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God shows himself as ready to co-operate, with his divine blessing, in this sowing of the seed and gathering in of the harvest of spiritual husbandry, as in any of the more material labors in which men may engage. The skillful superintendence of a Sabbath IV INTRODUCTION. School is an art of diificult attainment. It is a gift rather than an art. As Horace said of the poet, the superintendent is horn such, not made. Some men have the innate capacity to superintend affairs. With comprehensive grasp they can embrace the totality of the • School, with all its diversified interests, while, at the same time, not the minutest details of duty can escape their eagle glance. With tact, which God has given, they move, amidst their mul- tifarious duties, unembarrassed, instinctively de- ciding, in every emergency, just what is to be done. As Caesar chose his generals, always getting the right man for the right place, so they, by the unerring light of an inward con- sciousness, decide who shall take the infant class, who a class of refined and cultivated young ladies, and who shall tame a set of coarse, vulgar, unruly boys, and who shall guide the mature and thoughtful minds of Christian adults in the highest branches of INTRODUCTION. theology. They know how to classify the pu- pils, so that congenial and harmonious charac- ters shall be together. Not a ragged boy can peep in at the door of such a school but he finds himself lured to the very class to which he naturally belongs, and to the care of a teacher who will not al- low him to slip from his grasp. If there is a teacher absent, the eye of such a superin- tendent instantly discerns the fact, and the defect is promptly rectified. Or rather, a skillful superintendent inspires his corps of teachers with such zeal, that almost never is a teacher absent from his post without pro- viding a suitable supply. As the eflSciency of an anny depends main- ly upon its general, so does the efficiency of a Sabbath School depend almost entirely upon its superintendent. The first thing to be done in organizing a Sabbath School is to get a good Superintendent, When Marshal Ney, in Vi INTRODUCTION, 9 the retreat from Moscow, performed a won- derful feat of heroism, in which he rescued a division of the army from apparently inevita- ble destruction. Napoleon grasped him by the iinnd, exclaiming, "An army of deer, led by a lion, is better than an army of lions led by a deer." As an able general will inspire all his sub- ordinate officers and soldiers with heroism, throwing, as it were his own enthusiastic spirit into their bosoms, so an efficient superinten- dent, b}^ the energies of his own mind, can inspire a whole school with that ardor which fflows and burns in his own heart. Fortunate- ly the free institutions of our land, our noble system of common schools, and the elevating influence of labor, as combined in our manu- factories, has developed, in every village of our country, men equal to these responsibili- ties. Any man who would make a good gen- eral, a good colonel of a regiment, a good INTRODUCTION vil superintendent of a factory, a good merchant having twenty clerks in his employ, possesses the intellectual qualifications requisite for a good superintendent. He needs only piety and zeal to fit him fully for the oflSce. "William Cowper, the poet, as superintendent of the Lee Avenue Sabbath School, in Brook- lyn, with its two thousand pupils, would run that roagnificent institution into remediless ruin in less than six weeks. But you might search Christendom in vain for a more admir- able teacher than he for a Bible Class of refined and highly cultivated young ladies. The re- formed and regenerated pugilist, fresh from the ale house and the prize ring, who has just learned to sing the songs of Zion, placed over such a class of young ladies, would drive them out of the chm-ch by the second Sabbath. But it is doubtful if one could find a more desirable teacher, lor an untamed class of vagabond boys, from any of the streets of our great cities. Vm INTRODUCTION. Our Sabbath Schools are now attracting the attention and enlisting the energies of our ablest men. The futui-e hope of the nation is greatly centering in these nurseries of pietj'-. It is very important that the teachers, in these Sabbath schools, should be familiar with the plans adopted, and with the results of experiments in other schools. The writer of the following treatise has had facilities, such as few have enjoyed, to visit schools widely throughout our land, and particularly to study the organization and the routine of the most celebrated and successful Schools existing among us. The suggestions contained in this volume are so eminently practical, and have proved so successful in actual operation, and they cover so widely all the wants of the Sabbath School, that it may safely be asserted that the book will prove of gi-eat value wherever read. The thoughts which are here presented are not visionary theories. The INTRODUCTION. Jx book is founded on the Baconian philosophy, giving facts, and the results of actual exper- iments. All that is here suggested may not perhaps wisely be introduced into any one school. Each superintendent has his own peculiar characteris- tics, his own modes of action, and he can- not pursue any administrative policy in a line antagonistic to his own nature. But he can- not fail to find, in these pages, so rich in the record of the results of the labors of others, much to animate him, and to suggest to him that variety of thoughts and plans essential to the success of the Sabbath School. The writer of this little treatise has, for some time, been the superintendent of a Sab- bath School in New Haven, composed mainly of children from the most neglected classes in the community. In this school the principles contained in these pages, have been carried into action, with a degree of success which is INTRODUCTION. quite wonderful, and which effectually invests this book with the character of a safe and practical guide. John S. C. Abbott. New Haven,. Conn. ^ June, 1863. OiLL OUR SUNDAY SCHOOLS. CHAPTER I. ON OKaANIZING A SCHOOI.. T a Sunday School meeting a short dis- tance from New Haven, a clergyman lately addressed the children as fol- lows : "Look at nearly all the great and good men for the last two or three hundred years. They received their early religious cul- ture in the Sunday School." It is unfortunate that this excellent exam- ple cannot be supported by facts. But as not quite a hundred years have passed since the first conception of a modern Sunday School, the gentleman was unwittingly a false teacher. 9 10 OUR SUNDAY SCHOOLS. At the first organization of the Christian church, it is supposed that a certain degree of instruction was afforded to children, as a work called " The Church and House Book," composed by the early Christians, contained directions for their culture. The children were called " catechumens," and were, after a three years course of religious instruction, baptized and received into the church, as a matter of course. These schools existed until the eighth century, when they appear to have been dis- continued. In 1527, Martin Luther organiz- ed several schools in Germany, which were, however, more secular, although they were instituted that the children " might thereby be better able to read the Holy Scriptures." In the latter part of the sixteenth century, Cardinal Borromeo organized a Sunday School in the Cathedral at Milan, and about the same time (1674,) one was established at Rox- bur}^, MaGS. ON OROANIZING A SCHOOL. 11 In 1763, there was in Catterick, Yorkshire, a good and pious curate, named T. Lindsey, who was rather a fanatic, and thought that children of the poor might be taught some- thin sr. He therefore met them in the church an houi* before afternoon service, and instruct- ed them in morals, while his wife had two classes which she taught reading and writing, as well as virtue. About the same time, a friend of theirs, a Miss Harrison, who had seen the school, started one in her own kitchen at Bedale. She proved so popular a teacher that the room could not accommodate the scholars, and she was obliged to have a suc- cession of classes, lasting nearly the whole day, save during church hours. She instruct- ed them in Watts's shorter catechism, and taught them hymns. Still these services were more like lectures to the young than our present school. At the same time, Sunday Schools for the 12 OUR SUNDAY SCHOOLS. secular study of reading, writing, arithm^c, drawing, &c., were established in Paris, Vienna and Rome, for those whose occupations pre- vented their attending week-day schools. In these places, however, the Sunday School pro- per, has never flourished. The modern Sunday School is usually as- cribed to Robert Raikes, of Gloucester, Eng- land, an editor of some note. In 1781, he was struck with the miserable appearance of the children in the streets. Released from work and day-school, they were the pest of the neighborhood. He engaged several women who kept schools near by, to receive such children as he should send, and instruct them in reading and the catechism, for which he paid them a shilling a day. It was i:)retty much as one of the teachers said, "It is but little they pays me, and it's but little I teaches them." He became interested in the children, and his general manners made him a gi-eat ON ORGANIZING A SCHOOL 13 favorite with thorn. The good fruits were seen, and other schools sprang up all over England, the teachers of which were paid for their services. An article on the subject by Mr. Raikes, in 1783, in his Journal, brought the matter before the world, and was the real coinmencement of the Sunday School move- ment. Among the most prominent followers of Mr. Kaikes, was a Quaker by the name of Joseph Lancaster, who, when eighteen years of age, established a school, and had ninety scholars whom he instructed himself. He de- voted his life to educational objects, and was the means of establishing the Lancasterian schools still existing in England. In 1812, he came to the United States, where he died in 1838. In 1785, William Fox, merchant, of London, organized the " Society for Promoting Sunday Schools in the British Dominions," and in 1786, it was estimated that there were 250,000 children of Great Britain in the Sun- day Schools. 14 OUR SUNDAY SCHOOLS. In the same year, Bishop Asbmy, of Vir- ginia, established a school on Mr. Raikes' plan, and in 1791, the first school of any kind, was established in Philadelphia. It is stated that in 1793, a poor African woman, named Katy Ferguson, Imowing nothing of Robert Raikes, or Sunday Schools, started the first one in New York City.* The first exclusively re- ligious school in Massachusetts, was opened by a young lady, afterwards Mrs. Ebenezer Everett, at Beverly, in 1805. This lady was for life an energetic and successful teacher, and died a few years since in Brunswick, Maine. The first school in connection with any church, was Pittsburg, Penn., in 1809. In most of these schools the teachers were hired, by which means a portion of their benefits t\ -^re lost. Also the schools were merely for the degraded and pauper children. The change *Appleton's Enc. Art. Sunday Schools. ON ORGANIZING A SCUOOL. 15 from salaried to voluntary teachers was ef- fected in the United States, in 1809. In 181G, the New York Sunday School Union was established, and in 1824, the Amer- can Sunday School Union. In 1861, there were in Great Britain and Ireland, 3,600,000 pupils, and 340,000 teachers in the various schools. In the same year it is estimated that there were in the United States, 3,000,000 pupils. At the present day, there are doubtless nearly 4,000,000 children in our Sunday Schools, and 400,000 teachers. In France the Sunday School has never prospered. Many have been established, but have failed or degenerated into the mere sec- ular instruction of artisans and others, unable to attend school on other days. Our own beloved country, thanks to the ener- gy of John Wesley and his followers, to whom we are more indebted than to any others, is now becoming well supplied with the little Sunda}^ School. That noble, self-denjing band 16 OUR SUNDAY SCHOOLS. of pioneer Methodist ministers, are leaving the traces of their labors at every frontier hut and clearing. Religion and progress are walk- ing hand in hand, and the Sunday School will soon be, as the common school now is, our pride strength and boast. The Rev. Dr. William Adams, of Naw York, in a recent sermon, made an allusion to the death of his father. Rev. John L. Adams, LL. D., who was for many years the principal of Phillips Academ}', at Andover. When over seventy years of age, after he had finished what was regarded as his life-work, and having settled down amidst the enjoyments and quiet of domestic life, his strength was renewed by a new form of Christian activity. By his own personal exertions, he organized in the State of Illinois, more than five hundred Sabbath Schools, in connection with which numerous Christian Churches now exist. All know how wonderfully the Schools have ON ORGANIZING A SCHOOL. 17 Spread, and one can hardly walk any of the streets of oiu* cities, without hearing some dirty-faced, bare-footed child singing, " I want to be an angel." Still the matter is in its in- fancy, and requii'es the careful attention of able men. A few years since, the writing of chil- dren's books was deemed fit occupation for very young ladies and weak-minded men. Now, some of the ablest and most vigorous in- tellects a?'e devoted to children. But lately a man w1k> was good for nothing, was deemed amply competent for a schoolmaster. Now, the children demand the wisest and most learned. Our Sunday School teachers are a little behind the times, not in zeal, but in the knowledge how to proceed, and a realization of the amount of preparation necessary for success in their undertaking. The writer has visited schools from Canada to Texas ; from the humble beginning in an attic, cramped by want of means, to the gath- 18 OUR SUNDAY SCHOOLS. ering from the avenues, where the vast and much-to-be-desired power of money has lent her aid to form, as far as possible, a " royal road to heaven." From what I have thus gathered, I propose to offer some brief prac- tical advice on organizing and sustaining a Sunday School. Each school must be distinctive in its gen- eral mode of conduct, as the children differ in age, intelligence, character, wealth, etc. In establishing a school, it is necessar^'^ to de- termine first, what class of children are like- ly to attend, whether rich or poor, intelligent or ignorant. If it be the regular school con- nected with the church, the establishment is comparatively simple, as the whole power of the church can be drawn upon for teachers and moral support. After providing your room, obtain your teachers. If possible, always have one more teacher present than you have classes for. ON ORGA.^IZING A SCHOOL. 19 It always has a very bad effect to allow a class to wait for a teacber. They will not do nothing. Unless they can do something good^ they will certainly learn a long lesson in mischief. One or two paper balls thrown by boys waiting for a teacher, will often breed an insurrection, that several Sundays' bombard- ment with the catechism will not quell. A teacher by a single day's absence may do in- calculable injury to his class. An old story is told of two Irishmen who went to fish a kettle from a river. Mike was to lower himself and hold on to the bridge with his hands, while Pat was to hang on to his legs with one hand, and hook up the ket- tle with a pole. Just as Pat had got his pole into the water, Mike called out : " Hould on, a bit, Pat, till I spit on me hands ! " The result can be demonstrated to any who may not at once see it. 20 OUR SUNDAY SCHOOLS. There is often a moral to a joke, atfd not a whit more wise than Mike is a teacher who unnecessarily leaves his scholars for a session. He has lost part of his hold on them. The children are left to coin mischief, worry neigh- boring classes, and to feel that their teacher is tired of them. Or, if a substitute is pro- vided, they dislike him, and are not bashful about showing it ; or if they fancy him, it is so much of the teacher's power over them lost. A superintendent must determine to give the same energy, care, and labor in building up a Sunday School, that he would in establishing any new business. Two hours' work on Sun- day will never accomplish it. He must think of all sorts of novel plans for entertaining the children and drawing them in. Religion to most children is a pill, which thej^ will not take unless it is sugar-coated. For a Mission School, a room should be ON ORGANIZING A SCHOOL. 21 provided as pleasant and comfortable as pos- sible. If I were to have a hundi'ed dollars to fit up a room, or to pmxhase a library, I would expend every dollar in painting the walls a pleasant tint, in providing comfortable cush- ions, and procuring such things as would make the Sunday School pleasanter and more cheer- ful than their homes. Make it a little heaven for them. If possible, get some of the worse boys in the neighborhood to help you fit up. This will make them feel an ownership in the property, and prevent their destroying it. They will deem it " our school," and woe to the fellow who touches their property. There are no police-officers so vigilant as half-civilized boys, who have had one good point cultivat- ed. Thej^ can J:ell by the looks of a jack- Imife whether it is intended to rip open a cush- ion, or to carve a "Heenan" on the wall; and are not diffident about requesting its pro- prietor to give up the game or the knife. 22 OU:i SUNDAY SCHOOLS. In entertaining company, a luxui'iant easy chair, by a glowing fire, in a cozy, pretty room, will do wonders. Though you may hardly open your lips, save to give welcome, your guest pronounces yours a most delight- ful place to visit. So a pleasant, comforta- ble school -room will accomplish marvels in drawing and keepiug scholars ; and what is more, the threat of expulsion will give great power in discipline. Various methods are employed to draw in scholars. The best way is to make the ex- ercises entertaining, and there will usually be no difficulty in filling the room. Pour out the molasses, and the flies will find it. In small places, or where there are strong influ- ences to keep children away, such as in a Roman Catholic neighborhood, it is well to have recourse to extraneous inducements. The most common is, to have a gingerbread sup- per on some week-day evening — an attraction ON OaIGANIZING A SCHOOL. 23 SO powerful that the children will attend in spite of a bull from the Pope himself. The children are to have so good a time that they will come to the school on Sunday from grat- itude, or a desire for more good things. But woe unto you, if the next Sunday School is not a pleasant one. The childrens' imagina- tions are strung up, and the reaction from a dull season will be so great that you will see them no more. Some years ago, T was walking down one of the avenues in New-York, in quest of a new Sunday School. Hearing some singing, I went up stairs and into a room beautifully fur- nished as a chapel. In the pulpit was a gen- tleman I had frequently seen wielding the auc- tioneer's mallet, and who, to say the least, was an exceedingly eccentric person. The singing ceased, and he took a text, from which he proceeded to preach a sermon, compensat- ing in quantity for its lack in quality. His 24 OUR SUNDAY SCHOOLS. audience consisted merely of three boys and myself. Occasionally he would pause to ejac- ulate, " You big boy, stop that now," or " you lit- tle boy, with a blue jacket, move to the end of the bench, and quit playing while I'm preaching." At the close of the service, I remained, and congratulated him on his beautiful room, expressing some surprise that it was not bel- ter filled. It was the prettiest little Sunday School room I have ever seen. The gentle- man seemed quite disheartened at his ill suc- cess, and wanted sympathy. I gave him what I could, and he showed me about the premises. " I furnished the room at my own expense," said he, " and have worked hard to build up a school, but it does not please the Lord to grant me success." " Well, sir, would it not be better to have your exercises more adapted to children's minds ; make them more entertaining, and — " ON ORGANIZING A SCHOOL. iiO *'Ah, sir, there you have fallen into the great error of the times. All mankind seem to be mad on ' entertaining ' children. Preach- ers preach 'entertaining' sermons. It is the' infidelity of the age sir ; yes sir, the infidel- ity of the age. It is doing vast injur}^ You must preach and teach ' Christ and him cru- cified," and that alone." " True," said I, trying to recall sundry ed- itorials I had read on the subject, " but we present the subject in an interesting manner, or people will not listen." '' Sir, we must not interest people ; why, they would come to Church and Sundaj^ School merely to be interested. The Sabbath is too holy a day, to occupy in ' interesting ' peo- ple. Now here, every month or two, we have a fine supper of good things for the children, , with addresses, etc., and sometimes we have three hundred children present," and his face lighted up at the thought; "why, the room 26 OUR SUNDAY SCHOOLS. is crowded Ml. But then, it is true that they do not turn out very well on Sunday. I suspect it is the Central Park that keeps them awa}^" After some more such conversation, I left. A few months after, I was passing, and took a look in through a small crack in the door. He was preaching "Christ and him crucified" still, and his audience had increased to near- ly a dozen. I went on my way rejoicing at his success. Children that run the streets will go where they have the best time. If they do not en- joy themselves at Sunday School, they will go skating or robbing orchards. Of course, where parental authority is exercised they will attend, as they would go to a dentist's, and if their hearts are not engaged, it is doubt- ful which place would benefit them most. I once heard of a gentleman who gave an exhibition of a magic lantern, intending to ON oi;oAMZi:..-i A sciiojL. 27 have Scripture scenes, and give little moral plums with each picture. I am unwilling to use such an exhibition on Sunday, as a Sabbath School lesson, l^ut as a week-day amusement, find it one of the most popular of entertainments. A school must be under very perfect control, however, to render it safe to darken the room. I have seen such confusion occasioned by it, as to counterbalance any good the exhibition might do. I have thought a good way would be to have a room pleasantly furnished with some fine • engravings, such as the exquisite series of the "Voyage of Life," or the *' Cartoons of Eaph- ael." Then begin by explaining the pictures to the children. Show but one or two new ones each time, giving a practical application of the moral. As the number of pupils in- creases, divide them into classes, and let the teacher explain the pictures. By easy transi- 28 OUR SUNDAY SCHOOLS. tion from studying the picture of the " Trans- figuration," the class can be led to read the account of it from the Testament, and before they know it, they are at the purgatory of children — school. It is well to present to the children, par- ticularly the smaller ones, some little gift, such as a picture or a verse card. It will occasion more talk on the subject, and lead others in to. obtain some for themselves. It is surprising to notice how early the bump of acquisitiveness is developed. By all means avoid bribing the children to attend, by promising any extra inducement ; that is, by off'ering an individual any more than all the pupils can have. I have known of money being ofi'ered to attract children. The gentleman who tried it realized his folly, on being stopped in the street by a little fel- low, who said : " I say, Mr., if ye'll give me six cents, I'll go to your Sunday School for a month." ON ORGAMZING A SCHOOL. 