BX714q .C6cq -> MAR 8 1899 ■\. D,v..on.B.xni4^ l^T^if^ /^. however, of the December and April meetings is subject to the action of the Executive Committee. The March meeting is the Annual meeting; the April meeting is a platform meeting with no supper; the December meeting is a Forefathers' Day celebration. liKSWICK, SECRETARY. 22 CLEVELAND CONGREGATIONALISTS. 2. Special. Special meetings may be called on notice of not less than a week by the Executive Committee, or on written request of five mem- bers, by the president and secretary. 3. Quorum. Fifteen members constitute a quorum. ARTICLE VL Support. — The admission fee is two dollars. The annual dues are five dollars for members residing within ten miles of the place of meeting, and two dollars for others, with proper reduction for fraction of a year. This entitles each member to one supper ticket for each regular meeting. These tickets are not transferable, and will be honored only for the meeting designated on their face. The dues at-e payable at the Octo- ber meeting. No person will be enrolled as a member until after the payment of admission fee and annual dues. ARTICLE VII. Dismission.-;-!. Membership is terminated by removal from the vicinity, or one year's non-attendance, with failure to keep up dues, or by neglect to pay dues after four statements from the treasurer. 2. Mem- bership maybe terminated for cause, by a three-quarters vote of members present at a regular meeting, notice to that effect luiving been given at a previous regular meeting. But no member shall be thus discontinued without due notice to him. ARTICLE VIII. Reinstatement. — Past members may be reinstated on meeting all pending obligations, without a second admission fee. ARTICLE IX. Visitors. — Any member may, at his own expense, introduce visitors at a regular meeting. ARTICLE X. Amendment. — This Constitution may be altered at a regular meeting by a two-thirds vote, notice of such change having been given at a previous regular meeting. PAST OFFICERS. Presidents.— Rev. J. E. Twitchell, 1875-76 ; Rev. S. H. Lee, 1877; Rev. Charles Terry Collins, 1878 ; Rev. Samuel Wolcott, 1879 ; Pres. James H. Fairchild, 1880; John G. W. Cowles, 1881; Rev. T. E. Monroe, 1882; Rev. N. M. Calhoun, 1883; Rev. James Brand, 1884; Rev. Henry M. Tenney, 1885; John G. W. Cowles. Jan. '86 to June '87; Rev. H. M. Ladd, June '87 to March '88; Rev. J. M. Sturtevant, March '88-89; Rev. G. R. Leavitt, D. D., '89-90; Rev. J. G. Frazer, D. D., '90-91; Rev. J. R. Nichols, '91-92; H. Clarke Ford, '92-93; Rev. H. A. Schaufliler, D. D., '93-94: Rev. J. W. Hubbell, D. D.. '94-95; Rev. I. W. Metcalf, '95-96. Secretaries.— Jas. W. Clarke, 1875-76; Julius King, 1877; H. Clark Ford, 1878-80; Thos. G. Newton, 1881; S. C. Hale, 1882-84; R. 0. Bes- wick, 1885 CONGREGATIONAL CITY MISSIONARY SOCIETY OF CLEVELAND. BY REV. IRVING W. METCALF. ►RESIDENT, H. Clark Ford; vice-president, J. G. W. Cowles; secre- |[^ tary of the Board, Rev. Irving W. Metcalf; treasurer, J. W. Moore; auditor, T. A. Heward ; trustees, Rev. John G. Eraser, J. G. Jennings, L. M. Pitkin, A. C. Caskej, R. 0. Beswick, Thomas H. CLARK FORD, PRESIDENT. Piwonka, Rev. Dr. Henry M. Ladd, Rev. Charles S. Mills. B. F. Whit- man, Professor Charles F Olney, W. B. Davis, A. S. Upson, L. V. Denis, 24 CLEVELAND CONGREGATIONALISTS. CuJii^z/^/ G-//i/f€i?i^j W. H. KIRKE, GENERAL AGENT, 344 The Arcade, CLEVELAND, O. J. G. W. COWLES, 140 THE AHCflDE, After^April 1st, 1896, Office will be in The New England Building, Euclid Avenue, ' East of Bond Street, Dealer in {^eal Estate. Negotiates Mortgage Loans, Effects Leases of Business and Residence Property, Lands and Buildings Cares for Property of Estates and Non-Resident Owners, and Collects Rents. ►^MN^ESTMENTS ?• HND ••• BONDS.i^ CONGREGATIONAL CITY MISSIONAKY SOCIETY. 25 Rev. Livingston L. Taylor, A. G. Clemmer, T. G. Newton, W. K. Bailey, Dr. A. G. Hart and J. J. Crooks. The Congregational City Missionary Society is the product of an ecclesiastical evolutionary process not yet completed. Many years of devoted service and many thousands of dollars have been given by phil- anthropic Congregational laymen to missions not flying any denomina- tional flag and not intended to develop into churches. The People's Tabernacle and Music Hall, with its varied activities, in- cluding at one time an organized church which was Congregational in form but not in name, was verv' largely founded and supported by a prominent Congregationalist. J. G. W. COWLES. What may properly be called Congregational City Missionary work in Cleveland is now conducted through four agencies. 1. Individual churches have established and maintained missions. Plymouth Church's Ohvet Chapel did great good for several years in one of the worst sections of the city. It was the forerunner of the Bohemian work and decreased as the latter increased. In its death it glorified God by contributing to the fruitful life of the Friendly Inn and the Salvation. Army. Mt. Zion Church and the Swedish Church were organized under the fostering care of Plymouth Church. A First Church mission became Franklin Avenue Church ; and Euclid Avenue Church, with a wisdom^ 26 CLEVELAND CONGREGATIONALISTS. which has been justified in all her children, generously pushed out four -wisely located colonies, all of which speedily became influential, inde- pendent churches. 2. The Ohio Home Missionary Society continues to aid two of the €ight churches in Cleveland, which were organized with its help, but it reduces its grants as the churches approach self-support. 3. The Bohemian Mission Board was the beginning of organized missionary work by Cleveland churches for their own city. It is composed C. M. PRESTON. ordinarily of five laymen elected by the city churches. Its management has been vigorous, consecrated and business-like. Since 1883, when at was formed, it has gained unincumbered title to three valuable church properties and the Bible Readers' Home, and it now employs eight missionaries at five different stations in Cleveland and expends nearly $5,000 a year. The Board has for several years sustained to the Ohio Home Missionary Society, and through it to the National Society, the CONGREGATIONAL CITY MISSIONARY SOCIETY. 27 relation of an aided home missionary church. Its work is in Cleveland, but is of such national importance that a large share of its support rightly comes from Congregational churches in all parts of the country and to some extent from members of other denominations. Realizing the need of a similarly effective organization for work among English-speaking people in the city; and being reluctant to multi- ply societies, the Cleveland churches in 1889 asked the Bohemian Board to become the Church Extension and Bohemian Mission Board. The result was a union in name but not in fact, and after a year's experiment the relation was amicably dissolved, and the Bohemian Board resumed its previous form. A. C. CASKEY. THOS. PIWONKA. 4. The Church Extension Committee then became incorporated as the Congregational City Missionary Society, substantially on the Chicago plan. Of its twenty-five trustees, all but six are laymen. For nearly two years it had no superintendent. From March 1, 1894, to December 1, 1895, Rev. Irving W. Metcalf devoted one-third of his time to the Society's superintendency, in addition to his duties as associate pastor of Pilgrim Church. The Society's first mission was what is now the Lakewood church. Its first location was on Detroit street, a little west of Highland avenue but it later moved its temporary chapel to an eligible lot on the south- 28 CLEVELAND CONGREGATIONALISTS. east corner of Detroit street and Highland avenue. It is a fully organ- ized church, with Rev. H. A. N. Richards as its pastor, and gives promise of becoming for the more slowly developing West Side of Cleveland what the strong Euclid Avenue Church is for the East Side. Its present lot, w^hich is large enough for all future needs, is almost exactly the same distance west of the Public Square that the Euclid avenue church is east of it. Mr. C. B. Ferrell is the Sunday-school superintendent. The Lorain Street Mission occui ies nt presenta rented store-room on B. F. WHITMAN. Lorain street, near the city limits. A Sunday-school has been maintained in charge of John G. Simon as superintendent since June. 1893. The superintendent of the City Missionary Society began Sunday evening services in March, 1894, which have continued with increasing attend- ance and interest. During the summer of 1895 the work was for six weeks in charge of Mr. Charles H. Powell of Oberlin Seminary, and later of Mr. Mark L. Thomsen, who made a thorough house to house canva of the field, finding some four hundred families within a radius of half a CONGREGATIONAL CITY MISSIONARY SOCIETY. 29 mile of the Mission, and no other English-speaking church enterprise within that territory. The Free Congregational Church and Society of Euclid Village was organized in 1852. It has held no stated services since 1878, but has maintained its legal organization. June 15, 1893, at a regularly called meeting, the trustees were authorized to file a petition in court for leave to transfer the real estate and all personal property to the Congrega- tional City Missionary Society, on condition that the proceeds o^ the C. A. POST. same be used in the purchase of a lot in East Cleveland hamlet, and erecting thereon a church building for a Congregational church. This transfer was completed in 1894, and the City Missionary Society in 1895 purchased a lot on the corner of Euclid and Page avenues, in East Cleveland. On this eligible lot a building will soon be erected. Neither the Euclid Avenue church nor the Ohio Home Missionary Society expects to undertake any further work in Cleveland, but L. V. DKNIS. CHAS F. OLKBY. J J. CROOKS. J. G. JENNINGS. CONGREGATIONAL CITY MISSIONARY SOCIETY. 31 they retain for the present their voluntarily diminishing share of respon- sibility for enterprises they have started. The Bohemian Board and the City Missionary Society now represent the Cleveland churches in the starting of new missions and churches in Cleveland and vicinity, and each has its own well-defined field. T. G. NEWTO.X, TREASrKKK. L. M. PITKIN. All four of these agencies work with harmony and enthusiasm for the extension of Congregationalism in Greater Cleveland. The City- Missionary Society is under the leadership of some of Cleveland's besr business men and has come to the Kingdom for the time of Cleveland's largest opportunities in Congregational Church Extension. The society holds an annual meeting in Novem- ber or December of each year. At its meeting: December 2, 1895, Superintendent Metcalf pre- sented a final report for the year, showing the work done. The treasurer's report showed $3,149.- 4-7 expended during the year, and $224.99 on hand. It was voted to establish a permanent fund to consist of all legacies not specifically given for other purposes, all contributions specifically made for the purpose and two per cent, of all other contributions. Addresses were made by President H.Clark Ford Dr. J. G. Fraser, Rev. Dr. Charles F. Thwing, Mr. L. M. Pitkin, Rev. Dr. H. M. Ladd and Rev. Chas. S. Mills. ARCHWOOn AVKNUI-: CIU'RCH. THE ARCHWOOD AVENUE CONGREGATIONAL CHURCH. w ^HIS oldest of the Congregational churches in Cleveland has already passed its three-quarter centennial, having been organ- ized July 25, 1819, by missionaries of the Presbyterian Church, with six members. For almost a half century — until 1867 — it vsras con- nected with the Cleveland Presbytery, in accordance with that "plan of union" which in all those years did so much to establish Congregational generosity and Presbyterian churches. During its earlier years of Presbygational existence, the church was served by Reverends William McLane, S. I. Bradstreet, B. B. Drake and Thomas Lee. The church life, although feeble, was continuous, regular services being maintained until 1840. From this time there was a lapse or suspension of church activity, as so frequently happens in the case of feeble, struggling churches. This break in the continuous life of the church lasted until 1846, when Rev. B. Foltz became acting pastor. Then came a second suspension of services, until in 1851 Rev. Calvin Durfee w^as called to the pastorate. The records of those earlier days reveal some in- teresting facts, which bear on the general religious conditions of that time. This church, it is interesting to note, although organized and fostered by Presbytery, is referred to repeatedly in its records as " the Congrega- tional Church of Brooklyn." It was incorporated as the " First Congre- gational Society of Brooklyn" — and there is the record of a "meeting of the Congregational Society of Brooklyn held on the first Monday of March, 1831." Asindicative of certain conditions in the forties are a few such records as these, which show that a certain deacon was subjected to discipline because he was seen "coming from the direction of Mr. Brigs's tavern " — in a state of intoxication. Also we learn that a certain other brother and his wife were expelled from the church because they be- lieved in "universal salvation." Another deacon was called up because of " certain rumors," one being that he used "very profane language." Still another interesting record is that of a "resolution," presented in January, '47. ''Resolved, That we will neither invite a slave-holder to our pulpit, nor welcome him to the Communion table; and that we will have no fel- lowship with the unfruitful works of darkness, but rather reprove them." This good anti-slavery utterance was debated and — lost. So much for what may be called the "ancient history" of a church. The bright and fruitful pastorate of Rev. J. B. Allen, extending from 1856 to 1867, brings in the "modern history." Under his wise and sacrificing labors the church took on new life and strength. It was under his wise and faith- 34 CLEVELAND CONGREGATIONALISTS. ful administration that the church came to have a home in its own build- ing, and a place of real influence in the community. Mr. Allen, although remaining true to his Presbyterian training, was true also in his love and care for this last church of his active pastorate. Here he made his home until called home, and very precious indeed to the whole church is the memory of his gentle, loyal, faithful life. In connection with this middle period of the church life, three names are worthy of especial mention. REV J. W. HARGKAVE. James Sears, Abel Hinckley and Hiram Welch all gave the strength of their manhood in the service of the church. Their connection with it covers the years from 1834 to 1884, and all three served the church most faithfully as deacons. - —^- Since the pastorate of Rev. J. B. Allen the following men have served the church as pastors : Rev. W. H. Rice from 1867 to 1868, Rev. C. L. Hamlin from 1868 to 1872, Rev. J. A. Bates from 1872 to 1874, Rev. E. ARCHWOOD AVENUE CONGREGATIONAL CHURCH. 35 H. Votaw from 1874 to 1877, Rev. J. W. Hargrave from 1878 to 1882, Rev. J. M. Merrill from 1882 to 1889, Rev. George H. Peeke from 1890 to 1893, Rev. J. W. Hargrave from 1894. During the first pastorate of Rev. J. W. Hargrave the old church property on Newburg street was sold, lots bought on Arch wood and the new^ church and parsonage erected. The ministry of Rev. J. M. Merrill was marked by steady growth, the abundant fruit of his labors being still manifest. During the pastorate of Rev. George H. Peeke, who served the church for three years and a half with distinguished ability, the par- sonage was enlarged and greatly needed improvements made in the church building. Since the return of Mr. Hargrave, in January, 1894, the church, in common with others, has been feeling very keenly the financial depression. It, however, during '94, met its current expenses, reduced somewhat its indebtedness, and more than doubled its benevo- lent contributions, and members have been received at almost every Com- munion season. While still feeling most keenly the financial stringency, the church is planning for and hopefully expecting the enlarged building which is absolutely necessary to its future growth and efficiency. Con- siderable money has already been pledged for enlargement and the work will be undertaken at the earliest possible moment. Pastor, J. W. Hargrave, 13 Archwood avenue; Clerk, Jos; Ray Peck, 78 Archwood avenue; Treasurer, George L. Hull, 35 Delmar avenue; Sunday-school Superintendent, W. H. Peters, 161 Marvin avenue. Y. P. S. C. E. — President, Jos. Ray Peck, 78 Archwood avenue; Sec- retary, Harry Marsh. 39 Gregmont street. Woman's Foreign Missionary Society — President, Mrs. I. N. Turner, 43 Luverne street; secretary, Mrs. 0. L. Neff, 18 Archwood avenue; treasurer, Mrs. L. C Pixley, 471 Denison avenue. Ladies' Social Union and Home Missionary Society — President, Mrs. Paul Kitzsteiner, 35 Luverne street; Secretary, Mrs. J. J. Barnes, 50 Archwood avenue; Treasurer, Mrs. H.M. Peck, 78 Archwood avenue. church calendar. Sunday — 9:15 a.m., Sunday-school; 10:30, morning worship; 3 p.m., Junior C. E. Society; 6 p.m.. Senior C. E. Society; 7 p.m., evening worship. Tuesday — 2:30 each alternate week. Ladies' Foreign Missionary Society. Wednesday — 2:30 each alternate week. Ladies' Social Union ; 6:30, Boys' Brigade. Friday — 7 p. m., prayer meeting; 8 p. m., choir rehearsal. Saturday — 7 p. m.. Physical Culture class. 36 CLEVELAND CONGREGATIONALISTS. \3egetable Germicide, ri, Trade Mark This compound has proved the most effective agent known to science for the relief and cure of AND ALL THROAT TROUBLES. G^-t^^jr^acxt^^d to do vv'nat we advertise. One trial will convince the most skeptical. Clergymen, public speakers and singers will find it inval- uable. £^Fqr sale in Cleveland by James Bruce, Prospect street. J. HUBBARD & CO., 12 Franklin Ave., Boston, Mass. Send for Circulars, Testimonials, etc. After thorough trial we commend this.— Editor. CHURCH DIRECTORY. Abby, Mrs. Mary E 673 Denison Av Ariel, Hattie 847 Denison Av Babcock, Mrs. Phylena..8H Denison Av Bailey, Mrs. Hattie M.. ..806 Denison Av Baker, E. G West End Baker, Mrs. E. G West End Barnes, Mr. J. J 50 Archwood Av Barnes. Mrs. J.J 50 Archwood Av Bateman, Mrs. Amy S..954 Denison Av Bauer, Mrs. Mary 1 Kenneth St Bauer, Hattie 1 Kenneth St Bauer, Nellie 1 Kenneth St Belz, Mrs. H. F Denison Av Biddulph, Mrs. Christine, 47 Luverne St Biggs, Joseph Biggs, Mrs. Liibbie L Blake, Mrs. Fanny 42 Forestdale St Bohmer. Albert T 20 Bridgeview St Bohmer, Mrs. Teny C..20 Bridgeview St Bowles, John 20 Ironton St Bowles, Mrs. Elizabeth 20 Ironton St Bowles. John W 20 Ironton St Bowles, Alice H 20 Ironton St Brewer, Mrs. Fredrika..51 Archwood Av Brice. John Henry 1 Grandview St Brice, Mrs. Lucy 1 1 Grandview St Broughton, J,- S 37 Woodbridge Av Broughton, Mrs. J. S . . 37 Woodbridge Av Brown, Royal L. L Alabama St. T. M. C. A Burlingame, Mrs. Eliza A 28 Mt. Vernon St Burlison, John 308 Milford St Burlison, Mrs. John 308 Milford St Carlisle, Mrs. Francisca S 96 Archwood Av Cherry, George A ...Luverne St., corner Chestnutdale Chester, Mrs. Emma 36 Bradwell St Chester, Daisy E 36 Bradwell St Clark, Mrs. Delia 45 Archwood Av Colson, Ernest F 769 Denison Av Colson, Mrs. Jennie 769 Denison Av Croft, Mrs. Ellen L 21Garden St Cunningham, Francis B 62 Willowdale St Cunningham, Mrs. Hettie 62 Willowdale St Cunningham, Wilbur E. 45 Forestdale St Cunningham, Mrs. Effle... 45 Forestdal St Dutton, Rufus L 41 State St Farnsworth, M. H 45 Woodbridge Av Farnsworth, Mrs. Mary 45 Woodbridge Av Farnsworth, Dr. G. B 675 Denison Av Farnsworth.Mrs. Alice.. 675 Denison Av Fish, Lucy E 675 Denison Av ARCHWOOD AVENUE CONGREGATIONAL CHURCH. 37 Fleisher, Mrs. Laura M Kroehle, Paul 538 Denison Av Fleisher, Miss Bessie Laird, Mrs. Nellie F....3 Library Av Forbes, Laura Lawrence, Mamie Oberlin, O Luverne St., cor. Chestnutdale Laidler, William J 810 Denison Av Freer, Charles 850 Denison Av Laidler, Mrs. Ella A 810 Denison Av Freer, Mrs. Evan 850 Denison Av Lansing, Henry Hurley St Freer, Florence 850 Denison Av Lansing, Mrs. M. E Hurley St Fuller, Mrs. CathrincBridgeview St Liggett, J. B 10 Lyle Ct Gates, William C South Brooklyn Liggett, Mrs. Jennie 10 Lyle Ct Gates, Lulu F South Brooklyn Malls, Mrs. L 10 Willowdale St Gay, Grace W 15 Arch wood Av Malls, Henry 10 Willowdale St Geise, Mrs. Jennie 107 Fairlawn St Melvin, Nettie L 32 Bridgeview St Geise, Hattie E 107 Fairlawn St Melvin, Newell 32 Bridgeview St Geise, Marietta 107 Fairlawn St Marsh, Oscar C 39 Gregmont St Geise, Pearl Irene 107 Fairlawn St Marsh, Dora 39 Gregmont St Graves, Ed R Marsh, Cora 39 Gregmont St Graves, Mrs. Mary A Marsh, Harry W 39 Gregmont St 16 Bridgeview St McClellan, J. B 63 Forestdale St Graves, Clara B 16 Bridgeview St McClellan, Mrs. M. C..63 Forestdale St Hargrave, J. W 13 Archwood Av McKeigan, Mrs. J East End Hargrave, Lucy E 13 Archwood Av Miller, Mrs. Carrie 18 Lyle Ct Hargrave, Margaret D.13 Archwood Av Milligan, E. M Pearl St Heavens, Mrs. Anna Milligan, Mrs. Alice M Pearl St Hedley, Dr. James 15 Afton Place Nef£, Orion L 18 Archwood Av Hedley, Mrs. Mary J 15 Afton Place Neff, Mrs. Frances D..18 Archwood Av Hinckley, Isaac B South Brooklyn Neff, Nellie 18 Archwood Av Hinckley, Mrs. Adeline S. Brooklyn Neauman, Mrs. M. A 847 Denison Av Hinckley, Emma E S. Brooklyn Newton, Mrs. Kate T Holmden, Mrs. Electa J.92 Fairlawn St Peck, Mrs. Hannah L..78 Archwood Av Holmden, Delia E 92 Fairlawn St Peck, Emma May 78 Archwood Av Holmden, Martha P.... 92 Fairlawn St Peck, J. Ray 78 Archwood Av Holmden, Walter E 92 Fairlawn St Pelton, Mrs. F. S 104 Gregmont St Hoyt, Mrs. Clara 37 Luverne St Peters, W. H 116 Marvin Av Hoyt, Clinton D 37 Luverne St Peters, Mrs. Carrie 116 Marvin Av Hoyt, Stella 1 37 Luverne St Pixley, Leonard C 471 Denison Av Hudson, Mrs. Nettie.... 15 Delmar Av Pixley, Mrs. Alice M.. ..471 Denison Av Hull, George L 35 Delmar Av Pixley, Leon 471 Denison Av Hull, Mrs. G. L 35 Delmar Av Pixley, Carrie E 471 Denison Av Humphrey, Caleb Mt. Vernon St Pi'^ley, Ella 471 Denison Av James, Mrs. Lydia 935 Denison Av P^P^r, Mrs. Chas S. Brooklyn. O. Johnson, Chester 17 Archwood Av ^oe, Mrs. Carrie 907 Denison Av Keyser. Mrs. Martha... 47 Gregmont St P°"er, Mrs. Margaret East End Keyser, Delia M 47 Gregmont St Prouty, Mrs. H. S 21 Bridgeview St King, Mrs. Mary 13 Melbourne St Prouty, Edith A 21 Bridgeview St King, Estella 13 Melbourne St Reed, Mrs. Emma J 39 Gregmont St Kain, George S Bridgeview St Reed, Goldie 39 Gregmont St Kain, Mrs. G. S Bridgeview St Richardson, Mrs. M. A Kroehle, C. Oscar 487 Denison Av 45 Woodbridge Av Kroehle, Mrs. Ella 487 Denison Av Richardson, W. T 136 Gregmont St Kroehle, Ida M 538 Denison Av Richardson, Mrs. J. S..136 Gregmont St 38 CLEVELAND CONGREGATIONALISTS. Schmehl, W. F. C 50 High St Walter, Mrs. Jacob S. Brooklyn, O Schneider, Eliza 517 Denlson Av Ward, Mrs. Sarah E Fairlawn St Sears, Mrs. Catherine 15 Luverne St Weaver, Francis H 667 Denison Av Sears, Mrs. Ellen J 35 Luverne St Weaver, Mrs. Nannie.. 667 Denison Av Sears, Fred W 123 Ingleside Av Waller, William C 47 Delmar Av Skeels, Mrs. Lilian 814 Denison Av Weller, Mrs. Nettie 47 Delmar Av Salisbury, Mrs. Ella May Wheelock, Mrs. Sophronia 14 Melbourne St 21 Forestdale St Singleton, Mrs. Mary S Wheelock, Clayton D..19 Forestdale St 188 Fairlawn St Wheelock, Mrs. Lizzie Low Singleton, Arabella 188 Fairlawn St 19 Forestdale St Singleton, George H 188 Fairlawn St Wheelock, C. Day 3 Library Av Singleton, Wilfred 188 Fairlawn St Wheelock, Mrs. Zula 3 Library Av Singleton, John F 188 Fairlawn St Wheelock, Lincoln A 19 Bradwell St Singleton, Reginald 188 Fairlawn St Wheelock, Mrs. Ella C 19 Bradwell Singleton, Winnifred.. .188 Fairlawn St Wittenmyer, Mrs. Daisy Singleton, Samuel 78 Archwood Av Williams, L. C 56 Forestdale St Slawson, Anna M 208 Marvin Av Williams, Mrs. L. C 56 Forestdale St Sperry, Mr. Leon 1881 Pearl St Wray, Frances L 110 Gregmont St Springer, William 1863 Pearl St Wright, Mrs. Ruth 14 Forestdale St Springer, Mrs. W 1863 Pearl St Wright, Mabel 14 Forestdale St Stuart, William Roy 1616 Pearl St Zickes, Bertha Ellis Place Tousley, J. A 30 Archwood Av Zickes, Emma Ellis Place Turner, Mrs. Mary L 43 Luverne St Zickes, Anna Ellis Place ABSENTEE LIST. Baker, Mary M Gager, Harriet D Bass, Selvey A Leworthy, Nyra Croft . Carpenter, Winnifred ' McArthur, Mrs. Addie Crumbaker, B. F Norton, Mrs. L. A Crumbaker, Mrs. M. S Pike, Henrietta L Darrell, Chas. E Reimer, Emil Doolittle, Nellie Sharpe, Edward A Eitelman, Michael Truxel, Mr. Minnis Gaffett, Florence G Truxel, Mrs. Minnis . . . Gibson, Hattie Wells, Herman Wing, Mary Mock FIRST CONGREGATIONAL CHURCH. FRANKLIN AVE., COR. TAYLOR ST. II^HE Church was organized under the title of "The First Presby- |y terian Church of Brooklyn. Cuyahoga County, Ohio." The first entry in the ancient Church Record Book begins as follows : "record of the first PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH IN BROOKLYN, OHIO." "Whereas, In the Providence of God it became clearly the duty of professing Christians in this vicinity to organize a church in Brooklyn Village ( so called ), after praj-erful consideration of the subject, a season of fasting and prayer was appointed by those who expected to unite jn s»iid organization, to be observed on Thursday, the 18th of December, 1834." This meeting was held in a brick school house on Vermont street. At this meeting the Rev. John Keep of Oberlin was the moderator, and steps were taken for the immediate organization of the church ; three days after (December 21, 1834'), the organization was effected, Rev. Mr. Keep officiating. Forty persons* covenanted with each other and with their God in this organization, as follows : Mrs. Sarah Appleby, Mr. and Mrs. Francis Lewis, Levi Beebe, Mr. and Mrs. B. S. L3^man, Mr. and Mrs- D. Buxton, Elmira Lyon, Cordelia H. Buxton (Mrs. S. H. Sheldon) Jane Maguire, Mary A. Buxton, Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Page, Mr. and Mrs. Newcomb Carter, Maria Culver, James F. Clark, Mrs. Eunice Smith, Mr. and Mrs. Ezekiel Folsom, Mr. and Mrs. B. Stedman, A. P. G. Hammond, Mr. and Mrs. W. G. Stedman, Mr. and Mrs. John Harris, Anson Southerland, Phoebe Harris, Esther Taft, N. R. Haskell, Catherine Taylor (Mrs. M. C Lufkin), Martha M. Hill, Mrs. Ursula Taylor, Amorett H. Hulbut, Mr. and Mrs. Solomon Wheat, Elizabeth Folsom, William Wheat. Public worship was first held in the brick school house on Vermont street. A temporary house of worship was erected and dedicated May 3, 1835, in the rear of the lot southeast corner of Detroit and State streets. The church, under its first organization, was served by the following ministers: Rev. John Keep, Rev. J. D. Pickands, Rev. H. A. Reed and Rev. Wm. P. Russell. *One of this number is vet living and is still connected with the Church — Mrs. S. H. Sheldon. FIRST CONGREGATIONAL CHURCH. FIRST CONGREGATIONAL CHURCH. 41 In February, 1838, forty-four members of the church withdrew for the purpose of organizing a Congregational church. In the summer of 1841, a reunion of the two churches was effected on a Congregatio- Presbyterian basis, the eldership being dispensed with and a committee being established, the church continuing its connection with the Presbytery. With this reunion commenced the pastoral labors of Rev. S. B. KEY. J. W. MALCOLM. Canfield. His ministry closed in the fall of 1844. He was succeeded by Rev. C. L. Watson, whose pastorate terminated September, 1848. With this pastorate the church ceased to be connected with the Presbvtery, and became practically an independent Congregational body. In December of the same year, Rev. Jas. A. Thome entered upon pas- toral labors, which were continued for a period of nearly twenty-three 42 CLEVELAND CONGREGATIONALISTS. years. In the early part of his ministr}' a brick church was erected on the front part of the lot, and was dedicated August 14, 1851. On the twenty-seventh day of February, 1856, Mr. Thome w^as formally in- stalled as pastor of the church. On the eighteenth of October, 1857, the church, which had been unassociated since severing its connection with the Presbytery, decided by vote to unite with the Cleveland Congregational Conference, and being received by that body, has since been known as the First Congre- gational church. Mr. Thome resigned his pastorate and w^as dismissed by advice of Council, July 2, 1871. He died at Chattanooga, Tenn., March 4, 1873. On the nineteenth of February, 1872. the church called Rev. S. H. Lee to its pastorate. Accepting the call, he was installed June 6 of the same year. During Mr. Lee's pastorate, the mission Sabbath-school, on Detroit street, which previously had been union in character, was form- ally adopted by the church in 1873, and a new one established on Harbor street in 1874. In August, 1874, Rev. S. B. Shipman was invited by the church to take charge of the work in these missions. As a result of his labors, the Franklin Avenue Congregational Church was organized from the Detroit Street mission, with thirty members, November 21, 1876. Mr. Lee served the church until September 24, 1878, when, having resigned the pastorate, he was dismissed by advice of Council. After his dismission, the church was served for brief periods by different ministers until March 7, 1880, when the ministerial services of Rev. H. M. Tenney commenced, his formal installation taking place April 27 of the same year. During Mr. Tenney's ministry the question of a new location and church building was agitated. The building of anew railway in 1881, necessitating the sale of the Harbor street property, opened the way for the purchase of the present property. Plans for a new building were adopted, and on April 23, 1883, the cornerstone of the building we are now occupying was laid ; the front part of it was furnished at a cost (including land) of $36,000, and was dedicated December 20, 1885. The abandoning of Harbor Street Mission led to the organization of a Sunday-school on Train street, which, in time, was succeeded by Cyril Chapel and Grace Congregational Church. Mr. Tenney, after a nine years' pastorate, resigned, to accept a call to the Second Congregational Church of Oberlin, in May, 1889. His ministry was successful and loving, and his dismissal was agreed to with extreme reluctance. He was succeeded by Rev. A. E. Thomson, who was installed October 2, 1889. During Mr. Thomson's pastorate the work on the new auditorium was begun, the cornerstone being laid in April, 1891. He resigned March 25, to accept a call to the First Congregational Church, Yankton, South Dakota, and was dismissd by Council April 13, 1892. The ministerial services of the present pastor, Rev. John W.Malcolm, FIRST CONGREGATIONAL CHURCH. 43 commenced September 11, 1892. The auditorium was finished during the second year of his ministry, at a cost of $28,000, and was formally dedicated December 17, 1893. ORGANTZ.\TION FOR 1895. Pastor— John W. Malcolm, 357 Franklin avenue. Deacons — (For one year, time expires 1895) T. G. Newton, F. J. Hicks, Wm.B. Lewis; (For two years, time expires 1896) A. G. Hopkin- son, F. C. Whittlesey, Edward G. Gilbert, (For three years, time expires 1897) W. H. Newton, F. E. Spelman. Rev. R. Apthorp. Deaconesses — (For one year) Mrs. T. S. Ingraham, Mrs. A. G. Hopkinson; (For two years) Mrs. Benj. Maltby, Mrs. Ida M. Williams;, (For three years) Mrs. Robert Wallace, Mrs. C. F. Dutton. Clerk — R. 0. Beswick, 101 Liberty street. Treasurer — F. E. Spelman, 151 Ta3'lor street. Auditor— A. H. Bailey, 74 W. CHnton street. Superintendent of Sabbath-school — R. 0. Beswick, 101 Liberty street. Church Committee — (Ex-officio) The Pastor, Deacons, S. S. Super- intendent, Clerk, Treasurer, (Elected — for one year) A. H. Bailev; (For two years) Frank Acker, (For three years) J. E. Sykes. THE society. President — T. S. Ingraham. Vice-President — M. G. Norton. Secretary — C. W. Hopkinson, 343 Franklin street. Treasurer— W. H. DeWitt, 64 W. Clinton street. Auditor — H. LeFevre, 1122 Franklin avenue. Trustees— (For one year, times expires 1895) Wm. H. DeWitt, Albert D. Anderson, C. W. Hopkinson ; (For two years, time expires 1896) W. S. Bailey, Robert Wallace; (For three years, time expires 1897) F. A. Coburn, T. S. Ingraham. Janitor — Lewis N. Morris, 112 Harbor street. OUR FORCES. THE CHURCH. Membership. — The conditions of membership are : Satisfactory evi- dence of piety. Baptism and Assent to the Articles of Faith and the Cov- enant. Officers. — The stated officers of the Church are a Pastor, Deacons, Deaconesses, Church Committee, Clerk, Treasurer, Auditor and S. S. Superintendent. Prayer Meeting. — Friday, 7 p. m. Roll Call Meeting. — Third Friday in April and October. Sacrament of the Lord's Supper. — First Sabbath in each alternate month, beginning with February. Sacrament of Baptism. — Of Children, on the Sabbath mominsT known as Children's Day;" of Adults, on the Communion Sabbath. 44 CLEVELAND CONGREGATIONALISTS. Preparatory Lecture. — Friday night immediately preceeding Com- munion Sabbath. The Annual Meeting is held on the Monday night preceding the first Saturday in January. THE SOCIETY. (Incorporated February 23, 1835.) Name. — The name of this body is the First Congregational Society. Membership. — The following persons are entitled to membership: All church members in good and -regular standing. All regular attend- ants upon the meetings of the congregation who contribute yearly to the support of the Church or Society. Officers. — The officers of the Society are: President, Vice-President, Secretary, Treasurer, Auditor and not less than five Trustees. The Annual Meeting is held on the first Monday night after the first Saturday in January. THE sabbath school. (Organized about 1835.) The Conditions of Membership. — Any person of good behavior, of any age, may become a member of our Sabbath School. Officers. — The officers are Superintendent, Secretary, Treasurer, Auditor, Librarian (and their Assistants), Chorister and Organist. CHRISTIAN ENDEAVOR SOCIETY. senior. (Organized 1887.) NINETY ACTIVE MEMBERS. President, Wm J. Fleming; Secretary, Malcolm C. Willis. Prayer Meetings. — Tuesdays, 7:00. Roll Call Meetings. — Fourth Tuesday in each month. Missionary Meetings.— Second Tuesday in each alternate month, beginning with February. Business Meetings. — At call of President. Annual Meeting.— Last meeting. JUNIOR. (Organized 1892.) FORTY-SIX MEMBERS. Superintendent, Lewis H. Smith. Pianist, Lilla F. Spelman. Meetings. — Sunday afternoon, 2:30. This Society is under the watchful care of the Senior C. E. Society, and its officers are elected at their annual meeting. FIRST CONGREGATIONAL CHURCH. 45 WOMAN'S FOREIGN MISSIONARY SOCIETY. (Organized 1871 ) EIGHTY-SEVEN MEMBERS. Object. — Auxiliary to the W. B. M. I., to promote interest in the cause of Missions in foreign lands, and to raise and send funds in aid thereof. Membership. — All women of the congregation contributing regularly to the support of Foreign Missions through this Society. President, - - - . Mrs. F. A. Coburn. Secretary, ----- Mrs. J. W. Malcolm. Treasurer, - - - - Mrs. R. 0. Beswick. Meetings. — First Wednesday in each month, 2:30 p. m. Annual Meeting. — First Wednesday in January. WOMAN'S HOME MISSIONARY SOCIETY. (Organized ) SEVENTY MEMBERS. Object. — To promote and stimulate interest in Home Missionary- work as carried on by our Congregational Missionary Societies, and to aid them by sympathy, prayer and means so far as possible. Membership — All women of the congregation who pay annually a contribution for this cause of at least fifty cents. President, . . - Kate E. Button. Secretary , ... Mrs. L. A. Ferguson. Treasurer, - - - - Mrs. A. H. Bailey. Meetings. — Third Wednesday in each month, 2:30 p. m. Annual Meeting. — Third Wednesday in January. LADIES' AID SOCIETY. (Organized in the early years of the Church.) Object. — To foster the spirit of sociableness in the church by means of monthly socials, readings entertainments of various kinds; and to raise money for furnishing and other purposes of like nature. Membership. — Every lady in the congregation is supposed to be a member; every member is expected to pay annually 25 cents. Meetings. — At call of President. Socials. — Second Wednesday in each month. Annual Meeting. — In January. President, ... Mrs. E. W. Laird. Secretary and Treasurer, - - Mrs. W. A. Babcock. 46 CLEVELAND CONGREGATIONALISTS. THE CHURCH CHOIR. (Organized March 20, 1894.) FORTY-ONE ACTIVE, TEN HONORARY MEMBERS. Object. — To promote the interest of music in the Church ; to supply music at the Sunday services, and at such other services as the Music Committee or the pastor may suggest. Conditions of Membership. — Good moral character; ability to read music; recommendation of the Membership Committee. Rehearsals. — Tuesday night, 7:45. Business Meetings — Call of president. Annual Meeting. — First meeting in March. OFFICERS. President, ... Paul Lemperly. Secretary and Treasurer, - - C. F. Dutton, Jr. Conductor, ... Geo. A. Monasmith. Organist, ... Mary C. Wallingford. THE MEN'S CLUB. (Organized November 26, 1894.) NINETY-FIVE MEMBERS. Object. — To increase the interest and effectiveness of the Sunday evening and other services of our church, and to promote the social welfare of the members of the church and community. Membership. — All men who wish to further the object of the Club, as set forth above, and who shall pay an annual fee of one dollar after signing the Constitution. Meetings. — First Monday night in each month. President, - - - - 0. N. Steele. Secretary, - - - - H. G. Hopkinson. Treasurer, - - - - D. C. Reed. This Club has charge of the Sunday evening service, and publishes the weekly leaflet, Work and Worship. Its work is done through five efficient committees: On Program and Printing; on Music; on Ushers and Collection ; on Invitation and Welcome, and on Membership. FIRST COXGKEGATIONAL CHURCH. 47 CHURCH DIRECTORY. Albreu, John A 14 Birch Albreu, Annie E. (John A.) 14 Birch Acker, Frank 170 Clinton Alexander, Chester Li. 30 Randall Alexander, Mrs. C. G 30 Randall Allen, Mabel (M W.) 70 Birch Allen, Dr. Moses L. 525 Pearl Allen Eva (Moses L.) 525 Pearl Anderson. Albert D 47 Courtland Anderson, Nellie E 47 Courtland Anderson, John D....599 West Madison Anderson, Mary 307 Washington Anderson, V. D 59 Courtland Anderson, Mrs. V. D 59 Courtland Anderson, Edw 594 Detroit Anderson, Mary 594 Detroit Andrews, Wm. F 345 Columbus Andrews, Mary E 345 Columbus Anthony, Ellen 135 Church Apthorp, Rev. Rufus 183 Taylor Apthorp, Louisa F 183 Taylor Ashby, George A 15 Vestry Ashby, Horace W 220 Taylor Bailey, Arthur H 74 West Clinton Bailey, Edith M 74 West Clinton Bailey, Nellie E 74 West Clinton Bailey, Stella A 74 West Clinton Bailey, Chester F 18 Mueller Bailey, Wilbur S Detroit Rd Bailey, Ella M Detroit Rd Bartley, Martha 155 Taylor Bastifell, William A 30 Cook Bastifell, Rosa 30 Cook Beanson, Jennie 237 Hanover Beebe, Jas. A 74 West Clinton Bemis, Ida M 182 Taylor Bemis, Annie M 182 Taylor Beswick, Ellen Jordan Beswick, Robert 101 Liberty Beswick, Charlotte 1 101 Liberty Beswick, Walter A 65 Brenton Bill, Frank M 124 Harbor Bill, Kate R 124 Harbor Biszantz, Celina L 1056 Lorain Bothwell, Elizabeth 19 Lucerne Bourne, Ezra W 1415 Detroit Boutall, Thomas 58 Bridge Bowman, Frances 95 State Bowman, Margaret(B.F.).89 Beechwood Boys, Louisa C 73 Root Brainard, Hattie S 586 Bridge Brewster, Mary 228 Courtland Brown, Eunice E 71 State Bunyan, Hanniman 149 Trenton Bunyan, Lizzie(Hanniman).149 Trenton Butler, Fanny 257 Hanover Carpenter, Rhoda E 136 Church Carpenter, S. Edward 136 Church Clark, Mrs. Sarah 168 Taylor Clevering, Richard 155 Taylor Clevering, Sarah J 155 Taylor Clipper, Emma Birch Clipper, Minie A Birch Coburn, Forest A 455 Franklin Coburn, Helen A 455 Franklin Coburn, Maurice 455 Franklin Coburn, Alice L 455 Franklin Coburn, Helen W 455 Franklin Collart, Melius C 42 W. Clinton Collart, Orra G 42 W. Clinton Cook, Mary H 44 Vienna Cooper, Frederick W 6 Root Cooper, Dorothy 6 Root Corlett, Louis 247 Franklin Corrigan, John 176 Taylor Corrigan, Mary M 176 Taylor Corrigan, John A 176 Taylor Crennell, Mary 63 Burton Curran, John Tennessee Curtis, Theodore H 24 Alanson Damon, Philip H 48 Columbus Damon, Ellen R 48 Columbus Davis, Judith F 71 Duane Davis, Eliza G 71 Duane Daykin, Elizabeth 680 Lorain Deighton, Ida May 58 Scott Deighton, Elizabeth 58 Scott Deighton, Mary Frances 58 Scott Delamater, Eliza L 211 Franklin Delamater, John A 271 Franklin DeWitt, Mary A 64 West Clinton DeWitt, Wm. H 64 West Clinton Dexter, Benj. F 15 Dexter Place Dexter, Mercy A 15 Dexter Place Dexter, Ella B 15 Dexter Place Dexter, John B 15 Dexter Place Diver, Chas. S 65 West Madison Dunham, Charles 21 Cedar 48 CLEVELAND CONGREGATIONALISTS. THE ADVANCE {CONGREGATIONAL WEEKLY) Should be in the Home of every Congregational Family. One reader says: "We have taken it since its be- ginning, and could not keep house without it*" Another says : ' The Advance grows better every week." Another says: "It is a growing, advancing paper, improving year by year." Has More Subscribers than any other Congregational Paper Trial Subscription, 3 Montlis, 25 Cts. One Year, Cash with Order, $2.00. Parts of a year at a proportionate amount. Single copies, 5c. THE ADVANCE, 215 MADISON Street, CHICAGO, ILL. "Webster^s International Didlionary Successor of the " Unabridged." Standard of the U. S. Supreme Court, of the U. S. Government Printing Office, and of nearly all the School- books. Warmly commended by every State Superintend- ent of Schools. THE BEST FOR EVERYBODY BECAUSE It is easy to find ttie word wanted. Words are given their correct alphabetical places in the vocabulary, each one begining a paragraph so as to be readily caught by the eye. It is easy to ascertain tlie pronunciation. The pronunciation is indicated by the ordinary diacritically marked letters used in the schoolbooks, whose sounds are taught in the public schools. It is easy to trace the growtli of a word. The etymologies are complete and scientific, and the different meanings a word has acquired are given in the order of their growth from the root idea, It is easy to learn what a word means. The definitions are clear, explicit, and full; terse, yet comprehensive. Each defi- nition is contained in a separate paragraph. G. & C. I»IHRRIA9I CO., Publisliers, Springfield, Slass., U.S.A. ^^=" Specimen pages, etc., sent on application FIRST CONGREGATIONAL CHURCH. 49 Dunham, Elizabeth 21 Cedar DuPerow, Annie 21 Johnson Dustin, Virgil A. E 91 Duane Dustin, Edith M 91 Duane Dutton, Charles F 349 Franklin Dutton, Mary (C. F.) 349 Franklin Dutton, C. Fred 349 Franklin Dutton, Kate E 94 State Dutton, Bettie A 94 State Dutton, Mrs. Emily 41 State Dutton, Mabel 41 State Dutton, Elsie 41 State Eddy, George H 32 Franklin Court Eddy, Sarah 32 Franklin Court Eddy, John G 32 Franklin Court Eichhorn, Jacob 98 Mechanic Eichhorn, Clara E 98 Mechanic Eichhorn, William H 98 Mechanic Esry, Harriet 87 Woodbine Fahrion, Mary E 401 Franklin Farrand, Addison J 303 Waverly Farrand, Florence 343 Franklin Ferguson, Laura A 210 Franklin Field, Chas. W 80 Kentucky Field, Anna H 80 Kentucky Fisher, Rose E 64 Hickory Fleming, Joseph J 247 Franklin Fleming, Wm. J 247 Franklin Fogg, Hannah 381 Detroit Folsom, Samuel W 264 Franklin Folsom, Mollie (Sam'l. W.).264 Franklin Folsom, Arthur H 264 Franklin Foote, Ella 293 Pearl Foote, Minnie E 182 Taylor Force, Emily J 28 Root Force, Frank E 28 Root Force, Kittle E. (Prank E.) 28 Root Force, Fred W 28 Root French, Clara M 168 Taylor French, Harriet Detroit Road Fromm, Fred Wm 687 Detroit Fromm, Mary J 687 Detroit Garrett, Mary S Detroit Road Geerhahn, Frederick 300 Taylor Geerhahn, CeciHa 300 Taylor Gilbert, Ed G 24 Franklin Court Gilbert, Harriet 369 Pearl Grant, Peter 410 Harbor Grant, Mary 410 Harbor Grant, Katie 410 Harbor Gray, Charles Franklin Gray, Caroline C Franklin Gray, James Cooper 29 Sibley Gray, Irene Corey 50 Claasen Greene, Esther M 125 Courtland Greene, Mary C 125 Courtland Gregory, Dell S 123 Clinton Griffith, Nellie K Griffith, John 1794 Worley Guild, Caroline E Jay Guild, Louise M 9 Jay Guild, Mabel A 9 Jay Garfield, Letitia (W. Emery) 503 Franklin Garneld, Mary E 503 Franklin Gilbert, Maritta 87 Courtland Halt, Maritta Lamb Franklin Hannum, Charlotte 373 Franklin Hall, Alice Burton Hall, Rollin S 104 West Clinton Hanna, Gertrude H 266 Franklin Harrington, Mrs. E. F 355 Franklin Harrington, John 355 Franklin Harrington, Emma 355 Franklin Harrington, Bertha T 355 Franklin Harrington, Emma C 355 Franklin Harrington, Fred 118 Tilden Hasbrouck, Elizabeth 297 Franklin Hay, Margaret E 59 West Clinton Hay, May A 59 West Clinton Hay, Mary Adelaide 59 West Clinton Herrick, Helen 198 Taylor Hicks, Frederick J 291 Clinton Hicks, Jennie 291 Clinton Higgins, Walter L 380 Franklin Higgins, Ada 380 Franklin Hird, Mrs. E. E 142 Taylor Hitchcock, Janette Duane Hitchcock, Mary Rm. 11, 421 Pearl Hitchin, Chas. Jas 16 Apple Hitchin, Fanny H 16 Apple Hitchin, Wm. E 274 Harbor Hitchin, Bertha E 274 Harbor Holmes, Edward T...1187 East Madison Holt, Dennis S 342 Franklin Holt, Lucy W 342 Franklin Hopkinson, Alanson G 343 Franklin Hopkinson, Harriet 343 Franklin Hopkinson, Chas. W 343 Franklin Hopkinson,, Harry G 204 Taylor Hopkinson, Luella T 204 Taylor Hopkinson, Mary Estelle ...204 Taylor 50 CLEVELAND CONGREGATIONALISTS. House, Julia 88% Birch Ludwig, Annie 45 Mecca Hurst, Olive J 265 Clinton McCartey, Margaret.. 