a B r I i. r ACCOUNT! or THE LATE REVIVALS OF RELIC AMONG THE Congregations lists and Baptists, IN A NUMBER OF TOWNS, IN THE NEW-ENGLAND STATES, AND ALSO IN NOVA-SCOTIA. EXTRACTED CHIEFLY FROM LETTERS, v\ ritten by fevcral (.' rulemen of unqueftionable Verac;t_ There is joy in the prefence of the angels of God over one finner that repentcth. Jesus Chkist. toaltfajc : PRINTED AND SOLD BY HOLDEN AND DOWSON ; Soli alfo by Wills and Button, London; by J.Faucf-.tt, at Ewood Hall, near Halifax; and by the Baptifl Miniftcrs at BRADFORD, ROCHDALK, BACUP, kg. &C. [PRICK TWO-PENCE.] l800. A BRIEF ACCOUNT OF THE Revival of Religion, Extracted from Letters lately received from America, EXTRACT I. Mr. S- W- , of Windham, in Connecticut, thus writes to his Friend in Boston. Rev. and dear Si Windham, Oft. 2, 175 Y OU will pardon me for troubling you with a line from an unworthy, though fincere friend. It is a time of general health in thefe parts ; but this is not the beft news with which I ihali ac- quaint you : for •' as cold water to a thirfty foul, fo is good news from a far country." God is carrying on a glorious work in feveral towns in thefe parts. The work began in the firft fociety at Mansfield, about five or fix months ago, in a very gradual manner ; but foon took a very rapid fpread in the weft part of the town. A fermon preached in that neighbourhood., at a funeral, by the Rev. Mr. Shearman, was greatly blefTed. The Spirit of the Lord feemed to fweep all before it, like an over-flowing flood, though with very little noife. It is wonderful to fee the furprifing altera- tion in the people in fo (hort a time. I conclude there are not lefs than an hundred fouls converted in that town fince the work began. Soon after, it began in Ha?npton, but did not fpread with the fame rapidity as it did in Mansfield. The like happy work has lately taken place in Ajhford, in the Rev. Mr. Pond's fociety, with a good degree ot power. It has alio fpread into the fecond fo- ciety m Mansfield, under the pafloral care of Rev. Mr. Weljh; alio in the upper part of Canterbury, and lately in Abington, in Pomjrtt. Dear fir, we (nay fay, in the midft of judgment God is (hewing himlelf marvclloully good and kind ; and though it leemed our land, a few months ago, was fully ripe tor defiruclion, and the hot thunder- bolts of divine wrath were hanging over our heads, yet God has made a rich difpiay of his grace, in the converfion ot many fouls. One thing- is remarkable in this reformation, there is fuch evidence carried in the work, that none, or but very few dare oppofe it. Bigotry, which was fo common between the Standing Order, or the Con- gregationalilts, and the Diflenters, is done away. This work is chiefly among the Standing Order. EXTRACT II. Containing a farther account of the lame work, in a Letter from the Rev. E P , to his Parents, dated Aihford, Septem- ber 24, 1798. Honoured Parents, 1 mult inform you of the work of God, which is going on in thefe parts. Early in May, an atten- tion to religion began in the fir ft fociety in Mans- field, which increafed to a great degree, fo as to become general. It then began in Hampton, where it is as general as in Mansfield. About four weeks fince, it began here, and, for the time, has fpread very fall ; fo that about eighty have been under great concern : of this number, nearly twenty have a good hope they have been M born again* The w> f the infinite character of Jehovah, which made mc Ihrink into nothing in my own efteem; then, to my aftonifhment, my foul was ftrangely drawn forth, at particular times, in fecret prayer, tor the falvation ot Qn- ners. Repeated exercifes of this kind gave me a ftrong confidence, that the Lord would foon work falvation in this j)lace. There were, how- ever, no favourable fymptoms am .\\t, to ad mini Iter fac laments to a chinch that iiave not a dated pallor, ami tarried with them about nine days; when, in preaching my fecond fermon, the glory of the Lord came down in a won- dcrtul manner. One convicted, and hopefully Converted, under that fermon, was added to the church about two days alter, and three others who had before obtained a hope. Three months after this, I went again to adminiltcr the Lord's Supper, at which time I admitted twenty-eight, who had hopefully been brought home in the interval. The work of conviction was then going on powerfully in that town, and fpreading into thofe adjoining on the fame ifland.