GRACES, Before Meat. I. To — Father, our Hearts ive lift. FAther of Earth and Heaven, Thy hungry Children feed, Thy Grace be to our Spirits given, That true Immortal Bread : Grant us, and all our Race In Jesus Christ to prove The Sweetnefs of thy Pard'ning Grace, The Manna of thy Love. II. To — With Pi.'y, Lord, a Sinner fee. i TESUS, to whom alone we live, J Let us from Thyfelf receive Our Confecrated Food, In Nature's A&s thy Will purfue, And do with Faith whate'er we do, To glorify our God. 2 O let us of the Gift partake Only for the Giver's Sake, And not Ourfelves to pleafe, In all our Converfation here Be Thou our Joy, our Hope, our Fear, Our Total Happinefs 5 Our nieaneft Deeds exalt, improve, On the Altar of thy Love Accept them, Lord, as Thine ; Confume us in that Sacred Fire, And let our hallovv'd Lives expire A Sacrifice Divine. I III. To — ytfits* dear departed Lord. ORD of All, thv Creatures fee ( 2 ) That we may with Thanks receive Give, herewith thy Blefling give ; Fill our Mouths with Food and Praife : Tafte we in the Gift the Grace, Take it as thro' Jesus given, Eat on Earth the Bread of Heaven. IV. To— Sinners, obey the Gofpel-Word. i TT>Ather, accept our Sacrifice X/ Thro' Christ well pleafing in thine Eyes, Thy Glory here we make our Aim, And eat and drink in Jesu's Name ; 2 Our Food we now with Fear receive, Nor live to eat, but eat to live, To live, 'till all our Work is done, And ferve thy blefled Will alone. V. To— Hearts of Stone, relent, relent. i TESUS, we thy Promife plead, J Grant the Things for which we pray, Give us, Lord, our daily Bread This and every happy Day, Now our Bodies Strength renew, Feed our needy Spirits too. 2 Comfort every longing Heart Longing thee alone to know, Nounlhment Divine impart, Immaterial Bread bellow, Bread by which our Souls may live, Give, TJiyfelffor ever give ! VL To— 'TisfniJh'J, 'tis done! J g^\ Father of All \J Who filleft with Good The Ravens that call On Thee for their Food ; Them ready to perifh Thou lov'fl to fuftain, And wilt Thou not cherilh The Children of of Men ? ( 3 ) 2 On Thee we depend Our Wants to fupply, Whofe Goodnefs (hall fend Us Bread from the Sky: On Earth Thou malt give us A Tafte of thy Love, And fhortly receive us To banquet above. VI L To— O Love Diwne. i S~\ Thou, whofe Bowels yearn'd to fee X^y The hungry Crowd that follow'd Thee And Nothing had to eat, Pity again the famifh'd Throng, Who have with Thee continued long, And faint for want of Meat. 2 Jesus, our outward Wants relieve, But O ! the Food immortal give Our empty Souls to fill ; Suftain us by thy Pard'ning Grace, And bring us thro' this Wildernefs To thy celeftial Hill. VIII. To— Spirit of Truth defcend. 1 r IFE of the World, comedown, JL/ And ftir within our Breait, And by thy Prefence crown The fober Cbrijlian Feail ; Jesus, of Life the Bread and Well, Come at thy Creatures Call, And give our inmoft Souls to feel That Thou art All in All. 2 The tender Life of God By Thee in us begun, Suftain with Heavenly Food, And ever keep Thine own ; Our Faith and Hope and Joy increafe, Till ftrong in perfect Love We all with holy Violence feize The Crown of Life above. 2 ( 4 ) For Mourners. IX. To — Happy Magdalene, to whom. WAiting for the Comforter, Hungring for immortal Food, Can I tafte a Bleifing here In the Abfence of my God ? No: 'Till Christ again return, Christ, whofe Word the Sinner chean Still I obftinately mourn, Eat my bitter Bread with Tears. Love was once my pleafant Meat, Meat that feafon'd all the reft, Jesus to my Tafte was fweet, Jesus was my conftant Feall : But the Comforter is fled, But the Pard'ning God is gone, He who turn'd my Stone to Bread, He hath turn'd my Bread to Stone; Taftlefs all the World to me Till his Favour I regain, Happinefs is Mifery, Joy is Grief, and Pleafure Pain : But my Lord for whom I grieve Shall at laft my Want fupply, Eid me tafte his Love and live, Bid me fee his Face, and die. X. To — Jefu, dear departed Lord. F Ever at the Point to die ; Languifhing for Want of God Can I taite my Outward Food ? 