No J U D A H. THE BOOK OF PSALMS PARAPHRASED IN SPIRITUAL SONGS, FOR PUBLIC WORSHIP. COMPOSED BY JOSEPH IRONS, Author of Zion's Hymns, Jazer, Nnthannel, Nymphas, Priscilla, ifC. u Teaching and admonishing one another in Psalms, and Hymns, and spiritual songs, singing with grace in your hearts to the Lord." — Col. iii. 16. LONDON : SOLD AT THE AUTHOR'S HOUSE, CAMBERWELL; AND B* AIL BOOKSELLERS. 1847. PREFACE. THE book of Psalms has always been a choice portion to the living church of God, and has been peculiarly blessed to those who search for hidden treasure in the sacred oracles. Many of the Psalms were used in the Temple service of old, and I think they ought not to be excluded from the worship of the christian church. The consciousness of this seems to have induced good men, at different periods, to attempt arrange- ments of the Psalms in metre, adapted to uie taste and manners of modern worshippers, but all their attempts are to me very unsatisfactory; I have, therefore, ventured to c?°u my mite into the vast store of psalmody already existing ; though I have previously written 61] original hymns for the use of the people of my charge, that they may praise the Lord with "Psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, singing and making melody in then- hearts unto the Lord." Some of the versions of the Psalms extant con- sist of such miserable doggrel rhymes that common sense is offended in using them; others, though apparently a little improved, are such a heedless mixture of contradictory doctrines, that heaven- born souls are grieved rather than edified in the hearing of them : Dr.AVatts' version is undoubtedly the best of any that I have seen, and in it there are some sublime strains, but it has defects and blem- ishes which render it unfit to be introduced where the pure gospel is held in all its fulness and har- mony, for in some of its pages there is the majesty of truth, and in others there is the mangling dis- tortion of it by the clumsy hand of arminianism, or the laboured effort to rhyme the phraseology of Scripture ; besides which, there is the entire omis- sion of many Psalms, and the prosy lengthening of others, on which account the greater part of them are never used, even in those congregations where his version is introduced and almost idolized. It has been my prayer and my aim, in the com- position of the following pages, as an appendix to my hymn book, to examine every Psalm carefully, in order to ascertain the mind of the Spirit therein, and then to give a gospel tone to this Old Testament poetry ; in so doing I have not followed any of the Commentators, but have sought direction from on high ; and I trust it w r ill be found that I have at least kept close to the truth in every line, so that Socinians, Arians, and Arminians will find no music here for their falsehoods, but I do hope that the regenerated followers of the Lamb will be assisted in celebrating the praises of their covenant God. The prominent features of each Psalm are ex- hibited with as much brevity as their subjects will admit, some are condensed in one song, others require two or three, this renders it necessary to give two numbers to each, the number of the Psalm according to Scripture, and the number of the spiritual song composed upon the different verses, and in the 119th Psalm, to avoid the ap- pearance of tautology, the metres are varied, while the subject is continued. May the covenant God of Israel, who hath said, " Whoso offer eth praise glorifieth me," put his holy sanction upon this effort to extend his truth, that his believing family, having grace in their hearts, may be established and refreshed by finding in this little volume the very inmost emotions of their souls put into metres, for their acts of private de- votion, and of public praise, particularly the church and congregation assembling in Grove Chapel, for whose use they are especially composed. Thus prays their devoted Pastor, JOSEPH IRONS. Shepherd^ Tent, Camberwelt July -20th, 184/. THE BOOK OF PSALMS. Psalm I. Song 1. (l.m.) BLEST is the man (and who is he) That is from sin and sinners free ? 'Tis Christ, the God-man, Christ the Lord ! O, be his holy name ador'd. 2 He did the scorner's seat abhor, Yea, he delighted in God's law, Obeyed its precepts, bore its curse, And magnified the law for us. 3 He is the tree of life, whose root Undying, sends forth choicest fruit ; Water'd with streams from God's right hand, And all he doth must prosp'rous stand. 4 His saints of life divine partake, Hence they the sinner's ways forsake, And bring forth all the fruits of grace ; A contrast to the ungodly race. 5 The righteous members, with their head, Are all foreknown of God, 'tis said ; Salvation is for them decreed, Distinguish' d from the serpent's seed. Psalm II. 1 to 5. SoNG 2. (s.M.) WHY do the heathen rage Against the Christ of God ? And vainly war from age to age With him — his church — his word ? 2 The kings and rulers join With all the carnal host ; Earth, hell, and sin, in war combine, And in their malice boast. 3 Jehovah sits in heav'n, Their efforts he derides ; His church is unto Jesus giv'n, And safe in him abides. a 2 5 4 All Zion's bands and cords, Which men would cast away, Are seen and known to be the Lord's, And last to endless day. 5 The God of Zion knows And makes his church his care, Holds in derision all his foes, And sets his glory there. 6 The worldlings vex God's saints, But God will vex them more ; For he avengeth our complaints, And we his love adore. Psalm II. 6 to 12. Song 3- (cm.) ON Zion's consecrated hill Jehovah Jesus reigns ; Set up by God the Father's will, And thus the Lord ordains. 2 I will declare the high decree, Thy sonship is divine ; Co-equal of th' Eternal Three, Essential godhead thine, 3 Ask me, the Father saith, I'll give From ev'ry heathen race, A large inheritance to live As monuments of grace. 4 With broken hearts they '11 prostrate lie, As conquer' d by thy rod ; Or dash'd in pieces, others die, Beneath the curse of God. 5 Let kings and judges know and own The sov'reignty of grace ; Salvation is in Christ alone, Yea, Life in his embrace. 6 Blest are the souls that trust his name. Who in his love confide ; They never can be put to shame, But shall be glorified. Psalm III. Soxg 4. (cm.) KING David, and King David's Lord, In their heart felt complaint, The cruelties of foes record, And so may ev'ry saint. But thou, O Lord, art still my shield And glory, each may say, By thee the Spirit's sword I wield, In conquest ev'ry day. Amidst ten thousand raging foes, Thou liftest up my head ; Sustain'd by thee, the tempter knows, I shall to heav'n be led. I cried unto the Lord for aid, He heard his suppliant's voice ; He cheer'd me with " Be not afraid ;" I must in him rejoice. Arise, O Lord, appear and save In ev'ry new distress ; Bear up my soul above each wave, My God, whom I confess. Salvation unto God belongs, His people shall be blest, For he avengeth all their wrongs, And in his love they rest. Psalm IV. Song 5. (cm.) HEAR, Lord, the intercessor's prayer. The Lord our righteousness ; To thee shall all the saints repair, In Borrow and distress. 7 2 Fools turn my plory into shame ; But I '11 exult in this, God sets his saints apart by name, And claims them all as his. 3 His choice in Christ he'll ne'er forsake, They 're for himself designed ; They shall of life divine partake, And have a godly mind. 4 Communing with their hearts, they know Their nature is deprav'd ; To Jesus' sacrifice they go, Believing, and are sav'd. 5 The shining of Jehovah's face To them is heav'n below ; They have more joy in his embrace Than worldlings ever know. 6 Safety and peace shall be the lot Of all the Lord's elect ; For God their Saviour changes not, He will his church protect. Psalm V. Song 6. (l.m.) GIVE ear, O Lord, my God and king, To thee my wants and woes I bring ; My morning look, and morning cries, My morning Lamb for sacrifice. 2 My intercessor for me pleads, Hear him and then supply my needs ; His advocacy cannot fail, And in his name I must prevail. 3 No man before thy face can stand Without an Advocate at hand ; To shew a righteousness divine, And such an Advocate is mine. 8 4 Mail is a mass of foolishness ; His inward part is wickedness ; But as for me, thy house of prayer I love, and would be often there. 5 Thy holy temple is my home, Thither my soul would daily come, To hear thy voice and worship thee ; Come, holy Lord, and meet with me. 6 Thou say'st " In blessing I will bless," Lead me in paths of righteousness, Make strait the way before my face, Guide me in providence and grace. 7 O let thy favours be my shield, Teach me thy Spirit's sword to wield; I trust in thee, O hear my voice, And bid my longing soul rejoice. Psalm VI. Song 7. (cm.) HOW deep the sorrows Jesus felt, When thus his soul complain'd, Beneath his people's load of guilt, The curse that guilt contain'd. 2 My bones are vex'd, my soul is tried, Mine eyes consum'd with grief; O save me from this hour, he cried, And waited for relief. 3 The Father heard the suff'rer's cry, And glorified the Son ; He conquer'd when he deign'd to die, His glorious work is done. 4 His suff'ring members may expect Deliv'rance from above ; Jesus is one with his elect, And pleads for them in love. \) 5 In sickness, sorrow and distress, Their cov'nant head is near, To succour, comfort, save, and bless, And wipe away each tear. 6 When he pronounces to his foes That awful word Depart ; He'll welcome home the men he chose, Whose names are on his heart. Psalm VII. Song 8. (cm.) HOW fierce the rage of earth and hell Against the Christ of God ! Demons and mortals all rebel, And war with Jesse's rod. 2 He, precious Lord, has done no wrong ; 'Twas he deliv'rance wrought For sinners, yea, a countless throng, Who sold themselves for nought. 3 They hate his name without a cause, They persecute his saints, They trample under foot his laws, And scoff at his complaints. 4 Arise, O Lord, and faithful prove ; Defend Messiah's right ; His ransoni'd church O save in love, For she is thy delight. 5 She 's righteous in his righteousness, And thou art her defence ; Thou only canst preserve and bless, Save by omnipotence. 6 O whet thy sword, and bend thy bow, Thy glorious conquests spread ; So shall thy chosen people know And praise their cov'nant head. 10 Psalm VIII. Song 9. (l.m.) O LORD, how excellent thy name, Which babes and sucklings shall proclaim ; Thou hast of old orclain'd it so, To still th' accuser and the foe. Thy name sun, moon, and stars, declare, And shall not man, who is thy care ! Thy covenant name shall be my boast, O, Father, Son, and Holy Ghost. Lord, what is man ? we would enquire ; The man whom all the saints admire ; Made lower, as the scripture saith, Than angel hosts, to suffer death. Jesus the God-man, mystic head, Arose in triumph from the dead, Is crown'd with glorious honour now, All worlds, all things before him bow. Dominion over earth and sea Is his for ever, by decree ; So excellent is Jesus 7 name, His glory all the saints proclaim. Psalm IX. 1 to 10. SONG 10. (S.M.) I WILL praise thee, O Lord, Thy works shall be my song ; Thy wond'rous grace I will record, Amidst th' assembled throng. When enemies combine, My progress to oppose, My cause thou dost espouse as thine, My foes are Jesus' foes. Thou hast maintain'*! the right Of Jesus and his bride ; His throne is glorious in thy sight, And ever shall abide. 11 4 He is exalted high, He reigns in righteousness ; He is a refuge always nigh, Where sins and woes oppress. 5 All those who know thy name Will trust thy pow'r and love ; They never shall be put to shame, But dwell with thee above. 6 Each christian is a gem, Christ's crown shall be his place ; Thou, Lord, hast not forsaken them Who humbly seek thy face. Psalm IX. 11 to 20. Song 11, (l. m.) SING praises to the Lord of hosts, Ye ransom'd souls in Zion's coasts ; There Jesus dwells and shews his face, And carries on his work of grace. 2 Declare his doings (not vain man's) Let mortals bow to God's own plans ; Let humble souls before him lie, He never will forget their cry. 3 To him we owe our life and breath, He lifts us from the gates of death, To joy in his salvation giv'n In Zion's gates — and gates of heav'n. 4 The Lord by his own works is known ; The wicked shall be overthrown ; His poor shall have all they expect, For heav'n belongs to God's elect. 5 Arise, O Lord, appear again, Let mortals know they are but men, Let proud free-will for ever die, And Jesus be exalted high ! 12 Psalm X. Song 12. (l.m.) WHY standest thou far off, Lord ? Why hide thyself ? we are abhor'd ! See how the wicked hate thy saints ; Wilt thou attend to our complaints ? 2 The wicked will not seek thy face, Their very inward thoughts are base ; Deceitful — vicious from their birth, A moral pestilence on earth. 3 Arise, O Lord, lift up thy hand, Forget not how the humble stand ; Our cause and conflict thou dost see, Ourselves we thus commit to thee. 4 Thou, Lord, art king, thy saints confess, The helper of the fatherless ; Break thou the persecutor's pow'r, Save us in each distressing hour. 5 Lord, thou hast heard the humble cry, Thou wilt send answers from on high ; O cause th' oppressor's rage to cease, And let thine heritage have peace. Psalm XI. Song 13. (p.m.) IN the Lord my soul is trusting, On his grace my heart relies, While the foe is snooting, thrusting, Pouncing on me by surprise ; He 's my mountain, To himself my spirit flies. 2 He has laid a firm foundation Which can never be destroy'd, There I find my consolation, None can make his promise void ; In his cov'nant I have solid peace enjov'd. B 13 3 God is in his holy temple, Pleas'd with one great sacrifice ; Giving wisdom to the simple, Hearing all his people's cries ; From his fulness Giving grace in rich supplies. 4 In the upright he takes pleasure, For he loveth righteousness ; They are his peculiar treasure, Whom he will protect and bless ; He is coming All his ransom' d to confess. Psalm XII. Song 14- (cm.) HELP, Lord, thy church is in distress, Her faithful watchmen fail ; How scarce is vital godliness, How heresies prevail. 2 Hear how free-willers dare exclaim, " Who is Lord over us !" To flatter and deceive they aim, And still wax worse and worse. 3 Thus saith the Lord, I will arise, To vindicate my word ; For I have heard my people's cries, And help I will afford. 4 'Midst faithless men, our faithful God, Whose word of grace is pure, Performs his purpose with his nod, For his decrees are sure. 5 He will preserve his chosen race, When hypocrites abound ; And they shall dwell in his embrace, With endless glory erown'd. 14 Psalm XIII. Song 15. (l.m.) HOW long wilt thou forget me, Lord ? Said Jesus, when of men abhor'd, How long wilt thou still hide thy face, Amidst this persecuting race ? 2 Consider, hear me, Lord, I cry ! Tis for my sheep I live and die ; In thy salvation I rejoice, O let me hear my Father's voice. 3 And thus his members feel forlorn, When God their Father hath withdrawn ; They cry, when Christ is out of sight, How long, O Lord, this dreary night ? 4 Thou art our God, O hear our plea, Behold thy people trust in thee ; In thy salvation they rejoice, As objects of thy love and choice. 5 So bountifully thou hast dealt, We have thy lovingkindness felt : We trust thy mercy, O our king, And unto thy great name we sing. 6 The bounty of thy cov'nant love Was all laid up in Christ above ; Before the world, all grace was giv'n, 'Tis pledg'd on earth, complete in heav'n. Psalm XIV. 1 to 4. Song 16. (cm.) THE fool hath said within his heart, No God shall govern me ; From all restraint he would depart, As the wild ass goes free. 2 Such fools are all the human race, Deprav'd, denTd, undone, While living destitute of grace ; None righteous, no, not one. 15 3 The Lord Iook'd down from heav'n to se The fallen, ruin'd race ; All men of low or high degree Are sunk in deep disgrace. 4 All gone aside — the road to hell, With understandings blind ; They seek not God, since Adam fell, But all to sin inclin'd. 5 They have no knowledge of their state, Call not upon the Lord ; His people they oppress and hate, And gain the fool's reward. Psalm XIV. 5 to 7. Song 17. (l.m.) OUR God a generation claims, Accepts their persons, writes their names. Views them as righteous in his Son, Dwells in their midst, calls them his own. 2 God is the refuge for his poor ; His counsel stands for evermore ; Christ and his seed decrees record, A generation for the Lord. 3 Righteous in Jesus' righteousness, His name they will with joy confess, When in his presence they appear ; While harden'd sinners quake with fear. 4 O, when shall God's salvation come, To bring his chosen people home ; From long captivity restor'd, And their Redeemer be ador'd. 5 Jacob and Israel shall rejoice, When Zion hears her monarch's voice ; Yea, heav'n and earth with joy shall ring To crown Jehovah Jesus king, lti Psalm xv. Song 18. (p.m.) O LORD, who shall abide Before thy throne above ? Exalted at thy side, In yonder realms of love ? The God-man only, this claim gives, A priest upon his throne he lives. Perfection is in him, Yea, there alone 'tis found, He would not, could not trim To wickedness around ; He did redemption work so well, That in God's holy hill he'll dwell. He always walk'd upright, The righteousness he wrought His Father does delight ; Our life and peace he brought, He honour'd all his Father's law ; He would not from his oath withdraw. His ransom'd ones on earth, Regenerated sons ; Who are of heav'nly birth, He honours, claims, and owns ; His blood redeem'd their souls from hell, With him in Zion they shall dwell. Like him, they all abhor The ugly monster, sin ; Their freedom from the law Writes all that law within ; In Jesus they are all belov'd, From him they never shall be mov'd. In God's most holy hill, Both Jesus and his bride Are written in his will, And ever there abide ; To reign together on his throne, In full perfection— joy unknown. B •-' 17 Psalm XVI. Song 19. (l.m.) PRESERVE me, Lord, the Saviour cried, I, in thy faithfulness confide ; My goodness makes not God more blest, But on my saints my merits rest. 2 They are the excellent on earth, Distinguish'd by their heav'nly birth ; From everlasting my delight, My special care by day and night. 3 A lot above the world's is theirs, God is their portion, he declares ; Their lines are in a pleasant place, For their inheritance is grace. 4 Jesus and his dear saints are one, And thus their songs together run ; I bless the Lord whose counsels stand, He always is at my right hand. 5 With everlasting love I 'm lov'd, My confidence shall not be mov'd; My flesh shall rest in hope of heav'n, Eternal life to me is given. 6 God's Holy One, though crucified, Saw no corruption when he died ; Nor shall his saints be lost in death. He '11 raise them up again, he saith, 7 Christ's resurrection pledges theirs, The head and members are joint heirs ; To them the path of life is shewn, And endless glories are their own. 8 At thy right hand, O God of peace, Are pleasures which shall never cease ) The fulness of eternal joy, Shall Jesus and his church employ, 18 Psalm XVI. 10. Song 20. (p.m.) [Bishop Heber's Metre.'] THOU wast laid in the tomb, being from the cross taken, And guarded and watch'd as a prisoner there ; Thy conquest is perfect, thy kingdom unshaken, The triumphs won by thee, thy people all share. 2 Thou wast laid in the tomb, as if buried for ever, But only to tear out the sharp sting of death ; Thy church shall not feel it, no never, no never, Although she shall breathe out her last fleeting breath. 3 Thou wast laid in the tomb, and the angels all hover Around the cold prison, protecting the cave ; Till bursting death's bonds, all thy church to recover, All heaven proclaims, Thou art mighty to save. 4 Thou wast laid in the tomb, and then shut in and sealed, As if the old serpent the conquest had won ; But rising to reign, thy great name is revealed, Thy victories now are proclaim' d from thy throne. Psalm XVII. Song 21. (cm.) WHEN David's Lord was David's Son, Perfection mark'd his life ; In him transgression was unknown, Amidst the sons of strife. 2 Yet for his church he ofFer'd prayer, As for himself he cried, Hold up my goings every where, Let not my footsteps slide. 3 From the destroyer's path, thy word Shall keep the feet of saints ; Their intercessor thou hast heard, And nearest their complaints. 4 Shew us thy lovingkindness, Lord, Tis marvellous indeed ; Thy right hand saves, and we'll record The matchless, glorious deed. 19 5 Kept as the apple of thine eye, And hid beneath thy wing, We '11 trust thee, love thee, till on high Thy glory we shall sing. 6 The worldling's portion lies below, But ours within the veil ; Thy truth and faithfulness, we know Can never, never fail. 7 We shall behold thy face above, In Jesus' righteousness; Be satisfied and fill'd with love, When waking up in bliss. Psalm XVIII. 1 & 2. Song 22. (cm.) I LOVE the Lord, and 'tis his love The holy flame inspires ; Up to his gracious throne above, My heav'n-born soul aspires. 2 The Lord is my eternal rock, On which my soul can rest ; The Triune God, whom deists mock, Makes me for ever blest. 3 The Lord is my strong fortress, where I 'm shelter' d from the foe ; All stores of grace and strength are there, His love ordain'd it so. 4 The Lord is my deliv'rer too, My Saviour, and my God ; I will not fear what man can do, I 'm trusting in his word. 5 The Lord is my salvation now, My buckler for defence ; Yea, my hi^li tow'r, I 'm safe, and vow That none shall drive me thence. 20 Psalm XVIII. 3 to 10. Song 23. (l.m.) THE foes of Jesus and his church, Ungodly men and fiends, are such As yield to none but pow'r divine ; Omnipotence makes vict'ry mine. 2 Sorrows of death, and helPs assault, Were felt by him who had no fault ; And his disciples with him share In conflict and the fowler's snare. 3 Our head and intercessor pray'd, His members need not be afraid ; Heav'n, earth and hell must all be mov'd, When God comes forth for those he lov'd. 4 He rides on cherubs and the wind ; His thunders nature's laws rescind ; Hail, fire, and lightening do his will, And at his word they all are still. Psalm XVIII. 10 to 15. Song 24. (cm.) THE midnight darkness and the light, In nature and in grace ; The thickest clouds, and days most bright, Are all God's secret place. 2 In his pavilion he abides, And gives his high command ; He speaks, and he his children hides, None can his pow'r withstand. 3 At his rebuke the tremb'ling earth With strong convulsions quakes ; He gives his people second birth, His own he ne'er forsakes. 4 He scatters all who dare oppose What he has done or said ; But he '11 protect the souls he chose In Christ their cov'nant head. 21 Psalm XVIII. 16 to 29. Song 25. (lis.) HE sent from above, to redeem me in love, Long after I fell, and had merited hell ; He 's strong to deliver, and mighty to save, All glory and praise my Redeemer shall have. 2 He sent from above when he saw I would rove, He stopt my career, yea, he taught me his fear j Because he had lov'd me in Jesus of old, He rescued me, led me to rest in his fold. 3 He sent from above, when his enemies strove Both many and strong, then he pitied my wrong ; And broke all the snares that they laid for my feet, To make my deliverance full and complete. 4 He sent from above, seeing earth and hell move Against his dear Son, in their malice unknown ; He drew him from waters both many and deep, Exalted the Shepherd, and sav'd all the sheep. 5 He sent from above, to the Son of his love ; In his suffering night — he was his delight ; In him he unfolded the stores of his grace, When standing as surety for his chosen race. 6 He sent from above, in the form of a dove, His Spirit to rest upon Jesus the blest ; Pronouncing his righteousness perfect and pure, Salvation complete, shall for ever endure. 7 He sent from above, all his work to approve, His righteousness stands in his cleanness of hands ; His merit sufficient for him and his bride, Hence she is redeemed, and he 's glorified. 8 He sent from above, and a righteousness wove, To take all my blame, and to hide all my shame ; Christ finish'd his work, and he claims his reward ; The Father's delight is to honour the Lord. 9 He sent from above, all foes from us he drove, A troop we ran through, leaping over walls too ; Omnipotence bears us triumphant along, The God of salvation accepts of our song. 22 Psalm XVIII. 30 to 50. Song 26c (s.m.) WHO is a God but thee ? Jehovah is thy name ! The glorious undivided Three, Eternally the same. How perfect is thy way Of saving sinful man ; All thy perfections to display, Throughout redemption's plan. Thou girdest me with strength, For labour, war, and race ; To perfect all my way at length, And manifest thy grace. Thou hast enlarged my steps, And set me up on high ; Uphold me when my footstep slips, And guide me till I die. My God the vict'ry gives O'er each insulting foe ; The God of my salvation lives, To be exalted so. \ All glory to his name, He has deliv'rance giv'n ; His royal seed shall all proclaim His sov'reign love in heav'n. Psalm XIX. Song Z7. (cm.) THE heav'ns, the earth, the day and night Declare thy glory, Lord ; All nature says, Thy ways are right, Thy pow'r and truth record. I But in thy word, thy holy law, Thy love and wisdom shine ; From thence thy ransom'd people draw Their principles divine. 23 3 This tabernacle for the Sun, Is where our souls would live ; He shall his holy circle run, Light, heat, and joy to give. 4 More wealth than much fine gold can buy, More sweets than honey gives, Are in our precious Christ brought nigh ; And faith upon him lives. 5 O may my soul in him be found, Blood-wash'd from secret sin ; In fruits of righteousness abound, And heav'n on earth begin. 6 O, Lord, my strength, behold, I trust In my Redeemer's name ; Thou art Jehovah, true and just, I can 't be put to shame. Psalm XX. 1 to 4. Song 28. (l. m.) A DAY of trouble, great and sore, Such as was never know r n before, The surety of God's people felt, When bearing all their load of guilt. 2 His dol'rous cries were heard around ; His sacrifice acceptance found ; His heart's desire, all that he will'd In ancient counsel, was fulfill'd. 3 So, when the days of trouble press On those who wear his righteousness, In Zion he is their defence, And they obtain their succour thence. 4 He 's the burnt sacrifice they bring, Always accepted with the king ; He grants them all their heart's desire, All that his high decrees require. 24 Psalm XX. 5 to 9. Song 29. (l.m.) WE will rejoice with one accord, In thy salvation, gracious Lord, In thine anointed we will trust, For thou art merciful and just. The Lord our God, delightful name, Affinity with thee we claim ; Our banners shall display thy love ; UnfuiTd on earth, and own'd above. Nor horse, nor chariot shall defend, Upon thee only we depend ; All carnal weapons we reject, As quite unfit for God's elect. Christ's intercession must succeed, His satisfaction is decreed ; Salvation is in his right hand, Sent forth, bestow'd at his command. All creature confidences fail, Thy name, dear Jesus, shall prevail ; Our panoply is all divine, The vict'ry ours, the glory thine. Psalm XXI. Song 30. (cm.) KING Jesus reigns on Zion's hill, His throne is truth and grace ; He works salvation as he will, For all his chosen race. His heart's desire his Father gives, And glory crowns his brow ; His people live, because he lives, And all his foes must bow. Salvation glorifies his name, The joy before him set ; Let all the saints his love proclaim, His triumphs ne'er forget. c 25 4 Honour and majesty divine To Zion's king belong ; His righteousness is counted mine, I '11 praise him in my song. 5 All his redeem'd may shout, for us King Jesus ever reigns ; Jehovah is exalted thus, His church salvation gains. Psalm XXII. 1 to 18. Song 31. (l.m.) J ESUS, the sinner's surety, stood, Spent his whole life and shed his blood, To bear his people's guilt and shame, And his unfaithful bride reclaim. 2 But O, it cost him grief and smart ; What pangs, what anguish pierc'd his heart, When from the cross he sent the cry, " Why has my God forsaken ?" why ! 3 Despis'd reproach'd, abhor'd of men ; Like bulls, or lions from the den ; They pierc'd his sacred hands and feet, And all his griefs with insult meet. 4 Gethsemane saw hell's attacks, His heart was melted there like wax ; 'Twas there he heard the lion roar, There he sweat blood from ev'ry pore. 5 Strong cries and tears he sent on high, Then volunteer'd himself to die ; But as he died, he vanquish'd death, And triumph'd with his dying breath. G They part his garments on the spot, And for his vest they cast their lot ; 'Twas seamless, like his righteousness, Meant for his bride, her wedding dress. 26 Psalm XXII. 19 to 27. Song 32. (cm.) " BE not thou far from me, O, Lord/' Said Christ, when put to grief; O save thy darling from the sword, And haste to my relief. 2 The dying pangs which he endur'd, When under wrath divine, Salvation for his church secur'd ; Say sinner, is it thine ? 3 Jesus declares Jehovah's name Is honoured in his death ; His breth'ren from him catch the flame, And praise employs their breath. 4 Ye seed of Jacob, glorify Your gracious cov'nant head ; Praise him who reigns exalted high ; He lives who once was dead. 5 Amidst the congregation sing The vict'ries he has won ; Let all the earth adore our king, His glorious work is done. Psalm XXII. 28 to 31. Song 33. (S.M.) LET heav'n and earth unite, With all their tuneful chords, To publish with unmix'd delight, The kingdom is the Lord's. 2 He governs nations well ; In Zion sets his throne ; And having vanquish'd death and hell, He claims and saves his own. 3 A seed shall serve him here, In faith and love divine ; A generation shall appear, Born in the cov'nant line. 4 All he redeem'd shall come, Dress' d in his righteousness ; And as by grace they travel home, His name they shall confess. 