* Our allociation had licenfcd dear Mr. Ebenezer Eaton to preach, who improved his talent, labouring night and dav among them, wham the Lord remarkably owned. How many have been brought out (ince I was there, I am not intormed ; but according to the beft accounts, there are many. The Lord multiply the number, and add to the church fuch as (ball be Caved! I now come a little nearer home. In the begin- ning of winter, this glorious work began in A wick, under the paftoral care of the Rev. j% Mernll. Perhaps there hath not been a work fo powerful, and fo much like the work fifty-eight years ago. In a time of fuch extraordinaries, it could not reafonably be expe6ted but fome things would be a little wild and incoherent, confidering the various tempers, infirmities, and difpofitions or mankind ; but I believe my young and dear brother Mcrriil, with other experienced chriftians were very careful to diflmguilh the precious from the vile — to correct errors, " to fet the people in the B * Mount Dcert is an I lobfcottBty 14 way of his fteps," \o that there appears to be no prevalence of enthufiafm among them, according to the bed information. How great the number of thofe who have been brought to hope, I am not able to give anv tolerably good account : fome fay- there are about an hundred, others about double that number: I believe they are all very uncertain. Blefied be God, the work is Hill going on there, though not with equal rapidity. And now, dear Sir, let your imagination paint to your view the finking fcene of an hundred fouls, men, women, and children, at the fame time under the work of the law. The tears, fobs, groans, and cries iffuing from (cores at a time! All the terrors of the law crowding and preiTing in upon them; their fins, in infinite numbers and aggravations, flaring them in the face ; all their old vain hopes gone, and cut off, and every refuge failing! Hear them freely confefTing their old abominations, their former enmity to the great doclrines of original fin, election, the fovereignty of divine, free grace, the powerof Goddifplayed in effectual vocation; above all, the juftice of God in their damnation ! How often are fouls brought out into the peace and com- fort of the love of God, and the fweet confolations of the Holy Spirit. The dead hear the voice of the Son of God, and live. Children are brought to crv, " Hosanna to the Son of David." Indeed this glorious work has been wondetful among children: and God has made instruments ot them to per left his praife in carrying on his work. This blefied work of God has begun in Blue-Hill: but as vet has not gained the afcendency ; I Iha-U therefore come to my own dear people or Deer-Ifle. And here, perhaps the work is as remarkable as at Sedgzcick, but not fo rapid. Not more than eight months ago it appeared to me that religion was near ■expiring among us. except in a very handtul of '5 prof c flbrs. Dcifin had taken an unaccount i Stride, and fpread itfelf over a great number ol the inhabitants. And now, No Bible, no Chrift! the Chriftian religion, ami Chriitians, were the long ot tlie drunkard ; and drunken nefs and every vice was deemed harrnlefs, and ingrTenfive to God. I had no reafon to think but by the next annual meeting oi the town, they would vote the Gofpel out from them. When the aforementioned work at Penob and Mount De/ert was going on, it feemed to have no influence on our people. This you may be fure was grievous to me. However, I think I was enabled to bear witnefs to the truth with great free- dom. In October, I perceived a more clofe atten- tion to the word, but nothing fpecial as yet. Alter I was confined to my houfe, the work began to ap- pear; and though I could not go abroad, nor preach at the Meeting- houfe, there was feldom a day but more or lefs viOted me under their trouble, and I preached in my own houfe when I was not able to {land on nay feet. At length we had the afliltance of Mr. E. Eaton, whom God remarkably owns. I believe there are about forty men, women, and chil- dren, who have obtained a hope; and great num- bers are under prelling conviction. The work is novv on the increafe. May the Lord continue and {till increafe it till they aie all brought in. The m >uth ol deifm is at prefent Hopped, and again (I the children of Ifrael not ^o much as a dog is fullered to move his tongue. O may the Lord go on from conquering to conquer, till the whole earth [hall be filled with Ins glory. T.ms, dear Sir, I have complied with vour dc- fire. If you think proper, you may cauie the fore- going Narrative to be printed in the