see A Sjkkth’ji RrRMA.N EM PIKE. Jfkm A MAT of INDIA extra C1ANJKM V Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2016 OF THE AMERICAN BAPTIST MISSION TO THE BURMAN EMPIRE: IN A SERIES OF LETTERS, ADDRESSED TO A GENTLEMAN IN LONDON. y By ANN H. JUDSON. LONDON: PRINTED FOR J. BUTTERWORTH & SON, 43, FLEET - STREET ; AND T. CLARK, 8, PARLIAMENT SQUARE, EDINBURGH. MDCCCXXIII. B. BENSLEY, BOLT COURT, FLEET STREET \ ADVERTISEMENT. It may not hitherto have been generally known in England, that in the year 1812, the Rev. Adoniram Judson engaged in a Mission to the Burman Empire, under the direction of the American Board of Baptist Missions ; and settled at Rangoon, on the eastern coast of the Bay of Bengal. After encountering many difficulties and privations, during the first six years of his residence in that country, he acquired a thorough knowledge of the language; translated a considerable part of the New Testament; and composed tracts, which were circulated among the natives of Burmah. Much inquiry on the subject of religion was thus excited, and several genuine converts were formed into a Christian So- A 2 IV ADVERTISEMENT. ciety, conducting themselves in every respect consistently with their Christian profession. Mrs. Judson’s health having suffered greatly from the effects of the climate, her removal to a colder latitude became necessary, which occasioned her to visit England on her way to America, in the summer of 1822 . The par- ticulars she communicated concerning the inhabitants of the Burman Empire, and the rise and progress of the Burman Mission, were in this country new and highly interest- ing. She was, therefore, earnestly requested to write a detailed account of the Mission, which might be printed for general informa- tion. In compliance with this request, on her voyage to America she commenced, and during her residence there completed, the series of letters which are contained in the present volume. It appears that female education forms no part of the Burman system : on the contrary, national prejudice is strongly opposed to the principle. Slavery is carried on, similar, in ADVERTISEMENT. V many respects, to that which prevailed under the Mosaic dispensation. When the father of a family is overwhelmed with debt, he has recourse to the sale of his wife and children ; and if the sum he receives for them be not sufficient, he offers himself in order to ba- lance the account. Not unfrequently, under the despotic government of the Empire, a tax is levied on an individual far beyond his ability to pay, and he is put to the torture until he has entered into an engagement to produce the sum required : the sale of his wife and children takes place for this purpose. Hence there are multitudes of slaves in the Burman Empire. But those slaves whose situation is peculiarly calculated to excite compassion, are children whose parents die involved in debt. The creditor immediately lays claim to the helpless orphans, and either retains them for his debt, whatever may be its amount, or sells them for an equiva- lent sum. To redeem a few female orphan slaves of this description, is an object Vi ADVERTISEMENT. which Mrs. Judson proposes to herself, on her return to Rangoon, in order to commence with them a system of instruction ; hoping that, should her labours succeed, their con- duct in after life may convince the Burmans of the utility of female education. The profits from this publication, if any should arise, will be appropriated to the redemption from slavery and education, of female children on Mrs. Judson’s approach- ing return to Burmah. London, July 1 , 1823 . PREFACE. A connected account of the origin, pro- gress, and success, of the American Baptist Mission to the Burman Empire, was first sug- gested by friends in Bengal, who were desir- ous of a better acquaintance with particular circumstances, than could be obtained from any publication extant. On embarking for Europe, I indulged the hope of being able to commence a work of this kind, during the passage ; but my ill state of health, together with the scanty ma- terials then in my possession, induced me to defer it until a more favourable period. In England and Scotland, I found a high degree of interest, relative to the Burman Vlll PREFACE. Mission ; excited, principally, by a few arti- cles of intelligence which had found their way from these shores across the Atlantic, and which continually prompted the inquiry, “ How shall we obtain all the information which has been transmitted to your American Board ?” Frequently was the request reiter- ated, to make a compilation of documents, in such a form as to give a history of events, from the commencement of the mission to the present time. From no one was this request more forcibly and constantly made, than from that esteemed friend to whom these letters are addressed ; who, from my first arrival in England, until my departure for my native shores, manifested the affectionate concern of a father, and spared no exertions to increase my comfort, improve my health, and enhance my useful- ness. He entered warmly into our mission- ary views, and endeavoured to cherish the flame, already kindled, in his circle ; and his last request, received at the very moment of PREFACE. IX my embarkation at Liverpool, had no incon- siderable influence in prevailing on me to commence the present compilation. Since my arrival in this country, my health has so far declined as to prevent my imparting to my beloved friends that oral information which I had so fondly expected and ardently desired. This circumstance has been an ad- ditional inducement to devote every moment of leisure, and respite from pain, to the compilation of this work ; and it is to me no small source of consolation, that, while endeavouring to obtain my health, in my secluded and retired situation, I have been able to prepare and present to my Christian friends, a concise view of the faithfulness and mercy of God, as exhibited in the formation of a little church, in one of the largest heathen empires in the world. While I consider the following letters as a substitute for verbal communications, I cannot refrain from bespeaking the candour of my friends in perusing them. X PREFACE. Much additional interesting matter would have been communicated, more attention to style and elegance of expression would have been given, and more particularity in selec- tion and arrangement would have appeared, had my health allowed. This must be my apology for omissions and errors of every kind. But, poor as is the garb in which these letters are attired, a full conviction that the providential circumstances therein detailed, will have a tendency to excite grateful emo- tions in the hearts of many of God’s dear children, induces me to make an immediate and joyful offer of this little work. M I gladly embrace the present opportunity to express my thanks, and sense of obligation, for the continued and innumerable proofs of Christian affection, which have been mani- fested by the Board of Managers of the General Convention ; by the female societies ; and by many individuals, in their endeavours to add to my comfort and aid me in my designs, since my arrival in this country. PREFACE. XI That the blessings of thousands, ready to perish, may descend upon all interested in the missionary cause, and that every indivi- dual who shall peruse these letters may raise his heart to God, in prayer for the conversion of the heathen, is the sincere and constant desire of A. H. J. Washington City, March, 1823. : • i. . CONTENTS LETTER I. Introduction. — Sketch of the Burman Empire. — Extent. — Soil. — Climate. — Inhabitants. — Government. — Religion. — Character. — Literature. — Education page 1 LETTER II. Cause of Mr. Judson’s engaging in Missions. — Formation of Ame- rican Board of Missions. — Visit to England. — Embarkation of Missionaries for India in 1812. — Arrival, Difficulties, and Trials at Calcutta. — Departure for the Isle of France. — Death of Mrs. Newell. — Return to India page 6 LETTER III. Voyage to Rangoon. — Arrival. — Study of the Burman Language. — Extracts from Letters and Journals. — Description of the Vice- roy and his Wife. — Unsettled State of Affairs. — Burman Punish- ments page 18 LETTER IV. Extracts from Letters and Journals continued. — Review of Pro- ceedings during the first two Years of the Mission. — Formation of the American Baptist Board of Missions. — Visit of an Armenian. — Conversation of Mr. Judson and his Teacher. — Difficulties of the Burman Language. — Death of Mr. and Mrs. Judson’s only Child page 41 XIV CONTENTS. LETTER V. Visit of the Vice-reine. — Arrival of a Printing Press. — Qualifica tions requisite in Missionaries. — Arrival of Mr. Hough. — Funeral of a Burman Priest. — Execution of Criminals page 61 LETTER VI. Conversation with an Inquirer. — Publication of Tracts. — Descrip- tion of the Female Meeting for Instruction. — Great Festival of Gaudama page 88 LETTER VII. Publication of Burman Translation of St. Matthew’s Gospel. — Voyage to Sea. — Protracted Detention. — Difficulties with the Burman Government. — Prevalence of Disease, and Burman Mode of expelling it. — Preparations for general Departure. — Mr. Judson’s return page 103 LETTER VIII. Mr. Judson’s Account of his Voyage. — Arrival of Messrs. Colman and Wheelock. — Their Missionary Characters, — Poem on their quitting America page 125 LETTER IX. Erection of the Zayat. — Burman preaching. — Remarks on the Bur- man Language. — Inquirers. — First Burman Convert. — Baptism of Moung Nau. — Death of the Burman Emperor .... page 144 LETTER X. Departure of Mr. Wheelock. — Visit of the Teacher, Moung Shway- gnong. — Of Moung Ing. — Baptism of Moung Byaay and Moung Thahlah. — Death of Mr. Wheelock page 178 LETTER XI. Burman School. — Closing of the Zayat.— Voyage to Ava.— Au- dience of the Emperor. — Instance of Persecution. — Return to Rangoon. — New Inquirers — Departure of Mr. and Mrs. Col- man page 210 CONTENTS. XV LETTER XII. Death of Mr. Colman — Baptism of Moung Shway-bay, Moung Gway, and Moung Nyo-dway. — Moung Shway-gnong and Mah Men-lay. — Departure of Mr. and Mrs. Judson for Bengal. — Return to Rangoon. — Tolerant Spirit of the Viceroy. — Baptism of Moung Ing page 258 LETTER XIII. Re-opening of the Zayat. — Curious metaphysical Character. — Baptism of Mah Myat-lay. — First Christian Burman Mar- riage page 299 LETTER XIV. Mrs. Judson’s Departure for America. — Death of Moung Thahlah. Arrival of Dr. and Mrs. Price. — Baptism of Moung Thah-ay, Men- oo, and May-Mee. — Departure of Mr. Judson and Dr. Price for Ava. — Conclusion page 312. MISSION . • i > . , — noli MISSION TO THE BURMAN EMPIRE. &• LETTER I. Ship Amity, August, 1822. MY DEAR SIR, After such continued proofs of your affectionate regard, and kind concern in my welfare, it would, indeed, be the height of ingratitude, should I longer delay to comply with the request, so often made, to write you a particular and connected account of the origin, progress, and success of the American Baptist mission to the Burman Empire. My present state of convalescence, together with freedom from interruptions during my pas- sage to America, I am happy to say, allow the gratification of my feelings in complying with your wishes ; and, though an employment of this nature will have a tendency to refresh my mind with scenes of trial, the very recital of which is appalling to human nature, it will, at the same time, recal to my recollection the tender mercies B 2 AMERICAN BAPTIST MISSION of our heavenly Father, whose unseen hand has supported, sustained, and delivered, when no created arm could succour, and whose loving- kindness has been richly experienced in the very storms of adversity. To the honour of Divine grace would I record, that we have never encoun- tered trials greater than we have been enabled to bear, and a way for escape from imminent danger and peril has always been provided. Previously to a personal relation, a slight sketch of the Burman Empire, its geographical situation, government, and some of the principal traits in the character of its inhabitants, may not be uninteresting. This empire comprises the former kingdoms of Arracan, Ava, and Pegue, whose sovereigns were displaced by the celebrated Alompra, the founder of the present dynasty, or by his successors. This, and some adjacent countries, have some- times been termed Indo-Chinese nations, as si- tuated between India Proper and China. The empire of Burmah, in its present state, is about 1200 miles in length, and 8 or 900 in the broadest part. It extends from the 9th to the 28th degree North latitude, and from the 91st to the 108th East longitude ; and contains a population estimated at about nineteen millions. The northern part of the country is barren and mountainous ; but the plains and valleys, situated more southerly, are very fertile. The climate is TO THE BURMAN EMPIRE. 3 considered salubrious, and the natives are remark- ably healthy and vigorous. The government is strictly monarchical. The emperor is an absolute sovereign, and is regarded as the sole lord and proprietor of life and property in his dominions ; and, without the concurrence of any, his word is irresistible law. Four private ministers of state, (called Atwenwoon) and four public ministers of state, (Woongyee) are the organs of administra- tion. The latter compose the supreme court of the empire, (Tlowtdau) in the name of which all imperial edicts are issued. The Burman empire is divided into districts, each of which is governed by a viceroy, (Myoo- woon) and a court, (Yongdau). The district courts are composed of a president, (Yawoon) — chief magistrate, (Sit-kai) — collectors of the port, (Akoukwoon) — auditors, (Narkandau) — and se- cretaries, (Saragyee). The members of the district courts, and the wives, relations, and favourites of viceroys, have also the privilege of holding private courts, and of deciding petty causes, subject to appeal to higher authority. The Burmans are Boodhists or a nation of atheists. They believe that existence involves in itself the principles of misery and destruction : consequently, there is no eternal God. The whole universe, say they, is only destruction and re-production. It therefore becomes a wise man 4 AMERICAN BAPTIST MISSION to raise his desires above all things that exist, and aspire to Nigban, the -state in which there is no existence. Rewards and punishments follow me- ritorious and sinful acts, agreeably to the nature of things. Gaudama, their last Boodh, or deity, in consequence of meritorious acts, arrived at that state of perfection, which made him deserving of annihilation, — the supreme good. His instructions are still in force, and will continue till the appear- ance of the next deity, who is supposed now to exist somewhere in embryo, and who, when he appears, as the most perfect of all beings, will introduce a new dispensation. The Boodhist sys- tem of morality is pure, though it is destitute of power to produce purity of life in those who pro- fess it. The Burmans are a lively, industrious, and energetic race of people, and farther advanced in civilization than most of the Eastern nations. They are frank and candid, and destitute of that pusillanimity which characterizes the Hindoos ; and of that revengeful malignity which is a lead- ing trait in the Malay character. Some of their men are powerful logicians, and take delight in investigating new subjects. Their books are numerous ; some of them written in the most flowing, beautiful style : and much ingenuity is manifested in the construction of their stories. All the boys in the empire are taught by the priests, who are dependent for their support on TO THE BURMAN EMPIRE. 5 the contributions of the people ; but no attention is given to female education, excepting in a few instances in the higher classes of society. From the above observations, my dear Sir, you may form some idea of the Burmans ; but, on the sanguinary nature of their government, prudential reasons urge my silence. Still hoping for an interest in your prayers, I remain, my dear Sir, Very affectionately and respectfully, A. H. J 6 AMERICAN BAPTIST MISSION LETTER II. Ship Amity, August, 1822. MY DEAR SIR, I now commence a relation of those views and feelings, which first induced Mr. Judson to engage in missions. Soon after he had graduated, at one of our American universities, he commenced making the tour of the United States. Some providential oc- currences, while on his journey, led him to doubt the truth of those deistical sentiments which he had recently adopted. His mind became so deeply impressed with the probability of the Divine authenticity of the Scriptures, that he could no longer continue his journey, but returned to his father’s house, for the express purpose of ex- amining thoroughly the foundation of the Chris- tian religion. After continuing his investigations for some time, he became convinced that the Scriptures were of Divine origin, and that he himself was in a lost situation by nature, and needed renovation previous to an admittance into heaven. It now became his sole inquiry, “ What shall I do to be saved ? ” TO THE BURMAN EMPIRE. 7 A theological seminary at Andover, Massachu- setts, was about this time established ; but the rules of the institution required evidence of evan- gelical piety in all who were admitted. Mr. Judson was desirous of entering this college, for the purpose of being benefited by the theological lectures; but hardly ventured to make applica- tion, conscious that he was destitute of the proper qualifications. His ardent desire, however, of becoming acquainted with the religious students, and of being in a situation to gain religious in- struction, overcame every obstacle,’ and he ap- plied for admittance ; at the same time assuring the professors of his having no hope that he had been a subject of regenerating grace. He was, notwithstanding, admitted ; and, in the course of a few weeks, gained satisfactory evidence of hav- ing obtained an interest in Christ, and turned his attention to those studies which were most calcu- lated to make him useful in the ministry. Some time in the last year of his residence in this theological seminary, he met with Dr. Bu- chanan’s “ Star in the East. ” This first led his thoughts to an Eastern mission. The subject ha- rassed his mind from day to day, and he felt deeply impressed with the importance of making some attempt to rescue the perishing millions of the East. He communicated these impressions to the professors and students, but they all dis- couraged him. He then wrote to the Directors 8 AMERICAN BAPTIST MISSION of the London Missionary Society, explained his views, and requested information on the subject of missions. He received a most encouraging- reply, and an invitation to visit England, to ob- tain in person the necessary information. Soon after this, Messrs. Nott, Newell and Hall joined him, all of them resolving to leave their native land, and engage in the arduous work of missionaries, as soon as Providence should open a way. At a meeting of the Massachusetts Asso- ciation, Mr. Judson and his associates presented a paper, which first made known to the public their missionary designs. This, together with further representations and conversations, origin- ated the “ American Board of Commissioners for Foreign Missions.” Shortly after the formation of this Board, Mr. Judson was authorized by its members to go on a mission of inquiry to England, and to ascertain what degree of assistance could be obtained, in case our own funds should be inadequate to the undertaking. On his voyage thither, the ship was taken by a French privateer ; and, as if to try the purity of his missionary zeal, Mr. Judson was put on board, and, after being detained as a prisoner for several weeks, was safely conveyed to the dungeon of a French prison in Bayonne. Through the assistance, however, of an American gentleman, who saw Mr. J. conveyed through the streets, he procured his release, and, after a most TO THE BUK1IAN EMPIRE. 9 difficult struggle to obtain official passports from Napoleon, (it was in 1811,) he was allowed to proceed through the country, and to pass the Channel to England. In that highly favoured land, he obtained all the assistance, encourage- ment, and information he desired, and returned again to America, after an absence of nearly a year. A few months after his return, the Board came to a resolution of sending the missionaries in the first ship ready to sail for the East. Mr. Rice, another student at Andover, whose mind had long been impressed with the melan- choly situation of the heathen, but who, hitherto, had been undetermined, now offered himself to the Board, and begged to be allowed the privi- lege of accompanying his brethren. In the winter of 1812, Mr. and Mrs. Newell, Mr. Judson, and myself, embarked from Salem, on board the Caravan ; at the same time the other three missionaries sailed from Philadelphia. We arrived in Calcutta, in May, after a plea- sant passage of four months. But our heavenly Father saw our unfitness to engage in his service, previously to our entering a disciplinary school. In our native country we had never known trials, or adversity ; and though we had, I trust, endea- voured to count the cost, and expected a frequent cloudy sky in our missionary atmosphere, it was our prevailing hope, that our sun would still shine bright. 10 AMERICAN BAPTIST MISSION And now, my dear Sir, I need make no apology for detailing circumstances relating to the govern- ment of the Honourable East India Company. You well know the prejudices which existed, rela- tive to this subject, before the renewal of the char- ter in 1813. We arrived in Calcutta during the administration of Lord Minto. A few days after our landing, we received orders to return imme- diately to America, in the same ship in which we came ; and our captain was refused a port-clear- ance, unless he would enter into an engagement to take us back. This was an occurrence we did not expect, and was aimed at the foundation of our dearest hopes. Our friends in Calcutta in- formed us that there was no method of evading this order, unless we could obtain permission to go to some place not under the Honourable Com- pany’s government. It was then our wish to go to the Burman empire ; but the existing difficul- ties between the English and Burman govern- ments, rendered the attempt presumptuous. We accordingly made application for permission to go to the Isle of France, which was readily granted. One vessel only was on the point of sailing, and she could accommodate but two passengers. The situation of my friend, Mrs. Newell, rendered it necessary that she should ar- rive at some home as early as possible. Mr. and Mrs. Newell, therefore, embraced the opportunity this ship presented. TO THE BURMAN EMPIRE. II We were detained in Calcutta two months longer. The government noticing our continu- ance, supposed, probably, that we intended re- maining in Bengal, and issued a most peremptory order for our being sent immediately on board one of the Honourable Company’s vessels, bound to England. Mr. Rice had, in the mean time, joined us. A petty officer accompanied Messrs. Rice and Judson to their place of residence, and requested them not to leave it without permis- sion. We saw our names inserted in the public papers, as passengers on board a certain ship, and now there appeared very little hope of our escape. Mr. Rice and Mr. Judson, however, soon ascer- tained that a ship would sail for the Isle of France in two days. They applied for a pass from the chief magistrate, but were refused. — They communicated to the captain of the ship their circumstances, and asked if he would ven- ture to take them on board without a pass ? He replied that he would be neutral ; that there was his ship, and that they might do as they pleased. With the assistance of the gentleman in whose house we were residing, we obtained coolies (porters) to convey our baggage, and, at twelve o’clock at night, we embarked, though the gates of the dock-yards were closed, and the opening of them, at that time of the night, was quite con- trary to the regulations of the Company. The next morning the ship sailed. She had pro- 12 AMERICAN BAPTIST MISSION ceeded down the river, for two days, when a go- vernment despatch arrived, forbidding the pilot to go farther, as passengers were on board who had been ordered to England. It was one o’clock in the morning when this prohibition was re- ceived, and as the vessel had, providentially, an- chored near the only English dwelling within seve- ral miles, we immediately went on shore. The next morning, the captain, though very kind and obliging, informed us, that his duty to his employers and government, required that our bag- gage should be removed ; and that we could pro- ceed no farther. We were successful in procuring boats for our conveyance, word was returned to the governor that no such persons were on board, and the ship was allowed to go on her way. We knew not what course to take, feeling as- sured that, should we return to Calcutta, we should be sent to England, and, if we continued at the place in which we then were, we should certainly be discovered. We therefore went down the river as far as Fultah, about fifty miles from Calcutta, where we procured lodgings. Here we partook, in some measure, of the feelings of those who are every moment expecting a discovery ; and, though we were conscious of having done our duty, in thus refusing to comply with the orders of government, we could not help feeling somewhat alarmed at the arrival of every boat at the Ghaut, and the appearance of every new face. TO THE BIRMAN EMPIRE. 13 We had continued in this situation four days, anxiously applying to every ship passing down the river, for admittance, to whatever port bound. We had given up all hope of escape, and thought we must return again to Calcutta, when a letter was handed to Mr. Judson, containing a pass to go on board the ship we had so lately left. We knew not who procured it, but our hearts were rejoiced, we thanked God, and took courage. The ship had been gone down the river four days, and was probably out at sea. It was then dark, and we were about seventy miles from Saugar, the place where the ship lay, if not gone to sea. But there was no alternative. We went on board our boats, the boatmen rowed hard all night and all the next day, at the close of which we had the inexpressible pleasure of discovering the ship safely anchored in Saugar roads, having been detained much longer than was expected, from the circumstance that some of the Lascars had not arrived. These providential occurrences, my dear Sir, had such a tendency to strengthen our trust and confidence in God, that we now felt assured he had something for us to do, and that he would, in his own time and way, mark out our path before us. The precious moments we enjoyed, in sweet communion with God, more, far more, than com- pensated for our unexpected trials. We seriously thought of making an effort to 14 AMERICAN BAPTIST MISSION establish a mission on the island of Madagascar, thinking it was, perhaps, the design of Providence in sending us to the Isle of France, for that pur- pose. With these views we immediately com- menced studying the French language, continued it during our passage, and for some time after our arrival. The intelligence of the death of our beloved friend, Mrs. Newell, was a shock we were not prepared to expect. On our voyage we had con- stantly anticipated the pleasure of again meeting our dear friends and early associates, Mr. and Mrs. Newell. It had scarcely entered our thoughts that either of them would be no more. But we were, by this solemn providence, taught a lesson we had been backward in learning, that our dearest plans might be defeated by the call of death. After our feelings had, in some measure, sub- sided, we made inquiries respecting Madagascar, but, finding it impossible there to establish a mission, our attention was again turned to the East. Governor Farquhar had received orders from the supreme government in Bengal, to “ have an eye on those American missionaries.” He, however, very kindly and politely informed us that we were at liberty to go where we wished, so far as he was concerned, and we accordingly embraced the first opportunity which presented itself for our return to India. TO THE BURMAN EMPIRE. 15 While at the Isle of France it was thought ad- visable, both by Mr. Rice and Mr. Judson, that the former should return to America, and attempt establishing Foreign missionary societies among the Baptists. After three months’ residence at the Isle of France, we embarked for Madras, at which place we arrived in June, 1813. Here, again, we were assured of the hostile disposition of the Honour- able Company’s government towards missionary exertions, as manifested in a late attempt to send to England our former missionary associates, the Rev. Messrs. Nott and Hall, who had proceeded to Bombay.* Mr. Judson’s first object, therefore, was to ascertain what ships were lying in the Madras roads, and he found the only one which would sail, previously to information being given to the Supreme government in Beng-al of our return to India, was bound to Rangoon. A mission to the Burman empire, desirable as it was, we had been in the habit of viewing with a kind of horror, and, though dissuaded from the attempt by our friends at Madras, we now saw the hand of Pro- vidence pointing to that region, as the scene of our future labours. * Our excellent friend, Mr. M., was, probably, the instrument in the hands of God, of their continuance in Bombay. 1G AMERICAN BAPTIST MISSION As I shall frequently be obliged to have re- course to letters and documents, long since pub- lished in America, allow me, in this place, to insert a few extracts from a letter written at this time, as descriptive of our state of feeling when about to embark. “ My heart often sinks within me, when I think of living among a people whose tender mercies are cruel. But, when I reflect upon their mise- rable state, as destitute of the Gospel, and that it is easy for our heavenly Father to protect us in the midst of danger, I feel willing to go, and live and die among them ; and it is our daily prayer that it may please God to enable us to continue in that savage country. Farewell to the privi- leges and conveniences of civilized life ! Fare- well to refined Christian society ! We shall enjoy these comforts no more ; but Burmah will be a good place to grow in grace, to live near to God, and be prepared to die. O, my dear parents and sisters, how little you know how to estimate your enjoyments, in your quiet homes, with all the comforts of life ! How little you know how to prize dear Christian society, as you have never been deprived of it ! How little you can realize the toils and perplexities of traversing the ocean ; and how little you can know of the solid comfort of trusting in God, when dangers stand threaten- ing to devour ! But these privations, these dan- TO THE BURMAN EMPIRE. 17 gers and toils, and these comforts, are ours, and we rejoice in them, and think it an inestimable privilege that our heavenly Father has given us, in allowing us to suffer for his cause.” I remain, my dear Sir, Very affectionately and respectfully, A. H. J. c 18 AMERICAN BAPTIST MISSION LETTER III. Ship Amity, September, 1822. MY DEAR SIR, o ur residence in Madras was very short. When our dear friends,* at that settlement, saw we were determined on going to Burmah, they did all in their power to smooth the way before us, by preparing those articles which they considered necessary on our first arrival. Among other things, a valuable European woman servant was provided. We sent her on board two days before we went ourselves. On the 22d of June we em- barked for Rangoon. The ship was just getting under way, when the servant, above mentioned, fell on the floor, apparently in a fit, but all our endeavours to recover her were ineffectual, for she never breathed more. It was then too late to supply her place, and we were obliged to pro- ceed without an attendant. I was immediately taken dangerously ill, and thought, indeed, that the time of my departure was at hand, and that * Among these kind friends, who were solicitous for our welfare, I would mention the Rev. Mr. M. Thomson, with whom you are well acquainted, and Mr. Strachan. TO THE BURMAN EMPIRE. 19 all my toils and perplexities were at an end. But a particular account of our dangerous voyage, and the gloomy prospects on our first arrival in Burmah, is given in a letter from Mr. Judson to the Board of Missions. — “ We commended our- selves to the care of God, and embarked in a crazy old vessel, manned entirely by native sailors, the captain being the only person on board that could speak our language, and we had no other apartment than what was made by canvass. Our passage was very tedious. Mrs. Judson was taken dangerously ill, and continued so, until, at one period, I came to experience the awful sensation, which necessarily resulted from the expectation of an immediate separation from her, who was the only remaining companion of my wanderings. About the same time, the captain being unable to make the Carnicobar island, where he intended taking a cargo of cocoa nuts, we were driven into a dangerous strait, between the Little and Great Andamans, two savage coasts, where the captain had never been before, and where, if we had been cast on shore, we should (according to all accounts) have been killed and eaten by the natives. But, as one evil is sometimes an anti- dote to another, so it happened with us. Our being driven into this dangerous, but quiet chan- nel, brought immediate relief to the agitated and exhausted frame of Mrs. Judson, and conduced essentially to her recovery. And, in the event, 20 AMERICAN BAPTIST MISSION we were safely conducted over the black rocks, which we sometimes saw in the gulf below ; and, on the eastern side of the island, found favour- able winds, which gently wafted us forward to Rangoon. But, on our arrival here, other trials awaited us. “We had never before seen a place where Eu- ropean influence had not contributed to smooth and soften the rough features of uncultivated nature. The prospect of Rangoon, as we ap- proached, was quite disheartening. I went on shore, just at night, to take a view of the place, and the mission house ; but so dark, and cheer- less, and unpromising did all things appear, that the evening of that day, after my return to the ship, we have marked as the most gloomy and distressing that we ever passed. Such were our t weaknesses, that we felt we had no portion here below, and found consolation only in looking beyond our pilgrimage, which we tried to flatter ourselves would be short, to that peaceful region, where the wicked cease from troubling, and the weary are at rest. But if ever we commended ourselves, sincerely and without reserve, to the disposal of our heavenly Father, it was on this evening. And, after some recollections and prayer, we experienced something of the presence of Him who cleaveth closer than a brother ; some- thing of that peace which our Saviour bequeathed to his followers — a legacy which we know, from TO THE BURMAN EMPIRE. 21 this experience, endures when the fleeting plea- sures and unsubstantial riches of the world are passed away. The next day Mrs. Judson was carried into the town, being unable to walk, and we found a home at the mission house erected by Mr. Chater. We soon began to find that it was in our hearts to live and die with the Bur- mans. We gradually became reconciled to the place, and from a conviction of the superior im- portance of this to any unoccupied station, and a hope that, notwithstanding the frightful ac- counts we had received, we should find it prac- ticable to remain, we were induced to pitch our tent. We applied very soon to the study of the language, and in this we have been closely en- gaged to the present time, so far as Mrs. Jud- son’s health, and my numerous interruptions have permitted.” We now, my dear Sir, felt ourselves, in every sense of the word, on heathen ground. Not an individual of any description with whom we could unite in social prayer. We were sur- rounded by despotism, avarice, and cruelty ; and the darkness, the dreadful moral darkness, of heathen idolatry, was evident, wherever we turned our eyes'. Our tongues could not per- form their office, for the language of the Burmans was then to us a perfect jargon, and no ani- mating prospect of speedily overcoming this dif- ficulty, cheered the gloomy scene. Yet our 22 AMERICAN BAPTIST MISSION heavenly Father suffered us not to despond. He compelled us to feel the full force of those pre- cious promises, relative to the conversion of the heathen, which encouraged us to look forward with a degree of hope, which has since asto- nished ourselves. We found the language ex- tremely difficult, and we had no teacher who un- derstood both the English and Burman languages. Our only mode of ascertaining the names of the objects which met our eye, was by pointing to them, in the presence of our teacher, who would immediately speak the names in Burman ; we then expressed them as nearly as possible by the Roman character, till we had sufficiently acquired the power of the Burman. As the state of the mission, from the period above mentioned to the present time, has been transmitted to the American Board, a selection and compilation of those statements, will prin- cipally constitute my future narrative : — From a journal, commenced July, 1813, and continued until September, 1815, the following extracts are taken. “ We feel disappointed in not finding Mr. Carey in Rangoon, as he would be able to afford us some assistance in the acquisition of the lan- guage. He has gone to Ava, having received an order to vaccinate some of the members of the royal family. Mrs. Carey is a native of the country, though of European extraction. She TO THE BURMAN EMPIRE. 23 has the entire charge of the family, being fami- liar with the language, which enables her to give directions to the servants. This circumstance relieves me from every concern of this nature, so that I devote my whole time to the study of the language, which we find very difficult ; but, with diligence and perseverance, I doubt not we shall be able to read, write, and speak it, in a few years, with ease. “ Our teacher is a good-natured, intelligent man. Although it is contrary to the cast of a Hindoo, he sits in a chair by us, and will eat with us. When he first came, he was not very willing to instruct me, appearing to feel that it was rather beneath him to instruct a female, as the females here are held in the lowest estima- tion. But when he saw I was determined to per- severe, and that Mr. Judson was as desirous that he should instruct me as himself, he was more attentive. “As it respects our food, we get along much better than we expected. We have no bread, butter, cheese, potatoes, or scarcely any thing to which we have been accustomed. Our prin- cipal food is rice and curried fowl, and fowls stewed with cucumbers. But, instead of mur- muring that we have no more of the comforts of life, we have great reason to be thankful that we have so many. “ There are no English families in Rangoon, 24 AMERICAN BAPTIST MISSION and there is not a female in all Burmah with whom I can converse. The country presents a rich and beautiful appearance, every where co- vered with vegetation, and, if cultivated, would be one of the finest in the world. But the poor natives have little inducement to labour, or to accumulate property, as it would, probably, be taken from them by their oppressive rulers. — Many of them live on leaves and vegetables, which grow spontaneously, and some actually die with hunger. At the present time there is quite a famine. Every article of provision is extremely high ; therefore many are induced to steal what- ever comes in their way. There are constant robberies and murders committed. Scarcely a night passes, but houses are broken open, and things stolen ; but our trust and confidence are in our heavenly Father, who can easily preserve and protect us, though a host should encamp about us. I think God has taught us, by expe- rience, what it is to trust in him, and to find com- fort and peace in feeling that he is every where present. O, for more ardent, supreme love to him, and greater willingness to suffer in his cause ! “ Rangoon , August 8th . — I again take my pen, though I have nothing new to communicate ; yet I feel a pleasure and satisfaction, too great to be neglected, in writing to those dear friends, whom I never expect to see again, till I meet them in the eternal world. TO THE BURMAN EMPIRE. 25 “ We are still going on in the language, though our progress is so slow that it is hardly perceptible. You can form no idea of the dif- ficulties of acquiring a language, like this, with- out a dictionary, grammar, or even teacher, who understands both the English and Burman. We should be quite discouraged, were we not convinced that the acquisition of this is the only means by which we can communicate religious truths to this perishing people. “ From our first embarking for India, we have had our eye on this empire, as a final re- sidence ; but we have been repeatedly discou- raged by the dreadful accounts we have had of the ferocity and barbarity of the natives, toge- ther with the many privations we must suffer among entire heathens. Several missionaries have made an attempt to reside here, but have been discouraged, and left the place, without effecting any thing. And some of these mis- sionaries, we had reason to think, possessed much more piety and devotedness to missions than ourselves. No wonder, then, that we were discouraged. But, after our heavenly Father had severely tried us, in causing us to be driven from place to place ; he shut up every door, and made us feel willing ‘ to take our lives in our hands,’ and to come to this heathen land, to spend the remainder of our days. “ But, will you believe me, when I say we are 26 AMERICAN BAPTIST MISSION cheerful and happy ; though we find the govern- ment 'and people just as we expected; though we find ourselves almost destitute of all those sources of enjoyment, to which we have been ac- customed, and are in the midst of a people, who, at present, are almost desperate, on account of the scarcity of provisions ; though we are exposed to robbers by night, and invaders by day, yet we both unite in saying we never were happier, never more contented in any situation, than the present. We feel that this is the post to which God hath appointed us ; that we are in the path of duty ; and in a situation, which, of all others, presents the most extensive field for usefulness. And, though we are surrounded with danger and death, we feel that God can, with infinite ease, preserve and support us under the most heavy sufferings. But, for these feelings, we are indebted wholly to the free, rich, and sovereign grace of our Re- deemer, and are still dependent on him for a con- tinuance of them ; for it is not three months since we looked at this situation, with all that dread and horror which you can imagine. It is our daily prayer, that we may be continued here, and be made a blessing to the poor Burmans, who are perishing for lack of knowledge. “ But we mourn our unfitness to be engaged in the great work of communicating religious know- ledge to the dark and benighted mind of a hea- then. Our only hope is in God. We know that TO THE fiUKMAN EMPIRE. 27 he can bless his own truth to the salvation of sin- ners, though it may be communicated in ever so broken a manner, and by the meanest of his crea- tures. We rejoice that this great, this powerful God, is our father and our friend, and has opened a way of access for us sinners, and has com- manded us to open our mouths wide, with the promise that he will fill them. He hath also said, he ‘ will give the heathen to his Son, for an inhe- ritance, and the uttermost parts of the earth for his possession.’ “We cannot but hope the glorious day is draw- ing near, when the promise will be fulfilled ; and that, among other heathen nations, Burmah, cruel, avaricious, idolatrous Burmah, will say to Jesus, ‘What have I any more to do with idols? Come thou, and reign over us.’ “ O my dear parents and sisters, pray for us, that we may be humble, prayerful, and entirely devoted to the cause of Christ. Pray for these poor people, who have altars and temples in high places, for the worship of the prince of darkness. They are immortal like ourselves, they are bound to the same eternity, and, like us, they are ca- pable of enjoying or suffering endless happiness or eternal misery. “ September , 1814. — Not more refreshing to the thirsty sons of Afric is the cooling stream; or more luxurious to the meagre, half-starved native 28 AMERICAN BAPTIST MISSION Andaman, is a morsel of food, than your letters, my dear sisters, to our weary and almost famished feelings. Two long years and a half had elapsed sii\ce we left our native country, without our hearing one word from any of our American friends. Thirteen months of this time have been spent in the cruel, avaricious, benighted country of Burmah, without a single Christian friend, or female companion of any kind. “ Our home is in the mission house, built by the English Baptist Society, on the first arrival of Messrs. Chater and Carey in this country. It is large and convenient, situated in a rural place, about half a mile from the walls of the town. We have gardens enclosed, containing about two acres of ground, full of fruit trees of various kinds. In the dry season our situation is very agreeable. We often enjoy a pleasant walk, within our own enclosure, or in some of the adjoining villages. “ September 28th.-—' This is the first Sabbath that we have united in commemorating the dying love of Christ at his table. Though but two in number, we feel the command as binding, and the privilege as great, as though there were more; and we have indeed found it refreshing to our souls. “ December 1 1th. — To-day, for the first time, I have visited the wife of the viceroy. I was in- troduced to her by a French lady who has fre- quently visited her. When we first arrived at the TO THE BURMAN EMPIRE. 29 government-house, she was not up, consequently we had to wait some time. But the inferior wives of the viceroy diverted us much by their curiosity, in minutely examining every thing we had on, and by trying on our gloves and bonnets, &c. At last her highness made her appearance, dressed richly in the Burman fashion, with a long- silver pipe in her mouth, smoking. At her ap- pearance, all the other wives took their seats at a respectful distance, and sat in a crouching pos- ture, without speaking. She received me very politely, took me by the hand, seated me upon a mat, and herself by me. She excused herself for not coming in sooner, saying she was unwell. One of the women brought her a bunch of flowers, of which she took several and ornamented my cap. She was very inquisitive whether I had a husband and children, whether I was my hus- band’s first wife — meaning by this, whether I was the highest among them, supposing that Mr. Jud- son, like the Burmans, had many wives — and whether I intended tarrying long in the country. “ When the viceroy came in I really trembled ; for I never before beheld such a savage looking- creature. His long robe and enormous spear not a little increased my dread. He spoke to me, however, very condescendingly, and asked if 1 would drink some rum or wine. When I arose to go, her highness again took my hand, told me she was happy to see me, that I must come to 30 AMERICAN BAPTIST MISSION see her every day. She led me to the door ; I made my salaam, and departed. My only object in visiting her was, that if we should get into any difficulty with the Burmans, I could have access to her, when perhaps it would not be possible for Mr. Judson to have an audience with the viceroy. “We intend to have as little to do with the *• government people as possible, as our usefulness will, probably, be among the common people. Mr. Judson lately visited the viceroy, when he scarcely deigned to look at him, as Englishmen are no uncommon sight in this country ; but an English female is quite a curiosity. “ January Wth, 1815. — Yesterday we left the mission house, and moved into one in town, partly through fear of robbers, and partly for the sake of being more with the natives, and learning more of their habits and manners. We shall also be in a way of getting the language much sooner, as we shall hear it spoken more frequently here, than we could in the house we have left. “ January \&th .— Our ears are continually filled with the intelligence of robberies and murders. Last night a band of fifteen or twenty attacked a house very near the one we had just left ; and, after stabbing the owner, robbed the house of every thing they could find. The robbers were armed with large knives, spears, and guns, which put all the people around in such fear, that none dared to go to the assistance of the sufferers. TO THE BURMAN EMPIRE. 31 “ This evening Mr. Judson and myself went to see the person who was stabbed. We found him lying on his bed, in great distress, surrounded by his Burman friends, who appeared to sympa- thize with him in his affliction. The poor man was anxious to know if Mr. Judson could tell whether he would live, by feeling his pulse ; but Mr. Judson told him he was not a physician. “ The viceroy is very much enraged at this daring attempt, and has sent one of his principal officers, with three hundred men, in search of the perpetrators. “ All these things teach us the great need of the gospel among this poor people. They also teach us the need of being constantly prepared for a sudden, violent death. O, that the time may soon come, when this people will be able to read the Scriptures of truth in their own language, and believe in that Saviour, who is not only able to save them from such dreadful crimes, but to save their immortal souls from eternal misery. “ January ‘10th . — In consequence of the rob- bery committed a few days ago, the viceroy or- dered seven thieves to be executed. It was dark when they arrived at the place of execution. They were tied up by the hands and feet, and then cut open, and left with their bowels hanging- out. They are to remain a spectacle to others for three days, and then be buried. Their im- mortal souls entered the eternal world without 32 AMERICAN BAPTIST MISSION ever having heard of Him, who was put to death as a malefactor, to save the guilty. “ A native of respectability came to our house, soon after the execution, and Mr. Judson asked him where the souls of the robbers had gone ? He said he did not know ; and asked if the souls of wicked men did not enter into other bodies, and live in this world again ? Mr. Judson told him no, but they were fixed, immoveably, in another state of existence. “ January 22d. — To-day we have witnessed the Burman ceremonies of burying a person of rank and respectability. He was nephew to the pre- sent viceroy, and son of a neighbouring governor. He was killed in Rangoon, accidentally, by the discharge of his gun. The procession commenced by a number of Burmans, armed with spears and bamboos, to keep the crowd in order. Some of the inferior members of government succeeded, then all the articles of use and wearing apparel of the deceased, such as his beetle box, drinking cup, looking-glass, &c. The father and train pre- ceded, the wife, mother, and sisters followed the corpse in palanquins. The viceroy, his wife, and family, on large elephants, concluded the proces- sion. The crowd, which was very great, followed promiscuously. All the petty governors and principal inhabitants of Rangoon were present ; yet there was as perfect order and regularity as could have been observed in a Christian country. TO THE BURMAN EMPIRE. 33 “ The corpse was carried some way out of town, to a large pagoda, and burnt, when the bones were collected to be buried. At the place of burning great quantities of fruit, cloth, and money, were distributed among the poor, by the parents of the deceased youth. “ January 21th . — On the opposite side of the river, there is a province of the Burman Empire, governed by one who is not under the control of the viceroy of Rangoon. This governor was re- turning from the great funeral above mentioned, and had nearly reached his house, when a man on a sudden started up, and, with one stroke, severed his head from his body. In the bustle and con- fusion of his attendants, the murderer escaped. He was, however, found, and the plot discovered. It had its origin with the head steward of the go- vernor, who intended, after the execution of his master, to seize on his property, go up to the king, and buy the office which his master had lately occupied. He was put to the torture, and the above confession extorted from him. He was afterwards treated in the most cruel manner, having most of his bones broken, and left to lan- guish out his miserable existence in a prison, in chains. He lived five or six days in this terrible condition. All who were concerned with him were punished in various ways. The immense property of this governor goes to the king, as he left no children, though several wives remain. 