g-'A « ?r £*-j'5 belong in this case to a rather early date, since even the LXX, in their day, with their rendering ]4va xal ji^a (just as in XIX. 13), evidently combined the characters in the same way as the Masoretes did. We must bear in mind too that in chap. XVII. 31 the W^^V (LXX Evaioi), i. e. the inhabitants of Avva (see note on the passage), are mentioned, exactly as in the present verse, along with the Sepharvites. In that passage, however, it is absolutely impossible to suppose that there was an ap- positional D''')X/1i;j, There must at all events have existed a place riJJt;. Hence for J/^n also the only assumption that remains possible is to regard it as the name of a locality. n!'l'15P Sepharvaim. According to 2 Kings XVII. 24 Sargon deported the inhabitants of this place to Samaria. This was obviously connected with an insurrection which the Sepharvites had attempted — probably in union with the Babylonians — against the Assyrians, in other words with an alliance concluded between the Babylonians and Sepharvites against the Assyrians, just at the commence- ment of Sargon's reign. In the inscriptions of Sargon there is no express mention of his conquest of Sipar and the deportation of its inhabitants ; only we can clearly infer from the Khorsabad inscriptions that at any rate in the time subsequent to the capture of Babylon (710 — 9) 10 TEE CUNEIFORM INSCRIPTIONS AND TEE 0. T. Sipar had no independent ruler. This by no means ex- cludes the possibility that the conquest of Sipar had abready occurred some time before, particularly after the first cam- paign of Sargon against Babylonia (721 B. C); indeed it renders the assumption essentially probable. Compare too 2 Kings XVII, 24 and my remarks on that passage. See also Keilinsch. und Gesch. p. 428 note. XIX. 8. Libna, a spot, whose position is uncertain. We must at any rate seek for it in the immediate neigh- bourhood of Lakish, perhaps to the West of that town. 326 If it is Tell-es-Safijeh, North-North- West of Eleutheropolis, that is meant, and lying about mid -way between that town and the Timnath mentioned in the cuneiform text, it follows that Sanherib was at this moment in full retreat. 9. And when he heard of Tirkaka (Hj^ri'lJI), king of Aethiopia (tt'lD), that it was said : see, he has marched forth to fight with you In Sanherib's inscription the name of this Aethio- pian king is not mentioned, but we become acquainted with it in an inscription of Asurbanipal, where in the Assyrian transcription it is pronounced Tar-ku-u (see Smith's Assurbanipal 15, 52 ; 19, 85 etc.*). It is, however, * Asurbanipal, successor of Asarhaddon, opeos the account of his campaign against the revolted Aegyptians in the following words : I-na mah-ri-i gir-ri-ja a-na mat Ma-gan u m. Mi-luh-ha lu-u al-lik. Tar-ku-u sar m. Mu-sur (u) m. Ku-u-si §a Asur-ah-iddin sar mat A§§ur abu ba-nu-u-a apikta-§u is-ku-nu-ma i-bi-lu mS,t-su u su-u Tar-ku-u da-na-an Asur Istar u ili rabiiti bi'li-ja im-si-ma it-ta-kil a-na i-muk ra-ma-ni-su i. e. "In my first cam- paign I marched against Makan and Miluhha. Tirhaka, king of Aegypt (and) Aethiopia, on whom Asarhaddon, king of Assyria, the father, my begetter, had inflicted a defeat and had taken possession (^^2) of his land, this Tirhaka despised (1,*m./«) the might of Asur, Istar and SECOND BOOK OF KINGS XIX. 1 1 quite clear from Sanherib's inscription that the Aethiopian monarch (he is there called "king of Mlluhhi") was the chief personage in the event : it is his steeds, chariots and archers which are expressly referred-to by the Great King of Assyria (Cyl. II, 74). 12. Gozan, Harran, Resseph and the sons of Eden roho (dwelt) at Telassar. Respecting Goz^n see the remarks on chap. XVII. 6, Vol. I, p. 267, and on Harran, the comment on Gen. XI. 31. — Resseph ^^"}, a Mesopotamian town, which 32'; is frequently mentioned in the inscriptions in the formRa-sa- ap-pa or Ra-sap-pa; see the list of officers Obv. 14. 43; Rev. 24. 37. The town appears throughout in conjunction with the other Mesopotamian towns : Nisibis, Arrapcha and Amid. Comp. II Rawl. 53, 37, where the place is men- tioned along with Arrapcha (here "Arbacha"), Ihsan and Gozan; Keilinsch. und Geschichtsforschung p. 167. — Sons of Eden y^V. 'J? (comp. Is. XXXVII. 12). The question arises whether we should not connect the kingdom thus designated with the Btt-Adini of the inscriptions, so frequently mentioned in the records of Asurnasirhabal and Salmanassar II, and which we must suppose to have stretched along both banks of the middle Euphrates, on the tract extending between Balis and Biredshik. * Since Eden is here mentioned along with Gozan and Harran, which are undoubtedly West -Mesopotamian towns, and also along with Resseph; and since, moreover, all these towns are stated to have been already destroyed by San- herib's forefathers, a fact which harmonizes particularly the gi-eat gods, my lords, and depended on his own powers (poj?)" (Smith's Assurb. 15 foil.; comp. V Rawl. 1, 52-57). There follows the account of Tirhaka's revolt. 1 2 TEE CUNEIFORM INSCRIPTIONS AND TEE 0. T. well with the Btt-Adini of the inscriptions, a strong argu- ment may be adduced in favour of the combination pro- posed. Compare Riehm's Handworterbuch I. 176"; see Keilinsch. und Geschichtsforschung p. 199 footnote. Com-, pare likewise Amos 1, 5 and Ezek. XXVII. 23. — Telassar P^'nSp) Assyr. Til-A§-su-ri (comp. Layard. 68, 12). The name properly signifies either "Assyrian hill", or else, and more probably, "hill of Asur" (adjectives of reference terminate in Assyrian not in i, but ai). It is one of the numerous names of places compounded with TTl, Jj. With regard to the position of the spot, we may conclude from the passage referred-to, one of Tiglath-Pileser's, that the place is to be sought somewhere in the neighbourhood of BS,b-ilu "Babylon", at all events in the Babylonian region, though in the direction of Assyria. Yet there 328 might have been other cities with this name, e. g. on the middle Euphrates, where Salmanassar II had already given to a town the name of Lita-Asur "glory of Asur" (Mono- lith II. 34 foil.), and the mention of pV ^J3 = Btt-Adini points mainly in the direction of this combination. Comp. Keilinsch. und Gesch. p. 199. 13. Arpad, Assyr. Ar-pad-du. Further details respec- ting the mention of the town or land Arpad on the monu- ments, — also regarding the time when the independence of the kingdom Arpad may be supposed to have come to an end, — and lastly on the geographical position of the town, which has meanwhile been settled by Dr. Haus- knecht's discovery , may be gathered by consulting the remarks on 2 Kings XVIII. 34. Respecting Hamath see the notes on Gen. X. 18 ; 2 Kings XVII. 30; on Sepharvaim see the comments on 2 Kings XVII. 24, 31 ; XVIII. 34. SECOND BOOK OF KINGS XIX. 13 35. And it happened in the same night, there went forth the angel of Jahve and smote in the camp of the Assyrians 185,000 men. The Assyrian inscriptions shed no light on this obscure passage. Sanherib in his inscription is alto- gether silent about the character of the retreat and its causes. Compare the remarks above p. 300 (Vol. 1). 36. and returned and dwelt in Niniveh. We learn also from the cylinder - inscription col. III. 39 that Sanherib retired to Niniveh, his capital. But if the reader, by pres- sing the phrase used by the Hebrew historian : "and he remained, or dwelt (31|i^!'.l) in Niniveh", were to conclude that Sanherib, after the misfortune in the Palestiuo-Aegyp- tian war, wholly abstained from military enterprises, he would make a very great mistake. On the Taylor-cylinder Sanherib himself relates five other larger or smaller mili- tary enterprises, all of which were in fact directed to the East, North or South of his realm. Consequently for the Western nations, like the Hebrews , they were as though 329 they never happened, and hence are not mentioned by them. Among these expeditions, we have several conducted against Babylonia, directed, moreover, against Merodach-Baladan, whom he had already conquered (and dethroned) in the first campaign, and also against a son of Merodach-Baladan, called Nabli-§um-iskun*, whom Sanherib captured alive in the battle (Taylor-cylind. col. HI. 50 foil. VI, 6). Respecting Merodach-Baladan see also the comment on chap. XX. 12. 37. And as lie prayed in the temple of Nisroch his god. In place of Nisroch ("^^PJ) the LXX read '^aaaQax (if we * Respecting this name = "Nebo bestowed the name", see Assyr. Babyl. Keilinsch. p. 127, no. 8. 14 THE CUNEIFORM INSCRIPTIONS AND THE 0. T. are to regard this as the proper emendation, with Well- hausen, for the traditional NaOdQax or Mecsgax, comp. the yigdax/] of Josephus). It is probable that we have, here a reference to the God Asur and that the final ax {ay) is to be regarded as an agglutination of some sort. At any rate we have evidence here of an Assyrian God ASur, who at the same time appears as the Assyrian supreme deity, not of a god Nisruk, as many have assumed, myself among the rest. The name of the divinity, which, it was supposed, was thus pronounced, ought rather to be read as la and is identical with the divine name 'Aoq in Damas- cius (see above Vol. I, p. 12); accordingly it has nothing to do with the above. — J. Haldvy and F. Delitzsch are of opinion that the name in question is a corruption of that of the Assyrian god N u s k u. Adrammelech and Sharezer ("1^X1.2^) [his sons] slew him with the sword. About Adrammelech see the remarks on chap. XVII. 31, Vol. I p. 276 foil. Sharezer, Assyrian Sar-usur, is the ultimate abbreviation of a fuller form A§ur (Bil, Nirgal)-sar-usur i. e. "Asur (Bel, Nergal) protect the king!" — see Assyrisch. Babyl. Keilinsch. p. 128, No. 11; p. 156, No. 66. We have a similarly abbreviated name in Abal-usur "protect the son" II Rawl. 63. III. 9, employed in this shortened form by the Assyrians them- 330 selves*. Regarding the case simply as it stands, we have, therefore, no reason to suppose that it was the Biblical historian who In the first instance contracted the name in this fashion (see Assyr. Babyl. Keilinsch. p. 156). Our judgment, however, becomes considerably modified when we glance at the corresponding account of Abydenus con- * [Comp. the illustrations given in Vol. I, p. 45— Transl.] SECOND BOOK OF KINGS XIX. 15 talned in Eusebius, Armen. Chron. ed. Mai p. 25 (Schoene I, 35). According to this writer Sanherib was assassinated by his son A d r a m e 1 u s, and was succeeded by N e r g i 1 u s, who in turn was put to death by Axerdis i. e. Asarhad- don *. Now the identification of Axerdis with Asarhaddon and of Adraraelus with Adranimelech, is at once obvious. There remains in the third place the identification of Ner- gilus with Sharezer. This identity likewise would be com- plete, if the original name of the son of Sanherib, who is now the subject of discussion, were Nlrgal-sar-usur "Nergal, protect the king" i. e. Neriglissor; see Assyr. Babyl. Keilinsch. p. 128 No. 12. If this assumption be correct, we have the interesting phaenomenon, that the Bible has preserved to us one half of the Assyrian's original name, and Abydenus the other. The reader is aware that Alexander Polyhistor (1. c. Mai p. 19; Schoene p. 2 7) only mentions Ardumusanus (Ardumuzanus) i. e. Adrammelech as the murderer of Sanherib **. * Thus according to A. von Gutschmid's correction. ** According to V. Floigl, Cyrus and Herodotus (Leipzig 1881) p. 27, Nergilus is the "legitimate heir and grandson of Sanherib, son of Asurnadinsum" and "Adarmalik slew his father, not in order to gain the crown for himself, but to exclude his step-brother Asarhaddon from the throne, for whom it had been destined by his father, and to raise Nergilus to that position" (??). For a criticism of the hypothesis of a "five-years interregnum" after the assassination of Sanherib (A. von Gutschmid), see my remarks in the dissertation "On the Babylono- Assyrian chronology of Alexander Polyhistor and Abydenus" in the Reports of the Konigl. Sachsische Gesellsch. der Wissensch. 1880, pp. 6 foil. There I stated that "the glory of Nergilus must have merely lasted during the brief space of time that intervened between the murder of Sanherib and the arrival of Asarhaddon upon the scenes, who had been detained upon a distant field of military enterprise" (ibid. 7) ; comp. also Keilinsch. u. Geschichtsforschuug p. 539 foil.— It should likewise be observed that Alex. Polyhistor, in his statement, 16 THE CUNEIFORM INSCRIPTIONS AND THE 0. T. 331 The Assyrian sources of information say nothing about "" Sanherib's assassination. How the matter stands in this respect iu the case of Sargon may be gathered from the remarks on Is. XX. I ad fin.* and they escaped into the land Ararat (lD"l^f< l'^?)- ^ have abeady shown (Vol. I, pp. 53 foil.) that Ar&.rat, Assyr. Urartu, is not so much the name of the mountain so-called, but rather of the great plain watered by the AraxeS; south of which stood the mountain Ararat. It is no longer possible to determine with any certainty in how broad and in how narrow a sense this territorial designation was understood by the Hebrews, According to Abydenus quoted in Eusebius (ed. Schoene I. 35), Asarhaddon, in the pursuit of his defeated foes, cast them into the "city of the Byzantines" (m Byzantinorum urbem injecit). By this "Byzantium" A. von Gutschmid understands the BiC,ava of Procopius** to be meant, which lay somewhere on the frontier of Lesser and Greater Armenia. With this hypo- 332 thesis agrees the cuneiform account which Asarhaddon has left us respecting these occurrences. According to this which differs from that of the Bible, coincides with Abydenus accord- ing to the emended reading (see the preceding footnote). The definite hypothesis that the Nergilus of Abydenus and the Sharezer of the Bible are identical, as well as the combination of both names into a single complete one : Nergal-S harezer, were originated by Ferd. Hitzig (Begriff der Kritik, Heidelberg, 1831, p. 195). He was followed by F. C. Movers, Phonizier I (1841) p. 342; Joh. Brandis, rerum Assyr. tempor. emend. (1853) p. 37 annot. ; M. von Niebuhr, Ge- schichte Asurs und Babels (Berlin 1857) p. 37; A. von Gutschmid in the Leipzig. Centralblatt 1870, Sp. 1157; Neue Beitrage, Leipzig 1876, p. 152; and by the author himself in the first edition of the present work pp. 206 foil. * Compare with the above the author's comprehensive article Sanherib in Schenkel's Bibel-Lexikon, as well as in Eiehm's Eand- worterh. des hihl. Alterthums. ** Procopius de aedif. III. 4. 5, pp. 254—6 (ed. Dindorf); compare the Notitiae Graecae Episcopatuum III, 483. SECOND BOOK OF KINGS XIX. 17 record, the decisive battle between Asarhaddon and the troops, as we may conclude, of his parricidal brothers, was fought on the region of Chanigalmit (?), a locality which may be safely placed near to Melitene, that is, in South- East Cappadocia, or Lesser Armenia, close to the Euphrates (Keilinsch. und Gesch. pp. 530 foil.). Asarhaddon's account, upon a broken clay cylinder (III Rawl. 15 col. I, 18 foil.), runs as follows : 18. il-la-mu-li-a ina irsi-tiv mS,t Ila-ni-gal-mi t (?) gi-mir k u-ra-di-§u-un 19. si-ru-ti pa-an gir-ri-ja sab-tu-ma u-rak-§a tukl4ti-§u-un. 20. Pu-luh-ti ili rabtiti btli-j a is-hup-§u-nu-ti-ma 21. ti-ib tahazi-ja dan-ni 1-mu-ru-ma 1-rau-u muh- hu-ur. 22. (Ilu) Is-tar bi-lit kabli tab §,zi ra-'-i-mat sa-an-gu-ti-j a 23. i-da-ai ta-zi-iz-ma ka§at-su-nu ta§-bir 24. t a-h a-z a-§ u-n u ra-ak-su tap-tu-ur-ma 25. ina puhri-§u-nu nam-bu-u um-ma: an-nu-u §ar- a-ni i. e. "Line 18. Before me in the region of the land Chani- galmit (? — ) the whole of their 19. strong (properly, high) military force awaited the appearance of my army's ad- vance and they drew their troops together (root 5£^D1). 20. The terror of the great gods, my lords, overthrew them. 21. The blow of my vehement onslaught they saw and dreaded (?) the meeting. 22. Istar, the mistress of con- flict (and) battle, who loved my Sangtiti (priesthood?), raised my hands, broke their bow (collect,), cleft through their battle-array (literally, "cleft their battle, the array", root DD~I), 25. in their ranks (literally in their assembly) resounded the cry : 'This (is) our king'". And Asarhaddon , his son , became king in his stead. This occurred, according to the Canon of Rulers, in the year 681. We read in II Rawl. 68 No. 1 Rev. 5 line 43.333 44 : [Nabti]-ah-LA-i§. |A§ur-]ali-iddin ina kusst 2 18 THE CUNEIFORM INSCRIPTIONS AND THE 0. T. it-tu-§ib i, e. "Neboach . . . -i§*. [Asarjhaddon ascended the throne". Now the archonship of the above-named officer falls in the year 681. According to the same canon Asarhaddon reigned until H68, i. e. till the archon- ship of Marlarim (Mar-la-ar-ral). In the archonship of this eponymus, on the 12"' Ijjar (April or May) and, accor- ding to the Canon, in the year 6 (58, he abdicated his royal authority in favour of his son Asurbanipal. The account given by the latter of this transaction is as follows (Smith's Asurban. 4, 8 — 20) : Asur-ah-iddin §ar vatt AsSur abu ba-nu-u-a 9. a-mat A§ur u Bilit ili ti-ik-li-§u it-ta-'-id, 10. §a ik-bu-u-§u f-bi§ sarrH-ti-j a. 11. In a arah Airu arah I'a bil ti-ni-sl-1-ti 12. limu XII, tim magS,ri, si-sa §a (ilu) Gu-la, 13. ina l-bi§ pi-i mut- tal-li §a Asur, 14. Btlit, Sin, Saraas, RammS.n, Bil, Nabti, 15. iStar §a Ninua(ilu) sar-rat git- mu-ri, IH. iStar §a ir Arba-ilu, Adar, Nlrgal, Nusku ik-bu-u, 17. u-pa-hir nisi mat A§sur sahrtiti u rabuti 18. §a ti^m-tiv i-lit u sap-lit 19. a-na na-sir tur (?) §arrti-ti-ja 20. u arka-nu sarrli-ut mS,t A§§ur l-pi-i§ i.e. "8. Asarhaddon, king of Assyria, the father, my genitor, 9. held in honour the command of Asur and Beltis, the divinities of his confidence, 10. who had bid him elevate me into a king. In the month Ijjar, the month of Ea, the lord of the human race, 12. on the twelfth day, a day of grace, the festival of Gula, 13. he issued in execution of the exalted command of Asur, Beltis, Sin, Samas, Adar, Bel, Nebo, 15. of Istar of Niniveh, the * The verbal ideogram LA, to which is furnishes the phonetic complement, cannot yet be safely determined. Oppert reads Nabu-ach- essis; Smith : Nabu-ach-ikmis, and recently Nabu-achi-eris. SECOND BOOK OF KINGS XIX. 19 heavenly queen of the All, 16. Istar of Arbela, of Adar, 334 Nergal, Nusku, an edict 1 7. and assembled the Assyrians, young and old, those of the upper and the lower sea, 19. to recognize my royal authority, 20. and afterwards I assumed the rule over Assyria." Notes and Illustrations. 8. Asur-ah-iddin i. e. "Asur bestowed a brother" see Assyr. Babyl. Keilinsch. p. 119, no. 2 ; banfia partic. act. bS,ni from banfi with the suffix of the l^t pers. sing.; here substant. comp.Vol. I p. 5 footnote.; — 9. amat occurs in the sense of "command", "in- junction" in the inscriptions of Asurbanipal and elsewhere frequently. The root HON is probably ultimately identical with riDH "make a rustling" and also with p^^ ("speak") "swear". Tikil from ^^^\ itta'id "he held in honour" from the oft-recurring na'4du "be exalted" iA.g.J ; as partic. act. n&'id it occurs in the name of the last independent Baby- lonian king Nabfi-na'id "Nebo is exalted" i. e. Nabunit; see Assyr. Babyl. Keilinsch. p. 136, no. 25;— 10. ikbu 3 pers. plur. of pIDp "speak", here "command", "bid"; ibi§u infin. of (lj;3{< \l}'2]} ^) "make"; — 11. tinisi'ti nom. abstr. from ^JX (r)l"*«j') = "mankind"; — 12. magaru here written ideographically with the signs SI'. GA. which are interpreted in II Rawl. 7. line 29 by ma-ga-ru; sis may perhaps be compared with the Hebr. tJ'iK' "joy"; — 13. pi from pu p]Q, ifj) "mouth"; muttalli partic. Ifta. of n*?!^! — ''^- upahhir Pael of pah4ru "assemble" from which comes the oft-recurring naphar "crowd"; sahru, sihru T'l/iJ "small", see Sanherib, Taylor-cylind. col. II. line 37 (see above Vol. I p. 287);— 18. tiamtu = Q")nFi; Hitu adj. fem. from Thv^ saplitu adj. fem. from §apalu, ^Qtif. The "upper sea" = the Mediterranean sea; the "lower sea" = the Persian gulf. See my essay "the names of Seas on the Assyr. inscriptions" (Abhand- lungen der Berlin. Akademie der Wissenschaften) 1877 — 8, pp. 187 foil. ; nasir probably stands for nasaru infin. of '^JJJ "protect" tueri, here "strengthen", "recognize" ; turn infin. of-^n "to be" = "existence" ('?); —20. arkan "afterwards" formed like ]i~inN) see Assyrisch-Babylon. Keilinsch. p. 213, no. 2; ipis (^fq^x) "I made", imperf. l^t pers. from lt'3j;(N) instead of the regular form ipus, ibus. Similarly I Rawl. 7, no. 3, line 7, in an inscription of one of the last kings, if it be not the last king of Niniveh, the son of Asurbanipal, viz. Asuritilili (see below on 2 Kings XXIII. 29), and similarly also ibid. no. 5, line 3 i-bi-is in an inscription of Neriglissar. This statement by the son of Asarhaddon is confirmed by 2* 20 THE CUNEIFORM INSCRIPTIONS AND TEE 0. T. a clay tablet III Rawl. 2. No. 24 which reads as follows : 335lna arah Abu Urn XXVII. lim-mu Mar-la-rim tur- tanfrKu.... inatiris A§ur-b§,iii-abal §ar mti Assur i. e. "In the month Ab, on the 27*'' day, in the archonship of Marlarim, the Tartan of the city Ku . . ., in the year of the appointment* of Asurbanipal (to be) king of Assyria". — We learn, moreover, that Asarhaddon was Sanherib's son ("iJ?), just as Sanherib was Sargon's, from Asarhaddon's lirick-inscriptions. One of these (1 Rawl. 48. No. 3) runs thus: 1. A§ u r-ah-iddin gar mat AgSur, 2. abal Sin-ahi-frib §ar mS,t ASsur, 3. abal Sarruktn sar m^t A§sur-ma e. i. 1. "Asar- haddon, king of Assyria, 2. son of Sanherib, king of As- syria" **. I append also the complete text of a brick- inscription from Sherif-khan (I Rawl. 48. No. 5)***, which runs thus : 1. A-na-ku Asur-ah-i ddin Sarru rabti 2. §arru dannu sar kiSSati §ar mS.t ASsur, sakkanak 3. B^b-ilu, sar m^t Sumiri 4. u Akkadi, Sar Sarrt matMusur, 5. m^t P a-t u-[r uj-s i, m^t Ku-si; 6. mat (?) Sa ki-rib ir Tar-bi-si 7. a-na mu-sab Asur-bani- abal 8. abal Sarri rabti sa bit ridu[-u]-ti y. ablu si-it lib-bi-ja 10. ar-sip u-§ak-lil i.e. 1. "I, Asarhaddon, the great king, 2. the mighty king, the king * tiris here with the ideogram LAL having the phonetic comple- ment is written according to the Syllabary printed in Norris' Dictio- nary 688. tiris is from tarSsu, Syriac & Arabic ^r??iw,9 /wii, _^rmai;i<, also agnovit. ** The reader will find the original text reproduced in a wood-cut in my article 'Keilschrift' (Cuneiform writing) in Schenkel's Bibel- lexicon III. p. 510. *** I have likewise communicated in a wood-cut the original cunei- form text of the first five lines, in Schenkel's Bibel-Lexicon III, ibid, in the above mentioned article "Keilschrift". SECOND BOOK OF RINGS XIX. 2 1 of nations, the king of the land Assur; lord 3. of Babylon, king of Sumlr 4. and Akkad, king of the kings of Aegypt, 336 5. of Pat[ro]s, of Aethiopia, 6. built the palace in Tarbiz 7. as a residence of Asurbanipal, the imperial son (crown- prince) of my palace, 9. the son, (-who is) the fruit of my body, 10. (and) completed it". Notes and Illustrations. 2. sakkanak is scarcely a prolonged form of §akuu |JQ "viceroy", but is rather a word of Akkadian origin signifying "head", "chieftain", as is shown in the essay quoted below pp. 29 foil. Here it means "feudal lord". We have here the usual ideogram for this conception. The phonetic mode of writing the word may be observed, for example, in the Borsippa-inscription of Nebu- cadnezar col. I. 6 ; — 3. Respecting Sumiri and Akkadi, here represented by ideograms, see above Vol. I, pp. 103 foil.; — 5. The mutilated Patu . . si is completed by Oppert into Patu[ru]si and also com- pared with the Old Test, word DinflD "Upper Aegypt" Is. XI. 11. See his L'Egypte et I'Assyrie Paris 1869, p. 41 and comp. Keilinsch. u. Gesch. p. 285; — 6. m&t properly "land" can only mean in this passage, if the reading be correct, "country-house", "villa". In another in- scription of Asarhaddon, likewise discovered at Sherif Khan (I Rawl. 48. No. 8, line 2), we read the unmistakeable word ikal 73"in "palace"; Tarbis ancient name of the modern Sherif-Khan, North- West of Niniveh*: — 7. musab 3tJ'lJ3 (from "^^H, Hebr. 2'i^^) "dwelling"; — 8. comp. Ill Eawl. 16. No. 2, 40 foil., and respecting bit riduti "children's dwelling" =: "private -palace", see particularly Smith'.s Assurbanipal 308, 31. 35; 312, 70 (= V Eawl. 10, 51. 55. 91); — 9. situ i- 6- nX!i meaning "sprout", root xiJN hebr. {i{\^i; libbu ^b ^ere in the sense of body; arsip 1 pers. Kal of rasapu "to adjust or fit-in blocks for building", comp. Hebr. njj*1, Arab. s_ji/0. ; then "to build" gene- rally; usaklil "I completed" Imperf. Shaf. 1 pers. from kalSlu bbD- As for the records of this monarch that have come down to us, they consist either of short inscriptions on * The name is probably to be connected with the root y^l "lie down", "rest". Thus we should have in this case an Assyrian counter- part to the German local names "Friedrichsruh", "Karlsruh" &c. — For narbasu in the sense of "abode" see Sargon's Cyprus-stele col. II (IV). 25 (see the Transactions of the Berlin Academy of Sciences 1881 (82), Philolog. histor. Kl. VIII. p. 33). 2 2 THE CUNEIFORM INSCRIPTIONS AND THE 0. T. bricks as 1 Rawl, 48. No. 2 — !♦, or of long inscriptions on 337 clay cylinders. To the latter category belongs in the first place the large cylinder-inscription I Rawl. 45 — 47 dated from the archonship of Atarilu of Lachir i. e. the year 673 B. C. This document has come down to us in a two-fold recension. In the next place we have also the inscription of a broken clay cylinder, of which only the lower part has been preserved. A list, which stood on this cylinder, of 22 kings "of the land Chatti and in the sea" was formerly published (I Rawl. 48. No. 1), and the remain- ing portion , so far as it has been preserved (III Rawl, 15. 16), has since been given to the world. This list I have published from a fresh collation of the original *. On the cylinder the tributary princes are merely referred-to in their totality, but in this newly published list they are individually mentioned, and here we also find recorded the name of Manasseh of Juda. On this subject see the remarks on 2 Kings XXI. 1, where the list spoken-of may be found. It is obvious from these inscriptions, in the first place, as an indirect confirmation of the Biblical state- ments, that Asarhaddon, before he ascended the throne, was compelled to engage in conflict with and to subdue the murderers of his father. See the remarks on this head in the comments upon 2 Kings XIX, 37 (pp. 14 foil.). In the second place we may infer that Asarhaddon subjugated the entire Syro-phoenician portion of Western Asia. In accordance with this, he assumed the proud title of "king of Aegypt, [Patros] and Kush" ; see above p. 21. His son Asurbanipal expressly informs us about these conquests, in * See "Zur Kritik der luschriften Tiglath-Pilesers II &c." Berlin 1880 (1879) p. 33 (Plate II). SECOND BOOK OF KINGS XX 23 his own cylinder-inscription, where we read (III Rawl. 29. No.ll, lines 6 foil.) : [Asur-]ah-iddi-na sar mS-t Assur abu ba-nu-u-a 7. [ur-]du-ma il-li-ku ki-rib-§a. 338 8. [Apikjta Tar-ku-n §ar ni§,t Ku-u-si i§-ku-nu-ma 9. u-par-ri-ru il-lat-su. 10. [Mit] Mu-sur ra^t Ku-u-su ik-§u-du-ma 11. [ina la] mi-ni i§-lu-la §al-la-as-su 12. [mat su-]a-tu i-na si-hir-ti-§a i-bi-11-ma, 13. [a-naj mi-sir mat A§§ur u-tir. 14. [Sum]-i Ira-ni mah-ru-u-ti u-nak-kir-ma 15. [a-naJ i§-§u-u-tl i§-ku-na ni-bi-is-su-un , 16. [avil] ardi-su a-na §arrti-ti av. §aknu-u-ti 17. [i-li su-]nu-u-tl u-pa-ki-da ina lib-bi [bilat man-da-]at-tu bllu-ti-su 18 u-kin si-r u-u s-§ u-u n i. e. "6. Asarhaddon, king of Assyria, the father, my progenitor, 7. marched down and penetrated into the midst of the same (i. e. Aegypt). 8. On Tirhaka, king of Aethiopia he inflicted a defeat, 9. destroyed his military power (PTri; see glossary sub voce n7N). 10. Aegypt and Aethiopia he conquered, 11. innumerable captives he carried away. 12. He sub- jugated that country in its entire extent, 13. turned it into the territory of Assyria. 14. The former names of the cities he changed, 15. gave them new names, 16. his servants he entrusted with the rule, 17. with the governorship over them. The payment of the tribute of his rule 18 he imposed upon them." XX. 12.. At the same time Berodach-Baladan, the son of Baladan, king of Babel, sent a letter and present to Hezekiah, since lie had heard that Hezekiah was sick. We have first of all to consider the name of the Babylonian who is here mentioned. In the Bible itself we have a variant with respect to this name. While we find it written in the present passage ]l{^'f5~T]"1N~l5 (with initial 3), 24 THE CUNEIFORM INSCRIPTIONS AND THE 0. T. we have it In the parallel passage Is. XXXIX. 1 in the form JlN^a-TjlX'li? (with initial tt). We can scarcely be in 339 doubt which of the two readings is the correct form, since we have also the name of the deity "^Tlip "Merodach" certi- fied by the Old Testament. The cuneiform inscriptions place the matter beyond all doubt since in them we find the name written Mar(u)duk.abal-i ddina i. e. "Merodach presented a (or the) son"; see Assyr. Babyl. Keilinsch. p. 129 No. 13*. The original reading can accordingly have only been "llNlO. Now the cuneiform records make repeated mention of a Babylonian king of this name in the epoch which we are specially considering. First of all, we meet with a Baby- lonian king Marduk-abal-iddi-na, son of Jakin**, in an inscription of Tiglath-Pileser II (see the passage above Vol. I, p. 226), and we see from the list of governors that he offered homage to the Assyrian monarch in the year 731 at Sapija. Again we also find Sargon referring on several occasions to Marduk-abal-iddi-na, son of Jakin; as, for instance, in the great triumphal inscription Botta 151. No. 11, line 1; as well as in the annals Botta 65, 3 foil. &c. (fee. About him we learn from Sargon's inscriptions, in which he is referred-to as § a r m S- 1 K a 1-d i "king of Chaldaea", that the Great King frequently con- quered him, and that Sargon, in the 12''' and 13*'' years of his reign i. e. in the years 710 and 709, undertook a great * There is another Babylonian king with the name Ramman- abal-i-di-na-av "Ramm&n bestowed the son"; see Oppert, les inscrip- tions de Dour-Sarkayan p. 28. The name is of interest from the circumstance that the third element in it is written phonetically throughout, contrary to the prevailing usage. ** He is there called sar ti^mtiv "king of the sea". SECOND BOOK OF KINGS XX. 25 campaign against the Babylonian king. This campaign ended in the dethronement as well as imprisonment of Merodach-Baladan and also in the destruction by fire of the city DUr-Jakin, into which the Babylonian king had beta- 340 ken himself for refuge*. This Merodach-Baladan, son of Jaktn, is undoubtedly identical with the Babylonian king of the same name, mentioned by Tiglath-Pileser; and he is clearly the same king of Babel who is said in Botta's Annals pi. 70 to have seized the dominion over Northern Chaldaea and the capital Babylon, in the first year of Sargon's reign. Sargon at that time had to maintain a struggle with him, which ended in the recognition of Merodach-Baladan as king of Babylon. This we may infer, though the Babylonian king's name is obliterated from the plate, from the fact that, in the very year in question, viz. 721, we find in the Ptolemaic Canon that Mardokempad or Merodach-Baladan ascended the throne of Babel. This cannot be an accidental coincidence. More- over there is an external confirmation of this hypothesis in the discovery of several tablets in Khorsabad i. e. in Sargon's palace, dated from the reign of "Marduk-abal- iddina, king of Babylon". These tablets, which are pub- lished complete in Oppert's Les inscriptions de Dour- Sarkayan (Paris 1870) pp. 27. 28, are dated from the 9"', 10"\ 11"' and 12"' years of this Babylonian king. Accord- ingly he must have reigned twelve years, — exactly the period which the Ptolemaic Canon and Sargon's Annals assign to him i. e. 721 — 710 B. C. The tablets evidently * Botta 151 no. 11 line 1 foil., 152 &c. Compare also the passages quoted below from the annals (in the remarks on Isaiah XX. 1) belonging to the 12'^ and 13tl> years of Sargon's reign. 26 TEE CUNEIFORM INSCRIPTIONS AND THE 0. T. found their way to the palace in Khorsabad as spoil taken in war after Merodach-Baladan was dethroned, 710 B. C. 341 The Merodach-Baladan, who was contemporary with Sargon, is called in the inscriptions* the son of Jaktn. The Merodach-Baladan who sent an embassy to Hezekiah was according to the Bible a son of Baladan. Again, Sanherib, both on the Taylor - cylinder and on that of Bellino and likewise in the inscription of Constantinople**, mentions a Merodach-Baladan whom he had conquered ina ri§ Sarrliti *in the beginning of his reign" i. e. certainly in the first or in the first and second years of his reign. This fact agrees (1) with the Ptolemaic canon, which assumes an interregnum for the first two years of Sanherib's reign (704, 703) i. e. a period of revolution and struggle for the crown of Babel; — also (2) with Poly- histor-Eusebius, who in his chronicle represents Merodach- Baladan as seizing the sovereignty for six months*** after * Botta 151, 11 Hue 2; 65, 3. The name is one time written ideo- graphically Ja-DU, the other time altogether in phonetic style Ja-ki-ni. See Assyr. Bahyl. Keilinsch. Exc. Eigena. No. 20 note p. 134. Respecting the signification of the name see ibid. No. 61. ** See I Rawl. 37, 19—40; ibid. 43, 6—13; Grotefend Bellino-Cylind. 6—13; Layard, plate 63, 6—13. *** See Euseh. chron. armen. ed. Schone I p. 27 : "Postquam reg- nasset frater Senicharibi et postquam Akises Babeloniis dominatus esset, et nee dum triginta quidem diebus regnum tenuisset, a Marodach Baldano occisus est; et Marodach Baldanus per vim (regnum) tenebat sex mensibus : eum voro interficiens quidam, cui nomen erat Elibus, regnabat. Verum tertio regni ejus anno, Senecheribus rex Assyriorum exercitum conflabat adversus Babelonios, praelioque cum iis commisso vincebat, et captum eum una cum amicis in terram Assyriorum perduci jubebat. Babeloniis (ergo) dominatus, regem eis filium suum Asor- danium constituebat; ipse vero recedens, terram Assyi'iorum petebat." — It may be remarked in passing that while the statements and citations of Berossus and of the inscriptions generally agree, we are SECOND BOOK OF KINGS XX. 2 7 the death of Sanherib's brother and the overthrow of Hagisa who reigned a single month. The question then is : Was this Merodach-Baladan, by whom Sanherib was 342 confronted, identical with the Babylonian king of the same name whom Sargon defeated and took prisoner; or, was he distinct from the above , perhaps his successor and son ? While maintaining the designation of Merodach-Baladan in the Bible as "son of Baladan" (the latter I conjectured to be an abbreviation from "Merodach-Baldadan"), 1 decided in the first edition of this work for the latter alternative. Now in my work Keilinsch. u. Gesch. p. 207 I have clearly shown that, when rulers are designated as "sons" of this or the other personage, as "Achuni, son of Adini", "Jehu, son of Omri", also "Nebu-usabsi, son of Silani" (II Eawl. 67. 15) &c. &c., these rulers are not represented as the actual sons of the individuals who are called their fathers, but simply as the governors of the territories named after the founders of the dynasty: Blt-Adini, Btt-Omri, Bit- Silani &c. Hence there is no room for doubt as to how we ought really to regard the designation of Merodach- Baladan as "son of Jaktn" : — the personage so designated was thereby simply represented as belonging to the ruling dynasty : his real father may have been a person with an 343 somewhat surprised to find that with reference to Merodach-Baladan there is a considerable discrepancy between the Chaldaean historian and the statements on the Assyrian king's monuments. Thus, while according to Berossus, Merodach-Baladan was finally disposed-of or slain by Elibus-Belibus {"sustulit", "interfecit"), Sanherib, in the most distinct manner that it is possible to conceive, states, that several years afterwards he had once more to subdue "the same Merodach- Baladan, whom he had conquered in his first campaign" (Taylor-cylind. III. 49 foil.). How is this strange inconsistency to be explained? On this subject see my remarks in the Berichte der Konigl. Sachsischen Gesellsch. der Wissensch. 1880, p. 4 note. See "Notes and Addenda". 28 THE CUNEIFORM INSCRIPTIONS AND THE 0. T. altogether different name. Thus the father of Merodaeh- Baladan, the "son of Jakin", might very well have had some such name as "Baladan"* which the Bible assigns to him. And nothing stands in the way of the assumption that the Merodach-Baladan who was dethroned by Sargon took advantage of the change of ruler at Niniveh to attempt once more to gain possession of the throne of Babylon and to expel the viceroy, the successor of Sanherib's brother, who had been placed there by the new Assyrian ruler. The Bible, the inscriptions and the Ptolemaic canon are thus in perfect agreement. Accordingly we henceforth abandon ** the hypothesis of a Merodach-Baladan II. And our position is sustained by the fact that the Merodach- Baladan of Sanherib is never called the son of another Merodach-Baladan. It is true that it is somewhat remark- able that during the reign of four rulers in Assyria, viz. Tiglath-Pileser, Salmanassar, Sargon and Sanherib, we should have one and the same ruler sitting on the throne of Chaldaea (with certain interruptions). But this circum- stance taken by itself has no decisive importance. The question arises : What was the date of the despatch of the embassy to Hezekiah by Merodach-Baladan narrated in the Bible? According to the Bible it would appear as 344 though this event took place at the time of the Assyrian invasion (see 2 Kings XX. 1, 1 2, and compare it with * About these abbreviated names in Assyrian consult Assyrisch- Babyl. Keilinsch. pp. 154 foil. ** So Lenormant in his valuable essay : Un patriote Babylonien du VIII. siecle avant notre ere (Merodach-baladau), contained in his work : Les premieres civilisations II (Paris 1874) pp. 202 foil. The writer, however, does not enter further into the discussion of the chief difficulty, to which he refers on p. 263. SECOND BOOK OF KINGS XX. 29 both verse 6 and XVIII. 2, 13). And this must also be regarded as m the main correct. But we are not justified (1) in assuming the scheme of Biblical chronology as our basis in this particular case, and thus place the event we are considering in the year 714 B. C. ; for, as is shown by the chronological Addenda at the close of this volume, this scheme is traversed by the Assyrian and the Babylonian chronology, both of which are certified by the monuments. And we also may not (2) forget that the above-mentioned scriptural statement stands in a passage that, in its present form, comes from the hand of the last writer at the begin- ning of the exile (see De-Wette-Schrader, Einleitung ins Alte Testament 8'" ed. § 221 f. p. 355). We have there- fore full scope for defining more closely the date of the embassy. Let us bear in mind then (1) that the Merodach- Baladan of Sanherib's time, according to Polyhistor (and indirectly according to the Ptolemaic canon too ; see above), reigned during this period only six months; (2) that during this period he was threatened with an Assyrian war and would have occasion to seek the favour and aid of the king of Juda (and undoubtedly of other Syro-phoenician rulers as well) ; (3) that we can clearly discern from the scriptural narrative that Hezekiah's treasure-chambers were still full and thus had not yet been emptied by Sanherib's requisition for tribute (2 Kings XVIII. 15). From these considerations we deem it most probable that Merodach-Baladan despat- ched that embassy to Hezekiah during the six months above referred-to, i. e. in the year 704 or 703, certainly before Sanherib's expedition to Syria, Judaea & Aegypt. Having thus formed a clear idea as to the person 345 referred-to by the Biblical writer in this particular passage, we shall not omit to place before the reader the report of 30 THE CUNEIFORM INSCRIPTIONS AND THE 0. T. the Assyrian monarch respecting the revolt of Merodach- Baladan. From the three accounts which have come down to us we select that which Sanherib furnishes us in his in- scription upon the Bellino-cylinder. We choose this one because it was composed not long after the events it describes*, goes into fullest detail, is the most accurate in dates, and is most important for general history. It reads thus : Grotefend and Layard line 6 foil. : 6. I-na rls sarrti-ti-ja §a Marduk-abal-iddi-na sar raS.t Kar-dun-j a-as a-di ummS,ni I'lamti i-na ta-mir-ti Kis a§-ta-kan apikta-§u. 7. I-na kabal tam-ha-ri §u-a-tu i-zib kar^s-su, 1-dis ip-par-sid-ma a-na m§,t G u-zu-um-ma-ni in-na-bit, ki-rib n^r a-gam-mi u ap-pa-ra-a-tl f-ru-um-ma na-pis- tus i-ti-ir. 8. Narkabati, is su-um-bi, sisi, pari, imlrJ, gam-mal-i u Y. ud. ri. sa i-na u-ru- uk ta-ha-zi u-mas-si-ru ik-§u-da katS,-ai. 9. A-na ikal-§u sa ki-rib B&,b-ilu ha-dis 1-ru-um-ma ap-ti-1-ma bit ni-sir-ti-su : hur^su, kaspu, u-nu-ut hurasi kaspi, aban a-kar-tu nin-§um-su, Sa- §u, Sa-ga, ni-sir-tu ka-bid-tu; 10. assat-su, sikriti ikali-§u, avili rabti-ti, avll man-sa-as- pa-ni, si-hir-ti um-ma-a-ni ma-la-b a-§u-u NAM tab-bi-lu-tu ikali u- §i-sa-am-m a sal-la-tis am-nu 11. as-bat-ma. Arki-su a-na matGu-zu- um-ma-ni av. mun-tah-hi-si-j a a-na ki-rib nS.r a-gam-ml u ap-pa-ra-a-tl u-ma-'-ir-ma V. ti-mi i-pa-ru-num-ma ul in-na-mir a-§ar-su. 12. I-na 346i-niuk Asur btli-ja LX. XX. IX. ir§,-ni dan-nu-ti * The inscription on tlie Bellino-cylinder was drawn up as early as the fourth year of the king's reign i. e. 702 B. C. ; see above Vol. I, p. 30^(?).W<^^ SECOND BOOK OF KINGS XX. 31 bit dtira-ni §a m^t Kal-di u DCCC. XX. Irani sahrtiti sa li[-vi-tij-§u-nu al-vl ak-su-ud* as- lu-la sal-la-su-un. 13. Avll U'r-bi, avil A-ra-mu \\ avll Kal-du, §a ki-rib Arku, ISipur, Ki§, Har-sak-kala-raa, Kuti a-di abli ix bll hi-it-ti u-M-sa-am-ma sal-la-tis am-nu. 14. Bil-ibni abal avll ma-muk-tav ina dah-hi Su-an-na, sa kima mi-ra-a-ni sa-ah-ri ki-rib Ikal-ja ir-bu-u, a-na sarrli-ut mat Akkadi u Sumiri a§-ta-kan ili-su-un. 15. I-na ta-ai-ar- ti-ja avil Tu-'-mu-na, avll Ri-hi-hu, avll Ja- dak-ku, avll U-bu-du, avll Kib-ri-1, avll Ma-li-hu, avil Gu-ru-mu, avll U-bu-luv, avll Da-mu-nu, 16. avll Gam-bu-lu, avll Hi-in-da-ru, avil Ru-'-u-a, avil Pu-ku-du, avll Ha-am-ra-a-nU; avilHa-ga-ra-nu, avllNa-ba-tu, avllLi-'-t a-a-u, avll A-ra-mu la kan-su pat-ha-ri§ ak-§ud-ud*. 17. II. C. VIII. M. nl§i zik-ru u sinnlS, VII. M. II. C. sisi pari XI. M. I. C. XIII. Imiri V. M. II. C. XXX. gam-mal (PI.), LX. XX. M. I. C. alap (PI.), VIII. C. M. VI. C. stn (PI.) §al-la-tu ka-bid-tii as-lu-la a-na ki-rib mat AsSur. i.e. "6. In the beginning of my rule (it happened) that I inflicted a defeat upon Merodach - Baladan the king of Kardunias, along with the troops of Elam before the city Kis. 7. In the midst of the battle he abandoned his bag- gage and took himself oflf alone. He fled to the land Guzumman, concealed himself (properly : entered) in mar- shes and reed and thus saved his life. 8. The chariots, is sum hi, horses, mules, asses, camels and dromedaries. * That is = ak-sud as Dr. Jeuseu has poiutcd out. 32 TEE CUNEIFORM INSCRIPTIONS AND THE 0. T. 347 which he had left upon the battle-field, my hands obtained as booty. 9. His palace in Babylon 1 entered with glee and opened his treasure-chamber : gold, silver, objects of gold and silver, costly stones of every kind, his property, his possessions, rich treasures; 10. his wife, the women of his palace, the great ones, the mansaspani, the whole of the officials entrusted with the management of the palace, as many of them as there were, I carried away, destined for slavery (literally "counted as booty"), 11, took them captive. Behind him, into the land Guzumman, I sent my soldiers, into the midst of the swamps and moras- ses. Five days passed by- -not a trace of him was seen. 12. In the might of Asur my Lord I took 89 strong cities and fortresses of Chaldaea, as well as 820 smaller towns in their district and carried away their prisoners. 13. The Arabians, Aramaeans and Chaldaeans who [were] in Erech, Niff"er, Kis, Charsakkalama, Kutha, together with the inhabitants of the rebellious city, I carried away [and] destined for captivity. 14. Belibus, the son of a wise man in the neighbourhood of the city Suanna, whom one had reared like a little puppy in my palace, I appointed for ruling Sumir and Akkad over them. 15. On ray return I conquered altogether the inhabitants of Tuhmun, Richich, Jadak, Ubud, Kibri, Malich, Gurum, Ubul, Damun, 16. Gambul, Chiudar, Ruhua , Pekod , Harar^n , Hagaran , Nabat , Lihtahu, the Aramaeans, who had not submitted. 17. 208,000 men and women, 7200 horses, mules, 11,113 asses, 5230 camels, 80,100* oxen, 800,600 small cattle, a rich booty, I caiTied ofi" to Assyria." * So Grotefend ! Oppert iu his Exped. en Mesopot. I, p. 288 gives the uumbers 308,000 meu, 70,000 oxen : perhaps simply owing to a misprint. SECOND BOOK OF KINGS XX. 33 Notes cmd Illustrations. Kardunias, name of the kingdom of 343 Merodach-Baladan, which, as may be seen from line 9, also included Babylon. On the extent included under this geographical term see my Keilinsch. u. Gesch. p. 534; — ummS,nu, here ideogram, written below in line 10 phonetically. On the rest see above on Sanherib's Taylor-cylinder. It is also to be observed that in the parallel passage Sanherib after the words ummani m&t I'lamti has also risi "auxi- liaries", "allies", root HUI from which comes the often-used word risiit "help"; — 7. tamhar root maharu "be in front", then "confront one another in battle", comp. Arabic j»tXfij; izib, root 3^W; kar&s-su stands for kar^s-su according to Assyrisch. Babyl. Keilinsch. 203 note 1. Kar^su "baggage" (comp. Hebr. K^13~l) is the phonetic equivalent of the ideogram KI. MAS; see Norris Dictionary 1045; idis adv. from nri "one"; agammi from agam "swamp", Hebr. DJK; appar^ti plur. of appartu "reed"; see Delitzsch Parad. p. 97. The word n^r "river" standing before the first of the two words is to be regarded as a pure determinative; .irum-ma = irub (Smith's Assurbanipal 5, 24) -|- ma, root ^^y "enter"; itir, root 112^) "shelter", "protect", comp. the corresponding Hebr. root. On the signification of the word see Lotz, die Inschriften Tiglath-Pileser's I, glossary. — 8. is sumbi designates evidently, as the determinative for wood shows, an object made of wood , perhaps a car or something of that sort. The word sumbu is identical with the Hebr. 3^, root 33^, "sedan chair", "litter" (P. Haupt) ; Y. ud-ri is without doubt a term for some animal of the flock (Y). Delitzsch Parad. p. 96 conjectures, probably rightly, that by it the two-humped camels are meant; for the other names for animals that occur in this passage, see above on Sanherib's Taylor- cylinder; uruk, root "1")^ "set the battle in array", signifies here "battle-field"; masar "abandon". In this sense we also find the word in Smith's Assurb. 210,81 &c.; ikguda katS,ai, see Sanherib's Taylor- cylind. II, 82; — 9. hadis adv., root THH "rejoice"; whence we have hud, hudut, hidat "joy", see Norris p. 405; irumma, see on line 7; apti', root HnO = niDD! nisirtu, see on Tayl.-cyl. of Sanherib, HI. 36; unut see Vol. I, p. 192 and footnote***; akartu = hebr. ipi ; nin-sum-su, see Delitzsch in Smith's Chald. Genesis (1876) p. 296 note; also comp. Sanh. Tayl. - cylind. Ill, 34 — 36;— 10. For sasu, written also s&su (and therefore, as may be conjectured, the follow- ing saga) see Delitzsch, Lesestiicke 3^^ edit. p. XVI.— The ideogram NIN is explained in II Rawl. 10, 2. 9. 10 by assatu "woman" — not to be confounded with the other for bi'ltu "mistress" II Rawl. 7, 19. On the other hand we find also hiratu, hirtu placed as the equivalent of this assatu, whence it is clear that both words mean practically the same thing; sikriti 'palace women'. In the text there stands RAK. UN 3 34 TEE CUNEIFORM INSCRIPTIONS AND TEE 0. T. (Plur.) =: "women" ; we have the same ideogram in the parallel passage, Taylor cyl. col. III. 38 ; sihirtu, root "]riD > malabaSfl Assyr. Babylon. Keilinsch. p. 260; NAM ideogram for absti-act conceptions ; tabbilutu, root ^3j; =: ^^3 "rule", "superintendence"; — 1 1. muntahhisu (for mumtahhisu according to Assyr. Babyl. Keilinsch. p. 204) partic. Ift., root VnD) "warrior", comp. Botta 145, 2, line 4. 10; Smith's Assurbanipal 155, 40 &c. ; uma'ir, root "l]~li3 ^'' iNDi P^-> perhaps strictly "cause to hasten", then "despatch", frequently in the inscrip- 349 tions, e. g. Smith's Assurban. 24, 9; 37, 8 &c. (in the latter passage in connection with ummS.n "army"); iparunum-ma 3 pers. plur. pres. with -ma from "l^V ! — ^2. imuk "depth" HOy , then "strength", "power", "support"; comp. Assurb. I. 56 it-ta-kil a-na i-muk ra-ma-ni-su "he trusted in his own strength"; also 268, 80 it-ti f-mu-ki av. Na-ba-ai-ta-ai "with the military force of the Naba- taeans". Likewise comp. Sanherib's Taylor-cyl. col. III. 12. 13; — 13. U'rbi, comp. Sanherib Taylor-cyl. III. 31, Vol. I, p. 283, the name of a tribe (Oppert). Respecting the names of cities written ideo- graphically throughout see notes on Gen. X. 10, 2 Kings XVII. 24, Vol. I, pp. 77 foil. 271, also Delitzsch, Parad. pp. 220 foil.; bi'l hitti "master of revolt" i. e. "one who had made himself guilty of revolt"; comp. the Hebr. PJ3 ^_j;3 "provided with wings" Prov. 1. 17, and other like combinations; also the Assyr. bi'l lis&ni "master of language", "interpreter" may be cited in illustration (Smith's Assur- banipal 77. 9). Comp. in general Sanherib's Taylor-cylind. col. III. 2. 6. 14. Bi'1-ibni, ideographically written with two signs, of which the first is the usual ideogram for Bi'l ("lord" and "(God) Bel"), the second (KAK, RU') serves to intimate the idea of "making" or "pro- ducing" (Assyr. Babyl. Keilinsch. 112, no. 75). Since this idea is expressed in Assyrian both by the verb "^"y^ "make", and also by the verb pJ3 "produce", we can with equal propriety pronounce the name Bi'1-ibni (bani) "Bel produced", or Bi'1-ibus "Bel made". That the latter name might have been intended may be gathered from the Ptolemaic Canon ; see the end of this volume p. 490 (German ed.). This, after the twelve years' interregnum, marks down a Baby- lonian king Belibus. The Elibus recorded by Polyhistor quoted by Eusebius (see above Vol. II, p. 2) is evidently only a corruption of this name; and the existence of a name Belibus has been certified from the phonetic mode of writing it, Bi'l-i-bu-us and Bi'l-ibu-u§, not only on Assyrian but also on Babylonian documents. On this subject see my remarks in the Reports of the Konigliche Sachsische Gesellschaft der Wissenschaften 1880, pp. 9 foil. note. Nevertheless the writing of the name as Bi'l-ib-ni in the newly found Babylonian chronicle (Pinches) is decisive in favour of the pronunciation given in the text; — mamuktav SECOND BOOK OF KINGS XX. 35 abstract noun from the root p)^^, therefore meaning properly "depth" i. e. of knowledge; an avil mamuktav (= npOyo) means accordingly "man of wisdom" or a "wise man" (Qi^n, NO^Dn Dan. II. 12); dahhi, used interchangeably with dihi (Norris p. 229), properly "contact", root nm "push at something", "touch something", em- ployed adverbially in the sense of "in the neighbourhood", "in the district"; comp. Notes and Illustrations Vol. I, pp. 227 foil. ;— Suanna we know to be the name of a town from KI, the ideogram for town, which follows the word. It is in reality another name for "Babylon"; see also Delitzsch Pai'ad. pp.211 foil.; miranu signifies "young dog", see II Rawl. 6, 13; sahru "small", see Assyr. Babyl. Keilinsch. p. 27; irbfi, root |^3~1, "make great", here = "rear"; astakan Ift. of sakanu "place" here "appoint"; — 15. 16. Comp. the identical enumeration in Sanherib's Taylor-cylinder I. 42—47. The tribes are exclusively Baby- lonian : see the notes on Gen. X. 22; XXV. 13 and comp. Keilinsch. u. Gesch. pp. 105 foil.; taiartu, root "nn» see page 37; kangu adj. 350 "obedient", root 2,'^'2', patharis, from paharu "assemble", adverb, formation from a noun with an intruded t; — 17. zikru here phoneti- cally written; comp. the note on Gen. 1, 27 (Vol. I, p. 17); .si'ni 1{ is a word borrowed from the Assyrian. It is of Sumiro-Akkadian origin, compounded off "house" and gal "great" i. e. "great house" (Oppert). In Assyrian its form i-kal-luv is directly vouched-for by 354 a bilingual inscription ; see Schrader's Hollenfahrt der Istar (1874) p. 148. There is no Semitic derivation of the word to be found. How easily terms of this sort pass from nation to nation is shown by the corresponding Latin word palatium } comp. note on Is. VI. 1. XXI, 1. Iwelve years old was Manasseh (HK^JP), when he became king, and he reigned fifty-five years in Jerusalem. This king is also mentioned in the cuneiform inscriptions. In fact both Asarhaddon and Asurbanipal refer to him among 22 kings of the land Chatti. We first read his name in a passage on Asarhaddon's broken clay cylinder (III Rawl. 16. c. V), which supplements the following passage of the great cylinder-inscription (1 Eawl. 47. V, 11—13) : 11. ad-ki-f-ma XXII. §arri mat Hat-ti 12. §a a-hi tiam-tiv u kabal ti^m-tiv ka-li-§u- nu 13. u-ma-'-ir-§u-nu-ti-ma i. e. "I gathered 22 princes of the land Chatti, who [dwelt] by the sea and in the midst of it; all of them I summoned." — Parallel to previous line (89) stands the preposition ana exactly in the place where we read assu in our inscription. 40 THE CUNEIFORM INSCRIPTIONS AND THE 0. T. this we have a list of Asurbanipal , which is found on cylinder C (III Rawl. 27) in a mutilated form, but which has come down to us complete in a fragment that has meanwhile been discovered (numbered Kassam 3). I give both the lists, which in their material variations possess historical interest and importance. The lists are based on copies which I took from the originals, and I here place them in parallel columns before the reader*. 355 Asarhaddon. 1. Ba-'-lu §ar mS.t Sur-ri. 2. Mi-na-si-i sar ir Ja-u-di. 3. Ka-us-gab-ri sar ir U-du- mi. 4. Mu-sur-i §ar ir Ma-'-ba. 5. Sil-bil sar ir Ha-zi-ti. 6. Mi-ti-in-ti §ar ir Is-ka- lu-na. 7. I-ka-sain(?)-su Sar ir Am- kar-ru-na. 8. Mil-ki-a-§a-pa sar ir Gu- ub-li. 9. Ma-ta-an-ba-'-al sar ir A-ru-a-di. 10. A-bi-ba-al sar ir Sam-si- mu-ru-na. 11. Pu-du-ilu §ar ir Bit-Am- m a-n a. 12. Ahi-mil-ki ** sar ir As- du-di. Asurbanipal. 1. Ba-'-lu sar mS,t Sur-ri. 2. Mi-in-si-i sar mSt Ja- u-di. 3. Ka-us-gab-ri §ar mSt U-du-mi. 4. Mu-sur-i §ar mS,t Ma-'-ba. 5. Sil-bil sar m4t Ha-zi-ti. 6. Mi-ti-in-ti Sar m§,t Is-ka- lu-na. 7. I-k a-sam(?)-su sar m^t Am-kar-ru-na. 8. Mil-ki-a-sa-pa sar m&t Gu-ub-li. 9. Ja-ki-in-lu-u sar m§.t Ar- u-a-d a. 10. A-bi-ba-'-al sar m§.t Sa- am-si-mu-ru-na. 11. Am-mi-na-ad-bi sar m&t Bit-Am-raa-na. 12. Ahi-mil-ki** §armS.tAs- du-di. * The original text of the two lists has been published by me, based on a fresh collation, in my essay : "Zur Kritik der Inschriften Tiglath-Pilesers II &c." (Berlin 1880) Plate III. ** This is probably more correct than Ahu-mil-ki (in the essay Zur Kritik der Insch. des Tigl.-Pil. II ibid.); comp. Smith's Assurban. 63, 120 = V Rawl. 2, 92 : A-hi-mil-ki = ■nSo^riN- SECOND BOOK OF RINGS XXI. Asarhaddon. Asurbanipal. 41 13. r-ki-i§-tu-ra sar ir I'-di-'- al. 14. P i-1 a-a-g u-r a sar ir Ki-it- ru-si. 15. Ki-i-[su] gar ir Si-il-lu-u-a. 16. I-tu-u-au-da-[ar] sar ir Pa-ap-pa. 17. I-ri-i-su sar ir Si-il- lu-[u?]. 18. Da-ma-su §ar ir Ku-ri-i. 19. Ru-mi-su §ar ir Ta-mi-su. 20. Da-mu-u-si sar ir Kar-ti- ha-da-as-ti. 21. U-na-sa-gu-su sar ir Li- d i-i r. 22. Pu-su-su sar ir Nu- ri-i (a?). Asarhaddon, 1. „Baal, kiDg of Tyre. 2. Manasseh, king of Juda. 3. Kausgabri*, king of Edom. 4. Musuri, king of Moab. 5. Zilbel, king of Gaza **. 6. Mitinti, king of Ashkelon. 7. Ikasamsu (?), king of Ekron. 8. Milkiasap, king of Byblos. 9. Matanbaal, king of Arados. 10. Abibal, king of Samsimuruna. 13. I'-ki-is-tu-ra gar ir I'-di-'- [li]. 14. Pi-la-a-gu-ra-a sar mat Ki-it-ru-si. 15. Ki-i-su §ar mat Si-lu-u-a. 16. I-tu-u-an-da-ar sar mkt Pa-ap-pa. 17. I-ri-su sar mat Si-il-lu. 18. Da-ma-su sar m^t Ku-ri-i. 19. Ru-mi-su sar mSt Ta- mi-su. 20. Da-mu-u-su sar mat Kar- ti-ha-da-as-ti. 21. U-na-sa-gu-su sar mat Li- di-ir. 22. Pu-su-su sar ratt N u-r i-i. 356 Asurbanipal. 1. „Baal, king of Tyre. 2. Manasseh, king of Juda. 3. Kausgabri *, king of Edom. 4. Musuri, king of Moab. 5. Zilbel, king of Gaza**. 6. Mitinti, king of Ashkelon. 7. Ikasamsu, king of Ekron. 8. Milkiasap, king of Byblos. 9. Jakinlu, king of Arados. 10. Abibaal, king of Samsimu- runa. * Compare with this the names preserved in Josephus and in the Greek inscriptions, Koaxo^agoq, Koa^aQccxoqixoo), KoaaSaQOc. Koa- ^uvoq, rooyccQoc, and lastly Koafiala/og i. e. Kausmalaka (see above p. 137 Vol. I) ; comp. Noldeke in Monatsber. d. Berl. Akad. d.Wiss. (1880) 761 note; also Keilinsdi. u. Gesch. p. 79. ** On Zil-Bel see Vol. I, p. 91. 42 TEE CUNEIFORM INSCBIFTIONS AND TEE 0. T. Asarhaddon. 11. Puduil, king of Beth-Ammon. 12. Achimelech, king of Ashdod. 13. Ikistura, king of Idalium. 14. Pilagura, king of Kitrus*. 15. Ki[su], king of Sillua**. 16. Itaanda[r] ***, king of Paphos. 17. Irisu, king of SiM (?). 18. Damasu, king of Curium. 19. Rumisu, king of Tamassus. 20. Damusi, king of Karticha- dast f. 21. Unasagusu, king of Lidirf f . 22. Pususu, king of Nun (?). 11. Amminadab, king of Beth- Ammon. 12. Achimelech, king of Ashdod. 13. Ikistura, king of Idalium. 14. PilSgura, king of Kitrus*. 15. Kisu, king of Silfla**. 16. Ituandar***, king of Paphos. 17. Irisu, king of Sillu. 18. Damasu, king of Curium. 19. Rumisu, king of Tamassus. 20. Damiisu, king of Karticha- dast f. 21. Unasagusu, king of Lidirf f. 22. Pususu, king of Nuri'. From the preceding inscription we see clearly that Manas- seh was tributary to Asarhaddon and that the same thing 357 was also true of Asarhaddon's successor, Asurbanipal. The list certainly appears to a large extent identical with the contents of Asarhaddon's list. Hence we might be disposed to regard the list of Asurbanipal as simply a boastful reproduction of that of Asarhaddon. But in Asurbanipal's * Kitrus is XvTQoq, Xvxqol (Ptolemaeus V. 14 (13) § 6). See my Zur Kritik der Insch. Tigl.-Pil. II, p. 34. ** Sillfla, perhaps "Salamis"; Sillfi line 17 = Soli; see Keilinsch. u. Gesch. p. 79. *** Respecting Itiiandar = 'Ezsj:av6Qoq see Keilinsch. u. Gesch. p. 77. "Moritz Schmidt in Jena has read this as the name of a king of Paphos in an inscription which runs thus : — ExefavdQO} ret) IIcKpo} /9«(7iAf/og (Collection of Cyprian Inscriptions in epichoric style, Jena, 1876, p. 8, no. 10)". t Kartichadasti ntl'in Dip "Newtown", therefore ultimately Carthage, Ka()Xrj6i6v. Zur Kritik der Insch. Tigl.-Pil. II, p. 34, comp. Meltzer, Geschichte der Karthager I. 430, 450. ft Lidir =: AsSgcjv, Asdga, AsSgai. Further details may be seen in my above-mentioned essay pp. 34. 36. SECOND BOOK OF KINGS XXIII. 43 list the Insertion of the names of the kings Jakinlti of Arados and Amminadab of Ammon, in place of Matanba'al and Puduilu in the list of Asarhaddon, is a proof that we have before us a special catalogue, independent in Its kind and drawn up with a purpose, and which takes account of the changes that had occurred in the interval in the occu- pants of the throne*. We cannot avoid the conclusion that Manasseh was tributary to the Assyrian Great King during the latter part of Asarhaddon's reign, and at all events during the earlier part of the reign of Asurbanipal. See also the notes on 2 Chron. XXXIII. 11 — 13. XXIII. 29. In his time Pharao Necho (HD?), hing of Aegypt, advanced against the hing of Assyria, on the river Euphrates. An Aegyptian kingNI-ku-u, i. e. Necho, is also mentioned in the Assyrian inscriptions, viz. in the annals of Asurbanipal (Smith's Assurb. 20, 92 =111 Rawl. 17, 92; V Rawl. 1, 90). He there appears with the title §ar Ir Ml-im-pi u ir Sa-al "king of Memphis and Sals" along with a series of other Aegyptian kings, who had submitted to the Assyrian. But the king there referred-to Is Necho I, who reigned until 664 (658?) B. C, and con- sequently he is not the monarch intended by the Hebrew historian (Josiah did not ascend the throne till 639 B. C). 358 The Necho II who reigned 611 — 605 is not mentioned either on Babylonian or Assyrian monuments. against the hing of Assyria. The reader Is aware that It is a disputed point whether we are actually to under- * Zur Kritik der Inschriften Tigl.-Pil. II, p. 35. Thus what I stated in Keilinsch. u. Gesch. pp. 51 foil, under no. 8 can now he asserted much more positively. — [The reader will also notice that Asurhanipal's inscription prefers m^t 'land' to the use of ir 'city' in Asarhaddon's list — Transl.] 44 THE CUNEIFORM INSCRIPTIONS AND THE 0. T. stand an Assyrian monarch in the narrower sense as meant by the passage — in which case it would be the last of the rulers of Niniveh ; — or whether the reference is to the king of the Babylonian empire which had succeeded to the proud position occupied by the empire of Assyria, in other words to king Nabopolassar. The answer to this question depends In its turn upon the answer to another : When did Niniveh fall? According to the account of Abydenus and of Syn- cellus it would appear as though the conquest of Niniveh preceded or coincided with the ascent of the Babylonian throne by Nabopolassar in 626 (5) B. C*. In this case the Assyrian king referred-to by the Hebrew historian can only be the Babylonian king Nabopolassar. According to the other calculation, handed down by Eusebius and Hiero- nymus, the fall of Niniveh took place considerably later. 359 According to Eusebius - Hieronymus, Cyaxares took the capital of Ninus in the year Olympiad XLII. 4 = 609/608 ; according to the Armenian Chronicon of Eusebius, in the * Abydenus in Eusebius' Chronic. Lib. ed. Schoene I. 35 : „Post quem [scil. Sardanapallum] Saracus Assyriis imperavit, et (qui) certior factus, quod exercitus locustarum instar (numerosus) e mari exiens impetum faceret, Busalossorum ducem confestim Babelonem misit. Ille autem cousilio rebellionis inito Amuheam Ashdahaki (Astyagis) Medo- rum principis filiam Nabukodrossoro suo filio uxorem despondit. Ac deinde protinus discedens contendebat aggredi Ninum. id est, urbem Ninue. Cum autem de his omnibus certior est factus Saracus Rex, concremavit regiam aulam Evoriti [ex : keovtov = semet ipsum AvG.]. Nabukodrossorus vero accipiens regni imperium" etc. Comp. Syncellus ihid. p. 38 = ed. Bonn. p. 396 (210 B.) : Ohroq (b Na^OTtaXdaaQoq) atQatriyhq vnh SuQccxbg rov XaXduiwv l^aailacog araXelq xardc xov aixov Sagaxoc flq Nt'vov ^rciaxQurevfi. ov tt/v tcfoSov Ttrorj^elg b ^aQc.xhq sojvzor aiv xoTq j3aoi?.eioig rvanQtjas, xcd r?/r UQxyjv XaX- dakov xul Bu^vXwvoq nuQsXa^iv b avzbq Na^OTtaXdauQoq, b rov Na^ovxodovoaioQ naxriQ. SECOND BOOK OF KINGS XXIII. 45 year Olymp. XLIII. I = 608/7*. On this supposition the expedition of Necho to the East, in the year 609, would have been actually directed against an Assyrian ruler in the narrower acceptation of the term : it would not have been till his campaign (his second ?) of the year 606, which ended with the battle of Karkemish, that he would have come into collision with the newly rising Babylonian empire. Assyrian documents throw no fresh light at ail on this problem. This is owing to the fact that we are still very poorly informed by the native records about the concluding episodes of Assyrian history. It may be ad- mitted that, according to the discoveries of G. Smith, Boscawen and A. H. Sayce, there is a growing probability that several rulers succeeded Asurbanipal - Sardanapal [668 — 626 (?)**] upon the throne of Niniveh, viz. ASur- itil-ili-ukinni, son of Asurbanipal, a certain X-§um-lskun, and perhaps also a certain Asurachiddin II (Sarakos). But we cannot deduce therefrom more definite conclusions re- garding the date of the capture of Niniveh by the Medes (and Babylonians). Nevertheless the author would be dis- posed to consider the estimate of Eusebius and Hieronymus as by far the nearest to the truth, and this for the following reasons: If 625, = 1"*' year of Nabopolassar's reign, begeo the date of the fall of Niniveh, it follows, since Sarda- * See Eusebius, Chron. ed. Schoene II. 90, 91 and comp. Niebuhr, Assur und Babel pp. 114 foil. For more precise details see A. von Gutschmid, de temporum notis tSrc. Kil. 1868. ** Respecting tbe identity of Asurbanipal and tbe Sardanapallus of Berossus, and also respecting his assumed 42-years reign, see the author's essay in "Berichte der Sachsischen Gesellschaft der Wissensch." (philolog.-histor. CI.) pp. 8 foil. 31; Keilinsch. u. Gesch. pp. 541 foil.; comp. p. 369 footnote*. 46 THE CUNEIFORM INSCRIPTIONS AND THE 0. T. napalus-Asurbanipal may be supposed to have sat on the throne till 626 (inclusive), that the decisive struggle must have been limited to a duration of hardly one year. This taken by itself is scarcely probable, when we consider that Sardanapalus was able to maintain himself in possession of Babylon till the day of his death. Moreover, it is hardly compatible with this hypothesis, that at least two rulers sat on the throne of Niniveh after Asurbanipal, We have monuments of both these kings, and both were still in a position to erect buildings of greater or less size *. Again, Herodotus I. 103, 106 speaks of a twice repeated siege of Niniveh by Cyaxares, and of a Scythian domination lasting 28 years. Both these statements are far from favourable to the above theory, as writers have long noticed. Besides this, in the oracles** of Jeremiah, belong- ing to the fourth year of Jojakira = 606 B. C. (assu- ming 609 as the first year of the Jewish king), we find mention of the races from Aegypt, in the West, to Media and Elam, in the East; also of the sovereigns of the Nile- country as well as the kings of Media, Elam and Babel, including also the rulers of Philistia and the sheiks of Arabia; but not a syllable is said about Assur. Yse cannot therefore place the date of the capture of Niniveh later than the year 606. If Assyria still existed as an empire in the fourth year of Jojakim's reign, it could not have been * On Agur-itil-ili-ukinni see the inscription of the king I Rawl. 8, no. 3, as well as that of his daughter III Eawl. 16, no. 2. Respect- ing X-sum-iskun, see Geo. Smith, Assyrian Discoveries p. 383 and also the portion of this king's inscription puhlished hy me in the original text in the Reports of the Koniglich-Sachsische Gesellschaft der Wissenschaften 1880, p. 38 under no. K. 1662; compare likewise ibid. pp. 33 foil. ** Jerem. XXV. 19—26. SECOND BOOK OF KINGS XXIV. 47 passed over in silence. The date of Niniveh's overthrow must therefore be placed in the interval between 609, on the one side, and 606, on the other. If the assumption of 361 many scholars be correct, that Necho (see above) made his first forward movement against the Euphrates in a second campaign (Ebers) , there would be still greater reason for placing the downfall of Niniveh as late as about the year 606 B. C. Thus the year 607 as that of the capture of Niniveh (Max Duncker) may be held to have the greatest probability in its favour. At all events — to return to the point from which this discussion started — there is no reason to take exception to the accuracy of the statement in the Book of Kings, that Necho advanced against the king of "Assyria". It is manifest that the position of Karkemish on the Middle Euphrates points mainly to a purposed campaign against Niniveh and Assyria, and not against Babylon. Compare also note on Is. X. 9. XXIV. 1. In Ids (Zedekialis) days Nehucadnezzar (laWlDID^), king of Babel, marched down. In the cunei- form records the Babylonian conqueror is called (see East India House Inscr. I. 1, Borsip. 