newfpapers Such accounts may be a mean of putting a carelei people under con G deration. B 2 . i6 EXTRACT VIII. . r s Letter from a Perfon in Deer-Ifle, to a Society with which he is connected in Newbury-Port, dated March 15, 1799. Dear Friends and Brethren, \ V PULE I am partaking a rich repair, I hear- tily defire my friends may have a fhare of a feaft indeed. It is in vain for me to attempt to defcribe the wonders ot the love and grace of God manifefted in a marvellous manner among us ; and in the adja- cent parts. It has pleafed God to vifit us by the out-pouring of his bleffed Spirit, fo that even op- pofers acknowledge it to be the work of God, of whom fome of thegreateft have been, I hope, fav- ingly wrought upon. This bleffed and glorious work firft began in a frnall neighbourhood that have lived in a carelefs &nd negligent manner as to their attendance on the means of grace: the head of the firft family that was wrought upon, is a man about fixty years of age : I never faw him at meeting but twice fince I lived on the ifland, before this winter: God has been pleafed to vifit him and his wife, and they both appear to be humble chriftians. with feveral others or that family. The work is daily increafing and fpreading through the town ; there were tour or five brought into the light under one fermon this week; there have been nineteen perfons come for- ward and made a public profeflion of religion, and joined the Church already, and nearly as many more profefs to have a hope. This work has been more extend ve in Sedgwick : I am credibly informed it has vifned every houfe tor fourteen miles, and about one hundred fouls are hopefully converted. What {hall we fay to thefe things ? Let us adore the free grace of our bleffed l 7 God and Saviour, I think there is great encourage- ment tor all thai love our Lord, And have an m- terefl at the throne of grace, to plead with God to fpread this glorious work. Let us a! I addre arid praife his name tor his wonderful works to the (bns of men. I blefs God that he has given me to fee fuch glorious davs of the Son of Man. It has been a Sabbath to me all this winter; I have enjoyed a continued feall, and find it good to wait on God. I had rather be a door keeper in his houfe, than to dwell in the tents of fin. O that it would plcafe God to caufe a glorious fljower of divine grace to defcend upon you. My foul longs tor your falvation, that every member oi your 1 if tie focietv may be a partaker of the heavenlv grace; may this be a mean of ftirring vou up, and eng iging your hearts in the things of God. Let not worldly cares turn your attention from this moil im- portant concern: not only our prefent but everlaft- ing happinefs lies here. eoeoeotoacaecro* EXTRACT IX. A Letter written by Mrs. A S , in I , to the Rev. I laic Backus, at Miudlcboi 'ja,'!). Dear Sir, Litchfield, April 6 : 1790. 1 HERE has been a wonderful out-pouring of God's Spirit in thefe parts this winter, efpecially among t >e youth. As many as twenty-five have joined this church this winter, who are not more than twenty-years old ; and one lad who was but nine. I believe there i^ not one houfe miffed for feven or eight miles, but what the Lord has taken B 3 i8 fome out of every family. And in one family, which but a few years ago was in open oppofition to this caufe, feven out of eleven have nowprofeffed to know Jefus Chrift aRd the power of his refurrec- tion ; one of whom was baptized laft Lord's-day. And while we were bv the water- fide, the power of the Lord came down like the rufhing of a mighty wind. One young woman was fo (truck with the fenfe of her duty that (he could not {land on her feet. The people feeing her falter, thought fhe was faint ; but (lie faid, No, no ; her friends were in fuch oppofition to the Baptifts, that (he had never faid any thing openly about religion. — In the after- noon infteadof a fermon fhe told her exercifes, and two more, who were baptized the fame day. We thought the reformation was almoft over in this place; but we find the Lord has not forfaken us; bleiled be his name, he is fliil giving us a tafte of hk love, ceccce.'oaoocojuo EXTRACT X. Another Letter, Sated Bowiloinham, April 29, 1799, from the Rev. Job Macomber, to the fame, contains the following. OINCE our laft AiTociatkm, elder Wm. Stin- jon, who is ordained over the fir ft church in Litch- field, has baptized 118. Thegreateft part of them belong to that town. The winter before laft there was the mo ft powerful work in Bowdoine that I