Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2012 with funding from Princeton Theological Seminary Library " „- http://archive.org/details/goldenharOOhenr *"U%v Cfje (ifllkn CAMP-MEETING HYMNS, OLD AND NEW. Set to JHttsir. SELECTED BY G. W. HEXRY, AUTHOR OF "EGYPT, TWILIGHT, AN'B £ETJLAH.'* And he hath put a new song in ray mouth. — Psa. xl, 8. AUBURN : WILLIAM J. MOSES 1855. SPIRITUAL SONGS. THE LIFE OF A CHRISTIAN". A mixture of joy and trouble I daily do pass through, Sometimes I'm in a valley sinking down with woe ; Sometimes I am exalted, on eagle's wings I fly, I rise above old Pisgah, and almost reach the sky. Sometimes I am a doubting, and think I have no grace ; Sometimes I am a shouting, and Bethel is the place ; Sometimes my hope 's so little I think I'll throw it by ; Sometimes it is sufficient, if I were call'd to die. Sometimes I shun the Christian, for fear he'll talk to me; Sometimes he is the neighbour I long the most to see ; Sometimes we meet together, the season's dry and dull ; Sometimes we find a blessing, with joy it fills my souL Sometimes I am oppress'd by Pharaoh's cruel hand ; Sometimes I look o'er Jordan, and view the prom- ised land ; Sometimes I am in darkness, sometimes I'm in the light; Sometimes my soul takes wings of faith, and then I speed my flight. 23 4 SPIRITUAL SONGS. Sometimes I go a mourning down Babylon's cold stream ; Sometimes my Lord's religion appears to be my theme ; Sometimes when I am praying, it seems almost a task ; Sometimes I find a blessing, the greatest I can ask. Sometimes I read my Bible, and 'tis a sealed book; Sometimes I find a blessing wherever I do look ; Sometimes I go to meeting, and wish myself at home ; Sometimes I meet my Jesus, and then I'm glad I come. Lord, why am I thus tossed, thus tossed to and fro ? Why are my hopes thus crossed wherever I do go ? O Lord, thou never changest, but 't is because I stray ; Lord, grant me thine assistance, and keep me in thy way. » THE MEAL AND CRUSE OF OIL. By the poor widow's oil and meal Elijah was sustain'd ; Though small the stock, it lasted well, For God the store maintain'd. It seem'd as if from day to day, They were to eat and die ; But still, though in a secret way, He sent a fresh supply. Thus to his poor he still will give Jus! for the present hour ; But, for to-morrow, they must live Upon his word and power. SPIRITUAL SONGS. No barn or storehouse they possess On which they can depend, Yet have no cause to fear distress, For Jesus is their friend. Then let not doubts your mind assail; Kemember, God has said, " The cruse and barrel shall not fail, My people shall be fed." And thus, though faint it often seems, He keeps their grace alive ; Supplied by his refreshing streams, Their dying hopes revive. Though in ourselves we have no stock, The Lord is nigh to save ; His door fiies open *when we knock, And 'tis but ask and have. A BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF THE CHILDREN OF GOD, IN A DIALOGUE. What poor despised company Of travellers are these, That walk in yonder narrow way, Along that rugged maze ? Ah ! these are of a royal line, All children of a King ; Heirs of immortal crowns divine, And lo ! for joy they sing. Why do they then appear sormean, And why so much despised ? Because of their rich robes unseen The world is not apprised. SPIRITUAL SONGS. But some of them seem poor, distressed, And lacking daily bread ; Ah ! they 're of boundless wealth possess^ With hidden manna fed. But why keep they that narrow road, That rugged thorny maze ? "Why that's the way their Leader trod— *- They love and keep His ways. Why must they shun the pleasant path That worldlings love so well ? Because that is the road to death, The open road to hell. What ! is there then no other road, To Salem's happy ground ? Christ is the only way to God — None other can be found. A WARNING TO SINNERS. When pity prompts me to look round Upon this fellow clay, See men reject the gospel sound, Good God ! what shall I say ? My bowels yearn for dying men, Doom'd to eternal woe ; Fain would I speak, but 'tis in vain, If God does not speak too. O ! sinners, sinners, won't you hear, When in God's name I come ? Upon your peril do n't forbear, Lest hell should be your doom. SPIRITUAL SONGS. Now is the time, the accepted hour, O ! sinners, come away ; The Saviour 's knocking at your door, Arise, without delay. O ! do n't refuse to give him room, Lest mercy should withdraw ; He '11 then in robes of vengeance come, To execute his law. Then where, poor mortals, will you be, If destitute of grace, When you your injured Judge shall see, And stand before his face ? O ! could you shun that dreadful sight, How would you wish to fly To the dark shades of endless night, From that all-searching eye ? But death and hell must all appear, And you among them stand, Before the great impartial bar, Arraign 'd at Christ's left hand. No yearning bowels — pity then Shall not affect my heart ; No, I shall surely say Amen When Christ bids you depart Let not these warnings be in vain, But lend a list'ning ear, Lest you should meet them all again When wrapt in keen despair. SPIRITUAL SCtfTGS. SAW YE MY SAVIOUR? Saw ye my Saviour ? Saw ye my Saviour ? Saw ye my Saviour and God ? O ! he died on Calvary, To atone for you and me, And to purchase our pardon with blood. He was extended ! he was extended ! Painfully nailed to the cross ; O ! he bow'd his head and died ! Thus my Lord was crucified, . To atone for a world that was lost. Jesus hung bleeding ! Jesus hung bleeding ! Three dreadful hours in pain ; And the solid rocks were rent Through creation's vast extent, When the Jews crucified God's dear Son. Darkness prevailed ! darkness prevailed ! Darkness prevail'd o'er the land ; And the sun refused to shine, When His Majesty divine Was derided, insulted, and slain. When it was finish 'd — when it was finish'd, And the atonement was made, He was taken by the great, And embalm r d with_ spices sweet, And in a new sepulchre was laid. nail, mighty Saviour ! hail, mighty Saviour ! The Prince and Author of Peace ! O ! he burst the bands of death, And triumphant from the earth He ascended to mansions of bliss. SPIRITUAL SONGS. There interceding — there interceding ! Pleading that sinners may live — Crying, " Father, I have died ! O, behold my hands, .my side ! O, forgive them, I pray thee, forgive." u I will forgive them ! ' I will forgive them ! If they '11 repent and believe ; Let them now come unto thee, And be reconciled to me, And salvation they all shall receive." SCEPTIC, SPARE THAT BOOK ! Sceptic, spare that Book ! Touch not a single leaf! Nor on its pages look With eye of unbelief ; * 'T was my forefathers' stay In the hour of agony ; Sceptic, go thy way, And lqt that old Book be ! That good old Book of Life. For centuries has stood Unharm'd, amid the strife, When the earth was drunk with blood : And wouldst thou harm it now, And have its truths forgot ? Sceptic, forbear thy blow, Thy hand shall harm it not ! Its very name recalls The happy hours of youth, When, in my grandsire's halls, I heard its tales of truth : 10 8PIRITUAL SONGS. I Ve seen Ms white hair flow O'er that volume as he read ; But that was long ago, And the good old man is dead. My dear grandmother, too, When I was but a boy — I 've seen her eye of blue Weep o'er it tears of joy ; Their traces linger still, And dear they are to me : Sceptic, forego thy will ; Go, let that old Book be ! THE GOSPEL STEAMER. I received a gospel letter, From glory lately come, That my passage over Jordan Was purchased by the Lamb. Chorus.^ — Yes, we'll land on Canaan's shore ; O, he '11 land us on the shore ; Yes, we '11 land on Canaan's shore, And be safe forever more. I step'd on board the steamer - Constructed by the Lord — Prepared to sail that very day He spill'd his precious blood : Her bulwarks are of love divine — My Saviour is the door ; Our garments are of linen fine, Both lovely, white and pure. SPIRITUAL SONGS. 11 Against both wind and weather This glorious steamboat sails — The Holy Spirit driveth her With sweet and pleasant gales. O, we^have a band of music, That charmeth us along — This tune we play along the way, " Come, sinners, join the song." Ttook my gospel telescope To view the promised land — On the other side of Jordan I saw the precious Lamb. When I set out for glory I had Jesus in my view — But now I have him in my heart, And glory I '11 pursue. And when we reach that happy land All heaven will rejoice ; For the lovely name of Jesus Shall sound from every voice. We'll stand upon the sea of glass, All mingled too with fire — And there we'll all shout victory, And join the heavenly choir. CHRIST IN THE GARDEN". Wcen nature was sinking in stillness to rest, And the sun's fading beams shone dim in the west, O'er fields, by the moonlight, to a lonely glade, In deep meditation I wandering stray'd. 12 SPIRITUAL SONGS. While passing a garden a sound struck my ear, ■ A voice faint and falt'ring from one that was near ; The voice of a mourner affected my heart, One pleading in anguish the poor sinner's part. In off 'ring to Heaven his agonized prayer, He spoke of the torments the sinner must bear ; His life, as a ransom, he offer'd to give, That sinners, redeem'd, in glory might live. I listen'd a moment, then turnld to see What Man of Compassion this stranger could be ; When, lo ! I discover'd, knelt on the cold earth, The loveliest being that ever had birth. His mantle was wet with the dews of the night, His locks, by the moonlight, were glist'ning and bright ; His tear-bedimm'd eyes towards heaven were raised, While angels, in wonder, stood round him amazed. So deep was his sorrow, so fervent he pray'd, That blood from each pore with sweat mingled and stray'd : I wept to behold him, and ask'd him his name ; He answer'd, " 'T is Jesus ! — from heaven I came. " I am thy Redeemer — for thee I must die : The cup is most painful, but cannot pass by ; Thy sins like a mountain are laid upon me, And all this deep anguish I suffer for thee !" I heard with attention the tale of his woe, While tears like a fountain of waters did flow ; The cause of his sorrow, to hear him repeat, Affected my heart, and I fell at his feet SPIRITUAL SONGS. 13 I trembled with terror, and loudly did cry, " Lord ! save a poor sinner ? — O save, or I die !" He cast his eyes on me, and whispered, " Live ! Thy sins which are many I freely forgive !" How sweet was that moment he bade me rejoice ! His smiles, O how pleasant ! how cheering his voice ! I fled from the garden to spread it abroad ; I shouted " Salvation ! — O glory to God !" I 'm now on my journey to mansions above, My soul 's full of glory, of peace, light and love ; I think of the garden, the prayer and the tears Of that loving stranger who banish'd my fears. The day of bright glory is rolling around, When Gabriel descending, the trumpet shall sound — ■ My soul then in raptures of glory will rise To gaze on the stranger with unclouded eyes. CHRIST'S CRUCIFIXION. The Son of Man they did betray, He was condemned and led away ! Think, O my* soul, on that dread day — Look on Mount Calvary ! Behold him, lamb-like, led along, Surrounded by a wicked throng, Accused by each lying tongue, As then the Lamb of God they hung Upon the shameful tree ! 'Twas thus the glorious suff'rer stood, With hands and feet nail'd to the wood ; From ev'ry wound a stream of blood Came flowing down amain : 14 SPIRITUAL SONGS. His bitter groans all nature shook, And at his voice the rocks were broke, The sleeping saints their graves forsook, While spiteful Jews around him mock'd And laughed at his pain. Now, hung between the earth and skies, Behold ! in agony he dies ! O, sinners, hear his mournful cries, See his tormenting pains ! The morning sun withdrew his light, Blush'd, and refused to view the sight ; The azure clothed in robes of night, All nature mourn'd, and stood affright, When Christ the Lord was slain. Hark ! men and angels, hear the Son ! He cries for help — but O, there 's none ; He treads the wine-press all alone, His garments stain'd with blood : In lamentation hear him cry " Eloi, lama sabachthani !" Though death may close his languid eyes, He soon will mount up to the skies, The conq'ring Son of God. The Jews and Romans, in a band, With hearts like steel, around him stand, •And mocking, say, fi Come, save the land ; Come, try thyself to free !" A soldier pierced him when he died, Then healing streams came from his side — And thus our Lord was crucified ; Stern justice then was satisfied, Sinner, for you and me ! SPIRITUAL SONGS. 15 Behold, he mounts the throne of state, He fills the mediatorial seat, While millions, bowing at his feet, In loud hosannas tell How he endured exquisite pains, And led the monster death in chains ; While seraphs raise their loudest strains, With music fill bright Eden's plains — Christ conquered death and hell. T is done ! the dreadful debt is paid — The great atonement now is made ! Sinners, on him your guilt was laid, For you he spilt his blood : For you his tender soul did move, For you he left the courts above, That you the length and breadth might prove, The height and depth of perfect love, In Christ, your smiling God. All glory be to God on high, Who reigns enthroned above the sky, Who sent his Son to bleed and die — Glory to him be given ! While heaven above his praise resounds, O Zion, sing, his grace abounds : And there we '11 shout eternal rounds, In glowing love that knows no bounds, When carried up to heaven. THE HEAVENLY PILGRIM. Dark and thorny is the desert Thro T which pilgrims make their way- Yet, beyond this vale of sorrow Lie the fields of endless day ; 16 SPIRITUAL SONGS. Fiends, loud howling through the desert, Make them tremble as they go, And the fiery darts of Satan Often bring their courage low. O, young soldiers, are you weary Of the roughness of the way ? Does your strength begin to fail you, And your vigour to decay ? Jesus, Jesus, will go with you, He will lead you to his throne — He who dyed his garments for you, And the wine-press trod alone ; He, whose thunder shakes creation, He who bicl^ the planets roll ; He who rides upon the tempest, And whose sceptre sways the whole : Round him are ten thousand angels, Ready to obey command ; They are always hov'ring round you, Till you reach the heavenly land. There, on flow'ry hills of pleasure, Lie the fields of endless rest ; Love, and joy, and peace, forever Reign and triumph in the breast ; Who can paint the scenes of glory, Where the ransom'd dwell on high ? There, on golden haups, forever Sound redemption through the sky ! There, a million flaming seraphs Fly across the heavenly plain — As they sing immortal praises, Glory, glory, is their strain : SPIRITUAL SONGS. 17 But, methinks, a sweeter concert Makes the heavenly arches ring, And a song is heard in Zion Which the angels cannot sing. O, their crowns, how bright they sparkle ! Such as monarchs never wore ; They are gone to richer pastures — Jesus is their Shepherd there : Hail, ye happy, happy spirits ! Death no more shall make you fear ; Grief nor sorrow, pain nor anguish, Shall no more distress you there. The weary at rest. Brother, thou art gone before us, and thy saintly soul is flown Where tears are wiped from every eye, and sorrow is unknown ; From the burden of the flesh, and from care and fear released, Where the wicked cease from troubling, and the weary are at rest. . The toilsome way thou'st travell'd o'er, and borne the heavy load, But Christ hath taught thy languid feet to reach his blest abode ; Thou'rt sleeping now, like Lazarus, upon our Fa- ther's breast, Where the wicked cease from troubling, and the weary are at rest. 18 SPIRITUAL SONGS. Sin can never taint thee more, nor doubt thy faith assail, -Nor thy rneek trust in Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit fail ; And there thou 'rt sure to meet the good, whom on earth thou lovedst best, Where the wicked cease from troubling, and the weary are at rest. " Earth to earth," and " dust to dust," the man of God hath said, So we lay the turf above thee now, and seal thy narrow bed ; But thy spirit, brother, soars away among the faith- ful blest, Where the wicked cease from troubling, and the weary are at rest. And when the Lord shall summon us, whom thou hast left behind, May we, untainted by the world, as sure a welcome find! May each, like thee, depart in peace, to be a glorious guest, Where the wicked cease from troubling, and the weary are at rest I HERE IS A BAND OF BRETHREN DEAR. Here is a band of brethren dear — I will be in this band, hallelujah ; Their leader tells them not to fear — I will be in this band, hallelujah ; I will be in this band, hallelujah. As I was walking out one day, And thinking about this good old way, SPIRITUAL SONGS. 19 There was a voice which reached my soul : " Fear not ; I make the wounded whole." My dungeon shook, my chains fell off — My soul, unfettered, went aloft. I little thought he was so nigh — He spoke and made me laugh and cry. Now, bless the Lord ! for I can tell, That Jesus has done all things well. O, shout on, children ! shout, ye 're free 1 For Christ has bought your liberty ! 0, bless the Lord ! we need not fear, Nor o'er our trials shed a tear. MARCH AROUND JERUSALEM. • My brother, will you meet me On that delightful shore ? My brother, will you meet me Where parting is no more ? CnoRUS. — Then we '11 march around Jerusalem, Yfe '11 march around Jerusalem, We '11 march around Jerusalem, When we arrive at home. sister, will you meet me On that delightful shore ? O sister, will you meet me Where parting is no more ? O leader, will you meet me On that delightful shore f 24 20 SPIRITUAL SONGS. O leader, will you meet me Where parting is no more ! O preacher, will you meet mo On that delightful shore ? O preacher, will you meet me % Where parting is no more ? O classmate, will you meet me On that delightful shore ? O classmate, will you meet me Where parting is no more ? Young convert, will you meet me On that delightful shore ? Young convert, will you meet me Where parting is no more ? O mourner, will you meet me On that delightful shore ? O mourner, will you meet me Where parting is no more ? Backslider, will you meet me On that delightful shore ? Backslider, will you meet me Where parting is no more ? O sinner, will you meet me On that delightful shore ? O sinner, will you meet me Where parting is no more ? Yes, bless the Lord ! I '11 meet you On that delightful shore ; Yes, bless the Lord ! 131 meet you Where parting is no more. SPIRITUAL SONGS. 21 DIES IRA. The following is an excellent translation of a Latin poem, which has received the enthusiastic encomiums of Goethe, Dr. Johnson, Sir "Walter Scott, and other distinguished men. It is said that Dr. Johnson always wept in reading the tenth stanza. The Earl of Roscommon expired with the seventeenth verse upon his lips. The original was written by a monk, in the thirteenth century. We find the translation in the Newark Daily Advertiser. I. Day of wrath, that day of burning All shall melt, to ashes turning, As foretold by seers discerning. ii. O what fear shall it engender, When the Judge shall q^me in splendour, Strict to mark, and just to render ! in. Trumpet scattering sounds of wonder, Rending sepulchres asunder, Shall resistless summons thunder. IV. All aghast then Death shall shiver, And great Nature's frame shall quiver, When the graves their dead deliver. v. Book where ev'ry act's recorded, All events all time afforded, Shall be brought, and dooms awarded. VI. When shall sit the Judge unerring, He'll unfold all here occurring, No just vengeance then deferring. 22 SPIRITUAL SONGS. VII. What shall / say that time pending ? Ask what Advocate's befriending, When the just man needs defending ? VIII. King Almighty and All-knowing, Grace to sinners freely showing, Save me, Fount of good o'erflowing. IX. Think, O Jesus, for what reason Thou endur'dst earth's spite and treason, Nor me lose in that dread season. x. Seeking me thy worn feet hasted, On the cros^thy soul death tasted ; Let such labour not be wasted. XI. Righteous Judge of retribution, Grant me perfect absolution, Ere that day of execution. XII. Culprit-like, I — heart all broken, On my cheek shame's crimson token — Plead the pard'ning word be spoken, XIII. Thou who Mary gav'st remission, Heardst the dying thief's petition, Cheer'dst with hope my lost condition. xiv. Though my prayers do nothing merit, What is needful, thou confer it — Lest I endless fire inherit. 8PIRITUAL SONGS. 23 XV. Mid the sheep a place decide me, And from goats on left divide me, Standing on the right beside thee. XVI. When th' accurs'd away are driven, To eternal burnings given, Call me with the bless'd to heaven. XVII. I beseech thee, prostrate lying, Heart as ashes contrite, sighing, Care for me when I am dying. XVIII. On that awful day of wailing, Human destinies unveiling, When man rising, stands before thee, Spare the culprit, God of glory ! we;ve found the rock. We 've found the rock, the travelers cried — O halle, hallelujah ! The stone that all the prophets tried — O halle, hallelujah ! Come, children, drink the balmy dew — O halle, hallelujah ! 'T was Christ that shed his blood for you — O halle, hallelujah!. This costly mixture cures the soul Which sin and guilt hath made so foul ; O that you would believe in God, And wash in Christ's most precious blood 1 24 SPIRITUAL SONGS. hearken, children, Christ is come, The bride is ready, let us run ; 1 'm glad I ever saw the day That we might meet to praise and pray. There 's glory, glory, in my soul — Come, mourner, feel the current roll ; Welcome, dear friends — it's felt to-night, It shines around with dazzling light. And in this light we 'II soar away, Where there 's no night but open day ; children, children, bear the cross, And count the world below as dross. We '11 bear the cross, and wear the crown, And by our Father's side sit down ; His grace will feed our hungry souls, While love divine eternal rolls. His fiery chariots make their way, To welcome us to endless c^ay ; There glitt'ring millions we shall join, To praise the Prince of David's line. THE CHRISTIAN'S FAREWELL. . Adieu ! adieu ! I 'm dying now, A death-like chill is on my brow ; My hands are cold, my heart beats fast, Soon, soon, I '11 reach that heavenly rest. Chorus. — This world is not my home, This world is not my home ; This world is all a wilderness, This world is not my home. SPIRITUAL SONGS. 25 Sisters, why weep ye ? dry your tears ; Death to me now has lost its fears ; •I long to gain th' eternal shore, Where there is joy forever more. Sisters, when spring returns in bloom, place my flowers upon my tomb ; And then, at vesper hours so sweet, Our souls in unison will meet. Brother, I 'm dying: let me go From this vain world of guilt and woe ; Come nearer to my side, loved one — My eyes grow dim, my race is run. Leave thy loud sobs, O dry thy tears, Dispel, dispel, those gloomy fears ; 1 'm going to join the host on high, "Where pleasures never, never die. Mother and father, nearer come, I can but speak in whisper-tone ; O let me kiss your cheeks once more, Then say Farewell forever more. Bright angels now are hov'ring round, They do my humble bed surround : And is this death ? O glorious boon ! Thank Heaven that we may die so soon. Brother and sisters, nearer come, Father and mother, one by one ; O let me gaze on all once more, Then spread my wings for Canaan's shore. SPIRITUAL SONGS. THE CHRISTIAN'S SONG. O, brethren, I have found A land that doth abound In fruits as sweet as honey ; The more I eat, I find, The more I am inclined To sing and shout hosanna ! Chorus. — My soul doth long to go Where I may fully know The glories of my Saviour ; And as I pass along I '11 sing the Christian's song, I hope to live forever. Perhaps you think me wild, Or simple as a child, — I am a child of glory ; I am born from above, My soul is fill'd with love, I love to tell the story. Chorus. — My soul now sits and sings, And practises her wings, And contemplates the hour When the messenger shall say, " Come, quit this house of clay, And with bright angels tower." THE DYING GIRL TO HER SISTER. The dream is past — I 'm dying now, There is a dampness on my brow ; The pang is o'er — without a sigh I '11 pass away, and sweetly die. SPIRITUAL SONGS. 27 But ! that pang cost many a sigh, 'T was hard to part with friends so dear ; But that is past, I '11 weep no more, With me the dream of life is o'er. And now, sweet sister, nearer come, And tell me of that happy home : Shall I its pearly gates behold, Its streets all paved with burnish'd gold ? And in that clime so strangely fair, Say, shall I feel a stranger there ? Or, will their harp-strings sweetly blend ? To welcome me, a child and friend ? But softly, sister, softly speak, And stay those tears upon thy cheek ; Weep not for me, O do not pain, I would not wake to earth again. Thy hand, so often clasp'd of old, Thy soft warm hand for mine grows cold ; And now, dear sister, let me rest My wearied head upon thy breast ; And fold thy arms about my form, It shivers 'neath Death's dark cold storm ; But sing me, sister, ere I go, Our song, our childhood song you know ; And let its gentle numbers flow, As last you sung, soft, sweet, and low ; And when its last faint echoes die, And the bright tears steal from thine eye, I shall not heed them as they stray, I si; all be gone, far, far away. Then, dearest sister, rare-you-well, I 'm going to heaven, with Christ to dwell. 28 SPIRITUAL SONGS. THE OLD OAK-TREE. Woodman, spare that tree ! Touch not a single bough ; In youth it shelter'd rue, And I '11 protect it now. 'T was my forefather's hand That placed it near his cot ; While I 've a hand to save, Thine axe shall harm it not. That old familiar tree, Whose glory and renown Has spread o'er land and sea, And wouldst thou hack it down ? Woodman, thy stroke forbear, Cut not its earth-bound tie ; O spare the aged oak, Now towering to the sky. When but an idle boy, I sought its grateful shade ; In all their gushing joy, Here, too, my sisters play'd ; My mother kiss'd me here, My father press'd my hand : Forgive this foolish tear, But let the^old oak stand. My heart-strings round thee cling, Close as thy bark, old friend — Here shall the wild birds sing, And still thy branches bend ; Old oak, the storm still brave ; Then, woodman, leave the sj)ot — While I 've an arm to save, Thy axe shall harm it not SPIRITUAL SONGS. 