlettes ¢ | | thefr tend lippes, wherot pour lippes, now do thistoas | eclatter ,-(foz 3 may iuſtly anfwvere poutn pour otpne } termes ¢ wordes)t thett lippes being (uch, ¢ fo boide of i all god¢ godly knowlege, pou were not athamed with fe pour lippes there to mabe a loud lend Ite, ſaing: chae the Dor. fap. fo.18,b Prophetes doo prome/fe that the Prieftes lips [ould not miffe to heape true knowlege. WMherekoze tt is not without great cauſe p | pou once again clatter ¢ bꝛag of thefe leude lippes anv j bf this,the which emonget others , doeth mote linelic e fet loorth, and as ft were depatnce pour Pope, and bis Prtetes , breakers of Cods holfe conenaunt , Traters fcom the right waye on both handes, feoucinge of the | veople,aud mofte cozrupt, and partiall menne. f A peape — ee” DORMANS- PROVFEy. 16$ Iypꝛay Bod we finde no luch terts fox our Chpittia pri⸗ ces,fo2 (hive do F allure pou twe twill not bag nor boatk muche of'them, as pou do of this pour notable terte foz Pꝛieſtes:wheroft vet had pou had as much diſcretion in pour bead, and vnderſtanding in the tertes of the ſcrip⸗ fuves,as pou bad plentp of inke in pour penne, neither woulde pou bane twit femuche hereof , neither ſchoulde pout lippes, mouth, and tongue, baue founded and clats tered fo muche , noꝛ pou haue made fuche a ridiculous, Jwot not, oz rather ruful rufle , there about. And thus Itruſt Jhaue {uffictentlp declared that the Apologte doeth well, with great modeſtie, breuitie, and to good purpofe, vſe the example of Joſua: and that the ſame dooth cffectuonfipe bothe reppoue manifolde vntruthes and abufes of the papiſtes, and alſo confirme the right of pꝛinces fo deale in maters of Keligion, and that . Dorman without all cauſe deriding the dle of the ſaide example, hath Mewed hit ſell therein to be mote ridi⸗ qilouss sry ssittaie sn ‘ | Auhere M. Dorian complatneth shat we dilemble the Num.27- a7.chapter of Numeri, wher in plaine words (be fatth)zt zs ford ~ that lofue Was ſubiecte to Eleaxarus the high Priefle & c. Itan, Jaſſure pou, finde no (uche plaine words of the ſubiec⸗ tid of Joſue to Cleasarus: and if it wil pleaſe thee good «1 Meader to perule with diligence that whole chapter, | thou thalt,¥ think, finde no one word, much leſſe plate words, of enp fuch fublectia: but that it is plainly ſub/ ſubditum et fup fect, and thoutt in, as a woꝛd of the fert by pou 9. Dor ⸗ posititiam. +” Man, Vour . Dodour harding, who fpeaketh of tyys VideHar4-Co- place likewile,coulo not as bp bis words appearcth, int? mets plathe worde finde,that Jorue was fubléd to Cleasar?. v: Truthe tt is, that Cleasarus the highe Prieſt did afte * St councell Egredietur, & ——— Theodoret.lib. 5. cap. 23. Numerijeap.27. A REPROVFEOFM.® © countel of the Lozdfoz him, and that vpon his wordehe and alithe Chilazen of Iſraell ſhoulde go forth etome in, But that dooth no moze pꝛoue that Joſua was fabs fect to Cleasarus, than that liinge Esechfasdefired E⸗ fafas to aſke councel of the 102d fog him:and that bing Joſias (ent to holda the pzofetiſſe woma; to aſk coũ⸗ celof the RLoꝛd in maters of Keligion to, and that the ſaid kinges did accogdinge to their councel, dooth prove the ſaid Kinges to be fublede to a poꝛe {ely Prophet oz afely woman, tubo Jam Cure were neyther of thens bighe Pzieſtes: and ſurely we are not againſt it , but that peinces Hall beare not onelp the bighe Pꝛieſtes and WBithops , but eucry eccleſiaſticall miniſtre, brꝛyn⸗ ging with him ods worde, as here Cleasarus is conv maunded to dw. Wat (f Jwould reſtraine Eleazarus ass thozitte to the onely gotug ouf, and comming home, to, and from the warres, whiche are worzldly affafres,and no maters of religion ,as the berpe tymades of the ters doc ſceme fo founde , and the practtfe after Warde doth agree to the fame, Wbat can %. Dorman; 02 the pas pits Cap thereto, who ble the ſelues moze bnlikely and bureafonable reftraintes again the anthozitteof pꝛin ces74u whiche cafe Joſua fs pet no moze ſubied to Cle azarus,than was Theodoſius the Cmperour fublecta the pmze godly Monke of Egipt, named Joannes: who gaue bim knowletge when be ould haue profperous ſucceſſe ſn warres. Now it it pleaſe M. Doꝛmã that no reſtraint bebere made fir this chapter of: Numerie, - fog that fome thinge (s to be ſaid thereout foz the byghe Pꝛieſt, Jreceiue the condition ,. and pray M. Doꝛman that be wil not deale vneuenly with me.(tobich be doth dlame fo muchein other men ) but that the — = DORMANS PROVEE, sé the fame berp place immediatly nert before the wordes __ bp O.Dorma, for the bigh wrlelks authozitte alleaged, mab alfobe free fromall reitrainct, which arethefesAus diat Lofuam omnis finagoga filiorum Hraell , Let all . the Sinagoge, Conregation,o2 Churche ofthe chlldzen of A(cael,beare(that is to fav)obep Jofua. Let vs F fap, “bere bane no refraining to the Latty onelp , noz excep, ~ * thon of Preiſtes, oꝛ churche men, ſpeciallye ſceinge the woorde Sinagoga, fs no aliene noz itraunger to them. Powe wheras M. Dorman chargeth bs with diſſem⸗ blinge of this place in Numeri, whiche as pou fee, we had no cauſe fo diſſemble: howe muche moze iuſt cauſe haue ive focharge him, and other Papitke , whe doo fo _olc-/ :Déepelp diffemble fomanyp thinges tn the bake of Joſua, om -° “Moetleenidently makinge for the authozitie and chiete ~ > gouetnement of Princes , ouer Prielk~,andinmatiers “ bf Religiõ. As that the Pꝛieſtꝭ remoucd and ſtayed the lofuc.3.cap.e? - alxe of couenant at Joſua his commanndement, What loſuc.z. <0 4 oe becommaunded the Childzen of Iſrael to be circumei/ oo bi fed: ant aultar fo be builded: ſacritice to be offered,accoz. teers" Ding to the law of God: the Deuteronomle to be twetts tofue.s. fer bpon the ſtones:Gods commaundements,blefing? and curſings to be read to the people:and that him felfe both exhorted the people tothe obedience and ſeruice of lofue.32.&.34, God, and feared theme from all Idolatrie/ and impietie molt earnettly. All thts and muche moze doth M. Doꝛ⸗ man, and bis M.Doctour Barding mote deepely diſſem Harding. cõfut. bie, being plainly fet forth in the booke of Joſua:and in Apolog zo5. b, the meane time theone gyzeth at our handfome proving of our matiers», the other talketh ef our farre fetching of our ma⸗ tierssand diffembling of a placein Numeri, which plainly ma⸗ keth for va. brkens sina e Tt 2 Dorman Hofius.lib.s, boje feare for hat which fo lately before hehadfeene happen vnto seth D Harding the tabernacle prepared to receine it ,but called vnto him Sadoe A REPROVFE OF M,.° © cals) ojo) Dorman fedgen, conti onlyqied anal ed3 | it foloweth, that Kinge Dania brought home thearkerefaredh ns. x rligion'y Was prefent not onely as to achnoniſ he or encourage thett ara that accompanied it, but deliuered alfoto them plabnesiand binmesx.Paralips ii difpojed the order of euery thing, infrituted tbe ceremonies and ſol- Cap. itʒz. nities, & ruled afier a fore the priefis. That Dauid broughe home she 4 ark it cã not bedenied,tothe houſe at che lealtof bed edé:alehough "tips in an other place we read how Danid being ſtroſen With a meruei⸗ APS fol.67.a. Oxasfor the onely flayeng (being no priefithe Ark, which other wiſe The fame anſive Was in great daunger to fall:he would not prefume to cary the ſame mang Ol, and Abiathar the prieftes, willing them in exprefe “words to carye Auoe it tothe place appointed ther fore, left happely God might trékeithé The brimꝰ once againesfor doing the likevntarwful att to thatrwhich ehbvough ging hom their abjence before they had done.He made plalnes & wrote hinés the arke | Triflated word ’? the glory and praife of God. And -jyho is there 1 pray you thae at ae For word out of *#8 day forbiddeth any Prince or Kingeto dothe /ke? He appoyt® ackenovvle Hofius.lib.2. ted and effabli{ hed to ſerue the temple forenerifome tofinge.fome t6 eed by Da uid had appointed players and finging nien as he did not,bur willed * the chiefe of the Leuites to appoint ſome of their brethern thereto? that therefore he was cheif gouernour im all caufes ecclefiafticall. O rwhat new logicke is fodenty ſprong vp With their new dininiti. 1, Par.i5. -Jafng Dauid did not only bꝛinge home the Arke fo the boule of Dbed, but alfo bzought (t afterward home into | | the Citie of Dauid, ¢ placedit in the tabernatle wich be bad thete mabe'foz it. That he bled the helpe oftz Acuites tn the carping of the arke (Ceing it appertatne | DORMANS RO VFE. 167 to their peculiar. office fo to doe) what meruaile oꝛ nets (a that: GUbo, ewer Denied but, that the Lcultes a peteſts ought te doa thetr offices wwe euer graunted alfo,that by the example of, Dia, whiche pou likewiſe haue bozow- Hoftts tb. * g. ed of Pofius) mé be warned not to entermedie fn other fol.«7. mens offices, nothing to them appertapning. That 2, Dormã permitteth to Chriſtiã pꝛinces to wꝛite plang andbimnes to the glozyand pzatte of God it is libevals ipdoone of him ; bad-bealfe added with Botius (out of Hofius lib.2, fal tubome be bathe ad verbum tranflatedall this futfe,) “:>-* 67% Scribimus indocti doctiq; poemata. paflim. that is, Learned and pniearned (it maketh no mater). we write poeſſe⸗ enery where:than had M. Doꝛman woathelp bebaued bins felf(like my oꝛd Cardinalls Chaplaine) in deriding of the Striptures, and comparing of Dauld pſalms with vaine and vnlearned poeſies, as doth hoſius ful like a Cardinall of Kome, where he laugheth at our nelp Lov gicke fodenly fpzong bp with our new diuinity, he doth by his good righte and autoritie, ſeinge bets him felfe knowen to be fo bureafqnable and: ſubtile a Legittan, andfoauncientand profound a Divine. We frameth our argument in ded after bis otune Logtque in this man⸗ ner. Danid (fatth be ) appoiucled and offabli-ted to; ſer the Temple for. ener sfome to fi mgs ifome to play, on e Organs me anda great forme(the | cripture hath itit:thoufand)to keepe thedores: Tronlated oie andi cherfore Danid was chief gameenonr sn all canfesecclofiaptieall 5 fotos ban this ts the argument whiche M. Doman, faith fs. rte Apologics,and ours. Wut good eader, pernfe diligent lp the tubole treatie ofthe Apologieconcerning kinge Dantd,twhiche is but thot contayninge leſſe then ire tle lines; andthon ſhalt therefinde, neither this ante | — enie sp Hea anes "id dashed totes —J pe eee a — foe een | > A REPROVEE OF M. | | fole if is in derde a hue ¢ meruatlous kinde of Logtques to cotifute that, in the Apologie, whereol no one worde Lib.z.contra ran there be kounde / But in deede ps Dorman Andinge Brea.fol.o73 > mentlon made bp Holius of ſinging men; organ plap⸗ ers, and portars, taken out of the ſtorie of Dauid, wols not omitte it, but bath like wyſe brꝛought (tin, to ſaue barmeleſſe therebp, ehetrlike vſage ii Chriltes church. uhereloꝛe it fs not the Apologies and dar arqunionts | toh scsi eraon Bat Bofius and D.Dormas deutle And be may as reas conablielik be UP being th fo2 erample,all other Juiche rites and ceremonies, wherewith thep baue ouerwbels med the Churche of Chak: and ol Chriſtians made vs more than halfe Zaes. Bat the reaton of the Apologte dependeth vpon ofber nioſt notable doinges in matters o Religion, and the authoritie vſedouer Puettes bp King Dauid/ detlared thoughout the whole fir boke of the Chꝛonatles, krom the. xit. chapter to thende thers ol, as ſhall beré be declared. Whan all: Religion was in King Saules time neglected and the arke ot God abe (ent ;the Striptures do not teache, that the Prieltes them felues tooke countell about the determination; what was tn ſuche tafe tobe bone , o2 that thep moued u.Paraly.a.%. khe Kingthereto, but that King Dauid taking a pure Inijtconflum pofe wt him (elf;to being bome the Arke, and to veſtore d aeligioncentalted with bis Printes and nobles about i ob e the ſame; and twas bp God directed thereim and that he y,Paral,13,2.2,8& ſommoned o2 called together all the Prieſtes and Les Brdedy ults;to-fap, all the Cleargiefo2 that purpole.. bereits an erample; that-godip Princes do regard matters of Religion, that God doth moue them thertd, ¢ that thev hatie authoritie to ſommon the! Clergieto Synodes oz Shae wat. Contels j:abont thereltoring orrenzotingof thetame. gucipesfamilia. Bing Dawtd alto did admonich the fatp pateties * —— euite — — Dauid was allo chiefe overfear in vᷣ¶ hainginge home o DORMANS PROVFE. 168 Leuiteg of their duetie, a cõmaunded she fade it · An rũ i inva fi. example vᷣ exampie other godly Princes map do the like. —JD—— i the Arbe,¢ in (einge all ofher ceremonies, ¢vites appers teininge to Keligion done, in fuch ſoꝛt, as than pleaſed 1. Paral.is. a. a⸗ Sod to haue vſed:in fo much oͤthe Scripture faith that Cum cõpleſſet Dauid whan be had fulfilled the burnt offeringes,/ and — —— peace ottringes. bleged the people in pᷣ name of the loꝛd divi popu Wihere note.) the Scripture, for that chieſe authozitic lo,&c. which was in bing Dauid in the ouerfeing ¢comauny ding of Prieſtes to do there facrtfices ¢ other ducties, faith vᷣ kinge Dauid fulfilledthem. Gn eraple, ¢proules thatall godly Pꝛinces haue the like anthozitie .Daut.r.Paral.is. a. 4. alfo appotnaed fuch of the Leuites,as ould ferue con- Cõſtituit a tinuallp befoze the Arke of the Leave, & pale ¢gloziie Sr acae: * the workes of the 102d God of Iſrael. And} Scripture minigrarée. xe. ſheweth erprelly, how Dauid appoincted the Wzinces Cops w.a.5. ‘of the Leuites /as Alaph, acharia, Jahiell, Semirath, . . Mathatbia,« a.great numberof other of the chiefe offte cers of the Cleargic,there bp. name expeeſſed: ¢ whichis motte of all , how be appoinaed Sadocke the Pꝛieſt hig 1.Paral.16, d.z92 office. Pea the berp fumme andtitle of the.24.chapfer of the firft boke of the Chronicles is Afsignat Dauid. i officiafilsjs Aaro. pis: Dandafigned fodaronschile ol dren their offices . Wihiche thinge S · Ambrole did tell vnderſtande, as appeareth by thefe bis wordes bppon .Paules firſte epiſtle to Timothie. Multitude erat Ambrofiow. Tis facerdotii, & magna copia Leuitarũ Xc.:} is to ſay: morh.s. there was a multitude of Prieſtes, € great plentie of ——— Leuites,¢ euery oneat their certen time feruedp dieing Seconda inſtitu- ceremonies according fa f osdinace ofbing Dauid, who tũ Dauid hic c- Appointed. rriitj fortes of Pꝛieſtes, vᷣ they might ferue ™™-2+- claffes dotum,ve vicib? Dauid deferuireng., Become, Thus farte S. Ambrole pow as this Linge Jorn vc cats > AREPROVFE OF M | Pat. 16. 4, 40, Dawld appoinded and aſſigned — to ð which be ound waiten tn the law ofthe Horde, as is recoeded in theſcriptures. All this Jſay did King Dauid and yet did not God ſtrike him, as dealing with things imper⸗ tinent to his office, as he did a litle befoze ſtrike aie and afterward hing Ozias. Ait erample to dur g ʒꝛinces to be kolo wed, and that in the folowing th tthey Thatl not dilpleale God. Seing therefore i are ſo many, ſo notable, and fo'effectuous examples of hing Dautd, wetten thoughout the wbole booke of the firtke ofthe Chzonacles , from the xiti chapter fo the end of the book, conteining trtt. chapters’, fo dire dlp making loꝛ Bs, ¢ againtt B. Dorma, his matter Dacor Bardig; _ theft authour Hoftuse'all ſuthe oppugners of pritices right, and maintapriets’ of the popes and bis Prieltẽ v⸗ farpation:pet could 9.Dozman fe none ofthofe fo ma ny and ſo notable thinges 5 but diclembling them all at Efofias lib,2.fol. once; folowing Wotius word by word, fatleth to the recs 6% 67- keninge of His finging men, Players, and dD Porters, of whom the Apologte ſpeaketh not one'toozd: and theres vpon frameth bis argument , and calleth tt ours : “and than laugheth londe at this new Logicke And allthis: Derman.fupra Doth be, fo make our fide as frog as he pofibliec Cathy accordig ſol:ʒo.b. fo bis pꝛomiſe, vou maybe ſure. Pea ¢ further fo tek? mozethe realon of fhe Apologie', he admonicheth the Readerjehar David did nor ‘appointt him afelf finging mé and pity - ers Geltke fo2 that the king durſt not, 0 might not al⸗ “figne tuche bi ghe officer's and offices, dur willed the chyefe Soom “saa appoinct fame'o thei brethern there: : hereby ta ; a i 4 aad that Dauid by hts office beeing a ; __, Sati might not appoinct them, as being of the Clergie » tabetas'he erpeedlp aproinced alt L chief of the Gent +t #98008 Jw Veuve — - DO RMANS OP ROVER 169 "pp Prlnces In the Leuttes, (asthe termes in the Scrip⸗ tures be) to theit offices and therefore might muche . moze tatber,tf be would, haue appotnded inging men, plapersjand poztars;to the tubiche offices this dave in fhé Popithe charche, mere tempozalt nen (as they call them)are vſually appoinaediand pet would .o2ma baue them fee tw holie bilike, bp his fadgement , foz qrinces'to deale twith. wat fir, fick of allthe Apologte bath not one worde of finging men, 02 plaiers, appoin⸗ ded by one or other: wherefore as J bane latdey vou do not herein confute the Apologte (whole reaſon pou diſ⸗ - feitible)but pout go about an-othet purpole; and to feke thanke of cetten fortes of men ; tobith J inufe pou not. But that Dauid dio appotna higher officers Ecleſiaſti⸗ call, tbe be either finging met, 02 platers, (whiche ts but touched and fignifitd by the Apologie in as gteat bpeuttieas map be)¥ bane af large declareo , Whereby all men may vnderſtande, that bing Dauid appoinded hot then, was not foꝛ that be might not appoinge fins ging men, plafers,and ſuche other, fe bigh and boly of⸗ fices,(as M. Dozman would haue tt {eme)bot fo2 that, be being bufte about higher officers,and matters, coms mitted the care of other meane matiers; and officers to meaner men; than him felfe was.And where .Dozs °° | man mollifieth the woꝛdes of the Scripture, Dixit Dauid principibus Leuitarum, vt coftituerent can- tores Xc.bp afoofte interpretation, fatpng + Dauid wil. ted the chizfe of the Leuites to appoincte finging mew: Dauid in deve commaunded the chiefeof the Lenttes tonw tt. And tubether be that commatneth a thing to. be done, 02 thep that be commaunded, t boabey; be — wo alt | * let all inditkerent men fudge, Par | * 3 —_— & GS RDERO YER OF Me ail thefe thinges con&bered, ¢hotw Doane deeplie Diembling fo many, ¢fanot able ages ot concluding divealpagaind bum, faleth to sherebertall. and numbeing of ſinging nics platerssand porters, nog once mentionednthe Apologie : and fagoethabouteg. ronfute the reafon of the, Apologie ——— quence, whereof neither antecedent, nozronfequents, noz anv one part thereot is to be leunde in the ãpols⸗ i that done, how be infulteth againt bssfapings. nue Logikeds fodenlie (Prong vp with shes nue dimingsies. * it not matt iuſtly be ee gique,¢ fraungeptuinitic,peaandmaruetlouspoetcie fo,and ſpecially wonderfull Rhetoꝛitue is —2— P. Dorman bere vſeth⸗ Surelyit deſerueth not onelie IntericGtioad- agreat O, whiche is an interiegion of wondering: bug; miraatiz. if M⸗Dorman vpon admiration of bis-owne deinges would protrad the ſald Oat length,as the PBapiſtes be ſed to do the lat D,inaverle of a; Picolas bymne,be fhald do right wel and sonnen once * ae tier —— notes, He ot nye alg Nene orl} : 5 ea * ; . oa 2 BRAY 3) pig Dorman, oe 7. many notable Kéinges Paty 3p countrie yon ‘ 4 Aohſus faith the ; ing oes daieshaue eftabli bed for rhe lihe purpofes like _fundatioss —— * by our aduerfartes at this daze almof? all ouerthronten, of whom ne | ~ giafolez, meaner by this meanes.thought. bem felfe any thing the more aucio- rijedsto gouerne in matters of religion the cleargie-of his countrie. But for this example that “whiche Laue alreadic {oide may {affi{és borhbecanfe tshinke they leane not muchtherto, for that. shey can ſhvve no great ſtore of Kingessyea i maie be bould to aie. none at. all by shem per|uaded to builde any churches, orto eftablifch any fits dation — as vee there coprinually ferueGods neath — — a ; : — ———— Obie ion trreeicoteel dete thud thepoeniites; DORMANS PROVE PO — or cher“ htt re be in divectly te — tye ——— —— Acer dotibius,thao isan in wiaies nev oF after a forthe —* m — —————— 16 950) H aliea cee SIRZIN ialiust ad? et nesses WDorman —2 lasing atin ne top Hoff. 2. F673 by wade applieth allking Dauids doinges to tunda⸗ fiots(ef Abbeis and Colleges bylike) by out kinges io ⸗ metime builded, and nd tH Bp bs (faith heyalmoſte altos herthzowe cap fir, the fundatis which Dauid made was but of a tabernacle; which endured not ionge: and tir'ebe place bp pow atleaged , there appearcth no great dotation of the Cleargte gluen them by Daatd; bat the tẽthes onely, aitgned thé betoze by pofes,toliaewpar And althe kundation that Daud here made; was for) pubieke feruice OF God, not fod priuate ane ſecret mute· rings in cozners > wherfoꝛe this erainple oF Dauid for pour fadatios is but berp ſimplie. Wut dow Dantes os ple ſerueth vs/ bath heretotoꝛe mote plainiy apeared. Where voun burthen vs dere againe with the enuieot Abbeis ouerthꝛowẽ bp vo; as jon ſay: I haue anſwereð that vntrue launder; at large beteie-m mine aniwere — — leateand fo furth,¢ 00 pzay the gad Reader, whiche bath not read hat Place jor dothnorreinebee 15 t0 —— —J——— vere aerate lott oargita: oo tet ate aaa anand a werttne 6 gate otnees fp the conclaton (a the ie tod ‘lie E , G2 Apolo, — \e a.Paral.i3. a.a. &c. 2 Yhidem.a, 35 4+, =e: od AU UVEPRO VERA OR Mey pie so gpg —_ the example om ces, wa: actes da Goine and pioue tate care of Religiemappertctnedtothem:ibe fi auſds patte, Jhaue declared, and all fhoztip ſhowe moze at largaof other. godlic anusient Princes, to the full fatiffipngof the difcreate Reader: . as trade, Be would alſo ſoꝛ that the Apolagie faieth, | that singe Dante was aboue the pziekes .quodam-' modo, thatis , inamanners oz afters. ſoꝛte, paoue therebp; thatthe Apologic and we make no greapace comptiof this erample ol Ginge Dauid as greatly to nurpurpofe ; Whereunto J anſwere: that the-erame ple of binge Dauid ferneth our purpoſe right welland fo J truth;tt bath well appeared: and. that the Apolo⸗ gie doth pet welt ble the wazde quodammodo, after forte(n Davids example. dtoz Daiud was not abfoluter, lie aboue the Prieſtes in alt thinges and offices : be abe ſteined from bearing.of the Arke, and {uch like thingss. ſpecially appertetning to the Prieſtes, or Reuites ofe ficestwberetn he neither ————— ledbe at all in the exrquution — — be the petuliar octices ot —— the minigers af Gorand bts Charchtherettr. But inthele thinges was hing saute abour thoſe Prieſtes. An thinkingoper matiersof Keligion, ¢ coxtug fexthe refozmatte, calling off: palettes sogetherthereabout.. din anmonty R———— — s @B DOR MANS” PROVE ED. 171 Hn beinge the chiele ouerſear tr the reformation of tte» $ uigton, and oner the and Leuites 5 that thep rt d.ag. Mould do thetr In alligninge and appoinctinge Stet ues Werqiol thy Reuttes and pziekes and the very chiele of all the &c, & cap, * Cleargie, to theiv ſeuerall offices, In that Dauid did all cocum. geet} tbete hiuges accoꝛdinge to the lawe ofthe Lorde. «ee In that God did not trike him as be div alittle befoze | Dʒa, and afterwarde hinge Oʒia, as intermediing with thinges impertinent to his office(as thep did)but direr ⸗ ted; ailiſted, and proſpered him in all theſe his doinges: as irheretore Cod was right well pleated with hin, as doinge the office 5 and duetie of a godly Pꝛince. Theſe are the pramities: this ts the quodammodo, that the Apologie fpeaketh of . — ** Jdoubt nothinge; but both the concluſion tn the Apolegie , to witte that the care ot Religion appertatneth fo godly Pzinces doth ful fell foloww:and our conclu fion alſo, that godlp ¢ Chats ſtian Pzinces be chiefe gouernours ouer Petettes , and in maters Ciclefiatticall, soth moſt neceſſarily, ¢fullp foloty of the ſame. This quodammodo, twill ſerue our turne as ninthe, 2 Kinge Dauids example well snough;to mainteine e eltablithe thereby the due right of gbdip Kinges and Princes, and to repꝛoue; and cone dente the falfe vfarpatia —— —* their ew | cmap Gk S sadisyo3 dsb Dorman. — lumen. vi gdb fue and dedicated to God'd ath D.Harding: co Reg.ca.3. —— an oration concerninge Religion and “tor] hip- fut. Apol. fol, Pigs f God depofed Abiathaer the yh hoppeplacinge sadoc in his 300. * aa purged the —— the lightes to be yeu 8 »Paral.16,d.40 — — | i —————— spas hindved from he common temple of lerufaleet? «) -: igiselD J iii gornnag Ones’ ‘Pranflated out of Hofius lib.2. fol.66.b. Detman fuped bis fapprefinge, conceilinge or obfcuringe of our nece/Jarie proufes. fel.cy.b. & 30. Lenco bedi and frifee fed fe the ld eine = od 7 ⸗ A REP Ro tex OF MD — manner; finally the brafes ferpent, rolnich nmsas: then worſ bipped ty - lofaphattoke away thehilles and wooddes stherelgethe peep — Iefias “warned the Priefler and Bif hoppes of theinduetien ys: Yoftas, loas reffieined:thetr- riot coal tfoleneedlefiof a) Aehbhu 3 Tous. Tehuy the truth bringe for the maintenaunce of —— olde Teftament. vvhiche manner revſon nge from i chat age ved, ihit might beat theſe dayes-in all pointtes tanga to folorw; what and how huge anumbre of —— by tufleconfequence thereupon be eaſeh grounded and it needenot heretorehear{e,any man but meanely — sai * my onith him, nf eefely concetues:- 0°13 Ig 340 * —* te oe i! ote . Nowell, ja * ——— “as 9. Dorman was belder copioute plentifulabout he feueral anſwearing of the thee cramples of Moles, Joſua, and hinge Dautd, of bis tiberalitie bainginge in fingingemen,platers-on the Degaines, posters;¢ doze keapers,foure thoufande;and moe, of whome the poe logte {(peaketh not one worde, no2 no man elles but his authour Boftus,and he:ſo is be now as curtall,¢bpiefe; {n the tozappinge bp of thefe fire cramples,of Soloms, — Csechias, Jofophat , Joſias, Joas, and Jehu together. And pe may not doubt.but vᷣ both that formar pꝛolixitie and this præſent beeuttic,are both blen bp h. Dorman. fo2 that be would gene bsnocaufetocomplainesfanp = «th ene Way or othersas one that coweteth to make ony parte ma fronge oie DOIRMA NS’ PRO VEE. 172 sehebath promife he would do.Oꝛ els pe mult thinks $M, Dorman conuderyng fo manp aces ¢ eramples;fe larglp, fo plainelp ſet forth theougbout fo manpbokes of the liinges,¢-Cronicles, ſo eitectuouſſp declaring the authozitte of Peinces ouer Prieſtes, ¢ their intermede lingan matiers of Keligtd, as euẽ by thole bꝛiefe notes af their deedes( which .Dozman could not diſſemble) ts manifeſt enough:and percetuing that the feucral ane ſweare therof would be both cumberous ¢ tedious vnto him jthoughtit gad to wzappe them togethcr;¢ by one. generabanſweare tiot:onelp to blemiſhe our fata profes fo2z Pꝛinces pꝛærogatiues in Church matiers,cõteined in thefe eramples:but alfoas il were With one daſhe of: afpongeatonceblotte out all other our eutdence of the ould, Teſtament: wherein if euer elles wheare, 9. Dornan hath towed his: notable oifcretion , muche knowlege in Dininitie,but mot of all in lat, e lawlike hãdling of: bts: matiers. Foz. this anlweare, (asit were a ſhowe, ſeruing fo2 al fcete) wil ſerue al turnes af once, hauinge biſides other poinaes, no ſmallcommodit ie, of eaſe alfo; Let vs alleage therfoze what tue lift out-of the Hofius fol.ics.b3. ould Leltament:, though motte mantfelt examples a⸗ hath the fame, gaint the ignozaunce of Coddes worde, whiche than was 5 and nolvis in Prieſtes, and again their vn⸗ true dodrines , Zoolatries 5 coueteouſneſſe, vncleane⸗ lines , and other euell erample. of life. Let vs againe alleage the eramples of gedly Kinges, dealinge: in matters of Keligton , admontihinge, commaundinge; inftrudinge of Prieſtes in their duetie, punifhinge,, depriuinge.of them, not doinge their duetie: exam⸗ ples of Pꝛieites mariages, and honour giuen to the tolucs,anb widowes of P2ieltes, aboue others, o-anp other: — ———— — —— —— = ether erample in the ould Teſtament, either cendem⸗ ning anp dice by our Prieſtes vſed/oꝛ commendinge ar uy thing bpthem now fozbioden:: the — ſtreight readie framed, in . Doꝛmans boke: hele de ree amples good Readers which she aduerfaries of tha truth bring for the mainteinaunce of the contrarie.out of the old Teffement:-mabich enaner of reafoninge,if tt "were laufull to follow in all —* in thefe daies, what an huge numbre of inconuenitcess might ther be grosided,any md but meanly exercifed in the Scriptures, —8 Aih conceine. Thele are M. Dormans wordes: what nce deth be tha,og any other ſuch, thus to bere theit heades about other deuiſes,this one will ſerue foꝛ al... Wut now on fhe contrary parte, concerning the ſu⸗ premacie ofthe Pope, pou hauea manifett erample tn Dorman fupra Aaron the bigh Prieſte, faith .Dezman : and tor bis eat ——— tempoꝛall ruie, as wellas fpirituall, pou baueamants Apol. i kett example in oles faith D. Hardinge: but for goolp Princes there is no Poles, noꝛ Aarons noꝛ any other, And though not foz Pꝛieſts wines, pet foz theirtithes, the eramples of the ould Teſtament are fure and mani- feſt.Likewiſe candels, lampes, torches light thought be at midday, Aarontcall habite foz ‘the pope, Lenitis call veſtinentes foz Pꝛieſtes and Deacons, tncenfe,auls fers, belles, banners, gould; filucr, pzectous fone, and f{uche like outivarde caremontes,and oznamentes,te be in the ſeruice of Cod: pou thall in Leuititus, and other — bokes,of the ould Leftament; finde Koze of eramples foz allthefe abundantip: forifaith M. Doman; in that people sin thetr lato, and rriefthdod, God hath ſhado wed vnto vs, dike a cunninge oorkeman the whole forme and proportion of bis churche exe. And it “tas fo inthe f hadowe therefore it nuit be fo — — fignified. by shat phadorwe.y Ba ees A:REPROVFE OF Mog DORMANS PROYVFE ry tach like fom2des can M.Dozman infozce a necelſſitie of Dorm. fol, 7. b. the eramples of the ould Teſtament, and whole platte fozme.of that law tobe folotecd, whan it pleateth bint wut whaw-anp thinge contrarie to his minde ſhalbe Alleaged ont of the oulde Teſtament/ than be affir- meth, that by ſuche manner of veafoninge, from the examples of the olde Teftament to our times Vy vs vied, any man but meanty exercifed in the scriptures,may eafely conceine What abage num- bre of inconueniences might -be brought in: and that therefore it may not hevſed in all pointes: Low gab M.Doꝛman, ts this that eauen dealinge with vs 5 that petalbe of 2 And in what poinctes may J pray. you , fuche manner of reaſoa· ning be vſed:and in what poinctes notz on will make curtefie.( Iknowe) to be plaine herein , but any man, but of meane witte, and but meanely ereretfedin pour manner of dealinge, map ealely vnderſtande, that this manner of reafoninacisto be vſed, when it ferz ueth pour Pope, andbis Papiſtes turne: but whan it doeth not ſerue thetr turne, and (peciaily if it make a⸗ gaint their groffe igriozaunce 5 theirabominable ide⸗ latrie , tyzannie; and wickednes, and fo2 the authori⸗ tie of godly Princes in the redzetfe of fhe fame : chaz Sache manner of reafoninge bringeth in an huge uumbye of incon- ueniences againtte pour holy Komithe Churche. This ispour manner of reafoninge ,'¢. thefebeyour poindes —B.Dorman , ag toall the whole — can not be but mot manileſt. vBut M. Dorman will alfo pꝛoue fo bs by certaine inſtaunces, that ſuche manner of reaſoninge ſfrom the. ceramples of the ould Teſtament to vnunet iets roam ane — “ne pong ä Op ue0 F043 . Derma, A -REPROVEE OF M | Dorman. Folio, 37.: Hofiustib.s.fol. sa —— figuring os. Miracula, & done, practiſed and graunted in that age, might Without any daune —— mood gersaf~well be to rhe prefent effate of the Churche whiche no we if, adexemplum 474Wwen applied and accomodate , as the morall preceptes. of, that trahenda, late may and ar : Wwhie have not then she Kinges now 4 adie 4 many wiues e had Kinge Dauid rhea. Hofius lib.a. This anſweare pou bozotved of hoſius:he cdfeteth fol.cé. be had ( ont of the Canon lawe, how much p fitter it is fo2 pou.. But fir, not miracles noꝛ fingular pꝛiuileges. but ordinarie and vſuall god actes and deedes fuche as: ate the corrections andremouinges of ticked Prieſtes by godlp Princes, ave to be accommodate andapplicd to our time: faz godly Princes fo fo coꝛrect o2 vemoue wic⸗ hed Prieſtes, is tw agreéable to. naturall reafon, tobe a. miracle ; and to bfuall to be a fingular pꝛiuilege. Pow: why had not hinges now a daies as many Wines, as hadKing Da- wid chen ?inquireth $.Dozman, This ts afore poinct J ature pou, anda quettion inuented of a profound intel⸗ ugence in the Scriptures. Foz ſoth ®.Dozman, for pi Magh.s. our Sautour Chꝛriſt hath erprelly in thenue Teſtamẽt veclaved that it is bis bolp twill, that Martage emongE. his feruauntes the Chi fians,thouid be reduced tothe: firt origine, infituted bp bis beauenlp father in Para⸗ dife,¢ that they thould be tow tn one fielbe, as were A· dam and Cue, the firk marted cople:therefoze ſuch exũ⸗ ples of many wiues can take no place emongit Chritti· ans. Wiberefoze Epon can either thowe any oꝛiginall oꝛdinaunces, that godly Peinces map not medle with: Religion , as J bane ſhowed pou ————— LS — RFR⸗ — DORMANS PROVFE, 154 Hav but one wiſe:oꝛ againe, it poucan howe me any ree fraina made in the nue Teſtament, o Chzittian Prin⸗ ces map not deale fn Religion, though the godly eins tes; of the ould laive did, as Jhaue ſhewed von a ree ftraina , that Chꝛiſtians map not baue many wines, though Ringes, andfome Patriarkes of the ould lawe bad ; 02 tf pou can fhowe me fo many eramples of god⸗ Ip Chettkian Princes, that have bad many wiues at once, as Jhaue, and will howe pou eramples, of govly Chiltan Princes , that haue dealt in matiers of Kelis gion, than 9. Dozman might pour queſtion feme to haue beens to fome purpofe:but beinge as it is, it is the meeter foz pou to demaunde. And becaule pou are ques ftioninge about Martage, 3 woulde afke you one quer fion alfo touchinge the fame. Seinge that petettes mariages,are both by the doctrine, and eramples, of all the godly Prieſtes, of the ould latuc aliowed, and in the nue Teſtament, not onely not reftratned , but ex· pꝛeſly appzoued , by. declaration of the godly wife andr. Timoib.ʒ a. chilozen thata Przieſt Mould haue: why baue pou Pas >. 4. piles condemned the mariage of Pꝛrieſtes, by Wod, both in the ould lawe , and nue Teſtament allowed: and bp.infozcea vowes of celibate, which pou call tha· Mitte, baue contpelled them to line fo vnchaſtly and abs ominablie, as tothe worlde isto well knowens And why pou torſaking wines permitted to Pzieſtes in the duld Teſtament, reteine tithes for themainteining of their wiues and children appeinaed in the ould Teſta⸗ ment? | vedt — » WWhyf hould it nor be eslampull for the Cleargie(t pill dob onely fo to admonif be and reprehede) to put * doing amiſſe at this Ey time A REPROVFE OF M ~ ret ae tine rodeath a5, it was at thar for Samuclh to cat in pitces with JJ—— Agia Singer aici — i DEN I$ ON owell, —* ————— admonithinge b2 ——— of | Printes as well as others doinge amiſſe by Coddes | worde; all our fermons and weitinges do tetifie, | that we acknowlege it to be lanfull; and therefore that | parentbefis, put tn by M. Dorman, to beate the people in hande,that we exempted Princes offendinge , from: MS all admonition , andvepiabenfiott: as it — fois it moꝛe malitious, than leude. Sow wher Agag was an eathen, an enemie to God, pit: ts. people and att erpreſſe commanndement, tas giver. from God, that be ſhoulde be flaine: what fimilitude. 02 likenes,can there be betweene him and our Chrittian Princes, whome fo honour, and net to murder, our: Die a all men, haue a csmaundement, that 9. Doꝛman ſhould deuile bs ſuch ene Ne 2 OS though it were as vnlaufull for our C Pꝛinces, by the bluall, effectuall,and moſt ‘ae ile ples of ould godly Ringes, to intermedle in matters of. Religion: as (tisbniantull fez ovr Mt deed to mur⸗ age Thrittian wz iices , (whore thep i Ded to honout) vppon fhe watrant of that motte vn⸗ Ukelp Ukelikadeof Samuel ai pelea OE | — — — sabe tp core. — Derma Fol 37. VVhyy nat for tbhem rollers pep hing tel as ng ine» / sheniEor iff * “to toys she exanple of —— . Abi DORMANS \PROVFE. "5 Abisthar the Priefand placed Sadoc in his youme, they {hall heare. Reg.15. of bs ngainesthat Samuel by Gods ortone commaundement pronoun- 5. ed Saul deprived of bis kingdome,and fettled Danid in the fame. | Nowell. Sir pour Pope, who bath depoſed fo many Kinges and Cmperours, taketh it tobe lawwfull fo2 bim fo to. Dw.Andf{arelp vou do fhowe pour lelfe a berp reaſona⸗ ble manjthat pou wil haue it to be like laufal, fog Pꝛin⸗ ces to Depofe Popes ,as Popes to depole Pꝛinces. J . prate God we may one dap fee the erequutta of the ones. as they haue of log pꝛaciſed the other: latwfullie 02 vn⸗ lawtullie it hall J tru apeare plainelp to the world, to fhe publitke deteſtation of their vſurped tpranny.and. of pour faldhood in mainteining the ſame. But fir; why pour Pope map not depole Pzinces bpon the warrant of Samuels erample,as Pꝛinces map Popes and other Prieſtes, by § exãple of Salomon, there are many caus ſes. Fixit is a falſe ſurmiſe of pou that thetfe exam⸗ ples be like: fo2 Samuel depoſed not Saule: but onelyr. Reguca X$5 declareth to him Gods fentéce,of bis depotit fon, whiche thoula thoztlp take efter: nelther ſetled be Dauid (a3 pou fable) in the ktngdom, as Salomõ ſetled Sadock, inthe bigh prietthood:for during all ing Saules life, s.Reg.rs. a: after Samuels death, Dauid liued in great feate 5 and 19.%c., trouble, and fled from the face of Saale sand acknoiys leged him to be bis Lorde, and ing . Samuel onely a⸗ ——— naoinced Dauid to be king,and to reigne after Saules — death:and fo; that, and whatſoeuer els he did therein, he had a ſpeciall commiſſion — commaniinee ment of God therefore... Eowe make pour argument 2. Dorman: eoamuell: * 3 Declared; AREPROVFE OF M ~ r.Reg.ts.f28. peclated to Wing Saule Gods determination 5 that be fhould be depriued of bis kingbome , and thatan other r Reg . ac. better than be ſhould haue it, and fo be anoincted Das uid:and all this be bad Gods erpzetle ¢ ſpecial comauns Dementtoda. Ergothe Pope may depole Chꝛiſtian Printes, il thep offende bim , having not only no coms : maundement of God therfoze, but Gods erpette com⸗ maundement being giuen to all the Clergie to the con⸗ : trarfe:to tottte,that thep ſhuld honour ¢ obey Pꝛinces, pea though thep were Heathens, and vnrighteous tps rantes:and that they thula not blurpe any (ach (uperter 4 mek ritie over anv men, much leſſe ouer Pꝛinces leaſt of all | over godly Princes, their ſoueraignes:ſo farre of ist, that they haue any commiſſion ozcimanndement ſpe· cfal, oz general,to depoſe Chꝛiſtian Pꝛinces.And ſuthe is, and very wel map be, 9. Dozmas reaſon. Wat ours és this. Ling Soloms vpõ full caule depofed Abiathar che bigh Priect: Ergo. A godlte Chzitian prince vpon {uf cauſe, may depztue'a Biſhop oꝛ Priel. And ſure - | am /that M. Dorman ¢ all Papiſtes with bin, cannot — —-- {holy reſtraint, in the nue Teſtament, why Princes map not folowwe Solomons example herein as Jhaue Mowed a reltraind;p pꝛieſtes map not depole Pꝛinces, . .»,-befides the eufdent tmpertinécteot Samuels example >. dealing with Sauleto any ſuche purpoſe, asno mam. Seflinbetaze: declared. Dorman, Fol 38, iG phiness bein ig 4 prieſckilled with his dagger the ir Num. the Madianite as thet filshely abufed them felues : and have pricfies wherefore at this day thincke we like iuriſdectiomor Would Godfis at likely)praife him for the doing that —— — = did him?” 3G! DORMANS:PROVEE.. ~ 976 Nowell, bat the eraple of Phinees can not ferne ot our r Poietts, fo2 autbozitie to murther wicked doers:as theraples.of ould godly Kinges, depoſing wicked Prieſtes, 02 dea⸗ ling in matters of Religion, map ſerue our Princes, is to enident. Foꝛ fir there is a general comaundement - of God,reftrafning al! men fron: murther ; the whiche general comaundement,and not the one petuate exam⸗ ple of Phinees, all Prꝛieſtes and men are bounden to o⸗ bep. 3fo2 the (pectal tvarrant, which God gaue Phinces to murther thofe tufcked doers, ferueth bim onelp, and no other Prieſtes o2 me befides him: wherefoze the ges nerall Law of not killing, bindeth all men ill. Powe let M.Doꝛman ſhowe me likewiſe agenerall comanns demẽt, forbidding all Princes to intermedle in matiers of %Keligtd,oz to depoſe a Pꝛieſt being wilfully wicked: and than 3 will graunt that the ould binges ofa inter⸗ medle in Keligion, and depole the high etek, bp a {pes ciall dffpenfation,¢ that then their erample,{s no moze warraunt foz our Princes to do the like, than is Phi⸗ nees example fo2 Prieſtes to comif murther. Wut M. Dozman and all Papiſtes are not hable to fhewe any ſuch matier.Wiherefoze Phinees dagger murtherings the wicked, doth no moze binder our caule, tha M.Doꝛ⸗ mans Wadden dagger( whan he isin bts ruffe) ts hable to pearce — an alman riuet,o2 coꝛſelet. Dorman: Fol, * | Meas — * not Aig 8 that fe in imer⸗ prete the scriptures. And thus you fee howe generally alt “f examples.and.auCtor ittesbeing euen after this fort anſ ——— an — — . | | | | A REP ROVER OFM lk . — = =. = ? ie Sw * —_ : babes: | ’ é ‘make no more for Ringes to ills in matters of religion » » then other places doa for the ee to bt ra or to — er wa a — Nowel th --@ mercttull Gon, 3 ‘who ais —— ‘that thete — were fo blinde, 02 fe impudent as fo publiſhe ſuche thinges as thefe,to the face of the twozld,07 as Op. Dojmarifpeaketh,to bring fiche enidence into the face of opt — Conrt ? Gilby . Dorman do thep treade not bpzightly, that do feache that pour Pope map depoſe Hinges? Powe furelp than haue all Papiſtes treaden atvzle a great while, whiche baue fo aught: and pour’ popeals fo, whiche bath fo done: atid al Chriſtendom hath taute to cure you both, that haue gone no moze vprightly, Againe de our places good -, Dozman, by this-pout getierall anſwere ferue as well fo2 princes to rele in matiers of Religion ,asthe other places ferue fog the cleargie to depote Jazintes > ¶ Now furelp ¥ ow require no moze of pou, fora generall anſwere. And Ido piap ‘pou,p (as Mendacé memorem effe oportet) pou will not forget this, whan we come fo pout particular ane weres, but that alwaies generallie and particularlie, it may beas lautull loꝛ Pꝛinces to rule in matters oF Keligion, and to depoſe Popes, and all other Pꝛieſtes: Aas vour Pope hath a great while taken it as lawful fez him, to depoſe princes. And J truſt ſome pꝛactiſe may folowe of this ſpecalation ſhoꝛtly. But nowe whereas P. Dorman wold proue our reaſoning from examples Sfthe ould Lawe fo our time tobe abfarde and vnrea⸗ fonable;foz that ſome abſurde thinges may like wiſe be gathered by other examples of the fame. 3 — * maitter DORMANS PROVFE vad matter D, Harding ſhould not being bs in the Popes D.Ha:d, Céfut, ‘both Dempozal kingdome and Spiritual pzieſthod, by Apolo. fol. 305. theramples of Moſes, taken out of the ould Lawe. And that ®. Doꝛman ſhuld not bzing vs in bis Pope to be p onelp bigh Pztek in Chriſtes Church , witballbis Aas rontcal pabite, Aitars, Incẽce, Candles, and otber Cee remontes,bp the eramples of the ould atu: fo2 that, by the like reafon, thep may as well bzing bs in offerings of Calues, Bullockes,and ſheepe, into Chriſtes Church by the eramples of the ould Law:and fo, as they haue alreadfe made bs balfe Jues of Chztkias,to go theongh with the matier, ¢tomake bs whole perfect Jues in all poindes, Wut thus if fs good Keader:euery ſingular erample ofthoulo Lawe ¢ Teſtament, fo tt ferue their turne, is authetical ¢ effectual, chan God ke a caning Woor- ‘Reman / hado wed out yntoys the whole forme and proportioof his Church in that people and in their lawe. Foꝛ thus (peaketh M. Moran thane treadeth vpꝛightly. But be the eraples neuer fo manp, fo plaine,fo vſuall, fo effectual, it thep ſound againſt them:than may any man bur meanly exercifed in the holy feriptures eafely conceine how huge a numbre of inconue- niences might be brought inif it be lavofull to folow fuch manner of reafoning from theexamples of that age. at theifedaies in all poinctes. Thus (peaketh .Do2man now: and faith,we treade not bpzightip. The end, and final intent hereot (as anp but meanly erercifed in the practfe of Papiſtes map eafelp concefue) ts this: to alleage ſuche pofnaes ¢ examples, as like themintbheonld Teſtament fo2 aus thozitie,ts vpꝛight treading:to being in, oꝛ alleage anp other,is to treade awꝛie.And this is the bpzight trea ding of theſe wꝛie walking crokedcrabbes, Iknowe J haue heretotoꝛe good Keader, vpon occaſion Yy e D. Harding al- leageth thefame 3 A REPROVFEOFM. ‘like declaration oftheir dealing . But J pꝛay the feing . Dorman doth fo often times repeat the fame deute ſes, luttre me, foz the fimplicr ſortes fake (though with tedioufnes to the) bp ofte anſwering thinges often ob⸗ fected, fo ferue their turne, left by oblinton , 02 ſimple⸗ nes, thet take them to thetr hurt, to be not onelp not ans ſwered/, but af ail not anfiverable. Dorman, Fol, 38. But to deſcend nowe more particulerly to the feneral examina sion of thefe examples,1 Would gladly af Re this queftion of fome of — thefe our newe Rabbines,that being graunted tothem by the ~waye of reafoning “tehiche they prefuppofesthat issthat Ring Dauid entre- medled in thaffaires of religion , huwe this argument boldeth nor Confut.Apolo. Wwéthfianding : Dauid being both a king anda Prophet bad the rule $o1.306,a. of religion. Therefore the kinges of our time mnft have the like. And in deede thus umf? they reafon,if thei will reaſon trulie . For fo was Ring Dauid theycan not all denie it.And as wel am 1 able to prone, shat if he had any fuche porter it as becaufe he was 4 prophet,and not in refpect of his kingdome,as they {hall ewer be,to proue the con- trary.So that ro make this reaſon of theirs haue, yea feeme to hane, ſome aparence of traihe,of t wo thinges muftthey nedes doe one,that is either proue our Ringes norwe a daies prophetes alſo, or Danid in - bis daies to hane bine bat a king fimply. Nowell. oe ry’ .Doꝛman. fearing that in framing one anſweare fo all our eramples of the ould Teſtament, and fo leaz ving the matter, be might fame to much to folowe the bneonninge Cobbelar making one ſhowe foz all ſortes of fete, here to ſhow him ſelt fometwhat Kabbine like, difcendeth to his particularittes, And firk ed DORMANS PROVFE, 198 left the mantfould dofnges of Ling Danid, Solomon, Csechias,and other godlle Pzinces in matiers of Kelt- gion, and their authozitie ouer the Prieſtes, fo euident⸗ lie appeating in the Scriptures,could not be hid, is cõ⸗ tented bp the wap of reafoning , fo graunte it: fo2 the whiche liberalitie we baue right good canfe to thanke hym. And as be before ſore encombzed with Boles ers ample, fometime affirmeth bim to haue bene a Prieſt, fometime is content to put the cafe be were ne Pꝛieſt: fo likewyſe be lightly pallinge oner, 02 rather wholfe diſſemblinge the mantfold and moſt effeduous dealing of King Dauid, in matters of Kelfgfon , and making a ridiculous reafon of finging men, plaicrs,and pozters, by no matt, but bim felfe only, out of bis authsur Ho⸗ fius mentioned , fo make him (elfe merte, be derideth whan be bath done, ſuche ſtraüge Logique of bis own: and foconcludeth that King Dautd had nothinge todm in matiers of Religion: but nowe conũderinge belike, that ſuche ieſting about fingers, platers, and porters, can not put ont of difcrete mens mindes the notozfous rare, and diligent dealing of king Dauid (ninatiers of Religion, and his oꝛdering, gouerning, andruling of p Pꝛieſtes, of the fame liberalitie , that be befoze put the cafethat Moſes were no Prieſt, after he bad by longe debating gone about to pzoue him a Pete , he ts cons tented to graunt fo bs nowe alfo by the "yay of reaſoninge that ding Dauid intermedicd in p affaires of Religiõ, ‘which before be dented, ¢ did laugh very loude, at fuche fav of reafoninge: pea and be frameth fo bs alfo the fame anſweare, fo2 Kinge Dauid in this cafe, that be did befoze fox Moles in the like cafe. Foꝛ as he afkirs med befoze that Moles intermedled (n Religion, not as — as Patek ; fo Doth be nowe fape, that king Bp 2 Dauid A REPROVFE OF M Danio intermedled in maticrs of Keligtd, not as uitng but as a prophet. dnd the fame anſwere as to Poles; lo D.Hard. Confu. alfo to iking Dauld hath bis maiſter D, Parding, And fo.105,2,6.196.2 truthe ft is, that Ringe Dauid was both Prophet; and Ling: andbhe did wette Pſalmes, and fozethotwed our Saufour Chett,and manp otber thinges,as a Pꝛophet rather than as a King. Wut that @.Dozman ts fo ſure, that be is as bable to peoue that tétng Dauid toke care. of Religion, and dealt therein as aqzeopbet, as we are bable to prone that be did it as a godiy Kinge, ts but a doz anda bꝛagge/ ſeing be doth bꝛing no euidence into the face of open Court foꝛ the pꝛ oufe thereof, as he ppo⸗ miffed he would. Foꝛ that King Dauid did thoſe things aS a goed ¢ Godly Prince, and by no ſpecial pꝛiuilege of bis propbecte, appeareth eutdentlp berebp. Firſt that he being a Prophet, before he twas eftablithed tn the. kingdome,odid not pet intermedle in theſe thinges, vn⸗ till be was fetled in the kingdome. Secondly, tt appear. reth alfo berebp,foz that-none of the pzopbetes beinge not Linges, did the like thinges, o2.bfed the like author. ritte,as Jhaue out of oᷣſcriptures declared, that ising. Dauid dtd vle: which ſheweth that be vſed fuche author. ritie as a King, ¢ not as a Pꝛophet. Thirdly, it appea⸗ reth moſt eutdẽtly by this,that Joſaphat, Joſias, Joas, and Jehu, kinges, and no Prophetes, did the like tn the: ould Lat , as did king Dauid:and Conttantinus Gas. lentintanus , Theodoſius, and Juſtinianus, Empe⸗ rours,and no Prophets, dio the like in. Chriſtian Kes ligion:as partly bath bene already, and fhalbe hereaf⸗ termoze largelp and platnelp declared. Whereſfore our reaſon Tandeth firme. king Dauid asa good and godly Linge , did tntermedle in matters of Melle. gion :Ergo, our Chꝛiſtian binges map doo thelike. either. DORMANS PROVFE. 