)C>rS> FROM THE LIBRARY OF n^^ REV. LOUIS FITZGERALD BENSON, D. D. BEQUEATHED BY HIM TO THE LIBRARY OF PRINCETON THEOLOGICAL SEMINARY I Ty,EC 2>1S9 ^9 ^^^i^Si '^f^i-\'r^C sr^r^ f-xf-v 1 ^, -.a^ ■%"v ^■^''^-^f<«^^'^'-i'^^— ' a''^ ^"^If^X r/ 4^' V OCT 1 1936 Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2011 with funding from Princeton Theological Seminary Library http://www.archive.org/details/wholebookeofpsal1598ster ^^ Whole booke of Pfalmes coJ- ledleJ into Englifhmcctrc byT.Stern'- hold, W. Whittingham, I. Hopkins, and o- ticrs . Conferred with the Hcbruc with apt notes to Ting them vrithall. Newly fct forth and allowed to bee foongof all tfte people together, (n all cbnrtl)e£t,befo3eano After ^o;nmg eind Cuentngp^arrr, a0 alfo before ani after t^e S>ermon0:anD tno^eouer tn p;iuat I)oufe0 fuj, t^ctr zo\>* }g folace anD comfo;t,Ia^ttig apart t\l bnsoDl^ (etigfl (iRbballaeSiSv^tci^ tenbondpto t^rnett- nfl;msof bice auDco^nip- tinz of fout\). I A ME S,j. Ifdny he afflicted let him fr^y, dnd i^any it mnot onlitsfyie tb> affections anbdsteof l)iB (bnlc,anb to &i 1 a gooD patcrnc and btfcipline^bola) ^t nia|» pieafe €»ob,bat alfoSoit^ So^t f ejntte of feozDS I)C map amens b(mfcife,3anb ^oi» to gtuc (Son bue t1^aiibiB,ka(l If b^jfb o°lt> aft t^e i , 3 », 41 » " », ^ ^* p(8lme0. t 31ftbouiDoaitiftrebnbet^e3ei!De0f(}ti)eitl(il£^ttIjepl^aneto €^pXi, t^baat^expfal!tir< 3 jif tb^ne ownc familiars porfae tl)«,8nb if manp rife agatna (^(r, ftp t^ 3,143 ,pf8im». 4^t ti)u0 in tronble tboa^aS callebon d^ob.anb bnfl taricb bpcn ^(iOt^rlpc, ano isonlDft gttie bim t^anbs f 0^ tljat ^e ^at^ I)caio tntz ioit^ ^ts ^dpe, (inji tl;e 4,40ii(ap ttje 19 pfalme. 49 3Mtbtnc cntfflUB craettpaffanlttber, atiD SdoqIO catcbtbpltfe , offer tbp fttbicttion to battofapmtbe 9^.9Spfal'' f f Jf tboa baft tt«D to cottfeffc d^o Strttb t^attb^, fittg tbe 7 1 , 7^, 9 *, 108, 111,118,136,138,145 pfalmfl. 56 3iftbouf(eftS»icftebtttenp;efperinpeace>benotoffetti>ebtbere8t,bt}tfay ^673 pfalme. Vd 57 3Iftbtttcettim(e0battebcfct tbefDa(efift)bttbertbotiflaft,8nDarttbere< bptn great attgnt(b,pet in tbt0treubleoe(patre not, butp^ap, anotfrbp piai^t be bearb,glue <0oi)tbanbMno faptbe77 pfalme. 58 jtrtbepperfecateftUl, an&i>efiletbcboQfeof45ob,tcTl]tbeeIr(t-, anbcaft tbelc bodte0 to tbe f otole0 of tbe atre,fearc not tbeir crtteUie,but f^ pitu bnto tbem fobtcb be tn fucb a3onie,anti fap tbe 9 7 pfalme. f 9 3>f tbou SDtlt utfo^mc anp man Svitb tbe mptletic of tbe refanrettton, Gi^ t|( 81 pfalme. 60 J t tbou 'boilt Gng to tbe ILo;tD,caI togitber (!5ob0fero8ntfli on tbe fe6Nucl Bap,anbfingtbc8i,95,T34pf8lm0. ^1 3ff tljne abuf rfatte0 floebe togltber on werp BT»e, anb tb?f atcn to teftrop tbebOufeo((0od,anDraabetbetrconfpiraae0agatndtt;e rcltgton,Ict nottbctc tiumber ano poioer trouble tbce, fo} tboa baft an ancba;^ of tbe ir 0^00 of tbe S3 pfalme. ^ 6ijit tbon cafteft an epeto <5ob9 bonfe anb to his eternall tabernacled, anb fasft a Defire tbereto 80 tbe apoOle bab : fap tboa alfo tbe 84 pfalme. €i Jf. (^01)0 Sv^atb be cesfeD.anb tbe capttnltfe (nDeD,tbon baft canfe bon> to giue tban^0 to <0oo iottb 3Dautt>, recounting bis S'^t'OneQe to tbee ano ot^vfty S»ttbtb« 7<^ ,85,116 pf8lm0. 64 Hf tbou ivtlt rebnbe ^ainimtf eutb bnttibd , fo? tbat tbep bane not tbe know Icbge of ^obintbetn, tbou maift Inane an bnberftsnoing to fing to (^00 the8^,ti5pf«l«i0. 6i 3;f tboufviltCeeanbbnototbebiffenttbattbeeatboiibecbnrcbbatbfrom ftbt(m<,8itb tDonlbft conueKttbem,o^ to oifceme tbe cbnrcb concernhig tbe ont^ iMKb appatsmt snb tfmft t^ercof.tl|Qu maift lap t^ 87 pfatme. ^^3 Atreatifc for the vFeofthc iPfalraes. recounting tije btiMt date o(man0 Ufe,tefirct> of €oD to tma Umfi fl^itlitt, ^t Iff mtg^e foUott? S9((tottte,rcfiD t^c 90 pCsimr. (^7 jBf tljouioouloa cwntu^tt\}tUlUantot^ttf(inttmttHsUm, tvlttttc% t^em tt^at^ope tn^^od itDtUnsttetfuffcr afouie to be conbunDeDbnt wabe it bolciano toitl^out ^are (0; (2S ot>0 f ?otC(tion,fing t^c 9 1 pfaime. ^8 3lf ti)oufx)tltQits onti)erabot^l>01(>,t^ott^aat4e9Z{)(almc. ^9 Jf jt^ou ivtlt^rmg on fnnbai»tn mebttatton of ^obs &>o?b, biGrfng to ber inftrutf eb tbeietn^la^bercbip tijoa matft reft in ob0 boip iotil , enb ceafe ftooi flU tbeSbo;b0 anb Doctrine of t)atne mcn,rcuolae tbat notabk pfalnte 119. 70 Jit tboa Svilt fing in tbefeconb bap of tbe (abotb>tbou|;aft tbe^f pfalitte. 71 3lf tijoafiDOuibftfingbntotlje £>o;b,t11)Ou^aft SDit^attoCo^itt itft 9^,3^ |)faltti0. 7^ Hf tl^ea fvUt fingtlje fonrti) bap of t^ fabotl^^Cng tHP4 pfalmf : fo^tlKii Ito^entbei/O^otofiotetraieb, be begantotafectengcarceon beat^, anbtetrte: tunp^ oftt : tberefo^cisbentboa reaficft tbegofpcll, fobetetnt^oa Ijeereft tbe 3e«)e0tot8becoanfeU«gainft tbeHojo, anbti)8(^e(lanbetl) bdblp againft tl^e bineii,tl)en fmg tl^e f o^efaib pfalme. 75 3f.tbonSotitGngongoiD-fritiap,ttpon^aftacotrnicnb8tionoftt)c t^falntc 93 »f 0; tben So80 tbe ^onCe of €> eb0 cl^nrcb bailoeb $ grounsip f oonbeci, tbongb tbe eRtmte0 S»ent aboat to l;tnoer it : f 0? jbbiclt) cattCe Gng to d^ob t\vi fong0 of trtninpi}8ntbicto?p,tDttt)t^e faib pfolme.anbfoitb tt^e 98 anb 1 19 pfalms. 74 llf tbere be anp captimtie&Dt)t<(^nt^p tyxSi i0 laib&oaft anb pet bailbcb tgaine,Qng tbc 9^p(aime. 7T 3lf tbe lanb be be]ceb &tt^ enimtesr, f after tome to anp reft bp t|;e power of (B'Ob.if tboa fetlt Cng tbetefoje.Gngtbc 97 pfalme. ^ 76 Hf t^(iu confiOf reft t^e p^ioaitience of in W soocrnance fb'oncr^ll, ■nb fDilttnftract anp ivitb trae faitb anb obetitnce , %)bcn tl^g ^aft firft i)ets foabebtl^em tocQnfeaeti)em(cIue0,Gng tbe 100,147 pfaim0. 77 3If tboa boeft acbnotolebge in d^oii bis tuticiail po)CDer,8nb tljat in inbgir* tnent Jjc miyet^ mcrcic.if tboa fciit d?8Sd nig^ bnto ^itn , tl^ca ^aft t^e feo?b|l of tbi0 pfalme loi ,te tbe cnb. 75 llffoi^t^etmbeciiitteof tbpnafoTf^ t^ou attfoearte&itb tbe continuf^l itiifcrtej»8Rbgreef0 of x^& life.anb ioouibeftcotnfo;t tbp fsffe, Gng tliie loi t)faltne. 79 3Df tbonfoutgiae ti;anli0 to d^ob^fltf it it ntoIlcomteQient anb bae^fo? all I)i0gift0,&>^entl)onioilt(oba)»t|)9a^bo&) to reiotce tbP fonie ti;ereboto, Soitbt^e xo3,aniiio4pfalm0. ^•80 ^f tl^oa wat mt^iU <5ob,anb alfo fcnoto ^oro anb fo^ fo^at caofe^anb ^ix}^ J»^atfeo;b0tijonmaiftbcftbaj it,confiberttieu3,ii7,i3J, 146,147,148, 14? i5op(alm0. 81 3obtbcbcoCeti)et, anD&ngtljoutbe 14$ pfalme. ^9 3lf tbO[i^iItringo(obebienc«,p;taiQng dpoofoitb Allcluya. tbott^aS t^ lOT,io6,io7,io8,ili,ni,li3,ii4,"Mi7,i5f,i3<^,X4V47,i48,i49, anDijo p(atme0. 90 3lf t^ottSvilt Gng fpecisliie of our faaiour Cb?t(l,tl^u I^ad of l)im in cues f eco bis la EofuU generation of ()(fil latter, anb l;i0CO^ po^all p|ie(ience,bc tbe 1 1,<^9 p(alm0. 91 ^dc^ 30 bbp;opbccte before of biier mod bolpcroSe rtnb paflion, tclUng llotv tnanp Decsttf iH alTauit^ ^c fulleUub fo^ b0, ano ])9vo niucb bt (iaSereb , be ^e»,ii9pfalm0. 9i ^uct) 80 e^p^^Oe tbe maUtioti0 cnmitied of t^e 3;ccoe0,anb betraieng of 3!uba0,are tbe »t,?o,y 5,ttCh 80 fctoutbts ifcentioniutobeaucn are tbc 13 ,9^,93,99 pfaltnd. ^ 31nbt^at^critt8t^ont^ris^tbanbofl)i0rat^;r,tbeiiopfalme mabet^ Rtflnifcft. 99^acb aiS fteo) tbatlje ^atl) antbo^ftie of bi0 fatber f) iubge.ejcp^effing bid iabuiailpax»er,b9tVinc9nDemnin3t^bitieUand8Uioicb€bnaiii)n0, are t^ 7 1,5,0,8 »p(a!mja. FINIS* Vcni Creator ^ -'^'^ >,»r-«so-'*'^ • :-.»• '■ P ^^ ^^. Dingfromaboue: a3ot^ fromt^ fut. ■ I ni l " I " » fc ' ■ . m il I m .. ^ tlier anD t^e &onne>ti^ 0oti of peace anl> louc. 2. tuiCite |tr» I ^ ^ ^ ,^ ^^ .^^±^^-y..^^ ounnmt>$anDmtot3$t^p]^auenltestaceinQ)ite:C^ f trj-^ I J 5±=r:$djE= p t - ^ -4—^ Tt tn all trut^ anD goDIme(re>t»e map ^aue true DeTtre* ^Cbou ettt!)el)ene comfo}tet> malltDoanDDiOreire: '^tiel^eauenlpgifitof <^oD mo(!6i8^9 U)bic^ no tong can crpteifr* ¥■ ^e fountaine atU) t^e luielprp^ing^ ofiopceltftcali: .^^ Cijeftrefo bjig^t,tfelouerocleate ant>t)nction(iptntuall. 5 tr^ou in t^p giftiaf art manifoft^ tD^ercbr C^jia0 c^urc^> ^Uot^ ftaiib, JnfaiWull^artis^tDiiitmgtbplato, ' ;,J^efinserof^o0i5l^anD* 13 ^3licco}f' VeniCrcatoff, 26 aUcco^Umg to tftp p^omife ma&t , ttjougiueftfpeec^ of grace: 1![:^aett)^ugtitl)p^elpct^piiaifeof ftolp (Bl^otlMto our tot», fenD Dotwne tljp ^auenlp IcgW: iimWeouc baiti0(toitl}feruent loue^ toftnie<^oDtapanl> nigftt 8 ^tcen^t^ ant) ftabitf^ all out Wuhtm,, (bfreblratil) (ofcatle: tiD]&attieit!)frBetb,tfte\»ojttt»,M.i lieuil>. aQ:amllt);QiDo pi^aile* f^utbactoourenemieiQifat from t)gy auDgrantbiQ^obtdme: l^acein our i^rt$ t»iti^ (i^oD ant) man^ intt^at gcuti9eo)t)tCDatne; 10 %nh grant €) )lo»t)tt^ttlElOUbe(ns^ ourleatieranDotirguae: nae map tfcljeto ^e (nareie; of finnf^r anBfromt^ceneuer fliDe* x^itEobisfucb plentp of tl^p grace, goc>D ]io^ grant toeett^eep^ap: •C^mt t^on mata bee our comforter, atttjeiaftbjeab&iiiDap* i2JDf al fttife anil Diflention, fS> MiD Dtflblue t^e bant)0: Snbmaitot^eHnot^ of peace anDlour^ tl)^oug^out all ci)^ttt(an latitijs^* ^*(l5rantbi3!(£) )LD?t))ti^!ougl) tftee to fchato t^efati^ermoftofmig^: Cl^t ofSig t)eare beloueb fonne, iwemapattametijeCg^t x4^3[n& 1 hehumblefuteoTafiffliav t»te mar act^notolet^ge tl^ u )Uut)antiv^irelietot^efat^ anDeofl^fotin^equaih Sn&tat^eMprpirttdlfo, one^oOcoetetnaU. i<5 anil p jap tre tljat t\)c onelp fomie, iJcuc^fafeljijSJfpirit to fetiD: ^0 all t^at Do p;ofeirel)tie(name^ l^ntotl;et»ojlDi9JenD» ^i^^^i^ 1 i^)U);Dof t))l)om3DoDepent),bel^olDmp catffuli^art, ann ^l^entljptoiU^ pleafure fereleafemeofmprmart Er= %\^m f:cttmpfo;ro\»e;sftrf;atti?epare:mpgnefe tiaf knoirn£totl/ee,anDtijereitfnone tliatcc'n nmorfjOi 4r The humble J iiiiii^ The humble Cute of a fimwr tai^ tl)e fame from mee* ^tPut onclp tl)ou \3ol)ofe apD 3 ttmt, \x)Wt merer llUl tie: pjtft: Co eaTe nil tl)ore tl)at come to t^ee, fo^lUccour anH fo]t tefl* mpteare^anDgteeuou^ grone: 3tttcnt) bnto mp Atte g> Hofb, mai:bet»el mpplaintatU^mone. 5f o^finuel^ati^ro inclo&b me> anD compaftme about Cbat J am not» remeOireire> ifmercpi^elpenotout* ^ iPo)mo^tailman can not teleaft^ o^mittigatei^ijeipaute: 06uteuentt)pC^^(limp7lo^;atA®ob toi^fe^fc^mFQmvrjai t»aiE^flatnr. 