■* £ *^ 3 l"^ If * Od *S> fc 1j ** c *S § 1 ** o * Eh 3 CL ^ g H- o fe R ' : k' ^* M O •S R ^ ^ ti ■— -5 -S g -** & -2 3 $ i «<** o frf iu Companionate WARNING AND ADVICE T O Efpecially to Young Perfons. Being the Gift ofthe Author, \ Richard naocler. LONDON:- Printed for J. Luntley, at the Ibnt Bible t in Tortugal-Strect , neat Lincoln* -l.n- Fields. 1708. [3] Companionate Warning and Advice t o A JL L. T CHAP. L ^ere is no Man that ever un- derftood the Intereft of Man- kind , of Families, Cities, Kingdoms, Churches, and of Jefus Chrift, the King and Saviour, but he muft needs know that the right In- ftruttion, Education, and Sanftification ofloutb, is of unfpeakable Confequencc to them all •, and therefore I am urged in my Mind, by the greatnefs of the Cafe, A 2 to +o add yet this Epiftle to the younger Sort * which fhall contain, I. The great Importance of the Cafe of Youth. II. How it ftands with them in Matter of Fa£h III. What are the Caufes of their Sin and dangerous Degeneracy. IV< How great a Bleffing Wife and Godly Youth are to themfelves and others. V. How great a Plague and Calamity the Ungodly are. VI. What great Reafon Ungodly Senfual Youth have prefently to Repent and Turn to God. VII. Di- se&ions to them how to do it. VIII. And fome Dire£tions to Parents a- bout their Education. And all muft be with the Brevity of an Epiftle. CH A P. II. To begin betimes to Live to God is of unfpeakable Importance to your felves. FOR, i. You were betimes folemnly Dedicated^ to God, as' your God, your Father, your Saviour, and your San- Gifier* by your- Bap tifmstl Vow 5 and as that [5 ] that was a great Mercy, it obliged ycu- to great Duty: You were capable in In- fancy of that Holy Dedication and Re- lation; and your Parents were prefently obliged as to Dedicare you to God, fo to- Educate you for God : And as foon as - you are capable of Performance tha. Vow is upon your felves to do if. If your Childhood is not prefently obliged to Holinefs, according, to your Natural Capacity, no doubt your Vow ancL Baptifm Ihould have been alfo de- layed. 2. All your Time and Life is given you by God for one End and life, and. all is little enough •, and will you alienate the very beginnings and be Rebels fo. foon? 3. The youngeft have not Affrrance cf Life for a Day, or an Hour. Thoulancs go out of the World in Youth. Alas, the Flefh of Young Men is corruptible, liable to Hundreds of Difeafes, as well as the Old. How quickly may a Vein break, and Cold feizeonyour Head and Lungs, and turn to an uncurable Confumpticn? How quickly may a Fever, a Pleurifie, an Impoflume, or one of a ThoufandL Accidents, turn your Bodies to Con H And Cthat I knew how to m A 3 you.. in you fenfible how dreadful a Thing it is to die in an unholy State., and in the Guilt of any unpardoned Sin! An un- fanftified Soul, that hath lived here but to the Flefh and the World, will he but Fewel for the Fire of Hell, and the wrathful Juftice of the moft Holy God. And though in the Courfe of tfndifturb'd Nature Young Men may live longer than the Old, yet Nature hath fo many Di- fturbances and Croffes, that our Lives are ftill like a Candle in a broken Lanthorn, which a blaft of Wind may foon blow out. To tell yQU that you are not certain in an unfon&ified State, to be One Day or Hour more out of Hell, I expe£t will not move you fo much as the Weight of the Cafe deferveth, becaufe meer PoJJibi- lit) of the great eft Hurt doth not afleffc Men when they think there -is no Pro- bability of it. You have long been well, and long you hope to be fo: But did you thinkhow many Hundred Veins, Arte- ries, Nerves, muft be kept conftantly in Older, and all the Blood and Humours in due Temper- and how the flopping of One Vein, or Diflemper of the- Blood, may quickly end you, it would rather teach you to admire the merciful Provi- dence en dence of God that fuch a Body fhould > be kept alive One Year. 4, Bur were you fure to live to Ma- turity of Age, abs, how quickly will it come ? What hafte makes Time ? How faft do Days and Years roul on ? Had I done no Service for God, that I could now look back^upon, I fhould feem as if I had not lived. A Thoufand Years, and One Hour, are ail one (that is, nothing) when they are paft. And every Year, Day and Hour of your Lives hath its proper Work: And how will you aiifwer for it? Every Day ofFereth you more and more Mercies, and will you defpife and lofe them ? If you were Heirs to Land, or had an Annuity which amounted but to an Hundred Pounds a Year, .and yoH were every Day to receive a proportionable Part of it, or lofe it, would you lofe it through Negleft, and fay, I v^ ill begin to receive it when I am old l Poor La- bourers will work hard all the Day, that at Night they may have their Wa- ges: And will you contemptuoufly lofe your every Day's Mercies, your Sjfe- ty, your Communion with God, your daily Bkffings and his Grace, which you fhould daily beg, and may daily re- ceive? A 4 . 5. Ei- en , 5. Either you will repent and live to God, or not ; if not, you are undone for ever. Oh how much lefs miferable is a Dog, or a Toad, than fuch a Sinner! But if God will (hew you fo great Mercy, Oh how will it grieve you to think of the precious Time of Youth which you madly caft away in Sin! Then you will think, O what Knowledge, what Holi- nefs might I then have got! What a comfortable Life might 1 have lived! O what Days and Years of Mercy did I caft away for nothing ! Yea, when God hath given you the Pardon of your Sin, the Tafte of his Love, and the Hopes of Heaven, it will wound your Hearts to* think that you fhould fo long, fo unthank- fully, fo heinoufly offend fo Good a God, and negleft fo Merciful a Saviour, and trample upon Infinite Divine Love, for the Love of fo bafe a flefhly Pleafure. That ever you fhou-ld be fo bad, as to find more Pleafure in finning, than in living unto God. <5. And be it known to you, if God in Mercy convert and fave you, yet the bitter Fruit of your youthful Folly may fallow you in this World to the Grave. If you wafte yourEftate in Youth, you may [9] may be poor at Age : If by Drinking, Gluttony, Idlenefs, or filthy Luft, you contract any uncurable Difeafes in Youth, .Repentance may not cure them till Death, All this might eafiiy have been pre- vented if you had but had forefeeing Wi£ dom. 7. And if ever you think to be Men of any great Wifdom and Ufefulnefs in the World, to your felves or others, your Preparations muft bs made in Youth,. Great Wifdom is not got in a little Time. 8; And O what a dreadful Danger it left your youthful Sin become reme- dilefs, and Cuftom harden you, and De- ceivers blind you, and God'forfake ycu For your wilful Refiftance of his Grace ! God may convert old hardened Sinners: But how ordinarily do we find that Age doth but anfvver the Preparations of Youth, and the Veflel ever after favour- eth of the Liquor which firft throughly :d it: And Men 3re but fuch as they led to be and do at firlt. If you will rfidious Breakers of your Baptifmal juft with God to leave ycu- to a deluded Ihderftand Evil Good,, and A j C 10} to a feared Confcience, and a hardened Heart, and as paft feeling, to work Lln- cleannefs with Greedinefs, Eph. 3. 18. and to fight againft Grace and your own Salvation till Death and Hell convince you of your Madnefs. O fport not with the Juftice of a Sin-hating God! Play not with Sin, and with the unquenchable Fire! Forfaking God is the Way to be forfaken of him. And what is a foifa- ken Soul but a miferable Slave of Satan ? 9. Yea, did you but know of what Moment it is to prevent all the heinous Sins that eife you will commit, you would make hafte to repent, though you were fure to be forgiven. Forgive- nefs maketh not Sin to be no Sin, or to be no Evil, no Shame, no Grief, to the Soul that hath committed it. You will cry out, O that I had never known it ! To look back on fuch an illTpent Life, will be no pleafant Thought. Re- pentance , though a healing Work, is bitter : Make not Work for it if you love your Peace. 1 a. And is it a fmall thing to you that you are all this while doing hurt to others ? And drawing them to Sin, and plunging ttum into that dangerous Guilr, which which can no Way be pardoned but by the Blood of Chrift upon true Conver- fioft? And when they have joined with you in Luft and flefhly Pleafure, it is not in your Power to turn them, that they may join with you in found Repentance * and if not they muft lye in Hell for ever: And can you make a Sport of your own and other Mens Damnation? But* this leadeth me to the Second Point. I have (hewed you of what vaft Concernment it is to your felves to begin betimes a holy Life 5 I will next fhew you of what Concernment it is to others. CHAP. in. Of what Vubltch^ Concernment the gtta-. f lit) of Youth is. § 1. 'TPHE Welfare of the World is X of far greater Worth than of any Gngl 1 $ and he hath put off Humani-:/ who doth not more jrneftly detire it. If this World confided but of one Generation^ then to make that Ge- neration [ 12 ] neration Wife and Good would be enough to make it a happy World : But it is not fo. In Heaven, and in the future glori- ous Kingdom, there is neither Marrying, nor giving in Marriage, but they are as the Angels, in a fixed everlafting State -, 2nd one continued Generation maketh up the New Jerufalem : Being once holy and happy they are fo for ever: But Iiere it is not fo. One Generation cometh, and another goeth : If the Father be as Wife as Solomon, the Son may be as Fool- ifh as Reboboam: O what a great Work It is to make a Man truly Wife and Good ! How many Years Study doth it ufually require > What Wifdom and Diligence in Teachers? What Teachablenefs and Di- ligence in Learners ^ and efpecialiy the Grace of God! And when all is done, the Man quickly dieth, and obtaineth his Ends in another World : But his Chil- dren are born as ignorant, and perhaps as bad as he was born: He can neither leave them hisKnowledge, nor his Grace. * They muft have all the lame Teaching, and Labour, and Blefling, as he had, to bring them to the fame Attainments : The Mercy and Covenant of God taketh them into his Church, where they have great Advantages and Helps, and pro- mifcth mifeth them more Mercy for their Relati- on to a Faithful Parent, if he or they do make no Forfeiture of it : But as their Nature is the fame with others, lb their A&ual Wifdom muft come by God's Bleffing on the ufe of the fame Means, which are necefDry to the Children of the worft Men. A Chriftian's Child is born with no more Knowledge than a Heathen's, and muft have as much' La- bour and Study to make him Wife. §. 2. It is certain then that the Wel- fare of this World Jyeth on a good Sue- ceffion of the feveral Generations : And that all the Endeavours of One Generati- on with Gods greateft Bleffing on them will not ferve for the Ages following : Ail muft begin anew, and be done over again, or all will be as undone to the next Age : And it is not rhe leaft Blef- fing on the Faithful that their Faith and Godlinefs difpofeth them to have a Care of Pofterity, and to devote their Chil- dren wholly to God, as well as them- iclves, and to educate them in his Fear. If Njturehad not taught Birds and Beafts to feed their Young, as well as to gene- ncrate them, their Kind would be lbcn extinct. O what a Bleficd World were ir, if theBiwHings of Men Famous for Wif- dom C 14 ] dom and Godlinefs were entailed on all that fhould fpring from them, and if this were the common Cafe ! §. 3. But the Doleful Miferies of the World 1 have come from the degenerating of good Mens Poflerlty. • Adam hath his G///7, an&'Noiib his Cham % and David his Abfalom ; Solomon ^ Hezektab, Jofiab^ left not their. like behind them. The prefent Srate of the Eaftern Clurches is a dreadful Inftance. What Places on Earth were more honourable for Faith and Piety than Alexandria, Antiocb, Je- rufalem, Conftantinople i Epbefus, Phila- delphia, and the reft of ttefe Great and Noble Countries^ and thofe alfb ftreng- thened with the powerfuleft Chriftian Empire that ever was on Earth? And now they are Places of Barbarifm, Ty- ranny, and Foolifh Mahometanifm, where the Name of Chrift is made a Scorn, and the few Chriftians that keep up that Sacred Profeifion, by Tyranny kept info great Ignorance, that, alas, the Vices of moft of them difhonour their Profeflion as much as their Enemies Perfections do. ^ •And alas , were it not for the Name of a Pompous Chriftian Church, how plain an Inihnce would Rome be of the fame tnid fame Degeneracy i -And fome Countries that received the Blefling of Reforma- tion have revolted into the Darknefs of Popery. What a Change was in England by Queen Mary\ Reign ? And how ma- ny particular Cities and Towns are grown Ignorant, which in former Times were Famous for Religion ? §. 4. And on the other Side, when Pie- ty hath fuccefiively as a River kept its Courfe, what a Blefling hath it proved ? (But how rare is that?) And when Chil- dren have proved better than their Parents, it hath been the beginning of Welfare to the Places where they lived. How marvelloufly did the Reformation pre- vail in Germany in Luther s time, when God brought out of PopifhMonafteries many Excellent Inftruments of his Ser- vice? And Princes became Wife and Pious, whofe Parents had been Blind or Impious? Godlinefsor Wickednefs, Wel- fare or Calamity, follow the Changes and Quality of Pofterity. And Men live fo fhort a Time, that the Woik of Educating Youth aright is one half the great Bufinefs of Man's Life. §•5. C 16] $ 5. Among the Ancient Sages of the World, the Greeks and Romans, and much more among the Ifraelites, the Care of Pofterity, and Publick Welfare, was the great Thing which differenced the Vir- tuous and Laudable, from thofeofaBafe, Selfifh, Senfual Difpoficion. He was the Braveft Citizen of Rome that did moft love, and beft ferve his Country : And he was the Saint among the Jews who moft loved 5/0/7, and the Security and Succeffion of its holy and peaceable Pofterity. And theChriftian Faith, and Hope, and Inte- reft, doth lead us herein to a much higher Pitch, and to a greater Zeal for Publick Good, in following him that whipt out Prophaners from the Temple ; even a Zeal of God's Houfe, which eateth us up: It teacheth us by the Crofs moft effe£tually to Deny our felves, .and'to think nothing too Dear to part with to Edifie. the Church of God, norany La- bour of Suffering too great for common Good. It teacheth us to pray for the Hallowing of God's Name^ the Coming of his Kingdom, and the Doing of his Will on Earth, as it is Done in Heaven^ before cur Daily Bread, and any other Perfonai Intereft of our own. Therefore the Fami- lies c i7 3 lies of Chriftians fhould be as fo many Schools, or Churches, to train up a Suc- ceffion of Perfons meet for the great Communicative Works which God cal- leth all Bdievers to in their feveral Mea- sures : It is eminently Teacher s y but it is alfo all others in their feveral Ranks, who muft be the Salt of the Earth, and the Lights of the World. And indeed the Spirit of Holinefs is fo eminently the Spirit of Love to God and Man, that it inclineth every San&ified Perfon to a Com- municative Zeal, to make others Wife, and Good, and Happy. §. 6. And God in great Mercy hath planted yet njore deeply and fixedly the Natural Love of Parents to their Chil- . dren, that it might be in them a Spring of all this Duty •, fo that though Flefhly Vice may make Men miftake their Chil- drens Good, as mod ungodly Men do their own, and think that it confifteth irr that which it doth not, yet Hill the general Defire of their Childrens Wei- fare, as well as of their own, is deeply rooted, and will work for their Wel- fare as foon as they well know wherein it doth confilt. And God hath not gi- ven them this Love only for the Good of [ i8] of the individual Children, but much more for the Commonwealth, and Church, that as exercifed Soldiers make One Army, fo many well Educated Children may make up One Peaceable and Holy Society. § 7. And accordingly it is much to be obferved, that God hath not given Chil- dren a Natural Love and Submiffivenefs to Parents only for the Perfonal Benefit of their Provision and other Helps, but efpecially that hereby they may be teach- able and obedient to thofe Inftru&ionsof their Parents, by which they may be- come Bleffings in their Generations, and may conjunctly make up Wife and Holy- Societies, Families, Churches, and Com- monwealths. For thefe Ends it is that God hath bound you, as to reverence your Mailers, Tutors and Paltors, fo efpe- cially both to reverence and love your Parents, that you may be the more capa- ble of their neceffary Inftruttion and Advice. By ail this it is moft evident that the great Means of the Weil are of the World muft be the Faithful and Holy Endea- vours of Parents, and the Willing Teach- ablenefs and Obedience of Children, that they . may efcape the Snares of Folly and c i9: and flefhly Lufts, and may betimes get that Wifdom and Love of Good- nefs, which may make them fit to be Bleffings to the Places where they live. CHAP. IV. How the Cafe flandeth with our Youth in Matter of Fatt. § i. / npHrough the great Mercy of God JL many Families are Sacred Nur- feries for Church and Kingdom ^ and many Parents have great Comfort in the Grace of God appearing in their Chil- dren. From their early Childhood many are of Humble, Obedient Difpofitions, and have a Love to Knowledge, and a Love to the Word of God, and to thofe that are Good and Virtuoiis Perfons. They have inward Convi&ions of the Evil of Sin, and a fear of Sinning, and a great diflike of wicked Perfons, and a great Love and reverend Obedience to their Parents, and when thty grow up they diligently learn in Private, and in •Publick : [20] Publick : They increafe in their Love to the Scriptures, and good Bocks, and to Godly Teachers,. and godly Company -A and God faverh them from Temptations, and worldly Deceits, and flefhly Lufts*. and they live to God, and are Bleffings to the Land, the Joy of their Friends, and exemplary and ufeful to thofe whom they converfe with. § 2. But all^ even Religious Parents, have not the like Blefling in their Chil- dren, i. Some of them, though Reli- gious otherwife, are lamentably carelefs of the Duty which they promifed to perform (atBaptifm) in the Education, of their Children, and do but fuperfkial- ly and formally inftru£t them, and are: too faulty as to the Example which they fhould give them, and feem to think that God muft blefs them, becaufe they are theirs, and becaufe they are Baptized, while they nsgleft: their promifed En- deavours. 2. And fome Children, when they grow up, and are bound to refift Temptations, and to ufe God's appointed- Means for their own Good, do wil- fully refift God's Grace, and run into Temptations, and neglett, and wretch- edly betray themfeives, and forfeit the. Mercies which they needed. . L 21 ] § ?. In all my Obfervation God hath molt blefled the Children of thole Pa- rents who have Educated them as fol- loweth : i. Thofe thac have been parti- cularly fenfible what they promifed for them in the Baptifmal Vow, and mads Confcience of performing it. 2. Thofe that haw had more Care of their Souls than of their outward Wealth. 3. Thofe that have been moft careful to teach them the Pravity of corrupted N3ture by Ori- ginal Sin, and to humble them, and teach them the Need of a Saviour, and his renewing as well as pardoning Grace, and to tell them the' Work of the Spirit of San&ification, and teach them above all to look to the inward State of their Souls. 4. Thofe that have moft feriouf- ly minded them of Death, Judgment, and the Life to come. 5. Thole that have always fpoken of God with the greateft Reverence, AfFe£Uon and De- light. 6. Thofe that have moft wifely laboured to make all the Knowledge and Pra&ice of Religion pleafant unto them, by the fuitablenefs of Do&rines and Du- ties to their Capacity. 7. Thofe that "have moft difgraced Sin to them, efpe- cially bafe and tkfhly Pleafures. 8. Thofe .that have kept them from the JJaits of Sen- c « i - Senfuality, not gratifying their Appe< tites in Meats and Dnnk, to bring them to an unruly Habit ^ but ufed them re a Habit of Temperance, and Negled oi Appetite, p. Thofe that have moft dil graced Worldlinefs and Pride to them, and ufed them to low Things in Apparel and Pofleffion, and told rhem how the Proud are hateful to God, and fet before . them the Example of a Crucified Chrift, and opened to them the DoQrine of Mortification and Self denial, and the great Neceflity of true Humility. jo. Thofe that have been moft watchful to know their Childrens particular Incli- nations and Temptations, and apply an- fwerable Remedies, and not carelefly leave them to themfelves. n. Thofe that have been moft careful to keep them from ill Company^ efpecially, (i.) Of wicked Youths, of their own Growth and Neighbourhood. (2.) And of tempt- ing Women. 12 Thofe that have moft wilely ufed them to the meeteft Publick Teachers, and help them to remember and underftatid what they hear, efpecial- ly the Fundamental Truths in the Cate- chifm. 13. Thofe that have moft wifely engaged them into the Familiarity and frequent Converfe of fome Suitable, Godly, L 23 3 Godly, Exemplary Companions. 14. Thore that have moft confcionably fpent the Lord's Days in Publick, and in their Fa- milies. 15. Thofe that have done all this, as with reverend Gravity, fbefpeci- ally with tender, endearing Love to their Children, convincing the^n that it is all done for their own Good 5 and that do not by imprudent Weakness, Ignorance, Paffions, or Scandal, fruftrate their own Endeavours. 16. Thole that ufe not their Children as meer Patients, only to hear what their Parents fay, but ingage them to conttant Endeavours of their own, for their own Good; efpecially in the \ Reading of Scripcure, and the moft fuitable Books, and meditating on them, and daily Pafonai Piayer to God. 17. Laltly, Thofe that pray moft hear- tily and believingly for God's Grace, and his Blefiing on their Endeavours, fuch Mens Children are ufually blef- fed. §. 4. But it is no wonder, where fuch Means are negie&ed, much more when Parents are ungodly, flefhly, worldly Perfons, and perhaps Enemies to a holy Life, if the Children of fuch are igno- rant, deluded, ungodly, and drown'd in flefhly Lufts •> and, alas, it is the Mul- titude titude of fuch, and their fad Condition?,! which is the Occafion of my writing this 1 Epiftle. \ §. 5. 