29 Even in having entertainments, allow only the regular members of the school to be pres- ent ; and then announce that at a certain time in the future, j^ou will have another fes- tival, to which all who join the school imme- cliatel}', will be invited. Otherwise you will have a large roll of pupils who will attend merely for the loaves and fishes. Thus make your gifts rewards for work done, rather than bribes. Never pay in advance. It makes the children think that they confer a favor on the teachers by joining the school. It is only by carefully watching the chil- dren, and being ready with something new, as soon as they are tired of the old, that a Sabbath School can be successfully conducted. There is a peculiar fascination in holding the wheel of a vessel, and- feeling that our will can compel the huge mass to visit Canton or Liverpool, to bow to the ice-bergs, or nod to the equator. It is the charm of influencing 30 OUR SUNDAY SCHOOLS. matter, of command, of seeing the result of our own power. But there is a sweeter pleas- ure in moulding the minds of unruly boj^s, of seeing the slow but certain change from ani- mals to men, guiding them so delicately that they shall not feel the curb, and in feeling not only that they are growing better, but that they are better — and it is "our handi- work.'* CHAPTER n. THE MECHANICAL PART OF A SCHOOL. N entering a large manufactory, one of the noticeable features is the perfect order and regularit}' which prevails. cfjJ^ Everything rnns b}- system. Each op- erator is but a part of the great ma- chine. The huge driving-wheel of the engine moves not more according to rule, than the hundreds of workmen who throng the building. The superintendent has apparently nothing to do. The machine is " perpetual motion," and has received its start. But let a cog in a wheel be broken, and the superintendent knows it. Quietly he sees that it is repaired — not merely orders it done, but attends to it. The ability of such an officer consists in so per- 3 1 32 OUR SUNDAY SCHOOLS. fecting details that his own services, to a cas- ual observer, appear almost unnecessary. A Sunday School requires the same perfect mechanism as a factory. Without it no school can be very prosperous or efficient. Many su- perintendents have an indefinite idea that they should be bustling about continuall}', to re- mind all that there is such an officer. The ^lore a school can be made to run smoothly of itself the better. The superintendent should, as it were, go quietly around, oiling the joints, touching the springs, and learning the characteristics of teachers and scholars ; will- ing the while to be unnoticed. He who can do this is in no danger of oblivion. If pos- sible, call every one by name. It will give a great power to be able thus to designate the children. It pleases the good ones, and causes the bad to imagine that you know all about them. In selecting a superintendent, great care THE MECUANICAL PART OF A SCHOOL. should be exercised to obtain one of adminis- trative ability, and who does not wear squeaky- boots. It is not always wisest to select the most cultivated, or the one usually deemed the most devotional. Not that I would cast the slightest slur on the importance of both these qualities. But he who is quick, ready, self-confident, with a clear head, and the abil- ity to arrange and classify, with some imagin- ation for devising novelties, — is the man for the post. As between A, a foreman in a large printing-oflSce, and B, a village physician, or a retired minister, I would select A ; for the reason that his regular business has accus- tomed him to habits of command, in planning the proper division of labor, and in working through others. The physician's and minister!s ordinary occupation has not been of such a character as to develop these traits. Neither is much of what is termed " book-learning " necessary. The superintendent should never 34 OUR SUNDAY SCHOOLS. take a class, and therefore his defects in this respect will not be noticed. Be sure and select a successful man : one who takes hold of an impossibility and creates a fact out of it. Never appoint one of these real good, pleasant, in- efficient men, who can help every one but them- selves. They are not the men to drive. The}'' are capital teachers, but poor directors. A good superintendent is exceedingly difficult to find. He requires a rare combination of energ}^, good nature, and perseverance. To manage a large school is work — hard, steady work — requiring a man to do it, and one who doeS; not talk too much. I thinli it is seldom or never the duty of the pastor to take charge of the school. A faithful minister has enough to perform in the proper care of his church. What more he does is at the expense of these primary duties. Invidious comparisons are sometimes drawn between the sermons of the clergy, and the THE MECHANICAL PART OF A SCHOOL. 35 literary productions of the lecturer, or the elaborate appeals of the advocate. It should be remembered, however, that the lawyer may occupy a mouth in preparing an eloquent and convincing address which renders him famous. The Ij^eum lecture is usually the fruit of half a year's thought, while the clergjTnan has to prepare two or three sermons a week. His mind has to exhale in driblets. He has no time for that mature elaborating and revising of his addresses which usually give them vi- tality. He must visit the sick, burj^ the dead, prepare for the prayer meeting, comfort the sorrowing, and above all, worry his life long^ how to make both sides of his ledger balance. A man who can do these, and jet prepare two fresh, instructive, living sermons a week, cannot be deemed mediocre. He is doing well, a great man's work. I am not a clergyman, and therefore I can say that I know of no profession where the standard of ability is so 36 OUR SUNDAY SCHOOLS. high, or where, considermg these impediments, there are so many examples of transcendent genius. Do not, therefore, lay another burden up- on your pastor's shoulders, or allow him to assume it. What interest he can manifest by his occasional presence, his influence, and his kindly word, he should, and he will always do. If you ask more, jon are weakening his sermons — skimming the milk which 5^ou desire and need, for your own nutrition. I speak earnestly, for I read many articles calling on ministers to lead the teachers' meetings, conduct Bible classes, and even to superintend the school. If you want him to perform merely the pastoral duties of a mis- sionary, this maj?- do. If j^ou desire a preacher, with a mind to guide and instruct you ; to enable you to be useful in the Sunday School, then allow him leisure to replenish a brain already far too often drawn upon. THE MIXIIANICAL TAUT OF A SCHOOL. 37 Probabl}^ the best government, were all men honest, would be a large legislative power, and a one man administrative power. Cer- tainly in a Sunday school this is indispensa- ble. I was once connected with a large school, where a noble man was spoiled into a poor superintendent. He was so kind-hearted that I believe he would have deemed it cruel to kick a football. He was so careful of the feelings of others, that it was difficult to learn what he desired the teachers to do. It was a five minutes' labor for him to persuade and coax the children into semi-silence. He would jingle his bell and talk to them imploringly, and finally, in a voice intended to be terri- ble, threaten to '' attend to those boys who were kicking their feet on the benches." At this all laughed, until it became too stale even for a joke. Boys like promptness and military precision. 38 OUR SUNDAY SCH0DL3. Give a boy an order in a pleasant, but prompt, distinct, curt manner, and he is twice as like- ly to obey, as when it is given in a slip- shod, half-beseeching air. A horse will at once tell who is afraid of him. Surely a boy has more intelligence. Often the form of a command will betray the conviction that it will be disobeyed. Not long since I was in a mission-school where usually there was excellent order. The superintendent was away, and the assistant took his place. Chaos reigned supreme, and the bell was continually jingling. At the close of school, the acting superintendent said: " Now, boys, I want you to go out in your usual orderly manner. Your superintendent will be pleased to hear you have done so well to-day. Now go quietly, girls first." Habit restrained the boys for a moment, but when the girls got fairly into the aisles, they broke, and leaping over benches in perfect confusion, THE MECHANICAL PART OF A SCHOOL. 39 made for the door. A few got out, when a stranger, a small, light-built j'ouug man, step- ped before the door, and gently laid his hands on two of the nearest boj^s. He merely call- ed out '' boys," loud enough to attract at- tention, and shook his head slightly. They knew what he meant, and instantly order was restored. The girls passed out, and the boys followed quietly. There is much in the strange magnetic influence, which some persons pos- sess. A horse that has once run away with j^ou cannot be depended on. Never allow a school to break. You cannot regain jour power. The children must be trained to obey quickly and perfectly. The lesson of obedience is one of the most important that children can be taught anywhere. It can be easily done — if j-ou onl}^ know how. It is as simple as to set up Columbus' egg. In calling the attention of the school, ring 40 OUR SUNDAY SCHOOLS. the bell loud enough for all to hear, but on no account ring it more than once. If you do, the next time the children will anticipate a second bell, and continue their conversation accordingly. If a scholar persists in conver- sation or noise, call his name, or so designate him as to attract attention to him. Rarely will one require to be thus reproved twice. The superintendent should seldom address the children, excej^t on matters connected with the business of the school. They must know that when he speaks, it is to give orders which are to be obeyed. Moreover, his turn of mind be- comes too familiar to the children, and they desire a change. Unless he can devote more attention to preparing his remarks than most men do, under the same circumstances, they will become stale, and encourage among the children habits of inattention to his voice, pre- judicial to his influence. I place most of the government on the su- THE MECHANICAL PART OF A SCHOOL. 41 perintendent, for the number of persons who are disciplinarians are extremely few. In most Sunday schools, not more than three or four have this ability. It is so rare in the world, that it is a wonder, not that so many chil- dren are ruined, but that so many blunder into the right path. A superintendent who expects each teacher to enforce order in his class, will have a noisy school. All teachers who ca7i keep order should do so, but they are few. Many who can impart knowledge ad- mirably, hardly know how to compel a boy to remove his cap. Where the school is large, it is well to call the roll of the teachers. The assistant su- perintendent will call it, and the superinten- dent will answer for the lady teachers, who may dislike to repl}^ in a sutficiently loud voice to be heard across the room. This custom will prove a gTcat check upon tardiness and ab- sence. If a teacher is away and has provided 42 OUR SUNDAY SCHOOLS. a substitute, it is well to say, " Miss Jones, absent ; has provided a substitute." If a teach- er is detained by illness, it is wise to state it. The superintendent should, if possible, let others lead in prayer, that his attention may still be dn-ected to keeping perfect order. It is seldom or never that a school is so well drilled that some will not be in mischief when the superintendent's and teachers' eyes are closed. He should let all know that his eyes are open and upon them. At prayer all the teachers and scholars should take some uniform position, either in- clining forward, or rising and folding the hands. For small children the latter is pre- ferable, as it keeps their hands out of mis- chief. In any case the teachers should take the same position as the scholars, to show that the posture is not inconsistent with the dignity of a gentleman or lady. The teachers should be prompt to observe all such general TUE MECHANICAL PART 01-' A SCHOOL. 43 forms. It is, I believe, a maxim even of our theology, that men are more easily taught by example than by precept. The teachers can induce their pupils to do almost anything, if they will only do it first. In the class, the teacher should be left as nearly supreme as the general interests of the school will allow. If he much prefer, let him select his own lessons, and manage in his own wa3\ The superintendent should carefiill}" re frain from worr3'ing a teacher, and from giving any orders to the class save through him. For instance, if he wants two boys to take part in the Sunday School Concert, instead of speaking to them personally, request the teach- er to do so. It weakens a teacher's influence to have any one appear to be above him in authority over his own class. The teacher, also, should be very careful alwaj's to support the authority of the superintendent. If the boys are inclined to laugh at any little weakness 44 OUR SUNDAY SCHOOLS. he may have, stop it at once, and, if possible, present his foibles in a light to make them virtues. These are little matters, but they constitute the smooth finish of a school's me- chanism. After the opening exercises, the first duty of the superintendent will be, to suppl}^ un- provided classes with teachers. Usually he has to take any one who happens to be present. Where there is any choice, give the best teach- er to the worse class. Where no teacher can be obtained, if the children of the class are reliable, let them hear each other's lessons, and then read part of a certain chapter in the Bible. Frequently a class of girls can be so managed for some time, pleasantly to tliem- selves, and cau se no trouble to au}^ one. If the class be of boys, rather boiling over with fun and spirits, separate them. If you think of nothing better, tell them you want their help. Send two to the librarian, who will manage THE MECHANICAL PART OF A SCHOOL. /*•'> to keep them employed. Tell the others you want to know how many are present. Give each a pencil and paper, and let them walk- very quietly down the aisles — each taking one — counting the teachers and scholars. Have them write the result neatly on paper, in as formal a manner as possible. This will effec- tually separate the class, and be a great de- light to the boys, who always like to " help' when it is a little public in manner If the}' finish too soon, tell them you wish it very accurate, and they had better go over it again to verif}'- it. They will give great assurance of its correc:t::ess, but the next count will proJuce such a different result, that they will have sufficient employment for the hour. Ke- ceive the report with many thanks, and osten- tatiously put it in a very secure place. Boys ; re in the main i^ood, only they must have something to do. They prefer to be useful, but if they cannot have a chance, the}' will take up mischief. 46 OUR SUNDAY SCHOOLS. Some care should be exercised in arrange- ing the classes. Usually the only system is in having the girls on one side of the room, and the boys on the other. A capital method of making trouble. I never could understand why it is so proper for ladies and gentlemen to mingle at home, in companj^, at public meetings, and at church, yet so often in the prayer -meeting and Sunday School the}' are separated, like the sheep and the goats, be- fore their time. Being among the goats, it has always suggested unpleasant emotions. The classes should be so arranged as to bring those most troublesome, near the super- intendent, where he can easily see them. Place the Bible Classes, and those with efficient teach- ers, farthest away. Do not have two classes of boj^s about the same age within spealiir.g distance. Neither would I advise having a class of young ^ young ladies, side by side, with one of juvenile young men, lest the}'^ might agree THE MECHANICAL PART OF A SCHOOL. 47 with Mr. Pope, that " the proper study of mankind is man," and pursue that study to the detriment of others. Unless necessary, do not have more than six pupils to one teacher. It is as many as most can manage and instruct. In the Bible classes there can be as many as can easily hear the teacher's voice. Every class should be numbered, for ease in reference. In mau}' schools the children are numbered also, for purposes hereafter explained. Each teacher should keep a class-book, well and punctually written up. It is a somewhat difficult matter to have attended to, and there- fore most superintendent's let it go. Never let anything be done in a slip-shod manner. Either abolish the rule, or enforce it. When the books are well kept, they are of great assistance, and will repay the slight trouble of looking after them. The most important duty of the superintend- 48 OUR SUNDAY SCHOOLS. ent is, in smoothing the path for the teach- ers, and encouraging them when disheartened. All teachers will at times become discouraged, and feel inclined to abandon their labors. It is truly hard to work month after month, with no apparent fruits ; to feel that they are ac- • complishing nothing, and perhaps are only do- ing an injury. A superintendent should care- fully watch for these sj^mptoms, and be ready with a kind and inspiriting word ; notice their classes frequently, with a word of commenda- tion ; refer to any good points they exhibit, either in order or recitation ; keep their spir- its up, and show himself willing to be a per- sonal friend, yet with great care to avoid in- truding himself. Here all the delicacy and Christian refinement he possesses should be brought into action, influenced by the divinest attribute given to man — Love. CHAPTER in. THE FORMAL EXERCISES OF A SCHOOL. T is a great blessing to the Sunday School that the old strong feeling of denomi- f^ nationalism has so gi-eatly diminished — a feeling TVhich but lately caused one sect to believe that a custom introduc- ed by another, from that very fact, must be the device of the devil. The better the cus- tom, the more sure were its opponents that none but Satan could contiive such a cunnins; invention to tempt the unwary from the true church. Unfortunately, however, we are not all saints yet, and a little of this " original sin" remains hidden, to come out on especial occasions. Some one has said : "It is well that we are not all perfect ; if 49 50 OUR SUNDAY SCHOOLS. we were, we should be so intolerably proud of it, that there would be no getting along with us." A short time since, I was on a Committee for decorating our church at Christmas. As it was a Congregational Society, it occasioned a little talk, as to its orthodoxy. It would have been perfectly correct to have sent artists to paint the wreaths and festoons in fresco ; but being too poor for that, we were obliged to supply the handiwork of God, prepared by willing hands, to ornament the house of their Maker. "We designed to have a moss-covered cross back of the pulpit, with a stuffed dove de- scending on it. Around the walls were to be evergreen stars, etc. Of course, the congi-ega- tion dropped in during the week, to see how the work progressed. One good man, a retir- ed minister, earnestly remonstrated against hav- ing the cross. " It will not do, sir. It is THE FORMAL EXERCISES OF A SCHOOL. 51 imitating Popery." Anotlier brother button- holed me, to protest against having the dove. It was an insult to the Holy Spirit. A third liked the design all but the stars, which were " out of place just now, reminding one of the * Star Spangled Banner,' and all that sort of thing." To the credit of both the chui'ch and the gentlemen, a little pleasant conversation caused them to waive their objections, and ac- quiesce in the arrangements. The i^lans suggested in this chapter will doubtless be exceedingly disapproved of by many. They are the best I have jxt thought of, and objectors can easily disregard them. I ask, however, that we take any form, ceremo- mj^, sermon, hymn, or tune, which is lilvcly to assist in the saving of souls, from any sect or source, and appropriate it to our use, with- out any regard to its origin. An infidel, Vol- taire, originated the fii'st Tract Society. Sure- ly, we should not object to draw forms and 52 OUR SUNDAY SCHOOLS, ceremonies from Christian denominations mere- ly because we prefer our own creed. ** Seek truth where'er it may be found, Among thy friends, among thy foes; On Christian or on heathen ground, The flower 's divine, where'er it blows." In the formal exercises of a school, children can only be kept interested by taking an ac- tive part themselves. It is not children only who prefer talking to listening to the discourse of others. I think a very short service, adapted to children's minds, and somewhat after the Epis- copal form, if really ably prepared, would be a desideratum. Let there be a plenty of move- ment and singing. I know many think that such a course would tend to make mere form- alists of them. I see no reason for such a sup- position ; but if the exercise will interest the children more, bring them into the Sunday School, and tend to their conversion, is it not better to run some risk of this in making THE FORMAL EXERCISES OF A SCHOOL. 53 the more Christitius? We must have some form, and why not a pleasant one, interest- ing and instructive to the children? A Quaker met an acquaintance in whose church had recently been placed a superior or- gan. The Quaker congratulated him on its fine quality. His acquaintance expressed sur- prise that he could congratulate him for an act that he deemed wrong. *' Why, friend, if thou dost worship thy God by machiner}', it is well that thou dost have a fine instrument." If we are to have any machinery, any forms, any ceremony, in our schools, let us have them all of first class. Children require difi*erent things to interest and afi'ect them from men, just as they require difi'erent clothes. A very short but diversified formula, with liv- ing, breathing prayers, is the best. For my- self, I prefer the simple, dignified, unpretend- ing service of the " meeting-house." For chil- 54 OUR SUNDAY SCHOOLS. dren, I prefer a certain degree of pomp and ceremony. Pending the production of such a service, a programme as follows, is good : 1st. Call the roll of teachers. 2d. Sing. Singing should be frequent, and only one or two verses — seldom more than two at a time. The children should always rise and stand in singing. 3d. Let the superintendent read a portion from the Scriptures, the children reading the al- ternate verses, led by the assistant, who should stand at the further end of the room. Though this may injure the effect of some of the pas- sages, yet it will keep the attention of the school, which is more important. Care should be taken in selecting the passages to have them adapted to their comprehension — such as the history of the creation, the lives of Daniel, Noah, Joseph, the parables of Christ, etc. The same subject can be continued from Sabbath to THE FORMAL EXERCISES OF A SCHOOL. OO Sabbath, when too long for one reading. A story that inculcates virtue is more likely to produce an impression than a mere command to be virtuous. From fifteen to twenty verses should be read at a time, which will occupy about two minutes. 4th. Sing. 5th. A prayer of not more than three min- utes, concluding with the Lord's Prayer, repeat- ed by the school in concert. When a strang- er leads in praj-er, if he omit the Lord's Prayer at his conclusion, the assistant should instantly commence it. The children antici- pating it, there will be no confusion after the first time. They should have some uniform position. If old enough, let them incline their heads forward. If not, let them stand. 6th. Sing. 7. Repeat the ten commandments in con- cert, all standing. K the exercises are car- ried off promptly, this introductorj^ service will occupy about twenty minutes. 56 OUR SUNDAY SCHOOLS. 8th. The study of the lessons. About three minutes before time to close, strike the bell as a warning, that the teachers ^may have time to conclude their remarks. At the mo- ment for closing, strike the bell again, and conversation must instantly cease. A teacher should stop even in the middle of a sentence. 