7 n^boreblouDp toountijai m petto fte, tbouf^nottxutb mo^aUepr. ^ttotbpratntiei beboU) ^etnall, and(b3|ttu(l(baU3> I Cbotujb ftnne Dotb binbev me at»bi!e> tx)benti)oufl;altreett80oO: 3 fl^Ueniop tbefisbt of ^im> anDreebijatt»oimD]aianI) blouD. 93nlra0tbmeanseteianbtbP (aintjef, bo no))) b^lb tbe f^me: dottuft^topofTefTetbat place, t»i(b ^em to Platte tbpname. Vcniteexultemus i tDlietefmnetgUo frequent: awmmeeuerWtfttftp grace, tnpfinne^ftiU to lament. 1 1 )Leaft tWl treaD mrinneriG^ traee> auDgiuet^emmp content: (CoDt»eU i»it!) t^em in tx)icfeeDne^, t))l)eretonatiiret$ bent. 1 2 S>nt\v t^V gtace muft bee mp ftap, leafttftat J fall Dotone flat: an^bemgDo)»ne tl^en of mprelfe, eannotrecouerti^at. q MDljerefoje tW i^vtt onceasain^ mi^ruite anD mv requcfl: Cograntmepartionfo^mp finne, t^atjint^eemaprefl:. . i4Cljen ©all mp^artmp tons anft boice, beinarumentiei of p^tfe: artDint^p ci^ttrcl^ anD|)oufeoffemtefe fin8i9falme?[tot^ee atoaieiof, Venltc cxultcmus, PfaLxcv. Q Come anti let b)Jnol» teiopce, y" anD fingbnto m%oit}i anb to our oneUe fauiour, airotoitl^one acco^D. 2 ainb let b)0i comebefoje W^ face, tDitbintDarbreuerence, Confemngallourfoimer fmneft anbtbattoiti^biiligence. sCoti^aniieftimfoji^fe beneftte;s?, altwarbiOributmi:: 6 ' cVenlte exultemds. in|^ralmc0noto ictl;je;rwg: ? 4 2((nt)ti)atbccaiiret)^at ant)Dot»nebefozei^im fall: 3lnt) lett i)s;\x)eepebefoiet8e)loiil^> tl)et»l)icl)^at^mat)^5^flU .,^,,,31^0 5:^-.^ v pi^e ijsJ our (0oti,out KLojiti ajnti aing. . ^^f 5^? rrnn jiiir':!^ r ^ anti toeebi^ people ate: ' i^iiaJflocfee ant) a^eepe ofW paftute, on to!)ome be tafeetb cate. 10 'Ct)i0Dap if pee Do fteate^i^ tjoice, pet batZJen not pour Ijatt: 3(i0 in tbe bitter murmuring, ^benpet»creinDefert. 1 ilDljicb tbing iwaja; of tl^eir negligence com)mtteD(utl>etime m TeDcum. :nu:Gyr 7 jS) f ttotible/mtftefeflDetncffe, a great anlx§ce£uou^ crime. 12 jiDl^erea^rourfati^cr^aftempteDme, atiD tr^D me euerte iwa^ : •CbeppioueDmejann Cat» mp^ojU?, 12 cl)tefo:tiereare^t)aue3 beene grieuea inmjaUtfttiSgeiteratiom ' ' 3ntieuetmo;e3Cain,toevecre!).-_ ^ intljeirtmagtnatton. -irr w^^> i4.i©Ji5eret»ttl) t!}eir ijart^ i33erete^ com* longtime ant) manteDateiai: .^ ^ U^^erfozeS fenolxj alTuremie, , " *;^*^ ^*^^ t^epi^aue not "ano^ne mp i»aiesi» 15 'SCO U)!)om31 in^mine ang er D»oje , t^at tljev (l)onlti notice bled: ^o^^feempiopceleftiall, no^ enter in mpreft* Gloria patri. CAMUt*ddndprai(e hete the Lord ,J h HiiltMtheh/imiing W4t, J Othatcfmtghtdrt mofi: C^ V fereucrheretifQre: ■ ^To Cod the father 4nd the Strnie, C C Andisnow atthisprefenttimt^ C 4ndto the ko/y Choft. A P^ r '4nd fhallhe euermore ^ Thefong ofs . ^mhrofe^ called TeDcum* W- Vn -^ ^ I i©epzaireti^ee (^oli,)»eefenotJ3leDgetljee, tl^eonelie |iE fei±E Ef:|l^lE|E|i^ p ^ JJ.OJD to be : ItnH a^^ eternall fattier ; all t^e eartl) tJot!? ^3 4 lx)oznjip TcDcunu S3==li|Ej^ :3t: 1 "^-x--^-4-^ m mci^l^ip t\)zc, %o tUce all %mtl^ n^jt^t ^eaueniei atiD 11^^ ±I3£ g-|| e all tl)e po\)(5erg tljetein* 2, Co ti^ec C^etub ^e ;S)erapWu, i tocrpttieptionotUn* of ^abot^)(Lojt)tl)e<15oli : C^jtoiigb ftcauen gt eartib tljpp aife tiSfpjeOs, auUglo^pallabjoaD. ^tlCbapoftle^ glojiouis companp, peeltipjaifesibntotbee: Ci^ia^op^eti8igoot)lpfellotx)l^ip, pjaiCeti^ce continually. 5 Cije noble ant) btctojitou$l^o0, of Sl^artpi^iBJ founU tbp pjatfc : C!)e boip cl)urcb tl^|tousl)out ti^e \x)Oi% Uotl) Uno^lcDge tbe^ al\»atei3!* 6 f atberofenbleflemaielfp, tbepDo acUno^lebge ttjee : C^p CbJift t^i^^ bonojable, txmp anDonelpfonnetobe* 7 ci^ebolp(Kibofttibecomfojtet.r ofglo^ptbouarttog: fl) Cb?^i(t auD of tbe f atber attj tije^onncmerlaRing. :»>tkae)e"V; TcDeum ^; tl)outDOlie(ltotell:c^e: Co be inclofD in tjtrginjs Ujombe, t|)outiiDDeanot abljoj^te* 9!B^en t^oui^aDt ottetcomeof Deat^» tljenjarpeanU cniell mig^t C||Oui^eauen$!iinstiomet)tDftfetop?r to eac^beleeiung t)otsbt. xo3|n glojp of ftef atftertftou, DoHnton^oD^ngi^t i^anD: l^e tmli: ttiat t()oufl;alt come ow tu&s^ out caufeto DuOerOanti* ii)Loiil)i^elpetl)preruantj$U)^omet4oui^a(l 3(nliin etewallglojtp fet y ^ tftemiDiti&t^pfamWfo gooD. ' ; x2£>]io^Dt)oti^out^ppeoplefaue> :: bleifetlime in^etttance: iLo^ gouerne ti)em,anti )l o^ti Do tl^oti^ foi^euert^ematiuance. lao^e magntfie tl)eeDap bp dap, anD)x)o^lDD)tti^outen etib: S(bo;etiipl)olpnanie €))lo}ti: boucibraf0b)B(rot)efenD* i4f tomantl)t;6^bap«9aue metcie TLo^fe, bauememeonbjs^alt: ainb onbis (a$ toee ttuftin ti^ee) )Lo jti let tbpmercp fall: 15® jLoibJi^auerepofeU all, mpconftbenceinti^ee: $utto confaunDmgQ)amet]^erfo;e^> ]ioitilet meneuerber. pio Thcfongoft!iethreechiWrcnpraifingGoa,pro- uoki ng all creatures to doe the fariRC. ♦-♦-iV pjaifcljtiu anD ntagnifie ftim fo? euer. 2 €) petl)e aitgclisf of tl)e iLoxD, bleffe re tfte Xoiti^^c^i ^ o r. ^ €>pefteaarrpl)eaueui6!l)te,blc(repctl)eX.oiD,6fc. 4. i© pe t»ater0 aboue tlieCfeie, blefle j^e t'oeXoiD, p. 5 £D allpepo\»erje;of tl)cTloiD,blerrepetl)e'il6^D, fic. 6 £> pe ti)C H^iuiiig ftm anb moone, blelTe pe tbe Uo^ti,afc» 7 €) PC tbe glifWng ftrar;^ of Ijeauen, bleife pe tbe )io>tJ, a^c. 8 €>pettiefl)o^ei:^cir:oppmgtieii3,ble(repet^eX^oSJ,gtc. 9 €>perte bioixstng;^}3ml)0of pe tlie fire anls iDatming beat, blelTe pe tl)e 'jto?b,g^c. 1 1 J^e tointer anb tbe fitmmec tibe, blclTe pe tbe %^%^t. 12 i©petbebet»eg(^bmbingfcoft!8(,blcirepetbe )lojb,6fc» I? £[)petbeftoflanbcbillmgcolb,bleiTepetbe)lo?b,gtC ': 14 €) pecongclebtfeaubfno\Mrble(repetbeU^o:b,5c* 15 ^petbeiugi)t0i:tligbtfom baie^,bie{repetbeKloib)^» 1 6 £> pe tbe barUneire anl5 tbe Ugbt, blelTe pe tbe 1 o^b^^c; 17 €> pe tbe ligbtmng^^ tbe cloub$, blelTe pe tbe )lo?b,^c, 18 £Dlcttbeeatri) efeeblefTetbeXoibjbleirepetbenUib^afc. 19 €> petbemoimtatneg^anb tbcbil0,bleirepetbe)Lozb,^c. 2 o C> al pe greene tbing^ on tbe eaitb jbiciTe ^t tl)c l.oib;^c 21 €) petbeeuerfpitnginginel;Q^,blc(rcpetbe)tojb,^c. 22 £D pctbefeag(anbpetbefloub^,ble(repetl)e*>ioi^)fJc. 2 ^ iJS^bales! (i al tbat in tbe ixjaterjS inoiie , blefle pe X^02b,(jc» 24 £D all pe aping foulci^ of tbe aire,bleircpct6e)Lotb;fic. 25 aUpebeaae.3;anl>catteUel^e,bleirepetbcXLojb;^c. 26 j^pe Bcnedi(5lus. II z-7 iD.et3!frael eke bleffe tl)eiflo^D,ble(retl)eltojD,^c* 28 S> p e ti)e mtftz^ oWol) t\)t lojtJ ,blefl'c pe tt)e iLojtD, ^c» 2p £[> pe tl)e feruantis of tl)e )Loiti,ble(re pe fte jto^ti^rjc. io l^e fptnt0^roulc0 of rigl)tcoiijs;m2n>bleire \Hf%(i}\^y^t. ^1 ©pel}olpani)pemeefeeofbart,bleirepe ti^tXopj^t. 35 S)i^?atia0blea'et!)e:ioi6,blc(rctl)outl)e)lo;i!>,^c- $4. ainU flgifaeiblelfe t^ou t^e )lojD; blcfle ti}ou ^ tojO^^c. Tlicfbngof ZachariaSj called Ecncdicius. t4 — I 'C!)eone!p)Loit)of3ft:aeIbep3taireU euetmoie.f oj s^im^iipEis H ... glgl^l^fe^ll t^jougl) bt3 bifitatiou,gf mercie liept in ftoje.2 .(^i^speoi^ — . — ^— -^- ^^1= Eii=i^ pie noixJb^batbte^eembjtbatlonQbatl) beenemtb?aH: ^ fp^ean ab?oab bt^ feiung bcaltl) bpon bijs feruantje; alU 3 JitBamtssboKfebi^fcrimnttruc, accoitJing to W mintJc: ainb al(b b'i0 annotntcb ^ing, ajS bje mftcipture fmOe. 4 3('^ oft time^tjeDiD Declare: tEbetDfticliiioerefmcet^toota bmn Woomgfoito ^^pm. src^atlDeeimgijtbe DeKueteD, trom Wetljatmafee Debate, ^frh..«^^^^^^^^^^^^ate. "'^^^"^"fJtoWcliIiep^oimfeD, ^„^?"^Jatljer0 to fulfill: ^HDtijmi^etjponlji^couenantmaDe, «cco,iDmgto^i;Stx)in: ? af tiD alfo to perfozmetfte ot^i, ^ U)^ic^ l)ebefo?e^aD ftwo^ne: -: Co aubzaljamoucf at^er Deare, fozD^tftatiDerefojlojne. 8 Cftatb,e t»oulDgiuel^imrelfefo?l)?; and b0 from bondage bjing: ©utoftbeljanDS of all our foejef, toferueour ^eauenlp feing. 9 InD tljat U)itl)out allmannerfeare, anDefeeiurig!}teoufne$: 3nD alfo foj to leaD our life: ^ infteDfaabolineiBf. loainD ti^ou €) cWiD toljiclj note art bojne, anDoftbe^Lo^D elect: »t)ait bet^e^jtopliet of t^el^igiiell, ^li^i»ai>c;8?foj to Direct. 1 1 f oztljonn)altgoebefojei^te( face> fo.uo prepare 1)10 tx)aie$: aiiDaifofonoteacl) W^ill anDpleafurealltl^eDapei9f. Magnificat if faluationtiQfneace: 31ttD tt)at cemKTion of tlietr ^mt^, is^^im^X^i^ meccp ineete. 1 3 ODl^erebp tl)e Bap fpimp; from on ^^g)), t0comel)$fo|totiint:: ainb ti)orc fo) to tUuminate* ^ tufjicl) Bo in Batl^enejai fttt i4Coli$l^tent^ofeti^at(^aBoU)eBber ixittt) Beatl) atiB eke opp^eft: 3lnti dlfo foj^ to suiBe t))eit feet, t^etx»ap to peace anBreil* ThtffngiffbtiffedMmttMUii M^iiicat. ■i I ■' I.II .1 I, ■ " ''' '' ' ' A' "^ '^ ' ' jfl> ^pfoaienfltftin agntftei^eiU?a,my<)>(ritefceeuet» . iy . A -A ' A V . — i*^ ^ jno^e,reiopcetl^ m t^eiflDi^B m <15()B>i»^icl^ nip faut^ 1 t:=z.^=r.53c::^±=±szaz^3Br±:; our.10nDti)l)p,be(aufeibet)t)ire99cI),98due refpect bn# &|i^^iE=^^=^i3|E to CobaGe ea:ate of i^ i^miBmatB>aitlilet t^e m^W so* ajfoitnotDbe^olBantmtiotQ^ ^ AnB 2em!:at(oni9;aU; ^ dfvom 14 Magnificat, (^all me ti^jt bleffeD call. 4Secaure l)e^at4 me mdsnifieO> ODi^irenamebe tim fancttfteD. anD pitaifeD bap anb nig^t. 5 dfo?t» t^at t'9ep bare in t^t ^art. 7 l^e baf^ put bob3ne t^e migfyts ontfit frow tbeir fiipecnall feat: - — : anb btb et;alt tbe meeto in l^tt, a^^batbtbaugWittncci* / C^ijan^febereplenifteb, boift all tbinffSt^at tcm 800b: ainb tf;iongb bia^ poboer i^e mabe t^e ricb\ ofttime^tol^anttbeti: foob« ^^nbcailingtotemembcrattce l^iiBimercveiieriebeaie: ^a^boipm bp affiaatttlie, bi)S(eruant3(rraelL io3cco^ibingtobtiB(p^mt& mabe^ to 3i[b:abam before. ^( :3(nb to bii5 feeb ruccdKtuelp, to ftanb fpt euetmote. ^^*''^^ ;^ 7 hfo/t^ $fS$fri0fi called Nunc dim iuis. ^ Nuncdimiitk.'