34 AMERICAN BAPTIST MISSION “ Sabbath-day, March 20th. — To-day, as usual, we came out to the mission house, that we might enjoy the Sabbath in a more quiet way. We had but just arrived, when one of the servants in- formed us that there was a fire near the town. We hastened to the place whence the fire pro- ceeded, and beheld several houses in flames, in a range which led directly to the city ; and as we saw no exertions to extinguish it, we concluded the whole place would be destroyed. We set off" immediately for our house in town, that we might remove our furniture and things that were there ; but when we came to the town gate, it was shut. The poor people, in their fright, had shut the gate, ignorantly imagining they could shut the fire out, though the walls and gates were made entirely of wood. After waiting, however, for some time, the gate was opened, and we re- moved in safety all our things into the mission house. The fire continued to rage all day, and swept away almost all the houses, walls, gates, &c. We felt grateful to God that not a hair of our heads was injured ; and that, while thousands of families were deprived of a shelter from the burning sun, we had a comfortable house, and the necessaries of life. “ Though we are here exposed to thieves and robbers, yet He who has preserved us in every emergency, is still our trust and confidence, and is still able to protect us. We feel that our pri- TO THE BURMAN EMPIRE. 35 vileges and enjoyments are so far superior to all around us, that, instead of complaining of our privations in this heathen land, we ought to be very thankful for the many and great mercies we enjoy. “ April 1 6th. — Mr. F. Carey has lately returned from Calcutta, and much refreshed our minds with letters and intelligence from our friends. — We are so much debarred from all social inter- course with the rest of the Christian world, that the least intelligence we receive from our friends is a great luxury. “We feel more and more convinced that the gospel must be introduced into this country, through many trials and difficulties ; through much self-denial and earnest prayer. The strong prejudices of the Burmans ; their foolish conceit of superiority over other nations ; the wickedness of their lives, together with the plausibility of their own religious tenets, make a formidable ap- pearance in the way of their receiving the strict requirements of the gospel of Jesus. But all things are possible with God, and he is our only hope and confidence. He can make moun- tains become valleys, and dry places streams of water. “ August 20th. — To-day, Mr. F. Carey, his wife, and family, left us for Ava, where they expect to live. We are now alone in this great house, and 36 AMERICAN BAPTIST MISSION almost alone as it respects the world. If it were not that Burmah presents such an unbounded field for missionary exertions, we could not be contented to stay in this miserable land. But we are convinced that we are in the very situation in which our heavenly Father would have us to be, and if we were to leave it, for the sake of enjoying a few more temporal comforts, we should have no reason to expect his blessing on our exertions. “ We frequently receive letters from our Chris- tian friends in this part of the world, begging us to leave a field so entirely rough and unculti- vated, the soil of which is so unpromising, and enter one which presents the prospect of a more plentiful harvest. God grant that we may live and die among the Burmans, though we should never do any thing more than smooth the way for others. “ September 3d . — Heard the dreadful intelli- gence of the loss of Mr. F. Carey's vessel, wife and children, and all his property ! He barely es- caped with his life. How soon are all his hopes blasted ! He set out for Ava in a brig, which belonged to the Burman government, having his furniture, medicine, wearing apparel, &c. on board. The brig had been in the river about ten days, when she upset, and immediately went down. Mrs. Carey, two children, all the women TO THE BURMAN EMPIRE. 37 servants, and some of the men servants, who could not swim, were lost. Mr. Carey endea- voured to save his little boy (three years old), but finding himself going down, was obliged to give up the child. “ As it respects ourselves, we are busily em- ployed all day long. I can assure you that we find much pleasure in our employment. Could you look into a large open room, which we call a verandah, you would see Mr. Judson bent over his table, covered with Burman books, with his teacher at his side, a venerable looking man, in his sixtieth year, with a cloth wrapped round his middle, and a handkerchief on his head. — They talk and chatter all day long, with hardly any cessation. “ My mornings are busily employed in giving- directions to the servants, providing food for the family, & c. At ten, my teacher comes, when, were you present, you might see me in an inner room, at one side of my study table, and my teacher the other, reading Burman, writing, talk- ing, &c. I have many more interruptions than Mr. Judson, as I have the entire management of the family. This I took on myself, for the sake of Mr. Judson’s attending more closely to the study of the language ; yet I have found, by a year’s experience, that it is the most direct way I could have taken to acquire the language ; as I 38 AMERICAN BAPTIST MISSION am frequently obliged to speak Burman all day. I can talk and understand others better than Mr. Judson, though he knows more about the nature and construction of the language. “ A new viceroy has lately arrived, who is much beloved and respected by the people. He visited us soon after his arrival, and told us that we must come to the government-house very often. We have been once or twice since, and have been treated with much more familiarity and respect than the natives of the country. “ After he had moved into his new house, he gave an invitation to all the English and French- men to dinner. The viceroy and his wife did every thing in their power to amuse the com- pany. Among other things were music and dancing. The wife of the viceroy asked me if I knew how to dance in the English way ? I told her that it was not proper for the wives of priests to dance. She immediately assented, and thought that a sufficient reason for my declining. She then asked what kind of a teacher Mr. Judson was ? I told her, speaking in their idiom, that he was a sacred teacher, that is, a teacher of the will of the true God. “ The Burmans have a very great regard for their priests. They consider them a higher order of beings than other men. This was the cause of the marked attention we received from her TO THE BURMAN EMPIRE. 39 ladyship. I wish I could write you something about the conversion of the Burmans, or their eagerness to hear the word of God. “No missionary has ever attempted to preach among the natives, so that we are hardly able to judge how the gospel would be received, if pub- licly preached. Yet their firm belief of the divine origin of their religion, renders it improbable, to human appearance, that they would willingly receive the gospel. “ We often converse with our teachers and servants on the subject of our coming to this country, and tell them, if they die in their pre- sent state, they will surely be lost. But they say, ‘ Our religion is good for us, yours for you.’ But we are far from being discouraged. We are sensible that the hearts of the heathen, as well as those of Christians, are in the hands of God, and in his own time he will turn them unto himself. “ Much wisdom and precaution are necessary in our present situation. A little departure from prudence might at once destroy the mission. We still feel happy and thankful that God has made it our duty to live among the heathen. Though we have met, and continue to meet, with many trials and discouragements, yet we have never, for a moment, regretted that we undertook this mission. “ This climate is one of the most healthy in the world. There are only two months in the year 40 AMERICAN BAPTIST MISSION when it is severely hot. We doubt not but you pray much for us, in this miserable land, deprived of all Christian society. We need much, very much grace, that we may persevere, and bear a faithful testimony to the religion of Jesus. “ Adieu, my sisters. May God be with you, and grant you much of his presence, is the sincere and ardent prayer of your still affectionate sister.” I remain, my dear Sir, Very affectionately and respectfully. A. H. J. TO THE BURMAN EMPIRE. 41 LETTER IV. Bradford, Massachusetts, October, 1822. MY DEAR SIR, M y only excuse for the length of the preceding letter, is the continued connexion of those events which I could not well separate. I have thus far introduced in my relation many more extracts from my own, than from Mr. Judson’s letters. — During the first years of our residence in Burmah, I was in the habit of noting little occurrences much more frequently than Mr. Judson, as his whole time and thoughts were exclusively devoted to the acquisition of the language. I ought, under some circumstances, to make an apology for saying so much about our personal concerns ; but, when I recollect how frequently you urged me to be particular in my relation, and to send you every thing that had ever been printed, I feel that an excuse of any kind is unnecessary. A letter written about this time to Mr. Newell, our former associate, is a continued description of our plans and prospects. 42 AMERICAN BAPTIST MISSION “ A few days since we welcomed yours of December 18 th, the only one we have received since you left us, at Port Louis. It brought fresh to my mind a recollection of scenes formerly enjoyed in our dear native country. Well do I remember our first interesting conversations on missions, and on the probable events that awaited us in India. Those were happy days. Newell and Judson, Harriet and Ann, then were united in the strictest friendship — then anticipated spend- ing their lives together, in sharing the trials and toils, the pleasures and enjoyments, of a mis- sionary life. But, alas ! behold us now ! In the Isle of France, solitary and alone, lies all that was once visible of the lovely Harriet. A melan- choly wanderer, in the Island of Ceylon, is bro- ther Newell ; and the savage, heathen empire of Burmah, is destined to be the future residence of Judson and Ann. But is this separation to be for ever ? shall we four never again enjoy social, happy intercourse ? Yes, my dear brother, our separation is of short duration. There is a rest, a peaceful happy rest, where Jesus reigns, where we four shall soon meet, to part no more. “ As Mr. Judson will not have time to write to you by this opportunity, I will endeavour to give you some idea of our situation here, and of our plans and prospects. We have found the country, as we expected, in a most deplorable state, full of darkness, idolatry, and cruelty, — full of com- TO THE BURMAN EMPIRE. 43 motion and uncertainty. We daily feel that the existence and perpetuity of this mission, still in an infant state, depend in a peculiar manner on the interposing hand of Providence, and, from this impression alone, we are encouraged still to remain. As it respects our temporal privations, use has made them familiar, and easy to be borne ; they are of short duration, and, when brought in competition with the worth of immortal souls, sink into nothing. We have no society, no dear Christian friends ; and, with the exception of two or three sea captains, who now and then call on us, we never see a European face. When we feel a disposition to sigh for the enjoyments of our native country, we turn our eyes on the mise- rable objects around. We behold some of them labouring hard for a scanty subsistence, op- pressed by an avaricious government, which is ever ready to seize what industry has hardly earned ; we behold others sick and diseased, daily begging the few grains of rice, which, when obtained, are scarcely sufficient to protract their wretched existence, and with no other habitation to cover them from the burning sun or chilly rains, than that which a small piece of cloth, raised on four bamboos, under the shade of a tree, can afford. While we behold these scenes, we feel that we have all the comforts, and, in comparison, even the luxuries of life. We feel that our temporal cup of blessings is full, and 44 AMERICAN 1 BAPTIST MISSION 1 runneth over. But is our temporal lot so much superior to theirs ; O, how infinitely superior our spiritual blessings ! While they vainly imagine to purchase promotion, in another state of exist- ence, by strictly worshipping their idols, and building pagodas ; our hopes of future happiness are fixed on the Lamb of God, who taketh away the sin of the world. When we have a realizing sense of these things, my dear brother, we forget our native country and former enjoyments, and feel contented and happy with our lot, with but one wish remaining, that of being instrumental in leading these Burmans to partake of the same source of happiness with ourselves. “ Our progress in the language is slow, as it is peculiarly hard of acquisition. We can, however, read, write, and converse with tolerable ease ; and frequently spend whole evenings very plea- santly in conversing with our Burman friends. — We have been very fortunate in procuring good instructors. Mr. Judson’s teacher is- a very learned man, was formerly a priest, and resided at court. He has a thorough knowledge of the grammatical construction of the language, like- wise of the Pali, the learned language of the Burmans.^ “We are very anxious to hear from our dear brethren, Nott and Hall. We firmly believe they will yet be permitted to stay in India, notwith- standing their repeated difficulties. They have. TO THE BURMAN E5ITIRE. 45 indeed, had a trying time ; but, perhaps, it is to prepare them for further usefulness. “We have not yet received our letters from America, or had the least intelligence what were the contents of yours. Ours were sent to the Isle of France about the time we arrived at Madras, and the vessel which carried them has not been heard of since. You may easily judge of our feelings at this disappointment. You can hardly form an idea with what eagerness we receive every scrap of intelligence from any part of the Christian world. Write us long and frequent let- ters. Any thing respecting yourself or the other brethren, will be interesting to us. I do not ask you to excuse this long letter, for I doubt not your interest in our concerns.” The above extracts will give you some idea of the state of the country, and of our mode of living, during the two first years of our residence in that heathen land. Yet we never felt a de- sponding sensation. Those providential occur- rences, which directed us thither, were referred to, as a kind of assurance that we were in the path of duty ; we were convinced that we had followed the leadings of Providence, and doubted not, that by the time we were qualified to com- municate religious truth, the present appa- rently insurmountable obstacles would be re- moved, and that some way would be opened for the establishment of the mission. A disci- 46 AMERICAN BAPTIST MISSION plinary school, however, was still open for our benefit. After the first six months of our residence in Rangoon, my health had been on the decline, and as there was no medical aid in the country, Mr. J. felt the necessity of my going to some foreign port for its restoration. Such was the state of our infant mission, that I could not consent that Mr. J. should accompany me. I therefore em- barked in January, 1814, for Madras, at which place I entirely recovered, and returned in the April following. During my absence, Mr. Judson had no individual Christian with whom he could converse, or unite in prayer. He, however, pur- sued his great object, the acquiring of the lan- guage; and, during this interval, was much en- couraged by accounts from our dear native country, of the rapid increase of a missionary spirit. It would perhaps be unnecessary for me to mention the circumstance of our becoming Bap- tists on our passage out to India, were it not in connexion with the formation of the present Bap- tist Board of Missions. A missionary impulse, before unknown, was given to the Baptist deno- mination throughout the United States, by the indefatigable exertions of Mr. Rice, and by the circumstance of there being a missionary on hea- then ground, of their own order, looking to them for encouragement and co-operation. TO THE BURMAN EMPIRE. 47 On the 18th of May, 1814, a meeting of Baptist ministers, from most of the States, took place in Philadelphia, for the purpose of forming a General Convention, in order to concentrate the energies, and direct the efforts of the whole denomination, in sending the gospel to the heathen. “ Perhaps no event (remarks one who was pre- sent) has ever taken place among the Baptist de- nomination in America, which has excited more lively interest, than the late missionary conven- tion. It was, indeed, a sight no less novel than interesting, to behold brethren who had hitherto been personally unknown to each other, collect- ing from north to south, from Massachusetts to Georgia, a distance of more than a thousand miles, for the important purpose of forming a General Convention.'’ How much encouragement Mr. Judson, in his solitary situation, derived from the above-men- tioned event, may be seen from the following extracts from his journal, which also narrate his first attempt to communicate religious instruction to his teacher. “ Rangoon, September 5th, 1815. — Received a copy of the proceedings of the Baptist Conven- tion in the United States, and letters from the Secretary of their Board of Foreign Missions. “ These accounts from my dear native land were so interesting, as to banish from my mind all thoughts of study. This general movement 48 AMERICAN BAPTIST MISSION among the Baptist churches in America, is par- ticularly encouraging, as it affords an additional indication of God’s merciful designs in favour of the poor heathen. It unites with all the Bible Societies in Europe and America, during the last twenty years, in furnishing abundant reason to hope, that the dreadful darkness which has so long enveloped the earth, is about to flee away before the rising Sun. — Do not the successes which have crowned some missionary exertions, seem like the dawn of morning in the East ? Oh ! that this region of Egyptian darkness, may ere long participate in the vivifying beams of light! “ None but one who has had the experience, can tell what feelings comfort the heart of a soli- tary missionary, when, though all the scenes around him present no friend, he remembers, and has proofs that there are spots on this wide earth, where Christian brethren feel that his cause is their own, and pray to the same God and Saviour, for his welfare and success. Thanks be to God, not only for ‘rivers of endless joys above,’ but for ‘rills of comfort here below.’ “ September 9th . — Called on the viceroy to pay my respects, on his return from an expedition to Martaban. He and his family have always treated me with civility, on learning that I was a minister of religion. “ On my return, was visited by Mr. Babasheen, an aged Armenian, in high office under govern- TO THE BURMAN EMPIRE. 49 ment. The ideas of the Armenian on the subject of practical religion, are very similar to those of the Roman Catholics. This gentleman supposes, that having been christened in infancy, having confessed to his priest at stated times, &c. he shall certainly be saved. I told him, except a man be born again, he cannot enter into heaven. He inquired how a man could be born again. I related to him the conversation of our Lord and Nicodemus, which was all new to him. He called for his Armenian Bible, which was kept carefully wrapped up in a cloth, and having read the chap- ter, said that I was right, and that our Bibles were the same. Then holding out his hand, ‘ here,’ said he, pointing to his wrist, ‘ is the root of the religion. This finger is the Armenian church, this the Roman Catholic, this the Eng- lish, & c. All are the same.’ I told him that the Bible was indeed the same, but those only who adhered to it would be saved. ‘ Ah,’ said he, ‘ you cannot speak the language fluently. I find it difficult to understand you. When you can talk better, come and see me often, and I shall get wisdom.’ I was ready to reply, poor man, ere that time comes you will probably be in the grave ; but contented myself with lifting up my heart unto God. “ September 3C )th . — Had the following conversa- tion with my teacher. This man has been with me about three months, and is the most sensible. 50 AMERICAN BAPTIST MISSION learned, and candid man, that I have ever found among the Burmans. He is forty-seven years of age, and his name is Oo Oungmeng. I began by saying, Mr. J is dead. Oo. — I have heard so. J. — His soul is lost, I think. Oo. — Why so ? J. — He was not a disciple of Christ. Oo. — How do you know that? You could not see his soul. J. — How do you know whether the root of the mango tree is good? You cannot see it ; but you can judge by the fruit on its branches. Thus I know that Mr. J — - — was not a disciple of Christ, because his words and actions were not such as indicate the disciple. Oo. — And so all who are not disciples of Christ are lost! J. — Yes, all, whether Burmans or foreigners. Oo. — This is hard. J. — Yes, it is hard, indeed; otherwise I should not have come all this way, and left pa- rents and all, to tell you of Christ. [He seemed to feel the force of this, and after stopping a little, he said,] How is it that the disciples of Christ are so fortunate above all men ? J. — Are not all men sinners, and deserving of punishment in a future state ? Oo. — Yes ; all must suffer, in some future state, for the sins they commit. The pu- nishment follows the crime, as surely as the wheel of the cart follows the footsteps of the ox. J. — Now, according to the Burman system, there is no escape. According to the Christian system there is. Jesus Christ has died in the place of sinners ; has borne their sins, and now those who TO THE BURMAN EMPIRE. 51 believe on him, and become his disciples, are re- leased from the punishment they deserve. At death they are received into heaven, and are happy for ever. Oo. — That I will never believe. My mind is very stiff on this one point, namely, that all existence involves in itself principles of misery and destruction. J. — Teacher, there are two evil futurities, and one good. A miserable future existence is evil, and annihilation or nigban is an evil, a fearful evil. A happy future exist- ence is alone good. Oo. — I admit that it is best, if it could be perpetual ; but it cannot be. What- ever is, is liable to change, and misery, and de- struction. Nigban is the only permanent good, and that good has been attained by Gaudama, the last deity. J.— If there be no eternal Being, you cannot account for any thing. Whence this world, and all that we see ? Oo. — Fate. J. — Fate ! the cause must always be equal to the effect. See, I raise this table ; see, also, that ant under it : suppose I were invisible ; would a wise man say the ant raised it ? Now fate is not even an ant. Fate is a word, that is all. It is not an agent, not a thing. What is fate ? Oo. — The fate of creatures, is the influence which their good or bad deeds have on their future existence. J. — If influence be exerted, there must be an exerter. If there be a determination, there must be a de- terminer. Oo. — No; there is no determiner. There cannot be an eternal Being. J. — Consider E 2 52 AMERICAN BAPTIST MISSION this point. It is a main point of true wisdom. Whenever there is an execution of a purpose, there must be an agent. Oo. — [After a little thought] I must say that my mind is very decided and hard, and unless you tell me something more to the purpose, I shall never believe. J. — Well, teacher, I wish you to believe, not for my profit, but for yours. I daily pray the true God to give you light, that you may believe. Whether you will ever believe in this world I don't know, but when you die I know you will believe what I now say. You will then appear before the God you now deny. Oo.— I don’t know that. “ October 4 th . — Was called to attend the fu- neral of captain C . At the grave, saw several persons present who could understand me in English, and accordingly gave them an exhorta- tion before prayer. May the Lord grant his bless- ing. “ October 1 6th . — An opportunity of sending to Bengal occurs, by which I shall forward this — I know not whether to call it letter or journal. But something of this sort, I propose continuing, to be addressed to the Corresponding Secretary ; though it be not a journal in the strict acceptation of the word, that is, an account of every day. If a missionary, during his first years, should at- tempt keeping such a narrative, he might find little to insert under most of the dates, but the number of pages read, new words acquired, and TO THE BURMAN EMPIRE. 53 idle conversation with the natives — idle, indeed, in substance, but not in purpose, being indispen- sable to his thoroughly attaining the phraseology and pronunciation of the language. “ I am sometimes a little dispirited, when I re- flect, that for two or three years past, I have been drilling at A, B, C, and grammar. But I consi- der again, that the gift of tongues is not granted in these times ; and that some one must acquire this language, by dint of application ; must trans- late the Scriptures, and must preach the gospel to the people in their own tongue, or how can they be saved ? My views of the missionary ob- ject are, indeed, different from what they were when I was first set on fire by Buchanan’s “ Star in the East,” six years ago. But it does not al- ways happen that a closer acquaintance with an object diminishes our attachment and preference. We sometimes discover beauties as* well as defor- mities, which are overlooked in a superficial view; when some attractions lose their force, others more permanent are exerted ; and when the glit- ter, in which novelty invested the object, has passed away, more substantial excellencies have room to disclose their influence : and so it has been with me, I hope, in regard to the work of missions. I remain, Rev. ajid dear Sir, yours affectionately in the Lord.” Some of the principal difficulties in obtaining a thorough knowledge^ of the Burman language. 54 AMERICAN BAPTIST MISSION are enumerated in the following letter from Mr. J. to the Rev. Mr. Bolles, in Salem : “ Rangoon, January 1 6th, 1816. — Your letter of March, 1815, I lately received, and read with real satisfaction. Neither brother Rice, nor any of the others that you mention, have been heard of in these parts. May they not be far distant. “ Whenever they shall arrive, I hope to be of some real service to them in their preparatory studies, and to be able, in a short time, to give them information on many points, which it has cost me months to acquire. I just now begin to see my way forward in this language, and hope that two or three years more will make it some- what familiar; but I have met with difficulties that I had no idea of before I entered on the work. For a European or American to acquire a living oriental language, root and branch, and make it his own, is quite a different thing from his acquir- ing a cognate language of the west, or any of the dead languages, as they are studied in the schools. One circumstance may serve to illustrate this. I once had occasion to devote a few months to the study of the French. I have now been above two years engaged in the Burman. But if I were to choose between a Burman and a French book, to be examined in, without previous study, I should, without the least hesitation, choose the French. When we take up a western language, the similarity in the characters, in very many TO THE BURMAN EMPIRE. 55 terms, in many modes of expression, and in the general structure of the sentences, its being in fair print, (a circumstance we hardly think of,) and the assistance of grammars, dictionaries, and instructors, render the work comparatively easy. But when we take up a language spoken by a people on the other side of the earth, whose very thoughts run in channels diverse from ours, and whose modes of expression are consequently all new and uncouth ; when we find the letters and words all totally destitute of the l£hst resem- blance to any language we have ever met with, and these words not fairly divided, and distin- guished, as in western writing, by breaks, and points, and capitals, but run together in one con- tinuous line, a sentence or paragraph seeming to the eye but one long word ; when, instead of clear characters on paper, we find only obscure scratches on dried palm leaves strung together, and called a book ; when we have no dictionary, and no interpreter to explain a single word, and must get something of the language, before we can avail ourselves of the assistance of a native teacher, — “ Hoc opus, hie labor est.” I had hoped, before I came here, that it would not be my lot to have to go alone, without any guide, in an unexplored path, especially as mis- sionaries had been here before. But Mr. Chater 56 AMERICAN BAPTIST MISSION had left the country, and Mr. F. Carey was with me very little, before he left the mission and the missionary work altogether. “ I long to write something more interesting and encouraging to the friends of the mission ; but it must not yet be expected. It unavoidably takes several years to acquire such a language, in order to converse, and write intelligibly on the great truths of the gospel. Dr. Carey once told me, that after he had been some years in Bengal, and thought he was doing very well, in convers- ing and preaching with the natives, they (as he was afterwards convinced) knew not what he was about. A young missionary, who expects to pick up the language in a year or two, will probably find that he has not counted the cost. If he should be so fortunate as to obtain a good inter- preter, he may be useful by that means. But he will learn, especially if he is in a new place, where the way is not prepared, and no previous ideas communicated, that to qualify himself to communicate divine truth intelligibly, by his voice or pen, is not the work of a year. However, notwithstanding my present great incompetency, I am beginning to translate the New Testament, being extremely anxious to get some parts of Scripture, at least, into an intelligible shape, if for no other purpose than to read, as occasion offers, to the Burmans with whom I meet. “ My paper allows me to add nothing more, TO THE BURMAN EMPIRE. 57 but to beg your prayers, that, while I am much occupied in words and phrases, and destitute of those gospel privileges you so richly enjoy, in the midst of your dear church and people, I may not lose the life of religion in my soul.” Thus were we situated, when an event occur- red, which wrung our hearts with anguish ; the mention of which I cannot prevail on myself to omit, though not strictly connected with my mis- sionary relation. I allude to the death of our first-born, our only son. Deprived, as we were, of every source of enjoyment of a temporal na- ture, our every affection was entangled by this darling object. When our heavenly Father saw we had converted the precious gift into an idol, he removed it from us, and thereby taught us the necessity of placing our supreme affections on Him. A letter, written soon after this severe affliction, to a friend in America, describes, in some measure, our state of feeling. “ May 10 th, 1816. — The sun of another holy Sabbath has arisen upon us, and though no chim- ing of bells has called us to the house of God, yet we, two in number, have bowed the knee to our Father in heaven; have invoked his holy name ; have offered him our feeble praise ; have medi- tated on his sacred word ; and commemorated the dying love of a Saviour to a perishing world. Inestimable privileges ! not denied even in a land where the prince of darkness reigns ! 58 AMERICAN BAPTIST MISSION “ Since worship, I have stolen away to a much- loved spot, where I love to sit and pay the tri- bute of affection to my lost, darling child. It is a little enclosure of mango trees, in the centre of which is erected a small bamboo house, on a rising spot of ground, which looks down on the new made grave of our infant boy. Here I now sit ; and, though all nature around wears a most romantic, delightful appearance, yet my heart is sad, and my tears frequently stop my pen. You, my dear Mrs. L., who are a mother, may imagine my sensations ; but, if you have never lost a first- born, an only son, you cannot know my pain. Had you even buried your little boy, you are in a Christian country, surrounded by friends and relatives, who could sooth your anguish, and di- rect your attention to other objects. But, behold us, solitary and alone, with this one source of recreation! Yet this is denied us — this must be removed, to show us that we need no other source of enjoyment but God himself. Do not think, though I write thus, that I repine at the dealings of Providence, or would wish them to be otherwise than they are. No: ‘though he slay me, I will trust in him,’ is the language I would adopt. Though I say with the prophet, ‘ Behold, and see if there be any sorrow like unto my sorrow,’ yet I would also say with him, ‘ It is of the Lord’s mercies that we are not con- sumed, because his compassions fail not.’ God TO THE BUR11AN EMPIRE. 59 is the same when he afflicts, as when he is merci- ful : just as worthy of our entire trust and con- fidence now, as when he intrusted us with the precious little gift. There is a bright side, even in this heavy affliction. Our little Roger is not lost ; the little bud, which began to open into a beautiful flower, is now rapidly expanding in a more propitious clime, and reared by a more un- erring hand. He is now, I doubt not, in the im- mediate presence of that Saviour, of whom he was ignorant in this world, and “ Adores the grace that brought him there, Without a wish, without a care ; That washed his soul in Calvary’s stream. That shortened life’s distressing dream. Short pain, short grief, dear babe, was thine, Now joys eternal and divine!” Who would not, from motives of gratitude, love a Being who has made such provision for a perish- ing world ? Who can, on account of the merits of the Redeemer, consistently with his own per- fections, raise polluted sinners from the lowest state of degradation, and make them fit for the enjoyment of himself! ‘ They who know thy name will put their trust in thee.' ” The following elegant effusion was written and presented on the occasion, by the Rev. J. Lawson, Calcutta. “ Hush’d be the murmuring thought ! Thy will be done, O Arbiter of life and death. I bow 60 AMERICAN BAPTIST MISSION To thy command. I yield the precious gift, So late bestowed, and to the silent grave Move sorrowing, yet submissive. O, sweet babe ! I lay thee down to rest. The cold, cold earth, A pillow for thy little head. Sleep on, Serene in death. No care shall trouble thee. All undisturbed thou slumberest ; far more still, Than when I lull’d thee in my lap, and sooth’d Thy little sorrows till they ceas’d. Then felt thy mother peace ; her heart was light, As the sweet sigh that ’scap’d thy placid lips, And joyous as the dimpled smile that play’d Across thy countenance. O, I must weep To think of thee, dear infant, on my knees, Untroubled, sleeping. Bending o’er thy form, I watch’d with eager hope to catch the laugh, First waking from thy sparkling eye, a beam Lovely to me, as the blue light of heaven. Dimm’d in the agony of death, it beams no more ! O, yet once more I kiss thy marble lips, Sweet babe ! and press with mine thy whiten’d cheeks. Farewell, a long farewell ! Yet visit me In dreams, my darling ! Though the vision’d joy Wake bitter pangs ; still be thou in my thoughts, And I will cherish the dear dream, and think I still possess thee. Peace, my bursting heart ! O, I submit. Again I lay thee down, Dear relic of a mother’s hope. Thy spirit, Now mingled with cherubic hosts, adores The grace that ransom’d it, and lodg’d it safe Above the stormy scene.” I remain, my dear sir, Very affectionately and respectfully, A. H. J. TO THE BURMAN EMPIRE. 61 LETTER V. Baltimore, December, 1822. MY DEAR SIR, From our first embarking in the missionary en- terprise, afflictions and trials had ever been inter- mixed with our most prosperous circumstances. But on this we had calculated; though we often found ourselves unprepared to meet trials in that way, which an unerring Providence saw neces- sary. Our hopes, relative to the gradual progress and final success of the mission, were, until now, very sanguine ; and we fondly trusted that what- ever trials would have a tendency to retard or impede its advancement, would be averted. But not so. The gradual decline of Mr. Judson’s health, began to effect a revolution in our mis- sionary plans, hopes, and prospects. His anxiety to preach the unsearchable riches of Christ to the Burmans, had induced him to apply more closely to the study of the language than an eastern cli- mate would allow. This circumstance, together with the want of exercise and proper diet, reduced him to an alarming state of debility and nervous affection. The following letters will give you some idea of our situation at this time. 62 AMERICAN BAPTIST MISSION “ August 18 th, 1816. — I again, my dear parents, take my pen to address you— must again tell you of trials and afflictions, which have, more or less, been our lot from our first engaging in the mission. Mr. Judson, in consequence of too close applica- tion to study, during the hot season, has so far injured his head and nerves, that he is entirely unable to study, or attend to any thing. His illness has been gradually increasing for four months, and it is now three, since he laid aside study altogether. For some time after his eyes were affected, I read to him in Burman, and in this way he was enabled to continue his studies. But now the state of his nerves is such, that he cannot even hear me read. His digestive powers are so weak, that he is unable to take any nourishment, except rice and vegetables. We are seriously contemplating a voyage to Bengal, hoping that the sea air, or some medical assist- ance, may be beneficial. We cannot comprehend the design of Providence in these things. If we go to Bengal, the mission must, at least, fora time, be given up, as there is no one to continue here. Whether we shall ever be able to return, or not, is uncertain. We had fondly hoped that, by the time the language was acquired, a wide and ef- fectual door would be opened for the preaching of the gospel. But our hopes are blasted, and our brightest prospects darkened. And now, my dear parents, I think I hear you say, ‘ Are you TO THE BURMAN EMPIRE. 63 not discouraged yet ? Is it not best entirely to abandon your object, and come home to America, and settle down in peace and quiet ?’ No! by no means. We will still intercede with our heavenly Father, not only to return us to this mission, but to make this affliction tend greatly to its ad- vancement. Or, if we may not be permitted to return, we will beg and plead with others to come, and go on with the mission. We will tell them that it is possible for missionary families to live in Burmah without molestation. We will tell them what our eyes have seen, and what our ears have heard, of the dreadful delusions of this people, and how much they need the commise- ration of the Christian world. We will do more. We will return to Burmah with them, and spend the remainder of our days, though deprived of health and strength, in assisting them to acquire the language, and encouraging them in their arduous work. No, my dear parents, our hearts are fixed on this mission ; and, with grace as- sisting us, we shall relinquish it only with our lives. “ A few days after the death of our little boy, her highness, the viceroy’s wife, visited us, with a numerous retinue. She really appeared to sympathize with us in our affliction, and re- quested Mr. Judson not to let it too much affect his health, which was already very feeble. Some time after her visit, she invited us to go out into 64 AMERICAN BAPTIST MISSION the country with her, for the benefit of our health, and that our minds, as she expressed it, might become cool. We consented ; and she sent us an elephant, with a howdah upon it, for our con- veyance. We went three or four miles through the woods. Sometimes the small trees were so near together, that our way was impassable, but by the elephant’s breaking them down, which he did with the greatest ease, at the word of the driver. The scene was truly interesting. Picture to yourselves, my dear parents, thirty men with spears and guns, and red caps on their heads, which partly covered their shoulders, then a huge elephant caparisoned with a gilt howdah, which contained a tall, genteel female, richly dressed in red and white silk. We had the honour of riding next to her ladyship ; after us, three or four elephants, with her son and some of the members of government. Two or three hundred followers, male and female, concluded the pro- cession. Our ride terminated in the centre of a beautiful garden of the viceroy’s. I say beautiful, because it was entirely the work of nature — art had no hand in it. It was full of a variety of fruit trees, growing wild and luxuriant. The noble banyan formed a delightful shade, under which our mats were spread, and we seated our- selves to enjoy the scenery around us. Nothing could exceed the endeavours of the vice-reine to make our excursion agreeable. She gathered TO THE BURMAN EMPIRE. 65 fruit, and pared it; culled flowers, and knotted them, and presented them with her own hands ; which was a mark of her condescension. At dinner she had her cloth spread by ours, nor did she refuse to partake of whatever we presented her. We returned in the evening, fatigued with riding on the elephant, delighted with the coun- try and the hospitality of the Burmans, and de- jected and depressed with their superstition and idolatry — their darkness, and ignorance of the true God. “ Though we have never said any thing to the viceroy’s family on the subject of religion, yet they perceive a great difference between us and the other foreigners who occasionally visit them. Mr. Judson seldom goes to the government-house, as it is easier for me to have access to her lady- ship, than for him to do business with the viceroy. She treats me with great familiarity ; but I am generally reserved and serious in her presence, yet manifest a tender concern for her welfare, with which she is much pleased. I do not yet despair of finding some opportunity to introduce the subject of religion to her, in such a way as may not appear intrusive or disgusting. Were I to appear before her in the character of a teacher, she would think me far beneath her notice, and perhaps forbid my approaching her again : there- fore, I think it most judicious to convince her, by my conduct, that I am really different from 66 AMERICAN BAPTIST MISSION other females who surround her, and so far to gain her confidence and affection, that I can gra- dually introduce the subject, without her per- ceiving my object. “ September 14 th . — ‘ Sorrow may endure for a night, but joy cometh in the morning.’ Yes, my dear parents, I can write of mercies, as well as afflictions. The dark cloud, which hung over us, when I last wrote, is dispersed ; and the sun of prosperity, made more brilliant by contrast, once more shines upon us. We are still in Rangoon, and our prospects brighter than ever. A few days after my last date, a pious captain from Bengal offered us a passage to Calcutta. This circumstance determined us on going, as Mr. Judson's health continued to decline ; and we made preparations accordingly. The captain, who resided with us, during his stay in Rangoon, sug- gested the idea of Mr. Judson’s taking exercise on horseback every morning with him, and for this purpose procured a horse. This exercise was at first painful ; but, by persevering in it, and adopting a more generous diet, he found he was not growing worse, as he had been for the three last months. Still, however, his disorder appeared obstinate, and urged the necessity of a voyage to sea. We had got every thing in readi- ness, even an order from the viceroy, without which no female can leave the country, when we received the joyful intelligence that Mr. Hough TO THE BURMAN EMPIRE. 67 and his family had arrived in Bengal, and would soon join us at Rangoon. I immediately gave up the idea of going, though we still thought a voyage necessary for Mr. Judson. The vessel, however, in which we were to sail, was detained much longer than we expected. During this time, the distressing pain in Mr. Judson’s head was less frequent, and, by persevering in his course of exercise and change of diet, we began to hope that he might be restored to health, without going to sea, and we therefore relin- quished the voyage altogether. His health is now much better, though he is not able to study so closely as formerly. “ The vice-reine has lately been called to Ava ; but the viceroy still remains. I regretted her going, on several accounts. She had evidently become much attached to me, I had an op- portunity of trying the sincerity of her friendship at the time we procured our order for going to Bengal. I went to her with a petition, which Mr. Judson had written, and, contrary to Burman custom, appeared without a present. She was in an inner room, with the viceroy, when I pre- sented the petition; and, after hearing it read, she said it should be granted. She called her secre- tary, and directed him to write an official order, have it regularly passed through all the offices, and impressed with the royal stamp. I was determined not to leave her until I received the 68 AMERICAN BAPTIST MISSION order, as it would be very difficult to obtain it, unless delivered in her presence. It was not long after the order was sent from the government- house, before one of her under officers came in, and told me it would be a long time before my order would pass through the several offices, and that I had better return to my house, and he would bring it me. The viceroy’s wife asked me if that would answer my purpose ? Being perfectly acquainted with the object of the man, I replied, that I had had much anxiety on account of this order, and, if it was her pleasure, I prefer- red waiting for it. She said it should be as I wished, and ordered the man to expedite the business. Being ill, she did not leave her room through the day, and I had an opportunity of conversing much with her. Among other things, she asked what was Mr. Judson’s object in coming to this country ? Before I had time to answer, an elderly woman present, with whom I had had considerable conversation on the subject of religion, replied, that * Mr. Judson had come to tell the Burmans of the true God,’ &c. ; and went on, and related all that I had ever said to her. The viceroy’s wife then asked me what was the difference between the God I worshipped, and Gaudama. I had begun to tell her, when one of her people brought in a bag of silver. After she had given orders respecting the money, she wished me to proceed. I had but just begun TO THE BURMAN EMPIRE. 69 the second time, when two or three members of government came in, and there it ended. My order was delivered me towards evening ; and then I made her a present, expressed the obliga- tions I was under, and bid her good evening. When an order of this kind is procured by the under officers, it costs about twenty-five dollars, besides much trouble and perplexity. “ My health is tolerably good, my time was never so completely occupied as at present, and I would not change situations with any person on earth. For a month or two past, I have been employed in writing a little Catechism for children, in the Burman language. It is just completed, and I am teaching it to a few children under my care, who are learning to read. “ Thus, my dear parents, I have given you a general account of our circumstances for several months. I must now conclude, and prepare my letters to send to Calcutta, by the present oppor- tunity. Rest assured that this letter leaves us in more comfortable circumstances than we have ever before enjoyed in this place. But we need more grace, more humility, and more devotedness to the cause of God. Do not let a day pass without praying for us.” From Mr. Judson to Dr. Staughton, still farther particulars are communicated. “ August 3 d, 1816. — Four months have now elapsed since I was seized with a nervous affec- 70 AMERICAN BAPTIST MISSION tion of my head and eyes, which has prevented my making any advance in the language, and, the greater part of the time, has incapacitated me for even writing a letter. I had fully made up my mind to take passage to Bengal with Captain Kidd, a pious man, who has been living with us for the last two months, when the news reached us that brother Hough had arrived in Bengal, and might be expected here in a few weeks. I consequently concluded to wait, for the present, and take some future opportunity of trying the sea air, and getting some medical as- sistance, without which, I have for some time feared, I should never be able to apply myself again to my studies. Within a few days, how- ever, I have felt more relief from the pain and dis- tressing weakness of my eyes, than I have known since 1 was first taken ; and I begin to hope that measures I am now pursuing will issue in my reco- very, without a sea voyage. “ Since the 11th of last April, I have not been able to read a page in a Burman book. During this period I found that I could attend, with less pain, to the compilation of a Burman grammar, than to any other study. And this I was induced to persevere in, from the hope that, if I was never again able to prosecute the study of the lan- guage, the knowledge I had hitherto acquired, would not be wholly lost to a successor. The grammar is now completed, and I fully intended TO THE BU11MAN EMPIRE. 71 to forward you a copy by this conveyance ; but I find that, in my present state, it is impossible for me to transcribe it. All that I can do at present, is to send you a copy of a Burman tract, which has been chiefly composed during the same period, and which I accompany with an English translation. The Burman original is pro- nounced, by my teacher and others, not only in- telligible, but perspicuous; and to get this printed was one object that I had in view, in going to Bengal. Brother Hough has, however, just sent round a press and types, which are now in the Rangoon river ; and as he expects to follow him- self, the first opportunity, and, as I have heard, he understands the printing business, I hope the time is not far distant when we shall have a bit of bread to give to the starving, perishing Burmans around us. “ It will probably be impossible to keep the press long in Rangoon. It will be ordered up to Ava, as soon as the news of such a curiosity reaches the king’s ears. Nor is this to be re- gretted; under the overruling providence of God, it may open a wide door to missionary exertions. Two of us would remove to Ava. But we could not subsist there, without an intermediate station at Rangoon. In this view of things, it would be very desirable that another man should be found to accompany brother Rice. If I should say two men with brother Rice, as I wish to do. 72 AMERICAN BAPTIST MISSION it might appear inconsistent with something I wrote some time ago. However, the press and a station at Ava, quite alter the circumstances. I have been led to think and inquire more about Ava, of late, by a report that is in circulation, that I am soon to be ordered up to Ava myself. And the more I think of it, the more I am inclined to believe that it is the way in which the gospel is to be introduced into this empire. “ The British Baptists have made a noble be- ginning in Western India. It remains for Ame- rican Baptists to make an attempt on the Eastern side. As for myself, I fear I shall prove only a pioneer, and do a little in preparing the way for others. But, such as I am, I feel devoted to the work, and, with the grace of God, and the help of the Society, am resolved to persevere to the end of my life.” A letter of the same date, to Mr. Rice, will show what considerations prevented discourage- ment under such circumstances. “ If any ask what success I meet with among the natives ? — tell them to look at Otaheite, where the missionaries laboured nearly twenty years, and, not meeting with the slightest success, began to be neglected by all the Christian world, and the very name of Otaheite was considered a shame to the cause of missions ; but now the blessing begins to descend. Tell them to look at Bengal also, where Dr. Thomas had been TO THE BURMAN EMPIRE. 