29 THE SLAVE'S APPEAL. Air — From Greenland's Icy Mountains. O God, thou great Creator, Whose love all hearts shall own, • Be thou my Mediator, I '11 bow before thy throne-; My master's heart, how icy, O warm it with thy love ! Tell him thy power is mighty, And point to life above. He smiles when I am writhing With agony and pain, And, though I cry for mercy, He smiles and strikes again ; O tell him, in thy kindness, That the All-seeing Eye Perceives him, in his blindness, The lash of torture ply. Show him, God, how dreary The " spirit-land" will be To him, where all the weary At last again are free ; And " slave," that word heart-rending, Is blotted from that sphere, . W T here, during time ne'er ending, No groans can please his ear. Show him the long dark ages He must remain behind, Nor haste through blissful stages That yet await mankind.* ° The author is a believer in A. J. Davis's theory of successive (Stages of happiness hereafter. 30 SPIRITUAL SONGS. But, plodding lonely onward, Remorse his only friend, Look sadly to the future, . To where his miseries end. Ask him if e'er a blessing Came from his mother's tongue, When words — O how distressing-^ Her heart with anguish wrung ;• Her son — was he to leave her, And toil on burning sands ? Torn from his home and kindred, To die in distant lands. And ! had he a father, Or yet a sister's love ? O sure his heart will soften, And tears .of pity move ; He '11 feel that I 'm a brother, And cast the chains from me — With mind and voice forever Will shout for Liberty. Rochester. Fred. Douglass's Paper THE MOTE AND BEAM. Since meridian light commences, Pure light 's reveal'd to some ; If there still should be offences, * Woe to him by whom they come. "Judge not that ye be not judged," Was the counsel Christ did give ; And the measure that is given, Just the same you will receive. SPIRITUAL SONGS. 81 Jesus says, Be meek and lowly, For 't is high to be a judge ; If I would be pure and holy, I must live without a grudge. It requires a constant labour All his precepts to obey ; But if I truly love my neighbour, " Then I 'm in the holy way. But if I say unto my neighbour, In thine eye there is a mote ; If thou wert a friend and brother, Hold and I will pull it out. But I could not get it fairly, For my sight was very dim ; When I came to see more clearly, In mine eye there was a beam. If I love my brother dearly, And his T mote I wish to erase, Then my light must shine more clearly, For the eye's a tender place. Others I have oft reproved For a little single mote ; Now I wish the beam removed — O that tears could wash it out ! But charity and love are healing, They afford a pure light — When I saw my brother failing I; was not exactly right ; Now I '11 take no further trouble, Since Christ's love is all my th/sme— Little motes are but a bubble When I think upon a beam'. 32 SPIRITUAL SONGS. HE DOETH ALL THINGS WELL. ■ I remember liow I loved her, when a little guiltless child I saw her in the cradle, as she look'd on me and smiled ; My cup of happiness was full, my joy words cannot tell, And I bless'd the glorious Giver, who doeth all things well. Months pass'd — that bud of promise was unfolding every hour, I thought earth had never smiled upon a fairer flower ; So beautiful, it well might grace the bower where angels dwell, And waft its fragrance to His throne who doeth all things well. Years fled — that little sister then was dear as life to me ; She awoke in my unconscious heart a wild idolatry ; I worshipp'd at an earthly shrine, lured by some magic spell, Forgetful of the praise of Ilim who doeth all things well. She was the lovely star whose light around my pathway shone Amid this darksome vale of tears, through which I journey on ; Its radiance had obscured the light which round His throne doth dwell, And I wander'd far away from Him who doeth all things well. SPIRITUAL SONGS. 33 That star went down in beauty, yet it shineth sweetly now In the bright and dazzling coronet that decks the Saviour's brow ; She bow'd to the Destroyer, whose shafts none may repel ; But we know, for God hath told us, he doeth all things well. I remember well my sorrow, as I stood beside her bed, And my deep and heartfelt anguish, when they told me she was dead ; But O that cup of bitterness, let not my heart rebel, God gave, he took, he will restore — he doeth all things well. THE SCATTERED HOUSEHOLD. O, where is my father — my guardian, my guide, The friend and support of my youth, Whose tongue in the accents of kindness had taught Such lessons of wisdom and truth ? 'Neath the bending old elm in the churchyard he lies, With the cold granite stone at his head, And there he shall gather his household again, To sleep with the rest of the dead. My mother ! O never again shall I hear The sweet mellow tones of thy voice, As you welcomed us back to the homestead of yore, And made the poor wanderer rejoice ! O no ! for the old elm has lengthen'd his boughs. To shelter your long narrow bed ; For beside our dear father we laid you to sleep In peace, with the rest of his dead I 3 34 SPIRITUAL SONGS. O, where is my brother ? far, far from his home, The stranger has hewn out his tomb ; But I trust the bright angel of mercy was near To lighten its terrible gloom, — To illume the dark passage that leads to the grave, Which truth from her torchlight can shed, — And watches e'en now, in that clime of the South, O'er the slumbering dust of the dead ! And where the dear sister, the pure and the good, The light of our fireside band ? We miss thee, thy smile and thy gentle caress, And the soft gentle press of thy hand : Thou art sleeping in state, where, elaborately wrought, A railing encircles thy bed — But I wish thou wert here, 'neath our father's old elm, To sleep with the rest of the dead. But few of our dear little circle are left, And scattered exiles are they, The dark line of man hath wither'd their smile, And mingled their auburn with grey. I would that we all might be gather'd again, Where the elm-tree its branches hath spread, That when the last peal of the trumpet hath cail'cL, Our father might rise with his dead. THE TEMPEST. We were crowded in the cabin- Not a soul would dare to sleep ; It was midnight on the waters, And a storm was on the deep. SPIRITUAL SONGS. 35 T is a fearful thing in winter To be shatter'd in the blast, And to hear the rattling trumpet Thunder, " Cut away the mast !" Bo we shuddered there in silence — For the stoutest held his breath, While the hungry sea was roaring, And the breakers talk'd with Death. And thus we sat in darkness, Each one busy in his prayers ; " We are lost !" the captain shouted, As he stagger'd down the stairs. But his little daughter whisper'd, As she took his icy hand, " Is n't God upon the ocean Just the same as on the land V Then we kiss'd the little maiden, And we spoke in better cheer, And we anchor'd safe in harbour, When the morn was shining clear. * THEY KKOW NOT WHAT THEY DO." Mother, what makes my father gone So very long to-night ? You know he always used to come, Before 't was candle-light. Then he spoke so pleasantly When I met him at the gate ; Very sorry seein'd to be ■ If he made the supper wait. 25 36 SPIRITUAL SONGS. How sweet the baby always smiled, And gave her tiny hands to go, When pa call'd her his pretty child, His little pet you know. And when he took me on his knee To see the pictures I had made, And hear me say my ABC, I never thought to be afraid. And, best of all, when Sunday come How glad was I to hear him say, "Rim, get your hat, my little son, For we must go to church to-day." But, mother, now he speaks so sharp, And gives you such an ugly shake, When he comes home, though sound asleep It quickly gets me wide awake. Then it seems so very long, And lonely too, to hear you sigh ; I always think my pa is wrong, When you're so good, to make' you cry. Then I cry myself, and wish I knew what makes him treat you so ; Mother, I want to kiss you now, Then pray do tell me if you know. My precious child ! O must you know The cause of all my boundless grief, Making my bitter tears to flow So freely now for my relief ? For myself I would not care So much if this poor heart should break ; But, my sweet children ! must they share In misery that their parents make \ SPIRITUAL SONGS. 37 And must they, in their tender youth, Hear what they cannot help but feel ? The .wretched mortifying truth, ■ The purest love cannot conceal ? My God ! O can I freely give A healthy tone to vital powers ? Or ask for strength, or wish to live Under affliction such as ours ? Yes, I will live and suffer on, My son, for God is good to me ; Although your father treats me wrong, Yet God will my kind father be ! I would not say one word, I 'm sure, To make you prize your father less ; 'T is love that only can endure Such burning words of wretchedness ! Know then he drinks the poison'd bowl — This is the cause of all our tears'! A drunkard's curse is on his soul — This is the worst of all my fears ! 'Tis scarcely two years now since he Promised before his God and men, With bitter tears of agony, He ne'er would drink a drop again. O, how I wept for joy to see Him look so smiling when he came From work at night, so constantly, And all the evening stay at home. All me ! those hours of bliss are gone, And I am doom'd to know he stays Where vice in every wretched form Only resounds the drunkard's praise. 88 SPIRITUAL SONGS. Tis all in vain — no hope I see, As long as avaricious man Takes from a starving family All means of sustenance he can ; Among a fuming, filthy throng, , Will stand, and press the cursed cup To their lips the whole night long, For them to drink the contents up. Poor murderous wretches ! can they be Upheld so loug — my God ! my God ! — Steeping fond hearts in misery, And not feel thy avenging rod ? O spare them yet a little space, And let thy power their hearts renew ; Teach them true love to all our race — " Father, they know not what they do !" PRAYER. There is an eye that never sleeps Beneath the wing of night ; There is an ear that never shuts When sink the beams of light. There is an arm that never tires When human strength gives way ; There is a love that never fails, When earthly loves decay. That eye is fix'd on seraph throngs ; That ear is fill'd with angels' songs ! That arm upholds the world on high ; That love is throned beyond the sky. SPIRITUAL SONGS. 39 But there 's a power that man can wield When mortal aid is vain — That eye, that arm, that love to reach — That listening ear to gain : That power is prayer, which soars on high, And feeds on bliss beyond the sky. THE MAGNETIC TELEGRAPH. Along the smooth and slender wires, The sleepless heralds run, Fast as the clear and living rays Go streaming from the sun ; No peals or flashes, heard or seen, Their wond'ious flight betray, And yet their words are quickly felt In cities far away. Nor summers heat, nor winter's hail. Can check their rapid course — They meet unmoved the fierce wind's rage, The rough wave's sweeping force ; In the long night of rain and wrath, As in the blaze of day, They rush with news of weal or woe To thousands far away. But faster still than tidings borne On that electric cord, Rise the pure thoughts of him who loves The Christian's life and Lord — Of him who, taught in smiles and tears With fervent lips to pray, Maintains high converse here on earth With bright worlds far away. 40 SPIRITUAL SONGS. Ay, though nor outward wish is breathed, Nor outward answer given, The sighing of that humble heart Is known and felt in heaven ; Those long frail wires may bend and break, Those viewless heralds stray, But faith's least word shall reach the throne Of God, though far away. THE VAUDOIS TEACHER. M The manner in which the Waldenses and heretics disseminated their principles among the Catholic. gentry was by carrying with them a box of trinkets, or articles of dress. Having entered the house of the gentry, and disposed of some of their goods, they cau- tiously intimated that they had commodities far more valuable than these — inestimable jewels— which they would show if they could be protected from the clergy. They would then give their purchaser's a Bible or Testament ; and thereby many were deluded into heresy." — Beinerous Saccho's Boole, A. D. 125& The following exquisite lines, suggested by the above extract, appeared originally in the New-England Review. "O, lady fair! these silks of mine Are beautiful and rare — The richest web of the Indian loom Which beauty's self might wear ; And those pearls are pure as thy own fair neck, With whose radiant light they vie ; I have brought them, many a weary way — Will my gentle lady buy j" And the lady smiled on the worn old man, Through the dark and clust'ring curls Which veil'd her brow, as she bent to view Her silks and ghtt'ring pearls ; SPIRITUAL SONGS. 41 And she placed their price in the old man's hand, And lightly turn'd away — But she paused at the wanderer's earnest call, " My gentle lady, stay !" " O, lady fair, I have yet a gem Which a purer lustre flings Than the diamond flash of the jewell'd crown On the lofty brow of kings — A wonderful pearl, of exceeding price, Whose virtue shall not decay, Whose light shall be as a spell to thee, And a blessing on thy way !" The lady glanced at the mirroring steel, Where her form of grace was seen, Where her eyes shone clear, and her dark locks waved Their clasping pearls between : — " Bring forth thy pearl of exceeding worth, Thou traveller grey and old — And name the price of thy precious gem, And my pages shall count thy gold." The cloud went off from the pilgrim's brow As a small and meagre book, Unchased with gold or diamond gem, From his folding robe he took : " Here, lady fair, is the pearl of price ; May it prove. as such to thee ! Nay — keep thy gold — I ask it not, For the Word of God is free!" The hoary traveller wont his way ; But the gift he left behind Hath had its pure and perfect work On that high-born maiden's mind ; 42 SPIRITUAL SOXGS. And she hath turn'd from the pride of sin To the lowliness of truth, And given her human heart to God In its beautiful hour of youth ! And she hath left the grey old halls, Where an evil faith had power, The courtly knights of her father's train, And the maidens- of her bower ; And she hath gone to the Vaudois vales, By lordly feet untrod, Where the poor and needy of earth are rich In the perfect love of God ! THE BIBLE. This little book I'd rather own Than all the gold and gems That e'er in monarch's coffers shone — Than all their diadems. Nay, were the seas one chrysolite, The earth a golden ball, And diamonds all the stars of night, This book were worth them all. How baleful to ambition's eye His blood- wrung spoils must gleam, When Death's uplifted hand is nigh, His life a varnish 'd dream ! Then hear him, with his gasping breath, For one poor moment crave ! Fool ! wouldst thou stay the arm of death ? Ask of thy gold to save ! No, no ! the soul ne'er found relief In glittering hoards of wealth ; SPIRITUAL SONGS. 43 Gems dazzle not the eye of grie£ Gold cannot purchase health ; But here a blessed balm appears, To heal the deepest woe ; And he that seeks this book in tears, His tears shall cease to flow. Here he who died on Calvary's tree Hath made that promise blest ; " Ye heavy laden, come to me, And I will give you rest. A bruised reed I will not break, A contrite heart despise ; My burden's light, and all who take My yoke shall win the skies !" Yes, yes ! this little book is worth All else to mortals given — For what are all the joys of earth Compared to joys of heaven ? This is the guide our Father gave To lead to realms of day — A star, whose lustre gilds the grave — " The Light— the Life— the Way." THE MINISTRY OF ANGELS. Which of the petty kings of earth Can boast a guard like ours, Encircled from our second birth With all the heavenly powers ? Myriads of bright cherubic bands, Sent by the King of kings, Rejoice to bear us in their hands, And shade us with their wings. 44 SPIRITUAL SONGS. With them we march securely on Throughout ImmanuePs ground, And not an uneommission'd stone Our guarded feet shall wound. No enemy our souls ensnare ; No casual evil grieve ; Nor can we lose a single hair "Without our Father's leave. Angels, where'er we go, attend Our steps, whate'er betide — With watchful care their charge defend, And evil turn aside. A sudden thought t' escape the blow, A ready help we find — And to their secret presence owe The presence of our mind. Their instrumental aid unknown, They day and night supply ; And free from fear we lay us down, Though Satan's host be nigh. Our lives the holy angels keep From every hostile power; And unconcern'd we sweetly sleep, As Adam in his bower. . Jehovah's charioteers around ; The ministerial choir Encamp where'er his heirs are found, And form our wall of fire. Ten thousand offices unseen For us they gladly do ; Deliver in the furnace keen, And safe escort us through. SPIRITUAL SONGS. 45 But thronging round, with busiest love, They guard the dying breast ; The lurking fiend far off remove, And sing our souls to rest. And when our spirits we resign, On outstretch' d wings they bear, And lodge us in the arms divine, And leave us ever there. THE BACKSLIDER'S RETURN". Once I loved my Redeemer, his flock and his fold, Long, long ago — long, long ago ; But alas for my love, it grew languid and cold, Long, long ago — long ago ; I wander'd afar, o'er the world and its wilds — I sought for its pleasures, I fed on its smiles, 'Till stung by the adder that coils on its wiles, Long, long ago — long ago. An exile I roam'd, far away from my God, Long, long ago — long, long ago ; His eye beam'd rebuke, and his hand held the rod, Long, long ago — long ago ; I felt sad despondency's venomous dart — It drank up my spirits, and poison'd my heart ; I strove to forget it, though keen was the smart, Long, long ago — long ago. But Jesus, to save me, (he pitied my falls, Long, long ago — long, long ago, — ) Swift as thought, to the watchman that stands on our, walls, (0 't was not long — long ago,) 46 SPIRITUAL SONGS. Thi9 message was sped by an angel of light, " Go, picture the practical infidel's plight, 'T will save that apostate from hell's deepest night : Go, preach the cross — watchman, go !" I heard — fled to Christ — soft as dew from above, Not long ago — not long ago — Descended the stream of his heavenly love — Sweet was its flow — was its flow. "With the heart how I praise him — his mercy adore, My exile is ended — my wanderings are o'er ; I stand on the mount now, to go down no more, No, never more — never more. THE YOUNG LADY'S EXPERIENCE. Ye people, that wonder at me and my ways, And with much astonishment on me dp gaze — Come, lend your attention, and I will relate My past exercises, and my present state. The people I follow I once did despise, And ofttimes, like you, gazed on them with surprise ; I gazed with a mixture of pride and disdain, But still from their meetings I could not refrain. I ofttimes did j est at their sighs and their groans, And sometimes in secret was made for to mourn ; Though weeping and shouting gave me such offence, I thought it delusion, and all a pretence. I ofttimes resolved to hear them no more, But still, on occasions, would go as before ; Although persecution I still would return, But the spark of conviction began for to burn. SPIRITUAL SONGS. 47 The word, clothed with power, at last reach'd my heart — I sat under preaching, and there felt the dart ; I strove to conceal it, but all was in vain— To pray, weep, and tremble, it did me constrain. I sank down in sorrow ; so great my distress, I lay for some hours almost motionless ; Till Jesus in mercy his love did reveal : A wonder, a wonder — how did I feel ! My burden of guilt was removed and gone, My spirit was joyful, my soul was serene ; I stood up and praised him, without dread or fear, Nor would I regard it, though the world had been there. My friends may despise me, my folks ridicule, The wise of this world may esteem me a fool ; But all their endeavours will be fruitless and vain, For Jesus has bless' d me, and I'll praise his name. HOME IX HEAVEN.. The Christian pilgrim sings, Heaven's my home, heaven's my home ; The Christian pilgrim sings, Heaven's my home. Through the telescope of faith He looks o'er the river death, And exultino-ly exclaims, Heaven's my home, heaven's my home. Though poverty's my lot, Heaven's my home, heaven's my home ; Though poverty's my lot, Heaven's my home. 48 SPIRITUAL SONGS. Though poverty's my lot, Though the fig-tree blossoms not, I can sing the song of hope — : Heaven's my home, heaven's my home. Though the world may me disown, Heaven's my home, heaven's my home ; Though the world may me disown, Heaven's my home. Though the world may me disown, I am little and unknown, I 'm an heir to yonder throne — Heaven's my home, heaven's my home. Through the dark and cloudy day Heaven's my home, heaven's my home : Through the dark and cloudy day Heaven's my home. Through the dark and cloudy day On Jehovah's arm I '11 stay, And pursue my happy way ; Heaven's my home, heaven's my home. O that every soul could say, Heaven's my home, heaven's my home ; O that every soul could say, Heaven's my home. that every soul could say, If I die this blessed day, 1 should rise and soar away ; Heaven's my home, heaven's my home. THE CROSS. I 'm tired of visits, modes, and forms, And flatteries made by human worms, Their conversation flows. SPIRITUAL SONGS: 49 The theme of Jesus" dying lo 'e Transports my soul to things above ; The hallow'd flame of Jesus' love, It sets my soul on fire. When Jesus tells his dying love, Through every vein my passions move, The captives of his love. In midnight shades, on frosty ground, I could attend the pleasing sound ; Nor would I feel December cold, Nor think the reason long. When he describes the thorns he wore, And tells his bloody passion o'er, Till I am drown'd in tears ; Then, with a sympathetic smart, There's a strange joy beats round my heart; The accursed tree, loaded with bliss, My sweetest balm it bears. Thus while I hear my Saviour God Count o'er my sins, a heavy load, He bore upon the tree ; Inward I blush, with sacred shame, And weep, and own, and love the name Who knew no guilt, nor grief his own, But bore it all for me. Kinerly he opens to me his ear, And bids me pour my sorrows there, And tell him all my pain ; Thus while I ease my burden'd heart, In every wound he heals a part ; His arm embraces, and his hands My drooping head sustains. 4 60 SPIRITUAL SONGS. KNIGHTS OF MALTA. Come, all you knights, you knights of Malta, Come, say and do as I have done ; You might have been in armour brighter, Within the New Jerusalem. Chorus. — We are the true-born sons of Eden, We are the true-born sons of God, We wear the badge and scarlet garter, The robe that ancient monarchs wore. When Moses planted Aaron's rod All in one night that rod did bud ; When Moses smote the Egyptian water That very moment it turn'd to blood. Chorum — We are the true-born sons of Levi, We are the true-born sons of God, We are the root and branch of David, The bright and glorious morning star. When Aaron ^ind I crossed over Jordan, When the fifth stone was lifted up, With the high-priest and our grand master, We carried the ark of God along. Chorus. It was in Gilgal our ark we rested, And there we did receive the mark ; The seven trumpets of rams' horns sounded, Sounded there before the ark. Chorus. Broad is the road that leads to ruin, Many there be who travel in ; Come, go with me to the New Jerusalem, That is the place that's free from sin. Chorus. SPIRITUAL SONGS. 51 THE NARROW WAY. Come, ye that love the Lord, Unto me, unto me ; Come, ye that love the Lord, Unto me ; I 've something good to say About the narrow way, For Christ the other day Saved my soul, saved my soul — For Christ the other day saved my soul. He gave me first to see , What I was, what I was — He gave me first to see What I was ; He gave me first to see My guilt and misery, And then he set me free — • Bless his name ! bless his name ! — And then he set me free, bless his name ! Some said I 'd soon give o'er — You will see, you will see ; Some said I 'd soon give o'er — You will see. Some time is past and gone Since I began to pray ; I love the Lord to-day, Bless his name ! bless his name ! — I love the Lord to-day, bless his name 1 My old companions said, He's undone, he's undone; My old companions said, old companions said, He 's undone ; 26 62 SPIRITUAL SONGS. My old companions said, He is surely going mad ; But Jesus makes me glad, Bless his name ! bless his name ! — But Jesus makes me glad, bless his name ! Had they but eyes to see, Eyes to see, eyes to see — Had they but eyes to see, Eyes to see ; Had they but eyes to see Their guilt and misery, They 'd be as mad as me, I believe, I believe, — They 'd be as mad as me, I believe. 0, had I angel's wings, *I would fly, I would fly ; O, had I angel's wings, I would fly. Had I the wings of Noah's dove I 'd soon fly home above, To greet the God of love — Bless his name ! bless his name ! To greet the God of love, bless his name ! O, could I hear it said From the Lord, from the Lord- O, could I hear it said From the Lord — O, could I hear it said, My warfare's aj^an end, My soul would shout and sing : O, farewell ; O, farewell, — ■ My soul would shout and sing, O, farewell. SPIRITUAL SONGS. 53 THE HERMIT. Thou art gone to the grave — but we will not deplore thee, Though sorrows and darkness encompass the tomb ; The Saviour hath pass'd through its portals before thee, And the lamp of his love is thy guide through the gloom — And the lamp of his love is thy guide through the gloom. Thou art gone to the grave — we no longer behold thee, Nor tread the rough path of the world by thy side ; But the wide arms of mercy are spread to enfold thee, And sinners may hope, since the Saviour hath died — And sinners may hope, since the Saviour hath died. Thou art gone to the grave — and its mansions for- saking, Perhaps thy tried spirit in doubt lingered long ; But the sunshine of heaven beam'd bright on thy waking, And the song that thou heardst was the sera- phim's song — And the song that thou heardst was the sera- phim's song. Thou art gone to the grave — but 't were wrong to deplore thee, When God was thy ransom, thy guardian, and guide ; 54 SPIRITUAL SONGS. He gave thee, and took thee, and soon will restore thee, Where death hath no sting, since the Saviour hath died — Where death hath no sting, since the Saviour hath died. THE INDIAN'S EXPERIENCE. In de dark wood, no Indian nigh, Den me look heaben, and send up cry, Upon my knees so low ; Dat God on high in shining place, See me in night wid teary face — De preacher tell me so. God send his angel take* me care, He come himself, he hear my prayer, If inside heart do pray ; He see me now, he know me here, He say, Poor Indian, neber fear, Me wid you night and day. Now me lobe God wid Indian heart, He fight for me, he take my part, He save um life before ; God lobe poor Indian in de wood, So me lobe God, and dat be good, Me pray him two times more. So when time come, poor Indian die, Me go great Spirit above de sky, And blanket leave behind ; Me have no need of wigwam dere, Me better habitation share, Wid Jesus good and kind. SPIRITUAL SONGS. 