^'frr ^^i^£^^p^= tSzzSi;$ *--A^ i^Xofli becaufe mp ftartjBi liefire^ft toifteD long to fee, = ^^f ~ t~2— t-"^^ J — — ^_^ mp oneJtclojtt s ^feauiour tJjp fonne befme 3 Die. z C^ Jop^^ealftofaUmanfctid,l^Ci:eftlmTgbefo^^^^^ not» (^comemtot^^\»oMD,of metefe bjmgjns ftpje. in peatefb? to depart: aicro^Dtng to tl^p t^olp too^^ t3l)ic^liSWnet|impft3rt. 423etanfempepej8(t»l&icti tHou teftmatie, togiuempboDp Uglytr " ^^ J^auenotx) bctjclD ttofaumgftealtb, t»Wcfti^t^e)lo^ofmta<>t, j^ tig^bom tboumetcpftinpftaafetj ^ of tbpne abundant grace: SnopenKgbtanUbtrible, befojeallpeopl^ facr. ^"^tttiBmtilem illummatej anbfatbanouerquell: 5ta&eftetobet*eglo|tie ofi, %peopies*aeUv n^ljatr i6 The Creed of Athanafitts. .^4 l=E|^^^=^^i±^ UB^at man foet yc t)ee bet t^tfaltmtion ^Ug^me: b C^ecatljolt&ebeleefe^emullbefo^aUt^ingpaicetatne. ^_^ 1.^:1 42.*—^ t©^tc^faitl& bnlefl^Vftolpbeepetanl^tjnlJefiileDIie: tljat (BtA \s)t too;(|;ip one: , . , ^^^-^ . ^^^ 3n trimtie anD trinitie, in bnttie alone* 4 &o a^ t»e neitl)er ^0 cenfontiD, tl)eperfon^oftl)etl^lje: i!)oji pet ti^eCubaante t»^0let^f attc> m&mDetpattebbee* 5a>nepetronoft^e fatbetiia;^ ii^^-'i^Hi^ anotb^^toft^eConne: 3(inott)erperCiDnpiiopa;o(> fteWpd^boft alone. 6iDffatl)et,(bnne, anDboIp butoneti^e<£>ot)beabi$: ]Ul^e gio^te coetemall el(e> %maie(lielito)»i(i^« QuicunquiJVuk i7 tftefonnem m\^ Uegree: antitUci^ alfo toeHo beleeue 8;ttncteateija!ftefat^>anb tjnaeateitff^^onne: Cl)el|olv tjncreatei^ec^nev 9 3ncomp^e!)en(ibleifat^onne: atiD compj^enftblealfo fei, tbebolp<^boftofnone« lociief atbettt etmiau anU, tbeS>onneetetnallfc: 3nl>ml»efon eternaU«8i, t^bolp (S^oftaUb* oftteleetetnaWbee: 19ett^etebutonectemalw, anDnotetetn^tbiiee. nep^bncteatetb^e: am onetacompiiebenra)le,one , bnctcatebolbiobee. 2i aHmigbtvtotbe f ati^if? tfteS>onne almigbtrfo: ^nt) tnUHetb^t almigWptfe tbebolr^boftaifo* li-iannalbeittbateuetroni omefe almig^tp bee: , ^et tljetebutone a!migbtpa^> , anDnotalmigfetiejaiti^l^* ^ tg Quiainquevulr^ 15 Ci^e father (^oD i$y^h ^Sbotm, Ptt ate not t^ere ti^iee (5oXi^ m dU> . but one d^oDnnDnomo. t6 ^0 Ufte\»ire Ho^ tl)e f atl)et i», anti TLoi^U alfo tl)e ^onne: aint) 1.01^1) alCo tl)et)oip <^l)Oft,ret ate t^ere not t^tee )Lo^ but one. x7fo^aiQ()»eareeompellito grants bpC^jitftianbetitte: €c^ of t^e petfon^ bp ^tmf^lfe^ bot^ ^oD ant) )toiD to be. 2:8 ifeoeatl^olil^e teltgion,. fo^btDbeti^ bisi alt»ap: 'C^ateitbet(!5ob$beeti^|tee90jiti)at t^ete )Lo^b)ai be tl)^ee to rap. ipj^f none ti^ef dti^t)e(yneinabr tie c«eate,noit begot: Ci^jfeonnetjQioft^efati^t^t cteate,tto^mabe>but gotte, ^ (Cl)e^p <5\iottigoft^mihQi^9 tbe f an)et anb t^e ig^onne: iQe mabe>iie tteate>iioitbesat(^ butbo^p^c^b alone. ai^oiDeonef atl^etbolbnott^iee? onefonne alto nott^?»e: £)neibolp (i^bod alone^nb not>- tblieeboite^^oftstobee. :^ ^one in ti^iio; ttinttte, before no^aftetot^ett tnatlti^in8fl(tx)eaD0^ 15 c^efi)^e,^batfo»t^ man (^at faluationtnillattaine: W^^fattb toucl^mst^tnniiir^ of fo^ce^ mud retaitse* 2^3nD neeOfuH to mmall life> itt^iti^ateuertetotg^ i3)ft^emcamatttt8of€%f(l, our )LoiD beleeue arpgM« 37ira^tl^t0tbens^tfait^(jef,tl^ae toe beleeue anl^ ebe Ho l^notx): (C!)at€t);tamir)Lo^btt)edomteof otWf^t\^ttg(vibttimtqfA befo^etl^etoo^lD begam SnDofbiisimot^eriQirubftance i»9ne> mtuoi;ibatietp mam 29 t3otl^ perfect (5oD anD perfect man» m one, one JitOnfi^ift: CbatDot^of reafonablefoule, anD ijumanenef^ Cubfid* so Coucl^uigbtje^ (!5oDI)eaD,equan totti^ bt)3^fati^er^ot)t)B(^ee: Couching W man^ootJjloiwer *^en ^< nal^ot^ong^ l)ebebot^ t^err (^ot»; ie QniomqacvBli ^et tjo(^e but one Clijttll alon^ and t0not4)ier(on$hx)o. /liDnenot bp turning of (!5obl)e^ mtotbeflefbofman: Sdnb bptai^ingmanboobtoiiE^ob, tbtjas being onebegan. ?^ M one not W conf ounbing of tljeftibftancetntoone: iSutonelpbptbebmtie, tbatijsofonepeifon. 34f03^a)3!tl)ei:eafonablefoU'e, anl)fle(t)butonemanijQ(. ' ^.0 inone per(bn(^obanb man^ itf butone (irb|tt(ltlilt0i93ire* 3 5 D01IO Cuff reb foi to faue bjs: allr u^bellbebtDbefcenlK: -Clje tbirb bap tofe againe from Ijeat^j toi^auenlbebib arcenb- gf i^efttia^at tbei;tgbtbanb of t^almigbtte JTati^er tl^ete: from tbence to lubge t^e ciutci^e anb beab, againe be ft alFretire* i7aitb()boferetutneaUmenftalt rife, twitb bobtetf nebo retlozb: 3nb of tbeico\»netx)oji^e!0;,tbepftaa giue account bntotl^ll^jb. ^8 Ti'titi tw into eternall life, ftall goe tbat bane bone boell: i©5)obaue bone ill fl)all goe into, etecnaUlicetobboelU gp^CbiiJ 10 tbe catbolifee beieefe^ bo^botftnatfaitlifullp^, 3»lee«e- The Lamentation 23eleeueti^efantetoiti)sut allDouM, ^efaweD cannot bee* , Co father ,fonne,anDljolp ffi^l^oSr ailglo^tebe t^erefo^e, 3(10 m begtning tDaje: t$ not»7 anni^albeeuermoite. i5 "t"""^"' r— ♦— —- 4— t- Ei^m :± iitt))loititunienota^apt^pface>from ^im ti^at lietl^ — S_35z:J__Sz:x *5l: r^ P p^ioftrate: lamenting fo;e btis^finfun life, before ftp fell ^ rir^ ■^■ mercpgate. i . na^icl^ gate t^ouopeneft^iDeto ~— -fr =5!^ IJ tbofe eijat Do lament tftetr (in: S>^ut not t|iat gare a^ SEC i-^ gamft me )Lo;D,but let me enter in. g 3inti callme not to mine accDnntS, l)0i»3)baueliueD l)cr€: f 0? t^en a fenotx) ngl)t \s)tll ^ S.diti, l)0i»bile3lfl)ailappeai;e. 43! 28 The'x*C6mmandemcn'ts. a=^=ilW-^ 3 am tljc Hoiti t^p d^oD tiiat bjou8i}t tljee out of Cgppt ' ^~r-^ eIeIeP^;|=I; land, euen from tl}t Ijoufe iwl^erein tljoa DiDfl; in tlj^tal^ |Eg^|^Ei^3^ Dome ime a flaue: 0ont otl)er d^oDss at allbefoiemp J "V T ■T~M " ^ ^^ p^efeticel^altt^ou^aue. 3 iI5o manner grauen image t^alt> ,rv tljoumabeataUtotljee: ^ojt anp figure Itfee bp tl^ee, f^allcounterfatteDbee* 4i^fanptl^in9inl}eauenaboue^ HOjiintbeeart^belotxi: Boi in toater0beneatb tbe eartl?r tott)em tl^ouQ^alt notbot»* 5 jaoj fl)alt ftem fcrue : t^e ?Loj;D tljp d^otr^ aielou0(^ot)am3: 1ZD^atpum(!)parenti5faultia;bnto, tl)e tl)icl) anD fourth Degree. ^lipontljcirc^tlDjentftatmeljate, auDmercpDoDifplap: tCatljftuCianDiS of fuc^ a0 me loue, anjDmppjecepwoba?^ Cl^e : 1 1 he X Commandcmcnts tp intjamef^altneuectH'e: jf oj \}m ttat tafee^ 1^10 name in t3ame^ tl^eHo^DI^aUnot ercufe* 8 ]aemembertl^att!)ou4oUe beeper tljefacreDfabaotl) Dap: ^ixMiate^ t^ou labour fli^alt^anti Do tftpmeDfuU b3o^fej5altt)ap. pC^efeuent^ Dap tsf fttbpfteXojfi, tbp c^oD to reft Dpon: £{oi»o^]^et^enQ)ait t^ouDotmr> ne tl)ouno^petftpfomie. oj 'C^pDaugi^ter,reruant, «oj i^anDmaiDCp tl^ine ope no^ pet Wne aire: l^ojftratiger t^attDit^m ti^pgatejsfj l^atl^ii^abtDmg place. 1 1 JFo^infir Da after t^ofe W ted l)e DiD tipontbe feauenti^ Daptalte* 12 oai^erefoiiei^ebleft t^eDap^ti^at ^( foitreHingDtDo^Datne: 3f hD facreD to ftimfelfe aloney appotnteDtotemaine. 13 )ieelDi^ono^totbpparenti6f>t^at pjiOlongD t^p Dapeja; map bee: toipon ti^e lanD t|le t»4tc^ t^e TLojD (^(^oD^tbgtuen ti^ee,, 1 4<^u Q)alt trot murtl^er*i:^ou (^ alt not commttaDulterp: C^ouf^altnotaeale.iiio^ tottmflTefal^ agamftttipneiirtlMJW bee* ^^^ i6 ^' Thccompbini o^ a finncr ^5(j:i)oun)altnotfonctljourcti)atto, t!)ynfigljbourDotl) bdong: jQe coue t fl)a it in tjauiiig of, \)i^ toiU to Do l)im \»:ong. J6 Scto} \m rcr uant, noz l)ij5 maiD, noiopcoialTcofto: /3ozanpotl)rc ri)ing,tl?atto tl)pneigljbourp:opec ig. The complaint of i^f inner. i©l)crerigl)t?oiifncffcDiJtl)rai',)LoiDfoi mp rinftilpart,3it J=:s=r±z:^-:fE R i^m ^zjzfrx:35:rfc iwiatl) tl)ou n^oulDft ineparjtjcngeancc foi mp Dcfert: 3 can It not tieni',bntnecli3 1 Jnwft confc(rc,l)o\xi tl)at contu nuallp,tl)p IaU).$ 3 uo trafircffe^'Cljplatxig 3! Uo tranfijrcirc. '^xxt if it be M)p \xn'l Axiit!) finncrj^to contenb: 'iL\\tn all tl)r ffocftc (1)^11 fpill, anD be lod \J0itl)0Ut cnD. f 01 \wl)o liucrt) l)cre fo rigbt5tl)at xi%\)t\\t Ije canfap: ijcfinnctli notii]t6i>figl)t,fuloftanDcucnc Dap, (t)ct!) ^l)f fcciptiircplainc tcllct!) nic^tbc rigbtcons^ man offni* ;^^ucnt.mc?at)nptotl)ce;tx»l)crcontl)p toiatl) DcpcnDctb* ^0 Pfalmc i. 27 ^ t^at t^c n'gljteouis: nian,botl) boalfcc in no fuel) part): 53ut^efaltIinot» anD ttjanjinDangec of tl)p inzatlN C^eii fit!) tl^e cr-fcfo aanDjS^^ttjat r iicn tlje mangl)t iMifet laltl) oft ill fiufiill baiitis^,\M!)crebr tlTp teatl) mar nfe. XoiD Jtl)ataml)mmT,nuD nglitcoufnci nonel)anc; iiaUere to tl)cti n;all 31 truit,mp fmncfull foiile to faue. But truelie to tl)atpoft,\»l)ereto 3! clcauc anDl^all: m)ic\) is; t!)r merer mofl:,lo:D let tl)r merer fall* HitiD mtttigate t\)v mooD,oz elfc b3e perifh all: ^ljep?iee of tl)i3 tUr iJloutJ loljerem merer 3 call. %hc f criptar^ t^otlj Ueclarcno Diop of blouH in tl)ee: 23uttl)att6ou tiiDft notfpare,toil)clieac!)Dzop fozmee- 0o\£- let tWe tizopfif moft ftweet/o mmft mr l)cart Co Diic ^ljat3iti)itl)rtnnerepleat,mar line anDfinnemartstc. Cl^Jt being moitifieD,tl)i)B:fiime of mtnein mee: 3 mar befanctifrcDjbr grace of tl)ittc uv mee. ^0 t^at 3 neuer fall, into fuel) mo^tall finne: fEljat mr foe^ infernall,tetoree mr Deatl) therein. 25ut boucf)fafe me to fecepe,fi:om tl}Qle infernal foeia^^ :itinD from tl^atla(^efoDeepe,tol)erea$ .no merer groiDC^. 3tnD '$, a)aUfing tlje fong^, confirmed tDitl> the md: C!)atbnto tl^ee belonge.^ljicl) art mi ne onelr truft. PSALMESOFDAVID in <^S\^eetre. Beams vir. Pfal. )• T. S. C C^to |S>falinc 10 fct firtt a© a pjcfacc to crbo^t all gotlp mm f o ftuaic ano mtDitfltc m tjcaucnip &)jfbomc: foj tljep be blclTcD tl;at fo tot ; but il)ci»icUcD contvmncrfl cl^crcof ai lcngti>Q)allcometo imfcri?. Hf [zz^rSzitjiT! fpe man i^ bleil tijat ^aty not Unt, to ivicUcD reet) ji Pfalme.u -b- llZSL — ^. l£^|z:|r|-gjz^— tt^i^ ftijSeapemoMeD l)tfl(ltfeaieifinner0Doe , nojfattnfcojr ij — I ^ — J. ii:± — — T~ t" H^~ I~ 7 fetalis; t))l)ole MiQ\)t: anD tn t^at latx) Hoti^eicetctfe ^imCelfebot^DapanDntg^t. g l§efl)albeUfeet^etreeti^at gtotoetlj fadbp tljermer^rtDe:: ipl}icl)bjmget^ fojttjmoftpleafant ftuitei mUecUuetimeanDCttif. 