5 Thus shall our Jesus see The travail of his soul ; All glory to th' Eternal Three, Shall sound from pole to pole. Psalm XXIII. Song 34. (p.m.) HE who is the Lord of glory, Is become my shepherd too ; I must sing the wond'rous story, What he condescends to do ; For my shepherd Is most holy, just and true. 2 I shall not in want be pining, For my heav'nly shepherd feeds ; In his pastures I'm reclining, By still waters Jesus leads ; Yea, my shepherd Ever will supply my needs. 3 When he sees me bent on straying, He restores me to his fold ; When he hears me humbly praying, Leads me in his paths of old ; Thus my shepherd Glorifies his name, I'm told. 4 When I walk the chilling valley, Death will be a soften'd shade ; If he makes his graces rally, I shall never be afraid ; For my shepherd Will be present for my aid. 28 5 He prepares my daily table ; Fills my cup — anoints with oil ; Yea, his rod and staff are able, To support me all the while ; My good shepherd Cheers and comforts with his smile, 6 Goodness is with mercy blended, All my life to crown with love ; Jesus died, arose, ascended, I shall dwell with him above ; For my shepherd Will not from his flock remove. Psalm XXIV. 1 to 6. Song 35- (cm.) THE earth and seas, with all their stores. To Israel's God belong ; But 'tis on Zion's hill he pours Grace on his chosen throng. 2 Jesus alone ascends that hill, In full perfection clad ; Performing all the Father's will ; Let all his saints be glad. 3 All blessings, and all righteousness, Our Jesus shall receive ; And all that generation bless, Who in his name believe. 4 This is the generation known, As those who seek his face ; With Jesus they ascend the throne, And triumph in his grace. 5 O, Jacob's God, all Jacob's seed, Complete in Jesus stand ; And glory for them is decree'd, Enthron'd at thy right hand. c 2 Psalm XXIV. 7 to 10. Song 36. (l.m.) LIFT up your heads, ye heav'nly gates, Behold the king of glory waits ; Fly back, ye everlasting doors, He shall come in whom heav'n adores. 2 Ascending from the battle field, Mighty to save, — his foes all yield ; See ! all his garments stain' d with blood, He is the everlasting God. 3 Lift up your heads — your shouts begin, The glorious conq'ror shall come in ; Proclaim his triumphs yet again, Jesus shall king of glory reign. 4 He's Lord of hosts — He's Zion's king, Let all his saints their tribute bring ; Proclaim him welcome to his throne, And heav'n the king of glory own. Psalm XXV. 1 to 13. Song 37, (cm.) UP to the Lord I lift my soul, When quicken' d by his grace ; My foes and fears he will controul, Whene'er I seek his face. 2 Shew me, O Lord, thy hidden way, Thy paths of righteousness ; I wait upon thee all the day, My waiting spirit bless. 3 I've gone astray from thee in youth, Remember not my sins ; O lead me into all thy truth, Where joy and peace begins. 4 I plead thy gracious cov'nant name, Thy kindnesses of old ; Thou wilt not put my soul to shame, Thy goodness makes me bold. 30 ) My glorious intercessor pleads, Jehovah's covenant love ; And by his Holy Spirit leads, To endless rest above. Psalm XXV. 14 to 22. Song 38. (cm.) THE Lord has secrets to disclose, To such as fear his name ; The cov'nant people whom he chose, His glory to proclaim. ! The secrets his decrees record, His secret plans of grace ; The life that's hid with Christ in God, For all his chosen race. His secret work within their hearts — His secret living springs — The secret strength his hand imparts, In secret heav'nly things. The man in whom these secrets dwell, Is safe in cov'nant love ; Shall triumph over earth and hell, And reign with Christ above. Integrity, the fruit of grace, Preserves him in the way ; And he shall dwell in Christ's embrace, In everlasting day. Psalm XXVI. Song 39* (l.m.) JUDGE me, O Lord, our surety cried, I trust in thee, I shall not slide ; Heav'n, earth and hell their witness gave To him who hVd and died to save. Integrity, without a spot, Belongs to Christ, who changes not; He was by lovingkindness mov'd, To ransom those the Father lov'd. 31 3 In innocence and truth he trod, Compass'd the altar of our God, With his own sacrifice for us, And wrought a full salvation thus. 4 Deceit and falsehood he abhor'd, Yea, so do all that love the Lord ; Distinguish' d from the carnal world, Their holy banner is unfurl'd. 5 The head and members often meet, To join in fellowship most sweet, Where'er Jehovah's honour dwells ; And truth, of full salvation tells. 6 And when God gathers in his own, His saints from sinners shall be known ; On Zion's summit stand and bless Jesus the Lord their righteousness. Psalm XXVII. 1 to 6. Song 40- (cm.) IN Christ the Lord my faith beholds Light and salvation too ; For his official name unfolds All blessings to my view. 2 In him I ? ve righteousness divine, My life and strength are here ; And while my faith can call him mine, I will not yield to fear. 3 Though I 'm at war with earth and hell, And foes increase around ; Victorious faith sings, " All is well," She conquers — Christ is crown'd. 4 One thing I have desir'd and lov'd, To dwell in Christ's embrace ; There, confidence shall not be mov'd, He gives mc grace for grace. His beauty in his temple seen, Will make me truly blest ; And when without a veil between, 'T will be eternal rest. Before his footstool I'll enquire, He loves to answer prayer ; And when he bids me go up higher, I'll shout his praises there. Firm on the rock he sets my feet, In his pavilion hides ; Lifts up my head to joys complete, And with my soul abides, Psalm XXVII. 7 to 14. Song 4L1. (cm.) LORD, thou hast said " Seek ye my face," And taught my soul to pray ; My heart responds, inspir'd by grace, I'll seek thy face to-day. O God of my salvation,. hear A contrite sinner's cry ; As my deliverer appear, And all my wants supply. Though friends and parents all forsake, And sorrows fill my cup, His covenant can never break ; The Lord will take me up. The Lord hath been my help of old, He will not leave me now ; His ways are right, as we are told, Faith's bus'ness is to bow. Believing will restore the faint, His goodness to record ; He'll cheer and strengthen ev'ry saint, That waits upon the Lord. 33 Psalm XXVIII. Song 42. (l.m.) LORD, my rock, attend my cry, Without thee I must faint and die, 1 pray, at least I sigh and groan, be not silent on thy throne. Thy holy oracle I view, Where thou art known as just and true ; Thither my faith lifts up her hands, For there my intercessor stands. Blest be the Lord, he hath heard me, Drawn from the world, O may I be ; The Lord shall be my strength, my joy, My shield, my help, when foes annoy. Jehovah's strength is ever new, For Jesus, and his members too , In God's anointed I confide, 1 'm safe, and Christ is glorified. His people shall be safely led, Redeemed, saved, blest, and fed ; Then lifted up for evermore, Their gracious covenant God t'adore. Psalm XXIX. Song 43. (p.m.) GIVE to God our king the glory Due unto his holy name ; Heav'n and earth record the story, Of his everlasting fame ; Highest glory As his due, his saints proclaim. Worship him in all the beauty Which his holiness reveals ; This is privilege and duty, In the souls whom Jesus heals ; Give him glory, For Ins Mood our pardon seals. 34 3 When his voice is heard in thunders, Or in whispers of his grace, All creation shakes and wonders, Majesty marks all his ways ; Speak his glory. Due, in highest songs of praise. 4 At his voice stout hearts are broken, - Though like cedars tall and proud ; In his temple be it spoken, Jesus walks amidst the crowd, And his glory Ransom'd sinners shout aloud. 5 Saints may smile at all the billows, Jesus sits upon the flood, Take their harps down from the willows, Tune them to atoning blood ; And give glory For the strength and peace bestow'd. God is Zion's king for ever, Sitting on his sacred throne ; Enemies around can't sever Jesus from his church, they 're one ! Home to glory He will surely bring his own. Psalm XXX. 1 to 7. Song 44- (cm.) I WILL extol thee, O my God, Thy pow'r and love proclaim ; Thou rulest nations with thy rod, To put thy foes to shame. 2 Thou heard'st my cry when almost dead, And life and healing gave. Brought up my soul with Christ my head, When he forsook the grave, 35 3 Sing to the Lord our God, ye saints. Whom Jesus deigns to claim ; He hears and answers our complaints, Give thanks to his dear name. 4 Praise his unsullied holiness, In sweet remembrance sing ; A night thy surety felt distress, The morn thy joy shall bring. 5 While in thy favour, Lord, I bask, How firm my mountain stands ; But if thy face is hid, my task Is waiting in thy hands. Psalm XXX. 8 to 12. Song 45- (cm.) IN trouble, Lord, I cried to thee, Thou hast my helper been, Hast turn'd my mourning into glee, Thy glory I have seen. 2 Girded with gladness I must sing, Of thine abounding grace ; Thou art my cov'nant God and king, And I shall see thy face. 3 Sackcloth and mourning ill become The people justified ; In royal robes they 're trav'ling home, There to be glorified. 4 Their surety all their sorrows bore, And suffer' d all their shame ; O, Lord my God, I must adore Thy great and glorious name. 5 My glory shall sing praise to thee, And not be silent now ; O Lord my God, th' Eternal Three ! Regard my solemn vow. 36 Psalm XXXI. 1 to 5. Song 46- (l. m.) LORD, I trust thy cov'nant name, Affinity with thee I claim ; My rock, my fortress, my defence ; 1 shall obtain deliverance thence. 2 I trust thy perfect righteousness ; Its imputation I confess ; In which thy people stand complete, And plead it at thy mercy seat. 3 Thou art my strength for work and war ; never from my soul withdraw ; But, for thy name's sake, lead and guide, Save me from foes on ev'ry side. 4 Thou hast redeemed my soul with blood, For me the Saviour surety stood ; My spirit I commit to thee, Confiding in th 1 Eternal Three. 5 Thus Jesus cried when near the pit, To thee my spirit I commit ; The Father heard him from the throne, And will both head and members own. 6 O, God of truth, for ever just ; In thee, and thee alone I trust ; 1 shall not — cannot be asham'd, Thy faithfulness shall be proclaim'd. Psalm XXXI. 6. to 18. Song 47. (l.m.) BE lying vanities abhor'd, My trust is only in the Lord ; He is my refuge, I 'm his choice, And in his mercy I '11 rejoice. 2 He knew my soul in Christ above ; Adversity can't change his love ; Reproach and grief may fill my cup, Omnipotence still holds me up. d 37 3 David could griefs and plots record — All sorrows met in David's Lord ; His life was spent in grief and pain, But he has conquer 'd — he shall reign. 4 Despis'd, rejected, crucified, Jesus in ignominy died ; Still trusting in the cov'nant bond, To which his ransom 'd saints respond. 5 Faith takes a high and holy stand, And sings, " My times are in thy hand ;" Times dark or light — of peace or war, All times obey God's will as law. 6 O make thy face to shine on me, Let me, in Christ, thy glory see ; Then, darts which foes and fiends have aim'd, Shall never make my soul asham'd. Psalm XXXI. 19 to 24. Song 48. (s.m.) THY goodness I record, Laid up in cov'nant store ; The grace and mercy of my Lord, Enough for all the poor. 2 The goodness of the plan, The wisdom it displays, To save and ransom fallen man ; Thyself to wear the praise. 3 Thy goodness, Lord, I search, In promises divine. Laid up in Jesus for his church, Yea, and amen they shine. 4 Thy goodness thou hast wrought, For them that fear thee, Lord ; By thy good Spirit they are taught, To love and trust thv word. 38 , Thy goodness hides thy saints, A secret life bestows, Redressing all their sad complaints, And vanquishing their foes. Thy goodness shewn to me, Is marvellous indeed ; To bless the Lord, let saints agree, And on his goodness feed. Thy goodness, O my king, Has made thy city strong ; Faith's courage shall thy goodness sing, For God approves the song. Psalm XXXII. Song 49. (7s.; RUIN'D sinners, Adam's race, Hear the news of sov'reign m-ace : Blessed life that man begins, When the Lord imputes not sins. Blest with pardon, bought and seal'd, Righteousness in Christ reveal'd; Justified, by Jesus' blood, Born again a child of God. Blest beneath paternal smile, Made sincere, abhoring guile ; Cover'd with the Saviour's robe, Happiest man upon the globe. Blest in sickness, and in health ; Blest in poverty or wealth ; Blest, for all his debts are paid, All his sins on Jesus laid. Blest within a hiding place, Singing of deliv'ring grace ; Taught of God to live on high, Guided with Jehovah's eye. 3!) Blest with faith to trust the Lord, Mercies countless to record ; Compass'd with them round about, Gladness rises to a shout. Righteous in the righteous Ose — Upright by his grace alone ; Trusting in his covenant love, Waiting to be blest above. Psalm XXXIII. 1 to 8. Song 50. (cm.) REJOICE, ye favour'd souls, who wear Imputed righteousness ; Whose upright life and walk declare How God, your God, can bless. Tis comely for the heirs of bliss, In Jesus justified, T" indulge in such employ as this, And spread their triumphs wide. Let them their noblest powers employ, Like instruments well tun'd, Till heav'n and earth shall hear their joy, Who have with God commun'd. Sing unto him his own new song, " Salvation to the Lord ;" None of the works he does are wrong, Nor can he break his word. His goodness fills the earth and sea, Let mortals stand in awe ; All things depend on his decree, His will is made his law. Psalm XXXIII. 9 to 11. Song 51. (cm.) JEHOVAH spake the fix'd decree, He spake, and it was done ; All that is past — all that shall be, In hi< account i- one. 40 2 The Lord controuls the heathen mind, Man's counsel brings to nought; Makes their devices prove them blind ; In their own net they're caught. 3 Jehovah's counsel stands unmov'd, His purpose changes not ; His chosen, are in Christ approved, And he appoints their lot. 4 All generations hence shall learn, God is a Sov'reign still ; Man's purposes he'll overturn, And govern as he will. Psalm XXXIII. 12 to 2'2. Song 52. (l.m.) BLEST is the nation, and the throne, Which Jesus condescends to own ; Where God is honor 'd in the laws ; Whose glory is Jehovah's cause. 2 The people of his sov'reign choice, Who own his right, and hear his voice ; His own inheritance, redeemed, On whom the glorious sun has beam'd. 3 The Lord looks down from heav'n to earth, Sees men of mean, or royal birth, Alike the creatures of his pow'r, Dependant on him ev'ry hour. 4 But he beholds his chosen race, Who fear his name and seek his face, As sons and daughters, well belov'd, Redeem'd, accepted, sav'd, approv'd. 5 Our soul shall wait God's will reveal'd, He is our help — he is our shield ; Our hearts rejoice that he is just, And in his holv name we trust. 41 Psalm XXXIV. 1 to 10. Song 53. (l.m.) I'LL bless the Lord thoughout my days, All times afford a theme for praise ; In light and darkness — life and death. His mercies shall employ my breath. 2 In Christ my soul shall make her boast, As taught by God the Holy Ghost ; I sought him, and he heard my prayer. He's my delivYer, 1 11 declare. 3 O magnify the Lord with me, Come, humble souls, let us agree, To tell how we have look'd, and live, What light and gladness God can give. 4 Jesus, though rich, was poor, and cried, The Father heard him, and replied ; Now he encamps round his elect, Their cov'nant angel to protect. 5 O taste and see, the Lord is good, His promise ever firm has stood ; Blest is the man who trusts his word, Blest are his saints who fear the Lord. They shall not want a real good, He loves them, saves them, gives them food; The poor, the helpless soul that cries, God hears, and sends him new supplies. Psalm XXXIV. 11 to 22. Song 54. (cm.) COME, children, hearken to the word, Which life and peace proclaims ; There you are taught to fear the Lord, And learn his cov'nant names. 2 The lips, the tongue, the feet, the eyes> Are all directed there ; All needful grace our God supplies. In answer to our prayer. 1% 3 His eyes and ears attend the cry Of broken contrite hearts ; Yea, Israel's God is always nigh, Salvation he imparts. 4 God views the righteous in their head, Each member Jesus own*; ; And when he suffer'd in their stead, None dared to break his bones. 5 Redemption to eternal life, In Jesus is complete ; The church is his expoused wife, He '11 take her to his seat. 6 All those, who God's own people hate, He says he will destroy ; The saints shall not be desolate, Their God shall be their joy. Psalm XXXV. 1 to 9. Song 55. (7s.) PLEAD my cause, O Lord of hosts, Earth and hell now make their boasts ; See, against my soul they strive, Only by thy grace I live. 2 Shield and buckler are with thee, Hold them forth, O Lord, for me ; " I am thy Salvation," say, That shall all my foes dismay. 3 Inbred sin my soul annoys, Unbelief my peace destroys, Fiery darts the tempter flings, Ev'ry day its conflict brings. 4 Jesus, when on earth he dwelt. Sharpest pangs of conflict fell ; All the pow'rs of darkness war'd With our great anointed Lord. L3 5 He has vanquished all his foes, For himself, and all he chose ; His salvation is complete, All shall worship at his feet. 6 Lord, I will rejoice in thee, Thy salvation makes me free ; Plead my cause and all is well, I shall ever with thee dwell. Psalm XXXV. 10 to 21. Song 56. (l.m.) LORD, who is like to thee in pow'r, To work deliverance ev'ry hour, To rescue children from the strong, Avenging all thy people's wrong ? 2 'Tis seen in David's sore complaint, What David's Lord, and ev'ry saint, Have felt from Satan and the world, Whence cruel fiery darts are hurl'd. 3 False witnesses their malice breathe, Mov'd by infernal pow'r beneath ; All Satan's abjects gather round, To smite thy church, Lord, to the ground. 4 They mock the Lord in solemn feasts, And gnash upon his saints like beasts ; Reward the Saviour ill for good, Though he, for sinners, surety stood. 5 Deliverer of the poor, draw nigh, I '11 give thee thanks, O thou Most High; The secret haunts of mischief search, And spoil the spoilers of thy church. Psalm XXXV. 22 to 28. Song 57- (l.m.) LORD, thou hast seen how men go on, O, when wilt thou avenge thy Son ? Rescue thy darling from the foe, And Satan's kingdom overthrow. 44 2 Stir up thyself, and plead thy cause, Give Zion peace instead of wars ; O let thy righteousness appear, And triumph supersede our fear. 3 O let the Lord be magnified, Let shame confound the sons of pride ; Let Zion prosper by thy grace, The cause of all thy chosen race, 4 Then shall thy people shout for joy, Praises shall all their tongues employ, In grateful accents all day long, And in one everlasting song. Psalm XXXVI. 1 to 6. Song 58. (l.m.) MY heart recoils when I survey The course of mortals day by day ; In flatt'ry, mischief, and deceit, Each other and themselves to cheat. 2 The world in wickedness is drown'd, Transgressions every where abound ; The sinner with the sinner vies, No fear of God before their eyes. 3 But God's own family he'll keep, They are his chosen, ransom 'd sheep ; Distinguish' d from the world by grace, Adopted, called, heav'n-born race. 4 Thy mercy, Lord, laid up in heav'n, To them, in Jesus Christ is giv'n ; Thy faithfulness o'ertops each cloud, Thy righteousness I'll sing aloud. 5 'Tis like the mountains, great and high, 'Tis like the deep, that 's never dry ; Both man and beast thy bounty share, But saints thy sov' reign grace declare. 45 Psalm XXXVI. 7 to 12. Song 59. (l.m.) HOW excellent, how full and free, Thy lovingkindness, Lord, to me ; The sons of men, who know thee, must Beneath thy shadow put their trust. 2 They shall be fully satisfied With grace, within thy house supplied ; The river of thy pleasure flows, To give them drink and drown their woes. 3 Their life its fountain hath in thee, The love of the Eternal Three ; Perpetual streams of kindness run, And heav'n on earth is thus begun. 4 Draw out thy lovingkindness, Lord, Continued grace and strength afford, To them that know thee but in part, Whom thou hast made upright in heart. 5 Deliver me from sons of pride, Near to thyself I would abide ; Ungodly men, cast down, must fall, But Christ to me is all in all. Psalm XXXVII. 1 to 9. Song 60. (cm.) FRET not thyself, thou heir of bliss, Nor crave the worldling's lot ; Thy portion far surpasses his, Thy charter changes not. 2 Like grass he grows, like grass he dies, But endless life is thine ; Leave him his toys, let this suffice, The pledge of love divine. 3 Trust in the Lord, thy cov'nant head, In his dear name delight ; Both soul and body shall be fed, For all his ways are right. 4tf 4 Commit thy way to him by faith, Pour out thy souPs desires ; He'll bring them all to pass, he saith, Yea, all that faith requires. 5 Rest in the Lord, and take the boon, His righteousness is thine ; He'll bring it forth as clear as noon, And in it thou shalt shine. 6 Wait patiently, and cease to fret, Thy Father's time is best ; He never broke his promise yet, Then put him to the test. Psalm XXXVII. 10 to 20. Song 61. (l.m.) THE saints of old, the heirs of God, The path of tribulation trod ; And can the saints in these last days Expect to find some smoother ways ? 2 The world and church can ne'er agree, Worldlings are slaves — the church is free ; The wicked plot against the just, Saints make omnipotence their trust. 3 The sword and bow are drawn and bent, Man's carnal enmity to vent ; But all is well for Zion's sons, The Lord upholds his righteous ones. 4 The Lord shall laugh at Satan's rage, His church is safe in ev'ry age ; Distinguish'd from the world she stands, The work, the care of his own hands. 5 The wordling's bubble soon will burst, And leave him poor, forlorn, accurs'd ; But saints have wealth laid up in store, All grace, and glorv evermore. 47 Psalm XXXVII. 23 to 29. SoXG 62. (P.M.) ALL the steps of the believer Are directed by the Lord ; Far away from the deceiver, Mark'd in the unerring word ; How delightful ! Such rich mercy to record. 2 Providence and grace bear witness, How's he kept from day to day ; Both are well arrang'd, with fitness, Only let him watch and pray ; How delightful ! God takes pleasure in his way. 3 If by sin he fall, or stumble, He shall not be quite cast down ; Nay, his falls his spirit humble, Grace shall gain the victor's crown ; How delightful ! Love is hid behind a frown. 4 God's own hand is still upholding, He will raise him up again ; Sin and grace are thus unfolding, Firmer standing he'll obtain ; How delightful ! Though sin rages, grace shall reign. 5 Young and old, I 'm not mistaken, All my life I 've never seen, God's elect by him forsaken, Though their sorrows have been keen ; How delightful ! Love divine no state can wean. 6 Christ the righteous shall inherit All the land his Father gave ; All his seed shall share his merit, Though they beg their bread, he'll save ; How delightful ! Jesus all his church will have. 48 Psalm XXXVII. 30 to 40. Song 63. (s.m.) THE Lord, the righteous one, Is wisdom all divine ; He speaks in judgment from his throne, His words are like choice wine. God's law is in his heart, His steps can never slide ; He magnified it in each part, And God is glorified. His righteous members too Are like their cov'nant head ; For, written in their hearts anew Is all the law, 'tis said. Ye saints who keep his way, He '11 never leave his own ; Wait on the Lord from day to day, And make your wishes known. The perfect, upright man, Who is in Jesus found, Shall end in peace the race he ran, And be with glory crown'd. Salvation we '11 proclaim, In God's unchanging love ; We '11 trust in his most glorious name, And shout his praise above. Psalm XXXVIII. Song 64. (cm.) THE burdened soul, convinc'd of sin, And mourning follies past, Feels deep distress, and pangs within, Like arrows sticking fast. Bow'd down and troubl'd, fill'd witli shame, Complaining all day long ; \o soundness left in nature's frame, But ev'rv thought is wrong. f. 49 3 Like wounds that stink, corruptions are Offensive and abhor' d ; But ev'ry woe, desire and care, Is spread before the Lord. 4 Then, with an eye to Jesus' grief^ The sinner looks by faith ; And in his sorrows gains relief, By trusting what he saith. 5 Christ's pangs and sorrows give full proof How much he loves his church ; When friends and lovers stood aloof, And foes for mischief search. 6 But Jesus trusted in the Lord, And so, henceforth, will I ; 'Midst all my haltings, I'll record My God is always nigh. 7 My foes are strong and multiplied, Their enmity they prove ; Forsake me not, for I confide In thy unchanging love. 8 All my salvation is in thee, Make haste to help me, Lord ; The glory of th' Eternal Three For ever I'll record. Psalm XXXIX. 1 to 6. Song 65. (l.m.) I SAID, I will take heed to walk In wisdom's ways, and only talk Of Christ, or else be dumb and still ; But fire has burn'd, and burn it will. 2 Lord, make me know what is mine end, For dangers all my steps attend ; My days are number' d in thy plan, And life itself is but a span. M 3 An hand-breadth only lies between The present and th' eternal scene ; Mine age is nothing, though thought great, And vanity is man's best state. 4 The walk of man is in vain show, Disquietude marks all below, Riches make wings and fly away, And beauty, moth-like, must decay. 5 Lord, make me know how frail I am, Help me to trust th' atoning Lamb, As my eternal life, my king, Then death to me can have no sting. Psalm XXXIX. 7 to 13. Song 66. (cm.) NOW, Lord, what wait I for ? 'tis this, Admission to my home, The realms of everlasting bliss, Where sorrows cannot come. 2 I wait in confidence for heav'n, A crown, a harp, a seat ; Predestined, yea, prepared and giv'n, To make my bliss complete. 3 Deliver me O Lord, I pray, From ev'ry sin and snare ; All my transgressions put away, Nor let reproach be there. 4 O hear my prayer, and count my tears, A stranger I 'm on earth ; So were my fathers, it appears, O, own my second birth. 5 O spare me to recover strength, Till faith can call thee mine ; And bring me to thyself at length, To glorv all divine. 51 Psalm XL. 1 to 4. SoNG 67. (P.M.) O THE depth of degradation, Horrid pit, where sinners lie ; Under curse and condemnation, Where unnumber'd millions die, Quite unconscious That eternal death is nigh. 2 Grace awaken'd me to feel it, Taught my helpless soul to cry, " Awful sentence, Lord, repeal it, Send deliverance from on high ;" Jesus, heard me, He ? s the friend that's always nigh. 3 Scarce had I the pit escaped, When I sunk in miry clay ; Legal bonds for me were shaped, I grew worse from day to day. But my Saviour Took my bonds and chains away. 4 On the rock he gave me standing. Stablish'd all my goings well, Brought me up with word commanding, Gave me songs his love to tell ; Jesus triumphs Over Satan, sin, and hell. 5 Now shall everlasting praises To our cov'nant God resound, While each ransom 'd sinner gazes On the work of grace, profound, Fearing, trusting, Till king Jesus shall be crown'd. 6 Blessed man in Jesus trusting, Blessed life to live by faith ; Pride and falsehood are disgusting, All is truth that Jesus saith ; Hallelujah ! Here mv soul salvation hath. 52 Psalm XL. 5 to 10. Song 68. (l.m.) A WONDER-working God is mine, In nature and in things divine ; What mind can reckon the amount Of prodigies in God's account. One work surpasses all the rest, The greatest, noblest, and the best ; Salvation work for ruin'd man, Arrang'd in God's unerring plan. Ten thousand lambs and rams must die, This one great work to typify ; But none could meet sin's awful sum, Till Jesus utter' d " Lo ! I come." That " lo, I come/' sign'd the decree, To honour all tV Eternal Three ; And Jesus' sacred bond was giv'n, To bring his own elect to heav'n. The volume of the book records His suretyship in his own words, The law's demands — the Father's will, Our surety promis'd to fulfil. He did the work, he paid the debt, His church shall be at freedom set ; With righteousness divine made known, To clothe, adorn, and save his own. His heart is faithfulness and love, To saints on earth and all above ; And congregated worlds shall know None can his purpose overthrow. Psalm XL. 11 to 13. Song 69. (c. m.) CHRIST and his church are still beset With ev'ry ill and foe ; But nothing has o'ercome them yet, And nothing can, we know. e 2 58 Sins, numberless, but not Iris own, Took hold on Christ for us ; He shed his precious blood t' atone, And sav'd his people thus. Sins, numberless, took hold on me, When God reveal'd his law ; My spirit fail'd — I could not see Whence I could comfort draw. Deliver me, O Lord, I cried, Thy lovingkindness shew ; And my request was not denied, His truth had told me so. His truth and lovingkindness still Preserve me ev'ry day, And this is his recorded will, " I shall hold on my way." Psalm XL. 14 to 17. Song 70- (s.m.) WHILE shame confounds the foes Of Jesus and his church, Let joy and gladness be with those Who for salvation search. In Jesus crucified, Let qnicken'd sinners trust ; Then shall the Lord be magnified, As merciful and just. Salvation from above, Eternal, perfect, free, My heav'n-born soul must ever love, Because it saved me. I'm poor and needy, taught My poverty to know ; But God, my cov'nant God, has thought On such a worm below. 54 •j He thought of me, ere time Its rapid course began ; With thoughts of peace, O thoughts sublime, Which form'd redemption's plan. 6 He thinks upon me now, Though I forget his love ; Soon I shall in his presence bow, Where not one thought shall rove. Psalm XLI. 1 to 12. Song 71- (cm.) THERE is a blessedness enjoy'd, In helping Jesus' flock, When poverty their tent makes void, And wastes their little stock. 