179 Helther is there anpcaufein this poincte, why we fhoulbde pone either hinge Dautd no prophete; 92 our. Kinges now a daies prophetes, feinge all hiſtories Ec⸗ cleſiaſticaldo teltifie;that godly Ringes, no prophetes, in the beſt times and ages of the Churche,; did deale tn: matters of Keligiow, and were ſuperiours to Prꝛieſtes, as farre, and muche,as we do auouche, that our Chats ftian Pꝛinces now a Dates map do. ee Sota 90% Dermanz¥al 38.) \s oro see n In Salomon alſo is the cafe trowe ye all fo cleare as they make it ? For. touchinge the depriwation of Abiathar the Prie/t, to that . anſ⸗eweare, that as in breakinge therwicked packe of Adonias, Abia- gum. shar, and other their conpuuces, whohad confpired to haue put sa- * lomon béfide his hinedome: he vſed the coucell of Sadoc and Nathan: to defeat them: Jo vſed he their aucloritie and miniſſery to puniſh them. Nor it forceth not’, that the scripture ſaieth. Eiecit ergo. Salomon Abiathar vt-non effet facerdos domini,therfore caf? salomon Abiathar out, that he. hould no lenger be our lordes Priel, 4s though that therefore ir tere his owne deedesand coulde be done. by noother feinge that thatis a phrase of ſpeache common not in the scriptures onely , but incommon tale allo: as if for. exampler yy, rding-Ced. aman [houlde fay , that Quene Mary (whofe foule God aſſoile) de- fur. Apol. fol. priued. Theinas Crammer of the archebiflopricke of Cantorburie30¢.3. hath the: (whofe rreaſon alſo againſt her was no leſſe then that of Abiathar pea mean again[? Salomonyhef houtd not fay amiffe. And yet was not { he God is —— of! wot the chiefe doer thereof, brit aa inftrument ioiningerwith the — Pope th the execution of his determination ,touchinge the rootin pe out of that Wicked mébre. so ſaie we in Like maner that the PrincettoGuslibi.fol2 hath made fuch aman Bif bop, when in very deede he onely commen: 96.a, Reges po- ded him by his letters or woorde, leauingethe free elecliõ not with.loni cligunt Cc Standinge to them , to whome of vight it apperteineth , as this plan? iſcopos regis. cinge of Sadocin Abiathars office maywelbe vndetſiande. Bp 3. Nowell, = — — A REPROYVFE OF M, | iiey Nowell, | Wiere tf as .Downan faiths that —* Seine bled the coticell of Sadock € Mathan tn the depofing of Abiathar the high Prieſt: what doeth that make moze again Solomons chiefe authozitie therein, than tt ma⸗ keth aqaintt the authoritie of a Kinge, that be bieth the aduife of his councell? But M. Doꝛman goeth abont to make acleare matter obfcure,and darke. Foꝛ that Sov lomon bfed the councell.of Saveckein the breakinge of the ticked packe of Adonias , and Ablathar the highs pPriek,doeth appeare no wheare tn the Scriptures, but if is onelp DH. Doꝛmans deame , for God had indued Solomon with wiſedome enough to know that tach a traitour fo him, was not to be fufferred. fo remaine high Prick: whiche thinge a Prince of meane wiſdome may well vnderſtande. And it is not onelp bifides al tes fimonte of the Scriptures , butalfo bifite all honettie, to deutle, that Sadocke ſo vertuous a Pꝛieſt, ſhould be counceller fo Solomon, that Abiathar the high Prieſte Houlobe depziucd, ¢ him felfe placed in his — this is the hiſtorie in the Scripture. Wihen Abiathar the high Prieſt. Joab SgrauntD Cap. | taine, with others bad confpired p2intlie 1 Adontas,to make hin ising: Nathan the prophet, cometh toe Beth⸗ ſabe, Solomons mother, councellinge ber to geue king Dauld intelligẽce bereof, ¢ him ſelle alfo cometh ta t Hinge freight after her,to ait, and helpe her . Dauid the hinge vnderſtandinge hereof, comaunded Sadocke che pie to come to bint, and charged him, ¢ Pathan the zopbhet , and Benatam the ſonne of Joiada, to ae noind Solomon bis fonne Bing:which thep obedientip did. Andimoze than this, that Salomon — — af. DORMANS PRO VEE.’ 180 ofeither Nathan, oꝛ Sadocke the Prieſt, inp becakinge of } wicked packe, or indepofinge of Abiathar the biah Pꝛieſt, is notte befounde inp Scripture, Pay tn that long.2.chapter of the third of iinges, where tt ts declas red that Soloma depziued Abiathar p high Prick, ¢ aio many other notable thinges, there ts not one worde of either Sadocke 02 Pathan: noz thep as much as once named:but onelp this isrecozded, that Dauid his father after godlp councell gene fo bis fonne Solomon, of obes diente tc Cod, and of cerfaine other matiers, knowing ‘his fonne to bea wife man, exhoꝛted bim to do in thoſe other maticrs,accozding fo the tuifedome whiche Cod ad geuen him:and other councell than this,that Salo⸗ mon bad fodepofe Abiathar the high Pzieſt,; is not fs be founde in the Scriptures, Jam {ure . Wherefore all that commentarie bpon the woꝛdes, Kiecit ergo So- lomon Abiathar vt non effet facerdos Domini, Is but .Dozmans dgeaminge glofe , cleane contrary to theterfe.3 meruatle that. Dozman doeth not fap that Sadocke gaue Sclomon councel to make him high ꝓꝛieſt alfo,as wel as to depoſe Abiathar, fo2 fo he might snake, that godlp Prieſt Sadocke, mor elikte bis ambiti⸗ ous Popes, which manp wales procure not onelp pac- pofition, but alfo the deſtruction of their prxdecefours, to make the (elfes a volume. Wut J pray poumarke 2 Dozman bis phate of (peach ia this cafe, solomon vfed the autloritie and minifterie,of sadocke the, Prieft, and Nathan the Prophete , in depofinge of Abiathar the highe Price. Author- tie and miniſterie both at once.Dozman 7 and take pou here anthozities fog councelt,o2 fimplie as tt ſoun⸗ beth , 02 craftely to deceive the ſimple oꝛ leudlie that pou wiſte not what pou fade ¢ Foꝛ J ailure vos © We had moze nevde of pour commentarte bere, *— iecit ee ————- —— — . - nal = = 1? Ca bas | ¢ FE Se Se | rn » / “+ : — * * AREPROVFE OFM | Eiecit Solomon Abiathar,a great deale:as it ( peocette will moze appeare . Pour crample tt whiche pou bie fo2 declaration , holy Solomon Depoted Abiathar fs very pꝛetie:as tt appeareth pou learned it of pour mats fers notes , 02 talke , before he peinted tt , vnleſſe pou D Mard. cafur. Will fay, that be leatned if of pou; fo2 be likewiſe vſeth Apolzos.a, the fame, And feinge Bofius who is very brꝛiefe, and ta brieke in anſwearinge to this notable ancient erample of ould Linge Sclomon.Vour matter and pou do well fo anfweare if by commune talbe.and bp a nue erample of Nucne Parte thus ; as Queene Marie deprined Thomas ‘Cranmer and yet was [heCod wotte not the chiefe dooer theres ifs ‘but an infirument,ioyninge With the Pope én the exequution of his determination exc. you ſhoulde not bere haue made the inſtrument fo icine felotve: but fhoulde bane ſpoken plainip as afoze vou did | that the Pope vſed her authoritie and mintferie, that we might haue knowen in whome had beene the authoritie, in twhome the miniſterie, in the Pope o2 tn the Nuene, Wut seeth this glofe make plaine the fert, 02 is it not rather bttcrly cétrarp fo if, and ſubuerteth it. Foꝛ who twas depofed by Solomon? Abiathar: who was Abiathar + the high Prielt of alt emongtt the Jues, the very figure and founder of the popes fupzemacie ; Lobo was depoſed bp Qucene Mas tie 2 Thomas Cranmer: who was he 2 not the high Pꝛrielt of all, as was Abiathar, (Jam Cure bp 9. Doze mans law, 02 diuinitie) but one of the etropolitanes of one Iland. Further, by whole councell depoſed Solos mon Abiatharzby Sadocke arid Pathanscouncel: (aith %. Dorman, but the Scripture fatth not fo) whe were thev:the high Prieſtes ofallz oF troe , vnleſſe there — thee bigh tegen — — rd — "es - DO RMANS PROVEER 181 thas one of the Prieſtes, tnferfonr tothe high Prielt Abiathar, and Pathan was a godlie, but a pore pzo⸗ phete. Wibp, and map a hinge by the adutfe of godly inferiour pPrietes depoſe the bigh prtett ofall 2 Sure, iy hetherto bath %. Dorman brogght the cafe . 36 pou Wwoulde therefore haue reafoned a fimili in deede, pow Moulde thus haue gone fo wazke H.Dozman. As Soe fomon,bp the aduiſe of Sadocke and Nathan godly in⸗ feviour miniſters, depoſed Abfathar the high petetke: fo ould Queene Marie,by the adutle of Thomas Cran- Mer, and other godly Withoppes , bane put doune the qope. And twould to Ged that , vᷣ noble Ladie Nuene MParie, and all other Chriſtian Princes hadbane weit petfuaded, that the with their belpe might haue fo done to that traptour ofall hinges , ¢hingdemes the Pope: as did Solomon to Abiathar the high pztel. traitour te Him, and his kingdome:¢ than might .Do2man baue faken a trae fimilitude from Solomon fo her:fo2 farely as P. Dorman hath now framed it, it agreeth like Gers mans lippes,cuerp part iarring from other. Dn the one part the higheſt Prieſt is bepofed: on the other be. that is dDepofed, ts not the higheſt Pꝛieſte. Dn the one parte the infertour Prices giue councell fo the Linge(fo2 fe .Dozma twill haue tt)p the higheſt pztek of a! ſhould be depofed: on the other the bighett Prieſt of al,p Wope, eomaundeth the Queene that an tnferiour be depriued. And which is the chiefe pithe of the matier in Dede, 0n theone parte'appeareth at large , Onder bull of lead for sub plume? moze futetie, that it was the Popes twill that Queene Parte ſhould fe Thomas Cranmer depriued: but that Sadocke oz Pathan gaue councell to Solomon that he Thoulotepote Abiathar appeareth netther by tweitinge, “5 102 A REPROVEE OF Ma: 1102 bp anp feale,as much as of tvar:no2 by any matter, 102 any woꝛrde of recozde at all. And iF it did, it ſhoulde pet folow thereof, that Pꝛinces twith the aduiſe oftheir infertour godly Cleargie , map depriue both higher pꝓelates:vea ¢ the ope him ſelfe p higheſt of al. Mhich Jbelceue 99,202 bis Canon lawe, foꝛbidding any man to be fo bould, as fo repꝛoue a Pope be be neuer ſa Wicked, will not-wellallow, although be have bp his Die uinitie bꝛought bs the readie way thereunto: which pet. . J wott not how if foundeth ſomewhat againk that ſu⸗ yzemacte of the Pope, tehich is M. Doꝛmans pꝛæſent · . pinctpall propofition. And thus pou that are deſirous to learne fo frame Similitades , fo that thep map ioyne fmothlp,and clofely to pour pnrpofe, and to make tt to be twell vnderſtanded, (fo2 fo 99. Dozman tn his conclue {jon of this place pofefeth)and withall, woulde knot. how to bꝛinge pour treatie direaly to pour intented cõ⸗ cluſion, pou bane M. Doꝛman a learned Lawier, and deepe Diuine to reſorte buto,fo2 that purpoſe. Touchinge the other phraſe vᷣ we ſay: the Prince hath. made Such a man Bi} hop, then. in very deede be onely comended him by his letters leauing the free eleCtion nor withſtandinge to themsta wbhome of right it apperieineth. andthat fo this placing of Sadock in Abiathars office may well Levnderfladed faith be. It is true, as Chimera eft in intellectu⸗ it may be ſo vnderſtan⸗ ded, tf one will: but vntill pou ſhowe that Sadocke and Nathã dealed in this matier, as pour fre clecours pou fpeake of do deale in the election of pour Withep,which pou, ſhall neuer, be bable to dw , noman (but. Cache as pour felfe fs) can vnderſtande howe thefe phraſes are like +02 how the one ſhoulde make the other plaine. But with papiſtes al thinges are plaine as a packſtatfe * * * DORMANS PROYVEE 182 fo2 the Popes primacte and again® Chꝛiſtian Pꝛinces - prerogatiue. But touchingethis free elects of Withops PM. Dozman talbeth of, Hoſtus his authaur ſaith thus > to Sigifmonde Kinge of Polonia.Cuius alius arbitrio 0) ./i)-B- ‘ol- praterq tuo, & à Canonicis eliguntur epifcopi, Xe. 9% 4- · pis to fap. By what other mans wil ¢ choife,but pours (befpeaketh to the lsinge) are Btſhoppes both elect, o2 chofen by the Canons, € confirmed by the Withoppe of Rome 2 Surelie neither dw the Canons elec , no2 the Pope confirme, but {ach as pou natne. Theſe be hoſius woꝛrdes, who bpon the fame bath made this marginall note. Lhe hinges of Polonia da chale 02 elect the Bi⸗ fhoppes of the kingdome. his being thus %.Dozma, pour phraſe of makinge Withoppes, will ſcarſlie belpe pou to keepe Princes From beinge cauſa fine qua non, 02 the chiefe in makinge of Biſhoppes: and that vour - gleatton, pou talke of fs not fo fre , as pou make ft, bite that the Prince, as the chiefe inthe fatde elector of Bi⸗ fhoppes,as hoſius pour authour fafth docth elec them: andas Pꝛinces are the chiefe in the electio of Biſhops, why ſhoulde thep not be the chfefe (n the delkitution,o2 depriuing of theme fo in o poinct be chiefe qoucrnours ouer perſons Crcleftatticall 2 Neither can pou except te thiserample of bofius asthe fozaigne vſe ofan other kingedome: fo2 the fame right baue the kinges of En⸗ gland in the electd of Wiſhops, as Hous declareth the Kinges of Polonia to banc. And were the electiõ of Bi⸗ fhops diuers,in diuers coitrets,p proucthfuch electiõs fo Kand moze vpõ mans cõſtitutions, which ofte varie, than bpon Goddes lat, which ts altvates,¢ in al places One. Wherefore bothe your phrafes of common fpeache , and common calke,e pony exãples of Qucene Parie depzininge, ws Zs 2 ane At ee ai ‘Ae REPROVEE OF My and the Pꝛince makinge a Withoppe , ave tpertinent to pour purpofesand pet pou bpon the warrant of this pour leude commen talbe,ave boulde to fap; te forceth nog that the scripture faith, to the contrary, that Salomon put put Abiathar ¢ made Sadocke Prieſt for him : boherein the Scripture vſeth none other phraſe, than tt doeth in 5.Regir.c.27.f, this ſentence which ts feyned. Salomon made anata. 35°. captaine oucr bis armie tn the fede of Joab:iwhich fens tence as it is fopned with the other in the fame verfe,fa. is it of the ſame phraſe and meaninge. Now where Wz Dorman repzocheth that reuerende father ¢. holy mare tp2 of God Thomas Cranmer , as both a traitour ta Queene Marie, and a wicked membze , J doubt not but God twill anenge the infurte done to his ſainges in his. due time. And J would that thefe men, who foreadely obiecte the moffe bapnous crime of treafon to others⸗ would once ceafe them (clfes fo mainteine that knowe: trattour fo all Linges and kingdomes, their Pope. And- touchinge Biſhop Cranmer, they that be of authoritie creadite, crperiece in greateſt matters, de wellknow, how well that teuerende milde father loned Qucene Marie, ¢how earneſtly be trauatled with king Henrie. the. biti. ber father, fometine ſore offended With ber, bes. frige ladp Marie, foz to winne bis fauour fo ber againe: iwhiche alfo ſtode ber in gud Kede:¢ how much againſt hfs will, and after be bad longe refitted, euen tothe pe- rillof bislife , be was violently caricd away With that ffozme.¢ tempeſt, which fo felv of any Keligion coulde eſcape. By the which bis infozced fault,fo much againſt bis minde,and twill, be did nothing like offende againſt Queene Marie, as didfome popith pꝛælates, whe blas fenthe fame alfo abzoade to the worlde in their prin⸗ — J ted DORMANS*P ROVERS. 183 ted bokes:of whom fome foz that thep tere Papiſtes, remained not onelp aliue,and in good eftate but tn fas. ‘pour alfo. Wyho incenſed that mpldladie (by whofe cle. mencie them felues were faued) to high diſpleaſure and rigour(contrary to ber good natnre)againt the ſaid re; terend father 5 and: many otber godly. and learned Bi⸗ {hoppes,and others: tubo fo2 their clemẽcie vſed in the time of thelr authozttietoward the Papiſtes, were res warded by thent againe (as the gratitude and kindnes of that fect is) with moze cruel death , than is deuiſed fog any traptours,o2 ticked membzes, And pet tbe Pav. piffes not contented, o2 fatified therewith, do Till pets. fecute the fatd godlie learned men after. thetr. death, with all kinde of falſe ſclaunders, and dile repzochess. mot mete foz thetr mouthes, that vtter thei, and wel declaring the fame of malice lurbinge tn their bartes;, hot quenched with their blond:who might be better. oc⸗ cupied tn the amedement-of fuche faultes tn their own lues than in charging of dead men , who can not ans. ſwere foz them felues, with ſuche crisnes, as Were ra⸗ ther the commen faultes of thofe bislent. times, ? — —* mens peculiar offences... ¢ | Dorman fol38 - To —— of Exechias Lanfwer. swith the-feripturesthat 0 me. : of, ' 1.ca.48. all thofé hinges here reber{cd.and what ſo euer els may beyhe Was fo16ga. anelythe execittorsthe conncell and ordering thereof scamming al. .. «10, an swaies from falas the Prophete: who as the mouthe conmaunded fyereth 1, Har. the avme,that is the Prince, tadoe and put in execution this or that. Confut. Apolo.. in Like manner-1 anf-were to the exaple of Iehu who killed the -wic- fol.306, be. —s Red Prophetes but by the aduertifement and fenrence as it Were tp, ca.o firfte ginen againſt them, by Hæligeus —— ye to: Telia as es ae be put in exccuuin. Zs 3 nowel Pe — et i a a, a i a What Kinge Csechtas as well in the {nuation of « His enemtes, bp tobome be was ſoze oppzeſſed: as alfe {n bis greauous and deadly ficknes , was by the Pro⸗ phet Clatas both counfelled, and comfozted, no matt der nieth. That be was alſo godlie enſtructed in the Raw of Dod by the fatde Pꝛophet we allo confelle ,:as thole that euer did graunt,that it is the bonden duitie of Ec⸗ cleſtaſticall miniſters, to inſtructe as well theit zine es, as all others, inthe knowledge of Gods Lave. and otherwyſe of lapng Csechias , and Eſatas, the Pꝛophet (peaketh the Scripture, neither in the booke of ikinges., noz of the Cronicles, noꝛ Ccclefiafticus. Foz thatthe fatde Linge had any aduertifement, much leſſe authoritie front Eſaias, in thoſe bis particular actes, bp him done in the reformation of Religion, and namelie in the deſtroiyng of the bꝛaſen Serpent, M. Mozgman tan bringe noone woorde of euidence out of the Scripture into the face of open Courte 2 as be pro⸗ miled be woulde. Further, Clatas twas not of the Ipne: 02 ttocke of the Prtelkes,o2 Leuites/ but of the blond Kopall ; fog Pꝛieſtes in thoſe tates fozgettinge theft duitie, ov Tirred bp, not onelp menof noble birth , but alfe-fhe- peherdes, pea, and women/ by the {pirit of pꝛophecie: as be did Holda in the tyme of Joſias, to rebube, ave montthe, and teache, as well the {aide Pꝛieſtes, as alfa tofirre bp the Kinges and their people, to the-true knotpledge of Dod , andright Keligion, beinge bp the Pꝛleſtes, cither negleded, oꝛ corrupted. And Gad bath — in ee tn like. sepia ibis wicked⸗ nes of E * 7.4 a DORMANS PROVFE 184. nes of proude Popiſhe Pꝛieſtes declared his holp twili to the fimple, Concerning the peculiar tyme of « . Paralizo 2. Kyng Csechias, the Scriptures doo teache that Wells 5.2.34. Sacer- gion tas whollie cozrupted , and that it was reſtoꝛed, dotes pauci erat not bp the Prieſtes, but by the godlie Pztnce Ezechias. 2. Paral. 30.a,3+Co. a Foz of the Pzieſtes of thattime the Scriptures doo “ball Bis teftifie , that thep tere vnſanctified, and could not 0 geatins fuerat,. their duties and thatthe ing bad much adoo fo being Sacerdotes tãdẽ them foanp goodnes , And therefoze the binge tooke ſactificai ſadt. vppon him to reforzme religion, ¢he called the Prieſtes ; — and Leuttes befoze him, b-admonttheth them of their duitie, tould them howe they ſhould doo ft, appoinctes· Paral.zo. ruerie of them their office 5 cand commaunded them fo Ezcchiasivffir, be it, cuen as the father doth admoniſhe ¢.cOmaunde. Pcepit, & iuata His chilozen:4 pea,andbp expꝛeſſe name he calleth the P2d2t baechie faide Wetettes and Leuttes bis childzen. Anothelaive..5. Pꝛieſtes and Leultes, ofd obeie the favde. commaundes a — mentes of the Rynge, whiche were agreable to thecõ⸗ Filij mei nolite maundementes cf God. cgligerc. And the laid Ezechtas ſent Epiſtles, and godlie tx⸗ hoꝛtations, æquall with Scrmons by poſtes, and cur⸗ rers;te the ignorant and wicked people. And the pecs ple at the ſaide Ringe czechias commaundement; de⸗ ſtroted the wicked altars, where Idolatrie was com⸗ mitted, and caſft the rubbiſh thereof into the bꝛooke Ce⸗ Deo, And, whiche was moſte of all, the ſaid Ezechias e 2. Para.zu.d.20 alſo deſtroied the bꝛaſen Serpentc Aii:thele thinges Fecit Ezechias, ſateth the Scripture, did Ling Czechtas, and God pro⸗hiuctſa que dixi ſpered him. But M. Doꝛmã faith, al this ts but a gure ee and phraſe ot {peache.tsing Czechias, (faith theSccipe o ton⸗.o⸗ ture) in all theſe thinges f commaunded the Prieſtes ð » Paral. 30.2.3 Leuites to doo their duities, and thathe pad muche⸗.c.ij.daꝛꝝ 3% gi i adm. 4 81 ACREPROVEFE OF M™ at do to bring the ſaid Prieſtes to any goobnies zbut Doꝛman laith be was but the arme, and that he did the commaumdement of Cfias the Pꝛophet: and pet isnot M Doꝛman hable fo bring into the face of the Courte, anvy one wooꝛde out of the Scriptares, whereby it * appeare that Csechias twas tn any one of thefe partir cuiar thinges aduertiled by the fatbe Prophet: muche laſſe, that be tooke any authozitte of bint, but that. be did them onelp of bis owne godlp motto; and bp the au⸗ thoꝛitie, whiche be bad of God ſo toda. Wut admit vet _ He were aduertifed by Clatas the Prophet tn thefe may tiers of Keligion:doth if folowe that be was the kings fapertour therefore any moze , than: tt folotweth that Bꝛinces conſellours aduertiſing them by good countfel, Mould therfoze be fupertours to their Pꝛinces. Foꝛ Ge alias was not the highe Pꝛieit, to whom M. Dorman — giueth al antozttiesbut Asarias was p high Pꝛieſt, who Ge with all other Prieſtes in all thinges were atthe comy maundement of King Czechtas. Andif %. Doꝛman would ſo haue it, that the Prince by the aduiſe of intes riour godly miniſters giuen accoꝛding to Gods wade; anap likewiſe call befoꝛe him, inſtructe, appoincte and commaunde the high Pꝛieſt, and all other Pꝛieſtes, in all thinges and matiers of Keligion, accozdinge as did ing Csechtas,our rife with him in thts pointt, ans many others, thal fone be at a poind. Foꝛ than Itrut that as aulters. tobereupon Zoolatrie was committed; were (ubuerted,and that bralen Serpent, wotwith eas _ Bing, ft was fet Dp by Moles , at the commanndement of God, and had continued ſo many hundreth peres 340 |. the dafesoffo manp godlp binges and holy Prophetes; and notwithitãding that ſo many miracles were sate Hos 02¢ DORMANS PROVFE, 185 before it, and fo mante cured from the benemous,and - Deadly fingings of the firfe Serpentes, twas pet bp the godly king Csechias , onelp foz that Zdolatrie was cos mitted bnto tt, btterly deftroted , and that bp the aduiſe of Cfatas (Catth 99.Do;man) FZ tru , be will likewyſe allowe, that our Chꝛiſtian Princes, bp the counſell of their miniſters, though infericurs in wozldly eftate, pet aduertiſing them accorꝛding to Gods wwoozde , map likewiſe Deftrofe Popiſhe aultars,¢ocuclithe Images, by no Molſes, noꝛ man of God els, by no comaundemẽt of God, but cleane contrarie to Gods expzeſſe comaune Dement,fet bp by the Deutll him felfe, and his mebzes: and befoze the twhiche no miracles baue euer bene wrought, but either bp the operation of Hathatt,o2 fets ned, a8 wzought, bp Popiſh fables:but moze abominas ti ble Zoolatrie hath there bene wꝛought before them.and opon ther altars, tha euce was before the beaten Sers pent,and bpon the aulters Whiche Ling Esechias des frofed. Nowe concetning Jehu, though Clifeeus, by 4.Reg.s. one of the childꝛen of the Prophetes, did anoincte bint Hing, and gaue bim knowledge of Gods twill, touching the deſtruction of wicked king Achabbes (ede: yet caw - not 9.Dozman ſhowe out of the Scriptures, as much _ as one fy0020, that Eliſæus thould counfell him fo kill the wicked Popbhetes , but that he did (tof bis otwrie godly feruent seale: and tf he could pꝛoue, that it were done by Eliſæus counfell, who was no high Pꝛieſt, but a pooze, though a godly wWzophet, pet, Ithinke M. Doꝛ⸗ man would be loth to graunt, that Chꝛiſtian Princes ‘map vpon like aduertiſement, kill ail the wicked Baa⸗ Utes of our time, the Idolatrious Popiſhe Pꝛieſtes. pote wheare as both D.Hardinge, and B. Dorman Aaa da. _." 7 J A REIPRoOVFEOFM. Harding. eBfut. do not onely make the fame anſwere fo the example of Apolog-306, king Csechfas, but allo to the ende thereof dw loyne ii⸗ kewile the erample of Zebu, with the anſwere to the fame, being therto nothing occafioned bp the Apologies it map appeate thereby , befpdes manp other enfdent tokens, that thep towe da vſe fhe fame inftrucions. - Dorman, For. 39. Ho.Fi.s, fol. 68. Howe lofias warned the Priefles of their office and duetie, it D, Hard. Confu. appeareth in the fourth booke of the. Xinges, wlære he required c, zi Apolog. fo.307- 7. priefes todemaunde at Goddes handes councell ,-what he and e his people { bould doo : fo thar what ſoeuer he did alfo, he can be cots red no other wiſe to have doen but as 4 miniffer sypon the aduertᷣ- ſement and relasion of the prieſtes Fie ‘ Nowell, : O what an bolotve and falfe dealinge of a craftte Papiis this: Wibere the Scripture faith : Et præ⸗ ; cepit Iofias Helciz facerdoti.Xc. that is to fap ting 3 Joſias commaunded elcias the highe Prieſt, with o⸗ thers, Prieſtes and Scribes, to aſke counfell at the. Aozdes handes, W, Dorman bath tranflated tt: be ree: quired the Prieſtes ec. leſt anie wooꝛde of authozitte ouer the Prieſtes, ſhould ſeeme to be attributed to the the Pzlnce , and ſpeciallie ouer the highe Pꝛieſt: for whiche caufe be alfo bath ſuppreſſed Helcias the highe Pꝛieſtes name erpzeflelp mentioned tn the ferte s and’ . hath bid it onder the commane name of Pꝛieſtes, as though Jofias bad te du with fome meane forte oF Pꝛieſtes, and them allo, as his ſuperiour⸗ * — 7 rea hk . te ea DORMANS PROVFE, 136 Had gentlie required: that it Mhouloe not be knowen te the people, that kinge Joftas gaue anp thinge tn tommaundement fo the bighe Prieſt to bedone. Wut that whiche folotveth in M. Dozman bere, paffeth all falfehoode. Wibercfoze faith he, whatſoeuer king loſias did, he can be counted none other wiſe to haue dune, but 45 a miniſter vp- pon the aduertifement and relation of the Priefes. here is a fmoothe tale fozfoothe . But what aduertifement gaue | the Pziets from the Lozdes month, oꝛ bow came they y reo secs bp it 2 Thus faith » Scripture. Helcias phigh Pꝛieſt, tcriic itay; Hel~ with the other Prieſtes and Scribes, ( bp the cõmaun⸗ cias facerdos & dement of the king )went to a woman, Holda the Prꝛo⸗ Ahicam, &c. ad phetife of ber tolearne the Loꝛdes will. The Scripture —* ‘aoe * faith thus: whereby it map appeare that none ofthe ~ Pꝛieſtes in thoſe dates knew tt the felues. Chere pou befoze fatd, that Claias p Prophet cõmaũded the Ling Csechias,as the mouthe commaundeth the arme, pou may bere likewiſe fate of holda the pzopbhetiffe, that _. _. the asthe mouth commaunded King Joſias as} arme, + Ree 6238 And what twere pour wrlettes by theistnge comanded pric’ meccincs to goe: Surelp they were the fecte rather tha the bead; & Ahicam,&e, 0; mouth : bniles, fo2 that they went to a woman to Ite & confulite learne, and that not of anp their otwne good wil oz mo⸗ Dominum fup tion, but at the godlp Kinges commaundement , thep ™% {Pct Poe mutt needes be the heades and chiefe doers: onelp tor bio· * that they were Preieſtes forſooth. And the godlie png, who at the firſt fight of Gods woorde, was fo , moued with true repentaunce, and by and by {intended * °° arefozmation of bis, and their liues, and of Keligion, accoꝛding to Gods toil,andtherenpa ſent fog d yeteter, lbidem.c.iʒ &c⸗ commaunded them fo enquire at Gods handes:vea and BRAS 95 Aaa 2 afterward A REPROVFEOFM ©” alterward was faine bimfclfe to warne them of their’ ___ bffice, and duetie, ahd to teache them the fame alfo.- 4. Reg.23. 2.4. And he commaunded the fald highe Paleſt, and the o⸗ precept Rex tae Peleſtes, to caſt out of the temple all the beffels, clei pétifici, ’ & facerdoribus (UAtumentes cf Idolatrie, confecrate to the ferutce of : fecundiordinis Waal: be deſtroted the altars ¢ Images, whereunto J⸗ &c.ve proijcerẽt dolatrie was committed:and be put downe all the Zoos | de téplo Dai oi latrious Pꝛiſtes, and thꝛoughlie in all poinctes refogs | val Ayr nied Keligiö. Dhe Scriptures planely affirming , that i Joſias commaunded, and dtd all thefe thinges, vet muſt | be be but a miniſter to fuche wicked ¢ ignozãt doultes, | as thofe pzieltes were. a), Dozman, pou ſhould rather, as pon before fatd, chat ſaias as the mouth comaunded Exechias, a ae the King 4s the arme, ſo bere alfo haue ſaide, that the wo⸗ : : inan holda the Pꝛophetiſe, was the mouth, and Joſi⸗ { Dor.fup.fo.18.b as the King thearme. Foꝛ here 9. Doꝛman, pour Las 5 oe bia facerdotis,vour Pꝛieſtes lippes, and mouth fatled Ffi28,b.7, Sud miffed of the kepinge of true knowledge, contras. Hierom.2. b.g. rie fo that, whiche pou fallely befoze fatd, that thofelippes - — & 4.0.9. hada promiffe by the prophetes,not to miffe to kepe true knowlege. Ezechiel.7.g.26 Foꝛ now loe,fn ſteade of Interrogafacerdotes legem. ¢ labia facerdotis cuftodient ſcientiam/ ate come in place, facerdotes nefcierunt me dominti,ignorauertit iudititi:renentes lege nefcierunt me, obftupefcent fa- cerdotes & lex peribitafacerdore:in fave ¥ fap of theſe textes: Inquire forthe Lave of the Prieftes: € the Lippesof the Prieffes { hould Reape knowlege: which textes were before by you butrulp applied are now theſe tertes tralycome in place:the Prieſtes bane not knowen the Lorde, they haue bene ignorzant of (udgement,thep that beld p law, did not know me, (the Lode ) the Prieſtes ſhall ware amafed, and the Lawe ſhalbe loft from the — e DORMANS PROVFE. 187 Chele x fap ¢ uch other tertes , ace here come in place: and now are the Prieſtes deinen to enquire and learne the knowlege of the Lorde, at the lippes and mouth of a woman, And where p Scriptures attribute as much authozitie ouer Ringe Joſias, and thele Prieſtes, the bigh pPetet andall,to the pꝛophet iſe Holda, as they dw to the Pꝛophete Eſaias, oucr Linge Czechias: there- fore by pour fozmar reafons , pou map conclude, that a ‘woman in thefe dafes, was the chiefe fn reformation of Religion , as twas in thofe dates the prophete Clatas. Wut neither Claias noꝛ Holda vᷣ prophetile were high | Pꝛieſtes theretore were not the high Prieſtes chiefe tn the refozmatio of Religion. Wut neither can Holda the propbetife, fo2 declaring bew al thnigs thould be done, N02 the godly Kinge, foz commaundinge andfeinge all thinges done accozdinge to Goddes twill , be the chiefe; buf onelp mintfers tn thefe matters by: %. Dozmans fudgement;but the Prieſtes, knowinge nothinge, doz inge notbhinge of them felfes, but onely goinge ¢ aſking countell ef a wwoman,¢ that not of them felfes, but by p Laingescommanandement,and doinge all other thinges likewile at the faid hinges comaundemet, as the Serie ptureserpeefip dw declare, mutt nedes be the chiefe mẽ in doinge of ali thefe thinges, forſoth. So eafie it ts for & Pꝛieſt, be he neuer (uch an (dle, wicked, and doultiſh, lutbar, to be the chtefe deer, though he do nothing, but by the commaundement of the Pꝛince:and ſo barde, yea and impoſſible a thinge ts it, for a Pꝛince, bebe never fo godly, wiſe, and diligent, and dfe be never ſo muche authozitie, by M.Doꝛmañ his iudgement , to be chtefe doer inanp mater of Keligion o2 godlines: but be muſt — ——— to luch leud maiſters, and an arme Aaa to be — Benet AREPROVFEOFM A fo be commaunded bp {ache mouthes, anda foofe to fuche folith beades. So with M. Doꝛman to comannd, is the office of the inferiour, ¢ to obep the commaundes ment, is the office of the chicfe Deer: pea and fire is wa⸗ ter, and wafer fire : fo i€ map ferue to auaunce, leude, fgnozant Pꝛieſtes, aboue godly and twife Printes, ſuch as were thofe Prieſtes, that p2ince. Wut MB. Dormant doeth herein right well,and euen as be ſhoulde do: foz the moze foliſhe and fgnozant they be , the foner map Capita fine. fen- Ehet be fuch heades,as were many of bis Popes, beinge ſa & cerebro. Heades voide ofall vnderſtandinge and wiſedome in all thinges apperteininge to God and godlines: beinge in beede vnworthie fo be, J twill not fap, thearmes, as 99. Donan (peaketh, but the beales, inanp god oꝛ godly bodie. Wherefore bleed be God, who, as in theignoe kuerem. i3. c. r. FAUNEE 5 of the Leutticall Pꝛieſtes, bꝛagginge in their Mofius lib.a. fo}.07.b, blindnes,that the late Mould not faile fro the wetetkes, fent the Prophetes bis ſeruantes, betnge not onelp ng Pꝛieſtes of the Leuttical tribe, but allo poze ſhepardes and ſimple women fome of them, to teache his holp will vnto bis people : fo bath he in like iqnozaunce of the proude popith pꝛælates and Prieſtes likewiſe in their blindnes, bragging of their knowledge and iudgement,, called ſimple hepardes, e other perfons of meane æſti⸗ matiõ in this wozld, euẽ as he did Amos the Pꝛophet, and Holda the prophetiſe, with ſuch other, by fuch felie anes, in our dates to inſtruct bis people, to:confounde the tyozlolp wiſedome, ¢ Cerne ſtoutnes, offuch pꝛoude popithe prelates, tag at Dorman. Fol 39. 3 X Now as for lofophat and loas, if the one oue threw she wooddes and hilles where the people lurcked from the temple, the other warned the Prieples to fee better to the reparation of che ſanx vhas —⸗ S, DORMANS PROVEE: 188 greate matter is this I pray you? or howe doeth this prone that D. Harding. Cõ- fur . 306. b. Ringes ought to haue, the chiefe rule ouer the churche? Uf Princes fut shar hane byn in times palthad fo well looked in this point to their ‘ies ep duet ie as of right they ought , and all good men rif he they had: if o¢ 53 ita mnie they had {cured your lufkes corners,and onerthrorwen the Wooddes, fol.68.b.&.59.2s the blinde cellers and rotten barnes, in whiche you firfie vttyed 10 lucis,hoc eft, poyoned doctrine : neither had that made them rulers of the in tenebris, in Churche but faith full and trully miniffers , nor you byn here no wo a nr ts * totrouble the churche of God as you doo. As if on the other ſide, they ries — had alfo folowed the example of Ioas in callinge vpon the repara- vocat. tion of Goddes houſe, neither woulde axy good man haue founde Faulte there withall. nor any wiſe ma haue thought, that this { hould ane made them the chiefe gouernours in Religion : nor finally fa wnany Churches tien at this day flat on the grounde, fo many mona~ fleries én whiche God was ferued and the pocer relieued, made ſta- bles for horſes houſen for { beepesor fies for (wine. Nowell. Whus faith the Scripture of Linge Joſophat. Zolophat deſtroied the hillaultars ¢ qroues, where 2.Paral.r7,4.6; Idolatrie was committed, Excelfa, & luces Anthe thirde pere of bis raigne he made a bifitacton —— of bis people and ſent the Prieſtes ¢ Leuites fo preach, rcp fc and te feach all the people the law of Cod. 5— 22 He refuſing the falſe doarine of pᷣ ʒ00o. Pꝛophetes of > Paratis be; MWaall, defired ta heare the true Pꝛophete ofthe Rozde xc. though be were but one,and fimple ta {e to. we He pet once againe doeth viſite his people, andres 2*Paralrs,2.42 uoked them tothe Lorde their Cad, | Heappoinded the Prieles t Leultes in Hieruſalẽ iidem. c.g: their offices, geuing them in comaundement that thus Precepit cis dic and thusthep ſhould do faithfully with a perfect harte cco fic agetis,. an the leare of the Aozde. ——— c. | cyene Be Te ll es |. ie >) ie, m : 4 A REPROVFE OF M 6. He teacheth the Prieſtes their duetie, and hantelp | Ibidem. cr, emongſt them be appotnaeth Amarias the bigh Pꝛieſt to bis office. 7 In fime of aductfitie,be commaundeth tating “og æ. Patal. 20.23. praier thꝛoughout all bis Kealme. 4 Sse Ail thefe circumfaunces mo manifettlp —— Kinge Jehoſophat his intermedlinge in matters of Res ligion, and chiete authoritie ouer the Prieltes, ¢ names Ue ouer the high Prieſt him felfe, M.Doꝛman doth diſ⸗ femble,and paſſe ouer with theſe woꝛdes: loſophat ouer⸗ threwe the ooddes and hilles where the people lurked from’ the temple. VVhat great matier is this I prayyomand this he doeth to make our canfe as ſtronge as may be, like a true manof his promefle; pou map be fure. Andlett the Reader ſhoulde he occafioncd to finde thefe fo many 5 andfo notable ere amples of the hinges Joſias ¢ Jolophat., he hath omits ted the notinge of the places of the Scriptures, where thefe hittozies of Jehoſophat and Joſias are to be found, woyhiche be hath afoze done in no other erample. Taouching king Joas, v Scriptures teach thus of hint. —— Joas determined fo repatre the Temple of pᷣ Lord, 2.Paral.24. 2 and fog that cauſe he aſſembled together the Pꝛieſtes € 4.. &c. Leultes, and gaue them in comftaundement that thee fhoulde (pedelp goe there about. 2. Wut the Leuites (to ſay the Cleargie) wer⸗ neglt⸗ 4. Reg.24. gent thereabout, vea, and abuſed the money geuen ther · >{-kG - tem by the deuotion of the people, to theirotone vſe, pzo⸗ 3, fite, andpleafure. Ciherefoze Ringe Joas called foz the bigh ele Joiada and blamed hint, foz that he oto ndt lſee the fade Leuites Da his commaundementes. a Wibercupon the Leuttes and Prieſtes were ſorbidden : “any moze to medle With p moner, geuer bp thepenplet —⸗ i & DO RMANS PROVFE 189 and moꝛe diligence and circumſpection twas bfedbp For fada the high Prieſt:and much monep was gathered to the repayringe of the Demple , the whiche the Linge ¢ the bigh Prieſt deliucred top maiſters of the woꝛkes. Andthe woꝛrkes beitige finithed,therelte ofthe money 5, twas bought to the hinge, who made thereof veſſelles foz the feruice of the Lozde tn the temple. All this doeth M. Dorman thus expꝛeſſe: toas war- med the Priefles to fee better to the reparation of the Temple wha? great mitier is this I pray you? _- Mhough thts hikozte in deede do concerne the repat- ving ofthe outward Demple, pet that the reſtoringe of true Keligion , and ſuppreſſinge of falle Heligion, and Idolatrie, ts therein contetned, the plaine ferte doeth plainely declare , referringe all thoſe doinges to the wordes, and conffitution of Poles ; and makinge ers . prelle mention, bow wicked Athalia bad taken away al, para as.bs the oznametes of the temple, and garnithed therewith c.5. the temple of Baall. And further, that al,as well the butlotnge, as tepaf- vinge of p temple of Hierufalem , is a continuall figure ofthe reſtoꝛing, and mainteininge of true Keligion, is bp the commune confent of all interpeters teſtified. Wherefore kinge Joas beinge chiefe herein ,andrebu- hing the negligence as tell of the high Prieſte, as the coucteoufnes ¢abule of the whole Cleargte , andis no where blamed for fo taking vpon bim, but obcied, even of p gud ould father Joiada the high Prieſt:it geucth a manilelt erample of the right of Petncesin matiers of Religion, elupertozitic ouer the high Prieltes ¢ Clears gte. Where B®. Do2man folowinge hoſius his authour Hofius lib.ꝛ. fol. twozdefo2 worde, compareth our fight, and hidinge of: b:&69.2. Bbb our A REPROVEL OF My que: {tt wooddes, blinde cellars, and rotten barnes, as he termeth them in the time of the motte: bloudie popiſhe perfequution there to faue our lives 5.andtoferue our — God, whiche fog feare of motte cruell death, wedurtt Dorman fupra. fol:17-b. Hofius lib. 2, fol. 68: 69. D.Hard. Céfut. Apol, fol.ios. E ufebius lib, 10. cap. 8. not do openly, to thoſe wicked groues, wherein Idola⸗ frie Was comitted emongſt the Jues: ¢ wauld haue had thofe our luf ke corners (as he calleth them) fo feoured that. nonce. of bs ſhoulde now haue bene liuinge ta trouble: thoir Romith Church:be heweth therein, that bis chae ritable gẽtlenes, which he bearcth towardes bs,iwheree. of be Spake befoze,protettinge, that behaserh ys.norhinges. but pitieth vs very mach But al our coꝛners tn ſuche cafe of perfecution how ſo euer Pofius, D. Harding, and M. Dozman do fpeake, thus do the. true hiſtortes Ecclen⸗ aſticall ſpeake of the likze. 4n the ibe perſecution vſed by Tteinius the tprant, e his Iufidelles againſt Chriſtiãs, as was bp the Pope t his Papiſtes lately erequuted againſt bs > Euſebius, after be had declared howe holy Biſhoppes, and ather learned godlp men, Were,as though thet bad bene mo - iwicked offendours, putito motte cruell deathes, faith, Dum hac geruntur, rurſus piorum virorũ fuga ori⸗ tur-iterumg agri,iterum folitudines,fyluz, & mone tes feruos Dei fufcipiunt. ts to ſay:when thefe cruell voinges and perfequutions tere in bande, than were godlic men dziuen againe fo fife: fieldes, wildernes, woddes, £-Hilles, againe receiue¢ couer p fervantes of od. Whe fame wordes doth Cufebins reberfe againe worde by worde, in the beginning of bisfecon bake of the life of Coftantine,declaring.afarre.contrarp fudges ment of ficldes, tildernes,¢ woddes( which he calleth v receiptes, ¢ couertures of the fernauntes of Cod, in the. tints. » — DORMANS PROVFE 19a fime of perfequution)to .Dozmans opinion of them, Hofius fol.cs, & terminge them with Botius, 4/hes corners. AnD in P p20- 9. Lucos iftos coffe of that boke Culebius thetveth,botve } extremitie Freee of the perfequutions was fuche , that no woddes, noꝛ c, wildernes coulde bide the feruantes of Ood,from the ~ crucltic ofthe perfequutozs : but p thep were faine to forfake thetr natiue countrey, and fo fife into farre and ſtraunge countrefes, euẽ emongſt the barbarous people to ſaue thetr lines:reprouing the extremitie of p cruel perfequutozs their countrep men, bp the gentilnes of p barbarous nations,that receiued, and fausd then. Pele ther let .Do2zman obtec £0 me, that this was the pers fequution of the Beathen. twbhichis now cealed. Fo2 the cruel perfequutia of Popes ⁊ their Pꝛælates hath note of longe bene fo manifell, that fuchas otherwiſe do fa⸗ uour thent,are dziuen to confelle it:as doth emongt o⸗ thers 5. Bernard moſt expreſtie bv thele wordes. Vide- Barnar. ia cõuer tur id ceflafle perfequutio, imo iam incipit perfequutio ab fone D. Pauli. illis, qui in Ecclefia primas obtinẽt. Amici tui & proximi tui aduerfus te ftererent.Egreffa eft iniquitas 4fenioribus,iudi- cibus,vicarijs tuis,qui videntur regere populum tuum, No poſſumꝰ ia dicere, vr eft populus, fic eft facerdos:quonia nd ita eft populus vt facerdos . Heu Heu Domine De? ipfi funt in perfequutione primi,qui videntur in Ecclefia tua primatũ diligere,& gerere principatũ, Kc. {g tofap : Perſecutis feimeth nowe fo be ceafled, nap nowe beginneth perſe⸗ quution bp thent, who haue p chiefe places inp Church. Why friendes ¢thy kinlefolkes, o2 neighbours do lade againk thee. WMickednes bath proceeded fro the eloers,. ludges, thy vicars, who do ſreme to rule thy people. Hether can ine now ſay, as is} people, fois the Pꝛieſt: foz » people be not ſo, as isthe potel.Ab ab Lord God, chei bepchiefe in perfequuting, wha da feme to love p bb 2 primacte A REPRO VFE OF M. | — oz chiele place; and to haue the pettietpate, hus doth . Warnarde notifie , boho be the perferr- tours, not the Beathen now ſo muche, asthe chiefe of. Churchemen them felfes.. But no place is moze entdent either for our poze: refuges , in time of perlecution,o2 againt the popiſhe gloztous Churches, in comparifon whereof 2. Doma. derfdeth our blinde cellars, and rottẽ barnes as it pleas feth him to terme them, thanis that in ilarius as gaint Aurentins the beretibe , likewiſe beagginge of bis Cathalike Churche, and gap temples, as do out Hilariue contra yan ifttes: notv. bis ma2des are theſe: Male vos parie⸗ Auxeatium. — sm amorcepit: male Ecclefiam Deiin teGis adifi= cijſq; veneramini:male fub ijs pacis nomen ingeritise. Anne ambiguum eft, in ijs Antichriftum effe feflu= sum?Montes mihi, & ſiluæ, & lacus & carceres, & - yoragines.funttutiores:inillisenim Prophetz,aut: manentes , aut demerfi, Dei ſpiritu prophetabant. that (s to fap: Vou be naughtilie (i lone with walles: pou do naughtilfe reucrence the Churche of Cod in houfes and buildinges : von do naughtilfe onder the. cloke of thefe thinges., bragge of the: name of peace «. Is there anp doubte but that Antichzitte hall ſitte in thefe Lemples 7 Mountaines, and woddes, and lakes, And pryſons, and deepe dongeons, 02 caues, are moze fafer fc2 me: fo2 in them the Prophetes either remay⸗ ninge, 02 impzifoned , did pꝛophecie bp we —— of Goddes ſpirite. Lo 99.Dozman, that holfe,and moſt duictdhe Father, and learned docour Hilarius, repꝛoueth this affection: iy pau, tebe do likewiſe fo. bigbly efteme. vour highe SQpnagares, DORMANS PROVFE. 193 DSpnagoges, and glozious temples , tudging and eſte⸗ ming the Charch of Cod bp fuch ſumptuous butloings: whobut Hilarius affirmeth p Antichztt thalbe founde fitting in {uch gloztous teples, and the true poze Pꝛo⸗ phetesiof God fhalbe found in hilles, wooddes, and toil. Dernes(whiche pou do deſpiſe and deride ) Ethat theres foze not onelp billes, wooddes, and wildernes, faith Hi⸗ larfus,but alfo pzifons,and dongeons ( whereinto pou caſt the fealte feruantes of God.) are to him moze ſafe, than pour highe, buge, and molt glorious Popithe Spe |“ Hagoges. AWiibherefoze if pou will finde out the bill auls. - tars,and groves, wherein Idolatrie was committed e⸗ mongel Chriſtians, as it was emongell the Jues, vou: mutt not ſeeke tn the wooddes, blynde cellars,and rote ten barnes, which,in feare of pour ertreame crucltie, q tpy2ante coucred bs, where no Zdolles were erected, no Idolatrie was committed:-but pou muſt eke bpon the: toppes of the billes,tobere pour Popiſh chappels, with: Deuiliſh Joolles, and aultarsin them, were ſtanding, and bo;rible Zoolatrie committed: oꝛ pou muſt go ta: pour buge bigh Abbeis, and Frier boufes , butloed on. height like montaines, mante thereof had alfo qroues: and wooddes aboutthem 5.there thall pou finde luſke cozners enongh,anguler aultars, tobere angular maſ⸗ fes were fatd, and anguler Idolatrie was Daplie coms mitted:andother luſkiſhe fecret cozners, wheare ſuche woorkes of darkenes were perpetrate, and committed,. as are not meete to come to ante light of relation , no2: fhall not foz me in deede. And tf pou liſt fée.an erprefle Image of fuche groucs,as thele godlp hinges cut op, €: deſtroyed, whiche the bulearned can not:fo tel knoboe⸗ at thele dayes as thep know billes;pou haue a paterne. : IBbB 3, of one: AOREPROVFE OFM . ofonect them out of antiquttie, defcribed bp Euſebius fn bis ſecond booke of the life of Conftantine, by thefe berp woꝛdes:Erat autem nemusirriguum & ampli. In hocerant Varia ex lapidit {culpturis pofita Deo= rum vt putabant, fimulachra, quibus cum candelis cereis accenfis.pro confuetudine facrificauit; that ts: fbher was a groue, which bad a riuer running though it. In it there tere diuers Images of tbe Goddes ( as they tooke it) caruen tn fones, to the twhiche Images be did facrifice, with manp candeis light, as theft cus . ome is.Thus farre Euſebius. Where voumap fee ne rotten barne,noz blinde cellar, noꝛ ſuche a woodd nefe ther,as couered vs from pour furious tpzannte, defers bed:but {uch a large grdue, with a ryuer in ft, oxbp it, as commenly pour Abbe(s,and Frier houſes ſtoode in: not a couer of feare ( as were our woodds) but aplace of hotines(as thought vour Monkes and Friers) Cans ding full of Jools and Images of ſtone, befoze wwhome woas plentie of wax candels burning,and facttfice done. Waould you not thinke god Keader, that Euſebius hav feene befeze bis efes one of our Idolatrious Abbeies, foben be dtd writte thise And for thele ¢ fuche like mok wicked Zdolatries, and otber detefFable Deedes 5 moze sneeter foz ſwyne, and otber bzute beafies,than fo2 ines ꝝerpetrated in ſuche groues, and luſke cozners,as thele were, by thoſe brutiſhe babes, of that ſtrõge ſtrompet, and bolfe {pboze the Komiſhe Churche, are the fafde fufke eorners, and dennes , bp Gods {nf iudgement fcoured, as We do fe at this dale comme fo pafle, and fome of them are in deve left for oefes , Shepe, and Stopne, as leffe nopfome brute beattes , than were €hole monfrous Monkes, and filthie 1 Mca) oes OO " DORMANS. PROVEE. 