25 Paddock Place Hurst, Jas. Blackiston 265 Clinton McEachren, Jennie 46 Jay Hutchins, Mary E McKelvey, Mrs. lone E 91 Duane Hutchins, Nellie A 874 Scranton McKenzie, Hugh 51 Detoirt Court Hutton, Anna A 21 Root McKenzie. Anna 51 Detroit Court Hutton, Mordecai Y 78 Clinton McKenzie, Hugh, jr 51 Detroit Court Hutton, Maria 78 Clinton McKenzie, Flora 51 Detroit Court Hutton, Mary Frances 78 Clinton McKenzie, Robert 1113 Detroit Hyatt, Albert N 133 Dare McNelly, Ellen 38 Fulton Hyatt, Matilda Unis 133 Dare Mack, Margaret A Detroit Road Ingraham, Titus S 1387 Detroit Maguire, Harriet M 168 Taylor Ingraham, Catherine 1387 Detroit Mainland, Jennie 156 Detroit Ingraham, Arthur H 243 Erie Malcolm. Rev. John K....357 Franklin Isbister, Jennie E 237 Hanover Malcolm Elizabeth R 357 Franklin Jones, Hannah A 387 Bridge Malcolm, Maude W 357 Franklin Jones, Sarah R 387 Bridge Maltby, Benjamin 240 Waverly Karl, Mary Paton Bridge Maltby, Philena 240 Waverly Karnes, Hattie 116 Church Maltby, Arthur E 240 Waverly King, Mrs. C. E Lakewood Avenue Maltby, Ralph B 240 Waverly King Dora Corey Marvin, Theo. L rear 230 Bridge Kinney, Jessie L.. ..".'.'.'.".'.'.'.'.'.".".'.33 Root Marshall, Charles L 1447 Detroit Kinsey, Elthiza J 375 Franklin ^^"^- ^^'"^ ^^^^ (Glen).. ..27 Fulton Kinsey, George M 375 Franklin Maxwell, Dr. A. Wallace 127 Church Kirby, James D 54 Marvin Meisterf eld, Clara 372 Clark Kirby, Silvia (J. D.) 54 Marvin Merrell, Maria A 183 Clinton Knight, Sadie Pay 118 Whitney Merrell, Louise C 183 Clinton Knowlton, Darwin H 342 Franklin Merrick, Harry F Park View Knowlton, Blanche C Oberlin Merrick, Addie Park View Koehler, Mrs. Sarah E 17 Randall ^i"^^' Honora E 85 Birch Krell, Anthony P 30 Cook Miller,Mary C 85 Birch Krell, Isabella 30 Cook ^"1^^' J^""^^ ^ ^^ ^^^^^ Kulp, Mary F 1060 Detroit Monasmith. Geo. A 51 Courtland LePelley, Elsie Gordon Monasmith. Ella 51 Courtland Leonard, Samuel S 371 Franklin ^°°^^' ^^^- ^^^^^^ '^^ ^"^"^ Leonard, Pricilla D 371 Franklin ^o^gan. John 22 Stone Laird, Ada E 118 Clinton Morgan. Rose 10 Alanson Lamb, Andrew J 66 23d Avenue Morgan. U. S. G Aust Alley Lawrence, Mary J 183 Franklin Morrill. Eliza 210 Fanklin LeFevre, Hugh Parkview Morris, Mrs. Ella 112 Harbor LeFevre, Mary Parkview Morris, Lewis N 112 Harbor Lemperly, Paul 16 Vestry Morris, Matilda E 112 Harbor Lemperly, Emma 16 Vestry Morris, Libbie A 86 Harbor Leverett, Mrs. Louisa 194 Kennard Morton, (Dr. F. J.) 76 Root Lewis, William B 20 Clinton Mitchell, Clara M 24 Root Lilly, Clementine E 105 Bolivar Murray, Christina 6-23rd Ave Linn, George 7 Blackstone Bldg Myers, Daniel 69 Clinton Lindsley, Edward 58 Clinton Myers, L. Eugene 69 Clinton Lindsley, Lucy 58 Clinton Nelson, Mark W 87 Courtland Little, Ida May 247 Franklin Nelson, Emeret 87 Courtland Little Mary E 51 Courtland Newburn, James E 191 Chestnut Lloyd, Minnie G 652 Hough Newburn, Anna 191 Chestnut FIRST CONGREGATIONAL CHURCH. 51 Newburn, Lucy SO Hicks Sherwood, Irving H Rocky River Newcomb, Adella M 2661/2 Franklin Slaght, Maria 307 Washing-ton Newcomb, Anna D 2661/0 Franklin Smith, Lewis H 47 Detroit Court Newton, Thomas G...2 Franklin Court Smith, Cora E 47 Detroit Court Newton, Alice 2 Franklin Court Smith, Clara E 47 Detroit Court Newton, William H 349 Franklin Smith, Alexander 190 Harbor Nickel, Lottie 1085 Clark Fmith. Elizabeth 190 Harbor Noderer, William H 1773 Denison Smith, Mrs. Hannah Noderer, Eliza C 1773 Denison Smith, Annie V Norton, Ag-nes H 305 Franklin Smith, Olive L 259 Hanover Olds, Charles H 81 Arling-ton Snow, Joseph H 136 Franklin Owens, Benjamin W 469 Pearl Snow, Annie E 136 Franklin Paig-e, Medora 247 Waverly Spelman, Franklin E 151 Taylor Peebles, Effie 31 Courtland Spelman, Ella 151 Taylor Pelton, Cora DeWitt Detroit Spelman, Lilla F 151 Taylor Pollock, Mary 75 Tilden Spelman, Jennie B 151 Taylor Pollock, Millie Alice 75 Tilden Stevens, Chas. C 13 Harbor Pollock, Anna Adele 75 Tilden Stevens, Sarah 13 Harbor Powell, Wheeler M 173 Clinton Storke, Hannah S 167 Whitman Powell, Emily 173 Clinton storke, Sophia 167 Whitman Prentice, May H 190 Taylor storke, Helen L 167 Whitman Prentice Georgiana 190 Taylor storke, Isabella J 167 Whitman Prutton, Anna 239 Detroit stowe, Ella 453 Clark Prutton, Daniel J 240 Liberty strong, Effie Teare 20 Jay Prince, Stella E 199 Birch Sykes, John E 25 Franklin Ct Redington, Chloe 210 FrankUn sykes, Mary E 25 Franklin Ct Reed, David C 32 Randall Thompson, Mrs. E. M 291 Clinton Reed, Jane A 32 Randall Taylor, George 164 Sterling Roberts, Ernest C 50 Roy Taylor, Mary 164 Sterling Roberts. Caroline L 50 Roy Tilden, Mary S 477 Prospect Roberts, Thomas W 376 Gordon ^oles, Louise 43 Fulton Roberts, William E 371 Franklin Townsend, J. Fred 175 Jennings Root, Charles A 375 Sibley Townsend, Anna M 175 Jennings Root, Sarah 59 Courtland Treat, Alice 107 Spangler Russell. Anna F 41 State Trimble, Ada 5% Franklin Ct Trimble, Maud 5% Franklin Ct Uhler, Edith 22 Green Unis, Jacob, jr 117 Courtland Unis, Margaret 117 Courtland Vandenburg, E. M 95 Birch Vandenberg, Florence 95 Birch Van Tine, Hadassah B 291 Clinton Wallace, Robert Detroit Road Russell, Pamelia B 41 State Savoy, Jane 29 Liberty Sack, Isabel M 419 Harbor Sanderson, Robert 77 Clinton Sanford, Maria 91 State Scheldt, Emilia 1066 Franklin Scheldt, Fred E 1066 Franklin Schott, Theo 820 Lorain Scott, Mary E 139 Franklin Sears, Louis G 114 West Clinton Wallace, Fannie Detroit Road Sears, M.Nellie 114 West Clinton Wallace, Robert, jr Detroit Road Sells, Margaret G 788% Lorain Wallace, Elizabeth 1052 Franklin Seidel, Christian G 47 Huron Wallace, Clara 28 Colder Sheldon, Cordelia 206 Franklin Wallingford, Calvin 123 Clinton Sheldon, Ellen 206 Franklin Wallingford, Mary C 123 Clinton Sherman, Lewis D 227 Courtland Warmington, Kate 145 Franklin Sherman, William 227 Courtland Warner, Celia 18 Vestry 52 CLEVELAND CONGREGATIONALISTS. Warner, Mortimer 148 Clinton Williams, Arthur M 158 Taylor Warner, Fannie E 148 Clinton Williams, Ida M 158 Taylor Waterman, Anna M The Dean Willis, Malcolm C 24 Franklin Ct Webber, Benton T 11 Vestry Wilmot, Julia A 66 Root Webber, Theresa Wing, Mary 40 Lindsley Whittlesey, Charlotte C....133 Franklin Wood, Henry W. S 763 Willson. Whittlesey, Anne D Chicago Wood, Clara H 763 Willson Whittlesey, H. DeWitt 133 Franklin Wood, Harriet Bell 763 Willson Whittlesey, Fred C 272 Gordon Av Wood, May Cecilia 763 Willson Whittlesey, Janette M...272 Gordon Av Wood, Libbie J 763 Willson Wilks, Julia 22 Courtland Wood, Maud Dell 763 Willson Wilks, Mary 22 Courtland Wood, Eleanor 763 Willson Walker, Bert 343 Franklin Woodard, Wm. H 298 Clinton White, Amanda 95 Duane Woodard, Alice 298 Clinton Williams, Mrs. J. Alice 115 Liberty Woodruff, S. R 326 Pearl Williams, Roy A 115 Liberty Wrig-ht, Anna J 94 State Woodworth, Mrs. M. N 806 Detroit A. GRAHAM & SON, FCGRISTS, Greenhonses, Eaclid Avenae, Store, 1216 EacM Avenne, 01>t>. Cci^e ^iew. Telephone 2268, oi:vEj^vEji:^^%.JVi>, OHIO. 2259 Euclid Avenue, Cleveland, O., With Branches at Collinwood and Willoughby, O. CAPITAL PAID IN, $100,000.00. ACCOUNTS RECEIVED SUBJECT TO CHECK FOUR PER CENT. INTEREST PAID ON TIME DEPOSITS. ^g*Safety Deposit Vault, Boxes for Rent Your patronage Bolicited.-Sa^ EUCLID AVENUE CONGREGATIONAL CHURCH, Corner Logan and Euclid Avenues. [j^HIS church is the outgrowth of a Sunday-school started in 1841, in an old stone school house on Euclid road, between what are now Doan and Republic streets. Horace Ford, who was one of the organizers of that school, has been connected with it to this day, nearly fifty-five years of continuous service. FROM A PHOTOGRAPH BY HENRY M. LADD. On November 30, 1843, a Presbyterian church of nineteen members was formed, eighteen of whom were Congregationalists by birth and training. The old stone school house continued for a short time to be the place of meeting, but the enterprise depended on obtaining temporary places and preachers for two years ; the first settled pastorate being that of Rev. Anthony McReynolds, which began October 19, 1845; and ten days after steps were taken to begin the building of a church, 40 x 60, which is still standing on Doan street near Euclid, and which was dedicated Thursday, September 29, 1849, having cost $3,300. The church was incorporated as the "First Presbyterian Church of EUDLID AVENUE CONGREGATIONVL CHURCH' EUCLID AVENUE CONGREGATIONAL CHURCH. 55 East Cleveland" December 22, 1847, at which time the membership was sixty-two. About December 10, 1848, Rev. C. L. Watson succeeded Rev. Mr. McReynolds, and served about eighteen months, being followed by Rev. C. W. Torrey, who was pastor about nine years, during which time the church separated from Presbytery on account of the slavery question, and was known as an independent Presbyterian church. H. M. LADD, D.D. Rev. A. D. Barber, who was employed May 5, 1858, as an assistant to Mr. Torrey, was engaged as full pastor from March 24, 1859, to May 5, 1860. The Rev. Albert M.Richardson, from Austinburg, almost immediately succeeded him, and under his pastorate two important changes were made, first, in the name of the church, which appears in 1862 as the "First Congregational Church of East Cleveland;" and, second, the building at the corner of Doan street became too small, and July 3, 1866, 56| CLEVELAND CONGREGATIONALISTS. the "cornerstone of a new building at Logan street was laid, and the edifice completed and dedicated January 8, 1867. That building was 50x88 feet, of brick with stone trimmings, with a chapel in the rear 28x40 feet; the audience room had a seating capacity of 600, and the total cost was about $25,000. In its day the building was considered one of the finest, as it was the largest in the neighborhood. MISS MIRIAM SMITH, FIRST LADY MEMBER OF AN INTERNATIONAL C. E. CON. COM. The Rev. J. E. Twitchell of Mansfield, 0., became pastor March 1, 1870, on a salary of $3,000, which was increased to $4,000 when he was installed on JulylO, 1874. The Ecclesiastical Society changed its corporate name to the "Euclid Avenue Congregational Church," on January 4, 1872. After a pastorate of twelve years, during which many prominent men EUCLID AVENUE CONGREGATIONAL CHURCH. 57 -were added to the church, Mr. Twitchell left in November, 1882, for New Haven, Conn., having seen the membership reach 700. Rev. Henry M. Ladd began his work May 1, 1883, being installed on the twenty-ninth of the same month. He came fresh from a successful African exploration under the American Missionary Association, with a trained skill in leadership of men and affairs, so that the years of his ministr}' have been a period of marked activity on the part of pastor and people. The church, which had outgrown its first edifice in seventeen years, had in the same period exceeded the capacity of the second house, and the task of erecting a building of solid stone, which should "be good enough for the rich man and not too good for the poor man," was begun. The result was the present beautiful structure, homelike, yet attractive in all its parts. The large and beautiful windows were the first of their kind in the city, and those in memory of Captain Bradley and his daughter are especially interesting, both as rich works of art and as showing for the first time that glass could be folded so as to represent drapery. The new house was completed at a cost of $35,000, though it could not now be duplicated for twice that amount. It was dedicated, free of debt, Sep- tember 25, 1887. But this church, which has become the "mother" of churches, was not to be satisfied with a splendid home of its own ; it had already tasted of the delights of mission work when, in 1872^ a Sunday-school was organ- ized under the lead of B. F. Whiteman, in the homes about the corner of East Madison avenue and Quincy street, which grew so as to need a house for itself. One was built for it by the Euclid avenue people and dedi- cated January 1, 1875, and a church of 22 members organized, with Rev. 0. D. Fisher established as minister over it. ^ A second enterprise on Hough avenue resulted in the organization of a church at the corner of Hough avenue and Crawford road, under the name of the Hough Avenue Branch of the Euclid Avenue Congregational Church, February 11,1890, with 46 members, which became independ- ent March 18, 1891, with 111 members and Rev. I. W. Metcalf pastor. A third enterprise was undertaken at the corner of Doan and Crawford, called the North Branch of Euclid Avenue Congregational Church; which was afterward moved to the corner of Cullison and Crawford and named Park Congregational Church, with M. L. Berger as pastor and C. M. Preston as Sunday-school superintendent, with 47 members, now 165. A fourth church grew out of work at Lake View, begun in 1887. as mission effort for the Italians, later it was known as "The Lake View Assembly of Euclid Avenue Church," and at last was formally organized as Lake View Congregational Church on December 20, 1894, with 115 members and Rev. A. B. Cristy pastor- A fifth enterprise was carried on for nearly five years, 1885-1889, at the corner of Woodland Hills avenue and Arthur street which, though it grew rapidly, was given up for the time being for lack of suitable ac- commodations. 58 CLEVELAND CONGREGATIONALISTS. HAVE YOU CONSIDERED THE ADVANTAGES OF HAVING A CORPORATION ORGANIZED FOR THE EXFRESS PURPOSE, ACT AS EXECUTOR OR AS TRUSTEE FOR YOUR ESTATE? SOME OF THE ADVANTAGES ARE: Ability, Integrity, Longevity, Responsibility. A TRUST COMPANY HAS A PERPETUAL EXISTENCE, WILL NOT DEFAULT. ITS MAN- AGEMENT IS THE COMBINED WISDOM OF ABLE AND EXPERIENCED MEN. Cbe«ClevclaiKl«Cru$t«Company 121 EUCLID AVENUE, IN ADDITION TO ITS CAPITAL AND SURPLUS OF $600,000.00 HAS PLEDGED $100,000.00 IN SECURITIES WITH THE STATE TREASURER, AS A GUARANTEE FOR ALL TRUSTS COMMITTEdItO ITS CARE. THIS COMPANY ACCEPTS AND EXECUTES ALL TRUSTS IS AUTHORIZED TO ACT AS ADMINISTRATOR, EXECUTOR, GUARDIAN, RECEIVER, TRUSTEE, ETC. PAYS INTEREST ON SAVINGS ACCOUNTS. ISSUES CERTIFICATES OF DEPOSIT, FOREIGN EXCHANGE AND LETTERS OF CREDIT. SAFE DEPOSIT AND STORAGE VAULTS. AFFORDING THE GREATEST SECURITY AT REASONABLE RATES. BOXES $5.00 PER YEAR UP. OFFICERS: J. G. W. COWLES, PRESIDENT. H. A. SHERWIN. H. A. GARFIELD, AMOS B.M'NAIRY, VICE-PRESIDENTS. E. G. TILLOTSON, SEC. AND TREAS. R. H. CLARK, MGR. SAFE DEPOSIT VAULTS. TRUSTEES: F. L. ALCOT, LUTHER ALLEN, FAYETTE BROWN, EDMUND CLARK, J. G. W. COWLES, J. D. COX, JR., H. CLARK FORD, H. A. GARFIELD, M. S. GREENOUGH, R. A. HARMAN, GEO. W. KINNEY, W. H. LAWRENCE, AMOS B. M'NAIRY, CHAS. L. PACK, H. A. SHERWIN. TRUST COMMITTEE: SAM'L E. WILLIAMSON, J.M.HENDERSON, LUTHER ALLEN. EUCLID AVENUE CONGREGATIONAL CHURCH. 59 By sucli enterprises this church has shown a true sense of its responsibilities to the neighborhood about it, and has done more to estab- lish Congregational principles among us than any other single church. Dr. Ladd's pastorate has also been blessed in those constant acces- sions to membership which encourage a minister's heart and strengthen his hands. The church has also been led to take a leading part in several important national gatherings, notably the meeting of the American Board in October, 1888, and of the American Missionary Association in 1891, and of the Woman's Board of the Interior, in October, 1895. Naturally the church has been alive with missionary spirit and numbers, active missionaries among its members. The regular benevolences of the church have been among the largest in the state, in addition to the private assistance rendered by individual members to innumerable charities. The tenth anniversary of the present pastorate was fittingly observed! by a large gathering of friends at home and from abroad, and the pres^ entation of beautiful and costly presents to Dr. Ladd and his family. The speeches made on this occasion have been preserved in pamphlet form. From October 26 to November 2, 1893, was observed as a semi- centennial jubilee week, and at that time a beautiful souvenir was pre- pared by Hon. Elroy M. Avery, giving an elaborate history of the enterprise and preserving the pictures of the leading workers for future generations. Among the effective workers for our church life in the citv are many members of this church, as Mr. J. W, Moore, for three years registrar of Cleveland Conference; H. Clark Ford, the only president of our City Missionary Society; L. V. Denis, president of the C. E. Union for Cleve- land and vicinity; Miss Miriam Smith, secretary of the C. E. Committee for the Cleveland C. E. Convention; Rev. J. G. Eraser, secretary of the Ohio Home Missionary Society; President Thwing, of Western Reserve University; Horace Ford, for twenty years registrar of Cleveland Confer- ence and secretary of our Bohemian Mission Board. 60 CLEVELAND CONGREGATIONALISTS, XLhc Moman of XTo^ba^ Is thinking- for herself, voting* for herself, and doing- thing-s for herself formerly left for men to do. This new woman is not being deceived by inferior Sew- ing- Machines, but stands out boldly for the best-the LIGHT RUNNING DOMESTIC. Sole Ag-eney for the Wilcox & Gibbs Automatic Machines, Parts and Needles for Cuyahog-a County Domestic Sewing Machine Rooms, 64 PUBLIC SQUARE. H. T. FISHER, Patent Attorney, 1002-1003 Society for Savings Bldg., TELEPHONE 443.- GbBVEkAND, OHIO. ESTABLISHED 1875. PROTECT YOUR IDEAS L A. OSBORNE & CO., Xawi^ere an^ patent Solicttore, 579 The Arcade, CLEVELAND, OHIO. ^TELEPHONE 4000. EUCLID AVENUE CONGREGATIONAL CHURCH. CHURCH DIRECTORY. 61 Abbott, Mrs. E. A 882 Logan Av. Abbott, Cora 882 Logan Av. Adams, Miss Mabel 50 Sayles Av. Allyn, Jennie W 322 Russell Av. Alvord, Henry P 746 Logan Av. Alvord, Mrs. Lucinda R. ..746 Logan Av. Alton, J. W 120 Streator Av. Alton, Mrs. Nellie L 120 Streator Av. Ammon, J. R 39 Sibley St. Andrus, C. F 5 Logan Court Andrus, Mrs. C. F 5 Logan Court Andrus, Miss J E 5 Logan Court Ashmun, Dr. George C..794 Republic St. Ashmun, Mrs. M. Alice. 794 Republic St. Atwood, Bertha L 779 Logan Av. Avery, Elizabeth C,20 HoUingsworthCt Avery, Elroy M..657 Woodland Hills Av Avery, Mrs. Elroy M 657 Woodland Hills Av. Babcock, Perry H 1981 Euclid Av Babcock, Mrs. Perry H..1981 Euclid Av Baker, Mrs. Erminna A. 2102 Euclid Av. Barstow, Mary Emma Euclid Av. Ballantine, Thos. M 920 Logan Av. Ballantine, Carrie A 920 Logan Av. Barnes, A. M 776 Genesee Av. Barnes, Mrs. A. M 776 Genesee Av. Barnes, Mrs. Emma J 464 Bolton Av. Barston, Mrs. Martha Bates, Theodore M 58 Mayfleld St. Bates, Mrs. Olive C 58 Mayfield St. Bates, Mrs. Mary W.717 East Prospect Beekman, E. J 186 Oakdale St. Beekman, Mrs. E. J 186 Oakdale St. Beardsley, C. M 753 Logan Av. Beardsley, Mrs. Charles M..753 Logan Beardslee, Charles H 163 Bolton Av. Beardslee, Mrs. Mary B..163 Bolton Av. Beardslee, Miss Mary 163 Bolton Av. Bemis, Nellie M 777 Logan Av. Benjamin, Mrs. Eudalia.2238 Euclid Av. Beggs, Mrs. M. G 2097 Euclid Av. Bierce, Mrs. S. E. H 62 Streator Av. Bierce, Geo. William 62 Streator Av. Bierce, Frank 62 Streator Av. Bill, Herbert W 853 Logan Av. Bill, Mrs. Mary M 853 Logan Av. Bill, Clarence P 853 Logan Av. Bill, Arthur H 853 Logan Av. Blackwell, Abbie M Fairmount P. O. Blackwood, Chas. T 1173 Cedar Av. Blake, Samuel C 730 Republic St, Blake, Mrs. Mary A 730 Republic St. Bourne, Rev. J. R 77 Cornell St. Bourne, Mrs. Isabella G...77 Cornell St. Bourne, Prof. Henry E 27 Cutler St. Bourne, Mrs. H. B 27 Cutler St. Bourne, Mrs. T. C 34 Euclid Place Bourne, Arthur C 34 Euclid Place Bourne, Henry K 34 Euclid Place Bole, Mrs. Jos. K... Superior and Ansel Bond, Miss Anna Lucile..l640 Cedar Av. Bow, G. W 38 Bell Av. Bow, Mrs. Ellen E 38 Bell Av. Bow, Chas. M 38 Bell Av. Bow, Mrs. Lillian 38 Bell Av. Boynton, Mrs. Mary P.St. Ignace, Mich Bryant, James H Collamer Bryant, Mrs. Jennie W Collamer Brown, Alvan R 165 Adelbert Av. Brown, Mrs. Mary B..165 Adelbert Av. Brown, Miss Millie E.. .165 Adelbert Av. Brldgman, Theodore 840 Logan Av. Bridgman, Mrs. Louisa... 840 Logan Av. Brldgman, J. L 767 Logan Av. Braden, Mrs. F. L Bostwick, E. L Bridgman, Mrs. Elizabeth T.767 Logan Bridgman, Henry L 767 Logan Av. Bridgman, Miss Silvia G.767 Logan Av. Bradley, Ada M 67 Bell Av. Bradley, Mrs. Ellen M...1619 Euclid Av. Bradshaw, Mrs. Anna 762 Logan Av. Bradlee. J. H 1327 Cedar Av. Bradlee, Mrs. J. H 1327 Cedar Av. Bradlee, Grace Mae 1327 Cedar Av. Bradlee, J. Warren 1327 Cedar Av. Brown, H. J 755 Republic St. Brown, Mrs. H. J 755 Republic St. Brown, Ernest B 755 Republic St. Burridge, C. Lyell 66 Brookfleld St. Burridge, Emily C 66 Brookfleld St. Burnham, Mrs. Chas 4 Arthur St. Burnham, Mrs. Emma 16 Kirk St. 62 CLEVELAND CONGREGATIONALISTS. Canfield, H. W 24 Streator Av. Canfield, Mrs. Dr. Martha.. 24 Streator Canfield, Mary Alice 24 Streator Av. Canfield, Hiram Henry.. 24 Streator Av. Cody, Mrs. Elma Canfield.. .24 Streator Camp, Leroy N 52 Oakdale St. Camp, Mrs. Leroy N 52 Oakdale St. Camp, Miss Myra M 52 Oakdale St. Carpenter, F. B 84 Streator Av. Carpenter, Mrs. F. B 84 Streator Av. Carter, Wm. P 244 Oakdale St. Carter, Mrs. Blanche Kendall. Casterline, Joel P 50 Burt St. Casterline, Louise 50 Burt St. Casterline, Frank H 50 Burt St. Casterline, Mrs. M. 50 Burt St. Chadwick, Dr. L. S 1824 Euclid Av. Clark, Mrs. Chas. Fletchard. .48 Genesee Cleveland, Charles 392 Bolton Av. Cleveland. Mrs. Gertrude. 392 Bolton Av. Caswell. Mrs. Lillie P 2178 Euclid Clapp, Mrs. R. G 20 Dunham Place Coe, Florence H 835 Logan Av. Coe, Clara L 835 Logan Av. Cozad, Justus L 56 Mayfield Av. Cozad, Mrs. L. A 56 Mayfield Av. Co^ad, Miss Florence.. .56 Mayfield Av. Cozad, Marcus E 41 Cornell St. Cozad, Mrs. Margaret S...41 Cornell St. Cozad, Henry 41 Cornell St. Cozad, Helen Louise 41 Cornell St. Cozad, Mrs. Sarah B 480 Bolton Av. Collins, Arthur W 106 Cornell St. Collins, Mrs. Laura F 106 Cornell St. Corbus, Mrs. L. A 700 Harkness Av. Corbus, Miss Fannie.. 700 Harkness Av. Comstock, Mrs. E.635 East Prospect St. Craig, Wm. E 515 Cedar Av. Craig, Mrs. Wm. E 515 Cedar Av. Crumb, Mrs. Geo 26 Beechwood St. Curtis, Walter V 46 Granger St. Curtis, Minnie M ...46 Granger St. Curtis, Alice 1 11 Bolton Av. Crossette, G. W 782 Republic St. Crossette, Mrs. Mary C.782 Republic St. Crossette, Miss Carrie.. 782 Republic St. Crossette, Miss Ella 782 Republic St. Crossette, Miss Bessie.. 782 Republic St. Crosby, Chas 7 Dorm. College Danforth, C. F 8 Logan Court Danforth, Mrs. C. F 8 Logan Court Danforth, Miss Josephine M.8 Logan Ct Dawes, Jacob V 857 Doan St. Dawes, Mrs. Nellie 857 Doan St. Denis, Louis V 42 Streator Av. Denis, Mrs. Mary R 42 Streator. Av. Denis, Mabel Alnette 42 Streator Av. Dennis, Mrs. R. B 2045 Euclid Av. Denison, Amos 26 Cornell St. DeWolf, Mrs. Minerva. 1187 E. Madison DeWolf, Miss Clara 1187 E. Madison Dewey, John W 763 Doan St. Dey, Richard 1555 Cedar Av. Dey, Mrs. Mary Ann 1555 Cedar Av. Dey, Miss Edith S 1555 Cedar Av. Downer, Frederic Newton. 207 Doan St. Doan, Mrs. Elizabeth J.. 2178 Euclid Av. Douglass, Herbert Dwight...825 Logan Douglass, Mrs. Mabel T..825 Logan Av. Downer, B. F 207 Doan St. Downer, Mrs. Kate E 207 Doan St. Duty, Daniel 2577 Euclid Av. Duty, Mrs. Sarah L 2577 Euclid Av. Duty, Spencer M 2577 Euclid Av. Duty, Alice 2577 Euclid Av. Dole, T. S 920 Logan Av. Dole, Mrs. T. S 920 Logan Av. Earley, John M ...857 Logan Av. Earley, Mrs. Lizzie M....857 Logan Av. Edwards, Mrs. Jennie E..779 Fairmount Edwards, Miss Anna M..779 Fairmount Edwards, Miss Flora L..779 Fairmount Edwards, Miss Nellie M...142 Sayles St. Edwards, Mrs. S 611 Woodland Hills Edwards, Sarah 611 Woodland Hills Ellsworth, James W 46 Genesee St. Ellsworth, Mrs. Lucie E..46 Genesee St. Ellsworth, Elmer R 78 Spangler Av. Elwood, Lewis E 427 Bolton Av. Elwood, Mrs. Lewis E...427 Bolton Av. Ellen, Ebenezer 57 Oakdale St. Ellen, Mrs Mary Louisa.. 57 Oakdale St. Everett, Mrs. P. R 2062 Euclid Av. Everett, Mary Louise 2062 Euclid Av. Everts, Mr. Robert L 723 Logan Av. Ensign, Harriet M 775 Doan St Farr, Miss Fannie M 871 Oakdale St. Fahnestock, Mrs. Mary Knight 96 Cornell Fahnestock, Edith 96 Cornell St. EUCLID AVENUE CONGREGATIONAL CHURCH. 63 Fahnestock, Wallace W..96 Cornell St. Fahnestock, Arthur K 96 Cornell St. Fahnestock, Margaret Li...96 Cornell St. Fay, Byron 857 Doan St. Fay, Mrs. Eliza A 857 Doan St. Fay, Jesse B Collinwood, O. Fay, Mrs. Mary A Collinwood, O. Foster, Mrs. Mary Carson.. 121 Streator Foster, Roy C 121 Streator Av. Foster, Will L 504 Bolton Av. Foster, Mrs. Will L 504 Bolton Av. Foster, Charles E 875 Logan Av. Foster, Julia "W 875 Logan Av. Fitch, Mrs. Harriet Newell. 782 Doan St. Fitch, Clarence Woods 782 Doan St. Fitch, Miss Emily Estelle..782 Doan St. Fitch, Ferris Fields 782 Doan St. Fisher, H. T 787 Logan Av. Fisher, Mrs. H. T 787 Logan Av. Fisher, Miss Emma E 787 Logan Av. Fisher, George 197 Oakdale St.. Fisher, Mrs. Caroline 197 Oakdale St. Fisher, Miss Laura 16 Walnut St. Ford, Mrs. Florentha W.51 Mayfleld St. Ford, Horace 2619 Euchd Av. Ford, Mrs. Eliza T 2619 Euclid Av. Ford, Henry 26 Cornell St. Ford, Mrs. Martha S 26 Cornell St. Ford, Miss Julia T 26 Cornell St. Ford, Miss Louise 26 Cornell St. Ford, H. Clark 2464 Euclid Av. Ford, Mrs. Ida T 2464 Euclid Av. Ford, Mildred E 2464 Euclid A v. Ford, Katherine Belle.. .798 Republic St. Ford, Helen 798 Republic St. Ford, Mrs. Horatio C 95 Cornell St. Ford, Prank L 2220 Euclid Av. Ford, Mrs. Eva M 2220 Euclid Av. Ford, Florence 2220 Euclid Av. Fox, W. M 74 Burt St. Frary, G. Spencer 106 Norman St. Frary, Mrs. Carrie T 106 Norman St. Frary, I. Thayer 106 Norman St. Fraser,Rev. J. G 775 Doan St. Fraser, Mrs. Martha M 775 Doan St. Fraser, James M 775 Doan "St. Fraser, Miss Grace S 775 Doan St. Fraser, Faith Alice 775 Doan St. Fudge, Mrs. W. E 902 Logan Av. Fudge, William E 902 Logan Av. Franck, Henry E., M. D Canton, O. Giffin, William 99 Crawford Road Gibbs, Newell M 257 Oakdale St. Gibbs, Mrs. Newell M...257 Oakdale St. Gibbs, Edna L 257 Oakdale St. Gibbs, Florine L 257 Oakdale St. Gilkey, Mrs. Virginia K..2097 Euclid Av Gilchrist, J. C 379 Amesbury Av. Gilchrist, Mrs. J. C...379 Amesbury Av. Gilchrist, Joe 379 Amesbury Av. Gilchrist, John B 379 Amesbury Av. Gilchrist, Miss Agnes. 379 Amesbury Av. Goulder, Harvey D 45 Hilburn Av. Goulder, Mrs. H. D 45 Hilburn Av. Gordon, Walter 45 Sayles St. Gordon, Mrs. Eliza 45 Sayles St. Gordon, Miss Jessie 1 45 Sayles St. Gurley, Eber W Hardway, Geo. J 66 Brookfield St. Hardway, Mrs. Louisa B..66 Brookfield Hale, Mrs. S. C 760 Doan St. Hale, Hattie Lillian 760 Doan St. Hale, Jessie Gould 760 Doan St. Hall, Miss Sarah S 922 Logan Av. Hall, Miss Bessie 16 Kirk St. Hannaford, Mrs. Ella A....... 20 Vienna Hannaford, Albert M 20 Vienna Hanna, Mrs. Hattie L...2056 Euclid Av. Hanna, Robert 2056 Euclid Av. Hart, Wm. E 826 Fairmount Hart, Mrs. Rachel 826 Fairmount Hart, Rhoda E 930 Logan Av. Hart, Edgar L.. 930 Logan Av. Harris, Mrs. Nettie 62 Minerva St. Harris, Effie M 62 Minerva St. Harris, Claud B ....64 Minerva St. Harris, Mrs. James East End Harbaugh, Aaron George. .. .1980 Euclid Harbaugh, Mrs. Mary E.1980 Euclid Av. Harbaugh, George B....1980 Euclid Av. Harbaugh, Chas. E 1980 Euclid Av. Harbaugh, Fred C 1980 Euclid Av. Hawkins, Mrs. E. S 2334 Euclid Av. Hatch, Uriel C...522 Cuyahoga Building Hatch, Mrs. Hattie.522 Cuyahoga Bldg. Haycox, J. Station B or Fairmount P.O. Haycox, Mrs. E. Sta. B orFairmountPO Hills, Louise 843 Hough Av. 64 CLEVELAND CONGREGATIONALISTS. The East End Savings Bank Co Savings Accounts with Interest at d per cent. Cornmercial Accounts Subject to Check. 1249 EUCLID AVENUE & 112§ ST. CLAIR STREET. SAFE DEPOSIT YAULT at 1249 Euclid Ave. rii^e Insurance! GOOD COMPHNIES, PERFECT PROTECTION, PROMPT KTT6NTI0N HND QUICK S6TTLEMENT OF LOSSES. 6HAS. A. POST, Agent, 6or. Euclid & Willson Avenues. 1504 — 305 Superior Street, 3167— 1305 EucDiD Avenue, 526— Wholesale Office,2i5-2I9The Cuyahoga Lake View — Doan ioi. The Rhodes X Bcidlcr Goal Co. Miners of Dealers in ELM RUN, •-> ^--^ A y SCRANTON, MASSILLON CITY, | ^ / 1 A I PALMYRA, MASSILLON, V J V / r\ I V ^^^ AND GOSHEN, ^^ ^-^ ^ ^ -"-^ BLOSSBURGH, COAL 305 SUPERIOR STREET. Particular attention given to the delivery of WELL-SCB.EENEI> COAL, for FAMILY USE. EUCLID AVENUE CONGREGATIONAL CHURCH. 65 Haycox, Thomas B Station B or Fairmount P. O. Haycox, Mrs. Mary Station B or Fairmount P. O Heward, Mrs. Mary 37 Bell Av. Heward, Thomas A 46 Oakdale St. Heward, Mrs. Elta 46 Oakdale St. Heward, Elta E 46 Oakdale St. Herrick, O. S 1549 Cedar Av. Herrick, Mrs. O. S 1549 Cedar Av. Herrick, Jennie 1549 Cedar Av. Herrick, Mead 1549 Cedar Av. Higley, Frank 783 Logan Av. Higley, Mrs. C. M 783 Logan Av. Hilborn, Robert L 178 Streator Av. Hilborn, Mrs. Emma R.178 Streator Av. Hilborn, R. Ross 178 Streator Av. Holden, Mrs. Carrie A.. 1695 Euclid Av. Hoffman, Mrs. R. A Quimby Block Hogen, Frank G 710 Logan Av. Hogen, Fred Neff 710 Logan Av. Hogen, Bert M Oberlin, O. Hobbs, Thomas 25 Halsey St. Howard, D. A 49 Lincoln Av. Howard, Mrs. Martha A. 49 Lincoln Av. Howe, Prof. Chas. S 103 Cornell St., Howe, Mrs. C. S 103 Cornell St. Howe, Will C 103 Cornell St. Hurlbut, Mrs. E. R 2220 Euclid Av, Huntington, J. T 114 Wilbur Place Huntington, Mrs. L. A... 114 Wilbur PI. Hutchinson, W. W...801 Fairmount St. Hutchinson, Mrs. M..801 Fairmount St. Hutchinson, Nellie... 801 Fairmount St. Irwin, Miss I. M.Hower & Langdon Blk Ingersol, Mrs. Elizabeth.. Detroit, Mich. Jaynes, Mrs. Celia C...1187 E. Madison Jenny, N. D 21 Hollingsworth Ct. Jenny, Mrs. Susan. 21 Hollingsworth Ct. Jenkins, Miss Amy H...10 Logan Place Jenkins, Miss Franc L...10 Logan Place Jay, Mrs. R. G 930 Logan Av. Jones, Helen L: 1463 Cedar Av. Keeler, Mrs. Cora B 720 Republic St. Kellogg, J. S 122 Streator Av. Kellogg, Mrs. E. L 122 Streator Av. Kellogg, E. J 713 Logan Av. Kellogg, Mrs. Mary D 713 Logan Av. Kellar, Mrs. Libbie M....264 Bolton Av. Kendall, Mrs. H. E Amesbury Av. Kinney, Miss Muriel... 343 Harkness Av. Kilby, C. H 858 Fairmount St. Kilby, Mrs. Kitty 858 Fairmount St. Kimberley, Mrs. E 893 Doan St. King, Julius 2097 Euclid Av. King, Mrs. Carrie C 2097 Euclid Av. King, Fred W 2097 Euclid Av. King, Walter G 108 Tilden Av. King, Mrs. W. G 108 Tilden Av. King, Burnham W N. T. City King, Mrs. Annie L N. Y. City King, Clifford J N. Y. City King, Mrs. Clifford J N. Y. City Knapp, Miss Josephine.. .81 Bolton Av. Knauff, Marie Seville.. . .877 Bolton Av. Knight, T. S 1370 Cedar Av. Knight, Mrs. Francis A. 1370 Cedar Av. Krabill, A. Gustave 72 Oakdale St. Krabill, Mrs. Helen M...853 Oakdale St. Kniffin, Mrs. Nellie 148 Murray Hill Kendall, W. L 1329 Cedar Av. Kester, Miss Libbie H...2186 Euclid Av. Ladd, Rev. Henry M 820 Logan Av. Ladd, Mrs. Sarah H 820 Logan Av. Ladd, Mary Kitchel 820 Logan Av. Ladd, Charlotte Edith.... 820 Logan Av. Ladd, Clarence H 820 Logan Av. Lane, W. S 623 E. Prospect St. Lane, Mrs. W. S 623 E. Prospect St. Leavenworth, C. G 216 Oakdale St. Leavenworth, Mrs. Julia E.216 Oakdale Leitch, W. J 789 Doan St. Lewis, W. E 9 Logan Place Lewis, Mrs. Addle M 9 Logan Place Lewis, G. W 65 Bolton Av. Lewis, Miss Sarah Louise. 65 Bolton Av. Lewis, C. B 67 Oakdale St. Lewis, Mrs. C. B 67 Oakdale St. Lewis, Mrs. Amanda M 772 Republic Low, Mrs. Fannie W...773 Republic St. Loomis, Mrs. Warren 64 Oakdale St. Loomis, Henry T 703 E. Prospect St. Loomis, Mrs. Lida C.703 E. Prospect St. Loomis, Herbert C 196 Bellflower Av. Loomis, Mrs. Minnie N...196 Bellflower Loomis, Mrs. Margaretta.196 Bellflower Ludwig, Alice H 737 Republic St. Ludwig, Addle B 737 Republic St. Luster, S. W , 88 Oakdale St. Luster, Mrs. M. S 88 Oakdale St. 66 CLEVELAND CONGREGATIONALISTS. Lenz, Mr. Ferdinand Buffalo, N. Y. May, John U England May, Mrs. Hulda O England Marion, Miss Ella Hower Block Marsh, William E 32 Deering St. Marsh, Mrs. Mary J 32 Deering St. Marsh, Charles W 32 Deering St. Marcellus, Mrs. U. I... 344 Dunham Av. Mason, O. L 496 Bolton Av. Mason, Mrs. O. L 496 Bolton .Av. Mathews, Mrs. Margaret. 62 Stearns St. Maydole, Mr Dorm. College Mears, Tom 789% Doan St. Mears, Mrs. Sadie J Mead, John 1702 Cedar Av. Mead, Mary 1702 Cedar Av. Metcalf, Leslie J 81 Bolton Av. Miller, R. G 769 Genesee Av. Miller, Mrs. Lucy A 769 Genesee Av. Miller, Edith L 769 Genesee Av. Mitchell, Elizabeth 775 Doan St. Mixer, Mrs. Mary 392 Bolton Av. Miller, Mrs. Lucy A 34 Wilbur Place Miller, Miss Anna L 34 Wilbur Place Miller, Miss M. J. Mount Hermon, Mass. Miller, Mrs. George 963 Logan Av. Millard, James F 875 Doan St. Millard, Mrs. J. F 875 Doan St. Millard, William C 2290 Euclid Av. Millard, Mrs. Cora A 2290 Euclid Av. Miller, Prof. Dayton. Hower Blk, Euclid Miller, Mrs. Day ton.. Hower Blk, Euclid Mills, G. T 635 East Prospect St. Mills, Mrs. G. T...635 East Prospect St. Morehouse, Clarence F..1375 Euclid Av. Morehouse, Mrs. Nettie.. 1375 Euclid Av. Morse, Charles C...1177 E. Madison Av. Morse, Mrs. Jennie F. ..1177 E. Madison Morse, Mrs. Dora 308 Hough Av. Morris, Mrs. Belle 793 Republic St. Morris, Miss 93 Republic St. Morris, Alice B 93 Republic St. Morley, T. D...E. Prospect, cor. Cornell Morley, Prof. E. W 23 Cutler St. Morley, Mrs. E. W 23 Cutler St. Morgan, Geo. C 474 Russell Av. Morgan, Florence B Fairmount P. O. Morgan 833 Bolton Av. Morgan, Mrs 943 Logan Av. Moore, James W 836 Hough Av. Moore, Mrs. Emily C 836 Hough Av. Moses, I. H 2186 Euclid Av. Moses, Mrs. I. H 2186 Euclid Av. Moses, Alonzo C 2186 Euclid Av. Moses, Sylvester C 2186 Euclid Av. Myers, Thomas C 2088 Euclid Av. Myers, Mrs. Clara T 2088 Euclid Av. Myers, Clara Belle 2088 Euclid Av. Myers, Julia E 2088 Euclid Av. Myer, P. D 18 Wilbur Place McDonald, Mrs. Ella J. ..908 Logan Av. McClure, J. W 19 Vienna St. McClure, Mrs. Rebecca 19 Vienna St. McClure, Lottie Alma 19 Vienna St. McClure, Sarah Bell 19 Vienna St. McClure, Charles J 19 Vienna St. McFarland, William 380 St. Clair St. McFarland, Mrs. Wm...380 St. Clair St. McFarland, Edwin W..380 St. Clair St. McKinstry, Mrs. W. A.. 364 E. Prospect Morgan, Mrs. Effie McF 474 Russell Naumann, Chas 24 Dorm. College Naumann, Mrs. Nettie (1. v.) Neff, William A 860 Doan St. Neff, Mrs. Eliza H ;.860 Doan St. Neff, Frank H 860 Doan St. Neff, H. Allison 860 Doan St. Norris, Henry L 1504 Cedar Av. Norris, Mrs. Luch 1504 Cedar Av. Norris, Isaac 1504 Cedar Av. Northrup, Mrs. Mary... 916 Oakdale St. Norton, Miss Nellie 110 Vienna St. Noville, Mrs. Henry 969 Logan Av. Noville, Miss Ida K 969 Logan Av. Noville, Henry 969 Logan Av. Noville, Lillie O 969 Logan Av. Noville, Elsie 969 Logan Av. Odell, A. A 824 Logan Av. Odell, Mrs. E. M 824 Logan Av. Odell, Arthur R 824 Logan Av. Odell, Maggie W 824 Logan Av. Odell, Joseph M 81 Streator Av. Odell, Jeanette L -..81 Streator Av, Odell, Henrietta 81 Streator Av. Olmsted, B. P 200 Oakdale St. Olmsted, Mrs. B. P 200 Oakdale St. Ondracek, Julia 831 Bolton Av. Oviatt, Mr. S. R 765 Genesee Av. Oviatt, Mrs. S. R 765 Genesee Av. Oviatt, Miss Lottie M...766 Genesee Av. KUCLID AVENUE CONGREGATIONAL CHURCH. 67 Paul, Mrs. Helen 47 Hilburn Av. Paul, Miss Jane 47 Hilburn Av. Paul, Mrs. Clara Cannon.. Norwalk, O. Peck, Truman D 789% Doan St. Pettengill, Horace 767 Doan St. Petteng-ill, Mrs. Louisa 767 Doan St. Pettengill, Moses Silas 767 Doan St. Petty, Mrs. Chas. H 2203 Euclid Av. Phare, William 1483 Cedar Av. Phare, Mrs. Ann 1483 Cedar Av. Phare, Miss-Martha (1. y.)....1483 Cedar Phare, Miss Minnie (1. v.) 1483 Cedar Phare, Miss Edith (1. y.).41 Mayfield St. Phare, Fred R. (1. v.). 96 Wade Park Av. Piatt, Mrs. Louisa C 1580 Cedar Av. Post, W. D 863 Doan St. Post, Mrs. Rose 863 Doan St. Post, Mary R 2203 Euclid Av. Post, Charles A 2203 Euclid Av. Post, James R 2211 Euclid Av. Post, Mrs. May 2211 Euclid Av. Post, Bessie 2211 Euclid Av. Potwin, Prof. Lemuel S 322 Rosedale Potwin, Mrs. Julia H..3.22 Rosedale Av. Potwin, Bertha Julia.. 322 Rosedale Av. Pope, L. L 464 Bolton Av. Pope, Mrs. L. L 464 Bolton Av. Preston, H. Alfred 740 Logan Av. Preston, Charles Francis. 740 Logan Av, Preston, James Ernest... 740 Logan Av, Prentiss, Mrs. Emily H..95 Streator Av. Prentiss, Miss Jennie W.95 Streator Av. Phillips, Mrs. G. P 95 Streator Av. Prindle, Fred J 1231 Cedar Av. Putnam, Dr. D. P 1271 Cedar Av. Putnam, Mrs. E. A 1271 Cedar Av. Prosser, Miss Mary C. ..782 Republic St. Reade, Mr. Wm. A 873 Oakdale St. Reade, Mrs. Edith M 873 Oakdale St. Reynolds, Robert Donald Station B. Reynolds, Effie E 1905 Euclid Av. Richardson, Geo. W 791 Logan Av. Richardson, Mrs. Eliza A.791 Logan Av. Richardson, Geo. Wilfred 791 Logan Richardson, John E 791 Logan Av. Ridgeway, Mr. Geo. C...1234 Cedar Av. Ridgeway, Mrs. Marie E.1234 Cedar Av. Ridgeway, Miss Lillian.. 1234 Cedar Av. Rickey, Mrs. Mary 116 Streator Av. Ross, Catherine D 26 DeForest St. Roberts, Mrs. Sarah 1522 Cedar Av. Roberts, John H 1522 Cedar Av. Roberts, Miss Jennie 1522 Cedar Av. Rose, Geo. H 64 Oakdale St. Rose, Mrs. Geo. A 64 Oakdale St. Rose, Joel J 64 Oakdale St, Rose, Mrs. J. J 64 Oakdale St. Sambrook. Julia Fairmoiint P. O, Sambrook, Mrs. Sarah. Pairmount P. O. Sambrook. Sarah Fairmount P. O. Sambrook, Ella M Fairmount P. O. Sawyer, Dr. P. H 54 Streator Av. Sawyer, Mrs. G. A 54 Streator Av. Sawyer, Raymond F 54 Streator Av. Sawyer, Dr. John P.. 183 Kensington St. Scheier, D. Louis 933 Logan Av. Scheier, Mrs. Elizabeth... 933 Logan Av. Scheier, Eleanor 933 Logan Av. Scheier, Arthur 933 Logan Av. Scotten, Miss Emma M..890 Bolton Av. Shaefer, John 23 Streator Av. Shaefer, Miss Ella 23 Streator Av. Shaefer, Willie 23 Streator Av. Shaefer, John, jr 23 Streator Av. Shaefer, Charles 23 Streator Av. Sherwood, Mrs. W. E 82 Cornell St. Sherwood, Miss C. A 82 Cornell St. Shields, Mrs. Helen S...2542 Euclid Av. Shepard, Dr. E. H 793 Doan St. Shepard, Mrs. Effie J 793 Doan St. Shepard, Dodie E.. Commonwealth Av. Shepard, Daisy Commonwealth Av. Simpson, H. M 38 Hough Place Slaght, Mrs. Elizabeth.. .825 Logan Av. Slaght, Eva May 825 Logan Av. Slaght, Frank Branch 825 Logan Av. Snider, Martin 1638 Euclid Av. Snider, Mrs. Martin 1638 Euclid Av. Snider, Harry M 1638 Euclid Av. Snider, Warren G 1638 Euclid Av. Snider, Walter L 1638 Euclid Av. Snider, Clarence A.. 1012 E. Madison Av. Snider, Mrs. C. A... 1012 E. Madison Av. Skeel, John C 762 Republic St. Skeel, Mrs. John C 762 Republic St. Skeel, Frank D 762 Republic St. Skeel, Hattie M 762 Republic St. Smith, P. B 57 Streator Av. Smith, Mrs. E. J 57 Streator Av. Smith, Helen May 57 Streator Av. 68 CLEVELAND CONGREGATIONALISTS. Smith, Pardon Hudson.. 57 Streator Av. Smith, Harley Gibbs 57 Streator Av. Smith, Alton H 193 Oakdale St. Smith, Mrs. Alton H 193 Oakdale St. Smith, Harry Hawkins. 36 Glen Park PI. Smith, Mrs. Bessie R..36 Glen Park PI. Smith, Alva J 853 Doan St. Smith, Mrs. H. L 853 Doan St. Smith, Amy E 853 Doan St. Smith, Miriam C 853 Doan St. Smith, Alvah Cornwall 853 Doan St. Smith, Geo. R 416 Bolton Av. Smith, Mrs. Francis E...416 Bolton Av. Smith, "Winifred C 416 Bolton Av. Smith, Albert M 22 Morse Av. Smith, Mrs. Albert M 22 Morse Av. Snow, Justin 38 Hough PI. Snow, Mrs. Louisa 38 Hough PI. Sommers, Mrs. Charles. 210 Streator Av. Spraggon, Miss H. E..17 Centennial Av. Sprague, Mrs. Helen 34 Bell Av. Sprague, John W 34 Bell Av. Sprague, Lizzie Doan 34 Bell Av. Spencer, Mr. Olin Spencer, Arthur Stair, Mrs. Belle Fairmount St. Stebbins, Mrs. Mary A... 81 Bolton Av. Stebbins, Miss Amy J 81 Bolton Av. Stebbins, Herbert C 81 Bolton Av. Stebbins, H. S 818 Hough Av. Stebbins. Mrs. M. W 818 Hough Av. Stewart, James 875 Stark Av. Stewart, Mr. G. A 922 Doan St. Stewart, Mrs. G. A 922 Doan St. Stilwell, Dr. Sam E 61 Oakdale St. Stilwell, Mrs. Addie 61 Oakdale St. Stone, A. H 1695 Euclid Av. Stone, Mrs. Sarah A 1695 Euclid Av. Stone, S. E 1193 E. Madison Av. Stone, Mrs. Lizzie'.. 1193 E. Madison Av. Sweringen, J. T 21 Arthur St. Sweringen, Herbert C 21 Arthur St. Sweringen, Edith 21 Arthur St. Sweringen, Carrie 21 Arthur St. Swift, Mrs. Flora 104 Streator Av. Swift, Charles 104 Streator Av. Seelye, Mrs. Mary E...138 Ingleside Av. Snearer, Chas. H 904 Logan Av. Snyder, Miss 834 Doan St. Talbot, Henry L 775 Logan Av. Talbot, Mrs. H. Morley...775 Logan Av. Talbot, Mrs. Margaret B...75 Streator Taylor, Mrs. Florence E.117 Adelbert St. Taylor, Mrs. Mary Elizabeth Thompson, H. 67 Cornell St. Thompson, Mrs. H. 67 Cornell St. Thompson, Geo. H 67 Cornell St. Taylor, Mrs. Georgina W...1824 Euclid Thorp, Mrs. Lucy 2464 Euclid Av. Thwing, Rev. Chas. F..55 Bellflower St. Thwing, Mrs. C. F. B..55 Bellflower St. Thwing, Miss Mary 55 Bellflower St. Thackwell. Sadie A. .....920 Oakdale St. Thompson, Miss Adella 350 Harkness Thomas, Mrs. W. F Collamer Thomas, Miss Grace Mae Collamer Thomas, Mrs. Marietta.. 176 Oakdale St. Thomas, Delbert Paul.. 176 Oakdale St. Thomb, Hattie 1896 Euclid Av. Thomb, Annie 1896 Euclid Av. Tidd, Gertrude 724 Genesee Av. Torrey, Mrs. Maria E.766 Fairmount St. Torrey, Miss J. M 766 Fairmount St. Tolle, Mrs. Marie L 116 Streator Av. Tolle, Miss Mary R 116 Streator Av. Tolle, Miss Fannie M...116 Streator Av. Tingle, Mr. Harry 871 Logan Av. Tingle, Mrs. Margaret.. .871 Logan Av. Trumper, F. W 38 S. Genesee Av. Trumper, Mrs. F. W..38 S. Genesee Av. Trumper, R. Frank... 38 S. Genesee Av. Trumper, Miss Grace. 38 S. Genesee Av. Underwood, Mrs. Zillah M...53 Burt St. Underwood, Daisy D 53 Burt St. Van Doom, Dr. J. W 30 Wilbur St. Van Doom, Mrs. J. W 30 Wilbur St. Van Pelt, Mrs. Margaret.. .72 Sayles St. "Ward, Mrs. William E..114 Oakdale St. Ward, William E 114 Oakdale St. W^ard, Edith M 114 Oakdale St. Watermemeyer, Mrs. Lucy.. 1309 Cedar Watermeyer, Miss Ada E 1309 Cedar Watermeyer, Miss Bertha.. .1309 Cedar Watterson, J D 74 Streator Av. Watterson, Mrs. J. D 74 Streator Av. Watterson, Mrs. H. D...74 Streator Av. Wilburn, Miss Ada B.. Box 81, Station B Williams, George W 464 Bolton Av. Wilson, Thomas 2198 Euclid Av. Wilson, Mrs. Mary P.... 2198 Euclid Av. EUCLID AVENUE CONGREGATIONAL CHURCH. 69 "Wilson, Anna Bell 2198 Euclid Av. Whitman, Bryant F 95 Cornell St. "Wilson, Mabel 2198 Euclid Av. Whitman, Mrs. Kate Ford. 95 Cornell St. Wilson, Mrs. William. ..713 E. Prospect Whitman, W. B 1 Knox St. "Wilson, Jennie 713 E. Prospect St. Whitman, Mrs. S. F 1 Knox St. Wolver, Chas. S 5 Monroe St. Whitman, Jennie Gertrude..! Knox St. "Wolver, Mrs. Ella J 5 Monroe St. Whittacre, Hattie DeLorn. ..1753 Euclid "Wonders, Mrs. F 176 Oakdale St. Whittlesey, Grant 127 Oakdale St. Wood, Moses H 2374 Euclid Av. Whittlesey, Mrs. Nellie M..127 Oakdale Wood, Marvin W 2374 Euclid Av. Writner, Miss Fannie 34 Wilbur St. "Wood, Mrs. Alice M 2374 Euclid Av. Wright, Florence E 1781 Euclid Av. Wood, Mrs. Abbie M 877 Logan Av. Wright, Henry T 1781 Euclid Av. "Wood, Walter W 45 Oakdale St. Wyatt, James E 443 Bolton Av. "Wetherbee, Mrs. Lilla Ansel Av. Wyatt, Mrs. James E 443 Bolton Av. Wetherbee, Herbert E Ansel Av. Wyatt, Miss Anna C 443 Bolton Av. Wheaton, Mrs. C. H 30 Stearns St. Wyatt, Robert E 443 Bolton Av. White, E. Warner 480 Bolton Av. Wyatt, Mabel 443 Bolton Av. "White, Mrs. Mary C 480 Bolton Av. Wright, Mrs. Ella Hills.. 266 Marcy Av. ABSENT LIST. Ferris, Mrs. Mary J • Ford, Walter H Kansas By resolution of the church the absent Franck, Henry E., M. D Canton, O. list includes the following: Gibson Mary All whose addresses are not known, Qoodenow, Mrs.' Lucy' B. '.".'. and all who reside out of the city, or _, , . __ , in distant parts of it. Goodwm, Homer A Aiken, Mrs. E. A 10 Portland St. ^^S^^^by, William Aldrich, J. P Vroman, Neb ^^^S^sby, Jane Aldrich, Mrs. G. A. S Vroman, Neb. ^riggsby, Edward Alton, Robert D Greenstead, Eameslene Anderson, L. W Mexico Hamilton, Jennie Haselton, J. F. Holden, Sarah E Hogen, Sophia M Holt, Newton Hurlbut, Miss H. M.. .Industrial Home Hume, Elizabeth Anderson, Mrs. Emma H Mexico ^^""^' ^- ^ Baker, Susie E Boston, Mass ^^Z^?!: .^?- :^°''^ ^ Chicago, 111. Baker, Hattie M...3 Beacon St., Boston Bailey, William Detroit St. Barager, Miss Lulu Barnitz, Mrs. Jennie P Beers, Mrs. Emily C Bostwick, Mrs. Myra M Denver, Col. Boynton. Mrs. M. P...St. Ignace, Mich. Huntington, J. T Lorain, O. Bishop Stella Huntington, Mrs. Lizzie A. ..Lorain, O. Bowen,' Thomas* Frederic'k,"south Wales I^^^^^ol' ^^^'^ ^ Detroit, Mich. Bushnell, William Ingersol, Mrs. Elizabeth.. Detroit, Mich. Burt, Lou Detroit, Mich ^^1"^^' ^"^- ^ Sanford, Fla. Cairnes, Miss Jennie Chicago, 111. •^^^"^^' ^''^- ^^^ ^ Sanford, Fla. Cozad, Miss Gertrude... Niigata, Japan ^endrick. Miss Sarah.. ..Painesville, O. Crawford, Mrs. Frances M.Collamer, O. ^'''^' ^urnham W New York City Crawford, Milton B Collamer, O. ^'"^' ^'■^- ^""'^ ^ ^^^ "^°^^ ^^^^ Gey, Miss Italy King, Clifford J New York City Donaldson, F. A...Andover Theo. Sem. King, Mrs. C. J New York City Dunn, Annie E Lacy, Mrs. E. (Phare) Akron, Ind. Elliott, Mrs. Christiana Booker St. Leslie, E. D 70 CLIiVKLAND CONGREGATIONALISTS. Lenz, Mr. Ferdinand Buffalo, N. Y. Richmond, Geo. W Philadelphia, Pa_ Lyman, A. H Ashville, N. C. Richmond, Wm. Edward.. Philadelphia Lyman, Chas. E Ashville, N. C. Richmond, Margaret E Philadelphia Mears, Mrs. W. T Chicago, 111. Richmond, Laura Agnes.. Philadelphia Mears, T. Y. J., jr 7871/2 Doan St. Robinson, Miss H. M Mears, Mrs. Sadie J 787i^ Doan St. Roberts, CO Metcalf , Joel H Russell, Geo. B Box 27, Erie, Pa. ...Boston, Pastor Unitarian Church Salisbury, Mr. F Keene, N. H. Miller, Halsey D Cleveland, O. Salisbury, Mrs. Delia Keene, N. H. Miller, Mrs. Ebbie S. K Cleveland, O. Sackett, Homer B Miller, Miss Mary J.Mt. Hermon, Mass. Sackett, May E Miller, Mr. Andrew Seavey, Orin W Miller, Mrs. Jane Seavey, Mrs. Ella , Miller, Mrs. Henry L Chicago Sechrist, Mrs. Lunette G Mills, Mr. Marvin Dodge Allotment Sherwin, Sarah Mills, Mrs. Emma Dodge Allotment Spaulding, Arthur L Mills, James Dodge Allotment strong, Agnes L (Semple).. ..Cedar Av. Mills, Miss Grace Dodge Allotment Starr, Mata Lynes Millard, Mrs. Lucretia. . Norwalk, Conn, stone, James Morse, Sarah (Bixley) Swegan, Miss Alvaretta Moran, John Talbot, Mrs. Ella R Mosher, Carrie L Duluth, Minn. Warfalk, Mrs. Hettie Newell, Mrs. Jennie Kobe, Japan Watkins, Maggie Ann O'Connor, Charles M ,... Weddell, Bell C • Paul, Mrs. Clara Cannon.. .Norwalk, O. Wellman, S. T Upland, Pa. Plaisted, Mrs. Louisa Wellman, Mrs. S. T Upland, Pa. Post, Mrs. A. T Wellman, Bessie Upland, Pa. Preston, Mrs. Georgia E.. Niagara Falls Whitworth, Sarah Martha Rand, Emma B Prospect St. Whitworth, William Remalia, Mary Prospect St. Whitworth, Mary Reineck, Miss Emma Williams, Alice C Richardson, Samuel H Woodward, Miss M. L. ..Norwich, Conn. T. C. MYERS, Granite and Marble Monuments, GRAYE MARKS, ETC. Mosaic Floors and Interior Marble Work. 554 PROSPECT STREET, - CLEVELAND, OHIO. PLYMOUTH CONGREGATIONAL CHURCH. PLYMOUTH church originated in the Old Stone (Presbyterian) church in 1850. At that time, Rev. E. H. Nevin was conducting revival meetings in the Old Stone church. He was a reformer and a pronounced Abolitionist. Benajah Barker, who had been a strong anti- REY. L. L. TAYLOR. slavery man, was converted under Mr. Nevin's preaching, and enlisted several members of the church with convictions like his own to go out and found a new church, with Mr. Nevin as their pastor. Those were days when Cleveland was a pro-slavery town — when the pastor of one PLYMOUTH CONGREGATIONAL CHURCH, PLYMOUTH CONGREGATIONAL CHURCH. 