p& Nj| ■ AS & .g | § ** ***> 1 (2 s * 0$ •fe N 5 : o S o v- s § Q_ a § o c o o (vision ction umber _ 1 • £ Q 3 ^ **£ o o i O ^ % % , W 5cB O N Union to Chrift. Beiag the SUBSTANCE O F Several SERMONS. By the late Reverend Mr. WILLIAM BAGSHAW, Minifter of the Gofpcl. i Jo. jr. I %. He that hath the Son, hath Life ; but he that hath not the Son, hath not Life. LOUDON: Printed for Nevil Simmons, Bookfeller in $beffieU t Torkfirre, 1703. u- ■" «- - » ' To the Honoured John White, Efq; SIR, THE Reverend Author of the fol- lowing Difcourfes, having cho- fen you for their Patron, in an E- piftle Dedicatory written a litrle be- fore his deceafe, but (ince unhappily, (oft, the Publifhers thought they cou'd not, in Juftice, Infcribe them to any other. Your ferious Concern for the Ii> terefts of common Chriftianity, with- out refpefl tq Parties as fuch, and Your zealous afferting the Li- berties of Mankind, and the Rights of your Native Country, when they were in the greateft danger, gave you a large (hare in his Efteem which was Increas'd by your particular re- gard to thefe Parts, where his Life and Labours were moftly fpenr, and we're, no doubt, the Motives that in- due'd him to that choice. Thefe noble Qualities muft needs Intitle you to the Prayers of all thofe that |ove God and their Country, as they did to his, part of whofe Re- Hiains are now humbly prefemed to A % your The Epiftls Dedicatory. your view, which we are affur'd will nor be the lefs acceptable, becaufe the Subject is of uriivcrfai Concern- ment, and generally agreed upon. And where any thing of Contro- verfy occurs, he is careful not ro de- part from the doctrinal Articles of the EfhbliuYd Church, whereof you 3re a worthy Member. We hope the pregnant Hints con- tained in them, may be vaflly Im- proved in your mind, and may be fer- viceable to promote real Chriftianity in the World. This was certainly the defign of their Author, and is the fincere de- fire of Us, who, how unworthy foe- ver, are entered into his Labours, and are under many Obligations to Im- plore the Divine Bleiling on your Self, and on your worthy Family^ which wefhall continually do, who are, ffonoured Sir* Tour very humble Servants, Dec.i%tL [70.2,. John Aftie* James Clegg^ THE PREFACE THESE ESSAYS arefompofthe Rellcjues of One, who having la- bour d much and long in ChriFf s Vineyard, is lately enter d into his Heft. His undijjembhd Zeal for the Honour of the Redeemer ', and the Good of Souls j his Diligence and Fidelity in fulfilling his Miniftry, and the Exemplary Holi- nefs, Meeknefs, Humility, Veaceablenefs and Moderation wherewith he adorn d it, procured him fuch a Rejpecl from the Sober and Pious of all Denominations^ that it may be rationally hop d nothing will be unacceptable, which bears his NAME. Tho he was very careful to prefs Moral Duties, ( the foameful negleH whereof among thofe that pretend to be Religious, cant be too bitterly bewail* d) yet he was mofi folicitous to make known the My fiery of the Gofpsl, and to preach the unfearchable Richer of Chrifi, beingEp\b}£ fully fat isfied, that unlefs Men be cloath'd with his Right eoufnefs, and animated by his Spirit, their higheft Attainments, and mofi fplendid VerformanctSy will have tk?m jhort of Heaven, A % The ./■ The Preface. The DoBrim of Union to Chrift was, in his account, ofgreatefilmportanee, #pd this indue' d him not only to infijl largely on it in many Sermons to them that -were his peculiar Charge^ but to draw up the Subftance of thofe Sermons in the enfuing Treat ife, that, after his decea/e, they might have them always in rpmem- hranct. Ihat there is a real intimate Union hetwixt the Lord Jefus, and all fincere Christians, cant be deny d by any that are acquainted with the Writings of the New Teftament j wh'ch exprefly ajjefft, that the* with refpetl to his bodiht pre- fence he s in the higheft Heavens, will re- &&S3 umainihtrz until the times of Reftitution of all thingr, ; Jhs alfo with his DifcU pies here on Earth ; yea, hes faid to be to abide and dwellin them, and they to he Fart a kersfand abide in him. ~.„ r ' This Union being one of thofe deep mlJs Itittbwg*' of God, which is not difcernabte oicbriji in without the Spirit is yet in Scripture, iU Quarto, p. Juff rated by many Similitudes, which the 4< * a * following Vages take Notice of: But it 'muft be acknowledged, that they do none of them fufficiently exprefs it ','for ( as a Biftip Pa* learned Prtlatt very well ob(er and to conclude, in his Dig- nity and Kingdom f, they are now j aid to fit in Heavenly places in Chrift Jefus t and it is promised, that hereafter they frail fit down on bis Throne with him. ' Tfo The Preface. The /olid tifcful Matter contain d in ibis pefihumotts Piece, will ( no doubt ) commend it to the perufal offirious Chri- fiians, whofe Edification its worthy Au- thor was always more defireus to promote* than to gratify the Curiofity of thofe who have itching Ears. May thofe among whom he was fo many Tears fixd* make it evident that they have profited by his Minifiry • and may all into whofe Hands this Tracl Jhall come* find a Blejjing attending their rea-* ding of it. May they that have^been without Chrift he brought to an Acquain- tance with, and obtain a faving Interefi in him -* and may they that are already far takers of him* follow after a nearer Conformity to him* till they arrive at the happy ft ate* where they Jhall be ever with him* and ferfeclly like him* feeing him as he is. This is the hearty and earnefi Reque/l* of the unworthiefi of thofe that fervt him in the Goftel* 1SSATS ESSAYS O N Union to Chrijl. MARK IX. 41. Or are >Becaufe ye belong to Cbrlfi. Ck-iJ}\. HOUGH none can be too * 7 *' much forChriftian Unity, it is poilibie ( yea vifible ) that fome good Men may be too Even Dr. rigid in prefling afort of Uniformity. Fuller Had not John, one of Chrift's choice ^*Jf Difciples, joined with fome others that iflued out a Prohibition, againft fome that were well employed, but kept not their Company, nor walked in every Step, , by their Reed and Rule : And doth not our dear Lord give fuch a Decifion and Determina- tion in this Cafe, as would have been of excellent advantage, to the B Church, % Effays . Ja- 4. Is not the Wife joined in a near comb, Mr. Relation to her Husband ? SsteT* Now > ifs well known, thatWor- man. thics have (worthily) treated on that Union, under thofe Refem- ' blances ; and doth not our Blefled Saviour point hereat ? When he point- eth at his Choice ( and chofenj ones. Matth. 12.50. Beheld my Brother s^ and Sifter^ and Mother, Far be it from me to deny ( 01 queftion) that lincere Chriilians are related to every Perfon in the God- John 20. head. Is not God the Father their 17.14. 10*. Father ? Is not God the Holy Spirit their Comforter ? Bur, is it not through Chrift that fuch Relation comes, and becomes the privilege of fallen Man? Is not he in fome refpedt firft (and moft ) allied to them ? Did Heb. 2. - he not vouchfafe to partake of ( and *4« 18. take into perfonal Union with him- felf) tfeeir Nature? Do we not rightly affirm, that they are not only rela- ted to him as God, for fo all Crea- tures Ejfayi on Union to Chri/t. $ tures are, being made by him : But they alfo (land in Relation to him as God-Man, and Mediator between God and Man, fo as none that are not in him are ( or can be ) related to him. i. Were they not (before the JoFin 17. World was ) peculiarly given to him ? 2. 6.9.&C. Doth he not fpeak of, and own 'em under that Notion? Were they not See Revet. that Seed, about whofe Redemption, But S^sok that raft Covenant, carrying that Ti- tle, the Fore-runner and Foundation of the New Covenant , ufually fee forth by the Name of the Covenant if a -. IO of Grace, which palled between the Divine Perfons was tranfa&ed ? Did not he undertake to make his Soul with his Body an Offering for Sin, that he might fee his Seed. 2. Had he not a fpecial Eye on, fand refpeft toj them, in the price p , he paid, and purchafe that he made ? p Are they not a dearly purchafed pof- feflion ? Whatever is ( or can be ) faid for a General Redemption , wherein no plain Text of Scripture fhall be gain-faid by me y Sure I am, that he laid down his Life ( in a way , hn ie# of EminencyJ for his Sheep, and IJp that there are thofe that are redeemed Revet. J 6 - ever ftoop fo low as this of Infinite *^° 3 ' f * to Finite ? 3. What can any propound to themfelves, in feeking (and fuing) for other Relation's, that is worthy to • be compared for named the fame day) with relation to Chrift ? 1. Is Honour taking, as it is with the Ambitious ? What Honour comes within any degree of Com- Pfal. 149. parifon with the Honour of being in uIt - Union with Chrift? "This Honour " have all his Saints : Are not all his " Subje£ts Kings ? Are they not crown'd with Grace, and (hall they not be fo with Glory hereafter ? 2. Is Pleafure alluring? As with the Creatures of Pleafure it is ? What can any Delights relifti, as to the Perfons that have any Spiritual Sen- fes, IO* EJfays on Union to Chrift. fes, particularly of rafting, wfcich are like thofe that are in (and with,) Chrift ? Are not thofe moft delici- ous, becaufe they are moft pure, and prov. 3. ipiritual and abiding ? Are not all 17. the ways of Wifdom (of Chrift who is Wifdorn) ways of pleafantnefs. 3. Is gain (or profit J winning ? Pfal. 4.6. As, alas! there are many that fay who will fhew m any f profitable) pL'i , good? Is not Chrift unto his, Gain, 2I) * *' even in the Iofs of Life ? Are not o- 7,i. ther things as Drofs and Dung in comparifon of him ? Again, If Perfons be Rccufants (or fleighters) and undervaluers of near Relation to Chrift, have they any one good ground or bottom on which rhey can ftand before God ? What will they plead ? Surely, not tSTio 4. t ^ ie ^ r unrighteoufnefs, and will the * Plea of their own Righteoufnefs that Philip. 3. are n ot found in him avail ? ' 9 * Lajtly y Will it not be too lare to wifh they had hearkned to Motions Matth. t made about coming into this ReJa- 2 j, 10. t ' 10n ^ when the Flames of Wrath are about 'em, ftings of Confcience within, and the Lord Jefus (wham they refus'd) hath paft the Sentence of Condemnation upon, and againft *em, which he will not revoke, or alter ? The Effays on Union to Ckrift. i i The Second Ufe is of, and for aCor.ii^ Examination, Try we, Prove we, our V felves. Are we of Ch rift's near Re* lations? Do we fo belong to him as to have Union to him. i. In general, are we true through (and found) Believers ; it is by o- thers obferved, that in Holy Writ, when we read of Faith, we read of it as receiving and relying on Chrift, j . j. lx< and as tying and joining us to him, as a band on our part ? And do we not read of his dwelling in the Hearts of Perions thereby? i. Do E . we (with clearnefs and fixed nefs) af- j 7 / ^ fent to the Truths of Chrift ? 2. Do we freely (and fully) accept of and embrace the Perfon of Chrift ? 3. Do we fwith our weighty) lean on the Arm and ftrength of Chrift. 4. Are we yielding Obedience nnd fubmitting to the Scepter and c ant g. *. Kingdom, with the Laws of Chrift ? 2 Cor. 10. To defcerd to other particulars, 4* Ask we our Souls. 1. Are we in good earned for * ,2 1° Crucifying the Flefli, with the Af- fections and Lufts thereof? Are not they fo that are fo Chrifts, as to be- long to him, and be united to him ? Would we put Sin, our fpecial Sins* yea, and inward Inclinations towards Sin to Death ? Arc we Volunteers in this ti Effays on Union to Chrift . this good Caufe, and Fight ? Are we willing to endure that anguifh that Gal. a. 20. ufually attends Sins, Death ? Is it our manner, and in our defireand delign, to fetch fin-flaying Venue from Chrift, and his Crofs ? Rom. S. 2 - Have we the Spirit of Chrift 9. fo as to have and receive a new i Cor. 2, and excellent Spirit from Chrift ? ,Q ' Do our Souls breach after thofe mea- fures of Chrift's Spirit, who receiv- ed not rhe Spirit in fand by) Mea- fure which we have nor yet at- tained ? Are we in our Willies for Eph. 5. being filled therewith ? Are we for imitating and following of Chrift in the low (yet high J way of Humili- ty? The plain and open way of Sincerity ? Surely they have the ho- ly Spirit, that are by him and join- ed to Chrift. The Third Ufe, is a Word of Ex- hortation. Be we excited not to take reft to our felves, or give reft to God, till we (tend nearly related to Chrift, what Relation foever we have hi- therto ftood in. The Firft Rule for our Direction is, See we to our forrow, (and the breaking of our Hearts) that Sin o- riginal and adtual hath fee us at the greateft remove and diftance from Epp on Union to Chrijl. *) from Chrift ? Are we not Enemies CoIof , to (and not only Aliens from) him? ai* Do not our Hearts anfwer theirs, as Faces anfwer one another in a Glafs, who will not come unto Jo. s- 4® : Chriil, that they may have Life? The Second Direction is, To far- ther our Sorrow, and render it more full and flowing. Confider we how great our lofs (together with our Sin) hath been in (landing off from Chrift fo long, and putting him to complain that he hath all the Day Rom. i*> long (yea, Days without number,) aK waited on gainfaying ones that have refifted his Miniftery and moving In- treaties? The Third Direction comes : Far fand farj be it horn us, to be fo daring and prdurnptuous as to put it on a Trial. How we can at the laft D^y anfwer for reie&ing him, and the fair free Oilers and tenders of Grace made by him ? Can our R ev el. & Hands be ftrong, or our Hearts en- the Uttti* dure, if in this State he charge this * nd - Sin upon us ? Shall we not to our Conf ufion feel the force of his Arm, that would not fee for regard,) the love of his Heart. The Laft Direction fliallbe: Now, 2 Cor. 6. now, whiJft it is to Day, before the l> -• Door of Hope is fliut cry we, * 3 ' and 14 Eflays on Union to Chrtfl. and engage we all Holy Cryers ro join with us, and for us. That God Would perfwade our Hearts fo as to prevail on 'em, thar we may fay ro Chrift after the manner that Ruth faid to Naomi) We'll take our Lot with thee, and cleave with full pur- pofe of Heart to thee. Plead we thus -y our unworthinefs thou canfl remit, remove, and our defire to be united ro thee, had its rife from thee. a . The Second Branch of the Exhor- * tation bendeth towards thofe good Men fand Women,) that do peculiarly belong to him. fcolof. i. Study (and Labour) they to walk 4o * worthy of and futably to fuch a prime Privilege ; Doth not Dignity Jo. 6. $7. befpeak Duty ? Should not Blood Royal run in the Veins of all true Royalties, and retainers to the King of Kings? The all and ever blefled Lord Jefus ? Should they alfo go away from Nehem. him ? Should fuch Men as they flee S. 11- upon Approaches and Affaults of his and their Enemies ? His they are, and him they ought with all their Might to fervej had they a Thou- fand Hearts fhould they no* all be T . at his Beck? Should they not adorn uu 2.10. Wg D p^i ne in all things ? This Effays on Union to Chriji. i J This Do&rine doth in the clofe (and God doth by it) fpeak com- fortably to thofe whofe Relation to Chrift is Eminent, and efpecially if it be (to them) Evident, i. In the want for removal) of lower (tho dear) Relations. i. Under the prefence and feel- ing of fore Oppreffions. 3. In the Face and Appearance of not a few nor fniall difincourage- ments 1. Will not the Lord Jefus have an Eye to, and care of you, will he forfake for not flick) to you ? 2. Do not thefe grand benefits wait on him, and for you? i. Justification of our Perfons. a. Sandtification of your Natures, 3. Audience of fand Anfwer to) your Prayers. 4. Acceptance or your other Ser- vices. 5. Perfeveranee'in Grace, during the Prefent State. 6. Glorification and BlefTednefs in the future State, which will be with- out End, Oi 1 6 On the Resemblances [or Simi- litudes ) whereby the Union between Chrifl^ and Chrifli- ans are fet forth. (JFirft) On that between the Foun- dation and a Building. i P E T. i. 4, £. Unto whom coining as to a living flow— Te al/o as lively fiones are built «/>v — See Dr. CJHould it not be with the Heart Hill. iJ that is touched with the Grace of God, as 'tis with the Needle that is touched with the Loadftone ? Should it not be ftill in Motion ? Should it not tend Chrift-wards, as that doth Northwards "> Is not the Or- der iflued out in the TVxt/or a Belie- vers conftant, continual coming un- Sn tQ the Lord Jefus? Doth n0C the i/Totf-sf^t- Participle point at (and out) a con- ftfw. ' tinual coming ? It is not my Ddign continues t0 teac h on t hj s Text, as largely as bisPolus. ic woul< i wel * warrant me: I am ' (here) mainly to infift on. This tijfiys on Union to Chrijt. 1 7, This Do&rine : The Union be- tween Chrift and finCerc Chiiftians is Compared to that betwixt the Foun- tlation, and the Strufture ( or Stones ) built thereon. Are not he and they coupled and 16. 2 & joyn'd together ? Are they not as a see the Fabrick cemented to him ? Is he not M * r & in * the Rock of Ages ? On whom Cor which ) in all Ages ( the truly call'd } Catholick Church hath been, is, and /hall be bottomed ? Hath he nor the Very Name of a Foundation, and of Ifa.*8.i& the Head Corner Stone ? Is not rhe ve ' 5 > ?• Church his Houfe, and his Temple? [^^ When we read of the 1 2 Foundati- ons, of the City of God, and of the . Foundation of the Prophets and Apo- sfJ*£L* 0t files, we are not to conftrue thofe Bain*/ ad Phrafes, as if they referr'd to any loca. meer Mens Perfons, but to that Do- 'Cor-3.1i ftrine of Chrift, which they rdtight and held forth Other Foundations can no Man lay, lave this that's now laid before us. I ftiall (as my betters have done,) take f and give) notice, that this fimilitude is like to divers others, that hold not in all particulars. Clear it is, 1 . In a common Ma* terial Building the Foundation is (and lies) below : But Ghrift the Foundation, on which the drift ians C (who 1 3 £ * Unto* to Ckrili. ( who cooftkute the Chard] ) build, is i abo- Head. Pfal. iiS. F - ? 4: i.] -rHov. rhtheFoun- C bar, : r u s (b StQltt A; it, :'. ..: att- bl Cafe 1: oeciaily ) iq be Fou :h and bears up the Bui;; 2nd by con- fequence confemc 3p- pofiiion. And id, Have Be- lievers fuppc. w * m uph 'C?.:[[:' Arethr dy (as they have reaf GaLs.t©. u ^ ^ e holy ^pofl ttfte, fatf Cbrift Irvitb in us. fctjnfc i pared to Glaffes vfk'r Garna]. a Foot , that cannot ftasd fafe in ( _ • ) an hand tha: 'em ? Is u not O'.v : of his Paffion, and to the Virtue of HrCdEon ( chereon founded ) to tts efficacious Workings or' Spirit, Effays 072 Union to Qhrifl. 19 Spirit, that they (land ('and hold) their ground ? 2. Is ic not by Power ifTiied out from him, that all the head and op- pofition that is made again ft 'em, by pr a j 10 g their three Grand Enemies, the De- tbsUfi vil, the World, and the Flefh, is made **r£. void, is born and broken down, that their Enemies fierce aflaulcs upon and Roro. g. . againft 'em are thofe of the Waves Matth.ill of the Sea again ft a Rock ? They 18, break thcrnfelves, but cannot break 1 he Rock, the very Gates of Hell (hall rOt prevail againft 'em. I am aware, there is another Ex- position of the Text 3 but, the ordi- nary Glofs is a true one, the Judges ufed to fir, and the Centinels to ftand in the Gates and Cities 3 and certain- ly, neither the Policy nor the Power of the Man fha!l overthrow the City r of God. Is not the Mount of Hoii- pr r2 *' tl nefs as Mount Z counted through Conformifts, to the Rules of their feveral Parties ? It mult needs be, that this fpiritual Building fhould referable much ( yea and excel ) that of lower Buildings. Now is it not an Evidence that comes down to Reafon, yea to Senfe ? As the Foundation of a Palace ( yea of a Cottage ) doth fupport the one, and the other, fo it is a Meafure and Rule bv which the Builder doth therein proceed. Are not the Stones joined to it, commenfurate and proportionable thereunto ? Oh that this Word had its due weight ! Do not many look for Salvation by Chrift, who do not at all look af- ter conformity to him ? As if they could prove themfelves to be prede- ftinate that are not conformable to the Image of God's Son ? Or as if i Pet 4. the State of Glory belonged to thofe **• that have not the Spirit of Glory. I with, and from Holy Writ write Phil 2. s- in an arguing way. 1 . Should not the fame Mind, yea ( and Arfedtion ) be in the Saints that was in their Saviour ? Should they not judge of Perfons, (and ThingsJ as he doth ? Should Effays onUtiion to Chrtfl. zx Should not their Minds be lowly, and yet heavenly, as his was? Should SV"* 0,8 ' not their Eyes be much ( as his was ) Heb - 10 * *• at doing his Fathers Will , and de- igning and fetting forth his Father's Glory ? And fhould not their Affe£Hons carry a likenefs to his, and run in the E P^- $• fame Channel that his did, and do? m^.. Should they not love and hate, de- light and diilike, in imitation of fuch a blefled Pattern ? Should not that ftir up hearty Grief, and holy Anger in them, that did fo in him ? Should not their walk, way, or courfe of Life be ( as near as poflible ) r Jo. 2. 6. in that ftate, in the track, Path, and E P*J- *• *• Step, wherein he hath trod and gone t^r'the before 'em ? w d. Particularly, 1. Should they not walk after him in love, in a found Senfe dwelling in love, as to God, fo to Men on God's Account, love of well-wifliing to bad Men, and love of complacency as to good Men ? Should nor this facred Fire flame and break out iri them as it did in him, in a readinefs both to give, and for- give ? 2. Should not their way be (as &Cor.7.r. his was ) clean and pure, lying clear out of the too common Road of all filthinefs, even that of Spirit ? Should C 3 any %z EJfays on Union to Chrifi. any fpot for (train) of Covetoaf- nefs, Pride, Envy, Malice, or Wrath be found on ( or in ] km ? Was not the Lord jc fus ac the greateft remove from thtfe ? 3. Should not their walking ftill 3g s I0 ' have working, or doing good attend- Jo. 9. 4. ing it? Did not your Saviour go about doing good ? Working the Work of hi.fn that lent him whilft his Day laded ? Did he (land or lye any part for hour J of it idle ? Di4 he not apply himfelr to work pro- per work, and the whole of the G*n.i2.2. work at fuch a time cut out for Hsek. him ? Did not this Son of Righte- 34- 2- oufnefs ftill ihine and fend fonh pro- fitable as well as 'pleafant Rays ? Should not they be for being fas well as ha- ving ) a BlelTing ? 4. Should they not be for fuller re- fembling him, being conformable to Gal. 2, 20. him in his Death ?- Being (fo far) J hlI -3< ! °- crucified With him, dying to Sin; as he died for it, and that voluntari- ly, gradually, daily, being willing to have the Sword of the Spirit run into its very heart, and taking away its Epf1.tf.15. Life, fiiould they not have prepared ^^J' hearts to receive the Shots and Darts md MrT* °f Perfecutions ? Are they real Saints BalL that are not habitually martyrs ? $< Should liffays on Union to Chrift. x J jfi, Should they not be defirous to Rom. 6. have fellowfhip with him (as they *> +> 5- are capable ) in his Eftate of Exalta- tion? Should they not fliew that they Phil.3.10. are rifen with Chrift ? Should not Col. 3. 1, rheir Hearts be where their Head is ? "And they have their Converfation in p^ Heaven as to their Minds and Con- templations, and as to their Wills and Affections? Should thofe lie grove- j nte ]] e- ling on the Earth, as do theirs on ft ua iitir, whom the Curie of the Serpent is ? lee Dr. Should they not ftill be on theAfcen- Whitcfc- dant feeking the things that are coat ' above ? Before I proceed to the id Branch of this Ufe, that which I have faid under the firft furnifhtth us with Matter for Lamentation, and be it . written fas it may be fpoken ) for a Lamentation ! How do they abound that are as to this ? To wit, Confor- mity to, and Refemblance of Chrift, Nonconformists ? O that many that Rom, 3, are known ( and do fufFer ) as being 13. fo denominated, did not ( as to that ) fall ftort of the Glory of God? Or, as one glofTed on that Phrafe, of a frame, temper, and tendency where- in they may humbly glory before God ? 4 Dg 14 Epjs on Union to Chrift. Do not the moft ( and too many of £p&4. n,thofe that in their own Looks, and |.3,*5«i&Y, not in them only'ftand as among the bcft ) lagg and lie behind, not com- ing up to the grand Pattern and Samplar ? As through the fupplies of and from the holy Spirit they might do ? As to the Commonalty, and loofer fort of Profeflbrs, how unlike to Chrift do jhey look ? How little do they look, and third after likenefs to him ? And now way is made for the id Branch of the ill Ufe, which runs as followeth : z. Wc may learn how meet it ap- pears., as ordinary it is, that the Lord fliould exert and put forth on Jo. 16. 7, thofe grown Perfons on whom he *> 9- worketh favjngly, a Work of that Grace w,hich we call preparing? Is it not the way ($nd manner) of the holy Spirit to be a convincer, in or- der to his being an uniter ? Doth he Jer. 4« 4- not take perfons off from their fandy bottoms, thgt fo they may be furely bottomed on the living (and life-gi- ving) Foundation? Is it the manner of Mafons, in lower Buildings, to lay Stones as they are taken out of the Quarry, without gny hewing and polifhing into the Structures, they are to raife, efpeciaily if Ejfays on Union to Chrifl: *> *f any of 'em be defigned for a Tem- ple, or Houfe, wherein God is to be publickly worshipped. Had not Solomon the wife, before * King* he engaged in building the (lately ** ,J ' Temple, his hewers of Stone in the Mountains, and his Preparers of the Timber that was to be ufed therein nearer home ? Tho* its far from me to prefcribe to God, and fet down to what degree the fallow Ground of the Heart is to be broken up. I will not feem to limit the holy One of Jfraely he hath hte Preroga- tives j ytt I may ask, Are Men or Women whilft in their meer ( not pure ) Naturals , meet Stones to lie ( or be laid ) in the Spiritual Houfe and Temple of God ? Arc they not far from that ? Arc they precious, fmooth, and pleafant Stones ? Are they not very rugged , unhewen, Zec.7. u, and hard to be hewen, too like to S" MrSv an Adamant Stone, which they tell Marfhal. us, refifteth both the Fire , and the Hammer ? It is a very great Point, and, as I judge, well handled, as by many others, fo by a late great weighty Mr. Not* and weighing Divine of the other ton * England^ that in ordinary there are certain preparatory Works (or Work- ings) that interpoie (and come be- tween) %6 EJfays on Union to Chrift. tween ) the carnal reft of the Soul in Sin, and the effectual Calling of ir Mr* into a ftate of Union to Ch rift, and Ifctchel. 3 not her of that England hath lament- ed this, that nor a few Profeffors reft in a not through (but imperfect) Work, firft of the Law, and then of theGofpeL I do not gain fay a choice Divine, who faith that all ought, and are bound to come to Chrift, to whom he giveth aGofpel-call; oranorher, who faith, if perfons feel their abfo- lute need ef him, they fhould not make the pretence of their being not fufficiently humbled, a real Apo- logy ( or Excufe ) for their (landing otf front him : But I am fully fatis- fied in what is alfo faid, Man natu- rally ( fince his Nature is defiled ) is not a Subject fit or difpofed to re- ceive Chrift immediately. Some Work of the renewing Spirit, leadeth and tendeth thereunto. Some Convicti- ons are fif not morally yet) naturally S«* Mr. requisite in the Cafe. Perfons will Wood- not come unto Chrift, till in fuch a bridge. wa y he come unto and into them ? 1 L Can it rationally ( efpeciallv fpritu- |oh.5.4*-. a [i 7 ) be expedted, they fhould be converted, that were never convin- ced I Be Effays on Union to Qhrift. %y Be the following Points (and Particulars well ( and thoroughly ) weighed ? i . Is not Man's Underftanding wo- fully benighted ? Doth not Darknefs g , - ( yea, grofs and affedied Darknefs ) ■ ' * cover the Face of his Soul, till a Light from Heaven break forth and fhine upon it ? Is he not willingly ( yea wilfully ) Ignonant ? Doth he not clofe (and pfaI - 82 -5 /hut) his Eyes upon (and againft) the Light of the Gofpel that fliineth fair (and Broad ) round about him ? Till the Spirit of God hath in fome awake-night-work (and way ) dealt A ^ s 2£ - with him, drawing by a powerful " 7 way the veil from before Ids Eyes, and fixt 'em on the lefs pleafing Sub- ject his own vilenefs and filthinefs. Will he enter into (or feriouily offer at) the Path of Life? 2. Are not Perfons naturally fad afleep on-the Bed of frcurity ? Hath not a deep flumber fallen on and feized 'em ? Which (alas! ) doth pof- fefs and rule 'em ? Was not the Apo- ftle Paul alive without the Law, Rom, (that is a right underftanding and n. 8, 7, applying of the Law ) till the Com- 3 » $ naandment came,and that in and with the Authority of the Commander, to bis Conscience ? Did Sin revive as to his i8 EJfays on Union to Chrift. his fenfe, or be die as to felf-confi- dence ? Have not Perfons pleating Judg. »7- (tho vain) Dreams, that all is well, and God will certainly do 'em good ? Uttering a loud ( tho' falfe ) cry : to iTheC w \ ti Peace, Peace! Will thefe fettle ** J * right, whilft not a whit fhaken? 3. Are not the Wills of Perfons na- turally wrong fet? 1. Is not Sin deeply feated in 'em ? Ate they not as Epbraim was joined Hof* 17- (yea verily glued ) to Idols? At leaft to fome one or other Idol. Is there not a fin that doth eafily befet *em , as a long daggling Garment doth one that fhould travel ? Is not Heb.13.1. their very inward part Wickednefs ? Are not their hearts fet in 'em to do Pfal. s-9> Evil ? Hath not (in their chief love and delight ? Is it not as a fweet bit under their Tongae,which they chew on? Do they not greedily drink Ini- quity, as the thirfty drink Water ? 2. Are they not alienated from Eph.4. 1$. the Life of God ? Yea, utter Ene- mies thereunto ? Do they not chufe Jer. j. 13. the Gifterns , the broken Cifterns which will hold no Wacer * To the negle7} State were ungodly, and have yet remains of ungodlinefs in 'em. It difclaimeth the coverings that are not of God's Spirir, as too fcanty, fhort and narrow as to hiding it's mkednefs, •3fe 2. If Efays on Union to Qhrift* 3 J 1. It betakes it felf to Chrift* not Onely as a fheher from Wrath, but alfo as a Saviour from Sin ? It goes, . runs (yea flies J for Refuge to the Hope fet before k 3 io that tome of see Dr. great name defcribe Faich as the Owen. Sight of a Penitent Sinner unto the Mercy of God in Chrift, and judge that the Defcriprion is to be prefer- red before divers others. 3. It acquiefceth in and is fatisfi- J h. 6.67, ed with Chrift, feeking no further, 68. faying, to whom ftiall I go, Chrift hath the Words of eternal Life, and hath wrought out for me, and brought to me a cornpleat juftifying Righteoufriefs. 4. Is not this reding on Chrift a&s j ; joined to and with receiving him as a 2, 23. a Prophet, and Prince ? And reiign- ing it felf to him to be taugh* and ruled by him ? I add, 1. This relying A 61 hath (if I may not call it an habit) a Prin- ciple and Seed of Holinefs at the root of it. It is not only the Souls g se Dr ufing Chrift in a time of need and Bolton, ftraits, but its Inclination is to a- bide in and with him, to makes its daily Food, and not only (at times) its Cardial . D % a. I' m. i Tim 5- jude 20. James 2. Dr. Ar- row- Cmith Ta& fac. Heb. 6. r. 1 1. Tit. 1. 1. 2. It is an unfeigned (and not a "counterfeit,) Truftj and as we read of mod Holy Faith which agreeth to the Gra^e whereby we Believe, as well as the Dodirine which is believ- ed, fo this A£fc of Reliance is of an Holy Nature. It's accompanied with Holinefs in the Root, and ' fwallow- cd with the Fruits thereof. It is the Aft not of a dead but of a living f and working,) Faith, will not what I have faid (or written J fhow that this believing hath no kind (ox co- lour,) of prefuming in it ; and that the Point 1 am on may to thofe that are of a weaker Capacity be moie cleav'd. r. I (hall diftinguifh fas my bet- ters have done) of the feveral forts of Faith, which is thus forced. i. # There is what as ftiled the Faith of Principles., a fhorter in the Epiftle to the Hebrews, and a larger in the Creed called the Apoftks. 1 . There is alfo a Faith that goes under the name of the Faith of Mi- racles ; upon the exerting of that and Prayer, God (in divers Cafes) wrought what was purely miraculous, Men being Moral Agents therein, and faid to be done by their hands. 3. There is the Faith of God's E- kft, that to which Perfons were or- dained Effays en Union toCbrijI. 37 dained from Eternity; to which A ^ s T „ ihey are chofen and called in time, 4 g, whereby Chrift dweileth in their Hearts : And are there not feveral A&s of the Faith Jaft named. There is the alien ting and a(Turt«g A&, as well as the relying A£t. Concern- ing the former, I do (zs they J de- termine. That the Faith of Princi- ples is found in all the Regene- rate that are of Years, though not in them only. And that the Faith of Miracles hath not been found in all, or moft of them, if only in them. And as for the third fort j all of mature Age, that are faithful have it, and none others have fo 5 and as to the latter diftin&ion, concerning the A6ts of Faith, I acquiefcein what Worthies affirm. Ailent to the Truths of Chrift is A£b 8. given by, the Regenerate, y^t is com- 15,23. mon to them with others. Simon J 2! ^es a Magus did fo Believe, and. doth not Satan fo ? Affurance of Intereft in Chrift none fave the Regenerate reach ; but do all 'em do To ? Or do any of 'em fin ordinary) do fo Pfal. 30.6. at all times ? Do not fome whofe *&■ 8. 17- Day is cleareft find that a Cloud * 0, I0 * may arife ? He or fhe that feareth the Lord, and obeyeth the voice of D 3 his 3 2 EJfays en Union to Chrifl, his Servant, may walk in Darknefs and be under Defertion. But recum- bence and refting on Chrift (as for other Bleifings ib for J unification J! fuch as I have been pleading for is found in all the faithful, and only Dr. Bol- in them. This is ftiled the EfTential ton. condiment as one of the other may be an Antecedent, and the other a confequenr of Believing to the faving of the Soul. Be this well weighed I There are fe- vera! Scriptural Phrafes, efpeciallyin the Old Teftament, that relate to Faith, and favour the Notion, i. e. (thofe that I prefer before my felf pr 1 have appeared for.) the iaji A Principal one is trufting in God 37. 3, $, and Chrift, who is fo ; a Second, Is 7. $s- * 2 - leaning on him ; a Third, Cafting the Cant. 8. B urc }en on him ; a Fourth, Devolv- ing and rolling ones felf upon him, • all which imply retiring to him. . If enquiry be ? what is the fpecial Objedl of this A they lay on it ? If any fay, that none can truly fay, they truft in Chrift, fave fuch as are affured they have received him. I write, qz Ejfiys oh Union to Qhrifl. I write, that trufting doth fometimes denote the very a& of leaning on him, and fometiines the effedt there- of: In the Objection the latter Ac- ceptation is refpe&ed. The id ufe of the Doftrine fhal! PfaL 12$. be in a word of Exhortation. And e,2, tec ' u is firft directed to all that will vouchfafe to caft their Eyes thereon. Be they excited with all within 'em to praife God's holy Name , that Lines are fallen to 'em in the Terri- tories (and Tents) of Proteftants* Are they not far off and in that part of the univerfal Church that leads and guides *em to the fure ( and fole y Foundation, and teacheth them to bottom themfelves (and all their Faith ) and Hope, as to Eternals thereon ? Can they of and for Rome clear and defend the Do&rine in this I&28. 10, Point ? As one of 'em ftands charged with mifapplying and perverting the Text of the Prophet Ifaiab , that is quoted in one of the Verfes follow- ing that of the Text, concerning the Lord's laying a Foundation-Stone to the Pope. It's well known, that they do ordinarily mifapply that famous Phrale about Chrift building his Church on a Rock, as if he there- in firft pointed at St, feter , and af- ter Effays on Union to Chrifl, 43 ter him, at every Succcffor of his in the Roman See, Seat and Chair. Bur, 1. That Apoftle was far from being able to fuftain, eftablifh, and bear up the truly-called Catholick Church. 1. Was he not a meer Man ? And fo unable to fatisfy the Juftice of God ? And, 2. A frail mortal Man, and fo could not abide with Men for ever ? And, 3. A finfulMan by his own Confetlion, and fo himfelf needed Luk. 23. a Supporter. Is it nor evident thai 3». 3*- he had quite funk, had not he that is s ' the Foundation upheld him ? 4. He was fo far from taking to Mat. 14. himfelf the honour of being the3°>3'* Foundation, that, as hath been hint- ed, he gives the Glory toChrift, and iPct.2.$= proclaims him as fuch. tf any bearing the Protefrant Name do fuppofe what others of 'em can- not grant, that the Text might have fome reference to Peter : Hqw comes the Pope to ftand related to it ? Is there a Word (ox Syllable^ thatfig- nifieth, that he or his See are in the leaft intended in it ? They have not ( that we know of) yet proved from one place of Scrip- ture that ever Teter was at K&me^ much kfs 44 EJfiy* cn tf*™* f0 Cbriff. lefs that he fate there as Pope ; and leaft of all that what was his privi- lege as an Apoftle, was to defcend and be derived down to every fuc- ceeding Pope ; yea, or to any one of 'em. I add, i. The Church of the New ( tho' diftinguifhed ) is not divided Aa$ 15 9. from that f the oid> Do noc both fall under the Name of one true uni- verfal Church ? Do they fo widely differ, that one that is the latter had fuch a Foundation as the other, and former Bad not ? Now, will any that lay not afide the ufe of their Reafon, fay, that the Church of the Old Te- {lament ( or Jews ) was founded on the Pope. 2. Many Popes ( as many Papifts have acknowledged ) have been far from being living Members of the Church ; being rather Monfters than Men, Apoftatical, not Apoftolical • Was Chrift's Church founded upon fuch. The manner of the Romanifts is to cry aloud , The Fathers, ( the Fathers ) are all of our part, and party. But have not our Modern Divines See Dr. faid, wrote, and proved, that not* a Barrow, few of thofe Ancients ( fo calledj did expound that Text in Matthew, nei- ther Ejjays on Union to Chrift. 45" ther of the Perfon of any Pope, nor yet of Peters Perfon, but of the Faith or Confeilion of Chrift that Peter de- clared. Is ic not faid , upon this Rock will I Build, not on thee ? It is not faid, Thou art the Rock. In the Greek the Words for Peter and the Rock do differ -> They are not of one Gender. It may be, and is urged (tho* Pe» ter was not, and tho' a Pope is not ) a primary Foundation of the Church, he was, and the Pope is, a fecondary Foundation of it. Hereunto it is readily (and as to me fatisfyingly ) anfwered. 1 . Tho' the Church hath only one perfonal Foundation ; yet if a Do- to him, hungry and thirfty, to fetch l > *• all from Chrift, and not to dream of bringing any thing to him. When we are to buy of him 'tis to be with- out Money, or Price. Is it thus with Papifts ? Merit is by them more than enough fpoke of, and for. If any fay, Do all Proteftants lire up to fuch Principles, or do they ge- nerally do fo ? E Here 5^ EJfays cn Union to Chrift. Here I can utter good wifhes,when I conceive many Lamentations. i. O that many that bear thePro- teftant Name were more true to the Tit. i.ie. tvuc ^^ligion, and an honour to ir, PhiLi.27. as it is an honour to them ! i. O that they had Hearrs (and Lives ) more fluted to the Faith pro- iftc i. fciTed by 'em, and were delivered up «k up. t0 t ^ e Doirrioes delivered to 'cm ! Rom. 6. ? q that when they Qwn Chri fl' s Minders, they only called Chrift Matter ; remembring, that they on- Mat. 23. lyftrine as Stars, and drop as Clouds; ,0 - and that they (rill came to hear what he the Lord doth in the Miniftry fay to 'em ! 4.O that when Doctrine is brought to 'em, they with good Bereans ASts 17. brought it to the Teft, to try its con- 11 fonancyto the Rule of Fail h and Life! ^. O that as to the Matter of Ju- ftification they preferred their Loyal- ty to Chrift, not iiifFering anything to go as joint Purchafers with him. 6. O that they may be truly ten- ia Cor. der as to rhe Point ( and Parts ) of 11.2,3. Worfhip, and the Ufages annexed and appointed as appendants to it I 7. O that they may be for being cleanfed from ail filthinefs both of % C° r 7 1. Flefh and Spirit, and may be for per- fecting holinek in the Fear of God I O E(fays on Union to Chrift. $ \ 8. O that all along as to refitting Rom. n> Sin, performing Duty, and exercifing ^j. f Grace, they may bear in Mind, that they bear nor , but the Root Chrift , may be Exalted in ( and by) 'em. The next Branch of the Exhortati- on is (alfo) dirtied to us all in General. May we fuifer it ? Put we it to the Queftion, and on a fair and throughly Impartial TryaJ, Whether we as yet are as Men to the Living Stone, and are as lively Stones built thereon ? Is Chrift f the Foun- dation ) ours ? To be fure, all of thofe that profefs to be fo^ are not fo. Are ,* .« there not Buildings of this fort that theUmt have no bottoms, fave fandy ones ? mi t And will not a windy ftormy time prove this ? To move us more to^xamine (and a £ ofa prove) our felvcs and ftate, be it 13.5. well weighed ! 1. If we be truly (and rightly) built and bottomed , exacl: fearching cannot at all damage us ; but if the Coafts ( or Sky ) be any whit ckar, and we from under the power of Melancholy, it will much advantage us. We fhall not then need, as to our Perfons, to over- fear thofe black and difmal days, that have long fand juftly ) been feared ? Our Hcrufc E % thac fz EJfays on Union to Chrijf. that is on the firm Rock will abide ; Ifa. 3j. v/e may make our Souls to enjoy 3» 4i &c- good, and in the day of Profperity, Eccl.2.14- j-ejoj^e \ n thebeft manner. 7 ' ,4 ' 1. If any of us be not ( as we mould be) rightly bottomed, it is 2. Cor. bef! for us to know it. It was fa id to *3- S* others, Know you net your own felves? Have we much acquaintance abroad, Pncftac and continued Strangers at home. Is J^ cfl ^ not the Cafe within the reach ( and compafs ) of a Cure, and fhall we not be nearer it, if we come under Convictions that we want it ? And the higher any of us build if it be upon Sand, the more dangerous is £0 minus our (landing, and the more dreadful magi?* w ^ our feN De - Are not ^ e carna l- fecuri. ty fecure at the greateft diftance from fafety ? 3. It is to us of very fad fignification, 3f in this Cafe, we decline ( and neg- N left ) tryal. Do not they who are founds leaft fear fearching ? Will he whole Gold is good (and full weight) fhun either the Teft or the Balance ? If we fhun the mining and difcover'- ing light, do we not give others, yea John 3« ( and our felves ) caufe to fear, that l 9> 20. we are unc j er t he power of ( and in love with ) inward, and in the way to outward, and fo to Eternal Dark- nefs. lam E flays en Union to Chrtft. 53 I am now for the Motives found in the foregoing Pages, to lay down means , that may be helpful to us in trying our State. And, r. Be we fare, we confuk with the Scripture of Truth, which Dan IO is as a Golden Reed to (and for) 2 i. meafure your inward condition, Find we there, and fetch we thence, the Marks and Signs we try our (elves by ? Is not this Light of a difcover- ing Nature ? Was not this one of the , j y §| i* ends for which God's Word became Scripture, that we might know our States ? 2. Lay we our Lives, Heaits, an<| Frame clofe to Scriptural Rules and Notes, and diftinguifhing Marks, that we may better fee how they agree thereunto. Whether they anfwer them as Wax fealed doth the Engra- ving or the Seal? Do Impreflions anfwer fuch Expreflions ? 2. Humbly (and Earneftly) im- plore we the Aids ( and Enlight- nings ) of the Holy Spirit. Is it not among the Offices ( and Operations ) of the Holy Spirit to lead us both - . into Truth, and into our felves? May , Cor, 2! he fhine into our Souls, and on the l2 . good things that are in any of us, the things that are given to us of God. Plead we ? that we are on our Duty, E 3 and 54 Effays on Union toChri/l 9 Frov. and undoubtedly he that goes about ??• h this inwatd Work, is to go alone, to retire, and Teparate himfelf, and to take fufficient and feafonable time for it. As for Marks ( and Signs ) ca(l we our Minds fwith our Eyes) on the Text and Context, asking our Souls. i. Can we give fome account what we have felt about the Lord's Hof. & 5. nan ^ being on us, in order to the hfnvlng and pol/fljing us , by the Mouths , Pens , or Miniftry of his Prophets, predictive, or inftru&ive, that fo we might be as Stones fquared to lay on the founding Foundation ? Have we had experience of Con- viction and Contrition ? Have we feen and felt our need of coming un- der the Hammer of the Word ? To Jer.23.29- have together with the breaking of our Hearts for fin, the breaking 'em off from carnal and felf-confidence. 2. Are we laid any whit clofe r#, and even cn } the Foundation ? You poj.2.6,7. know, Building Stones are fo. Are we in our whole Sou !s, (and the de- fires and defigns thereof ) joined to Chrift, and a whole and undivided puM* Chrift ? Do we receive Jefus Chrift the Lord ? Are tore knit in our At fe&ions to him ? Are we of his Spi- rit and Temper ? Do we breath that we Effays on Union to Chrifl. f$ we may be nearer him, and that we may dwell on him. 3. Are we (in ourpurpofe) for coming on all occafions ( and at all times ) to him ? Are not Stones in the j ,- - Spiritual Building moving ones} Are wefenfible that we are liable to Dead- nefs ? And that without frefli and adlual Grace , we cannot make a li- ving on our Faith, or maintain a vi- gorous Exercife thereof. 4. Are we in fome meafure (would v/e be in a greater meafure ) lively Stones , in the management of Du- ties, Prayer in particular? And Exer- cife of Grace of love eminently, and fo for being communicative accord- ing to the Nature of Goodnefs? Are we for refilling Temptarions, and firft Motions to Evil ? And LaftIy,Ho w are we and would we be affe£ted towards the Building, , and the true regular Stones that lie ^ II *' thereon with us ? Are not living Stones affedtionate ? Do we love the Catholick Church ( truly fo called ? ) 1 Cor. Are we of Catholick Principles? Are I2 » **• we afraid of Schifm, that is fo in the Eye of the Scripture ? Do they that lie in God's bofom, lie in ours alfo ? Do we love moft (and beft ) thofe Pans and Members of the Church 1 Jo. j. r. E 4 that £ 6 Ejjays on Union to Chrifl. that are pureft, and yet truly love every true, tho' weak Chriftian ? The next part of the Exhortation is to thofe that are not built on Chrift. Blefs they not themfelves in their Hearts till they are fo. i. See they, that they have not yet come under the Hammer ? Do not their Hearts keep up a regard to Come Iniquity, that is their own ? Do they not decline the way that leads to Chrift ? Are they not averfe to him, and his Offices ? %. Sorrow they inwardly ( and Gal 4. 