tihtary of t;he trheologfcal ^emmarjp PRINCETON • NEW JERSEY PRESENTED BY Jf.-' y'-i^: ■^^itlfiil ■^X;^::.:^vS^ii .;.'j^%(^;''''>^:?^^ \- ;>■'.. ?v-', ;i»i' )(Stt'.: I V BibN Mglist.. lid' I. AuUarf^ed./^^^ '^^ { .SEP 22 1958 '* STUDY BIBLE King James Version with Concordance T/jh fcwious Reference Bible for young and old contains a verse by verse topical analysis of the entire Bible with summaries of ivhat the Bible teaches on 1800 separate topics. By ORVILLE J. NAVE, D.D., LL.D. and ANNA SEMANS NAVE, M.L.A. EIGHTIETH EDITION Mmp MOODY PRESS CHICAGO V'^:. Copyright, 1907, by Orville J. Nave All Rights Reserved Printed in Itie United States of America by The University Press of Cambri^ige, Inc. PREFACE The Problem and Its Solution Can the student of the Bible be assisted in discovering and formulating the truths in the Scriptures and in tracing them in all their varying phases, through the Scriptures, so as to find all passages relating thereto? In other words, can a system of references be devised that will connect every passage containing any given subject or subjects with every other passage containing the same subject or subjects in a plain and convenient form, adapted to the ordinary Bible reader as well as to the experienced student? It is believed that this problem has been solved. A corps of trained and skillful experts in analysis made a careful study for subjects of each verse, paragraph, chapter, and group of chapters, each verse passing through the hands of all the workers. Notes of all subjects found therein were made by each of them in the margins, opposite the passages, as for example, in the first verse of the Bible were noted five topics: Time; God, creator; Creation, beginning of; Heavens, physical; Earth, created. In Matt. 5:3, seven topics were noted: Spiritual Peace; Righteous, described; Humility; Christian Graces; Promise, to the righteous; Righteous, jyromises to; Kingdom of Heaven. In verse 45 eleven topics, and in verse 48 eight topics were noted. Some verses were found to contain more, and some less, than these examples. More than 80,000 annotations were thus made in the margins, embracing all sorts of topics : religious, secu- lar, biographical, geographical, sociological; relating to arts, history, poetry, customs, manners, etc. Following each marginal note, the book, chapter, and verse were given connecting them with the footnotes (described below). The subjects in the verses having been thus annotated, all passages from all parts of the Bible, relating to each subject, were collected and arranged under descriptive subheadings, creating footnotes, which were located in selected places, as for example, all passages teaching any truth about God were assembled in a footnote, God, beginning on page 3, which b cited from Gen. 2:2, by a star before the word "God." These passages were arranged under subheadings, such as Goodness of. Love of, Mercy of. Providence of, etc., according to the contents of the passages. In hke manner all scriptures containing any truth or fact about Jesus were assembed and arranged in a footnote, Jesus. This footnote begins on page 1298, and is cited from Matt. 1:21, by a star before the word "Jesus." This plan was carried out with respect to all subjects, as exhaustively and thoroughly as possible, in order that the student might find in the margins, opposite the verse he is reading, topical notes of all subjects contained in the verse and a reference to an elaborate footnote of each subject, enabling hini to pursue it to its end. By this system it matters not in what passage a subject attracts atten- tion, it may be followed from that passage through all its ramifications of the Scriptures. The Commentary value of the marginal notes. The marginal notes on the text not only lead the way to an exliaustive study of the subjects in the Scriptures but they serve the very useful purpose also of a brief, suggestive commentary, bringing to the student of the Bible in terse form the gist of all the standard commentaries as well as the topical suggestions of a corps of annotators, who had a genius for analytical study of the Word of God. Footnotes The footnotes are, approximately, an exhaustive exhibit of their subjects, and are based wholly on the Revised Version text. Wlien it has been practicable the passages under general headings have been grouped under subheadings. The passages under some headings furnish a large variety of subtopical features of subjects and admit of instructive and useful divisions g PREFACE under subheadings, while those under other headings do not furnish any opportunity of sub- topical arrangement. For example, in the subject God, pp. 3-6, there are forty-seven principal subheadings and two hundred and eighty-one subordinate subheadings, citing more than 5,000 verses of Scripture. It was practicable to subdivide the passages cited under the princijjal sub- headino- Condescension, p. 3, into nine subordinate groups, as they teach nine different phases of God's condescension ; but the passages cited under the next subheading. Creator, of the earth, p. 3, fifty in number, cannot be so subdivided, the passages being mere statements of the one fact that the earth was created by God. There is an equal number under Creator, of man, and more than that number under Fatherhood, taught by Jesus and tamjht by the apostles, p. 3. These groups look formidable, but do not admit of subdivision for the reason that the pas- sages contain no notable differences; and being arranged in the order of the books of the Bible, it recjuires only a short time to turn to all the citations. It was necessary in cases of this kind to choose between two plans, eitlier to cite only the most striking passages or to cite all. The latter plan has been adopted throughout this book for two reasons: First, for the benefit of those who want all that the Bible contains on any given subject; and second, because few persons would agree as to which passages should be omitted and which retained on a theory of relative value. The location of footnotes. A natural way would have been to locate the footnote of a sub- ject where that subject first a])pears in the Bible. This was found impracticable for the reason that a large proportion of subjects first appear in the Pentateuch, a large percentage of all in Genesis, and many, indeed, in the first half dozen of its chapters. The rule adopted, therefore, is to connect the footnote, when practicable, with the passage that is most naturally suggested to the mind of the student, as for example, the subject Heavens, physical, has its footnote sign in Psa. 8:3, "When I consider thy heavens, the work of thy hands," a familiar passage to all Bible students. Often, however, it has been impracticable to connect it with the verse best adapted to the subject on account of other footnotes forcing themselves to the same place or in close proximity. Much care has been given to the location of footnotes to prevent too many falling together, and at the same time to connect them with verses befitting them. The cyclopedic valw, of the footnotes. The footnotes constitute a Bible dictionary, or cyclopedia, condensed to narrow limits. They omit extended discussions of features, but they contain all the matter necessary to a complete biblical study of their subjects. Index-Concordance To enable the student to pursue the study of any biblical subject an elaborate index has been compiled, with copious synonyms and kindred terms, citing the pages on which footnotes of the subjects are located. Concordance references have been added to enable the student to find any verse he may need. This index-concordance is in the back part of the book. Alternate Readings Where the translation in the Revised Versions differs essentially from that of the King James translation the revised reading is noted in the margin and is connected with the text hy a numeral. Where the English and American Committees' renderings agree the simple abbre- viation R. V. precedes the reading. Where the American Conmiittee's rendering differs from that of the English Committee's the American Committee's rendering is given the preference, and in such cases the reading in the margin is preceded by the abbreviation Am. R. V. In certain instances where the alternate readings in the Revised Versions indicate specially useful suggestions as the possi])le renderings of the original, diey have been printed in the margins without attributing them to the Revised Versions. They are usually preceded by the word Or. When the Revised Versions omit a verse, or an essential part of a verse, of the King James Version, this fact is noted in the margin, but the subjects in such omitted passages are noted, as usual, without regard to such omission. PREFACE Hi Parallel Scriptures To a limited extent parallel passages are cited in the margins without topical notes, after the custom in ordinary reference Bibles, This method, however, is confined strictly to parallels, and thus the student is not left in uncertainty as to what will be found at the places cited. Messianic Scriptures INIessianic scriptures have been annotated under the term "Jesus" instead of "Messiah" for the reasons: 1st. The Messiah is foresliadowed, first, in the promise that the seed of the woman shall bruise the serpent's head, the ISIessiah triumphing over the power of evil; second, he is foreshadowed in the types of atoning animal sacrifices as the Savior of the world from their sins. These are the dominant themes of the INIessianic message of the Old and New Testaments, and they identify Jesus tlie Savior of the New Testament with the promised Savior and triumphing Messiah of the Old Testament. The term "Messiah" does not express the idea of savior. The term "Jesus" does exactly express it, and its use serves the double purpose of exact expression and of identifying the Son of man of tlie New Testament with the promised, and typified, atoning Redeemer of the Old Testament. 2d. The Messianic idea of the Old Testament in the promise to David that his seed should reign forever, and tlie prophecies of the glorious king- dom of Israel's hope, foreshadowed not a savior or redeemer but a king to whose standard all nations should come, and whose kingdom of righteousness, triumphing over the powers of evil, should become an universal and everlasting kingdom. In annotating passages of this class the natural term would be Messiah. In order to avoid confusion by using different terms to represent the different phases of his mission and to impress all students with the essential identity of the Savior of the Neiv Testament with the typified redeemer and glorious Messiah of the Old Testament, one term Jesus, his revealed name, was chosen, and under this term were grouped all scriptures relating to both Savior and triumphant Lord. Chronology The latest conclusions drawn from well-established and generally accepted sciences, as well as recent archaeological discoveries, have discredited Archbishop Usher's chronology, which has been adopted in Bibles generally. While thus discredited, nevertheless, it has its value. It has been adopted in this Bible, but is followed by an interrogation point, in order to suggest that the time indicated is of uncertain value, and the student is referred to the footnote Time, which occurs at Rev. 10:6, p. 1702, where the general topic Time is elaborated. Orville J. Nave. EXPLANATION The first superior letter in the text, Gen. 1:1, is "a," which refers the student to the corresponding letter in the margin, where he will find the topic Time citing Rev. 10:6. At the bottom of the page, under Rev. 10:6, is a footnote, Time, containing an elaborate exhibit of aU the facts and other useful information in the Bible relating to the subject Time. Footnotes are reached by star, dagger, double dagger, etc., in the text. The next letter is '"b," which refers to the marginal note God, creator, Gen, 2:2. Refer- ring to Gen. 2:2, page 3, the student finds a footnote containing an elaborate exhibit of the truths taught in the Bible about God. As in Gen. 1 :1 the marginal note God cites Gen. 2:2, so in all scriptures, where a notable fact concerning God occurs, the marginal note cites Gen. 2:2. As with the topic God in this instance, so of all subjects, the marginal notes cite the footnotes of the subjects. The next letter is "c," which refers to the marginal note Creation, beginning of, Mark 13:19. In Mark 13:19, a dagger i}) a})pcars before the word Creation, which leads to the footnote Creation at bottom of the page, where all facts noted in the Bible and all useful scriptures relating to that subject are cited, just as everything ia found in the footnotes described above relating to their subjects. In other scriptures, where the subject Creation occurs, reference is made in the margins to Mark 13:19. In the margin of the first verse of the Bible are the snbjccts Time, God, Creation, Heavens, Earth; in the second verse Holy Spirit, Water. These are all the subjects con- tained in these verses. No marginal notes appear opposite verses 4, 5, 7, and 8, but these verses contain letters and typographical signs which show that they have been completely analyzed and that the subjects contained therein are in the margins of preceding verses and in the footnotes. In this manner all verses of the Bible are topically analyzed, the subjects being placed, as nearly as is practicable, immediately opposite the verses which contain them, except, of course, those that appear in preceding verses. In such cases the letter which belongs to the marginal subject where it first appears is repeated in the text of the verses following, but the suV)ject is not repeated in the margin. The subjects in the margins always refer to their footnotes which are located at the most suitable places in the Bible that could be found for them. On the first page are footnotes of the subjects Darkness, Light, Day, Night, etc. Under the topics Light and Day, and so also of other subjects, it has been thought not necessary to refer to every scripture where the word light or day appears, as is done in complete Concordances, but rather to refer the student to those scriptures only that have a topical value. It can be relied upon that aU footnotes contain all useful facts relating to the subjects in hand. ABBRK VI ATIONS A .D. — Anno Domini. B. C— Before Christ. A. V. — Authorized Version. R. V. — Revised Version. Arn. R. V. — American Revised Version. Eng. R. V. — English Revised Version. For the titles of the books of the Bible the usual abbreviations have been used. PUNCTUATIONS OF REFERENCES Colons (:) separate chapter numbers from verse numbers, as, for instance, Gen. 1:1. Serai-colons (;) separate chapters from chapters, as, for instance, Gen. 1:1; 2:1; 10:6. Commas (,) separate verses from verses, as, for instance, Gen. 1:1, 2, 6, 10. PRONUNCIATION OF PROPER NAMES ILLUSTRATED BROAD. OBTUSE, AND OBSCURE SOUNDS & as in c^re, Ar'a-r3,t. a " arm, Tar'sus. a " cast, A-bl'a. a " all, Clau'da. e (obtuse) as in fern, Der'be. CONSONANT SOUNDS 9 (soft) as in yite, (,'y'prus. g (hard) as in get, Gib'e-on. c (hard) is not marked. s (z) as In muse, Mo'ses. g (soft) as in gem, Gen'tile. 3 (gs) as in example, Al-ex-3,n'der. LONG, INTERMEDIATE. AND SHORT SOUNDS a as in age, A'bel. I as in vine, A-hl'ar". u as in use, Ju'dah. idea, I-du-me'a. G " tip, Uz-zl'ah. fin, Mid'i-an. y " style, Ty'rus. old, Go'shen. f " pity, Syr'i-a. obey, G6-lfath. 6dd, Hez'r5n. I (obtuse) as in virgin, Ir. 6 (( orb, H6r. fi (obtuse) (( tarn. Hur. u (( rude , Lu'Mm. u (( rub, A'nub. a about, A-bi'jah. 1 a " bat, Ad'don. i e mete, E'll. 6 e event, Be-ri'ah. 6 « " mH. Heth 6 THE BOOKS OF THE OLD TESTAMENT CHAPTERS PAGE Genesis 50 1 Exodus 40 89 Leviticus 27 161 Numbers 36 212 Deuteronomy 34 282 Joshua 24 344 Judges 21 384 Ruth 4 423 I Samuel 31 428 II Samuel 24 480 I Kings 22 522 II Kings 25 574 I Chronicles 29 622 II Chronicles 36 667 Ezra 10 721 Nehemiah 13 738 Esther 10 760 Job 42 772 Psalms 150 813 Proverbs 31 913 CHAPTERS Ecclesiastes 12. . . Song of Solomon 8 . . . Isaiah 66. . . Jeremiah 52 . . . Lamentations 5. . . Ezeldel 48. . . Daniel 12... Hosea 14. . . Joel 3... Amos 9 . . . Obadiah 1 . . . Jonah 4 . . . Micah 7. . . Nahum 3 . . . Habakkuk 3. . . Zephaniah 3 . . . Haggai 2 . . . Zechariah 14. . . Malachi 4. . . THE BOOKS OF THE NEW TESTAMENT CHAPTERS PAGE Matthev^ 28 1297 Mark 16 1357 Luke 24 1392 John 21 1447 The Acts 28 1487 Romans 16 1543 I Corinthians 16 1567 II Corinthians 13 1588 Galatians 6 1603 Ephesians 6 1610 Phihppians 4 1618 Colossians 4 1623 I Thessalonians 5 1629 II Thessalonians 3 1633 CHAPTERS I Timothy 6. . . II Timothy 4... Titus 3... Philemon 1 . . . Hebrews 13. . . James 5. . . I Peter 5. . . II Peter 3... I John 5... II John 1 . . . III John 1 . . . Jude 1... Revelation 22. .. THE OLD TESTAMENT (KING JAMES VERSION, TVITH EL.ABOKATE ]VIARGINAL. READINGS FROM THE AM^ERICAN REVISED VERSION) WITH MARGINAL NOTES AND FOOTNOTES THE FIRST BOOK OF MOSES, CALLED GEN ESIS Before CHRIST B.C. 4004? See footnote. Time, Rev. 10:0. a Time. Rev. 10:6. 6 God, creator. Gen. 2:2. c Creation, beg in- ning of, Mark 13: 19. d Heai'ens, physical, Psa. 8:3. e Earth, created by God, Prov. 8:23. } Holy Spirit, Acts 1:2. g Water. I Kin. 17: 10. i Or. was brooding upon 2 Heb. expanse CHAPTER 1 The creation of heaven and earth, 3 of the light, 6 and of the firmament. 9 The earth separated from the ivalers, 11 and made fruitful. 14 The creation of the sun, moon, and stars. 20 of fish and fold. 24 Of beasts and cattle. 26 and of man. in the image of God. 29 Also the appoint- ment of food. IN the "beginning ''God ''cre- ated the ''heaven and the *earth. 2 And the *earth was without form, and void; and *darkness was upon the face of the deep. And the 'Spirit of ''God hiioveci upon the face of the ''waters. 3 ^ And "God said, Let there be ^light: and there was light. 4 And God saw the Ught, that it loas good: and "God divided the Ught from the darkness. 5 And God called the ^light ^Day, and the *darkness he called "Night. And the evening and the morning were the first ^•'^day. 6 t And "God said, Let there be a ^- ^firmament in the midst of the "waters, and let it divide the waters from the waters. ' 7 x\nd "God made the ^firma- ment, and divided the "waters which were under the firmament from the waters which were above the firmament: and it was so. 8 And "God called the ^firma- ment Heaven. And the evening and the morning were the second ^■''day. 9 Tf And "God said, Let the "waters under the heaven be gathered together unto '^one place, and let the dry Hand ap pear: and it was so. 10 And "God called the dry Hand "Earth; and the gathering together of the "waters called he ''Seas : and God saw that 'it was good. 11 And "God said. Let the ''earth ^bring forth 'grass, the herb yielding '"seed, and the fruit tree yielding fruit "after his kind, whose seed is in itself, upon the earth : and it was so. 12 And the "earth '"^brought forth 'grass, and herb yielding Before CHRIST B.C. 4004? See footnote, Time Rev. 10:6. h Sea, Jer. 5:22. i Land, Ruth 4:3. Works, of Psa. 40:5. God, k Propagation,Gen. 8:17. I Grass, Isa. 40:7. mSeed, Lev. 19:19. 71 Nature, laws of, uniform l?i opera- lion, Jas. 3:12. ♦ DARKNESS. Over the face of the earth Gen. 1:2; Job 38:9; Jer. 4:23. Called Night, (ien. 1 :.^>. God creates. Isa. 45:7. Miraculous: In Egypt. Ex. 10:21, 22; Psa. 105:28; at the crucifixion. Matt. 27:45; Mark 15:33; Luke 23:44. Figurative: Of judgments, Prov. 20:20; Isa. 8:22: 13:10; Jer. 4:28: 13:16; Lam. 3:2; Ezek. 32:7.8; Joel 2:2, 10; Amos 4:13; 5:18, 20; 8:9; MIc. 7:8; M;itt. 24:29; Mark 13:24;Rev. 8:12; 9:2. Of abode of the Inst. Ma.tt. 9, ■.\2: 22:13; 25:30. Of powers of evil. Luke 22:53; Eph. 6:12; Col. 1:13; 1 Thess. 5:5. Of the divine inscrutability, 2 Sam. 22:10, 12; Psa. 18:9. 11; 97:2. Of spiritual blindness. Isa. 9:2; 42:16; 50:10; Matt. 4:16; 6:22, 23; Luke 1:79; John 1:5; 3:19. 21; 8:12; 11:9, 10; 12:35; Acts 26:18; Rom. 1:21; 13:12, 13; 1 Cor. 4:5; 2 Cor. 4:6; 6:14; Eph. 5:8, 11; 1 The.ss. 5:4. 5; 1 Pet. 2:9; 1 John 1:5-7; 2:8-11. Symbolical of Divine Inscrutability: On Mt. Sinai. Ex. 19:16; 20:21; Deut. 4:11; 5:22; Heb. 12:18. In the Sanctuary. 1 Kin. 8:12; 2 Chr. 6:1. r LIGHT. Created. Gen. 1:3-5; Psa. 74:16; Isa. 45:7; 2 Cor. 4:6. Miraculous. Ex. 13:21; Deut. 1:33; Matt. 17:2; Mark 9:3; Luke 9:29; Acts 9:3; 12;7; 26:13. See footnote. Light, Figurative, Matt. 5:14. I D.\Y. A creative period. Gen. 1 :5. 8. 13, 19, 23, 31; 2:2. Prophetic period. Dan, 8:14, 26; 12:11, 12; Rev. 9:15; 11:3; 12:6. Divided into tinelre hours. John 11:9. Six working days ordained. Ex. 20:9; Ezek. 46:1. Sixth day of the week called preparation day. Mark 15:42; Joliii 19:14, 31, 42. First day of the week called the Lord's day. Rev. 1:10. nay's journey, eighteen or twenty miles. Ex. 3:18; 1 Kin. 19:4; Jonah 3:4. Sabbath day's journey, probably about 1,000 yards. Acts 1 :12, Figurative: Times of adversity called Day of the Lord, Isa. 2:12; 13:6, 9; 34:8; Jer. 46:10; Lam. 2:22; Ezek. 30:3; Amos 5:18; ,Ioel 2:1; Obnii. 15; Zeph. 1:8.18; 2:2, 3; Zech. 14:1. Of spiritual Illumination. Prov. 4:18; 1 Thess. 5:8. II NIGHT, Gen. 1:5. 16, 18; Psa. 10:2; 139:11. Divided into watches. Ex. 14:24; Jud?:. 7:19; 1 Sam. 11:11; Psa. 63:6; 119:148; Lam. 2:19; Matt. 14:25; Luke 12:38. Di- vided into hours. Acts 23:23. Meditation In. Psa. 1:2; 77:6; 119:148. Worship in, Psa. 134:1. None in heaven. Rev. 21:25; 22:5. Figurative: Of the passing of opportunity, John 9:4. Of spiritual ignorance, Rom. 13:12. Of the state of tht wicked, 1 Thess. 5:5. % FIRMAMENT. The expanse above the earth. Gen. V, 6 8, 14-17, 20: Psa. 19:1; Dan. 12:3. l: 12 B.C. 4004? See footnote. Time, Rev. 10:6. GENESIS 1: 31 14 o Sun, Josh. 10:12. p Moon, Song. 6:10 q Token, Psa. 86 17. r Seasons, Dan. 2 21. » year. Lev. 25:29, 16 I Start, Judg. 5:20. u ii'isft, creation o]. Matt. 17:27. « Birds, creation of, Eccl. 12:4. 3 Or, swarm with swarms of living creatures, 4 Heb. on the face of the expanse of the heaven. 21 W R. V. Sea Monster, see footnote, Droffon Deut. 32:33. X Benedictions, Deut. 21:5. '"seed "after his kind, and the tree yielding fruit, whose seed was in itself, after his kind: and *God saw that it was good. 13 And the evening and the morning were the third May. 14 t And "God said. Let there be "'^lights in the ^firmament of the heaven to divide the May from the "night; and let them be for *signs, and for ''seasons, and for days, and *years: 15 And let them be for lights in the ^firmament of the heaven to give ^light upon the ''earth: and it was so. 16 And ^God made two great lights; the "greater light to rule the ■''day, and the ^lesser light to rule the "night: he made the 'stars also. 17 x\nd *God set them in the ^firmament of the heaven to give light upon the *earth. 18 And to rule over the ^day and over the "night, and to di- vide the ^light from the *dark- ness : and ''God saw that '?'/ was good. 19 And the evening and the morning were the fourth May. 20 And "God saitl, Let the "wa- ters ^'^bring forth abundantly the moving "creature that hath life, and "fowl that may fly above the earth ^in the open ^firma- ment of heaven. 21 And ''God created great "'whales, and every living crea- ture that moveth, which the ''wa- ters ^brought forth abundantly, "after their kind, and every winged "fowl after his kind : and God saw that Ht tvas good. 22 And "God ^blessed them, saying, *Be fruitful, and multi- ply, and fill the "waters in the '^seas, and let "fowl multiply in the earth. 23 And the evening and the morning were the fifth May. 24 Tl And God said. Let the ''earth ^bring; forth the living creature "after his kind, ^cattle, and ^creeping thing, and beast of the earth after his kind: and it was so. 25 And "God made the ^beast of the earth "after his kind, and cattle after their kind, and every thing that ^creepeth upon the earth after his kind: and God saw that Ht was good. 26 T[ And "God said, Let us make '^•'^man in our ''image, after our likeness : and let ^them have dominion over the "fish of the sea, and over the ''fowl of the air, and over the Vattle, and over all the 'earth, and over every ^creeping thing that creepeth upon the earth. 27 So "God created "■'^man in his own ''image, in the image of God created he him; 'male and '"female created he them. 28 And "God "blessed them, and God said imto them, ^Be fruitful, and multiply, and re- plenish the earth, and subdue it: and have Mominion over the "fish of the "sea, and over the ''fowl of the air, and over every living thing that moveth upon the 'earth. 29 1[ And God said. Behold, '■•*! have given you every herb bearing seed, which is upon the face of all the earth, and every tree, in the which is the fruit of a tree yielding seed; to you it shall be for 'meat. 30 And to every 'beast of the earth, and to every ''fowl of the air, and to every ^thing that creepeth upon the earth, wherein there is ^-"life, ''•^I have given every green herb for 'meat: and it was so. 31 And God saw "^every thing that "he had made, and, behold, Ht was very good. And the even- ing and the morning were the sixth *day. B.C. 4004? See footnote, Time, ftev, 10:6. V Animals, Jer. 27:5. z Creeping Things, Rom. 1:23. a Works, 0/ God, Psa. 40:5, 26 6 God, aeator, Gen. 2:2, c Man, creation of. Job 4:17. d Adam, Gen. 2:19. e Irnaije, fiijurative, 1 Cor. 11:7. / Man, dominion of. Job 4:17. g Fish, Mvitt. 17:27, h Birds. Eccl. 12:4, i Animals, Jer, 27:5. / Earth, Prov. 8:23. k Creeping Things, Rom. 1:23. 27 I Matt. 19:4; Mark 10:6. m Women, Prov. 31: 10. 28 n God, love of. Gen. 2:2. 0 Benedictions, by God upon man, Deut. 21:5. p Propagation, en- joined. Gen. 8:17. q Sea, Jer. 5:22. 29 r God, providence of. Gen. 2:2. * Temporal Bless- ini/s, from God, P.sa. 103:2, t Food, Irom Ood, Psa. 136:25. 30 u Life. Eccl. 8:15. 5 Heb. a living soul, 31 V Works, of Ood, Psa. 40:5. 2: 1 GENESIS 2: 6 B.C. 4004? See footnuti'. Time, Kev. 10:0. 1 a Heavens, physical, creation of, Ps;i. 8;3. b Earth, creation of, Prov. 8:23. e Creation , Mark 13 : 19. 2 d Seven, days, Geo. 7:2. e Day, creative pe- riod. Gen. 1:5. ; Heb. 4:4. g Anthropomorph- isms, Gen. 11:5. h Sabbath, a rest period, Ex. 1G:23. CHAPTER 2 The first sabbath. 8 The garden of Eden. 17 Eating of the fruit of the tree of knowledge forbidden. 1!) The creatures named. 22 The making of woman, and institution of marriage. THUS the "heavens and the ''earth were •''finished, and all the host of them. 2 And on the '^seventh May *God ended his work which he had '^made; and 'he ^rested on the ''seventh day from all his work which he had made. 3 And *God ^blessed the ''sev- enth day, and Sanctified it: be- cause that in it he had "rested from all his work which God created and made. 4 ^ These arc the generations of the "heavens and of the ''earth when they were created, in the day that the Lord *God made the earth and the heavens. 5 And every plant of the field be- fore it was in the earth, and every B.C. 4004? See focitnote, Time, Rev. 10:6. i Benedictions, Dcut. 21.5. j Sabbath, holy, Ex. 16:23. * GOD. Appearances of: To Adam, Gen. 3:8-21. To Abraham, Gen. 17:1; 18:2 33. To Jacob, at Peniel, Gen. S2:S0: at Bethel, Gen. 33:7,9. To Moses, in the burning bush, Ex. 3:2; Deut. 33:16; Mark 12:26: Luke 20:37; Acts 7 :30; at Sinai, Kx. 19:16-24; 24:10:33:18-23. To Moses and Joshua, Deut. 31:14, 15. To princes of Israel, at Slnal, Ex. 24:9-11. To Gideon, Judp. 6:11-24. To S'jlomon, 1 Kin. 3:5: 9:2; 11:9; 2 Chr. 1:7-12; 7:12 22. To Isaiah, Isa. 6:15. To Ezekiel. Ezek. 1:26-28. Condescension of, Psa. 113:5, 6. Manifested: In reasoning with Noah, Gen. 6:11 13; vith Moses, Ex. 4:2 17; with sinners, Isa. 1:18-20. In entering Into covenant leith Abraham, Gen. 15:1-21; 18:1 22. l?i indulging Abraham's intercession for Sodom, Gen. 18 : 2-33. In Indulging Moses's prayer to behold his glory, Ex. 33:18-23. In indulging Gideon's tests, Judff. 6:36 40. In his care of man, Psa. 8:4-6; 144:3. In redemption, John 3:16; Rom. 5:8: Heb. 6:17, 18. Creator, Psa. 148:3-5; Prov. 16:4; Isa. 45:7; 66:2; Jer. 51:19; Amos 4:13; Mark 13:19; Acts 7:50; Rom. 1:20; 1 Cor. 11:12; Heb. 2:10; 3:4; Rev. 4:11. Of the earth. Gen. 1:1, 2,9, 10; 2:1-4; Ex. 20:11; 1 Sam 2:8: 2 Kin. 19:15; Neh. 9:6; Job 38:4,7-10; Psa. 24:1,2; 89:11:90:2; 95:5; 102:25; 104:2,3,5,6, 24,30; 119:90; 121:2; 124:8: 136:5-9; 146:5, 6; Prov. 3:19; 8:26 29; Isa. 37:16; 40:28; 42:5; 44:24; 45:12, 18; 48:13; 51:13, 16; Jer. 10: 12; 27:5; 32:17; 51:15; Jonah 1:9; Acts 4:24; 14:15; 17:24, 25; Rev. 10:6; 14:7. Of the heavens. Gen. 1:1, 6-8; 2:1 4; Ex. 20:11 ; 2 Kin. 19: 15; 1 Chr. 16:26; Neh. 9:6; Job 9:8,9: 37:16, 18; Psa. 8:3; 19:1. 4; 96:5; 102:25; 104:2, 3, 5, 6, 24. 30; 121:2; 124.8; 136:5; 146:5, 6; Prov. 3:19; 8:26-28; Isa. 37:16; 42:5; 44:24: 45: 18; Jer. 32:17; Amos 5:8: Acts 4:24; 14:15; Rev. 10:6; 14:7. Of the sun, moon and stars. Gen. 1:14-19; Psa. 136:7-9. Of the seas. Gen. 1:9,10; Ex. 20:11; Neh. 9:6; Psa. 95:5; 146:5,6; Prov. 8:26-29; Jonah 1:9; Acts 4:24; 14:15; Rev. 10:6; 14:7. Of vegetation. Gen. 1:11, 12. Of animals. Gen. 1:20-25; Job 12:7-9; Jer. 27:5. Of man. Gen. 1:26 28; 2:7; 5:1, 2: 9:6; Ex. 4:11; Deut. 4:32; 32:6, 15, 18: Job 10:3,8,9, 11, 12; 31:15; 33:4; 34:19; Psa. 94:9; 95:6; 100:3: 119:73; 149:2; Prov. 20:12; 22:2; Eccl.7:29; 12:1; Isa. 17:7; 42:5; 43:1,7, 15; 44:2, 24; 45:12; 51:13; 64:8; Jer. 27:5; Zech. 12:1; Mai. 2:10; Mark 10:6; Acts 17:24-29; 1 Cor. 12:18, 24, 25; Heb. 12:9; 1 Pet. 4:19. Through Christ, Rom. 11:36; 1 Cor. 8:6; Eph. 3:9; Heb. l:i,2. See footnote, Je.su.s, Creator, Matt. 1:21. By hisuord, Psa. 33:6, 7, 9; 2 Cor. 4:6; Heb. 11:3; 2 Pet. ,3:5. liv his will. Rev. 4:11. Dissertations on: Ills works and providence. Job 5: 8-20. The administration of his government, Job ,9:2-35; 10:122. His sovereignty, .loh 12:7-20; 2f7:l\4. His provi- dence and grace, i oh 33:4-30; Psa. 107. Ills rlghteousni-ss. Job 34: 10-30; 35:1-16; Nah. 1:2-9. His jna jest u and jus - lice. Job 36; 37. His majesty and works. Psa. 104:105. DweUs witli tlie rigliteous, Ex. 25:8: 29:45: Eev. 26: 11,12; 1 Kin. 6:13; Ezek. 37:26,27; 2 Cor. 6:16; Rev. 21:3. Eternity of. Gen. 21:33: Ex. 3:15; 15:18; Dcut. 32: 40: 33:27; 1 Chr. 16:36; 29:10: Neh. 9:5; .Job 36:26; Psa. :9.:7; 41:13; 90:1. 2, 4; 92:8; 93:2: 102:12. 24 27: 145:13; 146:10: Isa. 40:28; 44:6; 57:15; 63:16; Jer. 10:10; Lam. 5:19; Dan. 4:3,34; Hah. 1 :1 2; Rom. 1 :20; 16:26; Eph. 3:21; J Tim. 1:17; 6:15. 16; 2 Pet. 3:8: Rev. 4:8 10: 11:17. Faithfulness of. Gen. 9:16; 28:15; Lev. 26:44,45; Deut, 4:31: Judfr. 2:1; 1 Sam. 12:22: Isa. 42:16: 44:21; 49:7, 14 16; Jer. 29:10; 31:36, 37; 32:40; 33:14, 20, 21, 25. 26: Ezek. 16:60: Hos. 2:19, 20: Rom. 3:3, 4; Heb. 6:10, 13 19. Confidence in. Num. 23:19; Deut. 32:4; 2 Sam. 7:2«; 1 Chr. 28:20; Neh. 1:5; Psa. 36:5: 40:10; 89:1, 2.5,8, 14. 24, 28, 33, 34; 92:1. 2, 15; 94:14; 105:8, 42; 111:5, 7-9; 119: 90, 91; 132:11; 25:1; Lam. 3:23; Dan. 9:4; Mic. 7:20; 1 Cor. 1:9: 10:13; 2 Cor. 1:18 20: 1 Thess. 5:24; 2 Thess. 3:3; 2 Tim. 2:13, 10: Tit. 1:2; Heb. 10:23; 11:11; 1 Pet. 4:19; 2 Pet. 3:9: 1 John 1:9. Exemplified, Gen. 21:1; 24:27; Ex. 2:24; 6:4. 5; Deut. 7:8, 9; 9:5; .Josh. 21:45; 23:14; 1 Kin. 8:15, 20, 23, 24. 56 2 Kin. 8:19; 13:23; 2 Chr. 6:4-15; 21:7; Neh. 1:5; 9:7, 8 Psa. 98:3; Hag. 2:5; Luke l;54, 55, 68 70, 72, 73; Acts 13 32, 33; Heb. 6:10, 13-19, Fatlierliood of: Taught in the Old Testament. ICx, 4: 22; Deut. 14:1; 32:5, 6; 2 Sam. 7:14; 1 Chr. 28:6; 29:10; Psa. 68:5; 89:26; Isa. 1:2; 9:6; 63:16; 64:8; Jer. 3:19; Hos. 1:10; 11:1. Taught by Jesus. Matt. 5:45; 6:4, 8, 9: 7:11; 10:20, 29, 32, 33; 11:25-27; 12:50; 13:43; 15:13; 16:17, 27; 18:10, 14, 19; 20:23; 26:29, 39; Mark 8:38; 11:25; 13:32; Luke 2:49; 10:21, 22; 11:2. 13; 22:29; 23:46: 24:49; Jolui 1:14, 18; 2:16; 4:21, 23; 5:17 23, 36, 37. 43; 6:27, 32, 44-46; 8:19, 27, 38, 41, 42,49; 10:15,29,30,32,33,36-38: 12:26 28.50; 13:1,3; 14:2, 6 13, 16, 20, 21, 23, 24, 20, 31; 15:8-10, 16, 23, 24, 26; 16:3, 10, 15, 23, 25-28; 17:1, 5, 11, 21, 24; 20:17, 21. Taught by the apostles. Arts 1:4; 2:33; Rom. 1:3, 4, 7 (with 1 Cor. 1:3; Gal. 1:3; Eph. 1:2; 6:23; Phil. 1:2; Col. 1:2; 1 Thess. 1:1; 2 Thess. 1:2: 1 Tim 1:2; 2 Tim. 1:2; Tit. 1:4); 8:14-16: 1 Cor. 8:6; 15:24; 2 Cor. 1:3; 6:18; Gal. 1:1. 4; 4:4 7; Eph. 1 :3, 17: 2:18; 3:14; 4:6; 5:20; Coi. 1 :3, 12; 3:17; 1 The.ss. 1:1, 3; 3:11, 13; 2 Thess. 1:1, 2; 2:16; Heb. 1:5, 6; 12:9: Jas. 1:17, 27; 3:9; 1 Pet. 1:2, 3, 17; 1 John 1:2; 2:1. 13, 15, 22-24; 3:1; 4:14; 2 John 3, 4, 9; Jude 1: Rev. 1:5, 6;3:5; 14:1. See footnote, Spiuitu.vl Adoption, Rom. 8:15. Foreknowledge of. Acts 15:18. Of contingencies. 1 Sam. 23:10-12, Of future events, li^n.. A2:^: AA:T. AT^-.W; 46:9,10; 48:5,6; Jer. 1:5; Dan. 2:28, 29; Acts 2:23. Of human needs. Matt. 6:8. Of the day of judgment, Matt. 24:36; Mark 13:32. Of the redeemed, Rom. 8:29; 11:2; I Pet. 1:2. Glory of, Psa. 24:8-10; 57:5, 11; 72:18, 19; Isa. 40:5; Phil. 1:11. Described, Ezek. 1 :26-28: Hab. 3:3-6. Transcendent, Psa. 113:4. Shall endure forever, Psa. 104:31, Ascribed by angels, Lulie 2:14. To be ascribed by men, Psa. 29:2; Rom. 11:36. Majvi.fested: In the burning hu.th, Ex. 3:2. //} Mount SInci. Kx, 19:18 (with Ex. 20:18. 19; Deut. 4:11, 12, 3.3, 36; 5:5, ?4, 2.5); Ex. 24:10, 17: 33:18 23; 34:5, 29-35; Heb, 12:18 21. In the tabernacle, Ex. 40:34. 35. In the heavens. 2 Sam. 22:10-15; Psa. 18:9-14; 19:1. In his sovereignty. Psa. 97:2-6; 145:5, 11, 12; Isa. 6:1-5; 24:23; Jude 24, 25. In tlie church, Isa. 35:2; 60:1, 2, 19-21; 61:3; 62:3; Eph. 3:21. /Hr'/iri.s(, Jolin 13:31, 32; 14 :13: 17 :1. TO Ezekiel, Ezek. 3:12, 23; 8:4. To Stephen. Acts 7:35. Goodness of, E.'s. 33:19; Deut. 30:9: Psa. 25: 8 10; 31:19; 33:5; 30:7; 86:5; 100:5; 106:1; ^9:68; Nah. 1:7; Matt. 5:45; Acts 14:17; Jas, 1:J7. Enduring, Psa. 52:1. Leads to repentance. Rom. 2:4. Gratefully acknowledged. 1 Chr. 16:34; 2 Chr. 5:J3; 7:3; ■Psa. 08:19; 107:8, 9, 43; 118:29; 135:3; 136:1; 145:7, 9; Isa. r«3:7. Manij'ESTEd: In gracious providences. Matt- 7:11. TQ the righte^!i/.s, Psa. 31:19; Lam. 3:25; Rom. 11:22. To the wicked, hnkf. ,6:35. Guidance 4»r, Oen. 12:1; 24:27; Psa. 23:2, 3; 48:14; 73:24; Prov. 3:6:, Jer. 3:4; 32:19; Luke 1:79; John 10:3, 4, By pillars of cloud r. 16:P: .lol) 1:10; 5:11. 18 24; 10:12; Psa. 9:9; 18:14; 23:1 6: 31:20, 23: 32:6. 8; 34:7, 15, 17. 19 22: 37:17, 23. 24. 28. 32. 33; 41:1 3; 46:1, 7: 50:15; 84:11; 91:1. 3, 4, 7, 9. 10, 14, 15; 102:19. 20; 103:2 5; 107:9. 10. 13; 116:6; 118:13; 121:3. 4, 7. 8: 125:1-3: 145:14, 19. 20; 146:7. 8: I'rnv. 2:7, 8; 10:3, 30; Isa. 25:4; 30:21, 26; 33:16: 40:11, 29, 31; 4216: 43:2: 46:3, 4; 52:12; 58:11; 63:9; Jer. 31:9, 10, 28; Ezek. 11:16; 34:11-15, 22, 31; Dan. 3:27, 28; Joel 2:18; Zech. 2:5, 8; Matt. 4:6; 1 Cor. 10: 13; 2 Tim. 4:18; 2 Thess. 3:3; Jas. 4:15. His Preserving Care Exemplified; To Noah and his family, at the time of the flood. Gen. 6:8, 13-21; 7; 8:1, 15, 16, To Abraham and Sarah, in Egypt, Gen. 12:17, in Gerar, Gen. 20:3. To Lot, when Sodom was destroyed, Gen. 19. To Hagar, tvhen Abraham cast her out. Gen. 21:17, 19. To Jacob, u'hen he fled from home. Gen. 35:3; when he fled from Laban. his father-in-law. Gen. 31:24, 29; when he met Esau, Gen. 33:3-10; as he Journeyed in the land of Canaan, Gen. 35:3. To Joseph, in Egypt, Gen. Z9:2, 21. To Moses, in his infancy. Ex. 2:1-10. To the Israelites :7« bringing about their deliverance from bondage, Ex. 1:9-12; 2:23-25; 3:7-9. In exempting the land of Goshen from the plague of flies, Ex. 8:22. In preserving their cattle from the plague of murrain. Ex. 9:4-7. In exempt ing the land of Goshen from the plague of darkness. Ex 10:21-23, In saving the firstborn, when the plague of death destroyed the firstborn of Egi/pt. Ex. 12:13, 23. In deliverance from Egypt, Ex. 13:3, 17 22; 14; 19:4; Lev. 26:13: in the ivilderness. Ex. 40:36-38: Num. 9:17-23; 10:33; 22:12; 23:8; Deut. 1:31; 23:5; 26:7-9. In victories under Joshua, over the Canaanttes Josh, chaps. 6 11; 24:11-13; under Othniel. Judg. 3:9 11; under Ehud. Judg. 3:15-30; under Shamgar. Judg-. 3:31; under Deborah. Judg-. 4:5; under Gideon. Judff. 7; 8:1 23; under Jephthah, Judpr. 11:29-40; under David, 1 Sam. 17:45-49; under Ahab. 1 Kin. 20. I7i delivering the kingdom of Israel from Syria, 2 Sam. 8. In delivering Israel by ,/erohoam II, 2 Kin. 14:26, 27; by Abijah, 2 Chr. 13:4-18. In delivering from the oppressiom of the king of Syria, 2 Kin. 13:2-5. To the kingdom of Judah: In delivering from Egypt, 2 Chr, 12:2-12; from the Ethiopian host, 2 Clir. 14:11 14. In giving peace irith other natiotis, 2 Chr. 17. In delivering them from the army of the Assyrians. 2 Kin. 19. To David, 1 Sam. 17:32, 45-47; 2 Sam. 7; 1 Chr. 11:13. 14. To Ilezekiah, 2 Ivin. 19; Jol; 1:9-12; 2:6. To .Jere- miah and Baruch, Jer. 36:26. To Daniel and the three Hebrew captives, Dan. 2:18-23; 3:27, 28; 6. To Jonah, Jonah 1:17. To the wise men of the east. Matt. 2:12. To .'esusandhis parents. Matt. 2:13, 19-22. To Peter, Acts 12:3-17. To Paul and Silas. Acts 16:26-39. To Paul. Acts 27:24; 28:5, 6 (with Mark 16:18). See Providence OF, below. See I'ootnotc, Poor, God's care of. Prov. 21:13. Providence of. Gen. 24:7, 40-50, 56; 26:24; Lev. 26: 4-6, 10; Deut. 8:18: 11:12 15; 15:4 6; 32:11-14; 1 Sam. 2:6-9; 1 Kin. 11:14 40: 1 Chr. 29:14, 10; Psa. 23:1-6; 34:7, 9, 10: 71:6, 7, 15: 107: 1-43; 127:1-5; 136:5-25; 144: 12 15; 147:8, 9, 13, 14; Prov. 16:33; Ecel. 2:24; 3:13; 5:19: Isa. 46:4; 51:2; .'".5:10; Ezek. 36:28-38; Joel 2:18-26; Matt. 5:45; Rom. 8:28; Jas, 4:15. In providing for temporal necessities. Gen. 1:29, 30: 2:16; 8:22; 9:1 3; 28:20, 21: 48:15, 16; 49:24, 25; Ex. 16:15; Lev. 25:20-22; Deut, 2:7; 7:13 15; 8:4; 10:18: 28:2 13; 29:5; Ruth 1:6; Nth. 9:24, 25; Job 5:8 11: 22:18, 25; Psa. 36:6, 7: 37:3, 19, 22, 25, 34; 65:9-13- 67:0; 85:12; 104:10 15; 111:5; 136:25; 145:15, 16; Isa. 43:20; 18:21; Jer, 5:24; 27:6; Hos. 2:8: Jonah 4:6; Zech. 10:1; Matt. 6:26, 30-33: 10:29 31: Lulcc 12:6, 7, 24-28; 22:35; John 6:31; Acts 14:17; 2 Cor. 9:10. In sending prosperity, Psa. 75:7: 127:1, 2; Isa. 48:14, 15; 54:16, 17, Ezek. 29:19, 20, In sending adversity. 1 Sam. 2:6 9; 2 Sam. 17:14: Psa. 75:7; Eccl. 3:10. In savlno from adversity. Gen. 7:1: Ex. 9:26; 15:26; 23:25. 26; Psa. 103:3-5; 116:1-15: 118:5, 6, 13, 14; 146:7 9, Dan. 6:20-22 In delivering from enemies. Gen. 14:20; Ex. 3:17; 6:7; 14:29. 30: 23:22: 34:24; Deut. 20:4; 23:14; 30:4, 20 31:3 2: 17 GENESIS 2: 20 B.C. 4004? i Sin, punishment of, Rom. 5:12. j Wicked, punish- ment 0}, P 8 a . 73:3. k Punishment, de- sign 0/, Lev. 26: 41. { Death, penalty. Num. 23: 10. 18 m Wi]e, Prov. 5:18. 10 n Ground. Gen. 3: 19. the day that thou 'eatest thereof Hhou shah surely *^-'die. 18 Tf And the Lord *God said, It is not good that the ^•'^man should be alone; I will make him an '"help meet for him. 19 And out of the 'Aground the Lord *God formed every "beast of the field, and every ''fowl of the air; and 'brought them unto ^' ^Ad'am to see what he would call them : and whatsoever ^Ad'- am called every living creature, that was the name thereof. 20 And ^' ^Ad'am gave names to all "cattle, and to the ^fowl of the air, and to every "beast of the field; but for ^Ad'am there was B,C. 4004 T o Ani m a I s, Jer 27:5. p Birds. Eccl. 12:4 q Anthropomorph- isms, attributing ordinary actions to God, Gen. 11:5. 3 R. v. tUe man 8: 2 Kings 20:6; 2 Chr. 20:3-30; 32:8; Ezra 8:22, 23; Psa. 18:17. 27; 44:1-3; 61:3; 78:52-55; 97:10; 105:14-45 (with Acts 7:34-36); 124:1-8: Prov. 16:7. In thwarting evil purpose. Gen. 50:20 (with Gen. 45:5-7; Psa. 105:17; Acts 7:9. 10); Ex. 14:4; Num. 23:7, 8, 23 (with Num. 22:12-18; 24:10-13): Ezra 5:5; Neh. 6:16; Esth. 7:10 (with 6:1-12; 9:25); Job 5:12, 13 (with Isa. 8:9, 10); Psa. 33:10; Acts 5:38, 39. In turning curse into blessing, Deut. 23:4, 5; Phil. 1:12, 19. In exalting the lowly, 2 Sam. 7:8, 9; 1 Chr. 17:7. 8: Psa. 68:6; 113:7, 8. In leading men to repentance, Amos 4:7-12. In punishing evil-doers, Deut. 2:30; Josh. 10:10, 11, 19; 11:20; Judg. 9:23, 24; 1 Chr. 5:26; Isa. 41:2, 4. In punishing rulers, Dan. 5:18, 22. In punishing nations, Deut. 9:4, 5; Joli 12:23; Ezek. 29:19, 20. In ordaining instruments of chastisement, Isa. 13:3-5. In using the heathen to execute his purpose, Ezra 6:22; Isa. 44:28; 45:1-6, 13. In fiilfllUng prophecy, 1 Kin. 12:15; 2 Chr. 10:15; 36:22, 23; Ezra 1:1; Acts 3:17, 18. In nature. Job 12:7-20: 37:6-24; 38:25-27, 41; 39:5, 6; Psa. 104:16-19,24-30; 135:7; Jer. 10:13; 51:16; 14:22:31:35. Instancesof: Saving Noah, Gen. 7:1; 2 Pet. 2:5. The call of Abraham, Gen. 12:1. Protecting Abraham, Sarah, and Abimelech, Gen. 20:3-6. Deliverance of Lot, Gen. 19. Care of Isaac, Gen. 26:2, 3; of .Jacob, Gen. 31 :7. The mission of .Joseph, Gen. AT: 5-10; 39:2, 3, 21, 23; 45:7, 8; 50:20; Psa. 105:17-22. Warning Pharaoh of famine. Gen. 41. Deliv- ering the Israelites. Ex. 3:8; 11:3; 13:18; Acts 7:34-36. The pillar of cloud. Ex. 13:21; 14:19, 20. Dividing the Red Sea. Ex. 14:21. Delaying and destroying Pharaoh, Ex. 14:25-30. Purifying the ivaters of Marah, Ex. 15:25. Supplying manna and quail, Ex. 16:13-15; Num. 11:31, 32, Supplying water at Meribah, Num. 20:7-11; Neh. 9:10-25. Protection of homes irhlle at feasts, Ex. 34:24. In the con- quest of Canaan. Psa. 44:2, 3. Saving David's army. 2 Sam. 5:23-25. The revolt of the ten tribes. 1 Kin. 12:15, 24; 2 Chr. 10:15. Fighting the battles of Israel, 2 Chr. 13:12. 18; 14:9-14; 16:7-9; 20:15; 17, 22, 23; 32:21, 22. Restoring Manasseh after his conversion, 2 Chr. 33:12, 13. Feeding Elijah and the widow, 1 Kin. 17; 19:1-8. In prospering Hezekiah, 2 Kin. 18:6, 7; 2 Chr. 32:29; and Asa. 2 Chr. 14:6,7: and,/ ehoshaphat, 2 Chr. 17:3, 5;20: 30; and XJzziah. 2 Chr. 26:5-15: and J otham, 2 Chr. 27:6; and.Joh. Job 1:10: 42:10, 12; and Daniel. Dan. 1:9. In turning the heart of the king of Assyria to favor the Jews. Ezra 6:22. In rescuing Jeremiah, Lam. 3:52-58 (with Jer. 38:6-13). Restoration of the Jews. 2 Chr. 36:22, 23; Ezra 1:1. Rescuing thejeivs from Hainan's plot, the Booic of Esther. Rebuilding the walls of Jerusalem. Neh. 6:16. Warning Joseph In dreams. Matt. 1:20; 2:13, 19, 20; and the wise men of the east. Matt. 2:12, 13. Deliverance of Paul, 2 Cor. 1:10. Restoring Epaphrodltus, Phil. 2:27. Banishment of John to Patmos, Rev. 1:9. Mysterious and Misinterpreted: The silence of God, Job 33: 13. The adversity of the righteous. Eccl. 7:15; 8:14. The prosperity of the tricked, .Job 12:6; 21:7; 24:1; Psa. 73:2-5. 12-17; Eccl. 7:15; 8:14; Jer. 12:1, 2; Mai. 3:14, 15. Likeness in the lot of the righteous and the wicked. Eccl. 9:2, 11. Permitting the violence of the wicked toward the righteous. Job 24:1-12; Hab. 1:2, 3, 11, 13, 14. Righteousness of, Cien. 18:25; Judg. 5:11; Psa. 7:9; 72:1; 88:12; 89:16; 119:40; 143:1; Isa. 41:10; 56:1; Jer. 4:2; 9:24; Mic. 7:9; Acts 17:31; Ascribed by men. Ex. 9:27; Ezra 9:15; Job 36:3; Psa. 5:8: 48:10; 71:15, 19; 89:14; 97:2; 116:5; 145:7, 17; Jer. 12:1; Dan. 9:7, 14; 2 Tim. 4:8. Ascribed by Jesus. John 17:25. Ascribed by the angel, Rev. 16:5. Revealed in the heavens. Psa. 50:6. Revealed in the gospel, Rom. 1:17; 3:4-6. 21, 22; 10:3, 4; 2 Pet. 1:1. Endureth forever. Psa. 119:142, 144; Isa. 51:8. See Holiness of. Perfection of, above. Saviour, Ex. 6:6, 7; Psa. 3:8: 18:30; 28:8; 31:5; 33:18, 19; 34:22: 37:39. 40: 74:12; 76:8, 9; 85:9; 96:2; 98:2. 3; 111:9; 118:14: 121:7: 149:4; Isa. 26:1; 33:22; 35:4: 43:3. 11. 12, 14; 45:15, 17, 21, 22; 46:12. 13; 49:25; 50:2; 59:1; 60:16: 63:8, 16; Jer, 3:23; 14:8; 33:6; Bzeli. 37:23; Hos. 1:7; 13:4; Joel 3:16- Jonah 2:9; Lulce 1:68; John 3:16, 17; Rom. 8:30 32; 1 Tim. 2:3, 4; 4:10; Tit. 1:2, 3; 2:10, 11; 3:4. 5; 1 John 4:9, 10. Called Redeemer. Psa. 19:14; Isa. 41:14; 47:4; 48:17; Jer. 50:34: salvation. Psa. 27:1; 62:1, 2, 6, 7; Isa. 12:2: God of salvation. Psa. 25:5; 65:5; 68:19, 20; 88:1; rock of salvation, Deut. 32:15, 31; shield, Deut. 33:29. From national adversity, ^x. 15:2; Isa. 25:4,9; 52:3, 9,10. From sin. Job. 33:24. 27-30; Isa. 44:22-24; Rom. 1:16; through Christ, 2 Tim. 1 :9. Self- Existent: Hath life in himself, John 5:26. Is the I am that I am, Ex. 3:14. 7s the first and the last, Isa. 44:6. Is the living God, Jer. 10:10. Liveth forever, Deut. 32:40. Needeth nothing. Acts 17:24, 25. Sovereign, Ex. 20:3; Job. 25:2; 33:13; 41:11; Psa. 44:4; 47:8; 59:13; 74:12; 82:1, 8; 83:18; 93:1, 2; 95:3-5; 96:10; 97:1, 5, 9; 98:6; 99:1; 103:19; 105:7; 113:4; 115:3, 16; 136:2. 3; Isa. 24:23; 33:22; 40:22, 23; 43:15; 44:6; 52:7; 66:1; Lam. 3:37; Mic. 4:7, 13; Mai. 1:14; John 10:29; 19:11; Acts 7:49; Rom. 9:19; 11:36; Eph. 4:6; 1 Tim. 6:15, 16; Heb. 1:3; Jas. 4:12; Rev. 4:11; 19:6. Of heaven. 2 Chr. 20:6. Of earth. Ex. 9:29; Josh. 3:11; Psa. 24:1, 10; 47:2, 7, 8; 50:10-12; Isa. 54:5; Jer. 10:10; 1 Cor. 10:26. Of heaven and earth. Gen. 14:18-20, 22; 24:3; Ex. 19:5; Deut. 4:39; 10:14, 17; Josh. 2:11; 2 Kin. 19:15; 1 Chr. 20:11, 12; Neh. 9:6; Psa. 89:11; 135:5. 6; Matt. 6:10; 11:25; Lulje 10:21; Acts 17:24-26; Rev. 11:4. 13, 17. Of the spirits of all flesh. Num. 27:16; Deut. 32:39; Job 12:9, 10, 16, 17; Psa. 22:28, 29; Eccl. 9:1; Isa. 45:23; Jer. 18:1 23; Ezeic. 18:4; Rom. 14:11. In human affairs, Psa. 75:6, 7; Jer. 27:5-7; 32:27, 28; Ezei;. 16:50; 17:24; Dan. 2:20, 21, 47; 4:3, 17, 25, 34, 35, 37; 5:18, 26-28. Everlasting. Ex. 15:18; Psa. 10:16; 29:10; 66:7; 145:11- 13: 146:10: Lam. 5:19; Dan. 6:26. Spirit, John 4:24; Acts 17:29. See footnote, Holy Spirit, Acts 1:2. Teaclier, Job 36:22; Psa. 94:10, 12; 119:135. 1', 3; Isa. 28:26; 54:13; John 6:45; 1 The.ss. 4:9. Truth. Gen. 24:27; Ex. 34:6; Num. 23:19; 1 Sam. 15: 29; Psa.25:10; 31:5; 33:4; 43:3; 57:3, 10; 71:22; 86:11,15; 89:14; 108:4; 132:11; 138:2; Isa. 25:1; 65:16; Dan. 4:37; John 8:26; Rom. 3:4. 7; Tit. 1:2; Rev. 6:10: 15:3. Endureth to all generations, Psa. 117:2; 146:6. Ubiquitous. See Omnipresent, aljove. Unity of, Deut. 6:4; Isa. 42:8. Taught by Jesus, Mark 12:29, 32; John 17:3; by St. Paul. 1 Cor. 8:4, 6; Gal. 3:20; Eph. 4:6; 1 Tim. 2:5. Disbelieved in by Syrians, 1 Kin. 20:28. Believed in by devils, Jas. 2:19. Unsearchable, Deut. 29:29; Job 5:8, 9; 9:10; 11:7-9; 26:9, 14; 36:26; .37:5, 23; Psa. 77:19; 139:6; 145:3; Prov. 30:4; Eccl. 3:11; 11:5; Isa. 40:28; 45:15; 55:8, 9; Rom. 11:33, 34; 1 Cor. 2:10. 11. 16. Symbolized: By darkness. Ex. 20:21: Deut. 4:11; 5:22; 1 Kin. 8:12: Psa. 18:11; 97:2. By the cloud upon the mercy- seat. Lev. 16:2. Name of. secret, Judg. 13:18. Dwells in thick darkness, 1 Kin. 8:12; Psa. 97:2. Known only to Christ, and to those to whom Christ reveals him, Matt. 11:27. See footnote. Mysteries, Mark 4:11. Wisdom of, Ezra 7:25; Job 9:4; 12:13, 16; Isa. 31:2: Dan. 2:20-22, 28; Rom. 11:33; 16:27; 1 Cor. 1:24, 25. Infinite, Psa. 147:5. Manifold. Eph. 3:10. Ascribed, by angels. Rev. 7:12. Works made in, Psa. 104:24; 136:5; Prov. 3:19, 20; Jer. 10:12. See Knowledge of, above. t ADAM. Creation of , Gen. 1:26-28; 2:7; 1 Cor. 15:45; 1 Tim. 2:13. History of, before he sinned. Gen. 1:26-30; 2:16-25. Temptation and sin of. Gen. 3; Job 31:33: Isa. 43:27; Hos. 6:7; Rom. 5:14-21; 1 Tim. 2:14. Stibsftiuemli history of. Gen. 3:20-24; Children of. Gen. 4:1. 2, 25; 5:3. 4. Age of, at death. Gen. 5:1-5. Brought sin into the world. 1 Cor. 15:22. Type of Christ. Rom. 5:l4. 2: 20 GENESIS 3: 14 B.C. 4004? See footnolf. Tin Kev. I():i5. 22 r \Yomeii, creation 01. I'rov. 31; 10. s Kre, Gen. 3:20. 4 fleft. biilldcd he into ( Coininn/uttneiits, enjoining flilelity in wedlock. Deut. 8:2. u f/iisdana. tela- lion ol, to io//e, Num. 30:6. V Father, Psa. 27: 10. w Mother, 1 Kin. 2:20. X Marriage, unity oj hiishnnd and vile in. Gen. 34:9. 25 y Innocency. Psa. 26:6. a Serpent, siihtlety ol. Num. 21:6. b Satan, symbol- ized. Matt. 4:10. c Craltiness, in- stances oj, P.su. S3 .3. d Inflvence. e v i I, instances ol. 1 <'or. 7:14. e Temptation, sources cl, vs 1- l.'j; Luke 11:4. / ]Vom(in, fall ol. and curse upon. vs. 1-16; Prov. 31:10. g Tree, oJ knotvl- edije. Rev. 22:14. ft Symbols and Si- militudes, Heb. 9:9. i Probation, Kom 5:4. 4 1 Presumption, in- stances o), Psa 19:13. k Falsehood, in- stances ol. Job 21:34. not found an '"help meet for him. 21 And the Lord God caused a deep sleep to fall upon ^Ad'- am, and he slept; and he took one of his ribs, and closed up the flesh instead thereof: 22 And the rib, which the Lord God had taken from man, ^made he a '■■"woman, and brought her unto the man. 23 And Ad'S,m said, This is now bone of my bones, and flesh of my flesh: she shall be called 'AYoman, because she was taken out of Man. 24 'Therefore shall a "man leave his ^'father and his ""mother, and shall cleave unto his "'wife: and they shall be ^one flesh. 