9th. Sing two verses. 10th. Close with one or two choice texts, repeated in concert, all standing. It is well to have the same daily, that they may be learned and recited by all, whether they can read or not. Such passages as the following are good : " Let the words of my mouth, and the med- itation of my heart, be acceptable in thy sight, O Lord, m}^ strength and my Redeemer." — Psalm xix. " The Lord watch between me and thee when we are absent one from another." — Gen. xxxi. 49. ^ thjb! formal exercises of a school. 57 Tliere should be a moment's perfect silence, and then the school, at the tap of the bell, can be dismissed. » Unless many of the children are unable to ' read, do not read more than the first two lines of the hymn. In fact, at any time, it is a useless custom which it would be wise to abolish in the Sunday School, as only famil- iar hj'mns are sung. It is comparatively sel- dom that a hymn is so read as to be of any pleasure or profit. These exercises can be varied so as to occupy what time may be desired. There should be a door-keeper, to prevent children running in during the exercises, in- terrupting the prayers and music. It is sin gular that no service can be made so inter- esting that people will not tm'n around to see who comes in late. One Sunday in February, I was sitting on the piazza of an hotel in Texas, and amused 58 OUR SUNDAY SCHOOLS. myself telling stories to the children I had gathered around me. I told them that where I came from, there were one or two feet of snow on the gTound, and that the rivers were all frozen so that men and horses could walk over on the ice. " "Well, I reckon ye can't come none of j'^e'r yankee stories over us," exclaimed the oldest, a boy of fourteen, with his hands perpetually in his pockets. All my efforts could not over- come their incredulity. They had not seen the wonder, and would not believe it. But after all, most of us are as sceptical. Few will believe what personal experience has not proven. I ask you, however, to make a trial of this plan before you entirely condemn its working. CHAPTER IV. ON LESSONS AND CLASSES. ^^^'EACHERS are often perplexed about the best mode of instructing and in- ^^teresting their classes ; what question ^^^ book, if an}', should be used ; and how to occupy the time after hearing the lesson. The burden of this book is, " Make the Sunday School interesting." So the lessons must be made interesting, or the children will derive but little benefit. A story is told of a boy who said that on Sundaj' his grandmother used to tie him to the bed-post, to keep him out of mischief while she was at church, and set him learn- ing the hymn, " Thine carthl}' Sabbaths, Lord, 5 9 60 OUR SUNDAY SCUOOLS. I love." This mode of stimulating love can- not be commended as popular. The mode of entertaining a class must, of course, differ according to circumstances. One class is of sober, thoughtful, intelligent chil- dren, who can be interested in the solemn truths of the Bible. They can appreciate, to a certain extent, the love of Christ, the beauty of his life, the grandeur of the plan of sal- vation. These facts move them. Their hearts are warm with love to men and to God — only they do not know it. They merely want the love of Christ brought before them ; his merc}^ and sufferings. These feed their souls and supply the cravings of their hearts. They want no amusing stories told them — a tear over Calvary is sweeter than all the jokes of Hood. There are some few who seem born v/ith so little "original sin," that it is invisi- ble to the naked eye. But here is a class of rough, brutalized ON LESSONS AND CLASSES. Gl boys, picked up from the dens of New York, dirty and foul of soul as of shirt. What can they understand about the •' beauty of holi- ness," the teachings of Chi'ist's life. Their ed- ucation is such that they would despise him for surrendering himself without showing fight. They cannot appreciate the gTandeur of the sacrifice. How will they be benefitted or in- terested in learning " What is the chief end of man ? " Theirs is a life of action ; the}' cannot think. . The art of thinldng has to be learned as much as the art of talkinof. They find it impossible to follow a finished essay on ''justification by faith," and hardly can the Christian virtues be made comprehen- sible to them. Of com'se these two classes must be treat- ed difi'erently, yet we find one person advo- cating having a good, jolly time in Sunday Schools, and another arguing that not a smile should be allowed in the room. 6ll OUR SL^'DAY SCHOOLS. Each teacher must study his class. If the scholars are low in the moral scale, he must appeal to and instruct their lower natures. A missionary on going to a heathen land, would probably preach in favor of wearing pantaloons before he explained the distinction between Calvinism and Arminianism, or even the ad- vantages of Old or New-Schoolism. So a teacher should at first work away at the grosser sins, to try to stimulate the healthy action of the moral system. The old mode of resuscitating, — or rather of killing — a half-drowned man, was by the counter-irritant method of hanging him up by the heels to let the water run out of him. Now, however, to the joy of all patients, the treatment is to lay the body flat and rub the extremities briskly, warming them well with hot bricks and blankets. What is this for? To stimulate the circulation. Now these rough boys are " dead in sin." ox LESSONS AND CLASSES. 63 "We cMimot pour it out of them. We must stimulate the moral circulation, and get them in a healthy state. Begin by rubbing the ex- tremities, viz., preach temperance, virtue, and truth, appealing not only to the Bible to prove the necessity of these qualities, — for they vir- tuall}^ do not believe the Bible, — -but to facts which they know, and to the teacher's own experience, which at first thej'^ will believe before the Bible. This is but teaching moral- ity, it is true, but morality is better than vice. Some say, " Why stop to lop off the branch- es one by one. Cut down the whole tree of sin at once. Teach them to ' love the Lord their God,' and it is done." True, but often there is a dense underbrush to be cleared away before you can swing youi- ax at the trunk. In breaking a colt, it would be shorter to break him at once in a car- riage, so as to have the whole thing quickly 64 OUR SUNDAY SCHOOLS. finished. The only trouble is, that it can't be done. You have first to break to halter, then to harness, then under the saddle, and, last of all, to the carriage. So with boj^s : break olT their evil habits, and then there is a chance of making them Christians. ''An absence of sin is no more religion than an absence of weeds is harvest." The teacher must work his way into the hearts of these boys, and a long, hard, sicken- ing work it is. He must teach them who God is, and what he requires, before asking them to accept him. He meets the masked batteries of ignorance, selfishness, and pride, all well manned, at every step. It will not do to meet them with " glittering generalities," telling them to be good, and to do good. The boys wont stand it. He must address them with force, bring up facts to prove, and interesting stories to illustrate. His diamonds need not be polished, but they must be gen- ON LESSONS AND CLASSES. 65 uine. Keep their attention fixed by good re- ligious instruction, if possible : but if not, tell them anj^thing which will accustom their minds to concentration on any one subject. I once told my class the story of Aladin's Lamp as a Sunday School lesson, imitating the original narrator and the popular story- paper in breaking off at exciting points and promising to continue. I mentioned the fact at the teachers' meeting, and noticed some sober faces, expressive of dislike of radical fanatics ; but the result has confirmed my opinion that in this case it was the best course / 7c7ieiv lioio to pursue. It cemented the class, which was on the point of disbanding, and got them in the habit of regular attendance. At fii'st it was merely to hear the story, but soon I was enabled to advance a step higher, and get them interested in Bible stories. Such boys must be interested. It is better to gath- er them together to read Punchy than to let them hang around grog-shops, 60 OUR SUNDAY SCHOOLS. I do not advise bringing fun into the Sun- day School. Eveiy teacher must take that course which he believes right and best. "'Tis "with our judgment as our watches, none go just alike, yet each believes his own." If possible, the exercises should be solemn and impressive • yet there are probably only about a dozen people in the country who can so conduct them, and interest the whole s«hool. Most people have not this power, and must resort to poorer methods to accomplish their ends. I therefore say, interest your class and keep their attention by a direct teaching of the Gospel of Christ if you can : but with no fear of doing wrong if you have to cause a religious smile, or even a genuine honest laugh. It is something to teach a boy to laugh honestly. The teacher should prepare his lesson care- fully. He who is unwilling to take this trouble in his Master's service is unfit for the post. ON LESSONS AND CLASSES. 67 He should plan his lesson, arrange his illus- trations, and thinlv over attentively what he will say. Let him select some one in his class, and arrange his lesson so that it shall be a personal appeal to him to repent of his sins. He should resolve to try to convert them that day — not next month or year, but that day, and strive with the energy that a belief of success inspires. He may not have success, but it may be that he will have planted the seed which will grow long after he has forgotten it. We never see the sprouting of a seed. He should thi'ow himself into the spirit of the lesson, and let his whole soul strive for the end. It is hardly necessary to add, that no lesson is properly prepared with- out a fervent praj^er for a divine blessing up- on it. Yet how seldom it receives this in- dispensable attention. Haydn wrote, " When I was occupied on the ' Creation,* always be- fore I sat down to the piano, I prayed to God 68 OUR SUNDAY SCHOOLS. with earnestness that he would enable me to praise him worthily." *I believe that the reason why female teach- ers are, as a general rule, the most success- ful, and that girls are more frequently con- Verted than boys, is to be attributed to the fact that they are more devotional than men. A lady teacher seldom forgets to ask a blessing on her labors, and she receives corresponding fruit. It is no small task to prepare a lesson properly, to plan ever3rthing so that it will pass off smoothly. It will not do to have poor, stupid religious truisms. " Pious trash is demoralizing." A few weeks since, I heard a very superior teacher talking to her class. She was sudden- ly seized with a desire to make some re- marks on commencing the new year ; but not having bestowed upon the subject her customary attention, the boys were restless, and thinking ON LESSONS AND CLASSES. 69 of other matters. She was reminded of her failui'e in one of her most impressive periods by Jimmy's exclaiming ; " Oh, Miss Laura, if you cut your nails on Friday, you wont have the toothache." Certainly her exhortation was wasted, unless the remedy it suggested should prove infallible. If the teacher expects to accomplish anything, he must expect to work. Usually, in the same proportion as we sow, will be the har- vest. It is the general opinion that question-books are a great assistance to the teacher. In learn- ing directly from the Bible, children are apt to commit the words by rote, and have but little conception of the sentiment. One can easily ascertain this by requesting a boy to give the ideas of a verse in his own language. It will usuall}'' prove an effectual mode of procuring silence. Some, however, prefer' to originate the questions to suit their class. For 70 OUR SUNDAY SCHOOLS. an able teacher, who will devote sufficient time to the subject, this may be better. The book is a great aid to those of limited time, and as these questions are prepared for different grades of children, almost any class can be suited. When a class can learn more than the regu- lar lesson, it is well to vary the exercise by letting them commit to memory some hymn ap- propriate to the subject, or some brief sentiment worth knowing, such as : " Little attentions, a minute consultation of the wants and wishes, tastes and tempers, of others, — these are the little thiugs that out- shine a thousand acts of showy heroism." By having all commit the same piece, they can recite in concert, and thus occupy but lit- tle time. I know a teacher who writes a short story nearly every Sunday- to read to her class. This shows the children that their teacher thinks of them during the week, and it pleases ON LESSONS AND CLASSES. 71 them. Every regular lesson should be perfect- ly learned and recited before any other ex- ercises are taken up. This is essential. Habits of accuracy are important, and after a few trials it will be as easy for the majority to have a perfect as an imperfect recitation. If possible have the exercises such that all are kept employed, as it secures their atten- tion and keeps them out of mischief. Do not try to teach too much. It is un- necessary to convert the class into a theologi- cal seminary. The great object is the con- version of their souls, not the cultivation of their intellects. The culture is the means, not the end. It is on the practical Christianity of everyday life that they want instruction — to knov,' how to act when a boy steals their sled or pulls their hair, and in all the minor mosquito annoj^ances of life, which cause even children of a larger growth to forget them- selves. As Mr. Beecher remarked : 72 OUR SUNDAY SCHOOLS. " There are many men who would make ad- mirable martyrs at the stake, who fall very low over a cup of cold coffee for breakfast." It is against the everyday sins that the teacher must try to shield his pupils. The chance of their being called on to refute infidel arguments is exceedingly small, but they cer- tainly will be tempted with anger, intempe- rance, lying and stealing. Guard them against these, and you will do well. After they grow to manhood, living up to these teachings, their lives alone will be argument sufficient for them- selves in favor of a God. " The most convincing argument in favor of Christianity, is the life of a meek and humble disciple of Jesus." A teacher should not admit any one to his class without the knowledge of the super- intendent. The classes must be so arranged as to have those of the same capabilities and tone of mind togctli^'r. tlint nil may be inter- ested in the same things. ON LESSONS AND CLASSES. 73 Habits of punctuality must be inculcated, the teacher setting the example. It is veiy an- noj'ing to have teachers and scholars dropping in during the devotional exercises. The teach- er's class-book should be kept written up, mark- ing the children exactly what they deserve, and not through mistaken kindness, marking an imperfect recitation with the highest number. Children soon see the injustice, and despise it. I have frequently heard children sneering at teachers for this. They know that on that system a perfect mark means nothing, save that the scholar succeeded in teasing the teach- er to write a lie. The teacher must see that all sing. The effect of Sabbath School music depends much upon the volume of sound. Chidlren are at times a little bashful about singing, and re- quire encouragement. It should be impressed upon them that it is as much theu' dutj^ to assist in this exercise as to recite their les- 74 OUR SUNDAY SCHOOLS. son. It is a duty as well as a pleasure. The teacher must see that all the exercises are at- tended to and rules are complied with. There is one duty of the teacher, which, though not exactly coming under the subject of lessons and classes, may yet be made a valua- ble auxiliary to his instructions. Each teacher should occasionally visit his pupils, especially the poorer ones. It will repay a hundred-fold all the trouble it causes. No paymaster is so liberal as God. A very little done for Him or His, He rewards abundantly. Many are the touching .stories told of visits upon the poor children. The delight with which the little ones receive their own especial caller ; the dignity with which he is introduced to mamma and sisters ; the rapidity with which the good woman's apron dusts a chair ; the voluminous apologies for, and wonders whj^, on this particular day the dirt of years has mj^steriously appeared in the loom, just because "the master" was coming; D\ Li::6. He desires book No. 48, which is given him, and the librarian removes the tin check from No. 48 on the li- brary board, and places it on No. 36 on the scholars' board. This shows that boy No. 86 has volume No. 48. The next Sunday No. 36 desires another book, but forgets to return the one he already has. The librarian glances at his number, and seeing it covered, refuses to supply the volume until No. 48 is returned. By this method the librarian keeps the whole record and the teacher has no trouble. The numbers on the board should be ar- ranged in double columns of one hundred, as in the diagram, with the odd numbers on the left, and even on the right, for ease in finding a given number. B}' having them in columns of one hundred, it is unneccesary to repeat the third figure, and therefore larger ON LIBRARIES. 97 figures can be painted in the same space. The boards might be made cheaply, by cut- ting the numbers from paper and pasting them on, afterwards varnishing the whole to render them secure, or by writing them on a painted board, with a coarse pen. In calling for the books, the teachers will TVTite on a small strip of paper as follows : Class No. 16. 36 I 48, 210, 8, 5, 12. 214 I 24, 19, 27, 153, 440. The left hand figures tell what scholar to charge the books to, and those on the right show that he desires one of the five volumes selected. Several are designated, so that if some are out, one can pretty surely be found in. In returaing the books, a similar paper should be sent, only instead of the five num- bers to the right, there should be onty the number of the book returned. The librarian will compare the returned books and the state- 98 OUR SUNDAY SCHOOLS. ment, and if correct, remove the check from ."No. 36, scholars' board, and replace it on 48' library board. For very small schools all this machinery is unnecessary, but where there are over a hun- dred and fifty pupils, this method is the easiest, safest, and best. The Sunday school Union have prepared another plan as follows ; A large card is printed in blank, thus ; Teacher's Name.— John 3S Pupil's Name. OELE. Date, Feb. 9. Date. Date, < Date. Dlass N Date. 0,6. Date. J. Fox.. 36 14 48 W. True 28 19 13 Etc. Tlie scholars select three or four numbers of the books they desire, and write them on ox LIBIIAUIES. 99 the card as in the diagram. The librarian selects the first one that is in, and draws his pencil through the other figures, so the one left untouched is the one charged to the scholar. The theory is, that the teacher will copy this number into the class-book and see that it is returned, but the practice is to take no further notice of it. The card soon be- comes thoroughly covered with pencil marks, and the record is lost in the mass of carbon. In the board plan the check can hang on the scholars' number as many months as the book ma}^ be out. A third plan shown me by a librarian, which is successful in small schools, is for the li- brarian to have the names of the scholars ar- ranged in classes, and written on a large stifi card, as follows; 100 OUR SUNDAY SCHOOLS. JANUARY. 4 11 18 25 Class 1. — John Bagshaw, . . 33 36 Andrew Clark, &c. m 90 Class 2.— William Mack, . . ^ 18 Michael Dorsey, &c. n 17 As the books are distributed, they can be charged on the card, and crossed when return- ed. A glance will show whether the last book is restored. The card should be large, to allow a plenty of room for figures, and to enable the librarian to hold it while marking the numbers. A fresh card should be prepar- ed monthly, and the outstanding books trans- ferred. If the card is retained long, the pen- cil marks will become rubbed and confused. Where there are more than ten classes, there should be two cards, so that an assistant li- brarian can be emplo^^ed. ON LIBRARIES. 101 There should be a printed catalogue of the books, with their numbers, from which the chil- dren, under the guidance of their teacher, can select. Of course, frequently, they will be dissatisfied with their choice, but it must be a rule that no book can be exchanged, or the hour will be occupied in suiting them. If the book is morally unsuitable, the teacher must manage to have it changed, even break- ing the rule, though if he has an appropriate one at his own house, it would be better to lend it to the scholar in place of the library book. When the Sunday School is held in the body of the church, the library can be placed at the end of one of the galleries. There it is out of the way, and the movements of the librarians will not attract the attention of the scholars from their lessons. In following the plans suggested in this chap- ter, some money will be required, which al- 102 OUll SUNDAY SCHOOLS. most always seems to be grudged the Sunday School. Usually the unnecessary loss of books in an ill-regulated library is muxih. more than will serve to provide the necessary safeguards, yet we often find churches possessed of such " great hunks of wisdom," that they often ap- prove of this mode of economizing. When boys do not fancy a book, in order to persuade the teacher to change it, they will often falsel}^ profess to have read it. It is so common a lie that they hardly deem it wrong. It is like the ladies' " not at home." Boys who are commonly truthful will commit this sin. If a book has been out three weeks, the libra- rian should write the fact on a slip of paper and hand it to the teacher, who should see that it is returned. If the book is lost, or the pupil sick, he should report the fact to the librarian. It will also be stated in the teach- er's monthly report to the superintendent, as. explained in Chapter IX. ON LIBRARIES. 