1. We fee, to opr Grief, that many Children are of a ftupid and un- teachable Difpofition, and almoft unca-; pable of Inftru&ion, who yet can as quickly learn to talk of common Mat- ters as other Perfons, and can as eafiiy learn a Trade, or how to do any ordina- ry Bufinefs. And though feme inconfide- rate Perfons overlook the Cafuality of the more immediate Pareats Sins, in fuch Judgments on their Children, as if it were only Adams Sin that hurt them, I have elfewhere proved that this is their great and dangerous Miftake* As Davids Child died for the Father's Sin, the Chil- dren of Gluttons^ Drunkards, FornicatQrs,-' oft contra£t fuch Bodily Diftempers as greatly tend to ftupifie or further vitiate the Mind. And their Souls may have fad Additions to the common Human Pra- vity. • 2. Accordingly many Children have more violent Paffions, and carnal De fires, than others, which run them into wic ked Ways impetuoufly, as if they were almoft Brutes, that had no Reafon or Power to refift: And all Words and Corrections are are to them of little force, but they arc as Blocks, that when you have faid aird done what you can, go away as if they had not heard you. 3. And fome have Crofs and Crooked Natures,addi£ted to that which is Naughty and the more, by how much the more you do contradift them : Froward ami Obftinate, as if it were a defired Vi&ory to them to overcome their Parents, and efcape all that would make them Wife and Good : Dogged, Soure, Proud, Self-willed, and utterly Difobedient. 4. And too many hate To great an En- mity and Averfenefs to all that is Holy, Spiritual and Heavenly, that they are weary to hear you talk of ir, and you pcrfwade them to learn to Read, to Pray, to Meditate, or Confider, as you per- Iwade a fick Man to the Meat which he doth loath, or a Man to dwell with thofe that he hateth. They have no Appetite to fuch Things ^ no Pleafure in them i when you have faid all of God, and Chrift, and Glory, they believe it not, or they favour it not: They are Things above their Reach and Love, yea, Things againlt their Carnal Minds; You tire them worfe than if you talk'd in a flrangc Language to thtm, fuch Enmity is in tha B ' Heaic Heart of corrupted Man to God and Hea- ven, till the Grace of the great Reconciler overcome it by a new Life, and Light, and Love. 5. And when Cuftom is added to all thele Vicious Difpofitions, alas, what Slaves and Drudges of Satan doth it make them! For Inftance, i> Some are fo corrupted with the .'Love of Sport, that Gaming or Stage- Vlays, or one fuch Foolery or another, become|h fb pleafant to them, thit they can underftand or believe nothing that is faid agaiitft it by God or Man ^ their Difeafed rhantafie hath fo conquered Reafon, that they cannot reftrain them- felves} but in their Callings and in Re- ligious Exercifes they are weary, and long to be at their Sports, and muft be gone ^ neither God, nor Holinefs, nor the j Joys of Heaven, are half fofweet to their j Thoughts as thefe are: For they have] that,Mark of Mifery, 2 Tim. 3. 4. Jbey.\ are Lovers ofP/eafures more than Lovers \ of God. The fame I fay of finful Mirth, and the Company which doth cherilh it. Lit- tle do they believe Solomon, Ecclef 7. 2, 3,4. It is better to go to the Houje of\ Mourning, than to go to the houfe of lealh [ 2 7 ] Feofiing, for that is the end of all Men^ and the Living will lay it to his heart, Sorrow is better than Laughter-, for by the Sadnefs of the Countenance the Heart is made better : The Heart cf the Wife is in the Houfe of Mourning, but the Heart of fools is in the Houfe of Mirth. It is better to hear the Rebuke of the Wife, than for a Man* to hear the Song of Fools: For as the crackling of Thorns under a Fot, *fo is the Laughter ofc Fools. It's true, that Mirth is very defirable to Nature : And God is not againft it, but much more for it, than Sinners will believe : But it is a rational Mirth whicfc beieemeth a rational Creature^ and fuch as he can juftifie, and as will make hiru better, and tends- to Felicity, and ever- Iafting Mirth ; and not the caufleft Mirth of Mad Men, that fet their Houfe on Fire, and then Laugh and Sing over it-, nor like the Mirth of a Drunken Man, whofe Shame expofeth him to Pity or Derifion $ nor anv fuch Mirth as leadeth a Man from God to Sin, and keepcth him from the Way of Manlike and Ev^rlafting Jqjt- %pA prcpareth for the greauft Sorrows. ' B 2 2. Th.rs C*3 . i. There are fome fo enflaved to their Appetites, that their Reafon hath 410 Power to rule them ^ bur, like Brutes, they muft needs have what the Belly and Throat defireth: And if they be the Children of the Rich, who have always full and pleafant Food, .conftant Flefh- pleafing, and true Gluttony, is takea for no Sin ^ and, like Swine, they do but live to eat, whereas they fhould vbut eat to live, 2nd cheerfully ferve God. But it's never lb dangerous as when it tarneth to the Love of Drink $ then the pleafing of the Throat and the pleafing of the Brain by Mirth going together, do ib much corrupt fche Appetite and Fanta- !fie, that their Thoughts run after k, and Reafon hath no Power to fhut their Mouths, nor keep them from the Houfe cf Sin. Some Sin againft an accufing Conlciencc, and under their ConviQions and Terrors do drink on, which yet they could forbear if they knew there were Poilbn in the Cup. Some are more mi- ferable, and have finned thcmfelves into fearednefs of Confcience, and paft feel- ings and perhaps into Infidelity, and a blinded Mind, perfwading them that not there is Bo great Harm or Danger in tlid Sin, and that it is but fome precife Peo- ple that make fo great a Matter of it: And fome that have Purpofes to forfaks the Sin, when Appetite ftirs forget it all * and when Company enticeth, and when they fee the Cup they have no Pewer to forbear. O what a pitiful Sight it is, to fee Men in the Flower of Youth and Strength, when they fhould moft rejoice in God and Holinefs, to be ftill thirfi/ after a forbidden Pleafure, and halting to the Tavern or Alehoufe, as a Bird to the Share of the Fowler, and fweetly and greedily fwallowing the poifonous Cup which God forbiddeth ! And that falfe Repentance which Confcience and Expe- rience force them to fometi'mes, is for- gotten the next Day, when the Tempta^ tion is renewed : Yea, the Throat- Mad- ncfs, and the Merry and Belly- Devils % are within them a continual Temptation, which the miferable Slaves cannot re- fill. 3. And thefs beaftiy, flefhly Sins, do ufually make them weaTy of their Cal- lings, and of any honeft Labour : The Devil hath by this time got Pofleflion of their Thoughts by the Biafs of Delight and finfui Luft * and they are thinking B $ of C 30 3 ©fMeat, or Drink, or Play, or merry Company, when they fhould be diligent- ly at Work} and fo Idlenefs becomes the Nurfery of Temptation, and of all their ©ther Vice, as well as a conflant Sin of Omiflion, andlofsof hafty precious Time. And Cuftom increafeth the Habits, and anakeih them good for nothing, and like dead Men to all that Life is given them for, and only alive to prepare by Sin for endlefs Mifery. 4. And ufually Pride 2X^0 takes its Part to make the Sin of Sodom in them com- pleat, Ezek. 16.49 Pride, Yulnefs^ and Idlenefs. Tjjey that muft be in their jovial Company muft not leem Defpi- cable among rhem, but muft be in the Mode and Falhion whatever it coft^ left the Image of the Devil, and his Vi&ory over them, fhould not be perfeft, if Pride were left out, how unreafona- ble foever. 5. And by this time they have (ufually hereamongft the Rich and Idle,) a further Step towards Hell to go, and yet a deep Gulf to fall into*, F/eJh/y Luft next entan- gleth them in immodeji Converfe with Women, and thence into filthy Vomica* tion^ and fo they go on as an Ox to the Slaughter^ and a Fool to the CorreUion of the C 51 1 the Stocks ) and know not that it is for their Lives. Prov. 7. 21, 22, 23. T/// they mourn at laft (perhaps) when Flefb and Body are conjumed^ and fay y Horn have I hated Inftru&ion, and my Heart defpifed Reproofs and have not obeyed the Voice of my Teachers , nor inclined my Ears to them that inftrutted me? 1 was almofl in all Evil, &c. Prov. 5. 12, 13, 14. And 'tis well for the Wretches if this Repentance be true, and in time, that though the Flelh be deftroyed, ths Spirit may be faved : For Solomon faith, Prov. 2. 18, 1 p t Her Houfe inclineth to Deaths and her Paths to the Dead: "None that go unto her return again, neither take they hold oj the Paths of Life. God, I doubt not, recovereih fome, but the Cafe is dangerous : For though Age and Sicknefs cure Luft, ufually before that the Confcience is feared and debauched and they being pafi feeling, work Ud cleannefs with Greedinefs, and forfaking God, are fo forfaken by him, that all other Sin, Senfuality,. and Enmity againft a holy Life, prevaileth againft tKem , and the unclean Devil lets in many more. B 4 6. And > 6. And when all thefe Sins have en- slaved fenfual Youths, they N muft have Money to maintain them $ and if they have it not of their own, and be not the Sons of Great Men, that will maintain them in the Service of the Flefh, they inuft fteal to get it, which ufually is either by thievifh borrowing when they cannot pay, or by robbing their Parents or Matters. If all the Matters in London knew what Thieves their Apprentices Vices are y for their own Sakesthey would take greater Care to watch over them, and keep them from ill Company, Drun- kenness and Plays, and would teach them to ieek Pleafure in good Books, good Company, and ferving God. Wildom might have prevented this ^ but if the Thorn be got into the Confcience, it mult come out, and if the Poifon be Swallow- ed, it muft come up, what Gripes foever the Vomit coft. There is no playing with Hell fire, nor jetting with the Juftice of rhe raoft Holy God. One penitent Re- view of flefhly Lull, and finfui Pleafure, andFal(hood,and Deceit, (though whole- fome if true and timely,) will turn it all into Gall and Wormwood ^ for the end of finfui Mirth is Sorxow. 7. And 7. And too many there be that efcape the grofs and disgraceful Part of the forefaid Senfuality and Unrighteoufnefs* that yet do but chufe another Idol, and let themfelves wholly to rife in the World, and Riches, Preferment, and Ho- nour, have almoft all their Hearts and Care : That have no Delight in God and Holinefs* nor doth the State of their Souls, or the Thought of their Everlafl> ing State, afFe& them in any Meafure, according to its unfpeakabie Weight, nor fo much as thefe Shadows which they purfue. And when great Travellers, that have feen much of the World, and Old Men, and Dying Men, that have had all that it can do, are forced by Experience to call all Vanity and Vexation •, unexperi- enced Youth, that are taken up with the Hopes of long Profperity, and Provifion for all that the Flefh defireth, have other Thoughts of ir, and will not know that it is deceitful Vanity, till it hath deceiv- ed them of their chiefeft Hope and Trea- fure. And when they have overtaken the Shadow which they purfue fo gredily, they find it what others have done before them, the fweeter the tn>re dmgcrous, and the parting will be the more bi ten Whereas had they fought fkft God's Kmg- B 5 dom [34 1 tfom and its Righteoufnefs, and Six Days laboured in Obedience to God, and re- ferred all Corporal Bleffings to Spiritual Ufes, and Everlafting Ends, taking them as from God, to ferve him by them, they might have had enough as an Overplus to their fatisfying Treafure. CHAP. V. How fad a Cafe it U that I have defcribed. THave told you the very lamentable Jl Cafe of too many Young Men, efpe- cially Rich Mens Sons ; I told you before of what Concern the State of Youth is to themfelves and others. From thence ( and alas from fad Experience ) it's eafie to gather the dolefiilnefs of the Cafe of thois that are drowned in flelhly Luff, and have finned themfelves into the Guilt and Danger which I have defcribed. But I will name fome Parts of the Mifery snore particularly again* [35 ] §. i. Review the Second Chapter, and think what a doleful Cafe this is to your felves. i. Do you not know that you are not Beafts, but Men? That have Reafon giv- en them to Know, and Love, and Serve their Maker ? And how fad is it to fee a Man forget all this, and wilfully brutifie himfelf. Were the Poet's Fiftions true of Men turned info Trees, and Birds, and Beafts, how fmall were the Mifery in Companion of yours ? But for a reasona- ble Creature to fubjeft himfelf to flefhly Appetite, and wilfully degrade his Sout to the Rank of Brutes, is worfe than if he had been made with the Body, and the unreafcnablenefs of Brutes. Are you capable of no better Things than thefe ? §• 2. And what an odious Thing is if, when God hath chofen you out of the World to be Members of his Vifible Church, and given ycu the great Privi- ledge of earlv Entrance into his Holy Covenant, and wafh'd you in the Lavec of Vifible Regeneration, and you are vow- ed to Chrift, renouncing the Lufts of the Fiefn, the World, and the Devil, that you might follow a Crucified Chrift in the Way of Holinefs to EveilalfiDgLife, that that you (hould fo foon prove falfe, pet : fidious Traitors and Rebels againft him that is your only Hope, and by Wicked- nefs and Covenant-breaking make your Sin greater than that of Infidels, Turks and Heathens, that never were- taken in- to the Church and Covenant of Chrift,. nor ever broke the Vows which you have. broken, nor fo caft away the Mercies which you had received, §. 3. And what a doleful Cafe is it, that fo much of your Minds, and Love, and Delight, which were all made for God, (hould be fo mif-employed, even in your Strength, when they (hould be moll Vigorous, and all worfe than caft away on Filth and Folly? If your Souls be more worth than your Money, it is more Folly and Lofs to mif-employ and abufe your Souls, your Reafon, Love, and your Delight, than to abufe or calt away your Money. And what a Traitor or Mur- derer deferveth, that would give his Mo- ney to hire one to kill the King, or his Neighbour, I fuppofe you know \ and what defeiveth he that will uie not only his Money*, but h'mfelf, his Soul, his Thoughts, his Love, hisDefire and Plea- fure, againft the moft Glorious God that saade him? That you cannot hurt him is no [37 3 no Thanks to you * while you break his Laws, and deny him your Love and Duty, and love more that one Thing which only he hateth, and will never be reconciled to. §. 4. And how doleful a Cafe is it D that all the Care, and Love, and Labour, of your Parents, Matters, and Teach- ers, fhould be loft upon you ? God hath made all this their great Duty for your Good; and will you defpife God and them, and wilfully for nothing rejeft it all? Shall all the Pain of a Child-bearing Mother, and all her Trouble and Labour to breed you up, and all your Parents Care to provide for you, be but to breed up a Slave for the Flefh, the World, and the Devil, and a Firebrand for Hell ? Shall godly Parents Prayers for you, and Teaching and Counfel of you, and all their Defire and Care for your Salva- tion, be defpifed by you, and all foN gotten and call away for a fwinifh Luft? §. 5. And how doleful a Cafe is ir, that io much of fo (horc a Life Ihould be loft, and a Thoufaiid times worfe than loft, even turned into Sin, to prepare for Milcry, when alas the longeft Life is little enough for our important Work, and and quickly gone, and the Reckoning and Judge are hard at Hand? All the Wealth, Wit or Power, in the World cannot bring or buy you back one Hour of all that precious Time which you now fo bafely caft away. O how glad would you be of a little of it e'er long on the Terms that now you have it, when you lye Dying, and perceive that your Souls are unready to appear before a Righteous God ! Then O for One Year more of precious Time! O that you knew how to call again the Time which you call away on Sin ! You will then perceive with a terrified Confcience that Time was not fo little worth as you once thought it, nor given you lor fo bale a Work -, yea, if God in Mercy bring you hereafter to true Converfion, O how it will wound your Hearts to think how much of your Youth was fo madly caft away, while your God, your Souls, and Everlafting Hopes, were all negle&ed and defpiied ! §. 6. And alas, if you Ihould be cut off in that unholy, miferable Eftate, no Heart on Earth can fufficiently bewail your Cafe! How many Thoufand die Young, that*promifed themfelves longer Pleafure in Sin, and Repentance after it? [39] fbolifh Sinners ! Cannot you fo long borrow the life of .your Reafon as to think ferioufly whither you muft go next ? Do you never think when the Small-Pox, or a Feaver, hath taken away one of your Companions,, whither it is that his Soul is gone? Have you your Wit for nothing but to tafte the Sweetnefs of Drink or Luft, which is as pleafant to a Dog or Swine as to you ? O little do you know what it is to die 1 What ic is for a Soul to leave the Body, and enter into an endlefs World ! To come to Iudg- mefit for all his Sins, and all his ili-fpent Days and Hours, and for chufing the Pleafures of a Sraine before Heaven, and the Pleafures of a Saint, Little know you what it is for Devils prefently to take away to Hell a wretched Soul, which they have long deceived, I tell you, the Thought of appearing before God, and Chrift y and Angels, in another World, and entring on an endlefs State, is fo dreadful, even to many that have fpent their Lives in Holy Preparation, and are indeed in a fafe Condition, that they have much ado to overcome the Terror of Death. O then in what a Cafe is a wicked, unpardoned, unprepa- red [40 3 red Wretch, when his guilty Soul muft be torn from his Body, and dragged in Terror to hear its Doom, and fo to the dreadful Execution? Sinners! Is this a light Matter to you? Doth it not concern you? Are you not here Mortal? Do you not know what Flefh is, and what a Grave is? And are not your abufed Souls Immortal ? Are you fo mad as to forget this? Or fo bad as not to believe it? Will your not believing it make void the Ju- ftice and the Law of God, and fave you from that Hell, which only believing could have faved you from ? Will not the Fire burn you, or the Sea drown you, if you can but run into it Drunk or Wink- ing? Is Feeling, rernedilefs Feeling, eafi- er than Relieving God in Time ? Alas ! What ihculd ycut Believing Friends do to fave you ? They fee by Faith whither you are porting • They forefee your Ter- ror and un'ione Cafe, and fain, if pofli- ble, they would prevent it$ but they cannot do it w thout you. If you will not confent and help your felves it is not the holieft nor wifef* Friends in the World that can fa to you. They would pull you out of the Fire in Fc^r, and out of the Mouth of the roaring Lion, but you will not be delivered! They call and cry C 4i ] cry to you, Ofear God, and turn to him* tobi/e there is Hope, and you will no 1 let Confcience and Reafon be awaken- ed ; but thofe that go afleep to Hetf will be paft fleeping there for ever* O run not madly into the Everlafting Fire! §. 7. And indeed your fteepy Security and Prefumption doth make your Cafe more dangerous in itfelf, and more piti- ful to all that know it. O what a Sight is it to fee a Man go merry and laughing towards Damnation, and make a Jeft of his own undoing ? To fee him at the Brink of Hell, and will not believe it? Like a Mad Man boaftingof his Wit, or a Drunken Man of his Sobriety. But becaufe I touch'd much of this in the Second Chapter, I will pafs by the reft of your own Concerns, and a little further eonfider how fad the Cafe of fuch wretched Youths is alfo unto others. §. 8. And if Parents be Wife and God- ly, and underftand fuch Childrens Cafe, whata Grief muft it needs be to their Hearts to think that they have Begot and Bred np a Child for Sin and Hell, and cannot make him willing to prevent it> To fee their Counfei fet at nought, their [4* 1 their Teaching loft, their Tears defp5- fed, and an obftinate Lad feem wifer to himfelf than all his Teachers, even when he is fwallovving the Devil's Bait, and cruelly murdering his own Soul §. p. But if they be wicked Parents, and as bad themfelves, the Mifery is far greater, though they yet feel it not: For, i. As the Thief on the Crofs fa id to his Companion, Luke 23.-40, 41. Thou art in the fame Condemnation^ and we fujfer j u ftty"> for we receive the due Reward of our Deeds. Wicked Parents, and wick- ed Children, are in the fame Gall of Bit- ternefs, and Bond of Iniquity ! They fin- ned together, and they mult fuffer for ever together, if true Faith and Conver- fion do not prevent it. 2. And it is their Wickednefs which was much of theCaufe of their Childrens Sin and Mifery; And their own deep Guilt will be more to them than their Childrens Suffering : God and Confcience will fay to them e'er long, C cruel Fa- rents ! That bad no Mercy on your Chil- dren, or your f elves ! What did Nature teach you to love more than your felves and your Children? And would you wil- fully and obftinately be the Ruin of both? *&>u would not have done as the Madldola* ten. [43] tor j, that offered their Children in Fire to Moloch ; and will you offer them by Sin to Satan, and to lie 11? Had a Serpent flung them, or a bear devoured them, they had done but according to their Nature : But was it natural in you to further their Damnation? This was Work too bloody for a Cannibal, too cruel for an Enemy •, fitter for a Devil than a Father or Mo- ther. As your Child had from you his vicious Nature, it wo* your Part to have endeavoured his Santtijication and Recovery : Tou fhould have taught him be- time to know the Corruption of his Na- ture, and to feek and beg the Grace of Chrifi •, to know his God, bis Duty, the Evil of Sin, the Danger of Temptations^ and his EverlaJIing Hopes and Fears: Tou fhould have taught him to know what Man hath done againfi himfelf, by dif obey- ing and departing from his God, and what Jefvs Chrifl hath done for his Redemption, and what he him/elf mu ft do to befaved: Tou fhould have taught him early how to live^ and how to die, and what to feek, and what to fhun : Tou fhould have given him the Ex- ample of a Holy and Heavenly Mind and Life: Tou fhould have watch d 'over him for his Safety, andunweariedly injlrutted him for his Salvxtion : hut you led him the Way C44 3 Way to iefpife God's Word, and fet ligfit by Chrifi^ and liolinefs, and Heaven, to hate Inftruftion and Reproofs to Jpeni the Lord's Day in Idlenefs or Worldly Vanity, and to feek fir ft the Worlds and the Prosperity of the Body, and glut thi Flefh viithfinful P/eafure. He that is once a Slave to Satan and his flefhly Luft, is ready for Preferment, or a Reward, to be a Slave to the Luft of any other. He that is falie to his God and Saviour, after his Baptifmai Vows, is unlike to be true to his Country, or his King, if he have but the Bait of a ftrong Temptation: And he that will fell his Soul, his God, and Heaven, for a Whore, or for to pleafe his Appetite, it's like will not flick to betray Church or State, or his deareft Friend, for Provifion to fatisfe thefe Lufts. Can you expe£t that he (hould love any Man better than himfeif? Will he fufFer much for God or his Coun- try who will Sell Heaven for nothing > An Evil Tree bringeth forth Evil Fruit. If he hath the Heart of an Achan, a Ge- hazi, an Achitophel, no wonder if he hath their A&ions and their Reward. If be be a Thief, and bear the B3g, no wonder if Judas Sell his Matter. CHAP, [45 1 CHAP. VL The Joffnl Stat* and Blejfwg of good Children to t hem f elves and others. §. j.TJ>RQM what is faid. Chap. 2, and JO 5 ? it's ealie to gather how joy* ful a Cafe to themfelves, and what a Bleffing to Parents and others, it is, when Children berime are fbber, wife, and god- ly, and obedient. The difference dotb molt appear at Age, and when they come to bring forth to themfelves and others the Fruits of their Difpofitions : And the End and Life to come will (hew the greateft difference: But yet even here, and that betime, the difference is very great. §. 