192: feffer them befoze: with the enute whereof, Doꝛman pet nowe the thirde time gocth about to burthen bs. Mut fo2 the auoidinge oftedtantnes , 3 dm remitte the Reader , that either bath not read,o2 remembzeth not Folcy.xc: — mp fall anfwere thereto, foz bis further fatilfaction fo I the fist pari: reſort to the fame tn mp booke before. of mineanfyvere- Dorman. Fol 392. And thius may you fee good readers s that all thief examples. _dlleaged by our aducrfaries ave to no purpofe , as of the whiche » as of Kinge Dauid (Who Was not a Kinge onely but 4 Prom phete-alfo ) comeine a manifeſt fallacie, other that of loſue, that he / hould receive. efpeciall commaundement of almightie God to meddle with Religion, an impudent lie : fome as of Salomon, Exee chias and lehn , a figure or phrafe of fpeche, as by the-scripturer eg, Ihaue proued, and as of loſias may be alfotruely anf-yered , who. = enterprifed nothing , Leforehehad caufed the Pritfles firft , to goe andconfulte what he { hould doe: and. other fome fuche» as of lo- faphat.and loas , as no man euer denied toRinges, yea manie Wif he that inthe practifinge thereof, they had in times paſt, and at this date alfo would, (howe them. felues muche more for tarde thew, they panéordor,, © | ; ; mY Nowell. | And thus may vou ſee good Keaders, fuche an im⸗ pudent Papiſt, as por, noz any man els did euer ſce be⸗ foze.: tubo as be patted over in filence befoze- thofe ma⸗ nifoldmoff plaine and effectuons eramples of godlis Hinges, intermedling in matiers of Meligid, andbvfing of their right, fupertozitieand authozitie ouer Pꝛieſts: fo. nowe with greater. lence foz his purpofe —— then: Be tee. >> tee? ll Pro — OFM>- chem —— they are to no purpole. | that bzeuitie with ſilence of theft notable ant mozeto WM, Dozmans purpolethan mene, purpoſed to be ſo ſhoꝛt noꝛ ſetret. P.Doꝛman doth bouldly without —— wer bis fallacie, affirme that ing Dauid did ble bis fe mantfe and mantfould autbozttie ouer Pꝛieſtes, and 4n matiers of Keligion, as bath bene befoze declared, by the pefutlege of bis pzopbecte:whiche fa bea Fallacie,is pꝛoued mantfettlp by that,» manp other godlie hinges no Prophetes, haue likewyſe ozdinarelie vſed the lyke authoritie, as both bath bene largelie, and vet ſhalbe moze fullie, and maniteſtlie ppoued and declared. And not withſtanding, that the holie Scripture ex⸗ prellte declareth that Dod commaũded Joſua to keepe, and to do the whole Lawe of the Lorde, and to ſtudie the booke of the fame Lawe dap enight: that be might of him felfe vnderſtande howe fo directe bis wales, and goucrne Gods people, and that the people of God pzo⸗ miled obedience to him in all thinges, enen asthep were obeditt befoze, fo Boles, (which was in matiers Eccleſiaſticall,as well as Ciuill) and that wbhofoeuer, (without exception) Mould gainefate Joſue, and not do all his commaundementes, ſhould {after death: all the whiche notivithfanding, and Joſue pracifing alfo aus thoritie ouer the Pꝛieſtes, andin Churche matiers, as fs plainelp in the hiſtoꝛie of Jofua recozd2d,9).Doema Dare pet charge bs bp name, but in deede the bolfe Scri⸗ ptures, with a moſt impudent lie: as though Joſua bab D Hard, Cetur, tecelued no efpectall commanndement touching Kells Apolo.fol.jo3. gion. Wibereas,as well bis maiſter D. Hardinge, as Ho die.fo,1os.a thefe autbour Cardinal Hoſius, ae both cofetle, —* godlie * DORMANS. PROVFER, 19 godlie Prince is the beeper of both the tables of Gods Lawe, map, and ought to punithe , the tranfgrefours thereof, forbid, abolithe, and put away, Idolatries, blas {phemies, mans {002d preached fo2 ods twozde,map anv ought te mainteine and fet foorth godlie nocrine,¢ to forbid, and abolifhe wicked doctrine, and wor ſhip⸗ pinges: all thele thinges expꝛeſſely confeſſeth bofius pour authour , thefamein effete, acknowlegeth pout mater D. Harding, bohiche thinges to to, what ts it elles,buttomedle with Keligion 7 VYou may therefore moze iuſtlie chardge your authour, and matter, with an impudent lie, than the Apologie, and in dede either they, whoſo plainely and particularly do affirme that godlie wzinces be the keepers of both the tables, and ought fo mainteine and fet foorth true doctrine, and a⸗ bolithe falfedoarines, and woo; hippinges tc. that is, may medle in Keligten;o2 pan, that faye thep mapnots * lie moſt impudentlie. And tobereD. Dosmd onder thecotour ofa figure, attemptetb todclude the Scriptures erpeeffelp teſtifi⸗ ing, that hing Solomon depoled the high Prieit Abia⸗ thar,¢ placed an other; to twit Sadocke,in bis rowme: declaring thereby his authoꝛitie ouer them both:and by the lke figure twould blemiſhe hing Gsechtas woordes fo the Prieſtes, as the wooꝛdes of the father {peakinge fo bis childzen (Coz he erpzefite calleth the. Prieſtes bis chiloze) wold blemiſh thefame thing Crechias bis com: maunding of the Prieſtes, his inſtruciing of them, bis putting Downe of Idolatrie, his beaking Downe of the bꝛaſen Serpent, and his reforming of all partes of Ke⸗ ligion, bp the like figure: together with Kinge Jehu om ee billing the falfe Zoolatrious Pꝛieſtes:and ccc bing ' 3. Reg. de — ie 2) i) F rat A REP ROVEE oF a Ling Joſtas his authoritſe, in putting downe the ine Idolatries, and Idolatrious Pꝛteſtes, andin ſendinge of Helcias the highe Prielt, with the other Prieſtes on his meſſage, in matiers of Keligion, to Bolda the Pro⸗ phetife,and in commaunding them tn all thinges cons rerning Kelfgion. 9. Dozman going about to delude al thieſe moſt platne fatpnges, and doings of thefe god⸗ Ue Princes, erprellpedeclaringe their authozitie duer Pꝛieſtes, and in matters of Religion, bya phzafe or fia gure of ſpeache, be ſheweth bim felfeto be berp Poeti⸗ call, phantafivng, and fetning figures there none be; Mind bp the fame poetrle be fatth: that hing Ichoſophat bistendinges of the Prieſtes € Cleargte to pꝛeache ta bis bifitation,bis teaching of them theit daities/ aſſig⸗ ning to them thetr offices, ¢ chmaunding of the to do fame:and king Joas his rebuking the negligence ofthe — Cleargie, and repzeſſing their auartee, and abuſes, pea and blaming Jotada him ſelfe the highe Prieſt: thieſt fhinges ſaith D.Dozman;are ſuch, as no man euer de⸗ mnied to kinges, to do:but would wiſhe they were more 3 ~—s- fozeWarde than thep be 5 in doinge of them: but all the ae world knoweth the contraviest that froward Pꝛieſtes can bp nomcancs abide, ſuch foretpardnes in Princes. Al thele fo platne and effectuonsfaipnges and doings, of fo manp qodlie hinges, moſte maniteſtly declaringe their right to intermedle in matierso€ KReligion, and their ſupertoꝛitie ouer the high Pꝛieſtes, and Cleargie doth M. Dormã bzieſſy without naming of any but bp the igure reticentia,pating them ouer in filete, as be⸗ fore fo. ithe wile bere,mott impudentlie terme ſigures ¢ pbrafes offpenche, But J yap Cod that fuch fiqueesi¢ nds ates may ee truely wit hout al figure be % ecu DO RMANS \PROVER A 194, rented bp our Chriſtian Princes, in all good and godly reſdꝛmation of Keligtd,and tn bztdling of the pzafumps tuous, ignoꝛaunt, and wicked Popiſh Cleargie:as thep were bp thofe godly Princes trulie, without all figures 92 feining done and accompliſhed. Wie fhould than fe a farre better figure of true Keligtone Chriſtes church, than we daue bad hitherto,in the popitve Churche. ~ And tobere amongellt other thinges be faith, that be bath before pꝛoued bis aſſertion bp the Sctiptures,and namely cocerning, Solomon; Crechtas, ¢ Ichu, that ts in deede to fiquratlp and poettcallte fpoken by 99. Dozs man. Foꝛ iftt map pleafe pp god Readers to refozt back rhs ati to thofe bis (cripturall pzoufes , whiche are befoze,vou 6) 9. * {hall.finde bis marginal nates 3..Reg.i. Eccle. Cap. ad· Reg. And in thig cap. 9. as though in thoſe places it were declared.; that booke fol. solomon had councel or anthozttie of Sadock ¢ Matha, 89-& 11850 t depoſe Abtathar the bighe Peieſt, ¢ to place Sadock in his rowme: as though. Czechtas bad councel 02 aus thozitie of Cfatas the Prophet, tobreake down the bra⸗ fen Serpent:and as though Jehu hae councel orꝛ autho⸗ ritie of Eltzæus to kill the Idolatrious Pꝛieſtes. Wut 0wbhan pon febe tbe places noted;pen thal finde neither there,noz els where in the Scripture any fach thingjor anv one wo2d:¢ therfoze be being cõtẽted only to make His marginal notes of p whichis no tobere tobe foio,¢ ſo leauing bts ſcriptural proufes, whiche be bere brags geth of,and trating that you would beteaue bim vpon bis bare woogde,, as be fs no lee taoozthp » be talieth * ta the Spokes o£ his figuee , Ay phraferof cam, Por. lap. f.38,b Aachen and. commune talke ( fon thus.he (peatseth ) as M-Pormans ' Scriptures are * Queene Marie depriued Thomas. Cran- phrales of tats. a * be God “tutte, not. the chiefe doer there- mune jalke. bat; an pedis joyninge viih the Pope in the execution Geez. oof bas AREPROVEEOFM © | | ! of his determination. And ſo fay we in lihe manner, * the Prince | hath made fache 4 man Bifhop, where he hath onely commented him by his letters,and foyeat left the electiõ free. Thelebe M. Drs man bis otwne woordes, and thele be his proufes: other than thefe out of Scripture, o2 no Scripture; for thefe matters bath be mone. And thus muche fo? the ſumma⸗ rie reherſall of bis paoufes, that thefe moſt notable exã⸗ ples, of fo mante godlie isinges, fhulo be to ne purpoſe. How to M. Dormans ſecond anittoste,top 3 ee him felfe did not —— like this.: — — — — fis And left of all you may feethat all were it Jorhat enerie exams plebad plainely cõc luded their intentionithat yet it is no good yeas fon to faysthat therefore our Ringes now adaies muſt haue the like authoritiezno more then this,that if Moyfes had byni no prieſt it (bald folowe that other temporal gouernours might confecrate Bif [ hoppes , becaufe he did beinge none confectate bis’ ‘brother Aaron ; or that becaufe Danid had many wines , therefore our Kinges aſo mayor the clearg te put to death Ringes becauſe Samuel did, or Prie- _ fes bile adulterers after th example of phinces, or one ſpoile ano- —4 _ther(t meane of them that be of tontrarie — — in be nate — cauſe the children ca — che — — “Nowell schefe tend (ndadions rete step the pai of bis fecondanftvere, nothing ‘binder our reafonings _fcom thecratnptcs of godlte Kinges of — ‘Dales’ ta. cChꝛettian Pꝛinces of oar time: for though ot ePrinites _, (no tog Prieſtes,noꝛ the Pope bimifelfe) may not, Nez can not dw diuers thinges, whith Motes bp (pectal ‘pate uflege and canta myaculoasty tid vet map ate DORMANS- PROVFE 195 Pꝛinces dw fuch thinges as be ¢ all other godly kinges bfuallp did, without fuch pꝛiuilege:which fs ,to refozme Religion, and to repꝛeue and: cored pPrielkes , that dv. not their duetie. And what though Chriſt ian Princes map not haue many wiues as Dauid bad, feinge that themultitude of wiues at once ts erpreflp fozbidden to Chꝛiſtians, by our Saviour Chꝛiſte in the nue Teſta⸗ ment: WMhat letteth that but thep map refozme and res foze true Keligion, and ozder the Pꝛieſtes, as did king Dantd-iwhiche to dw is forbidden fo godly Princes nets ther inthe ould Defkament,no2 tn the nue: but bp the bfualteramples of godly Princes in both the ould Le- ftament,and Chzifkian Religion proucdto be laufull. Pꝛieſtes map neither put todrath Binges, noz other men foꝛ the (peciall petuilege of Samuell and Phinees ferueth but for then felfes alone, and can not difcharge either Prꝛieſtes oꝛ any other men, from the general coe maundement.of God, thou ſhalt not bill, and honour € ober the Kinge. But ſpeciall oꝛ generall. commaundes ment forbidding godlp Princes to intermedle in the res formation of Rcligion,oz to repꝛoue and cowed Wicked Pꝛieſtes, in the Scriptures bane pou none. . Liketwile of the erample of thechilozen of Iſraell (potlinge the E⸗ giptians( which erample not mentioned anp where bee fore . Doziman bere. tn bis conclufion adloineth foe a. furplufage)it is no gwd reaſon(ſaith . Doꝛman) to fay phat therefore one may ſpoile, an other of cont rarie opinions in Re- Sgion: whiche dodrine Jwiſhe he would better. teache bis Papiſtes, that. thov might once ceaſe from fpoilinge of bs, not of our godes onely mofke couctonflie, but of. aur liues alfo moſt cruelly. But tothe matier J fay, the — siti a ai halt not ſteale, ayo : une bindings: A\REPROVEFE OF Mi‘ binding al met, is a let why this ſpecial erampleof the Iſraelites, by (pectaloifpenfation fpotling p Cavptias, may not be folowed of bs. Afyou twill therefore make pur reafoning,from ) due dDoinges.of ould godly Kinges én matiers of Kelfgton,¢ controuling of leud Pꝛieſtes not doinge their duetfe,liketopour lend eraples, Hole | {where od bath made anv reftraina by general 02 {pes — ciall commaundement, that our Kinges map not folovo | thent in dealinge in matiers of Keligion, and control⸗ Ainge of ignorant 02 wicked Prieſtes, as J haue fhewed reſtrainces ecaules,toby-thep: map not folow them in hauing manv wiues: and toby Prieſtes map not folowo Samuell and Phinees in puttinge wicked hinges te death, or kilunge adulterers: and why we may not for low the Iſraelites ſpoilinge the Caiptians,bp ſpoyling one an other: whiche if pou, no all Papiſtes with pou, can not do,leane of once to goe about, bp fach ſophiſtrie and fatlacie to bleare the eies of the fimple people sane withall to make pour felfe.not onelp fox pour foltths tes, ridiculous to all wife anddifcrete men:but alſo fog pour falſhode, and moſt impudent sper shious fo att — true men. ~ ephersag” algrmagi ad) Ie | Davee Fel 4b. tis rinit: i avd here share — to my — ——————— an other cauſe shy that reafon.of theirs ſ houuld benaught whicheis hit; that'the priefiheed of the ie wes as altogether cagnall and flef help and might therefore the rather. be ſubiect to the Kinges' tohertés the ‘the Priefthood of the nerwe Téftament is fe much moreexcellent Hien. that,ts by how muche the matter and obielt about hiche itis ot- -seupied,the head,authoursand chle fe Prieft shereof {which is no otber Palmx shia ene Leif te — prieſtaccordinge totheotdrevaf | Melchife~ DO RMANS P.RO VEE: 196 Nelſchiſedech) doeth —* fates * the matter s the Briefe oF neat of theirs.’ | Rawal ꝙ. Dormans memozte cometh bpon binta pace, fox aS ff ferucd him immediatly before , with an crample, of fpoilinge earſt not thought vppon/ fo doeth it now tminifter to him a tobole nue anſweare: twbiche, tn tafe allthe other faile bint, twill pet be trufteth , ferue the turne. Wat it map fo fall ont with M. Dogmans and bis plentic of anſweares: asit 019 with one, that had many octupations andpet coulde thztus by none of them, fo2 that. of fo manie, there twas neuer an one god. And J pray the gwd Keader, conſider whether 9. Dorman, by this variable multitude of ans ſweares, Dw not after a ſorte confelle , that him felfe doeth like neuer an one of thent,.as fure enough to ſticke to.’ Due while, Moles.is a Prieſte: an other while, in acale no Pꝛieſte. Dne while., hinge Dauid Did not intermedle tn Keligion at all; an otherwhile, éebeinge graunted bythe wꝶe of reasoning that he did inter- Dorm. ſuß. fol. medle in the affaires of Religions pet map. not our Kinges 36.b. & 38.2. doo likewife , fo2 that thev. be no Prophetes as he Iwas . One wbi⸗ all other godly auncient hinges; whiche were no Prophetes; did not medle With Keli⸗ gion atall an other while, though ther did, pet mav Not our. Kinges doe fo liketetfe : no moze than haue many wines as they had: whiche is a reafon , not fuche as made the goſe as: goeth the peoverbe , but facheas 2. Doman dreamed of . And thus, with Mofes: Wasa: Prieies he toas no Prielke : ikinge Das a ote mat intermedle at all in matiers of Keligion, * binge A‘REPROVFE OF Mo Hing Dauid did intermedle in — not as a Kinge: other auncient godly Kinges did not this, they dtd this , bath M. Dorman dalied out a longe pꝛoceſſe. And as though be had not pet beene various, and diuers enough,in prameditate and fore ſtudied an- ſweares, be addeth one other , ſodenly miniſtered bnto dim bp his memorie:the effet tobereof is this. Te Iuiſhe Pricfthoode Leinge altogether carnall and fleaf bly might swell be fubjett to Kinges but the Priefthoode of the nue Teſtament 28 fe much more excellent ,than that priefthood Was, that at may not in any Wifebe ſubiect ro Kenges In deede feinge the prieſthod of the nue Teſtament ts ſo fpivitualt and ercellent (as P. Donan faith) it was great pitie; that ſuch a forte ofcarnall and fleathlie lubbars 5 as were the popiſhe Pꝛieſtes, had anp thinge a dow with the miniſterie thers of. And ¥ thinke that twas one caule , tobp thep by litle and litle dꝛew their miniſterie from the {pirituall fer dinge of Goddes people bp the preaching of his wade; — and ofber {pirituall ferutce , to all carnall ceremonies, fuperflitions,¢ the outwarde clementes of this world nof onelp Juiſhe like, but Pagane and Heathen like al⸗ fo: that feinge thep coulee not be fitte minifers foz-fe {pirituall a Pꝛieſthode, as Chꝛiſte bad inkituted, thep might deuiſe a Prieſthod fitt fo2 them felfes . And pet and Godwill, thele holp Prꝛieſtes, which were alwaies mott abicalp fabtect to all carnal luſtes, and ſerued the beggerly clementes of this worlde, might not-be ſub⸗ fect to theit godly Prince. Faraunt in deede pᷣ Cheittes Pꝛrieſthode ts tnfinitly moze ercellent; thaw twas the Pꝛieſthode of the ould lawe. Wut Ides denie that rhe poptthe Pꝛieſthode bath anp ercellencte, orgadnesin état all. Ano ®. Mozman doeth not well confider the difference ‘ DO RMANS PROVFE 197 ‘pifference betweene the Jues and bs yb the marter, and obiect, the head, authour , and chiefe Prieft, (hiche faith be) is none other than Chyifie bimfelfe the æternall Price. For the Scriptures dw teach.that the godly Jues did eate cfthe r.coriath.v0, ſame {pirituall meate,anddzinke of the fame (pirituall rocke, which is Chriſt, as we do.And Chꝛiſt beinge an æternall Pꝛieſt as M.Doꝛman traclp faith) be was al ſo a P2lek in the ould latv,foz p æternitie of bis Pꝛieſt⸗ hod reacheth from ende focnde. And be bath bearde J thinke, that the lambe was laine from the beginninge Apocal.ig. of the worlde. Wiberefozre the godly Juiſhe Prieſtes Had Chritke him felfe , the mafier,the obiede, the bead, authour, and chiefe Prieſt, as we baue. Wut J graunt, as J laid, p the Juithe Prꝛieſthod is infinitelp tnfectour to Cheilkes Pꝛieſthod, and that it twas but a figure of Chiles Prieſthod, and that it was but tempoꝛall, where Chritkes ts xternall : and that whan one Juiſhe Pꝛieſt was dead, he had an other that ſucceaded him to continue the Prieſthod:but Chriſte being the æternall Hebrx.5.& 7, Pꝛieſt, and bis factifice alfo xternall, once foz all eter: nitie offered , (s euer pꝛæſent, and needeth no ſucceſſor, 1102 bicar generall. But your Pope who will needes be bis bicar , as though be were ablent: and pour popithe Pꝛieſtes, as though be were dead, o2 bis facrifice ceas fed, and as though thep were bis fucceffours, wil needes often offre that bis facrifice, whiche the Scriptures er pꝛeſly fap, thalbe no moze offered. Tberfoze pou Papi⸗ Wes thus dealinge as though Chik his Pꝛieſthod, and facvifice were not xtcrnall, vnleſſe it tuere continually mainteined by pou,dm manifelt iniurie ¢ tonfumelte ta Cheitkes Prieſthod, ¢ ſacriſite: ¢ do blafphemoully di⸗ minilhe the ercellencie thereof, makinge it like to the Ddd Juiſhe Hebr.7.& De ID “1 $WiKEPROVRR OF M: Juiſhe Prieſthod, whiche had nade of fuchedeputios; — bicars,andfuccefours. And thus where pou ſhould bp preachinge of the ghofpell, as beconteth Chriſtes mints F ſters, haue declared the vertue, excellencie,/ and æterni⸗ — & faz tie of Chꝛiſtes Pꝛieſthod and ſacritice: Vou,leauinge -crifici, ex pret pour affice are become facrtficers pour: felfes:, tothe byseris, great Derogatton, btter deſtrucion of Cheittes petetts hode, and facrifice,as much as tn pon darth lie. bith pour pratended Petekbadve; and (urmiled facrifice is not as you Tap; moze excellent than p Juiſhe Pꝛieſthod. and ſacrifice: but infinitely worſe, and in deede abomi⸗ nable; as a monſtre compounded of Judaiſme, Paga⸗ niſme; and Chriſtianitie. Fo2 poubane Aarons Juiſhe apparell, and ſmering with oile, and many other Juiſh ceremonies:and vou baucbefides , moe Ethniſh rites, and (pecially abominable Idolatrie: of Chꝛiſtianitis pou baue lefte, but ome patches pet andhowes, But pour) chtefe office ſtandeth im ſurmiſed facrifices 5 in grolſſe Zdolatries 5 in mindles mutteringess¢ ta dombe ceremonies. Wiberefoze it is no meruatle that.pou bragge of fo-bolps ſpirituall, and excellent a Petetthad by pou poſſeſſed, that vou: nap bp no meanes be anicats gut fa pour godly Palnices | ‘3 . ar ‘Dorman Fel49. a4 ahead ‘ay — thinge 8. Petre did not obfeureby fi * * ‘Bef YWoordes: vos eftis regale ſacerdotium you are a Ringely ‘pric(?:2.Capia boode as who { hould fay the priclthoode before was not Ringly.for that that: ‘Kinges ruled ouer Brieftes but novi the —— 5 bifor that to it be afubinth euen Kinges them — X Nowell. — Ad debe is oe & terte now come fo —— tle, DORMANS PROVFE =_198 rie, fo2 the difcharge of. popiſhe Pꝛieſtes front all tubs fection fo Chriſtian princes, that be ts contentedfo geue guer all that longe plea, whiche be before made fox the Juiſhe Petettes, and to leaue them tn the briers, and in fublecion to their Binges. Now ſurely M. Doꝛman pou sight haue done very well, and haue [pated pour ſelte and me, and the pore Readers(whiche are much encom⸗ deed with vs) of muche labour, and tediouſnes,had this at. the firſte come fo pour remembzaunce , and bad pow confeled 5 thst it was 8. Peters minde,and that not obfcurely by kim fignified,that the Driefthood of the ould lawe was not kingly, for that theKinges ruled ouer thofe Priehes . Foꝛ J allure pou, pou baue made alonge and tedious adoe , to pzoue that thofe Pꝛinces ruled not oucr thoſe Prieſtes: but nowe ſeinge thofe Pꝛieſtes were fo vnhappie, to haue ſuche a tarnall and fleathlp Pꝛieſthodee, and fo to remaine remediles vnder the ublection of their godly Linges, et them goe, on Goddes name. Well, but the priePoode is Ringely nowe (faithe 99. Doꝛman) for that Kinges them felfes ave fubiect to ie. Pet is bere a double doubte remai- ninge:loz firſte, it femeth thole Juiſhe Prielkes might baue bene releaued of their feruttute bad they confides fed this geere well ; but it is not gfuen fo euery man, to ſee ſo farre in a milne fone, as doeth %. Doꝛman. Foꝛ euen in the ould Teſtament Cod faith tothe Iſ⸗ Erodn 19.8.5. 6a. raelites by MPolſes, , after this ſorte: Si ergo audieritis vocẽ mea &c.vos eritis mihi in regnũ ſacerdotale, & i gens ſancta· Mec funt verbaqu¢ loqueris ad filios If- rael.$ is to ſav:It pou heare my voice( ſaith pᷣ Loꝛd) por Malbe vnto me a prieſtly Kingedome an holy nation. Thele be the wordes twhichep halt ſpeake to p chiloze 42 — Thus larte is the terte. Io M.Dozman here a Ddd 2 is ag. — A REPROVFEOFM is as muche loz the pꝛieſtly Bingdome of the oulde laty,. out of Goddes owne mouth, as pou haue out of &.pWee ters,fo2 pour kingly pztelthbodof the nuc. And in deede ali the oulde doctours affirme, that >, Peters woꝛdes in that place bp .Doz;man alleaged , are nothingecls. buf an alluffon fo. this place of the oulde Teſtament. and aberp repetition. and reberfallof Goddes wordes there: and ſo it is alfo notcd in the coatations of all the bokes , that J baue feene, both tn the ould Teſtament and the nue. Wut bilike .Dozman bis babe was not marked in the margent , 02 elles be beinge moze than balfe a fleepe, did not marke ff :.02 elles be did not loke bppon the babe, but alleaged this terte out of his mes moꝛte, as befaith. Foꝛ doubtleſſe bad be noted it, be woulde not fo haue giuen ouer the prieſtly Kingedome of the ould latw., but be twoulde thereby haue defended: their poze oulde Juiſhe Peselkes from all ſubiection to Pꝛinces, as welias bis popithe Pꝛieſtes. Andthus pow fee it (¢ nether gwd. fo2 M. Do2man, vpon confidence of bis memozte, to make ſuche diſcordinge defcante vpon the plaine tertes of the Scripture, 102 foz bs ta creoite. MP. Dormans memozte foo. muche. | rai , The feconde doubte and farre woꝛſe (if woꝛſe map Exod.19..3.6- be) foz 9. Dozmans parte, ts. That the woꝛdes if Hac anniitiabis 55, heare my yoice you / hallbe vnto me a prieftely. Kingedome s. domui Iacob- “4 an holie nation, of. people, are fpoken by Mofes. from Gods, Hac loqueris ad flios Gael. £9 4/4 the Whole people of I/raell: whiches J trowe, were: 1,Petr.2, Vose- not all Prꝛieſtes. Likewiſe are theſe tumedes of S.. ftis gen? electũ, Peter, Pou are a choſen generation akingly Prieſt⸗ segalefacerdo- hoode, an holie nation, anda peculiar people: {poe sid. gens Landa, bon oF all the Godly, that dweiled as ſtraungers bere: populus acqui- frianiz, and there thoughout Pontus, Galatia, Cappadorias. 3 , DORMANS PROVFE’ 199 Afla and Bithinia:to whom this Cpittle, (as oeth trip beginning of it appeate) was wꝛiten, who were not al Pꝛieſtes, J beleaue.. Foꝛ though 9. Doꝛman thinketh that the title of a Binglie Pꝛieſthoode doeth apperteine to his Popiſhe Prieltes alone, yet J true he will not dave them, muche lee them alone, called the bolie naz tion , the peculiar people , the choofen generation of. @od:fo; it tuere a ſtrange phraſe to ſay, the generatis,. hation, oꝛ people of Pꝛieſtes. And though M. Doꝛman be the phraſe as proper enough to Prieſtes: pet is t€ hot a true phraſe, be it neuer fo proper, tocall them a: thofen generation , a holie nation,o3 pecultar people of: God, being in deede the biperous generation , wicked: nation, and peaulthe people cf ppoude popithe Pꝛieſts. And bere falleth out alfo an other vnlooked foz miſchiet again 9.Dozma, that thofe woꝛdes, which be tuould: (obrorto colloas they fap.) violentlie weelk to bis pos piſhe Pziekes onelv, do indifferently appertetne to all godlie men , as well of the Laitie, as of the Cleargie, as tocllof the Zues , as of the Chꝛiſtians, as by Gods: otune mouthe erpreflie (poken., and S. Peters penne. expzeſſie wꝛiten too , and of them all tndifferentife, And that would J here proue bp the agreable interpre⸗ tations of the ancferit Doctours, as well bpon the ſaide place of the ould Teſtament, as bpon this placeof S. Peter by M. Doꝛman alleaged, ſauing that J da thinke: that bis maitters: D. Wardinges inſtrucions might fchoole him bet tn this poinct: whoe alleaginge both theſe places out of the.xix.of Crodus, and of the fire of S.pPeter,the feconde chapter , hath theſe woordes: According to the fame meaning “whereas the people of ifrael"were D. Hard. Cafus — αα- a Priefilie Ringdome: 8. peter Wri. Apolo,fo.305,a. Dod. 3 ting fo. Beh ———————— OF Mad . ging to ——— the ordre of the swoordes,calling — of clriiSacerdotinm Regalesa kinglie prieſthood LoD. Doma: pour matfer, 2. Parding, teacheth pousthat thepeople of Iſcael, (not onclfe the Pꝛieſtes) were called Regnum facerdorale a Pꝛieſtlie kingdem: and that &. peter vſed the fame wordes, though ture ned in ordre/ of Chzikkias(not of Pꝛieſtes onelp)calling the Church of Chik, Sacerdotiam regale, a kinglie Pꝛieſthood, as befoze God called the people of Iſrael a prictklie kingdome. And thus pour duble dotage, t ridi⸗ culons ignoraunce, ſuppoſinge and teachinge the ſaide wordes of D. Peter to apperteine neither tothe godlig dues, no2 to lap men being true Chꝛiſtians, but onelte to pour pope,¢ popiſh Pꝛieſtes,is by p mantfekt terteg then felues > with not onelp the anctent Docoursy tected fn fact fort, § though it be not fo pour, blutinge ébetng thamelefte)pet mav tt luſtly be to the. ſhame of all pour cottcellers ¢ belpers about pou, that ſhuld moz narrowlie haue ouetfene pou, and lobed better to ms pour groffe,and bectell blpnde onerfightes at the leak, Nob fo proceade,if by Gods otwne tuwzde5,and S. Peters erprefte. teſtimonie, and D. Pardinges plaing confeffion, all godlfe Chztftans , theagh Lap men, be partakers of this kinglie prieſt hood, Jtruſt that godly Chꝛiſtian Pꝛinces are not deſtitute of the fame: ¢€ that conſequently, popiſhe Pꝛieſts are not fo peincelie, but 6 Chꝛiſtian Pzinces hauing beſides theit woꝛldly kings dome, a pꝛincely pꝛieſthod, and pꝛteſtlie kingdom, map, be bould to fell Prieſtes of their duitie neglected, oꝛ to puniſhe them not amending. Wut the Pope his Pꝛe⸗ tates , sah fo long vſed them ſelues ſo Lozdlie e pꝛin⸗ cely ouer DOKMANS *PROVEED - 260 telp ouer Princes, that 9. Dorman thinketh (ta mers uailous,and motte inconuertfent thinge , that Princes Mould haue ought to do with them-and theretore what . foetier cometh 5 though but madlie in his memozte; 02 ſodenlie to hfs fight, founding ef anp rile, dominton, 62 authozitte , be freight ſtreineth (t to ſerue the vſur⸗ pedtprannie of the Pope and his prelates, to piove them not onelp Prieſts, but petticelp Pꝛleſtes alfo foz4 footh. ea and fuche p2tncelte Prieſtes, as Thoutd baue binges them felues ſubiect totbeirbecke, Andis tt not well dane of H, Dorman trowe vor, ‘bpon a good liking of this tert, to fozfake al bis formar anfivers, that ould pzinces bad norule oucr p Prieſtẽ _ of the ould Lawe, ſo longe befoze by Him Kicked vnto, and ſo largelie and laboꝛiouſſie dekended, and ſodenlle now to confelfe, that the Kinges ruled ouer the Jutſha feftes, as hauing a carnall and fleathlte prieſt hood⸗ nvall thts doth be, vpon confidence of fo ſure a pillar ‘fo leane vnto, as is this his gloſe and comment vpon S. Deters woorꝛdes, whiche do moſte platnely make godlie Princes equalt with godlie Prieſtes, in the pols ſeſſion of the kinglie pꝛteſthoode, and prieſtlie kings domes and conſequentlie da make godlie Priuces nfs nitlie ſuperiours to all Popes ¢ popithe Pꝛieſtes, who haue to part; neither of godlie prieſthood, nor prieſtlie xingdomeꝛbut haue onely a ſurmiſed prieſthod, and aw vlurped tyzannie, taken bp them felues;motte erprene againt Gods moſt holie woorde. And thus h. Doꝛman, who hath bene fo — —* bling in the Uipperie myze of bis bricerten anſwers, is now at fhe lat by log ſceking fallẽ quite oucr the cares into the dirtie donge of doultiſhe dotage, and molt ma melull and thameles impudencie. Dorman. felfe whofe minifiers they are: as contrariwife the dif honor, the Rofias.fol. 45. et AREPROYVFE OFM ; Dorman, Fol.48. Paty wh ither is any fuche greate abfurditie ( if we indiffe- ventlie Wey the matter) as fome men would haue it femeto be, con- That ki fidering that tgnatius difciple to 8. tohn the Enangelift, that all a the auncient fathers , due mofle plainelie affirme the fame: neither prichal yet ante great reaſon Why thiefe woordes / houlde be to am mat abfurdit caufe of offence s feing that When all is counted , this honour of go- at all. uernement refleth not in the Pricftes, but goeth farder to God him contumelies and reproches doen nto them, aredoen aſſo to chriſt as him felfe witnefferh. Qui vos {pernit me ſpernit, he that diſſi. Luce. feth youde/pifeth me. | Nowell, Here pon mut beleaue him agatnebponhis wm, as be fs no lefle woꝛthy, thar Ignatius diſciple to s. Ichn the Enangelifand all ancient fathers doo mofre plainelic affirme che fame: that ts, thar Ringes { hould be ſubieci to priefles: and che fame tobeno abfurditie at all, No doubt, thep affirme it ee uen as plainelfe, as %. Peter even nowe akirnred it, accozding as pou baue beard: that is, the cleane cone trarie. Foʒ that all true Chꝛiſtians, as well Lap men, Gs Prieſtes, are partakers of the kinglie pꝛieſthoode. (whiche is the fame p eter faith) Jgnatiusnodenbl; | and all anctet fathers, wil agree with . eter therin. Concerning the reafon, why zt / hould be no taconuentence,nor cauſe of offence to any, that Princes { hould be ſubiect to Priefles, for that chis honour of gouernemét reflech not tn the Prieffes, bur goeth farder to God him felf; whofe minifters thei are J pray you gad %.Dozma,bp the fame reafon to perſuade p ſtubberne « vebellious popebis prelat? ¢ pꝛieſts.once to ſubmit the felfes to their Princes, foz § the Hono; of — J canes Sy pees eu oe DORMANS PROVEE ~° 20% fefketh not onlp inf Pꝛinces.but goeth further fo Gods Rom.ig. fobofe minifters thet are, ¢ of the woꝛthineſſe of the ſaid miniſterie, Bod doth voucheſaue to cõmunicate to the = fhe name of the Godds, rather then to Prieſtes. Pfajon. Sty Touchinge the diſhonour, the contumelfes and res proches dane to Prieſtes, that redounde alfo to Chik, as be bin felfe witneſſeth, ſaiynge: Be that diſpiſeth you, diſpiſeth me. Sir it is allo tweltten tn the bole Srriptures: that be, that reſiſteth the faperiour pos Romy! Wer, reſiſteth God, whicbe J am lure is {poken of Pzinces,and other Magiſtrates: wherefore pour Pope and bis Popiſhe Prelates, fo longe rebellingeagaink theft Princes, are tobe warned hereoſ. Wut as foz this terte by vou alleaged, it was not fpoken to pour Pope, noꝛ Popiſhe prelates. It was {poken fo thole y.- 10: who ſhoulde teach the Gofpell, whichethep bad recefe Math..8. fed of Chriſte: and in deede, thep that deſpiſe thofe, Docete | praces that teache Chriſtes Goſpell, deſpiſe Cheltte, whofe Pivorie g @ofpell (tis. And this one exception is enough to dee barre the Popes, andall bis Prieſtes, From the claps minge of this terfe, as appertetninge fo them, who do not onelp, not preache Chriſtes Dofpell, but alfa mok cruelly murder them that da preache it. Foꝛ J wyll not bere encomber pou with the reff of the exxeptions: as that tbep, to whom this terte twas fpoken, twere tye, 1; fente as Lambes emongf Wolues, but pour pope e | bis relates come like Wolues emõgſt Lambes, And What ſhoulde 7 {peake of no purfes, noz twallettes, ne Hawes no2 Faves, to thofe } haue huge chettes full of treafure, faundalles of goulde, and ſette with pects ous Fones, Halberdes, Moꝛiſpikes, pea Piſtolettes, Hallehakes, Gonnes,and double Cannons, ¢c.3 pap | —* Cee pO = 4 er. », a A REP ROVFE OF Me: pou fearch the text better M.Doꝛman: J thinke pou thal not finde the men pou (peake of , mentionedin all that chapter, where thistertis. Siang ce sea And where pour Pope and bis Pzelates bane fo hos nozabie rolwines; and lininges.giuen them, bp thelibes ralitie of Pꝛinces, and others, with muche reverence erbibited vnto them, farre paſſing the double honour, that &. Paule fateth a godlie Pzelate ts twogthie of, though tt be but ſenglie, and ſimplie deſerued of their partes. :isthis honour to litle, that pou count pour Pope diſhonoured, vnleſſe the great eſt Princes of the rarth do hould his bzidle, ſtay bis ſtirroppe, kiſſe bis fecte(whiche honour none the poozeſt ſubiect exhibiteth vſuallie tothe higheſt Prince) would bis bolines be kiffed anp lower, would be haue his fecte bppon ait Emperours , Rynges, and Princes neckes, as he once ſerued the noble and mo valiant Cmperour-Fredes « ‘ke £nobarbe? Are not fuche weaithy luinges, and Loꝛdlie eſtates, as pour Popiſhe Pꝛælates baue-of Pꝛinces giftes , honour enough vnto them; but that they muſt alſo in matters of Keligion, whiche fous. theth the bealth of thetr ſoules ¢ beauenlie kingoome, . “Pigh. Hicrarch beleaue and folowe whatfocuer thep (sp, though mote ib écap.15, Mantfeftlte repugnaunt to Gods bolic twoozde,, with⸗ Ho lia.fo ng. nt whies 02 whattes, without any fearcbhinge , 02 dif Dor fup.fo.23. cuſſing: 92 elles thep be Difhonozed,and reproched with D.Hard, Cofut, contumelies , andthefame dtfhonour , and. @odipill, sae fol 302 muſt redounde to Chꝛiſts allo 2 Is it uet enough foz — pour pope,by his extreame tyrannie, and bis Pꝛelates, bp their falſe treaſon, to haue depoſed fo mante godlie Chriſtian Emperours, hinges, and Prꝛinces: and fo. dane depziued them of thet worldlyx zyngdomes * re Ps DORMANS PROVEFE, ° 202 delle they map be futfered fo deprtue them of the kings dome of heauen alfo 7 Dz cls, the Pope andhis Pꝛæ⸗ lates ate diſhonoured, and theft diſhonour alfo doth re⸗ dounde to Chꝛiſt Him felfefozfooth . Well, F truk that chꝛiltian Prꝛinces one dafe will awake from their lag fleepe, arid looke about them, howe thep map bonout ornare ex fuis and adourne accozdinge fo thelr vertues and merites vircutibus. xour Pope, and popith Pꝛælates, thus pitifully by pou conmplayning, that thep lacke their one bonour,and are diſhonoured by vndue contumelies and repzoches: onto whome we wiſhe that thep map amends, and become J woꝛzt hie of ſome parte of that honour, whiche they too muche haue, oz elles be Honoured, as they in deede doo deſerue. Dorman, Folge, he “which thing I sould to Cod our — —* glorie ſo Tranſſated word muchof the name of Chriflians, vauntethem felues' of the Rnorwlege for woorde, out of the gofpel , would not thinke ſcorne to learne'by the exaple of a of Hof.lib.t, fo, Pagane and Infidel,1 meane Alexander the great. VVho although he 4914 were by veligio an ethnike,by nature intollerable prowd,fo thar not gr contented as Quintus Curtins sprirerh of him to be borne of the or. "fuze, race of mortall men; he conueizhed bis petigrué'from the Gods, not fafferinge but commmaundinge « alfo, that vpon peine of his tndigna. tion all men { boulde call him the fonne of lupiter: and to increase the more that naughtie humour of his, and to poure'as the prouerbe és, oile into the fier, by fortune fo happy, that the whole worlde was in 4 mannersby the dent of bis tarde conquered ‘and brought | vndem that, at bit name the proialeſt Tivants rrenibled; and barba~ - yous nations fleoped : beyet all sbisnorwirhfandinge, beinge fucks yet — i aera [ boulde entve inte Cee the | A REPROVFE OF Mn the citie of lerufalem, as fone as he once perceiued laddiu the hig he Yofepus prieſt comminge to-wardes him, felldowne and renerencedhim, antiq. u Wvhereat then Parmenio one of his truflie friendes marueitinge -P:15+ / not a little, haddemaunded of him, ohy he whom all other men Nils | moor hipped, and had.in reverence, did woorf hip the prince of lib.s. Jewil he pricfies : his anſ were was, that he woor /⸗ hipped not him Alexand, bus God whofe minifvehewae » Teucrem » spe res * tovvardi Nowel. bisb ps This fue jVea, Now you play the wiſe man M.Dorman, tes borowed out of {ge pou haue theiuen fo euill bp the Scripture,to take Hofius Roore. pout Quintus Curtius, as god an authour for that: db. 1.cotra Bré- Diuinitie whereof pou are Wacheler, as potible map: tum fol-4o be, Wheretoze pou haue done right well, fo-patnfule lp fo petine, andte Flooztthe with your fine Khetoztcal’ floivzes this Curtian bitozie. hee ffecte thereof is. That Cmperours , Ringes, and Pelnces, muk kall downe, bppon their knees, J doubte, 07 latte vpon their faces, fo2 tf is not expꝛeſſed in the terte, before our bolie Father the Pope, andrenerence, and twooge. 7 fhippe him: and then fap pou, they woorſhip not hints. Nanclerus ge- but God. Wlhy fir, but Frederibe the Cmperour folos acrations, 40 winge pour Curtianerample,andfallinge flatte vvon bis face befoze the fete of Pope Alerander the thirde and falawinge pour leffon alfo,.and faipnge, be exhi⸗ hited not that great ſubmiſſion, to Pope Aleranders. but to S. Peter; was foz the faide fatpng-well fauou⸗ redlie faulted inthe necke bp the pope with bis leete, wha replipngefatde: Woth to me}; eto peter. Where⸗ fore Jthinke it better after this lowecurtefie,thatpou: ſpeake of, is maide, fo vſe the Popes obune phraſe and figure of ſpeache, vather than pours. a— = , ' F ge | — DORMANS PROYEE 203. pinge bim, but Gods. vnleſſe a man haue a luſt fo haue bis noſe beaten again the grounde, as flatte to bis. face, asa pancake. - | pt bey An fome , pou (ee good Readers ; what honour (¢ is,that the Pope and bis pꝛelates lacke nowe adates, by the whiche lacke, Chzifke ts alfo diſhonoured, as is finallfe concluded bp acozollarie out of Quintus Care tins, But J maruell muche that M. Dozman omitted the erample of Coꝛnelius, fallinge dotune at peters: fete, and woozthipping him: fos this beinge Scripe | / tare, banbene moze mate foz bim, beinge a Wacheler af Diuinitie: and it toucheth the cafe directely, that ‘Was thus done to S. Peter, the Popes firke pꝛædeceſ⸗ four, as due to bin alfo bp ſucceſſion pardie. Perad· uenture . Dogman either rememb2ed not, oz. elles: learinge that Coznelins example woulde not fe muche further the cafe, as Peters erample, forbiodinge any facbe woorſhippinge to be doone fo Him, would binder it: andnot onelp difgrace bis Curtian coꝛollarie, but btterlp controule the tntollerable arrogancte of the Pope, tuba bepnge J twill not fafe how muche tnferts our to S.Peter, but vſually, fcarfelpan hone mats. abmitteth Cmperoursand kinges, muche ſuperiours toa Centurion, 02 pooze petie Captaine,.as was Corse neltus,not onely to a lowe curteſie, but alſs to the kiſ⸗ fingeofbis chooe. M.Doꝛman mightalfo baue bfed.,. tis'Diaco!. the erample of “ittils that barbarous ¢.cruell yzant? . Ears, i humilitie, toardes Pape Leo; for that toucheth the, ty 5 cafe direcelp, and twas a8 cafilieto be founde in Hoſi⸗ usin the very fame place. But M.Doꝛman ike areas fonable and fhamefatte borower, woulde not. take alli atonce oz elles feared be ſhaulde be — oro —_ — — fach hautokeranbtberefope thought terete oo gleane bere and there. - Dorman. tol 40. i | By chés whiche berherto good bial yor hane havdes * much aside appeaveth,that our aduerſaries ſtand aliogether deftitute and as ie Were naked; of ſuch prouiſiò out of the Scriptures, as "pith the vaine title Whereof , they perfuaded them felues their parte to be well boulſtred, and them felues againf? all that would mainteine the contrary » fufficient ly furniſ hed: it vemaineth nowe. that 1 firft bringe foorthto youfuch examples, as hauinge happened:in chrifies Churche fence bis departure hence and his A poftles they alleage for them ſelues: then after, that Lrefell the ſame, and proue that they make as little or leffe for their — as doo —— other bef Example brought — of theScriptutes. ‘broughi Nowell. 940). the pro: Bou fe goo Readers, tobat atpolle of bsp P man bath Sates wade, ¢ how naked he bath lefte vs of all pꝛouiſion ont of the Scriptures, and now he leauing bs ſtarke naked: on that fide,maketh bis tranfition from this ſpoile ike Este viGor alatgeconqueronr,to an other {pofle , and to bis refele Salmacida ſpo. linge of our examples and poufes taken out of hiſto/ fia ries Eccleſiaſticall af the Chꝛiſtian Churche: whiche be profetieth he wil pꝛoue fo make as litle foz our purpofe,: asdo the other before bꝛought ont of the Scripture. Gnd Ithinke pow thal finde it partly as be faith, that be will rekute the one, as be bath alreadie done the other arte, and that pou hati inde him no chaungelinge, in ber bis matiers. 4) Dorman. Folio: an) * nay et * ſt for Conflantinus the great, although by * of all hiforiographers it be well kno wen and mofte apparent, (as before 8* ah altace bow farre he vus of all ot her.from shat ere ~ ; 1 * AREPROVEE OF M. E | : DO RMANS PROVFE. 204, full defire of entremeddling in matters of Religions yet for aſmuch as the impudency, of thefe men is fuch, that they are not aj hamed to abuje his name emong eft other: for the maintenaunce of thetr opi- nionsand that they labour to make hrm a peller_tofufieme and bolde yp thetr rotten buildenge alleaginge his callinge together of the Ccouncell of Nice, hu fering there presently with the,Bif hoppes and — fathers, bis admonifshinge shem how to procede , that is accordinge to thedottrine of the Prophetes and Apofiles : 1 will firfte anf weave shereunto,and after procede to the reſſe. | | Conflant inus the truthe is, called together to the rootinge out and vtier extirpation of the herefie of Arrius, that great and famonfe councell of Nice.as after him did diuerſe other good Emperours.di-~ uerſe other. But neither of this atte of hisyor that of rheirs can any man rightly gather , that either she one or the other bad over mat- ters of Religtonany thinge thereby the more auttoritie, ‘Nay CL. saheatemtereA chs YON ioe ia * _» Conkantine the Emperour had no vnlautull defire of intermedling in maters of Religion, but be did moſt laufullp and often intermebdle therein, as thal hereafter at large appeare . We map not affdaine to bane tmpu- decie and ſhameleſnes latde to our charge, bp fo hames fate €maidenlie a man, as is Dorman, And where the controuerfie is , whether. Chriſtian Princes haue authozitie as wel ouer perfons CcclefiaticaLas in mate. fers Eccleſiaſticall, can pour ſhametaſtnes . Doꝛman ſerue you to denie , but that this ſommoninge and cal⸗ linge of Biſhops by Cmperours,bp you here confetled, proneth the one part, h is, the Cmperout hath authoe ritie ouer Biſhops, whe. are perfons Eccleſiaſticalleo⸗ Say tt cannot be gathered of this fommoning of Bi{ hops to councelles dy Emeperaurs that they had any aushoritie ouer maters of Religion. Mia —— — le lll eee ee —— A REPROVEE OFM a3 But fir, we are neither in bande with freatie | 4 a | ters, but with ſommoninge of perfons Eccleſiaſtical: {we tall come to maters Ccclefialtical ſhoꝛtly, and in ‘Due time, when thep thal beginne to be entreated of in the Councell beinge alembled. And Jdoubte nothing, but it hall plafnelp appeare bp thefe hiſtories Eccleſi⸗ aſtical, tobiche pou affirme to make nothinge fo2 our purpote, that Chztktan Pꝛinces had, and vſed chiefe anthozftie,as wel ouer perfons , andinmaters Eccles ſtaſtical: and withal it hal fallout, * be impudent 02. i we oꝛ pou, Dorman. xolio 4%. “Bur enen as the handes or armes reachinge a thinge nara dy A Sicnil shen it is brought neater to fight, nothing thereby the more an. tude thorifed to iudge of thevalue and goodne/fe thereof, todifpofe hows at [halbe ordered, but that remaineth fill in the head by whofe councell and commaundement the handes and armes reached tt shi cher: euen foin this cafe mate it be faide, Nowell, . Dorman, toben eramples of Princes — oner perfons Eccleſiaſtical are in hande, woulde dꝛaw bs from perfons , tomaters Ccclefiafttcall, And he woulde prone by this fimilitude bere, thatthe Empe⸗ rour is but an band o2 arme in this matfer,onelp comte maunded (bp what head pou ſhall ſhortely beare) fo reache thinges far of, and to bꝛinge them neerer fight. Ano fo be maketh the Withops ( whom other men call perſone in bis phraſe of fpeache,and fimilitude, to be * chings Carve of, bp the Emperours calling of them tor —- Hether, as by the handes, bꝛought neerer set ol | Haute DO RMANS »PROVFE.) 205 Againe the cies that mutt fe and bue thefe thinges brought nerer;can be none other (JItrowe) but the Bi⸗ Thoppes,and learned mensfoz S. Auguiine fattheven rugs. tratt.13 of peter bim felfe, who was pcbiefe, Petrus erat ocus in lohannem. lus in capite, Peter twas the epe in the bead. nod fo the Withopsin W.Doemas ſũmilitude, are both the things . that arebgougbt nere trom farre of , andthe eves alſo tothe fight and vue ol whome the things are bzought. Hoe that (t muſte needes be a verie pretie fimtlitude; wyhich vet liked a). Dogman fo twell, that be could not leaue it vnmarked in the margent. Potwe tf 9. Dor⸗ Will fap tbat he (peaketh of matiers Eccleſtaſtical, and not of perfons : furelp be fpeaketh of fomoning of Wis ſhops tocouncels. And i€.be till needes ſpeake bere of matiers:howe matiers in the counfelite be treated of, fhoulo be farre of,02 boWe thep mayby the Emperour be bzought neerer to fight. *p.Dozmas fight may ſerue bim to decerne, better than mine. Zeit perbaps map pleate $9.Dozman,to make the Emperour in the toun⸗ fell,as the ſpeaker in the lower boule ofthe parlamẽt, to movematiers,and foto bing them to fight : we are not pet fo farre foꝛeward, but about p affembling ones Ue, andit were perilous alſo to gene the Cmperout fo bighe an office, le perbaps be might chalege the chiefe rowne and authozitie in the boule. Wut I. Dorman * prolecute his ———— tn 2 —— ents is a it hace bf proved sors nag be one head. . . Norwell: ' 3 ‘Wefore proucd.necettarelie,qy be, nap miferablte pꝛo⸗ woken the Pope and papittes ag thamefullp too, as euet A.REP RC VFE: OFM: as ener was anything proued, and as tidiculanit⸗ att effectuoufly fo mabe {po;t,as cuer did . Doꝛman ante Daya thing tr all bis Uffe,toben be plateth bis ere ee Dorman. Fol ar. | AS shacities head »fo és there abodie, armes le gta ther membres anf-wering to the fame. - | Norwell. This is well and truely falo ? —* a mates berfe meete lor the matter. in ade ‘ Dorman * ode OS. a Emongef? the —** Princes and kinges dei our elders nop reifiteae serioed the bades and armes to aide —— the head. yor CThis minoz would haue bene proued, ¢ it chuid haue bene thetwed what elders thepbe, ¢ where theyſo haue ſatd, at the leaſt it would bane bene noted bp a inarke in the margent , tobere tue might baue-found ſome furs ther pronfe bercof, than M. Doꝛmãs onelp ſaiyng. Foz Imight with better realon ſay that Contkantine was the a commanded the: armes aes vet —* to atbes count of ice. Dorman fetdis | pid sleasiayg gas If morte the Bifhoppts of Rome pore time being ( ak erevnder Chrifitherrue headed’ ‘of this churche, as hereafi fer by Goddes prace I { hall make it moffe manifefitie appeare)- ane e⸗ mongeft jo manie enemies and bache friendes as chriſt and his go- fell bad , bene glad to bid their handes doe rhetr duetie yt0call to — — for belpe whiche had fo lange’ hindved dst A U4 eee DORMANS PROVFE. 206 #b this meanes they compelled them te comme in for feare of the remporall -woord , "who feared not the the spirituall: if they vjed this régoroufemeanes swhere lenitie could haue no place wha is fovoyde of witte to thinke , that princes had thereby auCloritie oner Religion? 2 Bhi 7 iar Nowell. F.grtoe) | Solve vou fe the bead of the Churcher that ſhould comniaunde this arme the Cmpcrour)ts the 1Bithoppe of Rome s andthat will be make hereafter mote mants feftlie appeare. | No doubt as maniſeſtlie, as be bes foze pꝛoued effecruoullte, that there muſt of neceflitic be ons head of Chriſtes vniuerſall Churche: and that Mall pou bp Woods grace fee moſte mantfetklic appear. But in the meane feafon S. Augaine (as Jhaue nor auoutt.crad.s - fed a little befoze)calleth Peter not the bead, but the eye in lohaonem. inthe bead. Wiberefoze J maruellitbat the Pope , whe hath all bis beadthippe of S.. Peter, fhould te greater than Peter bim (elfe. And if this bead ¢ fatth he) commaun- ded emperours and Kinges (as the head biddeth the handes and called to them for helpe in the affemblinze of fache connfels : if by this meanes hecompelled thofe ta comme in for feare of the Tempe- rail ſword, who feared not the gpirituall: if they vied this rigor rows meanes . Wha is Jovoide of ~witte( faith 9. Doꝛman) tothinke that rrinces had thereby authoritié ouer Religion? Bus relic M. Doꝛman there is no man fo voyde of witte, 3 thinke, but be will thinke it is good reafon, that pou ſhuld haue ſhewed by ſome one or athererample, wha, twhere,¢ by what worꝛdes, theabiſhops of Rome bane commannded Emperours andisinges in the aſſemblie of counfels (as the bead biddeth thebandes,o2 armes boo their ducties ) ſeinge the famets a matier of ſuche weight, and {emach making fo you,and again vs: ¢ ~ ygurfiPe Ff. - not A-REPROVFEOFRM.© a not to baue gone to woꝛke with fa — and neuer an one of them pzoued, ſeing vou bane graunted alreadie moſt plainlie,without any vf at all , that the Biſhops Were aſſembied and called to counfelles by the Cimperours fommening , wbhiche ſoundeth direcly for his autbozitie, and contrarie te that pou now ſay. And {pecially Gould pou haue ſhewed bahere, and what cõ⸗ maundement Cõſtantine the Emperour receiued from the Biſhop of Kome, foz the aſſemble of this great Hi⸗ cene counſell/ feing it is the ſpeciall erample that vow haue choſen nowe to treate of: at the lea pou chould dane notch inthe margent (as youdw manie trifflinge thinges) where we might haue fought fo2 it: and not tthus continuallie to late pour creaditta gage to vs to trull pou Fill vpon vour pooze honeſtie ethat,thougd Dor. f, up.fo. Yo, pou fap thinges moftecontrarie. But J beleaue that there is no man vnleſſe he be voide of all Witte, andere perience of pour propertie, and to forgetful of pour peor. mes made(chat you would bring in all your euidéce into the face of open court) but he twill thinke f€ pou could hane bꝛought anie euidence into the face of open Court foz this mas tier, vou would have done tt : andthattherefoze onelfe vou haue not done it, becauſe pou bad none to ſheo: as. hal hereafter mot platnelp appeare. Surelie pour ane No. li.2,fo.n3.a. thour Hoſius often making mẽtion of the Nicen coun⸗ & li-4-f0,187.4> cel north graunt it to bane bene afembled bp the Em⸗ perour Conſtantinus: but noe where ( that ZF can. pet finde ). doeth. be make. mention of ante the Bi⸗ fhoppe of Komes commaundement,o2 dealing therein whiche pou may be fure; be would not. hane omitted. could be bane founde any ſuche eutdente. soz pour eui⸗ dence is — no mar. but pou » would: — DO RMANS PRO VFR. 209 our fimilitudemap be applicd to anp perfons o2 pur⸗ poſes, at pleafure.out ¥ fes, ave falle furntifes,oft (ups pofed,never pꝛoued. Pour graunt fs plaine, that Em- perours ſommoned and called Biſhoppes fo Councels: which as ¥ take fo2 aconfetlion of their authozitie ouer Biſhoppes, being perfons Ceclefialicallsfo. will J furs ther pꝛoue thefame , by thoſe hiſtorſes Eccleſiaſticall, whiche pou fap make nothinge fo2 our purpoſe. Cufeblus,after he had ſhewed p the diſſentiõs emongl py febiis de vicx the Chziftiangs, and {pecially Biſhoppes, about the baer Coſtãtini lib.3. refie of Arius, and the feak of Eaſter, tere erceadinge f.183.c.