55 CHRISTIAN'S FAREWELL. A few more days on earth to spend, And all my cares and toils will end, And I shall see my God and friend, And praise his name on high. There 's no more sighs, there 's no more tears, There 's no more pain, and no more fears, But God, and Christ, and heaven appears Unto my ravish'd eye. Then, O my soul, despond no more — The storms of life will soon be o'er, And I shall reach that blissful shore Of everlasting rest ; There I shall see my Saviour's face, And dwell in his beloved embrace, And taste the .fulness of his grace, And be forever blest. My soul anticipates the day, I joyfully the call obey, Which summons my soul away To seats prepared above. The heavenly Canaan, sweet and fair, Before my naked eyes appear, Which makes me think I 'm almost there, In yonder bright abode. To earthly cares I say farewell, And triumph over death and hell ; I '11 go where saints and angels dwell, To praise the Eternal Three. I '11 join with those who have gone before, Who sing and shout their sufferings o'^r, Where pain and parting are no more To all eternity. 56 SPIRITUAL SONGS. Adieu, ye scenes of noise and show, And all this region here below, Where naught but disappointments grow — A better world in view.* My Saviour calls, I '11 haste away, I would not here forever stay, Hail, ye bright realms of endless day ; Vain world, once more, adieu. THE MOUNTAINEER'S FAREWELL. We have come from the mountains of tht old Granite State, Where the hills are so lofty, magnificent, and great ; Where I Ve left kindred spirits, in the land *f the blest, When I bade them adieu, for the far distant west. O, thy mountains, O, thy valleys, In my own native State. thy hills and thy valleys are sacred all to me, No matter what in lands of others I may see ; 1 may view scenes so sunny, so fair, and so smooth, Then I'll think of my cottage, that stands in the grove. O my childhood, O that homestead, In my own native State. I will oft think of her who once was my pride, As she rode upon the mountains, so closely by my side ; O I sigh for the days that never will come back, For she sleeps upon the shores of the bold Merrimac O that loved one, O that graveyard, In my own native State. SPIRITUAL SONGS. 57 O, a mother dear I 've lost, she has gone to the grave; She was the greatest blessing that God ever gave ; Now I '11 go to the spot where buried is the loved, And I seem to hear her singing with angels above. O, my mother, I '11 bless her ashes In my own native State. O, a mother dear I've lost, she has gone to the grave — She has left her orphan weeping, to go to God who gave. "GOOD MORNING, BROTHER PILGRIM!" The following is the substance of a conversation between two pro- fessors as they met ; one going to, the other returning from, camp-meeting, early in the morning. " Good morning, brother pilgrim ! What, marching to Zion ? What doubts and what dangers have you met to- day ? Have you found a blessing ? Are your joys increasing ? Press forward, my brother, and make no delay. Is your heart a glowing? Are your comforts flowing ? And have you an evidence now bright and clear ? Have you a desire That burns like a fire ? And have hope in the hour when Christ shall appear V 9 " I came out this morning, And now am returning, Perhaps little better than when I firat came ; 38 SPIRITUAL SONGS. Such groaning and shouting, It sets me to doubting, I fear such religion is all like a dream. The preachers were stamping, The people were jumping, And screaming so loud that I neither could hear Either praying or preaching ; Such horrible screeching, 'T was truly offensive to all that were there." " Perhaps, my dear brother, While they pray'd together, You sat and consider'd, and pray'd not at all ; Would you find a blessing ? Then pray without ceasing, Obey the advice which was given by Paul. For if you should reason At any such season, No wonder if Satan should tell in your ear : ' The preachers and people Are all but a rabble, And this is no place for reflection and prayer/ * " ' No place for reflection P I 'm fill'd with distraction, I wonder the people could bear for to stay ; The men they were bawling, The women were squalling, I wonder, for my part, how any could pray. Such horrid confusion ! If this be religion, Sure it is something new that has never been seen : For the sacred pages Which speak of all ages, Do nowhere declare that such ever has been." SPIRITUAL SONGS. 59 " Don't be so soon shaken ; If I 'm not mistaken, Such things have been acted by Christians of old : When the ark it was coming, King David came running, And danced before it, in Scripture we 're told. When the Jewish nation Had laid the foundation, And rebuilt the temple, by Ezra's command, Some wept and some praised, Such a noise there was raised, 'T was heard afar off, perhaps all through the land. " And as for the preacher, Ezekiel the teacher Was taught for to stamp, and smite with his hand ; To show the transgression Of that wicked nation, And bid them repent and obey the command. For Scripture quotation In this dispensation, Our gracious Redeemer has handed them down ; If some ceased from praising, We hear him proclaiming, The stones to reprove them would quickly cry out. ' " Then Scripture is wrested ; For Paul has protested That order should be kept in the house of the Lord ; Amidst such a clatter Who knows what 's the matter ? Or who can attend unto what is declared ? To see them behaving Like drunkards or raving, % And lying and rolling prostrate on the ground ; OU SPIRITUAL SONG 3. I really felt awful, And sometimes was fearful That I 'd be the next to come tumbling down." " You fear persecution, And there 's the delusion, Brought in by the devil to draw you away ; Be careful, my brother, For blest are none other But such as are never offended in me." THE CHRISTIAN SOLDIER. Enlisted with Jesus to fight against sin, O may I be valiant the battle to win! For when I was willing with all things to part, He gave me my bounty, his love in my heart. Chorus. — And now I have joined the conquering band, We 're marching to glory, at Jesus' com- mand. He stripp'd off the garment of sin I had wore, And gave me a new one he had in his store ; Uniform in appearance, my garment was grace, No doubting, no fearing, but bold in his ways. The shoes of the gospel he put on my feet, The whole Christian armour, to make me complete Salvation my helmet, my girdle w r as grace, The sword of the Spirit, the breastplate of faith. And now I 'm equipp'd and prepared for the fight, may I be careful my arms to keep bright — That when Israel's trumpet shall sound from afar, 1 may march up with boldness to Zion's great war. SPIRITUAL SONGS. 61 The word it is given ; our Captain doth cry, The foes they are coming, to arras you must fly ; The banner 's unfurled, the standard I see, The colours all stain'd with blood on the tree. How grand are the armies — how noble they sta^d — Their Captain is Jesus, he bears the command ; Press forward, brave soldiers, you 've nothing to fear, Only be valiant, the victory is near. THE MISSIONARY'S GRAVE. Am — Grave of Bonaparte. In a lone, silent spot, 'neath the sad drooping willow, Where the grass and the vine matted over his grave, A soldier of Jesus lay pressing death's pillow, Whose watchword was love, and whose aim was to save. He sleeps there in peace, no dangers can harm him, Though battles may rage, and the wild tempest roar ; His rest is unbroken, no sound can alarm him, In quiet he slumbers — his conflicts are o'er. The cross was his standard, its beauties he blended, He ofler'd salvation, and bade all rejoice ; But his work is now finish'd, his battles are ended, His labours are over, and hush'd is his voice. His form, cold and still, in its damp bed is sleeping, The eye is grown dim that with lustre once shone ; No friends mourning o'er him in sadness are weep- ing, And the tear-drop of sorrow falls not on his tomb. 62 SPIRITUAL SONGS. But soon to the slumberer command will be given, To cast off the fetters that cling to him now ; An army of angels shall bear him to heaven, And garlands of glory be 'twined round his brow. While anthems of praises around him are ringing, His body, immortal, in brightness shall rise ; While millions of ransom'd hosannas are singing, In triumph he '11 enter his home in the skies. THE GOSPEL SHIP. The Gospel Ship has long been sailing Bound for Canaan's peaceful shore, All who wish to sail for glory, Come and welcome, rich and poor. Chorus. — Glory, glory, hallelujah ! All the sailors loudly cry ; See the blissful points of glory, Open to each faithful eye. Thousands she has safely landed Far beyond these mortal shores ; Thousands still are sailing in her, And yet there 's room for thousands more. Waft along this noble vessel, All ye gales of gospel grace, Carrying every faithful sailor To this heavenly landing-place. Her sails are fill'd, and heavenly breezes Gently waft the ship along ; All the sailors are rejoicing, Glory bursts from every tongue. SPIRITUAL SONGS. 63 Come, poor sinners, get converted, Sail with us o'er life's rough sea ; Then with us you will be happy, Happy through eternity. I love Jesus, hallelujah ! I love Jesus — yes I do ! I love Jesus — he 's my Saviour ; Jesus smiles, and loves me too. HEAVENLY RAILROAD. The line to heaven by Christ was made, With heavenly truth the rails are laid ; From earth to heaven the line extends, To life eternal, where it ends. Chorus. — We're going home, we're going home, we're going home, To die no more, to die no more, to die no more ; We 're going home, to die no more. Repentance is the station then Where passengers are taken in ; No fee for them is there to pay, For Jesus is himself the way. The Bible then is engineer, It points the way to heaven so clear ; Through tunnels dark, and dreary here, It does the way to glory steer. God's love the fire, his truth the steam, Which drives the engine and the train ; All you who would to glory ride, Must come to Christ, in him abide. 64 SPIRITUAL SONGS. In first, and second, and third class, Repentance, faith, and holiness, You must the way to glory gain, Or you with Christ can never reign. Come then, poor sinners, now 's the time ; At any place upon the line, If you repent and turn from sin, The train will stop, and take you in. SELLING HEAVEK " Go, bring me," said the dying fair, With anguish in her tone, " Those costly robes and jewels rare — Go, bring them every one." They strew'd them on her dying bed, Those robes of princely cost ; " Father," with bitterness she said, " For these my soul is lost ! "With glorious hopes I. once was blest, Nor fear'd the gaping tomb ; With heaven already in my heart I look'd for heaven to come. I heard a Saviour's pard'ning voice, My soul was fill'd with peace ; Father, you bought me with these toys, I barter'd heaven for these. "Take them, they are the price of blood ; For them I lost my soul ; For them must bear the wrath of God While ceaseless ages roll. Remember, when you look on these, Your daughter's fearful doom ; SPIRITUAL SONGS. 85 That she, her pride and thine to please, Went quaking to the tomb. " Go, bear them from my sight and touch ; Your gifts I here restore ; Keep them with care — they cost you much, They cost your daughter more. Look at them every rolling year Upon my dying day, And drop for me the burning tear," She said, and sunk away. THE LAST TRUMPET'S SOUND. When the last trumpet's sound shakes the earth all around, And the dead shall arise, and ascend to the skies, There to meet Him who died, with his glorious bride, And to praise him forever by Immanuel's side. Chorus. — Hallelujah to Jesus, Amen and Amen, We will praise him forever, again and again ; To the Lamb that was slain, and who liveth again, Hallelujah, hallelujah, Amen and Amen. There the apostolic band, with the uplifted hand, Give to Jesus the praise of salvation by grace ; And the martyrs who bled, with their crown on their head, These from glory to glory by Jesus are led. There a Wesley doth stand in the midst of the band, With his bright shining face, praising God for free grace ; And a Fletcher unites with the old Israelites, Giving glory to Jesus in rapturous delight. 5 66 SPIRITUAL SONGS. Now redemption they sing to their glorious King, Through the power of free grace, while the angels sing bass ; How it rolls o'er the plains, in what glorious strains ! O, glory to Jesus, forever he reigns. There, array 'd all in white, saints and angels unite, And in ecstasies gaze on the Ancient of Days ; In harmonious lays all their voices they raise, And all heaven is fill'd with Immanuel's praise. THE NEW GOSPEL SHIP. I Ve shipp'd on board the gospel ship — Come, who will go with me ? She 's ready now, she 's all afloat, Your passage shall be free. Chorus. — Cheer up, all hearts, the day it breaks, The boats are crossing o'er, The sun is up, the night is past, Bright angels throng the shore. Her keel was laid in perfect love, When first her work begun ; And modelled by the powers above, And finish'd by the Son. Her sails are made of linen white, And all so neat and clean ; Her decks are laid with gospel grace, And season'd hard within. Her sides are seaPd, and all so tight, With perfect skill and ease ; Her cabin 's lined with gold so bright— Our Captain he is there. SPIRITUAL SONGS. 67 Who do you think our Captain is ? Or do you know his name ? 'T is Jesus Christ, the Father's Son — Was born in Bethlehem. Sometimes the waves run mountain high, And nothing seems to yield ; By faith we steer our gospel ship — 'T is love that turns her wheels. We Ve nail'd our colours to the mast, And firmly we declare We '11 never strike while time doth last, Or Jesus answers prayer. The Bible — yes, it is our chart — It points forever true ; Though days go by, and years are past, Yet it is always new. You ask me what's the song we sing; You ask me how we fare : 'T is glory to our God and king, And manna every hour. You ask me where my ship is bound, And what 's the wages given ? She sails the world — yes, all around, And anchors safe in heaven. HOME OF THE SOUL. O where can the soul find relief from its foes, A shelter of safety, a home of repose ? Can earth's highest summit, or deepest hid vale, Give a refuge nor sorrow nor sin can assail ? No — no ! there 's no home, There 's no home upon earth ; the soul has no home. 27 68 SPIRITUAL SONGS. Shall it leave the low earth and soar to the sky. And seek for a home in the mansions on high ? In the bright realms of bliss will a dwelling be given, And the soul find a home in the glory of heaven I Yes — yes — there 's a home ; There's a home in high heaven — the soul has a home, O holy and sweet its rest shall be there ! — Free forever from sin, and sorrow, and care ; And the loud hallelujahs of angels shall rise, To welcome the soul to its home in the skies ; Home — home — home of the soul, The bosom of God is the home of the soul. OUR BONDAGE IT SHALL END. Our bondage it shall end by and by, From Egypt's yoke set free ; Hail the glorious jubilee, And to Canaan we'll return by and by. Our Deliverer he shall come by and by, And our sorrows have an end, With our threescore years and ten, And vast glory crown the day by and by. Though our enemies are strong, we '11 go on ; Though our hearts dissolve with fear, Lo ! Sinai's God is near, "While the fiery pillar moves we'll go on. Though Marah has bitter streams, we '11 go on ; Though Baca's vale be dry, And the land yield no supply, To a land of corn and wine we '11 go on. SPIRITUAL SONGS. 69 And when to Jordan's floods we are come, Jehovah rules the tide, And the waters he '11 divide, And the ransomed host shall shout, we are come. Then friends shall meet again who have loved, Our embraces shall be sweet, At the dear Redeemer's feet, When we meet to part no more who have loved. Then with all the happy throng we '11 rejoice, Shouting glory to our King, Till the vaults of heaven ring, And through all eternity we '11 rejoice. LAY UP NEARER, BROTHER. The New-England Diadem gives its readers the following beauti- ful stanzas, which were suggested by hearing read an extract of a letter from Capt. Chase, giving an account of the sickness and death of his brother-in-law, Mr. Brown Owen, who died on his passage to California. We have seldom met anything so painfully interesting in every line, and it will be read with ■ tearful eyes " by many who have lost brothers, fathers, husbands, or sons on their way to, or after having reached, the land of gold and of graves. Lay up nearer, brother, nearer ; For my limbs are growing cold, And thy presence seemeth dearer When thy arms around me fold. I am dying, brother, dying, Soon you '11 miss me in your berth ; For my form will soon be lying 'Neath the ocean's briny surf. Hearken to me, brother, hearken ; I have something I would say 70 SPIRITUAL SONGS. Ere the veil my vision darken, And I go' from hence away : I am going, surely going, But my hope in God is strong ; I am willing, brother, knowing That he doeth nothing wrong. Tell my father, when you greet him, That in death I pray'd for him — Pray'd that I might one day meet him In a world that 's free from sin ; Tell my mother, (God assist her Now that she is growing old,) — Tell, her child would glad have kiss'd her When his lips grew pale and cold. Listen, brother, catch each whisper, 'T is my wife I 'd speak of now : Tell, O ! tell her how I miss'd her, When the fever burn'd my brow ; Tell her, brother, (closely listen, Don't forget a single word,) That in death my eyes did glisten With the tears her rnem'ry stirr'd. Tell her she must kiss my children, Like the kiss I last impress'd ; Hold them as when last I held them, Folded closely to my breast ; Give them early to their Maker, Putting all her trust in God, .And he never will forsake her, For he 's said so in his word. O, my children ! Heaven bless them ! They were all my life to me ; Would I could once more caress them Ere I sink beneath the sea ; SPIRITUAL SONGS. 7l 'T was for them I cross' d the ocean, What my hopes were I'll not tell, But I 've gain'd an orphan's portion, Yet He doeth all things well. Tell my sister I remember Ev'ry kindly parting word, And my heart has been kept tender By the thoughts their mem'ry stirr'd ; Tell them I ne'er reach'd the haven Where I sought the " precious dust," But I gain'd a port called Heaven, Where the gold will never rust. Urge them to secure an entrance, For they '11 find their brother there ; Faith in Jesus and repentance, B Will secure for each a share. Hark ! I hear my Saviour speaking, 'T is his voice I know so well ; When I 'in gone, O do n't be weeping, Brother, here 's my last farewell ! THE HAPPY MAN. How happy is the man who has chosen wisdom's ways, And measures out his span to his God in prayer and praise ; His God and his Bible are all he desires, To holiness of heart he continually aspires ; In poverty he is happy, for he knows he has a Friend That never will forsake him, though the world shall have an end. 72 SPIRITUAL SONGS. He rises in the morning, with the lark he tunes his lays, And offers up his tribute to his God in prayer and praise ; And then to his labour cheerfully repairs, In confidence, believing that his God will hear his prayers ; "Whatever he engages in, at home or abroad, His object is to honour and to glorify God. And thus you have his history through life from day to day — Religion is no mystery to him, it is a beaten way ; And when on his pillow he lies down to die, In hope he rejoices, for he knows his Saviour's nigh ; And when life's lamp is flickering, his soul on wings of love Flies away to realms of glory, there to reign with Christ above. THE WIFE. She clung to him with woman's love, Like ivy to the oak, Whilst o'er his head, with crushing force, Earth's chilling tempests broke. And when the world look'd cold on him, And blight hung o'er his name, She soothed his cares with woman's love, And bade him rise again. When care had furrow'd o'er his brow, And clouded his young hours, She wove, amidst his crown of thorns, A wreath of love's own flow'rs. SPIRITUAL SONGS. 73 And never did that wreath decay, Or the bright flow'ret wither, For woman's tears e'er nourish'd them, That they might bloom forever. 'T is ever thus with woman's love, True till life's storms have pass'd ; And, like the vine around the tree, It braves them to the last. WHEN JOSEPH HIS BRETHREN BEHELD. When Joseph his brethren beheld, Afflicted and trembling with fear, His heart with compassion was fill'd, For weeping he could not forbear. ■ Awhile his behaviour was rough, To bring their past sins to their mind, But when they were humbled enough, He hasten'd to show himself kind. How little they thought it was he Whom they had ill-trea'ted and sold ! How great their confusion must be As soon as his name he had told ! "I'm Joseph your brother,' 7 he said, " And still to my heart you are dear ; You sold me, and thought I was dead, But God, for your sakes, sent me here." Though greatly distressed before, When charged with purloining the cup, They now were confounded much more — Not one of them durst to look up. ?4 SPIRITUAL SONGS. "Can Joseph, whom we would have slain, Forgive us the evil we did ? And will he our households maintain ? — O this is a brother indeed !" Thus dragged by my conscience I came, And laden with guilt, to the Lord, Surrounded with terror and shame, Unable to utter a word. At first he look'd stern and severe ; What anguish then pierced my heart ; Expecting each moment to hear The sentence, " Thou cursed, depart !" But O ! what surprise when he spoke, While tenderness beam'd in his face ; My heart then to pieces was broke, O'erwhelm'd and confounded by grace. " Poor sinner, I know thee full well — By thee I was sold and was slain ; But I died to redeem thee from hell, And raise thee in glory to reign. " I'm Jesus, whom thou hast blasphemed, And crucified often afresh ; But let me henceforth be esteem'd Thy brother, thy bone and thy flesh ; My pardon I freely bestow, Thy wants I will fully supply ; I'll guide thee and guard thee below, And soon will remove thee on high." " Go, publish to sinners around, That they may be willing to come, The mercy which now you have found, And tell them that yet there is room." SPIRITUAL SONG?. 75 O, sinners, the message obey ! No more vain excuses pretend ; But come, without further delay, To Jesus, our brother and friend. A CALL TO SINNERS, O, careless sinner, come, Pray now attend ; This world is not your home, It soon will end ; Jehovah calls aloud, Forsake the thoughtless crowd, Pursue the road to God and happy be. No happiness you'll find While thus you go, No fear unto your mind ; But fear and woe Attend you evVy day, while far from God you stray, O, sinners, come away and happy be. Nor do I call alone ; The Saviour too, E'en with his dying groans, Cries, Bid adieu To sin and folly now, and to his sceptre bow, And he will tell you how to live anew. But if you still refuse, Down, down you '11 go, And with the wicked Jews The road to woe. Alas! how can you Blight the rays of gospel light, And sink in endless night, where silence reigns. 76 SPIRITUAL SONGS. I bid you all farewell With aching heart, And in deep sorrow tell That we must part, While on to heav'n we go, and you are bound to woe, Alas ! it must be so, if you rebel. I look on you again, And hoping say, Why won't you leave your sins, And come away From Satan's cruel pow'r, and live forever more, And bless the joyful hour when life began. All hail ! we welcome then Your happy flight From Kedar's tents of sin To glory bright. We '11 travel on with you, and bid the world adieu, And endless joys pursue till all is ours. Then we will range around The peaceful plains, Where pleasure hath no bounds, Where glory reigns. We '11 fall at Jesus' feet, where joys are all complete, And in sweet raptures meet, to part no more. THE SACRIFICE. The morning sun rose bright and clear, On Abraham's tent it gaily shone, And all was bright and cheerful there, All save the patriarch's heart alone. SPIRITUAL SONGS. 77 While God's command arose to mind, It forced into his eye a tear ; Although his soul was all resign'd, Yet nature fondly linger'd there. The simple morning feast was spread, And Sarah at the banquet smiled ; Joy o'er her face its lustre spread, For near her sat her only child. The charms that pleaesd a monarch's eye, Upon her cheek had left their trace ; His highly- augur' d destiny Was written on his heavenly face. The groaning father turn'd away, And walk'd the inner tent apart ; He felt his fortitude decay, While nature w T hisper'd in his heart : O ! must this son, to whom was given The promise of a blessed land, Heir to the choicest gifts of Heaven, Be slain by a fond father's hand ? — This son, for whom my eldest born Was sent an outcast from his home, And in some wilderness forlorn A savage exile doom'd to roam ! But shall a feeble worm rebel, And murmur at a father's rod ? Shall he be backward to fulfil The known and certain will of God ? Arise, my son ! the cruet fill, And store the scrip with due supplies ; For we must seek Moriah's hill And offer there a sacrifice. 78 SPIRITUAL SONGS. The mother raised a speaking eye, And all a mother's soul was there; She fear'd the desert drear and dry, She fear'd the savage lurking there. Abrah'm beheld, and made reply : On Him from whom our blessings flow, My sister, we by faith rely ; 'Tis God's command, and we must go. The duteous son in haste obey'd, The scrip was fill'd, the mules prepared, And with the third day's twilight shade Moriah's lofty hill appear'd. The menials they at distance wait, Alone ascend the son and sire, The wood on Isaac's shoulder laid, The wood to build his funeral pyre. No passions sway'd the father's mind, He felt a calm, a death-like chill ; His soul was chaste and all resign'd, Bow'd meekly, though he shudder'd still. While on the mountain's brow they stood, With smiling wonder Isaac cries : My father, lo ! the fire and wood, But where 's the lamb for sacrifice ! The Holy Spirit stay'd his mind, While Abrah'm answer'd low and calm, With steady voice, and look resign'd, God will himself provide the lamb. But lo! the* father bound his son, And laid him on the funeral pile ; Aoid then stretch'd forth his trembling hand, And took the knife to slay his child. SPIRITUAL SONGS. 