2. 1. As to themfelves : How blefc fed a State is it to be quickly delivered from the Danger of Damnation, and God's Difpleafure, that they need not lye down and rile in Fear,left they be in Hell when* ever Death removeth em from the Body ? Can one too foon be ont of fo dreadful a State ? Can one that is in a Houfe on Fire, or falFn into the S^make too much hafte to be delivered > If a Man deep in Debt be reftlefs till it be paid, and glad when when it is difcharged ^ if a Man in Dan- ger of Sicknefs, or a condemning Sen- tence of the Judge, be glad when the Fear of Death is over ; how glad fhould you be to be fafe from the great Danger of Damnation ? And till you are fan- ftified by Grace you are far from Safety^ §. 3. And if a Man's Sicknefs, Pain or DiftraQion, be a Calamity, the Cure of which brings Eafe and Joy, how much more Fafe and Joy may it bring to be cured from all the grievous Maladies of reigning Sin? SanQification will cure your Minds of Spiritual Blind nefs and Madnels •, that is, of damnable Ignorance, Unbelief and Error: It will cure your Affe&ions of idolatrous, diftra&ing, car- nal Love } of the Itch of Flefhly De- fires or Lufts ^ of the Feaver of revenge- ful Paffions, and malignant Hatred to Goodnefs and good Men ; and of fdf- vexing Envy and Malice againft others j of the greedy Worm of Covetoufnefs, and the drunken Defire of ambitious and imperious Minds : It will cure your Wills of their flefhly Servitude and Biafs, and of that mortal Backwardnefs to God and Holy Things, and th?t Iluggifh Dul- nefs and Lotbnefs to chute and do what you are convinced muft be done : It will make C 47 1 make good Things eafie and pleafant to you j io that you will no more think you have need to beg Mirth from the Devil, or fteal it from Sin, as if God, Grace and ulory, had none for you : But it will be fo eafie to you to love and find Plea- fure in the Bible and good Books, in good Company and good Difcourfe, in Spiritual Meditations and Thoughts, in Holy Sermons, Prayers and Church Com- munion and Sacraments, even in Chrift, in God, and the Fore-thoughts of Hea- ven, tha* you will be lorry and alham'd to think that ever you forfook fuch Joys for Flefhly Pleafure, and defiled your Souls with filthy and forbidden Things. §. 4. And certainly you cannot too foon attain the Delights of Faith, and Hope, and Love of Holy. Knowledge and Com- munion' with God and Saints: You can- Inot too foon have the great Blefling of Righteoufnefs, Peace, and Joy in the HolyGhoft, and live Night and Day in I Peace of Confcience, in Aflurance that Jail your Sins are pardon'd, and that you fare the adopted S^ns of God, and Heirs of Heaven, fealed by his Spirit, accepted in your Prayers, welcome to God thro' Quilt, and when you die Ifcall be with him; 1 48 1 him: Can you make too great haft from the Folly and Filth of Sin, and th< Danger of Hell, intofo fafe and goodi State as this ? §. 5. And it will be a great Comfori to you thus to find at Age and life oi Reafon that your Baptifmal Bleffings ceafed not with your Infancy by youi own Reje&ion ^ but that you are now, by your own Content, in the Bond oi God's Covenant, and have a Right to all the Bleffings of it, which the Sacrament of Chrift's Body and Blood will confirm, as you had your Entrance by your Parents Confent and accepted Dedication .-For the Covenant of Grace is our certain Charter for Grace and Glory. §. 6. And is it not a Joy to you to be your Parents Joy ? To find them Iovo you not only as their Children, but as God's ? ^. 7. And O what a Mercy will you find it when you come to Age and Bufi- nefs in the World ! 1. That you come with a clear Confcience * not clogg'd, terrified and (hamed with the Sins of your Youth. 2. And that ycu come nor utterly unfurnifhed with the Knowledge, Righteoufnefs and Vertue, which you muft make ufe of in every Condition all your Lives. §• 8. [49] §. 8. II. And you that are Young Men can fcarce conceive what a Joy a wife and godly Child is to his wife and godly Pa- rents! Rejd but Prov. 10. i. and 13. t.and 17- 2, 2;, and 19. 13, 26. and 27. 11. and 27. 15, 19, 24-.&V. The Prayers and In- ftru&ions of your Parents are comfortable to them when they fee the happy Fruit and Anfwer. § 9. III. And O what a Mercy is it to Church and State to have our Pofterity prove better than we have been, and do Ljod more Service than we have done, nc take Warning by our Faults to avoid the like? It is thefe that are God's Children, as well as ours, that are the Bleffing fo often nentioned in the Scripture, who will, as he Rechabites^ obey their Father's whole- fome Counfels, rather than their Lufts ind carnal Companions, and God before ill : Who walk not in the Counfel of the Un- \od!y nor ft and in the Way of Sinners, 7 or Jit in the Seat of the Scornful : But their Delight is in the Law of the Lord, ind in that haw they * meditate Day and t, P£il. 1. Lo, Jucb Children are in Heritage of the Lord^fucb Fruit of the Womb is his Rezoard. They are as Ar- rows in the hand of a mighty Man : Happy C H [ So] is the Man that hath his Quiver full of them. They fball not be afiamett, but they fhall fpeak with the Enemies in the Gate, Pfal. 127.3,4,5. Were it not' for wife and godly Children to fucceed! us, Religion and Peace, and ail Publick Good, would be but asw^ frail Mortals are, like the Grafs or Flowers of a few Days or Years continuance ; and the Dif- ference between a Church and no Church, between a Kingdom of Chriftians and of Infidels, would be but like the Diffe- rence between our Waking and our Sleep- ing Time ^ fo fhort as would make it thelefs confiderable. CHAP. VII. Undeniable Reafons for Repentance and fpeedy Amendment ofthofe that have lived a flefhly and. ungodly Life : By way of Exhortation. §. 1. A ND now the Commands of God, Xjl the Love of my Country and the Church, the Love of Piety, true Pro- fperity [5>3 fperity and Peace, and the Love of Man- kind, even of your own Souls and Bo- dies, do all command me to become once more an earneft Suiter to the Youth of this Land, efpecially of London^ who have hitherto mifcarried , and lived a flefhly finful Life. Thoufands fuch as you are dead in Sin, and p3ft our Warn- ing, and palt all Hope and Help for even Thoufands that laugh'd at Judgment and Damnation, are now feeling that which they would not believe. By the great Mercy of God it is not yet the Cafe of you who read thefe Words \ but how icon it may be, if you are yet unfan&ified, you little know: Oh that you knew what a Mercy it is to be yet alive, and after fo many Sins and Dangers, to have one to warn you> and offer you Salva- tion, and to be yet in Pofiibilhjr, and in a State of Hope ! In the Name of (Thrift I moft earneftly entreat you a little While try to ufe your Reafon, and ufe ic ferioufly, in retifd, fober Confederation, till you have firft well perus'd the whole Courfe of your Lives, and remembred what you hive done,and how^ till you have thought what you have got or loft by finning-, and why you did it ^ and whe- ther it was juftifiable Reafon which led C 2 von [ $2 ] you to it , and fuch as you will ftand tol in your fober Thoughts-, yea, fuch as] you will ftand to before God at laft. Confider ferioufly what comes next, and whither you are going, and whether your Life have fitted you for your Jour- ney's End, and how your Ways will be review'd e'er long, and how they will appear to you, and tafte at Death, Judg- ment, and in the World to come: Hold on, and think foberly a little while what is in your Hearts, and what is their Con- dition •, what you moft love, and what you hate-, and whether God or finful Pleafure be dearer and more delightful to you ^ and how you ftand affe&ed and re- fated to the World that you are very near: ! Sure Reafon would be Reafon if you would but ufe it $ fure Light would come in if you would not (hut the Windows, and draw the Curtains on you, and ra- f ther chufe to fleep in Darknefs. Is there nothing w r ithin you that grudgeth at your Folly, and threateneth you for being wil- fully bdides your felves ? If you would but fpend one half Hour in a Day or a Week in fober thinking whither you are going, and what you have done, and what you are> and what you muft fhort- ly fee and be, how could you chufe but [ 53 1 but be deeply offended with your felves for living like Men quire void of Under- ftanding, againft your God, againft ycur S againft all the Ends and Obligat- ions of Life, and this for nothing ? But it may be the Diftin&nefs of your Confideration. may make it the more ef- fe&ual: And if I put my Motives by way of Queftions will you confider them till you have well anfwer'd them all? § 2. Sfyteft. i. Are you not fully con- vinc : d that there is a God of infinite Pow- er, Knowledge and Goodnefs, who is the perfe£l Governour of all the World ? God forbid that any of you fhould be fo bad, fo mad, as ferioufly to doubt of this, which the Devils believe, while they would draw you to unbelief. To doubt of a perfe£l governing God, is to wink and doubt whether there be a Sun: to flop your Eirs againft the notorious Tefti- mony of Heaven and Earth, and every Creature: You may next doubt whether there be any Thing, if you doubt of God ^ for Atoms and Shadows are hardlier per- ceiv'd with certainty, th3n the Earth, the Heavens, and Sun. §>uefi. 2. And if ycu believe that there is a governing God, do you not believe that he hath governing Laws or Notifica- C 3 tions L 54 J tions of his Will ^ and that v?e owe this God more full, more abfolute, exaft Obe- dience, than can be due to any Prince on Earthy and greater Love than to our dear- eft Friend, he being infinitely Good, and Love itfelf ? Can you owe more to your Flefh, or to any, than to your God that made you Men, by whom you have Life, and Health, and Time, and all the Good that ever you received ? And can you give him too much Love and Obedience > Or can you think that you need to fear being Lofers by him ? And that your faithful Duty fhould be in vain ? Queft. 3. Is it God thatneedeth you, or you that need him? Can you give him any Thing that be wants ? Or do you want what he hath to give ? Can you live an Hour without him ? Or be kept without him from Pain, Mifery or Death > Is it not for your own Need, and your own Good, that he requireth your Service ? Do you know what his Service is ? Ic is thankfully to receive his greateft Gifts-, to take his Medicines to fave your Souls * to feaft on his prepared Comforts. He calls you to far better and needfuller Obedience for your felves, than when you command your Child to take his Meat, qt wear his Cloaths; or when he is Sick to c 55 r to take a neceflary Remedy. And is fudjf Obedience to be refufed? $>uefl. 4. Hath n;.t Nature taught you to love your felves? Surely you cannot be willing to be Damned ? Nor be indifferent whether you go to Heaven or Hell ? And can you believe that God would let you on that which would do you hurt, and that the D^vil is your Friend, and would fave you from him? Can you believe that to pleafe your Throat and Luft till Death fnatch away your Souls to Judgment, is more for your own Good than to live here in Holinefs, and the Love of God, and hereafter to live for ever in Glory ? Do you think you have lived as if you truly loved your felves, or as Self-deftroyers? All the Devils in Hell, or Enemies on Earth, could never have done fo much againft you, as by your Senfuality, Ungodiinefs and Sloth, you have done againft your felves. Oh poor Sinner, as ever thou wouidft have Mercy from God in thy Extremity, be entreated to fhew fome Mercy on thy felf ! Queft. 5. Hath not Nature deeply taught all the World to make a great Dif- ference between Vertue and Vice, between Moral Good and Evil ? If the Good and Bad do not greatly difter, what makes all C 4 Man- [-1*3 Mankind, even the Sons of Pride^ to be fo impatient of being called or accounted Bad , and love to be accounted Wife and Good i How tenderly do moft Men bear Reproof, or to hear that they do A mils? To be called a wicked Man, a Liar, a perjured Man, a Knave, how ill is it ta- ken by ail Mankind ? This certainly prov- eth that the Confcience of the great Dif- ference between the Good and Bad is a common natural Notice. And will not God make a greater Difference, who bet- ter knoweth it than Man ? Queft. 6. If God had only commanded you Duty, even a holy, righteous and fo- ber Life, and forbidden you the contrary, and had only bid you feekEverlaliing Hap- pinefs, and made you no Promife of it, Ihould you not in Reafon feek it cheerful- ly in Hope ? Our Folly leadeth us to do much in vain •, but God fttreth no Man on any vain Employment : If he do but bid you relift Temptation, mortifie Luft, learn his Word, pray to him, and praife him, you may be fure it is not to your Lofs -, a Reward you may be fure of if you knew not what it will be : Yea, if he fet you up- on the hardeft Work, or to pals the greateft Danger, or ferve him atthedeareftRare, or lofe your Eftate for him, and Life itfeif, what C57] what Reafon can fear being Lofers by obeying God ? Yea, the deareft Service hath thegreateft Reward : But when he hath moreover afcertained your Reward by a Promife, a Covenant, fworn and fealed by his Miracles, by Chrift's Blood, by his Sacraments, by his Spirit : if yet you will be ungodly becaufe you cannot truft him you havenoExcufe. ^ueft. 7. Do you know the Difference between a Man and a Brute ? Brutes have no Capacity to think of a God, and a Sa- viour, and a Life to come, and to know God's Law, and ftudy Obedience, and fear Hell and Sin, nor Reafon to rule their Appetites and Lufts, nor any Hope or Joy in forefeen Glory • but Man is made capable of all this : And C2n you think God maketh fuch Noble Faculties in vain ? Or fhould we live like Brutes that have none fuch ? §>uejl. 8. Do you not certainly know that you muft die ? All the World cannot hinder it-, you muft die: And is it not near^ as well as Jure? How fwift is Time? Oh! How quickly (hall we all be at our Race and Warfare's End ? And where then is the Pleafure of Pride, and Appetite, and Luft ? Neither the difmal Carcafs, nor the Duft or Bones, retaiu or C 5 tafte ratten: nna aias, tne unconverted oaiu muft pay for it for ever. And can you think that fo fhort a brutifh Pleafure, that hath fo fure and fad an End, is worthy the Grieving of your Friends, the Offend- ing God, the Hazard of. your Souls, the Lofs of Heaven, and the Suffering of God's Juftice in Hell forever? O foolilh Sinners! I befeech you think in Time how bad a Bargain you are making. O what an Exchange ! For a filthy Luft cr flefhly Pleafure to Sell a God, a Savi- our, a Comforter, a Soul, a Heaven, and all your Hopes > Que/}, p. If the Devil or Deceivers fhould make you doubt whether there be any Judgment and Life to come, (hould not the meer Voffibility and Probability of fuch a Day and Life be far more regarded by you than all flefhly Pleafure, which is certainly fhort and bafe. Did you ever hear aMan fo mad as to fay, I am Jure there k no Heaven or hell for Souls ? But you are fure that your Flelh muft rot in a dark Grave * you are fure that Death will quickly put an End to all that this World can afford you * Houfe and Land, and all that now deceive poor Worldlings, will be nothing to you * no more than if you had never fcen them, fave the terrible Reckon- ing C 59 3 ing that the Soul muft make. Sport, and Mirth, and Meat, and Drink, and filthy Lufts, are ready all to leave you to the final Sentence of your Judge-, and is not even an uncertain Hope of Heaven more worth than certain tranfitory Vanity ? Is not an uncertain Hell to be more feared and avoided than the forfaking of thefe certain Trifles and Deceits I ^vluch more when God hath fo certainly reveal- ed to us the Life to come. Que ft, 10. Is it a wife and reafonable Expectation, that the Righteous God ihould give that Man Everlafting Glory, who will not leave his Whores, his Drun- kennefs, or the bafeft Vanity, for all his Love, and for aU his Mercies, for the Sake of Chrift, nor for the Hopes of all this Glory? Heaven is the greateft Re- ward of Holinefs, and of the diligent and patient Seekers of it-, Heaven is the greateft Gift of the great Love of God ; and can you believe that he will give it to the Slaves of the Devil, and to con- temning wilful Rebels? May not you next think that the Devils may be faved ? If you fay that God is Merciful, it's moft true-, and this will be the unconverted Mans Damnation, that he would for a bale Lull offend fo Merciful a God, and Sell Ever- 1 60] Everlafting Mercy for nothing, and abufe . io much Mercy all his Life : Abufed and Refufed Mercy will be the Fewel to feed the Flames of Hell, and torment the Confcience of the Impenitent for ever. Doth not God know his own Mercy bet- ter than you do ? Can he not be Merciful, and yet be Holy and Juft ? Is the King Unmerciful if he make ufe of Goals and Gallowi for Malefa£tor>? It's Mercy to the Land to deftroy fuch as would deiiroy others. The Bofom of Eternal Love is not a Place for any but the Holy : The heavenly Paradife is not like Mhhomet\ a Place of Lull and Senfual Delights. You blafpheme the tnoft Jutt and Holy God if you make him feem indiffe- rent to the Holy and tl& Unholy, to his Faithful Servants, and to theDwfpifers^f his Grace. Stpeft. 1 1. If there were any YeJJibilhy that unfan&ified Souls fhould be fantti- fied and faved in another World, is it not a Madnefs to caft Everlafting Life upon fo great Uncertainty or Improbability, when we have Life, and Time, and Helps, to make our Salvation fure? God hath cal- led you to give all Diligence to make it fare, 2 Pet. 1. 10. He hath made Infalli- ble Promifes of it to farcified Believers : He I6i ] rle calleth you to examine and judge your felves, 2 Cor. 13. 5. And do you 'know the Difference between Certainty and Un- certainly in fb great a Cale? Oh, none can now fufficienrly conceive what a Df- ierence there is between a Soul that is jgoing out of the Body with joyful Affu«~ ranee that Chrifl: will prefently receive [him, and a Soul that in the Guilt of Sin Imuft fay, I am going to an endlefs Life, [and know not but it may be an endleis Mifery ! 1 am here now, and know not but I may be preferitlj with Devils that here deceived me. Juft Fear of palling prelentiy to Hell fire is a dreadful Caf^ to be avoided ab>ve all earthly Sufl ings, Luke 12. 4. and 14. 33. much more when God's Threatnings to the Im- penitent are moft fare. Stuefl. 1 2. Do you think in your H. ; that you have more Pleafur% and found Content, and Peace in your Sports or Riches, than true Believers have in God, in Chrift, in a Holy Life, and the Hopes of Everlafting Glory ? Judge but by the Ciufe. Is not the Love of that God that is the Lord of Life, and Death, and All, and the Pleafure of Pleafing him, and the Senfe of Pardon and Mercy through Chrift ; and the firm Expectation of end- lefs [62 ] lefs Joy. by a Promife of God, fealed by his Son, his Sacraments, and his Spirit $ I fay, is not all this Matter more worthy td rejoice a Soul than Money, and Meat, and Drink, and Luft ? Have not you thofe fecret Gripes of Confcience when you think that for all thefe Things you muft come to Judgment, which much abateth the Pleafure of your Sin ? Had you fpent that Time in feeking firfi: the Kingdom of God, and its Righteoufnefe, and inhoneft 3 obedient labouring in your Callings, you "need not have look'd back on it with the Gripes of an accufing Con- fcience. If you lee a true Believer for- rowful, it is not for ferving and obeying God, or being holy, and hating Sin; but for ferving God no better, and hating Sin po more. §>ueji. 13. Have you not oft fecret Wilhes in your Hearts, that you were in the Cafe of thofe Perfons that you judge to be of the moft holy and heaven- ly Hearts and Conventions? Do you not think they are in a far fafer and bet- ter Cafe than you? Unlefs you are for- faken to blind nefs of Mind it is certainly fo. And doth not this ihew that you chufe and follow that which is worfe, when your Confciences tell you it is woifc, [6 5 1 vorfe, and refufe that which your Con : I ciences tell you is beft ? But it is not luch luggifh Wtfhes that will ferve^ to lye bll, and live idle, and wifh your fdves is Rich as the Induftribus, is not the Way to make you fo. Sgueft. 14. At leaft, if you have no fuch VVifhes now, do you not think that you (hall not wifh it at Death or Judg- ment? Do not your Confciences now tell you that you (hall fhortly wifh, O that I had hated finfui Pleafure ! O that I had fpent my fhort Life in obey- ing and trufting God! Will you not fay with Balaam^ Let me die the Death of the Righteous, and let my /aft End be like hk ? O that I were in the Cafe of thofe that mortified the Flefh, and lived to God, and laid not up their Treafure on Earth, but in Heaven I And why chufe you not now that which you know you (hall deeply wi(h that you had chofen > gueft. 1 5. I take it for granted, that your merry, and fenfual, and worldling Tempters and Companions deride all this, and perfuade you to defpife it, as if it were but needlefs, melancholy, trouble- fome Talk : But tell me, do you think in Confcience that it is found Reaibn that they give you ? And fuch as Ihould fatisfie C Which Side doth the Scripture fpeak for? Which Way went all the Saints whofe Names are now honoured > Were they for the flefhly or the fpiritual Life? Were they for the. Love of Pleafures more than God ? Doth Chrift < E*5t. alas, how fir are ycu from it i And how forlorn is your Cafe i But if you have, Confcience is a Wit- nefs againlt you, that you chufj and live in that Cafe andCourfe which you know [66] know isworft-, were it not worft, yon need not puipofe to repent of it: And will you wilfully chufe known Evil, when the very Nature of Man's Will is to love. Good? gueft. 