1. 1 &c.) Nabli-kudurri- usur written Na-bi-uv-ku-du-ur-ri-u-su-ur, in which form we at once recognize the prototype of the form li^JKniDIDjl, occurring in Jeremiah XLIX. 28 (comp. Ezra II. 1 (K'thib)), as well as of the name Na^ovxodgoOOQOc, in the pages of Strabo, Alex. Polyhistor, Megasthenes and Aby- denus*. The name is compounded of the name of deity 362 * Precise details may be found in Jahrbiicher fiir Protestautische Theologie VII (1881), p. 619. We can therefore vouch for the follow- ing changes in the pronunciation of this king's name : (1) Native Babylonian pronunciation Nabfi-kudurri-usur; (2) Graeco- Baby- lonian pronunciation Na^ovxoSQuaoQoq ; also Strabo (ed. Bekker) has 48 THE CUNEIFORM INSCRIPTIONS AND THE 0. T. Nabti (which in the Assyrian column of the syllabary II Rawl. 7, 41 g. h, corresponds to the written form Nabiuv) and the subst. kudur "crown" (comp. xidaQiq), as well as the Iraperat. usur from nasS,ru "protect". Thus the name signifies "Nebo, protect the crown"; see Assyr. Babyl. Keilinsch. p. 124*. We possess a series of inscriptions on bricks and clay cylinders belonging to this king; also an inscribed cameo Na^oxoSgoaoQoq ; (3) Hebraeo - Babylonian "njiXllDISJ > probably originally Nebfi-khodr-'esor i. e. liii!S")1D1D3- Then the form came to have an erroneous duplication of the ^ viz. Nebfi-khodr- ess6r; afterwards it became still further corrupted to "li^XDlDIDJ both as spoken and written ; (4) Hebrew-Masoretic orthography and pronunciation "l5J(N)3n3')33 i- e. Nebfikhadnessar, whence the Ger- man "Nebukadnezar" and the more accurate English spelling Nebuchadnezzar. The Romanists following the Nabuchodonosor &c. of the Vulgate give the name in the form which that version presents. * Paul Haupt, Der Keilinschriftliche Sintfluthbericht (1881) p. 4 would pronounce the name Nabu-kudurri-usur "Nebo, protect my crown". It ought, however, to be observed that while kudurri might be an abbreviation for kudurri = kudurrija, yet in the ideographic mode of writing the middle element never appears with the suffix. Comp. the name Nabu-abal-usur, and see above Vol. I, p. 232 foil, on the name Tiglath-Pileser. Recently Delitzsch (see Miirdter, Babylon.- Assyrische Geschichte pp. 210, 270) would be disposed to understand the middle part of the name viz. k u d u r r u as meaning a cap of woven reeds such as the workman was accustomed to wear when engaged in work. Thus he would take the name as signifying "Nebo, protect my work". Comp. V Rawl. 10, 93. Obsei've, on the other hand, that the word already occurs even in the early Elamite royal names "Kudur-Nahundi", "Kudur-Mabuk" &c. [But, in the recent Calwer Bibellexicon just completed, Fried. Delitzsch furnishes some new etymologies of Assyrian and Babylonian proper names. Thus Nebukadnezzar (Nabu-kudQri-uzur) is rendered "Nebo, protect my dominion". Comp. also E. A. Budge, Nebuchadnezzar, King of Babylon, Loud. (1885) p. 3 "Nebo, defend the landmark!" See "Hebraica" for Jan. 1885, p. 183— Transl.] SECOND BOOK OF KINGS XXIV. 49 with the royal portrait *. By far the larger number of these inscriptions — some of which are of considerable extent — are exclusively occupied, when they are not of a religious character, with the royal buildings at Babel and Borsippa. This is a general characteristic of Babylonian, 363 as opposed to Assyrian, inscriptions — a feature that in the interests of historical knowledge is greatly to be deplored. We learn, however, from these records at all events the ordinary title of the king as well as the name of his father. We become acquainted with both from the legends on bricks. One legend of six lines I have copied in the Bibel- lexlkon, as well as inRiehm's Handworterbuch des Biblischen Alterthums, from a brick preserved in the Zurich Museum. The inscription runs thus : "1. Nabti-ku-dur-ri-usur 2. §ar Ba-bi-lu 3. za-uin I'. SAG. GA. TU (saggil) 4. u r. ZI. DA, 5. abal Nabti-ab al-u"sur 6. sar Ba-bi-lu a-na-ku i. e. 1. Nebukadnezzar 2. king of Babylon, 3. restorer of the temple of exaltation 4. and of the temple of well-being (?) , 5. son of Nabopolassar, 6. king of Babylon, I". Notes and Illustrations. 1. The name of the king is here written in its first portion with the ordinary ideogram for the god Nebo; in its second portion it is written phonetically ; while in its third portion (usur) it is once more written ideographically with the sign SI8 which is explained in a syllabary by nas&ru. See also Assyr. Babyl. Keilinsch. pp. 124 foil. ; — 2. "Babylon" is both here and in line 6. written phone- tically throughout; — 3. zanin partic. of zan§.nu often used in the sense of "restore", "improve". Respecting the two temple- names see above pp. 122 foil. With respect to the name I'. ZI. DA, * A representation of this portrait may be found in Schenkel's Bibellexicon Vol. Ill, p. 511. Riehm, Handworterbuch des biblischen Alterthums 1067 a. On the question of the genuineness and origin of this cameo see Monatsberichte der Akademie der Wissenschaften, Berlin, pp. 293 — 298 (where a photographic reproduction is given) ; J. Menant in Rev. Arch^ol. Par. 1885; A. Furtwangler in Sammlung zu Ehren Leemanns', Leid. 1885 flg. 4 50 THE CUNEIFORM INSCRIPTIONS AND THE 0. T. I would observe in explanation that ZI. DA signifies in the first place imnu "right" (with idu "the right hand"; comp. Hebr. ppi) ; see Assyr. Babyl. Keil. p. 194. From this again' is derived the meaning ki'nu "firm", "trustworthy". We can therefore hover to a certain extent between the renderings "House of the right", "House of well-being" or "of permanence"; — 5. The name Nabu-abal-usur means "Nebo, protect the son" Assyr. Babyl. Keil. p. 126; — 6. anakii = i^JX- The final u is long (Haupt). Of historical inscriptions in the narrower sense of the term, resembling the Assyrian, there has come down to us hitherto only the fragment of a cylinder-inscription which I published in the Aegyptische Zeitschrift 1879 p. 45 foil, i. e. the portion of the inscription that is to a certain 364 extent intelligible. Compare ibid. A. Wiedemann 1878, pp. 87 — 89. The passage runs thus : 13. . . . Sanat XXXVII KAN Nabti-kudurri-usur sar mat.... 14. . . . [mat] Mi-sir a-na l-bi§ tahazi al-[lik] .... 1. . . . [A-ma]-a(?)-su sar Mi-sir* upahhir-ma i. e. 13. ... "37"' year of Nebucadnezzar, king of the land [Babel] .... 14. ... (to) Aegypt to fight a battle I [marched] .... 1. . . . [Ama]sis (?), the king of Aegypt assembled and . . , ." After this we read of military incidents, of soldiers and horses being slaughtered or transported kirib m§,t Misir "into the midst of the land Aegypt" ; but we obtain no more definite intelligence about these proceedings. By the date (37*'' year of Nebucadnezzar's reign) we are brought to the year 568 B. C, which agrees well with the completion of the Aegyptian king's name into Amasu = Amasis proposed by Pinches and Wiedemann. I would also remark that quite recently an inscription of Nebucadnezzar, engraved in archaistic cuneiform on a precipitous rock, has been discovered on the Northern * The word mat, which we should expect to stand before Misir, is omitted through an error either of thexiopyist or of the ancient tablet-writer. SECOND BOOK OF KINGS XXV. 5 1 bank of Nahr-el-kelb (Dog's river), near Beirut. It has not yet been possible to gain any definite information about the contents of the inscription from the casts that have hitherto been made. See A. H. Sayce in "Proceedings of the Society of Biblical Archaeology" Nov. 1. 1881, pp. 9 foil. XXV. 8. n^l-"^^; Nebuzaradan. The Babylonian form of the name was Nabti-ztr-iddina i. e. "Nebo bestowed posterity". It is compounded of the name of the deity Nab 1i, the substantive zir = i/'lT "seed"* and the Kal Imperf. of nadanu = Hebrew ]nj "give". We read the name in the Assyrian original among the list of proper names II Rawl. 64, col. II, 13. See further in my Assyr.- 365 Babyl. Keilinsch. p. 126 No. 7. 2 7. And it came to pass in the 37^^' year after the deportation of Jehoiachin .... then arose EvU-Merodach (Tllip'TW) , ki7ig of Babel, in the year when he became king. The name is easily explained. Its original Baby- lonian form was Avil-Marduk i. e. "Man of Merodach", a name that is compounded of a vilu "man" and Marduk "Merodach". We find an exactly similar name in Assyr.- Babyl. Keilinsch. p. 157 No. 69, where Sab-sar (IK'-N^a) is explained as "man of the king" (II Rawl. 63. col. 1, 7 as well as Sab-Adar "man of Adar" (II Rawl. 63. II, 22). Tablets dated from the years of the reign of this king, viz. from the year of his accession (562 B. C), his first year (561) and his second (560), have within a recent period been added to the British Museum. They belong to the group * On the pronunciation zi-i-ru instead of ^~i| or ^11, comp. Haupt, Sumei-ische Familiengesetze p. 33 note 6. 4* 52 TEE CUNEIFORM INSCRIPTIONS AND TEE 0. T. of so-called I'gibi-tablets. The diflferent modes of writing the name which have been handed down are Avil-Mar- duk and A-vl-lu-Marduk, See Boscawen in Transs. of the Soc. of Bibl. Archaeol. VI, 1. 1878. FIRST BOOK OF CHRONICLES. V. 26. Then the God of Israel aroused the spirit of Pul, king of Assyria, and the spirit of Tiglath-Pilneser (piOt>B~T\ih7\) etc. Ofcourse IDJ^D stands by mistake for IDN^O, in just the same way as r\i^T\ arose from the original form n'?Jn merely by a transposition of letters. This mode of writing the king's name is opposed by the Books of Kings and by the inscriptions alike, and is due either to the Chronicler or to a copyist. See also the comments on 2 Kings XV, 19. 20 and compare the critical discussion of this passage in Keilinsch. u. Gesch. pp. 435 foil. N"iri Hard, a corrupt reading. See Schrader, Art. Hara in Riehm's Handworterb. des Biblischen Alterthums, and Keilinsch. u. Geschichtsforschung p. 430. Compare the notes on 2 Kings XVII, 6. XVIII, 11. 366 SECOND BOOK OF CHRONICLES. IX. 16. Three hundred [shekels] of gold he put on one shield. In the parallel passage in the Books of Kings (1 Kings X, 17) there stands "three minas". It would appear from this that the Chronicler reckoned the mina at 100 shekels. That was the valuation of the later, Greek period. The Hebrews of the earlier time valued the mina (as money) at 50 shekels. According to Hitzig, in his commentary on Ezek. XLV. 12, we should read DI^D in SECOND BOOK OF CHRONICLES IX. XV. XXXIII. 5 3 place of niND *. The whole difficulty would then dis- appear. Smend adopts this solution. See the note on Gen. XXIII. 16, Vol. I p. 127 foil. ^^^^ ^^ XYB-^. nlOTpi^ Semiramis. We find this name in the form Sammuramat (written Sa-am-mu-ra-mat), as a woman's name , upon the monuments viz. on the statues of Nebo found at Nimrlid (I Rawl. 35 no. 2 line 9). It there appears as the name of Rammannir^r's "woman of the palace" (Ramm^nnirar reigned 812 — 783). Delitzsch in Miirdter's Geschichte Babyloniens und Assy- riens p. 278 thinks that Sammuramat may be explained as meaning **lover of scents"**. It is not surprising that the Hebrews, when they adopted this to them unintelligible name , endeavoured to adapt it to their own mode of pronunciation. Compare the Hebrew jlSl as the equivalent of the Assyrio - Aramaic Ramm^nu 'Psf/fiav] as well as jlSTS^ for Tab-Ramm4n (Ta[i£Qe(/d). See above Vol. I pp. 196, 197. XXXIII. 11. Then Jahve brought ujyon them the mili- tary commanders of the king of Assyria who took Manasseh captive with hooks and bound him with chains and carried him away to Babel. 12. And when he was in distress he supplicated Jahve his God 13. ... and He gave ear to his entreaty and heard his prayer, and caused him to return to Jerusalem into his kingdom. The reader is aware that this passage has been the subject of much 367 discussion. Objections were raised by critics to a state- * [Comp. the converse illustration of the very same confusion of X and J in the case of "IDJ^C ^^"^ 1Dfc<^D '° ^ Chron. V. 26. See above the note on the passage — Translator.] ** rSmat "lover", root Qni = Dm > sammu "scent", comp. 54 THE CUNEIFORM INSCRIPTIONS AND THE T. ment which had no place in the Books of Kings, and it was thought that the passage should be severed from the narrative, as being altogether unhistorical. It was argued in the first place, that we have no other mention in the historical books of a supremacy wielded by the Assyrians at that time (700 — 650) in Western Asia, such as this account presupposes; and in the second place, that we here read that Manasseh was transported to Babel, and not to Niniveh, as we should have expected if the king who carried him away into captivity was an Assyrian. Both objections lose their force in the presence of the in- scriptions. As to the first, we know that even Asai'haddon, towards the end of his reign, had reduced to subjection the whole of Syria and Aegypt. In both the lists of the twenty-two tributary kings of the Chatti-country (i. e., in the present case, Phoenicia, Philistia and the (Cyprian) island-states), which have been handed down to us by Asar- haddon and (as a parallel list) by Asurbanipal , we find no less a personage mentioned than this Manasseh himself : Mlnasi (Minsi) §ar mat (Ir) Jaudi; see note on 2 Kings XXI. 1. Now it is not probable that the event we are considering happened as early as in the reign of Asarhaddon. Not a word is said by Asarhaddon, in the inscription containing the above list, about any insurrection of the Palestinian states (it was the Phoenician Sidon that had to be forcibly reduced to obedience). And we have certainly not the slightest hint of Manasseh's opposition to Asarhaddon, when the latter conducted his great con- quering expedition against Aegypt towards the close of his reign. On the other hand we know from Asurbanipal, 368 his successor, that mUt MARTU (= mat Aharri) "the Western country", meaning Phoenicia and Palestine, was SECOND BOOK OF CHRONICLES XXXIII. 55 about the middle of his reign (about 648 — 7 B. C. and pre- viously) involved, along with Elam, the land Guti (i) and Mlluhhi-Kush, in the revolt of his rebellious brother Samas- sura-uktn i. e. Sammughes-Saosduchin *. See Smith's Assur- banipal 154, 32 to 155, 38; comp. V Rawl. 3, lOO foil. We may assume with perfect confidence that Manasseh was included among these Palestino-Phoenician rebels. At least he may have drawn upon himself the suspicion of having an understanding with Asurbanipal's rebellious brother. In order to clear himself of this suspicion or to furnish the Great King with guarantees of his faithfulness and submission , he was conveyed away to Babel. But to Babel? — This leads us to the consideration of the second objection. There can be no question that the proper residence of the Assyrian kings, and of Asurbanipal among the rest , was Niniveh , and , as far as Asurbanipal was concerned , Niniveh was the exclusive residence as long as his brother, the above-named Sammughes-Saos- duchin, was viceroy of Babel, i. e., according to the Ptolemaic Canon, till the year 648 — 7 B, C. But nothing stands in the way of the assumption that the Great King, after he had assumed the rank of king of Babylon, resided in that city for a while and there received embassies as well as princes in vindication of themselves. In one per- tinent instance we are able to establish from the monu- ments that this actually occurred. The Cyprian ambas- sadors of "the seven kings of the district Jah of the land * On this identification see Keilinschriften und Geschichtsforschung pp. 540 foil.; and on the reading Samas-sum-ukin, according to a syllabary recently discovered by Eassam and copied by Delitzsch, see Berichte der Sachsischen Gesellschaft der Wissenschaften 1880, p. 2, note 3. Also see Assyr. Babylon. Keilinsch. p. 166. 56 THE CVNEIFOBM INSCRIPTIONS AND THE 0. T Jatnan", after the conquest of Babylon and after Sargon 369 had placed the crown of Babel upon his head, offered to the Great King in Babylon presents as tokens of homage *. At all events we have under the above circumstances no reason to draw the inference from the mention of Babel; as the place to which Manasseh was taken, that the whole episode narrated by the Chronicler is unhistorical. Let us now turn to the account given by Asurbanipal of the part played by the nations and princes of Western Asia in this insurrection of Sammughes. His words are (Smith's * Khorsab. 149 a-na ki-rib BSb-ilu a-di mah-ri-ja u-bi- lu-num-ma "to the midst of Babylon before me they brought"; comp. the Berlin stele of Sargon col. II (IV), 28 foil, as well as the annals Botta 91, 11. According to the canon of Ptolemaeus this hap- pened in the year 648 B. C, the last of Saosduchin (647 is the first year of Kineladan). On the identity of Kineladan (Ptolemaic canon), Sardanapallus (Berossus) and Asurbanipal (Inscriptions), see Keilinsch. u. Gesch. pp. 517 foil. 540 foil. The essential grounds for these identifications are (1) The Sardanapallus of Berossus was brother of Sammughes-Saosduchin, just as the Asurbanipal of the inscriptions was brother of Sama§-gum-ukin. (2) The "brother and successor of Sammughes" was a ruler of the Babylonians, just as Asurbanipal follow- ed Samas-sum-ukin as "king of Babylon". Accordingly a Chaldaean clay tablet belonging to Asurbanipal (Smith's Assurb. 324) is simply dated according to the "years" of this monarch as "king of Babylon". (3) The 21 -|- 21 = 42 years of Sammughes and Sardanapallus in Berossus correspond to the 20 -f- 22 = 42 years of Saosduchin and Kineladan in the Canon of Ptolemaeus. And lastly (4) the beginning of the reign of the Asurbanipal of the inscriptions (668 — 667) coin- cides with that of Saosduchin-Sammughes, i. e. Samas-sum-ukin , in the Ptolemaic canon, while Abydenus, who only reports the succession of Assyrian rulers, conformably represents Sardanapallus as succeeding Axerdis-Asarhaddon. For the proof that Abydenus handed down the series of Assyrian rulers, and Berossus that of the Babylonian poten- tates, see my Keilinsch. u. Gesch. pp. 540 foil. Compare also Berichte der Sachsischen Gesellsch. der Wissenschaften 1880 (philol. histor. Classe), pp. 2. 14. 13, as well as the author's article : Kineladan and Asurbanipal, in Zeitschrift fiir Keilschriftforschung I, 222 foil. SECOND BOOK OF CEBONICLES XXXIII. 5 7 Assurbanipal 154*) : 27. U §u-u Samas -§um-ukin 28. ahu la ki-i-nu sa la is-su-rii a-di-ja 29. nist m^t Akkadi mat Kal-du va.ki A-ru-mu (Var. A-ra-mu) vnti tiam-tiv ul-tav Ir A-ka-ba a-di ir370 Bab-sa-li-mf-ti 31. ardu (Var. PI.) da-gll pa-ni- ja us-pal-kit i-na kata-ja 1. e. "27. And that Samraughes 28. my unfaithful brother, who did not main- tain obedience to me, 29. seduced the inhabitants of Akkad, Chaldaeaj Arumu, of the maritime country 30. from Akaba to Bab-salimlt, 31. subjects devoted to me, to revolt against me". And again in Smith's Assurb. p. 154. 34 foil, we read (III Rawl. 20, 38—42, V Eawl. 3, 103—106) : 34. u §arrt m. Gu-ti (Var. Gu-ti-i), 35. m§,t Aharri (Var. Aharri-i), m^t Ml-luh-hi-i, 36. §a ina ki-bit Asur u Bilit is-tak-ka-na katS,-ai 37. nab-har-su-nu it-ti-ja u-san-kir-ma 38. it- ti-§u i§-ku-nu pi-i-§u-un (Var. nu) i. e. "34. And the kings of the land Gutt, 35. of the West country**, of the land Miluhhi (Kush ^ Aethiopia), 36. which at the bidding of Asur and Beltis my hands had brought (under subjection) : 37. all of them he (Sammughes) seduced to revolt from me; 38. with him they made com- mon cause" (literally "they made with him their mouth"). By the king of Miluhhf-Kush we must evidently understand the king of Aethiopia-Aegypt, i. e. Psammetich, as meant. Compare also Keilinsch. u. Gesch. p. 287 foil. note***. * Comp. Ill Rawl. 20, 31 foil.; V Rawl. 3, 96—100. ** See the comments on Gen. X. 6, Vol. I, p. 73. *** Despite the objections of Oppert (Journal Asiatique 1872. Extr. No. 1, pp. 11. 13) and of Haupt (Sumerische Familiengesetze I, p. 74) I still adhere to the equivalence of Pi(Tu)-sa-mil-ki and Psamme- 58 THE CUNEIFORM INSCRIPTIONS AND THE 0. T. 371 On all these grounds I do not hesitate to connect with this attempted insurrection of Sama§-sum-ukin the trea- sonable act of Manasseh which, though not openly pro- claimed, was resolutely planned. Accordingly I would place it about the year 648 B. C, and his transportation in the following year, 647. But what are we to say of his being deported "in iron chains and with hooks"? Does not that in itself sound altogether fabulous? And is it conceivable that a prince so dishonoured could once more be tolerated on the throne, or that a prince who was so seriously implicated could have obtained complete pardon? About this also we gain light from Asurbanipal's inscrip- tion. The Great King reports to us respecting Necho I precisely what we read in the Bible about Manasseh. We read in Smith's Assurbanipal 43, 45 : Sar-lu-dd-ri Ni-ik-ku-u is-bat-u-num-ma ina bi-ri-ti* parzilli i§-ka-ti parzilli u-tam-mi-hu katS, u sipS. i. e. ''They seized Sarludari (and) Necho, bound with iron tich. See Smith's Assurb. 66. 28 (V Rawl. 2. 114). To take the corresponding syllables or words in an appellative sense (Oppert) is in point of language impossible; while the fact that the sign for the syllable pi likewise possessed the phonetic value tu (Haupt) only explains the more readily in my opinion the possibility of an Assyrian not comprehending an Aegyptian name and endeavouring to adapt it to his own mode of speech. Compare also my remarks in Keilinsch. u. Gesch. p. 43 and also observe that the potentate referred-to is expressly called, on the cylinder of Asurbanipal recently discovered by Rassam, sar mS.t Mu-sur or, in other words, "king of Aegypt". Thus he cannot have been one of the various Aegyptian departmental or petty princes. * Oppert ingeniously proposes to read kas-ri-ti, root lU^p; yet, so far as I am aware, this reading has not yet been confirmed by variants. The signification in this and other passages is established by the context. SECOND BOOK OF CHRON. XXXIII. BOOK OF EZRA I. 59 bonds and iron chains hands and feet" *. — And sub- sequently, after hearing of his deportation to Niniveh, we are told how the Great King 53. ri-i-mu ar-si-§u "favour (DHI = Dn"l) has bestowed upon him" and per- mitted him to return to Aegypt with his generals (60. §u-u t-sak-i-j a §akntiti a-n a [mat Mu-sur it]-ti-§u a§-pur "my officers, the viceroys, 1 sent with him to 372 Aegypt" **). But what might happen to an Aegyptian potentate , could certainly be inflicted also on a Judaean prince. The result of our investigation we sum up as follows : — that there is no reason to cast any suspicion on the statement of the Chronicler (so far, ofcourse, as facts are reported), and that what he relates can be satis- factorily accounted-for from the circumstances that existed in the year 647 B. C. BOOK OF EZRA. 1. 1 . and in the first year of Koresh (t£^']3), Mng of Persia. The native pronunciation of the name of Cyrus is K'ur'us Behistun-inscription I, 28. 39 etc. In the Babylonian inscriptions the name is written Ku-ra-as, Ku-ras i. e. Kura§, see the inscription of Cyrus at Murgh§,b, Assyr.-Babylon. Keilinsch. 339 ; Cyrus-cylinder (V Rawl. 35) line 20 ; Annals of NabunS-hid Obv. col. II, * isk4ti probably from p]l)^^ \JiM*s:. properly an instrument whereby a man is kept in forcible constraint; utammih Pael from tam§,hu, of obscure derivation — perhaps connected with ^l^H ('')• ** Saknuti "viceroys", plur. of saknu, sakan, is written with the ordinary ideogram NAM whose phonetic equivalent is supplied by the variant in Smith's History of Assurbanipal 35, 13. The title has passed into the Hebrew in the form IJC (iJD) ! comp. the note below on Is. XLl. 25 and above on 1 Kings X. 15 footnote* Vol. I p. 175 foil. 60 TEE CUNEIFORM INSCRIPTIONS AND THE 0. T. \ — 30 Rev. 12 foil.* — Persia U^B is called in the native dialect Par 9 a. See Behistun-inscription I, 5. 14. 41 etc. Its Babylonian equivalent is (mat) Parsu written Par-su, Par-su-u, Pa-ar-su (Behistun loc. cit. Naksh-i-Rustam 9 etc.); also Par-sa (Xerxes D 13). 2. '^All the kingdoms of the earth Jahve the God of Heaven has given me" etc. Though the words placed in the mouth of the Persian king are spoken e.r sensu Judaeorum, yet they may be justified historically from the fact; that they completely accord with the policy of toleration that characterized the reign of the founder of the Persian monarchy. We learn from the recently dis- 373 covered annals of NabtinS,hid that Cyrus left the worship of the Babylonian deities inviolate; indeed^ he caused the divinities whom the last Babylonian king had removed from their former shrines to be restored to their places (Rev. col. I, 21 foil. comp. with Rev. I, 9 foil.). On cylinder line 33 we read "And the gods of Sumlr and Akkad, which Nabtin^hid to the sorrow of the lord of the gods had carried off to Suannaki-Babylon , I caused to take up their abode (again) in peace in their sanctuaries, an abode of joy of heart for the whole of the gods whom I brought back to their towns" **. In the same cylinder * The modes of writing the name hitherto certified by the in- scriptions are : — Ku-ra-a§, Ku-ur-ra-su, Ku-ur-ra-as, Kur- ra-a§(ds); Kur-ras, Ku-ras and once even Ku-ur-su the last of which represents the native Persian pronunciation most accurately. Comp. Boscawen in Trans, of the Soc. of Bibl. Archaeol. VI. 1 (1878). ** The Babylonian text runs thus : 33. u ili mat Su-mi-ri u Ak-kadi-KI sa Nabii-nS,'id a-na ug-ga-tiv bi'l ili u-si-ri-bi a-na ki-rib Su-an-na-KI i-na ki-bi-ti Marduk bi'li rabi i-na sa-li-im-tiv 34. i-na mas(?)-ta-ki-su-nu u-si'-si-ib su- ba-at tu-ub lib-bi kul-la-ta ili sa u-si-ri-bi a-na ki-ir-bi BOOK OF EZRA I. IV. 61 inscription Cyrus recognizes Merodach in his character of supreme god of the Babylonians, represents the deity as announcing his (i. e. Cyrus') march to Babel, and taking the road to Babylon, while he leads Cyrus at his side as friend and comrade (lines 14. 15). Cyrus also informs us that he has daily offered prayers to Bel and Nebo that they would intercede on his behalf, especially with Merodach*. IV. 2. after the days of Asarhaddon, the king of Assyria, who brought us hither. As tO the name Asar- haddon see the notes on 2 Kings XIX. 37 (above Vol. 11,374 p. 1 7 foil.). The cuneiform inscriptions contain no express mention of the settlement of Eastern races in Samaria, to which this Biblical passage alludes. From the records of Asarhaddon we only learn that he transferred Eastern populations into the land Chatti generally i. e. Syria, inclusive of Phoenicia and Palestine. This latter statement cannot admit of doubt. We read on Asarhaddon's cylinder, after his account of the defeat of Abdimilkut of Sidon, I Rawl. 45, col. I, lines 24 foil. : 24. ni§t-su raps^ti, §a ni-ba la i-sa-a 25. alpi u si-l-ni imiri 26. a-bu-ka a-na ki-rib m^tAssur. 27. U-pa-hir-ma ma-ha-zi-su-un 35. u-mi sa(?)-am ma-liar Bi'l u Nabu sa a-ra-ku umi-ja li-ta-mu-u lit-tib-ka-ru a-ma-a-ta du-un- ki-ja u a-na Marduk bi'li-ja li-ik-bu-u sa Ku-ra-as sarru pa-li-hi-ka u K a-am-bu-zi-ja abal-su . . . etc.— 33. With uggatu comp. the Hebr. JJp;, njlD ;— 34. mas(?)taku is obscure; kullat clearly stands for the form we elsewhere meet with kalu (or uabhar); — 35. ami sam etc. =: "daily setting up before Bel and Nebo (scil. the prayer) that they would command length of my days (root HDX* i^ glossary iQt^, = nDH) f^'o^" which we have am§,t "command"), bless my exalted command and announce to Merodach, my lord : "Cyrus, the king (is) thy adorer, and Cambyses his son . . . ." (hei-e the text breaks off). * See note p. 60. (i2 TEE CUNEIFORM INSCRIPTIONS AND TEE 0. T. Sarrt* m^tHat-tl 28. u a-hi ti^m-tiv ka-li-§u-nu 29. [I-na pani-ja **] §a-num-ma Ir*** u-sl-bl§-raa; 30. Ir [A§u r-] ah-iddi-na at-ta-bi ni-bit-su. 31. Nist hu-bu-ut kas-ti-ja sa §adi-i 32. u ti§,m-tiv si-it §am-si 33. i-na lib-bi u-§l- si-ib; 34. avil §u-ut-sak-ja, avll sak-ua Ili-§u-nu a§-kun i. e. *24. His (Abdimilkut's) numerous depen- dants, which are not to be numbered, 25. cattle and flocks, asses 26. I carried awaj to Assyria 2 7. I gathered together all the kings of the land Chatti 28. and of the sea-coast 29. [before me . . .]. Another town I caused to be built : 30. «[Asar]haddon's town" I called it. 31. The inhabitants of the mountains carried away by my bow 32. and those of the Eastern sea 33. I settled in that spot ; 34. my officer, the viceroy, I placed over them." 375 Notes and Illustrations, nisi raps at i, comp. Delitzsch in Lotz p. 110 note; nibS, root nabu ^ {<33 properly "name", then "make mention", "number"; isS =: isu Hebr. \^i see Assyr.-Babyl. Keil- insch. S. 305; — 26. abfika root n^^ properly "lead astray" then "carry off into exile"; — 27. upahir Pael, root paliS.ru; — 28. ahi = O c. - -^^ see Glossary; — 29. On sanumma, sanamma "another" see the trilingual inscriptions and comp. Assyr.-Babylon. Keilinsch. Glos- sary, and respecting the contents of the passage comp. the very similar one Khorsabad 155; — 30. attabi 1 pers. Imperf. Ifteal, root nabfl = {<23 j nibitu subst. from the same root = DNDJi — 31. hubut occurs frequently in the inscriptions of Asurbauipal, combined with the verb (Iftanaal) ihtanabbat (Smith's Assurbanipal * There is no reason to alter the text (nisi instead of sarri) as Oppert proposes. ** Is corrupt. The words supplied are those of Budge, History of Esarhaddon, London 1880, p. 36. *** So I can still clearly make out on the photograph that lies before me. BOOK OF EZRA IV. 63 79, 9. 81, 9. 211, 89. 258, 113. 114). According to these passages it has some such siguificatiou as "deportation" "spoil"*. 5. The corresponding Persian forms of the kings here mentioned are K'ur'us = Cyrus (see above note on Ezra I. 1); Darajavus = Darius ; KhSajarsa = Ahasveros ** = Xerxes; ArtakhSatrS, = Artahasta = Artaxerxes, see Behistun insc. 1, 28. 31) ; Beh. 1, 1. 4; — inscr. designated as D, 6. 11 etc. — Sus. 1. 4 etc. Re- specting the succession of the kings, see my remarks in the essay "on the duration of the building of the second temple" in Theologische Studien und Kritiken 1867, pp. 475 foil. 9. Among the nations here referred-to, we have not only Babel and Elam (see Vol. I, pp. 96, 112 foil.) but also Arak and Susan certainly mentioned in the inscrip- tions. Arali is the Arku, Arak and also Uruk of the * I need scarcely say that in accordance with the ahove docu- mentary data I abandon the doubts I formerly raised in Studien und Kritiken 1867, p. 497 foil, respecting a second colonization of Samaria distinct from the former one carried out under Sargon-Salmanassar. ** lI^TII^nN) Aramaic NK'n"'LJ'n according to Euting quoted by Hiibschmann in Zeitsch. der deutsch. morgenland. Gesellsch. XXXIV. Beilage p. 8. But the citation of Hiibschmann is inaccurate, as I have convinced myself from personal inspection of the monument, an Aegypto-Aramaic stele (numbered 7707 = 248) in the Royal Museum at Berlin. The name is written I^'IN^KTI) i- ^- ivithout a final X) but with an }< following the i in the middle of the word. See also Lepsius in the Aegyptische Zeitschrift 1877, pp. 127—132. The Babylonian pronunciation of the name Darius is Darajavus, a name that is actually written in fifteen different ways. The chief types are : Da-(a-)ri-j a-(a-) vus, D a-(a-)ri-'-vus and Da-ri-'-us. — The Babylonian form of the name for Xerxes was according to the inscriptions of the Achaemenidae : — Hisi'arsu, written Hi-si-'-ar- §u (sa, si).— The pronunciation of the name Artaxerxes was Arta'- hatsu, written Ar-t a-'-ha-at-su ; also Artaksatsu, written Ar-tak-sat-su. See M^nant, Syllab. Assyr. I, pp. 90 foil., Assyr, Babylon. Keilinsch. pp. 363 foil. 64 THE CUNEIFORM INSCRIPTIONS AND THE 0. T. cuneiform, the present Warka (see note on Gen. X. 10, Vol. I, p. 76 foil.). Susan is the Su§an (written Su- sa-an) of Asurbanipal's inscriptions 111, 94. With 376 N'lr^tZ^lut' may be compared the adjectival form Su§inak* appearing on the Elamite inscriptions (Fr. Lenormant). Comp. Fr. Delitzsch Parad. p. 32 7. With the N^'^"l we might perhaps, with G. Rawlinson, compare the Aaol of Herodotus (I, 125). All the other identifications attempted by Lenormant and others are uncertain. Likewise the combination of N"'D~IDN ** with the "Persians" (elsewhere ^DID) must for phonetic reasons be given up. Besides * Respecting Susinak comp. the Addenda in this volume on Gen. X. 22 (p. 96 Vol. I). ** We might be disposed to regard with favour the combination of the race-name N^DIDX with the Assyr. (m&t) Parsua = Ad- herbeidsh§,n (Delitzsch in Libri Dan. etc. p. IX); the prosthetic ji{ would not constitute a difficulty ; see Keilinsch. u. Geschichtsforschung p. 173. But it is surprising to find no mention in Asurbanipal's inscriptions of the land Parsua as one that was conquered and subjugated by him. After the time of Sargon and Sanherib (in whose records "land Parsuas" probably = 1. Parsua) we find no further reference at all in the inscriptions to this region; Keil. u. Gesch. ibid. With respect to the names X'^DHDION ^^<^ (^> ^) N^DDIDN Delitzsch refers to the Median cities mentioned in Asarhaddon's cylind. IV. 19 foil. Pa-ar-takka (Pa-ar-ta-ak-ka) and Partukka (Pa-ar-tuk-ka). In Asurbanipal's records, however, there is no mention of these also. — The same writer connects the race-name {^^m with the city (ir) Du-'-u-a (III Rawl. 48, No. I, 9), and we might accept this combination if we knew any- thing of the position of the town mentioned in the Assyrian contract- tablet. Moreover the town mentioned in the tablet seems to have been situated within the imperial dominion, while, on the other hand, the position of K^HT ^^ ^^^ Biblical passage, between the Susians on the one side and the Elamites on the other (comp. the Addenda in this volume to Gen. X. 22), would scarcely lead us immediately to infer that it was a population belonging to the Assyrian imperial region. There- fore we must leave this combination also an open question. BOOK OF EZRA IV. 65 no Assyrian king ever forced his way up to the land Persis. 10. "IBJPN Osnappar has not been pointed out as the name of a general either on the inscriptions of Asarhaddon or of any other Assyrian king, nor can it be understood at all as an Assyrian name. From the epithet "the great and mighty" one would suppose it to be the name of a king; and since we find that Asurbanipal (668 — (?) 626) was the only Assyrian monarch who penetrated into the heart of Elam and in particular gained possession of Susa, we are disposed to consider that the most probable theory is that of Gelzer, that the name "IDJDN is a corruption of the name '?DJbn)DN = ^D-J3-1CN. See H. Gelzer in Zeitschr. fiir die Aegypt. Sprache 1875, p. 78 foil. (His view is not prejudiced by the inaccuracy of his rendering of the phrase Hi kisir sarrlitija ur add i, which does not mean "extended over the whole of my kingdom" (?) but "(which) I added to my royal portion"). The depor- tation of the inhabitants of Elam to Assyria and the Assyrian dominions is placed beyond all doubt by the phrase sa aslula ultu kirib mat I'lamti "whom I carried away from the land Elam", or by the phrase alka ana mat ASsur "I transferred to the land As- syria" etc. See Geo. Smith, Hist, of Assurbanipal 236, 32 foil. 233, 123; 234, 3. Delitzsch agrees with this view respecting Osnappar; Parad. p. 329. 13. H'HjP^ also nip "tribute" is unquestionably the 377 Assyrian m and at, also mad (d) at "tribute" properly gift, root ]"!J =: Hebr. ]ni See Paul Haupt, die sumerischen Familiengesetze, Leipzig 1879, p. 16 note 4. i*?? "impost" word of unknown derivation. Perhaps we might compare the Assyr. bilat, biltuv "gift", root 5 - 66 THE CUNEIFORM INSCRIPTIONS AND TEE 0. T. 7DN. Just as we have here i73 and Hljp mentioned together, so we have in Assyrian b i 1 1 u and mandattu; see Asarhaddon-Cylind. I Rawl. 46. Ill, 58 (biltuv u man-da-at-tu V bi-lu-ti-ja, "impost and tribute of my rule"). V. 2. ^^S"!] Zeruhbabel. The meaning has long ago been correctly explained as = 732 i^^"!|. Nevertheless we can best account for the curious elision of the aspirate by referring to the Babylonian mode of pronunciation, in which the elision or suppression of the V occurred in words such as Uktn-ztr = Xiv^rjQog ; Nabli-zyr- iddin = HO''^? etc. 13. ^In the first year of Koresh, king of Babel." This designation of the Persian monarch as "king of Babel" is remarkable and moreover meets us in the writings of the same period (comp. Neh. XIII. 6)*. But its peculiarity becomes altogether intelligible in the light of authentic and contemporary Babylonian documents, in which Persian kings sometimes style themselves "kings of Babel" or are called by this title. Thus Cyrus (K u r a §) designates himself on the clay cylinder of Babylon (V Rawl. 35 line 20) as ". ... Sarru rabti §arru dan-nu §ar Babilu Sar m^t Su-mi-ri u Ak-ka-di-i §ar kib- ra-a-ti ir-bi-it-tiv" i. e. ". . . . great king, mighty king, king of Babylon, king of Sumir and Akkad, king 378 of the four regions". On the I'gibi-tablets as well as on Babylonian contract-tablets the dates are given during the Persian period from the ruler reigning at the time, who * Compare the remarks in my essay "The duration of the building of the second temple" in Theolog. Studien und Kritiken 1867, p. 475. BOOK OF EZRA V. VI. 67 is designated as Sar B^bllu "king of Babylon", sometimes with the additional epithet §ar m^t^ti "king of coun- tries" or "Emperor"*. Evidently the title "king of Babel" had somewhat the same meaning to the inhabitants of Western Asia after the time of Nebucadnezzar as the epithet "Roman Emperor" had for the nations of the Middle Ages. It was not until the Persian empire broke up, and during the period of Greek domination, that the title "king of Persia" became current even in Western Asia ; see Theolog. Studien u. Kritiken ibid. VI. 2. t^npHN Ekbatana. The native pronunciation, according to the inscriptions of the Achaemenidae, was Hangmatana; compare the New-Persian ^^^A*^. To this corresponds the Babylonian pronunciation preserved on the monuments (ir) A-ga-ma-t a-nu, Behistun line 60; also (m^t) A-gam-ta-nu, Nablin^hid's Annals Obv. II, 3. 4. The capture of Ekbatana by Cyrus after the defeat of the army of Astyages (Is-tu-vi-gu) falls, according to Nabiinahid's Annals Obv. II, 2 foil., in the 6"' year of Nabunit i. e. 550 B. C. 11. and being raised up let him be struck on (upon?) it (the piece of timber erected). This passage is understood to refer to crucifixion i. e. the fixing of a living body by nails to a piece of wood. But this punishment is unknown in Oriental countries (the passage in Diodorus Siculus 2, 1 ofcourse proves nothing) and is specifically Roman. Also among the Persians we never meet with it. The reference in Xenophon Anabasis III, 1. 17 is not a case in point. * See my remarks in the Zeitschrift fiir die agyptische Spr. u. Alterth. 1879, pp. 39—45 ("on the eleventh year of Cambyses"), also ihid. 1880, pp. 99 — 103 (Addendum to the previous essay). 5* 68 THE CUNEIFOBM INSCBIPTIONS AND TEE 0. T. Should we not then regard the punishment referred-to in this Biblical passage * as that of "impaling" i, e. the 379 spiking of a living body upon a pointed stake ? Executions of this kind are frequently portrayed on the reliefs, at any rate of the Assyrians. We might compare with the expression used in scripture the oft-recurring Assyrian phrase ina zakipi azkup; also the Aramaic ^pT ^^^1, as well as \^^-oy crux **. BOOK OF NEHEMIAH. I. 1. And it came to pass in the month Kislev (1???); comp. chap. II. 1 and it came to pass in the month Nisan (]D^J). The reader is aware that these and the other corresponding names of months first came into use among the Hebrews after the time of the exile, and it has there- fore been often assumed that they are of Persian origin. But it has been established beyond all doubt that their source is Babylono-Assyrian. In the first place, they were already employed by the prophet Zechariah I, 7. VII, 1. Secondly, we find them in continuous texts of the iuscrip- * The passages Esth. V, 14. VII, 10 are not necessarily of the same character. ** It is evident from the Behistun-inscription of Darius lines 63, 83 (diku u baltu dead and living) that the phrase ina zakipi askun (aStakan) can also express the fixing of living beings upon a stake. Respecting the mode of the execution these words do not allow us to form any definite conclusion. The choice, however, of the preposition ina in place of ana points in the main to a form of execution like that which is indicated by the Assyrian ina zakipi azkup, which is, without doubt, the method of impaling. From the Persian word uzma in the Behistun inscription, corresponding to the Babylonian zakipu, it is impossible to gain any mere precise idea about the manner in which the death-penalty was inflicted, since the meaning and etymology of the Persian word are themselves doubtful. BOOK OF NEHEMIAH I. 69 tions where we have their corresponding ideograms. Lastly, they are exhibited in the tables of months dis- covered at Niniveh, which record the phonetic equivalents of the above ideograms. Of these tables we possess several; see Norris Diet. p. 50, P. Haupt Akkadische u. Sumerische Keilschrifttexte 44. 64. The first of these remarkable lists (Norris I, 50) consists of three columns, of which the first column exhibits the ideograms for the respective months , which ordinarily appear in the inscriptions ; the second gives their names in the old Babylonian non-Semitic, Sumiro-Akkadian language; and lastly the third contains the Babylono-Assyrian terras that correspond to them. We give a list of these last names with the respective Hebrew equivalents by their side* : Ni-sa-an-nu "jqi;] ^^^ Ai-ru (Var. Ai-ri) "^sf^ T ■ Si-va-nu (Var. Si-man-nu) niQ Du-u-zu (Var. Du-'-u-zu) I'lSp A-bu (Var. A-bi) 3{,{ U-lu-lu %^^ Ta§-ri-tav (Var. Tag-ri-tuv) ^*lJ£fn A-ra-ah sam-na (Var. A-ra-ah sa-am-nu) PK^mO Ki-si-li-vu (Var. Ki-is-li-vu) 1^D3 Ti-bi-tuv (Var. Ti-bi-i-tav) HDIO Sa-ba-tu I03l^« ** * All the names quoted below are to be found in the Bible, excepting Ab, Tammuz, Tishri and Marcheswan. ** Observe how in these names, with the solitary exception of Arab samna, the organic sound § corresponds to ^ and s to Q, contrary to the rule that otherwise prevails with respect to the adoption of foreign words. See further on this subject Berl. akade- mische Monatsber. 1877, pp. 82 foil. With regard to pji^nHO instead •^f lOtiTIlN) comp. the form ]')i3pi arising from Du-u-zu, Du-'-u-zu 70 THE CUNEIFORM INSCBIPTI0N8 AND TEE 0. T. Ad-da-ru (Var. A-da-ri) ^HX T-: Ar-hu ma-ak-ru* sa Addaru *inN1 T T : Especial interest belongs to the Assyrian names in this list for "Marcheswan" and "Weadar" since they give us a glimpse into the origin of these terms. In the Assyrian name Arah-samnu the meaning lies on the surface; it signifies "the eighth month" and is compounded of the usual word for "month" arah**, i. e. the'Hebr. TW , and the ordinal numeral samnu (comp. the Aethiopic form 1^^^ ; from the cardinal tiC^"^"^ = njiDtf' etc.). The reader observes that Marcheswan is eighth in the order of months. With regard to the Assyrian designation 381 of Weadar, it is more definite than the corresponding and shorter form in Hebrew, whatever be the meaning of the word, which we are uncertain whether to read as makru or mahru ***. Susa (l^lti^), capital of Susiana, appears, as I have already remarked, also in the cuneiform inscriptions in the (perhaps with Paul Haupt we should pronounce it Du-im-u-zu) on the one hand, and Warka ^ y^ (with initial labial) arising out of ^r\^ Arku, Uruk (see above Vol. I, p. 77) on the other. * So Norris and Delitzsch. Pinches reads mah-ru; Haupt is uncertain. ** In the case of the last month this word has a final u = arhu. *** A combination of this makru with a word n"1pl3 signifying "meeting" is, in point of meaning alone, scarcely admissible. In the first edition of this work I assumed a metathesis, makru standing for marku, root n-){i{ "be behind" (comp. the Assyr. arki, arkanu); at the same time I pointed out the transposition of consonants in such cases as Hebr. nli^^DO arising out of nll^D^O- Hence Ve-Adar was, in my opinion, denominated "the following month" (comp. Chald. riNinS ^HN)- This must, however, still remain a matter of un- T T : - T T certainty. In one copy the word is omitted. BOOK OF NEHEMIAH II. 71 form Su-Ha-an as the capital of m§,t I'lamti i, e. Elam. See Smith's Assurbanipal 111, 94 (III Rawl. pi. 19. line 94). Comp. also the note on Gen. X. 22 (Vol. I, p. 96). II. 8. Dl"^9 jtaQaSsLGoq "pleasure-garden". Delitzsch, Parad. p. 95 foil., has propounded the conjecture that this word also may be of Babylono-Assyrian origin. The word, however, does not occur in Greek literature until the time of Xenophon (Cjropaed. I, 4. 11 &c.) i. e. until the Persian epoch, and, moreover, is specially employed to express the Persian "parks"; comp. Diodor. Sic. 16, 41. Hence it is certainly not through an accident that the word is only to be found in the later as well as lates* Hebrew literature *, at all events in the times subsequent to the exile (Neh. II, 8. Eccles. II, 5), and, moreover, in the passage which can be fixed chronologically with the greatest precision (Neh. ibid.) is employed to designate the "royal" garden of the Persian. Moreover we know (see the above-cited passages in the book of Nehemiah and 382 Diodorus) that the Persian kings laid out royal parks of this kind in Palestine and caused them to be properly administered. In this way the Palestinian inhabitants might have become acquainted with the name for the thing which then passed outside the area of the Persian dominion. We have no evidence that the Assyrians formed parks like these in Palestine, and the supposition is hardly probable. Nor can we well believe that the word was brought to Palestine by an Israelite engaged in commercial pursuits at Niniveh. Hitherto neither a Semito-Assyrian nor an Akkado - Sumirian etymology for the name has been * I put on one side Song of Sol. IV. 13 which is a special case. 72 TEE CUNEIFORM INSCRIPTIONS AND THE 0. T. forthcoming; moreover it has been ascertained that other names were employed for "garden" and "wood" in As- syrian. Hence, despite all objections, the theory of a Perso-Indogermanic origin of the word D1"]Q and its con- nection with the Zend pairidaeza appears to me still to possess the greatest probability. 10. I0p5?p unquestionably a name of Assyrio - Baby- lonian origin. It corresponds to the Assyrian Sin-ballit i. e. "Sin bestowed life". The form ballit is abbreviated from u ball it (3 pers. Imperf. Pael). This is worthy of notice on account of the Hebrew punctuation with non- dagheshed 2, and also because of the Greek reproduction of the name ^ava^aXXdr , ^ava^alltrrjq. We have in Assyrian another analogous name: Nabli-bal-lit-an-ni "Nebo bestowed on me life" (II Rawl. 64 col. I, 30). See Assyrisch-Babylon. Keilinsch. p. 131. BOOK OF ISAIAH. I. 1. In the days of Uzziah, Jotham, Ahaz, Hezekiah kings of Jucla. Respecting the total duration of time represented by these reigns, see my comments on 2 Kings XV, 17 in Vol. I, pp. 215 foil. 383 VI. 1. sitting on a high and exalted throne. Exactly the same phrase is used of Sanherib "(Sanherib) set him- self on an exalted throne" (see above Vol. I, p. 280). N53 has no derivation in the Semitic languages, and in these is a foreign word like the Graeco - Latin t h r o n u s in German and English. It is the ancient Babylonian, non- Semitic (is) gu-za (P. Haupt), which came into the Babylono- Assyrian in the form kussti. The Akkadian z passes into the Semitic s, as in the Assyrian absti from BOOK OF ISAIAH I. VI. 73 the Akkadian abzu; see above Vol. I, p. 5, The He- brews on their migration from Chaldaea brought with them the form ND3 approximating most closely to that above- mentioned. The Aramaeans resolved the reduplication and introduced a liquid^ and so gave the word the more eupho- nious form NP"]3; N^P']I13, and from this again the word was adopted by the Arabs with the pronunciation ^c**'^ • Ii^ the same class of migratory words we have likewise T'D^H (see the comment on 2 Kings XX. 18) and perhaps also 'yVj Assyr. sarru, Surairo-Akkadian sfr (so the word should be read). See above Vol. I, p. 23 footnote ** and also comp. Haupt's Der Keilinschriftliche Sintfluthbericht p. 25 foil. 2. D^P'^K'. Neither the name of the Seraphs nor the repre- sentation of creatures endowed in like manner with six wings, i. e. three pairs of wings, has hitherto been pointed out on the Assyrian monuments. On the other hand we often find genii provided with two upper and two lower wings, which to a certain extend afford an analogy. See the engraving under No. 3 which accompanies my essay "On an ancient Babylonian royal cylinder" (Berlin. Monatsber. 1879, pp. 288 foil.); compare also the winged forms from the North- West palace , engraved in Riehm's Handworterbuch des biblischen Altertums 230a; 1088 b. Moreover there is a passage in the Descent of Istar to Hades, which may be cited in this connexion Obv. line 10 : lab-§u-ma kima issuri su-bat kap-pi "clad are they (the spirits or in- 384 habitants of the lower world) like birds in a garment of wings", see below my comments on Job X. 21. 4. D'^Bpn. The word for "threshold" f]P, occurring in Hebrew and Aramaic, is also found in Assyrian. In the 74 TEE CUNEIFORM INSCBIPTI0N8 AND TEE 0. T. latter it is pronounced with the vowel i, namely in the form sippu (e. g. Descent of Istar obv. 18), thus remind- ing us of the Aramaic ^BD, Isjc as well as the Hebr, ''50 D"'DP. Moreover, the Sjriac word l^usoaie] "lintel" is to be found also in Assyrian (P. Haupt), having the same signi- fication viz. askuppatuv (not azkuppatuv 'stake'!). See Descent of Istar Rev. 2 7. VII. 1. Rezin; the king of Aram, and Pekah , the son Sj-c; see notes on 2 Kings XV, I. 29. 30. 3 7. 6. And let us appoint as king in its midst the son of labeel (^N?^). See Keilinsch. u. Gesch. pp. 407 foil. The name of this Tabeel has not yet been pointed out in the inscriptions. X. 9. 1J see Vol. I, pp. 261, 262 footnote * ; Raphia is the well known city, 22 Eomau * The flight of Seveh is described with greater detail in the "annals". We read in Botta pi. 71, lines 1 — 3 : 1. Sab-' su a-na ki-[it-]ri-gu it-[ta-kal-]ma a-na i-bis kab-li 2. [u]ta-ha-zi a-na gab-ja it-ba-a. I-na zi-kir [A-]sur bi'l-ja apikta-su-nu am-has-ma. 3. [Sa]b-' (sic!) itti-i av. ri'u sa si-na-su kil(?)ta i-da(?)-nu-u§-§u ip-par-sid-ma Hi i. e. "Seveh — trusted in his troops (kitri Norris 537) and advanced against me, to join battle [and] 2. combat with me. With invocation of Asur, my Lord, I smote them. 3. Seveh fled away alone with a herdsman, who (guarded?) his sheep, and escaped {'fj^^, root ri^I^)"- — Oi the latter phrase compare the similar passage in an inscription of Tiglath-Pileser II (III Rawl. 9, 37) ; i-di-nu-u§-§u ip-par-§id-ma i-li with the same signification. I'dinu, root nplNj "aloneness", idinussu "in his aloneness" i. e. "alone", Assyr. Babyl. Keilinsch. pp. 288, 301. Comp. also Tiglath-Pileser II in Layard 66, 18 : i-d i-n u-u §-§ u (so read) u-mas-[§ir] Pa-ka-ha &c. ; see Pognon, luscr. de Bavian p. 49 note. BOOK OF ISAIAH XX. 89 miles South West of Gaza, on the frontier of Asia and Aegypt, where the battle took place between Ptolemy Philopator and Antiochus III; — 2. rigim 'storm', 'onset', comp. Hebr. DJ"1 ; iriv we understand with Oppert to be the imperf of aru = Hebr. {<"ii "fear"; in nab it Imperf. Nif. of a b S, t u to flee (Haupt ; frequently in the inscriptions) ; 398 innamir Nif. Imperf. of amSru (comp. the Aethiop. [^]/\^^^) "see" (Haupt); kati stands for katija; see Assyr.-Babyl. Keil. p. 246 note 2. — 3. Respecting Pir'u = PIX/ID ^®® t^oIq on Exod. I. 11, Vol. I, p. 140; Samsi = H^^Oti^ (oi tbe change in the sibilants see Assyr.- Babyl. Keilinsch. p. 196); gammal is to be taken as plural, though the plural sign is not attached. This sign is forgotten, just as in the case of narkabati "carriages", Botta 70, 2. The report of the capture of Ashdod, to which the present passage in Isaiah refers, runs in the KhorsS,bad- inscription as follows* : Botta 149. 6. 6. A-zu-ri sar ir As-du-di a-na la na-§l-l bil-ti 7. lib-§u ik-bu-ud- ma a-na §arr§,-ni li-vi-ti-§u 8. zi-ra-a-ti mat ASSur i§-pur. A§-su hul-tuv 1-bu-su 9. ili nisi li-vi-ti-§u bi-lut-su u-nak-kir. 10. A-hi-mi-ti a-hu ta-lim-Su ana §arrti-ti fli-§u-nu a§-kun-ma 11. Av. Ha-at-tl da-bi-ib za-rar-ti bl-lut-su i-zi-ru-ma Ja-ma-ni la bn kussi 12. sa ki-ma §a-a-§u-[nu]-ma pa-lah bi- lu-ti la i-du-u u-rab-bu-u ili-gu-un. 150, 1. I-na su- [h u-u t 1 i b]-b i-j a g i-b i S u m m a n i-j a 2 . u 1 u-p a h-h i r- ma ul ak-su-ra ka-ra-§i 3. it-ti av, ku-ra-di-ja sa a-§ar [saj-al-mi 4. idS.-ai la ip-par-ku-u a-na ir As- du-di 5. al-lik-ma u §u-u Ja-ma-ni a-lak gir-ri-ja 6. ru-ki§ i§-ml-ma a-na i-tl-1 m^t Mu-su-ri 7. §a [pa] -at mat M[l]-luh-ha in-na-bit la in-na-mir 8. a-§ar-§u. I'r As-du-du, Ir Gi-im-tu As-du-di-im-mu 9. al-vl ak-sud; ili-§u assata-§u abli-su banati-su 10. GAR. SU GAR. GA ni-sir-ti lkal-§u it-ti ni§t * The words supplied are according to the parallels. See Oppert. 90 THE CUNEIFORM INSCRIPTIONS AND THE 0. T. mS,ti-su 12. a-na §al-la-tl am-nu. rr§,ni §u-a-tu-nu a-na i's-Su-ti 13. as-[bat]; ni§i matati ki-sid-ti ka- ti-ja 151, 10. Z. 1. §a ki-rib . . . [ni-pi]-Ih san-si lib-bi u-[§l-§ib-nia. . . it]-tl niSt m§,tAs§ur am- nu-Su-nu-ti-ma i-§u-tu ab-§a-ni. Sar m. Ml-luh-[ha] 2. §a i-na ki-rib iz-zu a-sar la '-a-ri u-ru-uh [§a ul-tu timji ru-ku-ti a-di-i (?) AN. SIS. 399 (URU) KI. abliti-§u a-na sarri-ni abtiti-ja 3. rak- bu-§u-un la [is-pu-]ru a-na sa-'-al sul-mi-su-un, da- na-an .... §a [. .. Marduk a-na pul]-hl mi-lam-ml §arr6-ti-ja i k-t u-m u-§ u-m a i t-t a-p i-i k-s u ha-at-tav. 4. I-na si-is-si . . . [bi-ri-tav] parzilli id-di-§um-ma a-na ki-rib mat ASsur har-ra-ni ru-[u-ki] u-§a-as-bi-tu a-di mah-ri-ja [il-lik-am-ma] i. e. 6. "Azuri, king of Ashdod, not to paj tribute, 7. his heart was obstinate and sent to the princes of his neigh- bourhood demands 8. to revolt from Assyria. Accordingly I wreaked vengeance 9. and changed his government over the inhabitants of his district. 10. Achimit, his own brother*, I appointed to be governor over them. 1 1. The Hittites, who thought of revolt, despised his rule, raised Jaman, who had no claim to the throne 12. and who, like the * Respecting talimu = Targ. Talm. XO'^f)) ^'ChV) (^ren. XLIX. 5) see Fried. Delitzsch in G. Smith's Chald. Genesis (Germ. Ed.) 1876, p. 272 note 1. The word also occurs in Asurbanipal's announcement of the installation of his brother Sama§-sum-ukin (Saosduchin) as king of Babel; in fact, it is employed with reference to the latter in his relation to Asurbanipal. See III Rawl. 16 No. 5 line 39 [where the passage runs : — Samas-sum-ukin ahu ta-lim-ja a-na sarru-u-tu Babilu (DIN. TIR. Kl) ap-ki-id "Sama§-sum-ukin, my own brother, I appointed to rule over Babylon". Fried. Delitzsch, in the Glossary to Assyr. Lesestiicke S""*! ed., cites the corresponding fem. talimtu 'own sister'. — Transl.] BOOK OF ISAIAH XX. 9 1 former, refused recognition of authority, over them. 150, 1. In the rage of my heart my whole army 2. I gathered not, did not even collect my baggage, 3. with my chief warriors, who did not retreat from the victorious track of my arms, 5. I advanced to Ashdod. The above Jaman, as he of the approach of my expedition 6. heard from far, fled to a district (?) of Aegypt, 7. which is situated on the frontier of Miluhha; not a trace of him was seen. 8. Ashdod, Gimt-Ashdudim, 1 besieged, I captured; his gods, his wife, his sons, his daughters, 10. the treasures, possessions, valuables of his palace, together with the inhabi- tants of his land 12. I destined for capture. Those towns I restored again. 13. The inhabitants of the countries which my hands had seized, 151. 10, 1. which amid .... in the East, 1 settled there; I treated them like unto the Assyrians ; they tendered obedience. The king of Miluhha, 400 2. who in a strong, a waste (?) region, on a path , whose fathers since distant times, (since?) the aM (?) of the moon, to my royal predecessors 3. had not sent their envoys, to beg for themselves peace : the might ... of Merodach [overpowered him ?], the dread of my royal majesty overcame him, fear seized him. 4. Into bonds .... iron chains he cast him (Jaman) ; caused him to take his distant way to Assyria and appeared before me." Notes amd Illustrations. 149. 6. NaSi', na§& Infin. Kal, root tJtj;^;— 7. See note on Exod. IX. 7, Vol. I, p. 141; livftu "neigh- bourhood"; see Sanherib Taylor-cylind. Ill, 14; — 8. zirftt "(summons to) revolt", root ^!)] 'turn aside'; aSsu, see Assyr. Babyl. Keil. p. 296, No. 7;— 10. "Achimit", see note on Josh. XI. 22, Vol. I, p. 150; talimsu, see footnote in preceding page and glossary; — 11. bi'l kussi "master of the throne" i. e. "one who has a claim to the throne", comp. bi-il li§^ni "master of language" i. e. skilled in language, "interpreter"* [* The reader will not fail to compare the corresponding Hebrew use of '^j^a, Ewald § 287 f.— Transl.] 92 TEE CUNEIFORM INSCRIPTIONS AND TEE 0. T. Smith's Assurban. 77, 9; pal&hu Infin. "reverence", "recognition": idfi 3 plur. imperf. Kal of ^"^^ = j»^^; urabbu 3 pers. imperf. Pael "raise" from rabu. 150. 1. guhut (properly 'destruction' nnii' ^^^ then (?)) "anger"; gibi§ "mass", root ^^3 j ; umman "army", root 1Q^, extended formation from Q^; — 8. "Gimtu Asdudim", perhaps "Gath of the Ashdodites" ? See note on Josh. XIII. 3 (Vol. I, p. 154); — 9. Comp. Sanherib Taylor-cylind. col. II. 60*. — 10. Comp. Sanherib Tayl.-cylind. col. II. 56, I Rawl. 35, 20;— 12. see Sanherib Tayl.-cyl. III. 20. — 13. For ash at 'I took in hand', 'restored' there often stands abni "I built" as in Standard-inscript. 15 and other passages; nipih 'rising of the sun' like Hebr. XJi"li2, see Lotz, Die Inschriften Tigl.- Pilesers I p. 84 and comp. note on Ps. XIX. 7; — 151, 1. iSfitu ab§§,ni see note on Sanherib Tayl.-cyl. II. 64; — 2. la'ari {^= la 'ari) occurs again in this inscription. Perhaps "without guide", Infin. R. HTN = Tl'V (Lyon)? — adi is obscure; or should we read a-di I, and take the latter as an ideogram ? On this subject consult on the one side Oppert in Records of the Past VII, 22, and on the other, Delitzsch Parad. pp. 291 foil. Compare also my essay "The Sargon-stele of the BrHisnMuseum" (Acad, of Sciences 1881) Berlin 1882 p. 34. AN. SIS. KI is the ideo- gram for the moon-god Sin-Nannar. He is thereby designated as "God of Ur" (SIS. KI := Uru-KI), Ur being the chief seat of his worship in Chaldaea. For this phrase compare in general the parallel passages Khorsab. 145 foil. Berlin. Sargon-stele col. II (IV), 32 foil. ;— 3. Comp. Sanherib Tayl.-cylind. Ill, 30. 41 ; — iktum stands for the more usual word is hup; compare the Aramaic QD^ ,*.aj "conceal", "cover", 401 "altogether overpower"; ittapik Ift. of "iQH > hattuv "terror" ^Jt; — 4. sis viij is obscure. Probably a special kind of chain or bond is meant, but in the mutilated condition of the text it is scarcely possible to determine the signification with any approach to certainty ; — biritu (kasritu?) parzilli iddisu, see my remarks on the Taylor-cyl. of Sanherib II. 71 (Vol. I, p. 289); harranu "way", on the reading comp. East India House Insc. I, 21, where we find the first syllable written ha-ra (=: ha-ra-nav), see Norris 445. Moreover the same ideogram, accompanied by the determinative expressive of 'town', designates the Mesopotamian city Harran, and without this determinative serves to convey the meaning 'way'. It is quite certain that harranu signifies 'way', not simply from the present passage nor from the context of other inscriptions, such as Smith's Assurban. 17, [* For these citations of the Taylor-cylinder the reader should refer to Vol. I, pp. 281 foil, text and 'Notes & Illustrations'— Tr.] BOOK OF ISAIAH XX. 93 69 &c., but from the syllabary IT Rawl. 38, 24—26, where the word in question is interpreted by urhu i. e. nii< > ^"^ ^'^^ V daragu i. e. •n-iri, and lastly by mitiku i. e. ppyp "march" from np^ (see above). With the whole phrase comp. Sanherib, Taylor-cyl. Ill, 50 Norris 451. The completion of the text ru-[u-ki] is adopted from Bruston ; u-§a-as-bi-tu , in this reading we follow the parallels and Botta 160, 1, u-si-bi-la-a§-su. We have here supplied the form illikamma (illik with the conjunct, m a) according to Smith's Assurban. 140, 5. From the above account* we clearly see that the revolt of Ashdod was connected with a corresponding movement of Aegypt and Aethiopia against Sargon, and likewise that the enterprise of the Assyrian monarch, directed against Ashdod, was connected with still another against the great Western power on the Nile. After the fall of Ashdod, Aegypt evidently despaired of a successful issue to her 402 undertaking and endeavoured to secure herself from the further consequences of failure by a timely retreat and the surrender of Jaman, king of Ashdod, who had revolted and fled to Kfish (Mlluhha). * We have a parallel to this record in the cylinder, still un- published, discovered by George Smith; see G. Smith, Assyr. Discoveries p. 289 foil. In this cylinder it is noticeable that the exploit against Ashdod is dated from the ninth, instead of from the eleventh, year of the king's reign. This discrepancy George Smith attempted to explain by assuming a two years interregnum, but the truth is probably that the writer of the cylinder-inscription reckoned the years of the king's reign not from the first actual and complete year of reigning i. e. 721 B. C, but from the year of the royal eponym i. e. 719. We have a somewhat analogous instance in the dividing lines that are placed in the eponym-lists, especially in the case of Tiglath-Pileser II (in Canons II and III for the year 743) and in the case of Sargon himself for the year 719. — Thus the discrepancy is only an apparent one : in reality both the writer of the annals (see below p. 96 ) as well as the composer of the cylinder -inscription placed the event we are speaking of in the year 711. 94 THE CUNEIFORM INSCRIPTIONS AND THE O. T. The question arises, what date are we to assign to this campaign of Sargon against Ashdod ? We might feel temp- ted to believe that this enterprise was identical with that against Seveh, which ended in the battle of Raphia and the rout of the Aegyptians (see above on Is. XX, 1, p. 81). But if this were so, the complete separation of the two accounts, regarding the capture of Ashdod and respecting the defeat of Seveh, would be incomprehensible. Next, we might imagine that the enterprise against Ashdod is to be connected with the despatch of tribute hj Pharaoh and Samsieh, queen of the Arabs, notices of which may be read in the opening lines of the Khors&bad- inscription (see above p. 88 in this volume). But the inscription keeps this despatch of tribute and the petition of the Aethiopian king for peace perfectly distinct from one another. The one is narrated in Botta 145, 2 line 3 ; the other in Botta 151, 10 line 3. Therefore what is intended must be the expedition against Ashdod which the annals place in Sargon's 11*"^ year. Since we shall have frequently to refer to the chronological dates of the annals, it would perhaps be opportune if I were to subjoin here a chronological survey of Sargon's enterprises based upon these records. Sargon's Annals. 722. Beginning of the reign'*'. Conquest of Samaria. Botta pi. 70, 1 — 4. * This "beginning of rule" (ri's Sarrfiti, surrat sarruti) is in other cases expressly distinguished in the inscriptions from the first year of the king's reign. Comp. for example the obelisk of Salman- assar 22, Tigl.-Pileser I col. I, 22, Sanherib Bellino-eyl. line 6. The BOOK OF JSAIAH XX. 95 721. First year. Defeat of Humbanigas of Elam *, 403 Subjugation of the Babylonian tribe Tu'mun Botta 70. line 4 foil. Conquest of Merodach- Baladan of Babylon ibid, lines 8. 9. Transpor- tation of Babylonian inhabitants to the land Chatti ibid, lines 9. 10. 720. Second year. Defeat of Jahubi'di of Hamath in the battle of Karkar, Botta 70, 10 foil. Defeat of Seveh of Aegypt in the battle at Raphia. Capture of Hanno of Gaza. Botta pi. 71, lines 1 — 5. 719. Third year. Defeat of Mitatti of Zikirtu. Botta pi. 71, lines 6 foil. 718. Fourth year. Subjugation of Kiakku of Sinuchta. Botta 72, lines 3 — 6; 158, 6—12. 717. Fifth year. Expedition against Pisiri of Gar- gamis. Botta pi. 72, lines 7 foil.; 158, 13 foil. 716. Sixth year. Rebellion of Ursa and other Arme- nian princes. Bagadatti flayed alive. Defeat of Ullusun and the town of Izirti burnt. Botta 72, 13; 73, 1 foil.; — 158, 5 foil. 715. Seventh year. Fresh disturbances raised by Ursa, a king of Armenia. Transportation of Daiukku. Botta 74, 10 foil.; Botta 119, 10, Expedition to Media. Deportation of subjugated races to reason was that the event, which was referred-to, fell in the remainder of the year of the preceding monarch, i. e. in the year in which the new king ascended the throne. The latter reckoned as his "first" year that which was inaugurated by himself as king. For further discussion see Keilinsch. u. Gesch. pp. 314 foil. * See Keilinsch. u. Gesch. p. 315 footnote. 96 THE CUNEIFORM INSCRIPTIONS AND THE 0. T. 404 Samaria. Tribute of Pharaoh of Aegypt, Sam- sieh of Arabia and the Sabaean It'amar*. Botta 75, 3—7. 714. Eighth year. Second war against Ursa of Ar- menia. Campaign against Urzana of Musasir. Capture of this town. Botta 75, 10 foil. 76. 77. 120, 1 — 7. 713. Ninth year. Campaign against Amitassi of Karalla and some other Eastern potentates and territories. Botta 120, 8 foil. 80. 81, 1 — 8. 712. Tenth year. War against Tarchunazi of Mllid- Melitene and conquest of Til-Garimmi. Botta 81, 9 foil. 82. 83, 1 — 12. 711. Eleventh year. Intervention in favour of Tar- chular of Gamgum. War against Azuri of Ashdod and conquest of that town. The king of Aethiopia sues for peace. Botta 65, 1. 83, 13. 84. 155, 1—12. 710. Twelfth year. War with Merodach-Baladan. His dethronement. Botta 65, 1 foil. 66. 85. 86. 87. 88, I— 11 (with the parallels from Hall V). 709. Thirteenth year. Continuation of the war with Merodach-Baladan. Botta 112, 3 (from below). 111. 110. 109. 108 ;— 89. 90.91, 1.2**; Tribute of the Cyprian kings. Botta 91, 3 — 10. * i. e. "lOXi^n^- Comp. above Vol. I, p. 132. See further in Keilinsch. u. Geschichtsf. p. 40. ** From this year, i. e. 709 B. C, the eponymate of Mannu-ki- A§ur-li', Sargon dates his first year as king of Babylon (see Smith in Lepsius' Zeitschrift 1869, pp. 95. 96). This exactly agrees with the Ptolemaic Canon, which reckons the year 709 as the first of Arkeanos or Sargon; Assyr.-Babyl. Keilinsch. p. 164. See the dates of the clay tablets furnished in the "Chronological Addenda". BOOK OF ISAIAH XX. 9 1 708. Fourteenth year*. Subjugation of the rebel- 405 lious Muttallu of Kummuch - Kommagene **. Botta 107. 707. Fifteenth year (?). Expedition against the land rilip. In this and the preceding years (see Botta 83, 12 In the account respecting the 10*'^ year) took place the building of Dtir- Sarruktn i. e. Khors^bad ***. Botta 107, 13 foil. . 106. 105. 