8 <> 6 ^ LIBRARY OK | RUDOLPH F. KELKER | |j No. 9 South Front Street, SJ Harrisburg, Pa. K Say ^3; \ f Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2012 with funding from Princeton Theological Seminary Library http://archive.org/details/hymnsforusOOgerm ^^. j£~liufr;fy.l.*l-Lii>. H^.^'O* ** PSALMS A^JJ L1MJNS FOR THE USE OF THE <7k£) ^L?^Zy&&6€/l^ v3 "GERMAN REFORMED CHURCH IN THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. PUBLISHED BY THE SYNOD OF S^ID CHURCH. Praise ye the Lord.— Ps. cxlvi. 1. "With my song will I praise Him. — Ps. xxvin. FIFTY-FIFTH EDITION. PHILADELPHIA: S. R. FISHER & CO., hi NORTH SIXTH STREET 1867. Entered, according to Act of Congress, in the year 1834, by DANIEL ZACHARIAS & BERNARD C. WOLFF, in the Clerk's Office of the District Court for the Eastern District of Pennsylvania. J as. B. Rodger s, Printer & Stereotyper, Philadelphia. PSALMS. PSALM 1. S. M. The way and end of the righteous and the wicked. THE man is ever blest Who shuns the sinner's ways, Amidst their councils never stands, Nor takes the scorner's place. But makes the law of God His study and delight, Throughout the labors of the day, And watches of the night. He like a tree shall thrive, With waters near the root, Fresh as the leaf his name shall live, His works are heav'nly fruit. Not so the ungodly race, They no such blessings find; Their hopes shall flee like empty chaff Before the driving wind. How will they bear to stand Before that judgment-seat, Where all the saints at Christ's right hand In full assembly meet? He knows and he approves The way the righteous go : But sinners and their works shall meet A dreadful overthrow. PSALM II. PSALM 2. First Part. L. M. God the Father vindicates his Messiah. WHY did the heathen madly rage, And why the Jews conspire in vain? Why kings and rulers all engage, To oppose Messiah's gracious reign ? 2 " Come let us break his bands," they say, "We'll ne'er be govern'd by his laws:" And thus they cast his yoke away, And nail'd Messiah to the cross. 3 But God the Father, from his throne, Laughs at their pride, their rage controls : He'll vex their hearts with pains unknown, And speak in thunder to their souls. 4 "I'll vindicate the king I made, "On Zion's everlasting hill; "My hand shall bring him from the dead, "And he shall reign, Messiah still." PSALM 2. Second Part L. M. God the Son reveals the divine decree. THE eternal Son with pow'r array'd Declares th' unchangeable decree : "Thou art my Son," the Father said, "This day have I begotten thee. 2 "For sin thou'st offer' d up thy soul, "And thou'st a right to intercede ; "Thy life shall last while ages roll, "And thou shalt see a num'rous seed. 3 "Ask then, my Son, and I will give "The heathen for thy vast domain; " The utmost ends of earth receive, "And boundless be thy blessed reign. 4 "But nations that resist thy grace, "Shall fall beneath thine iron stroke; PSALM III. "Thy rod shall crush thy foes with ease, "As potter's earthen work is' broke." PSALM 2. Third Part, L. M. God the Holt/ Ghost invites and warns persecutors and infidels. IVTOW," saith the Spirit of the Lord, J^ 1 To those who sit on earthly thrones "Rejoice with trembling at his word, "And at his feet submit your crowns. 2 "With faith and love address the Son, "Lest he grow angry and ye die : "His wrath will burn to worlds unknown, "If ye provoke his jealousy. 3 "His frowns shall drive you quick to hell, "For he is God, and ye but dust; "Happy the souls that know him well, "And make his grace their only trust." PSALM 3. First Part. L. M. A Morning Psalm. OLORD, how many are my foes, In this weak state of flesh and blood! My peace they daily discompose, But my defence and hope is God. 2 Tir'd with the burdens of the day, To thee I rais'd an evening cry; Thou heard'st when I began to pray, And thine Almighty help was nigh. Supported by thine heavenly aid, I laid me down and slept secure; Not death should make my heart afraid, Though I should wake and rise no more. But God sustain'd me all the night; Salvation doth to God belong; He rais'd my head to see the light, And makes his praise my morning song. ,3 M PSALM IV. PSALM 3. Second Part. C. M. God our defence from sin and Satan. Y God, the tempter would persuade, There's no relief in heaven, And all my swelling sins appear Too big to be forgiv'n. 2 But thou, my righteousness and strength, Shall on the tempter tread : Shalt silence all my threatening guilt, And raise my drooping head. 3 I cri'd, and from his holy hill He bow'd a listening ear; I call'd my Father, and my God, And he subdu'd my fear. 4 He shed soft slumbers on mine eyes, In spite of all my foes; I 'woke, and wonder'd at the grace That guarded my repose. 5 What though the hosts of death and hell All arm'd against me stood; Terrors no more shall shake my soul: My refuge is my God. 6 Arise, 0 Lord, fulfil thy grace, While I thy glory sing; For Christ hath broke the serpent's teeth, And death has lost his sting. 7 Salvation to the Lord belongs, His arm alone can save; Blessings attend thy people here, And reach beyond the grave. PSALM 4. First Part. C. M. God our portion and Christ our hopp. OGOD of grace and righteousness, Hear and attend when I complain; PSALM IV. Thou hast enlarg'd me in distress, Bow down a gracious ear again. 2 Ye sons of men, in vain you try To turn my glory into shame : How long will scoffers love to lie, And dare reproach my Saviour's name? 3 Know that the Lord divides his saints From all the tribes of men beside; He hears the cry of penitents, For the dear sake of Christ that died. 4 When our obedient hands have done A thousand works of righteousness, We put our trust in Christ alone, And glory in his pard'ning grace. 5 Let the unthinking many say, "Who will bestow some earthly good?" But, Lord, thy light and love we pray, Our souls desire this heav'nly food. 6 Then shall my cheerful pow'rs rejoice At grace and favors so divine, Nor will I change my happy choice, For all their corn, and all their wine. PSALM 4. Second Part. C. M. An Evening Psalm. LORD, thou wilt hear me when I pray, I am forever thine ; I fear before thee all the day, Nor would I dare to sin. 2 And while I rest my weary head, From cares and business free, 'Tis sweet conversing on my bed With my own heart and thee. 3 I pay this evening sacrifice; And when my- work is done, PSALM V. Great God! my faith and hope relies Upon thy grace alone. 4 Thus, with my thoughts compos'd to peace, 111 give mine eyes to sleep; Thy hand in safety keeps my clays, And will my slumbers keep. PSALM 5. C. M. For the Lord's day morning. IORD, in the morning thou shalt hear, J My voice ascending high; To thee will I direct 1113' prayer, To thee lift up mine eye; 2 Up to the hills where Christ is gone, To plead for all his saints, Presenting at his Father's throne Our songs and our complaints. 3 Thou art a God, before whose sight The wicked shall not stand; Sinners shall ne'er be thy delight. Nor dwell at thy right hand. 4 But to thy house will I resort, To taste thy mercies there; I will frequent thy holy court, And worship in thy fear. 5 0 may thy Spirit guide my feet In ways of riditeousne ss Make ev'ry path of duty straight. And plain before my face. G My watchful enemies combine To tempt my feet astray; They flatter with a base design To make my soul their prey. 7 Lord, crush the serpent in the dust. And all his plots destroy: PSALM VI. While those that in thy mercy trust Forever shout for joy. 8 The men that love and fear thy name, Shall see their hopes fulfill'd ; The mighty God will compass them With favor as a shield. PSALM 6. C. M. Complaint in sickness. IN anger, Lord, do not chastise, Withdraw the dreadful storm ; Nor let thine awful wrath arise Against a feeble worm. 2 My soul's bow'd down with heavy cares, My flesh with pain oppress'd ; My couch is witness to my tears, My tears forbid my rest. 3 Sorrow and grief wear out my days ; I waste the night with cries, And count the minutes as they pass, 'Till the slow morning rise. 4 Shall I be still tormented more ? My eyes consum'd with grief? How long, my God, how long before Thine hand afford relief? 5 He hears his mourning children speak, He pities all our groans ; He saves us for his mercy's sake, And heals our broken bones. 6 The virtue of his sovereign word Restores our fainting breath ; For silent graves praise not the Lord, Nor is he known in death. 10 PSALM VII. PSALM 7. CM. God's care of hi* people, and punishment of persecutor?. MY trust is in my heavenly Friend, My hope in thee ray God ; Rise, and my helpless life defend From those that seek my blood. 2 With insolence and fury they My soul in pieces tear, As hungry lions rend the prey. When no deliv'rer's near. 3 If e'er my pride provok'd them first, Or once abused my foe, Then let them tread my life to dust, And lay my honor low. 4 If there be malice found in me, I know thy piercing eyes ; I should not dare appeal to thee, Nor ask my God to rise. 5 Arise, my God, lift up thy hand, Their pride and pow'r control ; Awake to judgment and command Deliv'rance for my soul. 6 Let sinners and their wicked rage Be humbled to the dust ; Shall not the God of truth engage To vindicate the just ? 7 He knows the heart, he tries the reins, He will defend th' upright : His sharpest arrows he ordains Against the sons of spite. 8 Tho' leagu'd in guile, their malice spread A snare before my way : Their mischiefs on their impious head His vengeance shall repay. PSALM VIII. 11 9 That cruel, persecuting race Must feel his dreadful sword: Awake, my soul, and praise the grace And justice of the Lord. PSALM 8. First Part. S. M. The sovereignty and goodness of God. OLORD, our heavenly King, Thy name is all divine, Thy glories round the earth are spread, And o'er the heav'ns they shine. 2 When to thy works on high I raise my wond'ring eyes, And see the moon complete in light, Adorn the darksome skies: 3 When I survey the stars And all" their shining forms, Lord, what is man? that worthless thing, A-kin to dust and worms! 4 Lord, what is worthless man, That thou should'st love him so? Next to thine angels is he plac'd, And lord of all below. 5 How rich thy bounties are! How wondrous are thy ways! Of dust and worms thy pow'r can frame A monument of praise. PSALM 8. Second Part. L. M. Adam and Christ. LORD, what was man when made at first, Adam the offspring of the dust, That thou should'st set him and his race But just below an angel's place ! 2 That thou should'st raise his nature so, And make him lord of all below ; 12 PSALM IX. Make every beast and bird submit, And lay the fishes at his feet ! 3 But 0, what brighter glories wait To crown the second Adam's state ! What honors shall thy Son adorn Who condescended to be born ! 4 See him below his angels made : See him in dust among the dead, To save a ruin'd world from sin : Yet he shall reign with pow'r divine. 5 The world to come redeem'd from all The miseries that attend the fall, New made and glorious shall submit At our exalted Saviour's feet, PSALMS. Third Part. L. M. The Ilosannah of the Children. ALMIGHTY Ruler of the skies, Thro' the wide earth thy name is spread, And thine eternal glories rise O'er all the heav'ns thy hands have made. 2 To thee the voices of the young A monument of honor raise ; And babes with uninstructed tongue, Declare the wonders of thy praise. 3 Thy pow'r assists their tender age To bring proud rebels to the ground ; To still the bold blasphemers rage, And all their policy confound. PSALM 9. First Part. C. M. Wrath and mere?/ from the judgment-seat. ~TV/rITH my whole heart I'll raise my song, 1 ▼ Thy wonders I'll proclaim : Thou sovereign judge of right and wrong Wilt put thy foes to shame. PSALM IX. 13 2 I'll sing thy majesty and grace ; My God prepares his throne To judge the world in righteousness, And make his vengeance known. 3 Then shall the Lord a refuge prove For all the poor oppress'd ; To save the people of his love, And give the weary rest. 4 The men that know thy name will trust In tlry abundant grace ; For thou hast ne'er forsook the just, Who humbly seek thy face. 5 Sing praises to the righteous Lord, Who dwells on Zion's Hill. Who executes his threatening word, Whose works his grace fulfil. PSALM 9. Second Part. C. M. The wisdom and equity of Providence. WHEN the great Judge, supreme and just, Shall once inquire for blood, The humble souls that mourn in dust, Shall find a faithful God. 2 He from the dreadful gates of death Doth his own children raise : In Zion's gates with cheerful breath, They sing their Father's praise. 3 His foes shall fall, with heedless feet, Into the pit they made ; And sinners perish in the net That their own hands have spread. 4 Thus by thy judgments, mighty God, Are thy deep counsels known, When men of mischief are destroy'd In snares that were their own. 2 14 PSALM X. 5 The wicked shall sink down to hell ; Thy wrath devour the lands That dare forget thee, or rebel Against thy known commands. 6 Though saints to sore distress are brought, And wait, and long complain ; Their cries shall never be forgot, Nor shall their hopes be vain. 7 Rise, great Redeemer, from thy seat, To judge and save the poor : Let nations tremble at thy feet, And man prevail no more. 8 Thy thunder shall affright the proud, And put their hearts to pain ; Make them confess that thou art God, And they but feeble men. PSALM 10. C. M. Prayer heard, and Saints saved ; or, Pride, Atheism, and Oppres- sion punished. For a Day of Humiliation. WHY doth the Lord depart so far? And why conceal his face, When great calamities appear, And times of deep distress ? 2 Lord, shall the wicked still deride Thy justice and thy laws ? Shall they advance their heads in pride, And slight thy righteous cause ? 3 They cast thy judgments from their sight, And then insult the poor : They boast in their exalted height, That they shall fall no more. 4 Arise, 0 God, lift up thine hand, Attend our humble cry ; , PSALM XL No enemy shall dare to stand, When God ascends on high. 5 Why do the men of malice rage, And say, with foolish pride, The God of heav'n will ne'er engage To fight on Zion's side. 6 But thou forever art our Lord, And pow'rful is thy hand, As when the heathens felt thy sword, And perish'cl from thy land. 7 Thou wilt prepare our hearts to pray, And cause thine ear to hear ; Accept the vows thy children pay, And free thy saints from fear. 8 Proud tyrants shall no more oppress, No more despise the just; And mighty sinners shall confess, They are but earth and dust. PSALM 11. L. M. God loves the righteous and hates the wicked. MY refuge is the God of love; Why do my foes insult and cry, " Fly like a tim'rous, trembling dove To distant woods or mountains fly ?" 2 If government be once destroy'd, (That firm foundation of our peace,) And violence make justice void, Where shall the righteous seek redress? 3 The Lord in heaven has fix'd his throne, His eye surveys the world below ; To him all mortal things are known ; His eyelids search our spirits through. 4 If he afflict his saints so far, To prove their love and try their grace, 16 • PSALM XII. What must the bold transgressors fear ! His soul abhors their wicked ways. 5 On impious wretches he shall rain Tempests of brimstone, fire, and death ; Such as he kindled on the plain Of Sodom, with his angry breath. 6 The righteous Lord loves righteous souls, Whose thoughts and actions are sincere, And with a gracious eye beholds The men that his own image bear. PSALM 12. First Part L. M. Safety and hope in evil times. ALMIGHTY God, appear and save, For vice and vanity prevail ; The godly perish in the grave, The just depart, the faithful fail. 2 The whole discourse, when neighbors meet, Is fill'd with trifles loose and vain ; Their lips are flatt'ry and deceit, And their proud language is profane. 3 But lips that with deceit abound, Shall not maintain their triumph long ; The God of vengeance will confound The flatt'ring and blaspheming tongue. 4 "Yet shall our words be free," they cry, "Our tongue shall be controll'd by none, " Where is the Lord will ask us why ; " Or say our lips are not our own ?" 5 The Lord who sees the poor oppress'd, And hears the oppressor's haughty strain, Will rise to give his children rest, Nor shall they trust his word in vain. 6 Thy word, 0 Lord, though often tri'd, Void of deceit shall still appear, PSALM XIII. 17 Not silver seven times purifi'd From dross and mixture shines so clear. Thv srace shall in the darkest hour Defend the holy soul from harm; Though when the vilest men have pow'r, On every side will sinners swarm. PSALM 12. Second Part. C. M. The Lord will judge the wicked, and save his people. LORD, when iniquities abound, And blasphemy grows bold ; When faith is hardly to be found, And love is waxing cold ; Is not thy chariot hast ning on ? Hast thou not given the sign ? May we not trust and live upon A promise so divine ? " Now," saith the Lord, " Now will I rise, " And make oppressors flee ; " I will appear to their surprise, " And set my servants free." Thy word like silver sev'n times tri'd, Through ages shall endure ; The men that in thy truth confide, Shall find the promise sure. PSALM 13. C. M. Complaint under temptation. HOW long wilt thou conceal thy face ? My God, how long delay ? When shall I feel those heavenly rays That chase my fears away ? How long shall my poor laboring soul Wrestle and toil in vain ? 2* 18 PSALM XIY. Thy word can all my foes control, And ease my raging pain. 3 See how the prince of darkness tries All his malicious arts ; He spreads a mist around my eyes, And throws his fiery darts. 4 Be thou my sun, and thou my shield, My soul in safety keep ; Make haste before mine eves are seal'd In death's eternal sleep. 5 How would the tempter boast aloud, Should I become his prey ! Behold the sons of hell grow proud To see thy long delay. 6 But they shall fly at thy rebuke, And Satan hide his head ; He knows the terror of thy look, And hears thy voice with dread. 7 Thou wilt display that sovereign grace, Whence all my comforts spring ; I shall employ my lips in praise, And thy salvation sing. PSALM 14. First Part. C. M. By nature all men are sinners. FOOLS in their hearts believe and say, " That all religion's vain, " There is no God that reigns on high, " Or minds th' affairs of men." 2 From thoughts so dreadful and profane Corrupt discourse proceeds ; And in their impious hands are found Abominable deeds. 