1 8. And if you believe that th« Fairhfui are in a happier (Safe than you, tell$ me What binder etb yet but you may be like] them, and y^t be happy as well as they q Is not Mercy and Salvation proclaimed and offered to you as freely as to them >} Did any Thing make you fo bad as you 1 are, but your own Choice and Doing? And can any Thing yet hinder you from Pardon and Salvation, if you your felves were but truly willing > What if your Parents were bad, and bred you up amifs? God hath told you in Ezek. i8. and 33. that if you will but do your own Part: yet, and take Warning, and avoid your Parents Sin, and give up your felves un- feignedly to him, he will fave you what- ever your Parents were. What if Princes, or Lords, or learned Men, fhould be your Tempters by Words or Example > None of them can force you to one Sin. God is greater and wifer than they, and more to be believed, and obeyed, and your Sal- vation is not in any of their Power. What if your Old Companions tempt you? [6 7 ] irou ? They can but tempt you, they can- not conftrain you to any Evil : All the Devils in Hell, or Men on Earth, cannot damn you, no, nor make vou Sinners, if you do it not your felves. Refufe not Chrift, and he will not refufe you •, and Vvhen he is willing, if you be but willing, truly willing to be faved from Sin and Mifery, and to have Chrift, Grace and Glory, in the life of the Means which God hath appointed von, nei he* E u h nor Hell can hinder your Salvation. Who but your felves keep ;■.. I Making the Company, Houfe or B, ! rs, which have deceived you ? Who but irour felves keep you from lamenting your Sin. and fly- ing to Chrift, and bq$ging Mercy, and giv- ing your felves toGod ? If you think that ferious Chriftians are the Happieft, refufe nottobefuch your felves^ it will be your own doing, your|own wilfulObftinacy, if youperifh. But of this I have already faid more in my Call to the Unconverted* §>ueft. i p. Dare you deliberately refolve or bargain to take your flefhly Fleafures for your Part, inftead of all your Hopes of Heaven? I hope none of you are yet fo mad. I think it is but few, if any, of the Witches that make fo exprefs a Bargain with the Devil h if they did, O [68] O how they would tremble when they fee their Glals almoft run our, and Death' at Hand! If you dare not make fuch a* Bargain in plain Words, O do nor- do the fame in the Choice of your Hearts,.! and the P/adtice of your Lives, andde-f. ceive your felves by 'hinking that you doj it not when you do ? It is God 5 and not you., that miketh the Conditions of Sal- vation and Damnation. If you chufe,* that Life which God hath told us is the \ Condition of Damnation, and finally re-| fufe that Life which God hath made the Condition of Salvation.it willinEffe£t be all one as to chufe Damnation, and refute Salvation. He thatchufeth deadly Poifon, or refufech his necefiary Food, chufeth Death, and refufeth Life in EfFe£l. God hath laid, If ye live after the F/eJh ye Jhall die X but if by the Spirit you mortir fie the Deeds of the Body youfball live. Rom. 8. Chrift tells you, that unlets you are Born again and Converted you cannot enter into his Kingdom, John 3. ?, 5. Matth* 18. 3. and that without Hoti- nefs none Jhall fee God\ r^fjfe thefe, and chufe the World, and {infill Plea- fures, and you refufe Salvation, and (hall have no better than you chufe. What you judge belt chufe refoivedly, and do rrot cheat your felves. §>uejl. Queft- 20. Have you no natural Love to your Parents^ or your Country ? O what inhuman Cruelty is it to break the .Hearts of thofe from whom you had (roer Being, and who wtre tender of you when ym could not help your fdves ? And if afrer all this you prove worfe than Brutes, and become the Grief of their Souls that thus bred, and loved, and nouiifhed you, do you think God will not at laft make this fir fadder to you than ever it was to them? If Cruelty to an Enemy, much more to a Stranger, to a. Neighbour, to a Friend, be lb hateful to the God of Love, that it goeth not junrevenged, O what will unnatural Cruelty to Parents bring upon you? Yea, even in this Life- ' as honouring Father and Mother hath a fpeciai Promife of Profperity and long Life, fo difhonouring and grieving Parents is ufually punifhed with' fome notable Calamity, as a Fore- runner of the great Revenge hereafter. And you cannot but percwive that fuch as live in Senfuality, and Luft, and Wick- ednefs, are the great Troubk 1 arch and State: G)d himfelf hath faid it, There 2s no "Peace to the Wicked^ lfa.4&. 5 2. and 57. 21. tor the Wicked are like the troubled Sea when it cannot reft, vohoje Waters [70] Waters caft up Mire and Dirt : There is no Peace, faith my God^ to the Wicked^ v. 22. Ifa. 59. 8. The Way of Peace they know not \ there is no Judgment in their Goings : They have made them crooked Paths ^ vohofoever gceth therein fl)all not know Peace. They give no Peace to others, and God will deny Peace to themfelves $ yea, the Nature of their own Sin denieth it them, as broken Bones, and griping Sicknefs, deny Eafe to the Body. And can you think you fhall be- come the Shame of the Church, and the Troublers of the Land, and that God will not trouble you for it ? If you will be E- nemies of God and your Country you will prove the foreft . Enemies to your felves. And who is the Gainer by all this ? No One in the World ; unlefs you will call it the Devil's Gain, to have his ma- licious, cruel Will fulfilled : And fure the pleating the Devil, and a flefhly Luft, Fancy or Appetite, can never compenfate all your Loffes, nor comfort you under the Sufferings which you wilfully bring upon your felves. The Reafon I thus deal with you by Way of Queftion is, that I may, if poffiMe, engage your own Thoughts in an- [71 ] anfwering them, for I find moft are apt- efi to learn of themf elves: And indeed without your fdves and your own furi- ous Thoughts, we cannot help you to true Underftanding. If you will but now take thefe Twenty Queftions in fe- cret into your ferious Thoughts, and con- sider of them till you can give them fuch an Anfwer as Reafon fhould allow, and as you will ftand to before God, when the Mouth of all Iniquity (hail be ftopp'd, I fhould not doubt but you will reap the Benefit. O what fhould a Man do that pi- tkth blind and wilful Sinners to make them willing of their own Recovery i Here all flops h and muft it (top at this ? Are you not willing ? And will you not fomuch as confider of the Reafons that fhould make you willing, when Heaven or Hell muft be the Confequence? O what a Thing is a blind Mind, and a dead and hardened Heart ! What a befooling Thing is fldhly Luft? O what need had Mankicd of a Saviour! And what need have all of a San&ifier, and of his his Holy Word, and of all the Holy Means of Grace! Poor [72 ] Poor Sinners! O let not your Teach- ers and your Parents Counfel and Tears be brought in as Witnefles againfl you to your Condemnation ! O add not this to all their Griefs, that their Coun fel and their Sorrows mud fink you deepei into Hell ! Alas, it were fednels enough to them to fee that it is all in vain ! Let not this Counfel of mine to you be re- jetted to the encreafe cf vour Guilt and Niilery. Mercy is yet offered you : Ths Day of Grace is nor yet paft: t God i« not unwilling to receive you : Chrift h not unwilling to be your Saviour, if you confent: No Difficulty in the World mat eth us afraid of your Damnation, butyoui own foolilh Choice and wicked Wills, Our Care is not to make God Merciful nor to make Chrift's Merits and Sacrifice Sufficient, nor to get God to promife yot Pardon, if you repent, and come to him by Chrift •, all this is done already: But that which is undone is to make you con fiderate, and truly wiling, and to I'm as thofe that indeed are willing to let gc the poifonous Pleafures of Sin, and tc rake God and Heaven for your Hope and Portion, and to be faved and ruled bj Chrift, and fanQifted by his Spirit, and tc receive his daily Help and Mercies to this End, I n ] End, in the ufe of his appointed Means, and without this you are undone for ever. And is there any hurt in all this ? If there were, is it worfe than the Filth ot Sin, and the Plagues that follow here and for ever! Worthy is he to bear at iaft De- part from me thou Worker of Iniquity, and to be thruft away from the Hopes of Heaven, that after all that can be faid and done, chufeth Sin as more defirable than this God, this Saviour, this San&i- fier, and this Glory, D CHAP- I 74 ] CHAR VIII. Gtneral DireSfiont to the Willing. T Hough the Blindnefs and Obftinacy of flelhly Sinners too oft fruftrate great Endeavours, yet we may well Hope that 1 the Prayers and Tears of Parents, and tha Calls of God, may prevail with many $ and I may Hope that fome that have read what is before written, will fay, We are willing to hear and learn that we may befaved : Tell us what it is that me mufi do ? And on that Hope I fhall give fuch mifcarrying Youth fome Genera/ Advice, and fome Counfel, about their s Particular Cafes, and all as briefly as I may. O that the Lord would make you that read this truly willing to practice thefe Ten DireQions following! How Happy yet may you be ! I. Set your Underjlandings ferioujly and diligently to the Work which they arc vtade for, and confider well what is your \mcre\i and your Duty, till you come to [75 1 a jixed Resolution ^ what is for your Good, and what is for your Hurt, and what that Oood or Hurt will be. ] Should it be a hard Thing to peifwade a Mad in his Wits to hove hmfelf, and to think what is Good or Hurtful to him- felf, eipecially for tveriafting? Why are you Men if you will live like Dogs? What do you with Uhderftandings if you will not ufe them i What will you ufe them for it not for your own Good, and to avoid Mifery ? What Good will you delire if not Everlafting Joy and Glory ? And what Hurt will you avoid if not Hell-fire? Have you Reafon, and can you live as if thefe were not worth the think- ing on ? Will you btftow your Thoughts all the Day and Year upon you know not what, nor why, and n >t one Hour fober- ly think of fuch Iqipfonant Things as thefe? O Sirs! Will you go out of the World before you well think whither you muft go? Will yog appear before the Judge ot Souls, to L We up your great Ac- count, before you th, k of it, and now k mult be dope ? Is he worthy of the Help cf Grace that will nor ufe his natural Reajon ? I beg h of ycu as ever you Care what becomes ot you tor ever, that yoa D 2 will ' L 7* J will fome time alone fet your felves for one Hour ferioufly to think, [ who made you, and why ^ what you owe him* how much you depend on him$ what you have done againft him$ how you have fpent your Time h what Cafe yoar Souls are in •, what Chrift hath done for you ; and what he is or would be to you •, whether you are fan&ified and forgiven * what God's Spirit muft do for you - ? and what you muft be and do if ypu will be faved \ and rf it be otherwife, whither it is that you muft go. II. Therefore I nextadvife you, and in- treat you, that you live not as at a great DIftanfe from Eternity, nor fooliihly flat- ter your felves with the deceitful Prcmi- fes of long Life : And were it fure to be an Hundred Years, remember bow quick- ly and certainly they will end. O! Time is nothing, therefore think of nothing in this World as feparated from the World to come. Whatever you are doing, ot laying, or thinking, the Boat is halting to the Gulf: You are pofting to Death and Judgment: Which Way ever you go, by Wealth or Poverty, Health or Sick- nefs, Bufie or Idle, Single or Married, you are going ftill to the Grave and to Eter- [77] Eternity, Judge then ot every Thing a* it tendeth to that End : And think of no- thing as not related as a Means to the Near and Everlafting End: O chufe and do that which Reafon and Confcience tel» leth you that you v ill at laft earneftly wifh that you had chofen and done ; when you are tempted to be prayerlefs, and a- verfe to Good, or to run to Luft, or finful Pleafure, ask your felves ferioufly, hpw will this look in the final Review? What (hall I think of this at Laft ? Will it be my Comtort^ or my Torment i O judge as you will judge at laft. IIL My Third Counfel is, -If yovt, Confciences tell you that you have fod- ifhly finned againft God and your Salva- tion, make not light of it, but prefent- ly and openly go to your Parents or Matters, and penitently confefs your firv ful Life in general, and your known or open Sins particularly : But fuch Secret Sins which wronged not them, and will blaft your Reputation, you are act bound to confefi openly, unlefs the Ea/e or fifr ture DireSion of your doubtful and trour bled Confciences require it : But when your vicious,flefhly>Life is known, excufe' it nor, hide not tbe Hvii by Lies or fcxtfr D 3 nuation ^ [78] nuation ; when you have wronged your Parents or Matters by Difobedience, and by robbing them of Part of your Time and Service, if not alfo of their Money or Goods, go to them with Sorrow and Shame, and confefs how foolifhly you have ferved the Flefh, to the Injury of them, to the Offending of God, and to the unfpeakable Hurt of your own Souls : Lament your Sin, and ask them Forgive- nefs, and intreat their Prayers, and their careful Government of you for the Time to come, and fincerely promife them Re- formation and Obedience. Yea, if you have had familiar Compa- nions in your Sin, go to them, and tell them, [ God and Reafon have convinced me of my finful folly , that for brutijh, flefhly^ Pleafure y have wilfully broken the haws of my Creator and Redeemer, and for nothing undone and loft my Soul, if Chrift do not recover me by found Repen- tance. bow madly have we defpifed our Salvation! How eafily might we have known, had we but fearcht and confidered the Word of God, that we were difp lea- fing God, undoing our f elves, and making Work for future Sorrows? Should 1, when I know this, and when I know that I am going [ 79 3 going to Death and Judgment, yet cbfii- nately go on, and be a hardened Rebel again 11 Chriji and Grace, what can I ex- petl but to be jorjaken of God, and loft for ever ? there/ore as zee have finned together let us repent together I Tou have beer a Snare to me, and I to you : We have I -en Agents of the Devil to drazv each of. ■• to Sin and Alifery : Certainly all this / - \ift fooner or later be repented of le; us j-oin together in Sorrow, and Reformation, and a holy, Obedient, Lije. If you will not con/ent ! I here declare tp you before God, (for 1 know that he fctth and heareth me,) that I will be your C^m f anion in Sin no more : I beg Pardon far tempting you : I rcfolve by Gods Grace to prefer my Salvation and my Obedience to God before a bafe and beaftly Plea- fure : Whatever you fay againft it, 1 will never more forfake my Salvation to Jollodb you, nor ever take you to be wifer than God, nor better Friends to me than my Saviour, nor your Word? more re gar dalle than God*s Word, nor a Whore, or a Mer- rv Cup, or Vanity, to be better than neaven, nor Temperance and Hclinefs to be worfe than Hell. If you will not be undeceived with me I wilt pray for you'^ but I renounce your frnful Company, and D 4 my L bo j tny Warning will be a Witnefs figainftyou to your Conjufwn. Stick not at the Scorn of Fools, nor at the Shame of fuch Repentance and Con- fcffion: It may Pre tit others: But how- ever it is no more than in Hope you owe them whom you have wronged and en- dangered by Sin : And it will lay fume new Obligation on your felves to amend, by doing what you have fo ptofeflfed : And fure Confcience and Shame will fomewhat the more hinder you from evermore joining with them in the Sin which you have fo bewailed and renoun- ced. And think not this too much, for there is no Jefting wi h God, and with Everlafting Joy or Mifery. IV. My next Counfcl is, Prefentfy, un- derftmdingly, and confiderately ," renew the Covenant which you made in Baptifm with God, your Creator, Redeemer, and Sanffijier. Confider whether to be a Chriftian is not neceffary to your Salvation y and then confider what it is to be a Chriftian v and whether it be not a far higher Thing than meerly to take that Name upon you, [8i 1 you, and be of that Party, and to joM with the Right Church, and to have the bare Words and Pi&ure of Believer*" And then confider whether God will bg mocked with Shews, and Ceremonies^ and dead Formalities, and falfe Professi- ons -, and whether the lifelefs Carcafs or Image of Chriftianity will be taken by God inftead of the Life and Power of it, and will ever fave a Soul. Yea, whe- ther a Falfe, Counterfeit, Chriftian, Bred up under Chriftian Inftru&ions and Exam- pies, do not make your Guilt far greater^ and your Cafe more miferable, than Ame- ricans or Indians^ that never heard vyha^ you have heard : And when perhaps you have fpoken againft Hypocrites your felves, whether there be any more Noto- rious Hypocrites than fuch as you, who fay you are Chnftians, and yet live to the Flelh in the odious Siris which Chrift abhorreth : Think what a dreadful Thing it is to profefs a Religion which condemn- cth you^ and to; fay over that Creed which you believe not, and thofe Petiti- ons in the Lord's P f iyef which you de- lire not, and thofe Commandments which you break, and will condemn you *. To rtbd againft God while vou fay you be- lieve in him; T& dcfpife Chrift's Go^ D 5 vernment vernment while you fay you truft him for Salvation : To ask for his Grace when you would not .hive it, ;to farr&ifie you, arid fave you from your Sin ; To beg Mercy of God, abcl to rejeft this Mercy, and to have no r Mercy on your felves. O think what a "doleful Cafe it is to fee diftra&ed Sinners fuch Hypocrites, play-; ing with fuch Contradi&ions, fo near God's Bar, and in his Sight : And to make no better ufe of Prayers, and the Name of Chriftians, and rhe Profeffion of the Truth, than to give the Devil more Matter to accufe you, and Confid- ence to torment you, and a Righteous God to fay to you at lalt, Out of thy own Mouth will I judge thee, thou wicked Re- bel. Didft thou not confefs that Jefus was the Chrii^, and. that thou didft be- lieve the Gofpel and the Life to come * and yet didft Jive in the wilful difbbey- ing of Chrift and the Gofpel, and bafe Contempt of God and thy Salvation I And whjsn you have confidered the fad Cafe of Hypocrites, that call themfelves Chriffians to their own Condemnation, when they are none fuch, then think Je- rioufly what the Covenant was which was made for you in your Baptifm, and you you have taken on you to own. Think what it is devotedly t$ truft to God 3S your reconciled Father, and devotedly to truft to Chrift as your Saviour, your great Teacher, Governour, and Mediator with the Father; what it is devotedly to truft the Holy Spirit to illuminate, ianftifie and quicken, you in a Holy Life, and to ftrengthen and comfort you againft and under all your Trials. Confider what it- is to take the F/e/h, the World, and the Devil., as they are againft this Holy Life and Heavenly Hope, for your Enemies, and to Lift your felves under Chrift in a vowed War to the Death againft them. Think how you have perfidioufly broken this Covenant, on which all the Hope of your Salvation lyeth. And then if you dare not utterly renounce all that Hope, prefently and refolvedly renew this Cove- nant. Lament your Violation of it to God : Do it not only in a Paflion, but up- on ferious Confideration make that Choice and Refolution which you dare ftand to at a dying Hour, and on which you may believe that God for drift's fake will accept you and forgivs you. O think what a Mercy it is to have a Saviour, who after all your heincus Sins will bring you reconciled as Sons to God, for the IH.'i the Merits of his Sacrifice and Righteouf- nefs, and by his^powerful Interceflion, and will fend from Heaven the Spirit of God into your Heart!*, to renew thole Blind, Dead, Carnal, Minds to God's Ho- ly Image, and will dwell in you, and carry on your San&ification to the End. Thankfully and Joyfully accept this Co- venant and Grace, and again give up, your felves to God, your Father, Saviour and San&ifier^ but be fure that you do it ab- folutely, without deceitful Exceptions and ReferveS} and that you doit refolvedly, and not only in a irightned Mood •, and yet that you do it as in the Strength of the Grace of Chrift, not truftingtheftead- faftnefs of your own deceitful, mutable, Hearts. And when you can truly fay that you unfeignedly confent, and re- new this Covenant in your Hearts, then go the next Opportunity to the Sacra- ment of the Lord's Supper, and there pe- nitently and ftithfuliy renew it openly in the folemn Way that Chrift hath ap- pointed you •, thankfully profefs your Truft in Chrift, and receive a feaied Par- don of your Sins, and Title to Everlafting Life} and fettle your Converfation in the Communion of Saints, as you Hope to live with fuch for ever. V. Hacs- [85 1 V. Henceforward fet your felves as the true Schohrs of Chrift," to learn his Do- Srine, and as his trte Subje&s to know his L3ws, and as thofe that truft their Souls into his Hand, to underftand, and firmly believe, his Promifes for this Life, and that which is to come: And as the Bleffed Man, Pfalm i. 2, 3, To delight in the Law of the Lord, and meditate in it Day and Night. As you were wont to fteal fome Hours from Go&and your Ma- tters to go to the Houfe of Sin- and Death, fo now get fuch Hours as lawful- ly you can ircra your other Employ- ments and Diverfions$ but efpecially on the Lord's Days ^ and get alone, and beg Mercy and Grace ftom God, and tec your felves to read the Bible, and with it read (ome Catechifms, and fome found and ferious Trcatifes of Divinity, which are molt fuicable to your State. Great Store of all Sorts of good Books through the great Mercy of God are com- mon among us: He that cannot Buy may Borrow, But take heed that you lofe not your Time in reading Romances) Flay- books, tain [85] vain Jells, or feducing or reviling Dif- putes, or needlefs Controverfies. This Courfe of Riding Scripture and good Books will be many Ways to your great Advantage. i. It will above all other Ways in* creafe your Knowledge. 2. It will help your Refolutions and Holy Affe&ions, and direft your Lives. 3. It will make your Lives pleafant ; the Knowledge, the Ufefulnefs, the Va- riety, will be a continual Recreation to you, uniefs you are utterly befotted or debaucbt 4. The Plefrfure of this will turn you from your filthy flefhly Pleafuie. You will have no need to go for Delight to a Piay-houfe, a Driaking-houfe, ortoBeaft- ly Lufts. 5. It will keep you from thefinful Lofi of Time, by Idltneis, or Unprofitable Em- ployment or Paftimes. You will caft away Cards and Dice when you find the frveetnefcoi ufefui Learning. But [87 1 But be fure that you chufe the moft ufefiil and neceflary Subje&s, and that you feek Knowledge for the love of Ho- linefs and Obedience. VI. The Sixth Part of my Advice is, For fake ill Company , and Converfe with fucb as will be Helps to your Knowledge ^ HolinefS) and Obedience^ and not fucb as will draw you to Sin and Mifery. You have found by fad Experience what Power ill Company hath on Fools •, with fucb a Merry Tale, a Laughter, a Jell, a Scorn, a Meiry Cup, and a Bad Example and Perfwafion, doth more than Reafon, or God's Authority, or the Love of their Souls. A Phyfician may go a- mong the Sick and Mad to Cure them * and a Wife Man that feeth thefe will pi- ty them, and hate Sin the more. But what do you do there where you have already catcht the lnfe&ion of their Dif- eafe. The Mind of a Man is known much by the Company which he chu- feth, and if you chufe ill no wonder if you fpeed ill, ?rov. 13. 