118. No. 1. We see from the above survey that the great campaign against Aegypt did not Immediately succeed the capture of Samaria. Between these two events intervened enter- prises against minor Chaldaean races and against the ruler of Beth-Jakin, Merodach-Baladan ; also the defeat of JahubI'di of Hamath and of the king of the Elamites, Humbanigas. Evidently Sargon , even after the fall of Israel's capital, did not yet feel himself sufficiently strong to undertake so difficult an enterprise as a war against Aegypt, especially when disturbances had arisen in the Eastern part of his kingdom, which first required to be subdued. But as soon as he had succeeded in reestab- * The division of this from the following year cannot be precisely determined on the basis of the Annals alone, because the passages which settle the chronology are at this point badly mutilated. From a fragment, however, in the Canon of Rulers II Rawl. 69 below, right hand, line 2 a-na ir Ku-muh-hi 'against Commagene', we can see that the campaign against Commagene falls in the fourteenth year of Sargon's reign. ** On the identification of the Kummuch of the inscriptions with the Commagene of the classical writers see the complete evidence in Keilinsch. u. Gesch. pp. 127—155, 181—213. *** Compare likewise II Rawl. 69, line 7, archonship of Mutakkil- A§ur : Arab Airu Gm VI. ir Diir-Sarrukin ak-[ru] "on the ^^^ of the month Ijjar I [najmed (root J<"lp) the city Dfir-Sarrukin". 7 98 TEE CUNEIFORM INSCRIPTIONS AND TEE 0. T. lishing order, he marches forth to the decisive struggle 406 with the Western power, which ended in his favour at the battle of Raphia. Nevertheless the Great King con- tented himself with a payment of tribute and with a formal recognition, as we presume, of the Assyrian supremacy. There was no subjugation, in the proper sense of the word, of the Nile-region in the days of Sargon, such as came to pass later, in the reigns of Asarhaddon and Asurbanipal. But Aegypt, or rather Aegypt-Aethiopia *, found it hard to endure even this loss of its previous influential position. Accordingly secret negotiations were carried on with the Western-Asian states, expecially Ashdod, with a view to bring about an universal insurrection of the Western- Asiatic (i. e. Phoenico-Philistian) princes and races, and thereby to shake or even shatter the power of Assyria in the West. In the eleventh year of Sargon's reign i. e. 711 B. C. the insurrection broke forth through the action of king Azur of Ashdod. But it turned out disastrously ; Ashdod itself fell into the hands of the conqueror. Un- doubtedly assistance from Aethiopia was expected; but, as formerly, when Samaria fell, so now; it never came. Indeed the Aethiopian monarch made haste to conclude peace with the Assyrian even at the price of surrendering the king of Ashdod, who had taken refuge at his court, and to whom the king of Aegypt had doubtless promised his protection. After this the supremacy of Assyria over Aegypt was in fact definitely assured. Isaiah accompanies the varied phases in the development of these events with his prophetic discourses. The oracle chap. XVIII, which breathes an air of joyous expectation * It was the Aethiopian dynasty which then dominated Aegypt. BOOK OF ISAIAH XX. XXI. XXII. 99 and exalts Aethiopla, dates from a time preceding the outbreak of the rebellion, at all events before the fall of Ashdod. Chapter XX has reference to the period of the siege, perhaps even subsequent to the fall of Ashdod. In 407 verses 3 foil, the humiliation of Aethiopia-Aegypt is an- nounced with a distinctness which we can best understand by supposing the attempted plan of breaking the power of Assyria to have already failed. Perhaps the oracle im- mediately preceded the formal request of Aethiopia for peace, to which the inscription refers. Sargon reigned altogether 1 7 years. Whether he fell through the dagger of a malcontent , an inhabitant of the town Kullum (see the Addenda : Lists of Governors No. C. line 1 1 ), cannot be determined with certainty on account of the lacunae in the text at this passage. On the 12*'' of the month Ab (about July), in the year 705, his son San- herib ascended the throne, to fall at length, after reigning 24 years, himself in his turn a victim to assassination at the hands of his own sons (2 Kings XIX. 37). XXI. 2. Elam — Medes', see notes on Gen. X. 2, Vol. I, p. 62 and on Gen. X. 22, p. 96. 13. Arabia. See remarks on Jer. XXV. 24. XXII. 1 foil. It is well known that this oracle is usually assigned to the time of Hezekiah and specially referred to the troubles that arose during Sanherib's siege of Jerusalem (comp. De Wette - Schrader , Einleitung ins A. T. § 259). Against this opinion Nowack, in Studien u. Kritiken 1881, p. 310, has propounded the view that the oracle was composed in the reign of Sargon and refers to the time when this king had besieged Ashdod and had subsequently captured it (Is. XX. 1), an event which ac- cording to his annals fell in the year 711 B. C. This 7* 100 THE CUNEIFOBM INSCRIPTIONS AND TEE 0. T. year Nowack makes to synchronize with the third (or fourth) of Hezekiah's reign. But, in the first place, there is not the faintest allusion to this event in the oracle we are now examining; in chap. XX. 1 the case is alto- gether different. In the second place, neither the annals 408 nor the triumphal inscriptions say anything whatever about a conquest of Juda. Certainly nothing is said of a dis- graceful defeat sustained on this occasion by the Jews. There is only one passage in the records of Sargon that makes any reference to Juda as a country subjugated by him. This occurs in the NimrHd-inscription (Layard 33, 8) which comes from the palace of Asurnasirabal , in which Sargon resided during the earlier portion of his reign. See the passage above in Vol. I, p. 178. This inscription, however, mentions as one of the Great King's exploits the subjugation of the land Karalla which, accord- ing to the annals, coincides with the 6"' year of the king's reign (716 B. C). Not yet have we in this document any reference to the taking of Ashdod. It is evident that the conquest of Juda, alluded-to in the NimrHd-inscription, cannot refer to an event occurring at the time when Ashdod was taken. And, when we come to the account of the capture of Ashdod itself, we have no mention of any enterprise of Sargon against Juda nor is it to be found In any of his later inscriptions, not even in Geo. Smith's cylinder (see above p. 93 footnote) where (1. 32 fi".) we are only told, that Juda and other lands were *spea- king treason". Also in the passage of the sacred record, in which reference is made to the siege and capture of Ashdod (Is. XX. 1), there is not the smallest hint of an expedition of Sargon against Juda - Jerusalem. Accor- dingly the date advocated by Nowack for the oracle of BOOK OF ISAIAH XXIII. 101 Isaiah now under discussion is not .to be commended from the standpoint of Assyriology. XXIII. 1 foil. We have already in another work ex- plained that no adequate reason exists for denying that Isaiah was the author of this oracle (de Wette-Schrader, Einleitung ins A. T. 8*'' ed. § 25 7). Indeed, as we have shown, a satisfactory interpretation of the prophecy may be given by supposing it to have been composed at the time when Salmanassar besieged Tyre, following Menander quoted in Joseph. Arch. IX, 14. 2. The passage on 409 Sargon's clay cylinder : "(Sargon), courageous to the con- flict, who, in the midst of the sea, drew forth the lonians like sand an i§ fishes and delivered the land Kui, as well as the city Tyre, from their oppression" (see Vol. I, p. 157), refers to the time subsequent to the fall of the city. When the chapter has been thus chronologically determined, we can understand among other details the special remark in verse 5 respecting the impression which the news of the fall of Tyre will make in Aegypt. For Aegypt (see note on XX. 1), that was engaged in war with Assyria, it was ofcourse of the highest importance, that so powerful and so dominant a stronghold as Tyre should maintain itself against the attacks of Assyria. Hence the news of its fall must have had a very depressing effect. 13. But is not this entire explanation completely upset by the 1 S**" verse, where we find the Chaldaeans mentioned as a people newly established by Assyria? Certainly, if the storming of Tyre by the Chaldaeans is actually announ- ced in this passage, as tradition has assumed. But in the days of Isaiah there was no conceivable motive for such an act of hostility, and hence it would be difficult to reconcile our interpretation of the passage with such an assumption. 102 THE CUNEIFORM INSCRIPTIONS AND THE 0. T. But what then do the words mean : "the nation of the Chaldaeans, that was nought : Assur founded it afresh"? It has been supposed that the Prophet meant : — the Chal- daeans were a people, which had not existed at the place, which they at that time were occupying. But in that case it is just the chief words in the sentence ("at the place") which have been supplied in the interpretation. But the Prophet could not have expressed his ideas in so clumsy a manner. Besides, this whole hypothesis, that the Chaldaeans were transplanted from the North (Armenia etc.) by the Assyrians in the days of Isaiah to the South, i. e. Babylon, completely breaks down from the simple fact, which has 410 been already pointed out in the note on Gen. XI. 28, that the Chaldaeans were certainly settled in Babylon as far back as the second millennium before Christ, and that, moreover, there were no Chaldaeans other than those in Babylonia and that in Armenia there had never been any settlement of Chaldaean population *. Thus the ordinary interpretation falls to the ground both in point of matter and of form. As Ewald has already conjectured , we should read D"'J|fJ? rather than DntfD^ in accordance with verse 1 1. The passage may then be rendered as follows : '^See, the land of the Kanaanites : this people has become nought ; Assur has appointed them to be inhabitants of steppes, has erected its watch towers, has desolated the palaces of the land and made it into a heap of ruins." Isaiah has a prophetic foresight of the desolation, which will be brought upon the land of the Kanaanites, and to some extent has already been brought, by the Assyrians. * On this compare my dissertation "The descent of the Chaldees and the early settlements of the Semites" — Zeitschrift der deutschen morgenland. Gesellschaft XXVII (1873), pp. 397 foil. BOOK OF ISAIAH XXIII. XXX. XXXVIII XLI. 103 The people has already become politically a non-entity and will become so in other respects besides. The same doom awaits them, that befel Samaria. In accordance with the practice of the Assyrians, they — the luxurious Kanaan ! — will be transported into another country — a region of steppes — where life can scarcely obtain a respite. Already have the Assyrians commenced devastating the land, — the decisive attack is being hourly expected. — It is only in this way that light can be thrown on this passage and the entire narrative becomes harmonious and coherent. XXX. 4. DJn. Ghdnes (HeracleopoLis) , without doubt the Assyrian Hi-ni-in-si, Smith's Assurbanipal 21, 97; V Rawl, 1, 95. A key to this identification is given by the Aegyptian HS,-chnen-su ; see Maspero-Pietschmann, 'History of Oriental nations', Leipzig 1877, p. 23. XXXVIII. 10. lo the gates of the Lower World. See 411 the comment on Job X. 21. XLI. 25. D^JJp usually (as in Jer. LI. 23; Ezek. XXIII. 6 etc.) means "viceroys", but is here employed in the general signification of "potentates". It is without doubt the same as the Assyrian Sakntit (written sa-ak- nu-ti), plural from the sing. §akan, saknu = |Jp (]^Q) ■viceroy". The root Sakanu (p^), ultimately connected with ]1D, is the ordinary word for "place", "appoint". Sakan thus means one who is "appointed", "commis- sioned", then the "representative", "viceroy". We meet with the singular § a k n u in the opening words of Sargon's inscription on the clay cylinder I Rawl. 36 line 1 on which we read : Sarrukln, sa-ak-nu Bfl, nisakku na-'-id ASur, ni-sit ini A-nuv u Da-kan i. e. "Sar- gon, viceroy of Bel, august priest of Asur — apple of the eye to Anu and Dagon" (also compare Vol. I, p. 147 footnote and p. XXXI). 104 THE CUNEIFORM INSCRIPTIONS AND THE 0. T With regard to the transition of k (§akan) into g (pD), compare ]'iJ'ip in Is. XX. 1 with the Assyr. Sarruktn*. XLIV. 14. p.^ Pine. The tree in question was so identified by Hieronymus and rabbinical writers. In modern times, however, without any sufficient reason the ]nfc* was taken to be the "ash". But the Assyrian puts the matter beyond doubt, since the word irin, employed in the combination is irini §ad LabnS,ni ''cedars of Lebanon", was the ordinary designation for a variety of pine, while for 'cedar' the Hebrews ofcourse used quite another word (l^^f). The Assyrian word is usually written with an ideogram, which is expressly interpreted in a syllabary by f-ri-ni i. e. p^?. See V Rawl. 26 No. 2. 412 Rev. 15. The same result is obtained by a comparison of two parallel passages in the inscription of Nebukadnezzar edited by Grotefend, col. Ill, 36 (i-ri-nuv), and in the Nebukadnezzar-inscription of the East India Comp. VI, 8. VIII, 3 (ideogram). Besides 1-ri-ni we also find the abbreviated form Ir-ni, Layard 39, 22. Compare the notes on 1 Kings V. 13, Is. XIV. 8. XL VI. 1. Bel sinks, Neho falls down. Respecting "Bel" see my note on Judg. II. 11 (Vol. I, pp. 162 foil.). — Nebo iD5 is written in Assyrian N a - b u - u , which has lately been regarded as the Semitized form of the Sumlro- Akkadian (?) Na-bi-uv. We clearly perceive that the two names were identical from a syllabary which represents them as equivalent terms (II Rawl. 7, 36. 41 g. h.). But must we on this account cease to combine the name, as * We have just a reverse instance in the case of Gargarais = Karkeraish Jt^^JO^I^. On the latter see my remarks in the Aegyp- tische Zeitsch. XVII, 1879, p. 48 note 3. BOOK OF ISAIAH XLI. 105 hitherto, with the Hebr. ^''DJ ? A satisfactory explanation of the word from the Sumirian has not been given, at all events up to the present time; and we are justified in connecting the name with the Semitic root ND3 l>j, at least to this extent, that the Semitic Assyrians endeavoured to adapt the proper name, which had come to them from the Sumirians and Akkadians, into their own speech, by favouring its pronunciation as a derivative of the above mentioned Semitic root. Although this deity was known to the Assyrians, and was worshipped by them, in early times *, yet the land, which was properly the home of his cultus, was not As- syria, but Babylonia : at Borsippa In particular he had a great temple. In the days of the later Chaldaean Empire he was, along with Merodach, in so exclusive a4i3 sense the chief deity par excellence of the Babylonians, that their kings named themselves after Nebo in every instance (e. g. Nabopolassar, Nebukadnezzar, Nabonid), except in one case when the monarch named himself after Merodach (Evil-Merodach), in another after Nergal (Neri- glissor) and in another after Bel (Belshazzar). In the Borsippa-inscription Nebukadnezzar styles himself naram Nabti "favourite of Nebo", col. I, 3, while he describes the deity as pS,kid kisSat §ami u irsitiv *him who rules over the hosts of heaven and earth" (col. I, 1 3), and lastly as ablav kinuv "faithful son" (col. II, 66), that is to say, of Merodach. Comp. East India House Insc. * Even the grandfather of Tiglath-Pileser I (the latter reigned about 1100 B. C.) had a name which was compounded of Nebo, namely Mutakkil-Nabfl [or should we transcribe by Nusku?] = "Nebo gives confidence" I Rawl. 15, col. VII, line 45 ; comp. Assyr. Babyl. Keilinsch. 146 No. 42. 106 THE CUNEIFORM INSCRIPTIONS AND THE 0. T. 1, 30 toll. : sa Marduk, btlu rabti, ilu ba-ni-ja 31. I-ib-§i-tu-§u na-ak-1 a-a-ti 32. l-li-i§ (at-ta na-a-du!) 33. §a Nabti a-bi-il-§u ki-i-nuv 34. na-ra-am §ar-ru-tl-ja i. e. "30. (I) whose divine progenitor is Merodach, the great Lord, 31. whose works 32. (are) very wonderful (yea, exalted art thou!), 33. whose faithful son is Nebo, the beloved of my realm". Other epithets applied to the deity are as follows : bilu aSaridu dominus princeps "supreme lord" ; rikis kalama "ruler of the world"; il mudti yilO bii "god of knowledge" or of "science"; il tili'u "god of the oath" (?) ; ilu muStabarrti salimi "god, establisher of friendship" (partic. Istaf. of NHD), II Rawl. 60, 28 — 45. He is specially designated as god of the art of writing, and as such is called b^nti Sitri dubsarrliti* "creator of the writing of the inscribed clay tablets" (line 34) ; also dub-sar gim-ri "writer of all" I Rawl. 36, 49. Notes and Illustrations, nakl&t fern. plur. of an adject, naklu "artistic", "wondrous" (the masc. plur. nakluti occurs in Khor.sab. 157 in a description of structures, and the adverb nakli§ occurs in the same inscription 134 in connection with the verb, abni I built), root ^3^ "make something artistically", "to erect"; Oppert has already recog- nized its connection with the Hebr.-Aramaic ^3J ; — 32. ili§ abverb 414 from ili i^_j; "high"; nS'du from nah^du nn3' "-^-P > — ^^- kinu, see Assyr.-Babylon. Keil. 161; abil "son" is simply a collateral form of abal, habal as is immediately evident from the parallel passage in the Borsippa inscription II, 16 : ab-lav ki-i-nuv. — 34. The signification of nar&mu, root Qm = Om) ^^7 ^^ gathered from Smith's Assur- banipal 302, 10 foil. (= V Rawl. 10, 26 foil.), in which the mother of the gods, Bi'lit = "Beltis", is termed hi-ir-tu na-ram-ti Asur "beloved consort of Asur". [* The reader should compare the note on Exod. V. 6, Vol. I, p. 141 and on Jer. LI. 27 in the present Vol. in illustration of these forms — Trausl.] BOOK OF ISAIAH LXIII. JEREMIAH VII. XXV. 107 LXIII. 15. "jHINOni Itt'lp ^nm of thy sacred and majestic palace, comp. note on 1 Kings VIII. 1 3. BOOK OF JEREMIAH. VII. 18. CDtt^n HD'^D queen of heaven. Comp. chap. XLIV, 1 7 foil. Athar-Astarte is meant who is repeatedly mentioned under the form A-tar-sa-ma-(ai)-in i. e. "Athar of heaven" as the goddess of a North- Arabian tribe of Kedarenes (Smith's Assurban. 270, 96; 271, 104; 283, 92; 295 b— comp. Vol. I, p. 134). Comp. the author's dissertation in "Sitzungsberichte" of the Academy of Berlin May 20. 1886. ^(^ ^^ XXV. 24. D^i; ^d'?P"'?3 HN^ and all the kings of Arabia. It has long been recognized that Arabia in the Old Testa- ment is merely the name for North-Arabia or of a North- Arabian tribe or group of tribes. This agrees with the Assyrian usage. On the monuments the term mat A-ri-bu(bi) (also Ar-a-bu) denotes a North-Arabian people , in conjunction with whom we find repeatedly mentioned the K i d r a i l^p and the N a b a i t a i "Naba- taeans" (the Cedrei and Nahataei of Pliny) ; see Keilinsch. u. Geschichtsf. pp. 100 — 105. In the reign of Tiglath- Pileser II we find reference to Za-bi-bi-i and to Sa-am-si as queens of mat Aribu (see Vol. I, pp. 246 foil.). The latter appears again in the reign of Sargon in the form Sa-am-si-1 Khorsab. 27. Comp. Vol. I, p. 134. 25. nni "'5'?a-^3 DN) and all the kings of Zimri. Follow- ing the hints of Sir Henry Rawlinson and Prof. Sayce, Delitzsch (Parad. p. 237) holds that we can recover this name Zimri in the (mat) Nam-ri of the inscriptions (Salmanas-415 sar II and subsequently), a name which might also be pro- nounced (mat) Sim-ri, (see Syllab. 624) a district which we 108 TEE CUNEIFOBM INSCRIPTIONS AND THE 0. T. must place South- West of Media, South of Turnat-Torna- dotus in North-East Babylonia, somewhere in the present region of Jereztir; see Keilinsch. u. Gesch. p. 169 footnote I 70 footn. But, as I have already pointed out, ibid. p. 1 70, the sign standing for nam or §im has never yet been shown to possess the phonetic syllabic power zim; nor have we met with an orthography consisting in a resolved first syllable Zi-im-ri. Moreover the name is often written Na- mar in the inscr. of Nebukadnezzar I (about 1 130 B. C). 26. "?|?^??^ '^^pi and the king of Sheshach. From the context as well as from the parallel passage chap. LI, 41 it can scarcely be a matter for doubt that we must under- stand by this title the king of Babylon. According to the principle of the Athbash* alphabet, ""Oi^'^? in Jerem. LI, 1 is equivalent n''W'2. In the same way it was thought that ']L5'I2^ was to be taken as equivalent to ^32. On the other hand it has recently been pointed out by Lauth in the Proceedings of the Soc. of Biblical Archaeol. 1881, Jan. 11. pp. 47 — 8 and also by Delitzsch, Parad. pp. 214 foil., that in an ancient Babylonian regal register 11 (10) kings of Si§-kti-KI are enumerated on the reverse of the tablet opposite to, or in other words, subsequent to I I other kings of D i n - 1 i r - KI , i. e. of Babylon (see Pinches ibid. 1880, Dec. 7. p. 21). Delitzsch is of opinion that the reproduction of the name D''*12^D by ^Op~37 is simply due to an imitation of the misunderstood and wrongly interpreted 1^^^. The passage Jer. LI, 41, where [* The secret alphabet called Athbash (tJ^^'pN) '"'^.s so named because the first eleven characters of the Hebrew alphabet ({< to 3) were taken as respectively equivalent to the last eleven characters in reverse order (i. e. j^ to ^) — Translator.] BOOK OF JEREMIAH XXV. XXXIX. 109 the parallelism in the first member of the verse (= '^^) would lead us to expect a proper name different from the word "^^S which corresponds to it in the second portion of the verse, is at all events favourable to this view. We must bear in mind, however, that in the later Babylonian 4i6 literature (dating from the time of Nebukadnezzar), with which we are now specially concerned, this name for Babel, or, as Fried. Delitzsch supposes, for a quarter or division of the city (Delitzsch suggests Borsippa) , has not hitherto been found in the inscriptions, while the reading of the name, which appears to be an ideogram, is by no means definitely settled. Comp. also chap. LI, 1. XXXIX. 3. Then came all the army-commanders of the king of Babel .... ; Nergalsarezer , Samgar-Neho, Sar-sekim, the chief of the eunuchs, Nergalsarezer, the chief of the Magians. Of these names only the first, Nergal- sarezer (I^JNIK'* ^T^X), has been preserved to us in the original cuneiform documents, where it occurs as the name of the well-known Babylonian king Neriglissor. Its original Babylonian form is Nirgal-§ar-usur "Nergal, protect the king", I Rawl. 67, col. I, 1. See further Assyr.- Babylon. Keilinsch. p. 128, No. 12. The second name Samgar-Nebo has not yet been met with in the inscriptions. Its Babylonian type is, however, perfectly evident. Its form, as originally pronounced, would be Sumgir-Nabti "Be gracious, Nebo!" Sumgir is the Imperat. Shaf. (Borsip. II, 2 7) of m ag^ru, a verb which frequently occurs in the inscriptions in the signifi- cation "be favourably disposed" (East India House Insc. VIII, 60; Khorsab. 3 etc.). The Shafel has the meaning "show oneself gracious", like the Hebrew D"'10\1 "show oneself kind" Micah II. 7 etc. In the passage from the 1 10 THE CUNEIFORM INSCRIPTIONS AND THE 0. T. Borsippa-inscription which has been referred-to, the prayer l-ib-§i-tu-u-a su-um-gi-ri "show thyself gracious to ray undertaking" is addressed by Nebukadnezzar to Merodach. 417 Sarsekim (D^Dp")^) in its first part is quite clear ("IK' = "king"). But the second portion of the name is obscure. Is the reading quite correct? jp'D"] Chief magian. So according to the traditional rendering; comp. verse 13. If we strictly adhere to it, the alternative lies before us, either to regard the word as of Babylonian origin and to refer Magism accordingly to Babylon-Chaldaea for its ultimate source; or, to assume an Iranian origin for Magism and then to consider the name as a Semitic- Aryan compound, that is to say as a translation of an original word maghupaii. In favour of the latter hypothesis the facts may be observed that in Herodotus I, 101 the Magians Mayoi are mentioned along with other races as a special Median tribe; also that the great Behistun inscription of the Persian Darius makes repeated reference to a "Magian" (Gaum^ta) ; next, that the word maghupati = '^Mobed" is evidently Aryan in form; lastly that it cannot be altogether denied that it is possible that an Aryan Magism may have insinuated itself into Babylonia even before the Persian era, — indeed it may have been subsequent to Nebukadnezzar's accession, who married Amyitis, the daughter of a Median king. See Schoene's Eusebius I, 30 ; comp, A. Von Gutschmid, Neue Beitrage zur Geschichte des alten Orients, Leipzig 1876, pp. 113 foil. On the other hand the following considerations are worthy of notice: — (1) It is scarcely an accident that the name maghu (which is in Aryan a word of uncertain BO OK OF JEREMIAH XXXIX. Ill derivation) is only found in Western Persia which is situa- ted towards Babylonia^ while the other name, having the same meaning, atharvan, which is likewise of uncertain derivation , is only to be met with in Eastern Persia. (2) That Babylonian civilization may certainly be pointed out as early as in the 9"' century B, C. in the frontier- regions of Medo-Babylonia , in other words in the district lying near the source of the DijS,lS,. See fuller information in Keilinsch. u. Geschichtsf. p. 169 footnote ** 170 foot- note *. Moreover Herodotus' statement (I, 98) respecting the ""seven" encircling walls of the Median capital Agbatana, 4i8 constructed out of "variegated" (glazed) tiles, points deci- sively to the influences of Babylonian civilization. Compare the tower of Borsippa with its (seven ?) stages characteri- zed by different colours ! (3) That the cuneiform script, which is for important reasons designated as * Median" (II style of cuneiform), is ultimately of Babylonian origin; — that it may have entered Media directly from Babylonia, or by a round-about way through Elam ; (4 ) that Magism, as we may infer , was first imported into Persia from Media. Darius Hystaspis was a Persian ; on the other hand, Gaumata was a Magian, the latter depending mainly on Media and the Medes ; Beh. I, 59. (5) That there evidently existed, along with the Aryan element * in the population of Media, an element that was woy;- Aryan, whose language has come down to us probably in the second or so-called Median style of cuneiform. This non- Aryan element , however , was distinctly subject to Baby- * This Aryan element is clearly proved to have existed as early as the beginning of the seventh century B. C. by the Aryan proper names of Median rulers inscribed on Asarhaddon's cylinder. 112 TEE CUNEIFORM INSCRIPTIONS AND TEE 0. T. Ionian injiuence, which is an indication that the cuneiform script, which these non- Aryans employed; was borrowed in some way from the Babylonians. (6) The specific ele- ments in Magism, if we regard them as consisting in astro- logy and the Interpretation of dreams, are precisely what is stated respecting the Babylonian "Chaldaeans". Comp. 419 Daniel II, 4. 5; also in Diodorus, as the reader is aware, the name "Chaldaean" stands for Babylonian priest. Now, if it were the Medes who established their dominion over Babylonia, an importation of "Median" Magism among the Babylonians would be to a certain extent conceivable. But it was not the Medes but the Persians, who, as we learn from their inscriptions, adhered tenaciously to their native faith in Auramazda and were certainly at political variance with Median magism, — it was the Persians, who subjugated Babylon. On the other hand, if the Medo- Aryan Magism had been already, in the days of Nebu- kadnezzar, officially recognized as a species of state-religion (A. von Gutschmid), we should then have expected to find some trace of this either in the inscriptions of Nebukad- nezzar or of his successors. But this is just what we do not find. Even in the inscriptions of the latest Babylonian kings, we simply meet with the specific Babylonian cults. (7) On the other hand, what is peculiar to Magism (see above) may be already pointed out in the works of the an- cient and civilized non-Semitic people, the Sumirians and Akkadians, in their hymns and formulas of conjuration. (8) Again, the far-reaching influence of Babylonia and the Chaldaeans upon the East even in times of vast antiquity may be shown on other grounds. Indeed the Man a i. e. the Babylonian mina (Hebrew HJp) occurs as a measure of BOOK OF JEREMIAH XXXIX. 1 1 3 gold even in the RIgveda * (so A. Weber, Th. Noldeke). In fact this influence of the West upon the East must have been brought-about upon the lines of their intercourse 420 by sea. W^ho would therefore deny that a similar influence of Babylonian civilization, operating on the East by land, and, moreover, on the frontier country in the immediate neighbourhood of Babylonia, might thus be exerted on Media, seeing that it is quite certain that Babylonian monuments were erected even as far as the fluvial region of the Dij§,la ? Again, we possess further evidence of the intimate acquaintance of the Babylonians with these regions in the phrase which often recurs in Tiglath - Pileser's in- scriptions in reference to the localities in Media §a (ir) dannHtu sa abal Ba,bilu ikabbuslini i. e. *(the city) which they call the stronghold of the sons of Ba- bylon". Comp. my remarks under (5). — Lastly (9) we ought not attach too much importance to the statement of Herodotus that the Magians were a ^ tribe" of Medes (Herod. I, 101), since the former, according to Herodotus' own representation, were a class rather than a tribe, that is to say the Median priestly order **. No one would be disposed to contest the possibility that the name "Magian", as well as the thing i. e. the office, was introduced into * See A. von Gutschmid, Neue Beitrage zur Geschichte des alten Orients p. 132 : "The Kalijuga of 432,000 years corresponds to the period of 432,000 years which Berossos reckons from the first king till the great flood. The flood-legend among the Indians occupies so iso- lated a position that it might be regarded as borrowed from the Semites. A. Weber has discovered that the duration of the longest day in Gjotisha, which does not apply to India, but agrees to a minute with its ascertained duration in Babylonia, has all the appear- ance of having been directly imported from Babylon." ** Comp. M. von Niebuhr Gesch. Assurs und Babels p. 154. 8 1 1 4 THE CUNEIFORM INSCRIPTIONS AND THE 0. T. Media from Babylonia. And if this name be identical with the imga, imga of the inscriptions, it may cer- tainly be looked upon as Babylonian. This word im-ga or 1- im-ga often occurs in the Babylonian inscriptions in the sense of "respectable", "exalted" (interchanged with 42igit-ma-lu "perfect"). See for example Nebuk. Borsip.I, 4; Nebuk. Bab. I, 11 etc. and compare the combination rubti imga "the highly exalted" which is an epithet bestowed on the father of the Babylonian king Nabunlt, namely Nabti-bal§.t-su-ik-bi*, who himself did not bear the royal title; see I Rawl. 68 No. 2 line 3; No. 3 line 6 (comp. No. 4 line 3 rubli gitmalu). If the word is Semitic, a derivation suggests itself from the root pl^H, in the softened Babylonian form iOP **, with some such meaning as "one who is deep whether in power and reputation or in insight". If the word is of Sumlro-Akka- dian origin, we must refer it to the root IM, which is interpreted in the syllabaries by i m ti k u , root p^P, "fullness of power", ramanu, root DH, "exaltation", as well as by puluhtu, root nbo "fear", "reverence" (Haupt, Akkad. u. Sumer. Keilschrifttexte 28, 617 — 9). In the latter case rab-mag would be a similar hybrid compound to rab-sak "chief officer" = Hebr. Hp.K^?'] ***. See note * "Nebo announced his life". ** [A good illustration of the same Babylonian tendency to adopt the weaker g in place of k may be found in the Babylonian Diglat for ^p'^ipi) and in Gutu for Kutii; see Vol. I, pp. 33, 123.— Transl.] *** According to Fried. Delitzsch "The Hebrew language viewed in the light of Assyrian research", London 1883, p. 14, the Assyr. mahu is a synonym of a§ipu "sorcerer"; comp. Smith's Assurb. p. 128, 25 "The Sumerian form of the word is magha, which has passed into Babylonian in the form mS.hu 'the right reverend', a name respect- fully applied to the Magi by the credulity of the people". BOOK OF JEREMIAH XXXIX. XLVL L. 115 on 2 Kings XVIII. 1 7 (Vol. II, p. 3 foil.) ; also consult Talbot In Journ. of Royal Asiatic Soc. , new series IV, 1869 p. 4 No. 148. 13. Nebuzaradan, see on 2 Kings XXV. 8 (Vol. II, p. 51). Nebusliazban |31K^1D^, The name has been preserved in its original Assyrian pronunciation in the list of proper names II Rawl. 64 col. I, 32, where it appears in the form Nabti-sl-zib-an-ni i. e. "Nebo delivers me" (^T?^ Aramaic "rescue"); Assyr. - Babyl. Keilinsch. p. 131 No. 18. XL VI. 2. Pharao Necho , see note on 2 Kings XXIII. 29. Vol. II, p. 43. — Karkemtsh (W'^1?^'^2) , see note on Is. X. 9. Vol. II, p. 74 foil. — Nebukadnezzar, king of Babel. In any case the battle at Karkemish (606 or 605 B. C.) took place before the accession of the above-named monarch and while his 422 father Nabopolassar was still living (Josephus-Berossus). Hence the title 'king of Babel' which is bestowed on the conqueror at this early date is certainly inaccurate. Com- pare notes on 2 Kings XXIII. 29 (Vol. II, p. 44 foil.) and also my article 'Nebukadnezar' in Riehm's Hand- wort, des bibl. Alterthums as well as notes on Daniel V. 1. L. 2. *?? Bel See notes on Judg. II. 11. Vol. I, p. 162 foil. ■^lip Merodach, also "Tll^np (Is. XXXIX. 1 ; XLVI. 1 (p. 106); comp. 2 Kings XX. 12), chiefly worshipped in Babylonia, to a less extent in Assyria *, a deity held in high * He is not referred - to by AsurnSsirabal , nor does Tiglath- Pileser 1 mention him in the list of deities at the head of his great inscription. His son Salmanassar II appears , it is true , to have 8* 1 16 THE CUNEIFORM INSCRIPTIONS AND TEE 0. T. repute to whose service Nebukadnezzar was most attached. The Babylonian pronunciation of the name was Mar-duk, Ma-ru-du-ki; see Assjr. - Babyl. Keilinscb. p. 129, No. 13 ; its signification is obscure *. In the inscriptions of Nebukadnezzar the god is called bilu rabli Hhe great included the name of this deity in line 9 of his obelisk-inscription (the passage on the stone is corrupt) but makes no further reference to it. It is not till subsequent to the i-eign of Sargon (Khorsab. 2), i. e. after the capture of Babel by that monarch, that the Babylonian kings acknowledge themselves more frequently worshippers of Mero- dach, as, for example, Asarhaddon (I Rawl. 48 No. 9 line 1), Asur- banipal (Smith's Asurb. 9, 3), X - sum - iskun (I Rawl. 8 No. 6 line 4. 5 (2. 3)). * According to Sayce-Lenormant = Amar-utuk; according to Delitzsch Parad. 228 Mar-Urudug "son of Eridu". [According to Fritz Hommel Mar dug arises out of Amar-udug, the North-^ahy- lonian and Akkadian name of the city-divinity of Babel. This deity became gradually confounded with Bel. Amar-udug, as a non- Semitic or Akkadian name, is rendered by Hommel "Gazelle of the light (or of day)" ; he also follows Lenormant in regarding Mardug as a solar divinity. Moreover in the Akkadian hymns we find him identified with the /Soiti/i-Babylonian Meri-(nmZM)-dug. 'Mulu' is here probably an unpronounced determinative = 'man'; dug is an adjective meaning 'good' and was an epithet of Ea (^'the good' par excellence). Thus the city of Ea was called Uru-dugga ("good town"). Another ancient South-Babylonian name of Mardug was Meri-alim-nunna. Alim-uunna ("ram of the water") was an epithet of E a (la), father of Mardug. Meri- therefore, as can be shown from other passages, evidently means 'son', and Meri-dug simply designates Mardug as son of Ea (I'a). He was regarded as mediator of all good between Ea and mankind and is occasionally designated 'first-born of the water-depths' or 'first-born of Ea'. See 'Vorsemitische Kulturen' pp. 376 foil. Lenormant in his 'Chaldaean Magic', transcribing by Silik- mulu-dug (or-khi), gives many interesting examples of incantations and hymns in which this deity's good offices were invoked (see pp. 10 foil. 19. 22, 190 foil.). A vivid description of the conflict of Mero- dach with the goddess or sea-demon Tiamat, derived from a recently discovered fragment of a tablet, may be read in Budge's 'Babylonian Life and History' (Relig. Tr. Soc.) pp. 142 foil.— Translator.] BOOK OF JEREMIAH L. 117 lord' (East India House Inscr. I. 30) and also patfsi siru "exalted ruler" (ibid, 5). The king likewise desig- nates him ilu b^nija "god, my begetter". In the Bor- sippa inscription he is named §ar §ami u irsitiv "king of Heaven and Earth" (col. II, 26), also ilu ilu "supreme god" (col. I, 15); lastly Asurbanipal (Smith's Assurb. 105, 63) calls him sar ilt "king of gods". Just as Sin was the moon -deity, Nergal Mars, Nebo Mercury, Adar most probably Saturn, Istar or Beltis Venus, 423 so Merodach was the planet Jupiter. From the fact that he was also simply called Bilu "Bel" := "Lord God" (Borsip. 1, 16) the circumstance can be explained that among the Mandaeans Jupiter was worshipped as "Bel" i. e. Bel-Merodach. Compare the evidence in Theolog. Studien u. Kritiken 1874 p. 342. Regarding his relation to Nebo see the note on Is. XLVI. 1 (p. 105). 21. at/ainst the land Merdthaim (D^nnp), advatice against it, and against the inhabitants of PekSd (Tip? ^^I?'^). I showed in the first edition of this work (1872) that Pekod reminded us of the cuneiform race-name Pu-ku-du. This conjecture has since received considerable support from the circumstance that this race to which we are referring must clearly have been a Babylonian one. See the evidence in Keilinsch. u. Gesch. pp. 108. 111. 113 comp. also 115. The context manifestly points to Babylonia ; see verses 23, 28. This combination is confirmed by the further identification , which Delitzsch shows to be ex- ceedingly probable (Farad, p. 182), of the land Merathaim, in the original form Merdthim, with the cuneiform raS,t marri,ti "the sea-country" i. e. South Babylonia. Comp. Khorsab. 22 : mat Btt-Ja-ktn Sa ki-§ad nar mar-ra-ti "the land Beth-Jakin which is on the shore of the sea- 118 THE CUNEIFORM INSCRIPTIONS AND THE 0. T. river" i. e. of the Persian gulf (Oppert). Respecting the last phrase see mj essay *The names for seas in the Assyrian inscriptions", Berlin 1877 (8) p. 176, as well as Botta pi. 7 (bis), 55 and parall. Comp. also the note on Ezek. XXIII. 23. LI. 1. '•Oj? 3^ = Dnit'D according to the Athbash- alphabet, just as "^VJ =. ^23. See the note on chap. XXV. 26. 23. O^JJD") mno. Comp. notes on 1 Kings X. 15 (Vol. I, pp. 175. 6) and Is. XLI. 25. 27. I0'^^^« nlD^PD "kingdoms of Ararat". See above Vol. I, p. 53 and Vol. II, p. 16. — ^^p "Minnaean". — Comp. the Mivvaq of Nicol. Damasc. quoted in Josephus Antiqq. I, 3. 6. — undoubtedly the 424 Mann ai (M a n-n a-a i , Ma-an-na-ai) of Salmanassar II (Obelisk 165 comp. 168); of Sargon, Khorsab. 36 etc.; also of Asarhaddon and Asurbanipal (Norris, Gelzer). Perhaps the tribe may also be identified with the in- habitants of the land Mun (m§,t Mu-un-na) mentioned by Ramm§,nnirS.r I Rawl. 35. 8. Comp. Keilinsch. u. Gesch. pp. 174. 212. 520. "IDDI? scribe is the Babylono - Assyrian dup-sar-ru Syll. 370 of which the abstract is dup-sar-ru -ti II Rawl. 27, 27 e (respecting the sibilant comp. Ill Rawl. 70, 78). We likewise find the form dip-sar II Rawl. 48, 38 a (Haupt in Transactions of the Berlin Oriental Con- gress I, 2 77). The retention of the sibilant s in the form of the Hebr. D is the only correct orthography in the case of a word that was originally Babylonian. Whether the Assyrians pronounced the word dupsarru or dupsarru* * The connection of the Akkado- Assyrian dupsar, dupsarru THE BOOK OF EZEKIEL 7. 119 cannot as yet be precisely determined. On this subject comp. Vol. I, p. 141 ; also the "Sargon-stele of the British Museum" p. 30 line 6 foil, on the one side, and F. De- litzsch Parad. p. 142 on the other. The word is of Akkadian origin and is compounded of d u p meaning 'tablet' and s a r 'write'. Hence as a name for a person it signifies 'tablet- writer'. THE BOOK OF EZEKIEL. I, 1. On the river Kebar (13?). This stream, accord- ing to verse 3, lay in the "land of the Chaldaeans" i. e. Babylonia; moreover we only receive information of a deportation of Israelites to Babylonia by Nebukadnezzar * ; lastly, the name of this river is very clearly distinguished from that of the Mesopotamian "liDPI by the sounds which make up the word. We must therefore definitely abandon the 425 identifications of these two streams which have until re- cently been the favourite ones. Instead of placing the Kebar in Mesopotamia, with Noldeke (Bibellexicon I, 508) **, we should assign it to Babylonia, though we are with "IQO^ was originally suggested by Fr. Lenormant; see his 'La langue primitive de la Chaldee, Paris 1875, p. 365'. * Babel is expressly referred -to three times (2 Kings XXIV. 15 a. b. 16) as the land of the exile. [** "The name has in fact", says Noldeke, "entirely disappeared, for the system of rivers and canals in Babylonia has in the course of millenniums suffered so many changes, and so many rivers and canals have even vanished, that we can hardly expect all the names to be preserved. I purposely speak of canals in this connection, because from olden times up to the present the same name {nahar) has been employed in that country to express both river and canal — even the smallest — of which there were thousands. We may imagine that Chebar was a canal." — Transl,] 120 THE CUNEIFOBM INSCRIPTIONS AND THE 0. T. no longer in a position to point out a river or canal of that name in this region. VIII. 14. Tisn lammuz is written on the Babylonian inscriptions, as the name of a month, in the form D u - u - z i and Du-'-u-zi (Haupt, Akkadische und Sumerische Keil- schrifttexte I, 44) , a Babylono - Assyrian deity of non- Semitic origin. The name Dti-zi signifies in Akkadian **son of life". The original form of the word was, accord- ing to the syllabary V Rawl. 23, 21 c. d., Dumuzi, which comes much closer to the Western Semitic tlDH. Respecting the legend of Tammtiz-Adonis, see F. Lenor- mant in M^moires du Congr. intern, des Oriental. Paris 1873. II, No. 11; comp. also P. Jensen in Zeitschr. f. Assyr. I (1886), p. 17 foil. XXIII. 6. 23. D^JJpi nlriB provincial governors and viceroys. On this subject see the notes on 1 Kings X. 15 (Vol. I, p. 175 foil.). Is. XLI, 25 (Vol. II, p. 103). 23. Tlie sons of Babel and all the Chaldaeans, Pekod and Shoa^ and K6a\ all the sons of Assur with them etc. Re- specting Tip? = Puklidu, see the note on Jerem. L. 21. Accordingly ^'S^ and 4^1p may likewise be race-names, and Delitzsch would be justified in identifying them with the Kutti (Gutium), who dwelt in the upper region of Adhem and DijS,lS,, and with the Sutii (Assyr.) who are constantly associated with them. The form Kutt would become abbreviated to Kti (= Jt/lp) and Sutti to Sti (VP = ylti^)*. [* On the names Gutii and Suta Delitzsch (Parad. pp. 233 foil.) cites a large number of illustrative cuneiform notices. From these he draws the inference : — "that the region of the land Sutft (including that of Sumastu and Jatbur) was the steppe that extended Eastwards from the river Diji,M towards Elam and the river Kerkha, from the Tigris as far as the Southern declivities of the Medo-Elamite moun- tains"; see Cheyne on Isaiah XXII. 5 foil. It is also evident that the THE BOOK OF EZEKIEL VIII. XXIII XXVII 121 We have already noticed (Vol, I, p. 123) the conjecture that the Guti (which is the softer Babylonian mode of pronunciation) are mentioned in Gen. XIV. 1. XXVII. 5. TJt?' Setnr; see note on Deut. III. 9 (Vol. I, p. 146). 18. "I'^s'pn Helbon, a Syrian town, the modern Hall)1\n in the neighbourhood (North West) of Damaskus(Wetzstein), is mentioned in one of Nebukadnezzar's inscriptions * (Bel- 426 lino-cylinder I, 23 ; comp. I Rawl. H5) under the form mat Hi-il-bu-nuv, as a region from which the king obtained kar§,nav "wine", in order to present it to the deity among various other objects as — "fish" (nu-u-nuv), "birds" (is-su-ru), "oil" (§a-am-nuv), "honey" (di-i§-pa comp. Delitzsch in Smith's Chald. Genesis, p. 285), "cream" (hi-mi-tu HNpn). The passage referred-to runs thus : meaning "prince", which has been attached to the name ]}yp — Gesenius Lexic. 8th ed. compares Arabic cLS "spring upon", used of a breeding- camel — will have to be given up together with other imaginary signi- fications attached to these words.— Transl.]. * It is by no means certain whether the XuXv^ujv mentioned in Ptolemaeus V. 15. 17, as situated in the region Xa?.v^u)ViTig, is iden- tical with this Hal bun "Helbon", as has been generally assumed. The Barbalissus "on the Euphrates", spoken-of as lying in this district, points to quite a different region much further to the North or rather North-East. It is extremely likely that we ought, with Kiepert and others, to think of Berroea-Haleb. It is not surprising that Berroea should be specially mentioned along with Chalybon by an author of "Geography" who ultimately derived his materials from widely different sources, and it is equally natural that Haleb- Aleppo, which was subsequently well known to classical writers under its proper form XdXsTt, should have been blended with Helb6n {XccXvj3c6v), cele- brated for its wine and bearing a closely similar name. With this confusion of Halbiin-Chalybon with Haleb-Haleb we might compare that of Halman - Holw&n with Halman - Haleb among the Assyrians (Keilinsch. u. Gesch. pp. 229 foil, footnote), and that of Hamath- Hamath with 'Ahmetha-Ekbatana in Herodotus (Hitzig, Noldeke etc.). 122 TEE CUNEIFORM INSCRIPTIONS AND THE 0. T. 22, ka-ra-nav f-il-lu ka-ra-nav (so!) m^t I-za-al-lav 23. mat Tu-'-im-mu m^t S i-i m-m i-n i m^t Hi-il-bu- nuv 24. m^t A-ra-na-ba-n u v mit Su-u-ha-am 25. mat Bit- K u-ba-tiv u m^t Bi-ta-a-tiv i. e. "22. delicious wine (namely)^ wine from the land Izallu, 23. from the land Tu'immu etc." Also in an Assyrian list of wines II Rawl. 44, 9 h we meet with the kari,n Hul (Hil?)-bu-nu i. e. *Helbonian wine". Moreover it is well known from Strabo XV, 735 that the Persian kings held the Helbonian wine in high estimation. 427 23. |"iy a name of a country. Comp. Keilinsch. u. Geschichtsforschung p. 199 footnote* and see above note on 2 Kings XIX. 12 *, Vol. II, p. 11. ip'p3 Kilmad , identified by Smith and Delitzsch with the modern KalwS,dha near Baghd§,d, where bronze rings have been discovered bearing the inscription : ikal Ha- ara-mu-ra-bi S^arri. See Transactions of the Soc. of Bibl. Archaeol. I (1872) p. 61; Delitzsch Parad. p. 206. XXVIII. 14. 16. nV^ii It^-lp -in? on the mountain of * [Til Barsip, the modern Biredshik, was the capital of Bit Adini and was situated on the left bank of the Euphrates. Delitzsch (Parad. p. 4) speaks of it as a centre of the most important mercantile caravan tracks running between Syria (and we might also add Cilicia and Asia Minor generally) and Mesopotamia, Assyria and Babylonia. Moreover it was the point whence navigation started down the Euphrates, and was thus celebi'ated from ancient times for its ship-building and com- manded the commerce which passed down the Euphrates to the Pei*sian gulf. This spot as well as Bit Adini are unfortunately not marked on the map appended to Vol. I. Til Barsip or Bire^hik lies, however, within the limits of the map at the extreme end of the Euphrates to the North West, above Karkemish (Gargamis), while Bit Adini might be said to occupy the whole region between the Euphrates and its tributary Belikh (Balihu). Comp. the facts already stated by Prof. Schrader, Keilinschr. u. Gesch. p. 199; 219 sq. and the map appended to that work. — Translator.] THE BOOK OF EZEKIEL XXVIII. XXXVIII 123 God's sanctuary ; — D'^Klh^ "iri3 o7i God's mountain. It is evident that we have here a hint of heathenish associations. Compare the remarks on Is. XIV. 13 (Vol. II, p. 79 foil.). XXXVIII. 2. 3. aiH Gog, prince of Magog. This reminds us of the cuneiform representation of the name of the Lydian king Gyges Gu-gu, Gu-ug-gu (Smith's Assurban. 64, 5 = V Rawl. col. II, 95; Smith's Assurb. 71, 86; 73, 1). We are likewise reminded of the name Ga-gi orGa-a-gi, the ruler of a district which has not yet been definitely ascertained, called m^t Sa-hi (Smith's Assurb. 97 IV, 1 foil.). Whether there is any connection between the name of the Biblical prince and the one or the other of the above-mentioned potentates , must remain a matter of uncertainty. Comp. the note on Gen. X. 2 (Vol. I, p. 62) as well as Keilinsch. u. Gesch, p. 159 footnote *. — prince of Rosh (t^'NI), Meshech and Tubal. Delitzsch (Parad. p. 322) combines the unknown race-name Rosh (comp. XXXIX. 1), in accordance with inscriptions of Asurbanipal (V Rawl. 5, 67. 70), with the "land R^sh" (mS.t Ra-a-Si) of the inscriptions situated on the Tigris at the frontier of Elam. But does this position harmonize with the mention of the people in connection with Meshech and Tubal, two races which we know for certain belonged to Asia Minor? 6. The house of Togarmah, from the most distant 428 North. Here Togarmah evidently appears to be the more distant, and Gomer to be the nearer race, while in the race -table (in Genesis) we have exactly the reverse. * Respecting G. Smith's identification of the inhabitants of the land Sahi with the Sakians, see Th. Noldeke in Zeitschrift der deutsch. morgenland. Gesellschaft XXIII, pp. 328 foil. 124 TEE CUNEIFORM INSCRIPTIONS AND TEE 0. T. G6mer standing at the head of the list as being the most distant people. But during the interval, i. e. in the period which lies between the composition of the race-table and the life of Ezekiel , the Gomer i. e. the Kimmerians (Gimirrai) had broken into Asia Minor, had taken posses- sion of Cappadocia, Tubal and Meshech and , we may presume, had caused a disruption in Tdgarmah and driven the people to the North or North -East. With this occupation of Cappadocia by the Gdmer-Kimmerians must be connected the later name for Cappadocia viz, Gamir (P. deLagarde, collected Essays p. 254; Dill- mann's Genesis 1882 p. 163). XLV. 12. Twenty Shekels, twenty five shekels and fifteen shekels shall be the mina among you. Ofcourse the prophet does not here mean three different minas (Hitzig), but without doubt fixes the standard of the entire mina at sixty shekels i. e. at the old value of the imperial or royal mina. See the note on Gen. XXIII, 16 (Vol. I, p. 127 foil.). XLVII. 16. 18. pin Haurdn, an Aramaic region lying East of Gilead and frequently referred-to in the Assyrian records, in the form (mS,t) Ha-u-ra-a-ni, (Ir) Ha-u-ra-ni and also (fr) Ha-u-ri-na. From the passage III Rawl. 5 no. 6 lines 55 foil, (cited in Vol. I, p. 200) it follows that this region was a mountainous one, as we already know on other grounds. See Keilinsch. u. Gesch. p. 115. BOOK OF DANIEL. 1. 1. Nehukadnezzar. The original pronunciation of the name was Nab^-kudurri-usur. See note on 2 Kings XXIV. 1, Vol. II, p. 4 7 foil. 429 4. Respecting '??"'n, Aram. '?^^"^ "palace" see 2 Kings XX. 18, Vol. II, p. 39. THE BOOK OF EZEKIEL XLV. XLVII. DANIEL I. 125 Writing and language of the Chaldees. Respecting the form and meaning of the name Chaldees (DHK'D) see Gen. XI. 28 (Vol. I, p. 116 foil.). The signification "wise men", that we meet- with in the Book of Daniel, is foreign to Assyrio-Babylonian usage and did not arise till after the fall of the Babylonian empire. This is in itself a clear indication of the post - exilic date of the Book of Daniel. 7. Belteshazzar (1^N^^)'?3). The Babylonian form of the name was Balatsu-usur or Balatasu-usur i. e. "his life protect", a name which resembles SamaS- balatsu-ik-bi = "Saraas proclaimed his life", see further in Assyrisch-Babylon. Keilinsch. Exc. Eigennamen p. 154, No. 59a, and respecting the change of forms bala.tsu and bal4ta§u (comp. also ba-la-ti-ja Nebukadn. East India House Insc. II, 1. 64) see ibid. p. 249. Regarding the representation of sibilants in Hebrew , see Monats- berichte der Berlin. Akad. 1877 pp. 79 foil. — When in Dan. IV. 5 the name Belteshazzar is stated to have been bestowed on Daniel "according to the name of the god of Nebukadnezzar", the writer was evidently, in the case of the first syllable, thinking of the name of the god Bel ^5 (comp. Jer. LI. 44) and in this respect wrongly placed the name parallel with the other, Belshazzar (1^X^75)5 ^^e chap. V, 1. Compare my essay "The Sargon-stele of the Berlin Museum", Akad. der Wissenschaften, Berlin 1881 (2) p. 28 foil. The name Shadrach (J\'y}^') is explained by Delitzsch with considerable probability as a Babylonian one, Sudur- Aku "command of Aku" i. e. of the Moon -deity (Sin). He points to the Assyrian Tem-ilu = "PN'DyiO and to the Hebrew 'lM^D^{. On the other hand his interpretation of 126 THE CUNEIFORM INSCRIPTIONS AND THE 0. T. the name Meshach ('^K'''p) as = Mi-§a-Aku i. e. «who is like Aku ?" seems to me open to objection, because, in the first place, the true Babylonian form would be Mannu- ki-Aku (see Assyr.-Babylon. Keilinsch. 171 No. 6) and, in the second place, the corresponding Babylonian designation would certainly not be a mere translation of the correspond- ing Hebrew (i. e., in this case, of the name bNC£^"'P). We should have to deal with genuine Babylonian names, for which the Hebrew ones were to be exchanged, as is clearly shown by the other bestowments of names. Abednego (1J^ "l?I{) stands, as we have long known, for Id? "QV. "servant of Nebo". The conjecture has been confirmed by a bilingual (Assyrio- Aramaic) inscription (HI Rawl. 46 col. I, 82), in which the name [1]3il3i/ occurs 430 as one that actually existed among the Assyrians. Other instances have been found of Babylonian names com- pounded with ^Di;, as Ab-du-mi-lik ■]':'013I/; also we have an Ab-du-uh-mu-nu ]0mDJ? (Oppert-M^nant docum. jurid. 271), the latter apparently meaning "servant of Ham- m6n", the former being certainly identical with the 1'?0131? that appears in the Insc, of Citium 2, 3. The latter name we also meet with on a Babylonian seal (Journal Asiatique 1855, 2 p. 422 in Levy, Phoniz. Studien (Dictionary) p. 35). — 11. "1^7? name of an official, having some such meaning as 'overseer'. This obscure word may possibly be explained as identical with the Assyrian massaru (ma-as-sa-ru) "guardian", root "IJIJ; V Rawl. 32, 29 massar b^bi "guardian of the gate". The insertion of a liquid after the removal of the duplication would not be unusual in Aramaic (Del.) ; comp. note on Is. VI. 1, p. 73. II. 2. ^K^X conjurer (one who employs conjurations) = Assyr. a-si-pu (II Rawl. 32, 11 e. f. 38, 12 e. f.) ; BOOK OF DANIEL II. III. 12 7 see Delitzsch, Assyr. Studien 1, 135. The meaning of the Assyrian word (comp. the Aramaic }.sq-a.]) is guaranteed by its Akkadian equivalent KA. KA. MA i. e. "the earnest speaker". Comp. also P. Haupt in the Transactions of the Berlin Oriental Congress 1 , No. XI "The Sumero- Akkadian language" p. 282. 5. f<'^]N. Respecting this obscure word Theod. Noldeke writes to me : — "The word is Persian. It is the form azda discussed by Kern in Zeitschrift der deutschen mor- genland. Gesellschaft XXIII, p. 220 foil., and it should be so transcribed , because in Persian cuneiform final a (i. e. when no aspirate follows; ah is otherwise expressed) and k are written in the same way. In this case the form should certainly be written with final k, on etymological grounds. The word means "certain" "sure" = Sansk. addhS,. With it we may connect the NimN of Ezra VII. 23; but about this 1 cannot be quite sure." This disposes of Fried. Delitzsch's conjecture (Libri Danielis, Ezrae etc. 1882, p. VII) that NITN may be referred to a Semitic ItN meaning "to be firm". 14. '?l'i''^^? Arioch. There is no reason to suppose that this name has simply been borrowed from Gen. XIV. 1 (see comment, on the passage). The name I'rl-Aku is a genuine Babylonian one and may have been preserved in Babylonia up to the latest date with which we are here concerned. There is no reason whatever for holding that the name was derived (as Hitzig supposes) from the Sanskrit. 48. JOJD (and in III. 2 N"'3JD) from jJD viceroy, provin- cial governor; see note on Is. XLl. 25 and footnote in Vol. I, p. 176. III. 1. Nlll HjypD? in the plain of Dura. There were several Babylonian places called Dtiru, for this name has 128 TEE CUNEIFORM INSCRIPTIONS AND TEE 0. T. been preserved in that region up to the present time as a designation for "hills" (Oppert, Exp^d. en M^sopot. I, pp. 238 foil.). The ancient Babylonian race-table shows IV Rawl. 38 on the Obv. col. 11, 9 — 11 alone three local- ities bearing this name; see Delitzsch Parad. p. 216. The name signifies "rampart" and then "fortress". 431 2. nnS (plur. NnjrjD) viceroy, satrap-, see note on 1 Kings X. 15, Vol. I, p. 175 foil. The other ranks of officers here mentioned (D^JlO?t^*) have Persian designations. — Respecting NHUIIN Noldeke remarks that this word in the form andarzgar was a title still in use under the S^sanids. See Noldeke's translation of Tabari p. 462 note. 5. The musical instruments that are here mentioned, DirT'p {xid-aQLq), NDDC {aa(/^vxtj), |nnJDO (ipaXrrQiov) and n^JODID [avficpcovia), are Greek, and hence their names are looked-for in vain among cuneiform documents. 29. And from me goes forth a command that every people, nation and tongue, that utters blasphemy against the God of Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego, shall be cut in pieces . . . The inscriptions of Nebukadnezzar, which have come down to us in considerable quantity, exhibit that monarch simply as a devoted worshipper, especially of Nebo and Merodach — and thus as a very pronounced idolater. IV. 1. /, Nebukadnezzar, lived peacefully in my house and contentedly in my palace, 2. when I beheld a dream which terrified me ... 25. All befel Nebukadnezzar the king. 26. After the lapse of twelve months he was walking upon his royal palace of Babel etc. The narrative of Abydenus quoted in Eusebius' Praeparatio evangelica runs closely parallel to this scriptural account (see Gaisford's ed. IX, 41, 6), and in an abbreviated form we have it in his BOOK OF DANIEL IV. 129 Armeniaa Chronicle (ed, Schoene I, 41. 42; In C. Mueller, Fragm. hist. Gr. IV, p. 283 foil.). From the above we learn that, according to a tradition which prevailed among the Chaldees, Nebukadnezzar, after he had become stronger than Hercules and had undertaken expeditions to Libya and Iberia, and had settled a portion of the subjugated populations at Pontus, mounted the royal fortress and, in- spired by a god, had declared a prophecy, whereby Perses, (the Persian) mule , would bring the Babylonians under bondage, not without the complicity of their own Baby- lonian ruler, Nabunit-Labynetus , the * son of the Median woman" {yloq Mi/df/g as we should read with A. von Gut- 432 schmid). A comparison of both accounts shows that they are narratives which have been moulded independently of one another from one and the same Babylonian popular legend. To these may be added a third variety viz. the concise story in Herodotus (I, 188) respecting Labynetus I, husband of Nitocris and his son Labynetus II *, the oppo- nent of Cyrus. Of the two first accounts the tradition in Abydenus, written down comparatively late in the form in which we now have it , possesses the greater claim to originality, both on the ground of form and of contents. "The form which the legend in the Hebrew tradition — i. e. through the writer of the Book of Daniel — has assumed, * We need not explain that he is the same as the Nabunit of Berossus and the Nabu-n&'id of the inscriptions. Nebukadnezzar as Labynetus is contrasted with him in the relation of father to son in just the same way as Belshazzar is contrasted with this same Nebu- kadnezzar in the Book of Daniel , and as the "son of the Median woman" to the "husband of the Median Amyitis" in the Chaldaean popular legend quoted by Abydenus. Herodotus, the Book of Daniel, and the Chaldaean popular tradition coincide in this case completely in the most important points. 9 130 THE CUNEIFORM INSCRIPTIONS AND TEE 0. T. arises in part from mere misunderstandings. Thus, what the legend intended to apply to the foes of the Chaldaeans, was referred to the Chaldaean monarch , Nebukadnezzar. Also what the legend meant to be a stay among animals, was transformed into a life and a growth resembling that of animals. On the other hand, it also arises in part from the endeavour of the apocalypse of Daniel to employ the legend, which it misunderstood in its most important fea- tures, to illustrate the principle which the prophecy enun- ciates, that the mightiest on earth are completely in the power of the Most High, whose action is truth and whose ways are uprightness, and who is able to bring low those 433 who walk in arrogance (Dan. IV. 22, 29. 34). The representation in the Book of Daniel is the Judaeo- apo- calyptic reconstruction of the Babylonian popular myth, preserved to us in its relatively more original shape by Abydenus." See my essay : "The legend of Nebukad- nezzar's frenzy" in the Jahrbiicher fiir protestant. Theologie. 1881, pp. 618 — 629, especially p. 628. V. 1. Belshazzar (n^NI^'^S) , the king, gave a great banquet etc. The legend of the Babylonian king Bel- shazzar is not simply invented by the author of this book. A Babylonian prince, bearing the above name, actually existed. He was the first - born son of Nabunit (the Nabti-n^'id of the inscriptions *) and his Babylonian name was Bt'l-s ar-usur i. e. "Bel, protect the king"; see Assyr.-Babylon. Keilinsch. p. 128 No. 11, and, on the reproduction of the sibilants in Hebrew, see my essay in Berlin. Monatsberichte 1877**. The passage to which we * See Assyr.-Babylon. Keilinsch. p. 136 No. 25. ** The orthography with x retained and "^ dropped after the {J,', •• 6. "iSKIi'^D instead of IJiX^K^^D , may perhaps be accounted-for BOOK OF DANIEL V. 131 owe this information occurs on the cylinder of Nabunit (cuneiform Nablina'id) I Rawl. 68 col. II 24 foil., where 434 we read: 24. u sa Bil-sar-usur 25. abal rts-tu-u 2Q. si-it lib-bi-ja : 27. pu-lu'h-ti ilu-u-ti-ka rabi-ti 28. lib-bu-u§ §u-us-kin-ma 29. ai ir-sa-a 30. hi-ti-ti 31. la-li-i bal§,ti lisbi i. e. 24. "and as to Belshazzar, 25. the exalted son, 26. the sprout (riNU root ^<5i^<) of my body (properly 'heart'), 2 7. do thou place (thou, god Sin, see line 3) the adoration of thy great deity 28. in his heart; 29. may he not give way (Arabic Lii.; comp. Khorsab. 51) 30. to sin; 31. may he be satisfied by life's abundance" (comp. Joh. Meinhold , die Compo- sition des B. Daniel, Greifswald 1884, p. 14 foil.). — See also the glossary and compare the articles "Belsazer" in Schenkel's Bibellexicon I and in Riehm's Hand- worterbuch des biblischen Alterthums. — That this first- born son of Nabunit occupied a distinguished position next to the king during his life-time, and especially at the fall of the empire , has been recently established by an inscription on a clay tablet containing the annals of from the- teudeucy to approximate to the form of the other name "15iNli'l07D known to the copyist from the preceding passages. lu this case the omission of the "^ would be quite natural. Conversely from this same tendency may be explained the punctuation of the other name as '1JJ{<^*10'?3 with the meaningless prefix "^2 l^ee note on I, 7). The accompanying table will make the formation of the following three names clear, viz. Nebukadnezzar = Babyl. Nabu- kudurri-usur; Belshazzar = Babyl. B i'l - s a r - u s u r ; Belteshazzar = Babyl. Balata-su-usur. Besides these' Nergalsharezer = Babyl. Nirgal-sar-usur. 1. Nabii-kudurri-usur = "^j^x T1D 123 2. Nirgal-sar-usur = -|jjx -)]^ ^J-lJ 3. Bi'1-sar-usur = "irjx [■■\\]^ ^{}})'2 4. Balata-su-usur = '\^'^ ^ lO^D- 9* 132 THE CUNEIFORM INSCRIPTIONS AND TEE 0. T. NabUnaid (Transact. VII, 1 p. 153 foil.). According to this document ^the son of the king" (abal §arri), i. e. the crown-prince, was as early as in the 7*'' year of the king's reign, i. e. 649 B. C, accompanying the army in Akkad, i. e. North Babylonia, along with the chief men of the empire ; he may have held there an in- dependent command. See the annalistic inscription Obv. II. 5 (= 7*" year); 10 (= 9*" year); 19 (= 10*" year); 23 (= IV^ year). In the last or seventeenth year, in which the overthrow took place , we see instead of the crown -prince king Nab ed. § 391 p. 603 note f. Moreover, the manner in which the Book of Baruch describes the rule of Belshazzar is decisive in favour of this view. In Daniel Belshazzar is throughout the Baby- lonian tyrant, who in his arrogance goes so far as to defile even the sacred vessels, and the representation in this book is pervaded by the spirit of vengeance, which is to overtake the Babylonians for their haughtiness. On the other hand, in the Book of Baruch the two kings of Babylonia are two rulers, under whose shadotv (!) Juda has been living for a long while, whom Juda serves and before whom he Jiiids favour; and this is obviously the reflex of a description such as that in the Book of Daniel of the lot which fell to the person of Daniel according to this very book. Observe also the verbal agreement of Baruch II. 6 with Daniel IX. 7; of Bar. II. 8 with Dan. IX. 13 b; of Bar. II. 9 with Dan. IX. 14; of Bar. II. 11 with Dan. IX. 15 etc. !— Moreover, while it is quite certain, on account of IX. 4 comp. with Neh. I. 5, IX. 82; Dan. IX. 15 comp. with Neh. IX. 10; Dan. IX. 8 comp. with Neh. IX. 44; Dan. IX. 7. 8 comp. with Ezra IX. 7 (see C. von Lengerke, Buch Daniel p. 411), that the writer of the Book of 134 THE CUNEIFORM INSCRIPTIONS AND THE 0. T. 436 was connected with the person of Nabunit (comp. Herod. I. 188). In order to make the above statement clear I append the following table. Upon this I would merely remark that Herodotus, who like every other ancient Greek, never mentions Nebukadnezzar under this, his proper name, always replaces this altogether strange designation by one that at all events seemed pronounceable to him, and was moreover shorter and more current, viz, Labynet i. e. Nabunit. I. II. Book of Daniel. Herodotus. Nebukadnezzar, father. Labynetus I, father. Belshazzar, son and last king. Labynetus II, son and last king. 437 VI. 1. And Darius, the Mede , succeeded to the king- dom; comp. verse 29 : under the rule of Darius and during the rule of Cyrus, the Persian. In accordance with the notices of classical and oriental writers, with which we have hitherto been acquainted, the hypothesis of a Median interregnum has appeared, to say the least, ex- tremely improbable. But by the recently discovered cylinder of Cyrus as well as by NabUna'id's annals such a theory has been finally disposed -of. Both these docu- ments represent the last king of Babylon, called Nabtin§,'id, as being immediately succeeded in the rule over Babylonia by the Persian Cyrus. Comp. Cyrus-cyl. 17 foil.; Nabu- nit's Annals Rev. col. I. 12 foil. The conception of a Daniel was acquainted with the Books of Ezra and Neheraiah, it is, on the other hand, quite certain, from the verbal agreement of Bar. II. 6 with Dan. IX. 7; Bar. II. 10 with Dan. IX. 10, that the author of the Book of Baruch went to Dan. IX as his special and immediate authority. Comp. E. Schiirer in Protestant. Real-Encyclo- padie 2nd ed. I, p. 501; J. J. Kneucker, Das Buch Baruch 1879, pp. 31 foil. BOOK OF DANIEL VI. VII. 135 Median interregnum, which pervades the Book of Daniel *, evidently originates from a dim recollection of the former position of superiority possessed by the Medes. Their place in Medo-Persia was occupied by the dominion of Cyrus and the Achaemenidae. The tradition takes no account of the fact that this Median rule exactly coincided chrono- logically with the Babylonian, and that the Persian conqueror had brought Media earlier than Babylonia under his sway. This same tradition made no scruple to assume as a Median interrex, one having the pure Persian name Darius. How far the legend adopted in other respects the material which here comes under consideration, may be ascertained by the reader from my essay "The legend of Nebukadnezzar's frenzy" in Jahrbiicher fur Protestant, Theologie pp. 618 — 629. See the remarks on chap. V. 1. VII. 1. In the first year of Belshazzar. Comp. VIII. 1438 "in the third year of Belshazzar". To judge from this mode of expression, the author of the Book of Daniel regarded Belshazzar as a separate and independent monarch , who reigned several years. We cannot at any rate prove from documentary evidence that such was the fact; comp. note on V. 1. Probably we have simply a confusion of this king of Babel, whom the Jews supposed to be the last, with the actually last king Nabunit, who reigned altogether 17 years; comp. note on chap. V. 2. VIII. 2. v^N Eulaeus Evlaioq, in Assyrian nS.r Ulai * Comp. not only V. 28, VIII. 3. 