ever law fmce I came into thefe parts. It prevailed through the town. Elder Potter baptized 22 in one day. And it was as powerful in Litchfield 'laft: winter; Elder Stinfon baptized 13 there in one day. Thefe weie two as told winters as were ever known here. The work has new be^un in this town, Si*; pcrfons have lately manifefted a change of heart ; two of them are my children. The work ftill prevails. co5o:-3oc-eeocc»» EXTRACT XI. From the Rev. J. D , in Nova-Scotia, to his Friend in Boston, dated Halifax, May 25, 1799. Dear Brother, i\ otwithftanding many complaints as to the ftate of religion in fume parts; yet God is marvel- ioufly vifiting feveral townfhips with the mowers of his grace. In Annapolis County the following places have (hared largely, viz. Granville, Will- mouth, Niclau, and Aylesford. King's County, Norton, and Cornwallis, have been wonderfully vifited. Sinners have been converted to God, and Chriftians to their duty. Two Pedo-baptifr Mi- ni Iters have been baptized, and a great many young converts. The three la ft facramental occafions, I think there were baptized, the lft. thirteen — the 2d. twenty-feven — the 3d. twenty-eight. There are alfo favourable fymptoms among the Dutch people at Lunenburgh. Many of them who had been violent opp-jfers of religion, having (pent all their arrows, fay they will fight no mure. Some are under very ferious impreflions, and a few hope- r nlly converted. 2?0^ 20 EXTRACT XII, Containing a furcher account of the fame work, in a Letter frorn the Rev. T H. C , to his Friend in Bofton, dated Anna- polis in Nova-Scotia, July 15, 1799.* Dear Sir, 1 am confident you will be glad to hear of the advancement of Chrift's Kingdom, though by an unfkilfnl hand. Therefore mall attempt to give you fome account of what God has done among us. The Fall after I was laft at Bofton, it plea fed God to vifit our fociety, at the lower part of £ra»» ville; it was a blefled time of God's power, and additions were made to the church. A year ago laft January, God began to vifit us here, and in our fociety at Willmouth, where I preach a third part of my time. It lias been a moil aftonifhing time of God's power, fuch as I never knew before. I can- not give you a full defcription of it. I have fre- quently been called out of my bed at night to vifit diftreffed fouls. They have fometimes been brought from the deeped diitrefs to fhout the praifes of the living God. My four cdeft children, I doubt not, are made partakers oi grace divine. Two of them are baptized. Since the work began, I have bap- tized 173 perfons (in about thirteen months) but not all in our church. Cornzvallis and Horton have fhared largely with us. I baptized two of our Mi- nitowers + laft fummer, and am to baptize another as foon as I can go where he lives. * In 1794, there were four Baptift Churches in Nova-Scotia, the principal Minifter was Henry Cl.ipman. See Afj lund's Regifter. ■f This Connexion or Association was formed of Pedo and Anti- pedo-baptifts. 21 Our Congregation lias increafed greatly. Laft year we built a new Meeting- Houfe at the upper end of Granville, where I preach a third part ot my time, and this iummer we have enlarged it twenty teet. O that we may never be high-minded, but tear. OCOOOOOOCOCOCOOO EXTRACT XIII. From a Minirter in Conne&icur, to hit Fricni hi Bofton. Dear Brother in Clirijl, Lyme, June 30, 1799. ACCORDING to your defire, I will endea- vour to defenbe fome of the efTecfs of the glorious work of God in this place, the preceding Fall and Winter. Previous to which I muft intorm you, there was a great ftupidity on the minds of our brethren, who appeared to dwell in their ceiled houfes, while the houfe of God lay waite. There were a few drops in the month of Auguft ; but on the firft Lord's-day in Sept. many began to be alarmed; we therefore thought it our duty to ap- point a day of fading and prayer, which was on the feventh day of the fame month. There was an univerfal folemnity, and profound attention ob- ferved on the tace of the afTembly, which exceeded any thing I ever faw before- It was a fart-day in- deed. The faints arofe by conftflion of the infinite evil of fin, — with fixed refolution to lead a new life. — And in the clofe ot the day (like St. Paul) they thanked God, and took courage. After this our meetings increafed, and the blclled e flu lions of the Holy Spirit were diftilied upon us. It was affect- ing to behold the faints exhorting; backfliders re- turning; and poor finners crying for mercy. On the