3 The Lord, from his celestial throne Look'd down on things below, PSALM XIV. 19 To find the man that sought his grace, Or did his justice know. 4 By nature all are gone astray, Their practice all the same; There's none that fears his Maker's hand, There's none that loves his name. 5 Their tongues are used to speak deceit, Their slanders never cease; How swift to mischief are their feet! Nor know the paths of peace. 6 Such seeds of sin (that bitter root) In every heart are found; Nor can they bear diviner fruit, Till grace refine the ground. A PSALM 14. Second Part. C. M. The foJhf of persecutors. RE sinners now so senseless grown. That they the saints devour? And never worship at thy throne, Nor fear thine awful pow'r? 2 Great God, appear to their surprise, Reveal thy dreadful name; Let them no more thy wrath despise, Nor turn our hope to shame. 3 Dost thou not dwell among the just? And yet our foes deride, That we should make thy name our trust ; Great God, confound their pride. 4 Oh! that the joyful day was come To finish our distress ! When God shall bring his children home, Our sonjrs shall never cease. 20 PSALM XVI. PSALM 15. L. M. The character of a Saint • or. th>- qualifications of a Christian. TT^HO shall ascend thy heav'nly place, ▼ ▼ Great God. and dwell before thy face? The man that minds religion now. And lives and walks by faith below : 2 Whose hands are pure, whose heart is clean; Whose lips still speak the things they mean; No slanders dwell upon his tongue; He hates to do his neighbor wrong. 3 Scarce will he trust an ill report. Nor vent it to his neighbor's hurt; Sinners of state he can despise; But saints are honor d in his eves. 4 Firm to his word he ever stood, And always makes his promise good; Nor dares to change the thing he swears. Whatever pain or loss he bears. £ He never deals in bribing gold. And mourns that justice should be sold: While others scorn and wrong the poor, Sweet charity attends his door. G He loves his enemies, and prays For those who curse him to his face ; And doth to all men still the same. That he would hope or wish from them. 7 Yet when his holiest works are done, His soul depends on grace alone : This is the man thy face shall see, And dwell forever, Lord, with thee. PSALM 1G. First Part. L. M. Confession of our poverty ; and Saints the best (tympany. PRESERVE me, Lord, in time of need, For succor to thy throne I flee, PSALM XVI. 21 But have no merits there to plead ; My goodness cannot reach to thee. 2 Oft have my heart and tongue confess'd, How empty and how poor I am : My praise can never make thee blest, Nor add new glories to thy name. 3 Yet, Lord, thy saints on earth can reap Some profit by the good we do ; These are the company I keep, These are the choicest friends I know. 4 Let others choose the sons of mirth, To give a relish to their wine ; I love the men of heavenly birth, Whose thoughts and language are divine. PSALM 16. Second Part. L. M. The sufficiency of Christ. HOW fast their guilt and sorrows rise, Who haste to see some idol-god ! I will not taste their sacrifice, Their off' rings of forbidden blood. 2 My God provides a richer cup, And nobler food to live upon ; He for my life hath offered up Jesus his best beloved Son. 3 His love is my perpetual feast ; By day his counsels guide me right : And be his name forever blest, Who gives me sweet advice by night. 4 I set him still before my eyes ; At my right hand he stands prepar'd, To keep my soul from all surprise, And be my everlasting guard. 22 PSALM XVII. PSALM 10. Third Part. L. M. Support in death, and hope of the resurrection. Wg IEN God is nigh my faith is strong, is arm is my almighty prop : Be glad, my heart, rejoice, my tongue, My dying flesh shall rest in hope. 2 Though in the dust I lay my head, Yet, Gracious God, thou wilt not leave My soul forever with the dead, For Christ hath triumph'd o'er the grave. 3 My flesh shall thy first call obey, Shake off the dust and rise on high ; Then shalt thou lead the wondrous way, Up to thy throne above the sky. 4 There streams of endless pleasure flow; And full discov'ries of thy grace (Which we but tasted here below) Spread heav'nly joys through all the place. PSALM 17. First Part. S. M. The portion of Saints and Siiuiers. AKISE, my gracious God, And make the wicked flee, They are but thy chastising rod, To drive thy saints to thee. 2 Behold the sinner dies, His haughty words are vain ; Here in this life his pleasure lies, And all beyond is pain. 3 Then let his pride advance, And boast of all his store ; The Lord is my inheritance, My soul can wish no more. 4 I shall behold the face Of my forgiving God : PSALM XVII. 23 And stand complete in righteousness, Washed in my Saviour's blood. 5 There's a new heav'n begun When I awake from death, Drest in the likeness of thy Son, And draw immortal breath. PSALM 17. Second Part, L. M. - The hope and heaven of believers. LORD, I am thine : but thou wilt prove My faith, my patience, and my love; When men of spite against me join, They are the sword, the hand is thine. 2 Their hope and portion lie below, 'Tis all the happiness they know; 'Tis all they seek: they take their shares; And leave the rest among their heirs. 3 What sinners value I resign: Lord, 'tis enough that thou art mine; I shall behold thy blissful face, And stand complete in righteousness. 4 This life's a dream, an empty show; But the bright world to which I go Hath joys substantial and sincere; When shall I wake and find me there? 5 0 glorious hour ! 0 blest abode ! I shall be near and like my God! And flesh and sin no more control The sacred pleasures of the soul. 1 6 My flesh shall slumber in the ground, 'Till the last trumpet's joyful sound : Then burst the chains with sweet surprise, And in my Saviours image rise. 24 PSALM XVIII. PSALM 18. First Part. L. M. Deliverance from Despair. THEE will I love, 0 Lord, my strength, My rock, my tow'r, my high defence; Thy mighty arm shall be my trust, For I have found salvation thence. 2 Death and the terrors of the grave, Stood round me with their dismal shade; While floods of high temptation rose. And made my sinking soul afraid. 3 I saw the op'ning gates of hell, With endless pains and sorrows there, (Which none but they that feel can tell) While I was hurried to despair. 4 In my distress I call'd my God, When I could scarce believe him mine; He bow'd his ear to my complaint, And prov'd his saving grace divine. 5 With speed he flew to my relief, As on a cherub's wing he rode ; Awful, and bright as lightning, shone The face of my deliv'rer, God. 6 Temptations fled at his rebuke, The blast of his Almighty breath : He sent salvation from on high, And drew me from the deeps of death. 7 Great were my fears, my foes were great, Much was their strength, and more their rage ; But Christ, my Lord, is conqu'ror still, In all the wars the proud can wage. 8 My song for ever shall record That terrible, that joyful hour; And give the glory to the Lord Due to his mercy and his power. PSALM XVIII. 25 PSALM 18. Second Part. L. M. Sincerity proved and rewarded. LORD, thou hast formed my soul sincere, Hast made thy truth and love appear; Before mine eyes I set thy laws, And thou hast own'd my righteous cause. Since I have learn'd thy holy ways, I've walk'd upright before thy face : Or if my feet did e'er depart, Thy love reclaim'd my wand'ring heart. What sore temptations broke my rest ! What wars and strugglings in my breast ! But through thy grace that reigns within, I guard against my darling sin. The sin that close besets me still, That works and strives against my will ; When shall thy Spirit's sov'reign pow'r Destroy it, that it rise no more ? With an impartial hand, the Lord Deals out to mortals their reward; The kind and faithful souls shall find A God as faithful and as kind. And men that love revenge shall know, God hath an arm of vengeance too : The just and pure shall ever say, Thou art more pure, more just than they. PSALM 18. Third Part. L. M. Rejoicing in God. JUST are thy ways, and true thy word Great Rock of my secure abode : Who is a God beside the Lord ? Or where's a refuge like our God ? 'Tis he that girds me with his might, Gives me his holy sword to wield : 26 PSALM XVIII. And, while with sin and hell I fight, Spreads his salvation for my shield. 3 He lives, and blessings crown his reign, The God of my salvation lives ; The dark designs of hell are vain, While heavenly peace my father gives. 4 Before the scoffers of the age, I will exalt my Father's name ; Nor tremble at their mighty rage, But meet reproach, and bear the shame. PSALM 18. Fourth Part. C. M. Victory over temporal enemies. WE love thee, Lord, and we adore, Now is thine arm reveal'd ; Thou art our strength, our heavenlv tow'r, Our bulwark and our shield. 2 We fly to our eternal rock, And find a sure defence ; His holy name our lips invoke, And draw salvation thence. 3 When God, our leader, shines in arms, What mortal heart can bear The thunder of his loud alarms ? The lightning of his spear ? 4 He rides upon the winged wind, And angels in array In millions wait to know his mind, And swift as flames obey. 5 He speaks, and at his fierce rebuke Whole armies are dismay 'd ; His voice, his frown, his angry look Strikes all their courage dead. 6 He forms our gen'rals for the field. With all their dreadful skill : PSALM XIX. 27 Gives them his awful sword to wield, And makes their hearts of steel. Oft has the Lord whole nations blest For his own children's sake ; The pow'rs that give his people rest, Shall of his care partake. PSALM 18. Fifth Part. C. M. The Conqueror's Song. TO thine almighty arm we owe The triumphs of the day : Thy terrors, Lord, confound the foe, And melt their strength away. Tis by thy aid our troops prevail, And break united powers ; Or burn their boasted fleets, or scale The proudest of their towers. How have we chas'd them through the field, And trod them to the ground, While thy salvation was our shield, But they no shelter found ! In vain to idol saints they cry, And perish in their blood ; Where is a rock so great, so high, So pow'rful as our God ! The God of Israel ever lives ; His name be ever blest ; 'Tis his own arm the vict'ry gives, And gives his people rest. PSALM 19. First Part. S. M. The book of nature and Scripture. BEHOLD ! the lofty sky Declares its maker God, And all his starry works on high Proclaim his power abroad. 28 PSALM XIX. 2 The darkness and the light Still keep their course the same, While night to day, and day to night Divinely teach his name. 3 In ev'ry different land Their gen'ral voice is known ; They show the wonders of his hand, And orders of his throne. 4 Ye western lands rejoice, Here he reveals his word : We are not left to nature's voice To bid us know the Lord. 5 His statutes and commands Are set before our eyes ; He puts his gospel in our hands, Where our salvation lies. 6 His laws are just and pure, His truth without deceit, His promises forever sure, And his rewards are great, 7 Not honey to the taste Affords so much delight ; Nor gold that has the furnace pass'd So much allures the sight, 8 While of thy works I sing, Thy glory to proclaim, Accept the praise, my God, my King, In my Redeemer's name. PSALM 19. Second Part S. M. The word of God most excellent. BEHOLD ! the morning sun Begins his glorious way ; His beams through all the nations run, And life and light convey. PSALM XIX. 29 2 But where the Gospel comes, It spreads diviner light; It calls dead sinners from their tombs, And gives the blind their sight. 3 How perfect is thy word ! And all thy judgments just; For ever sure, thy promise, Lord, And men securely trust. 4 My gracious God, how plain Are thy directions giv'n ! Oh may I never read in vain, But find the path to heav'n. 5 I hear thy word with love, And I would fain obey ; Send thy good Spirit from above To guide me, lest I stray. 6 0 who can ever find The errors of his ways ? Yet with a bold presumptuous mind, I would not dare transgress. 7 Warn me of ev'ry sin, Forgive my secret faults : And cleanse this guilty soul of mine. Whose crimes exceed my thoughts. 8 While with my heart and tongue I spread thy praise abroad : Accept the worship and the song, My Saviour and my God. PSALM 19. Third Part. L. M. The book of nature and Scripture compared THE heavens declare thy glory, Lord, In ev'ry star thy wisdom shines ; But when our eyes behold thy word, We read thy name in fairer lines. 30 PSALM XX. 2 The rolling sun, the changing light, And nights and days thy pow'r confess ; But the blest volume thou hast writ, Reveals thy justice and thy grace. 3 Sun, moon, and stars convey thy praise Round the whole earth, and never stand : So when thy truth began its race, It touch' d and glanc'd on every land. 4 Nor shall thy spreading gospel rest, 'Till through the world thy truth has run ; 'Till Christ has all the nations blest That see the light or feel the sun. 5 Great sun of righteousness arise, Bless the dark world with heav'nly light ; Thy gospel makes the simple wise, Thy laws are pure, thy judgments right. 6 Thy noblest wonders here we view, In souls renew'd, and sins forgiv'n ; Lord, cleanse my sins, my soul renew, And make thy word my guide to heav'n. PSALM 20. L. M. Prayer in time of war. NOW may the God of pow'r and grace Attend his people's humble cry ! Jehovah hears when Israel prays, And brings deliv'rance from on high. 2 The name of Jacob's God defends Better than shields or brazen walls : He from his sanctuary sends Succor and strength when Zion calls. 3 Well he remembers all our sighs, His love exceeds our best deserts: His love accepts the sacrifice Of humble groans and broken hearts. PSALM XXL In his salvation is our hope, And in the name of Israel's God, Our troops shall lift their banners up ; Our navies spread their flags abroad. Some trust in horses train' d for war, And some of chariots make their boasts ; Our surest expectations are From thee, the Lord of heav'nly hosts. Oh may the mem'ry of thy name Inspire our armies for the fight ! Our foes shall fall and die with shame, Or quit the field with shameful flight. Now save us, Lord, from slavish fear : Now let our hope be firm and strong, 'Till thy salvation shall appear, And joy and triumph raise the song. PSALM 21. First Part. C. M. Pious rulers are the care of heaven. OUR rulers, Lord, with songs of praise Should in thy strength rejoice ; And blest with thy salvation raise To heav'n their cheerful voice. Thy sure defence through nations round Has spread their honors far ; And their successful measures crown'd Alike in peace and war. Then let them still on God rely For wisdom, and for grace ; His mercy shall their wants supply, And save our happy race. PSALM 21. Second Part C. M. A Song of praise for peace and national blessings. IN thee, great God, with songs of praise, Our favored realms rejoice ; 32 PSALM XXI. And blest with thy salvation, raise To heav'n their cheerful voice. 2 Thy sure defence, from foes around, Hath spread our rising name, And all our feeble efforts crown'd With freedom and with fame. 3 In deep distress our injured land Implor'd thy power to save ; For peace we pray'd ; thy bounteous hand The timely blessing gave. 4 Thy mighty arm, eternal pow'r, Oppos'd their deadly aim ; In mercy swept them from our shore, And spread their sails with shame. 5 On thee, in want, in woe, or pain, Our hearts alone rely ; Our rights thy mercy will maintain, And all our wants supply. 6 Thus, Lord, thy wondrous power declare, And still exalt thy fame ; While we glad songs of praise prepare To thine almighty name. PSALM 21. Third Part. L. M Christ exalted to the kingdom. DAVID rejoiced in God his strength, Raised to the throne by special grace ; But Christ, the Son, appears at length, Fulfils the triumph and the praise. 2 How great is the Messiah's joy In the salvation of thy hand ? Lord, thou hast rais'd his kingdom high And giv'n the world to his command. 3 Whate'er he wills thy goodness gives, Nor doth the least request withhold ; PSALM XXII. 33 Blessings attend him while he lives, And crowns of glory not of gold. 4 Around his sacred temples shine, Th' Eternal's uncreated rays : All power is his and grace divine, And length of everlasting days. 5 But as a fiery oven glows With raging heat, and burning coals, Thy vengeance shall consume his foes : Thy wrath devour their guilty souls. PSALM 22. First Part. C. M. Christ forsaken on the cross. MY God, my God, why hast thou left My soul without relief! Of thy blest smiles to be bereft, Exceeds all other grief. 2 But thou art holy, 0 my God, And wilt not spare thy Son ; As Saviour, he must bear the load, And taste the curse alone. 3 Our fathers trusted in thy name, And great deliv' ranee found ; But I'm a worm despis'd of men And trodden to the ground. 4 Shaking the head, they pass me by And laugh my soul to scorn : " In vain he trusts in God," they cry, " Neglected and forlorn." 5 Yet thou art he who formed my flesh, By thine almighty word, And since I hung upon the breast, My hope is in the Lord. 6 My God, if possible it be, Withold this bitter cup ; 34 PSALM XXII. But I resign my will to thee, And drink the sorrows up. 7 My heart dissolves with pangs unknown, In groans I waste my breath ; Thy heavy hand hath brought me down Low as the dust of death. 8 Father, I give my spirit up. And trust it in thine hand : My dying tiesh shall rest in hope, And rise at thy command. PSALM 22. Second Part. C. M. Christ crucified. ^Tl^KlTHIXG in pain, our Saviour pray'd ▼ T With mighty cries and tears : In that dread hour, his Father heard ; And chas'd away his fears. 2 Great was the victory of his death ; His throne exalted high : And all the kindreds of the earth Shall worship or shall die. 3 A num'rous offspring must arise From his expiring groans ; They shall be reckoned in his eyes For daughters and for sons. 4 The meek and humble soul shall see His table richly spread ; And ail that seek the Lord, shall be AVith joys immortal fed. 5 The isles shall know the righteousness Of our incarnate God ; And nations yet unborn profess Salvation in his blood. PSALM XXIII. 35 PSALM 22. Third Part. L. M. The sufferings and glory of Christ. NOW let our mournful songs record The dying sorrows of our Lord ; When he coniplain'd in tears and blood, As one forsaken of his God. 2 The Jews beheld him thus forlorn, And shook their heads and laugh'd in scorn ; " He rescued others from the grave, " Now let him try himself to save." 3 They wound his head, his hands, his feet, Till streams of blood each other meet; By lot, his garments they divide, And mock the pangs in which he died. 4 But God, his Father, heard his cry, Rais'd from the dead, he reigns on high; The nations learned his righteousness, And humble sinners taste his grace. PSALM 23. First Part. L. M. Jesus is my Shepherd. JESUS, my Lord, doth condescend, To T^e my shepherd and my friend, I on his faithfulness rely, His cares shall all my wants supply. 