25 And they were both naked, the man and his '"wife, and were ^not ashamed. CHAPTER 3 The serpent deceives Eve. 6 Man's fall. 9 God arraigns them. 14 The serpent is cursed, lb The promised seed. 16 The punishment of mankind. 21 Their first clothing. 23 The u are driven out of paradise. MOW the "■"serpent was 1* more ''subtil than any beast of the field which the Lord God had made. And he "•^said unto the %oman. Yea, hath God said. Ye shall not eat of every tree of the garden ? 2 And the ^woman said imto the "■ ''serpent, ^Ve may eat of the fruit of the trees of the garden: 3 But of the fruit of the ''■"tree which is in the midst of the gar- den, God hath said, 'Ye shall not eat of it, neither shall ye touch it, lest ye die. 4 And the "■^serpent 'said unto the ''woman, ''■^Ye shall not surely die: 5 ''•''For God doth know that in the day ye eat thereof, then your eyes shall be opened, and ye shall be as ^gods, M-cnowing "^good and evil. 6 '"And when the ''woman saw that the ''tree toas ''good for food, and that it loas pleasant to the eyes, and a tree ^to be "■^desired to make one ''wise, ^she ''took of the fi-uit thereof, and did eat, and ''gave also unto her *hus- band with her; and ^he did eat. 7 'And the eyes of them both were opened, and they ''knew that they were naked; and they sewed *'fig leaves together, and made themselves ^^ '^aprons. 8 And they heard the^' ^voice of the TvORD God walking in the garden in the ^cool of the day and ®'*Ad'am and his ''wife "■ ^hid themselves from the pres cnce of the Lord ^God amongst the trees of the garden. 9 And the Lord God called unto ^'"Ad'Sm, and said unto him. Where art thou? 10 And "he said, I heard thy voice in the garden, and I was "■"^afraid, because I was naked; and I hid myself. 11 And he said. Who told thee that thou wast naked ? ^■''Hast thou eaten of the tree, whereof I commanded thee that thou shouldest not eat ? 12 And the man ^'^said, "The ''woman whom thou gavest io be with me, she gave me of tiie tree, and I Mid eat. 13 And the Lord God said un- to the ''woman. What is this that thou hast done ? And the woman "said. The ^■^erpent be- guiled me, and I Mid eat. 14 And the Lord God said un- to the *■ 'serpent, Because thou hast done this, thou art ^cursed B.C. 4004? 5 / Knowledge, Luke 11:52. 1 U. V. God, 6 m Unbelief, instan- ces of. Heb. 3:12. n Appetite, an oc- casion of tempta- tion, Prov. 23:2. 0 Ambition, instan- ces of, Hab.2:5. /; Covetoiisness, in- stances of, Isa. 57:17. q Wisdom, worldly, Prov. 2:2. r Disobedience to God. instances of, Eph. 5:6. s A dam. t e m p t a- Hon and sin of. Gen. 2:19. 2 Or. desirable to look upon t Innocency. c o n- trasted ivith guilt, Psa. 26:6. u Conscience, guilty, instances of. Acts 23:1. V Fig Tree, leave* of, Luke 13:6. u> Dress, Zech. 3 :4. 3 Or, girdles. 8 .r A nthropomorph- isms. voice at- tributed to God, Gen. 1 1 :5. y Conviction of sin, instances of, John 16:8. z God, appearan- ces of, Gen. 2:2. 4 Or, sound 5 Heb. wind 6 R.V. the man 9 a Adam, Gen. 2:19. 10 b Fear of God, Acts 9:31. c Sin. fruits of, Horn. 5:12. 11 d Sin. known to God, Rom. 5:12. 12 e Cowardice, in- stances of. Lev. 26:36. / Excuses, lor dis- obedience, Luke 14:18. g Responsibility, at- tempts to shift, Ezek. 18:20. h Woman, Prov. 31:10. 13 ;, Serpent, Num. 21:6. / Satan, symbolized, Matt. 4:10. 14 k Cwrie, Judg.5:23 *GOOD AND EVIL. Choice between, by Adam and Eve. Gen. 3. Exhortation to choose between. Josh. 24:15. Subjective conflict hi'tween. Rom. 7:9-25. T FALL OF M.4N. By transgression of commandments. Oen. 2:16, 17; 3:1-3,6.11,12; Job 31 :33: Isa. 43:27; Hos. 6:7. Through deception of Satan. Gen. 3:4 5, 13: 2 Cor. 11:3. 1 Tim. 2:14. Through evil desire. Gen. 3:6. Consequences of: Knowledge of nakedness. Gen. 3:7; of guilt. Gen. 3:8 10. Cursing of serpent. Gen. 3:14, 15 of the ground. Gen. .'1:17, 18. Multiplying of sorrow, Gen 3: 14 GENESIS 4: 4 B.C. 4004? See footnote, Time, Rev. 10:8. I Judgments, Ex. m Malice, Eph. 4: 31. n Jesus, prophecies concerning com- ing ol. Matt. 1 : 21. 0 Pro/nises, of vic- tory of Messiah over Satan, 2 Cor. 1:20. 7 Or, lie In wait for 16 p Wicked, punish- ment of, vs. 16-19; Psa. 73:3. g Sin, punishment of, vs. 16-19; Rom. 5:12. r Adversity, a dis- pensation of God, Psa. 10:6. « Birth, Psa. 48:0. ( Children, Mark 10:14. M Htisband, Num. 30:6. V Family, govern- ment of, 1 Chr. 13:14. w Wife, Pro v. 5:18. 17 1 Disobedience, in- stances of, Eph. 5.6. 8 R. V. toll 18 y Thorn, Hos. 2:6. z Thistle, Has. 10:8. 5: Luke 19 a Curse, Judg 23. b Labor, 10:7. c Death, as a judgment. Num. 23:10. d Dust, Eccl. 3:20. e Corruption, Job 17:14. 20 / Adam, Gen. 2:19. 0 Wife, Pro v. 5:18. h Race, unity of. Acts 17:20. above all cattle, and above every beast of the field; ^upon thy belly shalt thou go, and dust shtilt thou eat all the days of thy life : 15 And I will put "'enmity be- tween ^-'thee and the "woman, and between thy seed and her "seed; °it shall 'bruise thy head, and thou shalt ^bruise his heel. 16 Unto the ^woman he said, ^■"1 will greatly multiply thy '^sorrow, and thy conception; in sorrow thou shalt ^bring forth 'children; and thy desire shall be to thy "husband, and "he shall rule over "'thee. 17 And unto ^Ad'am he said, Because thou hast hearkened unto the voice of thy "'wife, and ^•^hast eaten of the tree, of which I commanded thee, say- ing, Thou shalt not eat of it: *■ 'cursed is the -Aground for thy sake; in ^sorrow shalt thou eat of it all the days of thy life: 18 '-^Thorns also and ^thistles shall it bring forth to thee; and thou shalt eat the herb of the field; 19 '^In the "■"sweat of thy face shalt thou eat bread, till thou return unto the Aground; for out of it wast thou taken: for '^dust thou art, and ^unto dust shalt thou return. 20 And 'Ad'am called his ''wife's name ^Eve; because she was the mother of '^all living. 21 Unto 'Ad'am also and to his wife did the Lord God make 'coats of skins, and clothed them. 22 ^ And the Lord ^God said, Behold, the ^man is become as one of us, to ^know *good and evil: and now, lest he put forth his hand, and take also of the 'tree of '"life, and eat, an<.l "live for ever: 23 Therefore the Lord God "sent him forth from the garden of ^E'den, to +till the Aground from whence he was taken. 24 So he drove out the ^man; and he placed at the east of the garden of ^E'den ^Cher'u-bim and ^a flaming sword which turned every way, to keep the way of the '■'^tree of life. CH.\PTER 4 The birth, occupation, and religion of Cain and Abel. 3 Their offerings unto the Lord. 8 The murder of Abel. 11 The curse of Cain. 17 His son Enoch, and the first city. 19 Lantech and his two wives. 25 The birth of Selh, 26 and Enos AND "Ad'am knew *Eve hi.': v'ife; and she conceived, and bare Cain, and said, I have gotten a '^man from the Lord 2 And ''she again bare his brother ^A't)el. And A'bel was a ''keeper of sheep, but "Cfiin was a ''tiller of the ground. 3 And in process of time it came to pass, that Cain brought of the fruit of the ground an ''offer- ing unto the Lord. 4 And ^iV'bel, he also brought of the 'firstlings of his flock and B. O. 40047 21 I Dress, Zech. 3:4. 22 ; God, Gen. 2:2. k Knoivledge, of good and evil, Luke 11:52. I Tree, of life. Rev. 22:14. of. m L i fe, tree Eecl. 8:15. n Immortality, 1 Cor. 15:54 23 o Banishment, Ezra 7:20. p Eden, Isa. 51:3. q Cherubim, Ex. 37:7. r Symbols and Sim- ilitudes. Heb.9:9. 9 R. v. the flame of a B. C. 4003? 1 Adam. vs. 12,25 Gen. 2:19. Eve. children of. Gen. 3:20 Children, th* gift of God, Mark 10:14. Shepherd, instan- ces of, Jer. 31:10. Agriculture, Gen. 3:23. Offerings, Lev. 6:17. 3:16-19. Death, physical, Gen. ."5:19; Rom. 5:12, 14; 1 Cor. 15:21, 22: spiritual, Rom. 5:12, 14, 18, 19, 21. See foot- note, Depravity of man. Job. 15:14. : GROUND. Man made from. Gen. 2:7: 3:19. 23; Job 4: 19; 33:6. Animals from. Gen. 2:19. Vegetables from. Gen. 2:9. Cursed, Gen. 3:17: 5:29. II SWEAT, Gen. 3:19. An offense In the sanctuary, Ezek. 44:18. .4s of blood, Luke 22:44. § EVE Qlfe). Creation of, Gen. 1:27: 2:21-24; 1 Tim. 2:13. Named by Adam, Gen. 2:23; 3:20. Beguiled bu Satan. Gen. 3; 2 Cor. 11:3: 1 Tim. 2:14. Clothed with ftg leaves. Gen. 3:7; with skins. Gen. 3:21. Curse denounced against Gen. 3:16. Messiah promised to. Gen. 3:15 Children of. Gen, 4:1. 2 25; 5:3, 4. + AGRICIII.,TURE, Isa. 28:24 28; 2 Cor 9:6; Gal. 6:7. Divinely instituted. Gen. 2:5, 15; 3:19, 23. God to be acknowledged in. Jer. 5:24; Hos. 2:8. Requires wisdom, Isa. 28:20; diligence. Prov. 27:23-27: Eccl. 11:6; patience, Jas. 5:7; toll, 2 Tim. 2:6. Seedtime and harvest guaranteed, Gen. 8:22. Irrigation used in. Oeut. 11:10. Implements used In. 1 Sam. 13:19-21. Practiced by Cain. Gen. 4:2; by Noah. Gen. 9:20; by Ellsha. 1 Kin. 19:19; by David. 1 Chr. 27:26-31; by Uzzlah. 2 Chr. 26:10; by Solomon. Eccl. 2:4-6. Laws Concerning: As to trespass. 12x. 22:5; Deut. 23: 24, 25; damages, Ex. 22:0; .Sabbath observance, Ex. 20:10 23:12; 34.21; Matt. 12:1; the Sabbatic year. Ex. 23:10, 11; Lev. 25:2-7; the Jubilee. Lev. 25:8-28; the feasts. Ex. 34:22; gleanings. Lev 19:9, 10; Deut. 24:19-21; first fruits. Prov. 3:9, 10; planting of orchards, Lev. 19:23-25; hybridizing. Lev. 19:19; Deut. 22:10. Planters of new vineyards exempt from military service. Deut. 20:6. Fiarurative, Jer. 4:3; 12:13; Matt. 13:3 8, 19 30. 36- 43; Luke 8:5-15. * CAIN (a lance). Son of Adam, Gen. 4:1. Jcalovsv and crime of. Gen. 4:3-15; Heb. 11:4; 1 John 3:12; Jude 11. .Sojourns In the land of Nod, Gen. 4:16. Children and de* scendanls of, Geu. 4:17, 18. t ABEL (a breath). SoTi of Adam. History of. Gen. 4:1-15. 25. References to the death of. Matt. 23:35, Luke 11:51; Heb. 11:4; 12:24; 1 John 3:12. ♦ : 4 GENESIS 4: 26 B. C. 4003? Jesus, typified in ofjerings. Matt. 1:21. h Worshii), of the iricked. rejected, Gen. 22:5. i Anijer, instances oj, Psa. 37:8. ;' Envy, Prov. 14: 13. k Jealousy, instan- ces of, vs. 6, 8; Psa. 78:58. I Countenatice, Prov. 15:13. 7 VI Judgment, ac- cording to oppor- tunity and works, 1 I'Pt. 1:17. 1 Or. shall It not be lifted up? 2 Or, Is Us desire, but thou shouldst rule over It. B. C. 38757 8 n Malice. Eph. 4: 31. 0 Homicide, felo- nious, vs. 9-12; Deut. 5:17. p Falsehood, in- stances of. Job 21:34. Q Sin, fruits of, vs. 9-14; Rom. 5:12. r Safcasni, instan- ces of, Judg. 10: 14. « Selfishness, 2 Tlra. 3:2. 10 I Sin, k n o w n to God, Rom. 5:12. » Jtidgments, on Cain, vs. 11-15: Ex. 6:6. V Curse, Judg. 5: 23. 12 W Punishment, no escape from, tev. 26:41. 3 R. V. wanderer 13 T Despondency, in- stances of, Eccl. 2:20. 1 Or, mine Iniquity 5 Or, than can be forgiven. 14 1/ Murmuring, in- stances of. Num. 14:2. t Banishment, Ezra 7.26. o Despondency, in- stances of, Eccl. 2:20. 6 Avenger of Blood, Deut. 19:6. of the fat thereof. And the Lord had respect unto ^A'bel and to his ''■''offermg: 5 But unto *Cain and to his ''offering he had not respect. And Cain was very '•^'^ wroth, and his 'countenance fell. 6 And the Lord saitl unto *Cain, Why art thou 'wix)th ? and why is thy 'countenance fallen ? 7 If thou doest well, ''"'shaU thou not be accepted ? and if thou doest not well, sin lieth at the door. And unto thee '^sfmll he his desire, and thou shalt rule over him. : 8 And *Cain talked with U'bel his brother: and it came to pass, when they were in the field, that Cain "rose uj) against A'bel his brother, and ^■'^slew him. 9 And the Lord said unto Cain, Where is ^A'bel thy brother? And he ^'*said, I know not: ''•^Am I my broth- er's keeper ? 10 And he said, What hast thou done ? 'the voice of thy brother's blood crietli unto me from the ground. 11 And "now art thou ^'cursed from the earth, which hath opened her mouth to receive thy brother's blood from thy hand; 12 "When thou "tillest the ground, it shall not henceforth }ield unto thee her strength; ""a fugitive and a ^vagal)ond shalt thou be in the earth. 13 And *Cain said unto the Lord, *• ^My punishment is ijreater ^than I can bear. 14 ^Behold, thou hast ^driven me out this day from the face of the earth; and from thy face shall I be hid; and "I shall be a fugitive and a ^vagabond in the earth; and it shall come to pass, that every one that findeth me shall ''slay me. : FRATRICIDE. Instancks of: By Cain, Gen. 4:8. By Abimelech, Judg. 9:5. By Absalom, 2 Sam. 13:28. 29. 15 And the Lord said unto him. Therefore ''whosoever slay- eth *Criin, vengeance shall be ta- ken on him sevenfold. Antl the Lord set a mark upon Cain, lest any finding him should kill him. 1 G T[ And *Cain went out from the presence of the Lord, and dwelt in the land of Nod, on the east of ''E'den. 17 And *Cain knew his wife; and she conceived, and bare E'noch: and he builded a "city, and called the name of the city, after the name of his son, P]'noch. 18 And ''unto E'noch was born I'rad: and I'rad begat Me-hu'- ja-el : and Me-hu'ja-el begat Me- thu'sa-el: and Me-thii'sa-el be- gat La'mech. 19 t And La'mech 'took unto him two wives: the name of the one was A'dah, and the name of the other Zil'lah. 20 And A'dah bare Ja'bal: lie was the father of such as dwell in "tents, and of such as have cattle. 21 And his brother's name was 'Mu'bal : he was the 'father of all such as 'handle the *-'harp and "(jrgan. 22 And Zil'lah, she also bare Tu'bal-crdn, ^an'^'^instructer of every artificer in ^' ''brass and ^iron : and the sister of Tii'bal- cain was Na'a-mah. 23 Antl La'mech said unto his %ives, A'dah and Zil'lah, Hear my voice; ye wives of La'mech, hearken unto my speech: for I have ''slain a man "to my wound- ing, and a young man ^"to my hurt. 24 If Cain shall be ''avenget sevenfold, truly La'mech seventy and sevenfold. 25 ^ And ''Ad'am knew his wife again; and she bare a son, and B.C. 3876? See footnote, Titne. Rev. la.G. 16 Eden, Isa. 61:8, cm 35:8. 18 Genealogy, vs lb-22; IChr. 5:1. 19 Polygamy, Deut. 17:17. 20 Gen. 13:5. 21 1 Chr. g Tent. h Artisans 29:5. j Invention, 2 Chr. 26:15. ; ^r«, 2Chr. 16:14. k Harp. Dan. 3:10. I Music, i nstrw ments of, 2 Chr. 5:13. 22 m Master W ork- m a n, instances of, 1 Cor. 3:10. n Brazier, 2 Tlra. 4:14. 0 Brass, Job 28:2. p Iron, Prov. 27: 17. 6 R. V. pipe. 7 R. V. the forger of every cutting Instrument of 8 Or. copper 23 q Homicide, f elo- nious, Deut. 5; 17. 9 R, V. for wound- ing me, 10 R. V. for bruis- ing me. B. C. 3874? 25 Adam, Gen. 2:19. By Solomon, 1 Kin. 2:23-25. By Jehornm, 2 Chr. 21:4. tootiiote. Homicide, Deut. 5:17. Se€ ft: 25 GENESIS 6: 24 B.C. 3769? lee footnote, Time, Rev. 10:6. 26 « Enos. 1 Chr. 1:1, t W or s hip. Gen. 22:5. B.C. 4004? 1 a Book, Num. 5:23, b Genealogy, vs. 1- 32; 1 Chr. 5:1. e Adam, Gen. 2:19 d God, creator. Gen. 2:2. e Man, created. Job 4:17. / Image, figurative, 1 Cor. 11:7. 2 • Mark 10:6. A Heredity, Ezek. 18:2. t Sett. Gen. 4:25. B.C. 3874? 5 I Longevity, P s a. 91:16. fc Enos, 1 Chr. 1:1. B.C. 3679? called his name "Seth: For God, said she, hath appointed me an- other seed instead of A'bel, whom Cain slew. 26 And to "Seth, to him also there was born a son; and he called his name ^E'nos: then be- gan men to 'call upon the name of the LoKD. CHAPTER 5 Tne genealogy, age, and death of the patri- archs from Adam to Noah. 24 The god- liness and translation of Enoch. THIS is the "book of the ''gen- erations of ''A'dam. In the day that '^God created ^man, in the Hikeness of God made he him ; 2 *'Male and female created he them; and blessed them, and called their name ''Ad'am, in the day when they were created. 3 Tf And '^Ad'am lived an hun- dred and thirty years, and begat a son in his ''own likeness, after his image; and called his name 'Seth: 4 And the days of '^Ad'ani after he had begotten 'Seth were eight hundred years: and he be- gat sons and daughters: 5 And all the days that '^Ad'am lived were %ine hundred and thirty years : and he died. 6 And 'Seth lived an hundred and five years, and begat "^'E'nos : 7 And 'Seth lived after he be- gat ^E'nos eight hundred and seven years, and begat sons and daughters : 8 And all the days of 'Seth were %ine hundred and twelve years : and he died. 9 \ And ''^E'nos lived ninety years, and begat *Ca-I'nan: 10 And *^E'nos lived after he begat Ca-I'nan eight hundred and fifteen years, and begat sons and daughters: 11 And all the days of '^E'nos were 'nine hundred and five years: and he died. 12 ^ And *Ca-l'nan lived sev enty years, and begat ^Ma-ha' la-le-el : 13 And *Ca-i'nan lived after he begat ^Ma-ha'la-le-el eight hun- dred and forty years, and begat sons and daughters : 14 And all the days of *Ca-T'- nan were %ine hundred and ten years: and he died. 15 T[ And n\Ia-ha'la-le-el lived sixty and five years, and begat ^ Ja'red : 16 And +I\Ia-ha'la-le-el lived after he begat ■*■ Ja'red eight hun- dred and thirty years, and begat sons and daughters: 17 And all the days of ^^la- ha'la-le-el were 'eight hundred ninety and five ye.'irs : and he died. 18 T[ And ^Ja'red lived an hun- dred sixty and two years, and he begat "E'noch: 19 And ^Ja'red lived after he begat "E'noch eight hundred years, and begat sons and daughters : 20 And all the days of ^Ja'red were 'nine hundred sixty and two years: and he died. 21 ^ And "E'noch lived sixty and five years, and begat ^Me- thii'se-lah: 22 And "E'noch ^•'"walked with God after he begat 'Me-thii'se- lah three hundred years, and be- gat sons and daughters : 23 And all the days of "E'noch were 'three hundred sixty and five years : 24 And "E'noch §• '"walked B.C. 3679? See footnote. Time, Rev. 10:6. B.C. 3609? B.C. 3544V B.C. 33887 B.C. 33177 21 I 1 Chr. 1 :3; Luke 3:37. 22 m Fellowship, ivitlt God, 1 Cor. 1:9. II SETH (compensation). Son of Adam, Gen. 4:25, 26; 5:3, 8; 1 Chr. 1:1; Luke 3:."i8. Children of. Gen. 4:26; 5:6, 7. Age of, at death, Gen. 5:8. * CAINAN, called also Kenan. Son of Enos, Geii. 5:9-14; 1 Cur. 1-2; Luke 3:37. t MAHAL AI.E EI. (praise of God). Son of Cainan, Gen. 5:12-17; 1 Chr. 1:2; Luke 3:37. t JARED. A descendant of Seth, Gen. 5:15, 16, 18, 19, 20; 1 Chr. 1:2; Luke 3:37. II ENOCH. Father of Methuselah. Gen. 5:21: 1 Chr. 1:3: Luke 3:37. Preached to the Antediluvians, Jude 14, 15. Translation of. Gen. 5:18-24; Heb. 11:5. 5 WALKING. Figurative: With God, Gen. 5:22, 24; 6:9: 17:1. In Christ. Col. 2:6. By the Spirit, Gal. 5:16. In love. Eph. 5:2. In the light, 1 John 1:7. By faith, 2 Cor. 5:7. Worthily of the Lord. Col. 1 :10. See footnotes: Communion with God, 2 Cor. 13:14; Fei,- LowsHip WITH God, 1 Cor. 1:9. 10 S: 24 GENESIS 6: 10 B.C. 3130? 24 • Heb. 11:5. » Death, exemp- tion Jrom, Num. 23:10. p Immortolity. im- plied in the trans- lation 0/ Enoch. 1 Cor. 15:54. f Translation, Heb. 11:5. B.C. 2948? 29 r Children, a bless- ing, Mark 10:14. • Ground, cursed. Gen. 3:19. 1 Or.whlch Cometh from the ground B.C. 2353? 32 t Shem. Gen. 6:10, u Japheth, Gen. 7: 13. B.C. 2448? with (rod: and "he "was not: ft)r God P^took him. 25 ^ And ^'Me-thii'se-lah lived an hundred eighty and seven years, and begat *Lri'mech: 26 And ^:\Ie-thii'se-lah. lived af- ter he begaf''La'mech seven hun- dred eighty and two years, and begat sons and daughters: 27 And all the days of 'Me- thii'se-lah were ^nine hundred sixty and nine years : and he died. 28 ^ And ■•'La'mech lived an hundred eighty and two years, and begat a son : 29 And he called his name "^Xo'ah, saying, ''This same shall comfort us concerning our work and toil of our haiuls, 'because of the Aground which the Lord hath cursed. 30 And ■'"La'mech lived after he begat ®No'ah five hundred nine- ty and five years, and begat sons and daughters: 31 And all the days of ^La'- mech were ^seven hundred sev- enty and seven years: and he died. 32 Tl And ®No'ah was five hun- dred years old : and No'ah begat 'Shem, ^Ham, and "Japheth. CHAPTER 6 The wickedness of the world, which provoked God's wrath, and caused the flood. 8 Noah finds grace. 14 The order, form, and use of the ark. AND it came to pass, when *men began to multiply on the face of the earth, and daugh- ters were born unto them, 2 That the sons of God saw the daughters of men that they were fair; and they "took them wives of all which they chose. 3 And the "Lord said, ''My spirit .^hall not always strive with ''man, for that he also is flesh : yet his days shall be ''an hun- dred and twenty years. 4 There were giants in the earth in those days; and also after that, when the sons of God came in unto the daughters of men, and they bare children to thera, the same became mighty men which were of old, men of renown. 5 *[[ And ^God saw that the "wickedness of *'''man was great in the earth, and tJiat every ^imagination of the thoughts of his *heart was only evil con tinually. 6 'And it ^'h-epented the '"Lord that he had made ''man on the earth, and it grieved him at his heart. 7 And the Lord said, I will "•"destroy ''man whom I have created from the face of the earth; both man, and *beast, and the ''creeping thing, and the fowls of the air; for 'it repenteth me that I have made them. 8 But *Nu'ah found 'grace in the eyes of the Lord. 9 ^ These are the "generations of *No'ali: No'ah was a just man a7id '-"perfect in his generations, and No'ah "'• ^walked with God 10 And *N6'ah begat three sons, ^Shem, ^Ham, and ^Ja'- pheth. + LiA.\IECH, Son of Methuselah, and father of Noah, lived 777 years. Gen. 5:25-31; 1 Chr. 1 :.'!. Ancestor of Jesus, Luke 3:36. ©NOAH (rest, Qulet) . Son of Lantech. Gen. 5:28, 29. Builds an ark and saves his family from the flood. Gen. 6:14- 22; 7:8; Matt. 24:;i8. 3i); Luke 17:26, 27; Heb. 11:7; 1 Pet. 3:20; 2 Pet. 2:5. Builds an altar and oifers sacrifices. Gen. 8:20, 21. Receives the covenant from God that no flood should again visit the earth: the rainbow instituted as a token of the covenant. Gen. 8:20-22; 9:9 17. Intoxication of, and Ms curse upon Canaan, Gen. 9:20 27. His blessing upon Shem and Japheth, (Jen. 9:26, 27. Dies at the age of nine hundred and fiftg years. Gen. 9:28, 29. Character of. Gen. 7:1; Ei'ek. 14:14. 20. A HAM. Son of Noah. Gen. 5:32; 9:18. 24; 1 Chr. 1:4. Provokes his father's ivrath and his descendants are cursed. Gen. 9:20-27. His children. Gen. 10:6-20; 1 Chr. 1:8-16. B.C. 3130? a Marriage. Gen. 34:9. 3 b God, I o n g-s u !' ferine] of. Gen. 2:2. c Holy Spirit,wilh- drawn. Acts 1 :2. d Wicked, Spirit of God withdrawn from, Psa. 73:3. 6 Lon/icvity, Psa. 91:10. B.C. 24697 a f God, knoiDledge of. Gen. 2:2. 17 Depravity, Job 15:14. h Reprobates, 1 Cor. 9:27. i Heart, known to God, Psa. 44:21. 6 / Sin, repugnant to God, Rom. 5; 12. k Anthropomorph- isms, repentance attributed to God, Gen. 11:5. l Repentance, at- tributed to God. Mark 1:4. mGod, creator. Gen. 2:2. B.C. 2448? 7 n Judgments, Ex. 6:0. 0 Death, a judg- ment. Num. 23: 10. p Wicked, punish- ment of, Psa. 73:3. q Animals, under the curse, Jer. 27:5. r Creep ln(; Things, Rom. i:23. 8 s Noah, Gen. 5:29. t Grace of God. Rom. 4.10. 9 u Genealogy, 1 Chr. 5:1. V Perfection, at- tributed to Noah, Heb. 6:1. w Walking, with God, Gen. 5:22. X Fellowship, with God, 1 Cor. 1:9. 1 Or, blameless 10 y Ham, Gen. 5:32. 2 Japheth, Gen. 7: 13. * ANTEDILUVIANS. Worship God, Gen. 4:3, 4, 26. Occupations of. Gen. 4:2, 3, 20-22. Arts of. Gen. 4:2, 3, 20- 22; 6:14-22. Longevity of. Gen. 5:3-32. Giants among. Gen. 6:4. Enoch prophesies to, Jude 14,1b. Noah preaches to, 2 Pet. 2:5. Christ preaches to. 1 Pet. 3:19, 20. Wicked- ness of. Gen. 6:5-7. Destruction of, Gen. 6:13, 17; 7:1. 21-23; Job 22:15-17; Matt. 24:.37-39. Luke 17:26. 27; 2 Pet. 2:5. t EVIL IMAGINATION, Oen. 6:5; 8:21. Knoton to God. 1 Chr. 28:9. Abomination to God, Prov. 6:16-18. Lustful. Matt. 5:28; 15:19; Mark 7:21; Rom. 1:21. War against. 2 Cor. 10:3, 5. : SHEM. Son of Noah, Gen 5:32; 6:10. Preserved tn the ark. Gen. 7:13; 9:18; 1 Chr. 1:4. His filial conduct. Gen. 9:23-27. Blessed by Noah. Gen. 9:26. 27. In the lineage of Jesus, Luke 3:36. Descendants of. Gen. 10:1, 21-31; 11:10-29; 1 Chr. 1:17-54. 11 6: 11 GENESIS t: 2 B.C. S448? See footnote, Time, Rev. 10:6. 11 a Depravity, Job 13 b God. Gen. 2:2. e Recelation. to Noah, vs. 14-22; 2 Cor. 12:1. d Noah. Gen. 5:29. e Wirkcd, punish- ment oj, Psa. 73. / Carpentry, vs. \ 4- 16; 2 Kin. 12:11. g Pitch, Isa. 34:9. 15 ft Cuftir. Ex. 36:9. ( Window, Josh. 2: 15. 2 R. V. light ( Breath, of life. Gen. 7:15. fc Death, penally. Num. 23:10. 1 1 The earth also was "corrupt before God, and the earth was filled with violence. 12 And God looked upon the earth, and, behold, it was "cor- rupt; for all flesh had corrupted his way upon the earth. 13 And "God ^said unto ''No'ah, The end of all flesh is come before me ; for the earth is filled with violence through them; and, behold, I will *de- stroy them with the earth. 14 /Make ^thee an "ark of gopher wood; rooms shalt thou make in the ark, and shalt pitch it within and without with ''pitch. 15 And this is the fashionwh'ich thou shalt make it of: The length of the "ark shall be three hundred ''cubits, the breadth of it fifty cubits, and the height of it thirty cubits. 16 A ^-Vindow shalt thou make to the "ark, and in a ''cubit shalt thou finish it above; and the door of the ark shalt thou set in the side thereof; tvith lower, second, and third stories shalt thou make it. 17 And, behold, *I, even I, do bring a ^flood of waters upon the earth, to ^destroy all flesh, wherein is the breath of life, from under heaven; and every thing that is in the earth shall '^die. 18 But with '^•'thee will "'I establish my "^covenant; and thou shalt come into the "ark, thou, and thy "sons, and thy wife, and thy sons' wives with thee. 19 And of every ^living thing of all flesh, two of every sort shalt thou bring into the "ark, to keep them alive with thee; they shall ))e male and female. 20 Of fowls after their kind, and of cattle after their kind, of every creeping thing of the earth after his kind, two of every sort shall come unto thee, to keep them alive. 21 And take '^thou unto thee of all 'food that is eaten, and thou shalt gather it to thee; and it shall be for food for thee, and for ^them. 22 Thus ''did '^No'ah ; according to all that God commanded him, so did he. CHAPTER 7 Noah, with Ms family, and the living crea tures, enter into the ark. 17 The begin ning. increase, and continuance oJ the flood. 21 All flesh destroued. AND the "Lord said unto ''No'ah, '^Come thou and ''all thy house into the ^ark; for thee have I seen righteous be- fore me in this generation. 2 Of every clean ^beast thou shalt take to thee by *sevens, B.C. 2448? IR I Parents, covBi tiant benefits of, 2 Cor. 12 14. m God, ]ailh]ulnesa of. Gen. 2:2. n Covenant, of God with men, Deut. 29:1. 0 Children, share benefits of cove- nant privileges, Mark 10 14. 19 p Anitnals, J er 27:5. q Food, Psa 25. 22 Obedience, instan ces of, Heb. 5:8. B.C. 2349? 1 a God, preserver, exemplified. Gen. b Noah, Gen. 5:29. c Temporal BlesS' ings, pom God, Psa. 103:2. d Children, of the rUthleous, blessed of God, Mark 10: 14. e Ark, Noah's, Gen. 6:14. / A n i m a I s, Jer. 27:5. II ARK, Noah's. Directions for building of. Gen. 6:14- 16. Noah and family preserved in. Gen. 6:18; 7; 8; Matt. 24:38; Heb. 11:7; 1 Pet. 3:20. Animals saved in. Gen. 6:19, 20; 7:1-16; 8:16-19. § FLOOD, the deluge. Foretold, Gen. 6:13. 17. His- tory of. Gen. chaps. 6 8. References to. Job 22;16; Psa. 90:5; Matt. 24:38, 39; Luke 17:26, 27; Heb. 11:7; 1 Pet. 3:20; 2 Pet. 2:5; 3:6. The promise that it should not recur. Gen. 8:20, 21; 9:8-17; I.sa. 54:9. See footnote. Meteorology. Matt. 16:2. * SEVEN. Interesting facts concerning the number, which by many is believed to be mystical. Seven Days: Week consists of. Gen. 2:3; Ex. 20:11; Deut. 5:13, 14. Noah in the ark before the flood. Gen. 7:4, 10; remains in the ark after sendt7ig forth the dove. Gen. 8:10, 12. Mourning for .Jacob lasted. Gen. 50:10; of Job, Job 2:13. The plague of bloody waters In Egypt lasted, Ex. 7:25. The passover lasted, Ex. 12:15. The feast of tabernacles lasted. Lev. 23:34, 42. The Israelites compassed Jericho, Josh. 6:4. Saul directed by Samuel to tarry at Gil- gal, awaiting the prophet's command, i Sum. 10:8:13:8. The elders of Jabesh-gilead ask for a truce of, 1 Sam. 11 :3. Con- secration of priests and altars lasted, Ex. 29:30, 35. EzeK. 43:25, 26. Defilements lasted. Lev. 12:2; 13:4. Fasts of, 1 Sam. 31:13. Ttie firstborn of flocks and sheep shall re- main with mother, before being offered, Ex. 22:30. Dedica- tion of the temple lasted double. 1 Kin. S:65. Ezekiel siti by the river Chebar in astonishment, Ezek. 3:15. The feast of Ahasuerus continued, Esth. 1:5. Paul tarries at Tgre, Acts 21 :4; at Puleoii, Acts 28:14. Seven Weeks : The period between the passover and the pentccost. Lev. 23:15. In Daniel's vision concerning the coming of the Messiah, Dan. 9:25. Ten times, Dan. 9:24. Seven Months : Holy convocations in the seventh month. Lev. 23:24-44; Num. 29; Ezek. 45:25. Seven Years: Jacob serves for each of his wives. Gen. 29:15-30. Of plenty and famine in Egypt, Gen. 41. Of famine inCanaan, 2 Kin. 8:1. Insanity of Nebuchadnezzar, Dan. 4: 32. Seven times, the period betiveen the jubilees. Lev. 25:8. Miscellany of Sevens: Of clean beasts taken into the ark. Gen. 7:2. Abraham gives Abimelech seven tambs. Gen. 21:28-30. Seven ktne and seven ears of corn in Pha- raoh's vision. Gen. 41:26-27. Rams and bullocks to the number of. required in sacrifices. Lev. 23:18: Num. 23: 1; 29:32; 1 Chr. 15:26; 2 Chr. 29:21; Job 42:8; Ezek. 45:23. Blood sprinkled seven times. Lev. 4:6:14:7. Oil sprinkled seven times. Lev. 14:16. The Israelites com passed Jericho seven times, on the seventh day sounding seven trumpets. Josh. 6:4. Elisha's servant looked seven timet for appearance of rain, 1 Kin. 18:43. Naaman required to 7: 2 GENESIS 7: 21 B.C. 3349? See fcmtnote. Time. Rev. 10:0. g Bird*. Eccl. 12:4. ft Rain, 2 Sam. 1: 21. : Meteorology, Matt. 16:2. ;' Forty, Jonah ,3:4. k JiKtgments, on the Antedilu- vians, E.^. 6:6. I Obedience, instan- ces of, Heb. 5:8. 6 m Flood, Gen. 6:17 11 n Month, Ex. 12 the male and his female: and of beasts that are not clean by two, the male and his female. 3 Of ^fowls also of the air by sevens, the male and the female; to keep seed alive upon the face of all the earth. 4 For yet *seven days, anil I will cause it to "'rain upon the earth forty days and forty iiip;iits; and every living sut)stance tliat I have made will I ^destroy from off tlie face of the earth. 5 And ''No'ah 'did accoiding unto all that the Lord com- manded him. 6 And ^No'ah was six hundred years old wlien the "'flood of wa- ters was upon the earth. 7 And "No'ah went in, and his sons, and his wife, and his sons' wives with him, into the ''ark, be- cause of the waters of the '"flood. 8 Of clean ''beasts, and of beasts that are not clean, and of ''fowls, and of every thing that creepeth upon the earth. 9 'There went in two and two unto ''Xd'ah into the ^ark, the male and the female, as God had commanded No'ah. 10 And it came to pass after *seven days, that the w-iters of the '"flood were upon the earth. 11 In the six hundredth year of ''Nd'ah's life, in the second "month, the seventeimth day of the month, the same day were all the fountains of the great deep broken up, and the win- dows of heaven were opened. 12 And the ''■ 'rain was upim the earth ^forty days anil forty nights. 13 In the selfsame day entered "No'ah, and "Shem, and ^Ham, and ^Ja'pheth, the sons of No'ah, and No'ah's wife, and the three wives of his sons with them, into the ''ark; 14 They, and every ^beast after his kind, and all the cattle after their kind, and every creeping thing that creepeth upon the earth after his kind, and every ''fowl after his kind, every bird of every sort. 15 And they went in unto ''No'ah into the ''ark, two and two of all flesh, wherein la the ■^breath of life. 16 Antl they that went in, went in male and female of all flesh, as God had commanded him and the Lord shut him in. 17 And the '"flood was 'forty days upon the earth ; and the wa ters increased, and bare up the *ark, and it was lift up above the earth. 18 And the waters ])revailed, and were increased greatly upon the earth ; and the ^ark went up on the face of the waters. 19 And the waters prevailed ex- ceedingly upon the earth; and all the high 'hills, that were under the whole heaven, were covered. 20 Fifteen '^cubits upward did the waters prevail; and the mountains were covered. 21 And all flesh ^'-Mied that moved upon the earth, both of fowl, and of cattle, and of beast. B.C. 3349? See footnote Time, Rev. 10:6. 13 o Shem, Gen. 6:10. p Ham, Gen. 6:32, 19 1 R. v. mountains, 20 q Cubit, Ex. 36:9. 21 r Death, penalty. Num. 2:5 : 10. ivash in Jordan seven times, 2 Kin. 5:10. Seven steps in the temple seen In Ezckiel's vision. Ezck. 40:22, 26. The heat of Nebuchadnezzar's furnace Intensified sevenfold, Dan. .3:19. The light of the sun intensified serrnfold. l.sa. 30:26. The threatened sevenfold punishment of Israel, Lev. 20:18 21. Silver purified seven times, P.sa. 12:6. Worshlidng seven times a day, Psa. 119:164. Seven chamherlalns at the court of Aftasuerus. E.sth. 1:10. Seven princes, E.sth. 1:14. Seven counsellors at the court of .Artaxerxes. Ezra 7:14. ■Seven maidens given to Esther, Esth. 2:9. Figurative of many sons. Ruth 4:1.5; 1 Sam. 2:.'j; .lor. 1.5:9. Seven magi, Prov. 26:16. Seven women shall .seek polygamous marriage. Isa. 4:1. Seven shepherds to be sent forth against Assyria, Mir. 5:.5. 6. Seven lamps and frlpes, Zcrh. 4:2. Seven dea- cons in the apostolic church. Acts 6:3. Seven churches In Asia. Re,v. 1:4. 20. .Seven seal s , Hfv . 5:1. Seven thunders. Rev 10:3. Seren heads and seven crowns, Hcv. 12:.3, 13:1; 17:9. Seven kings. Rev. 17:10. Seven stars, Amos. 5:8; Rev. 1:16. 20; .3:1. Seven spirits. Rev. 1:4; 3:1; 4:5; 5:6. Seven eyes of the Lord, Zech. 3:9; 4:10; Rev. 5:6. Seven golden candlesticks. Rev. 1:12. Seven angels with seven trumpets. Rev. &:2. Seven plagues. Rev. lo:\. Sevenhorns and seven eyes. Rev. 5 :6. Seven angels tvith seven plagues, Rev. 15:6. Seven golden vials. Rev. 15:7. Scarlet colored beast having seven heads. Rev. 17:3, 7. r JAPHETII. Son of Noah, Gen. 5:32; 6:10; 9:18, 10:21. His life preserved at the time of the flood. Gen. 7:13; 9:18. Prudence of , on the occasion of Noah's drunkenness. Gen. 9:23, 27. Descendants of. Gen. 10:2-5; 1 Chr. 1 :5 7. t BREATH. Of life. Gen. 2:7; 7-22; Acts 17:25. Ol God, 2 Sum. 22:16; Job 4:9; 33:4; 37:10; Psa. 18:15; 33:6; Isa. 30:33. Figurative, Ezek. 37:9. 13 7 : 21 GENESIS 8: 14 B.C. 2349? See footnote. Time, Rev. 10:6. i Antediluvians, destruction oj, Gen. 6:1. 2 Or, swarming thing that swarmeth a God, His preserv- ing care, exem- plified. Lien. 2:2. b AnHiropomorpli- isms, allributing memory to God, Gen. 11:5. C Noah, vs. 1-22; Gen. 5:29. d Ark, Noah's, vs. 1-22: Gen. 6:14. e Meteorology, phe- nomena of, vs. 1-22; Matt. 10:2. i Earth, Prov. 8: 23. g Flood, vs. 1-22; Gen. 6:17. h Meteorology, Matt. 16:2. I TiTne, Rev. 10:6. and of every ^creeping thing that creepeth upon the earth, and every *man: 22 All in whose nostrils was the ^breath of life, of all that was in the dry land, ''^■''died. 23 And every living substance was ^destroyed which was upon the face of the ground, both man, and ^cattle, and the creep- ing things, and the ^fowl of the heaven ; and they were destroyed from the earth : and "No'ah only remained alive, and they that were with him in the ^ark. 24 And the '"waters prevailed upon the earth an hundred and fifty days. CHAPTER 8 The waters assuage. 4 The ark rests on Ararat. 7 The raven and the dare, lo Noah, being commanded, 18 gocth lorth out of the ark. 20 He builds an attar, and offers sacrifice, 21 wliich God accepts, and ■promises to curse the earth no more. AND "God ''remembered "^Nd'ah, and every living thing, and all the cattle that was with him in the '^ark: and God made a *wind to pass over the earth, and the ''waters as- suaged : 2 The fountains also of the deep and the windows of heaven were stopped, and the ''rain from heaven was restrained; 3 And the waters returned from off the ^carth continually: and after the end of the hundred and fifty days the waters were abated. 4 And the ''ark rested in the seventh 'inonth, on the seven- teenth day of the month, upon the mountains of Ar'a-rat. 5 And the ^waters decreased continually until the tenth 'month: in the tenth month, on the first day of the month, were the tops of the mountains seen. 6 *\ And it came to pass at the end of ^forty days, that '^No'ah opened the ^window of the ''ark which he had made: 7 And he sent forth a 'raven, which went forth to and fro, un til the "waters were dried up from off the 'earth. 8 Also he sent forth a ^dove from him, to see if the ''waters were abated from off the face of the ground ; 9 But the ^dove found no rest for the sole of her foot, and she returned unto him into the ''ark, for the waters loere on the face of the whole earth: then he put forth his hand, and took her, anc pulled her in unto him into the ark. 10 And he stayed yet other '"seven days; and again he sent forth the '^dove out of the ''ark; 11 And the ^dove came in to him in the evening; and, lo, in her mouth was an ''olive leaf pluckt off: so No'ah knew that the waters were abated from off the ''earth. 12 And he stayed yet other '"seven days; and sent forth the ^dove; which returned not again unto him any more. 13 ^ And it came to pass in the six hundredth and first year, in the first ^month, the first day of the month, the ''waters were dried up from off the earth : and '^No'ah removed the covering of the ''ark, and looked, and, be- hold, the face of the "ground was dry. 14 And in the second ^month, B.C. 2349? See footnote, Time, Rev. 10:6. 6 ; Forty, days, Jonah 3:4. k Window, iosh. 2 15. I Raven, 41. Job. 38: 10 m Seven, dags. Gen, 7:2. 11 n Olive, Deut. 11. B. C. 2348? 13 Ground, Gen. 19. * ARAKA.T (sacred ox holy land) . A district of Armenia, Jer. 51:27. Ark rested in mountains of. Gen. 8:4. Assas- sins of Sennacherib took refuge in, 2 Kin. 19:37: Isa.37: 38. T DOVE. Sent out from the ark by Noah, Gen. 8:8 12. Moaning of, Isa. 38:14: 59:11; Nah. 2:7. Domesticated, Isa. 60:8. Nesis of, Jer. 48:28. Typical of gentleness. Matt. 10:16. Sacrificial uses of. Gen. 15:9. Prescribed for Offerings: Purification of women. Lev. 24; of Nazarttes, Num. 6:10; of lepers. Lev. Trespass offering of, 12:8. Sin offering of. 12:6, 8; Lulte 2: 14:22. Burnt offering of. Lev. 1:14-17. for the impecunious. Lev. 5:7-10: for defilement. Num. 6:10. Market for, in the temple, Matt. 21:12; John 2:14. Holy Spirit descends upon Jesus in similitude of. Matt. 3:16; Lulie 3:22: John 1:32. 14 8: 14 GENESIS 9: 6 B.C. 3348? See foot note. Time, Rev. 10:6. p Animals, offered in sacrifice, Jer. g Birds, Eccl. 12:4. r Thankfulness, to God, instances of. Acts 24:3. f Offerings, burnt. Lev. 6:17. ( Jesus, typified in offerings, .Matt. 1:21. 21 V ^yorship, accept- able to God, Gen. 22.5. V God. mercy of. Gen. 2: 2. vo Promises, of Gods favor, 2 Cor. 1:20. X Covenant, of God u-ith men, Deut. 29:1. y Curse, Judg. 5: 23. J Evil Imagina- tion, Gen. 6:0. a Heart, the nnre- generale, Psa. 41: 21. 6 Depravity, Job 15.14. on the seven and twentieth day of the month, wa.s the 'earth dried. 15 ^ And "God spake unto Xo'ah, saying, 16 Go forth of the ''ark, thou, and thy wife, and thy sons, and thy sons' wives with thee. 17 Bring forth with thee every Uving thing that is with thee, of all flesh, both of fowl, and of cat- tle, and of every creeping thing that creepeth upon the earth; that they may ■'^breed abundant- ly in the earth, and be fruitful, and multiply upon the earth. 18 And No'ah went forth, and his sons, and his wife, and his sons' wives with him : 19 Every beast, every creeping thing, and every fowl, and what- soever creepeth upon the earth, after their kinds, went forth out of the ark. 20 Tl And Nr/ah builded an "altar unto the Lord; and took of every clean ^beast, and of every clean 'fowl, and ''ofYered burnt *■ 'offerings on the altar. 21 And the Lord smelled a "sweet savour; and the 'Lord said in his heart, "'•■^I will not again ^curse the "ground any more for man's sake; for the -imagination of man's "heart is "evil from his youth; neither will I again smite any more every thing living, as I have done. 22 ';.'«• «While the earth remain- eth, 'seedtime and "harvest, and cold and heat, and ''summer and ^winter, and 'day and 'night shall not cease. CHAPTER 9 God blesses Noah. 4 Murder and the eating of blood are forbidden. 8 God's covenant. 13 signified b\j the rainbow. 18 Noah replenishes tlie world. 20 plants a I'lne- yard. 21 is drunken, and mocked by Ham. 2.") He curses Canaan. 26 blesses Shem and Japheth, 29 and dies. AND "God n^lessed ''No'ah -^ and his sons, and said unto them, ''■'^Be fruitful, and multi- ply, and replenish the earth. 2 ''"And the fear of ''you and the dread of you shall be upon every ^beast of the earth, and up- on every 'fowl of the air, upon all that moveth tipon the earth, and upon all the '^'fishes of the sea ; in- to your hand are they delivered. 3 Every moving thing that liv- eth shall be 'meat for you; even as the green herb have "I given you all things. 4 '"But flesh with the life there- of, which is the *blood thereof, shall ye not eat. 5 And surely your *-"°'Pblood of your lives will I require; at the hand of every beast will I re- quire it, and at the hand of man; B. C. 2348? 22 c Temporal Bless- ings, from God, Psa. 103:2. d G 0 d. providence of, Gen 2:2. e Promise, of sta- bilili/ of nature's laws. 2 Cor. 1:20. / Agriculture, facts about. Gen 3 23. g Harvests, Ex. 34: 21. h Summer, Isa. 28:4. i Day, Gen. 1 :5. ] Night, Gen. 1:5. a God. providence of. vs. 1-3; Gen. 6 Benedictions, by God upon Noah, Deut. 21:5. c Noah, Gen. 5:29. d Commandment, enjoining propa- gation of chil- dren, Deut. 8:2. e Propagation, of species, en]oined. Gen. 8:17. 2 / Temporal Bless- ings, from God, Psa. 103:2. g Cotnmandment, ordaining man's supremacy over the animal king- dom, Deut. 8:2. h Man, dominion of. Job 4:17. i Animals, Jer. 27:5. / Birds, Eccl. 12:4. fc Fish, appointed for food. Matt. 17:27. 3 I Food, from God, Psa. 136:25. 4 m Commandment, -forbidding eating blood, Deut. 8:2. 5 n Judgments, Ex. 6:0. 0 Death, penalty. Num. 23:10. p Homicide, pun- ishment of, Deut. 5:17. Of species, enjoined. Gen. 1:11, 12 t PROPAGATION. 21-2.>, 28; 8:17; 9:1. 7. HALTAR. Of burnt Offerings: Built by Noah, Gen. 8:20; by Abraham, Ck-n. 12:7, 8; l.'i:4. 18; 22:U; by Isaac, Gen. 26:25; by Jacob, Gtn. 33:20: 3.'. :l-7; by Moses, Ex. 17:15: 24:4; by Balak, Xum. 23:1, 14, 29; by Joshua, Deut. Zl-.AI; Josh. 8:30-32: by Reubenites. Gadltes, and half tribe of Manasseh, Josh. 22:10, 34; by Gideon, Judp. 6:26, 27; by Samuel, 1 Sam. 7:17; by Saul, 1 Sam. 14:3.j; by David, 2 Sam. 24:18, 19, 25; by Elijah, 1 Kin. 18:31, 32. Used in idolatrous worship, Judg. 6:25; 1 Kin. 12:32; 16:32; 18:26: 2 Kin. 16:10; 23:12, 15; Isa. 27:9; 65:3; Hos. 8:11; Acts 17:23. Mosaic commandments prescribing the construction of, Ex. 20:24-26; Deut. 27 :5-7; Josh. 8:30, 31. See Ezek. 43; 13. Caiied Brazen Altar, Ex. 39:39; 1 Kin. 8:64; 2 Kin. 16:14, 15; 2 Chr. 1:5, 6; Altar of God, Psa. 43:4; Altar OK THE Lord, Mai. 2:13. In THE Tabernacle: Pattern of, Ex. 27:1-8. Con- structed by Bezaleel, Ex. 38:1-7, with 37:1. Located before the door of the tabernacle. Ex, 40:6, 29; Lev. 4:18. Fur- niture of, Ex. 27:3-7; 38:3-7; 1 Sam. 2:13, 14. Horns of Ex. 27:2. How sanctified. Ex. 29:36, 37, 44; 30:26-28; 40:10: Lev. 8:10. 11; Xum. 7. See Ezck. 43:18 27. Sanctified every- thing that touched It. Ex. 29:37; 30:29; Malt. 23:18, 19. Fire on. not permitted to go out. Lev. 6:9-13. A pla.ce of refuge, Ex. 21:14; 1 Kin. 1:50; 2:28. In Solomon'.s Temple; Description of, 2 Chr. 4:1. Renewed by Asa, 2 Chr. 15:8. Removed by Ahaz, and one of Idolatrous fashion substituted, 2 Kin. 16:14-17. Cleansed by Hezeklah. 2 Chr. 29:18-24. Repaired by Manasseh, 2 Chr. 33:16. Furniture of, taken to Babylon, 2 Kin. 25:14. In Second Te.mple, Ezra 3:1-6. Ezekiel's Vision of, Ezek. 43:13-27. Altar of Incense, see footnote, ALT.vr op Incense, Ex. 30:1. § WINTER. .Annual return of, shall never cease. Gen. 8:22. Plowing in. In Canaan, Prov. 20:4. Rainy season In, In Canaan, Song 2:11. ."^hipping suspended In. on the Mediterranean Sea, Acts 27:12; 28:11. Paul remains one, at NIcopolts, Tit. 3:12. Summer and tolnter houses, Jer. 36:32; Amos 3:15. See footnote. Meteorology, Matt. 16:2. * BLOOD. Is the life. Gen. 9:4; Lev. 17: 11, 14; 19:16; Deut. 12:23; Matt. 27:4, 24. Fcrblddcn to be used as food. Gen. 9:4; Lev. 3:17; 7:26, 27; 17:10-11; 19:26; Deut. 12:16, 23; 15:23; 1 Sam. 14:34; Ezek. 33:25; Acts 15:20. 29; 21:25. Eaten with food. 1 Sim. 14:33. Plague of, Ex. 7:17-25; Psa. 78:44; 105:29. See footnotes; Blood of the Covenant, Ex. 24:8; B-LOOT), Sncriflcal, Heli. 9:19. Figurative : Of victories, Psa. 58:10. Of oppression and cruelty. Hah. 2:12. Of destruction. Ezelc. 35:6. Of guilt. Lev. 20:9, 11. 13, 16; 2 Sam. 1:16; Ezek. 18:13. Of Judgmentt. Ezek. 16:38; Rev. 16:6. 15 9: 5 GENESIS 9: 2? B.C. 3348? o Brother, Ptov. IS. 24. r Avenger of Blood, Deut. 19 6. t Punishment, death penalty, Lev. 26:41. ( Commandments, enjoining p u n- ishment o/ mur- der. Deut. 8:2. u Image, fig zi ra- tive, 1 Cor. 11:7. V God, creator. Gen. 2.2. V) Man, created in image o1 God, Job 4:17. 8 X God, preserver. Gen. 2:2. y Covenant, o/ God with men. Deut. 29:1. 10 Animals, God's care o], Jer. 27:5. 11 a God. nreserver Gen. 2:2. b Promises, against the recurrence oj a universal flood, 2 Cor. 1:20. c Covenant, of God with men, Deut. 29:1. d Rain, 2 Sam. 1: 21. e Flood. Gen. 6.17. 12 ; Token. Psa. 86: 17. g Symbols and Si- militudes, H e b. 9:9. 15 h God, faithful- ness of. Gen. 2:2. at the hand of every man's " '^brother will I ^require the life of man. 6 'Whoso s h e d d e t h man's *blood, by ''man shall his ^blood be shed: for in the "image of "God made he ""man. 7 And you, '^•^be ye fruitful, and multiply; bring forth abundantly in the earth, and multiply therein. ^ And ^God spake unto No'ah, and to his sons with him, saying, 9 And I, benold, ^I establish my ^covenant with you, and with your seetl after you : 10 ^And with every ^living creature that is- with you, of the fowl, of the cattle, an 1 of every beast of the earth with you; from all that go out of the ark, to every beast of the earth. 11 And "•"! will estal)lish my covenant with you ; neither shall all flesh be cut off any more by the '^waters of a *flood; neither shall there any more be a flood to destroy the earth. 12 And '^God said, This is the ^ "token of the ^covenant which I make between me and you antl every living creature that is with you, for perpetual generations: 13 I do set my ^'^bow in the cloud, and it shall be for a 'token of a '^covenant between me and the earth. 14 i\nd it shall come to pass, when I bring a cloud over the earth, that the ^-^bow shall be seen in the cloud: 15 And ''I will remember my '^covenant, which is between me and you and every living crea- ture of all flesh; and the waters shall no more become a ''flood to destroy all flesh. 16 And the ^bow shall be in the cloud; and *I will look upon it. that "I may 'remember the ever- lasting "^covenant between God and every living creature of all flesh that is upon the earth. 17 And God said unto 'No'ah, ^This is the 'token of the '^cove- nant, which "I have established between me and all flesh that is upon the earth. IS T[ And the sons of 'Nd'ah, that went forth of the *^ark, were 'Shem, and "'Ham, and "Ja'- pheth: and Ham is the father of ■''Ca'naan. 19 These are the tnree sons of 'No'ah: and of them was the whole earth overspread. 20 Tf Ami 'No'ah began to he an husbandman, and he "planted a ''vineyard : 21 And 'he drank of the 'wine, and was ''drunken; and he was uncovered within his *tent. 22 And '"Ham, the father of ■'■Cfi'iiaan, saw the naketlness of his father, and told his two brethren without. 23 And 'Shem and "Ja'pheth took a garment, and laid it upon both their shoul.lers, and went backward, an;l covered the na- kedness of their father; an.l 'their faces were backward, and they saw not their father's na- kedness. 24 And ^No'ah awoke from his '■''wine, and knew what his '■'"younger son had done unto him. 25 And he said, "Cursed be ^■''Ca'naan; a servant of serv ants shall he be unto his breth ren. 26 And '■•"'he said. Blessed b the Lord God of 'Shfim; an 1 ■^Ca'naan shall be his servant 27 "'God shall enlarge "Ja'- pheth, and he shall dwell in the tents of 'Shem; and ■''Ca'naan shall be his servant. B.C. 8348? See lootnote, Time, Rev. 10:6. 