2 " The poor are always with you/' said Our ever-gracious Lord ; Give them, whene'er you will, some bread, And I '11 the act record. 3 And was not Jesus poor indeed, When he sojourn'd on earth ; Then blest are all the sons of need Who know his real worth. 4 Foxes have holes, and birds have nests, But Jesus had not these; Nowhere to lay his head to rest, No downy bed of ease. 5 His enemies all evil spake Against his sacred name — Ye saints, reproach' d for Jesus' sake, Like him despise the shame. 6 Christ's own familiar friend arose, The master to betray ; His servants also meet with those Who wrong them day by day. 7 The Lord preserves, by mighty grace, The head and members too ; He favours all the chosen race, And brings them conquerors through, 8 Upheld by his almighty arm, Integrity is giv'n ; He '11 set them free from all alarm, Before his face in heav'n. Psalm XLI. 13. Song 7Z- (p.m.) WE bless the glorious name Of Israel's cov'nant God ; His righteousness proclaim, And sound his love abroad ; Amen, Amen, the echo flies Through all the earth and all the skies. 2 His everlasting love To everlasting runs ; Eternally to prove His union with his sons ; Amen, Amen, let Zion shout, And banish ev'ry fear and doubt. 3 From everlasting he Has to his cov'nant sworn ; That Zion shall be free, And on his heart be borne ; Amen, Amen, our souls respond, Our Jesus will not break his bond. 4 To everlasting life The ransom'd church shall come ; She's Christ's beloved wife, And he will take her home ; Amen, Amen, we bless the Lord, And everlasting love record. 56 Psalm XLII. 1 to 6. Song 73- (l. m.) JUST as the hart, pursued by foes, Pants after ev'ry brook that flows, So pants my soul, O God, for thee, My life is in th' Eternal Three. I thirst for God — not what he gives, 'Tis in himself my spirit lives ; When shall I in his courts appear ? When will he to my soul draw near ? Tears are, by day and night, my meat, While clouds surround the mercy seat, And unbelief lifts up the rod, Exclaiming, Where is now thy God. When I remember seasons past, The holy feasts of mercy vast Which nTi'd my soul with joy and praise, I mourn the loss of by-gone days. Cast down, and yet enquiring why ? " I thirst for God," is still my cry ; Disquieted I must remain, Until I see his face again. From Jordan's flood, and Mizar's hill, I will remember thee, and still Upon thy faithfulness depend, And hope to praise thee to the end. Yes, I shall praise Jehovah yet, Though now earth, hell, and sin beset ; His countenance will shine so bright, That foes shall all be put to flight. Psalm XLII. 7 to 11. Song 74. (cm.) DEEP calls to deep within my soul, Thy waterspouts I dread ; Yea, all thy waves and billows roll, To overwhelm my head. ~>7 2 Did Jesus thus pour out his grief, Enduring wrath divine ? Was he of sufferers the chief? Then why should I repine ? 3 The depths of wrath and sorrow move, And to each other call, The Saviour's faithfulness to prove, He triumphs over all. 4 He stem'd the billows, stilPd the waves, He dried up all the deep ; He now in lovingkindness saves His own redeemed sheep. 5 His lovingkindness he commands, In visits day and night ; To warm our hearts, uphold our hands, And fill us with delight. 6 Then why art thou cast down, my soul ? Christ is thy rock, he says, And he will ev'ry wave controul, Begin thy songs of praise. Psalm XLIII. Song 75- (l.m.) JUDGE me, O God, and plead my cause, Save me from those who hate thy laws ; God of my strength, I thee invoke, To break the proud oppressor's yoke. 2 Send out thy truth, send out thy light, With pow'r divine, with lustre bright ; Bid them accomplish all thy will, And lead me to thy holy hill. 3 Thy light and truth spread all around, To cast all idols to the ground ; And in thy temples let us see Thine own elect adoring thee. 58 4 Then at thine altar I shall feast With Christ, my off' ring, and my priest ; My God be my exceeding joy, And human rites no more annoy. 5 Then shall thy tabernacle ring With hallelujahs to our king; Thy saints shall be no more cast down, Health shall be theirs, and thine the crown. Psalm XLIV. 1 to 8. Song 76- (cm.) SALVATION was of God of old, An act of sovereign grace, Our ears have heard, our fathers told, To cheer the chosen race. 2 But now, rebellious worms deny This ancient, holy creed ; And on an arm of flesh rely, Rebellion this indeed. 3 The work thou didst, O Lord, shall be Our gospel model now ; The vict'ries all were thine, we see, To thy great name we bow. 4 Thine ancient people got their land, But not by sword or bow ; Thou savedst them by thy right hand, And we are saved so. 5 Thou art our king, O God, command Deliverances for us ; No foes nor fiends before thee stand, We '11 trample on them thus. 6 We will not trust to bow or sword, To creature will or pow'r ; For we are saved in the Lord, We'U praise him ev'rv hour. 59 7 This ancient creed shall be our boast, Salvation all of grace; The Father, Son, and Holy Ghost Will save the chosen race. Psalm XLIV. 9 to 20. Song 77* (l.m.) THE church of God, while in this world, With banners of his truth unfurl'd, Meets with a persecuting host, Whose enmity is made their boast. 2 If God withholds his special care, Our enemies will never spare ; They hate, and kill, and take the spoil, Nor at their murd'rous deeds recoil. 3 Reproach, derision, shame and scorn, Are heap'd on all who are new-born ; Like sheep to slaughter we are brought, As if we had been sold for nought. 4 Arise, O Lord, avenge our wrong, They kill thy servants all day long ; Thy cause, thy truth, thy vineyard search, O cast not off thy blood-bought church. 5 Our hearts have been preserved by grace, To run with patience our blest race ; Thy covenant is still our stay, Our steps decline not from thy way. 6 Awake, why sleepest thou, O Lord ? Why should thy people be abhor' d ? Why should proud antichrist prevail ? Can thine own covenant promise fail ? 7 Our soul is bowed down to dust, Help us, O Lord, thou true and just ; O wherefore hidest thou thy face ? Save, Lord, the subjects of thv grace ! 60 Psalm XLV. 1 to 8. SONG 78. (P.M.) MY heart expands, of good inditing, I miftt speak of sacred things ; With my tongue like ready writing, I ? 11 extol the King of kings ; Of whose glory Ev'ry saint and angel sings. Thou, of all the sons, art fairest, Yea, thy lips are fill'd with grace ; All thy fulness, Lord, thou sharest 'Mongst thy chosen ransom'd race ; And in glory They shall see thee face to face. O most mighty, O most blessed, Gird thy sword upon thy thigh ; Be thy majesty confessed, Bring thy blood-bought trophies nigh ; Let thy glory All thy stubborn foes defy. Truth arfd righteousness, and meekness, Are the weapons of thy hand ; All thy foes shall know their weakness, None can Jesus' pow'r withstand ; Tis thy glory, Rebels bow at thy command. On thy throne, O God, for ever, Sway thy sceptre all around, King and subjects none can sever, Jesus makes his grace abound ; And with glory He shall be for ever crown'd. 'Tis thy righteousness, appointed For the church, to cover her ; Thou with gladness art anointed, All thy garments smell of myrrh ; In thy glory Not one blemish can occur. f 61 Psalm XLV. 9 to 15. Song 79 t (cm.) THY bride, thy church, Kin£ of kings, Is honoured by thy side ; At thy right hand she sits and sings, Completely justified. In gold of Ophir, costly clad, Appears thy royal queen ; All graces which her husband had, Are now upon her seen. The king his warm desire has set Upon his chosen spouse ; And tells her she must now forget Her fallen father's house. He is thy Lord, O Zion, hear, And worship him alone ; No rival must with thee appear, For Christ is on the throne. All glorious is the church within. With ev'ry grace endow'd ; Accepted, and made free from sin, She ouo;ht to sing aloud. She shall be brought before the king, With all her virgin train, To make his glorious palace ring With joyous notes again. Psalm XLV. 16 k 17. Song 80. (8s.) GOD'S line of succession is clear, His church to continue on earth ; And new generations appear, His people by heavenly birth. Both Tyre and Egypt must give Their offspring, when Jesus demands, For those whom he quickens shall live, And none can pluck out of his hands. 62 3 Instead of the fathers, shall rise The children he claims as his seed ; As princes, though men may despise, Their titles and crowns are decreed. 4 They bear in rememb' ranee the name Of Jesus, their God and their king ; To all generations the same, His praises all people shall sing, Psalm XLVI. 1 to 5. Song 81. (cm.) GOD is our refuge, we abide In him, and he in us ; All enemies may be defied, While we are shelter' d thus. 2 A very present help he's found, When troubles rise and swell ; A wall of fire he is, around, Where'er his people dwell. 3 Hence, faith exclaims, We will not fear, Though earth's hugh pillars shake ; Our cov'nant God is always near, He never will forsake. 4 Uprooted mountains may be cast Into the depths of sea ; God's living church shall yet stand fast, Upheld by fix'd decree. 5 There is a river, deep and wide, Descending from the throne, Whose streams through Zion's city glide, Where peace and joy are known. 6 There the Most High still deigns to dwell, Within his holy place ; Defending her from earth and hell, Enriching her with grace. 63 Psalm XLVI. 6 to 11. Song 82. (l.m.) AGAINST thee, Lord, the heathen rag'd, Against thy Christ all hell engaged, Against thy church the kingdoms mov'd, To spoil the people thou hast lov'd. 2 The Lord of hosts is with us still, The God of Jacob does his will ; For at his voice the earth must melt, And desolations vast be felt. 3 The spear, the chariot, and the bow, He '11 break, and cut, and overthrow ; 'Tis he who maketh wars to cease, And gives his chosen people peace. 4 " Be still, and know that I am God, All things await my sov' reign nod, I '11 be exalted age to age, Though devils roar, and heathens rage." 5 Our refuge is the Lord of hosts, In his protection Zion boasts ; The God of Israel ever proves Faithful to all the souls he loves. Psalm XLVII. Song 83. (cm.) O CLAP your hands, ye saints of his, King Jesus reigns above ; He chose an heritage of bliss, For objects of his love. 2 He 's gone beyond the starry skies, With shouts and trumpet's sound ; Let everlasting praises rise, For Christ the Lord is crown'd. 3 He reigns o'er all the heathen world, His throne is holiness ; His conq'ring banner is unfurl'd, His sceptre, righteousness. 04 4 He owns his ancient covenant seed, Who worship Ab'ram's God; And gathers all who were decreed To be his own reward. 5 To him the shields of earth belong, His is the warrior's fame ; Exalt him with repeated song, And glorify his name. G Begone, ye unbelieving fears, Triumphant faith, arise ; Shout, for your conqiing Lord appear Exalted, in the skies. Psalm XLVIII. 1 to 8. Soxg 84. (cm.) GREAT is the Lord, his name confess, Let Zion shout his praise ; The mountain of his holiness, Where he his truth displays. 2 The joy and beauty of the earth, The city of our God ; Whose citizens, of heav'nly birth, Their liberties record. 3 Within her palaces, her saints, Her cov'nant God is known ; For he attends to their complaints, And they their refuge own. 4 Kings have assembled to make war Against the chosen race ; Fear siez'd upon them when they saw The triumphs of thy grace, 5 The ships of Tarshish thou shalt break, When they thy church invade ; Tis but to bid thy winds awake, And in the deep they 're laid, f2 Psalm XLVIII. 8 to 14. Song 85. (cm.) AS we have heard, so have we seen, The city of our God ; Establish' d by himself, and clean, His own divine abode. 2 Within thy temple, Lord, we've thought Of lovingkindness free ; There, by thy Spirit, we are taught, It fix'd all heav'n's decree. 3 Then let mount Zion still rejoice, Let Judah's daughters sing ; Jehovah ne'er revokes his choice, He is her God and king. 4 Salvation for her bulwark stands, Her tow'rs of truth are strong ; All generations, in all lands, Shall listen to her song. 5 This God is ours, in life and death, And he will be our guide For ever, as his promise saith ; He shall be glorified. Psalm XLIX. 1 to 14. Song 86. (l.m.) HOW short and frail is human life ; A scene of toil, a scene of strife ; A fleeting shadow at the most ; Yet mortals of this shadow boast. 2 The low and high, the rich and poor, Born, just to live, and are no more ; They eat and drink, work, walk, or run, All which brute animals have done. 3 Redemption for the precious soul, Is scarcely thought of, 'midst the whole ; Their inward thought is set on toys, Till death their sordid scheme destroys. 06 4 Redemption, by atoning blood, Brings all the chosen home to God ; 'Tis precious in his sight, and their.-, All the redeem' d are sons and heirs. 5 Sinners, like sheep, in graves are laid, Death feeds upon them, it is said ; And all the honours they can have, Are buried with them in the grave. 6 But O, the resurrection morn ! That wakes them up undone, forlorn ! Then shall the saints whom they opprest, Obtain dominion and be blest. Psalm XLIX. 15 to 20. Song 87. (l.m.) GOD hath redeem'd my soul from death, He will receive me home, he saith ; All that my soul desires, he gives, And I shall live while Jesus lives. 2 This, fallen man can 't understand ; He has earth's pleasures at command, But brute-like lives, and brute-like dies, And then in hell lifts up his eyes. 3 Be not afraid, my soul, of those Whose earthly fame and treasure grows ; They leave it all whene'er they die, But thou hast wealth above the sky. 4 Man boasts of honours, riches, feasts, While scarce one grade above the beasts : 'Tis life divine, in faith and love, Gives honour here, and bliss above. 5 Then let the worldling have his toys, Mine are substantial, solid joys ; God hath accepted me, nnd giv'n The foretaste and the pledge of heav'n. 67 Psalm L. 1 to (3. SoNG 88. (P.M.) THE mighty God, the Lord, hath spoken, Earth is into being brought ; His decrees cannot be broken, God upholds what he has wrought j Great Creator, We are by thy Spirit taught. 2 Out of Zion, the perfection Of all beauty, we behold ; God shines forth on his election, His own glories to unfold ; Her Creator Clothes her daughters in wrought gold. 3 Zion's beauty Jesus gave her, His own righteousness and grace ; His dear name is full of savour Unto all his chosen race ; Her Creator Views his church in Christ, he says, 4 Gather all my saints together, Is the Saviour's high command ; They shall ev'ry tempest weather. And arrive at Canaan's land ; Their Creator Sees them in his covenant stand. 5 On one sacrifice depending, The atonement Jesus made ; Gather'd to him, and ascending, Upward by his mighty aid. Their Creator Says to them, " Be not afraid." 6 Heav'n and earth shall both bear witness, God himself is judge alone ; Righteousness divine is fitness For the everlasting throne ; Our Creator Claims and glorifies his own. 68 Psalm L. 7 to 23. Song 89. (cm.) HEAR, O my people, I will speak ; 'Gainst thee I'll testify; I am thy God, though thou art weak, Thy sins before me lie. 2 I will not deal reproof to thee, For lack of forms and rites ; Thine off' rings all belong to me, On forests, plains, and heights. 3 All vain oblations God abhors, Though crowds insult him so ; From such assemblies he withdraws, But to his saints he'll go. 4 Then offer unto God his due, Thanksgiving, praise and love ; Keep his salvation in thy view, And wait for joys above. 5 In days of trouble call on me, " Make thy distresses known ; I can, I will deliver thee, My glory thou shalt own. 6 But woe to sinners in disguise, Who of my covenant talk ; Yet practise robbery and lies, While in deceit they walk. 7 False prophets and false priests, I hate, And will in pieces tear ; Such soul-deceivers meet their fate, With no deliv'rer near. 8 The grace-taught souls who offer praise, They glorify my name ; On my salvation they shall gaze, And ne'er be put to shame. Psalm LI. 1 to 13. Song 90, (l. m.) HAVE mercy, Lord, and hear my cry, Before thy mercy seat I lie, To own my guilt, my sins confess, And lay before thee my distress. 2 Conceived in sin, and from my birth Inclin'd to evil, bound to earth ; Yea, shapen like my fallen head, Iniquitous, and blind, and dead. 3 Against thee, Lord, and thee alone, I ? ve sinn'd, and now my sins I own ; Thy tender mercy is my plea, Thy lovingkindness can reach me. 4 Blot out transgression, pardon sin, Cleanse me from all that^s vile within - r Purge me with hyssop, dipt in blood, Then I am clean before my God. 5 Cause me to hear thy pard'ning voice,, To make my broken heart rejoice ; Hide not thy face from me, I pray, O do not cast my soul away. 6 Create a clean heart in my breast, Restore the joys I once possessed ; Then will I teach poor souls thy grace, While sinners hear, and seek thy face. Psalm LI. 15 to 19. Song 91. (cm.) O'erwhelm'd with guilt, and full of fear, Before thy throne I lie, O, God of my salvation, hear, And bring clehVrance nigh. 2 Then shall my tongue proclaim aloud, Thy perfect righteousness ; Till broken-hearted sinners crowd Thv courts, thy name to bless. JO 3 Burnt offerings thou dost not desire, Else I would give thee these ; A broken heart thou dost admire. Then surely mine will please. 4 Do good, in thy good pleasure, Lord, On Zion's sacred hill ; Let pow'r divine attend thy word, Thy purposes fulfil. 5 Then let thy chosen heav'n-born race, Their whole burnt off 'ring bring ; Proclaiming Jesus king of grace, And of his triumphs sing. Psalm LI I. Song 92. (l.m.) WHY boasted thou thyself, O man, Thy mortal life is but a span ; And even that is all a cheat, Made up of mischief and deceit. 2 God will destroy the rebel race, Pluck up their very dwelling place ; His pow'r and justice shall appear, Then shall the righteous see and fear. 3 But I am like a green fir tree, In God's own house my place shall be ; Kept green — made fruitful by his grace, Admitted to his kind embrace. 4 I trust thy mercy, O my God, I praise thee for atoning blood ; I '11 wait on thee with my complaints, For this is good before thy saints. Psalm LI 1 1. Song 93- (cm.) THE fool hath said within his heart, No God do I desire ; Corrupt and vile in cx^ry part, With passions >ct on fiw. 71 2 God looked down from heav'n to see If any sought his face ; Not one is found, till grace makes free, All lie in deep disgrace. 3 The total ruin of the fall, Has made men fools indeed ; Gross darkness overshadows all The fallen parents' seed. 4 O, that salvation from above, For Israel's tribes were come ; Zion is lov'd with endless love, And glory is her home. 5 When God brings back his chosen race To liberty and peace, Their souls shall triumph in his grace, Their joy shall never cease. Psalm LIV. Song 94. (l.m.) SAVE me, O God, by thy great name, Put my relentless foes to shame ; O hear my prayer, in thee I trust, In dangers and in straits the worst. 2 God is my helper, he'll controul All evils, and uphold my soul ; Nor foes, nor fiends their malice vent, Until my Father gives consent. 3 I'll sacrifice, O Lord, to thee, The Lamb my sacrifice shall be, For his one off' ring sanctifies The soul that on his work relies. 4 He hath deliver' d me from hell, And rescued me from foes as well ; I'll praise his name for mercies past, And trust his goodness to the last. • Song 95. (cm.) GIYE car, O Lord, to my complaints Of foes, and fiends, and sin ; My heart is pain'd. my spirit fail My conflict is within. 2 Around me all is vice and woe, A world of wickedness ; But in my heart there lie-. I kno The cause of my disti 3 O, that I had the wings of do I 'd rise and fly away : Retirement now my spirit loves. Where I might praise and pray. 4 There, sheltered from the storms From mischief and deceit ; Apart from all the sons of sJ My soul would find retreat. 5 Vain hope ! the wilderness has not Such calm asylums giv'n ; Conflict and trial are the lot Of all the heirs of heav'i:. 6 Tis thus the graces must 1 1 To perfect faith and love : Ere long I shall be satisfied. In perfect calm above. Psalm LV. 12 to 15, Song 96. (l DID David's counsellor unite With traitors 'gainst their Lord to fii Did Judas, David's Lord betray. And thereby cast himself away ? 2 Has antichrist betray'd the Lord, And kill'd his members with the sv. With fair pi\ tensions, in disg To hide his tn G 3 Then, I '11 not wonder though I meet With falsehood, malice, and deceit, In some who bear the christian name, My blessed Lord has felt the same. 4 A friend, a counsellor, a guide, With whom I travel side by side, May soon become a cruel foe ; But Jesus cannot change, I know. 5 Jesus my counsellor shall be, My guide, and my acquaintance he ; I know r his love — he has my heart, And we shall never, never part. Psalm LV. 16 to 23. Song ©7« (s.m.) I 'LL call upon the Lord, He has salvation giv'n ; Let morning, noon, and night record My intercourse with heav'n. 2 His name I must adore, As my deliverer too ; The battle was against me sore, But Jesus brought me through. 3 Foes use deceitful words, While war is in their hearts ; Their oily lips are but drawn swords, Or cruel poison'd darts. 4 Thy burden cast, my soul, Upon the Lord thy God ; He shall sustain thee, and controul Each traitor with a nod. 5 He '11 never suffer now, The righteous to be mov'd ; Nor can his faithfulness allow The hurt of those he lov'd. 74 Psalm LVI. 1 to 8. Song 98. (cm.) WHAT enmity the carnal mind Pours forth against the saints ; In acts of ev'ry sort and kind, And all unjust complaints. The slaves of Satan lie in wait, Some mischief to effect ; In open war, or by some bait, To injure God's elect. But in my God I put my trust, I will not yield to fear ; Jehovah is both true and just, And he is always near. Thou tellest all my wand' rings, Lord, Hast bottled all my tears ; I '11 praise thee, yea I'll praise thy word, Through my remaining years. Psalm LVI. 9 to 13. Song 99. (cm.) LORD, when I cry to thee for aid, My enemies turn back ; I have no cause to be afraid, With thee there is no lack. 'Tis prayer repulses ev'ry foe, And bids each fear be still ; My God is for me, this I know, His purpose he '11 fulfil. Thou hast redeern'd my soul from death ; My feet from falling save, That I may walk with God by faith, And thou shalt glory have. O, let me with the living walk, Enjoying gospel light; Of crowns, and thrones, and glory talk, Till faith is chanjAl to sio:ht. Psalm LVII. 1 to 6 Song 100. (l.m. BE merciful, God, to me, Calamities around I see, Nor can I tell how long they'll last. I '11 trust thee 'till they're overpast. 2 I '11 cry, O God most high, to thee For thou performest all for me ; Thy mighty arm alone will save, From Satan, sin, death, hell and grave, 3 God shall send forth his mercy free, His truth is settled by decree ; His mercy and his love impart Salvation to the broken heart. 4 Lions, and men more savage still, Whose teeth like spears and arrows kill,, Yea, antichrist, that murd'rous foe, The hand of God shall overthrow. 5 Be thou exalted, O my God, And rule the nations with thy rod ; False prophets, and the beast destroy. Get glory thus, give saints this joy, Psabn LVII, 7 to 11. Song 101. (s.m.) MY heart is fix'd, O God, On firm and pleasant ground ; The trackless wilderness I 've trod. And cov'nant rest I 've found, 2 My heart is fix'd by grace, I am with Jesus one ; I'll sing his everlasting praise. Now, and before his throne. 3 My heart is fix'd above, My glory shall awake ; Among the people of thy love. And of their jovs partake. 76 4 My heart is fix'd secure, With truth and mercy nigh ; Hence I shall to the end endure, And reio;n with Christ on high. 5 Be thou exalted, Lord, Above the earth and heav'n ; Thy truth and mercy I'll record, In full salvation o;iv'n. Psalm LVIII. Song 102. (7s.) VAST hypocrisy abounds, High pretensions, empty sounds ; Righteousness upon the tongue, Wickedness in old and young. 2 From the womb, in strange disguise, Men speak vanity and lies ; With the serpent's poison arm'd, By the gospel never charm'd. 3 Soon they vanish from the earth, Gone like an untimely birth ; Wirldwinds sw^eep them all away, Helpless, hopeless, in dismay. 4 Antichrist shall perish thus, Under God's eternal curse ; Vengeance will ere long awake, And that wicked one o'ertakc. 5 But the righteous live to see God perform his high decree ; Jesus Christ, the righteous one, Has the glorious vict'ry won. 6 So that ev'ry man shall say, God is Judge, and he'll repay Vengeance to his stubborn G Glory to the souls he cb O 2 7 7 Psalm LIX. Song 103. (l.m.) DELIVER me, Lord, I pray, From all the perils of my way ; From men, and devils who withstand My progress to the promis'd land. All carnal minds thy people hate, For them they daily lie in wait ; They belch out hatred with their mouth,, From east to west, from north to south. Awake, O Lord, plead thine own cause > For mortals now make void thy laws ; make the heathen world to know God rules in Zion here below. 1 wait upon thee in suspense, Thou, O my God, art my defence; The God of mercy will prevent The mischief which my foes invent, But I will sing of love and pow'r, My refuge in each trying hour ; Of mercy I must sing aloud, As my deliverance from the proud. Psalm LX, Song 104. (cm.) LORD, how has unbelief denied Thy faithfulness to me ; And when thou dost thy count'nancc hide, How all my comforts flee. Then to complaining I give vent, As if cast off by thee ; I seem to drink astonishment, And all things hard I see. Yel lias thy banner been unfurl'd. Thy truth and love displayed; Thus 1 'm distinguished room the vvorldj Win should 1 be afraid 4 The promise God has spoken stands, Pledg'd by his holiness ; He will subdue all foes, all lands. His living church to bless. 5 Manasseh, Ephraim, Judah too, His sovereignty shall own ; Eclom and Moab he '11 subdue, To make his glory known. 6 Through God we shall, in all the war, Do valiently in fight ; Vain is the help of man — we draw Our strength from Jesus' might. 7 He shall tread down our numerous foes, Within, without, around ; He '11 vanquish all who dare oppose, And be with glory crown'd. Psalm LXI. Song 105. (7s.) HEAR my cry, O God, attend, Sighs from earth's remotest end ; Overwhelm^! with foes and snares, Let my groaning reach thine ears 2 Lead me to the rock that 's high, Thence I '11 ev'ry foe defy ; Safe in Jesus I shall rest, In him be for ever blest. 3 Shelter for me thou hast been When the tempest lias been keen ; In my conflicts sharp and long, I have found my tow'r is strong. 4 There I will abide and Bing, h\ the co\ i if of thy h ing ; And, with those ^li<> fear thy nam* M\ blesl hei ' ; [aim, 70 5 Christ my king for ever lives, Life to all his subjects gives ; Truth and mercy he prepares, Ev'ry saint these blessings shares. 6 Hallelujah to thy name, Covenant love is still the same ; I am Christ's, and Christ is mine, I shall soon in glory shine. Psalm LXII. Song 106. (p.m.) MY soul for Jesus waits, With thirst which he creates ; In him salvation dwells, As all the gospel tells, And that salvation suits my case, For all is free and sov'reign grace. 2 He only is my rock, Let all the heathen mock ; He is my sure defence, I '11 not be mov'd thence ; Time and eternity shall prove, Salvation is in cov'nant love. 3 My strength and glory lies In God who hears my cries, In him alone I trust, The holy, true and just ; God is a refuge for his saints, Pour out your hearts, he hears complaints. 4 From mortal man I flee, Of low or high degree, As false, and light, and vain, They only give me pain ; And riches, if they steal the heart, Pierce through with sorrow like a dart. 80 But God hath spoken thus, Once, twice, yea, thrice to as, All pow'r belongs to me, And mercy full and free ; To render the reward of grace To all my chosen, ransom'd race, Then truly I will wait Within his temple gate : In him at all times trust, To whom I came at first ; Nor doubt his mercy, pow'r, and love, Until I see his face above. Psalm LXIII. Song 107. (l.m.) O GOD, thou art my God alone, Thy covenant love and grace I own ; My soul now thirsteth, Lord, for thee, Earth is a barren land to me. Within thy temple I have been, Thy pow'r and glory I have seen ; Thy lovingkindness felt and known, Is better far than life, I own, My lips shall grateful tribute give, Thus will I bless thee while I live \ My soul with Christ is satisfied, Marrow and fatness are supplied. Because thou hast in seasons past Help'd me, I'll trust thee to the last ; My soul shall follow after thee, While thy right hand upholdeth me, My foes shall be dismay 'd and fall, My king is crowned Lord of all; And ev'ry one that knows his voice, In him shall glory and rejoice. 81 Psalm LXIV. Song 108. (s.m.) O HEAR my voice in prayer, Thou God of grace and love, Preserve my life from ev'ry snare, And my deliv'rer prove. The carnal mind is still All enmity, unmix' d ; And ev'ry man's unconquer'd will, Is in rebellion fix'd. They whet their tongues like swords, And secret mischief plan ; Their inward thoughts, and deeds, and words Vent all the spite they can. O, God, thou wilt arise, And plead thy people's cause; And ev'ry one whom grace makes wise Shall own thy righteous laws. The righteous shall be glad, And trust the Lord alone, Shall glory in the joys they 've had, And wait for joys unknown. Yea, all men shall declare The work of God is right ; And all who trust in him shall share In infinite delight. Psalm LXV. 1 to 4. Song 109. (s.m.) PRAISE waiteth for thee, Lord, Where Zion's daughters meet, Where they their sacred vows record, And worship at thy feet. O thou that heareth prayer, To thee shall all flesh come ; Both Jews and Gentiles shall repair To Zion as their home. 82 3 Iniquities prevail Against all human pow'r, But Christ's atonement cannot fail, Apply it, Lord, each hour. 4 How blessed is the Man Of thy eternal choice, Who can approach the great I am, With interceeding voice. 