4. deeply ) for their Condition ? What 5 . ,3, hearts have we,may they fay,till Grief enter and pierce 'em? Did not Chrift at a dear rate make way for their coming and being built on him? Did he not join their Nature to his Per- fon, and come under a Curfe that they might come into a Capacity of partaking of the Blefiing ? 3. Give they way to due fears, left their Souls and Bodies fhould be parted before Chrift and their Souls be united, and confequently, they bhtthis. £ at j ea f c j h eai v t hat doom go depart from me* &C 4. In humble and earneft Prayer, wait they on the Lord, that he that laid the bleffed Foundation would bkfs them in laying them on it, ac» knpw~ Ejjays on Union to Chnff: 57 knowledging their unablenefs to do It themfelves, and unworthinefs that he fhould do it for 'em. The laft Word istothofe that are built on the living Stone, fliew they that really they are fo. 1. Prize they this St one that they can- f Pet % t not over- prize. Is not it every way *> s. precious, 1. As Eledt, and chofen, by his Father for his Chrift. 2. As tried a&ively and pafiively ; as, 5. An Eben-Ezery a Stone of help in all times of need. 4. A firm, folid and Zech. 7, Ming Stone. 5. A Stone in (and 9- on) which there are Seven Eyes, 6. A Stone 'that to thofe that have found him out, turn all into true pure Gold. May the faithful be afraid of (tum- bling at this Stone, of being in any Cafe offended in (and with) him grieving, that fo many judge mean- ly of his Perfon, refufe his Yoke, di- viding his Benefits. May they come to him, and to his Father rhro* him as in humble Suppli- cations^ in holy Ejaculations and fe- rious Meditations ! May they come to him in Grace till they come to be With hiin in Glory, Wprld with- out end. This mean Writer having touch- ed on the Myftical Union, that is *#' ' between 5 8 Ejfays on Union to Chrifl. •between Chrifl: and thofe that are Chrift's in General. And having (with what con- venient brevity could be) treated, frm particularly on the Similitude (and i Pet. 2. Refemblance) that this Union bears 4- to a Foundation, and the Stones laid thereon. With dependance on Divine Af- liftance, a Second Companion ufed in Scripture referring thereunto, ly- eth (and is to be laid) before the Candid and Courteous Reader, to Wit, that between The Vine and the Branches, from J O H N xv. j. lam the Vine : ye are the Branches. Mr. A Worthy to whom God gave an excellent Ability ("and Skill) fonr* in expounding Scripture did wellob- ferve, that there is no neceflity of a ftridt enquiry, what gave the rife to Chrift's ufing the Comparifon infift- ed on ; fave his holy Will, guided by his infinite Wifdom. Some have conjedlured it might be from his fee- ing a Vine through (or on) a Win- / dow. It's known, that he took oc- cafion Ejjays on. Union to Chrifl. S9 eafion from Temporals to raife his J°- 4- 34, Hearers Minds to Spirituals. |*' I0 Ia That which is counted more Ma- & c . terial, than fuch enquiry is, is to view (and weigh) and obferve what the drift, Defign, (and fcope) is for which it is uied ; and of that we may be more fatisfied through the handling of this Doctrine. The Union between Chrifl: and fincere Chrifl ians doth refemble that between the Vine and its Branches. All they that are confiderace will confider the Phrafe as figurative $ for litteralJy, Chrift is no more a Vine, than he is a Door, (nor are Believers in the firft Sence of the Word Branches) tho' he is pleafed toftile himfelffo. It is not my manner to put a ftrain (or ftretch) upon Metaphors, nor force 'em, when they have free- ly gone with me one Mile, to go with me twain. But, I doubt nor, Q ua tuo? my dear Brethren, >in the Miniftry pedibus. (and Chriftianity) will agree with me, that if the Similitude will not (as fome Phrafe it J run on all four, it will go readily, and hold in the Three following Refpedta i . Is not the Branch very clofely and intimately joined to the Vine ? Doth it only adhtre 3 or is it only tied 6q EJfays on Union to Chrifl. tied to it ? It doth inhere, and is engrafted into it ; which diftin&ioia may give fome Light to thofe that are in the Dark, as to what is writ- ten ('and to be read) in the Verfe Jo. i$. j. that is joined to that of my Text, where mention is made of a Branch in Chrift that beareth not Fruit. May not they be in the Lord by out- ward Profcifion, and fo vifibly Mem- bers of him, and in Communion with a reforming Congregation^ who are not in the Poffeflion of him, nor in the neareft way related to, Rom him ? Are they all Ifrael that are of r ^ at a Wortn y hath man p . " ^d && Union Natural ; but, that 123. is in rcfpedt of the Divine Nature the attendant and confequent there- of} and a Natural Spiritualnefs is Phil. 1 fometimes fpoken of. I alfo know ao. that the Phrafe of natural Branches ftom. 11. is applied to thofe that were Jews **' by Nature ; but this hath reference to an Ecclcfiaflical (not a purely Spi- ritual) State, which appears by their being broken off} but Spiritual U- nion is both as to its Rife and Effedts fupernaturah The id Branch of this firft Ufe is: 1. The Branches may (and will) grow from (and on) the Fine, that are nor engrafted, but all that grow up into the blefled Head the Lord Je- l? tl S< fus Chrift, are firft engrafted into him, that they may abide in him. The id Ufe is of and for Informa- tion. The firft Branch is : It is the near (and great) Concern of all that name the Name of Chrift, to fee that they Ejfays on Union to Chrifl. 6y they be genuine Branches, and have known (and felt.J i . What Spiritual engrafting is , and that their Fruit-bearing be a Fruit (and fo proof) thereof? What Mztth.?i if a Branch look promifingly, and 21, 22, have fome Buds, but wholly wants &c - clutters of Grapes hanging thereon 5 will this fecure and fave it from the Pruning-hand, and cutting off? a. What if fome called Chriftians are as Branches that are full of Leaves, but are void of Fruit ? Have long y lt r ; Tongues and fliort Arms, and are ulc. not as Chriftians of Old were for Magna ; living and not barely fpeaking great vmmus * things, having a voice like the voice Luke # of Jacob, but hands too like the e, 9. hands of Efau ? Are they in a ftate of San&ification, and fo of begun Salvation ? But the main Ufe I intend to make, is an Ufe of Exhortation. The firft Part whereof is : Put we the Cafe upon a fair iffueand txi^bave we real Union to Cbrift ? Are we really engraft- a Q Qt , j|j ed into him ? O ! that Perfons were s« more willing to Examine themfelves, to Prove their own felves , and to know whether Chrift be in them, and they be in Chrift. Peor I flia^ pre- fent on this Occafion Marks; r. Ex- clusive, a, Such as are not Conclu- sive. 64 EJfays on Union to Chrift. five. 3. Such as are Inclufive. 4; Such as are Adequate, and even ones. Marks of the firft fort, which are on many, and are Proofs that they are not yet united to Chrift $ are, 1. Their continuing in their for- mer Union to (and Communioft with,) their former flejhfy, worldly^ ttom t ? an ^ devilijh Lufts. If he that was I3 . filthy is filthy ftill, if he on whom Gal. jr. the Cuffe of the Serpent was, be **• fo accurfed ftill, if Duft be his Food, and Gold as his God j if when open Idolaters have their Idols of Sil- ver, he makes Silver his Idol, fetting it up in his Heart $ if Wrath, Fury, Strife, Lying, Swearing be his way, which carry the very Face of the De- vil in them, can fuch have the Face (and Front) to fay that the Spirit of Chrift dwelleth in *em, or that he 16. 14. himfelf dwelleth in 'em ? Are not '9- they in their prefent State in his Eye AS abominable Branches ? Xi Another fignificant Sign that is too common (and rife) is an inward grudgy hatred and hearty ill-will to- wards the Members of Chrifi, efpe- cially to thofe that raoft refembk him, and in wvc Speeches and Acti- ons, #nd (as far as Men can fee) in their Spirits are mofr like him. Are they not fore Eyes which the Light of Effays on Union to Chrifi. 6f of (and from) Heaven offendeth ? I do not deny, but the wind of Temp- tation may rife fo high (and blow fo hard) that for the time, gracious Chriftians like Branches for Boughs) of the fame Tree may clafli with and ftrike one another ; but I deny, that * Jo. s- *: there is a Spirit of Malice or a to- 4- a°- *U tal want of a Spirit of Love, as to the truly godly or to true Godlinefs, Do they love him that begetteth, that loath thofe that are begotten of him ? Can they think they Love the Faith that is not feen, that have an utter Enmity to the Brethren that fall under fighr? Is not he that is Born of the Spirit maligned by him, that is Born (and doth walk) after the the Flefh ? Have not the Members of Ga * a # the Myftical as well as thofe r hat are * 9 * Members of the Body Natural Uni- on one to another, as all of them have to their Head ? Are they not joined in Love ? And now the id fort of Marks come to be pointed at, they are good* ^yet they are not good enough, and fo notGonclufive, that Perfons ftand in the neareft Relation (and Union) to Chrifr. One, and the ift is : Being or growing (as is judged) fome nearer 10 the bleffed Vine than fome others F d^ 66 EJJ^ays on Union to Chrift. do. May not a fruiriefs Branch bor- der on, and be placed near the Na- tural Vine, that is not in it? May not fome cry, Lord ! Lord .' that yield no hearty Subnotion to, nor do the will of Chrift ? And lobe vet- far Rom. a. f rom t h e Kingdom of Heaven ? Have 2°Tim not many a Form of Knowledge 5. ' ' (yea of Godlinefs) that are Srrangeis to Chrift, and the Power of both ? What is it to bear and name the Name of Chrift, to wear the. Vizard of Chrift, yea, or to partake of plau- Gal 2 (ible Parts (and Gifts) from Chrift, a©/ if Perfons live not in him, and he in them. The ad Sign of that fort is: Be- ing joined in a reforming and pu- * rer Church, as to the Conftitution Mattfi.*?. an ^ outward order thereof j and See on this with a Society of Wife Virgins that Dr. ( fometimes ) are found obfei ving Holmes. £) a ys and Duties that lie above and out of the common Road. May not a Branch that is dry and dead, &c. feem as found as divers that are frefli and flourifhing ? How many have been in Bapiifm entred in the vifible Bo- dy of Chrift that were never yet inwardly engrafted into Chrift him- Heb. io. felf? May not their Hearts be un- 32. >2. purified, whofe Bodies have been waflied with pure Water ? May not they EJfays on Union to Chrifl. 6j they proceed often to fit at the ho- p ly table, in whofe Souls ChriQ is jj^j not fet up ? May they not receive the haud pa- Bread of the Lord, who do not re- nem De- ceive the Bread which is the Lord ? w ,ni ". Will not fome plead they have eaten atc ( yea, and drank) in Chrift's Prefence, -f to whom he will fay, depart from me, I never knew you to be mine as they that are mod mine are, by way of fpecial Spiritual Relation and * Union to me. Some touches are now to be gi- Fpfi, j, ven on thofe Marks ftiled Inclufive. l8 - They that have them have no room left for their qucftiOmng (and doubt- ing) that they have Union to Chrift. The former I fhall Inftance in, is being fmore then many who yet are united to him) filled with the holy Spirit. I think, in my laft Words, I have prevented that Obje- ction- Can Perfons fill themfelves therewith ? And for a fuller Anfwer* be it noted. i . They may ufe means who wair* that God would make the means and the ufe of it effectual. 4. The truly fandlified having in 3 em an habit Cor principle,) of Ho- linefs have mo/e power to wait, and lie fairer for being tilled then others, if P'"4 ft 62 EJifays on Union to Chrifl. it be enquired of what Spirit is a fulnefs ddirable ? The An fiver is, i. A fulnefs of the renewed Spirit*, a fuuher partaking of a Divine Nature. i Pet. r. 2 * ^ fulnefs" of rhe renewing Spi- 4. rUj the 3d, Perfon (or fubfiftentj in the Godhead j who certainly dwell- eih in a real (tho' by us lefs known) S« tit manner in the gracious, and abid- filter ef k w ** l ^ e ^vace r ^ at • ne nai ^ wrought in 'em 3 to cherifh, preferve, and at laft 10 perfedt it. He is theirs in a peculiar Relation, and they have his fpecLil (and familiar) communi- cating Prefence. ? . . The Word tranflated filled, may Cri? fac. b e rendred compleated -, and imply- eth, having Wants and Vacuities Fup- plied. Undoubtedly , they have within them the faireft (and fulleft) Eviden- ces of their being united to Chrift* *whom the holy Spirit fo filleth, , p 1. Thar they have in 'em the full l t 6 Number of thofe Graces, that are the Fruit of the Spirit, even the whole holy Chorus (or Quire) men.' tion'd by the holy Apoftle, wherein Faith doth lead, and there follow (and are added to) it Vertue, which takcrh in diligence in doing ; and together with it Courage and Pati- ence Ejlays on Union to Chrift. $9 ence in fuffering, unto which, is ad- ded Knowledge of a ever pure and practical Nature and to that Godli- nefs, &c. 1. When Perfons are on the grow- ing hand, as to further degrees and mtafures of Graces; increasing with the increafes of God, and in their fpiritual State and Suture being as Colof. i< rooted, fo built upon Chrift. Arc l 9- 7- not thefe Branches of renown ? So are they top Branches. Who in the 3d place abound in the work and exercife of Grace - y ftretching out the hand of Faith, lengthening the line of long fuffer- ing,flaming forth in the fire of Love. The 4th Particular I /hall Inftancc in, is attaining and enjoying thofe Comforts of the Spirit, that the ex- cellent and eminent in Grace are of- ten acquainted with in fo much that melody is made in their Hearts and manifcfled by their Mouths, by their Singing Pfalms, Hymns and Spiritual £ P h *•: Songs. ,9 ' The nearer any come to making their calling and eledtion fure, the more they reach a moderate Heart- upholding f tho' not an abfolutely full) affurance, the more the holy Spirit witnefleth cp (and with J their Rom 8 Spirits, that they are the Sons (and j$ f , 7 / F 3 Daugh- 76 Ejfays en Union to Cbrift. Daughters) of God, the more they walk in the light of God's reconciled Countenance, the more evident it is they are engrafted into Chrilt ? May Ffal. 63- no iM ^ T k he made of this Branch of i], the ufe ? May not thofe Prophane ones, what form foever they affe6t, biefs themfcl/es in their Hearts and State, whill they are Strangers to, and Scoffersat thefe things ? May the doubting and drooping bear in mind that a Pattern not a Standard is prefented to 'em ; Holy are they who breath fand pant) after more perfections. Another Mark or Sign of ingraft- Jon-'S- 'jog j nro Cbrill is braring much Fruit, and therein gl n*ifying God the Father, doth not Chrift fay that thereby Perfons mail be (that is ma- nifefted and made evident that they arej his Difciples j not only inititated fand emred) into his School, in or- der to Learning, but adiual and e- minent Learners of a higher Clafs ('and Form) than many others are. ■ Certainly, they are not in Chrift that are fruidefs, or that bear not good Fruit. But when Perfons are filled with the Fruits of Righteouf- nefs, when Branches, Plants and Boughs are verily cloggd (and la- den] Ejjays on Union to Cbrijt. ji Jen^ with right Grapes, it is very fignificanr. Are not they Trees of Righteouf- nels over topping others, tall Cedars in the Lord's Labanon who rcfemble Revel. 22. that Tree of Life, prefented to Di- 1, 2. vine John in Vifion, that bear twelve manner of Fruits, and yielded her Fruit every Month. . Do fuch Chriftians prove that as Moralitfshold a Connexion, (or Con- catenation) of Moral Venue, fo there is really fuch a Conjunction (and Harmony) of Spiritual Grace $ and fo give a Commentary on that Text I have fometimes touched on, where divers Graces are fu forth under jhe notion of Fruit in the lingular Num- ber. Is not fuch Grace refembled to a Golden Chain, wherein there are various Links ? And have not the excellent of the Earth obferved that Qbadiab Grace, may have feveral Names gi- Sedgwick, ven to it, according to its feveral Workings, 1. Is it not called Godly, Sorrow, 1 Cor. 7. as itfoftneth the Heart. 9> 10 - 2. Hath it not the name of Re- pentance, as it turneth the Heart ^j* I3 * from Sin. ' And 3d, That of Humility ; as it abafeth it, and caufeth ftriking with a low fail, F 4 "And 7* EjftyS on Union to Chrijl. tti'o m. ^ nc * 4*' *^at °^ Pal * ence > a * R, A. & upholds and bear up in Duty under a Burden of pxnal Evils. Idem. Anc) 5 th, Contentment; as it fa- tisfieth rf»e Heart in want of a fuller Portion of prefent Goods. I will (a fmlej point at the Text lately pointed at. 1. As Grace caufeth the Soul to cleave to God as its Treafure, and AH-fufficient, is it not ftiled Love ? 2. As it enlargeth the Soul to- wards him, and folaceth it in him, is it not termed joy ? 3. As it layeth, allayeth and Dre- venteth ftorms (and difturbancesj in the Soul, is not its name Peace ? 4: As it ftrengthens it to hold out under continual trials, is it not Long Suffering ? " y, As it renders. Perfons courte- ous, obliging, and of a winning Temper, is it not Gentlenefs ? d. As it is attended with Benefi- cence (and Communications/ is it hot Good nefs? 7. As it bringeth to and bottora- eth on, and goes to the Father thro* Ghrift, is it not Faith ? 8. As it tempereth, compofeth $nd cooleth the Spirit, isjit not na- sr.ei Mcekneis? j. As Bfays on Union to Chrift. >j 9. As it moderateth it with re- ference to fenfitive Gratifications, its Name is Temperance undoubtedly, the more any Exercife thefe Graces in a joint way , and are as Trees pjy Jt Js planted by the Rivers of Waters bringing forth Fruit abundantly, timely, and kindly, even in its feafon, the lefs room they leave for que* fiioning whether they be of the choicer fort of Branches in and of the nobleft Vine. ( Alas ! ) Many are little concern'd about thefe great Concerns. And now it falls for mine Hand, and Pen, to fet down fome of thofe Notes ( and Marks ) of Union ( and Engrafting into ) Chrift, which pafs under the Name ( and Notion ) of v adequate, and even ones, ail fo united and engrafted have 'em, and none iave they have 'em. The firft and main Quere (hall be, 1. Have I and my Reader known, what that is that Divines call an Abfciflion, which in order of Na- ture leads to the Infition under my Confidtration. Is not the Graft cut off from one Tree, that it may be put into (and joined with) ano- ther ? Do we not read of cutting off from the Oliye-Tree, which is wild R om ,g, by Nature , in order to Crafting 2U #,/ (con- 74 Effays oh Union t* Cbrifi'. (contrary to Nature) into the good Olive-Tree ? Are not former Unions to Sin broken, that the myftical Spi- ritual Union to Chrift may be ef- fected ? O that this was well thought of! I fear, I fear, not a few that conceit themfelves to be in rhe new Stock, are yet really in the old. Is not this a prevailing and pernicious, Deceit ? Many make account they are Branches in the true Noble Vine, who yet are the degenerate Plants of a ftrange Vine ? May thefe Propofals be put to our Conferences. i. Have we feen to (and with) our forrow, that in our meer natu- rals we are like Wildings of the Wood, Branches of that withered evil Vine, and that corrupt Stock, , old fallen Adam ? Doth not this ap- pear in ( and by ) the fower, putrid, Demt. 32. rotten Grapes that we have born, and **• ( alas!) do yet bear? Are not our Branches as thofe of Sodom, and our Grapes as thofe of Gomorrah ? 2. Were we ever (are we yet) willing that the convincing Spirit of God, by the grofs Knife of the Law, and withal by the Engrafting Inftrument of the Gofpel , . that Confidences fhould be cut into, our GorruptiQns, and the Spripg thereof dif- Effayf on Union to Cbrifl. 7 J difcovered, and our carnal confidences let and caft out. Often doch that faying occur to _ /r . M ^ f my mind fand fometimes fall from MltchcL my Mouth ) which we have under the hand of a rouzing Preacher in the other England, Many perifli through want of through Humiliati- on by the Law, and an imperfe<3 Work of the Gofpel. Are not they planted into the likenefs of Chrift's Death, in the Rom.& mortifying of the Old Man, who 5, 6. are tranfplanted into that of his Re- £" *g£ furre&ion, walking in newnefs of ,£ this Life? * The Second Queftion to be put to our Souls is, Are we in our inward Defires, and conftant Endeavours, in order to our fruitfulnefs, for abiding in the All- T bleffed Vine the Lord Jefus Chrift ? Is j0, u ss ' any one of the hypocritical Tribe fo ? What fay our Hearts ? Would we not willingly ( much lefs wilful- ly ) depart from him, nor fo provoke him, as that he fhould depart from us ? Would we keep clofe to him, and be much found in the ways wherein heufeth to meet his People ? Would we (and in a fort do we ) deave and ftick to him ? Are we loth Ifi, $ p that any thing fliould come between us y6 Etfays oh Union to Cbrijl* tbHtffr us and him, tho' it pafs under the name of Self-righteoufnels ? The Third Enquiry is, Are we giving unto Chrift the Glo- ry of that Fruit which we bear ? If the Branches of the Vine had a Tongue, and an Underftanding to guide it, would they not fay, Not Pfcl. u$. unt0 us? j^qj umo US) be the G|ory *' * of all the Grapes that are on, and gathered from us ? And doth not the gracious Chriftian exprefs himfelf on GaL a. 10. *^' ls w ^ e * I l* ve * an ^ ) ft mt ■£ but Chrift that liveth in me, would it not be Sacrilege if I fiiould put any ho- nour due to Chrift into mine own Purfe 3 and not pay it ail to Chrift ? B Shall I not bear in mind, that I bear is!?" "' noc the ble(]fed Roor > but hc beareth me ? Should I be high-minded ? Should I not fear (that God grant,) that the ufe I have enlarged on may not to many become unufeful ! If the foregoing Sheets on this Subjeft fliould pafs the Prefs, I d:fire that the Reader of them, and this, may view ( and weigh ) the Motives and Means there extant, in order to the TryaJ of Perfons, whether they be built on Chrift 5 and I doubt not, they will find 'em moving , and helping 'cm when trying the Truth of their Engrafting into Chijft. As to that Point, EJJays on Union to Cbrift. 77 Point, an excellent Writer hath writ- : *** \ ten like himfelf, excellently, though Stedmia. I fear the Book is not in many hands, and I withal fear, that fundry would fay ( if it was fo , as is ufual) they truft all is well, and their State good ; but try they do not, try they will f Jo.3.«tf not, try they dare not. And now I will apply my felf, and mine Exhortation to thofe who are not as yet Branches of it, and in the True Vine j reft they not -> blefs they not themfelves in their Hearts, or State, nor promife they themfelves Peace or Safety, till they really are fo. Confider they 1. That Fruit (as they count it) which they bear whilft not in this Vine, will not prove Fruit to Perfe&ion, either of Since- rity in this State, or Felicity in the &>*•*•'* future. What Branches foever grow not on this Root of Jefs, they will certainly wither and be unfruitful. 2. That Fruit which is not towards Perfection, will not be to Salvation. What is the hope of the Hypocrite ( or unfound Profeffor ) or where will it be when God taketh away his J° b *7- Soul ? Will it not prove as the Spi- 8 > *- ders web, which with the Beefom of Death will be fwept down, and as the giving up the Ghoft when Life is mgft expected? 3, Is 78 Ejfays on Union to Chrift. Lufc *1- 5. Is not the Sentence of cutting Mature. J QWn paft . a J fea Jy Qn j he ft ranch5 whofe Fruit is not of the right Stamp ? If it continue fo to the end, will not this be being cut and caft off, and being caft into Heli-fire, what is not for. bearing is for burning ? 4. How much is a Caution in this Cafe better than a Prefumption ? Prov. 23. What Comparifon lies there between 17- 28.14. a facred Fear, and a finful Fearlefnefs, and Security ? Hath not God bleffed rhofe that fear always, with a fear that is Filial ? And are not they Curfed that do the Work of the Lord negligently ? Even this, of ftudying to know their State. ?. It will not be long f atfurtheft) it may be fhorter ( and fooner ) than fecure Perfons are willing to think, before they will be tried through and Gal. $.7. trough, by a clear Light, and by him who is Light, who cannot be Jer.17.xo. deceived ? Doth he not fearch the Heart, and try the Reins, and hidden Parts ? The feeming fairnefs of Fruit cannot hide from his Eyes the real falfcnefs of it. Prefcriptions or Directions come next,may they come (and be brought) to the Hearts of the concerned ! 1. May Perfons fee and feel what unmeetnefs there is in 'em to be Branches E[fays on Union to Chrijt* '%$ Branches in the nobkft Vine! Still in things fome way like* there is fomething of unlikenefs ; .and is there not a Diifimilitude between Natural and Spiritual Engrafting? Is it the manner of Gardiners to grafc fur able (and fit) Branches into a Stock? But what is there of meetnefs in na- tural Perfons forfpititualEhgrafting ? Are not they unregenerate dry dead . dege'neratt,yea abominable Branches? E P d « 2 ' H Here their Mother's brought 'em forth j here .fhe brought 'em forth that bare 'em. Doth not SouUheal- ing begin at a fight and-fenfe of Soul-wounds ? And fo, 2. May Perfons then conclude that they cannot graft themfelves into the Vine on which I am treating of ? Tho' fome may tell 'em they are not dead, but ileeping, or at worft, but half dead, and by ftirringthey may bring themfelves to Life* The Scripture reprefents 'em other- £ph. 2; ^; wife, as wholly dead, and that in Col. 2,13. Sins, and Trefpafles, in the Plural Number y and Reafon (ruled by Re- ligion) will- be ready to argue y Can the Dead raife ( and revive ) them- felves ? If Perfons when habitually in j ^ , - ~; him, cannot actually aft without him, or iaflusace from him - 7 How ftould So EJJkys on Union to Cbrtft. fliould they that arc quite out of him Rom.y.6. engraft or implant thcmfelves into him ? Are they not without ftrength of a fpiritual Nature ? Are they fat ficient as of themfeives to think one a C0T.3.J. good thought ? How inefficient then as to this matter ? $. May not the concerned Dream of a Merit of Congruity, which the Romanics cry up ! Nor too much Build on that by fome celebrated Ficient Word , To him that doth what in quod in him and his power lieth ( where leeft. Hveth the unregenerate Perfon that goes that length ?) God is bound to give more ( even faving ) Grace,when it's (aid, To him that hath ^ull he gi- ven^ is it not understood of him chat Mtc 13. hath ( and ufeth ) the firft Graced la - I own, common general ( or as a Great Man (tiled it neceffary ) Grace is Grace, and is to be ufed ; yet effi- cacious determining Grace is to be implored. He who lieth and waiteth in Ordinances, as the impotent Man did at the Pool of Bet-nfda, needeth an hand (even the beft and higheft hand ) to put him into it, in o der to his thorough healir.g. Are they humbled to this day, who are not convinced, that it is free and (ove- raign Grace that is to fave 'cm, and do not cry out, we are utterly un- worthy EJJay s on Union to Chrifi. 8 1 worthy thou fliould'ft join us to thy Son ? 4. May Perfons be free, that God fhould take his own way, and ufe his own method, in and to this fpi- ritual Engrafting and Implanting, tho* to Flefh and Blood, and Senfe, it appears left grateful ! What is fmarting in comparifon of periflring. As the Lord is wife, fo he ceafeth not to be compatfionate, and tender towards thofe that are under Con- vidtions, and Compunctions. One cried out t Lord cut here, Hie feca. and burn there, fo that thou wilt fave me from Everlafting Burnings. Grief and Fear have fharp Points ; yet being prick'd in Cand to) the Heart ^ J2 with 'em, may lead to Converfion, which is the ready way to Salva- tion. 5. May they be far from being fond of any other Unions, or Rela- tions, they (land in! Which may any £ P ha *"* way ( or in any degree ) hinder (qi weaken) their Deiires, or Endea- vours, after that blefTed Union on which our Treatife runs. 6. May they cry, and gee others Zech - "• to cry with and for 'em, and in 1 *' that way wait for the Etfufion and Pouring out of the Spirit of God> and of Grace on 'em, which is the G prin« Zz EJfays cn t7ni$n to Chrifl. principal Bond (and tyej of this Union ! And the immediate En- gpfter of Branches into the Bleffed Vine. Put they forth fas far as it will reach ) the hand of General Grace ; and long they that they may receive the Gift of Special Grace .' 7. If any of "em be fp far wrought on, that they make great moan, that they have fo little breathing after this Union, I judge it, tfieir proper Work (and Duty ) to fpread their cafe be- fore the Lord, and tell him (what he knoweth ) that their Cafe is fo much the fadder on that account. And O that none of 'em fit down and reft i» it. O that their leading and follow- ing ( their fit ft and laftj Thoughts, may be on this Subject! Othattheir loud' and earned, as well as daijy Thoughts may be. How bfefled are they , that are Branches united to JefusChrift! Do not I who know too ihtle, know, that if a Prophet or Apoftle was writing, God alone could tran- fcribe it on your Hearts, with whom I have laft been treating ? But if he vouchfafe to breath on in ( and through/ thefe Lines, they will be life-giving, the good Lord blefs The one Effays on Union to Qhrift. 83 The Remainder of the Application Will be applkd to thofe that are found Believers, andfo are already Engraft- ed into Chrift. Queftionlefs, there are LefTons ( proper LefTons ) for them to learn. The Teacher of Hearts, and their Teacher, teach 'em to profit / The firft Branch of the Exhortati- on bends towards them, in order to the guickening of 'cm to the fe~ rious ftudy, and the nature and tran- fcendency of the Vine, And before I take another ftep, Though I enquire, Have we not caufe to blefs S.pytofil God that the Scripture doth fo a- «*'«*• bound with flmilirudts ? And with fuch of 'em as refer to Chrift ? When we can fee fo little of him in one Glafs, doth it not prefent to us many, that we may have the fairer and fullet view of him. ii Is not he who is -(tiled a Vine in more place-, of Holy Writ than one 2ecfi.3. filled a Branch, the Branch, the \ Righ- &• **• icons Branch ; being fo, as God the Father's Servant, and having that for his Name. Is it not agreed on good hands* that he hath that Title with refpedt to his Humane Nature ? He according Rom.£> to the Fle/h proceeding from Patriarchs, being the OrF-fpring G z David* 84 ^Jf a J 5 on Union to Chrift. Davids the Seed of the Woman ? When the Family of David was as was his Tabernacle, much fallen, and the Stock obfcure , dry , and wi- , thered. Did not ( on a fudden ) this Branch and Sciens fpring from it. But, 2. A little longer I fliall infift on the comparifon that lieth next us. A Modern Divine from an Ancient, and (germed a Father) obferveth, i. That the Vim is not fown, but planted. This Vine riling from the Vine y being according to the Creed See Mr. (call'd Athanafian) Light of Lightjvery Vertue. God of very God; not created, but ( in a way beyond our conceiving ) begotten of the Father , that he might to and for us, bring forth Fruit, was planted in the Earth, conceived of the Virgin Mary, becoming what he was not, though continuing what he was. 2. Tho' the Vine feems not fo lovely, as it is not for heighth fo lofty, as the Cedar, fo ftrong as the • Oak, nor fo fair as the Palm, or Fir- Tree j and when he appeared in the Fle/h, he appear'd not in Grandeur, but as a tender Plant, and as a Root I&.S3'M-out of a dry Ground, whofe come- linefs and defirablenefs appeared not to the Many ; yet, i. It EJfays on Union to Chrift. 8£ i. It harh a more honourable * Name than other Trees, and hath not Chrift a Name above every Name that is created ? Is he not of the high- eft Pedigree ? When he the firft be- j| c j, lt gotten was brought into the World, were not all the Angels of God to wor/hip him I 2. Doth not the Vine abound with fap and inward Vertue, bearing and nouriftiing many Branches, giving large Shoots,growing much when yet tender, and lending forth Fruit foon after its being planted ? Did not our Saviour early grow in favour both with God and Man ? Is he not full of Divine Virtue? Doth ^ ke2 * nor all fulnefs dwell in him, and do coi. 1. 19. not thofe that are his of his fulnefs Jo. 1, 14. receive Grace upon Grace , Begin- *^ nings and Increafes of Grace ? 3 . The Vine is bound up and tyed j and if it be bruifed it will bleed, and weep. Was not Chrift more ways than one (one reckons fevenj bound ? And when hefaw the hardnefs of the f^ v ^e : Jews Hearts, which was very inju- rious to him , did not his Grief break out of his Eyes ? 4. It hath been faid, that the Fruit of the Vine dropt into dim Eyes tendeth to clear 'em j and that no Tongue caa fufficiently fee forth G 3 the So" Efftys on Union to Chrifl* 'the Vermes of the Vine ; and is there an/ flich fpiritual Eye-falve as Chriil can furnifh us with, or who Can (to the full) d clare his Vertuoufnefs. I own , that th re are difparities to be. found in this Metaphor which others mention, but it is out of my Road to do ir. Are we not in our Words ( and Thoughts) to remove all moral weak- nefles from him 5 and to afcribe all fpiritual Excellencies to him ? Doth he not in Sacrednefs, in Dignities, In Fragrancy, Acceptablenefs, Fruit- fulnefs, Cheeringnefs , and Medici- mlnefs excel the Excellent, that are on the Earth, and the moft perfedt Spirits that are in Heaven ? And now in the Second place, ha- ving cali'd on my Reader (yea and on my feif ) »o ftudy the noblenefs of this Vine, 1 give a fecond Call, to the ftudying of the Excellency of thofe Branches that being in him, are alfq as noble Vines ; in whom are found as much, fo choice Fruit': Being Whilft in this lower (late ( tho' as the Vine, not free from weaknefs , and (landing in need of Supporters 3 yet) really, 1. Very pleafant to thofe that have Acquaintance with ( and Experience Ffal 16,3. of) lpiritual Pkafares. 2, Very 'Ejfays on Union to Chrtft. 87 2. Very precious in the beftEyes, Cant. a. a. and unto the belt Hearts, as Lillies, and Pearls of great price. 3 . Very Cheering , to thofe of doubting ( and drooping ) Spirits, by comparing Notes, communicating P£ 66. 16 Experiences, and maintaining Reli- gious Conferences , with 'cm , and writing Confolatory Letters to 'em. 4. Very flexible, and ready to re- Pf-HM- ceive good Counfels, yea neceflary ***• "•*• Admonitions , [g that a little Child with Scripture L^ght may lead 'em. 5. Very goal zt adminiftring fuch p r ov. 19, Phylical Rules ( and Receipts ) as the ai> difeafed wounded Souls do need, tho' they do not deGre 'em. I own, that all the Branches that are in Chrift do not in thefe refpedts come up to the Rule, O that fundry Mic. 7. 4- (of whom we would fain hope well ) were not too often like Thorns, Brambles, and Bryars ! I will now point at fome (and but fome ) of thofe Fruits and fruitful Branches, on which I write CHOICE, - in Great Letters, 1. Maintaining truly-called un- dernefs of Confdence. I do not mean fearing where no Ground of Fear ?&!* H«J j is, or nourifhing reafonlefs Scruples^ but a due fear of tranfgrefiing in any thing, even in things for the matter G 4 9 f 8 8 Ejjays on Union to ChriJ?. of 'em lawful ; and in difputed doubt- Licltisde- ful Cafes, keeping on the furer fide; £\ m * s - left they harden or otherwife wound it, 13. ^ cir Spirits. 2. Learning to bear a juft ( tho* fharp) Reproof thankfully, yea whea Pfal. 141. Iefs deferved patiently. Sins may ly fjjA ol y too near us to be difcerned by us, T**' and thofe counted leffer ones may make way for greater, and many hurt us more, by undue Praits, than due Chiding. 3. Being loth to leave (or part with ) an Ordinance , till we have mti with the Lord in it. Should not 1 F$. a. 2. i m p r0 vements anfwer Enjoyments ? Is not growth in Grace defirable ? 4. Being fpecial Husbanders (and careful Redeemers ) cf time , and the Seafons of Grace thereon, being loth Eph. %. to be chargable with not doing, or *4> i?- niif-doing, or not doing the proper Work, or whole Work of the Day. See Mr. Have not fome when at the Door of Sam Ja- Eternity mournfully cryed, Call time comb again! Call time again ! ftical and fpiiitual Body ? pjj* 2. Are they not animated and in- fpired by the fame holy Spirit ? 3. Are they not begotten and cal- led to one lively hope of Heaven ? 4. Are they not under one and the j U( j e .1 fame Lord, even the Lord Chrift ? £. Is not the Do&rine of Faith held by 'em that was once (Tor all) deliver'd to the Saints ? And is not the Grace of Faith in 'em of one kind, tho' not in the fame de- gree ? 6. Are not they all inwardly as lCor j well as outwardly Baptized, having 13 . their Hearts fprinkled from an evil Confcience, as well as their Bodies wafhed in and with pure Water. 7. Is not the true God who is one as to the Effence ( tho' three as to fub- 5 r fifter\cej the God and Father of them Clark's all ? Should this fevenfold Cord be Analyfis, eafily broken ? Doth not the Apoftle (at large) argue from the Neceffity as well as the Equity and congraity of the thing ? And is there not a Reafon for it touched in the Text ? Doth not the unity of Chrift tend to their growth in Grace, and into Chrift the Fountain of Grace ? That they may have more intimate Com- munion with him on Earth, and in the 94 Efays on Union to Chrift, the-moft immediate (and fully fads- fying) Communion with him (for e- vet) in HeaVen ?■ The main end of my pitching on this Text, was, that I might Honour the Lord, and help his in profecuting a Subjcdt I am on touching this Do- €lrinew The Union between Chrift and fincere Chriftians is refembled to (and by), that that is between the Head and the Members of the Natu- ral and Humane Body. If any ftart this Obje&ion, that the word Church is not in this Text exprefledj and fo the Doftrine is made fo large f and broadj that the Text will not bear it. The Anfwer is at hand ; i.Whas is not expreffed is evidently implied. Is he not the "Head of:' all particular Saints, that are true living Church- Members ? Who belides them are growers up into him, and that in all things ? Eph. j.23. 2. What is only (tho' clearly) im- plied in this Text, is as plainly and exprefly fet forth in divers other \ Texts, as Words can do it. Doth ' not he that wifely and needfully runs read, that he is the Head of hi- Body, and that this Body is the Church, that as the Husband is die Head Ejfays on Union to Chrift. jy Head of his Wife, fo is Chrift the iCor.iT. Head of the Church y and that as the 3 * Head of every Man is Chrift, fo Chrift is the Head of the Church. 3. Hath not this been the Senfe of the Church in all Ages, even, the pritno-pnmhive Church ? Is not one of the mod ancient among the An- cients, by many called Fathers, quo- ted from, this, that he is the Head Ignatius of the E!t& Church, of the Church of the faved, the Members whereof were chofen before time, and are effe&ually called in time, the Con- gregation that confifteth of the truly fanctified and holy ones* I am aware, there is a new Noti- J, & on fas my betters call it) that the primary Defign (and intention) of our bkffed Saviour was not to fave particular Perfons, fave with refpedl to a Society, gathered by himfelf in the form of a Body Politick • fo, that he purpofed to fave particular Men and Women only fecondariJy, and on Account of their being in- corporated in fuch a Church, as they are maintaining, even a Catholick vi- fible Church. Hath not a late Worthy, fuffici- * tml* ently batter'd and baffled this Noti- *j**£ . on ? And (hewed that the quite con- W oith" trary is sh$ Truth ; to wit, that Chrift 5 6 Effays en Uvon to Chrifl. Chrilt firft aimed at the Salvation of particular Christians, and batfeon- dariJy, of the Church, that is made ' up of 'em. May his Arguments grounded on unfore'd Scriptures and back'd with the force of ftrong Reafon be weight, his Senfe (if not his Words) 1 fhaJI produce. f i. Have all individual fincere x Jo. |. chriflians all Qualifications that are Rom. a. abfolutdy neccflarv to Salvation, an- ijo. 3. tecedently r "^ible Church-ftare? J 4- And as fuch, ai ' moft compleat and perfect Memb of a Vilible Church, they, {'and n^ bat they) are the proper and full M ben of the Church ConfideVd as vifible. Doth not what one calls the Funda- Rom, 10. mental Dodfcrine run thus, He that t, $.&c. leljrugtbi and not he that is joined to {and with) the "jifible Ckserch^jhall be faved. 2. May not Perfons be in a falva- ble State, or in the path of Life - y and road to Glory, before they are joined in Society with a Church ? May not one that was an Heathen and afar of, be by Graces ErEc^cy J«n}«s 2. mac ^ e aa altogether Chriftian, or found Believer, before fo jain'd ? And is he not (thereupon,) a Child of Grace, and Heir to Glory ? And Effays on Union to Cbrifl. 97 may not one that a Church ejeft- cth out of the Communion be ftill a real Convert ; and have real Com- munion with Chrift, and not pe- ri fh, as doth a Member or part cut oft from the Natural Body ? Be it noted, That he who appear- ed in one of the moft folemn pub- lick Aflemblies in England, as the Mouth of thofe that drive on the te- nent which I cannot hold. His Difcourfe appears for fuch a Church as he ftileth a Body Politick, which holds mainly fif not only J concern* ing a Church vifible 5 and his words run (whatever his thoughts were and are,) • as if it was the more excel-* * lent firft and primary Priviledge, to 1 be in Church order, than to be fted- c faft (and built up,) in the moft holy * Faith, or (take it in other Words) to * be a vifible Member of a Political 1 Church, then to be a real living 4 lively Member of the Lord Jefus k Chrift. Having r.en^ved this rub out- of mine own (and my Readers) way, I will (God willing,) proceed to prove, that as Chrift is the Head of the whole Churchy and the Head ever all things and Ferfons, with reference to the good of the Church, he is according to the DocTxioe I am H teach- 98 EJfays on Union to Chrifl. Eph 1.22. te 5 c hi n gin a peculiar way, the Head of every hncercChriftian. Ar.d 1. Is he not fo in point of Dignity, Honour, and Preheminence? Even the Head of a dead P56lure is above the Body thereof, and the Head of a living Man over- toppeth Prov. 12. h* s other Members. Tho' every found 26. Believer is a Perfon of Quality fand Honour ) dignified excellent, yea, noble, the Lord Chrift in all things hath, as the Scripture phrafeth, the Col. 1. 18. 'Prehemincnce. Whar are the beft of us to him that is beft of all, yea, f Cor. 15. All in All ? Hath not God the Fa- ther put all things under him conli- der'd as Mediator, fave himfelf? Though of the bleffed Virgin, and of holy Stephen, it is faid that flie and he was full of Grace ; and fo highly favoured, yea, and may be underftood of inherent Grace in a comparative Senfe; yet, it is in Chrift that there is that which is ftiled all fulnefsy and that it dwells in him. z. Is not Chrift the Head of the Chrift ian, in refpedt of that Gui- dance he affordeth to him, and the direction, that fuch an one re- ceiveth from him ? Is not that of Ifa. 9. 6, a Counfeliour one of his Royal Ti- f 3 * j 4 73 ' ties ? Are they not guided by his 119. 24. Council ? Are not his Councils their Coun- EJfays on Union to Chrift. 99 Counfellors, or the Men of their Councils ? Doth not the hand of his Spirit lead them (as unto, fo into) Truth ? Shewing them the inward joj,. IO \ Beauties and Glory of it, and doth 13. he not lead them in the way Ever lad- ing ? The way that ends in everlaft- ing Bleffednefs. How many are the Perfons and things that tend to their milleading,and is it not from Heaven, jf a ^ and from him, that they hear a 20,21* voice behind them, faying, This is the way} 3. The Metaphor (or Similitude) holds with and in refpeft to influ- ence. Is not Vertue conveighed from (and by) the Head in the Na- tural Body, to every Member, even the foot or the loweft part thereof? If the Head cannot fay to the Foot, I have no need of thee ; furely, the , Cor> |4 ; Foot cannot ufe thofe words to ai. the Head, and can we eaiily e- numerate the many and bleflcd In- fluences that the faithful Soul hath from Chrift ? To Inflance in fome of Eph: 4« them. l6 ' 1. Doth not fuch a Soul know what eniightning Influences are, be- ing rifen from the Dead ? Doth not Eph. $> Chrift give Light, fuch as was late- 1* ly pointed at. H 1 a. Doth ioo Ejf a y s on Union to Chriff. r . Doth not that Soul experience Pfal. 119. enlivening Influences? And is not 50, ttrs its Comfort in Affliction, his Word quickeneth it, and puts vigour into it ? Mai. 4.1. 3- Are not healing Influences de- rived from hina, to one in that good Circumftance ? Alas ! the Soul is fub- jedl to divers Difeafes and Wounds* but doth not the Sun of Righteouf- nefs arife on it with healing in its Wings, or fpreading Rays ? In codem. Anc * 4- * c comes under enlarging Influences^ Doth it not go forth, enjoying ( and ufing) Liberty of the belt fort ? Freedom from the vaffal- lage of Sin, and in the Exercife of Divine Service, truly fo called* 5. Are there not alfo (if not fo- lacingj fupporting Influences upon it ? Is it not enabled to hold on in Heavens Way, with a Burden on its Back, which is the true Notion of See ft. Patience ? I ftill aifeft patting much Prince'* °* m Y Sermons into Application ; among and as to the Do6h*ine I am on, may Preacher*. \\ be applied. 1. by way of Information. And the 1 ft nference is, Surely every true Chriftian hath the Spirit of Chrift fa as to be pofTeffed of him, animated and a£ted by him, Is not the Scrip- cute full as to this, that if any Man have Ejfays on Union to Chrift. \Q\ have not the Spirit of Chrifr, he is none of his ? That is by fpecial Re- Rom. 8.9. jation (and Union,) to him. Is not the fame Soul and Spirit in the Head and Members of the Body Natural ? I readily grant, that Chrift was a- nointed with this Oyl above his Fel- lows and Members both extend vely and intenfivdy. They have a Mea- pfal 45 -; fure of the fame Spirit, tho* not near Heb. 1 $* the fame meafure of the Spirit that was (in and on) him. O that they who make the Spirit either matter of ■*** meer Pretence, or of feorn (and ridi- cule) did Confider this ! The id Inference is, without Con- troverfie , there is a Conformity betwixt Chrift and fincere Chriftians. Is there not fo between the Head and Members of the Body of Man ? Were it otherwife that the Body was quite unlike the Head, would we not call ^ it a Monfter, and not a Man ? Re- Dan - a * fembling the Image which was (in 3I * 3 a Dream) repreierjted to Nebuchad- nezzar ? Is it not a thing worthy of a Remark, and as fuch taken Notice of by Antient (and ModernJ Di- vines ? The Son of God ailuraed the Humane Nature, that the Sons and Daughters of Men might be made partakers of a Divine Nature. He par- takethoftheirFIefh,and they partake Hz of co J EjBty* on Union to Ch rift'. of his Spirit. But (alas, alas!,) how unlike are many to Jefus Chrift ? Intimicr The 3d Inferer.ee is. As the Uni- intimo on between Chrift and Chriftians is a noflro. true a nd rea ] ( not a meer ^^1^ and imaginary one) it is a moft near and intimate^ a mvfterious and lefs Eph. $, expreflibie one. Who among my Readers can give a punctual and Sa- t : s^ a&ory Accouut as to the way and manner of the Union that is between the Hud and Members of his own Body ? Surely, then when he that Heb.a.ir. (anftifieth, and they that are fancli- fied are all of one, this is a great Myftery ; Death can and will break the Union between rhe Soul and Bxly; but can it diflblve that be- twixt Chrift and the Church, either as to Soul or Body ? The 4th Inference. They that are united to Chrift as their Soul's Head, as the Members of the Natural Bo- dy, are by Nerves and Sinews to its Head, have at hand Matter as of thankfulness fo of tt'ender. For, r. As in their meer (I by not pure but impure) Naturals, are they not Members of the Old, and * on M- 1 ft, Adam, of Adum the Firft, for x: " (and through Sin) accurs'd. Are they not in Scripture called Adam ? Hath ir not long been laid wc were Effays on Union to Chrifl. 