4 i^^oft Icafe (Ifall neuer faHe no J fall, butfloziil^ftillanDftanDr c^uen fo all t^mg$ fl^an pjofper tDcll t^at tl)i0 man taHe^ in ^anli* 5 &on)allncttl)ebngoWpmen, ftep(l;aIlbemJtl)mgfo: But ais tl)e Duft tiil)tc!) ftomt^ eattliy tije toinDeis! Diiue to anH fro . ^ Ci;ercfoicfl)allnDt tbetoicfeplimen, iiuutigemcnt ftandbpjig^t: ^oipettl)efmner;9! ixntl^tljctull, {l)aU come in ptaceo^ frgt^t. 7fOl V- - , 1 7f ojto^P^tljelDapof gaWp men, t^nto t'oe Mi^ i^ « buotone: ant) e^e ti^e ^ap of t»tcl(eD men> (^all quite be ouert^.io\»ne. Quarc frcmucrunt.PfaUi.T.S. IDatt(Drctefcttbtl)ata!b£it cnetnpe0am)fa)O)!Mppoteecragf>4Wf»1i8toi8nct^ mnSliotnc,cucntottKf8Tti)cacntiQf ct>e fso^t.^licrrfi^eDf c|elK>;ttctl)t9tncci immblp to fubtnit ttirMntjs bnbcc t^c fame, ^crcmis agnifteb €Wf^ 9 ^Vt biiifttjonie. Wi^p tiiD tlje d^enttletf tumttltjBi raiefe?<; smgtbu to o \j)l)atra8ei»as( in t^eic bjain?!' i8ibeb;to&e: . anb of t^etc bottttne anb t^eir late> letbjafreiecttl^epoKe. 4i3utbetbattntbebeauen bboeUet^, tbeit botng0 bdiUbertbe: 3nb mabe tl)0m al a)9( mocbtng (Jtotinfiy , h t^^ougi^outti^eti^oi^lbroboibe. 5fotinbi9(toiatbtl^eU<)jb tofllfap, totl)embpon a bap: ainbinbidfnep ttoubletbent, ^^^..^-^^%^^n^^lur.: anbebent^e)lOjtbiotUfap* 6Jl)aaeannointeb^imn^HtnSj '' bponmpbolpbilU 3 totn t^mfbiie %o^ p^ead^ti^ latt^ . anb Aebeclatet^p iQtlU 7; f^ ^ P(almcm 7 foiin t!jw(ix)iretl&e}LojDl^imftlfe DiDfaptome3U)0t: ^l^tt art mp DeareanD onelp(ii)nne» toDap3!ti?ee begot. / W people 3! totll giueto tijce, ai8(l)eire;6( attl^prequed: C^eenl^anD cod0e$ofailt^eeattt^» bptt^eeftallbepofleft. i9 Cbon f^altti)embutre euentxHt^a mace» aja(menbnt)etfbotttol): 3nDdj$tt)epotter0%eart>!9((i^all b^ake tbemttttCi^ an iron toll* jo/!)oi]oi>eeiD HtngisanbtulcviGSall, be totfe tljetefb^ anD leatnD: ii&p t»tiom tbe matter^ of tl^ too^H be lutigeD anb btCcc^nb. ii^eetljatpefearet&eliloib j*0ue, tn trembling anbmfeare, lojr.frrd^^iK ^e$tl}attoitl^reuereneepe reiopee> tol)iminliUcmanner» u&eettiatpetiiflreandebe imb^e, Ijiisbleffeb (bnnejtop: i :;:jj JL^ft in Uitf \»jatl) Ijeftibtienfe pertQ)tntt)emiblx)ap« H 3f oncet}(iBii»jati) neoerftOtiall, ftaUWnbleinbi^bfcftri. 'c'ia vn £)b tf?en all tbep t^a^tuft in Cl?»ift> (l)aUl^apppbeKnbbUfl:. - Domincquid. Pfaliiiif Mtr.ft«j«tKW*l>8rt»or cwji ttfituio p?tCmt ftcat^j. ^w 9f W«jcttliro> w Wcto^ie gtuttt to ijttn enfitljc ;cl^tct>, ouctt^ttrniatrtiii • >• - *'- -^ I ^&o.tti^oti)areinpfoe9;tnetiraO,t»bte4t))e^me :";5^ ^T3S;-m:^ mo.ie anD mote^ Cljep feill mp !)art txi^en aiei t9ep far, ' gg^ <£^otitan MntnotreSo;e.2 2&ut£|)Ou4>)Lo;liacttn¥ tiefence,U)l)en ifatnl^arl) bellea&:d^pi»oiAtp atU) mme^onoiibot^,anDtl)au^oltrilt|pmp^eaD« 3iDiDbot4caU anDcne: $nDl)eoutof^t0t|oIr^tii, tJiD^earemcbpanDbf^ 5 ;3lail)meboi»neantiquieCli^ JSeptatiD roCeagaine: ^eXo^ t»ta me (Uaaine. 3caumnotbeafratO: 26 Pralmeiili* foiX\)m art atli mp}Lo^)) ntf€a>, mpfauiouranDmraiD. jfo^t^ou^aft^]tol(rt^e^eebeiBianDteet^ pft^erelDickeDntenall. s;g)aluattononelpt)ot^ belong, tot^eit>}lo^Daboue: Ct}oulm(t beao^ bpont^pfoil(e> tftP!bMrm8anl)tl>rl0ue. Cuhi inuocarcm^Pfal iiii.T*S IDaniO prfftmteo bp #«at caHctli D^mi anbgrantmetbwfwqtipftt _Vi._ fo^btttotbcebnceffantlte, — - — - to cne3 \»iimotrett. '^^^^^^^ )to}b) alonetn(afetpl(eepe« Verba mca auribus.Pfal.v * T«S. IDatifi)pcr(cctitcbbi? S)ce9anD9ttHt9eliei4paol0flittotcr0,Cd1lf(i^ %90tf<5dd tl VURtO) tl)cte tnaittc^C^M aff nrco e( CttC(e(fc,^« cenccmeO (omfQ^ llScIme tWne^atejei l^nto mp toofW, S ?''^'*'" *r ? ^ KlojD mp plaint i onfiDet: ^S* r?c C 3(lnD^eatempbotce,mpl^mg,mp45ott, ^ -^ to tijee 3 mafee m^ p^^aper. 2!^eate me betime )Lo^b tatne not:» i^pp^apereatelpin t^emoj^ne: to tljee foil to Direct* stnh Ji tDiU truS tJ^jtoitgl^patience in tl)eemp<5oD alone. "Ci^atartnotplearebinit^ )»icl(eDne(Ie> anD iUi»tti^tfteeDi»eije; none* B $ 9nD I 3^ P&Imc.v. t^efe ftiriou0 fooleiai ^ ^ojUt maine l»o: "verisof iniquitie, tftou l)3a alt»ate0 ab^ojl>. 6 'X^e UetiEi aitD tl^c [flatterer^^ ti^oud^altDelhop tl^emt^am 3(nD (5ot) )»illi)ate t^eblouDt^ttftce, anDtl)eDecntfull man* 7'Ci)etefo.zet»ia3 comctotl^p ftoiiCEix truftingbpon ttegrace: 3tib f euerentlte \]otilD)oitQ)tp tl^ee, to^atDtbmebolp place. *)loitt>leaD mem%><8l^teou(hC3fif, fo^to confountimpfoeie^: atnD eketbetnapt^at 'If ajalltoalfti^ ibefo^ mp face btrclofe. j^f oMntbeirmouiftei0(t^>ere wfnotru% ^Ci^eir (j^^at an open (fepulc^er> tl^eit tongueis bo slofe anb fatne« uj^efltopt^etcralfe confpiracfeief^ t^at t^epmdpcometonoust)t: i^^ubuetttbem tntbeir ^eape^of (inne bo{)tcbbauerebeltoai))^ugbt) i3r 23ut tboCe tbat put tbett truO: in tt)eer iettbembeglab aiboate^: Inb tenber tbanl^e0fo^tbpbefence, anb giue tljv name t^e p^aife. H^f J tboubait^ fauoucbjilt (ncreafe, tbetuftanb ttgbteouiesiltlU Snb t)3tt^ t^p grace a0 bait^ a I^ielH bjefcnb^tmftomalltlL DomSns Pfalmevu jy Dominc in furore* Pj(al.vi» T,S. ClDaotbfoK htii filmed f eit d^ong l^anD, ano conceiacti tlje boitn^of mfrtafltng ^Mf|| Ci)crefo;f l^e defimi) totsiumtfft, ontt not to Me in dSObB intigmatiotu^fyntuihi attOi feeling C5o&s mercp, Ije rebttkct^ ^9 entmicsr^SD^e reiotceo at l^maffitcttoit ^^^fEl-|E|=i^^"^ s I. %ofi in t\^v to^a ti^ tepioue me not,tiboug^ 3 Defetue ~:z$:3:sri5i5::i |E|E|S-jE±z|E5EJife line tee : jBe pet co^ett me in t^p cage,!) Ho^H 31 t^ee E^|E|=§E|^l^g Denge .2>f ojtj am \x)zu U^t\}m foit €) lo^ij ofmercp tnefotbeate:^nlii)ealemeiio}D^O}tu^p:ft'^oultnotu(t mp bone0 Do quafee foji fearc* 3 fl\Prfoulei0troublet)t^etpfoje/ antibeicelit>el)ementl^: 23ut)lo?Di^otj) longtJ)Ut ti^ou Belap, tocurempmifctp? 4 Xo^D tunte ti)ee to ti^p toontefi grace, m^rillpfoulebptafee: i©rauemeenotfo?mp Defettfc butfojtl)? merciegCafee* 5 :f oj to^pf no man amongti^rDeaa, wmembje^t^eonelwl&it: 36 Pfalmevii e>t\xA)0 tl)H\\ too)t(^tp tl^^ )Lc^tl> wtt^einfetnaHpit; ^J&o gnetiou0 t;8i mpplatnt anH motiei tljnt 3 toap \»onD^QU$ faint: ailltl^e nigljt longj i» aft mp beU, \»it^teace)5 of mp complaints rfl©pfig!)tiflftjpm,ant) iuaipetftDlD, toiti) anpift of mp ^art: i'ojt feare of t'oofe ti)at be mp foejef, anlrlwoulD mp Conle fubuert: 8 ^ut notu ab)ap from mec all pee, tl^at^DOjikmiquitie. f 0? \»i)p^tljeXojD bat& ftcatr) tljc boicr, of mp complaint anixctiie. i^elieartk not onelie ti^e requeft, anbpjiapetofmp^.att: %utit rccepneD at mpbanD» antr toobe it in gooD part. 10 atnD not» mp focis t^at boceU mee, t^e A;0|iD tsilifoone Defame: 3lnD fuDbenlie confounD ttjem all> to t^ir rebul^e anb (tiame^ Dominc Dcus mcus.Pfal.vii.T.S tljat^efonfcienccWD notaccufe^tmofanpcui!totonroc0 ^mUjieKit^t utous . rt)co eoD0 8lo?l? to ao?.- tttmttnctaiaintt tb? totchco. «« j fa Dpon (fi»00d mcrcicfl •nD p^omtfcs^c tujceti^ belDtl^jf dmmg tijat tt (^91 fal 0n ttjeur nett(0 t^at wl)ict; ^is tncmtc0purpofeo fo) ottjece « Xojti mp d^oti J putmp truft SSnc " ?1 anbconfiDence»initt)ec: "^the^pr, S ^auemefrom tl^emti^atmelpncruc, anDehebeliuetme. z:)Lra(l liKe a Hon ^e me teace, aubcenDinpcece^Dnal. Pialmcvii. KJ ti^e tiling tliat tjS not ngl^t: iS>% elCe if 3! be founO iw, f ault> ojguiltnntteftQfit 4 €>^to mp fnenD re^xiatDel) iU> o^eftbtmint^iHi^efre: tiat)icl)me putAteDmoflccuellp> anDtiateDmecaufleffe. 5ll)enletm^foeiQ( putfuempCouIe^ anti cue mp life tjotsne (^)u&* mmo tfte eart^, anD alCio lar, muie^no^tnti^eDull* ^;fetart l3p £> jlo^U notoin t^ to|«t^, anBput mpfbejBitopapne: Iderfo^meti^pbtnsDomep^mifeD, to me txil^icl) tv^ongfiiftaine. 7C^enQ)an steathattomo? cometot^ee antiHnitx)t!)eeb?4^i!8i t^ing: Sfti^ou Sedate foMoue of ti^em> tl^l^relfeaj$Xo|I)anDlung« s^inb^outl^atartofalmen ttit^ge^ i> TloitDnotx) iutgeti^oumee: SfccojDingtotte rtgi^teottfiieft and mine integtttie. Thefecond part. P )loj6 ceaCe ti^e ^ate of tofpfeett men, ant) betbeiua manie(gniBe: io:{3pix)bomet^ercctet$iof all^eart^^ atefearclieD anD l^eferiDe. I i^taUe mp Ijelpe to come of (SoD; tnalmpgriefeanOQnait: 3^1 ^S Pfa!mc vii Ct;at Dot!) pieC^tue all tliofe ti)at l>ee> DfputeanDperfect^att* 12 t!ri)e ittlt man antt tl)e t»tchel) bot^ (Boti iuDgct^ bp bts^poixjer: feot^atl)cefeelctl)l)ij8?mtgl)ty bnnti, euen euecie Dap anDbourc ♦ I ^(gjcceptlje ci)angel)te mtttD 3 Xiv> f oj cueri ai3;i)e (I^oulDfmite: aiming tialjerebe map bt* j43(inbl>otb piieparebiSmojtallbartiEf,, btj8;ai:t:o)}De0lieeneanD(barpe: fo^ tbem tbat bo me pet:fecute> lobilejsbe botb miCcbteft tnarpe* i5^utl9 tbougbbemtrauell bc> ofbi0biueltfl)fo;eca(l: 3nb of btis^mircbtefe once concepnel»> pet bjtngiSfooiitb nougbt at lafl^. i6]^ebtgjQ(abttc^anb beluejo^ttbecpe^ inbopetobuttlnisfbiotbet: asut i)e (ballfall into tbe ptt> tl)dtbeDigbbpfo;ot^if. 17 (Cbiuas tDjtong retumetb t6t^e^rr> ofbimmt»bomitbjieb: SftO^aUtbemtrcbiefe tbatbeto^uijl^t^ (^allfaUbpon^ijQibeal). iS Iboillgiuet^anheisl to (5ob t^erefo^c tbatiubgetbtigbteoudp: 3n&t»ttbmprons\»iUp;aifetl^enamr^ Domioe Pfahncviiu .mlfcl*T ^9 Dominc Dciis noftcr.PfaLviiuT*S. C^c tnoo^et confilierins ttie crcUUnt itbcraliMe and fat|)trtic t)|on(ftfn(f of 46^011 tobarbrs man fo^m |)€ maocas tt tecrc a goDoner al i)<0Sv^K«ar, fifnctiS^ tban!ir0.anD<0 aSonitfi ivtti) tlie bdhH rationot t^fame. (^®)Dour)Lo^til^d\»toonl>crftiI!, SS"^*^"3^Z i©lH>refamefurmoimt0iiDignitte, ^ -^ abouct^e lieatienie^cleate. 2(fue«brtl)emoutbe$offticbm8bal)eiif. t^u b}tUconfounl) tl^pfoeo: f oi^tntlierebabe^e: tlip mtg^tisiirenei t^p graces tl^erDtTclofe* 3 ttmnlu^en^feetl^eljeaueniB^lbiS^, ^l^e runtie^t!)e moone^anD all t^e ftatia?^ mo;Der:4ist^epftan^. ^ DS^^rtJ^tngigman^Tlo^D t^inbellt^en, #*^ tftj^ttbouDoftWm tememtet< €)^ t)^tt$man^t?o(lenttc, t^atti^ouDo&^cenfiDer* 5foiit^ou!)aamaDe l^(mlittleleire, t^enangel]Biml»cgteei Snti tl^ou tiall crotnnei) l)im anb; bott^ glo^ieatiD Disnttr* 6 Cl^aul^^piieferD ^im to be}C0i!)> of alitor ls)0|iHe!$Dft)ootU)er: ainHat^tjsifeet^allfetall t^msef, yZf^a^tt^ft ant)neae,an2)allbeaa$;eire ci^atmti^efielb)e(DofeeD: s f ouleisof t^eaire^ftl^ tnt^fea^ anOallil^at ttirmtib?c€D« 40 Pfalmcix. •^'^' fl> JLo^ti tl)Ouartouc(l5oD: 1^31)3 faittDusta.iD 1)0^ tDonDerfuU, Confitebor tibi Domine.Pfal.ix.T.S JDatifli gitrtng tijanlictf fo? !)fd matjifoio blcto?lc0 rcc:pBe!J,t)e(irrtlj tbe fame fMntet ^npe agatne.asatnd l)\fi neSo enejnies,^ t^cic maUttoost arro0atutc,to be DethropcD V VJtft ftart ant) mouti) b mo tlje %ojlJ, ssing thisto^ toiUJftngllauUanDpiaife: slhrj^pui.C aiuDfpeafee of all litis \))on?