20. he that walk* etb voitb Wife Men jhall be Wife, but a Companion of Fools Jhall be deftroyed. Prov. [88] Prow 28. 7. Whofo keeprth the Law is * Wife Son, but he that is a Companion of riotous Me/i fhameth his Father, Pfalm 119, &?. David faith, I am a Companion of all them that fear thee^ and of them that keep thy Precepts. 26. 4, 5. 1 have not jate with vein Perfons, neither will I go in with Diffemblers ; 1 have hated the Con- gregation of Evil-doers, and will not fit with the Wicked. 119.11$. Depart from me ye Evil doer s, for I will keep the Com- mandments of my God. VII. Especially be fure that you run not wilfully upon Temptation, but keep as far from every tempting Bait and Objeft as you can-. Fire and Gunpowder, or Straw, mutt be kept at a fufficientdiftance ; no Man is long fafe at the very Brink of Danger 5 efpecialiy if it be his own Choice, and more efpecialiy if it be a Sin that his Nature is much inclined to. No Wife Man will truft corrupted Nature very far, efpecialiy where he hath often fain alrea- dy. The beft Man that if fhouid live in Fear when an enticing Bait of Sin is near him. If David that prayed, turn away mine Eyes from beholding Vanity, had better prafriced it, O what heinous Sin ba4 he efcaped ! Had he made a Cove- niot [8 9 ] nant with his Eyes, as Job did, whit Wounds h3d he prevented ! But v tempting Meat and D.ir.k are before you, and the tempting Pcrfon hath fe- crct Familiarly with you, and tecrpt* ing or provoking Words are at youi Ears,, then alas many have need of more Grace, Refolution, and Mortification, than they have. If you knew well what Sin is, and what is the Confequen e you would be more watchful and reiolved ?gainft Temp- tations than againft Thieves or Fire, or the Places infetfed by the Plague. VIII. Make it the chief Study of your Lives to underf\jnd whit Man's Everlaft** ing Hope is an i to get a lively r , well Jet- led, belief of it i and to bring your Souls to take it joyfully for your true felicity and End, and then, e daily to fetch the power • ful Motives of your Duty a/?d your V ali- enee, and your contenting Conijort in Life, and at your Death. The End is the Life of all the Means. If Heavenly Bkffcdnefs be not the chut that you live, hope, and labour for, in the Woild, your whole Lives will he but * CarnaT, [9o] Carnal, Vain, and the Way to Mifery ? For the Means can be no better than the End. God that is the Beginning, is our End; we are made and governed by him, and for him. Heavenly Glory is the Sight df his Glory, and the Everlafting Perfection and Pleafure of Joyful Mutual Lovu But we are not the Nobleft Creatures, next to God in Excellency and Defert ; yea, we are Sinners, who hive deferved to be caft from his Love. Ard Therefore as in the Way we muft come to bim by a Savi- our, fo at the Blefled End we muft enjoy htm by a Mediator. And to fee God's Glo- ry in Chrift, and the Heavenly Jerufa/em y the BiefTed Society of Saints and Angels, continually flaming in Love, Joy and Prai- fzs, to the moft Holy God, this, this is the Felicity for which we Labour, Suffer and Hope. 2. And O how great and how need- ful a Work it is to Search, Study and Pray, for fo firm a belief of this unfeen Glory, as may fo refoive, engage, and comfort, us in fome good Meafure, as if we had feen it with tbefe Eyes? O what Men would one Hour's being in Heaven mal^e us, or one clear Sight of it > J airh hath C-9i 3 hath a greater Work to do than a Dream- ing or Dead Opinion can perform. If it be not well grounded firft, and well ex- ercifcd upon God's Love, Promife, and Glory from Day ro Day, you will find Caufe (fadU r ) to lament the weaknefs of it. For this ufe vcu have great need of the help of f\ xh Books as open dearly the evident Pr >ofs of the Chriftian Verity, which I have briefly done in the beginning of rhe 2d. Part of my Life of fait h, and more largely in Two other Books, viz. The X'meafonafrenefs of Infidelity, and the Reafons of the Chr'ifiian Religion. A firm Belief of the World to come is it that muft make us Serious Chriftians, and overcome the Snares of Worldly Vanity. And your Faith being well fettled, fet jour felves daily to ufe it, and live by it, dwell in the joyful Hopes of the Heavenly Glory. What is a Man that liveth not in the ufe of Reafon ? And you muft know that you have as daily ufe for your Vaith % as for your Reafon. Without Reafon yo?F can neither fafely Eat or Drink, nor Con- verfe with Man as a Man, bur as Bedlam, nor do any Bufinefs that concerneth you •, and therefore you muft Live by your Rea- fon. And without taith you cannot I 9* ] plcafe God, nor obtain Salvation, no, nor ufe your Reafon fcnr any thi-ng higher than to ferve your Appetitfcs 9 and pu.vey for fhe Flefh * and therefore you muft live by Faith, or live like Beafts 3 apd wgrfe than Beafts, aad cannot otherwife live to God, nor live in the Hopes of Bleffednefs hereafter. O ! Confider that the dif- ference between living chiefly upon and for an Earthly or Flefhly Felicity, or a Heavenly ^ is the gr^at Difference between the Holy and the Unholy, and the Fore- goer of the Difference between thofe in Heaven and thofe in Hell. IX. Still remember that the great Means of ail the Good that here or here- after you can exp^ft, ts the Great Media- tor, the Great Teacher, Ruler and Inter ■- cejjor for his People, And therefore out ot him you can do nothing. All Duty that you offer to God muft be by his M - diation, and Co muft ^11 Mercy which yen receive from God. To come to God by him. who is the Way, the Truth, and rtie Life, muft be your daily Work of Faith. His Blood muft wafh you from all Sin pafr, and from the Guilt of daily Failings, and Infirmities. None but he can efte&ually Teach you to know God and and your felves, your Duty, and jrouf Everlafting Hopes. None but he can ren- der your Ftrfons, Prailes and Aftions, ac- ceptable to God, becaufe you are Sinners, and unmeet tor God s Acceptance without a Mediator. All Power in Heaven and Earth is given him, and yo r Lives and Souls are at his WiiU and it is he that muft judge you, and with whom you hope to live in Glory. Therefore you muft fo live by the Faith of the S >n of God, who hath loved you, and gave himielf for you, that you may fay it is he that liv- eth in you, oa/. 2.20,21. This is the Fountain From whence you muft daily fetch your Strength and Comfort. X. And ft ill remember that it is by the Operation of the Holy Spirit that the Fa- ther and the Son do SantVtfie Souls, and Regenerate and Breed rhem up for Glory. It is by the Holy Ghoft that God dwel- kth in us by Love, and Chrift by Faith. Therefore fee that you reft not in corrup- ted Mature, and truft not to your felves, or to the Flclh. Ycur Souls are Dead to God and Hbltnefe, and your Duties Dead, rill the Spirit of Chrift do Quicken them* You are Blind to God and Man in Sia^ till the Spirit Illuminate you, and give you L 94 1 you Underftanding. You are like Ene- mies, out of Love with God, Heaven and Holinefs, till this Spirit reconc le you, and fan&itie your Wills. You will have no Man-like Spiritual Holy Plealure till the Holy Spirit renew your Hearts, and make them fit to delight in God. O that Men knew the great Neceflity of the illumina- ting, quickning, fanftifying, comforting, Influence of the Spirit of God, how far would they be from deriding ir, as fome Prophane ones do? By this Holy Spirit the Sacred Records were written, and by Miracles of Chrift and his Apoftles, and Evangelifts and Prophets, fealed and deli- vered to the Churches And by this Spi- rit the Orders and Government of the Church were fetled. And by him we are inlightned to underftand the Scripture, and inclined to love them, and delight- fully believe them, and obey them. Stu- dy therefore obediently thefe Writings of the Holy Ghoft, and confidently truft them. O! Be not found among the Re- lifters or Negle&ers of the Spirit's Help and Motions, when proud Self confidence or flcfhly Lulls do rife againft them. Chrift's Bodily Prefence is taken from the Earth ; he promifed inftead of it ( which C 95 3 (which was but in one Place at once ) to lend his Spirit, which is to the Soul more than the Sun-light to the Eye, and can fhine in all the World at once. This is his Agent on Earth, by whom (in Teach;* ers and Learners,) hecarrieth on his Saving Work- This is his Advocate who plead- eth hisCaufe effe£tually againft Unbelief, and Flefhiy Lufts, and Worldly Wifdom. This is the Well of Living Water, fpring- ing up in us to Everlafting Life •, the Name, the Mark of God on Souls, the Divine Regenerator, the Author of God's Holy Image, and the Divine Nature, even Di- vine Life, and Light and Love, the Con- queror of the World and Flelh, the Strengthner of the Weak, theConfirmer of the Wavering, the Comforter of the Sad, and the Pledge, Eirneft and Firft fruits of Everlafting Lite. O therefore Pray ear- ntftly for the Spirit of Grace, and care- fufly obty him, and joyfully praife God, in the Sence of his Holy Encouragement and Help. F 1 N I S. THE Grand Queftion RESOLVED, What we muft do to be S A VB D. INSTRUCTIONS &5p CM Ads 1 6. ja Sirs, What muft I do to be Saved > LONDON, Printed for J. Lnntlcy at the Three- Bibles, inPortugal-ftreetj 1709. The Great Cafe Refolved, How to be certainly SAVED. Inftru&ion for a Holy Life. I. The Neceflity, Reafon and Means of Holinefs. II. The Parts and Practice of a Holy Life. For Perfonal Direction, and for Family InftriuStion. With two (bort Ca* : techifms, and Prayers. READER, IGnorant Perfons cannot re- member long and many Words, nor underftand a brief ftile and few Words, this PREFACE. maketb it impoffible to mite a Catecbifm, that /hall be unsuita- ble either to the Undemanding cr the Memory of fuch. lmuji therefore defire the Teacher to mak§ up this unavoidable Defecl, by opening the meaning (efpecial/y tfthe Catechifms) to the Children and Servants, when they have learned and fay the Words: Read the Inftrutlions often to them, and prefs all, as you go, on their Af- fections. For the bare Words without a prefent Guide, may elfe be all loft. : I The L The Neceflicy, Reafon and Means of Hoiinefs. i. To kttf up is of the Comer ~ ted. And, 2. Tc hi fir nil thofe in Families^ that need cm. T Hough the (a) laving of Souls be a matter of unexpreffible Im- portance, yet ( the Lord have mercy upon them ; ) What abundance are there that think it not worthy of their ferioiis Enquiry^ not the Reading of a good Book^ one hour in a Week ? For the fake of thefe carelefs jlothful Sinners, I have here fpoken much in little room y that they may not refnfe to read and confider fb fhort a LefTon, unlefs they think their Souls wort:. . Sinner, as thou wilt: fhortly anfwer it before God, deny not to God, to thy felf, and me, the ibber A 3_ pon- (a) Mir. 8. 36*. Mat. 6. 37. Job. 11. 14. and ii p 17. rfil. 1. z> 3. Pp/.i4. aod iz. v 1 2 The Great Cafe Refolved, pondering, and faithful pra&ifing tliefe few Directions. I. Begin at home and know thy felf : Con- fider what it is to be a (b) MAN. Thou art made a nobler Creature than the Brutes. They ferve thee, and are governed by thee -, and Death ends all their Pains and Pleafures. But thou haft Reafon to rule thy {elf and them', to know thy God, and forefee thy End, and know thy way, and do thy Duty. Thy. Reafon and Free will, and Executive Power, are part of the Image of CWupon thy Nature-, fo is thy Dominion over the Brutes, as (under him) thou art . their Owner, .their Ruler, and their End. Butthy/i/c/y Wifdom, and Go&dnefs, and Ability, is the chief part of his Image, on which thy Happinefs depends. Thou haft a Soul that cannot befatisfied in Knowing, till thy (0 Knowledge reach to God him* felf: Nor can it be difpofed by any other : Nor can it (or the Societies of the World) be well governed according to its Nature, without regard to his Soveraign Authority, and without the hopes and (d) fears of Joy and Mifery hereafter : Nor can it be (e) happy in any thing, but feeing, and loving, and (b) Pfrt. 8. 4, U *- Gen - *• a *> 27 ' Gen - * * Cd. 2. io. (c) Job. 17. ?• i #**. 4- *> 7. ?er. ?< *4- How to he certainly Saved. 3 and delighting in this God, as he is revealed in the other World. And is this K.. given thee in vain ? If the Nature of things be fitted to its (f.) Vfc and End, thea it muft be fo with thine. II. By knowing thy felf then, thou it needs know that there is a (g) GOD ; and that he is thy Maker, and infinite in Tcrfcttions ; and that he is thy Owner, thy Ruler, and thy Felicity or End. He is mad that fecth not, that fuch Creatures have a Caufe or Maker, and that ail the Power ^ and wifdom, and Goodnefs, of the World is canfed by a Power, and Wifdom, and G tff/r, which is greater than that of all' the World. And i*/; *?• Job* 3- ?« 6 The Great Cafe RefolveJ, tells us how this came to pafs ) Though all are not Fornicators, nor Drunkards, nor Extortioners, nor Perfecutors, nor live not in the fame way of finning ;, yet Selfi/hnefs, and Pride, and Senfuality,and the Love of Wordly Things, Ignorance and Ungodlinefs are plainly become the commonCorruption of theNature of Man, fo that their Hearts are turned to the World from God, and filled with impiety, fxlthinefs, and injuftice } and their Reafon is but a Servant to their Senfes , and their (W) Mind, and Love and Life, is Carnal - 7 and this carnal Mind is Enmity to the Holinefs of God, and cannot be fubjeft to his Law. This Corruption is heredi- tary, and Is become, as it were, a Nature to us, being the mortal Malady of all our Natures. And it is eafie to know thatfuch an unholy wicked Nature muft jaeeds be loathfcme to God, and (») unfit for the happy enjoyment of his Love, cither here, or in the Life to come : For what Communion hath Light with Dark- aefs? VI. Hence then it is eafie to fee, That Grace ismsdful to a Mans Salvation. So odious a Creature, fuch an unthankful Rebel, that is turned away from God, and *») Konu % j , 1. (n) JP/*/. 4. 3, % Or- 1. 1 4* -i 7- How to he certainly Saved. 1 1 and will raifeall the dead, and will juflifie his Saints, and judge thenl unto endlefs Joy and glory, and copdenan the Unbelie- vers, impenitent and (-v) ungodly, unto endlefs Mifery. The Soul alone is judged at Death, and Body and Soul at the Re- furreftion. This Gofpel the Apoftles preached to the World \ and that it might beeffe&ual to Mens Salvation, the (y) Holy Ghofl: was firft given to infpire the Preachers of it, and enable them to fpeak in the various Languages, and infallibly to agree iaOne, and to work many great and open Miracles to prove their Word to thofe they preached to : And by this means they (^) planted the Church • which ordinary Minifters mint increafe, and teach and overfee to the end of the World, till all the Elefr be gathered in. And the fame, (a) Holy fpirit hath un- dertaken it, as his Work, to accompany this Gofpel, and by it to convert Mens Souls, illuminating and fan&ifying them $ and by a fecret (b) Regeneration to le- new their Natures, and bring them to thatKnowledgeand Obedience, ;> of God, which is the Primitive HolL for \ — ■ Qt)I*4,i6.(j)A&.t. fob. 17. 23,(*>Mtf.'*ti K Aft. 14. . *>9-sV)Tit. 3.7,6 Job. 13.5,^ T r the Great Cafe Refelved, for which we were created.and from which we fell. And thus by a Saviour and San- difier muft all be reconciled and renewed, that will be glorified with God inHeaven. All this you may learn from the Sacred Scriptures, which were (r) written by the Infpiration of the Holy Spirit, and fealed by multitudes of open (d) Miracles, and contain the yery Image and Superfcription of God, and have been received and pre- ferved by the Church, as the certain Ora- cles of God, and blefied by him through ell Generations, to the falsifying of many Souls. IX. When you underftand all this, it is time for you to (0 look home, and un- derftand now what ftate your Souls are in. That you were made capable of Holinefs and Happinefs, you know ; that you and all Men are fallen from God and Holinefs, and Happinefs unto Self, and Sin and Mi- fery,you know •, that you are fo far re- deemed by Chrift, you know, as to have a pardoning and faving Covenant ten- dered you, and Chrift and Mercy offered to your choice. But whether you are truly penitent Believers, and renewed by the Holy Ghoft, and fo united unto Chrift (c) 2. Tim. 3 16. (d) Heb. i, ft 4-W * **•■ ** £ «/«4. 4*2 FeU I. io. How to le certainly Saved, 1 3 i Chrift, this is theQueftion yetunrefol- vedi this is the Work that is yet to do, without which there is no Salvation \ and if you die before it is done, wo to thee that ever thou waft a Man, Except a Man be (f) Regenerate by the Spirir, and Converted and made a New Creature, and of Carnal be made Spiritual, and of Earth- ly be made Heavenly, and of Selfifh and Sinful be made Holy and Obedient to God, he can never be faved, no more than the Devil himfelf can be faved. And if this be fo, (as nothing is more fure) I re- quire thee now,whoreadeft thefe words, as thou regardeft thy Salvation, as thou wouldft efcape Hell-fire, and /land with Comfort before Chrift and his Angels, at the Jaft, that thou foberly condder whe- ther Reafon command thee not to try thy State : whether thou art thus (g) re- newed by the Spirit of Chrift or not ? And to (/?) call for help to thofe that can advife thee, and follow on the fearch till thou know thy Cafe. And if thy Soul beaftranger to this fandifying Work, whether Reafon command thee not, without any delay, to make out to Chrift, and (f fob. 3. f. 2 Cor. r. 17. Rom. 8. 7, 9. Phil* 3- *•, '. (g) AS. 16. 74. ;h) Ait. a. 37.fr if. 30. & 11. ;. i Cor. 6 j 1, 2. Rev. 1. 7. 14 The Great Cafe RefolveJ, and beg his Spirit, and call away thy Sins, and give up thy felf entirely to thy God, thy Saviour and Sanftifier, and en- ter into his Covenant with a full Refolu- tion never toforfake him : to deny thy felf, and the defires of the Flefh, and this deceitful tranfitory World, and lay out all thy hopes on Heaven, and fpeedily whatever it coft thee, to make fure of the Felicity which hath no end ? And dareft thou refufe this when God and Confcience do command it ? A nd further I advife you. X. Underfland how it is that Satan hindretb Souls from being Sanctified : That you may know how to refill his Wiles. Somehedeceiveth by (J) malicious Sug- gestions, that Holinefs is nothing but Fancy or Hypocryfie ! ( And if God and Death, and Heaven and Hell, were Fancies, this might bebeliev'd.)Somehedebauch- eth by the power of flefhly Appetite and Luft, fo that their Sins will not let their Reafon fpeak : Some he keepeth in utter Ignorance, by the evil Education of ignorant Parents, and the negligence of (k) ungodly Soul murdering Teachers : fome he deceiveth by worldly Hopes, and keepeth their Minds fo taken up with worldly (i) AS. 14. 14. & 28. 22. & *4. y, R (k) Mai. a. 7, 9. Hof. 4. is y by raifing fo many^) Sefts and Factions and Controverfies about Religion in the World ; Even to ma^ke fome think that they are Religious, becaufe they can prate for their Opinions, or becaufe they think their Party is the bell, becaufe their Faftion is the Greateft or the Leaft, the Uppermoft, or the fuffering Side. And to turn holy edifying Conference into vain Jangling ? and to make Men Atheifts, fufpe&ing all Religion, and true to none ^ becaufe of Mens di- verfity of Minds. But remember that Chriftian Religion is but One: and a thing eafily known by its ancient Rule; and the univerfal Church containing all I Chriftians, is but One. And if carnal j Intereft or Opinion fo diftraft Men, that ) one Party faith, We are all the Church - 7 and another faith, It is we, ( as if the ; Kitchin ' (b>E/)&. 4. 14. ^fS.20.30. 1CQr.11.19. i-2S«* 4. 3. & i. 14, 16. 1 Tim. 1. ?> 6. Tiu 3. 9. Epbef. 4, 3. &c. 1 Cor lii Mat* n^U &<*rn>i. 1 »j 17, *8, if, How to be certainly Saved. %\ Kitchin were all the Houfe,or one Town or Village, all the Kingdom •, ) Wilt thou be mad with feeing this Diftradion? Harken, Sinner, all thefe Seftsin the Day of Judgment fhall concur as Witnefles againft thee, if thou be Unholy ; becaufe however elfe they differed, (c) all of them that are Chriflians,profefled the neceffity of Holinefs, and fubfcribed to that Scrip- ture which requireth it. Though thou canft not eafily refolve every Controver- fie, thou maift eafily know the true Re- ligion \ it is that which Chrifl and his Apoftles taught, which all Chriftians have profefled, which Scripture requireth ; which is firft (d) pure, and then peacea- ble } molt Spiritual, Heavenly, Charitable and Juft. XIX. Away from that (e ) Company which is fenfual, and an Enemy to Rea- fon, Sobriety, and Holinefs ; and coofe- quently to God, themfelves and thee. Can they be wife for thee, that are foolilh for themfelves ? or Friends to thee, that are undoing themfelves ? or have any pity on thy Soul, when they make a Jeft of their own Damnation ? Will they help thee to Heaven, who are running _ B { ( c ) Gal. i. 7. 8. Mattb. 28. 20. ( 4 Jam. 3 . ;e; Efb.s.11. Frov-i}. 20. z Cor.6, 17,18. Pfai. ij^' Deui- 13. 15. 2fc the Great Cafe Refolved, fo furioufly to Hell ? chute better Famili- ars, if thou wouldeft be better. XX. Judge not of a holy Life by hear fay, for it cannot fo be known. ( f) Try it a while, and then judge as thou findeft it. Speak not againfi the things thou know- eft not. Had'ft thou but lived in the love of God, and the lively belief of endlefs Glory, and the Delights of Holinefs, and the Fears of Hell, but for one Month or Day ; and with fuch an Heart, hadil (£)cafl: away thy Sin, and called upon -God, aad ordered thy Family in a holy manner, efpecially on the Lord's Day^ -l*dare boldly fay, Experience would con- ilrain thee to (h) juftifie a holy Life. But yet I muft tell thee, it is not true Holi-' nefs, if thou do but try it with (i) Ex- ceptions and Referves : If therefore God hath convinced thee that this is his Will and Way, I adjure thee, as in his dreadful Pretence, that thou (k) delay no longer, 'but refolve, and abfolutely give up thy felf to God, as thy Heavenly Father, thy Saviour, and thy Sanftifier, and make en everlaflng Covenant with him, and then he and (f)5F<*. 7.40. 1^.14.20,50. 2f«fc'£ : 3?j374ft (*(>#" **•*> 7- (h) Mix. 11. 1^. (i)La& 14. 35- (k) Rev. ia. 17. fibnd. 12. Rev**-8c 3. ijchn 5. 