103 were all that one Man ? Or thac one Hof.rf. 7^ Man reprefented us all ; and fo is not tnthe m * r the World of meer Men guilry be- *' n ' fore God. 2. Did nor the beft of meer Men derive as Guilt, fo Filth from their (firft, through their next J Parents? As there is a fullncfs of Evil in Sin, is there not a fullntfs of Sin in every pf a j. ji.5. Son and Daughter of fallen Adam ? May not every one fee caufe to cry our, I am unclean ! I am unclean ! Doth there not remain in the con- verted a Law of ( and in ) their Rom . Members, rebelling againil that of 23, i\', their Minds ? Do we not hear this fad moan made ? How are the Powers and Faculties of our Souls maimed, yea, as to fpiritaals, Slain? How are our Underftandings be- nighted ? Do we not feel ( as well as read ) of the Lulls of the Flefti, and of the Mind, of vile Affections ? Are not our Eyes apt to wander ? Our Ears Inlets of Vanity ? Our Hands Rom * 6 - Inftruments of Iniquity to Iniquity. Our Feet fwifc to run away from God ? Hath not God united any that were fuch to himfelf, who of them- felves did not defire to have their Cafe altered, or bettered ? H 4 Again. Again ; Was noc the Lord Jef G* . 4. 4. Ghrift in : do the making th FJ- ten 0:" dristAMM made ur the Law, as under tt rep:, lb under the Penalty of if ? Yea made a Curie that 1 it be made blef- fing blelTed. Did not he offer himfelf yea his Soul ) 2n Ofering ■' ir.d Sacrifice] :":: bis People C.z r t not be Sacrifices to Di- uice ? And hath he not taken their whole Man into hi; db ice : .:a'.:i: ::- Tfc Inference. 1 "r.rir Cafe is a ::::-. 3DC a; willingly, yea. ~ : : at a diftance from an.: ££ united to Cttrifl Would the Mem- s of the pararal Body flourish, (yea or E were 2na ted from their Head : Will Cbrift be a Saviour, if he be noc an H:js :d 'em : If he be not an HczJ ; :r ment, will he be fo in Ir - ftkntts : Shall they 1 1 tb.ic : ra, that have not far n£ Influences ? T - c ft h I d : eience. On e reafon Kes Epfc- r - pretrv ready, why the :r-e and pure Cnurcn is called the F«iZ*/} " C&vi, tho 1 he is the Churchis F»£- *0 by way of Communication, She -1 9 b his by way of Reception ? He is vom- Effays on Union to Chrift. 10? compleat as a Son, that is not fo as an Head without his Members. Are not his true Subjects an honour to their King ? The 7th Inference. Certainly the Lord Jefus Chrift hath ( and will have ) a fpedal Infpedtion of, and re- gard to, his Faithful and Peculiar Peo- ple. Doth not the natural Head take care of ( for ) its Body ? Will not this; bleffed Head look to every one as if there was but one to look to ? Will he not fee to their outward Profperity, and inward Prefervation ? Will helfa.9. n, fuffer any fo to hurry as to deftroy 'em? The 8th Inference. There fliould be great care that there be in thofe that call ( and count ) themfelves Members of Chrift, thofe Joints (and Bands ) whereby they may receive nourifhment from their fiead ■ Are there not in the Body natural Nerves, Sinews, Joynts, and Bands, whereby [ E PM-*£ the Nutriment of it is promoted ? Now, in the Body fpiritual (or my- ftical ) is there not ufe of ( and need for ) Joynts and Bands that are finable? Are not found Believers jdin'd as by Faith to Chrift, fo by Love to one another ? See they that these be in 'em, i. The lo6 Bffays on Union t§ Qhrift* i. The Faith which is i. Self- emptying j taking them off their own bottoms. i. Clofing with, and keeping 'em near to Chrift. 3. Purifying their Hands and Hearts. A8si$.9. 4* Suftaining under Preflures and Grievances. 5;. Fructifying and Promoting Real and Royal Hoiinefs. And, 2. That love be to all the real Saints ( on account of their be- ing fo ) reaching down to the weak- er ( and lower ) of *em. And fo the 9th Inference is,There's good ground, yea, great neceflity,that they who are of Cbrifs myfikal Body fhould hold, and hold faft, f and clot) to their Head , which fome that we read of did not. May this ColofT 2. k e fa keeping off from damnable Er- j$>. rors, and divers difturbing and de- flroying Vices! Do not thofe ob- ftru£t that conftant Communion that fhould be between him and his. In the Body natural, Nature is at ex- Ephi-i. 16 P ence continually, and fhould it not afrefti be fupplied, Man would foon fail. It may eafily ( and well ) be ap- plied as to the Point we are on. The Effays on Union to Chrift. iqj The i oth Inference f the Do&rine of the Perfeverance of real Saints, p^j , $ (or truly fan&ified Perfons) is well (and firmly J bottomed. Is there danger of drowning ( tho' a Perfon be doufed) whilft the Head holds above water ? Is not a Chriftian's CoJ 2 fpiritual Life hid, with (and in ) See Dr. Chrift, as in point of fecrecy, fo in HilL point of fafety ? Tho' the firjt Head Adam was< broken, to the break- j .tf. 39, ing off of his Members, will this Se- cond Head lofe any Perfon, yea, or any thing ? The nth Inference. An account may be given, why there are dif- ferent States ( and Statures ) of true Chriftians. Is every Member in the natural Body equal ? Or is not the Foot a Member thereof, tho' it (tend ( and be fet) loweft ? Doth theHW influence every part of the Body e T i Cor. u. qually, when it doth it really ? Are *9- ■ all in the Church Officers ? Are all j Jo2 I2 * the Members equal as to their Free- ' 3 * dom from Pain, and flourifliing in Piety ? The nth Inference- They ( tho" Profeflbrs ) that are altogether as dry (and dead ) Members are nor (pi- ritualfy united to Chrift. Do we not truly affirm, that many are outward- ly in Ghrijfs rnjfiical Body, and ac- cordingly I ©8 B0ay% en Union to Cbri cordingly faid to be in Chriil ks iJo.i.i9.BeaJ^ but their Barrennefs, their S«S*v> Barrennefs, is big with this Conclu- Ufiick f 1Qn ^ t ^ e y are noc ir.grjfttd mio him, Jeancs. an j f Q nQt ^.^ ; ; -.;„^ Mtmbars of him. ( What is a Wood leg, tho* eyed and faftned t d the natural Bod'. Are they not compared to Hai. Nails, yea, to Botches, called Excre- ments in the Body of a Man y by their unfruitfulnefs are evidently out of a State of Un-.on to, and Com- munion with, the Lord Jcfus, and fo with the Father in ( and through ) him. The i;th Inference. Would the Papifts ( whofe loud Cry is to Rime^ to Kcmt | open their Eyes ( which I pray God to open) they might eafily fee their being by this Dodtrine con- futed, as to other of their Tenents, fo as-xo tkeir holding that outward Con- formity eo their Church, ar.d to their Pope(th; pretended Head chereof) doth conftkute Perfons Members of the true Church, and confrquently of Chriit , What a corrupt Body Hurrsno %vou ]d they make (and join to ) him > caFlCi ' Even ioining an Horie's Head to a H - Body. How is the Rev, nn Svna^ro^ue departed from the Sim- 2 Cor. -;. . o 9 m r m u : phcity that is in Chnit, in the Do- ctrine, Worfhip, Discipline, and Go- vern- Ejfays on Union to Chrift. iop vernment of Chrift ? Doth not the Lord call it Babylon I And all that are his to come but of it ? Should dead r qv . 18.4, parts be joined to this ever-living Head ? Will he own one fuch ? The 14th Inference. It's no won- Phil.r.33. der, Saints (that are Saints indeed ) Jo- *7- a 4* defire to be in Heaven ; and that Chrift doth defire ( yea will ) that they may be there with him. Are not the Head and Members of the natural Body in this happy, that they are fo near ? And have not Chri- ftians in former Ages ( and in ours ) ufed this Phrafe in their Addrefles to Chrift? Lord / we cannot get fand keep ) fo near thee as we would be, vvhilft we live, and fo we are more willing to dye, that We may be neat thee,yea> be with thee. The 19th Inference. It's a dange- rous thing, and (in a Scripture fenfe) a deadly fin in perfons, to bear a deadly hatred, and to be open ( or under-hand ) Adverfaries to any faithful Perfon, yea, to the weakeft (if true ) Member of Chrift. What if they cannot fee with others Eyes, or own their Additaments to Divine Appointments? What. if fome choice Trees ftand a little out of their Row, muft Imprifonment, Banifiiment, yea, Death be determined for 'em? Were |£^ it no EJfays on Union to Chrifl. Matrh. it not lefs evil , if a Milftone were l*' 6 s hung about their Neck, and they ^ 9 ' drowned in the Sea, than that they Luke 17. ftould offend one of God's little ones? 1, 2. If they that ftumble at the precious Martb. Stone fliall be broken, will not they a,# 44 ' on whom it falls on ( in a way of op- portion) be ground to powder. p p I cannot think, that the Author hath honoured the excellent Ortho- dox Dr. Barlow^ by reprefenting him as treading in fteps of Dr. Lamfiugh % 1 in commending Juftices for their fe~ * verity, and exciting to a more cruel * ufage of Diffenting Minifters,and fo 'to the damage of precious Souls. The 1 6th Inference. They tho' bearing the Chriftian (yea, and with- al the Proteftant ) Name , the ten- dency of whofe Tenents is to render it queftionable, Whether Chrift fliall have a mjftical Body, or Church of thefaved, are in the thoughts of me (and my betters) ( in that) Erroneous and Faulty. See his In his day, famous Dr. ?re(ton plea- tdfe. fed even King James the Firft, with this Paflage in his Sermon, " That the 44 Learned Men I have pointed at re- u fembled the King of Kings to King m Ahafuerusy who would fain have fa- u ved Daniel^ fetting his heart on dc- Phil.2.13. * liveripg him, but could not. Is not the •Effays on Union to Chrifi. lit the free diftinguiftiing Grace of God efficacious ? Should not they that fo flirty plead for Mens liberty ( as they P£ 110.3, call it ) to refufe Grace, allow God his liberty to confer it. After this Ufe of Information^ ftall follow one of Examination. May all that will vouchfafe to caft their Eyes on thefe Lines, withal caft their Minds inwards, upon the prefent ftate, atfd frame of their Souls ! Are they uni- ted to Chrifl as their Head? And that they may refolve themfelves, Enquire, 1 . Are they truly ( and greatly ) fenfible of the diflionour that hath been ( and is ) done to their Head ? Are their Hands and Tongues for Phil. 3.19. faving their Head from Blows, and Reproaches, caft on, and directed againit him. 1. Are they for attending to his Dictates, as well as waiting for his Rev. 14.44 Influences ? Would they follow him wherefoerer he goes and leads 'em ? In Service to, and Suffering for him, if called to it. 3. Do thy fympathize with thofe that are Sufferers in his caufe? Do they bear 'em before him in Prayers? And therein ftcw, that they are on ( yea Amos ^ in ) their Hearts ? How many are 10 Mic. 7, $, far from grieving for the Affli&ions of 7#i tix Effays on Union to Qhrift. Jofephy that they infult and triumph therein. > 4. Do they chide their heart s^ when they feel ( and find ) 'fw backward to^ Rom* 12. and Jlothful in the Service of him ? Even * 1. the inward and excellent, and more oppofed Parts ( and a&s ) of it. Do they fay Hearts / Other Servants are and come at a Beck, it will bring them into their Matter's prefence. What mean thefe drawings back from Cant. r.4. k* m ? Have y° u tnat l° ve that is in his Spoufe, who beg'd that flie might be under his Drawings, fo as to run after him ? 3* How (land they afFe&ed towards c thofe that are their fellow ( and joint ) 1 or * la * Members ? Have not the Members of the natural Body a tendernefs for one another ? Doth that order take place in my Readers, which is iffued out, ( and Authorized) in the former Epi- 1 ThefT. ftle tQ t h e TheJJalonians. *' * 4 * 1. Do they warn thofe of 'em, that are ( as the Margin rendreth ) difor- derly ? And as good Perfons in fome Inftances may be ( fo far ) unruly ? i\ Do they fwhat in 'em liethj 1 ThefT com f orc tne feeble-minded, the nar- s * I4 ' row, fhort, and weak-foul'd, and fpi- rited, and therein imitate him, who is their Head ? Do they fay as their Ifa. 1. 35. Lord doth to thofe that are of timo- rous Effays on Union to Qhrift. n£ rous ( and fearful ) hearts, fear not fo often, without ( and beyond ) jufl Catafe and Reafon. 3. Do they fupport the weak in Body and Mind ? And put their Hands and Arms under 'emPWhereas, by many they are thrown as to the Walls 5 and have Vinegar poured into their Wounds. Do they confi- der that tho' their weaknefles are no part of their goodnefs, they are in- cident to them that are good ; and ihe (lengthening of the hands, that . hang down, called lifting 'em up, is Heb. 13. highly pleafing to their Head. **• 4. Have they the Spirit of Chrifi ? This is ( efpecially ) ( and with the greater! diligence) to be enquired af- ter. An bint hath been ; and (if God fee meet ) an enlargement may be on this Subject, Here I do little mora- then ask : Hath he proceeded with us ( who proceedeth from the other Perfons in the Godhead ) in rhe or- dinary method of his dealing with thofe that he unites to Chrift ? Hath he fo reproved (or as choice Wri- ters read it convinced ) us of Sin, in our felves, that we, ( as tofetting us J°- 16. 7; right in the Eye of God's Law) ut- |\^- terly renounce confidence i*; Self-righ- thetlt'tsr teoufnefs, and has he in fuoh Colours ** or SodorXthdve been witnelTed againft. O that Latitudinarians had more cha- rity for Difciplinarians. And 2.rho' they ftill fee! a weight, and have caufe ro bewail the Sin that doih eafily befet 'em ; yet they hold on fand out) running the Race that ,2 ' is fet before 'em ; looking and fixing ' their Eyes and Minds on the bleffed Jefus , they are afraid , having put their Hands to Chrift's Plow to look back ; they have ( as they are bound . to have) a Remembrance of the ftiort 7^ I? ' ( but yet ftrift) Older, Remember Lot's job 17. Wife y they fhew themfelves to be of 9. the number and nature of the Righ- Pr °v«4' teous, that hold on their way towards ,8 ' Heaven, tho* there are rubs in their way, yea, Lions in it ; yea, they defire to be every day ftronger and ftronger j and they wait at the foot of the promife of renewal of ftrength *£ 3, 4°- tofuchaswaitonGod. tbtU t- 1. Pray they humkly and heartily, yea, ( and that daily) for the Enlarge- ment of Chrift's Church, and for the fuller Union among the Parts and Members thereof ; and the adding to her of fuch as (hall be faved, may p( a j I3? I 4 they Si 6.'i 12 .i Yio EJfays en Union to Chrift, they evidence that they prefer jfera- falem above all Earthly Joys / 2. Blefs they God for the Office and Employ of the Gofpel Miniftry. i pet. 2.2. * s ijL not through the fincere Milk of 2 Cor. 4. God's Word drawn out in thofe 7- Breafts, that they are nourifhed ? Can Exod. 4. t jj e y not better underftand God, when fpeaking by Men ? 3 . Go they to God with the Glo- ry of their being brought for made,) nigh unto Chrift ; who was Paul, or Apollo, or Cephas? Or who (and * Cor ; 3 * what J are the beft Minifters of this a Cor.s.y. Day ? Are tne y anv more than In- ftrnments that God ufeth ? The Effi- ciency of good is from him, and him only, And fo 4. Reft they,an'd depend they PfaUj. on fa m f Qr a jj Spiritual Advantages, may their Eyes be ftili lifted up (tho* fome have fcoffed at that) may they be ever upwards (if we fpeak of Ha- bit uainefs) to the Lord / as the Lord their ftrength, yea, and the very Life of their Souls. $. Pity they* thofe that ftand off from, and flight this blefled Union ; was not this once their own finful Phil 3» and fad Cafe ? Whilft (alas'! ) they *9° even dote of other Unions, not wor- thy to be named when this is /and make not out for (but make light of" ES ays on Union to Chrift. I % t of) this; Do not they forfake their j 0I1 20. Again $ how plain and full as to jcr. 2. a. t kj s - s cnG ^ ew f t ftament, wherein we may run and read of being mar- »«~ *ied to Chrift,of the Bride the Lamb's Kom. 7.4. c . ' Cam.2.i5. And in the holy Supper, Doth not the Lord fay (yea, and fealj to the faithful, that they are his beloved, as they do a counterpart that he is theirs ? If any fay, we have read, that this Marriage is not confummate ( and com pleat ) on this fide Heaven - y I dare fay, thofe Writers will fay with me, that tho' the top Stone is laid in the EJfays on Union to Christ 1%7 the Chriftians Glorification, as the Ground-work was in Chad's Incar- nation, fo there is an a&ual Union when Perfons are efFe&ually calkd. 1 might enlarge on the imooth running of this Similitude - y but ha- ving Application mainly in mine Eye ai d A in.', 1 will contradt in the Do- 6til 1 p nr, hinting i. T! -a ibe spiritual Union is, as is theCoijugaJ, founded fand bot- 1J0.4.19; torrud) in v, , the iov- or Chrift as leading;, and love included in' the Faiih of the Ghriilian, a? ioiioving. Doth nor Chrift draw Sinners with Cords of Jovirg-kindnefs to him- Hof 11.4? fejfj Indeed, the love of ail the Per- Gen. 24.8, fons in the Godhead is feen fas well as fhewed ) in driving on and mak- ing this happy Match. 1.' As to the firft Perfon, God the Father, is not fpoken of the King Mat. 22; that made a Match for his Son. If *> *,&&\ it be faid that in that Parable, there J ef * 3 ' 3 * is no mention of a Spoufe or Bride. Divines take fand give,) notice of a twofold Efpoufalj the former is that of the nature of all Men, the latter of particular Men and Wo-^ ear *| wl men, that were Objects of Electing *fc tc f u Love, It's Ii8 E[fays on Union to Chrijl. It's thought, that firft, the former Jo. 1. 14. is underftood in that Parable (which fome (Hie) the Perfonal, as others do the Natural Marriage, being that of the Son of God to and with the Flefh j ( or humane Nature ) Wss not this love to a wonder ? That he that was ( and is) God fliould accept of, and motion and promote this Match, and in the myftical Marriage on which I am treating ? Is not the heart ( and » ^ hand) of God the Father very deep ? 1 jo 4. 8. * s he not on both fides as a Father ? Did he not give his Son as for, fo to fave Sinners ? And did he not give his chofen ones to his Son ? Was not this done in his decree ? And is it not done over again in the Execution of it ? What could move him fo to love, fave his love ? Again ; Is not the AfFeSion ('and Adlion ) of the Holy Spirit eminent Set the ( an( j evident ) in this Cafe ? UflTcf '" D ^ not ^ e J°* n c ^ e numane Nature to the Son of God, and match em in the Bride-Chamber of the Virgin's Womb ? 2. Doth he not ftrive with Sinners, when he brea'- 3 the matter to 'em a- Gal. 5.22.. b out ,ji atC hi n g with Chrift ? And is noc that Faith whereby they give their confent to him a Fruit of the Spirit ? And Ejfays on Union to Cbrijf. lip And 3. The Sons love to whom Perfons are firft uniced and married, is ( and was ic not ) written in the Red -Letters of his Heart and Life- blood by which he bought, and the Ezefc. Power by which he wins Souls ? 16.8. In the Second place , Both thefe forts of Marriage ( and Union ) are dependent on ( and (truck up by ) mutual Covenant and Confent. Is not that of the EfTence of Marriage ? Did not \frad ( or Judah ) become the Lords by ftipulation, or entring into Covenant with him, and in this refpedt the (imilitude I am on is pre- ferred before the other I was be- fore on. For, 1. Tho the Foundation of * c ef j CU f g Building afford fup fort , it doth not grow Herle w to it. this. i* Tho* the Vine afford both thefe to the Branches y yet not Senfe and Mo- tion. 3. Tho 9 the Head fupply the Alem- hers of the Body, with all the Three, yet it doth fo out of neceffuy, and not in the noble way of confent. Would not fome Heads {if they might ) chufe foun- der Feet, as would alfo fome Feet better Heads ? But the Husband arid Wife ( if an- » ^ fwering their Name ) chufe one another 7. 37, ' freely •, and doth n$t Chrift declare his Hof.3- j, K eonfeni 130 £JI a ys on Union to Chrift. confent to the true Belie-very both in bis Word, and by his Spirit ? To be fure, he doth, where ( and whcnfoever ) he ob- tains the confent cf a Sinner j fo that our concern is, to lock at homeland fee that our confent is of the right Stamp. Jo. 12.41. Tsit not well obferv'd ? Oh that the Mat.8.r9. Obfervation may be well improved! J° b 34- Conferring to match with Chrift may be counterfeited ; and there may be a fhew of confent , that ftrikes not the fpiritual Marriage up. Are not fome faid to believe in Chrift, and fo had a feeming freenefs for him , that were not fixed, and emboldened to own him ? May not fome (like the awakened Scribe) bid fairer that do not buy the Pearl of Mat. 5.19, price, and others appear that are not aa. chufers of him ? Be it known and confidered ! That Quoad confent to Chrift that will be faving, objeCta. is tQ ^ real and rfght 1, As to the Object, it muft-be of the true (and not a fancied ) Chrift, So is not theirs, who are for com- pounding him, with that which he See Gale w jjj not m j Xt Chrift alone with- Ma* 10 put an addition will not fatisfy j 7 , 'em. Did not he that Complemented Chrift highly depart from him fet wcIaokw. round with forrows,becaufehe could. jiot prevail with him to ftand below his Mffays onUmon to Qhrifl, i 3 1 his worldly Inrereft ? Would he (heJobio.iti would not ) have his Eftate at Chrift^ j^ 3 * difpofal. Hath not the moft refined 14. 4 * (and furtheft reaching J Hypocrite an Idol in his Heart, a Tweet bit under his Tongue, fome ill haunt, luft, or inordinate defire, that is a Rival to Chrift, Chrift is in fome Requeft, as to ftilling Confeience, and procuring Happinefs ; but fome darln g Sin T , runs away with the Affe&idns; at '**' beft Duties and Gifts rob him of his Honour. 2. They are alfo herein chargeable that are for dividing Chrift, or a di- vided Chrift. Are they not for fome of his Portion bur hot his Perfon ? Is not their love a mercenary one? They Vix quae- are for being faVed from the Wrath * itaCh "- to come, but are they for counting te r\jh™-~ Communion with him ( at prtfent ) ft U m. a lower Heaven ? Are they not for parting his Offices, and the blefiingsjo.tf. i.fc that come by him. Do they receive Chrift as he offer- ed (as beft of all) yea, as to the &,*/,/«* Communion and Conveyance as All Bar- in all? roughs..' Again ; Confentin this grandCafe, q°^ i fliould be right as to the Subject As Subje» a whole Chrift is to be received, the ftum. whoJe heart is to receive him, parti- J«v-3 jjft K % cularly 13^ EJfey s on Union to Chrift. cularly the Will ( the Man of Man ) fliould have no ( main ) defect in it. i. Should it not be a true and fin- g]c> and not a deceitful or double Pfal. is s. w *^* ^n neart » an ^ an neart m one Hof. io.i. Perfon is not acceptable j O that ma- ny were not divided between Con- victions of, and Affections to, Sin ? Giving a feeming confent to Chrift, and a real one to Luft. Pf a ].63.g. »• Should it not be a full and re- Job 66. folute, and not a faint (or half) *7- Will ? Should it not be at a point to follow the Lamb whitherfoever he goes, and leads ? Tho' in the face of Storms, and in hot and fliarp Service. Among the pieces of the Chriftian £ph. 6. Armour, is there found a Back- Heb. 10. piece? Should a Chriftian go ( or A look ) back ? 3. Should it not be a free and rea- dy, ( and not a meer forced and con- ftrained) Will ? Are not God's Peo- ple willing in the day of his Power ? Are not Voluntiers his choiceft Ser- vants ? Jer.s.4,5. 4. Is it not to be as a regular, fo Dejjre- a prefent Will, a confent upon the In- &nU ' ftant, and not put off? Is a promife ( or purpofe ) of a Marriage, a real Marriage ? Should not the Soul fay, Num. *?. at f anc * ^ rom ) *kis time Lord I thou xt. arc and fnalc be my Guide and Go- vernor? Effays on Union to Chrift. % 3 } vernor. O the Treachery of ( and in ) the heart. Which fairh, i . When Death comes, Chrift will be a defirable Husband, but during Life, I am for other Hus- bands. 2. Chrift is defirable as he is Peace M « c in time of Trouble ; but not as gi- ving Grace, whilft it is a Calm. 3. Chrift is defirable at 3 confide- j oba2 rable diftance ; but not as drawing \ u nigh with Sin-fubduing , and Squj- ruling Power. May there be as to this no either denying or delaying this Match. The good Lord help in Applicati- on of this Point ! The Fir ft Ufe is ( as ufuallyj fir Doftrim, or Information, And the Firft Branch thereof is. The Point that hath been often point- ed at, doth afrefti prefent it felf to us j to wit, very near or clofe is a found ( yea, every found ) Believer joyned to the Lord Jefus. Among near Relations, is there any fo near as the Bofom ones ? Friends are near, Children are nearer, are they not part of our felves ? But doth not the Scripture fpeak of a Man's Wife as a Man's felf, a fecond felf, felf-united, and not only multiplied ? Hath not a Widow the Title of defolate ? Doth K 3 fte 134 Effays on Union to Chrift. t Tim. fhe not want that of her felf, by' f-4r which fhe mjch ( if not moft ) va- laedherfelf? But, (till the Union I am treating on being fpiritual , is nearer on that account 3 fo that there is all reafon for Chriftians being P&1- »4'7: counted next to God. ^ The Second Branch is : An account Winney ** es near ' wn y kveral high Titles are en it. given to the pure Members of the Gen. 5-2* true Church. As the fir ft Man and Woman were ? Cor. it. caLd Adam, are not Chrift and Chri- ft 7- ftians called Chrift ? Is there not a Chrift .myftical as well as Perfonal ? He is called Solomon. Is not /he cal- led the Shulamite Ms fhe not alkd by and ' after him who is the 'Lord Jer. 23.60 our Righteoufnefs. • Are nOtHusband 33- itf and Wife Name- fakes ? And is fhe not herein dignified ? i The third Branch is: Sincere Chri- ftians are divorced from (and have put away ) the Husbands, to which ihey did once ftand related, there is nothing of Polygamy, or having more. Husbands at once. 1. Are they not as to Love and Al- . - hwance feparated from their Sins, elpe- r4rf Cially their Special '-Sin? So that they Sialic. are not as formerly under its power - y particularly its irritating provoking power. Doth the Law in them ( as it FJfays on Union to Chrift* 13 j it doth in others ) ftregthen Sin ? Are Rom. 7. ffoien Waters fweeteft to 'em ? Are 3» 4- they lothefr to forbear what God doth $6 or ' ' *' forbid ? Do they fee and keep up Hof. 14.8, Idols in their hearts, or not fay, get ye hence ? 2. Are they not fur keeping under and Mar. 16* bounding (yea, utterly denying) Self, 2 *' as hlndring their fo How ingCfovlix? Arc they not jealous, left Self- will, Self- love , Self-ends, or Self-dependence ta^I** fhould encroach on the Intereft of drift? Do ihey not know, that if £ m . aI ° they do only love drift for them- j£™ p n f °, {dvts, they love themfelves, and not drift ? Did not one well pray, From that ill Mm my [elf Good Lord deli- ver me. Should not the bent of our Souls be againft leaning unduly on Self wifdom, Righteoufnefs, and Strength ? 3. Are they not againfi continuing ~ wedded to the World} Are they not 7 . ao ." for ufing it as a Servant, and not be- 30/31! ing abufed by it as their Matter ? <*al. 1 -4* Had not the Woman cloathed with Re ^j the Sun and the Moon under her Feet ? Are they of, tho' in the World? Are they not afraid of being entan- gled when employed in it ? 4. Is not the League that was between them and the Law broken ? Are they G *j* 2,r 9* not ia a fort dead to it ? Is it not f Cor K 4, dead 9 * 21. x$6 EJJays on Union to Chrifl. dead as to them? It's true, they are not Ant mmm am, not againft ( nor without refpe&to) the Moral Law, as a Rule of Life. Is it not by the haad of Grace written in their hearts, fo that it may be read in their ways ? Are they not under the Law to Chrift ? Do they not delight in it as a Dire&ory ? Is not this the Lan- ^h^al § ua o e ^ ^ir ^ ou ' s ? O that we *^' could touch with it, in every point as ftrait Lines do ! But, i. They are freed from the rigour of the Law, or from it 2s a Covenant of Works. Is it to them Rom. 6. as j t j s t0 t hofe that are quite ( and Gal. 5.23. <3 u i et ) under it, even as the poor %y(Ti.i. and pure Israelites were under the r Tim. Egyptian Task-mafters, that did work f'-'f* and received Stripes ? Shall they be condemned for not fulfilling it ? And do they expeft to be kved for that Obedience they yiefd to ic ? When they haye done all, Is not Chrift as farisfying Divine Juftice Jean'd on by 'em? And confequentiy, in the fecond Rom.7, glace, they are freed from bringing *• 2 » 3 4- forth Fruit to the Law or Firft Co- t^oL 3. 11. venam# ^re t ^ e y noc ( j n ^js re (l peft ) for burying Mojes} Is not their Fruit brought to Chrift ? Do they £0* pwn his Righteoufnefc as the matter Effays on Union to Chrift. 137 matter and ground of their Juftifica- tion with them. Is not one Chrift, All both as to prefenting 'em righ- teous to God, and as their fanftifier by his Spirit. O that many did not give too great proofs that they yet (tend in a Marriage-Relation to the Law, and are not joined to Chrift ? 1. Are they not rather (by frights) driven to Duty, than drawn ro it g°1 "* by the Cords of a Man, the Bands of & c [ Love ? Do they not fhew themfelvcs Children of the Bond- woman by the fervilenefs of their Fear and Obe- dience ? 2. Do aot thefe Perfons fet up Galatica- the Duty they do by the more gene- mur [aid ral afliftance of Grace, and the Got Luther, pel in the place of Chrift ? Are not their Services in part owned as their Saviour ? Do they not Judaize and Galatize. 3. Do they not make their exter- Gal. j. 4. nal Righteous a CQver for their Un~ Mai * *** righteoufnefs. *?• The 4th Branch of thefirftUfe is, Sincere Chriftians are Perfons of Ho- nour. Upon their being precious in God's fight, are they not honoura- ble ? If this matchlefc March will not Ift. 4;. 4. ennoble Perfons what will? Doth Rad ."? not the Husband's Honour reach his mam •* Wife ? * 3 8 iffilyf on Umo-4 to Chrift. Wife ? Is fne nor brightned through i Sam. Beams from I ink 18.26. himfelf advanced through matching into SatiVs Family ? But, what one ofSauPs Daughters unto God's only Son ? If a Itttfe low Room in his Houfe be Preferment-, what is be- ing taken into his Bed ? <**&&• But it may be faid, Are not Go. #Gfr^ ^ eqr ^^ W **^ n^v °^ *" ma ^ ac ~ ,j. '** count 3 yea, accounted the c fcouring of all things, fit for Dung Care. ^ I Anfwer r. This is but in the Ev 1 Jo« 3- 1- p t ^ e y| n ^ World. that fee no Beauty in Chrift. rCor.^.r. -• ^00 c ^ ren *hc fan&ified mifcar- Mat. 16. ry, and carry like other Men, being *h overtaken with Palfrons, and in too many refpe&s carnal, to their own, and to the Gofpe/s Dishonour , and the World looks at their dark fide. Bur it's enough, that the Spoufe of Chrift is fair ( and is extoll'd ) in •" the efte^m of God, and of the mod valuable Men. Are they not unto God as Hs Jewels ? And do not his Servants write on 'em as thofe of M T whom the World is not worthy ? l6 a [I] And before I part with this Head, may the Lord ufe it as a point to Hcb.u. pierce my Reader's Hearts? If our 3&. Sovereign the Fougtain of Earthly Ho- EJfays on Union to Chrift. 139 Honour had employed me, to treat Perfons about their Preferment in the World, I ftiould be hearkened to ? Saul thought his capacity of « Sam.21. promoting his Courtiers ifeould oblige 7> * 'em to him. How is it, that in this treating I am likely to meet with Slighters and Recufants ? 1 . Are many willing to fcrfake their Fathers Houfe , I mean (as did the p f a '«4^ Pfalmift ) that of Adam* they will I0 ' ! not for Chrift leave their pretended Fortrefs, 1, They are not for refting in the Hof. 3. 3. love of the beft Husband 3 they admit Pf- 2 - 2 >3- of Rivals. 3. They like not being under his Yoke^ tho' it be lin'd with love. Doth it not grate on their Necks ? O that they confidered, that ill-wills and lufts keep 'em from honour j and whilftnpt married to Chrift, are they not vile*Perfons ? Sons of the Earth, and Heirs of Hell. And fa the 5th Inference is; Their Folly is manifeft to all considerate Perfons, O that it was fo to them- felves ! That are finfully coy, ftand- ing off, and refufing to match -with 'Chrift. He muft go further on theJ -*- 11 Row,, they are of the mind of thofe Jews % iYat flmt their Hearts on Chrift. Is not this cheif fad Cafe ? i. Of 140 EJfoys on Union to Qhrifl, Aaostf.r. i. Ofthofe that take nor this main matter to heart, as their main Con- cern ; They are in Zkn t but are at eafe, and u rider a wo:. 2. They have not yet conceiv'd any deep forrow, that its natural to difpofe of their Hearts and Affe&ions If r ^ e wron S wa y- Other Lords ( and Husbands ) have Dominion over 'em ; Hof.*.6 ; 7. [hey have \ 01J ed Strangers^ and after them they will go. Should not they part at the weeping Crofs. Ter 2 ji- 3* ^ 10 * ^ un< ^ r V are feemingly un- jT" " * der fome wifhings to be called by Ifa. 4. i. Chrift's Name, and have his Dowry - y i Sam. j 4- a nd as Saul once faid, He had obeyed ,3# the Lord, they may think they have received Chrift ; but he that is All- knowing, Jcnows it is not as a good Wife receives her Husband. i. As was hinted, They do not SfeBrown ta ke, and betake themfelves to him ? * h "' $ only. It was forefeen and forefaid then when Gofpel- grace flowed forth, Ifa. a. ii. th e Lord alone fhould be exalted. 63.3. Tho' good Works as Friends of the Bridegroom do attend on Chrift, Are they to enter with him into the Bride-chamber of Justification ? Ashe only trode the Wine-prefs of his See Pearfe Father's Wrath, and made faiisfadii- •n this, on to his Father's Juftice, tie*)l ad- mit of no /harers in the glory here- of, Effays on Union to Chrift. 141 of, or to go ioint-purchafer with him. As the pretended Mother faid to the true, Let it be neither mine or Rom. 9. thine, but let us divide it, they fay in t ^ d Unn ' the cafe, Did not the Jews and Ga- lo * 3 latians (tumble at this Stone ? r. If any of 'em are for receiv- ing Chrift only on fearch, they may find they do not receive him wholly. Do their hearts fay, to this great Prophet, Prince, and Pried ? Do thou teach us, rule us, as well as fave us. 3. They do not receive him as the Gift of the pure, free, and compre- henfive Gift , with a quite emptied J Are not their Ears bored, r 4 x £JT a y s on Union to Chrift* bored , and they the refolved Ser- vants of fome Iniquity ? 5. They confent not (if called thereto ) to take up Chrift' s Crofs* Exod.21. anc * carr y '* a ^ er n i m * They will 6. not ftand by him, and his Caufe in Rev. 14.4. the face of Dangers. Now that ( if God willing ) they may fee they ftand in their own light, and forfake their own mercy, Let me challenge 'em to produce the Reafons I denied an Anfwer to thefe Queftions. 1. Will they fay they like not Chrift's Perfon, and fo ftand off? I fay § why do they not ? Can they Can. $.ult. think any Perfon below him fo futa- Kal.45.2. ble and aimable ? 1 . Will Beauty enamour 'em ? Is he not altogether fair ? Prov.$.i4; 2. Have they a favour for Virtue ? Here, ( it is clear ) as Light is in the Sun. If 3. Are they for Wealth and Ho- ' 4 °* 4 ' nour ? Is not Chrift the Fountain of them ? 4. Do they look for kindnefs and tendernefs? Is not Chrift as to that a None-fuch ? Let them bethink them- felves , what can they affedl ( that good is ) chat Chrift is nor. Hath not Chrift led in love ? And is it not faid Love is the Whetftone to Love? Why Ejfays on Union to Qhrifjt: 1^3 Why mould, not they pledge him that hath drank a deep Cup of love to them ? Can a full meafure of Chi -ift's love be taken ? Did not his love appear .higheft, Quovi- ' when he ftooped loweft ; what elfe Jioreo brought: him- down from the Throne charior, to the Footftool, to the Womb, to the Cratch or Manger, to the Crofs, to the Grave, and in a found fenfe to Hell ? 2. Will they fay, tho' they have a value for Chi ift's Perfon j yet can they not prevail with their Wills to match with him, his Terms and Pro- pofals pleafe 'em not. Anfwer, Do you not ■? Why do you not $ Sure I am they are like- able. 1. Is it not a wonder (all things p^ conudered ) he will come upon 5> & * 3l terms with you ? Do you not ftand before him under the guilt of Sin, Ezek. 10- yea, and in Filth as Breakers of the a >3>4« Law and Firft Covenant, and as ut- terly averfe to the Second ? Are you not yet in your Blood ? What Prince makes fuit to Rebels ? l. Do you not know that he could Ffkltf.s* take a fhorter Cut with you ; cut- Ifa - 2 7» ting you afunder, and glorifying his 3 > 4 ' juftice in your ruin. Could the ftoutei* 1 44 Effays on Union to Qbrifl. ftouteft among you (land, before one Bbw of his Wrath ? p£l.ft.3. 3- Can any addition be made to him (or to his Efflntial Glory) by tft. >7- your confenting to him ? Doth your 3>> goodnefs when bed extend to him ? Pfal j. Can Light be added to this Fountain of Light ? 4. None that think worthily ( and well ) of him can conceive that he that is fo full of gracioufnefs, and fo free Sinners fliould tafte of it, will make any Terms that make not for Hof - * 3- his Glory, and their beft Good. I put you to give an Inftance, orraife an Objection in the Cafe. If any Ocj £t; If we be for him, we muft be confined, and be for no other. Anfwer, 1. Is not this the very Law of Marriage. 2. To prevent miftakts, be it noted, 1. Tho' you are only to own Chrifi as Mediator, you are to be for all the a Cor. tht Perfons in the Godhead, as your Trea- Ufi ftrft. fure, they are undivided as in Effence, fo in A&in^s. The Love of the Fa- ther, and Communion of the Spirit is with Chrift's Grace. 1, Tho' you are to own none in 1 Jo. 1 > %• Co-ordination (or Competition ) with Cbrift % you may be for my good ?tr- [on Mffays en Union to Chrift. 14^ fin ( or Thing ) in fubordlnation and Re- ference to him j will he not allow you Mat. 19^ the Ufe and Comfort of lower things that a 1 . he feeth bed for you ? You are only to deny 'era comparatively, or con- ditionally. It is not as reprefenting the Epicure j but according to his Wifdom ( who was its Eldeft Son ) Ecclef. 1, that he fpeaks of it, as good to be the up. cheerful in the ufe of fuch things. 3. Is there not enough in Chrift to fatisfy the fpiritual ( yea, the ra- tional ) defire ? Doth not all ful- . nefs dwell in him ? If thou looked: up for Light as cheering, Is not Chrift i *;** 1 " 5 the Morning Star? If thou lookeft 9 * down for Supply, Is not he as to Hag. a. y Subftantiajs the Bread and Water of Life j if to Plants, is not he the Vine $ if to Men, is not he the Prince. If any dare fand do) Objedl, They are wedded already either to j a $ *v what is ^unlawful, or to fomething 1 Pet! 2:! lawful, unlawfully, and they are not *$ free to break their League. Anfwer, 1. By what Warrant hare you fo given your felves, to any Per- ion or Thing, on this fide Chrift ? Your Affe&ions are not your own, QuoWar* nor to be difpofed of at your plea- rant0 - fure ? Hath not Chrift the firft and !w r / s beft right xo *em ? m ** Is 146 Ejjays on Union to Chrifl. 1. Is it not an errand ftiame, yon fhould offer fuch a Plea ? Are other Fellow (hips ro be preferred before, or to be named the fame day with that of Chrift ? Are yon fo fet on fenfual Pleafures, as for 'em to deny Chrift ? r. Is not this a brutifh thing ? Do fuch defires become you as Men ? th\ r /S. 4 ' 2 - D ^ y° u ever ** n< ^ ' em near &* tisfying ? Have they not had a bit- ter farewel ? Are you for worldly Luke 16 Wea kh * an ^ m 2kirig the Earth or 11, 12. what's Earthly your Treafure ? 1. Is not this to prefer deceitful Riches before true ? Shadows before Subftance j Tranfitories before Du- rables 3 and what is anothers before Fio 23.?. w ^ at ma y ^ y° urs - 2. Is not a Day coming, May it not be near ? When Riches will not profit, but fly away. 3. If Chrift call you to part with any thing, will he not fupply the want of it ? Mat.i*s. If (till it be Objefted, if I match with Chrift, he will govern me, my Husband will be my Head. Anfwer, Very true : And is there any Colour of unreafonablenefe in this? a. Arc EJJays on Union to Chrift. 147 1. Are not all that are in the place * c °r. ir of Husbands placed above ? 3 * 2. Hath not Chrift all Claims and Rights to Rule over thee ? Did not Jo. 1.1,2. his Word Create, and his Blood Re- deem thee ? Was thou not Baptized into his Name ? 3. Is not Chrift's Government the Mar. a*, beft and eafeft in the World ? ao * For, 1 . Are not all his Laws writ^ ten in Love, and not in Blood ? 2. When thou art to keep a con- l Jo. 5- V tinual Watch, Is it not againft deadly Enemies ? 2. If thou art to pluck out a Right Mat. 5, Eye, Is it not that thou may ft fee the 2 9> 3°* way to Heaven? Is not mortifying Sin fweet , but fatisfying it impof. fiblc ? 4. If he fliould call thee forth to Seal the truth with thy Blood, Hath not Martyrdom been counted a Crown^ find Chains as Honours ? I add j Is it not God's manner where he hath given Laws, to give phil.1.14. Hearts ( and Strength ) to obey 'em j and when he makes Burthens hea- vier, to make Backs ftronger, and to give fuffering Graces in fuffering Seafons ? To fhut up this Branch of the life, and to render it more ufeful, I add, L % 1. If 148 Effays on Union to Chrift. Mat. 23. 1, If any embrace not this Hus- 37- band> will they not know ( to their forrow ) that he offer'd himfclf to 'em ? Will not that Word then cur* How often would I have gathered you ? Did I not ftand at your Doors, and Lnk.13.7. knock, and made fuit to you, thrice three years ? Had not Chrift in thefc ways come in to 'em, they had had lefs Sin. 2. Will not he force 'em to own him as a Judge, whom they were not free to own as an Husband ? Muft not they ftand at the Throne of Judg- ment, that would not kneel at the Throne of Grace ? And can they a C01. 5. poflibly (land right at, and in Judg- ,0 * ment ? Will not Mercy it felf rife up in Judgment againft 'em ? Will not this lay 'em under the heavieft ftrokes ('and punifhments) who flighted Chrift ? Hcb. 10. For, 3. Will it not then be made ^' out ( and evident ) to all the World, and to themfelves, that it was on foor and weak (yea, hafe ) Grounds* that they were Recufants ? How will the Fig-leaves wherewith they co- Mat. 8. V ercd themfelves fall off ? Will they ** u t- not b. provtd to be of the Spirit of thzG6,darenes,th$L preferred the Swine before Chriit, 4' May E flays on Union to Cbrzfl. *49 4. May not a time come during the time of this Life, wherein the Mic. *.* Prefence, Counfd, and Comfort of this Husband will be better than a thou- fand Worlds ? It's fear'd Storms are not far off, if they fall, what wife Man will not value a flielter ? And Eph ^, 4 , will not this l>cft Husband be the very pf a j. t . - beft. „ T7r . th§u 'r The 6th Branch of the 1 ft Ule is, The Union that is betwixt Chrift and Chriflians is, ( tho' not a Perfonal Union ) yet an Union of Perlons. Are not fome for driving down this Doftrine, that allow no Union be- tween them, fave what they call Operation? I have hinted that I am far from ^^ affirming that Chriftians are fo one Noftol > with Chrift, as to be Chnft, or m this, Chrifted, one and the fame every way with him. By this way, they fliould have done, and fuffer'd all that he did. Is it not fair for them to be Redeemed ? Redeemers, they can- (;«*.*.$ not be. But tho' the Husband and Wife continue two diftinft Pcrfons in Mar- riage, they gite their Perfons, and not only their Affe&ions one to the other. And doth not ChrifVs Spoufe fpeak of her belo&d as hers, and of herfelf, as his? Have not Chriftians IL 3 Union, Iff Effays on Union to Chrifl. Union ro Chrift, as God-Man ? Is he m their Husband, as he is their Head , according to both Natures And what a Breaft , yea , WeJI of Rom. j. Conlolanon is this, that they are uni- 18,, 9 . ad to him as Man ? m u „ ,-'• °" c c 'pab!e of fufferine: an ^ «£»•. a futahle fufierer on Man's bS. ^ 2. One that knoweth (from Ex penence ) what temptation is, and" i Tim. 3. luccounng the tempted '** U? - k K?? C thz I ? n ( and wi " ) treat familiarly and friendly beine their near Kinfman. S neir Eph.-a. 6. 4- One that in their nature hath taken pofTeffion of Heaven for 'em they being already rifen with him' and /hall be furely raifed by him • and that they are married to him' Col. 3 . ,. that is God, their Comfort israis'd' Eph.y. i. i. Hath he not anfwered the de- mands of God's Law ( and Juftice ) for em ? ' ' If 7- and that his loving-kindnefs is better than Life. 1. Is I f 4 EJT a y s m U»t° n to Qhrifl. i . Is not he that takes 'em into this State the mod High, and his (loops low ? 2. Are not his Father and Spirit Phil, a. one * n Efface with him, and con- % t 7. defcending with him to them ? The id Ufe is for Reproof and Confutation of Error. The Men that cry fo loud, to Rome^ to R&me^ may run and read, that they are far Sponfus wrong in their cafting difparagement scckfm. on the Dodtrine and Union treated on Doth not the Pope in their Books (land not only as the Fountain and Head, but withal as the Husband of the Catholick Church ? As if /he had two Husbands, or as if Chriftians were married to a mortal, that they do not know, nor are known to him, if we fpeak of the moft ( and beft ) of Vir). Bleffcd Pau!> of more worth than i i!* l * f ° 00 ° tnat are counted Peer's Sue- ceffors, wooed for Chrift, and not himfelf, as a Friend to the Bride- groom, not the Bridegroom, that we may not think he only injureth Chrift in afluming his Title, be it known he ufurpeth the Thing and Power implied in it. H r i. Doth he not claim the Autho- Hoi.a.i. r j tyan( j supremacy over the Church that appertains to Chrift ? Doth he Jo. 3. 2Q, not fuffer Mea to ftile him a Vice- * Chrift, Ejfays on Union to Chrift. 15$ Chrift even when ( diflemblingly ) he calls himfelf the Servanc of Servants? Is the higheft Office in the Church any more than a Miniftry ? 2. Doth he not take on him. the Exercife of fuch A&s as are peculiar and proper to Chrift I 1. Doth he not give out Laws of his own making, that lhall imme- diately bind the Confcience ? 2. Doth he not apparently crofs Chrift in the Difpenfations and In- dulgences he grantech ? Again ; Doth not my Do&rine confute the Opinion and Pra&ice of the Romanifts, who put great difho- nour on the Church's Husband,when they teach their Profelites to be Ido- laters, and fo fpirituaHy Adulterers, in carrying that Worfhip to others, and fo giving 'em the Glory that is due to him only ? 1, Are they .not for worship- ping Angels, when they Confe- crate Churches, and diredl Prayers to 'em ? 