16 i Anthropomorph- isms, m e mo ry attributed to God, Gen. 11:5. 17 / Noah, Gen. 5:29. B.C. 2347? 18 k Ark, Gen 6:14. I Shem, Gen. 6 10. m Ham. Gen. 5:32- n Japhelh, Gen. 7: 13. o Agriculture, Gen. 3:23. p Grape, Lev. 25:5. q Wine, Prov. 23; 31. r Drunkenness, Luke 21 34. Tent, Gen. 13:5 23 t Children, good. 24 1 R.V. youngest u Curse, JudS. 5: 23. V Children, wick- ed, Mark 10:14. 26 w Parents, blesS' ims o}, 2 Cor. 12:14. t RAINBOW, Ezek. 1:28. A token that the earth shall no more be destroyed by flood. Gen. 9:8 16. Symbolical, Rev 4-3 10 1 16 I CA.\.\AN (submissive). Son of Ham, Gen. 9:18. 22, 25-27; 10:6: 1 Chr. 1:8. Descendunls of, Gea. 10:15 20 1 Chr. 1:13-16. 9: 28 GENESIS 10: 21 B.C. 3347? See footnote. Time. Rev. 10;6. X Longevitu, Psa. 91:16. B.C. 1998? a Gencaloi'/, vs. 1- 32; 1 Clir. 5:1. 6 Xoah, Gen. 5:29. c Shem, Gen. 6:10. d Hnm, Gen. 5:32. e Japhelh, Gen. 7: 13. f Flood, Gen. 6:17. 2 g 1 Cnr. 1:5. 6. ft Magog, 1 C h r. 1:5. i 1 Chr. 1:5. / 1 Chr. 1:5, 7. k 1 Chr. 1:5. 3 I 1 Chr. 1 :6. m Toqarmah, Ezek. 27:14. 4 n 1 Chr. 1:7. 0 Chiltim, Dan. 11: 30. p Or. Rodanim, 1 Chr. 1:7. 1 R.V^. n.itions g Dispersion, Gen. 11:8. r Lanquage, Dan. 3:29. 6 s 1 Chr. 1:.S-10. I 1 Chr. 1:8-11. u 1 Chr. 1:8. V Cnnaati, Gen. 9 IS. w 1 Chr. 1 :9. B.C. 221S? 8 J Nimrod, 1 Chr. 1:10. 9 y Huntin;, Gen. 27:5. 28 And No'ah lived after the flood three hundred and fifty >'ears. 29 And all the days of No'ah were ^niue hundred and fifty vears: and he died. CHAPTER 10 The generations of Xoah. 2 The sons of Japhelh. 6 The sons of Ham. 8 Nimrod the first monarch. 21 The sons of Shem. IVrOW these are the "genera- -1-^ tions of the sons of ''Nd'ah, Shem, ''Ham, and "^Ja'pheth: and unto them were sons born after the /flood. 2 "The sons of ^Ja'pheth; ''Go'- mer, and '^Ma'gog, and 'Mad'- a-I, and 'Ja'van, and *Tu'bal, and ^Me'.shech, and ^Tl'ras. 3 And the sons of "Go'iner; ^Ash'ke-naz, and 'Rl'phatb, and '"To-gar'mah. 4 And the sons of ^Ja'van; ^ E-h'shah, and "Tjir'shish, °Kit'- tiin, and ^Do'da-nim. 5 By these were the isles of the Kxen'tlle.is 'divided in their lands; every one after his tongue, after their families, in their nations. 6 ^ "^And the sons of ''Ham; ^Ciish, and 'jMi//ra-ini, and "Phut, and ^'('a'nrian. 7 "And the sons of 'Ciish; '"Se'- ha, and "'Hav'i-lah, and "'Stxh'- tah, and '"Ra'a-mah, and "'Sab'- te-chah: and the sons of Ra'a- inah; "Shc'ba, and ""De'dan. S And *Cush begat ^Nim'rod: he began to be a mighty one in the earth. 9 He was a mighty "hunter be- fore the Lord: wherefore it is *TtJB,\L (n flmrino forth). Son of Japhelh, Gen. 10:2; 1 Chr. 1:."). I)rsci>idants of, become a nation, Isa. 66:19; Ezek. 27:1.'5: .T2:26; .'i8:2, 3; ."JO:!. t -VSIIKENAZ. Son of Gomer, Gen. 10:3; 1 Chr. 1:6. Descendants of, Jor. 51:27. t KLISH.AH. A descendant of Noah, Gen. 10:4; 1 Chr. 1 :7. Islands of the Mediterranean bear the name of, Ezek. 27:7. IIHIVITES. A tribe of Cannnnltes, Gen. 10:17; 1 Chr. 1:15. Shechemites and Gibeoniies v^ere families of. Gen. 34:2: .Josh. 9:7; 11 :19. Esau lakes a wife of the, CJen. 36:2. Dwelling place of. Josh. 11:3; .Tutlij'. 3:3; 2 Sam. 24:7. Their land given to the Israelites, Ex. 23:23, 28; Deut. 20:17; said. Even as ■^Nim'rod the mighty hunter before the Lord. 10 xVnd the beginning of his kingdom was 'Ba'bel, and E'reeh, and Ae'cad, and "C&V- neh, in the land of Shi'nilr. 11 Out of that land "went forth As'shur, and builded ^Nin'e- veh, and the city Re-ho'both, and Ca'lah, 12 And Re'sen between ''Nin'e- veh and Ca'lah: the same is a great city. 13 And ^I\Ii'//ra-im l)egat "Lu'- dim, and ''An'a-mim, and '^Le'- ha-bim, and ''Naph'tu-him, 14 And *Path-ru'sim, an 1 '^Cas'hi-hTm, out of who m came Thi-lis'tim, and ''Caph' to-rim. 15 T[ And 'Ca'naan begat 'Sf don his firstborn, and 'Hcth, 16 And the ^ Jeb'u-slte, and the ^'Am'or-Ite, and the 'Gir'ga-sTte, 17 And the "Hi'vlte, and the '"Ark'lte, and the '"Sin'lte, 18 And the ^Ar'vad-Ite, and the "^Zem'a-rlte, and the "Ha'math ite : and afterward were the fam ilies of the ^Ca'naan-Ites spread abroad. 19 And the border of the ^Ca'- nrian-Ttcs was from ''SiMon, as thou comest to '^Ge'rilr, unto ■"■(ra'za; as thou goest, unto ^Sod'om, and 'G6-mor'rah, and "Ad'mah, and "Ze-bo'im, even unto La'shcl. 20 These are the sons of ""Ham, after their families, after their •^tongues, in their countries, ami In their nations. 21 T[ Unto "Shem also, the fa B.C. 3318? See footnote. Time, Kev. 10:6. z Babylon, empire of, Ezra 5:12. a Calneh, Amos 6:2. H 2 R. V. he went forth into Assyria, 6 Nineveh, Jonah 1:2, 13 c 1 Chr. 1:8. 11. d 1 Chr. 1:11. 14 e 1 Chr. 1:12. / Philistines, Gen. 26:14. g Caphlorim, Deut. 2:23. h Canaan, Gen. 9. 18. i 1 Chr. 1:13. 16 / Jcbusites, Deut. 7:1. fc Amorites, Gen. 14:13. I Girqashltes, Neh. 9:8. 17 ml Chr. 1:15. 18 n 1 Clir. 1:16. o Hamath, 1 Chr. 18:3. p Canaanites, Ex. 23:28. 19 q Zldon, Ezclt. 28: 21. r Gerar, Gen. 20:1. s Sodom, Gen. 13: 10. t Gomorrah, Gen. 13:10. u .4f/»raft, Deut.29: 23. V Zcbolrn, Hos. 11: 8. 20 w Ham, Gen. 5:32. X Lanquage, Dan. 3:29. 21 y Shem, Gen. 6:10. Jndir. 3:5. Con'iUcred bi/ .Joshua, .Tosh. 9:1: 12:8; 24:11, rag tribute to Solomon, 1 Kin. 9:20, 21; 2 Chr. 8:7, 8. § AKV.4DITES. Descendants of Canaan, Gen. 10:18; 1 Chr. 1:16; Ezeli. 27:8, 11. + (JAZA. One of the border cities of the Canaanites, Gen. 10:19. A city of the Avim and Aruihim, Deut. 2:23; Josh. 1 1 :22. A city of the Philistines. Josh. 13:3; Jcr. 25:20; Acts 8:26 39. Allotted to . I udah, JOsh. 15:47; Juciff. 1:18. A temple of Dagon situated at, Jude:. 16:21, 23. Samson dies at, JudfT. 16:21-31. On the western boundary of the kingdom of Israel in the time of Solomon, 1 Kin. 4:24. Smitten by Pharaoh. Jer. 47:1. Prophecies relating to, Amos 1:6, 7; Zcph. 2:4; Zech. 9:5, n 10: 21 GENESIS 11: 8 B.C. 221 8f See footnote, Time, Rev. 10 ;6. 2 Japheth, Gen. 7:13. 22 o Genealogy, 1 Cbr. 5:1. 6 Shem, Gen. 6:10. e 1 Chr. 1:17. B.C. 2247? 2S d Earth, early divi- sions of, Prov. 8-23. « 1 Chr. 1:19. 20. 23 26 / 1 Chr. 1:20. 27 (? 1 Chr. 1:21. 28 h Or, Ebal, 1 Chr. 1:22. i 1 Chr. 1:22. 29 / 1 Chr. 1:23. 31 k Language, Dan. 3:29. 32 ( Noah, Gen. 5:29. m Dispersion, Gen. 11:8. n F/oo(/, Gen. 6:17. ther of all the children of °E'ber, the brother of ^Ja'pheth the el- der, even to him were children born. 22 '^The children of *Shem; E'lS,m, and '^As'shur, and *Ar- phax'ad, and '^Lud, and ^A'ram. 23 And the children of '^A'ram ; '^tJz, and '^Hiil, and Ge'ther, and Mash. 24 And *Ar-phax'ad begat •Sa'lah; and Sa'lah begat °E'ber. 25 And unto °E'ber were born two sons: the name of one was **Pe'leg; for in his days was the ''earth divided; and his brother's name was ^Jok'tan. 26 And « Jok'tan begat 'Al-mo'- dad, and 'She'leph, and 'Ha-zar- ma'veth, and 'Je'rah, 27 And "Ha-do'ram, and ^U'zal, and ''Dik'lah, 28 And "O'bal, and *A-bim'- a-el, and 'She'ba, 29 And JQ'phTr, and 'Hav'i-lah. and 'Jo'bab: all these were the sons of ^Jok'tan. 30 And their dwelling was from Me'sha, as thou goest unto Se'- phar a mount of the east. 31 These are the sons of ''Shem, after their families, after their tongues, in their lands, after their nations. 32 These are the families of the sons of 'No'ah, after their gene- rations, in their nations : and by these were the nations '"divided in the ^earth after the "flood. CHAPTER 11 One language In the world^ 3 The building of Babel. 6 The conlusion of tongues 10 The generations of Shem. 27 The generations of Terah the father of Abram. 31 Terah goes from Ur to Haran AND the whole earth was of one ° language, and of one speech. 2 And It came to pass, as they journeyed from the east, that they found a plain in the land of ''ShI'nar; and they dwelt there. 3 And they said one to another, Go to, let us "^make *brick, and burn them thoroughly. And they had brick for stone, and ^slime had they for ''morter. 4 And they said. Go to, ''let us build us a city and a ^tower, whose top may reach unto heav- en ; and let us ''make us a name, lest we be scattered abroad upon the face of the whole earth. 5 And the Lord came down to ^see the city and the 'tower, which the children of men builded. 6 And the Lord said. Behold, the people is one, and they have all one ''language; and this they begin to do: and now nothing will be restrained from them, which they "have imagined to do. 7 Go to, let us go down, and there ''confound their language, that they may not understand one another's speech. 8 So the Lord "scattered them abroad from thence upon the B.C. 2347? See footnote. Time, Rev. 10:6. Lanquage. unity 01. Dan. 3 29. Babylon, Ezra 5" 12. Art, briekmak- ing, 2Clir. 16:14. Mnrlar, Lev. 14 42. False Confiaence, instances of. Psa. 30 6. Tomer, of Babel. 2 Chr. 26 9. Ambition, instan- ces of, Ilab. 2:5. 7 Language, eoiu fusion of, Dan. 3: 29. ©EBER. The probable founder of the Hebrew race, Gen. 10:21-25; 11:14, 16, 17: 1 Chr. 1:18.19,25, Luke 3:35. Prophecy concerning. Num. 24:24. A ARPHAXAD. Son of Shem, Gen. 11:10-13; 1 Chr. 1:17, 18. 24; Luke 3:36. • SALAH. Son of Arphaxad, Gen. 11:12-15; 1 Chr. 1:18, 24. Ancestor of Joseph, Luke 3:35. ** PEIjEG (.division) . Sonof Eber, Gen. 11:16-19; 1 Chr. 1:19, 25; Luke 3:35. * BRICK. Used in building; Babel, Gen. 11:3; cities in Egypt, K.x. l:ii, 14; houses, Isa. 9:10; altars. Isa. 65:3. Made y Israelites, Ex. 5:7-19; 2 Sam. 12:31; Jar 43:9; Nah. 3:14. t BITUMEN. An inflammable substance. Isa. 34.9. Abounded In the valley of the Dead Sea, Gen. 14:10. Used at Babel. Gen. 11 :3; in the ark of Moses, Ex. 2 3. t ANTHROPOMORPHISMS. n?ures of speech which attribute human forms, acts, and affections to God. Repre- senting God as repenting. Gen. 6:6, 7; Ex. 32:14; Judg. 2:18; 1 Sam. 15:35; 2 Sam. 24:16: 1 Chr. 21:15; Psa. 106:45; Jer. 26:19; Amos 7:3; Jonah 3:10; as being grieved. Gen. 6:6; as being vexed, Isa. 63:10; as being Jealous, see footnote. Jealousy, Psa. 78:58; as being angry, Ex. 22:24; Num. 11: 1, 10, 33; 12:9, see footnote, Anger, of God, 2 Kin. 13:3: as being amazed, Isa. 59:16; 63:5; as reasoning. Isa. 1:18, as having memory. Gen. 9:16:lssi. -iS-.ze; as having an under- standing. Psa. 147:5; as having a ivlll. Rom. 9:19: as taking an oath. Isa. 62:8; Heb. 6:17; 7:21, 28; aslaughing. Psa. 2: 4, 37:13; as ivalking, Gen. 3:8: Lev. 26:12; as standing. Gen. 28:13; as resting, Gen. 2.2. 3; Ex. 20:11: as sleeping. Psa. 44:23; 78:65; as seeing. Gen. 9:16. 11:5. Ex 3:4,7; Psa. 94:9; Hab. 1:13:1 Pet. 3:12: as hearing. Psa.. SI :2: 94; 9; 1 Pet. 3:12; astalklng. Gen. 22:12. 35:12. 13; assollloquiz Ing, Gen. 1 1 :7. For various additional anthropomorphic expressions and terms, see footnotes: Fiour.'VTive. under .Arm, Psa. 89:13; Ear. Lev. 8:23; Eye, Matt. 6:22; Hand, Ezra 10:19, etc. II DISPERSION. Of the descendants of Noah, Gen. 10: 18 11: 8 GENESIS 11: 31 B.C. 3347? See footnote, Tune, Rev. 10:6. 10 t GenealoQu.ys. 10- 32 1 Clir. 5:1. ; Shem. Gen. 6 10 k Arphaxad, Gen 10 •->!.'. i Flood. Gen. 6.17 B.C. 2346? II m Lonoet'ily, Ps a, 91 16. B C. 2311? 12 n Salah. Gen. 10 24. B.C. 22817 14 o Kber. Gen 10:21 B.C. 2247? 16 p Feleg. Gen. 10:25 B.C. 2217? face of all the earth, and they left off to build the city. 9 Therefore is the name of it called ''Ba'bel; because the Lord ''did there confound the language of all the earth: and from thence did the I.,ord "scat- ter them abroad upon the face of all the earth. 10 ^ These arc the 'generations of 'Shem: Shem was an hundred years old, and begat ^Ar-phax'- ad two years after the 'flood : 11 And Shem lived after he be- gat Ar-phax'ad '"five hundred years, and begat sons and daughters. 12 And ^Ar-phSx'ad lived five and thirty years, and begat "Sa'lah : 13 And Ar-phax'ad lived after he })egat Sa'lah '"four hundred and three years, and begat sons and daughters. 14 And "Sa'lah lived thirty years, and begat "E'ber: ' 15 And "Sa'lah lived after he begat "E'ber '"four hundred and three years, and begat sons and daughters. 16 And "E'ber lived four and thirty years, and begat ''Pe'leg. 17 And "E'ber lived after he be- gat ^Pe'leg '"four hundred and thirty years, and begat sons and daughters. 18 And ^Pe'leg lived thirty years, and begat ^Re'u: 19 And ''Pe'leg lived after he begat ^Re'u '"two hundred and nine years, and begat sons and daughters. 20 And ^Re'u lived two and thirty years, and begat '*'Se'- rug: 21 And §Re'u hved after he be- gat *Se'rug '"two hundred and seven years, and begat sons and daughters. 22 And *Se'rug lived thirty years, and begat ®Na'h6r: 23 And *Se'rug lived after he begat ®Na'h6r '"two hundred years, and begat sons and daughters. 24 And ®Na'h6r lived nine and twenty years, and begat ^Te'rah: 25 And °Na'h6r lived after he begat ^Te'rah '"an hundred and nineteen years, and begat sons and daughters. 26 And ^Te'rah lived seventy years, and begat *A'br3,m, ''Na'- hor, and Ha'ran. 27 ^ Now these are the genera- tions of ^Te'rah. Te'rah begat 'A'bram, ''Na'hor, and Ha'ran; and Ha'ran begat •Lot. 28 And Ha'ran died before his father Te'rah in the land of his nativity, in **\Jt of the *Chal'- dees. 29' And ^A'bram and 'Na'hor '•"took them wives: the name of A 'brum's wife was *'Sa'rai; and the name of Na'hor's wife, + ^Mll'cah, the daughter of Ha'- ran, the father of Mil'cah, and the father of Is'cah. 30 But ^'Sa'rai was ""barren; she had no child. 31 And ^Te'rah took ^A'brSm his son, and 'LSt the son of B.C. 2186? See footnote, Time, Rev. 10:6. B.C. 2155? B.C. 2126? B.C. 2056? 26 q Abraham, Gen 17-5. r Nahor, Gen. 22 20. B.C. 1996? 28 s Chaldea, Ezek. 11:24. 29 I Marriage, G e «i. 34:9. II Incest, Lev. 18:6. V Sarah, Gen. 17. 15. 30 w Barrenness, Deut. 7:14. B.C. 1923? aller buUdina the tower of Babel, Gen. 11-1-9: Deut. .12:8. 0/ the Jews, .John 7:35; foretold. Lev. 26:.33; Deut. 28:64; Jfc 16:15; 24:9; Kzek. 12:15. See footnotes: Iskaei.. prophecies n! dispersion of. Ex. 2:22: Juoah. prophecies of dispersion o! . 2 Chr. 11:17. § RH;U (friend). Son or Peleg. and ancestor of Abraham, 1 Chr. 1:25; Luke .■}:."J5. + .SERl'fi. An ancestor of Abraham, Gen. 1 Chr 1 :26. Jn the Uncage of .Jesus. Luke .•J:.15. O NAIIOK. Grandtather of Abraham. Gen. 1 Chr. 1 :26 In the lineage of Jesus, Luke 3:34. *TER,\H. Father or Abraham. Gen. 11:24-32. Was an idolater. Josh. 24:2. In the lineage o' Jesus . Luke 3-34. • LOT. The son of Haran. Gen. 11:27 Accompanies Terah from Vr to Haran. Gen. 11 31. Migrates with A bra .mm toCanaan. Gen. 12:4. Accompanies Abrahamlo Egupt; 11:20 23; 11:22-25; returns to Bethel, Gen. 13:1-3. Rich In flocks, and herds, and servants: separates }rom Abraham, and locates in Sodom, Gen. 13:5-14. Taken captive by Chedorlaomer: rescued by Abraham. Gen. 14:1-16. Dwelt in Sodom, Gen. 13.12. Providentially saved from destruction in Sodom. Gen. 19; Luke 17:28, 29. Righteous. 2 Pet. 2:7, 8. Diso- bediently protests against going to the mountains, and chooses 7j0ar. Gen. 19:17 22. His wife disobediently longs after Sodom, and becomes a pillar of salt. Gen. 19:26; Luke 17:32. Commits incest with his daughters. Gen. 19:30-38. De- scendants of. see footnotes: Ammonites, Deut. 2:20; Mo.\BiTE.s, (5en. 19:37. **UR (light). Abraham's native place. Gen. 11:27, 28. Abraham leaves. Gen. 11:31; 15:7; Neh. 9:7. tt MILCAH (advice). Wife of Nahor, and mother of Bethuel, Gen. 11:29; 22:20-23; 24:15, 24. 47. lit 31 GENESIS 12: 8 B.C. 1933? See footnote. Time, Rev. 10:6. X Canaan, land oj, Gen. 37:1. B.C. 1921? V Dtath, Num. 23: 10. a Abraham, Gen. 17:5. 6 Call, personal, U special duty, vs 1-3; Phil. 3:14. C Faith, trial of instances oj Mark 11:22. d Acts 7:3. e Canaan, land of. Gen. 37:1. / God, guide. Gen 2:2. g Covenant, of God with men, Deut. 29:1. U Promotion, in- stances of, Psa. 75:6. i Temporal Bless- inqs, from God. Psa. 103:2. Ha'ran his son's son, and "Sa'- rai his daughter in law, his son A'bram's wife; and they went forth with them from Ur of the Chal'dee.s, to go into the land of ^Ca'naan; and they came unto ^■'■Ha'ran, and dwelt there. 32 And the days of Te'rah were two hundred and five years: and Te'rah ^died in ^ ^Ha'ran. CHAPTER 12 God calls Abram, and blesses Mm. 3 A promise of Messiah. 4 Abram departeth with Lot from Haran. 6 He journeys through the land of Canaan, 7 which is promised him in a vision. 10 He is driven by a famine into Egypt. 11 Fear makes Mm feign Ms wife to be his sister. 14 Pharaoh, having taken her from him, is compelled by plagues to restore her. lyrOW the Lord had said IN unto '^A'bram, ''•'^•'^Get thee out of thy country, and from thy kindred, and from thy father's house, unto a ^land that ^I will shew thee: 2 And ^I will make of "•''thee a great nation, and I will '^bless thee, and make thy name great; and thou shalt be a blessing: 3 And ^I will bless them that bless thee, and curse him that curseth thee: and ■■'in "thee shall *all 'families of the earth be blessed. 4 So "A'bram "''"departed, as the Lord had spoken unto him; and "Lot went with him: and A'bram was seventy and five years old when he departed out of ^Ha'ran. 5 And "A'bram took ^Sa'rai his wife, and "Lot his brother's son, and all their substance that they had gathered, and the souls that they had gotten in ^Ha'ran ; and they went forth to go into the land of ''Ca'naan: and into the land of Ca'naan they came 6 Tl And "A'bram passed through the land unto the place of Si'chem, unto the ^plain of '^jMo'reh. And the ^Ca'naan-Ite was then in the land. 7 And the Lord appeared unto "A'bram, and said, Unto thy ^•"seed will I give this '^land: and there "builded he an "'^ ^altar un- to the Lord, who appeared unto him. 8 And "he removed from thence unto a mountain on the east of ^Beth'el, and pitched his tent B.C. 1921? / Jesus, prophe- cies of the coming of. Matt. 1:21. k Gentiles, prophe- cies of conversion of. Acts 10:45. I Nations blessed in Abraham, Gen. 18:18. m Obedience, in- stances of, Heb. 5:8. n Faith, Mark 11: 0 Lot. Gen. 11 :27. p Haran, Gen. 11' 31. q Sarah, 15. 6 r Deut. 11:30. s Canaanites. Ex. 23:28. 1 R. V. oak t Israel, prophe- cies concerning, Ex. 4:22. u Children, share covenant loith parents, Mark 10:14. V Thankfulness, of man to God, Acts 24:3. w Altar, Gen. 8:20. X Family Worship, 1 Sara 1:19. 8 y Bethel, Josh. 18:13. XX HARAN, called also Charran. A city in Meso- potamia to which Terah and Abraham migrated. Gen. 11:31; Acts 7:2, 4. Death of Terah at, Gen. 11:32. Abraham leaves, by divine command. Gen. 12:1 5. Jacob flees to. Gen. 27:43; 28:7, 10; 29; returns from, with Rachel and Leah, Gen. 31:17 21. Congues' of, by king of Assyria, 2 Kin. 19:12; Isa. 37:12. Merchants of, Ezek. 27:23. Idola- try In. Josh. 24:2, 14; Isa. 37:12. * PKOPHECIES Concerning Jesus, the Messiah, and their Fultillnient. Many of the prophetic scriptures, which are commonly described as Messianic, find their ful- flliment, according to the common view among Christian interpreters, in Jesus, the Saviour; such as, the prophetic announcement of the victor over Satan described as " the seed of the woman. " Gen. 3:15, and the promise to Abra- ham "In thy seed shall all the nations of the earth be blessed," Gen. 22:18. Other Messianic scriptures relate to the Messiah as the Sovereign of a Universal Kingdom. as In the promise to David that his throne shouid be estab- lished forever, 2 Sam. 7:16, and the prophecy in Psa. 2:8, 9, of ail nations coming into the Messiah's larted. 13 1 And there came one that had escaped, and told ''A'bnim the *He'brew; for he dwelt Hn the plain of Mam're the "Am'- 12 And ''A'bram's dwelt in 6r-Ite, brother of Esh'col, and brother of A'ner: and these tvere 'confederate Avith A'bram. 14 And "■''when '^A'bram heard that his ""brother was taken ''captive, he armed his trained ^servants, born in his own house, three hundred and eighteen, and pursued them unto ^Ditn. 15 And he ^divided himself against them, he and his "serv- ants, by night, and smote them, and pursued them unto lio'bah, which is on the ^left hand of "Da-mas'cus. 16 And he brought back all the goods, and also brought again his '^brother '^Lot, and his goods, and the women also, and the people. 17 If And the king of ^S5d'om went out to meet 'him after his return from the slaughter of Ched-or-la'o-mer, and of the kings that were Avith him, at the valley of Sha'veh, which is the ^king's dale. 18 And ^Mel-chiz'e-dek "king of 'Sa'lem ^brought forth bread and ^wine: and he was the '•'"priest of the most high '*God. 19 And ^he "blessed him, and said, Blessed he 'A'bniin of the most high "God, •''possessor of heaven and earth: 20 And P- 'blessed be the most high ''God, which hath delivered thine enemies into thy hand. And 'he gave him ^-'tithes of all. 21 And the "king of ^Sod'om said unto 'A'bram, Give me the persons, and "-"take the goods thyself. B.C. 1913? I Alliances, polii. ical. Josh. 9:15. 14 u Love, of man Jot man, instancesof, 1 John 4:7. V Friendship, in- stances of, Prov. 22:24. w lirolher,Ptov.l8: 24. X Servant, Jer. 2: 14. y D an, city of. Judg. 18:29. 15 z Strategy, in war, Judg. 7:16. a Servant. JeT.2:H. b Damascus, I s a. 8:4. 4 Or, north 16 c Brother, Prov. IS: 24. d Lot, Gen. 11 27. 17 e Sodom, Gen, 13' 10. / Abraham, Gen. 17:5. g King's Dale. 2 Sam. 18.18. 18 h Rollers. Ex. 18: 21. i Jerusalem, Judg. 19:10. i Hospitality, in- stances of. Rom. 12:13. fc H'iue, Prov. 23: 31. I Priest, antemo- saic. Lev. 1 .5. m Jesus, priesthood of. typified. Malt. 1:21. n G o d, sovereign. Gen. 2:2. 19 o Benediction, in- stances of, Deut. 21.5. 5 Or, maker 20 p Praise, Psa. 150.1. q Thankfulness, to God, Acts 24 3. ;■ God. providence of. Gen. 2.2. s Ileb. 7:4. t Tithes, Num. 18: 24. 6 R. V. a tenth 21 M Liberality, in- stances of, 1 Tim. 6:18. V Unselfishness, in- stances of, 1 Cor 10:24. Palestine. Gen. 15:20- Deut. 2:11, 20; 3:11, 13: Josh. 12: 4; 13:12: 17:15. t KADESU, called also KADEsn-B.^nNEA. Ueut. 1:19. A city on the southern boundary of Palestine. Josh. 15:3. Smitten by Chedorlaomer. Gen. 14:7. Abraham dwells by the wells near. Gen. 20:1 (with 14:7; 16:14). Israel encamps at. Num. 12:16; 13:26; 20:1; 33:,36; Deut. 1:19, 46. Canaan- ites defeated at. Josh. 10:14. II AMORITES (mountaineers) . Descendants of Canaan. Gen. 10:15. 16. 1 Chr. 1:13. 14. Were giants. Amos 2:9. Smitten by Chedorlaomer and rescued by Abraham. Gen. 14. Chiefs of. Josh. 13:21. Wickedness of. Gen. 15:16; 2 Kin. 21:11: Ezra 9:1. Idolatry of Jud(?. 6:10: 11:23. 24; 1 K!n. 21:26. Judgments denounced against, Ex. 23:23, 24; 33:2; 34:10. 11; Deut. 20.17, 18. Hornets sent among. Josh. 24: 12. Not exterminated, Judg. 1:34-36; 3:1-3. 5 8: 1 Sam. 7:14; 2 Sam. 21:2; 1 Kin. 9:20. 21; 2 Chr, 8:7. Intermarry with Jews, Ezra 9:1, 2, 10:18-44. Kings ot. Josh. 10:3- 26; 13:21. Territory of. Gen. 14:7; Num. 13:29; 21:13. Deut. 1:4, 7, 19; 3.8. 9; Josh. 5:1; 10:5; 12:2. 3; Judg. 1:35, 36; 11:22. Given to descendants of Abraham, Gen. 15:21; 48:22; Deut. 1:20: 2:26 36; 7:1, Josh. 3:10: Judg. 11:23; Amos 2:10. Allotted to Reuben. Gad. and Manasseh. Num. 32:33 42; Josh. 13:15-21. Conquest of. Num. 21:21-30; Josh. 10:11, Judg, 1:34 36; 11:21, 22, 5 .MELCHIZEDEK (king of righteousness). Kino of Salem, Gen. 14:18 20. Abraham gave tithes to. Gen, 14;20; Heb. 7:4. A priest, and type of Christ, Psa,. 110:4; Heb.5:6, 10; 6;20; 7:1-21. 23 14: 22 GENESIS 15: 16 B.C. 1913? 22 ID Oath, a solemn qualification. Num. 5:19. « Hand, lilted in solemnizing an oott, EzralO:19. 23 y Prudence, instan- ces oj, 2 Chr. 2: 12. a Atrraham, Gen. 17:5. d Righteous, prom- ises to, Psa. 64. 10. e Vision, Acts 9: 10. d God, preserver. Gen. 2:2. « Covenant, of God with men, Deut. 29:1. } Promises, to the righteous, of di- vine protection, 2 Cor. 1:20. C Shield, figur a- live, 1 Kin. 14:27. 2 h Prayer, Acts 6A. i Blessings, tem- poral, prayer for, instances of, Psa. 103:2. j Gen. 24. k Damascus, I s a. 8:4. 1 R. V. he that shall be possessor 3 I Inheritance, Num. 27:7. m Children, in an- stoer to prayer, Mark 10:14. 22 And A'bram said to the king of *S6d'om, I have "'lift up mine %and unto the Lord, the most high "God, the possessor of heaven and earth, 23 That I will not take from a thread even to a shoelatchet, and that I will not take any thing that w thine, ^lest thou should- est say, I have made A'bram rich: 24 Save only that which the young men have eaten, and the portion of the men which went with me, A'ner, Esh'col, and Mam're; let them take their portion. CHAPTER 15 God encourages Abram. 2 Abram com- plains for want of an heir. 4 God prom- ises him a son, and a numerous seed. 6 Abraham Is justified by faith. 7 Canaan is promised again, and con- firmed by a sign, 12 and a vision. AFTER these things the word of the Lord came unto '^•*A'br2,m in a "vision, say- ing, Fear not, A'bram: ^•'•'l am thy "shield, arid thy exceeding jrreat reward. 2 And "A'bram ''said. Lord God, Vhat wilt thou give me, seeing I go childless, and Hhe steward of my house is this 'E-li- e'zer of *Da-mas'cus ? 3 And "xA-'bram said, Behold, to me thou hast given no seed : and, lo, one born in my house is mine •'heir. 4 And, behold, the word of the Lord came unto him, saying, This shall not be thine *heir; but ^■'"he that shall come forth out of thine own bowels shall be thine heir. 5 And he brought him forth abroad, and said. Look now to- ward heaven, and tell the stars, if thou be able to number them : and he said unto him, So shall thy "'"seed be. 6 And he ^believed in the Lord; and he ^counted it to him for ^righteousness. 7 And he said unto him, '^I am the Lord that brought thee out of ''Ur of the 'Chal'dees, to give thee this 'land to inherit it. 8 And he "said. Lord God, " ""whereby shall I know that I shall inherit it ? 9 And he said unto him. Take me an ^heifer of three years old, and a she ^goat of three years old, and a ram of three years old, and a ^turtledove, and a young ^pigeon. 10 And he took unto him "all these, and divided them in the midst, and laid each piece one against another: but the birds divided he not. 11 And when the fowls came down upon the carcases, ''A'bram drove them away. 12 And when the sun was going down, a deep '^sleep fell upon ''A'bram; and, lo, an horror of great darkness fell upon him. 13 And he said unto ''A'bram, Know of a surety "^that thy ^seed shall be a stranger in a ''land that is not their's, and shall serve them ; and they shall afflict them ^four hundred years; 14 And also that ''nation, whom ^they shall serve, will I 'judge: and afterward shall they come out with great substance. 15 And Hhou shalt 'go to thy fathers in peace; thou shalt be buried in a good *old age. 16 ^But in the fourth genera- B.O. 1913? n Descendants of Abraham, Gen, 22:17. 0 Israel, proohecies concerning, Ex. 4:22. 6 p Gr ace of God, Rom. 4:16. q Righteousness. Psa. 15:2. 7 r Ur, Gen. 11:28. s ChnMea, Ezek. 11:24. t L an d, title to, from God, Ruth 4:3. 8 u Doubting, of Ab- ram. Rom. 14:23. V Faith, strength- ened by miracles, vs. 8-18; Mark 11:22. w Miracles, vs. 8- 18; Luke 23:8. 9 X H eifer. Num. 19:2. y Goat, Deut. 14 4. 2 Dove, Gen. 8:8. 10 o Offering, 11 b A braham. Gen. 12 e Sleep, Psa. 127:2. 13 d Acta 7:6, 7. e Israel, prophecies concerning, Ex. 4:22. / Egypt, prophecies about. Gen. 41:8. g GaU 3:17. 14 Gen. h Egyptians, 50:3. i Judgments, Ex. 6:6. 15 ;■ Death, described. Num. 23:10. k Old Age,la&.46:A. 16 I God. long suffer- ing of. Gen. 2:2. *HEIR, Eccl. 2:18, 19. Children of concubines as well 9S of wives are. Gen. 15:3; 21:10; 25: 5, 6; GaJ. 4:30. Mosaic law relating to inheritance of , Num. 27:8-11; .36:1-8; Josh. 17:3-6; prescribing right of, to redeem alienated land. Lev. 25:25; Ruth 4:1-12; prescribing right of to inherit slaves. Lev. 25:45, 46; prescribing right of, firslborn son to have double portion, Deut. 21:15-17. Minor, under guardians. Gal. 4:1, 2. See footnote. Inheritance, Num. 27:7. Figurative: Of spiritual adoption. Rom. 8:14-17; Gal. 3:29; 4:6, 7; Tit. 3:7; Jas. 2:5. See footnote, Si'irituai, Adoption, Rom. 8:15. t F.4.ITH. Reckoned for righteousness, Rom. 4:3; Gal. 3:6; Jas. 2:23. See footnote. Faith, Mark 11:22. t PIGEON. Used as saeriflce. Lev. 1:14; 5:7; 12:8: 14; 22; Luke 2:24. See footnote, Dove, Gen. 8:8 24 16: 16 GENESIS 16: 11 B.C. 1913? m Amorites, Gen. 14:13. n Probation, Rom. 5:4. 17 o Sun. Josh. 10:12. p M iracUi, Luke 23:8. q Fire, Ex. 12:8. 18 f Covenant, of God ufith men, Deut. 29:1. J Canaan, land of, promised to Abra- ham and hi3 seed. Gen. 37:1. 19 ( Kenites, 1 Sam. 15:6. 20 u Hittite. Judg. 1: 26. V Rephaim. Gen. 14:5. 21 w Canaanitet, Ex. 23:28. X Girgashues, Neh. 9:8. « Jebusites, Deut. 7:1. o Sarah, Gen. 17: 15. 6 AftraAam, Gen. 17:5. e Servant,JeT.2:li. d Barrenness, a re- proach, Deut. 7: 14. B.C. 1911? tion they shall come hither again: for the iniquity of the '"Am'or-Ites "w not yet full. 17 And it came to pass, that, when the "sun went down, and it was dark, ^behold a smoking ^furnace, and a burning lamp that passed between those "pieces. 18 In the same day the Lord made a ''covenant with "A'bra.m, saying. Unto thy seed have I given this *land, from the river of "E'gypt unto the great river, the river ^Eu-phra'tes : 19 The 'K^n'ltes, and the Kgn'- iz-zites, and the Ka.d'mon-ites, 20 And the "Hit'tites, and the ■•■Per'iz-zltes, and the "Reph'- a-Tm.s, 21 And the '"Am'or-Ites, and the "'Ca'naan-Ites, and the -^Glr'- ga-shltes, and the "Jeb'u-sites. CHAPTER 16 Saral ffives Hagar to Abram; 6 who fleeing from her mistress, 7 is sent bach by an angel. 15 Ishmael is born. NOW ''Sa'rai "A'brjim's wife bare him no children; and she had an ''handmaid, an £-gyp'tian, whose name was *Ha'gar. 2 And "Sa'rai said unto ''A'bram, Behold now, the Lord hath ''restrained me from bearing: I pray thee, go in unto my *'''niaid; it may be that I may obtain children by her. And A'bram hearkened to the voice of Sa'rai. 3 And "Sa'rai ^A^brSm's wife took *Ha'gar her ''maid the £-gyp'tian, after A'brS.m had dwelt ten years in the land of Ca'niian, and *gave her to her husband A'brilin to be his 'wife. 4 And he went in unto *Ha'gar, and she conceived : and when she saw that she had conceived, her mistress was "despised in her eyes. 5 ''And '^Sa'rai said unto ^A'briiu, ^'^'-^My wrong be upon thee: I have given my "maid into thy bosom; and when she saw that she had conceived, I was despised in her eyes: the 'Lord judge between me and thee. 6 But "Abram said unto "Sa'- rai, Behold, thy ''maid is in th}' hand; do to her as it pleaseth thee. And when '"Sa'rai ''-"dealt hardly with her, she fled from her face. 7 ^ And the ^angel of the Lord ''found *her by a fountain of water in the wilderness, by the fountain in the way to ^Shur. 8 And he said, *Ha'gar, Sa' rai's -maid, whence camest thou ? and whither wilt thou go ? And she said, I flee from the face of my mistress Sa'rai. 9 And the ^angel of the Lord said unto *'''her. Return to thy mistress, and submit thyself un der her hands. 10 And the ^angel of the Lord said unto *her, I will multiply thy seed exceedingly, that it shall not be numbered for multi- tude. 1 1 And the ^angel of the Lord said unto *her. Behold, thou art with child, and shalt bear a son, B.C. 1911? e Concubinaije, 2 Sara. 21:11. / Polygamy, Deut. 17:17. g Hatred, Prov. 15: 17. h Family, infelic- ity in, instances of, 1 Chr. 13:14. i Responsibility, attempt to shift, Ezek. 18:20. J Envy, instances of, Prov. 14:30. k Jealousi/, instan- ces of, Psa. 78:58. I God, judge, Geu. m Master, unjust. Col. 4:1. n Cruelty, instances of, Psa. 27:12. o Oppression, in- stances ef, Eccl. 5:8. p Angel, Heb. 1:13 g Affliction, Co n- solation in. vs. 7-13; Psa. 34:19. r Shur, I Sam. 15:7. II EGYPT, Brook of. A small stream flowing into the Mediterranean Sea: the western boundary of the land promised to the children of Israel, Num. 34:5;Josh. l.^:.!; 15:4, 47; 1 Kin. 8:65; 2 Kin. 24:7; 2 Chr. 7:8: Isa. 27:12; Ezck. 47:19; 48:28. i EUPHRATES. .4 river in the garden of Eden, Gen. 2:14. The eastern limit of the kingdom of Israel, Gen. 15:18; Ex. 23:31; Deut. 1:7; 11:24; Josh. 1:4; 2 Sam. 8:3; 1 Kin. 4:21: lChr.5:9: 18:3. Pharaoh-nechoh, king of Egypt, made conquest to, 2 Kin. 24:7; Jer. 46:2 10. On the banks of. Jeremiah symbolically buries his girdle, ,Icr. 13:1 7. Roll containing the prophecies against Babylun cast into. Jer. 51: 59-64. Stmbolicai>: The inundations of. of the extension of the empire of Assyria, Isa. 8:6-8. In the tvmbolitm* of th» Apocalypse, Rev. 9:14; 16:12. + PERIZZITES {villagers). One of the seven ncMons in the land of Canaan, Gen. 13:7. Territory of, given to Abraham, Gen. 15:20; Ex. 3:8; 23:23 Doomed to destruc- tion, Deut. 20:17. Not all destroyed; Israelites marry among, Judp. 3:5-7; Ezra 9:1, 2. See footnote, Canaan - ITE8, Ex. 23:28. * HAGAR, a servant of Abraham and handmaid of Sarah, (liren by Sarah to Abraham to be his Wife. Gen. 16. Descendants of. Gen. 25:12-15; 1 Chr. 5:10, 19-22; Psa. 83:6. Figurative, Gal. 4:24, 25. 25 16: 11 GENESIS 17: 10 B.C. 1910? See footnote, Time, Rev. 10:6. 12 1 R. V. as a wild ass among men; 2 Or, over against or, to the east of 13 s Faith, instances of. Mark 11:22. { God, knowledge 01, Gen. 2:2. 3 R. V. art a God that seeth: 14 u Kadesh, Gen. 14:7. B.C. 1898? God, omnipotent. Gen. 2:2. Walking, with God, instances oj. Gen. 5:22. Perfection, 6:1. Heb. d Holiness, enjoin- ed, Ex. 39:30. and shalt call his name ^Ish'- ma-el; because the Lord hath heard thy 'affliction. 12 And ^he will be ^a wild man; his hand will be against every man, and every man's hand against him; and he shall dwell in the ^presence of all his brethren. 13 And she called the name of the Lord that spake unto her, *Thou ^''God seest me: for she said. Have I also here looked after him that seeth me ? 14 Wherefore the well was called *Be'er-la-hai'roi; be- hold, it is between "Ka'desh and Be'red. 15 And Ha'gar bare ^A'brSm a son: and A'bra,m called his son's name, which Ha'gar bare, ^Ish'ma-el. 16 And ''A'brS.m was fourscore and six years old, when Ha'gar bare ^Ish'ma-el to x^'brSm. CHAPTER 17 God renews the covenant. 5 The name of Abram is changed in token of a greater blessing. 10 Circumcision Is instituted. 15 The name of Saral is changed, and she blessed. 16 Isaac is promised. 23 Abraham and Ishmael are circumcised. AND when *A'br3-m was ninety years old and nine, the Lord appeared to A'brSm, and said unto him, I am the Al- mighty "God; "walk before me, and be thou "^^ '^perfect. 2 And I will make my "cove- nant between me and thee, and will multiply thee exceedingly. 3 And *A'bram '"fell on his face: and God ''talked with him, saying, 4 As for me, behold, my "cove- nant is with thee, and thou shalt be a father of many nations. 5 Neither shall thy 'name any more be called A'brS,m, but thy name shall be *A'bra.-ham; for a father of many 'nations have I made thee. 6 And I will make thee exceed ing fruitful, and I will make 'na tions of thee, and '^kings shall come out of thee. 7 And I will establish my "cove nant between me and thee and thy '-'"seed after thee in their generations for an everlasting covenant, to be a "God unto thee, and to thy seed after thee 8 And I will give unto *thee and to thy seed after thee, the land wherein thou art a stranger, all the land of "Ca'njian, for an everlasting possession ; and I will be their God. 9 Tf And God said unto *A'br3,- hS.m, Thou shalt ^keep my "covenant therefore, thou, and thy seed after thee in their generations. 10 This is my "covenant, which ye shall ^keep, between me and B.C. 1898? e Covenant, of God with men, Deut. 29:1. / WoTthip, Gen. 22:5. g Reverence, Lev. 19:30. h Communion, witfi God, 2 Cor. 13:14. 5 I Name, P r o v. 22:1. j Descendants of Abraham, Gen. 22:17. k Rulers, Ex. 18: 21. I Israel, prophecies concerning, Ex. 4:22. m Children of right- eous, blessed, Mark 10:14. n God, love of. Gen. 2:2. 8 o Canaan, land of, promised to Abra- ham and his seed. Gen. 37:1. p Obedience, enjoin- ed, Heb. 5:8. t ISHMAEL (whom God hears). Son of Abraham, Gen. 16:11, 15, 16; 1 Chr. 1:28. Prayer of Abraham lor. Gen. 17: 18, 20. Circumcised, Gen. 17:23-26. Mocks Isaac, Gen. 21:9: Gal. 4:29. Sent away by Abraham, Gen. 21:6-21. Blessed of God, Gen. 21:20. With Isaac buries his father. Gen. 25:9. Children of. Gen. 25:12-18; 1 Chr. 1:29-31. Daughter of, marries Esau, Gen. 28:9; 36:2, 3. Death of. Gen. 25:17, 18. Prophecies concerning. Gen. 16:11, 12; 17:20; 21:12, 13, 18. X BEER-LAHAI-KOI (well of the living one that sees me), a vrell near Kadesh, called also Lahairoi. Hagar fled to. Gen. 16:7-14. Isaac dwells at, Gen. 24:62; 25:11. * ABRAHAM (father of a multitude) , called also Abram. Son of Terah, Gen. 11:26, 27. Marries Sarah, Gen. 11:29. Dwells in Ur, but removes to Haran, Gen. 11:31; Josh. 24:2; Neh. 9:7; Acts 7:4; to Canaan, Gen. 12:4-6; Acts 7:4. Divine call of. Gen. 12:1-3; Josh. 24:3; Neh. 9:7; Isa. 15: 2; Acts 7:2, 3; Heb. 11:8. Canaan given to. Gen. 12:1, 7; 15:7-21; Josh. 1:6; Psa. 105:8-11; Ezek. 33:24. Dwells in Bethel, Gen. 12:8. Sojourns in Egypt, Gen. 12:10-20; 26: 1. Returns to Canaan, Gen. 13:1-5. Deferring to Lot, chooses Hebron, Gen. 13:6-12; 14:13; 35:27. Defeats Chedorlaomer , Gen. 14:5-24; Heb. 7 :1. 7s blessed t)v MelcMzedek, Gen. 14:18 20; Heb. 7:1-10. God's covenant with, to become a great nation, Gen. 13:14- 17; 15; 17:1-22; 22:17, 18, with Acts 3:25; Ex. 32:13; Deut. 1:10; 1 Kin. 3:8; Psa. 105:9, 10; Mic. 7:20; Luke 1:73; Rom. 4:13, 17; Gal. 3:6-18, 29; Heb. 6:13. 14;11: 12. Ca^ied Abra- ham, Gen. 17:5; Neh. 9:7. Circumcision of. Gen. 17:10 14, 23-27. AnfleJsappear^o, Gen. 18:1-16; 22:11, 15. Hisques- tions about the destruction of the righteous and wicked inSodom, Gen. 18:23-32. Witnesses the destruction of Sodom, Gen. 19:27, 28. Ishmael born to. Gen. 16:3. 15. Dwells in Gerar: deceives Abimelech concerning Sarah, his wife, Gen. 20; 21:22-34. Isaac born to. Gen. 21:2, 3; Gal. 4:?2-30. Sends Hagar and Ishmael away. Gen. 21:10-14; Gal. 4:22-30. Trial of his faith in the offering of Isaac, Gen. 22:1-19; Heb. 11:17; Jas. 2:21. Sarah, his wife, dies, Gen. 23:1, 2. He purchases a place for her burial, and buries her in a cave. Gen. 23:3-20. Marries Keturah, Gen. 25:1. Provides a wife for Isaac, Gen. 24. Children of. Gen. 16:15; 21:2, 3; 25:1-4; 1 Chr. 1:28-34. Testament of. Gen. 25:5, 6. Wealth of. Gen. 13:2; 24:35; Age of. at different periods. Gen. 12:4; 16:16; 21:5; 25:7. Death of. Gen. 15:15; 25:8-10. 7n Paradise, Matt. 8 :11 ; Luke 13:28; 16:22-31. Friend of God. 2 Chr. 20:7; Isa. 41:8; Jas. 2:23. Piety of , Gen. 12:7, 8; 13:4, 18; 18:19: 20:7; 21:33; 22:3-13; 26:5; 2 Chr. 20:7; Neh. 9:7, 8; Isa. 41:8; Rom. 4:16 18; Jas. 2:23. Faith of. Gen. 15:6; Rom. 4:1-22; Gal. 3:6 9; Heb. 11; 26 17: 10 GENESIS 17: 24 B.C. 1898? See footnote, Time, Rev. 10:6. 11 q Symbols and Sim- ilitudes, H e b. 9:9. r Token, Psa. 86: 17. 12 » Family, nligion in. 1 Clir. i:5;14. t Servant, home- born, Jer. 2:14. u Money, Jer. 32 :9. V Disfeilou'ship, Num. lo:.31. u> Church, rules of discipline in, Matt. 16: IS. 15 X God, Gen. 2:2. V Children, gift of God, Mark 10:14. 17 r Doubting, Rom. 14:23. you and thy seed after thee; Every man child among you shall be ^circumcised. 11 And ye shall ^'circumcise the flesh of your foreskin; and it shall be a ''token of the *cove- nant betwixt me and you. 12 *And he that is eight days old shall be ^circumcised among you, every man child in your generations, 'he that is born in the house, or bought with "money of any stranger, which is not of thy seed. 13 'He that is born in thy house, and he that is bought with thy money, must needs be 'circum- cised : and my ^covenant shall be in your flesh for an everlasting covenant. 14 And the uncircumcised man child whose flesh of his foreskin is not circumcised, that soul shall be "-'"cut off from his people; he hath broken my ^covenant. 15 ^ And ^God said unto *A'bra-ham, As for Sa'rai thy wife, thou shalt not call her name Sa'rai, but ^Sa'rah shall her name be. 16 And I will bless ■^her, and give thee a ^son also of her: yea, I will l)less her, and she shall be a mother of nations; kings of people shall be of her. 17 Then *A'bra-ham fell upon his face, and laughed, and ^said in his heart. Shall a child be born unto him that is an hundred years old ? and shall ^Sa'rah, that is ninety years old, bear ? 18 And *-"A'bnt-hjim said unto God, O that ^-^Ish'ma-el might live before theei 19 And God said, ^Sa'rah thy wife shall bear thee a son indeed ; and thou shalt call his name "I'saac: and I will establish my 'covenant with him for an ever- lasting covenant, and with his ^"seed after him. 20 And as for "Ish'ma-el, I have ''heard thee: Behold, I have blessed him, and will make him fruitful, and will multiply hira exceedingly; twelve princes shall he beget, and I will make him a great nation. 21 But my ''covenant will I establish with '^I'saac, which ■'^Sa'rah shall bear unto thee at this set time in the next year. 22 And he left off talking with him, and *God went up from *A'br3,-ham. 23 If 'And *A'bra-ham took '^Ish'ma-el his son, and all that were born in his house, and all that were bought with his mon ey, every *male among the men of A'br3,-ham's house; and ^cir- cumcised the flesh of their fore skin in the selfsame day, as 'God had said unto him. 24 And *A'bra,-hara was ninety years old and nine, when he was ^circumcised in the flesh of his foreskin. B.C. 1898 T Cor. 18 Parents, 2 12:14. Children, prayer for. Mark. 10:14 Ishmael, Gen. 16; 11. 19 Isaac, Gen. 21:3. Covenant, of God V!ith men, Deut. 29:1. Jesus, prophecies of the coming of. Matt. 1:21. Prophecies, of th« Messsiah, Gen. 12:3. Prayer, answered. Acts 6:4. 22 God, Gen. 2:3. 2.3 Obedience, in- stances of, Heb. 5:8. Servant, Jer. 2 14. 8 10, 17-19; Jas. 2:21-24. Unselfishness of. Gen. 13:9; 21: 25-30. Independence of, in character. Gen. 14:23; 23:6 16. Ancestors of, idolatrous. Josh. 24-2. How regarded by his descendants. Matt. 3:9; Luke 13:16, 28; 19:9; John 8:33- 40,52-59. Ancestor of Jesus. Matt. l:l;Luke 3:23-34. T CIRCU.MCI.SION. Institution of. Gen. 17:10-14; Lev. 12:3; John 7:22: Acts7:8; Rom. 4:11. A seal of right- eousness. Rom. 2:25-29, 4:11. Performed on all males on the eiahlh dau. Gen. 17:12, 13; Lev. 12:3; Luke 1:59; 2:21; Acts 7:8: Phil. 3:5. Child named at the time of. Gen. 21:3, 4: Luke 1:59; 2:21. nttc of . ot)servcd on the .Sabbath. John 7:23. A prerequisite nf the prirllegrs of the passover. Kx. 12:48. Neglect of. punished. Gen. 17:14; i;.\. 4:24. Neglected. Josh. 5:7. Covenant promises of. Gen. 17:4-14; Acts 7:8; Rom. 3:1; *:11; Gal. 5:3. Necessity of. falsely taught by Judaizing Christians. Acts 15:1. Paul's argument against the continuance of . Rom. 2:25, 28; Gal. 6:12-15. Character- ized by Peter as a yoke. Acts 15:10. Abrogated. Acts 15:5- 29: Rom. 3:30; 4:9-11; 1 Cor. 7:18, 19; Gal. 2: 3, 4; 5:2- 11; 6:12; r-:ph. 2:11, 15; Col. 2:11; 3:11. Instances of: Abraham, Gen. 17:23 27. Isaac, Gen. 21:3, 4; Acts 7:8. Schechemites, Gen. 34:24. Gershom, Ex. 4:25. Israelites at Gllgal, Josh. 5:2-9. John the Baptist, Luke 1 :59. ,yesus, Luke 2:21. PauJ. Phil. 3:5. Timothy, Acts 16:3. Figurative, Ex. 6:12; Deut. 10:16; 30:6; Jer. 4:4; 6:10; 9:26; Rom. 2:29; 15:8; Phil. 3:3; Col. 2:11; 3:11. A designation of the .Jews, Acts 10:45; 11:2; Rom. 2:30; Gal. 2:9; Kph. 2:11; Col. 4:11; Tit. 1:10; of Christians, Phil. 3:3. t S.\RAH {princess). Wife of Abraham. Gen. 11:29 31; 12:5. Abraham's half sister; Gen. 12:19; 20:12. Abraham represents her as being his sister, she is taken by Pharaoh to be his urlfc. but is returned to Abraham, Gen. 12:10 20; Abimelech, king of Gcrar, takes her: she is restored to Abra- ham by means of a dream. Gen. 20:1 14. 7s sterile, Gen. 11: 30; 16:1. Givesher maid. Hagnr, to Abraham as a wife. Gen. 16:1 3. Iler jealousy of llagar. Gen. 16:4-6; 21:9 14, Her miraculous conception of Isaac. Gen. 17:15 21; 18:9-15; Rom. 9:9. Name changed from Saral to Sarah. Gen. 17:15. Gives birth to Isaac. (Jen. 21:2. 3, 6 8. Death and burial of. Gen. 23; 25:10. Character of, Heb. 11:11; 1 Pet. 3:5, 6. 27 17: 25 GENESIS 18: 16 B.C. 1898? See footnote. Time. Rev. 10:6. (Z God, appearance of. Gen. 2:2. 6 Abraham, Gen. 17:5. C Mamre, vs. 1-16; Gen. 13:18. d Tent, Gen. 13:5. 1 R.V. by the oaks e Angel, appear- ance of, Heb. 1 : 13. ; Guesl. Zeph. 1.7. f Salutations, ljuV.e 1:44. ft Hospitality, in- stances of, Rom. 12:13. i Ablution, 19:21. Judg. I Bread, Ezek. 4: 13. K Sarah, Gen. 17: 15. 1 (Vomen, duties of, Prov. 31:10. m iVife, Prov. 5:18. I'l Meastne, dry, XjevX. 25:1-^.. 2 R. V. omits upon the hearth. 25 And Ish'ma-el his son was thirteen years old, when he was circumcised in the flesh of his foreskin. 26 In the selfsame day was A'bra.-ham circumcised, and Ish'ma-el his son. 27 And all the men of his house, born in the house, and bought with money of the stran- ger, were circumcised with him. CHAPTER 18 The Lord appears unto Abraham. 2 He entertains three strangers. 9 Sarah is reproved for laughing at God's promise. 17 The destruction of Sodom is revealed to Abraham, 23 who makes intercession for the men thereof. AND the "Lord appeared unto "him 4n the plains of '^Mam're: and he sat in the '^tent door in the heat of the day; 2 And he lift up his eyes and looked, and, lo, three ^-'men stood by him : and when he saw them, he ran to meet them from the ''tent door, and *■ ''bowed himself toward the ground, 3 And said, My Lord, if now I have found favour in thy sight, -pass not away, I pray thee, fiom thy servant: 4 Let a little water, I pray you, be fetched, and Vash your feet, and rest yourselves under the tree: 5 ''And I will fetch a morsel of ^bread, and comfort ye your hearts; after that ye shall pass on : for therefore are ye come to your servant. And ''they said, So do, as thou hast said. 6 And "A'bra-ham hastened in- to the tent unto ^•'•'"Sa'rah, and said, ISIake ready quickly three "measures of fine meal, knead it, and make 'cakes -upon the hearth. * MANNERS. Obeisance to strangers. Gen. 18:2; 19:1. Standing while guests eat. Gen. 18:8. Standing in presence of superiors. Gen. 31:35; Job 29:8; of the aged. Lev. 19:32. Bules for guests, Prov. 23:1, 2; Luke 14:8 10; 1 Cor. 10:27. .Jews forbidden to associate with heathen. Acts 10:28; 11:3; Gal. 2:12. Evangelists required not to salute on highway, Luke 10:4; compare 2 Kin. 4:29. See footnote. Salutations, Luke 1:44. 7 And *A'br3,-hS,m ran unto the herd, and fetcht a calf tender and good, and gave it unto ^a young man; and he hasted to dress it. 8 And he took """butter, and "milk, and the calf which he had dressed, and set it before them ; and he stood by them under the tree, and they did -^eat. 9 ^ And they said unto ''him, Where is ^Sa'rah thy ""wife? And he said. Behold, in the ''tent. 10 And he said, I will certainl} return unto thee according to the time of life; and, lo, ^Sa'rah thy '"wife shall have a ^son. And Sa'rah heard it in the ''tent door, which was behind him. 11 Now "A'bra-ham and ^'Sa'- rah were old and well stricken in age; and it ceased to be with Sa'- rah after the ^manner of women. 12 Therefore '^Sa'rah '^laughed within herself, saying, 'After I am waxed old shall I have pleas- ure, my ''•'lord being old also? 13 And the "Lord said unto *A'bra-ham, Wherefore did '^Sa'rah laugh, saying, Shall I of a surety bear a child, which am old? 14 Is any thing too hard for the "Lord ? At the time appointed I will return unto thee, accord- ing to the time of life, and Sa'rah "'shall have a son. 15 Then ^Sa'rah ''■Hemed, saying, I laughed not; for she was afraid. And he said, Nay; but thou didst laugh. 16 1[ And the men rose up from thence, and looked toward ^Sod'om: and ''A'bra-ham went with them to bring them on the way. B.C. 1898? See footnote. Time, Rev. 10:6. 3 R.V. the servant: 8 o Milk, Job 10:10. lO p Isaac, Gen. Jl:3. q Menstruation, Ezek. 18:6. 12 r Derision, instan- ces of. Job 30:1. s Doubting. Rom. 14:23. t 1 Pet. 3:6. 13 u God, knowledge of. Gen. 2:2. 14 V God, omnipotent. Gen. 2:2. w Miracles, Luke 23:8. Job 15 X Falsehood, in- stances of, 21:34. y Temptation, yielding to, Luke 11:4. z Sodom, Gen. 13: 10. 16 a Abraham. Gen. 17:5. t BUTTER, Deut. 32:14; Judg. 5:25; 2 Sam. 17:29; Job 20:17; Isa.7:15, 22. Made by churning, Prov. 30:33. t EATING. The host acting as waiter. Gen. 18:8. Fa- vored gue.^ts served an extra portion. Gen. 43:34. Table used in, Judg. 1:7. Reclining on couches, Amos 6:4, 7; Luke 7: 37 38- John 13:25. Ablutions before. Matt. 15:2. See footnotes: Feasts, Mark 12:39; Food, Psa. 139:25; Gldttony, Prov. 30:22. 