2 In pastures green he doth me lead, And there in safety makes me feed: Refreshing streams are ever nigh, My thirsty soul to satisfy. 3 When stray'd or languid, I complain, His grace revives my soul again; For his name's sake, in ways upright, He makes me walk with great delight. 4 Yea, when death's gloomy vale I tread. With joy, e'en there, I'll lift my head ; 3G PSALM XXIII. From fear and dread he'll keep me free, His rod and staff shall comfort me. 5 A table stored with living bread, In spite of foes, Lord, thou hast spread; Thou dost my head with oil anoint, And a full cup for me appoint. 6 Goodness and mercy shall to me, Thro' all my life extended be; And when my pilgrimage is o'er, I'll dwell with thee for evermore. PSALM 23. Second Part. S. M. THE Lord my shepherd is, I shall be well supplied ; Since he is mine and I am his, What can I want beside? 2 He leads me to the place Where heav'nly pasture grows ; Where living waters gently pass, And full salvation Hows. 3 If e'er I go astray, He doth my soul reclaim, And guides me in his own right way, For his most holy name. 4 While he affords his aid, I cannot yield to fear; Tho' I should walk thro' death's dark shade, My Shepherd's with me there. 5 Amid surrounding foes Thou dost my table spread, My cup with blessings overflows, And joy exalts my head. 6 The bounties of thy love Shall crown my following days ; PSALM XXIV. 37 Nor from thy house will I remove, Nor cease to speak thy praise. PSALM 24. First Part L. M. Saints dwell in Heaven. THIS spacious earth is all the Lord's, And men and worms, and beasts and birds; He rais'd the building on the seas, And gave it for their dwelling-place. But there's a brighter world on high, Thy palace, Lord, above the sky, Who shall ascend that blest abode, And dwell so near his Maker, God ? He that abhors and fears to sin, Whose heart is pure, whose hands are clean ; Him shall the Lord, the Saviour, bless, And clothe his soul with righteousness. These are the men, the pious race, That seek the God of Jacob's face ; These shall enjoy the blissful sight, And dwell in everlasting light. PSALM 24. Second Part L. M. Chi'ist's Ascension. REJOICE, ye shining worlds on high, Behold the King of glory nigh ; Who can this King of glory be ? The mighty Lord, the Saviour's he. Ye heav'nly gates, your leaves display, To make the Lord, the Saviour, way : Laden with spoils from earth and hell, The Conqu'ror comes with God to dwell. Rais'd from the dead in royal state, He opens heaven's eternal gate, To give his saints a blest abode, Near their Redeemer and their God. 38 PSALM XXV. PSALM 25. First Fart. S. M. Waiting for pardon and direction. I LIFT my soul to God, My trust is in his name ; Let not my foes that seek my blood Still triumph in my shame. 2 Sin, and the pow'rs of hell Persuade me to despair ; Lord, make me know thy covenant well, That I may 'scape the snare. 3 From the first dawning light, 'Till the dark ev'ning rise, For thy salvation, Lord, I wait, With ever longing eyes. 4 Eemember all thy grace, And lead me in thy truth ; Forgive the sins of riper days, And follies of my youth. 5 The Lord is just and kind, The meek shall learn his ways, And ev'ry humble sinner find The blessings of his grace. 6 For his own goodness1 sake, He saves my soul from shame ; He pardons (tho' my guilt be great,) Thro' my Redeemer's name. PSALM. 25. Second Part. S. M. Div ine Instruction . WHERE shall the man be found, That fears t' offend his God : That loves the gospel's joyful sound, And trembles at the rod ? . 2 The Lord shall make him know The secret of his heart; PSALM XXV. 39 The wonders of his cov'nant show, And all his love impart. 3 The dealings of his hand Are truth and mercy still, With such as in his cov'nant stand, And love to do his will. 4 Their souls shall dwell at ease Before their Maker's face: Their seed shall taste the promises In their extensive grace. PSALM 25. Third Part. S. M. Distress of soul. MINE eyes and my desire Are ever to the Lord : I love to plead his promises, And rest upon his word. 2 Turn, turn thee to my soul ; Bring my salvation near : When will thy hand release my feet Out of the deadly snare ? 3 When shall the sov'reign grace Of my forgiving God, Restore me from those dang'rous waj^s, My wand'ringfeet have trod ? 4 The tumult of my thoughts Doth but enlarge my wo ; My spirit languishes ; my heart Is desolate and low. 5 With ev'ry morning light My grief anew begins ; Look on my anguish and my pain, And pardon all my sins. 6 Behold the hosts of hell, How cruel is their hate ! 40 PSALM XXVI. Against my life they rise, and join, ' Their fury with deceit. 7 0 keep my soul from death, Nor put my hope to shame ; For I have plac'd my only trust In my Redeemer's name. 8 With humble faith I wait, To see thy face again : Of Israel it shall ne'er be said, He sought the Lord in vain. PSALM 26. L. M. Self-examination ; or, Evidences of grace. JUDGE me, 0 Lord, and prove my ways And try my reins, and try my heart ; My faith upon thy promise stays, Nor from thy law my feet depart. 2 I hate to walk, I hate to sit With men of vanities and lies ; The scoffer and the hypocrite Are the abhorrence of mine eyes. 3 Among thy saints will I appear, With hands well wash'd in innocence ; But when I stand before thy bar, The blood of Christ is my defence. 4 I love thy habitation, Lord, The temple where thine honors dwell ; There shall I hear thy holy word, And there thy works of wonder tell. 5 Let not my soul be join'd at last With men of treahery and blood ; Since I my days on earth have past Among the saints, and near my God. PSALM XX VII. 41 PSALM 27. First Part. CM. The Church is our delight and safety . THE Lord of glory is my light, And my salvation too ; God is my stength ; nor will I fear What all my foes can do. 2 One privilege my heart desires, 0 grant me an abode, Among the churches of thy saints, The temples of my God ! 2 There shall I offer my requests, And see thy beauty still ; Shall hear thy messages of love, And there inquire thy will. 4 When troubles rise, and storms appear, There may his children hide; God has a strong pavilion, where He makes my soul abide. 5 Now shall my head be lifted high Above my foes around, And songs of joy and victory Within thy temple sound. PSALM 27. Second Fart. C. M. Prayer and Hope. SOOX as I heard my Father say, " Ye children, seek my grace," My heart replied without delay, " I'll seek my Father s face.7' 2 Let not thy face be hid from me, Nor frown my soul away ; God of my life, I fly to thee In a distressing da}^. 3 Should friends and kindred near and dear Leave me to want or die, 4* 42 PSALM XXVIII. My God would make my life his care And all my need supply. 4 My fainting flesh had died with grief, Had not my soul believ'd Thy grace would soon provide relief, Nor was my hope deceiv'd. 5 Wait on the Lord, ye trembling saints, And keep your courage up ; He'll raise your spirit when it faints, And far exceed your hope. PSALM 28. L. M. God the refuge of the afflicted. TO thee, 0 Lord, I raise my cries , My fervent prayer in mercy hear ; For ruin waits my trembling soul, If thou refuse a gracious ear. 2 When suppliant tow'rd thy holy hill I lift my mournful hands to pray, Afford thy grace, nor drive me still, With impious hypocrites, away. 3 To sons of falsehood, that despise The works and wonders of thy reign, Thy vengeance gives the true reward, And sinks their souls to endless pain. 4 But ever blessed be the Lord, Whose mercy hears my mournful voice, My heart, that trusted in his word, In his salvation shall rejoice. 5 Let ev'ry saint, in sore distress, By faith approach his Saviour, God ; Then grant, 0 Lord, thy pard'ning grace, And feed thy church with heav'nly food. PSALM XXX. 43 PSALM 29. L. M. Storm and thunder. GIVE to the Lord, ye sons of fame, Give to the Lord renown and pow'r ; Ascribe due honors to his name, And his eternal might adore. 2 The Lord proclaims his pow'r aloud Thro' ev'ry ocean, ev'ry land ; His voice divides the wat'ry cloud, And lightnings blaze at his command. 3 He speaks, and tempests, hail, and wind, Lay the wide forests bare around ; The fearful hart, and frighted hind, Leap at the terror of the sound. 4 To Lebanon he turns his voice, And lo, the stately cedars break ; The mountains tremble at the noise, The valleys roar, the deserts quake. 5 The Lord sits sovereign on the flood, The Thund'rer reigns forever king ; But makes his church his blest abode, Where we his awful glories sing. 6 In gentler language, there the Lord The counsel of his grace imparts ; Amidst the raging storm, his word Speaks peace and courage to our hearts. PSALM 30. L. M. Sickness healed. I WILL extol thee, Lord on high, At thy command diseases fly ; Who but a God can speak and save, From the dark borders of the grave ? 2 Sing to the Lord ye saints of his, And tell how large his goodness is ; 44 PSALM XXXI. Let all your pow'rs rejoice and bless, While 3~ou record his holiness. 3 His anger but a moment stays ; His love is life and length of days ; Though grief and tears the night employ, The morning star restores the joy. 4 Firm was my health, my day was bright, And I presum'd 'twould ne'er be night ; Fondly I said within my heart. " Pleasure and peace shall ne'er depart." 5 But I forgot thine arm was strong. Which made my mountain stand so long ; Soon as thy face began to hide, My health was gone, my comforts died. 6 I cri'd aloud to thee, my God : " What canst thou profit by my blood? " Deep in the dust can I declare " Thy truth, or sing thy glories there ? 7 " Hear me, 0 God of grace," I said, "And bring me from among the dead;" Thy word rebuk'd the pains I felt, Thy pard'ning love remov'd my guilt. 8 My groans, and tears, and forms of wo, Are turn'd to joy and praises now; I throw my sackcloth on the ground, And ease and gladness gird me round. 9 My tongue, the glory of my frame, Shall ne'er be silent of thy name : Thy praise shall sound thro' earth and heav'n For sickness heaVd and sins forgiv'n. PSALM 31. First Part. C. M. Deliverance from death. INTO thy hand, 0 God of truth, My spirit I commit; PSALM XXXI. 45 Thou hast redeem'd my soul from death, And sav'd me from the pit. 2 The passions of my hope and fear Maintain'd a doubtful strife; While sorrow, pain, and sin conspir'd To take away my life. 3 " My times are in thy hand," I cri'd, "Though I draw near the dust;" Thou art the refuge where I hide, The God in whom I trust. 4 0 make thy reconciled face Upon thy servant shine, And save me for thy mercy's sake, For I'm entirely thine. 5 'Twas in my haste my spirit said, "I must despair and die; " I am cut off before thine eyes," But thou hast heard my cry. 6 Thy goodness how divinely free ! How wondrous is thy grace, To those that fear thy majesty! And trust thy promises ! 7 0 love the Lord, all ye his saints, And sing his praises loud; He'll bend his ear to your complaints, And recompense the proud. PSALM 31. Second Part C. M. Deliverance from slander and reproach. MY heart rejoices in thy name, My God, my help, my trust: Thou hast preserv'd. my face from shame, Mine honor from the dust. 2 " My life is spent with grief," I cri'd, " My years consum'd in groans, 46 PSALM XXXII. " My strength decays, mine eyes are dri'd, " And sorrow wastes my bones." 3 Among mine enemies my name Was a mere proverb grown ; While to my neighbors I became Forgotten and unknown. 4 Slander and fear on ev'ry side Seiz'd and beset me round ; I to the throne of grace appli'd, And speedy rescue found. 5 How great deliv'rance thou hast wrought Before the sons of men ! The lying lips to silence brought, And made their boastings vain ! 6 Thy children, from the strife of tongues, Shall thy pavilion hide ; Guard them from infamy and wrongs, And crush the sons of pride. 7 Within thy secret presence, Lord, Let me for ever dwell; No fenced city, walfd and barrd, Secures a saint so well. PSALM 32. First Part. L. M. Justification and Sanctijication. BLEST is the man, for ever blest, Whose guilt is pardon'd by his God, Whose sins with sorrow are confess'd, And coverd with his Saviour's blood. 2 Blest is the man to whom the Lord Imputes not his iniquities; He pleads no merit of reward, And not on works but grace relies. 3 From guile his heart and lips are free : His humble joy, his holy fear. PSALM XXXIII. 47 With deep repentance well agree, And join to prove his faith sincere. 4 How glorious is that righteousness That hides and cancels all his sins : "While a bright evidence of grace Through his whole life appears and shines. PSALM 32. Second Part L. M. Confession and Pardon. "V1THILE I keep silence and conceal ▼ ▼ My heavy guilt within my heart, Wha.t torments doth my conscience feel! What agonies of inward smart ! 2 I spread my sins before the Lord, And all my secret faults confess ; Thy gospel speaks a pard'ning word, Thy holy Spirit seals the grace. 3 For this shall ev'ry humble soul Make swift addresses to thy seat ; ' When floods of huge temptations roll, There shall they find a blest retreat. 4 How safe beneath thy wings I lie, When days grow dark, and storms appear; And when I walk, thy watchful eye Shall guide me safe from ev'ry snare. PSALM 33. First Part. C. M. Works of Creation and Providence. REJOICE, ye righteous in the Lord, This work belongs to you ; Sing of his name, his ways, his word, How holy, just, and true ! 2 His mercy and his righteousness Let heav'n and earth proclaim ; His works of nature and of grace Reveal his wondrous name. 48 PSALM XXXIV. 3 His wisdom and almighty word The heavnly arches spread; And by the Spirit of the Lord Their shining hosts were made. 4 He bid the liquid waters flow To their appointed deep; The flowing seas their limits know. And their own station keep. 5 Ye tenants of the spacious earth, With fear before him stand: He spake and nature took its birth. And rests on his command. 6 He scorns the angry nations' rase, And breaks their vain designs: His counsel stands through ev'ry age. And in full glory shines. PSALM 33. Second Part. C. M. Creatures rain: and Grod all-sufficient. BLEST is the nation where the Lord Hath fix'd his gracious throne : Where he reveals his heav'nly word, And calls their tribes his own. 2 His eyes with infinite survey. The spacious world behold: He forin'd us all of equal clay. And knows our feeble mould. 3 Kings are not rescu'd by the force Of armies from the grave; Xor speed nor courage of a horse Can the bold rider save. 4 Vain is the strength of beasts or man. To hope for safety thence: But holv souls from God obtain A strong and sure defence. PSALM XXXIV. 49 God is their fear, and God their trust, When plagues or famine spread; His watchful eye secures the just Among ten thousand dead. Lord, let our hearts in thee rejoice, And bless us from thy throne; For we have made thv word our choice, And trust thy grace alone. PSALM 34. First Part. C. M. Praise for eminent deliverance. I'LL bless the Lord from day to day ; How good are all his ways ! Ye humble souls that use to pray, Come help my lips to praise. Sing to the honor of his name, How a poor suff'rer cri'd, Nor was his hope exposed to shame, Nor was his suit denied. When threatening sorrows round me stood, And endless fears arose, Like the loud billows of a flood, Redoubling all my woes; I told the Lord my sore distress, With heavy groans and tears; He gave my sharpest torments ease, And silenc'd all my fears. Oh sinners, come and taste his love, Come, learn his pleasant ways, And let your own experience prove The sweetness of his grace. He bids his angels pitch their tents, Round where his children dwell; What ills their heav'nly care prevents, No earthly tongue can tell. 50 PSALM XXX IV. 7 0 love the Lord, ye saints of his; His eye regards the just; How richly bless' d their portion is. Who make the Lord their trust ! 8 Young lions, pinch'd with hunger, roar, And famish in the wood : But God supplies his holy poor With every needful good. PSALM 34. Second Part. L. M. Religious education. CHILDREN, in years and knowledge young, Your parents' hope, your parents' joy, Attend the counsels of my tongue ; * Let pious thoughts your mind employ. 2 If you desire a length of days, And peace to crown your mortal state; Restrain your feet from impious ways Your lips from slander and deceit. 3 The eyes of God regard his saints, His ears are open to their cries: He sets his frowning face against The sons of violence and lies. 4 To humble souls and broken hearts God with his grace is ever nigh ; Pardon and hope his love imparts, When men in deep contrition lie. 5 He tells their tears, he counts their groans : His Son redeems their soul from death, His Spirit heals their broken bones, While they in praise employ their breath. PSALM 34. Third Part. C. M. Peace and holiness. THE Lord for ever guards the just, His ears attend their cry ; PSALM XXXV. 51 When broken spirits dwell in dust, The God of grace is nigh. 2 What though the sorrows here they taste Be sharp and tedious too : The Lord who saves his saints at last, Is their supporter now. 3 Evil shall smite the wicked dead ; But God secures his own, Prevents the mischief when they slide, Or heals the broken bone. 4 When desolation, like a flood, O'er the proud sinner rolls ; Saints find a refuge in their God, For he redeems their souls. PSALM 35. First Part. C. M. Imprecations mixed with charity. NOW plead my cause, Almighty God, With all the sons of strife ; And fight against the men of blood, Who fight against my life. 2 Draw out thy spear, and stop their way, Lift thine avenging rod ; But, to my soul in mercy say, " I am thy Saviour, God." 3 They plant their snares to catch my feet, And nets of mischief spread ; Plunge the destroyers in the pit That their own hands have made. 4 Let fogs and darkness hide their way, And slipp'ry be their ground ; Thy wrath shall make their lives a prey, And all their rage confound. 5 They fly like chaff before the wind, Before thine angry breath ; 52 PSALM XXXV. The angel of the Lord behind Pursues them down to death. 6 They love the road that leads to hell : Then must the rebels die, Whose malice is implacable Against the Lord on high. 7 But if thou hast a chosen few Amongst that impious race ; Divide them from the bloody crew By thy surprising grace. 