73 of the leading churches hid behind a church column while a fugitive slave was arrested in the church and carried away again into bondage. The new church was organized with thirty members. It was called the Free Presbyterian church, and later, the Third Presbyterian church. It was independent in Constitution, but its mode of government w^as Presbyte- rian, until August 17, 1852, when it changed its name and became Plymouth Congregational Church. It then numbered sixty-nine mem- bers. Among the church principles as early formulated was this: " This church regards slave-holding as a sin against God and a crime against man; as intrinsically unrighteous, utterly opposed to the law of God PLYMOUTH CHURCH INTERIOR. and the teachings and spirit of the Gospel. Therefore this church will not fellowship slave-holders, the abettors of slavery or slave-holding churches." The first church building was the Round church on Wood street, which had been vacated by the "Millerites." The church removed from this building to a new church, then the finest in the city, erected by a few of the memlDcrs, on the corner of Euclid avenue and Erie street, where the Hickox Block now stands— and which was afterwards sold to the First Baptist Society for much less than its cost. An old and uminished church standing on the corner of Prospect street and Oak Place was fitted up, where the church worshipped for nearly twenty years, until the 74 CLEVELAND CONGREGATIONALISTS. commodious lot corner of Prospect and Perry streets was purchased, and later, one of the finest and most substantial church buildings in the city was erected, and dedicated October 8, 1882. The church proper seats one thousand, and has a large chapel connected, with an audience room, Sunday-school room, church parlors, kitchen, pastor's study, etc. Rev. James C. White was the second pastor, for seven years, from 1855 to 1861. His preaching was evangelistic, drawing crowds to hear him, and it was during this time that there were large accessions to the church, and a Sunday-school of five hundred scholars, with L. M. Pitkin as the superintendent ; one hundred in the infant class, with Mrs. L. P. Mellen as teacher. The third pastor was Rev. Dr. Samuel Wolcott, a man of national reputation for ability as a preacher. The fourth pas- tor, Rev. Charles Terry Collins — whose pastorate vsras cut short by his tragic death — left a sacred monument to his memory in the beautiful church edifice which he planned. His saintlj' biography, published after his death, with the title "In His Name," says of him, "Chivalrous, saintly, a natural orator, a missionary genius and a leader of men." Rev. George R. Leavitt, D. D., entered upon the pastorate in April, 1885, and resigned in February, 1894, on account of ill health. He will always be remembered with affectionate regard. The present pastor. Rev. Livingston L. . Taylor, commenced his pastorate in September, 1894. Plymouth Church, while never financially strong, has been in all its history known as progressive, enterprising, with great social activi- ties — a recruiting station for earnest Christian workers who were con- stantly going out to organize and supply other enterprises. For several years it sustained a flourishing mission work in the Olivet chapel, corner of Hill and Commercial streets, out of which grew the work which has become national and has attained such wide proportions of Bohemian missions, under Rev. Dr. Schauffler. It was the foster mother of Mount Zion Congregational Church; it organized the Swedish Congregational Church, and furnished a large number of the original members of the Woodland Avenue Presbyterian Church. Among the prominent men in Plymouth Church are George Hall, piano dealer, well known for manj' years on the Western Reserve; S. C. Smith, wholesale merchant and connected with the Associated Chari- ties ; L. M. Pitkin, president Variety Iron Works; L. F. Mellen, for many years superintendent City Infirmary department, and President Bohemian Board; John J. Shipherd, banker, owner and promoter of street railroads; J. G. W. Cowles, real estate dealer, formerly a Congre- gational clergyman; M. M. Hobart, attorney; W. H. Doering, wholesale merchant; D. Charlesworth, a leading florist; A. W. Strong, invest- ment agent; J. W. Tyler, attorney; W. B. Davis, merchant; Geo. L. Schryver, merchant; S. H. Stilson, with Standard Oil Company. PLYMOUTH CONGREGATIONAL CHURCH. 75 Rev. Livingston L. Taylor, pastor. Residence, 649 Prospect street ; telephone, No. 2568. Mr. Dana J. Pratt, pastor's assistant and director of music. Clerk of Church — William E. Reed, residence 125 Fourth avenue. Deacons— J. G. W. Cowles, L. F. Mellen, B. S. Cogswell, S. H. Stilson, Thomas Bell, Amos Martin. Board of Trustees — S. C. Smith, chairman; L. M. Pitkin, George Hall, J. J. Shipherd, M M. Hobart. W. H. Doering, David Charlesworth. GEORGE HALL, TRUSTEE. Superintendent of Sunday-school— Charles H. Church. Plymouth Young People's Society of Christian Endeavor— President, W. E. Reed; secretary. Miss Frances Benjamin; treasurer, Eugene H. Churchill; society correspondent, A. H. Lewis. Ladies' Foreign Missionary Society— Mrs. Julia G. Beckwith, president. Ladies' Home Missionary Society— Mrs. Emma A. Churchill,, president. 76 CLEVELAND CONGREGATIONALISTS. CHURCH DIRECTORY. Aldrich, E. F 373 Sibley St Bracher, Miss Carrie E....205 Sibley St Aldrich,' Mrs. L. H 373 Sjbley St Bradley, Leonard W...84 Edgewood PI Allen, Mrs. Hattie. . ..116 Greenwood St Bilger, Samuel P 152 Chestnut St Allen, Charles 116 Greenwood St Bishop, Dr. George E...481 Prospect St Allen, Caroline Rebecca Bradley, Mrs. Elizabeth A 116 Greenwood St 84 Edgewood PI Allen, Frank 116 Greenwood St Brinicombe. Nellie 262 Central Av Allen, Mrs. Hannah 56 Putnam Ave Brown, Hiram 304 Central Av Allen, Mrs. Cordelia C....222 Cedar Ave Bruot, Marie L 51 Fourth Av *Altwater, Emma 35 Delaware St Anderson, J. 51 Fourth Ave Anderson, Mrs. Eose M..51 Fourth Ave Andrus. "William H 28 Glendale Ave Atha, Mrs. C 66 Cedar Av Abbott, Mrs. Anna K...721 Euclid Ave Bailey, Mrs. Ida Evins 1610 "Woodland Ave Baker, Mrs. J. R 92 Edgewood PI Burns. Mrs. Anna M 19 "Wilbur PI *Burt, Arthur E 291 Sibley St Burt, Mrs. Sarah Ellen.... 291 Sibley St Burt, Mrs. H. C 70 Cornell St ♦Carter. Miss Maria D 376 Sibley St ♦Chamberlain, F. L 909 Case Av Chamberlain, Mrs. Louisa S..909 Case Av Chapman, Fay 4 Dodge PI Chapman, Mrs. Alma F....4 Dodge PI Balkwill, Stephen, jr 58 Cedar Ave Chapman, Mrs. Margaret.. 1187 Cedar Av *Balkwill, Mrs. Stephen... 62 Cedar Ave *Chapman, Bessie 1187 Cedar Av Barker, Mrs. Elizabeth.. 288 Prospect St Charlesworth. David 774 Dean St Barnard, Mrs. Sarah J Charlesworth, Mrs. Elizabeth 417 "Woodland Ave 774 Doan St Barrett, R. C 42 Cedar Ave Charlesworth, Lloyd S 774 Doan St Barrett,Mrs. Catherine H.42 Cedar Ave Chaiiesworth, Gertrude H..774 Doan St Bassett, Mrs. Mary A 57 White Ave Charlesworth, Stanton I 774 Doan St ♦Bassett, Charles 1046 Central Ave Christian, Mrs. Louise. 417 "Woodland Av Bassett, Mrs. L. E 1046 Central Ave Charles, Lizzie Patton 48 Dibble Av ►Beckwith, F. R 112 Arlington St Beckwith, Mrs. Julia G.112 Arlington St Beekman, Erlina J 186 Oakdale St Bell, Thomas 48 Dibble Ave Bell, Mrs. Elizabeth 48 Dibble Ave Benjamin, Miss Frances.. 310 Cedar Ave ♦Bingham, Miss M. E 112 Perry St Beverly, Mrs. Eliza 34 Sibley St Black, Mr. E. A 675 Lake St Black, Mrs. E. A 675 Lake St Black, Arthur Everett 675 Lake St Black, Homer Samuel 675 Lake St Blakeslee, Lucretia S.28 Livingston St Bond, Mrs. F. H 426 Euclid Ave Bond, M. Josephine 426 Euclid Ave Bond, Frederick Chase. 426 Euclid Ave Booth, Mrs. Callista E 54 Cedar Ave Booth, Thomas M 54 Cedar Ave Bracher, Miss Mary A 205 Sibley St Church, Charles H 100 Cedar Av Churchill, Mrs. Emma A 32 Dorchester Av Collins, Mrs. J. Frank 16 Grant St Clapp, Miss Edna L..136 Huntington St Churchill, Alfred Payson 32 Dorchester Av Churchill, Eugene H..32 Dorchester Av Churchill, Stiles C. A.. 32 Dorchester Av Clark, Dr. F. S 331 Prospect St Clark, Frank cor. Perkins and Sterling Avs Clark, Mrs. F cor. Perkins and Sterling Avs Clark, Mrs. Eliza A 180 Bellflower Av *Clay, O. Perry Six Acres, Coit Av Clay, Mrs. Ina Florence Six Acres, Coit Av Cleave, "William C 71 Cedar Av PLYMOUTH CONGREGATIONAL CHURCH. 77 Cleave, Mrs. Harriet 71 Cedar Av Davidson, Laura H Cleave, Mrs. Jemima 273 Cedar Av 1054 E. Madison Av Cleave, William 273 Cedar Av *Dayton, Mrs. E. G 243 Lake St Climo, Adelaide 51 Harriet St Dalgleish, Edward 413 Prospect St Cogswell. B. S 95 Dorchester Av Dennis, Howard 64 Huntington St Cogswell, Mrs. Helen M *Dennis, Mrs. Howard 95 Dorchester Av 64 Huntington St Cole, Charles E 1454 Linwood Av Derby, R. W 93 Brunswick St Cole, Mrs. Mary S 1454 Linwood Av Diemer, Mrs. P. J 1020 Case Av CoUings, Miss Emily 749 Republic St Dodd, Heber 101 Edgewood PI ♦Collins, Elgin 292 Sibley St Dillon, Thomas H 48 Dibble Av Cook, A. G 753 E. Madison Av Dodd, Mrs. Emma 101 Edgewood PI Cook, Mrs. Louise.... 753 E. Madison Av Dodd, Charles Heber... 101 Edgewood PI Cook, Mrs. Jennie 100 Cedar Av Doering, Wm. H 217 Sibley St Cope, John W 25 Plymouth Av Doering, "Willis R 217 Sibley St Corlett, Miss Eliza E . Room 19 Euclid PI Doering, Miss Katherine H Courtney, Miss Ada.. 668' Woodland Av 217 Sibley St *Cowell, Mrs. M. B 91 Arlington *Doering, Mrs. J. C 296 Sibley St Cowles, J. G. W 417 Sibley St Dorman, Pliny 125 Cedar Av Cowles, Mrs. L. C 417 Sibley St Dorman, Ralph F 125 Cedar Av Clinton. John M 22 Lake St *Dorman, Walter 125 Cedar Av Clinton, Mrs. J. M 22 Lake St *Drake, A. F 48 Sibley St Cowles, Miss Mary F 417 Sibley St Drake, Mrs. Annie P 48 Sibley St Craigie, J. S 83 Sixth Av Dunton, Mrs. L 75 St. Clair St Craigie, Mrs. Emma 83 Sixth Av Dunn, Henry 284 Huntington St Cubben, Edwin 66 Eagle St Dunn, Mrs. Ida 284 Huntington St Cully, Q. C Handy Av Durstine, Dr. F. H. ..985 E. Madison Av ♦Cummings, Miss S. L..573 Prospect St Durstine, Mrs. Mary Henion Cunningham, Mrs. Lucy A 985 E. Madison Av 735 St. Clair St Durstine, Nina La Verne Dalton, Hubert 137 Cedar Av 985 E. Madison Av Dalton, Mrs. Jessie 137 Cedar Av Durstine, Miriam E.. 985 E. Madison Av Davis, Mrs. Lucy 38 Cheshire St Durstine, Lillian E..985 E. Madison Av Davis, Miss M. C 38 Cheshire St Duty, Mrs. Eliza Collingwood Davis, William B 38 Cheshire St Duty, Frank Rosabel Collingwood Davis, Mrs. Mary C 38 Cheshire St Duty, Nellie M Collingwood Davis, Mrs. Mary 12 Race St Duty, Edwin Collingwood ♦Davis, Benton 435 Central Av Eldred, Mrs. Sarah Dalgleish, Mrs. Eva 413 Prospect St •'•••• Eliza Jennings Home Dalgleish, Robert 38 Brookfleld St Elling, Miss Minnie 7 Craw Av ♦Dalgleish, Mrs. R 38 Brookfleld St *Dorman, Eunice 125 Cedar Av Dalgleish, Miss Jennie.. 413 Prospect St Evins, Mrs. M. B 1610 Woodland Av Day, F. W 355 Sibley St Farquhar, Miss S. E 316 Prospect St Day, Mrs. A. W 355 Sibley St Fenn, Everton N E. Cleveland Dakin, Miss Lottie E Fenn, Mrs. Kate D E.Cleveland 299 Huntington St Fenn, Annie Mary 33 John St Davidson, Mrs. Mary A Fenn, Elbert D 323 Prospect St 1044 E. Madison Av Ferguson, Ida M 62 Dunham Av Davidson, Arthur G ♦Fisher, Mrs. N. D 416 Prospect St .1044 E. Madison Av *Gage, S. T 393 Cedar Av CLEVELAND CONGREGATION A LISTS. 2908 t ' [LEVtLANa, □ Fenn, Andrew E 1270 Slater Av ♦Ferguson, R. G 606 W. Madison Av Ferguson, Mrs. A. C. .. 606 W. Madison Av Fleck, W 55 Linden St Fleck, Mrs. W 55 Linden St Gage, Mrs. Mary 393 Cedar Av Gage, Mrs. Emma 393 Cedar Av Gage, Ben Andrews 393 Cedar Av Gawler, William 3 Linton St Gawler, Mrs. Sarah 3 Linton St Gawler, George 3 Linton St Gawler, Miss Emma 3 Linton St Gawler, Sidney 3 Linton St Gill, John 1 1270 Slater Av Gill, Mrs. Eliza A 1270 Slater Av Gibbons, Mrs. Hettie L Amesbury Av Gibbons, Rosaline O Amesbury Av Gillmore, Frank 21 Huntington St Gillmore, Mrs. F 21 Huntington St Gillmore, Metcalf 21 Huntington St Gillmore, Mrs. M 21 Huntington St Girty, Mrs. Emma A.. Washington, D. C. Girty, George Washington, D. C. Gleeson, Miss Emma M The Granger Glendenning, Miss Eliza F 16 Creighton St *Godman, C. A 132 Kensington St Gymer, Priscilla 20 Mathew St Godman, Mrs. Minnie 132 Kensington St ♦Goodf ellow, H. C 9j7 Perry St Goodfellow, Mrs. Ella 97 Perry St Graham, William 129 Oregon St Graham, Mrs. Mary 129 Oregon St Graham, Miss Mary Jane.. 129 Oregon St Graham, Miss Esther 129 Oregon St Goodwin, C. S 466 Central Av Goodwin, Mrs. C. S 466 Central Av Gregory, Mrs. Louise 37 Bolivar St Gregory, Miss Ida B 37 Bolivar St Hampton, Miss Florence Sibley St Hall, George 857 Euclid Av Hamilton, Elizabeth.. 171 Greenwood St Hamilton, Robert B 205 Sibley St Hamlen, Henry L 25 Livingston St Hamlin, Mary 1 25 Livingston St Hamlin, Marion L 25 Livingston St Harrison, C. E 378 Woodland Av Harrison, Mrs. Susannah Tilley 378 Woodland Av Harrison, Mary A. T 378 Woodland Av Harrison, Edna Eliz..'. 14 Henry St Hatton, Mrs. Maria C Collamer *Hawley, D. R 35 Sibley St *Hawley, Mrs. D. R 35 Sibley St Henderson, John 348 Sterling Av Hartfelt, Miss Mary.. 136 Huntington St Holcomb, Mrs. J. R 243 Lake St Hittell, Miss Gertrude. ..709 Willson Av Henderson, Mrs. Hannah 348 Sterling Av Henn, Mrs. Gertrude B 270 Sibley St Heron, Christopher L Forest Hill Heron, Mrs. Lydia S Forest Hill PLYMOUTH CONGREGATIONAL CHURCH. 79 Heron, William W Forest Hill Heron, Ethel Forest Hill Herrick, Maud E 1293 Willson Av Hicks, Fred A 87 Arlington St Hillyard, T. B 113 Cedar Av Hillyard, Mrs. Lucy 113 Cedar Av Hillyard, William R 113 Cedar Av *Hillyard, Mrs. Wm. R 113 Cedar Av Hine, Adeline 459 Russell Av Hobart, M. M 333 Sibley St Hobart, Mrs. Elizabeth W..333 Sibley St Hopkins, Mrs. Mary L, 29 Cedar Av Hoyt, E. A 11 Cedar Av *Hoyt, Mrs. Hattie 11 Cedar Av Hoyt, Sherwood P 11 Cedar Av Hoyt, Edwin E 11 Cedar Av Holden, Mrs. Ella 53 Linden St *Holden, Lee 53 Linden St ♦Holden, Mattie 53 Linden St ♦Hoffman, Charles 2 Edgewood PI Holt, John P 43 New St Home, Miss Mary E 167 Sawtell Av House, Mrs. Elizabeth 318 Cedar Av Hughes, Mrs. Maggie... 182 Lawrence St Henderson, Thomas Glenville Henderson, Mrs. Catherine.. . .Glenville Hicks, Miss Minnie 244 Erie St Henderson, /Margaret Glenville Henderson, Ellen Glenville Jepson, Miss Edith 1261 Garden St Johnson, Magnolia 75 St. Clair St Johnson, Nellie 75 St. Clair St Jones, Henry W Forest Hill Jones, Mrs. Maude Forest Hill Jones, Mrs. Anna W 129 Sibley St Jones, Miss Helen A 129 Sibley St Jones, Stephen Franklin 129 Sibley St *Jones, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas 128 Brownell St Jones, Thomas 128 Brownell St Jones, Margaret E 128 Brownell St Jones, David 128 Brownell St *Keith, George L 76 Olive St Keith, Mrs. S. A 76 Olive St Kendel, Mrs. A. C 328 Scovill Av Kendel, C. Edward 23 Hawthorne St Kendel, Wm. F 23 Hawthorne St Kennedy, Mrs. Agnes Lake "View Kennedy, Miss Margaret Lake "View Kennedy, Josie G Lake View Kennedy, Eliz. A Lake "View Knight, Miss Lida M 273 Cedar Av Knowlton, Mrs. Isabel M..1457 Detroit St Knowlton, Wm. Raymond 1457 Detroit St Kyser, Mrs. Hattie 427 Superior St *Kyser, James E 54 Granger St Kyser, Mrs. Mary E 54 Granger St Keith, Nat. K Perkins Av Keith, Alice M Perkins Av Kendrick, Henry R 85 Cedar Av Lacey, Miss A. E 81 E. Prospect St Lang, C. G 35 Huntington St Leggett, Blanch Chipman..S5 Cedar Av Letts. Edson J 196 Lake St Letts, Miss Maggie 196 Lake St ♦Lewis. Mrs. Elizabeth.. ..34 Marion St Lewis. Archibald H 34 Fowler St ♦Lewis, Charles H 1457 Detriot St Lewis, Mrs. Mabella E..1457 Detroit St Lewis, Mrs. H. B 346 Central Av Lindmueller, Bertha C 74 Perry St Lindmueller, Edward 74 Perry St Long, Mrs. Preston 409 Central Av Long, ^George 409 Central Av Long, William J 86 Brenton Av Long, Mabel Etta 86 Brenton Av Lothman, Mrs. M 57 Cheshire St Martin, Amos 749 Republic St Martin, Mrs. Elizabeth H 749 Republic St Mawby, Mrs. Mary 141 Greenwood St McDonald. Mrs. S. A 86 Sibley St McDonald, Albert John.... 86 Sibley St McDonald, Lucy E 86 Sibley St Mount, Mrs. F. I Fair Ct Mitchell, J. A 52 Vine St Mitchell, Mrs. J. A 52 Vine St Moore, C. A 541 Hamilton St McPherson, James 318 Cedar Av Mead. Mrs. Elizabeth.. ..157 Central Av Mead, Miss Fannie 157 Central Av ♦Mead. Albert J 157 Central Av ♦Mead, Mrs. Augusta G..157 Central Av Mellen. L. F 484 Prospect St Middleton, Mrs. Anna E..47 Irvington St Middleton, Miss Mary G..47 Irvington St Miller, William, jr 57 Scovill Av Miller, Mary 69 Scovill Av Miller, Mrs. Elizabeth 69 Scovill Av 80 CLEVELAND CONGREGATIONALISTS. Lake View Church uses Rubber Letters to print Text, Psalm and Hymn for Bulletin Board. Get a set from JAYLOR BROTHERS (30. PRACTICAL MANUFACTURERS OF Rubber Stamps, Self Inking Stamps, Check Punches, Stencils, Stamp Ink, Rubber Type, Daters, Number- ing Machines, Steel Stamps, Stamp Pads, Ticket Punches, Etc., Etc., Etc. -Everything in the Stamp line. Call Superior Photo-En- graving Co.'s Phone 2638 Rooms 61-64 AtwaterBldg., 82 Superior-st Mills, George P 19 Portland St Newell, Charles E 57 White Av Moodie, 'Thomas 56 Irvington St Newell, Mrs. Nellie L,....57 White Ave Moodie, Mrs. Mary 56 Irvington St Osborne, J. A The Livingston Moodie. Edwin John . . . . Harkness Block Osborne, Mrs. Emma E.The Livingston Moodie, Agnes M Harkness Block Parsons, Mrs. May Hulburd Moore, Mrs. E. W 2515 Euclid Av 161 Lincoln Ave Mordaunt, David 116 Greenwood St Paine, Mrs. C. W 67 Huntington St Mordaunt, Mrs. Caroline Park, Mr. and Mrs The Doan 116 Greenwood St Peck, Miss Mary A 569 Scovill Ave ♦Morgan,^ William 141 Greenwood St Peck, G. R 5 Plymouth PI Morgan, Mrs. Mary 141 Greenwood St Peck, Mrs. E 5 Plymouth PI Morgan, Mrs. Ellen 8 Miami St Peck, NelUe L.. 5 Plymouth PI •Morgan, Jessie.. 316 Perry St Penfleld. Edith Oberlin, O Morris, F. H 422 Cedar Av Pitkin, L. M Six Acres. Coit Ave Morris. Mrs. M. C 422 Cedar Av Pitkin, Mrs. Sarah B Morris, Mary F 422 Cedar Av Six Acres, Coit Ave *Morse, B. P 36 Cheshire St *Poe, Mr. and Mrs. A. N Morse, Mrs. Matilda C 36 Cheshire St 1764 Superior St Morse, Emma E 36 Cheshire St Poe, Walter 1764 Superior St Morse, Mary Eliza 36 Cheshire St Poe, Alvin 1764 Superior St Morse, Allen Croft 36 Cheshire St *Pollock, Robert 79 Crawford Rd Moore, E. S. W The Livingston Pollock, Mrs. Kittle Middleton Moon< Mrs 112 Perry St 79 Crawford Rd Murray, Mr. and Mrs. P.. 221 Perry St Pomeroy, Dr. Harlan.. 116 Ingleside Ave Mathivat, Mrs. Carrie 287 Sibley St Pomeroy, Mrs. Frances L Munhall, Herman W 8 Hay ward St 116 Ingleside Ave Munhall, Mrs. Mary A... 8 Hay ward St *Prescott. Mr. and Mrs. George P. .. Munhall, Burton David.. 8 Hay ward St 49 Sibley St Munhall, Clara Leland...8 Hay ward St *Prescott, Clarence F 49 Sibley St Munhall, Edith 8 Hay ward St Prescott, Mabel E 49 Sibley St ♦Neilson, John S 132 Kensington St Pugh, Mrs. Emma 66 Eagle St Neilson, Mrs. Martha.132 Kensington St Quirk, Dr. Howard M Harkness Blk Nellis, Mrs. A. W 857 Euclid Av Quirk, Mrs. H. M Harkness Blk PLYMOUTH CONGREGATIONAL CHURCH. 81 Reed, Mrs. Helen C 42 Granger St Spencer, Miss Frances M . . 43 Granger St Reed, Florence M 42 Granger St Spencer, Miss Cristie 287 Sibley St Reed, William E 125 Fourth Ave Shupe, Harry L. 132 Kensington Av Reidenbach, Mrs. Rebecca Smith, Miss Jessie Euclid Av 168 Marvin Ave Sipher, Mrs. Flora 99 Arlington St Rose. Mrs. Norman Sibley St *Starr, Mrs. Caroline. ..172 Chestnut St Rhodes, Mrs. Louise.... 14 Plum St Starr, Marie 172 Chestnut St ♦Richmond, Mrs. Dr.... 177 Hough Ave *Starrett, Lavington.. .21 Creighton St Roberts, Mrs. A. R 386 Bolton Ave Stilson, S. H 29 Cedar Av Roberts, Miss Lida S....386 Bolton Ave Stilson, Mrs. Isabel 29 Cedar Av Robinson, Mrs. Jane 14 Oliver St Stilson, Raymond H 29 Cedar Av Ross, Mrs. Mary V 2322 Euclid Ave Stilson, Paul B 29 Cedar Av Ross, Mabel L 2322 Euclid Ave Stilson, Ethel 29 Cedar Av Rogers, N. G 128 Perry St Strainge, Miss C. E..102 Arlington St Rife, Miss Susan Brownell St Stranahan, Mary 25 Cedar Av *Schryver, George L 292 Sibley St Stranahan, Maud A 25 Cedar Av Sayle, Catharine 1895 Euclid Ave Strong. Asahel W 49 Fourth Av Schryver, Mrs. Prances.. . .292 Sibley St Strong, Mrs. Minnie A... .49 Fourth Av Schrvver. Miss Florence M.292 Siblev St Strong, Francis A 197 Qumcy St Scothan, Charlotte. .417 Woodland Ave Strong, Mrs. Clara A 1^^^^""^^^ ^J Sawyer, W. R 10 Marion St Swain, Mr. J°^^P^ • " • ' " " " ^ " ^^ 7 ^ Sealy, Edith 20 Granger St Tait, Mrs. Elizabeth.. 299 HuntmgtonS *SeaL, Daniel 345 Woodland Av Taylor, Rev. L. L 649 Prospec S Seales, Mrs. W. V....345 Woodland Av Taylor, Mrs. Mary T....649 Prospect S ♦Sellers, Mrs. E. W 450 Central Av Taylor, Mrs. M. L ^^^//^IP'"' ^* Sellers, E. W 450 Central Av Taylor, Mrs. Elizabeth..3 Pittsburg Ct Shaddick, Mrs. M. G 94 Cedar Av Thompson, Charles C Russell Av Shaw, Mrs. Phoebe G 66 Cedar Av Thompson. John F ^^ J^^^"^ Z^ Shepheard, Andrew R 58 Second Av Thompson, K Ward 205 Sibley St Shepheard, Mrs. Mary Viola Tilden, Mary S The Prescott 58 Second Av Tipling, Maggie 1 348 Sterling Av Shepheard. Rena M 58 Second Av Tipling. Emily 348 Sterling Av Shepheard, Nina 58 Second Av Towler, Mrs. C. M 9 Granger St *Shipherd, John J 875 Euclid Av Towler, W. H. C 9 Granger St Shipherd, Mrs. Minnie A.. 875 Euclid Av Townsend, Mrs. Elizabeth.. McHenry St Shipherd, Mrs. Frances E Towslee, Dr. Lillian E..343 Prospect St 288 Prospect St Tyrel, Catharine 521 Prospect St SkiUicorn, John 114 Hill St Truett, J. B 6 Dodge Ct Skillicorn, Mrs. Elizabeth. .. .114 Hill St Tyler, Mrs. J. W 140 Forest St Smith, S. C 721 Euclid Av Tyler, J. W 140 Forest St Smith, Mrs. Catherine.. .721 Euclid Av Treat, Miss Linda R 251 The Lennox Smith, George S 500 Giddings Av Tucker, Hiram 25 Livingston St Smith, Flora M 721 Euclid Av Tucker, Mrs. N. A 25 Livingston St Smith, Ernest J Lakeview *Upson, A. S 1433 Euclid Av Smith, Mrs. Minnie K Lakeview Upson, Mrs. A. S 1433 Euclid Av Smith, Mrs. Susannah 23 New St Upson, Willis J 1433 Euclid Av Smith, Mrs. A. A 25 Pier St Van Egmond, Miss Annie F Smith, Mrs. Emma 14 Oliver St 116 Greenwood St ♦Solloway, Mr. and Mrs. Herbert F. yan Egmond, George Lakeview Av 116 Greenwood St 82 CLEVELAND CONGREGATIONALISTS. Venen, Mrs. Sarah Glenville Venen. Miss Lulu Glenville Wadsworth, ■William 577 Euclid Av Wadsworth, Mrs. Nancy E 577 Euclid Av Wadsworth, Marietta E 577 Euclid Av Wagner, Mrs. S. A 471 Russell Av Wag-ner, George T. B 471 Russell Av Wagner, Mrs. G. T. B 471 Russell Av Wagner, William H. 471 Russell Av Way, Mrs. Martha Ravenna, O. Way, Annie May Ravenna, O. Welton, Mrs. C. A 323 Huntington St Welton, Miss Addie M 323 Huntington St White, Miss Ann A 96 Edgewood PI White, Mrs. J. S The Lennox White, Mrs. Mary 112 Hill St Wilford, Miss Alice M 575 Prospect St Waters, Miss Florence P 136 Huntington St Williams, Frank 228 Seneca St Wilson, Mrs. Anna L 174 Osborne St Woodruff, Mrs. Annie Fisk 28 Harmon St Woodruff, Clara 28 Harmon St Woodruff, Abby A 28 Harmon St Wyckoff, Mrs. Lucinda..213 Brownell St Zaun, Miss Nettie 63 Hill St Zeleny, Bohumila A.. 27 Wallingford Ct Zeleny, Anne W 27 Wallingford Ct *Zeleny, Matilda 27 Wallingford Ct Zingler, Mrs. Rosie 148 Broadway »♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ Cbe €owell ^ l^ubbard Co, Offers a great Yariet3' of articles suitable for Wed- ding or Anniversary Gifts. Its aim is to secure the choice things in the various lines represented in its stock. An inspection of these will certainly prove not only enjoyable but instructive as well. ^ewclrg, precious Stones, Silverware, jFine porcelain, -Stationery anO Engraving, Optical department, Euclid Jfvenue ana Bond Street u. ►♦♦♦♦♦♦»♦♦ ♦ ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦» ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦»♦ PLYMOUTH CONGREGATIONAL CHURCH. 83 THE OLIVET CHAPEL MISSION WORK. One of the most important and successful Congregational missions was that of Olivet chapel, corner of Hill and Commercial streets. It was the outgrowth of a mission Sunday-school organized by Plymouth Church in 1869. When Rev. Charles Terry Collins became the pastor of Plymouth Church, coming directly from a great mission work in New York city, he entered at once into the Plymouth Church mission work and the building of a new and commodious chapel, which was named *' Olivet," because of Mr. Collins' work and love for the New York " Olivet Mission Chapel," where he had spent the first years of his minis- try. The chapel with its furnishings cost about $4,000. Dr. Schauffler, mis- sionary of the American Board in Bohemia, who was now in this country, where he would be detained at least a year by the health of his wife, was invited to come to Cleveland by Plymouth Church and take charge of Olivet chapel. The fact that Dr. Schauffler could speak EngHsh, German, Bohemian and Italian languages, he could reach the various nation- alities in that part of the city. He soon found that there were 20,000 Bohemians located in other parts of the city, and no Protestant minister who could preach to them in their native tongue. He devoted his whole time to the Bohemian work, from which has grown out the great national work among the foreign population of the West. Rev. J. E. Carroll, father of Rev. C. W.Carroll, succeeded Dr. Schauffler as pastor of Olivet chapel, with his wife as missionary. April 1884 Rev. John Doane was called to the pastorate. He was ordained and installed at Olivet chapel, September 11, 1884, and a church, branch of Plymouth church, organized and remained until the mission was given up and Mr. Doane became associate pastor with Dr. Leavitt at Plymouth Church. Olivet then had ninety-two members. The Sunday-school enrollment was between 400 and 500, with an average attendance of between 250 and 300. The Cleveland Bohemian Mission Board, the Cleveland Evan- gelization Society, with its manifold work, the Men's Home, the Gospel Wagon, etc., are the outgrowth of Olivet chapel and its Plymouth Church workers. THE IRVING STREET CONGREGATIONAL CHURCH. T^HE religious community from whose old records this short his- torical sketch is compiled was originally a church of the Bible Christian denomination, under an affiliated conference with Canada. This sect originated October 29, 1815, in England, in connection with the labors of William O'Bryan, a Methodist local preacher, its distinctive feature being its liberal policy, the laity having equal rights with minis- ters in all Church courts. IRVING STREET CHURCH. In 1831, at the urgent request of friends who had emigrated to America, two missionaries were sent out, John Hicks Eynon to Canada west, Francis Wetherall to Prince Edward Island, and in 1846 George Kippin to Ohio. After four years, John Chappie succeeded the first missionary to Ohio, who still lives at Chagrin Falls, and organized the Orange Street Society in October, 1852. The membership was ten ("most of whom have fallen asleep") who met at first in the house of Josiah Venning, who is now IRVING STREET CONGREGATIONAL CHURCH. 85 senior deacon of the church, and afterwards with Richard Wooldridge, being a more commodious residence. The first church was a frame structure erected on the present site during the pastorate of Joseph Iloidge, in which worship was conducted for five years. This was then abandoned for the larger and more com- modious building of to-day, which was dedicated in 1859. In 1855 this Ohio work was transferred to the newly organized Mis- T. A. DAVIDSON. sionary Society of Canada, with which it had stood identified, and from whence it had drawn ministerial supply. The pastorate, limited by rule to four years, was efficiently and worthily filled by W. R. Roach from 1860 for but two years, in which the work of financial consolidation was successfully completed. fe. In 1862 William Hooper began a work which ended in a year, and was/ollowed by M. Pelt and G. Hycraft. 86 CLEVELAND CONGREGATIONALISTS. The advent of John Pinch in 1865 to this field was amid almost hope- lessness, for the w^eakened church was burdened by a debt of $3,000, which, however, he raised in the short space of one year. In 1866 this church asked for and obtained its independence from the large circuit of which it had formed a part, and began its career with fiftv members. Its pastors were : Sencebaugh, Beer, Hodnett, Courtice, Joliiffe and Nott. During the pastorate of the last the most substantial progress was made, and it closed with the regret of all when he felt called to accept the editorial chair of the Observer, the denominational organ. For three years S. J. Allen held office and was succeeded by Francis M. Whitlock. During the year 1884 the question of "union " agitated this church as well as the whole Canadian conference, upon which discussion the society "Resolved, That we do not unite with the ' Methodist Church ' in the Do- minion of Canada." Further steps were taken to find suitable church relation in this coun- try, resulting in the unanimous choice of Congregationalism, which the society determined upon, May 11, 1884. "Resolution I., That we unite with the Congregational Church," which, with other appended clauses, was signed by all the members of the church in good and regular standing. This request was considered at district meeting and conference, the following resolution being passed : RESOLUTION OF CANADIAN CONFERENCE. That we comply with the request of the Cleveland district, and per- mit them to withdraw from this conference and also to appoint ministers there on each station; but should either ol the ministers desire to take his letters of standing, the president be hereby authorized to give such letters, or if any of the ministers desire to remain in connection with the Metho- dist Church, we recommend that they be connected with the London con- ference, but resident in the United States. E. Roberts, President. Immediately the church determined on consummating the union with the Congregational Church, for which letters missive were issued. Pursuant to letters missive an ecclesiastical council convened at the Irving Street Bible Christian Church, Cleveland, Ohio, on the tenth day of September. 1884. Rev. H. M. Tenney called the meeting to order and read the letter missive. Rev. H. M. Ladd was chosen moderator and Rev. S. B. Ship- man scribe, the object of the council being to consider the proposal of the Irving Street Bible Christian to become a Congregational Church. The committee presented the following, which was unanimously adopted : Resolved, That the Ecclesiastical Council representing the Congregational Churches of Cleveland and vicinity does most heartily IRVING STREET CONGREGATIONAL CHURCH. 87 approve the steps taken by the chiircli till now known as Ebenezer Bible Christian (but now to bear the name Irving Street Congregational Church), with a view to joining the Congregational body; that we are much pleased with the statements made to the council by church and Pastor Rev. F. M. Whitlock, and that we warmly welcome them to the fellowship of our body, confidently looking for increasing prosperity and strength in the promising field of labor in which God has placed them. R. A. Washburn, James Brand, h. a. schauffler. Rev. F. M. Whitlock severed his connection with the church in April, 1887. The church was embarrassed financially and Rev. W. M. Stanford supplied the church till April, 1888. Rev. R. Quaife then assumed the duty and responsibility of pastor, and by his energetic labors the church building was thoroughly restored at an outlay of over $2,000. In March, 1891, Rev. R. Quaife severed his connection with the church, and in May, 1891, Rev. George Hill was called to be the pastor and teacher. Mr. Hill labored with the church till October, 1894, when he resigned the pastorate. Since Rev. G. Hills' pastorate the pulpit has been supplied by different ministers and students from Oberlin College, till April, 1895, when the church formally called Mr. J. A. Davidson, a student at Oberlin College, to be our pastor and teacher. Mr. Davidson assumed these duties July 1, 1895. On November 21, 1895, a council of Congregational churches and ministers met at Irving Street Congregational Church and Mr. J. A. Davidson was duly examined and ordained. He has entered into the work with enthusiasm. Every department of the church is prosperous, especially the Young Men's Club. The church is out of debt and is thankful for the financial aid received from the Ohio Home Missionary Society in the past. They hope to be self-supporting in the future. DIRECTORY OF IRVING STREET CHURCH. Pastor — Rev. J. A. Davidson. 19 North place. Deacons— Josiah Venning, 1345 Wilson avenue; James Reece, 20 Cheshire street ; John Collacott, 18% Henry street ; John W. Keetch, 45 Woodland avenue. 88 CLEVELAND CONGREGATIONALISTS. CHURCH DIRECTORY. AlthofC, Mrs. Elizabeth Krauser, Mrs. Lizzie Scovill Av Anderson. John, sr 391 Scovill Av Krauser. Emma Scovil Av Anderson. John, Jr 391 Scovill Av Laud, James M 9 Belmont Anderson, Mrs. Mary 391 Scovill Av L^ud, Mrs. Maggie 9 Belmont Anderson,Mrs. Elizabeth.. 391 Scovill Av Laud, Miss Edith M 9 Belmont Andrews. Mrs. Lydia....37 Pittsburg St Laugrhlin, Miss Annie Woodman Andrews, Miss Zola 37 Pittsburg St Lueders, Matthias 50 Pittsburg St Armor, Mrs. Sarah 161 Central Av Lueders, Mrs. Mary 50 Pittsburg St Armor, Alonzo 161 Central Av Metcalf. James 72 Florence St Armor, Wellington 161 Central Av Metcalf, Mrs. James 72 Florence St Bartlett, Richard 476 Sterling Av Nigh, Mrs. Mary 40S Orange St Black, Miss Mamie 18% Henry St Pape, Thomas 27 Ocean St Callard, Miss Carrie 19 North PI Pape, Mrs. Elizabeth 27 Ocean St Callow, G. B Jackson St Peacock, Mrs. Hanna M.. .50 Bolivar St Carr, Miss Nettie 839 Central Av Pickard, Jonathan Parma Cobbledick, William J,. 278 Brownell St Pickard, Mrs. Barbara Parma Cobbledick, Mrs. Nina.. 278 Brownell St Pickard, Miss Lenora Parma Cobbledick, Miss Jennie.. 20 Cheshire St Pomeroy, Miss Maud 273 Forest St Collacott, John 18% Henry St Pugsley. John.. 19 North Place Collacott, Mrs. Elizabeth.. 18% Henry St Pugsley, Mrs. John 19 North Place Collacott, Miss Libby 18% Henry St Reece. James 20 Cheshire St Collacott. Arthur 18% Henry St Reece, Mrs. Eva M 20 Cheshire St Cottrell, Mrs. Ann 80 Maple St Reece, Ernest 20 Cheshire St Couch, William 5 Goldsmith Ct Rudolph, Mrs Perry St Davidson. Rev. J. A Schuester, Mrs. Emma 80 Maple St Dettlisch. Mrs. Annie.. 528 Woodland Av Schuester. Miss Ada 80 Maple St Farrell. Miss Nellie 1 Carpenter St Smith, Mrs. Elizabeth Jackson St Foster, William J 208 Superior St Smith, Miss Mamie Jackson St Foster, Mrs. Kate 208 Superior St Smith, Mrs. Mary J Mayflower St Foster, Charles 208 Superior St Spence, William 271 Orange St Furze, Mrs. Laura 1345 Willson Av Studd, Francis J Parma Furze, William 1345 Willson Av Studd, Mrs. Fannie Parma Gillard, William 57 Tracy St Studd, Mrs. Sarah A Parma Glass, John W 1024 Central Av Taylor, Samuel Newburg Hotchkiss, Mrs. Ruth Linden St Taylor, Mrs. Ann Newburg Johns, Mrs. Susan S 18 Henry St Theobald, Mrs. Ida Scovill Av Keetch, John W 415 Woodland Av Tucker, John L 415 Woodland Av Keetch, Mrs. Elizabeth Venning, Josiah 1345 Willson Av 415 Woodland Av Venning, Mrs. Jane 1345 Willson Av Keetch, WiUiam 1 72 Harriet Av Verity, Joseph 2075 Detroit St Keetch, Mrs. Bella 72 Harriet Av Woodman, George F 55 Grand Av King, Charles S 460 Scovill Av Woodman, Mrs. Jennie 55 Grand Av King, Mrs. Alice 460 Scovill Av Woodworth, Mrs. Ida 99 Greenwood PLYMOUTH CONGREGATIONAL CHURCH. 89 IRVING STREET CHURCH. Organization, March 1, 1896. Trustees— Josiah Venning, J. W. Keetch, James Reece, W. I. Keetch, W.J. Cobbledick, James Land, Geo. P. Woodman, Clerk — Geo. F. Woodman, Grand avenue. Treasurer — Mrs. E. M. Reece, 20 Cheshire street. Mutual Aid Society — President, Wm. Poster! Secretary, Jno. Pugslej' ; Treasurer, Mrs. J. W. Keetch. Sabbath-school — Superintendent, John Pugsley ; Assistant, Jas. Reece ; Secretary, E. L. Raquet ; Treasurer, Mamie Black ; Chorister, W. I. Keetch. Christian Endeavor Society — President. J. A. Davidson; vice-Presi- dent, Jennie Cobbledick ; Secretary, Libby Callacott ; Treasurer, Carrie Callard. Young Men's Club — President, John Pugsley; vice-President, W. J. Cobbledick; Secretary, Clarence Carter; Treasurer, Arthur Callacott. Young Ladies' Circle — President, Mrs. William Furze ; vice-President, Carrie Callard ; Secretarv, Zula Andrews; Treasurer, Carrie Carter. ADDITIONAL MEMBERS. Sangster, Albert B 16 Cedar Av Carter, Carrie Laurel St Jaite, Emil Sterling Av Andrews, Ellen Pittsburg St Jaite, Mrs. Emil Sterling Av Andrews, Willie Pittsburg St Jaite, Clara M Sterling Av Callacott, Norman 18y2 Henry St Rudolph, Gustav Sterling Av Land, Roy Belmont St Rudolph, George Sterling Av Johns, Leona 181^ Henry St Reece, Eva 20 Cheshire St Elms, Jennie Floyd St Rhymer, Frank 22 Charles St Woodworth, Eva 73 Marion St Harding, Mrs. Fannie Woodworth, Addie 73 Marion St cor. Woodland and Greenwood Rhymer, Agnes 22 Laurel St Smith, Mabel Maple vSt Pike, Jessie..... Floyd St Smith, Leander .Jackson St Dettlisch, Nellie 538 Woodland Av Carter, Clarence Laurel St Lewis, Ella Belmont St ADDITIONS TO THE FIRST CONGREGATIONAL CHURCH TO MARCH 1, 1896. Babcock, Wm. A 49 W. Trenton St Hynd, Jessie S 259 Waverly St Babcock, Mrs. W. A. ..49 W. Trenton St. Patterson.'Patrick 25 Putt Ct Deamude, J. C 702 Bridge St Patterson, Margaret 25 Putt Ct Edwards, E. H 28 Jay St Slonsky, Henry Edwards, Mary L 28 Jay St Simpson, David 33 Higgins St Fetterman, Roney 292 Clinton St Smiley, Jas. B 81 Clinton St Fetterman, Mrs. R 292 Clinton St Smiley, Susan T 81 Clinton St Hall, Joseph A 104 W. Clinton Walther, J. S 922 Lorain St Houghton, Ella M 78 Smithfield St Waterbury, George 14 Dexter PI Hurst, Samuel Waterbury, Mrs. Susie G 14 Dexter PI Hurst, Samuel S PILGRIM CHURCH, CORNER JENNINGS AND STARKWEATHER AVENUES. Pastors— Rev. Charles S. Mills, 463 Jennings avenue. Installed Sep- tember 24, 1891. . Rev. Irving W. Metcalf, associate pastor, 63(i Clark avenue. Began work July 1> 1894. Pastoks' Assistant — Miss Kate Maclnnes. Office Hours at the Church — 2:00 to 3:00 p. m. daily, except Mon-^ day and Saturday; Mr. Mills, Tuesday and Thursday; Mr. Metcalf,, Wednesday and Friday; Miss Maclnnes, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thurs- day and Friday. Church Telephone, 2984. The church is open daily from 9:30 A. m. to 9:30 p. M. HISTORICAL STATEMENT. ^HE Church was organized, by Council, November 13, 1859, in the brick sctiool-house on the site of the present Tremont school building, where meetings were held for about two years. For four years thereafter the meetings were held in the Institute building, a part of which is still standing on University street, near College street. The Church voted to unite with Cleveland Congregational Confer- ence, March 30, 1862. A church building, corner of Jennings avenue and Howard street, was begun in 1865, and dedicated m 1870, at a cost of $16,000. In 1877, the bviilding was enlarged by the addition of transepts and further remodeled to its present form, the cost of the changes being more than $20,000. The new building dedicated November 23, 1894, cost, including the site, about $150,000. It has a complete equipment for institutional work. Former Pastors— Rev. WilHam H. Brewster, 1859-1868 ; died at Wheaton. 111.. March 7, 1894. Rev. Thomas K. Noble, D. D., 1869-1872; now pastor First Congregational Church, Norwalk, Conn. Rev. William H. Warren, D. D., 1873-1875; now superintendent Congregational Home Missions, Michigan. Rev. Newell M. Calhoun, 1876—1884; recently pas- tor Congregational Church, Canandaigua, N. Y. Rev. Julian M. Sturte- vant, D.D., 1885—1890; now pastor Congregational Church, Aurora, 111. At its organization the Church had 34 members. The growth of the PILGRIM CONGREGATIONAL CHURCH. 93 Church in membership, as shown in five year periods, has been as follows • 1864.48; 18r,9, 126; 1874,211; 1879, 238; 1884, 277. From 1889 the development of the Church is shown in the following table : , d, to s^-^ W Additions. Removals. s IX, « 2 ro O 11 m o u w >+ P. L. Tot. D. 1 L. 14 Dc 7 Tot. 22 309 220 678 $2,706 $6,000 1889 12 13 25 49 1890 17 6 23 6 16 22 310 220 670 708 6,500 60 1891 19 20 39 14 1 15 334 300 962 7,976 7,805 124 1892 45 43 88 3 14 1 18 404 353 1038 8,301 12,439 133 1893 61 49 110 3 28 4 35 479 419 1121 5,693 41,666 137 1894 52 29 81 2 19 2 23 537 473 1252 5,117 29,153 213 1895 74 49 123 4 15 5 24 636 535 1214 4,779 42,223 242 Officers of the Church — Deacons— John G. Jennings, Henry C. Boffenmyer, Charles G. Sutlifif, Clark N. Thorp, Dr. Charles Buffett, Alex- ander C. Caskey, Dr. A. G. Hart, Alvah D. Hudson, Charles F. Olney, Martin House. C/eri:— Charles L. Fish. Treasurer — Henry C. Holt. Officers of the Society. — President— John G. Jennings, Jr. Treas- urer — George B. Bushnell. Clerk — Edward G. Caskey. Trustees — S. W. Sessions, John G. Jennings, Charles F. Olney, Isaac P. Lamson, John J. Crooks. Treasurer of Building- Fund — George W. Kinney. ORGANIZATIONS. Sunday-school — Superintendent, Irving W. Metcalf; assistant super- intendents, C. L. Fish, F. W. Throssell ; secretary, James Boggs ; superin- tendent of Junior Department. Miss Kate Maclnnes. Sacred Music Society— President, Charles F. Olney ; secretary and treasurer. Francis E. Wright ; conductor, Alfred Arthur. Women's Association — President, Mrs. George W. Kinney; secretary, Mrs. H S. Allen. Young People's Society of Christian Endeavor — President, Miss Eva E. Sheppard; corresponding secretary. Miss Josephine M. Hartzell, Intermediate Society of Christian Endeavor — President, Alfred N. Kellogg; secretary, Amy C. Throssell. Junior Society Christian Endeavor— Superintendent, Miss Jessie M. Knowlton. Temple Circle King's Daughters— President, Mrs. A. R. Tread- way; corresponding secretary, Miss Bertha Sacknus. Gate Keeper's Circle King's Daughters— President,Miss Agnes A. Gardner; secretary, Miss Emilie A. Pfahl. Brotherhood of Andrew and Philip — President, Charles S. Mills; corresponding secretary, Theodore P. Lyman. Loyal Circle King's Sons— Leader, Charles S. Mills; secretary, Samuel T. Stewart. 94 CLEVELAND CONGREGATIONALISTS. PILGRIM CHURCH INSTITUTE. • Organized November 9, 1894. Officers— President, Charles F. Olney ; vice-president, Dr. W. J. Sheppard; secretary, Miss Josephine M. Hartzell ; treasurer, Irving W. Metcalf; auditor, Henry C. Holt; trustees, Charles S. Mills and Irving W. Metcalf, pastors, eA:-offic7o; fifteen elected by the Church — ^J. J. Crooks, John G. Jennings, Jr., Charles L. Fish, Theo. P. Lyman, A. M. Gib- bons, Michael Riser, F. W. Throssell, R. S. Gardner, Mrs. Charles Buffett, Mrs. Charles F. Olney, Miss Harriet S. Kinney, Miss Jeannette Hart, Miss Josephine M. Hartzell, Miss Eva E. Sheppard ; nine elected by the So- ciety — Charles F. Olney, Isaac P. Lamson, J.M.Curtiss, A.D. Hudson, A. C. Caskey. W. J. Sheppard, Mrs. MISS KATE MAC INNES, PASTORS' ASSISTANT. George W. Kinney, Mrs. H. C. Holt, Miss Ruth Curtiss ; Executive Com- mittee, A. C. Caskey, J. M. Curtiss, T. P. Lyman. Irving W. Metcalf, Mrs. G. W. Kinney, Mrs. Henry C. Holt, Miss Josephine M. Hartzell. The Institute is organized as a de- partment of Pilgrim Church. Membership is open to any one and every one without regard to church connection or religious belief Under its direction are provided special facilities for physical, social and intellectual culture. Upon the first floor of the building, whose doors are open daily from 9:30 A. M. to 9:30 p. M., are a thoroughly equipped gymnasium, reading room, library, recreation rooms and social parlors. Evening educational classes, lectures and concerts are prominent features of the work of the Institute. REV. W. E. C. WRIGHT, D.D., LATE DISTRICT SEC. OF AMER. MISS. ASS'N. PILGRIM CONGREGATIONAL CHURCH. 95 The Institute is under the direction of a board of trustees, composed of the pastors of Pilgrim Church, ex-oSicio, and 24 members elected by the church and society. The first annual meeting was held October 2, 1895, and the reports then made showed that during its first year the Institute had maintained Fine Arts, History and Travel Clubs, a Literary Society, Boys' Brigade, Sewing School, with Kitchen Garden and Kindergarten Classes, a Gym- nasium with classes for men, boys, women and girls, and classes in Book- keeping, Business Arithmetic, Penmanship, Piano and Vocal Music. A largely attended Microscopical Exhibition was given. The Institute main- tains a well-supplied Reading Room, which had an attendance during 1895 of 7, 913, an average of 25 daily. Recreation Rooms were open during six months of the year, with a total attendance of 2,354', an average of 16 daily. Its Library contains 973 volumes. It was opened in April, 1895, and up to the close of 1895, 5,960 books had been issued, a dailv average of 25. The second year of the Institute opened October 2, 1895. The Fine Arts Club, Piano Classes, Sewing School and Kitchen Garden, Recreation Rooms, Library and Reading Rooms continue as during the preceding year, and in addition there are a class in Bible Study, under the leader- ship of Professor Henry C. King of Oberlin, classes in French and Ger- man, and a Kindergarten with an enrollment of 64 children the first term, and in charge of an experienced director and four assistant teachers. A popular Entertainment Course was successfully inaugurated, course tickets for four high-class entertainments being sold to the general public at the low price of fifty cents, and to members of the Institute for twenty- five cents. The total number of members, December 31, 1894, was 352. In 1895, 179 new members were received, making a total of 531 persons connected with the Institute during 1895. INSTRUCTORS AND LEADERS. Men's Gymnasium Director— W.W. Mortimer; Examining Physicians, Dr. A. B. Schneider, Dr. A. G. Hart, Dr. W. J. Sheppard. Women's Gymnasium Director— Miss Emily Dillman Smith; Examin- ing Physician, Dr. Helen K. Champlin. Fine Arts Club— Charles F. Olney. Piano — Mrs. A. V. Tiedemann. German — Professor Jean Hepp, of the Berlitz School of Languages. French — Miss Esther L. Pelton. Bible Study— Professor Henry C. King, Oberlin. Kindergarten— Director, Miss Flora L. Mowbray; First Assistant, Miss Emma H. Sharp, with three other assistants from the Training School of the Day Nursery and Free Kindergarten Association. Librarian — Miss Bessie H. Shepard. Attendant in Recreation Rooms — Miss Anna A. Weigel. 