11,13, PfaLi*-*?. P/2/-73. »& MaftbAS. Lu' fering in the World, let me bear the fhame of a Deceiver for ever : But if God and thy Confcienct bear witnefs againft thy Sin, and tell thee that a holy Life is bell, regard not the Gain-faying of a Bedlam World, which is drunk witli the Delufions of the Flefh : But give up thy Soul and Life to God by Jefus Chrift in a faithful Covenant } Delay no longer, Man, but refolve^ Refolve immediately, refolve unchangeably ; And God will be thine, and thou jhalt be his for ever, Amen. Lord, have Mercy on this Sinner, and fo le^it be refolved by thee in him. II. The Parts and P rati ice of a Holy Life for Verfomal and Family In? ftruiiions. A LL is not (a) done when men bare T un a Religious L ite : All Trees that bloflbm prove not fruitful \ and all Fruit comes not to perfediGn. Many fall off, who feemed to have good Begin- nings : And many diflionour the Name B 3 of (a) i Cor. J. if. Heb. 4. 1. iPet.i.i}. 1 Cor* J \ %6 The Great Cafe Refolved, of (Thrift, by their Scandals and Infir- mities : Many do grieve their Teachers Heartland lamentably diflurbthe Church of Chrift, by their Ignorance, Errors, Self-conceitednefs, Unrulinefs, Headinefs, Contentioufhefs, Sidings and Divifions : Infomuch that the ( b ) Scandals and the Feuds of Chriftiafis are the great Impedi- ments of the Converfion of the Infidel and Heathen World, by the expofing Chrifti- anity to their contempt and fcorn, as if it were but the Error of Men, as un- holy and worldly, and proud as others, that can never agree among themfelves : And many by their Paffions and Selfifh- nefs are ^ Trouble to the Families and Neighbours where they live : And more by their Weaknefs and great Diftem- pers, are Snares, Vexations and Burdens to themfelves. Whereas Chrifrianity in. its true Conftitution, is a Life of fuch Holy (c) Light and Love, fuch Purity and Peace, fuch Fruitfulnefs and Heavep- linefs, as if it were accordingly fnewed forth in the Lives of Chriftians, woukl command Admiration and Reverence from the World, and do more to their Gonverfion, than Swords or Words alone can (b) Phil. 3. 18, 19. Acts 20. 30. (c) Mattb. y. 16. v Pet. •> t 1 Vet t t * Rr t Q : r.nv. T . f T Hw to he certainly Saved. 27 can do: And it would make Chriftians ufeful and amiable to each other : And their Lives a Feaft and Pleafure to them- felves. I hope it may pro\*s fome help to thefe Excellent Ends, and to the fecu- ring Mens Salvation, if in a few found Experienced Dire&ions I open to you the Duties of a Chriftian Life. 1. Keep ft ill the true (d) Form of 'Christian. DottriVy Deflre and Duty, orderly printed en your Minds : That is, Underftand it clearly and diftinftly, and remember it, I mean the Great Points of Religion contained in Catechifir.s. You muft ftill grow in the clearer underftanding 01 your Catechifms, if you live an hundred Years : Let not the Words only, but the. Mattfer, be as familiar ia your Minds, as the Rooms of your Honfe are. Such (f» folid Knowledge w ill eftabliih yon agaiafl: Sedu&ion and Unbelief, and will be ftill within you a ready Help for every Grace., and every Duty \ as the Skill of an Artificer is for his Work : And for want of this, when you come among Infidels or Hereticks, their Reafonings may feem unanfwerable to you, and (hake, if not overthrow your Faith : And you will B 4 eafily (d) 2 K»i.i.i3.&3.7.H?k? ii.?W/.i.$. K0w.17.i4r (^^.4.13,14. Col. i.L 1. 3-. 4. Afts 7. f 9.* How to he certainly Saved. z$ your Doubts and Fears, and Wants, go to him in the Spirit, and to the Father by him, and him alone. Take him as the Root of your Life and Mercies, and live as upon him and by his Life , and when you die, reilgn your Souls to him, that they may be with him where he is, and fez his Glory. To live on Chrift and ufe him in every want, and addrefs to God, i* more than a general confufed Believing' in him. III. So believe in the Holy Ghofl, as to (g) live and work by him, as the Body doth by the Soul You are not (h) baptized into, his Name in vain } ( but too few under- ftand the fenfe and realbn of it*) The Spirit is fent by Chrift for Two great Works. 1. To the Apoftles and Pro- phets, to(0 infpire them infallibly to Preach the Gofpel, and confirm it by Miracles, and leave it on Record for fol- lowing Ages, in the Holy Scriptures.' 2. To all his (K) Members to illuminate* and fanftifie them, to believe and obey his Sacred Doftrin (befides his common Gift to many to underftand and Preach it.) The Spirit having firft indited the Gofpel, doth by it firft regenerate, and B_j after Cg) Gal. 1.16M. (h) Mattb. *S.i9.(i) $obn itf.i > Heb. i. 34 . (kj ittr.ijfc, l», 13. jt#M. h*y 30 the Great Cafe RefelveJ, after govern all true Believers. He is not now given us for the revealing of new Do&rins,but to under Hand and obey the (/) Doftrin revealed and fealed by him long ago. As the Sun doth by its fweet and difcreet influence both give and che- rifh the natural Life of things Senfitive and Vegetative •, fo doth Chrift by his (m ) Spirit our fpiritual Life. As you do no work but by your natural Life, you fliould do none but by your fpiritual Life : You muft not only Believe and Love and Pray by it, but manage all your Galling by it; for Holimfs to the Lord muft be written upon all : All things are fan&ified to you, beCaufe you being fan- dified to God, devote all to him, and ufed all for him •, and therefore muft do all in the Strength and Conduft of the Spirit. IV. (ji) Live wholly upon God, as All in in All : As the fir fi Efficient, principal Diri- gent, and final Canfe of all things. Let Faith, Hope, and Love, be daily feeding on him. Let onr Father which art in Heaven, be firft inferibed on your Hearts, that he may feera moft amiable to yow, and you ~Q)l Tim.^i^i6.^uit 19.1 o-. (m) F^.36.27..*/^ 44.3. Row.S.i,?. 1 C$r. 6. 1 1. Zecb. 1 4.10. (n) 1 Cor.10. 31. RMZ.11.36. z Cor.S.7,%- 1 John.z.i.Rom.ui-iiyl. Nat-iiA?. EPbef.i.6* 1 Cor. 1.1 9. GaL 4.4,?^ 6. How to le certainly Saved. 3 r you may boldly truft him, and filial Love may be the fpring of Duty. Make ufe of the Son and Spirit to lead you to the Fa- ther; and of Faith in Chrifi to kindle and keep alive the Love of God. God's Love is our Primitive Holinefs,and efpe- cially caJled, with its Fruits, \Oht Sancli- ficaxion,~\ which Faith in Chrifi is but a means to. Let it be your principal End, in ftudying Chrift, to fee the Goodnefs, Love, and Amiablenefs of God in him : A condemning God is not fo eafily loved, as a gracious reconciled God. You have fo much of the Spirit, as you have Love to God. This is the proper Gift of the Spirit to all the adopted Sons of God, to caufe them with filial Affeftion and De- pendence, to cry, Abba Father. Know not, defire not, love not any Creature, but purely as fubordinate to God ! With- out him, let it be nothing to you but as the Glafs without the Face, or fcattered Letters without the Senfe^ or as the Corps without the Soul. (0) Call nothing Profperity or Pleafure, but his Love ; and nothing Adverfity or Mifery,but his Difpftafure,and the Catife and the F of it. When any thing would feem lovely and defirable, which is agairtft him, call it 1% The Great Cafe RefolveJ, it (p) Dnng ! And hear that Manias (q) $*• tan or the Serpent, that would entice you from him:, and count him but Vanity, a Worm, and Dull, that would affright you from your Duty to him. Fear him much, but Love him more ! Let (r) Love be the Soul and End of every other Duty. It is the End and Reafon of all the reft : But it hath no End or Reafon, but its Objed. Think of no other Heaven, and End and Happinefs of Man, but Love the final Ad, and God the final Objeft : Place not your Religion in any thing but the Love of God, with its Means and Fruits. Own no Grief, Defire, or Joy, but a Mourning, a feeking, and a rejoycirg Love. V. Live in the belief and hopes of Heaven* And($)feek it as your Part and End •, and daily delight your SohIs in the fore-thoughts of th* endlefs Sight and Love of God. As God is feen on Earth but as in a Glafs, fo is he proportionably enjoyed. But when mourning, feeking Love hath done, and Sin and Enemies are overcome, and we behold the Glory of God in Heaven, the Delights of Love will then be perfed. You (p) PhH-l d*%\ (q)Mat.i6.i$,(TjiTke{}.5. 2Car.13.14. (S)Cc/.3. 1,2,3,4. M?»I Fa. i.8.M*tt.Ml, u>Pjjl. 3x.11> 34 The Great Cafe RefolveJ, your Profeflion, for one that faith he hopeth for Heaven, to live as fadly as thofe that have no higher hopes than Earth. How fhould that Man be filled with Joy, who muft live in the Joys of Heaven for ever? Efpecially rejoyce when the Meflengers of Death do tell you, that your endlefs Joy is near. If God, and Heaven, with all our Mercies in the way, be not reafon enough for a joyful Life, there can be none at all. Abhor all Sug- geftions which would make Religion feem a tedious irkfome Life. And take heed that you reprefent it not fo to others ; for you will never make them in love with that which you make them not per- ceive to be delegable and lovely. Not as the Hypocrite, by forcing and framing his Religion to his carnal Mind and Plea- fure \ but bringing up the Heart to a holy fuitablenefs to the Pleafures of Religion. VII. Watch as for your Soris^ againfl this fettering temping (u) World , efpecially when it is reprefented as more fweet and delegable, than God and Holinefs^ and Heaven. This World with its Pleafures, Wealth, and Honours, is it that is put in the Ballancq by (u") G&L6.H- i Job. 2.if 9 i6.$m. 1.17. & 4.4,?. 1 Jcb. $.4.5. Rom. ii.i t Gal. i.^.Tit. 1. 11. Mat, 19, .*4. Lu\. h.i^zi. & i6.il* Jams Ml. & ?.i>*» 4. tufa 8.14- Heb. w.-U* How to be certainly Saved. 5 5 by Satan, againft God, and Holinefs, and Heaven : And no Man fhall havc Y better than he choofeth and preferreth. The Bait taketh advantage of the bruitifh Part, when Reafon is afleep ; and if by the help of Senfe it get the Throne, the Beafl will ride and rule the Man, and the Reafon become a flave to Senfuality. When you hear the Serpent, fee his Sting, and fee Death attending the forbidden Fruit: When you are riling, look down and fee how far you have to fall ! His Reafon, as well as Faith, is weak, who for fuch fools-gawds as the Pomp and Vanities of this World, can forget God, and his Soul, and Death, and Judg- ment, Heaven and Hell, yea and delibe- rately command them to ftand by. What Knowledge or Experience can do good on that Man, who will venture fo much for fuch a World, which all, that have tried it, call Vanity at the laft ? How deplorable then is a Worldling's cafe? Oh fear the World when it fmileth, or feems fweet and amiable. Love it not, if you love your God and your Salvation. VIII. Fly from Temptations^ and the (x) FUJI), and keep a vowftant Government (x) Rom. 8.1,13. Gal.s.i+.Rom. 13.14 Jude 1.23. 1 Pet, 2.10. Epbef. 2.3.1, PeM.il. M , tf.13. & tf+l. 1^8.13. ^f/ 36 The Great Cafe Refolve^ over your Appetite and Senfes. Many, who had no defigned ftated Vice, or worldly Intereft, have fliamefully fallen by the fudden fur prize of Appetite or Luft. When cuftom hath taught thefe to be greedily and violent, like a hungry Dog, or a lufting Boar, it is not a fluggilh wifh or purpofe, that will mortify or rule them. How dangerous cafe is that Man in, who hath fo greedy a Beaft continu- ally to reftrain, That -if he do but neg- led his Watch one Hour is ready to run him headlong into Hell? Who can be fafe that ftandeth long on fo terrible a Precipice ? The Tears and Sorrows of many Years may perhaps not repair the lofs which one Hour or Ad: may bring; The cafe of David and many others, are dreadful Warnings. Know what it Is that you are moft in danger of } whether Luft and Idlenefs, cr Excefs in Meats, or ^Drinks, or Play^ and there fet your ftrongeft Watch, for your Prefervation^ Make it your dayly bufinefs to mortify that Luft, and fcorn that your brutilh Senfe of Appetite fhould conquer Reafon* Yet truft not purpofes alone r but away from the Temptation } Touch not, yea* look not on the Temping Bait: Keep far enough off; if you defirc to be fafe. • • What. How to le certainly Saved 3 7 What miferies come from fmall begin- nings ? Temptation leads to Sin, and fmall Sins to greater, and thofe to Hell ! And Sin and Hell are not to be played with ! Open your Sin or Temptation to fome Friend, that fhame may fave you from Danger. IX. Keep up a confiant shlf id Government over your (y) Pajfions and your Tongues. To this end, keep a tender Conference, which wi.l fmart when in any of thefe you Sin. Let Holy Paffions be well or- dered, and felfi/h carnal Paffions be re- trained. Let your (z.) Tongues know their Duties to God and Man, and labour to be skilful and refolute in performing them. Know all the Sins of the Tongue, that you may avoid them j for your In- nocency a»nd Peace do much depend on the prudent Government of your Tongues. X. Govern your (a} Thoughts with Con- ft ant skilful Diligence. lathis, right Ha- bits and AfFeftions will do mod by in- clihing them unto Good. It's eafie to think on that which we love. Be not un furnifhed ^(y) 3*m.i.i9.8c 3.13,17. 1 Pet.yi.Mjtt.i.t.Epb* 4-2,3- Cd.$.l%. (z) -fdm,i.i6.8c}.U 6 > Pi&Jfe their Reafon ; or ufe it but as a SJave in Chains in the fervice of their Peflion, Luft and Intereft. He was never Wife, or Good, or Happy, who was not foberly and impartially Conflderate. How to be Good, to do Cxood, and fi- nally enjoy Good, mull be the fum of all your Thoughts. Keep them firft holy, then charitable, clean and chafte. And quickly check them when they look towards Sin* XI. Let How to he cert a % nly Saved. ^9 XI. Let (b) Time be exceeding Precious in your Eyes, and carefully and diligently re- deem it. What hafte doth it make ? and how quickly will it be gone? and then how highly will it be valued*, when a Minute of it can never be recalled? O what "important bufinefs have we, for every Moment of our Time, ifwefhould live a thoufand Years4 Take not that Man to be well in his Wits, or to know his God, his End, his Work, or his Dan- ger, who hath Time to fpare. Redeem it, not only from needlefs Sports, and Plays, and Idlenefs, and Curiofity, and Complement, and excefs of Sleep, and Chat, and Worldlinefs ; but alio from Entanglements of leffer Good, which would hinder you from greater. Spend time, as Men that are ready to pafs into another World, where every Minute mult he accounted for 5 and it muft go with us for ever as we lived here. Let not Health deceive you into the expectation of living long, and fo into a fenflefs Negligence. See your Glafs running, and keep a reckoning of the Expenceof Time : and fpend it juft as you would review it when it is gone. XII. Let (b) Erhef.]. 16, Job. 14.1,2. Jcf.17.11 iCcr.7. 2*. 2 Cor.6.z. Job.9.^. Luli* 12, 42, 44. Pful. 39. 4, 40 The Great Cafe Refcfoed, XII. Let the (c) Love of all in their f eve- ral Capacities, become as it were your very Nat are : and doing them all the Good you can, be very much of the Bit fine fs of your Lives. God mull be loved in all his Creatures, his natural Image on all Men, and his fpi- ritual Image on his Saints. Our Neigh* bour mull be loved as our natural felves : That is, our natural Neighbour as our natural Self, with a Love of Benevolence \ and our fpiritual Neighbour as our fpiri- tual Self with a Love of Complacence. In oppofition to Complacence, we may hate our iinful Neighbour, as we mnft our felves much more : But in oppofition to Benevolence, we mull neither hate our Selves, our Neighbour, or our Enemy. O that .Men knew how much of Chrilti- anity doth confifl in Love, and doing good ! With what Eyes do they read the Gofpel, who fee not this in every Page f Abhor all that Selfiflincfs, Pride, and Paffion, which are the Enemies of Love, and thofe Opinions, and Fadions, and Cenfurings,and Back-biting, which would dellroy it. Take him that fpeaketh evil of another to you> without a juft caufe and call ,, (c) i Tim.i.5i6.M(lf.i9.i9. Row.13.10. 1 fob.1.16. Epbefa.i,is 9 i6. CC/.2.2.&1.4. 1 7lm.6 m \i^am.i.i7. •?4,4. 1 1. Gdi6.io. 7ft.2.i4. Pbil.z.io.1 1. ta.i s- How to he certainly Saved, 41 call, to be Satan's Meflenger, intreating you to hate your Brother, or to abate your Love. For to perfuade you that a Man is bad, is direftly to perfuade you ft far to hate him. Not that the good and bad mull be confounded : But Love will call none bad without conftraining evidence. Rebuke Back-Biters. Hurt no Man, and fpeak evil of no Man } unlefs it be not only juft, but neceflary to fome greater Good. Love is lovely : They that Love fhall be beloved. Hating and hurting makes Men hateful. Love thy Neighbour as thy filf'^ and Do as thou woiddft be done by, are the Golden Rules of our Duty to Men} which mufl be deeply written on your Hearts. For want of this, there is nothing fo falfe, fo bad, fo cruel, which you may not be drawn to think, or fay, or do againfl; your Brethren. Selfiihnefs and want of Love, do as na- turally tend to Ambition and Covetouf- nefs^and thence to Cruelty againft all that ftand in the Way of their Deftres, as the Nature of a Wolf to kill the Lambs. All Fadionsand Contentions and Perfe- ctions in the World, proceed ftom Sel- fifhnels and want of Charity . Devouring Malice is the Devilifh Nature. Be as Lous in doing good to all, as Satan's Servants 4& The Great Cafe Refclvedy Servants are in hurting. Take it as the ufe of all your Talents, and ufe them as you would hear of it at laft. Let it be your Bufinefs and not a matter on the by, efpecially for Publick Good, and Men's Salvation. And what you cannot do your felves, perfwade others to. Give them good Books: And draw them to the means which are moll like to profit them. XIII. Under ft and the right Terms of Church-Communion : Efpecially the 'i/nity of the Univerfal Church, and the Vniverfal Communion, which you muft hold with all the farts -, and the difference between the Church as Vifihle and Invifble. For want of thefe, .how woful are our Diviflons ? Read oft i Cor. 12. & £^.4.1, to 17. Job. 1 7.2 1. 22, 23. ^T.4.32. & 2. 42. 1 Or.1,10,1^3. & 3.3. Rom.16.17. ?/;//. 2. 1^2,3,4. 1 Tbfff. 12,13.^7.20.30. 1 Gr.11.19. Tit. 3.10. Jam. 3. Col. J. 4.. Heb. 1 0.2 5. Aci.%. 1 2. 1 3,3 7. 1 Gr.1.2,13. &: 3^3,4. & 11.18,21. Study thefe -well. You muft have Union and Communion in Faith and Love, with all the Chriftians in the World. And refute not local Communion when you have a juffc call,fo far as they put you not on finning. Let your ufual meeting be with the pu- reft Church, if you lawfully may, (and ftili How to he certainly Saved. 4 5 ftill refpeA the Publick Good 5 ) But fometimes occafionally communicate even with defective faulty Churches, fo be it they are true Chrifiians, and put you not on Sin : That fo you may fhevv that you own them as Chriftians^ though you dif- own their Corruptions. Think not your prefence maketh all the faults of Mini- ftry, Worfhip, or People to be yours (for then I would joyn with no Church in the World.)KnowthatasthemyIticalChurch confifteth of Heart-Covenanters, fo doth the Church as vifibly confifl of Verbal Covenanters, which make a credible pro- fcffion of confent. And that Nature and Scripture teacheth to take every Man's Word as Credible, till Perfidioufnefs for- feit his Credit; which forfeiture mnfl be proved, before any fober Profeflion enn be taken for an inefficient Title, hrfj Grudge not then at the Communion of any profefled Chri/tianin the Church Vifible: (though we muft do our Part cafl out the obftinately impenitent by Difcipline; which if we cannot do, the ault is not ours. ) The prefence of Hy- pocrites is no hurt, bnt oft a Mercy to he Sincere. How fmail elfe would the Church feem in the World ? Outward Privileges Ma* 13. 1?, +u 44 The Great Cafe Refclved, Privileges belong to Outward Covenan- ters i and Inward Mercies to the Sincere. (e) Divifion is wounding and tends to Death. Abhor it as you love the Churches welfare or your own : The Wifdom from above is firfl pure, and then peaceable. Never feparate what God conjoyneth. It is the Earthly, fenfual, devilifh Wifdom, which caufeth bitter envying, and ftrife, and confufion, and every evil Work. Bleflcd are the Peace-makers. XIV. Take heed of (f ) Pride and Self* conceit ednefs in Religion: If once you over- value your own underflandings, your crude Conceptions and grofs Miftakes will delight yoti as fome fupernatural Light : And inflead of having compaffion on the Weak •, you will be unruly, and defpifers of your Guides, and cenforious contemners of all that differ from youl and Perfecutors of them if you have Power; and will think all intolerable, that take you not as Oracles, and your Words as Law. Forget not that the Church hath always fufiered by cenfori- ous, unruly Profeflbrs on the one Hand, (and O what Divifons and Seandals have they caufed ! ) as well as by the Prophane and 16,17, 18, (f ) 1 Tim.3.6 . Cc/.i.iS. 1 Cor.2.1. 1 Ccr.$ £. iTJm.f.i, 1 Pet. 5. 1. Jam- $* i> 17. How to he certainly Saved. 45 md Perfecutors on the other. Take heed rf both : And when Contentions are a r oot, be quiet and filent, and not too forward \ and keep up a Zeal for Love and Peace. XV. Be faithful and conjcionable in all [g) >jour Relations. Honour and obey your Parents, and other Superiors : Defpife not, and refill not Government : If you fuffer unjuftly by them, be humbled for thofe Sins, which caufeGod to turn your Prote&ors into Afflidors : And inftead of murmuring and rebelling againft them, reform your felves, and then commit your felves to God. Princes and Paftors I will not fpeak to : Subjefts, and Ser- vants, and Children, muft obey their Superiors, as the Officers of God. XVI. Keep up the Government of God in your (h) Families. Holy Families muft be the chief prefervers of the Intereft of Religion in the World. Let not the cVorld turn God's Service into a cufto- ■nary lifeiefs Form. Read the Scripture, md edifying Books to them : Talk with :hem ferioufly about the ftate of their kmls, and Everlafting Life: Pray with hem fervently •, Watch over them dili- C & VX ]U> ,g Epb.U&6 Co/.3,&T4. K0m.13.i37. I'Pffct.l}, 1) Command* 4. ?^-4- 1 5 • Dent.6,t,7-$. Pa r 46 7%* Great Cafe Refdvecl^ gently \ Be angry againfl Sin, and meek in your own Caufej Be Examples of Wifdom, Holinefs and Patience \ And fee^ that the Lord's Day be fpent in holy* preparation for Eternity. XVII. Let your (i) Callings be w in Holinefs and Labor r Lire not in Idlenefs} be not flothtul in your Work, whether you be Bound or Free-, in the ivveat of your Brows you rnult eat your Bread, and labour the iix Days, that you may have to give to him that needeth $ Slothfulnefs is Senfuality as well as fil- j Shier Sins. The Body (that is able ) muft have fit Employments as well as the Sool, : or.elfeBody and Soul will fare the worfe; but let all be but as the labour of a 'Traveller, and aim at Goi and Heaven In all. XVIII. Deprive not your [elves of the be- of an able faithful (k) Pafior 7 to whom you may open your Cafe in fecret ^ or at leal} of a holy (1) faithful Friend. And be not (m) difpleafed at their free Reproofs. Wo * to him that is alone ! How blind arid par- tial are we in our own Canfe, and how hard (i) ffet.13.5'. Command. 4. 27^3.10,12. 