8 Then will I raise my tuneful voice To make thy wonders known ; In their salvation I'll rejoice, And bless thee for my own. PSALM 35. Second Part. C. M. The love of CJirist typified in David. BEHOLD the love, the gen'rous love, That holy David shows ; Mark how his tender bowels move For his afflicted foes ! 2 When they are sick his soul complains, And seems to feel the smart ; The spirit of the gospel reigns, And melts his pious heart. 3 How did his flowing tears condole As for a brother dead ! And fasting mortifi'd his soul, While for their life he pray'd. 4 They groan'd and curs' d him on their bed, Yet still he pleads and mourns : And double blessings on his head The righteous God returns. 5 0 glorious type of heavenly grace ! Thus Christ the Lord appears ; PSALM XXXVI. 53 While sinners curse, the Saviour prays, And pities them with tears. 6 He, the true David, Israel's king, Blest and beloved of God, To save us rebels dead in sin, Paid his own dearest blood. PSALM 36. First Rirt. S. M. Atheism exposed. "VV/^HEN man grows bold in sin, ▼ t My heart within me cries, " He hath no faith of God within, " Nor fear before his eyes." 2 He walks awhile conceal'd In a self-flatt'ring dream ; 'Till his dark crimes, at once reveal'd, Expose his hateful name. 3 His heart is false and foul, His words are smooth and fair, Wisdom is banish'd from his soul, And leaves no goodness there. 4 He plots upon his bed New mischief to fulfil : He sets his heart, his hand, his head, To practise all that's ill. 5 But there's a dreadful God, Though men renounce his fear. His justice hid behind the cloud, Shall one great day appear. 6 His truth transcends the sky; In heav'n his mercies dwell ; Deep as the sea his judgments lie; His anger burns to hell. 7 How excellent his love, Whence all our safety springs ; 54 PSALM XXXVII. 0 never let my soul remove From underneath his wings ! PSALM 30. Second Part, L. M. General Providence and special grace. OLord, thy mercy, my sure hope, The brightest orb of heav'n transcends. Thy sacred truth's unmeasur'd scope Beyond the spreading sky extends. 2 Thy justice like the hills remains; Unfathom'd depths thy j udgments are : Thy providence the world sustains; The whole creation is thy care. 3 Since of thy goodness all partake ; With what assurance shall the just Thy shelf ring wings their refuge make, And saints to thy protection trust. 4 Such guests shall to their courts be led, To banquet on thy love's repast; And drink as from a fountain head, Of joys that shall forever last. 5 With thee the springs of life remain ; Thy presence is eternal day ; 0! let thy grace thy saints sustain; To upright hearts thy truth display. PSALM 37. First Part. C. M. The reicards of the righteous and the wicked. WHY should I vex my soul and fret To see the wicked rise ? Or envy sinners waxing great, By violence and lies ? 2 As flow'ry grass cut down at noon, Before the evening fades, So shall their glories vanish soon, In everlasting shades. PSALM XXXVII. 55 3 Then let me make the Lord my trust, m And practise all that's good ; So shall I dwell among the just, And he'll provide me food. 4 I to my God my ways commit, And cheerful wait his will ; Thy hand which guides my doubtful feet, Shall my desires fulfil. 5 Mine innocence shalt thou display, And make thy judgments known, Fair as the light of dawning day, And glorious as the noon. 6 The meek at last the earth possess, And are the heirs of heav'n ; True riches with abundant peace, To humble souls are giv'n. 7 Rest in the Lord and keep his way, Nor let your anger rise, Though Providence should long delay, To punish haughty vice. 8 Let sinners join to break yourpeace, And plot, and rage, and foam ; The Lord derides them, for he sees Their day of vengeance come. 9 They have drawn out the threatning sword, Have bent the murd'rous bow, To slay the men that fear the Lord, And bring the righteous low. 10 My God shall break their bows, and burn Their persecuting darts ; Shall their own swords against them turn, And pain surprise their hearts. 56 PSALM XXXVII. PSALM 37. Second Part. CM. Charity to the poor. WHY do the wealthy wicked boast, And grow profanely bold ? The meanest portion of the just Excels the sinner's gold. 2 The wicked borrows of his friends, But ne'er designs to pay ; The saint is merciful, and lends, Nor turns the poor away. 3 His alms with lib'ral heart he gives Amongst the sons of need, His mem'ry to long ages lives, And blessed is his seed. 4 He fears to talk with lips profane, To slander or defraud ; His ready tongue declares to men What he has learn'd of God. 5 The law and gospel of the Lord Deep in his heart abide ; Led by the Spirit and the word, His feet shall never slide. 6 When sinners fall, the righteous stand Preserv'd from ev'ry snare, They shall possess the promis'd land And dwell for ever there. PSALM 37. Third Part. C. M. The way and end of the righteous and the ic felted. MY God, the steps of pious men Are order' d by thy will ; Though they should fall, they rise again, Thy hand supports them still. 2 The Lord delights to see their Avays, Their virtues he approves ; PSALM XXXVIII. 57 He ne'er deprives them of his grace, Nor leaves the men he loves. The heav'nly heritage is theirs, Their portion and their home ; He feeds them now, and makes them heirs Of blessings long to come. Wait on the Lord, ye sons of men, Nor fear when tyrants frown : Ye shall confess their pride was vain, When justice casts them down. The haughty sinner have I seen, Not fearing man or God, Like a tall bay-tree fair and green, Spreading his arms abroad. And lo! he vanish'd from the ground, Destroy 'd by hands unseen; Nor root, nor branch, nor leaf was found, Where all that pride had been. But mark the man of righteousness, His sev'ral steps attend; True pleasure runs through all his ways, And peaceful is his end. PSALM 38. C. M. Prayer for pardon and health. AMID thy wrath remember love, Restore thy servant, Lord : Nor let a father's chast'ning prove Like an avenger's sword. Thine arrows stick within my heart, My flesh is sorely prest; Between the sorrow and the smart, My spirit finds no rest. My sins a heavy load appear, And o'er my head are gone, 58 PSALM XXXIX - Too heavy for my soul to bear, Too hard for me t' atone. 4 My thoughts are like a troubled sea, My head still bending down; And I go mourning all the day, Beneath my Father's frown. 5 Lord, I am weak and broken sore, None of my pow'rs are whole; The inward anguish makes me roar, The anguish of my soul. 6 All my desire to thee is known, Thine eye counts ev'ry tear, And ev'ry sigh, and ev'ry groan, Is notic'd by thine ear. 7 Thou art my God, my only hope ; My God will hear my cry : My God will bear my spirit up, When Satan bids me die. 8 My foes rejoice to see me slide Into the miry pit ; They raise their pleasure and their pride, When they supplant my feet. 9 But I'll confess my guilt to thee, And grieve for all my sin; I feel how weak my graces be, And beg support divine. 10 My God, forgive my follies past, And be forever nigh; 0 Lord of my salvation haste, Before thy servant die. PSALM 39. First Part C. M. Prudence and zeal. THUS I resolved before the Lord, " Now will I watch my tongue, PSALM XXXIX. 59 "Lest I let slip one sinful word, "Or do my neighbor wrong." And if I'm here constrain'd to stay With men of lives profane, I'll set a double guard that day, Nor let my talk be vain. I'll scarce allow my lips to speak The pious thoughts I feel ; Lest scoffers should th' occasion take To mock my holy zeal. Yet if some proper hour appear, I'll not be overaw'd ; But let the scoffing sinners hear, That I can speak for God. PSALM 39. Second Part. C. M. The vanity of man as mortal. TEACH me the measure of my days Thou maker of my frame ; I would survey life's narrow space, And learn how frail I am. A span is all that Ave can boast ; How short, how fleet our time ! Man is but vanity and dust, In all his flow'r and prime. See the vain race of mortals move, Like shadows o'er the plain: They rage and strive, desire and love, But all their noise is vain. Some walk in honor's gaudy show; Some dig for golden ore : They toil for heirs they know not who, And straight are seen no more. What should I wish or wait for then, From creatures, earth and dust ? 60 PSALM XXXIX. They make our expectations vain, And disappoint our trust. 6 Now I forbid my carnal hope, My fond desires recall : I give my mortal in t' rest up, And make my God my all. PSALM 39. Third Part C. M. Sick-bed devotion. GOD of my life, look gently down, Behold the pains I feel ; But I am dumb before thy throne, Nor dare dispute thy will. 2 Diseases are thy servants, Lord, They come at thy command, I'll not attempt a murmuring word, Against thy chast'ning hand. 3 Yet I may plead with humble cries, " Remove thy sharp rebukes;" My strength consumes, my spirit dies, Through thy repeated strokes. 4 Crush'd as a moth beneath thy hand, We moulder to the dust ; Our feeble pow'rs can ne'er withstand, And all our beauty's lost. 5 This mortal life decays apace, How soon the bubble's broke ! Adam, and all his num'rous race Are vanity and smoke. 6 I'm but a sojourner below, As all my fathers were ; May I be well prepared to go When I the summons hear. 7 But if my life be spar'd awhile Before my last remove, PSALM XL. 61 Thy praise shall be my business still, And I'll declare thy love. PSALM 40. First Part. C. M. Deliverance from great distress. I WAITED patient for the Lord, He bowed to hear my cry; He saw me resting on his word, And brought salvation nigh. He rais'd me from a horrid pit, Where mourning long I lay; And from my bonds releas'd my feet, Deep bonds of miry clay. Firm on a rock he made me stand, And taught my cheerful tongue To praise the wonders of his hand, In a new, thankful song. I'll spread his works of grace abroad ! The saints with joy shall hear, And sinners learn to make my God Their only hope and fear. How many are thy thoughts of love ! Thy mercies, Lord, how great ! We have not words, nor hours enough, Their number to repeat. When I'm afflicted, poor, and low, And light and peace depart, My God beholds my heavy woe, And bears me on his heart. PSALM 40. Second Part. C. M. The incarnation and sacrifice of CJirist. BEHOLD the blest Redeemer comes ! Th' Eternal Son appears ! And at th' appointed time assumes The body God prepares ! 62 PSALM XL. 2 Jesus reveal'd his Fathers grace, And much his truth he show'd ; He preach'd the way of righteousness, Where great assemblies stood. 3 His Father's honor touch'd his heart, He pitied sinners' cries, And, to fulfil a Saviour's part, Was made a sacrifice. 4 No blood of beasts on altars shed, Could wash the conscience clean ; The sacrifice which Jesus paid Atones for all our sins. 5 Then was the great salvation spread, And Satan's kingdom shook ; Thus by the woman's proinis'd seed The serpent's head was broke. PSALM 40. Third Part. L. M. Christ our Sacrifice. THE wonders, Lord, thy love has wrought, Exceed our praise, surmount our thought ; Should I attempt the long detail, My speech would faint, my numbers fail. 2 No blood of beasts on altars spilt, Can cleanse the souls of men from guilt ; But thou hast set before our eyes An all-sufficient sacrifice. 3 In heav'n before his Father's throne, Complacent smiles th' eternal Son, And pleas'd, presents with boundless grace Himself a ransom for our race. 4 " Behold I come," the Saviour cries, With love and duty in his eyes, " I come to bear the heavy load " Of sins, and do thy will, my God. PSALM XLL 63 5 " Mine ear is opened to thy voice, " My heart delighted with thy choice ; " Pleas'd, I assume a fleshly form. " Akin to man, that dying worm. 6 " 'Tis written in thy great decree, " 'Tis in thy book foretold of me ; " I must fulfil the Saviour's part ; " And lo ! thy law is in my heart. 7 " I'll magnify thy holy law, " And rebels to obedience draw, " When on my cross I'm lifted high, " Or to my crown above the sky. 8 " The Spirit shall descend and show " What thou hast done, and what I do, " The wond'ring world shall learn thy grace, " Thy wisdom and thy righteousness." PSALM 41. L. M. Charity to the poor. BLEST is the man whose bowels move, And melt with pity to the poor ; Whose soul by sympathizing love, Feels what his fellow saints endure. * 2 His heart contrives for their relief More good than his own hands can do ; He in the time of gen'ral grief, Shall find the Lord has bowels too. 3 His soul shall live secure on earth, With secret blessings on his head, When drought, and pestilence, and dearth, Around him multiply their dead. 4 Or, if he languish on his couch, God will pronounce his sins forgiv'n ; Will save him with a healing touch, Or take his willing soul to heav'n. 64 PSALM XLII. PSALM 42. First Part. C. M. Desertion and hope. AS pants the hart for cooling streams. When heated in the chase ; So longs my soul, 0 God, for thee, And thy refreshing grace. 2 For thee my God, the living God, My thirsty soul doth pine ; 0! when shall I behold thy face, Thou Majesty divine ! 3 Tears are my constant food, while thus Insulting foes upbraid : . " Deluded wretch ! where is thy God ? " And where his promis'd aid ?" 4 'Tis with a mournful pleasure now I think on ancient davs: Then to thy house did numbers go, And all our work was praise. 5 But why's my soul sunk down so far Beneath this heavy load ? Why do my thoughts indulge despair, And sin against my God? 6 Hope in the Lord, whose mighty hand Can all thy woes remove : For I shall yet before him stand, And sing restoring love. PSALM 42. Second Part C. M. Trust in the goodness of God. WHY, 0! my soul, why thus deprest, And whence this anxious fear? Let former favors fix thy trust, And check the rising tear. 2 When darkness and when sorrow rose, And press' d on every side, PSALM XLIII. 65 Did not the Lord sustain thy steps, And was not God thy guide ? 3 Affliction is a stormy deep, Where wave resounds to wave : Tho' o'er my head the billows roll, I know the Lord can save. 4 Perhaps before the morning dawns, He'll reinstate my peace ; For he who bade the tempest roar, Can bid the tempest cease. 5 In the dark watches of the night, I'll count his mercies o'er : I'll praise him for ten thousand past, And humbly sue for more. 6 Then, 0! my soul, why thus deprest, And whence this anxious fear ? Let former favors fix thy trust, And check the rising tear. 7 Here will I rest, and build my hopes, Nor murmur at his rod ; He's more than all the world to me, My health, my life, my God. PSALM 43. C. M. Safety in divine Providence, JUDGE me, 0 God, and plead my cause Against a sinful race; From vile oppression and deceit Secure me by thy grace. 2 On thee my steadfast hope depends, And am I left to mourn ? To sink, in sorrow, and in vain Implore thy kind return ? 3 0 send thy light to guide my feet, And bid thy truth appear, 66 PSALM XLIV. Conduct me to thy holy hill, To taste thy mercies there. 4 Then to thy altar, 0 my God, My joyful feet shall rise, And my triumphant song shall praise The God that rules the skies. 5 Sink not, my soul, beneath thy fear, Nor yield to weak despair; For I shall live to praise the Lord, And bless his guardian care. PSALM 44. CM. The church's complaint in persecution. LORD, we have heard thy works of old, Thy works of pow'r and grace ; When to our ears our fathers told, The wonders of their days. 2 How thou didst build thy churches here, And make thy gospel known : Among them did thine arm appear, Thy light and glory shone. 3 In God they boasted all the day, And in a cheerful throng Did thousands meet to praise and pray, And grace was all their song. 4 But now our souls are seized with shame, Confusion fills our face, To hear the enemy blaspheme, And fools reproach thy grace. 5 Yet have we not forgot our God, Nor falsely dealt with heav'n, Nor have our steps declin'd the road Of duty thou hast giv'n, 6 Though dragons all around us roar With their destructive breath; PSALM XLV. 67 And thine own hand has bruis'd us sore, Hard by the gates of death. 7 We are expos'd all day to die, As martyrs for thy cause : As sheep for slaughter bound we lie By sharp and bloody laws. 8 Awake, arise, Almighty Lord ! Why sleeps thy wonted grace ? Why should we look like men abhorrd, Or banished from thy face ? 9 Wilt thou forever cast us off, And still neglect our cries ? Forever hide thy heav'nly love From our afflicted eyes ? 10 Down to the dust our souls are bow'd, And lie upon the ground : Rise for our help, rebuke the proud, And all their pow'rs confound. 11 Redeem us from perpetual shame, Our Saviour and our God ; We plead the honors of thy name, The merits of thy blood. PSALM 45. First Part. L. M. The glory of Christ and the poicer of his gospel. NOW be my heart inspired to sing The glories of my Saviour King, Jesus the Lord : how heav'nly fair His form ! how bright his beauties are ! 2 O'er all the sons of human race, He shines with a superior grace ; Love from his lips divinely flows, And blessings all his state compose. 3 Dress thee in arms, most mighty Lord ! Gird on the terror of thy sword ! 68 PSALM XLV. In majesty and glory ride, With truth and meekness at thy side. 4 Thine anger, like a pointed dart, Shall pierce the foes of stubborn heart; Or words of mercy kind and sweet, Shall melt the rebels at thy feet. 5 Thy throne, 0 God, forever stands; Grace is the sceptre in thy hands; Thy laws and works are just and right, Justice and grace are thy delight. 6 0 God, thy God has richly shed His oil of gladness on thy head, And with his sacred Spirit, blest Th' eternal Son above the rest. PSALM 45. Second Part. L. M. Christ and his Church. npHE King of saints, how fair his face, JL Adorn'd with majesty and grace ! He comes with blessings from above, And wins the nations with his love. 2 At his right hand our eyes behold The queen array'd in purest gold; The world admires her heav'nly dress, Her robes of joy and righteousness. 3 He forms her beauties like his own, He calls and seats her near his throne : Fair stranger, let thy heart forget The idols of thy native state. 