5 How blessed are the men Who know they are thy choice ; Whom thou hast caus'd t' approach thee, then In thee they will rejoice. 6 They dwell within thy courts, With goodness satisfied ; To hear what gospel truth reports, And near thyself abide. Psalm LXV. 5 to 8. Song 110. (cm.) GOD of salvation, King of kings, Who shall thy name declare ; By terrible, eventful things, 'Tis thine to answer prayer. 2 All nature shall proclaim thy praise, Seas, mountains, earth and sky ; Holy and just are all thy ways, O, thou who art most high. 3 Outgoings of the morning sun, And ev'ning shades rejoice ; Their race thy ransom'd people run, Encourag'd by thy voice. 4 The first outgoings of my soul, In early morn of grace, And ev'ning shadows, yea, the whole Of life, shall speak thy praise. 83 Psalm LXV. 9 to 13. Song 111. (cm.) THY blessing rests upon the earth, Thy river yields supplies ; Thy show'rs of grace give second birth. Which never, never dies. 2 With goodness thou dost crown the year, Thy paths drop fatness still ; Thy cov'nant blessings often cheer Thy church, thy holy hill. 3 Yea, all the little hills rejoice, Though in the wilderness, When they have listened to thy voice, When thou dost come and bless. 4 Green pastures, cloth'd with flocks, appear, With corn, and oil, and wine ; And the Good Shepherd will be there. To give them joy divine. Psalm LXVI. 1 to 14. Song 112. (l. m.) FROM all his saints our God demands A joyful song, in all the lands ; Sing forth the honour of his name, The wonders of his grace proclaim. 2 Let all the earth its worship bring, His love let all his people sing ; Come, see his works, and own his powY, He holds our souls in life each hour. 3 O bless our God, ye people, now, Bring your burnt offering, pay your vow j Let praise, like holy incense, rise, And plead the one great sacrifice. 4 Thro' flames and floods we have been brought Enrich'd with grace and highly taught, The mysteries of cov'nant love, Bv blest anointing from above. 84 o For thou, O God, hast prov'd us thine, Tried us, as silver from the mine ; The furnace and the fining pot Have prov'd that Jesus changes not. 6 Into thy house we will repair, To pray, and praise Jehovah there ; Escap'd from trouble, and the net, Thy love we never can forget. Psalm LXVI. 15 to 20. Song 113- (cm.) COME, hear, all ye that fear the Lord, While I declare his praise ; His work within my soul record, His love in various ways. 2 He stopt my sinful, mad career, Created me anew ; Brought his free grace salvation near, And said, It is for you. 3 I cried, he heard and answer' d me, Let us extol his name ; From love of sin he set me free, And took away my shame. 4 His holy secret he reveaFd, His covenant of grace ; The pardon of my sins he seal'd, And shew'd his smiling face. 5 For ever blessed be my king, Whose mercy reaches me ; Of him, and to him, I must sing, To all eternity. 6 He hath not turn'd away his ear, Nor my request denied ; Blessed be God ! he's ever near, He shall be glorified, H Psalm LXVII. Song 114. (p.m.) GOD be merciful thus, Make his face shine on us, That his way may be known upon earth ; That the nations may see, And his people all be The partakers of heavenly birth. Let the people praise thee, As the united Three, And the judge of the children of men ; Let the nations be glad, In thy righteousness clad, While they sing to thy purpose, Amen. Let the people praise thee, For thy salvation free, And thy righteousness ever the same ; Let them dwell on thy love, As the saints do above, And rejoice in thy covenant name. Let the people praise thee, While thy goodness they see, While their God, their own God, they confess ; Earth shall yield her increase, And the saints shall have peace, For the triune Jehovah will bless. Psalm LXVII, repeated. Song 115. (cm.) BE merciful to us, O Lord, And cause thy face to shine ; Make thy way known, and we'll record, All pow'r and glory thine. Let all the people praise thy name, Make all the nations glad ; Thy saving health we will proclaim, Why should thy saints be sad ? 86 3 The earth shall yield her increase, when Our covenant God shall bless ; He '11 judge the world, and govern men In truth and righteousness. 4 Our God shall bless his chosen race With ev'ry proniis'd good ; For all his purposes of grace For ever firm have stood. Psalm LXVIII. 1 to 14. Song 116. (l.m.) LET God arise and plead his cause, For mortals now make void his laws ; Let them that hate him flee away, And Zion triumph ev'ry day. 2 But let the righteous all be glad, For ransom' d souls should not be sad ; Let them their Father's acts proclaim, For Jah, Jehovah, is his name. 3 The fatherless and widows share In his paternal love and care ; He brings forth souls enslav'd and bound, Leaves the rebellious on dry ground. 4 Before his presence, at his look, Heav'n, earth, and even Sinai shook ; When God went forth to save and bless His people in the wilderness. 5 Thy grace, O God, like plenteous rain, Confirms thy weary church again ; Thy goodness, all thy cov'nant store, Thou hast prepar'd to feed the poor. 6 The Lord gave forth his word of old, Made those who preach'd his gospel bold, Made kings and armies flee apace, And spread the triumphs of his grace. Psalm LXVIII. 15 k 16. Song 117. (cm.) THE hill of God, his chosen rest, The living church on earth, Is highly lov'd, and highly blest With sons of heav'nly birth. 2 Why leap ye then, ye lofty hills ; Cast up by grov'ling moles ; 'Tis on mount Zion dew distils, Refreshing precious souls. 3 The hill of God like Bashan stands, A high and holy hill ; The joy and glory of all lands, Jehovah dwells there still. 4 'Tis high above all carnal rites And superstitious mire ; In Zion's hill her God delights, He calls it his desire. 5 Why leap ye then, ye free-will mounds ? Enrag'd at God's own choice ; God's holy hill with fruit abounds, And there we must rejoice. Psalm LXVIII. 17 to 19. Song 118. (s.m.) THE chariots God employs, Th' appointed means of grace, To bring his saints to endless joys, Are thousands strong, he says. 2 The Lord is with them still, The holy place he loves ; Angels and men perform his will, His faithfulness he proves. 3 Thou hast ascended high, All glorious conq'ring king, To bring rebellious sinners nigh, Of all thv gifts to sing. 88 4 God dwells among them now, To manifest, his love ; And they before his throne shall bow, To shout his praise above. 5 O blessed be the Lord ! Who loads us day by day With benefits ; free grace reward, And guides us in his way. Psalm LXVIII. 20 to 35. Song 119. (l.m.) SALVATION to our God belongs, He will avenge his people's wrongs ; He '11 bring them up from deepest woes, And wound the head of all his foes. 2 O God, thy goings we have seen Within thy sanctuary, clean ; The singers Zion's sons employ, Praise thy dear name w T ith holy joy. 3 Ye congregations, bless the Lord, The fountain-head of grace record ; Rulers and princes shall unite To sing his praises with delight. 4 Zion, thy God commands thy strength, His love is vast in breadth and length ; Jerusalem is his delight, He will defend it day and night. 5 Ascribe to God both strength and grace, Extended to his chosen race ; For ev'ry Israelite shall prove That Israel's God is God of love. 6 He rides upon the heav'ns of old, His mighty voice shall truth unfold ; All worlds obey his sov'reign nod, Zion rejoice and bless our God. a 2 B9 Psalm LXIX. 1 to 15. Song 120. (l.m.) SAVE me, O God, the Saviour cried, When by the wicked hands he died ; Revil'd, and scourg'd, and held accurst, In dying pangs, he said, " I thirst." 2 Deep waters — floods of wrath he bore, To pay his people's dreadful score ; Restor'd what he took not away, God's honour, on th' atoning day. 3 His people's sins were on him laid, Responsible their Lord was made ; And thus, in zeal for God he spake, " I 've borne reproaches for thy sake." 4 And shall his members now complain, At fellowship with Jesus' pain ; When persecuted for his sake, And sorrow's billows on them break ? 5 Lord, let not them that wait for thee, Asham'd, before the wicked flee ; Let not the water-floods o'erflow Thy people, whom thou didst foreknow. 6 Are they not one with Christ their head ? Deliver them, as thou hast said ; The truth of thy salvation prove, By hearing, answ'ring them in love. Psalm LXIX. 16 to 28. Song 121. (cm.) PROSTRATE in cold Gethsemanc, With agonizing prayer, The Lord of life and bliss I see, My load of guilt to bear. 2 Deliver me, O Lord, he cried, When earth and hell assaiPd ; He wrought deliv'rance when he died, O'er death and hell prevailed. 90 3 Reproach and anguish broke his heart, He trod the press alone ; His lovingkindness would not part With those he calls his own. 4 They gave him gall instead of meat, And vinegar for drink ; All this he suffer' d to complete Salvation, from hell's brink. 5 My soul shall triumph in his grace, As his eternal choice ; Let Judas go to his own place, Let ransom'd souls rejoice. 6 Christ and his church the world repute As worthless, vile and mean ; God smites, and worldlings persecute. But vict'ry shall be seen. Psalm LXIX. 29 to 36. Song 122. (7s.) POOR and sorrowful I am, Said the humble dying Lamb ; Thousands of his members claim Their own lot to be the same, 2 God's salvation set him high On his throne above the sky ; That salvation soon will bring All his subjects to their king. 3 I will praise Jehovah's name, His salvation I '11 proclaim ; This shall, as my God has will'd, Please him more than oxen kill'd. 4 Humble souls are glad to see God's salvation sci th< m (n Heav'n and earth shall join mj Blessings unto < 5od bel< 91 5 God will save all Zion's sons, Build their cities, fix their thrones ; They shall dwell in safety there, Love his name, and glory share. 6 Yea, his servant's seed shall claim Promised bliss is Jesus name ; Of his grace and mercy tell, • Ever in his presence dwell. Psalm LXX. Song 123. (p.m.) NOW make haste, O God, deliver Helpless me from Satan's rage ; Fiery darts now fill his quiver, I must with the fiend engage ; Lift thy standard, Promis'd in the sacred page. 2 Often has thy grace abounded, When my dangers have been great ; Let my foes all be confounded, Vanquish' d all their cruel hate ; Mighty conq'ror, For thy promis'd aid I wait. 3 Let the souls for Jesus seeking, Who thy great salvation love, Hear their heav'nly Father speaking, With affection from above. Let thy Spirit Rest upon them like a dove. 4 I am truly poor and needy, Lost in Adam, and undone ; Let deliv'rances be speedy, Unto thee, O Lord, I run ; Thy salvation Magnifies the great Three-One. 99 Psalm LXXI. 1 to 8. Song 124. (cm.) IN thee, Lord, I put my trust, Because I know thy name ; Thou art both merciful and just, Unchangeably the same. 2 Be thou my habitation strong, Whereto I may resort ; Thou wilt save me, and hence my song Shall thy great love report. 3 Thou art my fortress, rock, and hope, When cruel foes annoy ; Thy goodness gives unbounded scope To my believing joy. 4 I am a wonder unto men, And to myself much more ; My mouth is fill'd with praise again, I love thee and adore. Psalm LXXI. 9 to 18. Song 125. (c. m.) CAST me not off in my old age, Forsake me not, O Lord ; For thee I would my pow'rs engage, Thy faithfulness record. 2 My God, be never far from me, For foes are always nigh ; Confound their counsels, let them see My help is from on high. 3 This is my hope, that thou wilt bless, I '11 praise thee more and more ; My mouth shall speak thy righteousness, Thy love I would explore. 4 I will advance in strength divine, Rejoicing as I go ; To know no righteousness but thine, On which mv fruits shall grow. 93 5 Old and grey-headed in thy ways, Thy wond'rous works I '11 tell ; To thee give my remaining days, And in thy presence dwell. Psalm LXXI. 19 to '24. Song 126. (cm.) THY righteousness, O God, is high, O who is like to thee ! Be thou my helper, ever nigh, Support and comfort me. 2 Behold my troubles, great and sore, Which thou hast shewed me ; Thy quick'ning grace I do implore, To set my spirit free. 3 Then, O my God, thy praise I '11 sing, With thee leave my complaints ; O holy One of Israel — King Of Zion, Kino; of saints. 4 My soul thou hast redeem' d with blood, 1 11 my Redeemer bless ; My tongue shall talk of all that's good, And own thy righteousness. Psalm LXXII. 1 to 7. Song 127. (7s.) GIVE the king thy judgements, Lord, Justice let his reign record ; David pray'd for Solomon, David's Lord in this we own. 2 Jesus is the King of kings, Peace, his righteous sceptre brings ; Mountains with his praises thrill, Peace on ev'ry little hill. 3 Justice all his poor shall have, He shall needy children save ; They shall fear and dwell secure, Long as sun and moon endure. 94 His descending shall surpass Rain upon the new-mown grass ; Flourish all the righteous must, While in him they put their trust. Peace shall in abundance flow, Where he condescends to go, All the blessings he shall give, Sun and moon and stars outlive. Psalm LXXII. 8 to 14. Song 128. (cm.) FROM sea, to sea shall Jesus reign, To earth's remotest bound ; His sov'reignty he will maintain, And all his foes confound. Yea, they that tread the wilderness. Shall bow before his face ; They shall embrace his righteousness, As trophies of his grace. The kings of nations, and of isles, Shall to his sceptre bend ; Find blessedness in Jesus' smiles, And on his pow'r depend. His poor, who have no helper nigh, Are his peculiar care ; He sees their wants, he hears their cry, And breaks th' oppressor's snare. Twas to redeem their souls he died, So precious in his sight ; With him they shall be glorified, He claims them as his right. Psalm LXXII. 15 to 20. Song 129. (l.m.) JESUS shall live as Zion's king, To him shall men their tribute bring ; And for his triumph, offer prayer, Till praise those triumphs shall declare. 95 2 Jesus shall live— his church shall grow, Like corn which husbandmen shall sow ; A handful, on the mountain top, Shall flourish, and produce a crop. 3 Jesus shall live, for Zion's sake, His church shall of his life partake ; Whoever dies, he dies no more ; Let heav'n and earth his name adore. 4 Jesus shall live, his precious name For ever shall endure the same ; In him alone shall men be blest, And in his great salvation rest. 5 Jesus shall live, we bless the Lord, Of him we wond'rous things record ; The God of Israel we adore, Whose eov'nant stands for evermore. 6 Jesus shall live, his glorious name We bless, and honour, and proclaim ; While angels and redeemed men Responding cry Amen, Amen. Psalm LXXIII. Song 130. (p.m.) GOD is good to Israel, truly, And creates a clean new heart ; Unbelief is quite unruly, Always at God's ways to start ; And so foolish Envying the worldling's part. 2 Thus my feet had well nigh slipped When I saw the wicked thrive ; But, rich grace my sins out stripped, Kept my feeble faith alive, And when sinking Bade the inner man revive. 96 3 They have all they wish, while living, Yea, they have no bands in death ; While, to saints, each day is giving Cups of sorrow, with each breath ; Tribulation Is their path, as scripture saith. 4 Painful was this low reflection, Till I understood their end ; Till I saw that God's election To their heritage ascend ; And in Jesus Find their rest, their wealth, their friend. 5 Then my heart was greatly grieved, Man is like the beast I see ; But, by grace, I have believed, Thou shalt guide and counsel me ; And in glory I shall ever be with thee. 6 Whom have I but thee in heaven ? None on earth that I desire ; Let thy strength to me be given, When all earthly charms expire ; Be my portion, Bear me up, and raise me higher, 7 Heart and flesh are daily failing, Adam's race return to dust ; Jesus' strength is all prevailing, There, and there alone I trust ; In him saved, I shall rise among the just. 8 Good I find it to draw near thee, Trusting in thy faithfulness ; I '11 declare, to all that fear thee, All thy works of righteousft Till thy chosen Shall thy cov'mmt love eon! i * 97 Pmlm LXXLY. 1 to 11 . Song 131. (cm.) WHY, my God, hast thou cast off Thy chosen heritage ? Why should our persecutors scoff/ Why should the heathen rage ? "2 Have all thy people turn'd aside, That desolations spread ; Have priests and people too, denied The glorious covenant head ? 3 Remember, thy redeemed sheep Were purchased dear of old ; Though they have stray'd, restore and keep Thine own elect — thy fold. 4 See ! antichrist blasphemes thy name, Defiles thy dwelling place ; Sets -up his ensigns, knows no shame, And hunts thy chosen race. 5 We see not now our ancient signs, Of grace and truth display'd ; Thy precious gospel, man maligns, And puffs his free-will trade. 6 O God, how long shall this reproach, Debace thy church — thy laws ? We, to thy throne of grace approach, Arise and plead thy cause. Psalm LXXIV. 12 to 23. Song 132. (s.m.) GOD is my king of old, Soon he shall interpose ; Salvation is his work we 're told, He, antichrist o'erthrows. 2 His strength divides the sea, His chosen pass the flood ; The day and night, by his decree, To him alike are good. 98 The dragon's head, Lord, break. Stem persecution's flood; Rule nations for thy Zion's sake, Avenge thy people's blood. Remember, Lord, this fact, Reproach is aim'd at thee ! Men would thy purpose counteract, But that can never be. Thy church, thy turtle dove, Deliver from her foes ; She is the object of thy love, The bride that Jesus chose, Thy covenant respect, For darkness fills the earth ; Appear, to rescue thine elect, Who are of heav'nly birth, The cause, O God, is thine, Arise and plead it now ; In gospel pow'r and glory shine, And enemies shall bow. Psalm LXXV. Soxg 133. (p.m.) L T NTO thee, O Lord, my praises Shall in grateful strains arise ; While the scoffing sinner gazes At the joys I realise; Thy name near us Zion loves, her foes despise. In the heav'n-born congregation, Christ shall judge in righteousn Own his covenant relation, All his living members bless ; And their voice- Shall his precious name confi 99 3 Vain is all the worldling's vaunting, Lifting up his horn on high; God shall recompence his taunting, Bringing his salvation nigh. All who hate him Shall in condemnation die. 4 East or west bring not promotion, God is judge in all the earth ; Dignity lies in devotion, Rising from the second birth : Let the sinner Have his honours, titles, mirth. 5 But I will declare for ever What my cov'nant God has done ; For that union none can sever, Which has made his church his own : Happy partner Of Jehovah Jesus' throne. 6 Jesus' horn shall be exalted, King of kings he ever reigns ; Though his saints have often halted, They shall reach celestial plains ; For his promise Firm as his high throne remains. Psalm LXXVI. Song 134. (s.m.) IN Judah God is known, Amidst his chosen race ; His ark, his mercy-seat, his throne, His cov'nant stores of grace. 2 His precious name is great In Israel's chosen race ; His ransom'd tribes with joy relate The wonders of his grace. 100 3 In Salem he gives peace, He dwells on Zion's hill ; His sacred kingdom shall increase According to his will. 4 Thou art more glorious far Than mountains fam'd for prey ; The wealth, the joys, of Zion are More excellent than they. 5 The arrows of the bow, The God of Israel breaks ; Stout-hearted ones are spoil'd, and know That He the nations shakes. 6 Thou, Lord, art to be fear'd, Who can before thee stand ? Wrath has brought praise, and disappeared, Restrained by thy hand. 7 We bring our vows to thee, Our presents to thy feet ; Thy pow'r, thy love, thy truth shall be Our refuge and retreat. Psalm LXXVII. 1 to 13. Song 135. (l.m.) I CRIED in trouble unto thee, My cov'nant God, Eternal Three; All comfort my poor soul refus'd, And yet the grace of God I us'd. 2 My spirit, overwhelmed with grief, The victim of vile unbelief; In sleepless hours by night complain' d, As if no promises remain'd. 3 Still I remember' d seasons past, And cried, Will God forsake at last ? Is mercy now for ever gone ? Am I eternally undone ! i 2 L01 4 Mercies of old forbid the thought, Through many trials I've been brought ; My sacred seasons of delight Have oft created songs at night. 5 I '11 my infirmities withstand, Rememb'ring years of God's right hand ; And when the waves of trouble flow, I '11 to his sanctuary go. 6 Thy way, O God, is there reveal'd, There wounded spirits oft are heaFd ; There I have learn'd that God is great, There for his presence I will wait. Psalm LXXVII. 14 to 20. Song 136. (l.m.) THE God that doeth wonders lives, His strength to his redeem'd he gives ; To walk, to work, to war with sin ; He leads them out, and brings them in. 2 Thy wond'rous works they will rehearse, Thine arm redeem'd them from the curse : Jacob and Joseph, and their seed, Thy cov'nant tribes from Egypt freed. 3 All through the deep thy feet have trod, The waters saw thee, O our God ; Our foes were troubled, and afraid, When God went forth to Israel's aid. 4 The clouds pour'd out their wat'ry store, The heav'ns gave manna for thy poor ; Lightnings and thunder gave their voice. To teach the people of thy choice. o Thou led'st thy people like a flock, And gave them water from t ho rock; Earth, seas and skies musl do their best. To bring thy choi en race to rest, 102 Psalm LXXVIII. 1 to 8. Soxo 137. (7s.) GIVE attentive ear and wait, ( ) my people, at my gate ; Hear the doctrines of my word. Which eternal life afford. Bible-truths are hidden things, Dark to peasants and to kings ; Parables to worldly men, Quite beyond poor reason's ken. Sayings of the saints of old, All inspir'd, more choice than gold ; Wonders of rich grace record, Tell the goodness of the Lord. Children's children shall be taught Miracles, which God hath wrought ; Generations which succeed, Shall the ancient doctrines read. Faith and hope in Israel's king, Gospel truth by grace shall bring ; Generations of God's choice, SI i all attend his Spirit's voice. Psalm LXXVIII. 9 to 39. Song 138. (cm.) LORD, when we view thy ransom'd church, Thy chosen flock of sheep, And through their ancient hist'ry search, We tremble, sing, and wee]). All that pertains to fallen man, His dire rebellion pro\ All that is seen in God's own plan. Proclaims how much he loves. d from Egypt's pow'r, He made the sea divide ; . M him ev'ry hour, And from him 103 4 He clave the rock to give them drink,, And lit up heav'n to guide ; But of his love they did not thinks Through sinful, free-will pride. 5 He gave them angels' food to eat, Yet they believed not ; Their provocations they repeat, And murmer at their lot. 6 When they had felt his chast'ning rod, They rais'd distressful cries ; Call'd him their Rock, Redeemer, God, But compassed him with lies. 7 O what a vile rebellious race, Is all the chosen throng ; O what a God of love and grace, To bear with them so long. 8 Full of compassion, he forgave, And still our God forgives ; For Jesus liv'd and died to save, We live because he lives. Psalm LXXVIII. 40 to 72. Song 139. (l.m.) HOW oft did Israel's tribes rebel, What numbers in the desert fell ; They were not right at heart with God, Deaf to his mercies and his rod. 2 Wonders and signs in Egypt wrought, Some lasting lessons might have taught ; But when God led them forth like sheep, His precepts they refus'd to keep. 3 They tempted and provok'd him still, Set up the golden calf, free-will ; So he their solemn feasts forsook, His wrath those sinners overtook, 104 4 Yet he preserved one tribe unmov'd, Judah and Zion which he lov'd ; He built his sanctuary there, Accepted praise, and answer 7 d prayer. 5 So now, he has a little flock, Inhabitants of Christ their Rock, Who hold the ancient gospel fast, 'Midst thousands of degen'rate cast. 6 These by Jehovah shall be fed, With fresh supplies of living bread ; Be guided by his skilful hand, Established, and for ever stand. Psalm LXXIX. 1 to 10. Soxg- 140- (l.m.) O GOD, the heathen are come near, Within thy temple they appear ; Just to supplant thy chosen race, And desecrate the means of grace. 2 Jerusalem is fill'd with shame, By carnal men in christian name ; Thy church is mingled with the world, Reproach and scorn at saints are hurl'd. 3 How long, O Lord, shall men despise ? How long shall Zion compromise ? O, save thy church from this disgrace, Preserve, in truth, thy chosen race. 4 O God of our salvation, hear, The glory of thy name bring near ; Why should the heathen mock and nod. With tauntings, " Where i- now your God V 5 Let Israel's cov'nant God be known, Let him his cov'nant people own ; Among the heathen, in our sight, Avenging cru< Ity and spite. 105 Psalm LXXIX. 11 to IS. Song 141. (cm.) THE prisoners' sighing, Lord, attend. Thou knowest all their wrongs ; Deliverance to thy people send, For pow'r to God belongs. 2 Preserve thou such as are to die. Appointed to their end ; Bid them upon their God rely, Supporting mercy send. 3 If human laws condemn and kill. And persecutors frown, Give them submission to thy will, To take the martyr's crown. 4 When their appointed time shall come, Thy chariot shall convey Each ransom' d, heav'n-born spirit home To everlasting day. 5 So we, thy people, and thy sheep, Who in thy pasture feed ; Will give thee thanks, for thou dost keep All thine elect — thy seed* 8 We will shew forth thy matchless praise,, For mercy such as this ; We'll glorify thee all our days, And in eternal bliss. Psalm LXXX. Song 142. (cm.) GIVE ear, O shepherd, Israel's guide, Shine from thy mercy-seat ; No longer from thy people hide, But all their foes defeat. 2 O how thy flock has gone astray. From truth and righteousness ; And turn'd to man's vile free-will way ; Thv church is in distress. 106 :; She was of old the choicest vine. As planted by thy hand ; Her boughs like cedars, tall and fine. Extended through the land. 4 A gospel full of truth and grace, Was once our joyful sound ; But now, in almost ev'ry place, Vile heresies abound. 5 The free-will boar, from nature's wood, Has desolation spread ; Thy favour' d vineyard, once so good, Is like a nettle bed. 6 Return, O God, we pray, return, And turn us by thy grace ; Thy precious truth let Zion learn, And see thy smiling face. 7 Behold, the man of thy right hand ! Our surety and our friend ; O, Lord of hosts, now give command, Thy great salvation send. Psalm LXXXI. 1 to 7. Song 143. (p.m.) SING aloud, ye sons of Zion, Jacob's God to glorify ; Jesus' strength you may rely ou, Grace for grace he will supply ; Blow the trumpet, And proclaim the Saviour nigh. 2 Timbrel, harp, and psaltry bringing, Raise the highest notes you can ; Of his great redemption singing, Flowing from his cov'nant plan : Blow the trumpet, Publish grace to fallen man, 107 3 Keep the feast in time appointed, God ordain'd it as a law ; Jesus is our priest anointed, Worship God with holy awe ; Blow the trumpet, For rejoicing — not for war. 4 Egypt's language, disapproved, All the chosen race annoys ; Egypt's yoke shall be removed, Grace, the pow'r of sin destroys \ Blow the trumpet, Israel shall have Canaan's joys. 5 Their deliv'rance is a wonder, Friends and enemies declare ; In the secret place of thunder, God has said he answers prayer ; Blow the trumpet Ev'ry feast day, everywhere. 6 Meribah proves disobeying, Lays man prostrate on the ground Troubles set the soul a praying ; Pard'ning mercies then abound ; Blow the trumpet With the gospel's certain sound. Psalm LXXXI. 8 to 16. Song 144. (s.m.) ISRAEL, hear my law, 1 am the Lord thy God ; Idolatry I must abhor, And purge it with my rod. 2 Thy mouth should open wide, In daily fervent prayer ; For all thy wants I will piw If no strange god be there. 108 My people would not hear. When I in mercy spake ; But brought their filthy idols near. And mov'd me to forsake. Had they my word believ'd, My mind and will obey'd, And had they not my Spirit griev'd, Their foes had been dismay'd. The finest of the wheat, Their spirits should have fed ; And honey from the rock, most sweet. Their table should have spread. O that my people heard, And walked in my ways : That, would have joy divine eonferYl, Redounding to my praise. Psalm LXXXII. Song 145. (l.m.) GOD stands amidst the mighty foes. Who his redeemed church oppose ; Beholding all that is unjust, Upholding all who in him trust. Princes and priests who dare oppress His people, poor and fatherless, Put earth's foundations out of course, To govern men by fraud and force. Foundations are displaced, alas ! Disorder runs through ev'ry class ; Men know not — will not understand, For darkness overspreads the land. Men walk on proudly, in free-will, But Jesus sways his sceptre still ; His foes shall feel his sov'reign pow'r, And meet his solemn reck'ning hour. k 109 5 All nations to our God belong, He shall inherit all his throng ; The people of his sov'reign choice, And they, in Jesus, shall rejoice. Psalm LXXXIII. Song 14L6. (cm.) KEEP not thou silence, O my God, O, do not hold thy peace ; But rule the nations with thy rod, And cause their rage to cease. 2 For lo ! thine enemies conspire Against thy saints, and thee ; Thy foes, confederate, desire That Zion shall not be. 3 Against thy hidden ones, in league, With crafty, base design ; See, antichrist employs intrigue, And deists with him join. 4 Ammon and Moab, Hagarenes, Papist, and infidel, Each his own party int'rest means, All, against thee rebel. 5 Herod and Pilate can be friends, At Jesus Christ to scoff; 'Tis this the carnal host intends, " Come let us cut them off." 6 The houses where we worship thee, Our foes would fain posses ; To set up vile idolatry, And curse, instead of bless. 