103 The library must be under the charge of a s;iiart, active, business man. Considerable abil- ity and labor is required to keep the books <)■;* a large school in proper order. The books f.' mild all be covered with heavy brown paper, iiiid the Sunday School label pasted on the outside cover as well as the inside, or many books will creep into other libraries. The li- brarian must be a man of good nature, and patience, for both will be considerably taxed. A Sunday School to be successful, should have three enterprising, energetic, hard-working men — a superintendent, a precentor, and a librarian. With these, any school can be made to run smoothly and efficiently. Not a little of its success depends upon the good arrangement and management of the librarian. CHAPTER VII. MISSIONARY SUNDAYS AND MONTHLY CONCERTS. T is customary in many Sunday Schools ^ to observe the first Sunda}^ in the month as " Missionary Sunday." In the wealthier schools, the children con- tribute some money for the support of a missionar3^ who usually writes a letter to them every month in return. This letter is read to the school, from which circumstance the name of Missionary Sunday is acquired. A contribution is taken up for missionary pur- poses, and speeches, singing, etc., occupy the time usually devoted to the lessons. Many schools have also, on the evening of the second Sabbath in the month, a special 104 MISSIONARY SUNDAYS, ETC. 105 service, usually held in the church, where the parents and friends are present with the chil- dren. The exercises are similar to those of the Missionary Sunday, onl}^ no particular ref- erence is made to the missionary field. I think it is unwise to have both these services. Where the evening service can be held, the usual lessons should proceed in the day-school regularly from Sabbath to Sabbath. Any interruption to the ordinary course of in- struction has an injurious influence. If the services are not entertaining, the time is lost. If they are, the children on the next Sunday will be restless, and comparing the two ses- sions. If the evening service is held, it is an ex- tra aflTair, and will be regarded as such. The children's services should be much earlier than those for adults, so as not to keep them up late. If they commence at half past six, and continue an hour and a half, it will not in- 106 OUR SUNDAY SCHOOLS. jure the health of the children, coming as they do but once a month. Therefore, I very much prefer merging the Missionary Sunday into the Sunday School Concert, and bringing the whole force to bear on making it a grand occasion. It is a considerable tax to secure first-class speakers for two consecutive Sunda3's. There must be several, as the children demand a variety. • Also the children prefer the evening, service, if for nothing else, the novelty of sit- ting up late. There are many children who would agree with Sammy, when he complain- ed that — " My mother always makes me go to bed before I get tired, and get up before I am rested." The brightly-lighted, crowded house ; the or gan playing just the same as for " grown folks," and the presence of friends and relatives, all give them enthusiastic delight, and put them in a humor to be pleased with anji^hing. They MISSIONARY SUNDAYS, ETC. 107 will take part with gi-eat earnestness and zeal. I have often kno^vn boys who were too prond to take SLJiy active part in the Missionaiy meeting, to be so roused by the enthusiasm of the evening concert, as to place themselves in prominent positions to show that they were connected with the school. The missionary news can be as well com- municated then as at any time, and many adults being present, the collection is some- what increased. Not the least advantage, is the fact that this plan keeps the school more directly in the notice of the church. The progi*ess, state, and requirements of the school are seen, and more interest in its prosperity, is inspu'ed. In a Mission, School it is peculiarly advis- able to especially invite parents and friends of the pupils to be present at these general meet- ings. Many will attend them who would not enter a church, and much good may be done. 108 OUIl SUNDAY fXTIOOLS. Attention shonld be given to the subject of the charities of children. It is very useful to collect the little offerings from hundreds of 8unday Schools for the support of some mis- sionary cause. But is tliis course, on the whole, the most beneficial to the pupils, and, in the end, to the cause of missions? The primary object of the children's contributions is to fos- ter benevolence, and that course should be pursued which will most clearly teach them the nature and habit of true charity. Giving is not always charity. " His lavished stores speak not the generous mind. But the disease of giving." The contribution is taken, and sent off in a manner utterly incomprehensible to the young- er children. After a while, in some cases, a letter is received from a missionary, who, in language totall}?- beyond children's intellect, tells what good the cash has accomplished. It MISSION All Y SLfNDAYS, ETC. 109 seems to me that pains should bo takon to let the children see more clearly the relation between the act of giving and the consequent benefit to the giver. The benelit may be merely the satisfaction derived from a con- sciousness of having done good, but still it is a direct and consequent result of the char- ity. AVe must cultivate in them a taste for charity, and let them see that they can de- rive more personal gratification by doing good with their pennies, than bj^ spending them for cand3^ A iioble Sunday School in Brooklyn was having a new chapel erected for its use. It is stated that the superintendent ( also the chief contributor of the funds,) made a calcu- lation of what each brick would cost, and an- nounced that each scholar might present a brick to the building b}^ pa3'ing two cents. Those who gave a certain immber received a certificate. Almost every child gave a brick, 110 OUR SUNDAY SCHOOLS. and many gave a cart-load each. Thus they saw in the chapel the direct result of their generosity, and tasted the pleasure of giving. By purchasing the brick, they saw exactly how their coppers were invested, and the walls were a standing monument to them. They possessed an ownership in the building which prevented their defacing it, and increased their interest in the school. All schools should be Mission Schools, ad- mitting the rich and poor alike to their ben- efits. There are many who are unable to at- tend for want of proper clothing. Boys, v/ith a very commendable spirit of self-respect, will not go into a school of well-dressed children in their shirt-sleeves. The chihh-en of the school should be formed into a "Benevolent Association," and their contributions be used to supply such articles as may be required by the destitute children in the neighborhood, to enable them to attend. This must be MISSIONARY SUNDAYS, ETC. Ill managed with care, that the}^ may not be taunted as " charity children." The Lee- Avenue school, in Brooklyn, which is under the direction of Jeremiah Johnson, jr., a name that thousands of children will bless for his liberality and care, and who has es- tablished probabty the very best working school in America, has provided a lot in the Ceme- tery of the Evergreens, for those of the school who may die otherwise unprovided with a pleasant resting-place. There it is' proposed to erect a suitable monument, which will be a perpetual sermon to the children. These plans will bring the subject of char- ity directly home to the children, so that they will understand it, and see its practical work- ing. I have frequently known of gentlemen trjdng to ascertain from children what they understood by giving to the missionaries. In- variably their onty idea was, that they sent the money to the heathen ; but whj'', or for what, was a mj^stery. 112 OUIl SUNDAY SCHOOLS. Let the children purchase the music-books, and they will be more carefully handled. Let them purchase something for the school, and if it is only a picture that can be afforded, it will teach a more direct lesson of charity than the ordinary method. Nor Avill the pub- lic charities suffer, for the children will be trained to those habits of giving which will last them during li;>. Tims the idtimate re- sult will be benelicicil in every rC'^pect. Whether this last statement is true or not, every school should first take good care of itself, and keep in good running order. Money is a power not to be despised in doing good. Few schools have too much expended on them, and all that can be raised within them- selves, can usually be wisely expended in im. proving their own means of usefulness. Men are apt to think that they must go out of their wsiy to do good. Many a minister has neglect- ed his own children to preach the Gospel "^o MISSIONARY SUNDAYS, ETC. 113 Strangers. So frequently money is given away by schools to missions which had much bet- ter be devoted to their o^vn improvement. The exercises of the monthly concert should be planned exclusively for the pleasm-e and benefit of the children. No one should be in- vited to address the meeting merely out of compliment. If a speaker cannot interest the children, he should not address them. Speeches should seldom be over ten minutes in length, and five minntes will be better. This is about as Ions: a time as the children can be in- duced to listen to any one. Let the singing be frequent, and only two verses at a time. One very good and common exercise is to have a subject announced to the school : " love," for instance. Then have all, or a certain part, of 1^ae children find some text in the Bible relating to love ; and at the concert, on being called on by the superintendent, one by one rise and recite the texts they have se- 114 OUR SUNDAY SCHOOLS. lected. As a little improvement, the super- intendent sometimes prepares a series of writ- ten questions and answers. A duplicate of each one he gives to the children, who learn the answers. He then reads the question, "What is God?" A little girl in class 10, who has received that question and prepared the answer, rises and recites, " God is love." "How does God love this world?" Boy in class 4 responds, " God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten Son, etc." This plan incites the children to learn some texts, and many of them are much interested in reciting. Little hymns and dialogues may be learped and repeated by classes and in- dividuals. Passages of Scripture may be learned by several classes, and repeated in concert. The proceedings n>ust be conducted briskly. Not a moment's interval should be allowed between one exercise and the next, that the MISSIONARY SUNDAYS, ETC. 115 cliildren's attention may not be diverted. Make all the exercises animated, that the children may enjoy them. Haydn was once asked how it was that his music was all so bright and cheerful. He replied : " I cannot make it otherwise. I wiite ac- cording to the thoughts I feel. When I think upon God, my heart is so full of joy that the notes dance and leap from my pen." So shouUl all religious exercises, particular- ly for young persons, be sparkling, that their thoughts of religious matters may be joj-ous. The following progTamme for a concert will explain what I would suggest ; Ist. Singing by the school . . occupying 4 minutes 2d. Prayer, concluding with the Lord's Prayer, by the school Sd. Singing by the School 4th. Eepeating the Ten Commandments in concert .... 5th. Reciting Scripture questions 6th. Opening address by a large boy 7th. Singing solo by a little girl 8th. Address by an invited guest (t 4 t( 4 in (( 4 (( 5 (( 4 (( 8 {( 8 116 OUR SUNDAY SCHOOLS. 9th. Singing ; a duet by two girls . . occupying 4 minutes. 10th. Keciting Scripture questions . . " 5 " . nth. Poetry recited by a very small boy •' 2 •' 12th. Poetry recited by a very small girl " 2 " 13th. Singing by the School ..." 4 " . 14th. Eeciting Scripture questions . . " 5 •' 15th. Eeciting Psalm by two classes in con- cert '^ 6 « 16th. Address by a gentleman . . . '* 8 *' 17th. Singing solo by choir; chorus by the School " 5 " 18th. Address by a gentleman ..." 8 " 19th Singing by the School ..." 4 " 20th. Closing exercises, as in article on the formal exercises of a school. . '• 2 " Total " 90 " This is as long a time as it is well to continue the exercises. They must be con- tinually altered, that the children may not tire of them. It will be found much easier to get the children into school than to keep them there regularly. The novelty often attracts children, who will certainly leave when the novelty wears off. You must keep your eyes open for new and popular speakers. If you can make no other change, hang up a large MI33I0XART SUNDAYS, ETC. 117 map or picture where it can be plainl}' seen, and have some one tell a storN' of a certain place which he points oat on the map. A very slight , change and oddit}- gives freshness and life to the exercises. Most of the chil- dren understand and are interested more in what they see than in what they hear. A few weeks since I heard a most admira- ble Sunday School speech. On the whole it was better adapted to children than an}^ other I have listened to. It was fresh, entertaining, healthy, and to the point. The speaker at one time was alluding to persons shutting their ears, and as a gesture, put his fingers up to his own ears. As I left the church I met a very bright, intelligent little girl of six years. "Well, Lottie, how did you like the meet- ing?" " First-rate, sir ; it was real nice." "Whose speech did you like best?** 118 OUR SUNDAY SCHOOLS. " Mr. M.'s, sir ; it was the best / think." " What part of the speech did you like best?" " Oh, I liked it where he put. his fingers up to his ears. It was so funny I laughed right out. Oh, Mr. M. is so nice." She had forgotten nearly all the moral, most of the illustrations she could not recall definitelj'', and only some such significant ac- tions were particularly impressed upon her mind. I refer to this to show the necessity of having all the exercises extremely simple, and have such a variety that the youngest, who cannot by any possibility comprehend the most of the remarks, may enjoy as it were, the panoramic eff"ect* of the scene. We must remember that while the Sabbath School aims high, and all the exercises are designed to secure the salvation of each child, yet this cannot always be successful. Some MISSIONARY SUNDAYS, ETC. 119 persoiis seem to believe iu* salvation or nothing — either make the children Chi-istians, or aban- don them. But we must strive to make them moralists if nothing more. This is a good work, and even this is hard enough. At first we go to work with zeal, determined to, and believing we can convert them. Soon we be- gin to feel that we should be satisfied could we see some moral improvement, and finally, losing all confidence in our own power, we despair, and crj^ to God to take our classes. Then, sometimes, we begin to see a litttle im- provement. But the true, humble, Christian teacher will have little success compared with the numbers in school, even though God is working with him. It may be that he will grant us success in inspmng morality, when we cannot lead them to Christ. Therefore I would have this point not lost sight of. Strive to make all the exercises and meetings pleasing, not only to those interested in religious truth, 120 ^ OUR SUNDAY SCHOOLS. but also to those who are utterly careless. Let them be entertained to cultivate in them a taste for higher and more improving pleasures than street rowdyism. I cannot conclude this article better than by using the words of the " Country Parson,'* whose healthy, manly, touching article on the *' Sorrows of Childhood" adorns the pages of the March Atlantic Monthly. " Let me say to ever}^ reader who has it in his power, directlv or indirectly, to do so. Oh I do what you can to make children hap- py ; oh, seek to give them that great en during blessing of a happy youth. Whatever after life may prove, let there be something bright to look back upon in the horizon of their early time. Let us try to make every little child happy." CHAPTER Vin. TO TEACHERS. (1 E usually like to do those things that we can do well. Men are able to A. accomplish a man^ellous amount of labor, if they can only feel that they are 'doing it satisfactorily to themselves ; and the consciousness of doing it well, increas- es its accuracy. But if we are struggling along, not exactly sure whether we are doing right or wrong, it is wearing and dishearten- in 2: in the extreme. It is not work that kills a man, but worry. Such a one is likened by Mr. Beecher, to "a candle in a hot candle- stick, which burns up at one end, and melts down at the other." Sunday School work will be extremely ii*k. 121 122 OUR SUNDAY SCHOOLS. some and tedious, unloFs you learn just how to do it. Ko matter how monotonous or sim- pie is an occupation, those who can do it better than any one elrje, usually enjoy it. A sin- gular illustration occurred recently. A lady, who for many 3 cars had been in humble cir- cumstances, remarked that she could hardly be happ3^ in heaven, unless she could do her sweeping and dusting. She had become so accustomed to it, and could do it so easily and well, that she enjoyed it. , I knew of a man that could drive nails ex- quisitly — this is the right w^ord — and appear- ed to enjoj^ the practice as keenly as Morphy does his game of chess. One would suppose this to be as monotonous an employment as any, j^et his skill in performing it, made it pleasant. I never Imew a teacher who came to his class without suitable preparation, to enjoy teach- ing ; and I never knew one who was always TO TEACHERS. 123 prepared, to dislike it. It is unnecessary to talk about the dignit}- of the employment, all know it. But whether dignified or not, if you wis-li to enjo}' your labor, do it well. Do not shrink from the work. You are " soldiers of the cross," officers in God's army, and have a hea\y responsibility upon j^ou. Make all the preparation 3'ou can ; do 5'our work as well as you can, and then your responsibility is at an end. It is unwise to tease a teacher into the school. If he does not come cheerfally, and with a desire for the work, he will accom- plish nothing. Some may be of a retiring disposition, distrustful of their own powers, and may need encouragement, but one must enter with his whole heart into anj'thing in which he would prosper. There are some little matters, the knowledge of which may save you some annoyance. In pleasing children, some almost ludicrous triv- 124 OUR SUNDAY SCHOOLS. ialities may turn the balance for or against you. I remember that a teacher in a Mission School found her class growing very large, and finally it became necessary to place some of the children in another class. When the superintendent came to ask them to make the change, they all stoutly refused. At last one secret of her popularity was revealed in one of the little girl's saying : "Well, our teacher's got the prettiest bonnet in school, and if I can't stay in her class, I'll go home." Frequently it is thought kinder not to appear among the poor in handsome dresses ; but the poor like to see beauty, even though they can- not possess it. When we go to see the Queen of England, we desire to see her in full dress, though we should not attempt to imitate the crown-jewels on our own person. Let your class see that you take as mucli care in pre- paring for them as for " groT\ai folks," and it will soothe their pride. TO TEACHERS. 125 Do not find fault, with any of the school an-angements before your pupils. They will grumble at the library ; show them that it is large and good enough for their use. They will insist that the prayers are two long; quiet them if possible. They will dislike the tunes ; remind them that as they run in their heads all the week, they cannot be very bad. In short, point out the silver lining to every cloud that may arise. Make the best of cir- cumstances as they are, yet keep on the watch to improve them if you can. Teach with animation and spirit, though be careful not to speak louder than necessary, as so many talking makes very much noise. Show the children that you are thoroughly awake. There is a contagion in enthusiasm which can easily be extended to children. They dislike ponderous solemnity in manner and praii'ie-like sameness in matter. A boy who had visited an exhibition of statuary, was asked how he fancied it. 126 OUR SUNDAY SCHOOLS. " Not much," said he, " I never did like stone gals." Do not be " stone gals," cold and chilling, wrapped up in formality and stiffness, but " condescend to men of low estate." Listen occasionally to the children's stories, and take an interest in their concerns. Teach by illustration. There is a little work entitled, " Illustrative Teaching," by W. H. Groser, of the London Sunday School Union, which is republished by Randolph, of New- York. It contains many useful hints on this subject worth knowing. A truth in a mere didactic form is almost sure to be forgotten : but if linked to a fa- ble, a picture, or a good story, the illustra- tion being remembered, the sentiment has to go with it. The skill with which preachers and lecturers introduce appropriate illustrations, often determines their relative success and populant3\ llxcn oiir Lord, in his addresses, TO TEACHERS. 127 made great use of illustration to fix his truths in the minds of his hearers, by linking them to parables ; so the evangelist says, " Without a parable spake he not unto them." The state of societ}'", the mental ignorance of the disci- ples concerning the mission of Christ, made the relation of our Saviour toward them very much like that of the teacher toward his class. Illustration is not merely a decorative art. It is a useful, working, an active agent. It will often render clear, passages and truths, which no simplicity of language could other- wise explain to the children. Tupper wrote : " Precepts and rules are repulsive to a child, but happy illustration winneth him. In vain shalt thou preach of industry and prudence, till he learn of the bee and the ant. Dimly will he think of his soul, till the acorn an^i chrysalis have taught him. He will fear God in thunder, and worship his loveliness in flow- 128 OUR SUNDAY SCHOOLS. ers. And parables shall charm his heart, while doctrines seem dead mystery." But illustration, to be useful, must be prac- tical and to the point : teaching something in itself. A teacher should not promise the re- T^ard of a story if the children will listen to some stale, stupid sermonizing — a lump of sugar after a pill. This disconnects relig- ion from enjoyment, whereas they should be ft synonymous. The illustrations should be min- gled with the truths of the lesson, to give force to them, and to act as chariots to carry away the sentiments. The}^ must all be brought to bear on the one point of the lesson, as the solar system, revolves around one common sun — receiving their heat and brilliancy from the one grand truth. In illustrating to young children the stories may be fuller and fewer, as they delight in details, and their minds act slowly in receiv- ing the point. For older children less detail TO TEACHERS. 129 is required, as they will sooner catch at the conclusion. Let the illustrations be of a high order, beau- tiful in themselves, if possible, and worth re- membering. "Always encourage the beautiful, for the useful will encourage itself." An3'thing that will tend to raise the stand- ard of thought is a direct step in the direc- tion of godliness. The illustrations should be judiciously distributed throughout the lesson, to keep a uniform interest and attention. It is well to have the illustrations drawn from the scenes around them, or so connected with familiar things as to have the moral con- stantly suggested by the sight of them. For instance, in speaking of truthfulness, you tell your class of the boy in INIilwaukee, who was flogged to death by a brutal father, because he would not confess an act which he had not com- mited ; • who preferred to die rather than tell a 180 OUR SUNDAY SCHOOLS. falsehood. You speak of the marble monu" ment which the Sunday School children have reared above his remains, and tell them how it resembles a certain monument in the neigh- boring church-yard. Thus, whenever they see it, they will remember the story and the sen- timent it illustrated. Strive to make the rocks and the trees, the common, everyday things of life, all preach to them of virtue and the love of Christ. Teach them to find — "Sermons in stones, and books in running brooks." Practice will enable you to secure any num- ber of illustrations. The little incidents of daily occurrence are of interest, if rightly in- troduced. You find your class restless and inclined to play. You say : " Why, children, you remind me of some- thing my little black pussy cat did yester- day." " At the words, " pussy cat," every eye is on yours, and the children cluster around to TO TEACHERS. 131 hear the anecdote. It is unnecessary to make a long stor3\ You merely add : " Pussy had been asleep all the morning ; but just as I sat down to knit some stockings for the soldiers, she woke and jumped up in my lap. I would have let her stay there for I am never cross to my pussy, and never tease her, so that she is very tame. But she wanted to play, and so rolled my ball of 3^arn out of the basket on to the floor, and then jumped down to play that it was a great big rat which she had caught. Now, how do you think you are like the pussy cat?" Charley says, " I guess it's cos we bother you." " I rather think it must be so ; for while I am finding the place for the lesson, }'0U com- mence to frolic like pussy, which distm'bs me. Now, while I am finding the lesson, I want you to imagine 3'ou are all pussies, and that I am a mouse which you are watching. You must 132 OUR SUNDAY SCHOOLS. keep very still or mouse will run away. Some time you can come to my house, and then I will play mouse again, and you can try to catch me." This will attract their attention, put them in good humor, and keep them quiet for a few moments. It is not necessary to have a well planned story, with its introduction, plot, and deducement. Many persons think it is a very serious and laborious work to tell a story, but nothing is more simple. Begin anywhere. For instance : '' Children, I broke the nose off my tea-pot last night." "Did you! What kind of a tea-pot was it?" says one. " Was it smashed bad ? " says another, and so on. You can interest a class of small chil- dren for half an hour, by telling about that broken tea-pot nose. This is the lowest class of illustration, but one can soon improve so TO TEACHERS. 