4 So shall the King the more rejoice In thee the fav'rite of his choice ; Let him be lov'd, and yet ador'd, For he's thy Maker and thy Lord. 5 0 happy hour ! when thou shalt rise To his fair palace in the skies ; PSALM XLVL 69 And all thy sons (a num'rous train) Each like a prince, in glory reign. Let endless honors crown his head; Let ev'ry age his praises spread ; While we with cheerful songs approve The condescension of his love. PSALM 46. First Part. L. M. The safety of the Church. GOD is our refuge in distress, A present help when dangers press On him for safety we relied, And in his strength we will confide : Though earth were from her centre tost, And mountains in the ocean lost; Or lofty hills from their abode, Torn peace-meal by the roaring flood. Let angry waves together roll'd Rage on with fury uncontroll'd ; We will not fear, whilst we depend On God, who is our constant friend. A gentler stream, that ever flows? And joy to all around bestows, The city of the Lord shall fill, The city where he's worship'd still. God dwells in Zion, whose strong tow'rs, Shall mock th' assault of earthly pow'rs ; And his almighty aid is nigh, To those who on his strength rely. PSALM 46. Second Part. L. M. God creates peace. LET Zion in her king rejoice, Though tyrants rage, and kingdoms rise; He utters his almighty voice, The nations melt, the tumult dies. 0 PSALM XLVII. 2 The Lord of old for Jacob fought, And Jacob's God is still our aid : Behold the works his hand hath wrought, What desolations he hath made. 3 From sea to sea through all the shores He makes the noise of battle cease ; When from on high his thunder roars, He awes the trembling world to peace. 4 He breaks the bow, he cuts the spear, Chariots he burns with heav'nly flame : Keep silence, all the earth, and hear The sound and glory of his name. 5 " Be still and learn that I am God, " I'll be exalted o'er the lands ; " I will be known, and fear'd abroad, "But still mv throne in Zion stands. " i/ 6 0 Lord of hosts, almighty King, While we so near thy presence dwell, Our faith shall sit secure, and sing Defiance to the gates of hell. PSALM 47. C. M. Christ ascending and reigning. OFOR a shout of sacred joy, To God the sov'reign King ! Let every land their tongues employ And hymns of triumph sing. 2 Jesus, our God, ascends on high ! His heavenlv guards around Attend him rising through the sky, With trumpet's joyful sound. 3 While angels shout and praise their King, Let mortals learn their strains ; Let all the earth his honors sing ; O'er all the earth he reians. PSALM XLVIII. 71 4 Rehearse his praise with awe profound, Let knowledge lead the song-, Nor mock him with a solemn sound Upon a thoughtless tongue. 5 In Israel stood his ancient throne, He lov'd that chosen race ; But now he calls the world his own, And heathens taste his grace. 6 These western climes are all the Lord's, Here Abraham's God is known ; While pow'rs and princes, shields and swords Submit before his throne. PSALM 48. First Part. S. M. The Church is the honor and safety of a nation. GREAT is the Lord our God, And let his praise be great ; He makes his churches his abode, His most delightful seat. 2 These temples of his grace How beautiful they stand ! The honor of our native place, And bulwarks of our land. 3 In Zion God is known A refuge in distress; How bright hath his salvation shone Through all her palaces! 4 When kings against her join'd, And saw the Lord was there, In wild confusion of the mind They fled with hasty fear. 5 When navies tall and proud* Attempt to spoil our peace, He sends his tempest roaring loud, And sinks them in the seas. 72 PSALM XLVIII. 6 Oft have our fathers told, Our eyes have often seen, How well our God secures the fold, Where his own sheep have been. 7 In ev'ry new distress, We'll to his house repair; We'll think upon his wond'rous grace, And seek deliv'rance there. PSALM 48 Second Part. S. M. The worship and order of the Church. FAR as thy name is known. The world declares thy praise; Thy saints, 0 Lord, before thy throne, Their songs of honor raise. 2 With joy thy people stand On Zion's chosen hill, Proclaim the wonders of thy hand. And counsels of thy will. 3 Let strangers walk around The city where we dwell, Compass and view thy holy ground. And mark the building well. 4 The orders of thy house, The worship of thy court, The cheerful songs, the solemn vows, And make a fair report. 5 How decent and how wise ! How glorious to behold! Beyond the pomp that charms the eyes And rites adorn d with gold. 6 The God we ^tforship now. Will guide us till we die ; Will be our God while here below, And ours above the sky. PSALM XLIX. 73 PSALM 49. First Part C. M. The vanity of life and riches. WHY doth the man of riches grow To insolence and pride, To see his wealthy honors flow With ev'ry rising tide? 2 Why doth he treat the poor with scorn, Made of the self-same clay ; And boasts as though his flesh were born Of better dust than they ? 3 Not all his treasures can procure His soul a short reprieve ; Redeem from death one guilty hour, Or make his brother live. 4 Life is a blessing can't be sold, The ransom is too high ; Justice will ne'er be brib'd with gold, That man may never die. 5 He sees the brutish and the wise, The tim'rous and the brave, Quit their possessions, close their eyes, And hasten to the grave. 6 Yet 'tis his inward thought and pride, " My house shall ever stand ; "And that my name may long abide, " I'll give it to my land." 7 Yain are his thoughts, his hopes are lost, How soon his mem'ry dies ! His name is written in the dust, Where his own carcass lies. 8 This is the folly of their way ; And yet their sons, as vain, Approve the words their fathers say, And act their works again. 74 PSALM L. 9 Men void of wisdom and of grace, If honor raise them high, Live like the beasts, a thoughtless race, And like the beasts they die. 10 Laid in the grave like silly sheep, Death feeds upon them there, 'Till the last trumpet breaks their sleep In terror and despair. PSALM 49. Second Rirt. C. M. Death and the resurrection. YE sons of pride that hate the just And trample on the poor: When death hath brought you down to dust, Your pomp shall rise no more. 2 The last great day shall change the scene; When will that hour appear ? When shall the just revive, and reign O'er all that scorn'd them here ? 3 God will my naked soul receive, When sep'rate from the flesh, And break the prison of the grave, To raise my bones afresh. 4 Heav'n is my everlasting home, The inheritance is sure ; Let men of pride their rage resume, But I'll repine no more. PSALM 50. First Part C. M. The last judgment. THE Lord, the Judge, before his throne Bids the whole earth draw nigh, The nations near the rising sun, And near the western sky. 2 No more shall bold blasphemers say " Judgment will ne'er begin ; " PSALM L. 75 No more abuse his long delay To impudence and sin. Thron'd on a cloud our God shall come, Bright flames prepare his way ; Thunder and darkness, fire and storm Lead on the dreadful day. Heav'n from above his call shall hear, Attending angels come, And earth and hell shall know and fear His justice, and their doom. "But gather all my saints," he cries, " That made their peace with God "By the Redeemer's sacrifice, " And seal'd it with his blood. " Their faith and works, brought forth to light, " Shall make the world confess " My sentence of reward is right, " And heav 'n adore my grace." PSALM 50. Second Part. C. M. Obedience is letter than sacrifice. THUS saith the Lord, "The spacious fields "And flocks and herds are mine ; " O'er all the cattle of the hills " I claim a right divine. " I ask no sheep for sacrifice, " Nor bullocks burnt with fire : " To hope and love, to pray and praise, . " Is all that I require. "Invoke my name when trouble's near, " My hand shall set thee free ; " Then shall thy thankful lips declare " The honor due to me. " The man that offers humble praise, " Declares my glory best ; 76 PSALM LI. " And those that tread my I10I3- ways, " Shall my salvation taste." PSALM 50. Third Part. C. M. The judgment of hypocrite*. Vl7~HEN Christ to judgment shall descend, 1 ▼ And saints surround the Lord, He calls the nations to attend, And hear his awful word : 2 "Not for the want of bullocks slain " Will I the world reprove ; "Altars and rites, and forms are vain, " Without the fire of love. 3 "And what have hypocrites to do " To bring their sacrifice ? " They call my statutes just and true, "'But deal in theft and lies. 4 u Could you expect to 'scape my sight, " And sin without control ? " But I will bring your crimes to light, "With anguish in your soul." 5 Consider, ye that slight the Lord, Before his wrath appear ; If once you fall beneath his sword, There's no deliv'rer there. PSALM 51. First Part. L. M. A penitent pleading for pardon. SHOW pity, Lord, 0 Lord, forgive, Let a repenting rebel live ; Are not thv mercies lars:e and free ? May not a sinner trust in thee? 2 My crimes are great but can't surpass The pow'r and glory of thy grace ; Great God, thy nature hath no bound, So let thy pard ning love be found. PSALM LI. 77 3 0 wash niy soul from ev'ry 'sin, And make my guilty conscience clean ; Here on my heart the burden lies, And past offences pain mine eyes. 4 My lips with shame my sins confess Against thy law, against thy grace ; Lord, should thy judgment grow severe, I am condemn'd, but thou art clear. 5 Should sudden vengeance seize my breath, I must pronounce thee just in death ; And if my soul were sent to hell, Thy righteous law approves it well. 6 Yet save a trembling sinner, Lord, Whose hope, still hov'ring round thy word, Would light on some sweet promise there, Some sure support against despair. PSALM 51. Second Part L. M. Original and actual sins confessed. LORD, I am vile, conceiv'd in sin, And born unholy and unclean ; . Sprung from the man whose guilty fall Corrupts the race, and taints us all. 2 Soon as we draw our infant breath, The seeds of sin grow up for death, Thy law demands a perfect heart ; But we're defil'd in ev'ry part. 3 frreat God, create my heart anew, And form my spirit pure and true : 0 make me wise betimes to see My danger and my remed v . 4 Behold, I fall before thy face; My only refuge is thy grace : No outward forms can make me clean ; The leprosy lies deep within. 78 PSALM LI. 5 No bleeding bird, nor bleeding beast, Nor hyssop branch, nor sprinkling priest, Nor running brook, nor Hood, nor sea, Can wash the dismal stain away. 6 Jesus, my God, thy blood alone Hath pow'r sufficient to atone; Thy blood can make me white as snow ; No Jewisli types could cleanse me so. 7 While guilt disturbs and breaks my peace, Nor flesh nor soul hath rest or ease ; Lord, let me hear thy pard'ning voice, And make my broken bones rejoice. PSALM 51. Third Part. L. M. Repentance and faith in the blood of Christ. OTHOU that hear'st when sinners cry, Though all my crimes before thee lie, Behold them not with angry look, But blot their mem'ry from thy book. 2 Create my nature pure within, And form my soul averse to sin : Let thy good Spirit ne'er depart, Nor hide thy presence from my heart. 3 I cannot live without thy light, Cast out and banish'd from thy sight ; Thy holy joys, my God, restore, And guard me that I fall no mox'e. 4 Though I have gTiev'd thy Spirit, Lord, His help and comfort still afford, And let a wretch come near thy throne, To plead the merits of thy Son. 5 A broken heart, my God, my King, Is all the sacrifice I bring ; The God of grace will ne'er despise A broken heart for sacrifice. PSALM LIII. 79 6 My soul lies humbled in the dust, And owns thy dreadful sentence just ; Look down, 0 Lord, with pitying eye, And save the soul condemn'd to die. 7 Then will I teach the world thy ways; Sinners shall learn thy sov'reign grace : I'll lead them to my Saviour's blood, And they shall praise a pard'ning God. 8 0 may thy love inspire my tongue ! Salvation shall be all my song; And all my power's shall join to bless The Lord, my strength and righteousness. PSALM 52. C. M. The disappointment of the wicked. WHY should the mighty make their boast, And heav'nly grace despise ? In their own arm they put their trust, And fill their mouth with lies. 2 But God in vengeance shall destroy, And drive them from his face ; No more shall they his church annoy, Nor find on earth a place. 3 But like a cultur'd olive grove, Dress'd in immortal green, Thy children, blooming in thy love, Amid thy courts are seen. 4 On thine eternal grace, 0 Lord, Thy saints shall rest secure, And all who trust thy holy word Shall find salvation sure. PSALM 53. First Part L. M. Practical Atheism. THERE is a God, all nature cries ; The heav'ns and earth this truth confess; 80 PSALM LIII. Yet this the atheist fool denies, And dares his impious thoughts express. 2 The Lord from his celestial tow'r, Look'd down the sons of men to view ; To see if any own'd his pow'r, If any his truth and justice knew. 3 But all he saw were gone aside, All in their hearts were atheists grown : None took religion for their guide, Not one did God his sov'reign own. 4 0 wretched state ! how fall'n are men ! How guilty, helpless, lost, and dead ! They're all concluded under sin, Their hope is gone, their peace is fled. PSALM 53. Second Part C. M. Deliverance from persecution. ARE all the foes of Zion fools, Who thus devour her saints? Do they not know her Saviour rules, And pities her complaints ? 2 They shall be seiz'd with sad surprise, For God's avenging arm Scatters the bones of them that rise To do his children harm. 3 In vain the sons of Satan boast Of armies in array; When God hast first dispers'd their hosts, They fall an easy prey. 4 0 for a word from Zion's King, Her captives to restore! Jacob with all his tribes shall sing. And Judah weep no more. PSALM LV. 81 PSALM 54. 6, 8. Prayer for deliverance from enemies. MY God, preserve my soul ! 0 make my spirit whole : To save me let thy strength appear : Strangers my steps surround ; Their pride and rage confound, And bring thy great salvation near. Those that against me rise Are aliens from the skies : They hate thy church and kingdom, Lord, They mock thy fearful name; They glory in their shame, Nor heed the wonders of thy word. But, 0 thou King divine. My chosen friends are thine, The men that still my soul sustain. Wilt thou my foes subdue, And form their hearts anew, And snatch them from eternal pain ? Escap'd from ev'ry wo, 0 grant me here below, To praise thy name with those I love : And, when beyond the skies, Our souls unbodied rise, Unite us in the realms above. PSALM 55. First Part C. M. Support for the afflicted and tempted soul. OGOD, my refuge, hear my cries, Behold my 'flowing tears; For earth and hell my hurt devise, And triumph in my fears. Their rage is level' d at my life ; My soul with guilt they load, 82 . PSALM LV: And fill my thoughts with inward strife, To shake my hope in God. 3 With inward pain my heart-strings sound, I groan with ev'ry breath ; Horror and fear beset me round, Among the shades of death. 4 0 ! were I like a feather'd dove, Soon would I stretch my wings, And fly, and make a long remove From all these restless things. 5 Let me to some wild desert go, And find a peaceful home, Where storms of malice never blow, Temptations never come. 6 Yain hopes, and vain inventions all, To 'scape the rage of hell ! The mighty God on whom I call, Can save me here as well. PSALM 55. Second Part. S. M. Daily devotion?;. LET sinners take their course, And choose the road to death ; But in the worship of my God I'll spend my daily breath. 2 Mv thoughts address his throne, When morning brings the light ; I seek his blessing ev'ry noon, And pay my vows at night. 3 Thou wilt regard my cries, 0 my eternal God, While sinners perish in surprise, Beneath thine angry rod. 4 Because they dwell at ease, And no sad changes feel; PSALM LVL 83 They neither fear nor trust thy name, Nor learn to do thy will. But I with all my cares, Will lean upon the Lord; I'll cast my burdens on his arm, And rest upon his word. His arm shall well sustain The children of his love ; The ground on which their safety stands, No earthly pow'r can move. PSALM 56. First Part. C. M. Deliverance from oppression. OTHOU, whose justice reigns on high, And makes th' oppressors cease ; Behold, how envious sinners try To vex and break my peace. The sons of violence and lies Join to devour me, Lord ; But as my hourly dangers rise, My refuge is thy word. In God, most holy, just and true, I have repos'd my trust; Nor will I fear what flesh can do, The offspring of the dust. They wrest my words to mischief still, Charge me with unknown faults ; Mischief doth all their counsels fill, And malice all their thoughts. Shall they escape without thy frown ? Must their devices stand ? 0 cast the haughty sinner down, And let him know thy hand. 84 PSALM LVII. PSALM 56. Second Part. C. M. God's care of his people. GOD counts the sorrows of his saints, Their groans affect his ears ; Thou hast a book for my complaints, A bottle for my tears. 2 When to thy throne I raise my cry, The wicked fear and flee ; So swift is pray'r to reach the sky, So near is God to me. 3 In thee, most holy, just and true, I have repos'd my trust ; Nor wrill I fear what man can do, The offspring of the dust. 4 Thy solemn vows are on me, Lord, Thou shalt receive my praise ; I'll sing, " HowT faithful is thy word ! " How righteous all thy ways !" 5 Thou hast secur'd my soul from death, 0 set thy pris'ner free, That heart and hand, and life and breath May be employed for thee. PSALM 57. L. M. Praise for protection, grace, and truth. MY God, in whom are all the springs Of boundless love, and grace unknown ; Hide me beneath thy spreading wings, 'Till the dark cloud is over blown. 2 Up to the heav'ns I send my cry, The Lord will my desires perform, He sends his angels from the sky, And saves me from the threat'ning storm. 3 Be thou exalted, 0 my God ! Above the heav'ns where angels dwell ; PSALM LVIII. 85 Thy pow'r on earth be known abroad, Let land to land thy wonders tell. My heart is fix'd, my song shall raise Immortal honors to thy name ; Awake, my tongue, to sound his praise, My tongue, the glory of my frame. High o'er the earth his mercy reigns, And reaches to the utmost sky, His truth to endless years remains, When lower worlds dissolve and die. Be thou exalted, 0 my God ! Above the heav'ns where angels dwell ; Thy pow'r on earth be known abroad, And land to land thy wonders tell. PSALM 58. P. M. Warning to Magistrates. JUDGES who rule the world by laws, Will ye despise the righteous cause, When vile oppression wastes the land ? Dare ye condemn the righteous poor, And let rich sinners 'scape secure, While gold and greatness bribe your hand ? Have ye forgot, or never knew, That God will judge the judges too? High in the heav'ns his justice reigns ; Yet you invade the rights of God, And send your bold decrees abroad, To bind the conscience in your chains. A poison'd arrow is your tongue, The arrow sharp, the poison strong, And death attends where'er it wounds; You hear nb counsels, cries, nor tears ; So the deaf adder stops her ears Against the power of charming sounds. 