7 Rise, O my God, and plead thy cause, Fill Zion's foes with shame ; That men may know Jehovah's laws, And honour thy great name. 110 Psalm LXXX1V. 1 to 4. Song 147. (l.m.) O, LORD of hosts, thou God of grace, How beautiful and blest the place, Where thou dost condescend to dwell, Where heralds, of thy glory tell. Where I approach my God and king, To hear thy voice and feast and sing ; Where ransom' d tribes keep holy day, Learn gospel truth, and truth obey. But, if deprived of means of grace, I wander in some barren place ; I faint and long to see thy courts, And hear thy minister's reports. I envy sparrows in their nest, Thine altar is my place of rest ; For thee, the living God, I cry, My spirit sinks, my comforts die. ? Tis blessed in thy house t' abide, To hear of Jesus crucified ; Still praising thee for mercies giv'n, Obtaining antepasts of heav'n. Psalm LXXXIV. 5 to 12. Song 148. (cm.) BLEST is the man, whose strength in thee Is ev'ry day renew'd ; Whose hope is in th ? Eternal Three, Who is with grace bedew'd. Thy people go from strength to strength, All through this vale of tears ; Till ev'ry one of them at length Before our God appears. > O Lord of hosts, regard my plea, Behold thy Son, our shield ; All I can want in him I see, To him I have appeal'd. Ill 4 A day that in thy courts is spent In fellowship with thee, Is better than a thousand lent To work iniquity. 5 I'd rather sit at Zion's door, And worship at thy feet, Than tents of wickedness explore. Where harden'd sinners meet. 6 Jehovah is a sun and shield, To lighten and protect ; Both grace and glory are reveal'd, As giv'n to his elect. 7 O Lord of hosts, how truly blest The man that trusts in thee ; In cov'nant love his soul shall rest To all eternity. Psalm LXXXV. Song 149. (s.m-) THY favour, Lord, we sing, Toward thy chosen race ; Thy long-lost captives thou wilt bring To share in gospel grace. 2 Thou hast forgiv'n their debt, And cover'd all their sin ; Thou wilt their souls at freedom set, Blood-wash'd, acknowledg'd clean. 3 Turn us, O God, we pray, Let thy salvation come ; Again revive us day by day, Till we arrive at home. 4 Shew us thy mercy, Lord, Thy full salvation give ; The riches of thy grace afford, And bid us near thee live. 112 I '11 hear what God will speak, The peace of all his saints ; Yea, his upholding pow'r I '11 seek, And tell him my complaints. Mercy and truth are met, With righteousness and peace ; The truth of God is by him set, To yield a large increase. His righteousness proclaim'd, Prepares the Saviour's way ; We '11 tread his steps, nor be asham'd, We go to endless clay. Psalm LXXXVI. 1 to 10. Soxg 150. (7s.) POOR and needy, Lord, I feel, To thy bounty I appeal; Bow thine ear to my complaint, Hear me, lest my spirits faint. Do I in thy favour stand ? Yes, I 'm trusting to thy hand ; Daily unto thee I cry, Let thy mercy bring supply. Days of trouble are my lot, But thy goodness changes not ; Thou wilt answer when I call, Never, never, let me fall. None, O Lord, is like to thee, Works like thine we never see ; Let thy glorv be displayed, In all nations thou hast made. God alone is King of kii Always working wond'rous tilings; Great is thy most holy name, Everlastingly the same. K 2 113 Psalm LXXXVI. 11 to 17. Song 151. (l.m.) TEACH me thy saving way, O Lord^ Thy precious truth I will record ; Unite my heart to fear thy name, And let me not be put to shame. 2 Great is thy mercy unto me, Thou hast redeem'd and set me free, Though I deserv'd the lowest hell ; Thy lovingkindness who can tell. 3 I ? 11 praise thee, Lord, with all my heart, For thou hast giv'n me Mary's part; And though the proud rise up and hate, I would not change my blest estate. 4 Thy plenteous mercy I will sing, Full of compassion is my king ; O, turn and give me strength again, For none can plead with thee in vain, 5 Firm hath thy promise always stood, Shew me a token, Lord, for good ; Let those who hate me be asham'd, Let love and mercy be proclaim'd, Psalm LXXXVII. Song 152. (p.m.) ZION is Jehovah's dwelling, He has always lov'd her gates ; All her enemies repelling ; Peace and comfort he creates ; His foundation In his holy mountain waits. 2 Jacob's dwellings are his pleasure, There he often shews his face ; But, in Zion is his treasure, There are all the stores of grace ; FT is foundation Earth and hell shall never rase, 114 3 Glorious things are spoken truly. Of the city God has built ; Traitors may be quite unruly, But his grace removes her guilt ; His foundation Stands unmov'd, ask what thou wilt. 4 Babylon and Rahab perish ; Zion is Jehovah's care, All her children he will cherish, Converts shall be new-bom there ; His foundation Is for ever, we declare. 5 She 's established by the highest, Her grand charter is his love ; When she 's weakest, he is nighest, Bringing succour from above ; His foundation Never, never shall remove. G When Jehovah, in his writing, Counts the people of his choice ; In their heav'nlv births delightinor, All his singers shall rejoice ; His foundation Holds up all who know his voice. Psalm LXXXVIII. Song 153. (l.m.) O GOD of my salvation, hear, My soul is overwhelm'd with fear. And full of troubles — in dismay ; To thee I look, to thee I pray, 2 But Jesus' griefs were more than mine, O, let me never more repine, For wrath lay heavy on his soul, And billows rag'd without controul. 3 Mv life draws nigh unto the grave ; He died accurs'd my soul to save ; Mine eyes, beneath affliction, mourn ; He all my punishment has borne. 4 I have stretch' d out my hands to thee, He stretch' d out his upon the tree, All mine acquaintances seem dead, All his disciples from him fled. 5 I cry, why hidest thou thy face, Where are thy promises of grace ? He cried when hanging on the tree, Why hath my God forsaken me ? 6 What v/onders in his death are seen, His pangs — his agonies, how keen, When wrath divine upon him fell, And he endur'd the pains of hell. 7 I would suppress each murm'ring word, While I behold my suff'ring Lord ; Forget my sorrows, viewing his, Who pass'd through horror's deep abyss. Psalm LXXXIX. 1 to 4. Song 154. (7s.) OF thy mercies, Lord, I sing, All my moments mercies bring ; New with ev'ry morning light, Fresh with ev'ry closing night. 2 Hear, my soul, thy Father's voice, " I have said (ye saints rejoice) " I have said, what I will do " Mercy is built up for you." 3 Mercy's building ever stands, Built up by Jehovah's hands, Founded on his covenant love. Never, never to remove. 116 4 " I have made a covenant " With my chosen One, to grant u Full salvation to his seed ; " They shall be from bondage free'd. 5 " I have sworn to my belov'd, " That his throne shall not be mov'd ; u Generations yet unborn, " Shall exalt the Saviour's horn." 6 Faithfulness is pledged on oath, For his people's life and growth ; God cannot himself deny, Jesus' seed can never die. Psalm LXXXIX. 5 to 18. Song 155. (l.m.) THY praise, O Lord, the heavens proclaim, Thy wonders magnify thy name, Thy saints in congregations meet. Thy tender mercies to repeat. 2 With rev'rence, in thy house of prayer, We ask, Who can with thee compare ? Lord God of hosts, thy people shout Thy faithfulness, all round about. 3 Thou, Lord, hast broken Rahab's pride, And scattered foes on ev'ry side ; Thou rulest o'er the raging sea, All worlds must bow to thy decree. 4 Tabor and Hermon's lofty hills Rejoice, when God his word fulfils ; Yea, Zion's sons shall shout for joy, When God shall antichrist destroy. 5 Justice and judgment are his throne, Mercy and truth shall make him known ; His mighty, outetretch'd arm shall save The souls he unto Jesus gave. 117 6 Most blessed people those are found, Who know the gospel's joyful sound ; They walk, O Lord, in light divine, Thy countenance shall on them shine. 7 In Jesus' name they shall rejoice, Righteous in him, as thine own choice ; Thou art the glory of their strength, And thou wilt bring them home at length. Psalm LXXXIX. 19 to 38. Song 156. (cm.) THUS spake the Lord, to Christ his son, I have laid help on thee ; My chosen and exalted One, With whom my hand shall be. 2 Anointed with my holy oil, Establish'd as my king ; His enemies my arm shall spoil, Of him my saints shall sing. 3 His girdle is my faithfulness, My mercy fills his heart ; He is exalted high, to bless, And endless life impart. 4 Higher than all the kings on earth, His name and fame shall spread ; And all his seed, of heav'nly birth, Own him their cov'nant head. 5 If they forsake my holy law, I '11 visit with the rod ; But I will not my oath withdraw, I am th' unchanging God. 6 Once have I sworn by holiness, I will not, cannot lie ; The seed of my belov'd I '11 bless, And thev shall never die. 118 My lovingkindness can't forsake Their glorious cov'nant head ; My covenant I will not break, Nor alter what I 've said. Psalm LXXXIX. 39 to 52. Song 157. (s.m.) LORD, why does Zion mourn, Her Saviour's crown profan'd ? Her ancient banners are not borne, Her glory has been stain'd. Her king is now denied, Her enemies increase ; Her precious truth is cast aside, And errors break her peace. How long, O Lord, wilt thou Thy presence from us hide ? How lono; will Zion's king allow His name to be defied ? Thy former gifts restore, Thy lovingkindness prove ; Thy church reclaim, to stray no more, Nor let thy truth remove. Thy vict'ries, Lord, we hail, And bless thy name again ; Thy promises can never fail, All yea, and all Amen. Psalm XC. 1 to 10. Song 158. (cm.) O LORD, thou wast our dwelling place, In generations past ; Before the mountains had their base, Or earth in form was cast. From everlasting thou art God, The self-existent king ; All worlds are govern' d by thy nod, All saints thy praises sing. 119 3 Thou turnest mortal man to dust. Whose life is toil and pain ; The resurrection of the just, Bids him return again. 4 A thousand years are in thy sight As yesterday when gone ; And transient as the watch by night, Before the rising: morn. 5 Like grass the people grow and die, Cut down when looking gay ; Just born, matur'd, and growing high, And lo ! they pass away. 6 Just like an empty tale that's told, Our rolling years we spend ; But great realities unfold, When we our journey end. Psalm XC. 11 to 14. Song 159. (l.m.) LORD, teach us how to number days, Incline our hearts to wisdom's ways ; O satisfy us, Lord, in thee, Thy mercy is both rich and free. 2 O put thy likeness on us, Lord, Thy work of grace we will record ; Establish thou the work begun, Until our mortal race is run. 3 O make us glad, with prospect bright, Let heav'nly things be our delight ; O let us hear thy pard'ning voice, And in thy righteousness rejoice. 4 Then let all earthly charms retire, Let nature sink, and time expire ; Let death sweep o'er us like a flood, In Jesus we have all that's good. 120 Psalm XC. 16 k 17. SoNG 160. (s.M.) O LET thy work appear, Thy glory, Lord, unfold ; Ere the pale messenger appear, And life's short tale is told. 2 In Jesus' beauty dress'd, We can't be naked found ; With his complete salyation bless'd, With him we shall be crown' d. 3 Establish us with grace, Then if we live or die, We'll run with joy our christian race, To reach the bliss on high. 4 Where death can never come, Where nothing genders strife ; But we shall find ourselves at home, In everlasting life. Psalm XC. SoXG 161- The departing christian. [Written for the music of Pope's Ode.} VITAL principle of grace, God has been thy dwelling place ; Hear him summon thee to glory, Breathe out life's unmeaning story ; Bid the toys of time farewell, And go to God with him to dwell. 2 Hark ! the Saviour bids thee come, Heav'n-born spirit, get thee home ; Jesus says, Return, return, Hallelujahs loud to learn ; Drop thy burden, take thy crown, Give Jesus all his own renown. 3 O teach us, Lord, to number days, Let wisdom tune our hearts to praise Our cov'nant God and King ; Send, send supplies of grace and love, When we depart, O come and prove That death has lost it* stiri£. L 121 Psalm XCI. Song 162. (s.m.) THE soul that dwells within The secret of the Lord, Abides where all the saints have been, The shade his wings afford. Then he may boldly say, Jehovah is my trust ; He will preserve me night and day, From foes and ills the worst. For Jesus and his saints For ever shall be one ; Their foes, their sorrows, and complaints Are counted as his own. The pestilence at night, Destruction at noon-day, Shall do no more than what is right ; The rest his hand shall stay. He gives his angels charge, And legions must attend ; To keep his church — his fold enlarge, And Jesus' name defend. Christ loves the Father's name, The Father loves the Son ; And ransom'd millions shall proclaim The conquests he has won. All honour is his due, He is exalted high ; His saints all prove him just and true, And Jesus glorify. : Eternal life is giv'n, To Jesus and his seed ; They shall be satisfied in heav'n, For so it. is decreed. 122 Psalm XCII. 1 to 8. Soxg 163. (p.m.) LET gratitude awake, In all the chosen race ; A joyful noise to make. To God, the God of grace; Give thanks to God, for this is good, His truth unmov'd has always stood. His lovingkindness shew, With ev'rv morning light ; His faithfulness we know, And sing it ev'rv night ; Give thanks to God, and praise his name, His wond'rous works of grace proclaim. His work has made me glad, 1 11 triumph in his grace ; I would no more be sad, Since I have seen his face ; Give thanks to God, his thoughts are deep, He will his oath and cov'nant keep. The brutish man knows not, The fool can't understand, But the believer's lot Is in the promis'd land; Give thanks to God — to God most high, Jehovah triune glorify ! Psalm XCII. 9 to 15. Song 164. (cm.) THIXE enemies, O Lord, shall die, Beneath thy wrath, accurst; Thy Son shall be exalted high, And in him men shall trust. Fresh oil anoints our cov'nant head, And to our souls descends ; The righteous flourish, it is said, He owns them as his friends. 189 3 Like palm-trees planted by his hand, They flourish though opprest \ In fruitful majesty they stand, With grace supplied and blest. 4 Like cedars in mount Lebanon, For beauty and for height, They grow in grace — they put Christ on, And in his name delight. 5 Old age, within the house of prayer, Abundant fruit shall yield ; And Jesus' faithfulness declare, In peace and truth reveal'd. 6 He is my rock, unmov'd, secure, The aged saint exclaims, I shall unto the end endure, This truth his word proclaims. Psalm XCIII. Song 165. (s.m.) JEHOVAH Jesus reigns, In majesty divine; Justice and truth his throne maintains, In him all glories shine. 2 He girds himself with strength, His kingdom can't remove ; His people learn the breadth and length Of his eternal love. 3 The floods lift up their voice, The nations rage in vain ; The Lord is mightier than their noise, He shall for ever reign. 4 His long-establish'd throne, King Jesus occupies ; His matchless glories shall be known, Through all the earth and skies. 124 5 His testimonies stand In very faithfulness ; And those who are at his right hand, Are clad in holiness. Psalm XCIV. Song 166. (l.:>i.) LORD, how long shall Zion wail ? How long shall wickedness prevail ? Lift up thyself, and plead thy cause, The proud have trampled on thy laws. 2 They speak hard things, in free-will rage, Afflict and break thy heritage ; They prove themselves most merciless, To widows and the fatherless. 3 In brutish infidelity, They say, "Jehovah will not see;" But still the God of Jacob knows The thoughts and actions of his foes. 4 The Lord declares he'll not cast off His people, though the world may scoff; Bv chast'nino; thev shall all be taught, And into endless rest be brought. 5 Unless the Lord had been my help, My soul had now in silence dwelt ; My foot had slipt — I almost fell, But mercy held me up so well. 6 The multitude of thoughts within, Of grace, of nature, and of sin, Tumultuous rise without controul, L T ntil thy comforts cheer my soul. 7 The Lord is my defence, I know. To him in ev'ry storm I'll go; The rock of refuge where I hide, 1 'm safe, and he is glorified. i. 9 1*3 Psalm XCV. SoNG 167- (P.M.) COME and sing, ye chosen nation, With a joyful noise record, That the rock of our salvation Is Jehovah, Christ the Lord ; In his presence We shall live, as his reward. 2 Come before him with thanksgiving, Make a joyful noise with psalms ; Christ amidst his church is living, Ev'ry raging storm he calms ; We will praise him, Waving our victorious palms. 3 He is great and shall be praised, As the most exalted king ; Living monuments are raised, Tribute to his name to bring ; His salvation All his ransom'd throng; shall sin£. 4 Earth and seas are his creation, So are all the deeps and hills ; He has founded his salvation On eternal shalls and wills ; We will worship Him who all his word fulfils. 5 He is known our God for ever, We the people of his choice ; Nothing can our union sever, Let the saints in this rejoice ; Heav'nly shepherd, All thy sheep shall know thy voice. 6 Though they have thy Spirit grieved, Often erring in their heart, Thou wilt never be deceived, Nor from thine elect depart ; Thou art faithful To thy cov r nant, bond, and chart. 126 Psalm XCVI. 1 to"6. Song 168. (cm.) SING unto the Lord, most high, The song that's ever new ; O bless his sacred name, and cry. He's holy, just, and true. Be his salvation, day by day, The burden of your songs ; Among the heathen people say. All grace to God belongs. The Lord is great, and great his praise, All idol gods are vain ; Jehovah does whate'er he says, The heav'ns he made remain. Honour and majesty we view, And beauty where he dwells ; Strength in his sanctuary too ; His love all praise excels. Psalm XCVI. 7 to 13. Soxg 169. (l.m.) GIVE glory to the great I am, Bring forth the off" ring, Christ the Lamb ! Glory and strength are both his due, Ye saints, his name is pledg'd for you. O worship the Eternal Three, Beauty in holiness we see ; Give him all glory in his courts, And of his mercy make reports. Let heav'n rejoice and earth be glad, Our God in righteousness is clad; Let fields and woods with echoes ring, To praise our everlasting king. He comes, he comes, to judge the earth, To own his saints of hcav'nly birth : Proclaiming truth and righteousnc-s, Then shall lie all his gone confess. 107 5 He'll judge the people with his truth, Both rich and poor, old men and youth ; His foes shall hear him say, Depart ; His saints are graven on his heart. Psalm XCVII. Song 170. (cm.) THE Lord Jehovah reigneth still, Let heav'n and earth rejoice ; His pow'r accomplishes his will; All worlds obey his voice. 2 Around him clouds and darkness veil His purposes of love ; Justice and judgment never fail His faithfulness to prove. 3 His lightnings and his burning fire, Fill sinners with dismay ; Hills melt like wax, and floods retire, To make his people way. 4 The heav'ns declare his righteousness, His glory shall be seen ; While all who worship him confess, Idols are base and mean. 5 Confounded be the heathen race, Who worship wood and stone ; Or candles, wafers, cross, or place ; O, worship God alone ! 6 Zion rejoic'd when God appealed, To put his foes to flight ; His judgments Judah's daughters cheer 'd, With infinite delight. 7 O ye that love and fear the Lord, Hate ev'ry evil way; Salvation all of grace record, And wait the crowning da v. 128 Psalm XCVIII. Song 171. (7s.) SING the praises of the Lord, Heav'n-born souls, with one accord ; Marvellous his works on earth, Mercies of eternal worth. His right hand, his holy arm, Rescued Zion from alarm ; Victory the Saviour cried, When he bow'd his head and died, His salvation he made known, Heathens shall his glory own ; Israel is his special care, His elect salvation share. Make a joyful noise with praise, Loudest hallelujahs raise ; Tune the harp, compose the psalm, Let King Jesus wear the palm. Floods, and hills, and seas agree, Honour the Eternal Three ; Jesus comes to judge the earth, And to endless joy give birth. Psalm XCIX. Song 172. (p.m.) THE Lord in Zion reigns, Let all the earth be mov'd ; His sovereignty maintains, His faithfulness is prov'd ; Exalt him, O ye ransom'd throng, Rehearse his praises in your song. Jehovah takes his seat Between the cherubims ; Where mercy rests complete, Receiving prayers and hymns ; Exalt the Lord and bless his name, His cov'nant love and grace proclaim. 129 He reigns in righteousness, The people stand in awe ; His Zion he will bless, And never thence withdraw ; Exalt the Lord the Saviour now, And at his sacred footstool bow. Moses and Aaron saw How he salvation wrought ; How he ordain' d his law, His cloudy pillar brought ; Exalt the Lord who answers prayer, And learn his testimonies there. Our God forgiveth sins, But sin's invention breaks ; The work his hand begins, His mercy ne'er forsakes ; Exalt the Lord Jehovah still, And worship at his holy hill. Psalm c. Song 173* (p.m.) MAKE a joyful noise, ye nations, God's elect in ev'ry land ; Praise him in the congregations, Trust your all in Jesus' hand ; Hallelujah, Zion's walls for ever stand. Serve the Lord with joy and gladness, In his holy presence sing; Yield no more to grief and sadness, God the Lord is Zion's king ; Hallelujah, Ransom'd souls, your tribute bring. Know, the Lord our God is living, We, his people, sonship claim ; Enter Zion with thanksgiving, Bless and praise Jehovah's name ; Hallelujah, He's unchangcablv the same. 130 4 He, by sov'reign grace has made us, We have not ourselves renew'd ; Let not free-will pride degrade us, Grace divine our souls bedew M ; Hallelujah, We his workmanship are view'd. 5 God is good, all good surpassing, He will gospel truth maintain ; His, is mercy everlasting, None can trust in him in vain ; Hallelujah, All his church shall glory gain. Psalm C. repeated. Song 174. (l.m.) [Denmark tune.] JEHOVAH sits upon his throne, Ye saints, adore him in all lands ; Serve him, and make his glory known, Receive salvation at his hands. 2 The triune God is God alone, He made us, yea, made us again ; The work of grace is all his own, No mortal-touch that work shall stain. 3 We are the people of his choice, The sheep he ransom' d w T ith his blood ; We find his pasture, know r his voice, Our shepherd is the Christ of God. 4 Enter his gates with faith and love, Up to his throne thanksgivings raise ; And in his courts of glory prove The bliss of those who offer praise. 5 Rise and proclaim that God is good, Mercy eternally the same ; All generations truth has stood, All glorv to his holv name. 131 Psalm CI. Soxg 175. (l.m.) MERCY and judgment is my song, Both to my covenant God belong ; Mercy her richest boon bestows, Judgment goes forth against his foes. 2 All mercy's stores in Jesus dwell, On him, as surety, judgment fell ; Perfection he alone could claim, The wicked he will put to shame. 3 He views the faithful of the land, The workmanship of his own hand ; Who walk in him, their perfect way, And dwell with him in endless day. 4 Deceit and falsehood Jesus hates, The proud he'll banish from his gates ; The city of the Lord is pure, And shall to endless years endure. 5 The citizens are like their king, All hating ev'ry unclean thing ; Distinguish'd from the world by grace, Destin'd to dwell in his embrace. Psalm CII. 1 to 12. Song 176. (cm.) SHALL man complain of trouble's weight, Or in affliction pine, When Jesus' sorrows were so great ? My soul, forget all thine ! 2 He pour'd out strongest cries and tears, When suff 'ring in our place ; Amidst his anguish, it appears, His Father hid his face. 3 Reproach and scorn upon him fell, When he as surety stood ; Assaulted by the pow'rs of hell, And pouring out his blood. \iV2 4 His mingled drink, when parch'd with thirst. Was vinegar and gall ; When for his church he died accurst, To raise her from the fall. 5 The wrath he felt was wrath divine, He drank the bitter cup ; That Zion might in glory shine, And with her bridegroom sup. Psalm CII. 13 to 20. Song 177. (s.m.) GOD shall arise in pow'r, For Zion's help he'll come ; At his set time, th' appointed hour, To bring his ransom'd home. 2 She in his favour stands, Her children in him trust ; She is the work of his own hands, He keeps her very dust. 3 The Lord will soon draw near, To build up Zion's wall ; Then in his glory he'll appear, And Babylon shall fall. 4 He will regard the prayer Of sinners most forlorn, And he shall grateful praises hear From millions yet unborn. 5 This, Zion shall record, For generations hence ; To hear, and see, and praise the Lord, Our refuge and defence. 6 The pris'ners' groanings rise Before Jehovah's throne ; He sends deliverance from the skies, And makes his glory known. m 133 Psalm CII. *2i to 28. Song 178- (cm.) WE will Jehovah's name declare, In Zion, with delight ; Approach his throne with praise and prayer, And serve him day and night. 2 Of old he earth's foundations laid, The heav'ns his hands have spread ; The mountains in his scales are weigh'd, He gave the sea its bed. 3 Created heav'ns and earth shall shake, Nature and time shall die ; His covenant he'll never break, Jehovah cannot lie. 4 His works in nature's frame are great, But they shall perish soon ; New heav'ns and earth he will create/ With one eternal noon. o Just as a worn-out garment lies Forgotten, cast away, So ev'ry creature-comfort dies, All earthly joys decay. 6 But thou, O Lord, art still the same, Thou shalt endure, 'tis said ; The great eternal is thy name, Our glorious cov'nant head. 7 The children of thy servants live. As in succession born ; And glory to Jehovah give, Exalting Jesus' horn. 8 They shall continue on the earth, Establish'd by thy grace ; All passing through a second birth, And brought to thine embrace. 134 Psalm CIII. 1 to 5. Song 179. (l.m.) BLESS the Lord, my soul, anew, His wond'rous works of grace review : Let all that is within me bless His holy name — his righteousness. His benefits are large and free, Forget them not, my soul, to thee ; His providence and grace unfold, Ten thousand mercies, new and old. 'Tis he forgiveth all thy sin, He healeth all disease within ; Redeem'd thy life, when chain'd and bound, And hath with loving-kindness crown'd. He satisfieth thee with good, He makes the bread of life thy food ; The strength imparted by his truth, Renews the vigour of thy youth. Then bless Jehovah, O my soul, While days and years their circles roll ; And through eternity's vast round, His name shall be with glory crown'd. Psalm CIII. 6 to 2-2. Song 180. (p.m.) WHEN God made known his ways To Moses, and his flock, His tribes all sang his praise, Drank of the smitten rock, And march'd across the desert land, Protected by his gracious hand. His grace and mercy bless His chosen people still ; Judgment and righteousness Must execute his will ; He hath not dealt with Israel's race As thev deserve — but of his grace. 135 For, as the heav'n is high Above his footstool, earth, His love is great and nigh, The souls of heav'nly birth ; Far as the east is from the west, Sin is remov'd — they must be blest. Paternal pity moves, Whene'er his children cry ; Most tenderly he loves, And will their wants supply ; He knows our frame — sees we are dust, But he is faithful, kind, and just. From everlasting, past, To everlasting day, His cov'nant mercies last, He takes them not away ; Jehovah hath prepar'd his throne, And over all, he rules alone. Ye angels, bless the Lord, Ye that in strength excel ; Ye heralds of his word, Who gospel myst'ries tell ; Bless him, his works, from pole to pole, Yea, bless Jehovah, O my soul. Psalm CIV. Song 181. (l.m.) O LORD my God, I bless thy name, Thy majesty I will proclaim ; The world of nature speaks thy pow'r, Thy watchful providence each hour. Mountains and valleys, earth and seas, Sun, moon, and stars, by thy decrees, With all the creatures dwelling there, Thv wisdom, pow'r, and love declare. 136 3 Angels fulfil the Lord's desire, Thy ministers are flames of fire ; Thy church in all their labour shares, As heirs of God — with Christ joint heirs. 4 Beasts, birds, and reptiles live to tell That thou, O Lord, doth all things well ; Springs, rivers, herbs, the grass and trees, Provide for man — their maker please. 5 O Lord, thy works are manifold, But when thine acts of grace are told, Their numbers, infinite, surpass The multitude of blades of grass. 6 Therein thy glory shines most pure, And shall for evermore endure ; Proclaiming thee our God and king, And unto thee, O Lord, I'll sing. 7 My meditations shall be sweet, While I thy wond'rous works repeat ; Wisdom and love pervade the whole, Bless thou Jehovah, O my soul. Psalm CV. 1 to 23. Song 182. (cm.) GIVE thanks unto Jehovah's name, All ye who seek his face ; His wond'rous works with joy proclaim, And triumph in his grace. 2 Ye seed of Abraham, his friend, The people of his choice, L T pon his covenant depend, And in his name rejoice. 3 Rehearse the deeds his hands have done, To ransom his elect ; The victories his grace has won, And how his arms protect. m -,> 4 His holy covenant and oath, Were always in his mind ; He always kept and honour'd both, And always will, we find. 5 Touch not mine own anointed ones, His sov'reign mandate says ; Reproving kings upon their thrones ; Let Israel sing his praise. 6 In Joseph's life, he typified The wonders Jesus wrought ? For all his brethren to provide, When sold and set at nought. 7 Our Jesus is exalted now, The sov'reign Lord of all ; Princes and senators must bow, Or by his vengeance fall. Psalm CV. 20 to 45. Song 183. (l.m.) MOSES and Aaron, sent of God, Brought out the tribes of Jacob's race ; Egypt was plagu'd by Moses' rod, And all the church was sav'd by grace. 