& 189.2. great, in fo muche that they were like to murther eithe other:⁊ p no moztall man could finde anp remedie fo2.fo Nec quilg effer great a miſcheaue, but p it was God onely, who might boim qui malo and that eafilieremedée thotecuels,be faith thus:Solus emcee? n= inter eos quiterram incolebant Conftantinus com=" poꝛet· paruit, qui Deoad bona huiufmod? perficitda minis firaret. that is: Emongſt them, that dwelled bpon the earth, faith Euſebius, onely Cõſtantine appeared, who might be Goddes minilter in the finithinge of fo gad thinges, Theſe are: Culebius bis otune wogdes.and bere may pou ſee M. Dorman, that had the Emperour Conttantine not intermedled in thofe mafers and cos frouerfies of Keligion, as pou would haue if, they could: by Cofebius bis iudgement not haue bene compouded: ; by anp other matt. And behoulde how farre pour tudges ment ſwarueth fro the Judgement of Culebius, whom: — you alleage.foz pour authour:yeu would baue the Em. perour to baue nothinge to do af allin matiers of Re⸗ igion:Gulebins faith that no othee moꝛtal man at all, buf. onelp the Emperour, could goe thꝛough with the eompoundinge ofthe greateſt contronerfies that euer ANY, Tae ea! i oe ays FE 3 3 pet * | A REPROVFE OF i vet Wwere in our Keligion. And that neither che Siheß of Kome, noz other Wilhoppe,noz any moꝛtall man,but the Cmperour Conffantinus alone, ¢ none but he was Geddes minifter , not in medlinge onclp with theſe Ad bona huiuf- Ehinges, (which pou fezbid him) but in goinge theough modi pficiéda. with them, and finithingethem . And farelie, had the Biſhop of Wome bene than taben fo2 the onely head ot Chrittes Charch tn earth, Cufebius would neuer haue thus fpeken of Contantine, with ſuch filence of p falde Withoppe. And though this be but Euſebius his entrie info p treatte of the Nicene councell, ¢ ſirſt of fommoe ning of thefame,pet map tt ferue not onelpfo2 vᷣ autho⸗ ritle ef the Cmperour in the faid fommoning of the Wis thops fo the Connceil, ¢ beginning with the controuer⸗ fies Ccclefiaticall, buf alfo fo2 the going thꝛough with thent, € perfec determining ¢ finithinge of the faid cone trouerfies € matiers Ecclefialtical. Euſebius procedeth Eufcbius de vita € faith; Conftantinus vbi dictorum rumorem perce= Coſtatiai hb. 3. pir. Kc. Than Contantinus the Emperour faith Gus 2.189. a. cebius, vnderſtod of the cotentions Eccleſtaſtical, and ᷣ Secum ipſe hanc hts letters ſent to them of Alexandꝛia, had pꝛoſited noe re reputans &c. thinge: be welnge econfideringe the matier with hint felfe,faid,} this batteLagaint the obfcure enemie trou⸗ Proinde quai blinge the Church was bp another to be finifhed. And agmen Dei ad therefoꝛe as a Captatne that ſhould lead Goddes armie expeditionẽ du- Gur? Synodum Mt tarrefares be aſſembled an vniuerlallcouncell and Actimtaidt coll Jwith honozable letters called the Biſhoppes together tegit & epiſco- Fromm all places, willing them to make hatte: th cas pos, vt vodique maũudement whan it came to the faid Biſhops, thep-al, —— with al readines ¢ ſpeade, came together. hus far are ae recut, CUlebius woꝛrdes, truelle tranllated. Se 9. Donnan, EdiGum hoc, — yi ave * Conkantine aſſembleth the Councelk ; { DORMANS PROVEFE. 208 Conncell bpon the Withop of Komes comaundement, as pon furmile, but bpen the tucighinge and confidera- tion of the matier with bim felfe : and that as tucll to wer a matier of fuche weight, as alfo to commaunde fo nianp Biſhops, is the peopertie of the bead rather than p arme.as pou would make the Gmperonr,in your ſimi⸗ Utude. Further pou ſce Gulebtus copareth thoſe thace hundeeth godly elearned Wihops , whiche came to the Nicene councell, fo an armie of Souldiars,¢ calieth the Goddes armie:but the Emperour Conſtantine he com⸗ pareth to the Captaine of the armie, who gathereththe Souldiars together,¢ leadeth o2 guideth them, And the Cmperours letters of fommoning ofthe coticell be cal- leth Edicta, X Mandata, p2oclamations,infundions, Edicta. pꝛaæcepts 02 comaundements:and be faith» the Empe⸗ Mandara. - Your comaunded the Withops to make halte to come tae Lid. 3. de vita gether, And the Withops oyon the knowlege ofp Env oie ae perours commaundement, did by ¢ bp make all poſſible . de vira ball. And Dheodozetus ſaith:v there came together,as Conftant. lib.3. many as were hable to ſuſteine the labour,¢ trauatle of fa.iss. thefournep:ethat fuch,as were not bable,fent fome fog Mox o¢ pot their ercute,¢ in their place, And p Empeconr,fatth be, oo coni snimi Wha be vnderſtod vᷣ al p Biſhops wereaMembled;came alacricate accure" lalt of albim ſelfe. Will vou .Dozman here fap, the rerunt. , Captaine is inferiour to the Souldiars:oꝛ 9 be who ges Theodoret.li.i. ueth out Edicta, & Mandata;macepts, 02 comaundes bitor-Ecclefatt. mets is inferiour to them, to iwhame they are genew,e ~ who dm readely obey vᷣ¶ ſame· And whã one cõmaũudeth a ſort of hundzeth perſans to aſſemble, and With tak; fo a place.¢ at a time, by bimfelfeappoindeds wheruntopᷣ moſt parte silage —— ori wur areat J iAls | charges A REPROVEFE OF Me sues alfo thereremaine:e none fo be abtentjbut tuch —— viz ag foz age, ſickenes, 02 other lawfull impediment could laborem pote- not indure the trauatle of the iourney:and be that come tant perlette · maunded all other, not comminge vñtill he vnderſtode all other, according fo bis comaundement, were come? will von Iſay, haue him that ſo commaũdeth, o2 thent that are fo commaunded , ſuperiours in this cafe 2 till ‘pou baue the that ſo atfende, o2 bimbpon whome thep attend, to be fuperfour? In the fommoning of a parlias mient,are the nobles. and Biſhoppes fommonedtherto, _ the chieke,o2 the Prince that fommoneth them,gad@, Dorzman⸗ In geuing out ofa Pꝛoclamati is ᷣ prince, in Whole name, and bp whole authorit ie t€ 4s made ſu⸗ periour ; 02 bis ſubiectes, to whome tt is made 2 And inbereas this, fommoninge of Biſhops by Emperors | (bp 9. Degman confetled)is in ſuche effectuous fozte, € With uch authoritie, by the {aide Emperours made (as in the hiſtories appearcth)not fo a tempoꝛall Court, to entreate and debate of fempozall maticrs, but to a coũ⸗ cell,fo deliberate of matiers cclefialkicall, is there no probabilitte , that be whole ſommoneth ſuche Eccleſi⸗ aſticall perfons,to the treatte of Ccclefiattical matters, ina Court CecleGialticall , hould haue authoritie bint felfe, as ouer the ſaid pefons Ecclefiatticall, (whieh ts mort manifelt) fo alfo tn the ſaide Court, and matiers Eccleſiaſticall: euenas the Prince ,fommoninge his dodbles and Biſhoppes toa tempozall Court, ſoꝛ tem- pozaltcautes, bath authozitic not onelp ouer thofe pers ſons but alfo in that Court, a in thofe matiers 2 which 7 3 fap here, for that 2. Dozman is fo defirous to dꝛawe bs from the confideration of Princes authoꝛitie, ouer qesianeg Eccleſiaſticall tn fonunoninge of them, bere le plainelp, — DO RMANS PROVEE- 209 a pithely peoued, to their authoritie (1 mas tiers of Religion, mot pet touched, But fo2 the authoꝛi⸗ tte of Pꝛinces tn matiers of Religion , you tall haue moſt enfdent eutdence tn due place hereafter. ; Now peculiarlie touchinge the Biſhop of Kome: ag therets not one worde itt thele, 02 anp ancient hiſtorie Ccclefiatticall , foundinge of anp bis biddinge 02 come maunding of the Emperour in this caſe/ as pou do {ure miſe: ſo is there eufdent declaration, thatthe Cmpee rour bp bis atone onely authoritie called the togethers andthat the Dithoppe of Rome was with othersfunte moned to the fatdecouncell,andcaufes owed, why be came not him felfe,but fent bis Deputies fog him. Foꝛ ‘as Cafebius fatty ; that of all earthly mien Contant nus alone waste be founde, that might ferue God tn this matter : fo (atth Socrates that onely Conſtanti.· Socrates lib. —* aus the Emperour by bringing together that aſſemble eb 8. fa. ao⸗. b. of Bichoppes made a certaine Image and chobe of the 04s 2 culo Coftatin® 1 mpe~ cõpanie of the Apottles, he Cmperour him ſelle liber varor hic pobis Wile.befoze the whole numbre of Withops, being in the Apoftolici chori councellaMentbled, faith: Hoc mihi preter {pé accidit, | — —— conftis @ tantrum facerdotum Chrifti numeri congregani, © that is to ſay:This thinge hath bappened to me befides — myx hope, that Jhaue gathered together fo great a nom⸗ tee of the Prilettes of Chile. Whe tohole Nicene goerat. lib.me. ↄ⸗ Councell Allo, in thelr Epiſtle wꝛiten tothe Churches rer gratiam Dei ‘of Alexandꝛia Ggppt > &pbia, and pentapolis , Doth: piẽ tiſzimum teftifie the ſame, by theſe very woꝛdes Wy the grace Pay of Cov, and the mot govly Gmperour Confantine, anyinum Se. ‘who bath gathered vs together from Diners cities, and ‘proulnces >the great and holy Spnode fs aſſembled at tice Ebete be the wordes of the whole Councell, Ogg shows Sozotaslib, 1.022 J “A REP ROVFE Ov hai — 71 ite pou fe, Cuſeblus ſaith, Citvintinestonitaaiste ve found, who night (erue God herein. Socrates tatth, | bnely Conſtant ine aſſembled the Councel. he Empe | rour him felfe,befoze the tobole Councell faith, Icalled . together this pour holp Spnode o2 Coũcell. The whole conncell it felfe tebifieth , that it was aſſembled bythe grace of God, and by thegodlyp Emperours Poneof all thele, nor no other, makethany mention, that the Bi⸗ fhop of Rome had herein any authoritie/ or any thihge atall todo, And all men may ealſelie fe; that if the Bi⸗ Moppe of Rome his authoritie herein, had bene chtefe {as'D Dorman furntiteth ie ould not with ſuch ſilece haue bene pated ouer, by all theſe wꝛiters. Soʒome⸗ is nus declateth the ſame ſommoninge ot this Countel Sczom, li.t.€.37. moꝛe largely, thus. Cuin-veroinftitotumhoc lmpes ; ratoris concepta fpeinon tefpondifler &c⸗ that ts to fap ; Whan this attempte of the Emperour went not - fopetparde accordinge to bis hope, and they, tubo were at contẽtion, could not be agreed, and be, tobe twas fent to make peace, was now returned , the Gmperour tale | led together a Synode oꝛ Coutcell to be kept at Nicæa Ompib* ines in Withinia : and be did weite fo alk the prefidentes: of eccleũarũ prefi. Churches(that ts fo fay to all Biſhoppes )euery where; aib orn &c. that thep ſhoulde be prefent ; at the dap appatndedy: 3a. Aud the WBichoppes of the Apoſtolike ſees were alſo called fo the ſaide Spnode, oꝛ Councell:Macharius ‘the Withoppe of hieruſaleem, and cuſtathius Biſhop ot Antiochia,and.Mlerander Biſhoppe of Alexandꝛia: buat Juliusthe Bitſhoppe of the Romaines, becauſe 06 bis age,came not; but in his name and fede Wifes (02 Mictoꝛ) and Vincentius Prieſtes ofthe Churche o€ — were —* Lene sadam: DORMANS PROVFE 210 franflate. And of the Withoppe of Rome Socrates wit· Lib.r.crp.s. fay nefleth the fame. Bere map vou fe M. Dorman, fit +9.» the Cmpevours care,andintermedling alfointheqrea- teſt matiers.and controuerſies of Religion , that were betwene Alexander Biſhoppe of Alexandria and Arius the Archehæretique: fo: thereof ſpeaketh Sczomenuss Pou fe alfo that whan be coulde not ſette them at vni⸗ tie, he called together all p præſidentes of Churches, 02.1Bithoppes , whiche were enough to ſhew that the . Biſhoppe of Wome allo was called; (einge he was peeve - fident of a Churches 02 a Biſhoppe:but if that will not ferue pou she faithe furthers that the Biſhhoppes of the Apoſtolike (ces were alſo called to the fame Cote - cell: and be recheneth foure 5 Hieruſalem, Antiochia, Glerandzia , and Kome in this very ozd2e : which well feructh pou M. Doꝛrman, bwho are wonte of the o2d2¢ © in a reherlall fo make a great matier, and of the firſte place therein to gather the chiefe paecminence ga? Beſides that, the Biſhopol Wome hath there no other yulius ‘Roma: title but onely, Biſhop of the Komaines: which ts very aori —— inconuenient at ſuche a poince of time, wherein bis vnluerlall turifoicion , (bad be than had any) houlde chiefly haue bene exerciſed. And Soʒomenus and Sos crates doo ſhowe, that age (not authozitte) fated the .- . faide Biſhop of Kome,that hecamenot,at the Cmpes >>>: . rourscommaundement , as did the othet Patriatkes, °° but fente his Deputies fo2, him. Whe tafe ſtandinge $, pou come in . Doaman,and fap Ming them to councelles, and amongit them; the Bi⸗ > hop of Kome - fo that allmen may ſce, how that falfe ~~ Sfurpat: of Kome hath creapt of late into the potedtion gf the anctent, and originall right of Cheitian Empe⸗ “+ goursand pzintes. And withall, bane, J truſt diſchar⸗ ged vs of fuch impudencie, as. Dorman chargeth bs: withall, foz the vung of the example of Confantinus: the Gmpetour,foz this fir pote of fammoning of Bl⸗ Moppes to councelles. Andy hall not fatleto do the. dhe in al other poinces, tuberin 8. Doꝛman likewile, and moꝛe bebementip alſo, chargeth vs for vſinge tbe. name, and authoꝛitie of the ſaid godlie Emperour Cae Fantinus fo our purpote.. © § | thew * Dorman: ro Nay biut Conftantinus ([aieth our apolégie )¢ did not onelie call | sogether the councell of Nice, but he fat in the fame “with the Bis Hot. lisa, fo.n3 fhops » nor fat there barelie as a cipher , but. "earned them howe to procede Ly ihe feriptures, Here marke diligent lie 1 befeche you good readers,either the manife(? malice of themthat witting lie mangle she holie hiftories , or intolerable folifhienes vhiche alleage that that they never them felues ſawe bu onely hane by report of others: : or laff of all their groſſe ignoraunce, that thinke they haue to doe ‘with them , who “without anie — fearching of fuche places as ude vie gre by them alleaged, spill freight wales giue full credit to. their atin’ pare hone|ties Eufebine who vritetb the hiftorieof Conflant: inus, and D. Hatd. Cõſut. a _ whole difé ours-of his lefeWitnelfech » that comming into the-coun- : “J — 5* ae ic 1 the fame. “the. cell laftof all , haning prepared readie for him a ſeate lower then yori borowedit avvith ante of the ret: he'-tould not before fit “oe fame, then rh yA of Ho. li.a. ſo. uʒ —— —— AREPROVEDOR MO « whofe wordes are the, = inveneriio conaen (cet it | * rum. infsione concedi And bauing (that isto/aye) appoincted fox Hiſt. ec hi a place or feate meaner th any of the other he fat hin dorten trip. lib min fl ig yet fi, that byshe cs nt som “aie Afehis be me (as coat the —— * sea — ſane shen —— all their —*— Sirs ey tr that p purge fe » the ¢ | nener haue founde.or OnE 5 whofe doinges, and. 2, a le r j ad * more for'vs , or more a aimben. Looke ¥ppor- if he were chief of the councell, and aad as Pepe D.Hard. Céfut, bad he in that place( whereby. all lékelthood there lacked nothing dpolo.fo.s4. that perteined to femelie ordre) a feate leffe ſtatelie then his dnferi- ours? Dlaces are 1 knowe of their owwne nature thinges in and of no greate account .. Yeat hane they at all times in all ag eh and emonge/tall men bene taken for meanes to daffint. accordinge’ to their ‘worthines in degree , ane from an other.So that it. can be to no man doubtefulbut that, ifof the councel gathered and affembled together he had bin the head and chiefe: , there ( hould haue bin j pree pared for him; if not a feate fuche as might by the maicfie aboue the ref Well hane declared the fame : yet at the leaſt fuche aone as: Should not by the bafenes thereof compared with skother Welland plainelte haue proued the contrarie « if the “whole fome « and order of J religion belonged tohim being themperour why then in that place © > whither they were all for that purpofe (to entreate of religion ) song cag the head * that pn no o place but by licence e vee “fhe. —s mee CP er Ie R DORMANS PRO VEEA 213 Pi. — sgrhwen Are erento tabs | reagan Chas * — — ⏑ 31 —— —V 3 thine — that a bi ——— —— vin menn 2 dente fo pote the @mperours fepertozitie duer the bis wops in the calling of them to the coantel, How there Soꝛman doeth fo ‘greandndte r vet againe charge 03; Wich either imanife — as inangling the holle bt Gries: or ine tollerable fools lif lines, that we doe alleage t that’; whiehe "we never ate tor: roffe ignoraunce 5 that Rnowe not with that maner of mien We Vidue to doe : ‘to witte with f fuithe profound and cir · ruſpett tlerkes as h. Derma is one bobo allo callethvs a lieng generation, ¢ and beapeth ‘al kindes of reprothes bps pott bs? Jdoubt nothing but that at the fatd reproches, hall in khend redound bit bis otone beade. — Flee gH. Doria of a low chatre maketh here an high niatice, whertinta, tote the tett of his obtecios,3 bane thought bet to gtound mine antwere vpon the kull and plaine recital of thoſe biſto ries whith’ Dorma, Ebts. maitter D. Hard. haue in derde moſt nitferably mãgled. Soʒomenus th hfs Scelesiattical hitterte, atterBebath declared how the Empetour'refuting tobeare Protitros ” : tierfies emonglt the Biſchops biirned all tbete br billes of Sup. a be, 70. fomplaint (whereof J hate befoze entteated)faith PHUS. KE-ovce Imperator dié determinauit,quo quein queeftioné venerat, Soꝛome. hiftor. ſolui deberẽt Kei PHS to Cap. Themperour determined⸗ aging “Fist. Cay 9p finally attigheadap; wh ett theinattors § were m — —————— queſttõ Hult be reſolued bvpõ But befoꝛe dap appoin⸗ diem. sted tamestheisthops attembtiarg in ateueral place bp Epiſcopi ſepara⸗ 1 cthem ſelues, did attuſe Fring; eproponinge ‘fatty theit ti cégregati.&e, mundes and opiniss, did difpute; Thus tarre Sozome⸗ nius. aAnd in the. rr, chapter tolsivinge, be fatcth : oii Epifcopi ae et ore. — AREPROWEE OFMcy - . Epifcopt veroaflidué:conuenientes's Ariumiin mies. - s dium adducebant &c. that is to fate: and the Bithops aſſembling Miltogetber,bad Arius befoze them,& made Cauebie autem Diligent. {nguitte bpon bis peopafitions. Wut they toke neinalterveram herde, that they did not to battely geue fentence vppon parté feorentid ante fide, oꝛ part. And then the dap determined tas precipiarent. come therein accozding to p appoindmet, t doubtes fhould be reſolued vpon, the Biſhops came together | in⸗ tothe Palace, becauſe it was the Emperours pleafure. .. to be prefent.at their confultation, Wibenthe Witheps therefore were allembled together {ntooneplace,the Ad caput eõuẽtꝰ Emperour palling theongh the midle of the. Withops, - F— throno oa to the bead of the copante, fate dotone ine acerté theones . - dam qu! PSP® subiche twas prouided kor bim,andthan the Svnovecz edit. &c. Countcell, was commaunded to fit Downe... FFoethere - Multa poſita were bythe inalles on both fines « of the palace manie ſublellia. ſeates: butthis throne that the Einperour fate im was — — gteatedl , andercelled the other leates ec. Thele are So zomenus bis wordes truely tranlate. ⸗ellebat. Culebius agreinge with Sozomenus inthe bap ap⸗ Lib. 3. de vita poincted, and in the defcription of tbe houſe and feates Conftan, f2.189- hpon bath {pdes,fatth: that the Bichops beinge called, pans combate came in, and cuerle ons ot them bid take to bim.a cone. Cum vere in de. UChientt place. And toban the whole Synode was in — centi efferorna- comelp o2der; all kept filence, lookinge foz the Empe⸗ cu vaiuerfa fy- · tours comming. And firfl ( Cafeth Cufebtus ) came in ↄodas · ¶ ſome one of thofe:s that: were about the Emperour, than an other, than the thirde. And thole that wentbe⸗ _. fozethe Emperour, were not armed men, and ot the garde, as was wonte, but of bis friendes onelf¢.: And whan a ſigne being geuen ol the Emperours comming — — tata in themidle, — DO RMANS (PROVFE 213 were acerten heauenlie Agel, fhintng with purpare, gould, and precious Tones'ee.TUban be came to the bp, perend of the orders oↄ rewes of the Withops,be ſtaied firtl,and-alitlechatve made of golde maticr, being fet, Priusqui ab efi he fate not downe, afore the Biſhoppes Defited hint, 02 aoouerer., —J made a ſigne to him; ‘and after the Emperour all the x reliqui poft — linewile. Thus karre Culeblus truelie weber tranſlate. — Now Theoboritus, whome both D. harding and MH. Dora alleage as moſt for their purpoſe ſaith thus ~ Cum autem vniuerfi conuenifienr&Xc. that is to ſay. Theodorit?. li.z When all the Withops tere come together , there was ?-7- prapared, by the wing alarge place fn the Palace of loſtrucde fuble]z Court; fet fulbof feates,and onderfeates, which might" * lis. fuffice: ‘the numbze of the Withops: and fo whan be had done due honour 02 reuerence to fhe fatd Bichoppes/he commanded then to entre in, and to coful€ of the ma⸗ luſait cos intro- tier appoinded. Anobe him felfe, witha fewe, came fn ire.&c. laf of all: and fate downe ina litle chafre there (ef, Præfatus veniam afking leaue firit of the Biſhops, and than al that gov: ent a ice Hiecompanp Tate dotune alto. Dbhete'be Wheovoretus cicoois: bis woordes. In the whiche proceſſe of thele hiſtories, howe many thinges making notablie, for the Empe⸗ tours ſuperioritie ouer the ſald Biſhhoppes. M. Dorman and his mattter D. Harding haue bp guilkul filence diſ⸗ ſembled, taking houd of the lownes of the chaire, and the Emperdurs curkeſte in fittingedotwne the diſcrete “Meader may of him lelte ealely conider: and withall iudge, who thep be that mangle the bolfe hiſtortes. Wut fo; the Keader of meane vnderſtanding his ſake, JI will dut of thele hiſtories Ceclefiatticall anſwere the é ee Hinges yates | bp op Doꝛ⸗ D. Hard. Cõfut. Apoio.fo.314.as Jufit epos “in- troire.&c. Vocati ompargeruat. A REPRO VER oF Me w. Dorman here ſaſth. rhexmperour caine into the coun- ae laf ofall, D, Barding frameth. thereof this quetion. Now thinke yoxthar the} upreame head of the churehe: Poul ane come in laſtard bane ſattenbeneth bis fubiectes ace Thes⸗ doritus anſwereth: the Withoppes were commaunded bp the Emperour to goe in ürſt, andto conſult. Cuſe⸗ blus anſwereth:they were called in fick se bj and that they tobe thetr places, anv ſettled them felfes in good ordre, and with ſilence waited fog the Empe⸗ rours commillge 5 and with great reuerence ſtoode vp wyhan be came in and paſſed thꝛough them all: ano, in this ſort, it is vſual foz the inferiours to come ſirſt, and eo attend:and foz the fuperfour fo come.after.at bis leas ſure, and pleaſure. either fate be as D. Warding fels, — Meth, beneth them, but aboue them though in aloe chaire. The lownes of the whiche-chaire, as D. are ding wold not fuffre (t to efcape hint, ſo ts it the highet poind of ail with M. —— — Theo⸗ ritus after tte ſort. nis —J 1.68 ner be — liugiad Bu.ꝙ. ——— mas, ket) no mention of fuchesppotuding,as yvou do [peaks ofc, meane, Foz pou-wonld beare the ignozant in bars) that bythe Bichops, oꝛ {ome faz, thẽ, that meaner ſeate was to the Emperour, as a meaner man, and their in⸗ feriour, appoinded: but thofe. godlie chumble Biſhops (mote pulike to your popiſh Pralates)bav thet.appoitia ged it, it would banc bens bigher than any ot t heirs:as aoth apreare bythe mracetag of the bistagte » —— & i - -*PORMANS PROVES 214. humilitie of thoſe godlp and mod lobolie holy Withops, wherein thep diokriue, as muche with the laid Empe⸗ rourx, in ali ſubmiſſion to him, asda-notw pour Pope € - His Pꝛælates in all pꝛide and prafumption , contend to be aboue al Ringes and Emperdurs. Wiberefoze the bis ſAoꝛie hathino ſuche mention of any appoincing of fuck a lower chaire for the Cmperour, but that the chaire for the Cmperour, as all the other feates fo2 the Biſhops alfo, tere fet bp the Emperours owne appotnament, in a large place in his Palace, whither be comaunded the Wiſhops (who before had theit conference francs _ fber.place) to come;foz vᷣ he woldhaue the bearing of matters bim felfe. And as thofe godlie Biſhops, in all other-thinges ſhewing bumilitic, would ust, fo durſte no Wiſhop noz any otherma 4 appoina yp loweſt chaire tothe Emperour tn bis otune Palace, and Court, o2 de anp thing, tending to theiabafiing.of the bonout of foe Sigh a glorious a Paince, as euer the woꝛld had. But Lib.1.cap.7; Theodoꝛetus ( whome both D. hatdinge ¢ you alleage as moſt fo2 vour purpoſe)ſaith expꝛeſſy, that the Empe⸗ Your appointted the place, with all the ſeates therein. And il tbhe Emperour appoincting all vᷣ ſeates, appotn⸗ ted vᷣlaweſt fos him ſelfe/ what could any ma (lauinge only a proud Papi) gather therof, but the great um⸗ litie, ot ſo great a Pꝛince, and Emperour:the ſame max "Se 8 fap concerning: his curteficin ſitting downe. pera: ; Wut B.Dozman as before be was buſie with the ap⸗ poiucing of a meaner {cate foꝛ Cmperour, as a mea⸗ her mã, ſo is he alſo buſie in laiyng vᷣ Biſhops cõmaun⸗ demẽt bponthe Empersur:wberas in deede no ſuch; ei⸗ ther appeineinet,o2 cõmaidemẽt,is in Theodoretus, oꝛ any other good. ancient hiſtorie, tobe founde, And though J will not binder btm from bis delight berein, bb2 pet \ AGL. A UREP RO VEER OF Ma pet would Aaduertite him thecenpou,nobitoibtestooot : tem fucbe ſolemne protefations : thatf the biſtories and ould recordes.doe nor soitnes the fame; than let me(fatth M. Doꝛ⸗ man )neuer Le farder beleaned. Theſe are pour wordes. And if pou, thus doinge, will needes thus pꝛoteſt, pou map. bapper to obtcine pour requeſt, and ſuch creaditjas pot both defire and deſerue. Fog neither Dheodozetus maz Beth mention of anp fucbe commaundemet 5 and pour matter D.Barding 5 who had rather finde than lefes. could finde no Cuche commaundement, as pou-talke of: as map by thefe his woordes appeare . thinkeyouthar the D-Hard, Colbt+ hunreiamehead of te Churches boil hae eft Sata * hads as it wer geten himileane? — Is) ahd ane , Loe DH. Dorman, pour —— ſpeaketh — not of cõmaundemẽt: and be alſo qualifieth that terme: of leave, as being tw.much, thus: veil they had, ds it were genen bim leaue. It were good therefore that pow learned. fo ble pour maiſters termes,cather than pour dvone in⸗ folent phzale, that the Emperour defwed firft that by the com- maundement of the Bifhops, it might be graunted him to fir do wne wheras ft fo begraunted him bp the cofent, permiſſiõ leaue,o2 licence, of the Wiſhops, is both moꝛe agreable- Theodoritus. fo the right phraſe of ſpeache, and thederietruth it felfe: hb.ucap.7 fg as tt appeareth no wheare in Theodoritus, or anv tmirelot dther good weiter, that any commaundement was ge⸗ TSTO TSS & yon to the Gmperoursby the 1ithoppes, fo ts tt euident TIONOTDS Clr by Theodoꝛitus, Cuſebius, Socrates r Sosomenus, p: PHO US. fonday cOmaundementes wete gene by the Cmperoue to the Biſhops, and bp them moſt humblie obeied. Aud tenthe tt is in deede, oᷣthe Emperour coming fi. all the Bithoppes ſtode bp renerentlic; and be pating. wrought ut re * —_ bts thzone A a a DORMANS* PROVFE 21 atthe bppetmok parte of all, ithe middeſt, being now | at his chapzejsandteadie to ſit downe, ſeinge fo many renerend fathers:fanding, the mot gentle Cmperour maketh curteficta fitte , whiles they ſtode: and after | ſome fap; made by hint, and requeftes bp the Biſhops, that it woulde pleafe hint to ſitte, beat the laſt fatte downe, thep pet Landinge, with reuerence; and not fits Sorom. li.x.c.ig⸗ tinge downe vntill they were commaunded (as ſaithe oodus ſedere Soʒomenus)to Atte. Andfeinge that · all the bittogies es a. - Da fellific, that the Cmperour fate firfke , and the Wir |. Contant. fhoppes after: and that bp the Emperours commaũde⸗/ fa.139. : ment, ſaith Soʒomenus:if M.Doꝛman, oꝛ D. Parding Theodor. libs twill gather any ſuperioꝛitie, of the oꝛdꝛe of fittinge, if“P-7- mut needes be the Cmperours, who late fire: not the 7°" tk * Biſhops, who fate after. Mherefore M. Doꝛman moſt confedir. impudently aſketh, wy the head of thar parle had no places Soz0m.li.1.c.193° but by licencesand why he and not they afbed leaue rofitre? here Synodus federe it is moſt euident by the hittertes, that all the Biſhops M42 eſt. came thither, and entered into the place of the Councel bp the Emperour bis commaundement , and ſate not befoze they were by him commaunded to fitte. And. if thefe men twill gather of the godly Emperour his cuttefie in fittinge,anp other thing, than bis bumilitie of minde 5 they Hallfurelygqather stherwwife, than dio thole godly Biſhops them (elfes,peafent with the Em: perour at that holy Countcll, gather thereof, Culebius. (wwhome pou likewife alleage M.Doꝛman) faith thus. | Palis erat Conſtantinus cõmuniter quidé erga quoſ⸗ Futb. de vita uis;fingulariter vero cura fuam ‘ecclefiz Dei impen⸗ Conftant. lib.2, debat. &c. that fs to fay: Such was Conttantinus the 19- + — — a ee | A-REPROVEE OFM?S Quaficdmunis many were in diners places at diſſention hey as ater. quida cpiſcopua taine cemmon Bihoppe by God appoincted called to. 2 Deo conical’, gether Spnodes a2 Countels ofthe nunitera of Gop, iniſttorũ Dei oe, Synodos cõuo- Neither did he diſdaine to be prælent, and fo fit: iathe cauit. middelt of them, and to be made a felow of the Biſhhops Neque dedigna- and to diſpenſe vnto them al ſuch thinge as made to the —— adelle,&e, peace of God at· Thus farre Cuſebius. And by and Diſpcalate .· Ip againe in the ſame piace he faith, Medius inter eos, 9 quaſi vnus ex multis ſedebat.that to2belate in the midle of them, as one of the numbre. Alt theſe are Euſe⸗ bius bis woꝛdes trulie trãllate. Wibere you map note, + that Gufebins faith, the Cmperonr hada ſinguiar care olthe Church of Cod’ and. be faith not that the Biſhop nf Rome, but the Emperour, as he were acommon bi. hop, by Godappoinced, did aſſemble Synodes Coun - * cels ot Biſhoppes to the pacifipng of controuerſies:and Diſpeaſare. that he fittinge it the midle did diſpenſe to all the Bi | fhops (uch thinges,as apperteined fo thepeace of God, WUbich by a fimilitude ofthe miſtres, diſpenſing ⁊ deui⸗ Dinge fo her bandemaitens , their fareoz Marke: D, Doman wouldbhaue drawen to an argument of fupe- rioritie, had tt bene (poben of the Biſhop of Romesas it ts (poben of the Emperour. But to omitte thele things aApperteining to the Emperours authoritie, note bere god Reader that Gufebins, faith, that the Emperour diſdained not to be pexfent withthe Iithopss¢ fo Gt in the middeſt of them,as to be made a feloty of f Biſhops. Non dedignar? as though be were one of fhe numbee.s Which phates. &c.quafi vaus of fpeach ave comonly bid , whan the ſuperiour diſdai⸗ cz mukis.&o neth not the company of bisinferiours; ¢ do ſhow that in deede be was aboue them, fo whome by humilitie he made him — anit felowlike:as J da repost 8 DORMANS PROVFE. - 216 toatlthe learned, The fame Cuſebius repozteth of the Emperour Conitantine, that being at alonge ſermon, De vita Conard be ſtode longe emongſt a multitude of other hearerslib. 4. la. 2ob. c. being rounde about him: and beinge bp the Withop who ꝓꝛeathed twiſe o2 thriſe earneſtly and humblie prayed, that he twould-fitte dotwne , and reſt him in the Koyall ehatrestwbithe twas there fet fo2 him, be would not, but refuſed it, and continucd ſtandinge to the ende. Theſe are Euſebius wordes. And would any man but M. Dezma, gather hereof, that the Emperour mav not fit, whan a Biſhop peeacheth , but muſte Lande before the Withop as his fuperiour ; where as now eucrp meane man coat — ————— — though an archtigappe Pi :$fufinas nbs bittozte Gccletiattical fefFitieth; that Lib.t,cap.z, fay, Welene the Gmpretle,this Cmperours mother, bidding 7: b. boly birgins to dinner with her, did ber felfe in the bas bite ofa waitinge maide, oz feruaiint 5 fet mieate and deinke omthe bozde before them, andferued them with Water to their bandes . Will P, Dorman hereof. gas. ther that the Empreſſe was inferiour to: them? Sure ye may as reafonablic, ashe, of the lowe chavze , and thetourtefie tobiche Confantine the Emperour vſed it bis fittings downe, doth gather,not the humilitie of the Emperours minde, but the diminution of bis aus. thoritie. Nowe though J truſte J haue fatifficd all. xeaſonable men concerninge this chayre: vet ſoꝛ that J thinke, Ido by M. Dormans obune wordes, perceiue fome poſſibilitie to ſatiſſie him alſo, J wiil tap ſome⸗ What moze of this chapze: | WDoꝛmans woꝛdes are thelerte cd ibe ta-no — — le bad bene the heade and chiefe of the —— councell. — ⸗· — —— — _.) 2 — * 17 1 A REPROVFE OFM | Councell,ehere ſ hould hane bene prepared for ——— as might by the Maieſtie aboue the reſt Well haue declared the fa deat at the leaf ſuch an one as { houl.d not by the bafenesit eye f pared with the other, well and plainely hane prouedthe contrarie. Thele are pour woꝛdes B. Doꝛman:and till it ſatiſſie pou than,it J dm ſhow that Conſtantines chayre hada Watettte in tt aboue the relt, o2 at fhe leak had no ſuch bafenes, as pou ſpeake of init 2 Mill it pleafe pou than fo heare, and conſider Sosomenus hereof before! noted, Sozom. wii tcp The Gmperour(latth Sosomenus)fate downe in a cer⸗ Ad caput cõuẽ- teine throne prepared for hint, at the head of all the tusia throno Councell:whiche thzone was the greatelt, andercellea — — the other ſeates, and he calleth the Biſhoppes ſeates in cls Impers-. compartfon to if, fubfellia,onder ſeates:and be ſaith the ror.&e, Emperour fate fire downe in the faide great bighe Hic vero thron? thzore, and than commaunded theSpnodetofitte: doe maxim? erat, & 99, Doman bere is Come Waieltie aboue the rei, Locke au = ser you vpon the olde vecordes pou talke of, and pou ſhall finde if Erit multa po- ſo. Mhat dos J dente than that be late tn a lower chatre fitafabllia, allo spo that do Jnot, for the other hiſtoriographers Syoodusfedere Do fap ſo. But dare pou denie this , that Sosomienus: > dufla ch, faith of this throne of Maieltie· belene pour face tuoly ferue pou fo do ff , but Jthinke they all {aid trae. And Whereas firſt the Cmperour hada theone mete for bis. matelte, fo great, and high aboue the relt pronioem faz: Himzin the whiche alfo be (atte dotwne , as faith Sozo⸗ menus: pet for that, in ſuche great companie of. 3185. Wiſhoppes, ſome fittinge further of could not Heare the Emperour; wha be ſpake: neither be againe heare ſome of the Biſhops ſitting further of, whan thes did ſpeake, and that great throne could wot well be remoued, an other leffe thapze was bzought, whiche might be Sie DORMANS PROVEE, ay place mofte conuentent fo heare s twhiche may appeare probable bp thefe wordes of Soʒomenus: Ee vnum⸗ Sozomen’ lib.r, quẽq; ficutaudire porerat,alloquebatur . thatis , be @P-*°- {pake to euery man, as he might beare. If this declara⸗ tion like pou nof,denife pou fuch as both map like pou, and faue: the authoritie of the auncient Hiſtories, and ould recozdes , whiche pour. felfe fo much bꝛaggeth of, svipnig: sft be not fo in the ould recordes ; let me neuer be farder Seleaued : whiche J alfo tn this cafe may motte fafelp fap. Further. Dorman , that litle chayze pou ſpeake of, {was not fo bafe as pou would make it:but as Euſebius him ſelfe (whom in this cafe pou alleage foz the lotunes af the chatre)witnelleth, it was of gould, whiche ts not f, materia au⸗ ſo bafe a metall 2). Dozmat , but J thinke pou bad ray rea. ther bane had tf, though laſſe, than one of the Biſhops bigger chaires of umd, fo2 Well vou wot man pardie, (thus pour Maiſter, and you vſe to ſpeake) a legge of a Jarke ts worth the whole bodie of a kiete. And now fir, fome Patelkie appearinge tn} Empe⸗ rour his theone,as pourequired, wherin be alfo did firſt fit downe, and after commaunded all the Biſhoppes fa fitte (as Soʒomenus faith) e alſo no moze bafeneffe ape pearinge in that letter chaire,than is in gould emongt other metalles: ¢ the Cmperour fitting downe therein alſo fire , andthe Bithoppes after: pour Mailer and pou had no great cauſe te make ſo highe a matter o€ this lowe chaite, and about curtefie tn fittinge Downe, as pou bane done: much leſſe caufe had pou, to charge bs fo greauouſly with either maniſeſt malice, as mangling the Holy hiftories or intollerable foolt{ hnes , or groffe ignoraunce : onely foꝛ that. the Apologie, infogreat , and pzofelted, deat thoztenes, made no mention of pour foles, . ie ang A REPROVFE OF M { - ait and curfeffes. Pour felfe in the meane time, omfttinge and diffemblinge , the attendaunce of. 318. Biſhoppes vpon one man the Emperour, by bis commatdements, at bis owne Palace, in place and time by him appoinc⸗ ted, and there with ſilence waitinge bpon bis cominge, with reucrence rifinge bp at bis comminge, and ſtan⸗ Dinge, ontill be were fette, and then by bint commaun⸗ ded to fitte, And pou,likea man ſtarke blinde, neither perceiuinge the height of the great th2one,noz the glite. tering of the gould of the other chaire,coule onelp eſpie the lotenes of if ; whiche pou terme allo the bafenes of it:and nof ſeinge the reuerent rifinge bp, and humble Landing of fo many, qraue,tearned,¢ ancient Fathersy. could marke one mans curtefie onelp: anddepelp dite femblinge fo many notable thinges , manifeftlp declae ringe the Emperours fuporiozitie ouer the faide Bi⸗ | fhoppes, do fo largely proſequute fuche ſmall trifies ae. % bout ſtoles, and curfefies: and all this pou map bo, Without the blame of either manifeſtmalice in maglinge Wita ting by the holy. hiffories , either of intolerable fvoliſ hnes. or groſſe ignoraunce( wherewith poucbarge bs) but pou dw in all poinces, euen as M. Dozman ſhould do, and no ethers Dorman foliar, — — PAld. Cofar, _ Yeabut: be warnedthe vif leppes how they ſbould proced· apol. fol. 313, b. the Councell. that ts, by the doctrine of the prophetes and Apofiles. If they Wwoulde here hase dealt truly , and vprightly pith vss and: | not-rather haue folowed-their father in lenge ard patchinge: they ; woulde not haue reber{ed Gloria patri syithour Sicuverat's nor - saken a piece that feemeth to make fer them, leaninge our that which maketh againftshem: But becaufe theyare ſworne to be true : 3a — DO RMANS PROVFE 213 to thelr occupation and fo may not: 1,who t chancke God therefore, am noneof the company, Will take the paines to froape, anddooie — for them. It folorweth in Theodoretus after he had mentioned the o- ration Which Conftantine bad in the Councell:Hxc & his fimilia, tanquam filius amator pacis,facerdotibus veluti patribus of - ferebar. The/e woordes and finch lake, a5 a fonne that loued peace, he offred vp to the Pricfles as to bis fathers. Lo good readers, Was not here trow you 4 great prefident for our Emperours and Kinges to meddle with the ordre of Religion? Nowell. Pea here is fuch aprxfioent , as will foz all æterni⸗ te keape wicked popiſhe Prieſtes tn ſubiection to god⸗ ip PBrinces:though 9. Doꝛman as be befozetvould have bifgraced the notable twwmzdes and faces of the Empe⸗ your Confantinus jcuidetip declaring bis ſuperioritie suet the Biſhoppes, by trifling about alow chaire,and a litle curtefie, fo would be now deface the Emperours authozitie , declared tn the admonition of the ſaide Bi⸗ Hoppes,to proceave accozdinge to the Scriptures, and in the Biſhops ebedience tothe fame, by theſe wordes of Zheodozitus, char the Emperour as a fonne that loued peace, fpake tothe if hoppes as ta his fathers. Andbereagaine bi⸗ fide manp ofber repzocheshe chargeth bs wich Ging and patching, fo p the Apologie affirmeth thatthe ſaid Ems perour admonitbedthe Biſhoppes bow thei ſhould pro⸗ ceade in the difputations of maticrs of Keligion: and p thet fhoulo therein folow the doctrine of the bolp ghoſt, fo2 } the bakes of f Cofpell ofthe Apoltles,¢ the Pro⸗ phetes dm {ufficfentlp declare Gods will vnto vs, faith the Emperour Confantine. Thus much of Cokatines | Git 2 hittozie —— ti i i a el Ee ae Lib.x, cap.7- A REP ROVFE OF M hictorie alleageth the Apologie: of all the whiche, w, Doꝛman can not pꝛoue one worde vntrue andpet be chargeth bs therefoze with lvinge. Touching patchinge and reherſing of Gloria patti Without Sicut erat, We could not haue eſcaped p Win-~ chefter faunt (ſo wellit liked him) vnleſſe the Apologie (tobicbe is not a quarter fo bigge as are thofe hiſtories of Conttantine) hadrebearfed the whole bakes , for if anp wade at all had bene lefte out; W. Derman could not haue bene excluded from bis obiectinge tute bs 5 of woꝛrdes as Theodoꝛitus reporteth the, are thefe. Laus datifs. rex mentionem habuit de concordia &c. Whe Linge wo2thte ofall praiſe, ſpake of concorde, and ar greement, and (aid, that nothinge was moze vnmeete. Impetere fe than fo2 the Wiſhoppes to impeache and accufe one an mutud. other, and to geue their enemies an occafion of pas In difputationi- {time , and laughter at thems: {pecially in difputations bus rerumdiui- of diuine matters, in the whiche they had the doctrine weer: of the motte bolp ghotte peafcribed or fet before thete efes. For the bokes of the Gofpell, and of the Apo⸗ files , and the ozacles 02 Pꝛophecies of the ould Pꝛo⸗ Pphanè infruunt Phetes,do plainelp inſtruct bs, what we ould thinke nos. _ of Goddes wilt, o3 of diuine thinges. Wyherſore lainge a & gi we el TS fide all enemplike difcozde, let bs take the erplicatios of belð Deovew. quæſtiõs ont of the faingesof the diuine ſpirite. Theſe Amans pater⸗ ¢ ſuch like thinges (pakethe Gimperour,as a Sonne los ninominis. ninge the fatherly name, to the Biſhops as to fathers, | DiNTEATOgS deſirous to cdfelfe the vnitie of the Apoſtolike doatrines wherunto vᷣ greatett part of the copanp agreed, ¢c.thele are Theodoritus his wordes trulte trãſlated. WMherby the diſcrete Meader may le, that the Apologie hath ſaid * n no patchinge, and leauinge out of Sicut erat. The Emperours DORMANS; PRO VERA 15 no vntruth, neither could in that: bzeutfie reherſe the whole circumſtance: and that. Doꝛman babno sit” cauſe to moue this ridiculous quæſtion. lm god Rea⸗ ders; was not here trowe you, a great prefident for our Emperours and King es, * medle with the ordre of Religion? Bea 2, Dorman, this moſt notable admonition giuen to the Withops bythe Emperour Conſtantine; and bp them obeicd,fs-anzternall prefident toall godlie Princes/ liketoffe to call all popiſhe Prieſtes, pratinge of their Dinne inuentions , to the triallofcontrouerfies ¢ quæ⸗ ſtions tn Keligid,by the doctrine of the bolptcriptures, —_—- whiche do plainelie aeclare God his will vnto vs: as doth that godly Emperour there affirme , and all thoſe godlie Wiſhops to the fame confent,and agree, So that it is by that moſt bolie and great councell fo2 euer cons cluded, and determined, that quæſtions and diſputatiõos of Religion muk fo be guided., controuerſies in caules Ccciefiakicall, muk fo be determined, euen by the doe aritie of the bolic Scriptures;and that the bolie Scrip, furesdo plainely inffrua bs, what is tobe thought of Gods will,and dfuine thinges o2 matters of Keligion. D. Barding, by interpzetinge of the. @reeke woordes Confur. Apolos TEATS Dts 5 of the godhead, would beare the fimple Keas fol.314,a» Dets, in band, that the Emperour ment that queſtions ' about the godhead onelp-fhould be tried bp the Scrip⸗ fares, Whereas be might as well bauetranflated it, of matiers of Keligion, oꝛ diaine matiers: and the {chos les call all manner offputattons of Religion, diſputa⸗ tions of diuinitie, andthe commen phzale of fpeache bath recetued the fame. And the plaine woordes befoze, Indifputationibus rerum diuinarum habent ſancttiſſ. Tregl Stiap —— doctrinam prafcriptam. thatts, In diſputä⸗ TOK YKAT Gikty Att 3 tions A 'REPROVFE-OF™ | ANd, reel TS 5 tions of diuine matiers, they haue the dacrine oethe | Siz, in this bolle gholt fet befoze them. And likewiſe the plaine | pleceof Thes- wezdes folowing. Samamus ex dictis divini fpiritis | doritus fignif- explicationes queftionum, that is. Let bs take the ere | ethallone. pllcations of the queſtions out of the faipnges ‘of the Be iy 9 bolfe ghoſt. hele wazdes going before, and after,oa declare that Coſtantine ment that al que tions, diſpu⸗ tations, and controuerſies tn Religion, halo be by the | Scriptures erplicated ¢ defined: and that D. Bardings | reftrainde to matters of the godhead is friuolous, and to no purpofe, And M. Doꝛman reading thete the Gms | Perours admonitiõs te the Withops , to ſolowe in theft | Difputatios of diuinitie matters, p holte Scctpure pews {cribed vnto them and (et before them: and that erplts | cations of diuinitie quæſtions/ mutt be had out of the | Scriptures, and that the babes of the holic Scriptures do plainly (uffruce bs: and finding that all the godlte Biſhops.of that great ¢ bole coũcel, aſſented therants, and obefed the Emperours efther aduertifement, 62 coe maundemet, fealing him felfe foze greaued therewith, as with a bery cut thzote to al poperie, depending ones ite bpon mens falle traditions , and not findinge what to fay fo (f,thougb it were but leudlie ¢ colorable, as be {s wonte,turneth bim felfe to his cuſtomed artes of rats {ing and fcoffing charging bs with ics, ( bhom be kno⸗ weth fo haue ſaid nothing but truthe) and with ere. werfmg of Gloriapatri, without Sicut-erat, fog that the apos dogte reberfeth not , Sicurfilids,&Xc. that he ſpake as a fonne,to the Withops,as to fathers:whereas the Apos | logfe in that beenttie, twas Detaen not onelyto omitte Sache impertinent circumſtances; but alfo to leaue out | — —8 and effcctuous fer our purpoſe. ¥ Now ‘ DORMANS PROVFE > 220 « Softy this sicur erar,whan al fs done is nothing etles,: but that the Emperour fpake renerentlie to thofe godlie auncient Bifhopssas a fonne vnto his fathers. CAbtthe Sicut erat, fong outof all tuneby 3. Dozman, be foleweth thes with neume. © Leo good Readers; was here troWe you a great pres Silent for our Emperours, and Kinges x to medle "with ordre of Re- zion? Beafuche a przxfivent .Dozman,tn the Cmpes rours calling the to the Scriptures, and their obeiynge ofthefame,as twill pꝛeſſe pour Pope, andal bis popiſh prelates and Pzlelkes,to the berp ground. But Loge: footh if isa great prefident ſoꝛ pour purpofe (as pou trowe D. Dozman ) that the Cmperour Conttantine Mould be inferiour te the Biſhoppes; for that he as 4 ſonne, ſake vnto then , as fathers = whiche phzale proueth nothing elles but bumilitie in the Emperour, and not that be twas an tnferfour, but a gentle refozmerof. the faid Biſhoppes. Mhan ſoeuer anie of the oulde Empe⸗ rours of Kome fpake tothe Senatours, do they not call them fathers 2 And that Pꝛince will not ſome⸗ fime call anpofbts fubiedes being berie ouloe ¢graue, bis father 2 And ts the ould fublec, therefoze the Prin⸗ ces ſuperiour:here be ſclender reaſons. Surely Cone ſtanttne partely for that there were in that councellſo manp bery,as wel foz age, as fo: learning, vertuesres uerend men,¢ partly of bis moſt gentle ehuble natures, callem the fathers, ¢ bfed the like fathers (as reafon was be fhoulddm)but that doeth ns moze pꝛ oue him theivins fertoursthan that be calleth them: bꝛet hzen angfelowwe feruanntes, pꝛoueth him aquall.ta them : theſe be but pꝓhꝛaſes of courteous (peache:¢ ſuch bumble behauiours are ſignes dectaringe the gentlenes ,.and-bumblencs 5 SUNAE ADORE aũ tbe 5,9 Wathen — ets >. Math. 23.4.