20 but especially VII. 3 foil. In the last passage the kingdom represented under the image of a bear is without doubt the Median empire, in the same way as the "lesser" empire that follows the Babylonian, referred-to in the monarchic image described in II, 39 a. 136 TEE CUNEIFORM INSCRIPTIONS AND THE 0. T. (written U-la-ai) *, the name of a river in Elam-Susiana, which flowed in the immediate neighbourhood of Susa- Shushan **. "Whether it is identical with the Kercha flowing West of Shush-Susa, the Choaspes of the ancients, as we conjecture, or, whether we should not, with Delitzsch Parad. p. 177 foil. 329, consider it the same as the modern Kartin, East of Susa, is a matter which cannot be deter- mined without further investigation. IX. 1 . Darius, son of Ahasliuerus, of Median descent. On these names see the note on Ezra IV. 5. Comp. also immediately above the remarks on chap. VI. 1. X. 1. Koresh, king of Persia. See the note on Ezra I. 1. BOOK OF HOSEA. V. 13. And Ephraim goes to Assur and sends to king Combatant; yet he is not able to heal you. Comp. X. 6. 430 As the reader is aware, exegetes are uncertain whether the Heb. 3"!)' ("^59) is to be understood as a proper name = "(king) Jareb" or as an appellative = "the combatant king". The latter explanation is the only tenable one from the simple fact — apart from all others — that a king "Jareb" cannot be pointed out in the Assyrian lists of kings. What Assyrian king was specially meant by the prophet it is impossible to state positively, since the Biblical * I have already shown in the Monatsberichte der Berlin. Akad. der Wissensch. 1880 p. 275 that the Assyrian should, in agreement with the Greek and Hebrew representation of the name, be transcribed Ulai and not U1&. ** Smith's Assurb. Ill, 94 foil. (= V Rawl. 3, 41 foil.); 127, 86 foil.; 198, 9 (= IV Rawl. 52 No. 2, 9; Sanherib Bull-inscription Plate 3, 2 (in Rawl. 13). BOOK OF DANIEL VIII. IX. X. HOSE A V. 137 chronology in relation to the Assyrian is an unsettled pro- blem, and so is the date at which these oracles were com- posed. In a subsequent passage (see the comment on X. 1 4) we have perhaps mention of a Salmanassar , who can only have been Salmanassar III (783 — 773); but, from the way in which he is spoken-of, he must have been a king who by that time belonged to the past. Hence when Hosea refers to "king combatant" he must have meant one of the immediate successors of Salmanassar, perhaps Asur- dan, who in the years 755 and 754 made expeditions against Chatarik (Hadrach) and Arpadda (Arpad) ; see the List of Governors. When we consider the difficulty of reconciling the Assyrian chronology and the traditional one of the Bible for this period, we can scarcely expect to reach a definite conclusion. Nowack in his commentary on this passage identifies 31J with Tiglath-Pileser II *. * [The identification with Tiglath-Pileser II is certainly the more probable hypothesis. Our knowledge of Asurdanilu's military enter- prises is very limited, being derived from the notices in the List of Governors. From these we infer that his powers of offence were seriously crippled by revolts in Assyria itself. Under these circum- stances it seems doubtful whether he was in a position to exercise sufficient pressure on Palestine to extort the payment of a subsidy. If Kamphausen's carefully elaborated chronological scheme be even approximately correct (Chronolog. der Hebr. Konige p. 32), the date proposed by Schrader 754 would fall within the reign of the powerful and prosperous Jeroboam II. But this was not an age in which Ephraim suffered from serious political distemper (comp. Hos. V. 13). The notices in 2 Kings XIV. 25, 28 point in the opposite direction. Nor does Juda's "wound" easily apply as a descriptive epithet during the strong rule of the contemporary Uzziah at that particular time. On the other hand the language of the prophet in this and other analogous passages (VII. 9, 11, XI. 1, XIV. 3) clearly points to a later, degenerate age, when the weak reigns of Menahem and Pekah placed Israel under subservience to Assyria, her Eastern frontiers being exposed to the victorious inroads of Tiglath-Pileser II. — The "wound 138 THE CUNEIFORM INSCRIPTIONS AND THE 0. T. In the second passage X. 6, to which reference has been made, "presents" nn^O are mentioned which were given to the Great King. How far this involved a recognition of the supremacy of Assyria, we do not know, since the contem- porary Assyrian records are missing. It may be readily understood from the way in which the Assyrians were accustomed to regard such "presents" or "gifts" (Assyr. mandat(t)u, raad(d)atu), that these despatches of tribute were not altogether unaccompanied by such a 440 recognition of supremacy. Nevertheless we perceive from this passage that the ties of dependence which united Nor- thern Palestine to Assyria, and which had been reestablished by Ramm^nnirar about 800 B. C, had meanwhile become considerably relaxed; see above Vol. I, pp. 206 — 208. 6. ^b Memphis; see note on Is. XIX. 13, p. 82. X. 14. and all thy fortresses will be laid waste, as Shalman laid waste Beth- Arb' el on the day of battle. It seems natural to understand by "Shalman" (]P^tt') an Assyrian ruler, that is to say a Salmanassar, Assyr. Salmanu- of Juda" may refer to the losses sustained by the Southern kingdom, in the overthrow by Tiglath-Pileser of the confederacy supported by king Uzziah (Azariah) ; see Vol. I, pp. 209 foil. This we might refer to the year 740 B. C. The subservient conduct of Ephraim, on the other hand, would correspond with the payment of tribute by Menahem (2 Kings XV. 19), to which the eponym- canon enables us to assign the date 738 B. C. Nothing is said about subservience on the part of Juda. It is true that Juda suffered by the brunt of war, but honour was not sacrificed. This is exactly in accordance with what we otherwise know respecting Uzziah (Azariah) ; comp. Vol. I, p. 245. — Lastly, the reader will observe that in the comment on X. 14 Di\ Schrader expresses doubts as to the identification of "Shalman" with Salmanassar III, thus invalidating one of the grounds on which his hypothesis, that Jareb = Asurdanilu, is made to rest. — There can be little question that no Assyrian monarch better deserved the epithet of "combatant" or "struggler-king" than Tiglath-Pileser U. — Translator.] BOOK OF BOSEA X. 139 a§^rid, from which name that which stands in the text has become abbreviated ; indeed , according to Oppert, Exp^d. en M^sopotamie 1, 366 there exists in London a piece of ivory on which the name (this royal name ?) appears shortened into Salmanu. And, when we ask which Salmanassar was specially meant by the prophet, we might suppose it was the great Salmanassar, the second of that name (860 — 825 B. C), the same as the king to whom we owe the small obelisk of black basalt and who makes mention of Jehu of Israel. But apart from the fact that no reference is made in his inscriptions to the destruction of a city Betharbel, such an event was evidently one which still remained fresh in the recollection of the prophet and of those whom he addressed. Accordingly we must fix upon a later Salmanassar, namely the king who reigned according to the Canon of Rulers from 783 — 773 B. C. i. e. in the last decads preceding the composition of Hosea's discourses. But the Beth-Arb^l (^NDIN P''^) of this passage can hardly have been the Galilaean place of that name, since we can scarcely conceive of the destruc- tion of that city unless the district had been invaded by the Assyrians, an enterprise of which we have no informa- tion whatever. Nor can Beth-Arbel be identified with the44i Assyrian Arbela, South-East of the modern Mosul, in which there existed a sanctuary of Istar held in very high esteem (see Assyr.-Babyl. Keilinschriften p. 172), for this place had for many centuries formed a part of the Assyrian empire, and it can hardly be supposed that the destruction of so distant a town would have produced a very powerful impression on the Israelites. It is much more likely that Beth-Arbel is the place of that name situated on the other side of Jordan, near Pella (see Eusebius-Hieronym., Ono- 140 THE aUNEIFOBM INSCRIPTIONS AND TEE 0. T. mast. ed. Lagarde I. 88, 6). And this agrees with the fact which we learn from the List of Governors, that Sal- manassar III (783 — 773), already referred-to , made in the year 775 an expedition into the cedar-country (m§,t frini), that is to say the Lebanon-district (see my remarks on 1 Kings V. 13, Vol. I, pp. 172 foil.). On that occasion he may have penetrated into the trans-jordanic region and destroyed this Arbela. But here again I cannot refrain from doubts respecting this whole combination. Would the prophet have actually omitted to define the Assyrian Great King as such, i. e. as an Assyrian, by the addition of "king of Assyria", while in other cases (e. g. X. 6), as the reader is aware, he speaks of "kings of Assyria"? — Now Tiglath- Pileser (Pul) in his great triumphal inscription II Rawl. 6 7 line 60 (see above Vol. I, p. 249) mentions a Moabite king Salamanu i. e. jobLJ'* * as a prince who paid tribute to him. According to the Bible, Hosea was a contemporary of Mena- hem, and therefore of Tiglath-Pileser (Pul) also (comp. too the chronological excursus below). Hence there cannot be any doubt that Salman of Moab was a contemporary of 442 Hosea. Now we know from 2 Kings XIII. 20 that the Moabites in the time of Joash made an incursion into Israe- lite territory. They were afterwards, it is true, subjugated by Jeroboam II (2 Kings XIV. 25). After his death, however, when troubles broke out in the Northern kingdom , they must have once more made themselves independent. Per- haps they even assumed the offensive, and, in an incursion into the territory of Israel, destroyed the town of Beth- Arb^l. In the case of a contemporary prince, reigning * )07K' appears as a proper name also on a Palmyrene inscription; see de Vogii^, Syrie Ceutrale 1 p. 55 No. 76. BOOK OF EOSEA X. AMOS 1. F. 141 over a neighbouring people, the omission by the prophet of any defining epithet, to designate the personality referred- to, is easily intelligible. Unless we are to assume the existence of a place called Salman - Bethel - Arbel (with Hitzig and Steiner), about which we have no knowledge, the last combination to which I have referred has most to be said in its favour. Comp. also Nowack's Commentary on Hosea ad loc. BOOK OF AMOS. I. 4. Hazael, Benhadad; see my remarks on 1 Kings XX. 1, 2 Kings Vm. 15 (Vol. I, pp. 191, 19 7 foil.). 5. nJ^ n""? Beth-Eden; see notes on 2 Kings XIX. 12 (Is. XXXVII. 12), Ezek. XXVII. 23; comp. Keilinsch. und Geschichtsf. p. 199. V. 26. 2'hus shall ye then take Sakkuth (HIDD), your king, and Kewan (]1^3)» your star-god, your images which ye have made for yourselves, and I will carry you off into captivity. The justification of this rendering may be read in my article "Assyrio-Biblical" (I) in the Theolog. Studien u. Kritiken 1874 pp. 324—332, where (p. 332) the meaning of the passage is expounded in its connexion *. niDD is to be punctuated PISD, and ]VD as ]V3. These are 443 names of deities — originally Babylono - Assyrian deities. * The meaning of the entire passage is : I take as little pleasure today in your burnt-ofterings and meal offerings (V. 22, 23), as for- merly during the journey through the wilderness (V. 25) and the people will certainly not be able by such external ceremonial service to prevent the arrival of the judgment (V. 24), which will befal both the people (V. 26) and the gods worshipped by them (V. 25), both of whom shall equally be destined to go into exile (comp. Is. XL VI. 2 as well verse 5 in the above chapter of Amos). 142 THE CUNEIFORM INSCRIPTIONS AND THE 0. T. The former corresponds to the name of the Assyrian divi- nity Sak-kut, according to II Rawl. 5 7, 40 c. d., another term for Adar (= Adrammelech). The latter is, as Op- pert has ah'eady recognized, identical with the Assyrian Ka-ai-va-nu*, a name for the planet Saturn, II Rawl. 32, 25 e. f. And this tallies with the epithet □5^1'?^? 3?i3 in the Hebrew text ** and also with the tradition of the Mandaeans (and then of the Arabians and Persians) accor- ding to which ^^^^^ is the name for Saturn. This expla- nation is supported by the Peshitto, which gives us jJoas as well as by the LXX whose Paicpav (not Remphan !) must be simply a corruption of the Greek form correspon- ding to the Hebrew ]VD. The etymology of the name Kaivan is still obscure; the derivation formerly attempted from the Semitic root pD must now be given up. The name Sakkut I consider to be, like the alternative name Adar, of non- Semitic i. e. of Sumiro- Akkadian origin. Perhaps, just as Adar signifies "Father of Destiny" (A -tar), so Sakkut may mean "Head (§ak) of Decision (kut)". See the evidence in "Reports of the Konigl. Sachs. Gesellschaft der Wissenschaften", Philolog. histor. CI. 1880 pp. 19--23. 444 — 27. and I carry you into captivity beyond Damaskus. This expression only possesses meaning when we suppose the prophet to have had the Assyrians in his mind, who after the time of Asurnasirabal and Salmanassar II — nay * Regarding the pronunciation Kaivan (notKavan!) see Monats- berichte der Berlin. Akademie der Wissenschaften 1880, p. 275. ** Respecting the transposition of the plural □3^l3'?y which is quite meaningless as it stands, and which ought to be placed after DD^n'?{< 2D1D (comp. also the LXX), see the above-mentioned Art. in Stud, und Kritiken p. 331. BOOK OF AMOS V. VI. 143 as far back as the days of Tiglatli-Pileser I — were only too familiar to the inhabitants of Palestine-Phoenicia. The way, however, in which the Assyrians are merely hinted at in this passage would lead us to conclude that there was no immediate danger to be apprehended from them at that time. Corap. the notes on VI. 2 and 14. VI. 2. Pass over to Kabieh (^^73) a7id behold, and go from thence to Hamdth, the great (n3T non) , and descend to Gath of the Philistines etc. The phraseology points to serious catastrophes which befel the towns above-mention- ed. \i Kalneh is the same as the Kul-unu in Babylonia, referred-to in the inscriptions, it appears as a captured town in the records of Sargon, composed after the occu- pation of Babylon in the year 710 B. C. * Haniath fell in the reign of Sargon, in the year 720 B. C. (see above Vol. II, p. 6, 8 — ). — Gath we may hold to have been mentioned as a town captured by Sargon, if the Gimtu Asdudtm in the inscriptions of that monarch be Gath in Philistia (see above Vol. I, p. 154); for that town would have come into the hands of the Assyrians (see note on Is. XX. 1, Vol. II, pp. 89 foil. 95) in the 11"' year of the kings reign i. e. 711 B. C. at the same time as Ashdod itself. The three dates would agree with one another in a manner as remarkable as is their disagreement with the traditional view that the book of Amos was composed about 800 B. C. One would scarcely, however, he disposed to place the composition of the Book of Amos so late as 700 B. C, and this for the simple reason that we have in these oracles merely hints respecting the Assyrians * Cyprus-stele col. I (II), 15. Khorsab. 9; conip. Botta's Aimals p. 109, 10 foil. 144 THE CUNEIFORM INSCRIPTIONS AND THE 0. T. (V. 2 7, VI. 14). Hence the opinion forces itself upon 445 us that verse 2 has been interpolated. Gustav Bickell holds that we are justified in assuming this upon internal grounds derived from the grammatical connexion as well as from the facts involved *. Comp. my remarks on Is. X. 9 (XXXVI. 19, XXXVII. 13 =) 2 Kings XVIII. 34; XIX. 12, 13. 14. from Hamdth as far as the brook of the plain. Comp. 1 Kings VIII. 65 from Hamdth as far as the brooJc of Aegypt. The current idiomatic form of the phrase shows that we ought not to draw any conclusion from verse 1 4 with respect to the mention of Hamath in verse 2 (see the remarks above). — As to the "people" (^iil) whom Jahve here summons against Israel, we can only under- stand the Assyrians to be meant by this term , though the announcement is couched in mysterious language. Comp. the note on chap. V. 27. * Bickell's reasons, contained in a private communication, are as follows. "(1) Verse 2 does not fit in to the metrical system of Amos VI. 1 — 7 (heptasyllabic distichs); (2) It breaks the gram- matical connection (apposition) between verse 1 and verse 3 , since D^njDu cannot possibly refer to the suffix in □3^3J}3. (3) It does not furnish an intelligible sense either in itself or in the con- text, since the meaning which seems to be on the surface, that the towns are to serve as warning examples, does not harmonize with the following question, which is moreover extremely obscure and un- grammatical , while , to regard them as examples of states , on whom God has bestowed fewer favours than on thankless Israel, introduces an altogether foreign conception, which has to be for the most part supplied in thought, and presupposes a much too tortured form of expression. [The challenge is, according to Bickell, probably a marginal note on the part of a reader belonging to the time of Sargon; and the question is an unfortunate attempt to explain it, proceeding from a gloss-writer of a much later period.] (4) The overthrow of Kalneh and of Hamath here alluded-to we may infer from Is. X and XXXVII had not yet taken place at the time when the Prophet Amos lived" [This is quite right — see the text. — Schrader]. BOOK OF OBADIAE. 145 BOOK OF OBADIAH. 20. TIOQ. The Persian cuneiform inscriptions of Darius repeatedly refer to ^parda as a land or race under subjection to the Great King and this name is always 446 mentioned in immediate connection with Jaun^ i. e. "lonians" or "Greeks". In the great Behistun inscription we read col. I, 15 (Persian text) : ^parda, JaunH, M^da, Armina, Katapatuka, Parthava i. e. "Sparda, Ionia, Media, Armenia, Cappadocia, Parthia". In the inscription of Darius lines 12. 13 we read : Armina, Katapatuka, (j^parda, JaunS,, tjaij uSkahjS. utt tjaij darajahjS, i. e. "The Armenians, Cappadocians , Sparda, the lonians of the mainland and those of the islands" etc. Lastly, in the first inscription of Darius from Naksh-i-Rustam (NRa. 2 7. 28) : Armina, Katapatuka, Qparda, Jauna, ^aka i. e. "Armenia, Cappadocia, Sparda, the lonians, the Scythians". From these passages it is quite certain that by (^parda we must understand a district in Asia Minor , if not in Europe (?), at all events one that was close to the lonians. The Sepharad occurring in this passage of the Bible has repeatedly been connected with the above Sparda, most probably Sardis. To this spot accordingly captive Jews were transported or sold. But the question might arise : — Is it at all probable that Nebukadnezzar, who is never reported to have made his way to the settlements of the lonians in Asia Minor, transported even a portion of the Israelites into those regions, especially as it is the uniform tradition of the Jews from the most ancient times, that, when they were deported, settlements were assigned to them in Babylonia? The exegete is here confronted by 10 146 THE CUNEIFORM INSCRIPTIONS AND THE 0. T. the alternative either to attribute the book to a later period, or to give up the identification with Sardis. If Seph^rad is really identical with (^parda and the latter with Sardis, the oracle cannot have been composed in the days of 447 Nebukadnezzar, which is the ordinary opinion *. Its origin must necessarily in this case (with Hitzig) be assigned to the Persian or Greek period. But if the oracle was com- posed in the time of Nebukadnezzar, we can only under- stand by SephS.rad a Babylonian or some other locality, district etc. If such be the case, we might suppose that the (m i t) S a p a r d a of Sargon's inscriptions was referred to, situated in South -Western Media towards Babylonia, a name which would phonetically correspond in every respect with the Hebrew 1"1DD. Keilinsch. u. Gesch. pp. 116—119. BOOK OF JONAH. I. 2. Go to Niniveh, the great city. III. 3. But Niniveh was for God a great city, taking three days to compass. IV. 11. Niniveh, the great city, in which are more than twelve myriads of human beings, who know not how to distin- guish between right and left. Though these statements respecting the size of Niniveh, inasmuch as they are those of a late writer, cannot lay claim to statistical accuracy, yet they do nevertheless rest upon a tradition not far removed from the actual basis of facts. As we have already pointed out, in the comment * Comp. De Wette-Schrader, Einleitung ins Alte Testament 8'h ed. § 290 and Bleek's do. 4tii ed. § 216. BOOK OF JONAH 1. III. IV. 147 on Gen. X. 11 (Vol. I, p. 83), 'Niniveh' may be under- stood in a narrower and a broader sense. In the narrower sense it is only the Western town that is meant^ the residence of Sennacherib and Asurbanipal , and lying opposite to the present Mosul. In the broader sense the name can only designate the entire network of towns situated in the angle 448 formed by the Tigris and its tributary, the Zab, that flows into it. Thus it would not only embrace Niniveh proper (Kujundshik) but also Kalah (Nimrlid), Rechoboth-l'r, and lastly Dtir-Sarrukin (Khorsabad). The circumference, in- cluding these four quarters or towns, was calculated by Jones to amount to 90 miles, which would, roughly speak- ing, correspond to three-days journey. Assuming that the number of children below the age of eight bears to the number of the remaining population the proportion of one to five, it follows that there were 600,000 adults living together with the 120,000 children. We might therefore reckon the total population as amounting to about 700,000 inhabitants — in itself not an improbable supposition. But we must beware of basing on this circum- stance any presumption in favour of the credibility of the narrative in the Book of Jonah in all its details upon this subject. For while from the above considerations we should be disposed to consider the estimate of Niniveh's size on the part of the later writer to be near the mark , yet we must not forget that this presumes that the Northern town, viz. Khorsabad, belonged to Niniveh. But Dtir-Sarrukin was only built by Sargon in the closing decads of the 8*'' cen- tury B. C, in other words 100 years after the time when the Prophet Jonah lived and worked in the Northern king- dom. If we exclude the Northern town , ofcourse our calculation is altogether different. 10* 148 THE CUNEIFORM INSCRIPTIONS AND TEE 0. T. . BOOK OF MICAH. I. 6. And 1 make Samaria into a stone-heap in the field (mtSTI ^J/'?) and into vine - plantations (DID ^VlOtS). The oft-recurring Assyrian phrase is exactly similar ana til u karml uttr "I changed into a rubbish-heap and fields" (i. e. the town). See above Vol. I, p. 226 449(11 Rawl. 67 line 25 ad fin.) and the comment on the phrase p. 228. There is no reason to alter the text into njjc; witb Hitzig. IV. 10. For thou shalt pass forth from the town, dwell on the field and then reach Babel. The threat of a trans- portation to Babel has seemed strange. But there is nothing surprising about it when we bear in mind that Tiglath-Pileser had already subjugated Babel (see above Vol. I; p. 222 foil.) and carried out deportations of tribes from that region as well as to that region. If the oracle was not composed till after the fall of Samaria, the threa- tening referred-to becomes still more intelligible, since we know that Sargon, even in the first year of his reign, transplanted Babylonian tribes to Syria , and , we may suppose that in their place, again, others were appointed to settle in Babylonia (2 Kings XVII. 24; Is. XX. 1). The report of the settlement of subjugated populations, more especially in Babylonia, must have also made its way to the Hebrews. Hence the threatening pronounced by the prophet. Are we therefore actually to regard verse 10 as a vaticinium ex eventu with B. Stade in Zeitschrift fiir die alttestamentliche V7issenschaft I (1881) p. 167, and are we, mainly and almost solely on the ground of this verse, to separate the entire section IV. 8 — 10 from the rest of the text ? BOOK OF MIC AH I. IV. NAHUM III. 149 BOOK OF NAHUM. III. 8. Art thou better than No - Amon (]1DJ< NJ), situated on the river Nile, water round about her, which is a fortress of the river, whose wall is the river*? 9. Aethio- 450 pia mightily and Aegypt without number **, Put and the Tjibyans were thine aid. 10. She too hath gone into exile, hath departed into captivity; her children too were dashed in pieces in all corners of the streets and over her chief ones they cast the lot, and all her great ones were bound in chains. 11, ll^ou too shalt be intoxicated, shalt be covered with night ; thou too shalt seek protection from the enemy. * [The interpretation is somewhat uncertain. The use of the word □> in this passage for the river Nile occurs also in Isaiah XVIII. 2, T XIX. 5 (comp. Is. XXVII. 1, Jer. LI. 36, where it is applied to the Euphrates). The term may be used in reference to any broad sheet of water, and the Nile when it overflows might well he called a lake. Dr. Cheyne compares the Sanskrit sindhu 'sea' as applied to the Indus. The 'waters around her' probably refer to the canals cut on both sides of the Nile; see the plan in Diimichen's Egypt (AUgemeine Geschichte in Einzeldarstellungen 1880, Abth. 25). The phrase is, however, rather obscure. The last two clauses might be rendered "which is a lake- stronghold, by the lake arises her wall" — but the translation given by Schrader is on the whole preferable, though involving an oxymoron (like that of LXX, Syr. and Vulg. which read Qt^). Ewald's rendering "whose wall was a defence from sea to sea" sets aside the punctuation (which agrees here with the versions) and is doubtful as to its precise mean- ing; but it certainly presents a smoother construction (comp. Mic. VII. 12). — The fame of Thebes— one of the great wonders of the world — was quite familiar to the Hellenes in those days. The bards of Javan sang its greatness in the lines : o&i TiXslota S6[xoiq iv XTijf/.ara xeirai, Ai 5-' sxavo/biTtvXol elai, Sttjxooioi 6'dv' kxdazccq ^Avsgeq i^oi'/vfiai avv "nnoiaiv xul cxfO(piv. — Translator.] ** [A better construction is obtained by pointing |!;oy W and trans- T : T lating : — "Aethiopia was her strength and also Aegypt — yea, without end".— Transl.] 150 THE CVNEIFORM INSCB1PTI0N8 AND THE 0. T. This was a passage that for a long time occasioned great perplexity to the commentators — so much so that it was regarded as a later interpolation and some critics were disposed to cancel it as such out of the text. But an unexpected light has been thrown upon it by the Assyrian inscriptions, which give us special details respecting the destruction of Aegyptian Thebes here referred-to. Accord- ing to these documents it was Asurbanipal, son and suc- cessor of Asarhaddon, who in his second Aegyptian ex- pedition against Urdamani i. e. Rud-Am6n, the successor of Tirhaka, brought upon Thebes its overwhelming fate. We read in Smith's Assurbanipal 55, 70 : In a tu-kul-ti A§ur, Sin u ilt rabtiti bilt-ja 71. ina tahiz stri rap-§i apikta-§u i§-ku-nu u-par-ri-ru il-lat-su. 72. U r-d a-m a-n i-1 I-di§ ip-par-§id-raa 1-ru-ub a-na ir Ni-' ir sarrii-ti-su. 73. Ma-lak arah X. timi ur-hi p a-as-ku-u-ti arki-§u il-li-ku a-di ki-rib ir Ni-', 74. Ir §u-a-tu a-na si-hir-ti-§u ik-su-du is-pu-nu a-bu-bi§. Rev. 1. Hur§,su, kaspu, i-par mS,ti-§u ni-sik-ti abni NIN. ak-ru (also r.!) ni-sir-ti [i-]kal-[su] 2. lu-bul-ti bir-mlKUM (PI.) sisl rabtiti nist zikrtiti u sin[nisj 3. . . . za-a-ti pa-gi-i u-ku-pi tar-bit sad-di-§u-un 4. ina la mi-ni a-na mu-'-di-l ul-tu ki-rib-f-§u u-§f-su-num-ma im-nu-u §al-la-ti§ 5. a-na Ninua Ir bi-lu-ti-ja §al-mis i§-gu-num-ma 45iu-na-a§-Si-ku §lpa-ja i. e. 70. "In confidence on Asur, Sin and the great gods, my lords, 71. they (i. e. my troops) inflicted on him in the battle, in a wide plain, a defeat and shattered his might. 72. Urdamant fled alone and entered into No, the city of his royalty. 73. In a march of a month and ten days they advanced, on ways hard to traverse, behind him, into the midst of the city N6 ; BOOK OF NAHUM III. 151 74. that town in its entire extent they captured, overthrew like a flood. Rev. 1 . Gold, silver, the dust of its land, objects of cast metal (?), precious stones, the treasure of his palace, 2. garments of Berom (?) and KUM, great horses, men and women, 3 P^'gi ^^^ ukupi, the product of its mountains, 4. in measureless quantity they carried forth out of it (lit. out of the midst of it), they counted as spoil; 5. to Niniveh, my royal city they carried them away in good condition and kissed my feet." Notes and Illustrations. 70. Tukulti absol. state instead of tuklat; see Assyr. -Babylon. Keiliiiscli. p. 230;— 71. si'ru stands also in other places, as it does here, in the sense of "plain" also "desert". Compare with this passage Sanherib's Taylor-cylinder col. III. 53. — 72. idis = tt^lH) I'oot in = inN;— '^3. malak, root n^ri;— Rev. 1. ipar is 10^ "dust", exists in exactly the same connection in Tiglath- Pileser Il's inscription II Rawl. 67 line 27 ad fin. (see Vol. I, p. 226 —also 228), comp. also Job XXVIII. 6 ^TW nilD^ "ingots of gold"; — akru comp. akartuv Sanherib Bellino-cyl. line 10; — lubulti for lubu§ti, root K^D*^; — pagi', u^upi are probably names for animals. They cannot be species of wood or metals since the corresponding determinative ideograms are not employed. But if they are names for animals, they are altogether unknown to us. Should we connect ukupi with F]ip 'an ape'? — tarbit, root HDIi see Sanher. Taylor-cyl. col. ni. 64, Vol. II, pp. 36, 38;— 4. mu'di' (Genit.) from ^xp; mini root P1JJ3; kirib-i-gu (sic!) instead of kirbi-su, see Assyr.-Babylon. Keil- iusch. p. 207 note; u§isu, root X!JN = NJi^i salmis adverb from salmu "well-being" ^ "in good preservation"; Lotz, Die Inschriften Tiglath-Pilesers I, p. 182. We perceive how completely the account of the Assyrian tallies with the description by the prophet which now lies before us. And since we know absolutely nothing of any other destruction of Thebes, whether earlier or later, put- ting aside the last destruction (which in the present case, moreover, falls altogether out of account), no doubt can henceforth be entertained that Nahum threatens the Assyr- 452 ians with the same fate that they had themselves inflicted 152 THE CUNEIFOBM INSCRIPTIONS AND THE T on the Aegyptian capital. Moreover the time when the latter event took place, and therefore also indirectly the date of Nahum's oracle , may be determined with fair precision. It follows from the account of Asurbanipal in his annals, that the second great campaign, which the Assyrian conducted against Aegypt, and in which Thebes suffered her untoward fate, took place soon after Tirhaka's death. We read in Smith's Assurbanipal 47, 67 : Ur-da- ma-ni-1 abal a§Sati-§u ina kusst-§u u-§ib-ma u-ma-'-ir ma-a-tu. 68. I'r Ni-' a-na dan-nu-ti-§u i§-kun u-pa-hir 11-lat-su, 69. a-na i-bi5 kabla u tahS,za ill umm§,ni-ja tuklS.ti-§u u-§at-ba-a is-ba-ta har-ra-na i. e. *67. Urdamani, son of his (Tirhaka's) wife, set himself upon his throne and summoned the country. 68. N6-Thebes he prepared for his defence, marshalled his might. 69. To join battle and combat, he caused his troops to march out against my host (and) commenced the journey." — Now Tirhaka, according to the Apis-stelae, died in the year 664, and the second Aegyptian expedition of Asurbanipal here spoken -of perhaps took place in the year following. Moreover the overthrow of N6-Amon was still fresh in the memory of the prophet and of his contemporaries. Hence the year 660 might be regarded as the approximate date when Nahum delivered his prophetic discourse against Niniveh. It is scarcely probable that a prophet 'even after several decads' should have referred to this event as one that was clear to all and stood vividly before the imagination (Steiner), if we have here simply a catastrophe befalling a foreign race 453 and not one that immediately concerned the people whom the prophet was addressing. 17. "^I'lpp^V See note on Jerem. LI. 27. BOOK OF EABAK. III. ZEPH. II. ZECE. I IX. XI 153 BOOK OF HABAKKUK. III. 11. n^Dl {8un and Moon remain) in their exalted dwelling. See note on 1 Kings VIII. 13. BOOK OF ZEPHANIAH. II. 14. If we translate : — */or the cedar-beams are pulled down" (comp. the LXX) we might bear in mind how the Assyrian kings, at all events after the time of Asurnasirabal, employed cedars in the construction of their palaces. See note on 1 Kings V. 13 (Vol. 1, p. 172 foil.). But this entire view of the passage has its difficulties ; see Hitzig's commentary. BOOK OF ZECHARIAH. I, 7. in the eleventh month , that is the month Shebdi- (lOD^*); see note on Neh. I. 1. IX. 1. '^flC Hadrach may be conjectured to be the land (mat) Ha-ta-rak-ka or Ha-ta-ri-ka or Ha- ta-rik-ka of the Assyrian inscriptions, in which this name occurs in conjunction with Damascus and Hamath, as well as with Z6ba, Zemar (Ssemar) and Arka. See Keilinsch. und Geschichtsforschung p. 122 and compare also below the List of Governors as well as III Rawl. 10. 3. line 34. XI. 5. nj/*! herdsman occurs also in Assyrian in the signification which is ultimately intended in this passage viz. 'prince'. The word ri'ti ^V] has this sense in e. g. Sargon's cylinder I Rawl. 36. 3, in which ri-l-uv ki-l-nuv 'faithful shepherd' is an epithet of Sargon. Also we have the abstract substantive ri'^t mi/"l "rule", Sanherib Taylor cyl. VI, 65 etc. 154 THE CUNEIFORM INSCRIPTIONS AND TEE 0. T. 454 XII. 11. At the same time great is the lamentation at Jerusalem, like the lamentation for Hadad-Rimmon (|iiSn"llM) in the valley Megiddo. We shall not here discuss the vexata quaestio as to whether by Hadad-Rim- mon in this passage a god (Adonis? — corap. Ezek. VIII. 14) was intended for whom lamentation was made, — which lamentation here forms the fertium comparationis , — or whether Hadad-Rimmdn is to be regarded as the proper name of a geographical locality designated from the above- mentioned deity. We shall content ourselves with simply observing that the name of the deity, from which this locality was unquestionably called according to the second theory, has received in all essential points definite illustra- tion from the Assyrian monuments. It has already been clearly established from the classical writers (Macrob. Satir. I. 23) that Hadad CT^^) was the Syrian god of heaven as well as sun-god. Also the monuments show that the Syrian god Dad i. e. Hadad is identical with the Assyr- ian Rammi,nu, R§,m§,nu, the god of thunder and storm (root Dyn). See note on 2 Kings V. 18, Vol. I, p. 196 foil. The same ideogram (AN.) IM serves to designate both the deity Dad = Hadad and the god Ramm§,n (Keilinsch. u. Gesch. p. 538 foil.). The compound form Hadad- Ramm^n signifies that the heavenly deity, Hadad, is here specially regarded as the 'storm-god'. The double name might be compared in signification with the designations of Zeus (Jupiter) as Zsig ^Qovtrfiioc, or ^qovtcov (Inscrr. Graec. 3, 4040, I; — 3, 3810. 5932) or else with "Jupiter tonans". The vocalization of the form pi, that was com- pletely misunderstood by the punctuators, as |ii3"! is due to mere conjecture; comp. note on 2 Kings V. 18 (Vol. I, p. 19 7). The deity referred-to has nothing whatever to ZECH. XII. PSALMS II XIX. XXIX. XLIX. JOB X. 155 do with the pomegranate. The reader might consult Hitzig-Steiner's commentary on the passage; Baudissin's 455 Studien zur semit. ReHgionsgeschichte I (1876), p. 305 foil.; J. Wellhausen in Gottinger Gelehrte Anzeigen 187 7, p. 185 foil., and my own articles in Riehm's Dictionary 1294, as well as in Zeitschrift f. Keilschriftforschung II (1885) p. 365 foil. PSALMS. II. 12. IplJ^^ do homage. Also in Assyrian ptt'3 is em- ployed in the Paal and likewise in the Kal to signify 'kiss of homage'. Comp. Asarhaddon IV. 26 — 28: mur-ni- iz-ki rabtiti (a ban) ugna, ti-ib mati-su, a-na Ninua ir bf-lu-ti-ja i§-su-num-ma u-na-as-§i-ku §ipS,-ja i. e. "great steeds, Ugnu-stone, the best of the land, they brought to Niniveh, the city of my dominion, kissed my feet." Similarly in Sanherib, Taylor-cyl. II. 57 : is-si-ku §lpa-j a (Vol. I, p. 281). Comp. also Hos. XIII. 2. XIX. 7. N^lD rising of the sun. We have just the same phrase in Assyrian si -it §am-§i (i. e. ^1^^ riNJi); see notes on Gen. XIX. 23, Vol. I, p. 126. XXIX. 6. ]i^")K'^ and Sirjon. Here too llnK' should be read (with tr^). See note on Deut. III. 9, Vol. I, p. 146. XLIX. 15. i*? h^]P ^IN^' (^the lower world— their palace of splendour". Compare the phrase 'in glory' in verse 13. Also respecting the signification of 72] consult the note on 1 Kings VIII. 13, Vol. I, p. 174 foil. BOOK OF JOB. X. 21. — before I depart, never to return, into the land of darkness and gloom. We find similar passages in Job XVI. 22, XVII. 16 {''dust"); Is. XXXVIII. 10 ("gates of the lower world"). With these compare the language 156 TEE CUNEIFORM INSCRIPTIONS AND TEE 0. T. of the opening lines of 'Istar's descent to Hades', Obverse lines 1 — 20 (see my edition of Hollenfahrt der Istar, Giefsen 1874, p. 8 foil, and compare Alfr. Jeremias, die Hollenf. d. 1st. Lpz. 1886, p. 8) : 1. A-na mS,t la tairat kak-ka-ri i-di-[...?] 2. IStar marat Sin u-zu-un-§a [ki-ni§] 3. i§-kun-raa* marat Sin u-zu-un-[§a i§-kunj \^-[- year of Jotham's reign i. e. in 738 B.C.; according to the same verse and according to the cuneiform records, the murder of Pekah was immediately followed by Hoshea's accession to the throne of Israel, i. e. Pekah was assassinated in the year 728 B. C. Thus, in the portion of Israelite history which is controlled by the chronology of the Northern kingdom, we have a dis- crepancy of full 10 years, just as in the subsequent period we have a discrepancy of 13 years! Wherein then consists the essential dif- ference between the two chronologies? Compare also the dissertations cited below. EXCURSUS ON CHRONOLOOY. 165 the throne, while, on the other hand, the Books of Kings represent the expedition as having occurred in 714 B. C. of the traditional chronology. Here we have a discrepancy of at least 9 years *. We see that one of the two systems must be abandoned. And we cannot doubt against which of 462 the two sentence must be passed , when we bear in mind the fact that the chronological data of Ptolemaeus are confirmed down to the smallest detail by the Assyrian chronology viz. the eponym-lists and the annals of Sargon (see 'chronological addenda' Nos. Ill and IV), It is there- fore in the most recent period of chronology that our verdict must be pronounced against the scriptural system, though we should have expected the most trustworthy and unassailable statements with respect to that period. The system must, however, be abandoned in presence of the corresponding statements of the monuments and the eponym- canon **. We ask the question : — have we any right to * In reality 13 years! see Vol. I, p. 305 foil. ** Attempts have been made to get over the difficulties by assum- ing that the chapters in the 2 Book of Kings and in Isaiah have been transposed (J. Oppert in Zeitschrift der deutscben morgenlandischen Gesellsch. XXIII (1869) p. 147 and elsewhere; V. Floigl, Cyrus und Herodot 1881 p. 26), or by assuming that there was a confusion of the year of Sennacherib's invasion, which was the 29"> of Hezekiah's reign, with a previous invasion by Sargon, which was in the 14'^ year of Hezekiah's reign (H. Brandes, Abhandlungen zur Geschichte des Orients, Halle 1874 p. 76 foil.; P. Kleiuert in Theolog. Studien u. Kritiken, 1877 p. 171; Raska, Chronologie der Bibel, 1878 p. 286; H. Matzat, Chronolog. Untersuchungen zur Geschichte der Konige von Juda u. Israel (Weilb. Progr. 1880) p. 23, also previously Prof. A. H. Sayce. [The theory that the chapters in 2 Kings and also in Isaiah have been transposed was originally put forward by Dr. Hincks in the Journal of Sacred Literature Oct. 1858. "The text" he says "as it originally stood was probably to this effect : — 2 Kings XVIII. 13 166 THE CUNEIFORM INSCRIPTIONS AND TEE 0. T. claim a greater credibility for the Books of Kings in respect of their chronology in the earlier portion of history which would be far less exempt from involuntary errors? We 463 should be disposed to doubt this * and can only regard such doubts as justified in fact and substance, when, in the chronological details bearing on the earlier time, we take as our guide sources which have been preserved with such fulness and completeness for the later period. I refer to the monuments in which we possess the additional advantage of gaining access to documents which have not, like the Now in the fourteenth year of king Hezekiah the king of Assyria, came up' [referring to the attack mentioned in Sargon's annals against Philistia and Ashdod 711 B. C.]. XX. I — 19 'In those days was king Hezekiah sick unto death etc' XVIII. 13 b 'And Sennacherib king of Assyria came up against all the fenced cities of Judah, and took them' XVIII. 13 b— XIX. 37."— The reader might also consult Geo. Smith's Assyr. Eponym Canon p. 171 foil, and the excellent discussion in Canon Cheyne's commentary on Isaiah 3*^ ed. (1884) Vol. I, pp. 201 foil, (introductory to Is. XXXVI— XXXIX).— Translator.] For a criticism of the above theories see Vol. I, p. 303 foil., Vol. II, p. 6, Keilinsch. u. Gesch. p. 345 foil, as well as my remarks in Zeitsch. der deutsch. morgenland. Gesellsch. XXV (1871) pp. 449 — 454, XXVI (1872) p. 816; Leipzig. Centralblatt 1873 No. 35 col. 1089 —91, 1874 No. 47 col. 1545 foil. Theolog. Literatur-Zeitung V Jen. 1880 No. 12 p. 274 — 277; and comp. H. Gelzer in Jenaer Literatur- Zeit. II (1875) No. 3 p. 38 foil.; Ad. Kamphausen in Von Sybel's Histor. Zeitsch. 1875 p. 387 foil. * In support of this statement we would especially refer to the third non-Biblical documentary memorial, which — quite apart from the uncertain dates of Aegyptian records — comes in aid of comparative chronology in addition to the cuneiform inscriptions and the Ptolemaic canon. I refer to the stone of Mesha. Here again the Biblical synchronistic scheme is left in the lurch. The stone of Mesha in line 8 assumes that the reigns of Omri and Ahab together lasted at least 40 years, while the Bible limits them to 34 years. Probably the discrepancy is even greater. On this subject see Noldeke's article Masa in Schenkel's Bibellexicon IV. 188. EXCUR8 US ON CHRONOLOO T. 167 scriptural writings, notoriously been subjected in the course of centuries to numerous alterations *. If we cast a glance at these monuments, viz. at the 'Canon of Rulers' **, the 'List of Governors' ** and lastly the 'Babylono-Assyrian tables', and ask the question, what is their bearing on scriptural chronology, we arrive at the following fixed dates : 858. SalmanaSSar II's eponym-year ***. 854. V"' (IV'") year (Dajan-A§ur). War with Ben- hadad and Ahab. Battle at Karkar. * It is hardly necessary for me to remind the intelligent reader that also these monumental statements are not free from error and are themselves chargeable with mistakes of various kinds and there- fore they too should be employed with discrimination and judgment. Further remarks on this subject may be read in my Keilinsch. u. Gesch. pp. 42 foil., 299 — 356. [We find copyists vacillating between the forms Mu'ab and Ma'ab fer Moab, Arumu, Arimu and Aramu for Aram, Samirina and Samiurna for Samaria etc. To these may be added such lapsus calami as sarrfitija for §arrfiti§u, see Vol. I, p. 184 line 90; the number of slain at the battle of Karkar 25,000 in Salmanassar's obelisk inscription but 14,000 in the monolith inscription. A further discrepancy in number may be observed in the footnote on 2 Maccab. I. 13. But while acknowledging the possibility of error on the part of the cuneiform scribe, we must regard with considerable suspicion any attempt to amend these ancient documents contemporary with the events they describe, in order to support an hypothesis. And yet this is what we find so sober a scholar as Kamphausen doing (Chronologic der Hebraischen Konige p. 43 footnote), when he revives a theory that Wellhausen has abandoned viz. that in the description of the events of the year 854 in Salmanassar II's monolith-inscription 'Ahab' stands in line 91 by mistake for Joram. — Translator.] ** We retain these names as the most concise modes of expression though aware of their inadequacy. *** This was according to the ancient usage the second complete year of the king's reign, who thus in reality ascended the throne in the year 860 ; see Keilinsch. u. Geschichtsforschung p. 326 foil. 168 THE CUNEIFORM INSCRIPTIONS AND TEE 0. T. 464 850. IX*'^ year (HadilibuS). War with Dadidri (Ha- dadezer). 849. X'" year (Marduk - alik - pant). War with Dadidri. 846. XIIP'' year. War with Dadidri. 842. XVIP year. War with Hazael. Tribute of Jehu *son of Omri". 839. XX**' year. War with Hazael. 823. Sa.insi*Ra.inniin's eponym-year. 810. RamiDdQ-nir^ri's eponym-year. 803. VHP'' year (A§ur-ur-nist). Campaign to the sea-coast including Palestine. 781. SalmanaSSar Ill's eponym-year. 775. VIP'' year (Nirgall§§i§), Expedition to the cedar- country. 771. AsUPdan-il's eponym-year. 763. IX*'' year (Purilsagali). Eclipse of the sun on June 15. 753. Asur-nirari'S eponym-year. 745. Tiglath-Pileser II 'S year of accession and first of his reign *. * From the time of Tiglath-Pileser II (745—727) onwards, we constantly find in the eponym-list Canon I, that the year of the king's accession is also reckoned as the first year of the new series of epo- nyms. The dividing-line now invariably stands before the year of the king's accession. Canons II, III and IV vary in their mode of reckoning the first year. Sometimes they reckon it as the year of the king's accession, the first complete year of his rule, at other times the first year is the year in which the king became eponym. Before the time of Tiglath-Pileser II (as indicated in a previous footnote) the king's accession is to be placed in the second year before the king's eponymy. — Keilinschriften u. Gesch. p. 330 foil. Campaign to Damascus (Reztn). IV 'S accession, siege of Samaria (according to the Bible). EXCUB8US ON CHEONOLOOY. 169 738. VHP year (Rammanbflukin). Tribute of Mena- hem of Samaria. His contemporary, according to the Bible and the inscriptions, was Azarjah- Uzziah. 734. XII"' year (Blldanil). Expedition to Palestine (Ahaz and Pekah). 733. XIIP year 732. XIV*'' „ 727. Salmanassar IV's accession. 724. 723. 722. (Adar-malik). SargOU'S accession to the throne, 465 Conquest of Samaria. 721. P' year (Nabti-t^ris). Defeat of Merodach- Baladan. 720. IP'' year (A§ur-iska(?)-danin). Defeat of Sab'l of Aegypt. 715. VIP'' year (Takkil-ana-Bil). Tribute from Pha- raoh king of Aegypt. 711. XP'' year (Adar-S,lik-pant). Siege and capture of Ashdod. 710. XI P" year. Defeat of Merodach-Baladan. 709. XIIP'' year. Sargon king of Babylon (Babel). 705. Sanherib'S (Sennacherib's) accession (Pacharbel). 704. I'' year (Nabti-din-ibu§). Conquest of Babylon (Babel). 702. IIP" year (Nab61i'). Construction of the Bellino- cylinder. 701. IV*'' year (Chananu). Campaign against Judaea- Aegypt. 1 70 TEE CUNEIFOBM INSCRIPTIONS AND THE 0. T. 699. Vr'' year (Btl-§ar-U8ur). First year of the reign of ASurn^dinSum, installed by Sanherib as king of Babel. (Nabliahi§Sl§). Asarhaddon's accession and (?) the first year of his reign. VHP" (IX'"?) year (Atarilu). The cylinder- inscription drawn up. The year of Asurbanipal's accession. Let us compare with the above the Biblical dates. The latter, stated according to the traditional computation, will be as follows. 681. 673. 668. According to the monuments : Ahab :— 854 Battle of Karkar. Jehu : — 842 payment of tribute. 466Azariah (Uzziah) : 742 — 740. Menahem : — 738 Payment of tribute. Pekah :— 734 Defeat by Tiglath-Pileser. Hoshea :— 728 last year that Ausi' can have paid tribute to Tig- lath - Pileser. 722 Fall of Samaria. Hezekiah: — 70 1 Sanherib's (Sennacherib's) cam- paign. According to the Bible : 918 — 897 period of his reign. 884 — 856 period of his reign. 809 — 758 period of his reign. 771 — 761 period of his reign. 758 — 738 (?) period of his reign. 730—722 period of his reign. 722 Fall of Samaria. 714 Sanherib's invasion. EXCVBS US ON CHRONOLOO Y. 171 According to the monuments : According to the Bible : ManaSSeh: 681 — 673; 668 696—642 period of his (667?); about 647 , reign**, revolt of Samrau- ghes *. I We see from the above comparison that the discrepancy in point of time between the Bible and the monuments is not throughout the same in extent during the different periods, but that it is sometimes more and sometimes less, while at the date of the capture of Samaria it seems to disappear entirely. Then, again, for the subsequent period we observe a discrepancy amounting to 13 years, while in the reign of Manasseh both systems of chronology satis- factorily harmonize. From the character of the discrepancies exhibited in the 467 preceding pages we can clearly perceive that they do not depend on any individual and special error in computation. * In the interval between the accession of Asarhaddon (681) and the composition of the cylinder-inscription (673 B. C), Manasseh must have paid tribute to the above-mentioned Assyrian ruler. The pay- ment of tribute to Asurbanipal took place during his first campaign (Rassam's cylind. I 52, 69 foil.) and cannot therefore be placed later than the year 667 B. C. Respecting the year 647 see above Vol. II, p. 54 foil. ** Attempts to reconcile the two systems of chronology may be found in Max Duncker's History of Antiquity 5*'' Germ. ed. (1878') p. 270 foil.; Fritz Hommel, Abriss der babylonisch-assyrischen u. is- raelitischen Geschichte , Leipzig 1880; V. Floigl, Gesch. des semit. Alterthums, mit 6 Tabeilen, Leipzig 1882. Comp. also the essays cited above pp. 164 — 166 footnotes. [To these may be added J. E. Konig, 'Beitrage zur Biblischen Cbronologie' in Zeitsch. fiir kirchliche Wissen- schaft 1883 Nos. VI, VIII, IX and XII; and also Kamphausen's Die Cbronologie der hebraischen Konige, Bonn 1883. See also the Notes and Addenda at the end of this volume — Translator.] 172 TEE CUNEIFORM INSCRIPTIONS AND THE 0. T. SO that by removing this error we should obtain the desired harmony between the two systems *. * As foi- example by assuming a break of 46 or 47 years in the lists of eponyms. [This was Prof. Oppert's theory — the gap of 47 years occurring between the eponymate of Nirgal-n^sir (B. C. 746 according to Eawlinson's, which is now the accepted, chronology) and the follow- ing eponymate (which is also marked as the year of Tiglath-Pileser's accession). The latter was placed by Oppert in the year 744 ; the former in the year 792 B. C. Prof. Oppert's scheme was based upon two leading considerations. (1) The eclipse of the sun referred-to in the notice attached to the eponymate of Purilsagali Oppert identified with that of June 13. 809 B. C. (2) The reign of 'Pul', the problem- atical king of Assyria, was introduced by the French Assyriologist into this 47 years' gap in the Assyrian canon. Grave objections to Oppert's theory were clearly stated in Geo. Smith's Assyrian Eponym Canon p. 75 and objections still more serious — indeed fatal— were advanced in Schrader's Keilinschriften u. Geschichtsforschung pp. 340, 346 foil. In fact Prof. Oppert's hypothesis involves fresh difficulties. As that hypothesis is adapted to meet the supposition that Pul and Tiglath-Pileser, mentioned in 2 Kings XV, were distinct personages, and since mention is made, in the inscriptions of Tiglath-Pileser (744 — 726 according to Oppert's own chronology), of Menahem of Samaria and Azariah of Judah , it became necessary to assume that there were two Menahems and two Azariahs, one in each pair of namesakes belonging to the time of Pul and the other to that of Tiglath-Pileser. The final coup de grace to this entire structure may be said to have been given in May 1884, when Mr. Pinches published the newly discovered list of Babylonian kings, in which is found the name Pulu for the years 728 — 7, while in the recently discovered Babylonian chronicle there is recorded the name of Tuklat-abal- i§arra (Tiglath-Pileser) as Babylonian ruler for precisely the same period (see Vol. I, p. XXXII). In this way the hypothesis that Pul = Tiglath-Pileser II, first advanced by Sir H. Rawlinson and subse- quently by Lepsius, and supported by Schrader in an overwhelming array of arguments (Keilinsch. u. Geschichtsforschung pp. 441 foil. ; comp. Vol. I, pp. 219 — 231), becomes an ascertained fact, and thereby an indirect confirmation is obtained for the identification of the eponymate of Purilsagali with the year 763 B. C. and for the continuity of the eponym lists preceding and succeeding that date — Translator.! EXCVRSU8 ON CHRONOLOGY. 173 On the contrary, we must acknowledge the artificial character of the Biblical chronological data both for the time succeeding as well as for the time preceding the year 722, On the other hand, the historical record of the Bible, apart from these chronological details, is on the whole sustai- ned. We have had to note few inaccuracies, comparatively speaking, and, at all events, the contemporaneous relation of persons and events, required by the circumstances in- volved, has been, as a rule, fully demonstrated. See the notes on 1 Kings XVI. 29 (Vol. I, pp. 183—190); 2 Kings IX. 2 (Vol. I, pp. 199 foil.); 2 Kings XV. 1 (p. 213 foil.); XV. 30. 37 (p. 251 foil.); XVI. 8. 9 (p. 255 foil.); XVII. 1. 3 foil. (p. 255 foil.); XVIII. 1 foil. (p. 277 foil.); XIX. 3. 7 (Vol. II, p. 17 foil.); XX. 12 (Vol. II, p. 23 foil.) etc. etc. Though the chronological system of the Books of Kings, as compared with that of the monuments, is shown to be untenable, yet in other respects the Bible receives from the latter, even in the matter of chronology, satisfactory corro- boration. We have thus far endeavoured to exhibit clearly the relation of the two systems of chronology, with which we are at present concerned. It remains for us to show how that system, which we hold to form the basis for compu- tation , is to be absolutely fixed and receive throughout its requisite chronological adjustment; and what fixed data are available for this object. For the Hebrew chronology, we have this fixed datum, as all are aware, in the death of Herod in the year 4 before the era of Dionysius ; and also 468 in the Dedication of the Temple on the 25^'' Kislev in the year 148 of the Seleucid era i. e. December 164 B. C. In both cases we take into consideration the dates of the 174 THE CVNEIFOBM INSCRIPTIONS AND THE 0. T. Ptolemaic canon with regard to the length of reign of the Babylonian kings from Nebucadnezzar to Nabunit, as well as of the Persian kings up to Alexander the Great. For Assyrian chronology the fixed point of departure is the eclipse of June 15. 763 B. C, which is marked in the accompanying List of Governors as occurring in the archonship of Purilsagali *. In consequence of this chrono- logical determination, with which the data of the Ptolemaic canon tally throughout , the first year of Sargon's rule as king of Babylon falls in 709 B. C. (see the accompanying Canons III and IV), while the year of Tiglath-Pileser II 's accession (i. e. the scriptural Tiglath-Pileser) ia 745 B. C, that of his successor Salmanassar 72 7, that of Sargon 722, that of Sanherib (Sennacherib) 705 , that of Asarhaddon 681 and that of Asurbanipal 668. Now, we may at the present time regard it as certain that the last mentioned monarch is identical with the Sardanapallus of Berossus, on the one hand, and with the Kineladan of the Ptolemaic canon, on the other; we refer the reader to the remarks made above, Vol. II, p. 56 footnote. Moreover the reign of Kineladan, like that of Sardanapallus, terminated in the year 626. Consequently the year 626 B. C. was the date of his immediate successor's accession to the throne. This successor may have been X-§um-i§kun or A§ur-itil-ili- [* The astronomical data for the solar eclipse of June 15. 763 B. C, which was nearly a total one for Niniveh and its neighbourhood, may be seen in Geo. Smith's Assyrian Eponym Canon p. 83 (according to the calculations of Mr. Hind and the Astronomer Royal, Mr. Airy) ; compare Schrader's Keilinschriften u. Geschichtsforschung p. 338 foil, where substantially the same results are given as calculated by Mr. P. Lehmann. Some explanatory remarks on the termini technici occurring in the text may be read by the student in the Introductory Preface to Vol. I, p. XXVI foil.— Translator.] EXCUBSUS ON CHRONOLOGY. lib ukiuni; and the Saracus mentioned by Abydenus may be identical with the second of these two names or with a still unknown third personage (A§ur-ah-iddin II?) whose history we are not yet in a position to know. Compare the Reports in the Konigl. Sachsische Gesellschaft der Wissenschaften 1880 Philol. hist. CI. p. 28 foil. Respec- ting the date of the conquest of Samaria according to the Assyrian account (viz. 722 B. C.) , see above Vol. I, p. 264, Vol. II, p. 163. CHRONOLOGICAL ADDENDA. 12 178 THE CUNEIFORM INSCRIPTIONS AND THE 0. T. 470 ai 00 P^ . W CO i-q J \=> << P^ ' CU Ph P o !z; r-l o ^ iz; &H < c3 o p:? 525 <1 h- 1 h- 1 1-^ l-H p^ |x 35 CQ ^ OO . <1 H 'Ph W EH ^ c3 « >—t 00 '3 "3 "a 3 3 ^ a ^d _d o rO 03 d a ^3 4^ <3 M CC -fl a; -'/2 >a2 M s d o as 00 c~ iC TjH CO CO CD >o lO >n lO lO in >o lO »n lO •* -* Tt< ■* CQ CO 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 ^^~ ,_^ m s S ^ 3 S3 3 03 f _tH 1 l-H ^3 as S '3 03 '3 03 '-3 3 a eS T3 to cS ^ «tj H- H < -H ^ < < < •02 Q s pl 00 00 00 00 00 00 m TEE ASSYRIAN CANON OF RULERS. 179 < H- :2 03 ;:3 .i ^ Oh cS ■< ^ a • i-i t3 crt crt f* t3 3 «1 -13 W -i Cl< •cc S W- ■"^•^•^TjtTf-^cocococococcicociS QOoooococoaocoooooooc»ooaooo -^0 05 CO CO J — O 0» CO l> t^ t- C~ t^ O CD CO CO 00 CO 00 CO OO "? "is "^ !i "ss .2 s S a .-s- a -i '^ >m < < < 'z, CD >C •* CO (M to CO CO O CO CO CO OO OO CO ;: a c« be 12* 180 THE CVNEIFORM INSCRIPTIONS AND THE 0. T. 472 3 ;-i $H 03 • f-t »9Q _^ a _ 'fl a — fcl 3" n3 H f 1 3 '3 d wn '{««■'-' cc P a ' >oa a ^ — '^ <^ <^ T3 c« ^ c6 gS ^ o3 ^3 o3 '3 CS ^ ?-. =8 S3 ^ O M 02- m M :§ Ih; a2 3 • j3 •7 . 3 (i, . ^ eS a •i . a . . g, • "cS a • • ■ • .^ • ; ; ^ 3 .02 s ■ ■ ■ ■ ;z; .02 .... CL, d IM ^^ o (35 00 t> CD lO •* ns (M ^ 05 00 c^ CO 05 05 05 CO 00 CO 00 00 00 00 00 CO 00 c^ t- c^ t:~ t>- m t> t- l> I> c- t> t' C- I> t> t> t> t^ !>• t> c^ r» S i-i 's^ Cj !h >0Q (S ^ >to ^.^ 3 ^ c^ u eS ^a 3 a a a 1-5 '2 ? gj g ^• ^ r-' 3 iT a '-I cs ;-< Ji — cs <-i 3 -5 cQ -< .02 ;z: <:5 .02 M i^ Z .02 M d 00 t^ CD »n >* CO (M — ' 05 00 t^ CO »0 ■^ CO IM -H (M (M .>! (M (M C tS d >IO ^^..^ c3 d a a d '? O^ Oj hH Js >o3 "cS 08 eS b ^ — ' d . <1 "TS 'd t>0 rt ^ a CS ;-i 13 d CO- d _d d _d :^ 13 s r-[il(?)Sa- b-Bi'l ar-ukin-al d OS ill 3 ^ _d -3 eg d d a S 3 3 'kKi a eg a "3 i< 15 d ^ 3 13 13 d % iH c8 cS ;^ Xi 3 'd " d »i s ^ ^ .!» M -55 W ■s < cc eti H- t^ t> I> CO O CD CO CD CO CO CD CD CD lO >o »o M i> c^ » C^ t> t> t> t~ I> C^ c^ C^ I> t> l> t> c^ t> (>* CV. d hH 2- -H * ^ es d OS O d ^ d >c/3 d ^ d _ ■2 • .12 d "3 a n3 5 d «0 d.r d c3 'd u S !»• -< s ^ <^ < z o- < ^ d ^ d xn <>- 'ki "? c3 d s i 13 a d f d 13 -S <9 fl •;? c8 ^ c8 d SPSS CJ O Oi 00 t~ o lO -# CO (M O 05 00 c^ CD >c •* CO — • O o O o o o o O o ^ Oi Oi 05 as 3> 05 05 m QO CO 00 00 00 CO 00 CO 00 00 X l> t^ l> t^ tr- c- t>- 473 3 .S a .a I §• _ ^ to a 08 2 J, C8 «=H S s I ^ o ^ -d P «: 2 ^ 2 « -a _ bo < a &D r— d ® fe- Oj >> a rd -: £; a -2 a ^ .2 OS 00 a Ts « c- r= e8 OO -r; ° rS 00 O ^ 2 ti. S '^ ^ ^ a 22- J d § 182 THE VVNEIFORM INSCRIPTIONS AND THE 0. T. 474 .2"C T3 N . e ^ ."ti o e4 j: ■" . O a9 c^ o. p u d «S a «o 'S '3 _S '3 a cS a a p 3 KB Ji "eS «o a 3 3 < '3 3 J (to d 1^. a S ^ 03 7^ 03 ;h 3 d "ei ^ 3 3 a <|- 3 _3 OS . o u ^ a .tS 3 «6 "7 3 ^ 3 '3 3 < a 03 >a2 S cS oj -a a a a 13 d bD 2 <3 2: U 3 CO. 3 3 e«- ef .-^ ^ 2 3 "3 2 • IM '-' P u 3 S- xa ^ § "a d cS r"* e« "^ Ol. ^ .9 & ? 3 d a 3 1 s OS 3 3 a "3 MB 3 "3 bO 3 3 '3 Oj 3 ■r =3 <3 W" 3 r^ ■ d a c3 5 .— E a C3 _d <<-< 3 3 -^ _s S w- <1 < >aj S M .!» M cc S iz; P3 H iz; M ;z: !» d CD lO ■* CO iM ^_, o Oi 00 t^ «o lO Tji C(2 (M — o t- >c >n »o lO >n in in '^ -* ■* ■* •* ■* •^ -^ ■^ ■* CO t^ t* !>• t- t- t- t> l> t- t» t> c^ i> C' I> t- t- t- PQ THE ASSYRIAN CANON OF RULEES. 183 Q a, S o o XI .a- _ = o he = ;iw _2 » a 0) -^•£=5 S5 475 CO as ' ♦J r a a , ', rt ?-< ^3 oq 'U ^ .5 ^ • 3 13 "3 a a -> 3 a ffi- 13 3 -a- "cS i-i 03 3 d 3 J4 Is a 03 <.-4 xo *^ xo a2 n3 M CQ < <) 05 <5 ;< ^; P9 ^ Q 03 ^ S < O 00 t- (O iC -* CO (M _ o 03 CO CD lO -* CO (M CO CO CO CO CO CO CO CO CO l>l IM (N ) (M (M iM t> t^ t> c^ t> t- i> i> t> l>- O I> t^ t- C^ t^ I> 184 THE CUNEIFORM INSCRIPTIONS AND THE 0. T. 476 t. sc .^ ■a ii <= "O „ _^ o c c a ID * a a 0.33 "S 3 O. 61) i 09 >, o i: J3 "=S io 1 < n be ;• o 2 E 5 13 'a o • <" CO 5 IS C 5 O 3 3 O 2 s c4 (4-1 o tllj _c !3 •T3 O J3 ■a -5 o — "3 XI 03 fq o ai c j=o C/3 J3 ii o o o 1 >"0 J5 "3 CQ o -5 09 O O o e8 ffli o p. 01 3 P. ii 1 o Q ^ 05 -„ p-4 "3 ;!< *4 > d O a bl 3 «n <5 2 >05 CQ d IS <3 '3 (53 a 3 3 Oh c3 u 3 as. 3 3 KB < 3 sa 3 C8 ill -Q -C id -H 3 ^ a s a a ai c^ na a S3 H- H- H >co o >a2 < >so ^ •^ d "rt 1—1 . a 3 > ai ej OT O l-H 3 h ^u 3 3 2- C4 < e8 Oi *PH a -a J4 3 ,fl r^ a f-i^ •tiH '— < e« a ^ TS CQ a f 3 3 a:. 3 3 3 ^ p-5 d to. «5 3 '3 3 03 g <3 '3 03 a cS «3 3 a 3 tc a ■D 06 ^ <3 >!/2 H- H- h-H a2 -31 >C0 ^ c5 _^ o Oi 00 t- to •n ■* CO (N ^ o o> 00 (N N o o CQ t> t^ t^ c- t> t^ i> c» t> t- t> t- c» c- TEE ASSYRIAN CANON OF RULERS. 185 477 * -a >a2 S ^^ _ IB U o. £ j3 •- I « : ■S ■§ "5 -o = °* S a2 ^ tJ . ;z: 3 ja ~ 3 •^ , 3 c^ ?i-l ^ 33 Jil i 3 < a! c8 3 S ^ 3 ,:Q h; 3 , CS 5 -3- S- ^ • S 3 "? 3 >A -^ 3 a, 2 «^ CIS i, "" D3 a 43 t- ■rt >fi H t- b- i> C^ t^ l:~ CD «3 CO 3 a M Q & ,3- bn ,3- a CS TS P- > 3 t3 t^ o > 1^ (S > •^ Dh 43 e« oo *^ ,a M fl o in 6 a n1 ,a iz: o CQ (TJ (O a N M a! H SP 9 "3 '<« rS -T' 3 t^ ^ 186 THE CVNEIFOEM INSCRIPTIONS AND TEE 0. T. 478 S ? "•2 S ?l :z z o o a Z N S .i T3 >. DQ aj wi: cq -^ Hi * t< ^ CO _fl c "^ M g jj o a a o flO' -. a ^ 00 Q « ^ © a *« "S-S . ^ ,-1 d to i-H i^ <3 ■" a W 9 o" f t—i a a '^ -^ O "2 S s 3 a ..a> § o cs ja i o ja Ch -" Ji t3 c-i >a) 479 rJ= PQ ^ a Q Q 'Z < o 5^ . t>D &i 3 P^ fl « £ H S « & 1— I ,■« r5 CO ? c 3 ja v^ hi b ■iS ^ -3 Cb A o) 3 5p^ ^ a ;5 .-. > 3 g 03 c 03 c S3 3 be a 03 h 03 s 03 03 3 a 3 3 01 '3 13 3 a cS a OS 03 _a c3 03 '3 u Ch i5 < 09 <1 ''J2 -< •Z, h- >CC s O o 05 CO t^ CO ■o •* CO r- t- t> t^ CO CD CO CO ^ 188 THE CUNEIFORM INSCRIPTIONS AND TEE 0. T. 480 II. THE EPONYM-LISTS WITH ADDENDA (LISTS OF GOVERNORS). A. II RawL pi. 52. Del. ALSl 92—94. Text. 1. Obverse. 817. 816. 815. 814. 813. 812. 811. Asur-bS,ni-ai-usur] A-na mSt Til(?)-li-[i]. Sar-pati-bi'l sa ir Naj-si-bi-na. A-na m^t Za-ra-a-ti. Bi'1-ba-lat sa] . . . . nu . A-na ir Di-ri. Ilu rabii a-na ir Di-ri it-ta-lak. Mu-§ik-ni§ ga mat] Kir-ru-ri. A-na m&t Ib(Ah, Uh?)-sa-ua. Nirgal ia mat] Sal-lat (?). A-na m^t Kal-di. Samas-ku-mu-u-a §a m&t] Arba-ha. A-na B&bilu. Bil-kat-sa-bat sa ir] Ma-za-mu-a. I-na mS,t. 810. 809. 808. 807. 806. 805. 804. 803. 802. 801. 800. 799. Eamman-nirSri, sar mat] A§§ur. A-na vaki A. A. '). Nirgal-raalik avil tur]-ta-nu. A-na ir Gu-za-na. Bi'l-dan-ilu av (?)] hikal. A-na mS,t Man-na-ai. Sil-Bi'l av. rab]-bi-lub *). A-na m&t Man-na-ai. Asur-tak-kil av.] tukultu. A-na m&t Ar-pad-da. Ilu . . . avil ga] mat. A-na ir Ha-za-zi. Nirgal-issis §a mftt Ra[-sap-pa. A-na ir Ba-'-li. Asur-ur-nisi sa mat Ar]ba-ha. A-na ki§ad tiamtiv. Mu-ta-nu. Adar-malik sa ir A-[bi nar Zu-hi-na. A-na ir Hu-bu-us-ki-a. Ni'r-§ar sa ir Na]-sib-i-na. A-na mSt A. A. Ilu . . . . §a ir] A-mi-di. A-na m§,t A. A. Mutakkil-. . . ] avil rab-sak-i (PL). Ana mS,t Lu-u-§i-a. *) A country which has not yet been definitely ascertained, but undoubtedly lying East of Assyria; see "Insc. of Tigl.-Pileser II" p. 26 note 1. — *) We retain the transcription hitherto adopted since we are not in a position to give a better. The meaning also remains a matter of uncertainty. THE LISTS WITH ADDENDA. 189 481 II. THE EPONYM- LISTS WITH ADDENDA (LISTS OF GOVERNORS). A. II Rawl. pi. 52. Translation. 1. Obverse. 817. Asurbaniaiusur To the land Til[i] 816. Sarpattbel of Nisibis. To the land Zarati. 815. Belbalat nu. To the city Diri. The great god entered into the town Diri. 814. Musiknis of Kirruri. To the land Ichsana (Achsana etc.) 813. Nergal [of\ Sallat C?J. To the land of the Chaldees. 812. SamasJcumiia of Arhacha. To Babylon. 811. Bilkatsabat of Mazamua. In the land. 810. Bammdnnirdr, king of Assyria. To the land A. A. 809. Nergalmalik, Tartan. To the city Gozan. 808. Beldanil, captain of the palace-guard *). To the land Man. 807. Zilbel, Babbilub (?J. To the land Man. 806. Asurtakkil, Minister. To the land Arpad. 805. II ... . captain of the land. To the city Chazazi. 804. Nirgalessis (?) of the land Bezeph. To the city Ba'li. 803. Asururnisi of Arbacha. To the sea-coast. Pestilence. 802. Adarmalik of the city on the river Zuchina. To the toion Chubuskia. 801. Nersar of Nisibis. To the land A. A. 800. Mardukbelusur of Amid. To the land A. A. 799. Mutakkil- . . ., chief of the captains. To the land Lusia. ') In the lithographed text (II Rawl. 52) Obverse and Reverse are interchanged. On this see Theol. Studien u. Kritiken 1871, p. 681 footnote. — *) According to Oppert, L'Etalon p. 8 foil, the phrase properly means "man of the Sar (= 3600) of the palace". 190 THE CUNEIFORM INSCRIPTIONS AND THE 0. T. 482 798. [Bri-tar[(si nalbar?)] sa ir] Kal-hi. A-na mSt Nam-ri. 797. [Asur-bi'l-[(usur)] sa mS,t] Kir-ru-ri. A-ua ir Man-su-a-ti. 796. [Marduk-sadua . . .] Sal-lat (?). A-na ir Di-i-ri. 795. [Ukin-abua sa m&t] Tus-ha-an. A-na ir Di-i-ri. 794. [Mannu-ki-m&t (?) A§sur sa ir] Gu-za-na. A-na mat A. A. 793. [Musallim-Adar] sa Til-li-i. A-na m^t A. A. 792. [Bi'l-basa(gar)ni sa] ir Mi-hi-nis. A-na mat Hu-bu-us-ki-a. 791. [Ni'r-Samas sa mat] I-sa-na. A-na mat I-tu-'-a. 790. [Adar-ukin-ah] sa ir Ni-nu-a. A-na m4t A. A. 789. [RammSn-musammir sa ir] Kak(?)-zi. A-na m4t A. A. 788. [Sil-Istar sa (. . . .)]-ki. Kar-ru. 787. [Balatu §a Sibaniba] '). A-na mat A. A. Nabu ana bit NI' i-ta-rab. 786. [Rammin-uballit §a ir Ri]-mu-si (?). Ana m4t-Ki . . ki *). 785. [Marduk-sar-usur ....]. Ana m^t Hu-bu-ui-ki-a. Ilu rabQ a-na ir Di-ri [it-ta]-lak. 784. [Nabii-sar-usur [Mab {?)-ba-] an. A-na mM Hu-bu-us-ki-a. 783. [Adar-n%ir sa ir] Ma-za-mu-a. Ana mat I-tu-'. 782. [Nalbar(?)-li' sa ir Nasib-]i-na ^). A-na xaki I-tu'. 781. [Sulmanu-asaridu sar mat] Assur. A-na mat Ur-ar-ti. 780. [Samsi-ilujjtur-ta-nu. A-na mat Ur-ar-ti. 779. [Marduk-lidani] rab-bi-lub. Ana mat Ur-ar-ti. 778. [Bi'l-[mustisir] rab (?) ikal. Ana m^t Ur-ar-ti. 777. [Nabfi-pur-ukin] tukulti. A-na mat I-tu-'. 