96 CLEVELAND CONGREGATIONALISTS. Sewit3g School— Committee, Mrs. Charles Buffett. Mrs. C. F. Olney, Miss Kate Maclnnes; Directress, Miss Kate Maclnnes. Kitchen Garden Classes— Commiteee, Mrs. H. C. Holt, Mrs. J. M. Curtiss. Boys' Brigade— Committee, Charles S. Mills, Frank E. Whitehouse, A. D. Hudson, John G. Glueck, Theodore P. Lyman, Irving W. Metcalf. Drill Master— Walter S. Bauder, of Fifth Regiment, 0. N. G. Kindergarten— Committee, Mrs. C. F. Olney, Mrs. Charles Buffett, Mrs. G. W. Kinney, Miss Josephine M. Hartzell, Miss Kate Maclnnes, Irving W. Metcalf. PLAN OF MAIN FLOOR. THE BUILDING. The edifice, while thoroughly dignified and churchlyin appearance, is unique in its plan of construction. It has been called "an epoch-making church building" and "the most finely equipped church in America." Its general plan is given herewith. The extreme length of the building, on Jennings avenue, is 132 feet, and its depth, on Starkweather avenue, is 120 feet, with a projection ot eight feet additional for the organ. The building covers 15,520 square feet. It contains 16 rooms on the PILGRIM CONGREGATIONAL CHURCH. 97 ground floor, 12 rooms on the main floor, 15 rooms on the gallery floor, a total of 43 separate apartments, besides ample halls, vestibules, etc. Its cubic contents are 720,000 cubic feet. The auditorium will seat com- fortably — on the main floor, 700 people; in the chorus addition, 100 ; in the gallery, 300; in the supplementary gallery, over the corridor, 150; a total of 1,250. The Sunday-school rooms are separated from the church auditorium only by a sliding partition, by means of w^hich the two apartments may be thrown together for special services. This gives capacity for the combined auditorium, of 2,400. By using class rooms and corridors, 3,000 people can be accommodated. PLAN OF GROUND FLOOR. The lower floor of the entire structure is given to the social and in- stitutional work. It contains a reading room and library, 30x30 feet; men's dressing room with lockers, shower baths and toilet rooms, a finely equipped gymnasium, 58x26V2 feet; recreation rooms, dining and social room, 49y2x52 feet; Boys' Brigade armory, 30x33 feet; kitchen. 22V2x22 feet, with pantry and serving room; ladies' parlor; women's dressing room ; beside engine and boiler rooms. The ceiling of the ground floor rooms is eleven feet high, the entire floor being only two feet below the level of the ground. The building is equipped with a complete electric lighting plant and is heated by steam and hot air. 98 CLEVELAND CONGREGATIONALISTS. CHURCH DIRECTORY. Adams, Lulu Estella 14 Merchant Av Ahrens, Nellie 31 Kenilworth St Alexander, Charles Carroll 65 Jenning-s Av Alexander, Emily Gertrude 65 Jennings Av Alfred, Anna E , Sanitarium, Battle Creek, Mich. Alfred, Daniel E 120 Holmden Av Alfred, Elizabeth J 120 Holmden Av Alfred, Joseph Herbert.. 120 Holmden Av Alger, Henry Leslie 138% Rowley St Alger, Louise 1381/2 Rowley St Alger, Rena Bell 56 Aiken Av Allen, Horace S 90 Kenilworth St Allen, Sarah E 90 Kenilworth St Allen, Marguerite Sheldon 90 Kenilworth St Ammon, Arthur P 600 Broadway, New York City, N. Y. Ammon, Rena May. 600 Broadway, N. Y. Ammon, J. Harry 30 Brevier St Ammon, Lucy 30 Brevier St Arthur, Alfred 172 Kenilworth St Arthur, Kate 172 Kenilworth St Arthur, Alfred Franklin 172 Kenilworth St Ault, Lizzie 137 Jennings Av Austin, Kate 305 Starkweather Av AylifCe, Edson Charles 350 Marcy Av Babcock, Alice M 87 Harriet Av Baker, Mary 7 Colgate St Balzhiser, Edward Clermont 48 William St Balzhiser, Cora May 48 William St Banfield, Henry 184 Merchant Av Bard, Nellie Wilson 97 Merchant Av Bard, Lucy Amanda 97 Merchant Av Barker, Almira Eliza 102 Herschel St Barker, Emma Maria 102 Herschel St Barry, Edward Milton 25 Howard St Bartholomew, Bessie Kear 1 Little St Bauknet, Josepha Anna 658 Clark Av Bedenbecker, Henry F...139 Literary St Bell, Anna 93 Pelton Av Bell, Helen Letitia 755 Scranton Av Bennett, Edward R 44 "Vega Av Bennett, Mary 44 Vega Av Bennett, Jennie Evelyn 37 Vega Av Berg-er, Joseph Stockton Berlin Heights, O Beveridge, Delia 645 Castle Av Bidwell, Georgianna Maude 660 Scranton Av Bieder, Laura Eliza 6 College St Bieder, Minerva 14 Archwood Av Bigelow, Harvey 388 Jennings Av Bigelow, Amelia 388 Jennings Av Bigelow, Mary Robinson 388 Jennings Av Bill, Anna'E 98 Merchant Av Bill, Anna E 98 Merchant Av Bishop, Albert Bert 119 Seymour Av Bishop, Olivia Ravenna, O. Bissell, Allen Breed 22 Brevier St Bissell, Loretta 22 Brevier St Black, Sarah E 645 Castle Av Blackmur, Charles Wilfred. .15 Aiken Av Blackmur, Emma Jessie 15 Aiken Av Blackmur, Edward 161 Kenilworth St Blackmur, Ella 161 Kenilworth St Blackmur, Harriet 161 Kenilworth St Blackmur, Lizzie May 2028 Clarkson St., Denver, Colo. Blackwood, Cora Bell.. 37 Kenilworth St Blackwood. William Robert 37 Kenilworth St Blair, Herbert Lee 3 Fairfield St Blake, Bessie 590 Scranton Av Boggs, James.... 52 Mentor Av Boggs, Lotta J 52 Mentor Av Boff enmyer, Henry Christian 143 Kenilworth St CLEVELAND CONGREGATIONALISTS. 99 :BofCenmyer, Josephine Angelica Bushnell, Marion Blalce..648 Castle Av 143 Kenilworth St Calhoun, Caroline ..156 Kenilworth St Boffenmyer, Roy Edg-ar Canfleld, Katherine ....1263 Slater Av 143 Kenilworth St Carleton, Janet Louise Boffenmyer, Helen Celia 636 Jennings Av 143 Kenilwrth St Case, Emma Allsindia ..96 Pelton Av Bonesteel, Willis Edward Case, Fannie 157 Jennings Av 578 E. Prospect St Caskey, Alexander C 568 Jennings Av Bonesteel, Annabel! Caskey, Mary M 568 Jennings Av 578 E. Prospect St Caskey, Paul De Witt.. 568 Jennings Av Boodey, Marguerite 3 Bergen St Chamberlain, Mary J Boop, John Pilgrim Church 40 Kenilworth St B'oppel, John Charles 33 Brevier St Chamberlain, Cora E..40 Kenilworth St Botsford, Caroline Oberlin, O. Champlin, Dr. Henry D..662 Clark Av Branch, Sarah 436 Jennings Av Champlin, Dr. Helen.... 662 Clark Av Brenning, Mary.. 252 Starkweather Av Chandler, Charles Harrison Bridge, Esther May.. 102 Literary St 107 Newell St Bridge, Hattie Bell 102 Literary St Chandler, Ida Matilda.. 107 Newell St Brightman, Ida L 82 Eglindale Av Chandler, Mary Anna.. 156 Newell St Brink, Eugene W Berea, O. chase, Hattie Sarah 20 Howard St Brink, Bessie E Berea, O. ciark, Katherine H 194 Jennings Av Brown, Ada L 39 Mentor Av coates, Herbert John ..58 Archwood Av Bryant, Charles Lester Cobb, Emma 23 Brevier St 85 Merchant Av coe, Emtnett B 124 Holmden A-«- Bubert, Birdie 47 Auburn St Coe, Alice A 124 Holmden Av Buesch, Gertrude Henrietta Cold, Marie 870 Clark Av 43 Kinkel St Colgrove, William T....47 Auburn St Buettner, Carrie Minnie Colgrove, Hattie 47 Auburn St 44 Howard St Colson, William B., Jr. .378 Jennings Av Buffett, Dr. Charles 347 Jefferson St Colson, Frances E 378 Jennings Av Buffett, Emily S 347 Jefferson St Colson, Cora Evelyne.. ..667 Castle Av Buhoup, Henry Clay 18 Aiken Av Colson, Mary 667 Castle Av Buhoup, Emily A 18 Aiken Av Common, Cordelia A. .824 Scranton Av Buhoup, John J 440 Merchant Av Cone, Addie 43 Merchant Av Burchall, Christina 67 Hamlet St Cone, Anna Estella.. ..43 Merchant Av Burchill, Alfred Manly Conly, Agnes Scott 2 Talcott St 39 Birch Av., Toronto, Can. Corlett, Selene C Warrensville, O. Burns, Imogene 93 Merchant Av Cornell, William Ellsworth Burrows, Ella May ..699 Scranton Av '. 12 Beacon St Burrows, Maria P 699 Scranton Av Cornell, Elizabeth M 12 Beacon St Burrows, Francis O 91 Merchant Av Cotton, Belle 361 Jennings Av Burrows, Mary Ella ..91 Merchant Av Cowley, Kittle A 162 Walton Av Burrows, Jay H 91 Merchant Av Cox, Lucy May Burrows, Frances 699 Scranton Av Lakeside Hospital, City Burrows, Daisy M 699 Scranton Av Cox, Minnie Burrows, Charles E..699 Scranton Av 1017 West St., Pueblo, CoL Burton, Isabel 90 Merchant Av Crooks, John J 632 Jennings Av Bushnell, George B 648 Castle Av Crooks, Edith A 632 Jennings Av Bushnell, Viola M 648 Castle Av Crooks, Florence Gertrude Bushnell, Henry Arthur.. 648 Castle Av 632 Jennings Av 100 CLEVELAND CONGREGATIONALISTS. UNKNOWN To many, but it is a fact, that a $10,000 TEN YEAR REN E W A B LE PO LI C Y in the Provident Life and Trust Company of Philadelphia (assets $28,000,000) will only cost you at AGE 40, $175, for the first two years, and much LESS yearly thereafter; or, if you pre- o2oo2o ^^^' ^^^ $125.80, annually, and much less after second oSoqOo year, $500.00 will be paid your family annually for 20 years after your death. I^^Renewahle or changeable to any other plan without examination and without break in dividends. This is positively the cheapest policy issued in the United States by any regular "Old Line" Company, as is evi- denced by the following actual case of Policy No. 46,781, W. J. H., Age 30, Cleveland, 0. Issued June 16th, 1891, for $10,000: Cost 1st and 2d years $133 50 I Cost 4th year $94 70 CostSdj-ear 95 30 | Cost 5th year 94 la Inquiries answered by mail or in person. S. S. SAFFOLD, General Agent 21 1-212 The Arcade, f ^; ^! ^! ^j(i:^Ai^Jk!^it^lii^li!.:^Ui'^lii.^Jk^lt{Mik^^^ PUSH PLATINO PHOTO FINEST ON EARTH. IS WHAT IS WANTED IN THIS BUSINESS. IT MATTERS NOT HOW MUCH PLUCK YOU HAVE; IF YOU DON'T PUSH IT TO THE FRONT YOU CAN'T EXPECT I URLIN BECKER, WILSHIRE BLD'G. PROSPERITY v^fes Wi^^iS'^/^^i^Wi^^f^'^W^A^^^^^'i^^ili'^^^f^'^^^l^'^A^^'i^^W^l^^/^ PILGRIM CONGREGATIONAL CHURCH. 101 Orowl, John A 94 Literary St Fisher, Elizabeth A 75 Lawn St Crumrine, Amelia Anne.. 48 Kenwood St Fisher, Charles H 11 Mentor Av Current, Maud Virginia.. .667 Clark Av Fisher, George Adam 210 Noyes St Curtiss, Mary 546 Jennings Av Fisher, Emma Florence.... 210 Noyes St Curtiss, Ruth 546 Jennings Av Fitzgerald, Ella 50 Fairfield St Curtiss,William Bglin..546 Jennings Av Fleet, Sara Jane 262 Jennings Av Davies, Elizabeth.. 292 Starkweather Av Forbes. Julia K 47 Professor St Davies, Evan Louis Force, Clayton Harvey ... 16 Fairfield St 292 S tarkweather Av E'oster, Blanche May 25 Howard St Davies, Helen 96 Pelton Av Poster, Emma 309 Jennings Av Dawson, Minnie 14 Drake Av Foster, Eliza 51 Mentor Av Day, Harriet Burr Meriden, Conn Foster, Lola 51 Mentor Av Daykin,,Ann 124 Walton Av Foster, Bert Everett 51 Mentor Av Daykin, Annette 124 Walton Av Foster. Frank Dean 51 Mentor Av Daykin, John, Jr 124 Walton Av Foster, Lou Ford 51 Mentor Av Daykin, Mary Louisa.. ..124 Walton Av Fowler, Clara Loretta..85 Merchant Av DeG-armo, Arthur Frank.. 101 Bridge St Frank, Nellie Josephine Deucher, Emmy Marguerite 137 Jennings Av 1065 Pearl St French, Jessie Alma DeWitt, Grace 58 Sage St Shelby, Oceano Co., Mich DeWitt, Louisa 64 Mentor Av Frisbie, Esther S 149 Jennings Av Deyling, Elizabeth 81 Herschel St Frisby, Nellie A 1 Fairfield St Dodds, Elizabeth 38 Fairfield St Furry, Wallace W 81 Fifth Av Dodds, Sarah Eleanor.. ..38 Fairfield St Gamble, Barbara 44 Rowley St Donberg, Frederick Christian Gammell, John 272 Jennings Av 137 Holmden Av Gammell, Minnie M....272 Jennings Av Donberg, Flora 137 Holmden Av Gardner, Dr. Lewis Bradstreet Donberg, Lillian Gertrude 419 Jennings Av 187 Holmden Av Gardner, Carrie Victoria Drefahl, Louise 87 Bray ton St 419 Jennings Av Dunn, Dr. Lewis J 43 Seymour Av Gardner, Robert J.... 181 Kenilworth St Dunn, Caroline 43 Seymour Av Gardner, Carrie E....181 Kenilworth St Edgerton, Myrtle Belle.... 136 Forest St Gardner, Robert S 19 Vienna St Emerson, Julia R 40 Jennings Av Gardner, Agnes A. ...181 Kenilworth St Engel, Charlotte 56 Root St Qarvin. David McCowan... 667 Clark Av Evans, Jonathan 44S Lorain St Garvin, Mary Josephine.. .667 Clark Av Evans, Sarah 445 Lorain St Garvin, Lulu Bell 667 Clark Av Evans, Mary 554 Scranton Av (^^ayton, Clara 132 Jennings Av Evans, Mary 21 Tracy St Gee, Allison Rawson...635 Scranton Av Evans, Peter Platter. 160 Kenilworth St Q^g^ Frank Henry.. .. ..635 Scranton Av Evans, Mary 160 Kenilworth St Genuske, Rosella Youngstown, O. Everett, Florence.. . .Monterey, Mexico Gerdum, William Adolphe Farris, Delia E 127 Pelton Av 549 Scranton Av Fehrenbach, Bertha Martha Gibbons, Allison Martin... 625 Clark Av ...95 Herschel St Gibbons, Ella May 625 Clark Av Fish, Lorenzo B 139 Holmden Av Gillmore, Anna Gillmore, Mich. Fish, Martha C 139 Holmden Av Gillmore, Bessie Gillmore, Mich. Fish, Charles L 139 Holmden Av Glaser, Frank Barnhart 61 Olivet St Fisher, Alfred G 75 Lawn St Glaser, Sarah Elizabeth 61 Olivet St 102 CLEVELAND CONGREGATIONALISTS. Glueck, John George 40 Barber Av Good, Emily Marie 62 Harper St Griffith, George Thomas 160 Kenilworth St Griffith, Grace Estelle 160 Kenilworth St Gross, Philip A 85 Merchant Av Gruninger, Eva 5237 Jefferson Av., Chicago, 111. Gruninger, Sarah 1410 N. St., Lincoln, Neb. Guernsey, Louise May.. 137 Jennings Av Gurley, Emma A 627 Castle Av Haas, 'Charles 73 Broadway Hadlow, John 164 Pelton Av Hadlow, Hannah M 164 Pelton Av Hadlow, Sarah Gertrude.. 164 Pelton Av Hadlow, Carolyn ...164 Pelton Av Hadlow, Lydia 218 Starkweather Av Hadlow, Lydia 218 Starkweather Av Hager, Eliza Fredrika 37 Howard St Hager, John William 37 Howard St Hall, Albert Edward 299 Starkweather Av Hall, Dora 299 Starkweather Av Hall, William A Mt. Vernon St Hall, Margaret Mt. "Vernon St Hall, James Dixon Mt. Vernon St Hamm, Dora Bell 13 Merchant Av Hampton, Margaret 66 Jennings Av Hannaford, Nancy.. .Colorado City, Col. Harrington, Norman Slade 699 Scranton Av Harrington, Eliza Jane 699 Scranton Av Harrison, Gertrude Glenville, O. Hart, Dr. Albert G 102 Jennings Av Hart, Jeannette 102 Jennings Av Hart, Anna M 60 Jennings Av Hartzell, Eliza 66 Mentor Av Hartzell, Jennie Lind 66 Mentor Av Hartzell, Josephine 436 Jennings Av Hartzell, Josephine M.. .436 Jennings Av Harvey, Barney D 95 Holmden Av Harvey, Adah L 95 Holmden Av Harvie,- Marie Jane 128 Merchant Av Harvie, John George... 128 Merchant Av Hasseries, Carl John... 70 Merchant Av Hawkes, Jennie 23 Wheller's Place Hawley, Edward Chagrin Falls, Q. Hawley, Charlotte Chagrin Falls, O, Heckman, Caroline 49 Mentor Av Heckman, Louis A 49 Mentor Av Heckman, Mary Emma... 49 Mentor Av Henderson, Sara 66 Jennings Av Henderson, Jessie 66 Jennings Av Henderson, George Maxton 66 Jennings Av Herke. Elizabeth 60 Holmden Av Hertel, Margaret Leona. . .Sanford, Fla. Hewson, Jeanette 62 Pelton Av Higbee, Virginia M 143 Jennings Av Hildebrand, Jacob. 311 Starkweather Av Hildebrand, Maria. 311 Starkweather Av Hill, Calvin S 140 Merchant Av Hinkle, Rose B 46 Howard St Hodges, Ollie Louella 5 Fairfield St Hoffman, Sophia 150 Brainard Av Holt, Henry C 94 Kenilworth St Holt, Ella M 94 Kenilworth St Holt. Clara Hart 94 Kenilworth St Hornsey, John W 158 Pelton Av Hornsey, Carrie B 158 Pelton Av Hornsey, Sarah 158 Pelton Av House, Martin 468 Jennings Av House, Sophia 468 Jennings Av House, Ma,rtha R 468 Jennings Av House, Charles Davidson 468 Jennings Av Hoxter. Ulysses Spencer 187 Kenilworth Av Huber, Barbara 25 Marvin Av Hudson, Alvah D 60 Jennings Av Hudson, Laura A 60 Jennings Av Hughes, Annie Margaret Merthyr Tydfil, South Wales Humiston, Dr. Charles B 824 Scranton Av Humiston, Mattie 824 Scranton Av Hunt, Gertrude 362 Marcy Av Ilette, Mina Adelaide.. .48 Merchant Av Jackson, Ann 636 Clark Av James, David Henry 48 Kenwood St Jarvis, Joseph Henry 893 Empress St Jarvis, Mary 893 Empress St Jennings, John G 194 Jennings Av Jennings, Caroline R..194 Jennings Av Jennings, John G., Jr 182 Jennings Av Jennings, Lillie M 182 Jennings Av Johnson, Peter F 11 Jersey St Johnson, Isabel 11 Jersey St PILGRIM CONGREGATIONAL CHURCH. 103 Johnson, Clarence 11 Jersey St Johnson, Edward Louisville, O. Johnson, Wyllis J 94 Literary St Jones, Annie 23 Tracy St Jones, Mary Jane 86 Noyes St Judd, Rosella 384 Jennings Av Jupp, "Warren Lancey 61 Branch Av Jupp, Christine Belle 61 Branch Av Keim, Harry Wright.. .124 Merchant Av Keim, Helen 124 Merchant Av Keller, Harry Trivilla.895 Fairmount Av Kellogg, Alfred Noah.. 624 Scranton Av Kelty, Sarah Ann 50 Merchant Av Kenney, L. May 291 Kinsman St Kick, Elizabeth Anna 83 Seymour Av Kick, Minnie Josephine.. 83 Seymour Av Kimball, Grace May.. 67 Trowbridge Av Kinney, George W 104 Kenilworth St Kinney, T. Jennette..l04 Kenilworth St Kinney, Mary L 177 Jennings Av Kinney, Harriet S 177 Jennings Av Kirsch, Erna Rena 649 Scranton Av Kissig, Anne 72 Professor St Knapp, Amos T 84 Literary St Knapp, Carrie May 84 Literary St Kniewaser, Evelyn 388 Jefferson St Knowlton, Charlotte Janet Mackintosh, Georgia Knowlton, Fanny 530 Jennings Av Knowlton.Jessie Meeker.530 Jennings Av Knowlton, William Amherst Independence, O Koehler, Emma Jane 69 Mentor Av Kohlmetz, Emma Louise.. 36 Tremont St Kroehle, Mabelle 159 Denison Av Krueger, Henry 685 Castle Av Krueger, Laura Elizabeth. 685 Castle Av Kuder, Hettie 342 Jennings Av Lamson, Fannie L 174 Jennings Av Lane, Ida M 96 Merchant Av Lang, Katherine 212 Walton Av Larkin, Alexander 48 Fairfield St Larkin, Mary 48 Fairfield St Larkin, Robert 48 Fairfield St Larkin, Hugh 230 Jennings Av Larkin, Ellen Elizabeth. 230 Jennings Av Larkin, Grace Lillian.. .230 Jennings Av Larkin, Jessie Rae 230 Jennings Av Lauer, Phillippine 68 Holmden Av Law, Cornelius 181 Merchant Av Lee, William James Pilgrim Church Linehan, Charles L 590 Scranton Av Lowe, George 163 Auburn St Lowe, Ellen 163 Auburn St Lowe, George Henry 163 Auburn St Lowing, Frank C 731 Braddock Av., Braddock, Pa. Luck, Emilie Eva 829 Scranton Av Luck, William Jacob... 829 Scranton Av Luehman, Edward C 244 Starkweather Av Luehman, Ella 244 Starkweather Av Lyman, Theodore Pomeroy 388 Jennings Av MacAdams, Albert Joseph.. 19 Abbey St MacAdams, Melissa 19 Abbey St Maclnnes, Kate 680 Castle Av Makepeace, George W 220 Starkweather Av [Makepeace, Anna.. 220 Starkweather Av Makepeace, Grace Emily 220 Starkweather Av Malaney, Clara Myra 20 Howard S't Matson. Sarah A 17 College St Matteson, Jasmine De Etta. 30 Auburn St McCabe, Bessie 21 Abbey St McCartney, Dr. Frank Madison 579 Clark Av McCartney, Alice May 579 Clark Av McCrea, Fay Irvin 730 Clark Av McEachren, Adella N 334 Jefferson St McGuire, Edward Voulney.. 44 Kenilworth St Mcintosh, Elizabeth 158 Aetna St McKenzie, Robert 352 Jennings Av McLean, Ernestena. .. .835 Scranton Av McNair, John W 81 Buhrer Av McNair, Jessie 81 Buhrer Av Meacham, Florence Lucina .103 Jennings Av Metcalf, Irving Wight 636 Clark Av Metcalf , Flora 636 Clark Av Meyer, Christine Matilda. 651 Jennings Av Meyer, Otto George 651 Jennings Av Meyer, Emma Anna Grace. 32 Rowley St Miller, Annie 138 Pelton Av Miller, Margaret J 138 Pelton Av Mills, Charles Smith 463 Jennings Av Mills, Alice 463 Jennings Av Moon, Clara Isola..227 Starkweather Av 104 CLEVELAND CONGREGATIONALISTS. Moran, Amelia 73 Professor St Morgan, Ida 324 Jenning-s Av Morrison, Caroline V...417 Jennings Av Mowry, Mary Colorado City, Col. Mullen, Claude Frederick 234 Jennings Av Munroe, Frances Anna. 590 Scranton Av Murphy, William 10 Thurman St Murphy, Lila 10 Thurman St Nachtrieb, Elizabeth 74 Yonker Av Nachtrieb, Franklyn Hayes 74 Yonker Av Nance, Fred Henry 60 Jennings Av Nance, Ethelyn May.... 60 Jennings Av Neville, Ada 786 Scranton Av Nicola, Charles A 782 Case Av Nicola, George 132 Jennings Av Nicola, Mary A 132 Jennings Av North, Marguerite 168 Kenilworth St Oehlhoff , Mary L 1558 Clark Av Okeson, Lois 222 Starkweather Av Oldenburg, Lizzie Sophia 667 Scranton Av Olney, Charles Fayette. 137 Jennings Av Olney, Abigail 137 Jennings Av Ormrod, William L Hotel Royal, New Orleans, La. Ortli, Amelia 1083 Pearl St Ortli, Julia 1083 Pearl St Ortli, Sarah 1083 Pearl St Osborn, Viola Mt. Gilead, O. Overholt, Blanche Scottdale, Pa. Overholt, Lulu 289 St. Clair St Palmer, Edward Austin... 144 Abram St Parpart, Edith Anna Bertha 203 Noyes St Pearce, Louise Emily Ada 171 Walton Av Pelton, Jennette M...104 Kenilworth St Pennrich, Jessie... 313 Starkweather Av Perry, Dr. Alice M 2238 Euclid Av Peters, Bertha 14 Allman Ct Peterson, Mary L 160 Huron St Pfahl, Jacob C 42 Howard St Pfahl, Alvina 42 Howard St Pfahl, Edward C 42 Howard St Pfahl, Emma Amelia 42 Howard St Pfahl, Cora Alma 667 Scranton Av Pfahl, Emilie Alvina... 667 Scranton Av Pfahl, Ida Amelia 667 Scranton Av Phillips, Daniel 1558 Clark Av Phillips, Annie 1558 Clark Av Pierce, Sloan J 303 Starkweather Av Pierce, Anna L 303 Starkweather Av Poplowsky, Laura 38 Webster St Porter, Dora 29 Bridge St Powell, Jennie 50 Mentor Av Powell, Annie Maud 50 Mentor Av Powell, Charles H 1120 Pearl St Primm, Minnie Charlotte. .40 Pelton Av Raeder,LydiaAmanda.ll48 Scranton Av Rapp, Kathrine Margaret 38 Professor St Rawson, Beatrice F 667 Clark Av Rebbeck, Amber Agnes.447 Jennings Av Rebbeck, Jennie M 447 Jennings Av Redinger, Elias 64 Mentor Av Redinger, Mary 64 Mentor Av Redinger, Loa Edna 64 Mentor Av Reed, Benjamin Charles. 45 Brainard Av Reed, Minnie 45 Brainard Av Reinhart, L. A 52 Fairfield St Richards, Eliza 14 Merchant Av Richards. Fred Emery. 14 Merchant Av Riser, Michael 48i/2 Mentor Av Riser, Martha A 481/2 Mentor Av Risk, Annette 301 Starkweather Av Risk, Oliver Arthur 301 Starkweather Av Robbins, Burt Lucius 89 Newell St Robbing, Jennie 89 Newell St Robinson, William Harvey 85 Merchant Av Rhode, Minnie 683 Clark Av Runyan, Anna M 15'i Kenilworth St Runyan, Bertie Lulu 155 Kenilworth St Runyan, Bessie May.. 155 Kenilworth St Russell, George Frederick 42 Pelton Av Russell, Emma M 42 Pelton Av Sacknus, Bertha 308 Jennings Av Sacknus, Henry E. W...308 Jennings Av Schad, Minnie 140 Merchant Av Schmidt, Lucy Agnes ....1223 Cedar Av Schneider, Dr. Adolph Benedict .... 381 Jennings Av Schooley, Augusta 68 Mentor Av Schooley, Josie Irene 68 Mentor Av Scott, Margaret IS Cliff St PILGRIM CONGREGATIONAL CHURCH. 105 Seacrist, Emma 74 Mentor Av Smith, Sarah 127 University St Secord, Mary Eva 44 Professor St Smith, Inis Margaret.. 127 University St Seiser, Charles Edward Spargur, Dr. Franklin John 23 Howard St 1158 Pearl St Seiser, Louise 23 Howard St Spaulding, Ida E 127 Putnam St Seitz, Wade Hampton 18 Ackley Ct Spidell, Charles Redmond. .15 Willet St Seville, Pearl 42 Eglindale Av Starr, Leila Sharp, Robert 689 Castle Av 3238 Forest Av., Chicago, 111. Sharp, Emma 689 Castle Av Stearns, Lelia Georgia.. 660 Scranton Av Sharp, Arthur J 689 Castle Av Stewart, Newell Coe...71 Jennings Av Sharp, Emma H 689 Castle Av Stewart, Gabrielle 71 Jennings Av Sharp, Ida E 689 Castle Av Stewart, Gabrielle Townsend Sharp, Robert Edward 689 Castle Av 71 Jennings Av Sheffer, Edward Oakley Stewart, Mary Amanda St. Johnsville, N. T. 71 Jennings Av Shepard, Harriet H..159 Kenilworth St Stewart, Samuel Townsend Shepard, Bessie Hunt 71 Jennings Av 159 Kenilworth St Stewart, Isabelle 276 Jennings Av Sheppard, Dr. William J Stickney, Christiana 84 Jennings Av 72 Merchant Av Stickney, Renoa C 84 Jennings Av Sheppard, Mary A. ...72 Merchant Av Strebel, Barthold F 17 College St Sheppard, Mary Elizabeth Strebel, Marie Anna.. 84 Merchant Av 72 Merchant Av Strebel, Sophia 34 Abram St Sheppard, Eva Estelle Stuart, Charles R 5 College St 72 Merchant Av Stuart, Mary E 5 College St Sherman, Clara Isabella.. 61 Branch Av Stuart, Jessie May 5 College St Sherwood, Katharine ..402 Jennings Av Sutliff, Charles G 143 Jennings Av Shewring. Francis W....62 Yonker Av Sutliff, Mattie 143 Jennings Av Shewring, Margaret 62 Tonker Av Sweitzer, Kate 110 Starkweather Av Shively, Frank Marion .. ..Glenville, O. Swift, Ellen Currie 10 Thurman St Siegel, Addie M 30 Newell St Tate, Marion 36 Seymour Av Sietman, Emma Minnie.. 48 Tremont St Tegethoff, Daisy E Sietman, Lydit Josephine ....84 First Place, Brooklyn, N. T. 48 Tremont St Thomas, Arthur Chester.. .17 Branch Av Silliman, Jennie 3 Goldsmith Ct Thomas, Emily Sophia.. ..17 Branch Av Simpson, Eldora Kent, O. Thorp, Clark N 31 Fairfield St Skinner, Austa Vietta..93 Merchant Av Thorp, Anna T 31 Fairfield St Slawson, Edith May.. ..41 Merchant Av Thorp, Bessie Pearl 31 Fairfield St Slawson, Sara Elmira.. 41 Merchant Av Throssell, Mary A 779 Scranton Av Smith, Dwight L..222 Starkweather Av Throssell, Alice M 779 Scranton Av Smith, Lydia M.. ..222 Starkweather Av Throssell, Amy Caroline. 779 Scranton Av Smith, Emily Dillman.. ..625 Clark Av Throssell, Gertrude May.779 Scranton Av Smith, Emma 108 Marvin Av Throssell, Jessie Estelle.779 Scranton Av Smith, Belle 108 Marvin Av Throssell, Frederic W..411 Jennings Av Smith, George A 2 Brayton St Throssell, Jessie 411 Jennings Av Smith, Mollie 2 Brayton St Tiedemann, Virginia 68 Holmden Av Smith, Dr. John R....396 Jennings Av Tilton, Mary Anne 261 Walton Av Smith, Abbie 396 Jennings Av Tilton, Gertrude Eula.. ..261 Walton Av Smith, Jane 396 Jennings Av Tilton, Lulie Pauline .... 261 Walton Av Smith, Virginia R 66 Jennings Av Tilton, Timothy 100 Merchant Av 106 CLEVELAND CONGREGATIONALISTS. Tilton, Julia A 100 Merchant Av Treadway, Mary Louise.. 97 Jennings Av Treadwell, Ada Sophia... 38 Fairfield St Twiss, George Ransom.. 139 Kennard St Tyrrell, Cecilia A Chicago, 111. Unangst, Orpha A 20 Howard St Waite, Charles E 1712 South 15th St., Philadelphia, Pa. Waite, Amelia 1712 South 15th St., Philadelphia, Pa. Wade, Samuel Ramsay. 103 Holmden Av Wade, Mary Louise 103 Holmden Av Walter, Louis 86 Noyes St Walter, Julia Floretta 86 Noyes St Waltz, Elizabeth Mary 1011 Pearl St Waltz, John H 99 Literary St Waltz, Carrie 99 Literary St Watson, Clarence Edward. 40 Branch Av Weigel, Anna Amanda 71 Vega Av Weigel, Elizabeth 71 Vega Av Weigel, George Peter 71 Vega Av Weisenborn, Lulu Florence 621 Merchant Av Weisheimer, Marie Louise. 68 Auburn St Westgate, Jessie 235 Taylor St Whitehouse, Frank Edward 322 Jennings Av Whitehouse, Minnie Anna Burgess.. 322 Jenings Av Whitman, Cora 874 Scran ton Av Whitman, Lizzie 30 Auburn St Whittaker, Annie Amelia.. 58 Noyes St Whyler, Clara 94 York St Wilber, Amelia M 30 College St Wildman, Alfred R 55 Luverne St Wildman, Anna E 55 Luverne St Wile, Zenith Trenton.. 143 Kenilworth St Wilkinson, Eva 14 Cliff St Williams, John Chester.. 696 Denison Av Williams, Mary A 696 Denison Av Wilson, Mary 61 Vernon Av., Brooklyn, N. Y. Wilson, Samuel L ....61 Vernon Av., Brooklyn, N. Y. Winkler, Ida Louise Dorothea 99 Merchant Av Witt, Cora Estella 312 Jennings Av Witt, Lulu May 312 Jennings Av Woehrle, Helena 57 McLean St Wolfenberg, Anna Marguerite Doro- thea 39 Pelton Av Wolfenberg, Emma Sophia. .39 Pelton Av Wright, Hannah L 69 University St Wright, Luewella B 74 Fulton St Wright, Susan E 151 University St Wright, Samson D 151 University St Wright, Susie Ereaux..l51 University St Wright, Francis Edmund.. 657 Clark Av Wright, Nina 657 Clark Av Wright, Julia 21 Newell St Wright, Sarah 21 Newell St Wright, Clara Beatrice Oberlin, O Yarnall, Alice Mary 86 Noyes St Ziegler, Nannetta Jackabine 160 University St Ziemer, Julia A 1410 N. St., Lincoln, Neb. For many years the leading institution for thorough, reliable business training has been recognized as the Spencerian College, of Cleveland. Others come and go, but this popular school continues to educate the best class of students for the best positions. The original Bryant & Stratton College, established in 1848. Incorporated 1895. Over 33,P50 former students. Over 400 calls during past vear for students to fill positions. Modern, practical methods taught by experienced and "capable faculty. Call, vsrrite or teleehone for illustrated catalogue and College Journal, giving full particulars. SPENCERIAN COLLEGE 42 2 SUPERIOR STREET. FRANKLIN AVENUE CONGREGATIONAL CHURCH. RANKLIN AVENUE CONGREGATIONAL CHURCH, although [^^ among the younger children of our local denominational sister- hood, has roots running back into the fifties. It is the outgrowth of a Sunday-school started on Twenty-third avenue (then Washington KEY. H. O. ALLEN. street) in 1857, by Messrs. Noyes and Trescott. The sessions were|held in the old school house, now removed, and were conducted by Mr. Noyes upon a strictly undenominational basis, the various churchesjfurnishing FRANKLIN AVENUE CHURCH. FRANKLIN AVENUE CONGREGATIONAL CHURCH. 109 teachers as needed. The eflforts of the superintendent and teachers were supplemented from time to time by preaching services conducted by Elder Prosser. Owing to the gradually increasing number of workers furnished by the First Congregational Church, the school, about the year 1866, fell under her control, and through the untiring efforts of Mr. S. H. Sheldon, Mr. J. A. Redington, Mr. A. G. Hopkinson and Mr. Edgar Slatt was presented with a new building constructed especially for the work upon a lot on Detroit street, nearly opposite St. Paul street. In these new sur- roundings and upon this new site the school grew very rapidly, and for ten years, under the superintendency of Mr. Sheldon, Mr. Hopkinson, Mr. Forbes and Mr. Wilmot, deepened in spiritual power. On account of the rapid growth of the city westward and of the evident desirability of soon organizing a church, the school in the year 1876 purchased a lot 200 feet in depth by 44 feet in width on the corner of Franklin and Waverly avenues, the present site of the church, and moved its building upon it. About this time, Rev. S. B. Shipman, who had recently been called from At water, O., by the First Congregational Church to take charge of Mission work on Harbor street, was given charge of the school. Mr. Shipman threw his strength into the work, and within a few months, on November 22, 1876, brought about the organi- zation of Franklin Avenue Congregational Church, with thirty charter members, fourteen of whom were furnished by the First Church and the remainder by the school itself and the Harbor street mission. From the day of its organization this church has been characterized by a marked unity of spirit and an untiring zeal in the Master's work. Beginning with a debt of $2,150 on their lot, this devoted little band, composed wholly of poor people, under the leadership of Rev. S. B. Shipman, their pastor, within thirteen ^-^ears paid all indebtedness and raised a sufficiently large sura to warrant the erection of a church building. In 1889 this edifice was begun in most auspicious circum- stances, but before the year should close the flock were destined to fall under a heavy cloud. On July 19, when the building was only half completed, the hand of death removed their pastor almost without warn- ing, leaving them with a heavy responsibility and no shepherd. For a time it seemed to many that the work could not go on, but the devotion of too many hearts had been enlisted to suffer even so great a calamity to long check determination. A committee was at once appointed to secure a new pastor, and on October 1, 1889, but little more than two months after the death of Mr. Shipman, Rev. Herbert 0. Allen, who had just graduated at Oberlin Seminary, accepted their call +o the pas- torate. At the death of Mr. Shipman there were 148 members enrolled. During the present pastorate the enrollment has risen by the addition of 199 members, to 267. The work is generally flourishing, and the people vv^ho still love to call themselves " The Little Church'' are yet of the faith that God has given them a distinct and blessed mission to accom- plish. 110 CLEVELAND CONGREGATIONALISTS. Trustees — George Willard, 290 Clinton street ; John Green, 125 Courtland street ; Thomas Bradley, 228 West Madison avenue; William Faragher, 38 West Clinton street; Bert Faragher, 38 West Clinton street. Clerk—]. D. Giauque, 34 Davis street. Treasurer— W . B. Mumford, 252 Waverly avenue. Deacons — Hugh Bone, 227 Tw^enty-third avenue ; A. J. Thompson, Lakewood ; H. B. Worth, 1097 Detroit street ; Walter Mott, 184 Waverly avenue. Deaconesses — Mrs. Harriet Cook, 16 Twenty-third avenue , Mrs. Sarah King, 50 Bayne street. Sunday-school Superintendent— James Bone, 227 Twenty-third avenue. President Y. P. S. C. E. — Samuel Pownal, 164 Herman street. Corresponding Secretary Y. P. S. C. J5.— Mabel Sanders, 154 Twenty- third avenue. President Kings Daughters— Mrs. William Westgate, 237 Taylor street. President Ladies' Home and Foreign Missionary Society — Mrs. William Faragher, 38 West Clinton street. Secretary Ladies' Home and Foreign Missionary Society — Mrs. William Westgate, 237 Taylor street. Superintendents of J. Y. P. S. C. i'.— Miss Mary Lehr, 296 Waverly avenue ; Mrs. George Zahn, 77 Ellen street. MANUFACTURER OF Church :=: Furniture, 550 SCRANTON AVE., CLEVELAND, O. References : — Pilgrim Cong. Church, Jennings Ave. ; Euclid Avenue Cong. Church ; First Cong. Church, Franklin Ave. FRANKLIN AVENUE CONGREGATIONAL CHURCH. Ill CHURCH DIRECTORY. Allen, Rev. H. 81 Birch St Bone, Miss May E 65 Scott St Allen, Mrs. H. 81 Birch St Booth, Mrs. Jane A 23 Putt Ct Ames, Miss Fannie.. Silver Creek, N. Y. Bradley, Mr. Thomas Amsden, Mr. E. M East Side 228 West Madison Av Amsden, Mrs. E. M East Side Bradley, Mrs. Thomas Anderson, Capt. Charles.. 82 Mecca St 228 West Madison Av Anderson, Mrs. Charles 82 Mecca St Brown, Mr. George 154 Lawn St Anderson, Mrs. Cathrine 2 Birch St Brown, Mrs. George 154 Lawn St Archer, Mrs. C. A 909 Scovill Av Brown, Mrs. Alice 162 lona St Austin, Mr. Alfred T Buchholz, Miss Helen 124 Twenty-third Av Gordon Av., cor Wine Austin, Mr. James P Burton, Mrs. Henry 94 Burton St 124 Twenty-third Av Cain, Miss Margaret 362 Erie St Averill, Miss Helen.. 36 West Clinton St Caldwell, Miss Lulu 74 Liberty St Balch, Mrs. Eliza 28^ Davis Av Campbell, Miss Margaret.. .121 Birch St Balch, Mr. Harry 28 Davis Av Campbell, Miss Minnie.. ..121 Birch St Becker, Mrs. Caroline Campbell, Mr. Alexander, jr Gordon Av., Cor. W. Clinton 121 Birch St Bell, Mr. David 23 Birch St carr, Mr. Robert.. 124 Twenty-third Av Bell, Mrs. David 23 Birch St Qarr, Mrs. Robert.. 124 Twenty-third Av Belt, Miss Charlotte Unknown Carr, Miss Agnes.. 124 Twenty-third Av Bergsicker, Mrs. William Carrell, Mrs. Sarah J 21 Dare St 285 Waverly Av Carrell, Mr. George 21 Dare St Berry, Mr. E. A 245 Lawn St Carson, Mrs. Margaret Unknown Berry, Mrs. E. A 245 Lawn St chambers, Mr. Charles.. 290 Waverly Av Bitner, Mr. J. R 883 Detroit St chambers,Mrs. Charles.. 290 Waverly Av Bitner, -Mrs. J. R 883 Detroit St ciark, Mrs. Caroline 121 Gordon Av Bitner, Miss Christine.. .883 Detroit St cliff, Mrs. Thomas 153 Colgate St Bone, Mr. Hugh. .227 Twenty-third Av qqq^^^ ^j.^^ Harriet Bone, Mrs. Hugh. .227 Twenty-third Av ' [ 16 ' Twenty-third Av Bone, Mr. William H .^..^ . ,, . ,. _, -d, -rn„i+^ o*. Davis, Mrs. Amelia D 45% Fulton St 227 Twenty-third Av « ^ , „. Bone, Mrs. William H ^^^^' ^^- ^^^^'^ ^ ^^^^^^ ^^ 227 Twenty-third Av I^^^^' '^^- Robert 9 Devine St Bone, Miss Ethel.. 227 Twenty- third Av Deas, Miss Emily 9 Devine St Bone, Mr. James... 227 Twenty-third Av Deas, Miss Mary E 9 Devine St Bone, Mrs. James.. 227 Twenty-third Av Dennison, Mr. Edward — 53 Mecca St Bone, Miss Annie May DeWitt, Mr. J. H 63 W Clinton St 227 Twenty-third Av DeWitt, Mrs. J. H 63 W Clinton St Bone, Mr. Alexander 65 Scott St Dixon, Mr. Jacob Buffalo, N. T Bone, Mrs. Alexander 65 Scott St Dobbie, Mr. John 66 Davis Av Bone, Miss Margaret P ..65 Scott St Dorien, Mr. John 50 Bayne St 112 CLEVELAND CONGREGATIONALISTS. Cleveland :=: Bicycles! The fact that the Cleve- land cycles are selected by the intelligent and re- fined, makes it Cbe Society iUbeel The experienced rider makes the Cleveland first choice. It is beautifully made, It is elegantly finished, ' Its frame is strong. Its frame is rigid. Its tires are superb. The bearings are without an equal, the truest made, of perfect finish. It requires less effort to ride the Cleveland than any other wheel. Our Riding Academy Open Day and Evening. r^M^M^^M^Mf^^^^^^^MMfJVW^^^A H. A. LOZIER & CO., Cor. ERIE & CHESTNUT. FRANKLIN AVENUH CONGREGATIONAL CHURCH. 113 Dorien, Mrs. John 50 Bayne St Housel, Mr. William 158 Buhrer Av Doug-lass, Mrs. Mary.. 78 Beechwood St Housel, Mrs. William.. ..158 Buhrer Av Douglass, Mrs. Chas 132 Duane St Hudson, Mrs. Claude Bridge St Dryer, Mr. William Glenwood Hutchinson, Mr. John.. 100 Hartnell St Dryer, Mrs. William Glenwood Hutchinson, Mrs. John.. 100 Hartnell St Eardley, Miss Fannie H 55 Scott St Hutchinson, Mr. Alexander Eg-gert, Mr. Georg-e C.The Altenheim 100 Hartnell St Faragher, Capt. Wm..38 W. Clinton St Hutchinson, Miss Margaret Faragher, Mrs. Wm..38 W. Clinton St 100 Hartnell St Faragher, Mr. Bert.. 38 W. Clinton St Jackson, Mrs. William 55 Scott St Faragher, Miss Maude. 38 W. Clinton St James, Miss Sarah 55 Scott St Farrend, Mr. A. J.... 303 Waverly Av Johnson, Mrs. H. J Lakewood Farrend, Mrs. A. J.... 303 Waverly Av Jones, Mrs. J. P Detroit, Mich. Fay, Mrs. Sophia 110 Scott St Kane, Mrs. William 137 Dare St Fay, Miss Parmelia 110 Scott St Kelso, Miss Ella 158 Waverly Av Fay, Miss Myrtie E 110 Scott St Keller, Mr. B. F... Lakewood Fay, Mr. Brayton G 128 Scott St Kennedy, Mrs. J. D 58 Hartnell St Fay, Mrs. Brayton G 128 Scott St Keppie, Mr. Robert 30 Fir St Fletcher, Mrs Anna 77 Ellen St Keppie, Mrs. Robert 30 Fir St Flewilling, Mrs. James.116 Courtland St Kerr, Miss Martha Frisbie, Mrs. Mary.. W. Madison Av 138 Twenty-third Av cor. Wellington Kidd, Mrs. J. 1 105 Birch St Ford, Mr. Frank 26 Ware St King, Mrs. Sarah 50 Bayne St Ford, Miss Nettie 70 Bayne St King, Mr. Thomas 90 Salsbury St Garrett, Miss Carrie 748 Detroit St King, Mrs. Thomas 90 Salsbury St Gee, Mrs. James 45 St. Paul St Land, Mr. Thomas. .17 W. Madison Av Gehres, Mrs. Lena 245 Lawn St Land, Mrs. Thomas.. 17 W. Madison Av Gehres, Miss Annie 245 Lawn St Lehr, Mrs. Caroline. . ..296 Waverly Av Geist, Mrs. Elizabeth.. 128 Twenty- Lehr, Miss Mary 296 Waverly Av thirdi lAv Lehr, Mr. Arthur 296 Waverly Av Geist, Miss Elizabeth.. 128 Twenty- Lehr, Mr. Herman 296 Waverly Av third Av Logie, Mrs. William 85 Liberty St Giauque, Mr. J. D 34 Davis Av Loomis, Mr. Milo Giauque, Mrs. J. D 34 Davis Av p^^j.! g^^ corner Jay St Green, Mr. J. L 125 Courtland St Lowe, Mrs. J. B 79 Root St Green, Mrs. J. L 125 Courtland St Lynn, Mrs. Eliza Buffalo, N. Y. Grover, Mrs. J. C 236 Taylor St Martin, Mr. James 103 Scott St Groves, Mr. Samuel Pittsburg, Pa. Martin, Mrs. James 103 Scott St Groves, Mrs. Samuel.. ..Pittsburg, Pa. McAulley, Mr. Thomas. 60 Courtland St Groves, Mr. Newman.. ..Pittsburg, Pa McAulley, Mrs. Thomas. 60 Courtland St Guy, Mrs. Orilla 315 Waverly Av McAulley, Miss Celia...60 Courtland St Guy, Miss Jennie May.. 315 Waverly Av McDonald, Mrs. Margaret. .100 Hartnell Hanchett, Mrs. Marguerite.. 35 Birch St McGregor, Mr. Alexander.. .Poland, Me Hay, Miss Elizabeth 59 W. Clinton St McGreg-or, Mrs. Alexander.. Poland, Me Hayden, Mrs. Delos Toledo, O. McGuire, Mrs. Julia 145 Dare St Hill, Mrs. James 52 Ware St McKay, Mr. John 263 Harbor St Hill, Miss Amy 257 Waverly Av McKay, Mrs. John 263 Harbor St Hogan, Mr. William 296 Waverly Av McKay, Miss Sarah 263 Harbor St Hogan, Mrs. William.. 296 Waverly Av McKerrall, Mr. James 88 Bayne St 114 CLEVELAND CONGREGATIONALISTS. McKerrall, Dr. William Kendiall Block, Etiolid Av Miller, Mr. White Unknown Miller, Miss Jennie Unknown Miller, Mr. George Pearl St Milne, Mr. Robert 9 Willett St Milne, Miss Annie 9 Willett St Montgomery, Mrs. Isabel. 20 Hamburgh Montgomery. Miss Flora. 20 Hamburgh Montgomery Miss Marg..20 Hamburgh Montgomery, Miss Agnes. 20 Hamburgh Moon, Mrs. R. E 91 Liberty St Morgan, Mr. Harmon... 43 Woodbine St Morgan, Mr. Lewis 43 Woodbine St Mott, Mr. Walter 184 Waverly Av Mott, Mrs. Walter 184 Waverly Av Mumford, Mr. W. B 252 Waverly Av Mumford, Mrs. W. B...252 Wlaverly Av Mumford, Miss Ida 252 Waverly Av Myrick, Miss Mary 23 Root St Nahouse, Mrs. Frank 23 Sayle Av Nelson, Mr. John Medina, O. Nickel, Mrs. Adam 38 Myrtle St Nickel, Miss Agatha 38 Myrtle St Nickel, Miss Nettie 38 Myrtle St Norton, Miss Lillie May 57 Scott St Orr, Miss Mary 209 Crawford Rd Overholt, Miss Lizzie.. .53 Woodland Av Peet, Mrs. Hannah 89 Scott St Peet, Miss Gertrude 89 Scott St Pflmister, Mrs. James 29 Putt Ct Pfenninger, Miss Anna 79 Bayne St Phillips, Mrs. Henry... 23 W. Clinton St Pierce, Miss Lizzie 229 Root St Poe, Mrs. A. C. 675 Detroit St Pownall, Mr. Samuel 166 Herman St Quinn, Mr. Roibert..l92 W. Madison Av Quinn, Mrs. Robert.. 192 W. Madison Av Rankin, Mrs. Thomas 61 Bancroft St Rice, Mrs. Charles 71 Bayne St Roberts, Mr. Henry Walker Works Roberts, Mr. Simon 55 Scott St Roberts, Mrs. Simon 55 Scott St Rollinson, Mr. Robert.. 155 Waverly Av Rollinson, Mrs. Robert.. 155 Waverly Av Roy, Mr. Charles 29 Mecca St Sanders, Mrs. Joseph 154 23d Av Sanders, Miss Mable 154 23d Av Saunders, Mr. Alfred 26 Mecca St Saunders, Mrs. Alfred 26 Mecca St Saunders, Mr. Thomas 26 Mecca St Seaman, Mrs. Elizabeth.. 302 Clinton St Seaman, Mrs. Julia 302 Clinton St Seaman, Miss Mabel 302 Clinton St Seaman, Miss Bessie 302 Clinton St Semple, Mrs. Celia 60 Courtland St Shipman, Mrs. M. W Allston, Mass Simmons, Mrs. Stephen.. 2 Claremont St Simmons, Miss Ella 2 Claremont St Smith, Mrs. Albert.. ..754 Republic St Smith, Mr. D. K....39 West Clinton St Smith, Mrs. D. K....39 West Clinton St Smith, Miss Edith.. .... ..302 Clinton St Smith, Mrs. Frank Unknown Smith, Mrs. James 91 Scott St Stroh, Mrs. Henry 323 Harbor St Stroh, Miss Hattie 323 Harbor St Stofer, Mr. M. W 101 Birch St Stofer, Mrs. M. W 101 Birch St Stofer, Miss Lottie 101 Birch St Streidel, Miss Cora 365% Taylor St Stroud Mrs. Alice R Chicago, 111. Thompson, Mr. A .J Lakewood, O Thompson, Mr. Henry 78 Lawn St Thompson, Mrs. Catherine.. 78 Lawn St Toland, Miss Ida 190 Waverly Av Tower, Mrs. Helen 167 Courtland St Van Note, Mrs. W. H 50 Bayne St Viall, Mrs. Elizabeth 91 Liberty St Walker, Mrs. John Chicago, 111 Walker, Mr. Charles. Ft. Duchesne, Utah Watson, Mrs. Isabel 133 Gordon Av Watson, Mrs. Robert 133 Gordon Av Wenger, Mrs. Jacob Corner Clark and Selden Wenham, Miss Emma 93 Scott St Westgate, Mrs. Anna 237 Taylor St "Westgate, Mr. Albert.. ..235 Taylor St Westgate, Mr. William 237 Taylor St Westgate, Mrs. William.. 237 Taylor St White, Mr. Arthur.. 224 W. Madison Av White, Mrs. Arthur.. 224 W. Madison Av White, Mrs. Joseph 53 Root St White, Miss Gertie 53 Root St Whitney, Mr. James 655 Detroit St Whitney, Miss Mary 655 Detroit St Whitney, Mr. Louis Lake Av., corner Mecca Whitney, Miss Elizabeth Lake Av., corner Mecca FRANKLIN AVENUE CONGREGATIONAL CHURCH. 115 Whitney, Miss Cora Lake Av., corner Mecca "Wilkinson, Miss Anna 186 Cedar Av Williams, Mrs. Stafford 23 Dare St WiUard, Mr. George G....290 Clinton St Willard, Mrs. George G.. ..290 Clinton St Wolacott, Mr. James 29 Pear St W^ood, Mrs. Sarah Ann 84 Elton St Wood, Mrs. Jane.. 170 Twenty-third Av Wood, Miss Florence 170 Twenty-third Av Worth, Mr. H. B 1097 Detroit St Worth, Mrs. H. B 1097 Detroit St Young, Miss Lottie 57 Rutlage Av Young, Mrs. Charlotte.. 57 Rutlage Av Zahn, Mr. George 76 Ellen St Zahn, Mrs. George 76 Ellen St THE In Name and Quality. ..The Best.. That Money and Skill Can Make. Ask Your Friends about the "Standard." The Standard Sewing Machine Co., 66 Euclid Avenue, 661 Lorain Street. HISTORICAL SKETCH OF MOUNT ZION CONGREGA- TIONAL CHURCH. I^ ^IVE Christian friends met at a private house, June 8, 1864, to take 1^*1 into consideration the organization of a new church. Having: previously studied and given the subject prayerful thought, they entered freely into the discussion, and decided that Congregationalism would best meet their wants and necessities. From this time a regular w^eekly prayer-meeting was held, and as often as possible preaching on. MT. ZION CHURCH.. the Sabbath. On September 11, 1864, the Mount Zion Congregational Church was formally organized in Plymouth Church, then on Prospect street, between Sheriff and Erie, when nineteen Christian men and women took upon themselves the solemn covenant of the Church. The day was one of unusual interest, not only to the new, but to the old church which had so kindly opened its doors and said, "Come, you are welcome." All the Congregational churches of Cleveland were represented in the council by their pastors and delegates. Rev. J. A. Thomes and the Rev. Dr. Wolcot, with their churches, were the true friends of the new churchy and by their counsel, their means and good cheer never failed to give en- couragement. While Mt. Zion owes much to her sister churches, she especially regards Plymouth Church as her "foster mother," and cannot MT. ZION CONGREGATIONAL CHURCH. 117 forget the cordial, warm send-off at the old church in 1864, supplemented since by a warm-hearted, brotherly love. First minister was Rev. J. H. Muse. Soon after the organization, the church succeeded in erecting a very •desirable brick meeting-house on Erie street. But in view of better loca- tion, and a debt necessarily heavy for them, they sold the property for ^8,000, and bought the present site on Maple street, and built a neat and •cosy house, free from debt. About this time the church suffered greatly from various causes. Institutions to meet the wants of those who had been oppressed were looked upon by many with distrust, and especially those who came to this city, because they had heard nothing of Congre- gationalism. Internal dissensions soon crept in, which seemed to REV. DANIEL W. SHAW. "threaten the very existence of the church; nothing was more discourag- ing than the loss of some of the most energetic members by change of residf-nce. The pulpit was supplied by various ministers till Septem- l>er. 1873, when Rev. C. E. Ruddick became pastor, and continued till 1877. In 1878, Rev. A. J. DeHart became pastor. Brother Johns succeeded Bro. DeHart as pastor; after his resigna- tion, Brother S. S. Calkins administered to the spiritual wants of Mt. Zion till Brother S. N. Brown was secured for thechurch. Brother Brown, lifter an engagement of three months, was made pastor of the church. He remained on the field about three years and a half, and was successful in rebuilding and beautilying the ch.rch edifice. In 1889 he was called to Washington, and was succeeded by the Rev. Daniel W. Shaw, the present pastor, under whose hand the Church bas grown and prospered. 