^ou$t»oifetf, ^ '^' ' anD tl)em rjeclare al\i)aiefl(. 231 toillbe glalJ anti muci^ retopce >. in ti^e 1^ Xoi^t) moft l)igti: 3lnDmaHempCon3!QS eictoUtt^pnamei abouetl^eftameiQSkie. 3fo;tti)atmpfoei$ateD^ut^ bacl^ey anbtutnebtmtofltsbt: ^ Ci)ep failbotune flat^anD are &e(ltopet)i bp ti^p gteat fo jce anb mtsbt. 4Cbou baftreuengeb al mp ttt?.ong,. mp gtiefe anb all mp grubge: ^l^oubodiDttb iuOice^eatemi cauO?^ thoau&earis^teouiQi tubge* 5C^Dubofi:tebui^etbe bedtbenfoike> anb tDickeb Co confoiinb: tci^at aftertoatb ti^e membitie> of ti^em cannot be foimb. ^ ^pfoeieit^oubafl: mabe 90obbi(|)atc^r anb all tbett tob)neie( belteoib: ^l^onbaOt^eit fame b3itb ti^em befaSe^ ftjous^aut^etoojib&wbe, -^ Pfalmcut, 4\ 7 fctiotot^outi^ati^eiD^ic^iistaboue foil mttmo^e ftall raigne: aintjmtljefeatofeqitttp, true iut)gment toill maintame. s i©(t^mn;ice^e\»(UfeeepeanD guiDe, ti^e teoilD ant) euevte ^Digl^t: sunn to l»ilipeelD l^attl) equitp, tocuettemanl^tsrigi^t. i^l^eijBfp^otecto^ioftlje poojte, tol^attimeti^epbe oppjiett: !^et)eitnallaDuetritie, tljeit refuge anU tljeir reft. ioKilltibepti^ati^noi)3ti^pi^Dl? name, tl^erefo|teQ)aU truftmti^ee: jfo^tl^oufoffal^eftnottl^etrfute, inti^eir necelTitie. The fecond part. t^atDtnelti^ in^ion^il: l^tO^Ufl) among ail nationiB^, ^ij8inobIeacti8(antit}3tiU /2fo;t^ef0mmD£un0ftl^ebIou9; oft^ofetliatNbeopp^eft: f ojigettmg nott^afStcteD i^art^ ti^atreebe^tol^imfb^ reft« ijl^auemercp lo;D on mepoojtetojetdr) tx)i^reenemie$fttli remaine: DP]^tc^fromt^egatej8(ofDeati^ areb)ont eoratfemetpagaine. i42n^tont^at3ftntgl&tfetfo^ft, t^Pt^aire^tx)itb Warrant) t)otce: ^nt) i^at in tl)p Caluatton ()Lo^ti) mpfoulemig^tfttU retopce. tl)attbept^emfelue!e(piteparDe: fnh in ti)e net t^at tl^ep ^D &c, tlieito)»nefeetfa(l acefnacDe 1 6 %oph attfe lealt men pjteuaile, t^at be of ^oxlDIie m \qf^: aintilettt^ebeat^enfolkereceitte, tl)eit inDgement intljpfig^t* ^ <:singthif « 7 VV act note fo far from tbine: sScaX < 3nDbcepeftclofet^p conntenance <- ^ &ombsitl)^tcoubloui3( tinted 1 P{alme.x aitDi))icHet)men0 DeKte: jdett^embetafeenintfteccaft, tljattljept^emfeUiejai tonfyixt 3 f 0]t in tfte Uift of 1)10 tone ijart, tl)e l3ngot)!p notb tJeUgbt: ;^oDotl)tbci»icl(et)p^aire bintrelfe> anObotl) mzXoit^ Uefptgbt* 4i^el^ro p]^uDtl)atn8btanDt»>ons befettetl) all apart: |5ap,nap^^reijetno (!5ob(;8ttljbee, fojt^ujSbetbinWtnbatt* '^J5ecaufel)i)0i toaietf bop^Iljerflai, beDoft tbp latDeja^neglectt anbtoit^ aWa»Dotl)puffeagarr«t f'€nfl).rn\a)^((nit^ ^e>3 bane no ftjeaD> ^leaftmineeltatefljoulDci^imar* ana to to%^ al abuerpOp, toWmtoberiefttange. 7^tjefmoufti;8!fu!!ofcutreDneft or ttaut) Deceit anD auiie: mntier bi)a(tonguetiotl) mifcWefe tit, .«. ?.^^f«"^»«Wtbeto!Hle ^ipe Iietb biHm toaiejBi anUftolcjat^ toflaptbefnnocent: agmnfttbepoojetftatpaireWmte btJ9fcrueUepei9(arebenr» 9attttlftea)t;!onp;auilp, lietbUirkmgm bteDen: af pe map fnare tljem to Wntt, tofpoilepoojefimplemm. 14 PGdmc.x. loXn&fojt^enoncefuU ctafttlie> l^eecvoucbet^DotDne 3 Cap: 1 1 ifeoare great 4eape$ofp0O|iemmma&e> bp ^i;0{ (hong poi3oer^i!E( p^sr . The fccond part. z C ul5 (5or> fojgettetlj tl)W( fait^ l^ce, ttjerefojemapj iJ^i^olti: fl^ig countenance tias cafl: aCiDe, l^eDot^ttnotbel)OlD. u acife (€) )Lojt)) flD d^otj in tol^om t^e poo^eman$i^opeDotl)re(l: Xift bp tbp ^anD fo;get not ilo^iD> ti()epoaietl)atbeopp;eS. 14 t^^at blafpUemie isii^mti^ttj VMtt^ t)oOti)onnotabl^o^tett> Coftearetl)eujwHeli intljeicbartg, fa^,tuft , tftou careft not f o: iti 15 I3ut ti^on reed: all t^tbm(tl tli)ineeareisto^earebep^« 20 Co P/almcxi. 45 2oCoftit)ge tJ^epoo^ieanDfat^erleflfe, anD ^elpe tf)tm to t^ett rtglit: C^at t^ep map be no mote opp^ed, ix)ttt^menof ^o^lDlte mtg^t: Tn Domino. Pfal.xi.T.S. C^t0 praim fbeioctt) ttrfi ivi^at afTaulto of temptation anD eRgttiQ) ofntlnt f;e fht^ neo m perfecutton.^ rjct l^e morcet^ t^at (BoDfcnt ^m fuccouv in ncce(litte»lic(laB tingi)i8 luftice .aCIo ci intgoucmtng t^^e good and te t(b( t mzn^ns tlit Soljolt wOitP* I'Cruftin(25otil)ot))tiat:epet^)en> 55'"8«^'"°? fapt!ji;0{mpfoulebnrin: 5*l!'''""5fc dflie!)encea0faaa)0(anp foule, Ohcj pui*v> mil^^tDe pou in pour^tlL 273^1^010 1^ tDici^et) benti tt^eir bol))ei9f| ann maito tiieir arrotoeiai p^eS: ■COfljootmfecret anDtoljurt, tl)e(bunDanD l^armeielfebjteSV g^£>f\)oo^ttebopeall0ate)it»ere Qjon&c; anD cleareltebjiougtit tanousi^; SIais;tl^euiaanDnsl^teoitf man» iD^at eutll ^at^ be iDj^us^rf moaijolpanDmoCl^bte: 3inl) in tl)e Ijeauenia^batb lbiiQ(reat> of ropall maieftte. 5 ^e pooi^e anU fimple mai^ edate, conrtiierett)mi)ijQi mtnb: 3int)reaccl)eti|out M natro^te, t^e mmmtsi of manl^inti) 63inDt»it!)acbe.uefuU countenance, t^eris^teoiijaimanintU bCe:. :23uttni^t$bartt)e Dotliab^oitre, aKuct^a^mtTci^tcfe mufr. j^ P/almc xii. 7 ant) ont!)erinncr0cailetl)fn8re3e(, a;8itl^tcliea;Q(anptdme: fitt^ b]timIlone,anl» tjoljirltJOinDjei t^icfee, appointeDfo^tbeirpmne. 8 J^feetl5enl)oto a tigWeouis^d^oti, t)otl) rigftteoufnelfeimbjace: 3lnt) to t^e iwft atiD t^pittsbttnen, fl)et»e;8^fD^ti^l)i^pleaCantface« ^Saluummefac P/al.xii. TS. rcfojmatten.Cljcn com(o>tc6 fett^ the affnraHcs of ©ow ^dpe J womti w, con « cluoet^ t^at S»ljmall ojUctjj are mottco^wptcd,!^ « W few ^^w"' ^w. IJ Clpe )lo]^ti fo? gooD anD goDl? iwn, ^ -^ BopmBjanDDecap: SnD faitb anD trutl) from t»o^ltrtp men i!8(partet)cleanea^ap* 2 UDboCoDotiiiipttlibtiS^netgbbonctaliiey lit^talketjiaUbutbatne: :f 0^ euerp man betbinbe^ botD> to flatter, lp,anbfa(nr. 3 ;6utaatterinsantibeceitfiinitp;e?^ anH toun9i8i tbatbefo Aout: tirofpeai^pj^ouDiDoiibjS^^make great b^agie^ tbe mo^n foone cut tbem out. 4 :ffojtbepfapftill,t»etx)ttlp|teua(Ie, our totmge$ (^all b;8( ejctod : iS>ur toungjg; be our^>b)e outjbt to^tiht, tobat Hoih WW conttollf 4 iSutfoz tbe great complaint anb crp, of pooze anb men oppjieft : 3rife b)ill 3 noi» faitb tbc liojb, anbt^mreao;etore(t« 5 infirebenepurifiHe* 7 jlioi»ftncetIippjtDmifeij9(toftelpe,^ lojt) kepe ti)p pj^omiCe t^cn : 31ntiraueUjS^not}3 anD euetmo^e, from tljijBf ill feinD of men. 8 f 0^ not)) t^eD)ic]^eD )))oiilD ija( fuii, . ofmtfci^iefe^manifolD: l©ljen t)amtp tx)itft \))o jlDlp men, toi)(g^lpiiB!e)rt:olD. VfquequoDomine, Pial.xiii. T.S, ^^ro^flofoeatb. CSiagthisto O "Ll^ix) lon(j\x)Httl^ufoj8^tme)L(Qti, <'k**""»?^ /^ Ct>aU31neuetbetememl)^eDf ^the^.jr. ^ l^oiD ions D)iltt^ou tl|?t)ifage l)t])e> a$ti^usi)t^out))et:eoSent>eDf 2 3|nibat:tanlitmnD,l)ot» long(^all3I iDtt^ careto^menteH bef |)0D) long eke ©all mpDeaWpfor, tt^uja^tuumpi^oiietme^ 7 :K3et|olD menotDt^Lo^D mp (6ot)> anti i^eateme foi^eopp^efl: : )ltgl)ten mtQeepeja(,leafttbatlfleepe aieionebpHeat^ poffeft. 4 TUadt^ujeimineentmpI^pto me> bel)oll»3IDopiieuatle: ?leaft tbep al(b t^atbatemr foulfe teioicetoCee^me onatle* 4t p^aiCe0to^tmOins: :t3ecatifei^e l^ati) ^eacD mp requeS, anD grauteU mp twiO^ing. Dixit infipience^Pfal.xiiii.T.j, C^(tefcrtbcti) t^ ivtcbcDnes of mm Co srefpnc to(a(l)«(emfoitforie(.t|ataF«i feKi b;onj3trtt6t)tter contempt fo» tet)ict),albcic ^etoengcfateltcitrfciKDspctpcftea Deo it)tt (JE^oft tvoulD teo^effc 1 1 ^c i0 c omfo;t€0. zl r:»:i|EJri :z r| -|p:: i|Jgj^^ I ti^ete 10 no (i5o\i,m f ooliO) men aSirme in t^eir man |^-^JEi|^£^^^ mooDtC^eir Dtift^ateaUco^itupt^anD Wncmtontoi \ ^i^^^==^irjiz:^^ tl)em Dott) gooD: z « €l)e TLo^D bei^elD from l^eaaen ijtgl) j^?§|EE|E|^^i|^E3 t^et)l)oleraceofmanUnt),9ra\D notouett^at (bug!)t U 1. , --e-- mbecl)tl)eUmns^oDtofiiilx»i'»f,Tip :)tr Pfalmcxv 49 ^ 1:1)0? i»ent all toiDe rniti ijoere cojt«pt> mititcueltetljereuja^ none: Cl)at tn ti)e b)o^tlD DiD anp gooD> 3fai'tact:eD3ajB(notone. 43j3^aUt!)eitmDgementfo.far loft, tljatj&U tooi^be mifcWefe M\i €atingmp people euena^bjeaD, not one to Ceefee (^oD?; ^ilL iUD'^ent^ertbu^eitagetljenruU^enlie, great feare on t5e m fl;all fall: f o: dpoD iJoti) loue tl^e tigijteou^men, ' anDifeUlmamtametl^em all. 6 gemocHetfteDoingsiof tfte pooje, to tl)eir repjtoci^ anD (^ame: ^ecaufet^eppnttljeittruft m(^oD, anDcaUt)ponl)t$>name« 7 'But b)l)o © all sine tl)p people l^ealt^, anDi»lien)xiUttl)on fulfill: Cfte p jomiCe inaDe to Jftaell, fromontof ;&ionl)ill. SCuen t»l^en tl^ou (^alt refto^e;asatne;t dtci^a^iDere eaptiuelaD: C^enjacob (ball therein retopce, auDjaaelH^aUbegla^. Domincquis, Pfa^xv.T.S. among t^tiHivl)ui)n'80tbat tfcr b; Uuing to|}}tg^tltr tnifii^t foUricfict^ti^CF fscre ^i0 rpcctaU anO l)Olp fcopie* /-\)LojDt»ttbui m tabernacle, r ^i«,tw,t« -> V tJo^clbaUin^abitemiK SrSrof^ j^jbjl^omixiilttftourecetuetofttoell, Vcj.k r mttjpmofti^olrWU 5^ Palaic|x\r. 2%^c man b3l)ofe Ufe iji( tinco?rai)f , tol)ore\j)o?fee;0(aretu(l:mrt fttcigbt: «Dl^oCel)cartDoti)tl)ttmct^et)ene ttutft, twljofe tongfpeafeeg uo Deceit. jBoUo i^ijaf neigljbour Doft none iU> inboDrgooBjSoitname. |ioJtoillmglieDotftmoouefalfetaie?> tMljic^ migl)t (mpaire tbefame* 4 Ctjatinftwi l}act cegarDefl) not, nialitiow$i»icKeDmen- »ut tSofe t^at lone anD fearetlje jLojO, Ijemafeetftmnc^oftftein. 5 i^iSot^ ant) aUSiiEip^oinife?, t!iatfeeepetl}fattWul^F* ^ ailtUongl) l}e mafte bi$ conenant &> tbati^eDotDlooCet^rebp. 6(C^atputtetl)notto Dfurv> ^ijaimonepanDl)tjE(cotne: liefojto ijncttlje innocent, bot^bjibeai^elfepnttoptie* Ti©l)ofoUotl) allti^ingjs a?{ poufte> tl)at!)erei$tobeDonr- j&^all neuecperift) int!)iiest»D^ no|t in t^e \»oiilD to come. Confcrua mc.PlaUvi. T.S. ,^u^fa*„«rff.k.