73 labouring seventeen years, that is, from 1783 to 1800, before the first convert, Krishnoo, was baptized. When a few converts are once made, things move on. But it requires a much longer time than I have been here, to make a first im- pression on a heathen people. If they ask again what prospect of ultimate success is there ? — tell them, as much as that there is an Almighty and faithful God, who will perform his promises, and no more. If this does not satisfy them, beg them to let me stay and make the attempt, and let you come, and to give us our bread ; or, if they are unwilling to risk their bread on such a forlorn hope, as has nothing but the word of God to sustain it, beg of them, at least, not to pre- vent others from giving us bread. And if we live some twenty or thirty years, they may hear from us again. “ I have already written many things home about Rangoon. This climate is good, better than any other part of the East. But it is a most wretched place. Missionaries must not calculate on the least comfort, but what they find in one another, and in their work. However, if a ship was lying in the river, ready to convey me to any part of the world I should choose, and that too with the entire approbation of all my Christian friends, I should not, for a moment, hesitate on remaining. This is an immense field ; and, since the Serampore missionaries have left it, it seems 74 AMERICAN BAPTIST MISSION wholly thrown on the hands of the Americans. If we desert it, the blood of the Burmans will be required of us. “ In encouraging young men to come out as missionaries, do use the greatest caution. One wrong-headed, conscientiously obstinate man, would ruin us. Humble, quiet, persevering men; men of sound, sterling talents, of decent accom- plishments, and some natural aptitude to acquire a language ; men of an amiable, yielding tem- per, willing to take the lowest place, to be the least of all, and the servant of all ; men who enjoy much closet religion, who live near to God, and are willing to suffer all things for Christ’s sake, without being proud of it ; — these are the men we need.” On the 15th October, 1816, we had the happi- ness of welcoming to our lonely habitation, our friends, Mr. and Mrs. Hough, who were sent out by the same Board under whose patronage we then were. After a seclusion from all society, for three years, it was no common gratification to meet again with Christian friends, from our dear native country. Our missionary prospects also began to brighten, and to wear a more encouraging aspect than ever before. Mr. Judson’s health was much improved ; a grammar was prepared to assist Mr. Hough in the acquire- ment of the language; the first tract ever written in Burman, relative to the true God, was ready TO THE BURMAN EMPIRE. 75 for printing, and a press, types, and printer were at hand to execute it. Mr. Hough immediately applied to the study of the language, and, in a very short time, obtained such a knowledge of the character as enabled him to put in operation the first printing press ever set up in the Burman empire. — The following joint letter, from Messrs. Hough and Judson, was written soon after the arrival of the former. “ Rangoon , November 7th, 1816. — It is with peculiar satisfaction that we are, at length, enabled to address a letter to the Board, in a joint capacity. We had a joyful meeting in this place, on the 15th ult. Mr. Hough has settled in one part of the mission house ; and we are now united, both as a church of Christ, and*as a mis- sion society. Our regulations, on the latter point, we here submit to the Board. It will be evi- dent, at first sight, that these regulations have a prospective view, and are framed somewhat dif- ferently from what they would have been, had we not expected that our number would soon be enlarged. But we hope the time is not far distant, when they will receive the signatures of others also. “ It is true that one of us remained about three years in this place, without uttering any Macedonian cries. But, we apprehend, that the time is now come, when it is consistent with the 76 AMERICAN BAPTIST MISSION strictest prudence to lift up our voice, and say, Come over the ocean and help us. “ By a residence of three years in this country, many doubts, which at first occurred, are removed ; and many points concerning the practicability of a mission, and the prospect of success, are ascertained. We cannot now enter much into detail ; but we desire to say, that we see the mission established in this land. We unite in opinion, that a wide door is set open for the introduction of the religion of Jesus into this great empire. We have at present no govern- mental interdict to encounter, and no greater obstacles than such as oppose the progress of missionaries in every heathen land. It appears to us (and may it so appear to our fathers and brethren) that God, in removing the English mis- sion from this place, and substituting in their stead an American mission, is emphatically call- ing on the American churches to compassionate the poor Burmans, and to send their silver, and their gold, and their young men, to this eastern part of the world, to the help of the Lord against the mighty. “ It is with great pleasure that we announce the valuable present of a press and Burman types, made us by the Serampore brethren. We are now closing in a room, for a temporary print- ing office ; and hope, very soon, to issue a gospel TO THE BURMAN EMPIRE. 77 tract, which has been in readiness some time ; and which is intended to give the heathen, around us, some idea of the way of salvation through the Lord Jesus Christ. But we cannot move one step in the way of printing without money. We therefore beg an immediate appropriation, not only to liquidate the expenses already incurred, but to enable us to proceed in this all-important part of our work. The accounts of the mission press, we propose to keep distinct ; and they shall be transmitted, together with the accounts of the mission. “We know not how long the press will be per- mitted to remain in Rangoon ; we should not, however, deprecate its removal to Ava. Such a measure would, doubtless, tend to the further- ance of the cause, and the introduction of reli- gion into the very heart of the empire, where Satan's seat is. But, in this case, more men, and more money, would be imperiously demanded ; and, we trust, that the .patronage of the Board will not fail in these necessary points. We desire, humbly, to repeat to the Board, what the first missionaries from the Baptist Society in England said to their friends, when on the point of embarkation in the great work, which seems destined to illuminate Western India with the light of the gospel. ‘ We are,' said they, ‘ like men going down into a well ; you stand at the top, and hold the ropes. Do not let us fall.’ 78 AMERICAN BAPTIST MISSION Hold us up, brethren and fathers ; and, if health and life be spared us, we hope, through the grace of God, to see Eastern India also beginning to participate in the same glorious light. Many years may intervene in the latter, as well as the former case ; many difficulties and disappoint- ments may try your faith and ours. But let patience have her perfect work ; let us not be weary of well doing; for, in due time we shall reap, if we faint not.” A letter written by Mr. Hough, February 20th, 1817, contains some interesting particulars relative to the mission ; and also describes the Burman mode of burying the priests. “ I could not, before I came here, form any idea how my time would be occupied, after I should become engaged in the work for which I came hither ; and, therefore, made promises to write more, and oftener, than I fear I shall be able to do. I often think how happy I should be, could I step into your house, or you into ours, and spend a few hours in telling you all my mind ; how I feel, and what I want to be done for these poor Burmans. But while this pleasure is denied me, there is a hope constantly administering to my mind a sweet consolation, that we shall see each other in a better * house, not made with hands.’ Such a hope as this, I would not ex- change for any consideration ; no, not even for the felicity of meeting all my friends again in TO THE BURMAjST EMPIRE. 79 this world. Since I have been here, I have felt, in a good degree, assured that I am in the path of duty. I am in a work with which my soul is delighted. My spiritual enjoyments seem much to have increased, and I am enabled to look for- ward, with an increased confidence, to the end of this, and to another existence. I am not, however, free from a state of uncertainty on the subject of my own salvation ; yet, on self-exa- mination, my heart appears to have its hold on Divine truth strengthened ; and, surrounded with objects of human kind, in a most lamentable state of religious debasement, it is impossible for me not to esteem the precious gospel of the grace of God, as the richest source of sacred consolation. I can say truly, I had no idea of a state of heathenism, before I saw it. A warm- hearted Christian, in America, would think that a poor miserable idolater would leap for joy at the message of grace. But it is not so in Burrnah — ‘ Here Satan binds their captive minds Fast in his slavish chains.’ “ The few with whom brother Judson has conversed, since I have been here, appear inac- cessible to truth. They sit unaffected, and go away unimpressed with what they have heard. They are unconvinced by arguments, and un- moved by love ; and the conversion of a Bur- 80 AMERICAN BAPTIST MISSION man, or even the excitement of a thought to- wards the truth, must and will be a sovereign act of Divine power. We long to see that act of power displayed : even one instance would fill us with joy. “ Brother Judson has never yet been abroad to preach. He has applied himself constantly to the study of the language, with a view to the translation of the New Testament. We both concur in the opinion, that, before preaching be undertaken, to any considerable degree, some portion of the Scriptures should be in circulation. “ The Burmans, when any thing is said to them on the subject of Divine truth, inquire for our holy books ; and it is a pleasing fact, that scarcely a Burman, with the exception of females, is incapable of reading. Besides, during the progress of translation, many theological terms, appropriate to the different branches of doctrine, may be familiarly acquired, and their use esta- blished ; which, without much consideration, might be erroneously employed, and thus wrong ideas conveyed. Having, therefore, press and types here, we cannot, conscientiously, withhold from this people the precious oracles of God. This opinion has influenced us to issue, as soon as preparations could possibly be made, two small tracts — one a Summary of Christian Doctrine, and the other a Catechism. The one I was enabled to THE BURMAN EMPIRE. 81 to print the latter part of the last, and the other the first of the present month — a copy of each I send you. By them you will see how much we need a new fount of types ; many of the letters are almost illegible. These two little tracts are the first printing ever done in Burmah ; and it is a fact, grateful to every Christian feeling, that God has reserved the introduction of this art here, for his own use. “ Having been hitherto employed for the most part of the time in a printing-office, it has been impossible for me to make those advances to- wards an attainment of the language, that I have desired, and that otherwise would have been the case. While my progress is necessarily slow in acquiring the language, I am comforted under the reflection, that my employment is of that kind which will rather assist, than retard my advance, and that, without two or three years’ study, I can be instrumental in conveying the knowledge of everlasting life to the Burmans. I am now thankful for that Divine direction of my earlier years, which placed me in my honoured father’s office, to acquire knowledge of a business, which it was impossible for me then to imagine, would be applied to that use, in which I hope it is, on the other side of the globe, amongst the hea- then. “ A few extracts from my journal will close this letter. 82 AMERICAN BAPTIST MISSION “ When a priest dies, he has peculiar honours paid him. Several months since, a neighbouring priest died, or returned, for the Burmans think it undignified to say that a priest dies ; his body was immediately wrapped up in tar and wax ; holes were perforated through the feet, and some distance up the legs, into which one end of a hollow bamboo was inserted, and the other fixed in the ground ; the body was then pressed and squeezed, so that its fluids were forced down through the legs, and conveyed off by means of the bamboos ; in this state of preservation the body has been kept. For some days past, prepa- rations have been making to burn this sacred relic, and to-day it has passed off in fumigation ! We all went to see it, and returned sorry that we had spent our time to so little profit. On four wheels was erected a kind of stage, or tower, about twelve or fifteen feet high, ornamented with paintings of different colours and figures, and ' small mirrors. On the top of this was constructed a kind of balcony, in which was situated the coffin, decorated with small pieces of glass, of different hues, and the corpse, half of which was visible above the edge of the coffin, entirely covered with gold leaf. Around the tower and balcony were fixed several bamboo poles, covered with red cloth, displaying red flags at their ends, and small umbrellas, glittering with spangles ; among which was one larger than the others, covered with gold TO THE BURMAN EMPIRE. 83 leaf, shading the corpse from the sun. Around the upper part of the balcony was suspended a curtain of white gauze, about a cubit in width, the lower edge of which was hung round with small pieces of isinglass; above the whole was raised a lofty quadrangular pyramid, graduating into a spire, constructed in a light manner, of split bamboo, covered with small figures, cut out of white cloth, and waving to and fro, for some distance, in the air. The whole, from the ground to the top of the spire, might measure fifty feet. This curious structure, with some living priests upon it, was drawn half a mile by women and boys, delighted with the sport, and in the midst of a large concourse of shouting and joyous specta- tors. On their arrival at the place of burning, ropes were attached to the hind end of the car, and a whimsical sham contest, by adverse pulling, was for some time maintained, one party seem- ingly indicating a reluctance to have the precious corpse burned. At length, the foremost party prevailed, and the body must be reduced to ashes ! Amidst this, there were loud shoutings, clapping of hands, the sound of drums, of tinkling and wind instruments, and a most disgusting exhibi- tion of female dancing, but no weeping or wail- ing. The vehicle was then taken to pieces, the most valuable parts of which were preserved, and the body consumed. “ Although the Burmans have every motive, g2 84 AMERICAN BAPTIST MISSION according to their system of religion, to practise good works, yet no people can be worse. Their religious motives are wholly inadequate to the production of any good, or to maintain private and public morality. It may be said of the Bur- man, as of every other pagan religion, there is no power in it to make men better, and its best precepts are no criterion, by which to judge of the moral character of its devotees. The Bur- mans are subtle, thievish, mercenary, addicted to robbery and fraud ; truth and honesty are not known among them as virtues. They are exces- sively prone to gambling and sporting. “ The government of the country is in the will of the sovereign, who considers his subjects as slaves : in short, every person coming into the country reports himself ‘ the king's most willing slave.’ The viceroy of Rangoon acts with a power limited only by the king. He punishes criminals with severity. The mildest manner of suffering death is to have the head taken off, which is done with a large knife, and at one stroke. Reprieves from extreme desert, however, are often purchased with money ; but when a malefactor is destitute of friends and money, he dies without mercy. “ January 2 6 th . — For some time past, it has Been discovered that a gang of persons have been digging under some of the pagodas, to possess themselves of whatever treasures are deposited TO THE BURMAN. EMPIRE. 85 beneath them, and a few days since, four persons were apprehended in the act. They were con- demned to death. One of the servants came in this afternoon, and informed me he had been to see them executed. “ Brother Judson and myself immediately has- tened to the place. It was a most shocking scene! Four Burmans were fastened to a high fence, first by the hair of the head and neck, their arms were then extended horizontally, as far as they could be stretched without dislocation, and a cord tied tight around them ; their thighs and legs were then tied in their natural position ; they were ripped open from the lowest to the highest extremity of the stomach, and their vitals and part of their bowels were hanging out; large gashes were cut in a downward direction on their sides and thighs, so as to bare the ribs and thigh bones : one, who I suppose was more guilty than the rest, had an iron instrument thrust side-long through the breast, and part of his vitals pushed out in the opposite direction. Thus, with the under jaw fallen, their eyes open and fixed, naked, excepting a small cloth round the middle, they hung dead. “ February 1th .— This afternoon we heard that seven men were carried to the place of execution. We went to witness the affecting scene. On our arrival there, we heard the report of a gun, and looking about, we saw a man tied to a tree, and 86 AMERICAN BAPTIST MISSION six others sitting on the ground with their hands tied behind them. Observing the man at the tree, we saw a circular figure painted upon his stomach, about three inches in diameter, for a mark to shoot at, for he was to die in this way. At that moment, there was another discharge of a musket ; but the shot again missed ; a third and fourth time he was fired at, but without effect. At every shot there was a loud peal of laughter from the surrounding spectators. He was then loosed from the tree, and a messenger sent to the governor, who returned with a re- prieve. His younger brother, who was one of the seven, was then tied to the tree. The first shot slightly touched his arm ; the second struck him in the heart, and he instantly expired ; at the same moment, the remaining five, each at one blow, were beheaded. We went close to them, and saw their trunks, and their heads, and their blood. We saw a man put his foot on one of the trunks, and press it with as little feeling as one would tread upon a beast. Their bodies were then dragged along on the ground a short dis- tance, and their heads taken up by the hair and removed. The two brothers, when condemned to die, requested to be shot, asking, at the same time, to be pardoned if the fourth shot should miss. The elder brother was therefore spared, while the fate of the other was more lamentable. The superstitious Burrfians suppose, from the cir- I TO THE BURMAN EMPIRE. 87 cumstance of the request of the two brothers, and the escape of the elder one, that some charm pre- vented his death. The crimes of these poor crea- tures were various. One had been digging under a pagoda, another had stabbed a woman, but had not killed her ; the others, as nearly as we can learn, were robbers. “ February 8 th . — We learnt to-day, that the man who was yesterday reprieved, has twice be- fore, for his evil conduct, been carried to the place of execution in other places, and shot at, six times each, without being hit. He is now considered to be a wonderful man, and that a bullet cannot prove him mortal. Being asked how he became a robber ? he replied, because he had not been made governor, or raised above the grade of the common people. He is now raised to a high rank among the governor’s attendants. Thus, my dear brother, it can be truly said, that Burmans are politically and morally wretched ; but we know the Lord is able to bring to pass a reformation among them. Surrounded by such a people, we continually feel our situation danger- ous, and our security is only in the providence of God. Who would not pity the Burmans, view- ing them as described in the above letter? We feel assured of the continuation of your prayers for their conversion, and our success.” I remain, my dear Sir, Very affectionately and respectfully, A. H. J. 88 AMERICAN BAPTIST MISSION LETTER VI. Baltimore, December, 1822 . MY DEAR SIR, I trust you will not be discouraged, and think our letters tedious, while following us through those years of darkness. You perceive that our prospects were gradually brightening ; that a vast difference existed between our circumstances, in the years 1813 and 1817, though there had been no real conversions. One dark cloud, however, was suffered to rise, so threatening in appearance as nearly to annihilate our most cherished hopes ; yet it proved only the harbinger of a brighter day. Previously to these gloomy appearances, a few letters were written, respecting our increas- ingly encouraging prospects, which shall here be inserted. In March, 1817, Mr. Judson wrote the following letter to the Corresponding Secretary of the Baptist Board of Missions. “ Since the beginning of this year, we have printed two tracts ; the one a view of the Chris- tian religion — seven pages, one thousand copies ; the other a catechism, of six pages, 12mo. three thousand copies. After which, finding we had TO THE BURMAN EMPIRE. 89 paper sufficient for an edition of eight hundred copies of St. Matthew, we concluded to undertake this one gospel, by way of trial, and as introduc- tory to a larger edition of the whole New Testa- ment. I am now translating the eleventh chapter, and in the printing room the third half sheet is set- ting up. “ Having premised thus much concerning the present posture of our affairs, I proceed to mention the circumstances which induced me to take up my pen at this time. I have this day been visited by the jirst inquirer after religion, that I have seen in Burmah. For, although in the course of the last two years, I have preached the gospel to many, and though some have visited me several times, and conversed on the subject of religion ; yet I have never had much reason to believe that their visits originated in a spirit of sincere in- quiry. Conversations on religion have always been of my proposing ; and though I have some- times been encouraged to hope that truth had made some impression, never, until to-day, have I met with one who was fairly entitled to the epi- thet of Inquirer. As I was sitting with my teacher, as usual, a Burman of respectable appearance, and followed b y a servant, came up the steps, and sat down by me. I asked him the usual question, where he came from ? to which he gave me no explicit reply ; and I began to suspect that he had come from 90 AMERICAN BAPTIST MISSION the government-house, to enforce a trifling re- quest, which, in the morning, we had declined. He soon, however, undeceived and astonished me, by asking, ‘ How long a time will it take me to learn the religion of Jesus ?’ I replied, that such a question could not be answered. If God gave light and wisdom, the religion of Jesus was soon learnt ; but without God, a man might study all his life long, and make no proficiency. But how, continued I, came you to know any thing of Jesus ? Have you been here before ? ‘ No.’ Have you seen any writings concerning Jesus ? * I have seen two little books.’ Who is Jesus? ‘ He is the Son of God, who, pitying creatures, came into this world, and suffered death in their stead.’ Who is God ? ‘ He is a Being without beginning or end, who is not subject to old age or death, but always is.’ I cannot tell how I felt at this moment. This was the first acknowledg- ment of an eternal God, that I had ever heard from the lips of a Burman. I handed him a tract and catechism, both of which he instantly recog- nised, and read here and there, making occasional remarks to his follower, such as, ‘ This is the true God — this is the right way,’ &c. I now tried to tell him some things about God and Christ, and himself ; but he did not listen with much atten- tion, and seemed anxious only to get another book. I had already told him two or three times that I had finished no other book ; but, that in TO THE BURMAN EMPIRE. 91 two or three months, I would give him a larger one, which I was now daily employed in trans- lating. ‘ But,’ replied he, ‘ have you not a little of that book done, which you will graciously give me now V And I, beginning to think that God’s time was better than man’s, folded and gave him the two first half sheets, which contain the first five chapters of St. Matthew; on which he in- stantly rose, as if his business was all done ; and having received an invitation to come again, took leave. Throughout his short stay, he appeared different from any Burman 1 have met with. He asked no questions about customs and manners, with which the Burmans teaze us exceedingly. He had no curiosity, and no desire for any thing, but ‘ more of this sort of writing.’ In fine, his conduct proved that he had something on his mind, and I cannot but hope that I shall have to write about him again. ** March 24th. — We have not yet seen our in- quirer; but to-day we met with one of his ac- quaintances, who says, that he reads our books all the day, and shows them to all who call upon him. We told him to ask his friend to come and see us again. “ March 2 6th. — An opportunity occurs of send- ing to Bengal. I am sorry that I cannot send home more interesting letters. But I am not yet in the way of collecting interesting matter. I have found, that I could not preach publicly to 92 AMERICAN BAPTIST MISSION any advantage, without being able, at the same time, to put something into the hands of the hearers. And, in order to qualify myself to do this, I have found it absolutely necessary to keep at home, and confine myself to close study, for three or four years. I hope, however, after St. Matthew is finished, to make a more public en- trance on my work, than has yet been done. But many difficulties lie in the way. Our present house is situated in the woods, away from any neighbours, and at a distance from any road. In this situation we have no visitors, and no passing travellers, whom we can invite to stop and hear of Christ. My attempts to go out and find au- ditors, have always occasioned such a waste of time, and interruption of study, as would not often be indulged in or justified. We are very desirous of building a small house near town, on some pub- lic road. We wish for further instructions, and further explanations of the views and intentions of the Board. The approaching triennial Con- Tention, also, we contemplate with the deepest interest. May God give abundant wisdom, and zeal, and an out-pouring of His holy spirit. “ Permit me to close with a word in behalf of Eastern missions. Great Britain and the United States appear to be the only countries which can, at present, take a very active part in missionary concerns. The British are fully occupied with India, Africa, and the South Sea Islands. East TO THE BURMAN EMPIRE. 93 of the British possessions in India, are Burmah, Siam, several other Indo-Chinese nations, the great empire of China, Japan, thence north, inde- finitely, and southward, the numerous Malayan Isles. With all these countries the British are no more connected than the Americans. The British are under no greater obligations to evan- gelize them, than the Americans. They are not nearer the English, in point of transportation, than the Americans. And, furthermore, through- out all these countries, the British are suspected and feared, but not the Americans. “ The idea that the Western continent belongs to the Americans, and the Eastern continent to the British, however plausible at first sight, cannot bear a moment’s examination. I apprehend, that all the north-western Indians, and the inhabitants of those parts of South America, which are acces- sible, will scarcely outnumber the inhabitants of this single Empire of Burmah. And, on what principle can the Americans, who are perhaps half as numerous as the British, be let off with one-twentieth, or one-thirtieth part of the work ? But when we apply the work to the Baptists, it is still more decisive. There are about five hun- dred Baptist churches in Great Britain, which average about one hundred members each. There are two thousand in America, which average nearly the same. Behold Ireland, also, almost as destitute as South America. And suppose the 94 AMERICAN BAPTIST MISSION British should say, This is the proper province of our missionary exertions. Let us leave Asia and Africa to the Americans, and ‘ not send our young men to the antipodes.’ ” The following letter, dated August, 1817, to a young lady, a friend of mine, who had often en- couraged me in my contemplated undertaking, may not be wholly destitute of interest. “ When I left my native country, my dear Mary, my anguish was mitigated, my tears were dried, by the consideration that I there left many congenial souls, who, though prevented accom- panying me, would assist me by their prayers, encourage and animate me by their letters, and keep alive the missionary spark in my soul, by their constant assurances, that I was not alone, but at all times aided and supported by them. “ It is now four years that we have resided in this country ; and, though no Burman has re- nounced idolatry and embraced the religion of Christ, yet the seed is beginning to be scattered, which may spring up and bear fruit in some fu- ture time. Burmah presents a field for vast, un- bounded usefulness ! But neither revelation, nor the experience of ages, warrants us to expect im- mediate success. What nation has changed its gods in a day ? What nation, so far advanced in civilization as the Burman, has renounced its sys- tem of religion at the first mention of a new one ? We are not to look for miracles; but we are war- TO THE BURMAN EMPIRE. 95 ranted to expect the accomplishment of those ends, which God, in his wise providence, has con- nected with a steady, persevering use of means. We are firmly persuaded that the country of Bur- man will eventually become Christian — that the way is now preparing, the seed sowing ; but how long before the harvest will be ripe, we leave for God to determine. “ It has been Mr. Judson’s object to get well grounded in the language, and to do some prepa- ratory work, for the benefit of future missionaries, before he made a formal disclosure of his design to the king. We have not, by any means, taken pains to keep our object secret. On the contrary, we have improved every opportunity to commu- nicate religious truth to those Burmans who have visited at the mission house. This we have con- sidered as the path of present duty. “ Since Mr. Hough's arrival, he has printed a tract of considerable length, being a view of the Christian religion, which Mr. Judson had pre- viously composed ; and also a small catechism for children, and St. Matthew’s gospel. These are in circulation, and are well understood by those who read them. Many have called at the mis- sion house, to inquire more particularly into the new religion. But we have frequently observed, in these inquirers, a fear lest others should dis- cover their inclination to inquire. Sometimes, when two or three intimate friends have been 90 AMERICAN BAPTIST MISSION seriously engaged in conversing on religious sub- jects, if others, with whom they were not ac- quainted, called at the same time, they would be silent, and take their leave. This makes us feel the importance of trying to obtain the patronage of government. In a few months, Mr. Judson will complete a dictionary of the Burman lan- guage ; after which, he will, perhaps, go up to Ava, the residence of the king. “ If we were convinced of the importance of missions, before we left our native country, we now see and feel their importance, as well as their practicability ! We could then picture to our- selves the miserable situation of heathen nations; but we now see a whole populous empire, rational and immortal like ourselves, sunk in the grossest idolatry ; given up to follow the wicked inclina- tions of their depraved hearts, entirely destitute of any real principle, or the least spark of true benevolence. Let those who plead the native in- nocence and purity of heathen nations, visit Bur- mah. The system of religion here has no power over the heart, or restraint on the passions. Though it forbids, on pain of many years’ suffer- ing in hell, theft and falsehood, yet I presume to say, there is not a single Burman in the country, who, if he had a good opportunity, without dan- ger of detection, would hesitate to do either. Though the religion inculcates benevolence, ten- derness, forgiveness of injuries, and love of ene- 97 TO THE BUSMAN EMPIRE. mies — though it forbids sensuality, love of plea- sure, and attachment to worldly objects, yet it is destitute of power to produce the former, or subdue the latter, in its votaries. In short, the Burman system of religion is like an alabaster image, perfect and beautiful in all its parts, but destitute of life. Besides being destitute of life, it provides no atonement for sin. Here, also, the gospel triumphs over this and every other religion in the world. This is the grand difference — this makes the gospel ‘ good news’ indeed, to the heavy laden and sin-sick soul. “ My dear Mary, how precious does Christ ap- pear, when conversing with these Bnrmans, and how desirous is one to open their blind eyes, that they may behold his preciousness ! But this is the prerogative of God alone ; and if he has any dear children here, any chosen ones, whose names are written in the ‘ Lamb’s book of life, from the foundation of the world,’ he will open their eyes, he will show them his glory, he will compel them to come in. “ How interested you would be, could you meet with my little society of females, on the Sabbath. Interested, I say — yes, you would be interested, if it were only from this circumstance, that these poor idolaters enjoy the means of grace, and sit under the sound of the gospel. I have generally fifteen or twenty. They are attentive while I read the Scriptures, and endeavour to a 98 AMERICAN BAPTIST MISSION teach them about God. One of them told me, the other day, that she could not think of giving up a religion which her parents, grand-parents, &c. &c. had embraced, and accepting a new one of which they had never heard. I asked her if she wished to go to hell, because her progenitors had gone there ? She replied, if, with all her offerings and good works on her head, (speaking in their idiom,) she must go to hell, then let her go. I told her, if she went to hell, after having heard of the Saviour, her very relations would contribute to torment and upbraid her, for her rejection of that Saviour of whom they had never heard, and that even she herself would regret her folly when it was too late. If I do, said she, I will then cry out to you to be my intercessor with your God, who will certainly not refuse you. Another told me, that she did believe in Christ, and prayed to him every day. I asked her if she also believed in Gaudama, and prayed to him. She replied, she worshipped them both. I have several times had my hopes and expectations raised, by the apparent seriousness of several fe- males, as Mr. Judson has in regard to several men ; but their goodness has been like the morn- ing cloud and early dew, which soon pass away. Four or five children have committed the cate- chism to memory, and often repeat it to each other.” The following letter describes some of the offer- TO THE BURMAN EMPIRE. 99 ings made by the Burmans at their festivals, and also contains a description of the celebrated pa- goda at Rangoon. “ Five years have passed away, since I took the last view of my dear native land ; since I bid the last farewell to our little Bradford circle. But the parting pangs are not forgotten ; the wounds which were then made, often, to this day, open and bleed afresh. I now realize what we so often anticipated, the trials and privations, the pleasures and enjoyments, incident to the wife of amission- ary among the heathen. “ I now behold with my eyes that idolatry, in- fatuation, and delusion, the very recital of which has so often affected the hearts, and excited the fervent prayers of our little society, when sur- rounding the social altar for prayer and praise, in our native town. And I must say, ‘ my eye affecteth my heart,’ for I cannot but weep and mourn over the deluded multitude who are this day collected in immense crowds, to offer that homage and adoration to an idol, which is due to God alone. “ This is the season for the great feast of Gau- dama. It commenced yesterday, and is to con- tinue for three days. It is observed all over the country ; but I presume the multitude collected in this place is much greater than at any other, excepting Ava. Priests and people come in boats, from a great distance, to worship at the pagoda in 100 AMERICAN BAPTIST MISSION this place, which is supposed to contain a relic of Gaudama. The viceroy, on these days, goes out in all the pomp and splendour possible, dressed and ornamented with all his insignia of office, attended by the members of government and the common people. After kneeling and worship- ping at the pagoda, they generally spend the day in amusements, such as boxing, dancing, singing, theatrical exhibitions, and fire-works. Most of the older people spend the night at the pagoda, and listen to the instructions of the priests. “ Great and expensive offerings are made at this season. One last year, presented by a mem- ber of government, cost three thousand ticals, or twelve hundred dollars. It was a kind of port- able pagoda, made of bamboo and paper, richly ornamented with gold leaf and paintings. It was a hundred feet in height, and the circumference of its base about fifty. Half way up its height, was a man ludicrously dressed, with a mask on his face, white wings on his shoulders, and arti- fical finger nails, two inches in length, in the pos- ture of dancing. This offering was carried by sixty men, preceded by a band of music, and fol- lowed by the officer who made it, and his suite. Other offerings presented at this festival, are va- rious kinds of artificial trees, the branches and twigs of which are filled with cups, bowls, hand- kerchiefs, and garments of all descriptions ; these are given to the slaves attached to the pagoda. TO THE BURMAN EMPIRE. 101 who, the week following, have something like a fair to dispose of their offerings. “ The pagoda, to which such multitudes resort, is one of the largest and most splendid in the empire. To give an accurate description of this noble edifice, requires an abler pen than mine ; and perhaps a better one, of its construction and dimensions, cannot be given, than that which has already been presented to the public by Colonel Symes, of a similar pagoda at Pegue. The beauty and variety of its appendages, however, are far superior. After having ascended the flight of steps, a large gate opens, when a wild, fairy scene is abruptly presented to view. It resem- bles more the descriptions we sometimes have in novels, of enchanted castles, or ancient abbeys in ruins, than any thing we ever meet in real life. The ground is completely covered with a variety of ludicrous objects, which meet the eye in every direction, interspersed with the banyan, cocoa- nut, and toddy trees. Here and there are large open buildings, containing huge images of Gau- dama ; some in a sitting, some in a sleeping posi- tion, surrounded by images of priests and attend- ants, in the act of worship, or listening to his in- structions. Before the image of Gaudama, are erected small altars, on which offerings of fruit, flowers, & c. are laid. Large images of elephants, lions, angels and demons, together with a number of indescribable objects, assist in filling the pic- turesque scene. 102 AMERICAN BAPTIST MISSION “ The ground on which this pagoda is situated, commands a view of the surrounding country, which presents one of the most beautiful land- scapes in nature. The polished spires of the pa- godas, glistening among the trees at a distance, appear like the steeples of meeting-houses in our American sea-ports. The verdant appearance of the country, the hills and valleys, ponds and ri- vers, the banks of which are covered with cattle, and fields of rice ; each, in their turn, attract the eye, and cause the beholder to exclaim, ‘ Was this delightful country made to be the residence of idolaters ? Are those glittering spires, which, in consequence of association of ideas, recal to mind so many animating sensations, but the mo- numents of idolatry? ’ O, my friend ! scenes like these, productive of feelings so various and oppo- site, do, notwithstanding, fire the soul with an unconquerable desire to make an effort to rescue this people from destruction, and lead them to the Rock that is higher than they. We feel strongly encouraged to hope, (though our present prospects are not very flattering,) through the prayers and intercessions of our dear American friends, that this rural, this delightful country, will one day be inhabited by the friends of Jesus ; and that houses will be raised for his worship, on the ruins of these idolatrous monuments.” I remain, my dear Sir, Very affectionately and respectfully, A. H. J. TO THE BURMAN EMPIRE. 103 LETTER VII. Baltimore, December, 1822. MY DEAR SIR, Thus far had the mission advanced, thus encou- raging were our prospects, when the combination of a variety of circumstances induced Mr. Judson to take a voyage to sea. A tract, catechism, and St. Matthew’s gospel, were printed in the Burman language, and had begun to be in circulation. Mr. Judson was now desirous to commence in a more public manner than ever before, the preach- ing of the gospel ; at the same time he felt the importance of making a beginning in a way the least calculated to excite the prejudices of the natives. ** He had heard of the conversion of several Arrakanese, who were residing in Chittagong, a port belonging to the government of the Honour- able East India Company, and which is only ten days sail from Rangoon. To obtain one of these native converts, who spoke the Burman language, to assist in his first public communications, and to improve his health, which was evidently on the decline, were two principal objects Mr. Jud- 104 AMERICAN BAPTIST MISSION son had in view, in embarking for Chittagong, in a vessel which was expected to return imme- diately. For the first two months after his departure, the mission remained much in the same state. Some interesting events occurred, as stated in the following letter to the Rev. Dr. Baldwin. “ January 18 th . — Yours of March 28th, toge- ther with magazines, &c. I had the pleasure of receiving a month ago; and, as Mr. Judson is absent, and a good opportunity of sending to Bengal offers, I cannot deny myself the gratifica- tion pf writing. Mr. Judson embarked for Chit- tagong, five weeks ago, and expects to be absent three months only. “ The mission is nearly in the same state as when Mr. Judson last wrote. His dictionary was nearly completed, after which he intended, either to go to Ava, or to commence preaching in a more public manner than ever before. Our hopes have frequently been raised by the serious appearance of some of the Burmans, but none have yet heartily embraced the religion of Jesus, and be- come his disciples. My little female meeting is still encouraging ; between twenty and thirty at- tend every Sabbath. They sometimes hear with apparent attention, sometimes ask pertinent ques- tions, and some of them say they worship the true God only, and have left off going to the pagodas. TO THE BURMAN EMPIRE. 105 to worship. But how much truth there is in these assertions time alone will determine. “ Last Sabbath, after reading and conversing as usual, I told them of the anxiety of Christians in America for their conversion, of the formation of societies, the contributions of the poor, and the earnest and fervent prayers, which were conti- nually ascending on their account. The tears came into the eyes of some of them, who feelingly said, ‘ And do they indeed do so much for us ? ’ But the Burmans, in general, ‘ are mad on their idols they are not like professed Christians in America, partly engaged in religion, and partly in the world ; but their whole souls seem engaged in idolatry ; they evidence at once that they be- lieve what they assert. Even at this moment, while writing, my ears are almost stunned with the noise and confusion, occasioned by prepara- tions for fire-works, to be exhibited at the ap- proaching festival. Could you, my dear sir, wit- ness but once this annual feast ; could you behold the crowded streets, the splendid offerings, the gay attire, and the enthusiasm of their devotions, you would readily admit, that nothing short of an Almighty arm, could break down these barriers, these strong barriers, and cause the introduction of the gospel. But even these seasons, these mo- mentary triumphs of Satan, are not destitute of advantages to the cause of Christ. We have op- portunities, by these means, of distributing tracts 106 AMERICAN BAPTIST MISSION and portions of Scripture, among those who come from distant towns and villages, where the name of Christ is still unknown. The Spirit of God may water seed sown in this way, and cause it to spring up, to the eternal confusion of the adver- sary of souls, who induced their attendance on this festival with a different object. “We still live in a quiet manner, unmolested by government, or robbers. The viceroy’s family treat us with respect and affection, now and then sending us an elephant, to accompany them in their excursions. Her highness, the vicereine, professes a particular regard for me, and I, in re- turn, have presented her with a translation of St. Matthew’s gospel, a tract, and catechism, and have had two or three opportunities of conversing with her privately on the subject of religion. How much she reads in the former, or believes in the latter, I am unable to say ; but neither pro- duce any visible effect. She ordered the instruc- tress of one of her daughters, to give the catechism to her child to commit to memory. “ January 30 th . — The Burman, Mr. Judson mentioned some time ago, as being the first seri- ous inquirer, and the one who has excited the most hope, came to-day to the mission-house. “It is now almost a year since he first came, and with much apparent anxiety inquired, ‘ How long time will it take me to learn the religion of Jesus?’ We have since frequently inquired, but TO THE BURMAN EMPIRE. 107 obtained little information respecting him, until to-day. Soon after his first visit, he was ap- pointed governor of a cluster of villages, situated on the Syriam river in the country of Pegue. He has been at Rangoon but once since, and then on business by order of the viceroy, and obliged to return immediately. ** I asked him if he had become a disciple of Jesus Christ? He replied, ‘ I have not yet, but I am thinking and reading in order to become one. I cannot yet destroy my old mind ; for when I see a handsome patso, (a cloth the Burman men wear,) or a handsome gownbown, (the handker- chief worn on the head,) I still desire it. Tell the great teacher, when he returns, that I wish to see him, though I am not a disciple of Christ.’ He requested the remaining part of St. Matthew’s gospel, also catechisms and tracts for his follow- ers. I gave all of his attendants tracts ; on which he said to them, ‘ Take and read them attentively, and when you have embraced the doctrines they contain, come here and converse with the teacher.’ I asked the number of inhabitants in the villages he governed, and whether he would collect them together, to hear the gospel, should Mr. Judson make him a visit on his return. He said there were about a thousand houses, and the inhabit- ants were Talings, (natives of Pegue, who speak a language different from the Burmans,) but he would receive a visit from Mr. Judson as a great 108 AMERICAN BAPTIST MISSION favour, and would call his people together to hear him preach. There was something so interesting and encouraging in the appearance of this Bur- man, so meek and unassuming, considering the dignity of his office, that hopes are again raised concerning him. But whether he will continue to examine the Christian religion, and finally be- come a true disciple, or the reverse, time alone will determine.” February 18 th . — The following letter was writ- ten to Mrs. C. “ It is now four long years and a half, since we took up our residence in this spiritually benighted land, and to this day do we offer our thanks to God, for having brought and continued us here. To this day can we testify that God is good ; that he is a faithful, covenant-keeping God, who is worthy of the entire trust and confidence of all his creatures. Never, for a moment, has he left us to feel, that our first views of the practicability of missions, were visionary ; consequently, we have been preserved from those distressing, ago- nizing feelings, resulting from regret and disap- pointment in a darling enterprise. On the con- trary, we feel that missions to the heathens are not only practicable, but the very blood of their souls will be required at the hand of those Chris- tians, who neglect to make exertions to send the gospel among them. This is all that is required of the Christian world. God will not call us to TO THE BURMAN EMPIRE. 109 an account for not converting the heathen. This, this is the work he reserves for himself. But he will call us to an account for not using the means ; this part of the work he has assigned to his crea- tures to perform. Neither have we any reason to be discouraged, because the first communications of Divine truth have not been efficacious. It would be almost a miracle, for these Burmans to throw away a system of religion which they have been accustomed to consider sacred, from time immemorial, on the very first intimation of its being false, or on the first intelligence that there is another and a better. They must have time to examine, to read our sacred writings, and to see the effect our religion produces on its professors, before they will feel inclined to embrace the hum- bling doctrines of the gospel. They do not feel themselves in such a wretched, perishing situation, as we view them, consequently they do not sec the necessity of embracing the offers presented. “We hope our friends and patrons will not be discouraged, because no one of the Burmans who have heard the gospel, has embraced it ; but con- tinue to strengthen and encourage us by their prayers and communications, and in time, we doubt 'not, they with us will reap an abundant harvest. “ We are anxiously looking for the arrival of the missionaries, who, we hope, have long since left America. God grant that they may prove 110 AMERICAN BAPTIST MISSION true missionaries of the cross, prepared and will- ing to suffer whatever may await them. “We consider the circumstance, that other missionaries should have their hearts turned to- ward the Burman Empire, as an indication of God to strengthen and establish this mission, and a prelude of his more merciful intentions, to turn the Burmans from idolatry, to serve the living God. “ Mr. Judson is absent, or he would write to Mr. C. You will readily imagine my situation to be very lonely in his absence. Nothing but a sense of duty could have induced me to consent to his departure. Mr. Hough, however, is very kind, and affords me every assistance in his power.” About the same date as the preceding letter, Mr. Hough, to a friend in Boston, wrote thus : “ When I think how dependent I am on God ; how easy it is for him to withdraw the light of his countenance from me, and leave me cheerless, amidst the darkness of pagan ignorance ; and then, again, how easy it is for him to enable me to persevere, and that he will answer prayers offered for blessings ; I cannot but receive, with the liveliest gratitude, the assurance you give me, that I am remembered in the prayers of my brethren at home ; and I sometimes think their prayers may be heard for me, when my own are excluded. TO THE BURMAN EMPIRE. Ill “ It seems you have entertained some hopes from a contest, which existed some time ago, be- tween the king and priests of Burmah. That has terminated, not to the disadvantage of the one, nor the advantage of the other. The king perse- cuted them as long as he pleased, and then let them alone ; they now quietly perform their func- tions, which consist principally in committing to memory their religious books, and patrolling the streets to receive the willing offerings of the people, which afford them subsistence. They, with the religion of the country, appear to be now in a prosperous state, though I believe the king is not very friendly to either. Should he extermi- nate the priesthood, I have no idea that the mi- nisters of the gospel would become a substitute ; or, should he abolish the present system of religion, that he would do it in favour of Christianity. The ears of the poor old man have never heard the joyful news, and the law of nature requires that he should soon pass into eternity. The heir apparent is, I understand, a mild prince. His accession to the throne, on the king’s demise, will undoubtedly be attended with difficulties, and perhaps traced with blood. Should he finally succeed, and the country remain at peace any length of time. He, by whom kings rule, may in his providence open a wide door, which no man can shut, for the ad- mission of the word of life. It is also quite as possible, that much affliction and trouble await us. 112 AMERICAN BAPTIST MISSION “ It is more than six months, since I finished printing St. Matthew, and more than that, since the tract was put into circulation. To say that none read, none inquire, would be wrong ; many do both; and, we are entitled to hope, because truth is in circulation. Since printing St. Mat- thew, I have been studying the language, but have not yet been able to penetrate far into it. I have but a glimpse of its genius and construction. The attainment of this language, I am persuaded, is the labour of years; and I sometimes think it folly for one past thirty years of age, to attempt it. “ I was happy to hear, that the missionaries who are now coming here are so young. I wish they were five years younger : or, rather, I wish some pious, active boys, sixteen or seventeen years of age, of unquestionable conversion, and willing to give themselves up wholly to God, would come over here, and begin upon the lan- guage. You may think this a strange wish. I think so too ; but it is not a hasty or inconsiderate one.” In the order of events, I must now, my dear sir, give you a particular description of that dark period, when the Burman mission, surrounded undoubtedly by invisible enemies, seemed on the very verge of destruction. Three months of Mr. Judson’s absence had nearly expired, and we had begun to look for his return, when a native boat arrived, twelve days from Chittagong, bringing TO THE BURMAN EMPIRE. 