2. Are they not juftly charged with adoring Saints departed , efpe- cially the Virgin Mary ? In vain (and without truth ) they plead that they only pray that Saints would pray for 8 em. Do not fundry of their Ex- preflions exprefs thus much f x. Do l$6 EJfays on Union to Chrift. 3. Do they not only give Worftiip to departed Saints, but to lifdefs Images ? Particularly to that of the CroS both Material and Aerial ? 4. Do they not kneel before ( and fo worfhip) the Confecrated Bread concerning which they pretend their Prieft can make their Maker, and then the People eat him. Notwith- ftanding all their Cobwebs, and nice Diftin&ions , Are they not rightly charged. i. With learning the way of the Heathen ? a. With being in fome points more Heathenifti than they ? The 3d Ufe is for Reprehenfion Cant.Mo. or Correction of Vice. And I now come with a Rod of Reproof to thofe that come not into this bleffed Relation, nor defire to do fo. That many are not yet in Marriage united to Chrift is apparent. m?u*. *• From their want °f love to Ignatius, him. Is not he his Spoufe's beft be- loved ? Did not the Old Difciple call him his Love. I will not aver that drift's Name was written in Letters of Gold on his Heart j but I mult fay, if upright Perfons were opened , Chrift would be found in their Bofoms. With what face for front) can fome fay they love Chrift? 1. How Bffays on Union to Cbrift. if 7 i. How or whence is it that their Pfal.n^ Eyes and Minds are not more on him, 97 * even on bis day ? . 2. How is it that their Difcourfes ja: of him are not more frequent, fer- 34 . ' vent, and pleafant ? 3. Are not they intimate with thofe that defpife and difhonour him, yea, of their number? If their Clofets and Houfes, could fpealc, would they p^ * not proclaim their difregard of feim ? 4. Doth it ( in the lead ) favour of love to Chrift, that they fo little love the habitation of his Houfe, and the place where his Honour in a peculiar way dwelieth ? How little ^ 1 do they attend in and on the Signs of his pretence ? How little for not at all ) do they delire to fee, feel, and find his fpecial prefence, in the ufc of thofe Signs ? Farther it appears, That not a few are at this day averfe to matching with Chrift. 1. Are they not throughly, ( and fo over) pleafed with their Relation *«k.3S< they have flood in to other things t 3* Do not their Hearts go , yea run, after their Covetoufnels even in time of Publick Worfhip ? Are they not Ambitious and Voluptuous? Are they not for fetting down their Staves £ This is their Reft i Do they not cry indeed 158 EJfays on Union to Chrift. indeed as one did in words, the mif- chief is, we muft dye, and fo have fmall mind ro be with Chrift ? z. Do they fee any taking or Ctnt 5. enamouring Beauty in his Perfon or 10. Precepts ? Is he in their Eyes a Perfon Gil. 1.16. of Quality or Excellency ? Do they not in thek hearts fay, as fome of their Rank did to Chrift's Spoufe, What is thy beloved more than another belo- ved ? Have they yet feen their King in his Beauty and Glory ? Is Chrift by the Holy Spirit Revealed to ( and in ) 'em ? Are they defirous to take a fairer and fuller view of him ? j» Are they at all free to take the Yoke of Chrift on 'em, as that offer- vice, fo that of fuftering ? Did they ever yet count what it might coft them to be Chriftians? Were they ever yet perfuadable in this Cafe ? Alas .' They are in a vain Dream,that Chrift is theirs, they fay they truft, but never yet tryed ; they prefume ™ "' they (hall be faved by his Merit, tho* Luk. 14 they be not fandlified by his Spirit. 18, 19- Have they any liking of the Ltflbn of felf denial , or thar of following Chrift fully. 4, Have they a warm heart for thofe that have given good Evi- dence that they are united to Chrift ? *pkx. 1 j. Have they not (at the bottom ) fome pique EJfays on Union to Chrift: Ifji pique (or quarrel ) againft 'em? iPet.a.' Will they allow them to be Saints, I7 ' becaufe they are not finlefs ? Do they love the whole Brotherhood ? Even thofe that bear God's Image tho' (not in all Modes) theirs ? Do they not ftrike at Religion, through ftie Pro- *&♦ ll Q feffors fide ? That this Reproof may reach the Confcience of the reproved, I pofe 'em. i. Do not fuch Proteftants, Recu- fants, crofs the Royal Law and Got Roai^.i^ pel ? Yea, do they not fly in the face of both, and are thorough Children of Difobedience ? 2. Doth not their difobedince af- front the whole Trinity, or Trin-Uni- ty.O that God would perfuade j^>to to dwell in the Tents of Shem> and finfully coy Souls to clofe with the Offers that are made 'em ? Is it not a Wonder ( yea Miracle ) of Meccy that after fuch affronts his Treaty fas to Marriage) is not bro- Rcv . $ ken off, fpeak truly. * 3 ' ■ i. Have not you, with whom I am dealing, often turn'd a deaf Ear on the Lord, giving him no anfwer at all ? Would you deal fo with an _ : : ' Enemy I Q*f*M i. Have i (Jo Effays on Union to Chrifl. Prov. ft *• Have you not fometimes given *°- him a dilatory anfwer you would not yield yet ? 3. Moftly, Hath he not had from you a flat denial ? 4. Can you , if you fliew your felves Men, ( and reafonable ) think that thefe tenders will be always, or long made to you ? Will he (till (land at the door that you keep flwt a- gainft him ? Doth not his (landing %** Mr. P oint out as his prelent patience, lo Crefwick. his readinefs to depart ? Will not the door of Grace and Hope be flwt, and how terribly will he appear as a Judge who is refufed as an Husband ? It is yet a Summers day, wherein frov.io.s y° u ma F g atner trie bed Fruits, but a ' Winter may be at hand. If you think you have made a League with Death, and that it will flay your leifure, cannot God foon break both - that League and you ? What may a PfoV.i^i day Cyca, an hour ) bring forth. You read of one that dies in his full flrength. Doth not many an one do fo ? At how many Doors may it enter ? May it not be at one you do not dream of? And if at Death you be found among the Dead in Sins, will not woe, woe, woe, be to you for ever and ever? Again 3 Ejfeys on Union to Qhrift* l6l Again ; On what ground do you expedt or hope to ftaitd when you are to (land at Chi i it's Tribunal ? What will be your Plea ? Can you poflibly defend ( or colourably ex- cuft ) your R ecu fancy ? i . Will you plead rhar you were Righteous ( if not of) in your felves, R ev - and fo needed not to match wiih 17. Ghrift, that in and with him you might have juftifying-righteoufnef?, how eafily and fully will ye becon- futed, even by your own Confidences, when that Book is opened, black jobo. 30* Lines will appear ? Will not your 31. own Cloaths be ready to abhor you ? 2. Will you plead, that you did not hear of, or were not capable of underftanding the Offers ( or Over- tures ) that Chrift made to you ? Will not his Minifters witnefs againft you ? Will not he prove that his Gofpelwas plain? 3. Will you plead, that Chrift's Propofals were unreasonable ? That "eb.9.27, hath been proved falfe. I ask, 1. Is there any hope you ***• 33, fliould ftay Judgment ? Xhat cannot I4j I5, be, nor God's Statutes. 2. Can you endure (o much as to think of enduring the Execution thereof ? M At 1 6z Effays on Union to Chrifl. At Death, when your Souls lie Vagula. quivering on your Lips, and you cry, as did one, we rauft not live, and we dare not die $ and are faying, Ah ! poor wandring Soul, where muft thy lodging then be ? It will be fad, to think, you are going to God to have your State and Cafe determined, and fear the determining will be againft you immediately upon your diffolu- tion, what a ftuiek will your Souls give, when they fee the Infernal Pit and themfelves ready to be thrown into it ? i. Will not this be more bitter than a thoufand Deaths, that had you matched with Chrift ? On that Great Day, you had received a free pardon of Sin, and a full open Declaration of it j but as if they were fcafd in a Bag, they will then with all their height- Ming Circumftances be produced and prov'd againft 'em. A£ls 3. 2 vyju not tn j s a [f g r eaten your Job 14.17. forcow? Had you accepted Chrift, you muft then havefuten down with Abraham^ Ifaac , &c. at their Feaft, and have drank of whole Rivers of Pleafure $ whereas you will be de- nied, yea, and exiled from the fight of God, and bis blejfed making pre- fence. It Ejfays on Union to Chrifl. 1 63 It may be you may be as the foolifli Luk. 12. Virgins prefumpruous, and think of *£* x 3- comirrg toHeaV:n-gates, and knock, Mac a ^ expe&ingadmittanccsyoii will be put to cry woe is to us, the Door h fhur. From what happinefs are we fallen ? Into what intolerable Torments muft: we be caft ? Muft not our Souls ihat would not entertain Cnrift b fent to dwell with the Devil? Wc would not abide the (liken Yoke of his Com- mands, and Kiuft abide the iron one of his everlafting wrath- At the Great Day , when ( and where) all muft ftand before God, * Cor * 5 * can you ftand right.? Will not your Mat. 2?. place be on the Left-hand , and Luk. 14. Chrift's Voice be depart from me ? As *J- l6t a J« your Souls have before felt the ftrokes v! ac ' 23 * of the Almighty, your Bodies alfo Mark 9, muft lhare therein. And do not ima- 44. 4 8 - gine, that it will lefTen your torment, that many will fare as you do. Will not it be rendred more tormenting ? Will not the Devil and his Angels ( with joy ) add to your forrow ? And will not every power in, and part of it have a fenfe thereof. 1. Will not your Minds find that with your Knowledge forrow will be incteas'd ? M ft ft. Will i^4 Ejfays on Union to Chrijl. i. Will not your Memories fug- ged; to yov, bow often Chrift would have gathered you, and how wilful- ly and refolutelv you ftood off ? 3. Will not your Conferences ( on that fcore ) lafh you, and he as a Worm not dying, but growing ? 4. Will not your Affli&ions add to your Terror ? Love and Joy will have no place , when wailing and trembling, and indignation againft your felves will continue. And will not this aggravate all ? Eternity ! Eternity .' If you think I infill too long on Mount Eval, and am too much a Son of Thunder, af- fure your felves, I have fearched mine heart, and find love at the bot- tom of it- I am only an Herald, denouncing War againit you as war- ring with God j Imoft delight in be- ing an Ambaffador to befeech you to be reconcif d to God. Andfo the 4th and laft Ufe is for InftruSion in Righteoufnefs. The Fir ft Branch is: Learn we to. fearch our felves, and that with fe- Cant (J. rioafnefs and fuppiieations. Are we *> 9 * married to Chrift, or are we not ? There's a place in Scripture that fpeaks of many Qaerks, more Con- cubines and Virgins without number. Some apply thefirft word to reform- ing Ejjays on Union to Chrift. id? ing Congregations. The fecond to the Members ; thereby all thac I am acquainted with hold, that as 'Con- cubines were counted fecondary Wives, here they denote true, tho' not fo full and powerful Chriilians ° y Mat. aj. and tho' Virgins in Scripture have ufually a good name, fave where fome are named foolifli, here fome ( and but fome ) conftrue 'em of finfully coy Souls, that ( tho' wooed ) will not be won by ( and to ) Chrift. Whatever becomes of this Interpre- tation, its a fad truth, Recufants a- bound. Are not we of that number ? Have we yielded to Chrift ? I will firft lay down Marks exclu- five j if they be on us, we are ftan- ^j^ Vo 7 ' ders oif and out. a9> ' The i ft. Is not prizing him and his Blood, but counting both com- mon things. The 2d is, Not taking pleafurein Mufings on him, and in his Com- pany, Council, and Communications, reftirig if not without Ordinances, yet without Influences. The 2d is, Wilfully provoking Chrift ( at leaft ) being without fear of offending him, Marks inclufive : Such as evidence perfons to be as Queens, honourable and command- ing, are, M 3 i. Being l66 EjT a y s on Union to Cbrift. i. Being admitted and received into more inward and fweet Com- munion with the Lord, being taken into his Banquetting-houfe, and ha- Cant. 2.4. Ylr 'o ^s Love as their Honour. 2. Being Royally attended with a Train of Graces, that break out(vi- iibly ) and ( with honour ) propor- tionably. 3. Having great Rule of (and over) tru mf Ives, reducing their Actions, Expreifions, yea, and Thoughts (and Difpofitions ) in Obedience to Chrift. And now positive ( by fome called adequate and even ) Marks are be- fore us. As fome were to produce Tokens of their Virginity , may we of our Marriage. Th Mtrtyr *• Are We ( as t0 r ^ e m2 * n ^ ent crr d y and refolution of our hearts) for None but refting in the love of Chrift, not ad- Chnfh mitting any Perfon or Thing as a Corrival or Competitor with him, write we on this. 1. The Hypocrites may fliew or make a mew of much love, and fay Aftso*. tnac -hey would in an evil day be 13 45 ' iheltered by him ; yet ft ,11 fome Li ft over-tops his Intereft, they will not allow him the bed room, nor with the wife Merchanr fell all to procure this Pearl : Their Eyes are fixed on fomeflefli-pleafmgjOr felf*advancing. % % Tho* Effays on Union to Chrift. 167 2. Tho' fome among the fanfti- Rev. 2. fied find lefs fburifhings, and more * % ^ dealings of their Jove; yet in their 33,34. fettled deliberate thoughts and choice, they are for him, and no other as their Treafure, other Sheaves bow to his. A id diftinguifliing Mark is : Be- ing in the main Courfe and Current of Life, ftudious to pleafe Chrift, and approve our felves to him, and ftand right in his favour. 1. Tho' Hypocrites may' perform External Services, they have (till fome felf-end. And 2. Tho' true Chriftians come Hab.*.i£. not up to Rule, their Eyes are ftill u 01 ; 1,10, upon, and unto their Redeemer. The Second Branch of the laft Ufe is, now to follow, and it runs thus. They who never were in earneft con- cerned about being married to Chrift, fhould be fo now forthwith. All are not called to a lower Marriage ; and fome have fet Virginity too high, which may be honourable and' ad- vantageous to Religion $ but to this myftical Marriage all have a clear and loud Call. Moving Motives to it are, 1. Prime Privileges are proper to it, M4 1. Upon i68 Effaysyn Union to Chrijl* Eph.3.i7- i. Upon Marriage will follow Co- Cant, n. habitation, yea, Inhabitation, dwel- ling under one Roof with you in one another. 2. There will be an he aling of the Soul's pifeafes. Is not the Spoufe's Husband her Phyfician, and a mod Ittofc4.i4. compa(Tionate one ? Having made a Medicine or Plaifter of his Blood, will he not apply by his Spirit ? Will he not foften, quicken, and prevent Relapfes ? j. Will there not be a fubduing of Enemies ? Will Chrift fee his Spoufe always trodden down, and abufed, and not appear for her ? /lie. 7- if. 4* w *'l £ kere not ^ e a fuftaining and upholding under Burthens? Will he not put under his Everlafting Arms? $. Will there not be a fweetning of bitternefs by the Tree of Life ? mit.?3- 6 Will not Chrift concern him- felf in all his Spoule's Concerns ? A Second Motive is : There's an abfolute indifpenfable neceffity of matching in this Cafe. Sxra£c- I# As t0 the efca P in S Eternal ikfara. Wrath* Salvation is not out of the pure Church. 2. As to acceptance of Holy Ser* vkes 3 his Spoufe's Voi€e is fweer. Now, Effays on Union to drift. 169 Now, come in means, T „ . .^ i. May the unmarried be willing Cant. 5.1. to know the Truth, and work of their Natural State. Doch not the Spirit's Convincing Work kad to Chrift? Alas ! many will not fee (or feel) their Sin?, by their Ill-will. 2. May they fet themfelves (when Aft. 2.37: they can) under good Spokejmen, and !$•«. Wooers fer Chrift \ Doth he not Work moft by the beft Hands ? Are not Prov. n. Wifemen winners of Souls ? Doth 3°- not Traveling tend to Births ? 2. May they ftudy the incompa- Gal 4.1*. rable endearing excellency of this Hus- band ? 1. Is any other to be compared for Dignity? Who is higher than the higheft ? 2. Is any other All-fufficient, able *&• 9- & and willing to fave to the utter- moft? 3. Can any other fo fuitthe Cafe Cant, s- of guilty, filthy, helplefs Sinners ? IO - 4. Who is to be compar'd for Heb.7. bounty and free giving, that gave 24- s- *< himfelf? 5. Is he (can he be; in theleaft Rom \ defeftive as to faithfulnefs ? k**9* 6. Is he not the abiding, undying, exchanging Husband ? 7. Hath he any poor (ox equal) in CompafiioA $nd Tcndernefs * Is he . *70 Ejfays on Union to Chrift. he not in all Parts and Points com- pleat ? that mine Hearers (and Rea- ders) had his Perfections more in their Eyes, Minds and Mufings ! Could they then be Content to be and go without him ? The 4th Means is : Perfons ftiould be at one forthwith, and on the pre- fenr, to renounce and difclaim their Sins and Self-confidence 5 Doth not this. Union fuppofe a Separation ? Laftly^ There is to be a waiting on f and for) the holy Spirit of God, that he would fweetly incline, and P&J.65.4. fo over power the Soul, and its Af- fections, as that Chrift may be em- braced. If the Soul of a Sinner ap- proach to, fo as to abide with the Lord, this is from a blelTed Caufe, and effectual (and not a common) Call. 1 much fear, many ate not fin- cere in this Matter, nor folicitous about it i and I have lefs hopes that . they are married to Chrift., that have not out of refpeft to God's Ho- nour, a Fear, leaft they ftiould not receive hirn^heartily and wholly. A 3d Branch of this Ufeis; They that are under great Griefs (and Fears) becaufe of God's Wrath, and cannot be eafily (if at all) pet fwa- ded, Efays on Union to Chrift. iji ded, that tho' (now J they confent to Chrift, he will accept 'em, and take 'em into fo near a Relation and Union to himfelf as Maniage. Learn they this needful Leffon, when through Grace they are willing, his willingnefs is out ofQueftion for their Satisfadtion ; Confult they his Word, the Word of the King, and obferve they, 1. The freenefs of the Invitations Mat -* •*** which he ufeth. 2. How moving the Expoftulati- lfa.$$. t ons that are ufed with 'em. 2. And 3. The ftridt Injunctions he ij .& layeth on them, would he not be 23. ' obeyed and anfwer'd, and prevail Jo- 6- *9$ by his Precepts ? 3°- Again, 2. Take they into their Jo. 1. 14. Thoughts what he hath done. Did (and do not) his Actions aloud fpeak his Inclinations ? 1. Did he noc become Man, that J . 17. 20 * long) if rficy w ; U (now J come in, he openerh his Arms (and Heart) Rev. 5.20. to 'em ; and he doth this, tho' he forefeeth that many will abufe his Grace, and turn it into Wantonnefs. The good Lord prevail with fuch as are of a to ) to fearful Heai t,and fay Ik ,, (with ErTV<5t) to 'em, Fear not fo 3, 4 . much. Behold, mine open Sides, and through 'em, my Soui p^t the Fin- ger of your Frith into "em. Be- not Faithlefs, but Believing No vileru-fs of ' iuh. no blacknefs of Heart, nbgoil f Lir., fhall put in a ^ar to mine exceeding a- bundant Love and Grace. Be it add^d, >n what Grounds would doubting di oopi ng Sjuis fet theii Fo Scripture doth not fet b n ? Jo. 1. 14. J. Hath not Cbrift For 'cm ail ful- Col. 1. 19. n ^ s of GraCe ? Omnino ij Is not his Grace purdy and ful- gratuica. \y free ? Eoh 1 6 1- T s it not his defign to Magnifie * ' his Grace ? 4. Doth not his magnifying his Grace, tend co the raanifeftation of his Glory ? 5, Should Effays on Union to Chrijl. iy$ 5. Should any Fear the full mani- fefting of Chrift's Glory? The 4th Branch of this Ufe, hath its Eye: on thofe that are entred in- to a Marriage Covenant ; and fo have that Union to Chrifi, treated on. May ic be in their Hearts defire (and defign) to walk Worthy, (I mean only a Worthinefs of Meetnefs) of this great Favour and Honour vouchfafed to them. 1. May they humbly , and yet highly Glory in this Relation. Is not this a PW1« 3« $3 part of the Character of the true Cir- cumeftion, or really fan&ified to Re- joice (to glorying) in Chrift Jefus. 2. May they yield, as a loving anal free, fo a full Satisfaction to this their Husband ! 1. Inward, in Mind and AfFe&ion, 2. Outward, in Obedience, Active and PaiTive. 3. May they adorn this Relation by their demeaning themselves 3 wearing, Titus 2 1 ' I. The Vail of Humility. . xo. And 2. The Rare Jewels of Jufiice^ Purity, and Charity. May they Long {and Labour) that 0- thers (effecially their- Relations) may be brought into this near (and dear) Re~ ktfioml i I Th* 1 76 Eff.iV en Union to Ckri/f* The concluding word is for (and toj the Ccmfcrr of fuch as take thefe Co an (els. 1. In Csft tftrcuilzsj will their H labfem bimfetf from them? Or kt 'em fink under 'em ? 1. In c \ n of a Dear J^mtUf Bmtkdmi^ {tail they not Ex- perience that Chrift hath the Natur§ (as w c J as the Name) of an Hw- 3 b Cj/< cf Dtrth ; doth not he live fir ever, and becaufe he lives, they (ball do fo, and their Death fall be the Dm U eternal Life. _ 4. In the Cafe cf Judgment-, will J° i-f ! 9' ftoc t heir Husband be a merciful Judge to 'em ? O thai other Words : O that thefc may take Hace! The Advantages t; ow ALirridge tc Ck-iji, are nei- ther few nor fmalL Among 'em, are thefe 1. Will no: this Husband direct and Ifi.9.6. { m} 4,4 1. Will he rx: FnuS W? Wii! rot this Bridegroom's Power be their 1 \ W;;» ht nOL ffreadbis Skirts And for 3. Trcvfcn; rather tban the .fail, Angels, Shall not the frfal 34, b$lj A*g*h fad 'em ? 4. Shall Effays oh Union to Chrzft. iff 4. Shad not their Debts be defray- 1 Jo. 1. r ed? Is not he rejponfible ? Rev '• T 5. Shall they nor be freed from Ar- Jo. i6. a4 , re/?/ £7 f/j>e /.*m/ ? Is he not their Surety ? Do not Divines write of a Legal Union, tho' I have much point- ed at the Myftical? 6. Shall not their regular Suits be Heb. 7: heard and an fiver d} Will this Hus- 22. band turn rhe deaf Ear on his Spouft ? 7. Shall not their other Services be Cant^** accepted ? Shall not a Cup of cold Wa- ter meet with a welcome ? N Co* *7& Bfjciys en Urn on to Chrijt. Concerning the Principal Bond jf Union to Chnji. R O M. viii. 9. Hew if any Man have net the Spirit of Chrifri he is none of his. w E fiiall (eafily) grant that ho- ly Paul had fuch a Spirit of -difcerning, as we pretend not to; and fo might fee into the inward Parts (and States J of the believing Romans : A fid accordingly {^y (or wrire) to 'em, Ye are not in the Fkfh (or meerly Carnal) rot under the Rule of the Old Man^ but in the Spirit j and we find the learned teaching us, that the If found in my Text, was a word of Arguing or Confirmation, and not a word of doubting or hefitation ; and is by fome of them rendred forafmuch, Quando- or feeing that the Spirit dwells in quidem. you. Yet, I am aware that an ho- noured Interpreter conceives, that Dixon. ? au l fp ea ks thus of 'em, from the Judgment of Charity, and not of Certainty, and would have 'em to ufe EJfays on Union to Chrifl. 179 ufe Caution and Examination in the Cafe, intimated in the Phrafe, if fo be. But, whatever Doubts may arife about that Particle, he doth in the words (we have moll to do with ) give us ground to lay it down as an undoubted Truth and * DoBrine. Union to Chrifl- is can fed and effected by the Spirit of Cbrifi, or, The Holy Spirit is one of the Bands whereby Perfons are United to Chrifi. Primarja Did not he excel who filled it the ^^^ principal Band in that Union, where- n , r nt ius. * by the Bleffed Saviour, and the be- lieving Soul do touch j and 'tis faid the word rendred Bands as to its Root denotes touching. Bands mud needs b$, where there is an Union of -. thing and t king, of Perfon and Verfon. tQn Another Band there is, whereon we Dr.Ja* may touch ; but the leading-place comb, belongs to the Spirit. J f it be faid, the truth is only taught implicitly ; yet this Rule obtains in expounding Scripture under Negatives, Pofitivcs are couched and contained. The Text is one of thofe Propofi- Seemrthy tions, ftiled Hypothetical (orSuppo- £ y - r n PoIe ' fitive. ) It conhfteth of Two Parts. " 1. An Antecedent by way of Sup- pofition. ^ 1*. N a 2* A i8o mf a y s cn Union to Ch rifts 2. A Consequent by way of Po- fitive, and as it holds, from the re- moving of the Antecedent, to the removing of the Confequent, it alfo holds from the affirming of the Con- . fequent, to the affirming of what is in the Antecedent. He that is Chrift's ( that is, united to- him ) hath his Spi- rit. r. By being thrift s y is meant being a true living Member of Chrifl, which comes to one, with having Union to him. Polus.Dr. And, 2. By having the Spirit is Jaeomb. meant having him fo as that he dwells in a Perfon, as the Inhabitant doth in his Habitation^ having him fo, as to be animated and a«Sed by him, ha- ving him as the Fountain (and Spring) of fpiritual Life and Strength. See Revd. It's well noted, that what is called Stedtnan. the Spirits dwelling in Perfons, in one Verfe, is called, Chrift in them in ano- ther j which inrimateth, that it is by that S fir it , that Chrift abideth in 'em % and it was by him that he firft poflef- fed them. And as the Point is held out in a Eph. i. Negative way in this Text, its held the iafi. f ort h more pj am ]y ( anc j pofuively ) in other Texts. i, Is Effays on Union to Chrift. 1 8 1 i. Is it not faid of the faithful at ^eholy Ephefus^ chic they were an Habitation B * rnes - ef God, which impUeth Union to him by (and through) the Sfsrst t his i Jo. 3.24. Operation^ and Efficiency. 4- 2 3* 2. Is it not exprelly expreffed, that Perfons know that the Lord abideth n^ r * ( and dwelleth ) in them, and they in him , which denoteth the moft near, inward, intimate Communion with him,and fo all imaginable Union to him j b.caufe he hath given 'em of his Spirit. It is true, the giving of the Spirit is Idem ' there brought in as an Evidence of their Union to the Lord • yet, thence it is ftrongly reafoned, that he is the Efficient of it. It is a noted Saying of one of the Tertul- Ancients, the Spirit doth join and !cu n \ Cona button us to Chrift: • and that Mo- U at ' dern Divine, who is defcrvedly reck- oned among the firft three, hath in B^»A an accurate Treatife written^ that the UflierV Band of the my fiscal Union betwixt j^ 1 *" Chrift and us , is on his part, th?.t quickning Spirit • which being in him as the Head, is from him dirfu- fed to ( and for ) the Spiritual ani- mation ( and enlivening ) of thofe that are true Members of him. N 2 If iSz Effays on Union to Ck rift. If any expert a farther demon ftra- tion ( or confirmation ) of the Poinr, whatever they msy have other, I (here ) only ftand on two Proofs. The Firft is, To caufe and effect the Unk?j of a Perfon to Cbrifi falls for fand can agree to ) no lower hand than that of the Holy Ghofr. As hath been hinted, Union to Chrifi fnppofeth a feparation from fin, and felf-confidence. Now, who fnort of him that is Almighty can make this . Separation ? Seeing love to fin, and Luk.9.23. { can j n g on f e j£ j s natural to Man. Doth not fin feafily befet Perfons ? . Doth it not dwell ( and iule ) in 'em ? Can that Faith that is the o- ther Band of the myfiical Union^ be wrought by anyone lave the Infinite one. The Second is , It falls very fitly for the hand of the Holy Sprit to ac* complifii ( and bring about ) this Union. Is not he called, as the Sprit of Chrifi , fo of God the Father ? Doth he not proceed from both, not only as Perfon, but alfo as to the Of- fice, as to applying and bringing home to the Soul the Grace intend- ed by the one, and obtained by the other. It's Bffays on Uniqn to Chr'tfl. 1 8 J It's a great truth deliver 'd by a Le-blank. great hand, that the Scripture in de- livering the Doclrine of the Trinity, . intenderh to open fin ther to us the eat Matter (and Myftery) of Re- demption , concerning which, the purpife is peculiarly attributed to the •ft Perfon, a* the Purchafe is to the Second, and the immediate ciofeft applying thereof to the Holy Spirit-, Is not he ( as to order ) and doth he not as to that, come neareft to us. ^cuteHoU I am (now,) come to what I moft hnwortti. defired , and defigned, i. e* jifpli- c at Ion, And the firfi Ufe is of and for In- formation, The Firft Branch is : The faving of loft Man is. a great Work, and to Man impoilible. Is it not a new Crea- tion ? And do not the Workings of all the Perfons in the Godhead, y^ and^all the Divine Attributes appear in it, more than in the Old Crea- don ? Is it not wrought without Man's ailifting, and againft Man's re- c filling ? Was not Man worfe than ,™c"i- ?J nothing ? nrnit. The Second Branch is ; Their Cir- P- 2 n- cumftances are very fad and finful, Co1, x * al * that are willingly deftitute of the /ft- ly Spirit, and fo have no fpecial Rela- tion, and Union to Chrift, m » N 4 I grant, 184 EJfi)' s on Union to Chrift. Jude 19. I grant, fome thac yet are not choice, may bechofen Veills. E : &ion may obtain where yet it hath not; Grace may be in God's pur- pofe to ( and for ) the ungracious. Jc. 10. 16. This may chear many hearts as it A&s 9.16. doth me their poor Teacher. tTito-i-9- r. It is a tin tor any of you to be- ton. ° r " ti evc y° u are not Elefted, this is not Revealed. 2. All that live (as you do J un- der the plain preaching of the Gof- peh aie under a Miniiterial hope, Elation hath its Courfe among fuch. Having premifed r u is, I (hall (be w that none that ixeCbrijFs are void of his Spirit. It is not laid, If you have Theophy- not the ; but if a e have U&. noz tne c r r;r> From this fudden change or' the Perfon fomc ( calLd Fathers ) comeSured, that the Apo- ftle was tender of galling the Chri- ftian Rmbsmsj and afraid, they fboold fuipedt him of harfnly judging 'em, and fo delivers the Doctrine more generally. All Reverence to their Gray Hairs paid, I humbly conceive that one reafon of its running in General Terms, was, to fhew that the truth therein taught is not of limited large) concern - } reaching Profeflbrs of Effays on Union to Chrifl. i#$- of every Nation, and in every Place and Condition. Be it known, and considered ! s Dr i. Tho' Perfons were bom of godly ruckney. Parents, except they be born of the Sfir'tt , whatever outward Church- Privileges they may have, they w ant a Divine Nature, a Seed, and Prin- ciple of fpiritual Life , Breath , and Motion. 2. Of what avail ( as to Salvation ) will it be if Perfons be baptized J°- 3-3- 5- with Water^ if they be not fo by the Holy Ghoft, and by him too entrcd in- to (and joined untoj/the myftical s p et . 3# Body of Cbrift. zj. They who in other things differ, in c this agree, that the Bapiifm that J 3 faves is not the putting away the s**»w- filth of the Flefli, but the anfwer of a *»'»g Fen- good Confcience. Tho' it be a Seal ner - fct to the New Covenant, all receive not the BleiTing of it, nor are made living Members of Chrift by it. Ic Cor doth fuppofe ( and confirm ) Rege- If St as fit- 74 * ting For the flate of it ? The 3d Branch of the firft Ufe is : They who carry about (. and in 'em ) good proofs of their Union to Chrift y are bound very highly to love the Rom. 1 j- Spirit ofchrid. Did not the Apoftle 30. when arguing very earneftly, he ar- gues from the Love of the Spirit ? Great is his love to ail the fan&ified, and great love mould they return to him , the firft for his Excellencies, further for his Offices , all full of Grace. For, i. Had he not been often ( and highly ) affronted ( and vexed) by 'em ? Did they not too too long Ifa.03.10. fljght his Calls, and flight his Invitati- ons, and fend him away as fadned ? That yet hefhouid work on 'em, and join'emtoChrift. 2. How many others hath he paf- fed by when he pitched on them as the Subjects (and Objects,) of this Hof.4. *7- xj n \ on ? Are not many lefs united to fin and felf ? Are they not as Ephraim was, joyned (yea glued) to their Idols? And hath not the Spirit faid, Let 'em alone, at fartheft they came but towards Chrift. 3. When he did caufe this blejfed Union , did not the Work favour Tweedy, ( and ftrongly ) of his hand? Did Effays on Union to Chrift. 189 Did he not fhine on ( and into ) their Heads and Hearts, fo that they faw Chrift as a None-fuch, as one they did want and wifti for ? Did not this King appear in his Beauty ? Was not Hof. 11,4? the thraldom of their Wills remo- pf.no. 5. ved, and- the freedom of 'em prefcr- ved ? Were they not with Cords of ViQticI Love,and conquering Delights drawn d . elea ** to him, in the face of Difcourage- tlone * ments. 4. Now they are united to Chrifi % how many ways beyond their counr doth he appear to (and for ) 'em, and that in Endearings, at fome of which I fliall point ? 1. Doth he not make his abide -with 9 em, and chufe their Hearts for his Houfe and Temple ? Witnefs the Rom. Bl words next before my Text, where **> he fpeaks of his indwelling in 'em, which denoteth a fpecial, gracious, J 0, f * familiar conftant prefence which his * Houfe will furni/h. 2. Doth he nor make clear and choice Revelations to \m ? Have they 1 J Q,2 * 2 2i not an Undtion from the Holy One, that teacheth 'em the beft things, fo that they are led into Divine Truth ? 3 .Doth he not perform to them the Office of a Remembrancer, when their frail Memories have loft what their Jq» i6*%\ Minds I jO Efoys cn t T mon to Chrift. J0.14. 26. Minds had received • he brings forth the truth and Weight of things. Doth he not, as the Spirit of See Dr. 2Jj*i excite and quicken" em> and blow ^ wen ' p die Sparks that were ready tody ? ..So that the feeble became as David, and did run without wearinefs. Zee. i2$- v Doth he not afford to fome of Iia- 'em his witneffng and fealing Spirit, i. z ,/? ' and h ftied abroad pure love in their ^/T't^' Hearts, the fenfe whereof is fweet- 5,0, 10. > ning. And fo, 6. Doth he not to fuch of 'em fhew himfelf according to his Title a ( yea, the ) Comforter ? Ad- Jo.167,8. miniUjing Cordials, and ftrongCon- foiations in times of fainting. Several Cafes referring to the Holy Spirit call for handling, The Firft is, How are i»t to order (and direct) cur Love to him ? Anfwer, 1 . We are not in oar f J c 5 7 Thoughts to divide him from the other Terfons in the Godhead. All the Three are one Divine EiTence and Love to 'em is to be United. Yet 2. We are to diftinguifti him from the Father and Son, in our Ap- prcheniions , and exercis'd Affecti- ons. It's laid down, as a great truth -Mr.Sttong h y a £ reat Divine ' and ro be re " ceived and improved " Under the M Covenant EJfais on Union to Chrift: 19 1 tc Covenant of Works , the whole lc Trinity was engaged, arid did u work j yet were there not then as " now fuch peculiar Works appro- " priared .to every Perfon : But in " that of Grace, tho' God confider- " there is a fpecial appropriation of " fundry Aftings, fome to one Per- " fon, and fome to another. All " concur by way of c , yet are 41 fome things iaid eminently .to be " done by one of 'cm. Thus the Holy Spirit, as he was pe- culiarly the Bond of Union between the Godhead, and Manhood of Chrift^ he is fo of that that is between Chrifi and Cbrifiiansy and as fuch to be owned. TJoe Second Cafe is : On what grounds • jhould our love to the Hlj Spirit be raifed. To what hath been hinted, I add, x . We are to eye and mufe on him as a Divine Per/on, as very God y and not as fome Secinians fancy, on- ly a vertue and power from God. yj s ^ e j For, 1. Is not his being fuch a nonDeus. Perfon evidenced from his Perfonal Mat. a8. Attributes, and Actions ? And his '9> 20< being placed in the fame Rank witk the other Perfons in the Form of Baptifau 19* Effays on Union to Chrift. Baptifm, as well as from his being named God and Jehovah. A&s y. Is not he vei T God, to whom Im- 3, 4- menfity ( or Omniprefence ) Eterni- ty and Everlaftingnefs, with infinite Unuerftr: 3Jng and Omnifcience, are afcrib.d Farther , for the Keightning of See team, our Love u this Perform be it con- r^PooI, ficlejred ! ^Eft- f Qpjfo not h e come to us in the Se* C r>. Name, and with the Love of the Owen, other Perfbtts:, and in how many and greai Inftarxes his love is to be fecn. i. Was not his hand at the Cove- nant of Redemption, and this prov'd I(a.'6r. i. ^ rom ^ 1S ^ c nt oa thrift , and retting on him as Mediator, and pro- ceeding to cdl Perfons through him ? 2. Have we not the Holy Scriptures M writing of Z7»io» fo Chrifi under his *jfc./ij?.' band. £, Is it not owing to him that we a Pet. i. give our Hearts (with our Hands) Zech. i2. Xomm - io . 4. Are we not W i# fi>e w/*jr ei/cr- 1 Pet. 4. lafting by him ? *4* $. Will 11 not fall fot his hand to put the Crown of Glory on our Heads ? The £ fays on Union to thrtfl, 193 The Third Cafe is : In what proofs {amoug others) is love to the Spirit fiiewed ? Anfw. i.; In being much afraid ro grieve his Ferfcn, Or provoke him as a £ 1 grieved Perfon , to cairy ftrangely § ee ft.} 0, whiJft we rdt in bare Ordinances and Spurftow Outfides. , 1. In taking great care, that his „ Yh& Motions againft bin, and to God's 5. 19, Service be not quenched. 3. In ftrong Reflutiens ( through R ev 2 ? Grace ) that his' Miniftry fhall not be Veniat nfifted, verbum ; • 4/ In valuing and fubmitting to Jf eni Spi- Scripture, that is by his lnfpiration y becaufe it is fa 5. In breathing after Ccmunionwith hiniy in holy Initiations, and Ordi- nances. 6. In giving themfdves up to his Guidance and Government, that they ? 9 or ° ' ,, • , . ' /*//, and may walk in him. the ia ^ I hope on reading what is written, fundry will meet wi&ihumblings^ that their hearts are not more inflamed with Love to the Holy Spirit. As for - thofe that are not inwardly concerned in it, their Cafe calls for Lamenta- tion. I now caftie to a Word of Exhor~> fatten. tiJOl O the 1 9 4 Eff*y s on Union to Chrifl. The Firft Branch whereof is gene- ral, and directed to us all. Be we ftirred up to put it on a fair IJJUe (and Trial) whether thisbleffed GaL 10 Scnc * or unitw Z Spirit hath yet aftual- 4 ' ' \y taken hold on our Souls. Hath the Holy Gboft that formed Cbrift in the Womb, alfo formed him in our Heads and Hearts. To move us to try, and engage Heavens help therein, Be it well weighed ! i. Many are 26? ' chalk'd up as Fools for their vain trufting their own Hearts, which na- turally are far from being true or good. As the impure Gnofticks ( and Mountanifts) call'd themfelves Spi- v ritual ones. As to the former Jude is to ,0 « ft r ik C) fo at this day many will not down with ir, that they are fpiri- tualiz'd and increas'd in goodntfs, but pofe 'em ftri&ly about the Wed- Mat. 22. ding garment,and they are Speechlels. And 1. They may conclude, that their concluding in the Affirmative is groundlefs. Who 1. are yet walkers after the Rom. 8. Flefl), and fulfilling the Lufts thereof. 13- Hath the Flefli its full poffeflion ( and CaM-io*- dominion,) in the Spirits Territories ? Will he leave the Members of Chrift as ioofe and impure as he found 'em ? and this is the predicament. 2. Of EJJays on Union to Chrlfi. 19 j , 1. Or thofe that are purfuing the Valde World with might and main, and are P ro j*ft* content (as Luther was not) with it,as their Poi tion. Doth not the Spirit of 1 Cor. God ftand diftinguiflied from that of *• la - the World ? Good Perfons are for ufing, not enjoying, are ferv'd by, and not Slaves to it. 3. Are they by the Spirit united to Cbriftfhat do ordinarily negledt fpiri- tual Duties, and always the exercife of fpiritual Graces in the ufe of 'em - 9 whofeClofets and Houfes are without the fweet Breathings of Prayer and G . Praife ? Whofe Souls are deftitute of 2 *. 2S . love, joy , and other Fruits of the Spirit. 4. Have they the uniting prefence ( and power ) of the Spirit, that have not left off to droll on, and feoff at y ude his Operations -> particularly at pray- aI , ing in ( and by ) the Spirit, and at Eph.6.18 fuch Perfons as experience what they exprefs about this. And now that none may deceive themfelves with Signs not fully fig* nificant. 1. The Spirit may have done in Perfons fome Things, that he ufeth to do in fitting Perfons for Chrift, and yet not have effedted this Union, may have been a Spirit of Bondage to om ' * f Fear, where he is not a Sprit of Jdop- ' O ^ tion. 20. 15 196 Ejfays en Union to Chrift. tion. Sundry may with Felix trem- ble, and be fhaicen chat fettle not on the Rock of Ages. And fo, i. There may be in fun- dry fojnefeemingand promifing Mo- tions and Aitections towards chrift, that fit down fhort of Union to him. May they not have fears left they be damnd, and grieve that he hath not conferr'd on 'em more plaufible Gifts, and a defin of fome of his Benefits.and may they not have Hopes of Heaven of fome fort, and fo love for loaves, Heb 6. 2nd joy in fome fudden flames. 5,4> And now I prefent to my Reader Luke j. 8. f UG h Character ifticks, as none fave the united to' Chrift by the Holy Spirit, have, and as none that are fo united are at a want of. 1. The fo united have it in their tie fire (and deiign) to hear chri/Ts Image. 1. Arethey not for being fpiritual? Is not Grace the Child cali'd after its 1 Cor. 2. father Spirit ? Spiritual may fome- , 4 . times be applied to Chriftians of an Gal. 6. 1. higher Form, but here it denotes truenefs. And are not they fpiritual in their Judgmeitts and Apfrehenfions^ tho* they delire more ? 1. Doth not God appear to 'em in Br. 15. 1 1. fome degree Glorious and Wonder- ful ? a. Is Effays en Union to Chr/ft. 19 J 1: Is nor Sin fhew'd to 'em as ex- Rom. 7. cecding finful, eroding God's Laws ? J 3- 3. Is not Chrift in their Eyes a None-fuch,' when they fee that he is Can. 5.10. the chiefeft among 10000. 4. Do they not difcern a Beauty in Holineis, when their proficiency in it anfwereth not their defires. I will not ( here) engage in that Philofophick difpute, whether the Will at all time follows the laft Dictate of the Underftanding ; tho' I own my felf to be like-minded with thofe that hold the Spirit fhines more clear- ly ( and illuftriouily ) into their Un- R derihndings, whom he joineth to I2 2 ] Chrift, than into theirs that conti- nue Chriftlefs. Accordingly we read of fome trans- formed and renewed in the Spirit of their Minds, and of the Spirit's be- , inga Spirit of Revelation, and the t p sf.i% greai danger fand damage) of thotf- iands is, in feeing they do not fo fee, as to perceive : They are at art ntter want of fpkitual difcerning • they do not receive Divine things divinely; and.. f fo we will offer atdiftinguifhingfpi- a6 ritual Knowledge from what is 1 Cor. 2, not fo. *4- Premifing this : That Knowledge ("even of the Scriptures ) may not be fpkitual, that is natural, and lite- O 3 rak \ 198 j Effiiys on Union to Chrijt. Jo, 6. 44. ral, there is a Revelation of theLet- 47 ' ter, and that is literal, and not fpi- ritual. The Queftion is about the laft (and beft ) fort, how ( or wherein ) it cx- celleth. And the 1 ft Anfwer is : Spiritual Knowledge hath an higher Springy flow- ing from the Gift, Grace , and Work of God the Father, through the Son, by the Spirit. 2. The Spiritual Knowledge is with much more clearness, and perfpicuitj. The Spiritual Man judgeth things, as ha- r ving feen into the Nature and Rea- J OF. 2. ^g ^ > em ^ Ij^k y^ Qjjjgyg only read and hear. He hath learned of the Father Objedts are more clear to him. Others Eyes are dim, and they have only a twi- light, not knowing how to approve Ifa. 3 j. the things that are excellent and dif- 4> s> $• ferent, tho' they reach not the Vifion ftdpi&v. fh 3t i s beatifick, yea, fpiritual. For, Col. 1. 10. 1 .More then others they difcern the Jo. 16.13. infide and beauty of truth, as one within a richly furnifhed Room feeth what one without cannot. And 2. They fee more the ten- dency of truths being as Rays that i2lm. 3. l ea< * U P r P l ^ e S° D > and Father and the l*fi 9 Fountain of Lights. Is not the whole Scripture-Doftrine according to god- iinefs* EJfiys on Union to ChriJI. ip 9 Jinefs, and the great Myfteries there- in (Hied the Myflery of GodJinefc ? Do not Divine Truths conduce to take Men off from their own bot- toms, and bottom 'emonChrift? Again j Spiritual Knowledge bath more of clearnefs , hath ( by Confe- quence) more of furenefs, what in others is only conjecluring is in them concluding ; the Gofpel comes to them * " n *• not in word only, but power alfo. Did not the fincere Converts at Sa- maria, when they heard Chrift, and not only heard of him, when they had feeling and tafting of his words, c °l- *• *• as well as hearing, admit of a doubt of his being the true Mefliah ? Had they not affurance ofunderftanding? In the next place, the more fpiri- tual Knowledge is, the more efficacy it hath, commanding the Heart aud Life t being as Sun-light full of Venue. And, 1. Hath it not an humbling effetl ? Doth not the Filth in a Room mod appear, when more light breaks , Cof into it ? I am aware that it is (aid, 8. 2 , Knowledge puffeth up, but that holds only concerning that, that is merely in the Brain, not favouring of the facred fan&ifying Spirit. Is not the Shadow fliorteft, when the Sun rifeth 1 h higheft? When Job's Eyes faw the 6,7 . JLord, did not felf-abhorrence follow. O 4 a. Is 2.00 E{f a y s on Union to Chrift* i. Is not fuch Knowledge fieefet in affection end the love of truth , re- ceiv'd with the love thereof ? Dorh not the Heart together with the Head take it in , through want *rhefE whereof many are perverted, and $. to, penfh. 3 . Transforming and Reform iug fol- . lows , where f pi ritual Knowledge leads, as natural Light expels Dark- nefs, fpiritual expelleth Vice. This * Cor 3. l *S ht ( and 6 S ht ) is > as clear , fo 7g o ' cleanfing. It is the Light of Life. If any think they need nocbe felici- tous in this Affair, 'tis fad, lad. The upright may bewail their want of Illumination, deny not that, for this Dt , Spur . they mourn. ft ow ; Another Mark upon and in the fpirituaUy joined to Chrifi is in their Thoughts, which feel the force and in- fluence thereof, manifeft this. And, i. In Scriptures are they not Mai. 3.16 defcribedby their chinking on God's • .';' ' Name ? 2. Will not God at the Laft and Great Day judge the Secrets an<$ Thoughts of Perform? 3. Are not Thoughts the im'tne- Rom2 ' ,5, diate Iffue of the Heart ,/liewiog it is ? •'••4. Ifev* Effays on Union to Chrift. 20 I 4. Have not Expreffions and Acti- ons a dependence on Thoughts, as Fruits immediately grow on the Boughs of a Tree ? | 5. Is there not an impoffibilky of, Mens counterfeiting Thoughts , as they may Words and Deeds ? Were thefe good in Joafis, or Jehojadas days ? May we about our Thoughts make diligent Enquiry, 1. What are our inward Thoughts that ly neareft our Hearts, agreeing with our wifties? Some had Thoughts pfa. 49. that their Houfes mould continue for u> '3- ever. 2. What are invited Thoughts, tho* fome far from good may be in- truding? What Thoughts lodge in, and not only pafs through us. pfai, 104, 3. What are in our ordinary 34. '39.* Courfe , our firft and Morning l8 » f 9- Thoughts to which we fet ( and keep,) open our Hearts ? Are we and they with God ? The Enquiry hath run about Thoughts in General, it is not un- meet to enquire Particularly. 1. Are we (in the delign of our Pfal. 1.3. Souls ) for multiplying good Thoughts ? 8 - *> 3- Do our Purpcrfes walk into thofe large Fields the Works and Words of ■ God, . Xo£ Effays on Union to Qhr'tfi, God, to gather choice Fruits and Thoughts. 