„,ft. Ii^ofiifrrttl)l)i0(9tacbctwtl)tti0. T £^feeepemefotattuftintl&ee, cjrwigtbi'tc? ^ anD^oconleffeinneeD: ^t'rVfr'c Ci^uattmyd^oDartbofmpgoofijit <■ ^ iS) }Loib t^oiii^Qftnoneeb^ 2 9 PfiUnc XVI. 51 SnD namelp to t^efaitbfuUfloctie* tnl^ettuet^at tmll $ Ci^er (^ail^eapefo^rotDeiB^on t^etr^tiliill tv^tc^nttt ai$t6ep ineremaDr Co ofifetto tiieiDoll goDjes^ alaje(ttt!e(toobaD* 43i|BSfo}ti^eblout)p facttftcr, anD oSrmgiei of ti^at Coji: 3 totll not touci^ tn^^pet t^eof> mplip)S(baU malierepo^. ? jfo]tt»l^p;tl^eilojtDt^po}i!ionij9( ofminein^et^taKce: ainD t^uatt 1^ tlbattioftnidintaine^ mp tent,m^ lot^mp cl^ce, ^ tr^jeplacetD^rinmplotftil^ fall, tnbeautieDtliercell: ^mebentage aOtgnbtome, Doti^pleafe met»ont»}ouiait»eIU /llt^anbettieTlo^Dti^atcaureD mee, tobnDerltanDt^edsi^t: fo2tbpbt)3imeane)Qimrre(retttK)U8i^tief9 Do teaci) me euettenigi^t. s 3!fett^e)lo^b atllmmprig^^ anbtntfl: l^unouerall: jfoji^e botl^ (tanDon m^ ris^t JSianD^ tbetefo^eSt^allnotfalU s i>^betefo^empbattanDtoitgiiIQi> Dotb botb teiopcetogetber: ^p fleQ) anb bobte reS in l^ope, ^i^en St^tieft&mscon&ber. 52 Pfalmexvii. lotciwutDiltnotleaue mpfoulcinstmie, fo.i tm tljou loiieft mec: iliojpettwilt giuctl3pl)Olieone, coemption foz to fee* 'i25umilttcac!) metbetuapaf life, fojalltreafuce anD.ftote: iDf perfect top are m tl)? face, anD patwer fo: euermoje. Exaudi Dominc Pfal. xviLT.S. !^:r:l)ecomplafnetl) te ^mi^tla cnt^tl pjf^eanD arrosoncfeo! ^aui,&l)o ragcr» ix)tti)ouc an^ canfCt Cticrrf^je De ocriret.) <;poii to tcuenje l;ijai innoccncic ano o^^: Deliver l^im. •» OtLoiD giueeare tompiuaratifa ^singtHno? atteaD iDljenJ complaine: atnt)l)earetl)epzapertl)at3lputfoztl), c*c«'u.pf.:> t»ltl) Iipsi tl)at Do not fainc: z^nDIettljeiuDsement ofmrcaiifr, piaceeDalU)aie0 from tbce: aint) lettljmeepeiSbcboiD anl>c!i?are> t^i;3( mp fimpUcitr. , ;/ ^ ^l|oui^a(l:^elltriDemcmrtemgl)t;> antjpetcoulDft tiotijing fiuD; €^at 3 l)auefpoKen toit^ mp tohg, tljat i»a0 not in mp mint)* 43l0fo3it^e t3o?fee0of tDicfeeD men, anD patlje^petuetfe anD ill, f 0? loueof tl)p moft ^olp\»ojlb 31J^anetefrapneD Ml 5 Xbentntliepatbe^ti^at bemott pure, (lap mee )Lo;D anu pteferue: Cl)at from ti^e ^ap \x)l^tmnj toalfte, mpftepumapneuer ftwerue Pfalmexvli. sf 6foiJto calltot^ee(0)Lo,i6) fureIpt^ouix)UtmeaiD: Cljenftearemppjapet^toaprig^t teeU, tl^ei»o;De!e;t^at3|iiaueraiD. 7a>tl)outl)e^auioutof all ti^em, tW put tt)ett trudt in t^ee: declare tt)p trutl) on tt)em t^at rpumci againfttljpmaieftp* S 0> ueepe me Ho^^D aj8( t^ou tDoulDff Iteeep ti)e apple of tl^ine ere: ainD ijnD^r couert of t^p i»iitgei8l» Defentimefecretlie* The fccond part. 9ftomtx)icfeeliment^atttoubleme, anDDaplpmeannop, atnDftommpfoeis^t^atgoe about mpfoulefojtoDeftwp. idmw^ toalioix) mtl)eiri»ojlDlp toealt^ fofuItanDeHeCofat: >C^attntlieitp^itie tl^tio notCpare tofpeal^et^epcare not))3l)at* I iCl)ep Ipe in twaite \»]^ere;3! fljoulD paffe tnttlb ctaft me to confounD: aint) muCtng mtrcl)tefe in their mintteief^ to cad meto tt)e.gtount)e» iz S^uc^ Mht a l^pon gteetiilp, ttiat tooulD bi0 p jiap imb;ace: i© J lurfemg lifee a )LponjsJ t»ljelpe> )))it^tnrome Cecme place- i^Bploztitottljljaftpjeuentmpfoe anD caft Ijim at t^p feete: ^auetijoumpfoulefrom t^eeuill man, €i an& Pfalmexvlii anti \»itl) fte f oDozt) l)im fmite. 1 1 5D e liucr me )loiD bp tl)p potoer, out oi tl]cfc tp:ant3 tjanDiS: iD!}icl) noix) fo longtime raigaeD Ijauc, auD fecpt U0 in tl)eir banD;8(. y 5 3 meaue ftom \j30 jlDlp men to ^l^ome, alltuo^zlDIpgooBeiS arenfe: &}nt\)ti\\€ no t)ope uo^pact of top, but iiUl)0piefent life. I eZ'lmx of ti]p ftoje tljeir belliejei filft toitl) pleafure^to tiieir mtn^e: Cl^eir cbiHiien baucinoug^ auD leaue to tljeir^ ttje reft be^jlnDc^ 17 I3ut 31 fballljoitl) pure confciettcc> bcl}alD tl))? acaciouisface: ;§)0>3at)eu3i looafec^ailjallbefuU '^ of tljine muge auD grace. DiligamtcDomine Pfal. xvlij. T.S. JDaaiD stucti) ti)an&c0 entrtng into b*s btngDome, rjctoiling the marucUonfl graces tf <5ofi in litapzeferuatijn. i^crcmts tljcimagc of Ct;)uac0HingDome,tol)tch ftal cete qucr ci>jou8l)C'.)?ift, bp the \jnipcab3btc lone ot ©cO, :l?ougt) al t^c too?lD tend. 1 . d^ot! mp (Ireugti) ^ fouuutic^of fotce gi mud loue II 11^ I :^:^:^ tliectCt)ouartmp caftleanDDefeucein mrneceffitte; 2. ^*P p (5oI> mp rocfee, in twijom 3! tru(l?tl}e \»o}Her of Pfalmexviii, i: ofallmp^ealtli, 5 l©l)en iftng lauHUnto tfte^LojttJ, moft tBojtljp to be ferueli: %\)m from mp foeja? 3 am rtg^t fute, tbat3n;aIbep;efenieD* 4Cl)epangue0ofDcatljDiDcompaffe me ant) bounD me euerp iDljere: C^ie 6to\»mg txiaueiS of t»icfeeDne?, tJibputmeingreatfeape. s^\)c flteannrubtillfnarejs^of l)eU tjoereroimD about mefer, ainti foil mp Deat^ tb ere ^j^ng p^eparbe, aDeablptrappingnet* 6 31 tbiis^ befet triti^ gr icfe ant) fmart, Dtbp^aptod^oDfojgrace: anU be foo;tl)tBitb m ^leare mp plamt outof^i^ljotpplace. 7^uc^ tetjw^potwer ti^atm l^ija; ijomtlii bemabeti&e eattl) to quafee pea tbefouiiDationof tb^womit ofasafanfo^to (bafee. 83SnBftombt0 noarel^camea fmoi^c, tobetiKmDleD\x)a0bt^ire: 3nb from bfe moutb came hmbteb coalers ofljotconfummsfirc. 9 'Cl^ie t6 Pialmc xvii?# S> c^e toiD DefcenneH from aboue? ant) bo\}oeD t^e l)emien0 lite: ainDtJiilienteat^lifefeetelje caft \ tl)eDai:feene0oftl)effeie. lo ^n Ci)enibei9! atiD on Cberubinia?, fuUtoranp!)eroabe: aintiontl)e\i3in3^ofall tbetointieiS, cameflpingallabzoaD* The fccood parr. ii^ntilfeeabennemoaDatfielje maDc? l)i$l)rtanbfecrete place: s^itl) \x)ater0 blac ^e anD attic clouDeisi enuironeli^etoa^. 1 2 25ut ix)ben tl)e piefence ofW face, in biigfym^ fl&aU appeare. %\)Z cloubes; conCUme anD in tbeit fteaUe;, come l^aile anb coaleisf of (tee. l^ Cbefieriebarteisfanbtbunberbolteia^ btfperfetljembere anb tl^ete: ainb \»itl) W often Itgbtningejai, i^e ptit0 tljem iit great feare, i4lloib,at t\)f \j)jati) anb rbjeatningeje^ anb at t^p cl^tbing cbeare, %\)z fpiingeg anb tbe f mmbationjaJ ofaIlti)eb30zlbappeare. 15 Mt^ fram aboue tlje )Lo^b fent bobone> tofetcbmefrombe!o\j): 3lnb piucfet me out of twateris great, tljat \»oitlb meouerfloto* i63lnb mebelinerebfrommpfoe^, tbat\j3ctiiDbaue mabeme tbtall, Pm from fad) fo e0 aj8( \x)ere too ttrong, fo^metobeale^itl)all. Pralmexviii. S7 i7C^ep DiU pjteuent mc to oppjeffe, in time of mp great grtefc: :t3ut i?et ti)e 7Lo;t) tioaia; mp Defence^ mp fuccour ant) releefe. i8i^e b^oiigtjt me fojti^ in open place, \x)\}zim^ji migl)ttje free: ainD Hept me f aftbecauTei^e i^at»9 afauoutbntome* xpKinli a$i 31 )))aia^ an innocents foliiDI}eme regard: 3lnt) to ti^e cleanne^et of mp ^ntijef, Ije gaue memp re\»arlie. 2ojfojt^at3lIi]oameD in^i^tuaieie^, anD inl)ij0(pat^ei9{l)auetroD: SdnD ^auenotU)auereD luicUeDIp, agatnft mp Tlo^D anD ^oD» The tkird part, 21 25ut euermo^e 3 ^aue reCpect, tol)i0!a\» anD Decree: I^iis^ftatutesanD commanDementjS?, 3lcafl:notoutfrommee» 22 But pure, ano cleane anD Dncojcupt^ appearDebefoje^i^face: anD DiD reframe from tx)ic&eDnej9^, anD finneinanie cafe. 2.^ tirfteitLo];D t^erefo^e toillme tetoarDr* a03!^aueDonearigi^t: 3(nD to t^ cleannelTe of .mpljanDefe appiaringinl)i0fi8l)t. 24 if or;lo^D toitli ^im tljat ^olp ii8?, tDilttl^oubebdlptoo: SJnDtoiti^tbegooDanDbertttousJ meii>: = v. ^ ngl)tbertaouflpi»iltDo» Aqumiu,.. . ^535n6 58 pralmexviii. 25ainD to tlje loumg anD elect, tt)p lone t^ou toilt re«:erue: StnD tl)on toiltbretil)et»icHetimen, a^toicfecDmcntiefetue* 26 jTo: tl^ouDoeftfaue tl^e fimple folbe mtroubletol^entftepUe: aint) Doeftb^mgDotun t^e countenance, of tl)em tl)at looiKe full \^k. 27C^e)l0it) toillligfttmp c3nDlefi)> ti)at It n^all (^ine full biigljt: C^e KLoib mp d^oD toillnmfeealO), mpb ubeneis! to be Itgi^t. 2Sf o,ibptl^pl)elpe,an boaftofmen, liifcomfite)Loi^b3Iftall: 2Br t\)tc 31 fc^le anb ouerleap, tt)eftrenstl)ofanpi»alL 2p2!nQ)ottebatetl)etoaie;9( of<0ob; Iji^txio^b i$;purelie tribe: l^e ig a fare beferice to fuclj, a$ml)is;faUi)abibe* g of 01 i»t} 10 (5ob except t!)e )Lo}b. foiotl)crtibereij3:none: ^l c\^ ixil)o i^ommpotent, rautiig out €^ob alone The fourth part* 3iCfte<^obtl)atg:irbetbme\»itl)(lren8t^i i0lieti)at3!bomeane: Ci:atalltbe)»apejg(t»l)emn3I twalfee, bib cuctmozeUecpe cleane^ :5 2 Cbat matie mp feete lifee;to ti^e ftatC e$ tnfboiftneisofmppace: SKnb fo.i mpfur ctp b^ug^t me f ooit^, into an open place* .w;i;.v>\ i^^t Pfalmexviii. 59 3; 5)e Dit) {it oitiet put mp l?anli^ to battel! auD to figl)t* *^o bjeaUe m UmDcc bar0 of bialTe, be gaue mine arme t^e mtg^t. 34Cl)outeacl)eametl)p fauing ^ealtlj, t^P tig^t ijaiiD i$ mr totjoen Cljp loue an D f amiUantp, HotQ (lt;l encreafe mp potoet^ 3 5 HnD tnuer me ti^ou mabel^plame, tl)et»ap tBl^ere H Ojoulti toalfee ^0 toat mp feete ft al neuer flip, tio^ClumbleatabalHc 3621intifiercelp3ipurfueanD tal^e^ mp foe0 tbat me annoitie: ainb from tbe ftelD Do not xtmnc, tillti^epbeaUOeftroiDe. i7&o3!fUppjefreant) toounD mpfoe^ t!)at t!)ep can t iCe no moje. ;foj a t mp feet t^ep fall Dotjone flat, 3!a:ciHet^emallfofo;e* 3Sf ojtl)ouDofl:gitD mz \x)it^f ^i^fttm$i}} totoarreinfuctjatjaife: 'Ci)atti)epbeaUfcatti:eDabjoalie, ^ t^ati)pa3;ainfl;meriCe, :59 :to3^^ t'aoa i^afi put into mp banDS mp mojtall enemicjs; poue : ainD all mp f oe0 tl^ou tjoeH Deu.tie, in funt»f r toitftrnp fttohe, 4o*Cbep calo fojbel^ebtit none gaueeare, nojl)elpttljemUjitb reliefe: pea to tt)e U'O jtr tljep call) foi beipe pet beard ^e not ti^eir gr lef e. The ^Q Pfalmexvlii. The fift part. SBnDllilllibeDuft befojtet^elDmD, 3 Djinet^em t)nDer feete: SttD n»eepe tijem out lifee filter cla^ ttotftmketljmt&^ftrecre. ,, tEfteu kecpftmefcomfeD tioiigfolfee, tWMlinfttifcbtltnb: atnt) tt)ou Deft of t\)c}9tmtn fol^t, appoint me to be l^eaD. 4i^ people Orange to me bnl^notone^ anD pet tDep ft all me feme: ainD at tlje fir ft obep mp toojtUe, t»berea0mine ot»net»illfi»erue, 443 {J^mbz irbefometo mine o^n, tl^eptoiU notfeempUg^t: 23ut l))anber t»iDe out of mp iQoapeia(> anD^iDet^emoutoffigbt. 45^utblefrer) betl^eIimngXo?^t> mott ^ojtlip of all pjtaife: Cl^at i^ mprocl(e anb Cauingi^ealt^, p,taifebbebeealt»aie$. 46 f 01 mt) it i0 tbat gaue me potoer, reuengebfojtobe: ainb \xiitb W Wv ^ojb fabbube, tl)e people buto me. 473(int)ftommpfoe}3^ me beHuereb> antJ ret me l)i3ber tban tbofe: 'Cljat cruell anD bngoDlp ^ere> anbbpagainftmerofe. 