776. [Pan-Asur-la-habal] §a mat. Ana mat Ur-ar-ti. 775. [Nirgal-issi§] sa mat Ra-sap-pa. Ana mat i-ri-ni. 774. [Istar-dur] §a ir Na-si-bi-na. Ana mat Ur-ar-ti, mat Nam-ri. 773. [Mannu-ki-Ramman sa ir] Sal-lat (?). Ana ir Di-mas-ka. 772. [Asur-bi'1-usur sa] ir Kal-bi. A-na mat Ha-ta-ri-ka *). 771. [Asur-dau-ilu (dan?) Sar mat] Assur. Ana ir Ga-na-na-a-ti. 770. [Samsi-ilu tur]-ta-nu. A-na ir Ma-ra-ad (?) ^). *) Tbese words are supplied by Smith. — Whence ? — *) Smith sup- plies Kiski (?). — ^) The names of eponyms for the years 782 — 759 are still preserved on a special fragment of the list of governors. See Delitzsch Assyr. Lesestiicke 2»d ed. — *) Here we have the dividing line ace. to the photograph lying before me, confirmed by G. Smith and Fried. Delitzsch (against II Rawl.) ; Keilin.sch. u. Gesch. p. 309 footnote 1. — *) So Delitzsch. Comp. Parad. p. 220. THE LISTS WITH ADDENDA. 191 798. Beltarsinalbar 0) of Kalah. To the land Namri 483 797. Asubilusur of Kirruri. To Mansuati. 796. Marduksadua of Sallat (?). To the city Di'ri. 795. Vkinabua of Tuschan. To the city Di'ri. 794. Mannuki-Assur of Gozan. To the land A. A. 793. Musallim-Adar of Tilli. To the land A. A. 792. Belbasani C?) of Michinis. To the land Chubuskia. 791. Ner-Samas of Isana. To the land Ttuha. 790. Adarukinach of Niniveh. To the land A. A. 789. Rammdnmusammir of Kakffjzi. To the land A. A. 788. Zil-Istar of . . . ki . . . . 787. Balai of Sibanibi. To the land A. A. Nebo entered the new f?) temple. 786. Rammdnuballit of Bimusi. To the land Ki . . . hi. 785. Marduksarusur. To the land Chubuskia. The great god made his entrance into Di'ri. 784. Nebosarusur Into the land Chubuskia. 783. Adarnasir of Mazamua. To the land Ituh. 782. Nalbarlih of Nisibis. To the land Ituh. 781. Sahnanassar, king of Assyria. To Armenia. 780. Samsiil, Tartan. To Armenia. 779. Marduklidanni, Rabbilub. To Armenia. 778. Belviustesir, commander of the palace. To Armenia. 777. Nebopurukin, Minister. To the land Ituh. 776. Fanasurlachabal, commander of the country. To Armenia. lib. Nergalesses of Rezeph. To the cedar-country. 774. Istarduri of Nisibis. To Armenia, the land Namri. 773. Mannuki-Rammdn of Sallat f^J. To the city Damaskus. 772. Asurbelusur of Chalali. To the land Hadrach. 771. AsurdanilffJ, king of Assyria. To the city Oananat. 770. Samsiil, Tartan. To the city Mar ad '). ') See footnote 5 on p. 190. 192 THE CUNEIFORM INSCRIPTIONS AND TEE 0. T. 484 2. Reverse. 769. [Bi'l-malik §a mS,t] Arba-ha. A-na m^t I-tu-' *). 768. [Abalja §a ir Ma]-za-mu-a. In-a mat. 767. [Kurdi-Asur sa ir a]hi nar Zu-hi-na. A-na mSt Gan-na-na(a)-ti. 766. [Musallim-Adar sa ir] Til-i. A-na mat A. A. 765. [Adar-(ukin)-nisi sa] mat Kir-ru-ri. A-na mfit Ha-ta-ri-ka. Mu- ta-nu. 764. [Si(dki)-ilu ga] m^t Tus-ha-an. I-na m^t. *) 763. [Pur-(il-sa-gal-i sa ir Gu-za-na. Si-hu ina irLib-zu^). I-na arah Sivanu §am§u atala istak-an. 762. [Tab-Bi'l §a ir A-mi-di. Si-hu ina ir Lib-zu^). 761. [Adar-[ukin-ah §aj ir Ni-nu-a. Si-hu ina ir Arba-ha. 760. [Lakibu sa] ir Kak(?)-zi. Si-hu ina ir Arba-ha. 759. [Pan-A§ur-la-habal sa] ir Arba-ilu. Si-hu ina ir Gu-za-na. Mu-ta-nu. 758. [Bi'1-takkil sa] ir I-sa-na. Ana ir Gu-za-na. Sul-mu ina mat. 757. [Adar-iddin sa] ir Nati?)-ban. Ina mS,t. 756. [Bi'l-sadfla §a] ir (Par(?)-nun-na. Ina mSt. 755. [Kisu sa ir] Mi-hi-ni-is. Ana mat (Var. ir) Ha-ta-ri-ka. 754. [Adar-§izibani sa ir] Ri-mu-si. A-na mSt (Var. ir) Ar-pad-da. Istu ir Asur ta-ai-ar-tav*). 753. [Asur-nirari sar mat] Assur. I-na mat. 752. [Samsi-ilu, tur-]ta-nu. I-na mat. 751. [Marduk-^llimani avil ni'r] ikal. I-na m^t. 750. [Bi'1-dan-ilu (?), rab] hi lub (?). I-na mat. 749. [Samas-ittalak sun ('?)], tukultu. A-na mat Nam-ri. 748. [RammS,n-bi'l-ukin] sa mSt. A-na m&t Nam-ri. *) In lines 1 — 9 the corresponding names of the list have been subsequently discovered on this very list in a fragment belonging to the tablet, as I have personally ascertained on my first visit to London (1875). Compare also Delitzsch's Assyr. Lesestiicke 2" as their second or third radical are distinguished from one another as much as possible. The list likewise contains all the proper names occurring in the extracts quoted from the inscriptions, with the exception of the names belonging to the Eponym-lists. [Fried. Delitzsch and Paul Haupt indicate the origin of {< in their Assyrian glossaries by distinguishing an {.{i (= Heb. {<), { written A-bu (bi) 380. Ideogr. 335 (III Rawl. 2 No. 24); 488, C. 11. |NDN uban see px- 2DN abubu Subst. ^ood 79; til a-bu-bi ivater-billow 234, 25; 262, 15. — a-bu-bis kdi\. just as a water-billow 247, 2; 450, 74. w i: 3UN ibbu pure, comp. 2X) Arab. O) , Syr. ^s] , ^asoi. Plur. msc. ib-bu-ti 19, 31. n3N comp. "13^, •^'^ 1 iAaC (also in Assyr.). — Ab-du-uh-mu-nu Babyl. -Phoenic. proper name liJrnDI/ ^^0. — Ab-d i-li-'-ti Phoenician proper name 104 ad fin; 288, 49. — Ab-du-mi-lik Babyl. -Phoenician proper name T^OI^i; 430. — Ab-di-nii-il(mil)-ku-ut-ti Phoenician proper name Abdmeleketh nD^dDi^ 104. -I3X u-ab-bid, see pDN- TDK (avil) U-bu-du name of a town 346, 15. m2N (avil) I-ba-di-di Arab, name of a tribe 277. l^T^ji} (mat) Ab-da-da-na name of a country 213, 8. SdN libil etc. see SdV SdN 'iblu Subst. son; St. cstr. abal, abbreviated into bal, Akkad. ibila, as proper name ^^p] perhaps also passed into Heb. Ideogr. 44; 45; 91, 55 foil. Phon. ab-lav 413; a-bi-il (with Sufif.) 413, 33. — Plur. Ideogr. 153, 63; 289, 60, col. III. 4; 302, 26. — Abal-usur Assyr. proper name 329. SdN ahull u Subst. city-gate, Talm. nSiZIX 232, 10; Ideogr. 234, 23; 261, 7; 290, 22. '?D(n) [A-]bi-il name of a town (?) = [A]bel-[beth-Maacha]? 255, 17. ^DN (avil) U-bu-luv 346, 15. pN abnu Subst. stone px; Ideogr. (Sg. and Plur.) 345, 9 etc. p3N (pD3> pDn"*) at-ta-bak 1. Ps. Impf. Ift. 1 poured out 48, foot- note ff . "IDN comp. Hebr. "^3^. — i-bir 1. Ps. Impf. Kal 1 passed over 82, 105; 156; 193, 82; 202; 203; 207, 97. 102; — 3 Ps. Sg. he crossed over 152. — i-pa-ru-n um-m a 3. Ps. Plur. with parag. ma 345, 11. — i-ti-bir 1. Ps. Ifte. / crossed over 193, 78. — i-bir-ta-an Subst. Stat. constr. crossing 184, 66. 202 THE CUNEIFORM INSCRIPTIONS AND THE 0. T. 524 ni^N a-ba-rak-ku Subst.? — 152. ^1"13X ab-ra-ru-u — ? — 195, 100. Perhaps field; comp. the ad- joining word rap-§u. K^DN (tyON'')- ~~ ibus, also ibus, 3. Ps. Sg. Kal he made, erected, built, written i-bu-su 248 = II Rawl. 67, 4. Ideogr. with phon. com- plement = ibu-us 97; 213, 18. — i-bu-su the same 124, 28. — ib-§u-u 3. Ps. PI. (for i-bu-§u-u) 290, 7; 302, 26. — ibus 1. Ps. Sg. Kal / made. Ideogr. with phon. complem. = ibu-us 194, 87; 232, 7; 278. — i-pi-is the same 333, 20; 488 C, 14. — u-si-bi§ 1. Ps. Sg. Impft. Shaf. / caused to be prepared, built 374, 29. — i-bi§ Part. Stat, constr. making, doing [194, 95]; 289, col. III. 4; 291, 41; 302, 26. — ibiSu Inf., written i-bi§ (Stat, constr.) 154; 201; 291, 41; 333, 10. 13; 352, 36; 364, 14; 396, 1 etc. — i-bi-iu Infiu. 124, col. II. 5. 14. — i-ib- §i-tu Subst. doing, deed 413, 31; with Suff. 416. {j;3{< (= Arab. ^-^.jt?). — ab-§a-a-ni, ab-sa-ni Subst. subjection, obedience 189; 287; 289, 64; 398 (151. 1). According to Stan. Guyard presents, tribute (?). nSN u-ab-bit (so transcribe!) 1. Ps. Sg. Impft. Pa. / cast to the ground 232, 9; 234, 25. The root is ultimately identical with Hebr. 13X- See on this Lotz "The insc. of Tigl.-Pil. I" 169. — in-na-bit, in-nab-tav {he took himself of, disappeared) 3. Ps. Impft. Nif (Hpt.) 255, 20; 288, 37; 301, 19; 345, 7; 353, 37; 397, 2; 398 (Botta 150,7). HDN comp. Hebr. ^2V- — ab-ta-a-ti Subst. Plur. firmly bound masonry 124, 10 foil. J3{< comp. Hebr. JJ^, niH- — ug-g a-tu Subst. displeasure {anger as well as trouble) 373, (footn. ** 33). Comp. also Haupt Akk. u. Sum. Keilsch. 177, as well as V R. 1, 64: lib-bi i-gug. an (ilu) I-gi-gi A name of divine beings, apparently. These in other cases are called V. II 213, 1; Phon. 285, 2. A word of unknown origin. DiN a-gam-mi Subst. Plur. marshes. Comp. QJN, i^^J 345, 7. 11; 351, 59. inWN (ii") m^t) A-ga-ma-ta-nu, also A-gam-ta-nu Ekbatana Ar&m. XnpnN) Old Persic HangmatS,na, New Persic .^I^A*^ -ffamod^ 378. UN (aban) ug-na Subst. a species of stone 455. yX (nS,r) Ug-ni-i (Uk-ni-i) name of a river 232, 6. ON igisu gift (is Hebr. □''DD3 treasures connected?); i-gi-si Subst. Plur. 82, 106. liX agurru Subst. burnt tile, Arab. r>^> y>-' 121; written a-gu- ur-ri 124, col. II. 3. GLOSSARY. 203 ^N (from ink) comp. Hebr. inN; Aram. "inCN) — i-'i^ o"« (Ace.) 525 323 (line 9, fr. below). — i-dis Adv. alone 345, 7; 450, 72. — idinu alone Adj. i-di-nu-u§-su he alone 191; 261, 6; 397, footnote * especi- ally ad fin. ■^f} hand, see "|>. bND"lN (avil) [I]-di-bi-'-i-lu, I-di-bi-['-]i-lu name of a tribe ^ciSeeZ = Hebr. ^{OIN ^48. — Gentile adj. I-di-ba-'-il-[ai] 148. j-]';)^^}^ (n&r) I-di-ig-lat (I-d i-ik-lat) name of the river Tigris = Hebr. '?pin, Sam. ST'TH) Aram. ^Ixej , Ar. iiJL>0 ; abbreviated into Di-ig(ik)-lat 32. Ideogr. 184, 67; 193, 78; 232, 5. ^^X adi Prep, till, comp. Hebr. -^j;, i^^. The root is perhaps ultimately Hebr. Aram. ^-\^, \j^c, \J^(D', Written a-di 2, 1 1 ; 22, footn. 83, 15; 184, 67. 69; 194, 97; 201 (line 5 from below); 203. Ideogr. 91, 60. — a-di ili Prep, till 213, 10. 13. i-»t( (= Hebr. *^"i, Arab. J^Cj ?) — n-ad-di 3. Ps. Sg. Pa. he ap- pointed 15, 3. — a-di-i, see ^-jy DIN (m^t, ir) U-du-(u)-mu (mi, mi), name of a country Edom Hebr. □'ix 149; 213, 12; 355, 3. — (mat) U-du-mu-ai Adj. 257; also U-du-um-ma-ai 288, 54. ]^X idinu Subst. _^eZcZ, Hebr. ]-:w. Phon. and Ideogr. 17; 26. IHN u-di-ni HU (latter Ideogr. for 'bird'' = issur), name of a bird 385. PN A-du-ni(nu)-ba-(')-al (li) Phoenic. proper name = 7_j;3''JlN 105; 173; 194, 94. Comp. Hebr. IHOIX- ]1N (ir) A-di-in-nu name of a city 194, 88. — (Bit-) A-di-ni, see p^3. ^^{< i-dur (so read!) he avoided 350, 54; i-du-ru 3. Ps. Plur. Impf. Kal they avoided 194, 86. "n^K (Determ.) ud-ri Subst. PI. two-humped camel (dromedary) 345, 8; (Del. Par. 96); 348. "I^X Adar name of deity (from Akkad. a -)- tar). Ideogr. 160; 284; 333, 16; 389, 156; with phon. complement ra 284. — Adav- malik Assyr. proper name (and name of deity) Hebr. TlSsi^N 284. ~l-j{< Adar name of month Adar *nN- Written Ad-da-ru, A-da-ri 380, 12. Ideogr. 314, footnote. li^'^ii renew, comp. Hebr. tt'-jpl- From this issutu (is-su-tu, i-§u-ii-tu) renovation. — A-na is-su-ti (ti) anew 97; 338, 15; 398 (150. 12). 204 THE CUNEIFORM INSCRIPTIONS AND THE 0. T. 526 X1N comp. Ar.-Hebr. niH- — a-u , a-iv Subst. breath, wind 25, T T footn. **. 7lN (^DN') avilu Subst. man, human being, comp. (Tjl^O^'i'^IN- Written a-vi(mi)-lu Syll. 850 in Haupt and Norr. 35. According to Stan. Guyard 1. c. p. 22 from ^\, J.^t, ^■^^ = alu town = "inhabi- tant", "town-dweller" {?). — Ideogr. 94, footnote *; 323; often as determ. Ideogr. PI. (with phon. complement i) 198, 85; without it 195, 100. — a-vi-lu-tu humanity, mankind (= tinisi'tuv II R. 24, 24 f. g.) 26, 15. — Av(m)il-ap8i(?) Babyl. name of a king 129. — Avil-Marduk Babyl. proper name Evil-Merodach = Tjlip h^)ii 365. ^^•){< (n^r) U-la-ai name of a river Eulaeus i^lX EilaZoq 438. p{«{ i-nu Subst. possession, property; comp. Hebr. 1'jx, JiD (oi' Arab. 9Lj! with Haupt?) 272. — u-nu-ut Subst. Stat, constr. furniture, vessel 201 ad fin; 203; 345, 9. NOIN A-u-si-' Israel, proper name Hoshea j;t£^"jn 255, 28. 11t{ light, see "i-iK- "11X Uru name of a town Ur , Hebr. ^!){i{. Ideogr. 129; 130. — U-ru-mil-ki Phoen.-Bybl. proper name = t'jdIIK 185; 288, 50. 3IX comp. 3]^. — i-zib 1. Ps. Sg. Impf. Kal I left, left behind, left remaining 153 (Gen. XLIX. 1); 234, 24; 262, 15(?); 345, 7. "l^Tlfi} Iz-du-bar proper name 92. As Accadian the name must be thus pronounced. In Assyrian we must transcribe by 1st u bar. ^){< (= Hebr. ]|^ etc.). — izzu Adj. strong. Phon. iz-zi (Gen.) 350, 54. Plur. msc. iz-zu-ti 193, 79. — iz-zi-zu? —202. Is the root y^ = izizu? — A-zi-ba-(')-al Phoenic. proper name '^^3]^ 105. ^tN (^JJN?) (mS,t) I-za(sa?)-al-lav name of a country 426, 22. []1N uznu ear, mind, purpose. Phon. u-zu-un 455, 2. — Transl.] -1]{< A-zu-ri Philist. proper name (= Hebr. IVIX^?) 162; 898, 6. — (ir) A-zu-ru name of a Kanaanite town, perhaps the modern JS,zur 167; 289, 66. 1N^"11{< Az-ri-ja-(a-)u Judaean proper name Azarjah -in^l]^ (188) 218; also Az-ri-a-[u] 217; 219, as well as [A-]su(?)-ri-ja-u 218. nX ^^u Subst. brother, Hebr. HN ^^^-^ phon. a-hu 398, 10. Plur. T ahi Ideogr. 289, 60; 350, 57. — a-ha-vis Adv. brotherly, mutually 201; 202. — A-hi-ja-ba-b a Mesopotamian proper name == 33>nN llO(footn. p. 95Eng. ed.). — A-hi-mil-ki, Ah(i)-mil-ki Phoen.-Philist. proper name Achimelech = Hebr. T||?p^n{< ^^5; 163; 355, 12. — GLOSSARY. 205 A-hi-mi-ti Philist. proper name 162; 398, 10. — A-hi-ra-mu Mesopot. 527 proper name — D"l^n{< 1*0 (Eng. ed. p. 95 footn. *). ^flN ^"^i prep, near, see ^nV 3nX A-ha-ab-bu proper name = Hebr. ^NFIN 194, 91. ]nH comp. 'tnx, A'iH' <^^^ r-l- — ^^-^i l- i's. Sg. Impf. Kal I took 213, 19 (20?). — u-sa-hi-iz 1. Ps. Sg. Impft. Shaf. J caused to be taken 272. — ta-ha-zu battle, iproperly hand-to-hand fight, second- ary formation from the Ifteal, see under ^nfl- — mit-hu-uz-zu Subst. battle, see ibid. ]rHi u-hi-nu Subst. — ? 234, 24. ~inN abratu (ihratu? — Haupt.) comp. Hebr. IflN > nn.nX the future, Stat, constr. ah-rat 153. — (mat) Aharri name of a country West country, properly Hinder land comp. Hebr. llnX i- 6. Eanaan (Phoenicia-Palestine), written A-har-ri(-i), also ideogr. (m^t MAR.TU) 90; 91, 59; 157, 86; 213, 11; 288, 55; 301, 19; 370, 35. — (ra^t) A-bar-ra-ai Adj. Phoenician, Kanaanite 157, 86. niON itii to be dark [comp. Heb. HDy wrap up, Syr. j-Jii*.— Transl.]. — iti phonet. i-ti-i Subst. Genit. darkness 455, 4. — itfltu phonet. (genit.) i-tu-ti the same 455, 9. Comp. with this under ^HN atalu. "HION comp. Hebr. "IIO^/- — i-ti-ir 1. Ps. Sg. Impft. Kal I spared 345, 7. ^X a i prohibitive particle not, Lat. n e, comp. Eth. ^^ ; Hebr. i{< (still preserved in ^pj~''{< Job 22, 30; TJD^-^N 1 Sam. 4, 21 , ^DVN) "ni/^N; also in Phoenic. ■>{< cf. Schroder, Phon. Spr. 118. 211). In Phoenician and Heb. the part, is an objective negation, while in Assyrian it is subjective. Written ai 434, 29. SnI^N (ir, vaki) I'-di-'-al, I'-di-'-li name of a town Idalion 355, 13. '?D(^)N ikallu Subst. palace, Hebr. 'j^^ri) Arab. Jji>j^ , Ethiop. UJBY1A.J (Accad. in origin). Phon. i-kal-luv 354; in Assyr. Ideogr. see Hollenf. der Istar 148. Ideogr. written i-gal 123; 212, I; 213, 21; 291, 38; 302, 32 bis. Plur. ikalati (so read, comp. Tigl. Pil. I col. VI, 94 etc. : ikalMi!) 193, 80; 194, 89; 458, footn. 49. 50. DODD''N I-ka-sam-su(?) Philist. proper name 355, 7. "inWN I'-har-sag-gal-kur-kur-ra, name of a locality 389, 156. ~I!D{"')N I'-kur name of a temple 213, 3; similarly I-sar-ra 213, 3. — Comp. also below pi^. "inU'D'N I-ki-iS-tu-ra Cypr. proper name Ikistura 355, 13. p{i{ i-nu-ma, from inu = Arab. i-*iP^ + ma, in the sense of the Arab, t-yip- = O't the time, when 2, 1. 7; 17, 1 206 THE CUNEIFORM INSCRIPTIONS AND TEE 0. T. 528 pjij intiv, also inuv, Subst. eye, spring, Hebr. y\y, Arab, .••.xc etc. Plur. ini, ini (Dual ina) Ideogr. 160; 218, 6. — t-ni-ilu proper uame of a prince of Hamath ^{ i3^' — iHu Adj. bright, gleaming, exalted, also precious. Phon. i-il-lu 426, 22. Ideogr. 213, 3; Plur. iliati 232, 16. i-il-li-tuv(tiv) Fem. Sg. 13. — mui-ti-lil Part. Ifte. illuminating, gleaming (?) 388. ^Sx U-lu-lu name of the month Elul, Hebr. 'p^'^X 380. — Ulul-ai proper name Elulaeus ^IXovXaioq, properly man of Elul 490, footn. 1. Comp. Keilinsch. u. Gesch. 336 footn. Zh^ illamu Prep, before (Is Hebr. Q^!)t< to be connected with it?). With Suff. il-la-mu-u-a 289, 77; 332, 18. □•pX (m^t) I'-lam-tu(ti), I-lam-mat, name of the country Elam, Hebr. □'jij; 111; 353, 33. 37. Ideogr. Ill; 345, 6. — (avil) I'-la- mu-u Adj. the Elamite 111; 136. Ideogr. 351, 62. 208 TEE CUNEIFORM INSCRIPTIONS AND TEE 0. T. 530 n'ux alpu Subst. ox, Hebr. rh^. Plur. alpi; Ideogr. 290, 18; 346, 17 etc. n^{< ilippu Subst. ship, Aram, ja'^ 52, footn. *. Ideogr. PI. 184; 193, 82; 350, 55. pi^X (mat) ri-li-pi name of a country 213, 6. J-j'jN ultu Prep, out of, from collat. form of istu (q. v.). Written ul-tu 124, 31 ; 140 (Asarh. 1. 7); also ul-tav 204. Ideogr. 184 (above). n'?{< illatu Subst. might. With Suff. il-lat-su 338, 9; 350, 53; 450, 71; 452, 68. Akkad. in origin (Lotz 124)? — pn^N (^0 Al-ta-ku-u name of a town, Eltekeh npn^N 171; 289, 76. 82; 301, 24. Din'^K (^1') Il-H-ta-ar-bi name of a town 220, 30. □{< ammu Fem. ammatu Pron. demonstr. that, that yonder. — am-ma-[ti] (so read! — see Keil. u. Gesch. 141**. The photograph of the original that lies before me leaves no doubt as to the correct- ness of the conjecture) 156. Ace. to the photograph there seems to have stood in the following line nisi-i or rather avili-i as we find also in the monolith of Karch, see Keil. u. Gesch. 140*. — 193, 82. 85 (am-ma-ti). — um-ma Adv. thus 332, 25. □{^ AM Akkad. word, i. e. Ideogr. for rimu QN"1> s®® DN1- — AM. SI i. e. homed or provided ivith teeth AM, name of the elephant (in Assyr. piru, see Lotz Tigl. Pil. I 163 foil.). Comp. 187 (I Ki. X. 22) and footn. *. '^NDiiX Am-mi-ba-'-la Mesopot. proper name =: '5_j;2>23^ 110 (Eng. ed. p. 95 footn.). Jon i-im-ga, im-ga Adj. exalted. Syn. of gitmalu perfect 420; 421. Is it of Akkadian origin (IM-GA) or Semitic? (root pO_j;) ? — 421. IDX comp. Hebr. 1J3^. — i-mid l.Ps. Sg. Impft. Kal I appointed, I imposed 272; 273, 4; 287; 289, 64; the same 189. The signification redigere assumed on p. 189 is unnecessary ; translate : — "on the land Juda (and) on Hezekiah , its king, I imposed obedience". We have an abbreviation of imid absani in the phrase imid (without absani) used in the same sense (288, 37; 301, 19 etc.). — Ni-mi-it- ti-Bil name of a rampart of Babylon, interpreted by Delitzsch as meaning "Foundation of Bel". Comp. under n{«{}3. IDN (^'^) A-mi-di name of the town Amid-Didrbehr, lA^i, ^] 106, (footn. **); 480, B. C. 800; 484, B. C. 762; 488 C, 6. ^■]QX (m^t) Amadai, written A-ma-da-ai name of a country and people 80. GLOSSARY. 209 ^OX (""O^) comp. Syr. jla^ , jiicoio (Hpt); also Hebr. rilSn? — li-ta-mu-u 3. Ps. PI. Volunt. Ifte. {that) they might command 373, 35 (footn. **). — amStu Subst. saying, command. Stat, constr. a-m&t531 333, 9, also a-ma-a-ta 373, 35 (footn. **) and a-ma-tuv 455, 13 (Eng. ed. p. 156). — mamitu Subst. mandate, divine command, Stat, constr. ma-mit 262, 16; 289, 70. 1DDN A-muk-ka-a-ni proper name 234 ,23; also written A-muk-a-ni 232, 11. •JISX amilu, see ^y^. nSoN Am-mu-la-di-in, name of a Kedarene king 148. DDC< ummu Subst. mother, Arab. •«!, Hebr. □{«{, Aram. )ie) , Eth. ^f?^J Pbon. um-mu 175. Ideogr. 175; Stat, constr. 175. DDX comp. Hebr. (qi^j;) Q]}- Or ought we to assume a special root jDi;, as extension of QDJ?? — um-m§.nu, Subst. PI. umman^ti (Stat, constr. umma-na-at) host, troops. Pbon. 195, 99; 209, 43 foil. ; 323; 345, 10. Ideogr. 152; 203 (6is); 398 (150. 1). Plur. Stat, constr. 301, 23. □}3{< umS,mu Subst. beasts, especially with the meaning large ani- mals = Hebr. mOHS- Phon. Stat, constr. u-[ma-am] 17, 4. DDN ammatu Subst. yard {"i cubit), Hebr. HSN- Ideogr. 124, 29. - s ]DN comp. Hebr. VQ^, Arab, rj^^^ , Ethiop. ^^^ J ^ — timinu Subst. foundation-stone, foundation (secondary formation from the Ifte.), written ti-mi-in-(§a) 124, 7. ION (m&t, ir) Bit-Am-ma-nu name of the country Ammon, Hebr. )"iSi'i written Am-ma-na(ni), Am-ma-a-[na] 141; 355, 11. — (ir m^t) B it-Am-ma-na-ai Adj. he of Ammon 257; 288, 52. — (m^t) A-ma-na-ai Adj. the same 194, 95. — (Sad) Am-ma-na name of a mountain (= Amanus ?) 220, 27. DON [A-ma]-a(?)-su Egypt, proper name Amasis (^) 364, 4. DDK comp. pQ^ etc. — imflku Subst. properly depth, then power, might 421. Written i-mu-ku comp. H R. 36, 55. Stat, const, i-muk 326, footn. *; 346, 12. — imuki, written i-mu-ki, the same, PI. military forces 289, 75; 301, 24. — raa-muk-tav Subst. depth of wis- dom{^), npDj/D (^) 346, 14. — For i-im-ga, im-ga see above JDK- ppDN (^0 Am-kar-ru-na name of the town Ekron, lilpjt?, ^Axxd- QU)V 164; 289, 69. col. III. 1; 290, 25; 301, 22; 302, 25. 30; 355, 7. "lOK comp. Eth. /^/\^^^' (Hpt.). — i-mur 1. Ps. Sg. Impft. Kal / saw 261, 14. — i-mu-ru 3. Ps. PI. 332, 21. — im-ma-ru (for 14 210 THE CUNEIFORM INSCRIPTIONS AND THE 0. T. i-ma-ru) 3. Ps. PI. Pres. they see 455, 9; 456 (Notes and lUust.). — in-na-mir 3. Ps. Impft. Nif. he was seen 345, 11; 397, 2. — amUru 532 Inf. seeing. Written a-ma-ri (Gen.) 389, footn. *. — ta-mir-tu Subst. look, then circle of vision (Eng. 'sight') 289, 76; 301, 20. 24; 345, 6. — ta-mar-tu Subst. object of display, present 288, 56. *lt3N imiru Subst. ass, Arab. .L^.*- , Hebr. "liDH > Aram. )i.^4*. Ideogr. = i-mi-ri III Rawl. 2, 45 (XX, 3). Ideogr. Plur. 290, 18; 345, 8; 374, 25. niSX (mat) A-ma-(at)-ti name of a country, prob. Eamdth 105; 194, 88. 91; 281; 323 {ter). Comp. non- — (m^t) A-mat-(ta-)ai Adj. 201; 202; also A-ma-ta-ai 203; 323. IX ana Pr^ep. towards, to, Ideogr. 48, footn. ff. Phon. a-na 18; 26, 15; 82, 105; 124, 5 etc. |j< ina Prep. in. Ideogr. 82, 104. 105; 91, 52. Phon. i-na 17, 1; 124, 8. 13 etc. |J5 annu Pron. dem. this, written an-nu-u 332, 25; 459, 4. — annutu Pron. Fern, of the above ; an-nu-u-tuv 79. — an-nu-ti Plur. msc. these 194, 95. |{i{ (ir) U-nu name of a town in Upper Aegypt 152. 1}^ comp, Hebr. [T'^ti]^^. — Anu name of a deity (= Oannes?). — It is perhaps the Semitized Akkad. ana "Heaven", then "deity"; comp. also AN.TA = iia. — A-nu 2, 14; A-nuv 160 (Deut. XXXII. 10); 284; 411. — *Anu-malik proper name Anammelech ?]7SJ3_j; 284. ^WJ< I'-ni-ilu, Hamathite proper name = Phoen. '?{j{J''_j; 107 (read I'-ni-ilu!); 252. jWN AN. AN Akkad. designation of the supreme God (= AN) 127. N^nJN (mSt) An-di-u (also An-di-a) name of a country 213, 9. ^JX comp. Hebr. HJl?) T\IV' — ^"°^ ^* ^^' ^S- Impft. Kal 1 injured 124, 7. ri^^ i-na-ah 3. Ps. Sg. Impft. Kal it fell to ruins, became waste, perhaps a collateral form of ni3 ^7. njX anaku Subst. lead, Hebr. njj^. Ideogr. 208, footn. *. Plur. pieces of lead, Ideogr. 157, 87; 193, 84; 208. 1D3N anaku(ka?) Pron. 1. Pers. Sg. I. Hebr. s^Jf^ etc, Phon, a-na-ku 335 (I Rawl. 48 No. 5. 1) ; 363, 6. Ideogr. with phon. com- plement ana-ku 91, 55; 459, 5. IJN (rUN"*) — annu Subst. ill, evil, badness. Written an-ni 289; 302 (col. III. 4). — root HJI^'' — «' njll) 1-*^ *end. — Ace. to QL0S8ABY. 211 Haupt Gloss, under nj{> ^* stands for arnu, which, however, would 533 still have been a collateral use and signification. P{i{ annu this, see J{{. '3Jj{i{ (ilu) A-nun-na-ki name of a deity of the subterranean waters Eng. ed. Vol. I p. 57 (read Anunnaki); 174; 285. nJJK (i^'^) A-nu-ni-tuv name of a deity Annnit 280. DJDJN U-na-sa-gu-su Cypr. proper name 355, 21. pJN (m&t) Un-ki name of a country 249, footn. f. U^JX assatu woman, wife, comp. Hebr. ntJ-'N) i^^flTT"!' c'^^ IZUf. — Comp. below i^'J. — Ideogr. 12, footn. f; 289, 60; 345, 10; 398, 9; 452, 67. Plur. as§ati Ideogr. 291, 39; 302, 32. — ti-ni-si-i- tu Subst. mcmkind, men 333, 11 (= avilutuv II R. 24, 24 f. g.). pj{( atta (for anta) pers. pron. thou, comp. HDN > 2J] ; o-j', ^■J'J';. Written at-ta 413, 32. nnON (^J"? ra^t) As-du-du(di) name of a town, Ashdod, Hebr. nilK^N '62; 290, 24; 302, 29; 323; 355, 12; 398 (149, 6; 150, 8). — (ir) As-du-da-ai Adj. he of Ashdod 288, 51. — As-du-di-im-mu, see DDDDN as-kup-pa-tuv Subst. threshold, JAAamc) 384. I^tJDN (avil) I-sa-am-mi-' name of a North-Arabian tribe {■= Ishmael "lODX asmaru Subst. spear (NR. 28). PI. as-ma-ri-i 261, 5. n3DN (m^t) U(?)-sa-na-ta-ai Adj. he of U{?)sanat 194, 93. |7pDX (^1") mSt) Is-ka-lu-na, Is-ka-al-lu-na name of a town Ashkelon, Hebr. li^PtJ^N 165; 289, 58. 63; 301, 20. 21; 302, 29; 355, 6. — (m&t) As-ka-1 u-na-ai Adj. 257. 1DN comp. Hebr. "iQN, Syr. jif, At.j^\, Eth. Afl/.'. iAUJ/,'.) — i-sir 1. Ps. Sg. Impft. Kal 1 shut in 209, 54; 213, 16; 234, 23; 261, 9; 289, 72; 290, 21; 301, 23; 302, 29. 1DX comp. Hebr. lij;y , New Hebr. -^D^ etc. — misratu Subst. decad, comp. "lij^^tJ 15, 3. Thence comes the denomin. verb : u-ma- as-sir 3. Ps. Sg. Impft. Pa. he divided into tens 15, 3 and Notes andlllust. •^QN comp. Hebr. "iQn- ~ it-ta-pi-ik 3. Ps. Sg. Impft. Ifte. he over- powered 399, 3. — apiktu Subst. subjugation, defeat Id. 194, 97; 201 (Eng. ed. p. 191 last line); 202; 203; 209, 48; 289, 79 (read apikta- §u-un); 326, footnote*; 349, 52. DOX apsfi, the Sumer.-Akk. zu-ab Subst. Sea, Ocean, ideogr. 2, 3. 14* 212 THE CUNEIFORM INSCRIPTIONS AND THE 0. T. pDN from which is derived tupku, see pOH- 534 pQ{^ (ir) Ap-ku name of the town Aphek pF^ 204. "IDN ipru Subst. dust, 10_i;, ^ac, ]^^ 455, 8. 11. Stat, constr. i-par 235, 27; 450, Rev. 1 ; 456 (Job XXVIII. 6). "IDN appartu Subst. reed (Del.), rush, morass? — PI. ap-pa-ra- (a)-ti 345, 7. 11; 351, 59. Comp. Taig.-Talm. -iQ{<, NION- Y^ is, issu (on the latter form see Keilinsch. und Geschichtsfor- schung p. 109 footnote) Subst. wood, tree, Hebr. WW, Ethiop. 0^> Arab. \jac (Homm.) and also aUiac, Aram. y^. As determinative 183 (1 Kings V. 13); 184 ad init. etc. etc. — Plur. (si comp. Hebr. Q^VJj; written i-si. See Hal^vy-Sayce in Journ. Asiat. VII. 1 (1876) p. 353. -latOSN see -lantN. J O J 1JJN issiiru Subst. bird, comp. ._j.a^ac, Phon. is-su-ru(ri) 255, 23; 426; Stat, constr. issur. Ideogr. (for this comp. II R. 40, 17 e. f) 261, 9; 290, 20; (302, 28); 383, ad fin.; 455, 10. - is-su-ri§ Adv. '^like a bird" 350, 57. Dni3XlJiN (ilu) U-sur-a-mat-sa epithet of Nanaea "guard her saying V 457; comp. below "ly^. 3p{< ikkibu (for ikkibu) Subst. heel, comp. spy, ) «-'«\ v.^c, with Suff. ik-ki-bu-ug 290, 23. DpN (^J") A-ka-ba name of a town Akaba, 370, 30. hpa ik-lu Subst. field, Aram. '^Dfi, \]nL, J-25> 27. Fjpx u-ku-pi. Subst. Plur. apes (comp. Hebr. nip):* — 450, Rev. 3. PpN (root Vp^?) iksu Adj. strong, powerful; from which ik-su- [ti] Plur. msc. 17, 2. •^X iru (i'ru?) Subst. town, Hebr. -^ly. Synon. Slu. Ideogr. 79, footnote*; 93 (Eng. ed. p. 76 footn.) ; 97 and footn.; 156; 193, 80. 81 etc. Plur. ira-ni 193, 78; 194, 87. •"li^? — Ur — ? proper name Uruk{7) 94. Q''\H urumu Subst. tree-stem (? — Rad. Q^-) ?) [u-]ru-mi Plur. 17, 2. K'NIN I'-ri-i-su Cypr. proper name 355, 17. ^•It^ comp. Aram. ,.sj^ (Hebr. 31_j;, Ar. v_J^?). — iru-ub (written TU.ub), with Cop. i-ru-um-ma (for i-ru-ub-ma) 1. Ps. and 3. Ps. Sg. Impft. Kal 7, he entered 193, 80; 261, 7; 345, 7. 9; 450, 72. — u-Si- ri-ib(bi) 3. and 1. Ps. Sg. Impft. Shaf I, he brought in 373, 33. 34 (footn. **).— u-gi-ri-bu do. 3. Ps. sing, he had brought in 290, 33; 299 GLOSSARY. 213 (Notes & Illust.); 302, 31. — i-ta-rab 3. Ps. Sg. Impft. Ifte. he entered 482, B. C. 787. — [lu-ru-ba precat. (or voluntat.) / will assuredly enter 455, 15, see under ^^ or ^^. — Transl.]. — ^ribu Part. act. Kal Ideogr. (Gen.) 178; 179. — i-ri-bu Subst. entrance, of the sun setting. With suflf. 455, 5. 7. Stat, constr. i-rib 140; 184, 69. ^•^f^ (m&t) A-ri-bu, A-ri-bi , name of the country Arabia (North 535 Arabia), comp. 21Vj Vj^ 253: 255, 30; 262, 15; 397, 3; 414. — av. Ur-bi name of a tribe 290, 31; 302, 31; 346, 13. — (mat) Ar-ba-ai Adj. the Arbaite 194, 94; 277, 4. KD1N see n^-]. ^NDIN i^^) Arba-ilu, Ar-ba-'-il name of the town Arbela, Pers. Arbird 118, footnote *; 333, 16; 484, B. C. 759. — Arba-ilu proper name of Istar as goddess of Arbela 36. — A r ba-ilu-asi-ra t proper name, Aram. "Id'^D^X 36. ^3^N (''■) Arba-ha, Ar-rap-ha name of a city or country Arrha- pachitis, Albdq 112; 480, B. C. 812. 803; 484, B. C. 769; 486, B. C. 745. 735. {<73"1{< Ur-bal-la-a, name of a Tuchanaean 253; 257. P~l{< (ir) Ir-ba-an name of a town 815, probably the modern Arbftn ...Ij-c on the Ch&bQr, where Layard discovered Assyrian remains. )3^X (m&t) A-ra-ba-nuv name of a country 426, 24. ]DJ^N ar-ga-man-nu Subst. red purple, Hebr. ]0-nx ^^5- ]J"IN (i^ Ar-ga-na-a name of a town 194, 88. 89. 1DT1N Ur-da-raa-ni-i Aegypt. proper name 450, 72; 452, 67. ni^N {^^) Ar-va-da, also A-ru-a-di, A-ru-a-da, A-ru-da(-ai), name of a town Arados 104; 157, 86; 355, 9. — (ir) Ar-va-da-ai Adj. Arvadite 194, 93; 257. — (m§,t) Ar-va-da-a-ja Adj. do. 184. — (ir) A-ru-da-ai Adj. do. 288, 49. tC^T^lN (m§.t) A-ra-zi-ag name of a country 213, 6. pnX (''■) A-ra-zi-ki name of a town Arazik, ^EQayit,a, Talm. {>{^^J"1X 184 (and footn. **). n"nfc{ urhu Subst. way, Hebr. n~lx. Plur. ur-hi 450, 73. niN (Rad. ?) a r-h i s Adv. at the right time (?) 289, 68. IT^X arhu Subst. month, see n~lV ?N'?mK Ir-hu-li-(i)-ni(ua) Hamathite proper name (V];"^ni^?) l^'! 194, 88. 91; 201. piniX (nar) Arahti, written A-ra-ah-ti, name of a river or canal 31. "]NnN I'ri-Aku, name of an old Babyl. king = Hebr. TjInN '^^5 ^^^- 214 THE CDNEIFOBM INSCRIPTIONS AND THE 0. T. ■|*1{«{ to be long, comp. Hebr. TI^X- — ur-ri-ku 3. Ps. PI. Impft. Kal they became long 2, 13. — a-ra-ku Subst. (stat. constr.) length 373 (footn. **). H*l{>{ urku Subst. battle-array, comp. Hebr. HD'iy.D- ^^at. constr. u-ru-uk 345, 8. -]-1X arki, see -ji"). n^{< Arka, also Uruk, name of a town Erech- Wa/rka, Hebr. Tl^lf^ 13; 94; 346, 13. — Arkaitu Adj. Fem. she of Erech 94, written Ar ka-ai-i-tu, Var. A r-k a-a i-i-t a v Sm. Assurb. 250, o) 457. 536 "inN U-ri-ik(-ki) proper name of a Kuaean 252; 257. ^'^a (mSt, §ad) Aralu, written A-ra-al-lu(li), A-ra-lu. Name of a locality, especially of a mountain, at the same time an Assyr. term for the Lower World 389, 156 and footnote. □"^X arammu Subst. bulwark, rampart, comp. j»-c 290, 15. Q"l{< A-ra-mu, A-ru-mu, A-ri-mu(mi), name of a race, Aramaean, Hebi". nnN 115 and footnotes. — (mS,t) A-ru(ra)-mu name of the country Aramaea 116; 232, 5. 13; 369, 29. — (mSt) Ar-ma-a-ja race-adject. Aramaean 116. — A-ra-mi, proper name of a North-Syrian king 193, 83. DIN U-ri-im-mi, name of a prince 253. T^OIN U-ru-mil-ki, see under "nj^. 'j"1f< arnu Subst. sin. With Suff. a-ra-an-su-nu 290, 6. — Deriva- tion uncertain. — Comp. also under i^N- pN (is) i-i* i-n u V (n i) Subst. cedar, comp. Hebr. J~f{< 411; 412; — 388; Plur. irini Ideogr. 184; shortened ir-ni 412. ni^X (d^O A-ra-an-tu name of the river Orontes 195, 101. Comp. Aegypt. Anurtha, Arnutha (Chabas : Arantd). D/DIN (i^) Ur-sa-li-im-mu (ma) name of the ciij Jerusalem ^h^^YW " T : >a2Xk,»o) 161; 290, 8. 20. 32; 302, 27. 29. 31. nOIN (ir, m§,t) Ar-pad-da name of the town Arpad HQIK > ^^^ modern Tell-ErfM 323 (Khorsab. 33 foil.); 324; 328; 480, B. C. 806; 484, B. C. 754; 486, B. C. 743—40. y]H irsituv Subst. earth, comp. VIXj ^^- (J-»j') Aram. jL?) . Phon. ir-si-tiv (Gen.) 123; 124, 27; 178. — Written irsi-tiv ibid. 177. r)^{i{ arku Adj., see piv p'nX (ir) Ar-ka-(a) name of a town, Arkd, Hebr. {i)p1]} , Greek \4pxa, Lat. Area 104. Q3p~l{< ((mat) I r-k a-n a-t a-a i Adj. man of the land Irkanat 194, 92. GLOSSARY. 215 ~n{i{ urru Subst. light, comp. Arab. .1, Hebr. '^"j{«{, written ixr-ru 53, footn. * (Eng. ed. p. 54) (to be pronounced firu? — ) 53, 30. — U-ru-mil-ki, see under "Tij*}. "1"1{< arratu Subst. curse. Stat, constr. arrat Ideogr. 47. Hebr. 1*1 J<- lOniN U-r a-ar-tu(ti) name of the country Armenia, comp. the Bibl. tO"nN (52) 83; 482, B. C. 781 foil.; 486, B. C. 743. 735. I^^X irsu (not irsu!). Subst. bed, couch, comp. t£'"1^> J-sOf^, (_,i*yC 537 Ideogr. 213, 19; Plur. 290, 36; 299. jj;^{< mar§itu, see ^'Tl- ^^ as-su properly to that (we may suppose it to be compounded from ana-gu, see Assyr. Babyl. Keil. (1872) p. 296), transitional or illative particle accordingly 398 (Botta 149, 8); Prep, to (bef. Infin. in the sense of in order to) 353, 36. tt'N isatu Subst. yire ]l}^ , /^"^^ I (l^^^i)- Phon. i-sa-tuv 180. PI. isatu. Phon. i-sa-a-ti (Gen.) 182. Ideogr. 181 ; 194, 89. 90. tJ^X i§§(itu, see tJ^IX- 315>X iSbu Subst. vegetable Z'WV- Written is-bi 397, 3. ItCN ('!■) U-su-u name of a town 288, 40; 301, 20. Accord, to Delitzsch = Hebr. f^U^^N (?). intJ'N (sad) As-ha-ni name of a mountain 220, 29. nriK'N Us-hi-it-ti, name of a Tunaean 253; 257. Dtd< u§-ma-ni Subst. Plur. stores, comp. Hebr. DDJ^, Aram. JON 209, 51. — sabi u§-ma-ni baggage servants (!) 261, 8. P)tfX a-§i-pu Subst. one who employs conjurations F^tS'N) |»sa-^l ^^^ (on Dan. II. 2). nti'N i§-ka-ti Subst. Plur. fem. bonds, fetters (root T^li)^, oi,**«.c ?) 371. Itt'N aSru Subst. place, comp. Ar. SI, Aram. |j^| , "inN- — a§-ru, with Suff. a-§a-ar-§u(§a) 124, 7. — a-§ar-su 188; 213,9; 345, 11 {ad fin.)', 397, 2; 398 (150, 8; 151, 10 line 2). Stat, constr. a-gar 288, 41; 389 (footn. *); 455, 8 (Eng. ed. p. 156). Gen. with Suflf. (a-na) a§-ri-§u-nu 458 (footn. *. 50). — i§ritu Subst. holy place, temple. Plur. i§-ri-i-ti 136 (footn. * p. 122 Eng. ed.), i§-ri-ti 389, 156. ^^X a§§,ru to be good, hind; comp. "itt^i. — §u-ti-Su-ru Inf. Istaph. management, regulation 124 (col. 1. 32). — §,§ir Part, good, kind; Fem. a§irat. Ideogr. with phon. complement rat 36. — * as fir {sic\) Adj. masc. Awid 36. — mu-sar(sar)-i see 1DD- "ItCN ASur name of the god Asur, written A-§ur 35. Ideogr. 91, 52; 153; 194, 96; 201 etc. — Asur-ah-iddin a proper name Asarhaddon 216 THE CUNEIFORM INSCRIPTIONS AND THE 0. T. Hebr. lliniDK) Grr. 'AaagiSivog = Axerdls (35); 326, footn, *; 333, 44. 8; 335 (line 1 bis); 337, 6; 374, 30. — Agur-bani-ab al "Asur the creator of the son" proper name Sardanapalus 335, bis. — Asur-i- til-ili-iikinni "Asur, the exalted among the gods, made me", proper name 359. — A§ur-na-din-§um "Asur gives the name", proper name Gr. \4.occQavd6iog (written ^Anagai'dSiog) 35; 351, 63. — Asur-n^sir- abal "Asur protects the son", proper name 184, 63. — A s u r-r i' §-i-§ i "Asur, exalt the headl" proper name 91, 56. ^^^ lU'N (ir) Asur name of the town (comp. the name of the god) Asur, written A-sur 35; 97; 193, 85. — (mS,t) A§§ur (Asur) comp. Hebr. TltS'N ) ^y- JoZ) name of the country Assyria. Phon. As-§ur and A-§ur 35. Ideogr. 91, 52. 56. 57; 97; 117; 156; 180; 184, 63. 64 etc. — A§-§u-ri-tuv Adj. Fem. Assyrian 35. Tltt'N a-sa-ri-du Adj. chief, princely 266 footn. * P. S.; 413; of un- certain origin. [Ace. to Fr. Delitzsch, Assyr. Lesest. 3 ^^ ed. from aSar (airu) 'place' and idu 'one'. — Transl.]. Occurs frequently in the Assyrian royal name Su ImSnu-asSr idu, see below under Q^J^r. (B^)t5'N = CIN fj^om ty-|n = Hebr. Jjfin^ ~ i-i^-^i-is Adv. from the Adj. iSsu new, meaning anew 124, l5b. — i§sfltu Suhst. newness. Phon. (ana) i§-§u-ti, is-§u-u-ti i. e. in newly founding, anew 97; 249 (Eng. ed. p. 241 footn. f). nii^N iitu Prep, from, out of (of what etymology?). Phon. is-tu 184, 69. Ideogr. 91, 58; 179, bis; 184, 66. Comp. also nSX- ntJ^f? a§§atu, see tfJN- intfN istin, comp. Hebr. ("iJS'i/) ^Pl^i/- Written isti-in 234, 24. — i§-ti-nis (so I'ead!) Adv. in one, with one another 2, 5. Comp. Aram. Nnn3 (^Pt-); Hebr. "iriNS etc. -J3P{j;{{(?) (Ir) Is(Mil)-tu-an-da-ai Adj. the Istvmdaean 253; 257. "intJ'N Istar comp. jAjlc, (|£t.^) >2\^ , H'intt'y name of the goddess Istar-Astarte , written Ig-tar 176; 177. — i§-ta-ri-tuv goddess 177. Ideogr. 13; 178; 326, footn. *; 333, 15 etc. — iStarSti goddesses, written istar^-ti 177; i§-tar-at 180; Stat. cstr. i§tar-at 177 (179); 180. — I§tar-dar-ka-li proper name = hp']l\i/i} 1'^. nX itti Prep, with, comp. Hebr. pj< and (Del.) Assyr. ittu "side". Phon. it-ti 26, 16; 140; 194, 97; 201; 203; 289, 78; 290, 34; 301, 24; 302, 31 etc. Ideogr. (= KI) passim. PJi^ atta Pron. 2. pers. thou, see nJN- NDN (avil) I-tu-' name of a tribe 232, 5. ^f^{< itii Subst. boundary. Gen. i-ti-i 398 (150. 6). Masculine form of the feminine form ittu, Plur. it§.ti? — on this comp. Del. in Lotz Insch. Tigl. Pileser I 115 foil. OLOSSABY. 217 "niNIDN I-tu-u-an-da-a r Cypr. proper name Itvandar = ^ExeFav- SpoQ 355: 16. IHN utukku Subst. Oenius, Demon 39; 160. TnN v'lu) I-tak name of a god 283. l'?nN atalu Subst. overshadowing, eclipse (see III Rawl. 58 No. 8 line 50). Ideogr. AN.MI 484 B. C. 763 ^ Should we compare Arab. JJac, Hebr. ^^]Q^'i ION ('0 A-ti-in-ni name of a town 220, 30. PDN (mat) At-na-na name of a country, Cyprus 86, see also pn^- ^''^ pDN comp. pnV' p^ni^M- — i-ti-ik 3. Ps. Sg. Impft. Kal he received (I Rawl. 7 No. J. 3) 287, 28. — ti-ti-ku 3. Ps. Sg. fern. Impft. Ifte she went 262, 16. — in-n i-it-k a-am-ma 3. Ps. Sg. Impft. Nif. with Cop. he was carried away 277 (I Rawl. 36. 20). — mi-ti-ku Subst. march, 401; Stat, constr. m i-ti-ik 218, 2; 289, 65; also m i-ti-ik 301, 22. "IHN (ilu) A-tar name of a god*e«5, Adar, comp. "n^j^T^j^, properly father of decision, father of destiny 179; 443. IPN (il") A-tar-sa-ma-(ai)-in Syr.-Arab. deity = pj3D "inyi i- ®- li}35^ "^ Athar {Astarte) of heaven 110 (footn. * Eng. ed. p. 94); 148; 414 (Jer. VII. 18). D 1ND (ilu) B au name of a god, written Ba-ii (:= Hebr. ihs?) 14. b{*jLj, Ai-am. {<33 ; written • * T T ba-a-bu Syll. 365. Ideogr. 129; 455, 12. •^33 (for ^{^"33) (ir) Babilu (B§,bilu?) name of the town ^oi^/Zon = Hebr. '?33, written Ba-bi-lu, Ba-bi-i-lu, BS,b-ilu etc. (seep. 128) 11 (footn.); ^128; 247, 1; 276; 278; 335 (I Rawl. 48 No. 5.3); 363,2. 6; 480, B.C. 812 etc. — (ir) Babilai Gentile adj. Babylonian, writ- ten Babila-ai 128 (footnote ***). — (m^t) Bftb-ilu land of Babel, Babylonia 129. — (ir) B§.b-dur name of a town, properly ^ra^e-wa?/ o/ the fortress 129. — (i r) Bab-sa-li-mi-ti name of a town 370, 30. T(1)D (m&t) Ba-a-zu name of a country, comp. Hebr. ]!)3 141 (Gen. XXII. 21). ^^3 comp. Hebr. (TjO) Tli33 (Arab. viJb). — a-bu-ka 1. Ps. Sg. Impft. Kal I carried away 374, 26 ; 375 (Notes and Illust.). 7Q bul Subst, probably to be connected with ^3^ = produce, pro- duction, also applied to animals, written bu-ul 17, 4. ^HD bi t-hal-lu (la) Subst. horsemen, cavalry 194, 101; 195. inD see -ino- )D3 (i?) butnu name of the plant Pistacio, comp. Hebr. J^3 (Gen. 43, 11), Ar. qI3J. Written bu-ut-nu Asurn. Stand-Inscr. 18; his Obelisk inscr. I R. 28 col. II, 15; Sargon's Khors. 159 etc. n^3 bitu Subst. house, Hebr. f)i3, Arab. c^aJ etc. — Bit-ZI.DA GLOSSARY. 219 name of a Babylonian building 123; 363, 4. — Bit(l')-P ar-r a name of a temple 280. — Bit-Sag-ga-tu (I'-sag-ila) name of a temple 122; 363, 3. — B it-rid u-[u-]ti' name of a palace 335, 8. — (m&t) Bit- A-di-ni name of the country Hi^Tl^? l'^; 327 bis. — {mki) Bit- Am-ma-na(nu) name of the country Ammon, I'i'Q^, see below JDN- — (ir) Bit-Da-kan(gan)-na name of the town Beih-Ddgbn 167; Josh. XV. 41 ; 289, 65. — (ir) Bit-zi-it-ti name of a town = n^m^S 288, 39. — (m§.t) Bit-Hu-um-ri-i name of a country Omriland, see ilj^pl- — (m&t) Bit-Ja-ki-ni, Bit-Ja-kin name of a country Ja^irt's^ajid (in Babylonia) 247, 3; 350, 50; 351, 59. — (mat) Bit-Ku-ba-ti v, name of a country 426, 25. — (m§,t) Bit-Sa-'-al-li name of a country 234, 25. — (mS,t) Bit-Si-la-a-ui name of a country 232, 8; 234, 25. 1D2 (§ad) Bi-ik-ni name of a mountain 247, 3. "133 comp. Tj-na, «i)^lj, Q^YII- — lit-tib-ka-ru 3. Ps. PI. Volunt. 541 Ifte. (from a quadril. "]33X^) '"^^V '^^2/ ^'es« 373 (footnote ** 35). nbs (n4r) Ba-li-hi name of a river Bellas., Belich ^jJLJI 134. ^•^3 baiatu to live, u-bal-lit 3. Sing. masc. Imperf. Pael he pre- sented alive esp. in proper names Ramm &n-u-bal-lit Bammdn preserved alive 472 (Can. Ill B. C. 786). Sometimes abbreviated to ball it as in Sin-ballit (Hebr. t0^2iD) ^^d Nabii-bal-lit-an-ni 382 (Neh. II. 10). — baiatu Subst. life. Stat, constr. bal-[lat] 195, 100. — b a- lat Asurb. Cyl. Rass. IV, 95 (see under tJ-'DJ)- — baltiitu Subst. the being alive, life with Suff. bal-tu-us-su-nu them . . . alive 261, 7; 289, 81; 302, 25. — bul-lu-tu Inf. Pa. summoning to life 26, 16. — Baiat-su-usu r or BalSta-Su-usur proper name Belteshazzar, Hebr. "1JJNtj'lD^2 429. ■^0^3 Ba-la-su, Ba-la-si-i Babyl. proper name ^e^es^s Biktavq 2ZA, 26; 236, Notes and Illust. J^^3 biltu, Stat, constr. bilat, see under ^3^. DiD3 1^0 Bu-ma-mi name of a town 220, 30. 1J3 banu build, Hebr. p)J3, Arab. ^aJ, Aram. }.1c. — ab-ni 1. Ps. Sg. Impft. Kal I built 97. — ib-nu-u 3. Ps. Sg. and PI. masc. Impft. Kal he made 26, 15; they made 17, 1. — ba-ni Part. PI. doing, making 289, col. Ill 6. — ib-ba-nu-u 3. Ps. PI. Impft. Nif. they were made 2, 9. — ba-nu-u-(a) Part, or Subst. creator, producer 174; 326 (footnote); 333, 8; 337, 6; ba-ni-(ja) 413. — bin-bin Subst. (comp. Hebr. n etc.) son's son, grandson 46. — bintu Subst. Fem. (comp. Hebr. ^3 etc.) daughter 46; Stat, constr. banat(?) 179; Plur. banlti Ideogr. 289, 60; 291,38; 302, 32. — binfiti &\xh^t. production. Stat, constr. bi-nu-ut 235, 28. — nab-nitu Subst. sprout. Gen. nab-ni-ti 175, ad Jin. 220 TEE CUNEIFORM INSCRIPTIONS AND THE 0. T. p"13S23 (ir) Ba-na-ai-bar-ka name of a Phoen.-Philist. town -^J3 p-13 167 (Josh. XV. 41); 172; 289, 66. •"I^ (m&t) Ba-ri name of a country 277, Botta 75, 4. Or, with Delitzsch, are we to take it as an appellative = &§ibut madbari '^inhabitant of the desert'''' comp. Khors. 124 : sa-ab si'ri '^people of the steppe'''"} — X^3 mu-us-ta-bar-ru-u Part. Istafa. creating 413. J13 (ir) Bar-ga-a (Mas-ga-a?) name of a town 194, 88. ^■l"13 Bir-da-ad-da (Smith's Assurb. 271, 106), also written (Var.) (Bir-(ilu) Dadda (AN.IM), Syr. proper name = ^^^"'^^ i- «• Hebr. inn""]3 148; 206. 1"1D i-ba-ru-u 3. Ps. Pres. Kal he draws forth 169. miD bu-ru-hi Subst. (Gen.) spear, comp. Hebr. n^'Q 209, footn. *; bu-ru-ha-ti Plur. 208. ^|-13 birku Subst. knee, Hebr. Q^3"12, Eth. 'OC^^ Syr. ijoj^, comp. Chald. N3!)3*1X- Phon. PI. bir-ki with Suff. 351, 64. 542 DHD bir-mi Subst. a clothing material = Berom DioilS? — 213, 19; 216 (footn. ***); 235, 28; 255, 25; 450, Rev. 2. iyy2 B u-r a-n u-n u Akkad. river-great {■=■ Euphrates) 34, comp. n*1D- PlD"n3 Barsap, Barsip, Barzipav etc. name of a town, Borsippa, written Bdr-sap (so read!) 124, Col. I. 27; 278. For the other ways of writing the name see 1 24 footn. *. p-\2 comp. p-)3, dji, ^-fS, nZ,^', — bir-ku(ki) lightning 205. — (ilu) Bar-ku (for Ba-ri-ku!) tightener, name of a god 205. — (ilu) Bir-ku lightning 206. pa. dS (ir) bu-ra-Su name of a plant cypress 2^113, |/o^ 388. Ideogr. 388. 1^3 properly to bind {corap. biritu chain"}). — birtu Subst. wmon. Stat, constr. bi-rit between, also in a, ana bi-rit - , Hebr. ]l}'^'2l 209, 42; 398 (150. 1). — gab§u Adj. in a mass, complete. Fem. Plur. gab-ga-ti 218, 8; gab-§a-a-ti 323. XI3 Gu-ai Adj. the Guaean i. e. one of the land Gu'i or Ku'i (Keil. u. Gesch. 121. 236 foil.; 257 foil.) 194, 92. JJ Gu-gu, Gu-ug-gu proper name Gyges , Pvytjg (= Hebr. Ji-j?) 427 (Ezek. XXXVIII. 2). — Ga-gi, Ga-a-gi proper name 427, ibid. D^J Gu-si, also Gu-u-si (Asurn. Ill, 77; proper name 193, 83. |DTJ (m^t) Gu-zu-um-ma-n i name of a country 345, 7. 11. n;i (ir) Gu-za-na name of a town Gozan 275; 480 (B. C. 809); 482 (B. C. 794); 484 (B. C. 763. 759. 758); 488 C, 6. ■jnj guhlu Subst. Phon. gu-uh-li 290, 35. ■jnj Gu-ha-an + DI (Assyr. Guhanu?) 31 (Gen. II. 13). Not im- probably = I'jn^I ^) (ilu) Gu-la name of a deity, the goddess Quia, properly the mighty, majestic comp. Akkad. GAL. Phon. 333, 12. . . . '^J (Ir) Ga-al-[ad?] name of a town Gile[ad'i] 2bb, 17. 222 THE CUNEIFORM INSCRIPTIONS AND TEE 0. J. ^^J gullatu Subst. region (Syn. of subtu) comp. Hebr. ^"h^, Th'h^^ see Haupt Sumer. Familiengesetze 28 and comp. Asurn. Stand. 4 da- a-is gul-lat n&kiri "■treading down the region of the enemy^\ as well as the passage cited in 456 ad fin. belonging to the Salmanassar-inscr. ; but this meaning is ill-suited to the passage Cyrus Cyl. 34 (above p. 373, footn. **). Ought we to assume the existence of two completely distinct words? — Comp. below ^3. hZ'Ol (avil) Gam-bu-lu name of a tribe 346, 16. □JDJ (mat) Gam-gu-ma-ai Adj. he of Gamgum 193, 84; 253; 257. boj comp. 'pi3!|, "p^^Ali J^^i liiaJ- ~ gammal Subst. camel, phon. gam-raa-lu 194, 94. — gam-mal 397, 3; Plur. gam-mal (with sign for Plural) 290, 18; 345, 8; 346, 17. "l^J comp. Hebr. IJJJ, Aram. ^V/' — gimru Subst. the total, whole 2, 4. — Stat, constr. gi-mir 83, adinit.; 174; 234, 24; 332, 18. With Suff. gim-ri-(su, sa etc.) Gen. 213, 9. 10; 249 (Eng. ed. p. 241 footn. f). — gi-mir-tu (same meaning) 220, 27. 29 {bis). — git-mu-ru (Gen. ri) 333, 15. "lOj (m^t, avil) Gi-mir-ra-ai Adj. the Kimmerian , comp. Hebr. IDi, KiixfxEQLOi 80; 84. 544 "■' . . DIIDNTIDJ (^O Gi-im-tu-As-du-di-im-mu name of a Phoenician town, perhaps = Q^lipx Pi (Hal.)? — 166; 398, 8. ■ ''■ ■ Os . P ginfl garden, written gi-nu-u, comp. lij, Ai'ab. iCL>, Aram. |Ll^, "Ji^', (Akkad. ga-na) 27 foil. NDnjJ Gi-in-di-bu-' proper name Oindibuh 194, 24. nj3JJj (mS.t) Gi-nun-bu-un-da name of a country 213, 7. "lOi giparu Subst. darkness, gloom, Akkad. in origin; gi-pa-ra 2, 6. "TJI GAR.GA, GAR.su [these readings have been meanwhile shown to be incorrect. With Delitzsch, Assyr. Lesest. d^^ ed. p. XVI, read §a-ga §a-§u as is shown by the variant to Taylor cyl. col. II 56 §a- a-su; comp. Dr. Schrader's note on p. 348 (Eng. ed. Vol. II p. 33). — Transl.]. Ideograms of essentially similar meaning viz. property, wealth, baggage and also stores, provisions 193, 81 ; 194, 88. 89; 213, 20; 232, 10. 11; 255, 21; 289, 56; 295. 10N~lJ (mat) Gar(Sa)-imiri-su name of a country Syria- Damaskus 138; 202; 213, 15; 262, 15; abbreviated (mUt) Imiri-su 138; 201; 203; 207, bis; 209, 41; 213, 15. - (m^t) Gar-imiri-§u-ai Adj. Syrian 252. Comp. under "1DX imiru. DDJ"1j (ir> mat) Gar-ga-mis name of the town Karkemish, Hebr. K'"'P3"13) written Gar-ga-mis 314 (Eng. ed. Vol. I p. 308 footn. *); 384, ad fin. ; also Kar-ga-mis 384, ad fin. — (ir, m&t) Gar-ga-mis-ai GLOSS ABY. 223 Adj. he of Karkemish 193, 83; 252, ad fin.; 323 (Botta 40. 20). See also DOpD under l^- i^j conip. i5y>-- — girii Subst. campaign, written gir-ri (Gen.) 288, 34; 289, 65; 301, 18. 22; 326, footn. *; 332, 19; 350, 52; 398, (150. 5). — gi-ri 294 (Notes and Illust.). □"IJ (avil) Gu-ru-ma name of a tribe 346, 15. ^-|Q^j Gir-pa-ru-da (so read!) proper name 193, 84 bis. — Gar- pa-ru-un-da the same 197, Notes and Illust. -)Ij>jgusuru Subst. beam, comp. _«aO«-, |^ ■«■ ^ — Ideogr. Plur. 184, ad init. (Targ. and Talm. XIK^^^ (comp. Syr. and Arab.) means 'bridge' as well as 'beam'. Fried. Delitzsch, Assyr. Lesest. 3^^ ed., cites the adject, gasru or gisru fern, gisirtu strong, powerful. — Translator.] nj ga-tu (Babylon.) Subst. hand, comp. Assyr. ka-tu (for the ety- mology see Assyr. Babyl. Keil. p. 194) 124. Dual kata 370, 31. 36. ^njj ^^sf" ^np (inp) Cruti, Kuti(ii) name of a race 137 (=r qi^ Gen. XIV, 1?), written Gu-ti-(i), Gu-ti-um, Ku-ti-i 370, 34; 425 (Ezek. XXIII. 23). "J 545 "lt'0'^i iJJO, r?I- — u-dak-ki-ku(ik) 3. Ps. Sg. Impft. Pa. 1 crushed 232, 8; 247, 2. J"n comp. Arab. -»• jO- — da-ra-gu Subst. (mounting) path, then way in general = Hebr. T]")^ 401 (Notes and Illust.). — du-ur-gi Subst. Plur. loays Tigl. Pil. I col. IV, 56. b D^T disbu Subst. honey, comp. Hebr. ^^t] , Arab. (j*JO , Syr. {.▲£9. Written di-is-pa 426. 1 ^ u Conj. and, Hebr. 1, Arab. _j etc. 123, ad init.; 124, col. H, 1 ; 374, 25. 28 (serves to connect nouns). ^2) comp. Hebr. (^2^) '^^Diri) Aram. \Vo| (also Arab. Jo^). — u-bil, u-bil-lu 3. Ps. Sg. Impft. Kal he carried away, removed 207, ad fin; 458, footn. 49. — ub-la (for ubila) 1. Ps. I brought 193, 81. — u-bi-lu-ni 3. Ps. Plur. 301, 20. — u-bi-lu-num-ma the same with Cop. 369, footn. ad init. — u-si-bi-lam-ma 1. Ps. Sg. Shaf. with Cop. I caused to be brought 291, 40; 302, 32. — biltu, Stat, constr.' bilat Subst. offering, then tribute (see p. 215 footn. *), also talent, comp. Hebr. "i^2 377. — bil-ti (so read!) (Gen.) 154 (Exod. IX. 7); 398, 6. 548— bi-lat Stat, constr. 115, footn. **; 232, 15; 277, 5. Ideogr. 213, 18. 19 bis; 272, ad init.; 288, 45; 290, 27; 302, 30.— bi-la-a-ti Plur. payments (in money), espec. payment of soldiers 290, 33 (302, 31). ^Tl comp. (D^P;, l5^3, HT- — i-©efl*kmaHjt--sstkb--4M?#et-^a«c»9atwe. — Transl.]. trr tLu^ l.^-cZ^ ^S-Lz^ I1D1 u-sah I carried away 156, doubtful in origin, perhaps Impft. V. '^'^-^•*,'^; ^.i Kal of the root nOl) ^ collateral form of nD> X^T comp. Eth. (D/^Al' Hebr. x^i , Aram, j^^ (Impft. u-si-a, US-si, see Salm. Monol. 11, 66; Sargon Botta 151, no. 10, line 114, comp. above 151 footnote *), go out, arise (of the sun). — asu Part. Kal. Ideogr. Sg. 178; 179, ad init. — asu Subst. exit 455, 5. PI. written a-si-i 290, 22. — u-si-sa-a(am-ma) 1. Ps. 8g. Impft. Shaf. / carried forth or away 194, 89; 290, 9. 19; 302, 27; 345, 10; 346, 13 etc. — us-si-si (from us-si-si ^ uSisi comp. Assyr.-Babyl. Keil. 203 footn.) 459 (footn. p. 163 Eng. ed.). — a-si-su-num-ma 3. Ps. Plur. Impft. Shaf. with ma 450, Rev. 4. — situ Inf., then Subst. comp. Hebr. HNii; ^^at. constr. si-it 1) sprout 335, 9; 434, 26; 2) rising (of the sun) 140 (Gen. XIX. 23); 184, 69; 374, 32; 455 (Ps. XIX. 7). — sus^ Subst. sprout, Ethiop. ^^^^ ■ , Hebr. QINiiNJi ! su-sa-a 2, 6. — musii, Plur. musi', written mu-si-i Subst., comp. Hebr. {^JilQ, outjioio, ca/)ial 124, 32. "lp"| comp. .iSj, -)p"», I r, . — ak-ru Adj. precious = Hebr. ^ni; — 450; Rev. 1. — a-kar-tu Adj. fem. 345, 9. f^lT u-ra-a 1. Ps. Impft. Kal I removed, carried away 232, 12; 255, 28. — With Suff. u-ra-a§-su, [u-ra]-as-su-nu 255,30; 289,61; 301,21. 1"^ comp. Arab. O,^, Eth. (DZ,J^',, Hebr. IT. — [ur]-du (so 549 read!) 3. Ps. Sg. Impft. Kal he descended, tcent down 338, 7 (for the form urdu see Tigl. Pil. I, col. I, 69; III, 71 (ur-du-ni). — at-ta- rad (so read!) 1. Ps. Impft. Ifte. 1 marched doivn 82, 105. — at-rad the same contracted 202. — ridu, ridu Subst. servant, apprentice, PI. ri-[du-]u-ti 335, 8 {ad fin.). — ri-du-ut Subst. (st. const.) subjection 358, 41. — ardu Subst. servant. Ideogr. (in the Plur.) 338, 16; 370, 31. — ardutu Subst. obedience, submission. Phon. ar-du-ti (Ace!) 213, 18. Ideogr. with phon. complement ardu-u-ti 353, 36. fT^^ arhu, Stat, constr. arab, Subst. month, CDC!'^«' H®^^- ^~l^ jlj,!*. Phon. ar-hu 380; a-ra-ah 380. Ideogr. 47; 124, 8; 193, 78; 333, 11; Plur. 15, 4. nrw arku ^-ahst. what is subsequent, comp. ^ ,*i, ^^i, DDT) D^DD"!^- Stat, constr. arak Ideogr. 153 (Gen. XLIX. 1). — arki(ka) Prep. after. Ideogr. 79, ad init.; 81, footn. **; 209, 53; 291, 40; 450, 73. — ar-ku(ka) Adv. behind 135, ad init.; 207, ad fin. — ark ft Adj. later. Written arku-u (Ideogr. with phon. complem.) 392. — ar-ka- nu Adv. subsequently. Ideogr. with phon. complem. 333, 20. — ma- 15* 228 THE CUNEIFORM INSCRIPTIONS AND THE 0. T. ak-ru(? — for ma-ar-ku? — ) Subst. that which is subsequent {!) 381, and footn. **. t^y\ comp. O,^, G)i^l*l ', tt'T', 2|-i. — marSitu Subst. posses- sion, property, comp. Hebr. ni^liO- Pbon. Gen. mar-§i-ti 261, 10; 276. T T 2W^ comp. (Arab. >_aS») Hebr. 3^1, Aram. ^£)£u. — u-sib 3. Ps. Impft. Kal he placed himself sat, abode 287, II, 2; 452, 67. — u-si-sib 3. and l.Ps.Sg. Sbaf. he for I) established, or assigned abodes 208, ad init.; 273, 3; 276; 286 etc.; also in the sense oi changed 351, 61. — u-gi-§i-ib the same 373, footn.** 34; 374, 33. — it-tu-sib 3. Ps. Sg. Ifte. he set himself 333, ad init.; [477 (B. C. 705 III)]; 478 (B. C. 681); 486 (B. C. 745). — a-sib Partic. Stat constr. dioelling 272, ad init.; 273, 1; 458, footn. * 48. — a-si-bat ditto Fem. 175. — a-si-bu-ut Plur. msc. stat. constr. 83; 277, 4; also a-si*)-bu-ti 180. — sub at Subst. dwelling, written su-ba-at (Stat, constr.) 123, ad init.; 373, footn. ** 34; 455, 4. — mu-sab Subst. abode Stat, constr. 335, 7; 455, 4 (Var. see footn. **). — as-ba Kal 3 fem. sing, (or plur.) Permansive they dwell ^bb, 9. T 33} Za-bi-bi-i name of an Arabian queen ^ '».f.j^\ 253; 414 (Jer. XXV. 24). 550 /DT z aba In honour, esteem highly, comp. Hebr. ^3} (149, Gen. XXX. 20). — u-sa-az-bil 1. (3.) Ps. Impft. Shaf. / or he caused to be esteemed highly (?) 219. 17. — Bit-zabal name of a temple: house of exaltation 185 (1 Kings VIII. 13). TIT (tit) comp. Hebr. |^}. — ta-zi-iz 3. Ps. Fem. Sg. she raised 332, 23. — us-zi-iz 3. Ps. Sg. Impft. Shaf. of the Pael he caused to come forth 15, 2. 4; 124, 11. -|i| comp. Arab. .IJ, Hebr. "I^J **). — i-zi-ru 3. Ps. Plur. Impf. Kal they despised, rejected 398, 11. — zi-ra-a-ti Subst. Plur. Fem. summons to rebellion 398. 8. * So we should read with Oppert against his own published text. The half-obliterated phonogram is to be completed into the sign for si. ** To regard these and similar roots as those with a middle X = -|{i{7, with Lotz, Die Insch. Tigl. Pil. I p. 182, because the Part. act. Kal is formed in S-'i e. g. zS,-'i-ru, da-'i-Ju (root Jj'^l) ^t^. , appears to me extremely questionable. Probably the truth is that the forma- tion dai§ is the regular and original one, out of which the collateral one kjinu etc. arises by contraction, just as asbu from asibu. GLOSSARY. 229 II zukku Subst. cell (Del.). Plur. zuk-ki 389, 157. Comp. 390, footn. *. "131 comp. Hebr. -13|. — 1) zak-rat 3. Ps. Fern. Perf. Kal she named 2, 2. — zuk-kii-ru 3. Ps. PI. Perf. Kal they named 2, 8. — iz-zak-kar (for iz-ta-kar) Ifteal Impft. 3. Ps. Sing. masc. (for fern.) he [she] announced, addressed 455, 13. — za-kur Adj. mentioned, re- ported {'i) 460, footn. — zikru Subst. name, invocation, Stat, constr. zi-kir 153 (Gen. XLIX. 1); 247, 3; 397 (footn. * 2). — 2) u-za-ak- ki-ru 3. Ps. Plur. Impft. Pa. they raised, comp. Syr. ]jj> 124 (col.I. 29). "l^f zikuratu suvimit. Stat, constr. zi-ku-ra-at 124 (col. I. 27). Should we comp. jj^?? — Haupt in his Glossary gives a form zikku- ratu summit under a root "ipj zakaru to be high. ")3y comp. Hebr. I^T, Arab. So, Aram. I^r] {ram), lij?- — zikaru Adj. male, manly. Phon. zi-ka-ru 17, Gen. I. 27; Fem. zi- ka-rat 179. We find also zik-ru (Var. zi-kar) 17, Gen. I. 27; 346, 17. Ideogr. 290, 17. ^^1 iz-lal 3. Ps. Impft. Kal lie became ruined, destroyed, comp. Arab.jJ, Hebr. ^Sj 97. " T [riDT zamu shut in or shut out. — zu-um-mu-u (so read) Pael Infin. (?) shutting out = devoid of 455, 7. — Transl.] Vy\ comp. Eth. J-J^^^^ [zanknvi to rain. — usazniu Shaf. Imperf. 1 Sing. 1 caused to rain phonet. u-sa-az-nin (so read with Dr. Craig confii-med by Mr. Pinches in a letter to me) instead of u-sa-as-su-u in Salmanassar's monolith col. II 98. Vol. I p. 185. — Transl.]. — zunnu Subst. rain, Eth. "J^^f^^ ' (Hebr. □-)!?). Ideogr. 47; phon. zu-un- nuv 124, col. II. 1. P) za-nin Part. (Stat, constr.) preserver, keeper, perhaps protector, comp. Hebr. pj^. It may, however, be objected to the latter significa- tion , that, as is shown by the Subst. zi-in-na-a-ti East. Ind. House Ipso. I, 12 the first radical is not Ji but ]. — 213, 3; 363, 3 and Notes and Illust. pj zu-ku-ut Subst. Stat, constr. ladle, comp. Hebr. T)T)], p^^ , pJi^E-, 208 (Eng. ed. p. 199 and footn. ***). npl comp. p|p|, ■ q nv — zakipu Subst. pointed stake, comp. {.a^ai Moreover, we should expect under these circumstances, e. g. in the Imperf., to meet with the orthography with modified i in the middle syllable ^= i-zi-i-ru, which is not exhibited either in this case, or, so far as my observation extends, in the other roots of this class. 230 THE CUNEIFOBM INSCRIPTIONS AND THE 0. T. crux. Written za-ki-pu(pi) 232, 10; 379 and footn. ** ; Plur. za-ki- pa-a-ni 261, 8. ^r)] zi-ki-kis Adv. — ?— 247, 2. XIT comp. Hebr. y^^, Arab. c.yS etc. — zi'ru Hebr. seed yi| etc. Wi-itten zi-i-ru 364 (Eng. ed. p. 51 footn.). Ideogr. 350, 57. — za-ru- (su-un) Part. act. begetting, begetter 2, 3; stands as j;")| for z^riu, as as-bu Descent of 1st. obv. 9 for ^gibu; comp. Assyr.-Bab. Keil. 889. — Zir-b^ni-tuv(ti) name of a deity properly she who bestoios seed 175; 232, 15; 282. — Zar-pa-ni-tuv the same 19, 28; 175; 282. DiDIT (n^DIT) Zirbanitu, Zarpanituv, see {^-jj. -)-|| za-rar(?)-ti Subst. throwing qf{?) 221, 31; 398, 11. Reading not certain. ]T\t (^0 Zi-ta-a-nu name of a city 220, 30. n T3n (n^r) Ha-bur name of a river Chdbbr Ti^Hi \y^^ ^'^ ^^^ footn. **. niDn ih-ta-nab-ba-ta 3. Ps. Sg, Impft. Iftana. he carried away (as booty). Sm. Assurb. 258, 113. — ih-ta-nab-ba-tu the same 3. Ps. PI. ibid. 79, 9 etc. (see 375, Notes and Illustr.). — hu-bu-ut Subst. Stat, constr. carrying-off, spoil 374, 31. "I^n (^•vil) Ha-ga-ra-nu name of a tribe 346, 16. i^n comp. nnri' !»-»»• — ha-di§ Adv. joyous 345, 9. T T f "m-j hirtu, hirtuv Subst. tuife. Written hi-ir-tu 414, Notes and Illust.; Stat, constr. hi-rat 177; also hi-ir-ti 175; Plur. hirati, writ- ten hi-ra-ti with Suff. 389, 156. |-)^p (m§.t, ir) Ha-u-r a-(a-)ni, Ha-u-ri-na, name of a mountain or country Hauran pip 210, 55: 428 (Ezek. XLVII. 16). jpl (mSt) Ha-zu (so read!) name of a country 220, 28. — Ortho- graphy and presumable position show that the country is distinct from the lin mentioned below. ^{<|)-j Ha-za-'-ilu Syriac and Syro-Arabic prop, name, Hazael, Hebr. i?N(n)Tn 148; 207; also Ha-za-ilu 207 ad fin.; 208. •);p) (mfit) Ha-zu-u name of a country, comp. Hebr. "i^pi 141, Gen. xxn. 21. Tin 0^) Ha-za-zi name of a town Amz ;lic 480, B. C. 805. Comp. Keil. u. Gesch. 217 footn. **. 552 inVTH H a-za-ki-ja-u, also Ha-za-ki-a-u proper name S?zKa (Heze- kiahj, ^n'pTn 161 (Josh. X. 1); 189; 285 (2 Kings XVIII. 1); 286, ad Jin.; 290, 11. 29; 301, 23; 302, 27. 30. GLOSSARY. 231 p^n (ir, also mat) Ha-zi-ti, Ha-az-zu-tu, Ha-(az)-za-at-(tu), name of a town Gaza HIV > ^j^ ^^^j ^^ init.; 161, ad fin.; 162, acZ Mn"<.; 255, 20; 290, 26; 302, 30; 355, 5; 396, 1; 397, 2. — Ha-za-at-ai Adj. man of Gaza 257, ad fin. — Ha-az-za-at-ta-ai the same 255, 20. NtOn comp Hebr. xt^rii ^^^ etc. — hi-it-tu(ti) Subst. «m, /m^.Jb* 194, 86. 87 (Keil. u. Gesch. 229**). ri'pn comp. Hebr. n^H » v_aA.3». — hi-it-lu-pa-tuv Subst. change- garment, dress 153 (Gen. XLV. 22). Comp. nD^Sri- — na-ah-lap-tuv the same 153 (Gen. XLV. 22). — D. G. Lyon in his Cylinderinschr. Sargons 11, Lpz. 1882, p. 14 derives these words from the root 3~in to cover. v>^pl halsu Subst. /briress , bulwark, rampart, castle, PI. hal-sU553 (with sign for plurality) 290, 21; 302, 29. *) The sign hul probably also possesses the phonetic value hil. 232 THE CUNEIFORM INSCRIPTIONS AND THE 0. T. pSn- Ace. to Haupt its fundamental meaning is to flee, escape (?). — ah-li-ik / divided {'i) 195, 100. — lu-hal-li-ku 3. Ps. PI. Prec. Pa. may they destroy 459, footu. 3. nSn bul-tuv Subst. liuiiishment, revenge, of obscure origin, perhaps Akkadian (HUL = limnu!) 398, 8. NDH bimitu Subst. cream, Hebr. HNDn ^'^^• lOn (i^) Ha-mi-di-i name of a town Amid-Didrbekr (?) 106, foot- note **. Comp. above "JJ^X- DOn ba-ma-mi Subst. Plm-. Ideogr. lights 124 (col. I. 27); 125 {Notes and Illust). IJSn (sad) Ha-ma-nu name of a mountain Amanus 388, footn. *. DIDPI Ha-am-mu-ra-bi proper name 427. ^ItSn Hu-um-ri-i Israelite proper name Omri, Hebr. l"}Oy 188 (1 Ki. XII. 19); 189 (1 Ki. XVI. 23); 190, passim; 208 (2 Ki. IX. 2); 210, 65. — mat (Bit) Hu-um-ri-i(i-a) name of a country Omriland, Samaria 150, ad fin.; 188; 189 (1 Ki. XVI. 23); 191, passim; 213, 12; 255, 17. 26; 277, ad init. IIDH (^•vil) Ha-am-ra-(a)-nu name of a tribe 346, 16. ntsn (^'') ™ ^t) Ha-ma-(at)-ti , Ila-am-ma-t i, Ha-am-m a-at-ti, name of a town or country Eamdth, Hebr. nOH '0^' (I'd fin.; 106; 220, 31. — See under PDN- — (^i") Ha-am-ma-ta-ai Adj. Hamathite 253, ad init. ; 257. DDn (^'') Ha-ma-a-tav Hammoth-Dor (?) "IJv^ niiSH ^'^2 (Josh. XXI. 32), non i^^') Hu-mut name of a town 232, 6. jpl (sad) Ha-na name of a mountain 388, footn. *. pQ^j^p (?) (m&t) Ha-ni-gal-mit (pronunciation dubious), name of a country region in South-Eastern Cappadocia 332, 18. "n^n (avil) Hi-in-da-ru name of a tribe 346, 16. pp Ha-nu-nu, Ha-a-nu-(u)-nu, Philist. proper name Hanno, Hebr. |!)in 162; 255, 19; 257, ad fin.; 396, 1; 397, 2. Diin (^0 Hi-ni-in-si name of a town Chdnes (Heracleopolis), Egypt. Hachnensu, Hebr. DJp]- 410 (Is. XXX. 4). " T "imn (™^t) Har-har name of a country 213, 6. iryn (^'^■) Har-ra-na(ni name of a town Harran 134, Gen. XI. 31. pp barrSnu Subst. way, see below T^H- D^DpDin (^^') Har-sak-ka-la-ma '^summit of the ivorld" name of a city Gharsalckalama 232, 16; 346, 13. nin harpu Subst. autumn, Hebr. F|~fn, written ha-ar-pu 53 (Eng. ed. p. 54 footn. *). GLOSSARY. 233 Scin har-pa-lu(?) Subst. — ?— 195, 99; 198 (Notes and Illust.). w-ii"] har4su (hui-asn?), comp. Hebr. V^-|n- ^"^^st- ^'oZd, written 554 hu-ra-su 134, ad fin. Ideogr. 193, 84. Plur. Ideogr. 157, 87. -lip ha r-ra-nu (ni), ha-ra-nu, Subst. ira?/, campavjn (comp. Ethiop. |i\^;?) 218, 2; 350, 50; 399, 4; 452, 69. — For the signific. see 401, Notes and Illust. ■^J^-^p hursu Subst. wood., forest, Hebr. ti'~l"n' — hur-sa-ni Plur. 83. iD^n (') Hu-iim(rik)-na-ai Adj the Chusimnaean (?) 253. J^ll (m^t) Hat-ti, Ha-at-ti(ti) , Ha-at-ti-i, Ha-ti-i, name of the country Chattiland or land of the Hittites 107; 115, footn. **; 117; 201; 202; 213, 11; 262; 276; 288, col. IT. 34; 301, 18; 323 (Botta 40, 20) (here Ha-at-ti-i); 354, 11; 374, 27 (read Hat-ti); 398, 11 etc. — (mat) Ha-at-ta-ai Adj. Chattaean 107; 156; 193, 85. ]nn ta-ta-nu Subst. son-in-law. Hebr. ipp 140 (Gen. XIX. 14); Stat, constr. ha-tau 140 (Gen. XIX. 14). ~iinn (™^t) also ir) Ha-ta-rik-ka , Ha-ta-ri-ka, Ha-ta-rak-ka name of a country Hadrach "Ijlin 220, 28; 453 (Zech. IX. 1); 482, B. C. 772; 484, B. C. 765. 755. nnn comp. Hebr. flDri' — ha-at-tav Subst. terror 399, 3. HDtD Ti-bi-tuv, Ti-bi-i-tav name of a month Tebeth HjIO 380. 3113 comp. ^IL> (F. i.), 3"i{3, v_sa^, — u-tib-bu 3. Ps. Plur. Sg. Impf. Pa. they made good {he made good 'i) 213, 2. — t^bu good, from which comes the Adv. ta-bi§ 389, 157. — ti-ib (Subst. constr.) the good, best 455, (Ps. II. 12). — tu-ub Subst. good, gladness, joy 373, 34. T153 comp. 0,h, y^, — ta-rid Part. (Stat, constr.) repulsing 352, 32. ,o , ri-jj^ (is) tarpi' name of the tree Tamarisk, Arab. ?L5,Jo, written tar- pi-' Asurn. Stand. Inscr. 18 in connection with (i,s) butni |J^3 (see ]132)- Comp. Berl. Monatsberr. 1881 p. 419. t comp. Eth. (/i.)^J^U I' Hebr. y-ji, Aram. ■^j^. — i-du-(u) 3. Ps. Sg. Impft. Kal he kneiv, was acquainted ivith 277, 4; 398, 12. — mu-du-u Subst. knowledge = J^TlJi comp. y^^Q. — Respecting a-di-i Subst. recognition, submission, see under ^T). p^^ (avil) Ja-dak-ku name of a tribe 346, 15. fn> (ir) Ja-da(ta)-bi name of a town 220, 29. 3P u-si-zi-bu 3. Ps. Sg. Impft. Shaf. he rescued, Aram. ^V't', .^lOA. 353, 34. — su-zu-ub Inf. Shaf. Stat, constr. 203 {msc. ad Jin.) ; 209, 52; 261, 6. C-o- □V umu, Hebr. □"ji day, Arab. |»j.j etc. Ideogr. 19, 28. 29; 53 (Eng. ed. p. 54 footn. *); Stat, constr. 19, 28; 124, 8; written u-um 124, 31. — fimi or iimi', Plur. Ideogr. 2, 13; 153 (Gen. LXIX. 1). Ideogr. with phon. complement 82; 153 (Gen. XLIX. 1); 157, 84 (written UD.mi) etc. — Ina iimi'(mi)-su-ma = in his i. e. those days, then {happened this or that) 201 (Layard pi. 90. 59); 203, adinit. — immu (pronounce imu!) Subst. ditto, written im-mu 53 (Eng. ed. p. 54 footn. *). — im-ma Adv. ever, comp. (Haupt) Syr. ).SnSD.«| 277, (Botta 75. 4). ni (m&t, ir) Javanu name of a country Greece, written Ja-a-va-nu 81. Ja-va-nu 81, ad Jin. — (m&t) Ja-av-na-ai Adj. Greek, Ionian 81; 169. GLOSSARY. 235 P^ Ja-ki-ni, Ja-kin Babylon, proper name 235, 26; 350, 50; 351, 59. Comp. also above under pi^. l'?JD^ Ja-ki-in-lu-u Arvado-Phoenic. proper name 25, footu. *; 105, ad init.; 355, 9 (Asurbanipal). IQi ira-nu comp. ppi, .-y^.J etc. Adj. and Adv. on the right, also right (moral.), on the right hand side 123; 135 (Gen. XIII. 9); 363, Notes and Illust. mi Ja-ma-ni Ashdodite proper name 398 (149. 11, 150. 5). 556 NS"" = l;D^ see ^r^]^}. ID^ (ir) Ja-(ap-)pu-u name of the city Joppa, 'jQs 172 (Josh. XIX. 46); 289, 66. {ij"l> comp. f^-^^. — i-rim-ma 3. Ps. Sg. Impft. Kal with Cop. he ■•T feared 397, 2. {<'^l (n§,r) Ja-ru-'-u name of the river Nile, Hebr. "iji^i, Kopt. J^po J^pCU 152, ad init. ~)~]i (sad) Ja-ra-ku name of a mountain {= "the green mountain" comp. n"li green?) 220, 29. ^1 ja-a-si, intensive pers. Pron. /, of me etc. 152, ad Jin. A similar intensive pronoun is fi^ = jati. Comp. also Assyr.-Bab. Keil. 253 foil. See also under ^1X- ^1 isu properly Subst. being, comp. Hebr. \^h, Aram it^j, then as a Vb. he is, or he has ; in the latter case the verb is construed with the accusat. (like basfi, ib§u) 159 (Deut. XVI. 10). Phon. i-§u-u 290, 14; 302, 28. Ideogr. with phon. complement 159 (Deut. XVI. 10). — i-sa-a ditto 374, 24. "lONH^ It-'-am-a-ra proper name Jathd amir, Himj. HOJ^yn^ 146, ad init.; 397, 3; 404, footn. *. ]Dm (m^t) Ja-at-na-na name of a country Cyprus 86 (Gen. X. 4). See also IJPX Atnana. D DXD kiSm Adv. accordingly, comp. Hebr. ^Q 140, Gen. XVII. 17. 33 (mS.t) Kib name of a country 213, 6. 333 comp. ^_^, YlOn. I' I ^^^ — ka-ba-bi Subst. PI. shields 261, 5. n3- ik-bu-ud 3. Ps. Impft. Kal it was obstinate [their heart — • comp. Hebr. 133'] 154, Exod. IX. 7 bis; 323; 398, 7. — ka-bid-tu(tav) Adj. Fem. heavy, rich 288, 56; 291, 37; 301, 19; 345, 9; 346, 9. — 236 TBE CVNEIFOBM INSCRIPTIONS AND THE 0. T. kab-ta (for kabd-ta?) Adj. (Fem.?) ditto 139, Gen. XV. 5. — Should ■we with Lotz assume a root HDD ^ — ODD comp. Hebr. D33 , also the allied form . a o>, ^ as well as the • T Arab. ^jh^jS . — ak-bu-us 1. Ps. Sg. Impft. Kal I trod down, subjugated, V Rawl. 4, 103. — ka-bi-is Part. Kal treading dovm, subjugating 83. — §uk-bu-us Inf. Pa. (Stat, coustr.) defeat 290, 15. "I3D kib-ra-a-ti, also written kib-rat, Subst. Plur. fem. tracts, regions, countries, comp. Hebr. m^J 213, 4; 247, 1; 377, ad fin. Ideogr. UB.DA II R. 35. 39. 40. N^IDD (avil) Kib-ri-i name of a tribe 346, 15. Go - ^^^ li'DD kablu Subst. lamb, ji'ns, (ji^^^, j»^ii£. Plur. kab-§i-i 193. 82. nSD (mat) Bit-Ku-ba-tiv see pi^. p3 comp. Ethiop. Ylr^? ."• — ik-ta-din 3. Ps. Sg. Impft. Ifte. he ivas concealed, disappeared 459, footu. 4. TI3 Ku-du-ur-Ma-bu-uk(ug) proper name of a Babylon, king 129, (Gen. XI. 28); 136. — Ku-du-ur-(La-ga-mar) assumed to be the original form of the Hebr. ■ini/^"n3 1^7. — Ku-dur-(ilu)Na-bu-un- di, also Kudur-(ilu)Nan-hu-un-di, name of an Elamite king 136. biD see ^SD- P^ comp. Hebr. |)|3, prri' Arab. .-.LS', "OJ \ (Aram, "as etc.). — u-kin (pronounce ukiu) 1. and 3. Ps. Sg. Impft. Pa. I or he set, placed or laid 213, 14; 232, 15; 288, 46; 301, 19 etc. — ki-i-nu(nuY) Adj. fi.rm, faithful 363, Notes and lllust.; 369, 28; also ki-i-nuv 413, 33; 414, Notes and lllust. — ki-nis Adv. 389, 156. — mikittu Subst. sub- structure {'i) (for mikintu). Ace. mi-ki-it-ta-(sa) 124, col. II. 11; 127 {Notes and lllust.). — na-kan-tu Subst. treasure-chamber C^) 193, 81. — Ukin-zi'r proper name Xiy'C,tji>oc, XirL,iQoq 234. 23. D^3 Kusu name of a country Aethiopia, or Upper- Aegypt , Hebr. tJ-'IS) Egypt. Kes, written Ku-u-su(si) 86 (Gen. X. 6); 205, footn. *; 326, footn. *; also Ku-su(si) 86 (Gen. X. 6); 335 (I Rawl. 48 no. 5. 5); 338, 10; 387. Comp. also under ]^^y Y'l'j a-ku-us (so read!) 1. Ps. Impft. Kal I drew off (sc. the skin) 323, ad fin. For the sibilant comp. the variants in Asurn. I, 110: a-ku-su (0pp.). Probably y)p, V^p a^re etymologically connected; in respect of the change of meaning we should perhaps compare Ethiop. {Xl'fl.Alfl) • Cf^yj^ ' he drew off' (properly slaughtered) from him his hide. ^^3 Kiisu name of a country Aethiopia or Upiper- Aegypt, Hebr. 1^13, Egypt. Kes 86 (Gen. X. 6). Comp. above ^'Q- DID ("•) Kuti, see ^HD- GLOSSARY. 237 13 ki CoDJ. as = Hebr. 3. Written ki 255, 23; 276 (translate : according to the non-agreement of ivill of the gods i. e. against the will of the gods). — ki-i ^n just as comp. Hebr. -i^ Aram. Jjo-il, Arab, j-jij.-^^ (Am. V, 26) 443. VJ (VO') (i^at) Ka-i-za(?)-ai Adj. Kaizaean{?) 157, 86. □^3 (kimu) kimtu Sahst family. Written ki-im-ti (Gen.) 301, 20. [Fried. Delitzsch prefers to connect with this Assyrian word the Hebr. nD^3 (the Hebr. and Aramaic name for Pleiades in Amos V. 8, Job IX. 9, XXX Vni. 31) instead of combining the latter with the Arabic > M^ 'heap'; see his 'Heb. Lang, and Assyrian Research' p. 69 and comp. also below under Q^ Assyr. kummu. — Transl.]. C^n Ki-i-su Cypr. proper name Kisu 355, 15. grg 1^3 kiru Subst. of doubtful etymology 48, footn. ff : (ana) ki- i-ri. By the contrasted phrase : ana libbi we are led to infer the meaning "■inner side''\ comp. Gen. VI. 14 : V^nOI n"*3D- Haupt (under "l^p) understands the word to mean a covering of pitch, comp. Aramaic | : ^^ -]2 kakku (for karku, root -|-13 , comp. Aram. "]~13?). — Subst. weapon (properly equipment?), comp. Hebr. and Aram, nil^f)- Ideogr. Plur. 193, 79; 194, 96; 195, 99; 201 ad fin.; 202, footn. f (277, foot. t). nn ki-ku Subst., some kind of receptacle 350, 55; 352. O - o - DDD kakkabu Subst. star, Hebr. '2'2'Q, Arab. \.^ y^ etc. Ideogr. Plur. 15, 2. 