¢, Mark.1, Luc.ix. — — AREPROVFFOFMOGS Let Chriſtian Printes atter the example of Conlkanti⸗ nus once bring pour Pope and his Prieſtes from their falfe traditions tothe Scripture, bp them to be tried compel them tocdfetle, that Gods twillisin the Scrip⸗ tures plainelp declared, (as did the Emperour Cone fantine with fauour obteine of thofe WBiſhoppes) and, it Mhall not offende bs if the Pꝛinces fo doing; ſpeake to your pope and Prælates, and deale with them, as fae thers, as did Conſtantine: pet Mall not the Princes therefore be thet (nferiours, baf their getle refozmers: nox Hall thetebp declare any pour ſuperioꝛitie, but {howe thelr otene curteſie aro Humilitie . wut thele Papiſtes,the chiloze of that generatton(toble WM. Doze mans terme) that lone to fit bppermoffeat fealkes; € to haue the chiefe feates in the Spnagoges, and loue to be called and counted Rabbi (of whome one Saniour ‘Chk geueth bs warning to beware being dronken 8 pꝛide ¢ ambition, can not (ein theſe faces of that moſt great; but withall mot bumble p2ince, the Emperour Conſtantinus, a maniteſt imitation of our Sauiour Chzilke, who whan be was matker, and the greateſt of all others; behaued him felfe as his di(tiples feruaunts and walhed thelr feete, and commaunded his difciples to doo the like: Whiche his commaundement obeted 5 erample kolowed bp the bertuons Cmperour Conſtan⸗ _ tine, thefe Papiſtes, who can (hill of nothing but patde and prelumption, dpatwe fo a pzoufe of minoꝛitie and inferfosttte.. Andz do graunt that Conantine the Emperor With his bow chaire;af Ring leaue ta fit downe and talking as a ſonne to the BiGhops as his fathers, tas herein ina ferfour to the ſaid Bithoppes , as was Chꝛiſt to bis As poſtles:that is, in humilitie onely: — = DORMANS PROVFED 221 tie readie to folote- bis councell , who willed all Chri⸗ ſtians tobebauethem felues totwardes all elders, as to fatbers:and whiche is moze, readie to obeie bint, whee commaunded all godlie tabecome not onely as (onnes, but as litlechtlogen in humilitie And that the Empe⸗ rour oid this of mere homilitte; and no thfertozitic, Eu⸗ Lib rdevite febfus, who was there pefent,. and. knewe better the Conſtãt. fa. . trothe of the matier, than do our Popiſhe coniecturers, *lib.4. ſa. ꝛob. doeth in plaine woordes teſtifie, as Jhaue before des claved, But , Dozman and his maiſter D. Hardinge, whoe Do make fo great: and. highe matiers of a lowe chatre,alite curtefie,and gentle fpeache, going about, by fuche curtefie of the mofe gentle Pꝛince, to prove his minoꝛitie, them felues dw depelie diſſemble ¢ with great filence paffe oner mante matters of mo weight, at largedectared fn allthofe Eccleſiaſticall bifoztes,¢ æuidentlie pouing the Emperours authoritie ouer Wi⸗ Mops, and in cauſes Etcleſiaſticall: as that he fommo- nedtbefaide Biſhoppes to the councell,andcommaunz ded them/ and amonglt them the Wiſhoppe of Rome, to ‘come togetber without delaie from fo farre countrefs, 4utoa place,and at a time by him (elfeappotnacd. And Apben the Biſhops the felnes: afembling could dw litle good/he appoincted thenva Dap of finall determination ofthe matiers:: at the tobiche, bethough bit one mai, went not fo their cuſtomed place of aſſemble/ but called the.318. Biſhops into bis palace,foz that it pleated him tobe preſent at their treaties him ſelte:and when they were tome to Court, he commaunded them to goe into the appoinced place befoze,¢to conſult vntill be came, ‘and the Biſhops there with ſilence waiting for tts cõ⸗ ming, With reverence reung af bis comming, and ſtan⸗ BEE ding, | — > A REPROVFE OFM 2 —* he paſſed through the middeſt of them, fo the vppermoſt end of al thecoiicell,be fate inthe midle af them,(as do Pꝛinces now vſuallie in the parlament houfe)and than commaunded the Withops to fit: ¢ber tng bp one WBiſhop, in the name of the tobole councell motte bonozablfe faluted , be fpake fo them all, and gentlie blamed them for their didentions, and exhorted them to vnitie and agreement, and willed them te fall to the explication of their queettions , and detcrminay tion of their controuerſies, bp the holie Scriptares,fet ‘before their eies:wherein, ſaith be, Gods twill fs plaine⸗ Ife Declared, and the Withoppesfolowed and obeied the fame:and tn their treaties and difputations be o2dered then, prasfing the Withops , that otd ſoberlie and lear⸗ nedlie diſpute, rebuking, and repzeffing fache as miſu⸗ fed them ſelues in reafoninge,and declaringe bis stone Mpnode, godlie, and learnedlie, emongeft them in the higheſt poinctes ofour faith , be brought them bp litte and litle tofome confent, and at the laf to full. agrees ment. And farelp a mad wooꝛke had thofe Wifhappes, bp their diſſentions made, had not the gonernaance, of that goalfe and motte wiſe P2ince, moderated: them. Wibee, iehen be bad bꝛought them to an bapplebnitie, - -confirmedand authoriſed the thinges bp them agreed ‘bpon,and the ozfginatland autentike copie of thedes —. ctees of the ſaide conncell, (ubfcrited with allthe Bi⸗ Mops bandes,bereferucd inbisowne keapinge and be fentcoplesthercof vnto all Biſhoppes that were abs fent,andfoalt notable Chꝛiſtian Churches, with coms maundement, that they ſhould be obeted:which boone, as —— — to come togetherto the coun⸗ — AS DORMANS PROVEE, 222 the conncell,fo gaue he them leaue to departs home fra the councell. Theſe and many mo thinges concerninge that onelp councell declaring the Emperours authori⸗ tie ouer the Biſhops.⁊ in matters ecclefiatkical being at large ¢ moſt plainelp declared by the hiſtories ecclefias ſtical of Gufebius, Kafinus, Sccrates, Wheodozitus, DHosomtenus, WM. Dowd, with bis maker D. Warding omitting,¢ mot deepelie difenbling , ¢ cõtrarie to the platne biffozies falfelp farmifing, thatthe Bishop of Rome had commaunded the Emperour,as the head commaundch the hand, inthe ſomoning of the faide Nicene councell: thefe men, J fay, thus dealing , would pet ſceme fo cleare from ail mangling of the holie hiflartes , from all parchinge 5 lrynge, and leauing owt of Sicut erat, that they map freelp charge o⸗ thers therewith: and dm thinke that thep deale like truemen,ftwozne to thetr Wopithe occupation, fo longe as they dm fing theft Gloria patri,of low ſtooles, care tefies, and getle wo2des bled bp the Emperour (which pond Papiſtes,that can no (hill of curtefic, take fo2 art arguiment of (ubiectton)nothing paſſing though Sicut erat; tbe verp truth as tt was in deede bp them {eft ont, without either ſinging, ſaiyng, 0; any mention at all thereof, bp them ta be mabe. And to the ende that the great diffimulation , and Hpding of the truthbe, whiche theſe Papiſtes dm vſe, and their bnink charging of bs , with that, wherein them felues ave moſte guyltie, map the moze plapnelfe aps peate: and iwitball , that the goon Header that life, map haue further intelligence:, of gedite Peinces aus thozitieouct perfons and in matiers Eccleſtaſticall, in the pꝛimatiue Churche, of infinite other notable things in the — Eccleſlatttcall at large declared, and Bh 2 —2 A REPROYVFEOFM | prouing the Cmperour Cottantinus bis eee autbop tie ouer perfons ¢ matiers Eccleſiaſtical, Jhaue noted fome, ¢ them 5 with thele circumfances of the Nicene cotucel,baue Jdeuided into certen commune places, noe) ting the autbour,boke, chapter, 02 fide of the leafe; in cafe the babe be not deutded into chapters , both fo2 the commoditic of the Reader, that lik in the originals {e > truthe moze larglfe fet foogth, and to the manifeſte res: prouc of 3.Dozrma bis ſhameles ontrethe, fatpng, thar’ no Emperour és t0 be founde, whofe doings and — life — more for the Papifies, and againſtus. Is The Emperour Coffantinus 2 ‘asa certen commune “2 Lib.ndevita Withop,bp God therto appotneded (as fateth Culebius) Conftant.f2.169. ag be affembled this great andbolte Micene councel, fo asp ee did hHeaffemble diners other Spnodes and councels. As 0 Aat b Arelatum og Arle in Frauce, at Cælarta tn Pale⸗ Lib..devitae fine,at Bierufalem,at Tyrus, krom whẽce be remo⸗ Conftit.fa, 69. ued the Synode to ælia, and from whẽce at the ſuite b Euteb. lib.io. of Athanaſius, be commaunded the whole councell to — 1, aPpeate befoze him, as befoze their fudge, to render an 27.30. accompt of their doinges. Andof verp many places,. d Socrates lib.r, Where (6s intreatedof his authoꝛitie in fommonings Cap. 32.34. of councelles, Jhaue thought good fonote theſe. Sozom.]ib.z Fuſeb. libsr.de vita Conftant.fa.169.lib. 3, fai88.8¢. 189.191 19d0 €4p.25.28+ Lib. 4. fai210,2-Lib.Hiftor.Eufb.lib.10, oP * * Socrat.Jib.1,cap.8- “3 Theodorit.lib.x. cap.7.9. 30. Sozom.libir.cap 17.lib.2.cap.25.28. 2 The Emperour Contkantine one birt fee inthe councellas the Biſhops ſuperiour ⸗ Eufeb. de vita Conſtaut. lib. nf, ios. lib eres vc. * bel aga Socrat.lib, rcapiSs 5” F uae 383 Theodorit. lib,t.cap.7. 9.&.12,13.28- * ait >= apt sg Sozomenus.lib,t.cap.19.8. &. 29 Lib, 2. capa7. 28 x. 3e DORMANS PROVER 223 He conũrmed the decrces of the Councell. Eufeb. de vita Conftantini,, * ———— ib Socrat. lib.x. cap.8,.& 12. Sozom. lib.1.cap.20. \ We had the keapinge — ot the sete. Sozom. lib. 2. cap.2t. He gaue the Spode oz Con nel —— —— Euſcb. de vita Conſtant. hib.3.fa.s92. ne ? : Theodorit. lib.i .capiʒ. | be did weite fo ——— and Chutthes fo2 the : keapinge of vnit ie in true Keligion and Smee of thinges, with commaundement .. ait Eufeb.de vit. Conftant, hb. 3, fa, 131. 19n199. 200. — Ae PEM Socrat, hib,r.cap.g. 92 AG Mol Theodorit.Lib.aceéps 1g, — Sozomenus lib.1.¢ap.ar, lib.2.cap.4. | Che Emperour: Conttantine wa⸗ of anguiar Ai ninge,and vertue, and in bigh —** — * sey ta Euſeb.de vita Conftang, lib, 4: f4,206. 208. a Socrat. lib.t. cap. 9. | sorte : % Theodorit.lib..cap. 10.&12. " Jt fo much that God dia oft reueale vnto saat bp bé- fions, the confpiraties of bis ia ea —— a iahy bi) O37AI99 ‘% o ga of manp thinges. fo conte, a Eufeb,de vita Conftant.lib,r.fa,169, ator 12 Sozom.lib.x. cap.8. 65.¢ hb.8,qr> t.dd.no ibis care about. trne eligton aut diligence in fet. Euth, Uiet.devic tingest forth was fogreat.s that he was acompted as a ta Coſtãt.ſa 159; certaine commune Biſhoppe, bp God appoincted:as the Qust —— moft chrille and cleave proclamonr,and fetter forth of! —— Gods will, and as a Sautour ano phititian Of foules..cusec. And he ts preferred in thele thiugs, before v¶ Biihops. Vocauſ. Dei Eufeb.de vita Conftant. lib. ——— * Hi anes 199. præco hb.4. fa207. 1 Quit feruatot Socrat.lib.1, cap.9. (DSTI GIG Fut d 2 gina. Ac medicus ani- — — cap. 24," bi Me « GCb ees ; at - : marum. Bh 3 bis Fars i2, tz. E46 é AREPROVFE OF M ~ bis ſettinge korth of true Religion by p tions, lawes, and otherwile, beſides the’ les he noted, is declared in thefe places. Eufeb.de yectagtes lhe fa, iq⸗ ai. lib... 53 —X 207-/208.2Inai. a gh Aaa m . Theodorit, Aid, 1.cap. 19M. * —D 4s ay Ai Soom. lib.1.tap 8\16- mis He appoinced bp bis law che fonoays /and bates of gparty2s tobe keapt. Eufeb. de vita Conftane. lib. 4. f2. 206. 27. ~ Ano his authozitfe ithe pallicte,and out warde gouernement ofthe Churche, was fa | the Withoppes,in predthinge and mint t Sacramentes, were the Biſhoppes of the in! a clefiaficall thinges , ſo was be by. Gad appoincted, the is oppe ef the outward Eccleſiaſticall tess, vege Be giveth a fozme of prafer fo the foulbiate. Eufeb, devita Conftant.libig. fajaovi:. Be infruaeth great — exboye taffons. = bake lib. 4,de vita Conftant. f2,208. ‘Be veprefied Idolatrie, talſe sgt, anbbereens, bp lawes, and otberivife. : Eufeb. de vita Conftant . lib. 2. : fas 181. 5 ABs. 201, lib. fa. 207, ‘Sozom.fib.t.cap,8.1ib.2.¢a “We dealt in rine — Bi thops ¢ other Eccleſiaſtical perlons as thelr cuperur. Eufeb.Hiftor.lib.10.cap.¢. Eufeb.de vita Conftant.hib. — & 1B lib,3. Fa.tpp. Socrat.lib.t.cap.7. & 8. 32. 34. | * Theéodoric.lib.r. cap.i4. i9. cap. 27 · Soxomenus lib.ꝛ cap¢ £64.05 — — Soctat. « — He rebuked, and reproued Brae and — . “the —— that did —* eae pe — ez * watt» — “a ®, es DORMANS PRO VFE. 224. Soerat.hib.2.¢ap.7.3¢2 .. or Theodorit. hb, bi sr , Has Arts Sozom. hib.3.¢ap.15.ib.2.cap.4 e He difputeth tn shaders of Keliglon. rit lib.z.cap.30.& ... He intermedleth ‘with arathorttie 5 seaton o of ABithoppes. Eulbiosdevita Conant. aif 199.200, | Sozom.libsz.cap.19. * He remoueth.o2 depoſeth Bchepedamotha ee tlefiatticall miniſters. Theodorit.lib.t.cap. 19:20,28, Ta eee ee pe eS A Sozomenus lib.1.cap.20.21, lib,2.cap,22.. 23.31 Wereltoreth, 02 — in ty place, Beth aps oꝛ other Ectleſiaſticall miniſters. Theodorit. hb.i. cap.i4.25. 31. & lib. a. aa aed Sozom. hib.2. cap.2a.27.hb.3:cap.t.& 2, °° Finally, what authozitte ambduritotets fo euer Bt⸗ Shoppes had Over their Cleargte in out warde governs ment, thep bad it bp Conftantinus the Emperour his ‘grant and decree as teſtifieth Picephozus lib.7.cap.4e. towardes vᷣ ende of the chapter: fo that what authozitie fo ener Biſhops haue herein, thep dw holde it of Chri⸗ Hian Princes: who beinge godly, and tile, will fuffer them to holde it , as longe as thep do well bie it: lor⸗ vppon that condition , godly Princes gaue firſte it. Thele ol an infinitentibee of notable things declarcd at darge in Eccleſiaſticalhiſtories J thought gad to note ‘PP god Keader, that Would fe the original, mighthaue fome diredion fo2 the auodinge of the tediouſnes of longe ſeekinge And Jtruſft pgoo Reader, pᷣ cither well ‘confidereth the circumttaunces of the Nicene councelt, ne — ‘he —— — se esas "QUES 4 ; : Pia REPRO VEEOF MS ouer the Biſhoppes there — treaties of "4 Religion there had, partly bp cotta faa —_— om > ——_- ' — —— _ — | ol > ; perufe the placegaf the hiſtories Here noted, moze largely — Pai —— matier ho the lihe ettect may well percetue how vniutt· ly. Dorman chargeth bs, alleaginge the example of Conftantine foꝛ our. purpoſe with great fmpudencic,bp | Dorm. fol.41.a. thele berp wordes. The impudencie of iheſe men is ſuche tat thé} ave-not af hamed io abuſe Conftantinus the Empevour his name a emong/tother,for the maintenaunce of whelr opinion: rand that they . labour tomake him a piller to ſu fteine and hotild Hie » theit rotten _ Fol. 42,2. ini a 6 phe fatty: SV VAa¥ meaneth thas ban this leinge ation,tobringe for example,to of fine wid pho their Dice ; bed dottrine,this vertuous Empereur Conflantinus? than aphome i ~ they would haue laide ai i theiy, heades.sogether for that purpofesthe: _ fthaulde neupr bane foundesone cwuhofe. dojngesand. Wwholalifehad .< ame more forvnor moftagainiisheny, Dheſe be bis wagden: Wut Itruſt I bane without either impudẽcie ne lieng. | Showed many, moet plaine, both Doin ges andfatynges of ConGatinus the Cmperoucs molt euidently againit | them/ and for vs:that is, fo; the authoꝛitie of Chꝛiſtian ee Pꝛinces aboue Pꝛieſtes and in matiers Eccleũiaſticall. | RUbercas 2H. Dorman inallthoſe maniſould, and darge hiſtories Eccleſtaſticall of Euſebius, Ruſinus, Socra- tes, Theodoritus, and Sosomenus, treatinge of Cons fantinns two2des; dedes, and life; bath not/noz can not alleage any onead,fentence oz twmede, founding ts — ithe padufent bis pꝛopoſitiõ, that che bead of chriffes church therein ratth muff ntedes be a pric. Which miſerable propos Attion ſet out for a hotve in great letters in the ſirſte fronte of his babe , %. Dorman hath lefte poſt alone, cleane deſtitute, fozfaken, and fuccourles . Whereſfore bis es — DORMANS PROVFE 225 his great bragges made vpon Conantine the Empe⸗ rours heade,are but the crakes of colvardes,and like to the butte barkinge of cowardly curres , who ſhow thar _ mot fearfnes , whan thep be ſoreſt afraied. Foz tn all the ſaid hiſtories Eccleſiaſticall be can finde nothinge, but one low chavie, a litle curtefie , and gentle ſpeache of a mo humble Pꝛince, that map. feeme to founde to the ſauinge of bis ope and popiſh pꝛælacie > from ſub⸗ iectiõ vnto Chꝛiſtian Peinces, whereunto,all p woꝛdes and aces as well of the godly Wiſhoppes aſſembled at the Nicene Councell, as of the Emperour Conſtantins him felfe , with the whole practiſe of Chriſtes Churche Duringe bis whole like, do, by very many erampies,and xternall pre fiventes , tnfolublie foz euer binde them. And more obedience than thafe godly Wiſhoppes erbts bited fo Conftantine the Emperour, Wwe require not in our Biſhoppes: noz moze authozitie than Conflatinus bled ouer thofe Biſhoppes, and in thoſe cauſes Eccleſi⸗ aſticall/ we do not attribute fo cur Chettian Princes Quer perfons, and in cauſes Ccclefialkicall:and therfore ive do not fwarue from the eraniple and peaatle of the pꝛimitiue Church in Conſtantines time. Andthus pou map le god Keaders the very cauſe wbp M. Dorman did choſe to anfweare the Apologie, inbich be knew in fo great breuitie fo be infozced fo o⸗ snitte infinite maters of weight, makinge fo2 our purse pole mot effectuoullp:bifives the which bantage be did fee an occafion,bp p fame bꝛeuitie ſhould be offered hint, fo vfe bis naturall eccupation of quarelling ¢ vailinge, whiche be ts not onely ſworne fe , but bozne to alſo⸗ As be bere practifeth againt the Apologie, €o2 that it — ſcarſe balfe a {coze lines of the Cmperour Coe Att ſtantine A REPROVFE OF M fantine ferued not bis phantafie in mentioninge of ftoles and curtefies , tubiche trifies his matter andbe folargelp pzofequutinge,and fo deepely diſſemblinge, and Hilfe with filence paſſing ouer fo manp and weigh- tie maters , beinge againt them , thereby to ſuppreſſe the truth : 4 doubt nothinge, but thofe mantfoulde res proches of bare honeſtie, impudencie, intollerable fools hnes, groffe ignoraunce , mantfeft malice, manglinge of the holy hiſtæ- ries ,rehexfinge of Gloria patri without Sicut erat , patchinge and lenge: wherewith, and with many other like, M. Dozman bath onfuttlp here charged vs, do returne home agains from whenſe thep came fo P.Dozman as their right owner and true poſſeſſour. Dorman fol. 43. Vvell he was as the hiffories beare Witnessthe firft chriftian Ent perour that openly profeſſed the faith and name of chrift( for of Phillip the hiſtories make no great accompt ) and before that time she church Was gouerned,either by infidleles and tirantes, 45 NEY Thechy Domitianus,and ſuch other : or by prieſſeor Ly none, And this Was gouern the very caufe that they Wonlde Jo faine haue tonne to their parte, before | she firft Chriffian Emaperour. ftantion Nowell. Wibetber Contkantinus were the firlke Chꝛiſtian delle ° Emperour o2 no, fs not much matertall . Diners hiſto/aoac· ries do How that there were kinges ¢ p2tnces Chꝛi⸗ ¥piftola Eleu- fenedbefoze Conftantinus . Pea there is an Epiſtle of therij Papzad Eleutherlus Withop of Rome to Lucius Linge of this iacem, Ilande, long before Conttantinus dis time, pet extant, : wherein be expzeſſely calleth the laine Linge Vicariũ DORMANS PROYFE 226 Chrifti, Chriffes Uicar, and that in Church maters:foz be erbozteth him to rule bis kingdome accozdinge to Gods worde. And ſo tn this Kealme there was a pritice both Chriſtened, and gouernonr of the Churche before Contantine.And before Conſtantine his time litle gos uetninge, befides the office of the Biſhoppes and Deas cons, was requifite in Chriſtes Church being euer vn⸗ dev the Croffe and perſecution:what fo did ncede befides the Senfours o2 Cloers, whicbe after pour popiſhe ſu⸗ perſtition, foꝛ lacke of ſhauinge and greafinge, were lap men , did well accomplithe . PYour reafon is leude and to no purpole, thar the church Was before Conſtant inus his time gouerncd Without Emperours. Wibat than: The Church of God twas before Chriſtes time gouerned without the Apokies to: twill pou therefore refed them, whan Goo fendeth them 2 bp that reafon pour Pope and popiſhe Pꝛælates and prices are furdeſt of from the gouern- ment of the Churche, for bothe befoꝛe Conftantinus | time,and longe fitben bis time,(€ was goucrncd with⸗ out (uche vſurpinge Popes , proude Pꝛælates, andfue perflitious popithe Prieſtes, as nowbe. either are pout Prieſtes, Prafbyteri,Sentours,o2 Elders, fuch as gouerned in the primatiue Churche : and fuche See niours 02 Elders, as than governed the Churche, pou do nowe abbozre as mere lap men. : IJ conclude therefore, that before Conſtantine bis The Churche time , and longe after bis time alfo , the Churche before Coſtãti⸗ was governed , nether by blurpers Popes , nether bp me, and log pꝛæſumptuous not Pꝛælates, but Pꝛinces rather, nes ms — — ther by ſuperltitious hanclinges,fuch as now fwarme, irk prelace soe but tere than tn the primitiue Churche vtterly vn· prieſie, fuche ag knowen. hikes J noyr would go⸗ — ii Lit 2 Dorman, uetue al. ~ both tranflated A REPROVFE OFM» Dorman. Folio, 43. The next example that they bringe, is of Thecdofius the Empe- roursthat be not onely fat emongeſt the Bef hoppes, but was alſo the very chiefe of the conference, bet wene the Catbolykes and the Arri- D. Hard. codfut. ans. That Theodofius did inthis matter notbinge of him felfe » Apolog.fo.28.a, but all by the councell of Netarius the B. of Conftantinople, kad & 314. & 31f6 26 nor our aduerſaries, as they ded before in the example of Conflan- hath the fame. for woorde. then B. of Conffantinople,af Red of him his aduice , hat order "were % In exordio ca- beſt to be taken; for the appeafinge of that schifine hiche then fo pitisillius , ex quo nonoulla catholeRe Bi hoppes had delivered end commend:d to bhim. Nowell. M. Dorman here (as vſuallie alwaies) contrarie fa. bis pꝛomeſſe,ſuppreſſeth and conceileth our euidence of Theodoſius his doinges,as thal hereafter platnelp ape pearesé being as evell troubled with this hiſtorie ofthe — Cmperour Theodoſius, as be was before with p other of Cotantine , anſwereth a like to both: p is, directly to neither of both ; but bztefip and lightlp fouchinge thaf, which fo nerethe quicke toucheth the papiſtes: ¢ pals fing oner the chiefe matters foz vᷣ anthozitic of Pꝛinces ouer Prieſtes, and in matters of Religion, with Hlence, he ſeeketh other thiftes and confecures , to elude them altogether, te faith, that the Emperour did nothinge of him felfebut bfed the Councell of Pecarius the Bi⸗ hop of Cattantinople,in all that be did in this . anion thc OS Moo tine mangled the hiflorie, any man might eafély haue perceived. For p1;Aox- os — PIL lis: reade the x beginning of the chapiterswhere this matter is mécio.- cle.trip.] fol.113.a, woord ned sand you {ball finde , that Theodofius called to him Neclarius 9.cap.18, miferably troubled the Churche:and finally embraſed him felfe,and ~ profert &e. ad Commanded all other to receiue the fame doétrine , not whiche bim verbum, | feéfehad determined to be true, but which NeCtarius andthe other » 7 4 . — <> Ae * it 6 ae ¥ a Sas ü —⸗ DORMANS PROVFE 227 whiche anfivere his maitter and be boro wed of Hoſius, Ho.li2.fo. nz.a as thet are wont.But whether Theodoſitus bled autho D-Hard, Cofur, ritic over perfons,¢in matters Ccclefiatticall as chtefe a ies gouetnour,and that without the councellof Nectarius >. lib.. or na, let the bifogies Eccleſiaſtical be iudges. Firſt of cap.7.&%.3. all boty Socrates and Sosomenus th theft Eccleſiaſti⸗ Sozom.|lib.7s call bitfogies doe teltifie , that Mheodofius the CmpezP-5-%-7- rout dealed in matters of Religion, and betweene the — tea Catholiques , andthe Arians , and that be commaun⸗ faa pace cécor ded Demophilus the chiefe of the Arrians , either to as diam iaſtitueret . Gree with the Micene falth,o2 todepart fro the church; &c. oe and thatthe Cmperour called together to a Spode at ——— — Conkantinople . 50, Biſhops, both that the scone faith might be confirmed, and alfo a Biſhop of Conſtã⸗ oionipreerat finople might be ogdeined, (fo that lea teas than bas &c. cant)befoze Nectarius, bere by A. Dorman mentioned, Socrat.li.5.ca.8! was IBithop,o2 knowen fo the Emperour. For be was — cholen Withop , by thofe Blihoppes, who tere bythe jin cicorord Emperour affembled, And fo2 that the (ato eleatid was juz fei pperd notable, ¢ eſfecuallie declareth the authozitte of yBsttis conuocams. ces ouer Biſhops therein, Jwill rebearfe Sssomenus the autbours owne woordes, touching p (ame at large, ; whiche are thefe. Imperator precepit vt diligentiin— Soz0,lib.7,¢a,73 quifitione quam max. fieri pofset.Xc. that ts fo fate: | the Cmperour commannded that as hone and good © man as poſſible might be fonde , ſhould be fought out, fo whome the bighe Prieſthood of that citie might be committed, Wut the Biſhoppes were not of the fame mynde: for everp of them defired fo haue fome one of thetr friendes to be ordeined Biſhop there. Theſe be Dosomenus wooꝛdes truelp tranilate, And ſhortlie afs ( Sev it foloweth in Sosomenus,Cum facerdotibus Im⸗ sozom,}i.7.c1. 9° Brey teen yt a ee peratoy = “er. A REPROVEFE OFM perator mãdaſſet ve in charta quadam nomina eorũ, quos fingulidignos qui ordinarentur iudicarent, cõ⸗ fcripta darentur,ac fibijpf poteftatem vnum ex om- nibus eligendi referuaflet. Kc. that is to ſaye. Vhen the Emperour bad commaunded the Biſhops that the names of the , whome cucry Biſhop iudged worthy to be ordeined, hould be tuziten in a paper , anddelinered fo bint, and bad referued to bim felfe power o2 anthozfs fie fo chofe one of al thoſe whofe names w2iten ſhuld fo be deliuered vnto btm)the Biſhop of Antioche , wha he had tirſt writen thole, whome be thought good, tak uy of all(to gratifie Diedozus Withoppe of Tharſis) be wote Pectarlus. Than the Emperour reading over the names of them that were writen, ſtated at Necta⸗ rius name: and falling into a fudie,latpng bis finger - bpon the lak name, toke earneſt deliberation with him felfe. Dhan readinge ouer againe allthe names from the beginning of the bill,at the lat bechofe Pecarius. All the Biſhoppes wondered, and afked who twas that ss Hectarfus, what twas his ererctle,and whence be wase Quod ne myfte Gy whan it was knowen that be was not pet Chate sat nas of. HENED, they did pet moze wondre at the Emperour iud⸗ Keeparticeps. gement. And Moetlie after ſaith Soʒomenus: Iſta autẽ i, Sa haud fine diuina difpofitione acciderunt. hele thinges bid not happen without Gods diſpoſition. Foz the Emperour, whe be beard that be was not pet Choke Nondumini- ſtened, continued firme and ſteedtaſt in bis determina⸗ glarus. tion, though manfe Biſhoppes were, and ſpake again it. And when all the Biſhoppes gaue place, and agreed fo the Cmperours determination, Pecarius was By feicam velhé Chrikkened, and hauing vet the myſticall veſture vpon indutus. bint, twas by the commune confentof the Synode og feet countell, q + ave DORMANS PROVFE u28 counfell, oꝛdeined Biſhopof Conſtantinople. Panie alſo did beleaue that theſe thinges twere thus done pp Gods oꝛatle oꝛ reuelation, made to the Emperour. Wut Dei oraculo⸗ J twill not diſcuſſe whether this belo, o2 not. Wut pet % beleaue that this came notto patle toltbout Goddes Non extra Dei appoinament ; Jfoz when F confider the bnlooked fog autum, 2 3. ordination, and the thinges that aftertwardes folowed, % thinke that this man,as moſt meeke, god and honett was bp God appoinged to that bithopzike, hus farre are Sosomenus his one woozrdes frulfe franllated. Wibich J haue nowe at large repeted:fo2 that 9.02. man would beare me (n bad that the Cmperour Theo⸗ bofiusinmatiers Eccleſiaſticall, did nothings of bine felfe but all by the counfell of Nectarius. | Wut here map pou fe mofke culdentlte , that before Negcarius was Withop, o2 Chꝛiſtened, 02 it knotven, what manner of man be twas, the Emperour tke care of Keligion , and peace makinge in contronerfies bes tweene the Catbolikes and Arians, And that be called. 150. Biſhops together fo acoune fellat Confantinople , to the ertirpinge of the Arian batefie, and the confirming of the Picene faith. And thatthe Emperours fudgement,in commauts ding the be and mete man fo be chofen Biſhoppe of _ Conkantinople, was farre better and rather to be foe 4. lowed than the mindes of the partiall Biſhoppes, whe wold euerie of the haue fome one of their ofvn frfendes chofen Wiſhop/ and fo fhould neuer haue agreed vpon one, bad not the godlie Cmperour moderated their pare ciall ſtudies. That the Emperour commaunded the Biſhoppes circũſtances of this matfer, onlie fome places imperti⸗ nent (02 auotding of to muche peolfrttte) bere etheare intermitted. And thus.the Emperour vſinge this couns fell,fet the hæretikes at battanceamogit them felues, as im the biffezte folowwetl. Wiberebp pou map fe good. Readers, that both. Hectartus patriarke of Gentantineple,and Agelius theiithop,being both at ef mm 2 their — Wp— t: _ AREPROVFEOFM >) their wittes ente, Stfinins, an hirferiour meane mint⸗ iter in reſpect, guideth them bp dis counfell: and that therefoze wiſdome in gonerning of Churches , and oze Bering of matiers ecclefialical fs not teid to dignities, myters, aid fees, as thelemen would have it : ¢ that Pꝛinces by the wile and godlie adutfe of inferiout mts niſters may take order, not onlp with ſeueral Biſhops but with Spnodes 02 counfels, #oulee alfo; where DP. Mozman would haue the Cmperour Theodoſius infes riour to Biſhop Meaarius in Ccclefiakicall matiers, oulp foz he vſed Nectarius coũſel (fo fo he falfife furs snifeth)p by the fame reafon,¢ moze trulic tw, (t ſhould folowe that the Patriarke Nectarius was inferiour to Agelius Withop of the Nouatians: and that both Bi⸗ hop Agelius andthe Patriarke Pecarius , Houldbe infertours to poze Stſinius, the ledurar of the Noua⸗ tian Churche, fo2 that thep vſed his counſell in dede: ¢ ſo did the Cmperourte. Wut . Dorman talkinge of marigling,{s not afbamed both to mangle, and falfefie the hiſtorie, and to fape tt was Nectarius bis counfell, —— Apolo. where bis mailter D. Hardinge toutd not Didemble a 10.28% .314-) matier fo euident, but confetteth that (t nas Sttinius bis aduiſe, and councel, though thep both diſſemble that this Sifintus was a Pouatian hæretike. Now in cafe M. Dorman twil reafon thus:though Stfinius was the fir anthour of vᷣ countell,vet fo2 that HNectarius heard it of him, and bzought tt to the Emperour, ft has now become Meetarius otune countell; J will than pꝛaſe 9. Wozman Co deale euenlie with bs , ¢foz fo muche as the Cmperour heard it of Hecarius, and brought tt to the Spnede of all the Witheps, let tt bp the like veafon be not Mecarins , but the Emperour his owne ai 4 Bis i bp DORMANS-PROYVRE. 231 Foꝛ it is as god reaſon p recarins chould gene place to the Emperour, feinge be was but a meflenger ,as that Sifinius Mould in that coucell, tobereof him felfe was the authour, geue place to Pecarius , being but a learners And leſt ſome Papiſt ſhould ſurmiſe that Sif nius was ſome one of Biſhoppe Nedarius his tnferi- pur cleargie, ouer whome he bad ſome authoritie, and might laufully vſe his learninge and aduiſe as his owne, (for whiche cauſe neither D. Bardinge, noz P. Mozmar twill be acknowen who this Siſinius was) it is euident by the hittozte, that Sifintus wasa Poe uatian, of contrarfe Religion to Nectarius in fome pointes, and accompted an berettke 5 and none of Ne⸗ darius Churche , how muchelaffe colour bad M. Doꝛ man either to make it Necarius bis covncell, and to fay that the Emperour did all bythe councell of Nega⸗ rius 502 therefoze to make the Emperour inferiour fo Pecarius , for that he vſed his Councell ; fetnge that reafon concludeth, that both Nectarius and the Empe⸗ rour tire Siſinius the poze lecturers tnferiours , foz that thep both in, Dede died this toanceil:: Pow twere it ſo as M. Doꝛman farmifeth, thatit twas the couns cell ot Biſhoppe Necarius (as in dede it twas not) and that the Emperour vſed his councell: ts the Emperour therefoze inferiour to Necarius the Biſhoppe, becaule be vſeth bis councelle JImeruaile, why the hiſtorie doth nofthan-faps) Nectarius the Biſhop called the Empe⸗ rour as bis infertour, but that vᷣ Emperour called bint the ifhop 2 Lhe Cmperour vlſed the counfell of other wife men bis fublectes alfo in other maters as do al the Princes the aduife of their Couſellours) pet were they ee bis ſuperiours. And tobe ts moze weteto mn 3 _~ ————2—— —— ir ; —E o—— beot the Princes counſell in matiers of —E— a godly lrarned Wiſhop· which we neuer dented, nether doeth it miſlike vs. Pay it pleaſeth bs right tell, that Oo Dosmnan guaunteth that tye Prince with the aduiſe of dne godly learned Biſhop, may take ogder in whole aſſembles and counſelles Ccclefialicall, as here did the Emperour Theodoſius by M Doꝛmans cõofeſſion : (pes cially ſeing the ſaid Biſhhoppe was not the Biſhoppe of Kome, to whome they gene all power abſolutely· But M. Doꝛman would hereof inſinuate to the ſimple Rea⸗ det that all the aduiles cf Wiſhoppes in matters Ectle⸗ Nſaſt icall, what fo euer they be, are to be folewed of Pꝛintes, and that Princes, without the aduiſe of Bi⸗ Moppes, map in Eccleſiaſticall mattersdo nothingeat all. But.as it foloweth not, that a Pꝛince mufke of ner ceſſitie folow the aduife of euery ciuili coufeller in ma⸗ tiers ciuill/vnleſſe the countell be god: no moze folaw⸗ eth it, that a Pꝛince ſhould of necelitic folote the ade uile ol euery Wihoppe in matters Ccclefiatticalt, fog that he is a Biſhoppe, but fog that the counſell is god and godly sand leaſt of all foloweth it, that the Prince fo2 any. fuch councell geuen o3 taken; —*8 — be there⸗ foze inferiout fo theone 5 02 fo the other. This is pꝛo⸗ ucdftrue bp the erampleof Theodoſius the Emperour here, who cleaite contrarte fa the minde of theſe Bi⸗ ſhoppes, did proceade tn theeledion nf Nectarius. And whan Pertarfus was chofen eplaced, > the Emperour folotved not any bis councell; in refpeaof dis perſone in that he was Archebtthoppe, o2 Pattiavke; but foz that the rouncell was gwd, and peofitabic, falleth out | eutdentip hereby, that the ſaide counrell was not Nec⸗ taxing fhe stint ie Conttantinople bie coun⸗ ¢ Ti ceil, — — — lah SR ek a ot DORMANG?: ROVE, 232 cell, noꝛ anx otheraBithops s-but the aduile ofamneanie Ceclefiaticall minther,peaand of one ofthe Povatian hæreſie, and vet not therefoze reteted, but felotwed as god councell notwithſtandinge the counceller his meane eſtate, beinge in deede no Biſoppe but an ine ferfour poꝛe oſticer, in an inferiour pꝛre Churche. — And therefore it isplaine 5 that not the dignitiesfthe = ~~~ perſon/ oz name of a Biſhoppe⸗ but the godnes of the councell tuasbp the Cmperour bere reſpected:and that after this erample, Chriſtian Princes map deale not onely with ſeuerall Biſhoppes, but With whole aſſem⸗ blies and Synodes of Biſhoppes/ by the aduiſe of the learned.of the Cleargie, though they be of meaner de⸗ gree, and in deede no WBiſhoppes. oly foloweth in thehittorte that, twbich is snatte peculfar to our caule,satter this (oat, Imperator-autem vbi. _confulam, ierum. difperfionennengnouit. that | is:when the Emperour percetued their contufed diuiſiõ and that they had their confidence in diſputation onely⸗ and not in the expoſitions of the ould fathers, he went fo another councell,andcommaunded that euery elja gid fhould declare. the ſumme of their fatthin writings which euery ol them did. And whan a day was appoinc⸗ ted thein, the Biſhoppes ofeuerp Keligion, beinge cal⸗ ied.to.the Courte,. came thither together: “Pectarins ri. —J and Agelius Biſhoppes of the Womoufiane faithe, chritte 10 his were pratent; : And) Demopbilus withoppe of the deitic is of the ‘Gvign feae 3 and Cunsntus him, felfe.,, Biihoppe et me fubtaunce the; Cynontan deqe ;,a0d. Cleans Withoppe of the fier, the Macedonian fede. Mipew thele came together -the Emperour tecer eyed, thems: and takinge the swale -.. tinge —— Zoingeq de be prared to a * Auen Amplécitur. bil all ap aah! «: Se. - —s e Tes A REPROVEE lor molt eavitettio; that he would healt i that ee: finge out of the truth. Than readinge the feuerall wei⸗ tinge of euery fede 5 be repacucd and tare in peces all the other writinges, as diinginge- in a (eperation of the holy Trinitie: and that onelp wattinge , whiche conteined the homouſiane faith be praiſed; and imbra⸗ ſed orꝛ receiued. Hereof was occafion geuen , that the HNouatians did pꝛoſper againe,and hadlicence to keape their affembles within the Citie. And the Emperour meruailinge at their agreeing in faith, with bis,decrad by a lawe, that they might reforte to their oratories 02 — Churches {without feare, and enioie the p2tuileges, thatothers of the fame faith did eniope « hus farre Socrates, worde bp * as neere 3 could — tranſſate it. eres beſeche the davKeaer,conaoer, that whan | the countel: brought from Stantus the leaurer by Pes ctarius to the Emperdur and bp him vled, did healpe nothinge to concorde/ but fet them at moze variance: the godly and wife Prince fokean other way (whiche neither Pecavius-, Agelius, noz Sifinius , foz ought that appeareth in the hiſtorie, did befoze thine vpon) and be commanded the Biſhoppes to write the ſumme - Of thetr faith, be called them to his palace , ata day ape pointed, he recetued their wꝛitinges of then, be tent a fide, € pꝛaied earneſtly foz Goddes apde in the choſinge out of the truth, ¢ folowing the famesbe oid condemne € teare all thebaretibes wiitinges, and allow the onelp writinge, that conteined the trath: and he decreed by a late, that the Mouatians (though otherwite taken for — betetikes) onelp fo2 that thep agreedin the truth of Cheiltes diuinitte,t one ſubſtance with — FJr ou ii ; =a 7—— DO RMANS PROVFE 233 Maould haue their * affembles, and priuileges. And withall note the ſinceritie of M. Dorman, tubo is naot aſhamed tofay that the Cmperour did nothinge of him felfe in this matter; but all by the counfell of Ne⸗ tating Biſhoppe of Confantinople. Whereby he doth not onely mangle;and falfefie the hiſtorie, but alfo mas keth that godly Cmperour,and the god Biſhop Necta⸗ tius, both moſt notable bppocrites : as though fo godlp an Emperour as was Theodoſius, (beinge the iudge) €fogobdlp.a Biſhop as was Nedarius (beinge a partie) had colluded fogetber:¢as though, alltbe Emperours paincefull doinges, and feruent peaters to Ood,to healpe him inchafinge the truth, had bene nothinge elles but bppocrifie: andas though be beinge defermined toda ‘Onelpjas Necarius one of the parties tn that cafe , had put inhis bead, and deliuered:fo him(as faith M. Dor⸗ man)ſhoulde come colozablic foꝛth/ as aided by God through peaier , to diſcerne and iudge the bef. And this deuiſe liketh not onely M. Doman , but allo his maifter D. Hardinge, and hoſtus authour to them both. Foz in the popiſh Spnagoge,and {pectallp in the Court of Kome ſuch packinge fs called the determinas fion of the holy Oho. But the hiltozte tt felfe hots eth, that as the Emperour dia call all thofe Biſhoppes tothe councell, and chofe Pedarins Biſhoppe without the other Withoppes aduiſe, pea againſt thetr aduiſe: fo did be now Without MPecarius aduiſe, by Goddes healpe bp pater obteined, chofe the ſoundeſt doctrine: AND did all other thinges of himfelfe, and of his owns Guthozitie, bp the wifedome and grace, whiche twas ger uett bin from God. Vet dm J thinke berelp fhat fome Papittes will fap that this hiſtorie of Theodoſius bp un wre D. Hard, CBfuts. Apolo. fol.3t5.a, Ho.]i,2.fo, uʒ.a | A REPROVFH OF M” me fo largely alleageddoth in one poinct make berp much againf ts : foz that (tilt thep fap) we do not eſteme the erpofitions cfthe ould fathers , as did thoſe hæretikes at that time. ut thep thall therein om as they are wonte to de, that fs malitionfip belie bs; Fo2 We dw not reiect the erpofitions of thofe ould far — thers, whiche are tn this hiſtorie fpoken of , who were afoze that time , thatis. xi. hbundzeth peares agoe and moze, which ancient Fathers erpofitions make on our fide,againt the nue falfe glofes ofthe Papiſtes:but we bo reiect thofe falfe glofes of nne popiſh ſteppe fathers, vnborne longe after theſe fathers, here (poken of, were dead: foz that the faide glofes are cleane contrarte to the terfe of Goddes wo2de. And we baue holfome counfell, and god {warrant in Goddes worde tt felfe , fo fa da, Foz thus emongl other faith the prophet Esechicll, Exechicl.20. Abominationes patrum eorum oftende eis, Kes K : mox.. In preceptis patrum veftrorumnolite ince⸗ dere,necitudicia eorum cuftodiatis,necin Idolis eo- yum polluamini. Ego Dominus Deus vefter; in _ preceptis meis ambulate, & iuditiamea cuftodite;&% - facite ea. that is to ſay. Showe them the abominatt- ots of their fathers .¢c. and thortlp after. Do not walke tn the praceptes of pour Fathers, nether Keaps pe’ their iudgementes, nether be ve defiled totth thelt Idolles. Jan the Lozde pour God, walke inmy pax ceptes, and keape mp (udgementes and do them. | Maiorum , qui Thus Goddes worde warneth bs . Vea Pagans and rete pracefle- Heathen met did well fe , that the ſteppes of thoſe runt, veſtigijs fathers onely Were to be folotucd , boho dtd goe rightly ‘ infiftere pul- before vs. B— —— comune chertimũ.Cic. ero DO RMANS: PROVFE 234. Dorman for. 43. fz And truly maruell had it byn ifbe had other wife doen in mate ters of Religio any thing.tothe pretudice of that auctoritie, which cis het Bif boppes and Priefies of right ought to haue in thoſe matters: who . at other times had ſo often declared his mende perfuaded to the con- trary, and namely én that councell that be caufedtobe aſembed = Soncilium Aguileia: where in the fommons of that Sinode he opentie prote- D.Hard, Cofut, uilci¢n- ffed, that controuerfies arifing vpon matters of doClrine, can not be Apol. fol.315.b, better tried,then by beinge referred tothe Bif hops, thae they quoth i fame. he, from whome the very groundes and principles of dottrine hane as 2 * proceded, may if there fall out any doubtes, diſſolue the fame. For i, + fol. —* the whiche woordes,beinge after warde reherfed in the councell, it voorde for appeareth bow greatly s.Ambrofe praifed him, "when he faid open- woords, lie . Beholde what ordre the Chriftian Emperour hath taken. be pill nat doo any iniurie to the Priefies she referreth to the Bif boppes the interpretation of all doubtes . | Nowell. %. Doman leanfnge thofe fo many , ¢ mot plaine matters in the hiſtoꝛies Ecclefiakicall,euidentlp decla- tinge the autbozttie of fhe Cmperour Theodoſius ouer Pꝛieſtes, and in matters of Religion, top which be can fay nothing direaly, now ſceketh vncertaine cofeaures, © thereby fe make fome ſhowe of fomewhat, whereas in Dede he can fap nethinge at all, foany purpofe. Whe place which ge alleageth out of the councell,boulden af Aquileia, out ofthe refcript of the Emperour Gratiaa nns, Galentineanus , and Theodoſius fs an obfcure, darke, and vncertaine place, and twriten tn fuch Latine, as isnot likely fobe dfuallin thofe learned dafes. And for that , that no plaine fence coulde be gathered thereof, Peter Crabbe the colleaour , 02 fome mar i —9— fn 2 els. A REPROVFE OF M els for him, bath by amarginalk note holpen the blinde texte, With the addinge of one worde fo the texte, anv Judicium. changeinge ol another in the tert; both which margi⸗ & difcordis, pro. nall emendations, Bofiug, (of tehome 9. Dozman,and —— in his Maiſter borꝛowed this place)bp bis Cardinalles au⸗ Hofuslib.. ‘tbozitte bath taken tn, and incorporate {ute the terte t€ ‘fold. felfe,arid goeth (moth atvap with thematier,asthough it had bene fatde by the tert,that the iudgementofcon- trouerfies were the — wyiche is not there to be founde. Si che warzent Now whereas the wordes of the terte are thele: Neg; controuerſiæ dubiæ ſententiæ rectiùs poterant iudcium. experiri qᷓ fi aborte altercationis in interpretes ipſos conſtituiſſemus Antiſtites, which ſentence, though obs ſcure, can haue none other ſenſe, but p the Emperours (whoſe wordes thoſe ſhould beyhaue appoincted the Bi⸗ fhops fo be interpzeters of the controuerſies:⁊ the Em⸗ perours fo be the chiefe gouernours, who bad the aus thoz{tie fo to appotnde. 95. Dozman to his commoditie bath tranſlated thoſe worꝛdes thus, That controuerfies ari- Experiti. finge vpon matiers of dottrine, can not be Letter tréed,than by be- Quam fi confti- supe xe ferred to the BY hoppes . This ts 99. Dozmaus inter⸗ | ————— pretation,¢ qualefipng of the matier, by change of pers Antitites, fonsenumbes,p bp tach abſolute referring of matters iy) ———— A ithops; he might Cupprefle p authozttie of Pꝛinces included in p woꝛde conftitviflemus, We haue aſſi gned 02 appoincted. Libetwife be tranflateth,a quibus profi- cifcuntur inftituta doctrinæ. From whomeitheverygroudes- and principles of doctrine bane proceaded that ts fo fap,fromt the Biſhops, but in deede p berp groundes & principles: af doctrine haue not peoceaded from the Biſhoppes, but fram God, and his * wozde:he might therefore *— true DORMANS -PROVFE.. 23¢ xrulie bane ſaide: from whome intrudtons of tearing; dz in Dodvine haue proceaded, Foꝛ Withops tatd not the gronndes andprinciples,but haue butlocd thetr doctrine thereupon,and therebp bane taught vs. Wihere be faith st abpearethho w greatlie s. Ambrofe prai- Jed him( Theodoſius) for shofe wWoordes. It map in dade aps peare to allthe learned., that , Doꝛman never read that conncell,noz S. Ambzoles twoozdes there. For they thall well percetue , that the Cmperour , whoe is fpoken of in this councell (euerallte, was not Theodo⸗ . fius, but Oratianus:fo2 both tn the treatie of the conns celi,and in the epiſtle of the councel to the Emperours,, not Theodoſius, but Gratfanus ts {pectallp named, bp thefe woordes. Copletum inte eft, clemetifsime prinz Cécil, Aguile}, ceps, Gratiane, g fcriptura diuinalandavit. Etrure:.Tom. Conf. fun. Imperator nofter Gratianusiufsit orientales y es -395-60l-2. nire,ipfe Imperator nobis dixit,Et rurſum: non eres © SN R™ dimus religiofum Imperatorem aliud dixiffe ; quam {cripfit. That is tolap, Whats fulfilled in the DGras tian, mot merciful Pꝛince, whiche the divine ſcripture Boeth praife . And agatne, Grattan our Gmperour, commanded the Biſhoppes of the Ca Churche fo be prefent,the Cmperour fatde ſt fobs. Andagain. Ge do not beleave that the godlte Prince ſpake otherwiſe than be afd wate. hele woordes goinge before, and after the place bp ®.Dozman bere alleaged, being vn⸗ Doubtedlte fpoken of Gratian, do declare that the Em⸗ perour, iohole woordes S. Ambiele doeth pratfe, twas: Cratian , whee in that conncell had the motte to da, and Hot Theodoſius, as 9, Dornan ſurmiſeth. And thus tf map appeare howe thefe Papiſtes, da not ‘mke- bpan the ogfginalles, but bozow one of an-athers or Hun 3 notes. are A-REPROW FE OF MO * | notes, that wbiche they thinke twill ſerue thelr tures, And no meruaile that 9. Doꝛman hath failed here⸗ Hofiushb.c. in,toꝛ his authour hoſtus was. alfoberein oeecined. folu.s. Teihom(not &.Ambzofe, noz the conncell of Aqutlefa) §9.Dozman hath folowed woord faz worꝛde⸗ in all tis treatieot Theodoſtus, as in all places els. i And where the woorzdes of S, Ambzofe are thele Imperator ipſos interpretes conſtituit Epifcoposs that is:the Emperour bath conſtitute o2 appoinced the Biſhoppes to be interprꝛeters. M. Dozman tranſlateth them thus, the Emperour referreth to rhe Béshoppes the inter⸗ pretation of all doubtes, OF his liberalitie puttinge in, all doubtes, and of his wiſdome, as afoze , fo bere againe, diffemblinge the Cmperours authozitie, whiche the wooꝛde conftiruit, be did confitute o2 appoincte, doeth fmpozt. This place therefore beinge of it felfe obfcures and themarginall notes, beinge bp Hofius taken tntg. the terf,and the whole being falfified by 9. Dogmans; diffembling tranflatiom, o2 liberall addition: and Bas fius,(foz what Mould Jſpeake of M.Doꝛmany)ſo ſclen⸗ derlie looking vpon the matier, that be tooke Theodo⸗ fius, fo2 Gratianus, this place 3 fape , therefoze calt. haue (nit no matier of weight. Howbeit we will neuer dente, but that mperours bz other Ch2ikian Princes, may confitute o2 appoinct fuche Biſhoppes, as thev knowe tobe learned, and of found faith, to be interpzeters of Doubtes ;: foꝛ this is all,that can be gathered of this place. But asthe Em⸗ perour, Did appoinde Biſhoppe Valeriane, S. Ame bole , Cufebius , with ofber learned and Catholike Biſhoppes pꝛæſent at that councell, to be interpzee fers, fo would * not appoinct Paladius,, oꝛ Secun⸗ & pit dianus,, 4 — — —— ° DORMANS YP ROVFEA 236 — Plattss,02 any other Withop beinge an beretike, to be any of the ſalde interpreters. No moze till anp godly Chiltan Prince conſtitute oꝛ appoincte any Popiſh Pzꝛælates, the corrupters of Keligion/ tobe interpre⸗ ters in controuerfies of Keliglon. Wut in the Empe⸗ tours appoinctinge of the Biſhoppes tobe interpree⸗ ters, Ican not lebut that the (uperiozttierematneth inthe appoincter, and the inferloztieintheappoinaed. Theſe woozdes of S. Ambzole, whiche be fpake tit that councetl of Aquileia , and are there twyſe 02 . thaple repetsd 5 are wozthie the notinge. Ambrofius Concil. Aquils. dixit : Superioribus temporibus concilium fic factũ eft, Kc. that ts to faye , Ambzole (the Byſhoppe) fatde thus: in fogmar times, the councell teas fo ordred, that the Biſhoppes of the Cat Churche ould haue their councell in the Eaſt, and the Withoppes of the Welſt Churche thould haue theft councetl tn the Welk: we being Withoppes of the Wek partes, are aſſembled af the citie of Aquileia, accozdinge tothe Emperours roxia Tmperd- tommaundement. Farther the Loꝛd Deputte of Italie toris præceptũ Wate bis letters , thatvlthep of the atte would PrafeQ® Italiæ. ‘come together , they might ; but becauſe they knewe “this cuttome, that the councell of the Gat Iihoppes Thould be kept in the Eaſte/ and the councett of the Wiel Withoppesin the Welk, therefore they thought thep nead ‘not to come, Thus farre are S. Anis biofe woordes ſpoken in this councetl, by “99. Doz⸗ mat bere out of hoſius alleaged jiteulte tranſlated: the efter whereof, ic againe vepeted inthe fapoe coun⸗ fell. And thinke pou gocd Readers , that had thole Withoppes thought fone one ppatett fo haue bene bea: ‘nf the whole Churthe , oF the — AIREPROVEE OF M>. . = some in thofe Dates bad bene taken foz: thetatde head of the whole Churche, as well of the Cate as the CUelk that S.Ambzofe would have: made ſuche a dint Gomofthefoiye Churches, bad he taken them bath to be pnderstuche an one bead, the Biſhop of Rome, with⸗ oufiany mention.ob hint; at alle And that he would haue ſaide expzeſſely, thatthe Biſhoppes of the Welk Churche were aembled in councell at Aquilefa bythe @mperours conumaundement , and haue made mene tion of the Loꝛde Pꝛæſident, 02 Deputieot Italis his lietters to the. Galt Biſhoppes, without any mention made of the Biſhoppe of Kome by S. Ambrzoſe, or in all that connceil , bp any dther Withoppesatall; had they thought the ſaide Biſhoppe of Kome to have bad any authoztie, as bead; either in the whole Churche og inthe Weſt Churche, where that councett was bepte? Wherkfore, as inthe: conſtituting of the Biſhops to be interpreters, ſo in the afembling and ſomoning of this councell af Aquiletasbeing in the Wel Chorch, by the Emperour, the Emperours anthozitie therein ts eve pꝛeſſed plainely:and ratberxontempt,than anp autho⸗ ritie at the Biſhop of Rome/ is by continuall ſilence ol bim, in acouncell holden tn the Wet Churche, acaſ⸗ nere Italie,not obſcurelie ſigntfied. And aboot the ſame time; the Biſhoppes ofthe Catt Libsy.cap.8,9. Charche, beige bp Damaſus than Biſhop of ome, and the Synode there called , not by his, or the coun⸗ rels avtozitie, but by the-Cmperours letters,,to agreat Synod, than kept at Rome; they would not appeares but refuted that fournep as bupzofitable, as witneſſeth SC heodogttus, So that (tis euldent,p the Welk churche ut — time acknowleged yo fate nor ama ‘ op ¥. i J * Po * e PORMANS: PROVED =D Mopot Kome. Vea, and the laid Cat Biſhops make declaration of the elecion and conſecration of Qeaas rius Archebiſhopof Conſtantinople, Flauianus Arche biſhop of Antiochia,/ and Cyꝛillus Archebiſhop of Hie⸗ ruſalem — ——— —— — * — * of Reme. sd SF: wea pean ‘A ane had | cakenopon him'to iudge in mateers sf is Being a lay man scould s. Arnbrofe thinke you that horiſ hed vnder D. Iurd. Con: himbaue byn ignorant chercof? if he could not, would he haue prai · Apolog.fo.317.b Jed him for that be did nar? vvould he haueafked of Valentinianus hath thefame. the yonger beginning in his youthe (although he after repentid ) to — encroche vpon the ſpirituall limices and iuriſdiction: Quando au Moe. ee if @ fol. difti clemécifsime Imperatocin caufa fidei Laicos de Epif |,, b woord for copo iudicafle ¢ vvhendidyoueney heare thoft gentle Emperours woorde. that ii in matters of faith lay, menshaue indged of the BiBhoppes do. Non refpondere inges? Might he not hane an{-wered,(if é it had bene as our aduerfa- potuilset: audi- ries{aie)\ haue not hard onely bar knowen alfo ty experience, that * quod fecerit tine owne ſolo we in the empire Theodoſius, hash doen ſo. so that — rai ee £490) we may be bould probablie to coctude (5. Ambrofe vertue, ? earning, long experience.and great prattife in. Chriftes ca -wel confidered,)thae Theodofing attenspred no fuuch matter, nar did anie thing inveligion withont the councell of (uch bißbops a⸗ heing catholike, enfrutted him what be ſ hould doe.for thaduaũ- cement and * pee oft * se ot eae toes 4— et, “3582 St 3 2 9 » Nowe 3B Wis —— —* idseth @.sDorman to Ho. li.2.fo. 112.6 fell, that where ashe bath made thereof alarge diſ⸗ Dor.