79 While Abrah'm raised the blade full high, To execute his God's command. An angel's voice, as from the sky, Cried, Abrah'm, spare thine only son. But let no pen, profane like mine, On holiest themes too rashly dare ; Turn to the Book of books divine, And read the precious promise there. Ages on ages roll'd away, At length the hour appointed came, When, on the mountain Calvary, God did himself provide the Lamb. DANIEL IN THE LIONS' DEN. Among the Jewish nations one Daniel there was found, Whose unexampled piety astonish'd all around ; They saw him very pious and faithful to the Lord, Three times a day he bowed to supplicate his God. Among the king's high princes this Daniel was the first, The king preferr'd the spirit this Daniel did possess ; His unexampled piety provoked their jealousy, The princes sought his ruin, — obtain'd a firm decree. Should any man or woman a supplication bring, For thirty days ensuing, save unto thee, O king, To any lord or master, or any other man, They should without distinction fall in the lions' den. But now when Daniel heard it, straight to his house he went, To beg his God's protection — 'twas all his whole intent ; 80 SPIRITUAL SONGS. His windows being open, before his God he bow'd ; The princes were assembled, they saw him worship God. They came to King Darius and spake of his decree, Saying, That Hebrew Daniel doth nothing care for thee: Before his God he boweth three times in every day, With all his windows open, and we have heard him pray. Now when Darius heard it, his soul did sore lament ; He set his heart on Daniel, the sentence to prevent : The princes then assembled and to the king they said, Remember your great honour, likewise the laws you made. Darius then commanded that. Daniel should be brought, And cast into the lions' den, because the Lord he sought ; The king then said to Daniel, That God whom you adore, Will save you from the lions, and bless, you ever- more. The king went to his palace and fasted all the night, He neither ate nor drank, nor in music took delight ; So early the next morning he stole along the way, And came unto the lions' den, where this bold He- brew lay. Then with a voice of mourning, to Daniel cried aloud, Saying, Dantel, Daniel, thou servant of the Lord, SPIRITUAL SONGS. 81 Is not thy God sufficient for to deliver thee ? — That God in whom thou trustest and serve con- tinually. My God hath sent his angel and shut the lions' jaws, So that they have not hurt me my enemies they saw. Then straight the kins: commanded to take him out the den ; Because in God he -trusted, no harm was found in him. See how the faithful Daniel fear'd not the face of clay— 'T was not the king's commandment that made him cease to pray ; He knew that God was with him, to save his soul from death ; He trusted in Jehovah, and pray'd at every breath. SECOND PART. Darius then commanded those wretches to be brought Who had, with so much boldness, the life of Daniel sought ; On women, men and children the sentence being pass'd, Among the angry lions those sinners then were cast. The lions rush'd with vengeance upon those wicked men, And tore them all to pieces ere they to the bottom came : Thus God will save his children who put their trust in him, And punish their offenders with agonies extreme. 6 82 SPIRITUAL S0SG3. 'T was tlien a proclamation Darius issued forth, Commanding all the people that dwelt upon the earth, To fear the God of Daniel, for he's the living God, "Whose kingdom is forever, and shall not be de- stroyed. He maketh signs and wonders in heaven and on earth, Who hath delivered Daniel, and shut the lions' mouth ; Who saved the Hebrew children when cast into the flame ; Who is the God .of heaven, and spreads his wide domain. This Daniel's God is gracious to all his children dear; He gives them consolation, and tells them not to fear ; He's promised to support them, and bring them safe to dwell Eternally in- heaven, but dooms their foes to hell. Hark, sinners ! hear the gospel, it says to you re- pent ; Come, try a bleeding Saviour, for you his blood was spilt ; He died to purchase pardon*, that we might, by his power, Escape the roaring lion that seeks us to devour. O will you be persuaded, by one who loves your soul, To turn and seek salvation, w>ih Christ in heaven to dwell ; 8PIRITUAL SONGS. 83 Come, serve the God of Daniel, 't is Jesus bids you come, You '11 find a hearty welcome in Christ the bleeding Lamb. Glory to God ! O glory ! for his redeeming love ; Religion makes us happy here, and will in worlds above ; We '11 sing bright hallelujahs, and join the holy song, With Moses, Job, and Daniel, and all the heavenly throno*. WHITHER GOEST THOU, PILGRIM STRANGER? Whither goest thou, pilgrim stranger, Wand'ring through this lonely vale ? Know'st thou not 't is full of danger ? And will not thy courage fail ? Chorus. — No, I 'm bound for the kingdom, Will you go to glory with me ? hallelujah! O hallelujah! I 'm bound for the kingdom, Will you go to glorv with me ? O hallelujah ! O hallelujah I Pilgrim thou hast justly call'd me, Passing through a waste so wide ; But no harm will e'er befall me While I 'm bleas'd with such a guide. For I 'm bound, &c. Such a guide ! — no guide attends thee, Hence for thee my fesn arise ; If some guardian pow'r befriend thee, 'Tis unseen by mortal eyes. O, I 'm bound, tic. 84 SPIRITUAL SONGS. Yes, unseen ; but still believe me, Such a guide my steps attend ; He '11 in ev'ry strait relieve me, He will guide me to the end. For I 'm bound, &c. Pilgrim, see that stream before thee, Darkly winding through the vale ; Should its deadly waves roll o'er thee, Would, not then thy courage fail ? No, I 'm bound, &c. No, that stream has nothing frightful, To its brink my steps I '11 bend ; Thence to plunge 't will be delightful, There my pilgrimage will end. For I 'm bound, &c. While I gazed, with speed surprising Down the stream she plung'd from sight ; Gazing still, I saw her rising Like an angel clothed with light. O, I 'm bound, &c. Cease, my heart, this mournful crying, Death will burst this sullen gloom ; Soon my spirit, flutt'ring, flying, Will be borne beyond the tomb. For I 'm bound, &c. DANIEL'S WISDOM. Daniel's wisdom may I know, Stephen's faith and spirit show ; John's divine communion feel, Moses' meekness, Joshua's zeal ; Run like the unwearied Paul, Win the day and conquer all. SPIRITUAL SONGS. 85 Mary's love may I possess, Lydia's tender-heartedness ; Peter's ardent spirit feel, James's faith by works reveal; Like young Timothy, may I Ev'ry sinful passion fly. Job's submission may I show, David's true devotion know ; Samuel's call O may I hear, Lazarus' happy portion share ; Let Isaiah's hallow'd fire All my new-born soul inspire. Mine be Jacob's wrestling prayer, Gideon's steadfast, valiant care ; Joseph's purity impart, Isaac's meditating heart; Abraham's friendship let me prove, Faithful to the God I love. Most of all, may I pursue That example Jesus drew ; By my life and conduct show, How he lived and walk'd below ; Day by day, through grace restored, Imitate my blessed Lord. When those dreams of life are fled, When those wasting lamps are dead ; When in cold oblivion's shade, Youth, and fame, and power are laid; Where immortal spirits reign, There may wo all meet again. 3 SPIRITUAL SONGS. HEAVENLY SOUNDINGS. To heav'n I'm bound with prosp'rous gales, My bark by grace doth safely steer, And going under gospel sails, Celestial prospects bright appear* — To sound her ground my faith now springs, And to her Author thus she sings, " Thy will be done!"" As bearing up to gain the port, A blood-stain'd cross and heav'n in view, A Saviour's wounds, my harbour — fort — The beacon, to my vessel true ; Again my faith her soundings tries, And to my soul's sure Pilot cries, " A blessed hope !" Now as the blissful shore draws near, With transport I behold the place Where dwells my friend, my Saviour dear, And long with joy to see his face ; Once more my faith doth try her ground, And thus reechoes back the sound, " Christ is my rock !" MY FATHER'S LAND. There is a place where my hopes are stay'd, My heart and my treasure are there ; Where verdure and blossoms never fade, And fields are eternally fair. Chorus. — That blissful place is my Father's land, By faith its delights I explore ; Come, favour my flight, angelic band, And waft me in peace to that shore. SPIRITUAL SOXGS. 87 Tnere is a place where the angels dwell, A pure and a peaceful abode ; The joys of that place no tongue can tell, But there is the palace of God. There is a place where my friends are gone, Who worshipped and suffered with me ; Exalted with Christ high on his throne, The King in his glory they see. There is a place where I hope to live, When life with its labours is o'er ; A place which the Lord to me will give, And there I shall suffer no more. THE OLD FAMILY BIBLE. O that I were as in months past. — Job xxix, 2. How painfully pleasing the fond recollection Of youthful connexions and innocent joy ; When, blest with parental advice and affection, Surrounded with mercies, with peace from on I still view the chairs of my sire and mother, The seats of each offspring as ranged on each hand, And that richest of books, which excell'd every other, The Family Bible, which lay on the stand — The old-fashionM Bible, the dear blessed Bible, The Family Bible, which lay on the stand. That Bible, the volume of God's inspiration, At morn and at evening could yield us delight ; And the prayer of our sire was a sweet invocation, For mercy by day and for safety through night. 88 SPIRITUAL SONGS. Our hymns of thanksgiving, with harmony swelling, All warm from the hearts of the family band, Half raised us from earth to that rapturous dwelling Described in the Bible that lay on the stand — The old-fashion'd Bible, the dear blessed Bible, The Family Bible, which lay on the stand. Ye scenes of tranquillity, long have we parted ; My hopes almost gone, and my parents no more, In sorrow and sadness I live broken-hearted, And wander unknown on a far distant shore ; Yet how can I doubt a dear Saviour's protection, Forgetful of gifts from his bountiful hand ; O let me with patience receive his correction, And think of the Bible that lay on the stand — r The old-fashion'd Bible, the dear blessed Bible, The Family Bible that lay on the stand. WHY THOSE FEARS? Why those fears ? — behold, 't is Jesus Holds the helm and guides the ship ; Spread the sails and catch the breezes Sent to waft us through the deep To the regions Where the mourners cease to weep. Could we stay where death was hov'ring ? Could we rest on such a shore ? No, the awful truth discovering, We could linger there no more : We forsake it, Leaving all we loved before. SPIRITUAL SONGS. * 89 Though the shore we wish to land on Only by report is known, Yet we freely all abandon, Led by that report alone, And with Jesus Through the trackless deep move on. Led by that, we brave the ocean ; Led by that, the storms defy ; Calm amidst tumultuous motion, Knowing that our Lord is nigh : Waves obey him, And the storms before him fly. Rendered safe by his protection, We shall pass the wat'ry waste ; Trusting to his wise direction, We shall gain the port at last ; And with wonder Think on toils and dangers past. O ! what pleasures there await us ! There the tempests cease to roar ; There it is that those who hate us Can molest our peace no more : Trouble ceases On that tranquil, happy shore. THE WHITE PILGRIM'S GRAVE. I came to the spot where the white pilgrim lay, And pensively sat by hi3 tomb, When, in a low whisper, I heard some one say, " How sweetly I sleep here alone ! 90 SPIRITUAL SONGS. " The tempests may howl, and the loud thunders roll, And gathering storms may arise, Yet calm are my feelings, at rest is my soul, The tears are all wiped from these eye-8. " The cause of my Master compelled me from home , I bade my companion farewell ; I left my sweet children, who now for me mourn, In far distant regions to dwell. " I wander'd, an exile and stranger below, To publish salvation abroad, The trump of the gospel endeavoured to blow, Inviting poor sinners to God. " But when, among strangers and far from my home, No kindred or relative nigh, I met the contagion and sank in the tomb. My spirit ascended on high. " O tell my companion, and children most dear, To weep not for Joseph, though gone ; The same Hand that led me through scenes dark and drear Has kindly assisted me home." I call'd at the house of the mourner below, I enter'd the mansion of grief ; The tears of deep sorrow most freely did flow — I tried, but could give no relief. There sat a lone widow dejected and sad, By affliction and sorrow oppress'd ; And here were her children in mourning array'd, And sighs were escaping each breast. SPIRITUAL SONGS. 91 I spoke to the widow concerning her grief, I ask'd her the cause of her woe ; And why there was nothing to give her relief, Or soothe her deep sorrow below. She look'd at her children, then look'd upon me ; That look I can never forget ; More eloquent far than a seraph can be, It spoke of the trials she met. " The hand of affliction falls heavily now ; I am left with my children to mourn ; The friend of my youth is silent and low, In yonder cold grave-yard alone ! " But why should I mourn, or feel to complain, Or think that fortune is hard ? Have I met with affliction — 't is truly his gain — He's enter'd the joy of his Lord ! " His work is completed and finish'd below ; His last tear is fallen, I trust ; He has preach'd his last sermon and met his last foe ; Has conquer'd, and now is at rest !" THE RESURRECTION HYMN. O, they crucified my Saviour ; O, they crucified my Saviour ; O, they crucified my Saviour, And they nail'd him to the cross : But he arose, he arose, he arose from the dead ; He arose and went to heaven on a cloud. 92 SPIRITUAL SONGS. Then Joseph begg'd his body, And he laid it in the tomb. But he arose, &c. Then down came the angels, And they roll'd away the stone. Then he arose, &c. O, the grave it could not hold him, For he burst the bonds of death. Then he arose, &c. Then Mary came a-running, A-looking for her Lord. But he arose, &e. O, where have you laid him ? For he is not in the tomb. For he arose, &c. Go, tell John and Peter I have risen from the dead. Go, tell to doubting Thomas I have risen from the dead. Then our hearts they burn'd within us As he talk'd along the way. O, why stand ye gazing, O, ye men of Galilee ? Don't you see him now ascending, There to plead for you and me ? In the world there 's tribulation, But in me ye shall have peace. By-and-by we '11 go and meet him, Where pleasures never die. SPIRITUAL SONGS. 93 WHKN" I SET OUT FOR GLORY. When I set out for glory I left the world behind, Determined for a city That 's out of sight to find. Chorus. — And to glory I will go, And to glory I will go, I '11 go, I '11 go, And to glory I will go. I left ray worldly honour, I left my worldly fame, I left my young companions, And with them my good name. Some said I'd 'better tarry, They thought I was too young Then to prepare for dying, But that was all my theme. Come, all my loving brethren, And listen to my cry ; All you that are backsliders Must shortly beg or die. And to begging I will go, &c. The Lord, he loves the beggar Who truly begs indeed ; He always will relieve him Whene'er he stands in need. I 'm not ashamed to beg While here on earth I stay ; I 'm not ashamed to watch, I 'm not ashamed to pray. 94 SPIRITUAL SONGS. The richest man I ever saw Was one that begg'd the most ; His soul was fill'd with Jesus And with the Holy Ghost. And now we are encouraged, Come, let us travel on, Until we join the angels And sing the holy song. And to glory we will go, &c. THE LITTLE HYMN Come, little children, now we may partake a little morsel ; For little songs and little ways adorn 'd a great apostle : A little drop of Jesus' blood can make a feast of union ; It is by little steps we move into a full communion. A little faith does mighty deeds quite past all my recounting, Faith, like a little mustard -seed, can move a lofty mountain ; A little charity and zeal — a little tribulation — A little patience — makes us feel great peace and consolation. A little cross with cheerfulness, a little self-denial, Will help us feel our troubles less, and bear the greater trial ; The Spirit, like a little dove, on Jesus once descended, To show his meekness and his lo?e the emblem was intended. SPIRITUAL SONGS. 95 The title of the little Lamb unto our Lord was given, Such was our Saviour's little name, the Lord of earth and heaven ; A little voice that's small and still can rule the whole creation, A little stone that earth shall fill, and humble every nation. A little zeal supplies the soul, it doth the heart in- spire ; A little spark lights up the whole and sets the crowd on fire ; A little union serves to hold the good and tender- hearted, It's stronger than a chain of gold that never can be parted. w Come, let us labour here below — see who can walk the straightest ; For in God's kingdom all must know the least shall be the greatest : O give us, Lord, a little drop of heavenly love and union ; O may we never, never stop, short" of a full com- munion. Fear not, says Christ, ye little flock, heirs of immor- tal glory, You 're built upon the surest rock, the kingdom 's just before you ; Fight on, fight on, ye heirs of bliss, and tell the plea . — I'm with you till the world shall end, I '11 bring you home to glory ! 96 SPIRITUAL SONGS. HOW SWEET THE MEMORY OF THE DEAD How sweet the memVy of the dead, While sleeping on their dusty bed ! Their bodies rest in silence, where No glimm'ring sun can enter there. Chorus. — We are passing away, We are passing away, We are passing away, Like a long summer's day. Our brother he is dead and gone, He 's gone to join the morning song ; Ah ! he did preach till almost spent, And then gave up without consent. He told us that his work was done — He pray'd the Lord he would come down ; A little while he talk'd and pray'd, Then clapp'd his hands, and thus he said : " Children of Zion, now draw near, And hear my dying speech with fear ; Have I done all, have I got through, And finish'd all I had to do f" Satan tried his mind to cross, He told him all his hopes were lost ; He ask'd the Lord to give a sign If he was born of blood divine. A light from heaven did appear, The glory of the Lord was there ; I thought I heard the Saviour say — " Come hither, soul, I am the way !" " Satan, leave, for I must go, The Lord has calPd me from below ; SPIRITUAL SONGS. 91 I thank my G-od for what he's done, The gift of his beloved Son ! " Jesus me a sinner sought — Was not mine a happy lot ? I feel my Saviour in my breast — I want to go and be at rest !" I saw this mighty hero fall — I saw him burst the prison wall — I saw him when he took his flight To dwell among the saints of light. Could he another life live o'er, He 'd range this world from shore to shore ; He wore the mortal body down — He wears a never-fading crown. But see ! the mighty angels call, They take him round the city's wall : " Come in !" they cried, u the war is o'er !" And then I saw his face no more. OUR KINDRED DEAR TO HEAVEN HAVE GONE. Our kindred dear to heaven have gone, We '11 meet our friends in glory ; They landed safe — we '11 follow on, To meet our friends in glory. Chorus. — We 're marching to glory ! We 're marching to glory ! We 're marching to glory ! To meet our. friends in glory ! We 're on our way to paradise, To meet our friends in glory ! 7 98 SPIRITUAL SONGS. They had to fight their passage through — We '11 meet our friends in glory ; But conquer'd, as we soon shall too, And meet our Mends in glory. How bright the crowns their temples bear !— We '11 meet our friends in glory ; Like crowns for us are waiting there— We '11 meet our friends in glory. What robes they wear before the throne ! — We '11 meet our friends in glory ; Such glorious robes shall be our own — We '11 meet our friends in glory. What harps of gold they all employ ! — We '11 meet our friends in glory ; Such harps our hands shall strike with joy — We '11 meet our friends in glory. What notes divine are on their tongues ! — We '11 meet our friends in glory ; And raise with them our rapt'rous songs — We '11 meet our friends in glory. We're marching forward heart and hand, To meet our friends in glory ; And soon, in one united band, We '11 meet our friends in glory. SPIRITUAL SONGS. 99 I HAVE NO FATHER THERE. C. M. ^ — ^..j — — i — i — p. is Q=3£* I saw a wide and well-spread board, And Be - side the board the fa - ther sat, A ^Ff ill r 1 fT7> J III J L—. — - ■■ *- *■ m -*—*- p r ■+T- -#--#- ■J-m- children, young and fair, Came one by one — the smile his fea - tures wore, As on the lit - tie -3 O -e—G- njii.rj.Ji — %~o-\-0--*—o--*—Y eld - est first — And took their sta - tions there : group he gazed, And told their por - tions o'er : HI ~Q- \ m::~j =£: ! i r • .iH All neat - ly clad, and beau - ti - ful, And A mea - gre form, ar - ray'd in rags, A- ±tt^t :t: mm v>9 100 zip: SPTKITUAL SONGS. £ HHmm with fa - mi - liar tread, Tliey gatherM round w ith near the threshold stood — A half-starved child had 3EEBEEE rn rn w n * _^__ # __^_ B^-lrlJ.yj :*z: 3tC EEEz i joy to feast On meats and snow-white bread, wan-der'd there, To beg a lit - tie food. =p:=^=£|=3£&Ei:p=£: -h-t-g- 3- I 3. Said one, " Why standest here, my child? See, there 7 s a vacaut seat, Amid the children — and enough For them and thee to eat :" " Alas, for me !" the child replied, In tones of deep despair ; " No right have I amid your group — I have no father there !" 4. 0, hour of fate ! when from the skies, With notes of deepest dread, The far resounding trump of God Shall summon forth the dead — What countless hosts shall stand without The heavenly threshold fair, And, gazing on the blest, exclaim, " I have no Father there I" SPIRITUAL SONGS. THE FAMILY BIBLE. [Adapted to the preceding tune.'] 1. This Book is all that 's left me now ; Tears will unbidden start ; With falt'ring lip and throbbing brow, I press it to niy heart : For many generations pass'd, Here is our family-tree ; My mother's hands this Bible clasp'd ; She, dying, gave it me. 2. Ah ! well do I remember those Yv T hose names these records bear ; Who round the hearth-stone used to close, After the evening prayer, And speak of what these pages said, In tones my heart would thrill ! Though they are with the silent dead, Here are they living stilL 3. My father read this holy Book To brothers, sisters dear — How calm was my poor mother's look, Who loved God's word to hear! Her angel face— I see it yet ! What thronging memories come! Again that little group is met, Within the walls of home. Thou truest friend man ever knew, Thy constancy I 've t?ied ; When all were false I 've found thee true, My counsellor and guide. The mines of earth no treasure give, That could this volume buy — In teaching me the way to live, It taught me how to die. 102 SPIRITUAL SONGS. HANOVER, lis & 10s. MO Z ART. r~*t m =js atotci =i: =fi =0: f*«rf- ?i:?: ii 1. Brightest and best of the sons of the morn-ing, S5= ? 4t _^_^_ TTf-^H^t -0-0-0 zt±$£$=^ &^S Dawn on our dark-ness, and lend us thine aid ; ^m — H — I — — 0— -0— -V—&- :q t— #=##- _^__^_ i pJiji-rjn Star of the East, the ho - ri - zon a - dorn-ing, it:*: b :i=:*r±t=:bz^z±:E-«z:i!z±=:— E tt= 1* . i^ Guide where the in - fant Re . deem - er is laid. -0—0- - 1 ::£: ¥ SPIRITUAL SO>'GS. 103 2. Cold, on his cradle, the dew-drops are shining ; Low lies his bed with the beasts of the stall ; Angels adore him, in slumber reclining, — Maker, and Monarch, and Saviour, of all. 3. Say, shall we yield him, in costly devotion, Odours of Eden, and offerings divine? Gems of the mountain, and pearls of the ocean, Myrrh from the forest, and gold from the mine ? 4. Vainly we offer each ample oblation ; Vainly with gifts would his favour secure ; Richer by far is the heart's adoration ; Dearer to God are the prayers of the poor. BURST, YE EMERALD GATES, | Q ## M — | ^— | W 7s & 6s. \y =*3 Z9ZS.1V 9-9- •ML 1. Burst, ye emerald gates, and bring To my raptured All the ecstatic joys that spring Round the bright E- 2. Floods of ev- er-la>t-iug light Free-ly flash be- Mvriads, with supreme delight, In - stant-ly a- ^rf i L i i lrrr rrTT M vi - sion, ly - sium! fore him : dore him : Lo ! we lift our long - iuj eyes : An - gel trumps re - sound his fame ; fni i r r if g 104 SPIRITUAL SONGS. " g FCT^ ■4 - d S > -■ Break, ye in - ter - ven-ing skies : Sons of righteous- Lutes of lu - eid gold proclaim All the mu - sic -#- ®- -0- -m*L £* :E: -£ — m- ~-&-\ =£=t tztsfcrz^zafc at: r-\ — I — l — F -fTt & — (^- $=±a ±± !=:£::£ ::?:z:*z::dz ness, a - rise! Ope the gates of pa - ra - dise. of his name, Hea - ven e - clio - ing the theme. -+- 3. Four and twenty elders rise From their princely station : Shout his glorious victories, Sing the great salvation : Cast their crowns before his throne ; Cry, in reverential tone, " Glory be to God alone, Holy, holy, holy One." 4. Hark ! the thrilling symphonies Seem, methinks, to seize us ; Join we to the holy lays — "Jesus! Jesus! Jesus!" Sweetest sound in seraph's song ; Sweetest note on mortal tongue ; Sweetest carol ever sung : 44 Jesus ! Jesus I" flow along. SPIRITUAL SONGS. 105 THE OLD ISRAELITES. 12 & 9. B3zS§=3=B=l ?z?z_?gei?z^z?z?zl: 1. The old Israelites knew what it was they must do 2. I am thankful, indeed, for the Heaven-ly Head, — t !^-^- P — i — ' — 0-e-o+-\ — — — -1 If fair Ca - na - an they would pos - sess — Which be - fore me has hith - er - to gone ; u^aj-j'- hhF < tiJJ'J > Ji — ^-rT g ~' 9 — m—v—o-^fr-^ e — q —o—q-\ They must still keep in sight of the pil - lar of light, For that Pil - lar of Love which doth onward still move, :z?=:«±:3i -0 rj » , i^z:£:i2z*s zjzzzzzzzzzcgz:aza~g~r -*»—«*--(-< ! i — $ — ©--fi i i i 1- =F#: £ Which led on to the pro - mis - ed rest : And doth ga - ther our souls in - to one. j Bi T— E— £ r r— f*n — ;t 106 SPIRITUAL SONGS. -0 — & -I 1— -& — & -I F 1 -I 1 1 ■V — ^ & — m--T *■ - M—0- -I 1 F — K— _^__^__^._^_ The camps on the road could not be their a- Now the cross-bear -ing throng are ad - vancing a- t= ^ — ^+-i^ — i ^ — I f— bode ; But as oft as the trum-pei should blow, long, And a clo - ser com-mu - nion doth flow ; =£=Mtt zg T^—pt — i*- — p* — I — ^1 — i— X : J:ffz:^: =]i=|z=l- jfc:i£at± 0— 0— 0— g— o-$&— [e —o—9—o-\- They all, glad of a chance of a fur - ther ad-vance, Now all who would stand on the pro - mis - ed land, ::£zfc^:*zz!=zl: — W II*-- L-l =P =£: Must then take up Let them take up itszz-^fiz^z: their bag - gage and the cross and go. go. [ifilf^ilPPF* SPIRITUAL SONGS. 