2 All Egypt felt God's mighty hand, In signs and awful wonders there ; AVhile Israel dwelt in Goshen's land, Preserv'd alive with special care. 3 Distinction ever must exist Between the world and Jesus' church ; Egyptians will the truth resist, All Israelites will for it search. 4 Egypt was glad when Israel went, For worldlings always shun God's band ; Israel was glad when they were sent, To dwell within the promised land. 138 5 Jehovah bade his cloud protect His ransom'd people, day and night; His heart is set on his elect, They all are precious in his sight. 6 God's promise stands for ever sure, His word and all his works accord ; His truth for ever shall endure, Ye saints of his, praise ye the Lord. Psalm CVI. 1 to 8. Song 184. (l.m.) Praise ye the Lord, whose own right hand Works wonders, both by sea and land ; Utter his mighty acts in songs, All glory to his name belongs. 2 His mercies ever shall endure, Blest are the souls he owns, as pure ; Whom he hath cloth' d in righteousness, And who his holy name confess. 3 Remember me, O Lord, I pray, With royal favour day by day ; With thy salvation visit me, And with thy people set me free. 4 The good in which thy chosen share, Is blessed, holy, heav'nly fare ; To me, thy nation's gladness give, With thine inheritance to live. 5 Though we have sinn'cl, like those of old, The shepherd never leaves his fold ; He saves, for his name's sake alone, To make his pow'r and glory known. Psalm CVI. 9 to 28. Song 185. (cm.) IN Israel's history we trace, What all the church shall know, The depths of sin — the heights of grace, In all the paths they go. 139 2 God brought them safely through the sea, And then they sang his praise ; But soon forgat his works, to be Perverse in all their ways, 3 Rebellion runs in Adam's blood, Contaminates the whole ; Hence Israel's lusts, God's grace withstood, Till leanness siez'd each soul. 4 Though sav'd by acts of sov'reign love, While seeing him protect ; Ungrateful to their God they prove, His counsel they reject. 5 -Wonders lie wrought on their behalf, As in his scripture told ; And yet they idoliz'd a calf, A lump of molten gold, 6 He threaten'd to destroy their seed, Earth open'd for its prey ; Then Ivloses stood to intercede, And turn'd the wrath away. 7 When God forgave, they sang his praise, As if they did repent ; But soon return'd to evil ways. And after idols went. • Psalm CVI. 29 to 48. Song 186. (l.m.) ISRAEL provok'd the God of heav'n ; Through Phinehas, they were forgiv'n ; Aoain they anger him with strife, Truly rebellion mark'd their life. 2 They mingled with the heathen race, And learn'd their ways ; O what disgrace ! Beneath the heathen pow'r they lie, But even there God heard their cry, L40 3 All is perverse in man's free-will, He is a traitorous rebel still ; And were it not for cov'nant love, No man would reach the realms above. 4 Save us, O Lord our God, we cry, Bring thy free-grace salvation nigh ; Thy great redemption we'll proclaim, And thank and praise thy holy name. 5 For ever blessed be the Lord, His love to Israel we'll record ; Let all his people say again, Praise ye the Lord ! Amen ! Amen ! Psalm CVII. 1 to 14. Song 187. (7s.) O GIVE thanks unto the Lord, Praise his name with one accord ; Tell the wonders of his pow'r, Praise his goodness ev'ry hour. 2 Let his ransom'd church begin, Whom he hath redeem'd from sin, Gather' d from the east and west, North and south, to enter rest. 3 Through the wilderness they stray, In a solitary way ; Hungry, thirsty, tried and faint, God attends to their complaint. 4 Led by him from day to day, Right, although mysterious, way, To his city they all come, Habitation, rest, and home. 5 O that men would praise the Lord, While his goodness they record ; All his wond'rous works rehearse, Who redeem'd them from the curse. 141 Yea, he satisfies their souls, Foes or sorrows he controuls ; Darkness ancFthe shades of death He disperses with a breath. Yet they oft neglect, deny Counsel from the Lord most high ; Such rebellion he'll correct, Conq'ring, saving his elect. Psalm CVII. 15 to 30. Song 188. (l.m.) O THAT the men would praise the Lord, Who read his wonders in his word ; Not live like fools, approaching death, But wisely hear what Jesus saith. He sends his word to wound and heal, His quickening pow'r the dead shall feel ; And they shall praise the Lord for this, In Zion, and in endless bliss. The sacrifice of praise they bring, Present thanksgivings to their king ; With joy his works of grace declare, And spend their days in praise and prayer. The Lord w^orks wonders in the deep, The winds and waves are his to keep ; His saints are precious in his eyes, Whose bus'ness in deep waters lies. The Lord upholds them with his arm, Tis he that makes the storm a calm ; He bids the raging waves be still, Or lets them loose to do his will. Into the haven he will bring All who embark with Christ their king; Where quietness and gladness reign, And none shall put to sea again, 142 Psalm CVII. 31 to 43. Song 189. (cm.) O THAT the saints would praise the Lord, Exalt his holy name ; His grace and goodness sound abroad, DO ' His wond'rous works proclaim. 2 Let ev'ry congregation bless The name of Israel's God ; His sovereignty and love confess, And tremble at his rod. 3 He makes the springs and rivers dry, To punish wickedness ; Again he sends a rich supply, His heritage to bless. 4 Decrease and increase, pain and joy, Obey his high command ; All worlds, all things, are his t' employ, His purposes must stand. 5 On princes he will pour contempt, When they reject his reign ; He sets the poor on high, exempt From curse, all heav'n t' obtain. 6 The righteous see it and rejoice, The wise observe God's ways, His lovingkindness tunes their voice, To celebrate his praise. Psalm CVIII. 1 to 6. Song 190. (s.m.) O, GOD, my heart is fix'd, Thy praises I will sing ; O never let my soul be mix'd With those who hate my king. 2 Awake, my song and harp, My glory shall awake ; For though thine arrows have been sharp, Thy mercies I partake. 143 Among thy people now, Thy praise is my employ ; With them before thy face I bow, As my peculiar joy. Be thou exalted, Lord, Above the heav'ns and earth ; Give me thy merciful reward, With men of heav'nly birth. Let thy beloved Son His holy triumphs wear; Let thy right hand save all his own, His glory to declare. Psalm CVIII. 7 to 18. Song 191. (cm.) OUR God has spoken his decree, In truth and holiness ; Our Jesus shall his travail see, And all his church possess. Shechem and Succoth he'll divide, To separate his choice ; Manasseh's pow'r, and Ephraim's pride, Shall bow before his voice. Moab and Edom too shall know All victories are thine : From Judah's tribe thy law shall go, With majesty divine. Go forth, O God, send out a host, To gather thine elect ; The pow'r of God, the Holy Ghost, Shall give thy word effect. O give us help from trouble, Lord, Vain is the help of man ; Through thee we valiant acts record ; This is thy glorious plan. 144 Psalm CIX. 1 to 20. Song 192. (l.m.) HEAR me, O Lord, hold not thy peace, Cried David, for my foes increase ; So, David's Lord, when held accurst, Bore insults — cruelties, the worst. 2 In David's enemies I see What sinners did, my Lord, to thee ; When Judas led the ruffian band, To sieze the man of God's right hand. 3 They mock, revile, condemn to die, They scourge, despise, and crucify ; With wicked hands, satanic pow'r, Like wolves and lions they devour. 4 How soon the traitor ran his race, And hurried home to his own place ; His name not found in life's fair book, His office-work another took. 5 The prince of suff'rers bled and died, And, as he bow'd his head, he cried, " 'Tis finish'd !" all the work is done, His church is sav'd, he claims his throne. 6 Tortur'd with nail, and spear, and thorn, Reproach'd, and look'd upon with scorn ; He vanquish'd death and hell, then rose, To save the precious souls he chose. 7 All praise is his eternal due, Vengeance shall all his foes subdue, Who dare his perfect work reject ; But he will save his own elect. Psalm CIX. 21 to 31. Song 193. (cm.) DO thou for me, O God the Lord, All that my soul can need ; Deliver me — fulfil thy word, Eternally decreed. o 145 \ For I am poor and needy here, And wounded deep within ; For thy great name's sake, Lord, appear, And put away my sin. \ Help me, O Lord my God, I pray, In mercy come and save ; Turn the reproach of men away, And grant me what I crave. : That men may know it is thy hand, That I thy praise may sing, Near to thy poor, O deign to stand, As Israel's God and king. Psalm CX. 1 to 3. Song 194. (cm.) JEHOVAH said, to Christ my Lord, Sit thou on my right hand ; Such vict'ries shall attend thy word, As nothing can withstand. The Lord shall send his rod of strength, Truth, out of Zion goes ; Through ev'ry land, in breadth and length ; Rule thou amidst thy foes. Thy people shall be willing then, To bow before thy face ; The day of pow'r divine shall gain To thee thy chosen race. The beauties of thy holiness, From the eternal morn, Ten thousand converts shall confess, Yea, millions yet unborn. The dew of youth on Christ shall rest, For ever he 's the same ; In him his people shall be blest, And triumph in his name. U6 Psalm CX. 4. Song 195. (c.m.d.) [New'mgton tune.} THE Lord hath sworn, and keeps his oath, Christ's priesthood he will own ; Melchizedek, and Aaron, both Set Jesus on the throne. 2 All other priests we must reject, And none but Christ be known ; For he is priest of his elect, The priest upon his throne. 3 Melchizedek stood quite alone, And no successor had ; Christ took his order, Paul has shown,* This makes his people glad. 4 Let carnal minds to Aaron cling, With carnal priests, a host ; Our only priest, our only king, Melchizedek, we boast. 5 Melchizedek was priest and king, So Jesus ever lives ; To him we will our ofF rings bring, He absolution gives. 6 Aaron's succession is no more, His order pass'd away ; Christ is the priest for evermore, His mandate we obey. 7 'Tis Jesus only that atones For all his people's sins ; He is the priest Jehovah owns, In him our heav'n begins. 8 All rivals he will soon destroy, And antichrist be slain ; The priest of God is Israel's joy, Melchizedek shall reign. * Read the 7th Chapter of the Epistle to the Hebrew-. 147 Psalm CX. o to 7. Song 196. (l.m.) JESUS, who sits at God's right hand, Hath worlds and monarchs at command ; His vengeance shall strike through his foes, Peasants or kings, who dare oppose. Yea, he shall judge the heathen race, And wound them in his wrath, or grace ; All nations shall obey his word, Or fall beneath his flaming sword. Vile antichrist, that hydra head, Whom many countries own and dread ; Wounded by Jesus Christ, shall die, For this ten thousand martyrs cry. The victor drank of Cedron's brook, When he of wrath divine partook ; The very dregs the cup contain'd Jesus received, and life obtain'd. He therefore shall lift up the head, When all his enemies are dead ; Yea, he '11 lift up his members too, His unveil'd countenance to view. Psalm CXI. 1 to 8. Song 197- (p.m.) PRAISE the Lord, ye saints, uniting. My whole heart shall join your choir ; All the upright are inviting, Jesus' glories to admire ; Let his people In most grateful songs aspire. : Search out all his works with pleasure, And his righteousness proclaim ; Draw supplies from cov'nant treasure, Plead and sing in Jesus' name ; Jesus' glory Is unchangeably the same. 148 3 Works of honour, great and glorious, To Jehovah we ascribe ; He has made his word victorious, Over men of ev'ry tribe ; And his chosen Love and gratitude imbibe. 4 Mindful of his cov'nant, ever, He supplies his people's need ; Cov'nant union none can sever, Verity and judgment lead Jesus' footsteps; This is certainty indeed ! 5 Done in truth, and in uprightness, All Jehovah's works stand fast ; In his church he shines with brightness, Oft repeating mercies past ; Lovingkindness Shall for ever with him last. 6 I would on his truth be feeding, Then my soul must thrive and grow ; In his will I would be reading, Then I shall his secret know ; Cov'nant blessings Freely to his people flow. Psalm CXI. 9 & 10. Song 198. (l.m.) GOD sent redemption in his Son, The debt is paid, the work is done ; He sends it to his people's hearts, From thence it nevermore departs. 2 Were God to wait for man's free-will, He never would his word fulfil ; He sends with pow'r — asks no man's leave, But gives us faith — then we believe. o 2 149 3 Commanded is his cov'nant love, Decreed in council held above ; His people shall the grace obtain. And in eternal glory reign. 4 Holy and rev'rend is his name, Be his ambassadors the same ; None should his holy word declare, But men of holiness and prayer. 5 Where God implants his holy fear, Wisdom begins — let men revere ; Good understanding will decide, And by the truth of God abide. 6 The saints in God's commands delight, They live and walk as in his sight ; Jehovah makes his people pure, His praise for ever shall endure. Psalm cxii. Song 199. (p.m.) PRAISE ye the Lord in songs, All grace to him belongs ; His saints are blessed men, They all respond, Amen. When Jesus is exalted high, Again they hallelujah cry. 2 His seed, of heav'nly birth, Are mighty in the earth ; All conq'rors in his name, His glory they proclaim ; He will his chosen people bless, Within his house with righteousness. 3 He makes his saints upright, In darkness he 's their light ; The souls he once hath lov'd, He says shall not be mov'd ; Compassion dwells in Chrisl the head, \nrl in his steps his saints are led. 150 The man whose heart is fix'd On Christ, must not be mix'd With worldly trash and toys, He hath superior joys ; His heart establish'd fears no ill, Delighted with his father's will. His righteousness, most pure, For ever shall endure ; His hom exalted high, His honours never die ; When all the wicked melt away, He lives to everlasting day. Psalm CXIII. Soxg 200. (l.m.) PRAISE ye the Lord, exalt his name, The joys of his salvation claim ; Let all his servants tribute bring, And his eternal glories sing. The rising to the setting sun, Shall publish what his hand hath done ; His name is great, his throne is high, His glory shines above the sky. Yet he descends to dwell on earth, Gives his elect a second birth; Lifts up the poor from filth and dust, Creates them princes, owns them just. Who is there like the Lord our God, Who governs worlds with word or nod ? Who orders all things as he please, According to his fix'd decrees ? Ye who this covenant God can own. Present yourselves before his throne, Exalt his name with one accord, Responding thus; praise ye the Lord. 151 Psalm CXIV. Song 201. (cm.) WHEN Israel out of Egypt went, From cruel bondage freed, Jehovah, through their journey, sent Supplies for all their need. So sinners freed from Satan's yoke, By God's victorious grace, Though their deliv'rer they provoke, Are fed in ev'ry place. Judah was his peculiar care, Amidst all Jacob's race ; He built his sanctuary there, There he reveal' d his face. Let sea and land their treasures search, Each mountain, vale and hill ; God's sanctuary is his church, He reigns on Zion's hill. His presence fills the world with awe, How wond'rous are his ways ; The God of Jacob gives his law, All nature then obeys. Psalm CXV. 1 to 11. Song 202. (p.m.) NOT to us belongs the merit, God's salvation comes most free ; All his own elect inherit, Grace and glory by decree ; Truth and mercy Brought redemption down to me. Let the heathen tell their story, Of dumb idols make their boast ; Of our God in heav'n we glory, Father, Son, and Holy Ghost ; God in cov'nant, Who shall love and praise him mosl I 15-2 3 Idol gods arc dolls created, Gold and silver, wood and stone ; Those who make them, it is stated, Are just like them, life unknown ; But Jehovah Is the living God alone. 4 Mouths, and eyes, and ears appealing, Helpless, useless, lifeless forms ; Neither speaking, seeing, hearing, Nor perceiving calms or storms ; Such professors, All around appear in swarms. 5 Israel, trust thou in Jehovah, He is still our help and shield ; Soon all conflicts will be over, Ev'ry enemy shall yield, And in triumph, All the saints shall quit the field. 6 Ye that fear the Lord, confiding In his faithfulness and love ; In his covenant abiding, Waiting to be crown'd above; May his Spirit Rest upon you like a dove. Psalm CXV. 12 to 18. SoXG 203. (p.m.) GOD is mindful, without ceasing, Of his ransom'd chosen race ; More and more they are increasing, While supplied with quick'ning grace ; He prepares them All, to live in his embrace. 2 While we are his name confessing, Ministers and people too, He comes forth and gives a blessing, Of his treasure, old and new ; All who fear him Shall his face in glorv view. 103 3 Jesus' covenant is binding, Israel now in him may trust ; He is all his jewels finding, Lost and buried in the dust ; He redeem'd them, Bring them all to God he must. 4 Sinners dead, cannot endeavour To obey Jehovah's word ; We will bless the Lord for ever, And his acts of grace record ; He hath blest us, Wake ye saints, and praise the Lord ! Psalm CXVI. 1 to 9. Song 204. (cm.) I LOVE the Lord, because he heard My supplicating voice, FulfilFd the promise of his word, And bade my soul rejoice. 2 Sorrows of death, and pains of hell, Awaken'd conscience felt; Prostrate before the throne I fell, Beneath a load of guilt. 3 O Lord, deliver me, I cried, He graciously appear' d ; The precious blood of Christ applied, Which pardon'd, strengthen'd, cheer'd. 4 Return, my soul, unto thy rest, The bosom of thy Lord ; In him thou art for ever blest, His bounteous grace record. 5 He rescued my poor soul from death, He banish' d my complaints ; I '11 walk before the Lord, by faith, Among his living saints. 154 Psalm CXVI. 10 to 19 SoNG 205. (P.M.) I BELIEVED, and have spoken, Not asham'd to own my creed ; Solemn vows must not be broken, By the Saviour or his seed ; I will publish All the Bible truths I read. 2 Hastily I call'd men liars ; Meeting multitudes of those, Who are awful Christ-deniers, Who his sov'reignty oppose ; None can render Thanks to God, but those he chose. 3 I will take a full salvation, Call upon Jehovah's name ; Joy in covenant relation, And eternal love proclaim ; For my Jesus Is unchangeably the same. 4 Precious in the sight of Jesus, Is the death of all his saints ; Going home to God should please us, Ceasing sorrows and complaints ; Praising Jesus, Free from conflicts and restraints. 5 I will offer my thanksgiving, In his courts proclaim free grace, On his precious fulness living, Till I go to his embrace ; Made just like him, Ever gazing on his face. O, Jerusalem ! I love thee, Though of carnal men abhor'd ; Glory always shines above thee, In thy midst I will record Full salvation, All of grace, praise ve the Lord. 155 Psalm CXVII. Song 206. (l.m.) [Denbigh tune.'] O PRAISE the Lord, ye saints, confess, Of ev'ry nation, tribe and tongue, His mercy and his righteousness, For rich and poor, for old and young. 2 His covenant, his truth, his oath, His faithfulness and love record ; He gives us grace and glory, both, For ever firm — praise ye the Lord. Psalm CXVII. Song 207. (cm.) O PRAISE the Lord, his mercies sing, Tell of his grace and love ; From ev'ry land a tribute bring, For Jesus reigns above. 2 How great his kindness, who can tell ? His truth is like his throne ; Unchangeably the same, all's well ! Jesus will save his own. 3 For ever shall his purpose stand, He will perform his word ; Zion is graven on his hand, O let her praise the Lord. Psalm CXVII. Song 208. (s.m.) O PRAISE the Lord, my soul, With all his people join ; Proclaim his truth from pole to pole, And sing, This God is mine. 2 Mercy and kindness set My fetter'd spirit free ; He never brake his promise vet, O praise the Lord with me. LjG Psalm CXVIII. 1 to 16. Song 209. (7s.) GIVE thanks unto the Lord, Goodness, mercy, truth record, Israel finds his promise sure, Mercy ever shall endure. 2 All to whom his name is known, His unchanging love shall own ; All that call upon him find, He is always of one mind. 3 I have tried him in distress, He in answer came to bless ; Mercy ever shall endure, All Jehovah's ways are pure. 4 While the Lord is on my side, 1 in safety must abide, Jesus takes my part, I know, On his throne, and here below. o Confidence in man is vain, Prince or peasant — I '11 refrain ; Better far it is to trust Jesus, for we know he 's just. 6 Foes may compass me around, God will smite them to the ground ; Jesus is my strength and song, He will save his chosen throng. 7 His salvation is my joy, He shall all my life employ; His right hand performs his will, Jesus reigns on Zion's hill. Psalm CXVIII. 17 to 21. Song Z10. (l.m.) THE Lord employs his chast'ning rod, When his elect forsake their God ; But Jesus pleads for them on high, The second death they cannot die. p 157 2 The works of Jesus they declare, When he calls forth their faith and prayer ; His highest praise employs their breath, When he delivers them from death. 3 Open the gates of righteousness, I will go in, and Christ will bless ; Ye heralds throw them open wide, To welcome Jesus and his bride. 4 This gate Jehovah says he claims, For all his sheep — he knows their names ; His righteous nation enter in, Accepted and made free from sin. o I will praise thee, for thou hast heard My breathings, and fulfill' d thy word ; My whole salvation, Lord, thou art, I will praise thee with my whole heart. 6 The saints unite with me in this, And when we enter gates of bliss, With thy reedem'd triumphant throngs, We '11 fill all heav'n with rapt'rous songs. Psalm CXVIII. 22 to 24. Song 211. (cm.) THE stone that builders still refuse, The precious corner stone, Despis'd by gentiles and by jews, Our glorious head we own. 2 Our hopes are on Christ Jesus built, The Lord is doing this ; He takes away his people's guilt, And builds them up as his. 3 Tis marvellous in nature's eyes, That God should do it all ; Some disbelieve it — some despise, As blinded bv the fall. 158 4 We will rejoice, we will be glad. Who see the gospel day ; In Jesus' righteousness be clad, And cast our own away. 5 This is the day the Lord hath made, His own appointed hour ; His sov'reign grace shall be display M. And sinners feel his pow'r. Psalm CXVIII. 25 to 29. Song 212. (l.m.) FOR ever blessed be his name, W T ho came in God the Father's name. Descending from his glorious throne, To ransom, save, and bless his own. 2 O blessed be our glorious king, Within his house his praise we'll sing ; For we obtain rich blessings there, In channels open, praise and prayer. 3 Yea, we have bless'd his household too, His own elect — his heav'n-bom few ; For they are objects of his love, And shall be blest with him above. 4 Save now, I do beseech thee, Lord, Prosper thy sacred preached word ; Prosper the living church, I pray, Within thy house from day to day. 5 God is the Lord that shews us li^ht. One Lamb we'll offer day and night ; We '11 bind the sacrifice with cords Of faith and love, which are the Lord'-. 6 Thou art my God, accept my praise, I will give thanks thoughout my day- : I will exalt thee ! — I'm secure ! Thv mercy ever shall endu- Psalm CXIX. 1 to 8. Song 213. (l.m.) BLEST are the undefU'd, as seen, Wash'd in atoning blood, and clean ; Who walk in Christ, the living way, Since he is blessed, so are they. 2 Their souls delight to keep his law, They, all iniquity abhor ; They seek the Lord with their whole heart, He never will from them depart. 3 Divine direction, Lord, I crave, Guide me to him who died to save ; Endear the statutes thou hast nam'd, And then I shall not be asham'd. 4 Thy righteousness to me impart, Implant uprightness in my heart ; Then shall I walk in wisdom's ways, And learn to celebrate thy praise. 5 Give me thy chosen people's lot, O Lord my God, forsake me not ; Thus once my dear Redeemer cried, And can his members be denied ? Psalm CXIX. 9 to 16. Song 214. (cm.) DO youths, divinely taught, enquire How they shall cleanse their way ? And after heav'nly things aspire ? Go, read God's word and pray. 2 That word, once hid within the heart, Salvation, full, reveals ; Th' incarnate word will joy impart, When God the Spirit seals. 3 Read not traditions and legends, Which antichrist hath taught ; Th' inspired oracles God sends, With all instruction fraught. 160 4 O, blessed Lord, teach me thy law, My lips shall then declare, Whence I my peace and comfort draw, And where true riches are. 5 With my whole heart I seek thy face, For near thee I would live ; Keep me from wand'ring, by thy grace, Thy Holy Spirit give. 6 My meditation sweet shall be, If thou more grace afford, I will delight myself in thee, And not forget thy word. Psalm CXIX. 17 to 24. Song 215. (cm.) DEAL bountifully, Lord, with me, I am thy servant, poor, But in thy covenant I see An everlasting store. 2 From Jesus' fulness deign to give Supplies of grace and love ; quicken me that I may live, Yea, learn to live above. 3 Blest Spirit, open thou mine eyes, Wonders of grace to see ; A stranger here, O hear my cries, Hide not thy face from me. 4 Reproach upon my Saviour fell, Yea, he endur'd contempt, When he encounter'd earth and hell. And shall I be exempt ? .> Princes and rulers sat and spake 'Gainst him who kept the law ; 1 '11 bear reproach for Jcbub' sake, Nor from hi6 cHii^r withdraw. r -2 161 Psalm CXIX. 25 to 32. Song 216. (s.m.) MY soul lies grov'ling low, Still cleaving to the dust ; Thy quick'ning grace, O Lord, bestow, For in thy word I trust. Make me to understand Thy precepts and thy will ; Thy wond'rous works on ev'ry hand, I '11 sing, and talk of still. My soul, opprest with grief, In heaviness melts down ; strengthen me, and send relief, And thou shalt wear the crown. Remove from me the voice Of falsehood and deceit ; The way of truth is now my choice, Thy word to me is sweet. Thy testimony stands, And never can depart ; I'll run the way of thy commands, If thou enlarge my heart. Psalm CXIX. 33 to 40. Song 217. (p.m.) TEACH me, Lord, and make me wiser, In the statutes of thy word ; Holy Ghost, be my adviser, Counsel to my soul afford ; By thy quick'ning, I shall know and love the Lord. Give me heav'nly understanding, Place discernment in my mind ; 1 would run at thy commanding, My whole heart is so inclin'd ; Quicken me, Lord, Thou art merciful and kind. 162 3 Vanities claim my attention ; Turn mine eyes to things divine ; Jesus' righteousness I'll mention, And by faith would call it mine ; Quicken me, Lord, And the glory shall be thine. 4 Stablish, Lord, thy word for ever, Let reproaches be remov'd ; Saints and sinners thou wilt sever, That thy chosen may be prov'd ; Quicken me, Lord, For thy precepts I have lov'd. Psalm CXIX. 41 to 48. Song 218- (7s.) LORD, let mercies come to me, Thy salvation I would see ; To thy promise I've refer'd, Do according to thy word. 2 I have borne reproach and blame, Jesus once endured the same ; I would meet it with thy word, Jesus us'd that two-edg'd sword. 3 All reproach I'll answer thus, God's salvation is with us ; He has my petitions heard, I will trust his holy word. 4 Take not precious truth away From us, in this awful day ; Let my mouth thy truth proclaim, Glorifying Jesus' name. 6 Of thy statutes, Lord, I'll speak, And thy testimonies >i asham'd. 6 Jesus magnified the law, Thence my soul shall comfort draw ; Liberty he gain'd for me, I will walk as one made free. 7 I delight myself in thee, Loving him who loved me ; Lifting up my hands with joy, Honour'd in my Lord's employ. Psalm CXIX. 49 to oG. Song 219. (p.m.) REMEMBER, Lord, thy word of truth Has been my hope from early youth, Until the present hour ; This is my comfort, thou dost see, Thy precious word has quicken'd me, By God the Spirit's pow'r. 2 The proud, who have thy truth denied, My confidence in thee deride, Assurance they abhor ; I've comforted myself with this, Jesus is mine and I am his, He teaches me his law. 3 Horror took hold on Jesus, when He bore the sins of guilty men, And cancell'd all their debt ; If grief o'erwhelms this heart of mine, I would not murmer or repine, Since I'm at freedom set. 4 Thy statutes, Lord, have been my song, My pilgrimage cannot be long, I'll sing them all the way ; I trust alone in Jesus' name, His truth and mercy <\vc the same, To everlasting day. lfi4 Psalm CXIX. 57 to G4. SONG 220. (P.M.) THOU art my portion, Lord, My faith is flx'd on thee ; I love thy precious word, My charter there I see ; Salvation perfect, bought with blood, The wisdom, work, and gift of God. 2 Thy favour I entreat, See how my heart aspires, Before thy mercy-seat, To pour out my desires ; Be merciful and shew thy face, According to thy word of grace. 3 I thought upon my way, And turn'd my feet to thee ; My soul abhors delay, In mercy quicken me ; Thy testimonies are my choice, In thy commandments I rejoice. 4 The bands of wicked men, And Satan's agents too, Have robbed me again, But thou wilt bring me through ; I will give thanks to thee by night, For all thy judgments, Lord, are right. 5 I'ma companion now Of those who fear thy name, Who in thy presence bow, And at thy glory aim ; On earth my portion with them is, With them I shall inherit bliss. 6 The earth, O Lord, is fill'd With mercies from thy hand ; Eternal life is will'd For all thy chosen band ; Thy statutes they shall all be taught, To endless life they shall be brought. Wo Psalm CXIX. Go to 7*2. Song 221. (p.m.) THOU, Lord, has dealt well With me, in rich grace, Redeem' d me from hell, From sin and disgrace ; Thou hast made we willing To bow at thy feet, Thy promise fulfilling, How precious, how sweet. O teach me thy will, For I have believ'd, And succour me still, Whenever I'm griev'd * Before my affliction My soul went astray, 'Twas gracious restriction Kept me in thy way. Jehovah is good, Does good to his saints ; Supplies them with food, And hears their complaints ; The proud live by lying, Truth lives in my heart ; My path may be trying, But faithful thou art. It is good for me Thy statutes to learn ; Afflictions may be Alarmingly stern ; But blessings they measure Of fruits new and old, Far better than treasure Of silver and gold. 166 Psalm CXIX. 73 to 80. Song 222. (p.m.) THY hands have made me, Lord, According to thy word, To honour thee ; I'm fashion' d by thy grace, Among the heav'n-born race, To celebrate thy praise, Eternal Three. 