{up.fo.25. courte before he (5 pet nowe againe in bande twith it. * remitte the Keader to the fogmar place AmbereDer. fup. fo. fy out Moa SP, Doge &s: ‘§ AREPROVFEOFMOS * W. Saini alleaged this, and te myne anti ; | fame rresirevewetammmnrinct ne yf rontecture. Were tt Hhalbe enongh to faye, that though Walentinean the ponger bad neuer beard that: ante godlie Lap men , Prince, 07 other, bad take vppon them fo {udge of Biſhoppes in a matier of faith jp withe out any aſſiſtaunce 02 adniſe of the godlie learned, as Galentinean dtd attempt to do, pet did both Theodo⸗ fius at that time deale with Biſhoppes tn matiers of eligion as chiefe gouernour therein, and Confkans Dor: {uF font, fine, and Ualentinean the elder, had liketwpfe dealte, &e.&,206.k6, as Jhaue befoze declared, DF whofe iuſt dealing theres in as chiele, both &. Ambroſe, t Valentinean Pyonger hdad otten heard, though they had neuet beardef ante i . Suche vniuſt dealing, as Halétinean} vonger attepted to haue bene bled bp them, being righteous, good, and godlie Prꝛinces. Bat whereas sp. Dozman leauinge Theodotins ‘his otone actes beinge motte manite wyereby the plaine truthe of his doinges may appeare _ falleth to contectures, vpon 2 Ambꝛoſe his pꝛayſng oF @Gratian the Emperours ebpon bis quætions moued z to Valentinean the Cmperour : J till fet Theodotzus dis owne doinges befoze the goed Readers cies plattics — ife,and briellie, and fo leaue ft to bis fudgement,, to ther be dealt with Withoppes , and tw matics of ite? ligten, as a chiefe gouernour therein ne. äö ĩ. Theodoſius by bis otune authoꝛitie, witheut any mention of the authoritie of the Biihoppe of Home, 03 anie otber — —— —— be fecond geneva conncall af at Contantinopte, 2 : seem tib.s, ant a4 23 & ae) ¥ a ~ ree ei ; . * —— rh — * Soy Sa —44 ‘5 r RL Oe ai fe > - DORMANS » PRONE oe Theodoritus.ib.s.cap.7. —— Higa Membled iikeweyſe an other councell at Cone ess. Socrates.lib.s.cap.10. Sozomenus.lib.7.cap.n. Nac be couricell of Anuiletain the twlete Churche, Cone. Aquilt be wit the Cmperours, Gcatian; and Galentinean 1°", "d= the ponger, atfembled bp their commaundement, with out ante mention of the Biſhop of Rome at au, as ape peareth in that whole councell it felfe. He dealeth tn the councell as 6 Sapertou ta ‘the wi Socrates lib.r.cap.io, « ‘ po nen Sozomenus lib .7scap.ta> ba: Beconfirmeth the decrees eben ——— Fy: bee : eek 7353 Cy pH 1a — 17 e4p.9. 5 Sy ev ies — Talentinean the waa fo the Yigbe fatth,and — tatholike faith, and eligion dee tated, tp a ntinean the — —5 — age Rufous hb.2.cap.r7- den * * erat Soa Ambrofius libi¢. Epit.34 rare De ealetb inthe election of — moze; ! both aut hoꝛitie, and (pnceritie,thandothe Withoppes = fbem ſelues:and that,as it mas s thang ee —— —— Al Bt ZO = ‘a ay er Sy ™,'\ . 4 Me pli “pe romoueth an at tbe Sotrates lib: 5-C4p.76 JO20. Theodoritislibif:cip:16. °° Sozom.lib.7.cap.s.6an.tye 6 ms o\ Be a ae 90 % Socrate AREPROVEFROFM © * Socrat. lib. 5,cap.7.&.10,&.20, atte GER Hetiaohes: r Sozom, lib.7.¢ap-9.. 8, Biſhoppes. aE bet eo Socrat.lib.1.cap.10. 2 5 23h ioe : Sozom.|lib. 7.¢ap.12. Lnunomexge 5, Be repzedtdeth Biſhops, euen the 1Bithop of tame, and that fharplie, and defendeth Flauianus Biſhop of Anttochia, again€ the wWithops of Rome, andendeth — the(rcontrouctiies; tobiche had continued. 17, veeres, and after that — ‘peace to the Churche. ha it teh ri ei ot 1 Theodoritus lib. $.C4p.23.24 nsyeeen ut De thefe manitett 2 Actes of ‘fhesootas the Empe⸗ rour,platnelte declared in the biftogtes Ceclewaticalt, . ig his authoritte ouer Bithops, and fn raufes Ettietia⸗ ſticall to be confidercd, rather. than by estes ee vncerten confecures, bpan S. ) Ren fo other Emperours ibereunts ‘be iudgeth betinecne the Catholike and p Deere ) ee mm mbzofe, but * Hoſius, would beings. And x doubt nothing, but-the difcreat Meader twill berebp vnderſtande, that . Dor⸗ man tha lafeth mangling of the hiſtories to dur charge mot, wha be intendeth moe to play frenaigler him lelt. Fol 44. Dorman. Hokus tresteth™ “3 foloreeth i in the Apolégie,In —— — ihe the of the Chalee- wih magifirate condemned for herettkes —* entence's Diofcorws, don.coiicel.li.a, tunenalis , ThalaSius,being all Bifhops , and maged 2— "worthy fol ma 0 Rts to bedegraded. Here would 1 faine knoe — biti there ra fae v4 . Rie; they finde this bifovie wrinen. if they faie hi book and tenth fo.315,b.&.316.a (h4p.of Socrates hifforieas the place is in the marget coated, L muff anfrvereth as nedes tell them that the place hauing bynthere fought for.can not be dosh m.Dormi. — eo alah a aoe | DO;RMA NSP RO VRE 239 sin maie beleue vehement sprefumptions For if in that councell Iuuenalis and Thalafius bad bene at all condemned by anymagi- ſtrat either ecclefiapficall or ctuileras well ſ hould it of all likelihood fhaue dyn — én the ables and tecordes of thecouncell of Cal. cedon, as wa⸗ _ condenat iow of —— ne seen and parcakersof one crime, tne it is(although inthe place by them alleagedsherebe no such sheer) that in rhe ates get of thercouncell mi recorde rehere whe cinile magifivates vented y thas pe had well deferued.so be bf his bif hopricke depriucd and ptiellydignitjedegraded. But hows: — * Mohe biſ hoppes. torwhome God had committedthe - etogéneshat fentencenit{ hould fofeeme goott . And thefe are Bio,3, Mét Imy-wwoordes but lus that has fente fiore the: whole councell t0 Diofcorue s (who then.after she manner. of all. herershes fled from the face of. the councell i and ſurched 1 Wot not where) toannes the Biſ — a lena had solide him in vhat tennes be condemned by the Whole councell she added this staufe, bi hoe placuiſſet ſancuſo epiſcopis, quibus hanc inferse a aomino deo: creditum elt , if ir ſo feemed pood:to the holy — see «peer acca chat — a. i ——— iuagrius — alomed and by she legates of 2. ca.4. the Bif hop of Rome’ his name pronounced, no man⸗ name ſubſcri- bed. os coment aſ Red thereto hefdes. the onely. Bifhoppes. And 3 shus much for: Diofcorus: for of nuenalis and Thalafiusstell they bowwhereand rtehemt he were tondéned for heret ihes and ors shyto be degradeds canfay notbinige? Asbough this inthe meane Spafen Mindy holdeh faysthar if they theciutle mag ifirates Lmeane) xaue any fuch fentécerit is very (thely that they would qualsfie st (as ——__ youbarlebefore thar shey did ‘inDiofcoriss) with this adieclion, if bi italia al belongeth.V vhich if M00 3 ? Ife it ane they then gone . Ors RAEPKO VE OFT site h ats —XRX oS hawt —8 X Thaw a —E —B —X st Note? ts Leni? Sats wes AY wWiheras —— — inate (Socrie. sieapiio.) againtt the —— Chalvedonente coutell whieh mould haue bene ines higher agatnt the treatieof Dheovotius the ‘perdur; where woe poligtepaty thet tooyees (Thee Socra.lib,s.cap/dofius Imperator vt ait Socrates) whereby the Cosfur.Apol. £o}.316. ae ters errout coulonot be vnknowen to 9. Dozma, Lain as be profeteth (aking therejtoulo not chafe but finde ‘the {atd treatie of Theodoſius the Smperours and te might detertéfied,touchinge that marginallnotesif be A; Bet it pleaſed ban to makes? detla⸗ tinge thereby to any diſtreate Reader, what adowe he would gladly make , had he tute: occalion geuen him therfo . But where he ati that there is as litle hope to finde the matier touching Zuuenalts and: laſius els where, as there,’ ‘that ts; that tf Sioa teaany tcirahenie Mertyeaecaeaa poffible fo finde ft) and that ffanp ſuch thinge map be. fonndof them: pet that it as well, as the other of Dict ‘qo2us; 49 fo qualtficd 5 that toe can get nothingeby'the alleaginge of ft. bis matter D. ee. the fame anſweare But what creadite (s to be geuen —— to MWorman either bis diligence, as one that bath fought in all places, eran not find {t,03 te bis truth, as one that will not conceile: whatſoeuer he Andeth, thongh directly fo2 bs, ¢againt him ſelle both bath heretofore fuffictently 5 and may inthis place alſa —— —S—— eyire 3 DO:RMA NSERO¥EE) 24.0 inthe berp place by P. Dorman here alleaged, that ts; tn the fecond babe ¢fongth chapter of bis GccleGatticall hiſtoric, bath thefe weades »Gloriofifsimi indices & Chalcedon, e&Gs amplifsimusfenatus dizer: de recta quidem & gal Adkit.fa,831, a nee aan ebb: coueniente con⸗ eh. drihi2g 30% entioremexarninationé fietioporterepers 5.8" oe rt a Flauianus. &c.vᷣ is to ſay: The mot gloztous Judges, ¢ bonozable Senate (neds Th. Tudges and ning the ti ates pꝛeſent at that chitcell)faid Senate were lay thus, oꝛdecreed thele thinges as Cuagrius bath. Con · men and not of rerninge the right and catholike fatth we de confiner.p “* Cleaitie moze diligent inquifition and ſearch is tobe made , the next day, whan the councel cometh together, Wut fo2.fo much as Flauianus of godly memozies ¢Culebinsthe moſt reuerend wWihops by the ſearch of thinges done⁊ eraminatios,eby the very woꝛdes ef certen, who were in that Spnode the chiefe:, confellinge that thep: baue Fruftra eos da- etred,¢ haue without caulecondenmed, ¢ depofed theſe vaſſe. men, who being in no errour about, the faith,-are decla⸗ pe — red tobe dniuitix pepoled: it femeth fo. bs,and Cad, to © xf — — piping Ap piven semreaseste inftusy erend Bichop mol reuerend Simoppe * — Cappadoce, and Culeblus ———— tlle pan ape ecue | — —— reuerend Bihop ot Berite, andar lige the mot — Na A PFI Seah Poteltatem, & Tnbachad thart.the cdfefe, authonttte and patasipato of Princ est vnc the Synode · be put to the fame punithment,(of danaiae —— tion and depoũtion)a that they by the bolp cowsicell ate yenalis ‘Key i ai oz tules,ber bepeinsd & from theig “Bithoplig « 248 A REPRO VER OR MT Biucchoplie dignitterlo that all thinges done; beveterted CH autẽ cudaa Othe Emperour And as Cuagrius laithh/ albehinges vt ab Auguſto were done; accordinge as it was decreed bythe Embpbe⸗ vertice decteta rours Maieitie c· Than the Bilhops of vᷣ Cacte other crane, perficeré? iſhops with tht celedithists a iuct a vightecus iubge · farsdcce'" “ment; Goo tend tongetiteto the Senatemanpperesto the Emperour, Chrilt hath depoſed Dioſcorus, Chzitte hath depoſed the homicide, oꝛ murtherer. This toa talk > fenterite, fal is the Senate tuk is the Coutell. But ᷣ reuerende Biſhoppe Of Illeritze fa: toe haue allerred we al aſke perdone. Thus fatte are o¶ vordes as Wel of the councell of Chalcedone, aso€ Cuagtius in the boke echapterbp.. Dorman here noted, truely tranſlated. Noagtiu lib.2, And Mogtlpattertt loloweth in Cuagrius Hiſce a ſan⸗ cap.4. &a fynodo confirinatis, Xe. When thelethinges were cofirnied bp halp Spnodese diners other: things done, Pe they whiche Were depoted with Diolcorus ( fs Juub⸗ i nalis, Thalaſius Euſebius, ¢ the other Withops as a- 0 — foze\the Synode fo praying € the palace (that tsto tap latio, euocatio= Che Emperdut graunititng obteined teuscation Theie nem canfequlut are the Ber tumpben dt Caagring'alto ( in the Taine fant. 2 55>. Bhaptet by ch ere alletige®) traͤely trandates . ' She barbed of the Bidhop ot Komes es Legdtes, here fog bꝛeuitie omitted , — pe negro Dogan ocarioneey We BIO 259 Libsy.cap.g. Nticephoꝛus —— thele thf Cae ‘gpDixinan bots Junue shales best "2" poned.. Aud lothe god ——— ndt ts litle bape or anditige chefetbiniges yas ꝙ wer⸗ mar would beare them in bande,’ de tee And ſeinge thts ſudgement geuen not onely on ee bron Juuenalis, and al ee — PR Bw ae tt Te DORMANS PROVFER 241 with other Bithoppes , who twere the chiefe af the c-. pbhefene councell sbp the ciuill Pagittrates , is-wate ten in the berp fame’ boke and chapter of Guagrins, whiche is in this place bp 9); Dezman alleaged., and in thecouncell of Calcedon, whiche be pretendeth be bath natrotulp (earthed, the god Keader may well vnder⸗ auride , that be bad no caufe fo vſe fuch fraunge dea; tinge, as he by thefe his tumzdes declareth . Here woulde I faine know in what place.or where they finde this hiftorte wri- ten . I nsafie needes tell them that in the place of Socrates hifforie gera., 4; s.cactes én the margent coated it is not, for it hath bene fought for, andcan A d iligent ſear not be fonde, and as litle hope is there of findinge the fame elles cher and true — wherefa man may beleaue vehement prafumptions. For if in thar "porter. councell Iuuenalis, and Thalaſius bad bene at all condemned by any Magiftrate either ecclefiafticall or ciuill, as well {hould it of all iikeliboode hae bene mentioned in the Actes and recordes of the councell of chatcedont,as Was the condénation of Diofcorus. Theſe are 9. Dosmans wordes. ea he repeteth them tn efs ect pet once againe afterward , fo2 feare of forgettinge fo notable a warninge fo baby him geuen. And haue pouth dade gad MP. Dorman, fought tn the s bake F210, ‘chapter of Socrates fo2h hiſtoꝛie of the Chalcedonenſe couniell; ¢ foz that pou finde tt not there, beleaue it tan be founde no where, nowe {urelp tt map tell be your deede, foz no toile, oꝛ learned ma would haue fought foz it there: it beinge well knowen, p Socrates, though be did Write ſeuen bokes/ pet vid be not inthe laſt of the, reache fo far as to f Chalcedonenfe councell , bp a great Deale:¢ pet D.Dorman fought fo2 it longe before tn the fitte boke.Bylike 9: Dorman tsa bacheler of dintnitie onely,and not of hiſtoꝛiographie to.And no meruaile pᷣ pou couid noe ude tt in vᷣ place coated in the margent, Gusset Ppp ot ‘Bol.44.b. A REPROVFE OF M | ofthe Apologte,{eing pou could not finde it tn the place bp vour felfe noted. Foꝛ who coated your boke inthe ‘argent again pour treatie of this matter thus (Es uagrius hb.z.cap.4.) fo2 there itis in debe, as tellin ‘the Ades and recozdes of the counceil to be found, as J haue at large ſhewed: and tf pou did reade that chapter, pou mute needes ſce it. WMhyhat finceritie is this than to fap as pou doꝛchae it is not mensicned in the Actes and recordés of the councell , that there is asiletle bope of findinge chis bifforie els where (as in Socrates) if 4 man may beleaue vehement preſum- tions. that {s:that tt is impofible,to finde it anp where. WAbp man tt was onder pour nofe in the Ades andres codes of the Councell, whiche pou talke of , andbefore pour efes in. Cuagrius his ſeconde boke and. 4. chaps ter, by vou-coated. MF pou lobed bpon cither the cours cello; the place bp pou coated, (ag pou pꝛæatende vou fearched them both oiligentlp)pou were in cafe as was the butcher, who bolving bts knife in his month, fought ſor {t,and.after longefebinge,could not finde it. If pow loked not in pour month, bpon the bokes, J would fap, 4 comimende pour diligence svou might as well haue letten pour margent goe farbe naked, as focouldlp to Coated, ee (who ik be haue loft all that vou baue founte, bath loſte baue coated it. Jf you can not findea thinge in Hoftus, his whole bokes) pou take it fo2 a bebement peafumps tion that it can be founde no wheare. But in deede the Papiltes haue no moze nether care, noz-cofetence, then hath acurre bogges in ettherfekinge 502:findinge of the troth,.o2 in canfellinge of t¢ tf they bappelv finde ft, but goe on by hoke or croke, by omittinge diſſem⸗⸗ blinge,corruptinge,dep2auinge,manglinge, deieing of — — “ita tomatntaine their pees _ famed: * 2 J. DORMANS PROVEE 243 ſumed butruthes, which thef are purpofelp determined, they care not howe , fo mainteine , fo thep map maine tefne them. Mow wheare M. Doznan faith , that tr cafe Wwe can finde any ſuche recoꝛde, chat be may bouldly fay> that it, with the other matier of Diofcorus is ſo qualified, that we (hall get nothinge bythe allesginge of fuche 4 fentence: % truk the oifcreat Readers confideringe the Hiſtorie, and proceffe by me before out of the councell Calcedos nence, and Cuagrius truely tum2de fo2 worde trauſla⸗ fed, do fe the qualification of the mater right well. Andfirlke , who were the mote glozious Judges, who appofnced the times, and dates, whan maters of fatty , and toban other matters were to be entreated of: even theciuill Magiſtrates, who were there in the Emperours bebalfe, and had the firfke and chiefe place, and authozitie in the councell altwaies, whan it pleaſed them to be pzefent. Againe vou le that the fatd Zudges decreed thefe —— ij quit thinges fo2 fo Cuagrius termeth if. Whirdly pou fee, that bpon due proufes alleaged, the ſaide Pagiſtrates folotwwinge the phzafe of the A⸗ poſtles determination in their counceil, dm fay thus: St ſemeth godand right to God and vs, that not ome, Videtur nobisé ly Diofcozus , but alfo Jauenalis’, and Whalafius, - {with the other Biſhoppes ſhould be put from thetr li⸗ uinges, (as they had ferued offers ) and by the holie councell be depriued of the degre and dignifte of Bi⸗ fhoppes , fo2 that thep had depofed Flanian, and Eu⸗ febtus as though thep bad bene beretikes 5 tobo tn Dede Were in no errour, and therefore they (tobo des pofed them) ſhewed them felfes tn fo doinge to be ba retiques. ears ‘Pee 2 4- Bow hs A REP ROVER OF My ‘4, © Bou fe that. all thefe thinges were referred tothe ‘Cicunéa ve ab Emperours tudgement,as both the councelland Eua⸗ Augato vertice grius do declare, and that accozdinge as he Decrecd, alk decreta erant, perſicerentur. Se was done:as faith Euagrius. yor S18) VPou fee that whole numbzes of Biſhoppes call this fentenceof the Pagtirates , a tudgement, and depots — tion of Dioſcoꝛus, and do allowe this fentence of the Magiffrates , as a iuſt fentence, and iudgement, yeas as the (entence and fudgement of God; and none gaine faithi€é. i 7 —V %, © Finally pou ſee,that they, who tere depofed, were (nodsubt vpon their ſubmiſſion) reftozed againe. But Euag. li.2.ca.g. How relozed:the Sr node or councell (faith Cuagrius) Obfecrante Sy- fo pzaping, andbeleachinge: andthe Palace(that is te nodo anauente fay the Senatours, oꝛ the Cmperour him felfe) graun Patio. Stage — Whele thinges beinge thus: vet, faith M. Doꝛman; that he may bouldly ſpeake of ſuch qualefiynge of the matiet thar we (hall gaine nothinge for Chriftian Princes authoritie in coun: cellessby the alleaginge of fuch a fentence. And he would qua⸗ iffic all this moſt notable fentence andiudgement of cfs uille Magtttrates , bp terminge it confentinge But J doubt nothinge but all reafonable men map fe bere: fuche a qualefivnge , fo2 Princes authozttie ouer Bi⸗ Thoppes, and councelles , that the ſubſtance thereof cate be plucked out of their mindes, by no qualtfication of pours, %.Dozman. Vet pou bzinge in fo2 vour further qualiũcatiõ theſe woꝛdes of one matt, the Biſhoppe of Germanicia, whiche he ſpake in a comer to Dioſcoꝛus: Si hoc placuiſſet fanctifsimis Epifcopis Ke. thatts ta fap: 1f it feemed good to the holy Bif heppes 0 whome it ts by Godk: cemmitedto geue thar fentence. ut pour qualifipng heres ake sb 3 auger by. DORMANS PROVER 24.3 By taking this litle patch of the whole fentence,fsberp : guilfal. The placets thus, lohanes epifcopus Germa- Concil. Ghiad, niciz dixit. Ante tres dies fecundum praceptionem / Ath, SPB: 846 pijſsimi & Chrifti amici noftri Imperatoris &c. that © is tofap:thz@ daiesagce, at thecommaudement of the moſte goddlie, and friend of Ch2tt,our Cmperour,the mo magnificent and glozious tudges , and moſt bolfe Senate, with the bolicand great Spnode, made eramiz sation of thofe fanltes , whiche were by the religious Wihhoppe Culebius , latd to thle charge , and determi⸗ - ninge, publiſhed fentence again& the, tft Mould fo Zuagrius ‘pleate the motte holte 1ithoppes , to whome tt is from &?->--4- @od committed fo geue the fatde fentence, And the aur ob mes holie and great Spnode, confidering what becommeth fenrence already it, bath thus longe gyuen refpite to thie Keligiouſ⸗ giuen by the nes ec. Whele are the woordes of Johannes Biſhoppe 4g«s. of Germantcia 5 beinge fent from the Councell to dediy inducias, —— — . Dé all this pou rebearfe a dofen woordes in the late tet end, leaning ont both the Emperours commaundes ment, and the cramination of the ctutl! Pagtirates, ¢ their Decerning, and pronouncing of fentente in Diofcos ros bis canfe,as Judges: whiche might conuict pou of a He, faipng thep confented. And thas dotrig,pou fap theſe are the woordes of him; that wasfent from the whole councell to Dioſcoꝛus/it ts fo: thefe are as many of his woordes, as like pon. Wut the Judges 02 Senatours, who fpake notin acozner,as this ma did to Diofcozus., but befoze the whole councell,o1d with aut horitie, pros nounce it, as a fentence, and (udgement, ¢ all the coun⸗ acll alloweth it, as a (ult fentence, and as Gods iudge⸗ arent and ther Dow referreall the mations not to the PPP 3 councell,, ,. a * * ee —— A-REPROVEE OFM” Concil.Chalced, touncell but fo the Emperour 5 — As the whole ac.sfa845. councell confeteth , permitted thecouncell to baue the Day * imper- bearing ofthat matier . Now the determination bee Pane eng made, and ſentence pronounced bp the Judges, tube were ciuill Magiſtrates, tt thep permitted pet ontothe Biſhops of the councel'to deale with Diofcorns , ¢€ ops His ſubmiſſion to procure pardon fo2 bim by their hum⸗ ble fute to the Emperour, as thep did for Zuucnalis, € Thalacſius, or bpon his ſtubburneſſe, to let the ſen⸗ ferice giué fake place,as od hold put in their minde: what ca-that make again bs, bnlefe vou would beare men in bande 5 that we do affirme that Biſhops pane nothing at all to dm in councelsz But we neuer dented, _ but that the aduiſe, and iudgement alfo of godlie Bi⸗ ſhops, in condemning of beretiques,and barefies,and in other matiers of Keligion., is to be thought tocome from God, as long as their iudgemẽt doth not repughe fo Gods.But thatdoth nothing exclude the‘authozitte of Weinces in the (ald councels. Ffoz, tf one would like⸗ qwife fav, that fuch a matier fhalbe enacted if it like the Zozdes of the Parlpamet , and ff tt like. not the Lozdes of the Parlpament , to whome Dod bath committen the gtuinge of ſentence there , ff fhall not be enacted. » CThis were in deede a true fatvnge: but febat maketh (€ it againſt the Pꝛince chtefe proxrogatiue tn the Par⸗ ipament 7 Trulie notbinge at all. 0 moze docth this, tubiche ts bere ſpoken ofthe Biſhoppes likynge, and fentence, binder any thinge the Princes authozls tie in that councell, buttbat they dm appoinde times. oftreaties, do decree and determine thinges, gine and, pꝛonounce fenfence againſt Byſhoppes, yea, and the — Bithoppes ; A fache as were Dioſcorus and Juuena⸗ DORKMANS PROVFE » 24.4, Juuenalis) beige offendours , and dcfernine what is good fo2 the Withoppes aſſembled in conncell to dm, whome it ts mecte foz them to depziue,oz depoſe, refer⸗ ringe all to the Emperour. And that Withoppes offens bours being pxnitent, and fubmittinge them felues; obteine pardon , the Spnode o2 Councelb foe pzatpnge and befeching, ¢ the Palace (that is to Cate the Prꝛince) grauntinge it. And no Doubt bad Dloſcoꝛus ſubmitted bim felfe as did Juuenalfs and Thalaſtus, and the councell thercuppon bad humble (ued to: the Empe⸗ . Tour foz bis pardon ,.as they did foz the others, be pad ‘alfo efcaped that btter condemnation anddepziuation, © © Iwhiche be fell into. And therefore might Johannes Withoppe of Germanicta,well faye, Sihoc placuiſſet. Kc. 1f it foe pleased che mofte holie Bifhoppes-onta whome God: hath committed to gene that fentence. Shetebp tomoue Diels cozus to ſubmiſſion to the councell,.and foe by the fuite | of the councell 5 to obteine grace at the Emperours > - Now concerning Palthafinus andotber the Biſhop of Rome bis Legates dotnges and ſaiynges, bfedo2.— vſurped in thatcouncell, J dm not dente but that.tbep .. Spake many thingesfoundinge for the pꝛærogatiue of the Biſhop of Rome, whoſe Legates they were. But vartite ĩ be div tt ſo couertite, partliethe Spnode was: | ſo occupied abont other: weghtie matiers, vᷣ they either obſerued not their woordes, oꝛ thought it not goon by quarelling about thẽ to hinder thoſe matiers ot weight Thiche they dad in honde Butthole welghtiematiers.co 1) beingonce ended, they bꝛydled the Withop-of Kome, byp ‘hele decree mane in the/ 16, Seftion of this councell, beclar \ A-REPROVEE OFM >< — the Withop of Conſtantinople to be of authozitte with bint. Whiche decree they made mau⸗ gree the Popes Legates: and as it may appeare thep were the rather occaſioned and pꝛouoked thereto by the malapert behautour of the ſaide Legates in that coun⸗ ——— this Jwill intreate at large hereafter. Howe of what value oz authoꝛitie the ſatynges of the popes owne Legatesglaunfinge towardes their maiſters (uperfozttte(to the whiche the Popes div thaw though ſetret lie, and conertlp; beginne bp forgerte and all vnlaufull meanes to aſpire) can be, any reafonable Concil.Chalced. man mapeafely iudge euen of thelr wꝛeſtinge of the AG,3.f2.847. Scriptures to onelp Peter, whiche either apperteineth ee a 4 not to him atall, but to Chpttte onelte 5 02 to other A⸗ rhe Anica poſtles as well as to him. wut the berietrutheof the Apoitolo Petro Mtatier;not couettlte,tioz ftlte touched,in wordes ones qui petra & ba- Ife, (as doeth Paſchaſinus the Popes parpofed encroas fis vel crepido € ching) but in moſt manifeſte deedes antares of this —— bey councell,clearly declared, motte plainelte howeth that vam orthodoxe te Emperour, and the ciuill Magt rates inbis place, fidei. were the Judges, and bad the chieſfe authoritie tn that The coticel ter- countell, as 9 fuffictentlp bane declared: 5 and: wit meth che twen-'gygge¢ particularite hereafter note , where the learned 7, Readerimap be moze fallp fatter: © 2 co okt themoft glori. SLouching the pzonoücing of the fentencesp tenth ts, ous iudges. thateuerp Biſhop did giue His fadgemet ſeuerally, as well as the Popes Hegateshp thefe woordes. Alienuim Ad.3.f.848. ‘eum iudico ab omni epiſcopali dignitate & miniftes | Antio- #6, Alienum eſſe definio.-Aliénioeum ab Kc. Aliens — — eſſe decerno. Xci What is to ſay: Ido tudge him to be * pat Geom all Bichoplie bignttte and “a a a Fy — ey * OPP GE) PE SSS eT « —* “ wr Pa — DORMANSOPROVFE | 245 faith Marinus Biſhoppe of Antiochia. J oefine him to bedifpatched of all Prieſtlie dignitic, fayth Stephanus Withop of Cphelus. Foe alienate him front his ſacer⸗ dotail miniſterie ſaith Biſhop Lucianus of Byʒia· J de⸗ ſcerne him to be eſtraunged from all facerdotall mini⸗ ſterie faith Peter Biſhop of Coꝛinth: wohich ſentences giuen by the whole Councell,and by their ſubſcriptions confirmed, as plainely appeareth in pᷣ Actes ofthe cours Aq. 3. ſa 858. cell, any of the:Serretaries of the councell might as wel in the name, and bp che auchoritie of the whole coũcell, haue pronounced pᷣ ſentence/ as Paſchaſinus the Popes Legate. The ſentence of the Wyolocouncell of the holve Apoſtles at icrufalem was pꝛonounced by S. Janes, notbp S. eter; of whom p pape claimeth to be head of pinhole Church. Ann ifitbeing graunted that Paſcha⸗ mnus as pꝛeſident of the: Councell in the ꝓlace of the. Biſhop of Homes inyaharthe caeſte plage emdugſ the Patriarkes , Did pamrounectirdontaser winn maheth — that fo2 this vſurped — —— X mede who can therbyclaime no otucrvoene nmineneeth other prefidentes of other moꝛe auncient caunce:les a. Zt is recoꝛded in this ſame Chalegoueufecouncell that. Ag.t. fa.83r, Dioſcorus Wiſhop of Alexandꝛia had che Pꝛincipate in Principarum the Spheſene councell: iñ cate, the 2 tthap of domme haw, 10%" cerue· like wiſe in bis legates the paincipate in vᷣ — a Pa . councell, what can he datmetherebp yaarcthansDios, coms might? D2 twhat thal let hint Gxbut- be: map come —** us his —— 5 ap —— ee “ete . —— —2— neing of —— this whole cocina was knit bp,and the lat fentence thereof twas pronouns ced by theindges, who were ciuil magi trates + Which (Cs, AG 16, 2 ENOL Wylhop of Wome his.fus Nqgq peemacie, Kk REPROVFE OFM pꝛemacie, foꝛit maketh the Biſhop of Conttantinople of equal pauilege ¢ aucthority With hint. In dede it is true AG.1.fargr, that Paſchaſinus ¢ Lucentius the Popes Legates were col.t. bey bufte when the ciutll Dagiftrates and Judges were prcfent , vntill Lucentius being toell taken bppe by the — fapde Judges, was put to filence. And after their depar⸗ ture Palchafinus began to take al vpon him againe,but , Anatolius Archebpihop of Contantinople, nowe and A&.3, fo.835. thei interruptety him: and the other Bychops vo topne “i together, and match Leo Wyphop of Rome, and Anate- lius Bylhop of Conltantinople and thep iopning the too Ses of Kome and Contlantinople together; call AG.3.f.848. thent both Maximias fedes;& fanétils. Ecclefias: the greatelt Ses , and holpelt Churches . Where 9. Dor⸗ man fapth further thatno mans name was ſubſcribed oꝛ confentatken to the depꝛiuation af Dioſcorus byſtde⸗ ! the onely bith ops’ iF prap pou mache his Mhiteritie heres acécil.Calce- in. Jhaue deelared before hotve the Senatours determi⸗ don. A.1.f. ned; that Diolecrus chould by the Spnove be depoſed by $31.col.2. thefe very wordes ot the countell, and of Euagrius.a Vi- Euagiiusli2. detur nobis &e deoreoepruny & iuſtũ efse, vt Diofe cap.· 4. corus teligioſiſs EgſſaspAlexandriæ, Iuuenalis & - DOmnib? que’ Fhalaitis. See 12D hates to lay iigt femeth gode righ: — ficram spice tesus fo bs ans ts God, that Dioſtorus the mokrelte xcferendis, glous Bytljop of Alevandria, Juuenalis, and Whalatis — — c Euagri? liz. USiee, be put to the ſame penaltie by our moſte mightpe cap.is.iuftum JLo2de,and belides that, be by the holy Synode put trom eft hociudicid theit biſhoplydignitie.ac.band al things tubich are done, d Hoc ttaque tobe pat te' the indgement of the Cmperouts highnefle. conuentu fic And when } Senators had thus determined what thep — ee {would hauethe Byſhops ef the Sinode to doe, the Wys ane Thoppes crying that this ludgement was inf andright, encrent epit. the Senatoars departed out ofthe Spnove : and fothe copixc. Syenode lor that dax brake bp, andthe Ark action yn . oO — DORMANS PROVFE 246 Ihe nert day that} Sinode was kept , onely Biſhops, (the minde and Determination of the Magiſtrates now being to them bnotwen) came together : and there finals Ive thep according to the Pagiftrates determination a⸗ fore Declared,and tudgement bp them ginen,did depoſe and depriue Diofcozus. What meaneth M. Dozman therfore to fap, that no mans conſent was afked to that Dep2tuation of Diofcozus beſides the onlp Wiſhops, les ing thatin that Scflion there were none but Biſhops onelp preſent: and ſeeing not onelp the confent,but the iudgement alfo of the ciuil Magiſtrates was tn the firk Seflion before giuen , and therfoze needed not to be afe bed? Andthe iudgement of the Magiſtrates was not lightlp efteemed, fo2 the innecent and godlp Biſhops erped: Luftum eft hoc iudicium this iudgemẽt is tuff, it is Chriſtes tudgement : the offenders crped for mere cp, faping : Omnesetrauimns,omnes veniam petimus, WMe haue al erred, foc al pray fo2 pardon ; which pardd | (faith Cuagrius)thep obteyned, Spnode ſuing foz tt,¢ — the pallace, that ts the Pꝛince graunting it. This being 7° * pene thus,pet is not M. Doman aſhamed to terme it a con⸗ renocationem ſent, and to wꝛite that no mans conſent beſides the Eifbops onc- cõlequuti ſũt. hy was afked. . AMhereas it is euident, that the ciulll Ma⸗ giltrates did gine not orelptheir confente , but thetr ludgement alfo: and that he Biſhop oid all things bp po, the appointment of the Scnatours , and accoꝛding to cay 4. the iudgement and decrees ofthe Emperour. Now fo2 cum cũcta ve the fuller declaration of the Cmperours,¢ ciuil Judges ab auguſtiſſ. aucthoritie oncr the Biſhoppes, and in that councell of vertice decreia Chalcedon, Jhaue, as afore, noted out certaine bztefe “1° perſice · pointes, touching their ſaid auchogitie,toith directions ““"”™ where thep are to be founde. :. It is erprellp declared in the beginning of euery {els Nggq 2 ſion - A REPROVFE OF M, fon €{n lundry other places, the Calcedone councell Secundum dei WAS ſommoned and alembled5 ‘by the Emperours, gravictfu- WWalentined, and Marcians aucthozttie and commauns ctionem,prz- Dement, as ts to be feene inthe fapde councell. Ceptum pra. “Act.1.fai736.faizgo. fa. gar cols. 846.col.1: f2.947. €or, * 260. ceptionẽ iuſ· col bec dot.coĩ.ꝝ.fa 8sʒ col ⁊:et act.iofa 935. cole. 83 fioné ee: Gnd ina great number of other places. ———— And it is recorded in the ſayde Calcedoneſe —— fanéta & mag- that the Biſhop of Rome was bp the Cmperours fone pafynodus moned to Coũcels in the fame tenure that che Wiſhop of congregata. Alerandzta,and other withops were fommoned. Nit AG.1.fa.748.col.1. he Ginperour was the chtefe in the coal, — ae all things were referred to bim, Adt.t.fa.g3t. Impator no- · ¶ The Emperone permitted vnto theconncel to hate fcr pylsimus the audience af Diolcozus bis caule, permilit fan- Act.1:f2.845.col 2. > — he ciuill Pagittrates, ate fir ——— audicatiam,. and Named the Judges,¢ fate in the middle as Judges the Popes Legates wyth others fitting on their lefte ng hand, ¢ Diolcozus 15.of Alerandeta with other Wutbops fitting on their right hand, € thep as Judges vzbered 5 the Biſchops, and matters of the councell ; as appeateth _ every there in the tobole firtt, feconide, atid lat action, and thzoughout the whole councell. ° Hh _ hep appointed the — of ecclefiaftical trrattes, the councell ſueth to chem fo2 02 moze tai, and thep doe graunt if | Aét.1.fa.33tcol.1 Adt.2. fi 833.0011. et 834-c01.2. J WAbples the ciuill —— were ——— the Popes ah baat dealt not — sch ae rasp peareth. 12 2! Tetids & A 4 FB > wet A@x. wad © 4> Te _ eae ae a eS ee ail ae ; DORMANS PROVFE 249 A&1.fa.741.col.1. ‘And after that thzonghout the tobole firt and feconde action. Jn the thirde action toben the ciuill Magiffrates were abfent,the Popes Legates begonne to take bpow them, as apeareth, AQ. 3. fa. 835. col.2. The ciutll Dagiftrates controll Lucentins p Popes 8. Legate, fo2 that be firting with other Withops tn the places of Judges, bfedthe parte of an accufer, and {fo thep put the fapde Legate to filence, A&t.1.ta.741.col.1, The ciuill Pagiftrates, as Judges, pronounced fet 9. tence, bpd Dioſcoꝛus, Juuenalis, Thalaſius, and other Biſhops: and the counfel allotucth their fentence, as & god and tuff fudgement,and bp Ch2t giuen. AG.1. fa. $31. Zhe Cmperour confirmeth pdecries of the couricell. to, A&.3.f9.8654 855.866. CThe Empcrours doe abfolue Flauiane Archbihop »- of Conffantinople, Cuſebius,t Lhedoretus, who were condempned bp the feconde Epheſene connecll , dila⸗ nulling that decree oftheir condemnation. Aét.3.f2..8¢5 col.i. The Withoppes otkenders fue to the cmperear fo} 12. morcy. Ad. 334 col.2. 835. oa ‘2 he councell entreateth foz the Emperours — 5, to the offenders, the Cmperour graunteth if. Euagrius lib 2, Cap-24. The Emperours make lates foz ment ane te clearap 43. and temoue clerkes offenders, J Act.3.863.856. he councell Chalcesonente confirmed tothe Biſ⸗ 15. thop of Conitantinople the ſecond Patriarkate, ¢nert At Qqq3 place Aét.r5.Cécil. Chalcedon, A REPROVFE OF M, meh of dignitie to the Biſhop of Kome, and mave him equall in all pzintleges and dignitte with the 15. of Rome, again che {aide Biſhops of Rome, and bis Les Gates wil, Which ſheweth p the councel map determine Without bis cofent : ¢ the ctuil magiffrates do confirme the ſame, as appeareth in the.rby.action of that councell at large. Bea this.rbj. Adion ts ſuche a cutthzote to the Pope, and all Papiftes, that they, who doe allowe this whole councell beftves, doe retect it btterlp , fo2 that it maketh focuidently again thetr Popes vlurped Ti⸗ rannie, which it moſt plainely diſcloſeth to al the world Such auchozitie haue theſe men to retaine ahd refed of Dor.fol.a.b. &. 62. a. AQGt lic. ſa.y. col.i. moffe auncient councelles what pleaſeth chem: and Doe pet in the meane tyme thinke it reaſon thatouerpe fentence contayned in thett latter leude conuenticles, and falfe confpiracies, tather than councels, houlde ot neceffitie bpride all men. And for that 9. Dorman bath befoze alleaged , and doth bere, ¢ hereafter allo alleage this councell,pea i anb this berp.rbj.dation of it, as with thent againſt vs, moſt falfely and tmpudentlp : Jwyll bers doe bint fo muche pleafure,as to note ont certapne popnts of that.rby.action truelp tranflate,and that done leaue it to the tudgemet of the diſcrete reader, whether they make fo2 their Pope and bis popiſh Prielts, oꝛ foz Chꝛiſtian princes auchoꝛitie FF pf when the Byſhop of Romes Legates being Defired bp the other Biſhops in number aboue.6co.that thep woulde communicate with them about certapne things touchitig the Contfantinopolitane Church did refufe ſo to doc, the Byſhops of the councell moucd the matter tothe Judges, who were Cinill Pagiſtrates, and the faive Judges commaunded the boly councell 9 contioer the 9— matters. The 4 Me DORMANS PROVFE 248 The Councell of the.soo. Wythops , notwithſtan⸗ bide; ding the wilfull abfence of the Byſhop of Komes Le⸗ gates, made a Decter,agreeable toa foznier decree mabe inthe fir Conffantinopolitane: councell, that the 15; of Conffantinople houlde bane equall pꝛiutleges and dignitie, o2/as it fs termed) mateffie in caules Eccleſi⸗ aftical with the 15. of Rome, which quite ouerthrꝛoweth that Supzemacie whiche be note valley claymeth and vſurpeth ouer all Byſhops. he Legates of the W. ok Kome gticued herewith, A&.16.fa,935. at the nert alfemble come tothe Judges, who were Cis °o!2- uill Dagiffrates with thele wordes. [fyour Magnificence cl thé soft woulde commaund vs, we bane certaine things to fbeweyou. The — myſt glorions indes ſayde: declare what ye will. Then the Lega- pish pirates tes declared how the Emperours Lordes of the whole labouring for the Catholike and rieht faith 5 had vouchcdfafe to order that alt Churches fbould holde one fayth : and that no [chifines fhould arife Veltra pos among the Prieftcs of God. Howbeit yeferday after that your, fas furrexit, powers or bighnefjerofe, and went out of the coucell, and our low- ee * neffe folowed yr ſteppes, certaine actes are fayd here to be made, re —— vhich e thinkeurebeftdes the Ecclefisfticall Canons and difes= Thre cinit mac - plinceJEeddfi restheefoeerbat your ——— would commaund giſttats high- —— tobe read againsæa. ‘oulina neffe, and the CThen Werentanus Secretarte of he Connceltead Popes Legates the becrae twhich the Councell of the.6oo. Bpthops had — — by made, agreable tothe decree betoꝛe made by the coun⸗· · 3 cell of Conſtantinople of · 50. Bpſhops, thatthe B.ol p41. f3,o3¢. Conſtantinople was in —— dignitie equatt col.i. With the 1B, of Ronre.:; Reatarkal art A&.16, f2.938. . Mlhen the B. of KomesLegates repyned at thys col.1. decree; and the whole fede in defence of it : the motte pig send —— aes their ooaat. 8 amr ie Wyich _ AOREPROVFE OF. M, ay 16. ft.938, - ethic was done actozbingly of both parnaamasere 6 — is tobe noted that the B. of Romes Legates brought fo2th fo them anely the.c.and.7.Canons of the Nicene councell sfothatthe.44; forged Cannon of the:p icene couttcell, alleaged by Pope: Zozimus his: Weyates tt the Africane councell , which maketh mo euidentlye fo2 the 15. of Komes Supzemacie,ts here not alleaged, naoꝛ mencioned bythe Popes Legates, which enidétip argueth that them ſelues knew it twas falfified. + elfe woulde they: not furelp tn that dittrene haue lelt to ne⸗ celbarye an belpe bntoucher. A& 16. fi.ggo An concluſion, after long bebating of the matter 7 col.t. on both fides the Judges, who were ciutl Magiſtrates, Omoem pri- giue'definitine fentence, that they vnder ſtand by the alligati- matũ & preci- gas of hath | parties the firft rowme among ft the primates, &chicfe ater — honour according tothe Canons 5 to be conſerued to. the Archby- Oy bop of olde Rome: and that the Archebyfbop of the City, Empe⸗ rialloſ Conftantinople being new Rome ought.to banesand is wor - thy of the fame honour of Primacic, and power to ordeyne Mectropa- litane hyſbops. &c. as hath the B. of Romes Dhis is their ſen⸗ tence definitive) Agatalt che whiche cthough the Aega⸗ dgid 23 tesiof the.b: of Rome did repine vet did allſthe Contic ro) cell of.s0o. and moe Byſhops, with one conſent atone che lame as atutt ſentence and — fo — cell was ended. te ———— bPolſt. folcꝛ.a. Now DB. worman takech oecattor of chele worde Omiam quidem primatum, &pretipuum henioré an⸗· tiquæ Romig!E pitcape don {tyuarh St. that ts: to ſapẽ hat the whole fir place among hele Peimates and chiele honour isconſerued to che Archbyſhop of Nome: to beare the ſimpie in hande, thar this his Popes Su⸗ pꝛemacy whichche wouid now vſurpe ouer al Biihops ‘ts — ment : and to that ende be erpoundetkhOmne Primatum DOIRMANS PROVFE. 249 Primatum conferudri, all foncraigntte to be confirmed Act.i:pag. top Archbpihop of ola Rome. But the leudnelle ofthis furmife,is beizaped by the playne wordes of the decree of the Judges and ciuill Magiſtrates here giuing to the Archebiſhop of Conftantinople new Wome,like and the fame honour lof Primacie and potver’, with the B. of olde tome. And bp the fozmer playne wordes of the ’ Decree of the tobole councell,vetermuning that the moſt bolp See of newe Rome Conttantinople, Mall eniope equal pꝛiuileges, and dike maieſtie in ecclefiattical mat: ters,as bath the moff holp Church of the elder Kome, ¢ to be the feconde after.ft,. 2.0" - Lheleplapne wordes J fap, declaring the Sea of Contfantinople to haue equal aucthozitie and Pꝛima⸗ cie with the Sce of Rome) soc ſhewe that Wome had no other prebeminence but onlp to be tn the firtte placcin oꝛrder, and Conſtantinople inthe feconde, whereby che lallenetle of 9.Do2mans furmife; that } 1B. of Komes Supzeimacte ouer all Byſhops andthe whole Church, ashe woulde nowe bfurpe, Moulde * ap wordes in this decree be ment. Further in caſe the Srtipeemacte wubtch the B of ine Rom̃e — al bithops:¢ the whole Church, were berebp ment, as 99. Dozman kallely furmifeth, what caufe bad epther the Popes Legates then to re- pine at that becre, 02 Popes and Papiſtes nowe to re⸗ _ tect p decree, ik vᷣ the fapd decree DID graunt all that be woulde baue. But fuch is M. Doꝛmans not drram ng now, but manifelt malicious falifpitig of the truth. Chele things mo manifeltlp apearing tn the pro⸗ coffe of this Councell,andin the hiftozp of Cuagrias, with many other matters of aight and fubitance, as - tell declaring the chtete auchoritye of the ciuill Ma⸗ Ker giftrates 940.Ccol.t. Eiſdem Pri- matus hono- ribus & ips fum dignum efle.&c, Act. 16. pag. 936. col.1. Acquis fenio- ris ROM2 pri- uilegijs frui, & in ecclefiae {ticis, ficut iilam maiefta- tem habere negotijs,& fe- cundam poft illa exiftere. — Gx? vs <4 A’ REPROVFE OFM. giltrates ouer the bpthops aſſembled, and tn matters treated in this Calcedonenſe Councell : as alfo mani: leltly bewzaying the vſurped ſupremacie of the 15. of Rome oucr all other Byſhoppes, vnto whom the B. of Confantinople ts in this councel declared to be equal: howſoeuer 99. Dozman woulde ontrucipe qualifie the waight of the ciutll magiffrates iudgement, by the light terme of cõſenting, J doubt nothing, but the ſubſtance ofthe matter hal haue che due waight of aucthoritie in the realonable readers mpnde alwapes, Dorman. fol.gg. 20 | The next proufe that they bring, is out of the thirde councell Conftse of Conftantinople, where Conftantinus(they/zy)ded not onclye fet amongeſt the Bylboppes, but ſubſcribed allo with them ta the ‘Councell, van actae ne Tothis I aunfwere, that this being grauntedthat Conftan- tinus fatin theCouncell arid ſubſeribed alfo thereto, neyther weabeneth our partesnor flrengthneth theirs. For whe cuer yet de~ The diff Trãllated out nyed that. Chriftian Emperours might mt be prefent at the Coun- rence be 306.b, hath the fame. DORMANS PROVFEE. . ¢ 250 con This thing woulde alfa moſt mamifefily hæue appeared, if our inopol. aduerſaryes had fasthfully alleged the wordes which the emperour x3. vfedin fubferibingswhi ch were( after the ſ ubſcriptio of all the Biz y fbopss 4 bidvcth & feuctie in nuber )thefeyLegimus & cofens : ihe fimus.Pehawe reade erg are ey i Cini ptia eerence of encry Byfboppe was Definiens fubfcripli , I defining hauc a ci — 5 —* thus ſbould they sf they will nedes elory of the ‘Em oe. Emperours fubferibing hauc alleaged this examples that thereby arsfub- might bauc bene perceyucdsthe manifcft difference betwene cofen- iptions in ting in the one, and defiming in the other : that men might yet at the polde leaſt haue wondred,if Empereurs and Kings bare the foutyin Re- uncels. ligion, and ruled all,if the Byfbops and Pricfts were their vnder- lings and gouerned by them, what fhould then meane that flraunge maner of fubferibing in them that fooulde leade andrule,to faye they ſubſcribe confentingswbere as the bifboppes that fhould be ru⸗ led by thems write that they ſubſcribe determining , Bou fatve euen now,that A REPROVPE OF IM 5* tyme for Empeours or — vas not lawſulto bedone then? Or why ſpoulde it nor now be laws. full for the’ — of Rome:swhich at thofe dayes was not vn⸗ lewfull? 6 T bus mye yo fre good Readers. howe this bi ‘Rove J and truely alleaged smaketh not onely not.ag ainft vs but alfomuch with "v5y if it. had bene true that the * elie luftinian had apoſed twa fein ie | ‘Nowell. Chis — ſerueth our. turne, howloeuer pou woulde haue it to the contrarie: and that 3 doubt not, but al reafonable readers doe well fee... , Bou examine, what fboulde be the caufe y whye —— Mboulde be ſo earneſt, with theſe two Bifboppes of Rome, to de- poſt the Bs{boppe of Conftantinople : and pou woulde bp ſuche erantination gather, thatthe Biſhop of tomes power ertend¢d to Conftantinople, and onto the depriuing of the Patriarkes there. Wut fir eraminer,no {ach thing (sto be founde tn the depofition of the. witnelles. For who fatth that the Cmperour Juſtiniã was fo earneif, the mpzele Theodora was fe earneſt with thoſe tua Biſhoppes of Rome, pou ſaide not that the Emperour Was earneff neyther fapth the Pontifical pour Alcozan, fo, nepther fapth Sabeilicus, Panclerus, nor Platina fo, nepther fapeth the Apologte fo. The moſte parte. of the: witneſſes fape, that Aigilius a falle Deacon, and not. Juſtinian, was fo earneſt, therby to crecpe {nto the Popedome himſelt: but pou would find,ther luftinia fhoulde be fo carneft 5 witchtheſe two Bifboppes of Rome » ta de~ pofethe 1 es of Conftanténople. Bou labourcd,cuen now, to pꝛoue be was not carneff wyth them there abont : and . . DORMANS PROVEFE. | 261 andthe Apologte J thinke wil! graunt pou, thathe was not, and fure Ido qraunt the fame. Wut the Apo⸗ logte fapth that Juſfinian depofed two Popes : It is true: twill pou therfoze ſurmiſe that the Apologie fapth, that Juffintan was carneff with two Popes of Home to depofe the Biſhop of Conffantinople 2 pou map well fap ſo: fo2 pou mape well faye, what pou lif, and no credit wonne 102 loft : fo2 fo fapth nomanelfe, that J can beare of. Wut the Apologic, as it fapth that Juſ⸗ tinian depoſed two Popes, without any helpe of the Bichoppe of Conffantinople , fo meaneth tt, that he might, ifbe fo tyoulde,bpon like iuſt canfe, bane depo⸗ fed one Biſhopof Conſtantinople without theft helpe. Where pou ſpeake, as thoughe the Apologie had ſayde, the Emperour could mt : neyther the Aucthour I Apolo⸗ gie, nor any wiſe man elſe fo ſayeth, thou cD. Doꝛ⸗ man doe fondely fo ſurmiſe. But the Pontifical fapth, Tom.2. Coo- that the Empzetfe Theodora was verpe earneit wyth “!.1-%.2- * theſe Popes, to depoſe Mennas the Patriarke , € to rez fFoze Anthimins che Weretique : but Platina telleth bp whole fetting on fhe twas fo earnett. Infticante Vi- pla aa de vita gilio Diacono, Theodora Augufta Syluerio ithperat, Syluerij, &c. At the inſtigatiõ o2 ſetting on of Aigilius the Bea⸗ con (fapth Platina) Lheodoza the Empzeſſe commanns ded Spluerins, and that with theeatnings , that Bene nas being erpulfed,out of the Citic of Conffantmopte, be woulde renoke Anthimius . Wy this eraminatton oF wit neſſes, it appeareth what thould be the cauſe, why (Hot Juſtinian as von M. Dermaw, bp pour exaͤmina⸗ tton would finde, nor Lheodoz* the Cmpelle neyther of ber owne mpnde, as pou beare the readers in | bart, but Vigilius the Deacon was fo earneſt with p> Em⸗ pretle, not fo much to put Mennas ont id git Wbb A KEPROVFE OFM. . of Conftantinople, as to finde a quarell to ne 8 ? tins out of bis Biſhopꝛike of Wome. And why | bitoth¢ That be himfelfe might be placed in his rotonic, Aud. fo in this examinatiõ it falleth ent in faking of caufes,. thatoucambitions and falfecaptife, (ought catneflp. to pat out an otberthat be nught crepe tite this places. - and with ail, the bertues.of the Komiſh Popes, ambitts on, btberie,fallhmode,fozce,t murther with fuche other bfuall oznamentes of the fitters in that ſee, doe inthe fame.cyamination come to light. And yet ſayeth . Doꝛman $ Here ave they taken, what focuer they anſxere: ſuch a net bath this man (et foz vs:and be afketh the queſtion: Whye the-Emperour coulde not aswell by bis aucthoritie depofe. one Bifbop at Conſtantinople as two at Rome? To the which J aunſwere, hemight , bad be bad like caufe : had there bene as falfe pradifers, and ambitions clearkes, in the, Crekecleargic, asivas in the Komiſhe Courts : had _ there bene one Greeke Deacon, as readp, and Hable by. falſe fuggeffion to delude the wiſe Emperdur Juſtini⸗ an, as there twas a Romaine Deacon , readp to tattle. denemoully in a womans care : had there bene in the. atriarke Bennas, that godly and bertuous Biſhop, — at uche vngodlyneite and bice, ag were in theſe two R⸗e⸗ maine Popes : had there bene ſuch ambitiõ, corruptiõ, betberte,falfhmde, treafon,fozce, murther, in Mennas, as was in Siluerius, and Vigilius: wy Jpꝛaye pons. wight upt Luftimanthe Emperour aswell haue depofed one By foop at Confbantinople as be depoftdtwo at Rome ¢ to aunſwere pou bp poute owne queftion. 