8 86 PSALM LIX. 4 Break out their teeth, eternal God ! Those teeth of lions dy'd in blood ; And crush the serpents in the dust : As empty chaff, when whirlwinds rise, Before the sweeping tempest flies, So let their names and hopes be lost. 5 Th' Almighty thunders from the sky, Their grandeur melts, their titles die, As hills of snow dissolve and run, Or snails that perish in their slime, Or births that come before their time, Vain births that never see the sun. 6 Thus shall the vengeance of the Lord Safety and joy to saints afford ; And all that hear shall join and say, " Sure there's a God that rules on high, " A God that hears his children cry, " And will their suff 'rings well repay." PSALM 59. S. M. Complaints against invading foes. FROM foes that round us rise, 0 God of heav'n defend, Who brave the vengeance of the skies, And with thy saints contend. 2 Behold from distant shores And desert wilds they come, Combine for blood their barb'rous force, And through our cities roam. 3 Beneath the silent shade Their secret plots they lay ; Our peaceful walls by night invade, And waste the fields by day. . 4 And will the God of grace, Regardless of our pain, PSALM LX. 87 Permit secure that impious race To riot in their reign ? In vain their secret guile Or open force they prove ; His eye can pierce the deepest veil, His hand their strength remove. Yet save them, Lord, from death, Lest we forget their doom; But drive them with thine angry breath, Through distant lands to roam. Then shall our grateful voice Proclaim our guardian God ; The nations round the earth rejoice, And sound the praise abroad. PSALM 60. C. M. On a day of humiliation in icar. IORD, thou hast scourg'd our guilty land, J Behold thy people mourn; Shall vengeance ever guide thy hand? Shall mercy ne'er return? Beneath the terrors of thine eye Earth's haughty towers decay ; Thy frowning mantle speads the sky, And mortals melt away. Our Zion trembles at thy stroke, And dreads thy lifted hand ! 0 heal the nation thou hast broke, And save the sinking land. Exalt the banner in the field, For those that fear thy name ; From barb'rous hosts thy people shield, And put our foes to shame. Attend our armies to the fight, And be their guardian God : 88 PSALM LXI. In vain shall num'rous powers unite Against thy lifted rod. 6 Our troops beneath thy guiding hand Shall gain a glad renown ; 'Tis God who makes the feeble stand, And treads the mighty down. PSALM 61. First Part S. M. Safety in God. WHEN overwhelm'd with grief, My heart within me dies ; Helpless and far from all relief, To heav'n 1 lift mine eyes. 2 0 lead me to the rock, That's high above my head ; And make the covert of thy wings My shelter and my shade. 3 Within thy presence, Lord, Forever I'll abide ; Thou art the tow'r of my defence, The refuge where I hide. 4 Thou givest me the lot Of those that fear thy name ; If endless life be their reward, I shall possess the same. PSALM 61. Second Part. C. M. Jesus is our King. MY soul of thy protection sure, Against her foes shall rest secure ; For thou, 0 God, hast heard my vows, And brought me joyful to thy house. 2 With all thy saints I'll strive to sing The glories of my heavenly King, Whom thou in mercy didst ordain, Should o'er thy chosen people reign. PSALM LXIL 89 Jesus shall live for ever blest, And give his people peace and rest ; His years shall last, and God will own His righteous sceptre, and his throne. 0 let thy truth prepare the way, In mercy, Lord, extend his sway ; Thus we'll devote our future days, To pay our vows, and sing thy praise. PSALM 62. L. M. Faith in the grace and power of the Redeemer. ■ MY spirit looks to God alone ; My rock and refuge is his throne ; In all my fears, in all my straits, My soul on his salvation waits. Trust him, ye saints, in all your ways, Pour out your hearts before his face ; When helpers fail, and foes invade, God is our all-sufficient aid. False are the men of high degree, The baser sort are vanity ; Laid in the balance both appear Light as a puff of empty air. Make not increasing gold your trust, Nor set your hearts on glitt'ring dust ; Why will ye grasp the fleeting smoke, And not believe what God has spoke ? Once hath his awful voice cleclar'd, Once and again my ears have heard, " All pow'r is his eternal due ; " He must be fear'd and trusted too." For sov'reign pow'r reigns not alone, Grace is a partner of the throne ; Thy grace and justice, mighty Lord, Shall well divide our last reward. 8* 90 PSALM LXIII. PSALM 63/ First Part. C. M The morning of a Lord's day. EARLY, my God, without delay, I haste to seek thy face ; My thirsty spirit faints away, Without thy cheering grace. 2 I've seen thy glory and thy pow'r, Through all thy temples shine ; My God repeat that heav'nly hour, That vision so divine. 3 Not life itself, with all its joys, Can my best passions move, Or raise so high my cheerful voice, As thy forgiving love. 4 Thus till my last expiring day I'll bless my God and King ; Thus will I lift my hands to pray, And tune my lips to sing. PSALM 63. Second Part. L. M. The love of God better than life. GREAT God, indulge my humble claim, Thou art my hope, my joy, my rest ; The glories that compose thy name Stand all engag'd to make me blest. 2 Thou Great and Good, thou Just and Wise, Thou art my Father and my God ; And I am thine by sacred ties, Thy son, thy servant, bought with blood. 3 With early feet I love t' appear, Among thy saints and seek thy face ; Oft have I seen thy glory there, And felt the pow'r of sov'reign grace. 4 Not fruits nor wines that tempt our taste, Nor all the joys our senses know, i PSALM LXIII. 91 Could make me so divinely blest, Or raise my cheerful passion so. My life itself without thy love No taste of pleasure could afford ; ;T would but a tiresome burden prove. If I were banish'd from the Lord. Amidst the wakeful hours of night, When busy cares afflict my head, One thought of thee gives new delight, And adds refreshment to my bed. I'll lift my hands, I'll raise my voice, While I have breath to praise or pray; This work shall make my heart rejoice, And spend the remnant of my days. PSALM 63. Third Part S. M. Seeking God. MY God, permit my tongue % This joy; to call thee mine : And let my early cries prevail To taste thy love divine. My thirsty fainting soul Thy mercy does implore ; Not travellers in desert lands Can pant for water more. Within thy churches, Lord, I long to find my place ; Thy pow'r and glory to behold And feel thy quick'ning grace. Since thou hast been my help, To thee my spirit flies ; And on thy watchtul providence My cheerful hope relies. The shadow of thy wings My soul in safety keeps ; 92 PSALM LXV. I follow where rny father leads, And he supports my steps. PSALM 64. L. M. Hope in God for deliverance from enemies. GREAT God, attend to my complaint, Nor let my drooping spirit faint ; When foes in secret spread the snare, Let my salvation be thy care. 2 Shield me without, and guard within From vile temptations and from sin ; May envy, lust, and pride depart, And heav'nly grace expand my heart. 3 Thy justice and thy pow'r display, And scatter far thy foes away ; Whilst list'ning nations learn thy word And saints triumphant praise the Lord. 4 Then shall thy church exalt her voice, And all that love thy name rejoice ; By faith approach thine awful throne, And plead the merits of thy Son. PSALM 65. First Part. C. M. A prayer-hearing God. PRAISE waits in Zion, Lord, for thee, There shall our vows be paid ; Thou hast an ear when sinners pray, All flesh shall seek thine aid. 2 Lord, our iniquities prevail, But pard'ning grace is thine; And thou wilt grant us pow'r and skill To conquer ev'ry sin. 3 Blest are the men whom thou wilt choose To bring them near thy face ; Give them a dwelling in thy house, To feast upon thy grace. PSALM LXV. 93 4 In answ'ring what thy church requests, Thy truth and terror shine, And works of dreadful righteousness Fulfil thy kind design. 5 Thus shall the won'dring nations see The Lord is good and just ; And distant islands fly to thee, And make thy name their trust. 6 They dread thy glitt'ring tokens, Lord, When signs in heav'n appear ; But they shall learn thy holy word, And love as well as fear. PSALM 65. Second Part. C. M. Tlie Providence of God in enV, earth and sea. TIS by thy strength the mountains stand, God of eternal pow'r; The sea grows calm at thy command, And tempests cease to roar. 2 Thy morning light and ev'ning shade Successive comforts bring; Thy plenteous fruits make harvest glad, Thy flow'rs adorn the spring. 3 Seasons and times, and moons and hours, Heav'n, earth, and air are thine ; When clouds distill in fruitful show'rs, The Author is divine. 4 Those wand'ring cisterns in the sky, Borne by the winds around, Whose wat'ry treasures well supply The furrows of the ground. 5 The thirsty ridges drink their fill, And ranks of corn appear ; Thy ways abound with blessings still, Thy goodness crowns the year. 94 PSALM LXVI. PSALM 65. Third Part. C. M. The blessings of the spring. GOOD is the Lord, the heav'nly King, Who makes the earth his care ; Visits the pastures ev'ry spring, And bids the grass appear. 2 The clouds, like rivers rais'd on high, Pour out at his command Their wat'ry blessings from the sky, To cheer the thirsty land. 3 The soften' d ridges of the field Permit the corn to spring ; The valleys rich provision yield, And the poor lab'rers sing. 4 The little hills on ev'ry side Kejoice at falling show'rs ; The meadows, dress'd in beauteous pride, Perfume the air with flow'rs. 5 The barren clods, refresh'd with rain, Promise a joyful crop; The parched grounds look green again, And raise the reaper's hope. 6 The various months thy goodness crowns, How bounteous are thy ways ! The bleating flocks spread o'er the downs, And shepherds shout thy praise. PSALM 66. First Part. C. M. Our graces tried by afflictions. SING all ye nations to the Lord, Sing with a joyful noise ; With melody of sound record His honors and your joys. 2 Say to the Pow'r that shakes the sky, " How terrible art thou ! PSALM LXVI. 95 " Sinners before thy presence fly, " Or at thy feet they bow." He rules by his resistless might ; Will rebel mortals dare Provoke th' eternal to the fight, And tempt that dreadful war ? 0 bless our God, and never cease ; Ye saints fulfil his praise ; He keeps our life, maintains our peace, And guides our doubtful ways. Lord, thou hast prov'd our suff 'ring souls To make our graces shine ; So silver bears the burning coals The metal to refine. Through wat'ry deeps and fiery ways, We march at thy command ; Led to possess the promis'd place By thine unerring hand. PSALM G6. Second Part. C. M. Praise to God for hearing prayer. NOW shall my solemn vows be paid To that Almighty pow'r, Who heard the long requests I made In my distressful hour. My lips and cheerful heart prepare To make his mercies known ; Come ye that fear my God and hear The wonders he hath done. When on my head huge sorrows fell, I sought his heav'nly aid : He sav'd my sinking soul from hell, And death's eternal shade. If sin lay cover'd in my heart While pray'r employ'd my tongue, 96 PSALM LXVII. The Lord had shown me no regard, Nor I his praises sung. 5 But God (his name be ever blest) Hath set my spirit free ; Nor turn'd from him my poor request, Nor turn'd his heart from me. PSALM 67. C. M. The jjrosperifi/ of the nation, and increase of the Church. SHINE on our land, Jehovah, shine, With beams of heav nly grace ! Reveal thy pow'r through all our coasts, And show thy smiling face. 2 Here fix thy throne exalted high, And here our glory stand ; And like a wall of guardian fire Surround thy favorite land. 3 When shall thy name from shore to shore Sound all the earth abroad, And distant nations know and love Their Saviour and their God ? 4 Sing to the Lord, ye distant lands, Sing loud with solemn voice ; Let thankful tongues exalt his praise, And thankful hearts rejoice. 5 He, the great Lord, th' sov'reign Judge, That sits enthron'd above, Wisely commands the worlds he made, In justice and in love. 6 Earth shall confess her Maker's hand, And yield a full increase ; Our God will crown his chosen land With fruitf ulness and peace. 7 God, the Redeemer, scatters round His choicest favors here, PSALM LXVIII. 97 While the creation's utmost bound Shall see, adore and fear. PSALM 68. First Part L. M. TJie vengeance and compassion of God. LET God arise in all his might, And put the troops of hell to flight, As smoke that sought to cloud the skies Before the rising tempest flies. 2 He rides and thunders through the sky, His name Jehovah sounds on high : Sing to his name, ye sons of grace : Ye saints rejoice before his face. 3 The widow and the fatherless Fly to his aid in sharp distress ; In him the poor and helpless find A Judge that's just, a father kind. 4 He breaks the captive's heavy chain, And pris'ners see the light again: But rebels that dispute his will, Shall dwell in chains and darkness still. 5 Kingdoms and thrones to God belong ; Crown him ye nations in your song ; His wondrous names and pow'rs rehearse ; His honors shall enrich your verse. 6 He shakes the heav'ns with loud alarms, How terrible is God in arms! In Israel are his mercies known, Israel is his peculiar throne. 7 Proclaim him King, pronounce him blest ; He's j^our defence, your joy, your rest: When terrors rise and nations faint, God is the strength of ev'ry saint. L 98 PSALM LXVIII. PSALM 68. Second Part. L. M. The ascension of Christ, and the gift of the Spirit. ORD, when thou didst ascend on high, Ten thousand angels fill'd the sky ; Those heav'nly guards around thee wait, Like chariots that attend thy state. 2 Not Sinai's mountain could appear More glorious when the Lord was there, While he pronounced his dreadful law, And struck the chosen tribes with awe. 3 How bright the triumph none can tell, When the rebellious pow'rs of hell, That thousands souls had captive made, Were all in chains like captives led. 4 Rais'cl by his Father to the throne, He sent the promis'd Spirit down With gifts and grace for rebel men, That God might dwell on earth asjain. PSALM G8. Third Part. L. M. , Praise for common and special mercies. WE bless the Lord, the just, the good, Who fills our hearts with joy and fcocl : Who pours his blessings from the skies, And loads our days with rich supplies. 2 He sends the sun his circuit round, To cheer the fruits, to warm the ground ; He bids the clouds with plenteous rain, Refresh the thirsty earth again. 3 'Tis to his care we owe our breath, And all our near escapes from death; Safety and health to God belong. He heals the weak and guards the strong. 4 He makes the saint and sinner prove The common blessings of his love; PSALM LXIX. 99 But the wide difference that remains, Is endless joy and endless pains. 5 The Lord that bruis'd the serpent's head, On all the serpent's seed shall tread : The stubborn sinner's hope confound, And smite him with a lasting wound. 6 But his right hand his saints shall raise From the deep earth, or deeper seas, And bring them to his courts above; There shall they taste his special love. PSALM 69. First Part. L. M. Christ's passion, and the sinner's salvation. DEEP in our hearts let us record The deeper sorrows of our Lord; Behold! the rising billows roll, To overwhelm his holy soul. 2 In long complaints he spends his breath, While hosts of hell and power's of death, And all the sons of malice join To execute their curs'd design. 3 Yet, gracious God, thy pow'r and love Has made the curse a blessing prove ; Those dreadful sufferings of thy Son Aton'd for sins which we had done. 4 The pangs of our expiring Lord The honors of thy law restor'd : His sorrows made thy justice known, And paid for follies not his own. 5 0 for his sake our guilt forgive, And let the mourning sinner live ! The Lord will hear us in his name, Nor shall our hope be turn'd to shame. 100 PSALM LXIX. PSALM 69. Second Part. L. M. The sufferings and zeal of Christ. TWAS for my sake, eternal God, Thy Son snstain'd that heavy load Of base reproach and sore disgrace ; ' And shame defil'd his sacred face. 2 The Jews, his brethren and his kin, Abus'd the man that check'd their sin. While he fulfill'd thy holy laws, They hate him but without a cause. 3 "My Father's house," said he, "was made " A j)lace for worship, not for trade ; " Then scattering all their gold and brass, He scourg'd the merchants from the place. 4 Zeal for the temple of his God, Consum'd his life, expos' d his blood ; Eeproaches at thy glory thrown. He felt and mourn'cl them as his own. 5 His friends forsook, his followers fled, While foes and arms surround his head; They curse him with a sland'rous tongue, And the false judge maintains the wrong. 6 His life they load with hateful lies, And charge his lips with blasphemies ; They nail him to the shameful tree ; There humr my Lord, who died for me. 7 Wretches, with hearts as hard as stones, Insult his piety and groans ; Gall was the food they gave him there. And mock'd his thirst with vinegar. 8 But God beheld, and from his throne Mark'd out the men that hate his Son ; The hand that rais'd him from the dead Shall pour due vengeance on their head. PSALM LXX. 101 PSALM 69. Third Part. CM. God glorified in the obedience and death of Christ, FATHER, I sing thy wondrous grace, I bless my Saviour's name ; He bought salvation for the poor, And bore the sinner's shame. His deep distress hath rais'd us high ; His duty and his zeal Fulfill'd the law which mortals broke, And finish'd all thy will. His dying groans, his living songs Shall better please my God, Than harp's or trumpet's solemn sound, Than goat's or bullock's blood. This shall his humble followers see, And set their hearts at rest ; They by his death draw near to thee, And live forever blest. Let heav'n and all that dwell on high To God their voices raise ; While lands and seas assist the sky, And join t' advance the praise. Zion is thine, most holy God, Thy Son shall bless her gates ; And glory, purchas'd by his blood, For thine own Israel waits. PSALM 70. C. M. Protection against personal enemies. IN haste, 0 God, attend my call, Nor hear my cries in vain ; 0 let thy speed prevent my fall, And still my hope sustain. When foes insidious wound my name, And tempt my soul astray, 102 PSALM LXXI. Then let them fall, with lasting shame, To their own plots a prey. 3 While all that love thy name rejoice And glory in thy word, In thy salvation raise their voice, And magnify the Lord. 4 0 thou, my help in time of need, Behold my sore dismay ; In pity hasten to my aid, Nor let thy grace delay. PSALM 71. First Part. C. M. The aged saint's reflection and hope. MY God, my everlasting hope, I live upon thy truth ; Thy hands have held my childhood up, And strengthen' d all my youth. 