28 18:17 GENESIS 19: 1 B.C. 1898? 17 .4 nthropomorph- isms. Gen. 11:5. 18 Jesus, prophecies of the coining oj. Matt. 1:21. d Parents, duty oJ, 2 Cor. 12:14 e Master, good, Col. 4:1. ; Family, govern- ment of, 13:14. g Obedience, 5:8. 20 A God, judge. 1 Chr. Gen. 1 Sodom, Gen. 13: 10. f Gomorrah. Gen. 13:10. it .Sation, punish- ment of, vs. 20- 32; Isa. 2:4. I H icked, de- scribed, Psa.73:3 m .Sin, punishment of, vs. 20-3 Rom. 5:12. 22 n Angel, Ileb. 1:13. 23 o Boldness, of the righteous, I'liil 1:20. p Communion, with God, 2 Cor. 13: 14. g Intercession, in- stances of. Jer. 27:18. 25 r Ood, righteousness of. Gen. 2:2. 26 • God, mercy of, vs. 20-32: Gen. 2:2. I Prayer, answered, instances of. Acts G:4. u Intercession, in- flu en c e of the righteous, Jer. 27 18 17 And the Lord said, Shall I hide from "A'bra-ham that thing which I do ; 18 Seeing that «A'bra-ham shall surely become a great and mighty nation, and ''all the "na- tions of the earth shall be blessed in him ? 19 For I know "him, that '^•^he will command his children and his 'household after him, and they shall "keep the way of the Lord, to do justice and judg- ment; that the Lord may bring upon A'l)ra,-ham that which he hath spoken of him. 20 And the ''Lord said, Be- cause the cry of 'S(5d'om and 'G6-mor'rah is great, and be- cause *'Hheir '"sin is very griev- ous; 21 1 will go down now, and ''see whether 'they have done alto- gether according to the cry of it, which is come unto me; and if not, I will know. 22 And the "men turned their faces from thence, and went to- ward 'S6d'om: but "A'bra-ham stood yet before the Lord. 23 t And '^A'bra-ham Mrew near, and ^-'said, Wilt thou also ^destroy the righteous with the wicked ? 24 "Peradventure there be fifty righteous within the city: 'wilt thou also destroy and not spare the place for the fifty righteous that are therein ? 25 "-'That be far from thee to lo after this manner, to slay the righteous with the wicked: and that the righteous should be as the wicked, that be far from thee : Shall not the ''Judge of all the earth Mo right ? 26 And the Lord said, If I find in 'Sod'om fifty righteous within the city, then ''I will spare all the place for their "sakes. 27 And "A'brS,-hiim answered and 'said. Behold now, "'I have taken upon me to speak unto the Lord, ^- ^which am but dust and ashes ; 28 ^Perad venture there shall lack five of the fifty righteous: "wilt thou destroy all the city for lack of five ? And he said , *• '• "If I find there forty and five, I will not destroy it. 29 And he ''spake unto him yet again, and said, Peradventure there shall be forty found there And he said, *-'I will not do it for forty's "sake. 30 And he "said unto him, ^Oh let not the Lord be angry, and I will speak: Peradventure there shall thirty be found there. And he said, *•'•"! will not do it, if I find thirty there. 31 And he ^•"'said. Behold now, I have taken upon me to speak unto the Lord: Peradventure there shall be twenty found there. And he said, *'^I will not destroy it for twenty's "sake. 32 And he "-^said. Oh let not the Lord be angry, and I will speak yet but this once: Perad- venture ten shall be found there. And he said, *''I will not destroy it for ten's "sake. 33 And the Lord went his way, as soon as he had left ^commun- ing with " A'br2,-hJim : and A'brS.- hara returned unto his place. CHAPTER 19 Lot entertaincth two angels. 4 The Sodom- ites are stricken with blindness. 12 Lot is commanded lo flee for safely to the mountain. 18 He Is permitted to go into Zoar. 24 Sodom and Gomorrah are de- stroyed. 26 Lot's wife becomes a pillar of salt. 30 Lot dwells in a cave. 31 The origin of Moab and Arnmon. AND there came two "angels to ''Sod'om at even; and '"Lot sat in the '^gate of Sod'om : and L6t seeing them *rose up to meet them; and he 'bowed B.C. 1898? 27 V Prayer, importu- nity ill. Acts 6:4. w Presumption, in- stances of, Psa. 19:13. Humility, exem- plified, Prov. 22:4. y Man, insignifi- cance of. Job 4; 17. o A ngel , appear- ances of, Ileb. 1:13. b Sodom, Gen. 13: 10. c Lot, Gen. 11:27. d Gates.open sguart at. Dent. 3:5. e Salutations, Luke 1:44. / Manners, Gen. 18:2. II NATIONS BLESSED IN ABRAHAM. Gen. See footnote, Natio.v, Isa. 2:4. 12:23; 18:18; 22:18: 26:4; Acts 3:25; Gal. 3:8. 29 19: 1 GENESIS 19: 17 B.C. 1898? See footnote. Time, Rev. to -.6. g Hospitality, in- stances of, Rom. 12:13. h Guetts.Zeph.l:7. i Ablutions, Judg. 19:21. t Feastt, Mark 12: 39. i; Bread, Ezek. 4 13. Lasciviousness, instances of, 1 Pet. 4:3. ir» Sodomy, vs. 5-8: Lev. 18:22. n Obduracy, Prov 29:1. himself with his face toward the ground; 2 And '^he said, Behold now, my lords, "turn in, I pray ''you, into your servant's house, and tarry all night, and Vash your feet, and ye shall *rise up early, and go on your ways. And they said. Nay; but we vdW abide in the street all night. 3 And '^he "pressed upon them greatly; and they turned in unto him, and entered into his house; and he made them a ^feast, and did bake unleavened ^bread, and they did eat. 4 Tf But before "they lay down, the men of the city, even the men of *S6d'om, compassed the house round, both old and young, all the people from every quarter : 5 And they called unto "Lot, and said unto him, 'Where are the men which came in to thee this night ? bring them out unto us, that we may '"know them. 6 And '^LSt went out at the door unto them, and shut the door after him, 7 And said, I pray you, ^breth- ren, do not so wickedly. 8 Behold now, I have two daughters which have not known man; let me, I pray you, bring them out unto you, and do ye to them as is good in your eyes: only unto ^these men do noth- ing; for therefore came they "un- der the shadow of my roof. 9 And they said, Stand back. And they said again, This one fellow came in to sojourn, and he will needs be a judge: now will we deal worse with thee, than with them. And they "pressed sore upon the man, even '^Lot, and came near to break the door. 10 But the "men put forth their hand, and pulled Lot into the house to them, and shut to the door. 11 And "they smote the ■'■men that were at the door of the house with "'^blindness, both small and great: so that they wearied themselves to find the door. 12 j[ 'And the "men said unto ''Lot, Hast thou here any be- sides? ^son in law, and thy '^sons, and thy daughters, and whatsoever thou hast in the city, bring them out of this place : 13 For we will Mestroy this place, because the 'cry of "them is waxen great before the face of the Lord; and the Lord hath sent us to destroy it. 14 And "^LSt went out, and spake unto his ^sons in law, which married his daughters, and said. Up, get you out of "this place; for the Lord will *de- stroy this city. But he seemed as one that mocked unto his ""sons in law. 15 T[ And when the morning arose, then the "angels hastened •^Lot, saying. Arise, take thy wife, and thy two daughters, which are here ; lest thou be consumed in the ^•'iniquity of the city. 16 And while he lingered, the "men laid hold upon his hand, and upon the hand of his wife, and upon the hand of his two 'daughters; the ^Lord being merciful unto him: and they brought him forth, and set him without the city. 17 And it came to pass, when they had brought them forth abroad, that "he said. Escape B.C. 1898? See footnote, TiTTie, Rev. 10:6. 11 0 Blindness, 2 Kin, 6:18. p Miracles, Luke 23:8. 12 Q G od, preserver. Gen. 2:2. r Children, of right- eous, blessed, Mark 10:14. 13 s Judgments, Ex. 6:6. t Sin, punishment of, Rom. 5:12. u Reprobates,! Cor. 9:27. 14 V Evil Company, Prov. 13:20. w Children, wicked, instances of , Mari 10:14. 15 1 Or, punishment God, mercy Gen. 2:2. * RISING. Early: For prayer, Marie 1:35. For reli- gions instruction. Acts 5:21. Practiced by the diligent, Prov. 31:15; by drunkards, Isa. 5:11. Instances of: Lot. Gen. 19:23. Abraham, Gen. 19:27: 21:14; 22:3. Isaac, Gen. 26:31. Abimelech, Gen. 20:8. Jacob, Gen. 28:18; 32:31. Laban, Gen. 31:55. Moses, Ex. 8:20; 9:13; 34:4. .Joshua, Josh. 3:1; 6:12, 15; 7:16. Gideon, Judg. 6:38. Elkanah, 1 Sam. 1:19. Samuel, 1 Sam. 15:12. David. 1 Sam. 17:20. Mary, Mark 16:2; Luke 24:1. Apostles, Acts 5:21. See foctnote. Industry, 1 Kin. 11:28. Late: By sluggards, Prov. 6:9 11; 24:33. 34. See footnotes: Idleness, Eccl. 1018; Laziness, Prov. 19:15. t SON-IN-LAW. Wicked. Gen. 19:14. Unjust, Jacoft Gen. 30:37-42. Faithful, Peter, Mark 1:29, 30; Luke 4:38. 30 19: 17 GENESIS 19: 37 B.C. 1898? Bee footnote. Time, Rev. 10:6. 20 y Zoar, Deut.34:3. 21 Intercession, of man with God, Jer. 27:18. 22 a Zoar, Deut. 34 :3 23 6 Lot, Gen. 11:27. Ex. 24 e Judgments, 6:6. d Miracles, Luke 23 :8. e Meteorology, phe- nomena. Matt. 16:2. / Sodom, Gen. 13: 10. g Gonmrrah, Gen . 13:10. h Brimstone, Dent. 29:23. i Fire, miracles connected with, Ex. 12:8. 26 J Women, wicked, instancttot.Prov. 31:10. k Disobedience, in- stances of, Eph. 5:6. { Pi liar, of salt, Gen. 28:18. m Salt, pillar of, 2 Kin. 2:20. 27 n AhToham, Gen. 17:5. for thy life; look not behind thee, neither stay thou in all the plain; escape to the mountain, lest thou be '•'consumed. 18 Anil Lot said unto them, Oh, not so, my Lord: 19 Behold now, thy servant hath found grace in thy sight, and thou hast magnified ^thy mercy, which 'thou hast shewed unto me in saving my life; and I cannot escape to the mountain, lest some evil take me, and I die : 20 Behold now, this ^city is near to flee unto, and it is a little one: Oh, let me escape thither, {is it not a little one ?) and my soul shall live. 21 And he said unto him, See, I have accepted thee concerning this thing also, that I will not overthrow this city, for the which thou ^hast spoken. 22 Haste thee, escape thither; for I cannot do any thing till thou be come thither. Therefore the name of the city was called "Zd'ar. 23 The sun was risen upon the earth when *L6t entered into "Zo'ar. 24 Then the Lord '^•'^' ^rained upon ''Sod'om and upon "Go- mor'rah ^brimstone and 'fire from the Lord out of heaven : 25 And he ''overthrew those cities, and all the plain, and all the ^inhabitants of the cities, and that which grew upon the ground. 26 But his ^vife ^looked back from behind him, and she be- came a ']ullar of "'salt. 27 And "A'bra-ham *gat up early in the morning to the place where he stood before the Lord: 28 And he looked toward 'S5d'- lom and "Go-mor'rah, and to- Iward all the land of the plain, and beheld, and, lo, the smoke of the country went up as the smoke of a furnace. 29 If And it came to pass, when God destroyed the cities of the plain, that "God p- 'remembered "A'bra-ham, and sent *L6t out of the midst of the overthrow, when he overthrew the cities in the which Lot dwelt. 30 Tf And *L6t went up out of "Zo'ar, and dwelt in the moun tain, and his two daughters with him; for he ''feared to dwell in Zo'ar: and he dwelt in a cave, he and his two daughters. 31 And the 'firstborn said unto the younger, Our father is old, and there is not a man in the earth to ^come in unto us aftei the manner of all the earth: 32 Come, let *us make our fa ther drink "wine, and we will '' ^'lie with hirc. that we may pre- serve seed of our father. 33 And *they made their ''fa ther drink "wine that night: and the firstborn went in, and '^lay with her father; and ""he per ceived not when she lay down, nor w^hen she arose. 34 And it came to pass on the morrow, that the 'firstborn said unto the younger. Behold, I "lay yesternight with my father: let us make him "'drink "wine this night also; and go thou in, and lie with him, that we may pre serve seed of our father. 35 And *they made their ^father "'drink "wine that night also and the younger arose, and ^lay with hhn; and he perceived not when she lay down, nor when she arose. 36 Thus were both the *daugh ters of *L6t with child by their father. 37 And the firstborn bare a B.C. 1898? See Tootnote, TiTne, Rev. 10:6. Ood, Gen. mercy 2:2. Of. p A\hTopom/}rph- isms, memory at- trib'Ued to Ood, Gen. 11:5. q Intercession, in- fi uence of the riiihleous, Jer. 27:18. 30 Doubting, exem- plified, Rom. 14: 23. 31 Children, wicked, instances of, Mark 10:14. ( Lasciviousnesif, X Pet. 4:3. 32 a Wine, intoxica- tion from, in- stances of, Prov. 23:31. V Incest, Lev. 18:6. 33 to Drunkenness, in- stances of, Luke 21:34. t SODOMITES, Inhabitants of Sodom. Wickedness of. Gen. 19:4-14. Destroyed by fire as a jndgmcnt. Gen. 19:21, 25. To be Judged according to opportunity. Matt. 10:15; 11: 24: Luke 10:12. Those who practiced sodomy as a reUglous rite, Deut. 23:17; 1 Kin. 14:24; 15:12; 22:46; 2 Kin. 23:7; HoR 4:14. See footnote. Sodomy, Lev. 18:22. 31 19 J 37 GENESIS 20 1 14 B.C. 1897? Bee lootnotc, Time, Rev. 10:6. 37 C Bastard, instan- ces of, Deut. 23 ■2. 38 Ammonites, de- teendants of Am- mon, Deut. 2:20. B.C. 1898T 1 a Abraham, Gen. 17:5. 6 Kadesh, Gen. 14:7. t ShuT, 1 Sam. 15:7. d Cowardice, in- stances of. Lev. 26:36. e Deception, in~ stances of. Josh. 9:4. f Sarah, Gen. 17: 15. C Gen. 21:22-32. 3 ft God, providence of. Gen. 2:2. i Dream, itistances of, Dan. 1:17. i Marriage, Gen. 34:9. k God, Tighteoxis- ness of. Gen. 2:2. i Nation, involved in sins of rulers, Isa. 2:4. m Integrity, instan- ces of. Job 2:3. 6 n God, knowledge of. Gen. 2:2. e Grace, of God, Rom. 4:16. son, and called his name M5'- ab : the same is the father of the 'Mo'ab-ites unto this day. 38 And the younger, she also bare a 'son, and called his name Ben-am'mi: the same is the fa- ther of the ^children of Am'- mon unto this day. CHAPTER 20 Abraham sojourncth at Gerar, 2 and denies Ms wife. 3 Abimclech taking her is reproved in a dream . 9 He rebukes Abra- ham, 14 restores Sarah, 16 and reproves her. 17 At the intercession of Abraham, he is healed. A ND "A'bra-ham journeyed -^^ from thence toward the south country, and dwelled be- tween ''Ka'desh and '"Shur, and sojourned in *Ge'rar. 2 And '^A'bra-ham '*,''said of 'Sa'rah his wife, She is my sis- ter: and "A-bim'e-lech king of Ge'riir sent, and took Sa'rah. 3 But "God came to "A-bim'e- lech in a Mream by night, and said to him, Behold, thou art but a dead man, for the ^woman which thou hast taken; for she is a man's %ife. 4 But "A-bim'e-lech had not come near her: and he said, *^Lord, wilt thou slay also a righteous ^nation ? 5 '^Said he not unto me. She is my sister ? and she, even she her- self said, He is my brother: in the '"integrity of my heart ami innocency of my hands have I done this. 6 And God said unto him in a dream. Yea, "I know that thou didst this in the '"integrity of thy heart; for I also "withheld thee from sinning against me: there- fore suffered I thee not to touch her. 7 Now therefore restore the "man his 'wife; for he is a prophet, and he shall ^-'pray for thee, and thou shalt Uve: and '^if thou restore her not, know thou that thou shalt surely flie, thou, and all that are thine. 8 Therefore ^A-bim'e-lech *rose early in the morning, and called all his servants, and told all these things in their ears: and the men were sore afraid. 9 Then ''A-bim'e-lech called "A'bra-ham, and said unto him, 'What hast thou done unto us ? and what have I offended thee, that thou hast brought on me and on my 'kingdom a great sin ? thou hast done deeds unto me that oaght not to be done. 10 And "A-bim'e-lech said unto "A'bra-ham, What sawest thou, that thou hast done this thing ? 11 And "A'bra-ham said, "be cause I "thought, Surely the "'fear of God is not in this place ; and they will slay me for my •^wife's sake. 12 And yet indeed she is my sis ter; she is the daughter of my fa ther, but not the daughter of my mother; and she "became my wife. 13 And it came to pass, when ''God caused me to wander from my father's house, that I ''said unto her. This is thy kindness which thou shalt shew unto me ; at every place whither we shall come, *'^say of me. He is my brother. 14 And °A-b!m'e-lech took sheep, and oxen, and menserv ants, and womenservants, and ^•*gave them unto '^A'bra-ha.m, and restored him Sa'rah his wife B.C. 1898T Prayer, interces- sory, .\ets 6.4. Intercession, of man ipith God, Jer. 27:18. Adultery, penal- ties for. Lev. 20: 10. 8 Rising, early, in- stances of. Gen. 10:2. t Temptation, lead- ing into, Luke 11:4. 11 u Excuses, L u k • 14:18. V Doub ting , of Abraham, Rom. 14:23. w Fear of God, re- straining. Acts 9: 31. X Wife, Prov. 5:18. 12 y Incest, instances of. Lev. 18:6. 13 12:13. Gen. 14 Abimelech, 21:22-32. Good for evil, instances o/,Luke 6:27. Abraham, Gen. 17:5. II MOABITES. Descendants of Lot through his son Moab, Gen. 19:37. Called the people of Chemosh. Num. 21: 29. Children of Israel commanded not to distress, Deut. 2:9. Refuse passage of Jephthah's army through their territory, Judp. 11:17. 18. Balak was king of. Num. 22:4; Josh. 24:9: Judp. 11:2,'): Mlc. 6:5: calls for Baalam to curse Israel, Num. 22: 23: 24; Josh. 24:9; Mlc. 6:5. Idolatry of, Judg. 10:6; 1 Kin. 11:7. Human sacrifices offered by, 2 Kin. 3:27. Are a snare to the Israelites. Num. 25:1-3; Ruth 1:4; 1 Kin. 11:1; 1 Chr.8:8; Ezra9:l, 2; Neh. 13:23. Land of, not given to the Israelites as a possession, Dt'ut. 2:9, 29. David takes refuge among, from Saul, 1 Sam. 22:3, 4. Da^id conquers. 2 Sam. 8:2; 18:2, 11. Paid trib- ute to king of Israel, 2 Kin. 3:4. Israe'ites had war with, 2 Kin. 3:.'')-27; 13:20; 24:2: 2 Chr. 20. Prophecies concern- ing judgments upon. Isa. 15; 16; Jer. 48: Ezel>. 25:8 11. * GKRAR. A cityof the Philistines, Gen. 10:19. Abim- elech. king of. Gen. 20:1, 2: 26:1 8. Visited by Abraham, Gen. 20:1; by Isaac, Gen. 26:1; 2 Chr. 14:13. 14. T GENEROSITY. Instances of: HUtUes to Abraham. S2 20 X U GENESIS 21 1 14 B.C. 18»8? d Hospitality, Rom. 12:13. 17: 16 e Sarah, Gen 15. / Silver, 1 Chr. 2S: 14. 1 R. V. It 13 for thee 2 R. V. (marg.) In respect of all men thou art righted: 1? g Intercession, of man uitfi God, Jer. 27:1S. h Prayer, answered. Acts 6:4. i Healing, the Lord the healer. Acts 4:22. y Miracle*, Luke 23:8. k Barrenness. Deut. 7:14. I Judgments, Ex. 6:6. a God, faithjultiess 01, Gen. 2:2. fi Sarah, Gen. 17: 15. e Mirachs, Luke 23:8. d Abraham, Gen. 17:5. e Children, in an- swer to prayer, Mark 10:14. /Circumcision, in- stances o}. Gen. 17:10. 0 Obedience, UlStnri' ces oj, Ueb. 5M. 15 And °A-bIm'e-lech siiid, ^•*Behol(l, my land is before thee: '^dwell where it pleaseth thee. 16 Anil unto ^Sa'rah he said, Behold, I have given thy '^broth- er a thousand pieces of 'silver: behold, 'he i? fo thee a covering of the eyes, unto all that are with thee, and Vith all other: thus she was reproved. 17 So -^A^brft-ham »■ "prayed un- to God: and God *''healed A-bim'e-lech, and his wife, and his maidservants,' and they bare children. 18 For the Lord had fast ■'cl^>s€d up all the wombs of the house of A-bim'e-lech, because of Sa'rah A'brS-ham's wife. CHAPTER 21 Isaac is born. 4 He is circumcised. 6 Sarah's Joy. 9 Hagnr and Ishmael are castforth. ir> Ilagar in distress. 17 The angel comforts her. 22 Abimelech' s cove- nant with Abraham at Beer-sheba. AND the "Lord visited *Sa'- rah as he had said, and the Lord did unto Sa'rah as he had spoken. 2 For ^Sa'rah *'*'conceived, and bare ''A'brS.-hS.m a *son in his old age, at the set time of which "God had spoken to him. 3 And '^A'bra-ham called the name of his son that was born unto him, whom ''Sa'rah bare to him, ^I'.saac. 4 And ''A'brS-hS.m 'circumcised his son i'.saac being eight days old, "as God had commanded him. 5 And '*A'bri-h&ra was an hun- dred years old, wiien his son ^Psaac was born unto him. 6 And ^Sa'rah *said, God hath made me to laugh, so that all that hear will laugh with me. 7 And *she "said, Who would have said unto A'br&-h3,m, that Sa'rah should have given chil- dren suck ? for I have born him a son in his old age. 8 And the child grew, and was %eaned: and '^A'br3,-ham made a great 'feast the same day that ^i'saac was weaned. 9 ^ *''And "Sa'rah saw the ""son of "Ha'gar the E-gyp'tian, which she had born unto '^A'bri- h&m, "mocking. 10 ''Wherefore she said unto '*A'l)ra-h3.m, «''Cast out this *bondwoman and her '"son: for *''the son of this bondwoman shall not be "• "^heir with my son, even with ^I'saac. 11 And the thing was very grievous in A'br2,-ha.m's sight because of his '"son. 12 And ""God said unto A'brS- h3,m, ^Let it not be grievous in thy sight because of the '"lad, and because of thy ''•*bond- woman; in all that Sa'rah hath said unto thee, hearken unto her voice; for ''•^in U'saac shall thy seed be called. 13 And also of the "son of the bondwoman *will I make a na tion, because he is thy '^■'*seed 14 And *A'br^-hjlm 'rose up early in the morning, and took bread, and a ^bottle of water, and gave it unto "Ha'gar, put B.C. 1897? h Thankfulness, la God. Acta 24:3. 8 1 Children, weakl- ing of, Mark 10: 14. i Feasts, Mark 12: 39. 9 A; Malice, instan- ces of, Epl». 4:31. I Polyfjami/, evil ef- fects of, Deut. 17: 17. m Ishmael, Gen. 16: 11. n Hagar, Gen. 16:1. o Mocking, 1 Kin. 18:27. B.C. 1892? 10 p Family, infelicity in, instances of, 1 Chr. 13:14. q Gal. 4:30. r Cruelty, instances of, Psa. 27:12. s Servant, Jer. 2: 14. t Envy, instances of, Prov. 14:30. u Heir, Gen. 15:3. V Inheritance, Num. 27:7. 12 w God, Gen. 2:2. X Affliction, conso- lation in, Psa. 34:19. V Rom. 9:7; Heb. 11:18. z Foreordinalion, Rom. 8:30. 13 a Ishmael, Gen. 16: 11. 6 Foreordinalion, Rom. 8:30. c Children, share benefits of cove- nant withparents, Mark 10:14. d Children, of right- eous, blessed, Mark 10:14. 14 « Abraham, Gen. 17:5. / Rising, early, in- stances of. Gen. 19:2. g Hagar, Gen.l6:l. Gen. 23:6, 11. Abimelech to Abraham, Gen. 20:14. Joseph to his father and brethren, (Jen. 4;(:11. 12; 45:22, 23; 47:11. 12. David to Mephiboshelh, 2 Sam. 9:7. See footnote, Libehalitt, 1 Tim. 6:18. ♦ COiyCEPTION, Mlrarulous. Instan'cesof: Sarah. Heb. 11:11. Rf&cfcaft. Gen. 25:21. liachel.C.fn.'.W-.ZZ. Manoah's u'l/P, Judf. 13:»-24. Jfanna/i. 1 Sam. 1:10, 20. Elisabeth, Luke 1 :24, 2!^, 36, 37, 58. Mary, by the Holy Spirit, Matt. 1:1«, 20; Luke 1:31-35. t IS.4.AC (laughter). Miraculous son of Abraham, Gen. 17:15-19; 18:1-15; 21:1-8; Josh. 24:3; 1 Chr. 1:28; Gal. 4:28; Heb. 11:11. Offered in sacrifice by his father. CJen. 22:1-19; Heb. 11:17; Jas. 2:21. Is provided a wife from among his kindred. Gen. 24; 25:20. Abrahamic covenant conflrmedin. Gen. 26:2-5: Josh. 1:6; 1 Chr. 16:15-18; Psa. 105:9. Dwells in the south country at the well I.ahai-roi, Gen. 24:62; 25:11. Bttrles his father. Gen. 25:9. Esau and Jacob born to, Gen. 25:19-26; Josh. 24:4; 1 Chr. 1:34. Dwells inGerar, Gen. 20:1-18. Prospers, Gen. 26:12-14. I'osscsscs large flocks and herds, (Icn. 26:14. Digs wells, and is defrauded of them by the herdsmen of Abimelech. (ien. 26: 15 21. Removes to Beer-sheba. Gen. 26:22 33. Grieved at marriage of Esau, Gen. 26:35. Last blessing on his sons. Gen. 27:16-40; Heb. 11:20. Death and burial of. Gen. 35: 27-29; 49:31. His filial obedience. Gen. 22:9. Hit peace- ableness. Gen. 26:14-22. His devouiness. Gen. 24:63; 25:21: 26:25. Prophecies concerning. Gen. 17:16-21; 18:10-14; 21:12; Ex. 32:13. Ancestorof Jesus, U&tt. 1:2; Luke 3:&4. 1 BOTTIiE. Made of skins. Josh. 9:4, 13; Job 32:19,* Psa. 119:83; Matt. 9:17; Mark 2:22; Luke 5:37, 38; of clay, Isa. 30:14; Jer. 19:1, lO; 48:12. Used as a lachrymatory, Psa. 56:8. 88 21: 14 GENESIS 21 1 33 B.C. 1892? See footnote, Time, Rev. 10:6. k Beer-sheba, wil- derness o}, Judg. 20:1. f Despondency, in- stances of, Eccl. 2:20. 16 1 Parents, affection of. 2 Cor. 12:14. 17 fc Ood, pTOvidetwe of. Gen. 2.2 i Adversity, con- solation in, Psa. 10:6. 20 w Grace, of Ood, Rom. 4:16. 21 n Marriage, par- ents contract for children. Gen. 34: 9. o Egypt, Gen. 41 -.8. 22 p Gen. 20. g Gen. 26:26. r Captain, Num. 31:48. ? Diplomacy, in- stances of, 2 Kin. 16:7. ( Temporal Bless- ings, from God, Psa. 103:2. 23 u Alliances, politi- cal, ratification of. Josh. 9:15. V Oath, Num. 5:19. ting it on her shoulder, and the "child, and sent her away: and she departed, and wandered in the wilderness of '^Be'er-she'ba. 15 *And the water was spent in the bottle, and she cast the "child under one of the shrubs. 16 *And she went, and sat her down over against him a good way off, as it were a bowshot: for 'she said, Let me not see the death of the child. And she sat over against him, and lift up her voice, and wept. 17 And ''^God heard the voice of the lad; and ihe angel of God called to "Ha'gar out of heaven, and said unto her, What aileth thee, Ha'gar ? 'fear not; for God hath heard the voice of the lad where he is. 18 'Arise, lift up the °lad, and hold him in thine hand; *for I will make ''•''him a great nation. 19 And God opened her eyes, and she saw a "well of water; and she went, and filled the ^bottle with water, and gave the "lad drink. 20 And '"God was with the "^lad; and he grew, and dwelt in the wilderness, and became an ^archer. 21 And he dwelt in the wilder- ness of ■•■Pa'ran: and his mother took him a "wife out of the land ofE'gypt. ^ 22 ^ And it came to pass at that time, that ^A-bim'e-lech and 'Phi'chol the chief ''captain of his host spake unto ^A'brS.- ham, *saying, '"•'God is with thee in all that thou doest: 23 "Now therefore "swear unto me here by God that thou wilt not deal falsely with me, nor with my son, nor with my son's son: hut according to the kind ness that I have done unto thee, thou shalt do unto me, and to the land wherein thou hast so- journed. 24 And A'br3,-ha,m said, I will "swear. 25 And A'bra-ha.m reproved ^A-bim'e-lech because of a "•"'well of water, which A-bim'e lech's ^servants had ^violently ^taken away. 26 And '^A-bim'e-lech said, I wot not who hath done this thing: neither didst thou tell me, neither yet heard I oj it, but to day. 27 And "A'bra-h^-m took "sheep and oxen, and gave them unto '^A-bim'e-l6ch ; and both of them made a ''covenant. 28 And ''A'bra-ham set ^seven ewe lambs of the flock by them selves. 29 And "A-bTm'e-lech said unto ''A'brS.-ham, What mean these ^seven ewe lambs which thou hast set by themselves ? 30 And "he said. For these ^sev en ewe lambs shalt "thou take of my hand, that they may be a ''witness unto me, that I have digged this "well. 31 Wherefore he called that place 'Be'er-she'ba ; because there they "sware both of them 32 Thus they made a ''covenant at 'Be'er-she'ba : then ''A-bim'e- l6ch rose up, and '•Phl'chol the chief ^captain of his host, and they returned into the land of the 'Phi-lis'tTne§. 33 Tf And "A'brS-ham planted B.C. 1893? See footnote, Time, Rev. 10:6. 25 w Property, in real estate, rights in, violated. Lev. 27: 15. X Servant, wicked and unfaithful, Jer. 2:14. !/ Strife, instances of, Prov. 20:3. z Dishonesty,Ezek. 22:13. Gen. 26 a Gen. 20. 27 b Abraham, 17:5. c Token, present, Psa. 86:17. d Covenant, of man with men, Deut. 29:1. 28 e Seven, miscella- ny of. Gen. 7:2. / Beer-sheba, Judg. 20:1. g Oath, Num. 5:19. B.C. 1891? 32 h Gen. 26:26. i Captain, Num. 31:48. 7 Philistines, Gen. 26:14. II WELLS. Of Jacob, John 4:6. Of Uzziah, 2 Chr. 26:10. At Haran. Gen. 24:16. The occa!4ion of feuds: Between Abraham and Ablme- lech. Gen. 21:25-30. Between Isaac and Abimelech, Gen. 26:15 22, 32, 33. Figurative: Of salvation, Isa. 12:3; John 4:14. § ARCHERY. Practiced by Ishmael, Gen. 21:20; by Esau, Gen. 27 -.Z; by Jonathan. 1 Sam. 20:20, 36, S7; by sons of Ulam, 1 Chr. 8:40; by Philistines, 1 Sam. 31:1-3; 1 Chr. 10:3; by people of Kedar, Isa. 21:17; by Syrians, 1 Kin. 22: 31-34; by Israelites. 2 Sam. 1:18; 1 Chr. 5:18; 12:2; 2Chr. 14:8; 26:14; Neh. 4:13; Zech. 9:13; by Lydians. Jer. 46:9. In war. Gen. 49:23; Judg.5:ll; 1 Sam. 31:3; 2 Chr. 17:17; Isa. 22:3; Jer. 4:29; 51:3. See footnotes: Arrow, 1 Sam. 20:20; Bow, 2 Sam. 1:18. + PARAN (a place of caves) . Desert or wilderness of. Gen. 21:21; Num. 10:12; 12:16; 13:3, 26; Deut. 1:1. Moun- tains of, Deut. 33:2; Hab. 3:3. Israelites encamp in, Num. 12:16. David takes refuge in, 1 Sam. 25:1. Hadad n^es to, 1 Kin. 11:17. 18. • « 34 21 1 33 GENESIS 22: 13 B.C. 1891? See footnote, Titrw, Rev. 10 ;6. 33 k Worship, Gen. 22:5. { God, eUrnit]/ of, Gen. 2:2. B.C. 1872? 1 1 God. Gen. 2:2. 6 Temptation.atest, Luke 11:4. c Abraham, Gen. 17:5. d Communion, with God, instances 0], 2 Cor. 13:14. 1 R. V. did prove 2 e Faith, trial 3f, Mark 11:22. / Isaac, Gen. 21:3. g 2 Chr. 3:1. h Human Sacrifices, vs. 1-19; Deut. 12:31. ij Offerings, burnt. Lev. 6:17. i Mountain, Mlc. 7:12. fc High Places, 1 Kin. 3:2. I Obedience, instate- ces of, Heb. 5:8. m Rising, early, in- stances of. Gen. 19:2. n Ass. 2 Chr. 28: 15. o young Men, Prov. 1:4. a grove in ^Be'er-she'ba, and ^^callecl there on the name of the Lord, the 'everlasting God. 34 And A'bra-ham sojourned in the Phi-hs'tines' land many days. CHAPTER 22 Abraham commanded to offer Isaac. 3 He gives proof of his faith and obedience. 11 The Angel stays Mm. 13 A ram is sacrificed Instead of Isaac. 14 The place ts called Jehovah-jlreh. 15 Abra- ham is blessed again. 20 The generation of Xahor unto Rebekah. AND it came to pass after these things, that °God did ^' ''tempt ^A'brS.-hAm, and ''said unto him, A'bni-ham: and he said, Behold, here I am. 2 And he said, *Take now thy son, thine only son ^I'saac, whom thou lovest, and get thee into the land of ^M6-rI'ah; and offer *him there for a burnt *of- fering upon one of the ^' '^moun- tains which I will tell thee of. 3 And '^•'A'bra-ham ""rose up early in the morning, and sad- dled his "ass, and took two of his "young men with him, and 'I'saac his son, and clave the wood for the burnt 'offering, and rose up, and went unto the place of which God had told him. 4 Then on the third day '^A'bra- ham lifted up his eyes, and saw the place afar off. 5 And '^A'brS-ham said unto his "young men. Abide ye here with the "ass; and I and the ''lad will go yonder and ^worship, and come again to you. 6 And ^■'A'bra-ham took the wood of the burnt 'offering, and laid it upon ''P.saac his son; and he took the fire in his hand, and a ^knife; and they went both of them together. 7 x\nd 'Psaac spake unto '^A'bra-hS.m his father, and said. My father: and he said. Here am I, my son. And he said. Behold the fire and the wood : but where is the ^lamb for a burnt "^offering ? 8 And A'bra-ham «'said. My son, God will provide himself a lamb for a burnt 'offering: so they went both of them together. 9 And they came to the "place which God had told him of; and '^A'bra-ham built an ''altar there, and laid the wood in order, and 'bound ''P.saac his son, and *laid *him on the altar upon the wood. 10 And '^■'A'bra.-ham stretched forth his hand, and took the ^knife to slay his '-''son. 11 And the 'angel of the Lord called unto him out of heaven, and said, A'bra-ham, A'bra- ham : and he said. Here am I. 12 And 'he said. Lay not thine hand upon the 'lad, neither do thou anything unto him: for now I know that thou "fearest God, seeing 'thou hast ''not with- held thy son, thine only son from me. 13 And '^A'bra-ham lifted up his eyes, and looked, and beholt behind him a "'ram caught in a B.C. 1872? See footnote. Time, Rev. 10:6. p Lamb, Num. 7: 15. q Faith, instances of, Mark 11:22. 9 Altar, Gen. 8:20, Consecration, in- stances of. Lev, 7:37. 11 t Angel, Heb. 1:13. u Fear of God, Acts 9:31. V Self-denial, Mark 8:34. to Sheep, Deut. 32: 14. * WORSHIP, Gen. 4:26. To be rendered to God only, Kx. 20:3; Deut. 6:1.'!; Matt. 4:10; Luke 4:8; Acts 10:25, 26, 14:11, 15; Col. 2:18; Rev. 19:10; 22:3. Not needed by God, Acts 17:24, 25. Acceptable to God, Gen. 4:4; 8:20, 21. Divine presence in, Ex. 29:42, 43; .Num. 17:4; 2 Chr. 5:13, 14; Matt. 18:20: Acts 2:1 4. Of angels, forbidden, Rev. 10; 10; 22:8. 9. .Sanctuary instituted for, Ex. 25:8, 22; 29:43; 40:34, 35. Summons to. Psa. 95:6; Isa. 2:3; Mlc. 4:2. Enjoined. Gen. 35:1; TCx. 23:17, 18; 34:23; Deut. 12:5 7, 11. 12; 16:6-8; 31:11 13; 33:19: 2 Kin. 17:36; 1 Chr. 16; 29; Psa. 29:2; 76:11; 96:8, 9; 97:7; 99:5; Isa. 12:5, 6; 49:13; 52:9; Joel 2:15 17; Nah. 1:15; Zech. 14:16 18; Matt. 8:4; Mark 1:44; Luke 4:8; 5:14; 1 Tim. 2:8; Heb. 10:25; Rev. 14:7; 19:10. With music. 2 Chr. 5:13. 14; Ezra 3:10, 11; Psa. 100:1, 2; 126:1 3; Isa. 30:29: 38:20. Rendering praise. Psa. 22:22; 138:2; 149:1: thanksgiving. Psa. 35:18; 100:4; 116:17. Inspirit and in truth, .lohn 4:23, 24; 1 Cor. 14:15; Phil. 3; 3. Renews strength, Isa. 40:31. Loved by God's people, Psa. 27:4; 84:1-4. 10; Zech. 8:21. Preparation for, Ex. 19:10-13, 21 24; 20:24, 25; 30:19- 21; Lev. 10:3; Psa. 26:6; Isa. 56:6, 7;Zeph. 3:18; Mai. 3:3, 4. Proprieties in, Eccl. 5:1, 2; 1 Cor. 11:13, 20 22; 14:2 19. Reverence in, Ex. 3:5; 19:10-12, 21-24; 24:1. 2; Reel. 5:1; Hah. 2:20. Private, Matt. 6:6; 14:23; Luke 6:12. At night. Isa. 30:29, Acts 16:25. Inthe temple. Jcr. 26:2; Luke 18:10; 24:53; Acts 3:1. In private hotnes. Acts 1: 13. 14; 5:42; 12:12; 20:7 9; Rom. 16:5; 1 Cor. 16:19: Col. 4:15; Phlle. 2. Anywhere. .lohn 4:21 24. To become uni- versal. Isa. 45:23; Rom. 14:11; Phil. 2:10. Of hypocrites, repugnant to God. Isa. 1:11-15; 29:13 16; Hos. 6 ;6 ; Amos 5 :21 24. Of the wicked, rejected. Gen. 4 :5, 7. Family, Deut. 16 :1 1, 14. of Abraham. Gen. 12:7, 8; 13; 4,18. 0;,7aco&, Gen. 35:2, 3. Of Job. Job 1:5. Of the Philip- pian jailer. Acts 16:34, National, Deut. 16:11; 31:11 13. See footnotes: Prai.se. P.sa. 150:1; Prayer, Acts 6:4. T KNIFE, an edpred tool. Used by Abraham in offering Isaac, Gen. 22:6. Of the temple, returned from Babylon, 35 22: 13 GENESIS B.C. 18727 r Jesus, typified in afferings. Matt. 1:21. y Subatitution.ljev. 1:4. 14 2 T/iat is, Jehovah will see, or, pro- vide: 3 R. V. provided. 16 z Heb. 6:13. a Oath, aUTibuted to God, Num. 5; 19. If Covenant, of God with man, Deut. 29:1. C Afflictions, Tyene- flts oj, illus- trated, Psa. 34: 19. d Self-denial, Mark 8:34. « Isaac, Gen. 21:3. 17 / Temporal Bless- ings, from God, Psa. 103:2. g Righteous, prom- ises to, Psa. 64: 10. ft Children, gift of God, Mark 10:14. i Israel, prophecies concerning, Ex. 4:22. 18 ( Jesus, prophecies ctnoemiiig, Jtlatt. 1:21. fc Nations to be blessed in Abra- ham, Gen. 18:18. I Gentiles, prophe- cies concerning conversion of. Acts 10:45. m Obedience, Heb. 5:8. 19 n A braham. Gen . 17:5. « Seer-sheba, Judg. 20:1. p Milcah, Gen. 1 1 : 29. thicket by hia horns: and A'bra- hani went and took the ram, and offered him up for a burnt offering ^in the stead of his son. 14 And A'bra-ham called the name of that place ^Je-ho'vah- ji'reh : as it is said to this day, In the moimt of the Lord it shall be \seen. 15 If And the 'angel of the Lord called unto A'bra-ha,m out of heaven the second time. 16 And said, ^By myself have I "•''sworn, saith the Lord, for '^because thou hast done this thing, and hast '^not withlield thy *son, thine only son : 17 "^hat in blessing I will 'bless ''thee, and in multiplying I will multiply thy ^'''seed as the stars of the heaven, and as the sand which is upon the sea shore; and thy *seed shall possess the gate of his enemies ; 18 And in thy 'seed shall all the ■'nations of the earth be blessed; because thou hast '"obeyed my voice. 19 So "A'bra-ham returned un- to his young men, and they rose up and went together to "Be'er- she'ba; and A'brS.-ham dwelt at Be'er-she'ba. 20 T[ And it came to pass after these things, that it was told "A'bra-ham, sa\ing, Behold, i^Mil'cah, she hath also born children unto thy brother "Na'hor: 21 'Hiiz his firstborn, and Biiz his brother, and Ke-mu'el the father of A'ram, 22 «And Che'sed, and Ha'7,6, and Pil'dash, and Jid'laph, and ""Beth-u'el. 23 «And 'Beth-u'el begat *Re- bek'ah: these eight ^MU'cahdid bear to "Na'hor, "A'bra-ham's brother. 24 'And his 'concubine, whose name vxis Reu'mah, she bare al- so Te'bah, and Ga'ham, and Tha'hash, and Ma'a-chah. CHAPTER 23 The age and death of Sarah. 3 The pur- chase of Machpelah, 19 where Sarah was buried. AND "Sa'rah was ''an hun- dred and seven and twen- ty years old: these were the years of the life of Sa'rah. 2 And Sa'rah Mied in Kir'j&th ar'bii; the same is *He'bron in the land of ''Ca'naan: and *A'bra-ham came to '•^mourn for Sa'rah, and to ''weep for her 3 TI And *A'br3,-ha.m stood up from before his dead, and spake unto the *sons of Heth, saying, 4 I am a stranger and a so journer with you: give me a pos- session of a ^buryingplace with you, that I may 'bury my dead out of my sight. 5 And the ^children of Heth 23 1 6 B.C. 1872? 21 q Genealogy, \s.20~ 24; 1 Cbr. 6:1. 23 r Bethuel, Oen. 24: 15. 23 s Rebekah.Gen. 24: 15. t Concubinage, 2 Ham. 21:11. Samh. Geo. 17: 15 Longevity, Psa. 91:16. 2 Death, Num. 23 10. Canaan, G e n. 37: 1. Abraham, Gea 17:5. Mourning, Lam. 2.5. Bereavement, Hos. 9:12. Weeping, Ezra 3 13. Hittites, Judg. 1 26. j Burial, Acta 8:2. £zra 1:9. Used for sharpening pens, Jcr. 36:23. Self- flagellation with, in idolatrous wor^ip, 1 Kin. 18 :28. t BESCENDANTS OF ABRAHAM, -Gw. 15:5; Ex. 32:13: Acts 3:23: 1 Chr. 27:23; Rom. 4:17. 18; Heb. 6:14: 11:12. Sec footnote, Abraham, Gen. 17:5. II NAHOR. Brother of Abraham, Gen. 11:26; Josh. 24:2. Marriage and descendants of. Gen. 11:27, 29; 22:20-24; 24: 15, 24, 47. * HKBRON, a city ot Jtidah, S. of Jerusalem. When bum, Num. 13:22. Fortifled, 2 Chr. 11:10. Called Kir- lATH-AHBA, Gen. 23:2; Gen. 35:27; Josh. 13:13. Abra- ham du'ells and Sarah dies at. Gen. 23:2. Isaac dwells at. Gen. 35:27. Jacob dwells at. Gen. 37:14. Hoham, king of, confederated with other kings of the Canaanites against Joshua, Josh. 10:3-39. Children of Anakim dwell at. Num. 13:22; Josh. 11:21. Conquest of. by Caleb, Josh. 14:6-15; Judffe. 1:10, 20. .4 city of refuge. Josh. 20:7; 21:11, 13. David crowned king of Judah at. 2 Sam. 2.1-11; 3; 1 Chr. 11:1 3 0/ .'stop/, at, 2 Sam. 5:1-5. The burial place of Sarah. Gen. 23:2; of Abner. 2 Sam. 3:32; of Ish-bosheth, 2 Sam, 4:12. The conspirators against Ish-bosheth hanged at, 2 Sam. 4:12. Absalom made king at. 2 Sam. 15:9, 10. J-ews of the Babylonian capHvitu dwell at, Neh. 11:25. Pool of, 2 Sam. 4:12. t BURYING PLACES. Bought by Abraham. Gen. 23; 25:9; by the chief priests with the money returned -bv Judas, Acts 1:18; with Matt. 27:5-10. Prepared by Jacob, Gen. 50:5; by Asa, 2 Chr. 16:14; by Joseph. Matt. 27:60. On hills, Jcah. 24:33; 2 Kin. 23:16. la valleys. Jcr. 7:32. Family. Gen. 47:30; 49:29; Acts 7:16. Of kinffs. 1 Kin. 2:10; 2 Chr. 32:83. Of kings, a vtacf of honor. 2 Chr. 21 :20; 24:16, 25. For poor and strangers^ .fer. 26:23; Matt. 27:7. Tombs: In houses. 1 Sam. 25rl; 1 Kin. 2:34: 2 Chr. 33: 20. In gardens. 2 Kin. 21 :18, 16; John 19:41. In caves. Gen. 23:9; Gen. 4»;29; 50:13; John 11:38. Undertrees, Deborah's, Gen. 35:8; King Saul's. 1 Sam. 31:13. SEPuLCHnEs: Closed with stones. Matt. 27:60, 66; Mark 15: 46; 16:3, 4; Luke 2:2: John 11 :38: 20:1. Sealed. Matt. 27:64, 66. Marked with pillars, Rachel's. Gen. 35:20; the prophets, 2 Kin. 23:17. Painted and garnished. Matt. 23:27. 29. Demoniacs dwelt in. Matt. 8:28. Any who touched, were unclean. Num. 19:16, 18; Isa. 65:4. Refused to the deai. Rev. 11:9. Robbed. Jer. 8:1. See footnote, Cremation, Josh. 7:25. Figurative. Isa. 22:16. 36 23: 6 GENESIS 24t 2 B.C. 1860? Set footnote. Time, Rev. 10:6. 6 k Generosity, in- stances o]. Gen. 20:14. I Kindness, Acts 28:2. m Salutatinns .lAi^e 1:44. 8 n Z ohar. 25:9. o Cave, burial place, JudK. 6:2. p Land, bought and sold, Kuth 4 3. g Money, Jer. 32:9. lO Gates, Deut. 3 :5. Witness, to trans- fer of land. Num. 33:30- answered *A'br3,-hSm, saying unto liim, 6 Hear u.s, my lord: thou art a mighty prince among us : ^in the choice of our ^sepulchres 'bury thy dead; 'none of us sliall with- hold from thee his sepulchre, but that thou mayest bury thy dead. 7 And *A'br3.-ham stood up, and '"bowed himself to the peo- ple of the lantl, even to the Y'hil- dren of Heth. 8 And he communed with them, sajnng. If it be in your mind that I should 'bury my deatl out of my sight; hear me, and intreat for me to ■'E'phron the son of "Zo'hiir, 9 That he may give me the "•^cave of "M3,ch-pe'lah, which he hath, which is in the end of his field ; for as much 'money as it is worth he shall give it me for a possession of a ^buryingplace amongst you. 10 And ^E'phron dwelt among the 'children of Heth: and E'phron the Hit'tlte answered ^A'brii-ham in the audience of the chiklren of Heth, even of all that went in at the ""gate of his city, saying, 11 Nay, my lord, hear me: 'the ''field give 1 thee, and the "cave that is therein, I give it thee; *in the presence of the sons of my people give I it thee: bury thy dead. 12 And A'bra-ham '"bowed down himself before the people of the land. I 13 And he spake unto ^E'phron in the audience of the people of the land, saying, But if tliou tvilf (jive it, I pray thee, hear me: I will give thee ''money for the ''field; take it of me, and I will bury my dead there. 14 And ^E'phron answered 'A'bra-hSm, saying unto him, 15 My lord, hearken unto me: the ''land is worth four hundred 'shekels of ''silver; what is that betwi.xt me and thee ? bury therefore thy dead, 16 And A'brS,-ham hearkened unto •^E'phron; and A'bra-ha.m weighed to E'phron the "silver, which he had named in the audi- ence of the sons of Heth, four hundred shekels of silver, cur- rent ^nioney with the "mer- chant. 17 And the "'field of ^E'phron, which was in "M3.ch-pe'lah, which was before ^M3.m're, the field, and the cave which was therein, and all the trees that were in the field, that were in all the borders round about, were ^made sure 1» Unto A'br3,-hS,m for a "'possession in the ^presence of the ^children of Heth, before all that went in at the ''gate of his city. 19 And after this, A'bra-h3,m 'buried Sfi'rah his wife in the "cave of the field of "MSch-pe'- lah before ^MSm're : the same is *He'bron in the land of Ca'- nS,an, 20 And the field, and the "cave that is therein, were ^ma Rebekah meets him. 2.") and Invites him home. 29 Laban entertains him. 34 The servant tells his errand, 50 and obtains Rebekah. 62 Isaac meets her. AND «A'bra-ham was *old, and well stricken in age: and the Lord had ''blessecJ A'brit-lutm in all things. 2 And A'bra-hiim said unto his eldest ''^servant of his house, that ruled over all that he had, B.C. 18607 IS I Shekel, Ex. 30 13. u Silver, I Cbr. 28 14. 16 V Merchant, Neh. 3: 32. 17 w Property, real estate, I^ev.27 -.15. X Mamre, Gen. 13: 18. y Contracts, rati- fied. Matt. 20:2. B.C. 1857T 1 Abraham, Gen 17:5. Old Aae.Ua.A&:i. Temporal Bless- ings, from God, Psa. 103:2. 2 Servant, ij ood, instances of, Jer. 2:14. K I iezer. Gen. 15:2. X EPHRON. son of Zohar. the Hlttite. Sells to Abra- ham the field corUalnlng the cave Machpelah, Gen. 23:8-20. 25:8 10: 49:29, 30. 50:13. II MACHPELiAH. The burying place of Sarah and Abra- ham. Isaac. Rebekah, Leah, and Jacob, Geii. 23:9, 17-30} 25:9; 49:30, 31; 50:13: Acts. 7:16. 37 24: 2 GENESIS 24: 18 B.C. 1857? Bee footnote. Time, Rev. 10:6. / OaW, Num. 5:19. g God, sovereign. Gen. 2:2. ft Marriage, Gen. 34:9. i W'i/e, Prov. 5:18. j Canaanites, Ex. fc /aaac. Gen. 21.3. 7 t Go(i, providence of, Gen. 2:2. TO Canaan, promis- ed to Abraham, Gen. 37:1. n Faith, instances of. Mark 11:22. 9 4«<7«/«, Junctions Of, Heb. 1:13. 10 p Camel, 1 30:17. Put, I pray thee, thy hand under my thigh : 3 And I will make ''•^thee ^swear by the Lord, the ''God of heaven, and the God of the earth, that thou shalt not ''take Hvife unto my son of the daughters of the 'Ca'naan-Ites, among whom I dwell : 4 But '^•^thou shalt go unto my country, and to my kindred, and take a *wife unto my son ^Psaac. 5 And the '^' ^servant said unto him, Peradventure the woman will not be wilHng to follow me unto this land: must I needs bring thy ^'son again unto the land from whence thou camest ? 6 And '^A'bra-ham said unto him. Beware thou that thou bring not my *son thither again. 7 The Lord ^God of heaven which took me from my father's house, and from the land of my kindred, and which spake unto me, and that 'sware unto me, sajing, Unto thy seed will I give this '"land; "he shall send his "angel before thee, and thou shalt *take a *wife unto my son from thence. 8 And if the woman will not be willing to follow thee, then thou shalt be clear from this my ^oath: only bring not my son thither again. 9 And the ''•^servant put his hand under the thigh of "A'br^- ham his master, and ''sware to him concerning that matter. 10 t And the '^•''servant took ten ^camels of the camels of his master, and departed ; for all the goods of his master were in his hand : and he arose, and went to *Mes-o-p6-ta'mi-a, unto the city of «Na'h6r. 1 1 And he made his ^camels to kneel down without the city by a well of water at the time of the evening, e-ye^i the time that ''women go out to draw wafer. 12 And ''he 'said, O Lord God of my master '^A'brS.-hS.m, I pray thee, 'send me good speed this day, and "shew kindness unto my master A'brS,-hS,m. 13 *Behold, I stand here by the well of water; and the daugh- ters of the men of the city come out to draw water. 14 And *'"let it come to pass, that the damsel to whom I shall say. Let down thy pitcher, I pray thee, that I may drink; and she shall say. Drink, and I will give thy camels drink also: let the same be she that thou hast ap- pointed for thy servant ^Psaac; and thereby shall I know that thou hast shewed kindness unto my master. 15 ^ And it came to pass, be- fore ''he had done speaking, that, behold, ^Re-b6k'ah came out, who was born to ^Beth-ii'el, son of '"Mil'cah, the wife of -^Na'hor, A'bra-ham's brother, with her pitcher upon her shoulder. 16 And the ''^damsel ivas very ^fair to look upon, a virgin, nei- ther had any man known her: and she went down to the well, and filled her pitcher, and came up. 17 And the '^servant ran to meet ^her, and said. Let me, I pray thee, drink a little water of thy pitcher. 18 And ^she said. Drink, my lord: and she hasted, and let B.C. 1857? See footnote. Time Rev. 10:6 g Nahor, Gen. 11:22. 11 r Wometi.VTOV.ZI 10. 12 s Prayer, exempli- fied. Acts 6:4. I Temporal Bless- ings, prayer for, Psa. 103:2. u Intercession, in- stances of, Jer 27:18. 14 V Prayer, token asked in. Acts 6:4. 15 w Milcah, Gen. 11 29. X Nahor, Gen. 22: 20. 16 y Beauty, instances of, Prov. 6:25. * MESOPOTAMIA {in the mirist of rivers). The country between the Tifrris and the Euphrates. Called Padan-ar.vm. Gen. 25:20:28:2. 5-7; 31:1-8. Abrahama native of , Acts! -.2. Nahor dwelt in. Gen. 2A:\0. People ivho dwelt in. called Syr- ians. Gen. 2,'):20. Jacobgoesto, Gen. 29:1. Balaamfrmn, Deut. 23:4. The children of Israel subjected to. eight years under the judgments of God. Judo:. 3:8: delirered from, by Othniel, Jud(r. 3:9, 10. Chariots hired from, by the Ammonites, 1 Chr. 19:6.7. People of, present at Pentecost. Acts 2 :9. 38 t REBEK.4.H. Daughter of Bethuel . grandniece of Abra- ham. Gen 22:20-23. Becomes Isaac's wife. Gen. ZA-.Xb-tT; 25:20. MoWicr 0/ Ksaw anrf Jacob, Gen. 25:21-28. Passes as I.'iaac's sister. Gen. 26:6 11. Displeased with Esau's ivives. Gen. 26:34, 35. Prompts Jacob to deceive Isaac, Gen. 27:5-29. Sends Jacob to Laban. Gen. 27:42-46. Burial place of. Gen. 49:31. Called Rebecca. Rom. 9:10. t BETHUEI., (man of God). Son of Nahor, father of Be- bekah, Gen. 22:22. 23; 24:15, 24; 25:20; 28:2. 5. 24: 18 B.C. 1857? See footnote, TiTne, Rev. 10-6. GENESIS 19 Aninidls. kind- nets to, Jer. 27:5. a Eliezer, Gen. 15:2 22 6 Shekel, Ex. 30 13. c Gold, Ezek. 7:19. 1 Or, ring 24 d Milcah, Gen. 11' 29. e NafWT, Gen. 22: 20. 25 / Hospitality, Kom. 12:13. Prayer, postures ill, .\cts 6:4. 22:5. Gen. 27 i Thankjulness, to (lod, instances o]. Acts 24:3. / God, faithj ulness 01, Gen. 2:2. k Abraham, Gen. 17:5. / God, mercy of. Gen. 2:2. m God, truth. Gen. 2:2. n God, guide. Gen. 2:2. Lab an, 28:5. down her pitcher upon her hand, and gave him drink. 19 And when ^she had done giving him drink, she said, I will draw water for thy ^camels also, until they have done drink- ing. 20 And ^she hasted, and emp- tied iier pitcher into the trough, and ran again unto the Avell to draw water, and drew for all his camels. 21 And the "man wondering at her held his peace, to wit wheth- er the Lord had made his jour- ney pro.sperous or not. 22 And it came to pass, as the camels had done drinking, that the "man took a golden 'earring of half a ^shekel weight, and two bracelets for her hands of ten shekels weight of ''gold; 23 And said, Whose daughter art thou ? tell me, I pray thee: is there room in thy father's house for us to lodge in ? 24 And she said unto him, ^I am the daughter of ^Beth-u'el the son of ''Mil'cah, which she )are unto *Na'h6r. 25 'She said moreover unto him, AVe have both straw and provender enough, and room to odge in. 26 And the "man "bowed down his head, and ''worshipped the Lord. 27 And he *said, Blessed be the 'Lord God of my master A'bra-hiim, who hath not left destitute my master of 'his mercy and '"his truth: I being in the way, the "Lord led me to the house of my master's breth- ren. 28 And the ^damsel ran, and told them, of her mother's house these things. 