3foz twas he not as. bable, and of as ged auchoꝛitie at Conffantinople,. tobere bis chiele babilitic , and auchoritie was, where bim felfe. was. alfo perfonallp prefente , again one. Bithoppe of CanFancinople, ashe twas again tha 2? - wsdl? DORMANS PROVEE 268 vat Kome where he bad leſſe power and aucthoritie than at Conſtantinople, and where be twas net pee fente, as be was at Conffanitinople z Wut be pepofen two Withoppes of Rome ; Ergo be might , bad be han like caufe,baue depofed one at Confkantinople. Ff pow twill fape be might not: what meane pou 2 woulde pou make one Wtlhop of Conffantinople of greater anahos ritie,¢ harder to be depofed, than tino Popes of Kome: Wake bede what pou doe man , fo2 Oods fake, bur it ts not fo fraungea thing for Cmperours, to depole By⸗ ‘hops of Rome, 02 of ConfFantinople, o2 of other Hes, as M. Dorman woulde haue it fame, as J alfo haue partelp befoze declared. Wut pou twill bege the words of the Pontificall,and of Platina who fap that the Em⸗ pꝛeſſe woulde haue bad Silucrius, and Wigilius to ree moue Penna, and to reuoke Anthimius, tc. why, what is that elfe,but that he woulde haue the teftimente of thole men, who were in the cleargie of great eſtimati⸗ On, and audhozitic, with Anthimius, and again Dens nas, thereby to induce the Cmperour hir huſbande tes bepole Pennas. Foz where latina faith thatthe Em⸗ pele, twas in band with Silucrins, that Penna ould be thauffe out of the Citie of Conifantinople : all the worlde maye knowe that be ſhoulde be but a meane thereto: and that the Patriarke of Conffantinople coulde bp no meanes, but by the Cmperours auchogt: tie be erpelled the Cytie. And this Anthimins was bez fore difplaced bp Agapetus Wyplhop of Wome being at Conantinople: but howe diſplaced, bp him not fo, be pou fure,that the Biſhoppe of Kome, who was there bat one sfiking Theodatus his Legates (which ts alfo a ſhꝛewde pefident againf pou 9. Doezman)vid beare the chiefe ſway in the Church, and Citie of Conſtanti⸗ J Whb2 nople Supra 224.3. Ke. Vt pulfo men- naab yrbe Conftanti.&c« Nicephor? li. 17.CAPeDe Nauclerus ge- neratione.18. He isin divers ee A REPROVFE OFM: nople othervite than by Juſtinian the Emperours ap⸗ pointment: who by his commaundement aſſembled a Sypnode of Byſhops, and hearde Agapetus and Anthi⸗ vriters aamed mius diſpute, and allowed Agapetus bis docrine, and Anthimꝰ, Ao- diſallowed the doctrine of Anthimius: and that done, thimius and Anthemius. Nicephorus lib. . cap.at. deſired Agapetus to ordayne a Chatholike Byſhop at Conſtantinople who oꝛdayned this Mennas. And ſo might Theodora the Empꝛreſſe deale with Sylueſter, and Aigilius,to perſwade the Emperour againſt Men⸗ nas; with Anthimius, and bp the Emperours conſent and aucthorit ie depoſe o2 oꝛrayne a Byſhoppe, J denpe not; And well might the Emprelſe attempt that wap, ſeing that the Emperour bir huſbande bad fo great fae uour to Agapetns firf,and to Splucrius and Wigtlius alfa greate tobple. ea and ifit till pleafe. pouts Anke bpon Nicephorus, pou maye finde that this Vigi⸗ linus Byſhop of Rome oid. infolentlp and proudly ercds municate Mennas Byſhop of Cõſtantinople, and that Mennas excomunicated the Byſhop of Rome againe, and that Juſtintanus the Emperour toke parte wyth Menas agatne the byſhop of Rome.and that therebps be fledde inte the Church. Wibat pzeferment J peape pou hadthe 15-0f Rome then aboue the Biſhop of Cone fatinople , when eyther cfthem ercomunicate other? And if Micephous iudged tt a pronde acte: of the 15. of Rome to ercomunteate the 15. of Conffantinoples be was not-of pour iudgement, who doc. thinke that the 35. of Rome might well pepofe the 15. of Conffantts nople; And pou map note tf pou toll that ashere when the Emperour faucured Mennas the Bylhop of Cow ffantinople, in-atuft cauſe again Vigilius the By⸗ hop of Rome, the Byſhop of Coffantinople had the ſu⸗ perianand better vaue, op bani fo deteass Dahan DORMANS PROVFE 263 faine Emperour fanoured Anaffaftus byſhop of Rome in the truth, againt the Biſhop of Confantinople An- thimius,the Biſhop of Rome had the ſuperioritie: and that therefoze the fuperiozitie fandeth ablolutelpe in the truth notin Ses, andthat among men, the chiefe authorit ie is in the godlp Emperour. Dorman. fol as. ” ea but fay theyyou-can not denyesthat the Emperour made Lewes of matters of religion; that he abftcined not esenimmatters of the charch.from thiefetcrmes,Sancimus,iubemus,we a= ; deineswe commnaunde swith fuch like. Trilte this can Vnot denis Ehops and 4nd if I would there be whole coftieurits of hislxcch 10 be brought rieftes for- againſt me: 2s that where he constundeth that none be mace Bi- sdden to fhop that hath a wrferand of them that kane had, fuch as haue had garricby uely anesthe ſame no widow neither denorced from bir bufbands aſticians reither forbidden by the -bolie canons : and alſo that swhere he co- oaſtitatiõ. maundeth that of Prieftes no other be receiued to that orders but 4 fuch as vel coclibem vitam, agunt, vel vxoré habue- runt,aut habent legitimam,& eam vnam.& prima, neque viduam, neque diuortio feparatia viro, aut alioqui legibus aut facris interdittam-canonibus. that #5 to faie : as cither leade a fingle lifes cr hauchad alawefull rwife,or prefentlyhane,and that one and the firft, no widowe, none Shattitie Auorced from bir huſband or otherwife bythe lawes or bolic ca~ wed in mons forbidden:and that of deacons alfoswbcre he gineth comaun- uftinians dement, that if be that fooulde be Deacon, haue no wife preſent- e· lye he be not other wiſe promoted, cxcepte being frſte asked of lim welch eiueth the ordersswhether be can fro thenceforth liue vith- ontawife, be anfwer yea. In fo mich that the Emperour plainely pronosncerh that he thiat miniflrerh to bin the ordres can nat dif pence withhim to mary after scx that if be fhould fo doe the Bifbop- tad * ‘which fic rudd be dled, Sea oe ee ’ -_ Pry Nowell. = eee ee, rr oe ee oy ee A iy — A REPROVFE OF Me Novell. > See %. Dorman fg deinen to confelfe that Lufinianus the Emperor did make lawessin matters of. Religion,and that be ab= ſtayned not euon inthe matters of the Church from thefe termes, Sanxcimus, iubemus, &c. we odayne, we commaund, with fuch ke, ag decernimus, conttituimus , precipimus, mandamus .&c. {we decerne 02 decree, we conſtitute, we determine, toe commaunde, we charge, with all ober termes of chiefancthoattic,fn lato making poflible tobe ‘bie: che which feing JuHinian did vſe ogdtnarilp, in making of eccleftafical laives,it ts therebp mo euts dently declared, that the Emperour Juſfinian bad ¢ bs fed the chiefe gouernement ouer perfons, and in mats ters ecclefiafficall. But D. Doꝛman thinketh that be doth well ſhifte of€ all this, by making mention of a conffitution of hfs, made concerning the mariage of ecclefiattical Miniſters: that as he began this treatic, fo be map ende the fame with fome tnuediue agapn the latvefull marfage of Eccleſiaſticall miniſters. But touching the betberies, ſymmonies, ignozance , coues touſneſſe, concubines in the fame lawe to prieſtes ſor⸗ bidden, M. Dozman ſpeaketh neuer a woꝛde. Wut fees ‘Suprafo.g.10, ing Jhaue ſuſticiently ſayde befoze, tn the beginning &c. of this treatie, concerning the mariage of eccleftafficall minilters, there ts nocaule why, ¥ ould now againe trouble the reader thertuith, {peciallp feing it is a mate ter altogether tmpertinent,to this bis treatte,of the beade of the Church tobe a Priest. = Thus much ¥ map by the way admonithe the god Reader, that fache conffitutions as Juſtinian made touching this mattcr concerned thole,tobo bad folénes dpe promifed in thetr owne perfons befoze their By⸗ Hop neuet to marry,and therefoze pertapne ups * arg DORMANS PROVFE 264 eleargy of England, who haue made no fuchp2omeffe. And it is by the aduerſaries confelled , andin the lawe it ſelfe it eundently appeareth, that fuche conſtitutions and ordinaunces be not Goddes, but mannes lawes: which (as tt vſualiye happeneth to other humaine cone ftitutions ) mape. bp man be broken againe, bpon tuff cauſes: ſuche as the popiſhe Votaries, bp their moſte bile lyfe, bane gyuen greate, and tw great, to Prin⸗ ces, andall other men that doc loue honeſtie, of what Religion fo cuer they be. Jnfomuche that the Duke of anare , latelve in bis viſitation of thecleargte of his owne Daminions , bnderffanding their filthie.concue binate,and beafflp life not. to be named, wherebpon bes neſt learned, Catholibes alſo doe abhorre their: felotw- thip(as be (aith)s in an ozation in his name mane to the late Councell at Trident, avd nowe extant in prynt, confeſſeth the ſame: and therevporr maketh his bumble fute ta the Coiicellthat ſceing Prieſtes are not by gods lawe bounden to line a ſole life, and fering that in the Pꝛimitiue Church maried men were Prieſtes and Bi⸗ thops,as bp the hiſtories eccleftattical it appeareth(laith He)it tight nolo alfo be permitted, that all-ecclefiatticall minifters that woulde, might marrie tbat: fuche Gilthie abominations myghte be thereby, remened.. And to thys fute be iopneth oy the Sacrament might be mis fred in both aed das before neted,the: motk fre ar ried fe peritte —— opes the! ICS; ledge of the beafflinette of theit fatbe Popt — haue wiſ⸗ ched that tt were ſo permitted. And op, Dorman if be woulde, might haue learned the fame. by bis bake of awe andt Tame, boke of the late tw, out of the-which ake this place. sui it is lace = P ian , 2 ~~? : , Sur THI — : eels, axe «i al} \ eee : ‘ 4 Impreflum | Colonie apud hzredes Ar- noldi Bricks. manD1.1565s cum gratia & priuilegio Cę- fariz Maieft. Supt fol. 102 1,COt.7. Autheot.col.1 de non elig. fecundo nub, tit.2.1n glofa, Cod. li.1. ti.17. Legum auto-| ritas & diut- nas & huma- nasres bené dilponit. Authent.col.9 tit.t5 De ſac⸗ tiff. epiſc.&c. A REPROVFE OFM | lawe confetted Quod nubere eft “pec eat vii. that tt is better to matrie tha to birne :f pecially fpr, as pour popiſhe Votar ies toe. \ Rot iobereas dy. Dorman of alt the eetletiattirai lates, bp Jult inian the Emperoz made, which are ere ceding many, maketh metition onelp of bis conttitue tion cocernitig the mariage of Winifters, and touching the firtt place of his Pope, foz that he percepned thole onelp to be te his purpoſe: J twill doe htm this pleas fuce,to belpe binv ont with the Kalender of pact of Ju⸗ ſtintãs lathes ectleſtaſtical: wherby — men map well vnderſtande his chiefe avabozitic o ouer per⸗ ſens and itt cauſes eccleſiaſticall. Jultinian the Emperour declaring that the auithos riti¢ of the lawes doth tell difpofe's order etclefiattical: and diuine matters, as well a8 worldiy and humaine: things both cauſed pᷣ aũcient latves ecclefiaftical mane’ bp the emperors bis pꝛediceſſors to be collected ¢ gathe: ted together, atid partly mended € correded the ſame, actozding ag times, and otcaffons required: made ⸗· thet newe lawes eccleſiaſtical him felfe; beclarit sid chiefe aucchoritie in etclefiafticall matters. N on the occaſion that many offcred willingly to teeth a folé Ipfe in the minilterie eccleftafficall in thote dapes, woihich, fed the lacke of cates and troubles in that Kinde. of lpfesteenied theh to be expedient, Juttinian Gad amoglt matip others to make alfo acont{cutio o late ectbontadrical edtetttinig rhe mitttrers brp Chi : to abuame Fes Hidetage, 02 rb cemaine Ag ae ic onelp. wife at the inom : dé both bp the ne sl — 2 = 5 zman here alleaged peate: — ſeginne. Ebel a Pegi docs be bisterte bere: alle lleaged; is te; — 10ties Spiis fuerit ** pel nt &c, That is to tapas om | SPORMANS PRO VEE. 265 Boe decree that as often’ as it is neccHarie!, that a By⸗ Hoppe be ordained, the Clearbes, andchrefe men of che Citie, whereof he hall be Withoppe, the holye Goſpell being {ec before thein,thalitake it vpon the pera of cheit Toules chat thep hatte choſen rhem neithor fez anygitt; ‘pi reward, nor any promeſſe 02 frendihip, de anyother tatife? but knowing them to be of the tight and catho⸗ Hike faith, and ot honeſt ipfe, and te be learned, and to bane no wife, no? childꝛen, nepthertoncubine ¢ but if any of them befo: i¢ ad a Wwife,that be had but onesand the fame } Gir neyther prow, normarried to other bulbande, noz otherwiſe forbidden by the lawes 02 hos Ipcontitutionss and that thep know the perfor elected to be 1Bifhop,to be no courtier, 02 Officialljoz tf be haue fo beite, that be bath fith p time continued no leſſe than Fiftene petes tn a inonatferic' € that be is no lee than fitie-and thirtie yeres olve : and if anye be ordained a Biſhop, without the forelapde obferuations , we com: maunde him bp al meanes tobe depofed aid depriued froin bis ithopzike : and hes} hal prelume'to ordaine anp Biſhop without the fapoe obieruattons, tal be Tal pended from bis holp minierte one yere and his gods tobe alloted to the Church wherof he is Bilhop. And a- boue al things be decrerth that tt be oblerued that tone be ordained Bilhop, by mediation ‘of Gold; Silver, b2 o⸗ ther t thing, bpon papne of the deprptation ; as ‘well of the giuers, as of the reeepuers and medfatours of luche tomate’ ‘huts fat're ts the ber te ſumme and vith of Fultiatins hys Lawe concerning the cleaton and ordayning of Wikhoppes , worde for worde truely trandlated: though for tediouſneſſe J haue intermitted Here and there things impertifient id this plate” The Neque curialé neque officia- Jem efle, lubemus hune omnibus mo- dis epifcopatu depelli. a ee inal heulde no Fe VVVV00808—— REPROVEE OF M. no aluch ambitlous perſons, bꝛibers, yõkers, courtiers Ruſtlers, Symoniakes, ignoꝛant aſſes, Concnbing ries, and: other ſuche titfous perſonnes, as doe nowe bluallp afpive to the bef Byſhoprikes in the Romie coutt, epther-be admitted to Byſhoprikes, e2 continue an the poltettion of thems nepther. ſhoulde there epther ‘Pope o2 popiſh bithop-be lefein place, Louching Clexe kes and p2teftes the laty ts this. We permit none to be ordeyned clerkes, vnleſſe they -be learned, and boloe the- rightfapth, and be of honeſt lyfe,and neither haue bads. Caſte vinẽtes, noꝛ haue a concubine, o2 naturail childꝛen, but lining aot vxxorem chalflye, oꝛ hauing a lawefull voiſe, and the fame one legitimam, et and the firffe, neyther widdowe, noꝛ diuorced from bir iplamvoam,ct huſbande, noz otherwyſe lorbrdden by the lawes, and pra fi baly Canons; bentes. And tue Doe not permita. Patel to be made vnder ee thiveie ¢ fine: peares of age, nepther a Deacon 92 Subs. deacon wnder fiue g twentte, noxa- Reader vnder eigh⸗ Diaconiffan. tene peares : nora DiacontMe(o2 widow to ferue inthe 7 Church) bnder-foztie peares old, One thatts to be made a Deacon ilhe haue nota wife (as is afozclapde}already ioyned to him, let bint not be ordeyned, except he being aſked befoze of him that doth ordeine bin, doe promiſe that he candine honedlie without a lawtull wyſe. and he that ordeyneth bin, ſhall not be able inthe tyme of the o2depuing,te permit tothe Deacon, oꝛ DSubdeacon, to-take a wyfe after bis oꝛdination. And the Byſhoppe who doth permittt, Hall. be put out of bis. Wihepzke, And tfa Wetelk o2 a Deacon, on2>ubpeacon, aiter-hps odination doe marrie wife, oꝛ haue a concubine,let bim be put out of thesleargie,. hus farre touching the glace bp ®. Dorman bere alleaged,cocerning preftes, — —— — doaconiltae 82 wydowes, ae iad 8 IE PORMANS PROVEE. 266 appointed to ſerue the Church, trucly trantlated ont of ‘the fame lawe of Juſtinian. WBut of all thefe things 9. Doꝛmã coulo fe nothing elfe, bat only thac which tous ched Peelibate of eccleſiaſticall minifters. And be thins keth thatthe intent €\pzontileofa learned; honett orf crete And graue mat, of the age of thirtie ¢ fine peares, 02. vpwarde: 62 ofan auncient woman,of the age of for. tie peares 02 moꝛe, touching not marying, bpon the one lye purpofe moze freelpe to. ſerue God, twill ferne te the maintenaunce ofthew guileful inducing and intiſing, oꝛ violent inforcing of vndiſcrete and vnſkilfull pong Hew, and maydens, and almoſt boyes, and gyrles into he ſinnefull Mares, of their pernitious popiſh bowes: oꝛ to thevefence of the moit falſe and faithleſſe ppoomeſ⸗ ſes madeby others of moze age, but of little diſcretion anvtoneltic, onelye vppon bepe of tozloly rewardes andiiatiig, ‘and ofa caficand poledife; to be leabitr al vitioulneſſe,t vncleanlineſſe,moſt manifeſtlyxknoweẽ ta the worlde, bp the continuall pꝛactiſe, of moſt part-of popithe Clotarics. And neither the ambition, coꝛruptiõ briberie, ſymonie, leud pouth, courtive life, keeping o£ concubines, noꝛ anpother moſte vnhoneit bebaniour;: moff bfuall in the Romith cleargte,cotrarp to this lawe of Fulkinia,t contrary to all mansand gods lawes, any thing moueth the mans minde : onclp the bauing of a a latpfull wife moueth 9, Doꝛmans conſcience: though Vxorem legi- it be bp: Juſtinian in this laine’ confellen to be latwfull °™2™ baben⸗ being aifo mofeagréable. to Gondes lawe, and in the er | bokes of Jufinians lawes , acknowledged tobe better, thent col. than to burne, as all the beaftlpe popiſhe Motartes, ut.2.in gola. for the moffe parte doe. And the Papilts who doe Nubere ett ailleage thys lave , doe contrarye to thys lawe of cooſultius uorce -ecclefafticall perfones frem their wyues, ang 1%: ‘ FLY 2 alfo » > wae | SAVREP ROW FE OFM | ud nbomdeanetbe: liuings: and in lo manye pointes breaking themfelnes, both this Late, and afer Donsiawe, doe alteage one poynte thereof againt: ſuche veclefiathicall mumiters, whome the ſayde Waive, . foucherh ndrbing jas thofe whe mate no lach promeſſe as in that Lawe ts appointed and doe cherfore nothing. againit that Lawe: but doe moſte agreable to Gots, daw, rather marry than ſo one hating aun ees as thoſe popilh Gotaries doe. Thus pou wap fee qmd Reavers, inane — direnix againſt the Papiſtes are contained in thisbarp. place of Juſtintan, by M. Dowunan bere alicaged atthe: iubicl) Donnan deepely diſſembled, and for feareleh — they might apeare,be durd net as much as notep bake; — ar place;teberc be bad that, which he alleageth of howeg: and celibate of eccleftatticall miniſters: avet he tatheth, of places not coated in p Apologie.dnd as theledialyes, ecclefiaftical mane by Juſfiniã the Emperour, do proue bis chiefe aucthozitic in matters, ¢ ouer perſons eccleſi⸗ aſticall: fo are there an huge number oflawesbefives,: that doe pet moze effectuallp pꝛoue the ſame, as I. yall: herealter declare. But J iil firkt ap ſomething to that. peetie popith chift wherby 9. Dorman truſteth to elude afruſtrate all the Emperours aucthoritie, in his lawes ectletagicau me -entdentlp to all men declared. ; str "9 Dorman ſol. a8. Muar ice laiedT | | Bai altboupbobis be trivesthat the Emperor Luftinia noe! onely, in theſe matters uhich touched the cleargic,butin many orbcr alfo, bath enternicdled : yet hath he al wayes fo tempered the matters as: he hath (hewed-him felfeto be a folower not. a leader, @imimfter to | exccuteynot a gomerner topreſcribc. he which thing his owne words How Yu ai vn all fuche a aces where be entrcated of ſuche matters placed as it nian made were ve fr the nones; to tale Eaway, al fuch ſu niſtre ſulpicion.do yr lavves in | 4 | @ | DORMANS PROVEE 267 gactersof Aſth declare.For eyther be hath theſe words : Sequétes €a que te Chutch. facris definita funt canonibus: folowing the deſimitiõ of the : hoty canons; or thiefes Sacras,per omnia fequétes regulas, in all porats folowing the holy rulessor fugh leke s wher by he woulde bau⸗e teflified to the worlde, that he meanctlbybis penall Lawes, feuerely to execute the canons of the Chur chy and naching le ſe than. tomakenewe lim felfe. —— dana ORG d Nowell, gee ar) + Houle haute ths gn icarer to knowe, fro whence this diuinttie oẽ MaDoꝛmans doth comee.. is An the gloſe ot vᷣ law by guſtiniã che Emperour made xcol concerning the ecrlefiathicalmatters,whtch . Dormã PN Ce! here (peakerh of, upithe fire word ofthe latxSancim?s 45 oporteare- wededecrees itis by fame Lawier no Ciuilian but mere pitcopos. Gan out 5 ¢the Popes owne ſworne man, be poufure; = bucheſauery words thus gloſed. Ad quid prodeoims Pro Deo, It tromittit felmperator de {piritualib? vel ecclefiaftactss ..barx he ci feiat ad fe nd pertinere.&c, Wy berfore a Gods name rea ‘ doth the Cmperour intermeddle in ſpiritual, or eccleſt· ,¢ was very ’ aſtical maters, whe be knowerh thepbelong not to humꝰ angry, | his ts the mans fumith queftion : tut be anſwered ſo⸗ berlp thus. Refpon.Dic,quodind imieniédo de nouo,vek conflituendo ponit: fed recitando:facras regulas, contra quas fi quis fecerit imponit poenas:&c,vel ,Dic ꝙ autho⸗ Here be two ritate pape facit, vel, Dic, hoc faciendo ftatum reipub, an “i ing tuetur: ch interfit reipub.efle facerdotes honeftos}a quis A bꝰpeccatorũ poenitentia petamus Sep is to ſay. The an-· ſwere: ſay oᷣ be putteth theſe, not inuenting thé a neio, Pom. oꝛr decreeing and ordaining, but rehearſing v¶ holy rules, gi og againt the which tfaman do he layech penaltics vpon them. 2 elle fap: be doth it bp the auahoziste of the px facie. This Pope,oz elfe fap :} the Cmperourin fo doing doth de⸗ Dic is Surefby, fend € maintaine the fate ofthe comon wealth ; fog tt: Thisis xichard in3 x*xx3 J A REPROVFE OF M~ ts sinks tommon wealthy Delete ould be bone ——— of whome we map aſke penaunce of our ſinnes. Thus larre this Canoniff in his glofe , out of the whiche h. 4 Dorman had his diutnitie which be ſheweth in this aun⸗ ſwere, tranllate almoſt worde for worde out of the ſaide glole: fo that bis law ſtode him here in god fede, Wut W.Dozm bath omitted che att of thefe thee anfiveres, which is moft worthy the noting: that Prieſtes can not well be kept in honeſt behauidur, but by pᷣ ſeuere lawes of godly Princes. And il ſuch lawes of godly Princes were profitable therfoze in Juſtintan his tyme, thepare. nolue in this outragious dilfolutenetie of our Popiſhe 3 . Gotaries,farelp moze than neceflary.dnd tobercas this Dic vetdie ve) SUOME 9. Dowmas anthour,bath called fo many dickesy dic. luſtp lads together, onlp to remoue ont of the Way this , blocke of one Sancimus, we doe dearce bled. by Fultinian, pou map tell vnderſtand how it grieueth the Papittes to fe fo manp Sancim?,ordinamus,decernim?, coftituis | mus,definimus,volumusyprecipim?, mandam?,imbem’, & rurfa,interdicimus,prohibemus, né permittim?. —* that is to ſay: we decree, ordeime, decerne, conttitute, de⸗ terminc;define,twe toil we cOmaund;we charge: and ae gainoe, te fo2bid them, we do not permit or fufter them? with other termes 02 wordes of like effect. cotinuallp b- fed bp Zuttinian the Gmperout tn bes fo many latwes, made to binde al eſtates of the Church, as Patriarkes, Archbithops, Biſhops, Rulers of Monaſteries, Makes, : and al other gouernors of the cleargic, € among then _, the 1B; of ome bimfelfe bp name. Surely tt appearer , that Pope John of ome, Wwho lincd ac that time, was - not ſo offeord as thas this cancnift, With the Cmperoz: | eod.spitola the which ope itt an epiftle to the fapd Emperorz wate Iaier Slates. ten doth much peal the empero⸗ as molt godly, wiſe and DORMANS PROVFE - 268 < and Well Boing the duety of a Godlp Chetan prince fpeciailp, fo2 that he toke great care of Religion and of Church matters, and twas the authour of the peace € be nitie of the Church, ¢ made lawes for the remouing of heretiques. ¢c.as in the fapd Pope Johns cpifleplatns dpe appeareth: wherebp pou map vnderſtande, that the fitters in that holy fer, bane in proceſſe of time chafiged | their minde. Nowe it is berp ridiculous; D.Dormatt por. fol.45.& who of this one worde placuit,it pleafech ys, once bſed bp fupra.fol.2s¢. biffops,inaketh fuch a matter fo2 their aucthoritie ouer Princes ¢ ciuill Magiſtrates,notwithſtanding that all woꝛrds € termes of auahozitie poſſible to be bfed,are bp Juſtiniã ofedin bis lawes , pet lapth thar Iuſti miã ſpewed bim felfe a folower not 4 leacler sa mini ſter to exccute, not a goucrney topreforeb:, Andthough J might fafely leaue tt tothe diſ⸗ Sancimus, or- crete readers ludgemet, tobether thefe words of p Cm divamus,de~ peroꝛ we decree wwe ordaine, we define, we wil, and coe “0” conte maũd, permit oꝛ fuffer, we do net fatter, Wwe forbid with | stuns. ‘other tike, vſed to patriarkes,archbithops, byſhops, ¢ al pracipimus, ; , gouernoꝛs tn peleargic,pea to the B.ot Rome bimlelf, mandamus, be pᷣ words of a folower,t miniffer,as M.Doꝛmã ſaith, ivdcmus: et 92 of aleader,t gouerner: pet forthe meancr reader big cont, Iater· moꝛe fal inſtructiõ ana fatiffacion, ¥ twill bere rebearfe Sate ake a forme 02 ttwaine of lawes made tabinde thechiefe and .....:.;.... bighcel Prelates of the Church. | F Auſtinian the Cmperour going about to bꝛidle thea | uarice ¢ ercefliue taking of famesof mony, bſed by the Aurth-or.co.y, - Purelates inthe ozdepning of bithops.¢ other ecelefatkt, tit·ig de ſanc· tal mintiters, maketh this law. Iubemus beats. archie- bis FP iſcopi⸗ piſcopos, patriarchas, hoc eft, ſenioris Romz,Cofiatino- —— poleos, et Alexidric,et Theopoleos et Hieroſolomorũ. —B————— &c; that ts to ſay, we do cõmaũd the moſt bleſſed archbt The Popecd- Mops;¢ patriarkes,) (s the patriark of the elder Rome, Maurded by andof Conttantinople,e of alexandꝛia, ⁊ of Antiochia, “Emperor, re | anv. F ae ad a OO OOP VV VVü6BL — X A REPROVFEIOF MM and of Hieruſalem, that it their cuſtome be no leile than twentie pounde in golde to be giuen in the ordep⸗ ning of Byſhops, and Clearkes, that fo much be onely giuen as the cuſtome is, but that no moze be gruen a⸗ e xxr pound in golde, and fo forth. Pere ts the begin⸗ nino? an eccleſiaſticall law, made by the Cmperour Jaikina,co binde h Pope oꝛ Wyſhop of Rome ¢ alother Patriarkes ; and the Cimperour vſoth as well to the B. gf Kome,as to the other Patriarkes, this worde lube- mus, we do cõmaund pou. And pet fapth god 9. Dona she Emperour éntermedleth in cauſes Ecclefiaftscal, as a folowers not 2 leader : as a miniSter not a gucrnour. And in this poz cele of that long lawe be vſeth often the teozds permit- timus, nõ permittimus, interdicumus;&c.lwe Cuffer pou to doe this, this tue fuffer pou not to doe, but dee forbid it vou.ac.And He bꝛeakech their eccleſiatticall cuſfſomes, it they tended to exceſſiue taking, and be bindeth them to a certeine ſumme in altheir ordinations of byſhops: and appointetha penaltie to the tranſgreſſours of hys latwe,at bis totll € pleaſure, as it the ſayd lawatlarge appeareth: which is not the doing of a folotwcr,e mini⸗ Fer as M. Donan fapth, but ofa leader ẽ gouernour. And tt ts molt falfe, chat M. Doꝛman ſayth: tbat Iaſtimã ‘made no new lawes: bat executed the old canos only. For in this one law there are berp many pomtes which M. Doꝛmã naoꝛ any orber cA Helv in any former cand, oꝛ cõſtitutiõ. The lame Juſtiniã nan other ecelefiaicaliatwlpeds | keth thus. Definimus vt nemo deo amabilit epifeoport "l forisia fua ecclefia' plus qᷓ per totũ annũ deefsei audeat: BF66s QUOMO- Fifi hoc per imperialé fat iuflionem : tunc(enim ſolũ e- do oporteat Wg e P é R — epilcopos. ‘tit iriculpabile) facratiflimos patriarchas vmuſcuiuſque dioecefseos cépellentes, deo amabiles Epifcopos ſuis in hærere ſanctiſs eceleſijs that ts to fay : toe do de fine shat tone of the Biſhoppes of God —— i | : l e Autlient.coli — \DORMANS. PROVFE 269 be abfent, from their Church moze that one peare; brv leffe it be done bp the Cmperouts commaunoemet (to2 then onelp it chall be blameleffe,) compelling the moſte bolp Patriarkes of euery dioceſſe, to caule the Biſhops of Dod beloned, to remaine bpon thetr Churches. ec. hus farre Juſtinian. And Zz would that .o2man, who wane bs before (uch adem,0fthe Bas ſubſcribing de- finiens fub{cripfi.s defining banc ſubſcribed: and of their faping, placet, it pleafcth ys woulde note this the Empe⸗ tours defining, comaunding,licenfing, foꝛbidding: faz this fame lawe fs in an other place penned, bp p worde interdicimus,twe forbid the bitbops.¢c.the tobich Empe⸗ rour alfo fetteth a penaltie in the fame lawe bpon ſuch Wplhops, as hall tranfgrefle the fapde law ¢€ among other penaleies, depriuatiõ alfo. And in an other eccle⸗ ſiaſticall latve,be bath theſe woꝛdes. IUubemꝰ vnumqué- que beatũ archiepiſcopũ, & Patriarcham, & metropoli- ta, ſactiſs. Epiſcopos.&c.that is:we cõmaund euery one of the bleſſed Archbiſhops, Patriarks,¢ Detropolitans, once 02 twiſe euerp peare, to cal together the moſt holy Wplhops being onder them, and diligently to eramine all caufes, tc. In the which lawes this fs to be noted as mongf other notable things ; that mentiõ is made that the Patriarkes of Rome, Coatinople, Alerandzta, €c, baue enerp one of them feuerall dioceſſes, 02 patriarker ips,¢ turildicions : which otuifta was made by order, taken tn the fir! Councels. Mhereby the falfe claime that the Byſhop of Rome maketh to an bniuerfall ans Dormi fol.44 & fupra.2so, | &c. Authent col.s tit. 15.de fanc- tifs. epifcopis. Authenr.col.9 tir.15. de fanc- tiſs. epifcopis. thoziticouer the whole Church; and that allo bp Gods — lawe,and Godtuill,is mot mantfetf. : Bat rig Agatne the fame Juſtiniã in an other law fpeakeeh thus. Interdicim’ ſactiſs.epiſcopis: We do ſoꝛbid p moſt holy bithops, priettes,deacons,fubdeacons,to plap at the zainio0 rt tables, Authent.col.s tit.15. de fane- tifs. epifcopis, Ad tabulas ludere. 5 on - ‘A REPROVFE OF ie tables, o2to take parte with, o2 loke vpon them vplay⸗ 02 to loke vpon any kinde of ſpecacles or games: and it. any doe oſkende herein we commaund him tobe ſuſpen⸗ ded from the venerable minilterie fo2 thee prares.ée. After this fort and forme, are there a great multſtude of ecclefiattical lawes, made bp Zuttinian : Which am ſure no man of reafon, will iudge to be done as by a foe Porm “ol.45 & fupra.2zss. &Ec. lower, and miniſtercas M. Dormã fapth)but ratheras bp a leader and gouernour. But with M. Dorman not long befo2ze, one feelp worde placuit » it pleafed v vss tuber ft was bp the waye (poken bp eertaine Biſhops, twas a woꝛde of maruellons fozce and auchozitie, and the men might bane chole whether they would 02 no, liked cades. but Cmperours int theft lawes continuallp to will, to commaunde, to charge Archbithops, Patriarkes, Wes . tropolitanes , pea, and the Withop of Kome by name; as well as others, to doe this,to foꝛbid them, thatthep dare not be fo bolve as to doe that’, without the Empe⸗ rours leaue, oꝛ cOmanndement,and to define, alligne, apoint penalties ditto them,in cafe thep fhal doe others wile, all this is with 9. Do2man the lorme and phrale of a oot not of a leader, of a mini ſter not of 4 gower nour to pre Seribe : fo2 with . Dorman enerp trylling worde fers ueth fo2 the aucthoritie of Biſhops/ but al words can not ſerue pꝛinces auchozttic, but were there no other pzeſi⸗ dẽts no: proufes, ſauing onlp Jultimãs lawes, they a⸗ lone are abundantly ſuſfticiẽt to prone p chief audhoꝛitie of chriſt iã pꝛinces ouer perſõs, ⁊ in cauſes eccleſiaſtical. And had not . Dormã rather be a popiſh —— A right ciuiliane, be could hot but graunt the fame. * Now tonching M. Dozmans qualification € lempe⸗ ring ofthis matter bp theſe wordes, ſome where vſed _ bp the Emperour Juttinian. Sequentes ſacras regulas: fequentes DORMANS :PROVEFE 270 fequentes a, &c. fol owing ‘the holy Y ules sfolo wing the things de=. fined by the holy canons. Truth itis, that be. fometubere bfeth theſe wordes: but that he doeth fo in all places iubere be maketh cõſtitutions of eceleſiaſtical matters. as M. Doꝛman ſayth, is moſt vntrue. Now where M. Dorman would haue Pimple to ‘think that by thefe {00208 the holy rules the holy canons,the Popes decrees e dDecretals, 02 his RKomiſh contitutions were ment, and that Chriſtian Cmperours,t princes, might dong other rhing.than is by him in them determined €: appointed; ghaue thought it erpediét to make it plaine,, what is truelp ment bp thele words. Juſtinian the Em⸗ perour in bis Authentiques ſpeaketh thus.Sa ncimigis Col.y. tit.&. tur facras per omnia fequentes regulas dit quifpiam Ba quomedaee ordinationem epifcopatus adducitur, confiderari prius, porteat epiſ eius vitam fecundum ſanctũ apoftolum, , fi honefta et, °°P°* inculpabilis, & vndiquei irreprehenfibilis fit. &c. that ts to fap. We folowing in al points the bolp rules, doe or⸗ 5 daine o2 decree that when any ts bzought to be ozdained a bithop,y bis life be firft-(accozding to the holy Apoſtle S.aule)confioered, whether tt be honeſt and inculpa⸗ ble, and euery where irreprehenſible: and fo fozth as is contapned in S.Paules fir epiſtle to Limothie. eve ft is moſte manifeſt, that Juſtinian calleth the bolp Seriptures facras Regulas, the holye rules, that be fos lowed in al points Andt p glofe there reckeneth out four⸗ _ . tene points to a biſhop appertaining bp the bolp rules, tobich Juſtiniã bere fpeaketh of, which ave al conteined in the.ig. chapter of S. Paules fick epiſt le to Timothie. 5 TMherby allo it is manifeſt, vᷣ the holy feviptures & word of God are here ment by the holy rules, which Juſtiniã in al points folowed in bis ecclefiafFical lawes making, J unde Geom title pet moze plainly be faith thus. Hac Ppp 2 auté 1. Timoth.3, 7 ‘REPRO VFE OF M. auté de deo amabilibus epifcopis, ſecundũ diuinascon- ftituentes regulas,et religiofos clericos ch multa fieri ina, quifitione feiinda divinas reguias fancimus, &c. that isto fap ; we hauing ordayned ‘thefe things,concerning. Biſhops beloued of God according to the diuine rales, doc alfo decree that the religious clearkes be made with great inquifitio o2 triall,accozding to the diuine rules, hus far Juſtiniã. Loe here pou map fé& that the rules twhich be before called ſanctas 02 facras,bolp rules, here be calleth diuinas regulas the diuine rules, fo that there eat no doubt remattre, but that Juſtiniã the Emperour bp the bolp t diuine rules,meancth the holy (cviptures, but to words are moze plaine tha theſe: Bette autẽ vni⸗ uerſa geruntur et cõpetenter, fi rei principium fiat de⸗ cers et amabile deo , Hoc autẽ futurit efle credimus, ft facrart regulars obferuatio cuftodiatur qua iufti et lau. dandi et adorandi infpedtores et miniftridei verbi tras | diderunt Apoftoli,et ſancti patrescuftodierunt; et ex⸗ planauerunt.&c, that is to ſay: Al things are wel done € conueniently,(f(ach a beginning as is comely, pléas fauntto God, be made. And we do belene p this wil be done it that the bolp rules be kept : the which holy rates _ the tuff, and patfe worthy,’ t honorable cuerfrers,:and mitiiffers of the woꝛde of Cod the Apoffles delinered jz the bolp fathers bane kept ¢ explaned. Thus far Juttis nian : whereby it fs euident vᷣ bp the bolp rules be meas neth the holpe {criptures tourten bp the Apofties; and that the Fathers ought to be kepers and exppunders thereof. Wut the Pope bath made decrees contrarie to theft holy rules: pea be hath alteredi¢ vtterly abolityed many of f old canons as wel thoſe which are callen off Apottles , as other moi auncient canons, ehath stave other molt sa, to a AND pet vequireth this cas non Li { = DO RMANS PROVFE.: 271 ton bzeaker of bs;the keping of the canons, ¢ Godwil. Note whereas Juſtinian by his lawes, commaundeth a Withop o2 Pꝛieſt, who is oꝛdained, contrarie to the. fapd holy lawes of the fcriptures,o2 being lawfully 026 dained, behaueth him felfe contrarie to the fame,:to be, depofed, ahd depriued of bis Wihopeibe : it pleafeth bs right well, that 99, Danan allotweth 5 that Chriſ⸗ Natt Princes map doc the lyke to Popithe Biſhoppes, fo that the Princes therein follow the holpe rules of the Hcriptures,forbiooing any to bea Withoppe o2 Patek: that is noc learned, not difcrete , fober chat, barber rous and without blame of ipfe »€that bnlearnen and. pole affes,quarelicis, drꝛonkardes, fighters, ſilthye whoremongers, concubinaries,and wicked Zdolaters, be not (uffered by chriſtian Princes to remaine in Bi · choprikes, or inthe cleargie, which if it be obferucd.we Malt haue aged riddance of a great rable of Popithe thanelings thortlp.: Further; whereas cneryp edia; res {cript,peoclamation; 02 Lawe ofthe Emperour was in thofe dates by apeculiar terme callen facras the Gmpes: rours bolp wꝛit: if 9 Doman wil hane any thing;bes ‘fides the faced fcriptures,. ment:bp thele wordes facras. * xegulas bolp rules , tobat lesteth, but p the Cmperour : map imeane the former contitutios eccleſtaſtical of aun⸗ clent Gmperours his pꝛedeceſſours which are pecultars Ip called facra;¢ the which be alfo gathered together Ins tobis boke 2 But in cafe M.Doꝛman will nedes dato the wozds bled bp Inſtinian the Smperour;rve following | things defined by haly canons to conttitutians sand ordinaü⸗ ces made in auncient touncels,tt fo little bindereth bs; — it maketh altogether witht; ſor thoſe holy canons, that be fpeaketh of had their confirmatiot, and audbho- ritie oP Cheittian — as J bane befoze declared Pvy 3. rattt⸗ Sacra; sin, D.Harding fol. 7. t A REPROVFE OF M. pavriculartie itt certaine councels and therefore! the: auchoꝛritie of the Cmperour tn ecclefiatticall matters ts ‘therebp confirmed, not hindered, © > gee? Moꝛreouer thofe conttitutions be luche bolpe-cauons,’ &s Were made before Juſtinian his tyme ; infintt wher⸗ of thefe men doc boldly bavak, who fo earneitly cal dpe on bs, fo2 the keping of their canons,nepther holy nog auncient, but new diuelilh deuiles made ſor the maine tenaunce of their owne wickednefle,¢ ſuperſtition, con⸗ trarie, both ta the bolp rules of the Scriptures; which Julſtinian tpeaketh of , and contrarte to the auncient cations: made in theolde councels : and contrarie co all Juſtinian his conflitutions, ¢ lawes, with one little bꝛaunche whereof pet. choughe nothing:to.0s:appors tapning , this Poptthe canoniſt chargeth bs :patting oder inp meane Teafon, with diflembiing epes, the coze tuptions, bebertes; and (pmontes 5: the tobozedomes,, concubinates, and mo ũlthy life,the ignozaunee;poles neſſe {wicked playes, and pafimes: ; the vſurpation ‘oftemperal dominion and iuriſdiction, Lolth a thouſand moe abbomittations,in the — court and — i mot vſuall and ordinarie | arer 3% ? Cofit.ry Durman fol.aß. nln me : —— Inehis — fed bethe word Satu imusa HA Where eye gee Jpeakeng of che for ft foure generall councelg and the B.of Romeyhe y.. * ‘bith hoſe words : Sancinaꝰvt ſecundũ eorũ deſinitiones ropes fan &tiffimus veteris Romæ papa. primus omnium faperioritig ſacerdotũ fit . We ordaine according to their oo 7.{ the not Phocas. furft fourcgencrall “ae aged the * holy are alde ome, as the pre ‘ be che chieſe = ' teft ants mae Rap a Ridley net age ~ Ticioufly ‘bs is word fos word borowed vut of bis atte. firme. vVarding bis firit moles but like a wile man where bis” maiſter DORMANS PROVFE ° 272 mailfer put Juſtinian and Phocas both in the terte; .Dozman bath remoued Phocas inte the margent hf his boke:, elfe all ig one euerye tworde, touching | -> Zuſtinian and Pbhocastopntlp'. we that lit ſee chis matter fully anfivered maye reſorte to the Biſhoppe of Sariſburie bis replps to D.Warving , Where he tall finde boththys obiection, and the aunſwere to it. Now J doe thinke that .Dowman bere referri 3 the definition of the Popes fuperioritic;onto the foure firft general councels ſhall Millike Popes holinewe;(get be intelligence thereof) fo2 that be nowe, vpon better adwife,wpllnedss haue itto be defined. bp thebolpe Scriptures : fearing icif if tt. Houlde come to light, that. bis aucthoritie were defi ned by mans auchoritie, tt might be fined. and ended alſo againe bp the fame. And in deede it ts: withont all controuerſte, that the ſirſt generall councels; forged oderfake and quietneſſe, ordeinedcertaine fees to be p2timacies,patriarchall,o2 p2incipall ſces: the Wiſhops iwberofihould be the chiefe, andaboue al other Withops within the precinct, compaffe, ⁊ iuriſdiction of the pos uinces, to themaffigned, And after that Cõſtantinople waxed great ⁊ equal with olde Rome,the Whop of that fe was ordeyned, and made the fecande Patrtarke. Nobwe thoughe theſe Patriarkes were ali of equall auahozitie , pet for auoyding of ſtrife in aſſembles, —— at Spnodes and Councels, euerye one m had hps place in ordorcaſſigned bim : And * at olde Kome (asit'is in the Caltedonenſe coun⸗ cell declared) was the auncient ſeate ofthe Empire the Bichoppe of that fee was ordeyued to be in order the firſt pꝛimate, oꝛ Patriarke tithe Biſhop of Conttans tinople bicanfe it was newe Rome, thenexte >the Ry⸗ Soy of Alex andrta, the thirde: the Withop of Antiochia, the In ihe. 8. diwis ſos pag.24r, 2420 Coneil. Con- ftantinop.x. et Chalcedon, AR. b>. Act.is A REPROVEE OF My the fourth sand the Bichop — seciting and flourifping of Conantinople,the fift : and in di Tom.r. Cõcil. ſuch oꝛder was neceſſarie to-be taken, foz both the 2 de accufatione {hoppes of Wierufalem firk , and afterwarde the Bp —— ſhoppes of Conttantinople did ſtriue ſor the ſirſt place, —* * Now that the greatneſſe and louriſhing ‘of the Cityes pes ooc · twas the cauſe of this order, and not the bolpnette 02 worthynelſe of the firſte Byſhoppes, that (atte in thoſe Sees (as the Popes falfelpe clapme bp Saint Peter) is mot cutdent hereby, that Anttochia tobere Peter thas firffe , goeth bebinde Aicrandzia , tobere Marke was firfe sand Bicrulalent the motte bolp Citic, there Jas nies twas fir, and alfo both Alerand2ia, and Antiochta, goe bebinde Conffantinople, of late befoze being but a ineane,and pore Citte,onelp for that tt was by the p2es fence of the Cmperours (who after Cofantinus Page hus made their molt reftence there) growen to be mol great and flouriſhing. Nowe the Emperour Juſtinian according to this order taken int the oide councelles, doth ordaine that the Pope or Byfbop( for allig one) ofolde Rome's according tothe defini~ tions ofthe Canons 5 fboulde be the formeft or chiefe of all Pricfless J— hat ts to (ape 5 the ſirſte in orꝛder of the Pꝛimates o2 - Patriarkes. Foꝛ (tis plaine by all Juſtinians lawes Eccleſiaſticall, where be fpeaketh of thys matter, as Jhaue partelp befoze declared, that Justinian the Em⸗ perour meante of no other ebiefette ; for be aſſignech —— colt puerie Patriarke bis owne Diocelle og Primacie ſeue⸗ tallpes But theſe Popiſhe Sophiſters woulde rea⸗ veat epilcopos, ne bppon Juſtinians tuozdes, that their Pope ſhoulde be beade and gouernoꝛ of all other Pzimates 92 Patri⸗ arkes, and byſhops, and of the whole Church of Chak tt earth; tobich is as reaſonablie gathered, as | ee ee ee ee ee ee! eee DORMANS PROVFE 273 it were agried that the frenche King fn order and dig⸗ nitic ſhould be the firk of allother Chꝛiſtian Kinges, one would thereof gatber,that the Frenche ting were the head and chiefe gonernour of all cther Chriſttan Uinges,and whole Chriſtendome. Wut the Gmperour bimfelfe though fu deede in dignitie the fir ana chiefe of Chꝛiſtian princes, doth pet clatme no intereſt af all in other Chriſtian kingoomes , whiche owe bim no fez altfe,muche leffe Doth be claime the chiefe beadthippe, and gouctnaunce ouer them,and their kingdomes, — This ambition therefoze toucheth no Chettiar Peinces, but fs referued fog the Komiſh Antichziſt, the prince of this woꝛldes generall oe Bailitte ere tant bere in earth. Dorman. Fol, 4900 enallie — in all like matters Iuflinian'ts to be vider and, if nothing elleſhis cpifile written to lohannes then B. of Rome is s ter clarasC, de fam, tri, 4/e/uffictently to enliruct vs. vvhere he mol? mani fe(tlie proteffeth, & fid.ca. to fuffer nothing that apperteineth to the eftate of the churche, to thol, paffeyes dlrlhouglthe truthe thereof be perfpicuoufe and out of alt : doubte, without the bringing thereof fir/tto the &nowledge of his — Pepe bolincſſe and he addeth fora reafon quia caput eft omnium fans fuftinis the ctarum — — is the bead —* the bolie chur Emperour ches that be. to be the G VLG siatl? IR. sHi0} — head ofall i} 3* : Churches, «ge yeBpiftola inter lavas, able pot here — * with vᷣ matier therabout by vou noted, is not ſo clara ag Cod li. ‘Be * pou wold make tt: Foꝛ as Aʒo a Greg. Hhaloander, doe ma Triait, ia teliifie (tis not to be ſcene at all in diners bookes. And blob. wye loeuer marketh JZuſtintans Lawes’; continually 233 pꝛocea⸗ Epiſtola in⸗ 8 A REPROVFE OF M proceadinge in lawlike fogme, ¢ with tatoltke termes; Sancimus,decernimus,definimus, iubemus, Kc. we decree, we ordeine, we Define, we cõmaunde:⁊ withall, wel confidereth that epiitle of John v¶ Wityoy of Reme;. tuberin be molt miferablic both pleadeth, a beggeth foz the authozitte of bis Romiſh (ee: and how p ſaid epiſtle is deuided into tow partes, ¢ how the Emperours letter fs inclofed tn the mtdle of the Popes letters,one part of the wopes letters going befoze p Emperour his letter; ¢the reftdue going bebinde, be map baue tuft eccafion much to mufe, how that longepifle of the Popes, edits courte about bis fee, ſhould creape tn emogt Juſtiniau bis lates, € map peobablieconfecture it tobe thruſt in bp fome Papiſt, to thend that tu p title of the mot bigh Drinitte, andthe catholike faith , there might be fome thing placed, tbat founded for the Popes ſupꝛemacie, vᷣ * ft nttgbt alfo be tabe fo2 an article of pcatholike.faith, and wozthy fo be {et nert the treatic of the mot bleſſed Trinitie:wheras tn deede that epifile of Pope John it is. moze mete, worthyto be placed emongſt the Popes extrauagantes,than tn Juſtintans lawes, And wheras vou do alleage firſt, thae she Emperour protefeththathe wold = fuffer nothing apperteining to the effare of the church topaffewith ~ out the bring ing therof firſt to the Bifshoppe of Romes knowlege: fure the Emperour dtd wel, to let fuch learned men (as .. were communelp the Biſhops of ome at thofe dates) = ‘Ad noritiavere BENG the Biſhoppes allo of the firlk and chtefe fce,beof ~~ ~~ foGitatis, & knowlege of fuche matters Eccleſiaſticall,as he would inorefcar veſtiæ him felfe pate tn foxmeof Lawe. So will all wiſe and Bactivat.._ good weinces 5 let ſuche matters as thep do intend fo make proclamations o7 lawes of, rome to the knowlege of thst cauncell befaze thep paſſe them + but what — DORMANS PROVEE, 274, Reeth that foz pour purpoſe M. Dorman, oꝛ againſt vs: The Cmperour Conkantine might haue vſed thelike {002des to Hofius Cogdubenfis : Walentinianus , and Theddoſius the Emperours might haue bfedthelike to S. Ambzofe: anp godite Emperour map vſe the like to any notable learned 1Bithopschat he would nor /uffer any Eoz;ma,as a man now bpon bis otwn.ground, ¢ law, bꝛingeth os fro the church to be head, cothe pope tobe head, etherupon alfo maketh bis marginal note thussthe Pope confeffed dy Iuſti- nian the Emperour,to be the head of all churches. $20 fit, not (oe confefled bp Juſtinian the Cmperour, but by M. Doꝛ⸗ man the glofar. And ſo farre of is it, that Juſtintan the Emperour doeth conleſle it, that pour Pope John dare not chalengett te bimfelfe, but to bis fee 02 churche, in thefame epittola inter claras, by you bere aleaged , by thefe berp woꝛdes. Romanæ ſedis reuerentiam obferuatis, & ci cunéta fubncitis 8c. qua effe oim vere eccleſiarũ caput, & patrum regulx, & princjpum ftatuta declarant Kc. that & Ofap:pon ((atth Pope John to Juttintan)do obferue oer ail ele 233 2 the Cod. fi.x. De fa ma Trinit, tiff A REPROVFE OF Mi’: therencrence nt (he Romane fee,¢00 tes savas Quam effe, nor in fubieaion fot: the whiche ( (ce 0, Churche ) both the quem effe,as M, rulers of the fathers, ¢ the fatutes of Peinces dw des Dorman would glare to be verelie the head of all Churches. Thus farre haue if, are the Withop of Komes wordes. Whereby pou map {ce . Dorman, that tt is neteher confetted by the Em⸗ peronr Juſtinian, no pet chalenged by the wope bins | felfe; tbat the Pope ſhould be the head of all Churches, but p the Church of Rome thould be the head, And this Pope John being not fo well learned (that is , not fo well peactifedin falthood) as are our holie fathers now, maketh bis chatenge fo2 the headthip of bis Churche, not bp the authogitie of p Scripturesias dw falle popes € Papiſtes now a dafes)but bp the rules of the fathers, and ffatutes of Pꝛinces. And pou herein as a Lawier, haue well folowed the Lawe, leatiing the Scriptures, and going about to pꝛoue pour pope head of alt chur⸗ thes bp Juſtintans Lawes, bp pou foz that purpofe fal⸗ fified. The whiche Pope, bp the ſtatutes of Pꝛinces, fhonld moſt tuftlp lofe the authozitie, bp the ſtatutes of Princes to him graunted, for the vniuſt abule of the fame,contrarte to thefato tatutes of Pꝛinces: and fox claiming and falfely biarping muche moze than euer was graunted.o2 geuen him. Wut pou will ( ¥ thinke) teplie. Xf the Emperour Jnilinid did cdfetle the churche of Kone fo be bead of att Churches: Ergo withall, be confeffed the Pope of Rome to bean of alk Churches. UUbiche is like, ‘as tf one wor Betauſe London (s the head of all che citles in Eng faitoe : therefoze the rs 5 a that the sisi af Mamie (fo that Ri o > Matoz of London is head of all the cities in Englande, and both may be well pour realons 9.Doꝛr man. ss —s UC atts.) Lee hee ee —— a DO RMANS P ROWER 275 of Kome Was the feate of the Empire, andfothe bead citie of all other) might: alfo be called the head of all Churches, that ts the chlefe Charch, by acerten phzafe, vſed by Juſtinian, we willnot greatly dente: but who foener ſeeth the fame phraſe andverp woordes vſed in Pope Johns epiſtle, may tel thinke that they were by fome Popiſhe artificer thruſt into Juintan the Ems perout bis epiſtle alſo. Wut bett, Juſtinian called the Churche of Kome head of all Churches , what proucth that phzafe any moze fo2 that bniuerfall'rale and aus thozttte of the ope ouer all Churches, twhiche be nowe tlaimeth, than this phzate tobich F fpake of befoze: Lõ⸗ don is the head of all cities fn England, proucth that Londõ, oꝛ ) Watoz thereof, hath an vniuerſall power ¢€ authoritie ouer all the cittes of England But of fuche phiales as thele, the Popiſhe Sophitkers make many captions clenches,and perelous paralogiſmes. ‘" Poly, that Juſtintan the Emperour ment not that either the Biſhop or Churche of Kome ould haue any headſhip oner other Churches, otherwiſe than tobe the fit Withop,and Churche i o2d20 ano place, is euident by Juſtinian the Emperour binvlelfewho denldeth the auchent. col.z. Pattiarbes and their dioeeſſes (for-fo the Emperour in Tic.s.Pag.75. His Lawes termeth them )o2 their Watrlarchates (ag pattiarchas vni- the glofe there termeththem) ſeuerally: and doeth bp —— es name feuerally geve commaundement and charge to ee eft, fhe fato watrtarkes, the Withop of Rome; asivctl as Pajriarchayus. the other Patriarches, eucrieoneotthétolocketothe — laubłull oꝛdeining of Bithoppes vnder their ſeueral tus riſdiccion, accoꝛdinge to the ſaide Emperours dawes: tol) iche both openeth the matier of theft ſeuerall turit. Dict Ons, andthatthereloze the Withoppe of Rome had SUIT Ci |, BISISEIN eS 3 $335 not an 2307 ARnepKovee OFM mot an dniuerſall iuriſdiction over all churches, orthe whole churche : and alſo that the Emperour Juttinian was the Biſhop of Komes ſuperiour. etd de * 1. Pea the fame Emperour Juſtinlã tn bis lawes de⸗ clareth that the churche of the citie of Conſtantinopie tione, etifopeth the fame pparogatiue that the churche of the Authent. ve de- elder Rome doeth enioye, and be nameth the patriarke terminatusfit of Conantinople vntuerſal Patriarke, which both da numerus Clr? gutte ouerthrꝛowe pour Popes fupzemacie,and vniuer⸗ Nouel, Cott, 83. set power ouer the wholecburcbe, be ans Juſtintan the Emperour ordeined or decreed that * * — te of [uftiniana prima (tp pꝛouinces fablea to it, ſhuld Decernimys, Yave the placetbat the Apotfolike (ee of Kome had tn - EtNicephori the ppoutnces bnider if, andas Picephozus ſaieth that ib.t7.cap.28, it ſhould be head to it felfe, with full potwer, The lke be did of the fee of Iuftiniana fecunda, which alle cleane ouerthroweth that fupremacteot the Withop of Romes and vniuerſall potwer ouer the whole churche nowe by the Papiſtes ſurmiſed. hele are lutkicient witneſles, that Jultintan the Emperour neuer ment, that your Romiſhe Pope nog thurche ſhould haue any chieftie o2 headſhippe ouer all churches, as is nowe bp that vſurper claimed:and that fhe Biſhop of Kome to be the chiefe of all Pꝛieſtes, and the churcheof Kome to bethe head of all churches, is Re ot Juſtintan nothing elles, but to bane, the chiefe oꝛ fir place in oꝛdꝛe, and not fo have an oniuerfal vale 62 power over all Biſhops, and Charchess as te — falllie elaimed by that vſurper. Authenticol.r. 3. Imaꝝy alſo adde bere, that Juſtintan the Gmperone tit.c. Quomo- deelareth in bis lawes , that the: Pope bath no tempor do oportcate- gall iuriſdiglonot the Cupire; and that he ought not eiſceror ꝛ gg internicdle in Temporall matiers · Thus muche conter⸗ DORMANS ‘ PROVFE 276 concerning Jutinians tawes touching the Pope. Tuag. li.4. 