107 3. The way is all new, as it opens to view, And behind is a foaming Red Sea ; So none now need to speak of the onions and leeks, Or to talk about garlics to me : On Jordan's near side I can never abide ; For no place here of refuge I see, Till I come to the spot, and inherit the lot Which the Lord God will give unto me. 4. What though some in the rear preach up terror and fear, And complain of the trials they meet? Though the giants before with great fury do roar, I 'm resolved I will never retreat. We are little, 7 t is true, and our numbers are few, And the sons of old Anak are tall ; But while I see a track I will never go back, But go on at the risk of my all. 5. Now the bright morning dawns for the camps to move on, And the priests with their trumpets do blow : As the priests give the sound, and the trumpets resound, All my soul is exulting to go. If I'm faithful and true, and my journey pursue Till I stand on the heavenly shore, I shall joyfully see, what a blessing to me Was the mortifying cross which I bore. 6. All my honours and wealth, all my pleasures and health, I am willing should now be at stake ; If my Christ I obtain, I shall think it great gain, For the sacrifice which I shall make : When I all have forsook, like a bubble 't will look, From the midst of a glorified throng, Where all losses are gaiu, where each sorrow and pain Are exchanged for the conqueror's song. 108 SPIRITUAL SONGS. ImE PRODIGAL'S RETURN. CM. iH5 ±:f:zfz?:^::J:^. -•— — • 0- 1. Af-flic-tions, though they seem se - vere, In Em iU-J- * =5EmEg ~-b-^0-f-0--0 — h- » m m T-ZM 1 =p=» 3EIP ttztt 5PP -S>-*» S EtEBlH mercy oft are sent ; They stopp'd the prodigal's career, And & i " i ' i t" £ # # ^ z*z^z^ggz£: zEztzpzziz tit :^z^z«m >z:*:Izzzz caused him to repent : I '11 die no more for bread — I '11 die no :z?z!!fizz:zz:zz:^:ftzt£:EzEf £zfct± - more for bread, he cried, Nor starve in foreign lands ; My z^zz^:Hz:i:3z:5H^:t:Efezf:»I SPIRITUAL SONGS. 109 t-rt i l l r£p i Ti tf.Hp m father's house hath lar^e supplies, And bounteous are his hand3. p-f-tf-Jt:* T *- 9. What have I gained by sin, he said, But hunger, shame, and fear ? My father's house abounds with bread, While I am starving here. I '11 die no more, &c. 3. I '11 go, and tell him all I ; ve done, Fall down before his face — Unworthy to be call'd his son, I ; 11 seek a servant's place. I '11 die no more, &c. 4. His father saw him coming back ; . He saw, and ran, and smiled, And threw his arms around the neck Of his rebellious child. I '11 die no more, &c. 5. Father, I 've sinn'd — but forgive ! Enough, the father said ; Rejoice, my house, my son 's alive, For whom I mourn'd as dead. I '11 die no more, &c. 6. Now let the fatted calf be slain, And spread the news around ; My son was dead, but lives again — Was lost, but now is found. I '11 die no more, &c. 7. 'T is thus the Lord his love reveals, To call poor sinners home ; More than a father's love he feels, And welcomes all that come. I '11 die no more, &c. 110 SriRITtJAL SONGS. THE FAITHFUL SENTINEL, lis & 12s. --#:#-* — t-1 fr—E-i |*-j »y , > irfciizi^zz^zz^zs' i^-f— 1. Away from his home and the friends of his zzzfzz€*:I*z:*z:*z:*z:*zat =*=« •O-r 0-^-0- ^m cc]=ttW=« Jztetf^ youth, He hasted — the herald of mercy and truth ; zt=£=fc=t=«: dznfcofcfcafcafc r^Hrr t izizjzt For the love of his Lord, and to seek for the lost : z^z^: *z:*z:*z*z:*z*z± i .. r p i . rirtJ=Ji«Bl § ~r~F ir 'Br : r: rw -a-^'— Ll — E 1 -- t^-i — E -I l | u gi Soon, a - las ! was his fall, — but he died at his post 0—O 0—0—0 r wzzjBtz :pz:2=:^zEz:t=:z=±p:zpz^=pzt SPIRITUAL SONGS. Ill -i — .*- :i- # m \ ! — xvmm Soon, a-las ! was his fall, — but he died at his post. 2. The stranger's eye wept, that, in life's brightest bloom, One gifted so highly should sink to the tomb ; For in ardour he led, in the van of the host, And he fell like a soldier, — he died at his post. He wept not himself that his warfare was done — The battle was fought, and the victory won ; But he whisper'd of those whom his heart loved the most, — "Tell my brethren," said he, "that I died at my post." He ask'd not a stone, to be sculptured in verse ; He ask'd not that fame should his merits rehearse : But he ask'd as a boon, when he gave up the ghost, That his brethren might know that he died at his post. 5. Victorious his fall — for he Tose as he fell, With Jesus, his Master, in glory to dwell ; He has pass'd o'er the sea — he has reach'd the bright coast — For he fell like a martyr, — he died at his post. A.nd can we the words of our brother forget 1 O no ! — they are fresh in our memory yet : An example so sacred shall never be lost ; We will fall in the work, — we will die at our post 112 SPIRITUAL SONGS. THE DYING BOY. 6, 10, 10, 4 MUSIC BY REV. W. F. FARRINGTON. Mmmmm^Mi 1. Mother, I ; m d y - ing now ! There 's a deep 5hS -»?• =* =t :^: ~±%. 0—0-t-\- L_j_ I *-\Q-. suf - fo - ca - tion in my breast, As if i ^ t~i— rtf ifez^: IS iiSiilliiisil! hea-vy hand my bosom press'd; And on my brow 2. I feel the cold sweat stand ; My lips grow dry and tremulous — my breath Comes feebly up — tell me, Is this death ? Mother, your hand — 3. Here ; lay it on my wrist, And place the other thus beneath my head ; And say, sweet mother, say, when I am dead, Shall I be miss'd ? SPIRITUAL SONG 3. 113 4. 0, at'the time of prayer, When you look round and see my vacant seat, You will not wait then for my coming feet — You'll miss me there. * 5. Never, beside your knee, Shall I, again, kneel down at night to pray ; Nor with the morning wake, and sing the lay You taught to me. 6. Father, I 'm going home, To that good home you spoke of — that blest land, Where it is one bright summer always, and Storms do not come. 7. T must be happy there ; From pain and death, you say, I shall be free — That sickness never enters there, and we Shall meet again ! 8. Brother, the little spot I used to call my garden, where, long hours, We 've stay'd to watch the budding things and flowers. Forget it not. 9. Plant there some box or pine, Something that lives in winter, and shall be A verdant offering to my memory, And call it mine. 10. Sister, the young rose-tree That all the spring has been my pleasant care, Just putting forth its leaves, so green and fair, *■ I give to thee. 11. And when its roses bloom, I shall be gone away — my short life done ! But will you not bestow a single one Upon my tomb ? 12. Now, mother, sing the tune You sung last night — I ; m weary and must sleep— Who was it call'd my name ? — nay, do not weep — ■ You '11 all come soon. 8 114 SPIRITUAL SONGS. THE BURIAL OF MRS. JUDSON * POETRY BY H. S. WASHBURN— MUSIC BY L. HEATH. i — £-- 4rf *»-i 1 — ** H 1 1 — *•-* — l- 1. Mournful - 1 j, ten-der-ly, Bear on the dead; 2. Mournful -ly, ten-der-ly, Solemn and slow— 5DCT ^^ j£^ r*& T -\ — fc— ^ — I — ■- — -- — a +-^ — &—&-&~m — 1^^4-H 1 l—rl- Where the war-rior has lain, Let the Christian be laid ; Tears are be - dew-ing The path as ye go ; H H-+-H 1 1 -W — **+- 1 1 -V — fc*4- J ^H *4a -&— h l?l No place more be - fit - ting — Rock of the sea ! Kin - dred and strangers Are mourners to - day — —-jri^ ztz^i- ^7 t r ' tri ■ r ft '-. « , ?§ . zzt=^^^y-^=zzr.z\zzz^zzflzz\zzzr z^zzgzj zizjzzgLzgjigzz^zzazzcP Nev - er such trea - sure Was hid - den in thee,- Gent - ly, so gent - ly, O bear her a - way,— iz zzjzzz^zjzzzjz: r^zp^zziB: -i — i — :*zz*z:^z:«fczz=U:±-1z— ^ _^ ° At St. Helena, September, 1845. SPIRITUAL SONGS. 115 *^iiiiili^iiO Nev - er such trea - sure Was hid - den in thee. Gent-ly, so gent - ly, bear her a - way. — j -^- ^- j^- _ H V ,_ =t H- WZZW-^-W- i atzfcat ;-- i h 3. Mournfully, tenderly, Gaze on that brow — Beautiful is it In quietude now; One look ! and then settle The loved to her rest — The ocean beneath her, The turf on her breast. 4. So have ye buried her — Up ! and depart, To life and to duty With undismayed heart : Fear not — for the love Of the stranger will keep, The casket that lies In the Rock of the deep. 5. Peace to thy bosom, Thou servant of God ! The vale thou art treading, Before, thou hast trod : Precious dust thou hast laid By the Ilopia tree, And treasure as precious In the Rock of the sea ! 30 116 SPIRITUAL SONGS. THE RULER'S DAUGHTER, lis. <\b-h-A*T* — ' jHw*H-^-HtH 1- rM-f- 1. A father is praying The Saviour to hear, 2. " My dear little daughter, I fear she will die ! . . .1 : - b l i4U lj U tf*-» ^-*i fi — i — *\ — • 1 =^=5±4==:?z:?:i?z:^:i:?:±?=^z:*±:3zc For his daughter is dy-ing, With no help-er near ; Thou mer-ci-ful Sa-viour, at -tend to my cry! _^_^X4 1^_ _^_X y^_Xf_ X4Z-L =£ zt ^=TzS =|: »a z?:z:zz±zz:*z:*z±zzt Be - seeching him greatly, he falls at his feet, If thou wilt but touch her, she sure-ly will live— ^-z£i-z— _c 0-^0- ±t=^=5=t?z:?z:zz±tzE z^z^fc=:?z:*:±— :^--z-—i*=:*z:i:±^zt! And his sto-ry of sor-row, hear him re - peat : Then to thee all the glo - ry, Je - sus, I '11 give." :H=3==i:SEzg3l^ig :: :?z:?±z5:I|zz:fz:?:f tzzG SPIRITUAL SONGS. 117 3. And Jesus went "with him ; — but soon it was said To the heart-stricken father, "Thy daughter is dead! Why trouble the Master, thy woes to relieve ?" — But the kind Saviour whispered, " Now, only believe." 4. They came to the house — and the mourners were there, And, with weeping and wailing, were rending the air ; But Jesus reproved them : " Why do ye thus weep? For the maid is not dead — she is only asleep I" 5. see! w^h a touch how the maiden awakes, Wh ft i the mighty Physician her hand gently takes ! And, see ! from her features pale death quickly flies, At the voice of the Saviour — " damsel, arise \" FOUNTAIN. C. M. 1. There is a fountain fill'd with blood,Drawn *m^ I »• # iu g i r »u -# » ■ # H from Im - man-uel's veins ; And sinners, plunged be- =j*=ziz=ztzd:i:z=r:=i==z=zzE z?zzU=*=z:±:SzzE-4z=fez:';=t=:t--i 118 SPIRITUAL SONGS. £ =|=£z*tt=: £ neath that flood, Lose all their guil - ty stains, — Lose -5:=t:E~±: W=W- :E= g 3d ending. iiiipiiiillii' all their guilty stains. rd: jBg l £zE 2. The dying thief rejoiced to see That fountain in his day ; And there may I, though vile as he, Wash all my sins away. 3. Thou dying Lamb ! thy precious blood Shall never lose its power, Till all the ransom'd Church of God Are saved, to sin no more, 4. E'er since, by faith, I saw the stream Thy flowing wounds supply, Redeeming love has been my theme, And shall be, till I die. 5. Then, in a nobler, sweeter song, I '11 sing thy power to save, When this poor lisping, stammering tongue Lies silent in the grave. SPIRITUAL SONUS. 119 TRIUMPH. 10s. REV. A. D. MERRILL. ' ^ i ll 1 T znH . p, || 1 m mmgmm $— 4* 1. Joy-ful-ly, joy-ful-ly, on-ward I move, 2. Friends fondly cherished have passed on before ; =E _ ^_ x:e: ^ __„H 3,- ---£>- i Bound for the land of bright spi - rits a - bove ; Wait-ing, they watch me ap-proach-ing the shore ; ~s: =tr :©z:a: 11 p » j- j 1 *- p-r — I ■ 1 ** L E?:"z:5E?: An - ge - lie cho - ris - ters sing, as I come, Sing-ing, to cheer me thro 7 death's chilling gloom, 3= jfcf: If-, r Jrj^J rd ^a Joy-ful-ly, joy-ful-ly haste to thy home." Joy- ful - lv, joy - ful - ly haste to thv home." \ r -M i r^—rr— ] - I -<3-- J #»# i» i r r i j 1 .. 120 SPIRITUAL SONGS. 3C Soon, with my pil - grimage end - ed be - low, Sounds of sweet me - lo - dy fall on my ear; W-T--W- :b— E± trr t±t: -I B :f.-z:^=:i::::i Home to the land of bright spi-rits I go ; Harps of the bless - ed, your voi - ces I hear ! -WT*T- m -0- 4— T~ : — | — pi-^. ^ E3ESS3=S Pil - grim and stran-ger no more shall I roam- Rings with the har - mo - ny heaven's high dome- :p=iqi=p: —I H- :(=. -m-^—0 — #-+- i:^:.-_:^: £ ill 3=te :£z:*: -^"7 Joy - ful - ly, joy - ful - ly rest - ing at home. "Joy-ful-ly, joy - ful - ly haste to thy home/ 7 y-*s- m § r , , ■. , r~ro — r — rr~n fi — »---F— w 11 x I -e-J- > 1^ | For third verse, see the following page. SPIRITUAL SONGS. 121 3. Death, with thy weapons of war lay me low ; Strike, King of terrors — I fear not the blow ; Jesus hath broken the bars of the tomb : Joyfully, joyfully will I go home. Bright will the morn of eternity dawn ; Death shall be banish VI — his sceptre be gone ; Joyfully then shall I witness his doom — Joyfully, joyfully — safely at home. THE CHRISTIAN VICTOR. [Adapted to the preceding tune.'] 1. Happy the spirit released from its clay ; Happy the soul that goes bounding away — Singing, as upward it hastes to the skies, " Victory ! victory ! — homeward I rise." Many the toils it has passed through below, Many the seasons of trial and woe ; Many the doubtings — it never should sing " Victory ! victory \" thus on the wing. There lies the wearisome body at rest ; Closed are its eyelids, and quiet its breast ; But the glad spirit, on pinions of light, " Victory ! victory ! ;; sings in its flight. While we are weeping our friends gone from earth, Angels are singing their heavenly birth — 44 Welcome, welcome to our happy shore ; Victory ! victory ! — weep ye no more." How can we wish them recalled from their home, Longer in sorrowing exile to roam ? Safely they passed from their troubles beneath, "Victory! victory !" shouting in death. Thus let them slumber, till Christ from the skies, Bids them in glorified bodies arise — Singing, as upward they spring from the tomb, 44 Victory I victory I — Jesus hath come V 122 SPIRITUAL SONGS. OFT IN THE STILLY NIGHT. -■4-1 — k»»— ^--[-^-g--g— H-fg-^— 1 — fc»*~ 1. Oft in 2. While I the stil-ly night, Ere slumber's chain hath re - member all The friends so link'd to- eiSH^l! *~3LtMi ill -L. {0-j^ — & — ^».x^_.^_.^. 1 PZhP=P at Lid i~ i ■=Z?C5 «=c :izz*: 78: bound me, Fond mem-'ry brings the light Of ge - ther, I 've seen a - round me fall, By T ■ 4- — -\ — ^KI*-^--* — o — a-I i|EzifcpE± :^z:r=t=u=tz± z£z^zqi^&iz±iEribcH -^v »- -p h*— b*- ezi^zj o - ther days a - round me : The joys, the tears, of sin's sub-du-ing pow - er, I feel like 'one now — z-zqz:zspszz=p:czsi :^z*z:*z&t==^|*=:: =«=»! iziiziizz^zz ear - ly years, The vows to Heaven then spo - ken ; Those left a - lone ; My Sa * viour I de - sert - ed ; My ■9- ifcafc:*. iz:*z:*z:iz: £ SPIRITUAL SONGS. 123 r+ . - - - f P^n - *- -*» — ! 1 — -H ^ — I 1 \* — k*H 1 -f- youthful hopes, now dhnm'd and gone,Those sacred vows now hopes are fled — my comforts dead — And Mer-cy hath de- z*z^z^z:*z:Bz:sz:ez:*z:E*z:*z*z:*z] ia- L J a ^s — i ^ ^ — l bro - ken ! Thus, in the stil - ly night, Ere part - ed ! Thus, in the stil - ly night, Ere zz. azzzz=£:zfzzzzzz£:r 5 z:£zz^zz:szi zzptzzezzf:*— izz*zfcz:tzztzz:tzf S isr^zzcipzzp: slum-ber's chain hath bound me, Sad mem - \ry slum-ber's chain hath bound me, Sad mem - 'ry ^IZZ— ZZZiriZiZZZZZZfti : * : -*— ^— *z±zz!zzz*z:|z*zz*:z:*z: —I *» — h ^J r | JOC f Jt-pS brings the light Of o - ther days a - round me. brings the light Of o - ther days a - round me. z^^:^z:^zzi:i~:z:~z:zl_tzi^xiizzzi__z:j:: 124 SPIRITUAL SONGS. ALL IS WELL. 10, 3, 8. c. dingley. dfcfe Newly arranged by the Author. 1. What 's this that steals, that steals upon my 2. Weep not, my friends, my friends, weep not for gilJ ispg p gg il —o , ^=^_ I --F—m — Edfcfc= IS =t 3t=l frame ? Is me ; All it is death ?- well, — •Is All death ? well; — o- !ZE ©- z^izzzi I z*z^:«zzt:fzzz*z:3zz*zzfzz* That soon will quench, will quench this vi - tal My sins are par - don'd, par-don'd ; I am * y * — i — i ^_ j_ — ^ — ^ — ^.-j flame ; Is free ! All death ?— Is well,— All death ? well: ^m 4= iiS SPIRITUAL SONGS. 125 If this be death, I soon shall be From There 's not a cloud that doth a - rise, To —0—tB »-- r — »—r T =tzlt=t=tzz:zt=±^=^=^=z:=pz: : 1 p r J J* _ t± j»-> j — t- —m — w. — ,__. — «r — Lai — — s — m — lb. eve-ry pain and sor- row free — I shall the King hide my Sa - Tiour from my eyes — I soon shall mount -0 0— - -0— r f» j—^ 0— I I I \0 » • ~mi\ *d -ff-'i* If . I L3 ' • — »* ifc up-per skie3 ! well, — All is well, well, — All is well. Tune, tune your harps — your harp3, ye saints in glory ! All is well, — All is well : I will rehearse — rehearse the pleasing story; All is well, — All is well : Bright angels are from glory come; They 're round my bed — they 're in my room — They wait to waft my spirit home ! All is well, — All is well. 126 SPIRITUAL SONGS. SONNET. 8s & 4 iz^ij-Tilziq^iiizizl^^ a^piaEEjfflaaa 1. When for e-ternal worlds we steer, And seas are zfcfi i 1 — j — i — \ :d=:a--i=±iz:izf=d:J z^zqz:, calm, and skies are clear, And faith in live - ly ex - er- rt -- r _, 1 ^ — j_J_, g_| 1 1 ~:=p— ■&--0-1 F- i 1 ^-1 — I — & — k- soul for joy then claps her wings, And loud her lovely .XI .0 ^JL..^_|L *:z^z # Z^ZT r,o.« £*■ *--tf>-4 1 ^__L , s* — **— l 1 - * - r> -1 h SPIRITUAL SONGS. 127 , *. O ,- T fe ^ T -j & 1- ^- T ! — I — *~ m -f-i *- ^4—1 ^ - sonnet sings, Vain world, adieu ! Vain world, a-dieu ! — And z^z==s:£— ^=: £itz=«=k;zi loud her love-ly son-net sings, Yain world, a - dieu ! 2 2. With cheerful hope her eyes^explore Each landmark on the distant shore ; The trees of life, the pastures green, The golden streets, the crystal stream ; Again for joy she claps her wings, And loud her lovely sonnet sings — Vain world, adieu ! 3. The nearer still she draws to land, More eager all her powers expand ; With steady helm, and free-bent sail, Her anchor drops within the veil : Again for joy she claps her wings, And her celestial sonnet sings — Glory to God ! 128 SPIRITUAL SONGS. THE HAPPY MAN. i*sasEH3 i£ES;£?-S *z*z*z*: 1. How hap-py is the man who has chosen wisdom's 2. He rises in the morning ; with the lark he tunes his — fe- A ri>-^"-t^-~^TT i i — «+- - *-# — &-&-&- ways, And measured out his span to his God in prayer and lavs, And of - fers up a tribute to his God in prayer and 3 *-r&—&- m praise ; His God and his Bi - ble are all that he de - sires — praise ; And then to his la - hour he cheerfully re -pairs, 3E -&— &\& — O—B- & — ■4— -M w- -&-&■ t: :iz^:±^: ^-^- I To ho - li-ness of heart he con - tin-ual - ly as-pires ; In con-fi-dence he - lieving that God will hear his prayers : SPIRITUAL SONGS. 129 In po - ver-ty he 's happy, for he knows he has a Friend, What-ev-er he en - gages in, at home or • a - broad, 3= Who never will forsake him till the world shall have an end. His ob-ject is to honour and to glo - ri - f y his God. -F-+#-*-i — \-+\—\ — ! — h-+^-- e ri-H 3. In sickness, pain, and sorrow, he never will repine, While he is drawing nourishment from Christ the living vine ; When trouble presses heavily he leans on Jesus' breast, And in his precious promises he finds a Cjiiiet rest: The yoke of Christ is easy, and his burden always light ; He lives — nor is he weary till Canaan heaves in sight. 4. ; T is thus you have his history through life, from day to day : Religion is no mystery ; — with him 'tis a beaten way : And when upon his pillow he lies down to die, In hope he rejoices, for he knows his God is nigh : And when life's lamp is nickering, his soul, on wings of love, Away to realms of glory flies, to reign with Christ above. 9 130 SPIRITUAL SONGS. UNITY. S. M. llSliilli 1. Let par - ty names no more The &WIFEBEEE. t— t=rt*=?z »=fc ill Christian world overspread ; Gen-tile and Jew, and ifzzzife -L~ -o- ■m-* ~-q — e- 4^=F :s: 3 i-l- z:t:f ~±^-S:I ~ri:: : _n — bond and free, Are one in Christ their t=:tSz£ziz:t±zf:-"zzrd a — i — _l_| 1 — j__ | 1 — j I r 4 t:z;cz£sztz!?±zza^zd:i* BgHBEl I © 1 — 1_ , Head, — Are one in Christ their Head. SPIRITUAL SOXGS. 2. Among the saints on earth Let mutual love be found ; Heirs of the same inheritance, With mutual blessings crownM. 3. Let envy and deceit Be banish'd far away ; And all in Christian bonsls unite, Who all one Lord obey. 4. Thus will the Church below Resemble that above : Where streams of bliss forever flow, And every heart is love. 131 EXPERIENCE. 8,5,8,5,5,7,5,4. 1. I have sought round the verdant earth, For un- 2. I have wan - der'd in ma-zes dark, Of doubt :^zziz±t=t:z:izfczliz:tz^E±^: TITi I r J l J-J-fUVr-ri zzz?ziiEI:*z?=i!z::=z?z±z=^=sfci fading joy; I have tried eve-ry source of mirth, But and dis - tress : I have not had a kindling spark, My _o z*zi: # # E^8= , -0-0-0- I I 132 SPIRITUAL SONGS. all, all will cloy : Lord, be - stow on me Grace to se^t the spi-rit to bless : Cheerless un - be-lief FilPd my lab-'ring :*z*zgzfpPJz:J4gz ^: z£zp:z*:Itz:t:I*;z*z:prg-Sfclili spi-rit free ; Thine the praise shall be — Mine, mine the joy. soul with grief ; What shall give relief ? What shall give peace? 9— © — ^-i-— I FT — I — I— rd— --— 3. I then turn'd to thy gospel, Lord, From folly away ; I then trusted thy holy word, That taught me to pray ; Here I found release ; Weary spirit here found rest — Hope of endless bliss — Eternal day. 4. I will praise now my Heav'nly King — I '11 praise and adore ; The heart's richest tribute bring, To thee, God of power ; And in heaven above — Saved by thy redeeming love — Loud the strains shall move, Forever more. SPIRITUAL SONGS; 133 THE PUKE TESTIMONY. — o> afe^izzC trz^: :zz£zz=£:zzTzzz£:zi|zzz^ i The pure tes - ti - mo - ny, put a^fcz *q_-?z±z£ ?z£ z=£ _J v~~ ±=±=^±=£e& forth iu the Spi - rit, Cuts like a sharp ► \ f m r -&- ::!=: H^T— ^- — i j^._:_p*.:r — j — i-J- h- : -* — & — 9. # _±^___^ __a_ ± ^ ^__ two edg - ed sword, And hy - po - crites g-JL— U -1 <*- SZTi^zznrzq^zzizzz^zzzzi now are most sore - ly tor - ment - ed, Be- 1 X „. „» ^ ^ZI 134 SPIRITUAL SONGS. J^- j^- fc -. j 1 —mm JH--T- fe. fe 1 __| 1 J B j — - cause tliey 're condemn'd by the word ; The ^Z=fc m — i- -#—#— W- -i — i — ( — - »* -^ » *■• -^—^— im- pure tes - ti - mo - ny dis - cov - ers the dross, While *-±z2: -F- -h^ — m— &-- &— v— &- -y^— ^ — ^- ±=t= -&—&- =^£3E =t -i 1 W 10- &-& wick - ed pro-fes - sors make light of the cross, And -0—& — (•— I — — — jh- — n- — iv — fc- y /?N— r~ Ba - by - Ion trem-bles for fear of her --J — -J — -I — * — j a) :*z=i l zz^: I SPIRITUAL SOXGS. 185 2. Is not the time come for the Church to be gather'd Into the one Spirit of God ? Baptized by one Spirit, into the one body, Partaking Christ's flesh and his blood ? They drink in one Spirit, which makes them all see They 're one in Christ Jesus, wherever they be — The Jew and the Gentile, the bond and the. free. 3. Then blow ye the trumpet in pure testimony, And let the world hear it again ; come ye from Babylon, Egypt, and Sodom, And make your way over the plain. t!ome, wash all your robes in the blood of the Lamb, And walk in the Spirit through Jesus's name — In the pure testimony you will overcome. 4. The world will not persecute those who are like them, But hold them the same as their own ; The pure testimony cries out, " separation," Which causes false teachers to frown ; Come out from foul spirits and practises too, The track of your Saviour keep still in your view — The pure testimony will cut the way through. A battle is coming between the two kingdoms, The armies are gathering round ; The pure testimony and vile persecution Will come to close contest ere long; Then gird on your armour, ye saints of the Lord, And he will direct you by his living word; The pure testimony will cut like a sword. 6. The great prince of darkness is must'ring his foi To make you his pris'ners again, By slanders, reproaches, and vile persecution, That you in his cause may remain; Then shun his temptations wherever they lie, And feaar not his servants whatever they say ; The PURE TESTIMONY will give you the day. 136 SPIRITUAL SONGS. GOSPEL FKEEDOM. 8s & 7s. -\ — to Q±:a 1. Ye who know your sins for - % giv - en, zgpi-ZMti Z&-~4~ZZ3tZ jtLZJ&z : at -^ — •— And are hap 3^£: py in the Lord, Have you :*. 35 r rr I: MzzM: I -P- +■ :^: 3: H — i — +*— h — i — i — read that gra-cious pro-mise, Which is left up - on re- 3E£i ■^-*»- £ -i — *-*-\ bwa- ter, I will cord : I will sprin-kle you with wa - ter, I will jEzpiaz^czp-p:. =8tfc==ttt=t SPIRITUAL SONGS — Tt-t 131 z=:z:^:=^z:?zi?z:t3-^?^z:^z± cleanse you from all sin : Sanc-ti - fy and make you zfir^=:*z:fzfcz:Eez;Sz±az:^=:iz:*=± 1 a 1 L 2. Though you have much peace and comfort, Greater things you yet may find ; Freedom from unholy tempers, Freedom from the carnal mind. To procure your perfect freedom, Jesus suffered, groaned, and died ; On the cross the healing fountain Gushed from his wounded side. Be as holy and as happy, And as useful here below, As it is your Father's pleasure ; Jesus, only Jesus, know. None but holy ones can enter To the pure celestial sphere ; Let me ask the solemn question— Has the Lord a witness here ? 138 SPIRITUAL SONGS. THE VOYAGE. H. M, ■ 4- J'l 1 i F^T X g,_ t: 1. Thro' tri - bu - la - tion deep The way to a±fc i=t=t dk* :*z:*: :^==S: :*=*•£ -J II" I 1 If 1 ^— » — U-l-i^j —^J . p J EBi LJ-4-^4,r. U l glo - ry is ; This stormy course I keep O'er :p:zp: =t 3z:z|: :=lz:zt :^z:i£ :tt± at:it fi ft JlTTT -I' I t. » ■ p aFT these tem-pestuous seas : By waves and winds 1 'm :BSS =t=JzE ±3t-zi :p=zp—W- :|zzzt: 5i# tJ=± toss'd and driven, Freighted with grace, and bound to heaven. zzt :4z=Oz3=5&i=p=3ig -*z:d£zzz:z:i:t::ztz:^P SPIRITUAL SONGS. 139 2. Sometimes temptations blow A dreadful hurricane ; And high the waters flow, And o'er the sides break in ; But still my little ship outbraves The blust'ring winds and surging waves, 3. When I, in my distress, My anchor, hope, can cast Within the promises, It holds my vessel fast ; Safely she thenjit anchor rides, Mid stormy winds and swelling tides. 4. But when a heavenly breeze Springs up and fills my sail, My vessel goes with ease Before the pleasant gale ; And runs as much an hour, or more, As in a month or two before. 5. The Bible is my chart, By it the seas I kn^w ; I cannot with it part, It rocks and sands doth show ; It is a chart and compass too, Whose needle points forever true. G. When through the voy'ge 1 get, (Though rough, it is but short,) The pilot angels meet To bring me into port ; And, when I land on that blest shore, 1 shall be safe forever more. 140 SPIRITUAL SONGS. ORESTES. 8s & 7s.. L. Thompson. 1. Yain are all ter - res - trial plea-sures ; £EE;±i:=itz=t=tz± :=!=:« -o- i Mix'd with dross the pu - rest gold ; Seek we then for E * • -j| ^ :£=£: :e: *=*£=£ _4-if'| ..:;ir z= 4-, . .tv."-Mr heavenly treasures — Treasures never wax-ing old. i-r ^TT I =t =|r=t •X it^^AA & — I 1— e- :*z:2zi _J_.__P1_J__| -_j_J -J--U- J-;-* z£zzl!z±z=lz±fctzSzzffi=fc f— r tz=pt|= Let our best af - fec-tions cen - tre On the SPIRITUAL SONGS. 141 * tt r _ h - ?: :a::: things a - round the throne : There no thief can er en-ter ; Moth and rust are there unknown. ■— •- 3= $=« w- m #- =t :in^z:p±:tzz^z^2: Earthly joys no longer please us ; Here would we renounce them all ; Seek our only rest in Jesus, — Him our Lord and Master call. Faith, our languid spirits cheering, Points to brighter worlds above ; Bids us look for his appearing ; Bids us triumph in his love. 3. May our light be always burning, And our loins be girded round, Waiting for our Lord's returning, — Longing for the welcome sound. Thus the Christian life adorning, Never need we be afraid, Should he come at night or morning, Early dawn or evening shade. 142 SPIRITUAL SONGS. WHEN SHALL WE ALL MEET AGAIN ? =t m S5 :^-*zd: ±s£, S: ?j=p: t=J= 1. When shall we all meet again? When shall we all 2. Tho' in dis-tant lands we sigh, Parch'd beneath a 3. When these burnish'd locks are grey, Thinn'd bv many a 1: — b^ =fc ^ -II 1 . I — P4 e—m-o-m- meet a -gain? Oft shall glow-ing hope ex - pire, burn - ing sky ; Tho' the deep be - tween us rolls, toil-spent day ; When a - round this youth-ful pine -H— *w — -_. ^^ 1- ={rz±t==t Oft shall wea-ried love Friendship shall u - nite our souls ; Moss shall creep and i - vy twine ; m — -—# T o — & — o — i 1 — : & — i- -i — tr -o—&- 3:e£ Oft shall death and And in fan - cy's (Long may this loved -\- 1 1S=X _(_- ' 4^\ ? +-* =rt 3E =t ~h tliiiizfliS sor - row reign, Ere we all shall meet a - gain, wide do - main, Oft shall we all meet a - gain, bower re - main :) Here may we all meet a - gain. fctEE= SPIRITUAL SONGS. 