113 the distressing intelligence that neither Mr. J. or the vessel had been heard of at that port. I should not have given so much credit to this re- port, as to have allowed it to harass my feelings, had it not been corroborated by communications from my friends in Bengal, which arrived just at this time. From the circumstance that the vessel had not reached the port of destination, I knew not what conclusion to draw. Hope, at times, suggested the idea that the ship’s course might have been altered, that she might yet be safe ; but despondency more frequently strove to convince that all was lost. Thus was I, for four months, in that agonizing state of suspense, which is fre- quently more oppressive than the most dreadful certainty. Two or three days after the arrival of the above intelligence, Mr. Hough received an order, couch- ed in the most menacing language, to appear im- mediately at the court-house, to give an account of himself. This, so unlike any message we had ever before received from government, spread consternation and alarm among our teachers, do- mestics, and adherents ; some of whom followed Mr. Hough, at a distance, and heard the appalling words, from some of the petty officers, that a royal order had arrived, for the banishment of all foreign teachers. As it was late, when Mr. Hough ar- rived at the court-house, he was merely ordered to give security for his appearance, at an early 114 AMERICAN BAPTIST MISSION hour on the approaching day, when, to use their own unfeeling language, ‘ if he did not tell all the truth relative to his situation in the country, they would write with his heart’s blood.’ Our embarrassments, at this period, were greatly increased, by the circumstance, that the viceroy and his family, who had always been our steady friends, had been recently recalled to Ava ; and the present viceroy, with whom we had but a slight acquaintance, had left his family at the capital. Mr. Hough was not sufficiently ac- quainted with the language, to allow of his appeal- ing in person to the viceroy, and, as it is not customary for females to appear at his court, in the absence of the vicereine, we had nothing be- fore us, but the gloomy prospect of being obliged to submit to all those evils, in the power of petty officers to inflict, upon those unprotected by higher authority. The following days, Friday and Saturday, Mr. Hough was detained at the court-house, and un- der the necessity of answering through an inter- preter, the most trivial questions; such as, what were the names of his parents, how many suits of clothes he had, &c. all which were written down in the most formal manner imaginable. The court would not allow him to retire for any re- freshment ; and this, together with several other -petty grievances, convinced us that it was their object to harass and distress us, as much as pos- TO THE BURMA NT EMPIRE. 115 sible; feeling safe, in the idea, that circumstances were such that we could not appeal to the vice- roy. Sunday morning arrived, another message was received from the court-house, (the viceroy does not usually attend those courts, as cases of importance are submitted, privately, for his deci- sion,) for Mr. Hough’s appearance, that the ex- amination might be continued. The court had now pushed the matter too far, and we resolved to ascertain whether those orders, for examina- tion, emanated from the viceroy, or whether he was entirely ignorant of the whole matter. My teacher, coming in just at that time, drew up a respectful petition, stating the grievances to which Mr. Hough had been subjected, and the present order for his appearing, in public, on our sacred day — and requesting that it might be the pleasure of his highness that those molestations should cease. Mr. Hough readily accompanied me to the government-house ; and, when we had reached the outer court, I caught the eye of the viceroy, who sat surrounded by the officers of his court, but who recognized me, and, in a very conde- scending manner, called me “ to come in and make known my request.” I presented my peti- tion to one of the secretaries, who was imme- diately ordered to read it; at the conclusion of which, the viceroy inquired, in an austere manner, of the very officer who had been most forward in making Mr. Hough’s situation unpleasant at the 116 AMERICAN BAPTIST MISSION court-house, and who happened now to he seated not far from the “ voice which issues life or death," “Why the examination of this foreign teacher had been thus prolonged ?” — at the same time giving a written order that Mr. Hough should not be called on his “sacred day,” and that he should be molested no more. The petty officers of government now saw their plan defeated, which probably was, to make Mr. Hough feel himself in their power, thinking he would then offer them a large reward to be liberated. We, however, as- certained the fact, that a royal order had arrived, for the banishment of all the Portuguese priests in the country, (there were three only). To as- certain who they were, the viceroy had issued an order, that all the foreign priests should be sum- moned to the court-house, not intending that any but the Portuguese should undergo an examina- tion, farther than to ascertain that they were not Portuguese. About this time, the cholera began to rage among the native population. This disorder had never been known in the Empire before, and the dreadful ravages made in Rangoon filled every one with terror and alarm. It was in the midst of the hottest season of the year, and there was no prospect of the disorder’s subsiding, until the commencement of the rains. The beating of the death drum, and other instruments used at fune- rals, sounded all the day long, a melancholy dirge TO THE BURMAN EMPIRE. 117 in our ears, and, in emphatic language, said, “Be ye also ready.” We had no reason for supposing that we should escape this fatal disorder, more than others ; at the same time, we knew ourselves to be in the hands of Him who had said, “ a thousand shall fall at thy side, and ten thousand at thy right hand ; but it shall not come nigh thee.” And thus it proved ; for not an individual within our enclosure, suffered from the cholera, though our neighbours died around us. The Bur- mans attempted to account for the origin of this disease, by supposing that some evil spirits had entered the city, and were continually traversing the streets, and from pure maliciousness, destroy- ing the inhabitants. The natives resolved on endeavoring to dispossess them, by making a most tremendous noise, which, in the opinion of a Burman, was sufficient to alarm evil spirits, however malicious or obstinate. The signal for commencement was given at the court-house, by firing cannons ; when immediately every Burman in town began beating on his house, with clubs, or any thing which would make a noise. No one ventured to remain inactive, as it had previously been asserted, that the evil spirits would enter the houses of those who made no noise. This was continued for three successive nights ; but notwithstanding the unheard-of uproar, the evil spirits refused to move, and the disorder conti- nued to rage for months afterwards. 118 AMERICAN BAPTIST MISSION Our trials and dangers were not a little in- creased, at this period, by a report in circulation, that difficulties existed between the English and Burman governments; and that an attempt would be soon made by the English, to take the country. This report seemed confirmed, by the circum- stance, that there had been no arrivals from any English port for some months past, and that the few remaining captains were making every pos- sible effort to hasten the departure of their ships. Should actual hostilities commence, we were well aware, the removal of the mission, at least for a time, would be the consequence. The only re- maining ship was now on the eve of departure, and unless we embraced this opportunity for leav- ing the country, there was nothing before us but dangers the most appalling. For a particular ac- count of the remaining part of this distressing season, I must have recourse to my journal, then transmitted to America. “ June 18 th . — I am still, my dear parents, in the same lonely situation, as when I last wrote, full of anxiety and suspense. I know not what conclusion to draw from the circumstance of re- ceiving no intelligence from Mr. Judson. It is now six months since he left me, and not a single line has ever been received relative to the ship. I hardly know what prevents my entire discou- ragement under such circumstances. But I am trying to bear this state of uncertainty, as a heavy TO THE BURMAN EMPIRE. 119 affliction, a painful chastisement, from my hea- venly Father, inflicted, no doubt, for wise and gracious purposes. Perhaps it is only a prelude to greater afflictions. Perhaps this is the school in which I am to be taught the rudiments of suf- fering, and to prepare for those heavy trials, which, without these first lessons, crush as soon as inflicted. I feel, however, a dreadful conflict ; sometimes inclined to complain of these dark dis- pensations of Providence, at others, endeavouring to make this language my own, ‘ Though he slay me, yet will I trust in Him.’ My female meet- ings have been on the decline, ever since Mr. Hough’s examination at the court-house. For- merly, upwards of thirty attended ; now, seldom more than ten or twelve. Thus, you see that nothing but darkness, gloom, and disappointment surround me. I endeavour to study, at least part of the day, for unless I do my duty, I fear I shall lose the benefit of this affliction. “ July 2 d. — Mr. Hough, for some time past, has been desirous to have Mrs. H., myself, and his children, go to Bengal. But I have ever felt resolved not to make any movement until I hear from Mr. Judson. Within a few days, however, some circumstances have occurred, which have induced me to make preparations for a voyage. There is but one remaining ship in the river, and if an embargo is laid on English ships, it will be impossible for Mr. J. (if he is yet alive,) to return 120 AMERICAN BAPTIST MISSION to this place. But the uncertainty of meeting him in Bengal, and the possibility of his arriving- in my absence, cause me to make preparations with a heavy heart. Sometimes I feel inclined to remain here, alone, and hazard the consequence. I should certainly conclude on this step, if any probability existed of Mr. Judson’s return. This mission has never appeared in so low a state as at the present time. It seems now entirely de- stroyed, as we all expect to embark for Bengal in a day or two. Alas ! alas ! how changed our prospects since Mr. J. left us. How dark, how intricate the providence which now surrounds us ! Yet it becomes us to be still, and know that He is God who has thus ordered our circumstances. “ July 1 4th.- — Alone, my dear friends, in this great house, without an individual, excepting my little girl and Burmans, I take my pen to relate the strange vicissitudes through which I have passed, within a few days. Although I commence my relation by saying I am alone, yet I am easy and tranquil, because I am resolved on a course which may appear to you and others, rash and presumptuous, but to me the path of duty, and the one I ought to pursue. “ On the 5th of this month, I embarked with Mr. Hough and his family for Bengal, having pre- viously disposed of what I could not take with me. I had engaged Mr. Judson’s teacher to ac- company me, that in case of meeting him in Ben- TO TIIE BURMAN EMPIRE. 121 gal, lie might go on with his Burman studies. But the teacher, fearing the difficulties arising from his being a Burman, broke his engagement, and refused to go. My disinclination to proceed in the course commenced had increased to such a degree, that I was on the point of giving up the voyage myself ; but my passage was paid, my baggage on board, and I knew not how to sepa- rate myself from the rest of the mission family. The vessel, however, was several days in going- down the river ; and when on the point of putting out to sea, the captain and officers ascertained that she was in a dangerous state, in consequence of having been improperly loaded, and that she must be detained for a day or two at the place in which she then lay. I immediately resolved on giving up the voyage, and returning to town. Accordingly the captain sent up a boat with me, and engaged to forward my baggage the next day, I reached town in the evening, spent the night at the house of the only remaining English- man in the place, and to-day have come out to the mission-house, to the great joy of all the Bur- mans left on our premises. Mr. Hough and his family will proceed ; and they kindly and affec- tionately urge my return. I know I am sur- rounded by dangers on every hand, and expect to feel much anxiety and distress ; but at present I am tranquil, intend to make an effort to pursue my studies as formerly, and leave the event with 122 AMERICAN BAPTIST MISSION God. How distressed, my dear parents, you would feel, did you know my real situation in Rangoon ! But, before you receive this, there will no doubt be some change, I hope favourable, as but one circumstance could make it more dis- tressing. “ July 1 6th . — The vessel, in which Mr. Judson sailed, has this day arrived ! I have been to see the captain, who informs me that he was not able to make Chittagong, and that, after being tossed about in the bay for three months, he made Ma- sulipatam, a port north of Madras, on the coast. Mr. J. left the ship immediately, for Madras, hoping to find a passage thence to this place. This is all the intelligence I have obtained, as it is four months since an arrival either from Bengal or Madras. But even this has afforded me a little relief, as I have hitherto had reason to fear, that the ship and all were lost, though I am still in a state of suspense, relative to Mr. J.’s return. There is not, however, so much reason to suppose that hostilities between the English and Burman governments will immediately commence, as this ship came direct from an English port. This circumstance will render my stay here, alone, much less dangerous, and perhaps before many days, Mr. J. will arrive, when I shall see very clearly the hand of Providence in my leaving the ship. “ July 25 th. — Mr. and Mrs. Hough have re- TO THE BURMAN EMPIRE. 123 turned to the mission-house, the ship not being able to proceed for some weeks, so that I shall not be obliged to remain in this place alone, as I expected ; and I am hoping and praying, that, previously to their departure, Mr. Judson may arrive, that I may not be under the necessity of living in this dreadful country, and out here in the woods, without a friend and protector. I am hoping against hope, for it is the general opinion of all foreigners here, that there will be no arrival at present, from any English settlement. There is, however, a vague report, though I know not its origin, that a ship left Madras, some time since, for this place, but was to touch at the Ni- cobar islands; on which account, she has not yet arrived. I cling to this, as my last hope, which a little relieves my distressed, anguished mind. O, how it would sooth my feelings, how it would comfort my heart, could I unite with some of my dear American friends in social prayer ! How it would mitigate the gloom and loneliness of my situation, were some of them present to strengthen my confidence in Jehovah ; to suggest motives for my patiently bearing affliction; and to urge my quietly acquiescing in the wise dispensations of the best of Beings ! I have again commenced my studies, and keep myself closely engaged until two o’clock. This I find the best method to avoid dejection; be- sides, my conscience will not permit me to sit idly 124 AMERICAN BAPTIST MISSION down, and yield to those desponding feelings, in which a Christian should not indulge. “ August 2d . — How will you rejoice with me, my dear parents, when I tell you, that I have this moment heard that Mr. Judson has arrived at the mouth of the river! This joyful intelligence more than compensates for the months of dejec- tion and distress which his long absence has oc- casioned. Now, I feel ashamed of my repinings, my want of confidence in God, and resignation to his will. I have foolishly thought, because my trials were protracted, they would never end ; or rather, that they would terminate in some dread- ful event, which would destroy all hope of the final success of the mission. But now, I trust, our prospects will again brighten, and cause us to forget this night of affliction, or to remember it as having been the means of preparing us for the reception of that greatest of blessings — the con- version of some of the Burmans.” I remain, my dear Sir, Very affectionately and respectfully, A. H. J. TO TIIF. BIRMAN EMPIRE. 125 LETTER VIII. Baltimore, December, 1822. MY DEAR SIR, M v last gave you a relation of the trying scenes through which we passed at Rangoon, during the absence of Mr. Judson. His trials were no less severe, as you will perceive from the following letters to the Corresponding Secretary of the Board. “ Madras , May 28th, 1818. — In former letters I have stated my circumstances, at the close of last year, and the reasons which induced me to leave Rangoon, on a visit to Chittagong — parti- cularly the prospect of a direct passage, and speedy return in the same ship, an opportunity of very rare occurrence in Rangoon. “ Since that time, a series of unexpected pro- vidences have befallen me, which, though unin- teresting in detail, must be briefly mentioned, in order to account for my present situation. “ When we left Rangoon, December 25th, we expected a passage of ten or twelve days. At the expiration of a month, however, by reason of 126 AMERICAN BAPTIST MISSION contrary winds, and the unmanageableness of the ship, in the difficult navigation along the coast, we found ourselves still at a great distance from port; and the season being so far advanced, as to deprive us of the hope of more favourable winds, the captain and supercargo agreed on a change of the ship’s destination, and made sail for Madras. “ Previous to leaving the coast, we put into Cheduba, a place under Burman government, for a supply of provisions. I was unable to go ashore, but took the opportunity of sending a tract by the boat. It happened to be conveyed directly to the governor, and he ordered it to be read in his presence. Soon after, when our cap- tain had an audience, the governor inquired after the writer of the tract — who he was, and how long he had been in the country. The captain evaded some questions, for fear of detention, 1 suppose, and merely stated that the writer was a- foreigner, who had resided in Rangoon about four years. ‘No,’ replied the governor, ‘that is not to be credited. You cannot make me believe that a foreigner, in so short a time, has learned to write the language so well. It must have been written by some other person.’ The captain re- lated this to me on his return. I felt particularly gratified by this testimony to the perspicuity of the style, and thought it not unworthy of men- tioning, because it could not be suspected, as TO THE BURMAN EMPIRE. 127 others which had been made to me personally, of having been a mere compliment. “ The ship’s destination was changed on the 26th of January. We retraced our course for a few days, and then stood to the westward. It was with the most bitter feelings, that I witnessed the entire failure of my undertaking, and saw the summits of the mountains of Arracan, the last indexes of my country, sinking in the horizon, and the ship stretching away to a distant part of India, which I had no wish to visit, and where I had no object to obtain. It was, however, some mitigation of my disappointment, that I should, in all probability, be able to return to Rangoon, and resume my missionary business, much earlier than if I had visited Chittagong. But even the consolation of this hope was not long allowed me. We had, indeed, a quick passage across the bay ; but, on drawing near the Coromandel coast, the wind and current combined to prevent our further progress, and at the expiration of an- other month, having for a long time subsisted on nothing scarcely but rice and water, and being now reduced to very short allowance, we con- cluded to make sail for Masulipatam, a port north of Madras, which we doubted not we should be able to reach in a very few days. In this, again, we were disappointed, and through the unma- nageableness of the ship, or the mismanagement of the captain, were detained at sea nearly an- 128 AMERICAN BAPTIST MISSION other month. During this period, we were some- times in great distress, deeming ourselves very fortunate when able to get a bag of rice, or a few buckets of water, from any native vessel which happened to pass. Once we sent the long boat to the shore, and obtained a considerable supply of water, which was a great relief. But of rice we could obtain no sufficient supply, and all other articles of provision were quite out of the question. “ The low state to which I was at length re- duced, occasioned a partial return of the disorder of my head and eyes, to which I was subject two years ago. This, with other circumstances united, left me no other source of consolation but re- signation to the will of God, and an unreserved surrender of all to his care ; and, praised be his name, I found more consolation and happiness in communion with God, and in the enjoyments of religion, than I had ever found, in more prosper- ous circumstances. “ Finally, we did reach Masulipatam, and I left the ship on the 18 th of March, twelve weeks after embarking at Rangoon. I waited at Mas- suly a few days, until it was ascertained that the ship would unlade her cargo, and remain several months. And as there was no prospect, that sea- son, of reaching Madras by sea, the only port on the coast where I could hope to find a vessel bound to Rangoon, I was under the necessity of TO THE BURMAN EMPIRE. 129 taking a journey by land — distance about three hundred miles. I accordingly hired a palanquin and bearers, and arrived here on the 8th of April. My first aim was, of course, the beach, and my first inquiry, a vessel bound to Rangoon. But my chapter of disappointments was not yet finished. No vessel had sailed for Rangoon this year ; and such, it was understood, was the unsettled state of the Burman country, that none would probably venture for some time to come. “ Here I have remained ever since, under very trying circumstances. I have scarcely heard from Rangoon, since I left, or been able to trans- mit any intelligence thither, by a conveyance to be depended on. The weakness of my eyes pre- vents my application to study, or attempt at any exertion. I am making no progress in missionary work. I am distressed by the appalling recol- lection of the various business which was press- ing on me at Rangoon, and which made me very reluctant to leave home for the shortest time. Now, I have been detained twice as long as I had anticipated, and have, withal, wholly failed in my undertaking. Where, my rebellious heart is ready to cry. Where is the wisdom of all this ? But it is wise, though blindness cannot appre- hend. It is best, though unbelief is disposed to murmur. Be still, my soul, and know that He is Goo.” 130 AMERICAN BAPTIST MISSION “ Rangoon, October 9th, 1818. — My last was dated Madras, May 28, 1818. At that place I remained waiting for a conveyance to Rangoon, until the 20th of July, when I took passage on board an English vessel. During my stay in Madras, I experienced great kindness and hospi- tality in the families of the Rev. Mr. Thompson, chaplain, and the Rev. Mr. Loveless, missionary ; and received such proofs of Christian affection from many dear friends, as rendered parting with them very painful, though my detention in Ma- dras had, in other respects, been almost insup- portable. We anchored at the mouth of Rangoon river, on the 20th of August. The next morning, when the pilot came on board, I was overwhelmed with the intelligence, that, on account of the dan- gerous situation of affairs, the mission had been broken up, and that Mr. Hough and his family, and Mrs. Judson, had taken passage for Bengal. To my great relief, however, it was added, that, before the ship left the river, Mrs. Judson’s reluc- tance to leave the place had so increased, as to force her back to the mission-house alone, and further, that the ship being found unfit for sea, was still detained. “ The examination which brother Hough sus- tained, during my absence, and the persecution of the Roman Catholic padres, have made us feel more deeply than ever, the precarious situation of this mission, and the necessity of proceeding TO THE BURMAN EMPIRE. 131 with the utmost caution. It was only through the favour of the viceroy, that the padres were allowed to remain here, when they arrived from Ava, under sentence of banishment. And it is only through his mediation, and the influence of large presents made to the king, that the order of banishment is reversed, if indeed it be reversed, a report not yet confirmed. One malicious inti- mation to the king would occasion our banish- ment ; and banishment, as the Bormans tell us, is no small thing, — being attended with confisca- tion of all property, and such various abuses, as would make us deem ourselves happy to escape with our lives. “ Such a situation may appear somewhat alarm- ing to a person accustomed to the liberty and safety of a free government. But, let us remem- ber, that it has been the lot of the greater part of mankind to live under a despotic government, devoid of all security for life or property a single moment. Let us remember, that the Son of God chose to become incarnate under the most un- principled and cruel despot that ever reigned. And shall any disciple of Christ refuse to do a little service for his Saviour, under a government where his Saviour would not have refused to live and die for his soul ? God forbid. Yet faith is sometimes weak — flesh and blood sometimes re- pine. O, for grace to strengthen faith, to ani- mate hope, to elevate affection, to embolden the 132 AMERICAN BAPTIST MISSION soul, to enable us to look danger and death in the face ; still more, to behold, without repining, those most dear to us, suffering fears and pains, which we would gladly have redoubled on our- selves, if it would exonerate them. “We feel encouraged by the thought, that many of the dear children of God remember us at the mercy seat. To your prayers I desire once more to commend myself, the weakest, the most unqualified, the most unworthy, and the most unsuccessful of all missionaries.” In four or five weeks, after the arrival of Mr. Judson, we had another joyful meeting with mis- sionary friends, sent from our native country. The Rev. Messrs. Colman and Wheelock, for se- veral years previously to their leaving America, had thought and felt much on the subject of mis- sions, and could not rest contented, to sit down as ministers of the gospel, in their own country, while “ the walls of Jerusalem lay waste,” in a foreign land. They literally panted to become the heralds of salvation, to those who were in darkness, and the shadow of death ; and though their prospects of being early and happily set- tled, over opulent congregations, were flattering, they relinquished them all, and, at an early pe- riod, made known their views and wishes to the Board of Missions. Extracts from their letters, on this subject, to the corresponding Secretary, I cannot omit transcribing, as they are so very TO THE BUR MAN EMPIRE. 133 descriptive of the spirit they ever continued to exhibit until their lamented death. Mr. Colman wrote thus — “ Since I came to the above conclusion, my mind has been unwavering. It is true, mountains, at times, have arisen be- tween myself and the Eastern world. My way has been hedged up by difficulties, which, to the eye of human reason, might appear insurmount- able. But duty has constantly appeared the same. Indeed, I esteem missionary work, not only a duty for me to perform, but a privilege for me to enjoy ; a privilege which I value more than the riches of the earth. Only give me the rich satisfaction of holding up the torch of truth, in the benighted regions of Burmah ! This is the object which lies nearest my heart ; for this I can cheerfully leave my native land, and the bosom of my beloved friends. I pant to proclaim the gos- pel to those who are ignorant of it ; to present to their minds that firm foundation, on which my own hopes of eternal happiness are built. I look to Burmah as my home, and as the field of my future toils. To the wretched inhabitants of that empire I long to present the Bible, the fountain of knowledge, and to direct their wandering steps to the great Shepherd and Bishop of souls. Nor can I refrain from cherishing the hope that my feeble labours among them will be crowned with the blessing of heaven. Some, I trust, will be 134 AMERICAN BAPTIST MISSION induced to forsake the worship of idols, and to bow the knee to Him on whose vesture and thigh is written ‘ King of kings, and Lord of lords.’ Prompted, as I believe, by a deep sense of the worth of souls, and by the command of our blessed Saviour, who says, ‘ Go ye into all the world, and preach the gospel to every creature and encouraged by his promise of constant assis- tance and direction to his servants, I, voluntarily and joyfully, offer myself to be your missionary to the Burman empire. May the Lord preside over your deliberations, and grant me, if it can be consistent with his holy will, the unspeakable happiness of proclaiming the love of Jesus to the miserable heathen.” Mr. Wheelock appears to have been inspired by the same missionary zeal, and closes his ap- plication to the Board with the following lines : — “ To you, honoured fathers, is my mind di- rected, as to those, who, under God, must decide my case. To you I offer, freely and joyfully offer myself, to become your missionary, to aid those already under your patronage, to turn the poor Burmans ‘ from idols, to serve the living and true God.’ And, O ! if it is consistent, that one so unworthy and so unqualified as myself, should engage in this glorious work, deny me not, I be- seech you, the unspeakable privilege ; deny me not the fondest, the most ardent desire of my TO THE BURMAN EMPIRE. 135 soul, that can, in this world, be gratified. To deny me this, would be to deprive me of the greatest happiness which, in this world, I can possibly enjoy. I had rather be a missionary of the cross, than a king on a throne. Let the men of this world possess its glittering toys ; let the miser grasp his cankered gold ; let the volup- tuary enjoy his sordid pleasures ; let the ambitious ascend to the pinnacle of earthly honour ; but let me enjoy the sweet satisfaction of directing the poor pagans to the ‘ Lamb of God.’ I court no greater good ; I desire no greater joy ; I seek no greater honour. To Burmah would I go ; in Burmah would I live; in Burmah would I toil; in Burmah would I die ; and in Burmah would I be buried !” These two young gentlemen, the one twenty- three, and the other but twenty years of age, were readily received by the Board, and soon ordained as missionaries to the East. In November, 1817, they embarked for Calcutta. The scene, at their departure, was very interesting and affecting, and very pathetically described, in the following lines, by the Rev. Dr. Baldwin. “ See that ship, her sails now bending, Destin’d far to Indian seas ; See her canvas wide extending, Catch the ling’ring wish’d-for breeze ; Richly freighted With ambassadors of peace. 136 AMERICAN BAPTIST MISSION “ See the solemn crowd assembling, Anxious each the scene to view ; Some are weeping, others trembling, While a mother presses through, And, with anguish. Bids her only son adieu. “ See a father’s heart dissolving. While he gazes on his son ; Ev’ry tender thought revolving, Turns away, and weeps alone ; Softly saying, ‘ Father , let thy will he done !* “ See a scene no less distressing, Where a mother’s anguish’d heart, Fondly to her bosom pressing, Cries, ‘ My son, and must we part ? O, my Saviour ! Ever keep him near thy heart.’ “ See that maiden’s arms entwining, Hanging on her brother’s breast; Tears, and grief, and love combining, Still she cries, though much distress’d, ‘ Go, my brother ! Go, and make the Burmans blest.' “ Sisters too, with fond embraces, Stand o’erwhelm’d upon the shore ; Gazing on each other’s faces, Weeping, part to meet no more ! Griev’d and pensive, God’s mysterious ways adore. TO THE BUHMAN EMPIRE. 137 “ While the crowd were silent standing, Solemn prayer devoutly flow’d ; Clouds of incense like, ascending Up before the throne of God ; For our brethren, While they’re sailing o’er the flood. “ Go, ye heralds of salvation, Go, proclaim ‘ Redeeming blood Publish to that barb’rous nation, Peace and pardon from our God : Tell the heathen, None but Christ can do them good. “ While the gospel trump you’re sounding, May the Spirit seal the word ; And through sov’reign grace abounding, Burmans bow and own the Lord ; Gaud’ma leaving, God alone shall be ador’d. “ Distant though our souls are blending, Still our hearts are warm and true ; In our prayers, to heav’n ascending, Brethren, we’ll remember you : Heaven preserve you, Safely all your journey through. “ When your mission here is finish’d, And your work, on earth is done ; May your souls, by grace replenish’d, Find acceptance through the Son ; Then admitted, Dwell for ever near his throne. 138 AMERICAN BAPTIST MISSION “ Loud hosannas now resounding, Make the heav’nly arches ring ; Grace to sinful men abounding, Ransom’d millions sweetly sing ; While, with rapture, All adore their heavenly king !” Boston, January, 1818. During their passage to the East, these young missionaries were remarkably blessed in their endeavours to instruct the sailors. The greater part of the crew became hopefully pious, before the completion of the voyage. They arrived at Rangoon, in September, 1818, and greatly ani- mated and encouraged us by their interesting appearance. An account of their first arrival, and the meeting of the mission family, is de- scribed by Mr. Colman in the following letter. “ Rangoon, February 20 th, 1819. — With much pleasure I inform you of our arrival in Burmah. Five months we were onboard the Independence, four in Bengal, and one upon our passage from Calcutta to this port. Various circumstances conspired to make the shores of this heathen land appear agreeable to us. We had long been in an unsettled state, and exposed either to the dangers of the ocean, or to the influence of a sickly climate. It was delightful to find ourselves at the end of our tedious journey, and safe from all the perils through which we had passed. But another consideration served much to animate us TO THE BURMAN EMPIRE. 139 — we had reached the field in which we were destined to labour. Here we hoped to spend the remainder of our days, to scatter the good seed of the kingdom, and to see some plants of righteousness springing up, and yielding fruit to the glory of God. When we arrived at the landing place, we found our beloved brethren waiting to receive us. Our feelings, for a short time, destroyed the power of utterance. We could do no more than take each other by the hand. In about an hour the ladies came on shore, when the whole mission family met, and, by mu- tual expressions of joy and love, attracted uni- versal attention. From the shore we were con- ducted to the king’s godown, where we were strictly searched. We then proceeded to the mission house. Our feelings were indescribable when we stepped beneath its roof, and found our- selves encircled by that dear company which we had desired, so long, to enjoy. That was a sea- son of rejoicing. How swiftly and pleasantly the hours passed away ! How cheering and varied was the conversation ! How fervent were the prayers and thanksgivings to Almighty God! “ For more than a week we were assiduously employed in getting our things through the cus-~ tom-house. Our articles were strictly examined. The most trifling of them did not escape minute investigation. Having undergone this tedious operation, we were compelled, by the custom of 140 AMERICAN BAPTIST MISSION the country, to make several presents to persons in authority. It is admitted that the viceroy has the first claim. Feeling the importance of securing his favour by every lawful means, we thought the opportunity good to pay him a visit, and, in presenting our gift, to request his pro- tection. We found him seated in an open house, situated in the midst of a spacious garden. Be- fore him were a number of his officers, and a few persons presenting petitions. Behind him, at a short distance, were a group of artisans, of dif- ferent occupations, whom he constantly employs. His excellency received us in a very gracious manner, appeared much pleased with our present, and gave us the assurance that we should remain free from molestation beneath his authority. Surely there is reason for gratitude, that we are permitted to stay in this heathen land ! Little dependance, however, can be placed upon the government. Things here are continually chang- ing. The lives and property of the people are at the arbitrary disposal of a single individual. The whole country, and all which it contains, are supposed to be his property. Hence, he gratifies his inclination, without the least restraint. While, therefore, we acknowledge with gratitude the protection of earthly rulers, we feel the necessity of putting all our confidence in the Lord Jehovah. He can either dispose them to favour us, or de- fend us from their injustice and cruelty. There TO THE BURMAN EMPIRE. 14 1 is, certainly, no reason to fear, while we have such a powerful Friend. It is true that, in con- sequence of several reports which reached us, we once entertained some serious apprehensions re- specting our personal safety in Burmah ; but, as we approached its shores, these apprehensions vanished ; and, since that time, we have felt as secure amidst these habitations of cruelty as though we were in a Christian land, and enjoyed the protection of an equitable government. Sickness and the want of a teacher have greatly impeded my progress in the language. I had studied but five days, when I was suddenly taken with an expectoration of blood from my lungs. The discharge was small, but it greatly reduced my strength. My weakness was so great that I was compelled to relinquish my studies, and almost entirely to abstain from conversation. This was a severe trial. It caused great search- ings of heart. It led me seriously to examine the motives which induced me to come to this hea- then land. For two months I was extremely weak. But He who took away my health, has, to a con- siderable degree, restored it again. Once more I have returned to my studies. By the assistance of a teacher I have read the catechism, tract, and a few of the first chapters of St. Matthew. I have copied brother Judson’s grammar, and half of his dictionary. The latter I hope to finish in two or three months. With real pleasure I look forward 142 AMERICAN BAPTIST MISSION to the time when I shall obtain a knowledge of this difficult language. Brother Judson has per- formed a mighty task. He has now the great satisfaction of preaching to the poor heathen the words of eternal life. Hitherto he has principally confined his exertions to those who visit him ; but soon his labours will be more public. We have recently purchased a small piece of land, adjoining the mission premises, on which a place of worship is now erecting. Here brother Jud- son intends to spend the principal part of his time. Among other considerations, I will men- tion two which induced us to adopt this plan. We concluded that this method of communicat- ing Divine truth, would be least calculated to of- fend the ‘ powers which be.’ And, as the neces- sity of preaching the gospel is acknowledged, it is best also, if possible, to pursue that course which will not excite the suspicions of a cruel and despotic government. The secluded situa- tion of the house which we now occupy, had con- siderable influence upon our minds. It is situated upon no public road, and is almost entirely con- cealed from the view of passengers by lofty trees. This we conceive to be an important reason why so few inquire concerning the gospel. The house which is now building stands upon one of the roads which lead to the great pagoda. The pass- ing there is immense, especially on worship days. We trust our American friends will pray that TO TIIE BURMAN EMPIRE. 143 from the house which we devote to the service of God, streams of salvation may flow to all the surrounding country.” I remain, my dear Sir, Very affectionately and respectfully, A.H.J. 144 AMERICAN BAPTIST MISSION LETTER IX. Baltimore, January, 1823. MY DEAR SIR, The time has now arrived for the relation of those events which constituted a new and highly important era in the mission. Hitherto preparations only had been making. Now, the most essential part of a missionary's work was actually commenced : I mean the pub- lic preaching of the gospel. We had frequently been cast down, but were not destroyed ; we had been dejected, but not forsaken ; and now we saw the way gradually opening for the promul- gation of the gospel, while a variety of circum- stances combined to convince us, that God would yet make it manifest, that he had not, thus far, continued the mission for nought. Our mission family, from two, had been in- creased to six. (Mr. and Mrs. Hough had em- barked for Bengal.) An unusual spirit of prayer and supplication evidently existed among us, and it seemed the inquiry of every individual, “ What can, what shall we do, for the conversion of the TO THE BURMAN EMPIRE. 145 Burmans ?” And though our newly arrived friends could not speak the language, they were continually encouraging those of us who could, and spent much time in prayer for them. The Zayat, the Burman name for a place for public worship, was erected. Centuries had rolled away, millions of Burmans had been ushered into eternity, and God, the Creator of the universe, had never before seen an altar erected in Burmah for Himself ; had never before heard the voice of prayer and praise ascend in the Burman lan- guage. You, my dear Sir, who have now be- come so intimately acquainted with the circum- stances of the mission, and have so minutely fol- lowed us for the last six years, can easily imagine the impulse and excitement produced by the preceding consideration. From this time, Mr. Judson transmitted to the corresponding Secre- tary, in the form of a journal, every thing that occurred, of any interest; from which, and a few letters, written by different individuals of the mission family, you will perceive the origin and progress of the first Christian church ever esta- blished in the Burman empire : and though, in point of numbers, the success has not been splen- did, you will, I doubt not, exclaim with us, “ What hath God wrought!” February 24th, 1819, Mr. Judson wrote thus: — “ Some months have elapsed, since I had an opportunity of addressing the Board. During 146 AMERICAN BAPTIST MISSION this time, I have been employed in reading Bur- man, holding conversations on religion, writing some things preparatory to a more public com- munication of the gospel, and superintending the erection of a Zayat, a place of public resort. Since brother Hough left Rangoon, the remain- ing families are so small as to be able to find accommodation, though rather crowded, in the mission-house, and we concluded to defer building another, and to appropriate a small part of the sum remitted by you for that purpose (about two hundred dollars), to the erection of a public place, on one of the principal roads leading from the city to the great pagoda. There it is our in- tention, as fast as we are able to converse intelli- gibly, to spend a considerable part of our time ; and, if we find the attempt practicable under this government, to have stated public worship. We succeeded, after much difficulty and delay, in purchasing a small piece of ground, adjoining the mission premises, and, at the same time, opening on the public road ; the building is slowly going forward, and we hope will be ready to receive company in about a month. The mea- sure seems, at present, very promising, though it may eventuate in our banishment from the country. It will, at least, draw us out of our present retired and almost invisible situation, bring us into public view, and make us accessible to the multitudes who pass and repass on business TO THE BURMAN EMPIRE. 147 and worship. O that it may prove a Bethel, a house of prayer and praise ! “ There are several persons of whom we che- rish some hope ; but our hopes have been so fre- quently raised and depressed, that we know not what to say. There are certainly a considerable number, whose sentiments have been changed ; and who may be considered in the state of many nominal Christians, somewhat enlightened and partially convinced ; but I cannot say that I have ever met with a single person, on whose mind were discoverable the special operations of the Holy Spirit. The little number of inquirers is frequently diminished by removal to other parts of the country, by death, or by a sudden alarm from government; and again enlarged by new acquaintances. Thus a little light is, we hope, gradually spreading around, though so slowly and so ineffectually, as to claim but little notice, and to excite but faint and wavering expectations of immediate success. “ It is still a source of much gratification to me, that I am at length able to converse, if not fluently and acceptably, at least intelligibly, in this most difficult language ; that I can sit down in the midst of several poor heathen, wholly ig- norant of their God and Saviour, and, in a short time, enrich their minds with precious truths, which with the Divine blessing, are sufficient to «ave their souls. This is a privilege indeed : a 148 AMERICAN BAPTIST MISSION privilege which I beg the Board to allow me to enjoy all my days, nor remove me elsewhere, while there remains any rational prospect of suc- cess. “ I do indeed feel deeply grateful for the com- fortable supply of our necessary wants, without which we could not enjoy the privilege of im- parting the gospel to these heathen. I should be happy personally to express my gratitude to all who furnish this supply, and especially to my honoured patrons, the Board. I hope that their care and kindness will not be in vain. I trust that the blessing of many, ready to perish, will ultimately rest on all who contribute to and pray for the Burman mission.” April Ath, 1819, Mr. Judson again commenced his journal as follows : — “ My close application to the Burman dic- tionary, during the year 1817, and my subse- quent loss of nearly a year, in the unsuccessful attempt to visit Chittagong, have occasioned a long interruption in my journal. Since my re- turn to Rangoon, the little I have had to say, I have communicated in letters. With this day, a new and I hope important era in the mission, I re- sume the journal. “ To-day, the building of the Zayat being suf- ficiently advanced for the purpose, I called toge- ther a few people who live around us, and com- menced public worship in the Burman language. TO THE BURMAN EMPIRE. 149 1 say commenced, for though I have frequently read and discoursed to the natives, I have never before conducted a course of exercises which deserved the name of public worship, according to the usual acceptation of that phrase among Chris- tians ; and though I began to preach the gospel, as soon as I could speak intelligibly, I have thought it hardly becoming to apply the term preaching (since it has acquired an appropriate meaning in modern use), to my imperfect, desul- tory exhortations and conversations. But I hope, though with fear and trembling, that I have now commenced a course of public worship, and regu- lar preaching. This would have taken place just a year ago, had I returned to Rangoon, as I expected; and still earlier, had I not been under a government, where I thought it prudent to gain a considerable acquaintance with the language, before commencing public operations, lest I should be unable properly to vindicate my con- duct, when called to a judicial account. “ The congregation to-day consisted of fifteen persons only, besides children. Much disorder and inattention prevailed, most of them not hav- ing been accustomed to attend Burman worship. May the Lord grant his blessing on attempts made in great weakness, and under great disad- vantages ; and all the glory will be His ! “ April 6th . — This evening I went, for the se- cond time, to hear a popular Burman preacher. 150 AMERICAN BAPTIST MISSION On our arrival, we found a Zayat, in the precincts of one of the most celebrated pagodas, lighted up, and the floor spread with mats. In the centre was a frame raised about eighteen inches from the ground, where the preacher, on his arrival, seated himself. He appeared to be about forty- five years old, of very pleasant countenance, and harmonious speech. He was once a priest, but is now a layman. The people, as they came in, seated themselves on the mats, the men on one side of the house, and the women on the other. It was an undistinguished day, and the congrega- tion was very small, not' more than one hundred. When we entered, some said, ‘ There come some wild foreigners ; ’ but when we sat down properly, and took off our shoes, they began to say, ‘ No, they are not wild ; they are civilized.’ Some recognised me, and said to one another, ‘ It is the English teacher;’ a name by which I am commonly known. The preacher soon took notice of us, entered into some conversation, invited us to visit him, and so on ; but on learning that I was a missionary, or, in their idiom, a religion- making-teacher, his countenance fell, and he said no more. The people being now convened, one, appointed for the purpose, called three times, for silence and attention. Each person then took the flowers and leaves which had been previously distributed, and placing them between his fingers, raised them to his head, and in that respectful TO THE BURMAN EMPIRE. 