133 as to make the incidents beautiful and instruc- tive. You will find great assistance by associating with the other teachers, in the teachers' meet- ings, which shall be held weekly. This is especially necessary in small villages, where there is not much life and novelty. These meetings should be opened with prayer, and any questions relating to the school discussed. Such questions as the following will arise : *' The best mode of interesting the chursh in the Sunday School ; " " The best mode of dis- cipline;" "Shall teachers be employed who are not church members?" Let each teacher who has any such question present it, and then the meeting can decide which one to dis- cuss first. Let all present, young and old gentlemen and ladies, express their opinions on the subject. These should be perfectly free, and unbiased by the wishes of others. Many useful hints will thus be acquired, as 134 OUR SUNDAY SCHOOLS. each question secures the result of the thought and experience of all the meeting. When there are no questions to discuss, the lesson for the next Sabbath can be look- ed over, or an especial Bible-class instituted. But the most important element is the social reunion. All should mingle as equals. As far as possible, the forms ami stiffening etiquette of society should be susp*>nded. It is stated that once upon a time a wo- man's-rights meeting was> held, at which no men were admitted. A reporter for a daily paper concealed himself in the hall, in order to present the speeches in the morning edi- tion. But finally the proceeding became too funny even for his professional dignity, and the representative of the press was discovered by his loud peal of laughter. Mrs. Pres»ide'ites9 said : " Sister Stubbs, will you turn that wan out?" TO TEACHERS. 135 " No, I wont," responded the sister, ener- getically, " He's never been introduced." In the teachers' meetings this rigidity of in- troductions may be modified. For the evening, all should be acquainted, though no one should presume on it to press the acquaintance fur- ther, unless it is exj^ressly intimated that it will be agreeable. In a previous chapter I have referred to the teacher's duty of visiting his scholars. Your influence out of school may be considerable. If the Sunday School lesson is on humility, do not illustrate j'our precepts during the week by being too proud to notice your pupils in their working dress, even though they are taking home a bundle. Rev. Mr. Cecil says : " My people look at me six days in the week to see what I mean on the Sabbath." Be particular to greet new comers cordially, and make the first Sunday in the class pleas- sant. Much will depend on theii' first im- pressians. 136 OUR SUNDAY SCHOOLS. In one of the lake cities of New York re- sides a Rev. Dr. L., whose cordial, genial manner has won the heart of every child who has seen him. Pie never passes one in the street without a bright, kind word. One day a little girl came dancing in high glee to her mother, and exclaimed, " Oh, mother, what do you think ! / almost met Dr. L!" This is the kind of affection you must in- spire, if you expect to have much influence. You must be the children's idol. You must be careful not to teach anything which a conscientious parent disapproves. For instance, since these articles were commenced, I received a letter from a strong temperance lady, who stated that the teacher of her lit- tle daughter took her home one Sunday and gave her cake and wine. Such an act can hardly be too severely censured. Respect a parent's scruples highh'. Nothing can be taught TO TEACHEKS. 137 SO valuable as to compensate for a child's contempt for the parent's strict ideas of right and wrong. In schools which are not sectarian, it is, in my judgment, unwise to teach controverted doctrinal points. There are enough general truths on w^hich all evangelical Christians agree, to afford ample scope for the teachers. Par- ticularly in Mission Schools is it unwise. In Germany and Prussia, the technicalities of Christian sects are prohibited by a special statute from being taught in Sunday Schools. You must be prepared for a long, hard work, with but little apparent success to en- courage you. Often your labors will appear useless, yet do not be discouraged. Not sel- dom the child j^ou expect least from, and Avho seems utterly untouched bj all j^our appeals, will unexpectedly show that your labors have not been in vain. Since these articles were commenced, a lady told me that she was utter* 138 OUll SUNDAY SCHOOLS. ly discouraged because she could see no good result from her teaching. The very next Sun- day her most troublesome boy stopped her after school, and told her m boyish language, that he was an orphan, and in the spring would be bound out to a farmer, and he should like to have Jesus go with him as a friend, just as she had said he would. How should he get him? He is now attending all the religious meetings, and it is to be hoped that he has experienced a change of heart. The saving of a soul is worth a life-time of labor. Many a faithful missionary and minister has worked during a long life and seen not one gathered in as the fruits of his teaching. I remember a noble and interesting minister, who told a friend that in twenty- eiglit years' preaching, God had not let him see one redeemed soul that should bless him. Not a week after, he told this friend that he was satisfied and happy, for since the conver* TO TKAfllERS. 139 Biition one young man had written to him and called him his earthly saviour. He was content. His life was a success, for he had saved one soul, I have just heard the following passage from the letter of a young minister, which, without permission, I transcribe, as it exactly expresses the feelings which should actuate the faithful teacher. " Within the last few weeks my feelings have entirely changed in reference to my duties as a minister. There is more of the Spirit in my heart, and I feel great pleasure in my labors from the thought that I w^ork, not for self, for fame, or for my people, but for Jesus, my Lord and Saviour. I am His minister, not the church's." "With this spirit, and with energy, what teacher could but succeed. We are far too apt to deem it our duty to convert the class. It is a mistake. It is only our duty to try^ to save them. 140 OUR SUNDAY SCHOOLS. Teachers are often like bo3"s who plant peach-stones, and then sit down to see them sprout up. The man that buries an acorn sel- dom sits under the branches of the oak, yet the tree is planted and grows. Teachers must " learn to labor and to wait." It is obvious that a teacher should have a care not to neglect the spiritual culture of his own children, in his zeal for his class Yet it is by no means a rare error. I know of some earnest teachers, who entrust the cul- ture of their own children almost entirely to others, while they labor patiently for the chil- dren of strangers. Indeed the adage that " the minister's son and deacon's daughter, are the worst children in town," too often has proved true. Act with gentleness and forbearance *with the children, and you surely must do good. Converse with each in private on the subject of religion with a spirit of kindness and love. TO tj:aciiers. 141 Kindness opens the heart as the sun does the flower. The flower bathes in the warmth, and the sun dances for joy at the beauty it has caused. So the recipient of sympathy blesses the friend, and the giver is warmed by th© fire he has kindled. CHAPTER IX. # ON DISCIPLINE AND INCENTIVES. ^ T is said that so Ions: as one can face a wild beast, and keep his eye fixed Qg^^ upon his, the animal will not venture to attack him. Whether true or not, the will of a person able to stare a growling lion out of countenance, must have great power. To a greater or less degree, all animals have the ability to distinguish in- stinctively between their master and their ser- vant. Children know whether it Is father or mother that is to be obeyed, even before they can call them by name. Discipline is- not enforcing order by punishment, but in se- curing obedience imthout it. He is. the better 142 ON DISCIPLINE AND INCENTIVES. 143 disciplinarian who can accomplish his end sole- ly b}' force of character and will. A person may, perhaps, deter a ch Id from committing a specific act, by the threat of a flogging, but this is not at all the principle of discipline. It is to educate a child to avoid doing wrong, first because it is displeas- ing to its friend, and afterwards from the nobler motive of disliking the sin of the act. Hogging never stimulated the working of this higher nature. A dog is careful not to bite his master, less because he is afraid of a whipping, than because he loves him. Whip- ping has done incalculable mischief in teach- ing children to tell falsehoods. It has made ten liars and hj^pocrites where it has cured one. There is something so barbaric and dis- gusting in a whipping, that few children have the moral courage to confess a fault which they believe will be so punished. A proverbial liar was discussing the propri- 144 ^ OUR SUNDAY SCHOOLS. ety of corporeal punishment as a means of dis- cipline. " I can remember being whipped only once, and that was for telling the truth," said he. "It cured you of it, didn't it?" observed a listener. Corporeal punishment may be A^ery necessa- ry in some few cases, being a kind of den- tist's turnkey, to extract sins that every other instrument fails to move ; and one should be used about as often as the other. As the world progresses in civilization, the severity of punishment is being changed to a milder yet more even and certain discipline. Even animals are treated better. Rarej^ enforces as strict and prompt obedience as the old cow- hide flourishers ever attained, and all humani- ty rejoices. The arm}' and navy found that abolishing the lash was almost the abolishing of the cause for its use. South Carolina still retains the " cat," as a State punishment for ON DISCIPLINE AND INCENTIVES. 145 male and female malcftictors of all colors, and we see what the barbarism which has allowed her to retain this savage custom has brought her to. But the world is slowly learning to rule by kindness, to imitate Christ's example, and lead by love, more than by fear. Not a little has the Sunday School, quietly and unnoticed, contributed to this reform. A few years since, not a district school was without its birch rod and fool's-cap ostentatiously exhib- ited. Now they are abolished, or put out of sight, to be used on very rare occasions. It was formerly one of the first lessons for a country schoolmaster to learn how to pummel the big boys. To a certain extent this was necessary, as they were accustomed to the same inhuman treatment at home, and would respect only a physical master. Old Samuel Johnson said, " The only way to get Latin into a boy is by flogging it in." Every true man should hate him with a righteous indig- 146 OUR SUNDAY SCHOOLS. nation, for the degradation he would inflict on one, " created in the image of God, but little lower than the angels." I remember how my face flushed at the thought, and how my fists would clench as I neglected my Latin verbs to plan a campaign of school-boys against the crusty old great man. I hated him then, and I despise the sentiment now. A Sunday School teacher asked Tommy who made him, but he could not tell. She asked Willie, who gave the correct answer. She re- proved Tommy for his ignorance, and was surprised that he should allow Willie, who was three years j'^ounger, to outstrip him in knowledge. "Pooh!" exclaimed Tommy, "Bill hasn't been made near so long as I, and of course ought to remember better." So, I have not been so long made a man as to forget how I was influenced as a boy ; what boys liked and disliked ; how they were / ON DISCIPLINE AND INCENTIVES. 147 influenced by cliflferent treatment ; and how a pleasant man, with a kind word for all, could manage us as a potter his clay. The Sunday School is a living example of the power of kindness and love. Without any formal authority over the children, they obey well. Not even able to compel attend- ance, children are as punctual as it is their natures to be — full as much so, as at day- school. The schools are often established in the most degraded neighborhoods, where the vicious and ignorant are gathered in by hun- dreds. Very soon they learn the new and wonderful means of discipline, and instinctive- ly obey it. The Mission School enforces as good order as any school, and the children love instead of hate it. The building is as little injured by vandalism as the school-house ; and in every respect the obedience is equally good. Certainly, the children learn as much during the hour as during any hour at the" 148 OUR SUNDAY SCHOOLS. day-school. I know not where we can find a more striking example of the beneficial work- ing of Christ's law of love. I am a firm believer in strict discipline ; in securing prompt obedience. No class can be successful which is not under the perfect control of the teacher. But obedience can be secured in a way to let the boys feel that are forced to it by fear of punishment, or they can, by pleasant, good-natured firmness, imagine they have no desire to do wrong. Have a care to avoid all fretfulness, impa- tience and anger. An exhibition of either, will seriously damage your moral power. Scold- ing is seldom advisable, as it is rare that telling a boy he is bad will cause him to resolve to be good. Prove to him that he is wrong, and persuade him to admit it, and then there is a chance. Keep the boys good- natured if possible, even when punished, and after punishment, do not leave them until you ON DISCIPLINE AND INCENTIVES. • 149 have talked to them, or romped them into good-nature again. If necessary, take them home, and do almost anything to make them leave you with friendly feelings. Three quar- ters of the benefit of punishment is lost, if it is allowed to rankle in the heart of the offender. Make the child submit, whatever effort may be required, and then pet and caress it into loving you better than ever. Put down the fii'st indications of a rebellion before it has faii'ly broken out. At all hazards main- tain youi* authority, even though it may be necessary to call in an officer and arrest the offender. The ground-work of a teacher's power must be in making his class the pleasantest place for the children. He can usually punish them only by a deprivation of enjoyment. Therefore, all sorts of expedients must be devised for giv- ing the class pleasures, so that expulsion will be a real privation. Let him occasionally in- 150 OUR SUNDAY SCHOOLS. vite the children to his house, and entertain them with a romp. A cheap excursion now and then will be serviceable, and a visit to a panorama would bind them securely. Con- tinue your authority over them at such times, that they may acquire the habit of obedience. Never let your orders be disobeyed wilfully, in the slightest matter, and having thus to stand up to your directions, be careful that they are exactly right before you give them. A few weeks since I witnessed a very good example of what I mean. A ladj^ requested her class to repeat a lesson in concert. For some reason one of the boys refused. As this was the first insurrection, it was necessary to make an example of it. After trying in vain to persuade him to do his dut}?", she told all to lay aside their books and keep perfect silence. She informed the offender that he had publicly insulted her, and that he must make public reparation. It was necessary that all should ON DISCIPLINE AND INCENTIVES. 151 obey her, and he must either recite the les- son or leave the class. He was to have three minutes to decide whether he would obey or have the superintendent called to place him in another class. Watch in hand, she waited in perfect silence, and at the time asked his decision. He hesitated an instant, and then replied that he would obey. The lesson was recited, and the exercises went on as usual. The trouble was instantly over, and no other boy would dare to question her authority. At home, he would probably have received a flogging for the same offence, which would have rankled in his breast, and led him to vow that he would thi'ash his father as soon as he was big enough. Here the punishment was much more severe in some respects, yet not so ii'ritating. The severity of the punish- ment usually has less influence in deterring from evil than the certainty of its infliction. One of the best modes of securing obedience, 152 OCR SUNDAY SCHOOLS. is by example. A teacher should at once obey all the directions of the superintendent. That is, when the school is told to rise, the teachers should be the first to start. When order is called, a teacher should drop her story or remark immediately, and give atten- tion. Thus your scholars will see that it is not degrading to obey, and insensibly follow the example. I deem this very important. Do not demand too much. Discretion and order are the fruits of much patient care. Do not attempt to draw the rein too tight at first. Keep it firm, and gradually cli'aw in. After all, boys have to be managed much as trout. If you do not let them run a little now and then, they will snap their lines. Don't let them have any slacks but you must let them run. An admirable and successflil superintendent told me that in his Mission School there was as Irish boy, about fourteen years old, whom ON DISCIPLINE AND INCENTIVES. 153 no one could manage. He was full of fun and steam, and could not possibly resist the temptation to perpetrate a joke, which was sure to upset the gravity of the class, and not " unfrequently that of the teachers. The super- intendent therefore told him, confidentially, that he had considerable ability, and by study, might make a first-rate teacher. He gave him a class of small boj^s, and showed him how to conduct it. Pat put all his soul and ener- gy into the work. He would prowl the streets after boys who did not attend any school, and almost di'ag them in, until he had a large class. He ruled them with a rod of iron, and exacted military obedience, making the little fellows toe the mark exactly. But he was so full of enthusiasm, quaint humor, and tact, that he made them like him, and roused them to work Avell. On the whole, as far as mere discipline and management is concerned, it was one of the most successful classes in school. 154 OUR SUKTAY SCHOOLS. The following pirn has received the ap- proval of a teachers' n.eeting, but I have never seen how it works ; yet I have confidence in its operation. Let the, superintendent give a notice, with a little flourish and considerable enthusiasm, sor.iewhat as follows : It is proposed to form a society composed only of the noblest and best members of this school. It vdll be called the " Legion of Hon- or," and it will truly be an honor for any one to belong to it. It is in the power of any scholar to be appointed, by conform- ing to these rules : 1. He must have been punctual at each Sun- day School for the four weeks before Mission- ary Sunday. 2. He must have preserved a good deport- ment in his class, and whenever in church. 3. He must have returned all his library books, save the one taken on Missionary Sun- day. ON DISCIPLINE AND INCENTIVES. 155 Each teacher ^vill kcn-p a record of these facts, and before the opening exercises on Missionar}^ Simda}^, will give the superinten- dent a list of all in his class who have com- plied with these rules. On each Missionary Sunday (or monthly concert) the superintendent will make an hon- orable mention of them, and as their names are called they will gather around the su- perintendent's desk. The superintendent, or some one whom he will invite, will address them a few words of congratulation, and declare them for one month, members of the Legion OF Honor. The members being all faithful and trust- worthy, not requiring watching by their teach- ers, as a mark of confidence in them, tliey will be ushered into the front seats reserved for them. They will set an example of good manners and polite deportment worth}' of the high distinction thej^ have received. 156 OUR SUNDAY SCHOOLS. A list of the members will be posted in the vestibule of the church. At all celebrations and festivals the "Legion of Honor" will receive with especial respect, the positions of trust and distinction. They are to feel that .they are honored for their virtues, and any rudeness or unbecoming behavior will be much worse, coming from them, than from those who are not members, and will disgrace not only the individuals but the school. The success of this plan will depend en- tirely upon how it is managed. It must be treated as a grand affair, and carried through with enthusiasm. At first the boys will laugh at it, but after one or two speakers have re- ferred to it in glowing terms, and all see the ceremony, etc., they will conclude that it is something after all. Teachers must be honest in their reports, or it will kill the whole af- fair. It is well to have the membership last but ON DISCIPLINE AND INCENTIVES. 157 one month, so that the scholars can have the pleasure of hearing the names frequently call- ed. Otherwise they will become accustomed to the society and backslide. It will also be necessary to continually de- vise novelties lor the Legion, to keep up the interest. In my school I only invite these to our festivals and little gatherings. If the children find they obtain more privileges when in the Legion, they are very zealous to join, and soon nearl}' the whole school will be members. I have known the plan to fail for want of change. Children quickly tire of sameness. The exercises will occupy some time, but probabl}' the children will be more interested in them than in most of the speeches they will listen to, and as the meeting is expressly for their benefit, anything that pleases them is best. The superintendent of a large school should 158 OUR SUNDAY SCHOOLS. require from the teachers a monthly report, that he may keep the run of affairs. The attendance and character of each pupil comes under his notice, and this fact being known to the scholars, has a very beneficial effect. It is well to have a little form prepared somewhat as follows : MONTHLY KEPOKT FOR FEBRUARY, 1863. Teacher— James Smith. Present, 3 Sundays. Class, No. 64. Pupils. No. of Sundays present. Books out. Deport- ment. Eemaiks. A. Brown... C. Downs.. Etc. Four. First and Third None, No. 361 Good. Hard to manage. Should be changed into a higher class. Has lost book No. 361. Directions,— If any pupil is sick, please state it. Also, mention whether any one has called ; if so, who. Henry Sims was sick for two weeks. My wife called. He expect^ to be at school next Sunday. J. S. In preparing any forms, have them as sim- ple as possible, that they may occupy but lit- tle of the teacher's time in filling up. In- deed, some strips of paper, cut of a uniform ON MSCll'LlNE AND INCENTIVES. 