2 My flesh was fashion'd by thy pow'r. With all these limbs of mine ; And from my mother's painful hour I've been entirely thine. 3 Still hath my life new wonders seen Repeated every year ; Behold my days that yet remain, I'll trust them to thy care. 4 Cast me not off when strength declines, When hoary hairs arise ; And round me let thy glories shine When'er thy servant dies. 5 Then in the history of my age, When men review my day<. They'll read thy love in every page. In ev'ry line thy praise. PSALM LXXI. 103 PSALM 71. Second Part. C. M. Christ is our strength and righteousness. MY Saviour, my Almighty Friend, When I begin thy praise, Where will the growing numbers end, The numbers of thy grace ? 2 Thou art my everlasting trust, Thy goodness I adore ! And since I knew thy graces first, I speak thy glories more. 3 My feet shall travel all the length Of the celestial road, And march with .courage in thy strength To see my Father, God. 4 When I am fill'd with sore distress For some surprising sin, I'll plead thy perfect righteousness, And mention none but thine. 5 How will my lips rejoice to tell The vict'ries of my King ! My soul, redeem'd from sin and hell, Shall thy salvation sing. 6 My tongue shall all the day proclaim My Saviour and my God; His death hath brought my foes to shame, And sav'd me by his blood. 7 Awake, awake my tuneful pow'rs, With this delightful song, I'll entertain the darkest hours, Nor think the season long. PSALM 71, Third Part C. M. The aged Christian' sprayer and song. GOD of my childhood and my youth, The guide of all my days,- 104 PSALM LXXII. I have declared thy heav'nly truth, And told thy wondrous ways. 2 Wilt thou forsake my hoary hairs, And leave my fainting heart ? Who shall sustain my sinking years, If God, my strength, depart ? 3 Let me the pow'r and truth proclaim To the surviving age ; And leave a savor of thy name, When I shall quit the stage. 4 The land of silence and of death Attends my next remove ; 0 may these poor remains of breath Teach the wide world thy love ! 5 Thy righteousness is deep and high, Unsearchable thy deeds ; Thy glory spreads beyond the sky, And all my praise exceeds. 6 Oft have I heard thy threat'nings roar, And oft endur'd the grief; But when thy hand has prest me sore, Thy grace was my relief. 7 By long experience have I known Thy sov'reign power to save ; At thy command I venture down Securelv to the grave. 8 When I lay buried deep in dust, My flesh shall be thy care ; These with'ring limbs with thee I trust. To raise them strong and fair. PSALM 72. First Part. L. M. The kingdom of Christ. GBEAT God, whose universal sway The known and unknown worlds obey, PSALM LXXII. 105 Now give the kingdom to thy Son, Extend his pow'r, exalt his throne. 2 Thy sceptre well becomes his hands, All heav'n submits to his commands ; His justice shall avenge the poor, And pride and rage prevail no more. 3 With pow'r he vindicates the just, And treads th' oppressor in the dust ; His worship and his fear shall last, Till hours, and years, and time be past. 4 As rain on meadows newly mown, So shall he send his influence down ; His grace on fainting souls distills Like heav nly dew on thirsty hills. 5 The heathen lands that lie beneath The shades of overspreading death, Revive at his first dawning light, And deserts blossom at the sight. 6 The saints shall flourish in his days, Dressed in the robes of joy and praise; Peace, like a river from his throne, Shall flow to nations yet unknown. PSALM 72. Second Part, L. M. Christ's kingdom among the Gentiles. JESUS shall reign where'er the sun Does his successive journeys run ; His kingdom stretch from shore to shore, Till moons shall wax and wane no more. 2 From north to south the princes meet, To pay their homage at his feet, While western empires own their Lord And savage tribes attend his word. 3 For him shall endless pray'r be made, And endless praises crown his head ; lF> 9 106 PSALM LXXIII. His name, like sweet perfume, shall rise With ev'ry morning sacrifice. 4 People and realms of ev'ry tongue Dwell on his love with sweetest sons: ; And infant voices shall proclaim Their early blessings on his name. 5 Blessings abound where'er he reigns ; The joyful pris'ner bursts his chains ; The weary find eternal rest, And all the sons of want are blest. 6 Where he displays his healing pow'r, Death and the curse are known no more ; In him the tribes of Adam boast More blessings than their father lost. 7 Let ev'ry creature rise and bring Peculiar honors to our King : Angels descend with songs again, And earth repeat the loud amen. PSALM 73. First Part. S. M. The mystery of Providence unfolded. SURE there's a righteous God, Nor is religion vain; Though men of vice may boast aloud And men of grace complain. I saw the wicked rise, And felt my heart repine, While haughty fools with scornful eyes, In robes of honor shine. Pamper'd with wanton ease, Their flesh looks full and fair ; Their wealth rolls in like flowing seas, And grows without their care. Free from the plagues and pains That pious souls endure ; PSALM LXX1II. 107 Through all their life oppression reigns, And racks the humble poor. 5 Their impious tongues blaspheme The everlasting God: Their malice blasts the good man's name, And spreads their lies abroad. 6 But I with flowing tears Indulg'd my doubts to rise : " Is there a God that sees or hears " The things below the skies ? " 7 The tumults of my thought Held me in hard suspense, Till to thy house my feet were brought, To learn thy justice thence. 8 Thy word with light and pow'r Did my mistakes amend; I view'd the sinner's life before, But here I learn'd their end. 9 On what a slippYy steep The thoughtless wretches go ! And 0, that dreadful fiery deep, That waits their fall below ! 10 Lord, at thy feet I bow, My thoughts no more repine ; I call my God my portion now. And all my pow'rs are thine. PSALM 73. Second Part. C. M. God our portion here and hereafter. GOD, my supporter and my hope, My help forever near ; Thine arm of mercy held me up, When sinking in despair. 2 Thy counsels. Lord, shall guide my feet Through this dark wilderness ; 108 PSALM LXXIV. Thy hand conduct me near thy seat. To dwell before thy lace. 3 Were I in heaven without ruv God, 'T would be no joy to me ; And while this earth is my abode, I long for none but thee. 4 What if the springs of life were broke, And flesh and heart should faint ? God is my soul's eternal rock, The strength of every saint. 5 Behold, the sinners that remove Far from thy presence die ; Not all the idol gods they love (Jan save them when they cry. 6 But to draw near to thee, my God. Shall be my sweet employ ; My tongue shall sound thy works abroad. And tell the world my joy. PSALM 74. First Part. C. M. The Church pleading under sore persecution. "VY^ILL God forever cast us off ? ▼ T His wrath forever smoke Against the people of his love, His little chosen flock ? 2 Think of the tribes so dearly bought With their Redeemers blood ; Nor let thy Zion be forgot. Where once thy glory stood. 3 Lift up thy feet and march in haste, Aloud our ruin calls: See what a wide and fearful waste Is made within thy walls. 4 Where once thy churches pray'd and sang, Thy foes profanely roar; PSALM LXXIV. 109 Over thy gates their ensigns hang. Sad tokens of their pow'r. 5 How are the seats of worship broke ! They tear the buildings down ; And he that deals the heaviest stroke Procures the chief renown. 6 With flames they threaten to destroy Thy children in their nest : " Come, let us burn at once," they cry, " The temple and the priest." 7 And still to heighten our distress, Thy presence is withdrawn ; Thy wonted signs of pow'r and grace, Thy pow'r and grace are gone. 8 No prophet speaks to calm our woes, The best, the wisest mourn ; And not a friend nor promise shows The time of thy return. PSALM 74. Second Part. C. M. A prayer of the Church for deliverance from great afflictions. HOW long, eternal God, how long Shall men of pride blaspheme ? Shall saints be made their endless song, And bear immortal shame ? 2 Is not the world of nature thine, The darkness and the day ? Didst thou not bid the morning shine, And mark the sun his way? 3 Hath not thy pow'r form'd ev'ry coast, And set the earth its bounds, With summer's heat, and winter's frost, In their perpetual rounds? 4 And shall the sons of earth and dust That" sacred pow'r blaspheme? 10 110 PSALM LXXV. Will not thy hand that fonnd them first, Avenge thine injur d name? 5 Think on the cov'nant thou hast made, And all thy words of love, Nor let the birds of prey invade, And vex thy mourning dove. 6 Our foes would triumph in our blood, And make our hope their jest ; Plead thy own cause, Almighty God, And give thy children rest. PSALM 75. L. M. The hand of God acknoidedijed. ri^O thee, most high and holy God, -1- To thee our thankful hearts we raise; Thy works declare thy name abroad, Thy wondrous works demand our praise. 2 To slav'ry doom'd, thy chosen sons Beheld their foes triumphant rise. And sore oppress'd by earthly thrones, c Thev sought the sov'rei°ii of the skies. 3 'Twas then, great God, with equal pow'r Arose thy vengeance and thy grace. To scourge their legions from the shore, And save the remnant of thy race. 4 Thy hand that formed the restless main, . And rear'd the mountains' awful head, Bade raging seas their course restrain. And desert wilds receive their dead. 5 Such wonders never come by chance, Nor can the wind such blessings blow ; 'Tis God the judge doth one advance, 'Tis God that lays another low. G Let haughty tyrants sink their pride. Nor lift so high their scornful head, PSALM LXXVL 111 But lay their impious thoughts aside, And own the empire God hath made. PSALM 76. CM. God protects his Church. IN Judah God of old was known, His name in Israel great ; In Salem stood his holy throne, And Zion was his seat. 2 What are the earth's wide kingdoms else, But mighty hills of prey ? The hill on which Jehovah dwells Is glorious more than they. 3 'Twas Zion's King that stopp'd the breath Of captains and their bands; The men of might slept fast in death, And never found their hands. 4 At thy rebuke, 0 Jacob's God, Botli horse and chariot fell; Who knows the terrors of thy rod ? Thy vengeance who can tell ? 5 When God in his own sov'reign ways, Comes down to save th' opprest, The wrath of man shall work his praise, And he'll restrain the rest. 6 Yow to the Lord, and tribute bring, Ye princes fear his frown. His terror shakes the proudest king, And cuts an army down. 7 The thunder of his sharp rebuke Our haughty foes shall feel, For Jacob's God hath not forsook, But dwells in Zion still. 112 PSALM LXXVII. PSALM 77. First Part. C. M. Hope prevailing over despondejicy . '0 God I cried with mournful voice, T I sought his gracious ear, In the sad day when trouble rose, And filled the night with fear. 2 Sad were my days and dark my nights, My soul refus'd relief; I thought on God, the just and wise, But thoughts' increased my grief. 3 Still I complaind, and still opprest, My heart began to break; My God, thy wrath forbade my rest, And kept my eyes awake. 4 My overwhelming sorrows grew, Till I could speak no more; Then I within mvself withdrew, And call'd thy judgments o'er. 5 I call'd back years and ancient times When I beheld thy face; My spirit searched for secret crimes That might withold thy grace. 6 I call'd thy mercies to my mind, Which I enjoyed before ; And will the Lord no more be kind, His face appear no more ? 7 Will he forever cast me off, His promise ever fail ? Has he forgot his tender love ? Shall anger still prevail ? 8 But I forbid this hopeless thought, This dark, despairing frame; Rememb'ring what thy hand hath wrought, Thy hand is still the same. PSALM LXXVIL 113 9 I'll think again of all thy ways, And talk thy wonders o'er, Thy wonders of recov'ring grace, When flesh could hope no more. 10 Grace dwelt with justice on the throne ; And men that love thy word, Have in thy sanctuary known The counsels of the Lord. PSALM 77. Second Part. C. M. Comfort derived from ancient Providence. HOW awful is thy chast'ning rod ! (May thy own children say) "The great, the wise, the dreadful God, "How holy is his way!" 2 I'll meditate his works of old, Who reigns in heav'n above, I'll hear his ancient wonders told, And learn to trust his love. 3 He saw the house of Jacob lie With Egypt's yoke opprest ; Long he delay'd to hear their cry, Nor gave his people rest. 4 The sons of pious Jacob seem'd Abandoned to their foes; But his almighty arm redeem'd The nation that he chose. 5 From slavish chains he set them free, They follow where he calls ; He bade them venture through the sea, And made the waves their walls. 6 The waters saw thee, mighty God, The waters saw thee come ; Backward they fled, and frighted stood, To make thine armies room. 10* 114 PSALM LXXVIII. 7 Strange was thy journey through the sea, Thy footsteps, Lord, unknown ; Terrors attend the wondrous way That brings thy mercies down. 8 He gave them water from the rock ; And safe, by Moses' hand, Through a dry desert led his flock To Canaan's promis'd land. PSALM 78. First Part. C. M. Providence recorded for the instruction of Children. LET children hear the mighty deeds, Which God perform'd of old, Which in our younger years we saw, And which our fathers told. 2 He bids us make his glories known, His works of power and grace, And we'll convey his wonders down Through ev'ry rising race. 3 Our lips shall tell them to our sons, And they again to theirs, That generations yet unborn, May teach them to their heirs. 4 Thus shall they learn in God alone Their hopes securely stands ; That they may ne'er forget his works But practice his commands. PSALM 78 Second Part. C. M. Israel's rebellion and punishment. OWhat a stiff, rebellious house Was Jacob's ancient race ! False to their own most solemn vows, And to their Maker's grace. 2 They broke the cov'nant of his love. And did his laws despise ; PSALM LXXVIII. 115 Forgot the works he wrought, to prove His pow'r before their eyes. 3 They saw the plagues on Egypt light From his avenging hand ; What dreadful tokens of his might Spread o'er the stubborn land ! 4 They saw him cleave the mighty sea, And march'd in safety through, With wat'ry walls to guard their way, Till they had 'scap'd the foe. 6 A wondrous pillar mark'd the road, Compos'd of shade and light, By day it prov'd a shelt'ring cloud, A leading fire by night. 6 He from the rock their thirst supplied; The gushing waters fell, And ran in rivers by their side, A constant miracle. 7 Yet they provok'd the Lord most high ; And dar'd distrust his hand ; " Can he with bread our host supply " Amidst this desert land ? " 8 The Lord with indignation heard, And caus'd his wrath to flame ; His terrors ever stand prepar'cl To vindicate his name. PSALM 78. Third Part C. M. Israel punished for intemperance. WHEN Israel sinn'd, the Lord reprov'd, And filled their hearts with dread; Yet he forgave the tribes he lov'd, And sent them heav'nly bread. 2 He fed them with a lib'ral hand, And made his treasures known : 116 PSALM LXXIX. He gave the midnight clouds command To pour provision down. 3 The manna, like a morning show'r, Lay thick around their feet ; The corn of heav'n, so light, so pure, As though 't were angel's meat. 4 But they in murm'ring language said, " Manna is all our feast ; " We loathe this light, this airy bread ; " We must have flesh to taste. " 5 aYe shall have flesh to please your lust," The Lord in wrath replied, And sent them quails, like sand or dust Heap'd up from side to side. 6 He gave them all their own desire, And greedy as they fed, His vengeance burnt with secret fire, And smote the rebels dead. 7 When some were slain, the rest return'd And sought the Lord with tears; Under the rod they fear'd and mourn'd, But soon forgot their fears. 8 Oft he chastis'd, and still forgave, Till by his gracious hand, The nation he resolv'd to save Possess'd the promis'd land. PSALM 79. L. M. Complaint of the Church against enemies. BEHOLD, 0 God, what cruel foes Thy peaceful heritage invade ; Thy holy temple stands defil'd, In dust thy sacred walls are laid. 2 Wide o'er the valleys, drench'd in blood, Thy people fall'ii in death remain ; PSALM LXXX. 117 The fowls of heav'n their flesh devour, And savage beasts divide the slain. 3 Th' insulting foes with impious rage, Reproach thy children to their face ; " Where is your God of boasted pow'r, " And where the promise of his grace ?" 4 Deep from the prison's horrid gloom, 0 hear the mournful captive sigh, And let thy sov'reign pow'r reprieve The trembling soul condemn'd to die. 5 Let those who dar'd't insult thy reign, Return dismay'd with endless shame ; While heathens, who thy grace despise, Shall from thy vengeance learn thy name. 6 So shall thy children, freed from death, Eternal songs of honor raise ; And ev'ry future age shall tell Thy sov'reign pow'r and pard'ning grace. PSALM 80. First Part. L. M. The prayer of the Church under affliction. GREAT Shepherd of thine Israel, Who didst between the cherubs dwell, And led the tribes, thy chosen sheep, Safe through the desert and the deep. 2 Thy church is in the desert now ; Shine from on high and guide us through ; Turn us to thee, thy love restore, We shall be sav'd and sigh no more. 3 Great God, whom heav'nly hosts obey, How long shall we lament and pray, And wait in vain thy kind return ? How long shall thy fierce anger burn ? 4 Instead of wine and cheerful bread, Thy saints with their own tears are fed ; 118 . PSALM LXXX. Turn us to thee, thy love restore, We shall be sav'd and sigh no more. PSALM 80. Second Part. L. M. The vineyard of God wasted. LORD thou hast planted with thy hands, A lovely vine in heathen lands ; Thy pow'r defended it around, And heav'nly dews enrich'd the ground! 