143 4. When the dreams of life are fled, When its wasted lamp is dead, "When, in cold oblivion's shade, Beauty, wealth, and fame are laid ; "Where immortal spirits reign, There may we all meet again. Note. — This poetry, it is said, was "composed and sung by three Indians, who were educated at Dartmouth, at their last interview before leaving college, in an enchanting bower, whither they had often resorted, and in the midst of which grew a 'youthful pine.' Nearly half a century afterwards they providentially met again — the recollection of bygone days drew them to the same spot, and, at a meeting still more affecting, they composed and sung the fol- lowing." — Tradition. THE MEETING.- 1. Parted many a toil-spent year, Pledged in youth to mem'ry dear ; Still, to friendship's magnet true, We our social joys renew ; Bound by love's unsever'd chain, Here, on earth, we meet again. 2. But our bower, sunk to decay, Wasting time has swept away ; And the youthful evergreen, Lopp'd by death, no more is seen ; Bleak the winds sweep o'er the plain, W T hen, in age, we meet again. 3. Many a friend we used to greet, Here, on earth, no more we meet : Oft the fun'ral knell has rung ; Many a heart has sorrow stung, Since we parted on this plain, Fearing ne'er to meet again. 4. Worn with toil, and sunk with years, We shall quit this vale of tears ; And these hoary locks be laid Low in cold oblivion's shade ; But, where saints and angels reign, W r e all hope to meet again ! 144 SPIRITUAL SONGS. THE CHAEIOT. 12s. Williams. |t:taT = T==:»T;f:T*=:iTpziz-K:t 1. The chariot ! the chariot ! — its wheels roll in fire, 2. The glo - ry ! the glo - ry ! around him array'd ; &3&4n Mtz±:z:If=t:±:z:Ipz:t:tEizSt± 'zz]=*i:i=:ifz:pi^z:^z:^i:i=:-:z=:i:jzf As the Lord cometh down in the pomp of his ire ; Migh-ty hosts of the an - gels now wait on the Lord; ■# 0V jj T— &-& -m — m-\ ^zgz-pnp: 3fct=r-r™ ^ =t :p 53 =t 111 £ ;Se£ Lo ! self-mov - ing, it drives on its path- way of cloud, And the glo - ri - fied saints and the mar-tyrs are there, i Lir f't 1 uir'l.'TOU-^-gLlu^ ' -= H-^r-«- ^ ^ - f-ffr- ^Mi--uu-Pi' And the hsav'ns with the bur-den of God-head are bow'd. And there all who the palm-leaves of vie - to - ry wear. ~0 — & — ~-\%~-o — I — (-+-F — t Tg-fl t:l SPIRITUAL POX OS. 145 The trumpet ! the trumpet ! the dead all have heard ; Lo ! the depths of the stone-cover'd charnel are stirr'd ! From the sea, from the earth, from the south, from the north, All the vast generations of men are come forth. 4. The judgment ! the judgment ! — the thrones all are set, Where the Lamb and the white-vested elders are met ! There all flesh is at once in the sight of the Lord, And the doom of eternity hangs on his word. mercy ! mercy ! — look down from above, Great Creator, on us, thy sad children, with love! When beneath to their darkness the wicked are driven, May our justified souls lind a welcome in heaven ! THE YOUNG CONVERT. C. M. S. Hill. R5 ■ A~ 3p~4-3t :s—jf—oZr-. I I I 1. "When converts first be - gin to sing — Their hap-py souls are on the wing — zzz_z^:^:±:rz: , _:zi:z:^:isr?: ^_a-_L_.i^ 1 — - --I — 1 1 Won-der, won-der, won-der: ) ^ . ,-, '„„n _ Glo - ry, hal - le - 1« - jab! j Thoir thcme IS a11 ' re " -f-#- ,i i ■:! f if r r-fn 10 146 SPIRITUAL SONGS. 1 I i if - p I I l ±=gEi - t - J rr deeming love — Glo-ry, hal - le-lu-jah ! Fain would they r r r \r i—t—t 0=f _i i — # T -^ -4--- d- 3. We shall see Him as He is, By-and-by, when He comes — We shall see, &c. 4. We shall walk the golden streets, By-and-by, when He comes — We shall walk, &c. 32 148 SPIRITUAL SONGS. TIJE SAINT'S SWEET HOME. lis. **=#: Ft — **+-\ — * L 'Mid scenes of con-fu-sion and creature com-plaints, 2. An a-lien from God, and a stran-ger to grace, — M*= &-&•& _^_0_^J £EB£ — I — I — I- m :*z*: m — -!— ~ri— &--&■ How sweet to my soul is com - I wan-der'd thro' earth, its gay tz:?z:i .i?5ez! -#- -i H -m—m—m — ^_jj — ^_^ 33 ::^z:dz:g: To find at the ban - quet of In the path - way of sin I con • mu-nion with saints! plea-sures to trace ; ^zzq^i^i :*z::it:*zfez:i -(-- 4-L. — i — H iz^itzzt--: ipziz mer - cy there 's room tin - ued to roam, izzjzzqzq^z: — ^_J ^ — ^X-i ^_1 -LC_L_a- And feel in the pre-sence of Un - mind - f ul, a - las ! that it Je - bus at home — led me from home — z_^:i:izz^z:^i:iz:^z:^:i:z|z:zji__,_i:^z:|: z4=:::tzz|=z:kf:tz:pz:p:z:*z:*zafcztz:f SPIRITUAL SONGS. 149 «zf:g:=f:±:?ziz^:I^z^z:^: ie — sweet, sweet home, — Pre - pare me, dear —&-] ^ := T : ^ :: =H : T : # Z l Z # : ? : d := H- : |— ,^Efe?Ef: e :EE.4:EElE3£E^:^ 2d ending. t=P= Sa-viour, for hea-vcn, my home. 1— {-#-' 3 3* -*-.-#- » q — e? &j&^-~ r* T — r~3"^ ' — ' — t rw~ !l — I e—\— HH 1 1 — -^--p-M 1 J f--0-|-| _j — ^iJ — &-^— -i |m — ^.L I f I I z:zz^z:^±^z=_zfc=:i:'!!zzz^:±:t- ,=1 3. . The pleasures of earth I have seen fade away ; They bloom for a season, but soon they decay ; But pleasures more lasting in Jesus are given, Salvation on earth and a mansion in heaven — Home, home, &c. 4. Allure me no longer, ye false glowing charms I The Saviour invites me — I'll go to his arms; At the banquet of mercy, I hear there is room ; there may I feast with his children at home — Home, heme, &c. 5. Farewell, vain amusements — my follies, adieu ; While Jesus, ajid heaven, and glory I view, 1 feast on the pleasures that flow from his throne, The foretaste of heaven, sweet heaven, my home— Home, home, &c. G. The days of lny exile are passing away, The time is approaching when Jesus will say, 150 SPIRITUAL SONGS. Well done, faithful servant, sit down on my throne, And dwell in my presence, forever at home. Home, home, &c. 7. Affliction, and sorrow, and death shall be o'er, The saints will unite to be parted no more ; Their loud hallelujahs fill heaven's high dome, They dwell with their Saviour forever at home. Home, home — sweet, sweet home, — Receive me, dear Saviour, to glory, my home. THE PROMISES. [Adapted to the tune on the following page] 1. How firm a foundation, ye saints of the Lord, Is laid for your faith, in his excellent word ! What more can he say than to you he hath said, You, who unto Jesus for refuge have fled ? 2. In every condition, in sickness or health, In poverty's vale, or abounding in wealth ; At home, or abroad, on the land, on the sea, As thy days may demand shall thy strength ever be. 3. When through the deep waters I call thee to go, The rivers of woe shall not thee overflow ; For I will be with thee thy troubles to bless, And sanctify to thee thy deepest distress. 4. When through fiery trials thy pathway shall lie, My grace, all sufficient, shall be thy supply ; The flame shall not hurt thee — I only design Thy dross to consume and thy gold to refine. 5. Even down to old age, all my people shall prove My sovereign, eternal, unchangeable love ; And when hoary hairs shall their temples adorn, Like lambs they shall still on my bosom be borne. 6. The soul that on Jesus doth lean for repose, I will not, I will not desert to his foes ; That soul though all hell should endeavor to shake, I '11 never — no, never — no, never forsake. - SPIRITUAL 8QNGS. 151 DELAY NOT. lis. 1. J)e - lay not, de - lay not — sin-ner, draw near ; Xo price is de-mand-ed— the Sa-viour is here ; The wa - ters of life are now flow - ing for thee : Re - demp-tion is purchased — sal-va - iion is free ! -~ rszrazzs :E«EE: 2. Delay not, delay not — why longer abuse The love and compassion of Jesus thy God ? A fountain is open'd — how canst thou refuse To wash and be cleansed in his pard'ning blood ? 3. Delay not, delay not, sinner, to come — For mercy still lingers, and calls thee to-day ; Her voice is not heard in the shades of the tomb — Her message, unheeded, will soon pass away. 4. Delay not, delay not — the Spirit of grace, Long grieved and resisted, may take its sad flight, And leave thee in darkness to finish thy race, To sink in the gloom of eternity's night. 6. Delay not, delay not — the hour is at hand ; The earth shall dissolw, and the heavens si mil fade ; The dead, small and great, in the judgment shall stand ; What helper, then, sinner, shall lend thee his aid? 152 SPIRITUAL SONGS. THE BANK OF HEAVEN. C. M. Tune— ZERATI. 1. I have a nev - er - fail - ing bank, A 2. *T is when my stock is spent and gone, And zzzz^jL.,4-. ^. z\zzzf 3 f a:z:az:az|:q"33 zrz'zzziikZ^zZFzzI __z__JL_- gj __ @_ _^ — i -£> — I X 1 more than gold - en I with - out a i^zzz^z:^: store ; groat, No earth - ly bank is I 'm glad to has - ten — i 1 1 -A— - __j & __ ^ — _]__ .. :^ :-fizlzTI^z:3zfiz^I^z\fz^:z\zz\zx ^9 1 ■ 1 Q 1. 9q ^— I — ■ — - L 3ialf so rich — How then can I be poor ? — No earth-ly to my bank, And beg a lit - tie note : — I 'm glad to :^:=^Zzrz]: Ti :*z:*z*zfc*: ■& — 0-0-0 1— § — I— S -F-H izztztzzrfi^ztd L, j 1 j__ -&—&-&- V_^_x "bank is half so rich — How then can I has-ten to my bank, And beg a lit - &-. -0-. - — I s — M - P~\\ — l-i — f — i -4-K-- ^__l ^-j- g-^-^-^-{-|— — 1-4- SPIRITUAL SONGS. 153 3. Sometimes my Banker, smiling, says 14 Why don't you oft'ner come? And, when you draw a little note, Why not a larger sum ? 4. " Why live so niggardly and poor ? Your bank contains a plenty ; Why come and take a one-pound note, When you might have a twenty? 5. " Yea, twenty thousand, ten times told, Is but a trifling sum, To what your Father has laid up, Secure in God his Son." 6. Since then my Banker is so rich, I have no cause to borrow : I '11 live upon my cash to-day, And draw again to-morrow. 7. I've been a thousand times before, And never was rejected ; Sometimes my Banker gives me more - '' Than ask'u for or expected. 8. Sometimes I've felt a little proud, I 've managed things so clever ; But ah ! before the day was gone I've felt as poor as ever. 9. Sometimes with blushes on my face, Ju^t at the door I stand ; I know if Moses keep me back, I surely must be damn'd. 10. I know my bank will never break — No, it can never 'fail : The firm — Three persons in one God ; Jehovah — Lord of all ! 11. Should all tho banks of Britain break, The Bank of England smash — Bring in your notes *o Zion's bank, You '11 surely have your cash. 154 SPIRITUAL SONGS. 12. And if you have but one small note, Fear not to bring it in ; Come boldly to this bank of grace — The Banker is within. 13. All forged notes will be refused, Man's merits are rejected; There's not a single note will pass That God has not accepted. 14. 'T is only those beloved of God, Redeem'd by precious blood, That ever had a note to bring — These are the gifts of God. 15. Though thousand ransom'd souls may say, They have no notes at all — Because they feel the plague of sin, So ruin'd by the fall: 16. This bank is full of precious notes, All signed, and seal'd, and free — Though many doubting souls may say, There is not one for me. 17. Base unbelief will lead the child To say what is not true ; I tell the soul who feels self-lost, These notes belong to you. 18. The leper had a little note — " Lord, if thou wilt thou can !" The Banker cash'd his little note, And heal'd the sickly man. 19. We read of one young man, indeed, Whose riches didPabound ; But in the Banker's book of grace, This man was never found. 20. But see the wretched dying thief, Hang by the Banker's side : He cried, " Dear Lord, remember me ! w He got hi3 cash — and died. INDEX TO HYMNS. All is Well Page 124 Backslider's kament, the 122 Backslider's Return, the .' 45 Bank of Heaven, the 152 Bible, the 42 Burial of Mrs. Judson, the 114 Call to Sinners, a 75 Chariot, the 144 Christian's Experience, the 131 Christian's Farewell 55 Christian's Farewell, the 24 Christian Soldier, the GO Christian's Song, the 26 Christian Victor, the 121 Christian's Voyage, the 138 Christ in the Garden 11 Christ's Crucifixion 13 Cross, the 48 Daniel in the Lion's Den 79 Daniel's Wisdom < v t Delay not 151 Description of the Children of God 5 Dieslrse 21 Dying Boy, the 112 Dying Girl to her Sister, the 26 Efficacy of the Atoning Blood 117 Faithful Sentinel, the 110 Family Bible, the 101 Glory be to God alone 103 Good Morning, Brother Pilgrim 57 Gospel Ship, the G2 Gospel Steamer, the 10 Happy Man, the 71, 128 Heavenly Pilgrim, the 15 Heavenly Railroad (>:j Heavenly Soundings , 8G 156 INDEX TO HYMNS. He doeth all things well Page 32 Here is a Band of* Brethren dear 18 Hermit, the 53 Home in Heaven 47 Home of the Soul 67 How sweet the Memory of the Dead 96 I have no Father there 105 Indian's Experience, the 54 Knights of Malta 50 Last Trumpet's Sound, the 65 Lay up nearer, Brother 69 Life of a Christian, the 3 Little Hymn, the 91 Magnetic Telegraph, the 39 March around Jerusalem 19 Meal and Cruse of Oil, the 4 Ministry of Angels, the 43 Missionary's Grave, the 61 Mote and Beam, the ., >. 30 Mountaineer's Farewell, the 56 My Father's Land 86 Narrow Way, the 51 New Gospef Ship, the 66 Oft in the Stilly Night ,.. 122 Old Family Bible, the z 87 Old Israelites, the 105 Old Oak-Tree, the 28 One in Christ Jesus 130 Our bondage it shall end 68 Our Kindred dear to Heaven have gone 97 Prayer 38 Prodigal's Return, the 108 Promises, the 15G Pure Testimony, the 133 Resurrection Hymn, the 91 Ruler's Daughter, the < 116 Sacrifice, the 76 Saint's Sweet Home, the 148 Saw ye my Saviour? 8 Star in the East, the 102 Scattered Household, the 33 Selling Heaven 64 Sceptic, spare that Book 9 Slave's Appeal, the 29 INDEX TO FIRST LINES OF HYMNS. 157 Tempest, fhe Page 34 They know not what they do 35 Three Friends, (the) — The Separation 142 " Meeting 143 Triumph of the Christian 119 Vain world, adieu ! 126 Vaudois Teacher, the....*. 40 Warning to Sinners, a 6 Weary at Rest, the * 17 We've found the Rock 23 When I set dut fur Glory 93 When Joseph his Brethren beheld 73 When shall we all meet again? 142 White Pilgrim's Grave, the 89 Whither iroest thou, Pilgrim Stranger? 83 Whv those fears?...! 88 Wife, the , 7 J Worldly Pleasures renounced 140 Ye shall see me 117 Young Lady's Experience, the 40 Young Convert, the •. 145 INDEX TO FIRST LINES OF HYMNS. Adieu! adieu! I'm dying BOW Pacre 24 A father is praying the Saviour to hear 116 A few more days on earth to spend „ 55 Afflictions, though they seem severe 106 Along the smooth and slender wires 39 A mixture of joy and trouble I daily do pass through 3 Among the Jewish nations one Daniel there was found.... 7 9 Away from his home, and the friends of his youth 110 Brightest and best of the sons of the morning 102 Brother, thou art gone before us 17 Burst, ye emei aid gates, and bring 103 By the poor widow's oil and meal Come, all you knights, you knights of Malta 50 Come, little children. n'>\v we may partake a littl Com-', ye that love the Lord 158 INDEX TO FIRST LINES OF HYMNS. Daniel's wisdom may I know Page 84 Dark and thorny is the desert 15 Day of wrath, that clay of burning 21 Delay not, delay not — sinner, cfraw near 151 Enlisted with Jesus to fight against sin 60 "Go, bring me," said the dying fair 64 Good morning, brother pilgrim 57 Happy the spirit released from its clay 121 Here is a band of brethren dear 18 How firm a foundation, ye saints of the Lord 150 How happy is the man who has chosen wisdom's ways. 71, 128 How painfully pleasing the fond recollection 87 How sweet the mem'ry of the dead 96 I came to the spot wfcere the white pilgrim lay -89 I have a never-failing Bank 152 I have sought round the verdant earth 131 I 'm tired of visits, modes, and forms 48 In a lone, silent spot, 'neath the sad drooping willow 01 In de dark wood, no Indian nigh 54 I received a gospel letter 10 I remember how I loved her, when a little guiltless child 32 I saw a wide and well-spread board 99 I 've shipp'd on board the gospel ship 66 Joyfully, joyfully, onward I move 119 Lay up nearer, brother, nearer 69 Let party names no more 130 Mid scenes of confusion and creature complaints ... 148 Mother, I'm dying now 112 Mother, what makes my father gone? 35 Mournfully, tenderly, bear on the dead 114 My brother, will you meet me 19 O, brethren, I have found 26 O, careless sinner, come 75 Oft in the stilly night 122 0, God, thou great Creator 29 (), lady fair! "these silks of mine 40 Once I loved my Redeemer, his tioek and his' fold 45 0, they crucified my Saviour 91 Our bondage, it shall end by-and-by 68 Our kindred dear to heaven have gone 97 O, where is my father — my guardian, my guide ?>/> O, where can the soul find relief from its foes 67 Parted many a toil-spent year 143 INDEX TO FIRST LINES OF HYMNS. 159 Saw ye my Saviour? Saw ye my Saviour? Page 8 Sceptic, spare that Book y She clung to him with woman's lo\e 72 Since meridian light commences 30 The chariot ! the chariot ! — its wheels roll in fire 144 The Christian Pilgrim sings 47 The dream is past — I'm dying now 26 The Qospel Ship has long been sailing 62 The line to heaven by Christ was made 63 The morning sun rose bright and clear 76 The old Iraelites knew what it was they must do 105 The pure testimony, put forth in the Spirit 133 There is an eye that never sleeps 38 There is a fountain fill'd with blood 117 There is a place where my hopes are stay'd 86 The Soil of Man they did betray 13 This Book is all that's left me now 101 This little Bojk I'd rather own 42 Thou art gone to the grave— but we will not deplore thee 53 Through tribulation deep , 138 To heaven I 'm bound with prosp'rous gales 86 Vain are all terrestrial pleasures 140 We have come from the mountains 56 We shall see a light appear 147 We were crowded in the cabin 34 We 've found the Rock, the travellers cried 23 What poor despised company 5 When shall we all meet again? 142 What 's this that steals, that steals upon my frame 124 When converts first begin to sing 145 When for eternal worlds we steer 126 When I set out for glory 93 When Joseph his brethren beheld 75 When nature was sinking in stillness to rest 11 When pity prompts me to look round 6 When the last trumpet's sound 65 Which of the petty kings of earth 43 Whither goest thou, pilgrim stranger? 83 Why these fears? — behold 'tis Jesus 88 Woodman, spare that tree 28 Ye people 'that wonder at me and my ways 46 Ye who know your sins forgiven .....* 136 INDEX TO TUNES. All is Well. 10s, 3s & 8s Page 124 Bank of Heaven. C. M 152 Burial of Mrs. Judson. 6s & 5s, or 10s & lis 114 Burst, ye Emerald Gates. 7s & Gs 103 Chariot. 11 & 12s 144 Delay Not. lis 151 Dying Boy. 6, 10, 10, 4 112 Experience. 8, 5, 8, 5, 5, 7, 5, 4 131 Faithful Sentinel, lis & 12s 110 Fountain. C. M 117 Gospel Freedom. 8s & 7s 136 Hanover, lis repent, inquire the road That leads to glory and to God, And washed in Christ's atoning blood, Mercy's free, mercy's fiee. This thro' the toils of life shall cheer us; Mercy's free, mercy's free. And thro' the vale of death shall bear us; Mercy's free, Mercy's free. And when to Jordan's brink we come, And cross the raging billows' foam, We'll sing when safely landed home, Mercy's free, mercy's free. SWEET PRAYER. When torn is the bosom by anguish and care, Be it ever so simple there's nothing like prayer; It eases, soothes, softens, subdues, yet sustains, Gives vigor to hope, and puts passion in chains. Prayer! sweet prayer! United with faith, there is nothing like prayer, When forced from those friends we love dearest to part. What fond recollections still rise in our heart; Past converse, past scenes, past enjoyments are there, Oh! how hurtfully pleasing till hallowed by prayer, Prayer! sweet prayer! United with faith, there is nothing like prayer. When pleasure would woo us from piety's arms The syren sings sweetly or silently charms — SPIRITUAL SONGS. 29 We listen, look, loiter, exposed to the snare, Till flying to Jesus we conquer by prayer. Prayer! sweet prayer! United with faith, there is nothing like prayer. If strangers to prayer, we are strangers to bliss, But enjoyment of God is secured by this, And when with bright seraphs we ecstasy share We then shall possess the fruition of prayer. Prayer! sweet prayer! United with faith, there is nothing like prayer. Praise God for what he's done for me, I once was blind, but now I see; I on the brink of ruin fell, Glory to God! I'm out of hell. Chorus — Hallelujah, hallelujah, Hallelujah, hallelujah, Amen. Praise God for what he's done for us, He's tuned our hearts to praise him thus. And now he cries, Go on, go on, I'll crown you when your work is done. SWELLINGS OF JORDAN. Poor Christian, look up to the joys set before thee, And haste on thy way to the regions of glory, A crown and a kingdom thy faith may discover; Thy troubles are great, but they soon will be over; For Jesus hath suffered, thy soul to deliver, And light up thy passage through Jordan's dark river 30 SPIRITUAL SONGS The world, flesh, and Satan, their forces are sending, With footmen and horses thy soul is contending. But dost thou grow weary and faint with thy burden ? Then what wilt thou do in the swellings of Jordan? Oh! cry unto Jesus thy soul to deliver, And he will support thee while crossing the river. But in thy true character am I mistaken ? Hast thou by thy conduct thy Savior forsaken? Then come again to him for peace and for pardon, And ask for his aid in the swellings of Jordan. Thy soul from all danger lie then will deliver, And nothing shall harm you while crossing the river. PART II. Christ is a sure guide to the children of Zion, But if thou hast any false props to rely on, Thy soul is deluded, think what thou art doing; Oh! cast them away, or they'll sink thee to ruin; For none but Jehovah has power to deliver, And bear up thy soul in the midst of the river. The clouds gather blackness, the night is fast coming, The river swells high, and the billows are foaming; On what wilt thou lean when thy strength is all wasted, Thy reeds will all fail, and thy hopes will be blasted; Oh! cry unto Jesus thy soul to deliver, And nothing shall harm thee while crossing the river. But if on his mercy thy soul is relying, Thou never need'st fear either living or dying, The footmen and horses shall fall down before thee, And Jordan shall open thy passage to glory. Then, when thou art landed safe over the river, When time is no more thou shalt praise him for ever. SPIRITUAL SONGS. 31 THE BEGGAR. Tune — Freemason's Hymn. I have become a beggar at the end of my days And all my delight is to give God the praise, For he has reliev'd me again and again, And soon he will ease all my trouble and pain. Chorus — And so it came to pass, that the beggar, when he died, In Abraham's bosom h*s spirit did reside. If I had a died when I had been young, The trade of a beggar I never had known ; But since it is not so, with my God I will comply, And I hope to be a beggar until the day I die. I have done well with begging since I first set out, I've begged a kingdom without any doubt; A crown for my head, and a harp for my hand, And I'm making home to glory at Jesus' command. Come all faithful beggars, fresh courage now take, And beg your way through, and his ways don't forsake ; But knock at mercy's door, Christ will not you deny, There's a crown and a kingdom for you by and by. It's true I am a beggar, that's very well known, I'm begging my way to a kingdom and a crown; When my begging is ended and my bag I lay down, Though a beggar on earth, yet all heaven's my own. 39 SPIRITUAL SONGS. THE GOSPEL LIFE BOAT. All hands on board, the Captain cries, Let every sinner hear; Along the beach the vessel lies, And is about to clear. Bound for the the haven of repose, To Canaan's peaceful shore, Where care and pain no bosom knows, But joys for ever more. Chords — O'er life's rough sea we mean to sail, Till we the harbor gain; Blow' gentle gale, fill every sail, And waft us o'er the main. Should foes o'erhaul us on the way, And ask from whence we came, We answer, from destruction's bay, And Israel is our name. Or should they wish our bark to board, Or seem inclin'd for war, We'll every man gird on his sword, And for the fight prepare. THE SHIP SAFETY BOUND FOR CANAAN. Tune — Canaan. We're outward bound, with all the fleet, And Jesus is our leader; Free grace has brought us to his feet: Heaven's glorious intercede!'. Canaan ! blest Canaan ! We are bound to the land of Canaan; For Canaan is our place of rest; Will you go to the land of Canaan? SPIRITUAL SONGS. 33 Our anchor's weighed from earth and sin ; Our sails are spread and flowing; We mean a glorious prize to win, In the land to which we're going. Canaan ! rich Canaan ! All hands for the land of Canaan ! For Canaan is our " father-land," Will you sail with us for Canaan ? We've joined the Lord High Admiral's ship; His standard now is waiving; We'll range along across the deep; Sailors and soldiers saving. Canaan ! great Canaan ! Starboard for the land of Canaan ! "Keep a good look out there — fore and aft," Will you hail for the land of Canaan ? Our number yet is not complete ; We've berths and glorious wages: Bear a hand — be quick, and join the fleet, And read our sacred pages. Canaan ! grand Canaan ! "Crowns of gold," in the land of Canaan ; Eternal life our pension is; Will you ship for the land of Canaan? Our ship's well mann'd and stor'd, and arm'd, With magazines for fighting; Fear not, then; come be not alarmed; 'Tis " God in Christ," inviting. Canaan! strong Canaan! No foes in the land of Canaan; And Canaan ne'er can conquered be Will you sail with us for Canaan? 34 SPIRITUAL SONGS. Should storms arise 'midst rocks and shoals, And death come off to seize us, Redeeming blood secures our souls, The precious blood of Jesus. Canaan ! high Canaan ! We'll sing in the land of Canaan ; From every kindred, tribe and tongue, Will you go to the blood-bought Canaan ? A few more tacks, main topsail haul, And the wind will be fair for Canaan; The last tack made, with " haul of all ;" Then bear away for Canaan. Canaan ! calm Canaan! "No Sea" in the land of Canaan; " No night, no curse," or foe-ships there, For the glorious Lord's in Canaan. The harbor made, full sail we steer, With Calv'ry's standard raised ; What millions wait our course to cheer! Free grace, rich grace, be praised ! Canaan! full Canaan! All the saints in the land of Canaan! Let go the anchor, furl the sails, We've arrived in the land of Canaan. Shout vict'ry o'er sin, death and hell, Through Calv'ry's crimson fountain ; All hands in glory, sing and tell Of the blood-besprinkled mountain. Canaan! blest Canaan! A marriage feast in Canaan ; Triumph and glory! and endles3 joys! Come sail for the port of Canaan J SPIRITUAL SONGS. 