firfl Lord's-day in October we attended on the ordinance o\ baptifm. M\ poor foul was warmed with the love of God, which made me fpeak from 22 the heart, and it reached the hearts of my brethren, and the dear aflembly ; and we enjoyed commu- nion with the Father, Son, and Spirit, at the Lord's Table. After this, conferences increafed. My brethren were much engaged in prayer to God for the effufion of his Spirit. At fome of our conferences there was a great folemnity upon the young and children; one of whom mourned that me had lived in fin twelve years, till {he thought fhe became an old finner; but it pleafed God at this time to reveal Chrift to her and many others, and to give them the hope of glory. On the firft Lord's-day in November I baptized two. It was a good feafon. The ninth of this month was a memorable night ! The Lord glorioufly manifefted his power and love in bringing three perfons into the full liberty of the gofpel; one of whom was my fifth child, who I truff is brought into the Kingdom of Christ. Another in agony of loul cried out, " If I goto hell, I will go begging for mercy!" and her distrefs increafed to fucha de- gree, that fhe left her chamber the latter part of the night, and went into a burying-yard, and fell on her knees in great distrefs, till the kind Lord re- vealed himfelf to her in a wonderful manner. The third was a woman near forty years ol age, who gave a clear relation of the love ol God to her foul. We now law, both in the houfe of God and in our own houfes, the fweet influences of the blef- fed Spirit bowing stout-hearted finners to the fceptre of Emanuel. The first of December was our Covenant-Meet- ing preceding the Lord's-day, which was taken up in hearing the relations of candidates. A number more related their exercifes the day following ; and notwithstanding it was a very fevere fnow-storm, twelve were baptized, a number of whom were ■ 3 youths from ten to fifteen years of age. Old pro- FefTors in genera] were animated with the love of God, and were mighty in praver tor precious fouls, triumphing over the united powers of darknefs. In- deed it is almost beyond my power to give a full dcfcnption ol this wonderful fcene. It is alfo to be remarked that our brethrenof the Prefbyterian order and other denominations joined with us in promo- ting the caufe of our blefled Redeemer. About this time, meetings on week-days were appointed, for receiving candidates, and attending to baptifm; jfa i through the feverity of this tedious winter, I nj^ver heard any one complain or fin ink at the crofs, on account of the coldneis of the weather. This work has b.en glorioufly carried on in the fpirit of love. In the first part of it, there was great out-crving, but it gradually fubfided into a iree deli- berate converfation on the dreadful fit u at ion they were in bv nature; and tlieir-full determination to continue (eeking till they (hould find him of whom Moles and the Prophets did write. I never faw left oppofition to the work of God. The principal part of this work was in our fo- ciety ; but it has ipread into others in the neighbour- ing towns. More than an hundred we hope have received the grace of God; and more than eighty have joined the church under my care. When I confider the great number of fouls com- mitted to my charge, and mv own infufficicnev, my heart Un inks within me; but all my hope is in the great Head of the Church. My daily prayer is, that he would grant me his grace as an under Shepherd, to difcharge my dutv towards God and my dear Flock, during my few remaining days. The number of members under my care at prc- fent, is three hundred and thirty. fix. 24 INFORMATION, though not very correft, has c!fo been received from a number of towns in Ckt- Jfiire County, in New-HampJJiire, of a very plea i i r and extenfive reformation. The following towns are faid to have fhar ■ largely in it; viz. Unity* Marlozo, Lemfttr, Aljlct Acku'orth, Corntfh, and Plarnjidd\ with lomeoth in that neighbourhood. The towns of Stratkam i New -market, in New-Hampjlnre, are favoured this time with like revivals; but for want of ao rate documents, a particular account cannot given. If the repentance of flnners caufes joy in hea among the angels of God, what fhouts of immo praifemust have echoed through all the realm* _. blifs, upon the accefhon of fuch numbers to Redeemer's Kingdom! O Lord, may thy kingdom come, and thy will done, on earth as it is in heaven, for Christ's fa Amen, Printed by Holden and Dozvson, Halifax,