4; 139 (Gen. XV. 5). — ka-ak-ka-bi-is Adv. like stars 139 (Eng. ed. p. 125 footn. *). jJ^br Kul-unu-KI name of a Babylonian town, perhaps Kalneh no'PD Am. VI. 2, or nj'jS Gen. X. 10 (also ^^^3 Is. X. 9?) 96; 444. "1^3 (mat) Kal-du(di) Subst. Chaldaea , Hebr. Qi^ifS > Greek XccXdaiot 115, footn. **; 131, bis; 232, 14; 346, 12; 369, 29; 480, B. C. 813. — (avil) Kal-du gent, name Chaldaean 133; 346, 13 (Kal-du). jiSd (lO Kalhu name of a town, Kalah, Hebr. nSS) written Kal- hu(ha, hi) 97; 482, B. C 798. 772; 486, B. C. 744. t)^3 comp. ^^2, J-i', 'Cs, YIAA."- - u-sak-li-il, u-sak-lil 1. Ps. Sg. Impft. Shaf / completed, comp. Aram. 'Ji'^J^jJ,' , V V'^ a. 238 TEE CUNEIFORM INSCRIPTIONS AND THE 0. T. 335, 10. — kalu (kala, kali) Subst. entirety, comp. ^3, ^ etc. (Haupt sub voce assumes a root ^13). Phon. ka-Ii (Gen., also Nom. and Ace. with SuflF.) 154 (Exod. XXI. 8); 184, 68; 288, 55; 301, 19; 354, 12; 374, 28. — ka-la with following Gen. 191 (1 Kings XVI. 23). — Ideogr. 178, ad init.; 232, 5. — ka-la-ma Pron. indef. what, who- ever, of all kinds. Ideogr. with phonetic complem. ma 235, 28. — kul-la-tu Subst. entirety 247, 2; 373, footnote ** 34. Comp. however under ^^J. — ki-lal-lu Subst. totality 220, 28.— mu-kal Subst. total 315 (root 'J^T?). □^j ka-la-ma Subst. world, earth 413. Comp. the kalama of the preceding article. P3 Kulunu name of a town, written Kul-unu, see IX^D- □3 (?) kummu Subst. mass, chief portion, written ku-um-mu 124, (Col. II. 4). The word is probably connected with kimtu family. □3 ki-ma, comp. Hebr. )^2 ^t^- — Prep, or Conj. just as 124, 15 a. 15c; 169. Ideogr. 139 (Gen. XV. 5); 195, 98 etc. — ki-ma sa just as 124, 15 c. Comp. above under '3. i]303 Ka-am-bu-zi-ja, also Kam-bu-zi-ja Pers. proper name = Kambuj'ija 373 (footn. ** 35). 102 ak-mu 1. Ps. Sg. Impft. Kal burnt down 323 (Eng. ed. Vol. II. p. 7, 5 lines fr. below). 559 nOD (m&t, ir) Kum-mu-hi, Ku-muh-hi name of a land or city Kommagene 323 (Botta 40, 20); 405 (footn. *). — (ir, mat) Ku- (um-)mu-ha-ai, Ku-muh-ai Adj. he of K. 193, 83; 252, 50; 257, 57. D1JDDD K am-m u-su-na-ad-b i Moab. proper name Kamosnadab D13DDD = DlJti^DD C'*') "'^ init.); 288, 53. Comp. the Hebr. tt^lQ^ Chembsh and Hebr. 3"7^ ou the one hand, and the name "][j]"^tDD ^^ - T the stone of Mesha line 1 on the other. [But Smeud and Socin in their recent work 'Die Inschrift des Konigs Mesa' (1886) read the name as 'h'Q'^'Q^ Chemosh-melech. — Transl.] — Ka-(ma?)-as(?)- hal-ta(?) Moab. proper name 141 (Gen. XIX. 37). P|^-jjn Ku-un-da-as-pi proper name 193, 83. -]J3 kunukku Subst. seal. Ideogr. 155 (Exod. XXVIII. 19): 459, footn. 4; 460, footn. Derivation obscure. N^^3D (^^') Ki-na-li-a name of a town 249, footn. ff 11. nj3 kappu Subst. wing, comp. r]33 , ^Xf, }.ais, ^Q^^^T — Plur. kap-pi 383, ad Jin. ^2D (= Hebr. j;33?) ik-nu-su 3. Ps. Sg. and Plur. Impft. Kal he (they) submitted 288, 43; 289, 59. 68; 301, 20. — u-sak-ui-§a(§u), also u-§ak-nis 1. and 3. Ps. Impft. Shaf. / (or he) subjugated 184, 70. GLOSSARY. 239 — u-sik-ni-su ditto 213, 5. — u-sik-nis ditto 213, 14; 232, 13. — kit-nu-su 3. Ps. PI. Perf. Ifte. they had submitted Tayl. Cyl. Ill, 70. — mu-§ak-nis Part. Shaf. 188, ad Jin. — kan-§u Adj. submissive 346, 16. ^33 (= Aram. ^'^"2, Hebr. QJ^) kissatu Subst. entirety, host. Phon. Stat, constr. kis-sat, ki-is-sa-at 10; 413.— Ideogr. 184, 63. 64. 65; 212, 1. NDD kussu Subst. throne, comp. { 6 5- ^ ^ kar-ru signifying cold, frost -jn, 'i, »,i, jjaa, 4^C •■ 13 (ir) Kar-ba-ui-ti name of a town 175, footn. *. — (ir) Kar- Asur, name of a town 232, 7. — (mat) Kar-du-ni-as, Kar-dun-ja-as 42 (footn. *); 232, 14; 345, 6; 458, footn.; Kar-du-ni-§i 460, footn.; also (mat) Kar-du 459, footn. 2. — (ir) Kar-Sul-ma-nu-asaridu name of a town 193, 81. — (ir) Kar-Sarrukin, new name bestowed on Karkar, Khors. 63, 61. — (ir) Kar-RammSn (K.-Dadda) name of a town 220, 27. — (ir, mat) Kar-ga-mis, more softly pronounced Gar-ga-mis, name of a town Karkemish, Hebr. ^^">13313 384 (Is. X. 9). See also DDJIJ- -13 KUR.RA Ideogr. for the conception East, Assyr. sadu 397, 3. 240 THE CUNEIFORM INSCRIPTIONS AND THE 0. T. 9 ^- •» \rO comp. Hebr. J?-13 (Syr. j^jj , Arab. cLi'). — kitrd Subst. obedience^ submission. Gen. kit-ri-i 289, 64. 3-|3 kirubu(?) Subst., written ki-ru-bu(?) Cherub, Hebr. 3>|"13 39, ad fin. ^-)3 kirfi Subst. plantation. Ideogr. 210, 55; plur. 234, 24; 261, 9. "IPD (ir) Kir-za-u(?) name of a city 194, 97. i")2 (ir, mat) Ku-ri-i name of a Cyprian town Curium 355, 18. □^3 kar-mi Subst. Plur. orchard, vineyard, comp. Hebr. m^ 234, 25; 351, 61. — Comp. also 448 (Mic. I. 6). p3 karanuv Subst. wine, written ka-ra-nav(nu) 426. ^"13 karasu Subst. baggage, property, comp. Hebr. ^13"1. Written ka-ra-si (Ace.) 398 (Botta 150. 2). Ideogr. KI.MAS with suffix = kar^s-su (for karas-Su) 345, 7; comp. 348 (Notes and Illust.). ^■^3 Kuras, also in one place Kurus, Persian proper name Cyrus, Hebr. g/ij , Pers. K'ur'us 372 (Ezra I. 1) and footn. * (Eng. ed. p. 60); 373, footn. ** 35. j^3 (m^t) Kassu gentile adj. the Kassian, written Ka-a§-su-u, Ka- as-si-i, also Kas-§i-i 88; 132, ad fin. ;^3 Kis(KI) name of a town 345, 6; 346, 13. ■J^3 kasSdu to reach, arrive-at, capture.—- kasSdu gonit. kasadi arrival 455, 12. — ak-sud I obtained possession of, I captured 1 Ps. Impft. Kal 195, 101; 261, 12; 272, ad init.; 346, 12. 16 [ak-§ud-ud]. Ideogr. with phonet. complem. ud 194, 88; 202, bis; 207. — ik-su-du 3. Ps. Sg. he captured, seized 338, 10; the same with Suflf. ^ ik-su- 561 su-nu-ti 458, footn. * (III Rawl. 14, 48). — ik-gu-du 3. Ps. Plur. 450, 74. — ik-su-da (for ik-su-du — 3. Ps. Plur. or Dual?) 289, 82; 345, 8. — ka-sid Part. Kal conquering, conqueror 91, 58; 184, 66; 213, 5; 277, ad init.; 486, B. C. 738. 741 ''. Ideogr. with phon. complement ti ^ kasid-ti i. e. kisi-ti (for kasi-di) the same 459, footn. 2. — ki§ad Subst. bank. Ideogr. 480, B. C. 803. — kisidtu Subst. cap- ture, conquest, spoil. Stat, constr. kisidti, written ki-sid-ti 232, 7; 273, ad fin ; 398, Botta 150, 13. "I^D kisudu Subst. neck, more often kisadu = Eth. ^ftf'ljP'I 83 : ki-su-di in the phrase ka-bi-is ki-§u-di, comp. Asui'n. Stand. Inscr. mu-kab-bi-is kisad ai-bi-su "treading on the neck of his enemy"; see also the accompanying figured representations on the royal relief as well as on the monument of Darius at Behistun. -)^3 (Hebr. "1IJ,'3?). — i-ik-§i-ir 1. Ps. Sg. Impft. Kal I set straight, set upright, improved 124, col. II. 10. IV^D Ki-Sar name of a deity Kiaadgriq 2, 12; I '2, 4. GLOSSARY. 241 f)^>3 (?) (nar) Kas-§a-tu(?) name of a river 193, 79. — kissatu, see under ^J^. r)^f|^3 Ku-us-ta-a§-pi proper name of a prince of Kummuch 252 jinning of inscr.); 257 (beg. of inscr.). ^riD (^1") Ku-ti-i name of a town Kutha, Hebr. (n)niD ^^^ ! ^^^> ^^• brO ku-tal-lu Subst. wall, Hebr. bCi'Z > Aram. ^03' J^^H^ ^57 (Song of Sol. II. 9). bbD'D (ii') Kit-la-la name of a town 193, 80. 81. DDD comp. ^'XX, (>o£^) {IdZoa. — ik-tu-mu 3. Ps. Sg. Impft. Kal he overpoivered (properly he covered) 399, 3. IDD ki-tir-ru Subst. Gen. wreath, crown, comp. Hebr. "103 , niri3 124 (col. II. 13). inD ki-[it-]ri Subst. Gen. 397 footn. * 1, a word whose form and meaning are uncertain. It is doubtful whether it should be completed according to the form kitru because the corresponding Assyr. word should probably be read sihru "alliance". DinD (^'"> ni^t) Ki-it-ru-si name of a Cyprian town Chytros 355, 14. b iilb la, also la-a, Adv. not, Hebr. i^b^ Arab. ^ 2, 1. 2; 124, col. I, 30. 32; 139 (Gen. XV. 5); 159, Deut. XVI. 10. — The particle combines with the following substantive to form a kind of compound e, g. la libbi 276; la bi'l kussi etc. {^^ 1 i-' Ad}, fresh, cheerful, then successful, victorious 169 {not li-ih!). ^g2 ")J^^ la '-a-ri phrase with some such meaning as desert, wilderness 398 (151, 10. 2). Etymology unknown; but comp. Strassmaier, Assyrisches Worterverzeichniss No. 694. 4738. ^ND^^b (avil) L i-'-ta-(a)-u name of a tribe 232, 12; 346, 16. 2b libbu Subst. heart, mind, 3'p, v_^j, ].^^, ^'{\l- Phon. li-ib- bu 124 (col. II. 5). — lib-ba 154 (Exod. IX. 7) (Norn.!); 289, 73 (ditto). Geu. lib-bi 20; 48, footn. ff (Eng. ed. p. 48); with Sufi". 140 (Gen. XVII. 17); 272, ad init.; 273, 1; 434, 28 (lib-bu-u§ !). — Ideogr. 154 (Exod. IX. 7); 175, ad fin.; 272, ad init. (273, ad fin.). — Ace. lib- ba(bi) Prep, over, at, to 152 (Gen. XLIII. 28); 398, 150. 10. 1; 458, footn. *. With Prepos. a-d i lib-bi as far as 220, 30. — ina lib-(bi) Prep, at, in 175; also an Adv. there 193, 86; 210, 62; 374, 33. —lib lib great-grandson, descendant 393. 3^ lub(?) Subst. harem? 291, 38. 39; 300 (Notes and 111.) ; 302, 32. — Others think avil LUB and asSati LUB mean men-singers and women-singers. 16 242 THE CVNEIFOBM INSCRIPTIONS AND THE 0. T. p^ al-bi-in 1. Ps. Sg. Impft. Kal I stamped bricks 121 (Gen. XI. 3). — u-§al-bi-na 1. Ps. Sg. Impft. Shaf. I caused bricks to be stamped 121. — libittu Subst. (air-dried) brick, Syr. ]2i^^, Hebr. Di?^ > written li-bit-tu 121 (Gen. XI. 3); li-bi-it-tu(ti) (collect.) 124, col. II 2. 4. 9; Stat, constr. libnat 121 (Gen. XI. 8). Plur. libnati Ideogr. 121 (Gen. XI. 3). — lib(?)-ban-na-ti (?) Subst. Gen. treading down, pressing fiat (?) 290, 16. r^ (ilu) La-ban name of a deity (= Laban?) 149 (Gen. XXVII. 43). ]!33^ (§ad) Labnanu proper name Lebanon, Hebr. j'^i^p. Written Lab-na-na 157, 84; 183 (1 Kings V. 13); 184, ad init. and 67; 220, 27; Lab-na-nu 388, footn. *; Lab-na-a-ni 183 (1 Kings V. 13); 184; La-ab-na-nuv 183 (1 Kings V. 13). "13^ la-bi-ri-im-ma Adv. anciently, formerly 124, col. II. I5a. ]i;2b comp. I2,'5^, , >nS, g^, A'flAl lab-su 3. Ps. PI. Perf. Kal they had put on , were clothed luith 383, ad fin. ; 456 (Notes and lUust.). — lubu§tu, lubultu, Subst. apparel, dress. Ideogr. 19. Phon. lu-bu-u§-tav II R. 9, 49; lu-bul-ti 213, 19; 235, 28; 255, 25; 450, Rev. 2. nsb u-sa 1-bit 1. Ps. Sg. Impft. Sbaf. I imposed 286, ad fin. P^ la-du-nu (with determinat. ideogr. SIM (or RIK) Subst. Lada- num. Greek ?,j]davov, Xddavov, Hebr. ^^ 151 (Gen. XXXI. 25). T^^ (ir, m&t) Li-di-ir name of a Cyprian town Ledra, AedQa, AsSQai {AsSqcov) 355, 21. yy lu, lu-u, particle of asseveration, truly, yea, of unknown origin. We ought scarcely to connect it with the Ethiop. /^ * , Arab. J appearing in voluntative clauses, originally indicating direction — 157, 84. 85; — 194, 87; 213, 16; 278; 288, 34; 301, 18. 563 "I^^ (mi,t) Lu-ud-di name of the country Lydia 114. ^)b comp. ii")^, |a^. — al-vl 1. Ps. Sg. Impft. Kal I besieged 261, 12; 272, ad init.; 289, 68; 290, 17; 302, 28. — li-vi-ti Subst. boun- dary, frontier district 290, 14; 302, 28; 346, 12; 398, 7. 9. f^ (ilu) La-az name of a deity 232, 15. □pi^ Lah-mu name of a deity 2, 10. — La-ha-mu name of a deity 2, 10. DD^ (ir) La-ki-su name of the town Lakish, Hebr. ti^'iD^? 287, 3. ^^ Lal-li proper name 193, 83. "I^^ (ir) Lal-li(?)-da-ai Adj. he of LallidiJ) 193, 83. ^^^ Lu-li-i Phoenician proper name Lull, Elulaeus = Phoenic. GLOSSARY. 243 ^^l'!5J< ) 'IkovXaioq i. e. "he of the month Elul" (= Assyr. Ululai) 103 (Gen. X. 15); 286, ad Jin.; 288, 35; 301, 18. □^ limu Subst. Archonship. Written li-mu, lim-mu 315; 335, ad init.; Gen. li-mi 193, 78. p^ limnu Adj. evil, bad. Phon. lim-nu 19, 29; 323. PI. msc. lim-nu-ti 323. DD^ lamassu Subst. image of the sun-god (?) 39. "VDDb lam-ti-i-ri (?) 195, 101. [Dr. Craig: kiraa ti-i-ri. — Tr.] i^pb comp. Hebr. npS — il-ku 3. Ps. Sg. Impft. Kal had taken, 458, footn. * 49. — il-ka-a ditto (histor. pres. ?) he took (these 12 princes to help him), brought them up 194, 95. — al-ka-a 1. Ps. Sg. 376, ad Jin. — il-ku-ni 3. Ps. Plur. Impft. they took 458, 48. (D)D"1/ Larsa, Larsam(v) name of an ancient Babyl. town, pro- bably if not certainly the Biblical ID^N 1^5. Written La-ar-sa and T T V L a-a r-sa-am(av), followed by KI. m^ lisanu Subst. tongue, speech, comp. ]"jJ2.*^, ^1^!:^, ,m'-^) A.'*l'5l- Ideogr. (comp. II R. 17, 32 a. b.) 400 (Notes and lUust.). Phon. li-Sa- nu Xerxes C, a. 6; C, b. 7. 10 etc. Stat, constr. li-sa-an II R. 17, 32"; Khors. 161; Plur. 1 i-s a-n a-a-t a Darius O, 16. D ^ ma Conj. 1) connective enclitic particle appended to a word, and. Sometimes with adversative meaning 2, 5 ; passim , connects sentences together. 2) Emphasizing particle, not infrequently lending stress to the following clause which it introduces, like the Hebr. 1 consec. 2, 9 (here placed after the verb to be emphasized) comp. 2, 3; 82, 105. 3KD Ma-'-bu, Ma-'-ab, Ma-'-a-ab, Mu-'-a-ba, Ma-'-ba name of a country Moab, Hebr. 3ij>jO 140 (Gen. XIX. 37); 257; 355, 4. — [Ma]- '-ba-ai Adj. Moabite 288, 53. "{H,^ comp. Hebr. 1}^p. — ma'du Adj. much, many. Ideogr. 236,564 28; ma'-diitu PI. Ideogr. ma-at-tu Fern. Sg. 234, 22. — ma-'-dis Adv. much. A-n a ma-'-dis in large numbers 209, 44. — mu'du Subst. crowd, Hebr. "iJ^p 18. — (aua) mu-'-di-i 450, Rev. 4. — ni-mi-du powerful, exalted 287, 27; 290, 36. — Ni-mi-it-ti-Bil, name of an encircling wall of Babylon 185 (1 Kings VII. 21). But see also under IDX- D(N)D (mat) Mi-su name of a country 213, 7. 1ND u-ma-'-ir 3. and 1. Ps. Sg. Impft. Pa. he (or I) despatched, summoned 345, 11; 354, 13; 452, 67. 16* 244 THE CUNEIFORM INSCRIPTIONS AND THE 0. T. "IIJD (ii*) Ma-gi(ga)-du-u name of a town Megiddo njD 168 (Josh. XVII. 11) ad fin. PD (mSt) MS,gan name of a country, written Ma-gan-na, Ma-gan 89, footn. *; 205 (Eng. ed. 195 footn.); 326, footn. "i;)Q im-gur 3. Ps. Sg. Impftc. Kal he is willing, inclined, favourable. — su-um-gi-ri Shaf. Impft. Sg. msc. shoio thyself gracious 416, ad fin. Comp. the proper name iDi~"lJDD ==^ Sumgir-Nabfi 416. — magiru FsLTt. favourable , willing, obedient. Phon. Plur. ma-gi-ri 247, 2. — magSru Subst. grace, favour. Ideogr. 19, 28; 124, col. II. 8; 333,12. — Im-gur-Bi'l name of an encircling wall of Babylon 185, 1 Ki. VII. 21. "nQ (mat) Madai, written Ma-da-ai name of the country Media. Hebr. liQ 80; 213, 7. • T ^1Q comp. tJ^IO}^, Arab, ^jt*^^ on the one hand, Arab. tLs**^, Ethiop. ^Oj*|j"^J on the other. — musu Subst. night, written mu-§u 53 (Eng. ed. p. 54 footn. *) ; mu-§a Ace. 16. n*lD comp. (n^) niD. "^^j ^VA^ , ^'t';. — mu-ta-nu Subst. properly death, then mortal disease, pestilence 480, B. C 803; 484, B. C. 765. 739 ^ PIQ muh-(hi) Akkad., Prepos. imported into Assyr. upon, over 232, 7. J11f3 ma-ha-zu Subst. /or^ress , town, place, comp. Targ. i^nnD ^^■ ma-ha-zi 207; 373 (footn. ** 34). D^riD (^J") Ma-hal-li-ba name of a town = ^^pli^, HS^H '' ^'^^' 288, 39. n^riD (m&t) Ma-hal-la-ta-ai Adj. Machallataean 157, 86. yr\D comp. Hebr. VnD- — am-ha-as, am-has 1. Ps. Sg. Impft. Kal I broke to pieces, then struck 396, 2; 397, footn. * 2. — Written am-ta-hi-is, also am-t(d) ah-hi-i s 1. Ps. Sg. Impft. Ift. I fought 194, 97; 198, Notes and lllust.; 201; 203; 209, 47; 289, 79 (am-da-hi-is); 565 301, 24 (similarly written). — mun-dah-hi-si, [mun]-tahsi properly Part. PI. Ift., then Subst. combatants 261, 4; 323 (Eng. ed. Vol. II p. 7 line 6 fr. below); 345, 11. — mit-hu-su Inf. Hte. fighting, battle 290, 16. VriD raah-su Adj. bitter, comp. Hebr. VDH* ^^^ under HID mar- ratu. •^PQ am-hur 1. Ps. Impft. Kal. I received 82, ad fin. (Obelisk-insc. 109); 157, 87; 193, 86; 194, 87; 207, 102 foil.; 208 (2 Kings IX. 2); 210, 65; 213, 21 etc. — am-tah-har 1. Ps. Impft. Ifta. I received 82, 106. — muh-hu-ur Inf. Pa. {hostile) encounter 332, 21. — mahrfi OLOSSABY. 245 Adj. earlier (ancient), written mah-ru-u(ra-a), also ma-ah-ru(ri, ri-i) 97 (Stand, insc. 14) ; 124, col. I. 28; 272; 289, 62; 301, 21; 326, footn. {ad init.); 350, 52. — mahritu the same Fem. Sg. Written mah- ri-ti (Gen.) 290, 27; 302, 30. — mah-ru-u-ti the same Plur. msc. 338, 14. — mah-ri Prep, before, with a-di before, to, unto 289, 57; 301, 21; 369, footn. adinit.; also ma-har 373, footn. ** 35; also a-na ma-har 235, 26; with Suflf. ma-ha-ar-(§u) 287, II. — mi-ih-rit Prep. before 232, 10. — tam-ha-ru Subst. (hostile) encounter, struggle 169; 195, 101 ; 289, 82; 345, 7. ^^ mi Subst. Plm*. water, corap. Hebr. Qif^ etc. Ideogr. 2, 5. Phon. mi-i (Gen.) 124, col. I. 32; mi-i 195, 99. I^IQ ma-ai-al, ma-ai-al-tuv Subst. couch J.a^ 216, footn. f. TD (pD'') (mat) Ma-i-za (?)-ai Adj. Maizaean(^) 157, 86. ^3Q mu-kal, see ^^3- "n^Q? — ma-ak-ru Adj. — ?— Combined with arhu 380, 13. ^'Q mflu Subst. high flood (root J^^JO ?). Written (ina) mi-li-(ga) 193, 82; also (ina) mi-li-(sa) 203, ad init. Comp., however, under }^^Q comp. Hebr. J^^Q, Aram. jTlkLo, Arab. Xe, ^Lo. — u-mal-lu-u 3. Ps. Sg. Impf. Pa. he filled 213, 2. — u-mal-la-a 1. Ps. Sg. 234, 24. — u-sam-li 1. Ps. Sg. Impft. Shaf. 195, 99. — ma-la Pron. ivho- soever, properly Ace. Subst. /wZnesa of . . . . , in connection with ba- §u(-u) (q. V.) as many of them as there are or were 232, 13; 345, 10. — milu Subst. high flood. See the sections under ^Q and comp. under ii^i^. — matlfi, PI. matluti Adj. entire 288, 56 (mat-lu-ti). "1^0 (ir, mat) Mi-lid-da-ai Adj. he of Melid i. e. Melitene 253; 257. p^^ Miluhhu name of the land Upper- Aegypt or Nubia, written Mi-luh-hi, Mi-luh-hi, Mi-luh-hi-i and also Mi-luh-ha 87, ad init. (205, footn.); 289, 74, 81; 301, 24; 302, 25; 326, footn.; 370,35; 398, (Botta 150, 7; 151, 10, 1). n^D (avil) Ma-li-hu name of a tribe 346, 15. - 'h]2 malku Subst. prince, Hebr. TJ^D, Arab. bi5vL«. Phon. ma-lik 23, footn. **. — mal-ki, ma-li-ki Plur. 23, footn. **; 115, footn. **; 213, 4; 323 (Botta 40, 20). — ma-li-kat Subst. fem. Stat, constr. princess II R. 66, 4. — mal-kut Subst. Stat, constr. rule 213, 1. — (ilu) Ma-lik name of the Ae'xij Moloch ("i) 150 (text and footn.*); 155, (Lev. XVIII. 1). — Malik-ram-mu name of an Edomite king 150, (Eng. ed. p. 136); 288, 54. — Mil-ki-a-sa-pa Phoenico-Bybl. proper name 185 (I Kings V. 32); 355, 8. 566 246 THE CUNEIFORM INSCRIPTIONS AND THE 0. T. □^Q milammu Subst. majesty, splendour. Is it of Akkadian origin? — mi-lam-mi (Gen.) 213, 17; 235, 27; 288, 35; 290, 30; 301, 18; 302, 30 etc. WDD mummu Subst. watering, wave (:= ra^mi? — ); written mu- um-mu 2, 4. "'DD mS'ini Subst. Plur. water, waters, comp. Hebr. IQIQ, written ma-a-mi (Var. ma-mi-ja) 116. rT'DD mamitu Subst. declaration, oath, see "iQJ^. ]DD mamma n, see QJ^. ^1212 (^J") Mi-im-pi, also Mi-im-pi name of the town Memphis, Hebr. Vp and rj3, Egypt. Men-neffer, Kopt. JULGJULSe , JULGJULCJI 357 (2 Ki. XXIII. 29) ; 391 (Is. XIX. 13). fliO mannu (manu) interog. pron. ^whoT, comp. yi>A (,.^^), Aram. ^ — Man-nu-ki-RammSn who is like Ramman'i 478, B. C. 683, comp. 429 (Eng. ed. Vol. II p. 126). — Transl] yQ ma-na Subst. Mina, Hebr. niD> Arab. Li/e, Aram. ).aJL^, word of Sumero-Akkad. origin 143, ad init. P (mS,t) Mu-un-na name of a country (= ^3^?) 213, 8. — (m§,t) Man-na-ai, Ma-an-na-ai Adj. 423, ad fin.; 480, B. C. 808. 807; Hebr. ■'JDt Greek Mivvdq. )^'{2 comp. niQ> Aram, jiy, Arab. LLo, ^Xa. — am-nu 1. Ps. Sg. Impft. Kal I counted 255, 22; 289, col. III. 4; 290, 20; 302, 26. 28; 345, 10; 398 (Botta 150, 12). — im-nu-u 3. Ps. Sg. and Plur. 247, 2; 450, Eev. 4. — ma-ni Subst. counting, reckoning (Gen.) 202, bis; 203; 210, 57; 213, 21 etc. — mi-ni Subst. (Gen.) with same meaning 338, 11; also mi-ni 450, Rev. 4. — minfitu Subst. reckoning, number Ace. (NB!) mi-nu-ta 159 (Deut. XVI, 10) (for the Ace. see under jj,'^ isii). Ideogr. (MIS) 159. — ma-na Subst. mina, see under 1^. DnJD MI-ni-hi-(im-)mi Menahem, name of a king of Samaria, Hebr. DHiP 191 (1 Ki. XVI. 24); 223, ad j^n. ; 252. — Mi-in-bi-ira-mu ditto, name of a king of Samsimurun 288, 47; comp. 192. D^D manaman, manman, mamman whosoever, any one 235,26. — ma-na-ma the same 2, 7. [See above under ^^Q. — Transl.] ^DiD Mi-na-si-i Jewish proper name Manas seh , Hebr. HtS'iD 1^9 (1 Kings XIV. 21); 355, 2". — Mi-in-si-i the same 189 (1 Ki'. XIV. 21); 355, 2^ 567 HDiJiD (nDTJD'*) (avil) man-sa(za)-as-pa-ui Subst. Plur. a name of a person of rank 345, 10. GLOSSARY. 247 Q^ rnis-ta Subst. number'} — Furthei* particulars may be seen about this assumed word in 159 (Deut. XVI. 10). J^DD (avil) Mas-'-ai, Ma-as-'-ai Adj. he of Mas' a i. e. {^tJ/Q 148, ad fin. TDD (m^t) Mu-us-ki, Hebr. IV^^ (perhaps we ought to point it ng^Q?), Greek name of a people Mbayoi , LXX Moaox, land of the Moschi 84. Comp. also under "n^;^- "1DD mu-sar-i Subst. PI. lines comp. Akkad. SAR ^ Assyr. sataru -113^ 315. IPDD (i?) nju-suk-kan-ni name of a tree, palm (name of Akkad. origin) 234, 24. "12iD i-mi-is-sir? — 195, 100. [Dr. Craig, Hebraica July 1887, confirmed by Pinches, reads i-mi-is siri; see "Corrections and Additions" to Vol. n. — Transl.] liJD misru Subst. region (= Aram. "^Jilp, Syr. ]»^, Arab, ya^ bowndaryt). Phon. mi-sir Stat, constr. \\l,adfin.; 220, 32; 255, 18; 338, 13. "IJiD (mat) Musur, Musru name of the country Aegypt, Hebr. Ql^j^Q, written Mu-sur, Mu-su-ru(ri) , Mu-us-ri 89, ad init.; 153 (Exod. I. 11); 158 (Numb. XXXIV. 5); 205, footn.; 247, 4; 255, 20; 289, 73; 301, 23; 326, footu. *; 335 (I Rawl. 48 No. 5. 4); 387 (Is. XI. 11); 396, 1; 397, 3; 398 (150, 6). — (mSt) Mi-sir the same (Babylon.) 89; 364, ad init. — (mSt) Mu-su-ra-ai Adj. Aegyptian 289, 73; 302, 25 (likewise with determ. mSt). — (m§,t) Mu-us-ra-ai Adj. probably the same 194, 92. — Comp. Keil. u. Gesch. p. 256. — Mu- su-ri Moab. proper name 355, 4. DpD comp. Arab, c^'fi/o. — u-sam-kit 1. Ps. Sg. Impft. Shaf. J overthrew, destroyed 195, 98; 201, ad fin.; 209, 50; 277, 5. J^ID maru Subst. son, comp. Arab. S .^ ; from which is derived martuv, Stat, const, marat daughter Ideogr. 46; 97 (footn. *); 179. — mi-ra-a-nu Subst. puppy 346, 14 (comp. II R. 6, 13 foil.). 1"!*1D Maruduk, Marduk name of the deity Merodach , Hebr. "Tj^({4)lD- Phon. Ma-ru-du-ku, Mar-duk 422 (passim). Ideogr. 19, 28; 123, ad init.; 124 (col. II. 5); 373, footn. ** 33; 399, 3; 413, 30. He is also called Bilu Bel 174, ad fin.; bi'lu rabu 422. — Marduk- abal-iddi-na proper name 235, 26; 339, passim; 345; 350, 51; 353, 32. — Marduk-a&din-ahi proper name 458, footn. * 49. □■^^^Q M a r-1 a-r i m (?) proper name 335, ad init. 248 THE CUNEIFORM INSCRIPTIONS AND TEE T. pTilD (pyi*lD) niur-ni-iz(is)-ki Subst PI. horses Abb (Ps. II. 12). IDDID (avil) M a r-s i-m a-n i name of an Arab, tribe 277, ad init. and Botta 75, 4. ^^^ nD mar-ru Adj. bitter, Hebr. ")Q, see below niD- n'lQ (m&t) Martu (Akkad.) Western land, written Mar-tu 90; 91. mD (n^r) marratu Subst. Ocean- stream , name of the Pers. gulf. Written (nSr) mar-ra-ti 247, 3. — M^t (n&r) mar-ra-ti land of the ocean-stream, name of South-Babylonia, perhaps the □^n"l/0 > ^'^ ^^ pronunced □ifilD o* J®""- i^^t 21) 423. — The subst. marratu is most probably to be derived with Del. from the root T^Q to be bitter. Thus it may have designated the salt maritime stream as the bitter- water. With the Assyr. word comp. Syll. II, 17, 36—88" : tabu ^{j sweet:, marru '^Q bitter-, mahsu VflD (^= Hebr. V^n) sour. i^tS^D comp. Arab. Lamwo. — im-gi 3. Ps. Sg. Impft. Kal he formed a low estimate of, forgot, despised 326, footn. — im-ma-su 3. Ps. PI. Impft. Nif. they were forgotten, became obsolete Khors. 11. "jti'D ruaSku Subst. skin, hide, comp. ).nA^. Phon. ma-sak (Stat, constr.) 323. Ideogr. 193, 82. Stat, constr. 290, 36. nii'Q (mSt) Mu-u§-ki name of a people, inhabitants of Mushhi = "HK'D 84 (and footn.). Comp. also above under TQ^. ^^D comp. Hebr. ^]l}^, Arab. JJl^ etc. — tansilu Subst. likeness, resemblance; tan-§il Stat, constr. just as 15, 2. bU'D ma-Sal Subst. (Stat, constr.) ruZe (?) and hence protection {?), Hebr. ^t:>0(?) 350, 55. - T "lli'D u-ma§-§i-ru, u-ma§-sir 3. Ps. Sg. Impft. Pa. he left 152 (Gen. XLI. 1); 191, ad Jin.; ; 345, 8; 397 (footn. * ad fin.) ; he set free (to live) 266; — u-ma-§i-ru the same 350, 58. — ussuru Inf. Pa., as Subst. pardon, amnesty. With Suff. ug-gur-su-un (so read) 266; 290, (col. III. 7); (302, 26). "intfD (ina) ma§(?)-ta-ki-(gu-nu) Subst. — ?— 373, footn. ** 34. f^Q mStuv, m&t Subst. land, Akkad. in origin, has passed into Aram, as i^nD> IW*. — Phon. ma-a-tu 202, ad fin.; 452, 67. Ideogr. 2, 2; 80, passim; 81 and often elsewhere; also 153 (Gen. XLIX. 1) (Sing.l); mSt la tairat lamd without return 455, 1; 456, Notes and lUust. — Plur. m^tati Ideogr. 174; 175, 3; 273, and frequently. ^DD ™^* Matai, written Ma-ta-ai, name of a land and people 80, ad fin. jnD Ma-ta-an-ba-'-al , also [Ma]-ta-an-bi-'-il proper name of an GLOSSARY. 249 Arvadite = Matanba'al, Phoen. |?J?3inD Muthnmballes 104, ad fin.; 257; 355, 9". — Ma-ti-nu-ba-'-H the same 104, ad fin.; 173; 194, 93. — Mi-ti-in-ti Philist. proper name Mitinti, comp. rT^JnD '^2, ad fin. 166; 257; 261, 12; 288, 51; 355, 6"; also Mi-ti-in-ti 355, 6^ — Mi- i-ti-in-na Tyrian proper name comp. Mytton, Mutton, Metten etc. 169,569 ad fin. — Mi-tu(?)-na proper name 261, 14. {^^ (i r) N i-' name of the city Nb{-Ambn), Thebes, Hebr. j^^^, Aegypt. We, Ni 152, ad init.; 450, 72. 73; 452, 68. -]j^^ comp. Jc^. — it-ta-'-id 3. Ps. Sg. Impft. Ifte. held in honour 333, 9. — n a-a-d u Part, (for n&'du from n^'idu) exalted 413, 32. — na-'-id Part. Stat, constr. exalted 411 (Is. XLI. 25). — nS.dutu Subst. exaltation, majesty (Hpi). Ideogr. 323. — Na-'-id-Mar-duk proper name 353, 35. Df<:, see □-)> "^j^J nftru Subst. river. Hebr. "nni* Arab. .g.j. Ideogr. 31 (Gen. II. 13); 82, 104; 486, B. C. 745'. Also occurs often as determinative ideog. ^Ni (niS,t) Na-i-ri name of a country 91, 60. 61. — (m&t) Na-'-ri the same 213, 9. J^Di comp. t^3i, Ui, s-.^(4). i't')iC\Pl - ua-bu-u 3. Ps. PL Perf. Kal they have named (Subj. the plur. samamu) 2, 1. — i-nam- bu 3. Ps. Sg. Pres. (for i-nab-bu) he announces 153 (Gen. XLIX. 1). — ab-bi 1. Ps. Sg. Impft. Kal I called, named, 232, 7. — nam-bu-u 3. Ps. PI. Perf. Pa. they proclaimed aloud 332, 25. — at-ta-bi 1. Ps. Sg. Impft. Ifte. I named 374, 30; 375 (Notes and 111.); comp. ■ > oi /'] 'i^idP',- ~ ni-ba Subst. statement, number 290, 14; 302, 28; 874, 24; 375 (Notes and 111.); ni-bi 218, 5; 289, 75; 301, 24. — nibitu Subst. naming, with SuflF. ni-bi-is-su-un (for nibit-sun 338, 15); ni- bit-su 374, 30; 375 (Notes and Illust.). IDi Nabfl, name of the god Nebo (root JO^?). Phon. Na-bu-u412 (II E. 7, 40 g. h.); Na-bi-uv 412 (II R. 7, 41, left-hand col. and else- where ; see below). Ideogr. 232, 15; 333, 14; 373 (footn. ** 35); 389, 155. — Nabu-bal-lit-an-ni proper name 382 (Neh. II. 10). — Nabu- zir-iddina proper name Nebuzaradan, Hebr. ']li<"1T13i 364 (2 Kings XXV. 8). — Nabu-zir-napi§ti-§uti§ir i, e. "■Nebo, guide the sprout of life''' 353, 32. — NabG (Nabiu v)-ab al-u su r proper name Nabo- polassar 363, 5. — Na ba(Nabiuv)-k udurri-u s ur proper name Ne- bukadnezzar, hebr. iJii^TlDni- Written Na-bi-u v-ku-du-ur-ri-u-su-ur 250 THE CVNEIFORM INSCRIPTIONS AND THE 0. T. etc. 361 (2 Ki. XXIV. 1); 363, 1; 364, 13. — Nabu-li' (so read!) proper name 315. — Nabu-n^'id, written Na-bi-uv-na-'-id proper name Nabunit , Nabonidus , Aa^iV7]roc 433. — Nabfi-si-zib-an-ni proper name Nebosezban, Hebr. ]3]t£^il23 (166) 421 (Jer. XXXIX. 13). — Nabu-gum-i§-kun proper name 329 (2 Ki. XIX. 36). — Nabfl- u-§ab-§i proper name 232, 9. — The writing Na-bi-uv instead of Na- bu-uv is like ra-bi-uv instead of ra-bu-uv (Borsippa-Inscription etc.). rr^Di (avil) Na-ba-ai-tu name of a tribe Nabataean, comp. Hebr. nil^J 117 footn. ad fin. — (mS,t) Na-ba-ai-ti name of a country 147 (Gen. XXV. 13). — Ni-ba-'-a-ti, or [Na]-pi-a-ti see ibid. ^3i comp. ^^3. — ab-bul 1. Ps. Sg. Impft. Kal I destroyed 194, 90; 218, 9 etc.; also a-b u 1 210, 57. b'2^ nu-bil-tuv (? — reading uncertain). Means perhaps festival 19, 28. 570 riDi (avil) Na-ba-tu name of a Babylon, tribe 117 footn.; 147 (Eng. ed. 133 last line); 346, 16. "iJi nagii Subst. district, circuit, comp. a^L:5^J, written na-gu-u 86 (Gen. X. 4); 189, ad init.-, 195, 94; 286, ad fin.; Plur. na-gi-i 220, 30; 261, 15. IHD dpi) comp. Hebr. '^p'^p_ (Haupt). — ag-gur (ak-kur) 1. Ps. Sg. Impft. Kal I destroyed, desolated 194, 90; 218, 9 etc.; also a-gur (kur) 210, 57. [Observe that this form is often combined with ab- bul Kal Impf. of nabalu. See above under ^^j. — TransL] p^^D^i (ir) N a-gi-t i-Ra-ak-ki name of a town 350, 56. Nli [o^" mi nadfl to lay. — ad-di Kal Impft. 1. Ps. sing. I set (fire to etc.) 194, 89 — so read with Dr. Craig, Hebraica July 1887, instead of i-du. — Transl.]. — id-du-u 3. Ps. Sg. and PI. he laid, they laid 136, footn. *; 289, 71; 301, 23. — id-di(-§um-ma) 3. Ps. Sg. Impft. Kal with Suff. and Cop. 399, 4. Perhaps the Hebr. nii "to push" is to be connected with it , which has acquired in Assyr. the meaning "push or cast away". — With the Assyr. katS,§u iddfi (136, footn. *) comp. "jll nmi Deut. XIX, 5. T T : * pi comp. Hebr. "jj^i (Aram. '^iJ). — id din a, also idinav 3. Ps. Impft. Kal he gave, phon. i-di-na-av 339, footn. *; Ideogr. with phon. complement iddi-na 194, 96. — id-di-nu 3. Ps. PI. they gave, handed over 289, 72; 301, 23. — id-di-nu-nuv the same with Nun epeuth. Inscr. of Hammurabi col. I, 13. — ad-din 1. Ps. Sg. 1 gave 290, 26; 302, 30. — na-dan Inf. Stat, constr. 195, 100; 289, 63; 290, 27; 291, col. HI. 40; 302, 30. 32. — mandattu (maddattu, madattu, ma- datu) Subst. tribute, comp. rTlDt i^lr^- P^on. 82, ad fin.; 157, 85. GLOSSARY. 251 87; 193, 82; 194, 87; 207, 102 foil.; 208 (2 Ki. IX. 2); 210, 63; 213, 14 (ma-da-tav); 218, 2; 219, 24; 273, 4; 286, ad fin. Comp. also 377, ad init. — Na-di-ni Babyl proper name 235, 26. p"l^ comp. Hebr. pjl^ etc. — nfihu Subst. rest. Stat, constr. nu-uh 20 (II R. 32, 16*). Dli (DKi?) comp. Hebr. QJ^> — ni-nu-mi 1. Ps. PI. Impft. Kal we announced 124 (col. I. 27) (here with a present meaning). o > p ^ ]^i comp. Arab. ..,_jj, Aram. J.JqJ (Hebr. V^^). — nQnu Subst. fish, nu-u-nuv(ni) 169; 182, ad init.; 426, ad init.; for the Ideogr. see II R. 40, 18 e. f. 1")J comp. .Li, ,jj; — Hebr. "^^ lamp, Aram. |jaJ fire. — Nan- 571 nar, written Na-an-nar, name of a god '^the Illuminator", epithet of the raoongod 10 ad fin. — nflru Subst. lamp, Hebr. "j], Arab. .^i. Stat, constr. nu-ur 155, (Exod. XXVII. 20); 175, ad init. IJ3 manzazu dwelling; from which comes man-za-z[i] Subst. Plur. 15, 1. ^pl^ nahlu Subst. brook, Hebr. ^fli) Aram. |1 ..v Stat, constr. na- hal 158 (Numb. XXXIV. 5). ]D('')i Ni-sa-nu name of the month Nisan, Hebr. jQi^ 380, ad init. ")ii (iJ^i) ni'ru, Subst. yohe, Ai-ab. ^ J ; then also side 156 (Numb. XXII. 5). Phon. (ana) ni-ri with Suff. 195, 102; 289, 59; 301, 20 etc. Ideogr. 156; 184, 70; 193,85; 213, 5. 13; 232, 13 (read ni'ri-ja). — niraru, nirarutu (nirarfitu?) Subst. help, assistance Ideogr. with phon. complem. ti 194, 95; 473, B. C. 810. — Root "il^ or "n^?. IDi Ni-(ik-)ku-u proper name Necho, "j^^, fQ'^ 357 (2 Kings XXIII. 29); 371. /Di naklu Adj. artistically wrought. From this we have the PI. msc. nak-lu-ti 389, 157; Plur. fem. na-ak-la-a-ti Adj. PI. Fem. 413, 31. Should the Hebr.-Aram. ^^J be brought into comparison? DDi nakamu heap up. — nakantu Subst. heaping up, place for storing up, treasure chamber{?). Phon. na-kan-ti 193, 81. D3} ak-kis, a-kis 1. Ps. Sg. Impft. Kal I cut or hewed down 210, 55; 261, 9; 234, 24. — nik-su(?) Subst. hewing in pieces (?). Phon. Gen. nik-si 290, 16. Comp. Aram. uaaJ. -^33 comp. Hebr. l^^, Arab. jXi etc. — unakkir 3. Ps. msc. Impft. 252 THE CUNEIFOBM INSCRIPTIONS AND THE 0. T. Pa. he changed. Ideogr. 19, 31; Phon. 338, 14; 398 (Botta 149. 9). — u-n a-a k-k i-i r 1. P.s. Sg. Pa. 124 (col. II. 7). — u-§an-kir Impft. Shaf. he seducedto rebellion 370, 37. — n§.kiru, nakru, nikru Subst. enemy. PI. na-ki-ri enemies 154 (Exod. XXI. 8). — ni-ik-ru-ti the same 154, ad Jin. — nak-ri§ Adv. with hostile intent 289, 72. ^Q^ comp. Q)^ in-na-mu-u 3. Ps. Sg. Impf. Nif. he fell to pieces 124 (col. I. 31). O - - "IQ^ comp. -^.i, -X40. — namru Adj. bright. Plur. fern, nam-ra- a-ti 389, 156. — nim-ru Subst. leopard, .^.i, )i^i» "iDii J^^C J 387 (Is. XI. 6). "^^^ namurtu Subst. onset, tempest, comp. Syr. jJboJ.^) . Phon. na-mur-ra-tu V 351, 62. Stat, constr. na-mur-rat 193, 79. 572 "iQ^ (mat) Nam-ri name of a country 414, ad Jin. Is the word to be pronounced Zim-ri? — 415; 482, B. C. 798. 774; 484, B. C. 749. 748; 486, B. C. 744. inDi (i'u) Nam-tar (god of) decision, destiny; plague 179, ad Jin. p nin, Akkad. word adopted into Assyrian meaning thing, possession. — n i n-§ u m-§ u = all to which a name belongs i. e. things of all sorts 291, 37; 302, 32; 345, 9. [Delitzsch reads mimma sum-su, — mimma being an Assyrian ueut. compound form = minma what- soever, anything, from interrog. manu who? See under Q^Q. — Transl.] i^ii (ir) Ninua, NinS,, Ninu name of a town Niniveh, Hebr. plli^i Phonet. (ir) Ni-nu-a 99 (e. g. Asurn. I, 101); 482, B. C. 790; 484, B. C. 761 ; 193, 78; 291, 39; 455 (Ps. II. 12) etc. — Ni-na-a 99 [e. g. Asurn. Ill, 91 (see Norr. 1049!). 92]; N i-n u-u (very seldom! — II R. 48 No. 3 line 9). Etymology doubtful; see Delitzsch's conjecture in Parad. 260. ^ii (ilu) Na-na-ai, Na-na-a Babyl.-Elam. deity Nanaea, Ndvaia 232, 15; 457. ji^Q^ comp. Hebr. J^D^. — u-n a-a s-s u-u 3. Ps. PI. Impft. Pa. they carried away 124, col. II. 2. P;q^ comp. Hebr. HDi- ~ as-su-hu, with Comp. as-su-ha-am-(ma) 1. Ps. Sg. Impft Kal I transported 276; 277 (Botta 75, 5); 289, 61; 301, 21; with SufF. also as-su-ha-su-n u-ti 232. — Respecting u-sah 156 (Numb. XXH. 5), see nOV TQ^ nisiktu Subst. something poured out (? — Root ^Di^)* Pboo- ni-sik-ti 235, 26. 28; 290, 34; 450, Rev. 1. — Comp. also 237, ad init. TQ^ nisakku Subst. wicero^/, governor. Phon. ni-sak-ku 393, foot- note ***. Ideogr. 393, ibid.; 411 (Eng. ed. p. 103 ad Jin.). On this comp. D. G. Lyon, Cyl. Inschr. Sargous II, Lpz. 1882 p. 12. GLOSSARY. 253 TDi (itt'i'') Nusku (Nusku?) uame of a deity (prob. only another name for Nebo, comp. the list of deities, Del. Assyr. Lesest. !»*. ed.) 91, 57; 333, 16. )D3 Ni-sa-nu, see |DWi- nOJ (should we compare Syr. ^aaJ ? — observe the contrasted phrase : sul-m u sansi! — see also Del. in Lotz 83 flg.). — naphu Subst. the rising (of the sun), Stat, constr. na-pah 140 (Gen. XIX. 23); 213, 6. 11. — Ideogr. 247, 3. — niphu Subst. with same meaning, Stat, constr. ni-pi-ih 140, ad fin.; 398 (Botta 151, 10 line 1). "HDi Nipur name of a town Nipur , the modern Nifer. Phon. N i- pu-ru II R. 13, 24 c. d. Ideogr. 232, 5; 346, 13. ^J3^ napistu Subst. soul, life, comp. Hebr. Ci^Di- — na-pis-ti 17, 3 and Notes and Illust.; 266 instead of napistisunu akbi (Guyard) 573 we ought to read there ace. to Cyl. Asui-b. Rass. IV, 95 : ba-lat na- pi§-ti-§u-nu ak-bi / announced the life of their soul]. Plur. napsati Ideogr. 195, 100; 203 (end of insc.) ; 209, 53; 345, 7 (na-pi§-tu§ in- stead of na-pis-tu-su) ; 353, 34 (nap-§at-su). i^Jii (lji;j?) u-§a-as-su 1. Ps. Sg. Impft. Shaf. I caused to descend {?) 195. 98. [Read with Dr. Craig u-sa-az-nin; see under p|. — Transl.] IDUi i^^) Na-zi-bi-na, Na-zib-i-na name of a town J^sibis —jl,sx^^ 275; 480, B. C. 816. 801; 482, B. C. 782. 774; 486, B. C. 746. 736. "IJi^ comp. Hebr. "iJi^i Aram. j^. — is-su-ru 3. Ps. Sg. Impf. Kal he preserved 369, 28. — usur Imper. guard! Comp. the proper name Usur-amatsu 457, and comp. such names as Nabu-kudurri-usur, Bi'l-Sar-usur etc. etc. — n&siru Part, protector. Ideogr. 194, 96. — na-sir Subst. (Inf. for nasar??) protection 333, 19. — ni-sir-tu (tav) Subst. that which is preserved, treasures 193, 81; 291, 37; 302, 32; 345, 9 bis; 398, 10 foil.; 450, Rev. 1. — Ni-sir(zir?) name of a country and mountain 53; Eng. ed. pp. 57, 58, Vol. I. ]lpi (ir) Na-ku-di-na name of a town 220, 28. Ip2 comp. Ai'am. {\^) \_h. D.i pour out. — inak-ki Kal Imperf. (II) with present meaning 3. Ps. Sg. he offers 19, 32. — ak-ki (read thus) for ak-ki 1. Ps. / offered 232, 16. — niku Subst. offering. Phon. ni-ku-u 19, 32. PI. niki, Ideogr. 157, 85; 194, 87; 232, 16; 278. ■Ipi see -ij> {^"12 (ii'j mat) Nu-ri-i name of a Cyprian town Nurt 355, 22. 7J"1i nir-gal-i Subst. PI. Lion-sphinxes 283, ad init. — Nirgal name of a god Nergal ^y^^ 232, 16; 283; 333, 16. — N irgal-§ar-usur (u-su-ur), proper name Neriglissor, Hebr. "H^iJ^^ti; ^Jli 330; 416 (Jer. XXXIX. 3). 254 THE CUNEIFOBM INSCRIPTIONS AND TEE 0. T. "T^2 niraru and ni-i'a-ru-t u Subst. kelp, assistance see under "i^J. ^J comp. Hebr. U^i^}*}, Aram. |.aJ), Arab. (j*Lj. — ni§u Subst. (femin. gender) 1) people (see Del. in Lotz, Die Insch. des Tigl. Pil. I 110). Plur. Ideogr. 19, 29; — 2) people, inhabitants (against Del. ibid.) Plur. Ideogr. e. g. Smith's Assurb. 223, 39; 224, 42; also Sanh. Tayl. Cyl. II, 63; III, 17. 38 (see Eng. ed. Vol. I p. 281 foil.). Likewise 83; 153 (Gen. XLIX. 1); 255, 27; 273, 1. 3; 289, 69; 301, 22 etc. etc. — nistu pupil (of the eye), comp. Hebr. ll'tJ^I^J. Stat, constr. ni-§it 160; 411 (Eng. ed. Vol. II p. 103 ad fin.) [ace. to Del. in Zeitsch. fiir kirchl. Wissensch. 1882 p. 125 from J^^J = raising (of the eyes), favoured one, comp. Ql^O i^ti'J; see Eng. ed. Vol. I p. XXXI]. J^^i comp. Hebr. {^jt'i, Eth. JV^/il' ^.rab. Li».j. — as-§u with Cop. as-§u-um-ma, 1. Ps. Sg. Impft. Kal / raised up, also brought, led forth 124, col. II. 15: 459, footn. 7. — ig-§u-ma 3. Ps. PI. with Cop. 277, 5. — is-su-num-ma ditto with Nun epenth. and Cop. 289, 57; 450, Rev. 5; 455 (Ps. II. 12). — na-su-u Inf. raising, offering, Oppert^ Exped. en Mesopot. II, 94; Gen. na-si-i 154 (Exod. IX. 7); 398 (Botta 149, 6). p^j comp. Hebr. ptt^i, ■"*■' - — i§-si-ku 3. Ps. PI. Kal they hissed 574 289, 57; 455 (Ps. II. 12). — u-na-as-§i-ka, u-na-a§-si-ik 3. and 1. Ps. Sg. Impft. Pa. I, he hissed 235, 27 bis; 353, 39.— u-na-as-§i-ku 3. Ps. PI. 450, Rev. 5; 455 (Ps. II. 12). [Comp. in O. T. 1 Ki. XIX. 18, Hos. XIII. 2. — Transl.] "l^i nasru Subst. eagle, '^]i}y, — ;*<^J , IjJaJ, ^flC" Written nas-ri (Gen.) 386, ad init. li^D (m^t) Sa-u name of a country 220, 27. Di^D sfindu a darh-coloured precious stone, written sa-an-du 30 [stands probably (Del.) for s^ntu, sSmtu i. e. Fem. of sSmu = Hebr. nnK,']. }^3D comp. nyDuJ^) i^■^** etc. — siba, sibutu(?) numeral, the number seven 315 (Gen. si-bu-ti). — si-bit (= si-bit-tuv) the same 21. — Si-bi-it-ti-bi-'-li proper name (= bV^'DV'^ii'' '^) 185 (1 Kings V. 32); 252, ad fin.; 257. i^JD (mSt, ir) Sa-ba-' name of a country Sabaea 145 (Gen. XXV. 3). — (mat) Sa-ba-'-ai Adj. Sabaean 397, 3. GLOSSARY. 255 ^JD (ii^O Sa-gu-ri(ra), Sa-gur-ri name of a river Sddshur ,k.>L*i* 156; 193, 85. I^D si-id-ru Subst. order, order of battle, Hebr. -)'^p 289, 77. ^i^lD (sad) Sa-u-i name of a mountain 220, 26. DHID (ni^t) Su-u-ha-am name of a country 426, 24. ■jID Si-va-nu, see p(i)D- pQ si-hu Subst. insurrectio7i, disturbances 484, B. C. 763 — 759; 486, B. C. 746. HD (mat) Sahi name of a country 427 (Ezek. XXXVIII. 2. 3). nnO comp. Hebr. r|nD> Syr. . o ^^ — is-hu-bu(pu), is-hup 3. Ps. Sg. Impft. Kal he cast to the ground 213, 17; 235, 27; 288, col. II. 36 (301, 18); 288, col. II. 43; 290, col. III. 30; 302, 31; 332, 20. "IHD comp. Hebr. "ij-]Q. — is-su-uh-ra he {they?) was (were) turned about (ransacked?) 488 C, line 4. — si-bir-tu, si-hi-ir-tu Subst. cir- cuit, region 213, 7. 11; 220, 28. 29; 255, 18; 338, 12; 353, 40 etc. ^D ('0 Sa-ai name of the Aegyptian town Sais 357 (2 Ki. XXIII. 29). ]i<^D (^0 Si-an-nu name of a town 219, 26. 1^(1)13 Si-va-nu, also Si-man(van)-nu name of the month Sivan,575 Hebr. jl^p 380, 3. Ideogi-. 484, B. C. 763 ^ •iQIQ sisii Subst. horse, comp. DID, Aram. }<("i)p')D> ].'tJBQJ0 188, adinit. Ideogr. (= imir KUR.RA ass oj the East) Flux. 188, footn. **; 195, 102; 261, 4; 289, 74; 301, 24 etc. ^iQ sisli Snhst. joy (= Hebr. ^i\i;?) 333, 12. niDD (il*!) Sak-kut name of a Babylonian deity, another name for Adar-Saturn Hebr. niDD (Am. V, 26) 443, passim. ^D (ilu) Sa-la name of a deity 458, footn. * 48. I^D i^^'} mat) S i-il-lu-(u?) name of a Cypr. town Soli Sokoi? 355, 17. f^l^D (^1') mat) Si-(il-)lu-u-a name of a Cypr. town Salamisf 355, 15. □^D (^ nbti' '')• — salimu Suhst. friendship, alliance{?) Gen. sa- li-mi(mi) 351, 61; 413. — salmu Subst. victory {? — ). Written sa- al-mi (Gen.) 398 (Botta 150, 3). bu7D Su-la-ma-al proper name of a prince of Miliddu = Melitene 253, ad init.; 257. ]u7D Sa-la-ma-nu Moab. proper name comp. IQ^tif (Hos. X, 14); 257; 441. — Sulmanu-a§aridu name of anAssyr.king, Hebr. "^DJ^^Qp^f. See under Q^JJ^. 256 THE CVNEIFOBM INSCRIPTIONS AND THE 0. T. bf^DD (^0 Sa-am-'-la-ai Adj. man of Sani'al 253, ad init.; 257; 261, 12. 7DD (i?) sa-mul-luv Subst. name of a tree or wood, with ideogr. for deity prefixed = Samas sun-god 159, Deut. IV. 16. This ace. to a syllabary discovered by Del. ; see Schrader in Berichte der Konigl. Sachs. Gesellsch. der Wissenschaften 1880, 2. note. pD comp. nilD^i A^^lF'tl' ^"V-^^^. )ll^Z. — sa-am-nu (Var. sam-na) Ordinal eighth, comp. Ethiop. 1*1^^*5 J 380, 8. i^^DDD Sa-am-si(i) femin. Arab, proper name Samsieh = iCjy*fc4.Xi 255, 30; 262, 16; 397, 3; 414, Jer. XXV. 24. Khors. 27. PDDDD i^^j m&t) S am-si-mu-ru-na, also written Sa-am-si-mu-ru- na (355, 10"), name of a Kanaanite town 163 (Josh. XII. 20); 192; 355, 10 a. b. — (ir) S a m-s i-m u-r u-n a-a i Adj. man of Samsimuruna 288, 47. nD"lDD Sa-am-mu-ra-mat feminine proper name Semiramis, Hebr. niDTIp^ 366 (2 Chr. XV. 18). The proper ref. is 2 Chr. XVII. 8 kri. pDD i^^) Sa-mi-ri-na, name of the town Samaria, Hebr. niDtJ'' Aram. p-ipB^* —li-lal/ 191 (1 Kings XVI. 24 passim); 204; 272, ad init.; 278; 277, Botta 75, 6; 323. — Sa-mir-i-na the same 191; 192, ad init. — Sa-mi-ur-na the same 191. — S a-mi-ru-na-ai Samaritan 191; 223, ad Jin.; 252, ad fin.; 273. |Q (ilu) Sin name of the moon-god. Ideogr. 179; 333, 14; 389, 155; 450, 70. Comp. also ideogr. AN. SIS. KI 398 ad fin. and 400 (Notes and Illust.). — Sin-ahi-irib (ir-ba) name of the Assyr. king Sennacherib, Hebr. 3^'nniD> ^ivvaxrjQlfi (LXX); Sevax^Qi/^og (Jos.); Savaxdgil^OQ (Herod.) 285 (2 Kings XVIII. 13); 287, II Inscr.; 335, I Rawl. 48 No. 3; 459, footn. 5 * — Sin-bal-lit (for Sin-u-bal-lit) proper name Sanballat, Hebr. tO^^^D 382 (Neh. II. 10). 3JQ Sa-ni-bu name of an Ammonite king, perhaps ^= 3{<3{J^ (Del.) 141 (Gen. XIX. 38); 257. "IJiD Sa-an-gar proper name 193, 82. Hebr. "l^pji^ (Del.). "j^D sa-an-da-nis Adv. of unknown meaning 169. , - "i^Q (sad) Sa-ni-ru name of the mountain Sentr n^iji,' 159 (Deut. III. 9); 209, 45. ^JQ sinnis, sinni§at A.d}. feminine, female. Phon. sin-nis 17 (Gen. I. 27;; sin-ni-§a-at 179, ad init. Ideogr. 290, 17. — The read- ing zin-ni§ (Del., Hpt. and others) does not seem to me hitherto sufficiently guaranteed. {2DD Sa-pa-ti-ba(-')-al Phoenic. proper name = ^y^^QD ^- ®- Kanaan. ^j;ilJ2DX^ 1*^^! comp. IPl^tpDIJ/ 2 Chron. XX, 2. OLOSSABY. 257 1QQ (ir) Sa-pi-i name of a town Sapi 234, 23; alternating with Sa pi-ja 235, 7; as well as Sa-pi-ja 486, B. C. 731. ^20 sap-lu Subst. bowl, Hebr. ^pp 208 (2 Ki. IX. 2). 1Q3 comp. Eth. f\^i\ (Haupt). — is-pu-nu 3. Ps. Sg. and PI. Impft. he, they threw down, overpowered 247, 2; 450, 74. — sa-pi-in Part. Kal overpowering 191 (Botta 36. 18). nSD si-ip-pu Subst. threshold, comp. nQ, jlkxfl 384 (Is. VI. 4). "IDD siparru Subst. copper. Ideogr. 157, 87; 193, 84. Ideogr. Plur. bars of copper 157, 87. "IDD (^0 Si-par, Sip-par, Si-ip-par name of a town Sepharvaim, Hebr. □^")"1DD SiJlcpaQa 232, ad init.; 279, passivi. Now represented by the ruins of Abu-Habba 280. ^3-pQ Sak-kal Subst. (Akkad.) literally mighty head, title or designation of oflSce 261, 7. bi^lD (mat) Sir-'-la-ai Adj. the Sirlite, Israelite, comp. Hebr. I'pjij-lj^i 151, ad init.; 194, 92. {<^21D (^'') Sa-ar-bu-u-a name of a town 220, 29. ]D"1D i^O Sa-ar-ra-ba-a-nu name of a town 232, 8. niD (n^i") Su-ra-pi name of a river 232, 5. TID (sad) Si-ra-ra name of a mountain Sirjon IVltf ^^^ (Deut. III. 9); 184, ad init. TID Suti (Sutu) name of a people, comp. Hebr. j;"^j^ (Del.), writ- ten Su-ti-(i), Su-ti-i (Khors. 19. 82. 123. 136; Smith's Sennacherib 31, 13 [there Su-ti-i] Del. Parad. p. 235) 425 (Ezek. XXIII. 23). Co eo- nnO sittu Subst. remainder, remnant, comp. c>-*.t, iOCw, East-Syr. h.'^.t, also Hebr. niH^ C^^® 272, Notes and Illust.). Written si-it-tu (ta, ti) 277, ad init.; 350, 58. From this comes Plur. si-it-ta-ti 277 (Botta 75, 5). — si-it-tu-ti Subst. the same 272, ad init.; 289 (col. III. 5) (in the last passage used of persons). D |j^2 pi-in-ti (reading uncertain) Subst. 19, 30 Lotz renders ^re (?) (n)i^D patu, also (?) pa-a-di Subst. side, then boundary, comp. Hebr. P|}^P) side , frontier , district. — pa-ti Stat, constr. 140, ad fin.; pa-at the same 398 (Botta 150, 7) — or should we read pa-ad? See under "JQ. 1!ID P3.-gi-i Subst. Plur. meaning unknown; probably name of a 577 species of animal 450, Rev. 3. 17 258 THE CUNEIFORM INSCRIPTIONS AND THE 0. T. "IJD pagru Subst. corpse, comp. Hebr. "|J9, Aram. j|-~9 139 (Gen. XV. 11). Phon. with Suff. pa-gar-(§u) 139, ibid.; Plur. pag-ri 139, ibid. Ideogr. 195, 99 ? — pag-ri-(§u) 19, 31 (= body?). ■JQ padu (pS,du — comp. Arab. 0*3? — ) Subst. district, region. Phon. pa-di 204 (Eng. ed. p. 194); constr. state p^d; 213, 9. 10; 215, footn. **; 249, footn. f- bj^lD Pu-du-ilu name of an Ammonite king 141 (Gen. XIX. 38); 288, 52; 355, 11. Comp. Hebr. ^{ *$ A-4 1 ^33, 17; 374, 27; 452, 68; u-pah-hir 398 (Botta 150. 2). Ideogr. 364, 1. — puhru Subst. assembly. Phon. pu-uh-ru 17, 1. Stat, constr. pu-hur 232, 11; 255, 27. Ideogr. 332, 25. — napharft Subst. totality. Stat, constr. nab- har (likewise with Suff.) 370, 37. Ideogr. 178, ad init. — pat-ha-ri§ Adv. altogether 346, 16. The Adv. is synon, of istiniS, comp. p. 68 line 30 foil. II^Q comp. Hebr. "itDDi Arab. J^. — tap-tu-ur 3. Ps. fem. Sg. Impft. Kal. she cleft, divided 332, 24 foil. — up-ta-at-ti-ir 3. Ps. Sg. Impft. Ifta. he burst in pieces 124, col. II. 3. D1WdO)D Pi(i)-si(i)ri-is (also without final s) proper name of a prince of Karkemish 252, ad fin. Del. Parad. p. 270. GLOSSARY. 259 n^ (ir, m4t) Pa-ap-pa name of a Cyprian town Paphos 355, 16. "IJ^Q Pi-la-ag-gu-ra(-a) Cyprian proper name Pildgurd 355, 14 foil. 578 "l^D palu Subst. year of the reign (Akkad. ?). Ideogr. PI. 82, 104; 202, bis; 207, bis; 209, 40. J^D palgu Stat, constr. palag Subst. canal, Hebr. jj'pQ 29 (Gen. II. 11 and footn.) IV Eawl 14 No. 3 line 11 foil. II R. 38, 15 a. b. comp. with Nerigl. II, 6. 8 (Del. Parad. 142). n^D (^yj"- ■ "'^p ? — Nold. and Haupt deal with the word other- wise) ip-lah 3. Ps. Sg. Impft. Kal he was afraid 218, 8; 289, 73; 301, 23. — ip-la-hu 3. Ps. Sg. Impft. Kal they feared 193, 79. — paiihu Psivt. fearing, revering, written with Suff. pa-li-hi-ka (Nom. !) 373, footn. ** 35. — pa-lah Infin. fearing, revering, obedience 398, Botta 149, 12. — pulhu Subst. /ear, terror, written pu-ul-hi (Nom.!) 213, 17; pul-hi (the same word) 235, 27; 288, 35; 290, 30; 302, 30 etc. — puluhtu the same, written pu-Iuh-ti 301, 18; 332, 20; 434, 27 (Ace); comp. 421; from this we have pul-ha-at Stat, constr. 193, 79. DD^O u§-pal-kit 3. Ps. Sg. Shaf. of the Pa. he seduced to transgress or rebel 323 (Eng. ed. Vol. II p. 7 line 9 from below); 370, 31. D^g (m&t) Pi-lis-ta name of the land Philistia, Hebi\ riti'SB 102 Gen. X. 14); 486, B. C. 734. — (m^t) Pa-la-as-tav ditto 103: 213, 12. D^D pal^su Semitic root of the non-Semitic SI.BAR Ho roch\ See 175 (and footn. f) SI.BAR-an-ni 'rocked me\ Delitzsch and others give to the Niphal naplfisu also the signification 'behold^ in the pregnant sense 'gaze upon with affection or sympathy\ See Haupt in Germ. ed. p. 72. IQ panu (panG?) Subst. face, front, Hebr. QIJQ. Stat, constr. pa- an 213, 3; 350, 49. — pan Prep, before (properly in face or front of); pa-an 184, 10 (255, 20); 332, 19; with SufF. pa-ni-ja, or pa-ni-a 97; 370, 31; also pa-nu-u-a 205 (Eng. ed. Vol. I p. 195 footn.). — pa-nu- us-su 351, 65; 353, 41. Ideogr. 194, 96. — pa-an-na the same (?) 19o, 99. — a-na pan before 194, 87; ina pan 234, 23. — pa-ni Adv. before, in front 135, ad init. [also in proper names as Nirgal-alik- pani Nergal goes before 470, B. C. 849. — Transl.] D3D Pa-na-am-mu proper name of a prince of Sam'al 253, ad init.; 257 (Eug. ed. Vol. I p. 249 line 6 from above). ]DD pisanu Subst. receptacle, written pi-sa-an-nu 29 (Gen. II. 11). Hebr. ptJ^iQ? — D!iD Pu-su-su Cypr. proper name Pussusu 355, 22. DJiD i^^) Pa-si-tav name of a town 232, 4. 17* 260 THE CUNEIFORM INSCRIPTIONS AND TEE 0. T. npp) comp. "ipQ. — ap-ki-id 1 Ps. Sg. Impft. Kal I appointed 399, footu. — u-pa-ki-da (for u-pa-ki-da) 1. Ps. Sg. Impft. Pa. I entrusted 338, 17. — pSkidu Part., written pa-ki-id (Stat, constr.) ruling 413 (Eng ed. Vol. II. p. 105). Ipr) Pu-ku-du name of a tribe, Hebr. ipg 232, 12; 346, 16; 423. (Jerem. L. 21); 425 (Ezek. XXIII. 23). pIpQ Pa-ka-ha Israel, proper name Pekach, Hebr. npD 19^) ad fin.; 2b5, 28; 397, footu. * ad fin. {^"10 paru Subst. PI. mule (comp. Hebr. {^"jQ wild ass). Plur. pari'. 579Phon. pa-ri-i Khors. 29; II R. 16, 35 b. c. Ideogr. 290, 18; 345, 8; 346, 17. 1N"lD Pi-ir-'-u proper name Pharaoh ^}}'^Q 153 (Exod. I. 11); 397, 3. bPD parziUu Subst. iron, comp. Aram. pii^,'\ij^, Hebr. ^PS- Phon. par-zil-luv 296; Ideogr. 213, 19; 289, 71; 301, 23; 371. -|-|Q comp. Hebr. rp^t HDID- — ip-par-ku-u 3. Ps. PI. Impft. Nif. they separated 398, Botta 150, 3. — mu-par-ku-u Part. Pa. acting violently, violent, violator {of command), comp. Hebr. "1^9 213, 3. — par-ka-nu Adj. witb same meaning 214, footu. ff. — naparku Adj. shortened, generally in combination with 1 a ^ unshortened, or undimi- nished. Ideogr. with phon. complem. = la naparka-at (Fem.) 288, 46, comp. 295 Notes and Illust. TID parakku Siihst. altar, shrine. Phon. pa-rak-ku 390, footn. *. Q"12 (mat) Parsu name of the laud Persia, Hebr. DID- Written - T Par-su, Pa-ar-su, also Par-su-u 372 (Ezra I. 1). ND"10 (mat) Par-su-a name of a country, in the main Adherbeid- shdn 213, 8; 376, footn. **. "IID u-par-ri-ru 3, Ps. Sg. Impft. Pa. / broke in pieces 338, 9; 350, 53; 450, 71 , comp. Hebr. "IIQ. The comparison of the Arabic j ( Assyr. Pa. = to put to flight Haupt) is not so probable ; comp. Asurn. Stand-Iusc. 4 and elsewhere; also we have already three other words for "flee" viz. parS.sfl, parsadu and ab4tu. tt'lD ip-pa-ri§ 3. Ps. Sg. Impft. he fled 350, 57. I^ID ip-par-si-du, ip-par-§id(si-id) 3. Ps. Sg. Impft, Nif. he fled away 255, 20; 261, 6; 345, 7; 397, footn. * 3; 450, 72. fT)Q Purattu, see ni3- niJ'D u-§ap-§i-hu 3. Ps. Impft. Shaf. he procured rest 169. The derivation is uncertain. (The combination proposed on p. 169 foot- note *** with Arab. ^vaO is not free from objection.) Or should we GLOSSARY. 261 read u-gap-pih in which case of course we obtain an altogether diffe- rent meaning? n^Dtt'D PK^*"*- Tu)-ga-mil-ki proper name Psammetich i^) 370, footn. ***. plS'D paSku Adj. hard of approach, difficult to pass, PI. msc. pa- as-kuti 450, 73. {^p,Q comp. Arab, ^xj, Eth. ^fY'Av I' Aram, v^£^, Hebr. nriD- — ap-ti-i 1. Ps. Sg. Impft. Kal I opened 345, 9; also ap-ti 1. Ps. Sg. Impft. Kal I opened 193, 81. — [pita phonet. pi-ta, pi-ta-a open 2. Sg. Imperat. Kal 455, 14. 15. — Transl.] — pa-tu-u Adj. open, easily accessible, untrustworthy {^) 323, (Eng. ed. Vol. II p. 7 line 12 from below). iriD (naSt) Pa-ti-na-ai Adj. man of Fatin 193, 84. DHD pa-ti-si Subst. commander 422, ad fin. Of doubtful origin. Comp. on this word D. G. Lyon, die Cylinderinschr. Sargons II, Leipzig 1882, p. 12. iriD i^"^) Pi-it-ru name of a town Pethor, Hebr. "linp ^^^ (^"^™^' 580 XXIT. 5); 156; 193, 85. DiriD (mfit) Pa-tu[-ru]-si name of the land Pai^ros, Middle Aegypt, Dlin^ 335 (last insc. on page line 5). ]{<\i si'nu Subst. sheep and goats comp. Hebr. )ii^, Arab. ^jL/to, Plur. ^^L/to, Aram, ij^j;, jli.. Written si-i-ni 235, 28; 290, 19; 374, 25; si-na 139 (Gen. XV. 5). (The preceding word lu is the ideogr. for "flock" and should properly have been enclosed in brackets); also si- na (Ace.) 397, footn. *. Ideogr. 346, 17. ]J<2i (^O Sa-'-nu name of a town Zoan (Tanis) , Hebr. lyj^, Egypt. San-t 391 (Is. XIX. 11). — (ir) Si-'-nu name of a town 391, footn.*; Is it identical with Sa'nu? INii (iVJi^) ?^^'^ Subst. field, plain, ivilderness. Ideogr. 17, 4; 450, 71; of doubtful origin (i^!^:^ [llpt.]? = "Depression" [Del.]? — ). J^^JJ comp. Hebr. }i^3i{. — sabu Subst. man, soldier, companies, troops. Phon. sa-ab (za-ab) Stat, constr. 323 (Eng. ed. Vol. II p. 7 line 12 from below). Ideogr. 194, 91. 92. 93. 94; 289, 74 (in the Parallel 301, 23 we read Sab. SUN i. e. umman&t, with the following word kasti!); 290, 31; 302, 31. — Sab-Adar Assyr. proper name 365 (2 Ki. XXV. 27). — Sab-sar Assyr. proper name 299, line 12 from above; 365 (2 Ki. XXV. 27). 262 THE CUNEIFORM INSCRIPTIONS AND TEE 0. T. DDJi (is) su-um-bi Subst. plur. carts, carriages, comp. Hebr. ^xj T sedan-chair or litter (Del.) 345, 8. nn^i comp. Hebr. n^ii (D^nn^) shea/, Talm. n2iJ> m^^ tongs, as well as Ja.AXo, ^flflX^; see Haupt's Glossary in the German edition. sab-tu-(raa) 3. Ps. PI. Perf. they had seized (expected) 332, 19. — is-bat, is-ba-tu(ta) 3. Ps. Sg. Impft. Kal he seized 218, 17; 452, 69. — as-bat 1. Ps. sing. / took, captured, seized 156 (Numb. XXII. 5 bis); 157, 84. 85 (of offerings made to the gods); 193, 85; 249, footn. t; 345, 11; 398, Botta 150. 13. — is-bu-tG 3. Ps. PI. they clasped, seized 157, 87; 194, 86. — is-bat-u-num-ma the same with Cop. 371, Smith Assurb. 43. 45. — u-sab-bit 3. Ps. Sg. Impft. Pa. he seized 219, 23 (?). — u-§a-as-bi-ta 1. Ps. Sg. Impft. Shaf 204, footn.*. — issa-bat 3. Ps. Sg. Impft. Ifte. Ideogr. (LU) with phonetic complem. bat 486, B C 729; 488, B. C. 728. — as-sa-bat 1. Ps. Sg. Impft. Ifte, I seized, took 350, 50. sab-ta-at Subst. Plur. conquests 486, B. C. 739. — sibtu Subst. p^'ocZwce. — subS,tu Subst. ^armen^. Stat, constr. su-bat 383, ad fin.; 455, 10. DDif (i^ Su-bat name of the town Z66a ^DliJ 172 (Josh. XXI. 32). We also find the forms or modes of writing the name Subut (Su-bu- tav) and Subit (Su-bi-ti) 183 (2 Sam. VIII. 3 and footn.); comp. Keil. u. Geschichtsf p. 122. 581 n^ (^^^ Si-du-nu name of a town Sidon, Hebr. pl^ 103 (Gen. X. 15); 213, 12. — Si-du-un-nu(ni) the same 103 (Gen. X. 15); 286; 288, 38; 301, 18. — (mat) Si-du-un-na-ai Adj. Sidonian, also Si-du- na-ai 157, 86; 207; 210, 64. p^^i Si-id-ka-a Philist. proper name Zidkd =■ Hplli = D^plli 1^5; 289, 58. 67; 301, 20. Another explanation is given by Prof. Robertson Smith; see "Notes and Addenda". *lf|i{ comp. Hebr. "lj;\{, Arab. JLo. — u-sa-ah-hir 1. Ps. Sg. Impft. Pa. I diminished, cut short 290, 26; 302, 30. — sahru, also sihru Adj. small, Hebr. "|ij;\{, Arab. -ouc. Ideogr. 103, ad fin.; 288, 38 etc. sa-ah-ri (Gen.) the same Sg. msc. 346, 14. PI. sahruti Ideogr. 333, 17 etc. "Ipjf sihirtu Subst. heat, then summer, comp. Hebr. "ipii' Arab. .^, written si-hir-tu 52, ad fin., footn. *. {<"^i{(?) a-si-' 1. Ps. Sg. Impft. — ?— 203 (towards the end of insc). Vljf si-is-si Subst. PI. probably a species of bonds or chains 399 (Botta 151, 10, 4). "l^Ji si-i-ru Adj. high, exalted 174; 422. PI. msc. phon. si-ru-ti 332, OL0S8ABY. 263 19; sirQti Ideogr. 184, ad fin.; 194, 96. — sir, si-ru Prep, upon, above 286, ad fin.; 288, 46; 301, 21 etc. ^^>i sillu Subst. (PI.?) shadow, Hebr. ^^, Arab. J^, Aram. |ilx| , Eth. /f AA)I /fAiV^I ~ (ana) sil-li (with determ. of deity) 289, col. II. 72; 301, 23. — Sil-bi'l Philist. proper name Zil-Bel = ^V3"^2i 162 (sub voce ^^1}) ; 290, 25; 355, 5. D^U 1 ) s a 1 m u Subst. likeness , Hebr. □'^Ji , Aram. ^Sn^-v, , Arab. *juo, Stat, consti'. sa-lam 210, 61. Ideogr. 255, 21. — 2) darkness, comp. D^^, 'i.*.\^, /f A^^ I- — (is) sal-mat-ti Subst. sun-shade, canopy? 213, 20; 216, footn. fff. "212"^ (i?) su-um-bi Subst. PI. — ? — 345; see under '2'2)i> comp. 348 (Notes and Illust. ad loc). Iftyi simidtu, Stat, constr. simdat Subst. yoke, team, comp. Hebr. IQ^i. Ideogr. with phon. at 195, 102. )yy^ (ir) Si-im-mi-ni name of a country 426, 23. IDii (ir) Si-mi-ra, Si-mir-ri name of a town Zemar = "IQJ^, Gr. Slfivga, IJifiVQCC 105; 323 (Eug. ed. Vol. II p. 7 line 10 from below). "IDJi supru Subst. nail (of the finger) = Jih, /f4^Cl. '^?P, i^ipitS) ^^^ *'^o Hebr. ]~©]i{. Stat, constr. su-pur 159 (Deut. XXI. 12). "IJi (ir, m&t) Sur-ru(ri), name of the city Tyre '^j^ 169, passim; 213, 12; 355, 1. — (ir, mSt) Sur-(ra)-ai Adj. Tyrian 157, 86; 207 (Eng. ed. Vol. I p. 198 line 4); 210, 63; 252, ad fin. DDlii (^0 Sa-ri-ip-tav name of the town Sarepta flDliJ (^ ^- X.VII. 582 9. 10; Obad. 20) 200; 288, 39. P J^Dp ka-bu-a-ti Subst. fem. PI. from the Sing, kabu'tu goblet, comp. Hebr. nj^3p 208 (2 Ki. IX. 2 and footn. f). DDp kubbu Subst. cage, comp. Hebr. PlDp- Phon. ku-up-pi 261, 9; 290, 20; (302, 28). ^3p (} — ak-bi 1. Ps. Sg. Impft. Kal 1 spoke, announced, 290, 7; [302, 26]. — ik-bi 3. Ps. Sg. he spoke, one named 140 (Gen. XVII. 26). — ik-bu-u 3. Ps. Sg. they commanded, had commanded 333, 10. 16. — i-ka-bu-§u-ni 3. Ps. Sg. Pres. with Suff. and parag. ni 156; 193, 86 and comp. Notes and Illust. ad loc. The same ideographically (KA. GA) written 232, 6. — li-ik-bu-u 3. Ps. Volunt. Kal {that) they may announce 373, footn. ** 35. — kibitu 264 TEE CUNEIFOBM INSCRIPTIONS AND TEE 0. T. Subst. bidding, command. Stat, constr. ki-bit 201 (Eng. ed. p. 191 line 2 from below); 370, 36; but also ki-bi-ti 873, footn. ** 33. ^3p kabaiu meet, Hebr. ^3p, Aram. \_as , Eth. ('l^)^flAI» Arab |J>~»iJ. — kablu Subst. 1) struggle, combat. Phon. kab-li (Gen.) 397, footn. * 1. — Ideogr. 178 (Eng. ed. p. 166); 194, 96; 201. PI. , „„ with phon. complem. kabl&-ti 177. — 2) 3Iidst, stat. constr. kabal in the midst. Ideogr. 157, 87; 169; 288, 37; 301, 19. "l"]p (m&t) Ki-id-ri, Ka-ad-ri name of a country Kedar, Hebr. -)lp 147, ad fin.; 208, Eng. ed. p. 198. — Ki-id-ra-ai, Kid-ra-ai Adj. Kedarene, the Kedar ene 147, ad fin. J^ip (m&t, ir) Ku-u-i name of a country; from this comes (m^t) Ku-u-ai Adj. one of Kui 252, ad fin. \ 257. 'I'PD^Ip Ka-us-gab-ri name of an Edomite king 150 (Eng. ed. p. 137 line 1). — Ka-u§-ma-la-ka Edom. king's name = KoaixdXaxoq 257, ad fin. -l^p, see y^y •p^P kul-lul-ti Subst. worthy of a curse (Gen.) 289, col. III. 6. Pp kinnu Subst. nest. Hebr. p, Aram. \y p Written ki-in-ni 385, ad fin.; kin-ni 386, ad init. nQp kuppu Subst. cage, see 33p. ■^Jfp comp. Eth. ^^^o^Z, \ properly gather , then gather together, take away, comp. Hebr. rjDX ^) gather, 2) take away. From this we have ki-is-su-ra 3. Ps. Sg. msc. Perf. Ifte. (for kitsura) he was col- lected, gathered together, taken away 2, 6. — ak-sur, ak-su-ra 1. Ps. Sg. Impft. Kal I took together 398, 150, 2; I carried aiuay 261, 9; 272, ad init. (273, 3); 323, ad fin. — ik-su-ra 3. Ps. Sg. Impft. he assembled, marshalled 323 (Eng. ed. Vol. II p. 7 line 8 from below). — kisru Subst. share (properly what has been taken away). Stat, constr. ki-sir 273, 2; 323, ad fin.; 376 (Ezra IV. 10). "Ipp properly to be even, see for the Etymol. kakkaru. — mu- kak-kir Part. Pa. making level or like, then (of writing) blotting out, destroying 459, footn. 2. — kakkaru (for karkaru) Subst. surface of the earth, comp. Arab. JiJi, \JiJi (Assyr.-Babyl. Keilinsch. 383), also Hebr. J?p"lp (Hpt.), as well as Talm. mp'lp (Buxt.). Phon. kar-kar 204 (1 Kings XX. 26). {^"Ip comp. {^")p, IjS. — ak-[ru] 1. Ps. Impft. Kal / named 405, GLOSSARY. 265 footn. *** ; but the reading is uncertain. — ik-ti-ru-ni (num-ma) 3. Ps. Impft. Ifte. (and with Cop.) they summoned 289, 75; 301, 24. 3"lp comp. Hehr. 3~ip ak-rib 1. Ps. Sg. Impt't. Kal / approached 289 (col. III. 1); [382, 25]. — ak-ti-rib (for ak-ti-rib) 1. Ps. Impft. Ifte. 193, 79. 82; 194, 86. 88. 89. From this comes kit-ru-up Subst. attack 290, col. III. 15. — kirbu Subst. (instead of kirbu) midst, in- ward part comp. Hebr. 3"ip. Stat, constr. kirib (for kirib) with Prepositions : ina kirib, ultu kirib etc. phon. ki-rib 195, 101; 213, 21; 290, col. III. 7. 20. 23; 291, 39; 302, 27. 28 etc.; also ki-ri-bi 373, footn. ** 33. With Sufi", e. g. ul-tu kir-bi-su-un 290, 19 etc. T^p kardu Adj. brave (= Ai-ab. .tAS ?). Phon. kar-du 17, ad Jin. ^^^^ 247, 2. — kuradu Subst. hero, combatant, warrior. PI. ku-ra-di 332, 18; 398, Botta 150, 3. "ip-jp (ir) Kar-ka-ru(ra, ri) name of a town Karkbr ~fp"ip 180 (Judg. VIII. 10); 194, 90. 97; 323 (lines 7 and 5 from below Eng. ed.) riDinmp C^*"' ^i^t) Kar-ti-ha-da-as-ti name of a Cyprian town Kartichadast = nU'lH Hip {Carthage) 355, 20. (n)tt'p kaStu Subst. bow, comp. Hebr. f);^«p, Aram. |£u4_d , Ethiop. ^J^'^ comp. Hebr. I}}"], Ar. «Ac , , Ethiop. CX)^',. — radu Subst. thunder, storm, written ra-a-du 124, col. II. 1. i<(l)N"l (avil) Ru-'-(u)-a name of a tribe 232, 12; 346, 16. ij^-) comp. Hebr. piyi, Arab, ^c ., Aram, ji^j, Ethiop. (^OP [• — ri'u Subst. herdsman, sometimes in its proper sense (preceded then by avil e. g. 397, footn. * 3), sometimes in the figurative sense leader, commander. Phon. ri-i-uv 453 (Zech. XI. 5). Ideogr. 19, 29; 397, footn. * 3. — ri'Iutu Subst. rule. Stat const, ri-i-uv-ut 153 (Gen. 266 TEE CUNEIFORM INSCRIPTIONS AND TEE 0. T. XLIX. 1)? 453 (Zech. XI. 5). — ri-i-tu Subst. pasture 288, col. 11.41 (ri-i-ti genit.). (Hpt.). □J^"l comp. Hebr. QJ^"!, >a^9, C^o-.9, Arab. ^, Eth. f^^4 .'• ra-'-i-mat Part. act. fem. (Stat, constr.) loving 332, 22. — ri-i-mu Subst. mercy, favour 371 (Eug. ed. Vol. II p. 59). — ri-mi-nu-u Adj. merciful 26, 16. — nar&mu Adj. beloved, loved one, favourite. Stat, constr. na-ra-am 413, 34. — naramtu ditto Fem., written na-ram-ti (Stat, constr.!) 414, Notes and Illust. □Jil (alap) rimu Subst. wild ox (vnsentf), Hebr. DJ^l- Phon. ri- i-mu 160 (Deut. XXXIII. 17); 456 (Job XXXIX. 9). Ideogr. 456. ibid. — ri-ma-ni§ Adv. (formed from the Plur. rim&ni) like a wild ox 456 (Job XXXIX. 9). |DN"1 i^^^^j ^0 read!) Ra-'-sa-a-ni name of a tribe 232 (Eng. ed. p. 224 line 4). pi^-1 ruku Adj. far, Hebr. plplli Ciftt*^',' « n* »?, |.a-.ej, writ- ten ru-u-ku 188. ad fin.; ru-ku 213, 9; also ru-uk-ki (Gen.) 288,36. PI. msc. ru-u-ku-ti 277 (Botta 75, 4); ru-ku-ti 398, ad fin. — ru-kis Adv. far, from afar 398 (Botta 150, 6). — ri'kiitu Subst. distance, Gen. ri-i-ku-tiv 124 (col. I. 31). ^j^") ri'§u Subst. head, summit, also beginning, commencement, comp. tt^N'l. LT^jy I^J. CXri."- - Pl^o°- "-^-^^ (^«°) 124, col. II. 15; ri-i-ia-a (Ace.) 124, col. I. 30. col. II, 15 d. Ideogr. 231, 4; observe also ri'S nSri = "iH^n ^i^"l source of a spring 29; ri's tiSmdi, per- ha.ps promontory"} 210, 61; ri's §arr&ti beginning of rule, opening reign 273; 345, 6. — ri'stu Adj. distinguished, exalted, majestic {not first! — see p. 352), written ri§-tu-u 2, 3; 12, footn. f; 351, 63; 434, 25; — 0L0S8ART. 267 177, ad fin.; 178 ad init. (ri's-ti). — Ri-is-i-ni (ir) name of a place 5eaen (?), properly 'head of the spring', 'spring' 100. ^»3-1 comp. V31(J<). JJ^(0. '^'(1). (A)C'l^'l"."- - arba-tu four Ideogr. with phon. complem. ti 213, 4; also ir-bi-it-tiv 377, adfin. N31 (avil) Ru-bu-' name of a tribe 232, 5. 585 '13'^ comp. Lj,, P)D1) |-£». — ir-bu-u 3. Ps. Sg. and PI. Impft. Kal he, they grew up 2, 11 ; 346, 14. — u-rab-bu-u 3. Ps. PI. Impft. Pa. they raised 398, Botta 149. 12. — rabu Adj. great, written ra-bu-u 124, col. II. 5; 194, 96; rabu-u (Ideogr. with phon. complem. 103, ad fin.; 288, 38; rabitu Fem. Ideogr. with phon. complem. tuv, tiv, ti 91, 59; 140 (Gen. XIX. 23 passim); 157, 85 6ts etc. PI. fem. ra-ba-a-ti 19, 29; 389, 156. — rubil Adj. rm^/iiy (formation like mahrii), Phon. ru-bu-u 421, ad init. Ideogr. 97. PI. rubGti the great ones, Ideogr. 289, col. II. 69, col. III. 2. — tarbitu Subst. sprout. Stat, constr. tar-bit 351, 64; 450, Rev. 3. — kima tar-bi-ti — ?— 232, 8; 247,2. PQ3"^ rab-sak name of an official Rahsdk , literally Great-Bead, then commander, hebraized into nPK^DI ^19; 320. Comp. 421 (Eng. l-T : - ed. Vol. II p. 114 last line). V31 comp. W3"1 , n^J; » ''^-ci- — nar-ba-su Subst. abode 336, foot- note *. — (ir) Tar-bi-si name of a town Tarbiz, properly -resting-place' 335, 6. □J"1 I'i-gim Subst. Stat, constr. onset, comp. Hebr. QJl , Aram. ^„» to stone 350, 53; 397, 2. — [Haupt regards rigmu as signifying 'shout' (hence 'battle-shout') from ragamu to cry out; comp. Deluge- story col. III. 9 u-nam-bi (= unabbi Pael Impf. nab ft 'speak') iltu rabitu (sirtu) ta-bat rig-ma 'the exalted goddess called out with loud voice' (or should we render 'the exalted goddess with kindly voice etc.'?). — Transl.] l-I") u-rad-di 1. Ps. Sg. Impft. Pa. I added 290, 28; 302, 30; 323, ad fin. ; 376 (Ezra IV. 10). "i-ll u-§ar-di 1. Ps. Sg. Impft. Shaf. I laid low 195, 99. — Lotz (Tigl.-Pil. I, 80 etc.) scatter. I-]-) ar-ti-di 1. Ps. Sg. Impft. Ifte. I pursued 209, 53. QY} comp. QY). — murimu Part. Pa. elevating, erecting. Stat, constr. mu-rim 213, 3. — r&mSnu properly exaltation (421), then self, with Suff. I myself , thou thyself etc. — (a-na) ra-ma-ni-ja(§u) 156 (Numb. XXII. 5); 193, 79; 262, 15; 326, footn. **. 3n'^ Ru-hu-bi Ammon. proper name 194, 95. nm (avil) Ri-hi-hu name of a tribe 346, 15. vpil comp. Hebr. vni- — ra-hi-su Part, overflowing, overwhelming. 268 TEE CUNEIFORM INSCRIPTIONS AND THE 0. T. — i-i-hi-il-tu Subst. (=: ri-hi-is-tu) overwhelming, storm 195, 98; 198 (Notes and Illust. ad loc). 331 comp. 331, v_^,, ,^y — ir-kab 3. Ps. Sg. Impft. Kal he travelled 184, ad ink. — u-gar-kib 3. Ps. Sg. Impft. Shaf. he caused to mount, conveyed 350, 56. — rab-bu Subst. ambassador (Ace!) 291, col. III. 41; 302, 32; 399, 3. — nar-kab-tuv Subst. chariot, Hebr. n33~ip- Ideogr. 19, 32. PI. narkab^ti Ideogr. 194, 91 6i«. 92. 93. n3D"l Ru-kib-ti Philist. proper w&vaQ Rukipt 166, ad init.; 289, 62; 301, 21; also Eu-u-kib-tu written 262, 16. DD"1 u-rak-kis, u-ra-kis 1. Ps. and 3. Ps. Sg. Impft Pa. /, he b86 displayed, stationed, marshalled 218, 16; 290, 22; 302, 29. — ri-kis Subst. Stat, constr. (properly array, then (?) marshaller, ruler 413. — rak-su Subst. rank, battle-array 332, 24. ^31 comp. Hebr. 5t^3"l. — u-rak-gu 3. Ps. PI. Impft. Pa. they drew together 332, 19. i^i-) comp. np"1. jloj, ^A^y ZjC^W — ir-mu-u 3. Ps. PI. Impft. Kal they cast down, founded 389, 175. — u-Sar-mu-u 3. Ps. Sg. Impft. Shaf. he settled in, transported to 277, ad init. — Haupt in his Glos- sary gives to the root the general signification of dwell, settle, rest and e compares Hebr. n'DI ^^^ Arab. Lo,. Comp. Amiaud 1. c. T • : .y D^DT Ru-mi-su Cypr. proper name 355, 19. ^^1 nam-mas-§i (so we should read instead of §im-mis-si accord- ing to K. 3358; K. 36, see Del. in Lotz Die Insch. Tigl. Pileser I, 167 note), arising out of nar-ma§-§i, crawling animal, worm, comp. Hebr. riD"! (^0 Ra-pi-hi name of a town Raphia 204; 396, 1. ^D1 comp- Hebr. tJ'IQ, rap&§u to be broad. — mu-rap-pi-§at Part. Pa. fem. Stat, constr. glorifying 176, ad init. — rap-§u(si) Adj. wide, extended 189, ad init.; 191, ad init.; 195, 100; 255, 18; 450, ad fin. — rapastu Adj. fem. of the same, written ra-pa-ag-tuv(tiv) 129. Ideogr. with phon. complement tu, tuv 202, ad Jin.; 351, 65. Plur. fem. rapgati Ideogr. 195, 99; 374, 24. "iJil risiitu Subst. help, assistance, comp. Hebr. ^ifl » Arab. , c^j> written ri-su-tu 91, 52. — ri-su-us-su-un the same with Suff. 289, 76. iyi R a-s u n-n u (n i) Syr. proper name Bezin |")\{~) 191; 252. njil comp. Hebr. nj^"], Arab. >^a^. rasfipu fit together. — ar-sip 1. Ps. Sg. Impft. Kal. / prepared, erected 335, 10; 336 (Notes and Illust. ad loc). GLOSSARY. 269 ri^^ (mat) Ra-sa-ap-pa, Ra-sap-pa name of a country or city Bezeph r];i-| 327, ad init.; 480, B. C. 804; 482, B. C. 772; 486, B. C. 747. 737. 3"T) (for 3")3"l) ra-ru-bat Subst. Stat, constr. majesty, terror, comp. Syr. uD?o^, jiaajo? 288, 42; 294 (Notes and Illust. ad loc). ^1 (mat) Ra-a-si name of a country (hardly to be identified with the ti't^l of the Bible) 427, ad Jin. ^^") comp. iA.iij. — u-gar-si-du 3. Ps. PI. (Sg. ?) Impft. Shaf. they (or he) established 213, 3. ^^^ comp. L^.. — ir-§u-u 3. Ps. Sg. Impft. Kal. he granted 290, col. III. 33 [301, 31]. — ar-si 1. Ps. Impft. Sg. I granted, bestowed 371 (Smith's Assurb. 43, 53). — ir-sa-a 3. Ps. Sg. Pres., or Volunt. he will (or may he) yield 434, 29. ]i; §a Pron. relat. 19, 28. 30; 79, footn. *; 97; 124, col. I. 28; expresses the genitival relation 79, footn. *; 82, 106. 109; 91, 52. 59; 143, ad init.; 156 (Numb. XXII. 5) etc. etc. [With this comp. the Aramaic genitival usuage with i-q or rj. — Transl.] Conjunction 82, 105 etc. etc. ]^ §u, see "i^. 537 ^^ §i-uv Subst. corn, comp. Akkad. §i 182, ad init. ^J^^ comp. ^J^K') >3L*«, ^i-i^. — u-sa-'-lu 3. Ps. PL Impft. Pa. they " T begged, summoned 289, 77. — §a-'-al Inf. Stat, eonstr. 