48 ^(inbfojtbiisfcaufeC^U'Oit) mpd^oD totbeegiuetl)anUe$3 (ball: 3ub ring out pjatfejs to tbp name, among tije(^entUeio( all* 49^l)on Pfalmcxix. <*» 4,g%Wsmttt great p^erifte? Co13auiU tWne annomteD Mng, Ca?lienarrant» Pfalxix.T.S l^e mootteti) tiie f atti)euii to gio^ifte <15ot> b? tl^e iBo^fcrmattftf^.tQapo^tfOB. enfi d}* na(ticnt0tiCtl)cticauenjisnD bpi))elea»S9^a;on CoOfjSrcacaled ffitnUttatHc to (ttfltc'ioftn people. r "j , <-. T^eljeauen^anD ttieficmament, ?siiigthi$to-> Do toouDiotiflpDeclam >thf mac of C "Ctjeglojieof i^otJommpotent> -^ ■ '^^ ^^*^S Ui0)))o^fte$anD ii}batt^pare« Cl^e \»onD|tou0 t)oojfee0of <^o!) appeare, bpeucrielmp^0(Ucccire: Clje ntgbW Ufeetbifc to^ic^ tljeit race run, tl)e ftife fame t^ing^ efpzelfe* a^eretsfnolanguagctongjOjfpeecft, iw^eretijeitfounDijefnotljearU: 3lu al tl)e earti^ anD coafteis tliereof, t!^etrbno\x)let)ge t;8(conferD. 4 3n t^em t^e XojD maDe fo^ tlje ftmne a place of greatteno\x)nc: iPljo \iU a b^iDegrome reaDp trtmd} Dotlj from 1)118; ci^amber come» 535111) a^fa baliantci^ampioiT, ^bofojtogetteap^tce: natt^topDotb^aaro ta&em ^anD> fomenobleenterpjice. r^^n e ainU all t^e jsfeie from enD to en&, be c^mpalfetl^ about: l^otijmgcan ^ibettfrom ^iisl^eat^ buti)et»iUfinDitout. 6m I ^ Phlmcxix Ti^otD perfect tttftelaiD of , lK)t» ii0(iifecouenant fUre.- COttuertinglbule^aiiD maWng toitt t^efimpleanDobfcute. 8 juftareftejiojWcommanDemenw, anUgiaDbotti^artanDmmD: l^tf PjteceptiQf pwreanHgiuer^ liSrtjt, tocrejJt^atbefiilljbUnD. ^ C^efeareo{<^oD ig ercelient, dnt)tK)t^ enDurefo^euec: CfteiuDgemenwoffljeTU^Dare true ant) rigi^eoti^altosettjier* 10 ainD mo^e to be iemb^aceO altoaieisf, tiienfincDsolOSfap: ^l^ebonpanb t^ebottp tombei arenotfoft»eetai8!ftep. uBpt^emtbp reruantt$fo}eb)am0> to bnue(5oD in regarD: 3lnt) in perfoiimance of tbe (Kime, tliere (^ali be great ret3oart»« u Butlo^Bts^teartblptnanDot^ Hnobi tljeerrojigoft^i^Ufe: Cljen clenCe mp foule from fecretXinnejet^ to^tcb are in me mo^ rife* 1 1 ainti i^eepe met^at p^efumptttoiDSi fitig, pl^euaUenotouermee: 3inl» Y ibenj ftiaU'be innocent, anHgreatofifenceiBiflee. 1 4 Accept mp moutb ano ei^e mp i^art. mp tr o^te^ anD t^ougi^tjB^ecbone: if 0? nip redeemer auD mp ftrengtl?, Exaudm ExaudiatcDominuJ. ThlxtX.S. Cbrpcopltp^f toCobcoiifaretlifirftinsatid twim^Utxittu S»l)fc^bc9flrc6 ttf^it ^rurent tobatrat]e8gaiitflti)ciiiimontt0,D^rM8ttiit9tat|)aitwf t^ trnftmlfo^us'mutttitptttatonminW mine, i»^<(9|ctl)(M|)frlb«lte,lal tbe king ano i^d people Qjal ftano. I0ttoiU3leanDat)uerfttie^ Csiagthuto^ CftemaiellieofJacobjaKPolJ, ^ -^ trefeiiDtljee from all ill. 2 atnlJfenD tljee fmmW Wv pla^> ftt^Bftjelpeateuetieiieein JuDrom^iottf^abUl^ t^ee, anU mafee tljee Orong u*ee&. ?Semembetl»eUtfte famfice, t&atnot»itflt)im;ij5DDne: 3nOCb mmttiqfyt ftanfeefiillp, tijpbumtofftmg^ec^one. 4accojWngtot:br^eaiti0H)etoe, tt)e)LojD grant bnto tbee: { ainD al% counfell ann Deuife, ftill\»ell petfajmemap i^er* 5^ea?allrmopcet»l^entbouljj9(fatteft, anDourbaimwDifplaj': ^ttto tbe)Lo.:li mitmv tmm, fiiiftilfbbatb atoap* tMiii^teatmomteDteue, ^ ^ll^^.^^^n^PW^ grace: 3nbfenDl)wn.l>ealtft bpWBfri^r^at^, outof^ig^olp place. Tincbariotgfometwt config^ce, an^fometnbo^feiJttuft: »ut ti3ereiTtembet(i5oD our 3toxO, tliati^epet^pjomire,itt». ^4 P/alme.xxi s C!?ev fall Dotone flat but toe Do rife, anUftanUtjpdeDfaftlie: 8ift]9^, aiiDblelTmg2(mamfoiD: Mti tl)ou baft fet Upon l)i0 l)eaB, a crotone of perftrt gDlt». 4 3iuD tol^en i)c ajSUeD life of tl)cc tijcc^of tl)ou maDcfflitm (tire: (tTo Ijaiie long !ife,^ea fuel) a life, a.s{euei:ipoulli ensure rd^eat P/almcxxl •^ tl)i>benefit$ant)aiDe: (5reattx)03il^)ip anti great i^onourbotife ti^ou ^alt bpon l)tm laiDe; 5 Cbatt3ilt9iuel)tmfcUcitie, tl)atneuera)aUDecaie: ant) toiti^ tbp cbearef nil countenance toiltcomfojt^imalt»aie» 7 fojtoi^rft^eMngUoti fttonslptmft, ind^oDfojto pjenaile: C'^ecefojte W goobneffe anb W gtace, tjotu not t^iatbe (ball Quatle. 8 23ut let t^inc eninue^feele tl^pfojice, anb t!)ofe ti^at tijee toitbftanti: jf inb out tbp foe$ aub let tljein feele, tbepoujetoftljpng^tbanb j;;5i;»4;.w: 9 3(lnbUfeeanouenbumetbent ilojU, mfierie flame anbfume: %\)ixit anget fl^all Deftcop tbem all, anb fire ft all tbem confume. 10 ^nbtboutx)iittooteoutoftbeedrt^, tbetr fruite tbat ftoulb increafe: 31lnb from tbe number of tbp folfee, tbeir Ceeb ftall enb anb ceafe* 11 foi tobP^mncbmifcbiefe bib tl^ep muCe againftrqpl)Olpname: ^et biO triep f atie anu ^ab no potoer, foj to perfojme tl)erame. 12 Buta$amar^etbouftalttljemfet, m a mod open place: 51inb charge tl)pbotxiftnngfi(reabtlp, agamfttbineenimiejsface. 66 Pfalmc. xxii« 15 2Se tljou cjcalteD )Loit> tljctefbte, m t^p arengtl) euene^oure: fto ftalliMefing; tigWlblnnnKe, piatfcng t\)V migW anb pol»cr. DeusDcusmcus. PfaLxxii. T.S. C?r>ann>compIavnctl)Of i^etcrpar'iteoctKtirttitfl. anttl>eclaret^ i»bCKof l^rccft= aerct^ I^tmfcirc fcotn temptatton. Cllno» \\ifi pecfon i0 figuteD C();<(1. r^ (501) mr (l5oli,t»fterefo3ieDoft tt^ou 5fi;fJ^if ^^^ ? ^^ foifafeemet)tterUe: 5^^«"'^^°'-\ aiuDftelpe(lnot\»ll;cn3Il>omalfee ^ ^ mp great complaint anH cne:* 2 'Cot!)cemp(i5oDencnaUt)aplon5, 31 Do bod) me ant) call: 3 ceafe not all tlje ni8i^t,anD pet tl)ou Seated not at alL ? (Snentl)onti^atintt)pfanctnarie, anD ^olteplaceDodDtioeU: %\)Oix art tt)e comfort anD t^e top^ anDslo^ieofJfrael. 4 3nDt)eintDi^omourfatl^er;6foID> baD all tfteir Ijope foji euer: 3(lnD tu^en tljeppnttljeirtruftintl^e, fo DtDd ti^on t^em Deliuer. 5 d)eptoereDeliuerelreuer,t»^ tljepcalleDonti^pname: ainD foj t^efaitl) tftepljaD in tfiee, ti^ep toerenotput to fl)ame» 6 :©at3Iamnoi»becomeat»ojme, mo je lifee tlien ante man: ain outcaft tDi^om tl^e people fcoj^ne, twitNllt^efpiteti^epcan. 7 ainD Pfalme. xxii. ^7 7 ainUntetieftJifeaisiftepbel^olD, me \»ali(ing on ti^e t»ap: C^ep grin ,tl)ep mot»,tl)ep noD tl^eit: i^caW anDmt^i$U)ifet^epfap, 8 C^t^man^tDglojttemti^Olo^D, I)ti8ffauouranDl)i^lour* %tt bim tetieeme anD i^elpe l)m noto, 1^113; potwer if i^e b)UI pjoue* 9 'But)lojt)outofmpmotljeri9(t»ombe, 3|camebp%re(|ucft: tEbou DiDft pzefcrue me ftill inbope, \»bile 31 DiO fuche ber bzeft. 10 3 tx)a0 committed ftommpWctft, i»itb tbee to baue aboDe: S)mce 1 t)oa!0! in mp motbersf bjombe, tboubaft beene euer mpd^oD. The fccondpart, 11 cbenHo^bcpattnotnotofromme, in tbiiBi mp p jcfent grieft: ^mce 31 baue none to be mp i^elpe, mpfuccouranbreliefe* 12 ^omamebu!is(bDeompalI(^me> tbat be full aroug of beabe: l^eabul^Co fat, a<8(tbougb tbepbab in :6afan fielb beene feb- 15 Cbepgapebponmegteebilp, a0 tiiougb tbep U)otiib meftap: i^iicb ItM a Hion roaringoiit, anb ramping foi W pjap. i4 But31bzopbo\Mnelifeeteatecfljeb, mpiointjSin fimbci* bzealke: a^pbartbotb mmpbobiemelt, liHet»a^e againfl; tbe beate* 68 Pfalme xxii. 15 aittDUbeapotftarDt)uetlimpftceiigt!i mp tongue it cleattetb f a(^ Onto mptatxjeftanlJ^dttt'^JOWSftt, to DuaofOeatl^atlafl:. 16 ^nh maniedog!8;t)ocompaffeme» anH t^iCUcD counfell chzi ConCpire agamftmecutfetilp, tljep pierce mp ^anDg anD feet. 17 JtoajB^JotmenteDfotftati, mtg^t aUmpbonej9(^auetolD: pet llillt^ponmet^epDtD looifee, anDfti!ltl)epmebe^olD. 18 ^p gacmentstljepDeuiDeDefee, in patted among t^em all: ainD foi mpcoattljepDiUcaaiotiai tobl30ittitmig^tbrfaU. 19 ^l)erefoie3Ip]taptl)eebenotfatte fcom me at mp great neeU: 26ut ratljer fit!) tl)ou art mpftrengt^) , to Ijflpeme )lojl> mafeefpeeD. 2oa[nUfromtl)efi))oi^li]iLojt)fauemp foule tjp tl)p migljt anD tljp potuer: 3lnD Ueepe mp foule tbp Darling Deare, fconDog^^ tbat ^oulU Deuour . 21 3lnD from tl^elionis! moutl) tli^at \»oulD me aUtnfunDerfbtuer: 9nD from tbe l^o^nejOf of ^mco^neiof) ItojtifafelpmeDeUuer. 22 3uD3l(l)aUtompljjetl)^enaU, tbpmaieftierecojD: ainD in tl)pcburc!j[(|)alp!iatretl)ename> oftl)eet^eluuns)lo}D« The ^Pfalmcxxii. 69 The third part. t!)ou31acoblbonoarl)im; 3ntiaUpefeeDeof3irrael, toitl) teuerence too jlljip Ijim. 24 jfoifteDcfpifetljnottljepoo^, l^etutnetl)notatozp ^ijScountenancetoljent^cpDocall, butgrantetljtot^eircrp* 25 3mongtl)eflocl^etl)atfearetl)e)LotD, 3 \»tUt!)erefo|iepjoclatme tiDljp ptaife,anD i^cepe t\}v pzomife maDe, fojfettingfottf)tl)pnamc* 15 CliepooieHaUcateanDbeftiffifDe, anD ti^ofe tljat Do t\m Ueuer Co'fenototljeTloiU ftailp^aifelji^namc, ti^eir l)atti8! (1) all Uue fo^i euer* ty ^Ucoaftei8(ofeartb(l)alpjaifetl^e)lo?D anD tutne to l)im f oi grace: tlCl^el)eaftenfolfee(l)aUioojn?ipi^im, befoie^t$bleireDface« 28 tCbeiimgDomoftljebeatljenfollie, t^e TLojt) ftallljaue tljerefoje; 3nt) l)e fl)all be tWc gouernou^ anbfeingfojeuermoiie* 29 '^IjericbmenofbiiSgoblpgiftisf, l^allfeeDauDtaftalfo: 3lul) ill 1)10 piefence i}3ojO[)ip bim, anD bob) tbcit Unee^full loto. ^jo ^nbailtljatfljaligoeboton^totiuft, ofUfebpbtmmufttad: a9p feeb (ball feme anbpjtalfetljeXozb, tol^ileanp too.ilb njaiUaO:. if ? 3 S^P 7^ Pjfalmc xxiii. 31 Si^f feeD (ftaii plaiueip l^ei» to tijem, tW fltiall be bojne i^ereaftet: ^i^ mflrt ce anil I)i0 rigtjteoiifnelTe, ant) all ^tie: ixjozueijof toonDcr* Dominus regit. Pfal. xxiii, VV.VV. ^5^^"IS ^^""'5 trfc6 (!5o6S manifoi!) rnmlf gDtucM Ifmtp, gatljerrt^ ti) taJTuranw ttiat 003 SotU continncljijB goorncffc fo? cucr. 'T'l^eM.ozDiisfonelpmpfuppojt, csmgthisto p ^ anUDctbatDotDmefeeti: ythcu?p/ai < |)0l»can3|tl)enlaclieanptUmg, ^ ^ toi^creof 3 ftanti mneeti* i^e trotf) me folD tn coatei8imofl:rafe> tl^e tender gralTe fall bp: 3inD after D^tuei8( me to tl^e ftreamei6(> tD^icl) tunne modpleafontlp. I aitiDtoljenllfeelempfelfeiieareloft, tl^enDot^ ijemei^ometafee: ConDucttng me in tl^e tig^t patl)e0, euenfoiil}t;8iob()ne name^Cafte. 4 3nD tl^oug^ H toete euen at Deati^ie? Ho^e pet ^oninljl fearenoneill: f 01 toitft ti)p roU ant) (l^epl^eartiiei croofee, 3(amcomfoiteDll;(lh 5 (Cljoui^aft mp table n'cl^lp tiecM, intJefpig:l)tofmpfoe: tlCibon Ijaft mp l^eaD ixiitlj balme tefteO^t, mpcupDotl^oncrfloi)). 