159 size for convenience in handling, and distrib- uted to the teachers, would accomplish the purpose. Still, the printed form saves time and secures accm-acy. Most of the informa- tion is taken from the teacher's class-book, and can be quickly written. The superintendent should examine the re- ports, and occasionally speak to the pupils individually about their marks. Especially if he can praise a scholar, let him do it. Some people are exceedingly afraid about giving any commendation ; but more children have been injured by scolding than by flattery. Sulkiness in a scholar is the most difficult thing for a teacher to manage, and the most trying to the patience. Scolding does not a particle of good. Reasoning is utterly lost, and if ever a whipping is of service, it is here. But a teacher cannot apply that, and therefore, good nature must cpme into play. Tell the funniest stories you can think of, 160 OUR SUNDAY SCHOOLS. not directly at the patient, lest it attracts at- tention and rouses his pride to hold out ; ap- pear not to notice it, and, if possible, do not do anything to bring it to a climax, where your own dignity will require you to compel the pupil's submission. Get him into a laugh, and all is right. It is better even to sacri- fice the whole lesson in telling stories, than to get into a contest. It will spoil the hour for yourself and the class at any rate. Al- most always a good romp, with a little tick- ling and merriment, will shake the sulks out of any boy ; and it is vastly better to romp it out than to flog it out. This cannot be con- veniently done in the Sunday School, but try a mental romp, with all the fun at your dis- posal. Don't lecture him while the fit is on, but when it is all over ; the next day, per- haps, give him a serious talk. Ten to one, he will expresg his regrets. The teacher must work into the affections ON DISCIPLINE AND INCENTIVES. 161 of his scholars, that they may rely on him as a friend. Always notice them in the street with a polite cordial bow. Not with a nod, as one would hail an omnibus, but with a pleasant smile, to show you are pleased to see them. Don't be afraid to touch your hat occasionally. Our nation is not particularly noted for its po- liteness, and this act of courtesy is fast becom- ing resigned to the " gentlemen of the old school." Our modern contemptuous nods would make the ghost of Chesterfield shudder. A young man in a New-England village, who happens to have habits of refined politeness, is branded with that intensely Yankeefied sobri- quet, " stuck up." But politeness is a power as well as an accomplishment. Be polite to your class, and they will be so to you. If the boys are large, call them " Mr." ; if from twelve to fifteen, call them "Master" John or James. They will laugh at first, but it will please them. Some of these little 1G2 OUR SUNDAY SCHOOLS. formalities will enable you to be more familiar in other matters without their presuming on it. In short, practice that politeness "which is a natural, genial, manly deference ; with a natural delicacy in dealing with the feelings of others, and without hypocricy, sycophancy, or obtrusion ; " a politeness which is alwaj'-s acquired by following the precepts of the Golden Rule. CHAPTER X. ON SPEAKING TO CHILDREN. HE superintendent of a Sunday School was questioning his pupils concerning the addresses made to them during the previous session. " Children, what did Mr. Phonny tell you this morning?" No answer was made. "Can't any one tell me what he said? Su- sie, can't you remember?" Susie, a bright little one of seven years, arose, and with one finger in her mouth, bash- fully lisped out : " Pleathe, thu', he talked and he talked, and he thed ath how he loved uth, and he talked — and — and — we all thought he wath a-goin' to thay thumthing, but he din't thay nothing." 163 164 OUR SUNDAY SCHOOLS. This would be a very correct criticism of very many a Sunday School speech — and pos- sibly of some others. There seems to be an idea prevalent that anything will do for chil- dren. Speeches are too often vague, indefi- nite remarks, about being unprepared, little to say, loving children, happy to see them, and then — nothing. This mode of address has become rather old to the children. It is like presenting a Bible to your pastor — a very pretty gift, and appropriate, though another might be more acceptable, as probably he al- ready possesses a copy of the Scriptures. There is hardly any kind of speaking which demands more originality, and a certain Idnd of knowledge of human nature, than effective Sunday School addresses. There are compar- atively few really telling Sunday School speak- ers. One reason is, that men often try to speak for effect. They are ashamed to bring themselves dov^n to children's level, forget- ON SPEAKING TO CHILDREN. 165 ting that it is not an inferior character, but merely a different one. We instinctively de- sire that our friends should be pleased with our remarks, and speak of ours as a fine ^ speech. Many carry this perfectly proper am- bition to the extent of speaJdng for fame, rather than to do good. They therefore try to adapt their remarks to both children and adults, consequently sharing the usual fate of compromisers, displeasing both. A speaker must adapt his remarks entirely to the small- er children, and if successful in interesting them, he will pretty surely entertain the older ones. It is a singular, though a well-known fact, that a first-class speech or book which interests children, will please adults. The Pil- grim's Progress is the usual example cited for this. Interesting to youth, age has read and re-read it with delight. So let the speaker devote his efforts to making a capital chil- dren's speech, and if he succeeds, he will be 166 OUR SUNDAY SCHOOLS. appreciated by adults. He who works mere ly for fame, seldom secures more than noto- riety. He who presses forward in the path of duty, to do good, is very apt to wake up and find himself famous. Always have one direct practical truth to enforce, and only one. Children can receive but a single idea at a time. All the illus- trations must point to it. In the words of another, " illustrate and repeat, simplify and illustrate." The story that strikes the atten^ tion of some will not bring the point home to others. Therefore much repetition of the illustrations is necessary, until the subject is made clear and impressed upon the minds of all. If possible, speak of some special sins which you know the scholars are guilty of. Be defi- nite and practical. Do not merely, tell the children to be good, but show them how to be good. Take some common fault and show ON SPEAKING TO CHILDREN. 167 its evil, degradation, and contemptibleness. Use simple language that all can understand. It is said that a certain theological profes- sor in New-York, whose studies among the dead past, had rather unfitted him for attract- ing the new, fresh minds of youth, commenc- ed a Sunday School speech as follows : " My dear little children, I want to give you a summary of the Bible. But, perhaps, my dear little children, you do not know ex- actl}^ what a summary means. I will tell you. Summary is a — a synonym of synopsis." Many persons cause their own failure by^ attempting an argumentative disquisition, with its points, sequences and conclusions. They instinctively feel that if the subject is simple and the words eas}', the process of demon- stration may be somewhat complicated. Others again, to avoid this fault, fall into stupid tru- isms expressed very simpl3^ Their remarks are all, *' I am glad to see you ; I love you : 168 OUR SUNDAY SCHOOLS. you must be good children; obey your teach- ers, and love God." Children can grasp one grand idea, which can be made clear by illustration, while they cannot comprehend a syllogism. Thus very young children can acquire a definite idea of the power and grandeur of God, while they could not at all comprehend the mystery of the Triune Godhead, (though perhaps this in- ability is not entirely confined to children. Most of us believe while we do not understand.) Children not only can take the one grand ^ea, but they require one, and a good strong one at that, but it must be of such a char- acter as to be illustrated by word-pictures rather than demonstrated by algebraical prob- lems. It must be exhibited, rather than proven to them. Therefore, do not make assertions at first, which are to be proven and applied at last. They cannot remember the premises. Let the ON SPEAKING TO CHILDREN. 169 address be a narrative, rather than a syllo- gism. Children are naturally credulous, and will believe the speaker as readily as they will demonstrative proof. It is unwise, therefore, to attempt to prove a faft to the children except through illustration. If you confuse then- minds, all is lost. Speak in an animated manner, to excite them, and keep them wide awake. Children cannot endure a slow, sleepy, sing-song man- ner. They want brisk, active life. They are all fire, and must be fought with fire. A speech must be adapted to the class of scholars you address. If they are from edu- cated families, the remarks may be well pol- ished, and what is termed refined. This class will notice errors of style quicker than those of stiitement. They are accustomed to believe what is told them, and are therefore more credulous. In the mission gatherings of news- boys and the like, the speech must possess 170 OUR SUNDAY SCHOOLS. more originality and force, though less polish is necessary. These children are sharp and keen, accustomed to doubt everything, and ever on their guard against fraud. They will detect a weak spof in your statements more readily than the children of luxury, though defects in manner and diction will be disre- garded. City and country children will not always imderstand the same illustrations. A gentleman informed me that he one day took a class of seven girls in a Mission School in New York city. They were of Ger- man parentage, and their ages ranged from fourteen to eighteen years. They were re- spectably dressed, could read pretty well, and were tolerably intelligent for their station in life. Yet not one in the class knew what a mountain or a wave was. They had lived all their lives in the city, and, though they had read the words frequently, and pronounced them perfectly, they were ignorant of their ON SPEAKING TO CHILDREN. 171 significations. They had not seen the moun- tain and wave, and therefore the knoweledge of them had not been acquired. The words being so * simple, no teacher had explained them. Sea-side children will often be ignorant concerning backwoods life, and inland children will have no definite idea of a ship. It is well to remember this in adapting illustrations to the understanding of the audience. In relation to the use of illustrations, I would refer to the chapter entitled " To Teach- ers." Speeches should be brief. Length is not strength. Few persons can hold th« attention of children for more than ten minutes. Mere attention on their part, or even their assertion that they understand a subject, is not at all reliable. They will often stupidly listen, with- out interest or not grasping a smgle idea. Ask them if they comprehend what is said, and they will say "Yes." Question them, and you will say " No." 172 OUR SUNDAY SCHOOLS. It is very common to ask children questions during the remarks, to keep their attention. This is a good plan, though in some respects dangerous, unless you are familiaf with the school. You may sometimes receive answers not anticipated, which will probably alter the effect you were intending to produce. A gentleman was addressing the children of a Mission School, in a very solemn manner, and asked them what God first made. A ragged urchin, who had not a due regard for pro- priety, shouted out, " Cats." Whether the re- mainder of the address was impressive or not, it is certain that it required serious effort to preserve proper sobriety. This is not quite so unfortunate as the ex- periences of a clergyman in Maine, who was opposed to having any mirth in Sunday School. He thought it injurious to all, and unnecessary for the entertainment of the children. He of- fered to address the school, and show that i ON SPEAKING TO CHILDREN. 173 they could be well entertained seriously. I am credibly assured that the following dialogue ensued : • *' Childi-en, I am going to tell you about Peter. Who knows who Peter was?" No answer was made. '' Cannot any one^— those large girls — tell me who Peter was?" Still no reply. " Can any little boy or girl in the school tell me who Peter was?" " I can," said a little fellow in the further comer. " Ah, that's a good boy. Now you come up on the platform by my side, and stand up in this chair, and tell those large girls who Peter was." Jimmy did as he was bid, and in the shrill voice of childhood repeated: "Peter, Peter pumpkin eater, Had a wife and couldn't keep her — '* 174 OUR SUNDAY SCHOOLS. At this stage he was stopped, but not before the full point was taken by the school, and Mother Goose's poem appreciated. It is dangerous asking questions of children. They are what we Yankees call " cute," and will often throw an inexperienced speaker into confusion. Still, if one is sui-e of his audience, or is so ready as to be able easily to turn any mal a propos remark to account, it some- times helps keep their attention to let them do part of the talking. No person has a right to make a stupid address to childi'en, if he can, by preparation make a good one. Whether it be humorous or solemn, it must be good. " A solemn nothing is as wicked as a witty nothing." Every dry address is a positive injury to them, for mankind are but too ready to connect stupidity with religion. There is usuallj^ but little excuse for not interesting children, for, while it maj^ require superior and varied pow- ON SPEAKING TO CHILDREN. 175 ers to blend instruction with entertainment, to move on children's hearts so as to produce a lasting effect, it is comparatively easy to merely interest them. Almost any one who has read or heard a good story, can retail it to the children so as to please them. If amateur .speakers would be willing to be more simple and attempt a less grand affair, they would oftener succeed in interesting the audi- ence. Whenever you see an appropriate story in a paper, cut it out, and put it away for future use. If you hear an anecdote, write down enough to recall it to you. If you will merely tell two or three stories, tending to one moral, and tell them well, your speech will be voted a success, and be very likely to do good. One who would draw from a cask, must fill it. He who would present an effective address, must first prepare it. It can easily be done at odd times otherwise lost — during those spare moments which " are the gold-dust of time." 176 OUR SUNDAY SCHOOLS. Uusually it is unwise to have the regular lessons of the Sabbath School interfered with by speeches. It is particularly dangerous to allow gentlemen to address the school whose abilities you are unacquainted with. It breaks into and effects the influence of the lesson- Regularity is all-important in dealing with numbers. The superintendent's own judgment must determine when this rule shall be sus- pended. Speakers must not count too much on doing a vast deal of good all at once. They must not be disgusted if they cannot move the audience to tears. It is not likely that they will have many dating their conversion from the day of the speaker's maiden effort. Sun- day School workers must be willing to labor without any present reward. This is their honor ; it is for this that they deserve their credit. They will see but little success, and will often be discouraged. I ON SPEAKING TO CHILDREN. 17 We have read calculations of the number of pounds weight of lead and iron in battle ex- pended to kill each man, and have been as- tonished at the quantity wasted — utterly lost. If it takes so much labor to kill a man, what must be required to save him ! Think of the number of sermons preached, and the few con- versions. What a list of apparently wasted ser- mons would be exhibited in a calculation of the number delivered to each convert. We must not count on doing much — that is, influencing many. One of our shots ma}'- tell, and pene- trating some iron-clad heart, compensate for all the useless ones. But our guns are not of heavy calibre, and we are inexperienced artillerists. We will keep up the fire, how- ever, as long we have a round of ammunition left and can reach the enemy. But we must not be disappointed if we merely check his advance. There are many "Merrimac" hearts and but few "Monitors" to meet them. We 178 OUR SUNDAY SCHOOLS. are to do our work, trusting to Providence for its effect. " We are put here, not to date God's works, but to prepare for their forth- coming." CHAPTER XI. THE INFANT CLASS. HE infant class should be to the Sun- day School what the Sunday School is to the church — a preparation for something higher. It is the nursery where gentle encouragement and moral pastime inspire a fondness for religion. But little, save the most simple and general ideas of right and wrong, can be taught. The great ends to be attained are to instil habits of at- tention, attendance at school, and to provide suitable Sunday entertainment with a very lit- tle instruction. I sometimes think the less instruction by means of study, the better — for children's brains are enough stimulated during the week without the pressure of Sun- 179 180 OUR SUNDAY SCHOOLS. day School. I have never fancied infant phe- nomenons, as they are apt to ripen into adult imbeciles. Therefore, the class should be but as a Sunday play-room with Sunday amusements. The^e is a Scotch proverb, that " an ounce of mother is worth a pound of preacher." The teacher must aim to assume the familiar nur- sery conversation and instruction of a faithful parent. The nearer he can come to this, the more decided will be the success. The scholars in this department should be from three to six years old, or even older if they cannot read. No one who reads with any degree of fluency should be retained. First and foremost, make the little ones comfortable. Don't perch them up on high seats where their little legs and feet will stick out straight like a yard-stick across a counter. If possible, have a separate room for this class, where the seats can be adapted espe- THE INFANT CLASS. 181 cially for them. The seats should be so in- clined that all may be distinctly seen by the teacher, and each pupil have the same seat from week to week. By having them arran- ged to suit the children, a large number can be accommodated in a very small space. A room sixteen 'by twenty-four feej, will seat 150 children. Further directions for the arrange- ment of the Infant Class room, will be found in the chapter on " Sunday School Seats." We all talk about the importance of ventila- tion, scold at the universal negligence, and then take but little trouble to remedj" the evil. I have been into schools where the air was so foul, that, though I refrained from the expression of my feelings, I fear that I was like the Dutch boy who was whipped because, as his father said, " You tink vun swear joost so loud as you can holler." It is about as hard to inculcate purity in such an atmos- phere, as to " do up " laces in Mississippi 182 OUR SUNDAY SCHOOLS. river water ; the more they are soaked, the dirtier they become. Having made their bodies comfortable, set their minds at ease. Receive every new scholar pleasantly and cordially, and make them feel at home. I had the misfortune once to over- do my suavity* A little girl came in, and I put on my blandest smile to receive her, when she began to cry. I was astonished, and was astounded when she exclaimed to her mother, who brought her : " Ma ! that old ugly man is laughing at me." I could never make friends with her, and cannot say that her criticism added to my regret when a few weeks after she left the school. This shows the importance of first impressions. There should be both a gentleman and lady superintendent for a large infant school. The children will require almost the constant per- THE INFANT CLASS. 183 sonal attention of one, while the other is con- ducting the exercises. A gentleman and wife, or brother and sister, will work well together. Where it is feasible, it is pleasanter to have all the school meet in the general room for the opening exercises, as the music is im- proved by the greater volume of sound. The infant class can sit together, and march out to their own room as soon as the school is opened. Where this cannot be, and there is merely a lad}^ superintendent, some gentleman should be present to conduct' the opening de- votions. Adults are often present as \isitors, and it is extremely disconcerting for a sensi- tive lady to offer a prayer before them. I have always been opposed to any such pub- licity of conduct which tends to mar that ex- quisite modesty and refinement which is the peculiar charm of woman. I have known la- dies to refuse to take the infant class, lest they should be subject to this embarrassment. 184 OUR SUNDAY SCHOOLS. Where no gentleman can conveniently be spar- ed, let the class with folded hands and bowed heads, repeat the Lord's prayer. A few verses should be read, and so ex- plained as to convey a distinct and clear idea of their meaning — not necessarily all their meaning, but one clear idea. A story is told of a worthy but uneducated brother, who was conducting a prayer-meeting. Not having previously prepared himself, he opened the Bible at random and commenced to read. Unfortunately, the chapter contained many hard words, which he blundered over, until finally he was stopped by a huge poly- syllable. With perspiration upon his brow, he hastily turned to another place, and said, " Brethren, we will turn to an easier chap- ter." Have a care that the passages you read may be so simple that the children will not be inclined to repeat this brother's remark. THE INFANT CLASS. 185 The wisest course of instruction is difficult to determine. Almost any mode becomes stale in time, and it is perplexing to devise a suf- ficient variety in the programme to keep the exercise.5 fresh. One thing should be remem- bered — the class is to be considered a Sun- day play-room rather than a school. Ameri- can children have enough stimulus six days of the week. Sunday must be a day of rest. Au}'^ study or instruction which can be pur- sued without violating this theory is allowa- ble, but do not excite the little ones so as to puti their brains into a ferment. The greater part of the exercises will be composed of music, to aid in which a small melodeon will be a great acquisition. The children require no books, as they sing only familiar tunes. Sing one or two verses ev- ery five or ten minutes, and have the words so simple that all can understand them. They need not be especially devotional in their char- 186 OUR Sri^LAY SCHOOLS. acter, if they only inculcate the great com' mandraents on which "hang the law and the prophets." f One of the most successful infant class teachers in Kew-York, puts almost everything into rh^ane, and sings it, composing the words on the spot, adapting them to some familiar tune. For instance, a boy is restless, and finally manages to tumble off the seat, dis- turbing the whole school. Instead of admin- istering a scolding, or applying the popular punishment of sitting the culprit doimi hard, he scribbles off the following: , Johnny, keep upon the seat, And do not tumble oif. For if you do, most truly you ' Will make the children laugh. (The reader is informed that this is the author's first and only poem in print, there- fore there is no danger of a new volume of fugitive pieces.) THE INFANT (LASS. 187 The childreu sing it over two or three times, laugh at it, aucl are careful for the rest of the day. The teacher must remember such young children cannot sit still for an hour. If the benches are sd that the little ones can seat themselves, and the aisles are conveniently arranged, it is well to let them march around once or twice during the session, to rest them, they singing some lively tune. A 'little practice in this way will have a good effect in teaching them to move out of meetings without crowd- ing and confusion. All these little things are worth knowing, and they are not, for them, improper Sunday employments. It is well to let the children learn verses of Scriptui'e . during the week, to recite in school. Care should be exercised not to stim- ulate those whose brains are already over-ex- cited, but to repress those, while spurring on the indolent. Have each child who recites 188 OUR SUNDAY SCHOOLS. rise and speak in a distinct voice. Insist upon this. Have a word of commendation for those who do well, or try to do well, while those who will not exert themselves pass over in silence. The thirst for praise will soon lead them to reform. After ev%ry few answers make some very brief remarks, to keep the attenl-ton of the school, or ask them all to repeat a good text in concert, or ask some qviestion yoii are sure they can answer, or tell a stor}^ which the text suggests. These remarks must be very brief, but a word or two will keep the attention. For instance, Eddie Kellogg says, "little children love one another." You say: "Children, do you hear that? Christ says, ' love one another.' I knew a boy once who recited his verses in Sunday School, and as soon as he got into the street he pulled off a boy's cap and threw it over the fence. Was this ' loving one another ? ' No, of course THE INFANT CLASS. 