2. Are we for improving God's PfW.tiG. Tbougks that we may fpeak and do 59 ' well ? Did not David's Thoughts rend to the turning of his Feet p God? 3. Are we on God's Holy Day great ufers of y and deligbters in y holy and ho- I&.J8.13. tumble thoughts of God ? SeeRevJ. As ^Thought s y in which goodnefs Cafe. is not. 1. Are we kindly bumbled for thofe Prov. 31. that are pad ? To prevent being Tcor 11 j^ged by God, Do we judge our 3 ^ ' ' felves ? 2. Are we very defirous (and ftu- dious) to prevent fuch Thoughts for the future ? Counting thofe vain that are fo finally, tho* not materially, Ffid no b^S nor re ^ erre ^ to God's Glory ? 113." ' Do we go to Ghrift, and in his Name to his Father for help ? And prize and prepare for Heaven where vain Thoughts come not. The laft Note or Mark of Union to Cbrift by the Spirit, is dtfiring to have further and fuller Communications cf and from the Spirit. Have they nim in truth , that would not have greater meafures of hira ? To Ejjays on Union to Chrift. 203 To convince Perfons that are at a ftint and (top, I offer what is next. 1. Did not the Spoufe of Chrift (brought into that near Relation to the Spirit by his influence ) much de- £ ant fire that the North-wind might a- the Uft. wake, and the South-wind blow on a. $. her Garden, that her Spices might flow forth ? Is it doubted whether her fuit was for various influences of the Spirit, which is elfewhere com- pared to Wind ? Doth (he not defire that he would ftay her with Flagons, and Comfort, herewith to cure her hopeful Sicknefs $ which being of love, would be to Life, and not to Death. Doth not Chrift's Bride with and by the Spirit fay to Chrift, Come, R come, with fuller Difplays of thy love ,. and glory. 1. Can they that have this Holy Spirit be ignorant, that as yet they have but a meafure comparative, but a fmaller meafure thereof, Was , it not the Prerogative of Chrift not **' 3 * 33j to receive him in meafure ** 3. Do they not know that a lar- ger meafure of the Spirit is needful, and needed by "em I 1. Have they not Corruptions to fubdue ? And, i. Temptations to refift ? 3. Duties If :t04 EJPw* ** Urn* to Chrifi. Rom. 8. 3. Ducks to perform. *** 4. Graces to exercife wherein his help is needed. 5. Are they not fatisfied that lar- z gcr meafures of the Spirit are excel- lent* as well as neceflary ? Are they pot as Rivers .of living Water, as the beft Wine* as facred Fire ? Jo- 7. 3?. 6. Is it not evident, that as the 3S- Lord Jefus is full of the Spirit, he is free ..to communicate larger meafures or it to wanters , that are well- wiiners ? Is not his fulnefs that of a flowing Fountain of Beauty ? Doth any one among the Hypocrites right- ly defire fuch meafures ? i; Have Hypocrites a deep Soiil- affii&ing fenfe of Original Sin ? 3 a. Are they williug the hand of the Sprit fhould be on their fpecial Sin? %. Are they defirous from him to partake of a Divine Nature and Life? If it be ask-d, Cannot an Hypo- crite defire Grace, and a fooli/h Vir- gin Oyl. Anfw. If he defire Grace in gene- ral, it's only as a Bridge from Hell. John s^ Jm He cannot defire Grace, that Cod may have the honour of it* 1. He ts en Union to Lfrr?Jt K 20 J 2. He cannot defire all forts of it j S«Fen- ro wit, ner m «■ 1. Rooting Graces y fuch as Humi- lity, and Self-denial. 2. Ralfing Graces y which Faith, Hope, Love, and Joy are. 3. Spreading Graces y in which Count are Charity and Loving-kind- nefs. 4. He cannot defire Grate ( as the matter) in a gracious manner. a £ or . ~ 4 1. Not Vehemently , or Earneftly, n. as the hungry do Food. Pfal.27.4* 2. Not Atlwely, andlnduftrioufly, fo as to ufe the beft means to at- tain it. 3 . Not Jbfoluteljy fo as to difcard what is contrary to it. Numb. 4. Not upon the prefent y he would 2 3- I0 - not dy, he will live without it. And if fome doubting drooping ones fay* we are at a want of good defires : I fay, Be you afraid of bearing falfe witnefs againft your felves. If your defires were not for, and after the Ho- ly Sfirit* How ( or whence ) is it ? 1 . That you fo grieve if he withdraw &VT \ r l- , ■ ,■ m '-5°^ And, 2. Set Jo high a price on his Cant. 4, Communications to you. th* l*ft- 3. That yeu are fo afraid of fecref * l^' fins, left he be ftrangt to you. 119.1*1, 4. That 205 EJfoy 5 cn Union to Qhrifl % 4. That you cannot reft cut of, nor yet dare reft in Ordinances, in which he afeth to meet you. Have you no thirft for him, (peak true} or Jec things be heard fpeaking. A Grand Cafe now comes under Consideration- Who are they that have a large meafure of the Spirit ? Anfwer, 1. They who not only HkJ. 1 19- efcape the open polluted™ fs of the World, 1,3,12 but withal, dcteft inward, and thought- defilements. 1. They that are ready in many Cafes to deny themfelves , and part with their own right, not only for Gen.ij-*- Peace fake, but chiefly for God's Numb. (^ e# A Balaam may poffibly ufe A malo goodly words 3 but God knew there homine was an aw ( and force ) on him.Who me ipfo. heartily prayeth as did Luther, to be faved from himfelf ; fo that felf-wili, felf feeking, felf-advancing, and felf- ends are watch'd againft, lave from a good meafure of the Spirit ? Gen. $.14. 3- Walking more evenly (and uni- Gen. 9. formly ) than many that yet are in the Txx. 2. 10. £ oac | co Heaven ; refembline Enoch. Such ™- were the Lord an( * &°*by having their whole Con- Wharcon, verfacion , becoming and adorning 0*mS*t theGofpelj fothac a Friend cannot niflio" - &®f find a flaW *" ' Qm ' 4- Glo- Ejffay s on Union to Chrifl: i<>7 4. Glorifying God by exercifing Faith in the midft of many and great dif- couragements prefcnted co fenfe. Herein Abraham /hew'd himfelf a Fa- ther of the Faithful , believing in R om . 4 ; Hope againft Hope, and that Lofles ao. & c . fhali iffue in Gain. Ver. 28. 5. Being mighty m Vrayer, the ge- Gen nuine Seed of Jacob ; who as a Prince 2 g. tiad Power with God, when pray- Job 1$. j.' ings are D2ck'd with pleadings , as &**- 49- were Luther's. 22 > a 3- 6. Holding up ( and out J under con* tinued Afflictions by Submijfwn - y and being as was Jojeph^vthoie bow abode in itsftrength, lofing nothing in the fire, fave their Drofs. 7. Having a fpecial command of ? tov - *7« ( and over ) their Spirits and Pafions j * 7, ,6 * 32- fhewing all Meeknejs to all Men (even the provoking,) not eafily kindling, and not long flaming. 8. Standing in 3 as fafi Friends in Heaven^ for thofe through whom their Glory on Earth hath been eclipfed , and clouded. How did oppofed Samuel intercede on behalf even of Saul. 9. Having an high efteem of God's Ordinances when purely dif- Pfaf. 41. penfed } and accordingly attending a5 - 6 h in 'em, and yet living on him as a little Sanctuary if driven from the great to8 Effays on Union to Chrift* great one. Was it nor thus with the Man after God's heart ? I o. Being eminently fet on ( and ap- pearing readily in their places ) for Reformation, as of their Hearts, and in their Houfes, fo in the Churches and Congregations of God's People. Did not a Chron. Jofiab when young, overtop* many 3+' 3 * that were ancient, and not ill affedt- ed ? By his good will, all Ifrael fhould have been faved, and the God of Ifrael worfhipped in Spirit and Truth. ii. Acting (more than many) for i Cor. God, and yet letting the Crown and t$. 10. Glory of all that is a&ed on the Head of Free- grace, working as if Heaven was to be earned ( and had ) that way ; and yet owning Chrift, and what he hath done and fuffered as meriting it. irim.4.8. 11. Doing what fervice they are capable of doing for God on Earth -, and yet loving the coming of Chrift, and longing to be admitted to, and poifefled of, that Glory that is to be had with him in Heaven. The Second Branch of Exhortation bendeth towards thofe who as fit an not by the Spirit united to Chrift. Be they Exhorted (and Excited) to pray (and cry} for the Spirit, in order to the effecting ( and caufing ) this Union, ' Some EJfays on Union to Chrifl. top Some may Objeft ( as formerly ) can we without or (fave in and by) the Spirit, pray for the Spirit ? Unto what was before anfwered, as to this, I now add, i . It is clear, They that have not ^f at> 7> the Spirit are bound to ask him. n. i. Are there not encouragements given to Askers ? 3. They who Cannot pray from fpecial Grace, may from a common Gift. O that God would fet all ( that fliall read ) on their beft way of pray- ing f or h m > ar| d ltl fubferviency thereunto, 1. May they that have not the Spirit be willing to fee that it's fo with 'em. Is it not a miftake that he is had, where he is wanting ? A very common one f Do not molt that Rev. 3. 17. are poor in Spirituals, conceit they are rich that way ? Is not Self-love natural, and doth it not fo blind Men that they'll not believe the Truth. 2. Is not this miftake a leading (and in great danger to be a ruining) miftake. Hence is that Texr, ( and Sermons on 'em ) are fo much mif- conftrued , and mifapplkd. They Eze ^ J * offer at the Duties of the Regenerate, |/ ''-.. P whofc ' *' aio £Jf a y s on Union to Chrifl. whofe firft and proper work is to look to the truth of their Regene- ration. i. May they fee that Chrift's Spi- rit is not in 'em. i. Who do not ftudy to fliew forth the Praifes and Vertues of Chrift, 1 Pet ' 2 ' 5 ' not being humble, meek, pure, &c. as he was ? 2. Who have not warm Hearts towards thofe whofe faces are to- wards him j feeking ( if they cannot Jer.20.10. £ nc j) f au j ts j n) atj( j gladly taking up evil Reports againft \m. Next 5 May Ferjons be more on their Knees, and in their Prayers for the Spirit as the Uniter to Chrifi. May they give Jo.167,8. way to him as a convincer of their fin and mifery. i. Is not the Guilt of Adam's firft Eph. 2. 2. Soul tranfgrelfion bound on 'em? Are they not liable to Death for the Breach of the Covenant of Works ? i. Doth not Sin, the Sin of their Natures reign in their Mortal Bodies, Rom. 8 2. an( ^ I mm ortal Souls ? Hath it not the ftrength of a Law ? 3. If their adtual Trangreflions (and particularly their Sins of Omiflion ) were fet in order before 'em, would they not be as a vaft and frightful Army appearing Innumerable* Pfal. ?o. SI, 23, 4. HoW £ffays on Union to Chrift. tit 4. How many* and great have the heightenings and aggravations of their offendings been ? Have they not broke their Baptifmal Bond ? Have they not rebelled- againft the a> i# 3, Light, fpurned at God the Father's Bowels? Trampled on the Sons Blood, and gone too near doing defpite to the Holy Spirit, and been as Tranf- greffors, fo Tempters. B h , 5. May they alfo fee that in their prefent Circumftances, 1. No condition of Life is farci- fied, or truly ( and throughly ) fweet to 'em. Doth not their Profperity tend to their Perifhing ? And their Sun-fhine nourifn Weeds ? And are not their CrofTes Curfcs ? Drawing out impatience and murmurs. 2. No Service, tho' for the Mat- frov.ija ter good are unaccepted, their Cries '** * 7 ' *° are Howling*. 3. tio hopes have they of ar- riving at Heaven, or efcaping the Damnation of Hell. If God by his Grace hath wrought his Work, there's hope,they'U pray fir the Spirit. 1 .Mournfully ,crying out, O wretch- ed ones that we are ; O the Guilt and Filth we lie under/ O that our Hearts were as Springs of godly for- P i fovvi xix EJT a J s on Union to Chrift. Rom. 7. row, and our Heads as Fountains, **• of Waters, and our Eyes of Tears. Jam. 4. ^ Self-judgingly ; not counting themftlves worthy of 'he lead Crum, (or drop ) of common mercy ; and 3 2 - furely then mod unworthy of fo high Mat. 8.8. a Gift (and Benefit J as the Holy Spirit. 3. Pleadingly 5 ufing fuch Argu- ments as are fitted for 'em. May they take words, and fay, " Lord ! It is true, and feelingly " confeffed, that there is in us no- " thing like Merit, but much of de- " merit. Shall the Sun of Righte- u oufnefs arife on fuch Dunghifs ? " Or the Holy Spirit' be poured on r ct fuch dry Ground? Give us leave a^'atl'ac. " t0 &y> thy favour is freely fiiewed, u not to defervers, but to needers - y " and the unworthy are Objects of w thy Grace. " Let us Experience this ! " 2. Lord ! tho' do we not de- " ferve this Blefiing, we are fure, we " defire, and on the bed fearch of " our hearts, we find, that we would " defire thy Spirit's prefence, aifift- "®ance, and thereby Union toChrid, " that fo we may be fitter for, and " freer in thy Work aiiigned to us.- " If thou indeed gived us Grace to a nd influence* Anfw. If your cafe be as you re- prefent ( and (late) it, Humiliation of a deep degree is called for from you 3 but if you find your hearts humbled, Effays on Union to Qhrifl. %i$ humbled, you muft nor give way to their being ( to excefs ) difcouraged. Is not God's Sftrtt a free one, free to vifir thofe that have carried it un- kindly, and untowardly towards him. In the Name of Chrifi, who is All- ^ worthy , go to his Father for the Spirit. Shall you be denied , if you be loth to be fo ? As for thofe that have the Holy Spirit^ and Union to Chrifi by bim, eiteem, embrace, and improve all opportunities for their being more filled with him : And may the Ap- pendix to this Difcourfe have in re- foresee to them a Blefling attending their viewing and weighing it. May thofe who will vouchfafe to caft their Eyes here, who joyn with others ( in a Gof pel-way) at ( and in) t Cor |Q that Ordinance, which is called, The ,$. Communion ; and doth to the prepared Receivers feal their Union to ( and in- tereft in ) Chrifi , well weigh my Doctrine. I fuppofe, they are fet- tled in this belief, that the Holy Or- dinances are as the Chariots, where- by the Holy Spirit carries up to Hea- ven j fo the Channels through which he conveys Grace to 'em from Hea- ven j and among thofe Ordinances, the Miniftryofthe Word, and the admini- P 4 firing 2 1 6 EJf a y s on Union to Chrift* firing of the Holy S 'tipper , ohtain a prime place. In this they agree* that they both are ( as fome fpeakj Vehicles, and Means that the Spirit makes ufe of j yet the word Audible, or pre- fenting it fclf to the Ear, in this dif- fered} from that vifible, that is repre- fented to the Eye. i. It is directed to, and intended Mat. 28. f or ^ a || f ons f Perfons, even fuch as Rev\2.7. are without the Churches Pale. 2. It is a great Inftrument of the Rom. io. fi f ft Converfion of Sinners, as well 12,13,14. as it is (alfo) for Confirmation of v .. Saints, that may expedt the latter Thefes nam'd great benefit by it. Salmur. 3 . The underftanding of the word, doih no^ depend on the Lord's Supper, the Great Seal fet to it, as that doth on the word, and fo tp the word is a precedency given. Rom. 1, But, on the other hand, to the 16. Lord's Supper doth that belong. It hath ftill the word going before, and all along with it 3 and confequently canieth a double Blefling with (and in ) its Adminiftration. 1. Doth it not proclaim 35 the great goodnefs of the Lord, fo His great good will, and willingnefs, that his People fhould be certified thereof, i fatisfied therewith ; and that by Effays on Union to Chrift. xiy by two immutable things wherein it Heb. o*. is impoffible God fliould fail. 2. Doth not God ( at his Holy Ta- ble) come to his People, feverally, and particularly ? Is not Chrift Sacra- ment ally given as to all that Communi- cate, fo to every one of 'em that doth it aright ? "Not only is he (as the bra- zen Serpent was ) lifted up before all ; but as the Blood of the Pafchal Lamb was fprinkled on the Door, fo i is bis Blood fprinkled on the Heart of every true Ifraelite. Farther, here, the Eye, which ufu- ally doth affedt the Heart more than the Ear, is much exercifed; Here, the tafte is gratified, the Wine which doth reprelentChrift's precious Blood is drunk. And here let me point to i Cor. 12. that Text, where we read ofChriftians J 3- Drinking ( and not only fupping ) into one Sfirit ; choice Divines not without good ground judge refpedt vicJ j! Sv- is had to the Lord's Supper, as in the Critic, foregoing words Baptilm is refpefted. Cceci ipfi An acute Divine hath faid, that he Videre may be feen with lefs than half an ppflunt- lye. Amyralda Is the Obfervation lefs obfervable, 1 Cor. u. becaufe ufed by many, that what is a 4* a S> 2 ^ taken into the Body doth nourifli, and work more than what is only ap- plied to it 3 and at the Lord's Supper Chrift xi 8 Ejfays w Union to Chrift, Chrift is ( Sacramentally ) taken into the Bodies of Chriftians. A great Divine hath faid, that to Lc-Biank. ^ Q prepared Communicant God is bound ( at leaft to his own faithful- ne(s ) to communicate his Spirit- If any good Perfon complain that this is not felt. PfaJ. 10. j j t concerneth the Perfon to try, whether there was not fome fpecial defeat in preparation for the Ordi- nance. i . Was there due Self-fear ching ? 2. Serious meditating. ~ C° r - g t Importunate crying. ' 3 * *' 2. It is alfo of concernment, when fuch a Perfon is before God, in the Ordinance, for the future, to waif through (and from) the Spirit, there may be a frefh acting of divers Ei C a8*2 Graces - ,29. ^ ^ Winy the Eye of Knowledge be well opened. 2. May the hand of Faith be much Heb.ii.tf. ftretched out. 3. May the Hearts de fires be en- larged. For, 1 . The Spirits mortifying Work* 2. TheSpirits vivifying and quicken- Kom.8.13. ingwork ', particularly of love toGod, ' and hope of Grace and Glory from him. Effays on Union to Chrift. tijl May the Communicant think, what Sin is moft to be fubdued ; what want rnoft to be fupplyed ; what Promife is moft finable to fuch an ones ftate. And I doubt not, Peace will be on thofe that regard thefe things in due time, if it be notatprefent felt. Oh ^^0 Effays on Union to Qhrift. Os Dei. S** Pool. &c. Inhabi- tante efc caufe Corrobo- rationis. On Faithy as the other Band (or Tyey of Union to Chrifi. E P H. iii. 17. That Chrifi may dwell in your Hearts by Faitk. IT S ufually faid, as the Minifter is the Mouth of God to People, he is the Mouth of People to God. Clear it is, as St. Paul was a power- ful Preacher j fo he was a Fervent Prayer. Do we not find him ( in the Text and Context) on his Knees ? And in his Prayers to the Father of Lights (and Mercies) that as he would give his (lengthening Grace, fo in order to it, he would - give them Union to Chrifi. For as the Learned teach, the giving mention'd in the foregoing Verfe, hath not on- ly relation to what follows in that, but to what is found in this Verfe. And as the principal Petition is y that the Evhefians might have the Holy Spirit, as an inward Strengthened' j fo as a Requeft fecondihg that, comes, this, That they may have Chrifi as an indweller y or abiding inhabitcr, Hath, Ejfays on Union to Chrift. zxi Hath not every Word in this , Prayer its wejght ? . i . The Grace prayed for is Faith. And i. This Faith is fpoke of as referring to its prime Objeft, Chrift. And 3. Chrift is mention'd as fetch'd into, and abiding in the Heart, by the means (and MiniftryJ of Faith. Several Doftrines may be drawn out of the Text, but mine Eyes is on this Doctrine. By Faith, Perfcns are bound, tied and united to chrift • Or, Faith is one of the Bonds of the Spiritual {or My ft teal) Union. We will firft fee, what a firm Foundation the Text is for this. Doth not Inhabitation (which is , j ,. more then Cohabitation ) imply, 16. Union} What Expreflion can be more exprefTive of Union, than that of his dwelling (not only with) but in Perfons, in thofe inner rooms, their j Souls ? And is not this indwelling by men tum Faith ? I deny not, that the Apo- & con- ftle fpeaks of, and prays for, the ftantiam continuance (and increafej of Faith, ^ op and confequently for the perfecting Prefence of Chrift *, fuch a Pretence as is accompanied with the com- pleating of his Work in (and for) his People j he defired the VefTels of their Souls might be enlarged, that more tzz EJfays on Union t9 Chrift. more of the Water of Life might be' . jaken in 'em. And is not the Inference as eafie and genuine, as it is ftrong ? Doth not Faith that gives farther Commu- nion with Faiths give the fir ft Uni- on to him ? As it keeps Chrift in, fo doth it not let him into the Soul ? And now we will take fome cog- nifance how this Detfrine is proved and confirmed in (and fromj other Texts: What lefs cannot be figni- { oh/6*. 40. fed> when (and where) it is faid in ide tan- fo many Words. gitur. It xhat Believers do clearly fee t ret. 2. chfi ^ and behdd £ Wkh diligencc ) and evidence the Glory of Chrift. Is there not an Union between the Eye and its Objeft ? The Underftanding and what is understood. The Eye enlightned with the Beams of the Sun, doth in a fort touch it > fo doth the Heart that hath Spiritual Light from the Sun of Righteoufnefs, fpiritually touch him j accordingly one of the Antients.is brought in, Eprefling himfelf, That Chrift and Faith Touch ; and a Mo- dern nobler Writer thus writeth, " Chrift is with him that believeth lt intelle&ualiy (or through the ex- p " ercifeofhis apprehending Power.) L \ 2. Are not perfonsfaid by Faith u Efays on Union to Chrift. tx j to come to* Chrift, yea, to continue com- $ ee Man- ing to him, as the Participle im- *™ "* plies j and that as a living Stone, on J . 6. 37. which they are huilt. Faith is often Rouzing fpoken of, as the Soul's Foot ; and Shepherd, by it (as one that was famous in both Englands NotesJ the whole Soul comes to (and for) a whole Saviour. Doth it not come to him as the Center , where ( and wherein ) it Cant. 8. refteth? Doth not this imply Union? *• - 3. Is not Faith's a&ing defcribed £,„ as a leaning on Chrift ? Its noted by one, whofe Memory is precious, that the Words by which the grand AH of Faith is fet forth in both Tefta- mems, dorh import rowling, reft ing and relying on Chrift, and isnot^ * 1, 2 ' Union to Chrift thereby pointed at ? 4. Is not Believing in Chrift ftiled a receiving of him, not only of his Do&iine, but of his Perfon ; a re- ceiving hhn into their Hearts, and not their Heads only ; Doth nor Gal. j. this denote Union? 26.27. 5. Are not Believers in Chrift, faid ^°?' /? 13, to put on Chrift ? And exhorted fo to * e ** ' do ? Do they not put him on as a Royal Robe (and covering,) where- by their Sins, Defedts, and Defor- mities are hid from the Eyes of a- venging Juftice ? And they dealt with as Righteous ? Can this figni- fie lefs then Union ? 6, Are 2.24 Effays on Union to Qhrzfi. J 0, *'• 6. Are not Believers (before the Lord's Supper was inftituted) [aid to feed on Chrift, to eat his Flefi, and drink bis Blood? Yea, to find him Meat and Drink indeed. Hereupon (one called a Father,) called Faith an imelledtual Mouth, now are not a Man and his Meat united ? Doth it not turn into his Subftance. The ex- cellent Being at an Accord in thefe things: In the Dodtrinal part of this Difcouife, I ftiall only touch on two (kings j to wit, i. What kind of Faith is honour- ed with the Office of Uniting to Chrift ? 2. How Divine Wifdom appeareth in affigning that Office to it ? The i. was from another Text treated on} here take touches. A &- 8 ' And i. The Faith that brings Jimes 2. Chrift and Chriftians fo near , goes 19. further than that which is ufually called Hiftorical , or Dogmatical j and doth more than yield Tome cre- dit to his word 3 did not 5. Magus y doth not Satan fo Believe. And 2 . It needs not go fo far one Th^Splech way, as did that which is called mira- is indifi' culous* It muii not be expected, that mite. it avail to the opening of the Eyes of the Blind, the Ears of the Deaf, or the Graves of the Dead. But Ejfays on Union to Chrift. iz$ But 3. This Faith which is un- 2 Tim r feigned, and the Faith of God's E- 15, left, is (in this CafeJ fo a band, that it is alfo an hand, by which Chrifi is laid hold of ; and hath it not been faid, this Hand hath three Fingers in it. The 1 ft is Knowledge 5 hath it not (according to a Note formerly ufed) the Nature of an Eye ? And is not this Eye open ? Doth not this Eagle-ey'd Grace look at the whole revealed Word ? Did not an Teitul- Ancient fay to an Oppofer, haft lian ' thou Refpedt to our Faith, receive the Scripture that makes it ? And as the Eye of the Archer that is on the whole Butt, is peculiarly on the white in it ; fo Faith that Eyes all R * v - Col- the Word of God, doth peculiarly ve1. Eye the Word that is God, Chrift as Crucified, and the Promife of Life through 4rim. A zd Finger is a firm ajjent unto CJem. A* the Truths and Glory of the Gofpel, lexand. and its Revelations ; Faith is fully perfwaded that Chrift is as reprefent- ed able and willing fuce. The 3d (and longed) Finger of ^'?* n * Faith, is acceptance, which takes in Chriftum AQurance. The found Believer free- imus, ly (and fully) embraceth Chrift, as he is offered in the Gofpel - 7 to reach Q^ and ii6 Effays on Union to Chrift, and rule, and not only to fave ; and' relieth on him, to do all for him as Mediator to (and vvkhj his Fa- ther. Cant ? * n ^ lort * *• ^he siting Faith di- 10.8,9. fcerneth that Chrifi is worthy ofiti Reception. And 1. Is for advancing him, and him only, as the fatisfer of God, and Saviour of Man. 3. Is for giving up the rule of the Heart (and Life) to him. And hath it not a fitnefs for its uniting Office ? Seeing, Math. ii. *• fr M * n i ts Nature,* Self-emptying 5, G>v*ce. Doth it leave a Man any Foot ( or Ground,) of his own to (land on before God ? Is it not attend- ded with Poverty of Spirit ? Do not fuch poor receive the Gofpel ? Be- ing Gofpelized ? Is not Faith faid to be raifed on the ruins of Self- confidence ? Is not fuch aft Heart- readieft to receive Chrift ? Seeing, 2. Faith is for exerting and put- jf m * l' s ting forth feveral Afts, that anfwer ,. j, ' the feveral Offices which Chrifi exe- cuted. Doth it not refpedt him as Chrifi, that maketh attonement by his Blood, and fo puts out an del of Re- cumbence, and owns him as the great Fropbet, and fo hearkens to him with Diligence* £Jfays on Union to Chrifl. i%y Diligence, and Votes for his Kingly Government, and fo \S Obedient to him, Is not Faiths Cry, none but Chrifl, and all ofChrift ? And is it not fit to be the Grace of Union? The good Lord help us to make a good application I And thar, i. In laying down Inferences of ., Truth. The i. whereof, The Grace of Dr Bo j, Faith is an Excellent (yea Royal) ton, Grace y of its Royalty, a Worthy wrote excellently. . Here, take we (and the Lord give a Blefling with) thefe Hints. i. Is it not an Heart enohling Idem. Grace? Doth it not fee the Poflel- for of it in high (yea in Heavenly) Eph. a.& places ? Seeing it fets him in Chrift who fas to Human Nature being his Head) is fo placed ? Is not a Man v - « B m of Faith farther above a meer Na- ainum. tural Man, then fuch a Man is a- bove a Brute ? Or then a Star of Heaven is above a Clod of Earth ? His Perfon and Performances, his Principles and Practices, his Poflefli- ons and Reverfions excel. For 2. Is it not an Heart-enriching James 3. Grace ? Enriching the whole Soul, 5 ' yea Man ; doth it lay claim to, and hold on the Heir of all things, who was the Natural Heir of them, as he 2,1 8 E]f*y s cn Union to Chrifl. Hcb. i. 3. is God • and doth become the con- ftituted Heir thereof as Mediator. S:*bSr. Is not Chrifl all and in all? Is he Strong. not t he San the Real Pearl? Is C0L3.11. not r ^ e white Stone the Heavenly Inheritance given into Faith's Hand ? 3. Is not Faiib an Heart-fecuring Grace ? Doth it not build the Soul on the Rock of Ages, a fare and fa- If, 26. 4. VlD g bottom? Doth it not inflate the Soul in Promifes and Privileges that fence it againft the inordinate Fears of Men, yea of Devils ? Of Wants and PrefTures, of Death, Judg- 1.*-. 1. anc * p ^ ea ^ ns Jntereft in Chrift a- Rom. 8. gainft all Accufcrs and Accufations ? * ' ■"-'■ 1 . Is it not an Hi. irt -clearing Grace ? Rom. 8. £ Ven ^jjgjj m2 ny Charges are drawn ' U P againft a Chrifiian will it not anfwer to 'em all : It is Chrift that died, and that I have clofed with 5 who anfwereth, 1. All the Charges and Demands of wronged Juftice, by his righting it. 2. Of a violated Law, by his ful- filling it. 3. Of a clamorous Confcience, ha- ving paciried God, whofe Deputy he is. 4* Of Satan, Sin not bciag com- mitted Effays on Union to Chrifl. 2*19 mined againft him, and being re- mitted- without him. Doth not Faith fhew the Soul an Heb * * : AU- Sufficient Surety, to take off all 2 Debts and Demands? Whofe Pay- ment is accepted for the Debtor. The id Inference is : Some Ac- count may be had fand learn'd ) from this Do&rine, why Faith is called (and placed) as the Firfjt Grace, Doth not an Apoftle mention it as leading the Quire ? Tho' Know- led ge is a Gift, yet when it goes before Faith, it is not a faving Grace. 2 Pet. r. Can there be any throughly right 5> 6 - Fruit that grows not on the Tree of Life? On the Root ofjefle? Are any through Branches of that Root (or Tree) that are Faithlefs ? i- If we fpeak of the Order of Worth is not Faith fas to its Office) a Queen. And 2. If we fpeak as to Order of Nature ; hath not Faith fome Prece- dency ? And 3. As to Order of Exercife , hath it not a Prerogative ? Are not the Afts of other Graces, called Eli- cite, the Imperate A6ts of Faith ? The 3d Inference is : An Heart of jjcb, 3. Unbelief is rightly called an Evil I? .'* Heart. Doth it (if not cut, yet keep off) from Jefus Chiift ? And fo is Q^3 faid % jo Ejfap on Union to Chrift. faid to depart from the living God ? . Is not the Heart wherein it Reigns, ihut and barred againft him ? Was it not in the firft Sin of Man, and at the Foot of all former Sins ? O ! that many were convinced of, and converted from Drunken nefs, Un- cleannefs, Cheating, Reviling, &c. But fome who may fay to their E- nemies, which of you convince th us Jo. 3. the of thefe Enormities? May yei be .'*/ Children of Wrath, becaufe Unbe- lief Reigns in 'em. I am aware two dangers may arife in my Readers, 1. On the right Hand 3 The doubt- ing drooping Chriftian, becaufe he reacheth not Affurance, (che top of Faith,) and feels ftirrings of Unbeiief may conclude he is Faithkfs and 10 Chriftlefs. Whereas, tho* fome primitive Pro- tectants (in oppofition to Papifts) and from their own fvveet inward Sence, inight hold that full Affurance was of the Effcnce of Faith 5 and tho* a twofold Certainty doth certainly at- tend the Faith that is faving ; a Cer- tainty of the Gbjedl believ'd in, and of Eveqt to the through Believer. 2 Tim. 2. 1* The Word of God is fare. J9- .And 2. By it eternal Life (in the Jf 3 " Iffue) is made fure to the Belkver 3 but un- E flays on Union to Qhrifl. 231 undoubtedly they may be in Chrift, by Faith, that are not fatisfied of their being fo by Affurance 5 tho' they are certainly juftified, they may be under fome uncertainty about it. That Faith way be true, where Af- furance is not full) is thus argued, i- The former is the Foundation of the Jatter, and muft be laid be- fore there can be a proceeding to build on; doth not the Being of a ijoh. $. thing precede the feeing of it? Muft *}i . not a Perfon firft be in Chrift, who \^ m ' u would know that he is fo? z. Believing fftridtly taken) is a direct A6t of the Soul j whereby it makes out to, and takes in Chrift ; Affurance is a Refleftive Aft, the T , Soul in it looks backwards, and in- * • * *' wards, and feeth whar's done and 2 rim. 1. wrought, and that Chrift is with- 12. in it. 3. Affurance is feated in the Un- Colof. 2. derftanding, and difcovers the Soul's 2. good Eftate ; whereas, Faith is much an A61 of the Will, choofing Chrift on which its Eftate becomes good. 4. Affurance much refpedleth a Pfcl. n**• heart, when it is not fo efficacious in railing or ravifliing it ? May %l ; 4 £jfoys m Union to Chrift. May I not (after my fetters) write on this ? Unbelief doth mo ft hazard the Soul that is leaf fenfibk of it, or doth leaft forrow for it, where the fdnfe of and forrow for it is a ftream fo ftrong, that it Carries the Soul out of it,to the Heb 12 bleffed Jefus, as the Author and Fi- i, 2 .' 3 . " ni/her of Faith, and that for this end, that it may be enabled in the way of believing to glorify him, to crucify*fin, and manage Divine Ser- vice fpiritually, and acceptably : The cafe of fuch aPerfon hath no little of choicenefs and defirablenefs in it. O that among the many that will yet hear me , there were more that reached this pirch ! - But now I mufl addrefs my felf to thofe that are under fuch a Deceit, which if not difcovered, will be their Deftrudtion. Do they not pre- fume, that they believe ? And are they not by prefuming, kept from believing ? Are they not ( and that wilfully) under divers grofs miftakes ? i. Do they not take up with Rom. io. fome Notional Knowledge inftead of **•- Faith ? Whereas, iCor.s.r. f yf, at re ft ct h in the Brain, this reacheth the Heart : That in ordinary puffeth up, and this ftill abafeth, and kcepetr) Ejfays on Union to Qhrtfl. 235- keepeth the Soul in an humble low frame. Again ; They take up with being fas is ufually faid) Orthodox, of the true Opinion ( and Side) in fome controverted ( and debated ) Points. Whereas Opinion is only a wavering Q u Hfo. inconftant, and unfettled thing, unto conffcms. which many are inclined by their Jo- 4- *•• Education, and by Tradition, from their Fathers ; fpeaking no little in the Language of the Woman of Samaria. Our Fathers worfltipped in this Moun± tain. They held this Do&rine, and we will hold it fail. Alas ! They may really have found Heads, in whom (incerity of Heart is not found. They may hold fome truths that are Ro deftkute and void of the love of the Jg 0m ' '' truth ; yea , that hoid it down and ^t^W under, and as a Prifoncr, in the pra- ctice of unrighteoufnefs. Is not the Faith that hath Scripture for its Rule, and Salvation for its end^ r - a Grace of great and good firmmfs ? 7 g Are not Perfons rooted and grounded in ic ? As it was created by infufing, and infufed in creating, hath it not in it an intire love to that word that was the Seed, and is as the Food, fo the Guide of it ? Doth it not lay a Law on the Perfon that is the fubjeft of it, to hold on in the Path z$6 EJfays on Union to Chrift. Path of Life ? O that too many did not (land juftly charged with refting in a loofe, wild, conjectural, or (if confident) yet groundlefs Perfuafion, that they are the Favourites of Hea- ven, and that they know that God Judg. 17. will do 'em good, tho' their con- ulf. clufion is built on as weak Premiffes, as was that of fuperftitious Micah. But, that they are in the count of Unbelievers, appeareth, • For, 1 . That aflent they give to the Do&rine of Chrift is rather Tradi- tional^ as was before hinted ) than Scriptural ; refembling that of the Samaritans^hWd'they did only from I the Woman hear of Chrift, and did 4 : not themfelves hear him ; rather confuted , than clear; rather com- mon, than fpecial - y forced than free ; faint, than firm. However, it hath not a confent of the right Stamp ac- companying it. For,i.Their Wills are not at a Point Jcr. 3. 10. t0 declare for Chrift, to lift them- felves under him , and engage in earned, and without referves in his Caufe, and on his Side. Do they chufe his Perfon as a None-fuch, or rely on his Righteoufnefs as a So- veraign remedy, for the putting a- way their Sins, and prefentirtg 'em without Spot that ftiall be feen by God's Effays on Union to Chrifl. 137 God's avenging Eye, at God's high and ftrift Tribunal Do they own and honour the Lord as their Ruler, as well as their -Owner and Bene- factor ? Are high Thoughts ( and , £ on Imaginations) broughr low, and feeri 10.4. in their being obedient to , and fwayed by, his Scepter. Of Unbelief as reigning in 'em, there are fuch Evidences as fol- low : 1. Have they before feen ( or do they yet fee,) Sin in its finfulnefs, and hatefulnefs, as in Scripture if is pre- fented to the Eye of Faith ? Did they ever fee as the fulnefs of Evil, that is in Sin, fo the fulnefs of Sin that is in themfelves ? Is it not as a Leprofy, s« Le- : that as it doth infedl, fo it doth Blank, overfpread 'em ? Do not Excellent Heb.tf.i«, Divines hold that in an ordinary way, Convidlion of Sin is fuch an ante- cedent to-faving Faith, that one of the firft thirty ( if not the firft three ) doth define ( or defcribe ) it as the flight of a convinced Sinner to Chrift, as the Hope, or Obje& of Hope, for thofe that are at a want of a Re- fuge ? 1C 1. Have they not high towring^ **'*• Thoughts and Conceits of themfelvestDo they not vainly (and vain-glorioufly) imagine, that they have a price in their 2,38 Effays on Union to Qhrift. their Hands, Money in the Mouth of theirSacks,or Souls,whereby they can procure ( or purchafe ) for ("and \o) themfelves a Righteoufnefs in and for which they may be juftified , and ftrength whereby they can go thro' the Duties that attend, and the Dif- ficulties that oppofe San&ification ; and thus unduly fctting up and efta- Rom ^lift, ( or m3 ^ e to ftanc ^ ) their own 10.4. Righteoufnefs, they fubmit not to that of God. Now this is not only different from, but quite contrary to, the Nature and [fecial Office of Faith 3 which that it may be an open, is an empty hand j and were it not fo, was it not fit to re- iTjy.i,*. ceiveChrift, in order to the receivers beingjuftified.lt is readily owned,that theFairh that is faving, is not folirary, but of an a&ive Nature, working in love, and by love j but when Chrift So even Dr. is confider'd as a Gift, as the Gift of Clifford. Go^ the free,full comprehenfive Gift of God ; is not the confideration of Faith as a Receiver very confiderablc and proper ? 3. Have they not few ( if any ) deliberate invited delightful thoughts of God ? Can they fay and prove as did Pfal. 104. j) av 'rf y t h a t their meditation ( or de- signed mufing ) of God, is fweet to 'em $ EJfays on Union to Chrifi; ijji 'em ; or that their Souls are ( or long to be ) filled and fausfied as with marrow and fatnefs, when rhey re- member him on their Beds ? Cer- tainly the Faith that uniteth toChrift, on feeing , viewing , and weighing that Chrift is very God-man, the Glory of his Godhead fhining on Pe- nitents through the veil of his Man- hood j and through him feeing the ,Pct • , •• , glorious Face ( and Grace ) of his Father, by the fpecial Illumination of the Spirit, cannot but tend to the Soul's folace, and to refine and raife its thoughts. Is it not now high time, that I ( here ) hint, what hath been elfe- where more enlarged on; to wit, that Unbelief is rightly called ( and counted ) a raoft finful Sin ? i . Is it not an inward and heart Sin? Doth it not (immediately J de- file a Man in that part which is the moft ( and beft ) of Man? We have «*•*»* before took notice of the Text, that tells us of the heart of unbelief, and that as an evil ( a very evil ) one j and it was by a Reverend Divine well noted* that inward fins are more £»•. Spur* eafily admitted , and more hardly " ow * ejefted, or cured ? As to thefe, Ex- amples of thofe that efcapt \m* being unfeen, are uniraitable, And> *4° Effays on Union to Chrijl. And, 2. Doth not this Sin ( as the laft quoted Text implieth ) carry the heart farther than ordinary from the living God, from Chrift who is fo ? Is it not ( as the Greek word inti- mateth ) an Apoftafy from him ? He that by it is a Recufant as to the Son Heb.3.12. of God, doth thereby diflervice and diflionour to all the Perfons in the Godhead. 2. Is not this fin a Mother of Sins and Abominations, a Root (in, where Pf. 78.22. many and (great) provocations are fpoken of Is not this mentioned as being at the Foot , and being the Fountain of 'em ? Is it not becaufe Faith hath not taken Chrift into the Heart, that worldly proud wrathful Thoughts have fuch lodging within it ? Did perfons look more to Jefus, they would more look up from other „ . things that are contrary to him. dw&ku 4- Is not this . Sin as t0 th . ofe who live where we do ( in the times and under the fhines of the Gofpel ) in- excufablc ? On what plea will Infidels ("among us) infift ? Do they not very fre- A &*4- quently hear of, and may they not «*#■»- fce? 1, That they are under an abfo- Col. 1.15. Ime need of Cbrip. 2.9. a. That £ flays on Union to Chrift. 241 1. That with ( and in ) him there Heb. 7. is an All-fuffickncy. 2 4> 2 J« 3. That the invitations he gives 'cm to come to him are many, and are indefinite , and are earneft, back'd with moving Motives ? Drawn from the danger of refufing, and benefits If 55.1,1. by receiving him. 4. That there is a fpecial Law gi- 1^.3.23. ven out for their believing. 1. An Exprefs as well as Royal j a <$. 29t Law. 30. 2. A Law on which his Grace, (together with his Authority ) i&Jo&if* written in Great Letteis. 7 * 5 J# 3. A Law of Love, and Liberty, the moft defirable Law, that can be given to fallen Man. Laftly, Doth not this Sin fatten un- der all other Sins ? Jo- 3- d* The 4th Inference is , without l *^' doubt, Satan will (hew himfelf Satan, an Advetfary, by his utmoft endea- vours to keep Perfons from having and exercifing the Grace of Faith. As there is no Obedience, that God loveth better, there is none that the Devil (and Mans naughty heart) oppofe more. He whofe Name is, The Enemy, or envious one, is fo knowing as to know, thatwhilft Perfons are kept out of the Faith, Chrift is kept out of R their z^i Effays on Union to Chrijf. their hearts. Doth not the Apoftle- mention thefe two words as being 2 Cor. one in fenfe, and fignification ? Bc- J M- ing in the Faith, and Chrift's being in a Perfon. i. By Satan's ill-will Perfons fhall want the plain and powerful preaching ( and Preachers ) of the Word of Faith. Did not holy Vaul ( that heavenly Teacher ) find him- felf way-laid, when he was to go to Places, and People, in ( and for ) the Rev 2 1© Work of the Miniftry ? Is not Satan's ' Vote for cafting Minifters into Pri- fon, and filencing 'em ? He knoweth that God's ordinary way to their Rom. io. j^ earts j s by ^ arK j through ) their Ears ; and as he works by means, hisrnanner is to work by the mod likely means ; and doth not the Holy Spirit ufe to work by thofe in whom he hath wrought Grace. i. The People fit as God's People fit, under a clear and affectionate Preacher ; yet if Satan have his Will, they (hail be fo over bufy about the World , and immer- fed in Worldly Affairs ( and Thoughts ) that they fhall not make Confcience of preparing for, or trem- bling at, or watching after, the hear- Lulc.8. * n § °f God's Holy Word. How 12,13. much E flays on Union to Cbri/l. 243 much of the Seed that is fown- falls as among Thorns (vexing Cares) that choak it ? 3. As to thofe that do frequently hear and do it not without feme Af- E ze jj , 4 fedtion, ( as the Hearers refembled to 2, 3,4. ' and by the ftony Ground are faid to do) the Devil hath on 'em this great defign, that fome Sin /hall be referv'd, and fpared, and perfons /hall come before Preachers, as fome came be- fore the Prophet, with Idols in their Hearts. And rill Chrift throw thefe down, he doth not (he will not) take his dwelling ( and lodging ) There. As the Prince of Preachers R * A1 J e y»« 1 noted, fundry will tell of their freft 1 refrefhings, from the Prefence of the * Lord, but alas ! their old Lufts have 4 their old Power, their old Sore is ftill * running; they are ftill as high- bearing, as froward, as vain and ■ jovial as ever. Doth not this fignify that Chrift hath not yet entred their Hearts, nor hath Faith opened thofe inner Doors to him ? 4. Satan when Perfons hear moft, and with the moft approving Dili- &n.S*& gence, will be holding his black hand before their Eyes, to prevent their feeing the King in bis Beauty and Glory? R * Dolb Cant.5.10. Doth not Chrift to (and in) the Eye of Faith appear a Non- fuch, as one in whom there is every thing that is defirable, and nothing which is not fo, to thofe that lift up the everlafting Gates of their Hearts, to (and for) him? So that as one of the Ancients phrafe it, it is ViMce w i t h an overcoming delight that £?!?*■ Chi ift is entertained 1 but Satan is an utter Enemy to any feeing, that is of a fpiritual nature and tendency. The 5th Inference is, An account a Cor. 4. tnay.be readily rendred, why (and 3, 4. how ) perfons are fo often laid to be « nm „, juftified by Faith j and that Faith is J To\ ?. counted to 'em for Righteoulnefs, 4. 3. * and they are accepted and dealt with as Righteous ; and will be fo efteemed at the Judgment-feat of God. Are they not by Faith made (as myfttcally fo really ) one with Chrift ? And from Union to him doth flowCom- PM1 1 munion with him. When once he is their Lord, he rauft needs be their Righteoufnefs. As the Cien engraft- ed in the Stock becomes one with it, or (to ufe a Scriptural comparifon ) as the wild Olive-Tree being graffed Rom. n. into the true and right Olive, par- i7>iM* taketh of the Root and Fatnefs thereof, fo thrqugh Faith are per- fons Joined to the Perfon of Chrift an< Effays on Union to Chrift* 245" and do partake of the Privileges con- ferr'd with him. As for that thred- bare Obje&ion of the Papifts, it's quite out of Doors ; to wit, How can Chriftiansbe juftified by (or for) the Righteoufnefs of Chrift ? What fay they ? Can one Man's Food nou- rish another ? Or one Mans Ray- mem Cloath another ? They confi- der not that by Faith, Chrift and Chriftians are fpiritually (and legal- ly) united and he is theirs, and the Righteoufnefs which is his, as to the Subjedt of it, is theirs, to fuch effefts (and purpofes) as were agreed be- tween his Father and him ; particu- larly in reference to their Juftifica- tion; Divines of good note, do note, That ( as the Name fo ) the Nature Terq; of a furety, even in humane Laws, be able to hold up their heads ?-Or have any Pleas to ftand ? Will it not be proved to thdr Face, and in the World's Face ? That he did as freely offer him f elf to them, and as fairly fet himfelf before them, as others ? And when they kept their hearts fhut on him, Did they not open 'em to Per- fons (and Things) not worthy to be named the fame day with him ? Were not their Souls like that Inn, where there was no room for him ? But Mark 16,6. Jo. 3. the Uji. Heb. 10. 31. Ezek. 14. 22. Rev. 6. tin latter tn.i. Mat. 2 5. II. 12. Effays on Union to Qhrifl. 249 But Strangers and Enemies to him had free Entertainment. From Motives^ I proceed to Means. That they who have not obtained pre- cious Fait ^ may do fi. 1. May their Eyes be opened, to fee, and being opened, may they affett their hearts with forrow^ that in their hearts, are as other Weeds and Seeds : fo Unbelief hath a Seat, Throne, and deep rooting therein. O what was it worth ? To know, that the Holy Spirit hath entred Mens Souls, and been a Reprorer ( and Convincer ) that they are not only chargable with -j - **• 1- fin in the general, but particularly t9 ' with not believing in Chrift ( or into him. ) Alas! To this Duty of be- Caufa lieving, the natural heart hath no lit- P*oxima tie Enmity. Perfons that hear ( and Bo S a n. read,) of Chrift will not come unto - Chrift, tho* thereon they might have * ' *• 4 ° Life j whatever is pretended (or real J in the cafe of cannor, will not is the neareft caufe of Infidelity. This is no fmall part (or piece) of the Curfe of the Law, the oppofuion Perfons &* ***** carry to the bleffednefs of the Gof- No "on; pel. Ah .' Ah .' What naughty hearts have we, that can like the Law bet- ter than the Gofpel, and any com- mand 2JO Epb. 2. 