35 THE CANAAN TRAVELER. Ye vain worldly pleasures, we bid you adieu, A heavenly country we have in our view; From earth we are rising at Jesus' command, By faith we'll go up and possess the good land. Chorus. — Press forward, press forward, the prize is in view, A crown of bright glory is waiting for you. From Egypt's hard bondage our souls are set free, And now we are walking in sweet liberty; All may unite with our conquering band, And with us go up and possess the good land. Press forward, &c. The tall sons of Anak may stand in our way, But Jesus our captain is greater than they; The power of Jehovah they can not withstand ; Therefore, we'll go up and possess the good land. Press forward, &c Through faith in his blood we can trample on sin, Arrayed in his might we the battle shall win; The sword of the Spirit is in our right hand, With this we'll go up and possess the good land. Press forward, &c. Now. now, to the brink of the river we're come, Our heaven-born spirits would fain be at home; Lo! Jordan rolls back at our Jesus' command; He bids us go up and possess the good land. Press forward, &c. 36 SPIRITUAL SONGS. Soon as we arrive on celestial ground. With honor and glory our heads shall be crown'd, And conquering palms we shall hold in our hand, And dwell with our King in the heavenly land. Press .forward. &c. GOD IS LOVE. Tune — Will you go ? What sound is this thro' heaven resounding — God is love ? From earth I hear the song rebounding — God is love. Yes, while adoring hosts proclaim Love is his nature, love his name, My soul in rapture cries the same — God is love. This song repeat, ye saints in glory — God is love ; And saints on earth, shout back the story — God is love. In this let heaven and earth agree To sound his love both full and free. And let the theme for ever be — God is love. Creation's thousand tongues proclaiming — God is love. And Providence unites, exclaiming — God is love. But let the burden'd sinner hear The gospel sounding loud and clear To everv soul both far and near — God is love. This heavenly love all round is flowing — God is love; And in my heart the fire is glowing — God is love. That God is love, I know full well, And had I power his love to tell, With loudest notes my songs should swell — God is love. SPIRITUAL SONGS. 37 The love of God is now my pleasure — God is love, This, only this, shall be my treasure — God is love; This theme shall be my song below, And, when I home to glory go, This strain eternally shall flow — God is love. ADDRESS TO SAILORS. Ye sons of the main, who sail over the flood, Whose sins are like mountains, and reach up to God, Remember the last voyage of life will soon end; So now, brother sailor, make Jesus your friend. Look astern on your life, see your way marked with sin; Look ahead, see what danger you are foundering in: If the black rocks of death beat forth on your keel, Then your vessel and cargo will all sink to hell. Mind your helm, brother sailor, and don't fall asleep; Watch and pray night and day, lest you"sink in the deep; Lay by your old compass, it will do you no good. It ne'er will direct you the right way to God. Fling your luff, brother sailor, the breeze is now fair; Trim your sails to the wind, boys, the storm you'll soon clear; You are sailing to Jesus, keep him in full view, You'll weather all danger, he'll guide you safe through. Renounce your old master, the devil, straightway, Or the crew that you sail with will lead you astray; Desert the black colors, fly over to red, For Jesus, your captain, has conquered and bled. 4 38 SPIRITUAL SONGS. His colors are flying, they wave in the air. And volunteers are coming both far off and near; Embark, then, with Jesus, no longer delay, Good usage he'll give you, good wages he'll pay. Good usage he'll give you, when the voyage it begins, He will free your transgressions and pardon your sins ; Though storms you will meet with when sailing that way, Yet soon you will anchor in heaven's broad bay. Your tarpauling jackets no longer you'll wear, But robes dipt in glory, all pure, white, and fair, With crowns on your head that will dazzle the sun, From glory to glory eternally run. OH, HOW HE LOVES! Sinners, come, let's fly to Jesus! Oh, how he loves! From our thralldom bell release us, Oh, how he loves! Oh, glad we are to hear him Bid such sinful worms come near him, Why should we distrust or fear him? Oh, how he loves ! It's eternal life to know him, Oh, how he loves! Think, oh, think, how much we owe him, Oh, how he loves! With his precious blood he bought us, In the wilderness he sought us, To his fold he kindly brought us; Oh, how he loves! SPIRITUAL 30SGS. 39 Come, and id his arms he'll take 110, Oh, how he loves ! Never leave us, nor forsake us, Oh, how he loves! Men may slight aud disrespect us, But their wrath shall not affect us, Jesus will from harm protect us; Oh, how he loves! When the spark of life is waning, Oh, how he loves! When the languid eye is straining, Oh, how he loves! When the feeble pulse is ceasing, Start not at its swift decreasing, 'Tis the fettered soul releasing; Oh, how he loves! When the pangs of death assail thee, Oh, how he loves! Christ is thine, he can not fail thee, Oh, how he loves! Yes, though death and hell endeavor, From his love thy soul to sever, Jesus is thy strength for ever; Oh, how he loves! Soon in heaven we'll adore him, Oh, how he loves ! Cast our glitt'ring crowns before him, Oh, how T he loves! When the victory is completed, And around his throne we're seated, Then we'll sing and still repeat it; Oh, how he loves. 40 SPIRITUAL SONGS. CHRIST FEEDING THE MULTITUDE. The multitude is going away, But Jesus bids his people stay; A little while with Jesus stop, And gather all the fragments up. There's bread and fish for you and me, And plenty more for two or three ; Who would not, then, with Jesus stop, And gather all the fragments up ? There's wine new from the lees refined If you for glory are inclined; Come, then, with us and Jesus stop, And gather all the fragments up. Come, and partake the rich repast, The best comes, ofttimes, at the last; Your baskets fill up to the top, In love pack all the fragments up. SOLDIERS' HYMN. Come, soldiers, can't you arise and tell The wonders of Immanuel? Yes, bless the Lord, we can arise and tell The wonders of Immanuel. He's been our captain, 'mid war's alarms, He fired our hearts with cry to arms; We took the field, and with waving palms Returned in peace triumphant. Chorus — All glory to the Lamb of God ! Who purchased us with atoning blood; O wash our hearts in the purple flood, And fit our souls for glory. SPIRITUAL SONGS. 41 Come landsmen, can't you arise and tell The wonders of Imrnanuel? Yes, bless the Lord, we can arise and tell The wonders of Imrnanuel. He's brought us out of the miry clay, He set our feet on the king's highway, And now we bow to his pleasing sway, And press to endless glory. SOLDIERS' HYMN. Ye soldiers of Jesus, pray stand to your arms, Prepare for the battle, the gospel alarms; O be not faint-hearted, though he roars like a flood, He'll not stand before the bright armies of God. Chorus. — Glory be to Jesus, there's no friend like Jesus, Come with us, come with us, Come with us in love, Let's all march together, to heaven above. To battle, to battle, the trumpets do sound, The watchmen are crying fair Zion around; The signal of victory, hark! hark! from the sky; Shout, shout, ye brave armies, the watchman all cry. King Jesus is riding the white horse before. The watchman close after, the trumpets do roar, Some shouting, some singing, salvation they cry, In the strength of King Jesus, all hell we defy. The angelic armies with Zion combine, In robes of bright glory eternally shine, All shouting and singing, on yon happy shore Where wars and commotions can reach them no more. 4* 42 SPIRITUAL SONGS. We'll join the bright harpers in anthems divine, Whose crown with bright diamonds the sun doos outshine ; To the praise of King Jesus, we'll tune our harps then ; Salvation and glory to Jesus, amen. * AND THE HOUSE OF THE LORD SHALL BE FILLED. And the house of the Lord shall be filled With glory, hallelujah, With glory, hallelujah, With glory, hallelujah, amen. Let the preacher be filled with thy love, Sing glory, hallelujah. Let the members be filled with thy love, Send the power. Let the children be filled with thy love, Send the power. Let the penitents be filled with thy love, Send the power. Let backsliders be filled with thy love, Send the power. And the work of the Lord shall revive, Send the power. MERCY'S FREE. By faith I see my Savior dying On the tree, on the tree, To every nation he is crying, Look to me, look to me. SPIRITUAL SONGS. 43 He bids the guilty now draw near, Repent, believe, dismiss their fear, Hark! hark! these precious words I hear, Mercy's free, mercy's free. Did Christ, when I was sin pursuing, Pity me, pity me? And did he save my soul from ruin, Can it be, can it be ? O yes, he did salvation bring, He is my prophet, priest and king, And now my happy soul can sing, Mercy's free, mercy's free. Jesus the mighty God hath spoken Peace to me, peace to me ; Now all my chains of sin are broken, I am free, I am free; Soon as I in his name believed, The Holy Spirit I received, And Christ from death my soul retrieved, Mercy's free, mercy's free. Jehovah still my soul refreshes, Mercy's free, mercy's free, And every moment Christ is precious, Unto me, unto me; None can describe the bliss I prove, While through the wilderness I rove, All may enjoy the Savior's love, Mercy's free, mercy's free. Long as I live I'll still be crying, Mercy's free, mercy's free. And this shall be my song when dying, Mercy's free, mercy's free; . 44 SPIRITUAL SONGS. And when the vale of death I've passed, And lodg'd above the stormy blast, I'll sing while endless ages last, Mercy's free, mercy's free. CHRIST THE ROCK. In seasons of grief to my God I'll repair, When my heart is o'erwhelmed with sorrows and care; From the ends of the earth, to thee will 1 cry, Lead me to the rock that is higher than L Chorus. — Hallelujah, hallelujah, hallelujah to God, For he hath redeemed us with his own precious blood. When Satan, my foe, comes in like a flood, To drive my poor soul from the fountain of good, I'll pray to the Savior who kindly did die; Lead me to the rock that is higher than I. And when I shall close my pilgrimage here, In Jesus' righteousness let me appear; In the swellings ot Jordan on thee I'll rely, And look on the rock that is higher than I. And when the last trumpet shall sound through the skies, And the dead from the dust of the earth shall arise; As I soar in the air, to the angels I'll cry, Lead me to the rock that is higher than I. And when I behold thee arrayed on thy throne, I'll fall at thy feet and there cast my crown ; The malice of Satan and men I'll defy, When safe on the rock that is higher than I. SPIRITUAL 6<*NGS. 45 'Tig there I shall meet the dear ransomed flock, Who on earth drank the streams that flow'd from th's rock, With millions I'll join above yonder sky, To praise the dear rock that is higher than I. PREACHER'S FAREWELL HYMN. Tunt — Mercy's Free. My friends and hearers all adieu, Fare ye well, fare ye well ; I can no longer stay with you, Fare ye well, fare ye well. My Master calls, I must away, In other parts to preach and pray, And I the glorious call obey, Fare ye well, fare ye well. Brethren and sisters in the Lord, Fare ye well, fare ye well; We oft have feasted on his word, Fare ye well, fare ye well. But now those blissful scenes are o'er, And I may never see you more, Till all the storms of life are o'er; Fare ye well, fare ye well. Ye siners and backsliders too, Fare ye well, fare ye well. I oft have wept and prayed for you, Fare ye well, fare ye well. But you my voice no more may hear, Till Christ shall in the clouds appear, And then you '11 meet your preacher there, Fare ye well, fare ye well. 46 SPIRITUAL SONGS. Ye heralds of the dying God, Fare ye well, fare ye well; Still point poor sinners to the blood, Fare ye well, fare ye well. Go tell them Jesus died to save, And snatch them from the gaping grave, And you a sure reward shaU have; Fare ye well, fare ye well. And you my little children dear, Fare ye well, fare ye well; May you at last in heaven appear, Fare ye well, fare ye well; And each receive a starry crown, And on a dazzling throne sit down, And claim a kingdom for your own; Fare ye well, fare ye well. Until we all arrive in heaven, Fare ye well, fare ye well ; There friends asunder sha'nt be riven, Fare ye well, fare ye well. When landed on that happy sh^re, We then shall say farewell no more, There all our partings will be o'er. Fare ye well, fare ye well. John Stamp. Come, angels! seize your harps of gold, The song of love to man unfold, Assist our joys, exhalt our praise, Another sinner's sav'd by grace; Glory! glory! lot us sing, While heaven and earth with glory ring, Hosannah to the Lamb of God ! * SPIRITUAL SONGS. 47 A leper wash'd from every stain, Requires a higher, louder strain! The spirits stamp' d and seal'd within, The blood of Christ lias cleans'd from sin; Satan feels his power is gone, He falls like lightning from his throne, Hosannah to the Lamb of God ! Come, let us sing, and pray, and praise, For soon this warring strife shall cease; When lost in love — o'erflow'd with God, With Christ we take our bless'd abode, Hark! the trumpet speaks him nigh, Hark! he comes! while myriads cry, Hosannah to the Lamb of God ! We little flock, by all contemn'd, O'erlooked, unknown, despised, condemned, With names traduc'd, and lives abhorred, We suffer with our murdered Lord; Yet still the flames ascend the higher, We'll burn triumphant in the Are: Hosannah to the Lamb of God! THE HEAVENLY SHOUT. Tune — Glory! glory! Pray what's the reason, when you meet, You make so great a noise? Because the Lord comes in our hearts; And shall we not rejoice! 'Rebuke them," cry the pharisees; But Jesus turns about, And says, "If these should'hold their peace, The stones would then cry out. 48 SPIRITUAL SONGS. It matters not what men may say, Or call us here below ; We mean to sing, and shout, and pray, Till we to glory go. Tune — Will you come to the Bower ? Will you come to the banquet of Jcsus's love? Your fare shall be glorious — sent down from above: Will you, will you, will you, will you, Come to the feast? Will you, will you, will you, will you, Come to the feast? Will you walk along with me in the pleasant fields of grace ? Here's many a flower whose beauteous form has never met thy gaze ; Will you, &c, Walk along with me? Will you come to the fountain of Jesus's blood? 'Twill wash away your guilty stains, and reconcile to God: Will you, &c, Try its virtue now? Will you bathe in the river of everlasting life ? Its stream will cool the feverish heat found in tempta- tion's strife: Will you, &c, Plunge into the flood? Will you sail with me upon the sea — the ocean of God's love ? That breeze shall never change about whioh wafts our souls above: Will you, foe.* Sail along with me ? SPIRITUAL SONGS. 49 Will you seek with me a country at present out of sight? But from that world, upon our path, there shines a beam of light: Will you, &c, Go to heaven with me? SECOND PART. Will you go to the concert of angels in light? Their goden harps shall thrill thy soul with glorious delight: Will you &c, Go to heaven with me? Will you go along with me to the land of endless bliss? The joys of that shall make amends for all the cares of this : Will you, &c, Go to heaven with me ? Will you rest with me to-night on the pillow of God's peace? From worldly toil, and vexing care, 'twill grant you sweet release : Will you, &c, Give your heart to God? Will you see with me the glorious Sun of Righteous- ness arise ? Its cheering beams shall wipe away those dew-drops from thine eyes: Will you, &c ., Trust in Jesus now? \Vill vou mount along with me in the chariot of fire? Leave earth behind, and to eternal sunshine aspire? Will you, &c, Mount along with me? 50 SPIRITUAL SONGS. LOTS WIFE. How prone are professors to rest on their lees, To study their profit, their pleasure and ease, Tho' God says, Arise, and escape for your life, And look not behind you — remember Lot's wife ! Awake from your slumber, the warning believe; *Tis Jesus that warns you, the message receive ; While dangers are pending, escape for your life, And look not behind you — remember Lot's wife ! The first bold apostate will attempt you to stay; And tell you, no dangers are found in the way; He means to deceive you, escape for your life, And look not behind you — remember Lot's wife ! How many poor souls has the serpent beguiled! With specious temptations how many defiled! Then be not deluded, escape for your life, And look not behind you — remember Lot's wife! The ways of religion true pleasures afford, No pleasures can equal the joys of the Lord; Forsake, then, the world, and escape for your life, And look not behind you — remember Lot's wife! But if you 're determined the call to refuse, And venture the way of destruction to choose; For hell you shall part with the blessing of life, And then, if not now, you '11 remember Lot's wife! SPIRITUAL SOIfGS. *k THE GOSPEL SHIP. Tune— Glory, glory, glory. The gospel ship — she is on sail; Sing glory, Hallelujah, And every day she doe3 prevail, sing glory; She has on hoard a happy crew, And Jesus is our captain too, We have the promised land in view, sing glory. We 've many thousand souls on board, sing glory: All well equipped with shield and sword, sing glory; And, standing as a watch on guard, To face our foes we are prepared We are pressing for the great reward, sing glory. Sometimes a boisterous sea comes on, sing glory, But Jesus speaks, and soon it's gone, sing glory, Come, see what Christ our Lord can do, We '11 trust him all our passage through, And with the promis'd land in view, sing glory. Come, all you wanderers on the shore, sing glory, There's room for you and thousands more, sing glory, Forsake your sins and join the crew, And then you will be happy too, For you will have the prize in view, sing glory. Some say we are a noisy crew, sing glory; We shout for joy — oh yes, it's true, sing glory Who can forbear, with all their might, To praise and pray, both day and night, With such a glorious prize in sight? sing glory. 52 SPIRITUAL SOIVGS. Let every heart and every voice sing glory; We are commanded to rejoice, sing glory; And when we reach the happy shore, Sorrow and sin shall be no more, And then we shall for evermore sing glory. HYMN FGIt A REVIVAL. Tune — Poor Mary Ann. Jesus Christ is now amongst us, Only believe. He is here to bless and save us, Only believe. He is loving, kind, and gracious, And his blood is efficacious; Every soul may feel him precious, Only believe. Is there one that's seeking pardon ? Only believe. Cast on him your heavy burden, Only believe. Let not Satan longer grieve you, Nor the world and sin deceive you ; Christ the Lord will now receive you, Only believe. Is there one who has backslidden? Only believe. You have walked in paths forbidden, Only believe. Oh, how sinful thus to leave him, Thus to slight, despise, and griove him; But again you may receive him, Only believe. SPIRITUAL SONGS. 5J Is thero who wants sanctifying? Only believe, Jesus' blood is purifying. Only believe. Glory, honor, praise, and power, Be unto the Lamb for ever; From all sins he does deliver, Only believe. LOOK TO THE CROSS. Tune — Poor Mary Ann. Come, poor guilty, anxious mourner, Look to the cross; Leave the proud, the gay, the scorner — Look to the cross. Lift an eye of faith to Jesus, He from sin's hard bondage frees us, When we grieve his grace can ease us; Look to the cross. Bow in humble prayer before him — Look to the cross. Now by hope and love adore him — Look to the cross, Let thy guilt no more distress thee, Peace and pardon soon shall bless thee, And the Savior's love carress thee; Look to the cross. Jesus waits to grant his favor, Look to the cross; He's an all sufficient Savior, Look to the cro^s ; 54 SPIRITUAL SONGS. Though thy crimes reach high ns heaven, Thou 'gainst grace and truth hast striven , Here the vilest are forgiven, Look to the cross. Dost thou feel thy spirit harden ? Look to the cross ; See repentance joined with pardon, Look to the cross ; Hear what words of grace are spoken, Love presents her highest token, Gaze till thy hard heart is broken, Look to the cross. Wouldst thou hear thy Savior claim thee? Look to the cross. Wouldst thou feel his Jove inflame thee? Look to the cross; Hark! he specks, but not in thunder, Hear, O earth, let angels wonder, " I have snapp'd thy chains asunder, Look to my cross. Thence flows full and free salvation, Look to the cross; Bought for all of every nation, Look to the cross ; Life and joy for all the dying, Corne, 'tis oflfer'd without buying, Dry thy tears and stay thy sighing, Look to the cross. John Stamp. SAILING TO GLORY. We're sailing to a better world, Sing glory, hallelujah ; Our every sail is now unfurled, Sing glory, hallelujah. SPIRITUAL SONGS. 55 Our Jesus doos the vessel steer, Sing glory, hallelujah, The heavenly port we 're drawing near, Sing glory, hallelujah. Our ship's the vessel of free grace, Sing glory, hallelujah; The heavenly port's our landing place, Sing glory, hallelujah. The prophets in this ship went home Sing glory, hallelujah; But still a guilty world may come, Sing glory, hallelujah. Apostles, martyrs, Wesley, too, Sing glory, hallelujah, The heavenly Pilot steered them through, Sing glory, hallelujah. And bless the Lord I 've got on board, Sing glory, hallelujah; My compass is God's holy word, Sing glory, hallelujah. And when the heavenly port we gain, Sing glory, halleujah, We '11 sing the Lamb for sinnors slain, Sing glory, hallelujah. Chorus — They say we are a noisy crew; But that's not all, we're happy too. Joan Stami\ 56 SPIRITUAL SOJNCS. THE CROSS. Tune — Will you go? The Savior laid his crown aside, For the cross, And there for all the world he died, On the cross; His cheeks were smote, his flesh was torn, His sacred temples felt the thorn, While heaven and earth in darkness mourn, Round the cross. Our sins were all upon him laid, On the cross; For all he hath atonement made, On the cross; His pierced feet, his hands and side ; Pour forth redemption's healing tide,. Life's cleansing fount was open'd wide, On the cross. Ten thousand foes did him surround, On the cross; But lo! he did them all confound, On the cross; His heavenly Father veil'd his face, While devils throng'd the sacred place; Still he rcdeem'd our fallen race, On the cross. Oh ! haste, my som, and see him die, On the cross, Hark! hear that last expiring cry, On the cross. SPIRITUAL S0N03. 57 He says, I suffer' d this for thee, Approach in frith the blooiri-sfc in'd tree, And thou shalt my salvation see; On the cross. Oh, come, poor sinner, come with me, To the cross There's blood-bought pardon flowing free, From the cross; He waits to wash your sins away. Arise! this is the gospel day; Make haste, poor sinner come away, To the cross. When foes assail, oh, may I fly, To the cross ; When strength shall fail, oh, let me die, Near the cross; And when I reach fair Salem's plain, And join yon high and dazzling train, I'll sing the Lamb for sinners slain, On the cross. John Stajhp. WHAT'S THE NEWS! Tune — Mercy's Free. Whene'er we meat, you always say, What's the news? Pray what's the order of the day? What's the news? Oh, I have good nows to tell, My Jesus hath done all things well, He's triumph'd over death and hell ; That'd the news. 58 SPIRITUAL SONGS. The Lamb was slain on Calvary, To set a world of sinners free; For us he bow'd his sacred head, For us his precious blood was shed, And he is risen from the dead ; That's the news. To heaven again the Conqu'ror's gone, He's seated now upon his throne ; Upon that throne he will remain Until, as judge, he comes again, Attended by his dazzling train ; That's the news. His work's reviving all around, And many have Messiah found ; And since, their souls have caught the flame, They shout hosannah to his name, And all around they spread his fame; That's the news. The Lord has pardoned all my sin, I feel the witness now within ; And since he took my guilt away, And taught me how to watch and pray I'm happy now from day to day ; That's the news. And Jesus Christ can save you too, Your sinful heart he can renew — This moment, if for sin you grieve, This moment, if you do believe, A full acquittal you 11 receive; That's the news. And then, if any one should say, What's the news? Oh, tell them you 've began to pray, That's the news; SPIRITUAL SONGS. 59 That you have join'd t!:e conquering band And now, at God's divine command, You 're marching to the better land; That's the news. HOSANNAH. See, Israel in the wilderness, . Where fed by heavenly manna, And souls, through Jesus righteousness, Delight to sing Hosannah. O glorious theme, redemption's scheme, That made us sing Hosannah, Our rapture seemed a heavenly dream, When first we sang Hosannah. All round the camp each night it fell, And Israel call it manna, But Jesus saves our souls from hell, And we must sing Hosannh. Here's living bread, here's living bread, In Christ, O sing Hosannah; For us he groaned, for us he bled, Ye ransomed, sing Hosannah. From heaven descending, down it came, Each tent was filled with manna; All glory to the precious name, Of Christ, come sing Hosannah. The bread of God, the bread of God, Is Christ, then sinffHosannah ; Redeemed by Jesus' precious blood, We'll praise and shout Hosannah. Each day the host were well supplied, Double for Sabbath manna; 60 SPIRITUAL SONGS. Thus Christ for us was crucified, Sing twice as much llosannah. On Lord's day sing, on Lord's day sing, To Jesus loud llosannah; Praise Him, our soul's redemption king, In Zion Sing llosannah. 6EC0ND PART. Men, women, children, gathered food, And forty years ate manna; But Jesus gave his flesh And blood To feed our souls, Hosannah. Lord evermore, Lord evermore, Give us this bread, Hosannah. Immanuel our souls adore, On him we'll live, Hosannah. The doors of heaven opened wide, He rained down corn as manna ; A soldier pierced the Savior's side, Redemption flowed, Hosannah. Water and blood, water and blood, To save and cleanse, Hosannah ; This fountain rolls a crimson flood, Here wash my soul, Hosannah. Humble and tried for forty yearb, He fed them still with manna; But Jesus poured strong cries and teaib, To save from hell, Hosannah; 'Tis angels' food, 'tis migcls' food, To sing his love, Hosannah ; But we can sing of precious blood, Much more than they Hosannah. SPIRITUAL SONGS. Gl When Israel conquered Caiman's land, They ceased to gather manna; But when we reach our golden strand, We 'II never cease, liosannah. Eternally, eternally, We '11 sing and praise, liosannah, With saints and angels gloriously. We' 11 chant the song, liosannah. THIRD PART. The ark within the veil contained Their golden pot of manna; But Christ being come, has glory gained Our great high priest, Hosannah. The holy place, the holy [dace, He entered in, Hosannah; Redemption and eternal grace Is food for us, Hosannah. Our fathers in the wilderness Are dead, who lived on manna; But Jesus' blood and righteousness Give endless life, Hosannah. His flesh and blood, his flesh and blood. Is meat and drink, Hosannah; Mny this be all our daily food, Through faith and hope, Hosannah, "To him that overcomes,' he said, "I'll give this hidden manna," Give us O Lord, this daily bread, To strengthen us, hosannah. Victorious, victorious, We 'il never die, Hosannah: But live for ever glorious. On Christ, and sing Hosannah. 