29 ^ And +Re-bek'ah had a brother, and his name was "La'- unto ban: and La'ban ran out the man, unto the well. 30 And it came to pass, when "he saw the earring and "brace- lets upon his sister's hands, and when he heard the words of ^Re-, bek'ah his sister, saying, Thus spake the "man unto me; that he came unto the man; and, be- hold, he stood by the ^camels at the well. 31 And he said, 'Come in, *thou blessed of the Lord; wherefore standest thou without? for I have prepared the house, and room for the ^camels. 32 And the man came into the house: and he ungirded his ^camels, and gave ^straw and provender for the camels, and water to ^vash his feet, and the men's feet that ivere with him. 33 And there was set meat be- fore him to eat: l)ut he said, *I will not eat, until I have told mine errand. And "he said, Speak on. 34 And he said, I am '^"A'bra- ham's 'servant. 35 And the Lord hath "blessed my ^master greatly; and he is be- come great: and he hath given him flocks, and herds, and ^sil ver, and '"gold, and menservants, and maidservants, and ^camels and ^asses. 36 And 2'Sa'rah my master's ^wife bare a "son to my master when she was old: and unto him hath he given "all that he hath. 37 And my '^master made me '^swear, saying, «Thou shalt not take a ^vife to my "son of the daughters of the ''Ca'naan-Ites, in whose land I dwell : 38 But thou shalt go unto my father's house, and to my kin- dred, and take a ^vife unto my "son. 24 1 38 B.C. 1857? See footnote. Titne Rev. 10:6. 30 p Camel, 1 Sam. 30:17. g Salutations, Luke 1:44. 32 Ablution, 19:21. Judg. Faithfulness, in- stances 01, Luke 16:10. 34 t Servant, Jer. 2: 14. 35 u Temporal Bless- intjs. from God. Psa. 103:2. Silver, 1 Chr. 28: 14. w Gold, Ezek. 7:19. X .4 m, 2 Chr. 28: 15. Num. 31:o0. Taken as svoils. Num. 31:50: 2 Sam. 1:10. | /or ftrf'" Kx."5:7. P'^oienUer, Gen. " 30 36 2/ Sarah, Gen. 17: 15. z Il'i/f, Prov. 5:18. a Isaac, Gen. 21:3, b Inheritance, Nuin, 27:7. 37 A braham, 17:5. d Oath, Num. 5:19. Misceijenation, forbidden. Josh. 23:12. / U'i/e. Prov. 5:18. g Canaanites, Ex 23:28. Gen. 24:32; Isa. 65:25 24: 39 GENESIS 24: 66 B.C. 1857? 39 h E liezer. Gen. 15:2. 40 i Faith, instances of, Mark, 11:22. / God, providence o]. Gen. 2:2. k Walking, with God, Gen. 5:22. / Angel, Heb. 1:13. m Temporal Bless- ings, from God. Psa. 103:2. 41 n Oath, Num. 5:19. 42 Temporal Bless- ings, prayer for. Psa. 103:2. p Prayer, answered, Acts 6:4. 46 g Animals, kind nets to, Jer. 27 :5 47 Nahor, Gen. 22 20. Milcah, Gen. 11 29. 39 And '^I said unto my '^mas- ter, Peradventure the woman will not follow me. 40 And ''he 'said unto me, The 'Lord, before whom I ^Avalk, will send his 'angel with thee, and '"prosper thy way; and thou shalt take a Vife for my "son of my kindred, and of my father's house : 41 Then shalt thou be clear from this my "oath, when thou comest to my kindred: and if they give not thee mie, thou shalt be clear from my oath. 42 And I came this day unto the well, and "said, O Lord God of my master "^A'bra-ham, if now thou do '"prosper my way which I go: 43 Behold, I stand by the well of water; and it shall come to pass, that when the virgin com- eth forth to draw water, and I say to her. Give me, I pray thee, a little water of thy pitcher to drink; 44 And she say to me. Both drink thou, and I will also draw for thy camels: let the same be the woman whom the Lord hath appointed out for my mas- ter's '^son. 45 And before I had done ''speaking in mine heart, behold, ^Re-bek'ah came forth with her pitcher on her shoulder; and she went down unto the well, and drew water : and I said unto her, Let me drink, I pray thee. 46 And 'she made haste, and let down her pitcher from her shoulder, and said. Drink, and I will give thy 'camels drink al- so: so I drank, and she made the camels drink also. 47 And I asked her, and said, Whose daughter art thou ? And she said. The daughter of ^Beth- u'el, ''Na'hor's son, whom *Mt1'- cah bare unto him : and I put the ^•'earring upon her ^face, and the " bracelets upon her hands. 48 And I bowed down my head, and "worshipped the Lord, and blessed the Lord God of my master '^A'bra-ham, which had "led me in the right way to take my master's brother's daughter unto his son. 49 And now if ye will deal kind ly and truly with my master, tell me; and if not, tell me; that I may turn to the right hand, or to the left. 50 Then ^La'ban and ^Beth- 11 'el answered and 'said, The thing proceedeth from the Lord: *we cannot speak unto thee bad or good. 51 Behold, ^Re-bek'ah is be fore thee, take her, and go, and let her be thy master's son's wife, as the Lord hath spoken. 52 And it came to pass, that, when A'br3.-ham's "■ "servant heard their words, he wor shipped the J^ORT>,^bovnng him- self to the earth. 53 And the "-"servant brought forth "'■jewels of '^silver, and jew- els of ''gold, and raiment, and gave Hhem to ^•''Re-bgk'ah: he gave also to her brother and to her mother precious things. 54 And they did eat and drink, ''he and the men that were with him, and tarried all night; and they rose up in the morning, and he said, "Send me away unto my ''master. 55 And her * brother and her mother said, Let the ^damsel abide with us a few days, at the least ten; after that she shall go 56 And *he said unto them, Hinder me not, seeing the 'Lord hath ^prospered my way; send me away that I may go to my ^master. B.C. 1857? t Presents, Gen. 32:13. 2 R. V. nose, 48 u Morship, God, guide, Gen. 2:2. 50 w Lab an. Gen. 28:5. Obedience, in- stances of, Heb. 5:8. 52 Servant, Jer. 2: Prayer, postures in. Acts 6:4. 53 o Servant, Jer. 2: 14. 6 E liezer. Gen. 15:2. c Silver, 1 Chr. 28: 14. d Goid, Ezek. 7:19. e Presents, Gen. 32:13. / Bride, Isa. 49:18. 54 Faithfulness, in- stances of, Luke 16:10. Abraham, Gen. 17:5. 55 i La ban, 28:5. 58 / God, providence of. Gen. 2:2. k Temporal Bless- ings, from God, Psa. 103:2. + JEWEL. Betrothal presents of , Gen. 2i:5S. Borrowed from Eouptians by Israelites. Ex. 3:22; 11:2: 12:35. Dedi- cated to the taberrwcle, Es. 35:22; Num. 31:50-52. Dis- carded by penitents. Gen. 35:4; Ex. 33:4 6; Isa. 3:18 21. Tokens of love, Ezek. 16:11 13. Worn by men, Ezek. 23:42 Figurative, Prov. 20:15; Mai. 3:17 40 Ut 67 GENESIS U4). »fi«7? See footnote. Time, Rev. 10:6. M i Gen. 35*. m Nurse, 2 Chr. 11. 60 n Benedictions, in- «eut. 21:5. o Temporal Ble^- friQS, praver -for, Psa. 103:2. 3 R. V. ten tbou- aaads. 61 p Camels, 1 Sam. 30:17. 62 q Jtaac, Gen. 21:3. T ■OTjB^er'laAai-Toi, Gen. 16:14. 63 Mediiation, in- stances oj, Psa. 49:3. 65 ( Women, veiled, J*rov. 31:10. 67 u Sarah, Gon. 17: 15. V Tent, Gen. 13:5. «' Wite.PTKV. 5:18. r Husband, ]nith- tut. Num. 30:6. 57 And tliey said, We wiJJ cull j tlifi ^dunisel, and ciu^uire at her mouth. 58 Anxl they called ^Rje'bek'ah, , attd siiid unto her, Wilt thou go , with this *man ? And sJie .said, I will go. 59 And they secame his "wife; and ''^he loved her: and Psaac Avas condorted after his mother's dralh. CHAPTER 25 Thesonsof Abriaharr}t>v Keturah. 5 Abra- ham dMdci! hts goods. 7 His age. and death, 9 His OurW- 1? 7'he genera- tions of Ishmaei. 17 Ishmael's age, and death. 21 Isaac pro i/s for Iietfe/ce years of "A'bradiam's life which he lived, 'an hundred threescore and fifteeu '"years. 8 Then A'bra-Mm gave up the gho^t, .and "died in a good old age, An .old uiiin, and full »/ j/cars; and was gathered to his people. 9 And his sons 'I'saac and ^Isd/ma-el huried him in tlie "•"eave of ''Mach-pe'lah, in rthe field of ^E'phnm the son of 'Zo'hiir the Hit'tUe, which is be fore iSjS,m're; 10 The '^dd whiqh «A'l>ra- ham purchased of the "sons of Heth : there was A'bra-ham bur- ied, Jind "Sa'rah his wife. 11 And it came to pass after the 26; 11 p.c, 195.3? See footnote T'itm, Rey. 10 J5. a Abraham, G 17:5. ■ 6 1 Cbf. 1:32. Genealogy, vs. 1- 4. 12-16; 1 Chr. 5:1. 1 Chr. 1:32. 33. 4 e 1 Chr. 1 :33. / Or. Henoch, ICbr. 1:33. -/ 11'!//, Heb. i9:16. ii Jiiheritance, Num. 27:7. i Heir, Gen. 15:3. / Isaac, Gen. 21:3. 6 k Concubinage, 2 Sam. 21:11. B.C. 1822? 7 I Lonoevily, Psa. 91:16. m Year, age com- puted by, Xev. 25:29. n Death, 10. 0 Ishmaei, Qon. 16:11. (P Cave, Ju(}g. .6:2. ^ Durying -Pliices, Gen. i?3:4. r Machpelvh. <^f^ 23 i). Ephro>i,-4; -\ Clbr. 1:88; 41 26 1 11 GENESIS 26 1 28 B.C. 1828? See footnote, Time, Rev. 10:6. 11 Z Beer-lahai-TOi, Gen. 16:14. 12 V Hafjar, Gen.l6:l B.C. 1800? 13 1 1 Chr. 1 :29. 14 a 1 Chr. 1 :30. 15 b Or. Hadad. 1 Chr. 1:30. e 1 Chr. 1:31. 16 d Ishmael, Gen. 16: 11. 1 R. V. encamp- ments; B.C. 1773? 17 Longevity, Psa. 91:16. Death, called giv- ing up the ghost, Num. 23:10. g Ishmaelite, Gen. 39:1. ft 1 Sam. 15:7. i ShuT, 1 Sam. 15:7. / Egypt, Gen Al -.8. 2 R. V. abode. 19 k Genealogy, 1 Chr. 6:1. I Isaac, Gen. 21:3. m Abraham, Gen. 17:5. death of A'bra-ham, that God blessed his son 'I'saac; and I'saac dwelt by the well ^La- hai'-roi. 12 T[ Now these are the genera- tions of "Ish'ma-el, A'br3,-ham's son, whom ^Ha'gar the E-gfp'- tian, ""Sa'rah's handmaid, bare unto A'bra-ham : 13 And these are the names of the sons of "Ish'ma-el, by their names, according to their gene- rations: the firstborn of Ish'- ma-el, ^Ne-ba'joth; and ^Ke'- dar, and ^Ad'be-el, and ^Mib'- sam, 14 And "Mish'ma, and *Dii'- mah, and "Mas'sa, 15 ^HaMar, and "Te'ma, "Je'- tur, '^Na'phish, and '^Kfd'e-mah: 16 These arc the sons of '^Ish'- ma-el, and these arc their names, by their towns, and by their 'castles; twelve princes accord- ing to their nations. 17 And these arc the years of the life of '^Ish'ma-el, ^an hun- dred and thirty and seven years : and he 'gave up the ghost and died; and was gathered unto his people. 18 And ^they dwelt from ^H^v'- i-lah unto ^Shilr, that is before E'gypt, as thou goest toward "As-syrl-a: and he ^died in the presence of all his brethren. 19 ^ And '^these arc the genera- tions of 'r.saac, "'A'bra-ham's son: A'bra-ham begat I'saac: 20 And 'F.saac was forty years old when he took **R$-b6k'ah to wife, the daughter of "Bgth-ii'el the ^Syr'i-an of ''Pa'dan-a'ram, the sister to''La'ban the^Syr'i-an. 21 And 'I'saac 'intreated the Lord for his wife, because she was ^barren: and the Lord "was intreated of him, and Re-bek'ah his wife "■"'•^conceived. 22 And the children struggled together within her; and she said. If it be so, why am I thus ? And she went to inquire of the Lord. 23 "And the Lord said unto her, ^'^Two nations arc in thy womb, and two manner of peo- ple shall be separated from thy bowels; and the one people shall be stronger than the other people ; and "the elder shall serve the younger. 24 And when her days to be de- Hvered were fulfilled, behold, there were ''twins in her womb. 25 And the first came out ^red, all over like an hairy garment; and they called his name ^E'sau 26 And after that came his brother out, and his hand took hold on ^E'sau's heel; and his name was called '^Ja'cob: and I'.saac was threescore years old when she bare them. 27 And the boys grew: and ^E'sau was a cunning '^hunter, a man of the field; and '^ Ja'cob was a plain man, dwelling in ^tents 28 /'^And "I'saac loved ^E'sau, because he did eat of his \tni- B.C. 1857? 20 n Rebekah, Gen.2i 15. o Bethuel, Gen. 24 15. p Syria, 2 Kin. 6 23. q Padan-aram, Gen. 28:2. r Lofton, Gen. 28:6. 3 Heb. Aramean B.C. 1838? 21 s Temporal Bless- ings, prayer for, Psa. 103:2. t Barrenness.Dent. 7:14. u Prayer, answered, instances of. Acts 6:4. V Children, in an- swer to prayer, Mark 10:14. w Conception, mir- aculous. Gen. 21: 2. X Miracles, Luke 23:8. 23 y Edomites, proph- ecies CO ncer n- ing, 2 Kin. 8:21. z Israel, prophecies concerning, Ex. 4:22. a Rom. 9:12. 24 6 Twins, Gen. 38: 27-30. 25 4 Or, ruddy, B.C. 1837? 26 c Jacob, Gen. 27; 11. 27 d Hunting, Gen. 27:5. e Tent, Gen. 13:5. 28 / Parents, partial- Uy ol, 2 Cor. 12. 14. g Partiality,! Tim: 6:21. h Isaac, Gen. 21:3. t NEBAJOTH. Son of Ishmael. Gen. 2.') :13; 28 :9; 36 :3; 1 Chr. 1:29. Prophecies concernino, Isa,. '"^■-' t DUMAH (silence). 1:30; Isa. 21:11, 12. 60:7. Son of Ishmael, Gen. 25:14; 1 Chr II ASSYRIA (a plain). An empire founded by Nimrod, Gen. 10:8-12; Mlc. 5:6. It extended from east of the Tigris' Gen. 2:14; 10:11; possibly to Egypt, Gen. 25:18. Its armies invade the land of Israel under Pul, 2 Kin. 15-19 20- 1 Chr 5:26; under Tlglath. 2 Kin. 15:29; 1 Chr. 5:6,' 26; under Shalmaneser, 2 Kin. 17:3-6, 24-27; 18:9 ■12; Jer'sO'l?' under Sennacherib, 2 Kin. 18:13-37; 19; 2 Chr 32- isa' 36; 37. ... Army of, destroyed by the angel of the Lord, 2 Kin. 19:35; Isa. 37:36. Alliances with, sought by .Judah and Israel Hos. 5:13. Israelites subject to. Lam. 5:6. Israelites car- ried captive into, 2 Kin. 17:3-23. Jews carried captive into 2 Kin. 24; 25; 2 Chr. 36:5-21. Invaded by Pharaoh- nechoh, 2 Kla. 23:29. Commerce of, Ezelt. 27:23. Productiveness of , Isa. 36:17 Prophecies concerning. Isa. 7:17-25; 8:4-8: 10:5-34; 14:24-28; 19:23-25; 20; 30:27-33; 31:8, 9; 37:21-35; Jer. 1:15; Ezek. 31: Jonah 3:1-4; Nah. 1; 2; 3; Zeph. 2:13-15; Zech. 10:11. Prophecies of captivity of Israelites in, Hos. 9:3; 11:5, 11. § ESAU (hairy). Eider of twin sons born to Isaac and Rebekah. Birth of. Gen. 25:19-26; 1 Chr. 1:34; Rom. 9:11-13. Hairy, Gen. 25:25; 27:11, 23. Called Edom, Gen. 36:1, 8. A hunter. Gen. 25:27: 27:3. Beloved by Isaac. Gen. 25:28. Isaac's blessing of. Gen. 27:39, 40; Heb. 11:20; 12:17. Sells his birthright for a mess of pottage, Gen. 25:29-34; Heb. 12:16. Hated of God. Mai. 1:3; Rom. 9:13. Marries a Hittite, Gen. 26:34. His marriage a grief to Isaac and Rebekah. Gen. 26:34, 35; 27:46; 28:8. Polygamy of. Gen. 26:34; 28:0; 36:2, 3. Is defrauded of his father's blessing by Jacob. Gen. 27. Meets Jacob on the return of the latter from Haran. Gen. s:i -A 17. With Jacob, buries hi: father. Gen. .'•5:29. Descendants of. Gen. 36; 1 Chr. 1:35- 57. Enmity of descendants of. toward descendants of .Jacob, Obad. 10-14. Ancestor of Edomites, Jer. 49:8. Mount of Edom, called Mount of Esau, Obad. 8, 9, 18, 19, 21. His name used to denote Ms descendants and their country, Deut. 42 25: 28 GENESIS 26 1 14 B.C. 18377 ( Rei>€kah,Gea.2i: 16. ) Appetite, Prov. 23:2. k Hunger, Neh. 9: 16. B.C. 180S? 31 I Coveto^isness. in- stances of, Isa. 57:17. m Crapiness. in- stances 01, Psa. 83:3. fi Firstborn, birth- right of, Zeeh.l2: 10. 0 Birthright, 2 Chr. 21:3. 33 j» Oath, o solemn qualification. Num. 5:19. q Hel> 12:16. B.C. 1804? 1 a Famine, instan- ces of, 2 Kin. 8:1. b Abraham, Gen. 17:5. c Isaac, Gen. 21:3. d aerar. Gen. 20:1. 2 e God, providence of. Gen. 2:2. / Egypt. Gen. 41:8. (7 Canaan, Gen. 37:1. A Obedience, re- wards of, Ileb. 5:8. i Children, of the righteous, blessed of God, Mark 10:14. ) Israel, prophecies concerning, Ex. 4:22. k Covenant, of God with men, Deut. 29:1. i Oath, attributed to God, Num. 5: 19. 1 R- V. estahll.sh m Righteous, prom- ises to, P.sa. 64: 10. n Stars, Judg. 5: 20. son: but *Re-b6k'ah loved "Ja'- cob. 29 And 'Ja'cob sod pottage: and ^E'sau came from the field, and he icas '• ^f aint : 30 And ^E'sau said to ''Ja'cob, Feed me, I pray thee, with that same red pottage; for I am ^faint: therefore was his name called E'dom. 31 And ^Ja'cob said,'-"' Sell me this day "thy "birthright. 32 And ^-"E'sau said, '•'^■Be- hold, I am at the point to die: and what profit shall this "birth- right do to me ? 33 And '^Ja'cob said, ^Swear to me this day; and he sware unto him : and ''he sold his "birthright unto Ja'cob. 34 Then '^Ja'cob gave ^E'sau bread and pottage of ^lentiles; and he did eat and drink, and rose up, and went his way: thus E'sau despised his "birthright. CHAPTER 26 Isaac because of famine goes to Gerar. 2 Cod instructs and blesses him. 7 He is reproved Og Ahlmelech for dcnglng Ms wife. 12 He grcnvs rich. 18 He digs the wells Esek, Sltnah, and Rehohoth. 26 Ablmelech makes a covenant with him at Beer-shcba. 34 Esau's wives. AND there was a "famine in the land, beside the first famine that was in the days of *A'bra-hS,m. And "^P.saac went unto A-bim'e-l&ch king of the *Ph!-lis'ti'nes unto ''Ge'riir. 2 And the ^Lord appeared un- to him, and said, Go not down into 'E'gypt; dwell in the "land which I shall tell thee of: 3 ''Sojourn in this "land, and ''I will be with thee, and will l)less thee; for unto thee, and unto thy '■^seed, I will give all these coun- tries, and I will ^perform the '^•'oath which I sware unto A'bra-h5m thy father; 4 And '^I will make '"thy *'seed to multiply as the "stars of heav- en, and will "give unto thy seed all these "countries; and in thy ^seed shall all the "nations of the earth be blessed; 5 Because that *A'bra-h3,m ''obeyed my voice, and kept my charge, my commandments, my statutes, and my laws. 6 T[ And '^I'.saac dwelt in '^Ge'rar: 7 And the men of the place asked "him of his '^wife; and "he '•"•"said, She is my sister: for he "'feared to say. She is my wife; lest, said he, the men of the place should kill me for ^Re-bek'ah; because she was ^fair to look upon. 8 And it came to pass, when he had been there a long time, that A-bim'e-lech king of the *Phi- lis'tlnes looked out at a ^window, and saw, and, behold, Fsaac was sporting with ^Re-bSk'ah his wife. 9 And A-bim'e-lech calle( "I'saac, and said. Behold, of i surety *she is thy ''wife: and how "^'^saidst thou. She is my sister ? And I'saac said unto him, 'Because I said, Lest I die for her. 10 And ""A-bim'e-lgch said. What is this thou hast done unto us ? one of the people might lightly have lien with thy ''wife, and thou shouldest have brought guiltiness upon us. 11 And A-btm'e-lech ''charged all his people, saying. He that toucheth this '^inan or his ''wife shall surely be *put to death. 12 Then "I'saac 'sowed in that land, and received in the same year an hundredfold: and the Lord ^blessed him. 13 And the "man waxed great, and went forward, and grew un til he became very great : 14 For he had 'possession of B.C. 18047 0 Temporal BlesS' inqt, from God, Psa. 103:2. p Jesus, prophecies concerning. Matt. 1:21. Nations to bt blessed in Abra- ham, Gen. 18: 18. r IFi/e. Prov. 5:18. s Doublinij, exem- plified, Rom. 14' 23. t Temptation, yielding to, Luke 11:4. u Falsehood, in- stances of. Job 21:34. V Deception, in- stances of. Josh. 9:4. io Cotvardice, in- stances of. Lev. 20:36. X Rebekah, Gen.24. 15. y Beauty, Prov. 6: 25. 8 z Windo^v, Josh. 2: 15. 9 a Isaac, Gen. 21:3. b Rebekah, GeD.2i: 15. C H'i/e, Prov. 5:18. d Falsehood, in- stances of. Job 21:34. e Deception, in- . stances of. Josh. 9:4. / Comirdice, in- stances of. Lev. 26:36. 10 g Conscience, faith- ful, instances of. Acts 23:1. h Integrity, instan- ces of. Job 2:3. 11 Adultery, penal- ties for. Lev. 20: 10. 12 / Agriculture, Gen. 3:23. k Temporal Bless- ings, from God. Psa. 103:2. 14 I Rich, Jas. 5:1. 2:5: Jer. 40:8, 10; Obad. 6. Ml. Selr given to, Deut. 2:5, 12, 22; Josh. 24:4. Prophecies concerning. Obad. 18. + LENTILES, Gen. 25:34; 2 Sam. 17:28; 23:11; EzeU. 4:9. 43 26: 14 GENESIS 26: 32 B.C. 1804? See tootnot*, Ti?ne, Rev, 10;6. m Envy, instances of. Prov. 14;30. IS n Wells, Gen. 21: 19. 0 Servant, Jer. 2; 14. p Abraham, Gen. 17:5. 17 q Gerar, Gen. 20:1. 18 r Property, real es- tate. Lev. 27:15. 20 t Strife, instances 0}. Prov. 20:3. 2 rAa^ is. Conten- tion; 21 3 That is. Enmity. 22 : Meekness, in- stances of, Psa. 45:4. u Thankfulness, to Gvd. instances of, Acta 24:3. 4 That is. Broad places; flocks, and possession of herds, and great store of sei*vants : and the *Phi-lTs'tines '"envied him. 15 For all the "wells which his father's "servants had digged in the days of ^A'bra-ham his fa- ther, the *Phi-hs'tTnes had stopped them, and filled them with earth. 16 And A-bim'e-lech said unto "I'saac, Go from us; for thou art much mightier than we< 17 Tf And "Psaac departed thence, and pitched his tent in the valley of *Ge'rar, and dwelt there. 18 And Fsaac digged again the "" '^wells of water, which they had digged in the days of ^A'bra- hS,m his father; for the *Phi- lis'tines had stopped them after the death of A'bra-hfi,m : and he called their names after the names by which his father had called them. 19 And "I'saac's "servants digged in the valley, and found there a "well of springing water. 20 And the herdmen of *Ge'- rar did "strive with Fsaac's herd- men, saying. The water is ours : and he called the name of the well -E'sSk; because they strove with him. 21 And they digged another "well, and ^strove for that also: and he called the name of it ^Sit'nah. 22 And "''he removed from thence, and digged another "well; and for that they 'strove not: and he called the name of it ^Rg-ho'both; and he "said, For now the Lord hath made room for us, and we shall be fruitful in the Land. 23 And he went up from thence to ''Be'er-she'ba. 24 And the Lord appeared un- to him the same night, and said, I am the God of A'bra-h5.m thy father: *"fear not, for 'I am witii ^thee, and will bless thee, and multiply thy seed for my servant A'bra-ham's sake. 25 And he builded an ^altar there, and "called upon the name of the Lord, and pitched his ''tent there: and there "Pgaac's "^servants digged a ^Well. 26 1[ Then"A-bim'e-lech went to '"him from 'Ge'riir, and A-hiiz'zath one of his friends, and ^Phi'chol the chief captain of his army 27 And ^I'saac said unto them. Wherefore come ye to me, seeing ye ''hate me, and have sent me away from you ? 28 And they 'said. We saw cer- tainly that the Lord was with thee : and we said, Let there be now an 'oath betwixt us, even betwixt us and thee, and let us make a *• 'covenant with thee 29 "'That thou wilt do us no hurt, as we have not touched thee, and as we have done unto thee nothing but good, and have sent thee away in peace : thou art now the blessed of the Lord. 30 ""And '^he "made them a "feast, and they did eat and drink. 31 And they ''rose up betimes in the morning, and 'sware one to another: and I'saac sent them away, and they departed from him in "'peace. 32 And it came to pass the same day, that ''I saac's "^serv- ants came, and told him con B.C. 18047 23 V Beer-sheba,Jnds. 20:1. 24 w Adversity, con- solation in, Psa. 10:6. z God, providence of. Gen. 2:2. y Righteous, prom- ises to, Psa. 64: 10. 2S 2 Altar, Gen. 8:20. a Worship, Gern. 22:5. b Tent, Gen. 13:5. c Isaac, Gen. 21:3. d Servant, Jer. 2: 14. e H'eH, Gen. 21:19. 26 / Gerar, Gen. 20:1. g Gen. 21:22, 23. 27 h Hatred, Prov. 15: 17. i Diplomacy, in- stances of, 2 Kin. 16:7. / Oath, Num. 5:19. fc Covenant, of men with men, Deut. 29:1. I Alliances, Josh. 9:15. 29 m Social Peace, in- stances at, Jer. 29:7. 30 n Hospitality, in- stances of, Rom. 12:13, o Feasts, Mark 12; 39. 31 p Rising, early, in- stances of. Gen. 19:2 * PHIliISTINES {straticers. sojourners) . Descendants or Mizraim, Gen. 10:14; 1 Chr. 1:12. Idolatry of, Judg. 10:6; 1 Sam. 5:1 7. Territory of, Ex. 13:17; 23;31; Deut. 2:23; Josh. 13:3; 15:47. Lords of. Josh. 13:3; Judg. i-3; 16^. 30; 1 Sam. 5:8. 11; 6:4. 12; 7:7; 29:2. 6, 7. Kings of: Ablmeleeh I, Gen. 20; Abimelech II, Oen. 20; AcMsh, 1 Sam. 21:10-15; 27:2 12; 28:1, 2; 29. Suffered to remain in Canaan, Judg. 3:1-4. Shamgar rtflil/* six hundred with an ox goad, Judg'. 3:31. For their history during Samson's leadership of Israel, see 44 Judff. 13; 14; 15; 16. Defeat the Israelites: take the ark: suffer plagues, ai}d return the ark. 1 Sam. 4; 6; 6. Army of. 1 Sam. 13;5. Defeated by Samuel. 1 Sam. 7; by Saul "rtd Jonathan, 1 Sam. 13; 14. Their champion. Goliath, slain by David, 1 Sam. 17. David slays two hun- dred, 1 Sam. 18:22 30. David finds refuge among, 1 Sam. 27. Defeat the Israelites. 1 Sam. 31 ; 1 Chr. 10:1. Defeated by David, 2 Sam. 5:17-25; 23:9 10; 1 Chr. 14:8 16. Pay tribute to Jehoshaphat, 2 Chr. 17:11. Defeated by Hezekiah, 2 Kin. 18:8. Prophecies avatnst, Isa. 9:11,12; 14:29 31- 26: 32 B.C. 1804? See footnote, Time, Kev. 10:6. 3.-J fl Beer-ihetia.Judfi. 20:1. B.C. 17967 34 r Esau, Gen. 25: I PoJyqnmy, Deut. 17:17. t Miscegenation, Josh. 23:12. u Hitlitcs. JiidK. 1: 26. V Gen. 36:2. .35 If Rebehah, Gcn.2'1: 15. 5 Heb. bitterness of spirit B.C. 1760 r GENESIS Isaac, Gen. 21 :3. Blindness, in- stances 0), 2 Kin. 6:18. Esau, Gen. 25: 25. d Death, Num. 23: 10. f ATchery, Gen.21: 20. / Isa. 22:6. cerning the well which tJiey had digged, and said unto him, We have found water. 33 And he called it She'hah: therefore the name of the city is ''Be'er-she'ha unto this day. 34 And '^E'sau was forty years old when he *''took to wafe JQ'- dith the daughter of Be-e'rl the "Hit'tlte, and Bash'e-niath the daughter of 'E'lon the Hit'tlte: 35 ^^'hich were ^a grief of mind unto I'.saac antl "'Ile-bek'ah. CHAPTER 27 Isaac semis Esau for venison. 6 Jacob, inslructcd hn Rebeknh. 15 obtains the hlcssinQ. 34 Esau complains, and by impoTlnnlty obtains a blessing. 41 lie threatens Jacob's life. 43 RebekAih sends Jacob to Laban. AND it -^ when came to pass, that len Tsaac was old, and his eyes were dim, so that he could *not see, he called E'sau his eldest son, and said unto him, My son: and he said unto him. Behold, here am I. 2 And he said, Behold now, I am old, I know not the day of my "^death: 3 Now therefore take, I pray thee, thy ^weapons, thy 'quiver and thy bow, and go out to the field, and take me some veni- son; 4 And make me savoury meat, such as I love, and bring it to me, that I may eat; that ''my soul may bless thee before I die. 5 And '^Re-bek'ah heard when "Psaac spake to <^E'sau his scm. And E'sau went to the field to hunt jor venison, ami to bring it. 6 If And '^•^e-bek'ah spake un- to tja'cob her son, saying, Be hold, I heard thy father speak unto '^E'sau thy brother, saying, 7 Bring me venison and make me savoury meat, that "l may eat, and ^bless thee before the Lord before my death. 8 '■■^Now therefore, 'my ''^son, obey my voice according to that which I command thee. 9 Go now to the flock, and fetch me from thence two good kids of the '"goats, and 'I will make them savoury "meat for thy father, such as he loveth 10 '•'^And ^thou shalt bring it to thy "father, that he may eat, and 'that "he may bless thee before his '^deatli. 11 And tja'cob said to ''Re- bek'ah his mother, Behold, '^E'siui my brother u a hairy man, and I am a smooth man; 12 My "father perad venture will feel me, and I shall seem to him as a 'deceiver; and I shall 27, 12 B.C. 1'760? See footnote, Tim i Rev. 10:6. g Parents, blessings o/, 2 Cor. 12:14. 5 h Rebekah, Gen. 24:15. i Partiality, vn. 1- 17; 1 Tim. 5:21. ; Crajtlness, in- stances o/, vs. 9- 29; Psa. 83:3. k Temptation, lead- ing others into, vs. 9-17; Luke 11:4. I Woman, wicked, vs. 9-17; Pfov. 31:10. 9 m Goat, Deut. 14:4 n Food, preparec by women, Psa. 136:25. 12 1 Or, mocker; i".- .^^H^'^J'^'- "^^^ ^^^- 23:15 17: Amos 1:6 8; Zeph. 2:4 7; Zech. 9:5-7. * HUNTING. By Nimrod, Gen. 10:9. By Ishmacl, Gen. 21:20. By Esau, Gen. 25:27; 27:3, 5, 30. 33. Fowl- ing. 1 Sam. 2f.:20; Psa. 140:5; 141:9, 10; Prov 117- Keel 9:12; Lam. 3:52; Amos. 3:5, Authorized in the Mosaic law. Lev. 17:13. Figurative, .ler. 16:16. r .JACOB. The supplanter. Gen. 27:30 (with Gen 25:33) Son of Isaac, and twin brother of Esau, Cen 25 24 26- Jo.sh" 24:4; 1 Chr. 1:34; Hos. 12:3; Acts 7:8. A ncestor^of Jesus'. Matt. 1:2; Luke 3:34. Clien in answer to prayer. Gen 25- 21. Obtains Esau's birthright for a mess of pottage, Gcii. 25:29 34; Heb. 12:lfi. Fraudulently obtains his father's blessing. Gen. 27:1 29; Heb. 11:20. Esau seeks to slay Gen. 27:41 46. " Escapes to Padnn-aram, Oen. 28:1-5; Hos. 1212 THs vision of the ladder. Gen. 28:J0 22; Hos. 12:4. Cod con- firms the corerumt of .Abraham to. Gen. 28-13 22- S")') l')- Josh. 1:6; 1 Chr. 16:1,3-18. So}ourns in Haran with his uncle. Laban, Gen. 29; 30; Hos. 12:12. Serves fourteen years for Leah and liuchel Gen. 29:1.5-30; Hos. 12:12. fiharp practice of, with the (locks and herds of Laban. Gen. 30-32 43- Hos l'^ Dissatisfied irlth I.nban's treatment and returns to'the land of Canaan. Gen. 31. Mn-ts angrls of God on the journey and calls the place ^fahnnnim. Gen. 32:1, 2. Dreads to meet Esau: sends him presents. Gen. 32:3 23. Wrestles With an angel. Gen. 32:24 29; Hos. 12:4. 45 Name of , changed to Israel, Gen. 32:28; 35:10, 1 Kin. 18: 31; 2 Kin, 17:34. Reconciliation of, with Esau. Gen. 33:4.' Journeys to Succoth, Gen. 33:17; to Shechcm. where he purchases a parcel of ground from Hamor, and erects an altar Gen. 33 :18 20; Josh. 24 :32; John 4 :5. His daughter. Dinah humbled. Cien. 34. Returns to Bethel, where he builds an altar, and erects and dedicates a pillar. Gen. 35:1 7. Deb- orah, Rcbckah's nurse, dies, and is buried at Bethel, Gen 35:8. Journeys to Ephralh; Benjamin is born to; Rachel dies, and is buried, (ien. 35:16 19; 48:7, Erects a monument at Rachel's grave. Gen. 35 :20. The incest of his son. Reuben, and his concubine, Bllhah, Gen. 35:22. List of the names of his twelve sons. Gen. 35:21-26. Returns to Klrialh-arba. the city of his father. Gen. 35:27, With Esau buries his father. Gen. 35:29. Dwells in the land of Canaan. c;en. 37:1. His partiality for his son, Joseph, and tlie consequent jeal- ousy of his other sons. Gen. 37 :3, 4. Joseph's prophetic dream concerning. Gen. 37:9 11. His grief over the loss of Joseph. Gen. 37:34, 35. Sends liUo Egypt to buy corn. Gen. 42:1, 2; 43:1-14; Acts 7:12. //).■; grief over the detention of Simeon, and the demand for Benjamin to be taken into Egypt, Gen 42:36. His love for Benjamin. Gen. 43:14; 44:29. Hear* that Joseph still lives. Gen. 45:26 28. Removes to Egypt. (Jen. 46:1-7; 47:28; Deut. 26:5; 1 Sam. 12:8; Psa. 105:23; Acts 7:14, 15. List of his children and grandchildren who went down Into Egypt, Gen. 46:8-27. Meets Joseph, Gen. 46:28 34. Pharaoh receives him, and Is blessed by Jacob. Gen. 47:1 10. The land of Goshen as- 27 t 12 GENESIS 27: 31 B.C. 1760? 12 Curse, parental, Judg. 5:2S. 13 Penally, vicari- ously assumed, 1 Sam. 25:24. M J Bread, Exek. 19 Falsehood, in- stances of. Job 21:34. Dishonesty, in- stances of, Ezek. 22:13. Deception, in- stances of. Josh. 9:4. ; Firstborn, Zech. 12:10. 20 2 R. V. sent me good speed. bring a "curse upon me, and not a ^blessing. 13 And his ''•Mother said unto him, ^Upon me be thy "curse, my son : only obey my voice, and s:o fetch me them. 14 And ''^he went, and fetched, and brought them to his mother: and his ''•'mother made savoury "meat, such as his father loved. 15 And ''•'Re-bek'ah took good- ly raiment of her eldest son •^E'sau, which were with her in the house, and put them upon ^Ja'cob her younger son: 16 And ''•'she put the skins of the kids of the '"goats upon his hands, and upon the smooth of his neck: 17 And she *gave the savoury "meat and the 'bread, which she had prepared into the hand of her son ^Ja'cob. 18 II And ^he came unto his "father, and said. My father: and he saitl. Here am I ; who art thou, my son ? 19 And ^Ja'cob '"■'•'said unto his father, I am E'sau thy "first- born; I have done according as thou badest me: arise, I pray thee, sit and eat of my venison, that "thy soul may bless me. 20 And "Psaac said unto his ^son, How is it that thou hast found it so quickly, my son ? And he ''•'•'said, Because the Lord thy God '■'brought it to me. 21 And "Fsaac said unto ^Ja'- cob, Come near, I pray thee, that I may feel thee, my son, whether thou be my very son E'sau or not. 22 And ^Ja'cob went near unto I'§aac his father; and he felt him, and said, The voice is Ja'- cob's voice, but the hands are the hands of E'sau. 23 And he discerned him not, because his hands were hairy, as his brother E'sau's hands: so "he "blessed him. 24 And he said. Art thou my very son E'sau? And ^he ''■'•'said, I am. 25 And he said. Bring if near to me, and I will eat of my son's venison, "that my soul may bless thee. And he brought it near to him, and he did eat: and he brought him "'wine, and he drank. 26 And his ^father I'.saac said unto him. Come near now, and ^kiss me, my son. 27 And he came near, and ^kissed him: and he smelled the smell of his raiment, and "blessed ^him, and said, See, the smell of my son is as the smell of a field which the Lord hath blessed : 28 Therefore *'• ^God give "thee of the ''dew of heaven, and the •^fatness of the earth, and plenty of corn and wine : 29 ''Let people serve "thee, and nations bow down to thee: be lord over thy brethren, and let thy mother's sons bow down to thee: ^cursed be every one that curseth thee, and blessed be he that blesseth thee. 30 Tf And it came to pass, as soon as ^I'.saac had made an end of "blessing '•'Ja'cob, and Ja'cob was yet scarce gone out from the presence of Fgaac his father, that ''E'sau his brother came in from his *hunting. 31 And he also had made sa- voury meat, and brought it unto his father, and said unto his fa- B.C. 1760? See footnote. Time Rev. 10:6. 23 V Benedictions, Deut. 21:5. 2S •jj Wint, Prov. 31. 23 r Parents, affec- tion exemplified 2 Cor. 12:14. y Kiss, Ruth 1:14. Prayer, interces- sory. Acts 6:4. a Israel, prophecies concerning, E x. 4:22. b Dew, figurative, Dan. 4:15. c Temporal Bless- ings, from God, Psa. 103:2. 29 d Prayer, interces- sory. Acts 6.4. e Prayer, impreca- tory. Acts 6:4. 30 / Isaac. Gen. 21:3. Parents, blessings of. 2 Cor. 12:14. Esau, Gen. 25: 25. signed to. Gen. 47:6. 11, 12, 27. Dwells in Egypt seven- teen years. Gen. 47:28. Exacts a promise from Joseph to bury him with his fathers. Gen. 47:29^31. His benediction upon. loseph and his two sons, Gen. 48:15 22; Heb. 11-21. Gives the land of the Amorites to Joseph, Gen. 48:22; John 4:5. His final prophetic benedictions upon his sons. Gen. 49; 3-27. Charges his sons to bury him in the field of Mach- 46 pelah. Gen. 49:29. 30. Death of. Gen. 49:33. Body of, embalmed. Gen. 50:2. Forty days' mourning for. Gen. 50:3 Burial of. Gen. 47:29-31; 49:29, ,10; 50:4-13. Descendants of. Gen. 29:31-35; 30:1-24, 35:18, 22 26; 46:8-27; Ki. 1:1-5; 1 Chr. chapters 2-9. His wealth. Gen. 36:6, 7. Well or. John 4:6-13. Prophecies concerning him and his descendants. Gen. 2:) -.ZS: 27:28, 29- 28-10-15 31:3; 35:9-13, 46:3; Deut. 1:8; Psa. 105:10, 11.' 27: 31 GENESIS 28: 2 B.C. 17607 See footnote. Time, Rev. 10:G. 32 Firstborn, Zeoli. 12 ao. / Falsehood, Job 21:34. k Crajliness, in- stances of, Psa. 83:3. 3 n. V. guile. I Birthright, 2Chr. 21:3. 38 m Weeping, Ezra 3:13. 40 n Bdomiles, proph- ecies concern iiiij, 2 Kin. 8:21. • Sword, figura- tive, 1 Chr. 21:5. ther, Let my father arise, and eat of his son's venison, that ^thy soul may bless me. 32 And r.saac his father said unto him, Who art thou ? And he said, I am thy son, thy 'first- born ''E'sau. 33 And 'r.saac trembled very exceedingly, and said. Who? where is he that hath taken veni- son, and brought it me, and I have eaten of all before thou camest, and have ^blessed him ? yea, and he shall be blessed. 34 And when ''E'sau heard the words of his father, he cried with a great and exceeding bitter cry, and said unto his father, "Bless me, even me also, O my father. 35 And he said, Thy ^brother came with ^-^^subtilty, and hath taken away thy "blessing. 36 And he said, Is not he right- ly named ^Ja'cob ? for he hath supplanted me these two times: he took away %iy 'birthright; and, behold, now he hath taken away my blessing. And he said, Hast thou not reserved a "bless- ing for me ? 37 And 'I'.saac answered and said unto "E'sau, Behold, »I have made him thy lord, and all his brethren have I given to him for servants; and with corn and wine have I sustained him: and what shall I do now unto thee, my son ? 38 And ''E'sau said unto his ^father, Hast "thou but one bless- ing, my father ? bless me, even me also, () my father. And E'sau lifted up his voice, and '"wept. 39 And ''I'.saac his fatlier an- swered and said unto him, "Be- hold, thy dwelling shall be the fatness of the earth, and of the *dew of heaven from above : 40 And «by thy ".sword shalt thou live, and shalt serve thy brother; and it shall come to pass when thou shalt ''have the do minion, that thou shalt ^break his yoke from off thy neck. 41 ^ And ''E'sau 'liated +Ja cob because of the "blessing wherewith his father blessed him : and E'sau said in his heart, The days of "mourning for my father are at hand; then will I '•"slay my brother Ja'cob. 42 And these words of ^E'sau her *elder son were told to 'Rc- bek'ah: and she sent and called ^Ja'cob her younger son, and said unto him. Behold, thy brother E'sau, as touching thee, doth comfort himself, 'purpos- ing to ''kill thee. 43 Now therefore, my son, obey my voice; and arise, flee thou to "La'ban my brotlier to ^Ha'ran; 44 And tarry with him a few days, until thy ''brother's «'fury turn away: 45 Until thy ''brother's '"anger turn away from ^thee, and he forget that which thou hast done to him: then 'I will send, and fetch thee from thence : why should I be deprived also of you both in one day ? 46 And 'Re-bgk'ah said to T'saac, ^I am weary of my life because of the ^/daughters of Heth : if ^ Ja'cob take a ^wife of the daughters of Heth, such as these which are of the daughters of the land, what good shall my life do me ? CHAPTER 28 Isaac blesses. Jacol). anil sends him tn Padnn ararn. 6 Esau marries the daughter of Ishmael. 10 The vision of .Jacob's ladder 18 The stone of Bethel. 20 Jacob s voiv B.C. 1760? 4 R. v. break loose. .'> U. V. shake 41 p Hatred, Pro v. 15: 17. q Mourning, Lam. 2:5. r Homicide, Deut. 5:17. .« Malice, instancet of, Eph. 4:31. 42 I Rebekah, Gen.24: 43 u Laban,Gen.28:b. V Haran, Gen. 11: 31. 44 w Anger, P.sa. 37:8. 46 X Gen. 26:34. 35. y Hittites, Judg. 1: 26. Wife, Prov. 5:18. A' * PADAN-ARAiM {the plain of Aram). Gen. 25:20- 28: ND "P.saac called *Ja'cob, and ''•^blessed him, and charged him, and said unto lu'm. Thou shalt not ''take a 'wife of the "daughters of Ca'naan. 2 Arise, go to *Pa'dan-a'ram,| a Isaac, Gen. 21:3. b Jacob, Gen. 27: 11. c Benedictions, in- stances of, Deut. 21:5. d Barents, blessing of, 2 Cor. 12.14. e Miscegeimtion. Josh. 23.12. / Wife. Prov. 5:18. g Canaanites. Ex. 23:28. 2. 5. 6. 7; 31:18; 33:18; 3.'->:9, 26; 46:15. 47 28} 2 GENESIS 28: 19 B.C. 1760? See footnote. Time, Rev. 10;6. h Belhuel, Gen. 24: 15. i Rebekah,Ge.n.2i: 15. i Marriage, con- sanguineous. Gen. 34:9. fc Temporal Bless- ings, prayer for, Psa. 103:2. I Children, gift of God, Mark 10:14. m Covenant, of God with men. Dent. 29:1. n Abraham, Gen. 17:5. o Canaan, prom- ised to Abraham, Gen. 37:1. p Eaau, Gen. 25: 25. 1 Ueb. Aramean, g lahmael. Gen. 16: 11. r Polygamy, Deut. 17:17. 3 Or, Bashemath, Gen. 36:3, 4, 10. 13, 17. t Or, N ebaioth. Gen. 25:13. 10 u Beer-sheba, Jud^. 20:1. V Haran, Gen. 11: 31. 11 w Bethel, Josh. 18: to the house of "Beth-u'el thy 'mother's father; and ^take thee a %ife from thence of the daugh- ters of ^La'ban thy mother's brother. 3 And "^'^God Almighty bless thee, and make thee 'fruitful, and multiply thee, that thou mayest be a multitude of people; 4 ^And give thee the '"blessing of "A'bra-ha,m, to thee, and to thy seed with thee; that thou mayest inherit the "land wherein thou art a stranger which God irave unto A'bra,-h3,m. 5 And I'saac sent away Ja'- cob : and he went to *Pa'dan-a'- ram unto '^La'ban, son of ''Beth- u'el the 'Syr-i'an, the brother of 'Re-bek'ah, Ja'cob's and ^E'sau's mother. 6 T[ When ^E'sau saw that "I'-saac had '^blessed *Ja'cob, and sent him away to *Pa'dan- a'ram, to take him a 'wife from thence; and that as he blessed him he gave him a charge, say- ing, Thou shalt not take a wife of the ''daughters of Ca'nSan ; 7 And that "Ja'cob obeyed his father and his mother, and was gone to *Pa'dan-a'ram; 8 And ^E'sau seeing that the "daughters of Ca'naan pleased not "I'.saac his father; 9 Then went ^E'sau unto *Ish'- ma-el, and '^took unto the wives which he had *Ma'ha-lath the daughter of Ish'ma-el A'brS,- ham's son, the sister of 'Ne-ba'- joth, to be his wife. 10 T[ And Ja'cob went out from "Be'er-she'ba, and went toward ''Ha'ran. 1 1 And ''he lighted upon a cer- tain "place, and tarried there all niglit, because the sun was set; and he took of the stones of that place, and put them for his pil- lows, and lay down in that place to sleep. 12 And *he ^-Mreamed, and behold a ladder set up on the earth, and the top of it reached to heaven: and behold the ^an- gels of God ascending and descending on it. 13 And, behold, the Lord "stood above it, and "said, 1 am the Lord God of ''A'bra-ham thy father, and the God of '^I'.saac: the *land whereon thou liest, to 'thee will I "give it, and to thy seed ; 14 And thy *seed shall be as the dust of the earth, and thou shalt spread abroad to the west, and to the east, and to the north, and to the south : and in thee and in thy *seed shall all the 'families of the earth be blessed. 15 And, behold, I am with ^thee, and will 'keep thee in all places whither thou goest, and will bring thee again into this 'land; for '"I will not leave thee, until I have done tJiat which I have spoken to thee of. 16 Tf And ''Ja'cob awaked out of his sleep, and he said. Surely the "Lord is in this place; and I knew it not. 17 And he was "afraid, and said, How dreadful is this place this is none other but the house of God, and this is the ^gate of heaven. 18 And ''Ja'cob 'rose up early in the morning, and took the '^stone that he had put for his pillows, and set it up for a ■^pil lar, and *poured 'oil upon the top of it. 19 And he called the name of B.C. 1760? See (ootnote. Time, Rev. 10:6. 12 X Dream, instances of, Dan. 1:17. Vision, Acts 9: 10. A ngel, appear- ances of, Heb. 1: 13. 13 o Anthropomorph- isms, standing at- tributed to God, Gen. 11:5. 6 Communion.with God, instances of, 2 Cor. 13:14. c Abraham, Gen. 17:5. d Isaac, Gen. 21:3. e Canaan, prom- ised to Abraham and his seed.Gen. 37:1. / Jacob, Gen. 27: 11. g Covenant, of God with men, in- stances of, Deut. 29:1. 14 h Israel, prophecies concerning, Ex. 4:22. i Jesus, prophecies concerning. Matt. 1:21. i Nations, blessea in Abraham,GeB. 18.18. 15 k Righteous, prom- ises to, Psa. 64. 10. t God, preterver. Gen. 2:2. m God, faithfulness of. Gen. 2:2. n God, presence of. Gen. 2:2. 17 0 Fear, of God. in- stances of. Acts 9:31. p Gates, figurative, Deut. 3:5. g Rising, early, in- stances of. Gen. 19:2. r Stones, memorial, Ex. 24:12. s Anointing!, in consecration, Lev. 8:12. t Oil. anointing, Deut. 12:17. T liABAN {white). Son of Bethuel, Gen. 28:5. Brother of Rebekah, Gen. 22:23; 24:15, 29. Receives the servant of Abraham, Gen. 24:29-33. Receives Jacob, and c/ives him his daughters in marriage, Gen. 29:12-30. Jacob becomes his servant. Gen. 29:l,''>-20, 27; 30:27-43. Outwitted by Jacob, Gen. 30:37-43; 31:1-21. Pursues Jacob, overtakes him at Mount Gilead, and covenants with him. Gen. 31 :22-55. t PILLAR. For screen at tabernacle door, Ex. 26:37.- 48 36:38. Of the tabernacle, Ex. 27:10-12, 14-17; 36:36, 38: 38:10-12. 14, 19; 39:33; Num. 3:36, 37; 4:31. 32; overlaid with gold. Ex. 36:36. Of the court of the tabernacle. Ex. 27; 9-17; 38:9-20; Num. 3:37. Of Solomon's temple. 1 Kin. 7:13-22; 2 Kin. 25:16, 17. Broken and carried to Babylon. 2 Kin. 25:13; Jer. 52:17, 20, 21. Of Solomon's palaces, 1 Kin. 7:2, 6. To mark graves. Gen. 35 :20. Pillar of salt, Lot's wife 28: 19 GENESIS 29 1 14 B.C. 1760? See footnote. Time. Rev. 10:6. u Bethel. Josh. IS; 13. 20 V Votes, instances 01, Num. 30::;. w Covenant, of man with God, Deut. 29:1. T Consecration, conditional. Lev. 7:37. V God. providence of. Gen. 2:2. z Temporal Bless- ings, from God, Psa. 103:2. 22 a Stones, memorial, Ex. 24:12. 6 Temporal Bless- ings, from God, Psa. 103:2. r Liberality, in- stances of, 1 Tim. 6:18. d Tithes, Num. IS: 24. a Jacob, 11. 6 Wells, Gen. 21: 19. c Sheep, Deut. 32. 14. d Shepherd. JeT.31: 10. e Haran, Gen. 11: 31. / Laban, Gen. 28:5. g Nahor, Gen. 22; 20. that place "B^th'el: but the name of that city was called Luz at the first. 20 And "^Ja'cob vowed a '•'"vow, saving, ^If *'God will be with me, and wilJ keep me in this way that I go, and will give me ^bread to eat, and raiment to put on, 21 So that I come again to my father's house in peace; "• ^then shall the Lord be my God: 22 And this "stone, which I have set ]or a ^pillar, shall be God's house: and of "all that thou shalt give me I will surely '■give the "tenth unto thee. CHAPTER 29 .Jacob comes to the well of Haran. 9 He meets Rachel; 13 and Is entertained by I.ahnn. 18 He covenants for Rachel, 23 but is deceived with Leah. 28 He marries Riichrl also, and serves lor her seven years more. 32 Leah bears Reuben. S3 Simeon, 34 Levi, 35 and Juilah. THEN "Ja'cob went on his journey, and came into the and of the people of the east. 2 And he looked, and behold a 'well in the field, and, lo, there ivcre three flocks of ''sheep lying by it; for out of that well "they watered the flocks: and a great stone was upon the well's mouth. 3 And thither were all the flocks gathered : and "they rolled the stone from the "well's mouth, and watered the ^sheep, and put the stone again upon the well's mouth in his place. 4 And "Ja'cob said unto them, My brethren, whence be ye ? And they said, Of ^Ha'ran arc we. 5 And he said unto them, Know ye ^La'ban the son of "Na'hor ? and they said, We know him. 6 And °he said unto them, Is ^he well ? And they said. He is well: and, behold, '*Ha'chel his daughter cometh with the sheep, 7 And "he said, Lo, it is yet high day, neither w it time that the cattle should be gathered to- gether: water ye the ''sheep, and go and feed them. 8 And they said, We cannot, until all the flocks be gathered together, and till they roll the stone from the "well's mouth; then we water the sheep. 9 ^ And while he yet spake with them, *Ha'chel came with her father's sheep: for ''she kept them. 10 And it came to pass, when " Ja'cob saw *Ra'chel the daugh- ter of 'La'ban his ^mother's brother, and the sheep of La'ban his mother's brother, that Ja'cob went near, and rolled the stone from the well's mouth, and wa- tered the Hock of La'ban his mother's brother. 11 And Ma'cob 'kissed *Ra chel, and lifted up his voice, and wept. 12 And "Ja'cob told *Ra'chel that he was her 'father's brother, and that he was 'Re-b6k'ah's son: and she ran and told her father. 13 And it came to pass, when 'La'ban heard the tidings of "Ja'cob his 'sister's son, that he ran to meet him, .Qnd embraced him, and 'kissed him, and ^brought him to his house. And he told La'ban all these things. 14 And 'La'ban said to him, Surely thou art my bone and my B.C. 17«0? See footnote, Time, Rev. 10:«. Women, ten a flocks, Prov. 31: 10. 10 Rebekah, Qen.24: 11 / KUt, Ruth 1:14. 13 Hospitality, in- stances of, Rom. 12:13. turned to. Gen. 19:26; Luke 17:32. As a boundary, Jcsh. 15:6; 18:17; a waymark, 1 Sam. 20:19; Jer, 31:21; a land- mark, 2 Sam. 20:8; 1 Kin. 1:9. Prophecy of one in Egypt, Isa. 19:19. Monuments of idolatry . tobe destroyed. V)cut. \2:S. Monuments kukctkd to commemorate events; By Jacob, his vt^ion of angels. Gen. 28:18:31:13; 3.-):14; his covenant with Laban. Gen. 31 :4.5. By ^roses. the covenant be- tween Jehovah arul Israel. Rx. 24:4. By .Joshua, the passing over Jordan. ,Iosh. 4:1-9 (with Deut. 27 :2-r,) ; at Mount Ebal. Josh. 8 -.M; at Shechem. Josh. 24 :25-Z7: Judp. 9:6. By Sam- uel, the discomfiture of the Philistines, 1 Sam. 7:12 By Ab- tulom, to keep his name in remembrance, 2 Sam. 18:18. Figurative, Rev. 3:12. * RACHEL, daughter of Laban and wife of Jacob. Meets Jacob at the well. Gen. 29:9-12. .Jacob serves Labar. fourteen years to secure her for his wife. Gen. 29;15-30. Sterility of. Gen. 29:31. Her grief in consequence of her sterility: gives her maid to .Jacob in order to secure children in her own name. Gen. 30:1-8, 15, 22-34. iMter fecundii'i of: becomes the mother of .Joseph. Gen. 30:22-25; of Benjamin Gen. 35:16-18. 24. Steals the household images of her father Gen. 31:4. 14-19, 33-35. Builder of the house of Israel Ruth 4:11. Her death and burial. Gen. 36:18-20; 48:7 1 Sam. 10:2. 49 29: 14 GENESIS 29: 34 B.C. 1760? See footnote, Time, Rev. 10:6. 14 I Month, Ex. 12:2. 15 m H ired Servant, Lev. 25.40. n Wages, Gen. 31:7. 17 o Beauty, instances of, Prov. 6-25. 18 p Seven, years,Gen. 7:2. Q Marriage, wives obtained by pur- chase. Gen. 34:9. 10 r Contracts, Matt. 20:2. B.C. 1753? 21 s Father -in-tnw, Judg. 19:3. t Marriage, con- sanguintoiis. Gen. 34 9. u Wile. Prov. 5:18. 22 V Feast, Mark 12: 39. w Dishonesty, in- stances of, Ezek. 22:13. X Deception, Josh. 9:4. 24 V Bride, Isa. 49:18. .'. Servant, giv.n as dowry, Jer 2 14. 25 a Jacob, Gen. 27: 11. b Laban, Gen. 28:5. flesh. And he abode with him the space of a 'month. 