2 Yet for thy Commandment fake, Lord, my outward Food I take, Strength for farther Sufferings gain ; Lengthen out a Life of Pain. 3 Lo ! my neceffary Meat Still with bitter Herbs I eat, Till I out of Egypt pafs, Till I know thy pard'ning Grace. ( 5 ) 4 Spare, my Friends, your vain Expence, Take your taftelefs Dainties hence, Give your idle Reafonings o'er, Grieve me with your Love no more. 5 Well I know the Promife Aire " All Things to the Pure are pure ;" But to me of Lips unclean Good is 111, and Pleafure Sin. 6 Leave me then without Relief, Obftinately fixt in Grief, Steadfaftly refolv'd to know No Enjoyment here below. 7 Pleafure will I never tafle •Till the Pain of Sin is paft, Never take Delight in Food Till L feed upon my God. XL To — Ab ! lovely Appearance of Death. i /^\H how can a Criminal feaft \J In Chains, and appointed to die ? Oh how can a Sinner be bleft With only an Outward Supply ? 'Till him at the Table I meet Who chafes my Sorrows and Fears, The Bread of Affliclion I e3t, And mingle my Drink with my Tears. a For Mercy I languifti and faint, My only Refrelhment and Food, Thy Mercy, O Jesus, I want, 1 hunger and thrift after God : No Blefling or Good I defire On Eanh, or in Heaven above, But grant me the Grace I require, But give me a Tafte of thy Love ! 3 At or After Meat. XII. To- — Jefus. Jkeix us thy Saluaticn. 1 TE5US, Life-infpiring Saviour, J Life's continual Nourifher, How have we abus'd thy Favour, Rafhly feeding without Fear, Fondly our own Souls infnaring By the Gifts thy Grace betfow'd, Nothing for the Giver caring, Pois'ning all our pleafant Food. 2 But thy Love hath taught us better, Ranfom'd now from Senfual Thrall, Thee we find in every Creature, Thee we fweetly tafte in all ; Pure Delight from Thee receiving We thefe outward Bleflings fhare, Still accepted with Thankfgiving, Hallow'd by the Word and Prayer. XIII. To— Angels freak, kt Man, &c. GLORY, Love, and Praife, and Honour For our Food Now beftow'd Render we the Donor. Bounteous God, we nowconfefs Thee, God, who thus Blefleft us, Meet it is to blefs Thee. Knows the Ox his Matter's Stable, And {hall we Not know Thee, Nourift'd at thy Table ? Yes, of all good Gifts the Giver Thee we own , Thee alone Jagnify for ever . o^ ( 7 ) XIV. To — Avoay with our Fears ! GOD of all Grace, Thy Bounty we praife, And joyfully fing, Poor Beggars admitted to feaft with a King. The Honour we claim In Jesus's Name, Ev'n now we receive, And happy in Jesus's Prefence we live. 2 How royal the Chear When Jesus is here ! The fcantieft Meal Is Feailing indeed when his Favour we fetl. In his pardoning Peace We all Things poffefs, And richly enjoy A Fulnefs of Pleafures that never can cloy. 3 Thee, Saviour to know Is Heaven below, Thy WitnciTes we r l hat Heaven ib found in the Knowledge of Thee Thee, Jesus, we tafte; But oh let it laft, This Senle of thy Love, 'Till with all the Afl'embly we banquet above. XV. To — Rejoice the Lord is King. [RAISE Him who by his Word Supplies our every Need, And gives us Christ the Lord Our fainting Souls to feed : Thanks be to God, whofe Son we feel His Gift unknown unfpeakable. The Gofpel Myftery Unknown to Ages part The hidden Manna we In Jesu's Mercy tafie : Thanks be to God, whofe Son we feel, His Gift unknown unfpeakable. P 1 ( 8 ) [ O that the World mi^ht prove Our Happinefs Divine, And in the Song of Love With all his People join Thanks be to God, whofe Son we feel, His Gift unknown unfpeakable. XVI. To— Hail the Day that fees Him rife i 1 T^ATHER, Friend of Human Race, JF Thee let all thy Children praife, By thy merciful Supplies Nouriftrd 'till we reach the Skies : Thither we with Joy repair, Sings our Heart already there, Fill'd with chearful Melody, Feafting with thy Saints on Thee. 2 We that on thy Goodnefs feaft Antedate our Heavenly Reft, On the Hidden Manna feed, On the Everlafting Bread ; Thee by Faith in Christ to know O 'tis Heaven begun below : Thee t'inpy by Glorious Love O 'tis Heaven compleat above ! XVII. To—Angehfpeak, let Men give Ear. 1 ' I v Hankful for our every Bleffing J[ Let us fing Christ the Spring, Never, never ceafing. Source of all our Gifts and Graces Christ we own, Christ alone Calls for all our Praifes. 2 He difpels our Sin and Sadnefs, Life imparts, Chears our Hearts, Fills with Food and Gladnefs. ( 9 ) Who Him/elf for All hath given Us He feeds, Us He leads To a Feaft in Heaven. XVIII. To— Lamb of God