118 CLEVELAND CONGKEGATIONALISTS. CHURCH DIRECTORY. Chase, Nettie 27 Wagner St Robinson, M 33 Hackman St Carter, Ann 27 Wagner St Seelig, Edwina 26 Hackman St. Harris, Sopliia Ganor Bell Av Tolbert, Emma 68 Hackman St Ganor, Stella Bell Av Tolbert, Laura ...68 Hackman St Jordan, Susan 36 Putnam St Tolbert, Harry 68 Hackman St Johnson, Lucinda Greenwood St Tolbert, John 68 Hackman St Kain, Mary A. 25 Wood St Hill, Viena 32 Hackman St Brown, Chas Wood St Baker, Oscar W 30 Hackman St Moore, Belle 199 Beachwood St Baker, Nellie H 30 Hackman St Moore, Charles 199 Beachwood St LJUy, Rebecca 43 Hackman St. Mann.Mella 8 Cleve St j^QQ^e, Edna May 19 Hackman St Adkins, Mamie Blaine St ^^^^^^^^ ^^ Eugene... 68 HackmaB St Burgess, Anna E 22 Blaine St ^.^^.^ 26 Hackman St McKoy, Wm. H 9 Maple S ^^^^^_ j ^.^^ ^3 Hackman St Mears, Mildred 9 Map e S ^^ ^^^^^ ^ ^^ Hackman St McKoy, Amanda 9 Maple St ^ ., _^^ ^o t • ^^ a* ^ ^ T,^ , d^ Bailey, Wm 48 Lmden St Ransome, Young Maple St .' .„^.,,. i„o t • ^ o* „ ' , ^ T»r 1 o* Dennie, Phillip 128 Linden St Ransome, Mrs. Young Maple St ^.,. , ^, . ^o t • ^ o* „^ , ,, o, r- -./r 1 c... Nickens, Clarisa 48 Linden St Stanley, Mrs. Sarah Maple St -r ^-u -v^r ao -r ■ a a* ' ^ ^- .. ,, , Q^ Nickens, Luther W 48 Linden St Skinner, Mrs. Nathan Maple St ' ^-, -r ■ ^ o* Fields, Wm.H 18 Maple St G^o^^^' ^mma 51 Linden St Fields, Mrs. Wm. H 18 Maple St Denney, Pearl 128 Linden St Mears, Lena 9 Maple St Ingraham, Lee Linden St Mickey, Amelia 25 Maple St Haskins, Mamie 128 Linden St .... , „r ^o T „„„^i c+ Ingraham, J Linden St Nelson, Wm 43 Laurel St ^ ' ,... ^ • .a c* e,^ ' ,, , To„^„ic!f Glover, Julia 51 Linden St Stewart, Maude Laurel St Robinson, Emma 30 Laurel St Boyd, Samuel T 137 Edwards Av Nelson, Mrs. Wm 43 Laurel St Boyd, Rosa Farmer... 137 Edwards Av Brown, Catherine 32 Hackman St Bowman, Cella 136 Sibley St Baker, Alice 30 Hackman St Gray, Wm. H 138 Sibley St Dunjill, Janie H 28 Hackman St Dudley, Adelaide 136 Sibley St Dunjill, Florence 28 Hackman St Thomas, Jennie Dudley... 136 Sibley St Dunjill, Mrs. Alice 28 Hackman St Green, Hattie 280 Cedar Av Flamer, Minnie 32 Hackman St Little, Daniel Cedar Av Hall, Jennie 19 Hackman St Johnson, Hattie 1181 Euclid Av Jackson, Sarah A 48 Hackman St Harmon, Sophia E 1173 Euclid Av Johnson, Annie 48 Hackman St Byrd, Hattie Euclid Av Jackson, Frances 48 Hackman St Green, Katie Euclid Av Kellogg, Catherine 17 Hackman St Hare, Mrs. Edgefield 8 Nichola St Kellogg, John H 17 Hackman St Alexander, Maria 34 Newton St Robinson, Benjamin 33 Hackman St Alexander, George 34 Newton St Robinson, Cora 33 Hackman St Chavons, Peter 25 Newton St MT. ZION CONGREGATIONAL CHURCH. 119 Lowe, D. A 33 Newton St Larkins, Nellie 16 Pine St Lowe. Rachael 33 Newton St Larkins, John S 16 Pine St Lowe, Mamie 33 Newton St Woods, Anna 8 Pine St Revels, Emma 41 Newton St Turner, Sadie 27 Quebec St Revels, Walter 41 Newton St Turner, Edward J 27 Quebec St Burdine, Conley 343 Lincoln Av Keene, Sarah S 30 Schiller St BurdincJulia 343 Lincoln Av Keene, Riley 30 Schiller St Edmonds. Catherine ....50 Ashland Av Keene, Esther 30 Schiller St Brown. Jere A 50 Ashland Av Keene, Kittie 30 Schiller St Brown, Mary A 50 Ashland Av Gayters, Nina 471 Dunham Av Hackley, Addie 68 Ashland Av Steel, George Creighton St Hackley, Adeline 68 Ashland Av Steel, Sophia Creighton St Hackley, Charles 68 Ashland Av Shaw, Rev. Daniel W 18 North PI Hackley, Fred 68 Ashland Av Smoot, Belle H 18 North PI Ricks. Joseph T 30 Ashland Av Thompson, Carrie : 18 North PI Walker. T. W 30 Ashland Av Thompson, Willa 18 North PI Walker. Hattie 30 Ashland Av Thompson, Eugene 18 North PI Johnson. Frances 30 Ashland Av Thompson, Wm 18 North PI Merchant. William P 17 Plum St Thompson, Fred 18 North PI Hansbarry. S. W Pearl St '^"^"^"' ^^"^ « 18 North PI ,_ w T«T CI -rtr -ID „ 1 c* Thompson, Mary J 36 Blair St Hansbarry, Mrs. S. W Pearl St ^ , j a, •. ,^^ ,T-.,,. ,^ T „,,, _ „, Thompson, Lettie 36 Blair St Tillie, Mrs. James 24% Sumner St ' ^ j-- a. -. ^<. ^ , TVT • re ^ T <■ en. Thompson, Walter 36 Blair St Baker, Nannie 56 Calvert St „,.,,. _ , T-, , . ra r^„^ . cf Williams, Annie 38 Blair St Baker, Robert 56 Calvert St ^ . ^ , ,. .„,._„. re r^ T <■ ci<. Lewis, Cordelia 259 Huntington St Bodie, Flavia 56 Calvert St ^^ ._ ,. T.. re r^ , 4. en- Thompson, Mary 19 Sked St Bodie, Mrs 56 Calvert St '' ,„ „, , ^. _ . „ ■„ **• a-, r^ 1 <- cit. Thompson, Clara 19 Sked St Fairfax. Hattie 63 Calvert St _ . , ^^ _ . ^„ „, , „^ ^ . ^ -r^ ■ , oo ^ , * o^ Lides, Mrs. Jessie 17 Sked St Fairfax, Daniel 63 Calvert St -t^t-^,, ,,„ .„ o^ -rxr v. i. o^ W^aller, Maria 24 Webster St Fairfax. John 63 Calvert St ^llen, T. B. S Holmden Av Jackson. Alice Calvert St coleman, Jennie Frank St Potter. Adelaide Calvert St Johnson, Ella Frank St Fairfax, John, Sr 63 Calvert St Johnson, James Frank St Meredith, James 63 Calvert St Brown, Maggie j 46 Frank St Meredith, Nettie 63 Calvert St Burgess, Ann Eliza 22 Frank St Brown, Mary E 538 Scovill Av Brown, Mary E 46 Frank St Brown. W. Scott. Jr 538 Scovill Av Martin, A. H Adelbert St Brown. W. Scott. Sr 538 Scovill Av Ferguson. Florence M 84 Harmon St Brown, Mrs. W. S 538ScovillAv King, Mary 12 Vine St Gregory, Martha 538 Scovill Av Campton, Imogene Craw Av Gaines, Anna E 2.'50 Jennings Av Price, Ella Craw Av Queen, Birdie 48 Livingstone St Randolp, Anna Erie St Queen, Edna 48 Livingstone St stokes, Lottie Wheeler Erie St Ricks, Sarah 86 Cory Av Temple, Mamie California St Ricks, Benjamin 86 Cory Av Allen, Mary L 476 Central Av Jones, Nettie 24 Pine St strother, Mamie 476 Central Av Ricks, George 24 Pine St Brown, Mason H 662 Central Av Ricks, Albert 24 Pine St Bowles, W. O Central Av Ricks, Josie V 24 Pine St Crawford, J. W 597 Central Av Walker, Tillie 17 Pine St Crawford, Mattie 597 Central Av Walker, Rachel L 17 Pine St Drayton, Azaline 600 Central Av Walker, David H 17 Pine St ^avis, Julia 600 Central Av 120 CLEVELAND CONGREGATIONALISTS. Oraham, William 660 Central Av "Whiting-, Amanda Sterling Av Jackson, Anna E Central Av Brown, Grace "Wilson 396 Sterling Av Oldwine, Nora 600 Central Av Wills, Mary Sterling Av Moore, Dilsey 457 Central Av Jackson, Clifford 449 Sterling Av Moore, Annie 457 Central Av Sawson, Walter H 419 Sterling Av Sheldon, J. G., 366 Central Av Sawson, Alice 419 Sterling Av Wilson, Mary J 490. Central Av Sawson, Joseph 419 Sterling Av Tlhodes, Maude Wilson.. .490 Central Av Raymer, Richard 400i^ Sterling Av Tmes, Mabel L 575 Central Av Raymer, Lena 400i/^ Sterling Av Williams, John C 603 Central Av Schultz, Lettie Sterling Av Temple, William 603 Central Av Flemming, Mamie Sterling Av Morris, Mrs. John T 462 Central Av Moss, Mary L Sterling Av Drayton, Frank 600 Central Av Hern, Mrs. Silas Ann Sterling Av Conrad, Howard 217 Central Av Randolph, Bessie 403 Sterling Av Conrad, Mrs. Howard 217 Central Av Wells, Julia A 386 Sterling Av Nichols, Nathan Central Av Sutton, Ella 399 Sterling Av Hurst, Ellenor 502 Central Av Sutton, Bertha 399 Sterling Av X)enney, Hugh 608 Central Av Benson, Eliza 24 Forest St Denney, Alice 608 Central Av Fowler, Robert S9 Forest St Denney, Geneva 608 Central Av Fowler, Cappie 89 Forest St Milton, Elizabeth 549 Central Av Harris, Kittle 113 Forest St Beard, Sophia 603 Central Av Lewis, Emily 79 Forest St Jackson, Anna E Central Av Price, L.J Ill Forest Pl Boyd, Eliza Sterling Av Sabb, C. C 24 Forest St Brooks, Malinda 417 Sterling Av Woods, Ella 113 Forest St Freeman, Harry L 403 Sterling Av Mann, Crawford 390 Sterling Av ABSENT LIST. Lawson, Catherine 419 Sterling Av Fairfax, Laura Lawson, Amelia 419 Sterling Av French, Mollie Meulin, Jane Sterling Av Flamer, Zacheria Merrick, Harriette 392 Sterling Av Harris, Eliza Morton, Georgia 403 Sterling Av Johnson, Stella Pulley, N. F 343 Sterling Av Jones, Saphronia Sampson, George W 392 Sterling Av Maxwell, F Sampson, Kate 392 Sterling Av Shaw, Alice L Sampson, George M 392 Sterling Av Taylor, Carry Sampson, Hattie B 392 Sterling Av Hawkins, Cora Sampson, Fred 392 Sterling Av Walker, Ida Smith, Fannie 343 Sterling Av Colston, Mollie Scott, John 401 Sterling Av Weaver, Mary F Scott, Gertrude 401 Sterling Av French, Chas Scott, Cora 401 Sterling Av Flamer, Cora Maude Sims, Mary L 403 Sterling Av Keller, Alice Smith, William E 343 Sterling Av Boyou, Chas. H Thomasson, Mary L....420 Sterling Av Woods, Edith Wilson, Anna 400 Sterling Av Walker, Eveline WEST SIDE WELSH CHURCH. /^i RGANIZED in 1871, with 30 members. Aided by the Home Mis- \^^y sionary society, 1871-1872. There are now 17 names on the roll. Sunday-school enrollment, 16. Services are held once in two weeks at the home of Rev. John M. Evans, 52 Bradford street, who is stated supply. EAST MADISON AVENUE CONGREGATIONAL CHURCH. [^HEN they that feared the Lord spake often one to another." This was the case with a little band of Christians who were without a church home, and so met regularly at the house of one of their number, a devout woman who lived on Lincoln avenue. The KEY. D. T. THOMAS. attention of the Euclid Avenue Congregational Church was called to their efforts, and on May 15, 1874, a committee was appointed to visit the (scM:alled) Lincoln Avenue Mission, with the view of rendering such EAST MADISON AVENUK CHTJRCFi. EAST MADISON AVENUE CONGREGATIONAL CHURCH. 123 assistance as was possible. This committee, on July 24, 1874, was further instructed to "look at property with the view of purchasing" for the establishment of the Mission in a suitable building. Through their efforts a site was purchased, and a chapel erected and opened for use, January 2, 1875. The Sunday school was also organized on the same day, with Mr. B. F. Whitman ot the Euclid Avenue Church as superintendent. Several others from this Church were also very much interested in the Mission, and gave much of their time to it. This interest has been sus- tained through the years, and has been one of the causes of its continued prosperity. Though other enterprises have been started by them, they have not forgotten their first one, nor has this Church ceased to remem- ber the kindly interest taken in it by them. Alter the organization of the Sunday-school, the Euclid Avenue Church (March 12, 1875) authorized the "committee to raise funds by voluntary subscriptions for the preaching of the gospel in the East Madison Avenue Chapel," and on May 22. 1875, the directors and Missionary Commit- tee of the Mission recommended "that immediate steps be taken towards the organization of a Congregational Church." In response to this rec- ommendation, the Chri^tian people of the vicinity met in the chapel. May 25, and took the steps which resulted in the formal organization of the Church, July 3, 1875, with Rev. O. D. Fisher as its pastor. Twenty- two persons constituted the charter membership of the Church., Rev. 0. D. Fisher was well fitted for the work of building up the Church, and he labored well and earnestly in this field for ten years, seeing some results in the added membership and the blessing the Church was to the commu- nity. He resigned in March, 1885. to accept a call to another field. He was succeeded by Rev. Herbert Melville Tenney. July 26, 1885. During his ministry the Sunday-school becameso crowded that the chapel had to be enlarged, which was done, and the present edifice was dedi- cated Februarj' 2, 1889. He also organized the Young People's Society of Christian Endeavor, which has proven such a blessing to every church in which it has come. After a pastorate of nearly four years, he resigned to accept a call to Grinnell, Iowa, on April 28, 1889. Rev. Wra. L. Tenney succeeded him September 2,1889. This chu ch has been blessed with a worthy succession in its pastors. Each has seemed to be just the one needed at the time. Rev. Wm. L. Tenney entered into the work with all his soul. and God blessed his labors. He endeared himself to all by his noble qualities, and when his health gave way through overwork, the people showed their love lor him in granting him a six months" rest from his work, with the hope that he might recover, but he did not regain his health by that time, and so resigned in August of 1891. During part of the time of the pastor's absence, the pulpit and the weekly church prayer meetings were under the leadership of Rev. J. P.Jones, a mission- ary to India. He aroused quite an interest in missions, and left many warm friends behind when he left us to go back to his work in India. In Octobtr, 1891, Rev. Wm. A. Knight was called to the vacant pas- torate. He had a particularly hard task before him, owing to the fact 124 clevp:land congregationai.ists. that through the sickness of Rev. W. L. Tenney, the Church had been practically without a pastor for nearly a year. He was successful in his labors in interesting the people and bringing many into the Church, He was a very earnest preacher, and one especially adapted to interest work- ing people, of which the Church is almost entirely composed. He was with us but seven months when a call came to him to work as associate pastor of the Old Stone Church, which call he accepted, and left us June, 1891. The present pastor, Rev. D.T. Thomas, came to us November 13,1892, from the West Congregational Church of Akron, 0., where he had been a successful and beloved pastor for four years. His ministry among us has been blessed. There has been a steady growth in the membership — mem- bers having been received at every Communion since became to us; the young people have realized great help from his sympathy and co-opera- tion with them m their work, his unfailing attendance at their regular weekl}'^ meetings has been both encouraging and inspiring. The Junior and Intermediate Societies of Christian Endeavor have also been organ- ized during his pastorate, and arc proving a great help to the members, teaching them early the privilege of ministering to others. These socie- ties are under the direction of the pastor's wife, who is a faithful coadju- tor in the work. In addition to the Christian Endeavor Societies, the Church rejoices in an energetic and self-sacrificing Ladies' Aid and Mis- sionary Society, in a Sabbath-school whose usefulness is only limited by the lack of teachers and adequate accommodations : in a Men's Club which has helped the Church in many ways, and is now helping in having a weekly paper. Congregational Visitor, distributed each week, contain- ing Church notices and items of interest, etc. For the past ten years the church has been opened for Sunday service and a weekly prayer meeting for the Bohemian people of the neighbor- hood, preaching being in their own tongue. The membership of the Church at present is 374-. We have seven of the charter members with us now. Man}' who were formerly with us are now helping in other churches to do work for the Master. The church is by reason of its situation and composition plainly called by the Master to do a work for working peo- ple. In this work it has been blessed, and rejoices in the position of influ- ence which it has secured in this part of the city, and looks hopefully for- ward to the future to be a still greater blessing. HAST MADISON AVENDK CONGREGATIONAL CHURCH. 125 CHURCH DIRECTORY. Anderson, John 663 Quincy St Anderson, Mrs. Virginia.. 663 Quincy St Anderson, Miss Martha ..663 Quincy St Anderson, Mrs. Olive.. 216 Beechwood St Alexander, Mrs. Louise C.920 Cedar Av Alexander, Oscar 920 Cedar Av Addison, Miss F. E 150 Congress St Amundsen, Charles 1036 First Av Amundsen, Mrs. Mary 1036 First Av Alexander, Miss Anna.. 874 Scranton Av Biddle, Samuel.. 1376 East Madison Av Biddle, Mrs. Catherine 1376 East Madison Av Beckwith, Sheldon.. . .25 Beckwith St Beckwith, Mrs. M 25 Beckwith St Bower, B. P 1246 Cedar Av Bower, airs. E. A 1246 Cedar Av Bower, A. B 1254 Cedar- Av Bower, Mrs. A. B 1254 Cedar Av Brack, Mrs. Elizabeth 1246 Cedar Av Bersch, Mrs. Elizabeth. .Invalids' Home Buck, Mrs. Janet M 12 Eastdale St Black, Joseph H 195 Edwards St Black, Miss Elsie L.Gloucester City, N.J. Brunton, John 37 Montgomery St Brunton, Mrs. John.. 37 Montgomery rSt Brunton, Norval 37 Montgomery St Betts, Alfred H 1532 E. Madison Av Betts, Miss Mary E 1532 E. Macison Av Baker, Laura 108 Southern Av Brown, Bessie 150 Congress St Blackwood, Edna 287 South Bell Av Buck, Jennie 10 Mound Place Beerer, Miss Belle 12 Carr St Beerer, Miss Clara 12 Carr St Beerer, William 12 Carr St Babcock, Mrs. Mary 95 Piatt St Bleasdale, Basil T.. Quincy & Southern Brandes.Mrs. Willa Heath. 58 Branch Av Bender, Mr. John H Parker St Bender, Mrs. Mary Parker St Chandler, F. C. Sr 32 Alanson St Chandler, Mrs. E 32 Alanson St Chandler, F. C, Jr 304 McAllister St., San Francisco, Cal Cochrane, Mrs. Margaret. 409 Lincoln Av Cochrane, David 148 Alanson St Cochrane, Mrs. Agnes A.. 148 Alanson St Corlett, Miss Nellie M...277 Genesee Av Cain, Mrs. Eleanor.. 1446 E. Madison Av Cain, Wm 1446 E. Madison Av Cain, Emma 1446 E. Madison Av Cannel, Hy 585 Quincy St Cannel, Mrs. Elizabeth. .. .585 Quincy St Crozier, Robt. ." 344 Lincoln Av Crozier, Mrs. Augusta.. .344 Lincoln Av Clyne, Mrs. Lydia...l440 E. Madison Av Clyne, Miss Alice H.1440 E. Madison Av Clyne, Miss Eva 1440 E. Madison Av Clyne, Miss Cecil B..1440 E. Madison Av Coffey, Miss Frances M 1645 E. Madison Av Cunnington, Mrs. Harriet 1490 E. Madison Av Coe, Mrs. Hattie 1490 E. Madison Av Crosby, W. P 16 Lisbon St Clark, George 290 Streator Av Clark, Mrs. Florence 290 Streator Av Crosby, Miss Nellie Clark, Miss Leona...., Corson, Mrs. S. C 6 Townsend Av Chain, Calvin 56 Trenton St Chain, Mrs. Sarah 56 Trenton St Chain, Miss Luella 56 Trenton St Chapin, Mrs. Emily 37 Anndale St Chapin, Miss Eunice Bell 37 Anndale St Chapin, Miss Sarah Emma 37 Anndale St Chapin, Miss Fanny Edith 37 Anndale St 126 CLKVELAND CONGREGATIONALISTS. Cunnington, Fred 106 Stanton St Flower, Mrs. Maggie M....2 Lucia St Cook, Fred C. F 75 Stanton St Fellowes, C. H 14% Glendale Av Couch, John 5 Goldsmith Ct Fellowes, Mrs. C. H..14% Glendale Av Couch, Mrs. Sarah 5 Goldsmith Ct Fellowes, Miss Nellie.. 14i^ Glendale Av Couch, Burt 5 Goldsmith Ct Feil, Mrs. Carrie Cunnington, Miss Maud J Cor. Crawford and Tilden 106 Stanton St Ferris, Homer C 199 Lincoln Av Carroll, Mr. W. W 533 Quincy St Ferris, Mrs. Homer C 199 Lincoln Av Carroll, Mrs. Nellie J 533 Quincy St Foote, Miss Olive May Douttiell, Mrs. M. R 47 Baden St 1641 E. Madison Av Douttiell, Frank M Buffalo, N. Y. Foote, George 1641 E. Madison Av Douttiell, Miss Lottie 47 Baden St Ferris, Warner C 199 Lincoln Av Douttiell, Harry 47 Baden St Florence, Ray 1481 E. Madison Av Douttiell, Arthur 47 Baden St Florence, Mrs. Maggie Douttiell, Charles 2 Chamberlain St 1481 E. Madison At Douttiell, Mrs. Rose.. 2 Chamberlain St Gray, James 520 Quincy St Dalton, Mrs. Hannah 469 Quincy St Gray, Mrs. Ida 520 Quincy St Dalton, Miss Bessie 469 Quincy St Groetzinger, Albert.. ..158 Congress St Dalton, Ray 469 Quincy St Groetzinger, Mrs. Jessie H Drackett, Mrs 16 Chamberlain St 158 Congress St Daniels, James 14 Keyes St Gill, Phillip 80 Brooker St Daniels, Mrs. James 14 Keyes St Gill, Miss Margaret E 80 Brooker Av Daniels, Miss Edith Agnes. .14 Keyes St Greenleaf, Mrs. Annie 517 Lincoln Av Dowen, Miss Mattie Gosney, James Chagrin Falls Davis, D. L. 12 Plymouth Av Gosney, Mrs. Fanny Chagrin Falls Davis, Mrs. D. L 12 Plymouth Av Gosney, Mrs. Harriet Davis, Frank 12 Plymouth Av Cleveland State Hospital Davis, Clarence 12 Plymouth Av Gabriel, Mrs. Annie 141 Piatt St Davis, Editha 12 Plymouth Av Gordon, Mrs. Susan C Chicago Derby, Miss Blanche Berea College Hooker, John 49 Edwards St Duty, Mrs. Elizabeth 194 Lincoln Av Hooker, Percy 49 Edwards St Duty, Miss Maud Mabel.. 194 Lincoln Av Hooker, Miss Gertie 49 Edwards St Duty, William Albert. .194 Lincoln Av Hooker, Miss Elsie 49 Edwards St Doubleday, George H....509 Quincy St Halford, Mrs. Emma J 12 Keyes St Doubleday, Mrs. George H.509 Quincy St Hawker, Mrs. Maria.1588 E. Madison Av Emmerson, Mrs. Lizzie.. ..606 Quincy St Hawker, Charles. . ..1588 E. Madison Av Foote, Mrs. Maria A. 1441 E. Madison Av Hawker, Charles Hy.l588 E. Madison Av Foote, Hermann 1441 E. Madison Av Hardy. Mrs. Gertrude C. L Foote, Mrs. Allene..l441 E. Madison Av 393 Lincoln Av Foote, O. A 412 Lincoln Av Hawkins, Mrs Annie 571 Quincy St Foote, Mrs. Sarah J. ...412 Lincoln Av Hutchcraft. Glidden.1379 E. Madison Av Foote, F. N 412 Lincoln Av Hutchcraft, Dean G.1379 E. Madison Av Flynn. Thomas Hy Hutchcraft, Mrs. Ann Elizabeth.. 1815 E. Madison Av 1379 E. Madison Av Flynn, Mrs. Mary H Holland. Mrs. Martha.Warrensville, C> 1815 E. Madison Av Husong, Mrs. Emily 912 Doan St Flynn, Miss Lydia..l815 E. Madison Av Husong, Delbert 912 Doan St Fergerson, William 131 Vienna St Husong, Miss Zorah 912 Doan St Fergerson, Mrs. Imogene.131 Vienna St Humphreys, O. B 53 Bertram St Flower, Thomas B 2 Lucia St Humphreys, Mrs. Mary J.53 Bertram St KAST MADISON AVENUE CONGREGATIONAL CHURCH. 127 Humphreys, Miss Mildred. 53 Bertram St Knadler, Fred 44 Sherman St Hanson, Miss Grace N..2680 Euclid Av Knadler, Mrs. Katie 44 Sherman St Howse, Richard G 30 Plymouth St Klump, Mrs. A. C 142 Bolton Av Highes, William J 90 Stanton St Klump, Miss Lillie L. 142 Bolton At Hughes, Miss Edith 90 Stanton St Kantz, Mrs. Flora Canton, O Hanford, William 19 Chamberlain St Krans, Mrs. C. B 1203 Oakdale St Hanford, Mrs 19 Chamberlain St Krans, Lewis A 1203 Oakdale St Hoag, Albert I486 Dix St Kieser, John 130 Southern- Av Hoag, Mrs. Mary 1486 Dix Av Kieser. Mrs. John 130 Southern Av Humphrey, Nelson S..1035 Giddings Av Kosar. Joseph ..42 Brooker St Humphrey, Mrs. Angelina Knight. Rev. William A.. ...Saginaw. Micb 1035 Giddings AV Knight, Mrs. Maude R..Sagmaw,Mich Kruggel, Hy 21 Slater Av Hosick. Dr. Wm. A.. 1613 Woodland Av ^^^ ^ ^ 32 Alanson St Hill, Ernest 1513 E. Madison Av Lobb, George T 15 Chamberlain St Hill, Mrs. Ernest 1513 E. Madison Av Lobb, Miss Emma J.. .15 Chamberlain St Hammond, Mrs. Lilian. 104 Sherman St Lockwood, William 43 Irvington St Johnson. J. M 545 Quincy St Lockwood, Charles I 43 Irvington St Johnson, Mrs. E. C 545 Quincy St Lockwood. Mrs. Ida May Johnson. Miss Viola Helen.545 Quincy St 43 Irvington St Johnson, Albert C 545 Quincy St Lane, Lester W Jack. Miss Jennie J 510 Lincoln Av Lively. Thomas B..1612 E. Madison Av Jack, Mrs. Mary F 510 Lincoln Av Lively, Mrs. Thomas B Johnson, W. J 25 Keyes St 1&12 E. Madison Av Johnson. Mrs 25 Keyes St Lively, Miss Gertrude Helen Johnson, Miss Annie 25 Keyes St 1612 E. Madison Av Johnson. Miss Ruth 25 Keyes St Lodge. Miss Lillie L 37 Brooker Av Johnson, William 25 Keyes St Lamberson, Mrs. Beulah..Doublin, Ind Johnson. Joseph 25 Keyes St Lytle, Mr. Charles 104 Stanton St Johncock, Miss Alice.... 1541 Central Av Lytle. Mrs. Lizzie 104 Stanton St Jones. Morgan 1399 Woodland Av Lytle, Miss Cora A 104 Stanton St Jenkins. Mrs. Louisa Lytle, Miss Lena Bell.. .104 Stanton St 1446% E. Madison Av Lytle, Charles 104 Stanton St Johnson. Miss Alma.. ..I486 Central Av Lindsay, Jean 12 Plymouth PI T . -c^^iti, -i^cc r"=r,+^oi A-,> Lavicka, Miss Annie 68 Brooker Av Johnson, Jennie Edith.. 1486 Central Av ^'^ • ...^t, , » „, . .. ,,oc r>.„„f,.oi A- Leonard, Mrs. Abbie 410 Lincoln Av Johnson, Mrs. Christme.1486 Central Av ^"^ ' „ ^_ , .m -c i *„ ' ^ ^^ .,^o<.^ 4. 1 A Mylchreest, Robert 79 Brooker Av Johnson, John Harry.. ..1486 Central Av ;^viyit,iiic , „„ xj ^^i,^- a„ .,„ ^ . ,. o. Mylchreest, Mrs. Sage... 79 Brooker Av Jack. Mrs 12 Remmgton St ""-^ ' ,. „ . .,„ -r. i a ^„ ro-T r^ • c!» Mylchreest, Miss Bessie... 79 Brooker Av Jones. Mrs. Delia 5 7 Qumcy S ^^^^^^^^; ^^^ ^^^^ ,, ^^^^^^^ A, Jones. Henry J "f L^"^"7 f Mellor, Mrs. Anna L...4 Townsend St Jontzen. Mrs. George.. ..195 Edwards St ^^^ ^^^^^^ ^ ^^^ ^^.^^^ ^^ Jones, Mrs. G. W Keyes St ^^^^^ Horace R 552 Quincy St Knadler. Mrs. Christiana.517 Lincoln AV ^ ^^^ ^^^^ ^ ^^^^ ^^.^^^ g^ Knadler. John 209 Beechwood St ^^^^^^^^ ^^.^^ ^^^^^ ^ Knadler. Mrs. Ida. . . .209 Beechwood St ^^55 ^ Madison Av Knadler. Godfred Indianapolis Morgan, Mrs. Sarah... 246 Edwards St Knadler. Mrs. Alma. ...3183 Georgia St Morgan, Richard 246 Edwards St Knadler. Henry 519 Quincy St McDougall. Mrs. Margaret Knadler. Mrs. Verta 519 Quincy St ^45 Arlington St The Cilchcr Basin AND Baslq Wasis. The first cut shows Strainer in Over- flow in position. All parts are acces- sible. Strainer can be removed for cleaning. The second cut shows Rubber at- tachments forflush ins: Overflow direct from pressure. Have all sizes in stock. Ask your plumber for them. MANTrFACTtJBKD BY National Brass MFG. CO., 302 Seneca Street. H. J. Gilcher, Prop. KAST MADISON AVENUK CONGREGATIONAL CHURCH. 129 McDougall, Miss Mary H O'Rourke, Miss Ellie....33 Brooker Av Xi5 Arlington St Paull, Alfred 587 Quincy St Miller, Mrs. Elsie 797 Quincy St Paull, Mrs. Catherine.. 587 Quincy St Morgan, Miss Anna L 546 Quincy St Paull, Clement 587 Quincy St Mitchell, John T 17 Chester St Paul, Henry 1570 E. Madison Av Mitchell, Mrs. Josephine.. 17 Chester St Paul, Mrs. Elizabeth H. L Mitchell, James A 513 Lincoln Av 1570 E. Madison Av McDonald, Mrs. Ella 83 Brooker Av Pealy, John 18 Townsend Bt McClymonds, Mrs. Delia. Parr, Harry 75 Burt St 522 Lincoln Av Pape, Thomas W 20% Ocean St McClymonds, Miss Susie Peterson, Charles 543 Quincy St 522 Lincoln Av Paul, Mrs. Laura 113 Stanton St McDonald, Mrs. Minnie.. 414 Lincoln Av Peshak, William 37 Parker St Merrin, Mrs. Lena Boulder, Idaho Reed, Franklin T 47 Hazel St Mason, Mrs. Cynthia Randolph, James P 138 Beech St 1.532 East Madison Av Runciman, Miss Edith.. 1254 Cedar Av Morrow, Miss Alice Maud Robison, Ella 92 Lussenden St Rundus, Rev. John Miller, Miss Emma A Ruck, Daniel 92 Brenton St 1477 East Madison Av Ruck, Mrs. Daniel 92 Brenton St Meniere, Miss Bertha 84 Stanton Av Ruck Miss Ruth 92 Brenton St Miller, Miss Lillie 426 Quincy St Ruck Miss Laura 92 Brenton St Miller, Mrs. Mary E 426 Quincy St Ruck, Miss Bertha 92 Brenton St Morloch, Robert.. 1584 E. Madison Av j^uck' Edward 92 Brenton St Mitchell, Mrs. Anna B.. 344 Lincoln A V j^^llya, Mrs 123 Edwards St Martin, M 5 Ewald St gaxton'. Miss Elmina.660 E. Prospect St Martin, Mrs. Nellie 5 Ewald St g^g^ar't Mrs Maria 26 Brown St Martin. Mr. John Southern q^^^^^^;^ j^Q^jert 88 Stanton St Meyers, John 27 Edwards St gtrasser, Mrs. Elizabeth.. 88 Stanton St Meyers, Katherine 27 Edwards St gtrasser. Miss Lizzie 88 Stanton St Moore, Mrs. Matilda 315 Bell Av gj^jt^, Mrs. Alice J 93 Piatt St Merritt. Mrs. W. L g^j^l^] j^i^g ^Uce 93 Piatt St Corner Madison and Grand Avs g^j^h, John 93 Piatt St Morris, Miss Clara 83 Southern St gteigeV, Ernest F 109 Water St Morris, Mrs. Phoeba 83 Southern St gteyens. Mrs. Frances E Morris, John 83 Southern St * 18 Townsend St Morris, George 83 Southern St gtevens, William H...18 Townsend St McLellan, John A.. 1481 E. Madison Av >;;tevens, Christopher Merritt, Mr. Wm. L 10 Townsend St ...Corner Madison and Grand Avs Stevens, Mrs. Mary T Miller, Mr. James 93 Chester St 10 Townsend St Miller, Mrs. Margaret.. ..93 Chester St sibbison, Mrs. Agnes Myers, Mamie Edwards St 1537 E. Madison Av Newman, Miss Hattie A Schubert, Miss Viola 78 Brooker Av 1482 A, E. Madison Av Sanger, Mrs. Louisa 554 Quincy St Nightingale, I. C 52 Alanson St Spore, Mrs. Dora Lorain, O Nightingale, Mrs, 52 Alanson St Secor, Lester 33 Southern Av Nichols, Mrs. Hortense Secor, Mrs. Alide 33 Southern Av Wellington Av., Brooklyn sinram, Fred K., Sr.18 Chamberlain Av O'Rourke. Mrs. Lizzie 33 Brooker Av ginram, Fred K., Jr. 18 Chamberlain St KiO CLEVELAND CONGREGATIONALISTS. Sattele, Miss Mary.... 852 Giddings Av Todd, Miss Ida 587 Qulncy St Sattele.Miss Sophia 852 Giddings Av Twitchell, Miss Anna 564 Quincy St Taylor, Charles 1588 Euclid Av Trulash, Mary 166 Bertram St Taylor, Mrs. Hattie 1588 Euclid Av Twiggs, P. J 1296 E. Madison Av Truman, Bert 134 Irvington St Twiggs, Mrs. Lizzie. 1296 E. Madison Av Truman, George 134 Irvington St Van Dorn, Mrs. Amanda Truman, Mrs. Joseph.. 134 Irvington St 247 Murray Hill Truman, Miss Hattie. .134 Irvington St Volans, Mrs. M 18 Plymouth PI Tryon, Martin E 10 Townsend St Van Schoor, Mrs. Nellie.. 69 Bertram St Taylor, Charles 533 Quincy St Wall, Mrs. Frances L 708 Quincy St Taylor, Mrs. Bessie 533 Quincy St Whitmore, Mrs. Martha.. 15 Fairview St Thayer, Miss Frankie 961 Logan Av Wetzel, John 426 Lincoln Av Thomas, Mrs. Martha 546 Quincy St Wetzel, Mrs. Annie 426 Lincoln Av Thomas, Dr. Charles B..546 Quincy St Wank, Miss Minnie 848 Giddings Av Thomas, Mrs. Lucy 546 Quincy St White, Mrs. Eva 1073 Giddings Av Thomas, David 554 Quincy Av White, Miss Rose Thomas, Mrs. Margaret K.481 Quincy St Wheale, Mrs. Nellie.. 1387 E. Madison Av Thomas, Rev. D. T 1503 Quincy St "Webster, R. A 344% Lincoln Av Thomas. Mrs. Millie H 1503 Quincy St Webster, Mrs. R. A 344% Lincoln Av Thomas, Mrs. Charles 66 Jessie St Walker, Miss Lottie 511 Quincy St Thobaben, George A W^olf, Katie 1607 East Madison Av 1570 E. Madison Av Wolf, Josie E 1607 East Madison Av Thobaben, Mrs. Ellen Wilde, Mrs. Alice 1570 E. Madison Av ..1588 Euclid Av. and 43 Irvington St Tobey, Mrs. Ellen 104% Stanton St Whittle, Mrs. Sarah.... 184 Bertram St I TH ERE'S ONLY ONE ^! Lamp in the World with "No-Under-Shadow," /, [\_' \\ '' i^ tl and that ONE IS "THE ANGLE LAMP.-' ^X |/" \| ,. - £ 3 IT IS A PERFECT SORSTITl'TE FOR GAS AND ELECTRinTY, 1?' ^^^ ""-^'fe^ — !«• CONr.KKGATIONALISTS. CHURCH DIRECTORY AdJe, Thomas H 85 Lawn St Allen, Mr. Henry H 13 Colgate St Allen, Mrs. Hulda C 13 Colgate St Allen, Bertha E 13 Colgate St Allen, Frederick C 13 Colgate St Barber, Mr. John D 593 Gordon Av Barber, Mrs. Minnie 593 Gordon Av Belmont, Ida 1624 Lorain St Bosworth, Ida 417 Gordon Av Bowman, Mr. Benjamin 66 Brinsmade Av Bowman, Mrs. Hannah J 66 Brinsmade Av Bowman. William R. ..66 Brinsmade Av Bowman, Gertrude ...66 Brinsmade Av Bradley, Mrs. Elizabeth A.. 52 Alum St Bradley, Jennie E 52 Alum St Bradley, Maud M 52 Alum St Bradley, Cora G 52 Alum St Brink, Mr. Olin 20 Canfield St Butler, M. Leroy 48 Root St Carpenter, Mrs. Caroline A 1778 Denison Av Carpenter, Julia F 1778 Denison .Av Connolley, Mrs. Mary J. .149 Harbor St Conway, Mrs. Minnie 439 Bridge St Conway, Emma M 439 Bridge St Coppen, Mr. J. E 11 Goulder St Coppen,Mrs. Elizabeth M. 11 Goulder St Coppen, Florence 1 11 Goulder St Coulter, Mr. David A Coe Ridge, O Coulter, Mrs. Sarah M Coe Ridge, O Creag, Mrs. Ida M 128 Tonker St DifEord, Mrs. Mary J 49 Alum St DIfCord, Claude L 49 Alum St Difford, Mary Ethel 49 Alum St Dunning, Mrs. Fannie A., 243 Colgate St Dunning, Harry B 243 Colgate St Dunning, Mrs. Seni ....398 Waverly Av Dunning, Minnie 398 Waverly Av Eaton, Mrs. Martha M 43 Grace St Eaton, Ervin J 43 Grace St Eaton, Mabel R 43 Grace St Enos, Mr. George H 46 Larndner St Enos, Mrs. Emma S 46 Larndner St Enos, Jessie M 46 Larndner St Empkey, Mr. Henry C Trumbull, O Empke, Mrs. Rosa M Trumbull, O Empkey, Lulu C Trumbull. O Empkey, George J 1233 Lorain St Foil, Mrs. Kate L 156 Liberty St Fortier, Mr. George 597 Gordon Av Fortier, Mrs. Belle 597 Gordon Av Fortier, Florence B 597 Gordon Av Freeman, Florence M. .West Mentor, O Gallagher, Mrs. Hattie..l29 Higgins St Gallagher, Hattie H 129 Higgins St Gault, Mrs. Mary Agatha (Schwind) Winchester Av., Lakewood, O Gentle, Ada 15 Colgate St Gentle, Charlotte 15 Colgate St Gentle, Phillip 15 Colgate St Gessner, Mrs. Mary Grace (Coulter) Dover. O Goodrich, Loretta Elyria, O Grafton, Mrs. Hattie L 29 West Madison Av Grill, Mr. Levi 84 Scott St Grill, Mrs. Irena 84 Scott St Grill, Harry E 84 Scott St Hall, Mrs. Marietta 54 Norton St Hamilton, Mrs. Arlina (Hanselman) 50 Grace St Harmon, Cora 1335 Lorain St Harmon, Henry G 1335 Lorain St Haskins, Mr. Lucius L., 2096 Denison Av Haskins, Mrs. Narcissa C 2096 Denison Av Haskins, Jessie M 2096 Denison Av Haskins. Blanche E. ..2096 Denison Av Haskins, Arthur K 2096 Denison Av Hawver, Mrs. Belle (Troughton) 285 Ridge A v Hayden, Mrs. Mattie M. (McMahon) Willoughby, O Herbster. Mr. C. F 54 Hague St GRACK CONGREGATIONAL CHURCH. 137 Herbster, Mrs. Mary A. ...54 Hague St Martin, Mr. William H Lorain, O Herbster, Ida M 54 Hague St McCaa, Mrs. Ida (Seelbach).14 Poplar St Herbster, Mr. Frank B. ..610 Gordon Av Mclnnes, Mrs. Flora 30 Colgate St Hirsching, Mrs. Emma ....158 Lawn St McNe.s6, Mr. Frederick Hirsching, Frederick O. . . .158 Lawn St 68 "W. Madison Av Hirsching, Lula 158 Lawn St McNess, Mrs. Sarah Y Hissen, Mrs. Dency L. (Martin) gg ^ Madison Av .72 ITniversity St Chamberlain, Luke H 128 Twenty-third Av Hoffman, Mr. Harry H Bedford, O Howard, Mr. Albert F. ...30 Colgate St Howard, Mrs. Sarah J. ...30 Colgate St Hoyle, Mrs. Mary 10 Hope St Hull, Rev. John H 82 Scott St Hull, Mrs. Minnie C 82 Scott St Hull, George W 82 Scott St Hull, John L 32 Scott St Ingram, Mr. George H 195 West Madison Av Ingram, Mrs. Lena C 195 West Madison A v Ingram, Jennie 597 Gordon Av Jackson. Lydia 69 Neville St Janke, Edward F 407 Gordon Av Jnmont, Mrs. George K .Coutant ,'f>XMERICX:V\.; ;SbRN:ST-RSRTrORI)-.C0NN-OCT0BER-j4 XD-I54S !:)lI-DlN-!i[m'yORK-ClTyvDE<:EMliER'2»-Xl)':l58aJ-: BOHEMIAN MISSION IN CLEVELAND. 147 portance and value of the work done by these young women, in visiting homes otherwise inaccessible, and carrying the Gospel to those who would otherwise never hear it, bringing strangers to our services, aiding in Sunday-school work, leading in the service of song and visiting the sick, cannot beestimated. The expenses of the Home and school, aside from the missionary teachers' salaries, are paid by voluntary contribution of friends. Of this school, Mrs. H. A. Schauffler is the principal and teacher of the English Bible ; Miss Anna A. Gross is matron and teacher of English branches; Miss Ella Hobart, teacher of organ and vocal music and of the Polish Bible ; Miss Marie Reitinger, teacher of the Bohemian branches and the Bohemian and German Bible. Rev. John Prucha gives instruction in Bohemian grammar and composition ; Miss G. Bristol gives organ lessons, and Mrs. Piotrowska teaches the Polish language. There is a beautiful bronze tablet placed in Plymouth Church with the inscription : To the Memory of Charles Terry Collins. Founder of Bohemian Missions in the United States of Amt*rica. Born at Hartford, Conn., October 14. 1845. Died in New York City, December 21, A. D. 1883. 148 ismm CLEYELAXI) COKGRGATIONALISTS. ^ ©berlin College, OBERLIN,.jtOHIO. Unsurpassed Educational Advantages at the Lowest Rates. Four Principal Departments— The College^ The Theological Seminary, The Conservatory of Music and The Academy..^ Also courses in Art and in Physical Training for Women. ^.^.^ The last Catalogue shows a Faculty of seventy-five professors and teach- l| ers and an attendance of 1422 students from forty-five states and territories p M and from eighteen foreign countries. No saloons in the place. For Information Address, W. G. BALLANTINE, President, i BOHEMIAN MISSION IN CLKVKI.AND. 14i> CHURCH DIRECTORY. Adasek, Mrs. Marie 69 Seebrook St Andrews, Mrs. Leville.. .78 McBride St Autzen. Miss Metta Fitchburg, Mass. Bartunek, Miss Antonia..290 Dolloff St. Belshan, Mr. Vaclav 27 Rock St Belshan, Mrs. Marie 27 Rock St Belshan, Mr. Edward Bednar, Miss Anna Beranek, Mrs. Karathina.Lussenden St Brock, Miss Margaret.. .149 Trumbull St Bures, Mr. Dominick 17 Rocket St Bednar, Mr. Joseph 6 Beck St Bednar, Mrs. Anna 6 Beck St Baxa, Miss Barbara 17 Hamm St Baus, Mrs. Joseph 19 Hege St Baus. Mr. Louis 19 Hege St Baus, Miss Barbara 19 Hege St Cinyburg, Miss Clara 23 Fowler St Chodera, Mr. Frank 514 Petrie St Dessup, Mr. J. J 17 S. Willson Av Dvorak, Miss Mary 1263 Broadway Dvorak, Miss Josephine Dudek, Mrs. Mary 21 Waskins St Egermyer, Mr. Joseph.. 64 Lussenden St Egermyer, Mrs. Catherine 64 Lussenden St Eyerdam, Annie 1662 Broadway Falkow^ki, Mr. Joseph Cor. Hamm and Weckerling Gates, Mrs. Ada M 1342 Broadway G-ammon, Mrs. Emma 31 Jewett St Gross, Miss Anna A 23 Fowler St Holan, Mr. Joseph Cor. Petrie and Dolloff St Holan, Mrs. Theresa Cor. Petrie and Dolloff St Holpuch, Mrs. Marie 77 Martin St Holpuch, Mr. James 77 Martin St Holpuch, Miss Mary 77 Martin St Hupka, Mrs. Barbara 15 Rock St Hobart. Mrs. Amelia 1254 Broadway Hobart, Miss Ella 1254 Broadway Horn, Miss Emma Holecek, Mr. Vaclav 704 Quincy St Holecek, Mrs. Mary 704 Quincy St Hodina, Miss Mary 31 Central Av Horky. Mr. Joseph 528 Quincy St Hodous, Mr. John 6 Myrtle Court Hodous, Mrs. Antonia 6 Myrtle Court Hodous, Mr. Louis 6 Myrtle Court Hodous, Mr. Theo ...6 Myrtle Court Hodous, Mr. Cyril 6 Myrtle Court Hodous, Miss Anna Braddock, Pa. Hulburt, Miss L. E 27 Fowler St Jehlicka, Miss Mary 28 Rock St Jehlicka, Miss Anna 28 Rock St Jehlicka, Miss Bertha 28 Rock St Jehlicka, Miss Kate 28 Rock St Jelinek, Miss Agnes 223 Trumbull St Jelinek, Miss Mary 223 Trumbull St Jelinek, Miss Christina. 223 Trumbull St Jelinek, Miss Anna 223 Trumbull St Jezek, Mr. Frank 1684% Broadway Junek, Miss Josephine 23 Fowler St Jankovsky, Miss Emily M...27 Rock St Jilek, Mrs. Barbara 32 Catawba St Krakora, Mr. Joseph 63 Hege St Krakora, Mrs. Marie 63 Hege St Krakora, Miss Sella 63 Hege St Keam, Miss Amelia 35 Jewett St Kewley, Mrs. Rosa 16 Edward St Kalal, Mrs. Marie 82 Hege St Kalal, Miss Mary 82 Hege St Kllian. Mr. John 63 Dolloff St Kilian, Mrs. Anna 63 Dolloff St Kucera, Miss Lena 23 Fowler St Kliner, Miss Bertha 404 Forest St Kerber, Mr. Henry 34 Jewett St Kubrich, Miss Ruzena Chicago, 111. Lincoln, Rev. W. S Richfield, O. Lukes, Mrs. Marie 34 Julia St Lukes, Miss Mary 34 Julia St 150 CLEVELAND CONGREGATIONAI-ISTS. Lewis, Mr. Walter S 34 Fowler St Ritinger, Mrs. Josephine Lewis, Mrs. Florence 34 Fowler St Silver Lake, Minn Makovicka, Mr. Anton 51 Gallup St Robbins, Miss Minnie 31 Jewett St Makovicka, Mrs. Anton... 51 Gallup St Schauffler, Rev. H. A Miskovsky, Miss Theckla 1532 Broadway Vienna, Europe Schauffler, Mrs. C. H..1532 Broadway Mlynarik, Miss Mary Schauffler, Mr. Frederick Mlynarik, Miss Barbara... 23 Fowler St New York City Macha, Miss Barbara 83 Petrie St Schauffler, Mr. Robert.. 1532 Broadway Macha, Mr. James 83 Petrie St Schauffler, Miss Rachel Macha, Miss Anna H 83 Petrie St 1532 Broadway Musil, Mrs. Elizabeth 153 Selden Av Labaree, Mrs. Mary Schauffler Mateja, Mrs. Tony 51 Gallup St Oroomiah, Persia Hrabanek, Mrs. Jennie 51 Gallup St Slavlnski, Miss Barbara Maly, Mrs Cor. Forest and Warren Sixta, Mrs. Anna 12 Tustin St Novak, Miss Mary 23 Fowler St Sixta, Mrs. Mary 189 Edwards St O'Connor, Mr. Richard Sir, Mr. John Beck St .National Carbon Works, Cleveland Sir, Mrs. Anna Beck St Osinek, Miss Mary 23 Fowler St Sipek, Miss Anna Milwaukee, Wis Osinek, Miss Antonia 23 Fowler St Stanley, Mrs. Rhoda L..1572 Broadway Otta, Mr. Carel 155 Selden Av Svic, Mrs. Cecilia Tod St Pfeffer, Miss Caroline.. New York City Szendl, Mr. W. L Toledo, O. Pacovsky, Mr. John 86 Warren St Slama, Mr. Joseph 84 Hege St Pacovsky, Mrs. Jaroslav..86 Warren St Siegelmeyer, Mrs. Anna Peel, Mr. Vaclav 30 Hege St Stipek, Mrs. Nettie 43 Julia St Peel, Mrs. Frances 30 Hege St Solin, Miss Anna 75 Portage St Peel, Miss Mary 30 Hege St Teagle. Mr. Arthur 37 Ensign St Pauch, Mrs. Roslia Teagle, Mrs. Arthur 37 Ensign St Pauch. Mrs. Barbara Teagle, Miss Edith 37 Ensign St Pesek, Mrs. Mary 37 Parker St Teagle, Miss Nellie 37 Ensign St Piwonka, Miss Mary 1413 Broadway Tichaeek, Mr. Anton Piwonka, Mr. George.. ..1413 Broadway Cor. Case and Beck Piwonka, Mr. Thomas.. 1452 Broadway Tichaeek, Mrs. Margaret Piwonka, Mrs. Thomas Cor. Case and Beck 1452 Broadway Trcka, Mr. Charles Placak, Mrs. Paulina A Trcka, Mrs. Anna 667 Forest St Cor. Gallup and Lester Placak, Miss Mary A.... 667 Forest St Trcka, Miss Anna ..23 Fowler St Prucha, Rev. John 63 McBride St Turek, Mrs. Theresa 36 Berkley St Prucha, Mrs. John 63 McBride St Trutna, Miss Frances.. Milwaukee, Wis. Prucha, Miss Anna 63 McBride St Vorel, Mrs. Anna 97 Brooker Av Prucha, Miss Theresa St. Louis, Mo. Vojir, Mr. Frank 10 Carran St Prucha, Miss Mary 63 McBride St Virgien, Mrs. Julia 1424 Broadway Prucha, Mr. Martin Waterhouse, Mr. George. Mt. Hermon, Mass 1662 Broadway Prucha, Mr. Vaclav 190 DoUoff St Woods, Mrs. Mary 1704 Broadway Prucha,' Mrs. Vaclav 190 Dolloff St zizka, Mr. John 24 Edwards St Reznicek, Mrs. Josepha.. 51 Ashland Av zizka, Mrs. Marie 24 Edwards St Reitinger, Rev. Philip Zizka, Miss Magdalena..24 Edwards St Reitinger, Mrs. Josephine Zdara, Mr. Frank 54 DollofC St Silver Lake, Minn zdara, Mrs. Frank 54 DollofE St THE SWEDISH CHURCH. LEXINGTON AVENUE, NEAR WILLSON AVENUE, ORGANIZED 1889. Tg)LYMOUTH CONGREGATIONAL CHURCH having seen the work H^p among the Bohemians successfully started under Dr. Schauffler, stretched out its hands to help the Scandinavians in this cit^-, and in 1889 opened Olivet Chapel, corner of Hill and Commercial streets, to this new mission, under the care of Rev. August W. Franklin. REV. N. J. BOLIN. A church organization was formed in that year, with nine members, ready to work and sacrifice for the cause of Christ among their fellow- conntrvmen. Aid was received from the Home Missionary Society from 152 CLEVELAND CONGKEGATIONALISTS. 1890-95, and the blessing of God so attended the labors of Bro. Frank- lin that a Sunday-school, a Christian Endeavor Society and a good con- gregation soon grew up, requiring a building of their own. A lot was secured on Lexington avenue, near VVillson, 80x150 feet, worth $3,200, and a building worth $3,000 erected, into which the enterprise moved, with a membership of about seventy, and a debt of $3,500. The audience room will seat two hundred and fifty and the prayer room seventy. The services are all in Swedish, and are well attended. In 1895 Mr. Franklin was succeeded by Rev. N. J. Bolin, who has taken up the burden hopefully. The membership, Jantiarv 1, 1896, was seventy- five. Tlu' avcrpige attendance at Sunda v-school is thirtv-fivc, and the enrollment ol ihe Christian Endeavor S'H-iet v is fort v. SWKDISH CHURCH. A. (t. ,\nders()n, president of the church, 72 Dibble avenue. L. G. Bredenberg, vice-president, 134 Hodge street. Mr. August Laroon, treasurer, 46 Dunham avenue. Otto Anderson, secretary. Frank Carlson and N. G. Anderson, deacons, 4 Marian street. Rev. N.J. Bolin, pastor of thechurch, 73 Willson Place; Otto Anderson, Sunday-school superintendent. Olans Anderson, John Hedlund and Th. Lagerstrom, trustees. Otto Anderson, president of Christian Endeavor. Emma Gylfe, 57 Edgewood Place, secretary Christian Endeavor. Annie Anderson, 72 Dibble avenue, corresponding secretary of Chris- tian Endeavor. SWEDISH CONGREGATIONAL CHURCH. 153 Anderson, Pat 12 Carl St Erika, Lj-ren Wilson Av Anderson, Selma 12 Carl St Hook, Gustav Brunswick St Anderson, Gust 126 Norwood St Hook, Johanna Sweden Anderson, Olaus 53 Dibble Av Hedlund, John 4 Warian St Anderson, Berty Willson Av Hedlund, Amanda 4 Warian St Anderson, A. G 52 Dibble Av Johnson, Henry Anderson, Berta 52 Dibble Av Johnson, Noak Toungstown, O Anderson, Andrew.. .433 E. Madison Av Johnson, Laura Moose Av Anderson, Emma 433 E. Madison Av Johnson, Charton Minneapolis, Minn Anderson, Otto Johnson, Christina Anderson, Stella Willson Av Johnson, Axel 53 Dibble Av Anderson, Augusta Genesee St Johnson, G. T Bana St Anderson, Ida 1100 Willson Av Johnson, Selma Bana St Bolin, N. J 73 Willson PI Gilbertson, E Bana St Bolin, Maria 73 Willson PI Larson, August 46 Dunham Av Bjorklund, Victor 212 Waring St Larson, Charlotte 46 Dunham Av Bjorklund, Karolina 212 Waring St Lagerberg, John 12 Carl St Bjork, Chas 26 Norwood St Lundgren, Teckla 41 Norwood St Bjork, Mrs 26 Norwood St Lundgren, G. A'. 41 Norwood St Bredenberg, L. G 134 Hodge St Lundgren, Amalia 41 Norwood St Bredenberg, Johanna 134 Hodge St Lagerstrom, Th 53 Dibble Av Berggrist, Anna Toungstown, O. Lagerstrom, Ida 53 Dibble Av Carlson, Pet 52 Standard St Norder, Axel Brunswick St Curten, Annie Broadway Norder, Anna Brunswick St Carlson, Maria 1630 Euclid Av Olson, Berty Euclid Av Carlson, Frank Prospect St Ogren, Ellen East Cleveland Carlson, Josephina Sweden Kropp, Wilhelmina Euclid Av Erikson, Ida 1630 Euclid Av Peterson, Hilda 1155 Willson Av Elving, Wilhelmina 143 Waring St Nelson, Lorentz Euclid Av Elving, Adora E. Madison Av Palmgren, Hilda 1123 Prospect St Erikson, Augusta 773 Euclid Av Person, Charlotte 212 Waring St Edstrand, Gustav 72 Willson PI Rosell, Hanna Euclid Av Edstrand, Anna L 72 Willson PI Rosell, Maria Genesee St Gustafson, Fred.. Strand, Augusta Hodge St Goranson, Anna Dunham Av Strand, Emil Hodge St Gylfe, Emma 57 Edgewood PI Walstrom, A. T 4 Warian St Girpe, Anna Willson Av Walstrom, Johanna 4 Warian St Hedlund, Soph Newburg, N. Y. Wickland, Ellen UNION CHURCH. UNION CONGREGATIONAL CHURCH. , JT EDNESDAY evening, October 6, 1886, in response to a notice VVMl/ duly given, a meeting was held to consider the present needs of the neighborhood, and to take an}- action which seemed wise and expedient. REV. C. H. LEMMON. At this meeting it was decided to invite a council of the Congrega- tional churches of this city to meet in the Union Street Chapel, Sunday, 156 CLEVELAND CONGKEGATIONALISTS. October 10, 1886, to consider the expediency of organizing a Congrega- tional Church. Rev. E. Lyman Hood, who had been ministering on the field two months, was elected to prepare the letters missive; the same to be submitted to and signed by those who purposed to join the church. This council met Sunday, October 10, 1886, as desired. The facts elicited before this council were, that the persons present were unanimous in desiring to have a Congregational Church organized in their chapel. As those desiring to enter into the organization had not as jet secured letters of dismissal from the churches with which they were connected, thev were advised to do so at once; and call to their next meeting, for assistance and advice, the state secretary, Rev. A. C. Barrows, and to adopt a covenant, constitution and articles of faith. It was agreed by the council that the time had arrived for the organ- ization of a Congregational Church in this place, and arrangements for another council, Sunday, October 24, at 3:30, were made. The closing praver was then offered and the council adjourned. Wednesdaj' evening, October 13, 1886, a number of persons assem- bled at Union Chapel ior the purpose of making the necessary arrange- ments for the organization, also to adopt a constitution, covenant and articles of faith, with the assistance of Rev. A. C. Barrows, who was present. The names of those purposing to unite with the new church by letter, were as follows: Mrs. Agnes Shanks, Mrs. Catherine Horwell, Mrs. Jessie Davis, Mrs Maria Pittaway, Mr. Andrew Campbell, Mrs. Isabella Campbell, Mr. John Maitland, Miss Emma L. Rhodes. On pro- fession, Mr. William H. Watkins, Mrs. Margaret Price, Mrs. Margaret Hawthorne. At this meeting, Mr. Jno. Maitland was elected chairman, Mr. An- drew Campbell, committee, and Mr. Will. Watkins, clerk. It was ordered that the above-named officers should serve until the first formal election of officers iifler the organization of the church. It was also ordered that these officers should make all needful provision for the meeting of the council of the Congregational churches of Cleve- land, Sunday afternoon, October 24, 1886. The rules for the joint action of the First Congregational Church and society were then considered, paragraph by paragraph, and necessary changes made, after which they were adopted as the rules for the joint action of the proposed church societ}' ; it was voted to respectfully re- quest the trustees of the society to call a legal meeting and consider these rules as amended, and adopt them. The meeting then adjourned until the hour of the meeting of the council. October 24, 1886, this council met, and after adopting the constitu- tion, articles of faith and covenant, examined the candidates and they were received into the church: The name of the new organization was to be called the Union Con- gregational Church. UNION CONGREGATIONAL CHURCH. 