15 T[ And La'ban said unto "Ja'cob, Because thou art my brother, shouldest thou there- fore serve me for nought ? tell me, what shall "'thy" wages he? 16 And La'ban had two daughters : the name of the elder was ^Le'ah, and the name of the younger was *Ra'chel. 17 ^Le'ah was tender eyed ; but *Ra'chel was "beautiful and Avell favoured. 18 And '^Ja'cob loved *Ra'- ehel ; and said, I will '"serve thee ^seven years *for Ra'chel thy younger daughter. 19 And La'ban said, It is bet- ter that I '■give her to thee than that 1 should give her to another man: abide with me. 20 And "Ja'cob served ^sevcn years 'for *Ra'chel; and they seemed unto him hut a few days, for the love he had to her. 21 T[ And "Ja'cob said unto 'La'ban, Give me my '"wife, for my days are fulfilled, that I may go in unto her. 22 And La'ban gathered to- gether all the men of the place, and made a *'feast. 23 And it came to pass in the evening, that he "'•^took ^Le'ah his daughter, and 'brought her to him; and he went in unto her. 24 And La'ban gave unto his daughter ^-^Le'ah ^Zil'pah his ^maid jot an handmaid. 25 And it came to pass, that in the morning, behold, it was ^Le'ah: and "he said to ^La'ban, What is this thou hast done unto me ? did not 1 serve with thee for *Ra'chel ? wherefore then hast thou *^beguiled me ? 26 And *La'ban said. It must not be so done in our country, to give the younger before the ''firstborn. 27 Fulfil her week, and we will *give thee this also for the service which thou shalt serve with me yet 'seven other years. 28 And "Ja'cob did so, and ful filled her week : and he gave him *Ra'chel his daughter to "wife also. 29 And "La'ban gave to *• ''Ra'- chel his daughter "Bil'hah his 'handmaid to be her maid. 30 And he %ent in also unto *Ra'chel, and he loved also Ra'- chel *more than ^Le'ah, and serv- ed with him yet 'seven other years 31 If And when the Lord saw that ^Le'ah was '•"'hated, he opened her womb : but *Ra'chel was "barren. 32 And ^Le'ah conceived, and bare a son, and she called his name "Reu'ben: for she ^said, Surely the Lord hath looked upon my affliction; now there- fore my husband will love me. 33 And she conceived again, and bare a son; and ^said, Be- cause the Lord hath heard that I was hated, he hath therefore given me this '^son also : and she called his name ^Sim'e-on. 34 And she conceived again and bare a son; and said. Now this time will my husband be joined unto me, because I have born him three sons: therefore was his name called "''Le'vl. B.C. 1753? See footnote, Time, Rev. 10:6. Deception, Josb. 9:4. 26 d Firstborn, Zech. 12:10. 27 e Marriage, wives obtained by pur- chase. Gen. 34:9. / Seven, years.Gea. 7:2 28 g Wife, Prov. 5:18. 29 h Bride, Isn. 49:18. i Servant, given as dowry, Jer. 2:14. 30 J Polygamy, evil effects of. vs. 30- 34: Deut. 17:17. k Partiality, 1 Tim. 5:21. 31 / Hatred, Prov. 15: 17. m Family, infelicity in, 1 Chr. 13:14. « Barrenness, a re- proach, Deut. 7: 14. B.C. 1752? 32 o Reuben, Gen. 35: p Thankfulness t» God. instances of. Acts 24:3. B.C. 1751? 33 q Children, the gift of God, Mark 10: 14. B.C. 1750? I LiEAH (weary). Daughter of Laban, Gen. 29:16. Married to Jacob, Gen. 29:23-20. Children of. Gen. 29: 31-35:30:9-13,17-21. Flees With Jacob, Gen. Sl:4, 14,17; 33:2-7. Builder of the house of Israel, Ruth 4:11. t ZILPAH. Leah's handmaid. Gen. 29:24. Mother of Gad and Asher by Jacob, Gen. 30:9-13; 35:26; 37:2; 46:16. 17. 18. II BILHAH. Rachel's servant, bears children bi/ Jacob, Gen. 29:29: 30:3, 4; 37:2. Mother of Dan and Naphtali, Gen. 30:1-8; 35:25: 46:23-25; 1 Chr. 7:13. Reuben's in- cest with. Gen. 35:22; 49:4. S SIMEON. Son of Jacob, Gen. 29:33; 35:23; Ex. 1:1, 2; 1 Chr. 2:1. With Levi avenges upon the Shechemites the seduction of Dinah. Gen. 34; 49:5 7. Jacob's denuncia- tion of. Gen. 34:30; 49:5-7. Goes down into Egypt to buy corn: is bound by Joseph, and detained. Gen 42:24, 36;43:23. Ills sons. Gen. 46:10; Ex. 6:15; 1 Chr. 4:24. Descendants of. Num. 26:12-14; 1 Chr. 4:24-27. See footnote, Simeon tribe of. Num. 2:12. + LEVI. Son of Jacob. Gen. 29:34; 35:23; 1 Chr. 2:1. Avenges the seduction of Dinah, Gen. 34; 49:5-7. Jacob's prophecy regarding. Gen. 49:5-7. Hlsageat death. Ex. 6:16. Descendants of, made ministers of religion, see footnote, Levites, Deut. 10:8. 50 29: 36 GENESIS 30: 18 B.C. 1749? See footnote, Time, Rev. 10:6. S5 r Judah, Gen. 37 a Family, infelici- ty in, instances o/. vs. 1-23; 1 Chr. 13:14. 0 Polygamy, evil effects oj, vs. 1- 23; Deut. 17:17. c liachel.Gen.29.G. d Barrenness, a re- proach, Deut. 7: 14. e Jacob, Gen. 27: 11. / Eni'y. instances Of, Prov. 14:30. 2 g Anger, Psa, 37: S. h Children, the gift of God, Mark 10: 14. t Servant, Jer. 2: 14. ; Pilhah, Gen. 29: 29. fc Concubinage, 2 Sam. 21:11. B.C. 1748? / Thankjulnets to God, instances of. Acts 24:3. B.C. 1747? 35 And she conceived again, and bare a son: and she ^said, Now will I prai.se the Loud: therefore she called his name 'Ju'dah; and left bearing. CHAPTER 30 Rachel gives Bllhah her maid unto Jacob. 5 She bears Dan and \aphtali. 9 Leah gives Zilpah her maid, who bears Gad and Asher. 17 Leah bears I ssachar.Zebu- lun, and Dinah. 22 Rachel bears Joseph. 23 Jacob desires to depart. 27 Laban stays him on a neiv covenant. 37 Jacob's policy whereby he became rich. AND "-^when '"Ra'chel saw that she '^bare *Ja'cob no children, Ra'chel 'envied her sister; and said unto Ja'cob, Give me children, or else I die. 2 And * Ja'cob's "anger was kin- dled against '^Ra'chel: and he said, Am 1 in God's stead, who hath ''withheld from thee the fruit of the womb ? 3 And '^she said. Behold my 'maid 'Btl'hah, go in unto her; and she shall bear upon my knees, that I may also have children by her. 4 And she gave him 'Bil'hah her ^handmaid to "'^wife: and Ja'cob went in unto her. 5 And 'Bil'hah conceived, and bare ^Ja'cob a son. 6 And ^Ra'chel 'said, God hath judged me, and hath also heard my voice, and hath given me a ''son: therefore called she his name Din. 7 And 'Birhah -^Ra'chel's 'maid conceived again, and bare ^Ja'cob a second son. 8 And 'Ra'chel said, With great ^wrestlings have I wres- tled with my .sister, and I have prevailed: and she called his name ^NSph'ta-lI 9 When '"Le'ah saw that she had left bearing, she took "Zil'- pah her 'maid, and gave her Ja'cob to "■ ^"wife. 10 And "Zil'pah '"Le'ah's 'maid bare '^Ja'cob a son. 11 And '"Le'ah said, A troop Cometh : and she called his name "Gad. 12 And "ZTl'pah "'Le'ah's 'maid bare * Ja'cob a second son. 13 And '"Le'ah said, Happy am I, for the daughters will call me blessed : and she called his name ^Ash'er. 14 ^ And "Reii'ben went in the days of wheat harvest, and found ^mandrakes in the field, and brought them unto his mother '"Le'ah. Then '^Ra'chel said to Le'ah, Give me, I pray thee, of thy son's mandrakes. 15 "'*And '"she said unto her, Li it a small matter that thou hast taken my ^husband ? anc wouldest thou take away my son's ''mandrakes also ? And "^Ra'chel said. Therefore he shall lie with thee to night for thy son's mandrakes. 16 And * Ja'cob came out of the field in the evening, and '"Le'ah went out to meet him, and said, Thou mast come in unto me; for surely I have hired thee with my son's ^mandrakes. And he lay with her that night. 17 And 'God hearkened unto Le'ah, and she conceived, anil bare Ja'cob the fifth *son. 18 And "'Le'ah said, 'God hath given me my hire, because I have given my maiden to m\ B.C. 1749? See footnote, TiinA Rev. 10:6. 9 m Leah, Gen. 29:16. n Zilpah, Gen. 29:24. B.C. 1748? B.C. 1747? 14 0 Reuben, Gen. 35: 22. p Song 7;13. 15 q Husband, 30:6. 17 God. Qoodneas of. Gen. 2:2. Children, in an- swer to prayer, Mark 10:14. * DAN {a judge). Son of Jacob and Bllhah, Gen. 3!):25. Descendants of. Gen. 46:23; Num. 26:42, 43. Blessed of Jacob. Gen. 49:16. 17. Trlbeof: CVrj.stis o/. Num. 1:39; 26:42. 43. Positlonof, in journey and camp, during the exodus. Num. 2:2.5, 31; 10:23. Blessed l)U Moses, Deut. 33:22. Inheritance of , ac- cording to the allotment of .Joshua, Josh. 19:40-47; of Ezekiel, Ezek. 48:1. Fail to comiuer the Amorites, Judp. 1:34,35. Conquests by. 3osh.. 19:47; Judc 18:27-20. Deb- orah upbraids, for cowardice, Judg. 5:17. Idolatry of, Judg. 18. t WUESTI^ING. Figurative, Gen. 30:8; 32:24, 25; Eph. 6:12. t NAPHTALI {my wrestling). Son of Jacob and Bllhah, Gen. 30:7; 35:23. Jacob blesses. Gen. i^-.ZX. Sons of. Gen. 46:24; 1 Chr. 7:13. II GAI) (fortune). Jacob's seventh son. Gen. 35:26; Ex 1:4. Children of. Gen. 46:16; Num. 26:15-18. Prophecy concerning. Gen. 49:19. 5 ASHER (happy). Son of .Jacob, by Zilpah, Gen. 35; 26; Ex. 1:4; 1 Chr. 2:2. Prophecy concerning, Gea. 49;2S. 51 30 > 18 GENESIS 30t 38 B.C. 1747? See footnote, Ti/ne, Rev. 10:6. B.C. 1746T 21 I Gen 34. B.C. 1745? 22 u Prayer, answer- ed, instances of. Acts 6-4. V Joseph, Gen. 33:2. tc Children, the gift of God. Mark 10: 14. X Lab an. Gen. 28:5. 26 y Wile.'Prov. 5:18. z Hired Servant, Lev. 25:40. Gen. 27 o Lab a n, 28:5. 6 Jacob, Gen. 27: 11. c Temporal Bless- ings, from God, Psa. 103:2. d Prosperity, Ecel. 7:14. 28 e Hired Servant, Lev. 26:40. /Wages, Gen 31:7. g ContracO, Matt. 20:2. ^husband: and she called hi.s name ■*■ Is'sa-char. 19 And "'Le'ah conceived again, and bare ^Ja'cob the sixth son. 20 And '"Le'ah said, 'God hath endued me with a good dowry; now will my 'husband dwell with me, because I have born him six sons : and she called his name ®Zeb'u-lun. 21 And afterwards she bare a daughter, and called her name 'Dl'nah. 22 ^ And ''God remembered Ra'chel, and God "hearkened to her, and opened her womb. 23 And she conceived, and bare a *son; and said, ''•"God hath taken away my ''reproach: 24 And she called his name Jo'.seph; and said, ""The Lord shall add to me another son. 25 ^ And it came to pass, when Ra'chel had born "Jo'.seph, that Ja'cob said unto -^La'ban, Send me away, that I may go unto mine own place, and to my country. 26 Give me my ^wives and my children, for whom ^1 have served thee, and let me go: for thou knowest my service which I have done thee. 27 And "La'ban said unto *him, I pray thee, if I have found fa- vour in thine eyes, tarry: fori have learned by experience thai the Lord hath '^•''blessed me for thy sake. 28 And he said. Appoint me thy 'wages, and "I will give it. 29 And "he said unto "him, Thou knowest how I have ''served thee, and how thy cattle was with me. 30 For it was little which thou hadst before I came, and it is now ''increased unto a multitude ; and the Lord hath "^blessed thee since my coming : and now when shall '^''I provide for mine own 'house also ? 31 And "he said, What shall I give *'thee ? And *Ja'cob said, Thou shalt not give me any thing: if thou wilt do this thing for me, I will again feed and keep thy flock. 32 "I will pass through all thy flock to day, removing from thence 'all the speckled and spotted cattle, and all the brown cattle among the *sheep, and the spotted and speckled among the 'goats: and of s%ix;h shall be my 'hire. 33 So shall "my righteousness answer for me in time to come, when it shall come for my 'hire before thy face: every one that is not speckled and spotted among the 'goats, and ^brown among the ^'sheep, that shall be counted stolen with me. 34 And "La'ban said. Behold, I would it might be according to thy word. 35 And he removed that day the he goats that were ring- straked and spotted, and all the she goats that were speckled and spotted, and every one that had some white in it, and all the ^brown among the sheep, and gave them into the hand of his sons. 36 And he set three days' jour- ney betwixt himself and "Ja'cob and Ja'cob fed the rest of "La'' ban's flocks. 37 ^ ""-""And "Ja'cob took him rods of green ^-^poplar, and of the ^hazel and chestnut tree; and Spilled white strakes in them, and made the white appear which was in the rods. 38 And he set the rods which he B.C. 1745 T h Father, duty of, Psa. 27:10. i Husband, duty of. Num. 30:6. Family, husband should provide for, 1 Chr. 13:14. 32 k Sheep, Deut. 32: 14. I Goats, Vexit.liA. 1 R. V. every speckled and spotted one. and every black one 33 2 R. v. black 37 m Covetousness, in- stances of, Isa 57:17. n Dishonesty, vs. 37-42; Ezek. 22: 13. 0 Contracts, viola- ted, vs. 37-43: Matt. 20:2. p Hos. 4:13. 3 Or, storax tree. 4 R.V. almond and ottlie plane tree; Descendants of. Gen. 46:17: Num. 26:44-47. See footnote, AsHER, tribe of. Num. 1:40. + ISSACHAR (a hire). Son of Jacob, Gen. 30:18; Ex. 1:3; 1 Chr. 2:1. Jacob's prophetic benedlctionsupon.Gen. 49:14, 15. See footnote, Issachar, tribe of. Num. 1 :28. O ZEBUL,U1V (dtvelllng). Son of Jacob and Leah. Gen. 35:23; 46:14; Ex. 1:3; 1 Chr. 2:1. Prophecy concerning. Gen. 49:13. Descendants of. Gen. 46:14; Num. 26:26, 27. 52 30 1 38 GENESIS 31: IS B.C. 17-15? See footnote, Time. Rev. 10:6. 38 Q Animals, breed- ing of, Jer. 27 :5. 5 R. V. peeled 40 6 R. V. flock. 43 r Servant, Jer. 2: 14. » Camel, 1 Sam. 30:17. < Ass.domesticateil, 2 Chr. 28:15. 7 R.V. large flocks. B.C. 17.19? 1 a Laban, Gcii.2S:5 b Jacob. Gen. 27 11. c Envy, ivsumces o;, P'O'-. 14:30. 1 Or, wealth. i CourUenance, Prov. 15:13. had filled before the flocks in the gutters in the watering troughs when the flocks came to drink, that ''they should conceive when they came to drink. 39 And the flocks 'conceived before the rods, and brought forth cattle ringstraked, speck- ed, and spottetl. 40 And * Ja'cob did separate the lambs, and set the faces of the flocks toward the ringstraked, and all the ^brown in the flock of "La'ban; and he put his own flocks by themselves, and put them not unto La'ban's •'cattle. 41 And it came to pass, whenso- ever the stronger ^cattle did ''conceive, that *Ja'cob laid the rods before the eyes of the "cat- tle in the gutters, that they might conceive among the rods. 42 But when the "cattle were feeble, he "put them not in: so the feebler were '^La'ban's, '"and the stronger ''Ja'col)'s. 43 And the ''man increased ex- ceedingly, and had ^much cattle, and '^maid.servants, and men- servants, and *camels, and asses. CHAPTER 31 19 Jacob departs secretly from Laban. Rachel steals her father's images. 22 iMban pursues after .Jacob. 26 and com- plains of the wrong. 34 Rachel's jmlicy to hide the images. 36 .Jacob's comfHaint of iMban. 43 The covenant of Laban and Jacob at Galeed. AND he heard the words of ''La'y)an's sons, saying, ''Ja'cob hath taken away all that was our father's; and "^of that which wa-t our father's hath he gotten all this 'glory. 2 And Ma'cob beheld the ''countenance of "La'ban, and, behold, it wa^ not toward him as before. 3 And the Lord said unto *Ja'- cob, Return unto the land of thy fathers, and to thy kindred; and 'I will be with thee. 4 And ''Ja'cob sent and called lla'chel and "Le'ah to the held unto his flock, 5 And said unto them, I see your father's ''countenance, that it is' not toward me as before; but the ''God of my father hath been with me. 6 And ye know that with all my power ''I have served your father. 7 And your "-^-'father hath de- ceived me, and '^ 'changed my wages ten times; but God suf- fered him not to liurt me. 8 If he said thus. The speckled shall be thy *wages ; then all the ^cattle bare speckled: and if he said thus. The ringstraked shall be thy hire; then bare all the cat- tle ringstraked. 9 Thus God hath taken away the cattle of your '^•^ 'father, and given them to me. 10 And it came to pass at the time that the ^cattle '"conceived, that I lifted up mine eyes, and saw in a '^dream, and, behold, the ^rams which leaped upon the ^cattle were ringstraked, spec kled, and grisled. 1 1 And the "angel of God spake unto me in a dream, sai/inr/, ''Ja'cob: and I said. Here am I 12 And he said. Lift up now thine eyes, and see, all the ^rams which leap upon the ^cattle are ringstraked, speckled, and gris led: for I have seen all that '^La'ban doeth unto thee. 13 I am, the God of ^Beth'el, where thou ''anointedst the '^pil lar, atul where thou vowedst a *vow unto me: now arise, get thee out from this land, and re- turn unto the land of thy kindred. B.C. 1739T e O od. preserver. Gen. 2.2. f R ache I, Gen. 29:6. (/ Leah. Gen. 29:16. h Hired Servant. Lev. 25:40. I Fntlier-ln-law. JudB. 19.3 ;' Master, unjtMt, Col. 4:1. k Contracts viola- ted. Matt. 20:2. 1 Covetniisness, in- stances ol, Isa. 57:17. 8 2 R. V. flock 10 m Animals, breed- ing of. Jer. 27:5. n Dream, instancet 01. Dan. 1:17. 3 R. v. he-goats 11 o Angel, appear- ances of, 1:13. Heb. \H 13 Bethel. Josh. Anointing, in consecration , Lev, 8:12. Pillar. Gen. 28: 18. V ows, N u m 30:2. * WAGE.S. OZ-./acoft, Gen. 29:15 30: 30:28 34:31:7,41, Laborer entitled to. Oeut. 25:4: Matt. 10:10; Luke 10:7; Rom. 4:4. Afust he fust. Col. 4:1. Must be paid promptly. Lev. 19:13: Dcut. 24 15. Withholding of, denounced, Jer. 22:13; Mai. 3:5: .Tas. 5:4. Wasting of. denounced. Hag, 1:6. Contentment wUh, enjoined, Luke 3:14. Parable con- cerning. Matt, 20:1 15. Figurative, Rom. 6:23. 31: 14 GENESIS 31 1 34 B.C. 1739? See footnote, TiTne, Rev. 10:6. 14 ( Wife, loyal, Prov. 5; 18. u Inheritance, Num. 27:7. 15 V Money, Jei. 32:9. 16 w Riches, Eccl. 4:8. 17 X Camel, 1 1/ Padan-aram, Gen. 28:2. 2 Isaac, Gen. 21:3. a C a n aa n. Gen. 37. 1. 19 6 Laban, Gen. 28:5. C Sheep, Deut. 32: 14. d Rachel, Gen. 29:6. e Women, wicked, Prov. 31:10. / Theft, i/istances ot, Mark 7:22. 0 Teraphtm, idol, Judg. 17:5. h Idolatry, 1 Sam. 15:23. 20 < yaco6,Gen.27:ll. 21 i Euphrates, Gen. 15:18. t Gilead, a moun- tain. Song 4:1. 24 < God, preserver. Gen. 2:2. m DreaTn, instances of, Dan. 1:17. 25 n rem. Gen. 13 5. 14 And '-'Ra'chel and "-'Le'ah answered and said unto him, Is there yet any portion or "inheri- tance for us in our father's house ? 15 Are we not counted of him strangers ? for he hath sold us, and hath quite devoured also our "money. 16 For all the "'riches which God hath taken from our father, that is our's, and our children's: now then, whatsoever God hath said unto thee, do. 17 Tl Then Ja'cob rose up, and set his sons and his wives upon camels ; 18 And he carried away all his cattle, and all his goods which he had gotten, the cattle of his get- ting, which he had gotten in ^Pa'dan-a'ram, for to go to ^I'.saac his father in the land of '^Ca'n§,an. 19 And *La'ban went to shear his '^sheep: and "^-^Ra'chel had 'stolen the "■''images that were her father's. 20 And *Ja'cob stole away un- awares to ^La'ban the Syr'i-an, in that he told him not that he fled. 21 So he fled with all that he had; and he rose up, and passed over the 'river, and set his face toward the mount ''^Gtl'e-ad. 22 And it was told "La'ban on the third day that 'Ja'cob was fled. 23 And he took his brethren with him, and pursued after him seven days' journey; and they overtook him in the mount Gil'e-ad. 24 And 'God came to *La'ban the Syr'i-an in a '"dream by night, and said unto him. Take heed that thou speak not to 'Ja'cob either good or bad. 25 ^ Then "La'ban overtook 'Ja'cob. Now Ja'cob had pitched his "tent in the mount: and La'ban with his brethren pitched in the mount of *GiI'- e-ad. 26 And *La'ban said to 'Ja'cob, What hast thou done, that thou hast stolen away unawares to me, and carried away my daugh ters, as captives taken with the sword ? 27 Wherefore didst thou flee away secretly and steal away from me; and didst not tell me, that I might have sent thee away with mirth, and with "songs, with tabret, and with ^harp ? 28 And hast not suffered me to *kiss my sons and my daugh ters ? thou hast now done fool ishly in so doing. 29 It is in the power of my hand to do you hurt: 'but the God of your father spake unto me yesternight, saying. Take thou heed that thou speak not to 'Ja'cob either good or bad. 30 And now, though thou wouldest needs be gone, because thou sore longedst after thy fa ther's house, yet wherefore hast thou 'stolen my "•''gods ? 31 And 'Ja'cob answered and said to ^La'ban, Because 1 was 'afraid : for I said, Peradventure thou wouldest take by force thy daughters from me. 32 With whomsoever thou find- est thy "■''gods, let him not live before our brethren discern thou what is thine with me, and take it to thee. For Ma'cob knew not that ''Ra'chel had 'stolen them. 33 And ^La'ban went into *Ja'- cob's "tent, and into '-"Le'ah's tent, and into the two "maid- servants' tents; but he found them not. Then went he out of Le'ah's tent, and entered into Ra'chel's tent. 34 Now '^Ra'chel had taken the "■''images, and put them in the "'camel's furniture, and sat upon B.C. 1739? See footnote. Time, Rev. 10:6. 27 0 Music, 2 Chr. 6; 13. p Harp, Dan. 3:10. 28 g Kiss, Ruth 1:14. 29 r Obedience, to God, exemplified, Heb. 6:8. s Cowardice, in- stances of. Lev. 26:36. 33 t Leaft. Gen. 29:16. u Women, had se],- arate apartments Prov. 31:10. V Servant, Jer. 2: 14. 34 w Camel, X 30:17. 54 31: 34 GENESIS 31: 53 B.C. 1739? See footnote. Time, Rev. 10:6. X Manners. Gen. 18:2. 1/ Maistriialion, Ezck. 18:6. 36 Z Anger, 37:8.P.sa. a Strile, inslnnces 01. Prov. 30. :i. b Laban, Gen. 28:5. 37 Arbitration, in- stances of, I Kin. 3:16. 38 ri Jncnb, Gen. 27: 11. e Shepherd. J e r. 31:10. 39 / Oppressinn, in^ Slnnccs o]. Keel. 5:S. g Wife, hou'jhl. Prov. 5:18. ft Marriaqe, Ge 34:9. i Temporal H'ess- in'/s. Irnm God, Psa. 103:2. i God. preseroer, Gen. 2:2. fc Aiiversiti/, con- solation in, l\sa. 10:6. them. And ''La'ban searched all the "tent, hut found Ihnn nut. 35 Aiid she said to her father; Let it not displease my lord that I can not -^rise uf) before thee, for the ^custom of women i? up- on me. And he searched, but found not the ''■''images. 30 "Tf And 'Ja'cob was ^wroth, and "chode with ''La'ban: and Ja'cob answered and said to La'ban, \Yhat is my trespass ? what is my sin, that thou hast so hotly pursued after me ? 37 Whereas thou hast searched all my stuff, what hast thou found of all thy household stuff ? set it here before my brethren and thy brethren, that they may ''judge betwi.xt us both. 38 This twenty years have '^•'1 hern with thee; thy ewes and thy she goats have not cast their young, and the rams of thy flock have I not eaten. 39 That which was torn of beasts I brought not unto thee; I jare the loss of it ; of my hand Midst thou require it, whether stolen by day, or stolen by night. 40 Thus I was; in the day the drought consumed me, and the frost by night; and my sleep de- parted from mine eyes. 41 TIuis have ''1 l)ccn twenty years in thy house; I served thee fourteen years "''for thy two daughters, and si.x years for thy ■cattle: and thou hast changed my wages ten times. 42 'E.xcept the Hlod of my fa- ther, the God of A'bra-ham, and the fear of I'.^aac, had been with me, surely thou hadst sent me away now empty. God hatli seen mine 'affliction and the labour of my hands, and rebuked thee yesternight. 43 ^ .\nd ^La'ban answered and said unto ''Ja'cob, TJiese daughters arc my daughters, and these 'children are my children, and these -cattle arc my ^cattle, and all that thou seest t,?mine: and what can I do this day unto these my daughters, or unto their children which they have l)orn ? 44 Now therefore come tiiou, let us make a '"covenant, I and thou; and let it be for a witness between me and thee. 45 And "Ja'cob took a "stone, and set it up for a, "jHllar. 40 And ''Ja'cob said unto his brethren, Gather "stones; and they took stones, and made an heap: and they did ^'cnt there upon the heap. 47 And '^La'ban called it 'Je'- gar-sa-ha-du'tha: but ''Ja'cob called it "Care-ed. 48 And "La'ban said, This heap is a witness between me and tliee this day. Therefore was the name of it called ^Gal'e-ed; 49 And ^Miz'pah; for he said The Lord watch between me and tlice, when we are absent one from another. 50 If thou shalt afflict my daughters, or if thou shalt take other wives beside my daugh- ters, no man is with us; see, God is witness betwi.Kt me and thee. 5f And "La'ban said to ''Ja'- cob, Behold this heap, and be- hold this "jjillar, which 1 have cast l)etwi.\t me and thee; 52 This heap Jx; witness, and tins ''j)illar be witness, that I will not pass over this heap to thee, and tliat thou shalt not pass over this heap and this pillar unto me, for harm. 53 The ^-God of A'bra-hSm, and the God of Na'h6r,the5God of their father, judge betwixt us. B.C. 1739? See footnote, Ti7na. Uev. 10:6. 43 / Children, Mark 10:14. m Covenant, o} men with men, Deut. 29:1. 45 II ,'Stoncs. memorial, Kx. 24:12. 0 Pillar, Gen. 28: 18. 4r> p Feasts, Mark 12: 39. 4 That is, tlie heap of witness; S3 Q God, judge, Ge.n. R. v. (raarg.) gods t DROUGHT. Sent hi/ God as a 2 Chr. 6:26; 7:13. 1 Kin. chapters 17, 18; Jer. 14:1 6. judgment, Deut. 28:23, 24; 1 Kin. 8:35; Fieriirativo, Psa. 32:4; Isa. 44:3. : MIZPAH (ivatch- lower). In Gilead, Gen. 31:49. Possibly identical v)lth. city of Gad in Gilead, Judg. 10:17; 11:11, 29.34. 31: 63 GENESIS B.C. 17397 Oalh, n, solemn gualiftcatioii. Num. 5:19. 54 Worship, Gen. burnt. t Offerings, Lev. 6:17. u Hiqh Places, 1 Kin. 3:2. V Rising, early, (Jen. 19 ;2. ui Kiss, of affection. Ruth 1:14. X Parents, blessing of, 2 Cor. 12:14. And Ja'cob ^swcare by the fear of his father I'saac. 54 Then '^Ja'cob 'offered 'sac- rifice upon the ''mount, and called his brethren to eat bread : and they did eat l)read, and tar- lied all night in the mount. 55 And "early in the morning "La'ban rose up, and "'kissed his sons and his daughters, and ^blessed them: an<] La'ban de- parted, and returned unto his place. CHAPTER 32 Jacob's vision at Mahanaim. 3 His mes- sage to Esau. 6 He is an raid of Esaiis coming. 9 He prays [or deliverance 13 He sends a present to Esau. 24 He wrestles with an angel at Peniel. where he is called Israel. 31 He halts upon his thigh. a Jacob. Gen. 27- 11. b Angel.neb. 1:13. C Prudence, instan- ces of, 2 Chr. 2 12. a Esau, Gen. 25:25 e Seir, Deut. 1:2. / Edom, Obad. 1. ND "Ja'cob went on his he ana'els Is of g Laban, Gen. 28:5 ft ASS, 2 Chr. 28: 15. 1 Servant, Jor. 2 14. ^J^ way, and God met him. 2 And when "Ja'cob saw "them, he said, This is God's host : and he called the name of that place *Ma-ha-na'im. 3 And °Ja'cob ^sent messengers before him to '^E'sau his brother unto the land of '^Se'lr, the coun- try of 'E'dom. 4 And he commanded them, saying, '^Thus shall ye speak un- toniy lord "E'sau; Thy servant "Ja'cob saith thus, I have so- journed with «'La'ban, and stayed there until now: 5 And I have oxen, and ''assts, flocks, and 'menservants, and womenservants: and 1 have sent to tell my lord, that I may find grace in thy sight. G ^ And the messengers re- turned to ''Ja'cob, saying. We came to thy brother ''E'sau, and also he cometh to meet thee, and four hundred men with him. 7 Then "Ja'cob ^^■as great!} afraid and distressed: and 'he divided the people that was with him, and the flocks, and herds, and the camels, into two bands; 8 'And said. If '^E'sau come to the one company, and smite it, then the other company which is left shall escape. 9 t '^nd "Ja'cob %aid,0 God of my father A'bra-ham, and God of my father I'.saac, the LoRDwhich saidst unto me. Return unto thy country, and to thy kindred, and I will deal well ^^•ith thee: 10 '-'T am 'not worthy of the least of all the '"'"mercies, and of all the "truth, which thou hast shewed unto thy servant; for with my staft" I passed over this ^Jor'dan; and now I am become two bands. 11 ^Deliver me, I pray thee, from the hand of my brother, from the hand of '^E'sau: for I fear him, lest he will come and smite me, and the mother with the children. 1 2 And "thou saidst, I will surel} do thee good, and make thy ''seet as the sand of the sea, which can- not be numbered for multitude 13 t And "he lodged there that same night; and 'took of that which came to his hand a ^pves cnt for '^E'sau his brother; 32: 13 B.C. 1739? See lootnote. Time Rev. 10:6. ;■ Prayer, exempli- fied, vs. 9-12: Acts 6:4. k TUankl^ilness. ex- emplilico. Acts 24:3. / Humility, cxem- p I i fi e d, Prov. 22:4. m God, mercy at. Gen. 2:2. n Temporal Bless- ings, jTom God, Psa. 103:2. 0 God, truth. Gen. p Prayer, pleas of- fered in, Acts 6:4. q Israel, prophecies concerning, Ex. 4:22. * 1VIAH.4NAIM (two hosts or companies). The place where Jacob had the vision of angels. Gen. 32:2. The town of allotted Co Gad. Josh. 13:26, 30. Given to sons of Merarl, 1 Chr 6 80. One of the Levilical cities, .Josh. 21:38. Ish- bosheih cstahlishcs himself at. when made king over Israel, 2 Sam 2:8-12. David lodges at, at the time of Absalom s ^bellion, 2 Sam. 17:27-29; 1 Kin. 2:8. t JORD4.X, a river in Palestine. Empties into the Dead sea. Josh. 15:0. Fords of. Gen. 32:10; .Josh. 2:7; Judg. 3: 28- 7-24- 8-4: 10:9; 12;5, 6; 2 Sam. 2:29: 17:22, 24; 19:1:>. 31- 1 Chr. 19:17. swelling of. at harvest time. Josh. 3:15; Jer 12:5; and in the early spring, 1 Chr. 12:15. The waters of. miraculously separated for the passage of the Israelites, Josh. 3:4; 5:1: Psa. 114:3; or Elijah, 2 Kin. 2:6-8: o/ Elisha. 2 Kin. 2:14. Crossed i^y a ferryboat. 2 Sam. 19:18. Naa- man washes in. for the healing of his leprosy, 2 Km. 5:10-14. lohn the Baptist, baptizes in. Matt. 3:6; Maris l:o: John 1: 28: baptizes Jesus in. Matt. 3:13; Marls 1:9. Plain of. Gen. 13:10-12. Israelites camped in. ^im 21:1: 26:3, 63. Solomon's foundry in, 1 Km. 7:46; „Llu. 4.w. t PKESI^NTS. To Abraham, by Ablmelech. Gen. 20; 14 To Rebckah. Gen. 24:22. To Esau, Gen. 32:13-lo By Joseph to Ills brethren. Gen. 45:22: to his father. U^n. 4., zl TO Saul by Jesse, 1 Sam. 16:20. To prophets, 1 Km 14-3- 2 Kin 4-42 To those in adversity. Jot) 42.10, 11 Kings tow: 2 Sam. 8:10; 1 I^n. 10:10, 13; 15:18. 19. ^ On'mmwrialdays, Neh.8:10, 12; Esth. 9:19, 22; Rev. 11: 10 Betrothal. Gen. 24:53. Marriage, Ksth. 2:18. Pro- nliatoru Gen 32:20; 33:8-11: 1 Sam. 25:27-3o: Prov 21 : TiTocomrni covenants. Gen. 21:28-30: 1 Sam 18:3, 4. To obtain favor. 1 Sam. 25:27; Prov. 17:8; 18:16, Re- wtk.rd'i of service, Dan, 5:7. Tocorrunt courts, forbidden. Ex. 23:8: Deut. 16: 19; 2,: 25; Isa. 5:23. See footnote. Bribery. 1 Sam. 8:J 56 32: 14 GENESIS 33: 2 B.C. 1739? 14 r Goat, Dcut. 14:4. s Sheep, Deut. 32: 14. 13 t Milk, Job 10:10. n Camel. 1 Sam. 30:17. V Ass, domesticated, 2 Chr. 2S:15. to J abbok. Num. 21:24. 24 X Wresilfno. flour- ative. Gen. 30:8. 14 Two hundred she ''goats, and twenty he goats, two hun- dred *ewes, and twenty rams, 15 Tliirty 'milch "camels with their colts, forty kine, and ten bulls, twenty she 'asses, and ten foals. 16 And "he deb'vered ihem into the hand of his ^servants, every drove by themselves; and said unto his servants. Pass over be- fore me, and put a space be- twixt drove and drove. 17 And he commanded the foremost, saying. When ''E'sau my brother meeteth thee, and asketh thee, saying, Whose art thou? and whither goest thou? and whose arc these before thee ? IS ''Then thou shalt say, Theij be thy servant "Ja'cob's; it is a •'^present sent unto my lord ''E'sau: and, behold, also he w behind us. 19 And so commanded he the second, and the third, and all that followed the droves, saying, On this manner shall ye speak unto '^E'sau, when ye find him. 20 And say ye moreover, Be- hold, thy servant "Ja'cob is- be- lind us. For he said, '^I will ap- pease him with the ■'■jM-esent that goeth before me, and afterward I will see his face; peradventure he will accept of me. 21 So went the ■'^present over )efore him: and himself lodged that night in the company. 22 And he rose up that night, and took his two wives, and his two ^vomenservants, and hi.s eleven sons, and passed over the ord "Mab'bok. 23 And he took them, and sent them over the brook, and sent over that he had. 24 1[ And Ja'cob was left alone; and there ^wrestled a man with him until the break- ing of the day. 25 And when he saw that he gee foftnoVe^ w prevailed not against him, he touched the hollow of his thigh ; and the hollow of Ja'cob's thigh was 'out of joint, as h ■^wrestled with him. 26 And he said. Let me go, for the day breaketh. And he ^said, 'I will not let thee go, except thou bless me. 27 And he said unto him, What is thy '^name ? And he said, "Ja'cob. 28 And he said. Thy "name shall l)e called no more *Ja'cob, but "I.s'ra-el: foi -as a prince hast thou '^power with God and with men, and hast prevailed. 29 And ''Ja'cob asked hirn, and said, Tell me, I pray thee, thy name. And he said. Wherefore is it ihat thou dost ask after my name ? And he '^blessed him there. 30 And *Ja'cob called the name of the place *Pe-nT'el: for I have seen '(jod face to face, and my life is preserved. 31 And as he pas.sed over *Pe nu'el the sun rose upon him, and he halted ujxtn his thigh. 32 Therefore the children of IsVa-el eat not of the sinew ^which shrank, which is upon the hollow of the thigh, unto this day: because he touched the hol- low of ''Ja'cob's thigh in the sinew ^that shrank. CHA1>T1^:R 33 The kindness of Jacob and Esau at their meeHuQ. 17 Jacob comes to Succoth. 18 AtShalemhe buys a field, and builds an altar called El-elohe- Israel. AND ° Ja'cob lifted up his eyes, and looked, and, be- hold, ''E'sau came, and with him four hundred men. And he divided the children unto '^Le'ah, and unto ''Ra'chel, and unto the two ^handmaids. 2 And he put the ^handmaids Rev. 10:6. 25 1 R. V. strained. y Prayer, importu- nity in. Acts 6:4. 2 Perseverance, in- stances of, Eph. 6:18. 27 a Name, Prov. 22:1. 6 Jacob, Gen. 11. 28 c Spiritual Power, Luke 24:49. 2 R. V. thou hast striven 29 d Reyeneration. stances of, T 3:3. 30 e Or. Petuiel ohe face of God). Judtf. 8:8, 9. 17; 1 Kin. 12:25. / God, appearances of. Gen. 2:2. 32 3 R. V. of the bip a Jacob, Oen. 27: II. ft Fsau, Gen.25:25. c Leah, Gen. 29:16. d Rachel, Gen. 29:6. e Servant, Jer.2:14. U ISR.4Kf.. (he who strlveth with God. or, God striveth). A name given to Jacob, Gen. 32:24-32; 35:10; 2 Kin. 17:34. 57 33: 2 GENESIS 33: 18 B.C. 1739? See footnote. Time, Rev. 10:6. / Partiality, 1 Tim. S 21. g Salulat ions, l^uke 1:44. fi Brother, r ec o ti- died, Prov. IS: 24. t Forgiveness, in- stances oj. Matt. 18: 1. / Reconciliation.be- tween man and man, 2 Cor. 5:18. fc Kiss, Ruth 1:14. I Weeping, instan- ces of, Ezra 3:13. m Children, gift of God. Mark 10:14. 8 n Presents, flocks and herds. Gen. 32:13. o Conscience, ac- cusing, instances of. Acts 23:1. p Contentment, in- stances of, 1 Tim. 10 q Flattery.instances of, Prov. 6:24 and their children foremost, and '^Le'aii and her children after, ''and '^Ra'chel and *Jo'.seph hindermo.st. 3 And he passed over before them, and ''bowed himself to the ground seven times, until he came near to his brother. 4 And *'''E'sau ran to meet him, and '•■'embraced him, and fell on his neck, and ^kissed him: and they 'wept. 5 And he lifted up his eyes, and saw the women and the children; and said. Who are those with thee ? And he said, The '"chil- dren which God hath graciously riven thy servant. 6 Then the ^handmaidens came near, they and their children, and they ''bowed themselves. 7 And ^Le'ah also with her chil- dren came near, and ''bowed themselves : and after came Jo'- seph near and ''Ra'chel, and they "bowed themselves. 8 And ''he said, What meanest thou by all this drove which I met ? And "he said, ^''■"TJicse are to find grace in the sight of my lord. 9 And "E'sau said, n have enough, my brother; keep that thou hast unto thyself. 10 And ''Ja'cob said, Nay, I pray thee, if now I have found grace in thy sight, then receive my "^p resent at my hand: *for therefore I have seen thy face, as thouirh I had seen the face of God, and thou wast pleased with me. 11 Take, I pray thee, my ^•"blessing that is brought to thee; because God hath ''dealt graciously with me, and because 1 have enough. And he urged him, and he took it. 12 And he said. Let us take our journey, and let us go, and I will go before thee. 13 And "he said unto *him, JNIy lord knoweth that the children are tender, and the flocks and herds with young are with me: and *if men should overdrive them one day, all the flock will die. 14 Let my lord, I pray thee, pass over before his servant : and I will lead on softly, according as the cattle that goeth before me and the children be able to en dure, until I come unto my lord unto 'Se'ir. 15 And ^E'sau said. Let me now leave with thee some of the folk that are with me. And '^he said. What needeth it ? let me find grace in the sight of my lord 16 T[ So ''E'sau returned that day on his way unto 'Se'lr. 17 And '^Ja'cob journeyed to 'Stic'coth, and built him an house, and made ^'booths for his cattle : therefore the name of the place is called Siic'coth. 18 ^ And Ja'cob came to Sha' lem, a city of "She'chem, which is in the land of •'^Ca'naan, when he came from ^Padan-a'ram; B.C. 1739? See footnote, Time, Rev. 10:6. 11 r Prosperiti/, God, Eccl. ' 1 R. V. gilt from r:14. 13 A nimals, kl nd» ness to, Jer. 27:5. 14 t Seir, Deut. V.Z, 17 u Succoth, J u d g. 8:5. V Booth, Lev. 23: 42. 18 w Shechem, Josh. 20:7. X Canaan, Gen. 37:1. y Padan-aram, Gen. 28:2. * JOSEPH (increase). Son of Jacob, Gen. 30:24. Per- sonat appearance of , Gen. S9:6. His father's favorite child. Gen. 33:3; 37:3, 4. 35; 48:22; 1 Chr. 5:2; John 4:5. His father'r- partiality for, excites the jealousy of his brethren. Gen. 37:4. 11.18 28; Psa. 105:17; Acts 7 :9. His prophetic dreams of his forttines in Egypt, Gen. 37:5 11. Sold into Egypt. Gen. 37:27, 28; Psa. 105:17. Is falsely reported to his father as killed by wild beasts. Gen. 37:29-35. Is bought bii Potiphar, an officer of Pharaoh. Gen. 37 :3G. Is prospered of God, Gen. 39:2-5, 21, 23. Is falsely accused, and cast into prison: is delivered by the friendship of another prisoner. Gen. 39; 40; 4i; Psa. 105:18. Is an interpreter of dreams: of the two prisoners. Gen. 40:5~2&: of Pharaoh. Gen. 41:1 37. His name is changed to Zaphnath-paaneaL, which signifies a revealer of secrets. Gen. 41:45. 7s promoted to authority next to Pharaoh at thirty years of age. Gen. 41:37-46; Psa. 105:19 22. Takes to wife the daughter of the priest of On. Gen. 41:45. Provides against the years of famine. Gen. 41: 46-57 Sells the stores of food to the people of Egypt, exacting of them all their money, flocks and herds, lands and lives. Gen. 47:13 26. Exempts the priests from the exactions. Gen. 47:22, 26. His father sends down into Egypt to buy corn. Gen. 42; 43; 44. Reveals himself to his brethren; sends for liis father: provides the land of Goshen for his people: and sustains them during the famine. Gen. 45; 46; 47:1 12; Acts 7:13, 14. His two sons. Gen. 41:50-52. See footnotes: Ephraim, Gen. 41:52; Manasskh, Gen. 46:20. Mourns the death of Mi father. Gen. 50:1 14. Exacts a pledge from, his brethren to convey his remains toCanaan.Gen. 50:24, 25; Heb. 11 :22 (vi'ith E.x. 13:19; Josh. 24:32; Acts7:16). Deathof .Gen. 50:22 26, Kindness of heart. Gen. 40:7. 8. His integrity, Gen. 39, 7 12; ftMm««;/, Gen. 41:16; 45:7 9; wisdom. Gen. 41:33 57 piety. Gen. 41:51. 52; faith. Gen. 45:5-8. Was a prophet. Gen. 41:38, 39; 50:25; Ex. 13:19. God's providence with Gen. 39:2 5; Psa. 105:17-22. His sons conjointly called Joseph. Deut. 33:13-17. Descendants of. Gen. 46;20 Num. 26:28-37. 58 33: 18 GENESIS 34: 11 B.C. 1739? See footnote. Time, Rev. 10:6. 19 S Land, liutli 4:3. a Hamor. Gen. 34: IS. 6 Shechcm. Gen. 34:2. c .l/o«n/. Jer. 32:9. 20 d Allnr. Gen. S:20. 3 That is, God. the God oi Israel. B.C. 1732? a Gon. 30:21. 6 LcoA, Gen. 29 16. C Jacob, Gen. 27: 11. Hivites, Gen, 10: 17. Sedtict ion. instan- ces oU Deut. 22: 23. Adultery, instan- ces of. Lev. 20 10. R. V. humbled 2 Heb. to the heart of the damsel. 5 Wtje. Prov. 5.18. and pitched his tent before the city. 19 And he houglit a parcel of a ■field, Avhere he had spread his tent, at the hand of the children of "Ha'nior, ''She'chem's father, for an hundred pieces of '^money. 20 And he erected there an ''al- tar, anil called it ^El-e-lo'he- Ts'ra-el. CHAPTER 34 Dinah is defiled by Shechem, 4 He sues to marry her. 13 The sons of Jacob offer the condition of circumcision to the Shech- cmiles. Zi) II amor and Shechem persuade them to accept it. S.") v he sons of Jacob upon that advantage slay them, 27 and spoil their city. 30 jacob reproves Simeon and Levi. AND "Dl'nah the daughter of ''Le'ah, which she bare unto '^Ja'cob, went out to see the daughters of the land. 2 And when ''She'chein the son of "Ha'mor the '^Hl'vlte, prince of the country, saw her, he took her, and ''"'lay with her, and Me- filed her. 3 And his soul clave unto^Di'- nah the daughter of '^ Ja'cob, and he loved the damsel, and sj)ake "kindly unto the damsel. 4 And "^Slie'chem spake unto his father Ha'mor, saying. Get me this damsel to ^- ^wife. 5 .\nd '^.Ta'cob heard thai he had defiled "Dl'nah his daugh- ter: now his sons were with his cattle in the field: and Ja'cob ''held his peace until they were come. 6 Tl And Ha'mor the father of *She''chem went out unto '^Ja' cob to commune with him. 7 And the sons of Ja'cob came out of the field when they heard it: and the men were grieved, and they were very 'wroth, be- cause he had wrought folly in Is'ra-el in *• 'lying with Ja'cob's daughter; which thing ought not to be done. 8 And Ha'mor communed with them, saying, The soul of my son "She'chem longeth for your daughter: I pray you give 'her him to ''• ^wife. 9 And make ye ^marriages with us, and give your daughters unto us, and take our daughters unto you. 10 And ye shall dwell with us: and the land shall be before you; dwell and trade ye therein, and get you possessions therein. 11 And She'chem said unto her father and unto her breth- ren, Let me find grace in your eyes, and what ye shall say unto me I will give. B.C. 1733? See footnote, TiTne, Rev. 10:6. h Prudence, instan- ces of, 2 Chr. 2: 12. Antjer, instancei o), Psa. 37:8. 8 Women, could noi marry without consent of par- ents, Prov. 31:10. * SHECHK.M, son of Hamor. Seduces Jacob's daughter, slain by Jacob's sons. Gen. 33:19: 34; Josh. 24:32; Judg. 9: 28. T M.\RRI.\.GE. Divine institution of. Gen. 2:18, 20- 24; Matt. 19:4-6; Mark 10:7, 8. 1 Cor. 6:16; Eph. 5:;il. Based on lair of nature, 1 Cor. 11:11, 12 (with Gen. 2:18). Unity of husband and wife in. Gen. 2:23. 24; Matt. 19:5, 6; Mark 10:2-10; 1 Cor. 6:16; Eph. .5:31, 33. Commended. Prov. 18:22; Heb. 13:4. Obligations under, inferior to duty to God, Deut. 13:6-10; Matt. 19:29; Luke 14:26. Indissoluble except for adultery, Mai. 2:13-16: Matt. 5:31. 32; Mark 10:11, 12: Luke 16:18; Rom. 7:1-3; 1 Cor. 7:39, 40. Dissolved by death, Rom. 7:1-3. Enjoined on exiled .yei/'s. Jer. 29:6. Enjoined for sake of chastity, 1 Cor. 7:1 7. None in the resurrection state. Matt. 22:29. 30; Mark 12:24, 25. I.evirale (the brother required to marry a brother's widow). Gen. 38:8, 11; Deut. 25:5-10; Ruth 4:5; Matt. 22: 24-27; Mark 12:19-23; Luke 20:28-33. Mosaic laws concernlnp: Of priests. Lev. 21:1, 7, 13-15. O! captives. Tyeut. 21:10-14. Of divorced persons. Deut. 24: 1-5. Within tribes. Num. 36:8 Incestuous, forbidden. Lev. 18:6-18 (with Deut. 22:30); 20:14, 17, 19-21; Mark 6:17, 18. .Among ante dlluvinns.j^tcw. 6:2. Among re'atlres, Abra ham and Sarah. Gen. n':29: 12:13; 20:2, 9-16; Isaac and Bebekah. Gen. 24:3, 4, 67; Jacob and his wives. Gen. 28:2: 29:15-30. Parents contract for their children: Hagar selects a irife for Ishmael, Gen. 2\:2\ .Abraham for Isaac. Gen. 2i iMban arranges for his daughters' marriage. Gen. 29. Samson asks Ms parents to procure him a wife. Judg. 14:2. Parents' consent required in the Mosaic law. Ex. 22:17. Presents given to parents to secure their favor. Gen. 24:53; 34:12; 1 Sam. 18:25. Nuptial /co.s/s, Gen. 29:22; Judg. 14:12; Esth 2:18; Matt. 22:11, 12. Jesus present at, John 2:1-5. Cere- mony attested by vntnesses, Ruth 4 :1-1\; Isa. 8:1-3. Bride- groom exempt one year from military duty, Deut. 24:.5. Bridal ornaments, Isa. 49:18; Jer. 2:32. Bridal presents. Gen. 24:53. Herald preceded the bridegroom. Matt. 25:6. Wedding robes adorned with jeivels. Isa. 61:10. Festlvltlei attending, Jer. 7:34; 16:9; 25:10; Rev. 18:23. Wives obtained by purchase. Gen. 29:20, 27-29; 31:41: Ruth 4:10; 2 Sam. 3:14; Hos. 3:2; 12:12; bi/ kidnapping, Judg. 21:21-23. Given by Kings, 1 Sam. 17:25; 18:17, 27. Daughters given in, as rewards of valor, Judg. 1:12; 1 Sam. 17:25; 18:27. Wives taken by edict, Esth. 2:2-4, 8-14. Wives among the Israelites must be Israelites. Jix. 34:16; Deut. 7:3, 4; Ezra 9:1, 2, 12; Neh. 10:30; 13:26,27; Mai. 2:11. Betrothal a qucsl-marriage. Matt. 1:18; Luke 1:27. Discouraged among the Corinthians, 1 Cor. 7:8, 9, 25-40 (with v. 1). Celibacy deplored, Snd^. 11 :38: Isa. 4:1. Un- happlness in. Prov. 21:9, 19. Ofwldoirs. Rom. 7:1 3; 1 Cor. 7:39, 40: 1 Tim. 5:14. Of ministers, Lev. 21:7, 8. 13, 14; Ezek. 44:22; 1 Cor. 9:5; 1 Tim. 3:2, 12. Prophecies concerning the forbidding of, 1 Tim. 4:1. 3. Flguradvp. Isa. 54:5; 62:4, 5; Jer. 3:14:31 :32; Ezek. 16:8; Hos. 2:19. 20: Eph. 5:23 32; Rev. 19:7 9. I'arablesof, Matt. 22:2 10: 25:1 10; Mark 2:19, 20: Jolm 3:29; 2 Cor. 11:2. See footnotes: Bhide, Isa. 49:18; BrnoKGRooM, Isa. 61' 10; DivoHCE, Matt. 19:7; Husband, Num. 30:6; Wife. Prov. 5:18. .59 34: 12 GENESIS 34: 31 B.C. 1732? See footnote, TiTns, Rev. 10:6. It Deception, instan- ce* oj. Josh. 9:4. 15 I Circumcision, Gen. 17:10. m Covenant, oJ men with men, Deut. 29:1. 20 » Qattt, Deut. 3:5. 12 Ask me never so much ^dow- ry and gift, and I will give ac- cording as ye shall say unto me : but give me the "••'damsel to ^' ^vife. 13 And the sons of '^Ja'cob an- swered *She'cheni and "Ha'- mor his father ^deceitfully, and said, because he had defiled "Dl'nah their sister: 14 And they said unto them, ^Ve cannot do this thing, to give our sister to one that is uncir- cumciscd; for that ivcre a re- proach unto us: 15 But in this will we consent unto you: '^If ye will be as we he, that every male of you be ^cir- cumcised ; 16 ^'"'Then will we give our daughters unto you, and we will take your daughters to us, and we will dwell with you, and we will become one people. 17 But if ye will not hearken unto us, to be 'circumcised; then will we take our daughter, and we will be gone. 18 And their words pleased Ha'mor, and *She'chem Ha'- mor's son. 19 And the young man deferred not to do the thing, because he had delight in '"Ja'cob's "daugh- ter : and he was more honourable than all the house of his father. 20 And "Ha'mor and *She'- chem his son came unto the "gate of their city, and com- muned with the men of their city, saying, 21 These men are peaceable with us ; therefore let them dwell in the land, and trade therein; for the land, behold, it is large enough for them; let us ^take their daughters to us for wives, and let us give them our daugh- ters. 22 Onlv herein will the men consent unto us for to dwell with us, to be one people, if every male among us be 'circumcised, as they are circumcised. 23 Shall not their cattle and their substance and every beast of their's be our's ? only let us consent unto them, and they will dwell with us. 2-1 And unto "Ha'mor and unto "She'chem his son hearkened all that went out of the ''gate of his city; and every male was 'cir- cumcised, all that went out of the gate of his city. 25 Tl And it came to pass on tlu third day, when they were sore that two of the sons of '^Ja'cob, "Sim'e-on and ^'Le'vi, Di'nah's brethren, took each man hi ^sword, and came upon the city ^boldly, and ''•^slew all the males. 26 And they ''•'slew "Ha'mor and She'chem his son with the edge of the ^sword, and took Dl'nah out of She'chem's house, and went out. 27 The sons of Ja'cob came up- on the slain, and 'spoiled the city, because they had ^-Mefiled their sister. 28 They took their 'sheep, and their oxen, and their asses, and that which tvas in the city, and that which was in the field. 20 And all their wealth, and all their little ones, and their wives took they captive, and 'spoiled even all that was in the house 30 And ^Ja'cob said to "Sim'e- on and ''Le'vl, Ye have troubled me to make me to stink among the inhabitants of the land, among the "Ca'naan-Itcs and the "Per'iz-zites : and I bcwg few in number, they shall gather them selves together against me, and slay me; and I shall be de- stroyed, I and my house. 31 And thev said, Should he B.C. 1733? See footnote. TiTne, Rev. 10:6. 25 o Simeon, Gen. 29: 33. p Levi, Gen. 29:34. q Sword, 1 Chr. 21:5. r Homicide, in- stances ot feloni- ous, Deut. 5:17. s Revenge, instan- ces 0/, Ezek. 25: 15. 3 R. v. unawares, 27 t Spoilt, 1 Chr. 29. u Canaanites, 23:28. r Perizzites, 15:20. Gen. J DOWRY. Sum paid to parents for a daughter taken as wire. Gen. 34:12; Ex. 22:16, 17; 1 Sam. 18:25. 11 HAMOR, father of Shechem. Jacob buys ground from children of. Gen. 33:19; Josh. 24:32: Judg. 9:28. (In Acts 7 :16, this purchase is attributed to Abraham.) Murdered Mi the sons of Jacob, Gen. 34:26: 49:6. 