1 Tbejf.4. 7. 1 XVra-M3. Prov. 31. 1 Cor. 7. *9* 00 Mai. 2. 7. (1) Ecclef.4. io, u. (m) Prov. u. 1, & 1 J- ?. tojtM Hew to be certainly Saved. 47 hard is it to know ouffelves without an able faithful Helper ! you forfeit this great Mercy when you love a Flatterer, and angerily defend your Sin. XIX. (n) Prepare for Siclnefs, Sufferings , and Death. Overvalue not Profperity, nor the favour of Man. If felfifh Men prove falfe and cruel to you, even thofe of whom you have deferved beft, marvel not at it, but pray for your Enemies, Perfecutors, and Slanderers, that God would turn their Hearts and pardon them. What a mercy is it to be driven from the World to God, when the love of the World is the greateft danger of the Soul? Be ready to die, and ycu are ready for anything. Ask your Hearts ferioufly, What is it that I fhall need at a dying Hour ? And let it fpeedily be got ready, and not be to feek in the time of your Extremity. XX. Vnderfiand the true Method of Peace of Conference, and judge not of the ft ate of your Souls upon deceitful Grounds. As pre- fumptuous hopes do keep Men from Con- verfion, and embolden them to Sin : So caufelefs fears do hinder our Love and Praifcpf God, by obfeuring his Loveli- G 2 nefs ; 48 the Great Cafe Refelved, nefs^ And they deftroy our Thankfulnefs, and our Delight in God, and make us a Burden to our felves, and a grievous Humbling Block to others. The general grounds of all our Comfort are, 1. The (?) gracious Nature of God. 2. Thz(p) fufficiency of Chrift. And 3 the Truth and (q) Univerfality of the Promife, which giveth Chrift and Life to all, if they will accept him. But this acceptance is the Proof of your particular Title, without which thefe do but aggravate your Sin. Confent to God's Covenant is the true Condition and Proof of your Title to God as your Father, Saviour, and San&iSer, and To to the faving Blef- fings of the Covenant \ which Confent, if you furvive, muft produce the Duties which you confent to. x He that heartily confenteth that God jbe his God, his Saviour and Sanftifier, is in a ftate of Life. But this includeth the (r) reje&ion of the World ^ Much Knowledge and Memory, and Utterance, and lively AfFeftions, are all very de- jlrable j But yon muft judge your ftate by (6) Exod.$4.6* (p) Heb.7^1- (q) SW-44*. f*h. 3. t£. 1 Tim. 4. 10. & 2.4. Mat. 28 19,20. Kry.22.17. ftef1,i t»3^7. (r)L^.i 4.2^,33; 1 3^.1.17. Mat.6. 1^,20,21,33, £?/ 3,1,2. jfa;&.8.i, 13. How to he certainly Saved. 49 by none of thefe, for they are all uncer- tain. But, 1 . If God, and Holinefs, and Heaven, have the higheft eftimation of your pra&ical Judgment, as being e- fteemed belt for you : 2. And be pre- ferred in the choice and refolution of your Wills, and that habitually before all the pleafures of the World : 3. And be firft and' chiefly fought in your en- deavours : This is the infallible Proof of your SanElification. Chriftian, Upon long and ferious ftudy and experience, I dare boldly commend theft Directions to thee, as the Way of God, which will end in Bleflednefs. The Lord refolvcand ftrengthenthee to obey them. This is the true Conftitution of Chrijti- anity : This is true Godlinefs -, and this is to be Religious indeed : And all this H no more than to be ferioufly fuch, as all among us in general words profefs to be. This is the Religion which muft dif- ference yon from Hypocrites; which muft fettle you in Peace, and « make you an Honour to your Profeflion, and a Bleffing to thofe that dwell about you. Happy is the Land, the Church, the Fa- mily, which doth confift of fuch as thefe ! Thefe are not they that either Perfecute C 3 or 50 The Great Cafe RefolveJ 9 or Divide the Church, or that mak their Religion a Servant to their Policy, to their ambitious Deiigns, or flelhly Lulls •, nor that make it the bellows of Sedition or Rebellion, or of an envious hurtful Zea«l, or a fnare for the Innocent, or a Piftol to Ihoot at the upright in Heart: Thefe are not they that have been the fhame of 'their Profeffion, the hardning of Ungodly Men and Infidels, and that have caufed the Enemies of the Lord to blafpheme. If any Man will make a Religion of or for his Lufts *, of Papal Tyranny, or Pharifaical Formality, or of his private Opinions, or of proud cenforioufnefs, and contempt of others, and of Faftion, and unwarrantable Se- parations and Divifions, and of ftanding at a more obfervable diflance from com- mon profeflbrsof Chri#ianify, than God would have them \ or yet of pulling up the Hedge of Difcipline, and laying Chrift's Vineyard common to the Wil- dernefs •, the Storm is coming, when this Religion fpunded on the Sand will fall, and great will be the fall thereof. When the Religion which confifteth in Faith and Love to God and Man in mortifying the Flelh, and crucifying the World, in Self-denyal, Humility and Patience, in fincere , How to he certainly Saved. 5* r fincere Obedience, and faithfulnefs in all Relations in watchful Self-Government, in doing Good, and in a Divine and Heavenly Life, tho' it will be hated by the ungodly World, fliall never be a dis- honour to your Lord, nor deceive or difappoint your Souls. A Short Catechifm. Qiiell. 1. \\ TH*t is the Chrifiim R VV glon? Arifw. The Chriftian Religion is the lajf- tifmal Covenant made and kept \ wherein, God the Father,Son and Holy Ghoft,-doth give hiuifelf to be our reconciled God Father, our Saviour and San&ifier ; we beiievingly give up our felves act dingly to him, renouncing the Fl< World, and the Devil. Which C is to be oft renewed, fpeciaUyk cramentof the Lord's Supper. Queft. 2. Where is our Covenant part and Dnty fnUier opened t Anfw. 1. In the Creed, as the Sum of our Belief. 2. In the Lord's Prayer, as the Sum 01 our Defires. C 4 3« And yx The Great Cafe Refolved, 3. And in the Ten Commandments (as given us by Chrift, with the Gofpel- Explications ) as the Sum of our Pradice. Which are as followeth. The CREED. I Believe in God the Father Almighty, Creator of Heaven and Earth : And in Jefus Chrift his only Son our Lord, which was conceived by the Holy Ghoft, born of the Virgin Mary, fuffered under Pontius Pilate, was Crucified, Dead and Buried, he defcended into Hell : The third day he arofe again from the Dead, he afcended into Heaven, and fitteth on the right Hand of God the Father Al- mighty, from thence he fhall come to judge the Quick and the Dead : I believe in the Holy Ghoft, the Holy Catholick. Church, the Communion of Saints, the forgivenefs of Sins, the Refurreftion of the Body, and the Life Everlafting, Amen. The LORD'S PRATER. OUR Father which art in Heaven,Hal- lowed be thy Name. Thy Kingdom come. Thy will be done on Earth as it is How to le certainly Saved. 5£ is in Heaven. Give us this day our dail* Bread. And forgive us our Trefpafles, as we forgive them that trefpafs againft us: And lead us not into Temptation, but deliver us from evil: For thine is the Kingdom, and the Power, and the Glory, for ever, Amen. The Ten Commandments. I. T Am the Lord thy God which have X brought thee out of the Land of Egypt, out of the Houfe of Bondage : Thou fhalt have no other Gods before me. II. Thou (halt not make unto thee any graven Image, or any likenefs of anything that is in Heaven above, or that is ia the Earth beneath, or that is in the Water under the Earth ; thou fhalt not bow- down thy felf to thetp, nor ferve them : For I the Lord thy God am a jealous God, vifiting the iniquity of the Fathers upon the Children, unto the third and fourth Generation of them that hate me : And (hewing; Mercy unto thoufands of them that love rne and keep my Com- mandments. III. Thou (halt not take the Name of the Lord thy God in vain : For the Lord C 5 will 54 27* Great Cafe Re(olvett, will not hold him guiltlefs that taketfc' his Name in vain. IV. Remember the Sabbath day to keep it holy, Six days fhalt thou labour and do all thy work \ but the feventh day is the Sabbath of the Lord thy God, in it thou fhalt not do any work, thou, nor thy Son, nor thy daughter, thy Man- fervant, nor thy Maid-fervant, nor thy cattel, nor the Stranger that is within thy Gates. For in fix days the Lord made Heaven and Earth, the Sea, and all that in them is •, and retted the feventh Day, wherefore the Lord bleffed the Sabbath Day, and hallowed it. V. Honour thy Father and thy Mother, that thy days may be long upon the Land which the Lord thy God giveth thee. VI. Thou fhalt not kill. VII. Thou (halt not commit adultery. Vffl Thou fhalt not fteal. IX. Thou (halt not bear falfe witnefs againft thy Neighbour. X. Thou {halt not covet thy Neigh- bours houfe, thou (halt not covet thy Neighbours Wife, nor his Man-fervant, nor his Maid-fervant, nor his Ox, nor his Afs, nor any thing that is thy Neigh- hours, Qjielt J. Hotv to he certainly Saved. y y Quefl. 3. Where is the Cm ft i an Re I moft fully opened, and entirely contained ? j4rfw. In the Holy Scriptures, efjpecl- ally of theNewTeftament: Where, by Chrift, and his Apoftles and Evangelifh infpired by his Spirit, the Hiftqry of Chrift and his Apoftles is fufficientiy de- livered, the Promiies and Doctrin of Faith are perfected, the Covenant of Grace moft clearly opened, and Church- Offices, Worfhip, and Dilcipline efta- blilhed, with the under/landing whereof the ftrongeft Chriftians^ may incre^fc while they live on Earth/ The Explained Frofejfion of the Chrijli- an Religion. L T Believe that there is one GOD, an X infinite Spirit of Life, Undemand- ing and Will ; perfe&ly Powerful, Wife and Good-, the Father, the Word and the Spirit, the The j- Creator , Governour , and End of all things \ our abfolute Owner, our moll juft Ruler, and our moft Glori- ous Benete&or, and moft amiable Good. II. I believe that iMan bein^ made in c of God, an efljbo died Spirit of 56 The Great Cafe Refolved, 'Life, Vnderftanding, and Will, with Holy Vivacity, Wifdom, and Love, to know, and love, and ferve his Creator here and for ever, did by wilful finning fall from his God, his Holinefs and Innccency, un- der the Wrath of God, the Condemna- tion of his Law, and the flavery of the Flelh, the World and the Devil. And that God fo loved the World, that he gave his only Son to be their Redeemer, who being GOD, and one with the Father, took our Nature, and became .MAN : Being conceived by the Holy Ghoft, born of the Virgin Mary, called Jefus Chrift, who was perfectly holy, lin- lefs, fulfilling all Righteoufnefs, over- came the Devil and the World, and gave himfelf a Sacrifice for our Sins, by fuf- fering a cur fed Death on the Crofs, to ranibme. us, and reconcile us unto God •, and was buried, and went among the Dead \ the third Day he rcfe again, ha- ving conquered Death. And he fully eftablifhed the Covenant of Grace, that all that truly repent and believe, (hall have the love of the Father, the Grace of the Son, and the Communion of the Holy Spirit, and if they love God, and obey him fmcerely to the Death, they Hull be glorified with him in Heaven for ever : How to he certainly Saved, 57 ever : And the Unbelievers, Impenitent, and Ungodly fhall go to everlafting Pu- nifhment. And having commanded his Apoftles to Preach the Gofpel to all the World, and promifed his Spirit, he afcended into Heaven : Where he is the Glorified Head over all Things to the Church, and our prevailing Interceflbr with the Father: Who will there receive the departed Souls of the Juftified ? And at the end of this- World will come a- gain andraifeall the Dead, and will judge all according to their Works, and juftly execute his Judgment. III. I believe that God, the Holy Spi- rit, was given by the Father and the Son, to the Prophets, Apoftles, and Evan- gelifts, to be their Infallible Guide in Preaching and Recording the Dodrine of Salvation \ and the Wtinefs of its certain Truth, by his manifold Divine Operations \ and to quicken, illuminate, and fandifieall true Believers, that they may overcome the Flefh, the World and the Devil. And all that are thus fanfti- fied, are one holy Catholick Church of Chrift,and mull live in holy Communion, and have the pardon of their Sius, and ihall have everJailing Life. lie- 5 8 The Great Cafe Refolveef, Believing in God the Father, Son and Holy Spirit, I do prefently, abfolutely, and refolvedly give up my The Confent felf to him, my Creator and or Covenmt; reconciled God and Father, my Saviour and San&ifier : And repenting of my Sins, I renounce the Devil, the World, and the finful defires of the Flefh : And denying my felf, and taking up my Crofs, I confent to follow Chrift the Captain of my Sal- vation, in hope of his promifed Grace and Glory. A Short CATECHISM for thofe that have Learntd the Firft. Quefh i . T T J Hat do you believe concern- I Jjfcnt. VV ing'GOD? Aifw. There is only one God \ an In- finite Spirit of Life, Underftanding and Will, moft perfe&ly Powerful, Wifeand Good: The Father, the Word, and the Spirit , The Creator, Governour and End of all things -, Our Abfolute Owner, our molt Juft Ruler, and our molt Gracious and molt Amiable Father, Qnefl>, How to he certainly Saved. 59 . Quefh 2. What believe you of the Crea~ tion, and the nature of Man^ and the Law which was given to him ? /info. God created all the World : and made MAN in his own Image. imbodied Spirit of Life, Underftanding and Will, with holy Livelinefs, Wildom and Love \ to know, and love, and ferve his Maker, here and for ever : And gave him the inferiour Creatures for his ufe : But forbad him to tat of the Tree of Knowledge, upon pain of Death. Quell. 3. What believe you of Man s fall into Sin and Mifery ? Anfo. Man being tempted by Satan, did by wilful finning fall from his Holi- n.efs, his Innocency, and his Happinefs, under the Juflice of God, the condemna- tion of his Law, and the flavery of the Flefb, the World, and the Devil*, whence finful guilty and miferable Natures are propagated to all Mankind : And no meer Creature is able to deliver us. Quefl. 4. What believe JOH of Mans Redemption by Jcfus Chrifl. Anjm. God fo loved the World, that he gave his only Son to be their Saviour : Who being GOD, and One yvith the Father, took our Nature, and becan-e 60 The Great Cafe Refohed. MAN-, being conceived by the Holy Ghoft : Born of the Virgin Mary ; and called JESVS CHRIST ; who was per- fectly Holy, without Sin, fulfilling all Righteoufnefs \ and overcame the Devil and the World } and gave himfelf a Sacrifice for our Sins, by Tuffering a Cur- fed Death on the Crofs to ranfome us, and reconcile us unto God; and was buried, and went among the Dead \ the third Day he rofe again, having con- quered Death \ and having fealed the New Covenant with his Blood, he com- manded his Apoftles and other Miniflers, to Preach the Gofpel to all the World ; and promifed the Holy Ghoft : And then afcended into Heaven, where he is God and Man, the Glorified Head over all things to his Church, and our prevailing Intercefibr with God the Father. Queft. 5. What is the New Tefiarnent, or Covenant, cr Law of Grace ? Anfw. God, through Jefus Chrift, doth freely give to all Mankind himfelf, to be their reconciled God and Father, his Son to be their Saviour, and his Holy Sprit to be their San&ifier, if they will be- lieve and accept the Gift, and will give up themfelves to him accordingly^. Re- lenting of their Sins, and confenting to forfake How to h certainly faved. 61 forfake the Devil, the World and the Fleft, and fincercly, (though not perfe&ly) to obey Chrifi and his Spirit to the End, according to the Law of Nature, and his Gofpel Inftitutions, that they may be glo- rified in Heaven for ever. QuefL d. What believe yon of the Holy Choji i jinfvo. God the Holy Spirit was given by the Father and the Son to the Pro- phets, Apoflles, and Evangelifts, to be their infallible Guide in Preaching and Recording theDo&rine of Salvation ; and the Witnefs of its certain Truth by his manifold Divine Operations, And he is given,'to quicken, illuminate, and fancli- . fy all true Believers, and to fave them from the Devil, the World, and the ~ Flefh. Queft 7. What believe yon of the Holy Catholick Churchy the Communion of Saints, and the Forgivenefs of Sins ? Anfvo. All that truly confent to the Baptifmal Covenant, are one fanftified Church or Body of Chrifi, and have Com- munion in the fame Spirit of frith afid Love, and have the forgivenefs of all their Sins , and all that by Baptifm vifibly Covenant, and that continue to profefs Chrijlianity and Holinefs, are the univerfal vifible 6t The Great Cafe Refohed % vilible Church on Earth; and muftkeep holy Communion with Love and Peace in the particular Churches ; in the Do- ctrine, Worfhip, and Order Inftituted by Chrift. Queft. 8. What believe you of the Refur- re&ion and Everlafting Life ? Avjw. At Death the Souls of the Ju- flifyed go to Happinefs with Chrift, and the Souls of the Wicked to Mifery : And at the End of this World, Chrift will come in Glory, and will raife the Bodies of all Men from Death, and will Judge all according to their Works: And the Righteous (hall go into Ever- lafting Life, where being made perfed themfelves, they Ihall fee God y and per- fettly Love and praife him with Chrift and all the glorified Church ; and the reft into Everlafting Puniihment. Queft. 9. You have told me II. Confent. what you believe: Tell me nm what is the full Refolution and Defire of your Will, concerning all this which y on believe ? Anfw. Believing in God the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, I do prefently, ab- folutely, and refolvedly give up my felf to him, my Creator and reconciled God and Father, my Saviour, and my Sanfti- fier. How to he certainly Saved. 6^ fier. And Repenting of my Sin* I re- nounce the Devi], the World, and the finful delires of the Flefh. And denying my felf, and taking up my Grofs, I con- fent to follow Chrift the Captain of my Salvation \ in hope of the Grace and Glory promiftd. Which I daily defire and beg as he hath taught me, faying, £ Our Father which art in Heaven, &c] Quell. 10. What is that Practice it by this Covenant you are obliged to ? Anfxo. According to the Law of Na- ture, and Chrift's Inftitutions I muft (de- firing Perfedion) fincerely Obey him in a Life of Frith, and Hope, and Z Loving God as God, for himfelf above all, and loving my felt as his Servant, efpecially my Soul •, and feeking its Ho- linefs and Salvation \ and Loving my Neighbours as my felf. I matt avoid all Idolatry of Mind or Body, and mud Worfhip God according to his Word, by Learning and Meditating on his- Word ; by Prayer, Thankfgi- j ving, Praife, and ufe of " e Ur r [ s W. and lus Sacraments i I muft €eSy an ofene dintbe not profane, but holi- vuitb. days Confe- ly ufe his holy Name : renc -> *** mm fully I muft keep holy the « «J Uniycrftl Con- Lord's Day, efpecially cor ' in 64 PRATERS. in Communion with the Church-Aflem- blies : i muft Honour and Obey my Pa- rents, Magiftrates, Pallors, and other Rulers : I muft not wrong my Neighbour in Thought, Word, or Deed, in his Soul, bis Body, his Chaflity, Eftate, Right or Property \ but do him all the good I can : And do as I would be done by ; which is fummed up in the Ten Com- maifcments, £ God fpake thefe words, fay- ing, &C.3 A Prayer for Families in the Me- thod of the Lord's Prayer , be- ing but an Expcfition of it. MOST Glorious GOD, who art Power and Wifdom, and Good- nefs it [elf, the Creator of all things ; the Owner, the Ruler, and the Bene- factor of the World, but efpecially of thy Church and Chofen Ones :. Though by Sift original and actual, we were thy Enemies, the Slaves of Satan and our Tlefh, and under thy difpleafure, and the PRATERS. 6 S the condemnation of thy Law ; yet thy Children Redeemed, by Jefus Chrift thy Son, and Regenerated by the holy Spirit, have leave to call thee their Reconciled Father ; For by thy Cove- nant of Grace thou haft given them thy Son to be their Head, their Teacher^ and their Saviour ; And in him thou haft pardoned, adopted, and fanclified them ; fealing and preparing them by thy Holy Spirit, for the Cceleftial King- dom, and beginning in them that holy Life, and Light, and Love which fhall be perf tiled with thee in Everlafting Glory. O with what wondrous love haft thou loved us, that of Rebels we fhould be made the Sons of God : Thou haft advanced us to this Dignity \ that we might be devoted wholly to Thee as Thine Own, and might delightfully obey Thee, and entirely Jove Thte, with all onr Heart ; and fo might glorifteThes here and for ever. caufe both us, and all thy Churches, and all the World to hallow thy great and holy Name ! And to live to thee as our 66 PRATERS. our Vltimate End • that thy fhining linage^ ovt Holy Souls may Glorijfe thy Divine PerfeUion. *And caufe both us and all the Earth, to cafl off the Tyranny of Satan and the Flefh, and to acknowledge the Supreme Authority, and to become the Kingdoms of 7hee and Thy Son Jefus, by a willing and abfolute fubjeftion. O perfeft thy Kingdom of Grace in our f elves and in the World, and haflen the Kingdom of Glory, And caufe us and thy Churches, and all the People of the Earth, no more to be ruled by the Lulls of the Fiefh, axd their erroneous conceits % and by Self-will ; but by thy perfect Wifdom and holy Will revealed in thy Lms : Make known thy Word to all the W or Id, and fend them the Meffengers of Grace and Peace ; and caufe Mon to underitand, believe and obey the Gofpel of Salva- tion, and that with fuch Holinef$*&nity, and Love, that the Earth may be made' liker unto Hedven ; and not only thy fcattered iwperfeft flock, but thofe dfo PRATERS. 