151 posture remained motionless, until the service was closed. This ceremony we of course de- clined. When all things were properly adjusted, the preacher closed his eyes, and commenced the exercise, which consisted in repeating a portion from the Burman sacred writings. His subject was the conversion of the two prime disciples of Gaudama, and their subsequent promotion and glory. His oratory I found to be entirely dif- ferent from all that we call oratory. At first, he seemed dull and monotonous ; but presently, his soft mellifluent tones won their way into the heart, and lulled the soul into that state of calm- ness and serenity, which, to a Burman mind, somewhat resembles the boasted perfection of their saints of old. His discourse continued about half an hour ; and at the close, the whole assem- bly burst out into a short prayer, after which, all rose and retired. This man exhibits twice every evening, in different places. Indeed he is the only popular lay preacher in the place. As for the priests, they preach on special occasions only, when they are drawn from their seclusion and in- activity, by the solicitations of their adherents. “ April 11 thy Lord's day . — There were about as many present at Burman worship in the Zayat, as last Sunday. They behaved with rather more order ; but it seemed impossible to secure their fixed attention. Those who, in the course of the week, engaged to attend, forgot their engage- 152 AMERICAN BAPTIST MISSION ment; so that the assembly consisted entirely of people who live around us. I never felt so deeply the immense difficulty of making a first impression on a heathen people. “ April 25th, Lord's day . — Yesterday we com- pleted the Zayat, set up the front stairs, and laid open the entrance from the road. This morning I took my seat on the floor, in the open porch, under a solemn impression of the great responsi- bility attached to my new mode of life. “ In the forenoon the members of the mission family came over to have our usual worship, having concluded to hold it for a few Sundays in the Zayat, rather than in the house, in order to give the Burmans some idea of the place. “In the afternoon our people came together, and several came in from the road, so that we had an assembly of between twenty-five and thirty, besides children. At the close of the ser- vice, I distributed several tracts to the strangers. “ April 2 6th, Monday . — The forepart of the day quite barren. Studied with my teacher, as usual. Towards night had an audience of about a dozen, several of whom were from the neighbouring vil- lage of Kambet. These paid particular attention. “ April 21th, Tuesday . — One of the most atten- tive of the hearers last night, came again, with a petty officer from another village. They staid the most of the day, received a great deal of instruction, and left, with a promise that they TO THE BURMAN EMPIRE. 153 would come as often as the distance of their resi- dence would permit. Considerably encouraged to-day, with the hope that God is preparing a people in this benighted land. “ April 28 tli, Wednesday . — Nothing interesting through the day. At night, encountered a bitter opposer ; he had visited Bengal, and some foe to missions had poisoned his mind : he manifested a most virulent spirit. I felt that he would glad- ly be foremost in destroying us. But through Divine grace I was enabled to treat him with meekness and gentleness, and he finally left me politely. He appeared to be rich, and had several followers. “ In the evening there were some hopeful ap- pearances in Mrs. J.’s female meeting, which she has recommenced since public worship has been set up at the Zayat. “ April 29 tli, Thursday . — A young man of twenty-four, by name Moung Koo, happened to stroll in last Sunday, and was present at worship. He appeared to be rather wild and noisy, though his manners were respectful. He took a tract and went away. This morning, he made his appearance again, and has been with me about two hours. I have been enabled, through Divine assistance, to impart much religious instruction, and especially to expatiate with some feeling, on the love and sufferings of the Saviour. The truth seems to have taken hold of his mind, and though 154 AMERICAN BAPTIST MISSION he is quick and sensible, and has some savage fire in his eye, he is very docile, and ready to drink in the truth, without the numberless cavils and objections which are so common among the Burmans. He engaged to come next Sunday, promised to pray constantly, and gave me his name to pray for him, that he might be a disciple of Christ, and be delivered from hell. I feel con- siderable attachment to this young man, and my heart goes forth to the mercy seat, in behalf of his precious soul. “ April 30 th y Friday . — I was agreeably sur- prised, in the morning, to see the young man of yesterday come again so soon. He staid all the forenoon, and seemed desirous of hearing as much as possible about religion. Several others came and went. A very busy day ; hardly time to pre- pare these minutes to be forwarded by a vessel which leaves this port for Bengal, early to-morrow morning.” The following letter to Mrs. S. describes the encouraging appearances, at this time, among the females who attended my Wednesday meetings. “ Your affectionate letter of January 27th, 1818, I received on the arrival of our new missionary associates, and should have answered it by the last ship which sailed for Bengal, but ill health prevented my writing to any of my American friends. Accept my sincere thanks for the fa- vour, and be assured that your and Dr. S.’s let- TO THE BURMAN EMPIRE. 155 ters often animate and encourage our minds. As you are particularly interested in this mission, I hesitate not to write discouraging as well as encouraging circumstances, to present the dark as well as the bright side of the case ; and although this method will sometimes occasion painful feelings, it will excite to fervent and per- severing prayer, and prevent the severe disap- pointment, which is frequently the result of false colouring. You have doubtless, my dear Mrs. S , heard of the series of trials through which this mission passed during the last year. The bright prospect which animated us just before Mr. Judson’s departure for Chittagong, passed away in a moment, and was succeeded by an apparently impenetrable cloud. The arrival of the brethren C. and W. greatly rejoiced us, and caused us to feel that this mission was still an ob- ject of the care of Providence. But our rejoicings were quite checked by their both being taken with bleeding at the lungs, and other symptoms of debility. Brother Colman has been gradually recovering, and is able to apply closely to the study of the language, though he is still so weak at the lungs as to be hardly heard when leading in prayer : but brother Wheelock has been growing weaker, has a violent cough, and every symptom of a fixed consumption. We have now given up all hope of his recovery. We consider Mr. and Mrs. Colman a valuable acquisition to the mis- 156 AMERICAN BAPTIST MISSION sion, enjoy much in their society, and exceed- ingly regret that the present weak state of his lungs forbids our expecting much from his public labours for a length of time. “ Since Mr. Judson has commenced public preaching in the Zayat, I have begun again to have my female meetings, which were given up, in consequence of the scattered state of the Bur- mans around us, at the time of our government difficulties. I attend with them every Wednesday evening at seven o’clock, as they are more at lei- sure in the evening than any other time. My last meeting was very animating, and the appear- ance of the females (thirteen in number, all young married women) very encouraging. Some of them were inquisitive, and after spending two hours seemed loth to go. One said, she appear- ed to herself like a blind person just beginning to see. And another said, she believed in Christ, prayed to him daily, and asked what else was ne- cessary to make her a real disciple of Christ. I told her she must not only say that she believed in Christ, but must believe with all her heart. She again asked what were some of the evidences of believing with the heart. I told her the manner of life would be changed; but one of the best evidences she could obtain would be, when others came to quarrel with her and use abusive language, if, so far from retaliating, she felt a disposition to bear with, to pity, and to TO THE BURMAN EMPIRE. 157 pray for them. The Burman women are par- ticularly given to quarrelling, and to refrain from it would be a most decided evidence of a change of heart. But, my dear Mrs. S , we have no reason to expect that the adversary of souls will let us long go on quietly in our exer- tions to undermine his kingdom here. Will he not make every possible exertion for the destruc- tion of this infant cause? Yes; but though he rage, he can go no farther than the length of his chain, which is held in the right hand of Him, who loves his church, who keeps it as the apple of his eye, and who, if any of his elect are among this idolatrous people, will keep them from the destructive influence of inferior power. ‘ What though the heathen rage, and the people imagine a vain thing? What though the kings of the earth set themselves, and the rulers take counsel together against the Lord and his cause ? He that sitteth in the heavens shall laugh; the Lord shall have them in derision. He will set his Son upon his holy hill, he will give the heathen for his inheritance, and the uttermost parts of the earth for his possession.’ These precious pro- mises, my dear Mrs. S , dissipate our despond- ing fears, and cause us at times to feel, that ‘ in the Lord we have everlasting strength,’ that He will yet look on us with a favourable eye, and crown our exertions with success. We hope our friends at home will not be discouraged, or cease 158 AMERICAN BAPTIST MISSION to pray fervently for the prosperity of this mis- sion. If they knew all the circumstances and the difficulties we have to encounter, so far from being discouraged, they would perceive the great- est ground for encouragement. Through the kindness of the Board, our temporal wants are comfortably supplied, for which we wish to ex- press our gratitude. “ Accompanying is a Siamese catechism, which I have just copied, that you may see the form and manner of writing this language. I have attended to the Siamese language for about a year and a half, and, with the assistance of my teacher, have translated the Burman catechism, tract, and the gospel of St. Matthew into that language. 1 have also translated one of the Siamese books into English, and would send it to you if it was not so bulky and so much labour to copy. It is an ac- count of the incarnation of one of their deities, when he existed in the form of a great elephant ! The perusal of it, I dare say, would afford you much amusement, as well as excite your commi- seration for a people who are so deluded as to believe such fictitious stories.” Continuation of Extracts from Mr. Judsons Journal. “ Rangoon , April \st, 1819. — I perceive that one large parcel, forwarded in the year 1816, never reached America. It contained, among TO THE BURMAN EMPIRE. 159 other things, my journal from October 1815 to February 1816. On looking over the original minutes, I perceive one article only that is worth transcribing. That article will, at least, serve to give some account of myself, during a period which must appear to be unaccounted for in the letters which have reached the Board. “ January, 1$£, 1816. — The greater part of my time for the last six months has been occupied in studying and transcribing, in alphabetical ar- rangement, the Pali Abigdan, or dictionary of the Pali language, affixing to the Pali terms the in- terpretation in Burman, and again transferring the Burman words to a dictionary, Burman and English. With the close of the year I have brought this tedious work to a close ; and find, that the number of Pali words collected, amounts to about four thousand. It has grieved me to spend so much time on the Pali; but the con- stant occurrence of Pali terms in every Burman book, made it absolutely necessary. The two languages are entirely distinct. The Burman is a language sui generis, peculiar to it- self. It is true we cannot know what affinity it has to some of the Indo-Chinese languages, that are yet uninvestigated ; but it is essentially dif- ferent from the Sungskrit, the parent of almost all the languages in India Proper, and indeed from every language, that has yet come under the cognizance of Europeans. 160 AMERICAN BAPTIST MISSION “ The Pali, on the other hand, is a dialect of the Sungskrit, and was introduced into this country with the religion of Boodh. This personage, whose proper name is Gaudama, appeared in Hindostan, about two thousand three hundred years ago, and gave a new form and dress to the old transmigration system, which, in some shape or other, has existed time immemorial. The Brahmans, in the mean time, dressed up the sys- tem after their fashion; and these two modifica- tions, Brahmanism and Boodhism, struggled for the ascendency. At length, the family of Gau- dama, which has held the sovereignty of India, w r as dethroned, his religion was denounced, and his disciples took refuge in Ceylon, and the neighbouring countries. In that island, about five hundred years after the decease and supposed annihilation of their teacher or deity, they com- posed their sacred writings, in that dialect of the Sungskrit, which had obtained in Ceylon; thence, they were conveyed, by sea, to the Indo-Chinese nations. Boodhism, however, had gained foot- ing in Burmah, before the arrival of the sacred books from Ceylon. It is commonly maintained, that it was introduced by his emissaries before his death. “ It is obvious, that the introduction of a new religion, and new sacred writings, must have great effect on the language of a people. And, accordingly (not to speak of the influence which TO THE BURMAN EMPIRE. 161 the Pali has had on the general construction of the Burman language), a considerable number of words in common use, and a very great propor- tion of theological terms, are of Pali origin. Thus, though the Pali is now a dead language, cultivated by the learned only, some knowledge of it is indispensable to one who would acquire a perfect knowledge of the Burman, and especially to a missionary, who intends to translate the Scriptures, and who ought, therefore, above all others, to be perfectly acquainted with the terms he employs. “ With these views, I was desirous of laying a little foundation for such further improvements in the language, as necessity should require, and leisure permit. And having done this — having a vocabulary for daily reference, correction, and enlargement, I now propose to devote my whole time again to the Burman.” “ May 1st, 1819. — Burman day of worship ; of course many visitors. Among the rest, Moung Nau, a man who was with me several hours yes- terday, but from his silence and reserve, excited little attention or hope. To-day, however, I be- gin to think better of him. Moung Koo came again at night, and appeared pretty well. These two men, with the two persons from Kambet, of the 27th of the last month, I call the fruits of the week. But let us see who of them will remember the day of worship. M 162 AMERICAN BAPTIST MISSION “ May 2d, Lord's day . — About three o'clock, the quiet and modest Moung Nau came in, and took his usual place. For the others we looked in vain. About thirty present at worship. Very few paid much attention, or probably received any benefit. “ May 3d . — Among the visitors of to-day, was a respectable man, formerly an officer, now a merchant, resident at Little Bridge, a village contiguous to Kambet. After long and various conversation, in which he paid close and respect- ful attention, he said that he was a person not a little versed in Burman literature ; but that he now saw he had erred in all ; he regretted that he had lived two years in the neighbourhood, with- out knowing me ; to-day was an auspicious day ; he wished to become my disciple, would read my writings with attention, and come as often as pos- sible. “ May 5th . — Moung Nau has been with me several hours. I begin to think that the grace of God has reached his heart. He expresses senti- ments of repentance for his sins, and faith in the Saviour. The substance of his profession is, that from all the darkness, and uncleannesses and sins of his whole life, he has found no other Saviour but Jesus Christ; no where else can he look for salvation ; and therefore he proposes to adhere to Christ, and worship him all his life long. “ It seems almost too much to believe, that TO THE BURMAN EMPIRE. 1G3 God has begun to manifest his grace to the Bur- mans ; but this day I could not resist the delight- ful conviction, that this is really the case. Praise AND GLORY BE TO HIS NAME FOR EVERMORE. Amen. “ May 6th . — Moung Nau was again with me a great part of the day. He appears to be slowly growing in religious knowledge, and manifests a teachable, humble spirit, ready to believe all that Christ has said, and obey all that he has com- manded. “ He is thirty-five years old — no family — mid- dling abilities — quite poor — obliged to work for his living, and therefore his coming day after day to hear the truth, affords stronger evidence that it has taken hold of his mind. May the Lord graciously lead his dark mind into all the truth, and cause him to cleave inviolably to the blessed Saviour. “May 8th.— Burman day of worship. Thronged with visitors through the day. Had more or less company, without intermission, for about eight hours. Several heard much of the gospel, and engaged to come again. Moung Nau was with me a great part of the day, and assisted me much in explaining things to new comers. Towards night, a man came in, by name Moung Shway Oo, whom I think it time to mention particu- larly, as he has visited me several times; and though, like Moung Nau, apparently backward 164 AMERICAN BAPTIST MISSION at first, he appears to be really thoughtful. He is a young man of twenty-seven, of very pleasant exterior, and evidently in good circumstances. Poor Moung Koo, who appeared so forward at first, alas, too forward ! has quite discontinued his visits. No news yet from the villages of Kambet and Little Bridge. “ May 9th, Lord's day. — Moung Shway Oo came in the morning, and staid through the whole day. Only two or three of all I conversed with yesterday came again. Had, however, an assem- bly of thirty. After worship some warm dispu- tation. I begin to feel that the Burmans cannot stand before the truth. In the course of the con- versation Moung Nau declared himself a disciple of Christ, in presence of a considerable number ; and even Moung Shway Oo appeared to incline the same way. “ May \Oth .— Early in the morning Moung Nau came to take leave, being obliged to go to a distance after timber — his usual occupation. I took him alone, and prayed with him, and gave him a written prayer to help him in his private devotion. He received my parting instructions with great attention and solemnity ; said he felt that he was a disciple of Christ — hoped that he should be kept from falling — desired the prayers of us all — expressed a wish that, if he held out some time after his return, we would allow him to profess Christ in baptism, and so he departed. TO THE BURMAM EMPIRE. 165 The Lord Jesus go with him, and bless him. He is poor. I felt a great desire to give him some- thing ; but thought it safer to put no temptation in his way. If, on his return, he still cleaves to Christ, his profession will be more satisfactory than it would be if he had any expectations from me. “ May 11th.— Had more or less company from morning till night. Among the rest Moung Shway Oo, and two or three others, who appear to be pretty well satisfied that the Boodhist religion has no foundation. Conversation was very ani- mated, and somewhat encouraging; but I wanted to see more seriousness, and more anxiety to be saved from sin. “ Heard much to-day of the danger of intro- ducing a new religion. All agreed in opinion, that the king would cut off those who embraced it, being a king who could not bear that his sub- jects should differ in sentiment from himself, and who has, for a long time, persecuted the priests of the established religion of the empire, because they would not sanction all his innovations. Those who seemed most favourably disposed, whispered me, that I had better not stay in Rangoon and talk to common people, but go directly to the ‘ lord of life and death. 1 If he approved of the re- ligion, it would spread rapidly ; but, in the pre- sent state of things, none would dare to prose- cute their inquiries, with the fear of the king 166 AMERICAN BAPTIST MISSION before their eyes. They brought forward, the case of the Kolans, a sect of Burmans, who have been proscribed and put to death under several reigns. I tried to set them right in some points, and encourage them to trust in the care of an Almighty Saviour ; but they speak low, and look around fearfully, when they mention the name of the ‘ owner of the sword.' “ May 13th . — Had company all day, without intermission. About noon Moung Nau came in, having given up his journey, on account of the unfaithfulness of his employer. His behaviour and conversation were very satisfactory. He re- grets the want of a believing associate, but de- clares his determination of adhering to Christ, though no Burman should ever join him. “ Moung Shway Doan, a man who has at- tended two Sundays, and made some occasional visits, was with me several hours. He professes to have felt the truth of this religion, ever since he first heard about it, and now desires to be a disciple of Christ. He has obtained, I find, con- siderable knowledge of the Christian system ; but does not appear to have much sense of his own sins. May the Spirit teach him what man cannot. “ May 15th . — Moung Nau has been with me all day, as well as yesterday. He is anxious to be received into our company, and thinks it a great privilege to be the first among the Burmans in TO THE BURMAN EMPIRE. 167 professing' the religion of Jesus Christ. He has been told plainly, that he has nothing to expect in this world but persecution, and perhaps death ; but he thinks it better to die for Christ, and be happy hereafter, than to live a few days, and be for ever wretched. All the members of the mis- sion have, at different times, conversed with him, and are satisfied that a work of grace is begun in his heart. “ May 16/A, Lord's day . — In the forenoon, a man came in from Kyaikasan, a neighbouring vil- lage, and listened with more apparent sincerity than is commonly manifested during the first visit. He had received a tract about a year ago, and had thought considerably on the subject. “ About the usual number were present at worship ; but a larger proportion than common, were strangers. A lawyer belonging to the vice- roy, and some other respectable persons, were present, and gave me much trouble, without, I fear, receiving any benefit. Moung Shway Doan was present, and appeared pretty well after wor- ship. Moung Shway Oo has, I suppose, returned to Henthadah, the next city above Rangoon. He took no leave of me ; yet I cannot give up all hope of him. At his last visit, he said, he should constantly read my writings, and pray to the eternal God. “ May nth . — Moung Nau has received an ad- vantageous offer to go to Ava, in the employ of a 168 AMERICAN BAPTIST MISSION boat owner. We were afraid to dissuade him from accepting it, as he has no way of getting a living ; and equally unwilling to have him absent several months. At length we advised him not to go, and he at once acquiesced. “ May 20th . — For several days there have been no visitors at all. I ascribe it partly to the dis- tress which presses on all ranks of people, on ac- count of the heavy tax which is now raising. Yesterday we received an order to pay, on ac- count of our servants, forty-eight ticals of pure silver, equal to thirty dollars. To-day, after having made every inquiry, we applied to the viceroy. He replied, that it was an extraordinary tax, and must be paid ; but that we might be ex- cused from paying it to the proper officer, and have the privilege of paying it to himself! We were, therefore, obliged to produce the money. “ May 21 st . — Had several attentive hearers ; among the rest Moung Ay, who says that the good news has taken hold of his mind. I have been so frequently disappointed in visitors, who appeared promising the first time, but never came again, that I have lost all credit in early profes- sions ; yet I cannot but hope well of this man, especially as Moung Nau appeared to like him better than any other inquirer. May 22 d . — We have taken Moung Nau to live with us, intending to employ him in copying- some small things for distribution, which we can- TO THE BURMAN EMPIRE. 169 not get printed at present, and allow him ten ticals a month. Our principal object, however, is to keep him in the way of instruction, hoping that he will ultimately be useful to his country- men. “ At night, Moung Ay came the second time, and appeared anxious to know the way of salva- tion. But I am grieved to find, that he is going away on business to-morrow morning, and will be absent a long time. “ May 23 d, Lord's day . — The Kyaikasan vil- lager, Moung Nyo, mentioned last Sunday, came again, with three companions. He staid the whole day, and appears to be in the same state of mind as Moung Ay. Both say, they are con- vinced that there is an eternal God ; that having denied him all their lives, and, of course, lived contrary to his commands, their sins are great ; and that the news of salvation through the death of the Son of God, is good news. Thus far they venture. But whether the Spirit has given, or will give them true love to the Saviour, and thus enable them to trust in him, we must leave for time to ascertain. “ May 24 th . — A ship, long expected from Ben- gal, came up the river, but was obliged at night to anchor a few miles below the town. “ May 25th . — In the afternoon the captain came on shore. We received a few loose letters from Bengal. Had the mortification- to find that most 170 AMERICAN RAPTIST MISSION of our letters were in a parcel and box stowed away in the hold. “ May 2 6th . — Out all day ; but unable to get hold of the precious articles. “ May 21th . — In the afternoon had news that the parcel was sent ashore ; and at the same moment received peremptory orders from the collector of the district, to pay four hundred and fifty ticals of pure silver. The order was com- municated through the same medium as the last, and all the circumstances conspire to convince us, that it is done by the authority of the vice- roy ; and if he succeeds in getting this money, it will most assuredly be the beginning of a system of extortion, which will make it impossible for us to remain at Rangoon. What shall we do? We cannot expose the funds of the Board to the mercy of a government which demands hundreds at once. We cannot go up to Ava just now, and seek redress of the emperor. The viceroy would interdict the measure, as the object would be ap- parent.* The poor parcel lost its value. We glanced at a few of the most important letters ; and hastened to lay our case before two Euro- peans, who hold places under government. Both promised to use their influence. Late at night, after the evening levee, we received information * This viceroy had been in office but a short time, and we were not particularly acquainted with him. TO THE BURMAN EMPIRE. 171 from them both, that they had forgotten our case. We have nothing, therefore, to do, but to commit it to Him who will not forget us, and retire to rest with aching hearts. “ May 28 th . — Applied again to one of the offi- cers, in whom I have most confidence. Spent the forenoon in drawing up a memorial (to be presented to the viceroy, as a last resort), stating our object in coming to the country, our means of support, and our ministerial character. At noon, received news from the officer applied to in the morning, that he had been before the ray- woon, the second in government, and stated the impropriety of taxing ministers of religion ; that the raywoon summoned the head of the district, and having ascertained that the order did not emanate from the viceroy himself, dismissed him with a reprimand. O, what a relief to our bur- dened hearts ! Thanks be to a gracious Saviour ! “ In the afternoon succeeded in getting the box, in which most of our lett3rs were deposited. Enjoyed a happy season, in devouring much pri- vate and public intelligence from our dear friends and native land . These are the first letters that have been forwarded from Bengal for eight months. “ Jane 3d . — Have had but little company in the Zayat for several days. In the intervals, have been happy in examining the magazines and other publications, lately received — a pleasure peculiar to a missionary in a heathen land. 172 AMERICAN BAPTIST MISSION “ June 6th, Lord's day. — Had two interesting visitors. They were present ah' worship, and staid till dark — certain they should come again — but will they ? “ After partaking of the Lord's supper in the evening, we read and considered the following letter of Moung Nau, which he wrote of his own accord : ‘ I, Moung Nau, the constant recipient of your excellent favour, approach your feet. Whereas my Lord’s three have come to the country of Burmah, not for the purpose of trade, but to preach the religion of Jesus Christ, the Son of the eternal God, I, having heard and understood, am, with a joyful mind, filled with love. ‘ I believe that the Divine Son, Jesus Christ, suffered death, in the place of men, to atone for their sins. Like a heavy laden man, I feel my sins are very many. The punishment of my sins I deserve to suffer. Since it is so, do you, Sirs, consider, that I, taking refuge in the merits of the Lord Jesus Christ, and receiving baptism, in order to become his disciple, shall dwell one with yourselves, a band of brothers, in the happiness of heaven, and (therefore) grant me the ordinance of baptism.* * It is through the grace of Jesus ___ ““ r- ‘ : : r- * At the time of writing this, not having heard much of baptism, he seems to have ascribed an undue efficacy to the ordinance. He has since corrected his error ; but the translator thinks it most fair and impartial to give the letter, just as it was written at first. TO THE BURMAN EMPIRE. 173 Christ, that you. Sirs, have come by ship, from one country and continent to another, and that we have met together. I pray my Lord's three, that a suitable day may be appointed, and that I may receive the ordinance of baptism. ‘ Moreover, as it is only since I have met with you, Sirs, that I have known about the eter- nal God, I venture to pray, that you will still un- fold to me the religion of God, that my old dis- position may be destroyed, and my new disposi- tion improved.’ “We have all, for some time, been satisfied concerning the reality of his religion, and there- fore voted to receive him into church fellowship, on his being baptized, and proposed next Sunday for administering the ordinance. “ June 20th, Lord’s clay . — For the last fortnight, have had but little company at the Zayat, owing probably to the rains which have now fully set in. The town has also been in great confusion, in prospect of the viceroy’s departure for Ava. We have been called on to pay another tax of fifteen ticals — got off with paying half. Have had seve- ral other molestations from petty officers of go- vernment. Concluded to postpone Moung Nau’s baptism, till the viceroy be fairly off. He left Rangoon yesterday, and has arrived at the next village, which is a kind of rendezvous to the vast multitude of boats that accompany him. “ To-day Moung Shway Doan appeared again, 174 AMERICAN BAPTIST MISSION after an absence of several weeks, and a little re- vived our hopes concerning him. Several whom I have particularly mentioned, have discontinued their visits, though I am satisfied that they are convinced of the falsity of the Burman religion, and of the truth of the Christian. I cannot pos- sibly penetrate their motives. Whether, after several visits, they meet with some threatening suggestion, that awakens their fears of persecu- tion, or whether, at a certain stage in their inqui- ries, they get such an insight into the gospel, as rouses the enmity of the carnal heart, I am not able from my experience hitherto to ascertain. “ June 21 st . — The town is in the utmost anxiety and alarm. Order after order has reached our viceroy, to hasten his return to Ava, with all the troops under arms. Great news is whispered. Some say there is a rebellion ; some say the king is sick; some that he is dead. But none dare to say this plainly. It would be a crime of the first magnitude ; for the ‘ lord of land and water ’ is called immortal. The eldest son of his eldest son (his father being dead), has long been de- clared the heir of the crown : but he has two very powerful uncles, who, it is supposed, will contest his right; and, in all probability, the whole country will soon be a scene of anarchy and civil war. “ June 22 d . — Out all the morning listening for news, uncertain whether a day or an hour will TO THE BURMAN EMPIRE. 175 not plunge us into the greatest distress. The whole place is sitting in sullen silence, expecting an explosion. About ten o’clock, a royal des- patch boat pulls up to the shore. An imperial mandate is produced. The crowds make way for the sacred messengers, and follow them to the high court, where the authorities of the place are assembled. Listen ye— The immortal king (wearied it would seem with the fatigues of roy- alty) has gone up to amuse himself in the celes- tial regions. His grandson, the heir apparent, is seated on the throne. The young monarch enjoins on all to remain quiet, and wait his impe- rial orders. “ It appears that the prince of Toung Oo, one of his uncles, has been executed, with his family and adherents, and the prince of Pyee placed in confinement. There has probably been bloody work ; but it seems, from what has transpired, that the business has been settled so expeditiously, that the distant provinces will not feel the shock. “ June 23 r 210 AMERICAN BAPTIST MISSION LETTER XI. Baltimore, January, 1823. MY DEAR SIR, Y ou perceive that we were not allowed to pro- ceed long in the use of those means, which pre- sented the fairest prospect for the rapid success of the gospel in the Burman empire. Christians, living under Christian governments, cannot ima- gine the terror and alarm infused into the mind of a Burman, at the idea of coming into contact with any person invested with authority. The Zayat had been visited by thousands, many had been induced to examine seriously the Christian religion, and a universal spirit of inquiry had been excited ; yet, when it was rumoured abroad that this single sentence, ‘ inquire further,’ had pro- ceeded from the lips of the viceroy, on the accu- sation of the teacher, all, with one accord, for- sook us, and passed on, without venturing to look at their former place of resort. In this situa- tion, our work had apparently come to a stand. One course only remained to be pursued, that of presenting a petition for toleration to the emperor. The result will be seen from Mr. Judson’s jour- TO THE BURMAV EMPIRE. 211 nal, which shall be continued, after the insertion of a letter, describing the evening school, a short time before established, and the Burman method of instructing in the first rudiments of reading. “ Rangoon, August Ath, 1819. — In school. I have just been round to all the scholars, one by one, to hear them read their lessons, and am now going to spend the remaining hour, while the Burman teacher looks over them, in writing to you. How curious would the sounds, kwa, kwaa, kwe kwee, kwo kwoo, & c. which are now ringing in my ears, sound in yours. Yet, uncouth as they would appear to you, or as they did, at first, to me, they have now become musical, and when considered as introductory to an acquaintance with the word of God, are productive of most pleasant sensations. But, in order that you may see me, just as I am situated, I will be a little particular in describing the school. The Zayat, in which it is kept, is situated thirty or forty rods from the mission-house, and in dimensions is twenty-seven by eighteen feet. It is raised four feet from the ground, and is divided into three parts. The first division is laid entirely open to the road, without doors, windows, or a partition in the front side, and takes up a third part of the whole building. It is made of bamboo and thatch, and is the place where Mr. Judson sits all the day long, and says to the passers by, ‘ Ho ! every one that thirsteth,’ &c. The next, and middle 212 AMERICAN BAPTIST MISSION division, is a large airy room, with four doors and four windows, opening in opposite directions, made entirely of boards, and is white-washed, to distinguish it from the other Zayats around us. “ In this room, we have public worship in Bur- man on the Sabbath; and, in the middle of it I am now situated at my writing table, while six of the male -scholars are at one end, each with his torch and black board, over which he is industri- ously bending, and emitting the sounds above described. The third, and last division, is only an entry way, which opens into the garden, lead- ing to the mission-house. “ In this apartment, all the women are seated, with their lights and black boards, much in the same position and employment as the men. The black boards, on which all the Burmans learn to read and write, answer the same purpose as our slates. They are about a yard in length, made black with charcoal and the juice of a leaf, and letters are clearly imprinted with a species of white stone, a little similar to our slate pencils. A lesson is written out on this board by an in- structor, and when a scholar is perfect master of it, it is erased, and a new one written. The Burmans are truly systematic in their elementary instructions, and a scholar is not considered qua- lified to read without spelling, until he has a perfect knowledge of all the various combinations of the letters. TO THE BURMAN EMPIRE. 213 “ 29 th . — When I wrote the above, I intended writing a little every evening ; but my time has been so completely occupied, during this last month, together with the increasing weakness of my eyes, that I have not found an hour’s leisure, until this evening. Our school is getting on well, though in number it has diminished rather than increased. Two of the scholars, who began with their letters, are now reading without spelling; and it is a truth, which affords no little satisfac- tion, that their knowledge of letters is first em- ployed in reading a catechism, concerning the eternal God, and his Son, Jesus Christ, of whom they never heard, till they met with us. Thus they will insensibly obtain ideas of their Creator, and ever, in after life, associate the ideas of reli- gion and reading. We begin to see the word of God taking effect around us. The Burmans now believe that we have come here to do them good, and seek their advantage. During four or five years, they supposed, notwithstanding our asser- tions to the contrary, that we had come here merely to obtain their wisdom, and to return to our native country, to communicate it to others. But seeing, after we had acquired their language, that instead of returning, we built a place for public worship, in which Mr. Judson spends all his time in preaching the new religion, they changed their opinion; and some of them acknowledge that it must be a singular religion, 214 AMERICAN BAPTIST MISSION and one worthy of attention, to produce such effects. Three Burmans now give good evidence of being real Christians, though only one has been baptized. Two or three others give us much encouragement, and we hope will prove to be real Christians. Moung Nau, I mentioned, in my last letter, as being the first Burman con- vert. Moung Thahlah has been serious for a long time, and has, of late, given us reason to hope that he is a true Christian. He is an amiable young man, and considerably superior to the common Burmans. The love of Christ, in dying for sinners, appears to have deeply impressed his mind, and he speaks of it with much feeling. He says, * the love of Christ is no common love. Besides Jesus, I see no way of salvation.’ He has a clear and distinct understanding of the way of salvation by Christ, reads the Testament much, and unites with us, daily, in family worship, which is conducted both in English and Burman. It is very animating to see the solemnity of these two Burmans, when they come to worship ; and we often feel, that if we see no further success, we are amply recompensed for the years of dark- ness and anxiety, which we have passed here. “ Mr. and Mrs. Colman are still with us; the only two, out of the six, who have joined us since we have lived in Rangoon. We are very happy in their society. They are entirely devoted to the work of the mission, and make every thing sub- TO THE BURMAN EMPIRE. 215 servient to its promotion and prosperity. They apply closely to the study of the language, in which they have made great proficiency. We esteem it a peculiar favour in Providence, that our only remaining associates, and, indeed, our only society in Rangoon, should, in every re- spect, be of the right stamp. Our mission, on the whole, is in a more prosperous state than we have hardly dared to hope it ever would be, un- der this capricious government. We trust a little vine is here planted, which is so enclosed and hedged by the protecting care of the Vinedresser, as to prevent its destruction by the wild beasts of the forest. “We have two or three interesting inquirers, who, we hope, will finally be brought to a saving knowledge of the truth. Rut. we want more labourers, who are already qualified to enter on this work. Mr. Judson not only finds his hands full, but abundantly more employment than he is able to perform. His eyes and head, of late, have been considerably affected, which prevents his going on with the translation of the Scrip- tures as he had intended. “ November 20th . — We have had the inexpres- sible pleasure of witnessing the baptism of two Burmans, since my last date, who gave good evidence of being true Christians. One is Moung Thahlah, whom I have mentioned above, and the other is the oldest member of the school, by 216 AMERICAN BAPTIST MISSION name Moung Byaay. He has been indefatigable in learning to read, though the only spare time he had was in the evening, after he had been working hard through the day. The first thing he began to read, without spelling, was the cate- chism, which he committed to memory as he read. He soon began to inquire more particu- larly concerning the religion of Christ, and mani- fested an ardent desire to become a true disciple. We trust his inquiries have issued in a saving- knowledge of the truth. The two last men- tioned disciples were baptized rather privately, on account of the general alarm which has pre- vailed of late among our acquaintance. But, instead of wondering that they were desirous of being baptized in private, we felt that it was a strong evidence in their favour, that they should desire baptism at all, under existing circum- stances. . , “ Our three Burman converts now have a prayer meeting among themselves, every Sabbath even- ing, besides uniting with Mr. Judson twice in a week, and with us all every day in family wor- ship. Their appearance is so different from com- mon Burmans, that we are led to exclaim, ‘ What hath God wrought!’ “ Mr. Judson has written to the Board a parti- cular account of the persecuting spirit, which has, of late, been manifested. We feel more for our converts than we do for ourselves, as they would TO THE BURMAN EMPIRE. 217 be the first to feel the effects of a tyrannical, de- spotic government. “ Situated as we now are, you will readily imagine we feel the necessity of committing our- selves and this infant church into the hands of our heavenly Father, and of waiting his guidance and direction. The adversary of souls could not pa- tiently see us going on prosperously, without making a struggle to overthrow us. But how much he will be able to effect, is known only to Him, who is our guardian and protector, and who will restrain the remainder of that wrath, which will not redound to his own glory. “We have lately been obliged to shut up the Zayat altogether, and all our inquirers have for- saken us, except one, a very learned man, who still visits us, though rather privately. A spirit of persecution has begun to manifest itself, and so alarmed all our acquaintance, that they have quite discontinued their visits. This falling off at the Zayat, has determined Mr. Judson to make the only and last attempt, that of presenting a memorial to the young king. We are now all engaged in making preparations for the journey. Brother Colman accompanies Mr. Judson. Mrs. Colman and myself remain in Rangoon. I felt very desirous of going, as the lady of the old viceroy, who is my particular friend, is now at Ava, and would give me a very favourable recep- tion. Her husband is next in rank to the king. 218 AMERICAN BAPTIST MISSION and has the management of all the affairs of the kingdom. But Mr. Judson thinks it too hazard- ous an undertaking, as no foreign female has ever yet appeared at the Burman court. What will be the result of this expedition, we leave for God to determine, on whom alone we depend , and to whom alone we look for success. If he is now about to introduce the gospel into this country, he will incline the king to give us free toleration ; but if he has work to do for us elsewhere, we de- sire to submit, and acquiesce in his sovereign will. It is now an important crisis in the mis- sion. O, that Christiansin America, would, with one united voice, plead with God, that these perishing millions may not be lost, by putting far away from them the words of eternal life. We trust we have some sense of the greatness of this undertaking, and of the importance of being spi- ritual, and heavenly minded.” Extracts from Mr. Jndsoris Journal. “ December \2th. Lord's day. — We were much gratified at seeing the teacher, Moung Shway- gnong, at worship, for the first time since he was accused before the viceroy. The news of our in- tended expedition to Ava, has probably embold- ened him. We proposed his accompanying us, but he declined. “ December 18 th, Saturday . — Have spent all the TO THE BURMAN EMPIRE. 219 past week in making preparations for our jour- ney. “ December 19 th. Lord's day .- — Had worship fer the last time. Disappointed in not seeing the teacher; but the disappointment somewhat alle- viated by the attendance of one of his acquaint- ance, an elderly man, by name Oo Yan, by pro- fession a doctor, who listened with the strictest attention, and, in his subsequent conversation, discovered a truly inquisitive spirit. “ December 2\st . — After having made arrange- ments for the residence of our families in town, during our absence, brother Colman and myself embarked. Our boat is six feet wide in the mid- dle, and forty feet long. A temporary deck of bamboos is laid throughout, and on the hinder part of the boat, the sides are raised with thin boards, and a covering of thatch and mats tied on, so as to form two low rooms, in which we can just sit, and lie down. Our company consists of sixteen, besides ourselves — ten rowmen — a steers- man — a headman, whose name is inserted in our passport, and who, therefore, derives a little au- thority from government — a steward or cook for the company, which place is filled by our trusty Moung Nau — our own cook — a Hindoo washer- man — an Englishman, who has been unfortunate all his life, and wishes to try the service of his Bunnan majesty ; and this last personage may be called our gunner, he having charge of several 220 AMERICAN BAPTIST MISSION guns and blunderbusses, which are indispensable, on account of the robbers that infest the river. “ We have been much perplexed, in fixing on a present for the emperor, without which no per- son unauthorized can appear in his presence. Our funds were evidently inadequate to the purchase of articles which would be valuable to him, in a pecuniary point of view ; when we considered also, that there ought to be a congruity between the present and our character, we selected that book, which we hope to be allowed to translate under his patronage — the Bible, in six volumes, covered with gold leaf, in Burman style, and each volume enclosed in a rich wrapper. For presents to other members of government, we have taken several pieces of fine cloth, and other articles. “ Thus manned and furnished, we pushed off from the shores of Rangoon. The teacher, Moung Shway-gnong, had not been to see us for several days, ashamed probably of having declined ac- companying us; but just as we were pushing off we saw his tall form standing on the wharf. He raised his hand to his head, and bade us adieu, and continued looking after the boat, until a pro- jecting point shut Rangoon and all its scenes from our view. When shall we redouble this little point? Through what shall we pass, ere the scene now snatched away be re-presented ? The expedition on which we have entered, however it may terminate, is unavoidably fraught with con^ TO THE BURMAN EMPIRE. 221 sequences momentous and solemn, beyond all conception. We are penetrating into the heart of one of the great kingdoms of the world, to make a formal offer of the gospel to a despotic monarch, and through him, to the millions of his subjects. May the Lord accompany us, and crown our at- tempt with the desired success, if it be consistent with his wise and holy will. “ At night, we moored by the bank of Kyee- myen-daing. It was near this place that, a few days ago, one of the boats belonging to Mr. G., late collector of Rangoon, was attacked by rob- bers, and the steersman and another man killed at a single shot. We felt unwilling to remain at this village, but found it necessary. “ December 22 d . — We set off early in the morn- ing, and at noon reached Kyoon-oo, a cluster of villages, near one of which, about twenty miles from Rangoon, we remained the rest of the day. “ December 23 d . — Passed from the Rangoon outlet into the great A-rah-wah-tee river, (vul- garly called Irrawaddy,) and reached Ran-gen- tsen-yah, a village twenty miles from Kyoon-oo. “ On the 24th, passed Da-noo-byoo, and on the 26th, Hen-thah-dah, both large towns. Fresh reports of robbers. “ On the 30th, reached Kah-noung, a consider- able town, about ninety miles from Rangoon. Here we met a special officer from Bassein, with a detachment of men, sent in pursuit of a band of 222 AMERICAN BAPTIST MISSION robbers, who lately made a daring attack on a large boat, wounded and beat off the people, and took plunder to the amount of fifteen hundred ticals. The commander offered us an escort for the journey of to-morrow, which lies through a dangerous tract of country ; but we declined ac- cepting it, as we should have been obliged to give the people presents, without deriving any sub- stantial assistance in the hour of danger. Strict watch all night. “ January l$f, 1820. — Passed a remarkably high, rocky mountain, the side of which, for a considerable extent, is indented with numerous recesses, containing images of Gaudama, all carved out of the solid rock. “ January 2 tl . — Passed the large towns of Shway-doung and Pah-doung, on opposite sides of the river, and reached Pyee (vulgarly called Prome), one hundred and twenty miles from Rangoon — a place of great note in Eurman history, and the seat of an ancient dynasty of kings. The town itself is now in a state of dilapidation ; but the environs appear flourishing. “ Confirmed reports of a most daring robbery, committed a little higher up, on the boat of the governor of Taroke-man, who was going up to Ava, with about fifty men and seven thousand ticals. The robbers came down upon the people, while they were cooking on shore, shot the go- vernor through the body, and carried off all the TO THE BURMAN EMPIRE. 223 treasure. Feel the necessity of redoubling our precautions for several days. Agree, that part of us only leave the boat at a time — the rest to stand by the guns. “ January 17 th . — Reached Pah-gan, a city ce- lebrated in Burman history; being, like Pyee, the seat of a former dynasty. It is about two hundred and sixty miles from Rangoon. “ January 18 th . — Took a survey of the splen- did pagodas, and extensive ruins, in the environs of this once famous city. Ascended, as far as possible, some of the highest edifices, and at the height of one hundred feet, perhaps, beheld all the country round, covered with temples and monuments of every sort and size — some in utter ruin — some fast decaying — and some exhibiting marks of recent attention and repair. The re- mains of the ancient wall of the city stretched beneath us. The pillars of the gates, and many a grotesque, decapitated relic of antiquity, chequered the motley scene. All conspired to suggest those elevated and mournful ideas, which are attendant on a view of the decaying remains of ancient grandeur ; and though not comparable to such ruins as those of Palmyra and Balbec (as they are represented), still deeply interesting to the antiquary, and more deeply interesting to the Christian missionary. Here, about eight hundred years ago, the religion of Boodh was first publicly recognized, and established as the religion of the 224 AMERICAN BAPTIST MISSION empire. Here then Ah-rah-han, the first Bood- hist apostle of Burmah, under the patronage of king Anan-ra-tha-men-zan, disseminated the doc- trines of atheism, and taught his disciples to pant after annihilation, as the supreme good. Some of the ruins before our eyes, were probably the remains of pagodas designed by himself. We looked back on the centuries of darkness that are past. We looked forward, and Christian hope would fain brighten the prospect. Perhaps we stand on the dividing line of the empires of dark- ness and light. O, shade of Slien Ah-rah-han ! weep o’er thy falling fanes ; retire from the scenes of thy past greatness. But thou smilest at my feeble voice. Linger then, thy little remaining day. A voice mightier than mine, a still small voice, will ere long sweep away every vestige of thy dominion. The churches of Jesus will soon supplant these idolatrous monuments, and the chanting of the devotees of Boodh will die away before the Christian hymn of praise. “ After leaving Pah-gan, the river turns to the east. We walked across the point of land formed by the curve of the river, and rejoined the boat at Nyoung-oo. On the 20th we reached Gnah- hmyah-gnay, a solitary and dangerous place, and moored under a little point of land. Late in the evening, a large boat, full of men, suddenly turned the point, and bore down upon us. Our headman warned them off ; but they paid no at- TO TIIE BUR1IAN EMPIRE. 