2 The people who fear thee, Rejoice when they see me Trusting thy word ; In thee, Lord, I delight, Thy judgments all are right, I'm precious in thy sight, I'll love record. 3 Let tender mercy come, To lead me safely home, That I may live ; Supplies of grace afford, Thy name shall be ador'd, All is in Jesus stor'd, His fulness give. 4 The proud shall be asham'd, Perversely they have aim'd Their shafts at me ; O, let my heart be sound, Saints compass me around, And Jesus shall be crown'd, Eternally. 5 Let those who fear thee turn, Thy dealings with me learn, And then adore The grace that made me free, The love that's set on me, By the Eternal Three, For evermore. 167 Psalm CXIX. 81 to 88. Song 223. (p. m.) [Geard tune.] MY soul is awaken'd, and fainteth to see Salvation sufficient, eternal, and free ; Mine eyes almost fail me in searching thy word, Lord, when will thy Spirit some comfort afford ? 2 I seem like a bottle beclouded with smoke, I'm weary of Satan's unmerciful yoke ; Thy statutes and precepts before me are set, Thy word of sweet promise I do not forget. 3 The days of thy servant must run out apace, Assure me that I am a subject of grace ; Then I shall outbrave persecution and pride, And unto thy faithfulness fully subscribe. 4 Afflictions and vile persecutions abound, As if to consume me from off of the ground ; But quicken me, strengthen me, Lord, by thy hand And I shall all enemies daily withstand. 5 In thy lovingkindness believing I rest, O quicken me daily, and I shall be blest ; The word of thy covenant help me to keep, Protect me and save me as one of thy sheep. 6 The proud have digg'd pits for me, they all abhor The souls that delight in thy statutes and law, Upon divine faithfulness I must still live, For that cannot fail me, but glory shall give. Psahn CXIX. 89 to 96. Song 224. (p.m.) [Jewin Street tune.] SETTLED is thy word in heaven, Thine, O Lord, is the decree, Everlasting life is given To thy people — yea, to me ; Faithfulness secures salvation, Unto all thine own elect, Unto each new generation, Thou wilt none of thine reject. 1G8 2 Heav'n and earth are now fulfilling All thy purposes of love ; All thy servants are made willing, By thine unction from above ; I will not forget thy precepts, With them thou hast quicken'd me, Hold me up in all my footsteps, Let me thy salvation see. 3 I am thine, thine own election, Save me by atoning blood, Not in man's vain boast perfection, But the sov'reign grace of God ; Quick'ning pow'r each day bestowing, Thou wilt all my foes o'ercome ; Precious blood from Jesus flowing, Seals my pardon, brings me home. Psalm CXIX. 97 to 104. Song 225. (p.m.) [Mediator tune.] HOW I love thy law, might Jesus say, It is my mediation all the day ; By him each jot and tittle was fulfill'd, As God the Father had in cov'nant will'd, 2 His living members in his footsteps tread, Made, in their measure, like their cov'nant head ; And each, divinely taught, may well declare, 1 am much wiser than the worldlings are. 3 The understanding God the Spirit gave, Is more than all mere earthly teachers Jiave ; Yea, more than all the ancient fathers boast, Save those instructed by the Holy Ghost. 4 How sweet are all thy words unto my taste, They will not let me spend my time in waste ; I hate and shun each false and sinful way, And long to keep thy word from day to day. Q 1(19 Psalm CX1X. 105 to 112. Song 226. (l.m.) THY word, O Lord, affords me light, A lamp to guide my feet by night ; Its sacred truths upon me shine, I'm trav'ling home by light divine. 2 Jesus hath sworn, and he'll fulfil, Performing all God's righteous will ; He kept the law in ev'ry part, For it was written in his heart. 3 I am afflicted very much, He sympathises with all such ; quicken me then, dearest Lord, With grace, according to thy word. 4 'Tis by thy pow'r that I am kept, The off'rings of my mouth accept ; Teach me thy judgments in thy word, And new supplies of grace afford. o My soul seems always in my hand, While persecutors round me stand ; Against me men and devils rage, But thou, Lord, art my heritage. Psalm CXIX. 113 to 120. Song 227. (cm.) 1 HATE vain thoughts, thy law I love, Thou art my hiding place ; My shield, and helper from above, Thy word I must embrace. 2 Depart from me, ye godless host, I'll evil doers shun ; I'll in Jehovah's precepts boast, Yea, in his ways I'll run. 3 Distinction from the world I crave, The carnal race annoy ; Poor fallen man is Satan's slave, Mv God is all toy jov. *170 4 Uphold me, Lord, that I may lire, According to thy word ; Nor let me be asham'd to give All glory to the Lord. 5 Hold thou me up, by pow'r divine, For I am poor and weak ; I shall be safe, for I am thine, Thy statutes I will seek. 6 Thou puttest foes away like dross, Believers thou wilt save ; My glory is in Jesus' cross, And life divine I have. Psalm CXIX. 121 to 128. Song 228. (cm.) JUSTICE and judgment I record, As pillars of thy throne ; Be surety for thy servant, Lord, Or else I am undone. 2 O leave me not amidst my foes, Nor let the proud oppress ; Mine eye with sorrow overflows, Bring near thy righteousness. 3 In mercy with thy servant deal, I am thy servant, Lord; Make me to understand, and feel The blessings of thy word. 4 'Tis time for thee, O Lord, to work, For men make void thy law ; Beneath pretences false, they lurk, Which men of grace abhor. 5 I love thy truth above fine gold, Thy oracles are right ; I hate false ways, but I'll unfold Thv truth with great delight. 171 6 Thy doctrines are my sacred theme, Because they set me free ; Thy precious word I must esteem, 'Tis blessed food to me. Psalm CXIX. 129 to 13G. Song 229. (cm.) THY testimonies I will keep, While kept by powY divine ; For they are wonderful and deep, Just suiting souls like mine. 2 The entrance of thy word gives light, Where all was dark before ; It sets the understanding right, Thy cov'nant to explore. 3 With open mouth I pant and long, To live in thine embrace ; O look on me, teach me the song Of those who taste thy grace. 4 Order my footsteps in thy word, From error keep me free ; From sin's dominion, gracious Lord, Preserve and rescue me. 5 Upon me make thy face to shine, And teach me all thy will ; Imparting to me strength divine, To glorify thee still. G Rivers of waters I would weep To see how men rebel ; Thy holy law they do not keep, But love the road to hell. 7 Their case had still been mine, I know, But for thy so v' reign grace, Which made me differ, now I go To see thy unveil'd face. 172 Psalm CXIX. 137 to 144. Song 230. (8s.) [Covenant tune.~\ HOW righteous art thou, gracious Lord, Thy judgments and mercies accord ; Thy faithfulness ever the same, Thy statutes I love to proclaim. My zeal hath consumed me on earth, For men go astray from their birth, In practices grossly absurd, Forgetting both thee and thy word. Thus Christ, in the temple, display'd, His zeal for God's house, it is said, Asserted his right without doubt, The buyers and sellers drove out. Thy word is the water of life, Men's writings are waters of strife ; I love inspiration, it's pure, And unto the end shall endure. The law of thy truth shall stand fast, Thy righteousness ever shall last ; To me, understanding, Lord, give, And I shall eternally live. Psalm CXIX. 145 to 152. Song 231. (l.m.) I CRIED with my whole heart to thee, Lord, attend and answer me ; Save me in thine appointed way, Keep me, and never let me stray. Before the dawn of morning light, Yea, in the watches of the night, My thoughts to thee, my God, shall rise, And thou wilt hear my humble cries. 1 meditate upon thy word, And call to mind the truths I 've heard ; O hear my voice, and answer prayer, Thv lovingkindness 1 11 declare. q 2 17* Lord, quicken me by special grace, To run with joy my heav'nly race ; The sons of mischief and deceit, With all the tempter's wiles, defeat. O Lord, I know that thou art near, Foes may assail, I will not fear ; I've known thy purposes of old, Founded for ever, yet untold. Psalm CXIX. 153 to 160. Song 232. (p.m.) LORD, consider mine affliction, In thy love deliver me ; Grace divine knows no restriction, It is sov'reign, rich, and free ; Quicken me by pow'r divine, Then I never shall decline. Plead my cause, for my salvation, Great thy tender mercies are ; Own me as thy new creation, Then I'll persecution bear ; Quicken me, most gracious Lord, Help my soul to keep thy word. By transgressors I am grieved, Who thy precious word reject ; But thy truth I have believed, So shall all thine own elect ; Quicken me, and I '11 pursue Thy holy way, with heav'n in view. All thy truth, from the beginning, Is unchangeably the same ; I, alas ! am daily sinning, I confess it, Lord, with shame ; Quicken me for Jesus' sake, Then to cud less glory take. 174 Psalm CXIX. 161 to 168. SoNG Z33. (P.M.) PRINCES and kings, who know not God, And yet presume to touch his word, Are persecutors proud ; They hate the Saviour's peaceful* reign ; His subjects they have often slain, And unto Baal bow'd. 2 They persecute, without a cause, The souls who honour all God's laws, Both Jesus and his saints ; But I revere thy holy word, And count traditions quite absurd, Truth cheers the soul that faints. 3 Lord, thou hast made thy word my choice, In all its doctrines I rejoice, As one tliat findeth spoil ; Sev'n times a day I '11 praise the Lord, Thy righteous judgments I '11 record, From falsehood I recoil. 4 Great peace have they that love thy law, Who ev'ry heresy abhor, And all thy truth embrace ; To heav'n their footsteps daily tend, And nothing shall their souls offend, To stop them in their race. 5 For thy salvation, Lord, I hope, While with a host of foes I cope, I shall a conq'ror be ; Thy testimonies, Lord, I love, I '11 spend eternity above In glorifying thee. 6 I '11 keep thy precepts, Lord, if thou Wilt all-sufficient grace allow, From Jesus' fulness giv'n ; For all my ways are known to thee. Preserve me, guide me, let me be Brought safel) home to heav'n. Mo Psalm CXIX. 169 to 176. Song 234:. (cm.) [Mount Calvary tune.'] THOU in whom all grace abounds, My cry shall come to thee ; Behold my glorious surety's wounds, And then deliver me. Let supplications to thee rise, Behold the blood-stain' d tree ; 1 trust that one great sacrifice, Will Christ deliver me ? My lips shall utter praise aloud, When thou hast set me free ; From all that's carnal, false and proud, O Lord, deliver me. My tongue shall speak thy holy word, Thy righteousness I see ; let thy hand some help afford, And thus deliver me. 1 ? ve long'cl for thy salvation, Lord, To Jesus' side I flee ; Let my soul live, and I '11 record Thou hast deliver 2 ^ me. > Like a lost sheep I 've gone astray, But now I bow the knee ; And for divine forgiveness pray, Dear Lord, deliver me. 1 Hast thou not written in thv book, Thy purpose and decree : " When all forsake thee, to me look, " I will deliver thee." * Salvation first and last belongs To the Eternal Three; I '11 shout amidst the heav'nly throngs, Jesus deliver'd me ! 176 Psalm CXX. Song 235. (l.m.) I CRIED to God in my distress, He heard me, I obtain'd redress ; He is the God that heareth prayer, His people are his special care. Deliver me, Lord, I entreat, From men of falsehood and deceit, From mortals who thy truth pervert, Lord, preserve my soul unhurt. 1 sojourn in a world of woe, I dwell in Kedar's tents below, Where fiery coals and arrows fly, 'Midst tongues of falsehood — lips that lie. I am for peace — they are for war, They hate thy saints, they hate thy law ; When shall this furious conflict cease ? When shall I reach the realms of peace ? Psalm CXXI. Song 236. (7s.) I WILL lift my longing eyes To the hills that men despise, Whence alone my help shall come, All the way I travel home. God, who made both heav'n and earth, Is my helper from my birth ; All his ransom'd flock he keeps, Never slumbers, never sleeps. Israel's keeper is the Lord, Shade and shelter he'll afford ; Sun and moon shall give their light, But they must not, shall not smite. L^nto Jesus Christ akin, Going out and coming in, He will evermore protect All his saints — his own elect. 177 Psalm CXXI. SoNG 237. (P.M.) HARK ! my soul, the Lord is speaking, In his holy shalls and wills ; I will lift my eyes up, seeking Help from his eternal hills ; Glory to his precious name, Jesus ever is the same. Daily I am help receiving From the God of heav'n and earth ; He it is keeps me believing, Since he gave me second birth ; Glory to his precious name, Jesus ever is the same. Israel's keeper will not slumber, His own people are his care ; Well he knows their names and number, In his goodness they shall share ; Glory to his precious name, Jesus ever is the same. Sun and moon shall never smite thee, Thou art kept both day and night ; What shall hurt thee, or affright thee ; Only in thy God delight ; Glory to his precious name, Jesus ever is the same. Bless the Lord, I'm in his keeping, While he holds me up, I stand ; Trav'ling, working, waking, sleeping, None can pluck me from his hand ; Glory to his precious name, Jesus ever is the same. Coming in, and when out going, He preserves me evermore ; Love and grace are always flowing, I, the triune God adore ; Glory to his precious name, Jesus ever is the same. 178 Psalm CXX1I. Song 238. (l.m.) WITH joy the ransom' d tribes repair To Zion's hill, the house of prayer ; Inviting saints, with one accord, " Come, let us go and seek the Lord.'' Our feet shall stand within thy gates, For in Jerusalem God waits ; To hear his people's songs and cries, And give them covenant supplies. Jerusalem is builded well, Compact, Jehovah there will dwell ; His throne of grace is always there, Set thrones of judgment he'll prepare. Peace be within her sacred wall, May antichrist and priestcraft fall, And then prosperity divine, Within her palaces shall shine. My breth'ren and companions there, In my requests, and joys shall share ; The Lord our God supplies our food, And we will pray for Zion's good. Psalm CXXII. Song 239. (p.m.) I WAS glad when saints invited Me to join in Zion's praise ; Often have I been delighted With the feasts of Sabbath-days ; With believers, Spending hours in wisdom's ways. O Jerusalem, thou city, Built compact on God's own plan, Type of gospel churches, fitly, Setting forth the truth to man ; Full salvation, Purpos'd ere the world began. 179 3 Ransom'd tribes go up adoring, Ark and mercy-seat are there ; Pardon, peace, and life imploring, Of the God who answers prayer ; While his heralds His unchanging love declare. 4 Thrones of judgment, thrones of David, Sovereignty divine proclaim ; Pray for peace, for all the saved, In the dear Redeemer's name ; Pray and prosper, For our God is still the same. 5 For my breth'ren and companions, I will pray for gospel peace ; We shall have, in glorious mansions, Joys that never, never cease. When, from training, We obtain our last release. 6 'Tis because God's house is blessed, With supplies of precious food, While his gospel is confessed, I will seek for Zion's good ; In all ages Have her bulwarks firmly stood. Psalm CXXIII. Song 240. (l.m.) LORD, unto thee I lift mine eyes, See how the world thy truth despise ; Treat with contempt both thee and thine, And scorn to think of things divine. 2 As servants to their master seek, So wait our souls to hear thee speak ; Have mercy, Lord, upon thy church, Her enemies for mischief search. 180 Have mercy, Lord, arise, protect Thy family, thine own elect ; Against the men who dwell at ease, Despising thee and thy decrees. Have mercy, Lord, we cry again, Thine enemies are proud and vain ; O send deliv'ranee from above, For all the objects of thy love. Psalm CXXIV. Song 241. (S.M.) HAD not the Lord appear'd. To stand on Israel's side, When men rose up, with conscience sear'd, And full of wrath and pride. Then they had swallowed up Thine heritage, O Lord ; With vengeance thou wilt fill their cup, Thy justice we '11 record. Now, blessed be the Lord, That we are not their prey : Divine protection still afford, And keep us night and day. Our help i> in his name, Who made both heav'n and earth ; We are escap'd, we will proclaim. His love with holy mirth. Psalm CXXV. Song 242. (cm.) ALL they who trust the Lord of hosts. Shall like mount Zion stand ; While he who in his free-will boasts, Is building on the sand. Jerusalem was fortified With mountains round aboui ; So God protects on ev'ry side, H is chur< h from all \\ ithout R 3 The rod of worldlings shall not rest Upon the christian's lot ; The saints are with distinction blest, Their portion changes not. 4 Do good, O Lord, to Zion's sons, And give them grace for grace ; For so thy precious promise runs, To all thy chosen race. 5 Let such as turn aside from thee, From false instruction cease ; Dwell with us, thou Eternal Three, And in thy church give peace. Psalm CXXVI. Song 243. (cm.) WHEN Zion's God his work revives, We are like them that dream ; Overwhelming joy runs through our lives, And grace is all our theme. 2 From long captivity set free, Our tongue of Jesus sings ; And heathens all around us see, The Lord hath done great things. 3 The Lord hath done great things for us, He makes our spirits glad ; He cancelPd sin, remov'd the curse, In righteousness we're clad. 4 It was our lot to sow in tears, But now we reap in joy ; For God has put away our fears, Let praise our tongues employ. 5 The precious seed, beneath the clod, With weeping may be cast ; But, doubtless, all who honour God, Shall gather sheaves at last. 182 Psalm CXXVII. Song 2AA* (s.m.) EXCEPT Jehovah build His house, with pow'r divine, In vain do men, however skill' d, Their energies combine. Except Jehovah keep His city, night and day, In vain do watchmen wake or sleep, Yet, let them watch and pray. Early and late men toil, To hoard up glitt'ring dust, Mortality divides the spoil, Resign it all they must. God gives to his belov'd, In Jesus sweet repose, He always hath most faithful prov'd, To all the souls he chose. Psalm CXXVIII. Song 245. (7s.) BLESSED man that fears the Lord, Knows his name, and loves his word ; Blest the labours of his hands, Blest in Jesus Christ he stands. Wife, who is Jehovah's choice, Children, who obey his voice, Blessings to the christian prove, Tokens of Jehovah's love. Out of Zion God will bless, Clothing saints with righteousness ; Cov'nant blessings flow to them, Peace within Jerusalem. Children's children yet unborn, Shall the church of Christ adorn ; This succession shall not cease, Israel shall be blest with peace. 183 Psalm CXXIX. Song 246. (l.m.) THE church is through affliction led. So was her gracious cov'nant head, When sinners treated him with scorn. As one forsaken and forlorn. \ Both men and devils Christ attack, The plowers plow'd upon his back ; The scourge, the thorns, the nails, the spear Made blood-stain' d furrows, long, appear, i Yet foes have not prevailed nor check'd The work he did for his elect ; The Lord is righteous to maintain The Saviour's cause, and he shall reign, All Zion's enemies shall be Confounded, vanquish'd, made to flee ; Like withering grass they fade and die, Despis'd, and no deliverer nigh. Upon their souls no good can rest, But God's own people shall be blest, With life and peace in Jesus' name, And his eternal love proclaim. Psalm CXXX. Song 2A1« (p.m.) OUT of the depths I cry, Opprest with guilt and sin ; O, gracious Lord, draw nigh, Perform thy work within ; O listen to thy suppliant's voice, And bid my broken bones rejoice. Out of the depths I cried, O'erwhelm'd with wrath divine, Said Christ, when crucified, For guilty souls like mine ; His cries were heard, he died and rose. Triumphant over all his foes. 184 If thou, O Lord, shoukTst mark Iniquities in me ; Then all around is dark, No door of hope I see, But since my Saviour deign'd to bleed, Forgiveness flows to all his seed. I 'm waiting for the Lord, More than for morning light ; My hope is in his word, For all his ways are right ; Let Israel in Christ Jesus see Redemption, plenteous and free. Psalm CXXXI. Song 248. (cm.) LORD, my heart before thee lies, I would not cherish pride ; To thee I humbly lift my eyes, All grace thou wilt provide. Grace overcomes the proudest heart, Lays lofty sinners low, Bids free-will arrogance depart, That man may Jesus know. 1 would in quietude retire, Just like a weaned child ; And only Jesus Christ admire, No more with earth beguil'd. Quite wean'd from mortals all around, Of low or high degree ; Kept near thee, Lord, I would be found, From all beside set free. Let Israel hope in Christ the Lord, His precious name adore ; Receive his grace, and trust his word, Henceforth for evermore. R 2 Psalm CXXX1I. 1 to 7. SONG 2A9* (P.M.) LORD ; remember thy king David, Yea, remember David's son ; By his sufferings we are saved, And expect to reach his throne ; 'Tis king Jesus Intercedes for all his own. 2 David bound himself by swearing, To find out a place for thee ; David's Lord is now preparing Mansions for his saints, and me ; Sworn to save them, In unchangeable decree. 3 Jacob's God is our salvation, All his chosen race he loves ; Christians are his habitation ; There he dwells, and ne'er removes ; Oath and counsel Are immutable, he proves. 4 Surely I will not be setting Up my house, in fleshly ease, And the ark of God forgetting, In degen'rate times like these ; Zion's welfare I '11 first seek, as God decrees. 5 Lo ! we heard God's ark was near him, That at Ephratah it stood ; But 'twas found at Kirjath-jearim, Quite secluded in the wood ; Cov'nant blessings Are despis'd, offensive food. In God's tabernacle singing, At his footstool brought to pray , To the ark our souls are clinging, We have found the good old \\.i\ God ii) cov'nant We'll adore through endless 'In 186 Psalm CXXXII. 8 to 12. Song 250. (l.m.) ARISE, Lord, into thy rest, ■ Thy presence makes thy churches blest; The ark of strength divine now bring, The cov'nant of our God and king. 2 Clothe ministers with righteousness, And bid them all thy truth confess ; More faithful heralds, Lord, employ, And let thy saints all shout for joy. 3 The face of thine anointed one, King David's Lord, we love to own ; Turn not away while Jesus pleads, But satisfy thy people's needs. 4 The Lord hath sworn, and cannot lie, The seed of Christ shall never die ; His cov'nant, which the ark contains, Unbroken, evermore remains. Psalm CXXXII. 13 to 18. Song 251. (l.m.) THE Lord hath chosen Zion's hill, This is his habitation still ; This sacred rest he hath desir'd, Here shall his servants be inspir'd. 2 With blest provision Zion 's fed, God satisfies her poor with bread ; Her pastors, with salvation clad, Shall make her sons and daughters glad, 3 There, saith Jehovah, I will make, For my redeemed people's sake, The horn of David's Lord to bud, For he has shed atoning blood. 4 There mine anointed Son shall n A lamp for him I will ordain ; His foes shall sink in shame and dread, 11 is crown hall flow i h on in head Psalm CXXXIII. Song 252. (cm.) [Poland tune.} BEHOLD how good, how pleasant 'tis For breth'ren to unite In fellowship with Christ, as his, When love creates delight. The precious oil on Christ their head, Softly descends around ; Like dew on Zion's mountains shed, Where fruits of grace abound. The Lord commands his blessing there, From his own cov'nant store ; In which his ransom'd ones all share, Ev'n life for evermore. Pause. Command thy blessing, holy Lord, Upon thy people here ; As one in heart, with one accord, To worship in thy fear. Fresh oil upon our spirits pour, Let Hermon's dews descend, Like melting unction ev'ry hour, On this our souls depend. 'Tis heav'n on earth to dwell in love, When hearts with hearts entwine, Like the triumphant state above, A world of love divine. Psalm CXXXIV. Song 253. (p.m.) BEHOLD the glories of the place, The temple of the God of grace, Where Jesus deigns to dwell ; Bless ye the Lord, ye chosen band, The servants of the Lord, who stand And in hi: churches dwell. 188 2 In sanctuaries, day and night, In solemn darkness or in light, Arise and bless the Lord ; Lift up your hands, with joy proclaim, The honours of Jehovah's name, His faithfulness record. 3 The Lord, who made both heav'n and earth, Whose blessing is of boundless worth, Makes Zion his abode ; There, all the blessings of his grace, Belonging to his chosen race, Are constantly bestow M. Psalm CXXXV. 1 to 7. Song 254. (cm.) PRAISE ye the Lord, praise ye his name, Jehovah reigns above ; Ye servants of the Lord, proclaim The wonders of his love. 2 Ye that within his temple stand, Ye ministers of his ; Praise ye the Lord, who understand What his salvation is. 3 Describe the people of his choice, The cov'nant head and seed ; Israel, his treasure, shall rejoice, And Jacob's tribes shall feed. 4 The Lord is great, it is his right To do just as he please ; His saints are precious in his sight, Made so in his degrees. 5 In heav'n and earth, and places deep. He carries on his plan ; The seas and elements all keep His orders — nil but man ! 189 6 Tis man, proud rebel man, denies God's sovereignty, alone, Till grace takes blindness from his eves, And melts his heart of stone. Psalm CXXXV. 8 to 21. Song 259. (l.m.) THE wonders which Jehovah wrought, When Israel was from Egypt brought, Pourtray'd the mighty acts of grace, Which rescue all the chosen race. 2 Egypt and Pharaoh faint and melt, Sihon and Og his vengeance felt, When Israel's march they dared oppose ; And thus God deals with all his foes. 3 Thy name, O Lord, is great and pure, And thy memorial shall endure, Most precious to thine own elect, Who all the heathen gods reject. 4 Idols have mouths, and ears, and eyes, But speak not, see not, hear no cries ; The workmanship of creature skill, Just the religion of free-will. 5 Idolatry Jehovah mocks, Idolaters are like their blocks, As stupid, useless, cold and dead, The Lord abhors them both, 'tis said. 6 O bless the Lord, ye chosen race, Ye ministers of God's free grace ; All ye who fear and love his name, Bless him, his majesty proclaim. 7 In Zion let his praise abound, There let the Son of God be crown'd ; Jerusalem his grace record, For there lie dwells, praise ye the Lord. 190 Psalm CXXXVI. Song 256. (p.m.) O GIVE thanks unto Jehovah, Tell the wonders he hath done ; Count his special mercies over, And the conquests grace has won ; Endless mercies Flow to vis in God the Son. 2 Heav'n and earth proclaim his glory, Sun, and moon, and stars he made ; Egypt tells the solemn story, How he wrought for Israel's aid ; Endless mercy In redemption is display 'd. 3 His own hand the sea divided, Israel pass'd upon dry ground ; He, the victory decided, Pharaoh and his host he drown'd ; Endless mercies Shall his chosen tribes surround. 4 Through the wilderness his lead in it Was mysterious, but right ; Ev'ry day with manna feeding, Putting all their foes to flight ; Endless mercy Let his people keep in sight. 5 He beheld us when degraded, In our low and lost estate ; Sent his Son with blessings laded, His redemption O how great ; Endless mercies Endless songs of praise create. G O give thanks to God in heav'n, Mercy ever shall endure ; Grace and glory, both are given, We shall enter bliss most pure ; Endless mercy Will this heritage secure. 191 FSCilm CAAAVIl. Song S57. (l.m.) IN ancient Babylon we see Proud antichrist,, vile popery ; The common foe of God and man. Oppos'd to all the gospel plan, 2 Zion has felt her cruel rage, How sad is her historic page; When harps were on the willows hung, And sorrows were from christians wrung. 3 How shall we sing Jehovah's song, In this strange land where all is wrong ? On Zion's good our hearts are set, Jerusalem we can't forget. 4 Though persecution, yet to come, May hurry true believers home, Their faith and hope it can't destroy, Jerusalem is their chief joy. 5 O Babylon ! to be destroy 'd, How is God's church by thee annoy'd ; But thy reward of woe shall come, And all the saints get safely home. G All Zion's enemies around, Say, Rase it, rase it, to the ground ; But God says Bufld it, build it still, And he accomplishes his will. Psalm CXXXVII. Song 258. (cm.) BY Babylonish streams we sit, When antichrist prevails ; As captives in some horrid pit, Where living water fails. 2 Pure Zion's songs no longer sound, No truth salutes our ears ; But vile idolatries abound, With heathen taunts and jeers. 192 3 True gospel worship I prefer Above my chiefest joy ; Jerusalem ! I think of her, And live in her employ. 4 If I forget Jerusalem, My tongue shall cease to speak ; I cannot, will not, join with them, Who after idols seek. 5 God's living temple worldlings hate, Would rase it to the ground ; But he'll restore her blest estate, And be with glory crown'd. G O Babylon ! accursed foe ! Thou shalt have thy reward ; An everlasting overthrow, The vengeance of the Lord. Psalm CXXXVIII. Song 259. (7s.) I WILL praise thee, gracious Lord, Lovingkindness I'll record ; I will worship God alone, In his temple, near his throne. 2 Thou hast magnified thy word, I have pray'd, and thou hast heard ; Strength to my poor soul is giv'n, To pursue my way to heav'n. 3 All the kings, from north to south, Hearing words from Jesus' mouth, Brought by grace to wisdom's ways, Shall proclaim and sing thy praise. 