399, 3. )J^^ Su-an-na-KI name of a town (either another name for Babylon or designation of a quarter of that town) 346, 14; 373, footn. ** 33. "IN^ si'ru Subst. Jlesh, comp. Hebr. IJ^ti''- Ideogr. 19, 30. •)^J^^ sa-a-§u (from §a -f- §u) that one, he himself. Demonst. pro- noun 289, 59; 301, 20; 323 (Eng. ed. p. 7 lines 5 and 6 from below). — sa-a-su-nu PI. msc. 398 (Botta 149, 12). {^3^ Sab-'-i Egypt, proper name Seveh, Hebi". j^'^Q (read i^^D-) V^^' bably Egypt. Sabaka 269 (2 Kings XVII. 4); likewise 396, 1. 2; also Sab-' 397, footn. * 1. 3. The sibilant is always s. — [{^3^ iibft to be satisfied or satiated with, comp. Hebr. y2\i/i Arab. }t*-w, Syr. '?!>,ai8. — lisbi (phonet. li§-bi 434, 31) precat. may he be satisfied with. — Transl.]. U^ OD^) §a-bi-i Subst. agate, Hebr. ^2^2^ l^^ (Exod. XXVUI. 19). 270 THE CUNEIFOBM INSCRIPTIONS AND TEE 0. T. 132^ §a-ba-tu name of a month Shebat, Hebr. t3315> 380. -)3^ comp. Hebr. "i^tJ^, Eth. fl[\Z, I- Arab. ^ , Aram. j^Z. — ta§-bir 3. Ps. Sg. fern. Impft. Kal she broke or shattered 332, 23. — u-sab-bir 1. Ps. Sg. Impft. Pa. I broke in pieces 261, 3. — u-sab-bi- ru 3. Ps. PI. Impft. Pa. they broke in pieces 458, footn. * 48. f)3^ comp. Hebr. HDtJ^- "" sa-bat-tuv Subst. day of rest, Hebr. DSJ^ 20, ad init. J^ sa-ga and sa-su, see under "^y ■^^ §i'du Subst. {images of the) bull-deity, Hebr. "^J^. Ideogr. 39; 160 (Deut. XXXII. 17). "n^ siddu Subst. boundary, Targ. {^Tjg-' side. Plur. si-di, §id-di 157, 84. 85; 203; 232, 5; gi-di-i 288, 55. 1"!^ sadu Subst. mountain, mountain-range. Ideogr. (passim); with phon. complement u 213, 10; 220, 29 bis; PI. §adi-i 209, 45; 210, 55. 60; 220, 27; 374, 31. — sad-di-(§u-un) the same (with Suff.)? 450, Rev. 3. — [gad determinative 157, 84; 209, 46; 210, 60; 220, 26 etc. As the ideogr. for gadii and mS,tu is the same, it is in many cases hard to decide which of the two should be read or (as in determina- tives) understood. — Transl.]. \^ §& demonstr. pron. msc. that, that one, written su-u 97; 261, 6; 290, 29 [302, 31]; 326, footn.; 350, 51 etc. — su-a-tu (Gen. ti) the same Fem. 195, 101; 338, 12; 345, 7. — §u-a-tu-nu Plur. msc. 398 (Botta 150, 12). ^W (tOJ^tS' '')• Should we compare the Hebr. J^^)^? — i-sa-at 3. Ps. Sg. Kal he tendered, offered 289, 64. — i-su-tu 3. Ps. PI. 398 (Botta 151, 10. 1). [Etymology very uncertain. The word occurs in the combination i-sa-at ab-sa-a-ni (Tayl. cyl. col. II. 64 comp. V Eawl. 2, 77 ; V Rawl. 7, 88) "tendered submission". Friedr. Delitzsch gives the verb the meaning 'draw', 'draw upon oneself (as a yoke)' hence 'to bear', the word absanu meaning 'yoke', root Ji/'2i^ (ti^DD) '*'' bind'. — Transl.] ||^ (m4t) Si-za(sa?)-na-ai Adj. man of Sizan 194, 94. nn^ §u-hu-ut Subst. wrath (Hebr. nPIK^ ^) ^98 (Botta 150, 1). "ItD^ comp. Hebr.-Aram. "it^tj' (Arab. .ia**). — a§-tur, al-tur 1. Ps. Sg. Impft. Kal 1 wrote 153 (Gen. XLIX. 1. Exod. V. 6). — i§- tur 3. Ps. Sg. Impft. Kal 153 (Exod. V. 6). — §a-ta-ru Inf. writing 153, ad fin. — sitru Subst. writing Stat, constr. si-ti-ir 124, 12; Si- Sggt-ri 413 (II Kawl. 60, 34e), Ideogr. with Suff. (Ace.) §itra-ja 459, footn. 2. j^l^ §i-' 3. Ps. Sg. masc. Pf. Kal he budded or sprouted forth, comp. Hebr. n^tC 2, 7. GLOSSARY. 271 31^ comp. Hebr. ^ijj^, Aram, v-sjjo, Arab. LjLii. — sibu Subst. old man, grandfather. From this we have as fem. §i-ib-tu grandmother = ummu [rabitu] (II R. 32, 65 c. d.; comp. with 67 c. d.) 139 (Gen. XV. 15), and also §i-bu-tu Subst. Age (II R. 33, 10). 3jit2?, see ^nfY □"t^ comp. Hebr. □ijj^. — §i-ma-tav Subst. destination, fate 2, 8. — sim-tav the same 207, ad fin. (Asarhaddon's Cylind. col. III. 19). p^ comp. Hebr. yQ, Aram, as, Arab. ,mL^, Eth. Y^ J \ (according to Haupt sub voce = pU^). — i§-kun, is-ku-nu(na) 3. Ps. Sg. Impft. Kal he made 209, 47; 326, footn. ; 338, 8. 15. — i§-ku-nu 3. Ps. PI. they made 370, 38; 385 (Is. X. 14). — a§-ku-un, a§-kun, as-ku-nu 1. Ps. Sg. Impft. Kal I made 124, col. II. 13; 193, 80; 194, 97; 201 (Eng. ed. p. 191 last line); 202 (Insc. ad fin.); 203 (Eng. ed. p. 193 line 8 from below); 209, 48; 210, 62; 220, 32; 255, 19. 29; 289, col. II. 63; 301, 21. — u-sa-a§-kin 3. Ps. Sg. Impft. Shaf. he caused to he made (made?) 323 [Eng. ed. p. 7 (Vol. II) lines 8 and 3 fr. below]. — §u-u§-ki-in Imp. Shaf. 434, 28. — git-ku-nu 3. Ps. Sg. and PI. Perf. Ifte. was or were erected, set up 218, 14; 289, 77. — igtak-an 3. Ps. Sg. Impft. Ift. Ideogr. (SA) with phon. complement he brought about 484, B. C. 763 (here of the darkness produced by an eclipse of the sun). — a§- ta-kan 1. Ps. Impft. Ifte. 289, 79; 301, 24; 345, 6; 346, 14. — ig- tak-ka-na 3. Ps. PL Ifta. (Subj. katS-ai) 370, 36. — §aknu, Stat, constr. §akan viceroy = Hebr. pQ. Phon. sa-ak-nu (Stat, constr.) 411 (Is. XLI. 25). Sak-na (accus.) 374, 34; Stat, constr. §akan, written SA-an 393, footn. ***. PI. gaknuti Ideogr. 220, 32; 255, 19; with phon. complem. u-ti 338, 16. — §iknatu Snbst. creature. Stat, constr. sik-na-at 17, 3 (and Notes and Illust.) (8). "liD^ sakkannak(k)u Subst. (as it seems of Akkadian origin) commander, lord 289, col. II. 69, III. 1; 301, 22; 302, 25; 335 (I Rawl. 48. No. 5. 2). Comp. my Essay "die Sargonsstele des Berl. Mus." (1882) p. 29 foil. "13^ sikriti Subst. Plur. Fem. palace-women (7). Ideogr. 291, col. III. 38; 302, 32; 345, 10. ^^'^ comp. {3^[^, w^^i-4/ (JoLw). — saliatu Subst. commandamt, viceroy = "^^W- Phon. §a-lat (Stat, constr.) 315; 488 C, line 3. 12. T - Ideogr. 314, footn. *; 488 C, 6. — §il-tan-nu Subst. ruler, comp. qLLLw 270; 396, 1. But see under jniH- "p^^ comp. ^'p^. — is-lu-la 3. Ps. Sg. Impft. Kal he conveyed away (into captivity, as spoil) 338, 11. — a§-lu-la 1. Ps. Sg. Impft. Kal 589 272 TEE CUNEIFORM INSCRIPTIONS AND THE 0. T. I carried away 193, 81; 210, 59; 261, 13. 14; 272, ad init.; 289, 68; 301, 22; 346, 17 ad fin. etc. — sa-lil Part, carrying away. Stat, constr. 323 (Botta 40, 20). — gal-la-tu Stat, constr. §al-la-at Subst. spoil, captive 261, 13. 14; 287, II Inscr. 3; 346, 17 etc. — §al-lat(?) 261, 4. With Suff. §al-Ia-(as)-su 139 (Gen. XV. 5); 194, 88; 338, 11. — sal-la-su-nu(sun) 210, 58; 289, 68. 83; 301, 22. — gal-la-ti§ Adv. as booty 290, col. III. 20; 302, 28; 346, 13; 450, Rev. 4. D^^ (alternating with* Q^D'') comp. ch^i}, ^^'^ *^j (*-L«. — [uSal- lim (contracted to §allim comp. 382 (Neh. II. 10) Sin-ballit) Pael Impf. 3. Sing, 'he preserved', 'gave prosperity to' e. g. Sin-sallimani 'Sin gave me prosperity' (recompensed me?) 474, B. C. 747. — Transl.] salmu Subst. welfare, Hebr. Q'i^tt', Arab. |»bl*v etc. — sa-al-mu 124, col. II. 8. Also used of the setting (of the sun) e. g. Sanh. Tayl. Cyl. I, 13 : sa-lam §an-§i. Comp. p. 215 footn. ff. — iulmu Subst. 1) peace, written §ul-mu(mi) comp. Ill Rawl. I col. V, 26 (§u-lum); 399 (Botta 151. 10. 3); 484, B. C. 758; 2) greeting, salutation, hail. Phon. §ul-mu 152 (Gen. XLIII. 23); 3) setting (of the sun), written with the Ideogr. DI and the phonet. complem. mu 140 (Gen. XIX. 23); 213, 13; 247, 4. — §almi§ Adv. sound, uninjured, in good con- dition 450, Rev. 5. — sa-li-im-tu Subst. peace 373, footn. ** 33. — Sulm anu-a§4ridu Iti'i^iQ^^ proper name Salmanassar {Shalman- eser), Hebr. "lCi^iD!?2■^ written Sul-ma-nu-asaridu [but in the earlier part of Vol. I Sal-ma-nu-ussir] 97; 266 (2 Kings XVII. 3); Sulma- nu-a§aridu 19; 459, footn. 1. * [Haupt holds that the root Q^^, common to Semitic languages, appears in Assyrian sometimes in the form q'?D, salamu being the root-form in Assyrian. But according to Fried. Delitzsch, in Assyr. Lesestiicke S^^ ed. (glossary), there are two independent roots which come to approximate one another in meaning salamu turn oneself to — hence be gracious or helpful to (synonym saharu); galSmu to be uninjured, sound, complete. Pael, to keep whole, — complete, recom- pense. Zimmern, Busspsalmen p. 57 illustrates the use of saldmu 6. g. §ar ta§mi u salimi hing of hearing and showing -favour ; Bi'l ana ali u biti §a§u islimu ir§(i tari 'Bel turned himself (gra- ciously) to city and temple and granted mercy (forgiveness)',. The two ideas, however, 'favour' and 'well-being', 'peace' very closely approximate, and in the latest inscriptions salamu and §al4mu are used in the same sense. Lastly the Assyrians employ the same ideo- gram for both. See Haupt's Beitrage zur Assyr. Lautlehre (Assyrian Phonology) § 9. — Transl.] 0L0S8ARY. 273 ^^^ §al§u numeral third, comp. Eth. 1*1^]^ JI , Arab. v^>JLS (Hebr. "itJ^l^l^?, Aram. f. A.V ^) Written sal-§i (Gen.) 288, col. II. 34; 301, 18. — salastu numeral three =: rW^U) ^^^- [1° this passage however, we should transcribe salaita, or Salastu. The TA of the text belongs to the Akkad. group TA.A.AN ^ t&n (numerical deter- minative)]. □^ §umu Subst. name, Hebr. Qlt', Aram. Q^, ) ^ *■ j §u-ma Ace. 2, 2. 8; with the (phon.) sign sum 291, 37: 302, 24; 345, 32; also §u-mi Genit. 124, col. II. 12. Ideogr. with Suff. 459, footn. 2. 3; Ideogr. PI. 338, 14. □^ SIM (RIK) with SUN (= ma'du), Akkad., literally much sweet- smelling , i. e. incense, spices 235, 28. Comp. Haupt on Flood- legend col. III. 48; 237 {Notes and Elust.). { Arab. O o - ij**,**i etc. Gen. sam(n)-si, written sometimes altogether phoneti- cally sam-§i, sometimes with the Ideogr. UD(PAR) and the phonet. compl. §i 140 (Gen. XIX. 23); 178; 213, 6. 11 etc. etc. Conip. also 484, B. C. 763". — (ilu) Sama§ name of the sun-god. Phon. Sa- ma§ 262, 16. Ideogr. 91, 53; 279, ad fin.; 280, ad ink. —- Samas- balat-su-ik-bi proper name 429 (Dan. I. 7). — Samas-§um-ukin proper name 'Samas established the name' Sammughes 2!aoadovxivog 368, footn.; 369, 27. jl^^ sangu Subst. priest, Ideogr. 213, 3. — g^angfitujSubst. priest- hood(?). Phon. §a-an-gu-ti-(ja) 332, 22. 1^^ comp. nitt^' AJPI; — i5"*^' ^^■^' ^'^^^ numeral two. Phon. §i-na 21, footn. *. — §a,nitu the second. Written §ani-i 273 (Eng. ed. p. 265 line 11) (Gen.); §S,ni-ti the same 193, 82. — Sanitu Subst. repetition, time. Ideogr. 82, 104; 91, 61; 202, 87; 207, 97. 102; 209, 40. — Perhaps (?) we have as a derivative from this gattu, St. catr. ianat, Subst. year, Hebr. Hi^) Arab. A-*.**, Aram, {^pitt') 1^^^- Phon. 5at-ti (Gen.) 288, 46; 290, 27; 302, 30. Ideogr. 15, 3. PI. §anati, written §ana-ti 160 (Deut. XXXII. 7); Ideogr. 458, footn. * 50; 459, footn. 6. — On 364, 13 we ought perhaps instead of Stat, constr. sanat to read St. abs. gattu. [Comp. p^ (singular) in Moabite stone line 8 and Schroder, Phoniz. Sprache pp. 105 — 106. — Transl.] ]y^ comp. Eth. "t" 1*1 $ J I (Lotz). — §ananu Infin. rivalry, emula- tion, then equality, occurring frequently in the phrase la sa-na-an without equal, without rivalry 213, 2. — §a-ni-nu Subst. the rival, occurring frequently in the phrase §a-ni-na la i-§u-u he who has no rival. G pty Sinnu Subst. tooth, comp. ^y^ , jtJ^, llX, l\il 187 (1 Kings X. 22). — Sin al-ap tooth of the elephant, equivalent of the Hebr. D^SniSy i'vory 187 (1 Kings X. 22; but comp. footn. *). j^Q^ = yQ]i; and ultimately identical with Hebr. yQ\ j;^p"in- — §a-pu-u 3. Ps. PI. Pf. Kal they came forth 2, 7. — u-§a-pu-u 3. Ps. PI. 591 Pa. they caused to come forth 17, 3. — u§-ta-pu-u 3. Ps. PI. Impft. GLOSSARY. 275 Ift. they %oere brought forth 2, 10. — sup ft Subst. Phon. (Gen.) Su- pi-i — ? — 290, col. III. 15. WD52^ si'pfl (sipu?) Subst. /ooi, peibaps so named because it is that which rubs the ground, or is the member which glides over it, comp. Hebr. riD'^i Aram. | q f ■ ■, q *-■- — si pa Dual 157, 87; 194, 86; 235, 27; 289, 57; 455 (Ps. U. 12). — §ipu Prep. Written with Suflf. 1. Ps. Sg. si-pu-u-a 288, col. II. 44. iQt^ (ir) Sa-pi-ja name of a Babyl. town 486, B. C. 731. Comp. also Sa-pi-ja, as well as Sa-pi-i under ^QD- nOtt' comp. Hebr. TJOti^, Arab. i^a*g. — is-sa-pi-ik 3. Ps. Sg. Impft. Nif. he was washed away 124, col. II. 4. ^2tJ^ comp. Hebr. ^QJ^,* , Arab. J»a*«, A ra m '^ a ^. — Saplituv lower; Ideogr. sapliti genit. 203; 232, 6; 333, 18 (gap-lit). — §ap- li§ Adv. below, beneath 2, 2. — mu§-pa-lu depression = lower tovm? (Stand. Inscr. 17) 99, footn. *. ^Qjy comp. Jljm. — is-pu-ra 3. Ps. Sg. Impft. Kal he sent 291, 41 [302, 32]. — i§-pur the same 398 (Botta 149, 8). — ag-pur I. Ps. Sg. I sent 320. — is-pu-ru 3. Ps. PI. they sent 399 (Botta 151, 10. 3). — §a-pi-ru Part, sending forth 277 (Botta 75, 4). TiDK' (m^t) Sa-pa-ar-da name of a country (= "l")r)D?) 447 (Obad. 20). { rt.4^Pl' >-*-a-^\- — ^u-kft-tu Subst. drinking vessel, goblet, comp. Hebr. nptJ''- Written su-ku-ti 235, 28. — gikitu written si-ki-tuv Subst. giving to drink, watering, irrigation 31 (Gen. II. 13). — maskitu, written mas-ki-tav Subst. drink II Rawl. 44, lOg in the phrase karSnu mas-ki-tav ga garrfl wine, drink of the king, — mas ki-ti genit. 288, col. II. 42. Sp^ comp. Hebr. ^p'^l} , Eth. J[*lCj>/V.I' Arab. J.sS*, Aram. \«oZ. — ig-ku-ul 3. Ps. Impft. Kal he weighed, comp. Assyr.-Rabyl. Keilinsch. p. 20. — i-sa-kal 3. Ps. Impft. Pres. he weighs out 142 ad init. "1^^ Sar name of a god 2, 12. 15. {^"1^ comp. Aram. {>{~i^ Pa., v^i-^.. — gurratu (properly Infin. Pa. with feminine ending) Subst. beginning Stat, constr. gur-rat 402, foot- note * (comp. Asurnas. Monoiith-inscr. I, 43 u. a. St.). P")^ mu-sar-ri-hat Part. Pa. fem. (Stat, constr.) (she) who makes mighty 177 (Lotz 92 foil.). 276 THE CUNEIFORM INSCRIPTIONS AND TEE 0. T. Km^ (ilu) Si-ru-uh-a name of a god 232, ad fin. "1")^ i§-ru-ka 3. Ps. Sg. Impft. Kal he bestowed, rendered 194, 97. IDl^ (^?) sur-mi{vi)-nu , su-ur-mi(vi)-nu name of a tree, Aram. {^^ but rather the Niphal (Haupt designates it by the Arabic VII form J^JtftJl) of the root takalu which he identifies with the Ethiopic takdla fixit, stabilivit. Natkil will then be the Imperative Niphal, formed quite regularly like na§- kin; comp. naplis (look). — Transl.] GLOSSARY. 279 name of a town Telassar IjJ^Jii^F) 327. — Til-Ga-rira-mu(mi) name of a town 85. — Til(so read !)-kam-ri name of a town 232, 6. — Til (so read!)-ga-habal-a-hi name of a town 193, 80. Zhr\ talimu oion brother. Comp. Targ.-Talm. {^Q^H ^°d Targ. rD^n rni^ (Gen. XLIX. 5). Fried. Delitzsch derives it fr. root talamu to bestow. With Suffix ta-lim-ja 398 (Botta 149, 10), ta- li m-su 399 footn. IDD (avil) Tam-mu-di, Ta-mu-di name of an Arab, tribe 277, ad init. and Botta 75, 3). nOn u-tam-mi-hu 3. Ps. PI. Pael they bound 371 (and footn. * Eng. ed. Vol. II p. 59). IDD i^'"^) Ta-am-na-a name of a Hebr. town n^PP Timnath 170 (Josh.^XIX. 43);;289, col. II. 83. DDH (^'"> m^t) Ta-mi-su name of a Cyprian town or district Tamassus 355, 19. IDH tumru Subst. date, Arab. j40 , Syr. (PI.) jfieZ- PI. Phon. tum-ri 19, 30; and Eng. ed. p. 20 footn. *. [Zimmern , however, in Busspsalmen p. 76 gives the word the meaning 'smoke'. — Transl.] "I^nOn Tam-tam-ak-ai(?) Adj. — ?— 235, 26. |J-) (mat, ir) Tu-na-ai Adj. the Tunaean 253; 257. iiDD a-tip-pa (a-tip-pa) 1. Ps. Sg. Impft. Kal (?) / touched{7) (should we comp. the Hebr. pQj^ = riDD i") 1^3, 81. [Dr. Craig (con- firmed by Mr. Pinches), Hebraica, July 1887, reads amur (a-mur) 'I saw' Kal Impft. Sing, of amaru q. v. — Transl.] ntjn ti-ip Subst. impetus, onset, comp. Hebr. PjOH) Arab. «.sO. Phon. ti-ib(ip) 332, 21; 350, 54. □Pp tuk-ma-tu Subst. resistance , oppression 154 (Exod. IX. 7) Comp. Hebr. Q!)^ etc. n^mn Tar-hu-la-ra proper name of a prince of Gamgum 253, ad init. ; 257. l*in comp. Arab. ijo.J (also Syr. 'iZ make straight, guide). — tir-su Subst. establishing, recognition. Stat, constr. ti-ris 335, ad init. — tar-si with ana Prep, exactly opposite 458, 49 [or perhaps, with Delitzsch, we might render 'in the time of, comp. insc. of Sennacherib I Rawl. 40, 45. 6 alani . . sa ina tarsi abija I'lamu ikimu "cities . . which the Elamite had seized in the time of my father." The metaphor of space is applied to time, as with the Hebr. l^Dp etc. - Transl.]. 280 TEE CUNEIFORM INSCRIPTIONS AND THE 0. T. p")f) Tar-ku-u proper name of an Egyptian king Tirhaha npm.P 152, ad mit.; 326 and footn. *; 338, 7. |n"in tur-ta-nu official title Tartan, Hebr. ]H"1p 270, footnote *; ^^^819, ad init. Stat, constr. tur-tan 335 ad init.; 480, B. C. 809; 482, B. C. 780. 770. 752 ; 486, B. C. 742. Also 270, ad init.; 396, 1 (Eng. ed. I, p. 261 foil.; II, 88, 1) instead of siltannu is to be read turtannu, because, according to Dr. Hugo Winckler, in the Sargon-inscriptions the sign for tar, 6t7 interchanges with the sign for the syllable tur. Com- pare C. P, Tiele, Babylonisch-Assyrische Gesch. I, 260 note, who pre- fers the pronunciation tartanu. ytCTl ti-§£-i Subst. genit. , of doubtful meaning 177, root y^J^n = ^J^^? Comp. Delitzsch in Lotz, Die Insch. Tigl.-Piles. I p. 92. rY'l^n Tasritu name of the month Tishri, Hebr. ^"ij^^p. Written Ta§-ri-tav(tuv) 380, 7; 486, B. C. 745"=; 488, C 5. Haupt writes TiSritu. ^^n ta-§i-il-tu Substant. — ?— 193, 80. *IIDnn T u-t a-a m-m u-u name of a king of Unki 249, ad fin. To these are to be added : — [23 bubfitu /ood with suffix bu-bu-us-su-nu (for bu-bu-ut-su-nu) 455, 8. tO^LJ titu clay filth, comp. Hebr. ^^^, phonet ti-it-tu 455, 8 simi- larly titi§ adv. Jeremias, Die Babyl.-Assyr. Vorstellungen etc. p. 25. "1"I3 kudfiru /roniter employed in proper names Kudur-Nahundi, Kudur-Mabug etc. 136. Nabfl-kudurri-usur 'Nebo protect my frontier' (Haupt) or rather with Schrader 'N. protect the frontier' 361; 362 and footn.; 428 ad fin. p)^^ la 1ft (lulft) plur. phonet. la-li-i 434, 31 abundance, splendour; comp. Nabonidus cylind. col. II, 28 [r]-hul-hul bit §u-bat la-li-i-ka '^Ihulhul (House of joys) thy splendid abode." Latrille in Zeitsch. ftir Assyr. 1885 p. 350 foil. Flemming p. 44. — Transl.]. INDEX OF NAMES AND SUBJECTS. [The numerals refer to the page-numbers of the original German work in the margin of the English edition.] Abednego, name 429. Abel, name 44. Abel-Beth-Maacha, town 255, Abibal, king of Samsimurun 355. Abiram, name 200. Achab, see Ahab. Acharri (Aharri), name for Kanaan and Phoenicia 90. 108. Achaz, see Ahaz. Achimit, prince of Ashdod 162. 398. AchmethS,, see Ekbatana. Adar. name of a god 20. 284. 423. Adbeel, proper name 148. Adrammelech, Assyrian deity 284. Adrammelech, son of Sanherib (Sennacherib) 329. Aegypt, name 89; export of horses from 187; is attacked and sub- jugated by Tiglath-Pileser II 89; Sargon 396; Sanherib (Sen- nacherib) 289 ; Asarhaddon 337 and Asurbanipal 326 (footnote). Aethiopia, name 86; is attacked and overthrown by Asarhaddon and Asurbanipal 326 (footnote). Ahab (Achab) , his name on an Assyrian monument 193. Ahashuerus, king of Persia, see Xerxes. Ahaz (Achaz) := Assyrian Jahu- hazi (Joachaz) of Judah 257. 263. 265. Akkad, town and land, name and position 95. 136; appears as name of a country repeatedly in the titles of Assyrian and Babylonian kings 95. 230. 335. Akzib, see Ekdippa. Altakti, see Eltekeh. Amanus, mountain 388. Ammon, Assyrian name 141, 196. Amkarruna, see Ekron. Amraphel, king of Shinar 135, see also Addenda. Anammelech, name of a god 284. Anos, name of a god 12. Anu, name of a god 10. 12. 284. Aos, name of a god 12. 35. Aparanadius, Babylonian king 35. See also Asur-n4din-sum and Asor-dan. Apason, deity 6. Apharsaje, whether connected with Parsua 376 (footnote). Apharsekaje , name of a race 376 (footnote). Apharsatkaje, name of a race 376 (footnote). Aphek, town 204. Arabia, name. See the signification of the term on the Assyrian inscriptions 414. Arallu, Assyrian name for Hades 389. Aram, Aramaea, region signified by the term among the Assy- rians 115. Ararat (= Urartu) , name of a 282 THE CUNEIFORM INSCRIPTIONS AND THE T. country 52. 423. The sons and murderers of Sanherib (Senna- cherib) escape there 331. Arbail, name of a town 118 footn. 333 ; epithet of the goddess Istar 36. 333. 441; see also Addenda. Arioch, king of Ellasar 135; name of a later Babylonian oflBcer 430. Arka, name of a town 104. 254. Arpad, name of a town 223. 231. 250. 251. 324. 328. Arpakshad, name of a race or country 112; see also 'Addenda' 612. Arrhapachitis, name of a country 112; Addenda 611. Arses, name 490, B. C. 337 and Addenda. Vol. II p. 295. Artahasta, see Artaxerxes. Artaxerxes, king 375. Arvad (Arados), name of a town 104. Asarhaddon, king. His name 332; was successor and son of San- herib (Sennacherib) 335; built the South-west palace 98; over- came Aegypt 337 ; made Manas- seh of Judah tributary 356; settled the eastern inhabitants in Palestine 373; ruled Babylon 845; and abdicated his throne in favour of his son Asurbanipal- Sardanapallus 333; his inscrip- tions 336. Ashkenaz, a race, Addenda 610. Assembly, mount of 389. Ashdod , name of a town 162; conquered by Sargon 398. Ashima, a Hamathite deity 288. Ashkelon, name of a town 165. Asordan, Babylonian king 35. 350. Assoros-Sar, deity 12 (=r An-sar? see Addenda 608). ASsur, name of a country 35. 156. A§gurit, epithet of Istar 86. Astarte, deity, Assyrian name 176. Agur, name of a deity 85. Asurbanipal (Asur-bSni-abal), a king; his name 45; mounts the throne as successor of Asar- haddon 333; lord of Babylon 368; Manasseh of Judah is tri- butary to him 355; he himself attacks Tirhaka (Tarku) 826: the length of his reign 859. 360; his clay tablets 3. A§ur-itil-ili-(ukinni), one of the last kings of Assur 359 : was the builder of the South-east building of Nimriid 98. A§ur-nadin-sum , the Asordan of Alex. Polyhistor 350. 352. ASur-nSsir-abal , king, his name 45 ; is the builder of the North- west palace of Nimrud 98 , and new founder of Kalah 97 ; makes the "Westland" tributary 157. A§ur-ris-igi, old Assyrian king 91. Atharsamain, name of a deity 414. Av-va, town 281. 288. 824. 325. Axerdis = Asarhaddon. Azai'jah = Azrijahu, see Uzziah. Azuri, king of Ashdod 398. Baal, name of a deity 173. Baal, Phoenician king 170. Baal Zephon, name of a town 154. Baaltis, a goddess; her Assyrian name 175. Baasha, king 189. 194. 196. Babel, a town, its name 11. 127; king of Babel, title 877. Babylonia, a country. Its native names 129; mother country of Assyria 98. 96. Exile of the Israelites 276. Bau (Bahu?), deity 14. Bedolach (Bdellium?) 80. 42. Bel, Babylono-Assyrian deity 7. 12. 173. Belesys, proper name 234. 286. Belibus , proper name 176. 846. See also Elibus. Belshazzar, king 438; duration of his reign 438. Beltis, Babylono-Assyrian deity 175. Belteshazzar, proper name 429. Benebarak , name of a town 172. 289. Benhadad II, king 200. 211; which king in the inscriptions is pro- bably to be identified with him? 201. See also Hadadezer. Benhadad III, king 211. INDEX OF NAMES AND SUBJECTS. 283 Beth-Arbel, town 440. Beth-Dagon, town 167. 298. Beth-Omri, country := North-Israel 188. 190. 215. 342. Birs-Nimrud, 122. Bflz, proper name 141. By bios, town 185. See also Gebal. Cedar, Assyrian name for the 411. 388. 183. Chabor, river 275 and footn. **. Chalach, town 275. Chalah-Kalach, town 96 ; its foun- dation 97 ; its position 98. Chaldaea, country. Its name 131 ; extent of country so designated 131. Chaldaeans , Armenian 131 and footn. **. Chaldaean= wise, since when? 429. Chaues, Aegyptian town 410. Chasisadra (Adra-hasis) or Xisu- thrus, Eng. ed. p. 56 Vol. I. Chatti, country; Chattaeans, people 107. 201. 202. 288. Chavila, country 29. Chazo, name of a country 141. Chedorlaomer, see Kedorlaomer. Cherub 39. Chineladan, see Kineladan. Chinzer, Babylonian king 234. Chronology, Assyrian and Hebrew 458 foil. Creation-account Chaldaean I foil. Crucifixion or impaling 377 and footn. Cyprus, Island 85; Assyrian name 86, 301; made tributary by Sar- gon 368. 404; tributary to Asarhaddon and Asurbanipal 355. Stele of Sargon in Cyprus 396. Cypress, Assyrian name for 388. Cyprus, name 372. 377. Dache, see Lache. Dachos, see Lachos. Dagon, Philistine-Babylonian deity 181. Damascus, town 138; kingdom 201 footn. 209. 213; the latter destroyed by Tiglath-Pileser II 258. 264. Already in earlier times tributary for a while to Assyria 215. Darius, name 375. Darius the Mede 437. Date, its Assyrian name 19. Dauke, deity 12. Daukina, deity 12. Delephat, name of the planet Venus 178. 389. Deluge-story Chaldaean, Eng. ed. Vol. I pp. 46—61. Dilbat, see Delephat. Dor, name of a town 168. Dur-Sar(r)ukin (KhorsabAd), resi- dences of Sargon and built by him 101. Dura, Babylonian name of a place 430. Eden, a country 26. Edom, a country 149. Ekbataua, name of a town 378; the present Hamadan (New-Persic Ja.4.*) 524. Ekdippa, name of a town = Akzib 170. 288. Ekron , name 164. In sedition against Sanherib (Sennacherib) 289. El, Babylono-Assyrian name for a deity (Ilu) 11. Elam, a country 111; comp. Susa. Elibus, Babylonian king 176 foot- note. 346; see also Belibus. Ellasar, Babylonian locality 135. Eltekeh, a place, Assyrian AltakS 171. 289. 301. Elulaeus, king of Sidon 286. 288. Epha, Arabian race 146. 277. Erech, Babylonian place and king- dom 13. 94. 375. Esarhaddon, see Asarhaddon. Ethbaal = Tuba'lu in the inscrip- tions 104. 200. 286. 288. Eulaeus, river 438. Euphrates, river. Its name 34. Evilmerodach, Babylonian kiug. His name 365. He is also men- tioned in the inscriptions 365. Gath, name of a town 166; whe- ther conquered by Sargon 444. 284 THE CVNEIFOBM INSCRIPTIONS AND THE 0. T. Gaza, town 107. 161. 256. Gazer, town 167. Gebal = Byblos, Phoenician town 185. Gichon (Gihon), river 31. Gilead(?) 255. God's mountain 427. Gog, name of a prince 427. Gomer, see Kuminerian 427. Gozan, country and town 275. Greeks = lonians, see under Javan. Hadad, name of a deity 151. Hadadezer, name of a king of Damascus 198. 200. 204. Hadad-Rimmon, 454. Hades, Assyrian designation of the same 389 and footn. ; 455. Hadrach, country 453. Hamaddn, see Ekbatana. , Hamath, town 105. 201. 323. Hamm6th-D6r, name of a town 172. Hammurabi, see Addenda Vol. II ' p. 297. Hanno, king of Gaza. In the in- scriptions HanQnu 255. 257. 396. 397. Harran, town 134. Hauran, country and mountain 210. 428. Hazael, king of Damascus 206. 211; king of the Kedarenes 148. 208; Arabian king 148. 207. Heaven, queen of. Her Aramaean name 414. Helbon, town 425. Heni, town 324. Hezekiah, king of Judah 285. 286. 290. Hiram, king of Tyre = Hirummu in the inscriptions 170. Hittites, people 107. Homoroka, deity 7. 13. Horse, its Assyrian name 188 footn. Export of horses from Egypt 187. Hoshea, king of Israel 255. 260. 265. Illinos, deity 12. Ilubi' di, king of Hamath 23. Imbappi, Elamite prince 140. lonians, see Javan. Israel, name 150, 188. Istar. Assyrio-Babylonian deity 13. 176. It'amar, Sabaean prince 146. 397. Ivva, name of a town 324. Jabne, name of a town 167. Jab (Ja'), province of Cyprus) 368. Jahlfi, North - Arabian king 24 footn. 208. Jahubi'di, see Ilubi'di. Jahve, name of God 23. Jaman, prince of Ashdod 398. Javan, people = lonians 81. Jehu, king of Israel 189. 208. Jerusalem , city. Assyrian name 161. Besieged by Sanherib (Sennacherib) 290. Joachaz = Achaz, see Ahaz. Joppa, town 172. 289. Judah, kingdom 188. 286. Kalah (Kelah), see Chalah. Kalneh , place 96. 444; identical with Kalno? 384. Kalno, place, see Kalneh. Kamosnadab, king of Moab 141. 288. See Glossary sub voce. Kanaan, country, its name among the Assyrians 90 ; already tem- porally subdued by the old Babylonian kings 91; similarly by the old Assyrian rulers 91; also by Asurnasirabal 157. Kardunia§, name of a country 88. 348. Karkar, town 180. 194. 196. Karkemish, town, name and posi- tion 384. KaSsfl, name of a race 88. Kausmalak, king of Edom 257. Kebar, river or perhaps it may be called canal 424. Kedar, name of a race 147; 414. Kedorlaomer, king of Elam, name and time 136. Kewan, Babylonian deity 442. Khorsabad, ruined site of D&r Sar(r)ukin 101. Kilmad, name of a place 427. INDEX OF NAMES AND SUBJECTS. 285 Kimmerians = Gomer, name of a race 80; their place of abode 428. Kineladan, Babylonian king = Sardauapalus =; Asurbanipal 369. King of Babel, title 378. King of kings, title 336. 387. King of lands, title 378. Kissares = Kisar, deity 12. Koa' , name of a race 425. Kosbarakos, Edomite proper name 150. Kosmalachos, Edomite proper name 150. Kostobaros, Edomite proper name 150. Kudur-Mabug , Babylono-Elamite king 135. 136. Kudur-Nachuudi, Elamite or Baby- lonian king 136. Kush , name of a race 31. 86; relation with Lower Aegypt and Pathros 387 ; identical with the Babylonian Ka§§u of the inscrip- tions 87. Kutha , a town of Babylonia 278 and footn. * ; the Kuthaeans worship Nergal 279. 282. Labynetus I = Nebuchadnezzar 432. Labynetus II = Nabuna'id 432. 436. Lache = Lachmu, deity 12. Lachos = Lachamu, deity 12. Ladanum, Assyrian name 151. Lakish, town, where Sanherib (Sennacherib) encamped 287. 317; its Assyrian name 287. Lebanon, mountain; its Assyrian name 183. 209. 220; cedars of Lebanon 183. 184. Libua, town 325. Lud, name of a race 114. Mfigan, another name for Aegypt 205. Magi, their name and nationality 417 foil. Magog, name of a race 80. Malikram, Edomite king 288. Manasseh, king of Judah, tributary to Asarhaddon 354, and to Asur- banipal 354; carried away cap- tive to Babylon 366. Marcheshwan, Hebraic -Babylo- nian name for a month 380. Mari', king of Damascus 212. 213. Massa, North-Arabian race 148. Media, country 80. Megiddo , name of a town 168. 172. Memphis, town 357. 391. Menahem, king of Samsimurun 291. Merathaim, country 423. Merodach , Babylono - Assyrian deity 12. 422. Merodach-Baladan, king of Baby- lon, name 339. 350. 353; dura- tion of his rule 340; embassage to Hezekiah 338. 343. Meshach, Babylonian name, see Engl. ed. Vol. II p. 126. Meshech, a people 84. Metten, king of Tyre 169. Miluchchiicha) (Miluhhi), country = Kush-Nubia 30. 205. Sends ambassadors to Sargou 400. Mina, Babylonian name 143; its relation to the shekel and talent 142. 428. Minnaeans, a people 423. Mishm&, 148. j^|itinna, see Metten. itinti, king of Ashdod 288. 290; king of Ashkelon 257. Mizir, see Muzur. Mizraim (Misraim), country 89. Moab, country 140. 258. 291. Moloch, a god, perhaps identical with Assyr. Malik 150 footn.; 155. Months, Babylonian name of the 379. Moymis, deity 6. 13. Musical instruments, Greek, their names not found in the cunei- form inscriptions 431. Mutakkil-Nebo (Nusku), old Assy- rian king 91. 412. Muzur, country := Aegypt 89. Mylitta, Babylonian deity 176. Nabataeans, a race 147. 414. Nabonassar, Babylonian king 234. 286 THE CUNEIFORM INSCRIPTIONS AND TEE 0. T. Nabopolassar, Babylonian king 45. 358. 363. Nabunit (Nabiina'id) , Babylonian king 434; the Labynetus II of Herodotus 432. Nanaea, Nana, Babylono-Elamite deity 234. 457. Nannar, moongod 10. 16. Nebo, Babylonian deity 412. Nebosumi^kun, son of Merodach- Baladan 329. Nebuchadnezzar, name 361 ; his inscriptions 362; his dream 431. Inscription of this monarch found at the Dog's river 364. Nebushezban, name of a Aegyptian prince 166; name of a Babylo- nian 421. Nebuzaradan, a Babylonian 364. Necho I, king of Aegypt 357. Necho II, king of Aegypt 358. Nephilim, see Addenda 609. Nergal, Babylonian god 282. Nergal-shar-eser, a Babylonian 416. Nibchaz, Babylonian deity 283. Nifler {= Nipur), Babylonian place 275. Nile , river, its Assyrian designa- tion 152. Nimrod, name 92 and Addenda. Niniveh, town, name 102; its posi- tion 99; magnitude and extent 447 ; age 96 ; destruction 358. 360; latest Ninivite ruler or rulers 358. Nisibis, town 275. Nisroch , Assyrian god ; whether the name is a corruption of Asarach? 329. Nizir (Nisir) , country and moun- tain 53. 59. 63. 75. N6-Am6n, town 449. 450. Oannes, whether identical with Auu? 284. Omoroka, see Homoroka. Omri , king of Israel, mentioned in Assyrian inscriptions 188. 189. On, town of = Heliopolis 152. Orontes, river 195. 197. Osnappar , with which Assyrian king he is , most probably , to be identified 376. Paddan-Aram, 612 (Addenda). Padi , king of Ekron 164. Is delivered over to Hezekiah, reinstated by Sanherib (Senna- cherib) 290. Palms, their Assyrian name 19. Paradise-story 40. 608. Pathros, country 336. 397. Pekah, king of Israel 191. 255. 260. Pekod, Babylonian race 232. 346. 423. Persia, country, name 372. Pethor, name of a town 155. Pharaoh, designation on Assyrian inscriptions 153. 270. 397. Philistia, name 102 ; its inhabitants Semitic 167. Pishon, river 29. Pistachio, Assyrian name 152 and footn. Planets, their names and order 20. Puduil, king of Ammon 288. Pul, king of Assyria, name 238 ; identical with Tiglath-Pileser 222. 227. 238. Purple, the Assyrian name for 154. Rabm&g , Babylonian honoi'ary official title 417. Rabsak, Assyrian oflScial title 319. Rabsaris, Assyrian oflScial title 319. Ramman, Assyrian deity 205. Raphia, battle at, 396. 397. Rechoboth-Ir, town, name and position 96. 100. Resen, town, position 100. Rezeph, place 326. Rezin, country of Damascus 260. 265. Rimmon, Aramaeo-Assyrian deity. See also Ramman. Rosli, name of a race 427. Rukibti, see Ashkelon 262. 289. Saba, Sabaea, country 92. 145. Sabako, king of Aegypt 269. 396. 614. Sakkuth, Babylonian deity 442. Salman, Salmanu , Moabite king 257; the name on a Palmyrene inscription 441 ; whether also INDEX OF NAMES AND SUBJECTS. 287 the name of an Assyrian king 440. Salmanassar I , king of Assyria, time of his reign 97 ; built Ka- lah 97. Salmanassar II , king of Assyria, contemporary v?ith Benhadad II (Hadadezer), Hazaei and Jehu 201. 206. 208. Salmanassar IV , king of Assyria, the Biblical Salmanassar, name 266; monuments 267; whether identical with Sargon 267. Samaria, town and kingdom 191; besieged by Salmanassar, con- quered by Sargon 271; place to which its inhabitants were de- ported 275. Samgar-Nebo, Babylonian 416. Sammughes, Assyrio - Babylonian name of a king 367 ; 369 ; pro- bably tempted Manasseh to re- volt 37 1 . The name = Assyrian Sama§-gum-ukin 368. Samsieh, Arabian queen 255. 262. 397. Sarasimuruna, Kanaanite town 163. 192. 291. 355. Sanballat, name 382. Sanherib (Sennacherib), king of Assyria, name 285 ; time of his reign 286; his inscriptions 286; raises''Ninua"to a royal residence 99; undertakes a campaign against Palestine - Aegypt 288; time of the latter 313; murdered by two of his sons 329. 330 and Addenda. Sanibu, Ammonite king 257. Saosduchin, see Sammughes. Sapija, town 234. 235. Sabbath, Assyrian name 20. Sarakos, king of Assyria, his pro- bable Assyrian name 358 footn. Sardanapalus, Assyrian king, iden- tical with Asurbanipal 359 footn. 369 footn. Sarepta(Zarephath), town 200. 288. Sargon, king of Assyria, name 392; descent 268. 393; time of his reign 407 ; is different from Salmanassar 267. 271; conquers Samaria 271 ; conquers Aegypt 396; conquers Ashdod 392; and Babylon 268; makes an end of the Hittite kingdom of Karke- mish 385; founds Diir-Sar(r)ukin 405; his inscriptions 394; his annals 402. SarlGdari , Assyrian name of a prince of Ashkelon 289. Sarsekim, name of a Babylonian 416. Saturn, see Kewan Semiramis, name of a woman 366. Senir, mountain 195. 209. Sennacherib, see Sanherib. Seph&rad 445. Sepharvaim, town 279. 325. Seveh, see Sabako. Seven, number, its sacredness 21. Shadrach , a Babylonian name Eng. ed. Vol. II p. 125. Sharezer , a son of Sanherib 329. Shedim 160. 164. Shekel, name and relation to the Mina 142. Sheshach, name of a country (?) 415. Shinar, country. Its name 118. 135; geographical 119. Shoa', name of a race 425. Shoham-stone 30. Shomeron-Meron, name of a town 163. Sidon, town 103. 288. Sinab, name 141. Sirjon, mountain 159. 184. Sparda, whether = Sepharad 444. Sultan , as siltannu title of the Sab'i of Aegypt 270, 396 ; but see "Addenda." Sumir, Babylonian province or kingdom 118; the same as the Hebrew Shinar 118. Susa, town 136. 375. 381. Tabeel , Aramaean proper name 384. Talent, its Assyrian name 216; relation to the Mina 142. Tamarisk, Assyrian name 554. 613. Tammuz, name of a month 425. Tamud, Arabian I'ace 277. Tartan, Assyrian official title 2/0. 319. See "Addenda." Tauthe, a deity 6. 13. 288 THE CUNEIFORM INSCRIPTIONS AND TEE 0. T. Telassar, town 327. TSm&, name of a race 149. Ti&mat, a deity 7. Tid'al, proper name 137. Tiglath-Pileser I, king of Assyria, when he lived 91; governs the "Westland" 91. Tiglath-Pileser II, name 240 ; when he ruled 242; is identical with Pul 222. 227. 238; his annals 242. See also Vol. I p. XXXII. Tigris, river, name 32. Timnath, town 170. Tirhaka, king of Kush-Aethiopia 326. 338. Title of Assyrian great kings 320. Togarma, name of a race 85 footn. 428. Tree, sacred 28. and Addenda. Tubal, a race 82. Tubal, king of Sidon, see Ethbaal. Tyre, town 168. 281. 281. Ummanaldas, Elamite prince 140. Urartu, name of a country 53. 331. Ur-Kasdim, with which Babylonian ruins to be identified 129. Urumilki, king of Gebal 185 footn. 288. Uzziah (Azarjah) , identical with the AzrijS.hu of the cuneiform inscriptions 217. Venus planet, name 388. Week, of seven days 19. Xerxes = Ahashuerus, his name 375. Xisuthrus, see Chasisadra. Zabibieh, Arabian queen 253. 255. Zarephath, town, see Sarepta. Zarpanit, feminine Assyrian deity 19; identical with Sukkoth- Benoth? 281. Zemar, town 105. Zerubbabel, name 377. Zidka (Sidka), king of Ashkelon 289. Zil-Bel, king of Gaza 290. Zimri, name of a country 414. Zoan, town in Aegypt 155. 391; whether identical with Zi'nu (Si'nu) ibid, footn. ZdbS, Syrian town 182. HEBREW INDEX. [The numerals refer to tho page-numbers of the original German work •qin of the English edition.! 3J< 380. T V^^ 152. DJ,^ 348. TIN 380. T -: H'D.Till-IN 618. NimJ^ 617. i^ 380. b^y^^ Vol. II, p. 298. ^JK 280, footn. *. t«"'D"lDN* 376. N*'DnD"lDi< 376 footn. jD^i^ 155. Hi? 388. 11*^ 411. -I'lK^K 35. Ti3¥^J< 610 Addenda. Vym 430. •eier to tho page-numbers of trie origv in the margin of the English edition B^ina 388. J^na 296. ]in''^ 31 nai 151. i^-rj 209 footn. ft- bD^n Eng. ed. ip^^T 388. "IJ^ID \n 389. -nj^T 380. -IDT 17. r|pT 378. 379. D-IT 126. Vol. I p. 56; 353. ]^3 540. t!p3 377. 'pj;3 173. b?3ry 32- 33. Q-)ip 170 footn. 19 290 THE CUNEIFORM INSCRIPTIONS AND THE 0. T. niD^bq 153. -ipO 121. p-in 134. jnn 140. n^n 209. nnt? 380. IDDD 154. 424. T[)jyi 23. ]«ipi 135. J^Jil 140. -)^^ip Eng. ed. Vol. II p. 126. niip, see nip. ni 143. W^n-yo 380. Dn2iD bm 158. z'r\) 37. plj 379. 380. id: 387. □1^2^ 609. -)i 155. plt*3 455. 151 154. 3D13 139. T 1)1«3 442. nD-^D Vol. II p. 237 {u^'2). J"12^ 40. 160. D"inn 6 footn.; Eng. ed. Vol. I p. 57 footn. **. nbjn 155. TliSn 380. 425 and Addenda. in-lP 319. 19* NOTES AND ADDENDA. [FROM THE GERMAN EDITION.] 608 On Vol. I p. 5 foil. — Respecting the question of relationship of the Babylonian Creation-story and other primitive legends to the cor- responding Hebrew traditions, comp. Aug. Dillmann on the origin of the primitive legends of the Hebrews (Sitzungsberichte der Konigl. Preufs. Akad. d. Wissenschaften Phil.-histor. CI. 27. April 1882 p. 427 — 440). [Reference has been made to this interesting Essay in my Introductory Preface Vol. I p. XVIII. An English translation is to be found in the 'Bibliotheca Sacra' for July 1883 pp. 433— 449. — Transl.] For a criticism of the story of Paradise in particular, comp. Th. Nol- deke in Zeitschr. der Deutsch. Morgenland. Gesellschaft XXXVI p. 178 foil. ; Fr. Philippi in Theol. Literaturzeitung 1882, No. 7 (April 8); H. Strack in Theolog. Liter. Blatt 1882, No. 12 (March 24); J. Oppert in Getting. Gelehrt. Anzeiger 1882 pp. 26 foil. : J. Hommel in Augsburg. Allgemeine Zeit. Beilage 229. 230; C. P. Tiele in Theolog. Tijdschrift 1882 (dated Jan. 82); J. Haldvy in Revue critique 1881, No. 50. 51 ; FrauQois Lenormant in Les Origines de I'histoire II (1882) pp. 529 foil. ; C. H. Toy in American Or. Society, Proceedings at New Haven Octob. 26, 1881. On page 12. — Should we suppose "Agocuqoq to have arisen imme- diately out of Assar (standing for An-sar), just as Kioadgrjq arises from Ki-sar? And just as in the latter case, so in the former, ought we simply to identify the word with the Akkadian? And should we in consequence hold that A§ur and ^'AaaejQoq have no connection with one another? On page 20. — According to Jos. Epping in the 'Voices from Maria- Laach' 1881, VIII, 290 (comp. J. N. Strassmaier in Transactions of the Berlin Oriental Congress 1881(82), p. 70) the planet guttu is equiva- lent to Mars-Nergal and is not to be identified with Bel-Merodach NOTES AND ADDENDA. 293 (Jupiter). The order of the planets in the list must be rectified accordingly. Vol. I p. 46 — 47. — FranQ. Lenormant in his Origines de I'histoire 609 I p. 344 holds that the Hebr. Di^Qi Gen. VI. 4 is to be connected with an Assyrian word naplu which means 'werewolf or 'man-wolf and originally, in accordance with the Akkad. uSugal, signified "great one", being derived from a root palu 'to distinguish', 'separate'. But such a root has not yet been proved to exist in Assyrian and the form above cited, naplu, is the same word as nablu which appears as a royal epithet in Tigl. -Piles. I col. I, 42 ; col. V. 42. This is the partic. act. of the root nab&lu to destroy (standing for nibilu). Whether we should connect this with the Hebr. IpiQJ requires further discus- sion. [A presumption in favour of such a view seems to be aff'orded by the probable connection of the word 'piSQ with the same root nabS.lu (compare J^')2D ^°^ VSJ) ^''st suggested, I believe, by Delitzsch in Parad. p. 156. This theory is certainly preferable to that put forward by Haupt in p. 66 of the German edition of the present work, that ^13D is a popular-etymological modification of abubu 'flood'. We should therefore understand ^ISJJ to have originally signified desolation, destruction , a view which is confirmed by the qualifying use of D^!!Di whether in the phrase ^13Sn ^D' or, in apposition, comp. Gen. VI. 17, VII. 6. The opinion enunciated by Fried. Delitzsch is also supported by Canon Cheyne in Hebraica, April 1887, p. 175 foil. Comp. also Fried. Delitzsch's 'Hebrew in the light of Assyrian' p. 67; Prolegg. eines neuen Hebr.-Aramaischen Worterbuchs p. 122. — Trans- lator.] Vol. I p. 67. — In Libri Dan. Ezr. Nehem. ed. Baer (1882) p. IX 610 Fried. Delitzsch connects the Hebrew ^^31^'$^ with the cuneiform (m§,t) As-gu-za [gentile name (m&t) As-gu-za-ai], the name of a country whose prince appears, according to Asarhaddon's cylinders II, 29 foil., to have been united in alliance with the Kanaeans in Armenia. We must bear in mind also Jerem. LI. 27 where Ararat, Minni and A§kenaz are similarly named in succession to one another. We should accordingly assume with Delitzsch that an original form A§gunza or ASkunza = Tints' i< became in the pronunciation of the Assyrians Agguzza and lastly Asguza (actually A§giiza?). I call to mind the Assyrian Guz§.n (Salmanassar's Monolith col. I, 28 the name of an Eastern district) arising out of the harder form Gilzani or Kirz^ni, comp. Keilinsch. u. Geschichtsforschung p. 167. Vol. I p. 96 (comp. also Vol. II p. 64). — I adhere to the opinion that SuSinak is the name for the district of Susa (see Glossary sub voce). Su§inak always occurs in the Elamite inscriptions at a place 294 THE CUNEIFORM INSCBIPTIONS AND THE 0. T. where one expects to find the name of a country; for example, after the name of a king, as in the phrase an in Susinak i. e. "king of Susiana". To translate this phrase, as Oppert and Fried. Delitzsch do, rex Susius is in my opinion impossible, for such a mode of expression 611 is contrary to analogy.* Moreover in the passage in Ezra (IV. 9) the race-name N^^^K^'IK^ 's formed from SuSinak in the same way as the forms J^^^33, {<1"1D"1}< and J^lQ^y are formed from ^33, ^"|J^ and Q~iy. The writer was evidently thinking of a locality or a land with the inhabitants of which he was specially concerned. These inhabitants were the Shushankaeans i. e. inhabitants of the region Shu- shanak or the land SuSinak.** The fact that the writer names in particular the Elamites i^'^T^bV ^^ "^^^^ ^^ ^^^ Susiaus is to be explained in the same way as the definite distinction made by the Greeks between the territory of Susa and that of the Uxians although Huga :^ Ov^ioi was the Persian name for the entire province Susiana; see Noldeke in Nachrichten von der Getting. Gesellsch. der Wissen- schaften 1874, No. 8, pp. 184 187. I would observe in conclusion that in contrast with the Hebrew-Assyrian Su§an 1^^^ the native pronunciation of the city's name was apparently Susun. See the great inscription of king Sutruk-Nahhunti line 4 (Su-iu-un) and compare also my article Susan in Riehm's Handworterb. des Biblischen Alter- thums. Vol. I p. 96 ("|l5^p0"){<)- — Instead of Arba-ha J. HaMvy in Rev. critique 1881 p. 480 reads the form as Arba-nun (as against Delitzsch Parad. pp. 124 — 5) and interprets it, according to the analogy of the other name, Arba-ilu "Arbela", as signifying "four lords." On the * The same thing may be said in the main of the translation adopted by Prof. Sayce in Transs. of the Soc. of Bibl. Arch. p. 479 viz. "king of the Susians." Moreover this interpretation also is refuted by the Aramaic race-name formed from that of the country (see im- mediately below). ** Oppert, who in conjunction with Sayce has made strenuous endea- vours to interpret the Susian inscriptions (in the treatise cited Vol. I p. 96), regards the name SuSunka (with n) as the name of Susiana, occurring in the combination anzan Suiunka (great inscription of Sutruk Nachchunti line 2 etc.). But he is disposed to regard Susinak not as a proper name but as an appellative adjective meaning 'fair', 'brave'. But apart from what has been stated above , this supposition is in my opinion opposed by the fact that the Silchak inscriptions, for example, would not exhibit any designation of the king according to the kingdom he ruled, since they do not contain any title belong- ing to him except aniu Susinak. NOTES AND ADDENDA. 295 other hand it must be recollected that the sign ha, which Hal^vy reads as nun, never has the meaning "lord", Assyr. rubfl. Indeed as an ideogram its proper signification can only be "fish" Assyr. nunu. But this Assyrian word nQnu has nothing whatever to do with the Akkadian NUN meaning "lord." Moreover it is no longer possible to interpret arba as signifying 'four' on account of the variant Ar-rap-ha Sennacherib, Taylor-cylind. col. II. 3; Tigl.-Pileser II (II Rawl. 67) line 14 (in this last passage with the determinative mat "land", in other cases, as in the Taylor-cylind., cited above, with the determ. ir "town". The final a of arba, protected by Ain, (standing for, as well as in conjunction with, arba') = y^^J^ cannot, as would be the case with Ar-rap-ha, completely vanish without leaving a trace of its existence; for the 612 final o in Arba-ilu even maintains itself before a following vowel (i), without blending with the latter into a diphthong. In fact in the ri of the Greek {xa) "AQi3i]Xa we discern a trace of the final a-vowel in the first part of the name. Vol. I p. 100 footn. ***. — The other name for Mesopotamia ir^Q Dli^ (Gen. XXVIII. 2, XXXI. 18 etc.) occurring in the document of the Annalistic narrator [Priestercodex] is combined in its first portion i. e. ]TjQ by Moritz (and Delitzsch?) with the Assyrian padanu which is explained in II Rawl. 62, 33 a. b. by the ordinary ideogram for iklu b'\)r\ "/eZd" and ginu n '^garden''' (III Rawl. 70, 96 foil.) and accord- ingly has a similar meaning and well adapted to the Hebr. Q'^J^ XID- 1° order to determine the actual original signification of the Assyrian word, observe that it is explained on the one hand in IV Rawl. 69 1, 6 foil, by the ideogram for the conception cleave, divide "){3Q, and on the other in II Rawl. 38, 28 c. d. by the ideogr. for "foot'' NIR (GIR), whereas a statement in a syllabary (unfortunately mutilated), which immediately follows, explains an Akkadian word (NIR?) gal-la (see also syllabary 667 in Haupt) by kibsu, "treading", comp. Hebr. \i;'23, K'DD' ^^^ daraggu meaning perhaps ascent, compare — .0 (the word is synonym of urhu = n"li<) harranu, comp. ft\Z,l> ^^^ mitiku = pn^lD II Rawl. 38, 24 — 27 c. d, comp. also durgu path Tigl.-Pileser I col. II' 86 and elsewhere.) Vol. II p. 195, B. C. 337. — The ancient Persian form of the name 618 "igorig which has not yet been discovered in the Inscriptions must have been pronounced Ar§a and is to be regarded as the second ele- ment in the name KhsajarSa = Xerxes. 296 TEE CUNEIFORM INSCRIPTIONS AND THE 0. T. [ADDED TO THE ENGLISH EDITION.] Vol. I p. 46. Dr. Schrader is now disposed to hold precisely the opposite view to that indicated in the text. He now considers that ibila in Sumiro-Akkadian is a loan-word from Babylono-Assyrian and at all events Semitic. See his essay "Zur Frage nach dem Ursprunge der altbabylonischen Cultur" p. 24 footnote : "To the same category, as it seems to me, we should assign the Akkadian ibila (Syllab. 307) as compared with the Assyrian abal 'son' which I formerly was disposed, along with Delitzsch, Haupt and others, to explain as having a non- Semitic origin (KAT* 45). The word has not yet been discovered in a connected Akkadian text, while in Akkadian proper names the word which appears for 'son' or 'child' is not this but another, dii. Lastly we certainly cannot pronounce the word to be thoroughly nonsemitic in type." p. 47 foil. It has been proposed by Fried. Delitzsch and even as- serted by Fritz Hommel that the original cuneiform signs usually read as Iz-du-bar (Is-tu-bar — Sayce Gis-du-bar) should be pronounced Namra-uddu = Biblical ")1Q3 Nimrod. But to this conjectural reading Dr. Schrader (in a letter to me dated May 1. 1886) is not able to give his approval. See Delitzsch in Calwer Bibel-lexicon p. 639. Fr. Hommel in Zeitschr. fiir Keilschriftforschung 1885 p. 105 footn. 2. Comp. also Haldvy in Zeitsch. fiir Assyr. 1887 p. 897 foil, who inter- prets Namr a(Namar)-udu = Namra-sit ^ 'light of the East.' p. 78. "Akkad has not yet been pointed out on the inscription as the name of a town." Since these words were written the name Akkad has been found as the designation of a town with the deter- minative ir prefixed viz. in an inscription of Nebucadnezzar I col. H. 50 (ir) Ak-ka-di. See V Rawl. 55 foil. Herm. Hilprecht, Freibrief Nebukadnezar's I, Leipzig 1883. (Schrader.) p. 108 ad init. Respecting the temple I'-zi-da and the question of its identity with the Borsippa temple, see also Job. Flemming , Die grosse Platteninschrift Nebucadnezar's II, Gottingen 1883, as well as C. P. Tiele, De Hoofttempel van Babel en die van Borsippa, Amsterdam 1886 p. 3. (Schrader.) p. 120 foil. Gen. XIV. 1. The views here expressed require modi- fying and supplementing. At the conclusion of a dissertation on the cuneiform list of Babylonian kings (in the Sitzungsberichte der Konigl. Preussischen Akademie der Wissenschaften ; philos.-historische Classe 1887) Prof. Schrader remarks — "We have above (p. 582 in the essay) stated the reasons which appear to us to prove the correctness of the assumption of Mr. Pinches that the dynasty of eleven kings which preceded the SiSku-dynasty in the canon is the same as the dynasty of eleven kings of Babylon on the obverse of Tablet 80, 11. 12 No. 3. NOTES AND ADDENDA. 297 If this conclusion be a sound one, the inferences which may be de- duced from it will be not unimportant. In the first place, it is quite evident that the age in which king Hammurabi of Babylon , sixth in the series of Babylonian kings, lived, must be placed much earlier than we have hitherto been disposed to place' him. Ofcourse a precise estimate of the length (beginning and end) of the first dynasty, though we have exact data, cannot be arrived-at, since the Canon has a lacuna in the middle which can only be filled up hypothetically. Pinches assigns to the dynasty the date B.C. 2232—1939, while Tiele, Gesch. Vol. I, p. 112, basing his calculation on the statements of Assyrian kings, is inclined to place the date 70 or 80 years earlier .... King Hammurabi must be placed somewhere about the time 2100 B. C We thereby obtain a result which, in my opinion, is likely to shed some light on a subject that has hitherto remained obscure. As is well known, we may conclude from the dates of contract-tablets be- longing to the reign of this Babylonian king that he conquered king Riv-Aku (I'ri-Aku) of Larsav and incorporated his dominion in his own.* Riv-Aku of Larsav i. e. the Biblical Arioch of Ellasar, was * See the statements in Geo. Smith, Notes on the Early History of Assyria and Babylonia, London 1872, p. 9 foil.; Early History of Babylonia in Records of the Past V p. 64 foil. 68. 70. Tiele, Baby- lonisch-Assyrische Geschichte p. 122 footn. 3. The passages in the inscriptions, with which we are now concerned, are to be found in IV Rawl. 36, 4—20, comp. 21 — 44. Tiele in his History Vol. I p. 124 objects to the identification of Arioch and I'ri-Aku that the reading of the latter, though possible, is by no means proved. He would hardly deny that the same objection might be urged with equal force against his own reading Arad-Sin. For the reading I'ri-Aku (or Riv- Aku) it may be argued that this name with the pronunciation Arioch ^T'lJ^ was certainly quite current in Babylonia even in the latest times, as we learn from the Book of Daniel (II. 14 foil.). It will pro- bably be no longer a matter of doubt in the present day that the Babylonian proper names in that book are not artificially formed, whatever views may be held respecting the historical character of those who bear them . . . What, however, appears in our eyes decisive as to the ti'ue reading of the name in question is the phonetic mode in which the name of the 'son of Kudurmabug' is written viz. Ri-iv- AN.EN.ZU in col. I, 11 of the insc. of Afadj (see Lenorm. , choix de textes cun^if. p. 164) whei'eby the reading Arad-Sin (or -Aku) is finally disposed of. Moreover we have also to investigate the identity of Riv-Aku with Ri-iv-A-gu-um (IV Rawl. 35 No. 8, 1, comp. Delitzsch, Kossaer p. 69 note 1). 298 THE CUNEIFORM INSCRIPTIONS AND THE 0. T. according to Gen. XIV a contemporary of Amraphel of Shinar and of Chedorlaomer of Elam. According to the inscriptions (I Rawl. 2 No. III. 3 — 5; Fr. Lenormant, choix de textes cundiformes III fasc, No. 70, p. 164 foil.) Riv-Aku was a sou of Kudur-Mabug of Ur, son of Simti-Silhak. Therefore he must have belonged to an Elamite- Chaldaean dynasty. Moreover Kudur-Mabug is expressly designated as adda Jamutbal "Father (i. e. Kuler) of Jamutbal", an Elamite province. It may be assumed a priori that he continued to enjoy friendly relations with his mother-country as well as tribal land , one of whose former rulers (about 2280), Kudur-Nahundi, made a success- ful campaign against Chaldaea (Asurbanipal's cylinder -inscr. comp. Keilinsch. u. Gesch. p. 47 foil.). Accordingly it is not surprising to find him in alliance with an actual king of Elam, likewise a Kudurid, Kudur-Lagamaru "IDJ^^IID- But the same thing may be said with equal truth of a temporary association of both kings with a third, the prince of the Babylonians, in a case where we have a campaign con- ducted against a non-Chaldaean potentate. From the history of the Sargonids we learn that, whenever it was incumbent on the Chaldaeans to make war on Assyria, the enemy of the Babylonian empire , Elam was the firmest ally of the Babylonians. Also in earlier days this may for a time have been the actual state of the case. It is true that we have no records at the time referring to such an alliance of Elam and South-Chaldaea with North-Chaldaea or Babylonia. But can this be regarded as a sufficient objection? As far as I know, even tolerably advanced sceptics in the domain of Biblical history, like Ed. Meyer, refer the account in Gen. XIV, as regards its contents, to a Jew who obtained in Babylon more precise information respecting the most ancient periods in the history of the country and simply out of his own imagination "had woven the story'of Abraham into the history of Chedorlaomer" (Meyer Gesch. Vol.1 p. 166). Accordingly no doubt is cast upon the narrative in its historic foundation so far as it refers to Babylonia. Assuming the correctness of the reading I'riaku, Meyer considers this ruler, who calls himself "king of Larsam", to be un- doubtedly identical with the ID^J^ -]^D "IVIN spoken-of in Gen. XIV. The objections brought by this writer in another place (p. 169) against the identity of this Riaku with the Riaku, with whom Hammurabi waged war, have probably in the meantime been regarded even by the author as destitute of support since the publication of the Baby- lonian dynastic canon and also owing to the earlier date which in consequence became probable, if not necessary, for the reign of king Hammurabi. But in saying this we are confronted by a new question which awaits an answer, namely : Who then was "Amraphel king of Shinar", who appears at the head of the allies and occupied, accordingly, as NOTES AND ADDENDA. 299 we may suppose, au important, if not a leading place among them? As is well known, a king of this name is not to he found in the in- scriptions, and even in the list uf Babylonian kings in the Canon we seek for it in vain. Moreover the name itself, with its Biblical form and pronunciation, has not been discovered anywhere in the inscrip- tions. Also the etymologies and explanations derived from Assyrio- Babylonian have not been confirmed and have been, in some cases, already given up.* But, on the other hand, we have no right to assume that the name is devoid of any historical basis and has simply been formed artificially. For we have the other names of persons and countries appearing in the same passage including even Ql^J perhaps = Gutium (Eawl.). We must remember that I'riaku of Larsav, in our opinion identical with Arioch of Ellasar, was undoubtedly a con- temporary of Hammurabi of Babylon, who is spoken-of as having conquered the former. Also let us bear in mind that I'riaku himself was descended from the Elamite dynasty of Kudurids and accordingly appears as a natural ally of the Elamite Chedorlaomer ; that moreover Hammurabi in his own inscriptions that have come down to us never boasts, at least not in express terms, that he has defeated his powerful rival. From this we are entitled to infer that, at the time when these inscriptions of Hammurabi were composed, he had not yet overpowered his rival, and that he rather stood, as a matter of fact, in friendly relations with the latter. Accordingly it would not be a very far fetched combination, if we were to assume that prior to the breach in the friendly relations between these Babylonian states they joined in military operations against a foreign foe, drawing into their alliance Elam that stood in closer relationship with Arioch of Ellasar, and also the Baby- lono-Median frontier-race of Guti who were more closely united to the Babylonians. Amraphel of Shinar would then simply be identical with Hammurabi of Babylon. As illustrations of the interchange between p and }^ (or I")) within the limits of the Assyrian language itself in the case of proper names we may cite Hamatti and (ir) Amatti =^ Hamath POH ^"^ t^® inscriptions of Sargon, and also the Hebr. 7p^n Tigris as compared with the Babylonian Idiglat (Idignat) and Aram. nbjn and Arab. *Jb*0. [Comp. Vol. I p. 33]. The interchange between * Fritz Hommel , Babylon. -Assyr. Geschichte p. 169 footn. 1 is dis- posed to combine the name with that of the father of Hammurabi, which he reads Amar-muballit, although for 'Amar-' there stands the ordinary ideogram for the moon-god Sin. This ideogram also appears in the preceding name which even Hommel reads Apil-Sin, and not Apil-Amar. Comp. also Fried. Delitzsch , Sprache der Kossaer p. 66 and likewise his new Assyr. Worterbuch I p. 21. 300 THE CUNEIFORM INSCBIFTIONS AND THE 0. T. 3 and Q in the last syllable bi = pi requires no special remark so far as Assyrian is concerned. The change of the appended jod in Hebrew (intended to express , we presume , the long final i *) into a Lamed (LXX ji/naQ(faX) may be due to a scribal error. How ancient such textual corruptions may be is shown by such examples as "IQ^DJ^ (Ezra IV. 10) , LXX \'iaoeva);|"| ]|"J3 -i,-|il }^in"l "llDm i^ evidently a corruption from the original text in 2 Kings XVUI. 11 i-]p n-jyi |p -|ni "liDnDl" — Keilinsch. u. Geschichtsforschung p. 430 footn. Dr. Schrader shows on p. 435 foil, that errors have crept into the Chronicler's text and that the original trustworthy textual tradition is to be found in the second Book of Kings. NOTES AND ADDENDA. 303 Vol. II p. 81. Add after line 4 from above the following section: — Isaiah XIV. 29 ri^D WD2^ ^"'^ which smote thee. Probably the Assyr- ian king Tiglath Pileser II is intended who died in the year 727 B.C. and in the year 734 B. C. conducted an expedition against Philistia (see Vol. I p. 246). Comp. likewise J. Barth, Beitrage zur Erklarung des Jesaia, Berlin 1885 p. 18 foil, and also Max Duncker, Geschichte des Alterthums, Berlin 1885, 5th ed. II p. 244 (Schrader.) Vol II p. 230. Ad vocem "y^-f. Instead of za-rar(?)-ti H. Winckler proposes to read za-lip-ti. ADDITIONAL NOTES CONTRIBUTED BY THE TRANSLATOR. Vol. I p. XXXI ad fin. If Prof. Fried. Delitzsch's combination of 11ti^''{^ 'pupil of eye' with a root ^")J^ to be strong, be justified, we have an interesting parallel in the Aegyptian nutrit 'eye-ball' connected by Page Renouf with nutar or nutra having the original signification of 'strong'. (Lectures on Origin and Growth of Religion 1879 p. 98.) But the existence of a Hebrew root ]^'\^ 'to be strong' (even if we connect it with another collateral ti'^i^) i^ extremely problematical. The form 1ti'i£'J^. The proper name K'J^in^ ^^ K'i^l^ proves nothing, as Noldeke has al- ready pointed out. (Zeitsch. der Deutsch. Moi-genl. Gesellsch. 1886, art. on Fi'ied. Delitzsch's Prolegg. eines neuen Heb.-Aram. Worterbuchs, ad fin). There is therefore no justification whatever for Fried. De- litzsch's assertion that such a meaning for the root is "satisfactorily proved" by the above proper name (Prolegomena p. 161 footn. 3). Noldeke is disposed to agree with Gesenius in regarding Ji^i^ln"' ^^ signifying 'Jehovah has given' and would compare the Arabic root tjf*)\. This is also the view of Prof. D. H. Miiller in the lOt'i edition of Gesenius' Hebr. Lexicon sub voce tC'iiin"'- S®® *'^^ examples from Corp. Insc. Semit. there cited. The name accordingly signifies 'Jehovah has given (sc. a son)'; comp. Hebr. |J-|3in'') Assyr. Marduk-abal-iddina (Merodach has given a son), Adar-iddin and similar names. Vol. I p. 15 (Gen. I. 14) misrata umassir. Sayce (Hibbert Lec- tures 1887 p. 389) renders (transcribing mizrata yumazzir) "appointing the signs of the Zodiac" 'Mizrata is the mazz&roth of Job XXX VIH. 32'.* * On this Dr. Schrader writes to me (Feb. 1. 1888) as follows: — "A transcription mizratu umazzir (Hibbert Lectures 389) I consider 304 THE CUNEIFORM INSCRIPTIONS AND TEE 0. T. Vol. I p. 19, Insc. line 30 §i'ru sa pinti baslu sa tumri ul ikul is rendered by Zimmern in Babylon. Busspsalmen p. 76 "neither roast nor smoked (sa tumri sc. baslu 'cooked') flesh shall he (the king) eat"; tumru is regarded as signifyng 'smoke', ba§lu being evidently connected with the root basSlu 'to cook'. As an illustration of the above signification for tumru Zimmern cites from Nimrod-epos 44, 53 taramima damk§,ru(?) §a kSn&ma tu-um-ri ispukaki thou lovedst also the shepherd who continually poured out (sapSku Hebr. '^Dtt') before you incense" (Sayce : — smoke [of sacrifice]). The root in any case would be -j^f) 'mount on high', 'to be high' , Assyr. tamS,ru. — pintu Zimmern follows Delitzsch in connecting with Hebrew DHD 'coal' — the original form being pimtu. Vol. I p. 28, Gen. II. 9 'tree of life'. Prof. Sayce quotes a remark- able fragment of a bilingual hymn translated by him as follows : — 1. In Eridu a stalk grew overshadowing; in a holy place did it become green; 2. its root was of white crystal which stretched towards the deep, 3. while before Ea it went, Eridu was richly fertile (?) 4. its seat was the central place of the earth etc. . . . 6. Into the heart of its holy house, which spread its shade like a forest, hath no man entered. Prof. Sayce thinks that "it is pretty clear from the sculptures that the sacred tree of the Babylonians was the cedar, which was subsequently displaced by the palm ; so that Hommel's view, which sees a palm in 'the stalk' of Eridu may still be maintained : . . . Long after the days when the hymns and magical texts of Eridu were composed the mystic virtues of the cedar were still remembered . . . 'the beloved of the great gods which their hand has caused to grow.' It was possibly the fragrance of the wood when lighted for sacrificial purposes that gave the tree its sacred character. It is possible that as time went on another tree became confounded with the original tree of life. The palm was from the earliest period characteristic of Babylonia ; and while its fruit seemed to be the stay and support of life, the wine improbable on account of the sign which is generally read as sir; but also my own transcription umassir is in my opinion not without objection and I am disposed to concur in the view of Prof. P. Haupt who in Zeitsch. fiir Assyr., Sept. 1887, p. 271 reads misratu umas- sir. He refers these words to a root ")yQ to cut, determine, comp. misru district [see the glossary. Haupt ibid, refers also to namsaru award]. He does not however give any rendering of the phrase. Per- haps it should be 'the frontier-districts (courses of the stars?) he determined'." NOTES AND ADDENDA. 305 made from it made 'glad the heart of man'. Date-wine was largely used not only in Babylonian medicine, but in the religious and magi- cal ceremonies as well. . . In later Babylonian belief the tree of life and the tree of knowledge were one and the same. The text, which describes the initiation of a sooth-sayer, associates the cedar with 'the treasures of Anu Bel and Ea, the tablets of the gods, the delivering of the oracle of heaven and earth'" — Hibbert Lectures 1887 pp. 238 — 242. With Gen. II. 9 we may compare Ezek. XLVII. 12 where in the vision of the river proceeding from the temple the prophet beholds upon the banks "every kind of tree for food whose leaf withers not . . . and its fruit serves as food and its leaf for medicine" (riD1"in!? inbi^l)- These two passages are blended in the apocalyptic vision Rev. XXII. 2. There is an interesting parallel in Jeremias, Babyl.-Assyr. Vorstellungen vom Leben nach dem Tode p. 93. After Nimrod's (Izdubar's) return from the spot where he was cleansed of his leprosy, Pir(Samas)-napi5tim shows the hero a plant which seems to have grown upon high trees or cliffs in the island. The name of the plant indicates its magic pro- perty — viz. §ibu-issahir-amilu [issahir Niphal Imperf. of saharu, see Glossary under "inii ^^^- ^^ ^^ small — then young.] '(already) an old man, the man became young' (line 267). Nimrod in his joy ex- claims that through its possession he would fain return to that (vigour) which he possessed in his youth lutur ana sa sihrijama. No wonder that demons of the under-world longed for this divine plant and that a lion of the earth (ni'su §a kakkari) robbed the hero of his priceless possession and plunged with it into the deep. Parallels from other literatures and mythologies may be suggested. Jeremias refers to the Zoroastrian plant Horn. Vol. I pp. 47 foil. Gen. VII. 13 pjiri DITl DJi^B "^ *'""* ^^^2/ ^<^2/- Comp. Exod.^^XXIV. 10 D^Dtt^H DJjy3 '^^^ *^fi ^er?/ heavens. Q^y properly signifies 'bone' and its synonym □"ijl is similarly employed in 2 Kings IX. 13. To this idiomatic use we have a close parallel in the Assyrian masku hide, skin hence = self e. g. I Rawl. 41, 49 (campaign of Sennacherib against Babylon) si-dir-ta pa-an ma§-ki- ja sab-tu-ma "they planted [their] line of battle right in front of me" [literally , before my skin i. e. before myself]. See Prof. Lyon's Assyrian Manual p. 71. Vol. I p. 120 foil. Gen. XIV. 5 D"'J«^D> ^^ Academy Oct. 30. 