8. i. 19. Phil. 1.29. DfcTuck- 3*. jo. 5. in initio. Horn. to. 3. Effays on Union to Chrtjl, mand of the Gofpel, better than ti$ great one of believing ? 2. May Perfons be at one, That Faith is not of themfelves, nor can it be had,except it be given^nor can it be given by any lower hand than that of God ? Is there not an exceeding great power put forth in them that believe. It's noted by a late eminent Profeffor,that the Original Words are Emphatic, there is a torrent of Eloquence in 'em. As there is a natural jmpo- tency as to keeping the Law, there is a moral one as to receiving the Gofpel -, and are we not as unwor- thy that God lliould work Faith in us, as we are unable to work it in our felves ? 3. May they that feel they do want Faiths and cannot work it in them- felves, lay the?n[elves low \ in the way, •wherein they may mojl hope that God will work it in, and give it to 'em ! May they lie at the Pool that cannot heal themfelves, nor make the Wa- ters healing, nor put themfelves in- to 'em. Is not God's Word difpenfed ac- cording to his Will, the Word of Faith j not only the Objeft, Rule, and Meafure, but withal the Inftru- ment and Means of it ? Is not Chrift herein difplayed, and Hearers Eyes anointed. Ejfays on Union to Chrift. £51 anqinted, and Hearts (as was Lydias) A£b 16. opened. '*• 4. May they Ask ( and in an ar- guing way Wait ) thatGod would grant ? em his Son, and heftow the Sprit ( and Grace ) of Faith on *em. " Pleading thus : " 1. Lord! Thou haft made Be- " lieving our Duty : O makes us able ' J° 3i*3. " to perform it. J°* 6 P' " 2. Lord ! We are capable of " Grace, that is enabling - 7 deny us " not the Enjoyment of ir. " 3. Lord ! If thou wilt give us lt this Grace, we fliall give back the " Glory of it to thee. " 4. Lord ! A believing Heart is Rom - * u in thy Promife -, Let it be in my 2 °' U Breaft ' Ezek 16 M 5. Lord ! Thou haft given 2 " 3 iC Grace to defire ir, wilt thou not " give the Grace defired ? r . . P 6. Lord ! Thy Son hath pur- ndtSt u chafed Grace for Millions, May I defiderat* * fhare in his Purchafe. O how loth fhould I be to take my leave of my Reader, till this be left upon his Spirit, that tho* Chrift's Death was fufficient to fave the whole World, yea, a World of Worlds ; yet he will not fave any that live $ 0evm (and dyvour of him. The Faith Mr, p aw * that Popi/h Writers arc muck for is fo n , only nfz Fffays on Union to Chrift. only general ; but the Proteftant (and Scriptural) Faith to Salvation, is Particular and Applicatory. Tho' every Believer cannot make that Ap- SeeDr. plication of Chrift which fome call Spurftow. Axiomatical, whereby he allures him- felf that Chrift is his ; yet doth he make that Application that is real ; he doth fly to Chrift, that he may be his j he rolls himfelf and the con- cerns of his Soul on Chrift ; refolv- ing to live to him, being afTured that never any died the Second Death, that died in Chrift's Arms. It is thus faid, that many look to be faved by a Chrift that is wholly without 'em, and in no fenfe within ? em ; but tho' fome fpeak dange- roufly of a Chrift within 'em, and flightingly of him that . fuffered at Jerufakm , and cry up the Light within 'em, as the Chrift. Yet, muft we not through their abufe of a good Word, be driven from all good ufe of it. „ „ , If we fpeak of the matter ( or me- he? Revet. . r \ c r r\-r Wood- ntonous caule ) or our Juftincation ; bridge, for that, we muft go quite out of our felves, unto that fatisfaclion which the Son of God in our Nature hath made ; and (o unto that ever- lafting Righteoufnefs, which flows from what he hath done ancj fuller 'd for Effays on Union to Chrift. ^Sl for us j but, without us ; and fo it muft needs be, feeing it was, when we were not, fave in the intention and decree of God. Bleffed Paul, when he fuppofed that p^j . the Law and Juftice of God would 8, 9, 10. make fearch for him, was all for be- ?^ Rmm ^ ing found in a Righteoufnefs , that A - B a r fi € " was not his own, originally and fub- jedlively. But, where any Verfons are in Chrifb ~ ^ for Jufiification, chrifi is alfo in them Io . for SanBifcation* Is he not fo in. 'em 1 Cor. 1. as to Rule in 'em i For, where the 3°- Heart is his Houfe, is it not alfo his Throne ? Except he that is God> who is prefent every where by his Power, be prefent ( and powerful,} in ( and by ) his fpecial Grace, our State (and Frame J is not right. Do we not read of Chrift in (and not Col. x,a 7* only among ) us the hope of Glo- ry ? The Laft Branch of theUfe bend- eth towards thofe that are faithful, and fo in Chrift. 1. Blefs they the Lord ! And let all 1 Cor.4^ that is within \m fraife his Name, for this holy Privilege j who hath made 'ena to differ, as from the prophane World, 2, J4 EJF a y s m Union t0 Chrfff. World, fo from the Hypocrites in the Church ? Creating Faith in 'em, when others have known no fuch new Creation. What have they that they have not received ? And from what hand did they receive it favc from that of Free- grace ? Is not their Faith as a middle link of ( and in ) the Golden Chain of Salvation ? A Fruit of Ele&ion, and an earnefc of Glorification ? 1. Mourn they, that they have not more livd up to the Grace of God mani- fefied to, ( and magnified towards ) 7 em • who among the choice and chofen Society of Chriftians on Earth, walks up to this ; That God the Fa- ther hath not only given his own only begotten Son for 'em , but withal given him unto and into 'em ? Is not Chrift which Faith re- ceiveth, The Gift of God, the moft Jo. 4. io. no j)j e9 comprchenfive, and convey- Kom.s.s2 - ngGifi: . whatj that is good in it felf, and that he feeth belt for them, will he not give together with him ? How thankfully ,watchfully,and fruit- fully ,ftiould they have walked ? Have 1Pet3.1i t h e y not done fo ? 2. Go Ejffays on Union to Christ: ajj 3. Go they in a daily Exercifr of Faith to the Lord Jefus, and ( through him ) to God the Father, that through the Holy Spirit, they may be made a meet habitation for himfelf \ and furnifhed E p f, 2 accordingly, both with Graces and the up] Comforts. 1. Should not the Heart in whkJ* If*. $7. the Lord Chrifi dwelletb , be one of is- 66> a» the mofi humble and lowly ones ? Hath Auftin. it not long been faid, He that dwel- Jeth in the higheft Heavens, dwel- leth alfo in the loweft Hearts ? Hath not he that is mod High chofen the moft low in their own Eyes to in- habit in. 2. Should not the Hearts in which pftl. 93; the Lord Jefus dwelleth be moft clean { b* Up. Hearts ? Doth not Holinefs become God's Houfe for ever ? Now > do they humbly defire the Lord to make ( and keep ) his own Rooms neat and fweet ? Will it not be for his Honour. The Concluding Word is of Com- fort to thofe that have by Faith pe- culiar Relation and Union to Chrifi. Cheat they ! Chear they ! 1. Is it not he himfelf, and not R t only benefit by him, that they par- *° m ' take of a. Doth ±^6 Effays on Union to Qhrifl* 2. Doth not hit dwelling in 'em imply ? i. As his Trefence^ fo his Efficacy, Will he not Work where he dweU letb ? 2. As his Trefence , fo his Verma- nence - y Can he be turned cut of % or will he defert bis dwelling ? .fla* <■- - ■ — » ■ E (f ays on Union to Chrijf. 1^7 Having treated as ol r Union to Chriji in General, and of Particular Re- femblances unto which Holy Scri- pture prefenteth k to us * as aU fo of the two Tyes (or Bands) thereof: It feemeth meet, thac [owe of the Charaflerijlicks, or diflinguifhing Marks of it be pointed at. One is written (and to be read) in, GAL. v* 24. They that are Chrift's y have cruifieJ tht Flejhy 'with the affections and lufis. HO W far out are they ? Who fay, that the Saints that are in the Earth are no way the Excellent ? Have they not^ ( do they not ) more than others, 1. Witnefs the Context, where the Fruit of the Spirit is fet forth, not only as fwect, but as abundant ; Love and Joy leading to Peace, &c. S Wi?^ 2j8 Ejjays on Union to Chrifl. 2. Wirnefs the Text; wherein as a proof that there lieth no Law a- gainft the upright , it is affirmed, thev have crucified the Flefh, &c. Po1us The Subject of the Text is; That membra *ty{ are Q-orip s^ that is efpecially re- Chrifti. rainers, and related to Mm, fo as to be Members cf, and ffirited by him : In a word, Tbcy that h we real Union te hi?n. z. The Attribute, or that that is predicated of thefe Perfons is, They have crucified the Flejh> &C. They are not only engaged to do it, in and by their Baptifm -, but they have begun to do it actually and ef- fectually, according to that folemn Engagement. TheirSinis (by faith) ede- nailec * co tne Crofs, in oruer to its bent. killing ; tbo' it is not yet quite dead, Caepe- it hath received its deaths Wound, rantldem. i t ake it as a thing granted on all good hands, that here by crucifying, we are to underftand Mortification, or putting Sin to Death ; which is in fuch a manner as doth refembie cru- Browno» cifying, and hath refpe& t« the Cru-. Jo. 14. 6. cjfixion of ChriO: 5 fo that the - Doctrine is, Mortification is our Mark) Sign, ( or proof) of Union to Chrifl. Ave not they that are Chrift's, in the way, and on the work of Sin- llaying ? Have we not as to this the \ Ex- Ejfays on Union to Chrifl. >?9 Expreflion , and therein the Expe- rience of bkffed Vault Whofe words Gal. 2. 20, Were, 7 am, crucified with Chrijl, not only interefled in , but influenced from Chrilr, as Crucified. By ver- vide tue of mine Unkn to htm , I Jjav$ Dickfo- Crucified my Corrupt Inclinations, num, In handling this DcBrim^ I frail touch on the Nature of Mortification^ ■ as reprefented under the Name and Notion of Crucifying. And be it known, That the Learned teach us to diftinguifti and confider it. 1. Paifively, as it lieth in a dead- nefs of the whole Man, in order to things unlawful, and to inordinate love of lawful lower things. 2. A ftively, as it implies an a&ual, a&ive, and fincere oppolite to Sin, where and when the Root, together c , ar I^ with the Branches are ftruck at, and * a due weanednefs from Creature- comforts, is in goodearnelt endea- voured j and of this latter doth my Text fpeak. I have elfewhere, tho' not in Prints enlarged on divers things ; where- on in thefe Sheets I can only give hints. ' As to the Negative, i . Mortify- ing Sia reaeheth not to the Nullifying /KHor- it. The Ax is laid therein to the tdti ' S 1 Rooe i6o £fays on Union to Chrifl. Root of bitternefs, yet it is not pluck'd up. i Cor. y. lt Mortification doth not require a s °' 31 ' difufe (or difclaiming) of Meat, Drink, or Marriage : Perfons in the ufe of thefe irtuft be for honouring of God. And now to fpealk to the Pofi- tive. u i. Mortifying Sin is much more Hof 7.4.6. t k an abftaining from, and reftraining the open afts of it. A Baker's Oven is hot when flames appear not. For, 1 . Some are not in (and by) the Conftitution of Body inclined to fome Vices. Much Drink will not down with 'em, they are not Cho- lerick. 1. Some Sins (as to their Exercife) lie crofs to others : As Prodigality and Covetoufnefs. 3. Some are out of harm's-way, fo as not to know others Tempta- tions. 4. Some confult their own Ho- nour, that regard not the Honour of God. 2. Mortifying Sin is more than now 1 Sam.14. 2 rtd then getting fome feeming Ma- Ciw*wV ** ery om ic > Fitsdf Abftinenceand w;f / Chaftity, Senfualifts may know. 1 S«m. **•*• 4. True Effhys on Union to Chri/f. %6t 3. True Mortification doth fliew ( and difference ) it from Baftard- kinds of it. 1. From that of thePhilofophers, K^Rey. or meer Moralifts, who fought with ncr# foine Weapons of their own , but knew nothing of being Crucified with Chrift. 2. From that of the Romanifts, Eph ,.a.i«* who ufe fome humane Daggers , or at (fartheft) Aufterities,as Whippings, and Pilgrimage, but not the Sword of the Spirit. 3. From that of the high Antino- if a . 1 . 1%. mians, who count it a vertue to be 50. uJt. %ifelefs of Vice j and that God who marked Job's Sin , feeth none iq them. 4. From that of Temporaries, who take a fhort fleep of Sin to be the fure death of it. Saul's rage againft David took a Nap, but awakened a- J I0 ' , * , gain. j. From Natural difability to ferve W«l- '<**• ( or purfue ) Sin. A Child feeks not ^ |2 great things j in the aged defire fail- Grc«'f Ru- eth ; *tis (aid, their Sins leave them, thwford. and die in Peace ; no violence is us'd, as there it in Mortification. 6. From fome materially good dif? pofitions, and Complexional , and Educational advantages appearing , jyj^ | , S3 as 319, %6% - Effayson Union to Chrijl. asMcekne/s,and Humblenc6,without the Divine Life.; K 78. 34. 7* rrorri forced Abftinence, oc- cafioned through fcknefs, or fore- nefi of Confcience. An J now I wm offer at defer thing 'and explaining Mortifying by the phrafe of Crucifying. 'Seevitnef*- 1. The real Mortifier Eyes theFoun- fm&rown J ation TSdfor his F/orL ' As 1. In the Covenant cf Redem- fiion\ m which God his Father agreed with Chriit, that on that Score his and their Enemy fliould be trod- Ifa. 53=10. titii under foot. Mic.7 19. 2 » in the Covenant of Grace, one ' Branch thereof is, God will fubdue their Iniquities. 3. In the Death of the Crofs, the Mediator of the Covenant, who bare ■ ■■} Mens Sins, as to the Guilt of 'em, iPet..2.24 t k at ^ e m jght bare 'em down, as to the power of 'em. Again ; The real Mortifier is no i4. m ^ littcle influenced by the order from Heaven, that Sin fhali die and not live in him. The Jews pretended a Col. 5- $. Law by which Chrift was to dy ; Jo. 19. 7, chriftians have many Laws in force for its Deatho Far- EJpiys on. Unwn to Chrijl. 263 Farther, As \$\?.Jews cried mainly Mark 15, out for the Sentence and Execution of J 3» '4* Chrift, Lord! Crucify Sin, Let icbe Crucified is theChriftians cry. And ft { t 2 they get and carry it to Chrift's Crofs, in their Meditations and Ap- plications 1- Fetching Arguments for taking GaT -^-H- away its Life. Shall it have peace that ilcw their Mafter ? 2. Fetching influences and effica- 2 Cor. $. cy, he dying to procure Sin's Death. 14. And io 1 . They that cannot ( at once) remove its being, they by frefii blows ab.ue its ftrength. It dicth, as Chrift died, a lingiing Death. And, 2. As Chrift's Death was ve~ 1 Cor. 0. ry painful, they put their Fleih to « /r - pain j they are for keeping under '* 3 r# their very Bodies , that they may weaken the Body of Sin, and fight as Antagonifts of Old did. And now 7 , its high time, to offer at fome Proof of the Point, View- ing, 1 . That none are mortified fazre thofe that are united to Chrift. Is not Mor- tification one of the Particulars where- in Perfons have Communion with Chrift ? Are they not hereby con- formed to him in his Death ? Know- S 4 ing %6^ EJT a y s on Union to Cbri/t, ing rhe Power, as well asowningtha Do&rine of it. Phil 3.10. f . Some have 3 fight of fin, fo hadSW, yea, and Vharaoh. 1 Sam. 24. %• S° m z W a y have for row from ( if 17. not for ) Sin, 'twas fo mthjudas. Exod. 9. 3* S° me may have thought* of ceafing 17. their courfe of Sin y ( fo had Saul ) who 1 Samao". yet are not Chrift's, or in Chrifi: For I5 ° they cannot, nor will not, 1. Hate Sin as Sin, as contrary to the Law, an# Nature, and Love of God. And fo, i. Out of Hatred of it, Pf. 36 4- and Love of God, fet themfehes a-? gain/} all forts and (izes of Sin. Nor, 3. Really deftgu Sins Death, r'o *°V anC * ^ ttCr ^ u ^ n » ^ ucl1 Grapes * re ^ ot Jj/* 1 • from them, ^»7- Commandments of God are narrow, and that they only bind, 1. To Bodily Exercife, or at far^« theft to fuch inward ExerCifcs as lie lower and nearer Men. Or, 2. Only againft notorious Crimes, Violations of the Law- of Holinefs, and Righteoufhefs. As if in the 3d place , the 3d Commandment did only forbid falfe fwearing,and the 6th prohibited only downright killing, and the 7th only grofs adfcs of uncleannefs.Will he that hath fuch Principles ftrike at the Head, Heart, and Life of Sin ? The 3d Inference is , They that would carry about evidences of their be- ing mortified, jhould turn the edge of all Providences , and Ordinances againfi Sin, and be intent on Jin-flaying work, that it may of pear Chrifi is in \m, and \ goes m con^uirmg. 1. May #68 Epys on Union to Chrijt. Hot ii* i. May Mercies ( even daily ones)- preventing as well as refrejhing and delivering, be as Cords to dfaw their hearts farther from Iniquity. Who fhould fin in the face of (miles, or kick at bowels of kindnefs ? Adding Ifc- ». $' Difingenuity to Difobedicnce j and fighting againft God with Weapon* or his own. r. May Crops ( and Thorns ) laid in their way be as Hedges, and flop their Jer. B.6. (hayings. May burnt Children dread the Fire ! May Perfons bear no like- nefs to Horfes that rufh on thePikes, May not the the wife buy repentance dear ? Jor. 13* 3» May they moft of all, when fitting under the Word, or near the Table of the Lord, have Sins Death in defignl Is not God's Word as an Hammer and Fire ? Is not the ftrength of the Lav/ and G off el brought in the Lord's Suffer ? And to be ufed and improved for Sin- killing ? The 4th Inference is, Many and many are utterly unable to frove their jo: 3. 19. Union toChrift. Are they not utter *•* Strangers to th« Duty (and Graced of Mortification. i< Are not fome wholly and wil- lingly ignorant of the true Notion and Naturt of it ? Arc they not in love with Ejjays on Union to Cbrift. \6% with darknefs, whereas this is a Work for a Child of Light? 2. Did fome among us ever feel the Difficulties that ( as to Man ) At- tend it ? 3. Have fundry any acquaintance P£l. tot, with Cbrift, to whom it belongs, as *1*l** m to furcbaje, fo to four out (and down) # * Sin-mortifying Grace ? Do they run to this Captain of Salvation, to be their fecond ( or rather their firft ) in fighting againft Sin, that they may overcome by the Blood of the Lamb. 4. Are they much on their Knettt fuing out for their Benefit ? Is not the Holy War much managed in a fraying fofture ? The cth Inference, The DoSrine of 1 J and can 2,7b Efays on tjnion to Cbrift, can prove we are fo, by our mortifying- the Flefi. I grant, i* Some maybe Cbrift's Jo. 10.16. as "to Purchafe* who are not yet his, as to Fofjejfion. He may have Sheep 1 that are not in the Fold, they may be given to him that have not yet receiv'd him. j. - ■ i. Some are Ckrifi's as to Profcfiori* v ' 3 ' ' that are not his as to Union* having only his Name. At prefent I confine my feif to that Character that lies next us : Is our Life that flows fromUnion to Chrifi evi- dence h by the Death of Sin in us* or our Death to Sin ? And according to a method ufed by me (and my betters) firft lay Ipli. $. 8. riown Marks exclufive, if they be not s. on us, we are out of Chrift, and not among the mortified. i . Are we fo* if we be not enlight- ned ? Can this Work be done in the dark ? Have we feen the extream evil that is in Sin, and the eternal r uage that is by it, and our too great pronenefs to it ? Alas ! Sin hath tuch a fhare in our love, till it ap- pear in hatful colours, it will not be parted with. - , i. Arc they dying to fin that live in delight ? One runs into cxcefs, ano- ther EJfays oh Union to Chrift; zji ther unto uncleannefs , a third fits in the Scorner's Chair y fome are ready to burft with pride, others fee their Eyes bowing down to the Earth, e- ven on God's Day. Is gratifying like Pra j I7< mortifying? u, ia/ 3. Doth it look like Mortification, when Ferfons that fliould avoid, affeel appearances, and occafions of this evil ? As doth the Adulterer that waits 1 for the twilight, &c. 4. Are they mortifying Sin, that in- t pef.j.jA ftead of delighting in, de/pife the morti- fied j fo did Micha ? 5. Is any one dying to Sin, that is not for living in Grace, and to Right t- oufnefs ? I am now to touch on Marks that are good ; but are not ( in this cafe ) Conclu five. And, 1. A Perfon may make fome Refinance of Sin, that yet comes not. up to Mortification. Did not Balaam refufe the Wages of Unrighteoufnefs, that yet loved 'em -, Terrors may fetch out cries againft Sin, that yet is cleaved to. Judas in fome fort re- Num ^ pented, but the mortified are a<5ied ch*p& is from love to God, and are vigo- Mar *?, rous and conftant, refpedting hisHo- 2 > ft) .*# nour. 1. A %7% lEffays on Union to Chrijt. i. A Perfon may refrain from feme former aftings of Sin, that fits down jhort of Mortification. The Flamd may ceafe, when the Oyl is not neat to feed. Opportunity may be want- ing, when Affe&ion is not. The mortified arc true Mourners, and confcientious Watchers. The third fort of Marks ( O that tliey were on more of us) are ;»- clujive, and argue great Mortification. The Firft is, Rejoicing in every Work (and Word) of God, that lay eth H«b. 4. tne * r m °ft outward Filth before their 10. * Eyes, fair-fall the Crofs that hinders our ftepping into a By-path; and that good ( tho* fearching Sword ) that is run into Sin's heart, and ex- cites to Holinefs. loci 2,1: Marks (tiled even , and adequate, now come. Only and all the mortified hear *em. The former is, Cberi(hing inivard % hearty, and heart- dee f forrow for fin^ breaking up the fallow Ground, wil* ling that the Plow, of Convidtion fhould reach and tear up the Roots and Heart of Sin, when Perfonslay we do well 16* i£ 2, to mourn y where lives the Hypo- crite that is freely contrite ? The £{fays on Union to Chrljl. \j$ The latter is. Giving to God the P&f* Glory of all the Vibl or ies obtained again ft lls ' r * 2i Sin. Alas! The Good find fin ufurp- ing and domineering, and feeking for Dominion ; and when they gee any Ground (or Conqucft ) they go wich that Honour to God, which the Hy- pocrite takes to himfeJf The 2d Rule refers to the unmor- tified y Attend they to the Duties pro- per to their State. The Firft is, Be they willing to fee their State ! O that they faw they *% Want the mcrtifying Sprit. i. Have they yet feen a Myftery in this part, and pra&ice of Godli- *' a;ao ' nefs ; fuch is being Crucified with Chrift. 1. Can they well and thankfully receive Advice^ and Advifers in this Affair. The idDireflion is 3 Take they in- pf a j x * u to their ferious thought s, the danger ouf 5, tf. nefs and damnahlenefs of Sin 5 and by confequence, the' neceffity oi their being thoroughly changed. Writing on this, 1. Asfpaciousas Heaven is, there is no room for one that is unmortified. Doth the Crown belong to thofe that have not driven lawfully ? T 2. If 574 EjJ a y s on Union to Chrifl. a. If we be not the Death of Sin, it will bring the Death of Deaths on our Souls , and at laft on our Bodies alfo, and that for ever. 'their 3d Duty is to prefent to them- /e/w,>©r. rathe* wait that God would refent to 'em, the haffineft of mortified Terfcns. 1. Of the Haffimfs they fall have in Heaven, Who on Earth can fully fpeak ? When it's faid , they fliall have Life, how full isthatExprefiion ? *• O the incomparablenefs of their Life, that live above ? Where, Jo. x.ult. *• Union to God (to every Perfon Rom. 8. in the Godhead) is comfleat and per- ?3- feci. And, 1. The fight of that Fountain ti i /? 7 ' °f ^ ; 'f e y an ^ °f f ^ e divine Glory is clear* And, 3. The Enjoyment of Jehovah is immediate. And, 4. To make up all, all will be Eternal* But 2. Of their prefent begun hap~ finefs, who can fake a thorough Meafure ? I. Having their inward Enemies Mat. 10, under foot) they need not over-fear all a ** outward ones. Are they not limited ? Can they deftroy any more than the Body ? 2, Jfe* £Jfays oh Union to Chrifl. 275 2. Having heartily engaged in God's Heb.^.y, Caufe, will they not find his Grace flay- ing and ftrengthening 'em ? Will not God rake off the Terror, of the King ofTerrors ? 2 . From their hands, whofe hands are upon their Sins, Services will he well ta- „ ken - y their Voice is fweiet in God's Ear; their Cbatterings heard 5 their Sacrifices favours. Their 4th Duty is, To defpair of T doing any thing ( to purpofe ) in this pj^i ' Work, if fevered from Chrjfi. id, 11. In Mortification Chndhns hold this Head, and Communion with him, and are made conformable to him ;n his Death , and this Communion is founded on Union. 1. Mortifying is an aci of fpUitual Life, and 10 requires a living Princi- ple. Can dead Things (or PerfonsJ move ? Or they that have not apart in the firft Reiiirredtion, die to Sin? 2. Can any mortify the Deeds of the R° m *• Flejl), fave by and tiiftgh the Holy Sp- 3 " rit ? Can it be (lain by any lower -hand ? And have they this Spirit that are Chriftlefs ? 3 . Mortification doth immediately pro- ceed from hatred, of Sin. Is that in Rom<8 ^' Hypocrites ? T % 4. Mjr- %j6 Ejfays en Union to Chrift. Pfal. 1 8. 4. Mort '.fie citron ft r ikes at every Sin y 2 > 3 * and mo ft at the darling Sin : Doth the Hypocrite fo ? The lad Duty is, To he at unreft till brought to reft ( and be ) in Chrift \ in the beft fenfe. They that fiiould be content in every outward Eitate, fhould not be fo in a Chriftlefs ftate. Long they ! Long*they ! that the Lord would take their Cafe ( and Cure ) into his Hand ! 1 . Leading \m into themfelves, • ac- quaints 'em, That they are in a loft E~ flate, in that of Simcn M.igus in the Bond of Iniquity. Was not the Pro- Luke 15. digaf s firft good ftep to himfelf. 1 7- 2 . Leading 'em cut ofthemfdves. Had the returning Prodigal any other fhift left. The two Debtors, tho' one ow r ed more than the other, were both unable to pay. Pfal. 119. Laftly, May they wait' that Graees hand would fut truth into their treache* reus TVillsy and ferptade *em to embrace Chrift prefentlj , honeftly^ wholly -, and for ever. This id Rule fhall be concluded with Motives moving to a due regard of ir. Befides thofe before- mentioned, I now ( and here ) add, 1, The 8 o. Effays on Union to Chrift. 277 1. The unmortified ( if Baptized ) cannot be cleared from being per- jured. Were they not folemnly bound ( yea, fworn ) to forfake the Devil and Sin, (his Work,) fliall their Vow be their Snare? 2. If they die for Sin before they die to it, it will be proved they lo- ved it more than Chrift. 3. Others that had only the fame means ( through Grace ) exercifed Mortification. 4. Can the Guilty think they can hold up their Heads fand Hearts) at God's Tribunal, and anfwer him for harbouring his grand Enemy ? Will fuch not wifh they had not been born ? The 2d Rule of Duty is: They who have Evidences that they are in truth ( and fo in part ) Mortified, and fo have Union to chrift) ftiould be for, making a Vrogrefs in Morti* fication. Andfo, 1. They fhould ftudy the extent, lar£e circumference, and in- pf a I. 119. fiuence of it. stf- If any fay, Hath it anyObjeflfave Sin only ? Anfwer, is If it had not, I had not faid wrong. Is not the Tranf- greflion as is the tranfgreffed Com- 15. jiaj, T 3 mand. 278 Eff a y s on Union to Chriji. mand, exceeding broad. Who can . underftand all his Errors ? ^ i. Self, as well as Sin, is to be ut- a [ * terly denied, and fo mortified. It's Sins Soul, and God's Oppofite. Gal. 6.16, *°*i l- Are not Chriftians to be i7; 18. Crucified to the World, as divided from God, and feeding 5V//- fo that Mortification reacheth what is Sin re- dudtively , as well as dire&ly evil. Nothing on this fide God, is to be fct in the room fand place ) of God general, as to all lower things Persons fhould ufe an holy indifferency, -, m and not cleave too clofe to *em $ ufing 29,30,31. tnem as tf tne y u ^ c ^ em nor > on ^y enjoying God in 'em. Particularly, 1. As to perfonal good Prov. 30. things ; an holy deadnefs lhould be. 5,6. 1. As to what fome call the Goods a 3- 5". f fortune, fo Riches are called. Are we not rather to far than defire abun- dance ? Who would be overladen with thick Clay ? 1 . As to thegW things of the Mind j Jer. 9. 13, Natural Abilities, or Moral and Edu* 2 +> 2 5' cc.tional Improvements, thefe are not 10 be gloried in, nor valued, fave as God may be ferv'd by 'em. 2. As to the good things of the Body, ' V Beauty* Health, and Strength, we are 6°g ! to blefsGod for (and withj 'em, but EJfays on Union to Chrift. 27^ but not our felves in 'em. Are they not Flowers that will fade ? . 4. Even as to a good name ( which is as precious Oyntment) a moni- fiednefs is required, fhould we expedl to pafs through diflionour and evil Report, Saints did. £. As to Vublick Privileges, Civil and Ecclefiaflick, ihould be a denied* nefs. 1. If God fhould cut off him that fways the Scepter. i. If the honourable Men and Counfellors (hould ceafe. 3. If Navies and Armies be bro- ken. 4, If the Staff of Bread be fo. C5 If Peace be taken from the Earth. 6. If Zion be ploughed up as a Field. 7. If the Doors of the Sanctuary be ftut on us. 8. If we fee not our Signs, yea, or thofe of God's Prefence. 9. If our Teachers be removed in- to Corners. Senfible we jhould be, but on God Faith is to depend. And I add, fo we are ftill to do, as to our Graces and Comforts , the _,. , God of Grace and Comfort is ftill to be \ l ~ leaned on* T 4 Thejr x8o Effays on Union to Chrift. Their 3d Duty is, To take and ufe f roper means and methods ( and among them , to be fatisfied that there are ftrong Reafons for progrefs in mortifying,) I begin with the latter. 1 . The Cafe is a Cafe of neceffity. For, 1. Hath not fin a being and fefidence in the bed on Earth ? As Rom. 7 the Ivy fticks t0 the Qakj or WalJj Mluf till they fall, fo doth the Root of bit- j Jo. i. ternefs, till Death, in Holy Livers : the ujf. where its weakn'd, it is not ftubb'd Rom. 7. up# z. Where fin is in being, by its ill-will, it would be ruling. Is it not putting forth its venom ? Will any place but the higheft ferve if. 3. So far as it is on the reigning, Gal. j.17. j t j s noton t h e dying hand. 4. Except endeavours be us'd for its Death, it will not die of Age. May it not be faid it hath more than 9 Lives. 1, Sometimes, the fame fin after many foils (and falls) will rife again, 2. Sometimes, when one fin feems to be under foot , another puts up the head, Again ; Progrefs in Mortifying is a thing of excellency, rendring liker. to Chrift, and honouring God. As Effays on Union to Chrift. i8i As for helps in ( and to ) this good Progrefs : Befides what hath been hinted, i. Chriftians (Iwuld walk under abi- ding apprebenjions of the evil of Sin. pf a j - r ; This fhould be ever before 'em, and 3,4. upon 'em. Rom. 7, i. Doth it not provoke the Eyes J 3 * of God's Glory ? Violating his Laws, r ' 2 * f * Defpifing his Authority, Abufing his Grace, Flying in his Face, Spurning at his Bowels. 2. Hath it not done its worfl to J- ejus Chrift* Viercing at his Sides , fo bis ira *3«°. Soul. - _ 3. Hath it not a deadly fpite to us, xPet^.g. with Satan feeking to devour our Souls ? A ^i Duty is ; Chriftians Jhould H . maintain an holy jealoufy at every turn, l2 ',£' and all times, lejl it infinuate it f elf in- to 'em, and get advantage of *em. Do we not read of its deceitful- nefs, and tendency to harden Per- fons ? Who hath difcover'd all the crooked Windings of this Serpent ? 1. Will it not turn it felf into abun- dance of forms, jhapes, and Jbews. Will not Vice put on the Name and Vizard Ba« 5« 2< >> of Fertue , calling it felf light and good. z. 1$ 2 8 1 EJfays on Union to Qhrlfl. a Cor. 2. i. Jsit not combind with Satan, that. **• old Serpent ? Whofe Wiles, Methods, and Devices, the obfervant are ac- quainted with. Can abundance of. Caution hurt any ? Had we an hun- dred Eyes , and thofe open , could we too well and warily look we be not fnared ? fieb.4.10. The 3d Duty is j Chrifiians foould ufe all Ordinances in order to this good end. 1 . When they go to a Sermon, may , they defire it may ftrike through their Loins, and divide between the Marrow and the yoint. Hof. 14a. 2. When they are on their knees in Trayer, andPraife, may they reach high, v fraying down their Sins , and giving thanks forConcjuefts. 3. When they fit with the Kirtg at his Table ; where as a Worthy cbfervd the firength of the Law and Gcfpet is drawn out again fi- Sin, may they fit on Acme Mr. its skirts, and from Chrifi, 'as Crucified, Blake. derive Sin- crucifying Vertue. PiiiJ. 3- And fo ^Xhe LordChriji andhisCrofs lo > 11 ' are f Q y e g 0ng to, in and through all Du- 1 Pet. 2. ttes y wno * n a foit naii'd it there,and 24. ' bore if, in order xo take it away, and t Jo.3.5.8 Hiffer'd in order to its flaying. 5. -Faith is humbly (and yet boldly) to claim, that as Sentence is faffed a~ gaitrjiy Execution may be done on this Emmy. And Effays on Union to Chrifl. 183 And there may be arguing and pleading, 1. That its great malice is to God P&l. $i.$ himfelf. 2. That great glory will redound ro him by its Death. Laftly, as hath often been hinted, The Holy Spirit's aid (yea, and effu- Rom.8.13 Jion) is to be begg d and waited for and called in in reference to this blejjed Work. It falls fitly for his hand. 1. May he fet (and keep) ope« the Eyes of our Underftendings, and fix 'em againft Sin , and for God's Service. 2. May he influence our Memo- ries , that they may fugged the ill influences it hath had on us. 3. May he keep our Confciences, as we would have our Eyes kept pure, and clear, and may they as fpy, fo fmite and rife isp againft the firft Mo- tions, and Rifings of Sin. 4. May our Wills that are much our felves, be firm, and bent, and refolute on God's (ide. The Laft Rule of Duty is 3 They who feel ( and fo know ) that their Sin is mortifying , jhould thereupon be comforted. And certainly, in fundry this Work is begun. 1. What z84 EJftys on Union U Chrlfl. i. What day paffeth wherein they. Pfal. 19. are not preffed under and for it ? 11, 12. ^re t h e y nor i n a f or t reftlefs, be- th^l'al' cau fe tne y nave not attained perfect Heb.4". 9. reft, and freedom from it? Andfo are not arrived at the reft that re- maineth for the People of God. Do they not utter doleful Ditties, and exclaim ? O wretched ones that we are ( fet round and befct with miferies and fins ) Is not the fin that is in 'em as a Stone in the Air, as a Fi/h in the Earth, out of its Ele- ment ? Hath it any more reft than an inmate in a Parifli ? 2. Can they not fay (and that truly) that they not only efcape and avoid open Pollutions , and groffer Enor- Gal. 51. mities; but if, at 2ny time, they chans" ^ overta ' <:£n w ^ tn a t^lt, Counted incur- fmall, and reckoned as unavoidable fionis. Infirmity. Do they not fall on their Knees, or Faces, and bitterly bewail both it and the fource and fpring of it? And not only refolve in God's ftrength to watch againft it ; but to Epfc. 6. put on the whole Armour of God, Heb.2.12. and fight for (and under) their Great 1 Sam.24. Captain. Do not their Hearts fmite I Sam 24 em * ^ ot ^ noc l ^ Qlr Fear awa ^ en j . ' ( and quicken ) 'em ? Do they not (in the iflue) gain by their loffes ? And rife by their falls, and thence- forward. Ejjays on Union to Chrift. 285" forward, take better heed to their PfaJ. 39.1* ways , and fuller hold on God's ftrength. 3. Are they not at one, from this time forward, to keep at a greater diftance from whatfoever might be a temptation to 'em,or lead 'em affray from the path of Holinefs and Happi- nefs ? Are they not for hating the very Garment (potted with the Flefh ? j uc j e 2 ^ As one that had furfeired on Meat s^Am- likes not the Difli in which it was brofe th* ferv'dup j fothcy verily loath them- 2< *' felves for the Abominations they are chargeable with, and fly as from the flames, fo from the fmoak of Sin ; abstaining not only from what' is or an ill quality, but withal from what A ma & hath an ill colour. colorato. 4. Are not their Wills, f and not only their Judgments) fet (right J againft Sin ? Do they not decline, Pfal. 1 t& and infome degree deteft it ? Are «*• they not for the hatred of it ? That is a {tabbing affe&ion, being abi- ding, without ( allowed ) intermiffi- on j and deadly, without admitting thoughts of Reconciliation. 5. Are they not full in their re- folves to maintain and hold on ( and Revel. 2^. up) the fpiritual Warfare, and to and"}*. keep themfelves under the great and chapters, precious promifes macie to thofe that w*«w. are overcoming ? 6. Do a86 EJfays on Union to Chri(i % t Cor. 6. 6. Do they not do all they do in "■• refilling Sin with an Eye to the Blood and Spirit of Jefus Chrift? The one as procuring, and the other as apply- ing Sin's Death, (till looking for, and depending on Divine Drawings and CanM-4- Influence. And, for their Comfort, reckon they right. i Pet. 2. i. Mortification is a prime fart of **• Sanfiification, . and ftill hath the other part joined with it. Eph. i. 4. 2# Sanclijication is a confequent (and effect) of eternal and free EleBlon. Mat. 5.8. 3. Santlification will //JW and end in Compleat and eternal Salvation. Heb. 10. 4. The farther they go in this *9> 20 * wa y of mortifying Sin, the more plea- fant they will find it. Jts breaking the Ice, that is moft difficult. It's truly call'd a Living, and is a Life- giving way. Rom. S. Laftly, Their prefent privileges are paft their counting or -pricing. They fliall have what God ieeth good, and evil fhali be turned into good to. them. Having fpcke {and written) of Mor- tification, with a j { fecial refpeel to the Abl, and in fome getieraJlj as to the Ob- jetl : My Text leads me to. confider it with regard to form JpecialObjeffs of , " that Effays on Unicn to Chrift; 287 that Aft- Whereas, tho Flejh is fpo- ken of as one ( as indeed it is a main one ) and before the Dodtrine is laid down, this Qiiere will take up fome room for irs better refblution 5 to wit, See Wil- What we are here to underhand by rJ n *. And I tfiall not attempt to enume- rate all the acceptations of the Word, but hint that fome are willing to or> ferve the Philofophick Senfe,and Sen- timents, and to conftrue it of that part ( or thofe powers ) in Man, whereby he is more allied to Brutes, and his reafoning faculty much op- pofed. And I do not queftion, but this is confiderable,when Mortification is con- fidered. But I ftill afredt the Road 5 and by FlefJi underftand Mans finful n . 'Vitiated corrupted Nature* which is Rom. 7. commonly called Original Sin, the Sin James t. which was not abjolutely firfi y but J 4- from the firft, and is to other Sins an Origine or Spring ; for in the Text we read of Afitclions and Lufis that have their rife from it. And fo The Do&rine is, That Mortification that proves a Ferfons Union to Chrifi doth much fir ike at Original Sin. It's not only levelled at the Branches of Evil, but at the Root of 'em. In 2.88 Effays on Union to Chrift. In handling this DocJrine> I will " propound this Method. i. On what account ( among o- thers ) this Root of htternefs is called Flejb? 2. How doth it appear that Mor- tification hath a full ftroke at it ? 3. After fome hints that are Ex- plicatory, will (fitly) follow Appli- • cation. 1. Original Sin, which hath (like fome perfons far from good ) many Names, hath this as a proper (and per- tinent ) one given it. 6 # 1 . Is it not conveyed and propagated Kt.^jtf. as the Fkjh is. Doth it not defcend • 7 1-from Father to Child from our firft. Qua. 5.3- an( j trough our next Parents ? That which is born ( and begotten ) of the Flefh is Flefft. Fallen Adam begot a Sow in his own likenefs, not in God's, as he at firft was created. $ :e Mr. 2t it's no little atfed and exercifed 2 axre i5- by the unregenerate yielded as Wea- 5- 1 9- pons of unrighteoufnefs. Is not the Mouth full of bitternefs, and the Throat as an open Sepulcher devour- ing ftrong drink, and therewith Time, Strength, and Eftate, are not hands put forth to Evil, and Lips ufedLafci- vioufly, 3. Is jEffays on Union to Chrift* 289. 3. Is it not nouriJJjed by flejhly Ob- jefis, as it is the nourilher of fiejhly Courfes ? It's thought it beareth this Title to denote, 1. It's fordidnefs and bafenefs in it'sfelf. 2. It's endearednefs to fallen Man. Carml- But I now come to the id Head ; chell, which is to prove, That true Morti- fication hath Union to Chrifi as it s Foot, and this Flejh for it's Objetl. 1. Is not this provco (rem the Lath p ^- * r gttage, and\ feeling Exprejficns and Ex- , periences of the mcfi mortified Verfons that are upon Record in Holy Writ. Here inflancing in Two. The former is, David, who it's true, in his very Penitential Pfalm,^'^ 1 * aggravates his great a&ual (in in the 4 * matter of Uriah Thus, I have done this evil in thy fight. But his confeffion flops not there , Doth he not pro- ceed, and is by that Stream led up to theFountain the Sin hewasborn in? The other is, the Apoftle Paul $ who ( for ought appears ) was a Ci- vilian, and great Moralift, before his Conversion, but did not then difco- ver the evil of Luft or Concupifcence. But when aConvert,what a deep groan doth he fetch, and what a loud Cry *^/' 9 * doth he utter, on account of that, 34 ^, as being a Body of Sin, U The M)o Ejjays on Urn on to Chrift. Rom.8.7. The id Proof of the Point is' See the drawn ffom the full and through oppo- Burgefs. fit Ion that the Flefly ( cr Original Sin ) makes unto Chrift. Is not every Sin an Enemy to him ? But is not this Enmity ( yea, Enmities ) to him ? Is it not truly faid, there's more con- rrr .„ rL, trariety in it to the Image of God The zealous f . J . a . N . . o Gray. ( ^ n0 Chrift is) than in a thouland actual Offences. Now it cannot be that this mould be quiet in the heart engaged in Mortification. The 3d Proof is fetch' d from the t— * primary Seat or Sub j eel of Original Sin. Jam. 4. 5. f ' . -L J p , I own this Leprovy runs all over the Mat.5.19. Man, but its chief refidence is in the Jer. 17. 9. s ou i )3nc | through ir,is faid to dwell in us, and evils of the worft kind are faid to ilTue from it. It's rendred de- ceitful above all things^nd defperately wicked. Now is not the Soul of right Chrift's Throne ? Will he fuffer a Rebel to lit ( and reign ) in it? The next Proof I mail prefent is, From the Principle in every one that is Jo. 3. 3. j. entred en Mortification. Are not fuch £ph. Cult, born again ( or from above ) of the Ezek. 18. Spirit ? And have in 'em Faith, that 3 '* is unfeigned, and the Love of Chrift in (incerity. Now is not the Spirit directly oppofite to the Flefli, yea, to all Sin ? And will it nor gradually work it out? The EJJays on Union to Chrifl. 29 1 The laft Proof is derived from the SeeEngf. Counfels and Commands directed to Fer- u 'u ' jpns m order to Morttpcattpn. 1. If they have not begun it, they are calf d on to make \nl new hearts, the Duty is waiting for Grace that Col.j.y. they may do it ; and that a Foun- ^'A dation may be laid for mortifying Work, the Old Man is put off, as the New one is put on and renewed: 2. The Regenerate are ftiil ftirr'd up to lay afide as every weight, fo „ < the fin that doth eafily befet 'em, and ^ jjj.*' 1 ' hath fpecial advantages again ft 'cm. Strong Now tho' this may be carried to a «« &ti peculiar fin, it's firft conftrued of ori- ginal fin. I fhall be as brief as I well can in Am- plication , and reduce it under Two Heads. The 1 ft. By way of Information. The firft Branch whereof is, Too too few are etfercifed in (or acquainted with)/ true Mortification^ and fo few evidence _ , their Union to Chrifl. Is the Ax laid fI at the Root of the Tree, and the aim at Crucifying inward ill Inclinations. 1. How many bl fs themftives in their efcaping grofs Pollutions : O that more efcaped 'em ? Do they not ling the Fharifee's felf- applauding Note ? As if ic was pious not to be. prophane 3 or filthinefs of Spirit doth U % not z$i Ejfays en Union to Chrift. not befpeak cleanfing - y or v/as not the Image of the Devil ? May not* the Root be alive in Winter* when Leaves break not out ? I deny not that outward a&s add to inward af- fections of evil, being as vicious, fo fcandalous. 2 Cor.7.1. But, are not inward (if indulged) Mat. 15. Evils, very evil? l 9- 1. Falling and Lying on the no- bleft part of Man. 1. More eafily admitted. And, 3 More hardly cured. Again ; Divers that are at times Exod. 9. brought fand forced) to their Knees, Luk. 6. ne ither are in that pofture conftantly, 24 ' nor fetch Groans deep enough on this fcore 3 witnefs,what we may run and read of Tharaob, Herod , and Felix. The id Branch of the ift Uk is, Tloe T>oBrhic nf Original Sin is to be held fafi, and held forth, notwith- ftanding fome Men of Learning have made little or light of it. if we once part with the Doctrine ot it, it will be juft with God, to leave us with- out a due fenfe of the exceeding great evil that is in it. Have not the Heath: ns complain'd of their wrong T i.clinatioriS ? A moil fen- fibfe thing ! O that Perfons more ( and better ) voided to the Holy Effays on Union to Chrift. 2.93 Holy Scripture, and to the Men of Gen - 6 - *« God, Doth not thw Scripture write, that the Imagination of Man's heart was aFtogtihe vii y and that conti- nually i Hova fu of Emphafis is e- very word ? Are hearts natural . now better j and as was hirted, that r. none fave God can throughly fearch, 9t IO# * fo as to know the heart, and that Men are not afleep or half-dead, but all-out dead in fin. Of David* s fenfe I wrote even now. And doth not Job cry out, Behold J"j b. 40 . am vile, and fpeak as if none can be 4 , 5. clean that are born of a Woman, and *s- 4*. Paul in the greateft part of a whole Chapter complain of this Difeafe. To clofe up this Paragraph (or part ) of the Ufe, Til appeal to the Light, Sight ( and Taft ) of all truly 1 fpiiitual Perfbns. 1 . How or whence is it that fo ma- ny vain ( yea, and worfe than vain ) though s fine firlt-born of Original; Sin) arife? Which we do not know ever any were guilty of, and fo could not be by imitation. 2, How comes this to pafs, that the Hearts even of good' perfons are rea- R cm * 7 ' dy to go with 'em, when they go a- bout lower Employs ? But are apt to kgg ( 2nd hang off) and draw back, when what is ipiritual is called for. U 3 The 294 &IF a y s Dn Union to Chrifl. The 3d Branch of the Ufe is," Grace, Effectual Grace is an excellent differencing thing. Whatever the mis judging World judgeth,the Saints Prov. 12. l ' a2it are i n the Earth are moreexcel- -,5. lent than rheir Neighbours. Doth not Pfal.16.3-. tkc Lilly excell Thorns, and Chrift's Cant. 2.2. spoufc outfhine the common Daugh- ters? We'll a while confider this differ- ence (and preference ) as exhibited in my Text and Doctrine. On the one hand, take the higheft readier among Hypocrites. 1. If he makes the outfide of the Platter clean ( which is much if he Mat. 23. do f° ) y et * onie broad fpot will ap- 35,26. pear thereon ; yet . he makes not Ezek.33. thorough-work j his infideis vile. 31 2. If he make fome pretentions, that he is purifying his heart,as well as cleaning his hands, that God that is greater than hisheart,and knoweth all things,knoweth that the fpring of his heart hath noSalt of mortifying Grace • . caft intoic. For, 5. Lukewarmnefs is ( at beft ) his Temper, tho' when in Duties, he Rev.3.17. niay fay, come, and fee my Zeal, his heart runs moM into the outward part of 'em, pure love to God is wanting, 3. Still Effays on Union to Chrifl. x^y 3. Still fome Tweet bit as he counts Job ao. it is under his Tongue -> fome refer- "» I2, % ved Luft lies nearer his Heart than drift doth, and Sdf is his Idol and moil bowed to. On the other hand 5 Take a Be- liever that falls fnort, yet in his ha- Pfal. Ha- bitual Frame. 