225 tention, and made no reply ; on which he fired a gun over them. They then called out to forbear, and sheered off. The adventure quite indisposed us for sleep. We planned anew the minutiae of operation, in case of attack, and kept a strict watch all night. “ January 22 d . — Passed the confluence of the Kyen-dwen and the A-rah-wah-tee, and pro- ceeded up the latter. The former is the smaller of the two, but it is said to be navigable for large boats twenty days distance from the confluence. It penetrates into the Cassay country, which lies north of Burmah, and to which thirty thousand troops have lately marched from Ava, to quell a rebellion, occasioned by the accession of the new emperor. “ We are now beyond the region of the rob- bers, and are allowed to sleep in comparative quiet. “ January 25th . — Passed Old Ava, the seat of the dynasty, immediately preceding the present, and Tsah-gaing, a place of some note, distin- guished for its innumerable pagodas, and the re- sidence of one or two late emperors ; and about noon, drew up to O-ding-mau, the lower landing- place of New Ava, or Ahmarapoor, about three hundred and fifty miles from Rangoon. At our present distance of nearly four miles from the city (and we cannot get nearer this season), it appears to the worst advantage. We can hardly 226 AMERICAN BAPTIST MISSION distinguish the golden steeple of the palace, amid the glittering pagodas, whose summits just suffice to mark the spot of our ultimate destination. “ January 2 6th . — We set out early in the morn- ing, called on Mr. G., late collector of Rangoon, and on Mr. R., who was formerly collector, but is now out of favour. Thence we entered the city, passed the palace, and repaired to the house of Mya-day-men, former viceroy of Rangoon, now one of the public ministers of state (Woon-gyee). We gave him a valuable present, and another of less value to his wife, the lady who formerly treated Mrs. Judson with so much politeness. They both received us very kindly, and appeared to interest themselves in our success. We however did not disclose our precise object; but only pe- titioned leave to behold the golden face. Upon this his highness committed our business to Moung Yo, one of his favourite officers, and di- rected him to introduce us to Moung Zah, one of the private ministers of state (A-twen-woon), with the necessary orders. This particular favour of Mya-day-men prevents the necessity of our peti- tioning and feeing all the public ministers of state, and procuring formal permission from the high court of the empire. “ In the evening, Moung Yo, who lives near our boat, called on us, to say that he would con- duct us to-morrow. We lie down in sleepless anxiety. To-morrow’s dawn will usher in the TO THE BURMAN EMPIRE. 227 most eventful day of our lives. To-morrow’s eve will close on the bloom or the blight of our fond- est hopes. Yet it is consoling to commit this business into the hands of our heavenly Father, — to feel that the work is His, not ours ; that the heart of the monarch, before whom we are to appear, is under the control of Omnipotence ; and that the event will be ordered in the manner most conducive to the Divine glory and the greatest good. God may, for the wisest purposes, suffer our hopes to be disappointed ; and if so, why should short-sighted, mortal man repine ? Thy will, O God, be ever done ; for thy will is inevit- ably the wisest and the best. “ January 27 th . — We left the boat, and put ourselves under the conduct of Moung Yo. He carried us first to Mya-day-men, as a matter of form ; and there we learnt, that the emperor had been privately apprized of our arrival, and said, * Let them be introduced.’ We therefore pro- ceeded to the palace. At the outer gate, we were detained a long time, until the various officers were satisfied that we had a right to enter ; after which we deposited a present for the private mi- nister of state, Moung Zah, and were ushered into his apartments in the palace-yard. He received us very pleasantly, and ordered us to sit before several governors and petty kings, who were wait- ing at his levee. We here, for the first time, dis- closed our character and object — told him that 228 AMERICAN BAPTIST MISSION we were missionaries or ‘ propagators of religion that we wished to appear before the emperor, and present our sacred books, accompanied with a petition. He took the petition into his hand, looked over about half of it, and then familiarly asked several questions about our God and our religion, to which we replied. Just at this crisis, some one announced that the golden foot was about to advance ; on which the minister hastily rose up, and put on his robes of state, saying, that he must seize the moment to present us to the emperor. We now found, that we had un- wittingly fallen on an unpropitious time, it being the day of the celebration of the late victory over the Cassays, and the very hour when his majesty was coming forth to witness the display made on the occasion. When the minister was dressed, he just said, ‘ How can you propagate religion in this empire ? But come along.’ Our hearts sunk at these inauspicious words. He conducted us through various splendour and parade, until we ascended a flight of stairs, and entered a most magnificent hall. He directed us where to sit, and took his place on one side ; the present was placed on the other, and Moung Yo, and another officer of Mya-day-men, sat a little behind. The scene to which we were now introduced, really surpassed our expectation. The spacious extent of the hall, the number and magnitude of the pil- lars, the height of the dome, the whole com- TO THE BURJIAN EMPIRE. 229 pletely covered with gold, presented a most grand and imposing spectacle. Very few were present, and those evidently great officers of state. Our situation prevented us from seeing the further avenue of the hall ; but the end, where we sat, opened into the parade, which the emperor was about to inspect. We remained above five mi- nutes, when every one put himself into the most respectful attitude, and Moung Yo whispered, that his majesty had entered. We looked through the hall, as far as the pillars would allow, and presently caught sight of this modern Ahasuerus. He came forward, unattended — in solitary gran- deur — exhibiting the proud gait and majesty of an eastern monarch. His dress was rich, but not distinctive ; and he carried in his hand, the gold- sheathed sword, which seems to have taken the place of the sceptre of ancient times. But it was his high aspect and commanding eye, that chiefly rivetted our attention. He strided on. Every head, excepting ours, was now in the dust. We remained kneeling, our hands folded, our eyes fixed on the monarch. When he drew near, we caught his attention. He stopped, partly turned towards us — ‘ Who are these ?’ ‘ The teachers, great king,’ I replied. ‘ What, you 'speak Bur- man — the priests that I heard of last night?’ ‘When did you arrive?’ ‘Are you teachers of religion?’ ‘Are you like the Portuguese priest?’ ‘ Are you married ? ’ ‘ Why do you dress so ? ’ 230 AMERICAN BAPTIST MISSION These, and some other similar questions, we an- swered ; when he appeared to be pleased with us, and sat down on an elevated seat — his hand rest- ing on the hilt of his sword, and his eyes intently fixed on us. Moung Zah now began to read the petition, and it run thus : — “ ‘ The American teachers present themselves to receive the favour of the excellent king, the sovereign of land and sea. Hearing that, on account of the greatness of the royal power, the royal country was in a quiet and prosperous state, we arrived at the town of Rangoon, within the royal dominions, and having obtained leave of the governor of that town, to come up and behold the golden face, we have ascended, and reached the bottom of the golden feet. In the great coun- try of America, we sustain the character of teachers and explainers of the contents of the sacred Scriptures of our religion. And since it is contained in those Scriptures, that, if we pass to other countries, and preach and propagate re- ligion, great good will result, and both those who teach and those who receive the religion, will be freed from future punishment, and enjoy, without decay or death, the eternal felicity of heaven, — that royal permission be given, that we, taking- refuge in the royal power, may preach our reli- gion in these dominions, and that those who are pleased with our preaching, and wish to listen to. TO x TIE BURMAN EMPIRE. 231 and be guided by it, whether foreigners or Bur- mans, may be exempt from government molesta- tion, they present themselves to receive the favour of the excellent king, the sovereign of land and sea.’ “ The emperor heard this petition, and stretched out his hand. Moung Zah crawled forward and presented it. His majesty began at the top, and deliberately read it through. In the mean time, I gave Moung Zah an abridged copy of the tract, in which every offensive sentence was corrected, and the whole put into the handsomest style and dress possible. .After the emperor had perused the petition, he handed it back, without saying a word, and took the tract. Our hearts now rose to God for a display of his grace. ‘ O, have mercy on Burmah ! Have mercy on her king !’ But, alas ! the time was not yet come. He held the tract long enough to read the two first sen- tences, which assert that there is one eternal God, who is independent of the incidents of mor- tality, and that, beside him, there is no God ; and then, with an air of indifference, perhaps disdain, he dashed it down to the ground ! Moung Zah stooped forward, picked it up, and handed it to us. Moung Yo made a slight attempt to save us, by unfolding one of the volumes which composed our present, and displaying its beauty ; but his majesty took no notice. Our fate was decided. 232 AMERICAN BAPTIST MISSION After a few moments, Moung Zah interpreted his royal master’s will, in the following terms : “ In regard to the objects of your petition, his majesty gives no order. In regard to your sacred books, his majesty has no use for them, take them away.’ “ Something was now said about brother Col- man’s skill in medicine ; upon which the emperor once more opened his mouth, and said, ‘ Let them proceed to the residence of my physician, the Portuguese priest ; let him examine whether they can be useful to me in that line, and report ac- cordingly.’ He then rose from his seat, strided on to the end of the hall, and there, after having dashed to the ground the first intelligence that he had ever received of the eternal God, his Maker, his Preserver, his Judge, he threw himself down on a cushion, and lay listening to the music, and gazing at the parade spread out before him. “ As for us and our present, we were hurried away, without much ceremony. We passed out of the palace gates with much more facility than we entered, and were conducted first to the house of Mya-day-men. There his officer reported our reception ; but in as favourable terms as possible ; and as his highness was not apprized of our pre- cise object, our repulse appeared, probably, to him, not so decisive as we knew it to be. We were next conducted two miles, through the sun and dust of the streets of Ava, to the residence of the Portuguese priest. He very speedily ascer- TO THE BURMAN EMPIRE. 233 tained that we were in possession of no wonder- ful secret, which would secure the emperor from all disease, and make him live for ever ; and we were accordingly allowed to take leave of the reverend Inquisitor, and retreat to our boat. “ At this stage of the business, notwithstanding the decided repulse we had received, we still cherished some hope of ultimately gaining our point. We regretted, that a sudden interruption had prevented our explaining our objects to Moung Zah, in that familiar and confidential manner which we had intended ; and we deter- mined, therefore, to make another attempt upon him in private. “ January 28 ^.— Early in the morning, we had the pleasure of seeing our friend, Mr. G., coming to our boat. It may not be amiss to mention, that he is the collector who was chiefly instru- mental in relieving us from the exorbitant de- mand which, a few months ago, was made upon us in Rangoon. He now told us that he had heard of our repulse, but would not have us give up all hope; that he was perfectly acquainted with Moung Zah, and would accompany us to his house, a little before sunset, at an hour when he was accessible. This precisely accorded with our intentions. “ In the afternoon, therefore, we called on Mr. G., and he went with us into the city. On the way, we paid a visit to the wife of the present 234 AMERICAN BAPTIST MISSION viceroy of Rangoon, whose eldest son is married to the only daughter of the present emperor. We carried a present, and were, of course, kindly re- ceived. “ Thence we went to the house of Moung Zali, some way beyond the palace. He received us with great coldness and reserve. The conversa- tion, which we carried on chiefly through Mr. G., it is unnecessary to detail. Suffice it to say, that we ascertained, beyond a doubt, that the policy of the Burman government, in regard to the tole- ration of any foreign religion, is precisely the same with the Chinese ; that it is quite out of the question, whether any of the subjects of the empe- ror, who embrace a religion different from his own, will be exempt from punishment ; and that we, in presenting a petition to that effect, had been guilty of a most egregious blunder, an unpardonable offence. Mr. G. urged every argument that we suggested, and some others. He finally stated, that if we obtained the royal favour, other fo- reigners would come and settle in the empire, and trade would be greatly benefited. This ar- gument alone seemed to have any effect on the mind of the minister ; and looking out from the cloud which covered his face, he vouchsafed to say, that if we would wait some time, he would endeavour to speak to his majesty about us. From this remark it was impossible to derive any encouragement, and having nothing further TO THE BURMAN EMPIRE. 235 to urge, we left Mr. G., and bowing down to the ground, took leave of this great minister of state, who, under the emperor, guides the movements of the whole empire. “ It was now evening. We had four miles to walk by moon light. Two of our disciples only followed us. They had pressed as near as they ventured to the door of the hall of audience, and listened to words which sealed the extinction of their hopes and ours. For some time we spoke not. “ Some natural tears we dropt, but wiped them soon. The world was all before us, where to choose Our place of rest, and Providence our guide.” And, as our first parents took their solitary way through Eden, hand in hand, so we took our way through this great city, which, to our late imagi- nation, seemed another Eden ; but now, through the magic touch of disappointment, seemed blast- ed and withered, as if smitten by the fatal influ- ence of the cherubic sword. “ Arrived at the boat, we threw ourselves down, completely exhausted in body and mind. For three days we had walked eight miles a day, most of the way in the heat of the sun, which, even at this season, in the interior of these coun- tries, is exceedingly oppressive; and the result of our travels and toils has been — the wisest and best possible — a result, which if we could see the end from the beginning, would call forth our 236 AMERICAN BAPTIST MISSION highest praise. O, slow of heart to believe and trust in the overruling agency of our own Al- mighty Saviour ! January 29 th . — We again rose early, and hav- ing considered the last words of Moung Zah, wrote down our request in the most concise and moderate terms, and sent it to Mr. G., with a message, that he would once more see Moung Zah, lay the paper before him, and ascertain, un- equivocally, whether there was any possibility of gaining our point, by waiting several months. “ The rest of the day, and the next being Lord’s day, we remained in the boat. “ January 31^, Monday. — Mr. G. called upon us, with our little paper in his hand. I have shown your paper to Moung Zah, and begged him not to deceive you, but to say distinctly what hopes you might be allowed to entertain ; he replied, ‘ Tell them, that there is not the least possibility of obtaining the object stated in this paper, should they wait ever so long.’ “ I now thought of one more expedient; and taking out the manuscript tract the emperor threw down, I handed it to Mr. G. This is a brief view of the Christian religion. Do you present it, in our name, to Moung Zah, and persuade him to read it, or hear it read. We have indeed no hope of its efficacy ; but it is our last resort, and God may help us in the extremity. He took it with some feeling, and promised to do his best. TO THE BURMAN EMPIRE. 237 “ Before leaving us, he communicated the im- portant intelligence, that the emperor, flushed with his late victory over the Cassays, had de- termined on war with Siam, and intended, next fall, to march in person to Pegue, below Rangoon, and there establish his head-quarters. “ After Mr. G. left us, we went to visit Mr. R. We were formerly acquainted with him in Ran- goon ; and he would now have assisted us, had he not been out of the favour of the new emperor. We related all our proceedings, and the disap- pointment of our hopes. I knew it would be so, replied he, when you first called on me ; but I was not willing to discourage you from making trial for yourselves. He then related the follow- ing story, with the substance of which we were previously acquainted. “ About fifteen years ago, the Roman Catholic priests converted to their faith a Burman teacher of talents and distinction. They took great pains to indoctrinate him thoroughly in their religion, and entertained great hope of his usefulness in their cause. After his return from Rome, whither they had sent him to complete his Christian edu- cation, he was accused by his nephew, a clerk in the high court of the empire, of having renounced the established religion. The emperor, who, it must be remembered, was far from approving the religion of Boodh, ordered that he should be com- pelled to recant. The nephew seized his uncle, 238 AMERICAN BAPTIST MISSION cast him into prison and fetters, caused him to be beat and treated unmercifully ; and at length had recourse to the torture of the iron mall. With this instrument he was gradually beaten, from the ends of his feet up to his breast, until his body was little else but one livid wound. Mr. R. was one of those that stood by and gave money to the executioners, to induce them to strike gently. At every blow, the sufferer pronounced the name of Christ ; and declared, afterwards, that he felt but little or no pain. When he was at the point of death, under the hands of his tormentors, some persons, who pitied his case, went to the emperor, with a statement, that he was a madman, and knew not what he was about ; on which the em- peror gave orders for his release. The Portu- guese took him away, concealed him until he was able to move, and sent him privately in a boat to Rangoon, and thence by ship to Bengal, where he finished his days. Since then, the Roman priests, of whom there are only four in the coun- try, have done nothing in the way of proselyting, but confined their labours to their own flocks, which are composed of the descendants of foreign- ers. The man who accused his uncle, is now the very first of the private ministers of state, taking rank before Moung Zah! Furthermore, the pre- sent chief queen, who has great influence with his majesty, is, and ever has been, particularly attached to the religion and the priests of Boodh. TO THE BURMAN EMPIRE. 239 Mr. R. also confirmed the information we had re- ceived of approaching war with Siam. “ Our case could not be more desperate. We directly returned to the boat, and ordered our people to sell off all unnecessary articles, and be ready to start, as soon as our passport could be obtained. “ February ls£. — -Went to Mya-day-men, and applied for a passport to Rangoon. He appeared willing to oblige us ; but said we must make for- mal application to Moung Zah. “ February 2d . — Went to various places, and made various inquiries and applications for a passport. Ascertained that it was absolutely ne- cessary, in our case, to procure a special one from the high court of the empire. “ February 3 d . — Sent our headman, and some of our people, with a petition to Moung Zah. After they had gone off, we called on Mr. G. He informed us that the tract had been presented to Moung Zah, and read in his presence. After listening to the whole of it, instead of throwing it down, or even returning it, he committed it to one of his people to keep, saying to Mr. G., ‘ The doctrines and commands are very good : but it will be a long time before Burmans can be con- vinced that there is a God and Saviour.’ After this interview with Moung Zah, Mr. G. was sum- moned before the emperor. His majesty, among other things, inquired about the foreign teachers. 240 AMERICAN BAPTIST MISSION Mr. G. told him our country, our character, and our object. The emperor observed that the Portuguese priest had told him very different things ; particularly, that we were a sect of Zan- dees (a race very obnoxious to former emperors). Mr. G. endeavoured to vindicate our character ; but the emperor appeared quite averse to hearing any thing in our favour. What, said he, laugh- ing, they have come, presuming to convert us to their religion. Let them leave our capital. We have no desire to receive their instructions. Per- haps they may find some of their countrymen in Rangoon, who may be willing to listen to them. “ Mr. G. now advised us to obtain a royal or- der, protecting us personally from molestation, while we should remain in the country ; other- wise, said he, as it will be notorious that you have solicited royal patronage, and been refused, you will lie at the mercy of every ill-disposed person. “ This suggestion of Mr. G. occupied our thoughts the rest of the day. We finally con- cluded, that, as such an order would cost several hundred ticals, we would prefer trusting in the Lord, to keep us and our poor disciples. “ At night, our people returned. They had found Moung Zah, had presented the petition for a passport, to which he made no other reply, but ‘ Come to-morrow/ “ February Ath . — Sent the people, early in the TO THE BURMAN EMPIRE. 241 morning, with a handsome present to Moung Zah. They returned late at night. He accepted the present, and assured them, he would do our business to-morrow. “ February 5th . — Sent the people as usual, our trusty Moung Nau accompanying them, with a quantity of silver. This did the business. Late in the evening, I had the pleasure of taking into my hand the pointed palm-leaf. It has cost us the value of thirty dollars. “ February 6th . — Pushed off from the beach of O-ding-mau. I could moralize half an hour on the apt resemblance, the beautiful congruity, be- tween the desolate state of our feelings and the sandy barren surface of this miserable beach. But ‘ ’tis idle all.’ Let the beach and our sor- row go together. Something better will turn up to-morrow. “ February 12 th . — Reached Pyee, 230 miles from Ava; our descent on the river being, of course, much more rapid than our ascent. Here, to our great surprise, we met with the teacher, Moung Shway-gnong. He had come up from Rangoon, a few days ago, to visit an old acquaint- ance, who was dangerously ill ; expects to re- turn shortly ; would gladly go with us, if we could wait a day or two. We stated to him all our adventures at court, the distressing result of the expedition, and the present danger of propa- gating or professing the religion of Christ, and K 242 AMERICAN BAPTIST MISSION wound off with the story of the iron mall. He appeared to be less affected and intimidated by the relation, than we could have expected. In- deed, his language was rather too high for the occasion. I therefore told him that it was not for him that we were concerned, but for those who had become disciples of Christ. When they were accused and persecuted, they could not worship at the pagodas, or recant before the Mangen teacher. He felt the force of the re- flection, and tried to explain his past conduct. ‘ Say nothing,’ said I ; ‘ one thing you know to be true, that, when formerly accused, if you had not, in some way or other, satisfied the mind of the Mangen teacher, your life would not now be remaining in your body.’ ‘ Then,’ said he, ‘ if I must die, I shall die in a good cause. I know it is the cause of truth.’ He then repeated, with considerable emphasis, the most prominent points of his present faith, as follows : — ‘ I believe in the Eternal God, in his Son Jesus Christ, in the atonement which Christ has made, and in the writings of the apostles, as the true and only word of God.’ ‘ Perhaps,’ continued he, ‘ you may not remember, that during one of my last visits, you told me, that I was trusting in my own understanding, rather than in the Divine word. From that time I have seen my error, and endeavour to renounce it. You explained to me also the evil of worshipping at pagodas, though TO THE BURMAN EMPIRE. 243 I told you, that my heart did not partake in the worship. Since you left Rangoon, I have not lifted up my folded hands before a pagoda. It is true, I sometimes follow the crowd, on days of wor- ship, in order to avoid persecution ; but I walk up one side of the pagoda, and walk down the other. Now, you say, that I am not a disciple. What lack I yet ? ’ I was now satisfied that he had made a little advance, since our last interview, which required a corresponding advance on my side. I replied, therefore, * Teacher, you may be a dis- ciple of Christ in heart, but you are not a full disciple. You have not faith and resolution enough to keep all the commands of Christ, par- ticularly that which requires you to be baptized, though in the face of persecution and death. Consider the words of Jesus, just before he re- turned to heaven, “ He that believeth, and is baptized, shall be saved.’” He received this com- munication in profound silence, and with that air, which I have observed to come upon him, when he takes a thing into serious consideration. Soon after, I hinted our intention of leaving Rangoon, since the emperor had virtually pro- hibited the propagation of the Christian reli- gion, and no Burman, under such circumstances, would dare to investigate, much less to embrace it. This intelligence evidently roused him, and showed us that we had more interest in his heart than we thought. ‘ Say not so,' said he, ‘ there 244 AMERICAN BAPTIST MISSION. are some who will investigate, notwithstanding ; and rather than have you quit Rangoon, I will go myself to the Mangen teacher, and have a pub- lic dispute. I know I can silence fiim. I know the truth is on my side.’ ‘ Ah,’ said I, ‘ you may have a tongue to silence him, but he has a pair of fetters and an iron mall to subdue you. Remember that.’ This was the substance of our conversa- tion, though much more prolix; and he left us about nine o’clock at night. “ This interview furnished matter for conversa- tion till past midnight, and kept us awake much of the remainder of the night. Perhaps, on ar- riving in Rangoon, we shall find the disciples firm, and some others seriously inquiring. Per- haps we shall discover some appearances of a movement of the Divine Spirit. Perhaps the Lord Jesus has a few chosen ones, whom he in- tends to call in, under the most unpropitious and forbidding circumstances. Perhaps he intends to show, that it is not by might, nor by power, but by his Spirit. In a word, perhaps, in the last extremity, God will help us. Ought we, then, hastily to forsake the place ? Ought we to de- sert those of the disciples that we cannot take with us, and some others, for whom Christ died, in such an interesting crisis of their fate ? Would it be rashness to endeavour to trust in God, and maintain the post, though disallowed by government, and exposed to persecution ? TO THE BURMAN EMPIRE. 245 But, again, can we bear to see our dear disciples in prison, in fetters, under torture ? Can we stand by them, and encourage them to bear patiently the rage of their persecutors ? Are we willing to participate with them? Though the spirit may be sometimes almost willing, is not the flesh too weak ? “ Pondering on such topics as these, a little ray of hope seemed to shine out of the darkness of our despair. But it was not like the soft beam of the moon, which kindly shines on the path of the benighted pilgrim, and guides him to a place of shelter. It was rather like the angry gleam of lightning, which, while for a moment it illumines the landscape around, discloses the black maga- zines of heaven’s artillery, and threatens death to the unwary gazer. “ February 18 th . — Arrived in Rangoon. “ February 20 th, Lord's day . — In the evening, I called the three disciples together, and gave them a connected account of the affair at Ava, that they might have a full understanding of the dangers of their present condition, and the rea- sons of our intended departure from Rangoon. We expected, that after being destitute of all the means of grace for some time, and after see- ing their teachers driven away from the presence of their monarch in disgrace, they would become cold in their affections, and have but little re- maining zeal for a cause thus proscribed and ex- 246 AMERICAN BAPTIST MISSION posed to persecution. We thought, that if one out of the three remained firm, it was as much as we could reasonably hope for. But how de- lightfully were we disappointed ! They all, to a man, appeared immoveably the same, yea, rather advanced in zeal and energy. They vied with each other, in trying to explain away difficulties, and to convince us, that the cause was not yet quite desperate. ‘ But whither are the teachers going?’ was, of course, an anxious inquiry. We told them, that it was our intention never to desert Burmah ; but that since the emperor had refused to tolerate our religion, we thought it necessary to leave, for a time, those parts of the empire which are immediately under his do- minion; that there is a tract of country, lying between Bengal and Arrakan, which, though un- der the government of Bengal, is chiefly inhabited by Arrakanese, who speak a language similar to the Burman, the district being really a part of Arrakan, one component part of the present Burman empire ; that formerly a teacher from Bengal (De Bruyn) lived at Chittagong, the prin- cipal town in that district, and baptized several converts, who, at his death, were left destitute of all instruction to the present time ; and that, in view of these considerations, it was our pur- pose to proceed thither, in hope of finding that toleration which was denied us in Rangoon. We then asked them severally what they would do. TO THE BURMAN EMPIRE. 247 Moung Nau had previously told us, that he would follow us to any part of the world. He was only afraid that he should be a burden to us ; for, not being acquainted with another language, he might not be able to get his living in a strange land. ‘ As for me,’ said Moung Thahlah, ‘ I go where preaching is to be had.’ Moung Byaay was silent and thoughtful. At last, he said, that as no Burman woman is allowed to leave the country, he could not, on account of his wife, follow the teachers ; but (continued he, with some pathos), if I must be left here alone, I shall remain performing the duties of Jesus Christ’s re- ligion ; no other shall I think of. This interview with the disciples rejoiced our hearts, and caused us to praise God for the grace which he has manifested to them. “ February — We have spent three or four days in inquiring about Chittagong, and the prospect of getting a passage directly thither, or by the way of Bengal. “ This evening, Moung Byaay came up with his brother-in-law, Moung Myat-yah, who has lived in our yard several months, and formerly at- tended worship in the Zayat. ‘ I have come,’ said Moung Byaay, ‘ to petition that you will not leave Rangoon at present.’ £ I think,’ replied I, ‘ that it is useless to remain under present circum- stances. We cannot open the Zayat; we cannot have public worship ; no Burman will dare to 248 AMERICAN BAPTIST MISSION examine this religion ; and if none examine, none can be expected to embrace it.’ ‘ Teacher,’ said he, ‘ my mind is distressed ; I can neither eat nor sleep, since I find you are going away. I have been around among those who live near us, and I find some who are even now examining the new religion. Brother Myat-yah is one of them, and he unites with me in my petitions. (Here Myat- yah assented that it was so.) Do stay with us a few months. Do stay till there are eight or ten disciples. Then appoint one to be the teacher of the rest; I shall not be concerned about the event ; though you should leave the country, the religion will spread of itself. The emperor him- self cannot stop it. But if you go now, and take the two disciples that can follow, I shall be left alone. I cannot baptize those who may wish to embrace this religion. What can I do?’ Moung Nau came in, and expressed himself in a similar way. He thought, that several would yet be- come disciples, notwithstanding all opposition, and that it was best for us to stay a while. We could not restrain our tears at hearing all this ; and we told them, that as we lived only for the promotion of the cause of Christ, among the Bur- mans, if there was any prospect of success in Rangoon, we had no desire to go to another place, and would, therefore, re-consider the matter. “ February 2 6 th . — Moung Shway-boo, a sedate TO THE BURMAN EMPIRE. 249 and pleasant man, who came to live in our yard just before we went to Ava, accompanied Moung Myat-yah to the usual evening worship. When we were about breaking up, Moung Thahlah be- gan conversation, by saying, ‘ Teacher, your in- tention of going away, has filled us all with trou- ble. Is it good to forsake us thus ? Notwith- standing present difficulties and dangers, it is to be remembered, that this work is not yours or ours, but the work of God. If he give light, the religion will spread. Nothing can impede it.’ After conversing some time, I found that Moung Louk, another inhabitant of the yard, had been listening without. Accordingly, he was invited to take his seat with the inquirers. Moung Byaay now began to be in earnest, his arm was elevated, and his eyes brightened. ‘ Let us all,’ said he, ‘ make an effort. As for me, I will pray. Only leave a little church of ten, with a teacher set over them, and I shall be fully satisfied.’ Moung Nau took a very active part in the conversation. The three new ones said nothing, except that they were desirous of considering the religion of Christ. Neither of them, however, was willing to admit, that, as yet, he believed any thing. “We felt that it was impossible for us all to leave these people, in these interesting circum- stances ; and, at the same time, we felt it very important that Chittagong should not be neg- lected. Under these circumstances we came 250 AMERICAN BAPTIST MISSION to the conclusion, that brother Colman should proceed immediately to Chittagong, collect the Arrakanese converts, and form a station, to which new missionaries from the Board might at first re- pair, and to which I might ultimately flee, with those of the disciples that could leave the country, when we found that persecution so violent, as to suppress all further inquiry, and render it useless and rash to remain ; that I should remain in Ran- goon, until the state of things became thus des- perate, and then endeavour to join brother C. in Chittagong ; but that if, contrary to our expecta- tion, the Rangoon station should, after a lapse of several months, appear to be tenable, and that for an indefinite time, and some work be evidently going on, brother C., after settling one or two missionaries in Chittagong, to keep that place, should rejoin me in Rangoon. “ February 27th, Lord's day . — Had private wor- ship in the Zayat — the front doors closed — none present but the disciples and inquirers. “ February 28 th . — A visit from Moung Shway- gnong. He had considered (he said) my last words, that one must believe and be baptized, in order to be a full disciple ; it was his desire to be such; and he wanted to know what outward rules, in particular, he must observe, in case he should become a professor. I told him, that the disciples of Christ, after baptism, were associated together ; that they assembled every Lord's day TO THE BURMAN EMPIRE. 951 for worship ; and that, from time to time, they received the sacrament of bread and wine. I then warned him of the danger of self-deception, and of the persecution to which disciples were exposed in this country, and advised him to re- consider the matter most thoroughly, before he made a definite request for baptism. “ After he had gone, Oo Yan (mentioned Dec. 19th) came in — was disappointed in not finding Moung Shway-gnong, having agreed to meet him at the mission-house. We had a long conversa- tion on doctrinal points, in which he discovered a very acute, discriminating mind. “ March 2d . — Another visit from Oo Yan. Ven- ture to indulge a little hope, that truth is begin- ning to operate on his mind. “ March 5th, Lord's day . — Private worship, as last Lord's day. In the evening, received the sa- crament of bread and wine. Moung Nau was not present, having gone on a visit to Bau-lay, his native place. Had a refreshing and happy season, with the two other disciples. Two of the in- quirers were spectators. “ March 8th . — In the evening, had a very plea- sant and instructive conference with the disciples and inquirers. Moung Thahlah appeared to great advantage ; took the lead in explaining truth to the new ones, and quoted Scripture with singular facility and aptness. He has most evidently very correct views of the doctrines of grace. Moung 252 AMERICAN BAPTIST MISSION Myat-yah appears to begin to discern the excel- lence of the Christian system, and to have some right feelings towards the Saviour. “ March 1C )th . — Moung Shway-gnong and Oo Yan have been with me several hours; but the interview has afforded very little encouragement. The former said but little on his own account — appearing chiefly desirous of convincing and per- suading his friend, that he might gain (as I se- cretly suspected), some companion of his own rank in life, before he embraced the new religion. The latter acted on the defensive, and spent all his time in raising objections. He was ready to admit, that the atheistic system of the Boodhists, was not tenable ; but endeavoured to fortify him- self on a middle system, between that and the Christian ; the very system, in which Moung Shway-gnong formerly rested, and which, for dis- tinction's sake, may be fitly termed the semi- atheistic. Its fundamental doctrine is, that Divine wisdom, not concentrated in any existing spirit, or embodied in any form, but diffused throughout the universe, and partaken in different degrees, by various intelligences, and in a very high de- gree by the Boodhs, is the true and only God. This poor system, which is evidently guilty of suicide, Oo Yan made every possible effort to keep alive ; but I really think, that, in his own mind, he felt the case to be hopeless. His mode of reasoning, however, is soft, insinuating, and TO THE BURMAN EMPIRE. 253 acute ; and so adroitly did he act his part, that Moung Shway-gnong, with his strong arm, and I, with the strength of truth, were scarcely able to keep him down. “ March \3th .— The teacher and Oo Yan, with two of their friends, came and spent several hours. The former stayed later than the others, and at- tended evening worship. I asked him, whether there was any point in the Christian system, on which he had not obtained satisfaction. He replied that he was not yet satisfied as to the propriety of God's appointing one particular day in the week, for assembling together, in distinction from all other days. I saw, at once, why he had al- ways been so remiss in attending worship on the Lord's day ; and I therefore proceeded to state the nature of positive commands, and their pecu- liar excellence, as the best test of obedience ; that it was evidently beneficial for the disciples of Christ to assemble sometimes ; that God, in ap- pointing that such an assembly should be held at least one day in seven, must be supposed to be guided by wisdom, infinitely transcending that of man ; that if the disciples of Christ are to meet once at least in seven days, it is evidently best to have the day of meeting designated, in order to secure their general union and concert ; and that the first day of the week had at least this claim to preference, that it was the day on which our Saviour rose from the dead. I descanted on these 254 AMERICAN BAPTIST MISSION points to his apparent satisfaction ; but let us see whether he will come next Lord’s day. “ Later in the evening had an instructive conference with Moung Myat-yah and Moung Shway-boo. They both appear to have obtained some of that light, which, like the dawn of morn- ing, shineth more and more unto perfect day. “ March 1 5th . — Another visit from the teacher, accompanied with his wife and child. Again dis- cussed the necessity of assembling on the Lord’s day. Found that the sacraments of baptism and the Lord’s supper are, in his mind, liable to similar objections. Forsook, therefore, all human reason- ing, and rested the merits of the case on the bare authority of Christ : ‘ Ye are my friends, if ye do whatsoever I command you.’ Notwithstanding the remains of his deistical spirit, however, I ob- tained, during this visit, more satisfactory evi- dence of his real conversion, than ever before. He said, that he knew nothing of an eternally existing God, before he met with me ; that, on hearing that doctrine, he instantly believed it; but that it was a long time before he closed with Christ. Can you recollect the time, said I. Not precisely, he replied ; but it was during a visit, when you discoursed concerning the Trinity, the Divine Sonship of Jesus, and the great sufferings which he, though truly God, endured for his dis- ciples. He afterwards spoke, with much Chris- tian feeling, on the preciousness of the last part TO THE BURMAN EMPIRE. 255 of the sixth chapter of St. Matthew, which he heard me read, the day before yesterday, at even- ing worship. “ March 21 st. — Moung Thahlah introduced one of his relations, by name Moung Shway-bay, as desirous of considering the Christian religion. Spent an hour or two in conversing with him. He was afterwards present at evening worship, and stayed to converse, after the rest had retired. “ March 22 d. — Another conversation with Moung Shway-bay. He appears to be under deep religious impressions. His language and his looks evince an uncommon solemnity of spirit, an earnest desire to be saved from the wrath to come. After praying with him, I left him in company with Moung Thahlah. “ March 23^.— In the morning, Moung Thah- lah informed me that he and his friend had sat up the greater part of the night, in the Zayat, read- ing, and conversing, and praying. In the after- noon, Moung Shway-bay came in himself. His expressions are very strong ; but I have no rea- son to doubt his sincerity. It only seems strange to us, that a work of grace should be carried on so rapidly, in the soul of an ignorant heathen. He presented a writing, containing a statement of his faith, and an urgent request to be baptized next Lord's day. “ March 24th . — Spent all the evening with Moung Shway-bay. Feel satisfied that he has 256 AMERICAN BAPTIST MISSION experienced a work of Divine grace ; but think it advisable to defer his baptism, until Sunday after next, in order to allow him full time to re- examine the religion, and the foundation of his hopes. “ March 2 6th, Lord's day . — -Three women pre- sent at worship — acquaintances of Moung Shway- gnong. They have visited Mrs. Judson once or twice before. The principal of them renounced Gaudama, some years ago, and adopted the semi- atheistic system, but without obtaining any real satisfaction. Two years ago, she met with a copy of the tract, which gave her an idea of an eternally existing God ; but she knew not whence the pa- per came. At length, Moung Shway-gnong told her that he had found the true wisdom, and di- rected her to us. Her case appears very hopeful. “ In the evening, after worship, had a pro- tracted conversation with the disciples and in- quirers, on account of brother Colman’s intended departure to-morrow. Moung Shway-bay ap- peared very well indeed. Moung Myat-yah said, ‘ Set me down for a disciple. I have fully made up my mind, in regard to this religion. I love Jesus Christ: but I am not yet quite ready for baptism.’ After we dismissed them, they went over to the Zayat, of their own accord, and held a prayer meeting. “ And here I must close my journal. We have spent the last evening with our very dear brother TO THE BURMAN EMPIIU2. 257 and sister Colman. They expect to embark to- morrow morning. Our parting is mournful ; for happy, uncommonly happy, has been our past in- tercourse. Nothing but a sense of duty, could force the present separation. We hope that it will be of short duration, and that we shall soon reunite our labours in Chittagong or Rangoon.” I remain, my dear Sir, Very affectionately and respectfully. A. H. J. 258 AMERICAN BAPTIST MISSION LETTER XII. Baltimore, February, 1823. MY DEAR SIR, After the departure of our beloved friends, Mr. and Mrs. Colman, we again found ourselves in our former solitary situation, with this exception, that our faithful and affectionate Burmans re- mained with us, and often comforted our hearts, by the daily exhibition of spiritual mindedness, and sincerity in their profession. The importance of having a branch of the Bur- man mission established at Chittagong, was ob- vious, from the consideration that this district was under the British government, and separated from the Burman territory only by a river. Mr. and Mrs. Colman arrived at that place, in June, 1820, and made a most encouraging beginning. They had erected a house in the midst of the native population, and made rapid progress in the acquisition of the language, which was com- menced while in Rangoon. Mr. Colman had begun to communicate the truths of the gospel publicly, and had witnessed their effect on the mind of his teacher, when these animating pros- pects were blasted by the sudden, unexpected. TO THE BURMAN EMPIRE. 259 &nd lamented death of this valuable missionary. But even this heavy affliction is attended with circumstances of mercy. Mr. Colman was per- mitted to live, until he had given to the Christian world one of the most striking instances of Christian decision and pure missionary zeal, ever exhibited since the commencement of modern missions. In Chittagong, he might have lived comfortably in civilized Christian society, under the protec- tion of the English government, and been usefully employed in missionary avocations. But in imi- tation of the Redeemer, and prompted by feel- ings of compassion for immortal souls, he chose his residence in a native village, where he was surrounded by poverty, ignorance, and delusion, and where too, he fell a martyr to his zeal ! * * The Christian spirit of this excellent man, may be discovered in the following extract from a letter, which he wrote to a friend in January, 1821 : — “ For six months past, I have been so’ engaged in missionary work, that the dear land of my nativity has occupied but few of my thoughts. A short time since, however, the ‘ Memoir of Henry Martyn’ was put into my hands ; and while reading the account of his departure from England, the sad but joyful morning on which I bade adieu to America, came fresh to my remembrance, and a train of sensations was excited, of which I have often been the sub- ject. I walked out in the virandah, and the sun was sinking in the •west ; I fancied that I saw my far distant brethren, rising from sweet 'repose, and engaging in the various duties of life. Their countenances passed before my mind ; and while recollecting that I s 2 260 AMERICAN BAPTIST MISSION Happy Colman ! The few short years he was allowed to labour on mission ground were faith- fully improved ; he was early released from a life of toil and privation, and admitted into the pre- sence of him, from whom he doubtless heard these transporting words : ‘Well done, good and faith- ful servant, enter thou into the joy of thy Lord.’ A very interesting letter, from Mrs. Colman to Mr. Colman’s mother, detailing the particulars of his death, having just been received, is inserted, with a view of exhibiting to the world another instance of the power of religion to support the Christian, under the most appalling circumstances. “ Chittagong, Sept. 26, 1822. — Your letter of August 28th, 1821, was duly received. While reading the account which it contains of the death of Mr. H. Pearce, I little suspected it would so speedily fall to my lot to communicate to you intelligence of a similar nature. Alas ! it is my painful duty to mention a death, in which you are more deeply interested than in that of the above, and which, should you not have previously heard of it, will awaken in your bosom the tenderest sorrow. Your affectionate son, the amiable and dearly beloved companion of my joys and sorrows. should enjoy their society no more on earth, my thoughts were quickly transported to that happy world, in which all whose names are written in the Book of Life shall be united, never again to part. Reflections like these often cheer the hour of solitude, and produce emotions indescribably pleasant.” TO THE BURMAN EMPIRE. 261 is no more ! How trying and mysterious are the dispensations of Providence ! On the arrival of your letter, which was the 8th of June, Mr. C. was well, and enjoyed an unusual flow of spirits. He was warmly engaged in the cause of his Divine Master, and his life, to human appearance, was never more necessary. But, just at this interest- ing period. Infinite wisdom saw fit to remove him. On the 28th of June he was attacked by an inter- mittent fever. He took such medicines as are commonly used in similar cases. They produced a good effect ; and such were the favourable symp- toms of his disease, and so slight his sufferings during the first five days, that neither of us appre- hended the least danger. On the sixth day, how- ever, he suddenly grew worse, and early in the evening the fever came on in a more alarming manner than it had done at any preceding time. I gave him some medicine, which considerably abated its violence. He became quite composed, and after speaking a few words to me, fell into a gentle sleep. I remained by him in a state of great anxiety, but still thought there was every appearance of his having a comfortable night, and I determined, as I saw his disorder increasing" so fast, that should we both be spared until the next day, I would remove with him to Chitta- gong, hoping that a change of air might prove beneficial. But, alas! he was not permitted to behold the light of another sun. After remaining 262 AMERICAN BAPTIST MISSION composed for a short time, I had the disappoint- ment to perceive that he grew extremely restless. I awoke him ; and, oh ! what agony of mind I felt, when I found that delirium had made its ap- proach ! It was then about eleven o’clock. After this, the fever increased in a rapid and violent manner, and rendered ineffectual every effort which I made to save a life so dear to me. His sufferings were very extreme, until towards the close, when it pleased God to lessen their severity. Although unable to speak, yet he seemed entirely delivered from pain, and breathed his last without a groan or struggle. “I am sensible, my dear mother, that this event will be peculiarly trying to you. I am sure it has left me most disconsolate and afflicted. It has indeed been almost too much for my feeble nature to sustain. But, however severe our sufferings, let us rest satisfied that the event has been or- dered by unerring wisdom. If God condescends to number the hairs of our head, and to take notice of even the sparrow which falleth to the ground, certainly he is not indifferent to those events which relate to the prosperity of his own king- dom. God knew perfectly well what would be the result of our going to Cox’s Bazar. It was according to his holy will that there Mr. C. should be visited with sickness, and that that sickness should terminate in death. May we therefore be enabled to exercise that submission which is, TO THE BURMAN EMPIRE. 263 pleasing in his sight, and to say, with an afflicted saint of old, * Though he slay me, yet will I trust in him.’ “ Let it also be our consolation, that the dear subject of this letter was fully prepared for hea- ven, and that his happy spirit, now released from this world of sin and suffering, is enjoying the company of angels and glorified beings, and drinking full draughts of bliss from that river of pleasure which flows at the right hand of God and the Lamb. He did not put off the concerns of eternity until confined to a sick bed. No : while blest with health, and in the full possession of his rational powers, he made it his business to pre- pare for a dying hour. During the last eighteen months of his life, his mind was unusually solemn, and seemed to be under a strong presentiment that he should be early removed from this world. Frequently, when under the influence of these im- pressions, he has conversed in the most solemn and impressive manner respecting his own dis- solution. One of these seasons, in particular, is deeply engraven on my memory. Coming one day from his place of retirement, he seated him- self by me, and with a placid and heavenly air, conversed with me concerning an early separa- tion, and entreated me to prepare my mind for r such an event, as he fully believed his time on earth was short. He remarked, the prospect of death was animating, and that he had not a desire 264 AMERICAN BAPTIST MISSION to live, but for my sake, and that of the poor heathen. You may well imagine, my dear mo- ther, that the subject was then painful to my feel- ings ; but it now affords me great satisfaction to reflect on these seasons. I believe that God was then preparing him for exactly the sudden death that awaited him, and for a state of heavenly existence. “ I rejoice that you are surrounded by Chris- tian friends, who will feel it their privilege to sympathize with you on this melancholy occasion. And may God, of his infinite mercy, pour into your bosom the balm of heavenly consolation, conduct you safely through this vale of tears, and at last, may we both have a happy re-union with our beloved friend, in that world where distract- ing sorrows and separations are unknown.” Our tittle church at Rangoon, at this time, February, 1820, consisted of only five members, two foreigners and three Burmans. Its rapid and encouraging increase, together with some domes- tic affliction, is described in Mr. Judson’s journal, as follows : “ March 21th . — Brother and sister Colman took leave of us, and embarked for Bengal. “ March 28 th . — We have converted one of the rooms, lately occupied by brother Colman, into a sort of chapel for evening worship, and conversa- tion with those of the disciples and inquirers who live on the mission premises, and for stated wor- TO THE BURMAN EMPIRE. 265 ship on Lord’s day ; thus finally abandoning the Zayat, where, since our return from Ava, we have had worship on Lord’s day, with closed doors. The little chapel we call the new Zayat. May its blessings prevail above the blessings of its progenitor. “ April l$f.- — In the evening we had a final con- versation with Moung Shway-bay, and became fully satisfied with the evidences of his conver- sion. We therefore expressed our willingness to receive him into church fellowship, and I an- nounced to him my intention of baptizing him to-morrow, on which he expressed his gratitude and joy. “ April 2 d, Lord’s day . — -At night, after dark, we went privately to the accustomed pond, and baptized the new disciple. Afterwards, sat down to the table of the Lord — two foreign and four native communicants. Three inquirers were ad- mitted to be spectators. “ April 1 Ith . — A visit from Oo Yan, accompa- nied by two of his friends, who have been before. Long conversation on topics of the Christian re- ligion. “ April 14 th . — The women, mentioned March 26th, spent most of the day with Mrs. J. They regularly visit about once a week. I mention the visit of to-day, because it has afforded pretty sa- tisfactory evidence, that the principal one of the company, by name Mah Men-lay, has experienced 266 AMERICAN BAPTIST MISSION Divine grace. Her husband is one of the visitors, who came with Oo Yan, on the 11th. “ April 1 5th . — Moung Shway-bay, has, for some days, been talking of a visit to Shway- doung, his native place, to communicate the trea- sure which he has found, to his numerous rela- tions and friends. This evening, after expressing his desires, he said, it had occurred to him, that it might be proper to ask permission or licence so to do. Not that he aspired to set up as a teacher; far from that; but he wanted to feel, that, in communicating the gospel, he was proceeding in a regular, authorized manner. He thought, that if two or three disciples could be raised in each of the large towns, it would much facilitate our operations. He was sure, that at least one in ten of his relations and friends, on hearing his story, could not help embracing the new reli- gion. I secretly exulted at hearing his proposal, so evidently the result of Christian principle, and exhorted him to constant self-examination 'and prayer, as the means of discovering his own duty and the Divine will. “ April 1 6th, Lord's day . — Early in the morn- ing, the teacher Moung Shway-gnong came in, after an absence of just a month. He was soon followed by Oo Yan and his two friends. They spent the whole day with me; all appear hopeful. The teacher remained, as usual, after the others had left, and thereby afforded me an opportunity TO THE BURMAN EMPIRE. 267 for private conversation. He admitted that all his objections to positive commands were re- moyed; and that it was his desire to be a full disciple; but when urged closely on the subject, he intimated that his wife and friends were op- posed to his taking any decided step ; and that if he did, he was, moreover, exposed to imminent danger of persecution and death. He mentioned these things with so much feeling, and such evi- dent consciousness of simple weakness, as com- pletely disarmed me. My heart was wrung with pity. I sincerely sympathized with him, in his evident mental trials. I could not deny the truth of what he said ; but gently hinted, ‘ as thy day is, thy strength shall be,’ and proposed the example of the apostles and martyrs, the glory of suffering for Christ, &c. But the thought of the iron mall, and a secret suspicion, that if I was in his circumstances, I should perhaps have no more courage, restrained my tongue. We parted with much solemnity, understanding one another bet- ter than ever before. I shall not probably see him again very soon, as it is too dangerous for a man of his distinction to be seen coming fre- quently to the mission-house. “ April 20th . — Mah Men-lay and her friends have been with Mrs. J. all day. She gives in- creasing evidence of being a real disciple ; but is extremely timid, through fear of persecution. One of her remarks deserve notice, as a natural 268 AMERICAN BAPTIST MISSION expression of true Christian feeling. ‘ I am sur- prised,’ said she, ‘ to find this religion has such an effect on my mind, as to make me love the disciples of Christ more than my dearest natural relations.’ She is a woman of very superior dis- cernment and mental energy. One of the women who has frequently accompanied her in her visits, met with a tract at old Pegue, about six weeks ago, and came all the way to Rangoon, chiefly, she says, on that account. “ This day I have finished the translation of the epistle to the Ephesians, begun before I went to Ava, but intermitted on account of the weak- ness of my eyes. It is with real joy that I put this precious writing into the hands of the disci- ples. It is a great accession to their scanty stock of Scripture, for they have had nothing hitherto but St. Matthew. Intend to give them the Acts, as fast as my eyes will allow. “ April 30 th, Lord's day . — One of the busiest days I have ever spent. Not a multitude of visi- tants, as formerly. That we cannot expect, in present circumstances. But, beside the usual evening assembly, there were eight or ten pre- sent at worship, some of whom were with me from nine in the morning till ten at night. Mah Men-lay and her company were with Mrs. J., who has had a serious attack of the liver com- plaint, for a fortnight past, and is now in a course of salivation. TO THE BURMAN EMPIRE. 269 tc Oo Yan, after having searched out all their difficult points of religion, came to-day to the ne plus ultra — How are sin and eternal misery re- concileable with the character of an infinitely holy, wise, and powerful God ? He at length ob- tained such satisfaction, that he could not restrain laughing, from pure mental delight, and kept re- curring to the subject, and repeating my remarks to those around him. He was accompanied, as usual, by his two friends, Moung Thah-ay and MoungMyat-lah, husband of MahMen-lay. With these came also one Moung Yo, a disciple of Moung Shway-gnong, a poor man, but a sharp reasoner. He was, or pretended to be, on the semi-atheistic plan. [See March 10th.] After ascertaining his precise ground, I used an argu- ment, which, in a late combat with Oo Yan, I found quite invincible. It is simply this: ‘ No mind, no wisdom — temporary mind, temporary wisdom — eternal mind, eternal wisdom.’ Now, as all the semi-atheists firmly believe in eternal wisdom, this concise statement sweeps, with irre- sistible sway, through the very joints and marrow of their system. And though it may to others seem rather simple and inconclusive ; to one ac- quainted with Burman reasoning, its effect is uniformly decisive. No sooner is this short sen- tence uttered, than one significantly nods his head, as if to say, there you have it. Another cries out to the opponent, you are undone, de- 270 AMERICAN BAPTIST MISSION stroyed. Another says, talk about wisdom ; where else will you find it ? The disputant him- self, who was perhaps preparing a learned speech about the excellence and efficacy and eternity of wisdom, quite disconcerted by this unexpected onset, sits looking at the wreck of his system, and wondering at the simple means which has spread such ruin around him ; presently he looks up (for the Burmans are frequently candid), and says, your words are very appropriate. And perhaps his next question is. How can I become a disciple of the God you worship ? All the vi- sitors to-day, and indeed all the semi-atheists, are despisers of Gaudama, and the established religion of the land. Moung Shway-gnong has disseminated this heresy in Rangoon, for several years ; but since he has become acquainted with us, he frequently tells his adherents, I know no- thing ; if you want true wisdom, go to the foreign teacher, and there you will find it. I have reason to believe that this heresy is not confined to Ran- goon, but is taking root in various parts of the country, and preparing the way for the Christian religion. O, for toleration — a little toleration. We will be content to baptize in the night, and hold worship in private ; but we do pray that we may not be utterly banished from the land ; that we may not be cut up root and branch. O, that these poor souls, who are groping in the dark, feeling after the truth, may have time and oppor- TO THE BURMAN EMPIRE. 271 to find the precious treasure, which will enrich them for evermore. We are all looking with anxiety towards the golden feet. Our vice- roy, Moung Shway-thah, has gone thither on a visit ; and it is doubtful whether he will return, or his rival, Mya-day-men. If the latter, there is some reason to hope that we shall keep footing in Rangoon, at least during his administration. “ May 5tli . — Another visit from Moung Myat- lah and his wife, which has afforded us good rea- son to hope, that he also has become a true be- liever. His wife appears the same as usual. They are both gaining courage in regard to an open profession of the Christian religion, and begin to wonder at the backwardness of their former oracle, Moung Shway-gnong. “ May 8th . — Moung Thah-ay, the friend of Moung-Myat-lah, has spent most of the day with me, and given equally good evidence of being a true disciple. He was formerly an officer under government, and amassed considerable property, which he mostly spent in building pagodas and making offerings. But he obtained no satisfac- tion, found no resting place for his soul, until he became acquainted with the religion of Jesus. He now rests in this religion, with conscious security — believes and loves all that he hears of it— and prays that he may become fully a true disciple of the Saviour. “ Both of these men are respectable house- 272 AMERICAN BAPTIST MISSION holders, rather above the middling class. They live in a little village called Nan-dau-gong, about half a mile from the mission-house. Moung Myat- lah, has a large family ; but Moung Thah-ay has none ; and were it not for an aged mother who depends on him, he would follow me, he says, throughout the world. “ May 12 th . — The three visitors from Nan-dau- gong have been with us part of the day. One characteristic trait in these people is a particular love for the Scriptures. They almost quarrel with one another for the only copy of the Ephe- sians, which I have given them, and I therefore determine to spare them another, as soon as it is done. They say, that the translation of this epis- tle is plainer and more easily understood, than that of St. Matthew; which is very encouraging to me, as I executed it without the assistance of any person, not even of a Burman teacher. My old teacher went to Ava, some months ago ; and I am now afraid to employ another, lest he should become too well acquainted with the disciples and inquirers, and betray them to government. “ May 14 th, Lord's day . — A very busy day with the Nan-dau-gong visitors, and the usual evening assembly. “ May 18f/i. — Mali Myat-lah and Mah Doke, who have frequently accompanied their relation, Mah Men-lay, came to-day by themselves. They appear to be under solemn religious impressions, TO THE BURMAN EMPIRE. 273 sensible of their sin and danger, and anxious to obtain an interest in the Saviour ; but are yet un- enlightened, in regard to the way. Mali Bailc also, sister of Moung Thahlah, who formerly af- forded us some encouragement, but afterwards fell off, has recommenced visiting us. We hope, that during several months’ confinement, she has not in vain meditated on the truths she formerly heard. She says, that her mind is changed ; that she loves the Saviour, and trusts in Him alone for salvation from sin and hell, and desires to be- come his disciple in full, by receiving baptism. Her husband, Moung Nyo-dway, and Moung Thah-yah, another resident in our yard, whom, I think, I have not yet mentioned, are constant attendants on evening worship, and seem to be making slow advances in the knowledge and love of Divine truth. Moung Shway-bay, the last baptized, begins to appear to great advantage — has very correct ideas of the gospel system— and communicates truth to the inquirers with much feeling and animation. In zeal for the extension of the Redeemer’s kingdom, he surpasses the older disciples. This is the man, who, from not knowing that there was such a being in the uni- verse as a God, became a speculative believer, a penitent, a hopeful recipient of grace, and a can- didate for baptism, all in the space of three days. Some of the above-mentioned have, on the con- trary, been several months in making similar 274 AMERICAN BAPTIST MISSION attainments, and are yet found wanting. Thus diverse are the operations of the Holy Spirit. “ May 22 d . — Spent several pleasant hours with some of the Nan-dau-gong people. Mali Men- lay ventures at last to request baptism, but wishes to wait a little, to see whether her husband and some of her friends will not join her. “ May 23 d . — A visit from the doctor, Oo Yan, after a long interval. He appears to be fully con- vinced of the truth of the Christian religion, and of his own dark and sinful state. He compares himself to a person who rejoices, at intervals, in the light of a glow-worm ; but finds, alas ! that it is but momentary. He was accompanied by Moung Myat-lah, who appears almost decided. Says he is going to visit his former teacher, Moung Shway- gnong, and persuade him to join the Nan-dau- gong company, in receiving baptism. “ May 2 6th . — A visit from Moung Shway- gnong. He seems to have made no advance, in any respect, since his last visit. “ May 28 th. Lord's day . — A considerable com- pany at worship. After worship had a difficult discussion with Oo Yan, on the reconcileableness of the Divine veracity with the doctrine of vica- rious atonement. “ In the evening, Moung Myat-yah (mentioned March 26th), and Moung Thah-yah, requested baptism. The former has given satisfactory evi- dence for some time. The latter has been con- TO THE BURMAN EMPIRE. 275 slant in attending on the means, and appeared somewhat hopeful ; but we did not expect that he would come forward so soon. “ May 29 th . — Moung Thah-yah has been great- ly distressed, since he found that we doubted the reality of his conversion. He appears to be really in earnest* and his conversation this evening con- strains us to believe that he is the subject of true Christian exercises. ** June 3 cl . — Another visit from Moung Shway- gnong, more encouraging than the last. He was accompanied by several of the inquirers. Mah Myat-lah and Mah Doke, gave some evidence of being subjects of a work of grace. In the even- ing, determined to receive Moung Myat-yah and Moung Thah-yah into church fellowship. “ June Ath, Lord's day . — All the visitors of yes- terday, and some others, present at worship. In the evening, administered baptism to the two new disciples. “ June 16th . — Received letters from Bengal. News from Bombay, that a Mahomedan has pro- fessed the gospel, and from Java, that brother Robinson has baptized the first Chinese convert. Thus there seems to be a beginning in several very important stations. May the little one become a thousand. Rejoiced to hear that brother Colman had safely arrived at Bengal, and embarked in a boat for Chittagong, and that thus far he had not met with any molestation or interruption 276 AMERICAN BAPTIST MISSION from the police. May he get a footing at Chitta- gong, for every thing here, in regard to tolera- tion, grows darker. “ June 25th, Lord's day . — Had an interview with the principal one of the Nan-dau-gong visi- tors, from which I conclude, that they are far from daring to profess the Christian religion, though I feel satisfied that they have received it in their hearts. “ The Mangen teacher has returned from Ava, with fresh eclat, and recommenced his ecclesias- tical operations. He came down under the spe- cial patronage of the new Ya-woon, or vice-go- vernor of the place. It is the prevailing report, that no viceroy will be sent down until the em- peror is nearly ready to march, in person, to con- duct the Siamese war ; and that, at any rate, the old viceroy, Mya-day-men, from whom we hoped to receive some protection, will be detained at Ava. “ June 21th. — Mrs. J., after having been through two courses of salivation for the liver complaint, at length despairs of recovering, without some proper medical assistance. For a few days, we have hoped that she would get some relief from the various applications which have been made, though at the expense of an almost total ex- haustion of strength ; but this morning, to our utter disappointment, the disorder has returned with increased violence ; and her constitution TO THE BUIIMAN EMPIRE. 277 appears to be rapidly failing. I have intended, for some time past, to send her alone to Bengal ; but she has become too weak, and the present circumstances of the case are too alarming, to allow such a measure; and I have, therefore, concluded to accompany her. We have a special inducement to embrace the opportunity afforded us by the ship which lately brought our letters, since, if we reject this, we shall have to wait several months for another opportunity, during which time, Mrs. J. will, in all probability, be placed beyond the reach of medical assistance. “ July 9 thy Lord's day . — Moung Nyo-dway and Moung Gway request baptism. We have had a good hope of the former for some time. With the latter we are very slightly acquainted, though he has been a constant attendant on evening wor- ship, for nearly two months. This application, however, is approved by some of the most dis- cerning in the church. The Nan-dau-gong people hope that they shall get grace and courage enough to profess the Christian religion, by the time I return from Bengal. “ July 1 5th . — Have been very busy all the past week in getting ready for the voyage. In procur- ing a governmental passport, received essential assistance from Mr. Lansago (a Spaniard), the present collector of the port, and one of the chief magistrates of the place during the absence of the viceroy. He has also promised to protect 278 AMERICAN BAPTIST MISSION the people whom we leave on the mission pre- mises. “ July 1 6th, Lord's day.— A few days ago, we concluded to receive the two new applicants for baptism ; but I thought it most prudent (partly by way of trying their sincerity), to send them a message, suggesting, that since I was greatly occupied in getting ready for sea, and since one of them was not so well acquainted with the doctrines of religion as was desirable, it might be better to defer their baptism till my return. “ This morning they came up in much trouble. They stated, that as they had fully embraced the Christian religion in their hearts, they could not remain easy without being baptized, according to the command of Christ ; that no man could tell whether I should ever return or not ; and that it was their earnest petition, if I could possibly find time, and thought them worthy of the ordinance, that I would administer it to them before I went away. They did not wish me to go out to the usual place, as that was at some distance, but would be baptized in a small pond near the mis- sion-house. Moung Gway said, that though he was very ignorant, he knew enough of this reli- gion to love it sincerely, and to trust in Christ for salvation from all his sins. I re-examined them both, stated to them the great danger of professing a foreign religion, & c. and on their TO THE BURMAN EMPIRE. 279 urging their request, I told them I would baptize them in the evening. “ Was obliged to be out all the afternoon, get- ting our things aboard the ship, as we expect to move down the river to-morrow morning. At night baptized the two new disciples, after which we all partook of the Lord's supper for the last time. “ July \lth. — Ship to be detained two days. In the forenoon, the teacher, Moung Shway- gnong came in.-. I received him with some re- serve ; but soon found that he had not stayed away so long from choice, having been ill with a fever for some time, and occupied also with the illness of his family and adherents. He gradually wore away my reserve ; and we had not been to- gether two hours, before I felt more satisfied than ever, from his account of his mental trials, his struggles with sin, his strivings to be holy, his penitence, his faith, his exercises in secret prayer, that he is a subject of the special operations of the Holy Spirit, that he is indeed a true disciple. He stayed all day. In the afternoon, the five Nan- dau-gong visitors, the doctor Oo Yan, and several others, came together, and we had much interest- ing conversation. Towards the close, Moung Shway-gnong, as if to bring things to a crisis, ad- dressed me thus : ‘ My lord teacher, there are now several of us present, who have long considered this religion. I hope that we are all believers in Jesus Christ.’ I am afraid, replied I, to say that; 280 AMERICAN BAPTIST MISSION however, it is easily ascertained ; and let me be- gin with you, teacher. I have heretofore thought that you fully believed in the eternal God ; but I have had some doubt whether you fully believed in the Son of God, and the atonement which he has made. ‘ I assure you,’ he replied, ‘ that I am as fully persuaded of the latter as of the former.’ Do you believe then, I continued, that none but the disciples of Christ will be saved from sin and hell ? ‘ None but his disciples.’ How then can you remain, without taking the oath of allegiance to Jesus Christ, and becoming his full disciple, in body and soul ? ‘ It is my earnest desire to do so, by receiving baptism ; and for the very purpose of expressing that desire, I have come here to-day.’ You say, you are desirous of re- ceiving baptism, may I ask, when you desire to receive it ? ‘At any time you will please to give it. Now — this moment, if you please.’ Do you wish to receive baptism in public or in private ? ‘ I will receive it at any time, and in any circum- stances, that you please to direct.’ I then said — Teacher, I am satisfied, from your conversation this forenoon, that you are a true disciple ; and I reply, therefore, that I am as desirous of giving you baptism, as you are of receiving it. This conversation had a great effect on all present. The disciples rejoiced ; the rest were astonished ; for though they have long thought that he believed the Christian religion, they could not think that TO THE BURMAN EMPIRE. 281 such a man could easily be brought to profess it, and suffer himself to be put under the water by a foreigner. I then turned to Moung Thah-ay, one of the Nan-dau-gong people, who, I hope, is a true believer — Are you willing to take the oath of allegiance to Jesus Christ ? ‘ If the teacher, Moung Shway-gnong, consents,’ replied he, ‘ why should I hesitate V And if he does not consent, what then ? ‘ I must wait a little longer.’ Stand by, said I, you trust in Moung Shway-gnong, rather than in Jesus Christ. You are not worthy of being baptized. Moung Myat-lah, on being similarly interrogated, wished to consider a little longer. Oo Yan was still further from commit- ting himself. Of the women present, I interro- gated Mali Men-lay only. She had evidently a considerable struggle in her mind, probably on account of her husband’s having just declined. At length, she said, that if I thought it suitable for her to be baptized, she was desirous of receiv- ing the ordinance. I told her, that her reply was not satisfactory. I could not consent to bap- tize any one, who could possibly remain easy without being baptized, and then I related the story of the two last disciples ; after which the party broke up. “ In the evening I laid the case of Moung Shway-gnong before the church, and we joyfully agreed to receive him to communion, on his being baptized. 282 AMERICAN BAPTIST MISSION “ July 18 th . — In the morning, the teacher again made his appearance ; I again asked him whether he preferred being baptized in the day or in the evening ; and he again left it to my decision : on which I advised him to wait till night. He ap- peared very well through the day — his deport- ment solemn — his conversation spiritual. Just at night, I called in two or three of the disciples, read the account of the baptism of the eunuch, made the baptismal prayer, and then proceeded with the teacher to the accustomed place, went down into the water, and baptized him. “ On my return, I found that Mali Men-lay, whom I had left with Mrs. Judson, had gone away. As soon as she saw that the teacher had actually gone to be baptized, she exclaimed, ‘Ah! he has now gone to obey the command of Jesus Christ, while I remain without obeying. I shall not be able to sleep this night. I must go home and consult my husband, and return.’ In the evening, we again partook of the Lord’s supper, in consequence of the admission of the teacher, and my expected departure on the morrow. We had just finished, when, about nine o’clock, Mah Men-lay returned, accompanied by the two other women from her village. She immediately re- quested to be baptized. The disciples present assented without hesitation. I told her that I re- joiced to baptize her, having been long satisfied that she had received the grace of Christ ; and, it TO THE BURMAN EMPIRE. 283 being very late, I led her out to the pond, near the house, by lantern light, and thus baptized the tenth Burman convert, and the first woman. Mali Men-lay is fifty-one years old, of most extensive acquaintance through the place, of much strength of mind, decision of character, and consequent influence over others. She is, indeed, among wo- men, what Moung Shway-gnong is among men. “ On returning to the house, she said, ‘ Now 1 have taken the oath of allegiance to Jesus Christ, and I have nothing to do but to commit myself, soul and body, into the hands of my Lord, assured that he will never suffer me to fall away.’ Seve- ral of the visitors spent the night at the mission house. “ July 19 th . — In the morning we all met for worship. After I had prayed, Moung Thahlah and Moung Shway-bay both prayed, with much propriety and feeling. In the course of the fore- noon, Mah Men-lay’s husband, and Moung Thah- ay, and the doctor, and several others, came in, so that we had quite a house full. At noon, we set out for the river, followed by near a hundred people, the women crying aloud, in the Burman manner, and almost all deeply affected. When we entered the boat, I called the teacher and Mah Men-lay, and a few others, to go with us to the ship, which lay at some distance in the river. The rest remained on the wharf, bidding us fare- well, telling us to come back soon, &c. Thus we 284 AMERICAN BAPTIST MISSION left the shores of Rangoon. Those who accom- panied ns to the ship, stayed an hour or two, and returned. We stood as long on the quarter-deck, looking at them, as the others had stood on the wharf looking at us. “ July 20th . — The ship having been unable to move yesterday, on account of the anchor’s being foul, the teacher, Moung Shway-gnong, espied the masts from his village, and came off in a boat, with his wife and another woman. Soon after, most of the Nan-dau-gong people came to the mission house, and finding that the ship had not dropped down, came off, accompanied by several of our own people. We were much gratified by this fresh proof of their attachment ; but the ship got under weigh immediately, and they were obliged to leave us for the last time. “ July 21 st . — Reached the search village, and passed the customary examination. “ July 22 d . — Continued to move down with the tide. At night, anchored near the Elephant, in full view of the sea. “ July 20th . — We have been obliged to wait till this time, on account of the threatening ap- pearance of the weather. This morning ventured over the bar ; the pilot soon after left us, and we find ourselves once more launched into the boundless ocean. Mrs. J.’s disorder experienced a slight abatement about a week before we em- barked, in consequence of our succeeding in rais- TO THE BURMAN EMPIRE. 285 ing a very large blister on her side. This tempo- rary relief enabled her to prepare for the voyage, and to get on board ship with more ease and faci- lity than we had expected. Since, however, we have been lying at anchor, the pain has returned with as much violence as ever. Yesterday she was confined to her couch the whole day. “ August 18 th . — Early this morning we arrived in Calcutta, and repaired to the house of brother Lawson. “ Mrs. J. appeared rather better during the voyage ; but we fear that she has obtained no essential benefit. “ Serampore, August 27th . — Induced by the more healthful climate of this place, we removed hither to-day, and found a resting place in the house of brother Hough, not far from the mission premises. “ September 7th . — I am happy to be able to state, at length, that Mrs. J. appears to be on the recovery, particularly since our removal to Se- rampore. Dr. Chalmers, however, who now at- tends her, does not allow her to think of return- ing to Rangoon for the present. It is, therefore, my prevailing intention, to leave her under his care, and return myself by the first opportunity. “ Serampore, October 24 th . — At the last date, Mrs. Judson appeared to be on the recovery. Since that time, our hopes have been alternately raised and depressed. But, for a few days past, 286 AMERICAN BAPTIST MISSION notwithstanding the present cool season, and the best medical advice, her unfavourable symptoms have all been aggravated ; and this morning, we received, in writing, the definitive opinion of Dr. Chalmers, that her disorder is a chronic affec- tion of the liver, which cannot be removed but by a voyage to America, or at least a protracted stay in Bengal, under the care of a physician ; and that a return to Rangoon precludes all hope of recovery. I feel, therefore, under the distress- ing necessity of leaving her in Bengal, and re- turning alone to Rangoon, by a vessel which is expected to sail by the first of next month. “ I wish here to express our great obligation to Dr. Chalmers, who has frequently attended Mrs. Judson, though he had to cross the river from Barrackpore, for that purpose, and who, from regard to the cause in which we are engaged, declined accepting any thing by way of remune- ration. “ Calcutta, October 31 st . — Yesterday we took leave of brother Hough and family, with whom we have spent a very quiet and happy sojourn of two months, and came down to this city, in order to my embarkation. But our views have under- gone a very great change, in consequence of meeting with Dr. Macwhirter, who, as well as Dr. Chalmers, is of the first eminence in his pro- fession. His opinion does not indeed differ from that of Dr. C. in regard to the nature of Mrs. J.s TO THE BURMAN EMPIRE. 287 disorder, or the course of medicine to be adhered to ; but he thinks that he can give such general prescriptions, as will render a return to Rangoon less dangerous than we expected. Mrs. J. there- fore feels encouraged to join me in taking passage in the vessel before mentioned, which is still to be detained a few days. “ November 23 d . — Having taken leave of our dear and excellent friends, Mr. and Mrs. Town- ley (missionaries from the London Society), with whom we have had the happiness of living several days — Mr. and Mrs. Lawson, and others of the Baptist mission — and Mr. Ward, a young gentle- man from our own country, whose attachment to us, and the cause of Christ, has been manifested in a series of the most polite attentions and sub- stantial kindnesses ; we are just embarking in the Salamanca, the same vessel which, two years ago, conveyed Colman and Wheelock to the same place to which we are now destined. “ January 3d, 1821. — A most tedious passage from Bengal, of nearly six weeks, occasioned by a continued succession of head winds and calms ; but we hope the protracted voyage has been bene- ficial to Mrs. J.’s health. This forenoon we came in sight of the Elephant Grove, so called from its fancied resemblance to that animal. It marks the western limit of the Rangoon outlet of the A-rah- wa-tee ; and the sight awakened all our feelings of anxiety and desire — anxiety to hear of the wel- 288 AMERICAN BAPTIST MISSION fare of the little church which we have so long left in yonder wilderness, the progress of the in- quirers, and the disposition of the present govern- ment of the place towards the mission — desire to recommence our missionary labours, to proclaim the blessed gospel, to feed the sheep and lambs of Christ’s flock. “ January 4th . — A pilot came on board. — The principal articles of intelligence we have obtained from him, are, that Mya-day-men is viceroy of Rangoon ; that the Roman Catholic priest, whose name occurs in the account of our visit to Ava, is dead ; and that thirty thousand troops have marched through Rangoon to the frontiers of Siam, preparatory to a war with that country. At night, came to anchor in full sight of the towering summit of Shway-day-gong. “ January 5th . — As we drew near the town, we strained our eyes to distinguish the countenances of our friends, amid the crowd that we saw as- sembled on the wharf. The first that we recog- nised was the teacher, Moung Shway-gnong, with his hands raised to his head, as he discerned us on the deck ; and, on landing, we met succes- sively with Mah Men-lay, and Moung Thahlah, and several others, men, women, and children, who, after our usual examination at the custom- office, accompanied us to the mission house. Soon after, Moung Nau, and others, came in, who had not, at first, heard of our arrival. In the evening, TO THE BURMAN EMPIRE. 289 I took my usual seat among the disciples ; and when we bowed down in prayer, the hearts of all flowed forth in gratitude and praise. “ January 6th .- — In the morning we went to the government-house. The lady of the viceroy received Mrs. J. with the familiarity of a friend. We sat some time conversing with her. She in- formed us that she was now Woon-gyee-gah-dau, and was allowed to ride in a wau ; (a vehicle car- ried by forty or fifty men ;) dignities which very few Burman ladies attain. While we were sitting with her, the viceroy just made his appearance, stalking along, as usual, with his great spear. He looked down upon us a moment, saying, f Ah ! you are come and then passed on. But he speaks to no one, and does no business at pre- sent, being absorbed in grief, on account of the intelligence which reached him a few days ago, of the death of his favourite daughter, one of the chief queens of the present emperor. “ January 7th, Lord's day . — Had worship, and administered the Lord’s supper. Most of the disciples present ; but some of them unavoidably detained, in consequence of the distress which presses upon all ranks of people, occasioned by the expedition to Siam. “ January 13 th . — Have spent the past week in getting our things in order, and receiving visits from the disciples and inquirers. Yesterday, Moung Gway, the only one of the baptized whom u 290 AMERICAN BAPTIST MISSION we had not seen, returned from the woods, on hearing of our arrival ; and I am now able to re- cord (and I do it with the most heartfelt satis- faction, and grateful praise to the preserving Saviour), that, though they have, for the space of six months, been almost destitute of the means of grace, and those who lived in our yard have been dispersed, and forced, through fear of heavy extortion and oppression from petty officers of government, to fly into the woods, or take refuge under some government person who could protect them ; yet not one of them has dishonoured his profession, but all remain firm in their faith and attachment to the cause. I do not, however, perceive that any of them have made the least advance in any respect whatever; nor was this to be expected, as they have not even enjoyed the privilege of meeting for worship. “ The same remarks are to be made concerning the four Nan-dau-gong people, companions of Mah Men-lay, who appeared to be hopefully pious before we left. The doctor, Oo Yan, with whom we did not feel so well satisfied, has been with me repeatedly ; and, in the last interview, gave good reason to hope that he also is a true convert. He seems, at length, to have obtained light and satisfaction on the two difficult points which have so long perplexed him ; namely, the doctrine of vicarious atonement, and the possibi- lity of being a disciple of Christ by keeping the TO THE BURMAN EMPIRE. 291 two commands of grace — Repent and believe ; without perfectly keeping the two immutable commands of merit — Love God entirely, and love others as yourself. O, how interesting is it to see (you can almost see it with your eyes) the light of truth dawning upon a precious soul, hi- therto groping in darkness ! If Oo Yan prove a true convert, he will be a most precious acquisi- tion to our cause, next to Moung Shway-gnong. He is a man of talents and respectability. His words are as smooth as oil, as sweet as honey, and as sharp as a razor. “ In respect to Mah Bike, she has given way to her violent temper, and involved her husband in debt ; and though she now professes to repent and desire baptism, and though we have some hope that she is not destitute of grace, we feel obliged at present to put her away from us, as a ‘wicked person.’ “The most important event (and that relates of course to Moung Shway-gnong), remains to be mentioned. It will be remembered that he was accused before the former viceroy, of being a heretic, and that the simple reply, ‘ Inquire fur- ther,’ spread dismay among us all, and was one occasion of our visit to Ava. Soon after Mya- day-men assumed the government of this pro- vince, all the priests and officers of the village where Moung Shway-gnong lives, entered into a conspiracy to destroy him. They held daily con- 292 AMERICAN BAPTIST MISSION sultations, and assumed a tone of triumph ; while poor Moung Shway-gnong’s courage began to flag ; and, though he does not like to own it, he thought he must fly for his life. At length, one of the conspiracy, a member of the supreme court, went into the presence of the viceroy, and, in or- der to sound his disposition, complained that the teacher, Moung Shway-gnong, was making every endeavour to turn the priest’s rice-pot bottom upwards. What consequence ? said the viceroy: Let the priests turn it back again. This sentence was enough ; the hopes of the conspiracy were blasted ; and all the disciples felt that they were sure of toleration under Mya-day-men. But this administration will not probably continue many months. “ In the course of the week, I forwarded a letter to Mr. Lansago (who left this place for Ava, above a month ago), informing him of my return, and begging him to endeavour to efface the unfavour- able impression concerning us, which the late Roman Catholic priest made on the mind of the emperor. “ January ‘IQth . — The Nan-dau-gong people have made us several visits during the week. They are evidently growing in knowledge and grace ; and will, I hope, ere long, be ready to profess Christ in his appointed way. “ This afternoon, Mrs. J. went to their village, to fix on a spot for the erection of a small school- TO THE BURMAN EMPIRE. 293 house. Mah Men-lay has, of her own accord, proposed to open a school in the precincts of her house, to teach the girls and boys of the village to read ; in consequence of which, the latter will not be under the necessity of going to the Burman priests for education, as usual. When we found that she had really made a beginning, we told her that some of the Christian females in America would, doubtless, defray the expenses of the un- dertaking, and make some compensation to the instructress. “ On Tuesday evening, we recommenced our usual Tuesday and Friday evening prayer meet- ings ; but we expect to have very few present, as most of the disciples who formerly lived around us are afraid to return, on account of the present general distress, from which we are unable to protect them. “ January 21 st, Lord's day . — All the disciples, but one, and all the hopeful inquirers, were pre- sent at worship ; who, together with some others, made up an assembly of about twenty-five adults, all paying respectful and devout attention: the most interesting assembly, all things considered, that I have seen yet. How impossible it seemed, two years ago, that such a precious assembly could ever be raised up out of the Egyptian dark- ness, the atheistic superstition of this heathen land. After worship, two of the Nan-dau-gong people had some particular conversation with 294 AMERICAN BAPTIST MISSION Moung Thahlah, about baptism. Much encou- raged by the general appearance of things this day. Why art thou ever cast down, O my soul! and why art thou disquieted within me ? Hope thou in God : the God of the Burmans, as well as David’s God : for I shall yet praise him for the help of his countenance, revealed in the salvation of thousands of these immortal souls. “ January 24 th . — Received a visit from Moung Yah, the man whom, some years ago, I designated as the first Inquirer. His deportment and con- versation were not, indeed, so modest and encou- raging as formerly; but yet the burden of his request was still, ‘ more of the writings of Jesus Christ.’ After his former visit, he was appointed to the government of a place at some distance ; but he is now in the situation of justice of peace, under the present viceroy, and is much occupied in business. It was under this man that some of the disciples, who formerly lived in our yard, took refuge during our absence ; and they still con- tinue to adhere to him. He professes to love the religion of Christ ; but I fear that he has very indistinct ideas, and that his mind is diverted by the cares of business, from a due attention to the one thing needful. “ January 2 5 th .— Received a visit from a young priest and a novitiate, who reside in a neighbour- ing kyoung (a house inhabited by priests). They stayed with me above an hour, and paid more TO THE BORMAN EMPIRE. 295 candid attention to Divine truth than I have ever been able to obtain from any gentlemen of the (yellow) cloth. On pressing the question, whe- ther they did not sometimes doubt the correct- ness of their religion, they confessed in the affirm- ative, and finally condescended to accept a tract ; but it will be torn to pieces as soon as it reaches the hands of their superiors. “ January 31 st . — Received a visit from the teacher, Oo Oung-det, of the village of Kambet. He has disseminated the semi-atheistic doctrine for several years, and formed a small party among his neighbours, who pay no respect to the priests and the religion of Gaudama. We had a most interesting conversation of about two hours, in the presence of a large company, most of whom came with him. He successively gave up every point that he attempted to maintain, and ap- peared to lay open his mind to the grand truths of an eternal God, eternal happiness, &c. Moung Shway-gnong seconded me, and discoursed in a truly impressive manner, until the attention of the old man was so completely fixed, that his friends with difficulty persuaded him to take leave. “ February \th . — Oo Oung-det repeated his visit. He acknowledges himself convinced of the existence of an eternal God, and appears to be desirous of knowing the whole truth ; but busi- ness prevented his staying long. “ February 12 th . — Had a long conversation 296 AMERICAN BAPTIST MISSION with Oo Oung-det, in which I at length endea- voured to unfold to his view the whole mystery of the gospel, the way of salvation through the atonement of the Son of God, to which our pre- vious conversations have been little more than preparatory. But his proud heart evidently re- pelled the humiliating doctrine. So true it is that the cross of Christ is the sure touchstone of the human heart. His nephew, however, Moung Oung-hmat, listened with the air of an awakened man. During a temporary suspense of conversa- tion, I was much gratified by hearing him whisper to his uncle, ‘ Ask him more about Jesus Christ.’ He received a form of prayer with eagerness, and listened to my parting instruction with some feeling. “ February 1 6 th . — Moung Ing has returned. He is the second Burman whose heart was touched by Divine grace. We rejoiced to see his face again, notwithstanding his rough and unprepos- sessing appearance, occasioned by the hardships through which he has passed since he left us. On his arrival at Bike, a town far below Rangoon, he shewed his copy of St. Matthew to the Roman Catholic priest stationed there, who directly com- mitted it to the flames ; and gave, instead of it, a writing of his own device. But,, through Divine grace, our poor friend retained his integrity, and remained steadfast in the sentiments which he for- merly embraced. TO THE BURMAN EMPIRE. 297 “ February 19 th. — Spent several pleasant hours with Moung Ing. During his residence at Bike he was not satisfied with being a solitary disciple, but undertook to dispute with both Portuguese and Burmans ; and found two or three who were disposed to listen to him. He is to return thither within a fortnight : but wishes to be baptized previously. “ February 20£/?.— 1 This is the second evening in which Mrs. J. and myself have had an inter- view with the viceroy and his lady in their inner apartment. Her highness gave us some very en- couraging hints on the subject of religious tole- ration ; and promised to introduce us to the em- peror, on his visiting Rangoon next fall, in pro- secution of the war with Siam. “ February 25 th. Lord's day . — Moung Ing pre- sented his petition for baptism and admission into the church ; and we unhesitatingly agreed to grant his request next Lord’s day. Not one of the disciples has given more decided evidence of being a sincere and hearty believer in the Lord Jesus. “ March 4 th, Lord's day . — Moung Ing received baptism, immediately after worship in the after- noon. Several of the hopeful inquirers witnessed the administration. “ March 1 1th, Lord's day . — We partook of the Lord’s supper in the evening ; pursuant to a re- solution of the church, to celebrate this ordinance 298 AMERICAN BAPTIST MISSION on the second Sunday after the change of the moon, in order to avail ourselves, uniformly, of light evenings. “ After the ordinance, Moung Ing immediately took leave, for the purpose of returning to Bike. He is laden with various writings, in Burman and Portuguese, for distribution among the people of that place.” I remain, my dear Sir, Very affectionately and respectfully, A. H. J. TO THE BURMAN EMPIRE. 290 LETTER XIII. Baltimore, February, 1823. MY DEAR SIR, From the preceding letters, you will learn much of the character, and perceive the evidences of real conversion, exhibited by those who made a public profession of religion. From the strength of intellect manifested by several interesting characters, in the following journal of Mr. Judson, you will, I doubt not, form a high idea of the natural capacity of the Burmans. “ April 25th, 1821. — Sometime previous to the last date, I resolved on opening the Zayat, and residing there as formerly; but soon relinquished the intention for a time, in consequence of en- gaging Moung Shway-gnong to assist me in a thorough revision of those parts of the New Testa- ment which are translated, but not yet printed ; namely, the epistle to the Ephesians, and the first part of the Acts. We have, at length, finished the revision ; and I this day recommence occu- pying the Zayat. 300 AMERICAN BAPTIST MISSION “ May At h . — Several days have passed, without any encouraging occurrence. The Zayat never attracted less company, and I began to fear that the good old times of 1819 would never again re- turn. A case, however, has just occurred, which reminds me of those times. I never before met with an instance of such openness of mind, and readiness to receive the truth, on first communi- cation. The man is a regular-bred Boodhist, without the least tincture of semi-atheism ; and yet, strange to say, he listened to the truth with unprecedented candour, and apparent eagerness, for above two hours. I am sure I shall see him again — but yet, what have I found more fallacious than first appearances ? “ May 5th. — Mr. Lansago arrived from Ava last night. I have just had an interview with him. On receiving my letter, he mentioned us before the emperor, who remembered that we were * Zandees.’ Mr. L. contradicted the asper- sion — said we were true men, &c. ; to which his majesty made no reply. “ Mr. Ignatius, the principal Roman catholic priest in Rangoon, is going to Ava, by order of the emperor, to take the place of jthe old priest, in the medical line. Mr. L. thinks that the em- peror will not come down to Rangoon, and that the Siamese war will not be continued. “ May 6th, Lord's day . — From various causes, there were only three of the baptized present at TO THE BURMAN EMPIRE. 301 worship, and yet we had an assembly of above twenty adults, in all the various stages of reli- gious inquiry ; some almost ready to profess re- ligion, and some just beginning to open their eyes to the wonders of redeeming love. Among the rest were two aged men, devout worshippers of Gaudama, and constant attendants on the lec- tures of the Mangen teacher. They listened with fixed attention to a long discourse, from the pa- rable of the pharisee and publican ; and one of them declared himself pleased with the doctrine. There was also present, for the first time, a rela- tion of Moung Shway-bay, from the upper part of the country, who has received considerable in- formation from his cousin. He was so much de- lighted with some things which he heard, that, in the midst of the discourse, he broke out into audible expressions of approbation. “ May 12 th, Saturday . — Have had several at- tentive listeners, during the past week. Some of my old visitors from Kambet, and other villages, begin to find that the doors of the Zayat are again open. “ May 14 th . — A succession of company through the day. A priest of some note listened with much apparent candour, and some expressions of approval. “ May 15 th . — Despatched the manuscript of Ephesians, and the first part of the Acts, to Se- rampore, requesting brother Hough to procure an 302 AMERICAN BAPTIST MISSION edition of six hundred of each, at the expense of the Board. “ At night, received a visit from Moung Gway, brother-in-law to Moung Shway-bay. He was accompanied by one Moung Thah-ee, an intract-' able, furious creature, noted for brow-beating and silencing every antagonist. He professes to be a strict Boodhist, without the least doubt on the subject of religion; but having heard of my ob- ject in coming to this country, wishes to give me an opportunity of making him doubt. I found him extremely difficult to manage, and finally told him, that he must get an humble mind, and pray to the true God, or he would never attain tfue wisdom. This threw him into a passion. He said he would have me to know that he was no common man. He could dispute with governors and kings, &c. I then gave him a tract, which he affected to disdain, but finally received, and went away. “ May \Qth . — Moung Gway called to apologize for his companion’s conduct. He said, that from being always victorious in disputation, he had become insolent and overbearing; but that he was really inquiring after the truth, and had been reading the tract attentively. Moung Gway him- self seems to be favourably disposed to the Chris- tian religion. “ May nth. — Moung Thah-ee spent the whole evening with me. I find that he has a strong TO THE BURMAN EMPIRE. 