157 December 5, 1886, at a meeting held in the chapel, it was unanimously voted to call Mr. E. E. Scovill to becorue their pastor. The invitation was accepted, and on May 19, 1887, Mr. E. E. Scovill was ordained and installed. At this time we had 30 members. The Rev. E. E. Scovill continued with us in faithful, earnest, Christian labor for eight years, when he received a call to the missionary field in Cincinnati, which he accepted, leaving 144 members. During his ministry a new house of worship was erected. February 10, 1895, a call was extended to Rev. Chas. H. Lemmon, which was accepted by him, and he is at present with us. Mrs. J. S. McIlvried, Clerk CHURCH DH^^ECTORY. Andrews, Mrs. Emma Haddock St Andrews, Janie Haddock St Benethum, Sadie Union St Bichnell, Charles Heath St Bichnell, Mrs. Charles Heath St Brainard, J. L 24 Marcelline Av Burk, Ida M Stafford St Burke, Eliza Stafford St Bush, Dina Union St Campbell, Andrew 51 Baden Av Campbell, Isabelle 51 Baden Av Capper, Robert J Anderson Av Clifford, Mrs. Bell Union St Cruikshank, Will C Easton Av Cruikshank, Alice M Easton Av Curtis, Alice Bessemer Av Curtis, William Bessemer Av Davis, Jessie Davis. Catharine Union St Davis, James M Dawson, Catharine M Union St Dell, Harriet L Dodds, William Gibson St Dodds, Mrs. Margarete Gibson St Dodds, Josephine Gibson St Dodds, Emily Gibson St Doephin, Rachael Union St Donley, Bessey Aetna St Durant, Amelia L Orleans St Edmunds, Jessie Easton Av Edmunds, Maud Easton Av Evans, Catharine Haddock St Faucett, James Easton Av Faucett, Lettie Easton Av Fischmuth, Herman Gibson St Francis, Dinah A Union St Francis, Ida N Union St Gibson, Sarah Gordon, James Gordon, Eliza Griffiths, David Crane St Griffiths, Mrs. David Crane St Griffiths, Thomas J Crane St Griffiths, John TV Crane St Griffiths, Mariah Union St Griffiths, Minnie Union St Griffiths, Alice Way St Griffiths, Rosa May Raymond St Hardman, Jessie C Union St Hardman, Richard Union St Hawkins, Jacob B 21 Easton Av Hawkins, Susan T 21 Easton Av Hawkins, Mamie R 21 Easton Av Hawthorn, Margaret.. Woodland Hills Hopkins, Anna Union St Horton, Ada Stafford St Horwell, Minerva E Union St Horwell, Katherine Union St James, Edmond Woodland Hills James, Elizabeth Woodland Hills Av Jester, Rosa May.. .Woodland Hills Av Jones, William Heath St Kempthorn, William Heath St Kempthorn, Edgar Heath St Kempthorn, Beatrice Heath St Kempthorn, Elizabeth Heath St 158 CLEVELAND CONGREGATIONALISTS. Kempthorn, Eliza L Heath St Ryan, Franklin Bessemer Av Kinghorn, John C Raymond St Ryan, Ralph F Bessemer Av Kinghorn, Anna Raymond St Ryan, Sarah Bessemer Av Lemmon, W. B Woodland Hills Sauer, Martha E Lemmon, C. H 1455 "Woodland Hills Scheamer, Elsie 2156 Upton St Lemmon, Bessie J.. 1455 Woodland Hills Scoville, Rev. E. E Lemmon, Mertie M. 1455 Woodland Hills Elborn Av., Cincinnati, O Lyon, Charles Kinsman St Scoville, Carrie Cincinnati, O Lyon, Charlotte Kinsman St Seatter, Mrs. J. L Anderson Av Mackey, Emma J Easton Av Shanks, Agnes Martin, Will C Union St Union and Woodland Hills Av Martin, Jessie May Union St Sharp, Mrs. Matilda .....Union St McElvried, Mrs. Janie Union St Sharp, Mary 588 Union St McElvried, Janie A Union St Sidaway, Bertha J Marshall St McLane, Lena Delia Shimmons, Claud Wageman St McClure, Laura M Shimmons, Mrs. Eliza Wageman St McCracken, Mattie A Haddock St Shimmons, Blanch Wageman St McPherson, Thomas Melrose Av Smith, Thomas Woodland Hills Av McPherson, John J Melrose Av Smith, William Woodland Hills Av Mitchell, Frederick Beacon St Smith, Maggie Woodland Hills Mitchell, Lavina Beacon St Smith, Sarah Woodland Hills Av Mitchell, Louisa Toledo, O Smith, Annie E Bessemer Av Mock, Peter J Woodland Hills Union and Woodland Hills Av Mock, Bessie Woodland Hills Stuptka, Eliza Rural St Mock, Mary Woodland Hills Tate, Mary A Raymond St Mock, Grace L Woodland Hills Av Thomas, Thomas Union St Mock, Florence C... Woodland Hills Av Thomas, Catharine Union St Monroe, George Woodland Hills Av ,I^°"'P^°"' Maggie G Anderson Av Toll, Herbert E Bessemer Av Monroe, Emily M... Woodland Hills Av Toll, Isabella Bessemer Av Morgan. E. Maud Union St Turner, Betsey Rural St Morgan, David Union St Turner, Anna Rural St V ,, „,. TT • n^ Whalley, John Union St Morgan, Eliza Union St Wiltshire, Sidney Heath St Moyse, Harry Leopold St Williams, M 67 Anderson Av Norman, Mrs. Mina Union St Woodhouse, Samuel Orleans St. Orggl,- Thomas Raymond St Williams, S. H Anderson Ay ^ ^ ^ ^ -„,. „^ Watkins, William H Union St Ostrander, George Wageman St -wright, Carrie M Ostrander, Fanny Wageman St Whalley, Margaret Union St Palmer, William Stafford St Wrench, Martha Bessemer Av Parsons, Wm Union St Wright, James H ......... ...^ Union St. and Woodland Hills Parsons, Mariah Union St watkins, Emma L Union St Parsons, Maggie Heath St Wells, Charles Woodland Hills Av Parsons, George Union St Wells, John A Union St -r>„f„„ T->„,„^<. TTr,;^r, Gf Woodhouse, Mary Orleans St Paton, Robert Union bt _,. ... ' „ •' Tir^i^r, at- Watkins, W. H Union bt Paton, Mrs. Robert Union St Wiltshire, Lillie England Perry, Lizzie Wiltshire, Minnie Heath St Roark, Kate Union St Watkins, Ernest Union St Rodway. Alfred N Haddock St Wendling Catharine .Gibson St .„ , „, , „„„„ „ ,, , Q, Watson, George O Wageman St Rodway, Edward 2362 Haddock St ^^jj^^ Rachel Woodland Hills Av Rodway, Jane 2362 Haddock St Wallace, Mary Ann Orleans St Rodway, Lillian 2362 Haddock St Williams, Albina 67 Anderson Av Rook, Henry Raymond St ^^j^^- ^rs. Louisa Union St „ ,, Watkins, Agnes Union bt Rook, Eddie Bessemer bt v^^ntshire, Selina Heath St Rook, Sarah Raymont St Tonley, Eva Union St PARK CONGREGATIONAL CHURCH, CORNER CULLISON STREET AND CRAWFORD ROAD. |ARK Congregational Church had its beginning in a Sunday-school If^ held in the home of Mr. Alfred Roberts, on the corner of Doan street and Crawford road, organized July 4, 18S6. The Sunday- REY. E. S. ROTHROCK. school was union in its character. The people began immediately to discuss the advisability of building a chapel, which resulted in the dedica- tion of a Union Chapel, August 22, 1886, situated on the southwest PARK CHURCH. PARK CONGREGATIONAL CHURCH. 161 corner of Doan street and Crawford road. This was the only church in a tract embracing about two square miles of territory at that time. For about two years the pulpit of this Union Chapel was supplied by whoever was available, during which time regular preaching and Sunday- school and young people's meetings were maintained. But the people felt their need of fellowship and the weakness of their isolation and de- cided to transfer their society to some evangelical denomination, and in January, 1888, the work and property of the Union Chapel was trans- ferred to the strong and tender care of the Euclid Avenue Congregational Church, and was known as the North Branch. The services were under the supervision of a band of "Lay Preachers" which was organized by Dr. Ladd in the Mother Church, until a pastor was called, in July, 1889. At" the time of organization, Chas. M.Preston was elected superintendent, which position he held until October, 1894. The first pastor of the "Branch" was Rev. I. W. Metcalf, who divided his woik with the "Hough Branch" until March, 1890, when Rev. M. L. Berger, D.D., took charge of the work. The "North Branch" was recognized as an independent church, October 2, 1890, and took the name of Park Congregational Church, and M. L. Berger, D.D., was installed as pastor. It was soon discovered that the location of the chapel was not cen- tral, and that there was need for larger accommodations for the rapidly increasing population, and a lot was purchased for a new church on the corner of Crawford road and Cullison street. The corner-stone for the new structure was laid July 31, 1892. The plans for the church building were made by J. B. Shengle, a member of the church. In due time, one of the neatest and most convenient of Cleveland's smaller Congregational churches was completed. The church organization has been steadily growing, and is doing good work and exerting a strong influence upon the community of which it is a part. After serving the church most efficiently for five years, Rev. Dr. Berger found it necessary because of impaired health to resign his pastoral charge, which he did January 27, 1895. The church extended a call to Rev. E. S. Rothrock,. who began work March 24, 1895. The outlook for the church is very encouraging. The membership now numbers 170. The Sunday-school has an average attendance of about one hundred and sixty. Among the many faithful and efficient workersin and for Park Church should be especially mentioned Chas. M. Preston, A. T. Caulfield, S. C. Hale, and from the "home church," H. Clark Ford. The organizations connected with the church are: Endeavor Society — Wm. N. Smith, president; Edith Ritter, vice-pres- ident; May Robinson, secretary; B. H. Taylor, treasurer. Junior Christian Endeavor — Miss Belle Chapin, superintendent; Miss- Anna Weining, Miss Edith Ritter, junior committee. Intermediate C. E. Society — Ralph Burkholder, president; Dan Hen- derson, vice-president; Alice Hamilton, secretary; Arthur Robinson,., treasurer. 162 CLEVELAND CONGREGATIONALISTS. S. C. HALE. SUNDAY-SCHOOL SUPT. Ladies' Aid and Missionary Society— Mrs. E. S. Rothrock, president; Mrs. T. G. Ford, vice- president; Mrs. John Burkholder, secretary ; Mrs. Wm. N. Smith, treasurer. Men's League, Dr. G.F.Webb, president; Bret. Taylor, vice-presi- dent; John Burkholder, secretary; Mr. Abbot, treasurer ; Wm. H. Cook, financial secretary. Choral Society — Wm. H.Cook, president; Wm. J. Jacobs, vice- president; John Burkholder, trea- surer ; Anna Weining, secretary; C. F. Johnson, director. Officers of Church — Rev. E. S. Rothrock, pastor. Deacons — Chas. M. Preston, A. T. Caulfield, S. C. Hale, Dr. F. 0. Reeve. Trustees — Dr. B. P. Roper, president; John Burkholder, secre- tary; Wm. Allen, treasurer; Wm. H. Cook, Thos. L. Malloy. Clerk — Miss Anna Weining. Auditor— Wm. W. Smith. Officers of Sunday-school — S. C. Hale, superintendent; Dr. F. 0. Reeve, first assistant; John Burkholder, second assistant; May Robinson, secretary; Wm. N. Smith, treasurer. H. CLARK FORD, President. DARIUS ADAMS, \y. p„sidents T. SPENCER KNlGHT,i ^'^ t^residents. J. V. DAWES, Sec'y and Treas. — iKPAYS INTEREST ON DEPOSITS. Loans made on Real Estate and Good Collaterals. Fire Insurance Agency at the Bank Representing- the Best Companies. Losses Promptly Adjusted and Paid. PARK CONGREGATIONAL CHURCH. 163 CHURCH DIRECTORY Acker, Mrs. R. C 29 Cullison St Adams, Harvey 18 Mansion St Adams, Mrs. Harvey 18 Mansion St Allen, William 965 Crawford Road Allen, Mrs. William.. 965 Crawford Road Aubrecht, Mildred 4 Shippard St Barden, George L 13 Cullison St Barden, Mrs. Charlotte 13 Cullison St Brake, Mrs. Maggie 8 Melvin St Brake, Mable 8 Melvin St Bruner, Mrs. G. W 12 Parkwood St Bryan, Edward 57 Hathaway St Burkholder, John 11 Cullison St Burkholder, Mrs. John.... 11 Cullison St Burkholder, Ralph 11 Cullison St Burnhard, Minnie 23 Melvin St Calhoon, Mrs. Sophia Superior, near Junction with Eu- did, E. Cleve Caulfield, A. T 5 Lawnview Caulfield, Mrs. Rose 5 Lawnview Caulfield, Ida May 5 Lawnview Chant, Mr. John 37 Oakland St Chant, Mrs. John 37 Oakland St Chant, Rosa 37 Oakland St Collier, Charles 85 Hathaway Cook, William H 27 Melvin St Cook, Mrs. Hattie May.... 27 Melvin St Cowling, John ....Doan St., corner Wade Park Av Cowling, Mrs. Ann Doan St., corner Wade Park Av Cowling, Eliza Doan St., corner Wade Park Av Cowling, Polly Doan St., corner Wade Park Av Darrell, Charles E 33 Melvin St Darrell, Mrs. Charles E 33 Melvin St Darrell, Fred C 54 Parkwood Darrell, Mrs. Fred C 54 Parkwood Darrell, Harry S....Doan St (Glenville) Deiss, Julius 3 Cullison St Deiss, Mrs. Marie 3 Cullison St Dodge. Omri S 684 Central Av Dodge, Mrs. Omri S 684 Central Av Dunlap, Mrs 47 Oakland St Ellis, Eldridge 17 Glendale Ellis, Mrs. Carrie 17 Glendale Evans, Evan 43 Oakdale Evans, Mrs. Evan 43 Oakdale Everett, Nettie 33 Oakdale Farnfield, Mrs. Anna E...45 Hathaway Farnfield, Ray 45 Hathaway Ford, T. G South Brooklyn Ford, Mrs. T. G South Brooklyn Frazee, W. S 525 Quincy St Frazee, Mrs. W. S 525 Quincy St Frue, Margretta Gertrude-St., ( Glenville) Fuller, Mrs. Anna E. ..14 Parkwood St Glass, Dr. G. F 1070 Crawford Rd Godwin, Mrs. Ollie Collinwood Hale, S. C 760 Doan St Harris, Mrs. Mamie 14 Cullison Hamilton, Thomas ....2966 Superior-St., cor. Parkwood Hamilton, Eveline ....2966 Superior-St., cor. Parkwood Hamilton, Herbert 58 Parkwood Hamilton, Mrs. Herbert 58 Parkwood Henderson, Thos 58 Mansion St Henderson, Mrs. Catherine 58 Mansion St Henderson, Margaret 58 Mansion St Henderson, Helen 58 Mansion St Hamilton, Mrs. Hattie 44 Melvin Hill, Mrs. S. J 16 Itasca St Hill, O. J 16 Itasca St Hill, Harry S 16 Itasca St Hotchkiss. H. C 13 Glendale Hotchkiss, Lulu 13 Glendale Howe, George 18 Rosedale Av Hull, Anna 32 Orvill St Hull, William 34 Orvill St Humphries, Mrs. Richard... 8 Itasca St Jacobs, John Garfield Ct Jacobs, William J Garfield Ct Johnson, Edward 18 Rosedale 164 CLEVELAND CONGREGATIONALISTS. Johnson, Mrs. Edward 18 Rosedale Johnson, Mrs. Nellie 4 Itasca Kostermann, Lottie 55 Daisy Av Lovering-, Mrs. Elizabeth. 18 Glendale Ct Lovering, Hattie 18 Glendale Ct Ma,lloy, Thomas L 51 Moulton St Miller, liooiise Lake View Av Miller, Lena Lake View Av Miller, Anna Lake View Av Miller, Minnie Lake View Av Miller, Edith Lake View Av Muirhead, John . Gertrude St. (Glenville) Muirhead,Mrs. J.. Gertrude St. (Glenville) Myers, Prof. S. S 2 Parkwood Myers, Mrs. S. S 2 Parkwood Nelson, Charles Grant.. 11 Knowlton St Nelson, Mrs. Hannah — 11 Knowlton St Norris, Geo Lee Av., near Doan Parr, Wm. J 37 Andale Av Parr, Mrs. Wm. J 37 Andale Av Paul, Mrs. Ella 10 Parkwood Phillips, Sarah.. Doan St, cor. Churchill Popham, John Crawford Rd., near Doan St Powers, Mrs. Ella 13 Cullison St Preston, ChaiS. M 740 Logan Av Reed, Marg-aret 2769 Euclid Av Reed, Lulu May 2769 Euclid Av Reeve, Dr. F. 2827 Superior St Reeve, Lulu 2827 Superior St Riitter, Wm. C 1 Oakdaie Av Ritter, Mrs. Catherine 1 Oakdaie Av Ritter, Edith 1 Oiakdale Av Roberts, Geo. A Robinson, Mrs. Agnes. .879 Crawford Rd Robinson, Belle 879 Crawford Rd Robinson, May 879 Crawford Rd Robinson, Mrs. Mary 16 Itasca St Roper, Dr. P. B 16 Cullison Roper, Mrs. P. B 16 Cullison Roper, Flossa 16 Cullison Rothrock, E. S 869 Crawford Rd Rothrock, Mrs. Nellie.. 869 Crawford Rd Shengle, John B 8 Melvin St Shengle, Mrs. Sue 8 Melvin St Smith, Mrs. Nettie C 98 Rosedale Av Smith, Wm. N 15 Beulah St Smith, Mrs. Wm. N 15 Beulah St Sprowles, Lulu M 2 Cullison St Staebler, Edwin Melvin St., near Superior Steuck, Mrs. Emma 32 Melvin St Steuck, Myrtle 32 Melvin St Steuck, Ella 32 Melvin St Sunstine, Miss Flora... 877 Crawford Rd Turner, Wm. H 242 Cedar Av Vogt, Mrs. Tenie 4 Cullison St Vogt, Lillie 4 Cullison St Warden, John 25 Oakdaie St Warden, Agnes 25 Oakdaie St Warden, Catherine 25 Oakdaie St Warden, Margaret 25 Oakdaie St Warner, Clarence Hathaway St., cor. Almira St Webb, Dr. G. F 64 Rosedale Av Webb, Mrs. Nancy 64 Rosedale Av Webb, Mrs. Rachel 64 Rosedale Av Webb, Leroy 64 Rosedale Av Webb, Pearl 64 Rosedale Av Webb, iFaith 64 Rosedale Av Wedekamm, Mrs. Carrie 963 Crawford Rd Weining, Anna M 14 Parkwood St Weining, Emma E 14 Parkwood St Wills, Richard 25 Pennsylvania Av Wills, Mrs. Mary.. 25 Pennsylvania Av Willis, Emily A 25 Pennsylvania Av Wills, Mary 25- Pennsylvania Av Wills, Albert 25 Pennsylvania Av Willson, John D 18 Bruce St Willson, Mrs. John D 18 Bruce St Yokes, Mrs. Margaret. ..118 Rosedale St ABSENT LIST. Aurand, Janette. Berger, Rev. M. L., D. D. Berger, Mrs. Mary A. Gilliatt, Bennett. Hodgson, Elizabeth. Hotchkiss, Willis. Luphart, Emma. Moore, William. Office, Mrs. Emma. Randall, Winthrup, M. D. Randall, Mrs. Winthrup. Randall, Emma. Roberts, Alfred. Roberts, Mrs. Matilda. HOUGH AVENUE CONGREGATIONAL CHURCH. jf\ N October 25-27, 1888, a house-to-house canvass of the Hough Avenue field was made by Rev. W. F. McMillen, secretary of the Congregational Sunday-school and Publishing Society, assisted by Rev. M. L. Berger, D.D. On Sunday, October 28, 1888, a Sunday- school was organized in the Republican wigwam, on the northwest corner of Hough and Harkness avenues, under the auspices and support •of the EucHd Avenue Congregational Church, with James W. Moore as HOUGH AVENUE CHURCH. superintendent. Regular preaching services began on the following Sun- dav, conducted by Dr. Berger. A weekly prayer meeting has been sus- tained since November 15, 1888 Dr. Berger continued as associate pastor of the Euclid Avenue Church and minister-in-charge of the Hough Avenue Mission until thp last Sunday of June, 1889. On the first Sunday of July, 1889, Rev. Irving W. Metcalf, then pastor of the Central Congregational Church, Dayton, Ohio, preached at the wigwam ; and on the last Sunday of July he began his work as pastor 166 CLEVELAND CONGREGATIONALISTS. of the Hough Avenue Mission, under a call from the Euclid Avenue Church. The foregoing cut represents the Nineteenth Ward Wigv^ram in vi^hich the Hough xA venue Congregational Sunday-school was organized, and also the Hough Avenue Branch of the Euclid Avenue Congregational Church, v^hich afterwards became the Hough Avenue Congregational REV. C. W. CARROLL. Church. Services were held here from October 28, 1888,JJto|jNovember 23, 1890. February 11, 1890, the congregation was formally organized and recognized by an ecclesiastical council as The Hough Avenue Branch of the Euclid Avenue Congregational Church, with lorty-six charter mem- bers, of whom five were previously members of the Mother Church. The branch relation continued until March 18, 1891, when, in response to a letter-missive issued jointly by the Euclid Avenue Church HOUGH AVENUE CONGREGATIONAL CHURCH. 167 and the Hough Avenue Branch, another ecclesiastical council formally organized and recognized The Hough Avenue Congregational Church, with 111 members, and installed Rev. Irving W. Metcalf as pastor. The Church has been self-supporting since that time. The lot on the southwest corner of Hough avenue and Crawford road was purchased September 2, 1889. Ground was broken for the present chapel, June 16, 1890. The corner-stone was laid with appro- priate exercises, Sunday afternoon, July 13, 1890. The first prayer meeting in the new chapel was held Friday evening, November 28, 1890, and the building was formally dedicated Sunday, November 30, 1890. The Church was legally incorporated October 23, 1891, and the property, which had been held by F. B. Fox, trustee, was deeded to the Church on December 5, 1891. Toward the cost of the church property members of the Euclid Ave- nue Church generously contributed nearly $3,000, and until the Branch Church became independent, the Mother Church paid more than three- fourths of the current expenses. The remainder of the amount paid for the property and for current expenses was given by the members of the Hough Avenue congregation, property owners in the neighborhood, and other friends. The roll of the church now contains the names of 492 persons, of whom 186 were received on confession of faith, and 306 by letter from other churches. Fifteen have been removed by death, 84 have been dismissed to other churches, and from one fellowship has been withdrawn, leaving the present membership 392. The pastorate of Rev. Irving W. Metcalf closed with the Communion service, January 7, 1894, at which time seven infant children were pre- sented for baptism and nine new members were received. Rev. Charles W. Carroll began work with the church April 1, 1894, and was installed pastor April 3, 1895. The work continued to grow so rapidly and steadily that in the autumn of 1894 the chapel proved to be too small to accommodate either the audience or the Sunday-school. March 8, 1895, the church voted to erect a new building. OFFICERS OF THE CHURCH. Pastor — Rev. Charles W. Carroll, 48 Brookfield street. Deacons — R. A. Bissell, term expires December 31, 1899; James Logan, term expires December 31, 1900 ; W.K. Bailey, term expires Decem- ber 31, 1896; F. B. Fox, term expires December 31, 1897; J. C. Lincoln, December 31, 1898. Trustees — C. F. Lewis, term expires December 31, 1899; Charles Hanford, term expires December 31, 1900; J. E. Erwin, term expires December 31, 1896 ; C. H. Foote, term expires December 31, 1897 ; F. B. Fox, term expires December 31, 1898. Clerk — ^J. B. Comstock, Jr., 9 Hough avenue, term expires December 31, 1896. 168 CLEVELAND CONGREGATIONALIST. Treasurer — E. L. Clarke, 50 Minerva street, term expires December SI, 1896. Sunday-school— Superintendent, H. S. Colburn ; assistant superin- tendent, C. E. Brown. Primary Department— Superintendent, Mrs. E. L. Clarke. Ladies' Society— President, Mrs. C. W. Carroll, 48 Brookfield ; secretary, Mrs. H. G. Bragg, 30 Brookfield; treasurer, Mrs. H. L. Foster, '68 Stanley. Intermediate Society of Christian Endeavor— Superintendents, Miss Bess Parsons, 278 Harkness ; Miss Christine Thomsen, 31 Cory avenue. Junior Society of Christian Endeavor— Superintendent, Miss Har- riet Rockwell, 770 Genesee avenue; assistants. Miss Alice Leathers, Miss Medora Foote. The Men's League— President, Dr. E. H. Kirk, 299 Crawford road; secretary, Mr. F. B. Shaw, 816 Hough avenue; treasurer, Mr. C. H. Ball, 38 Minerva street. regular meetings. Sunday Services — Public Worship, 10 a. m. and 7 p. m. ; Sunday- school, 11:30 a. m.. Junior Endeavor Societ}', 3 p. m.; Intermediate En- deavor Society, 5 p. m.; Senior Endeavor Society, 5:45 p. m. Week Day Service— Thursday, 2 p. m. Ladies' Society ; Friday, 7:15 p. m., Social Prayer Meeting; Friday, 8 p. m., Teachers' Meeting. TUnion HDutual %ifc Ifnsurance Co., OF PORTLAND, MAINE. FRED. E. RICHARDS, Pres. ARTHUR L. BATES, Viee-Pres. Issues Policies upon all popular and desirable plans, Ordinary Life, Twenty Payment Life and Endowment. Also, The Union Mutual Guaranteed Investment and Trust Bond Policies. The only compan3' that issues policies under the Maine Non-Forieiture and Extension Plan. For details and statements, please call on or write to 38J THE ARCADE, - _ - - CLEVELAND, OHIO. HOUGH AVENUE CONGHEGATIONAL CHURCH. 169 CHURCH DIRECTORY. Andrews, Mrs. E. P. .277 Crawford Rd Barnes, Mrs. Elizabeth P 50 Cory Av Andrews, William C..277 Crawford Rd Bowler, A. E 86 Commonwealth Av Aldrich, Eva 17.37 Euclid Av Bowler, Mrs. A. E. 86 Commonwealth Av Alvord, Mrs. C. H Berry, Stephen Gladstone Block 196 Commonwealth Av Berry, Mrs. Stephen.. Gladstone Block Akers. Mrs. Jennie L 555 Hough Av Berry, Eva Gladstone Block Bissell, R. A 58 Cory Av Brown, C. E 566 Hough Av Bissell, Mrs. R. A 58 Cory Av Brown, Mrs. Florence K.566 Hough Av Bissell, Ruby S 22 Cory Av Berry, Mrs. Mary E Bissell, Mrs. Cora P 22 Cory Av 117 Commonwealth Av Barrett, Rev. C. H ,.. wM 9,Th .d Gtha. New Brighton, N. T Bryenton, Rebecca Union Road Barrett, Daisy V Bennington, N. Y. Bryenton, Jennie P. E. Island Bordwell, William G 1484 Linwood Comstock, J. B 9 Edmunds St Bragg, H. G 30 Brookfield St Comstock, Mrs. J. B....9 Edmunds St Bragg, Mrs. H. G 30 Brookfield St Comstock, J. B., Jr 9 Hough Place Bragg, Alice 30 Brookfield St Comstock, Mrs. J. B., Jr Brobst, Elizabeth J Lansing, Mich 9 Hough Place Bishop, H. W Newark, N.^ J Coover, Charles E 69 Melrose Av Bishop, Mrs. H. W Newark, N. J. Coover, Mrs. Anna L....69 Melrose Av Bucher, Mrs. Ida L Bedford, O Crandall, G. A 122 Decker Av Butz, Rosa 40 Linden St Crandall, Mrs. G. A 122 Decker Av Barnes, Benjamin 50 Cory Av Crandall, G. A., Jr 122 Decker Av Barnes, Horace 50 Cory Av Cornell, Mrs. Jane H..25 Brookfield St Burroughs, May Knoix St Cornell, George 25 Brookfield St Ball, Charles H 38 Minerva St Clarke, Mrs. Mary L. . .Syracuse, N. Y Ball, Mrs. Charles H....38 Minerva St Clarke. E. L 50 Minerva St Barsby, Mrs. Agnes 13 Kenmore St Clarke, Mrs. E. L 50 Minerva St Barsby, Inez 13 Kenmore St Carver, Martha A 100 Brookfield St Bailey, W. K 31 Minerva St Carver, Nettie E 100 Brookfield St Bailey, Mrs. W. K 31 Minerva St ^-eer, W. R 1671 Lamont St Bailey, Lucy G 31 Minerva St creer, Mrs. W. R 1671 Lamont St Baker, A 44 Kenmore St creer, Burnham R 1671 Lamont St Baker, Mrs. A 44 Kenmore St cooke, Mrs. Flora 67 Cory Av Baker, Florence E 44 Kenmore St Carroll, Rev. C. W....48 Brookfield St Baker, Laura M 44 Kenmore St Carroll, Mrs. C. W....4S Brookfield St Baker, Ida M 44 Kenmore St Carroll, Vanche B 48 Brookfield St Burgess, George C 315 Genesee Av carroll, Fred A 48 Brookfield St Burrows, F. H 157 Dodge St Carroll, Ralph B 48 Brookfield St Billson, Mrs. Mary G.. 331 Crawford Rd corlette. William J 277 Genesee Av Beckwith, Anson W ...651 Hough Corlette, Mrs. Ellen.... 277 Genesee Av Beckwith, Mrs. Hattie A.649 Hough Av corlette, Mary A 277 Genesee Av 170 CLEVELAND CONGREGATIONALLSTS. Corlette, Jennie 277 Genesee Av Cole, Mrs. Alice 42 Brookfleld St Clampitt, Mrs. Fannie E 78 Stanley Av Clampitt, Miss Susan 78 Stanley Av Calburn, H. S ...Central Manual Training- School Dickey, Mrs. Jessie C..9 Edmunds St DeCelle, Josephine.. 348 Crawford Road DeCelle, Geneva. . ..348 Crawford Road Dodge, Mi-s. Lula 689 Genesee Av Durant, W. T 45 Harkness Av Durant, Mrs. W. T....45 Harkness Av Durant, Clara M 45 Harkness Av Davidson, H. P 24 Brookfleld St Davidson, Mrs. H. P.. 24 Brookfleld St Davies, Frederick A.. 139 Amesbury Av Davies, Mrs. Mary A. 139 Amesbury Av Davies, Mabel S 139 Amesbury Av Dennis, Mrs. Cynthia A.. 335 Crawford Brwin, J. E 46 Brookfleld St Erwin, Mrs. J. E 46 Brookfleld St Easty, Mrs. Lottie B Glenville, Ohio Evans, Nellie 698 Crawford Road Exline, Scott L,..care First National Bk Exline, William G care of Enterprise Printing Co. Exline, David V 201 Marcy Av Evarts, Robert 150 Amesbury Av Evarts, Mrs. Robert... 150 Amesbury Av Evarts, Sterling 150 Amesbury Av Evarts, Howard 150 Amesbury Av Fox, F. B 133 Crawford Road Fox, Mrs. F. B 133 Crawford Road Fox, Ernest C 133 Crawford Road Fuller, Mrs. Theo. H.164 Crawford Road Fuller, Mrs. Theo. H 164 Crawford Rd Fagnan, George h: City Fagnan, Mrs. Grace S North Manchester, Ind. Fretz, Gideon H 22 Meridian St Fretz, Mrs. Gideon H 22 Meridian St Foote, Clayton H 216 Princeton St Foote, Mrs. Clayton H 216 Princeton St Foote, Medora...; 216 Princeton St Foster, Henry L 68 Stanley Av Foster, Mrs. Henry L 68 Stanley Av Frost, James R 8 Van Ness St Frost, Mrs. May J 8 Van Ness St Glazier, H. H Cincinnati Glazier, Mrs. H. H City Goodyear, F Kent, Ohio Goodyear, Mrs. F Kent, Ohio Guy, Benj. A 1 Bolton Av Gregory, Lula 161 Commonwealth Av Gable, D 251 Marcy Av Gable, Mrs. D 251 Marcy Av Gazeley, Mrs. B. R. F...199 Lincoln Av Green, Mrs. E. H City Gleason, E. W 124 Crawford Road Gleason, Mrs. E. W..124 Crawford Road Grant, Charles E 12 Crawford PI Grant, Mrs. Mildred P...12 Crawford PI Garland, W. T 318 Genesee Av Garland, Mrs. W. T 318 Genesee Av Gosney, E 277 Crawford Road Gosney, Mrs. E 277 Crawford Road Gosney, Ashley 277 Crawford Road Gamble, Izetta 105 Dibble Av Green, Mrs. Martha Crawford Place Gaylord, Mrs. Rebecca F 85 Bell Av Gould, Francis E 265 Marcy Av Gould, Thomas W 265 Marcy Av Gould, Charles 265 Marcy Av Gould, Rosa 265 Marcy Av Grady, Effie F 158 Amesbury Av Graham, Will H 26 Van Ness Av Glazier, Earnest B City Honeywell, Mrs. C. P. B.315 Genesee Av Hunter, Mrs. Sarah H..93 Van Ness Av Hobart, Mrs. A. G 99 Crawford Road Humphreys, G. S 55 Hough Place Humphreys, Mrs. G. S..55 Hough Place Hanford, Charles.. ..327 Crawfoi-d Road Hanford, Fannie H..327 Crawford Road Hyatt, Mrs. Maud C 743 Hough Av Hadley, Mrs. Mary J 20 Linwood St Hadley, Bertha 20 Linwood St Hadley, Ray 29 Princeton St Hadley, Margaret E 20 Linwood St Hadley, Grace 20 Linwood St Howe, Edward L....93 Commonwealth Howe, Jennie A 93 Commonwealth Howe, Miss Mary B..91 Commonwealth Hudson, Mrs. Sarah L..99 Van Ness Av Hutchinson, Mrs. Addie Louise 102 Van Ness Av Inman, J. L Lorain, Ohio Inman, Mrs. J. L Lorain, Ohio Judson, Mrs. Bertha A 133 Crawford Road HOUGH AVENUE CONGREGATIONAL CHURCH. 171 Judson, O. H 158 Amesbury Av Judson, Mrs. O. H 158 Amesbury Av Jackson, Mrs. A. H 427 Clark Av Jarvis, Mrs. Sarah D W. Madison, cor. Highland Av Jarvis, Olive W. Madison, cor. Highland Av Judy, J. W 43 Dorchester Av Judy, Mrs. J. W 43 Dorchester Av Jones, Margaret 35 Bolton Place Jones, Mary A 35 Bolton Place Jones, Hazel M 35 Bolton PI Joyce, J. A 20 Van Ness Av Joyce, Mrs. J. A 20 Van Ness Av Johnson, Jessie 642 Hough Av Keith, M. W 769 E. Madison Av Keith, Mrs. M. W...769 E. Madison Av Kingsbury, Delia 184 Harkness Av Kassulker, Mrs. Bessie 138 Commonwealth Av Kerr, Mary F Newburg Kline, John 684 Hough Av Kline, Mrs. John 684 Hough Av Kraus, Mrs. Mary T 68 Alanson St Koehler, Mrs. Alexander 182 Commonwealth Av Kirk, Dr. Emett H 299 Crawford Rd Kirk, Mrs. Emett H...299 Crawford Rd Kirk, Hazel 299 Crawford Rd Kissack, Mr. Fred.. Ansel cor. Edmunds Kaighin, Caroline 358 Hoadley St Lacey, Wm Bedford, Ohio Lacey, Mrs. "Wm Bedford, Ohio Livingston, Anna M...308 Crawford Rd Loomis, George H...144 Commonwealth Looinis, Mrs. Amelia M 144 Commonwealth Loomis, Mrs. Harriet N 184 Harkness Av Linnell, Mrs. Clara P.. 145 Crawford Rd Linnell, Mabel A 145 Crawford Rd Linnell, Harry P 145 Crawford Rd Lewis, Charles P 70 Sixth Av Lincoln, J. C 104 Marcy Av Lincoln, Mrs. J. C 104 Marcy Av Lincoln, Paul M Niagara Falls Logan, James 69 Amesbury Av Logan, Mrs. James 69 Amesbury Av Logan, Walter G. M..69 Amesbury Av Logan, Charlotte M. B..69 Amesbury Av Latham, Mrs. Minnie S 2 Hough PI Leathers, E. N 32 Stanley Av Leathers, Mrs. E. N 32 Stanley Av Leathers, Alice A 32 Stanley Av Lucas, Walter 307 Crawford Rd Lucas, Mrs. Walter 307 Crawford Rd Minnard, Clemence City Murray, Mrs. Maude C 77 Mason St Mclntyre, Mrs. Marcia 23 Bolton PI Mclntyre, George 23 Bolton PI Mclntyre, Frank 23 Bolton PI McKenzie, Alex 68 Robertson St McKenzie, Mrs. Alex... 68 Robertson St McKenzie, Alex., Jr 68 Robertson St Miner, Mrs. Hattie T.. .120 Van Ness Av Magalhaes, Geo. W. . ..Brooklyn, N. T Metcalf, Bert A 40 Linwood St McElroy, Nellie.. .93 Commonwealth Av Mills, Mrs. Silvia B..New London, Ohio Mayer, Anna M 2361/2 Harkness Av Montgomery, Maud L..202 Melrose Av Myers, Nettie M 188 Melrose Av Merrill, E. F 19 Dunham PI Merrill, Mrs. E. P 19 Dunham PI Merrill, E. Maude 19 Dunham PI Malone, Mrs. Grace E 618 Hough Av McPeck, Dr. E. E 656 Hough Av McPeck, Mrs. E. E 656 Hough Av Miller, Mrs. E. J 87 Amesbury Av Morehouse, Wm 823 Hough Av Morehouse, Mrs. Minnie H 823 Hough Av Morehouse, Mrs. Alberta 340 Crawford Rd Morehouse, Mrs. Mattie 340 Crawford Rd Muir, Arthur L 851 East Madison Nicklas, William H 81 Shipherd Nicklas, Mrs. Anna 81 Shipherd Noble, J. A Marcy Av Noble, Mrs. J. A Marcy Av Nothnagle, Alice 263 Marcy Av Nothnagle, Delia 263 Marcy Av Orr, Violet 22 Stanley Av Ormsby, H. A.. 266 Commonwealth Av Ormsby, Mrs. H. A 266 Commonwealth Av Ormsby, Helen E 266 Commonwealth Av Osborn, Miss Frank E 196 Commonwealth Av Paine! Mrs. Sarah B 313 Genesee Av 172 CLEVELAND CONGREGATION ALISTS. Paine, Myra L... . .'. .. .313 Genesee Av Solomon, Pred C....218 Crawford Road Perkins, H. M Lorain, Ohio Skinner, S. A Toledo, O Perkins, Mrs. H. M Lorain, Ohio Skinner," Mrs. S. A Toledo, O Perkins, Bessie A Lorain, Ohio Seywert, F. A 799 Hough Av Perkins, Byron A Lorain, Ohio Seywert, Mrs. F. A 799 Hough Av Pay, W. S 118 Whitney Av Seywert, Frances G 799 Hough Av Pay, Mrs. W. S 118 Whitney Av Seywert, Ferdinand W...799 Hough Av Phinney, Mrs. Ellen J.. 168 Crawford Rd Scotten, Frank M 799 Hough Av Phinney, Albert J 168 Crawford Rd Smith, Florence H 348 Marcy Av Phinney, Georgie E 168 Crawford Rd Smith, Edith M 348 Marcy Av Parrish, Mary F 99 Van Ness St Soutar, Mrs. Margaret D Percy, John G 129 Sixth Av 45 Kenmore St Percy, Mrs. John G 129 Sixth Av Soutar, John B 45 Kenmore St Post, Martha 68 Stanley Av Soutar, James 45 Kenmore St Parsons, Mrs. Laura... 278 Harkness Av Parsons, Bess C 278 Harkness Av Parsons, Julia M 278 Harkness Av Plimpton, Silas W 31 Bolton PI Plimpton, Mrs. Hannah R 31 Bolton PI Plimpton, Mrs. Carrie 770 Genesee Plimpton, Miss Lois E Madison, O Soutar, Alexander 45 Kenmore St Shook, Mrs. Lizzie C....25 Brookfleld St Shumway, Mrs. Myra S..5 Crawford PI Spear, Miss Mary E 271 Marcy Spear, Miss Mertie M 271 Marcy Summers, James 339 Crawford Summers, Kittle.. ..339 Crawford Road Summers, Miss Maud 339 Crawford Plimpton, Nathan C 31 Bolton PI Sanderson, Wm. H 99 Princeton St Roberts, Dr. J. A City Roberts, Mrs. J. A City Robinson, Mrs. Rachel A 102 Crawford Rd Rickert, Sarah 251 Marcy Av Roberts, Mrs. Louisa A.. 637 Hough Av Roberts, Sadie M 637 Hough Av Rice, W. E 25% Kenmore St Rice, Mrs. W. E 25% Kenmore St Rutherford, Thomas D .69 Ainesbury Av Roessing, L. B...41 Commonwealth Av Roessing, Mrs. L. B 41 Commonwealth Av Roessing, Kate 41 Commonwealth Roessing, Clara 41 Commonwealth Rockwell, Mrs. L 770 Genesee Av Rockwell, Harriet 770 Genesee Av Roberts, Mrs. Mary 20 Kenmore St Randall, Mrs. F. E 758 Hough Av Scales, Mrs. Agatha C 86 Mather St Simon, Mrs. Clara B 96 Blaine St Simon, Stella 96 Blaine St Simon, Mabel 96 Blaine St Solomon, Mrs. Sarah E 218 Crawford Road Solomon, George H..218 Crawford Road Savage, Wm. H 344 Lincoln Av Stevens, Mrs. E. M Kent, O Stevens, Albert E Kent, O Sebelin, Mrs. Jessie M 236% Harkness Av Skinner, Henry C 15 Kenmore St Shackleton, Deborah E 17 Cory Av Shackleton, Archie S 17 Cory Av Shaw, Frederick W 816 Hough Av Shaw, Samuel T 816 Hough Av Shaw, E. B 29 Princeton St Shaw, Mrs. E. B 29 Princeton St Scott, Mrs. W. N 16 Mather St Scott, Florence E 16 Mather St Scott, Lottie 16 Mather St Smith, Harriet 55 Hough PI Smith, Mrs. Mina 36 Bolton PI Skinner, R. Wade 15 Kenmore St Thomsen, Ludwig 31 Cory Av Thomsen, Mark L 31 Cory Av Thomsen, Rasmus 31 Cory Av Thomsen, Christine 31 Cory Av Tyler, Silvia M 13 Hough PI Tavener, Ada M 525 Ansel Av Thompson, Lucy E...1295 Lexington Av Tinkler, Charles H 120 Van Ness Av Tinkler.Mrs. Charles H.120 Van Ness Av HOUGH AVENUE CONGREGATIONAL CHURCH. 173 Uhl, Mrs. Gertrude M 1583 Euclid Av Worbs, Mrs. A. F 116 Lawnview Av Vercoe, John 86 Blaine St winton, A 37 Bolton PI Vercoe, Mrs. John 86 Blaine St _,^. . ,, . 0-7 tj„i + . „ tji Winton, Mrs. A 37 Bolton PI Van Hyning, Mrs. Hannah N g9Q Hough Av Welker, Adam 42 Brookfield St Van Sittert, William 22 Morris PI Welker, Mrs. Adam.... 42 Brookfield St Van Sittert, Mrs. William.. 22 Morris PI Webb, Leslie H 168 Crawford Road Wood, Mrs. Mary C 708 Genesee Av TVebb, Mrs. Leslie H.168 Crawford Road Wood, Mary 708 Genesee Av Weidenkoff, Clarence J Wood, Sarah A 708 Genesee Av 168 Commonwealth Wood, Alice 708 Genesee Av Woerz, Julia 77 Bolton Av Watts, F. D 739 Ansel Av Woerz, Rose 147 Bolton Av Watts, Mrs. F .D 739 Ansel Av Wilhelm, George S 39 Minerva St Wills, Edward 8 Aumer Ct Wilhelm, Mrs. George S..39 Minerva St Wills, Mrs. E 8 Aumer Ct Walker, Jennie May 22 Meridian St Williams, Mrs. Frances L. . .Irondale, O Williams, C. F 181 Van Ness Av White, W. H West Side Williams, Mrs. Alice. . ..181 Van Ness Av White, Mrs. W. H West Side Williams, Jessie M 181 Van Ness Av Wurts, J. L 18 Claremont St Williams, Carrie M 181 Van Ness Av Wurts, Mrs. J. L 18 Claremont St Williams, Kittie T 181 Van Ness Av Whaley, Mrs. Dora C..87 Amesbury Av Wycker, Mrs. Clara 684 Hough Worbs, A. F 116 Lawnview Av Zahnizer, Catherine 99 Brookfield St S. C. HALE &SON, .DEALERS IN. ALL SERIES OF LESSON HELPS, AND EVERYTHING IN THE LINE OF SUNDAY SCHOOL SUPPLIES. ROOMS 202, 203, r*! FVFT A ISTH O ;UYAHOGA BUILDING, V-J^x:- V J-:.i-^.O.i>J±>', vy. CENTENNIAL CONGREGATIONAL CHURCH (WELSH), JONES AVENUE, OFF BROADWAY. f^ HE first idea suggested by the term "Welsh Church" is, that the |y services are conducted in the Welsh language. In religious creed and church polity it does not differ materially from other churches. The Welsh language is the great distinctive characteristic of our Welsh churches. Not on account of the clannishness of our people, as we believe that there is no room for narrow-minded selfishness to develop in our magnificent country — but, that there is nothing that will touch a CliNTEXXIAL CONGKKGATIONAL CHIKCII. Welshman's heart like the harmonious chords that swell in the consonants of his mother's language. Since this is so, it is very evident that where "two or three of them gather together," they will converse to their heart's content in their own tongue, and they will not be long together without singing old hymns and praying to their God. A small number of Welsh jDcople emigrated from Wales to Newburg early in the fifties, and two of the number, viz: David I. Jones and his brother, John Jones, started, on a small scale, the mill which is still in existence, and called "The Cleveland Rolling Mill Co." At that time there were about twenty-five W^elsh people in the place. In 1857, Thomas D. Jones and George M.Jones moved here from Niles, Ohio, and in a short time after started a Sunday-school with thirteen scholars, in the house of Robert CENTENNIAL CONGREGATIONAL CHURCH. 175 Edwards on Broadway. George M. Jones acted as Sunday-school super- intendent and T, D. Jones as leader of the singing. At this time the little band was like the Israelites of old ; they were pilgrims and sojourners, yet perfectly conscious of being led by God's hand. Cottage prayer meetings were begun at this time, and carried on regularly until the organization of the Church. Finall3\ in the fall of 1858, at the house of William Jones, Harvard street, a church was organ- ized with fifteen members. Names in their order of coming : / •f.Jif^fA^^^ J^r^'^- Thomas D. Jones, George M. Jones, Evan Jones, David Llewellyn, •Morgan Howells, David I.Jones, Mrs. Methuselah Evans, Mrs. Mrs. Elias Bassett, Mrs. John Rowland, Mrs. David Llewellyn, William Jones, Mrs. William Jones, Mrs. Morgan Howells, Mrs. David I. Jones, David Evans. Rev. D. Davies (Dewi Emlyn), Parisville, acted as moderator^^and George M. Jones as scribe. i '< Thomas D. Jones and William Jones were elected first deacons, and George M. Jones the first secretary of the new organization, and it was unanimously decided to follow the Congregational Church polity. More Welsh people coming to the place, and more interest manifested continu- ally in the little church, it was decided to build a permanent home for the ark of God, and Esquire Hamilton, father of present Hon. Judge Hamilton, presented them with a lot on Wales street, then the Euclid 176 CLEVELAND CONGREGATIONALISTS. avenue of Newburg, and in June, 1860, they moved from Thomas D. Jones' house to their new edifice, although it had no door nor window. By this time the Church had induced their worth}^ secretary, George M. Jones, to preach, and he consented and supphed the pulpit very often. In September, 1860, the building was completed and dedication services were held. In attendance were the Rev. D. Davies, " Demi Emlyn," Paris- ville; Rev. Lloyd, Palmyra; Rev. J. Edwards, Crabcreek; Rev. T. Davies. Youngstown ; Rev. J. B. Thomas, Mineral Ridge. The Church numbered about twenty-five at this time. Rev. R. Richards came to stay in New- burg, and he was often called upon to supply the pulpit. The Church lived peacefully on the ministry of Mr. Jones and Mr. Richards until the year 1864, when a call was extended to Rev. W. Watkins, a student at Marietta college. He accepted the call, and ordination services were held in July, 1864. Rev. Mr. Watkins worked hard, and the Church was steadily increas- ing, and in two years it was found necessary to build an addition to the old one. It is a rare treat to hear those who remember the, history of this period relating it — the good times they were having, and how conscious they were of Divine leadership. This building, at last, was found very inadequate and unworthy for such a church, and at the end of sixteen years it was decided to build a new edifice on Jones avenue — the present Centennial Congregational Church. The Church in that period had three ministers: Rev. W. Watkins, Rev. John E. Jones, Rev. W. Lewis. The Rev. John E. Jones was pastor when the new church was built. Since then the Church has been continually growing under the ministry of Rev. W. P. Edwards, Rev. E. Bowen, Rev. J. V. Stephens, and its present pastor. Rev. T. Henry Jones. May God grant us ability and zeal to maintain in the future the standard which for thirty-seven years the Centennial Congregational Church in Newburg has held, in faith and practice, in the religion which ennobles life here and insures immortality. T. H. Jones. CALENDAR FOR THE WEEK. Sabbath— 10:00 a. m.. Preaching; 2:00 p. m., Sabbath-school; 6:00 p. m., Christian Endeavor Society; 7:00 p.m.. Preaching. The evening service will be conducted in the English language every alternate Sabbath. Monday— 7:30 p. m., Prayer-meeting. Tuesday— 7:30 p. m., I. C. E. Societv- Miss Jennie Rees, Superin- tendent. Wednesday— 7:30 p. m.. Pastor's Class. Thursday— 7:30 p. m., Class-meeting. Friday— 7:30 p. m.. Women's Prayer-meeting. CENTENNIAL CONGREGATIONAL CHURCH. 177 OFFICERS OF THE CHURCH. Trustees— T. D.Jones, Thomas Thomas, Samuel Evans, R. D. Lewis, Richard Thomas, David James, Daniel Jones. Deacons— T. D.Jones, T. Thomas, Samuel Evans, Rees Lewis, D. F. Lewis, Richard Thomas. Corresponding Secretary, Rees D. Lewis, No. 12 Worley street ; Record- ing Secretary, D. F. Lewis ; Financial Secretary. Thomas B. Llewellyn ; Treasurer, Thomas Thomas; Chorister, Herbert Davies ; Assistant Chorister, Richard Thomas; Organist, Miss Sadie Jones, Echo street; Assistant Organist, Miss Mary Davies; Sexton, Benjamin Thomas, Jones avenue. Sunday-school Officers— Superintendent, Christmas George ; Vice- Superintendent, W. W.Jones; Secretary, Miss Ella Johns, Bissell street; Librarian, W. E. Miles; Chorister, John Mathews; Organist, Miss Mary Davies; Treasurer, William Curtis ; Infant Department, Mrs. John L. Jones. C. E. Officers— President, Rowland Davies; Vice-President, Miss Louise Griffiths; Secretary, Miss Sadie Evans ; Treasurer, W. E. Miles; Chorister, Herbert Davies ; Assistant Chorister, Annie Jones ; Organist. Sadie Jones; Assistant Organist, Miss M. Davies; Corresponding Secretary, Miss Agnes Lewis, 12 WorW street. Communion — First Sunday in everj' month. CHURCH DIRECTORY. Amesbury, Mrs. E 2371 Elmwood St Davies, Mrs. Herbert. . ..2391 Dercum St Aubrey. Mrs. Daniel 2026 Axtell St Davies, Mrs. Wm 1792 Worley St Brown, Mrs. Mary A 2352 Broadway Davies, Miss Mary 2391 Dercum St Beynon, Ebenezer 209 Aetna St Davies, Isaac 2413 Spafford St Beynon, Mrs. Ebenezer 209 Aetna St Davies, Mrs. Isaac 2413 Spafford St Beynon, Miss Emily 209 Aetna St Davies, Mrs. Ann 35 Jones St Beynon. Miss Maggie 209 Aetna St Davies, Miss Martha 2391 Dercum St Campbell, Mrs. E 2325 Elmwood St Davies, Wm. Isaac 2413 Spafford St Crelling, Mrs. J. Williams Davies, Luther 1792 Worley St 1956 Cannon St Davies, Rowland 2416 Dercum St Cudmore, Mrs. Rachel.. 1792 Worley St Doering, Mrs. Ann Daniels, lorwerth T.. Glens Falls, N. Y. Evans, Mrs. William D....22 Ottawa St Davies, Benjamin E 548 Hoadley St Evans, Thomas H 2416 Dercum St Davies, Mrs. Benjamin E. 548 Hoadley St Foster, Mrs. Warren Dercum St Davies, Mrs. A 10 Elmo St James, David 103 Jones Av Davies. Thomas ^W 2441 Elmwood St Evans, Daniel S 9 Ottawa St Davies. Mrs.Thomas W.2441 Elmwood St Evans, Mrs. Daniel S 9 Ottawa St Davies, Mrs. William.... 1755 Worley St Evans, John W Davies. Mrs. David E 10 Ottawa St Evans, Samuel D 45 Bissel St Davies. John S 2373 Elmwood St Evans, Mrs. Samuel D 45 Bissel St Davies, Mrs. John S 2373 Elmwood St Evans, Miss Sadie 45 Bissel St Davies, Herbert 2391 Dercum St Evans, Miss M. A 64 Oakdale St 178 CLEVELAND CONGREGATIONALISTS. Evans, Daniel 52 Spafford St Evans, Mrs. Edward 2214 Broadway Francis, Mrs. Martha 14 Prosser St Francis, Mrs. George.. 2372 Elmwood St George, David Gwilym 2048 Axtell St George, Mrs. David Gwilym George, Christmas 2395 Dercum St Geoi^e, Miss Katie 2395 Dercum St Gething, Thos 1774 Worley St Gething. Mrs. Elizabeth.. 