00 34: 31 B.C. 1732? See footnote. Tims, Rev. lOG. GENESIS 36: 19 a Jacob, Gen. 27: 11. 6 Bethel. Josh. 18: 13. c Commandments, enjoining tcor- ship, Deut. S:2. d Worship, en- joined. Gen. 22:.5. e Altar, Gen. 8:20. / Esau, Gon.25:25. g Idolatry, de- nounced. 1 Sara. 1,t:23. h Ternphim, idol, Jnd^'. 17:5. i Holiness, enjoin- ed, Ex. 39:30. ; Purification, .Num. 19:19. 1 R. y. puriry your- .selve.s, fc Family Worship, 1 .S.ani. 1:19. ( Thankjulness, to dod. Acts 24:3. TO (lod, preserver, <;fn. 2:2. V Earring, Prov. J.=i:12. 0 Jeuels, Gen. 24. 53. p Shechem, Josh. 20:7. 2 Or, Itrebliith Canaan, Gen. 37:1. i That is. the God of HctlicI S r Gen. 24:.'>9. s Rebekah,C,(;n.2i. 15. t Nurse, 2 Chr. 22 11. (leal with our sister as with an harlot ? CHAPTER 35 God sends .Jacob to J Ahel. 2 Jacob puts away the strange gods from his household. 6 He Ouildsan altar at Bethel. 8 Deborah dies. 9 God blesses Jacob at Bethel. 16 Rachel travails with Benjamin, and dies inthc way to Bethlehem. 23 The sons of Jacob. 27 Jacob comes to Isaac at Hebron. 28 The age, death, and burial of Isaac. AND God said unto °Ja'- cob, Arise, go up to ''Beth'el, and dwell there: and '^■''niake there an ''altar unto God, that appeared unto thee when thou fleddest from the face of ^E'sau tliy brother. 2 Then ''Ja'cob said unto his household, and to all that were with him, ^Put away the strange ''gods that are among you, and ^■'■■'be clean, and change your garments : 3 And let ^us arise, and go up to ^Beth'el; and ^I will make there an ''altar unto God, '"who answered me in the day of my distress, and was with me in the way which I went. 4 And they gave unto ''Ja'cob all the strange '^gods which were in their hand, and all their "■ ''ear- rings which were in their ears ; and Ja'cob hid them under the ■ oak which was by'^She'chem. 5 And they journeyed : and the terror of God was upon the cities that were r xmd about them, and they did not pursue after the sons of "Ja'cob. 6 If So ''Ja'cob came to Lfiz, whicii i.s' in the land t.f ''Ca'niian, that is; ''Beth'el, he, and all the people that were with him. 7 And he built there an ''altar, and called flic ))lacc ^El-beth'- el: because there God a))j)eared unto him, when he fle(l from the face of his brother. 8 But '•Dcb'o-rah ^Re-bek'ah's 'nurse died, and she was l)Uried beneath *Beth'el "under an oak: and the name of it was called Urion-bach'uth. 9 Tf And ^'God appeared unto '^ Ja'cob again, when he came out of '"Pii'dan-a-'ram, and ^blessed him. 10 And God said unto him. Thy ^name is Ja'cob : thy name shall not be called any more Ja'- cob, but ^Is'ra-el sliall be thy name: antl he called his name Ls'ra-el. 11 And God said unto him, I am. ^-"God Almighty: be fruitful and multiply; a "nation and a company of nations shall be of thee, and kings shall come out of thy loins; 12 And the ''land which I gave ''A'bra-ham and ''Psaac, to thee I will give it, and to thy seed after thee will I give the land 13 And God \\'ent up from him in the place where he ''talked with him. 14 And ^^ Ja'cob set up a ''pillar in the place where he talked with him, even a pillar of stone: and he poured a drink ^offering there on, and he 'poured *oil thereon 15 And ''Ja'cob called the name of the place where God ''spake with him, ^Beth'el. 16 Tf And they journeyed from 'Beth'el: and there was but a little way to come to '"Eph'rath: and '^Ra'chel travailed, and sh had hard labour. 17 And it came to pass, when "she was in hard labour, that the ^midwife said unto her. Fear not ; thou shalt have this son also. 18 And it came to pass, as "her soul was in depai-ting, (for she "(lied) that she called his name ''B('''n(")'nT: but his father called him •'^Ben'ja-inTn. 19 And "Ra'chel "died, and B.C. 1732? u Burying Places, Gen. 23:4. 4 That is, the oak of weeping. 9 V God, appearance! of. Gen. 2:2. w Padan-aram, Gen. 28:2. X Temporal Bless- itKis, from God, Psa. 103:2. 10 y N n m e, Prov. 22:1. z Israel, Gen. 32: 28. 11 a God, otnnipotent. Gen. 2:2. b Israel, prophecies concerning, Ex. 4 :22. 5 Heb. El Shaddal 12 c Canaan, Gen. 37; 1. d Abraham, Gen. 17:5. e Isaac, Gen. 21:3. 1.3 /Communion, with God, 2 Cor. I3:l4. 14 g Jacob, Gen. 27: 11. h Pillar, Gen. 28: IS. i Offerings, drink. Lev. 6:17. j Anointing, in con,' secration. Lev. 8; 12 Ic Oil, Deut. 12:17 15 I Bethel Jo.sh. Ig 13. in ni Or, Bethlehem, Gen. 4iS:7. n Bachel. Gen. 29.6. B.C. 1729? 18 0 heath. Num. 23. 10. (» That is. the sou of ray sorrow; * 0.4K, a tree. Grew in Palestine. Gen. 3.">:4. Absalom hnng in the boughs of, 2 .Sam. 18:9. 14. Deborah burled under. Gen. 35:8. Oars made of, EzcU. 27:0. Figurative, Amos 2 :9 T MinWIFKRY, Gen. .1.j:17: Ex. 1:15-21: Ezek. 16:4. i BEN.IAMIN (son of the right hand). Son of Jacol by Rachel, Gen 35:18. 24: 40:19. Taken into Egypt, Gen. chapters 42 45 I'rophrcy concerning. Gen. 49:2'. De 35: 19 GENESIS 36: 13 B.C. 1729? See footnote. Time, Rev. 10:6. 19 p Burial, Acts 8;2. 21 q Tent, Gen. 13:5. T T 0 w er, 2 Chr. 26:9. » Mlc. 4:S (marg.) 22 Incest, instances of. Lev. 1S:6. u hilhah. Gen. 29: 29. I' Concubinage, 2 Sam. 21:11. 23 w Genealogy, ys.23- 26; 1 Chr. 5:1. X Leah, Gen. 29: 16. y Firstborn, Zech. 12:10. z Simeon, Gen. 29. 33. a Levi. Gen. 29:34. 6 Judah, Gen. 37: 26. c /ssacftar.Gen.SO: IS. d Zebulun, Gen. 30: 20. 24 e Genealogy, 1 Chr. 5:1. / Rachel, Gen. 29:0. g Joseph. Gen. 33:2. h Bilhah. Gen, 29: 29. t SeTvant,3Qr.2:\i. j Dan, Gen. 30:6. k Xaphtali, Gen. 30:8. 26 I Zilpah. Gen. 29: 24. m Leah.Gen. 29:16. n Gad, Gen. 30:11. o .4xAer, Gen. 30' 13. p Jacob. Gen. 27: 11. 5 Padan-aram, Gen. 2S:2. 27 r /saac. Gen. 21:3. s Mamre. Gen. 13; 18. t Hebron. Gen. 23:2. u Abraham. Gen. 17:5. 28 t; Longevity, instan. C2S0U Psa. 91:16. B.C. 1716? 29 w Death, described. Num. 23:10. X Esau. Gen. 25 -25. y Burial, .\ets 8.2. B.C. 1796? See footnote. Time, Rev. 10:6. a Genealogy, of Esau. vs. 1-43; 1 Chr. 5.1. & Esau, Gen, 25" 25. c Polygamy, Deut. 17:i7. was ^buried in the M^ay to Eph'- rath, which is '"Beth'le-hem. 20 And Ja'cob set a ''pillar upon her grave: that is ths pillar of "Ra'chel's grave unto this day. 21 ^ And Is'ra-el journeyed, and spread his 'tent beyond the tower of ^E'diir. 22 And it came to pass, when J.s'ra-el dwelt in that land, that "Reu'ben went and 'lay with "Birhah his father's "concubine : and Ls'ra-el heard it. Now the sons of Ja'cob were twelve: 23 "'The sons of ^Le'ah; "Reu'- ben, Ja'cob's ^firstborn, and 'Sim'e-on, and "Le'vi, and ''Ju'- dah, and '^Is'sa-char, and '^Zeb'- u-liin : 24 ^The sons of ''Ra'chel; ''Jo'- seph, and ■''Ben'ja-min : 25 'And the sons of ''BTrhah, ^Ra'chel's 'handmaid; 'Dan, and "Naph'ta-li: 26 And the sons of ^Zil'pah, "Le'ah's 'handmaid; "Gad, and "Ash'er: these are the sons of 'Ma'cob, which were born to him in ''Pa'dan-a'ram. 27 T[ And ^Ja'cob came unto 'i'.saac his father unto ^■Nlarn're, unto the city of iVr'bah, which is He'bron, where ''A'bra-ham and I'^aac sojourned. 28 And the days of ''I'.saac were -'an hundred and fours core years. 29 And ''I'saac '"gave up the ghost, and died, and was gath- ered unto his people, being "old and full of days: and his sons ""E'sau and ^Ja'cob "buried him. CHAPTER 36 Esau's family in (Canaan. 6 He removes to Mount Scir. 9 His descendants in Seir. 20 The sons and dukes of Seir. 31 The kings of Edom. 40 The dukes that descended of Esau. IVrOW these are the ''genera- -L^ tionsof ''E'sau.whoi^E'dom. 2 ''E'sau took his "^wives of the ''daughters of Ca'naan; A'dah the daughter of "E'lon the 'Hit'- tite, and A-hol-i-ba'mah the daughter of A'nah the daughter of Zib'e-on the ^'Hl'vlte; 3 And ''Bash'e-math 'Ish'ma- el's daughter, sister of 'Ne-ba'- joth. 4 And A'dah bare to *E'sau ^I'^l'i-phriz; and ''Bash'e-math bare ^Reii'el; 5 And .A-hol-i-ba'mah bare ''Je'ush, and '''Ja-a'lam, and Ko'rah: these are the sons of "E'sau, which were born unto him in the land of '"Ca'naan. 6 And ''E'sau took his ''wives, and his sons, and his daughters, and all the persons of his house, and his cattle, and all his beasts, and all his substance, which he had got in the land of '"Ca'naan ; and went into the country from the face of his brother "Ja'cob 7 For their riches were more than that they might dwell to gether; and the land wherein they were strangers could not bear them because of their cattle. 8 Thus dwelt E'sau in mount "Se'Tr: E'siiu is E'dom. 9 Tf And these are the "genera- tions of ''E'sau the father of the ''E'dom-Ttes in mount "Se'Tr: 10 "These are the names of E'sau's sons; ^'El'i-phaz the son of A'dah the wife of E'sau, 'Reu'el the son of ''Bash'e-maih the wife of E'sau. 11 And "the sons of ''El'i-phaz were 'Te'man, "^O'mar, *Ze'ph6, and ''Ga'tam, and'^Ke'naz. 12 And Tim'na was 'concubine to '^El'i-philz E'sau's son; and she bare to El'i-phaz 'Ara'a-lek: these were the sons of A'dah E'sau's wife. 13 And these are the sons of B.C. 1796? See footnote. Time, Rev. 10:6. d Canaanites, Ex, 23:28. e Gen, 26:34. / Hitlites, Judg. 1; 26. g Hnites. Gen, 10: 17, h Or, Mahalalh. Gen. 28:9, i Ishmael, Gen, 16: 11, j Gen. 25:13. B.C. 1-60? 4 k 1 Chr. 1:35, I 1 Chr. 1 :35, 37. m C anaan. Gen. 37:1. B.C. 1740? See footnote. Time. Rev, 10:6, Jacob. Gen, 27: 11, o ..Seir. Deut, 1:2. p Edmnilcs. 2 Kin, 8:21, 11 q 1 Chr, 1:36, 53. r 1 Chr, 1:30. s Or, Zephi, 1 Chr, 1 :36. 12 Concubinage. 2 Sam. 21:11, SCendarUs Of . Gen 46:21: Num. 26:."?8 41: 1 Chr. 7:6 12, Brings mandrakes to his mother. Gen. 30:14, Commiti Tribe of, see footnote. Benjamin. Tribe of. Num. l:,^7. incest with one ot his father's concubines, and. in consequence. U REUBEX. Son of -Jacob, Gen. 29:32; 1 Chr. 2:1. I forfeits the Dirlhright, Gen. s:,:22. 40:1. 1 Chr 5:1. Adroitly 62 36: 13 B.C.1740? Si'e footnote. Timt, Rev. 10:6. GENESIS 36: 35 13 u 1 Chr. 1:37. 1715? See footnote. Timt, Rev. 10:6. Ifi V Edom, Obad. 1. B.C. 1840? See footnote, Tunc. Rev. 10:6. 20 w 1 Chr. 1.38. X 1 Chr 1 .:iS. 39. V 1 Chr. 1:38. 40. 2 1 Chr. 1 :38, 42. a 1 Chr. 1:38. 39. 'Reu'el; "Na'hath, an:! "Ze'iah, "Sham'mah, and ".Miz'zah: these were the sons of ''Bash'e- math "E'sau's Avife. 14 And "these were the .sons of A-hol-i-ha'niah, the daughter of A'nah the daughter of Zib'e-on, *E'sau's wife: and she bare to E'sau ''Je'ush, and ''Ja-a'lam, and Ko'rah. 15 ^ These were *thikcs of the sons of E'sau: the sons of '^El'l- phaz the firstborn son of E'sau; duke 'Te'nian, duke 'O'mar, duke ^Ze'piid, duke 'Ke'naz, 16 Duke Ko'rah, duke ^Ga'- tam, and duke 'Am'a-lek: these arc the dukes that came of ''El'i- phaz in the hind of "'E'dom; these were the sons of A'dah. 17 And these are the sons of 'Reii'el E'sjiu's son; duke ''Na'- hath, duke "Ze'rah, duke "Sham'mah, duke "Miz'zah: these are the *dukes thai came of Reu'el in the land of "E'dom; these are the sons of ^Bash'e- math "E'sau's wife. 18 And these are the sons of A-hol-i-ba'mah ^E'sau's Avife; duke ^Je'ush, duke ^Ja-a'lam, duke Ko'rah: these were the dukes that came of A-hoI-i-ba'- mah the daughter of A'nah, E'sau's wife. 19 These are the sons of ''E'sau, who ?,v E'doni, and these are their *dukes. 20 ^ These are the sons of '^'Se'Tr tlie Ilo'rite, who inhab- ited thehmd ; n.o'tan,and ^Sho'- bal, and ''Zib'e-on, and '"A'nah, 21 And "'Di'shon, and ^E'zer, and '"Dl'shan: these are the dukes of the Ilo'rites, the chil- dren of "Se'ir in the land of "E'- doni. 22 And the children of '^Ld'tan were "Ho'rl and ^lle'mam; and Lo'tan's sister was ''TTni'na. 23 Antl the children of ''Shr/bal were these; ^Al'van, and 'j\Ian'a- hath, and ^E'bal, ''She'pho, and ^O'nain. 24 xAnd these are the children of '^Zib'e-on; both "A'jah, and 'A'nah: this was that A'nah that found the 'mules in the wilder ness, as he fed the asses of Zib' e-on his father. 25 And the children of *A'nah tivre these; ^Di'shon, and A-hdl- i-ba'mah the daughter of A'nah. 26 And these are the children of ■Dl'shon; ^Hem'dan, and 'Esh'- ban, and 'Jth'ran, and 'Che'ran. 27 The children of 'E'zer are these; "'BTl'han, and '"Za'a-van, and "A'kan. 28 The children of "Dl'shan are these; ''Uz, and ^A'ran. 29 These are the *dukes that came of the Ho'rltes; duke Ld'- tan, duke ''Shd'bal, duke '^Zib'- e-on, duke "A'nah, 30 Duke ''Dl'shon, duke "E'zer, duke ""Dl'shan: these are the dukes that came of Hd'ii, among their dukes in the land of Se'Tr. 31 If And these arc the 'kings thatreigned inthelandof ''E'dom, before there reigned anv king over the children of ^Ls'ra-el. 32 And 'Be'la the son of ^'Be'or reigned in E'dom: and the name of his city was ''Din'ha-bah. 33 And 'Bc'kl died, and Mo' bab the son of "^^Ze'rah of ^Boz'- i-ah reigned in his stead. 34 And ''Jo'bab died, and 'Ilu'sham of the land of Tem'- a-ni reigned in his stead. 35 And •''Ilu'shani died, and ^Ha'dad the son of Be'dad, who smote ^Mtd't-an in the field of "JNId'ab, reigned in his stead ;| R.C. 1840? See footnote. Time Hev. 10:6. b 1 Chr. 1:39. c Or. Ilommn, 1 Chr. 1:39. 23 (1 1 Chr, 1 38. 40. e Or, A llan, 1 Chr 1:40. / 1 Chr. 1:40. g Or, Shephi, 1 Chr. 1 40. 24 h Or. A mil. 1 Chr. 1:40 i 1 Chr. 1.40. 41. 1 R. v. hot springs ;■ 1 Chr. 1 41. 26 '■: Or, Amram. 1 Clir. 1:41. 27 I 1 Chr. 1 38. 42. m 1 Chr. 1 42. « Or. Jaakan, Drut. 10 6: or. J aha n, 1 Chr. 1,42. 28 o 1 Chr. 1 38. P 1 Clir. 1.42. B.C. 1780? See fcintiidtc, Time. Kcv. 10;6. 31 Q Hiilers. Ex. 18: 21. r Edom. Obad. 1 s Israel. E.\. 4:22. 32 I 1 Chr. 1:43. 44 u I Chr. 1:43. 33 V 1 Chr. 1 44, 45, w 1 Chr, 1 44, 34 X 1 Chr. 1 45. 46. y 1 Chr. 1:40. z MldianUes. Gen. 37:28. a M nab. Num. 20 3. seeks to snre .Joseph {ram the conspiracy of hts brothers, (icn 37:31 .10- 42:22. Offe'S to become suretii lor Benjamin CJcn 42:37. .Jacob's pronhelic htnrrliction upon Gen 49-3 4" HischVitrcn. Gen 46.!): V.x. 6 14: 1 Chr. .5:3-6. .Vum lij-l' Fkibe of. see footnote, Reubknites, Tribe or. Josh 2'' ' 6.3 * DUKE. TUIe of the princes, of Ijti.m. Gen. 36:1.5-43: E.x. 15:1.5; 1 Chr. 1:51 54: of the Midlanltes Jo.sh. 13:21. t B<»/,Ii,\H (tortress). A cit;/ of Edom. Gen. 36:33. 1 Chr. 1-44. Sheep of. .Mle. 2:12. Prophecies concernino. l.sa. 34:6; 63:1: Jer. 49:13. 22; Amos. 1:12. 36: 36 GENESIS 37: 9 B.C. 1780? See footnote. Time. Rev. 10 0. fc 1 Chr. 1 46. .3»j r 1 Chr. 1 47. 4S d 1 Chr. 1 47. 37 « Or, Shard. 1 Chr. 1 48, 49. / 1 Chr. 1.48, 40 38 Q 1 Chr. 1 40. .50 h 1 Chr 1-40 i Or, Hadad.\ Chr. 1:50 / Or. Fm 1 Chr 1 50. k 1 Chr 1 50 B.C. 149(5? See footnote. Tuih Rev. 10.6. 40 I Esau, C,rn.25 25. ml Chr. 1 51. n Or, Aliah, 1 Chr. 1;51. 41 0 1 Chr 1.52. 42 V 1 Chr. 153. 43 U \ Chr 1:54. r Bdomites, 2 Kin 8:21. B.C. 1729? See footnote, 2')/n( Rev. 10:6. O Jacob, Gen. 27 11. and the name of bis city ?m5 ■A'vith. 36 And "Ha'dad died, and Sam'lah of ''Mas're-kah reigned in his stead. 37 And ''Sani'lab di^d, and 'Saul of ^Re-ho'both Ijy the nvcr reigned in his stcH-l, 38 AndXSaul ched, and '^Ba'al- hii'nan the son of ''.\ch'b6r reigned in his stead. 39 And ^'Ba'al-ha'nan the son of "Acli'hor died, aiivl 'IIa'd:ir reigned ni his stead: and the name of ins city ivas 'Pa'u, and his wife's name wa^- ^Me-hct'a- bel, the daughter of 'Ala'tred, the daughter of ^Mez'a-liab 40 ^ And these an, the names of the dukes that came of 'E'sau, acconhng to their famihes, after their phvces, by tlieir names; duke '"d^im'nah, duke ''Al'vah, duke "Mc'theth, 41 Duke A-hol-i-ba'mah duke ^E'hih, duke "Pi'non, 42 Duke ^Ke'naz, duke ''Te'- raan, duke ^Mib'zilr, 43 Duke "Mag'di-el, duke 'I'ram: these be the dukes of E'dom, acconhng to tlieir habi- tations in the land of tlieir pos- session : he is ^E'sau the father of the ''K'tlom-Ites. CHAPTER 37 Joseph is hated of his brethren. .5 His two dreams. 13 .lacob sends him to visit his brethren. 18 His brethren conspire to slat/ him. 21 Reuben saves him. 26 They sell him to the Ishmaelites. 31 His father, deceived by Vie bloody coat, mourns lor him. 36 He is sold to Potlphar in Egv<. AND "JaVob dwelt in the land wherein his father was a stranger, in the land of Ca'naan. 2 These are the generations of "Ja'cob. ''Jo'.seph, bcuig seven- teen years old, was feeding the flock with his brethren, and the lad was with the sons of '^Bil'- hah, and with the sons of ''Zil'- pah, his father's -wives, and Jd'- seph 'brought unto his father their evil report. 3 Now ''■"I.s'ra-el loved "Jo'- .seph ''more than ;dl his 'children, l)ecause he was the son of iiis old age: and he made him 'a coat of many colours. + And when his brethren saw that their '^•"father loved him ''■'more than all his brethren, they ^ '^'•'hatetl him, and could not speak |)eaeeably unto him. 6 t And "Jo'.seph dreamed a '"dream, and he told if his breth- ren: and they diated hiin yet the more. 6 And he said unto them, ITear, 1 pray you, this '"dream which I have dreamed: 7 For, behold, we were binding sheaves in the field, and, lo my sheaf arose, and also stood up right; and, behold, your sheaves stood round about, and made obeisance to my sheaf. 8 And his brethren said to him, Shalt thou indeed reign over us ? or shalt thou indeed have do- minion over us ? And they '*• 'hated him yet the more for li i s '"dreams, and for his words. 9 And he dreamed yet another "'dream, and told it his brethren, and said. Behold, I have dreamed a dream more; and, behold, the "sun and the "moon B.C. 1729? See footnote. Time. Rev 10 6. 0 Joseph, Gen 33:2. c Bilhah, Gen. 29: 29- (/ Ztlpah. Gen. 29 24. e Concubinage. 2 Sam 21.11. / Tnlcbearinq, Prov 11.13. (] Parents, partial- ity of. 2 Cor 12- 14 A Partiality, 1 Tim 5:21. I Children, partial- ily 01 parents among, Mark 10. 14. 1 Or. a Ions gar- ment with sleeves. ; Haired. Prov. 15: 17 Ic Jealousy, instan- ces o], Psa. 78.58. I Unvy, instance!, 01 Prov 14 30 m Dream, inslnnces ol. Dan. 1.17. n Sun, Josh. 10:12. 0 il/oon. Sons 6:10. *CANAAN (lowland). Land of. Gen. 11:31, 17:8: 23: 2. Called The S.\nctuahy, K.x. 15:17: Land of Israel, 1 Sam. 13:19, Land ok thu Hebhews, Gen. 40:^ 5; La.nd OF THE Jews, Acts 10:39; 1 axi> of Phomisb, Heb. 11:9; Holy Land, Zech. 2:12; Jehovah's Land, Hos. 9:3; Im- mandei.'s Land, Isa. 8:8; Beulah, Isa. 62:4. Promised to .Abraham and his seed. Gen. 12:1 7: 13:14- 17; 15:7, 18-21; 17:8: 22:17, 24:7; 28:4; 35:12; Dent. 12:9, 10; 34:4; Psa. 105:10, 11; 15:11: 12;23; Ezek. 23:40; 47:14: Acts 7:5; Gal. 3:16. Promise reneieed to Isaac, Gen. 26:3; to 'acob. Gen. 28:13; 35:12; Psa. 105:10, 11. GIren to the Israelites. Ex. 3:8; 6:4. 8: 13:5. 11; Lev. 20:24. Psa 135:11, 12. Extent of: According lo the promise. Gen. 15:18 Ex. 23:31; Dcut. 11:24: Josh. 1:4; 15:1; after the conquest by Joshua. Josh. 12:1 8; in Solomon's time. 1 Kin. 4:21, 24; 2 Chr. 7:8- 9:26. Prophecy concerning, after the restoration of Israel, Ezel;. 47:13 20. Fertility of, Deut. 8:7 9; 11:10 15. Fruitfulness of, flowing with milk and honey, Ex. 3:8. 17; 13:5; 33:3; Lev. 20:24; Num. 13:27, 14:7, 8; Deut. 26:9, 15; Jer. 2:7; 11:5; 32:22; Ezek. 20:6. Products of: Fruits, Deut. 8:8; Jer. 40: 10, 12. Mineral Dent. 8:9. Fxvorts of, Ezek. 27:17. Famines in. Gen. 12:10; 26:1 47:13: Ruth 1 :1 ; 2 Sam 21:1: 1 Kin. 17. Spies sent into by Moses. Num. 13. J7 28. Conguest of fi4 37: 9 GENESIS 37: 27 B.C. 1729? See tnotnotr. Time. Rev. 10 6. p .Stars. Judg.5.20. 10 q Salulations, Luke 1:44. 12 Shechem, J o « h. 20:7. 14 Hebron, Jacob dwells at. Gen. 23:2. 17 I 2 Kin. 6:13-19. 18 u Conspiracy, in- stances o/, 1 Kin. ir,:9. and the eleven ^stars made obei- sance to me. 10 .Vnd he told it to his father, ami to liis brethren: and his fa- ther rebuked him, and said unto him. What is this '"dream that thou hast dreamed ? Shall I and thy mother and thy brethren in- deed come to ''bow down our- selves to thee to the earth ? 11 And his brethren ^'envied him; but his "-"father observed the sayiniv. 12 Tf And his brethren went to feed their father's flock in ^She'- chem. 13 And "I.s'ra-el said unto Mo'- §eph. Do not thy brethren feed the flock in '^She'chem ? come, and I will send thee unto them. And he said to him, Here (Dn I. 14 And he said to him, Go, I pray thee, see whether it be well with thy brethren, and well with the flocks: and bring me word again. So he sent him out of the vale of ^Ile'bron, and he came to 'She'chem. 15 And a certain man found him, and, behold, Jte was wan- dering in the field; and the man asked him, saying. What seekest thou? 16 And he said, I seek my brethren: tell me, I pray thee, where they feed their jhcks. 17 And the man said, They are departed hence; for I heard them say. Let us goto 'Do'than. And ''.lo'seph went after his brethren and found them in Dd'than. 18 Tf And when they saw him afar off, even before he came near unto them, they "'^^'con- spired against him to slay him. 19 And they said one to an- other, Behold, this dreamer Cometh. 20 "Come now therefore, and '■^ 'let us slay him, and cast him uito some pit, and we will "say. Some evil beast hath devoured him : and we shall see what will become of his '"dreams. 21 And '"■ ^Reii'ben heard it, and he delivered him out of their hands; and ^said, Let us not kill him. 22 And «'• ^Reii'ben ^^said unto them, Shed no blood, hut cast him into this j)it that is in the wilderness, and lay no hand uj)- on him; that he might rid him out of their hands, to deliver him to his father again. 23 T[ And it came to pass, when Jo'seph was come unto his brethren, that they stript Jo'- seph out of his coat, his coat of many colours that luas on him; 24 And they took him, and ^cast him into a pit: and the pit was empty, tJiere was no water in it. 25 And they sat down to eat bread: and they lifted up their eyes and looked, and, behold, a company of '^Ish'me-el-Ites came from ''(jll'e-ad with their '^cam- els bearing ''•^spicery and ^balm and ^myrrh, "going to carry it down to ''E'gypt. 26 And •'•Ju'dah ^said unto his brethren, What profit is it if we slay our '• ^brother, and conceal his blood ? 27 *C()me, and let us sell him to the "Tsh'me-el-Ttes, and let not our hand be nj)()n him; for h(> is our ■'■'brother and our flesh. And his brethren %ere content. B.C. 1729? See footnote, Time. Rev. 10 6. V Falsehood, in- sta>ic(S of, Job 21:34. 21 w Reuben, Gen. 35: 22. X lirolhcr, Vro\. 18' 24. V Intercession, of man with man. ittstanccs of, Jer. 27: IS. 24 2 Crtielti/, instances 01, Psa, 27:12. 25 a Ishmaelites, Gen. .S9:l. 6 Gilead, Deut. 3 13. c Camel, 1 Sam, 30:17. d Spices, 1 ] 10:2. e Imports, 1 Kin 10:11. / Murrh, Ex. 30 23. g Commerce. I Kin, 10:15. h Etjvpt.Cen. 41:8 2I> ( Intercession, of 7nun with man, Jer. 27:1,S. i lirother.PTov. 18: 24. k J ose ph, Gen. 33:2. 27 2 R. v. hearkened unto him. by the Israelites, Num. 21:21 35; Deut. 3:3 6; .Tosh, chap- ters 6-12: Psa. 44:1 3. Divided by lot among the twelve tribes and /■nmUfcs. Num. 20:55, 56; 33:54; 34:13; by.Joshua, Eleazar and a prince from each tribe. Num. 34:16 29; Josh, chapters 14 19. Divided Into twelve provinces by Solomon, 1 Kin. 4:7 19. Into two kingdoms, Judah anil Israel. 1 Kin. 11:29:36; 12:16 21. Roman provinces of, Luke 3:1; John 4:3. 4. t BALM, a medicinal balsam. Gen. 37:25; 43:11; Jer. 8: 22; 46:11; 51:8; Ezek. 2717 t JIIDAII (praise). Son of Jacob, Gen. 35:23. Inter- cedes for Joseph's life, and proposes that they sell him to the Ishmaelites, Gen. 37:26, 27. Tnkcs two wives. Ger. 38:1 6. Dwells at Che:ib, Gen. 38:5 His incest with Ms daitghter-in law. Cen. 38:12-26. Goes dmun into Egypt for corn, ficn. 43:1 10; 44:14 34; 46:28. 7.s accorded the leader ship of primogeniture forfeited by Reuben. 1 Chr. 5:1, 2:28: 4; F^sa. 60:7. Prophetic benediction of his father upon. Gen. 49:8 12. .Anrr.s^or o;./f.f«s, Matt. 1:2, 3; LukeS-33;Rcv.5:5. Tribe of, see footnote, Judah, Tribe of. .Nun. 10:14. 65 37: 28 GENESIS 38: 10 B.C. 1729? See footiidte. Time, Re\\ 10.6. 28 I Servant, bought and sold, Jcr 2; 14. m Silver, 1 C'lir. 2S 14. 29 v. neubeii. Gen. 35 22 o Hendinq, o; qar- menls. 2 Clir. 34: 27. p Mourniiuj, Lam. 2.5. 31 q Deception, in- stances uj. Josh y.4. 3 11. V. he-yoat. 3'J r Jacob, den. 27 11. J Falsehood, in- staiuei oj, Jul) 21.34. t Hi/i>ocris>/. in- stances ul, .lat-- 3:17. 34 ■a Sackcloth, Isa. 15: 3. V Bereavement, In stances oj, Ho; 0:12. 35 w Weeping, instan- ces ot, I0zra3:13. 4 Heb. Slieol 36 X Gen. 39:1. y Captain. Num. 31:4S. 5 llcb. chief of the executioners. 28 Then there passed by+I\Jid'- i-an-ites merchantiuen; and they diew and Hi'tetl up '•'^Jo'seph out of the pit, and 'sold Jo'.seph to the Ish'me-el-ites for twenty pieces of '"silver: and they brought Jo'.seph into ''E'ijypt. 29 TI And "Reu'lHMi returned unto the pit; and, behold, ' * Jo'- .seph teas not in the pit; and he "•''rent his clothes. 30 And "he returned unto his brethren, and said, The ^- '''child i.s not; and I, whither shall I go ? 31 ^ And nhey took *Jo'.seph's coat, and killed a ^kid of the goats, and dipped the coat in the blood; 32 And ^they sent the coat of manij colours, and they brought if to their '^father; and * 'said. This have we found; Ivuow now whether it be thy son's coat or no. 33 And he knew it, and said. It w my son's coat; an evil beast hath devoured him; 'Jo'.seph is without doubt rent in pieces. 34 And 'Ja'cob "rent his clothes, and put "sackcloth upon his loins, and ''■^'mourned for his son many days. 35 And all his sons and all his daughters rose up to comfort him; but he refused to be com- fortetl; and he said. For J wiil go down into the ^grave unto my son ^'mourning. Thus his fa- ther "'wept for him. 36 And the "•"Mid'i-an-Ites 'sold ^him into ''E'gypt unto ^Pot'i- phar, an officer of ®Pha'raoh's, and ^' ^captain of the guard. CHAPTER 38 Judah begets i:r. Onnn and Shelah. 6 Er marries Tainar 8 The trespass nf Onnn. 11 Famar waits for Shelali. i:i She de- ceives., adah. 27 She l}ears twins, Phares and YAirah. AND it came to pass at that time, that "Ju'dah went down from his brethren, and turned in to a certain A-dul'- lam-ite, whose name was Hi'rah. 2 And "Ju'dah saw there a daughter of a certain ''Ca'naan Ite, whose name was ''Shu'ah; and he took her, and ''went in unto her. 3 And she conceived, and bare a son; and he called his name *Er. 4 And she conceived again, and bare a son; and she called his name ^O'nan. 5 And she yet again conceived, and bare a son; and called his name 'Shc'lali ; and he was at ^Che'zTb, when she bare liim. 6 And "Jfi'dah tooI<; a wife for *Er his '■firstborn, whose name %Das "Til'mtir. 7 And *Er, Mu'dah's ^first- born, was wicked in the siuhtof the Lord; and the LoRD''slew him. 8 And "Ju'dah said unto Hj'nan, Go in unto thy brotli- er's wife, and ''marry her, and raise up seed to thy brother. 9 And ^O'nan knew that the seed should not be his; and it came to pass, when he went in unto his brother's wife, that he spilled it on the ground, lest that he should give seed to his brother. 10 And the thino- which ^he did B.C. 1729? .See footnote. Time Rev 10:6. a Judah, Gen. 37: 2G. b Cannanites, Ex 23:28. c Shuah. 1 Chr.2:3. d Adultery, Lev 20:10. B.C. 1727? See footnote. Time, Rev. lO.C. e Firstborn, Zech / Judgments, Ex. 0:0. g Marriage, l evi- rate. Gen. 34:9. + MIDI.VNITES. Descendants of Mldian, son of Abra- ham bij Kcturah, Gen. 25:1, 2. 4. 1 Chr. 1:32. 3."). Called IsHMAELiTE.s, Gen. 37:25, 28: Judff. 8:24. Were merchant- men, (Jen. 37:28. Buy Jose/h ami sell him to Putiphar, Gen. 37:28, 3G. Defeated bij the Israelites under Phlnehas, fire of their kings slain: the women taken captives: cities burned: and rich spoils taken. Num. 31. Defeated bu Gideon, Jude:. chapters 6-8. Otvned multitudes of camels, and dromedaries, and large quantities of gold, Isa. 60:6. .4 snare to the Israelites, Num. 25:16-18. Prophecies concerning, Isa. 00:6: Hab. 3:7 © PII.\R.\OH. King of Egijpt in the days of .Joseph, Gen. 39:1. ilis dream and its interpretation. Gen. 41:1-32. Exalts Joseph to be premier. Gen. 41:37-44. His hospi- tality to Israel, Gen. 47:5-10. Permits Joseph to accom- pany the remains of his father to Canaan, Gen. 50:4-6. * EK. Son of Judah, Gen. 38:3, 6. 7; 46:12; Num. 26:19: 1 Chr. 2:3. T SHEL.\H. Son of Judah, Gen 38:5.11,14,26:46:12: Num. 26:20; 1 Chr. 2:3; 4:21. t CHEZIB. Birthplace of Shelah, Con. 38:5, probaMu Identical with Chozeb.\. 1 Chr. 4:22. and Achzib. Josh. 15:44. II TAM.4R (palm tree). Wife of the son of -Judah, Gen. 38:6 24; Ruth 4:12; 1 Chr. 2:4. Ancestor of Jesus. Matt. 1:3. § ONAN, son of Jiulah. Slain for his refusal to raise seed to his brother. Gen. 38:4, 8-10; 46:12; Num. 26:19, 1 Chr. 2:3. 66 38: 10 B.C. 1727? See fiiotnote, Time. Rev 10. G. GEiN ESIS 13 A Sheep, Deut. 32: 14. 14 ( Women, wicked, Prov. 31 10. J Widow. 2 Sam. 14 5. k .Mourning, dress. Lam. 2 5. I Veil. Gen. 24:65. 1 R. V. the gate of Enalm, m Harlot. Prov. ' 10. n I.tiscxrionsriess, instances oj, I Pet. 4:3. 17 • Purine, Deut. 24- 10-13. 18 p Seal.l Kin. 21:.S. 7 Incest, insumcex of. Lev. 18:6. displcnsod the Lord: wherefore he 'slew him also. 11 Then said Mu'dah to "Tfi'- mar his daughter in hi w, Remain a wi(K)W at tiiy father's house, till ^She'lah my son be grown, for he said, Lest perad venture he die also, as his hn^thren (/id. And Ta'mar Avent and dwelt in her father's house. 12 Tf And in process of time the daughter of '^Shii'ah "Ju'dah's wife died; and Ju'dah was com- forted, and went up unto his sheepshearers to Tim'nath, he and his friend Hi'rali the A-duI'- lam-Ite. 13 And it was told "Ta'mar, saying, Behold thy "father in law goeth up to Tim'nath to shear his ''sheep. 14 And "'she put her Widow's garments off from her, and cov- red her with a ^'ail, and wrapi^ed herself, and sat in 'an open place, which is by the way to Tim'nath; for she saw that ^She'lah was grown, and she was not given imto him to wife. 15 When "Ju'dah saw her, he thought her to be an '"harlot; be- cause she had covered her face. 16 And "he turned unto her by the way, and said. Go to, I pray thee, "let me come in unto thee; (for he knew not that she was his laughter in law.) And "she said, What wilt thou give me, that thou mayest come in unto me ? 17 And he said, I will send /l/rf a kid from the flock. And she .said. Wilt thou give mc a "pledge, till thou send it f 18 And he saifl, What "pledge shall I give thee ? And she said, Thy ^signet, and thy bracelets, and thy staff that is in thine 19 And "she arose, antl went away, and laid by her ^^ail from her, and put on the 'garments of her 'widowhood. 20 And Ma'dah sent the kid by the hand of his friend the A-dul'- lam-Ite, to receive his "pledge from the woman's hand: but he found her not. 21 Then he asked the men of that place, saying. Where is the '"harlot, th.at ^vas openly by the way side ? And they said, There was no harlot in this place. 22 And he returned to "Ju'dah, and said, I cannot find her; and also the men of the place said, that there was no '"harlot in this place. 23 And "Ju'dah said, Let her take it to her, lest we be shamed : behold, I sent this kid, and thou hast not found her. 24 ^ And it came to pass about three months after, that it was told "Ju'dah, saying, "Ta'mar thy daughter in law hath 'Splayed the "'harlot; and also, behold, she is with child I)y whoredom. x\nd '"Ju'dah said. Bring her forth, and *let her be '"Inirnt. 25 When 'she was brought forth, she sent to her father in law, saying. By the man, whose these are, am I with child: an( she said. Discern, I pray thee, whose are these, the ''signet, and ^bracelets, and staff. 26 And "Ju'dah acknowledged fhrm, and 'said, She hath been more righteous than I; because that I gave her not to '''She'lah my son. And he knew her again no more. 27 ^ And it came to pass in tlie time of her travail, that, behold, "'twins trrre in her womb. 28 And it came to pass, when 38: 28 B.C. 1727? Soo f.iotnotp. Time. Uev. 10:6. hand. And he gave it her, and she travailed, that the one put came in unto her, and she out ///.v hand: and (he ^midwife 24 r Rulers, patriarch- al. Ka. 18-21. s Adultery, penal- ties lor. Lev. 20; 10 I Punishmenl. death. Lev. 26: 41. u Death, penally . Num. 23:10. 2 R. v. the cords, V Conscience, guilty. Acts 231. 27 //) Gen. 25:24-26. conceived by him. took and bound upon his hand a X Midwlie, Gen. 35:17. 67 38: 28 B.C. 1727? See footnote, 7'/mf, Kev. 10:0. GENESIS B.C. 1729? See footnote. Time, Rev. 10:6. a. Joseph, Gen. 33:2. 6 Egypt, Gen. 41:8. c Gen. 37:36. d Pharaoh, Gen. 37:36. e God, providence 01, Gen. 2:2. / God, dwells with the righteous, 1 Kin. 6:13. a Serrant, good, in- stances of, Jcr. 2:14. h Temporal Bless- injs, pom God, Psa. 103:2. 4 i Civil Service, ap- pointment in, on account of merit, Dan. 1:5. i Intercession, inler- cessional influ- ence 0) the rij/il- eous, Jer. 27: IS. scarlet thread, saying, This came out first. 29 And it came to pass, as he drew back his hand, that, be- hold, his brother came out: and she said, How hast thou broken forth ? {his breach be upon thee : therefore his name was called +Pha/iTZ. 30 And afterward came out his brother, that had the scarlet thread upon his hand: and his name was called ^Za'rali. CHAPTER 39 Joseph, advanced in Pottphar's house, 7 resists his tnlstress's temptation. 13 He is fdscli/ accused, 20 and cast into prison. 21 God Is with him. ND "Jo'scph was brought down to ''E'gvpt; and ''Pot'- i-phar, an officer of '^Pha'- radh, captain of the guard, an E-gyp'tian, bought him of the hands of the *Ish'rae-el-rtes, which had brought him down thither. 2 And the ^■-'Lord was with "Jo'i^eph, and he was a prosper- ous man; and ^he was in the house of his '^master the !E-gyp'- tian. 3 And his ''master saw that the '^'^LoRD tens wilh him and that the I./ORD made all that he did to ''prosper in his hand. 4 And '^Jo'.scpli found grace in his sight, and ''he served him: and he 'made him overseer over his house, and all that he had he put into his hand. 5 .\.nd it came to pass from the time iJiat he had 'made him over- seer in his house, and over all that he had, that the "^Lord blessed the E-gyp'tian's house 'for Jo'seph's sake; and the ''blessing of the Lord was upon all that he had in the house, and in the field. 6 And he left all that he had in " Jo'.seph'shand ;and he knewnot ought he had, save the bread which he did eat. And Jo'.seph was a ^goodly person, and well favoured. 7 ^ And it came to pass after these things, that his '^master's '•"'wife cast her eyes upon "Jo'- seph ; and she "said. Lie with me. 8 But "he ^•'^•'■' 'refused, and said unto his master's wife, Be- hold, my master Svotteth not what is with me in the house, and he hath committed all that he hath to my hand; 9 There is none greater in this house than I; neither hath he kept back any thing from, me but thee, because thou art his wife: 'how then can I do this great wickedness, and sin against God ? 10 And it came to pass, as '•"'she spake to "Jo'seph day by day, that he *•''• "hearkened not unto her, to lie by her, or to be with her. 11 And it came to pass about this time, that Jo'seph went into the house to do his business; and there was none of the men of the house there within. 12 And '"'she caught him by his P'arment, saving, "I>ie with me: and '■•"•"he left his garment in her hand, and fled, and got him out. 13 And it came to pass, when she saw that he had left his gar- ment in her hand, and was fled forth, 14 That '"she called unto the men of her house, ami spake un- to them, "saying, See, he hath 39: 14 B.C. 1729? .See footnote, Tim^, Rev. 10:6. k Beauty, instances Of, Prov. 6:25. I Wife, unfaithful, Prov. 5:18. m Women, wicked, Prov. 31:10. n Temptation .huke 11:4. 0 ,Sin, repugnant to the righteous, Rom. 5:12. p Chastity, instan- ces of. Job 31:1. g Character, firm- ness in, instan- ces of, 1 Phil. 2: 15. T Integrity, instan- ces of. Jot) 2:3. s Decision, instan- ces Of, Isa. 50:7. 1 R. V. knowctb 9 t Conscience, faith- tut. Acts 23:1. 10 u Temptation, re- sistance to, Luke 11:4. 14 V Malice, instances of, Eph. 4:31. + PII.4REZ (breach). A tv)in son of Judah by Tamar, Gen. 38:29; 1 Chr. 2:4. Children of. Gen, 46:12: Num. 26: 20, 21; 1 Chr. 2:5; 9:4; return from the captivity, where he Is called Perez, Neb. 11 :4, 6. In the lineage of Jesus, Matt. 1 :3; Luke 3:33. 0 ZARAH, called also Zeuah arrf Zara. A twin son of Judah by Tamar, Gen. 38:30; 46:12: Num. 26:20; 1 Chr. 2:4, 6; 9:6; Neh. 11:24; Matt. 1:3. * ISHMAEL,ITES. Descendants of Ishmael, Gen. 25:12- 18. Called alsoUACAniTES, and in R.V. Hacrites, 1 Chr. 5: 10, 19-22; and Hacarines, Psa. 83:6. Merchants of, buy 39; -.: GENESIS 40: 9 B.C. 1«29? See footnote, Time. Kev. 10:6. IP Hebreic, Gen. -40 15. 1 Falsehood, in- sianas ot. Job 21 34. 1/ Slander, instan- ces of, Prov. 10: IS. 2 False Accusation, 2 Tinx. 3:3. 19 a Gen. 37:30. 6 Wile, Prov. 5:1S. e Anger, Psa. 37 :S. d Joseph, Gen. 33::.'. e Itnpnsonment, .Acts VIA. J Punishment, o/ w I n or o/Jenses. Lev. L'f):4l. (/ Prisoners, Psa. 7U:U. Ai Criminals, .Matt. i (7orf, jircstrver, (icii. 2 2. / c;()(/, dtvells irith the ri(jlili(iiis, 1 Kin. 0:13. 2 K. \'. kindness. brought in an "He'hrew unto us to mock us; •^■^•^he came in unto me to lie with me, and I cried with a loud voice: 15 ■^■^•'Anil it came to pass, when he heard that 1 lifted up my voice and cried, that he left his garment with me, and fled, and got him out. 16 And she kid up his garment by her, until his lord came home. 17 And '"she spake unto him according to these words, saying, -r. y. ^The '"H e'b r e w servant, which thou hast brought unto us, came in unto me to mock me: 18 ■^•^■^And it came to pass, as I lifted up my voice and cried, that he left his garment with me, and fled out. 19 And it came to pass, when his "master heard the words of his ''wife, which she spake unto him, saying. After this manner did thy servant to me; that his ''wrath was kindled. 20 And '^Jo'sepii's master took him, and ^'put him into the ^prison, a place where the king's "•''prisoners were bound: and he was there in the prison. 21 But the *'^LoiiD was with '^Jo'.seph, and shewed him ^mer- cy, and gave him favour in the sight of the keeper of the ^prison. 22 And the keeper of the ^prison committed to ''Jo'.seph's hand all the " ''prisoners that were in the prison; and whatso- ever they did there, he was the doer of it. 28 The keeper of the ^])rIson looked not to any thing fhat was under his hand; because the '■'Lord was with him, and that 23 k (Ind. providence of. Gen. 2:2. * Temporal Pless- , . , , i- i i <- t i mgs, Psa. 103 2 which he (lid, the ''Lord made Itt to 'pro.sper. B.C. 1720? See footnote. Time, Kev, 10:6. a Cupbearer, \ Kin. 10:5. b Egypt, Gen. 41:8. c Baker, 1 Sam. 8: 13. d Art, 2 Cor. 10:14. 2 e Pharaoh, vs. 2- 23; Gen. 37:36. / Angry, Psa. 37:8. CHAPTER 40 The butler and baker of Phnraoh in prison. •4 Joseph has charge of thciH. u lie inter- prels their dreams, 20 which come to pass according to his interpretation. 23 The Ingratitude of the butler. AND it came to pass after these things, that the "but- ler of the king of ''E'gvpt and his '^- ''baker had ofi'cntled their lord the king of E'gypt. 2 And '^Pha'raoh was ^wroth against two of his officers, against the chief of the "butlers and against the chief of the ''bakers. 3 And he •'iJut ''them in ward in >] Punishment, of ' . minor offences, the house of the captain of the Lev. 2041. ,.,,!,. ,, , h Prisoners, Psa. guard, into the ^prison, the place 79:11. where McV.seph wac l)ound ' fo'.'*""' ^■"'- ^^'■ 4 And the captain of the guard ? v'^sep/i, Gen. charged 'Jo'seph with "•''them, and he served them: and they continued a season in 'ward. 5 H And they dreamed a see [(lot'not.'. ; " ^ 15.,,, 1 t\- i\ 'dream both of them, each man his dream in one night, each man according to the interpreta- tion of his dream, the '^butler and the '^baker of the king cf ''E'gypt, which were bound in the prison. 6 And ' Jo'.seph came in unto them in the morning, and looked upon them, and, behold, they tvere 'sad. 7 And he asked Fha'raoh's officers that twre with him in the ward of his lord's house, saying. Wherefore 'look ye so sadly to day? 8 And they said unto him. We have dreamed a ^dreaii., and th"re is no ^interpreter of it. And 'Jo'seph said un';o them. Do not interj)retations belong to God ? tell me them, I pray you 9 And the chief "butler told his B.C. 1718? [ootnotc. 1 Kev. 10:0, 5 k Dream, instances of, Dan. 1:17. t Countenance, sad, Prov. 15:13. Joseph, Gen. .17-25 36; 39:1. Called Midi.\nitks, Gen. 37: 28, 36 Judg. 8:24, 26. l.nemics to Israel, Psa. 83:0. S^e footnote. Tshmael. Gen. 16:11. T PRISON. Gen 39.20; 42:16 19. Lev. 24:12; .NTuin. 15, 34: Ezra 7:20 Jer 52 11: LuUe 23:19 Acts 4-3 12:4. 5. Public ward ot. Arts 5:18. Cells of. Acts '6:24. Court of. Jer. 33:1 Dungeon in. Jer. 38 6 Lam. 3:5;' FiKunitive, 1 Pet. 3:19. See footnotes: Imprisonment. Acts 12:4; Prisoners Psa. 79:11. * INTERPRETER. Of dreams. Gen 41:15 36; I>an. 2:18 30. Of languages. Gen 42:23, 2 Chr 32: 31. in Christian churches. 1 ('or. 12:10, 30; 14:5, 13, 26-28. Fisurativc. Job 33:23. Of) 40: » GENESIS 41 1 6 B.C. 1718? See footnote. Time, Rev 10.6. M Intercession, o/ man with man. Jer. 27:18 n Canaan, land o1. Gen. 37.1. n Integrity, Job 2:3. p huiers, wicked instances of, Ex. 18:2L 10 J Basket, Ex. 29:3. 1 R. V. three bas- kets of white bread 17 flirds.Kcc]. 12 A. ^dream to ^o'seph, and said to him, In my dream, behold, a vine wa.s before me; 10 And in the vine were three branches: and it was as though it budded, and her blossoms shot forth; and the clusters thereof brought forth ripe grapes : 11 And ^Pha'raoh's cup tvas in my hand : and "I took the grapes, and pressed them into Pha'- raoh's cup, and 1 gave the cup into Pha'raoh's hand, 12 And 'Jo'seph said unto him, This is the ''interpretation of it: The three branches are three days : 13 Yet within three days shall ''Pha'raoh lifv. up thine head, and restore thee unto thy place: and thou shalt deliver Pha'raoh's cup into his hand, after the former manner when thou wast his "butler. 14 But think on me when it shall be well with thee, and shew kindness I pray thee, unto me, and "'make mention of me unto Pha'raoh, and bring me out of this house: 15 For indeed ^I was stolen away out of the "land of the ^Ile'brews: and here also "have 1 done nothing that ^they should put me into the dungeon. 16 When the chief '^baker saw that the interpretation was good, he said unto 'Jo'scph, I also was in my ^dream, and, be- hold, ^I had three white *bas- kets on my head : 17 And in the uppermost ''bas- ket there was of all manner of bakemeats for Pha'raoh; and the Hjirds did eat them out of the basket upon my head. 18 And 'Jo'.seph answered and said, This is the *interpretation thereof: The three * baskets arc three days: 19 Yet within three days shall '^Pha'raoh lift up thy head from off thee, and shall ^'liang thee on a tree; and the '^birds shall eat thy flesh from off thee. 20 Tf And it came to pass the third day, which was Pha'raoh's "^birthday, that he made a "feast unto all his servants: and he lifted up the head of the chief butler and of the chief baker among his servants. 21 And he restored the chief butler unto his butlership again ; and he gave the cup unto Pha'raoh's hand: 22 But he *•'• ''hanged the chief baker: as 'Jo'.seph had *inter preted to them. 23 Yet did not the chief "'butler remember 'Jo'seph, but ^forgat him. CHAPTER 41 Pharaoh's two dreams. 2:5 .Joseph inter prets them. 33 lie gives Pharaoh coun set. 38 Joseph is adranced. SO The birth o! Manassch and Ephralin. 53 The famine begins. AND it came to pass at the end of two full years, that '^Pha'raoh Mreamed: and, be- hold, he stood by the h-iver. 2 And, behold, there came up out of the river *seven well fa- voured kine and fatfleshed; and they fed in a meadow. 3 And, behold, '^seven other kine came up after them out of the river, ill favoured and lean fleshed; and stood by the other kine upon the brink of the river. 4 And the ill favoured and lean- fleshed kine did eat up the '^seven well favoured and fat kine. So "Pha'raoh awoke. 5 And he slept and Mreamed the second time: and, behold, B.C. 1718? See footnote. Tima. Kev. lO.e 19 s Hangmy icmtL 8:29. I I'nnishment. death penally. Lev. 26. •11. 20 u Feasts, Marl? 12: V Death, penalty. Num. 23.10. w Friends. Jalse, in- stances oj, Ex. 33:11. X Ingratitude, 01 man to man. Horn. 1:21. B.C. 1715? 8ee footnote. Timn Kev. 10. G. a Pharaoh, Gen. 37:36. b Dream, revela- twns bij, Dan. 1. 17. 1 7Viat is, the Nile. 2 c Seven, Gen. 7d, t HEBREW. A word supposed to be a corruption of the name Eber. who vms an ancestor of Abraham. Gen. 10:24; 11:14 26. Applied to Abraham. Gen. 14 -.IS. and his descend- en:22: Num. 31:50. 72 41: 45 GENESIS 42: 4 B.C. 1715? See footnote, Time, Rev. 10:6. f Gen. 46;20. r Geii. 46:l-'0. 6 Or, prince Cities, treasure. Num. 35:8. 49 I Corn, Psa. 13. B.C. 1712? See footnote. Tune. Rev. 10 6 51 u Mnnassch, Gen. 46:20. V Thatiklu/ne s. to God. inslniiccs o]. Acts 24.3. 52 w Tempnrnl Blcss- imis. from. God, Psa. 103:2 B.C. 1708? See footnote. Time, Rev. 10:6. 'Pot'i-phe'rah ''priest of 'On. And Jo'.seph went out over all the land of E'gypt. 46 And ^Jo'seph was thirty years okl when he stood before Pha'raoh king of *E'gypt. And Jo'.seph went out from the pres- ence of Plia'raoh, and went tliroughout all the land of E'gypt. 47 And in the *seven plenteous years the earth brought forth by handfuls. 48 And he gathered up all the food of the ''seven years, which were in the land of *E'gvpt, and laid uj) the food in the \'ities: the food of the field, which was round about every city, laid he up in the same. 49 And ''Jo'seph gathered 'corn as the sand of the sea, very much, until he left numbering; for it was without number. 50 And unto^'Jo'seph were born two sons before the years of '^famine came, which ^As'e-nath the daughter of ''Pot'i-ijhe'rali priest of '^( Jn l)are unto him. 51 And^Jr/seph called the name of the firstborn "jNIa-nas'seh : '^^For God, said lie, hath made me forget all my toil, and all my father's house. 52 And the name of the second called he ■^E'plira-im : "For "Tjlod hath caused me to be fruitful in the land of my afflic- tion. 53 Tl And the ^seven years of plenteousncss, that was in the land of E'gypt, were ended. 54 And the ''seven years of t EPHR.VI.M (.fruitful). Second son of Joseph. Gen. 41; .52. Adopted by ■acob. Gen. 48:-'). Blessed before Mamis- seh: prophecies concerning. Gen. 48:11 20. Descendants of. Num. 26:.1.')-.37; 1 Clir. 7:20-27. Mourns for his sons, 1 Chr. 7:21, 22. Tribe of. Pro'^hecy concerninq. Gen. 40: 2.5, 26; Isa. 9:18-21; 11:1.'?; 28:1; .Jcr. 31; Hos. .5:14; Zcch. 9:10: 10:7. Xumbered at Sinai, and in plains of Moab, Num. \::'>2,M; 26:37. Place In camp and march. Num. 2:18, 24; 1C:22. Blessed by Mo.tcs. Drut. 33:13-17. Territoru allotted to. after the conquest of Canaan, Josh. lR:.5-9: 17:9. 10, 1.5-18, 1 Chr. 7:28, 29; Ezek. 48:5. Kail to expel theCanaanites. Josh. 1():10. Take Beth-cl in battle, Judg-. 1:22-25. Vpbraid Gideon for not summoning them io join the war against the Midlanites. Jutig. 8:1. Join '^dearth began to come, accord- ing as Jo'.seph had said : and the dearth was in all lands; but in all the land of E'gypt there was bread. 55 And when all the land of *E'gypt "^^'^s '■famished, the peo- ple cried to Plia'raoh for breail: and Pha'raoh said unto all the E-gyp'tian.s, Go unto ''Jo'.seph; what he saitli to you, do. 56 And the famine was over all the face of the earth: And "Jo'- .seph oj)encd all the ■''storehouses, and sold unto the E-gyp'tian.:i ; ami the famine wa.xed sore in the land of E'gypt. 57 x\nd all count lies came into * E'gypt to Jo'.seph for to buy 'corn; because that the fam- ine was su sore in all lands. CHAPTER 42 Jacob sends his ten sons to buy corn in Eginit. 16 They arc imprisoned by .Jo- seph as si'lcs; 18 but are set at liberty, on condition that they bring Benjamin. 21 Their remorse on account of Joseph. 24 Simeon is kept as a pledge. 25 They return home with corn, and with their money. 29 Their report to Jacob. 36 Jacob refuses to s<.nd Benjamin. NOW when "Ja'cob saw that there was ''corn in '^E'gypt, Ja'cob said unto his sons. Why do ye look one upon another V 2 Antl he said, Behold, 1 have heard that there is "corn in ''E'gypt: get you down thither and buy for us from thence; thac we may live, and not die. 3 Tf And " Jo'.seph's ten brethren went down to buy "corn in F'gypt. 4 Put '^Ben'ja-mtn, ''Jo'.seph's B.C. 1708? See footnote. Time. Kcv. 10:6. 56 .r Storehouses, 2 Chr. 32:2& B.C. 1707? See footnote. Time, Rev. 10:6. a Jacob, Gen. 2/: 11. b Corn, Psa. 65 13. c Egypt, Gen. 41:8 d Joseph, Gen. 33:2. e Benjamin, Gea 33:18. Gideon against the Midianites, 3\u\%. 7:24. 25. Their jealous:/ of Jephtfiah, Ji;tiK. 12:1; defeated by him, Judp;. 