62 SPIRITUAL SONGS. The multitude rejoiced and sang, On Salem's road, Hosannah; All glory in the highest, rang For Christ our heavenly manna. Immediately the stones would cry, Did we not sing Hosannah ; Then lift your hearts and souls on high, And join to sing Hosannah. FOURTH PART. The children in the temple cried, To David's son, Hosannah ; Chief priests and scribes the song deride, Shall children sing Hosannah ? Suckling and babes, suckling and babes, Shall perfect praise, Hosannah ; To still the foe, souls overflow, And chant and sing Hosannah. Behold in heaven a glorious throne, There's Christ our glorious manna, Like jasper and a sardine stone, With rainbow truth, Hosanuah. Like emerald, an evergreen Encircled round, Hosannah; His covenant of grace is seen, Brilliant and sure, Hosannah. By faith enlisted, now I'll sing, My ration is this manna; A good soldier of Christ, my king, Oh, I would sing Hosannah. Brave soldier like, brave soldier like, I '11 servo for daily manna; 1 1 is royal standard never striko It waves on high, Hosannah. SPIRITUAL SONGS. 63 If you reach home before I do, With saints to sing Hosannah, Tell them, by grace, I 'in coming too, To sing, with them, Hosannah. Farewell to sin, I '11 mount and sing, Victorious, Hosannah, I 'II conquer all through Christ, my king, For ever sing Hosannah. BABYLON'S FALLEN. Hail the day, so long expected, Hail the year- of full release; Zion's walls are now erected, And the watchmen live in peace. From the distant courts of Zion, The shrill trumpets loudly roar, Babylon's fallen, fallen, fallen — Babylon's fallen to rise no more. Hark, and hear the people crying, See the city disappear, Trade and traffic all is dying, Lo they sing to rise no more; Merchant who have bought her traffic, Crying, from a distant shore, Babylon's fallen, fallen, fallen — Babylon's fallen to rise no more. All her merchants cry with wonder, What is this that's come to pass? Murmuring like some distant thunder, Crying, Oh! alas! alas! Swell the sounds, ye kings and nobles Priests and people, rich and poor. Babylon's fallen, fallen, fallen, Babylon's fallen to rise no more. 64 SPIRITUAL SOXGS. Lo! her captains are returning, Up to Zion sec them fly; While the heavenly host, rejoicing, Shout and echo through the sky. See the ancients of the city Terrified at the uproar; Babylon's fallen, fallen, fallen — Babylon's fallen to rise no more. Tune your harps, ye heavenly choir, Shout, ye followers of the Lamb; See the city all on fire, Clap your hands and blow the flamo, Novv's the day of compensation, Hope and mercy now is o'er; Babylon's fallen, fallen, fallen — Babylon's fallen to rise no more. Tune — Holy War. What wondrous love is this? O my soul, O my sou!! What wondrous love is this, O my soul? What wondrous love is this? Which caused the Lord of bliss* To bear the dreadful curse, For my soul. When I was sinking down, sinking down, sinking down, When I was sinking down, sinking down, When T was sinking down, Beneath God's awful frown, Christ laid aside his crown For my soul. SPIRITUAL SOXGS. 65 When I began to pray for my soul, for my soul, When I began to pray for my soul, When 1 began to pray, Thus the word of God did say, Christ is the truth and the way, For thy soul. He shed his heavenly light in my soul, in my soul, He shed his heavenly light in my soul, He shed his heavenly light, To disperse the gloom of night, Now it shines with radiance bright, In my soul. A BETTER COUNTRY. There is a better world on high; Will you go ? Far, far above this lower sky; Will you go? Where blissful spirits robM in white, And angels clothM in garments bright, In songs of rapt'rous joy unite. Will you go? There brilliant walls, like dimonds shine; Will you go? Inlaid with gems of tints divine; Will you go? Resplendent gates of pearl oppose All entrance unto Zi on's foes, And 6afe its golden streets enclose, Will you go ? There light, and love, and glory dw*ll; Will you go? Unknown are sin, and death and hell; Will you go? 6* SPIRITUAL SOIfGS. Nor even there the heaving sigh; The dew-drop, from the tearful eye; The aching heart, or mourner's cry; Will you go? There Jesus reigns in glorious state; Will you go? Ten thousand thousands round him wait; Will you go? Cherubic legions wake the song, Seraphic hosts the theme prolong Which fills each ransom'd sinner's tongue; Will you go ? All heaven resounds with noblest praise; Will you go? All hearts pour forth their sweetest lays ; Will you go? Jesus, "the Lamb once slain," they sing; To him their greatful tribute bring, And bless their Savior and their King; Wilr you go? Come! let us seek this better land; Will you go? Come! let us join this heav'nly band; Will you go? O'er sin, and sense, and Satan prove Victorious through Jesus' sov'reign love; Then rise to swell the choir above ; Will you go? SPIRITUAL SONGS. 67 GOD IS LOVE. Tune — Will you go? What sound is this thro' Jieaven resounding — God is love ; From earth I hear the song rebounding — God is love. Yes, while adoring hosts proclaim Love is his nature, love his name, My soul in rapture cries the same — God is love. This song repeat, ye saints in glory — God is love ; And saints on earth, shout back the 6tory — God is love ; In this let heaven and earth agree, To sound his love both full and free, And let the theme for ever be — God is love. Creation's thousand tongues proclaiming — God is love ? And providence unites, exclaiming — God is love; But let the burden'd sinner hear Th*s gospel sounding, loud and clear, To every soul, both far and near — God is love. This heavenly love all round is flowing — God is love; And in my heart the fire is glowing — God is love; That "God is love," I know full well, And had I power his love to tell, With loudest notes my song should swell — God ia love. The love of God is now my pleasure — God is love; This, only this, shL.ll be my treasure — God is love; This theme shall be my song below, And when I home to glory go, This strain eternally shall flow — God is love. SPIRITUAL SONGfi. WILL YOU GO? Tune—" What's the News? We are traveling home to heaven above, Will you go? To sing the Savior's dying love; Will you go? Millions have reach'd that happy shore, Their toils and sufferings now are o'er, And yet there's room for millions more; Will you go ? We are going to walk the plains of light, Will you go? To where there's neither death nor night; Will you go ? The crown of light we then shall wear, The conqueror's palm we then shall bear, And all the joys of heaven shall share, Will you go? We are going to see the bleeding Lamb, Will you go? In rapturous strains to praise his name; Will you go? Our sun will there no more go down, Our moon no more will be withdrawn, Our days of mourning will be gone; Will you go? The way to heaven is free for all, Will you go ? For Jew and Gentile, great and small, Will you go? SPIRITUAL S0NG9. 69 Make up your minds, give God your heart, With every ?ir. and idol part, And now for glory make a start; Will you go? The way to heaven is strait and plain, Will you go? Repent, believe, be born again ; Will you go? The Savior cries aloud to thee, " Take up thy cross and folLow me, And thcu shait my salvation see," Will you go? Oh, could I hear some sinner say, I will go? I '11 start tbis moment, clear the way. Let me go; My old companions, fare ye well, I will not go with you to hell, I mean with Jesus Christ to dwell, Let me go, R, Jukes. second PART. Yes, by the help of Jesus' grace, I will go! I '11 travel to the heavenly place, I will go! My new companions are so kind, I '11 leave the world and sin behind. With them the promis'd rest to find, I will go! I feel I 'm on the road to heaven, Let me go! I know my sins are all forgiven, Let me go ! 70 SPIRITUAL SONGS. God's people they shall be my choice, I hear my Shepherd's cheering voice, Which makes my very soul rejoice! Let me go. My soul is bound for endless bliss, Let me go! What hath the world to equal this ? Let me go ! My vain amusements all adieu, My soul has had enough of you ; My lather's house appears in view; Let me go. Some of our friends have cross'd the flood, Let me go ! They 've joined yon army, bought with blood, Let me go! They now are looking out for me, Bearing their palms of victory, And I shall them in glory see ; Let me go. I soon shall wear my starry crown, Let me go! And on my father's throne sit down, Let me go! My race on earth is nearly run, The battle it is nearly won, My Savior smiles, and says, "Well done'" Let me go. Hark! hark! my Master calls me home, Let me go! Ten thousand angels bid me come, Let me go; SPIRITUAL SOrtGS. 71 Farewell, my friends, adieu, adieu, The vale of death I'm marching through, And when you come I '11 welcome you; Let me go! John Stamp. THE OLD SHIP OF ZION— NEGRO HYMN. Tune— -Cliff. Cak you tell me what ship is a going for to sail ? Oh, glory, hallelujah. Yes, the old ship of Zion. Hallelujah. Can you tell me what is her captain's name? King Jesus is her captain. Hallelujah. Can you tell me what rules they have on board? Oh, it is loving one another. Hallelujah. Do you think she is well built? and'her timbers, are they strong? Why she's built of gospel timber. Hallelujah. Can you tell me what cargo she has on board? Yes, she is full of happy Christians. Hallelujah. Can you tell me the port to which she ia bound! She is bound for the port of glory. Hallelujah. 72 SPIRITUAL SONGS. Can you tell me the fare that her passengers must pay? Oh, the king has paid the passage. Hallelujah. Can you tell me the flag that is flying at her mast? Oh, it is the bleeding Lamb. Hallelujah. Do you think she'll be able to land her crew? Oh, she has landed many a thousand. Hallelujah. Can you tell me what is her compass and chart? God's word and Holy Spirit. Hallelujah. Can you tell me how long she has sail'd life's sea? Nearly six thousand ages. Hallelujah. Can you tell who will steer through the harbor of death ? Oh, the Savior is the pilot. Hallelujah. Let the wind blow high, or the wind blow low, 'Trs a pleasant sail to Canaan. Hallelujah. Can you find us a place if we come on board? Oh, we Ve room for countless millions. Hallelujah. Can you tell me if this ship any pirates ever meets? Oh, she 's met and routed hundreds. Hallelujah. SPIRITUAL SONGS. 73 Can you tell me if her sailors will get their bounty money? • Yes, an everlasting pension. Hallelujah. Altered et John Stamp. THE CHRISTIAN SAILOR. Tune — The Lord of Sunderland. I've launched my bark for glory, and left the world behind, Determin'd for the harbor that's out of sight to find; I've left my worldly pleasure, likewise my worldly fame, I Ve left my old companions, and with them my good name. Chorus. — Sing glory, hallelujah, O glory, hallelujah. My sins are all forgiv'n, which did as mountains rise. My title's clear for heaven, yon country in the skies; God's saints are my companions, I 'm bound for end- less day, And though the storms are raging, I'll sail along the way. I'm now a Christian sailor, one of the noisy crew; 1 shout when I am happy, and that I mean to do; Some say I am too noisy, I know the reason why, And if they felt the glory, they'd shout as well as I. They sing and shout in heaven, it is their heart's de- light, I shout wheu I am happy, and that with all my might; I've Jesus Christ within me, he's turned the devil out, And when I feel the glory, it makes me sing and shout. 7 74 SPIRITUAL SONGS. I'll sail o'er life's rough ocean, with glory's port view; And Calvary's royal Pilot will steer the vessel through ; The flag of victory's hoisted though war ships they are nigh, I stand beside my Captain and every foe defy The port of glory's open, my Master calls me home, To walk the golden streets of the New Jerusalem; I'll shout o'er death's dark river; hut when I join the throng, For ever and forever I'll roll the theme along. Altered by John Stamp. Jesus, I my cross have taken, All to leave and follow thee; Naked, poor, despis'd forsaken, Thou, from hence, my all shall be; Perish every fond an bition, All I've sought, or hop'd or known; Yet how rich is my condition, God and heaven are still my own! Let the world dispise and leave me; They have left my Savior too; Human hearts and looks deceive me — Thou art not, like them, untrue; And whilst thou shalt smile upon me, God of wisdom, love, and might, Foes may hate, and friends disown me- Show thy face, and all is hi ight. In thy service pain is pleasure, With thy favor loss is gain ; Go then, earthly lame and treasure. Come disaster, scorn, and pain ; SPIRITUAL SONGS. 75 I have called thee Abba, Father, I have set my heart on thee ; Storms may howl, and clouds may gather All must work for good to me. Man may trouble and distress me, 'Twill but drive me to thy breast; Life with trials hard may press me, Heaven will bring me sweeter res*; O ! 'tis itot in grief to harm me, While thy love is left to me, O! 'twere not in joy to charm me, Were that joy unmix'd with thee. Soul, then know thy full salvation — Rise o'er sin, and fear, and care Joy to find, in ev'ry station, Something still to do or bear: Think what spirit dwells within thee! Think what Father's smiles are thine! Think that Jesus died to win thee! Child of heav'n! canst thou repine? Haste thee on from grace to glory, Arm'd by faith and wing'd by pray'r; Heaven's eternal joy's before thee, God's own hand shall guide thee there: Soon shall close thy earthly mission, Soon shall pass thy pilgrim days — Hope shall change to glad fruition, Faith to sight, and prayer to praise. Like a ship, see the Church, through the ocean she rolls, Shp's freighted with grange, and well mann'd out with souls! 76 SPIRITUAL SONGS. 'Midst whirlwinds and tempests, she sails through the world, While storms of temptation against her are kurl'd. She's bound from the world, through the tempest she flies, She mounts o'er the billows, is bound for the skies; While ChrisJ stands at the helm, no danger she'll fear; Her captain and pilot knows which way to steer. She stops not to anchor in harbors below, But o'er life's rough billows her true course doth go; The highlands of heaven she still keeps in view, Intends there to anchor, and there land her crew. While hell and its legions around her do roar, Like waves of the ocean, that break on the shore, She steers her course onward, nor feels she alarm, With Christ in the vessel, she smiles at the storm. The ebb tide of nature, which feeds the dead sea, And the gulf of confusion, do both agree, To hinder her progress, her march to oppose, But spreads forth canvass and outsails her foes. She's hated by worldlings, despis'd by fools Who sail the black sea, till they shipwreck their souls; She kindly invites them, their course to bewail, Yet tarries not for them, but spreads the more sail. She's rapidly sailing, with strong gales of love; Will soon strike soundings on the fair coast above; Make the highlands of heaven, and enter the road, And anchor forever, in the I&ngdom of God. SPIRITUAL SONGS. Soon will our suffering time be o'er, When we shall weep and sigh no more. Chorus — Roll on, roll on, sweet moments roll on, And let these poor pilgrims go home, go home ! Jesus himself shall guide our way, 'Till safe we rest in endless day. A few more rolling years at most, Will land us safe on Canaan's coast. From sleeping clay and beds of dust, Our Jesus will call home the just. Our ransom'd souls shall soar away, To praise our God in endless day. When landed on the heavenly shore, Death and the curse shall be no more. And when we Christ in glory meet, Our thrilling hopes will be complete. Then shall we sing the song of grace, Safe in our glorious hiding place. Each soul shall feel what glories shine In our Immanuel all divine. Fill'd with his light, and life and joy Praise shall our ev'ry hour employ. ^8 SPIRITUAL SONGS. A poor wayfaring man of grie£ Hath often cross'd me on my way, Who sued so humbly for relief, That I could never answer nay; I had no pow'r to ask his name, Whither he went or whence he came, Yet, there was something in his eye, That won my love I know not why. Once when my scanty meal was spread, He enter'd, not a word he spake — Just perishing for want of bread, I gave him all, he bless' d and brake, And ate, but gave me part again; Mine was an angel's portion then! And while I fed with eager haste, The crust was manna to my taste. I spied him where a fountain burst, Clear from the rock, his strength was gone, The heedless water mocked his thirst, He heard it, saw it hurrying on: I ran and rais'd the sufferer up — Thrice from the stream he drain'd my oup, Dipp'd, and return'd it running o'er, I drank, and never thirsted more! 'Twas night. The floods were out; it blew A wint'ry hurricane aloof, I heard his voice abroad, and flew To bid him welcome to my roof. I warm'd, I cloth'd, I cheer'd my guest, Laid him on mine own couch to rest: Then made the earth, my bed, and seem'd In Eden's garden while I dream'd. SPIRITUAL SONGS. 79 Stripp'd, wounded, beaten nigh to death, I foinid him by the highway side; I rous'd his pulse, brought back his breath, Revived his spirit, and supplied, Wine, oil, refreshment; he was heal'd — I had myself a wound conceal'd — But from that hour forgot the smart, And peace bound up my broken heart, In pris'n I saw him next conderan'd To meet a traitor's doom at morn ; The tide of lying tongues I stemm'd, And honor' d him 'mid shame and scorn; My friendship's utmost zeal to try, He ask'd if 1 for him would die! The flesh was weak, my blood ran chill, But the free spirit cried, " I will ! " Then, in a moment, to my view, Tne stranger started from disguise — The tokens in his hands I knew — My Savior stood before my eyes! He spake, and my poor name he named— '-'Of me thou hast not been ashanrd; These deeds shall thy memorial be, Fear not, thou didst it unto me!" TREMENDOUS TRUTH. Sin is the living worm, the lasting fire, Hell soon would lose its heat could sin expire; Better sinless in hell, than to be where Heaven is, and to be found a sinner there. One sinless, with infernals might do well, But sin would make of heaven a very hell. Look to thyself and keep it out of door, • Lest it get in and never leave thee more, 80 SPIRITUAL SONGS. No match has sin but God in all the world, Men, angels has it from their station hurled, Holds them in chains as captives, in despite Of all that here below is called might, Release, help, freedom from it none can give, But even he by whom we breathe and live. Watch, therefore, keep this giant out of door, Lest if once in, thou get him out no more. Fools make a mock at sin, will not believe It carries such a dagger in its sleeve; How can it be, say they, that such a thing, So full of sweetness e'er should wear a sting, They know not that it is the very spell Of sin to make men laugh themselves to hell. Look to thyself, then, deal with sin no more, Lest he that saves, against thee shut the door. THE CROSS OF CHRIST. Behold his arms extended wide On the cross, on the cross; Behold his bleeding hands and side, On the cross, &c. The sun withholds its rays of light, The heavens are clothed in shades of night, While Jesus doth with devils fight, On the cross, &e. Come sirmer, see him lifted up On the cross, &c. He drinks for you the bitter cup, On the cross, &c. The rocks do rend, the mountains quake, While Jesus doth atonement make While Jesus suffers for our sake. On the cross, on the cross. SPIRITUAL SONGS. 81 And now tho mighty deed 13 done On the cross., &c The battle's fought, the vict'ry won, On the cross, &c. To heaven He turns his languid eyes, " 'Tis finished !" now the Conqueror cries, Then bows his sacred head and dies On the cross, on the cross. Where'er I go I'll tell the story Of the cross, of the cross. In nothing else my soul shall glory, Save the cross, save the cross, Yes, this my constant theme shall be, In time and in eternity, That Jesus tasted death for me, On the cross, on the cross. Let every mourner rise and cling To the cross, to the cross. Let every Christian come and sing, Round the cross, round the cross. Then let the preacher take his stand, And with the Bible in his hand, Declare the triumph through the land Of the cross, of the cross. Tune — Lov'd ones at home. Far over Jordan's rolling river, Eternal clay; . There's where our eyes are turning ever, There's where the angels stay. All through this vale of sin and sorrow, Patient we roam, Still trusting for that happy morrow Bright in our Father's home. 82 SPIRITUAL SONGS. Chorus — All our heavy load sits lighter Every storm wo bide, Oh, brothers, how the way grows brighter, Near to the Savior's side. Far from his tender arms benighted Dark was our way, Still every precious promise slighted Where could the spirit stay ? Down at the foot of Calvary's mountains, Pilgrims we come, There may we in that purple fountain Wash in our Father's home. All our heavy load, &c. One loveJy form among the sainted, Heaven within, Stands on our vision ever painted, Stretched on the cross for sin ; When shall we hear his voice commanding, Come higher, come; When in his golden courts, be standing, With our belov'd ones at home. All our heavy load, &c. O Christian! will you go with me? P m bound for Canaan's land to seo ! For I'm going home, I'm going home, I'm going home, to die no more! [Re- peat.] Our Jesus on the Cross did die, And then he wont to reign on high. Our Jesus said, poor sinner, come, And from my side no longer roam. SPIRITUAL SONGS. 83 The heavenly doors wide open stand, Up yonder in my Father's land. I'll" never leave the union band Until I reach that happy land. I do believe, without a doubt, That Christians have a right to shout. THERE IS A FRIEND ABOVE ALL OTHERS. Thee re is a friend above all others, Oh, how he loves! It is a love beyond a brother's, Oh ! how he loves!- Earthly friends may fail and leave us, This day kind, the next bereave us, But this friend will ne'er deceive us; Oh, how he loves. Blessed Jesus, wouldst thou know him? Oh, how he loves! Give thyself, e'en this day to him; Oh, how he loves! [s it sin that pains ftnd grieves thee, Unbelief and trials tease thee? Jesus can from all release thee; Oh, how he loves! Love this friend who longs to save thee, Oh, how he loves! Dost thou love; he will not leave thee, Oh, how he loves! Think no more then of to morrow, Take his easy yoke and follow, Jesus cnnie's all thy sorrow; Oh, how he loves. 84 SPIRITUAL SONGS. All thy sins shall be forgiven, Oh, how he loves! Backward all thy fears be driven ; Oh, how he loves! Best of blessings he '11 provide thee, Naught but good shall e'er betide thee, Safe to glory he will guide thee, Oh, how he loves. Pause, my soul adore and wonder, Oh, how he loves! Naught can cleave this lovo asunder; Oh, how he loves! Neither trial nor temptation, Doubt nor fear nor tribulation Can bereave us of salvation, Oh, how ho loves. Let us still this love be viewing, Oh, how he loves! And though faint, keep on pursuing, Oh, how he loves! He will strengthen each endeavor, And when passed o'er Jordan's river, This shall be our our song forever, Oh, how he loves. Let mo me go my soul is weary, Of the chains which binds it here, Let my spirit bend its pinions To a brighter holier sphere. Earth 'tis true has friends who bless me, With a fond and faithful love; But the arms of angels beckon Mo to brighter worlds above. SPIRITUAL SONGS. ' 85 Let me go , my soul has tasted Of my Savior's wondrous grace, Let me go where I shall ever See and know him face to face, Let me go the trees of heaven, Rise hefore me waving bright, And the distant crystal waters, Flash upon my feeble sight. • Let me go for earth hath sorrows, Sin and pain and bitter tears, All its paths are dark and dreary, All its hopes are wrought with fears, Short, lived aro its cherished flowers, Soon its brightest flowers decay, ' Let me go I fain would leave it, For the realms of cloudless day, Let me go for song seraphic, Now seem calling from the skies, 'Tis the welcome of the angels, Which to me seem hovering nigh; Let me go they wait to bear me, To the mansions of the blest, Where the spirit worn and weary, Finds at last its long-sought rest. I've heard of a country o'er London it lies, Where the finally faithful forever repose, Where the wayworn and weary from labors shall cease, And joys all immortal forever increase. Tis said in that country no sorrow e'er reigns, No bosom with ^riof heaves and felt are no pains, 8 86 SPIRITUAL SONGS. No tears ever shed there, or e'er heard a grown, A land of great plenty where wants are unknown. This side of a river we've much to endure, Our conflicts are many our lives insecure, But glory to Jesus our captain and king, Has promised the faithful to glory he'll bring. By faith I look over the river and see, There are friends von that shore that are dear unto me, They seem to say come you have nothing to fear, Your trials are over when once anchored here. You have friends in that country most dear to your heart. Do you not want to meet them where friends never part ? Then start in a moment no longer delay, While you stop to consider the night ends the day. There's Wesley immortal has long since passed o'er, And the king of that land welcomes him to that* shore, hear him exclaim as he lisps a farewell, God is with me, I am going to glory to dwell. Here's Whitfield and Fletcher, passed o'er in advance, And Abbott and Nelson looked out for a chance. Of late A. Makindred has outrode the swell, While the sound's wafted back on the breeze, All is well. 1 too have a mind to embark for that shore, If when I once anchor my perils are o'er, So fare you well neighbors and kindreds adieu, I'm board old ship Zion and sail with her crew. SPIRITUAL SONGS. 87 FIELD OF BATTLE. Lift your standard, lift it high, Raise the Christian battle cry, Christ your glorious leader nigh , Calls aloud to you. Once our fathers freedom cried, Victory or death betide. But with Jesus on our side, Death and victory too. There to die, the battle won, There to fuel the warfare done, Glory brighter than the sun, Than our promised due Chorus. Chorus. Chorus. Glorious thus for Christ to die, And with Christ to reign on high, There with victor hosts to cry, Christ has brought us through. Chorus. Chrtet our captain's name wo boast, Quells the dark Satanic host, Fall we then each at his post; Fall as Christians do. Chorus • Come ye that love the Lord indeed, Who are from sin and bondage freed, Submit to all the ways of God, And walk the narrow happy road. 88 SPIRITUAL SONGS. Great tribulation you shall meet, But soon shall walk the golden sVreet; Tho' hell may rage au