8o - l6 s - 1. He is moil concerned about \\\ \ 1 {landing right in the higheft Court, and Eye 7 and accordingly, 2. He bears as his heavy burthen, the remaining averfenefs to Divine Nature that is in him. 3. He fets (and keeps) a ftricl Guard over his inward parts, and is much afraid left any wrong reft be given 'em, or any falfe byafs be found on 'em. 4. When in Duties he comes oft with applaufe, he finds a fecret fhame in himfelf. 5. He* is for returning with the praife of all the good he hath and doth unto free rich Grace. t /S. He ufeth thrift's Blood , to cleanfe him from, and not ihelter him in any impurity. 7. His Cries for taking away Sin's Life, and Strength, are Cries of Grace, and not meer Nature. U 4. They i$6 EJfoys on Union to Chrifl. They are i. Out of Choice, i. Continued. 3. Earneft. 4. Join'd with Endeavours. £. Being for quickning Grace** 6. Having refpefl ro God's Glory* 7. Prefented in Chrift's Name. Is this the manner (and guife)of any Hypocrite ? V,T' 8 ' . Thc 4 fh Hranch of this Ufe is » They hear a black Brand, and not the Mark of Chrift, in whom Original Sin y ( in one or other ) reigneth, and who do walk after the Fleflj. Ah ! Ah ! How many are found in this broad wayPWho that has his fenfes fpiritual- ]y exercifedjiath not a fenfe of the too great pronenefs in the better fort to ftep into the way of the Flefh ; but not making it their main way. So it it is with thofe 1. Who have the Flefh for their main Principle, and from it adting 1. Pleafurably. 2. Vigorously. j.Con- ftantly. Which is their fad Cale, who make the Flefh their Guide and Go- vernor, and have carnal ends and aims j yea, it is thus with all who do not live and walk in the Spirit. I have not much room left : For the Second Ufe will be for Exhortation. And it fliall be firft to thofe that may fee (tho' they will not) Effays on Union to Chrift. 197 not) that they are out of Chrifi. ""BeI-uk.iS.iJ they excited to look to the Work JJg^S. that is hrft cut out for 'em 5 which lot immediately to attempt the ex- ife of Mortification, but to look r Union to Chrifi. If Chriftlefs Perfons make fuch at- tempts, they will be ( as faint, fo ) vain being only againft fome parti- cular Sins, as are more difgraceful to themfelves, or at fuch times as # terrors are on 'em. If this Old Man Gal. **i«* in my Text mentioned be Crucified, it is to be with Chrift, from his power in, as well as price for, us. 1 . May they therefore that never did hefore now , come under conviclions of See rou- OriginalSin^ and it's extreamvilenefs. *«»* She- Conviction is more than meer IIlu- P* 1 ""' mination , and yet m2ny have not known the latter, whereas the former doth apply the light , and bring it down (.and home ) to the Heart and Confcience, faying in efFecl, u Thou " art the Man, and thy Corruption " is defiling and damnable. It holds and fixes the Eye and Mind thereon. Shewing, 1. That this Sin is ex- Rom. 7, ceeding finful : In it there is all the 1 3. malignity that is in all actual fins 3 even Adulteries, Murthers, Blafphe- Mat 1$.' mies, were they not conceiv'd in f * this Womb ? i* This ^9 8 EJF a y s on Uni° n to Chrift. i. This Indwelling Sin by how. much it is nearer,is by fo much more prejudicial. 3. This Law of Sin ufurps Au- thority. m< 4. The more it is yielded to, Jer.o. 1. more imperious it is. 2. May Convictions of Sin have deep Humiliations following \m ? Now that is wanting. * ' 1. TillPerfonscherifh it, andwifli PftJ.n© t ^ iac l ^ n Heads were as Waters, j. and their Hearts ditTolved. And 2. Set themfclves in the Mouth of Wrath, asdefcrved, being by Na- ture Children thereof 5 condemned as foon as quickened - y Children of Phil 5 5 Wrath before brought forth to Life. And, 3. Be taken off from every bottom of their own, having no con- fidence in the Flem as to Juftifica- tion , putting away their Sins as to the guilt of them. As to Sandtifi- cation, taking away the Life ( and ftrength ) of 'em. 3 . May they be able to wait and beg at the Door of Hope, and Grace , that they may feel thofe effeElual drawings of the Father, by 'the Sprit, that ena~ Jo. o. 44. j f j es t jf e h um };l 6 d Soul to believe. Say they ! Plead they ! before the Lord. 1. " Lord! EJfays on Union to Chrift. 2,99 1. u Lord ! Sin is as mine, fo thine " utter Enemy. Thou haft made ic " my Duty to toy it, afford me Abi- " lity to do it. z* " Lord ! Tho' I am mod un- jTitn.** " worthy ( as ever any one was J to ij. " be brought near to Chrift, Thou " haft magnified thy Grace to the " unworthy, may it reach my Cafe. T The next Branch of the Exhortation ^ a * is for thofe that are in Chrift 5 and have ftruck at Sin's Head and Heart. 1. Maintain they, a quick and deep fcnfe of their faort fallings as to Morti- fication, was (in as dead as it might and fhould be. How ( or whence ) is it ? That, 1. Reflecting upon Sins paft can polfibly be with any thing like plea- fure. 2. And at times their Souls are fo ♦ liftlefs , iifelefs , and comfort lefs, in Duty. • 3. That they are not more lick of Love to ( and for ) Chrift. The 2d Direction is; Long they after a great and even fenfible Growth f**}'^' of Grace. The 3d is, Tut they on ( as in this Cafe is required) the Lordjefus Chrift. If any fay, is this in our power ? Anfw. 1. I fuppofe you are con- verted, and have known the Day of p £ II0 -2- God's 300 £ffays on Union to Chrift. a Cor. God's Power, and fure I am there l2 '7- is a power in Godlinefs, Grace is fufficient. And, i. When Work is enjoined iuvat y° u v he that- doth enjoyn will afiift and work within you. If any a sk> How JliaU n>e put on Chrig ? I anfwer, i. In Juftification for your Cloathing, wearing the Royal Robe of Ghrift's Rigi ifnefi. Rev.3.18. 2. By Imitation, walking in his «ph. j.i. Steps, and Strength. \ 1 ret. r. ^ FofSdncJificatien, being renewed Eph.6!i8. lfl * and after his Image: That as one Pin drives out another, Grace may drive out Sin. I add, 1 . Be they I write to much exerci(ing all manner of Prayer ? Pfal 10S ^ nc ^ 2 * ^ uc h * n exercife of the t»e end. Grace of Faith, relying on God the Fhil.4.13. Father, Son, and Spirit ,' for Help and Victory. There's but a little room left for my touching on two great Dodtrines. The former is Mortification , that proves a perfon's Union to Ckrift is levelled, and doth ft t ike at the Head and Heart of their peculiar aifedte4 Sins. Mortification (hikes at [mall and 1*1 T 4 4 &'"* Sms ' l3Ut hath a ^ bIow at Mafter-lufis) Dalilahs, that are for would Ejjays on Union to Chrift. 301 would be ) Darling Sins, (tiled Affe- See ze»Uus_ ciions; becaufe gaining '( and win- Gray% ning ) on M$ns aff0ibns. Did not repenting Efhraim abhor w - Idols to which it had been joined , 4 °',£ and glued t Did not Zacbeus, when a Convert, run farther from his farmer exact- ing, and David prove his upright- nefs, by keeping himfelf from his Iniquity ? pf Jg _v Is it not demonftrable, that where ^ uc c«v Chrift is in the heart by his Spirit, as far, aut the .firfl Principle of Mortification, nullus- he'll be for having the fo affe&ed (ins cut off it. For, 1. Thefe fabove others) have affronted him, with his Father and Spirit, robbing them of their honour, 1 Jo.3.^ being Abominations , Arch-Rebels intolerable. 2. Thofe where they are for exclu- ding, and thrufting him out of the Throne fiis proper place j to wit, the higheft will not admit his reigning over their Perfons. 3. Where fuch affedted fins Rule, Satan's Seat is. Are not they his ftrongholdj wherein he entrencheth Hof.^n.- himfelf, his Works ? Will not Chrift dethrone him and them ? 4, Where 302, EJT a )' s on Union to Chri(t+ i Jo. 3.5. 4. Where thofe are fpared, the" Soul is fpoiled : They take away the Heart, and cut the Evil. From this Dodtrine I firft infer, 1. That none that have this Union, have any through darling Sin. I own, i. They may not be quite freed from remains of Sin. 2. As their Bodies are fubjedt to - fome peculiar Difeafes, their Souls Strong, ("through their Conftitution ) may be fo to fome peculiar (ins. But no one Sin doth abfolutely r^ign in, or hath full dominion over 'em, it hath not that intereft in, or - , command that a good Prince hath. xlTii. ?• They ^° not ^ ree ^> or fr° m their hearts obey it. 2. They dare not take part or arms againft God in and by it. v Are they not refolvedly on God's fide, and have it's flaying in deflre and defign ? 1. Purpofely looking at it, and it's om. 7. 9. oc jj ou f ne f s? j n Scripture-Glades. 2. Call in the aids of Heaven, not willing to leave it with Life. - The Second Inference is, Some Perfons are under an ill Chara&er, fome ill affections they affe&. I ask, Ejffhys on Union to Chriff: 303 I ask, 1. Is there no Sin about Jer. *. & which they fuffer their light to be Hof.".*. bribed, that it's evil appear not. 2. Is there no Sin which they Pfal.Sa.j. wifh was not fin, tho' their Know- ledge be contrary. 3. Is there no Sin that makes 'em j « , afraid to ftudy fome Scripture tho- 2f . ' roughly, or to have fome Ufes in Sermons brought clofe to 'em. 4. Is there no Sin that prefents it Prov, 4, felf to 'em as pleaf arable as their up- t6 - riling, or down-lying. 5. Is there no Sin that marrs ^ their Services, or eats out the heart ^ ek -33? of 'em when God's worfhipped. 6. Is there no fin that makes other j Sanuo- fins to truckle to it, or fit by it that 27. it may be fupreme, 7. Is there no fin that fo far car- Jer. 3. io£ ries the day, that they are not at one to take Chrift's Yoke on 'em, and to give thtmfelves unrefervedly to him? Tho' as to fome Particulars named, fome good hearts may fmite 5 yet as pfal.n^ to the laft Point, they are honeft, 30. and they are grieved for all fhort- fallings. The 3d Inference, Satan will fcer- tainly^) beftir himfelf, and ufe all ill arts, to keep up in thofe that carry Q en , . ,, the Chriftian Name, fome one ( or more ) of the paffions or affectations • of 304 Effays on Union to Ghrijt. of the Flefh, thereby to hold 'em in his Territories. 1. Will he not perfuade 'em to queftion, whether God hath faid that this or that is a Sin, or that it is mor^ tal. Is it not truly faid as to groffer fins, he would gain Mens love, and as to thefe their light. 2. Is he not for offering Occafions, a Cot. 2. anc j objects leading to this fpecial seeSnouh 'fin ? Howcoramon (and yetperni- Gray. ciousj is this conceit they would contrary n *fcape fin, and yet run on it's ap- judc 23. p earance ? The Fourth Inference is, They who have good proof that lins that were affected are on the dying hand, have great caufe to praife God, I fe* rioufly ask my Reader 1. Have you communed diligent- frfcl. 4. \y with your hearts, to find out your rts.51.5- fp ec i a i sin ? 2. Do you not only fhun the flame but the fmoak, the ill way, but ways leading to it ? 3. Do you (to your Humiliation) 1 Tim; r. run up the ftrong ftream to its Soul * 3 ' Fountain ? 4. Do. you not only on the back of falls, when Confcience is accufing, but in your calmeff Seafons lay load on your fpecial fins, aad your height- Mat 17. n * n S cfrcufliftances ? 1 1. i* Is JEffays m Union to Qhrifl* ' $6$ ifi Is it upon Prayer drawn out at fome times, and furthered by fafHng at other times, that you Have fome victory over 'em ? 6. Are you for keeping your felves Pfal. 1 19. through Grace from all, and not on- "8. 113, ly one Iniquity, 7. Are you for cxercifing the Grace that is contrary to your fpe- cial fins ? S. Are you for ufing all tneans, Luk. 19.1= and particularly admonitions of Friends againft it ? 9. Are you in Second Thoughts Ki+stf* free, that God fhould take his me- JSicfeca, thod, tho' ftarp, to cure you? mcurc * 10. Is Chrift with his Oofs en- deared to you, as procuring Sin's* flaying ? ir. Do you return and go back with the Glory of Cures, and Con- 2r*£ ml t queft to God and his Grace * pi * 66,1 ^ The 5th Inference 5 They that have too often fallen , fhould no longer lie in any fpecial Sin ? If r theydo, 1. Will God hear their Prayers ? 2. Can they lay claim to his beft Bleilings ? And is not turning 'em A3s 3, from this fin one of the chief? ■"*• 3. Will not this Sin fliutChriftout of the Heart, and the Sinner out of Heaven ? X May ■jptf EJfdys on Unibnte Qbrift. MayTerfons, n; Fear; left Wrath V&I26.2. fall on*em. -,- 139. uh. And, 2. Lie at Chrift's Feet for Ezek, 36, Pardon and Power, cv • 3 ■ I i 1 ,A;ad, 1 |j. Not reft without tender GonfqiepceSi 1 ; L And, 4. Think often of Death, as the I^Or of Eternity. .And,; 5:. Steep ilitiirSauIs in Godly forfow. ;{ Aiid, X.Anfwer teir> Hopes of Heaven, ' And, 7, Exalt Chrift highly. . I TAe.Jatter Doctrine is, They -who 5 ^ould prove their Union to Chrift^ muft be for mortifying the Lufts of the Flefh, They are Objects of mortifying. Gal. 5. .17. Tho' the Word rendred Lull, ad- mit of a good Senfe, Do we not read of the Spirit's lulling? A ilrongde- fire may be good, and of good, and be. better, for being -Urong jnot.fel- 1 Pet. «". ^ Qm the Wcrld fpeaks of fuchillde- fires as are! here found: Rom. 131 Thefe FJefhly Lujfs, are not only to irfci be avoided, and kbftained frohi j not only are we to forbear making 'pr°« yijion Efays on Union to Chrtft. 307 vtfim for. the, Flefi , which is much done by employing our Thoughts as - So the Caterers for "era. 5 but we are to offer Q^cn. an holy violence to 'em, to mortify, ill ' Deeds in the Lufts that caufe 'em. It is well obferv'd, that fometimes Luft is fpoken of as a Mother fin, and is the fame with Flefli and Cor- , ruption ; but here we read of 'emas A" 1 " r ' the Fleflies Daughters. So that the Eph.2. ^ Do&rine is to proceed on ( and a- gainft/all inordinate Affections, and Defires, whether they rife from the Body, or fenfitive part, or from the Powers, of the, Soul as Intellectual, calledddlres of the Mind. That fuch Defires are the Objects of Mortification, doth appear, 1. Are they not Sins ? Yea, fo much more finfal , by how much more the Heart is in 'em, and the refiftance islefs that is made to "em.. As in the Covenant of Grace a wil* ling Mind goes far, Defires pafs for 2 Cor. 8, Deeds ; fo t6 thofe that are under I2 - the Law, ill Defires are taken for ill- ^jf" Deeds, malice is murder, &c 2. Will not theintereftedinChrift be for crufhing rhefe Cockatrices" in the Egg ? It's clear, r. If Detfres be not fop- prefled , they'll' excise Endeavours, f™ : [\** : where and when Lufts do conceive; X % they'll 308 Efi a y 5 w Union to Chrjflr thcy'Jl wait for an opportunity ta bring forth, they would be fulfilfd. 3. Chrift and Grace will be for fil- ling the heart with good defires to Ifa. 26. 9 P rcvent tri °k Lufts. The Affile anon which I haften'd to, I intend to reduce under one Jingle Ufe. As ever we would have evidence* i» ^ j T that we are in Qhrifit, Be we in earneft 1 J0.-2.1tf! t0 have ill defires crujhed and crucified f and that this may be done effectual- ly, Set we our [elves vigor oufly again ft the very firfi motions and fiirrings of fin : Be we for extinguishing as the Flames, fo trie Sparks thereof; and »ot only thofe Lufh ftrictly called Flefhly, but thofe of the Eye , and Pride are to be llain. In order hereunto, 1. Be we con- f «r. tf. 7. vinced of what fonie ( befides Pa- pifts'/ deny, that fuch Motions be- fore they obtain confent are Sins, tho* confent makes *em more finfui. - 1. Do they not rife and fpring from Man's- finfui Nature ? Doth not that Fountain (end. forth thofe Wa- ters ? Are they not Births of the Flefli ? 2. Do they not thwart God's Royal: Law, in particular the 10th great ££ e Commandment. Baxter. lts we ^ noted, there are three forts of Motions. j. Such EJfays onUmon to Qhrifl. 3 09 1. Such as are cafl into the heart Templet by Saran,ro which no Entertainment jf^bs is given. • Anitbe 2. Such as rife in the Heart, \vith £-*>'* Dur- which it is tickled, tho' not fully harn « contented to. 3. Such as lodge Within Perfon?, and are fo liked as to become pur- pofes. Now as all grant the laft are fin- ful, and the firft are full of fufFering 3 fo if the fecond fort have not Sin in T / jeesic J m •em, irs not eafy to fay what is for- lent bave« bidden in the laft Commandment \ nant - thofe of the third kind are forbidden in all the reft. I add, 1. Have not thefe Motions an ill tendency? Or had Jefus Chrift Rom. 7. anyoneof.thdm ? It's thought, wheri 7 ' 9 ' the Apoflie fpeaks of Concupifcence as evil ; and as that which he hac} nOt known to be fc, fave by the Law laid in its extent and fpirituality be- fore him ; he by it meant Motions of this make. A fecond Advice is, Study we well (and throughly) the great benefit offtich Mortification ? 1. Will not this be a fliort (and Pnncipiis fure) cut to prevent many actuaJ, ^f|j e a and all aggravated Offences? Is notbert, this a flitting fuch Monfters in the Womb ? How fhall they come near .X 2 Adul- 3 iO -BJfays on Union to Chrift. 'Adultery, that cannot brook the lead Motion to impurity, or they up tp * ' Drunkennefs, that fear an exceffive Cup?. clearing the Cafe and State of our Souls, when we are for dafhing Ba- titi% Brats againft the Stones, and pla king up the youngeft Spriggs of the Serpentine Root. And fo, 3 ..;Will not this conduce to the weakning of the Root, when the heart rifeth againft the fir ft rifings of Sin ? Doth not cutting oif all, Col. 3-?* even the little Members, early pro- mote the Death of the Body of Sin and Death ? q 4. Will not this keep the Paffage to Heaven open, and lay us fair for Gal. $. 1 6 the fhiiesof the higheft Sun, if we W, fcatter the Clouds at (and on) their fir.ft T appearing. The third ( and main ) Advice is, Walk we in the Spirit. Is not this a Scriptural (and effeclual^ means to prevent fulfilling \jea ^ finings^ of Lufis ? If any ask , What walking from, • and Jiving in the Spirit is ? a Cef ■' •- I briefly Anfwer, i. . It is obferving Gal, $.tL Gofpel-Rulesy dictated by God's Spirit. And, 2, Living -in >. the exerting and ■ exzrc'jing cf fever alGraw (fthe ( ^pin. And, Effhys onUniontoQhrtfl. Iji j And, J. Depending on, and deriving Eph. 5. frejhaids, and influences from the Spirit. \*}*» Jf» , That this laft laid down means is in thema fpecial prefervacive preven- tion, Is evident, 1, Doth it nor lay Per- fons under the promifes of fuch Grace ? Andj 2. Is k not in this way,' thai: we are kept- and led to nip ill Fruits in the bud ? For, I. The Holy Spirit convinceth % J . itf. 7, and gives the firft clear fight of the 3,9. exceeding evil of fin. And to that end,* 1. Keeps the Eye and Mind fixed on God, as prefent arid obfervanr of them. : And, 3. To bring the word that for- P&I16.B, bids ill Motions (with Authority) 119- n- to the heart. And, 4. To preferve in the Heart Gal.s-*** and Conscience a truly called tender- nefs. % And, 5/ By Icing the Root whence theFrH/Yjof holy, 1. Love. 2. Joy. ^.Fear. 4. Hatred. $.Vatience. 6. Tem- perance. 7. Goodnefs, 8. Faith do flow. This applies Chrift as love embra- ceth him, and Joy ftrengchens - y Ha- tred ftabbs Sin , and Goodnefs in- clines to compaflion to Sinners. O that helps may be helpful to hinder the rifipg or fupprefling mo- tions* X 4 Helps , 3 l * 'Effay's on Union to Chrifl. see the Helps of the firft fort are, ru** fr x * Heart-piercing Humiliation, i. Avoiding worldly Entanglements* 3. Watching againfi Idlenefs r Mat 22 ?. 4' T)ifirufting our deceitful Spirits. . f. Improving every fining of the Holy S fir it. i ThefC Of c ^e latter fort are thefe, 4.11. 1. Highly valuing intimate^ and abi- Prov. 1%. ding feUowflrif with God. 1 ThefT? ^°' 2 * Having great and con- 1 Jo. ? . 3 . fi an ? reffetl to the honour of God. 1 Cop. 10. 3. Rejlftingmoft fpeedily ( and vigo* 3 *• roujly ) when they rife more. Phil.^.13. 4< Cr/ ^ a l ou d fir kip from Hea- ven, Is there not in Grace an AlMTuf- fieiency ? w m i WU BBP— — » if 3*3 \A Second Mark (or Character) cf Union to Christ doth lie be- fore us , from that pertinent Text, In the z CO R, $. 17. Therefore if any Man be In €hrift> be is a new Creature, . THAT the Text ftands related to the Context, is evident, from the therefore that is in the Front of it : But about the fpecial reference of it, I do not find the Learned ac- cording and agreeing. I chufe his Company, who thinks that the Conclufion in this Verfe is Dfckfoji inferred from what is premifcd in & Vote** the 15th Verfe: Cbrift died to this end, that Men might live unto him that died * j' : *' and rofe again: And thereupon it muft needs follow , that fuch as are interefted in his Perfon,and Death,are renewed Pertbns ; for without fuch Renovation, they arc uncapabte of living to him. «,,Co7 Other things are obfetved in thefe v ;hv Words i fuch as, Streams* i. The JI4 EJfays w Union to Chrift. i. The Dignity. a. The Duty of, true Chriftians. gut I fhall here only commend to my' Reader, this Okfervationy That a new Creature is one Mark (and Sign) of Union to Chrift. As 'tis fuppofed that fome are in Chrift, it is determined, that they that are fo, have known a new Creation. Is not the Connexion 'clearly point- ed out. We will ( firft ) make fome Enquiry after this, new Creature, and be (at prefentj brief, leaving much of that Work., till we be, further on our way. It's well noted , that the Words here (as well as elfe where )sendred new Creature, do pointbothati an 6- ble adtion, and a notable effect there- of. We may very well read 'em in .-the £piftle to the Galatians, ->d new {$!&!$ Creation. There it's fpoken of the Chrift ian Life, as here it is of the Chri- ftian Liver* Is it not a new Creation, m refpeQ of Gad the Author ', and a pew Creature ik r effect of Man, I the Suhjettofitl Grace: and a gracious See Dr. Perfon may be. (idled a Creature. To Manton. denote, as the truth ,. fo the great- nefs of the change that is made 3 fur- pairing the chaining up of fome that are under fome prefent trouble and terror ; Efays an Union to Chrijt. 3iy terror; or the bare efcaping the pollutions of the World, and- that fit and pang of Goodnefs which fome Temporaries find : Or that fhifting Opinions (and Parties) which is the ft Q £ & 4. Badge of Novelifts 3 yea, and that partial alteration on which the Hy- pocrite bears, himfelf high. To this Creation , is required a bringing a thing out of nothing, re- A nihilo fpe&ively, to fuch a production, if ta li. not abfolutely a commanding Light 2 Cor.4.^ out of Darknefs, Life out of Death. And this Creature is ftiled New y not as to Eilence ( or Subftance ) of Soul or Body, but the newnefs lies in the Qualities, or Difpofttions, that are in- v\ troduced. It's New, 1. In oppofition to Old ApprehenJions> Affettions, Principles, and Fraclices, efpecially Aimes. i. With refpedt to it's Excellency ; being a Divine Nature, and the Seed 2 CofI 4> of God a Regeneration. Do not fome Refemhlances lie be- tween the Second and the Firfi Creation ? 1. The firft was a compleat Work. Every power of Man's Soul, and eve- 1 J°)*>$ ty part of Man's Body, was owing to it, and the New Creature is a New Man j and hath not only fome parts (and pieces) of one : Are not all things y 316 Ejjayson Union to Chrijl. things made New ? Mind and Co h- icience, Will - y yea,and Body. i. The firft (as to Man) carried Life in it. Was he not made a Living stthoh S cut of the Ark of the C7- tienant, 4. The Firft Creation was marr'd> Eccl. 7. fjj e New flail be made perfetl and pa- Phil I. 6. ^fo^' Now to prove, rhat being a New Creature will prove a Perfons being in Chrifi j and that thefe are called con- vertible Terms, or Proportions, eve- ry one that is a New Creature, and every one (hac is in Chrift is a New Creature* Be Effays on Union to Chrifl* 317 Be it well Weighed? 1. On the R °m- i- one hand, it muft needs be, that he \\\ l6 > 17 ' who is changed as to his State, is alfo fo as to his Frame. Hath not he in- fluence fxomChrift, that hath Interest in him ? Doth not the Parallel hold ? As the first Adam conveyed Sin, and Death to his Defcendents.The Second conveys Life and Grace unto his. As the fowre Grape engrafted into the good Stock, partaketh of irs iweetnefs, fo the Soul that was dead in Sins when uni- ted toChrift, is made partaker of his Holinefs. Doth not the Root of David yield Sap ? Are they not live- ly Stones that are built on the Living 1 Pet. 2. Stone? *> s ' i. On the other hand : When Peo- ple are made over again , ate by Chrift formed ( and reformed ) for himfelf* to be fure, they are knit ( and joined ) to him. Are they £ph. j.tw not created in him ? Whence elfe Ifa ;43- 21 - can their fpiiitual Life flow ? Can 'Cor. 15. the Body live without Union to the c^CoIvU* Soul, the Principle of Life ? Or can the Soul live (fplritually ) without Union to chrifl, the Fountain of the beftLife; yea* Lifeitfelf? It is not only from Chrift's purchafe of us, but withal from his prefenCe ( and power ) in ui, that we are renewed. Is not he the quickening Head ? Do any 318 Effays on Union toChritf. 'any live m (and to) him fave his* Members, ? iThe good Lord help us in making Application. a Tim. 3* Which ftiall be i . By way of Do- 16. firing or Information. The Firft Branch is, Verfons JhouU take heed of a vain trufting, and Jhould 3. Cor. fit U P°? 1 a fi rwu s trying of their condi~ xy 5. ticn. Do not Signs (and Marks) ferve for this end, that perfons by laying thefe^aad their hearts together, niay PfaLstf. underftand how matters (land be- s, A\-« tween God and them. Here is a Scriptural Mark , Jlwttld we not fear ch 1 and try whether tt be on ( and in) us ? And withai offer our felves to his fearch, who is (aid, to be All-Eye j and being greater than our Hearts, knoweth all things. r: May we not juftly fear that many do prefume, They will fpeak, and write on it ; that they are Men> bers of Chrift ; rhey \ are cdled by, his Name, and lay claim to him ? But do nor, dare not, put the thing (fe- riouily ) upon this lffue, whether the Mic.3. ir - New. Creation hath yafsd upon *em^ Kev.3.i7- Did they ever feel any thing like a Amos 6. l seating Power in their inward Man. & Did they ever fee their Cafe as they are in their meer Naturals ? And that no Tower Jhort of infinite* can fet 'em to >£jfu9f on Union to Chrift. , Jijj to rights ? Atasl Many that are inIo,3Va% Z/aw are at eafe y they are not Self- **• ekahvinants ; they affeil not, but a- void trying Light. . i. Is it not utterly a fault in fome that are in Chrift, that they do not take a more frequent and full view of-iXtofwb* their good Ef ate? God hath afre/h s ' drawn his Image on their Souls. And arendt fundry chidden for not know- ing their own feives, unto which SelPfe arching is a requiiite. The fecond Branch of the firft Ufe is $ They ivho ate in Chtift are under the highefi Obligation to the Duty ( and tfibrk) ofPraife.' There is no fmail iwon&ring at fome ftrange Creatures; But mould we not on the New Crea- ture much more write wonderful ? All God's Works do praife him, in gi- j ^l' 1 ? vihg occafion to his Saints to blefs him. And doth not this Work eminent- 1 * 9 ' *> *• ly give fuch occapons ? If this Sign appear on (and to). us, fhould not the high Praifes* of God be in our Mouths ? i. Ddtb not the New Creature (in a peculiar way) entitle it [elf to God as Pp j, „ If ; its Creator! Doth k nof father it felf on every Verfon i in the Godhead* ■ i . Doth it not call God the Father a Begetter ? Are not the San&ified his Workman^ , his curious Artificial Work? 2, Is JIO Bffays onUrtioH to Chrift. t Pet. 3. 1 j i notffc -tf av Qr eat tire taken out of the Sons Sides, as Eve was out of Adams ? Is it not created in Chrift, as the procuring Caufe? Doth not the New Life come from his Death ? And, jo Hath not the Holy Spirit Jo. 3. VS'fiich an immediate hand in this Vroducli- on, that it's call'd after him, and the Regenerate are faid to be born of the Spirit ? Should not the newly Created fay, and fing , O blejfed and glorious Trin-XJnity l Thou haft peculiarly fa- fliioned us : Thou, O Father, haft Contrived : Thou, O Son, haft con- ceived : Thou, O Spirit, haft brought us forth. Thou O Father didft in- tend ; Thou O Son obtain, and thou O Spirit apply his Grace. Again y Are there not upon the New , ' Creature choice and deep Prints of ' . 'the hand {and heart) of God ? Are not Men when made New (as more near) fo more like to God, than be- fore ? Do not Rays ofWifdom,Power, and Goodnefs, break forth in 'em ? Do they not ( in a fort ) live the Di- vine Life, that of God, from Which they were alienatqtf ? Are they not the beft(and only lawful) Pi&ures of him that are on the Earth ? 2. Is not this New Creature created to, andfbr } tnofi excellent ends and ufes ? i.Thar Effays en Union to drift. 311 r. That Fellowjhip with the Trinity 'J - T 3 may be had and held ; Thar the ftiines * °'" * of the face of every one of the uncrea- ted creating Peribns may break out on Perfons, more powerfully, and fatisfyingly ; and that fpecial Graces may be a<3ed by 'cm more diftindily, and conftantly. Can they that are in the Native and Natural parknefs, hold Commu- nion with the AlI-bK'fled Light ? Adam was ftill alone, when many Brutes were Created and were near him, becaufe they were not Cut out and fuited for converfe with him. Might not Trees converfe with Beads, and they with Men , rather than meer Natural Men whilft fuch, with God ? 2. Again ; Is not the New Creature made for the fpecial Service of the Tri- 2 ^or^^. nlty ? Is not this Creation to Good Manlovt Works, to the beft kind of 'em, to m this. (hew forth the Creator's Perfections, And the and Praifes ? Is not Man when New & ea * . made, a Veflel of Honour, meet for p^. w |£ his Maker's Ufe, and Worship ? Is it not the Honour which the Saints have, to Love, Fear, Truft, and joy in infinite Greatnefs and Goodneis I 3. Is not this New Cr •eat ion wrought \ that thereby the Subjects of it may be wrought ( and fitted) for compleat and eternal bhjjednefs ? Doth not God moft Y exactly $z% £jfays on Union to Chrift. 2eph.r.i2 exa&ly ( and curioufly ) work his People for this very thing. Are they not renewed, that they may be glo- rified ? The third Branch of this Ufe is, Many and many upon a due fear cb may find they are not In Chrift. Do they look like New Creatures ? Have they the face (or cole iir ) of 'em ? i. Do not fome of their number glory in their fhame, boafting chey have known no charge ? They won- der at thofe chat Difcourfe of Con- version j they never had ( nor think they yet need ) a turn. They are M fettled j 'tis on their Lees. 2**26. *» Do not fundry reft in having 6. '$, 6. fomething New, that lies more to fhew ? Is it not as much as they look for, if they appear clean in Mens Eyes ? As if that was a true Man,that was of the Painter's drawing,which Deed all- yet is Soulefs ? As if a Plaifter on the quid in- outward fore did cure, when the inner tu *- ill humour is uncured. . 3. Do not fome that fay, they are haudvo" f° r an * nwarc * change, take up with Juntas, one that goes not through ? Pfal. up. 1. Their wiflies of good come not *°* up to a real good will. %. Their diflike of the evil after (in, comes not up to a difplacence with fmall fin, 3. They Effays on Union to Chrjfl'. 3 i 3 3. They arc not Tec againil evil affections. 4. Their purpofes (as to good) are faint. Before I part with this part of the Ufe, I propound thefe Queries to the concerned. Have they the Front for Face) 1 Jo. 3.1. to fay, they are New Creatures ? 1. Is not the 'veil of affected igno- rance before their Eyes ? Are they not Darkneis , which cannot difcern the Law's ftri&nefs, or the myfteries £ph.4.i8 ; of the Gofpel. 19. 2. Is not the Stone of hardnefs ( as Zech^.fo, formerly) in and on their hearts ? Are they not infenjible of the Sin of their Heart s y and Sins of their Lives ? Are they not paft fpiritual feelings ? * . . Are they untouched with Zions fir- rows ? Do their hearts yield ? Doth the Word of God pierce ( or en- ter ) their Souls ? Or if they feem a little to thaw on the top, Do they not foon harden and refufe to return ? Do Perfuafives us d in Sermons take more place than a Seal on hard Wax ? j er - Do they not ft ill refift the Mini ft ry a&s 7. $. and Motions of God's Spirit ? Ifa. 6- 9» Do they not continue under barrennefs i 10 * and hearing bad Fruit ? Do not their unruly Lufts rule in * eml Do not runners into exceffes, keep on their former courfe ? Y 2 Do 3*4 mf a y 5 on Union to Chr\ff Is not the worldling ( like the Molej fiill refiing in the Earth ? Are they not againft forgiving and £ph. 4. forgetting ? Doch not the Sun go down Gal™"' anc * r ^ e a S a ^ n on tne * r Wrath, Ma- ' 4 ' 'lice, and tficternefs I Do they not fmite with the Tongue^ backbiting and ilandering haftily ? The next Branch of the Ufe is, Ministers jliould greatly defire to fee this New Creation wrought in thole that hear 9 em. Should thtv not travel in Birth that Chriil may be formed ? Was not he a Man of God, that thought HciBeni his Sermons coil him as much in his Barnes, fpirituaiknfe, as throws do a Child- bearing Woman, as to natural fenfe ? What can they -defire more ( or bet- ter) for 'em than their Union to Chrift, proved by their being renewed? O that Minifters had Paul's Spirit ! The laft Branch but one is, There is 2. Cor. 4.4. no doubt but the Devil will ( with all 1 Cor. 3. within him ) eppofe and labour to ob- 2 * firuti perfons being New Creatures. By his iil- will no one (hall be inChrift, and he hath his Will on the unre- newed. Who is able to race all the Windings of this Old Serpent ? i Cor, s. *• w iM ne not f what he can) pre- 11. ' vent fuch preaching, as tends this way ? And have their Ears fill'd with other Proclamations, with General ( and Effays on Union to Chrift. jxj (and Notional) Points, that reach nor their Conferences. \ t. Will he nor perfuade People to * ev ' 2IQ * reft in being of fuch or fuch a Church, at * 3 * 9 * and in being Zealots and Bigots fat a Parry, as if that would lave 'em ? 3. Will he nor perfuade \m to rake up with inefficient incident E- vidences - y fuch as refraining from Mat.25.1. fome grofs Vices, and having (now ('and then) a fir of fading goodnefs; or being in outward Communion with inwardly good Verfons ? The very laft Branch of this Ufe is, There are ( bleffid be God ) there are on Earthy and many cf * em, that carry about \m proofs of their being in Chrift. They are ( tho' not perfeft ) New Creatures. What a grear change ap- pears in 'em ? Is ir not faid of 'em ? Is Saul alfo among the Prophets ? Are not Lyons turned into L ambs ? And as Doves for Chaftity , being open hearted, and handed, that were fordid,. May they not fee (and feel) in themfelves that the Truth is in 'em, andGodlinefsin it's power hath feiz'd and poffefs'd 'em ? The Second Ufe is for reproof (and confutation) of divers (and dangerous) Errors. The Firft is, That of thofe, who are utterly againft perfons trying them- Y 3 fihes, 7,1 6 Effays on Union to Chrifl. i Ep. of felvcs^ and their State , and their Scrip- John. t*ral Marks, and Signs , as if his were wholly legal ; whereas John the Di- vine, in Ins Gofpel, and three Epiftles ( that are full of it ) doth plainly in his Firft Epiftle , lay down feveral fuch, by which the very Spirits are to be tried ; as if this hindred ijo. 4-r-Mens looking unto Jefus , whilft he puts 'em upon looking into therafclves ; whereas the Right Eye doth beft look, when it looks at what he hath wrought for 'em, and at what he doth work in 'em ; as at his dying for, fo at his living in 'em. Neither can it be faid ( with truth ) that it doth diminifh ( or darken ) the light ( and luftre) of Free Grace. Is not Sanftification as well as JufH- fication a fpecial Iflfue ( and Eflfeft ) of it ? Writing the Law in the heart is as real a Branch thereof, as not re- Heb. 8. membring Sin fo as to condemn * I0 ' JI - for it. I readily own, abundance of Cau- tion is requifite in the Cafe of Self trying. 1. A fit feafon muft be taken for it, when the Candle of the Lord ihines on the Tryer : When Perfons are in Ifa.50.10. rt, e Dark f Melancholly, and in the Cioud of Defertion, is it not a time for trufting, and not trying ? Good People Ejfays on Union to Qhrift. $%j People are then toftay themfelves on their God ; they are not fit to fearch. 2. They mufi be fure to ufe fuch Marks as are called adequate, and even, and neither to fet the Standard too high, or too low. 3 . J hey muft not judge of theb Stat* by this or other fit , be it more or Jefs defirable, but have regard to their ordinary ( and allowed ) Frame. But when I have granted this, I ftill hold, that their ordinary way is that that I have directed 'em to. I know, fome pretend they live (and die,,) at the Well Head ; and have the Holy Spirit's Witnefs , to whom, I fay, far be it from me to undervalue this Teftimony ! O that I (and others J did more experierc^ it / But I defire it may be noted,That the witnejfing of God^s Spirit is joined ^ om - g ° to, and not disjoined from, that of the renewed Sprit. One who was one of a thoufand, whofe being ta- ken from us (as are others ) we la- ment, hath let this Mantle fall among us * I mean his precious ftho* fmall) Treatife $ wherein his Heart is fet before our Eyes , hath excellently written, " That Confcience being God's Deputy, and attending to rjo. 5, u his Orders, rauft needs fpeak God's 19. ao •' Mind 5 and he quotes Scripture, Y 4 "that «t a Xi2 Fjfays on Union to Chrifi. tC that fpeaks home to the point. If " our Hearts and Confcienccs (deal- « " ing truly) condemn us not, then " have we confidence towards God. To fhut up this Head (or Point,} be it weli weighed ! We have a Scripture Mark in my Text) may we ■meafure our [elves by it. It is a [ure ( and tried ) cne. Doth it not caft thcfejhat have known nothing of a change, but hold on in their ordinary dull track of doing [o?ne Duties j after the Life and Nature that is Divine, they look not ; Doth mi the Word New Crea- ture hint a confiderable change ? And as for doubling drooping Souls, that call in quetlicn their being changed , may God §:ew *em that their Principles and Aims are fpiritual. The Second Branch of the Ufe is, They are in one of the worft fort of Errors. fThe Lord open their Eyes ) who hold, and hold forth, that our Notion of the New Creature is Phanati- cal, and that [itch a Creature is our fancy and ficlion , a meer Puritanical and Calveniftical Imagination. 1. Doth not this Tenent tend to ftrike cut, at one dafi, all true Chri- ftianity , and all endeavours after it ? For as there is no Salvation fave by Chrift, fo there is no being in Chrift, fave where there is a New Creation, Do Ejjays on Union to Chrift. 329 Do not they lay out their labour for that which is not Bread, and toil in the fire to no'purpofe ; who, how- ever they pretend to feek God, de- fire not to find themfelves newly 1Cm „. ■ Created. jo . ult. 2. Is it not a ffiritually fenfible thing to thofe that have their fenfes duly ex~ ercijed, that Old things in them are fa ft away , and things become New ? Are not the Parts, Powers, and Opera- tions of their renewal next to vi- fible ? 1. Are there not fomewhofe Con- »^^„ • venation a thing continued and ma f e ft a con- nifeftdoth manifeft their Converfion ? tinua, I muft confefs thefe are too thin fown j but would know of the con- trary minded (and ill-affe&ed) How, ( or whence ) is it that in their Con- version there appears, 1. Sericufnefs mixtwith fweetnefsof Spirit. 2. Self- den iednefs in their own Caufe, joynd with Zeal in God's. 3. Patience, under FreJJures , and f anting after the fanflifying of 'em. 4. Longings after Vurity in the Churchy with love to the feace thereof. 5. Readinefs to fafs by Offences, with hathnefs to carry offenfively. 6. CompaJJion to Sinner s^ with Indig« nation again ft Jin* 7, Vir 330 BJfays on Urn on to Chrift. J. Diligence in their Callings^ with fear of their being fnares. 8. Care to freferve a good Name % with great care to keep a good Con- fcience. Are not all thefe endeavoured by tnany ; by whom they are not at- tained ? And if there were not Now Creature^ would fuch endeavours be M»t. 7- ufed? Can fuch Grapes be at all ga- thered of and from Thorns ? I add, Are there not befides thofe named , fuch powers or powerful Workings in many as can proceed froni none fave the renewed ? As take their rife from a Principle, froni which they aft, with eafe , vigour, freedom , and conftancy , to which o:hers are Strangers. When we fee Perfons , and they feel themfelves, i. Set againft their own Iniquity, croffing, yea, crucifying natural In- ?f. 18.23. clinations. 3 * 3 ' 2. Not only woo'd, but won from inordinate felfifhnefs. $. Striking with a low fail, and demeaning themfelves humbly when advanced outwardly. 4. Ready on good occafions to do good to thofe that have difobliged 'cm. Can we well queftion whether thefe be New Creatures? Ex- Effays on Union to Chrifl* 331 Except Perfqns clofe their Eyes, £ph-4*4- they may fee as Ndw Creatures j fo that this Creation is, 1. A Noble Work ofGod y this Crea- ture being peculiarly his Image and Likenefs. And fo, 2. A moft amiable Crea- pf a j. 2 ^ 2- tare. Is not the Beauty of Holinefs more than read of even, feen ? What were the High Priefts Garments to this ? 3 . In a fort, a necejjary Creature^ in order to a perfon's purfuing ( and attaining ) his great Ends , God's Glory, and his own Happinefs. 4. A moft ufeful Creature. £. Breathing after Perfedtion. Shall it's Being be denied, when it's Working fo excells ? The laft Branch of the Ufe is for Confutation of their Tenent, which we hold to be Erroneous ; who that they may praife (andraifej nature, appear if not for dethroning , yet for detracting from Grace. When Ondry of 'em do not quite deny that there is fuch a thing zsUnion toCbrij% they reprefent the Lord's Work in it, as not anfwering Creation. 1. Do they not fay fallen Man is thereby rather laid afleep, or at moft but half dead, and fo needeth not a Creating Worjc, exciting will ferve the 532* m Ejfays on Union to Qhrifl. •fJ°#f-*$- the turn, and turn him to the Lord with them ; the Phrafes of a New Birth, a New Creature, a Spiritual Reforre&ion, are lefs iignificant Me- taphors ; whereis the Scripture fers forth the meer natural ( or animal ) Man as lyingin evil, and under the power of the evilnefs, not only dead, but as buried in Sins and Trefpaffes. 2. Upon this falfe fuppofition, is buiit another as falfe as it. That Man is not meerly paiiive, but adlive, and doth cooperate wirh God in his firft Conversion, contributing thereunto, not only by ufing means, but adding (and putting J efficacy into 'em. So lhat when we with the Orthodox teach, that to irritate is proper (and peculiar ) to God I Nor can any . Creature concur with him in it, they (in effecl:) fay, that Man hath ah hand in making this noble New Crea- ture ; as if Free-will was a partner (and (harer) with Free- grace in the forming of it. Some of 'em are of Opinion, that the Corruption of Na- ture ( commonly called Original Sin) is but like a little fpot on the Skin, or flight Wound in the Body, for which there lies a cure within Man's reach, poffe vel- j a j ( j t h ere by the hand of common (ot veil"?" general ) Grace, the Obftruclion be- Dr.Waid. ing as cafily removed fromMaa'sWill, as Effays on Union to Chriji. 33^ asGarlick horn the Load ftone,as if to Conversion God did only give Mens power of willing, that did not de- termine and cauie the a£t of willing, what is fpiritually good. But my Dotlrine befriends the owner and honeurer of [fecial Grace. Creati- on is not only an help to, but an healer of Man's WilJ: It's not bare- ly a&ing it's weaknefs, but a giving ™1- 3 * the free and good Will it felf, and I3 * caufing the a£t of willing what is beft. It, or God in (and by) it, giveth to the Ele£t to wiil and to do, the Will and Work. Will meer Moral fuafion (without effe£tual perfua* (ion) and powerful vocation, avail in this cafe? Will Arguments with- out mighty Influences, quicken and raife a dead Soul ? I cannot gainfay him that faith , that as ftrong moti- ons in frantick (and phrenetick) Bo- dies , argue the weaknefs of their Spirits, fo eager difputes for free- will argue its natural weaknefs, and unwillingnefs to give unto God the Glory of his glorious Grace. The Third Ufe is for Correction ( or Reprebenfan ) of a Vice, yea, feVeral Vices. And, 1. Do not they fall (and \y) under the lafh ; who whatever they are 334 Effays oh Union U Cbrift. are in their Opinions, are not in their earned endeavours and practices ex- alters of differencing Grace. Their heart's defire is not, that God would create new hearts in 'em. Alafs / Alas! i. Many are little (if at all) concerned about Union to Chrift, or true and fare figns thereof. They fit as God's People (it, and hear as they hear 3 but as to (landing in any fpecial Relation, that is not fe- rioufly thought of. 2. Others that prefumingly fay, Their beloved is theirs 5 they take up with Signs that are infignificanr , Marks that are no way difcriminating and deciding the main Point. *. With not a few, external Re- thfbc /»- ^& ion ( or c ^ at P art °^ ^ ea gi° n ^ tnar ning' % gl ' is feen of Men ( and done that it may be fo) is taken as afufficientproof- y as if joining to and with a particu- lar Church, was the fame with Union to the Head cf the universal Church j Mat. 9. as ^ a ^ ^ad God for their Father, ' who cry up a vifible Church for their Mother, and plead for her as the beft Confti r .ated j as if all that fay within the" i\ ss, WC had Abraham for our Fatner , had Chrift for their Hus- band. Know we, 1. Refting in outward Church-privileges is ( at mofi ) but a Ccun~ Effays on Union to Qhrifi'. 33 J Counterfeit of the New Creature, and may be diftinguiftied from it, as Al- chimy from Gold, and a Briftol Dia- mond, from a true Indian one, For, 2. The New Creature is the Soul 2 Tim.3.5 of Religion ; Profeflion is ( at mod ) but the Body ( or indeed the Gar- ment ) of ir. The one is the Power, the other but the Form and Figure of it. The one is Godllnefs, the o- q^ ^ ther. but the bodily Exercife. Is it not determined by the Holy Ghoft, that both Circumcifion and Uncircumci- fion are contradiftincl from the New Creation , and outward adorning from the hidden Man of the Heart. What is a deadCarcafs, tho* ftrawed with Flowers, to a living ManPWhat's hearing the voice of a famous Mini- fter, to hearing the voice of Chrift? What is being baptized with Water, to the fprinkling of the Heart from Heb * IO - an evil Confcience ? What is Sacra- ^J* - mental Eating and Drinking in the prefence of Chrift, unto fpiritual feed- ing on Chrift himfelf ? Again $ With others it pafleth as an evidence of the New Creature, that they are found in fome Acls ( and Du- ties ) that are ( for the matter ) good ; they do what too many leave undone. It may be they to fraying in the Hon /*, add attendance on and in fublick, and poifibly 33,6 QIFtys on Union to Cbriji. tuk. is.r. poflibly fome ufe Clofet Prayer ; yea, can fay as the Pharifee, they f aft.. But ftill thefe amount not to a full Mark of the New Creation ; they do not exceed the Righteoufnefs of the Mar. $'. 