1774 Worley St Gething, Grif 1774 Worley St Gething, John 1774 Worley St Griffiths, Mrs. Lewis Griffiths, Mrs. Lizzie 17 Way St Griffiths, Thomas G 388 Union St Griffiths, Mrs. Thomas G.388 Union St Griffiths. William 2086 Axtell St Griffiths. Mrs. William. .. .2086 Axtell St Griffiths. Miss Louisa 388 Union St Griffiths. David R 17 Way St Griffiths. Francis 1784 Worley St Griffiths, Roger 1784 Worley St Griffiths, Mrs. Roger 1784 Worley St Griffiths, Daniel 2424 Spafford St Griffiths, Mrs. Daniel.. 2424 Spafford St Griffiths, Mrs. John 3 Raymond St Griffiths, David 208 Aetna St Griffiths, Mrs. David 208 Aetna St Griffiths, David, Jr 208 Aetna St Griffiths, Thos 208 Aetna St Griffiths, Evan 208 Aetna St Griffiths, Willie 208 Aetna St Griffiths, Miss Mary 208 Aetna St Griffiths, Miss A Broadway Griffiths, Miss Esther.. 2441 Elmwood St Griffiths, Miss Edith 2424 Spafford St Griffiths, Miss Lizzie 17 Way St Hughes, Samuel 14 Ottawa Hughes, Miss May 13 Ottawa St Hughes, Mrs. Elizabeth 2356 Elmwood St Hughes, Mrs. Margaret 370 E. Prospect St James, Mrs. David 103 Jones Av Jenkins, Mrs. Catherine. .2352 Broadway Jenkins, Mrs. Evan 48 Clement St Johns, David H 28 Bissel St Johns, Mrs. David H 28 Bissel St Johns, Mrs. Henry 1779 Worley St Johns, Miss Mary 1779 Worley St Johns, Miss Ella 28 Bissel St Johns, Miss Eva 28 Bissel St Jones, John L 1 Homestead St Jones, Mrs. John L....1 Homestead St Jones, John E 15 Echo St 2036 Woodland Hills Av Jones, Thomas D 44 Bissel St Jones, Mrs. Thomas D 44 Bissel St Jones, Mrs. David B 316 Union St Jones, Mrs. David 29 Heath St Jones, John W 87 Union St Jones, Mrs. John W 87 Union St Jones, Daniel D 317 Union St Jones, Mrs. Daniel D 317 Union St Jones, John W 1783 Worley St Jones. Miss Annie 2454 Spafford St Jones, Miss Mary 2454 Spafford St Jones, Miss Sadie A 15 Echo St Jones, Daniel 600 Pearl St Jones, Mrs. Reese D....128 Brownell St Jones, James P 110 Worley St Jones, Mrs. James P 110 Worley St Jones, Miss Maggie 15 Echo St Jones, Miss Maggie A 177 Echo St Jones, Miss Bessie 177 Echo St Jones, James W 2405 Dercum St Jones, Miss Annie 316 Union St Jones, Mrs. Jane 2454 Spafford St Jones, David E 2134 Axtell St Jones, John Dent 2424 Spafford St Jones, Oliver Ingrhame Hanlon St Jones, Mrs. Maria Spafford St Jones, Rev. T. Henry 13 Ottawa St Jones, Mrs. T. Henry 13 Ottawa St Jones, Mrs. John W 1783 Worley St Jones, Robert Spafford St Jones, William W 317 Union St Lewis, David F 1 Tennis St Lewis, Mrs. David F 1 Tennis St Lewis, John D 2419 Spafford St Lewis, Mrs. John D 2419 Spafford St Lewis, Rees D 12 Worley St Lewis, Mrs. Rees D 12 Worley St Lewis, William J 2419 Spafford St Lewis, Mrs. William J.. 2419 Spafford St Lewis, Miss Kate 1 Tennis St Lewis. Mrs. Mathew 2082 Axtell St 2048 Axtell St Lewis. David W 12 Worley St Lewis, Miss Agnes 12 Worley St CENTENNIAL CONGREGATIONAL CHURCH. 179 Lewis, Miss Flossie 1 Tennis St Lewis, Miss Alys 1 Tennis St Lewis, Fredrick 12 Worley St Llewellyn, Thos. B 2416 Dercum St Mathews, John T 1796 Worley St Mathews, Mrs. John T...1796 Worley St Mathews, Evan 45 Bissel St Mathews, Mrs. Evan 45 Bissel St Miles, Mrs. Thos 1356 Harvard St Miles, Miss Maggie 1356 Harvard St Miles, William E 44 Bissel St Miles, Mrs. William E 44 Bissel St Millward, Mrs. Hiram... 2255 Cottage St Morgan, John W 2020 Booth St Morgan, Mrs. John W 2020 Booth St Morgan, Mrs. Henry T 2142 Axtell St Morgan, Henry 2142 Axtell St Morgan, Enoch 1792 Worley St Morris, Reuben 2380 Crosby St Morris, Mrs. Reuben 2380 Crosby St Morris, Mrs. Nellie 128 Brownell St Owen, James 1735 Worley St Price, Evan 2448 Dercum St Price, Mrs. Ann 28 Bissel St Pritchard, Thomas 2426 Wales St Pritchard, Mrs. Thomas.. 2426 Wales St Pritchard, Benjamin 1745 Worley St Pritchard, Mrs. Benjamin. 1745 Worley St Pritchard, Miss Jennie. . .1745 Worley St Rankin, Mrs. William E.2420 Dercum St Rees, Rees 2417 Dercum St Rees, Miss Jennie P 2417 Dercum St Reese, David 2424 Dercum St Reese, Mrs. David 2424 Dercum St Roberts, Mrs. William. .2284 Spafford St Rushton, Mrs. Geo 1800 Worley St Stephens, Miss Katie 48 Clement St Thomas, Thomas 2416 Dercum St Thomas, Mrs. Thomas.. 2416 Dercum St Thomas, Richard 24 Hinman St Thomas. Jonadab 2522 Reade St Thomas, Mrs. Jonadab.. ..2522 Reade St Taylor, Mrs. John Aetna, corner Groton St Thomas, John W 2315 Wilcox St Taylor, Miss Rosana Aetna, corner Groton St Thomas. Edward 2026 Axtell St Thomas, Mrs. Edward 2026 Axtell St Thomas, Benjamin 93 Jones Av Thomas, Mrs. Benjamin 93 Jones Av Thomas, David H 1794 Worley St Thomas. Mrs. David H.. ..1794 Worley St Thomas. Miss Gwladys..l794 Worley St Thomas, Mrs. Mary J 14 Worley St Thomas, Samuel 93 Jones St Thomas, Miss Rachel 93 Jones St Vaughan, Mrs. Ann Aetna St Williams, Mrs. Thomas Charles 2036 Woodland Hills Av Williams. Rev. Richard. . .2433 Wales St Willbraham, Mrs. John Hanlon St Williams, Henry J 1394 Woodland Hills Av Williams, Miss Kate 14 Prosser St Williams, Mrs. Ann 2142 Axtell St 2.366 Spafford St Williams, Miss Jennie 2433 Wales St Walters, Miss Lilly 10 Worley St Webb, Thos 282 Union St Webb, Mrs. Thomas 282 Union St Williams, Mrs. Henry G 2397 Spafford St Williams, Miss Maggie.. .State Hospital Watkins, Mrs. Benjamin. 2280 Wilcox St Watkins. Miss Lizzie 2280 Wilcox St Wilberham. Gabel Hanlon St LAKEWOOD CONGREGATIONAL CHURCH. Z^^^N a bright, pleasant morning in March, 1891, Revs. I. W. Metcalf ^V^)^ and A. E. Thomson and Messrs. H. Clark Ford and C. E. Ferrell — visited Lakewood for the purpose of discovering what the pros- pects were for the establishment and support of a Congregational mis- sion for the preaching of the Gospel of Jesus Christ, and at what point, if any, a location might be secured for the erection of a house of worship. l.AKEWUOn CHI'KCll. After noting the advantages and disadvantages of several locations, a lot was selected on Detroit street, near Highland avenue, which was afterwards purchased by the Congregational City Missionary Society. A primary department of the Sabbath-school was organized, with Miss Julia Bailey, teacher. During the summer of 1891, this class of small chil- dren met every Sabbath afternoon in the kitchen of Mrs. B. W. Coutant. During the summer. Rev. W. F. McMillen made a canvass of the com- LAKEWOOD CONGREGATIONAL CHURCH. 181 munity for funds for the erection of a chapel. In this he was assisted materially by Mr. B. W. Coutant,Mr. C. E. Ferrell,Mr. Chas. Townsend and others, and the chapel was erected, costing, with furniture, $800, and was dedicated December, 1891. Up to this time cottage prayer- meetings had been held, and several city pastors had held preaching serv- ices in several homes. From December, 1891, to March, 1892, Rev. J. G. Eraser, D. D., Rev. W. E. McMillen and city pastors held afternoon serv- ices in the cbapel. REV. H. A. N. RICHARDS. On December 13, 1891, the Sabbath-school was formally organized, with Mr. Carr, superintendent; Miss Julia Bailey, secretary; Mrs. Mack, treasurer; Miss McConnell, organist. The school was opened Decem- ber 20, 1891, with three officers, eight teachers, sevent3'-one present in all, and the collection was $5.08. In March, 1892, at a meeting of the supporters of the Mission, Messrs. C. E. Eerrell, B. W. Coutant and W. S. Nelson were elected trus- es. Wm. Miller was chosen clerk and B. W. Coutant, treasurer. 182 CLEVELAND CONGREGATIONALISTS. Rev. E. A. Fredenhagen was called to take charge of the Mission, and commenced work March 1, 1892, and under his ministry the work progressed finely. A Ladies' Aid Society, a Christian Endeavor Society, and a Junior Society of Christian Endeavor were organized. Rev. E. A. Fredenhagen remained but one year, receiving a salary of $900; one-half being received from the field and the other half from the City Missionary Society. From March 1, 1893, to July 9, 1893, the pulpit was supplied by city pastors and others. Rev. H. A. N. Richards was called to the work and began labors July 9, 1893, with a salary of $1,000 per year. On September 3, 1893, the afternoon services were discontinued, and regular morning and evening services were held, and the hour for the Sabbath-school was changed from 2:30 p. m. to 9:30 a. m. This marked a new era in the history of the Mission and the work at once grew more rapidly. In October, 1893, committees were appointed with a view to calling a council of pastors and of churches for the organization of a church. The council of pastors and churches convened at the chapel on November 9, 1893, and organized the Lakewood Congregational Church, with the following charter members: By Letter — Rev. H. A. N. Richards, Mrs. E. L. Richards, Miss Julia Bailey, Frederick A. Beck, Mrs. F. A. Beck, Sarah J. Beam, Mrs. Hattie Clow, Mrs. Sarah Coutant, Miss Barbara Cox, Ed- ward G. Dudley, Mrs. Mary G. Dudley, Miss Edith I. Eminger, Chas. E. Ferrell, Mrs. Minnie A. Ferrell, Miss Mary E. Ferrell, Mrs. Mary W. Haynes, Miss Tacy Kellogg, W. S. Nelson, Miss Mary A. Orbison. On Confession — Miss Bertha L. Bailey, Miss Grace E. Drury, John G. Edson, Henrv J. Nast, Miss Rosabelle D. Nast, George F. Nelson, Miss Sadie E. Park, Miss Harriet W. Renouard. The organization of the Church was completed on December 4, 1893, by the election of ofiicers as follows : Trustees— Messrs. B. W. Coutant, C. E. Ferrell, F. A. Beck, Wm. Miller, W. C. Pudney. Deacons— W. S. Nelson, C. E. Ferrell, F. A. Beck. Deaconesses — Mrs. Sarah Coutant, Mrs. E. L. Richards. Clerk— WilHam Miller. Sunday-school Superintendent— C. E. Ferrell. Treasurer — B. W. Coutant. Besides the societies already mentioned, there have been organized, and are doing good work, the Boys' Brigade— Captain, W. S. Nelson ; Junior Captain, Geo. F. Nelson — and a Young People's Aid Society. The Church now has 64 members, with a Sunday-school enrollment of 145. The following are the present officers of the Church : Trustees— C. E. Ferrell, B. W. Coutant, F. A. Beck, Wm. Miller, J. K. LewiS; A. Slack, L. J. Judd. Deacons— F. A. Beck, F. B. Drake, C. E. Ferrell, W. S. Nelson. Clerk- John K. Lewis. LAKEWOOD CONGREGATIONAL CHURCH. 183 Treasurer— L. J. Judd. Deaconesses— Mrs. Sarah Coutant, Mrs. E. L. Richards. In summer of 1894, the City Missionary Society exchanged the lot on Detroit street for the more valuable one on the corner of Detroit street and Highland avenue, pledging the church this corner lot, 75x200 feet. To this lot the Church moved the chapel in August, 1894. The Church has appointed building and finance committees, and Vo. decided to erect a new church building as soon as possible, and ha adopted plans presented by Charles E. Hopkinson. architect, which ca for an outlay of $7,000. CHURCH DIRECTORY. Austin, Lydia Eliza Jennings Home Ferrell, Mrs. Minnie A 1865 Detroit St Bailey, Miss Bertha L. Ferrell, Miss Mary E....1S65 Detroit St Detroit St., Lakewood Foote, Miss Sarah Helen Bailey, Miss Julia. Detroit St., Lakewood Winchester Av Baker, Mrs. Bessie Ferrell Gensert, Mrs. Pearlie M . . Corner Detroit St. and Trenton St Winchester Av Beach, Mr. A. R 2008 Detroit St Judd, Mr. D. J Detroit St., Lakewood Beach, Mrs. Minnie I 2008 Detroit St Judd, Mrs. L. J... Detroit St., Lakewood Beck, Mr. Frederick A.. 53 Dartmouth St Judd, Mr. Francis Beck, Mrs. Frederick A Detroit St., Lakewood 53 Dartmouth St Kellogg-, Miss Tacy Beam, Mrs. Sarah ...Eliza Jennings Home, Detroit St Eliza Jennings Home, Detroit St Lacey, Mr. William A Newman Av Becker, Mrs. Jacob Oak Park Lacey, Mrs. Rosa Newman Av Boardman, Misa Roberta Lang, Mr. Charles Dennison Av Eliza Jennings Home, Detroit St Lang, Mrs. Christina Dennison St Buchwald, Mrs. Delia.. 41 Dartmouth St Lewis, Mr. John K Winchester Av Clow, Mrs. Hattie Lewis, Mrs. Julia A Winchester Av Rockport, Kamm's P. O McLaren, Mrs. E. N 1865 Detrbit St Cogswell, Mr. Frank F Hillsdale Av Lockwood, J. W 4 Highland Av Cogswell, Mrs. Frank F.. Hillsdale Av Lockwood, Mrs. J. W 4 Highland Av Corey, Mr. Frank E 41 Mueller Av Madison, Mr. Edward Cove Av Corey, Mrs. Frank E 41 Mueller St Madison, Mrs. Edward Cove Av Coutant. Mrs. Sarah Merrifield, Mrs. Agnes.. .Winchester Av . . Corner Detroit St. and Coutant Av Mickey, Mrs. Ella K Hird Av Davis. Mr. John Henry.. Winchester Av Miller, Mr. William M.. ..Highland Av Davis, Miss Susie E Winchester Av Miller, Mrs. William M.. ..Highland Av Downie, Mr. George Hird Av Nast, Mr. Henry J Cove Av Downie, Mrs. George Hird Av Nelson, Mr. W. S Highland Av Drake. Mr. F. B Winchester Av Nelson. Mr. George F Highland Av Drake, Mrs. F. B Winchester Av Orbison, Miss Mary A Drury. Miss Grace E 27 Sibley St ....Eliza Jennings Home, Detroit St Edson, Mr. John G 53 Dartmouth St Park, Miss Sadie E Cove Av Ferrell, Mr. Charles E....1865 Detroit St Pelton, Dr. Russell P.... 2018 Detroit St 184 CLEVKI.AND CONGREGATIONALISTS. Renouard, Miss Harriet "W .. ..Eliza Jennings Home, Detroit St Richards, Rev. H. N 31 Hillsdale Av Richards, Mrs. L. E 31 Hillsdale Av Roney, Mrs Winchester Av Roney, Miss Zora Winchester Av Ruggles, Mr. George C..1570 Detroit St Ruggles, Mrs. Ellen Brooks 1570 Detroit St Ruggles, Miss Fannie L..1570 Detroit St Slack, Mr. Andrew 34 Dartmouth St Slack, Mrs. Luella 34 Dartmouth St Williams, Mrs. Anna J Eliza Jennings Home, Detroit St Wiebush, Charles F Wiebush, Mrs. Charles F Wiebush, Charlotte M STATEMENT DECEMBER 31, 1895. Total Assets $ | 88,2 18 6 1 Total liiabilities, including capital and re-instiraiice reserve I 54,990.54 ivet «vxri3itjLs ^fi&^s s^^.cyzr Insurance in force December 3 | . | 893 $ 7,954,964.00 Insurance in force December 3 I , 1894 18,8 19,029 00 Insurance in force December 3 | , | 895 28,252,570.00 $ I 00,000 deposited with New York Insxjrance Department for the security of all policyholders. The policies of this Company contain more benefits and guarantees to the policy- holder then those of any other company. AmonK them are Indemnity for pHrtial disablements as well as total. A Tontine Bonus Fund to be divided among policy-holders A very liberal and equitable Physicians', Surgeons' and Undertakers' Policy, covering blood poisoning. All improved forms of personal Accident and Indemnity Policies. W. H. KIRKE, General Agent, J. W. LOCKWOOD, Special A^ent. 344 THE ARCADE TRINITY CONGREGATIONAL CHURCH. /^^\N account of rights and privileges that had been invaded, over \0^^^ one hundred people, members of the Bolton Avenue Branch of °^-z,i ■? the First Presbyterian Church of Cleveland, met at the home of Mr. J. G. James, 317 Bolton avenue, Monday evening, March 21, 1894. - • - ■ . ■ ■ 1 . ™_..,^ « i ! i i &.^« ^^^^' ! j TRINITY CONGREGATIONAL CHURCH. and proceeded to organize themselves into a Congregational Church. The name being left to the ladies, it was finally determined that the new organization should be known as "The Trinity Congregational Church." Being disappointed in their arrangements for a place of worship, the erection of a building was commenced Friday noon, and by Saturday night 186 CLEVELAND CONGREGATIONALISTS. 'The soft Piano's dulcet notes Delight your listening ears ; They clothe 3'our face with gentle smiles Or fill your eyes with tears." — Mrs. Gilmaa. ^TUE TONE OF THE#- HAbbET & DAVIS ..PIANOS.- APPEALS TO THE HEART'S BEST EMOTIONS- One profit only between maker and buyer. Absolute satisfaction guaranteed. Terms to suit vour reasonable convenience. Hallet& Davis Piano Go. ""I^l'sf- ^ 359 & 361 SUPERIOR ST. A. G. CLEMMER, Manager. 26 & 28 THE ARCADE. TRINITY CONGRKGATIONAL CHIRCH. 187 KEY. R. A. GEOKGK. ship. The evening of the same dav, Rev. Mr. George was in- stalled pastor of the congrega- tion. It was soon seen on account of the rapid growth of the con- gregation that a church edifice would be needed. A lot was purchased and a building com- mittee was appointed, consist- ing of Mr. J. C. McWatters. Mr. G. H. Barnev, Mr. Z. B. Allee, Mr. J. G. James and Mr. E. E. Bauman. The corner-stone of the new structure was laid May 5. 1895. On the first Sabbath of the fol- lowing October the congregation w^orshipped for the first time in the Sunday-school of the new building. was completed, furnished with gas, steam heat, beauftiullj deco- rated and ready for worship. At the first meeting, a call was extended to Rev. R. A. George, who was present and preached for the people on the following Sabbath, Easter, March 25, 1894. The organization was further completed, and on April 22, one hundred and sixty-three people entered into covenant together as the charter members of Trin- ity church. Rev. R. A. George the same day announced his ac ceptance of the call to be the pastor of the new organization. Mondaj^ April 23 a Council of Congregational churches for- mally recognized and received Trinitv Church into their fellow- MRS. K. A. GEOKOE. 188 CLEVELAND CONGREGATIONALISTS. I^O^^OJB^'^ Ooods »till rvE>.^r> Sold Only by Agents & Church Societies. ^M^0 1) _ *: In Purity, Strength AND Flavor. High Grade Flavoring Extracts. Perfumss, Etc. 54 Quinby Ayf., Chvelan ', IMPROVEMENT THE ORDER OF THE AGE. Three IHeW Model Smith Preqier Typewriters I^os. S, 3 Se ^. Great Progress in Mechanical Art. Many Improvements ^ Heretofore Overlooked bv othe Manufacturers DURABILITY the FIB ST CONSIDERATION^. Illustrated Catalogue Mailed on Application. ZTbc ^ Smltb ^ premier ^ ai^pewriter ^ Company, 348 i>uperior Street, (Telephone 339.) Cleveland, Ohio. gg^C ompetent Operators furnished.-^^ THE NEW MODEL Remington Stj^ndard TYPEWRITER! :iVo. o. Matchless Construction, Unequaied Durability, Unrivaled Speed. WYGKOFF,SEAMANS& BENEDICT, Telephone 799. 1 37 Superior St., CLEVELAND. TRINITY CONGREGATIONAL CHURCH. 189 During the first epoch in the history of Trinity Congrega- tional Church, the membership grew from one hundred and sixty- three to two hundred and fifty, with all the departments strong and well organized. The Lord has done great things for us, whereof we are glad, and with hopeful hearts we face the future, not afraid to ask great things from Him who delights to surprise his people with blessings beyond their fond- est hopes. OFFICERS. Pastor— Rev. R. A. George. Pastoral Committee— An- drew Williamson, Joshua Enoch, E. B. Stranahan, F. M. Lewis, A. G. Clemmer, E. Osborn, E. G. Phillips, F. D. Rogers, E.J. Luff, C. J. Shaw. Board OF Deacons — Andrew Williamson. E. B. Stranahan, term expires December, 1896 ; A. G. Clemmer, E. L. Osborn, F. D. Rogers, E. G. Phillips, term expires December, 1897; Harrv J. Luff, Samuel Clark, term expires December, 1898. Trustees— J. G. James, E. E. Bauman, term expires April. 1896 ; J. C. McWatters, G. H. Barney, term expires April, 1897; Andrew Williamson, term expires April, 1898. Treasurer— W. W. Lang ; John Enoch, assistant treasurer. Clerks— C. J. Shaw, clerk of church; F. S. Trafton. clerk of so- ciety; Mabel Mcllvaine, assistant clerk. OFFICERS OF THE SUNDAY-SCHOOL. Superintendent— E.J. Luff; assistant superintendents, Samuel Clarke and Mrs. A. Herbruck. CHRISTIAN ENDEAVOR SOCIETY. President— Mattie Smith ; recording secretary, Edytlie M. Clayton; corresponding secretary, P. R. McLean. ATHLETIC ASSOCIATION. President— George Barnes; secretary, Queenie Pitts; treasurer, Laura McWatters. MR. J. C. M'WATTERS. HENRY B. VOTTEL I CHURCH ORGAN If MANUFACT'R, JENNINGS AVENUE, COR. ABBEY STREET. Trinity Congregational Church, Cleveland, O., AND East Madison Avenue Congregational Church, Cleveland O. TRINITY CONGREGATIONAL CHURCH. 191 STATED APPOINTMENTS. Sunday— 10:00 a. m., morning worship; 11:45 a. m., Bible school; 6:00 p. m.. young people's meeting (Y. P. S. C. E.); 7:00 p. m., evening worship. The Communion of the Lord's Supper is held on the first Sabbath of January, March, Ma}', Jul}', September and November. Monday— 1:30 p. m., Ladies' Aid Societ}' ; 7:30 p. m., Men's League, first and third Monday in each month; 7:30 p. m., Pastoral Committee second Monday in each month. Tuesday — 7:30 p. m., the Gounod Choral Society. Wednesday— 3:30 p.m., Junior Y. P. S.C. E.; 3:30 p.m., Intermediate Y. P. S. C. E. ' Friday— 3:30 p. m., King's Daughters ; 7:30 p. m., Church Prayer meeting:. CHURCH DIRECTORY. Agate. Arthur L, Wellington, O Barne.s, Georg-e W 76 Bell Av Agate, Lizzie J. (A. L.). .Wellington, O Barnes, Jennie (G. W.) 76 Bell Av AUee, Zalmon B 64 Vienna St Barnes, George K 70 Bell Av Allee, Amaretta B. (Z. B.).64 Vienna St Bennett, Irene (R. C.) Wellington, O Allee, Maud 64 Vienna St Bouscay, George H 73 Vienna St Auxer, Perry H 4 Remington St Byrnes, W. B 35 Alanson St Auxer, Nellie (P H.)....2 Townsend St Byrnes, Sarah (W. E.)....35 Alanson St Beaumont, Anna L 145 Vienna St Caldwell, L. Anna (E.)....91 Vienna St Beman, Harry W 91 Alanson St Carroll, W. W 533 Quincy St Beman, Ada (H. W.)....91 Alanson St Carroll. Nellie J. (W. W.).533 Quincy St Bush, Ella 109 Sayles St Cleland, Frank N 40 Brenton St Black, Loula V 74 Bertram St Cleland, Lillian (F. N.)..40 Brenton St Barney, George H 86 Vienna St Clayton, Hannah M. (W.) Barney, Harry 86 Vienna St 121 Vienna St Bauman, E. E 1279 Cedar Av Clayton, Mabel A 121 Vienna St Bauman, Clara A (E. E.). 1279 Cedar Av Clayton, Edythe M 121 Vienna Bauman, Maudora 1279 Cedar Av Coventry, Henry 347 Bolton Bauman, George 1 1279 Cedar Av Coventry, Mary (H.) 347 Bolton Bauman, Eva C 1279 Cedar Av Clemmer, Andrew G 1429 Cedar Brown, Cora 202 Beechwood St Clemmer, Emily (A. G.) 1429 Cedar Boyde, David A Ill Sayles St Clemmer, Irene M 1429 Cedar Boyde, Mary (D. A.) HI Sayles St Clemmer, Lillian J 1429 Cedar Av Boyde, Sadie J Ill Sayles St Conkling, Alice B Beswick, Alex L 65 Brenton St Cram, Ester E. (C. S.) 239 Bell Av Beswick, Elvira (A. L.)..65 Brenton St Cram, Harry D 239 Bell Av Benson, Vinia (F. A.) 490 Cedar Av Carr, Leslie 1318 Cedar Av Biddle, Marshall D 1264 Cedar Av Carr, Ida F. (L, O.) 1318 Cedar Av Biddle, Josephine (M. D.).1264 Cedar Av Clark, Samuel 130 Congress St Brokenshire. Gertrude R. (W.).... Clark, Emma (S.) 130 Congress St 208 Bell Av Dunbar, Helen 163 Burt St 192 CLEVELAND CONGREGATIONALISTS. I^our Best Suit .^l^B Should make you look your best. Your clothes may be good, but not — — good for you — unless fitted to your form by GUS P. BOND, MERCHANT TAILOR, 363 J5on6 St., Clevelanft, ®. FILMS AND PLATES CAREFULLY DEVELOPED. SUPERIOR FINISHING. Lantern Slides Made. ^d'^'fmtw'^^ "i^f^sMp Hand Cameras and Kodaks TO RENT. F. R. STOLL. 106 Ettclid Avenue. Rooms 103-1(14. Tlie FuIIbi Garpet CleaningWork CARPETS TAKEN UP, CLEANED, j RE-MADE AND RE-LAID OR | WASHED BY SKILLED | WORKMEN. ■<> z Hair Mattresses and Feathers Renovated. i®° Telephone 3IIO. "^ _, [ JOHN H. DREMANN, Prop, 291-293 Quincy St., Cleveland. TRINITY CONGREGATIONAL CHURCH. 193 DuDbar, Bell 163 Burt St Horton, John J 19 Alanson St Dunbar, Sarah 163 Burt St Horton, Lusina (J. J.) 19 Alanson St Dolman, Katherine 493 Lincoln Av Hatch, Alta (C. E.) 40 Alanson St Delemater, Mrs. Nettie. .137 Vienna St Hannan, Gertrude E 106 Bell Av Dorsett, Lillie D 20 Alanson St Hinsdale, Dewey G 106 Vienna St Diehl. Charles 83 Edwards St Hinsdale. Clara M. (D. G.) Diehl, Lettie (Chas.) 83 Edwards St -^Qg Vienna St Enoch, Joshua 1626 Cedar Ay, Hoover, Nellie G.......... 238 Bell At Enoch. Mary (J.) 1626 Cedar Av Humphreys, Carl L Enoch, John W 1626 Cedar Av ^^^ ^^^^^ ^^^ ^^^^^ ^^^ Vienna Enoch, Lizzie C. (J. W.).. 1626 Cedar Av Humphreys. Eunice W. (C. L.).... Enoch. Mary D 1626 Cedar Av _ _^^^ ^^^^^_ ^^^_ ^^^^^ ^^^ ^j^^^^ EHglert, Edward E 139 Vienna St Englert, Rufey 139 Vienna St Fudge, Osborne 902 Logan St Fiddler. Edith 106 Bell Av Fiddler, Millie 106 Bell Av Forgie, David 200 Streator Av Forgie. Mary (D.) 200 Streator Av Forgie. Maude 200 Streator Av Groff, E. S. (Chas.).. 182 Beechwood St Greenbrier. Mrs. Mary 672 E. Prospect St Greenbrier, John J Hale, J. G 760 Doan St Heinlein, Dr. L. U Heinlein, Meda (L. U.) James, Anna (L. G.) 317 Bolton Av James, Walter M 317 Bolton Av Krause, Amelia (G.) 43 Alanson St Kendrick, Mrs. Carry M..81 Vienna St Kelly, Mary A 25 Vienna St Kinecutt, William H 140 Dodge St Kinnecutt, Julia (William H.) 140 Dodge St 672 E. Prospect St Kirkholder, Cora W 198 Bell At Gould, Ellen R 81 Vienna St Luff. Ernst J 55 Bertram St George, Robert A., Rev Luff, Mary A. (E. J.) 55 Bertram St 706 E. Prospect St Luff, Harry J 1298 Cedar At George, Dr. Mary E. (R. A.) Luff, Mary (H. J.) 1298 Cedar At 706 E. Prospect St Lang, W. W 1383 Cedar At Grief. Josephine 448 Bolton Av Lang Annie (W. W.) 1383 Ceda^r At Gallagher. Mrs. Eliza 490 Cedar Av Lang, Francis H 1383 Cedar At Griffin. Maud R. (L. A.) Lang, Josiah B 1383 Cedar At 20 Eastdale St Ludlow. Lin C 919 South Logan At George. Margaret (R. S.) Lake, Mary H. (J. H.) 70 Tremont St., Allegheny, Pa 109 Beechwood St Hale, Jessie G 760 Doan St Ludlow, Florence T\^. (W. S.) Hutchinson, Mrs. J. A 10 Centennial St 66 Beechwood St Lewis, F. M 35 Burt St Hutchinson, Ida V 66 Beechwood St Lewis, Edna B. (F. M.) 35 Burt St Harlow, Anna L 478 E Prospect St Lewis, Bessie E 35 Burt St Hart, Lida (S.) 117 Vienna St Ludlow, W. W Cedar Heights Herbruck. A 1524 Cedar Av McKee, Mrs. Anna 190 Bell Av Herbruck, Anna (A.).... 1524 Cedar Av McLean, Perry R 70 Sayles St Herbruck. Lottie 1524 Cedar Av McLean. Ethel (P. R.) 70 Sayles St Hendryx, Zenas R 109 Vienna St McCabe. Bessie 158 Bell Av Hendryx, Howard J (Z. R.) Mcllvaine. Mrs. Emma 1621 Cedar Av 109 Vienna St Mcllvaine. Mabel 1621 Cedar Av Haupt, Lura L 681 E. Prospect St McDonald, Mrs. D. C 45 Vienna St Haupt, Emily p.... 681 E. Prospect St McW'atters, J. C 685 E. Prospect St 194 CLEVELAND CONOR EGATIONALISTS. Mc Walters, Florence (J. C.) 685 E. Prospect St McWatters, Laura W.685 E. Prospect St McWatters, Jane E...6S5 E. Prospect St McWhatters, George R Mcllvaine, James W McLaren, Mrs. Jeanette 698 E. Prospect St McLaren, Chas. S 698 E. Prospect St MacLaren, Jane E. (A.) 698 E. Prospect St Morgan, Bertha (F. E.) 238 Bell A v Minor, Mary A 93 Beechwood St Minney, Jane (I.J.) 1503 Cedar Av Motion, James 189 Bell Av Motion, Sarah B. (J.) 189 Bell Av Motion, Isabella B. B 189 Bell Av Motion, Jemyma S. M 189 Bell Av Meacham, Julia A. (C. L.) 109 Lincoln Av Meacham, May J 109 Lincoln Av Mason, Stephen A 496 Bolton Av Mason, Lucinda (S. A.) 496 Bolton Av Miles, Mrs. Annie E 70 Glen Park PI Mather, William A 157 Lincoln Av Mather, Ella J. (W. A.).. 157 Lincoln Av Obrien, Mrs. Jennie Brown St Osborn, Emmett 101 Bertram St Osborn, Louise (E.) 101 Bertram St Osborn, Florence B 101 Bertram St Osborn, Edna B 101 Bertram St Pratt, Henry W 44 Halsey St Pratt, Florence (H. W^)....44 Halsey St Price, Chas. G 222 Bell Av Price, Catherine (C. G.) 222 Bell Av Price, Leula 222 Bell A v Price, May L 222 Bell Av Price, Florence H 222 Bell Av Phillips, Sarah A. (E.G.).107 Alanson St Phillips, Evan G 107 Alanson Av Pier, Oliver C 1504 Cedar A v Pier, Leillie (O. C.) 1504 Cedar Av Penney, Cora R 927 S. Logan Av Quine, Nellie C 1621 Cedar A v Rogers, Frank D 205 Bell Av Rogers, Annie (F. D.) 205 Bell Av Rogers, Florence G 205 Bell Av Randall, George A 712 E. Prospect St Randall, Carrie E. (G. A.) 712 E. Prospect St Randall, Mamie E 712 E. Prospect St Randall, O. Perry 712 E. Prospect St Reed, Charles E 115 Sayles St Rock, Clara M. (W. L.) Stickler, William 1580 Euclid Av Stickler, Mrs. (Wm.) 1580 Euclid Av Stranahan, Ebenezer G..93 Vienna St Stranahan, Ella (E. G.)....93 Vienna St Stranahan, Gertrude E 93 Vienna St Shaw, Charles J 46 Bertram St Shaw, Cora E. (C. J.).... 46 Bertram St Shaw, Althea E 46 Bertram St Somers, Louis G 85 Bolton Av Somers, Helen A. (L. G.)..85 Bolton Av Smead, Sylvester R 243 Bell Av Smead, Mary A. (S. R.)....243 Bell Av Smead, Hattie M 243 Bell Av Schram, Albert 117 Vienna St Stowe, ,Mrs. Maria.. 626 E. Prospect St Shafer, Eva (H.)....654 E. Prospect St Slack, Mrs. Katura 17 Alanson St Stroup, Aneta 17 Alanson St Saunderson, Elbridge. . ..129 Vienna St Slocum, Milton R 927 Logan St Slocum, Minnie M (M. R.).927 Logan St Savage, James R 137 Vienna St Savage, Maude (J. R.) 137 Vienna St Smith, Mary (J. H.) 150 Lincoln Av Smith, Mattie G 150 Lincoln St Sprague, Harry G 72 Kennard St Sanford, Willis L 174 Lincoln Av Sanf ord, Pauline C. (W. C.) 174 Lincoln Av Sanford, Pauline L 174 Lincoln Av Simpson, Lena B 5.30f Bolton Av Shaw, Theresa M. (E. H.)..530 Bolton Av Studd, Maud S. (J.) 266 Bell Av Steeb, A. E 44 Sayles St Smith, Jessie E. (A. L.)..32 Kenwood St Smith, William A 184 Lincoln Av Smith, Rosa L. (W. A.).. 184 Lincoln St Smith, Alexander 1245 Cedar Av Smith, Caroline (A.) 1245 Cedar Av Smith, Florence B 1245 Cedar Av Smith, Walter H 150 Lincoln Av Smith, Mary (W. H.) 150 Lincoln Av Schuler, Clarence. . .185 Beechwood St Turfeus, Margaret Crawford Road Todd, Mary J 1419 Cedar Av Todd. Laura 1419 Cedar Av TKINITV CONGRHGATIOXAL CHURCH. 195 Trafton, Fayette S 115 Saylps St Trafton, Ida (F. S.) 115 Sayles St Trafton, Winnefred 115 Sayles St Trafton. Roy 115 Sayles St Trafton, Meta R 115 Sayles St Trafton, Corrinne V Von Beseler, Maria 238 Bell Av Williamson, Andrew.. .8 Centennial St Williamson, Kate (A.).. 8 Centennial St William.son, Kate 8 Centennial St Williamson, Fannie. ...8 Centennial St Wenham, Maud 1206 Cedar Av Witner, Frederick 92 Alanson St Witner, Albert 92 Alanson St Wilcox, Mrs. Hattie G 490 Cedar Av AValtz. Mrs. Elizabeth 69 Bertram St \Valtz, Gertrude 69 Bertram St Wyatt, Mabel 443 Bolton Av Walsh, William L 104 Beechwood St Walsh, Flora A. (Wm. L.) 104 Beechwood St Wilsey, Alice M 108 Vienna St Wilsey, Lavinia (A. G.) Warren, Mrs. Ellen... 86 Beechwood St Walton. Allen B 1225 Cedar Av Walton, Minney H 1225 Cedar Av White, Emma E 2 Watkins St Weaver, Charles E 28 Alanson St Weaver, Susan (C. E.)..28 Alanson St Wood, Lucinda (M. F.)..171 Streator Av Wood, Stella 171 Streator Av u^rcuacaaaoHiBi «UG8 MADE FROM OLD CARPETS. Makinor Over and Relaying a vSpecialty. it.-; Goods called for and returned free. -V5c\ Wall P.\pek Cleaned. Telephone 3311. THE OLIVET CONGREGATIONAL CHURCH HOWS the many-sidedness of Greater Cleveland. Organized April 6, 1894, by a little band who wished to place the Christian Church sqiiarely against the monstrous evil of the day, they covenanted with themselves and require of all seeking membership with them " t» OLIVET CnUKCH. abstain from all intoxicating liquors, including wine, beer and cider, and xise all proper means to discourage the use of and traffic in the same." The little body, animated with this full conception of Christianity, has steadily prospered and been greatly encouraged by generous expres- OLIVET CONGREGATIONAL CHURCH. 197 5ions of approval by other churches until there seems but a step to be taken to bring all other churches to the formal expression of this which is the only godly attitude of the Church toward the liquor traffic. For over a year they worshiped in obscure quarters and were often ministered to voluntarily by preachers of various denominations. From the first, the rooms sccvired for worship were inadequate and inconvenient; close, dark and inaccessible: crowded almost to suffocation on special occasions. \\ . >. I AVLOR. Yet God so blessed the coming together of the people that it was often said. Can an}' other place become so precious? In June last, Rev. W. S. Taylor, who had been engaged in mission work with the Friends, was called to the pastorate of this church that could scarcely be lound. Heartily accepting the call, he has s-een a rapid increase of the work under his hands. They have made temperance work practical and systematic by appointing the third Sunday of each month Temperance day and giving the temperance committee charge of the evening service of that day and of the preceding Friday evening prayer 198 CLEVELAND COXGREGATIONALISTS. meeting. The Sunday-school on that day studies the temperance exer- cise published by the National Temperance and Publication society of New York. A lot at 180 Wade Park avenue was secured and a building commit- tee of seven members and Rev. I. W. Metcalf appointed. A very pretty- plan was presented by S. B. Badgley and thepresent building was erected from it, Mr.SethHullsuperintendingandMr.Geo. B. McMillan overseeing the carpenter work. The Wade Park W. C. T. U., the Somerset Y., Olivet C. E. and the Sunday-school donated beautiful stained glass windows; friends also donated four memorial windows. The memliership of the church has increased to 48 and C. E. to 30. The Sabbath-school numbers 60 scholars and 8 teachers. The new- building was far enough completed for occupation on October 27, and on the preceding Friday evening an affecting farewell was held in the old rooms. Dedication services began November 3, and continued throughout the week. Friends of the church filled it on the dedication occasion and subscribed liberally' toward diminishing the debt. The cost of lot and building was about $3,000. Through man}' sacrifices and by the aid of generous friends, they dedicated, November 3 at 2 p. ra., their new church at Wade Park and Giddings avenues. President Thwing of Western Reserve university pre- sided at the service. The services continued through the week, the Sunda^'-school having Monday evening, the C. E. Tuesday, asocial on Wednesday, a temper- ance meeting on Thursday and a prayer and praise meeting, led by the students of the Christian Workers' Training School, on Friday evening. OFFICERS OF THE CHURCH. Pastor — Rev. William Sprague Taylor; residence, 120 Whitney avenue. Clerk— Rose Harrison Bonar. Treasurer— Lorena C. Alexander. Deacons- John L. Young, Thomas Paxton, Geo. B. McMillan. Trustees — C. V. Hull, president; Thomas Paxton, Howard T. Young-, Lorena C. Alexander, E. R. Lougheed. Missionary Committee— Mrs. John L. Young, chairman ; Mrs. Robt. McDonald, Mary McDonald, May Paxton, Alice McLeod, G. B. McMillan, Mrs. Camnitz, Wilfred Taylor, Mr. and Mrs. Steibel, Mr. and Mrs. Lougheed. Pastoral Committee— William Sprague Taylor, moderator; John L. Young, George B. McMillan, C. V. Hull, Thomas Paxton, Rose Har- rison Bonar. Building Committee— Lorena C. Alexander, chairman; John L. Young, Thos. Paxton, Geo. B. McMillan, Augustus Peterson, Mrs. J. L. Young and Kev. L W. Metcalf Te.mperance Committee— Howard T. Young, chairman ; John L. OLIVET CONGREGATIONAT. CHURCH. 199 Young, Thomas Paxton, Rose Harrison Bonar, Mrs. J. M. Hull, Kate E. Young. Visiting Committee — Mrs. M. M. Hull, chairman. Reading-room Committee — George B. McMillan, chairman. Social Committee — Mrs. Robert McDonald, chairman; Mrs. George B. McMillan, George B. McMillan, C. V. Hull. Howard T. Young, Robert Young, Carrie Pagel, Rose H. Bonar, L. C. Alexander. Y. P. S. C. E.— Alice McLeod, president. Ladies' Aid Society — Mrs. M. M. Hull, president. Loyal Legion — Mrs. John M. Hull, superintendent; Kate E. Young, president. Music Committee — Robert Young, chairman ; Rose H. Bonar, organist. CHURCH DIRECTORY, JANUARY 1, 1896. Alexander, Lorena C.130 Wade Park Av Armistrong-, Blanche. ...4 Armour Ct Armstrong, Louis 4 Armour Ct Bonar, Rose 120 Whitney Av Bonar, Harrison 120 Whitney Av 120 Whitney Av Bucliman, Alice. ...... .22 Princeton St Buchman, Corinne. . ..22 Princeton St Buchman, Nellie 22 Princeton St Brown, Fred 1314 Zoeter Av Baker, Mamie 90 Wade Park Av Brown, Ethel 1312 Zoeter Av Brown, Bertie 1316 Zoeter Av Bindbentle, Mary.... 64 Beechwood Av Beduhn, Erna 1314 Zoeter Av Clark, Eliza A Madison Ay Cramblett, Ella 32 Cory Av Cramblett, Earl 32 Cory Av Camnitz, Mrs. Anna 63 Astor Av Cook, Florence 14 Melrose Av Craigie, Mildred. 101 Lawnview Av Emery, Claude 1347 Lexington Av Guest, Albert L....1347 Lexington Av Guest, Mrs. Albert L 1347 Lexington A v Getty, George 195 Russell Av Hull, Seth 130 Wade Park Av Hull, Mrs. Seth 130 Wade Park Av Hull, Mrs. John M..130 Wade Park Av Hull, C. V 226 Wade Park Av Lougheed, Ephraim R 12 Wade Park Av Lougheed, Mrs. E. R.12 Wade Park Av Lougheed, Mamie... 12 Wade Park Av Lebounty, Maud.. 817 E. Madison Av Lebounty, Jennie 817 B. Madison Av Leibschen. Wanda 1316 Zoeter Av Lichert, John 181 Giddings Av Lichert, Fred 181 Giddings Av McMillan, George B 324 Wade Park Av McMillan, Mrs. George B •. . . . 324 Wade Park Av McDonald, Mrs. R. J 130 Wade Park Av McDonald, Mary.... 130 Wade Park Av McDonald, R. Bliss 130 Wade Park Av McLeod, Alice 60 Crawford Rd McMillan, J. W 120 Whitney Av Niemann, Annie 126 Lyman St Nichols, Sadie 1333 Zoeter Av Nicholson, Edna.... 134 Wade Park Av Paxton, Thomas 168 Lyman St Paxton, Mrs. Thomas.. ..168 Lyman St Paxton, Ray 168 Lyman St Paxton, May 168 Lyman St Perkins, Mrs. S. M 121 Adelbert St Pagel, Carrie 25 Lawnview Av Pagel, Arthur 25 Lawnview Av Peterson, Augustus. . ..216 Melrose Av Peterson, Mrs. Augustus 216 Melrose Av 200 CLEVELAND CONGREGATIONALISTS. Prows, Fred 1312 Zoeter Av Taylor, Wilfred R....120 Whitney Av Price, Shirley burner, Mamie, 38 Penn Av Superior St and Madison Av „^ „ Pasno, Belle 765 E. Madison Av ^^"''■' ^^'"^ '' ^^^^^ ^^ Pasno, Lilian 765 E. Madison Av '^^oung, John L, 22 Melrose Av Pasno, May 765 E. Madison Av Young-, Mrs. John L, 22 Melrose Av Pierce, Edvard 176 Wade Pai-k Av Young, J. Lawrence 22 Melrose Av Randall, Maud 141 Glendale Av Young, Robert A 22 Melrose Av Randall, Florence A 141 Glendale Av Young, Howard T 22 Melrose Av Steibel, Henry 126 Lyman St Young, Anna P 22 Melrose Av Steibel, Mrs. Henry 126 Lyman St Young, Kate E 22 Melrose Av Swan, Florence 15 Dellenbaugh Av Young, Jennie 22 Melrose Av Simling, Carrie 17 Dellenbaugh Av Young, Lucy 22 Melrose Av Tiaylor, William Sprague Young, Margaret 22 Melrose Av 120 Whitney Av Young, Edward 22 Melrose Av For Best Grades of Coal and Coke for Mercantile and Domestic Purposes, For Best Hay, Straw and Feed ON THE Market, For Pure Wheat, Graham and Buckwheat Flour for Family Use, flndridge & Hayco5^, . (Successors to Andridge & Gooding,) 141, 143, 145 MAYFIBLD STREET, Branch Office, 2792 Euclid Ave. Telephone, Doan 431. LAKE VIEW CONGREGATIONAL CHURCH, OPPOSITE THE CEMETERY. URING the summer of 1887, the quiet of the country life about Lake View Cemetery was sufficiently invaded by the Italian Col- ony that had sought employment in the Granite Works and with the Street Railway Company, to arouse the interest of the Euclid Avenue Congregational Church. T-?%-' LAKE VIEW CHURCH. One Sunday afternoon, Miss Louise Woodward took her guitar, and accompanied by Misses Florence and Gertrude Cozad, walked up Monroe street toward Mayfield street. A few notes on the guitar were all that was needed to draw quite a crowd of children, who followed them. When they reached Mr. Lewis Ford's residence, near what is now the corner of Mayfield and Fairview streets, they were met by Miss Martha Dawes, who invited them to come into the yard, where the first Sunday- school that most of the children had ever attended was then begun, and 202 CLEVELAND CONGREGATIONALISTS. it was there that some of them for the first time heard the name of Christ tised reverently instead of profanely. ^^For the rest of the summer a Sunday-school was held in the yard, or on rainy days, in the kitchen of Mr. Ford's house. In the fall, Mr. Office, who lived opposite, gave the use of a front room of his brick house, which had been used to store vegetables. The work continued there until the winter of 1888-9 and had gathered a nura- REY. A. B. CKISTY. ber of German and English children, and had had the help of Mr. B. F. Whitman and J. V. Dawes. When more room was found necessary, Mr. Silvaroli offered the use of the best room in his house, and there Misses Woodward and Cozad took the Italian children, while a room was rented in the McReynolds Block for the rest of the school. When the school was removed to the room back of the Garfield Bank, new workers entered and^new members were secured. The teachers now were J. V. Dawes, F. G. Hogen, Miss Ada Wilburn, LAKE VIEW CONGREGATIONAL CHURCH. 203 Mrs. Henry Aumick, Misses Catherine and Josephine Hanks, Miss Lyons, Miss Mary Barstow and Mrs. Benedict. Of these, Mr. F. G. Hogen was appointed superintendent by Dr. Ladd and the Board of Deacons of the Home Church, which now took the enterprise under their full guidance. The first session of the new school was held January 13, 1889, and the average attendance increased to seventy-five, while the gradual with- drawal of the Italian element made it clear that the work was not to continue a missionary enterprise long. It was then seen that a building was necessary. Mr. John D. Rocke- feller agreed to lease a lot 60x150, and Messrs. Hogen and Dawes with Misses Wilburn, Lj'^ons and Hanks solicited the funds, efficiently aided by Dr. Ladd and the Home Church. " But no architect could be found who would furnish plans within the means of the Church, and with sufficient floor space to accommodate the people. Finally, Dr. Ladd said: ' Let us draw our own plans,' and it was done. He drew all the plans of the present chapel and, from them, an architect made the working specifications for the builders. In the spring, on Easter Sunday of 1890, Lake View Chapel, bright and commo- dious, with audience room, two large class-rooms — one for the infant class and one for the -Italians — and a library, was built under the aus- pices of the Euclid Avenue Congregational Church. The total cost of building and furniture was $2,500." "After moving into the new quarters, the Sunday-school increased rapidly, and a Sunday evening prayer-meeting, with occasionally a ser- mon, was added to the services. In the fall of 1890, the Rev. Wm. A. Knight became minister and, in the spring, organized the Lake View Assembly of the Euclid Avenue Congregational Church, under the follow- ing charter from the Home Church, viz: Cleveland, Ohio, February 27, 1891, Whereas a desire has been expressed that there should be some organization at Lake View Chapel, whereby those who work and wor- ship there might feel that they had a Church home, with all the privileges that belong to such a home. Therefore, Resolved: That we adopt the following plan recom- mended by the Board of Deacons: (Ij The organization of Christians at Lake View shall be known as the Lake View Assembly of the Euclid Avenue Congregational Church. (2) A clerk and treasurer shall be elected by the Lake View Assembly for one year, or until their successors are chosen, who, in addition to the usual duties of their offices, shall re- port in writing to the clerk and treasurer of the Church annually, or when requested. (3) The usual officers of the Sabbath-school shall be elected for one j'car, by vote of the members of the Church at Lake View, together with such other persons (except the scholars in the infant class) as may be associated with them in Bible study; and the superin- tendent shall report in writing to the clerk of the Church annually, or when requested. (4) When the membership of the Church assembled at the Lake View Chapel shall number one hundred resident members, 204 CLEVELAND CONGREGATIONALISTS. they shall be entitled to independ- ent organization, recognition by- council of sister Churches, and in- corporation as a separate Con- gregational Church of Christ. Resolved : That a committee consisting of Rev. H. M. Ladd, Rev. Wm. A. Knight and three others be chosen to take any necessary steps for carrying out the foregoing plan. These were appointed : Horace Ford, Justin Snow and F. G. Hogen. Twenty-three persons be- came chartei^ members, of whom six joined by confession of faith. This number increased to forty- three (all but one on confession) during Mr. Knight's ministry. In October, 1891, Mr. Knight was called to the East Madison Avenue Congregational Church, and the Rev. Frfink Van Horn of Oberlin took charge of the weekly praj'cr-meeting and Sunday ser- vices. On the first of January, 1893, the Rev. James A. Thome took charge of the work on a " one year's engagement," and the next Sabbath added fourteen members, the first since October, 1891. The Sunday-school then numbered two hundred, with an average at- tendance of one hundred and forty. At the annual meeting of the Home Church in December, 1893, the Assembly requested the appointment by the Church of a committee of three from the Assembly, on their nomina- tion, who should take charge of the work on the field as quasi trustees. Messrs. L. Golden, W. G. Spence and E. J. Neville were so appointed, and afterward this committee was enlarged by adding H. A. Morgan and L. G. French. On February 11, 189-i, Mr. Thome completed his labors with the Church, having added ninety-three members, making one hundred and thirty-six in all. About this time, Mr. Hogen also was compelled to sever his connection with the work b}^ failing health, and L. Golden suc- ceeded him as Sunday-school superintendent. During the spring and summer of 1894, the pulpit was supplied by various clergymen, among them Rev. A. B. Cristy, who came from his work in Albuquerque, N. M., to attend the International Christian En- deavor Convention, and was engaged to supply for six Sundays, result- ing in awakening such mutual interest that steps were taken to extend him a call to the ministry of the Church. This was formally voted by the L. GOLDEN, TREASURER. LAKE VIEW CONGREGATIONAL CHURCH. 205 Home Church, on nomination by the Assembly, October 8, 1894-, and Mr. Cristv accepted and began work November 11, 1894. On November 27, 1894, the Board of Deacons of the Home Church adopted the following reso- lution : Moved, "That the Lake View committee be requested to convey to the members of the Lake View Assembly the sentiment of the Board of Deacons of the Church, that it is their opinion that the time has come for the independent organization of a Congregational Church." When this was read to the As- sembly, they authorized the com- mittee to secure the names of the members to a request for letters from the Home Church to form such a Church. One hundred and four n^mes having been thus secured, a formal request was presented to the Church at its annual meeting, December 7, to call a council on Thursday, December 20, which request was granted unanimously, and Messrs. H. Clark Ford and C. F. Thwing, D. D., ap- pointed a committee with the pastor on the part of the Church, with L. Golden, L. G. French and E. W. Kneen, on the part of the Assembly, to call said council. All the churches in the city, with those of CoUinwood, Brooklyn and Hudson, were called and the Church was organized, and Rev. Albert Barnes Cristy installed its pastor, on December 20. One hundred and four members were received from the Home Church, seven by letter from other churches and four on confession, making one hundred and fifteen in all. Three others from the Home Church w^ere added before January 1. At the organization, subscriptions to the amount of $300 were made, which covered all indebtedness of the Assemblj'. As we were no longer entitled to the copies of The Greeting, steps •were at once taken to supply its place, and The Lake View News was be- ^un to be issued as a monthly, January 10. Our manual was chiefly arranged from the manuals of the Home Church and its oldest daughter, the East Madison Avenue Congre- gational Church. The first organization of the Church was as follows: Pastor— Rev. Albert Barnes Cristy. ZOTTARELLI, ITALIAN MISSIONARY. 