2 How did the spreading branches shoot, And bless the nations with the fruit ! But now, dear Lord, look down and see Thy mourning vine, that lovely tree. 3 Why is its beauty thus defaced? Why hast thou laid her fences waste ? Strangers and foes against her join, And ev'ry beast devours thy vine. 4 Return, Almighty Gocl, return, Nor let thy bleeding vineyard mourn ; Turn us to thee, thy love restore, We shall be sav'd and sigh no more. PSALM 80. . Third Part L. M. Christ the defender of his Church. LORD, when thy vine in Canaan grew Thou wast its strength and glory too ; Attack'd in vain by all its foes, 'Till the fair branch of promise rose. 2 Fair Branch, ordain'd of old to shoot From David's stock, from Jacob's root; Himself a noble vine, and we The lesser branches of the tree. 3 'Tis thy own Son, and he shall stand Girt with thy strength, at thy right hand ; Th' Eternal Son, enthron'd and blest, To give his suff'ring people rest. PSALM LXXXII. 119 4 0 for his sake attend our cry, Shine on thy churches, lest they die ; Turn us to thee, thy love restore, We shall be sav'd and sigh no more. PSALM 81. S.M. The warnings of God to his people. SING to the Lord aloud, And make a joyful noise ; God is our strength, our Saviour God, Let Israel hear his voice. 2 From vile idolatry, " Preserve my worship clean : " I am the Lord who set thee free " From slavery and sin. 3 " Stretch thy desires abroad " And I'll supply them well ; " But if ye will refuse your God, "If Israel will rebel, 4 I'll leave them, saith the Lord, " To their own lusts a prey, " And let them run the dang'rous road, " 'Tis their own chosen way. 5 Yet, 0, that all my saints " Would hearken to my voice ! " Soon would I ease their sore complaints, " And bid their hearts rejoice. 6 " While I destroy'd their foes, " I'd richly feed my flock, " And they should taste the stream that flows " From their eternal Rock." A PSALM 82. L. M. God the supreme ruler ; or, magistrates warned. MONG th' assemblies of the great, A greater ruler takes his seat ; 120 PSALM LXXXIII. The God of heav'n, as judge surveys Those gods on earth, and all their ways. 2 Why will ye then frame wicked laws ? Or why support th' unrighteous cause ? When will ye once defend- the poor, That sinners vex the saints no more ? 3 They know not. Lord, nor will they know, Dark are the ways in which they go ; Their name of earthly gods is vain, For they shall fall and die like men. 4 Arise, 0 Lord, and let thy Son Possess his universal throne, And rule the nations with his rod ; He is our Judge, and he our God. PSALM 83. C. M. The prayer of the Church against persecutors. A ND will the God of grace Perpetual silence keep ? The God of justice hold his peace, And let his vengeance sleep ? 2 Behold what cursed snares The men of mischief spread ; The men that hate thy saints and thee. Lift up their threat'ning head. 3 Against thy hidden ones Their counsels they employ: And malice, with her watchful eye, Pursues them to destroy. 4 " Come let us join." they cry. " To root them from the ground, "Till not the name of saints remain, " Nor mem'ry shall be found." 5 Awake. Almighty God ! And call thy wrath to mind ; PSALM LXXXIV. 121 Give them like forests to the fire, • Or stubble to the wind. 6 Convince their madness, Lord ! And make them seek thy name, Or else their stubborn rage confound, That they may die in shame. 7 Then shall the nations know That glorious dreadful word, Jehovah is thy name alone, And thou the sov'reign Lord. PSALM 84. First Part. L. M. The pleasure of public worship. HOW pleasant, how divinely fair, 0 Lord of hosts, thy dwellings are ; With long desire my spirit faints To meet th' assemblies of the saints. 2 My flesh would rest in thine abode, My panting heart cries out for God ; My God, my King, why should I be So far from all my joys and thee. 3 The sparrow chooses where to rest, And for her young provides her nest ; But will my God to sparrows grant That pleasure which his children want ? 4 Blest are the saints who sit on high, Around thy throne of majesty : Thy brightest glories shine above, And all their work is praise and love. 5 Blest are the souls that find a place Within the temple of thy grace ; There they behold thy gentle rays, And seek thy face and learn thy praise. 6 Blest are the men whose hearts are set To find the way to Zion's gate ; n 122 PSALM LXXXIV. God is their strength, and through the road They lean upon their helper, God. 7 Cheerful they walk with growing strength, Till all shall meet in heaven at length ; Till all before thy face appear, And join in nobler worship there. PSALM 84. Second Part. L. M. Grace and glory '. GREAT God attend while Zion sings The joy that from thy presence springs, To spend one clay with thee on earth, Exceeds a thousand days of mirth. 2 Might I enjoy the meanest place Within thy house, 0 God of grace ; Not tents of ease, nor thrones of pow'r. Should tempt my feet to leave thy door. 3 God is our sun, he makes our day ; God is our shield, he guards our way From all th' assaults of hell and sin ; From foes without and foes within. 4 All needful grace God will bestow, And crown that grace with glory too ; He gives us all things, and withholds Xo real good from upright sotlls. 5 0 God, our King, thy sov'reign sway The glorious hosts of heav'n obey ; And devils at thy presence flee ; Blest is the man that trusts in thee! PSALM 84. Third Part. H. M. Longing for the House of God. LORD of the worlds above. How pleasant and how fair The dwellings of thy love, Thine earthly temples are ! PSALM LXXXIV. 123 To thine abode my heart aspires, With warm desires, to see my God. 2 The sparrow for her young With pleasure seek a nest, And wandering swallows long To find their wonted rest : My spirit faints with equal zeal To rise and dwell among thy saints. 3 0 happy souls that pray Where God appoints to hear ! 0 happy men that pay Their constant service there ! They praise thee still: and happy they That love the wa}^ to Zion's hill. 4 They go from strength to strength, Through this dark vale of tears, Till each arrives at length, Till each in heav'n appears. 0 glorious seat, when God our King Shall thither bring our willing feet! 5 To spend one sacred day, Where God and saints abide, Affords diviner joy Than thousand days beside : Where God resorts, I love it more To keep the door, than shine in courts. 6 God is our sun and shield, Our light and our defence ; With gifts his hands are fill'd, We draw our blessings thence : He shall bestow on Jacob's race Peculiar grace and glory too. 7 The Lord his people loves ; His hand no good witholds From those his heart approves, 124 PSALM LXXXV. From pure and pious souls. Thrice happy he, 0 God of hosts, Whose spirit trusts alone in thee ! PSALM 85. First Part. L. M. Waiting for on answer to prayer. LORD, thou hast call'd thy grace to mind, Thou hast revers'd our heavy doom ; So God forgave when Israel sinn'd, And brought his wand'ring captives home. 2 Thou hast begun to set us free, And made thy fiercest wrath abate ; Now let our hearts be turn'd to thee, And thy salvation be complete. 3 Revive our dying graces, Lord, And let thy saints in thee rejoice ; Make known thy truth, fulfil thy word, We wait for praise to tune our voice. 4 We wait to hear what God will say; He'll speak and give his people peace ; But let them run no more astray, Lest his returning wrath increase. PSALM 85. Second Part. L. M. Salvation by Christ. SALVATION is forever nigh The souls that fear and trust the Lord ; And grace descending from on high, Fresh hopes of glory shall afford. 2 Mercy and truth on earth are met, Since Christ the Lord came down from heav'n ; By his obedience so complete, Justice is pleas'd, and peace is giv'n. 3 Now truth and honor shall abound, Religion dwell on earth again, PSALM LXXXVI. 125 And heav'nly influence bless the ground, In our Redeemer's gentle reign. 4 His righteousness is gone before, To give us free access to God ; Our wand'ring feet shall stray no more, But mark his steps, and keep the road. PSALM 86. First Part C. M. A general, song of praise to God. AMONG the princes, earthly gods, There's none hath pow'r divine ; Nor is their nature, mighty Lord ! Nor are their works like thine. 2 The nations thou hast made, shall bring Their off'rings round thy throne ; For thou alone dost wondrous things, For thou art God alone. 3 Lord, I would walk with holy feet ; Teach me thy heav'nly ways, And my poor scatter' d thoughts unite In God my Father's praise. 4 Great is thy mercy, and my tongue Shall those sweet wonders tell, How by thy grace my sinking soul Rose from the deeps of hell. PSALM 86. Second Part L. M. Mourning over unbelief, and pleading for the evidence of an interest in Christ. JESUS, my God, my all in all, Display thy pow'r, unveil thy face ; Wilt thou not hear when sinners call ? Is not thy reign a reign of grace ? 2 A thousand times my tongue hath said, " Bought with a price, I'm not my own;" 126 PSALM LXXXVI. A thousand times my soul hath fled, And sought relief before thy throne. 3 But now I grope as in the night, I can't believe, and dare not trust ; My path is hedg'd, I see no light, My hopes are prostrate in the dust. 4 With fears that all experience past Hath been delusive, false and vain, I dread, lest falling short at last, I never shall the prize obtain. 5 When to the cross I wish to fly, And see the blood of sprinkling flow, To Sinai's mount, not Calvary, A legal spirit bids me go. 6 Striving to stretch my wither'd arms, I fain would give myself away ; But sins and guilt excite alarms, And check a near approach to thee. 7 0, if already I've believ'd, If Christ and I indeed be one, Then prove thyself my help and shield, Or let the work be now begun, 8 Show me a token, Lord, for good, And let me know that I am thine ; Dispel my doubts, disperse the cloud, And on my soul benignant shine. 9 Now, let the Spirit from above Bear witness to my troubled heart ; Now shed abroad my Father's love, And filial confidence impart. 10 Then shall my foes who hate me, see That God is faithful to his saints ; That he hath heard and helped me, And chang'd to praise my sad complaints. PSALM LXXXVIII. 127 PSALM 87. L. M. ; . The Christian Church. GOD in his earthly temple lays Foundation for his heav'nly praise ; He likes the tents of Jacob well, But still in Zion loves to dwell. His mercy visits ev'ry house That pays its night and morning vows, But makes a more delightful stay, Where churches meet to praise and pray. What glories were describ'd of old ! What wonders are in Zion told ! Thou city of our God below, Thy fame shall Tyre and Egypt know. Egypt and Tyre, and Greek and Jew, Shall there begin their lives anew : Angels and men shall join to sing The hill where living waters spring. When God makes up his last account Of natives in his holy mount, 'Twill be an honor to appear As one new born and nourish'd there. PSALM 88. L. P. M. Loss of friends, and absence of Divine Grace. OGOD of my salvation hear My nightly groan, my daily pray'r, That still employ my wasting breath ; My soul, declining to the grave, Implores thy sov'reign pow'r to save From dark despair and lasting death. Thy wrath lies heavy on my soul, And waves of sorrow o'er me roll, While dust and silence spread the gloom : My friends, belov'd in happier days, 128 PSALM LXXXIX. The dear companions of my ways. Descend around me to the tomb. 3 As, lost in lonely grief, I tread The mournful mansions of the dead, Or to some throng' d assembly go ; Through all alike I rove alone, While, here forgotten, there unknown, The change renews my piercing wo. 4 And why will God neglect my call ? Or who shall profit by my fall, When life departs and love expires ? Can dust and darkness praise the Lord Or wake or brighten at his word, And tune the harp with heav'nly choirs ? 5 Yet through each melancholy day, I've pray'd to thee, and still will pray, Imploring still thy kind return : But 0 ! my friends, my comfort's fled, And all my kindred of the dead Recall my wand'ring thoughts to mourn. PSALM 89. First Part L. M. The covenant made with Christ. FOREVER shall my song record The truth and mercy of the Lord : Mercy and truth forever stand, Like heav'n establish'd by his hand. 2 Thus to his Son he sware, and said, " With thee my cov'nant first was made; " In thee shall dying sinners live, " Glory and grace are thine to give. 3 " Be thou my Prophet, thou my Priest, " Thy children shall be ever blest " Thou art my chosen King ; thy throne " Shall stand eternal like my own." PSALM LXXXIX. 129 4 Now let the church rejoice, and sing, Jesus her Saviour and her King ; Angels his heav'nly wonders show, And saints declare his works below. M PSALM 89. Second Part. C. M. The faithfulness of God. Y never-ceasing song shall show The mercies of the Lord ; And make succeeding ages know How faithful is his word. The sacred truths his lips pronounce, Shall firm as heav'n endure ; And if he speak a promise once, Th' eternal grace is sure. How long the race of David held The promis'd Jewish throne ? But there's a nobler cov'nant seal'd . To David's greater Son. His seed forever shall possess A throne above the skies ; The meanest subject of his grace Shall to that glory rise. Lord God of hosts, thy wondrous ways Are sung by saints above ; And saints on earth thy honors raise To thy unchanging love. w PSALM 89. Third Part. C. M. The power and majesty of God. ITH rev'rence let the saints appear, And bow before the Lord ; His high commands adoring hear, And tremble at his word. How terrible thy glories be ! How bright thine armies shine ! 130 PSALM LXXXIX. Where is the pow'r that vies with thee ? Or truth compared with thine ? 3 The northern pole and southern rest On thy supporting hand ; Darkness and day from east to west Move round at thy command. 4 Thy words the raging winds control, And rule the boist'rous deep ; Thou mak'st the sleeping billows roll, The rolling billows sleep. 5 Heav'n, earth, and air, and sea, are thine And the dark world of hell ; How did thine arm in vengeance shine, When Egypt durst rebel ! 6 Justice and judgment are thy throne, Yet wondrous is thy grace ; While truth and mercy, join'd in one, Invite us near thy face. PSALM 89. Fourth Part CM. A blessed Gospel. BLEST are the souls that hear and know The gospel's joyful sound ; Peace shall attend the path they go, And light their steps suround. 2 Their joy shall bear their spirits up Through their Redeemer's name ; His righteousness exalts their hope, Nor Satan dares condemn. 3 The Lord, our glory and defence, Strength and salvation gives ; Israel, thy King forever reigns, Thy God forever lives. PSALM LXXXIX. 131 PSALM 89. Fifth Part C. M. Christ's mediatorial kingdom. HEAR what the Lord in vision said, And made his mercy known : " Sinners, behold, your help is laid " On my Almighty Son. 2 " High shall he reign on David's throne, " My people's better King ; " My arm shall beat his rivals down, " And still new subjects bring. 3 " My truth shall guard him in his way, " With mercy by his side ! " While in my name through earth and sea " He shall in triumph ride. 4 "My cov'nant stands forever fast, " My promises are strong ; " Firm as the heav'ns his throne shall last, " His seed endure as long." PSALM 89. Sixth Part. C. M. The covenant of grace unchangeable. YET (saith the Lord) if David's race, " The children of my Son, "Should break my laws, abuse my grace, "And tempt mine anger down ; 2 " Their sins* I'll visit with the rod, "And make their follies smart ; " But I'll not cease to be their God, " Nor from my truth depart. 3 " My cov'nant I will ne'er revoke, " But keep my grace in mind ; "And what eternal love hath spoke, "Eternal truth shall bind. 4 " Once have I sworn (I need no more) "And pledged my holiness, 132 PSALM XC. " To seal my sacred promise sure aTo David and his race. 5 "The sun shall see his offspring rise, "And spread from sea to sea, "Long as he travels round the skies " To give the nations day. 6 " Sure as the moon that rules the night, "His kingdom shall endure, "Till the fix'd laws of day and light "Shall be observ'd no more." PSALM 89. Seventh Part L. M. Mortality and hope. A Funeral Psalm. REMEMBER, Lord, our mortal state, How frail our life, how short the date ! Where is the man that draws his breath Safe from disease, secure from death ? 2 Lord, while we see whole nations die, Our flesh and sense repine and cry, "Must death forever rage and reign ? "Or hast thou made mankind in vain? 3 "Where is thy promise to the just? "Are not thy servants turn'd to dust?" But faith forbids these mournful sighs, And sees the sleeping dust arise. 4 That glorious hour, that dreadful day, Wipes the reproach of saints away, And clears the honor of thy word; Awake, our souls, and bless the Lord. PSALM 90. First Part. L. M. Man mortal, and God eternal. A Funeral Psalm. THROUGH ev'ry age, eternal God ! Thou art our rest, our safe abode; High was thy throne ere heav'n was made, Or earth thy humble footstool laid. PSALM XC. 133 2 Long hadst thou reign'd ere time began, Or dust was fashion'd into man; And long thy kingdom shall endure, When earth and time shall be no more. 3 But man, weak man, is born to die, Made up of guilt and vanity; Thy dreadful sentence, Lord, was just, " Return, ye sinners, to your dust." 4 A thousand of our years amount Scarce to a day in thine account ; Like yesterday's departed light, Or the last watch of ending night. 5 Death, like an overflowing stream, Sweeps us away ; our life's a dream ; An empty tale; a morning flovv'r, Cut down and wither'd in an hour. 6 Our age to seventy years is set; How short the term ! how frail the state ! And if to eighty we arrive, We rather sigh and groan than live. 7 But 0! how oft thy wrath appears, And cuts off our expected years! Thy wrath awakes our humble dread; We fear the pow'r that strikes us dead. 8 Teach us, 0 Lord, how frail is man, And kindly lengthen out our span; Till faith, and love, and piety Fit us to die and dwell with thee. PSALM 90. Second Part. C. M. Infirmities and death the effects of sin. IORD, if thine eyes survey our faults, ^ And justice grows severe, Thy dreadful wrath exceeds our thoughts, And burns beyond our fear. 134 PSALM XC. 2 Thine anger turns our frame to dust ; By one offence to thee Adam and all his sons have lost Their immortality. 3 Life, like a vain amusement flies, A fable or a song : By swift degrees our nature dies, Nor can our iovs he long. 4 'Tis but a few whose days amount To three score years and ten; And all beyond that short account Is sorrow, toil, and pain. 5 Almiffhtv God. reveal thy love. And not thy wrath alone : 0 let our sweet experience prove The mercies of thy throne. PSALM 90. Third P