20. Scribes and Pharifees j and God feeth 15* 8, 9. not as Man feeth, but into the fecret of Mens Souls, even the Wheel with- in th^VVheeI,and may fee that neither the Principle, Manner, nor End of fuch Perfons is right. 3. Many ( I fear very many ) per* s Sam. 10. fuade themfelves they are newly Create d y becaufe Jome one ftream of open polluti- on is ( at prefent ) flopped^ and doth not run io faft ( and freely ) as be- fore , tho' the confequence holds not. „ r - i« God may have hedged up that Hoi. 1. 6. e 1 « 1 1 r % way or theirs, that they cannot find the path to it $ as is elfewhere hinted, they may not want affedtion, but op- portunity. ,_ 1. The Confiderations on which Pfal. 78- t h e y are kept (if they do keepj from 4 * the occafions of fuch a fin may not be of the pureft fort, being but fhame and flavifli fear. 3. They may let their Affections out to other Sins, and carrying on a felf-defign. That this Reproof may ftrike (and fink) deeper, I propound to Second Thoughts, ' 1. JVbiiji JEjfdyi cv Union to Qhfijt. 3^3 7 ■\:WhllCv Perfons reft on this fideUn ton to Chrift, their pretence to It is- a difiic- £*■ : nour to him. Would it -not be account- cap i c i. ed (yea r be) z diflionoiVr, if one that bad drawn an Head, fhould after that in his Pi&urc join the Parts and Mem- bers of a Beaft ? But it reflects more on the Blefled Jefus, when they plead they are Members of hirri who are more unlike to him, than a Brute is to a Man ? 2. If any dy that are not Nen> Crea- tures, they will (in vain ) wifh a thou- fand times over, that they had never been r or might ceafe to be Creatures ' 7 and that the Mountains would fall on 'em; and whatever holds in Metaptiy-' ficks, (this wiil hold) that it's better not to be, than to be eternally mife- rable. Ah [ Ah ! How terrible is it for a „ Creature to fall into the revenging hands ^ of the Creator ? Yea, for a reaTbnable' Creature, to know, what happinefs it is to have the bkfled-making light o£ God,and to be for ever banhhed from it ? And for one that liv'd under means of being made a New Creature \ to dy under the Guilt of flighting (and abuiing) the offers of Grate therein. n3ni The latter Branch of this 'Uft ^ They fall under the lajl) } 'tyW { tiA\ng 2 Union 3 38 Effays on Union to Chrijt. Union to Chrift, and being NewCrea*' Gal. 6.1& tures -> ft U: h not to walk worthy of that ' Dignity. Do we not read of the Rule of the New creature ? Surely it is a Golden one. If what follows have in any fore- going Sheet been mentioned, the Candid Reader will pity a Writer much decayed in Body and Mind ; he hath fo much fenfe of humane frailty, as to know the befi fall Jhort of fulfilling the Duties next namd that excel 3 yet what is not reached, is to be reached after j to wit, 1. A fetled perfuafion of God's Omniprefence, andOmnifcience. 2. A Courfe of dependence on God's All-fufficiency. 3. An abiding apprehenfion of the Evil that is in Sin. 4. A frequent review of paft Hi- dings and backflidings. 5;. An high admiration at ( and of) free rich Grace. * 6. A Commemoration of God's great Mercies. 7. An owning the fliortnefs of fel£» righteoufnefs. 8. An applying all the Branches of Chrift's Mediation. 9. A valuing the Confolatfcwis of the Holy Spirit. 1 0. An attending to bis Counfek and Motions, if.* Liviflg Efays on Union to Chrifl. 339 1 1. Living on the Promifes that are true and good. 12. Abftaining from appearance and occasions of evil. 13. Husbanding our own and God's time weli. 14. In outftripping Heathens , wherein they excelled. 1 £. Setting a Mark of Serioufnefs on common Actions and Recrea- tions. 16. Studying Extraordinarinefs, and adorning the Gofpel in every thing. 17. Contriving how our Genera- tions may be molt and beft ferved. 18. Making our profiting by God's Works, and Words appear. 19. Striving to be bleflings and fur- therers of the publick Welfare. 20. Exercifing ( at once ) feveral Graces jointly. To wit, 1. Condefcenfion to Men, without finful compliance with 'em. 2. Breathings after Heaven , and judging our felves unworthy of earth- ly Mercies. 2. Joyning Reverence to the Lord, with Rejoicing in him. 4. Loathnefs to give, yea, or take offence. O that many truly fpiritual were not Ho much carnal. 2 % 1. Do 340 EJf a y s on Union to Chrffi! i . Do not many of their inward ('yea, and outward) troubles enter at the Gaps in their Walk ? Do not the Kingdom of God, Righteoufnefs , and Peace, go hand in hand, •n t z. Is not Goo 7 , and is not Religion 14.17. diflicnoured by the prophane when they fay, What do thefe great Vrofefjbrs do more than others, an ill Report is raifed of the good ? The Fourth and Laft Ufe which Is for Inft ruclion in Right eoufnefs^ lies now before us. Learn we well divers LeJJons. The Firft Branch is General , on which I have found fand gathered) Fruit before. Put we it on a fair Tryal, and be willing to bring :t to a good 1 flue. Art we New Creatures, and thereby r or do we prove cur Union to Chrifi ? t|. y. To fence on one hand, They may Ifa.35-4« be fo, that cannot give themfelves, (or others) a fatisfying account of the time when they firft were made fo. Sc?ne are fanBlfied from (yea, in) the Womb. Jo. 3.8. To others the Lord comes with lefs Observation, or Noife 3 we fay, God's Creating Works is in an In- ftant j we may more diftindlly fpeak of Preparations for, and Difpofitions from it, than of the Moment where- in Effays on Union to Chr/Jf. 341 in it was done : We do not queftion the planting of a Fruitful Tree, tho* we do not know when it was fo, • Again 3 They may be New Crea- . tures, that are not fuch ftrong ones in pf a j. j^. Gifts yea, or Graces 5 as foms others £ph.4- itf* in God's Family ,( as well as Mens) all the Children are not of one age, fta- ture, and ftrength. Is not the Foot ( tho' placed low ) a part of Man's Body ? They who rejoice in the more honourable parts of Chrift's myfticaj Body , and defire that themfelves ftho' weak joynts ) may make fomc fupply to the Edifying of it, fhew they are Created after God. On the other hand, To beat ( and f Cor ''_ keep,) off the hands of prefumptuous 2 <5. Sinners from the Tree of Life. Having enlarged el fe where, I here hint, 1 . Convictions may he where no Crea- a$ J24 tion is. 2 $. z. They may have fomething new in Numb.23 their Heads and Tongues , that are not T' > l 9* New Creatures. 2. They may have great confidence^ without good grounds that are not newly Created. {f g ' t7 ' Excellent fand Evident) Marks are u *' viow (now) next 5 to wit, Z 3 r, M>mhs 3 42. Effdys on Umm to Qhrifl. i Pet. 2.9. t. Mouths and Heart* full of the high Traifes of God, that he, hath fo vlfited *ew. Rom. 7, 2 . Groanings daily under the oppo/ition made by Old Corruption to the New Creation. , . 3. Longing and Labouring ( through grace) to be therein growing Creatures. 4. Loving all that appear New Crea* i Pet 2.2. tures ^ t l y t ^eir Light (and fight) may fomewhat differ from ours. a u ? 5. Receiving thankfully due Reproof s, for any undue demeanor. Pfal. 141. & % ■Prizing and Preparing for Heaven y 5, 6. where New Creatures jhall be per feci ones. Phils 20. xhe Second Braneh of this Ufe, \ referreth to thofe that are not renewed : Be they excited to look after (and for ) renewing Grace. That Means may take place, let Motives make way for 'em. Col. 3 10. 1. Without this New Creation, per- fons bear not the Ipiritual Image of their Creator. 2. They that want this id Creati- Eph. 4.24. ori) h ave g oc | tc > anfwer for the in- fteb *i\6 W§? d° ne t0 hi m > * n marring the beauty of the firft. Ezek. iS. 3- The unrenewed cannot in any 3 1. thing they do, pleafc God : The Priefts wafh'd before they offered. 4. On* Ejfays en Union to Qhrifi. 343 4. Only they that are New Crea- Heb. 12. turn, can expe£t to be glorious ones. '*• 5. They that are not Veflels of re- newing Mercy, will be Veffels of tor-***' 19 ' 7 *' tnenting Wrath, If any fay, obje&ing againft what I have faid (or wrote. ) fs the way of fallen Man in himfelf? Can we any more make our felves New, than we may or could make our felves ? Anfw. 1. I have in this poor piece £ P^ r - affirm'd, that this Work carries A I- I ?' 20 ' mightinefs in it. Yet, 1. Men may wait on God that he would work this Work in and for 'em. 3. They may (and fhould ) ufe means that cannot render 'em ef- feftual. 4. They that cannot give them- felves Special Grace, may be putting forth Common. By the aids that God is ready to afford waiters on him. 1. They may fliewthemfelvesMen, j ef 2 I9> by their considering that Sin is an Evil , and will be found a bitter thing. That God hath feen all their Ini- quities, even the moft fecret and in- ward. That before his Eyes that is Eter- nal, tjiepaftareprefem. Z 4 a>. They < r ? They may in forne part (.and 4 1 fort) mourn that the Pollutionjof- th${r .Nature is fo great, that no Ids than arrabfolute (infinite) Power can re- move the power of it. 3» -They may (as they^ ftouid) tremble feaft. the thread of Life be c u t. v before a ren?w}ng Work ha*lb .reached 'em. 4. They may .difclaim and- deny I* all power to Work it in thernfeives, and all worthinefs that God fhould work it in em. 5:. Tluy may wait for the Effufion and Defcent of the Spirit of Grace antf Luke 1 r. '^ u pp^ cat i on on » em ^ whereby they n+ay beg that this Wqrk. may pro- ceed from his bleffcd hand. 1. Mournfully, that they have been (b long contented without it. 2. Importunately, as thofe that dare not dfe, or cannot (well) live, if they be denied if. Should they not (as they can ). plead? 1. That they abfolutely neecj ir, tha' they do not ( in. "the leaft.) de- ferve it. 2. Thar they are capable of being the Subjects of ir^ tho; they yet are not fo. 3. That as it can only proceecfrfrprji jJocTs Power and Grace, it will: ac- crue to his Declarative Glory. 4. A3 EJfays cnUhicn to Ckrift. 34$- 4. As the New Creation is in his E « k -3& Power, it is put into his Promife. 2 ,27 \ j. Thol they cannot lay claim to his Promife, he out of his Prerogative triay give 'em the benefit and bklfing of it. O that many were come on thus far I The third part of thcUfe reffefteth the united to Cbrift ( they being New Creatures.) 1 . May . they long to have good Evi- dences of this their good Efiate. 1- May they keep clofe to the way chalked out for them to walk in \ 3 . May they he for feeling themfelves to be by Divine influence flrong Crea- tures ! 4. May they through the Mediation of Rom.£.i$ the Son, wait for the WitneJJing IVorl^ of the. Spirit of God. The Exhortation now to 'em, is to manifefi to Obfervers, that all things in *em beeomt New. 1. That their Underftandings have f Q ot r . a New Light fet up in 'cm, whereby i 4 , ij. ° they (fpiritually) perceive and dis- cern fpiritual things. 2. That their Memories are made Repofitories ( and Records ) of Di- vine Truths and Mercies. - 3 . That their Confidences are good, a§ tp State and Practice, as to Purity and Peace, 4» That 34*> E$*)s w Union to Chrift. 4. That the Wills are free, and finn agatnft evil, and for good. £. That their Affecrioas (Jiking and difliking ) are on God's fide. 6. That their Natural and Civil Actions are Tributary to Religion. O that good hearts were more rai- led in thefe good ways ! they would ihen be fitter for the concluding word of Consolation. Be they cheared. i. Tho' ill Men wonder, and arc ready to hoot at 'em. 2. Tho' they feel many weakneffes, and much oppofition, God is for 'em, O that my Readers would not let ihis Doctrine flip ! O that I and they more experienced what hath been ex- preffed ! May We defirc to fee more New Creatures, and rejoice in be- lieving they will be glorious ones. tamm3e>mBt=*mmm*^^m H4~ Effays on Union to Qhrifi. j^jr Having treated on other Points that refer to thai "noble Sub) 'eft \ Union to Chrift : / am willing to touch ( tho it be no more than touch* ing ) on fome of the Privileges of thofe that $ and in fuch near Relation ( and Union ) to him. • - And Firft of their Freedom from Condemnation. From ROM. viii. i. There is therefore no Condemnation to them that are in Chrifi Jefus. HO W fuddenly and defirably may the inward as well as out- ward Frame of a Chriftian be altered ? Rom. 7, Of what trouble doth the holy Apo- tht **' ftle fpeak in the end of the foregoing Chapter ? And yet do we not find him triumphing in the ( firft and laft) words of this ? The therefore in the Text hath a Relative Confideration* But I fliall (here) confider it ab- folutely j and fo deliver it from this Doctrine. Union to Cbrifi fets QhrU films out of the reach ofGondernnttion. And 348 Effays on Union to Qhrifi, And I mall ( firft ) offer at anfwer- ing this Quere y What is Condemn nation ? And 1. The word fo Translated is by fome diftinguifhed from another Tranftated Judgment-^ the latter leads $0 the former, and is a Caufe of that Effect. 2, The Term is a Juridical (or Courtf) Term, and implieth that Sin- ners as Griminajs are accufed, ar- raigned, and caftj in order to being punifli'd. 1 . Doth it not fuppofe Guilt I v. Include a Sentence. And, }i Infer Suffering. As it refers to Guilt, it's oppos'd see Dr. to J uftlficat ion > and as to Punimment, {ioiton. to Solvation. Doth not the Text point at the Enjoyment of both thefe Benefits? The Firft Proof the Point is drawn from the near Relation wherein they fland to Chrift, who being united to him, are Branches, Aiembers of, and Efpoufed to him. Shall' they ( or any of them) be broke off, or deftroyed t The Second Proof is from the Con- Rom. 8. (iteration of what Chrift hath done *' 3 * and fuffer'd for 'em. 1, Hath he not fulfilled all Right eouf*. Jo. 19.30. agg£ anc i obeyed the Commands of che Law I z, Hcnk Effays on Union to Chrijt. 349 l. Hath he not fatisfied all the Be- Mat. if,' mands of injured J uftice, and paid the *** uttermoft Mite ? Being on their be- half a Propitiation and Atoning Sa- crifice-. I add , Hath he not by his Sprit wrought in % em a Principle of Sanblifica- ijo.2,1,% tion ? And fhall any in whom that is, be thrown or thruft down into Hell? The Firft Ufe is of and for Caution* The Firft Branch is, Beware we of Rom.*.n thinking that becaufe the Perfons of 6- *he /*/fc thofe that are in Chrift fhall not be condemned 3 their Sins in themielves (or in them) confidered, do not pf. I30<3 ; deferVe Condemnation. Should God mark Iniquities, who could ftand ? The Second Branch is ; Tho' God will not condemn 'em, their manner *? 01 ?* 7 * is to condemn themfelves. Did not r^ , Vaul, prefled with the weight of Sin, 10. fetch a deep Groan. The Third Branch is ; Tho* God 2 Cor. 4; wfll not condemn 'cm, Satan andjll Men will not ftick to accufe 'em. He accufeth 'em before God, and they (lander (and mifreprefent ) 'em be- fore Men. The Fourth Branch is 3 Tho' there * P«t« iM> be no Condemnation of 'em, there may be fharp Corre&ion of 'em. If need be, or b&aufeiieed is* they may be 3 SO Jffiys oh Union to Chrifl. t Cor. it. be in great heavinefs through many 31,32- Tryais. The Fifth Branch is j Tho' none of 'era /hall fall into Condemnation, divers of 'em for other Sins, and for their unwatchfulnefs may fall under fif |g , l fears of it. Heman fuffer'd terrors. Mat.8 12. The Sixth Branch is y Tho' none that are really in Chrift fliall be con- demned, many that were fo feeming- ly, will be fo. Children of the King- dom ( as vifible ) may be caft out. The Second Ufe is of (and for) Information. The Firft Branch is -> Their Folly is inanifeft to all wife Men ( may it be . fo to themfelves) that (land (and flay) Heb.2. 3. ff f rom Chrift, on what pretence foever. Can they ( in this State ) efcape Condemnation ? How fliall they efcape ? Is it poflible ? 1. Have they not abundance of Bi-VM- Sin ? Many Fruits with (and from) the Root of bitternefs. i. Not one of 'em is pardoned ; every one is a .Debtor, and will be charged on 'em. 3. Godwill not pardon but upon Afts4.11. and for a fatisfaction, which lying J }o.j.7 9 in Hell,cannot make. 4. Chrift's Satisfaction is applied to none, that are out of him j from Union is Communion, Tht Effays on Union to Chrift. 3 $■£ The Second Branch is j There is Rev. f4# no room (or place) for fuch a Room 2 ^ 0r - *• (or Place) as the Popifti Purgatory: 7> There is- not one Condemnation, and furely then, no fuch an one for thofc Sins Chrift hath purged away. Are not they blefled that die in the Lord, and prefent with him when abfent from the Body ? The Third Branch is j The Doctrine of the Saints Perfeverance is true, and to be held faft. They who ( through Grace ) are J a thai jl\ \\g. Chrift may be revealed fas to, fo) Heb.io, in 'em j and they wrought (and J*« brought ) over to him. Oh 35> &J U ) S m U*bn to Chrifl. Gk what a fearful thing will it be for them to t>; condemned 'that had a Saviour and Salvation offered 'em j Hell torments are eafelefs, and will be endlefs. The Second Branch is - y They that Rom. 8. are * ft Chrift, and fo out of the Gun^ 1,2/ /hot (and danger ) of Condemna- tion, fhould, 1. Not ftep into the way of the Fleih. But, Gal. 5. 1 6* 2 - Walk in (and after) the Spi* ar> rit. 1. Obferving his Order's* 2. Attending his Motions. 3. Depending on his influenc e. O that it was fo with 'em. The Laft Ufe is for their Comfort Rev. z, 11I f k at are m Chwft* Tho' they 1. Suffer in their E« ftates. And, 2. Be deprived of their Re- lations. And, 3. Have their Lives taken a- way by Violence. Should not this chear 'em ? 1. They (hall not lofe God's .gra- cious prefe nee. 2. Thi Second Death /hall have Rev. 2.1 1. no p 0Wef on (or over)-them. Jua^ O tunc happy they / beati. 353 A Second Privilege of thofe united to Chrift y is Inter eft in his Righ* teoufnefs. PHIL. iii. 9. That I may be found in him, not having mine own Right eoufnefs which is of the Law, but that which is through the Faith of Chrift. IS it not of great ( what if I fay ) See the infinite concernment to us? To great Bur- think as of the Judgment of the great gefs. Day, fo how we (hall then appear with Comfort ? And is it not judged, that the Apoftle in uttering thefe Words, had his Eye ( if not on th& General) on the Particular Judgment. And it's clear, his heart was wholly for being (then) found in Chrift, and his Righteoufnefs. From the Connexion that is be- tween being in Chrift, and having his Righteoufnefs, floweth this Do- ctrine. A a Union 3 54 Ejfays on Union to Cbrift. Union to Chrifi is attended with In- ter eft in his Right eoufnefs. Is riot this evident? Seeing, i . Union is the Foundation of Com- Radiis tnunion, and Communion the confequent Mariti. of Union ? Is not the Spoufe of Chrift Reverend upon her Marriage richly endowed ? Norton. Dmn flie not fhine with the Rays of fc^; 3 ' her Husband the lafl, i. One end for which Chrifi cams into the World, and became the great efi Sufferer, was that he might be a com- pleat Saviour, and furnifh Sinners with a compleat Righteoufnefs. He was Phil. 3. 3. ma< te Sin,that they might be Right- eous. %. They who had Union to ChrijL have rejoiced Ceven to glorying) in him. Now this they could not w r ell have done, had not he communicated fand made over ) to 'em a jufiifying Righ- Kom,B.i$ teou f ne j}^ wherein they may (land be- fore God.- The Firft Inference is, Dif- union to, and Separation from, Chrifi is moft dreadful thing 3 and this ill Cafe Rom. 7-9- is their Cafe. 1 . Who have not by frights of Con- fcience been feparated from grofs Sins. And* Ejjays on 'Union to Qhrifl. 3 5*5" And io, £. Have not known a vo- luntary and chufed Separation of heart from inward fand fecretj Sins. Nor, 3. Are acquainted with Se- paration from unwarrantable Self- Rom.ri9 confidence. Nor, 4. Have ( after humiliation) dedicated themfelves to the Lord. Know they, 1. They are under the Guilt of all their unrighteouf- ^ c c nefs. 2. Their own Righteoufnefs is too fhort ( and narrow ) a Covering. For, 1. It will not anfwer the de- mands of Juftice, for breach of the Law. Nor, t. Will be accepted, accord- ing to the Tenour of the Gofpel. • The Second Inference is, Drooping * Cor. t. dejected Souls, that dare not deny their 3°- willinvnefs to come to Chrifi, or their refolution to abide in {and with ) him, ma J take true ( and great ) comfort. The Righteoufnefs of Chrift (fofaras is requifite to their fitr den and promotion*) ™ om - 10 3 is imputed te, and accepted for, 'em, ,» ; f « Now v 1. This Righteoulnels is the Righteoufnefs of God, and far tranf- See RevJ. cends the Righteoufnefs of Adam, Norlon « whilft innocent ; for that was but the Righteou&efs of Man ; yea, it doth Aai ex- 2$6 EJfays cn Union, to Qhrifi" exceed ( and excel) the Righteoufnefs of Angels. i. It is the Righteoufnefs of a Perfin that is God, And, 2. The Righteoufnefs t h.it doth mo (I fleafe God. For, 3. If* s the Righteoufnefs that tends mcji to the Glory of God. Is it not truly faid, God's Honour A&S13. jfcfoftgh .providing ( and imputing) ' 39 ' this Righteoufnefs, is greater than his di/honour was by their unrighteouf- nefs, that are ( and are found ) in Chrifr. Again ; The Righteoufnefs of Chrijt Jo. r. 29. ' ts exceeding broad and extenfve. 1. It reacheth to all fincere Be- lievers through the World. And, 2. To the taking off, and away, the Guilt of all Sins. Rom. 9. 3. To the anfwering of all the De- 2, 3- mands of God's Law. 4.T0 the repairing of all the wrongs done to his Juftice. 1 Pet. 2.5. 5;. To the rendring of all Services acceptable. v 1 Cor. 15. 6. To fence againft all inordinate fears of Death. 7. To give an undoubted Right to 1J0.5.M. Eternal Life. The third Inference, Thofe teachers whofe manner h to teach their hearers to Effays on Union to Chrifi. 357 to deny ( if not to deride ) the Impu- tation of Chrifi* s Right eoufnefs, and that Union to Chrifi that is a ground of it, may call themfelves Sons of the Church, hut they are great Enemies to the true ( and pure ) Members of Chrifi , the Church's Head. A late learned Pre- Dr Bar- late , and a prefent conformable i ow . Preacher, have fet 'em forth in their m». Jenks. own Colours. The Fourth Inference j They that are in Chrifi , are to be much in the extrcife of Faith. Should they not Gal. 2.20. be for living by Faith ? Is not the Rom. 13. Righieoufnefs pointed at call'd, The thel <*fl- Right -eoufnefs of Faith ? Tho* Chrift wrought it , and fupplieth with it, Faith receives ( and applies ) it. It's compared to a Garment, tho' Faith takes (or makes) never a it itch in it, it hath an hand in putting it on. The Fifth and lad Inference, That Terfons may know they are in Chrifi \ and have his Right eoufnefs to be the matter of their Jufiification, it behoves « *em to be ftill coming ( and going) to * . Chrifi for farther meafures of Sancli- Phil. 3. 9, fcathn y that they may experimen- *9» M- tally know the Power of his Death, and the Vertue of his Refurre&ion, Aa ; as t MP < -. '" as well as believe the truth of both. In particular the heart of pride mould be (truck at and rent ; Many may be big in their own conceit, that they have imputed who live in negleft of inherent RighteoufnefSo ■— camiw— nu 3S9 A Third Privilege ofthofe that have Union to Chrift, is hope of Hea- vens Glory. COL. i. ij. Chrifi in you the Hvpe of Glory, CH R I S T in you ( and not only %. Fa * da Chrift among you) as fome lim ' hJ tranflate ir. The Doctrine is, Union to Chrifi gives Ferfons a well-grounded Hope of Glory, Of fuch an Hope the Text fpeaks. Do we not ( elfewhere ) read of the Lord Jefus Chrift our Hope? Is he not fo ? 1. Efficiently, caufing our Hope. 2. Objectively, Hope being afted Vld. Sy- on him. n°P- Crit. 3. Fundamentally, being the bot- tom (and ground^ upon which Hope of ( and for ) Heaven is built , by thole that are in him, That the Doctrine is found, is clearly fignified, 1 . Doth not Union to Chrifi fave (and Rom ' 8 ,f ' fecure ) from Hell and Wrath ? And fet out of the reach of Condemna- A a 4 tion, 360 Ejfays cn Uvion to Chrift. tion, a middle State between Heaven and Hell we own nor. - 2. Chrift the Head of thofe that tre Tq i -7.24. J J J J in mm is in Heaven-^ and fy all not his living Members be where he is ? Co). 1. 1 3. 3. They that are in Chrift, are 2 Cor. s, r m a g od degree; fitted for Glory ; and fo all they mifs of being filC d with it? £ph. 1.14- 4. Glory is by Chrift "pur chafed for \em ; and fhall they not have fojfejfon ej this Purchafe ? 5. They have the Holy Spirit as the earnejh ( and firft Fruits ) of Glcry j c?:d jltall the Summer and Harvefi thereof be denied [em ? S, Have they not (in fome de- pi ., . gree ) their Convcrfaticn in Heaven ? And jh all they not have their Commemo- ration and Vcrticr, there. Any one of thefe Demonstrations prove the Point fafficiently, Do they not all together prove it abundantly? - The Firft Inference is , They that are in Chrifi are thrice ( yea, through*. ly ) happy Per'ons. What is the Enjoyment of all the Kingdoms 'of the Earth , unto rhe Hope of Heaven ? 1 . Would they fupply the Soul's neceifity ? . Or, 2, Suit it's large Capacity. Or, Ejfays on Union to Chrift. ■ 361 Or, 3. Be anfwerable to its Im- mortality ? How far fliort do they fell as to P*ov. 14- that ? Whereas the Glory hoped for 3 *' excels the Thoughts and Hopes of it. The Second Inference y There is a Ground for what ive ready the Righ- teous hath hope in his Death, when he fhall no longer fee Man in the Land of the Living. Hath he not a fure expe&ation to p f aJ - *7- behold the Face of God in Righteouf- tht Un ' nefs. As to Pui chafe he looks to Chrift as dying for him 5 as to Pre- paration he looks for Chrift living in him. The third Inference j They are ( if not befide, yet J not wife fur themfelves^b-I^S' that can talk much of Chrift, being All 1 J -** 12, in All j but are regardlefs as to having him in them. It's true, he is able to fave all 3 but he will not adtually lave any r that at Death fhall be found without (or out of J him. They who reft in that ftate, have neither pro- mife of, nor meetnefs for Glory. The Fourth Inference • They that are Chrift left Jhould be reftlefs, till their ftate be change d y till Chrift be in their Prov.4.23 hearts^ fo as to rule there , as forne^f*!^- 1 " carry the Text. May thefe his Lawn take place. 1. Keeping 3<5i Effays on Union to Chrift. i Cor. 5. 1. Keeping their hearts dilf. the fosl. gently. 2. Keeping a Watch over their Mouths. 3. Abounding in the Work of the Lord. £ph. 4. 4. Being tender-hearted, andrea- ibeian. The EoJfs after Death jleeping in Jefus. i THESS. iv. 14. Which fleep in Jefus. ' w HO doubteth, whether th« Sleep ( now ) before us be to be conftrued, concerning that long Sleep, in the low Bed of the Grave ? Mortis Whereof natural Sleep is an Image Imago, and Reprefentative. And I no way queftion the Words under Confidera- tion are fome of thole referred to in the Clofe of this Chapter, with which the believing TheJJalonians were to v tfc i fl. comfort one another, upon the De- parture of dear Chriftian Friends. The prefent Do6trine is : The' Bo- dies of the Saints continue united unto Chrifiy when their Sculs are in a State of Separation. They do when laid in the Duft. They, fleep in Jefus 3 when there is no fuch thing as the SouVs fleeping. * Two Particulars are couched in this Point. The t. is, When Death divideth be- tween a Saint , Souly and Body y it doth Bffays on Union to Chrift. 36 y mt divide either of 'em from Chrifi ; Rom. 8. they are ftill both in him. 'nj"*" And fo, 2. When the Bodies of the Saints are interred, and committed to the Earth, and there continue long, they continue nearly allied to Jefus Chrifi. The Truth of ihis Do&rine (hints into right ( and open ) Eyes. 1 . Is not the Union of Believers to Orthod. Chrifi a total Union ? Are not their Evang. whole Terfons united to his Terfon, and their Bodks Temples of his Spirit? 2. Is not the Union between him 1 Cor. 6. and them a perpetual Union ? ll.thelafl. Are they not betrothed , and fo united to him for ever ? Others are joyn'd together in Marriage , till Death doth part 'em^ but 'tis not fo here : This Unifin when begun jhall ne- Hof 2.10, ver end. The Firfl: Inf etwee is j There is a great deal of difference between the Death of a Saint, and an Unfan&iried Perfon ; tho' in this they agree, they both die. Is nor the wicked Man Prov - **• driven away in his wickednefs ? But 32 * the righteous hath hope in his Death. The Bodies that may lie near one another, lie not in the fame condi- tion, and relation. Tho* the wicked are faid to deep, not one of their number doth ileep in Jefus, The 3 66 Effays onUnion t&Chriff. The Second Inference is - 9 Tho' ( to i Com 5. Nature) Death and the Grave ar> 5?, $6. pear frightful ; yet true Faith duly i.theUt- exercifed can take off the Terror of ter ** both 5 fo that a P*«/can fend a chal- lenge to *em both. Is not Death put into the Saints Inventory, as being in the count of his Goods i or good things ? When it's faid , All things are theirs, Death is inftanced in as one of 'em. Is not the Grave to the united to Chrift as a Red of Reft, a Bed perfumtd by his Merit that died for 'em ? And accordingly, by the AncientSj their Graves were called their Dor- mitories, or fleeplng Places ; and who fave weak Children are afraid to be got to Bed ? The third Inference is : It behoveth the Faithful to dedicate (as their Souls, fo ) jjheir Bodies to Chrifr, and 1 Cor. 6. his Serviced With thefe he is to be the laif. gi or ifj ec i Tfo an : ; om thefe Temples R f Sacrifices are to oe presented • yea, 1 Cor. 6. tne y are t0 ^ e preferred as a Sacrifice. Shall their Bodies fleep injefm^ and fhould they nor when in 'em ferve ' him ? Should they not keep their di- ftanee from all Sin 5 particularly from uncleannefs , which is particularly againft the Body ? The ■j/Sfays on (Jmon to Qhrtfl. 367 The Fourth Inference ; No doubt, the Souls of Believers after Death fare excellently. Doth God take care of the Casket? How careful fand kind,) will he be to the jewel ? By that time, the Eyes of their Bodies are well clofeJ^ jliall not their Sails be received intoGlerj? The Fifth Inference. The Refur- re&ion of the Saints Bodies ffiould not Dan.12.2. be call'd in queftion. Tho' they lleep, P&l- "7- they ftiall certainly awake again. In the a ^' fome parts of the Year, we think the Night long, but a Morning followeth. As the Bodies of the Wicked (hall be rais'd by drift's Power, lb thofe of the Godly by his love ; of J°«*- 39- thofe that are given him ; he will lofe nothing, no not a Body. The Sixth Inference. It is a lawful (and laudable) CuiTom to attend the Bodies of Saints to their Graves, and Acts 8. r, to afford 'em a Decent, tho' it be 2 » 3- not a pbmpous Funeral Doth not their Relation toChrift befpeak this ? The Seventh In . They that are out of Chrift fhould be at unrefr, till they be in him out of regard to their Bodies O that they that live in Drunken- nefs, Uncleannefs, ( or the like J who. £ Pk. J?- 1 * are Enemies as to God, and their Souls, fo to their Bodies, were awa- kened, before Hell's Flames do it. Except 368 £Jfajs on Union to Chrift. Except here they labour in Jefus*' iTheff4. they fliall not fleep in him. *w' I' ^aft I n f erence ls ' They who the lafl. are Mcn of p a j t j 1# ^ave g reat rea f on to be Men of Joy. They may write on it, i. Their very Duft will be precious in God's Eyes. z. As God will prefer ve fome re- mains of their Bodies, he wilfout of 'em raife glorious Bodies like their Saviour's both for Splendour and Mo- tion* 3 6? A Fifth Privilege is, Perfeverance in Grace. i J O H N ii. n. Ye {hall abide in bint* ITs well noted, Thar as in the S3- Dr $ pi: dy of Man there is (till a Vein ft w, and an Artery, the one to carry Blood, and the other to carry Spi- rits 5 fo in the Body of the Scrip- tures, there is (till a Precept, and a Promife, the one for Duty, and the other for Grace, enabling to it^ and it's worthy of a Remark, as after the Text,abiding in Chriit is commanded, fo in the Text it is promifed , and fo The Doctrine is, The Union of d Chriftian to Chrijl ii an abiding^ lafting % continuing Union. Ddth it not excel, as i. in it's In- tenfivenefs, being fo near , that he i Cor. C>, that, is join'd to the Lord is one l 7- Spirit. So , i. In it's Extenfivenefs : It jl Cbmmenceth in Time, and continued? to Eternity. Bb Con 370 EfFtyS on Union to Chrift. t Jo. 3*4 Confider we the Sincere, 1 i. As to to what is pad *, and Co . they ave palled from Death to Life. z. As co what is prefent ; and fo there's no Condemnation to them. Jo. 17. 3. 3. As ro what is future 3 and fo they have Eternal Life. J.om.8. 1. Can the real Union to Chrifi admit of a DiJJolution ? That the great Point of Perfeve- rance in Chrift may be underftood, and improved. Jo. 15. 2. Be it confidered, 1. The Doftrine proceeds concerning thofe that have real (and not onlyfeeming) Union. i. It is fuppofed, that perfeverers are diligent in the ufe of means 3p- a Pet. r. P°^ nte ^ f° r tnar cn< ^ 5 . 10. 3. The Dodlrine denieth not the truly united may fall foidj y and dtcaj jadly for a time. 4. This Dodhine doth not afcribe Pfil. fi- perfcvering to the bare Nature of the TitU. Q race considered in it lelf, much lefs to the natural liberty (and power) of Man's will. But it hath fuch Springs as theft. 1. The Everlafting love of God Jer. 31. j. the Father. *P h - *:f And, z . The Purpofe and Ele&ion of Grace thence flowing. 3. Their Effays oh Union to Chriji. 371 5. Their being by him peculiarly A&. 13.48 given to Chrift. 4. The fpedal Purchafe and Re* J°-*7-s>« demption that is by him. 5:.. Their fliare and intereft in Re v. i$ t Chrift's Interceffion. 3» 4- 6. The peculiar inhabiting and _ influencing prefence of the Holy *™ J $ Spirit. 7. Their Fellowship and Coriimu- 1 Jo. 1. 3, nion with the AU-bleffed and Undi- vided Trinity. 8. The fulnefsand freenefs of God's * Sam - gracious Covenant. 3 ' 5 * 9. The Powerful afliftances afford- , p ett j.j. ed by Grace's hand. 1 o. The Promife, ( yea, many Pro- mifes) of God, that he will not leave Heb.13.y- or forfake his People j nor fuffer them *** **• ( totally and finally ) to forfake him, 2> 3 * but will bring forth Truth and Judg- ment unto Victory. The Firft Inference is ; No other Union doth match the Union of a Chri- stian to chrift, tho' (as hath been /hewed ) divers do refemble it. 1. The Foundation of a Build*- ing may be raifed, and the Building fail 2. The Branches may be broken off from the Vine. Bb 1 3- Of , ^j% £jf a ys on Union to Chrifl. y Of the fevering the Head from the Members, have been fad in- ftances. 4. Husbands and Wives have by Item 8. ^ eitn De ^ n feparated. the latur But, who or what fhall feparate *nd- the found Believer from his Saviour ? The Second Inference is ; It con- cerns us all to be well efiablified in this truth. And, 1. Weigh we well Scriptural comparifons of true Grace. jjo.3.8,9 1. Is it not a Seed of God that re- maineth ? iTim. a. 2. A Foundation of God that p- ftanderh fure. Jo. 4- 14. 3 A WeI1 of Water fpringing up to Everlafting Life. And weigh we the Similitude?, by which gracious Perfons are fet forth. r. Are they not as Trees planted by the Rivers of Water, whofe Leaf withers not. \. Are they not as Mount Zion^ Pfal. f . 3. which cannot be moved ? The Third Inference is, We have reafon to ftrike in with the excellent who hold that Union to Chrifi is, i. MoftReal, %. Molt Spiritual, j, Moft Intimate, 4. Moft EJfays on Union to Cbrijt. 373 4. Moft Efficacious. And, 5:. That it is Immediate. The Fourth Inference is , They that have Union to Chrift may lawfully (and laudably) as well as humbly, glory in him, and their relation to him. The Fifth Inference : All that are p^j in Chrift , that they may Evidence they are fo , fhould have many thoughts (and much care) about a- biding in him. 1. In Profeflion of his Truth. f . In Exercife of their Faith. 3. In Increafes of Love, 4. In Performance of Obedience. O that 1. They may be farther divided from Sin. And, 2. May not abide in Self- righteoufnefs. And, 3. May abide where God is purely worfliipped. x And, 4. Be for Increafing in the Graces of Chrift. And, 5. Depend on the Spirit of Chrift. The Laft Inference is : They that art in Chrifi Jhould not give way to difturb- ing fears of being feparated fr$m him. 1. Shall Sin reign in 'em ? i. Shall Soul-damning Errors be- witch 'em? B b 3 3. Shall 374 EJF a J s on Union to Chriji. 3. Shall Perfecution drive 'em from him ? 4. Shall Death ( as to them ) keep it's Sting ? And is not a moderate aflfurance attainable ? aaonans 37$ A Sixth Privilege is , Judging the World. i COR. vi. 2. 7 he Saints Jhall judge the World. WH O M can we inftance who was of a more Gatholick Seefamom f and Publick) Spirit than tbeApo- Dr ' HlIU ftlePau! ? Who more pitied Sinners ? Who laid down better Rules for Saints ? Doth he not in the Context Ihew himfelf concern'd,as abotft their Grace, fo about their Peace ? And do not the Sandtified ftand in need, as they are travelling towards Heaven, to have that Charge given 'em, fee that they fall-not out by the way ? Are they not too apt to differ about their Civil and Temporal Concerns ? And to prevent this, Doth not the Lord ufe ( and urge ) an Argument drawn from the Dignity conferred on 'em by him ? And appeals to them as a thing that*% did for might) know ? They ( even they ) that were Saints of the Lower Clafs (or Form) fliould be Judges of the World, and fliould be afhamed,to bring their Cau- Bb 4 fes ij t 6 £jf a y s °n Union to Gbrjfit fes and Cafes before the Men ancf Magift rates that were rneer World- lings. What if there was need of Re- ferences , had the 1 Church no wife Ifa. 6. the Men anc ^ Members fit to decide their lad. Cafes and Concerns. r. The Subject of the Text, is the Saints, the truly good ( and holy ) Seecj. 2. The Predicate is. They Jhall judge the World. And, 3. This may be written as a proved and known Dodhine, There fliall be a judging of the World by the Saints that are in it. I honour the Memory of that & ot fi right^everend Rabbi, that was wil- ling to carry this Text concerning the Chriftian Magiftrate that Go4 would raife up j yet 'tis not clear to mc, that any fuch Magiftrate hath Rule over the whole World - y or that they have any fuch Authority over the Potentates in the higher World, the Angelsj or that this anfwer'd the Caic'of she then Sufferers j and affert, 1. That as there wjll be the Judg- Acts 17.3. menr of the Great Day. 2. As the Authoritative Judgment belongs to God 3 confiderjed Effen^ si ally, EJjfays on Union to Chrift. 3 ; So, 3. Thcfxercife (and Execu- £ph 2 6, 7 tion ) will be in the hand of the Son qf God, who is alfo Man. So, 4. The Saints in, with, and \jnder Chrift fhall have an hand (and heartj in the Judgment of the wicked World. Be it well weighed I 1. As they are united to Chrift, they are advan- ced in and by him, raifed together, 'andfet at God's Right-hand ; and fo ^ . what he doth, they are laid to do. f"tintt. V£ 1. As a fort of AflefTors, as are Ju^- dices to the Judge at the Affiles. 2. As Approvers and Applauders of the Judge's Sentence as true and juft. (t 3. As Witneffes, that in their Day, bore their Teftimony againft wicked- nefs : Yea, and as good Examples, fhewed that godlinels was attainable, and practicable. The Af plication follow eth: Which is, r Thefts i. We may well affent to that, that is affirmed, concerning the Dead in Chrift rifing firft. • And to this, 2. There will be a bleffed Morn- ing, wherein the Upright however t>ri domineered over at pre(ent,fhall have * a ' 4f ' Dominion. 3. Being a real Saint , is really, (yea, Royally,) defirable. Who that is wife, and obferves what is laid fand proved ) 378 Ejfays on Union to Chrift. proved ) would not bear tbac Cha-- radter. 4. They are daring prefumptuous Men that are perfecting the Saints, tho' of the lower Form, and lefs at- *„ i?' tainers. Shall not they with Chrift (in whom they are) with rejoicing fit on the Bench, when their Ene- mies with trembling ftand at the Bar, Chrift will fay, Why did ye perfecute 9 ?ne? And fo, 5. At the Great and Lad Day, the face of things (yea, and the heart of 'em )- will be much changed, and altered. Is not fome Mat -5; account given thereof under the Handjf and from the Mouth) of our blefled Lord and Saviour ? 6. The love of God to his People is great to a wonder, and greatly to irjft3.i,a be admired. Are they not in Chrift high, and highly exalted in time ? O what will they be in and to Eter- nity ? 7. The Word I am on gives a fair warning to the World , and the Wicked. • r . Can they quietly think of being judged, fo as to be condemned o- penly by Chrift, and all his Saints, at Ik the Day of Doom ? *4> '15. j *• Can they endure everlafting Burnings, or the ferious profpeft thereof? 3. How. Bffays on Union to Chrift. 37j 3. How dreadful will the Judge's Mat. 2 y. Sentence found, when he faith, 6*^^/ yi Cur fid. 4. Will not their Wilfulnefs be found to be the next caufe of their ftanding off from Chrift. ' And fo, £. Will not their Con- R fciences ftrike in with the Judge and y f^T condemn 'em ? May they not fleep as they have done j but awake and rife up from the Dead, and trie Ldrd give Light and Life to 'em r ' And now let roe adcjrefs my Self ( and Speech) to the Saints that will hear me. 1. Be much ( and ftri6t ) iit^elf- jjudging \ and that for the Sins for " Cori which the World doth not judge you 3 *> for, inward and fecret Sins, for finful Omiflions, for the remains of Un- helief. 2. Be Jnoderate and fiber in your judging others, Judge moft by Lives Mat. 3. and Adtions, and be far from conclu- th ?* e & n " ding that Mens hearts (and aims) are mr * s ' naught \ and beware of judging that God will never turn Perfons. 3. When you are under the Rod, as you may ( with Submiifion ) de- fire, that God would wait to be gra- cious, aud come in his time with de- liverance. L- liverance. Be very earnefi with him to ' fanclify it, and you through it. 4. Contend with none about [mall mat- S ^'hf' UYS '' Be in Charity Wit k a ^ Men > mtj. * * an ^ nave loving- kindnefs for ail good ; Q L^ 5 . Men. f. Have no finful familiarity , So- cietjy and Compliance with the World. 6. Walk wifely to thofe that are without ; Being exa£t in your de- meanour. 7. Be for exalting Chrifi in Hearty Lip, and .Life : Glory in him as your Righteoufnefs ; Depend on him as your Strength. May real Saints diftinguifh them- l* cz * *• felvAas from the prophane, fo from the moft fpecious and plaufible Hy* pocrites. By r. Their cle^r apprehenfions. %. Their railed Affections. 3. Their good ( and exemplary ) Converfatiqns in Chrift. If my poor Papers about Union ihall pafs the Prefs: May the Bleifing of Heaven attend the Reading ( and Readers of fhefe Difgoiirfes. Amen. £6. I N 1 8, T H E CONTENTS. I. f^\F Union to Chriji in general^ X^J Difc. I. Mark 9. 41.— Be* caufe ye belong to me. p. 1. II. Of the Similitudes whereby it is re- prefented in Scripture 5 the Chief of which* are, I. The Union of the Foundation, and the Buildings Difc. II. I Pet. 2. 4, £. To "whom coming as to a lively Stone— Te alfo as lively Stones are built up, p. 16. II. That of the Vine and its Branches, Difc. Ill, Jo. i). 5. 1 am the Vine, ye are the Branches, p. 5S. III. That of the Head and Members in the natural Body, Difc. IV. Eph. 4. 1 J. Which is the Head, even Chrifl, p. 92. IV. That of the Husband and Wife, Difc. V, 2 Cor. 1 1. 2. I have efpoufedyeu to one Husband, p.i 2 5 . III. Of the Bonds of this Union. V. On Chrifi's part, the Spirit, Difc.Vf. Ro. 8. 9. If any man have not the Spirit of Chrift, he is none of hi-, p,i7& IL The Contents. II. On our fart, Faith. Difc. VII." Eph. 3.17. That Chrifi may dwell in your Hearts by Faith, p. 220. IV. Of its Characlerifiicks, or diftingui- fiiing Marks, Viz, I. Mortification of Sin, Difc. VIII. Gal- fy, 24 They that are Chrifi* s have crucified the Flefo, with the Af- feclions and Lufis, p. 2 5; 7. II. An entire Renovation, Difc. IX. 2 Cor. 5. 17. If any Man be in Chrifi he is a new Creature, p. 2 1 3 . V. Of the Privileges annex d to, of flowing from it, I. Freedom from Condemnation J^KcX. Ro. 8.1. There is therefore no Con- demnation to them that are in Chrifi J e f us > , P; J47- II. An Intereft in Chrifi* s Righteouf- nefs, Difc. XL Phil. 3.9. That I way be found in him, not having mine own Righteoufnefs which is of the Law, -but that which is thro' the Faith of Chrifi) p. 5 j^» III. Hope of Heavenly Felicity, Difc. Xtl. Col. 1. 27. Chrifi in you the. Hofe of Glory, p. 3 £ 9 . IV. The continued Wnion of the Bodies of the Saints to Chrifi after Death. Difc. XIIL 1 Their. 4. 14. Which fieep injefus, ^ p. 364. V. Terfeverance in Grace* Difc. XIV. i Ja, 2. 2*, p. $6$. VL The Contents. VI. A Concurrence 'with Cbrifi in judg- ing the World. Difc. XV. , Q)i\ tf. 2.- The Saints Jhall judge tit World. ERRATA. P3 . marg. dele or Sympfins, p. 16. for con* • times r. continuis, p. 18. 1. 29. after faft add but, p. 19. 1. ic. after **? add like,?. 31, 1,21. for /*/>/? r. bafcf, p. 35. 1. 30. add him, p. 36. 1. 8. for fwallowed r. followed, I. 29. af- ter miraculous add *#, p. jr. ]. 4 . a f ter „„ f dele £tff, and after Ro*£ add but, 1. n. for «t «ra r. wwf, p. 53. 1. 7. dele and for, p. 56. 1. 19. after cow/wg; add to, p. 59. 1. 4 . after /*r/» add *w, p. 62. 1. 24. dele 1. p. 67. marg. for the later Domini r. Dominion, p. 69. 1. 2. dele w, p. 74* '• 28 -after f&# add by, 1. 31. for *te r. their, p. 76. 1. 21. after/^r dele *£«*, p. 77- 1. 11. dele *Y, p. 79. ]. IO# f or ^ r *#*, p. 89. J. 3. after generation add »/&»/,- p. 91. 1. 17. for fwaUow'd 1. follow^, p. 94 . 1.7, foi 'touching r. ta^/»£, p. 95-. ]. IO> f or y^ r-Zw*, P- 96 1. 7- for »«g£f r. w«#W, 1. 10. after £*w add not. p. 97. 1. n. after hold add ?», p. 103. 1. 28. dele not, p. no. 1. 7 . after / , 2 i. 1. after all add /•/*, p. 126. 1. 7. for he r Gorf, p. 127. 1. 22. dele » f, and after of add *s 9 p, 128, 1, lis dele the Interrogation Point. p' ERRATA. p. 130. marg. r. ObleElum, and dele the Qfak Word, p. 141. 1. 7. after are add not, 1. 1 5. de= le of, p. 142. 1. 12. for denied r. demand, p. 153. 1. 23. after of add 6/V, p. 157. 1. 26. for their r. r/&*. p. 164. 1. 7. for growing r. gn/»r» 2W £? 1? r 5- X'Ebal. 1. 31. r. «a>fr, p. 166. 1. 5, for Honours r. Banners, p. 167. 1. 3. for dealings r. declinings, p. 169. 1. penult, for poor r. Peer, p. 182. 1. 3. for (tffor r. elfewhere., 1. 27. after */ r. ft> &?>, and for ?&/r rcj[p## /o, p. 276. 1. 4. after */// add *foy /w, 1. 13. r,; acquainting, p 290. 1. 8. after to add CZ>W/? w&o 2V, and 1. 9. dele who is Chriflj p. 294. 1.16. for yetfome r. ftW kc, p. 296. 1. 13. dele in one or other, I. 19. after £«* add ?/^ /j^ 3 p. 304.I. pe- nult, for your r. ftfo'rj p. 3 16. 1. 30. ?o Creature add w & C&*//?, p. 320, J. 18. for his r. this, p, 325. 1. 23. after and add they, p. 332. 1. 8. for tvilncfs r. «/// owe, and 1. 18. for irritate r. jy- create, p. 333. 1. 2. for wew^ r. men the, and 3. 3. after willing add £«/-, p. 343. I. ult. for the t. things, p, 346. 1. for the 1. their;, p, 34,7. 1. 23. for #/rw» r. frm it. I _ ■ 1 &1 IBB \ m •* ■ f$&