1^13 not. Now it is just these teasing things that Chiist Jesus tells you not to do. Will you remember this? Now, Willie, what good thing have you to tell us ? " " Remember the Sahbath day to keep it holy.'' " Oh yes ! that's very good. I am going to talk to you about that some day. Johnny, have you as good a text as Willie?" Thus, for the sake of hearing what you have to say, they will listen to the recitations. Generall}^ children prefer to recite themselves rather than to hear others, but they are always ready to listen to stories from an adult. It is unnecessary to have every child recite its verse every Sunday. Go as far as you can, and begin next week where you left off. When the time to close arrives, tell them you are very sorry that more could not recite, but if they will all come early next Sunday you will try to commence sooner, so that more can repeat their verses. 190 OUR SUNDAY SCHOOLS. Picture teaching will also be found exeed- ingly effective. The pictures should be large and well defined, so that all can easily see them. Show not more than one each session, lest the scholars become satiated. Explain the scene elaborately^ with as much detail and incidental anecdote as possible. So successful is this course of instruction, that the Sundaj'' School Union have issued a sort of panorama of pictures, so contrived that they can be unrolled one at a time. It is an excellent contrivance. At a recent lecture, Mr. E. G-. Pardee, of New- York, gave some very good advice in regard to teaching the infant class. Healthy children abhor quietude. Perpetual motion is their normal state. All instruction should be conducted in accordance with this law, and suitable exercise should accompany all study, or it will be irksome to them. For instance, in reading the Bible, it will be well to select such passages as Psalm cxv., THE INFANT CLASS. 191 verse 4 : " Their idols are silver and gold, tiie work of men's hands. They have mouths, but they speak not ; eyes have they but they see not ; they have ears but they hear not ; noses have they, but they smell not," etc. At the word eyes, let the children all touch their eyes ; at the word ears, touch their own ; at the word God, point above, and so on. This will entertain them, keep their attention, and they will learn the passage very quickly. There are some little books published with acting songs, which are very useful. As long as you can keep up a variety of action among the children, so long the exercises will not become irksome to them. I mean, of course, during a reasonable time. Mr. Pardee thinks that nearly all that is told very small children is utterly lost. We can hardly realize how few words they under- stand. The first few years they learn almost entirely by sight, and therefore we must work 192 OUR SUNDAY SCHOOLS. through this faculty. He mentioned a school where they had a number of plaster casts, of various subjects. Among others there was one of a dog. He inquired its use. " Why," said the superintendent, " that is one of my most useful sermons. That is Fido, or the faithful. I illustrate the whole nature of obedience, fidelity, love to his master, etc., by Fido's character. He preaches such ser- mons to their young minds, as I am unable to. The children will often understand a story about this dog, which they can see, when they would hardly grasp a single idea with- out having the tangible object before them* There j^ou see a pair of doves, with their bills touching each other — not very beautiful or natural, but very useful. 1 have stopped all pushing and punching among the scholars, with those doves. Their object is to teach love and kindness to each other." I am not in favor of giving out library THE INFANT CLASS. 193 books to children who cannot read. Many will be lost. Those which are preserved will cause parents the trouble of looking after them. The parents, not the children, will re- turn them. The children will be obliged to have some one read to them, if the books are used at all, and parents or friends who will take this trouble, will, in this day of cheap publications, obtain books in other waj^s. As a general rule, I have found parents opposed to their young children taking books. When any parent especially desires a book, it can be supplied from the general library. Much time will be spent in supplying the books, and, in vulgar parlance, they are " more bother than they are worth." If the school can afford it, it wall be well to give the children picture-cards or papers. One pretty card or paper a month, as a gift, will be more prized than a volume loaned. There is no position in the Sunday School 104 OUR SUNDAY SCHOOLS. more pleasant than the superintendence of the infant class, for one who is successful. The children are at just the age when they are easily managed, and full of childish origin- ality. A volume might be filled with touch- ing and amusing incidents of such children. Last winter, a little boy who was deaf, and talked only as he did when he was three years old, with the peculiar devotional charac- ter so frequently found in such unfortunates, had been praying every night for snow. At last it came. As soon as he saw it, he rush- ed into his sister's room, shouting; "I so very happy indeed. All up in the sky work so very hard. Papa in the sky, (his name for God) brother John, little sis- ter, all work so very hard indeed all night, making snow for Gorham," and he fell on his knees exclaiming, "Thank you, Papa in the sky, thank you for snow." CHAPTER Xn. THE BIBLE CLASS. OLERIDGE once remarked that of all J vices, ad-vice was the worse. Cer- ^Py-}^ tainly it is easier to proffer advice cTeiJ^ than to profit by ; to tell how to act, ^ than to accomplish one's own plans. It is not with a spirit of fault-finding that I speak of the room for improvement in the Bible-Classes. They are generally well con- ducted. I merely detail the hints I have gathered in \isiting many schools, and sug- gesting such additional things as may tend to make the duties of the Bible-class teacher easier and more successful. A teacher, how- ever, who merely follows the plans "laid down in the books," will be as often defeated as would a general of like liabiLs. Those are 186 196 OUR SUNDAY SCHOOLS. successful who can originate new manoeuvres for new exigencies, who have, what we term, " genius," to step out of the beaten track, where a new is tetter, and lead their class through fresh scenes. Yet a care must be exercised not to carry novelty so far as to forget the grand object of the labors, viz. : to save souls. That many of our Sunday Schools are sad- ly lacking in adult Bible-classes, is not the result of neglect deserving censure. Probably no subject connected with the school has re- ceived more thought or has been surrounded with more difficulties. It is exceedingly im- portant that persons from fourteen to twenty years of age, should be retained in school, yet how to keep a hold on them is perplex- ing. Just at the most critical portion of their lives, a feeling of pride leads them to deem the school a mere children's affair, unsuitable for young men and young ladies. It is of no THE BIBLE CLASS. 197 use openly to combat this pride, for opposi- tion only develops it. " He who wrestles with us, strengthens our muscles." We can only ignore it, work around it, and undermine it. Frequently where a person has one set, determined prejudice, he is so intent on watching for a direct attack on his hobby, that he will not notice an attempt to outflank him, and maj^ be bound hand and foot by an approach in any direction save over that par- ticular rampart of pride. Dr. Todd, in his most admirable work, enti- tled the " Sabbath School Teacher," proposes to have every scholar, who leaves the school, given a certificate of honorable dismission. By this means the superintendent can usually learn who are intending to leave, and why. Some management and care, will ordinarily induce those to remain, who only leave on account of age. I think this plan feasible. 198 OUll SUNDAY SCHOOLS. Sometimes adults can be induced to join a Bible class if it is held separate from the Sunday School ; where no one can confound them with the " children." It is better to go directly forward without this circumlocution where we can ; but he who attempts, under all circumstances, to " walk straight onward, turn- ing neither to the right nor the left," will be likely to experience an unpleasant collision. We must manoeuvre to win souls if we can- not save them otherwise. A friend was trout-fishing on the sides of " Old Saddleback," a mountain in the interior of Maine, a hundred miles from the coast. Supposing himself ten miles from any village, and half as far from a house, he was surprised by hearing the blows of an ax. Soon he came to a small clearing, where the proprietor of the ax surveyed him with some curiosity. " Hallo, stranger ! " said he. "How are you, sir?" TUE BIBLE CLASS. 199 "Well, uow, stranger, where be ye from?" "I'm from New- York." " From New- York ! Why, I should think you'd hate to live so fur off." Now, even though we may not believe that we live directly on the universal hub, still we all have our pet prejudices and foolish pride, which no argument can reason out of us. There is no use of telling a boy how foolish it is to be ashamed to go to Sunday School. Humor his pride for a while, and let him at- tend what you call a "Bible History Circle." As soon as he becomes interested, his pride on that point will evaporate. In selecting a teacher, not always are the most learned the best adapted to impart knowl- edge to the class. I sometimes think that a person but a few degrees above the class in culture — if a growing man — is about as Uke- ly to be successful as any, for the reason that, being near their own standard, he is 200 OUR SUNDAY SCHOOLS. interested in about the same things as his pupils, and understands their calibre. He must have some tact in managing to avoid the appearance of a school-master's authority, so as not to frighten them away by the fan- cy that they are treated like children. He must understand what the "Country Parson" calls the "Art of putting things." In gathering a Bible Class, be careful, as far as possible, to have all of the same general turn of mind together — that is, those who can all be interested in the same subject. Some are mathematical and precise, wishing the doc- trines of the Gospels demonstrated. They are lovers of creeds and denominational ism, plac- ing much importance on the literal observance of a literal translation. They delight, so to speak, in the exquisite mechanism of the Gos- pel. They admke the symmetrical order of the " plan of salvation," and are never tired of examining and discussing its completeness. THE BIBLE CLASS. 201 Others go to the opposite extreme, and while they admit that some attention to creeds and doctrines is necessary, yet they are not to them pleasing studies. They are as dry husks. The life and character of Christ, his promises of love and assurances of care, supply food for ^their minds. The}'' are emotional, and de- sire to be affected through the heart rather than the intellect. Perhaps these exhibitions of truth produce similar effects in minds dif- ferently constituted : the one influenced by de- monstration, and the other by illustration. AVhether the ultimate effect in the two dis- positions is or is not the same, the modes of operating are so antagonistic that they can- not be blended. It would ^not be well to unite in a select social circle of Hoods and Jerrolds a certain lady who could not appre- ciate a facetious remark. Her husband once remarked to her with some vexation : " Why, wife, I don't believe you'd take a 202 OUR SUNDAY SCHOOLS. joke if it was pitched at you fi'om a fifteen- inch Dahlofren ! " " Now, John, how foolish," said she, with charming sir.iplicitj^, "you know they can't fire jokes from a gun." I do not object to a certain degrcQ of di- versity of opinion in regard to facts and con- clusions. It is necessary to give spice to the exercises. I would not repress them, except when they are of such a character as to pre- vent a common interest. I would not have the mathematical, cold and calculating, united with the poetic, warm, emotional. Both would be dissatisfied, and unable to blend. I have known of classes being wrecked on this rock of internal discord. They could not agree in au}^ course of study. There must be harmo- ny in all important chords, though there may be accidentals and musical discords introduced for effect. I have in my mind now a class that con- TUE BIBLE CLASS. 203 tains eight young men from fifteen to eighteen years of age. Three of them are wild as un- broken colts, and care about as much for re- ligion. They just tolerate the school, but will not listen to any serious conversation. They will not study the lesson or make any prepar- tion. Two are indifierent but respectful. They could, possibly, be interested by a competent teacher in the pure Bible stud3^ Three are serious, studious, and longing to learn more of the Bible — one almost persuaded to become a Christian, ripe, waiting onl}^ to be picked. This class rs paralyzed. A teacher — that is, nine hundred and ninet3'-nine out of a thou- sand — cannot interest all by the same course of instruction. * For the wild ones, he has to deal in anecdote and j)leasing illustration to keep their attention, while the three furthest advanced receive comparatively little benefit — they have grown bej'ond that stage. If he attempts to satisfy the cravings of the advanc- 204 OUR SUNDAY SCHOOLS. ed ones, the others are restless and dissatis- fied. It is like feeding a new-born babe with roast-beef and plum-pudding. They can't bear it. It is impossible for any ordinary teacher to benefit in any great degree either portion of the class when united. He merely enter- tains the advanced, or drives away the back- ward. This is entirely owing to the want of classification, and ten minutes attention of the superintendent in removing one or the other portion of the class, would probably result in the conversion of one and moral improvement of the others. Classification is one of the most important duties of the superintendent. Where a class starts uninterested and care- less, attending merely because they are sent by their parents, I would advise that, for a time at least, they should not be required to commit any lesson ; perhaps it would be well merely to request that the lesson be read over during the week. Ask each pupil 'fllE BIBLE CLASS. 205 individually every Sabbath, if be has done this, as the personal question has great in- fluence. I would make the lesson somewhat of a moral lecture, illustrated with anecdotes and incidents — which any good weekly religious paper will supply. Strive, however, in every possible way to induce the pupils to express their own views in their own lanOTacre. One has a clearer idea of a subject when he has expressed that idea to another. Ask questions, start objections — often so simple that the least cultured can detect their fallacy — and thus inspire discussion. Evade giving 3^ our own opinion until you can obtain the senti- ment of all in the class. Never tell a pupil what you can induce the pupil to tell yon. Perhaps a real example will best show my meaning on this point. At a very skilfully conducted Bible class, the subject of Christ* driving the money changers out of the temple came up. The teacher asked of each his 206 OUR SUNDAY SCHOOLS. opinion as to what the " scourge of small cords " was , and how Christ obtained it, etc . One thought literally that it was a kind of whip or cat-o'-nine tails, which he had brought on purpose. Another thought that it was merely something that he had taken from the ground to use as a sort of wand, and he did not actually apply it to the backs of the flee ing brokers. Another thought it a rope, which he used veritably and with success. Another amplified, b}^ stating that as the cat- tle brought for burnt offerings were in the temple, some pieces of rope used in fastening them were lying around, one of which Jesus picked up to give emphasis to his commands. Thus they got inquiring into the matter, each hunting up corroborative passages, discussing the evidences of its being a miracle, etc., and occupied profitably and entertainingly nearl}^ the whole horn* over that one passage. Sometimes it is well to illustrate the les- Till'] BIBLE CLASS. 207 son with any curiosities you may be able to obtain relating to Bible matters, such as idols, coins, papyrus rolls, relics from ancient cities, etc. Do anything of this nature to make the lesson interesting, for without interest nothing can be accomplished. As a general rule perhaps it is a better plan not to require much to be committed to memory, but to have the time spent in study- ing into the meaning and teachings of the lesson, its parallel statements, history, effects, etc. I say perhaps^ for it is a mooted ques- tion, upon which I am not at all satisfied. There are many advantages in having the mind stored with Scripture texts, and yet it is more entertaining to study into the charac- ter rather, than to commit the words. This point, individual experience must decide. When practicable, in cases where a class is truly interested and desirous to learn, it is well for each pupil to have a commentar3\ 208 OUll SUNDAY SCHOOLS. For instance, a class of eight have respective- ly Clarke's, Scott's, and Olshausen's commen- taries, Kitto's, Barnes's, Alexander's, and Hodge's notes, and the Annotated Paragraph Bible, by the London Religious Tract Society, (rei)ublished by Sheldon & Co., New York.) It will be even better to have two pupils to ex- amine each volume, so that double the num- ber of scholars can be supplied. Study the lesson in the class, each number giving the opinion of his commentator on the obscure passages. This will prove a very entertaining and instructive exercise, and affords ample scope for the teacher's ability, in exjDlaining many little things which no commentary will treat of, and in summing up the testimony of all. This will be a somewhat expensive plan, as commentaries are costly. The " Notes " and the '^ Annotated Bible " are cheap, how- ever ; and those not thus supplied, could have Bibles to turn to the reference passages. On THE BIBLE CLASS. 209 the whole, I think this to be the most sure of success and easy of accomplishment of any plan I know. There was a class of ladies connected with , the late church of Dr. Scott, in New Orleans, on somewhat the same plan, which was con- ducted by Mr. M., a lawyer of that city. The lesson was usually the history of some Bible personage, and its relations to the truths and doctrines of the Bible. Each pupil would study the lesson at home, with some com- mentar}^ and at the class would be question- ed as to the facts or teachings. These would, of course, usually be answered according to the t)pinion of their commentator. Those having different views would suggest their opinions, until the sentiment of the class was obtained. The teacher, with adroit skill, would draw out as much as possible the individual thought and belief. The success of the plan in interesting the class, is shown by the fact 21 C OUR SUNDAY SCHOOLS. that, while it commenced with nine ladies, it increased during the season to ninety-three, and contained all ages, from seventeen to seventy. It was found inconvenient to hold the class on Sunday, and it was transferred to, and continued on Friday afternoons, the ses- sion lasting two hours. Occasionally it may be well to let the class prepare written essays on certain subjects, such as the Sunday question, use of wine, theatre-going, etc., in which they can express their views, and the reasons therefor. But en- deavor to discourage all cant and meaningless expressions, so often introduced by young peo- ple, because they have heard others do so. Lead them to debate religious matters in a manly, direct, forcible way, as they would political economy, mthout interspersing it with pious sniffles, to conceal their lack of force. Then, let the class discuss the essay, and decide whether the views of the writer are THE BIBLE CLASS. 211 correct. The teacher should, at the close of the session, state his own opinion, and strive to impress it upon the hearts of the pupils. No matter how much life and vivacity there may be during the exercises — and there should be much — the general tone and influence of the lesson, particularly at the close, should be impressive and subduing. «• There is another little plan for interesting the class. Have a place where any member of the class can drop a written question. For instance, each young man writes one, of such a character as, " Do you think the ' lat- ter days' are near at hand?" "Are the present American troubles foretold in prophe- cy?" "Is it ever right for a non-church member to partake of the sacrament?" or perhaps they may be of a personal character, intended merely for the teacher's eye, speaking of private doubts and trouble. Either the pupils can each select a question — the author- 212 OUR SUNDAY SCHOOLS. ship unknown — to answer in a three-minute essay, or the teacher may reply to such of them as are worthj^ before the class or to the writer privately, as may seem best. It is not necessar}^ that the pupils should be competent to write these replies If they are competent to try^ it is sufficient. The object, is to induce study, and inspire interest, not to prepare ar- ticles for the press.* I think many parents are not sufficiently in- clined to urge the attendance of their older children upon the Bible Class. They seldom visit the school, usually speak of it as a very nice children's affair, which saves them some trouble in educating their boys and girls, and in ever}^ possible way treat it as beneath the ♦Since this plan was suggested in a religious paper, I have learned of its having been adopted in several classes ■with marked success. Ladies, particularly, who were timid about arguing points, have been ready to defend or assail theories, with their pen, and thus, finally, have been led to express their views viva voce. THE BIBLE CLASS. 213 serious attention of adults. Of course, as the children gi'ow into long dresses and frock coats, they follow their parents' example. It is difficult to secure cheerful obedience when we say, "Go and do," but easy when we beckon, " Come with me." Parents, it is hard for the superintendent and teachers to do all the work for your chil- dren alone, when you, by your example, hold them back. They ask not much from you. They ask merely that you will lend your in- fluence in their attempts to bring your family, unbroken, safely to their home in heaven. They ask of you, O father, merely that you will help them restore to you in paradise, the mischievous little curly head you are now stroking. They ask of you, O, mother, mere- ly that you will help them secure to you, your manl}^, bright-eyed, youngest boy, that vou love until tears almost rise at the intensi- 214 OUR SUNDAY SCHOOLS. ty of your affection. Do they ask too much.? It is your children they would save. *' A mother's love may prove a snare : The child she loves so well Her hand may lead with gentlest care» Down the- steep road to Hell.'