12: 4-C. Receive Ish-boshcth as king, 2 S;un. 2:9. Jeroboam set up a golden calf in Beth-el, a city of. 1 Kin. 12:29. Revolt from house of David. 1 Kin. 12:16, 19; 2 Chr. 10:16. Some of tribe join Judah under Asa, 2 Chr. 15:9. Chastise Ahaz andJudah, 2 Chr. 28:7. Join Hezekiah in reinstituting the passover. 2 Chr. 30:18. ./oin in the destruction of idolatrous forms in Jerusalem. 2 Clir. 31:1. Submit to the scepter of Josiah. 2 Chr. 34:1 6. Worshiped Baal, Hos. 13:1. Sin of. remembered by God. Hos. 13:12. Reallotment of territory to. by Kzekiel. Ezek. 48:5. Name of. applied to the ten tribes. 2 Chr. 17:2; 25:6,7; Isa. 7-8, 9: 11 :12, 13; 17:3; Jcr. 31:18. 20; Hos. 4:17; 5:3, 5; 6:4, 10: 7:1- 16: 8:11: 12:14. Tribe of, called Joseph. Rev. 7:8. 42: 4 GENESIS 42: 26 B.C. 1707? See footnote, Time. Rev. 10:6. / Parents, partial- ity ou 2 Cor. 12 14. g Partiality, 1 Tim. 5:21. ft Famine, 2 Kin. 8:1. i Canaan, Gen. 37:1. / Salutations, Luke 1:44. fc Deception, in- stances oj. Josh 9:4. { Dream, Dan. 1: 17. m False Accusa- tion, incidents il- lustrative 1' 2 Km S.3 R Spies, Josh. 6:23. 10 D Food Psa. 136: 15 Pharaoh, 37:36. brother, 'Ja'cob "sent not with his brethren; for he said, Lest peradventure mischief befall him. 5 And the sons of "Is'ra-el came to buy ^coni among those that came : for the ''famine was in the land of 'Ca'naan. 6 And ''Jo'seph was the gov- ernor over the land, and he it was that sold to all the people of the land : and Jo'seph's brethren came, and ^bowed down them- selves before him tuith their faces to the earth. 7 And '^Jo'seph saw his breth- ren, and he knew them, but ^made himself strange unto them, and spake roughly unto them; and he said unto them, Whence come ye ? And they said, From the land of 'Ca'naan to buy food. 8 And '^' Jo'seph knew his breth- ren, but they knew not him. 9 And '^Jo'.seph remembered the 'dreams which he dreamed of them, and said unto them, '"Ye ctre "^spies; to see the naked- ness of the land ye are come. 10 And they said unto him, Nay, my lord, but to buy "food are thy servants come. 11 We are all one man's sons; we are true men, thy servants are no "spies. 12 And he '"said unto them. Nay, but to see the nakedness of the land ye are come. 13 And they said, Thy servants are twelve brethren, the sons of one man in the land of 'Ca'naan ; and, behold, the '^youngest is this day with our father, and one is not. 14 And '^Jo'.seph said unto them, That is it that I spake unto you, '"saying. Ye ai-e "spies: 15 Hereby ye shall be proved: By the life of ^Pha'raoh ye shall not go forth hence, except your '^youngest brother come hither. 16 Send one of you, and let him fetch your brother, and ye shall be 'kept in prison, that your words may be proved, whether there be any truth in you: or else by the life of ^Pha'raoh surely ye are "spies. 17 x\nd he ^put them all to- gether into ''ward three days. 18 And '^ Jo'.seph said unto them the third day. This do, and live; jar I ^fear God : 19 If ye he true men, let one of your brethren be bound in the hcjuse of your 'prison: go ye, carry ''corn for the ''famine of your houses : 20 But bring your ''youngest brother Uiito me; so shall your words be verified, and ye shall not die. And they did so. 21 T[ And '" "they said one to an- other, ''W^e are verily guilty con- cerning our brother, in that we saw the anguish of his soul, when he besought us, and we would not hear; therefore is this distress come upon us. 22 And '"Reu'ben answered them, saying, S]:)ake I not unto yoii, saying. Do not sin against the child; and ye would not hear ? therefore, behold, also his blood is required. 23 And they knew not that ''Jo'sepii understood them; for he spake unto them by an '^inter- preter. 24 And he turned himself about from them, and "wept; and re- turned to them again, and com- muned with them, and took from them ^Sim'e-on, and bound him before their eyes. 25 Tf Then '^Jo'.seph com- manded to fill their sacks with *corn, and to restore every man's '^money into his sack, and to give them provision for the way: and thus did he unto them. 26 And they laded their ''asses 74 B.C. 1707? See footnote. Time, Rev. 10:6. 10 1 R. V. bound. Psa. 17 f Prisoners, 79:11. r Prison, Gen. 39: 20. 18 s Fear of God, in- siiinces o/. Acta 9:31. 21 t Adversity, bene- Ills oh illustrated, Psa. lO."). u Conscience, guilty, instances 01, Acts 23:1. V Conviction.ot sin, instances o}, John 16. S. 22 w Reuben, Gen. 35 23 X Interpreter, Gen. 40.8. 24 y Weeptnii, instan- ces of, Ezra 3:13. z Simeon, Gen, 29: 33. a J o s e p h. Gen. 33 2. b Corn, Psa 65: 13. c iV/o«e?/, Jer. 32:9. 26 d Ass. 2 Chr. 28 15. 42: 26 GENESIS 43: 7 B.C. 1707? See footnote. Time. Rev. 10:0. 28 e Conscience, guilty, ins'nnces oU Aeu 23:1 29 f Jatob, Gen. 27: 11. g Canaan, Gen. 37:1. 30 h Rulers. Ex. IS: 21. i Spies, Josh. 6:23, J Benjamin. Cen. 35:1!>. 33 II; Simeon, Gen. 29: 33. i food, P.sa. 136: 25. m Famine, 2 Kin. 8.1. (1 (1 ej) i-ted witli the ''coin, am tlieuce. 27 And as one of them o})ene(l his sack to give iiis ass provender in the inn, he espied his '^money; for, behold, it u-as in his sack's mouth. 28 And he said unto liis breth- I'en, ]Mv '"money is re\stored; and, lo, it is even in my sack: and their heart failed tJiem, and they were afraid, sayino; one to an- other, ^What is this tJiat God hath done unto us ? 29 ^1 And they came unto Mu'- coh their father unto the land of ''Ca'naan, and told him all that befell unto them; saying, 30 The man, wlio is the ''lord of the land, spake roughly to us, and took us for ^spies of the country. 31 And we said unto him, We are true men; we are no ^spies: 32 We he twelve brethren, sons of our father; "one is not, and the ^N'oungest is this day with our father in the land of "Ca'naan. 33 And the man, the ''lord of the country, said unto us, Here- by shall I know that ye are true men; leave "^one of your brethren here with me, and take ^]ood for the '"famine of your households, and begone: 34 And bring your ^youngest i)rother unto me: then shall I know that ye are no 'spies, but thai ye are true mm: so will I de- liver you your '^'Iji-other, and ye shall traffick in the land. 35 And it came to })ass as they emptied their sacks, that, be- hold, every man's bundle of ''money uvs in his sack: and when both they and their father saw the bundles of money, they were afraid. 36 And 'Ja'cob their father said unto them. Me have ye bereaved of my children: "Jo'.seph is not, and 'Sim'e-on is not, and ye will take 'Ben'ja-mtn airai/: all these things are against me. 37 And ''^Ren'ben spake unto his father, saying. Slay my two sons, if I bring him not to thee: deliver him into my hand, and I will bring him to thee again. 38 And "he said, ^'My ^son shall not go down with you; for his brother is dead, and he is left alone: if mischief befall him by the way in the which ye go, then shall ye bring down my gray hairs with sorrow to the 'grave. CHAPTER 43 Jacob is hardly persuaded to s^nd Benja nitn. 15 Joseph entertains his brethren. 31 He makes them a feast. AND il in the "famine was sore the land. 2 And it came to pass, when they had eaten up the corn which they had brought out of ''E'gypt, their ''father said unto them, Go again, buy us a little food. 3 And '^Ju'dah spake unto him, saying, The ''man did solemnly protest unto us, saying. Ye shall not see my face, except your 'brother be with you. 4 If thou wilt send our ''brother with us, we will go down and buy thee food: 5 But if thou wilt not send him, we will not go down : for the ^man said unto us. Ye shall not see my face, except your brother be with you. G And "Ls'ra-el said. Wherefore dealt ye so ill with me, as to tell the man whether ye had yet a brother ? 7 And they .said, The "man asked us straitl} of our state, and of our kindred, saying, Is your father yet alive ? have ye another brother ? and we told him according to the ti'uor of tiiese words: could we certainly know that he would say, Bring your 'bnjther down ? B.C. 1707? See footnote. Time, Kev. 10:6. 37 n Reuben, Gen. 35' o Parents, partial- itil ol. 2 Cor. 12: U. p ParHalily. 1 Tim. 5:21. q Sheol, Mark 9- 43. a Famine, 2 Kli\ 8:1. b Egypt. Gen. 41:8 c Jacob, Gen. 27 11. d Judah, Gen. 37 26. e Joseph, Gen. 33:2. / Benjamin, Gen 35:18. 75 43: 8 GENESIS 43: 26 B.C. 1707? See footnote, Time, Rev. 10:6. 1 Heb. I shall have sinned against thee forever: 11 0 Presents, Gen.32 13. h Balm, Gen. 37 25. i Honey, Prov. 25 27. 1 Spices, 1 Kin. 10:2. * Myrrh. Ex. 30. 23. 2 T?iat is, pistachio nuts. 12 { Money, Jer. 32:9. m Honesty, instan- ces of, Rom. 13: 13. 14 n Prayer, in ad- versity. Acts 6:4. o Adversity, prayer in, Psa. 10:6. • Simeon, Gen. 29: 33. t Parents, affection Of, exemplified, 2 Cor. 12:14. 8 And ''Ju'dah said unto ^Is'- ra-el his father, Send the lad with me, and we will arise and go; that we may live, and not die, both we, and thou, ami also our little ones. 9 I will be surety for him ; of my hand shalt thou require him: if I bring him not unto thee, and set him before thee, then Het me bear the blame for ever: 10 For except we had lingered, surely now we had returned this second time. 11 And their father '^I.s'ra-el said unto them, If it must be so now, do this; take of the best fruits in the land in your vessels, and carry down the man a '^pres- ent, a little ''balm, and a little honey, ^spices and ''^myrrh, ^nuts, and *almonds: 12 And take double ^money in your hand; and the money that was brought again in the mouth of your sacks, '"carry it again in your hand; peradventure it iva^' an oversight: 13 Take also your TDrother, and arise, go again unto the *man: 14 And "■''God Almighty give you mercy before the man, that he may send away your ^other brother, and ''Ben'ja-min. If *I be bereaved of my children, I am bereaved. 15 ^ And the men took that 'present, and they took double 'money in their hand, and ^Ben'- ja-min; and rose up, and went down to *E'gypt, and stood be- fore ^Jo'.geph. 16 And when ^Jo'.seph saw 'Ben'ja-min with them, he said to the ^ruler of his house, Bring these men home, and slay, and make ready; for these men shall dine with me at noon. 17 And the man did as '^Jo'.seph bade; and the man brought the men into Jo'seph's house. 18 And the men were afraid, because they were brought into *Jo',seph's house; and they said. Because of the 'money that was returned in our saclvs at the first time are we brought in; that he may seek occasion against us, and fall upon us, and take us for '^bondmen, and our asses. 19 And they came near to the ^steward of Jo'seph's house, and they communed with him at the door of the house. 20 And said, O sir, we came in deed down at the first time to buy *food: 21 And it came to pass, when we came to the inn, that we opened our sacks, and, behold, evcrjj man's 'money was in the mouth of his sack, our money in full weight: and we have "'brought it again in our hand 22 And other 'money have we brought down in our hands to buy "food: we cannot tell who put our money in our sacks. 23 And 'he said, Peace be to you, fear not: your God, and the God of your father, hath given you "treasure in your sacks: I had your money. And he brought ^Sim'e-on out unto them. 24 And the ^man brought the men into ^Jo'.seph's house, and jifave them, water, and thev "washed their "'feet; and he gave their '''asses provender. 25 And they made ready the "present against *Jo'.sepIi came at noon : for they heard that they should eat bread there. 26 And when *Jo'seph came home, they brought him the B.C. 1707? See footnote. Time, Rev. 10:6. 18 T Servant, Jer. 2:4. 20 3 Food, Psa. 136; 23 / Kindness, instan- ces 0], ,\cts 28:2. u Temporal Bless- ings, from God, Psa. 103:2. 24 V Ablution, Judg. 19:2. to Feet, 2 Sam. 4:4. X Animals, kind- ness to, Jer. 27:5. * ALMOND, a tree. Fruit of. Gen. 43:11. Aaron's rod of the. Num. 17:8. Bowls of candlestick in the tabcrnticlc fashioned after the blossom of the, Ex. 25:33. 34; 37:19, 20. FlRuratlve use of, Eccl. 12:5: Jer. 1:11. T STEWARD, Gen. 15:2; 43:19; Gen. 44:4; Luke 8:3. Faithful, Illustrative of the faithful righteous: and the un- faithful, illustrative of the unfaithful righteous. Luke 12:35- 38. 42; 16:1-8. See the parable of the pounds, Luke 19:12- 27; of the talents. Matt. 25:14-30. Must be faithful, 1 Cor. 4:1. 2; Tit. 1:7; 1 Pet. 4:10. 7G 43: 26 GENESIS 44: 10 B.C. 1707? See footnote, Time, Rev 10;6. y Snlutations.lMkc 1.44. z t rayeT. interces- sory. Acts C.4. a Joseph. Gen. 33:2. 6 Benmls, fiQ iira- tivc, 1 Kin. 3 l!6. c Brother, Prov.lS: 24. 4. X Renunciation, sell, Luke 5 28. 1/ Substitution.Lev. 1:4. a Enemy, forgive- ness of, Prov. 24: 17. b Forgiveness, in- stances of, vs. 1- S. .Matt. 18;21. c Joseph, Gen. 33:2. d Brother, Prov. 18: 24. Weeping, inst'in- ces of, Ezra 3;1IJ. Egyptians, Gen. 30.3. I'tuiraoh. Gen. 37:36. ft Conviction.of sin. instances of. Jolin 16-,S. I Conscience, Acts 23:1. J Good for Evil, re- turning, Luke 0: 27. k Egvpt,Gm.i\:S. 1 Qod, providence uf. Gen. 2:2. VI .-i /factions, bene- lils of, eiempli- ftcd, Psa. 34:19. IJ.<:. 1706? 6 X Famine, 2 Kin. 8:1. "father, sayino;, If I bring him not unto thee, then I shall bear the blame to my father for ever. 33 Now therefore, *I pray thee,"'' -^let thy servant abide ^in- stead of the lad a bondman to my lord; and let the lad go up with his brethren. 34 For '■• "how shall I go up to my father, and the lad be not with me ? lest peradventure *I see the evil that shall conic on my father. CHAPTER 45 Joseph makes liimsrlf known to his brethren: 5 anil comforts them in God's providence. 9 He sends for Ms falher. 16 Piiaraoh confirms it. 21 Joseph furnishes them for their journeu, and exhorts them to concord. 25 Jacob is revived with the neii':. THEN ^Jo'.seph could not refrain himself before all them that stood by him; and he cried, Cause every man to go out from me. And there stood no man with him, while Jo'.seph made himself known unto his ''brethren. 2 And he ^'wept aloud: and the ''E-gyp'tian.s and the house of ^Pha'radh heard. 3 And '^Jo'.seph said unto his brethren, I avi Jo'seph; doth my father yet live ? And ''his breth- nm could not answer him; for they were '^troublcd at his pres- ence. 4 .Vnd ^Jr/.seph said unto his brethren, ^Come near to me, I pray you. And they came near. And he said, I am Jo'seph your '^brother, whom ye sold into ^-E'gypt. 5 " "Now tliercforc be not grieved, nor angry with your- selves, that ye sold me hither: f(jr KUyI did send me before you '"to preserve life. 6 For these two years lialJi the "famine been in the land : and yet there are five years, in the which there sJiall neither be earing nor harvest. 7 "And 'God sent me before you to preserve you a 'posterity in the earth, and to save your lives I)y a great deliverance. 8 "■''"So now it ivas not you that sent me hither, but God: and he hath matle me a father to "Pha'raoh, and lord of all his house, and a ruler throughout all the land of '^E'gypt. 9 Haste ye, and go up to ^my ^•'"father, and say unto him, Thus saith thy son '^Jo'.seph, God hath made me lord of all ^E'gypt: come down unto me, tarry not: 10 And thou shalt dwell in the land of *G6'shen, and thou shalt be near unto me, thou, and thy children, and thy chiklren's children, and thy flocks, and thy herds, and all that thou hast: 11 And there will '^■^I nourish thee; for yet there are five years of "famine; lest thou, and thy household, and all that thou hast, come to poverty. 12 And, behold, your eyes see, and the eyes of my brother *Ben'ja-mm, that it is my mouth that sj)eaketh unto you. 13 And ye shall tell my ''^father of all my glory in ''E'gypt, and of all that ye liave seen; and ye tihall haste and bring down my father hither. 14 And he fell upon his brother *Ben'ja-min's neck, and *wept; and Ben'ja-min wept upon his neck. 15 Moreover he 'kissed all his brethren, and ''wept upon them and after tiiat his brethren talked with him. ]G Tf And tlie fame thereof was heard in "Pha'radh's house, say- ing, "Jd^seph's })rethren are B.C. 170G? cc footnote, 7'ime. Uev. 10:6. 0 Forcordination.of Joseph's mission, Rom. 8:30. 1 Heb. remnant Children, good, .Mark 10:14. Jacob, Gen. 27: 11. Fattier, Psa. 27; 10. 12 Benjamin, QeD 15 Kiss, Ruth 1:14. * GOSHEN, a district In Eg-ypt especially adapted to herds and flocks. from plagues, K.x. 8:22; 9:26. 79 Israelites dwelt in. Gen. 46:28; 47. Exempted 45? 16 GENESIS 46 : 8 E.C. 1706? See footnote. Time, Rev- 10.6. 17 u Kindness, instan- CbS Of, Acts 2!S 2. i; C a naa n. Gen. 37-1. w Hospitality, in- stances 01, Rom. 12:13. X Liberality, in- stances ol. 1 1 iin. 6;1S. y Fat, lignrative. Lev. 7:24 19 2 Num. 7 3-9. a Hosi'itd'ili/, in- stances ol Rom. 12:13. b Liheralily, in- stances oj, 1 Tim. 6 IS. c Eijypt, Gen. 41.8. 21 d Jacob, Ccn. 27' 11. e Joseph, Gen. 33 2. / Wagons, Num. 7 3-9. g Pharaoh, Gen. 37:36. 22 h Dress, Zecli. 3 4. ( Benjamin, Gen. 35 18. J Prezents, Gen.32: 13. k Silver, 1 Chr. 28- 14 24 t Social Peace, en- joined, Jer. 29:7. m Strife, P r o V. 20:3. n Canaan, 37:1. 26 C Rulers, Ex. 18. 21. p Parents, affection 1)1, 2 Cor. 12 14 come: and it pleased Pha'raoh well, and hi.s servant.s. 17 And i^Pha'raoh said unto Jo'seph, "Say unto tliy breth- ren, This do je: lade vour beasts, and go, get you unto the land of '-'Ca'naan; 18 And take your ^father and your households, and '"'come un- to me: and I will ^give you the good ^i the land of E'gypt, and ye shall -at the ^fat of the land. 19 "Now thou art commanded, this do ye; take you ^vagons out of the land of E'gypt for your little ones, and for your wives, and ^bring your father, and come. 20 Also regard not your stuff; for "-"the good of all the land of E'gypt is 3'ours. 21 And the children of '^I§'ra-el did so: and ^Jo'seph gave them ^wagons, according to the com- mandment of ^'Phri'radh, and gave them provision for tiie way. 22 To all of them he gave each man changes of ''raiment; but to 'Ben'ja-niTn he gave 'three hun- Ired pieces of ^silver, and five changes of raiment. 23 And to his "^fatiier he sent af- ter this viauner; 'ten asses laden with the good things of '^E'gypt, and ten she asses laden with corn and bread and meat for his father by the way. 24 So he sent his brethren away, and they departed: and he said unto them, 'See that ye 'fall not out by the way. 25 And they went up out of E'gypt, and came into the land of "Ca'naan unto 'Ma'cob their father, 26 And told '^'hini, saying,* Jo'- .seph is yet alive, and he is "gov- ernor over all the land of '^E'gypt. And '^•^Ja'cob's heart fainted, for he believed them not I 27 And they told "him all the words of ^Jo'seph, which he had said unto them: and when he saw the 'wagons which Jo'.^eph had sent to carry him, the spirit of Ja'cob their father revived: 28 And ''Is'ra-el said, // is enough; '^Jo'.seph my son is yet alive: ^I will go and see him be- fore I die. CHAPTER 46 Jacob Is comforted by God at licer-sheba. 5 Thence lie with his household goes down into Egypt 8 The number of his family that ivcnl Into KgyfH. 28 .Joseph meets Jacob. 31 He instrncts his brethren how to ar,swer to Pharaoh. AND "Is'ra-el took his jour- ney with all that he had, and came to ''Be'er-she'ba, and '"offered ''sacrifices unto the God of his father I'.saac. 2 And Gotl spake imto "I.s'ra-el in the ^'visions of the night, and said, Ja'cob, Ja'cob. And he said. Here am I. 3 And he said, I am God, the God of thy father: *fear not to go down into ''E'gypt; for T will there make of thee a great nation : 4 '•T will go down with thee in- to ''E'gyjit; and I will also surely bring thee up again: and '^Jo'- seph shall put his hand upon thine eyes. 5 And "Ja'cob rose up from ''Be'er-she'ba: and the sons of Is'ra-el carried Ja'cob their fa- ther, and their little ones, and their wives, in the wagons which 'Pha'raoh had sent to carry him. 6 x\nd they took their cattle, and their goods, which they had gotten in the land of '"Ca'naan, and came into ''E'gypt, "Ja'cob, and all his seed with him: 7 His sons, and his sons' sons with him, his daughters, and his sons' daughters, and all his .seed brought he with him into E'gypt 8 T[ And these are the names of the chiklren of "Is'ra-el, which 80 B.C. 1706? See footnote. Time. Rev. 10:6. a Jacob, Gen. 27 11 6 Beer-shtoa, Judg, 20:1. c Wurshii). Gen. 22:5. d Offerings, burnt. Lev. 6 17. e Vision, Acts 9; 10. / Dream, instances of, Dan. 1:17. g Commandments, enjoining confi- dence in God, Deut. 8:2. h Egypt, Gen. 41 :S. i Promises, to the righteous, 2 Cor. 1:20. i God. providence ol. (Jen. 2:2. fc Joseph, Gen. 33:2. I Pharaoh, 37.36. 6 m Canaan, 37:1. n Israel, descend- ants of Jacob, Ex. 4.22. 46: 8 GENESIS 46: 28 B.C. 1706? See footnote. Time, Rev. 10.6. 0 Reuben Gen. 35: p Firstborn, Zech. 12 10. 9 7 Ex. 6.14. T 1 Chr. 5 3. s E.\. 6:14. 10 t Simeon, Gen. 29: 33 u Ex. 6:15, or. X em tie I. Nuni 26:12; 1 Chr. 4. ■'4. V Ex. 6:15. to Num. 20.12. or, JariO.l Chr. 4:24. X Ex. 6.1.^, or. Zc- rah. Num. 26:13; 1 Chr. 4 24. y Shaul, Ex. 6:15. 11 2 Levi, Gen. 29:34. 0 Kohath, Num.26: 58. 12 6 JiKidh, Gen. 37: 20. c £r, Gen. 38:3. d Onan. Gen. 38:8. e Gen. 3S:5. / Gen. 38:29. g Gen. 38:30. /J Canaan, land o1. Gen. 37:1. I- 1 Chr. 2:5. ; 1 CUr. 2 5. 13 k Isaachar, Gen. 30:18. 1 Num. 26:23. TO Or,/'Mc;,Num.26: 23; or, I'tiali, 1 Chr. 7:1. re Or, J ashub,\C\\T. 7:1. 0 Shimron, Num. 26 24- 1 Chr. 7:1. 14 p Zcbiilun. Gen.30: 20. 7 Num. 26:26. r Num. 26:26. S Num. 26:26. 15 1 LeaA, Gen. 29:16. u Jacob, Gen. 27: 11 V Padan-oram, Gen. 28:2. UJ Gen. 30.21. 16 r Gad, Gen. 30:11. y Num. 2G:I5. e Num. 26:15. i Num. 26:15. b Or, Oznt. Num. 26:16. « Num. 26:16. 17 came into E'tVypt, "Ja'cob and hi.s sons: "Reii'bcn, Ja'cob's ''firstl)orn. 9 And the sons of Reu'bcn; ^Ha/noch, and *Phc11'Iui' and 'Hcz'ron, and 'Car'ml. 10 And the sons of 'Sim'e-on; "Je-mu'el, and ^Ja'niin, and 'O'had, and "Ja'chin, and '^Zd'- hiir, and ^Sha'ul the son of a Ca'naan-it-ish woman. 11 And the sons of 'Le'vl; ^Ger'shon, ^Ko'hath, and "Me- ra'rl. 12 And the sons of "JiVdaJi; ^Er, and "O'nan, and ''She'hdi, a.id /Pha/ivz, and ^Za'rah: but Er and O'nan died in the land of ''Ca'naan. And the sons of Pharez were *Hez'r6n and 'Ha'- niul. 13 And the son.s of ^Is'sa-char; 'To'h\, and '"Phu'vah, and '^Job, and "Shim'ion. 14 And the sons of PZeb'udun; Se'red,and a'7l6n,and Mah'lc-el. 15 These be the sons of 'Le'ah, whicli she bare unto "Ja'cob in PaMan-a'ram, with his dauo-h- ter "'Dl'nah: all the souls of his sons and his daughters were thirty and three. 16 And the sons of ^Gad; ^Ziph'i-on, and ^ILVm'- "Shu'- nl, and "Ez'bon, ''E'n, and Ar'o- (\\, and A-rc'II. 17 And the sons of ''Ash'er; Jini'nah, and Tsh'u-ah, and "Ts'u-i, and "Be-rl'ah, and 'Se'- rah their sister: and the .sons of Be-rl'ah; 'Ur'licv, and ^Mal'- chi-el. i Asher. Gen.3013. e Or, Jimno. Num. 26:44./ Or, IsiM/i 1 Chr 7:30. g Or. Jeiui. .Num. 20:44; 1 Chr. 7:30. h Bcriah, 1 Chr 7 30 i Serah, Num. 26:46. ) .Viiin 26:45; 1 Chr. 7:31 1 Chr. 7:31. 32. k Num. 18 These are the sons of ^Zil' pah, whom '"La'ban gave to "Le'ah his daughter and these siie bare unto "Ja'cob, even six teen souls. 19 The sons of '^Ra'chel "Ja'- cob's wife; '^Jo'.sej)h, and '^Bcu' ja-min. 20 And unto '^Jd'seph in the land of ^E'gypt were born ^Ma- nas'seh and 'E'phra-Tm. which "As'e-nruh the daughter of 'Pot'i-phe'rah 'priest of "'On bare unto him. 21 And the sons .f 'Ben'ja-min -were ■'Bc'lah, and "Be'cher, and ^Ash'bcl, "Ge'ra, and Na'a-man, "E'hl, and Rosh, Muj/pirn, and Tlup'piin, and Ard. 22 These are the sons of "Ra'- chel, which were born to '^Ja'- cob: ail the souls were fourteen. 23 And the sons of ^Dan; ^Hu'shim. 24 And the sons of "Xaph'ta-ll; 'Jah'ze-el, and '(Jfi'ni, and '^Je' zer, and 'Shiriem. 25 These are the sons (jf '"BiK- hah, which "La'ban gave unto ''Ra'chel his daughter, and she bare these unto ''Ja'cob: all the souls were seven. 26 All the souls that came with ''Ja'cob into "E'gypt, which came out (;f his -loins, besides Ja'cob's sons' wives, all the souls were threescore and six; 27 And the sons of ''Jo'.scph, which were born him in ''E'gypt, ivere two souls: '^all the souls of the house of '^Ja'cob, which came into E'gypt, were three- score and ten. 28 1 And he sent ''Ju'dah be- B.C. 1706? See footnote. Time, Uev. 10.6. 18 / Zitpa/i. Gen. 29 24. m Laban. Gen. 28:5. n Leah, Gen. 29; 10. " .Incob, Gen 27; U. 19 p Rachel. Gen, 29:6. q Joseph, Gen 33:2. r Benjamin, Gen. 35:1,S. 20 s &/,V/)^ Gen.41;8. t Ephraim, Gen. 41:52. a Gen. 41:45. 60. V Gen. 41:45. 50. w Gen. 41 :4.5. 1 Or, prince 21 ■r licta. Num. 26; 38. y 1 Chr. 7:6, 8. z Num. 26.38: 1 Chr 8:1. a Gera. Judy. 3:15. b Or, Ehud, 1 Chr. 8 6. 1 Chr 7.12, 15. d Rachel, Gen. 29:6 e Jacob. Gen. 27: U. 2.1 / Dan. Gen. 30.6, g Or. y>huham.. Num. 20:42. 24 h Nnp'itiili, Gen, 30:,S. i Jahzcel, 1 Chr 7 13. i Num. 26:48; 1 Chr. 7:13. k Num. 20:49: 1 Chr. 7:13. 1 Shillem. Num. 20;. 19. m Hilhah, Gen. 29 29. n Lallan, Gen. 28:5. 2(i 0 Egypt. Gen. 41 ;8. 2 Ueb. tlilgh. 27 p Joseph. Gen. 33:2. q Israel, number of, who toenl into Egypt, Ex. 4.22, 28 r Judah. Gen. 37; 26. *P.4M.U (distinguished). San of Reuben, Gen. 40!)- Ex. 6:14, Num. 26:.>. 8, 1 Chr. :>::i. T J.\AIIN' (right hand). Son of Simeon. Gen. 4610- Ex 6:15; Xuni. 26:12; 1 Chr. 4:24. t OEIJSIIOX (stranger), called also Gkrshom Son of Levi, Geii. 46:11; Ex. 6:10. 17; Num. ,•5:17 26, 4-22-'8 ,18 7.7; 10:17, 26:57: Josh 21:6; 1 Chr 6:1,16, 17,20,43,62! 71: 1 5 -7: 2.1:6. Sons of. had charge of the I'llnics of the tabernacle. Sum. 3:25. 26; 4:25. 26, encamped on west side of tabernacle. Num. 3.23. See footnote. Gei.sho.nites. Num. 4:27 II MERARI. The third and t/nungcst son of Levi, Gen. 46:11. Ex. 6:16; Num. 3:17; 1 Chr. 6:1, 16 Mcrarites, Num. 26:.')7. Lather of the 5 'M.VN.-VSSKH (making to forget). Son of .loscph and Asiniilh, Ccn. 41:.'i0, 51; 46:20. Adopted by Jacob on his driiHihcd. Gen. 48:1, 5 20. Tribe of: Descendants of Joseph. The two sons of Joseph, Ephraim and Manasseh, were reckoned amonc: the primogenitors of uhe Twelve tribes, taking- the places of Joseph and Levi. Prophecy concerning. Gen. 49:25, 26. Enumeration of. Num. I:,'i4, 35. 26:2i)-34. Place cf. in camp and march. Num. 218, 20, 10:22, 23. Blessing of Moses m. Deut. 33: 46: 28 GENESIS 47 J 9 B.C. 1706? See footnote. Time, Rev. 10:6. s Goshen, Gen. 45: 10. I Israel, dwell in Goshen, Ex. 4:22. 29 M Children, good, instances of, Mark 10:14. V Chariot, Josh. 11:4. to Weepino, instan- ce* o], Ezra 3:13. 31 X Wisdom, worldly, vs 31-34: Prov. y Prudence, vs. 31- 34; 2 Chr. 212. z Pharaoh, 37:36. Gen. a Canaan, Gen. 37:1. b Shepherd, Jer.Zl: 10. 34 c Goshen, Gen. 45: 10. d Egyptians, Gen. 50:3. B.C. 1706? See footnote. Time, Rev. 10:6. a Joseph, Gen. 33:2. b Pharaoh, Gen. 37:36. t Jacob, Gen. 27: 11. fore him unto Jo'.seph, to direct his face unto ^Go'shen; and 'they came into the land of Go'shen. 29 And P- "Jo'.seph made ready his "chariot, and went up to meet Is'ra-el his father, to Go'shen, and presented hiinseh' unto him ; and he fell on his neck, and "\A'ept on his neck a good while. 30 And ^Is'ra-el said unto ''Jo'- .seph, Now let me die, since I have seen thy face, because thou art yet alive. 31 And ''J5',seph said unto his brethren, and unto his father's house, *• ^1 will go up, and shew ^Pha'raoh, and say unto him, My brethren, and my father's house, which were in the land of °Ca'naan,are come imto me; 32 And the men are ^shepherds, for their trade hath been to feed cattle; and they have brought their flocks, and their herds, and all that they have. 33 And it shall come to pass, when Pha'raoh shall call you, and shall say, What is your occupation ? 34 That ye shall say, Thy serv- ants' trade hath been about cat- tle from our youth even until now, both we, and also our fa- thers: that ye may dwell in the land of ^Go'shen; for every ''shepherd is an abomination un- to the '^E-gyp'tian.s. CHAPTER 47 Joseph presents five of his brethren, 7 and his father, before Pharaoh. 11 He gives them habitation and maintenance. 13 He obtains all the Eguptinns' money, 16 their cattle, 18 and their lands, for Pha- raoh. 22 The priests' land was not bought. 23 He lets out the land for a fifth part. 28 Jacob's age. 2!) He swears Joseph to bury him with his fathers. THEN "Jd'seph came and told ''Pha'raoh, and said, jNIy '^father and my brethren, and their flocks, and their herds, and all that they have, are come out of the land of ''Ca'naan; and, behold, they arc in the land of '^Go'shen. 2 And he took some of his brethren, even five men, and pre sented them unto ''Pha'raoh. 3 And ''Pha'raoh said unto his brethren, What is your occupa- tion ? And they said unto Pha'- raoh, Thy servants are 'shep- herds, both we, and also our fathers. 4 They said moreover unto ''Pha'raoh, For to sojourn in the land are we come; for thy serv- ants have no pasture for their flocks ; for the ^famine is sore in the land of ''Ca'naan : now there- fore, we pray thee, let thy serv- ants dwell in the land of Go'- shen. 5 And ''Pha'raoh spake unto "Jo'.seph, saying. Thy father and thy brethren are come unto thee: 6 ''The land of 'E'gvpt is before thee; in the best of the land make thy father and brethren to dwell; in the land of ^Go'shen let ^them dwell: and if thou knowest any ^men of activity among them, then make them rulers over my cattle. 7 And "Jo'.seph brought in '^ Ja' cob his father, and set him be fore ''Pha'raoh: and Ja'cob ''blessed Pha'raoh. 8 And ''l^ha'raoh said unto "^Ja'cob, How old art thou ? 9 And ^Ja'cob said unto "Pha' radh. The days of the 'years of my pilgrimage are an hundred and thirty years: few and evil have the days of the years of my '"life l:)een, and have not attained unto the "days of the years of B.C. 1706? See footnote. Time. Rev. 10:6. d Canaan, Gen. 37:1. e Goshen, Gen. 45: 10. / Shepherd, Jer. 31:10. Famine, 2 Kin 8:1. 6 h Kindness, instan- ces of. Acts 2S'2. i Egypt, Gen. il-.S. j Israel, dwell in Goshen, Ex. 4:22. 1 R. v. able men k Benedictions, in- stances of, Deut 21:5. Year, 29. Lev. 25: niLife, brevity and uncertainly of, Ewl. 8:15. n Longevity, Psa. 91:16. 13-17. Inheritance of one-half of tribe east of Jordan, Num. 32:33. 39-42. One-half of tribe ivest of Jordan, Josh. 16:9; 17:5-11. Cities of, qiven to Kohathites, 1 Chr. 6:66-70. The eastern half as.iist in the conquest of the country west of the Jordan, Deut. 3:18-20; .losh. 1:12-15; 4:12, 13. Join Vie other eastern tribes in erecting a monument to testify to the unUu of all Israel; misunderstood: make satisfactory expla- nation. Josh. 22. Join Gideon in tear with Midianltes. Judg:. 6:7. Malcontents of . join David, i Chr. 12:19, 31. Smitten by Ha:ael, 2 Kin. 10:33. Return from captivity, 1 Chr. 9:3. RealUitmcnl of territory to, by Ezekiel. EzeU. 48:4. Affiiiate. with the Jews in the reign of Hezekinh, 2 Chr. 30. Incor porated into kingdom of Judah, 2 Chr. 15:9; 34:6 7. In John's vision. Rev. 7 :6 47: 9 GENESIS 47: 26 B.C. 1706? See footnote. Time. Rev. 10:G. 11 Children, good, iTistaiices of, Mark 10.14. 14 p Oppression, in stances oj, vs. 15- 26: Eccl. 5:8. g Mone!/,Jer. 32:9 r Corn, Psa. 65 13. B.C. 1703? See footnote, Time Rev. 10:6. 17 s //wse, Job 39:10 t ^ss. 2(,'hr. 28:15. 2 Heb. led them at a sliepherd the the life of my fathers days of their pilgrimage. 10 And ^Ja'cob ^blessed "Pha'- ra5h, and went out from before Pha'raoh. 11 T[ And "-"JC/seph *place(l his father and his brethren, and gave them a possession in the land of E'gvpt. in the best of the land, in the land of ^Ra-me'ses, as Pha'raoh had commantled. 12 And ""Jo'-seph nomished his father, and his brethren, and all his father's household, with bread, according to their fam- ilies. 13 T[ And ihcre was no bread in all the land ; for the ^famine was very sore, so that the land of E'gvpt and all the land of '^Ca'- naan fainted by reason of the famine. 14 PAnd "Jo'.seph gathered up all Ihe *money that was found in the land of 'E'gvpt, and in the land of '^Ca'naan. for the ''corn which they bought: and Jo'seph brought the money into *Pha'- raoh's house. 15 And when ^money failed in the land of 'E'gypt, and in the land of ''Ca'naan, all the £l-gyp'- tian.^i came unto Jo'.seph, and said. Give us bread: for why should we die in thy presence ? for the money faileth. 16 And °Jd',sei)h said, ^Give your cattle; and I will give you for your cattle, if "money fail. 17 And they brought their cat- tle unto Jo'.seph: and Jo'.seph gave them Ijrcad in exchange for lorses, and for the flocks, and for the cattle of the herds, and for the 'asses: and he ^fed them with bread for all their cattle for that year. 18 When that year was ended, they came unto him the second year and said unto him. We will * MEPOTISM, otTicial favoritism to relatives. Of.Joxcph Gen. 47:11, 12. Of Saul, 1 Sam. 14:.50. Of David. 2 Sam 8:16; 19:i;i. Of Nehemlah. Neh. 7:2. not hide it from my lord, how that our money is sjjent; ^my lord also hath our herds of cat- tle; there is not ought left in the •sight of my lord, but our bodies, and our lands: 19 ^Yherefore shall we die be- fore thine eyes, both we and our land ? buy us anil our land for bread, and we and our land will be servants unto ''Pha'raoh : and give us seed, that we may live, and not die, that the land be not desolate. 20 And '^Jo'.seph ''bought all the ^land of 'E'gypt for Pha' raoh; for the £-gyp'tian,s sold every man his field, because the "famine prevailed over them : so the land became ''Pha'raoh's. 21 And as for the people, he re- moved them to "'cities from ojie end of the borders of E'gvpt even to the other end thereof. 22 Only the ^land of the ^priests bought he not; for the priests had a portion assirpied them of *Pha'radh, and did eat their portion which Pha'iaoh gave them: wherefore they sold not their lands. 28 Then ''Jo'seph said unto the people. Behold, I have "bought you this day and your land for Pha'raoh: lo, here is seed for you, and ye shall sow the land. 24 ^And it shall come to pass in the increase, that ye shall give the ^fifth part unto "Pha'raoh, and four parts shall be your own, for seed of the field, and for your food, and for them of your households, and for food for your little ones. 25 And they said, Thou hast saved our lives: let us find grace in the sight of my lord, and we will be Pha'raoh's ^servants. 26 And Jo'.seph made it a law over the land of E'gypt unto this B.C. 1703? See footnote, Time, Rev. 10:6. B.C. 1701? See footnote, Time, Rev. 10:6. u Monopoly, Isa. 5:8. V Land, Ruth 4:3. w Cities, 35:8. Num. 22 Property, exempt pom tax. Lev 27: 15. Or. princes 24 y Tax. Neh. 10:32. 25 Servant, Jer. 14. 83 t RAIVIESKS {son of the sun). A district and city in Egypt. Oen. 47:11; Ex. 12:37; Num. .33:3, 5. City of, built by the Israelites as a treasure city for Pharaoh, Ex. 1 :11. 47: 26 GENESIS 48: 10 B.C. 1701? See footnote, Time, Rev. 10:6. 27 a Israel, Ex. 4;22. 6 Egypt. Gen. 41:8. c Goshen, Gen. 45 10. B.C. 1689? See footnote, Time, Rev. 10:6. 28 d Jacob, Gen. 27: 11. e Longevity, in- stances oj, Psa. 91.16. / Death, prepara- tion lor. Num. 23:10. g Joseph, Gen. 32-.2. 30 ft Burial, Acts 8:2. i Btiryinq Places, Gen. 23:4, 31 J Oa«ft, Num. 5:19. a Joseph, Gen. 33-2. b Jacob, Gen. 27 11. c Manasseh, Gen. 46:20. d Ephraim, Gen. 41:52. day, that Pha'radh should have the ^fifth part; except the -^land of the ^priests only, which be- came not Pha'raoh's. 27 Tf And "Ls'ra-el dwelt in the land of ^E'gypt, in the country of ''Go'shen; and they had pos- sessions therein, and grew, and multiplied exceedingly. 28 And ''Ja'cob lived in the land of E'gypt seventeen years: so the whole age of Ja'cob was an hundred forty and seven years. 29 And the time drew nigh that '^Is'ra-el must ^die: and he called his son "Jo'.seph, and said unto him, If now I have found grace in thy sight, put, I pray thee, thy hand under my thigh, and deal kindly and ti-uly with me; bury me not, I pray thee, in E'gypt: 30 But I will lie with my fa- thers, and thou shalt carry me out of E'gvpt, and ''bury me in their *buryingplace. And he said, I will do as thou hast said. 31 And lie said, Swear unto me. And he 'sware unto him. And Is'ra-el bowed himself upon the bed's head. CHAPTER 48 Joseph with liis snns visits his sick father. 2 Jacob strengtlicns himself to bless them. 3 He repeats the promise. 5 He takes Ephraim and Miniassrh as his oum. 7 He tells Joseph of his mother's grave. 8 He blesses Ephraim and Manasseh. 17 He prefers the younger before the elder. 21 He prophesies their return to Canaan. AND it came to pass after these things, that one told "Jo'.seph, Behold, thy "father is sick: and he took with him his two sons, '^INIa-nas'seh and ''F/phra-im. 2 And one told *Ja'cob, and said, Behold, thy son "Jo'seph Cometh unto thee: and Is'ra-el strengthened himself, and sat upon the bed. 3 And ''Ja'cob said unto "Jo'- .seph, God Almighty appeared unto me at Luz in the land of *Ca'naan, and 'blessed me, 4 And said unto me, Behold, I will make thee fruitful, and mul- tiply thee, and I will make of thee a multitude of people; and will give this land to thy ''seed after thee for an everlasting possession. 5 And now thy two sons, ''E'phril-im and ''Ma-nas'seh, which were born unto thee in the land of ''E'gypt before I came unto thee into E'gypt, *are mine; as *Reu'ben and 'Sim'- e-on, they shall be mine. 6 And thy issue, which thou ^be- gettest after them, shall be thine, and shall be called after the name of their brethren in their inheritance. 7 And as for me, when I came from Pa'dan, ^Ra'chel died 'by me in the land of ^Ca'naan in the way, when yet there tvas but a little way to come unto Eph'- rath: and I ^juried her there in the way of Eph'rath; the same is ^Beth'-le-hem. 8 And "I§'ra-el beheld °J6'- .^eph's sons, and said. Who are these ? 9 And Jo'seph said unto his fa- ther. They are my "'sons, whom God hath given me in this place. And he said. Bring them, I pray thee, unto me, and I will "bless them. 10 Now the eyes of ''Ls'ra-el were dim forage, so that he could "not see. And he brought them near unto him; and ^he "kissed them, and embraced them. B.C. 1689? See footnote, Time, Rev. 10.6. e Canaan, Gen. 37:1. / Spiritual Bless- inqs, from God, Eph. 1:3. g Israel, prophecies concerning, Ex. 4:22. h Egypt, Gen. 41 :8. i Reuben. Gen. ,?5: 22. ? Simeon, Gen. 29: 33. 1 Or, hast begotten A: Rachel, Gen. 29:6. 1 Burying Places, Gen. 23:4. 2 Or, to my sorrow m Children, gift o; God. V. 16; Mark 10:14. n Benedictions, Deut. 21:5. 10 o Blindness, in- stances of. 2 Kin. 6:18. p Parents, affection of, 2 Cor. 12:14. q Kiss, Ruth 1:14. ♦ ADOPTION, or Children. Instances of: Of Jo- seph's sons. Gen. 48:.5, 14, 16. 22. Of Moses, Ex. 2:5-10; Acts 7:21; Heb. 11:24. Of Esther, Esth. 2:7. Spiritual, see footnote. Spiritual Adoption, Rom. 8:15. t BETHLEHEAI (house of bread). .4 city S. W. of Jerusalem, ,}udfr. 17:7; 10 ■.!&. Called Ephratah, Ruth 4: 11; Psa. 132:6; Mlc. 5:2:awd Ephrath, Gen. 35:16, 19; 48:7; and Beth-lehem-judah, Judg. 17:7-9; 19:1, 18; Ruth 1:1; ISam. 17:12. Rachel dies and is burled at. Gen. 3a: 16; 48:7. The city of Boaz, Ruth 1:1, 19; 2:4: 4. Taken and held bij the Philistines, 2 Sa.m.2&:\ A 16. Rehoboam converts it into a mili- tary stronghold. 2 Chr. 11:6. The city of Joseph. Matt. 2:5,6: Luke 2:4. Birthplace of Jesus, U\c.^:2; Matt. 2:1-20; Luke 2:4, 15. Herod slays the children of. Matt. 2'16-18. 84 48: 11 GENESIS 49: 6 B.C. 1689? See footnote. Tuik, Rev. 10.6 r ThanklKliicss, ex- emplified, Acts 24 3. 12 s Cliiltlrcn, ikkkI, \>!Stencesol,y,drk 10:U. 14 / Hand, imposition o;. Kzra 10.19. u Fnsihurn, Zech. 10. Or. cru.sslng lil,-^ hands 15 V Parents, blessings 01. 2 for. 12:14. " Abra/iam, Gen. 17 5 I Jsaac, Gen. 21 ;3. y Clod, providence ol. Gen 2 2. z Food, porn God. Psa 130 2d. 10 a Intercession, ol men wit)i ijod. Jer. 27 IS. b God, savior. Gen. 2.2. 17 c Hand, imposition ol. Ezra 10.19 •I Ephraim, 41.52 e Manassek, 46.20. 18 / Firstborn, btrth- righlol. Zech.l2 10. J Birthright, 2 Chr 21.3. 11 And ^T.s'ra'cl '.said unto "Jo'.seph, I had not thought to see thy face: and, lo, God hath shewed me also thy seed. 12 And "-Mr/.scph broui^ht them out from between his knees, and he bowed himself with his face to the earth. 13 And "Jo'seph took them )oth, ''K'})hra,-Tm in his right hand to\^'a^d Is'i-a-el's left hand, and '^Ma-nas'seh in his left hand toward Ls'i-a-el's right hand, and brought tit cm near unto him. 14 And "Is'ra-el stretched out his right 'haml, and laid // upon '^E'phra-un's head, who was the younger, and his left hand upon '^Ma-nas'seh's head, gui(hng his hands wittingly; for Ma-nas'seh was the "first- born. 1511 And iie blessed Jo'seph, and said, God, before whom my fathers "'A'bra-ham and •^I'.saac did walk, the ^God which fed me all my life long unto this day, 16 "The ''Angel wliich re- deemed me from all evil, bless the lads; and let my name be named on them, and the name of my fathers A'bra-ham and I'saac; and let them grow into a multitude in the midst of the earth. 17 And when Jd'seph saw tliat his father laid his right ''hand upon the head of '^E'{)hra-im, it displeased him ; and he held up his father's hand, to remove it from E'phra-im's head unto ^Ma-nas'seh's head. 18 And Jo'.seph said imto iiis father, Not so, my father; for this is the ^■''firstborn; put thy right hand upon his head. 19 And his father refused, and said, I know it, my son, I know it: "he also shall become a peo- ple, and he also shall be great: but truly his younger ''brother shall be greater than h(\ and his seed shall become a multitude of nations. 20 And "he blessed them that day, saying, 'In thee shall Is'ra-el l)lcss, saying, God make thee as '^E'phra-im and as '"jMa-nas'seh : and he set E'phni-im before Ma-nas'seh. 21 And Is'ra-el said unto Jo'- seph, Behold, 1 'die: but ^G(k1 shall be with you, and bring you again unto the land of your fathers. 22 Moreover ^I have given to thee one 'portion '"above thy brethren, which I took out of the liand of the "Am'or-ite with my sword and with my bow. CHAPTER 49 .Jacob calls fiis sons before him. 3 He fore- tells what ivUl befall them in the last ilays. and blesses them. 20 His charge con cerning his burial. 33 His death. NI) "-"Ja/cob called unto his sons, and said. Gather yourselves together, that I may tell you that which shall befall '"you in the last days. 2 "Gather yourselves together, and hear, ye sons of '^Ja'eob; and hearken unto Is'ra-el your fa- ther. 3 ^ ''Reu'ben, thou art my 'iirstl)orn, my might, an;l the l)e- ginning of my strength, the ex- cellency of dignity, and the ex- cellency of power: 4 ^•/- '^Unstable as water, ''thou shalt not excel; because thou '' 'wentest up to thy father's bed ; then defiledst thou it: he went up to my couch. 5 ^ 'Sim'e-on and ''^Le'vl arc brethren* ^instruments of cruelty are in their habitations. 6 O my soul, come not thou into their .secret; unto thei.- ' '"assem- bly, mine honour, be not thou united, for in their "anger they B.C. 1681) ? See footnote, Time. Rev. 10:6. 20 k ]>n.rcnts. blessings of. 2 Cor. 12:14. 4 Or, by 21 i Death, scenes ol. Num. 23:10. j h'tiiili. insUincei of, AJark 11.22. k Parents, partinl- ilil of, 2 Cor. 12: 14. I I nheritancc.N um. 27:7. ni Partialiti/.l 'Inn. 5:21. n Ainoritcs, Gen. 14:13. a .Jacob, Gen. 27 11. b Death, prepara- tion for, vs. 1-33: Num. 23:10. c Israel, prophecies concerning, vs.l- 33; Ex. 4-22. d h'eubcn, Gen. 35; e Firstborn, hirtli- ruihlol, Zech. 12. 10. J Character, instn- bilHij of I'liil, 2; (I Inslahihlij. J:\s. l.\ h Incfst, i/tstanecs 01, Lev. IS.O. ! Adultery, instan- ces o/, Lev. 20 10 I II eb. boiltng over as water, thou Shalt not have tlie preeminence. 1 Simeon, Gen 29: 33, li Levi. Gen. 29 34. 2 Ileb. weapons of violence are tlieir swords. / Company, evil Prov. 13:20. rn Fellowship, with the vnckcd, 1 Cor 1.9. n Anger, instances of. Psa. 37 :8 ft9: 6 GENESIS 49: 24 B.C. 1689? See footnote. Time. Rev. 10:6. 0 Homicide, feloni- ous, Deut, 5; 17. 3 R. V. houghed an ox. Curse, Judg. parentaL 6.23. g Judah. Gen. 37: 26 r Parents blessings oj, 2 Cor. 12:14 t Benedictions. Deut. 21.5. 4 R. V. sons 9 ( Lwn, figurative. Mic. 6.S. 5 R. V. and as a lioness: 10 ,s 28:2. i Good for Evil. vs. l',t-21; Luke 6: 27. 20 / Enemy. Prov. 24: 17. k God, providence Gen. 2: of. instances of, 1 o-o 1 Faith, instances of, .Mark 11:22. 21 2 Heb. to their heart. B.C. 16.*}5? .Sec footnote. Time, Kcv. 10:6. m Egypt, Gen. 41 :8 re Ephraim, 44:52. 0 Manasseh, 46:20. % MACHIR. One of the sons of Manasseh, Gen. 50:2.3; landof Gilead allotted to. Num. 32. .19. 40: Deut. 3:15; Josh. lChr.7:14. Father of the Machiritcs, Num. 26:29. 36:1. Ttie I 13:31. Certain cities ol Bashan given to. Josh. l^-.ZX; 17:1 88 50: 24 GENESIS 1: 16 B.C. 1635? See footnote. Time, Rev. 10 ;6. 24 p Covenant, of God tHth men, Deut. 29:1. g Abraham, Gen. 17 5. r Isaac, Gen. 21:3. which he ^sware to 'A'bra-ham, to '^I'saac, and to '^Ja'cob. 25 And Jo'.seph took an ^oath of the chiklren of T.s'ra-el, say- ing, God will surely visit you, 25 s Oath. Xum. 5:19. antl ye shall carry up my bones from hence. 26 So ''Jo'.seph 'died, being "an hundred and ten years old: and they embalmed him, and he was put in a coffin in E'gypt. B.C. 1635? See footnote, Tlma, Rev. lO.S. 26 t Death. Num. 23: 10. u Lnnqeritv, in- stances oj, Psa. 91:1C. THE SECOND BOOK OF MOSES, CALLED E X O D XJ S B.C. 1706? See footnote. Time, Rev. 10:6. a Genealogy, 1 Chr. 5:1. 6 Israel, number oj, who went into Egypt, vs. 1-5: Ex. 4.22. C Egypt. Gen. 41 S. d Jacob. Gen. 27: 11. e Reuben, Gen. 35 22. / Simeon, Gen. 29: 33. g Levi, Gen. 29.34. h Judah, Gen. 37: 26. i Issachar, Gen. 30.18. ;' Zebulun, Gen. 30:20. ft Benjamin, Gen. 35:18. I Dan, Gen. 30:6. m Naphtali, Gen. 30:8. n Gad, Gen. 30:11. 0 Asher, Gen. 30. 13. p Joseph, Gen. 33:2. q Israel. Ex. 4:22 B.C. 1635? See footnote, Time, Rev. 10:6. 8 r .'Vets 7:18. 1 Or, too many and too mighty for CHAPTER 1 The children of Israel multiply after Jo- seph's death. 8 The more they are op- pressed by a new king, the more they multiply. 15 The nHdicives fear God. and sure the men children alive. 22 Pharaoh commands the male children be cast into the river. "VTOW these are the "names of -i-^ the children of ''I.s'ra-el, which came into '^E'gypt; every man and his household came with ''Ja'cob. 2 ^Reii'ben, 'Sim'e-on, ^Le'vl, and ''Ju'dah, 3 'Ls'sa-char, 'Zeb'u-liin, and ^Ben'ja-min, 4 'Dan, and "'Naph'ta-ll, "Gad, and "Ash'er. 5 And all the ''souls that came out of the loins of 'Ma'colj were seventy souls: for ^Jo'.seph was in ''E'gypt alreadij. 6 And ^Jo'seph died, and all his brethren, and all that gen- eration. 7 And the children of ''Ts'ra-el were fruitful, and increased abundantly, and multiplied, and waxed exceeding mighty; and the land was filled with them. 8 *\ Now there arose up a new king over '^E'gypt, ''which knew not ^Jf/seph, 9 And he said unto his people, Behold, the people of the chil- dren of 'Is'ra-ei are ^more and mightier than we: 10 Come on, let us deal ^wisely with *them; lest they multiply, and it come to pass, thixt, when there falleth out any war, they join also our enemies, and fight against us, and so get them up out of the land. 11 Therefore they did set over ''them taskmasters to 'afflict them with their burdens. And they built for *Pha.'ra6h ^treas- ure cities, Pi'thom and "Rfi- fim'se.s. 12 But the more they 'afflict- ed *thera, th3 more they multi plied and grew. And they were grieved because of the children of I.s'ra-el. 13 And the ^l5-gyp'tian.s made the children of I§'ra-el to serve with rigour: 14 And they made their lives bitter with 'hard H)ondage, in '"morter, and in brick, and in all manner of service in the field: all their service, wherein they made them serve, was with rigour. 15 ^ And the *■ ^king of E'gypt spake to the He'brew ^mid- wives, of which the name of the one was Shiph'rah, and the name of the other Pu'ah: 16 And ^he said, When ye do the office of a ^midwife, to the He'brew women, and see them B.C. 1635? See footnote. Time, Rev. 10:6. Wisdom, worldly, Prov. 2:2. 11 t Oppression, in- stances cf, Eccl. 5:8. ti Rameses, G e n. 47:11. V Egyptians, Gen. 50:3. 14 w Mortar, cement, Lev. 14:42. 15 z Rulers, wicked, Ex. 18:21. y Midtt'ifery. Gen 35:17. * PHARAOH, klnir of Egypt In the Infancy of Mo.ses. Im- poses hard tasks on Israel. Ex. 1:8 11. Decrees the death of all male Hebreiv infants. Ex. 1:16. Dauahter of. adopts Moses. Ex. 2:5-10 (with Heb. 11:24). Death of, Ex. 2:23. t TREASUKE CITIE.S. rsiiitt for the storage of the king's sub.tlunce. 1 Kin, !):l!): 2 Chr. 8:4, 6. I BONI>A