303 mind, capable of grasping the most difficult sub- ject. He listened to the truth with much more attention and patience than at first. “ May 18th. — Moung Thah-ee came again, ac- companied by several of his admirers. At first he behaved with some propriety, and allowed conversation to proceed in a regular manner. But soon he descended into his own native element, and stormed and raged. When I found that he would be utterly unreasonable, and not permit me even to finish a sentence, I remained silent, and suffered him to display himself. When he was quite exhausted, I took an opportunity to ex- hibit a brief view of the reasons which convinced me that the religion of Gaudama was false, and the Boodhist Scriptures fictitious ; and then chal- lenged him to refute my statement. But he de- clined, saying that we were both tired, and he would finish the debate some other time. “ May 19th. — A succession of company all the day. At night, Moung Thah-ee came alone, in- tending to have some private conversation; but no opportunity offered. “ May 20th , Lord's day. — Encountered another new character, one Moung Long, from the neigh- bourhood of Shway-doung, a disciple of the great Toung-dwen teacher, the acknowledged head of all the semi-atheists in the country. Like the rest of the sect, Moung Long is, in reality, a com- plete sceptic, scarcely believing his own exist- 304 AMERICAN BAPTIST MISSION ence. They say he is always quarrelling with his wife, on some metaphysical point. For in- stance : if she says, ‘ The rice is ready he will reply, ‘ Rice ! What is rice ? Is it matter, or spirit? Is it an idea, or is it nonentity?’ Per- haps she will say, ‘ It is matter;’ and he will reply, ‘ Well, wife, and what is matter? Are you sure there is such a thing in existence, or are you merely subject to a delusion of the senses?’ “ When he first came in, I thought him an or- dinary man. He has only one good eye; but I soon discovered, that that one eye has as ‘ great a quantity of being,’ as half a dozen common eyes. In his manners, he is just the reverse of Moung Thah-ee — all suavity and humility, and respect. He professed to be an inquirer after the truth ; and I accordingly opened to him some parts of the gospel. He listened with great seriousness ; and, when I ceased speaking, remained so thought- ful, and apparently impressed with the truth, that I began to hope he would come to some good, and therefore invited him to ask some question relative to what he had heard. £ Your servant,’ said he, ‘ has not much to inquire of your lord- ship. In your lordship’s sacred speech, however, there are one or two words which your servant does not understand. Your lordship says, that in the beginning God created one man and one woman. I do not understand (I beg your lord- ship’s pardon) what a man is, and why he is TO THE BURMAN EMPIRE. 305 called a man.’ My eyes were now opened, in an instant, to his real character ; and I had the hap- piness to be enabled, for about twenty minutes, to lay blow after blow upon his sceptical head, with such effect, that he kept falling and falling ; and though he made several desperate efforts to get up, he found himself at last prostrate on the ground, unable to stir. Moung Shway-gnong, who had been an attentive listener, was extremely delighted to see his enemy so well punished ; for this Moung Long had sorely harassed him in time past. The poor man was not, however, in the least angry at his discomfiture ; but, in the true spirit of his school, said, that though he had heard much of me, the reality far exceeded the report. Afterwards he joined us in worship, and listened with great attention, as did also his wife. “ May 21 st . — Moung Thah-ee came again, with several others; but he was so outrageous, and vulgar, and abusive, that I found it impossible to hold any rational conversation with him ; and he finally went away in a great passion, saying, that he had been sent by some men in authority to spy us out, and that by to-morrow he would bring us into trouble. Such threatenings tend to sink our spirits, and make us realize our truly helpless, destitute condition, as sheep in the midst of wolves : ‘ Lord, behold their threatenings,’ &c. “ May 21th, Lot'd’s day . — A very busy day. Had scarcely dismissed the few Europeans, who 306 AMERICAN BAPTIST MISSION attend English worship in the morning, when the Burman visitors began to come in; and though many of the disciples were absent, we finally had an assembly of thirty persons, who paid most earnest and uninterrupted attention to a discourse of about half an hour, from the text — ‘ By one man’s disobedience many were made sinners.’ A few, who visited the Zayat during the past week, were present for the first time. One of them, by name Moung Hlay, may be named among the hope- ful inquirers. Moung Long was again present, and another disciple of the Toung-dwen teacher, of equal powers of mind ; but these keen metaphy- sicians are, I fear, far from the kingdom of heaven. “ June 3d, Lord's day . — A new acquaintance of last week, of Siamese extraction, and Moung Hlay, and Moung Long, were present with the usual assembly. Mah Myat-lay, sister of Mah Men-lay, appears to be resolved, at length, to profess religion. “ June 4th . — Moung Long spent two or three hours with me, in which I endeavoured to lay be- fore him all the evidences of the truth of the Christian religion. His wife proves to be as sharp as himself, and has been harassing Mrs. J. with all sorts of questions about the possibility of sin’s finding entrance into a pure mind, or of its being permitted under the government of a holy sovereign. “ I have this day taken Moung Shway-bay into TO THE BURMAN EMPIRE. 307 the service of the mission. He bids fairer than any other member of the church to be qualified, in due time, for the ministry : for though infe- rior to Moung Thah-lah in fluency of speech, and to Moung Shway-gnong in genius and address, he is superior to the former in consistency of cha- racter, and gravity of deportment, and to the lat- ter in experimental acquaintance with Divine things, and devotedness to the cause. But the principal trait of character which distinguishes him from the rest, and affords considerable evi- dence that he is called by higher authority than that of man to the Christian ministry, is his hum- ble and persevering desire for that office — a desire which sprung up in his heart soon after his con- version, and has been growing ever since. I in- tend to employ him, at present, as an assistant in the Zayat, on a small allowance of seven or eight rupees a month, which I hope the Board will ap- prove of. In that situation, he will have an opportunity of improving in those qualifications which are requisite to fit him to be a teacher of religion among his fellow countrymen. “ June 8th . — The Siamese spent several hours with me. His mind is just on the poise between Boodhism and Christianity. “ June 10 th } Lord's day . — Moung Long again present — all eye and ear. Mrs. J. pronounces his wife the most superior woman, in point of intel- lect, that she has met with in Burmah. 308 AMERICAN BAPTIST MISSION “ After evening worship, Mah Myat-lay pre- sented her petition for admission into the church, which was granted, and next Sunday appointed for her baptism. The evidences of her piety are of the most satisfactory kind. We esteem her quite as highly as her sister Mah Men-lay, though she is far inferior in external qualifications. “ June 1 \tli . — Moung Long and his wife spent most of the day with us. Their minds are in a truly hopeful state, though still greatly governed by the maxims of the Toung-dwen school. Their main inquiry to-day was — How they could ob- tain faith in Christ ? May the Holy Spirit solve their difficulties, by giving them an experimental acquaintance with that saving grace ! “ June 14 tk . — An intimate friend of the Woon- gyee-gah-dau told Mrs. J. to-day, in the presence of her highness, who, by silence, assented to the correctness of the remark, that when the emperor, and others in government, said that all might be- lieve and worship as they pleased, the toleration extended merely to foreigners resident in the em- pire, and by no means to native Burmans, who, being slaves of the emperor, would not be allowed, with impunity, to renounce the religion of their master. This remark accords with all that we heard at Ava, and may be depended on (notwith- standing some private encouragement we have received from the viceroy and his wife), as afford- ing a correct view of the state of religious tolera- TO THE BURMAN EMPIRE. 309 tion in this country. It is a fact, that, except in our own private circle, it is not known that a single individual has actually renounced Bood- hism, and been initiated into the Christian re- ligion. “ Mah Myat-lay informs us, that the news of her intended baptism has been rumoured among her neighbours, and excited a great uproar. She is not, however, disheartened ; but rather wishes that her baptism may not be deferred until Sun- day, lest some measures be taken to prevent it. I expect that she will present herself for baptism to-morrow evening. “ June 1 5th . — According to the purpose men- tioned under the last date, Mah Myat-lay re- ceived baptism, about sunset, at the usual place. “ July 3 d . — Moung Thahlah was married to a woman resident in our yard, a usual attendant on public worship, — the event somewhat noticeable, as being probably the first Christian marriage ever performed between persons of pure Burman extraction. “ July 14 th . — The first day of Burman Lent. The Woon-gyee-gah-dau, notwithstanding all she has heard from Mrs. J., set out, most zealously, in her course of religious performances ; and the whole town seems to be following her example. “ Many cases of hopeful inquiry, and interest- ing religious conversation, have occurred within the last month ; but they passed away without 310 AMERICAN BAPTIST MISSION much 'apparent fruit, and are, therefore, not worthy of notice. Moung Long and his wife are the most promising at present ; and I begin to indulge some slight hope, that they will obtain Divine grace. “ In the interval of receiving company, I have lately been employed in translating ; have finished the Gospel and Epistles of St. John, those exqui- sitely sweet and precious portions of the New Testament, and am now employed on the latter part of the Acts. I find Moung Shway-bay a most valuable assistant, in all parts of missionary work. Moung Shway-gnong also begins ‘ to be dissatisfied with being a mere disciple, and hopes that he shall some time be thought worthy of being a teacher of the Christian religion.’ These two, with Mah Men-lay, are, at present, the flower of our little church. I have no reason, however, to complain of the conduct of any, con- sidering the great disadvantages under which they all labour. Some have grown comparatively cold ; but none have forgotten their first love. Praise for ever be to Him, “ Who is faithful to his promises, And faithful to his Son ! ” “ August \th . — Am just recovering from the second fit of sickness which I have had this sea- son. The first was the cholera morbus ; the pre- sent has been a fever. The second day after I TO THE BURMAN EMPIRE. 311 was taken, Mrs. J. was seized with the same disorder ; and, for several days, we were unable to help one another. Through Divine mercy, however, we contrived to get our medicines from time to time, and are now in a convalescent state, so far as the fever is concerned. Mrs. J., how- ever, is suffering severely under the liver com- plaint, which, notwithstanding continual saliva- tions, is making such rapid and alarming ad- vances, as to preclude all hope of her recovery, in this part of the world. ■■ August 6th . — Came to a final conclusion to send Mrs. Judson to America, for the reasons as- signed in a letter to the corresponding Secretary, accompanying this number. “ August 21^. — Mrs. J. embarked for Bengal.” I remain, my dear Sir, Very affectionately and respectfully, A. H. J. AMERICAN BAPTIST MISSION ai2 LETTER XIV. Washington, March, 1823. MY DEAR SIR, Thus far had the mission proceeded, when loss of health forced me from Rangoon, and all the interesting scenes which I had so long witnessed. Those only who have been through a variety of toil and privation, to obtain a darling object, can realize how entirely every fibre of the heart ad- heres to that object, when secured. Had we en- countered no difficulties, and suffered no priva- tions in our attempts to form a church of Christ, under the government of a heathen despot, we should have been warmly attached to the indivi- duals composing it, but should not have felt that tender solicitude and anxious affection, which, in the present case, we experienced. Rangoon, from having been the theatre in which so much of the faithfulness, power, and mercy of God had been exhibited — from having been considered, for ten years past, as my home for life — and from a thousand interesting asso- ciations of ideas, had become the dearest spot on earth. Hence you will readily imagine that no TO THE BURMAN EMPIRE. 313 ordinary consideration could have induced my departure. With the providential and merciful circumstances attending my voyage to England, and with all that transpired, during my residence under your hospitable roof, you are well ac- quainted. I hasten, therefore, to communicate the intelligence, which, from time to time, has been received from the mission in Rangoon, since my departure. Soon after the last date in Mr. Judson’s journal, another attempt, with greater probability of suc- cess, was made to destroy the teacher, Moung Shway-gnong. The chief of his village, in con- nexion with several priests, drew up, and pre- sented, a document to the viceroy, in which Moung Shway-gnong was accused of having em- braced sentiments, which aimed at the destruc- tion of the Boodhist religion, and prejudicial to the existing authorities. The viceroy replied, that if their assertions were true, Moung Shway- gnong was deserving of death. The teacher and his friends had closely watched the proceedings of the accusers, and took measures accordingly ; and, as soon as he ascertained that the viceroy uttered an encouraging word to his persecutors, he procured a boat, embarked his family, secretly fled to the mission house, to disclose to Mr. Jud- son his situation, and, after furnishing himself with tracts and portions of Scripture, proceeded up the river to Shway-doung, a town about a 314 AMERICAN BAPTIST MISSION hundred miles from Rangoon. From the last ac- counts, he was busily employed in disseminating his heretical sentiments, and had excited much commotion among the inhabitants of that place. Thus it was, as in the days of the apostles, when the disciples of Christ were persecuted, “they that were scattered abroad went every where preaching the word.” Moung Shway-gnong’s easy and rapid escape, may appear almost incre- dible to one accustomed to a well regulated po- lice, in civilized countries. But not so, when it is known that government officers in Burmah take cognizance of those cases only, under their immediate control ; that there is nothing throughout the empire, like a public newspaper, in which the delinquent may be so described as to occasion detection ; and that the only mode of travelling is in boats : consequently, thousands are at all times on the river. Moung Shway-gnong’s accusation and escape, however, produced, as formerly, much alarm among the disciples and inquirers, — the former attending public worship as privately as possible, while the latter almost entirely withdrew. Mr. Judson was obliged to shut up the Zayat altoge- ther, and confine his religious instructions to those who occasionally called at the mission house. You will recollect, my dear Sir, that Mr. J., at this time, was entirely alone ; not an indi- vidual to give him an encouraging word. Under TO THE BURMAN EMPIRE. 315 existing circumstances, it would not have excited surprise to find that he was occasionally de- jected and depressed. But, at this period, his mind was particularly impressed with the impor- tance of completing the translation of the New Testament, and he resolved to engage imme- diately in this great work, and wait the farther openings of Providence, in regard to preaching. An extract from a letter written by Mr. J. at this time, exhibits his reasons for this course. “ Yesterday, feeling myself wholly at a loss, I committed myself to the guidance of the Lord Jesus, with some uncommon feelings of faith ; and soon after, my mind became more settled on pursuing the translations, as being the most honourable to God, the most beneficial to my own soul, and the most conducive to the real in- terest of the mission. “ November 3d . — The mission sustained a heavy loss in the death of Moung Thahlah, the second convert. In a state of perfect health, he was at- tacked with the cholera, and expired in less than nineteen hours. Mr. Judson was not apprized of his illness, until he became insensible; conse- quently, the state of his mind, in that trying hour, was unknown ; but, from the evidence previously given, there is no doubt that his glad spirit found itself in the presence of the Saviour, on its eman- cipation from the body. The death of Moung Thahlah was more severely felt, as he was one of 316 AMERICAN BAPTIST MISSION the few Burmans, in the habit of leading in social prayer. In this exercise, he very much excelled ; frequently expressing ideas apt and spiritual, clothed in the most appropriate and edifying language. He was a young man of fine talents, superior education, and had a peculiarly interest- ing mode of communicating religious truths. But our hopes of his future usefulness were early blasted by his premature and sudden death, and we could only say in this, as in many other cases, ‘Verily thou art a God that hideth thy- self,’ &c.” I will now, my dear Sir, close this series of letters, with Mr. Judson’s last journal, received only a few days since, just in time for me to com- municate the latest intelligence. From this jour- nal, you will perceive what reason we have for rejoicing and encouragement, and what renewed motives are presented for future trust and con- fidence in God. Surely Burmah, with other heathen nations, will shortly become subject to the moral government of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. “ December 9th, 1821, Lord's day . — I begin to hope that one more Burman has felt the vivifying influence of Divine truth. He is an old acquaint- ance of Moung Ing ; and received from him his first serious impressions. He has visited me several times ; but it was not till to-day that he expressed his ‘ determination to worship the eter- TO THE BUR1IAN EMPIRE. 317 nal God all his life long.’ He is a man in low life — has no family — and his name is Moung Thah.1 “-Moung Yo, one of the semi-atheists of Pah- tsooan-doung, formerly a disciplfe of Moung Shway-gnong, has recommenced visiting me, ac- companied by one Moung Bo, of very similar character, lately returned from Martaban. They are both men of sterling sense, and considerable learning, and have almost renounced Boodhism in all its forms ; for 1 begin to find, that the semi- atheism, which I have sometimes mentioned, is nothing but a refined Boodhism, having its found- ation in the Boodhist scriptures. “ December lR/i. — Received a note from Dr. Price, communicating the animating intelligence of his arrival off the mouth of the river. “ December 13 th . — Enjoyed the great satisfac- tion of welcoming brother and sister Price at the place of landing, and of conducting them to the mission house. “ January 20 th, 1822. — Another season of re- joicing, occasioned by the arrival of brother Hough and his family. “ March 12th . — Have had nothing to notice lately, except the progress of the translation. During a few months past, I have finished St. Matthew (a new translation), St. Mark, and St. Luke, and this day pass into Romans, the inter- mediate books being previously done. “ June 30 th . — Am just recovering from severe 318 AMERICAN BAPTIST MISSION illness. A few weeks ago, I was taken with a fever, slight at first, but daily increasing in violence, until the event became very dubious. On reco- vering from the effects of the fever, and j ust re- suming the translation, I was suddenly seized with the cholera morbus, though that disease is not now prevalent in the place ; and several hours of suffering elapsed, before medicine took effect. This, with the quantity of opium and laudanum administered, deprived me of the little remaining strength which the fever left me, and I am now scarcely able to hold a pen. It is singular, that last rainy season I was subject to these same diseases, though in different order ; and I ascribe it to the ascendency which the climate of Ran- goon is obtaining over my constitution. If it be the will of God, I feel desirous of living to finish the New Testament in Burman, — a work which must otherwise be suspended for some time. “ July 14 thy Lord's day . — For several months past I have been so engrossed in the translation, that I have not solicited company so much as for- merly, nor found time to mention the noticeable events of a missionary nature, that have occa- sionally transpired, especially as they have passed away without much permanent result. Within a few weeks, however, there have been several cir- cumstances of such an encouraging kind, as in- duces me to mention them in connexion. The first that excited our attention was the case of TO THE BURMAN EMPIRE. 319 Men-oo, a blind girl, resident in our yard, under the medical care of brother Price. She received her first ideas of religion from Moung Shway- bay, and after attending evening worship a few times, appeared to have her heart opened to Di- vine truth. About the same time, Moung Myat- lah received some new excitement, that induced him and his neighbour, Moung Thah-ay, to re- commence attending public worship, which they have not done since Moung Shway-gnong's per- secution and flight. They are both, we hope, true Christians, but have not yet obtained suffi- cient light and courage to profess religion. The case of May Mee is somewhat similar. She is an old woman — a disciple of Moung Shway-gnong — formerly acquainted with Mrs. J., but appa- rently unsusceptible of any impressions. It is now two or three months since she commenced visiting us, and listening with uncommon atten- tion to religious conversation. At length she be- gan to attend public worship regularly ; and, during the last interview, she manifested much of that deep solemnity, which has uniformly charac- terized the newly converted. Last in order, but not least in interest, is the case of Mah Doke. She is a relation and inmate of the Nan-dau-gong sisters, and her name sometimes occurs in the journal about two years ago, in connexion with theirs. She was once equally forward with Mah Myat-lay; but subsequently lost her impressions, 320 AMERICAN BAPTIST MISSION and remained quite stupid, till within a few weeks, during which time she has been more frequent in her visits, and more serious and attentive. Last Sunday she requested baptism ; and to-day she has undergone a particular examination, to the great satisfaction of us all. Add to these circum- stances, that Moung Shway-gnong has lately re- turned from the interior, on a visit, and concluded to stay a while with us, partly as teacher to bro- ther Price. He has evidently grown in religious experience ; his conversation is more spiritual, and he seems more attached than ever to us and the cause. “ July 1 5th . — Received a visit from Pah Kyah, an old disciple of Moung Shway-gnong. His father was an adherent of the celebrated Kolan, who suffered under the last king for semi-atheism. This man has been an anti-boodhist all his life : but having, from long opposition to all around him, become inveterately attached to his peculiar sentiments, seemed to be the last person to con- sider and embrace a new religion. He obtained some ideas of God from Moung Shway-gnong, but not sufficient to induce him to visit us before to-day. Our conversation related chiefly to the law of God, and the nature and evil of sin, points on which he was entirely ignorant. He professed to believe and acquiesce in what he heard ; but I fear that his feelings are at variance with his professions. TO THE BURMAN EMPIRE.’ 321 “ July 20 th. — My hopes of finishing the New Testament, without interruption, all blasted, by the arrival of an order from the king, summoning brother Price to Ava, on account of his medical skill. I must of course accompany him, and en- deavour to take advantage of the circumstance, to gain some footing in the capital and the palace. But it is most repugnant to my feelings to leave my present pursuits and prospects in Rangoon. May the Lord direct. “ July 2\st, Lord's day. — Another visit from Pah Kyah. He has meditated deeply on what he heard at the last interview ; and though his first appearance was rough and forbidding, he drinks in Divine truth, and yields to its soul-sub- duing power. “ A larger assembly this day than usual, con- sisting of above thirty persons. After worship, Mah Doke was approved by the church, and bap- tized. In the evening, had a particular conver- sation with Men-oo, the blind girl, and rejoiced to learn the extent of her religious knowledge ; and still more, to discover some evidences of a work of grace. “ July 25 th. — Pah Kyah came again, accompa- nied by his sister, Mah Thah-oo, who, I am told, has been reading the tract, day and night, and came prepared to believe all she should hear. A most interesting forenoon with these people, and several others. 322 AMERICAN BAPTIST MISSION “ July 27th . — May Zoo, at length, claims to be mentioned — an old pharisaical woman, who for- merly attended the Zayat, for no other purpose, apparently, but to make a display of her wisdom. She had lately become more quiet and humble, but with so much of the old leaven remaining, that I had no hope of her. To-day, however, she informs me, that three Sundays ago, the truth entered her mind, and that she lay all the ensuing night, without sleep, meditating on the wondrous character of God, and the strange things she had heard. “ July 28th, Lord’s day . — All the new inquirers above-mentioned, have been with me some part of the day. Mali Doke, the last baptized, begins to take an active part in conversation, and ap- pears to great advantage. She came accompa- nied by her friend, Mah Ing, a very infrequent visitor, on account of the opposition of her hus- band. He has lately gone on a journey, and, during his absence, she ventures to attend wor- ship. She is a most attentive listener ; but her timidity and reserve render it difficult to ascer- tain the state of her mind. I understand, how- ever, that she occasionally joins the three Nan- dau-gong sisters in their female prayer meeting, and is highly esteemed by them. “ August 4th, Lords day . — A crowded assem- bly at worship, as on the two last Lord’s days. Oo Nyo, a former disciple of Moung Shway- TO THE BURMAN EMPIRE. 323 gnong, and May Dway, an old woman, lately cured of blindness by brother Price, deserve to be classed among the inquirers. The latter is more noticeable, as having been a professed de- votee of the strictest class, and for a long time quite unaffected by all she heard concerning our religion. “ August 5th . — Moung Shway-gnong took his departure for Shway-doung, the residence of his family, intending to join us again, on our way to Ava. “ August Gth . — Moung Long, the one-eyed me- taphysician, and bosom disciple of the Tongdwen teacher, arrived this day from Shway-doung, with his wife, May Wen-yo. The latter listened with the same candid attention and good sense, which formerly distinguished her, while her husband re- tains his characteristic scepticism, politeness, and inflexibility. “ August 7th . — May Mee came to request bap- tism. When I perceived her aim, I endeavoured to impress her mind with the solemn responsibi- lity of a Christian profession, and the great dan- gers to which she was exposing herself in this world; enforcing my statement, as usual, with the story of the iron mall ; and she went away in much distress. “ Mah Ing sent her friend Mah Doke to in- quire, whether it was lawful for her to procure a divorce from her husband, previous to being bap- 324 AMERICAN BAPTIST MISSION tized ; or, if not, whether she might worship be- fore the great pagoda, in obedience to his com- mand. Both questions were answered in the ne- gative. A most difficult, distressing case. Her husband has threatened to accuse her to govern- ment, and cause her to be put to death. “ Men-oo also requested baptism; and I feel satisfied that she has experienced divine grace, as well as May Mee and Mah Ing. “ August 17 th . — Have been very busy, for se- veral days past, in making preparations for our journey to Ava, on which we are ordered to set out the 20th, in a boat furnished by government. “ May Mee and May Zoo continue to visit oc- casionally, and both desire to be baptized ; but with this difference, that the former hesitates, and the latter is urgent. Mah Ing has been obliged to stay away, on account of her husband. Pah Kyah professes that his mind is completely set- tled, and wishes to comply with all the commands of Christ. “ August 18 th, Lord’s day . — Company all the day. After worship, May Zoo and Men-oo were approved by the church, and baptized. “ August 19 th . — Early in the morning,' Moung Thah-ay, mentioned July 14th, came in, and tak- ing me aside, knelt down, raised his folded hands in the attitude of reverence, and made a very pathetic and urgent application for immediate baptism. He stated, that he had considered the TO THE BURMAN EMPIRE. 325 Christian religion for above two years ; that his mind was completely settled on every point ; and that, though he had been harassed with many fears, he was now resolved to enter the service of Jesus Christ, and remain faithful until death, whatever the consequences in this world might be. “ August 20 th . — May Mee, finding herself un- able to hold out any longer, presented herself for baptism, and with Moung Thah-ay, was examined before the church, and approved. The latter re- ceived baptism immediately. May Mee will come to-morrow. “ Our departure is delayed for two or three days, in consequence of the death of the viceroy, Mya-day-men, which took place this afternoon. “ August 21 st . — Early in the morning, I ad- ministered baptism to May Mee, the eighteenth Burman convert. Two more still remain : Moung Myat-lah and Mah Ing ; the one deterred by fear of government ; the other, by the fear of her hus- band. Add to these a desirable number of hope- ful inquirers ; and I feel, that I am leaving, at least for a time, one of the most interesting fields of labour, that was ever opened to a missionary. But the path of duty seems to lead to Ava ; and it is infinitely easy for God to open there a more interesting field. “We are ordered to put our baggage on board the boats to-morrow, and be ready to start the day following. 326 AMERICAN BAPTIST MISSION TO BURMAH. That your valuable life may long be continued, a blessing to your friends, your circle, and your country, and that in heaven you may meet an innumerable multitude of heathen souls, whose conversion was effected by your unknown instru- mentality, is the constant prayer of. My dear Sir, Yours, affectionately and respectfully, A. H. J. FINIS. B. Berkley, Bolt Court, Fleet Street. , ' li ' • IS r, SUPPLEMENT TO MRS. JUDSON’S ACCOUNT OF TIIR AMERICAN BAPTIST MISSION TO THE BURMAN EMPIRE. LETTER XV. Mission House, Rangoon, Dec. 11, 1823. My dear Friend, Shai.l I attempt to describe the sensations produced by finding myself in this much-loved spot? — Yes, I am really in Rangoon, at my own study table, and surrounded by the same scene I have so frequently described to you. It appears to me now all a dream that I have been in Eng- land, in America, and through all my wanderings, am at last returned, and find the same scene I left. Who has so much cause for gratitude and thankfulness as myself? Who is under so great obligations to be entirely and exclusively devoted to God as I am ? Goodness and mercy have followed me all my days, but the kind, protecting care of God has been most con- spicuously seen during my two years absence from Rangoon. In my usual style I will give you, my dear friend, an account of myself since I last wrote, as you are so kind as to express so much pleasure in reading my little narratives. On the 22nd June last, with a joyful heart, I left my native shores for India, followed by the prayers of thousands, who were collected on the wharf to witness our departure. In a fine new ship, a large airy cabin, with a kind obliging captain, I found myself most pleasantly situated, and under the direction of our heavenly Father, the winds and waves were propitious, for we reached the sand heads in the Bay of Bengal in a hundred and five days from Boston. During our voyage, I had the happiness of wit- nessing a most decided change in the captain, who, for two months previously to our arrival at Calcutta, devoted his whole time to the subject of religion, and is resolved, on his return passage, to conduct worship himself among his sailors on the Sabbath. On my arrival in Bengal, you will readily imagine my first inquiries were to ascertain what intelligence had been received from Mr. Judson, and what prospects of my speedy departure. The information received from the former was animating and encouraging ; but respecting the latter, sad indeed, as it was expected that no ship would sail for several months, as very z 328 Supplement to Mrs. Judson’s Account serious difficulties existed between the Burman and British Governments. For several days my mind was in a state of constant anxiety, but was instantaneously relieved, by noticing a paragraph in the paper, advertising a ship for Rangoon. I immediately engaged my passage, and after a month’s resi- dence in the kind and hospitable family of the Rev. Mr. Tho- mason, I embarked for Rangoon, where I safely arrived in nineteen days. I dare not attempt to describe my feelings as the ship ad- vanced towards the Burman coast. It was late in the evening when the vessel anchored ; but the first object which caught my eye, as the boat rowed toward the shore, was Mr. Judson. From long expectation and disappointment, he had acquired such an habitual sadness and dejection of spirit, that it required all my exertion to disperse it, and make him Mr. J. again. He had not heard a word from me for thirteen months, (owing to the failure of my letters) and the very day I arrived, he had in despair yielded all hope of my existence ! I soon had the happiness of meeting Mah-Men-lay, Moung-Shay-bav, and others who are still an honour to their profession. Mali Myat- lay, the second female who was baptized, died in the triumphs of hope a few months ago. She longed for the hour of her release, and assured those who stood around her that she would soon be in the presence of Christ. Is not this one instance of the power of divine grace more than a compensation for all our days of darkness and distress, formerly spent in preparation for our work ? Mr. Judson has his boats in readiness to proceed to Ava, and to-morrow we go on board. He has obtained considerable favour from high officers in Government, and thinks our pros- pects at Ava very encouraging. The King’s own brother, a very powerful prince, has his attention excited by the Christian religion, and has lately written a very kind, affectionate letter to Mr. Judson, requesting his speedy return to Ava, and to bring with him all the sacred books.* A foreign female has never yet been introduced to the Burman Court, consequently much curiosity is excited by the expectation of my arrival. May the God of Heaven be our protector, and give us that wis- dom which is profitable to direct. I feel, my dear friend, that I am about to begin anew my missionarv work, and need more grace, more resolution, and more spirituality of feeling than ever before. We shall be surrounded by despotism and idola- try, but the God of Jacob is our hope, and in his hands we are as safe as in our own loved America. He has evidently pointed * Sec pages 231, 2, of Mrs. Judson’s printed Letters on the Burman Mission. Of the Baptist Mission to the Burman Empire. 329 out to us the path of duty, and shall we fear to follow where he leads ? It is easy for God to open the heart of the King and Queen, and make them a nursing father and mother to the little church in Burmah. We cannot hope and expect too much from God. He has commanded us to open our mouths wide, and he will fill them. You shall hear from me on my arrival at the capital, for I am resolved to keep you acquainted with all our steps. I write this in great haste, being surrounded by women and children, who are waiting their final instructions. My schools will com- mence at Ava ; my hopes respecting them are very sanguine. I am much gratified by your remarks relative to “ The History of the Burman Mission.” The first edition was all sold before I left America, though in so poor a dress. Please to transmit to Mr. Lawson (who is the Agent for our Board) all the money that has been collected for the school, with this direction : — “ For Mrs. Judson’s Schools in the Burman Empire.” I will give a particular and faithful account of the commencement and progress of my darling plan, for the information of those who are interested in the schools. Mr. Judson would write, but every moment of his time is employed in preparing and arranging our baggage. He will write after our arrival at Ava. The translation of the New Testament is finished. We will send you a copy of the whole when printed. 1 know you will excuse this hasty, imperfect letter; but, could you know all the circumstances under which I write, you would not be surprised at the inaccuracies. I could not think of leaving Rangoon without informing you of my safe arrival. Let us assist each other in our way to heaven. Your letters will animate and encourage me ; mine may interest you, from the circumstance of being written in a heathen land. We shall, I trust, soon meet in heaven ; may our hearts, our best affec- tions, be there long before us. This life is a vapour, it will soon pass away, and nothing will remain, excepting the ser- vices we now perform for Christ. Be pleased to present our warmest affections to our friends *■*■** * } whom I shall never forget to love and respect. May you be blessed, my dear friend, and be made increasingly useful, is the sincere wish of Your old and most affectionate Friend, Ann H. Judson. To , London. 330 Supplement to Mrs. Judson’s Account LETTER XVI. On the Arah-wah-tee, Dec. 31, 1823. Come, my dear friend, transport yourself for a few moments from your retired home, and refresh your imagination with a view of our floating conveyance majestically passing the fertile banks of the Arah-wah-tee (Irrawaddy). And had your eye the same power as imagination, could it rove with equal rapidity over this widely extended globe, it would doubtless be induced to rest on worthier and more interesting objects, but could not find two happier than your friend Ann and her beloved Judson. It is one of those bright days peculiar to an Indian clime ; the cool refreshing breezes from the mountains with which we are now encircled, while they unite with the influence of the sun to produce a most delightful temperature of air, invigorate our frames and exhilarate our spirits ; the verdure and variety of scenery exhibited on the banks of this noble river, every where interspersed with native villages, and peasants’ tents, all conspire to increase those pleasant sensa- tions which our peculiar situation and circumstances are calcu- lated to excite. Our boat is so curiously constructed, and so unlike every thing in your civilized part of the world, that I hardly know in what language to give a description so as to present it clearly to your view : it is a rude uncouth thing, and could you behold it floating down the river Thames, you might imagine that some ingenious fisherman had attached a pair of wings to his little hut, and was conveying it on a boat to your great metropolis, to gratify the curious gaze of the idle multi- tude. It is fifty feet in length and seven in width. Our rooms or cabins, two in number, are built on the top, the boat being too shallow to admit any thing of the kind within, and constructed in the form of a Burman house, with a sloping roof. The rooms extend half the length of the boat, the one we occupy is made of rough boards, with a thatched roof, the other (occupied by the servants) of bamboo and mats. The wings are formed by the extension of the floor on each side, which makes a passage for the boatmen, vvithout entering our rooms. This heavy unwieldy thing is urged forward almost entirely by manual force, and is either drawn with ropes by the boatmen walking on the banks, or pushed by long poles. But so strong is the current at this season, and the wind always against us, that our progress is slow indeed. Yet in the midst of these inconveniencies and privations, we are happy, because the object we have in view will bear examination. Were we thus penetrating into the heart of this heathen empire for the Of the Baptist Mission to the Barman Empire. 331 purpose of accumulating property, or gaining honour or re- nown, from our fellow-creatures, it would not he an object suf- ficient to support our minds under present circumstances, and in anticipation of future evils. But we are assured that we are in the service of Him who governs the world, who has said to his disciples, “ Go into all the world,” &c. ; and this is our support, and the reward of all our exertions, “ Lo, 1 am with you always, even to the end of the world.” Not a hair of our head can be injured, but with the permission of Him whose precious name we would make known to these unenlightened heathen. Yes, my dear friend, the consideration of the object we have in view, and the brightening prospects relative to ultimate success, fill us with joy, and make us happy, though in this rude solitary boat, far, far away from all Christian society, and no individual associate besides ourselves. Our faithful Moung-Ing is the only native Christian with us, the others being at present scattered according to circumstances. Three are already at Ava waiting our arrival, and Mah-men-lay and others will follow, as soon as their domestic concerns will allow. Moung-Ing, with whom you are already well acquainted, is a firm, solid, and consistent Christian. He unites with us daily in family worship, and frequently leads in prayer, in our occasional religious conferences, when he exhibits much spiritual feeling and strength of intellect. We intend him for the teacher of our girls’ school, the commencement of which is I trust just at hand. Jan. 20, 1824. Again I take up my pen to converse a little with you, though at this immense distance, and knowing, as I do, that you can make no response for months and perhaps years. Yet it is a precious privilege to communicate our thoughts, feelings, and circumstances, to those we love, though a reply be not the im- mediate result. Now I will suppose you sitting the other side of the trunk on which my writing-desk is placed, and go on with my relation. We are slowly progressing towards the capital of this very populous empire, and have thus far been preserved from the numerous dangers with which we are con- tinually surrounded. No robbers have yet made their appear- ance, though we are frequently cautioned by the villagers to be on our guard. We have our fire-arms in readiness every even- ing, and when we have taken eve,ry precaution in our power, commit ourselves to the care of our heavenly Father, and lie down and sleep as quietly, and feel as safe, as if we were in Bradford * or in London. As the season is so cool and dry, we America. 332 Supplement to Mrs. Judson's Account almost daily get a walk on the banks, and through the villages ; and at such seasons the natives are extremely amused at our strange appearance, having never before seen a foreign female. As soon as we enter a village or town, one calls to another to come quick and look, when the women and children run out of their houses and follow us till we enter the boat. Some will run several rods before us, in order to have a fair view as we approach them. If we happen to stop under the shade of a banyan, as is frequently the case, all the old men and women in the village are called and brought to see what their eyes never before beheld. But on such occasions we never experience any thing like insult or disrespect ; on the contrary, the universal exclamation is, “ Ha-ba-byce,” how handsome they are, how modest their dress, not even their hands are visible. We sel- dom let them know we understand their language, as our stay is not sufficiently long to enter on religious subjects. In one instance, however, the boat being a long time in doubling a point of land which we had walked over, and the multitude being assembled as usual, Mr. J. introduced the subject of reli- gion, when all were immediately silent and attentive. Two or three white-headed heathen who were present, encouraged it by asking pertinent questions. A decent looking man, who appeared to he the school-master of the village, coming into the circle just at this time, Mr. J. handed him a tract, and re- quested him to read aloud. The subject of the tract was an account of the existence, perfections, and requirements of the eternal God, our lost state by nature, and redemption through Christ. When he had proceeded half way through, he stopped, and exclaimed to the multitude, that these were great subjects, that such a writing was worthy to be copied, and requested Mr. J. to remain while he copied it. He was informed that he might keep the tract, on condition that he constantly read it to his neighbours. Many joined in the petition that we would pass the remainder of the day and night in the village ; but our boat coming up, we were obliged to leave them, not however until we had sent up many secret petitions that the Holy Spirit might bless that single tract to the salvation of many of their dark, ignorant souls. A few days ago we had an especial cause of gratitude to God for his preserving care, when in imminent danger. In passing through one of the strong rapids, with which this river abounds, the rudder struck the bottom, which turned the boat immediately across the current, and laid her on her side. It being a cold morning our door was shut, and the boat being on her side, it was some moments before we could get it open, which circumstance for a short time occa- sioned us to feel all the horrors of shipwreck. Every thing Of the Baptist 3Hssion to the Barman Empire. 333 outside of the cabins, such as rice, cooking utensils, and the boatmen’s mats, were all afloat. The steersman, however, had presence of mind enough to cut the rudder from the boat, which enabled the boatmen to raise her from her side, and after drawing her to the shore, and repairing her rudder, we proceeded on our way, feeling more than ever our dependence on God, and the importance of having our minds at all times stayed on him. Our fears have been considerably excited for a few days past, on beholding the martial movements of the country. We understand that the Emperor is determined on war with the English, and has ordered an army to proceed with all possible dispatch to Arrakan. Yesterday we passed the head-quarters of the troops, and war boats are continually passing us- We know not what effect this war will have upon our mission, or how much our own lives will be endangered from the suspicion that we are English. But we always have this consolation, that God reigns, and that the greatest, as well as the smallest events are under his direction. Ava, Feb. 1C, 1824. 1 must now finish this long letter, as a gentleman is on the point of going to Bengal, and has kindlv offered to take letters. We arrived in safety at this city twenty days ago, after a plea- sant trip of six weeks ; we had not a house to cover our heads on our arrival, nor could we procure one which was sufficient to shelter us from the burning rays of the sun. We were therefore obliged to remain in our boat until we could build : you will I am sure smile, when I tell you that we built a house, and moved into it, in just a fortnight from our arrival ; it consists of three rooms and a verandah, delightfully situated on the bank of the river. The ground was given last year to Mr. J. by the king, and is considered our own. The house we now inhabit is de- signed for the school-house for my girls, as soon as we can get another built for our own use. The school has already commenced with three little girls, whose shrill voices are now ringing in my ears while they read their lessons : they are fine children, and improve as fast in reading and sewing as anv children in the world. I doubt not the school will rapidly increase, as soon as we have time to look around and make a selection. The Emperor, on account of the present war with the English, is rather prejudiced against foreigners, conse- quently Mr. J.’s reception at court was rather cool. I have not yet been at the palace, as the king and all the royal family went to Umera-poora, in a day after our arrival, where they remain until the completion of the new palace in this city, when they will take possession in usual form, and Ava will in 334 Supplement to Mrs. Judson’s Account, fyc. future be their residence. My old friend, the lady of the viceroy of Rangoon, came to see me as soon as she heard of my arrival, and has promised to introduce me at court on the return of the royal family. Her husband died during my ab- sence, and with his death all her power and distinctions cease. She is a well-informed, sensible woman, and there is much more hope of her attending to the subject of religion in her private situation, than when she was in public life. In a day or two after our arrival, Mr. J. introduced me to Prince M. and his Princess ; they treated us with the greatest kindness. The Princess took me into her inner apartments, made me a hand- some present, and invited me to visit her frequently, and ordered her cart to be prepared to convey me home. Prince M. is intel- ligent, desirous of obtaining foreign information, and has for some time been examining the Christian religion ! Oh ! that a merciful God would enlighten his mind, and make him a real disciple of the blessed Redeemer. I hope to gain some influence over the Princess, and induce her to read the New Testament, which is now in her own language. She is surrounded at all times by twenty or thirty females, and who knows but religious conver- sation may be blessed to them, though the Princess herself should never be benefited. We have here an uncommon field for usefulness, and if we may only be allowed to remain, there is no doubt but much good would be done. My health has been much improved during my voyages, and I begin to hope that I may last yet some years ; but we are, in a literal sense, alone. W e have not half the means of obtaining intelligence from our friends as when in Rangoon; and as for society, it is so far out of the question, that we hardly think of mentioning it. Dr. Price is our ordy missionary associate ; but he has married a native wife, and lives the other side of the river. Mr. J. preaches every Sabbath in the Doctor’s house, where he has something of a congregation. We also have worship in Burman every evening in our own house, so that a faint ray of light is beginning to appear in this dark city. Remember me most affectionately to , whose likeness is now hanging before me, and is almost the only ornament in our little house. Pray kindly write a line to Miss H., of Li- verpool, and inform her that the box of articles she forwarded arrived just as I was leaving Calcutta. They were most ac- ceptable, as we have daily occasions for distributing them. Say also that I intend writing to her very soon. Do not forget to pray for Your most affectionate Friend, A. H. Judson. To •, London. Date Due £> ’4$ 1 MR 2 1 *5. r nOO mu t •83 " i7inl A A Sf St — ' ; 0V f ^ 79< r 'if »R1«W "7"i • (f> s