* CHAPTER Xin. SUNDAY SCHOOL SEATS. VERY important feature in the Sunday School is a suitable form of seat. Much of the restlessness of children is occasioned by the uncomfortable position in which they are placed. Creature comfort is, after all, very desirable, and it is impossible to expect the mind to be at ease, while the body is suffering. Where the school is held in the church, of course no alteration of the seats can be made. If it meets in the lecture-room, where there are benches or pews, I would have broad, heavy crickets running the whole length of the pew, and forming as it were a false floor. These should be graduated in height to ac- 216 216 OUR SUNDAY SCHOOLS. comm dilate the size of the pupils in each class. Two of the larger boys will remove them after school, so that they need not in- terfere with the use of the room by adults. Wfiere the lecture-room has not yet been fin- ished, I would recommend that the seat, which, not knowing any other name, I shall desig- nate the " Booth seat," be introduced. By these seats nearly as many can be seated as by pews, and the room is admirably adapted to the Sunday School. Full directions in re- gard to this seat are given in a few pages later. One other, and common form for vestrys, is to have the backs of the seats reversible, like those of the railroad cars, so that in the Sunday School two seats may be caused to face each other. This accommodates the class very well, although half of the school have to sit with their backs to the superintendent, which is, of course, undesirable. SUNDAY SCHOOL SEATS. 217 Many buildings, however, are now being erect- ed for the exchisive use of the Sunday School, and in these, regard can be paid to the pe- culiar object to which it is devoted. There seem to be three points to be considered : 1st. An economical seat. 2d. A seat which shall accommodate the pupils with the utmost saving of room, and, 3d. A seat which shall enable all to see the superintendent, and yet allow each class to face, and be within reach of, the teacher. The most common form, is the semi-circle. These seats are made of various degrees of the arch. They are being gradually lessened in curve, to avoid causing the pupils to twist their backs or necks, in facing the superin- tendent. The Lee-Avenue school, of Brooklyn, has probably succeeded, as near as is possible, With these seats, in attaining the true por- portions. The engraving on page 223 shows ihe general form. 218 OUR SUNDAY SCHOOLS. The inside circumference of the seat is ten feet. Depth of arch from the chord, two feet eight inches. Height of seat fifteen and a half inches. Breadth of seat ten and a half inches. Height of back fifteen inches, with two back rails. These seats can probably be packed more advantageously in saving room than any others possessing similar advan- tages. Mr. Johnson, the superintendent of the Lee-Avenue school, has given considerable attention to the subject, and prefers these to any yet introduced. His seats are very ex- pensively made of black walnut. Of course, it is only the form of the seat which it will he necessary to imitate. There is another, comparatively new seat which is growing very popular. It was de- signed by Mr. Samuel Booth, superintendent of the Hanson Place Methodist Sunday School, Brooklyn, where it is introduced. This is one of the largest and best appointed schools in SUNDAY SCHOOL SEATS. 2l5 our country, having a membership of over eight hundred scholars. THE BOOTH SEAT. The above cut gives an accurate view of the form of the seats. They have also been introduced into the Plymouth Church Sunday School, and its superintendent, Mr. George A. Bell, speaks in the highest terms of them. Their dimensions are as follows : Height of seat sixteen and a half inches. (This height is for the large class seats.) Height of back fourteen inches, with only one rail to the back. Breadth of seat twelve inches. 220 OUll SUNDAY SCHOOL. The seat is made of a two inch plank, with half an inch hollowed out of the rear of the seat, and gradually rising towards the front, as in the diagram on page 228,which adds greatly to its comfort. These benches will accommodate seven boys, and occupy a space six feet four inches by four feet two inches ; one can calculate that he can seat seven scholars in every thh'ty-one square feet in his school. This estimate allows also for the aisles. The features of, — 1st. proximity of teachers and pupils ; 2d. ability of all to face the su- perintendent, and 3d. reasonable economy in room, seem to be thoroughl}" met b}^ this bench. Care must, however, be exercised in placing the seats, not allowing two classes to sit back to back, as thus all the advantages of this seat will be lost. The superintendent's desk should be the point of sight to which all should tend. Usually it is well to have an aisle in the centre of the room, and the seats radiate from it. SUXDAV riCIlOUL Si:ATS. 221 In both the Lee-Avenue, and the Booth seats, under one end there is a neat little locker, large enough to hold the Bibles and hymn books, &c., of the class. It is well to have a shelf divide the interior into an up- per and lower apartment. In both these seats, the teacher occupies a chair, facing the class, in such a position that he can touch each pupil without moving his position. Mr. Booth strongly condemns tight board backs to seats for small children, as the spinal column, that position of the body most sensi- tive to atmospheric changes, becomes heated. It perspires, and when suddenlj* exposed to the cool air out of doors, is apt to produce serious consequences. The back should be a single rail constructed as Jightly as is con- sistent with strength, and if placed in exactly the right position, will prove as comfortable a support as any. In the arrangement of a room, everything should be as light and open 222 OUR SUNDAY SCHOOL. as possible. In painting, a light graining is preferable. Dark colors, and everything like monastic gloom, should be avoided. He thinks that two and a half feet in width for the centre, and two feet for the side aisles, is enough, where there is an aisle for each tier of benches. This will allow sufficient space for the children to pass out by single file, and certainly it is better to have several narrow, than one broad aisle. Of course, where there is sufficient room, more space is preferable. For the teachers, some kind of a chair is desirable. In the Lee- Avenue School the chair is fastened to an iron pedestal secured to the floor. The top, an arm chair, turns on a pivot, so that the teacher can face the superintendent, or the class. Where ordinary chairs are used, and the floor of the room is uncarpeted, it is well to glue a thin piece of India rubber on to the bottom of the legs. This will prevent much noise in moving them. 223 SECTIONAL VIEW OF THE BOOTH SEAT. THE SEMI-CIRCLE SEAT. 224 SUNDAY SCHOOL SEATS. 225 INFANT CLASS SEATS. The only infant class room I have seen which exactly suited me, is that of the Han- son Place Methodist Sabbath School. In beauty, arrangement, ventilation and yet sim- plicity, it is apparently perfect. As I am un- able to detect an inconvenience or suggest an improvement, I shall merely give a plan and description of it. It will be seen that it is in the form of a theatre. The first form is raised sixteen inches from the floor, so that the children are not required to tire their necks in looking up at the teacher. From this each tier rises just enough, (say six inches) to allow those in the rear to see over the heads of those in front. The following sectional view will give the dimensions necessary for constructing them. Where the theatre form cannot be used, the same style and size of bench will be applicaole to the straight line of seats. 226 OUR SUNDAY SCHOOL. r^ SECqCIONAL VIEW OF INFANT CLASS SEATS. The figures on the plan show the dimensions in inches. If the back of the seat is hollowed out, as described in the Booth seat, it will very much add to their comfort. Where a special room cannot be devoted to the infant class, be sure and have some arrangement of crickets like that descibed in the first part of this chapter. It is impossible to have a sucessful infant class unless the children are made comfortable. CHAPTER XIV. STRAY HINTS. MAN has a locomotive engine which is finely finished, and securely housed. Now and then he oils it, and paints it, and rubs up the brasses until they shine again. Once or twice a year he takes it from its shed, and lets it run for a few miles. But the pistons have not worn smooth, • while the axles are yet rough, and the inist, in spite of all his attention, has formed in un- noticed crevices, and the machine is rheumatic and stifi". It does not run easily. Supposing the owner comes to j^ou with groans and sighs, asking what more he can do to his engine to make it run? He has watched 227 !2J8 OUll SUNDAY SCHOOL. over it with tender solicitude ; never let it out on a damp dsLj, and never after dark ; but still it will not run as fast as the old, travel-stain- ed public engines. You would tell him to run his engine in fair weather and foul, and it will work itself into good condition without further trouble on his part. Now many young Christians are like such engines. They are stiff and rusty. They are much prayed over — which is good, and at which I do not cast a slur ; but they are not worked enough to keep their moral joints in order. There are more swords that rust out, than are broken in the strife of battle. There are many young converts who are stunted by lack of healthy exercise. The Sunday school is just the course for them to run on, to ac- quire this moral strength. The Sunday school should be used more as a g3^mnasium for the development of moral muscle among the young. One reason why in STRAY UINTS. 229 great revivals so many backslide, is that they are received into the church with considerable commotion, amidst many prayers, and some excitement. Then, among the multitude, some are forgotten. But little care or attention is given them, and they suffer a relapse. The physician's work is not over when he pronounc- es his fever patient oat of danger. The hours of convalescence are fraught with peril. An unnoticed draught, or too long visit from a friend, or a sudden excitement, may undo all the good. So a 3'Oung convert must be care- fully watched. He must have tender nursing, nutritious food, and gentle' exercise, to acquire health. He must do something, and in this way " work out his own salvation." The vndow's cruse is still in existence. No one can try to benefit his fellow-men without receiving tenfold more than he gave — though not from man. A faithful teacher in the Sun- day School learns more than he imparts. 230 OUR SUNDAY SCHOOL. The Sunday School, therefore, is exactly the place m which to put people to work. Chris- tians should see that its vast benefits in this respect are secured for the improvement of the church. Start the young men either as students in Bible classes or as teachers. If as students, let them occasionally lead in praj^er, or have some active duties^ in visiting the scholars or in gathering in pupils. If they are competent, give them a class. Let them feel the re- sponsibility of their position as teachers. Urge them to attend all the meetings, that they may be surrounded by a religious atmosphere. As in spring-time tendor plants are started under cover, surrounded by glass and warmth, until they are strong enough to endure the chance frosts of out-door existence ; so the young con- vert should be encom-aged, shielded, and strengthened by all the power of the church until he can withstand the temptations of daily life. This is the object of the church organization. STRAY HINTS. 231 Thus the church and the school are one, and should be more clearl}^ united in the minds of the congregation. The school is not a parasite, but an important member. The church-members should be kept informed of the condition of the school, and assume the re- sponsibility of it. This is not a useless truism, for it is seldom that the congregation visit the school to see how it is conducted. Parents frequently — even generally — send their chil- dren year after year, without putting foot into the school to see what or how they are taught. A story went the rounds of the papers some years ago, of a man who wils raising a pair of colts. He boarded them at ^ farmer's, some two miles distant, who was charged to take the best of care of them, as they were of a fine breed, and if properly trained would make a valuable span. Every week the owner drove around to see that they were well cared for, and often took friends with him to show them what a magnificent span he would soon have. 2o2 OUR SUNDAY SCHOOL. This gentleman was the father of two bright boys, whom he sent to school for two years within half a mile of his house. But he had never sufficient time to call at the school, had never conversed with the teacher concerning them, and, indeed, was entirely ignorant of his children's course of instruction. How many readers have done better in re- gard to their children at the Sunday School? We all neglect our duties, but have a vague >dea that others do better. Pastors should force the Sunday School on the attention of the church. Have parents and friends frequently invited from the pulpit to attend as spectators. Preach upon ^, use it in illustrations, and show that it is not an inferior, but merely a dift'erent branch of the church. John Wesley, who established many Sunday Schools in his day, wrote in his diary July 18, 1784, " I find these schools springing up wherever I go. Perhaps God may have a STRAY HINTS. deeper end therein than men nre aware of. Who knows but some of these schools may be- come nurseries for children?" Thej'' have long outstripped Wesley's fondest dreams, and are yet but in their infancy. Those who have given their attention to tlie subject are fast becoming convinced that God's plans with them are far beyond what has been conceived. They have already begun to be the parents of churches, instead of the offspring. If the salvation of the world is to be attained chiefly by any one agency, the Sundaj^ School is the strongest arm yet raised for, its accom- plishment. Hence, what are the duties of the church to the Sunday School? What present difficulties can she alleviate? In the first place, there should be a more systematic provision for the pecuniary wants of the school. The minister's salarj^ is defin- itely set, and, theoretically at least, properly 234 OUR SUNDAY SCHOOL. raised. Tlie music has a certain sum appropri- ated for it, and the sexton knows what he is to receive. But the Sunday Schoolis an un- provided-for child, only too frequently cut off with a shilling. Let it be treated as a dutiful child should be, and in the amount to be rais- ed for the year, let its necessities be consid- ered. Appropriate what the school will re- quire, or what the church can give. If it is only one dollar that can be spared, appropri- ate it, and let the superintendent and teach- ers be allowed to decide how it shall be ex- pended. Thus they will feel that they are not forgotten. In most churches, after long wait- ing, the teachers, with great humility, as though asking a personal gift, sue for a collec- tion. " Touch a man's pocket, and you prick his heart." Teachers know that the collection yields about half enough to pay existing debts, and they have to supply the deficiency. Teachers STRAY HINTS. 235 arc not usually from the wealthier part of the congregation, yet they ordinarily have to support the school. It is a shame that the efficiency of our schools should so often be cramped for want of means. Let the heathen go barefooted a little longer, if necessarj^, that the Christian heathen may be taught at least morality. You who are piously praying for the Sunday School, and the spread of the Gospel, see to it that your right hand sec- onds your prayers. We find in " Life-Thoughts" that *' It is not -well to pray cream, and live skim milk.'* It is well to have a semi-annual Sunday School meeting, at which a report fi'om the school will be presented to the church. It keeps up an interest in the school, inspires anew the teachers, and shows the children that the church really takes a thought for their prosperity. 236 OUR SUNDAY SCHOOL. In larg_e and wealthy churches, I am in- clined to think it would be wise to have the entire services of a competent man as super- intendent, or rather as children's pastor — paying him, if necessary, a suitable salary. The minister would find him a most useful colleague, and the labors of an energetic man could be well employed in attending to the du- ties of a city school. Last Sunday I visited a school in New York, where the superintendent told me that for seven years, at every communion Sabbath but one, there had been members of the school who united with the church. Once there were * twenty-four, and frequently there were seven and eight. How many ministers have been as highly blessed? This glorious result is due, under God, to the superinten- dent. His piety, zeal, and ability in gather- ing, interesting, and instructing the young, and his skill in selecting teachers and in- STRAY UINTS. 337 spiring them to persevere, have made him God's instrument in accomplishing the work. He accepts no teachers who will not pledge themselves to attend the teachers' meetings. He inter to a more appropriate position, and only by this yearly ele 109 how to stimulate, 109 vague idea of the children concerning, Ill Discipline, requisite 40 the Superintendent's duty, 41 chapter on, 141 theory of, 142 corporial punishment, 144 power of love in, « 147 246 INDEX. Discipline, (continued) the " Legion of Honor," ., .154 how to cure the sulks, 159 the poetical, 186 Discouragement, concerning teacher's, 119 no necessity foi% , 137 Doctrinal Points, on teaching, 137 Doorkeeper, necessity of a, 57 Entertainment, when to attempt, 66 Essays, use of, in the Bible class, S.10 Example, power of, 135 power of, 213 Exercises, order of 54 in infant class 185 Exhibition, that of the magic lantern, - 26 Festival, the gingerbread, 22 Forms, for library boards, 95 for library cards, 98 for teachers' reports, 158 Germany, first schools in, .».: 10 Gifts, how to regulate, - 28 to the infant class, 193 Government — see "Discipline,"...., Hints, chapter of, 227 History, of the rise of Sunday schools, 10 Hymns, how to give out, 57 Illinois, labors of Dr. Adams in, - 16 Illustrations, teach by, 126 how to use 128 INDEX. 247 Illustrations, (continued) nature of the, 128 how to originate 130 use of models in, 190 Infant Class, chapter on, 179 character of the, 179 scholars in the, 180 room for the, 180 superintendent of, 182 opening exercises of 183 mode of instructing 185 restlessness in the, 187 use of models in the, 192 library book in the, 193 plan of, 224 Introduction, the 3 John Wesley, labors of, 15 Kindness, power of, 141 Lancaster, (Joseph) labors of, 13 Lee Avenue School, benevolent plans of the, Ill Legion of Honor, to have books 94 formation of the, 154 Lessons, chapter on, 59 two modes of conducting, 60 preparation of the, 67 use of question books in the-, 69 have them thoroughly learned, 71 nature of, 71 the infant class, 187 LzBBABLiN, man required for a, 103 248 • INDEX. Libraries, chapter on, 84 use of, 85 nature of the books in the 86 how to use the, 92 how to preserve, 94 plans for keeping the account of, 95 catalogue of, 101 rules of the, 102 LiNDSEY, (T.) institutes schools in Catterick 11 Martin Luther, institutes a school 10 Massachusetts, first school in, 14 Mechanical Part of a School, 31 Methodists, activity of the 16 Mischief, how to prevent 44 Mission Schools, room for, 20 libraries for, 93 Missionary Sunday, chapter on 104 Models, use of in infant classes 192 Monthly Concert, chapter on, 104 advantages of, 105 evening sessions, 106 in mission schools, ... 107 exercises of the, 113 addresses at, 113 programme for, 115 length of, 116 Morality, when to teach, 63 Music, all must join in the, 73 chapter on, 77 character of Sunday school, 77 INDEX. 249 Music Books, the children purchase 112 New York, first school in, 14 Obedience, the first lesson, 39 necessity of prompt, 148 how to secure, 149 ' power of example in securing, 151 Orders, how they should be given 37 Paris, schools in, 12 Parents, duties of, toward the Bible class, 212 what is asked of, 213 Pastor, duties of the, towards the school, 34 general labors of the 35 a children's for the Sunday school, 236 Picture Teaching, remarks on, 190 Pittsburg, first school in, 41 Politeness, our modern, 161 our aim, 162 Prater, by whom to be offered, 42 at the opening of school, 95 duty of, C8 Precentor, duties of the, 79 Preparation of the lessons, 67 Punishment, the practical, 186 see "Discipline," Punctuality, necessity of, 73 Question Books, the subjects of, 69 Questions, on asking 172 for the Bible Class 205 • • 250 INDEX. Reports, on library books out, 102 form for monthly, 1^8 Restlessness, haw to prevent, 187 Rewauds, how to regulate, 23 Robert Raikes, originates a Sunday Bohool , 12 Roll, calling the, 41 Rome, schools in, — 12 RoxBURY, the first school at, 10 Scripture, how to read the in school , 54 selection of, 54 passages of, for closing school, 57 reciting, 114 selections of passages of, 184 Scholars, how low ones must be appealed to, 62 what to teach, 71 how to admit them to the class, 72 must be urged to sing 73 must be visited, 74 what books to provide them with, 93 how to receive, 182 honorable dismission of, .... • 197 Seats, chapter on, 215 false floors for 215 the rail road, 21G desideratum in, 217 circular, 217 engraving of circular, 223 the Booth seat, 218 engraving of the Booth, 219 •• INDBX. 251 Seats, (continued) how to construct the backs of 221 noiseless chairs, 222 infant class, 225 plan of, 226 Service, form of, for children, f^2 Simplicity, necessity of, in teaching, 171 Society for promoting S. S. organization of, 13 Speaking to Children, chapter on, 163 see also "Addresses," Stories, see *' Illustrations," ?ULKiNESS, how to eradicate 159 Sunday Schools, origin of, 10 European, 10 numbers in the, 15 distinctive character of, , 18 how to prevent damage to the, 21 buildings of, 21 how to draw children to the, 22 necessity of making them entertaining, 26 variety required in the, 29 mechanism of the, 32 duties of the pastor towards the, 34 administrative power in the, 37 calling them to order - 49 formal exercises of the 40 general atmosphere of the 06 how to interest the church in the,... 112 money required for the, 112 their use as gymnasiums, 228 should be united to the church, 231 252 INDEX. Sunday Schools, (continued) pecuniary provisions for, 233 should be organized societies, 238 should be mission schools, 239 see also " Mission Schools." Sunday School Union, organization of the American,. . . . 15 organization of the New York 15 Superintendent, labors of the, 20 regulating duties of the, 31 administrative ability in the, 33 his duties in discip ine, 41 how he supplies classes, 44 duties of the, towards teachers, 48 what may be accomplished by a, 236 tenure of his office 337 Tardiness of teachers, 41 Teachers, number of, required 18 effects of the absence of, 19 example of the, 42 rights of, in their classes, 43 must study their classes, 62 must gain the affection of their classes, 64 their preparation of the lesson 66 female, the most successful, 68 their duty to be punctual, 73 must see that all sing, 73 must visit their pupils, 74 chapter to, 121 should not be urged to join the school 123 one reason for popularity 124 manners of, 153 INDEX. 263 Teacheus, how to teach 136 must regard a parent's scruples 136 must inspire affection, 136 must not expect much success, 137 feelings which should actuate, 139 must not neglect their own children • 146 notice the children in the streets, 101 duties of, not confined to Sunday, 239 Teachers' Meetings, use of, 133 rules at, 134 Todd, (Dr. ) his woi'k on Sunday schools, 197 Treatment, of degraded children, 62 Ushers, use of, 240 Visitors, reception of, 240 Visiting, manner of, 75 Vienna, schools in, 12 Ventilation, remarks on 181 Variety, necessity of, 29 remarks on, 116 Vandalism, how to prevent, 21 Wesley, his predictions about the Sunday school, 232 CATALOGUE OF BOOKS PUBLISHED JlND FOR SALE BY HENRY HOYT, No. 9 Comhill, Boston. 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