1886 Dr. Neubauer suggests "Possibly the early inhabitants of these [Amorite Hittite] countries are also called by the general name of Rephaim, the explanation of which is not yet settled. According to the later mean- ing of this word in Isaiah, the Psalms and Job, it means the shades of the Sheol; and it may be that the Rapha represented a divinity of 20 306 TEE CUNEIFORM INSCRIPTIONS AND THE T. the shades from which a plural Rephaim has been formed similar to Elohim ; at all events the words Repha-el (1 Chron. XXVI. 7) and Repha-yah (ibid. III. 21 etc.) , and the later use of Raphael as the name of an angel, would in some respects confirm my supposition. I would venture to explain also from this name of Rapha the word Teraphim (Gen. XXX. 19. 34; 1 Sam. XIX, 13. 16 and elsewhere) which perhaps represented the manes: and if so, it would prove the existence of ancestor-worship among the Canaanitish tribes." In the following no. of the Academy (Nov. 6) Prof. Sayce supports the above views : — "The Assyrian inscriptions strikingly confirm Dr. Neu- bauer's brilliant explanation of the Teraphim despite the Masoretic vocalization of the word. The Assyrians had a verb rapu 'to be weak' corresponding to the Heb. HDl- From this was formed the word tarpu (i. e. tarapu) which signified 'feeble' or 'departed' (Ac- cadian dim ma or dim me) and then a ghost or more exactly an in- habitant of Hades. That rappu could be used in the same sense as tarpu is shown by the fact that the ideogram which denotes a spectre has the value of rap. We thus have an explanation of the Hebrew Rephaim. They are "the departed" great ones, who like ancient heroes of the Babylonian mythology sat on their shadowy thrones in Hades or else represented the historic populations of the Semitic world." Prof. Sayce remarks in another place: — "Military expeditions to the distant West were not the unlikely events they were once supposed to be. Long before the age of Abraham , Sargon of Akkad had set up his image on the shores of the Mediterranean and had even crossed over into Cyprus, while a cylinder containing the name of his son, Naram-Sin, was found by General di Cesnola at Kurion." Gen. XVII. 1 'trw^ ^^ ^■y^. An attempt has been made by Fried. Delitzsch with much ingenuity to connect the name l"JtJ^ with the Assyr. Sadu 'to be high' and Sadvi 'mountain', the compound name ^TCi^ 7^ being compared with such proper names as Ilu-sadfia or Bil-§adQa 'God is my rock (or mountain)'. Similarly, since §adu meant really 'rising', 'height' and sad (sadi) uru meant 'rising of the light' or 'day-break', we have in this phrase an explanation of the Hebrew proper name "llJ^l"]^ (Proleg. eines neuen Hebr.-Aram. Wor- terb. p. 96). The latter admits, however, of a more satisfactory ex- planation by combining the first portion with the root TfW which appears in Aramaic as i-|»if, jl^, 'to throw' — the name would there- fore signify 'light- or fire-thrower'. Moreover in Eccles. II. 8 occurs the form \yr\^ usually rendered 'mistress', but which Delitzsch (ibid, p. 97) refers to the Assyrian root sad4du 'to love'; the noun sudadu being used as synon. of r&'imu 'lover', while naSaddu NOTES AND ADDENDA. 307 'favourite', 'darling' is employed instead of the alternating expression narS,mu or naramtu (so also Haupt in glossary, Germ. ed. sub voce -^^.^) He would therefore translate nils' 'beloved one'. But it is safer to resist so attractive an hypothesis since (1) Hebrew itself with the verb ^■|t^' '^^ be powerful, violent', hence 'to destroy', correspond- - T ing to the Arabic root iAa« , furnishes an adequate explanation of ^•r\]l} the termination in proper names being explained as in Olsh. § 217 a. — lti>, Assyr. Si'du ,'Syriac \y^\ {= N. T. dalfiwr, dc(ifj.6- viov, comp. Canon Driver in Expositor 1885 p. 296) would then be referable to the collateral root oL*m, ^^^, like ^3, from '^)f^; Hl?^ o° the other hand might be either connected with T^tt'i or, more pro- bably, with Ti^ (comp. □^jjij and □">Ji">]iJ , QI^Q ^^^ D^^^P Olshausen § 83 c) and with its signification 'mistress' might be taken as a femi- nine counterpart to "j^a (= n"'3n n^J?3 1 ^i. XVII. 17). (2) Hal^vy in Zeitsch. filr Assyr. 1885 p. 405 foil.* and Jensen (Zeitschr. fiir Assyr. 1886 p. 251) doubt whether gadu in Assyr. signifies 'to be high' — Noldeke, in Zeitschr. der Deutsch. Morgenland. Gesellschaft 1886, im- pugns the massoretic punctuation l^t^ which he ascribes to the tradi- tion which resolved the form into ^'r^ -f- It* (= lli^i^); just as n^^ was taken as = "^^ -}- U^ in Gen. XLIX. 10. Hence the render- ing 6 ixavog or adrdQxrjg. Noldeke considers "that the actual pro- nunciation was i^jj^ or s^if,' which naturally enough in later times became repugnant to the feelings of the Jew." Vol. I p. 127, Gen. XIX. 38. The geographical terms (ir) Bit- Amman a or (m^t) Bit-AmmS,na clearly indicate that Ammfin or Ammon (pj^y) was a deity.** Sometimes the name for the deity * HaMvy thinks §adu means 'to throw', 'project', 'extend', Aram. ^Ip, Arab. ^J^-w. ** With this we may compare the use of mn^ n^3 ^^ Hosea VIII. 1 and ^n^3 i"! chap. IX. 15. The term f)i^ expressed the land and the people who dwelt in it combined in one notion. (Comp. Exod. XX. 2 where Egypt is designated Qll^y D^S)- Prof. Cheyne (Camb. Bible for Schools, Hosea) thinks my comparison of Assyrian obscures the beauty of the figure. It is quite true that, according to the domina- ting idea of Hosea's oracles, Jehovah's house is the bride-groom's house, but it is clear from the context in the two passages cited (and from the parallels) that to the mind of a Hebrew the phrase ,~]^n^ D^D must 20* 308 THE CUNEIFORM INSCRIPTIONS AND TEE 0. T assumes the shorter form Ammi (^J3J?). Thus in Rassam's fragments, quoted in Delitzsch Parad. p. 294, we have a king helonging to the time of Asurbanipal Am-mi-na-ad-bi (^li^sy Exod. VI. 23. 1 Chron. VI. 7). Other analogous compound names, such as Ammi-shaddai and Ammi-el, may he found in the Hebrew Lexicon. The last case is in- teresting as we have the same elements inverted in Eliam (2 Sam. XI. 3). Dr. Neubauer has pointed out that we have the same name for deity in Jei'oboajn.. Prof. Sayce observes that the "mother of Rehoboam was an Ammonitess, and Eehoboam is formed exactly like Rehab-iah (1 Chron. XXIII. 17) just as Jekam-'am (1 Chron. XXIII. 19) is formed like Jekam-iah (1 Chron. II. 41)." Exod. XXVI. 31. niDiS curtain {before the Holy of Holies). In Assyrian also we have a word from the same root "I'HD viz. parakku signifying shrine. Thus Nabonidus invoking the god Samas says V Rawl. 64 col. III. 13 ana I'babbara bit naramika ina iribika 14. parakkaka darii ina rami'ka "when thou enterest Ibabbara thy beloved house, 14. when thou dwellest in thine eternal shrine." Parakku meant the inner shrine or adytum. Comp. Sayce, Hibbert Lectures p. 64. Vol. I p. 142. Exod. XXVIII. 41 Ql^TIi^ DN^DI <*"^ <^0" «^"^* TT V T * • invest them (i. e. with the priesthood) lit. 'fill their hand'. In Assyrian we meet with the same idiom I Rawl. 35 No. 3, 4 sa A§ur malknt la §anS.n umallfl k^tuSu 'whom Agur has invested (lit. filled his hand) with rule without equal'. (Fried. Delitzsch, Proleg. eines neuen Hebr.-Aram. Worterb. p. 48.) Comp. Vol. I p. 204 (line 2 of inscrip- tion there quoted). Deut. VIII. 15 ^iQ^JriD "llli- There seems to be a close etymological connection between this word ^^^D*?!!) designating a hard stone and the Assyrian ilmi§u signifying apparently 'diamond' IV Rawl. 68, 33 c niir §a ilmisi ina p&n Aiurahiddina uSanamara "diamond- light will I cause to shine (Shaf. Impf. II n a mar u to shine) before Asarhaddon." — Fr. Delitzsch ibid. p. 86 footn. Deut. XX. 19. 20. The prevalent custom of cutting down fruit trees round a besieged town is here forbidden. Other Semitic nations fre- quently resorted to this practice in warfare. Prof. Robertson Smith (O. T. in Jewish Ch. p. 368) remarks that "in Arabic warfare the have also meant Israel's land, viz. Canaan , and that the prophet was thinking of an Assyrian invasion and prospective exile. Comp. Canon Cheyne's own note on Hos. IX. 15, and the commentaries of Nowack and Wiinsche on Hosea, and lastly W. R. Smith, 'Prophets of Israel' p. 170 foil, and 'Old Testament and the Jewish Church' p. 355 foil. NOTES AND ADDENDA. 309 destruction of an enemy's palm-groves is a favourite exploit." Simi- larly Tiglath-Pileser II in describing his operations against Chinzer (II Eawl. 67, 23. 24) says: — 24. kiri is musukkani sa dih duriSu akisma iStin ul izib. 24. "The plantations of palm which were close to his fortress I cut down , a single one did I not leave" (see Vol. I p. 226). With this, moreover, we may compare the policy recommended by Elisha to Israel in the war against Moab 2 Kings III. 19. Deut. XXXII. 41. 'If I have whetted my glittering sword' (p12 12"1|-| lightning of my sword). Fried. Delitzsch observes that the Baby- lonian script represents the notion 'lightning' (birku) and 'sword' (namsaru) by the same ideogram. (Zeitsch. fiir Keilschriftforschung 1885 p. 387). Comp. Nah. III. 3, Hab. III. 11. Josh. XV. 59. J-)1i^ n^3 ^ to'"*'Q i"! Judah. Comp. also pijy Ji^3 in the tribe of Naphtali Josh. XIX. 38, Judg. I. 33 mentioned along with tJ^O^ n^3 *^ places in which the Canaanite was permitted to remain. These places seem to have been devoted to the cultus of the Semitic deity Anat. Prof. Sayce (Hibbert Lectures 1887 p. 187) reminds us that in the annals of Thothmes III (circ. 1580 B. C.) mention is made of one of these towns called Beth Anath. Anat was the Semitic feminine counterpart of the Semitic supreme god of Heaven, Anu (of pre-Semitic origin). Anat, in contradistinction to Anu 'Heaven', designated the Earth ; comp. the list III Rawl. 69 No. 1 (Fritz Hommel, Semitische Volker und Sprachen p. 373). Probably Shdmesh among the Canaanites (Babyl. Samai) took the place of Anu as the male counterpart of Anat, while Ashtoreth (Babyl. I Star) was the companion- goddess of Baal, the Canaanite deity. It is important in this connexion to observe that among the ancient Babylonians themselves Anu and Samai were blended together (see Zimmern, Busspsalmen p. 60). Is it possible, however, to connect the p}^ in ni<~n^D with the Babylonian Anu ? And can the Aegyptian An (Georg Ebers , Durch Gosen p. 507) be similarly combined? (The interchange of y (c) and J^ in Semitic languages presents no difHculty. Respecting Aegyptian and Semitic see examples in Hommel, Semit Volker. Nachtrage p. 440). 2 Kings V. 10. Oo and wash, seven times in the Jordan- Similarly washing the person is prescribed as a final process in connection with leprosy in Levit. XIV. 8. 9. With this we may compare the following passage, descriptive of Nimrod's (Izdubar's) cure from leprosy, cited in Jeremias, Vorstellungen vom Lebeu etc. p. 90 from the Nimrod-epic lines 225 foil, in which Pir (or Sama§)-napistim with a view to Nimrod's recovery directs his servant Arad-Ea in the following words : — amilu sa tallika panasu iktasu malu pagarsu masku uktattfl dumuk si'risu 310 THE CUNEIFORM INSCRIPTIONS AND THE 0. T. likiSuma Arad-I'a ana namsi bllSuma maliSu ina mi' kima illi limsi liddi maskiSuma libil tS,mtum tabu lu sa-pu zumursu "The man before whom thou hast gone is covered (Ifte. Impf. HDD) i° ^^^ body with leprosy, Leprous-skin has destroyed the beauty of his flesh ; Arad-Ea, take him , bring him to the place of washing, His leprosy let him in water wash-clean (Prec. Kal i^DQ) like snow, Let him shed (Prec. HHi) ^i^ leprous-skin, let the sea carry it away (Precat. ^2")), fair may his body appear" (sapii comp. Heb. HDif)- T T The following lines refer to the garments which are to be renewed for the hero to serve for his return-journey (comp. Levit. XIII. 52 foil.). The success of the cleansing is stated in the lines 237 foil. : malisu ina mi' kima illi imsi iddi ma§kiiuma ubil tSmtum tabu issapi zumurSu. His leprosy in water like snow be washed clean, shed his leprous-skin, the sea carried it away, fair appeared (Nifal) his body. Vol. I p. 273 line 12 from above. From an article by Di*. Hayes Ward in Hebraica for January 1886 we may conclude that there is some reason to expect that the Sipar of Anunit is to be identified with An- bar, a ruined site of very considerable extent about a mile from the present bed of the Euphrates. "It is a double city" says the writer "and the principal or apparently older city is surrounded by walls from 30 to 50 feet high ... To the East of this city and its wall is ano- ther on a lower level, separated from the first by what seems to have been a canal or moat." It is possible that this is the actual Sephar- vaim or Double-Sipar of Scripture. A fragment of a tablet obtained by Dr. Ward exhibits a portion of the Sumirian column of a bilingual inscription read by Mr. Pinches as follows Sipar D. P. (? Anunit) Sipar idina D. P. Sipar uldua D. P. Sipar utu D. P. which leads us to infer that there were not two but four districts or cities called Sipar, the last being the Sippara of Sama§ (Sumirian utu = Sama§) identified by Mr. Rassam with Abu Habba. Sipar idina (Sipar of the plain; see Vol. I pp. 26. 27) will prove of some impor- tance as a clue to the geographical position of Eden discussed in Prof. Delitzsch's interesting monograph on the Site of Paradise. Haldvy in Zeitsch. fiir Assyr. 1887 p. 401 combines Qll-IDD with D'"I3D ^^ Ezek. XLVII. 16 situated between Hamath and Damascus NOTES AND ADDENDA. 311 and which is the town of Sabara'in destroyed by Salmanassar IV. But this identification □^^"IDD = D^"1DD '^ arbitrary since (1) The absence of monumental evidence of a destruction of Sippara by a pre- decessor of Sennacherib is not conclusive proof that no such conquest ever took place. It may well have been accomplished in the year 721 by Sargon (see Vol. I pp. 268 foil., 273 foil.; Vol. II p. 9 foil.). (2) In 2 Kings XVII. 30. 31 Sepharvaim is connected not only with Hamath, but also with Babylon and Cuth (where Nergal was worshipped). [Compare also respecting Sabara'in or Samara' in H. Winckler in Zeitsch. fiir Assyr. 1888 No. 1. — Schr.] Isaiah X. 18 o^ij CTDDS- The root DDJ has been usually been connected, as in the 10*'" ed. of Gesonius' Lexicon, with the Syriac ]r^ -m^ ill J ^▲^▲J weak and Canon Cheyne follows the traditional interpretation 'like a sick man's pining away' but in the 'Critical notes' (Vol. II p. 145) looks upon the phrase with suspicion. Fried. Delitzsch suggests that the root should be connected with the Assyrian nasdsu 'weep', 'lament'. We should therefore render 'like the pining away of a mourner'. The idea would be parallel to that of Is. XXIV. 4; XXXIII. 9. Amos I. 2 (Prolegg. p. 64). Vol. II pp. 79. 80. Comp. Vol. II p. 156 and also Jeremias, Die Babylon. -Assyr. Vorstellungen vom Leben nach dem Tode pp. 81 foil. 109 foil, and Canon Cheyne, Expositor, Jan. 1888 p. 22 foil. Isaiah XXXIV. 14. n^^"*^ LUith. In one of the magical formulae quoted by Fritz Hommel (Vorsemit. Kulturen p. 367) occurs the phrase "The (male) Liila, the (female) Lilla, the maid of Lilla".* Lilith, or in Babylonian lilS.tu (or lilitu), is the Semitic forpi of this demon which is placed in this incantation in juxta-position with the pest-demon Nam-tar. According to Prof. Sayce (Hibbert Lectures 1887 p. 145 foil.) Lilatu was confounded with the Semitic lilatu 'night' and so "became a word of terror denoting the night-demon who sucked the blood of her sleeping victims." Consult Canon Cheyne's Commentary ad loc. Isaiah XLI. 18 QiJ^ ""i^SlD- I have already in another place (Ex- positor Dec. 1886, p. 479 foil.) called attention to the fact that Assyrian seems to corroborate the rendering vSQayioyol 'water-channels' given by the LXX. "In the parallel passage contained in the later appendix to Psalm CVII (evidently based on this utterance by the Deutero-Isaiah) D'D ^i^i^lD is translated by Sis^odoi while in 2 Kings II. 21 the same Greek equivalent is used. It is also the term employed to render the QiQ 'J^© o^ Ps. I. 3." While the LXX, however, render thus in all cases except Is. LVIII. 11, the Aramaic versions (Targum and Syriac) * Prof. Sayce reads "The lilu, the lilat, the hand-maid of lilu." 312 THE CUNEIFORM INSCRIPTIONS AND THE 0. T. give as their equivalents niipDD or {^IQ-J {^ipDD (Syr. . . . )2ka£^^ or ^.^^j },lna^). This may have been partly due to the fact that in Is. XXXV. 7 we have a parallel passage in many respects analogous to this and to Ps. CVII. 33 foil. In Isaiah XXXV. 7 Qiip ^^13D stands in place of Qi^ iNIiiD- ^ut we have no more right to take the two phrases as synonymous than to assume a like equivalence for 3'^t^ and "ISID hecause the one takes the place of the other in the T T T : ■ parallel passages I'eferred to, — Now the older tradition, preserved in the LXX, apppears to be confirmed by the usage in Babylono-Assyrian. Of this two examples will be given and it is to be no*ed that they are taken from the Babylonian of Nebucadnezzar. Thus in an inscrip- tion of Nebucadnezzar, describing the restoration of the temple of Bor- sippa and the ruinous state in which the building existed prior to that restoration, there occurs the phrase col, I. 32 la sutiSuru mflsi mi'sa 'there was no regulation of its water-gutters' (or water-drains). Comp. Vol. I p. 109 and Dr. Schrader's comment, on p. 111. Also in another inscription of Nebukaduezzar (on a cylinder) published by H. Winckler in the Zeitsch. Inr Assyriologie April 1887 p. 126 foil., in a minute description of a splendid edifice erected by the monarch we are told col. I. 25 nkv mu-si mi-i-Su as-ni-ik-§u 26 iua ku- up-ru u a-gu-ur-ru 27. ab-na-a su-uk-ki-su col. II. 1 a§-gum ina nSr mu-si-i mi-i-§a .... 4 la i-ri-bi 5 ina pa-ar-zi-il-lum i-lum- tim a.s-ba-at mu-sa-a-su i. e. col. I. 25 "a water-channel I afiixed to it 26 with bitumen and tiles I built its bed col. II. 1. In order that into its water-channel 4 might not enter, 5. I surrounded its channel with polished (gleaming) iron." In both these passages the context indicates that musu does not simply mean 'out-flow' but bears the specialized signification of 'channel', 'watercourse'. Further cita- tions from the Hebrew text tend to establish the meaning proposed for the phrase which we have seen to be common to both languages. In the Siloam-inscription (see Gesenius, Hebr. Grammar ed. Kautzsch p. 377) there occurs the passage nD13n biH, mTiT) p D-iDH d'?''1 "and the water flowed from the channel into the pool [along a distance of 1200 cubits]." Here ofcourse the ordinary rendering given to J^tj^Q is "spring." It is adopted by Prof. Sayce, and certainly gives a per- fectly intelligible meaning. But let us compare this passage with 2 Chron. XXXII. 20 "Likewise it was Hezekiah who stopped up the upper water-channel of the Gihon (ivbyPl jirT^J ''lO^P i^^iD) and guided the waters straight downwards to the West of the city of David". Prof. Sayce in his discussion about the Siloam inscription in "Fresh Light from the Ancient monuments" p. 103 cites this very verse and there translates by "upper water-course." Indeed, the interpretation NO TES A ND A D DEN DA . 313 "upper spring" involves us in topographical as well as exegetical diffi- culties since, as he says, there was only 07ie natural source, the Vir- gin's spring near to Jerusalem and sufficient to satisfy the conditions of the problem. And this rendering is confirmed by a comparison of the following passages viz. 2 Kings XX. 20, Is. VII. 3, XXXVI. 2 (see also Is. XXII. 9. 11), from which it is evident that the word }^li"iQ is used by the Chronicler as the equivalent of n^VPi ^'^ ^^^ earlier re- cords. We may also infer that the upper conduit led to the upper pool (nD^3) mentioned by Isaiah and the lower conduit to the lower pool, both being supplied from the same source viz. the Virgin's spring. — The use of Q^J^ ^{^liiD as 'water-channels' employed in irrigation would thus stand parallel with similar terms in Is. XLIV. 4 , Ezek. XXXI. 4 (riTibyp)- "^^^ Vulgate in its rendering hovers between fontes and rivi aquarum. On the use of i^JjiQ as material object or instrument consult Stade, Heb. Gram. §§ 268 — 9. Isaiah LIII; Is. XXV. 8; Hos. XIII. 14. In the Proceedings of the Soc. of Biblical Archaeology Jan. 1885, Mr. Pinches draws attention to a remarkable text in Rawl. IV, pi. 61 No. 2, which appears to in- dicate that the ancient Babylonians (perhaps 3000 B. C.) had concep- tions which might be called Messianic. "It begins with the reflections of some ancient hero, who looking on the land and the people around him, saw on all sides nothing but evil. The ruler (as it seems) broke ofi prayer and discontinued supplication, did not teach his people reve- rence and honour, and did not himself call upon God. He, however, the speaker, was wise : the day for the worship of the gods was the delight of his heart, and the prayer of a king — that was joy. The writer goes on for several lines in the same strain and speaks of one who had learned the glorious path of the god" i-ka-a-ma il-ma-da a-lak-ti ili a-pa-a-ti Sa ina a m-mat ib-lu-tu i-mut ud-di-is. How did he learn the path of god glorious, who in the world lived, died, renewed? ik&ma perhaps another form of aki 'like' (= ki) with suffixed ma. The meaning, though not quite certain, is clearly that of an interrog. particle [? Kal Impf. Q^n]- "' alakti constr. state of alaktu 'path' from al9.ku 'to go'. — S,pSti fem. constr. of &pfl (not found) 'to shine forth brightly' probably connected with the root of gflpu (Shaf) 'to cause to shine forth' and with f-|Q"i and J^Ql. apati agrees with §,lakti. — amm&t (for ammatu — one of the peculiarities of this text being the omission of the terminations in one or two cases). This word occurs with the meaning 'earth' on the first creation-tablet. — iblutu aorist [Imperf.] Kal of balatu 'to live' Hebr. {^^Q. — imflt 314 THE CUNEIFORM INSCRIPTIONS AND TEE 0. T. aor. Kal of m§.tfl, to die Hebr. niD- — uddig aor. Pael of adSgu 'to be new' Heb. ^~\'p,. The writer then seems to speak of some misfortune which overtook himself; his goddess had not mercy on him and did not go by his side. But suddenly his tone changes pi-ti ki-mah ir-§u-u Su-ka-nu-u-a a-di la mi-tu-ti-i-ma bi-ki-ti gam-rat* Open the great place, they have. my pardon (?) until not death be and weeping be ended. Pit! imperat of pat^ or pitii, to open, Hebr. nHD- — Kimah (or Kimahha accusat.) a compound word from the Accadian ki 'place' and mah 'supreme', 'great'** (= high place). — ir§u 3 pers. plur. aor. Kal of ra§u 'have', 'possess' Aram. ^^"^ [also with meaning 'grant' according to glossary under ^^l]. — sukaniia apparently noun from the Shafel of the root kanii (Heb. HiS) ^i^h the suffixed pron. -a T T 'my'. Both the meaning and derivation of gukanu are, however, doubtful. — mitutima. This word comes from mitutu 'death' (mStu Heb. fT)Q) with the lengthening i and the suffix -ma 'and'. — bikiti "weeping" from baku 'to weep' Heb. nD3- — gamrat 3 pers. fem. sing, permans. Kal of gamaru 'to complete', 'put an end to', Hebr. -103. - T "After a few more lines the tablet comes to an end. This was considered by the Assyrians or Babylonians important enough to have a kind of running glossary in which all the difficult or unusual words are explained by others better known." The above details are quoted from the article by Mr. Pinches in the Proc. of the Soc. of Bibl. Arch, and also from a private communi- cation from him to myself (Febr. 1888) in which the writer makes the following reservation "Whether, when I have made out the full mean- ing of the context the signification of the passages will be greatly * In IV Rawl. 19. lib Marduk is called bilu rimu §a miti bullutu ir^mu "merciful lord, who loves giving life to the dead" IV Eawl. 29 No. 1 Rev. attama muballit [miti] attama mu§al- lim[u] riminu ina il§,ni "Thou givest life to [the dead], thou the giver of peace, merciful among the gods" and also in another passage riminu §a bullutu ba§u itti§u "the merciful with whom is the summoning-to-life". The same thing is said of Nebo murrik (= mu'ar-rik (Piel Partic. 'l")}^) umi muballit miti "thou who prolongest days, givest life to the dead", see Jeremias, Vorstellungen p. 101; Zeitsch. fiir Assyr. 1886 p. 206. ** Or should we read in Semitic Assy rio- Babylonian asra raba? NOTES AND ADDENDA. 3 1 5 modified or not, I cannot say. The meaning of the passages in ques- tion is fairly certain, and what further researches I have made only tend to confirm the rendering." Vol. II p. 120 Ezek. VIII. 14. 'And behold there the women were sitting bewailing Tammuz', comp. Zech. XII. 11 (Vol. II p. 154), comp. also Amos VIII. 10 and Jer. XXII. 18. Prof. Sayce cites the Greek parallels in Hibbert Lectures p. 228. With this we may compare the following difficult passage in the Descent of Istar lines 132 foil. ik-rim a-hi-§a tas-mi tam-ha-as (ilu) Til(Bi?)-li-Ii su-tar-ta §a * * * * a-hi i-du la ta-hab-bil-an-[ni] ina u-mi (ilu) Dumuzi il-la-an-ni* gibu ukni §imir santi it-ti-§u il-la-an-ni it-ti-§u il-la-an-ni inini(?)u ininati (?) I am indebted to the kindness of Mr. Pinches for these last two lines and their interpretation which is appended below. The last line in the poem is not quoted on account of its obscurity. "The goddess Tillili (Bilili) heard of her brother's death, broke the jewelled circlet (so Sayce) .... . . . (saying) my only brother, let me not perish. On the day when they bring up Tammuz to me, a circlet of uknu a ring of santi with him they shall bring up to me. With him they shall bring up to me the male and female mourners". By uknu we are to understand "a stone mottled blue and white — a kind of lapis lazuli with white marks in it , if we may may trust an inscription on a disc of this stone, which a dealer has now for sale" (Pinches). This passage evidently contains a reference to the death of the 'bridegroom of Istar', Tammuz, for whom mourning is made. Vol. II p. 124 foil. Consult the suggestive articles of Prof. Fuller on the "Book of Daniel in the light of recent discoveries" (Expositor, March and June 1885). He draws attention to a tablet published by Mr. Pinches in Trans. Soc. Bibl. Arch. VII. 210 from which it is in- ferred that Nebucadnezzar twice attacked Egypt. Prof. Fuller ingeniously conjectures that Nebucadnezzar's golden image in Dui*a was suggested to the Babylonian monarch, during his campaign in Aegypt in 572, by * The interpretation of this word is very doubtful. Mr. Pinches translates it "bring-up-to me" (making Dumuzi the object) from ilu rise used also in a transitive sense. Perhaps we ought to translate with Prof. Sayce 'Tammuz bound on me a ring etc' illanni being the Kal 3 sing. Aorist-Imperf. (for ilulanni) of alalu 'to bind' (comp. subst. allu 'chain'). A new sentence will then begin with inini. — simir stat. constr. of simiru 'ring'. 3 1 6 THE CUNEIFOBM INSCRIPTIONS AND TEE 0. T. the colossus of Eameses at Tanis. — On the capture of Babylon by Cyrus, see Budge's Babylonian Life and History p. 79 foil. Vol. II p. 155 foil. The Hebrew poetry of the Old Testament forms only a very small portion of an ancient Semitic treasure of poesy and song secular as well as religious, dramatic and lyric as well as didactic, comp. Amos VI. 5, Is. XXIII. 16, Ezek. XXVI. 13 and the titles to Pss. IX, XXII, XLV, LVI, LVII, LX. That the Canaanite had epithalamia as stately as Psalm XLV and lyrical dramas as full of charm as the Song of Songs , and that his religious hymnal litui'gies in honour of Baal or Ashtoreth were constructed as well as chanted in analogous forms to those which exist in the Hebrew Psalter, may be regarded as extremely probable. But, in the complete wreck of the once great and seductive civilization of Canaan and Phoenicia and the utter ex- tinction of all its literature, we are unable, from the varied monumental records that have been discovered, to show the profoundly interesting resemblances of form which doubtless subsisted between Hebrew and ancient Canaanite poetry. Of ancient Hebrew praeexilic poetry we possess only a slight remnant , an anthology divinely inspired, and limited by a divinely inspired principle of selection. How much has been abandoned to oblivion we can only imagine. How colossal was the destruction of North-Israelite literature we may dimly surmise from the records of overwhelming disaster and desolation befalling the Northern kingdom which are contained in the Annals of Tiglath Pileser and Sargon. If an ancient Israelite (or Ephraimite) , as well as an ancient Judaean, national literature had survived to any consi- derable extent and had come into our hands in forms other than through Judaean recensions, how great would have been the gain to the Biblical and historical student! How many books and hypotheses would never have seen the light! In default of any contemporary Semitic parallels lying nearer to the original home of Hebrew literature, the poetry of Babylono- Assyria acquires an exceptional importance. The ancient Babylono- Assyrian hymns are in a large number of instances translations from older non-Semitic Sumiro-Akkadian lays. Many of these hymns are merely formulae of incantation of which numerous examples may be found in Leuormaut's Chaldaean Magic or in Appendix III of Prof. Sayce's recently published work. But there were liturgical songs of a more exalted character addressed to Anu, Samas, I§tar and Merodach of which examples are given in the above-mentioned work. We have also a certain class of hymns that are called 'Penitential Psalms', of which Dr. Zimmern has given a collection, the texts having not only the Semitic Babylonian rendering, but also the Akkadian original. Dr. Zimmern, however, considers that these psalms were originally com- NOTES AND ADDENDA. 317 posed In Semitic Babylonian, "because, in spite of their bilingual texts, they must have proceeded from a Semitic atmosphere of thought on account of the character of the conceptions contained in them. More- over the Assyrian is no mere interlinear version, but in forms, syntax and vocabulary belongs to the most finely developed portions of Baby- lono-Assyrian literature." Without entering into so disputable a matter, it is sufficient to say that this ancient poetic literature of Babylonia shows a marked resemblance in its form to Hebrew poetry. In Baby- lonian hymns we see undoubted prevalence of the parallelismus mem- hrorum which characterizes Old Testament poetry and in many cases it is quite possible to trace a strophical arrangement. Of parallelism we have an indubitable instance in the opening lines of the Descent of Istar quoted in Vol. II p. 156, comp. the Creation-tablet transcribed and rendered in Vol. I p. 2 (where we find not only parallelism but apparently a strophic arrangement of six lines). The following examples will exhibit the facts in a clearer light. The first is a brief extract from a 'penitential psalm' addressed to I§tar (Zimmern pp. 34 and 42). [akal] ul ikul bikitum kurmati [mi' ul asti] dimtu maStiti [libbi ul ihdi] kabitti ul immir [food] have I not eaten, weeping was my refreshment, [water have I not drunk] tears (Heb. nVD*!) were my drink (root nn^), [my heart rejoiced (Heb. T\1T]) '^ot] my disposition was not bright (root namS.ru). In spite of the lacunae in the text, the parallelism of phrase is clearly visible. The passage possesses a further interest because the expres- sions are identical with those of Psalm XLII. 4 Qp^ TVDl "^b nrT^n comp. also Pss. LXXX. 6, CII. 10. Another example will be given in Prof. Sayce's rendering : — "My Lord in the anger of his heart has punished me, God in the strength of his heart has taken me, IStar, my mother, has seized upon me and put me to grief. God, who knoweth that I knew not, has afflicted me, litar, my mother, who knoweth that I knew not has caused darkness. I prayed and none takes my hand, I wept and none held my palm, I cry aloud and there is none that will hear me, I am in darkness and hiding, I dare not look up. \^iiy - 318 THE CUNEIFORM INSCRIPTIONS AND THE 0. T. To God I refer my distress, I utter my prayer, The feet of Istar, my mother, I embrace, To God, who knoweth that I knew not, my prayer I utter, To IStar, my mother, who knoweth that I knew not, my prayer I address." Here both strophical arrangement and parallelism are very conspicuous. The Babylonian psalms are characterized by much repetition of phrase a feature that usually appears in all religious litanies, and is especially prominent in the Babylonian formulae of incantation. But the Psalms of the Old Testament present numerous examples of refrains and recurrent phrases e. g. Pss. XXIX, XLII, XLIII, LXXX, CXV. 9—12; CXVIII. 1-5; CXXXV. 19. 20; CXXXVI. Comp. Is. IX. 8— X. 4; Amos I. 3 — II. 8. It is interesting to note that one liturgical term bearing reference to religious hymns seems to be common to Assyrian and Hebrew, the Hebrew ll'^iti^ being represented by the Assyrian s i g u (both from the same root r!JK')i t^e latter signifying 'penitential psalm'.* The Babylonians had several kinds of musical instruments including the harp and the flute. The harp comes down from very ancient times. On a fragment of a basrelief assigned to the age of king Gudia which is to be found figured in Fritz Hommel's Hist, of Babylo'nia and Assyria p. 243, there is a representation of a harp with twelve strings and a musician standing by with out-stretched hand fingering the middle string. Psalm LXXIX. 3 Q^SS DOT IDDEJ'- They have shed their blood like water. This passage is analogous to the following line cited from the fragment of a penitential Psalm addressed to IStar (Zimmern p. 74) : ina r-UL(?)-bar bit piristiki dami' kima mi' innaku "in I'-Ulbar, temple of thine oracle, blood like water is poured out" (Niph. Imperf. nakii, see Glossary Ip^). This fragment (IV Raw]. 19, No. 3) is throughout very interesting as afi'ording a close parallel to Ps. LXXIX. In both the historic groundwork is an invasion by a powerful foe (nakru gabSu) by whom sacred cities have been over- thrown and desecrated: ina aliki risti Uruk sumu ittaskan "in thine august city Erech desolation (?) hath been wrought"; compare Ps. LXXIX. 1. Ps. CXVI. 9 "I will walk before the Lord in the lands of the living" similarly IV Rawl. 61, 41a ina kakkar sulmi mahraka littallak * So Zimmern who quotes silatti limi §irim u lilfiti sigfi i§asi "three days morning and evening he is to repeat a §igii". — ina umi magiri ligfl ana la iiasi "On a propitious day he shall utter a Sigii to £a." In both cases sigu is phonetically written si(si)-gu-u. NOTES AND ADDENDA. 319 "in the land of peace before thee may he walk" (Ifte. pvecat. al^ku); balat umi rukuti maharki lutallak "that I may walk before thee a life of many days" (lit. distant days). Sargon in Khorsab. 174 says a§su tabu napisti umi rukuti nadanimma u kunnu palia na'dis akmis "in order to the well-being of my life and the bestowment of distant days and firmness of my rule, I solemnly (adv. root ^{^J , see Glossary) bowed myself" (Kal impf. 1. pers. kam&su), comp. Exod. XX. 12, Prov. III. 16 etc. Job I. 1 yy^ V"|J^- Fried. Delitzsch draws attention to the phrase Sasi mar (mat) Us-sa-a "Sasi son of an Uzzite" occurring in line 154 of Salmanassar IPs black obelisk. This land Ussu lay not far North (?) of Aleppo and also stood in connection with Patin and like the latter lay towards the Syro-Arabian desert. Parad. p. 259 ; Zeitsch. fiir Keilsch. 1885 p. 96 foil. Job II. 11 ir^l^n nbH- Fried. Delitzsch ibid. p. 91 combines nitt' with the Assyrian suhu (foreign JJ^ represented by Q in Assy- rian). This was a region which stretched from above the mouth of the Belich to the mouth of the Chabiir. It lay therefore lower down the stream than Karchemish. Job VIII. 20 D''V'1P I"*? P''Tn"' N'b taketh not hold of the hand of evil-doers i. e. renders evil-doers no aid. The phrase "^13 p''Tnn meaning to 'support' or 'assist' occurs also in Is. XLI. 13, XLII. 6. In Assyrian we have an exactly similar expression kata sabfitu. Comp. Smith's Assurbanipal 100. 19: uirba uSibilsuma asbat katsu "corn I caused to be brought to him (Shafel imperf. ^3*1 abalu with pron. suiSx) and gave him aid" (lit. held his hand). The phrase often occurs in proper names e. g. Nabii-ka ti-sabat "Nebo, take hold of my hand" = come to my aid; Bi'1-kati-sabat eponym official for 811 B. C. Job XXII. 21 Tjn{^13n. comp. nDN^DD, t)eut. XXXIII. 16 and ^nN"2Fl 1 Sam. XXV. 34. These are understood by Dillmann to be hybrid forms arising from the addition of Perfect afl'ormatives to the imperfect of the verb {^"J3 (comp. Ewald, Lehrbuch § 191 c). Tjni<"i3n is explained as rii^lSD with the suffix attached. But these are such unparalleled forms that it is much safer with Barth, Zeitsch. fiir Assyr. 1887 p. 208 to assume a stem {v3P (3. sing. Perf.), and this is con- firmed by the existence of an Assyrian root tibu *^0 'to cover' — the noun ^jr| banner be- ing explained as that which covers up the pole upon which it is car- ried. — The truth appears to be that the original sense of the verb ^JT] is 'to gaze at' from which the subst. ^'yr\ designates 'banner' as being the object gazed at. In this primary sense the passive partic. ^>\yT\ is to be understood in the above quoted passage (Song of Songs T V. 10). But ^yT\ is also to be taken as a denommative from the subst. ^JT] meaning 'bear a banner'. Thus in Song of Songs VI. 4. 10 the Niphal ni^illi signifies 'bannered hosts' and in Ps. XX. 6 the Kal ^j|"l^ should be rendered 'bear our banner'. Fried. Delitzsch's inter- pretation of this last passage is very forced. Possibly we ought to read ^Tjj;3 (LXX). Vol. II p. 161 foil. On the subject of Biblical chronology during the regal period the reader may also consult Geo. Smith, Assyi-. Eponym Canon, chaps I and VII ; Samuel Sharpe, Hebrew Nation and Literature pp. 381 foil. 389 foil.; Wellhausen, Einleitung in das A. T. p. 264 foil., Prolegg. zur Gesch. Isr. (1883) p. 285 foil.; Robertson Smith, Journal of Philology X. p. 209 foil. Prophets of Israel p. 146 foil. 413 foil, and Stade, Geschichte p. 88 foil. 558 foil. As mention has been made on several occasions of Prof. Kamphausen's scheme of chronology for the Hebrew royal period, it will not be inappropriate if I subjoin it here (see Chronologie der Hebr. Konige p. 32). The bracketed dates are my own proposed alterations. I have also , con- sistently with ordinary usage, sometimes modified Kamphausen's dates by a year so as to make the date of the initial year of a king's reign identical with that of the final year of his predecessor. Saul 1037—1018 David 1018—1011 (Judah), 1010—978 (over Israel and Judah) Solomon 978—938 Jeroboam I 938—916 Rehoboam 938—921 Abijam 921—918 Asa 918—877 Jehoshaphat877— 852 Jehoram 852-843 Ahaziah 843—842 Nadab 916- -914 Baasha 914- -891 [914- -901] Elah 891- -890 [901- -900] Zimri 890 [900] Omri 890- -879 [900- -875] Ahab 878- -857 [875- -853] Ahaziah 856- -855 [853- -852] Jehoram 854- -843 [852- -842] NOTES AND ADDENDA. 321 Athaliah 842—837 Jehu 842-815 Joash 837—797 Jehoahaz 815—798 Amaziah 797—777 Jehoash 798—782 Azariah or Uzziah 777—736 Jeroboam II 782—741 Jotham as regent 750—736 Zechariah, Shallum 741 Jotham as king 736—735 Menahem 741—738 Ahaz 735 — 715 Pekahjah 738—736 Hezekiah 714—686 [726- -697] Pekah 736—730 [736—734] Manasseh 685—641 [697- -641] Hoshea 730—722 [734-722] Amon 641—639 Josiah 639—608 Jehoahaz 608 Jehojakim 608-597 Jechoniah 597 Zedekiah 597—586 The purpose of this system of dates is to harmonize the existing Biblical Chronology with that of the Assyrian eponym canon, so as to entail as little disarrangement as possible of the numerical statements of the Books of Kings and at the same time no disturbance of the general synchronism of the Jewish and Israelite reigns and of the fabric of Judaeo-Israelite Biblical history. This Dr. Kamphausen has been successful in accomplishing, chiefly because he has a wholesome respect for the integrity of Old Testament history and a wholesome scepticism towards artificial theories of "Zahlenspielerei." At the sane time it must be frankly admitted that several further adjustments are necessary before the proposed chronology can be accepted as adequately harmonizing with the data of modern archaeological discovery. In order to accomplish this result I have placed on the left hand in square brackets the dates I should propose to substitute for those in Prof. Kamphausen's scheme. It will be observed that the disturbance of the Biblical numerical statements occurs mainly in the Judaeo-Israelite cross references by which the redactors fixed the relative chronology of the Israelite and Judaean kings. One single error in such a harmonistic scheme will obviously generate others. That these harmonistic Judaeo-Israelite cross-references are the chief source of our chronological difficulties is shown by the fact (which Stade has already pointed out in Geschichte Isr. p. 558) that after 722 B. C, when we have Judaean history only to deal- with, the chronological statements are comparatively free from 21 322 THE CUNEIFORM INSCRIPTIONS AND THE 0. T. difficulty.* — Another source of divergence may have consisted in the mode in which a king's fractional closing year was reckoned. It is well known that the Biblical chronology gives us integers only, and we are justified in assuming that the final surplus fraction of a year was reckoned in the Biblical chronology as though it were a whole one. Moreover the statement of the Mishna tractate, Rosh Hashshana 2 *, is to be noted : "Nisan is for the kings the beginning of the year and a day in the year (after Nisan) is reckoned as a year." Whether this principle was strictly carried out in ancient Israel it is difiicult to say. At any rate the above considerations render it possible for us to shor- ten or lengthen a reign (as stated in the O. T.) to the extent of nearly one year without traversing the accuracy of the Biblical statement. In the dates for the Judaean kings, I have very few modifications to suggest. The year 715 assigned by Kamphausen to the death of Ahaz is recommended by the consideration that it afi"ords a clue to the foreign policy of Judah during the siege of Samaria. This can hardly have been anything else but one of friendly neutrality towards Assyria and such an attitude is best explained by the assumption that Ahaz, who was a steadfast ally of Assyria, still controlled the policy of the Southern kingdom. With the death of that monarch the policy of Isaiah became ascendant and involved resistance to the encroach- ments of the Ninivite power. Moreover, I believe that we may with good reason assume that in the year 726 Hezekiah was associated with his father in the kingdom. Does Isaiah scornfully allude to this in Chap. Ill, 4, 12? At all events the above assumption agrees better with the Biblical statement respecting the contemporary reigns of Hezekiah and Hoshea (comp. also superscription to Hosea's oracles) while it dispenses with the necessity, to which Kamphausen is driven, of shortening the reign of Manasseh. For the reasons above stated it is safer to assume the correctness of the numerical statements in the Bible after the overthrow of Samaria. At the same time, if we place the death of Ahaz and the beginning of Hezekiah's sole reign in 715, the diffi- culties involved in 2 Kings XVIII. 13 (Vol. II pp. 6, 165 and footn.) disappear. From 2 Kings XV. 5 we know that Jotham reigned during the life-time of his parent. The theory of conjoint reigns was recog- * Doubtless the Judaean chroniclers would have information less complete respecting the annals of the North-Israelite kings, more espe- cially on account of the enormous destruction and wholesale deportations of inhabitants which took place during the reigns of Tiglath Pileser, Salmanassar and Sargon in the Northern kingdom. The perplexing confusion which occurs in Judaeo-Israelite chronology precisely at this point is very noticeable. NOTES AND ADDENDA. 323 nized by the late Mr. Samuel Sharpe as a very reasonable mode of avoiding the difficulties created by the apparently undue length of time occupied by the successive reigns of both Judaean and Israelite monarchs (comp. Stade , Gesch. Isr. p. 559). But this method was carried by him to excess. See also 'Additions and Corrections' to Vol. II. p. XV. Among the modifications which I have proposed in the scheme of Prof. Kamphausen it will be observed that a much longer reign has been assigned to Omri. This has been effected by sacrificing the length of the reign of Baasha to the extent of about 10 years. The reign of Ahab must have extended to at least 853 B. C, for we know from Salmanassar II's monolith-inscription that Ahab's troops were in- volved in the overthrow of the Battle of Karkar. At that time Ahab was in alliance with the Syrian monarch (1 Kings XX. 34), probably owing to a common fear of the growing power of Salmanassar II. But the overthrow of Benhadad (= Hadadidri = Hadadezer) in that battle and the apprehension of a like disaster from the colossus of the East impelled Ahab to an altogether different policy (comp. Vol. I pp. 189 — 190 and also Prof. Francis Brown, 'Assyriology, its Use and Abuse' pp. 53 — 62); and this involved him speedily in war with his former ally. The extension of the period of Omri's rule to at least 25 years is rendered highly probable by the fresh collation of the Stone of Mesha by Professors Smend and Socin. In lines 7. 8 we read 7 1J^ ^D ni< nDV ^l"'"! Adopting the most natural construction, which takes Omri as subject throughout, we render "And Omri took possession of all the land of Mehdeba and dwelt in it during his days and half the days of his son forty years." At first sight it would appear as though Ahab was associated with Omri during the last portion of the latter's reign which would thus extend to forty years. But this supposition, though quite possible, does not harmonize well with the express statement that precedes in line 6 "and his son succeeded to him (nD^H^l) ^"^^ ^^^^ 'I will oppress Moab'", and it would therefore be safer to understand the last clause '\y[ IJini ^^ referring to the separate reign of Ahab during a part of which Israel still occupied Mehdeba, as in the time of Omri. Again, in lines 4 — 5 we read * I take this to be an Imperf. sing, ending in "j. This is made nearly certain by the form (line 6) ^J^i^ 'I will oppress' (Moab) ; comp. Hebr. i^y. 21* 324 THE CUNEIFORM INSCRIPTIONS AND THE 0. T. "Omri was king of Israel and oppressed Moab many days". From these passages we infer (1) that Omri's reign extended over a long period and (2) that Ahab's reign and Omri's considerably exceeded forty years in duration. (It is not necessary to take ^jjf) as an exact mathematical expression.) This inference respecting Omri's reign is confirmed by notices extraneous to the fragmentary annals contained in the Books of Kings. From these notices it is easy to see that his rule was marked by energetic administration and produced so deep an impression outside the limits of the Northern kingdom that we find a reference to him and his successor in the oracles of Micah, the prophet of the Southern kingdom 150 years later (Mic. VI. 16), while the Assyrian annals continued to designate the Northern kingdom as (m&t) Bit Humri or 'land of the House Omri' from the days of Salman- assar II (854) to those of Sargon (720), Jehu, though a usurper, being called Ja'ua abal Humri (comp. Vol. I p. 260 ad fin.). Respecting the equivalence Humri = *r\t^)J and the cuneiform data generally see Dr. Schrader in Vol.1 pp.179— 180, also Assyr.-Babyl. Keil. p. 198 note 3; Keilinsch. u. Gesch. p. 217; Z. D. M. G. XXXIII p. 330. In conclusion we commend to the reader the following historic veri- fications of the chronological system advocated above. (1) In 2 Kings XIII. 5 we are told that Jehoabaz , king of Israel, was very hard pressed by the power of Syria. But the Lord sent him a 'deliverer' so that they went out from under the hand of the Syri- ans. This 'saviour' (j^^tt'lD) ^^"^ have been none other than the Assyrian king Ramm^nnir^ri who created a powerful diversion by the signal overthrow wrought by him in the year 803 B. C. See the inscription quoted in Vol. I pp. 203 foil. The eff"ects of this disaster on the Syrian states seem to have endured for some time, for we learn from verse 25 that Jehoash , the successor of Jehoahaz, was enabled to recover from Benhadad (= Mari) the cities which his father had lost. The synchronism is therefore not with Jeroboam II, as Dr. Schrader supposes p. 208, nor is the "deliverer" to be identified with Salmanassar, as G. Smith proposes in Assyr. Eponym Canon p. 192. The victories won by Hazael, predecessor of Benhadad, over Jehoahaz synchronize with the disturbed reign of Samsi-RammSn III (Tiele, Bab. Assyr. Gesch. p. 205). See Max Duncker, Hist, of Antiq. II. p. 258. (2) How are we to account for the easy victories won by Jeroboam II over his Northern enemy? Syria in all probability never fully reco- vered from the defeat inflicted by RammannirSri. Moreover fresh humiliations from Assyria were in store. Jeroboam, it may be assumed, followed the traditional policy inaugurated by Jehu of yielding tribute, or at least compliance, to the Assyrian king; and his annexations of terri- tory to the North are probably to be connected with the expeditions of NOTES AND ADDENDA. 325 Salmanassar HI marked down in the List of Governors for the year 775 ana m&t irini (to the Cedar-country, Phoenicia) and in 773 ana ir Dimalka (to Damascus). (3) Amos prophesied during the reign of Jerohoam II, but never mentions the name of Assyria. This is easily to he accounted-for by the fact that during the reigns of A§urdanilu and his successor A§ur- nirari, pestilence and internal revolt paralyzed for a time the power of Assyria, so that the empire ceased during that interval to exercise a potent influence over the politics of the Western kingdoms. On the other hand, when Hosea's prophecies were being uttered, the Assyrian power once more began its victorious and destructive career, Tiglath Pileser "the Struggler" (31^) coming into repeated collision with the Palesti- nian states. Hence we find frequent references to A§§ur in the oracles of this prophet Vol. II p. 178 foil. On the subject of Assyrian as compared with Hebrew proper names I have no space to do more than indicate a few parallels. Among other literature the reader may be referred to 01s- hausen, Lehrbuch der Hebr. Sprache § 277; Nestle, Die Israelitischen Eigennamen nach ihrer religionsgeschichtlichen Bedeutung, and Fried. Delitzsch, Prolegomena eines neuen Hebraisch-AramaischenWorterbuchs p. 188 foil., as well as Prof. Schrader's statements in his Excursus, die assyrisch-babylonischen Eigennamen, in Assyr.-Babyl.Keilinschrr. (1872) p. 115 — 167. Most of the ancient Semitic names are religious in cha- racter and this remark ofcourse includes the large number of Phoeni- cian-Canaanite names which have been preserved on Phoenician monu- ments and in Assyrian transcription and which exhibit close analogies to the Old Testament proper names (see Vol. I p. 88 foil.). In both Assy- rian and Hebrew-Canaanite names we often have a designation conferred on the infant soon after birth commemorating some pious wish, prayer or prophecy with reference to the child in which the name of the deity is invoked. In some cases the child's personality seems hardly present to the thoughts of the parent, but rather the parent himself as in the name Abu-ina-ikalli-lilbur (precat. lab^ru 'to be old') 'may the father grow old in the palace'; comp. the Hebrew □JJ'i^^J? 'my father is darling'; or some national event maybe thought-of, as in the names given by Hosea (comp. also Isaiah) to his children; comp. Nirgal- §ar-usur, NabG-sar-usur "Nergal, Nebo , defend the king". Or we may have only a reverent ejaculation of pious trust Gabbi-ina-katS,- Samag "all is in the hands of Samas". The following brief list, which might be indefinitely prolonged, will be found suggestive : TlK^^ipN 'my father is a wall' Abu-durQ 'the father is a fortress' "l^i^i^ (^i^) 'my father is a light' Ahu-nuru 'the brother is a light' 326 IHE CVNEIFOBM INSCRIPTIONS AND TEE 0. T. in'5^^) n^DX) ^J^''5ii?> DJ^V etc. Bil-abfia, SamaS-abfla 'Bel, Sa- mag is my father' n'Tl^^' ri'li 'Jahve is my light' Sama§-nuri 'SamaS is my light' ( '^TJ^^'? ^lt&'^TlU Bi'l-sadfta, Marduk-§adua 'Bel, Merodach is my mountain' ^Pi^liSJ^ Ilu-ittija 'God is with me' ^i^"'3^D, n*3^D> 'nbD''!?i< • • • Samas-malik, Nirgal-malik , •• • : - T • : - I V V • v: Adar-malik, Bi'1-malik Jin^Nj n^iin Bl'l-mudammik, Nirgal-mudam- mik 'Bel, Nergal shows favour' ni^"l^ niiT' Bi'l-imurani 'Bel hath seen me' ^^Ql^j^ 'my God is deliverance' Nirgal-ubaUi t 'Nergal has pre- V V ■ v: served alive' (iirii) pi^^l);^ 'who is like Jahve' ? (Mannu-ki-Ramman 'Who is like T TT • / biO^D '^to is like God' ? \ Eamman ?' bikini) n^ini 'Jahve (God) hath Adar-iddin 'Adar hath given' given' ■Tj^QI^^ Abu-malik liT'Tni^ 'Jahve hath held' B i'l-k a ta-sa bat 'Bel, take the hands' (= helped me) Vol. n p. 279 Glossary sub voce VIH- According to Haupt, Nach- richten von der koniglichen Gesellschaft der Wissenschaften zu Got- tingen 1883 no. 4 p. 95, there is good reason for taking tarsu as mean- ing 'reign' and in a tarsi as 'in the reign of . .' Apart from the fact that it is used in reference to kings or governors e. g. Monolith of Salmanassar col. II. 37 ina tarsi A§ur-kirbi sar (mat) AsSur and other passages, we have the same sign for itillu 'lord', malku 'prince' and §arru 'king' as we have for tarasu (II Rawl. 26, 15 c, S" 180, V Rawl. 31, 64. 63 e, II Rawl. 38, 67 a, VEawl. 16, 7 a); comp. Zeitsch. fiir Keilschriftforschung 1885 p. 106 and Dr. Craig in Hebraica July 1887 p. 228. tarsu, meaning rule or reign (sarrfltu), is thus easily connected with the root-signification of tarasu 'guide straight', 'direct', 'put straight'. Syriac ,9.^, ^'^^ etc. APPENDIX I. ASSYRIOLOGICAL LITERATURE. BY PROF. EBERH. SCHRADER. As some of my readers may desire to examine and test for them- selves the original cuneiform texts communicated in transcription in the course of the present work, or may be stimulated to pursue their studies further and obtain a more thorough acquaintance with Assyrian and Babylonian, I have thought it well to append a list of the most important grammatical and lexical publications likely to aid the stu- dent in his investigations. I have also made reference to special trea- tises or dissertations bearing upon the subject in hand. /. FUNDAMENTAL INVESTIGATIONS. E. Botta, mdmoire sur IMcriture Assyrienne (Journal Asiatique 1847); comp. the author's Monument de Ninive (Paris 1849. 50), tome V. Jules Oppert, d^chifFrement des inscriptions cun^iformes (tome II of the author's Expedition en M^sopotamie), Paris 1869. 4'*. Edward Hincks, on the Khorsabad inscriptions. Dublin 1849. Comp. the same author's articles in Transactions of the Royal Irish society XXII, 1852; XXIII, 1854; in Journal of sacred literature and biblical record 1855. 56. Henry Rawlinson, Babylonian text of the Behistun inscription in Journal of the Royal Asiatic Society XIV, 1. 1851. Justus Olshausen, Prufung des Charakters der in den assyri- schen Keilinschriften enthaltenen semitischen Sprache (Abhandluugen der Konigl. Preussischen Akademie der Wissenschaften belonging to the year 1864. Berlin 1865. pp. 475—496). Eb. Schrader, die assyrisch - babylonischen Keilinschriften. Kritische Untersuchung der Grundlagen ihrer Entzifferung (Separate publication from Vol. XXVI. of the Zeitschrift der Deutschen Morgenl. Gesellschaft). Leipzig 1872, 328 THE CVNEIFOBM INSCRIPTIONS AND THE 0. T. II. ON GBAMMAB. A. COMPLETE TREATISES. Jules Oppert, Duppe lisan Assur. Elements de la grammaire As- syrienne. II. ^d. Paris 1868. Joachim Menant, Manuel de la langue Assyrienne (also with the title, Elements d' dpigraphie Assyrienne). I. la Syllabaire; II. la gram- maire; III. choix de lectures. Paris 1880. A H. Sayce, an Elementary Grammar with full syllabary and pro- gressive reading book. London. — , an Assyrian Grammar for comparative purposes. London 1872. D. G. Lyon, an Assyrian Manual. Chicago 1886. Ernest Budge, Assyrian Texts. London 1880. Theoph. G. Pinches, Texts in the Babylonian wedge-writing. I. London 1882. 4°, Eb. Schrader, der grammatische Bau (der assyrischen Sprache). [Part II of the work : die Assyrisch-Babylonischen Keilinschriften.] Friedrich Delitzsch, Assyrische Grammatik, Berlin, H. Reuther (will be published in summer 1888). — Assyrische Lesestiicke, nebst Paradigmen, Schrifttafel , Textana- lysen und kleinem Worterbuch. 3rd ed. Leipzig 1885. L. Abel and H. Winckler, Keilschrifttexte zum Gebrauch bei Vor- lesungen. Mit Schrifttafel u. Worterverzeichnifs. Berlin, H. Reuther (will be published in autumn 1888). C. Bezold, Prolegomena zu einer babylonisch-assyrischen Grammatik. Wien 1887. Paul Haupt, Prolegomena to a comparative Assyrian grammar (Proceedings of Amer. Orient. Soc. Oct. 1887). Bruto Teloni, chrestomazia Assira, con paradigmi grammaticali. Eoma-Firenze. Torino 1887. George Smith, the phonetic values of the cuneiform characters. London 1871. 4". Eb. Schrader, assyrisches Syllabar. Mit den Jagdinschriften Asurbanipal's. Berlin 1880. 4°. A. Amiaud et L. M^chineavx, tableau compart des ^critures Babyloniennes archaiques et modernes. Paris 1887. R. E. Briinnow, a classified list of all simple and compound cunei- form Ideographs etc. I. Leiden 1887. 4". APPENDIX I. 329 B. SPECIAL TREATISES. (1) ON PHONOLOGY. In addition to the works or dissertations upon the above-mentioned subjects by Hincks, Rawlinson, Oppert and others we mention Paul Haupt, Assyrian Phonology, with special reference to Hebrew, in "Hebraica" 1885, Jan. p. 175 foil. — , Beitrage zur assyrischen Lautlehre (phonology) [insbesondere zur Lehre von den Zischlauten], in "Nachrichten von der K. Gesellschaft der Wissenschaften zu Gottingen" 1883, No. 4, p. 89 foil., 92 foil. Eb. Schrader, iiber die Aussprache der Zischlaute (sibilants) im Assyrischen, in den Monatsberichten der K. Preuss. Akad. der Wissen- schaften 1877, p. 79—95. — , zur Frage nach der Aussprache der Zischlaute im Babylonisch- Assyrischen, in Zeitschrift fiir Keilschriftf. I (1884) p. 1 — 18; 178 f Fritz Homme 1, iiber die Zischlaute im Assyrischen wie im Semi- tischen iiberhaupt , in his work Zwei Jagdinschriften Asurbanipal's, Leipzig 1879 p. 19—49. Stan. Guyard, quelques remarques sur la prononciation et la transcription de la chuintante et de la sifflante en Assyrian , in Zeit- schrift f. Keilschriftforschung I (1884) p. 27-31. Theoph. G. Pinches, on the consonants §, r and 1, in Proceedings of Soc. of Bibl. Arch. 1881, Apr. 5 p. 82 foil. J. Barth, Verschiebung der Liquiden im Assyrischen, in Zeitschr. fur Assyr. HI (1888), p. 57—94. P. Haupt, iiber den Halbvokal u im Assyrischen, in Zeitschi'ift f. Assyriologie II (1887) p. 259—286. — , the Assyrian E-vowel. Baltimore (Johns Hopkins University) 1887. F. Ho mm el and C. Bezold, zur Lautbestimmung von i, in: Zeit- schrift f. Keilschriftforschung I (1884) p. 72—74. Eb. Schrader, iiber den Lautwerth der Zeichen a-a und i-a im Assyrischen, in den Monatsberichten der K. Preuss. Akad. der Wiss. 1880 p. 271 — 284. — , zur Aussprache der Zeichen a und ia im Assyrischen, in Zeitsoli. fiir Assyr. Ill (1888), p. 1 — 16. Rich. Cull, on the expression of the soft sound of the Hebrew y, in Proceedings of Soc. of B. Arch. 1880, May 4, p. 62 foil. Occasional remarks on Assyrian phonology by B. Stade, F. Phi- lippi and others are quoted in the above-named papers. 330 THE CUNEIFORM INSCBIPTIONS AND TEE 0. T. (2J ON INFLECTIONS, DECLENSIONS, CONJUGATIONS etc. Edw. Hi neks, specimen chapters of an Assyrian grammar, in Journ. of Roy. Asiat. Soc. N. S. II, 1866 p. 480 foil. Theoph. G. Pinches, papers upon Assyrian grammar, I. II, in Proceedings of the Soc. of Bibl. Archaeology 1882, Nov. 7, p. 21 foil; 1884, Jan. 8, p. 62 foil. P. Haupt, the oldest Semitic verb-form, in Journal of E. Asiat. Soc. N. S. X p. 244—252. Gr. Bertin, Notes on the Assyrian and Akkadian pronouns, in Journal of Roy. Asiat. Soc. N. S. XVII, 1. — , the Assyrian numerals , in Transactions of Soc. of Bibl. Arch. VII, 1882 p. 370—389. A. H. S a y c e , Notes on the Assyrian numerals , in Proceedings of Soc. of Bibl. Archaeology 1882, June 6, p. 105 foil. Theoph. G. Pinches, the Akkadian numerals in ibid. Ill foil. C. F. Lehmann, iiber protochaldaische Zahlworter (Proto-Chaldaean numerals), in Zeitschrift fiir Assyriologie I (1886) p. 222 foil. J. Barth, das Nominalprafix na im Assyrischen, in Zeitschrift fiir Assyriologie II, 2 (1887) p. HI foil. — , das semitische Perfect im Assyrischen, Zeitsch. fiir Assyr. 1887, p. 375.* * [A brief notice of this important article will not be out of place. Dr. Barth endeavours to show that "The present forms [otherwise called 'present-Imperfect' as opposed to the 'aoristic Imperf.' ik§ud] viz. i-kaSad (Kal), u-ka§sad (Pael), u-saksad (Shafel) are nothing more than the old-Semitic Perfect t^^^S, l\av^5', iAam^.w. As in Assyrian the Semitic Imperfect [i. e. aoristic impf. ikgud (Kal), uka§§id (Pael), u§aksid (Shaf.)] has assumed the functions of the perfect, so, on the other hand, the Semitic Perf. [i. e. the present i-kaSad etc.] in Assy- rian has passed over to the position and function of an Imperf. The two tenses have simply exchanged their usual functions. This is the more easily conceivable because in Old-Semitic there was no proper tense or time-distinction between the two forms. The single peculia- rity in the Assyrian as compared with the other Semitic perfects con- sists in the fact that the personal pronouns appear as preformatives instead of suflSxes." (It is also held that the so-called ^ Permansive' is no proper tense ; see below Dr. Schrader's remarks in Appendix II.) Such a theory, if accepted, tends to overthrow the primary or Sanskrit rank of Assyrian in the Semitic family and confirms the view taken up by Fritz Hommel whereby a more isolated position is assigned to Baby- lono- Assyrian (see his classification Semit. Volker, p. 442 , comp. also APPENDIX I. 331 J. F. Mc Curdy, the Semitic perfect in Assyrian, in the Actes du sixieme Congrfes international des Orientalistes. Deuxieme partie, sect. I. Leide, E. J. Brill, 1885 p. 507 foil. C. B'ezold, eine eigenthiimliche Statusconstructus-Erscheinung , in Zeitschrift fur Keilschriftforschung 11 (1885) p. 316. Ernst Millie r, grammatische Bemerkungen zu den Annalen Asur- nassirpal's, in Zeitschrift f. Assyriologie I (1886) p. 349 foil. P. Haupt, in Die suraerischen Familiengesetze I (1879), passim. III. ON LEXICOGRAPHY. Fox Talbot, Assyrian Glossary. Part I— III, in Journal of Roy. Asiat. Soc. New Ser. Ill, 1 foil. (1867 foil.). Edwin Nor r is, Assyrian Dictionary. Part I — III. London 1868 —72. 4". Stan. Guyard, Notes de lexicographie Assyrienne. Par. 1883. J. N. Strassmaier, alphabetisches Verzeiclmiss der assyrischen und akkadischen Worter der cuneiform inscriptions of Western Asia vol. II. Leipzig 1886. 4». Friedrich Delitzsch, assyrisches Worterbuch. Lief. I. II. Leipzig 1887 S. 4". — Compare the treatise by the same author "The Hebrew language viewed in the light of Assyrian research." London 1883; Prolegomena eines neuen hebraisch - aramaischen Worterbuchs zum A. T." Leipzig 1886. Glossaries to separate Babylono-Assyrian texts or collections of texts are published by J. Oppert, H. Pognon, E. Budge, F. Delitzsch, W. Lotz, P. Haupt, T. G. Pinches, C. Bezold, D. G. Lyon, H. Zimmern, S. A. Smith, H. Winckler and by the author of this book. Transcribed cuneiform texts, in historical arrangement and with added German translation, will be found in the work Keilinschriftliche Bibliotheh , Sammlung von assyrischen und babylonischen Texten in Umschrift und Uebersetzung. Bd. I. Historische Texte des altassyri- schen Reichs. In Verbindung mit Dr. Abel, Dr. Bezold, Dr. Jen- sen, Dr. Peiser, Dr. Winckler herausgegeben von Eberh. Schrader. Berlin, H. Reuther (will be published in the autumn 1888). pp. 16. 62) and the claims of South-Arabic are duly maintained. The extreme view of Prof. Sayce (Hibbert Lectures p. 46) "to compare Arabic and Hebrew together is like comparing Latin with modern German" will hardly commend itself. — Transl.]. 332 TEE CUNEIFORM INSCRIPTIONS AND TEE O. T, APPENDIX 11. ON ASSYRIAN MOODS AND TENSES. BY PROF. EB. SCHRADER. In reference to the terms employed by the author to designate the moods and tenses of the Assyrian verb, it may be explained that (1) The term Imperfect (abbreviated Impf.) signifies the tense of narration, corresponding in its use to the Greek Aorist and in its for- mation to the Hebrew Imperfect ^tOp^> 133'' (Arab. JOCJU etc.). These Imperfects in Assyrian have the form i§kunu, isbatu etc. (2) The term Present is employed by the writer in common with most Assyriologists to designate the second imperfect, formed from the preceding, as in Ethiopic, by the introduction of the vowel a after the first radical e. g. iSakal, isabat (issabat), iSarak (iSarrak), inaddin [also inakki Vol. I p. 19 inscr. line 32, see Glossary under ^py The form akki is the aoristic imperf. — Tr.]. (3) Another tense, also with present meaning, occurs in Assyrian under the form §akin (3. pers. masc), gaknak(ku) (1. pers.) etc. This tense has been usually designated by Assyriologists since Edward Hincks by the name " Permansive tense." In agreement with Oppert I am still unable to recognize this as an actual and special tense. Taken in connection with compound forms like iarraku "I am king", ri§t&naku, kainak etc. I am disposed to regard the former as com- binations of subject and predicate, standing on the border-land between the syntactical union of a sentence and the close and intimate com- bination of predicate (participle or noun) and subject (pronoun) in the proper verbal tense. Compare the analogous combinations in Aramaic, more especially Biblical-Aramaic i. e. the so-called Chaldaean "Pe'il conjugation." Consult my Assyrisch-Babylonische Keilinschriften (1872) p. 266 footn. 4; 304 foil. (4) By Precative (Prec.) is meant according to traditional usage the verbal form lissur (root "iJi^) , lisbat (root flDiJ)- "^^^^ arises from the prefixed preposition or rather conjunction li. Comp. Hebr. ^, Arab. 0, the form being analogous to those found in Arabic. The statements made by the author in his work Assyrisch-Babylon. Keilinschriften (1872) p. 390 foil, are to be corrected and supplemented in accordance with the above. APPENDIX III. 333 APPENDIX III. CONCORDANCE OF THE PTOLEMAIC CANON, THE BABYLONIAN LIST OF KINGS AND THE STATEMENTS OF BEROSSUS. [From Dr. Schrader's essay: Die keilinschriftliche babylonische Konigsliste p. 29 (= 607) to illustrate Vol. I p. XXXII and to supplement and correct Vol. II p. 198.] Ptolemaeus Babylon, list of kings Berossus 1 747 NajSovdaaagoq ? NabG-n4sir 733 Nddiog 733 Nabu-nadin-zi'r 2 Years Xlv'C,riQoq xul — Nabft-sum-ukin 1 M. 12 Days 731 731 Ukin-zi'r 3 IlwQoq 728 Pulu 2 726 ^IXovXuLOq 726 Umiai 5 721 MccQ6ox£fina6oq 721 Marduk-abal-iddina 12 709 jiQxeavog 709 Sar-ukin 5 704 lA^aaiX. TiQwz. 704 Sin-ab-irba (sic!) 2 Frater Sina- cheribi — Marduk-zakir-sum 1 Month Akises 30 Days — Marduk-abal-iddina 6 Months Marodach- Baldanus 6 Months 702 BrjXi^OQ 702 Bi'1-ibni (ibu§) 3 Elibus 3 Years 699 ^ATCaQavdSiog 699 Aiur-nadin-sum 6 Asordanius 693 'HQiys^aXoQ 693 Ni'rgal-uSi'zib (sic!) 1 692 MeorjOifxoQSaHoq 692 Musi'zib-Marduk 4 688 li/iaolX. devTSQ. 688 Sin-ab-irba (sic!) 8 680 'AaaQiSivoq 680 Asur-ab-(iddina) Axerdis 8 Years?* 667 Saoadoix^'^oq ? Sama§-§um-(ukin) Sammughes 21 Years 647 KiV7]ld6avoq ? Kandal(anu) Frater ejus Sardana- pallus 21 Years * The proof that the length of reign (8 years instead of 13), here wrongly assigned to Axerdis-Asarhaddon, arises from a transposition of the numbers for the duration of anarchy and for Asarhaddon's reign, may be read on p. 21 (= 599) footn. 3 of the above-mentioned essay of Dr. Schrader. Printed by Wilh. Keller, Giessen. THEOLOGICAL TRANSLATION FUND LIBRARY. 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