206 CLEVELAND CONGREGATIONALISTS. Clerk — Henry A. Morgan. Treasurer — L. Golden. Sunday-school Superintendent — Edw. W. Kneen. Assistant Superintendent — E. J. Neville. Deacons — E. A. Ladue, 1 year; L. G. French, 2 years; L. Golden^ 3 years. Deaconesses — Mrs. L. H. Bigelow, 1 year; Mrs. L. Golden, 2 years; Mrs. A. 0. Spence, 3 years. Trustees — E. H. Stoll and C. H. Perry, 1 j'-ear; L. H. Bigelow and E. J. Neville, 2 years; A. O. Spence and E. W. Kneen, 3 years. Music Committee— L. H. Bigelow, E. W. Kneen and Mrs. T. E. Street. Ushers— R. F. Cook, W. W. Jepson, F. L. Raab and E. L. Barton. Up to December 20, 1895, we have added thirty-two more members, making one hundred and fifty in all, and have lost three by death and three by letter. Our debt has been entirely paid and all running expenses met, so that we have courage to plan larger things for the future. Our Sunday-school has increased in numbers and every department of work has become strong. In the latter part of October, 1895, President Ballantine of Oberlin wrote the pastor that he had an Italian student preparing for the minis- try, who had had three years' experience in working as a missionary among his countrymen, and asking if there was not work he could do among the Italians of Lake View. After some correspondence. Miss Florence Cozad invited the young man to come and see what could be done, so Mr. Giuseppe V. Zottarelli came November 9, and the next day visited among the Italians, was warmly greeted and held reli- gious service in our church that evening with eleven men. The next Satur- day night he began a school to teach English and Italian, and held another service in the church next day. Again he came down November 23 and had the night school, and his third service was attended by over sixty Italians. He speaks in Italian, and they like him. The Christian Endeavor societies of Lake View, Euclid Avenue, Mad- ison Avenue, Park, Trinity, Hough Avenue and Olivet churches are united in helping to support this work. Our City Missionary Society has consented to receive and pay out all money contributed for this special cause, so that all who are inter- ested may send direct to J. W. Moore, 511 Society for Savings. This work necessitates more room in the Lake View church, which will be raised and a basement finished for the special accommodation of the Italian school and the growing needs of the Lake View congregation. SERVICES ALL ON STANDARD TIME. Preaching — 10:15 a. m. and 7:00 p. m. Sunday-school — 11:30 a. m. Junior Christian Endeavor — 3:00 p. m. Intermediate Christian Endeavor — 4:00 p. m. LAKE VIEW CONGREGATIONAL CHURCH. 207 Senior Christian Endeavor— Monday, 7:30 p. m. Prayer-meeting — Friday, 7:15 p. m. Communion the first Sunday in January, April, July and October. Quarterly Business Meetings the third Friday before Communion. Ladies' Meeting, first and third Thursday of each month— 1:00 p. m. OFFICERS. Pastor— Albert Barnes Cristy (Study in the Church), Residence, 45 Anndale, formerly Lyman avenue. Sunday-school Superintendent— E. W. Kneen, Assistant Superintendent— T. E. Street. Clerk— H. A. Morgan, Rosedale and Itaska. Treasurer— L. Golden, 247 Murray Hill. Trustees— A. 0. Spence. M. D., president; W. C. White, clerk; L. H, Bigelow, E. A. Ladue, F. L. Raab, L. G. French. Deacons— L. Golden, H. J. Andrews, L. G. French. Deaconesses— Mrs. A. 0. Spence, Mrs. C. R. Golden, Mrs. E. A. Ladue. Chief Usher— F. L. Raab. Auditor— T. E. Street. CHURCH DIRECTORY Andrews, H. J 60 Rosedale Av Cook, Mrs. Jessie Moulton St Andrews, Mrs Emma.. 60 Rosedale Av Cramer, William W.. ..Crawford Road Andrews, Ray 60 Rosedale Av Cramer, Mrs. Charlott J.Crawford R* Andrews, Florence 60 Rosedale Av Cristy, Albert B 45 Anndale St Baker, Mrs. L, Euclid Av Cristy, Mrs. M. W 45 Anndale St Baker, Susie A Euclid Av Cristy, Bertha E 45 Anndale St Baker, Julia B Euclid Av Cristy, Martha P 45 Anndale St Barstow, Mrs. E. J Euclid Av Derrer, Mrs. Rosina 5 Brandon St Barstow, Martha Euclid Av Filkins, H. V 117 Fairview Av Barstow, Ormond E Euclid Av Filkins, Mrs. A 117 Fairview Av Barstow, Ruth Euclid Av Filkins, G. E 117 Fairview Av Barton, Edward L. 7 Brandon St Ford, Mrs. N. A Eddy Road Barton, Mrs. Clara M 7 Brandon St French, Leonard G Superior St Bigelow, Lewis H Fairmount P O French, Mrs. Minnie Superior St Bigelow, Mrs. Mary Fairmount P O Ganshow, Anna 19 Brandon St Bliss, Mrs. Gertrude. .Fairmount P O Garlick, Ida 126 Newburn St Bowden, Mrs. Emma.... 26 Oakland St Golden, Levi 247 Murray Hill Bradford, Geoge 99 East End Av Golden, Mrs. Caroline R Brott, Lucy M 115 Fairview Av 247 Murray Hill Calloway, Mrs. Mary. .14 Anndale St Golden, Walter 247 Murray Hill Calloway, Charles, Sr 14 Anndale St Gerrie, George Cleveland, George F 17 Anndale St Gerrie, Mrs. Annie Cleveland, Mrs. Flora W.17 Anndale St Gleason, Mrs. E. C Eddy Road Cook, Rolla F 12 Woodlawn St Gooding, Mrs. Fannie.. Fairmount P. O. Cook, Mrs. Amoret....l2 Woodlawn St Granger, James M Lake View Av Cook, William E Moulton St Granger, Mrs. Lena R..Lake View Av 208 CLEVELAND CONGREGATIONALISTS. DoN'T Commit Murder: Nor assist the sweat shops to do so, because you can buy your clothes cheap; but give a fair price and get j'our money's worth by trading w^ith K. COHEN,THEUKHV.w TAILOR. He keeps a Little Place at Little Expense, but a large stock and best workmen. Come and see him. COR. EUCLID AND EAST END AVES., Back of Garfield Bank, Cleveland, . . . Ohio. -^"^ — .♦>f^®S)^«.— \s^/-55^ '5(5"N /-9S^ ryt-^ rW'\ ry^'\ r°K'\ r^t'\ rW^'\ rW'\ /-5$^ rW^T^ )^ Mr Ay Ay CbelDan S)otn1[ronXlXIlork8 Co» 1793 East Mad/son Ave., Cleveland, 0., Manufactures Iron Fencing and Railings, Stairs, Iron Vases, Steel Lawn Seats, Stable Fixtures, Hitching Posts, Tree Guards, All Kinds of Iron Work for Buildings. Ay Ay Ay Ay J. P. SEAR5, QoiriGtQTy l^orli cf QVQTI^ X^GscTi'ption. All work erected by us is manufactured at ,our own Quarries in Quincy, Mass., and we guarantee the highest class of material and workmanship at moderate prices. . . . - - - CLEVELAND, OHIO. 2737 Euclid Avenue, OR QUINCY, MASS. LAKE VIEW CONGREGATIONAL CHURCH. 209 Hanks, Mrs. O. P Euclid Av Hanks, Catharine Euclid Av Heitman, Mrs. L. F 49 Fairview Av Heitman, Augusta M 49 Fairview Av Heitman, Daisy L 49 Fairview Av House, Mrs. E. E Hower Av Hamilton, Fred 44 Melvin St James, Benjamin 51 Oakland St James, Mrs. Anna E 51 Oakland St Jepson, Mrs. Harriet A 14 Hazel St Jepson, William W 14 Hazel St Jepson, Peter G 14 Hazel St Jepson, Richard 14 Hazel St Jepson, Mary 14 Hazel St Jones, Mrs. Clara M Euclid Av Jones, May Euclid Av Jones, Mrs. A. B Euclid Av Kennedy, Mrs. Agnes Euclid Av Kennedy, Margaret Kennedy, Elizabeth Kneen, Edward W 959 Doan St Ladue, Eugene A 32 Hazel St Ladue, Mrs. M. M 32 Hazel St Mailing, Niels 115 East End Av Mailing, Mrs. Ottilia 115 East End Av Marks, Minnie E McDonald, Mrs. Isabella Fairmount P. O. Morehead, Mrs. M . .- Morgan, Henry A 70 Rosedale St Morgan, Mrs. Sarah A... 70 Rosedale St Morgan, Florence M 70 Rosedale St Neville, Everett J 22 Anndale St Newman, Mrs. Elizabeth Cambridgboro, Pa. Nicoll, Mrs. M 56 East End Av Nicoll, Maggie 56 East End Av Nicoll, Ellen 56 East End Av Nelson, Agnes E Superior St Oliver, Robert W Oliver, Mrs. Rosamond Park, Mrs. Flora Euclid Av Park, Sally M Euclid Av Perry, Charles H 99 East End Av Perry, Mrs. Norinne .. ..99 East End Av Parker, Mrs. Mary E.. .102 East End Av Phillips, Mrs. E. L Euclid Av Phare, John J 5 Glendale Court Phare, Mrs. J. J 5 Glendale Court Richardson, Bradford P 22 Hazel St Richmond, Frank M Euclid Av Richmond, Mrs. Nellie Euclid Av Ryan, Mrs. Emma 143 East End Av Raab, F. L 342 Murray Hill Raab, Mrs. F. L> 342 Murray Hill Rand, Anna L 45 Anndale St Sambrook, Hattie Fairmount P. O Smith, J. Ernest Euclid Av Smith, Mrs. Minnie G Euclid Av Sommar, Frank T 89 Fairview Av Spear, Mrs. Sarah 24 Anndale St Spence, William G Fairmount P. O. Spence, Mrs. M. K Fairmount P. O. Spence, John M Fairmount P. O. Spence, Mrs. Mary Fairmount P. O. Spence, A. O., M. D Euclid Av Spence, Mrs. A. O Euclid Av Stegkemper, Minnie Gertrude Euclid Av Stegkemper, Elsie Euclid Av Stoll, Edward H Cobden Court Stoll, Mrs. Emma H Cobden Court Stoll, George W 8 Bolivar St Stoll, Mrs. Edith 23 Oakland St Spencer, Arthur C Euclid Av Street, Thomas Elwood Euclid Av Street, Mrs. Josephine H Euclid Av Timm, Anna 131 Guage St Thompson, Allison 52 Oakland St Thompson, Mrs. Allison.. 52 Oakland St Thompson, Carrie 52 Oakland st Train, Mrs. Mary 72 East End Av Vesey, Mrs. Hattie 16 Woodlawn St Vickers, Jeanette Superior St Walkey, Mrs. D. A 332 Murray Hill Walkey, Alice M 332 Murray Hill Walkey, Rena M 332 Murray Hill Walkey, Charles B 332 Murray Hill Webster, W. L 8 Woodlawn St Webster, Mrs. W. L 8 Woodlawn St Weed, Mrs. Alvira 17 Anndale St Worley, Rosa 29 Coltman St White, W. C 26 Hazel St White, Mrs. W. C 26 Hazel St LORAIN STREET MISSION. ^lif^HE LORAIN STREET MISSION of the Congregational City Mis- y I Y sionary Society began with a Sunday-school, held in lune, 1893, under the direction of Rev. ]. H. Hull of Grace Church and Rev. H. 0. Allen of Franklin Avenue Church. Mr. lohn G. Simon of Grace Church has been superintendent from the first, and has been assisted by mem- bers of Grace and Franklin Avenue churches. Since March, 1894, regu- lar Sunday evening preaching services have been held, conducted for the first year by Rev. Irving W. Metcalf, superintendent of the Congrega- tional City Missionary Society, and later by Mr. Charles H. Powell and Mr. Mark L. Thomsen, students from Oberlin. Rev. Rufus Apthorp was engaged by the City Missionary Society to take charge of the work as pastor, beginning December 1, 1895. Services have been thus far held in a stone building formerly used as a saloon, and both the Sunday-school and the Sunday evening services have become so large as to make a commodious chapel one of the necessities of the near future. CYRIL CHAPEL (BOHEMIAN MISSION). I^'HE CYRIL MISSION originated properly with the erection of Cyril 1 7 Chapel in the year 1887. Previous to this time Bohemian preach- ing services were held in a little German church on Train street, and in private houses in the centre of the Bohemian settlement. The work CYRIL CHAPEL. has been done almost exclusively by Rev. Dr. H. A. Schauffler. As the field is very extensive and the work seemed to be promising, steps were taken to build a chapel. Through the kind assistance of Christian friends and the Congregational Building Society, the chapel was erected, and dedicated in the summer of 1887. The chapel is situated on Selden avenue, near Clark avenue. It has a seating capacity of 220, and is 212 CLEVELAND CONGREGATIONALISTS. valued, including lot, at $3,4-00, and owned by the Bohemian Board of Cleveland. From 1887 to 1888 the preaching has been supplied by Rev. Dr. H, A. Schauffler, and by the students of the Oberlin Slavic Department. In 1888, Mr. Edmund Wrbitzky, who prepared himself for the ministry of the gospel in Switzerland, and subsequently spent one year in the Oberlin Slavic Department, was ordained pastor of Cyril Chapel. In 1890 a REV. JOHN MUSIL. church was organized with thirty-three members. A year later. Rev. Mr. Wrbitzky was called to St. Louis, Mo., and Rev. John Musil, the present pastor, became his successor. A Christian Endeavor Society was organ- ized in 1893, with a membership of eighteen. The work is advancing slowly, but steadily. Soon after the organization of the Church, three members moved away. Subsequently two were removed by death, and three by discipline. Another member moved away last year. Sixteen new CYRIL CHAPEL MISSION. 213 members were added, which makes a total membership of forty. The aver- age attendance at the services is 60. The Sunday-school has an enroll- ment of 190. It has been superin- tended by Mr. John Singleton from 1887 to 1888. and by Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Laird from 1888 to 1894. In this year Mr. Laird was called to his reward, after a painful sickness, and Mr. J. S. Broughton, the present superintendent, became his successor. The mission is doing a good work. The work is growing slowly but steadily ; its main hope is in the younger generation. The field is promising and the outlook encourag- ing. John H. Broughton is superin- tendent of Cyril Sunday-school. The statistics of attendance for the last missionary year are as follows : Bo- hemian morning service, average attendance, 50; Bohemian Sunday evening service, 16; Sunday-school, 116; C. E. meeting, 27; prayer- meeting, Thursday evening, 18; children's meetings, 15 ; cottage meet- ings, 16 ; total average attendance at all meetings, 258. J. S. BROUGHTON, SDNDAY-SCHOOI, SUP'T. CHURCH DIRECTORY. Dusanek, Mr. Joseph 94 lona St Dusanek, Mrs. Anna 94 lona St Fisher, Mrs. Anna 2 Bragdon St Jelinek, Mrs. Anna 186 Louis St Jelinek, Miss Bertha 186 Louis St Jelinek, Miss Tony 186 Louis St Kaiser, Mrs. Anna 8 Hartford St Kovar, Miss Mary 45 Hartford St Kaspar, James 11 Hartford St Kaspar, James, Jr 11 Hartford St Kaspar, John 11 Hartford St Kaspar, Mrs. Mary 11 Hartford St Kovar, Mrs. Mary 11 Hartford St Koptis, Josef 75 Milford St Koptis, Mrs. Mary 75 Milford St Kriz, Mrs. Barbara Bergen St Koptis, Miss Anna 75 Milford St Masek, Mr. Josef Berne St Masek, Mr. Vaclav On a farm Masek, Mrs. Barbara On a farm Mikes, Mr. Vaclav 28 Milford St Mikes, Mrs. Anna 28 Milford St Mlckovsky, Mr. Josef 101 Louis St Melda, Mr. Josef 186 Isabella St Melda, Mrs. Elizabeth 186 Isabella St Mlckovsky, Mr. John 101 Louis St Mlckovsky, Mrs. Theresa.. .101 Louis St Martinek, Mr. Matej 18 Isabella St Rerabek, Mrs. Mary 11 Milford St Rybak, Mrs. Barbara 104 Isabella St Siebert, Mr. Anton 4 Mehling Lane Svozil, Mr. Cyril 4 Bragdon St Svozil, Mrs. Frances 4 Bragdon St Teslik, Mr. Matej 18 Isabella St Triedl, Mrs. Anna 254 Louis St Ulckovsky, Mr. Josef 101 Louis St Vrana, Miss Frances 49 Elk St Vrana, Mr. John 11 Poplar St Vrana, Mrs. Anna 11 Poplar St Vrana, Mrs. Katharine 49 Elk St Vrana, Miss Rosa 49 Elk St MIZPAH CHAPEL. pN May, 1893, Mizpah Chapel, on Ackley avenue near Fleet street, was ^ dedicated. The chapel, situated between our largest Polish and a new and growing Bohemian colony, was built chiefly as the center of Polish missionary work, but also for Bohemian and general Sunday- school work. It is our polyglot chapel, in which four languages — Polish, Bohemian, English and German — are constantly used. W MIZTAII ClIAl'EL. f!?'Tn September of 1888, Miss Ella Hobart entered the service of our National Home Missionary Society as a missionary to Poles. Early in 1890, Mr. J. J. Dessup was appointed by the same society as missionary to the Poles in Cleveland. He held Polish services in his own house till Mizpah Chapel was built. Now he preaches every Sunday a. m. in Ger- man, with special reference to German-speaking Poles ; the 2 p. m. Sun- day-school is conducted in English, with Bohemian classes, and is well attended. Mr. Archibald Lewis is superintendent. Then follows a Polish service, and during the winter a Bohemian service is held in MIZPAH CHAPEL. 215 the evening. Miss Ella Hobart con- ducts a Girl's Club on Wednesday evening and a Sewing school on Sat- urday, and Miss Marie Reitinger has found Women's meetings an ex- cellent means of drawing in Bohem- ian women who have never heard of a free gospel before. The average weekly attendance was last year : German service, 18; Polish, 13; Bo- hemian, 48 ; Women's meetings, 29; Sunday-school, 180. November 20, Mr. Dessup was ordained in Mizpah Chapel to the gospel ministry, the very interesting servce being con- ' - ■ - „,. -„..-,...^-^.-.™^^ -—^ KHV. J. J. DESSUP. ducted in three languages, while the singing was in four. K "' In the four Cleveland Bohem- ian (not including the Polish work, which is not under the Bohemian Board) stations there were held during the last missionary year a weekly average of six preaching services; four Sunday-school ses- sions, and nineteen other meetings, with total average weekly attend- ance of 1,781 ; contributions to missions were $193.10 ; number of pastoral and missionary visits made, 5,295. MISS ELLA. HOBAR>6, MISSIONARY. FIRST CONGREGATIONAL CHURCH. COLLINWOOD, OHIO. ^HIS church is an outgrowth of the Free Congregational Church of Collamer (now East Cleveland) and was organized May 11, 1876, at which time the Rev. Charles W. Torey, pastor of the Congregational Church of Collamer, was chosen moderator, and Rev. O. D. Fisher, scribe. The name of the Church was called the First Con- gregational Church of Collin wood, with eighteen members composing COLLINWOOD CHURCH. it. May 17, deacons of the Church were elected, and June 11, the first Communion was held, at which time further additions were made to the Church. August 11, of the same year, the first set of oflScers were elected. The Church has continued prosperous and all its meetings harmonious. DEDICATION OF FORD CHAPEL. The original house of worship of this Church was called Ford Chapel, in honor of Horatio Ford, a liberal donor to its erection. It was formally dedicated to the worship of God on March 14, 1878. COLLINWOOD CONGREGATIONAL CHURCH. 217 The services were conducted by the Rev. Charles Terry Collins and Rev. Samuel Walcott of Cleveland, both now deceased. Here this church has dwelt for a period of eighteen years, receiving additions from time to time until of necessity it was compelled to remove to a more desirable location and to build a larger and more commodious house of worship. The efforts of the Church have been blessed by the aid of its different pas- tors and the untiring efforts of its deacons and officers, until to-day it stands without a peer for usefulness and influence in the community in which it is located. Its chosen pastors have been five in number. First. Rev. J. W. Turner, who served at the beginning and continued until December 10, 1876, when he resigned the charge. Second. Rev. C. E. Ruddick was called to be pastor on September 20, 1877, and continued until September 20, 1879, when he requested dismission, which was acceded to. Third. April 29, 1880, the Church unanimously voted a call to Rev. C. L. Hamlen. which was accepted, and heconducted a successful pastor- ate until April 29, 1888, when he tendered his resignation, and same was accepted. Fourth. June 4, 1888, the Church voted a call to Rev. Geo. Wilson, and he became its pastor, and remained until January 4, 1891, when he resigned to accept a call to Clyde, Ohio. Fifth. July 16, 1891, the Church presented a call to Rev. O.Jenkins to become its pastor, which was accepted, and he immediately entered upon his duties, and has so continued until this date. The completion of the present edifice is due to the untiring efforts of the architect, Mr. W. W. Sabin of Cleveland, the faithfulness and vig- ilance of the building committee and the sympathy and benevolence of a majority of the population of the village. The ground for this building was broken September 11, 1893. The corner-stone was laid October 21, 1893. Seating capacity, 600. On Thursday evening, September 26, 1895, the congregation enjoyed for the first time a service in the new church ; the auditorium was filled with a crowd which seemed to enjoy to the utmost the novelty and satis- faction of getting into the new building. Flowers and plants made the pulpit a bower of beauty. Special music by the choir and a solo by A. W. Cogswell also added to the service. The Rev. J. L. Davies of Akron had charge of the service, and took for his text: "Which is the Church of the l-iving God, the Pillar and Ground of the Truth" — 1st Timothy, 3-15. His sermon was well deliv- ered and greatly enjoyed by those present. At the close of the service a general handshaking ensued, while the people were inspecting the rooms, which are excellently fitted for the work, having a large main room and class rooms, thus lurnishing accom- modation for between six hundred and seven hundred people, and it is safe to say that the congregation of the First Congregational Church will long remember the first services in the new building. 218 CLEVELAND CONGREGATIONALISTS. DEDICATION PROGRAM. On Sunday morning, September 29, was the dedication service. Pres- ident C.F. Thwing. D.D., LL.D., of Western Reserve University, preached the sermon. Mr. }. F. Isham of Cleveland sang. Sunda}' alternoon at 2:30 a Bible-school service was held; Captain H. T. Fisher, Rev. L. L. Taylor, C. H. Ford, of Cleveland, spoke. Sunda}' evening, Rev. D. L. Leon- ard, D.D., of Cleveland, preached ; Geo. A. Clark sang. Monday evening was devoted to the young people of the Church. The}' were addressed by REV. O. JENKINS. Mr. J. E. Cheesman, Rev. C.W.Carroll and Rev. C. S. Mills of Cleveland. Tuesday evening was the most interesting service of the whole series. It was interdenominational in its character. Six denominations were represented by as many speakers from the city. This is an excellent portrait of Rev. O. Jenkins, pastor of the Church. Rev. Jenkins^is a self-made man, having worked on a farm until the age COLLINWOOD CONGREGATIONAL CHURCH. 219 of twenty, when he entered the West Win field Academy, in Herkimer county, New York, for a preparatory course in his chosen profession. In the year 1876 he graduated from Oberlin Seminary and spent tlie first nine years of his ministerial life in St. Lawrence county, New York. Returning to Ohio in 1887, he conducted a very successful pastorate at Dover, this county, for four years In response to a call, he came to Collinwood five years ago, and found a small and well-nigh discouraged congregation. The people quickly' rallied at the appearance of the new pastor and the vacant seats in the church were soon filled at every service. From that time on but few Communion Sabbaths have passed without accessions. Two years ago last spring, 55 new members united with the Church at one time, adding material strength to the work. Frequent subsequent additions so greatly encouraged the pastor and congregation that a new and more commodious house of worship was talked of and then acted upon, and the handsome new edifice is a lasting monument to the works of God, and the faith and energy of the pastor and his flock. The officers of the Church at the present time are : Pastor — Rev. O.Jenkins. Deacons— Jay Odell, H. D. Bartlett and H. G. Skinner. Clerk-Jay Odell. Treasurer — Mrs. R. T. Teare. Sunday-school Superintendent — H. G. Skinner. Superintendent of Primary Department — Mrs. H. G. Skinner. President of Young People's Society of Christian Endeavor — B. T. Richards. President Ladies' Aid Society — Mrs. C. R. Bailev. Chorister — Mr. George A.. Clark. Organist— Mrs. H. F. Green. Trustees— H. D. Bartlett, Jay Odell, R. T. Teare, W. W. Clark and H. S;ewart. CHURCH DIRECTORY. • Allen, Mrs. F. M 172 Putnam St Barnes, Mrs. D. D 284 Manning Av Allen, May 172 Putnam St Bartlett, H. D 83 Manchester Av Allen, Effie 172 Putnam St Bartlett, Mrs. H. D..83 Manchester Av Alvcrd,Miss Georgia. 100 Manchester Av Bartlett, Miss Ethel 195 Adelbert Av Alvord, Miss Florence Bauder, Miss Maud.. 198 Manchester Av 100 Manchester Av Benton, A. L. 202 Mars Av Archibald, W. H 198 Putnam St Benton, Mrs. A. L, 202 Mars Av Archibald, Mrs. W. H 198 Putnam St Bliss, Mrs. J. S 226 Putnam St Arthur, Mrs. L. C 79 Granger St Bowman, Mrs. F. A 192 Collamer Av Barnes, Sarah 284 Manning Av Buell, Mrs. C. L Manning Av Basel, Belle R Clinton St Burnham, Minnie 96 Manchester Av Barhyte, Mrs. L. F Callow, Annie J 166 Clinton St Baightel, Mrs. John 61 Granger St Callow, Mrs. Ida 174 Collins Av Barnes, D. D 284 Manning Av Carter, Benjamin 127 St. Clair St 220 CLEVELAND CONGREGATIONALISTS. Carter, Mrs. Benjamin.. 127 St. Clair St Hayes, John 26 Vine St •Carver, Mrs. D. A 182 Clark Av Hayes, Mrs. J 26 Vine St Clark, W. W 230 Manning Av Hilsenbeek, Mrs. Geo.. 258 Manning Av Clark Mrs. W. W 230 Manning Av Hitchcock, E. D 39 Vine St Clark, George A 230 Manning Av Hitchcock, Mrs. E. D 39 Vine St Clark, Norman 230 Manning Av Hunter, Sarah 26 Maple St Currier, Miss Etta May Jenkins, 296 Collamer Av 62 Manchester Av Jenkins, Mrs. 296 Collamer Av Darby, Mrs. John 165 Manning Av Jenkins, P. D 296 Collamer Av De Camp, Ethel Woodruff St Jenkins, E. G 296 Collamer Av Draper Mrs. H. A 49 Vine St Johnson, Maud 146 Clark St Dunkin Miss Estella.. ..135 St. Clair St Jones, Mrs. Estelle E Laurel St Dunkin Mrs. James Joughin, Mrs. M. S 166 Clinton St Field Mrs. E. F 62 Manchester Av Kerlin, Dr. R. E Bernard Block Field Nellie 62 Manchester Av Kirby, Mrs. E Coit Road, Colt Fisher Mrs. Hannah A Laurel St Kirtland. Mrs. J. E 143 Fulton St Fisher, Hannah A Laurel St Lentz, Mrs. Geo 273 Clark St Fowles, F. V 90 Manchester Av Lewis, Mrs. Harriet B Fowles' Mrs. F. V 90 Manchester Av 63 Manchester Av Fowles' Hattie 90 Manchester Av Lloyd, Mrs. Thomias . . . . 187 Clinton St Gage, Mrs. R. B 156 Manning Av Lloyd. Minnie Manchester Av Gamble, Mrs. R. T..206 N. Collamer Av Lockwood, Mrs. L. S 221 Lyman Av Gamble, William F..206 N. Collamer Av Luce, Mrs. A. B 153 Manchester Av Gates, Grace May.... 20 E. Collamer Av Mayo, Mrs. F 26 Manchester Av Gates,' Frank J 77 St. Clair St Mayo, Minnie 26 Manchester Av Gates! Mrs. F. J.....* 77 St. Clair St McCoy, F 180 N. Collamer Av Gawne, Mrs. M. E 191 Clinton St McCoy, Mrs. F 180 N. Collamer Av Godwin, Thomas 285 St. Clair St Mcllrath, Henry N. Collamer Av Gordon,' J McMullen, Stella 205 Clark Av Gordon, Mrs. J Mendenhall, Mrs. W 54 Laurel St Gould, Mrs. S 84 Manchester Av Munkley, H. G 231 Manning Av Green, W. H 68 St. Clair St Munkley, Mrs. H. G 231 Manning Av Green, Mrs. W. H 68 St. Clair St Murray, Mrs. M 26 Maple St Green, Mrs. H. F 187 Manning Av Neil, Joseph St. Clair St Griswold, W. L Clark Av Odell, Jay Woodruff St Griswold, Mrs. W. L Clark Av Odell, Mrs. J Woodruff St Gunn, Earl 205 Manchester Av Olmsted, Mrs. R. W 100 Ferris St Gunsolly, C. N 30 Laurel St Olmsted, Susie 100 Ferris St Gunsolly, Mrs. C. N 30 Laurel St Packard, Maria Woodruff ■Gunsolly, W. N 30 Laurel St Palmitier, H. J 174 Clinton St Hall, Charles 170 Manning Av Palmitier, Mrs. H. J 174 Clinton St Hall, Mrs. C 170 Manning Av Parsons, Mrs. H. W 306 Collamer Av Hall, Mrs. Mary 170 Manning Av Pease, Anna M Lyman Av Hall, Miss Cynthia 170 Manning Av Perkins, E. M 34 Granger St Hall, Hattie R 170 Manning Av Perkins, Mrs. E. M 34 Granger St Hammond, Mrs. W. C. 88 E. Collins Av Pinkney, C. J Lyman Av Hathaway, Miss Daisy Chatham St Pinkney, Mrs. C. J Lyman Av Hawkins, Mrs. J. E 177 Clark Av Prouting, Mrs. John St. Clair St Hawkins, C. A... 177 Clark Av Raymer, Mrs. Anna 198 Manning Av Hawkins, George S 177 Clark A v Raymer, Cora E 198 Manning Av COLLINWOOD CONGREGATIONAL CHURCH. 221 Raymer, Bertha 198 Manning Av Richards, B. T 175 St. Clair St Richards, Mrs. B. T 175 St. Clair St Richardson, Mrs. L Richmond, Mrs. C. E Mars Av Roberts, David P 84 W. Collins Av Roberts, Mrs. David P 84 W. Collins Av Robinson, Mrs. Ida L 50 Granger St Ruple, F. H 208 Collamer Av Ruple, Mrs. F. H 208 Collamer Av Ruple, Lillian 208 Collamer Av Ruple, Mrs. John S 195 John St Russell, Dr. A. N....200 Collamer Av Russell, May A 200 Collamer Av Schafer, Mrs. Stella Clark Av Shepard, R. E 225 Manning Av Shepard, Mrs. R. E 225 Manning Av Shepard, S 306 N. Collamer Av Shepard, Mrs. S 306 N. Collamer Av Fidler, Mrs. P. C...306 N. Collamer Av Shotton, Mrs. F. M 262 Manning Av Skinner, H. G 17 Laurel St Skinner, Mrs. H. G 17 Laurel St Smead, W 575 N. Collamer Av Smead, Mrs. W 575 N. Collamer Av Smead, Julia 575 N. Collamer Av Smith, George J 153 Manchester Av Sohlinger, Mrs. John.. 274 Manning Av Sohlinger, Walter 274 Manning Av Stalker, C. H 30 Manchester Av Stalker, Mrs. C. H..30 Manchester Av Stalker, Grace Abbie.30 Manchester Av Stewart, H 33 Vine St Stewart, B. T 33 Vine St Stewart, Mrs. H 33 Vine St Storey, Mrs. W. F 190 Manning Av Teare, R. T 216 N. Collamer Av Teare, Mrs. R. T..216 N Collamer Av Teare, Kittle 216 N. Collamer Av Tyler, A. H 244 Putnam St Tyler, Mrs. A. H 244 Putnam St Tyler, Roy D 244 Putnam St Tyler, Grace May 244 Putnam St Wade, Mrs. W. T 221 Manning Av Warren, Mrs. C. W Manchester Av Watson, Mrs. James 154 St Clair St Wells, C. W 18 Vine St Wells, Mrs. C. W...- 18 Vine St Wilcox, Mrs. Jane 132 Collamer Av Wilcox, Clare 132 Collamer Av Wilson, Mrs. A. J 155 Division St Wing, Mrs. Clara 194 Fulton St Wilson, Mrs. Katie N. Adams Av Wilson, Kittle E N. Adams Av Vincent, Mrs. H. W White, Francis 63 Manchester Av Wing, Hattie '....194 Fulton St Willis, Mrs. E Brooks St Wood, Mrs. J. B 277 Collamer Av WESTERN RESERVE UNIVERSITY. /^^ ONGREGATIONALISTS may well take pride in this institution, for ^^^^ not Ouly is its present honored President eminent in our denom- — ination, but the founders of the college were trained in our polity and imbibed their thirst for a learned ministry amid the descendants of the Puritan and Pilgrim. Although the state was not fairly open to settlement until 1795, and by 1800 there were scarcely filteen hundred people scattered among the unbroken forests of the Reserve, still we find a Congregational minister. Rev. Joseph Badger, presenting a petition in 1801 to the "General Assembly of the Territory of the United States Northwest of the River Ohio," asking for a charter i'or a college "to be situated within the limits of the Reserve." It was easy to enlist the men from Connecticut in the purpose to plant a new Yale in the new Connecticut, but their ambition was checked, for the petition was denied. But the sons of Yale kept coming to this wilderness and reinforced Mr. Badger's petition; formed the Erie Literary Society; and applied for a charter again in 1803, as soon as Ohio was admitted to the Union and assembled her first legislature. The names of the incorporators of Burton Academy include the lead- ing Congregational settlers, beginning with Esquire Hudson and closing with Joseph Badger. The longing for an educated ministry that led Connecticut pastors to start Yale college and Massachusetts ministers to start Harvard college prompted those Reserve laymen and missionaries to keep the question under constant agitation for thirty years, until they saw the walls of the buildings at Hudson sheltering the first theological class, and the Rev. Charles B. Storrs, a Congregational pastor, in his place as its first president. There is no need to tell one who remembers the old Yale campus that the Hudson college was planned entirely on that model, and that her loyal sons must have had a controlling voice in all the development of Western Reserve college. For thirty years after the first Commence- ment, the president and a majority of the faculty were men who had been trained under the Congregational polity, either of Massachusetts or Con- necticut. Mau}^ of the alumni have given long and eminent service in the pulpits of our denomination. The rapid development of the University idea and the solid growth in all departments under President Thwing have not failed to awaken a pardonable pride in the university among all our churches. 224 CLEVELAND CONGREGATIONALISTS. The denomination that opened the first Collegiate school for women at Mount Holyoke, Massachusetts, and encourages three such institu- tions as Mount Holyoke, Smith and Wellesley colleges in one state, is sure to support the College for Women, which has already won a high place for itself as a department of our university. WOMAN S COLLEGE. Thus, among the Congregational forces at work in this city, we feel justified in claiming both the personality of President Thwing, of indi- vidual members of the faculty, and the accumulated power of that strong university which has grown from the persevering ambition and sacrifices of those pioneers who came from the training of Congregational homes and standards. RESIDENT CONGREGATIONAL MINISTERS. Apthorp, Rufus. 183 Taylor street. Berger, Martin L., D. D., 1380 Euclid avenue. Bourne, James R., 77 Cornell street. Fairbanks, George H., Lockwood avenue. East Cleveland. Eraser, John G., D. D., Secretarv Ohio Home Missionary Societv, 23 Y. M. C. A. Potwin, Lemuel S., D. D., Professor of Latin, Adelbert College, 522 Rose- dale avenue. Thwing. Charles F., D. D., President Western Reserve University, 55 Bellflower avenue. THE CLEVELAND CONGREGATIONAL MINISTERS' MEETING Is held in the Society Hall of the Y. M. C. A. Building, at 10:00 a. m., on the first Monday of every month. Rev. D. T. Thomas, 1503 East Madi- son avenue, Secretarv. OUR POLITY. From Advance Almanac 1895. ij^^ONGREGATIONALISM is neither an experiment nor a spent force^ \^^^ It is a living fact and a polity to be preached everywhere that the gospel is heard. Its adherents believe in the nev^' birth, and then in the fruits of righteousness. They preach repentance toward God, and faith in His divine Son, Jesus Christ. A Congregational church is a Union church, associated with other Union churches. It is an Independent church, co-operating with other Independent churches. It is a Kingdom within itself, acknowledging only Christ as Master and Lord. It has just as many bishops as pastors. It recognizes no ecclesiastical government higher than that of the local church. It does not believe that Jesus Christ had a court on earth, either in Synod or General Assembly. It believes that there is safety in a miil-_ titude of counsellors. It believes in co-operation. It is one of the great est missionary forces; its members give more per capita to the spread o home and foreign missions than any otherpeople in the world. It is older than any other denomination. The Christian Church was first Congre- gational, then Presbyterian, then Episcopal and then Papal. Congre- gationalism goes back to the beginning. It is not a reformation only, it is a restoration. It has a history of which it is not ashamed. Since 1580 the nations of the earth have felt its power in their aifairs. It inspired the Pilgrims and the Puritans. It gave the common school system to this country. It founded Harvard, Yale, Dartmouth, Williams, Bowdoin and Am- herst colleges in New England, and Oberlin, Olivet, Illinois, Beloit, Ripon^ Iowa, Drury, Doane, Carleton, Washburn, Yankton, Whitman and many others throughout the West. It has given to theological education, Andover, Bangor, Yale, Oberlin, Chicago and Pacific Theological seminaries. It gave the first missionary to the Indians, John Eliot, in IB^G. It sent Samuel J. Mills westward in 1808, before the Methodists and Presbyterians had tl ought of such work. It founded the American Board, the Colonization Society, the American Home Missionary Society, the American Missionary Association and the modern city missionarj'^ society, and was one of the chief factors in the organization of the Sunday-school Union and the Bible Society. It has given the world a Jonathan Edwards, a Hopkins, a Dwight, a Finney, a Joseph Cook and a Dwight L. Moody. It is an ecclesiastical solvent among the other denominations. It is. the solution, and the only solution, of thechurch union movement among^ the Christians who are tired of warring sects. It is a common denomi-^ 226 CLEVELAND CONGREGATIONALISTS. nator. It is not anchored to the past. It receives the Bible as the Word of God, recognizing the fact that its depth is not fathomed, nor its breadth measured, nor its height reached^ but holding that there is more light to break forth from it. It has a quick ear, a keen vision, and a ready hand for all good work; The doctrines on which all evan- gelical denominations are agreed are the ones on which Congregational- ism insists. For the things about which they differ it cares not at all. It is looking upward and forward, with "the past unsighed for, and the future sure." CONGREGATIONAL PRINCIPLES. The following are Congregational principles of church government as formulated in the report of the Committee on Manual to the National Council. 1. The Church Universal. — The visible church universal is composed of those who, believing themselves to be born of the Spirit, publicly con- fessed their faith in Christ as their Saviour and Lord. All Christians being equally related to the Head of the Church, are equal in all rights and privileges, and should be in communion with one another. 2. The Seat of Church Power. — Neither is a single universal church government claiming authority, nor one which is national, provincial, diocesan or synodical, warranted by the Word of God; but only local congregations (/. e., churches) of believers. These particular churches have ail needful power of self government under Christ, but are to be in recognized communion and co-operation with each other; including all evangelical churches of whatever name, w^hich will accept such a fellow- ship. 3. The Local Church. — Those believers who dwell together in one place become a church by their recognition of each other, and their mu- tual agreement to observe Christ's ordinances in one society. (Platform of 1865.) 4. The fellowship of the Church. — But inasmuch as all evangelical churches should be in communion one with another, they should extend to each other the formal recognition of that fellowship, and manifest it by assisting each other with advice and necessary help, by consulting together in all matters of common concern, and by co-operating in work for the advancement of Christ's kingdom. 5. The Christian Ministry. — Men who in the judgment of the churches are called of God to the ministry of the Word, are by these to be set apart to that service with prayer and laying on of hands. The apos- tolic injunction, "Lay hands suddenly on no man," requires that due xamination be first made as to natural gifts, education, knowledge of the Scriptures, Christian experience, and the Divine call to preach the Word. Nor is any man to be regarded as retaining fellowship as an ordained minister unless he remain in orderly connection with some body of churches capable of certifying their continued approval. OUR POLITY. 227 OUR INFLUENCE. To the Episcopalians we gave Phillips Brooks, descended through a long line of Congregational ministers, beginning with that strongest Con- gregationalist of all Puritans, Rev. Geo. Phillips. Princeton College was planted largely by New England men and money, with a Congregationalist for one of the early presidents— Jona- than Edwards. To the Presbyterians we have given many hundreds of churches or- ganized by Congregation alists. Baptists in America began with Roger Williams, a Congregational minister at Salem and Plymouth, Mass., who went to Rhode Island in 1636. Unitarians made the first open departure from the Congregational Church in 1815. We lead in comity among the denominations in the United States, in efforts for union and federation over the world. The Evangelical Alliance : Rev. Wm. Patton, D.D., when a Congre- gational pastor, first conceived the idea of a World's Evangelical Alli- ance, and was helped in it by Rev. John Angell James, a Congregational pastor of England. All the secretaries of the United States Evangelical Alliance have been Congregational ministers. Qity Missions : We are doing the principal city mission work in Bos- ton, Chicago, St. Louis, Minneapolis and in most of the cities which have a City Missionary Society. Sunday-school Study: The Peloubet Lesson Series by F. N. Peloubet, D.D., circulation 1,575,000; Peloubet Sunday-school papers, circulation, 2,600,000; Peloubefs Select Notes, circulation, 75,000. The Blakeslee graded lesson series for Sunday-school and Bible classes began January, 1891. Circulation January 1, 1893, was 150,000. Translated into eight languages. Christian Endeavor Society : The Y. P. S. C E. originated with F. E. Clark, D. D., when he was pastor of the Williston Congregational Church, Portland, Me. The Swedish Mission Christians, seceding from the State church, invented from the Bible a polity and doctrine exactly Congregational, in 1878. A Methodist body in Georgia did the same, and are now Congrega- tionalists. LIST OF ILLUSTRATIONS. PAGE Allen. Rev. H. 107 Archwood Avenue Church 32 Beswick, R. 21 Bethlehem Church and Bible Readers Home J 40 Bible Readers School Group 144 Bolin, Rev. N.J 157 Broughton, J. S 213 Carroll, Rev. C. W 166 Caskey, A. C 27 Centennial Congregational Church ...174 Collins, Rev. Charles Terry 146 ColHnwood Church 216 Cov(^les,J. G. W 25 Cristy, Rev. A. B 202 Crooks, J. J 30 Cyril Chapel 211 Davis, W. B 31 Davidson, Rev. J. A 85 Denis, L. V 30 Dessup, Rev. J.J ". 215 East Madison Avenue Church 122 Euclid Avenue Church— Old Building 53 Euclid Avenue Church— Present Building 54 First Congregational Church 40 Ford, H. Clark 23 Franklin Avenue Church 108 Eraser, Rev. J. G., D.D 15 George, Rev. R. A 191 George, Mrs. R. A 191 Golden, L 204 Grace Church 132 Gross, Miss Anna , 145 Hale, S. C 162 Hall, George, Esq 75 Hargrave, Rev. J. W 34 Hobart, Miss Ella 215 Hough Avenue Church 165 Hull, Rev. J. H ,.131 Irving Street Church 84 Jenkins, Rev. 217 Jennings, J. G., Sr 3( Jones, Rev. T. Henry 175 Ladd, Rev. Henrv M., D.D 11-55 LIST OF ILLUSTRATIONS. 229 Lakewood Church 180 Lemmon, Rev. C. H 155 Leonard, Rev. D. L.. D.D 16 Lake View^ Church 201 Mac Innes, Miss Kate 94 Malcolm. Rev. J. W 41 May, Rev. E. M 142 Mellen, L. F 141 Metcalf, Rev. Irving W 19-92 Mills, Rev. Charles S , 92 Mizpah Chapel 214 Moore, J. W 13 Mount Zion Congregational Church 116 Musil, Rev. John 212 McWatters, J. C 189 Newton, T.G 31 Olivet Church 196 Olney, Charles F., Esq 30 Park Church 160 Pilgrim Church 90 Pilgrim Church Floor Plans 96 Pitkin, L. M 31 Piwonka, Thomas, Esq 27 Prucha, Rev. John 142 Plymouth Church Exterior ^ 72 Plymouth Church Interior 73 Plymouth Rock Frontispiece Post, Charles A 29 Preston, C. M 26 Reitinger, Miss Marie I45 Richards, Rev. H. A, N 181 Rothrock, Rev. E. S I59 Schauffler, Rev. H. A., D. D I39 Schauffler, Mrs. Clara Hobart 141 Shaw, Rev. Daniel W 1 17 Smith, Miss Miriam 56 Swedish Church 152 Tablet to Rev. C. T. Collins !.'!!....".146 Taylor, Rev. L. L 7I Taylor, Rev. W. S "!!'"""!l97 Thomas, Rev. D. T 121 Trinity Church 189 Union Church I54 Western Reserve University — Adelbert College 222 Woman's College 224 Whitman, B. F .""'!!." 28 Wright, Rev. W. E. C, D. D 94 Zottarelli, J. V 205 ADVERTISERS' INDEX. PAGE Advance, The 48 Andridge & Haycox 200 Angle Lamp, The 130 Banks — East End Banking Co G4 Garfield Savings Bank 162 Wade Park Banking Co 52 Becker, Urlin 100 Bicycles 112 Bond, GusP 192 Carabclli, Joseph 1 Carpet Cleaning — D. 0. Summers 195 Fuller Carpet Cleaning Co 192 Church Furniture — Faulhaber 110 Cleveland Trust Co 58 Coal— Andridge & Haycox 200 Rhodes & Beidler 64 Cohen, K 208 Colleges— Oberlin 148 Spencerian 106 Cowell & Hubbard Co 82 Cowles, J. G. W 24 Dawes, J. V •. 162 Dictionary, Webster's 48 Domestic Sew^ing Machine , 60 East End Bank 64 Ellsworth, James W. & Co 168 Engraving, I. X. L 78 Faulhaber, George 110 Fisher, H. T 60 Flavoring Extracts 188 Florists 52 Ford, Frank L. & Co 18 Fuller Carpet Cleaning 192 Garfield Bank 162 Germicide 36 Gilcher, Basin 128 Graham, A. & Son 52 Granite Works — Lake View .' 1 T. C. Myers 70 J. P. Sears 208 Hale, S. C, & Son 173 Hallet& Davis 186 Hubbard, J. H. & Co 36 advertisers' list. 231 PAGB; Insurance — Fire^. V. Dawes 162^ C. A. Post 64 Life State Mutual , 18 J. W. Ellsworth & Co 168 Provident Life & Trust 100 Accident Interstate Casualty 184 Iron Works 208 I. X. L. Engraving 78 Kirke, W. H 184 Lockwood 184 Lozier, H. A. & Co 112 Myers, T. C 70 Organs 19a Oberlin College 148 Osborne, J. A. & Co 60 Patent Lawyers— H. T.Fisher 60 J. A. Osborne & Co 60 Photographers — Urlin Becker 100 Frank R. Stoll 192 Pianos 186 Post, Charles A 64 Provident Life & Trust Co 100 Real Estate 24 Remington Typewriter 188 Rhodes & Beidler 64 Royce, Abner 188 Rubber Stamps & Tvpe 80- Saffold,S. S .'. 100 Sears, J. P 208 Sewing Machines — Domestic 60 Standard.. 115 White 135 Smith Premier Typewriter 188 Spencerian College 106 State Mutual Life InsuranceCo 18 Stoll, Frank R 192 Summers, D. 195 Sunday-school Supplies— S. C. Hale & Son 173 Taylor Bros 80 Tailors— Gus P. Bond 192 K. Cohen 208 Typewriters— Remington 188 Smith Premier 188 Van Dorn Iron Works 208 Votteler Organ Co 190 Wade Park Banking Co 52 Webster's Dictionary 48 White Sewing Machine 135 Our Picture Gallery. 234 CLEVELAND CONGREGATION A LISTS. r- OUR PICTURE GAI.UKRY — DIRECTOKS CITY iMISStOXARV SOCIETY. 235 T. G. W. COW'LKS, YIi^K-PKKSIDKNT. T. G. NEWTON, TKEASUKEK. 23H CLKVIil.ANI) CONG! EC ATIONA LISTS. L. V. HEMS. CHAS. F. OLNEV. I. J. CROC KS. I. G. JENNINGS OUR PICTURE GALLERY— DIRECTORS CITY MISSIONARY SOCIETY. 237 238 CLKVKI AM) CONOR KG AT ION A LISTS. A. C. CASKKV. THOS. PIWONKA. I.. M. I'lTKIW. OUK I'lCTUKK GALI.KKY — DlKKCroKS CITY MISSIONARY SOCIETY 239 240 CLKYKLAM) Cl».N<".lv KCA'IION'.M.ISTS. ■'y'M'^^^ |K- -~,^ "* OUR IMCTIRR OALI.EKY 241 242 CLEVELAND CONGREGATIONALISTS. Ki:V. W. E. C. WKIGIIT, U. IJ., l.A'll-: OlSIklCT SEC. OF AMEK. MIsS. ASS'.N. KEY. D. L.^UEONAKD. PLYMOUTH CHCKCH INTEKIOR. OTK IMCTllRK GAULKKV 248 J3 ■J u 3 x a h 'J ^ as .2 « {■a •o T) J bfi ^^ - IVl C ^ l- - d crt is o h oi p: l^f ip»aat- 244 CLEVKKANI) CONGKEGATIONALISTS. Ol R IMCTURK GALLERY 245 PHI^^^^SH^^^^^H B^HR|^^^'' s ^ 4^''' 246 CLEVELAND CONOR EGATIONALISTS. ULK IMCTLKK CAULKKY. 247 248 CLKVELAND CONOR KGATKINAMSTS. Sy z £ - c s OUR PICTURE GALLERY, 249 CHARLES TFKKY COLLINS. Founder of BoVieinian Alissions in the United States. 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