4 Though the Lord be high, 'tis known Lowly souls approach his throne ; Unto such he hath respect, But the proud he will reject s 193 5 Though I walk amidst my foes, And my cup with grief o'erflows, Grace revives my soul in prayer, Thy right hand shall save me there. (3 All that does my soul concern, Thou wilt perfect, Lord, I learn ; Ne'er forsake thy work of grace, But will save thy chosen race. Psalm CXXXIX. 1 to 13. Song 260. (cm.) O LORD, the searcher of my heart, To whom my thoughts are known, Divine instruction now impart, While I approach thy throne. 2 Tis thy all-seeing eye surveys My thoughts and words each hour ; My path, my bed, and all my ways, Are subject to thy pow'r. 3 There 's not a sentence I can speak, Which is not known to thee ; Nor any object man can seek, Can frustrate thy decree. 4 Too wonderful for worms like me, Is knowledge such as this ; Pervading heav'n, hell, earth, and sea ; I'm lost in the abyss. 5 If I ascend to heav'n, 'tis there, Thy full-orb'd glory reigns ; If I descend to hell, despair Holds fiends and foes in chains. 6 The midnight darkness and the light Are both alike to thee ; There's nothing hidden from thy sight, All rests on thv decree. 194 Psalm CXXXIX. 14 to 16. Song 261, (l.m.) I WILL praise thee, Lord, I've said, For I am wonderfully made ; Wrought in the lowest parts of earth, Thy work in first and second birth. My substance was not hid from thee, But recogniz'd in thy decree ; Recorded in thy book I stand, Yea, fashion'd by thy gracious hand. Thus Christ, the cov'nant head, declares, With him his members are joint heirs ; Unborn, imperfect, yet foreknown, Flesh of his flesh — bone of his bone. All written in God's book above, As objects of eternal love ; All fashion'd by transforming grace, Created in due time and place. Psalm CXXXIX. 17 to 24. Song 262. (l.m.) O GOD, the great Eternal Three, How precious are thy thoughts to me, How great their sum — all thoughts of peace To give me joys that never cease. If I could all their number count, What hand could write the vast amount ? More than the sand of earth and sea ; Wlien I awake, I'm still with thee. Deliver me from wicked men, My soul abhors the sinner's den ; Search me, O God, and know my heart, O let me not from thee depart. Lead me, O Lord, in Christ, I pray, He is the everlasting way ; And all who walk in him arrive In heav'n, and with him ever live. 11).", Psalm CXL. Song £63. (cm.) DELIVER me, without delay, From fiends and evil men ; Who practice mischief ev'ry day, As from the serpent's den. 2 Keep me, O Lord, from wicked hands, And from my wicked heart ; The proud have hid their snares and bands, With ev'ry pois'nous dart. 3 O God, the Lord, thou art my strength, In conflicts sharp and long ; Victorious I shall be at length, And join the conq'ror's song. 4 I know Jehovah will maintain The cause of his elect ; Jesus their cov'nant head shall reign, And all his church protect. 5 They are afflicted, poor, and weak, But upright in his sight ; Of his eternal praise they speak, And dwell in realms of light. Psalm CXLI. Song 264. (p.m.) O LORD, I cry to thee, In ev'ry new distress ; My refuge thou wilt be When enemies oppress ; Under the shadow of thy wing, For ever I'll abide and sing. 2 O let my prayer arise, Like incense to thy throne ; My ev'ning sacrifice, Is Jesus' blood alone ; His off'ring, once for all, I bring, Own him my Prophet, Priest, and King. 196 O Lord, watch over me, My heart and lips to keep ; From evil men I flee, To dwell among thy sheep ; And if the righteous smite me there, I'll take reproof and offer prayer. If judges are overthrown, And truth falls in the street; Thou wilt preserve thine own, Thy word to them is sweet. Keep me from snares which men have laid, Let nothing make my soul afraid. Leave me not destitute, For in thy name I trust ; O give me the repute Belonging to the just ; Mine eyes are lifted up to thee, God, the Lord, th' Eternal Three. See how the wicked shape Their snares and nets for me ; let my soul escape From sin and sinners free ; 1 trust my all in Jesus' hand, Complete in him I hope to stand. Psalm CXLII. Song 265. (s.m.) 1 CRIED unto the Lord, I lifted up my voice ; My supplications he'll record, And own me as his choice. I pour'd out my complaint, I shew'd him all my grief; He would not let my spirit faint, Bnl sent me kiml relief. s 2 197 My path thou knowest well, For thou hast mark'd it out ; Save me from snares of earth and hell, And banish ev'ry doubt. I look'd on my right hand, But no man knew my case ; No man would surety for me stand, But Christ, the prince of grace. I cried unto thee, Lord, Thou art my refuge now, My portion, yea my free reward, Among thy saints I bow. Attend unto my prayer, My persecutors shame ; Bring out my soul from prison fair, And I will praise thy name. The righteous join my song, And compass me about ; Thy bounty crowns me all along, All heav'n shall hear my shout. Psalm CXLIII. 1 to 6*. Song 2.66. (p. m.) O HEAR my prayer, O Lord, give ear, My supplications welcome near, To prove thy faithfulness ; An answer to petitions give, And bid a helpless sinner live, In Jesus' righteousness. No man, by creature merit tried, Can stand before thee justified, For all are under sin ; But Jesus suffer' d to atone, And in his righteousness alone. My hope. e< heav'n b< 108 3 My life is smitten to the ground, The tempter and his agents round, Assail with cruel rage ; My spirit overwhelmed with grief, Flies to thy throne for some relief, Wilt thou for me engage ? 4 My soul has long in darkness dwelt. And grievous desolation felt, Yea, barrenness within ; I meditate on all the past, O do not leave me, Lord, at last, A prey to hell and sin. 5 Rememb'ring all thy works of old, The miracles in scripture told, I muse and wonder still ; My faith would now stretch forth her hand, Though in a dry and desert land, To find some little rill. 6 My soul is still athirst for thee, Within thy temple let me see Some glimpse of Jesus' face ; Teach me to wait thy holy will, My empty earthen vessel fill, With rich supplies of grace. Psalm CXLIII. 7 to 12. Song 267. (s.m.) O HEAR me quickly, Lord, Hide not thy face from me, Lest I be like the men abhor M, Who to the pit must flee. 2 Cause me to hear thy voic< , In lovingkindness speak; In ihee T trust, in thee rejoi Thy lace, Lord; I ■< ek I'D 3 Cause me to know the way, In which my soul should walk ; Lift up my soul to thee, I pray, And of thy love I'll talk. 4 Teach me to do thy will, Thou art my God and king ; Lead to Zion's holy hill, With thy dear saints to sing. 5 O quicken me by grace, To honour thy great name, Save me from this ungodly race ; Me as thy servant claim. Psalm CXLIV. 1 to 8. Song 268. (7s.) BLESSED be the Lord my strength, Victory is mine at length ; 'Tis his Spirit's sword I draw, He has taught my hands to war. 2 Goodness, Fortress, Tow'r, and Shield, All are mine, I cannot yield, Though ten thousand foes assail, He delivers, I prevail. 3 Lord, I ask thee, what is man ? Known and foreknown in thy plan, Like to vanity, or grass, Shadow-like his moments pass. 4 Bow thy heav'ns, Lord, and come, Guide thy ransom 'd people home ; Touch the mountains, they shall smoke, All thy foes shall feel thy stroke. 5 Send deli v' ranee from above, Give me tokens of thy love, Rid me from the carnal race, Strangers to thy sov'reign grace 200 Psalm CXL1V. 9 to 10. Song 269. (l.m.) MOW I will sing my song anew, My God is faithful, wise, and true ; All kings shall his salvation own, King David and king David's Son. O rid me from the world, I pray, The strangers vex me day by day, All speaking falsehood, all unkind, All enmity, the carnal mind. let our sons be plants of thine, And give our daughters life divine ; Our garners fill with sacred store, And take the praise for evermore. How happy are the heirs of grace, The chosen, ransom'd, heav'n-born race ; For though the world may count them odd, They know Jehovah is their God. Psalm CXLV. 1 to 12. Song 270. (l.m.) 1 WILL extol my God and king, His precious, glorious name I'll sing ; I '11 make it ev'ry day's employ, To bless his name with holy joy. Great is the Lord, and great his praise, Unsearchable his works and ways ; Succeeding generations own His mighty acts, his glorious throne. I'll speak his glorious honour too, Majestic, wond'rous works I view ; All men shall own Jehovah's might, Confessing all he does is right. Thy goodness millions shall confess, And sing imputed righteousness ; Thy gracious dealings with them own, Receiving mercy from thy throne. •2i)\ 5 Yea, all thy works shall praise thee, Lord, Saints bless thy name with one accord ; The glory of thy kingdom speak, And all its privileges seek. G The glorious majesty of grace, Thy pow'r in all thy chosen race, Thy kingdom, righteousness, and peace, Shall prosper, flourish, and increase. Psalm CXLV. 13 to 21. Song 271. (l.m.) THY kingdom, O thou God of love, From everlasting plan'd above, Immutable, select, and pure, To everlasting shall endure. 2 The Lord upholdeth all that fall, Lifts up the people when they call ; Gives them the bread of life to eat, Yea, Christ himself to be their meat. 3 Thy open hand, O God our king, Provides for ev'ry living thing ; It keeps all nature. in its place, And satisfies the life of grace. 4 The Lord is righteous, all must own, His holy works he hath made known ; The Lord is nigh when sinners pray, He w r ill not, cannot say them nay. 5 His saints' desires he will fulfil, He'll hear their cry, and save them still ; The Lord preserveth, from above, All those who love him, in his love. G My mouth shall speak Jehovah's praise, Through all my few remaining days ; Let all flesh bless his holy name, And his eternal love proclaim. 202 Psalm CXLVI. Song 272. (cm.) PRAISE ye the Lord, who know his name, My soul shall join your song ; Long as I live I will proclaim Praises to God belong. Put not your trust in fallen man, The princely or the poor ; Vain is their aid, do all they can, How soon their life is o'er. Happy the man whose help and hope In Jacob's God is found ; In covenant love his faith finds scope, With truth and mercy crown'd. The Lord sends forth the prisoners free, Gives eye-sight to the blind ; His people, when bow'd down, shall see He loves them, and is kind. The Lord preserves the strangers too, Widows and fatherless ; Brings his redeemed safely through, Clad in his righteousness. The Lord shall reign for evermore, He's Zion's God, he says ; All generations shall adore, Praise ye the Lord, sing praise. Psalm CXLVII. 1 to 12. Song 273. (cm.) PRAISE ye the Lord, for it is good, Our God demands our praise ; How firm his promises have stood, How wonderful his ways. The Lord doth build Jerusalem, And Israel's outcasts elaims ; He gathers, pardons, comforts them, And registers their names. •203 o tie liealetli all tne broken hearts, And bindeth up their wounds; Life and salvation he imparts, By precious gospel sounds. 4 He tells the number of the stars, And calls them all by name ; No enemy his purpose mars, It always is the same. 5 Infinitude to God belongs, He lifteth up the meek ; With harps, and psalteries, and songs, Jehovah's praises speak. Nature pours out her own complaints, The beasts and birds their cries ; The Lord takes pleasure in his saints, And all their wants supplies. Psalm CXLVII. 13 to 20. Song 274. (cm.) O PRAISE the Lord, Jerusalem, Thy God, O Zion, praise ; He hath imparted strength to them, Who walk in wisdom's ways. 2 Impregnable thy bars and gates, Thy children blest within ; Sweet peace in all thy borders waits, Thy God forgives thy sin. 3 Fed with the finest of the wheat, His choice old cov'nant store ; Thou hast th' incarnate word to eat, What canst thou wish for more I 4 His w r ord runs swiftly through the earth, When sent at his command ; He gave the elements their birth, And holds them in his hand. 204 He sends his word to freeze or melt, He makes the wind to blow ; His chosen tribes his grace have felt, His truth, his people know. lie hath not dealt with worldlings They have free-will reward ; To his elect free grace shall flow, Ye saints, praise ye the Lord, Psalm CXLVIII. Song 275. (p.m.) COME, saints, praise ye the Lord, With all the hosts of heav'n ; Angels, with one accord, And all the souls forgiv'n, Your loudest hallelujahs bring To Israel's cov'nant God and king, Praise ye his holy name, Sun, moon, and stars of light, His mighty pow'r proclaim, Who rules both day and night ; For none can pass the fix'd decree Of Zion's God, th' Eternal Three. Fire, vapours, hail and snow, Monsters, and all the deeps, Ye stormy winds that blow, All nature's stores he keeps; Mountains and hills his praise resound, From peasants and from monarchs crown'd. Old men, young men, and maids, Children, praise him alone ; His eye all worlds pervades, His hand protects his own ; His glory is above the earth, Praise him, ye souls of heav'nlv birth. t ' 205 o 'Tis lie exalts your horn, The praise of all his saints ; Christ, of the virgin horn, To him bring your complaints ; His people near him, in him live, Praise ye the Lord, all glory give. Psalm CXLIX. Song 276. (cm.) PRAISE ye the Lord, sing his new song, Amidst his saints sing praise ; All honours to our God belong, How just are all his ways. 2 Let Israel in the Lord rejoice, Of his redemption sing ; Let Zion's children hear his voice, And triumph in their king. 3 The Lord takes pleasure in his church, He beautifies the meek ; For all his hidden ones he'll search, And their forgiveness speak. 4 Be joyful, all ye saints of his, Of mercy sing aloud ; Exulting in his righteousness, With cov'nant love endow' d. o With God's high praises in your mouth. His two-edg'd sword in hand, Conquests extend from north to south, Throughout Immanuers land. (i This honour all the saints enjoy, Yea, this is their reward ; Jesus will all their foes destroy, Again praise ve the Lord. 206 Psalm CL. Song 277. (p.m.) HALLELUJAH ! Christ is crowned, In his sanctuary sing ; He met Justice when it frowned, Took away curse, death, and sting ; Hallelujah, Jesus is our God and king. 2 Hallelujah ! he is mighty, In his acts of grace and love ; All the thoughts of men are flighty, He will ever faithful prove ; Hallelujah, Jesus lives and reigns above. 3 Hallelujah ! grace abounding, Calls for ever-grateful songs ; With the harp and trumpet sounding, Glory to our God belongs; Hallelujah, Cymbals, organs, ransom' d throngs. 4 Hallelujah ! we' re elected, Life and breath shall praise our head ; We can never be rejected, Jesus suff'red in our stead; Hallelujah, He has risen from the dead. •j Hallelujah ! to Jehovah, Triune God, we thee adore ; When our pilgrimage is over, We shall realms of bliss explore ; Hallelujah, Praise the Lord for evermore. 203 - DOXOLOGIES. 1. (l.m.) JEHOVAH claims our highest praise. For what he does, and what he says ; My soul would honour him the most, The Father, Son, and Holy Ghost. 2. (l.m.) PRAISE God, ye ransom'd chosen race, For all his rich supplies of grace ; In his unchanging mercy boast, Praise Father, Son, and Holy Ghost. 3- (l.m.) TO Zion's triune God we sing, Our Father, Comforter, and king, ReveaFd in one atoning Lamb ; The glorious covenant I am. 4. (cm.) ALL glory to ill Eternal Three, One God of sov'reign grace; Salvation is in his decree, For all the chosen race. 5- (cm.) TO sing like all the heav'nly host, Our heav'n-born souls desire, Praise Father, Son, and Holy Ghost, With their celestial fire. 6. (cm.) THOU glorious, holy Three in One, Whom all the saints adore, The Father, Holy Ghost, and Son, We praise thee evermore. 7- (s. m.) LET God's elect agree To glorify his name ; The Three in One, and One in Three, Eternally the same. 208. 8. (s.m.) GLORY to God on high, The triune God of love ; We would in loudest praises vie With all the host above. 9. (s.m.) WHO shall adore thee most, Thou God of covenant grace, The Father, Son, and Holy Ghost ? Thy chosen, ransom'd race. 10. (7s.) GOD of glory, Zion's king, Thy eternal love we sing ; Praising like the heav'nly host, Father, Son and Holy Ghost. 11. (7s.) GLORY, honour, love, and praise, To Jehovah we will raise ; Three, in cov'nant we adore, Trusting in him evermore. 12. (7s.) Condescending, gracious Lord, Thee we praise with one accord ; Persons three, in essence one, Equal on th' eternal throne. 13. (P.M.) Jewin Street. FATHER, Son, and Holy Spirit, In whom all the saints believe ; Life in thee our souls inherit, Our poor notes of praise receive. We approach thee with thanksgiving, We the triune God adore; We will praise thee while we're living, And exalt thee evei moi t 2 203 14. (p.m.) WE adore thee, great Jehovah, Glorious, undivided Three, Counting all our mercies over, All in covenant we see ; Hallelujah, To the blessed Trinity. 15. (p.m.) HOLY, holy, holy giver Of salvation full and free ; Cov'nant love flows like a river From the great Eternal Three ; Let it water All thy chosen race, and me. 16. (p.m.) HOW precious is the news we hear, When God the Holy Ghost is near, His holy word t' apply ; When God the Father, God the Son, The everlasting Three in One, Brings mercies from on high. 17. (p.m.) TEN thousand thanks we give To Israel's cov'nant God, In whom alone we live, Whose courts we now have trod ; The great, the triune God is ours, We'll sing his praise with all our pow'rs. 18. (lis.) ALL glory to God as our Father we bring, The praises of Jesus our Saviour we sing, Our Comforter's unetious anointing we provt , The triune Jehovah, whose essence is love. 210 INDEX OF FIRST LINES. Psalm. Song. A day of trouble, great and sore 20 28 Against thee, Lord, the heathen rag'd . . 46 82 All the steps of the believer 37 62 All they who trust the Lord of hosts .... 125 242 Arise, 6 Lord, into thy rest 132 250 As we have heard, so have we seen 48 85 A wonder-working- God is mine 40 68 Behold how good, how pleasant 'tis .... 133 252 Behold the glories of the place 134 253 Be lying vanities abhor'd 31 47 Be merciful, O God, to me 57 100 Be merciful to us, O Lord 67 115 Be not thou far from me, O Lord 22 32 Blessed be the Lord, my strength 144 268 Blessed man that fears the Lord 128 245 Blest are the undenl'd, as seen 119 213 Blest is the man, and who is he ? 1 1 Blest is the man, whose strength in thee 84 148 Blest is the nation, and the throne 33 52 By Babylonish streams we sit 137 258 Cast me not off in my old age 71 125 Christ and his church are still beset .... 40 69 Come and sing, ye chosen nation 95 167 Come, children, hearken to the word. ... 34 54 Come, hear, all ye that fear the Lord .... 66 113 Come saints, praise ye the Lord 148 275 Deal bountifully, Lord, with me 119 215 Deep calls to deep within my soul 42 74 Deliver me, O Lord, I pray 59 103 Deliver me without delay 140 263 Did David's counsellor unite 55 96 Do thou for me, O God the Lord 109 193 Do youths, divinely taught, enquire .... 119 214 Except Jehovah build 127 244 For ever blessed be his name 118 212 Fret not thyself, thou heir of bliss 37 60 From all his saints our God demands. ... 66 112 Prom sea to sea shall Je^us reign 72 128 ( live attentive ear, and wait 78 137 Give car, O Lord, my God and king . . 5 6 ear, O Lord, to my complaints ... 55 95 car, Shepherd, I irael'i guide .... 80 142 Give glory <<- the great l am f)(i 169 to '"> Israel provok'd the God of heav'n 106 186 I was glad when saints invited 12*2 239 I will extol my God and king 145 270 I will extol thee, O my God 30 44 1 will lift my longing eyes 121 236 I will praise thee, gracious Lord 138 259 I will praise thee, O Lord 9 10 J will praise thee, O Lord, I 've said 139 261 Jehovah Jesus reigns 93 165 Jehovah said to Christ my Lord 110 194 Jehovah sits upon his throne 100 174 Jehovah spake the fix'd decree 33 51 Jesus shall live as Zion's king 72 129 Jesus the sinner's surety stood 22 31 Jesus who sits at God's right hand 110 196 Judge me, O God, and plead my cause . . 43 75 Judge me, O Lord, our surety cried ... 26 39 Just as the hart, pursued by foes 42 73 Justice and judgment I record 119 228 Keep not thou silence, O my God 83 140 King David and king David's Lord .... 3 4 King Jesus reigns on Zion's hill 21 30 Let God arise and plead his cause C)8 116 Let gratitude awake , . . 92 163 Let heav'n and earth unite 22 33 Lift up your heads, ye heav'nlv gates. ... 24 36 Lord, consider mine affliction 119 232 Lord, how has unbelief denied 60 104 Lord, let mercies come to me 119 218 Lord, remember thy king David 132 249 Lord, teach us how to number days .... 90 159 Lord, thou hast said, Seek ye my face . . 27 41 Lord, thou hast seen how men go on ... . 35 57 Lord, unto thee I lift mine eyes 123 240 Lord, when T cry to thee for aid 56 90 Lord, when we view thy ransonvd church 78 138 Lord, who is like to thee in pow'r 35 50 Lord, why does Zion mourn 89 157 Make a joyful noise, ye nations 100 173 Mercy and judgment i< my song loi 175 Moses and Aaron s.*ut of God 105 183 My heart expands with good inditing. , . 45 78 My heart is fix'd, O God ~»7 101 My heart recoils « aen I survey 36 Psalm. Song. My soul for Jesus waits 62 106 My soul is awaken'd and fainteth to see . 119 223 My soul lies grov'ling low 119 216 Not to us belongs the merit 115 202 Now I will sing my song anew 144 269 Now, Lord, what wait I for 39 66 Now make haste, O God, deliver 70 123 O bless the Lord, my soul, anew 103 179 O clap your hands, ye saints of his 47 83 O'erwhelm'd with guilt, and full of fear . 51 91 Of thy mercies, Lord, I sing 89 154 O give thanks unto Jehovah 136 256 O give thanks unto the Lord 107 187 O give thanks unto the Lord 118 209 O God, my heart is hVd 108 190 O God of my salvation, hear 88 153 O God, the great Eternal Three 139 262 O God, the heathen are come near 79 140 O God, thou art my God alone 63 107 O hear me quickly, Lord 143 267 O hear my prayer, O Lord, give ear .... 143 266 O hear my voice in prayer 64 108 O how I love thy law, might Jesus say . . 119 225 O Israel, hear my law 81 144 O let thy work appear 90 160 O Lord, how excellent thy name 8 9 O Lord, how long shall Zion wail 94 166 O Lord, I cry to thee 141 264 O Lord, I trust thy cov'nant name 31 46 O Lord, my God, I bless thy name 104 181 O Lord, my heart before thee lies 131 248 O Lord, my rock, attend my cry 28 42 O Lord of hosts, thou God of grace .... 84 147 O Lord, the searcher of my heart 139 260 O Lord, thou wast our dwelling place . • 90 158 O Lord, who shall abide 15 18 On Zion's consecrated hill 2 3 O praise the Lord, his mercies sing 117 207 O praise the Lord, Jerusalem 147 274 O praise the Lord, my soul 117 208 O praise the Lord, ye saints, confess .... 117 206 O sing unto the Lord most high 96 168 O that the men would praise the Lord . . 107 188 O that the saints would praise the Lord. . 107 189 O the depth of degradation 40 67 O thou in whom all grace abounds 119 234 Our God a t>onoration claims 14 17 Paul nt. Song. Our God has spoken his decree 108 191 Out of the depths I cry 130 '247 Plead my cause, O Lord of hosts 35 55 Poor and needy, Lord, I feel 8G 150 Poor and sorrowful I am 69 1'2*2 Praise the Lord, ye saints, uniting Ill 197 Praise waiteth for thee, Lord Go 109 Praise ye the Lord, exalt his name 113 200 Praise ye the Lord, for it is good 147 273 Praise ye the Lord, in songs 112 199 Praise ye the Lord, praise ye his name . . 135 254 Praise ye the Lord, sing his new song . . 149 270 Praise ye the Lord, who know his name . 146 272 Praise ye the Lord, whose own right hand 106 184 Preserve me, Lord, the Saviour cried. ... 16 19 Princes and kings who know not God. ... 119 233 Prostrate in cold Gethsemane 69 121 Rejoice, ye favoured souls who wear .... 33 50 Remember, Lord, thy word of truth .... 119 219 Ruin'd sinners, Adam's race 32 49 Salvation to our God belongs 68 119 Salvation was of God of old 44 76 Save me, O God, by thy great name .... 54 94 Save me, O God. the Saviour cried 69 120 Settled i> thy word in hcav'n 119 224 Shall man complain of trouble's weight. . 102 176 Sing aloud ye sons of Zion 81 143 Sing praises to the Lord of hosts 9 11 2 the praises of the Lord 98 171 Teach me, Lord, and make me wiser .... 119 217 Teach me thy saving way, O Lord 86 151 The burden'd soul, convinc'd of sin .... 38 64 The chariots God employs 68 118 The church is through affliction led .... 129 246 The church of God while in this world . . 44 77 The earth and seas with all their stores . . 24 35 The foes of Jesus and his church 18 23 The fool hath said within his heart 14 16 The fool hath said within his heart 53 93 The God that doeth wonders lives 77 136 The heav'ns, the earth, the day and night 19 27 The hill of God, his chosen rest 68 117 The Lord employs his chast'ning rod .... 118 210 The Lord has secrets to disclose" 25 38 The Lord hath chosen Zion's hill 132 251 The Lord hath -worn and keep; his oath . 110 195 The Lord in Zion reigns . . . 99 172 Psalm. Song. The Lord Jehovah reigneth still 97 170 The Lord, the righteous one 37 03 The midnight darkness and the light .... 18 24 The mighty God, the Lord, hath spoken . 50 88 The pris'ners' sighing, Lord, attend .... 79 141 There is a blessedness enjoy 'd 41 71 The saints of old, the heirs of God 37 01 The soul that dwells within 91 102 The stone that builders still refuse 118 211 The wonders which Jehovah wrought . . 135 2o& Thine enemies, O Lord, shall die 92 1(54 Thou art my portion, Lord 119 220 Thou, Lord, hast dealt well 119 221 Thou wast laid in the tomb, &c 10 20 Thus spake the Lord to Christ his Son . . 89 150 Thy blessing rests upon the earth 05 111 Thy bride, thy church, O King of kings . 45 79 Thy favour, Lord, we sing 85 1 49 Thy goodness I record 31 48 Thy hands have made me, Lord ........ 119 222 Thy kingdom, O thou God of love 145 271 Thy praise, O Lord, the heav'ns proclaim 89 155 Thy righteousness, O God, is high 71 120 Thy testimonies I will keep 119 229 Thy word, O Lord, affords me light 119 22G Unto thee, O Lord, my praises 75 133 Up to the Lord I lift my soul 25 37 Vast hypocrisy abounds 58 102 Vital principle of grace 90 101 We bless the glorious name 41 72 We will Jehovah's name declare 102 178 We will rejoice with one accord 20 29 What enmity the carnal mind 50 98 When David's Lord was David's Son .... 17 21 When God made known his ways 103 180 When Israel out of Egypt went 114 201 When Zion's God his work revives 120 243 While shame confounds the foes 40 70 Who is a God but thee 18 20 Why boasteth thou thyself, O man 52 92 Why do the heathen rage 2 2 Why, O my God, hast thou cast off 74 131 Why standest thou far off, O Lord 10 12 With joy the ransom'd tribes repair ... 122 238 Zion is Jehovah's dwelling 87 152 G. MorrUh, Printer, High Street, Camberwell A LIST OF THE WRITINGS OF THE REV. JOSEPH IRONS, Sold at Ms House, Camber well; and by all Booksellers. s. d. Jazer, twenty-fourth Ed., Letters on Gospel Doctrines 2 NATHANAEL, 7th Ed., Letters on Christian Experience 2 KTMPHAS, 3rd Ed., Solomon's Song, in Blank Verse 2 Prlscilla, The Ancient Roman Catholic Faith con- trasted with Popery, in an Exposition of the Epistle to the Ptomans, just published, 1845 2 Zion's Hymns, eleventh edition, containing 611 Origi- nal Hymns, composed for the use of Grove Chapel Congregation 4 6 Ditto, Miniature Edition, stereotyped 2 6 History of Grove Chapel G Calvary, a Poem, in Blank Verse 6 The True Church of God 6 Jazer Vindicated, A Dialogue on Baptism G 108 Numbers of Card Tracts, for distribution, each containing an Epitome of the Gospel, contrasting the state of Believers with that of Unbelievers . Grove Chapel Card Tract Society. Subscribers of One Guinea per Annum are entitled to 500 Cards in the Year. Non -Subscribers may purchase them at 5s. per Hundred, or Is. per Dozen, at the Author's House, Camberwell. e List on the other side The following is a List of the i The Great Question 2 The Happy Man 3 The Friend in Need 4 My Birth Day 5 Not at Home 6 My Family 7 True and False Religion 8 Liberty and Slavery 9 Light and Darkness 10 Good News 11 Who is right? 12 Royal Favour 13 That is the Way 14 The Signs of the Times 15 Christianity and Infidelity 16 Patriotism 17 The End 18 The New Year 19 Fatal Mistake 20 The Kernel 21 The Sabbath 22 Protestantism and Popery 23 Peace and War 24 A Christian 25 The Bible 26 What is Death ? 27 The Wise Builder 28 My Portion 29 Bank Failure 30 New Things 31 The Sober Christian 32 My Creed 33 The Church and World 34 Good Soldiers 35 Profit and Loss 36 Election 37 Free Grace and Free Will 38 Fatal Alliance 39 Time and Eternity 40 Taking Stock 41 A New Year's Song 42 Who has the Best of it ? 43 Are you a Christian ? 44 Real Christianity 45 Labour in Vain 46 To the Point 47 Honesty 48 Congratulation 49 My King and Country 50 My Father's Will 51 Old Wine r >2 What do you Want? 53 Plenty for the Poor 54 It is True Cards already published : — 55 High Life 56 A Card of Invitation 57 Ebenezer 58 Decision 59 Watchman 60 Here and There 61 What think ye of Christ? 62 Thou shalt Stand in thy Lot 63 Praying & Saying Prayers 64 An Armed Man 65 Very Warm 66 Reform 67 Coronation 68 England's Danger 69 Redemption 70 A Friendly Hint 71 Looking Glass 72 All is Right 73 Sure of Success 74 Against Tide 75 Where are you going ? 76 A Wonder 77 High Churchmen 78 Jubilee 79 Lawsuit 80 Royal Marriage 81 Ancient Orthodoxy 82 Zion's Dignity 83 Royalists 84 Zion Comforted 85 Solid Rock 86 Satisfaction 87 The Race 88 Seven Pillars 89 Church History 90 Apostolical Succession 91 Regeneration 92 The National Air 93 Emigration 94 Realities 95 Harvest 96 Simplicity 97 Affluence 98 Royal Baptism 99 The Christ of God 100 Day of Judgment 101 Don't tell Father 102 How shall man be just 103 Will ye plead for Baal? 104 A Catholic 106 The Terminus 105 Ancient Council 107 How does God save? 108 Priestcraft and Principle