4, Pow Jultintan the Cmperour,atembled the By⸗ 2p-38. ſhopps to the councell at Confanttnople, called the fift | tal 1-17 generall councel,and gouerneth the councel. In which Heh wuncen notthe Withop of Nome, but Mennas, the i Aca..&c. triarke of Contantinople was pꝛæſident. Concil.s. 5, He confirmeth the decree of the councelt, Act.i.fa. l.c. acha. Paulus Withepof Apamea with manfe other By⸗ * ry hops ¢men of the Cleargie, do acknotolege the Em⸗ sopi Apa. Perout bis chiele authoritie in Ecclefiatticall matters. gmxarum & monachorum ſecundæ Syriæ. &c. Tom.2. 6, QndMpenas the Patrtarke and prxfidet of the coũ⸗ ‘Cocil.fa.2t. fell oth erprelty declare befoze the whole councel, that Bae. > no controuerfies moned fn the bolle Church ought to be +. Betermined without the Emperour bis minde and cas Nihileora maundement. -quz in fan@ifs, ecclefia mouentur,conuenit fieri preter opinionem& ipflum ip. Sus Imperatoris. And as Juſtinian p Emperour made lawes touching the Pꝛimates, and Patriarches, and emongſt them the Biſhopotf Kome.: fo made he lawes concerning other Ccclefiatticall perfons and matiers. | Nouellarũ. 7 As touching the niber of the Clesrgte,that tt hal Contt.3. be certen,g accozding tothe reuenues of eucrp churche. No.cét.1s.8 Cõcerning remoutng of Clearkes fra one Chuarche toanother,fozfupplipngefocfetes. No. C5ft.83.95 Concerning: thecosrectonoflearkes, No,Cotts. 10. Cõcerning p oꝛdeining of Bichops ¢ ithe basher of the ſame. * es, 24 J ae he 1a't% — er 1 3.4 & iF vet Seay « geo ie, Ny a pets 7 —ñ ⸗ ~ Rie wa — AREPXo VEE OPM: Ip Concerning erequfes and ferucis abont th dead, ¢ Conftit.s. crepꝛeſſing of the infatiable auarice ¢ bziberte sees than begining Co growe great. Coots. Be» Concerntng patutlegesof Churches. ae * — ——— * clefiatticall miners. 15. The Emperour Juſtinian as did belere him Conna⸗ * aa Hbu7- tinus, and Juſtinus, and after him Dauritius Empe⸗ on fours, ozdeined certen holidaies to bt Kept, andbhe made Plſalmes, and cõmaunded them tobe ſong in churcher whlche twas obſerued afterward as antnulolabielaw. =. _ 166 Concerning Ponaleries, Monkes and thelt.gouere . .. — outs nours be maketh lawes, enfdentlp declaring bis chiefe 770 "S* aut boritie ouer thoſe perlons alfo, tubo now by popith * 2u ————— are exempt krom all ſubiection to Pꝛinces. —— * felfe,but allo hath gathered together a great number of Ceclefiatical Lawes, made by bis prædeceſſours godly And he did not oneliemake Eccleſiaſticall latwes him Emperours, Conſtantinus, Valentinianus, Gratſiaa- nas, Arebadius, Wonozfus,and Warttanus, to be feene in the Cod, to lortg here to be reberfeo. Thiche lawes of Juſtintan and thote other godlie Emperdurs, who fo euer will perufe ¢ wel confiter, fhal never after doubt, but that Ch2fffian Cmperours,frs Contantinus Mage hus, the firt Cheittan Cmperour knowen/ vnto this Jutttntanus the Emperour his tine, bythe (pace ofas ⸗ boue towe banat peeres, fn tbat part of thepzimas ⸗ pas Churche (wh ch in comparifon to the mote cogrepe omithe Sunagoge that nowe is, was moſt pure) bad the chiefe anthozitie ouer perfons , ant in matfers Cre eleffafticall: howfocuer t hete wilie KRomiche fores haue geapt out of their earthes, into the aici? 3 5 ti ; 7.710. *— OE DORMANS, PROVER & * — * theſe later coꝛrupt and blinde dates.’ Gnd J thinke thatthe multitude of Lawes Grclen Gaftteall made by Chriſtian Princes, being to 9), Dore mã as a great Lawler, not vnknowẽ, cauſed him that whan be bad once in bis diuiſion of iuriſdiction Eccle/ sus.fol.r.22 ſtaſticall made mention: of :authoriiein makinge rules and lawesifor the goucrnement ofthe churche, be burg neuer after Speake of it againe, but patted tt over in Glence in this whole treatie of iuriſdiction Ecclefiakicall, as though it were no part thereof, and a6 ** be * —— — Acad *dnitiay arg ——— es a —— ther forestonching the examples broughe from the 8— of the Emperour Iuftinian, what fo euer they be, 1 anſ were that hedid.:hofe hinges as foloving the olde canons and rules of æuncelles be fore,densfing nah ing bun felfe s bur by bis ls wes ad- ding to them terrour, to cauſe them tobe of all men the better obſer- aedior elles thar what fo euer he ordeined him felfe and put. furth hrs owne name.he did ſirſt tommanicate with the B. of Rome(as én the epifile before alleaged he promifed he would) and procured it tabe ratified by his auctoritie. And :hefe auf werd 1 hope you haue hard by — in * bagel psi 55* shay > Nowell: fn bes > toell 2 pout canonittes — as J in vour concluſion: bat vou dm ſtill omitte the third (hill, thar godlie Princes doe make lawer to ri —* * in ſome ordre and honefticof fe. © | Pow whoſoeuer conſidereth in Jultinian che Gms perours lawes bis great and chiefe autbogittes conti⸗ BEE Adaa nuailfe A REPROVFE OF M nuallie ſhewed and declared by commaundinge, chars: ging, permitting, foꝛbiddinge, all Patriarkes, Arch⸗ biſhoppes, Biſhoppes.ac. and amongſt them the Bi⸗ fhop of Rome bp name: and bp vſing all other termes and tyoozbes, polſſiblie to be bled, fo2 the moſte effectu⸗ sus declaration of bis chfefe anthozitie and gouerne⸗ ment ouer the ſaide perfons, and maticrs: Ceclefiatkte call, concerning the whiche the fatd lates are bp Juſtt⸗ nian made - and marketh howe be bzeaketh , and diſa⸗ nulleth the onldconeteous cuſtomes of the cleargie by nue confitutions bp him felfe made :.and withall ne teth the panaltticstp the ſaide Emperour appotnacd bpon all Eccleſiaſtical perfons, that ould tranſgreſſe bis fatd lawes, wileafelie vnderſtande, that Juſtinian bis chiefe authozttie , fs nothing impaired noz Hindzcd by bis conference with Pope John, as with a learned - man, fo2 aduife fake, ( not foz anpratifienge of the tae periall latves bp his authozftie,as 9. Dozman and os ther Papiſtes do lie) neither by his folowing of the ho⸗ Uerules,that iste fape, of the bolle Scriptures; noz of the formar lawes,by the aunctent Cmperours bis pꝛæ⸗ deceffours befoze made 5.162 of the bolfe Canons als: wayes by the anthozitie of Chꝛiſtian Pꝛintes confirs' . sed and eftablityen. Fo3 what can thefe thinges moze binder thechiefe anthozite of the Cmperour Juſtintan, than it doeth binder other godlie Chriſtian Princes chiefe authoꝛitie, og the chiefe authoꝛitie of the highe councell.of Parlyament, that they deo folotwe the holie Scriptures ,.02 the good aduiſe of learned men, 02 the pra fidentes of auncient lawes, fn themaking and (cfs “itn foozth of nue. conttitutions aero ven 2 * es a / — — — — — — —— | DORMANS PROVFE; 278 Dorman. Fol. 49. The fubftance and verie flrength of our aduerſaries reafons ea crema nk eam ae Brought of late by M: Haddon in anfWere tothe learned epifile of Hieronimus Oforins, as that $. Paale ſaieth that eucrie foule { hould be obedient to the higher parwers : in whiche woordes they faye that neither Bifhop prieſſe nor Monke is excepted and that Ss. Pe- ter willeth all men to be ſubiect to euerie humaine creature for Goddes fake , whether it be tothe Kinge as to the chiefeft and fa b. The whiche reafons ( if reafons theie maye be called that cõ- fof mere folie )becaufe they are fo childs{ be that euerie child may in 4 manner anfwere them , and fo fooliſ he that he is more then a foole that is by them moued: as lothe to fpende fo muche time in vaine, or trouble your eares and eyes for nothing , Tpaſſe oner. ~ Oneliethis l ſaie, that enen as Pricfles and all without exception ewe obedienceto their Prince in thofe thinges that concerne his turifdsétion ,1 meane thinges temporall : foom the other fide ment neither s. Peter nor. Paule to giue them any preeminence in mat~ ters.ecclefiafticall. For in thofethinges » they call as faft apon obe- dienceto be exhibited to wardes the cleargie, namelie s. Panle s who addeth the reafon to be.for that theé are the watch men, which watche ta giue the account for our foules.. The -whiche woordes can no more bevnderftande of ciuile maziftrates (who could then full euell be called watchemen for other, being them felues faft a freape and drowned as it were, inthe dead fleape of infidelitie ). than their other place of obedience towarde the king, can be vn- derftande of matters concerning religion. VVhiche anie man that bath but halfe aneye maie cajelie perceane it can not, if he caft but a quarter therof te that time, in whichs.Peter Wrote thofe Wordess which was in the reigne of Nero, whom by all likelihood (being to chriſt and his litte! flocke an vtter enemie, and extreame perſecu- tor) he would newer make or name to be, (4 cruel gredie, and rane - elaine (7 Pale | ae Toe wer 4 F A REPROVFE OF Msi 7 nonfe wolfe) the gouernor and leader of the meke and fimple ſ hepe —— —* in matters of religion » had bene to, pelt Mh to. dijobeie Chrifteto refuſe him and aft him of... Vvherefore thal obedience muſt be reflveined, which it can be to no yther.t hings,them fuche as onely confi? in cinile and politike gouernement o 0° 0042 - doubt nothing but the fubface,and verp Ktegths — of all the reaſons,that Papiſtes haue tn thts. matier to : Phat craly bei alleage fo2 thé, bp their peostog M. Doꝛman, heredroughd foorth, into the W/o the face of open Court, aS He pzromiled; 3H appeare to face of opé court al the difcteet readers, tobe fuche as are moſt mete fog all fuch eurdéce fyche men and maticrs , and{pectally meetef of all os of Je ene thers, foz their truſtie procter M.Dorman:who now it hath toalleage CDE coclution is determined to do a wazbe of ſuperero⸗ for thé Klis, &e Gatton, in contuting alfoof D. Haddon. And M.Woze man might in deede tell haue paſſed ouer D. Haddon ij his reaſons, ſeing hte wiſdome tudged rhem to cfi/tofmere foliesand to be fo childs hand folé{ he,that he és more than‘ fooles J shat is by them moued. Foꝛ the whiche caufesthoughbe “~*~ faith be totll paſſe them ouer, vet not withſt anding bis wylſdome faith vnto the ſaid reaſons, all that his rea⸗ fon could ſerue him to fay. And what phraſe o2 figure of Khet horike it ts, that WM. Dorman here vſeth, Ican not fap. Pow D. addons woordes touching this ma⸗ tier, are theſe. Euangeliii poteftates diſtinguens pri⸗ mam collocat authoritatem regalem; & fubrer eant reliquas fubijcit;authoribus Petro & Paulos quorij vusnominib? ad Romane fedis regnurm aburiminis that is: The Ghofpcl making w dittinaion of powers fetteth the kinglp authoritie m the chiet place, and plaa teth other anthozities vnder it by the authozitio of Pe⸗ * ———— Es op Be, tet and —— 7 ee 2 — ™, : | , DORMANS PROVPE 279 “fer anid Paule, whofe names pou do abuſe tothe main⸗ — ——— the Komaine ſee. CTheſe are D. addons woordes:wherein J pray pors what childiihnes doth pour grauitie finder What follp and fooliſhneſſe findeth vour wildomein them 2 Sure Zam, no wyſe nian can finde in them anp other thing than the very trathe:fo; certenlie that whicbe D. Had⸗ p.., o don here ſaieth; ts tobe founde in Peter and Paule. Tir 5. CheploLome bpd S. Paules woꝛdes tothe Womans, Petz, faith, that neither Withop, noꝛ Pꝛieſte, noz Monke, ts In Romanoti. ? excepted from the obedienteto the Prince. PBoumap =... 3 therefoze, tf it pleafe pou, ¢ih deede pou Da deride Chaps ſoſtomes childiſhnes/follie, and foolithnes rather than D. Haddons: whole woozthines canot by pour vnwor⸗ thie woordes be anv thing blemiſhhed. ow DP. Dorman thinketh becauſe Princes were Heathen and vnchrtſtened whan S. Paule and S. pee ter wrote thofe epittles , that obedience to Princes bp them faugdt, is to be geuen to Chita Princes tn no moethinges , no2 farther than tt twas to be geuen ta Pagane Pꝛinces, who reigned , whan thep dtd write the ſaid epiſtles· Wythe like reafon a froward childe might anfwere hisfatherthat would teach him the are ticles of hfs faith, that Honora patrem 5 was ſpoken when parentes foz the motte part twcre Pagans, and that:tberefoze bis father pafleth pis comiffion, to dealé in ſuche matiers. But Bi Dorman, Gods lawe is not a law foz certen dales veeres oꝛ ages,but foꝛ athti mess Andif S.Paule and S.Peter willed all men without exception to obep Pagane Pilrices 5 muchemoze it in⸗·ꝰ·a bse ti —* ſhuͤld obey Chriſtian Princes. Boulay, ss at Princes shan could fall euill be called cwarche men, for arber 3 i Tt AAaa 3 being A REPROVEL OFM © | * them ſelues fall a ſeape, and drowned in the dead fleape of infidelitie. Pou fap true:but bilike pour Popes of Rome; (who are bp pour iudgement in al thinges to be obeied) {were than broad waking: Wat il your Popes of Rome inere then in as dead a fleape asthe Cmperouts, anv moze Dead to, fo2 then thep had no being, what feracth pour reafon againſt Chꝛiſtian Pꝛinces, whan God ate _ ter dtd fende them , moze than it doeth again€ pour Romy: | Opes 7 As H. Panle and \. pctererprefiie do coms Tits. - -maunde allmen fo be obedient to the higher: powers, a.Petr.æ⸗ and ſpeciallie to the king. as the chiefe: bad they in like manner fafdAet euery foulebe obedient to all Eccleſia⸗ ical goucrnours, and (pectallte to the Popes of Rome, as tothe chicfe,tf we ſhould haue made an erceptionte Popes, foz that they were Dnknowen , and vnmete to be called twatchemen, whan S. Paule and S. peter ſo werote, Jbeleaue pou would quicklie replie, that Gods woord foreſhewed of them fo comic; and bindeth mes of all ages , bp a perpetuall lative , te obey thent whan. thep come, andbein piace. 3 pate pou let os bane the fame reafon at pour bandes for Chꝛiſtian Pꝛinces, and ict them , makinge lawes, and genfnge commannbdes ment foz the maintenaunce of Chzittes Keligion, be os befed, thongh Pagane Princes Wald do ne {uch thing: let not the goodnes of Chꝛiſtiã Pꝛinces prefent, be bine dzed bythe naughtines of Pagane Princes paſſed, gad P.Derman. And if wecan not have this reafon at _ pour banbdes , 3 trek we thatl bane it at mererseienae blemensbandes. Eib.¢. in proce· Socrates in bis hiſtoꝛte Cecletatticall bath thete @ic. . %yeozbes.Ipfos quoq Imperatores hachiftoria con- tinua teres Soon quod ab illis. — Chr — + DORMANS PROVFE 280 Chiiftiani effe cæperunt, res eccleſiaſticæ pendent, & maximz Synodi ex illorum fententia,& con gregatæ funt & congregantur.that ts to ſaie:we dw in this cdo finuall hiſtoꝛie fet foosth the Cmperours them ſelues alfo,becanfe that Eccleſiaſtical matiers do depend bps them,after thep once became Chriſtians and the gress teft Sphodes 02 counccls both have ben,and are gathe⸗ red accoꝛding to theft mind and determination. Thus tarre Socrates: who though be would grannt vnto M. Woman, that churchmatiers depẽded not (o much bps Sere, in whofe tims S. Paule ¢ &. Peter vid waꝛite of abedience fo Peinces, pet attirmeth be, p after Pꝛinces were Chriſtened, Cccleftatticall matiers oepended Sow is S Auſten touching this mater, dery plane, avout epittsé Who faith thus; Imperarores fi in errore eſſent (quod abfir) str pro errorefuo contra veritatem leges darent, per quas iuſti & probarentur, & coronarentur, non faciendo quod illiiu-. berent,quia Deus prohiberet. Xc.. Quando aurem Impera- tores veritatem renent , pro ipfa veritare contra eftorem ius Bent, quod quifquis contemferit, ipfe fibi iadicium acquirir. 7 Nam & inter homines pxnas luit, & apud ‘Deum: frontem gon habebit , qui hoe: faccre: noluis quod eĩ per cor Regis ipfaweritas iufsit,X¢. thatis totale: Cmperonrs ifthep were in erreurs (which God korbid) would make lawes £02 their errour againſt the trath: whereby godly men. might both be fried and crowned, bp not doinge that: which thei ſhould commannde, becaufe God foꝛbiddeth it, But. whan Emperours bould the truth, thei bo gene sommaundement fo3 the truth it felfe againſt crrour,p which comaundement whoſoeuer ſhall deſpiſe, be pure chaſeth to him felfe iudgement oꝛ dãnation thereby: fog. Hoth.he Halbe pun(thedamonge men, and tall pis oe OF A REPRO VFEOF MD Frontemnon able fo ſhew bis face before God, who woul habbit. dnot de that; whiche the trut he it felfe bath by the heart. of the hing commanuded bim. Thus karre S. Auguttine dea claring that though ne obedience were to be geuen to Nerotin wiofe time S. Paule and S. Peter did toaite of obedience fo Princes commaunding wieked thinges againtt Gods commaundement, vet that obedience tg to be geuen to godife Emperours and princes, comaits ding for the truth tn Eceleſtaſticall matiers,(fo2 of thé be (peaketh)accozdittg to Gods hat rr ni pn that whoſoeuer dath diſobey the godlie Prince ſo maunding,pꝛoturethto him dãnation: fo; thatin cauſe thatruth tt ſellſpeaketh by the beart of the bing, And what can be ſaid moze for pour Prieſtes, * here bp S·Auſten fata for Peinces. If por would, of thofe times, whan S. Paule and S, Peter did tu ite of obedience to Pꝛinces, toho tha were wicked. aud vn⸗ | godly, that vngodlie princes ‘are not ‘to be obeicd: in matiers Crclefiattitall: : Zant were no more rete lie Prieſtes:and J prone (thy S. eter, whoiwptth of obedfence to: Pꝛinces diſobeicd wicked pa ee Annas, and Caiphas 5 commaundinge- again: Gods. Said not Si Peter, it fs vetferitd obey God than man, euen to Pꝛieſtes, and to the highe pucker And what can pou fap moze to wicked Printes, thar fain, pee fer fo wicked Prieſtes⸗ And as we Do graunt,that net⸗ ther Metonoz no Chriſtian Printe ts to be obetled, Fhe fhall commavinde agatutt God: ſo date yon denie; but that neither ‘Minhas, noi Caiphasy hoz ‘other thicken Prieſtes ave to be obeied, if they Hall commaunde aa Saint Chil 2 Wat as godlie Petettes are to be : obefed, eeacbing accozding fo Gods comimaundement, ſo ate Chꝛittiag * DORMANS. PROVFE » 281 Chꝛiſtiã Pꝛinces likewiſe to be obeted making lawes, 03 geutngcommaundementes accozding to Gods lave and commaundement, fn Eccleſiaſticall matiers by S. Augutines mpnd,. Ho that nelther Pzieltes noz Prin⸗ tes , in that they be Prieſtes, 02 Princes , but tn that thep fap og commaund laufull, and godlie thinges , are fn matiers ecclefiafticall to be obeied. Wibere you do graunt bnfo vs,that Princes are fo be obefed in clutll and temporall matiers,and thinges, of all perfons, we thake pou : pou feeme to graunt pour popes bfurpation in taking ciuill dominion bpon bint, and toagree berein with the ciutll lawe, whiche forbid⸗ Deth Prtelkes, and the pope bim felfe,fntermedling in ciuill rule and dominiõ.But pou do fcarflie agree with pout Canon lawe: in the bookes whereof you may find wꝛiten, Papa totius orbis obrinet principatum 9 tbat sexe Decretal, the Pope hath the Princedome of pᷣ whole twozld. And lib 3.tit. w. cape it is contrarfe alfo to the eremptuous and immunities, ne in twbich, Ponkes, Friers, Nonnes, and popith Pꝛieſts, Eloſa. do claime from Princes (udgementes and lawes, euen fn mot tempozall ¢ ciuill matters, as robberies, mute thers,¢freafons. And (tis cdtrarfeto pour matter D. arding, who teacheth char chevope may rule. ‘Temporallie, D. Hard. Con, though a Prince may not rule Sprrituallie.¥ would tithe there Apolog. fol. 3054 fore > pou would {ee pour Canon lawe bakes mended, pont licentious popiſhe immunities relkrained,and pou 9, Dorman to be frendlie aduertiſed. Dorman. Fol. 50. Thus hauing 1 trufigood readers far iffied both you and my pro- meſſe, it folowerh now that 1/ howe who is that Priel, that ought to be the head of Chrifies churchehere inearth. * Newel “32 Peart tebd ; PMS mamal Div Shar cele quared ? ae Giear ae out — to pꝛoue: ih the bead of chviftes pas fol.1s.b, churche bere in earth muft needes be a prieſt CAbicbe pour mis ‘ Dorefolats.ae ferable peopofition after pou bad once writen it with great letters inthe ſirſt fronte of your booke, pou neuer after reſpected, oꝛ regarded, but leauinge tt poſt alone btterlte deftitute and naked 5 pou fallto proutnge that Prtettes ſyould haue knowlege tc difcerne in maticrs of Religion, that thep may inſtruct and teache the peor ple,and otrect them in fcruples of their cofciences, and deale th churcbe matters , inbiche twas neuct denied to learned Prieſtes sand whiche appertcining to all leare hed P2ltelkes equalite, can proue no one Prieſte to be bead ouer al other. Pour pꝛomeſſe was to prouedy iuſt cõ⸗ fequence that neethey Lay man, woman, nor child can be tapableof the office , to be bead of chriftes Churche herein earth. A woogs thie pꝛomeſſe, and well performed fn prouinge that, whiche no man encrdenfed. And where pou filte fips pinge from pour pzomeffe, of pꝛouinge of your head Prtee, ment fo pzomeſſe, and to prone that Chziſtian princes be not the chtefe gouernours tn the Churches within ther owne domintons , pou lcauinge that alſo, haue proved that atnces map not preache , not vſe - the power of the keics, ozbpnde and looſe, not mints fer the Sacramentes, and take vpon them the erecud tion of Prieſtes offices , as though thefe thinges nees bed ante pzoufes :as though anp man had dented thels thinges. The fatpnges of the anctent Docours tw ten againſt Princes that tere Haretikes , and Ti⸗ rauntes, tubo bp force oppreſſed the Churche; and the fruthe. withit, pou dm malitisuflte heape together, and falc applie to godlie Chriſtian Pzinces, ¢ ſpeclallie ta et cd ny uy ee || a Lae = DOR MANS cP ROMBES), 282 our gratious foueraigne duelte Doing her Princelie of fice in mainteining the trath, andbeing motte mercis full,enente her motte deadlie enemtes. And being dev, Hitute of good, teſtimonies⸗ pou de bringe in Pagans por. ſup̃. fo.ꝛʒ. and Beathen Princes, hæretikes, Tyrauntes, and-24. Gallic, Au- Apoſtatas, wit neſſes moſte mete for pour ope , and rlizn, Theodos you, And foꝛ lacke of ancfent witnefies , pou bainge in Tet tulue. Bafiltus the Emperour, Leo Iſaurus, Damatcene, Sup. fo.23.27.8&e laith others , farre, without the compaſſe of peares, Dor-fol.sr.a. thereunto, bp pꝛomeſſe, ysu dem binde your ſelfe: and, foz like lacke of all antiquitie, yon haue filled agreat Sup.fo.17.19.272 part of pour booke with John Caluinstetimontes, | 28-+9.%¢. And all thele Hane you bp pour accuſtomed arte, curs. “ €alicd,depzaued, and falfcfied 5 a3 J baue particularlte, in their ſeuerall places declared. Agatn, pour pꝛomeſſe was,chat you wold —— foorth Dor. fup,fo.17.%, | igo the face of opencourt all fuch euidence of importance,as either per hathto alleage for them felues: ſo trulie you trufhthat the cotta coll of theorher fide { hall haue no cauſe to. complaine,that either you hane ſoppreſſedor conceiled their neceſſarie proufes onewaicor ob- feared ehetr beautie in bringing of them foorth an other Wate. This is pour promefie allo, She lath part whereof(foz J twill (peake fir of it) poubaus not trulie pertoꝛmed: fo; pou pꝛæetendinge fo haue choſen the reaſons of the Apologte , as motte pithie foz our part , did onelte tne tend to abuſe the great, and nece Marie becuitte thercof, fo occaſions of continuall.quarcllinge with tt , fo2 o⸗ mitting of certen, citcũſtances, which vou paatend. are lacking, but.the fameinaeede, both being vnneceſſarie, andalfo tmpoftible, to haue bene recorded in fo. grat breuitie. And vet haue powscurtalled, mangled, and conceiled the beft. part of the, faide- euidence, thoughe tut aire thotwed, and haue conacied (n ſteed thereat, BBbb 2 ‘pour * — AREPROVFE OF M pont owne baggage, a8 one euidence, — the pꝛoceſſe of mine anſwere fo pou fo dealing, at large des clared: and fo haue pou geuen bs (ult caule of complaint ' of the bꝛeache of pout pꝛomeſſe, and of bout bnapighe dealing in that bebalfe. ; In deede touching the fir part of your promelle, vol baue well endevonred pout felfe to perfozme (t: fo2 vou tobe it fo acertatntie,that of al other wꝛiters of pour. * fide in thefe dapes, Bofius was the chiefe,and bis rear fons and allegatios of all other pou fudged to be of moe weightie importaunce. Wherefore pou haue wiſely out of bis anſwere to Brentius, ſpecially the fecond booke therot, intituled De ludicibus eccleſiaſticis, boꝛo wed, map J fay, oꝛ ſtoullen all this vour treatie, without az np altering at all , ſauing onelp the tranfpofing of tbe places, bp fetting befoze fn pour booke, that twhithe is. ~ after in Hoſius, and contrarttwife , tn whiche facultie pon are no ſimple artificer. And there was neuer fince bookes twere firſt wꝛiten, Itrowe, anfe one worke ſo miſerable mangled, mengled, tranſpoſed, tranſuerted, peruerted, as ts Portus bis anfivere made te Bꝛetius, {pectallie p fecond boke thereof, here by pou toffed,¢ture moiled: nefther baue vou berebp pet obteined p whiche you fought, tokeape pour ſtealing ſecret. ea ¢fomes | time alfo(as men of pour eccupation by bfe of pikinge do)pou war boulder fn borowing, and by whole bande kulles take balfe a Dofen Doctoꝛs, andas mante oꝛ moe fertes of the Scriptures together , in order as they do lie tn pour Bofius, Andin deed WH. Downan,bad pou, thus doing, fimplic pzofeſſed pour felfe to be a tranflas four of boftus his fecond booke ( as pou in Deed are) as did pour felow P. Shakerlep of his fir booke, though it had bene uot fo Bacheler lie but laſſe to your ho⸗ nour, — — ⏑— DORMANSOPROVFE 283 nout vet bab it bene a great deate more fox pour bones ſtie. Well, baning Hoſius on pour five, were it bp tra flatiott 02 otberwife , pou thinke pou may fafelp fape, that 50x hae performed your pr omelfesin bringing inal fuchees uidence of importaunce.as your fide hath to'alleage for yon. F02 inbhat can pour foe fap, that ts of any tmpoztaitce, that Hofius hath left vnſaid· Foz, pout Hoſius ts the war triatke of Papiſtes, and worthely foz bis doinges creas ted a Romaine Cardinall:all whole ſaiynges and wꝛey⸗ tinges pou Engliſh Papiſtes de not only learne with⸗ but the bake, vr pueri magni diftata Magiftri;as ſeho⸗ lers do their matters latins 03 leſſos, but alſs do thers. with ſtuffe al pour bookes, as many of pon as do take pent in band. But pou .Dozma do farre paſſe al otber in bouldnes of bozowing; fo; in compartfon of pow, that €fopes weet „oꝛ facke daly , that chofeand piked of ruerie bird a kether, to adourne him felfe withal, though otherwile a riditulons paterne of patuile pikers, pet is be in coparifon to pow, decking pour felfe with p ſpoile of ane onelie Peacocke, very hamefalt,¢ modeſt:which Peacock, had de again al the gap fethers, that pou haue bp whole bandfulles, plucked out of bis proud fatle,be fhuld leaue pou moze bare , tha ener teas pet anybauid towte. And as pon haue bandier honus in this treatie, fo haue pou vſed your maifter D. Hardinge in ᷣ refioue of pour booke, of a part of whofe bake ; ‘pow bane wity reat facttitiejand gaine atfo made pours. : ‘' And pet pon thus doinge; would fiente Hike to thoſe poms in the woorthie aunttert twifters, ‘who t ooke ſome beneüte of preface of his fhe bookes of formar anthours : and pou are not athar dilproufe. medinthe defence of thfs pour moſt manifelt and thas melelſe thefte ¢ robberie, to make mention of Cicero; Plato, Socrates and Arittotle whome pourefemble 3BISbb 3 nothing eet PAROMROVEL OSM c nothing fe geere,as dothackea napes in bis Jaeket, xeſembie a goodlie man comely apparelles, Meas and poude accompt the moſt tuſt blaming of ſuch pour, roe bertesradeche e meaintencunce of a paradoxe,and firaungeopinien fucke asi ecteonelie for — fo aineine: g DOR come in wi —* eftelichyr, quod non dictum prius nfo}. a delenle of pour ſatynge the iame, woozde faz wocre whlche was fo lately before ‘botb.fato, and waiten alfg. by others, that il your memoꝛrte katled vou to reherſe its pou might looke vpon the boke, and teode it:a d by cor xens dt it out whollx, make bs an, fobole nuebooke,g fo become a wort bie weiter / anda famous anthour,and Godwill. Ano for. that Ichaunced to name vouse pour felowes, thusdealing lelie tranflatours,yeu fumpnge etherat,d@laps char fo to thinkeus but a found conictlure > fino hin g aut ohmine idle braine, Aud pou haue fo2 an ancnges in pour (making fume noted out of xour late diſproute of my booke an huge numbre ot Wes), euen luche as is this,that Icalied pou {elie franflatour, whiche pou as berclic are, as voware 9). Dorman; vnleſſe pou.thinke Jhaue made a lic by bimination, w where Amore truelle might haue called rows. hamefull, sthemeleeanadbet : thama (elie tranflatout., a) ud uust And though you charge mp fosmar antwere to pou with manie lies,(foꝛ what ts moze eaſie, oꝛ bfnall, to a Uer, than liynglie to ſay, that an other man licth) pee that 3 haue as trulte welten in the relt of the laide an⸗ _.._.,, Staerefovou,ag did in naming voua (elie, tranua⸗ 7 touts and in caiyng g did antinere Bofius (of home — sword vpou haue bozo wed allpou haue in tbis treatic,) rather fhanpousthel learned, who can indge.colours 5 andthe. hue of-ltes, ; and truthes , do, J doubt notbingalreabig percelue, and well knowe and ig CAFRA Ne wridjen & esas i ee —— a oe — — is r ! DO'RMANSOPROVFE. 284, Gos grace thoztlie ondettande the lame, and withat that .in pout ſaide diſpꝛoute there ts nothirig elles bus baine (mokes,pole taltzes and falſe fabled /and-th deeds a verſe recant atſon ofthat; whiche pou had betoꝛe wri⸗ ten:as J thallin time conuentent make mot manutect to all that twill vnderſtande. Truſtinge that tn the meane time, ail reaſonable mẽ will beare With me, in p Jdonot in printed bookes , which can not be'reuoked, tõmitte mp doings to the duc iudgement of al ſortes pf mé, learned ¢ vnlearntd, indifterẽt e partial frieves € foes,fo fodenlie,andihfach pott pafe,as ‘to our En⸗ gliſhe Papiſtes: tho dw ſceke onclie fo (cue the pres fent time, and turne , and bp haſtie fending abzoade of ‘other mens woozkes, foz thelr otorie,to'procure, oz tes teine, with their kauourers, credite, and an opinion of great Clearkes, and to mabe a muſter of manie bokes, and a ſhowe of readie Defence ẽ maintenaunte of their popiſhe matiers, the nanghtines ano falſhood of the whiche thep knowe right well, that time the triar of ‘trathe will reuatle bnto-the wozlee. ‘Wut theft’ prayſe whiche bp halle writing, thep purcbale with their fas hourers, J thute them not : mp bifines and sge ,(s not fitte nowe for fuche polt hatte: neither temp minde i thereby cither to haſſerde mp felfe, a2 to abuſe others : and J ow looke rather fog the delibetate allowance of the bifecdate reader tiv duc tyme, for wꝛiting trulie: tha Foz the haſtie praples of rathe tudges , fo2 waltinge tps Melle: knowing that the controuerfies betincene bs, and the Papiſtes, ſhall finallie be trfed not bp haſtis in2vting, nog by multitude of bookes, but by the ſubſtã⸗ tiall and platne (cttinge foorth ofthe truthe befoze the eves of thofe that can(as Ibeſfsze fatd ) tudge of the roe fours t hues ot truthe andiaithosd, And J doubt nos nah Sa Ei tLe Cora Ol Sqrm.fol.so.b. Femoh; | B, barving;in the reſidue ol this bis boke. aR REPROMFE OPM wing but imp dealing with M. Dorman, thall be ames nument of the falfhoode and impudencie of povites, when poperte halbeertinguithes,- Pow M. Dorman thinketb be hath quitte him elfe like a man, t faith that heharh remoued , and tumbled blockes, and ftumbling ftones out of tt the waye, wheras in deede be bath bone nothing els, but with the leaner. of bis tranflatta tumbled ſuch blockes ¢ fubling ones, as twere bp Hos ſius lafde in latinemens wates, into the pathes of our coutrep men: wwbich any otber euill willed loitering las bourer in Che Popes wakes, might cafelp bane done, a6 wel as @. Doma. dnd now fir, the ma is. come vato bis principal poitt of the Popes fupremacie ouer the church: wobich mifchtenons block ;¢ ſtombling fone he will being wal⸗ lowing, with moze cafe t (pead by bis mater, Bare ding bis pronifion,than he did the other by Bofius bis belpe. And will pou fee @. Doꝛmans profitable inſtru⸗ tions of pong men, ſuch as right well do become fuch a Wacheler of Diuinitie: who not contented bp the eraple and paterne of bis formar treatie, onlp to bane taught ſuch as are a litle learned inp latine laguage, doth alſo bp this treatte inſtruct fuch clerkes,as know onlp their Chglt tongue, how they map both very timelp., and with thot ſtudie, ſmall patnes , become twozthp tule fers,¢ famous autbonrs: the one by traflatis out of las fine bakes, the otber bp tranfpofitts of Engliſh bakes, eby theonely ſkil of p ſcheme ¢ trope, tobiche is termed Hyſteron poferon : the vſe of the twbiche was neuer thzougblic knowen bnttl . Dorma becamea tweiter. And as J haue before declared . Dogmans method — in bis handling of Bofins, in ᷣ Ly former freatie, fo am a by promes boven tofet forth p forme of bis dealing wu toꝛme — ——— DDo RMAXS. PROVF 285 e A fozme of .Dormans Methode,and diſpoſition, oꝛ rather mife ‘pafition ofthe matiersconteitied in bis Batter D.ibardings boke, which was painted a fetwe tuekes,befoze thts bis bokecame abrode. —* the Bichop of Saritburie his antweare to them bathe. — places Alcaged by M. —— hiclAn tered by the 7 the Dottors and | Dorman én his. 3.|Mat[ler D. Har-|8.0f Sart) buric in _Gonncelles, arte, and firfie\dinge ent of his} his veplieto Mai= wph08s Lene gre | principall Ar- ) ticle, ¢ The treatic, shad S, Pe-|Is profequuted by In hese of his Lin [othe Diuiũis 30 ter wvas called head of M. Dormã in thejleaues , of that | pag. 301, 302) 303. &c.and Diuiſiõ 32, — 307. 308. &c. treatie . that is, Chriftes Churche, and ſo foure firſt leaues, fol, 91.92.93. edfequétly, that chat title| that is, fol, 51. 52. belongeth to the Pope. . 33. $4- ES.Auguſtine, ſermon. Dorm. fol. .b. 4, de tempore. § cChiyſoſiom. Homil.in Dorni. fol: 52.2. Math, F. q Athanafi? with other Bi- Hard.fol.93.b, Sari. Art.4,Diuifz 113% P4307. 300, &c. Sard. Diuif, 32. Pag. 307.308, &c. Sari. Diuif. 6 Pag 231,232, &¢, Hard; fol. 93.4.) Hard, foli-96.b. T7 1 ae Hard. fol.78,a,b. Nicene coũcell falfely i in| Dorm. fol. $6.3 Sari. Ibidem. Athanaff? natne alleaged;}.:. : 4, | ‘S.Ambrofein1-Tim.3. Dormfol.ss. b. |Hard.fol.s2.a.b, Sari. Divif-31. pag § S.Auguiftine Ad Bonifa- 301. 302, &c. Hard, fol.80.a.b.|Sard. Diuifl 14, Aad againe S. Auguftioe : pag.248. &e. lib.2. de baptifme coat ¢ bre] tiftas. ope) * ore ¢Theodoritus epiftola Dorm.fol.}s b, [Hard. fol. Si.a. Sarũ. Diuiſ.is. pag. ad Leonem. 57. a. 252. &c. ¶ lxenæus lib.ʒ eap3ʒ. |Dorm.57.2, ard.fol.79:b. Satũ. Diu.ↄ pa. 243 q¶ Ambsofé de vocatione|Dorm. 7 Hard, fol. 80.2, Sari. Diuifig. — ' J ETRY 718 né43, 28* nods . “ NE $.Augas — J a eee eae ee ee ee if VREPROWEH'O PM. € —* dnd places\ —— Borowed of D! Anſ weared by of Doétors and orman. sepa —— — OG QUT BT) OSGI ey J PR 836 is Sid pga 1a Cae sak cea: 25 ac 4.7 Auguilian cpt |Dorm. 5.4. Hard S0,a, Sard. Diuif, 140 TGLe * tk iit . * ꝑa24. Ge» \? g Chiyfoltome epiftola ad Dorm. 58.8, Hard dg... 85,2. Sara. Diuif. Innoceatium Tomo 5. | pag. '264.&0, | e ¶ lonocẽtius Bol Romes stiles tb: * Hards87,a, Sara. Diuifie,. excom unicatiõ of Archae| 11% | R pag.a79. 280. &c. dius the Emperout. pP € Mt ¢ S.Auguftine hib.t. cõtra Dorm. coud Hd. * Sari. Diuiſ. cpiſt.duas pelag. ad Boni· no soadd aly O74 1.2 ee on +y facium.: againe, y] ase ite ona to Bi £3 ay See ¢ Theodoritus cpiftolaad Dorm.cosb. Hard, ar. a bas Sari DiitiG te,” Leonem,againe, 3° | +m) | Pag.asz.) &c. ¶ Appeales made to phse. Dorm.st. ae Had b 3488 Sarit. Divifs 20500 of Rome. \./ BE : J xflaleowd se. pagadSaueetp © Councelles not to ‘be Diu-ar-paiss3.&ee houlden,, nor) Bit hoppes Sardi Dinit), 20." 9 * — — pEadvega s6.din —s— without the licence of th: Pope. @ Nicene councell fallely alleaged in Athanafius his Dorm, onab, name, agaiſe. , 7 1k rnro% ¢ Excémunicationf of Bic Dorm, ‘oubl Hard da tte Sari-Diuifizo: { hoppesoffending PY the}. Hyp 8 Prsr&e-& Ditikey B. of Rome. pag 279 280. &c. ¶ Coũcell of Epheſus, and|Dorm, abs Hard.88.b. Sari Diui:as.pag. Cyrillus as the Popes’ de- 1 24.5% pa, 309. ver⸗ putie there,alleaged. (fine dei Cyrillo. ¶ Calcedonenfe 7 Dorm, 61. bs Hard.79.a. 87.0.4 Sava Diuiſ. pag. 62, a. 38. b. ↄo.b. 240. & Dluiſ. 2s. (at.mnro%ly . sla rpag:286:8 Dra 3 he pag. 25 296:& Ce > € The Couneell of Nice Dorm.ca. a b Hard. 78.a. b. Sarũ Dinifoupagy falicly alleaged yet againe, Beep oo ore Tras, ga. Rescind p As Achanafius his name. i SEI; we : \ yy aAnacle:; "2 — — — — — > “DORMANS: PROVEE ¢ SPE 286 vAlleaged byM: | Borowed of D. fAnfWeared by the of Doftors and.< 405; Dorman. iq) Hardinge, B. of Sam counceller. 4 iy rum. @ Anacletusand Clemens Dara. a. ma Hard 75 .Be. Sarii. Diuiſ.ʒ. pag. with other very,good e⸗ | | 222. &c. | uidence. rey : @ Reftitutions: of Bif hops Dorm.64.bs ard.89.a. Sari Diuifi27. by Popes, Athanafius to Pe pag.287, & 2884 Alexandria,Paulus to Cé- ftantinople. &c. ¶ TheBifhop of Romes Dorm. eb b. | Hard.86,b.87.a,° | Sard. Diuif. 232 clegates, Cémilsioners, pag 277. K 278. and Vicars. ¶ S. Gregoric. Dorm,64,b. 65, &|Hard.76.a. Sari. Diuiſ 4. pag: 66. per totum. 224.225. KC. pag, 234. And fo as .Dozman beganne dis treatie with the ,, Dormang proute that s.Peter was called head of the Church, which ts cd: Methode, _ feinedin thee of D. ardinges laff leaues: fo doth be end bis treatic with S.Gzegozie tn bis tow laf leaueg, which ts in the beginning,and feconde leafe of D. Har⸗ Dinges treatic. And thus pou fe H. Dozmans his Des thode Fandeth whollie in the Scheme and trope which 4s termed hyfteron proteron. The fourth Article with D. Barding ts the firk with M. Dorman, and the firft with D. Hardinge fs the fourth with 2. Dozman. Whe proutes are by like arte diſpoſed. The firk parte of bis treatie, is the lat with D.Bardinge: ¢ the la& part of bis treatie fs the firk ; and thts hyfteron proteron, as in his formar treatie be vſed voith Hoſius cont inual⸗ Iy:ſo faileth be not; to keape the fame with bis Maiſter 2D, Bardinge theonghout this whole treatie , makinge prima nouifsima,X nous. prima, the irl toe lat, € fhelall the urſte continuallte sas. the Meader that will tansy cere 2 marke ee 24 Of RXVROVFROFM. marke * numbꝛes of the leaues of His 5 bts maiten _ bakes, which J haue diligetly noted, thal tel perceiue. And as be hath bled this fourth Article of his matter bis boke, fohath be likewiſe vſed the other thee Arti⸗ cles folowinge. Bis {econd Article is hts maitters fift; _ bis thirbde ts bis matters feconde, and bis fourth ts his maifters fir. dnd asp Articles,fo alfo are the peoufes the fame that hts mater bath, bot pet diſpoſed oꝛ moze truelp tranfpefed, o2 if pou tutll, mifpofed, by-the fame - arte, ¢bis otwne peculfar pzoper trope hyfteron| prote- ron, as are the Articles, ¢ as pou haue an erperimet of P paovfes of this his fir ¢ bis maifters fourth Article! It pou now afke me, thy J bane not anfweared thefe thinges at large, 4 anf{tweare thei are alreadie ane ſweared, better than Ican anftocare them , ¢3 baue Mſhewed pou where. JE pon lik reade 9. Doꝛmans rear fons,and haue not bis bake, J haue tolde pon bow and where pou map without pour coffe finde them tn bis: maitters bake,{o that one bake map ferue pou,in ſteede of tow. Jf vou would be refolucd concerninge bis rea- fons, Jhaue fhowed pon where pou map be fatiffied , & better fatiffied than by my weitinges, tn the 1B. of Ba- rum bis replie: ¢ bere 3 (pare pout purle againe, p vow be not dgtuen to bie an other nedeles babe. If DB. Dore man either fo mabe a muſter ¢ ſhewe of manv bakes of their patte,o2 foz bis gloꝛie, oꝛ qaine, og foz all thefe tor gether, woulde of a piece of bis matters boke, dy trans fcription make an other nue babe, as bigge almoſt/ as bis maiſters whole, ¢ let it ſoath to the wozlde as bis: otune, within fo few weekes after the firſt printinge of bis matiters boke:vet am J not of that opinion, but do. — how — thã bow manr bokes be a ten i , ia f = a i i i — ee a DORMANS PROVFE 287 ten of our parte: and Jhaue litle delight in ſuch glorie Fmall (hill, and leffe tthinge of fuch lucre, ¢ leatt leafure of al to write worſe againe,that which is before bettcr Wwzitten:¢ bp ſuch meanes Without all pitic,to mp poze countremens purfes, bp caufinge them to bie the fame worlſe, which thep baue alreadie better: and tobhiche is | moze, without regardof the mifpendinge of their god time,moze peectous than monep,to occupte them about the readinge of thinges triflinglp repeted, wyich they * daue allreadie read well written. ‘Wut pou will fap there be ſome febbe thinges vet, whiche M. Dozman bath peculiar, not toziten by bis Paiſter, noz anfiweared bp the 15.0f Sarum. here are tn Dede fome fuch few things, but not fo few, as folifh. Gnd J thinke J ſhould bp anfwearinge that litle lende ftuffe, thynlie bere and there intermengled, tncurre a greater blame bp (uch bellication,and nipping of them here and there, where thei are tobe founde, than bp vte 3407 fer filence of them. But J wil not vet keape filence fo whollie, but that J wil name them,and in naming them, anfweare them foas map ferue foz {uch trifles , and. map fatitie all rea- fonable %Keaders . | Shere are befides that plentie of bozotved wares, before named, thefefetwe andlitle percelles piked elles wheare, by M. Dorman. Firk,certatne prontes § Peter twas at Rome, which Dorm. ſol. . ‘Wwe dente tot, therefoze nedeth no proule, nether bee ing proued, needeth any anfweare. But bow is tt pro⸗ ued J pray pou ? forfoth bp ertullian, S. Bicrome, Optatus, and S. Augulline, all in ozder alleaged cut atone leate of Hortus: that this parte alfo may not be Hofli.2,fol.703 CCre 3 vnlike — REPRO YEE 0 AFB. * tnlihe the relke ne _ Stem other ponfes of bis ‘popes —2 bp the Dormi fol.gꝛ.a.teſtimonies of Pope Leo, of Pope Innocẽtius. of Wate {5r4262-b.53-64- chaſinus, Lucenting,¢otbher the popes legates,as gad indifferent twitnelies, whereas neither bis alter, nog ‘Hard. fol.gs. b. be can diffemble the exception which is tuftlte taken as Dorm, fol.o3.b. gaint the teſtimonies of Popes,as vnlawtuil witneſ⸗ fes in their owne cauſes. Fol.s4.s5.a.55.b. Item other proules of his Popes fapremacte,bp Uitts centius Lirinenſis, and Juſtinian the Emperour, both beinge by him kalſelied. For whereas the one calleth Kome the bead of the wozlde.the other calleth p Church of Kome the head echtefe of all Churches, M. Dorman in ede of Rome, ¢ the Church of Keme, bath put the Biſhoppe of Kome, making him the head of the wozld, 2 and of al Churches: which was neuer weiten noz ment by Uincentius,o2 Juſtinian. Fol.s7.b. Item proufes of his popes fupremacte by confettte ons ⁊ ædices Of Confantinus, whiche are fallelp fours gedin bis name, as are likewiſe the epiftles to Marcus Liberfus,and Feelir,opes of Kome, mok ſhameleſly ' counterfetct in the names of Athanaſius ¢ the Biſhops Artie. 4.Diui.e. Of ægipt, Thebaida, and Lybia:as ts largelie ¢ plainelp pag. aji.23:.&c. bp the B. ot Sarum declared, ¢ pzoued: with the whiche fourged fables pet,as though it were with god eutdéece, Dorm.fol.s;.b. often foz lacke of better ufte repeted, both P.Doꝛmã. 4 or.a.b. 62, and his Patter D. bardinge twould boulfer bp thete —* ‘tos — Popes vſurped tyrãnie. And it is very god reaſon, that abe fuch buildinge ould with luch buttrelles ano pillers, — be ſtated and vpholden:to ſaue the Komiſh vſurpar fra vtter ruine,now imminent, as longe pet, as polſſiblie may ice {uch ſealie hit as popithe wittes can tits uente Fy —* ‘5 6 a J / Jaa — e and deuile: but neither do fuche trifles néde anp Anncweare, neither bane J the leyſure that hath 99.202 ‘man, to anſweare thinges alreadie anftwcared , and to tuzite againe, that was befoze better to2ziten; neither ‘Uitte Jſeeke either gapne 02 fame bp thruſtinge of other mens wogkes into the worlde foz mine lune; asis M. Domans delight to d0. FINIS. rf Imprinted and allowed ae Rie tothe order fe foorth in the Queenes Maiefties Iniunctions. * * 30 4 J— —— —— ~ Sadia ta undz orth? ga aur 32313 — J Am: br sed 9G) Ont ar iia ——— — eae —* * * * — Shoah abegn hag wae treed ban! bani : ; * sath uhh Baw, — * é — “2S RICE NY J 4 ree § / — S : M Be: RA B 4 WH if ) f 1 phere } —J eae. Rata ; —0 — 9 — — 3 J à Ne +), } 9 Via — ow : Afte ; ~ —9 — — DP. — ed — cei f) —— a af Ww We): ——— a ee” +) ») > wey f — — —— — — — ») — * . se on * sas ot * J — : — — . < : Ets ihe ogee eget, ws ee | : . 2 — oar a : —— a a A = ~~ ' . : “ — . - J J a — i — — — ee * — — — * snobs —J =. ws ; %. : : * fants SSW, ; : s . . o vedo “fe Newer — ttB — A ———— —— — — —— —— —— — — — — whet ee Se Ae — — — * z x . ' 5 . — OO De ONT ay MR Cee ep RASS lela tiie jos cated er anew aol — — be — ⸗ —EE—— ————— ——— “9 ‘ J — — — — — = — — —E— — 29, eRe co = OF ceo oie — — = ee ae A se ace et = —-* bd 7 ‘ , * . — - r : , . : * —* — J es 2 7 EN A — 9 NaN gnome cee Nee ese Senrafh 5 mime BF AeenbeleeP e ‘ EE A NAR GA Ne LAAT ————— tt OT | eee — yo Pa —— * — — ee ee ey mT Cree pe dow et Me =) LN A Lb 5 ON NY nba etreeone SO ee ER MORI OT, tw BRA Re Ee ae Rn SO Oe Rhee eR Te ie & “n+ — —— es tment tones 00 rs — * a Sis aeimdeeln adler g te mackot TOL Re mnt eee iter ad mttaer 4 ce nmamemeesee « — — — — —— os — * ' ¢ ¢ , Hn < F * —F “4 te ~ be were Ps on ast @ 7 wf v"? “ 7 . : Pv Re : ae a eS cna Pa rts ae coe , . ‘ . oh is - a“ wh oS ry c fry as as » rere | ee ae ~~. =2 pyre BS, aN y wo R —— Sfx ’ Fe... o ma Ve my * Oe ih rhe on ee he 5 “ a rT oa © F bg - ; o wt * + 7? 7 rs - ot Pe — Par 7 - : \ P ; , e rT ’ qe + . . - +? : « * tal, . 1 a - 2 wel r eX Meet * na] * KJ es — bs ” é wa = * F J — —2 a ; — — — =~ ’ ld ~ . 4 * J J x * ? . ; — os 4 J * me as ‘ — “ . , J Oo. £ ; ; ‘ : : : J — nt F es — x os . 4 7 “ A A J —F ~, A 7 - : < .7 . ¢ ° ‘ . — en ae » i a 7 7 : + tey ; 7 — LF J a) 2 F J J ete ‘ * oe Se, : , ; : oe Pf oy . * * e ee . - ‘© 7 + A ™ : . < s * J * J fe - “ . F : hg * tes ¢ oa = ee a : ee 2 “a . I a ’ * . * — X * a — J — a —X an | verry —— — —4 Behe dtd caine Le ee be Pe — — ° 4 vi Pe, - arr Fn th: — hal ney (Fd : * 9% * oe 5 — — ich ed r —E sted dt mera * eee, Te Se ee ~ ¥ 2 “ 4 A Aah. yi X Ce be whe her - ; ~ ve f =o — se + * so . py t iin Of » 7k a oS * ⸗ , ay 0 — — eT cos of f : P . -e — an ros aa a — J v * J A * J . of * . * — os : ** J ⸗ J eee i * — bs e * J eo w “ 7 7 . — tty Bees 4 + or, , ? Sowa “ th * r : J ⸗ an? : Z “ oy a 1 a he * 5 J wee, . F ‘ - : . 7 . © om seat More oe: ' 7 . 4 ‘ H . — i ee ; pemntarie we CFLS oS te gt nes + te iy Sa G 7 ‘ , ' , , td hee — — fore hor i ane ae eres 9 201A ows Se A ll Bienpeiagncd abe suet hae ie ll a — — — * — * — — —* — sean — —— —— + mame ume ye ot . + —— — ae | i ; ’ ‘ . or te oer Re . Om? Bh