67 alfo, who in their carnal and ungodly minds do now refufe a holy Life, and think thy Word and Ways too flricl, may dejireto imitate even the heavenly Churchy where Thou art obeyed, and iovzd> and praifcd, with high Delight y in Harmony and Perfection. And lecaufe our Being is the fubje& of our Well-being, maintain us in the life which thou haft here given us, until the work of Life bejfnifhed ; and give us fuch health of Mind and Body, and fuck protection and fupply of all our wants, as fhaU bejl fit us for our Duty, ^wd make us contented with our daily Bread, and patient if we want it •• Andfave us from the love of the Riches, and Honours, and Pleafures of this World y and the Pride, and Idlenefs, and Senfuality which they cherifb: And caufe us to ferve thy Providence by our diligent Labours, and to ferve thee faithfully with all that thou givefl us : And let us not m^ke'-provifton for the J licfh, tofatisfyitsdeftresandlufts. ArJ 63 PRATERS. And we befeech thee of thy Mercy] through the Sacrifice and Propitiation of thy Beloved Son, forgive us all our Sins, original and aElual, from our Birth to this Hour ; our omiffions of Duty, and committing of what thou didfl forbid ; Our fins of heart, and word, and deed} our finful thoughts and ajfeftions, our finful paffionsanddijcontents ; ourfecret and our open fins ; cud fins of negligence, and ignorance, and rafhnefs ; but efpe- cially our fins againfl Knowledge and Confcience, which have made the deepe/l guilt and wounds. Spare us, O Lord, and let not our fins fo find us out as to I be our ruin ; but let us fo find them cut, as truly to repent and turn to thee. Efpecially punifh us not with the lofs of thy Grace ! Jake not thy Holy Spirit from us, and deny us not his Jj/ifiance and holy Operations. Seal to us by that Spirit the pardon of our fins, and lift up the light of thy Countenance upon us, and give us the joy of thy Favour and Salvation. And let thy Low and Mercy fo fill us not only with Tbankfulnef to Thee, Thee, but with Love and Mercy to our Brethren and our Enemies ; that voe may heartily forgive them that do us wrong, as through thy Grace we hope we do. A,;d for the time to come fuffer us not to caft our [elves wilfully into Temp- tations ; hut carefully to avoid them, and rejolutely to Refifi and Conquer what ne cannot avoid : And Q nor ti fie thofe inward Sins and Lufts, which are cur ccnflint and mo ft dangerous Tempta- tions ; And let us not be tempted ly Sit an or the World \ or tried ly thy Judgment s> above' the ftrength which thy Grace fh all give us. Save us from a fearlefs confidence in our own ftrength. And let us not dally with the fnare 9 v.,r tafle +the bait, nor play with the Fire of thy wrath ; But caufe us to fear and depart from Evil ; left before we are aware, we le entangled an A over- come, and wounded with our Guilt and with Wrath, and our End fhould le worfe than our Beginning. Efpecialfy fave us from thofe radical Sins of Error, D and 70 PRATERS. and Vnbelief, Pride Hypocrifie, Hard- heart ednefs,Senfuality % Slothfulnefs , and the love of this pre lent World, and the lefs of our Love to thee t to thy Kingdim> and thy Ways. Andfkve us from the Malice of Sa- tan and of wicked Men, and from the Evils which our Sins would bring up- en hs. And as we crave all this from thee, voe humbly render our Praijes with our future Service to thee. Thou art the King of all the World, and more than the Life of all the Living. Ihy King- dom is Everlafiing ; Wije, and Juft, and Merciful is thyGcvernment. Blejfed are they that are thy faithful Subjects ; But who hath hardened himfelf againjl thee, and hath profpered? The whole Creation proclaimeth thy Perfection ; But it is Heaven where the BUfjed fee thy Glory, and the Glory of our Re- deemer, where the Angels and Saints heboid thee, admire thee, adore thee, love thee, and praife thee with Tri- .umfhaHt, Joyful Songs, the flolj\ Holy, Holy PRATERS. 71 Holy Go J, the Father, Son, and Holy Ghft who wis, and is, and is to come ; Of Thee, and through Thee, and to Thee are all things ; To Tioee be Glory for ever. Amen. A Short Prayer for Families. Mlft Glorious Ever-living God, Father, Son and Holy Ghoft, Inainue in thy Po.ver, Wifdom and GoodmT* ; Thou art the Creator of all the World, the Redeemer of loft Mankind, and the Sandtifier of thine EkGt. Thou haft made us living rea- ionable Souls, placed a while on Earth in FLfh, to feek, and know, and love, !erve thee, which we fhould have done with all our Soul and Might; For we and all things are thine own, and thou art more to us than all the World. This (hould have been ti-e g eatcft Bufmefe, Care and Pleafure of our Lives ; We were bound to ic D z by 72 PRATERS. by the Law, and invited by thy Love and Mercy, and the promifeof a Re- ward in Heaven : And inourBaptifm, we were devoted to this Chriftian Life of Faith and Holinefs, by a Solemn Covenant and Vow. But with Grief and Shame we do confefs, that we have been too unfaithful to that Covenant, and too much negle£ted the Lord our Father, our Saviour and our Sandtifier, to whom we were devoted ; and have too much ferved the Flefti and the World, and the Devil which ue re- nounced. We have added to our Ori- ginal Sin, v the guilt of Unthankfulnefs* lor a Saviour, and refilling his Spirit and Grace that fhould have renewed, and governed and fived us. We have ipent much of our Lives, in flelhly and worldly Vanity, andfinfuily neg- le&ed the greateft Work, of making a fure Preparation for Death and Judg- ment, and our endlefs State In a Cuftom of finning we have hardened our Hearts againfi: thy Word and Warnings, and the Reproofs at thy Ministers, PRATERS. 73 Minifters, and of our Conferences that have oft told us of our Sin and Danger, and called us to repent* And now, O Lord, our convinced Souls confefs that we deferye to Le forfaken by thee, and left to our own luft and folly, and to the deceits of Satan, and unto endlefs Mifery. But feeing thou haft given a Saviour to loft Man, and a pardoning Covenant through the merits of Chrift, promi- fing forgivenefs and Salvation to every true penitent Believer; we thankfully accept thy offered Mercy, and peni- t^ndy bewail oar Sin, and caft our miferable Souls upon thy Grace and Sacrifice, Merits and Inrerceffions of our Redeemer. Forgive all the Sins of our Hearts and Lives ; and as a reconciled Father take us as thy a- dopted Children in Chrift. O give us thy renewing Spirit, to be in us a erful and conftant Author of Holy Light and Love, and Life, to fit us for all our Duty, and for Communion with thee, and for Everlafting Life : D 3 And 74 T R A T E R S. And to. dwell in us as thy Witnefs and Seal of our Adopt i op. Let him be better to our Souls than our Souls are to our Bodies, Teaching us thy Word and Wilt, and bringing all our Love and Will to a joyful compliance with thy Will ; and quickening our dull and drowfie Hearts to a Holy and Heaven- ly Conversation. Let him turn all our finful Pleafures and Dcfires into the delightful love of thee and of thy V. and Servants Save us from the great Sins of Selfifhnefs, Pride and W: Jinefs, and give us Self-denial, Humi- lity and a Heavenly Mind. Thst while we are on Earth our Hearts may be in Heaven, where we hops to live in thy joyful Love and Y with Chrift: and all his Nely C for ever. Let us ruever forget that this Life is Abort, and that the Life to come is endlefs ; That our Souls are .precious, and our Bodies vile, and mud fhortly turn to rottennefs and duft ; that Sin is odious, and Temptations dangerous, and Judg- ment PRATERS y s ment dreadful to unprepared guilty Souls; and that U ithout a Saviour and his Grace and Spirit, there is no Salvation ; Caufe us to live as we wou!d die, and let no Temptation, Company or Bufmefs, draw us to forget our God and our everlaiting flaic. Lord bfefs the World, and fpecially thefe Kingdoms, with Wife, Godly, Juft and Peaceable Princes, and info- riour Judges and Magiftrates ; and guide, protett and profper them for the common good, and the promo- ting of GodUnefs, and fuppreflln Sin ^ And b!efs alb Churches with a- b!c, godly, faithful Faftors, that are zealous lovers of God, and GooJne s, and the Peoples Souis. And fave Nations and Churches from or Tyranrs ard Deceivers, and from malignant Enemies to ferious Piety. And caufe Subjedte to li^ e in jafl O- bedience , and in Love and Peace. Blefs Families with Wife, Religious Governours, who will qarelully in- D 4 Itruft j6 PRATERS. ftru& their Children and Servants, and reftrain them from Sin, and keep them from Temptation. Teach Chil- dren and Servants to fear God, and honour and obey their Governours O Our Father which art in Hea- ven, let thy Name he Hallowed. Let thy Kigdom come. Let thy Will be dent en Earth as it is in Heaven. Give us thu day our daily Bread ; Forgive us our Trefpaffes, as we forgive them that ^rejpafs againfi us. Lead us not into Temptation^ but deliver us from Evil. For thine is the Kingdom, the Power and the Glory, for ever. Amen. A jhort Prayer for Children and Servants. EVer-Jiving and mofl: Glorious God, Father, Son and Holy Ghoft ! Infinite is thy Power, thy Wifdom and thy Goodnefs ! Thou art the Ma- ker PRATERS. 77 ker of all the World, the Redeemer of loft and finful Man and the San- dier of the Elett ! Thou haft made me a living reafonable Soul, placed a while in this Flelh and World to Know, and Love, and ferve thee my Creator, . with all my Heart and Mind, and Strength, that I might obtain the Reward of the heavenly Glory. This fhould have been the greateft care, and bufinefs and pleafure of all my Life : I was bound to it bv thy Law i 1 was invited by thy Mercy. . And in i my Baptifm I was devoted to this holy life, byafolemn Covenant and Vow ! But alas I have proved too unfaithful to that Covenant : I have forgotten and negledted the God, the Saviour, and the Santtifier, to whom I was engaged : And have too much ferved the Devil, the World and the Flefh, which I renounced ; I was born in fin, and fmfully I have lived. I have been too carelefs of my Immortal Soul, and of the great work for which I was created and redeemed; I have D 5 fj 78 PRATERS. fpent much of my precious time in vanity, in minding and pleafing this corruptible Flefti ^ And I have hard- ned my heart againftthofelnftru&ions, by which thy Spirit, and my Teachers, and my own Confcience, did call upon me to' repent and turn to thee. And now, Lord, my convinced Soul doth confefs, that I have ceierved to be forfaken by thee, and given over to my luft and folly, and to be caft out of thy glorious Prefence into Damnation. But feeing thou haft given a Saviour to the World, and made a pardon ng and gracious Law, prornifing forgivenefs and lalvation through his Merits, to every true penitent Believer, I thankfully accept che mercy of thy Covenant in Chrift ; . I humbly confefs my fin and guiltinefs : I caffc my miferable Soul upon thy Grace, and the Merits, and Sacrifice and InterceiTion of my Saviour O pardon ail the fins of my corrupted heart and life ; And as a reconciled Father take me to be thy Child ; And eive PRATERS. 79 give me thy renewing Spirit, to be in me a Principle of holy Life, and Light and Love, and thy Seal and Wnnefs that L am thine ; let him quicken my dead and hardned heart; let him enlighten my dark unbelieviog Mind ; by clearer knowledge and firm belief ; let him turn my will to the reaJy Obedience of thy holy Wi 1 ; let him reveal to my Soul the wonders of thy love in Chrift, and fill it with love to Thee and my Re- deemer, and to all thy holy word and works ; till all my {infill carnal love be q lenched in me, and my finfu! pleafures turned into a fwflst Delight, in God ; give me felf-denial, humility and lowlintft, and five me from the great and hateful fins of Sdfiihnef a Worldlinefs and Pride. O fet my Heart upon the Heavenly Glory, where I hope e're long to live with Chrilt and all his hoty Oies, in the joyful fight and Ioveandpraifeot T^iee the God ot bve for ever. Deny rue not any of thofc helps aad mercies, which 80 PRATERS. which are needful to my Salification and Salvation. And caufe me to live in continual readinefs, for a fafe and comfortable Death : For what would it profit me to win all the World, and lofe my Soul, my Saviour, and my God. Additions for ChiU dren. LetthyBlefling be upon my Pa rents and Gover nours; Caufe them to Inftrud and E- ducate me in thy fear, and caufe me with thankfulnefs to receive their In- flru&ions; and to love, honour and obey them, in O- hedience to thee Keep me from the fnares of evil Com- pany y Temptati- ons. Additions for Ser- vants. And as thou haft made me a Ser- vant,makemecon- fcionable and faith- ful, in my Place and Trull , and careful of my Ma- ilers goods andbu- unefs, as I would be if it were my own. Make me (ubmifTive and o- bedient to my Go- ver nours : Keep me from felt- will and pride, from mur- PRATERS. 81 ons, and Youthful Pleafures ; and let me be a Compani- on of them that fear thee. Let my daily delight be to Meditate on thy Law ; and let me never have the mark of the Un- godly, to be a Lo- ver of Pleafures more than of God. Furnifh my Youth with thofe Trea- fures of Wifdom andholinefs.which may be daily in- creafedandufedto thy Glory. murmuring and unreverentfpeech- es, from falfhood, flothfulnefs and all deceit : That I might not be an Eve-fervant, plea- fing my lull and fleihly appetite ; but may chearful- ly and willingly do my duty, as be lieving that thou art the revenger of all unfaithfulnefs ; and may do my fervice not only as unto Man, but as to the Lord, ex- pecting from thee my chief Reward. All this I beg and hope for, on the account of the Merits and Intercefiion ot JefusChrift.concluding in the words winch he hath taught us, Our Father which 8i PRATERS. which art in Heaven, hallowed he thy JS-ame, Thy Kingdom come, Thy Will be done, on Earth , as it is in Heaven, Give us this day our daily Bread And forgive us our Trefpaffes, as we forgive them that Tre/pafs againfl us. And lead us not into Temptation ; But deliver us from Evil. For thine is the Kingdom, the Power, and the Glory, for ever, Amen. A plain and fliort Prayer for Families, for Morning and Evening* ALmighty, All-feeing and mod Gracious God the World and all therein is made, maintained and ordered by thee : Thou art every where prefent, being more tjjan the foul of all the World. Though thou art revealed in.th) Glory to thole only that a- e in Heaven, thy G'ace is ftili at work on Earth to prepare Men for chat Glory ; Thou madeil; us not as? the PRATERS. 83 the Beafts that perifri, but with rea- for able immortal Souls to know and feek, and fcrve thee here, and then to live with all the ttlefled, in the ever- Jafting fight of thy Heavenly Glory, and the Pleafures of thy perfect Love, and Praife. But we are afhamed to think how fooliflbly and fin fully we have forgotten and negle&ed our God and our Souls, and our hopes of blef- kd Immortality, and have overmuch minded the things of this vifible tran- fitory World, and the Profperity and Pleafureof this corruptible Flclh, which we know muft turn to rottenneisand dud. Thou gaveft us a Law which was juft an J good, to guide us in the onI> way to Life, and when by sia u e had und ne our fe ! vcs, thou gaveft us a Saviour even thy eternal Word made^lan, u ho by his holy Life and bitter. Sufferings reconciled us to thee, and both purcnaful Salvation for us, and revea id it to us, better than an -Angel from Heaven could have done, if thou hadft km him to us Sinner* on 84 PRATERS. on fuch a meflage : But alas how light have we fet by our Redeemer! And by all that Love which thou haft manifefted by him, and how little have we ftudied and underftood, and lefs obeyed that Covenant of Grace, which thou haft made by him to loft Mankind ? • But O God be merciful to us vile and miferable Sinners! Forgive the Sins of our natural .pravity and the follies of our Youth, and all the Ignorance, negligence, omiilions and commiflions of our lives; And give us true Re- pentance for them, or elfe we know that thou wilt not forgive them. Our Life is but as a Shadow that pafleth away, and it is but as a moment till we mud leave this World, and appear before thee to give up our Account, and to fpeed for ever as here we have prepared. Should we die before thou haft turned our Hearts from , this finful Flefh and World to thee by true Faith and Repentance, we (hail he loft for evermore. O woe to us that ever we PRATERS. S$ we were born, if thou forgive notour Sins, and make us not holy before this Chart and uncertain Life be at an End : Had we all the Riches and Plea.- furcscf this World, they would ihortly leave us in the greater Sorrows. We know that all cur Life is but the time which thy Mercy allottethus to pre- pare for Death : Therefore we (houIJ not put off our Repentance and Pre- paration to a fick Bed : But now Lord, as if it were our laft and dying words, weearneftly beg thy pardoning and fan&ifying Grace through the Me- rits and Interceffion of our Redeemer: O thou that haft pitied and faved fo many Millions of miferable Sinners, pity and fave us alfo, that we may glorifie thy Grace for ever ; furely thou de'ighteft not in the Death of Sinners, but rather that they return and live : Hadft thou been unwilling to (he\v Mercy, thou vvouldft not have ranfomed us by fo precious a Price, and ftill intreat us to be recon- ciled to thee : We have no caufe to diftrufi B6 PRATERS. diftrufi: thy Truth or Goodnefs ; but we are afraid left Unbelief, and Pride, and Hypocrifie, and a worldly fleihly Mind, (hould be our Ruin. O fave us from Satan, and this tempting World, but efpecially from our felves : Teach us to deny all ungodlinefs and fkfiily Lulls, and to live foberlv, righteouHy and godly in this World, Let it be cur chiefeft daily work to pleafe thee, znd to lay up a Treafure in Heaven, and to make fore of a bleiled Life wkh Chrrft, and quietly to truit thee with Soul and Rody. Make us faith- ful in our Callings, and our duties to one another, and to all Men, to cur Superiouts, Equals and lnferiours : Blefs the King, and all in Authority, that we may live a quiet and peace- able Life in all godlinefs and honefty : Give wife, holy, and peaceable Pa- llors to all the Churches of Chrift, and holy and peaceable Minds to the People : Convert the Heathen and Infidel Nations of the World : And caufe us, and all thy People to feek firft PRATERS. 87 firft the Hallowing of thy Name, the coming of thy Kingdom, the doing of thy Will en Earth as it is done, in Heaven : Give us our daily Bread, even all things neceflary to Life and Godlinefs, a*id let us be there* content. Forgive us our daily Sins, and let thy Love and Mercy conftrain us to love thee above all ; and (or thy fake to love our Neighbours as our felves, and in all our Dealings, to juftly and mercifully, as we 'would. e others do by us. Keep us fr< hurtful Temptations, from Sin, and- from thy J its, and fc of cur d corporal I let all our Thoughts, ?, Words and Ani- ons, be governed by thy Word and Spirit to thy Glory; Make ail our Reli- gion and Obedience pleafanc to us ; and let our Souls be fo- delighted in the Praife of thy Kingdom, thy Power and thy Glory, that it may fecure and fweeten our Labour by Day, and our Reft by Night, and keep us in a longing 88 PRATERS. longing and joyful Hope of the hea- venly Glory : And let the Grace of our Lord Jefus Chrift, and the Love of God our Father, and the Commu- nion of the holy Spirit be with us now and for ever, An en. P O F. M S 8p POEMS UPON Chriftmas-Day. By the late Lord Chief- Jufl ice Hah ALmighty God, when he had raised the Frame Of Heaven and Earth , and furni [he d the fame With worlds of equal wonder , framed then Apiece of greater Excellence, calld Man : Gave him 4 comprehenfive Soul, that fear d Aboze the Creatures, and beheld their Lordy Infcrib d him with his Imtge, and did fill The compafs of his IntelleSl ayid Will, With Truth and Good \ gave him the Cuftody Of his own BUfs and Immortality. And jufrly now his Sovcraign might demand \ Subjection and Obedience at his hand % Were only Being given, 'twere but right His Debt of Duty fhould be infinite : But here was more, afupcr*added drefs Of Life, Perfeffion, and Happinefs. :/eat King, for an Experiment Of Man s defetv'd Allegiance, is content To nfe an eafe Precept, fitch as j; cod Both with his Creatures Duty and his Good ; Fc . Poems upon Chrift mas-Day. Forbids one Frmt, en fain of death , and give} Freely the reft which he might eat and live. But Man Rebels, and for one tafi doth chocfe, H's Life, his God, his Innocence to locfe. And now death ftric\e-n, like a wounded Deer, - Strliiiy purfu'd by Guilt, and Shame, and Fear 9 Be feehj to lofe himfelf\ from God he flies, And takes a Wildernefs of M'ftries \ A Land of new tranfgrefjions, where his Curfe Is cloftr hound, his Nature growing worfe. And whiles in this condition Alan-kind Liy, A man would thin 1 ^ his injur d God jkouldfay, There lies Ac cur fed Man, and let him lie' Int angled in that Web of Mifery, Which his own Sin hath fvun \ Imufl he True And Jufi. Vnthankful Man, thou kfi thy due. But twas not fo. Though Al n the Alajrry, With his Creator s Power and Will, dares try j And being over match with Power, difdains To fee k a °ardon from his Saver aign \ The Great and Glorious God, the Mighty King Of Heaven an Earthy defpis'd by fuch a thing As ir.an 7 a Worm of 'his own making, breaks T^e rules of Greatncf;, and his Creature feths* H's fro:ward Creature, net in fuch a way As once he did in the cool of that day, Wherein Man Jinn d, and hid \ fuch Afajeftj Had been to great for Mans neceff/ty: But the Eternal Son of God, the Word, By which all things were made, the Mighty Lord, #ffurn£s our Fleili, and under that he lays, And hides his Greatnefi, andthofe Glorious Rayes Of Mijefty, which had been over bright, And too refvlendent for poor Mortals fight ; And Poems upon Chriftmis-Day. 91 And under this difguife, the King of Kings, The Me (f age of his Fathers Mercy bring* \ Solicits Mans return \ pays the Price Of his Tranfgreffion hy the Sacrifice Of his own Soul \ and undertakes to cure -Sins, their Peace and Pardon to procure^ To conquer DeAthfcr him \ and more than ihis 2 To fettle him in Everlaftivg Blifs. And now, Mm, could this excefs of Love $ Thy Thankfulrtefs to fuch a height improve, What it could fire thy Soul into one flame Of Love, to only him that bought the fame At fuch a rate, yet [till it were too fmall To recommence thy SaviturU Love withal; Once did he give thee Being from the duft 9 ^ And for that only Being 'twere but juft To vay thy utmcfl fef ; But when once more ring, and thy Bl'fs he did reft ore By fuch a me fins as this, it doth bereave Thy Soul of hopes ofrecompence, and leave »Thy Soul infblvent Tw'ce to htm this day Thou on? ft thy f elf 7 yet but One feif canft pay. II. The Prince of Darknefs pfht with Vitlory ^^Erfirft Parents fir ft Apoftacy, >fs Sojeraigmy on Man, ted thus from his fir ft Soveragn : And though by that Apoftacy he found , Vnder the chains of death his K Jafal bound , fecure his Empire, he o'rc-fpread I Vorld with Darknefs, and thereby did . His Captives as he p leafed : TIjus he b( . His Rule ufurped, near four tfroufandj * ^cept 9i Poems upon Chriftmas-Day. Except fome fmall confnd Plant ftkn § Within a Family or Nation. But now to put a period to this Reign Of this ZJfurper, and reduce again, Maruo his Jufi Subjetlioc, 'tis decreed That Man from this Subjection (ball be Freed > And this not by the ahfolute Commands Of an immediate Power, nor (hall the Bands M Of AigcU Glorious Ho/Is ingaged be, To refine Man from this Captivity : But Cod an unfufpe&ed means intends, And Jft nfojt fu! table unto this end. Sin poind our Nature, and the Serpents wile, Did man of Innocence and Life beguile: By Man his head is cruffrd > the Lawful Lord Unto his Creature, Man to his Life re/tor 7 d' 9 A Virgins Son is Born ; This rifing Sun, The Worlds inthallhg darhnefs over-runs \ A Child to us is Born, tvhofe Innocence, Our Natures fpot md ftain doth pwge and cleanfe ; His Wounds ', our Cure \ his Bonds, our Liberty \ His Death becomes, our Life, our Victory, And this is He, tphofe Birth roe Celebrate, And from this Day our Happinefs do Date. \ FIN I S.