6 auD f mallp tjoi^tle b^eatt) tiotl) laft, tl)p grace fljall me t)efent): aint) in tlje i^oufe of (^oti t»ill J, mplifefo^ep^rfpenD, An Pfalme.xxiiii. 71 An other of the fame, by .T.S . ^ ^ notljtngt^erefojejneeD: 3in pafhirejBifaire twiti^ twaterjs; calme, IjefewmefojtofeeD. 2 l^etiiUconuenanDj^laDrnpfouIe, anD b^ougt)t m^ mmti in fcame: Co t»ali^e tn pati^e^ of ttgi^teQurnelTe^ fo^i^ia^moftlol^name. 3 )^eatl)ou9i^3It»al{tetnt3aleofDeati^» pettwtUJfearenoneill: €l^p i:oD,tl)p (laffe, Dotl^ comfort me, antiti^ouatttotti^meiltilU 4 ^nUint^epjefenceofmpfoeft mp table t^ou ftaltfpjteaD: C^ou (Ijalt €) liojD fill full mp cup, auD ebe annoint mp ^eaD« 5 Cibjougi^allmplifettefauoutfe fo franklie 0) et»De to me: C^at in t^p i^oufe fo^ euermo je, mpl)))3ellingplaceQ;all be* Domini eft terra. Pfal.xxiiii. I.H. C^ ti^at tisercin Doe enDure. ^fo^t 72 Pfalnlexxiiii. 2 f03tl)el)atl)fa(Hpfount)eD it, abouetl^creatoftanD: %n\) lattie aIoi]a tl)c ItQutt) fioix^g, to 6o)B beneath t^elant)« 3 fo3tb)l)oi)B;^e(€>)LojD)t!jatftall afcenDintot^pl)ill? €>^ palTe into t\)V Wv place, tl^ete to continue ftil!? 4DDl^ore]^ant)iBiatebatmle!e(.$b)l)ofe^act no fpottberetiotl) Defile: l^t)8^ route not ret onbanttie, U)!)o l)atl) not fbooi^ne to suile* 5 !^imtl)atii8:rucl)aone,tlie)lo^l3i Q)aU place in bliffuU pUgl^t: Siinb (Boh W(Boh auD rautout, tball peelb to ftim bi^Bi ngj^t 6 ^bt!$ii8fti^ebtooboftt:aueUer;Qf> inree]^ingofi^i!B(grace: 3$ Jacob bib tbe 3Ifraelite, intljattimeofbi^tace. 7 l^epjincegopepourgategjllanbope tbeeuetlattinggate: foi tbere fljau enter in tbecebp, tl^eking of siojsioujQi date. 8 mljatigt^ekingofglououjSiaatef t^e fl;cong anb migbtie TLo^b: %\^e mtgljtiea^oiib in battcU ftout: anbtnaUoft^eDx)0}b. 9 |^ep?ince!0ioperoui:gatejE(>ftanbope tbeeuerlaftinggate: foi tbete ft all enter m tl^erebp, tl)eikingafglo}iou^aate« y ioUD!)atij0?tl)eWngofgIoiiou;8(llatef Cljefeingtiom antitljeropaUie, Ad te Domine. Tfal. xxv. T. S. IDattf d qtimtb at ^d finttctf atm malicious enemies , mo2 firncntlj? P?8p:tl) fo? fo^ giacneCTe, efpcctallp of fac^ 00 ^t commuted in ronti). I 3 lift mine i^eact to tl)ee,mp ^oli anU guitie moft iull: fell^-j^^^ll^^ |iotofuflfermetotafeenoB)ame,foiimtt>eel>o3mift, fei^i^i^^^ 2Xet not mpfoe!8(reiapce,no^mafeeafco3ineof mee : anli fe^^i^ Srrrz:;:- ,, ■ ■ ■ ^.^ ■ let tl)em not be oiiertlj:oij3n;t^at put ti^eir truft in tljee* 3 53ut fl)ame fl)al tljem befal5tiil)icl) l^arm t^em tojSgfulIp: Ci^etfo^e tl)p pat W ^ ti^p riglit DQaie!0(5t)nto me itojtD Defer?. 4 J^itect me in tljp trut!) ,anD teacl) me 3! t^ee piap : 'CbottartmpdDoDanDfauionr, ont^ccj lj}attali»ap. 5 Ci)p mercieis! manlfolU, 31 P^ap tl}ee Tlo?D remember : 3lnt)eKetl)ppittteplentifull : fo? tljej^ljaue beenefw euer- 6 iilememb^r not fot f auitisi) anti fr isiltp of m^ pmitl) : la^member not i^ot» isaoiautj iJ^iie been e of tljptrut lj« 7 litem "^ 7^4 Pfalmcxxv^ rl 7 Bdfr after mp Defm$, let mc tt^ metcte fitiD : :6ut of t\)m oujue benignitte )Lo jD ijaue me m tljp m(nti. 8 ^is^ metcte ijQ( fiill fmeet, i^tjQi ttut^ a perfect qm\}e: Cljerefole tlje U-ojU t»ilfinneri8i teaci^,anD fuc^ a^go afitie. 9 Cl)e l)umble beAjoiflteacbiftija^ptieceptiSJ foi to feeepe : ^e iDill Direct in all Ijijsi twaiejaJ, tlje lo\x)lp anD tbe meefee* 1 f o: all t!)e \»aie0 of d^oB, are trutb ant> mercie botb: Co t^cm tftat teepe W teftament^tlje ujitnefleof ^i^ tcotb. IpThefccond part. i I iittolx) fox tbp Wv name, €) )Loil> 31 tljee itttreat : tiro grant me parDou fo.i mv finne, fot it w^ to onD:ou$ great. 1 2 i©l)o fo Dot^ feare tl)e TLoz^? t:^^ S-031D Hotl) btm Direct : Co leaD W life in Cue!) a toap^ aisi l^e Dot^ bed accept. x^ l^ij3^roule(]^aUeuermo!te, in gooDnelTeDtoen anD ft anb: ^ig feeD anD l^i^ pofteritp^inl^erit fl^all tl^e lanD. 1 4 3iiUtl)ore t^at feare tl)e a.o]iD, fenoto ^iis fecret intent : 3nD bnto tl^em l)e Doti^ Declare^l^t^ toill anD teil^ament. 15 fl^ne eiejai anD eUe mp Ijeatt, to ^im 3 toill aDuance: Ci^at pluckt mp feet out of tl}e fttare^of fmne anD igtiojtance. 16 naitlj mercpmebei^olD,totftee3Imafeempmone: foi 31 am poo.ie anD Defolate, anD comfo^^leffe alone. 17 Cbettoublcjsofmp beart, aremultrplieDinDeeD; Baling me out of tbi$ miferie, necelTitie anD neeD. X 8 23el)olD mp pouertie, mtneanguifl) anD mv paine: llcmit mp ftnue tj mine offence,anD mafee me cleane againe. 1 9 Q ilozD bebolD mp fot^, bo to tbep Do ftill increafe: j^urfutng m: \i DeaDlp bate,tl)nt fame tooulD Hue in peace. 20 jdjteferue anD Iteepe mp foule,anD efee Deltuer me: ^uD let me not be oiiertbjto tone,becaufe 31 truft in tljee. 21 )Letmprimplepnreneire, me from mine cnimie^fl)cnD : 'Bccaufe 3ilooUeaj3iOneof tljine^tljatp O^ulDftmeDefenDe 22 l^eliuer Plalmexxvi. 75 2 2 d© eliiiet %t>tX^ ti^p folfce, antj fcnD tijem fomt teliefe : 3 meane t\)V cljofen 3lftaeU, from all t^eit paine auD griefe, ludicamcDominc. PfaLxxvi. T^, C SDantD trfnrtoufl? opp^eflTcd, anD ^cipcUfre. t^etaCTnreD of I|l0intfstittp to ^aole, callctl) (2DoD to DefcnD l)tm caurdefreaffltcteD* C^ett tjcDcfiret^ to be tntt^c catrpa:: np of (l)c fait^HlI in tbe consregatton of d^oD. &)l)cti i)ce &)80 bantQ)et) bf datae* p;tomtQn2SoDI^Hre> open pjapfcs* t)|anbcfsinit;s, ano racnfice fo? ips dettut^ raunce, T i©^libempiuD5e,anDtl|outf)altfee csingthiswo ^ mppatlje^berigljt anD plainer VhcZpfau c \x}iil (trengti^ meto temame. 2 i^j^oue me mp d^ob 31 tfteebefice, mp twaie^ to feared anb trie: M men bo pitoue tbeir golb tDttl^ 6re> mp rained anb ^att eQne. 3 •d^pgoobneflfelatbe before mp face, 3iburllbel^olbaiboate$: f oj of t^p trutl) 3! tceab ti^e trace, anbiDtllboaUmpbateje(« 4 3D^onotluftto^aunto^bre, boit^ men ^i^ofe )»o;beiei are batnet Co come in tjoufej bo refufe, toitl) ti^ebeceitfuUtraine. 5 3Im«cftabbo;retbeij)ic]^ebroit, t^ir beebeis 31 bo beliJife: 3 bo not once to t^em rcfo^t> tbat bnrtf ull tbinge^ benife. 6 ^pl)anbs;3ItoaSb5anbbop;oceeb in t)30^ke;3( t^at boall^e bpi(gt)t: Ci^en to tbine altar 31 mafee fpeeb> to offer ti^ere in fisi}t. # 76 Pialmcxxvii. 7 %W 31 map fpeake ^ pjieac!) tlje p;ta ffe tl)att!otl) belong to ftec: a[ulifoDccltuel}oiJo i\30uD:ou^\»aici9f ti)on hafl: bccne goot) to mcc. £) )LojDtl)p!)oufe3jlouemoftDeare, tomeitD.ti)Cjccell: 3) Ijauetieligljt aiiD \3oouR) beneare, tol)C teais t\}v grace Dot^ Di»elL P €) (but not bp mp foule toitl^ tljein mfinnetljattaUetUcirfill: JOo? pet mp life among tl)ore men, tbat fecUe muct) biouD to fpill. 10 r©!)ofe\)anDs(are l)eaptt»itl) craft anD tbeir \i^^ tljereof are full: (guile, SK nBtbeir rigljt l)anD ^itlj tojenclj ^ \»ile, fo; b]tibe!S Do plucl^e anD pulL 11 2Eut jinrigljteoufneffeintenD, mp time anH Dapejei to feme: l^aue mercp TlojD anD me Oef enU, fotljatJDonotfiwerue. u #p foot i0 ftaiDefo^t all a(raie$> it (fantetl) toellanbrifftt: uoljcrefoie to Cor> \xiU 31 giue p jaife, in all ti>c peoples! igt)t. Dominusillumi. Pfal.xxvii. I. H. ]Dautt)!)e!iu're') franQreat pcnl0 gtaetI)tl)anUeg:to!|tretn Uiefcctitd C0R(lamfaUI!l 0gatn!ltl}ea(rduU0of ali htscncm'es, anD tdceno U)t)p lieocftml) to liueanD to btt DCliumD, ^\)in \): cjc!)o;trC!) to f ftailinanm.iUenieDifmniDe? >hVrpf°[ f ^itl) 35 Do require, tl^at^etDtllnotDeme: f oj iDljicl) 3 pjar anD twill Defire, till^etomeapplie. 5 Cl^at3lt»itl)inftisi^olppIace, mp life t^jougljout map HiooeU: ^0 fee t^ebeautieof^i^face, ant) i)ie\j) l)i0 temple toell. 6 3|nttmeofli:eat>l^en)allme^iDe, tatti^in ^iioiplacemod: pure: anD feeepe me Cecret b^ W W>^ aisonaroci^emoftfure* 7at!en8ti^3|bno\x)tl)e]ilojDje?80oD gtace (^all make me llrong anD dour: ^pfoejaitofoileanDcleane Deface> ti^at compalfe me about. 8 ticberefojetoitbintbpboufetolj gtuefacrificeofp^aife: V^)!^ l^falmeis^anDCongeisibDtn^ applp^ to lauDe ^z )Lo^D ali])ate$. The ftcond part. 9 :tojDljeateti^ebopceofmprequeft> fbj^btcbtotbee3IcaU: t^aue mercie lio^D on mee cppi^eft^ anDfenbmebelpe tDttl)all. xo ^pbartDoti) unotxilcDgetmtotl}ee? jftietoljauetl^pgwce: 7B Pfalme xxviii. •^Tijen fecfee mp face farft t!)ou to me, :ilo:?) 3 ijaillfceketi^fece. 1 1 3Jn \»iatl) turne not tljp felfc atoti?, nozfuffcrmetofliDe: Cljou art mp Ijelpe fttll to tWjB? Dap, be ftill mp (^ot) anl) giuDe. 1 1 app parents botl) tl;eir fonire fojfoolie, auDcaftmeofatlacge: ainti tl^en tl)e I'OjD ^imfelfepettoofee of me tl)e cure anH cljarge* 1 5 'Ceacl)nie€)(I5oDt]^e\»aptotl^e, aiiD Icatj me onfoztl^jtg]^: f J fear e of fuel) a$ i»atcl) f o j me, totrapmeiftbepmigljt. 14 ^onotbetaliemetot^e^iH, oftl)emtl]atbempfoe$: Jf oj tbep furmife againft me flfll, falfetx)itneffetotiepofe. 15 fl^pljarttooult) faint, but tliattn me tl)i9bopets(fi)ceDfaft: Clje^LozD^iotiiB! goon grace ftalict fee, in life tljat ate n^aUlaft. 1 6 trrud (III III d^oD tobofe \ril)ole tl)ou art, bisitoiUabiDetboumufl: 3(luti be fljall eafe anO ftrcngtlj tbp Irart, iftl)Ouml)imt>otruft. AdteDomine. Pral.xxviii. T.S. ft:5»*:ecit7gmfeareanDpcnaticnerretofcc^oDr>itbono?ca br^'tcfteD-mcn lie tfrpctlj ro:t)?ngMnccagnin(ltt)etn,anDbe(ng(i7urcDt^at(!5dDI)atl)^cdrd t^itn, Ijc corns mcttDeti; alltt}C fn.t^fuUto l)i0 tattiCR. CSirt^thh to "^ nr l?ou art £) KlojD mp (Itengt!) anli ftap, ) the tunc of 4 J ^ tl)efuccour )»l)icl) 3 craue: 2'^'*'^^^^' S Pialmcxxviii, flf 5i3e8lect me not lead 3! be Itfte, to tl^em tl^at goe to gtaue* 2 tEi^ebotceofttiiffuppUantl^earey ^at bnto t^ee Uoti^ ctie: iiDl)en3 liftbpmpi^anDiSbntD t^p^lteari^emofti^te* ^^epute me not among tjefojte, of tmckeD ant) peruerte: Ci^at Q)eake ttgi^t faite bnto ti^eit ftimt^gy anD tlimtief ull ill in l^art. 4. 3liccojiDingtoti^etri^anDiet0o^ ajait^ep DeCetue in DeeD: 3IInU after rteicinuentionjBf, < ^^^ let t^emteceme ti^eir meet» 5 f o^t^eptegatDenoti^ing (^WtoojW? ^ijsilatjjnepet^i^loje: :- C^etefo^e i^e toill tl)em anD tl^ reeD, tiefttoiefoj^euennoie. 6 tiro rentier t^an]^e;8it)ntotl^e)lo^D> ^ot».great a caufe ^aue 31: ig^boice.mr p^ater,ant> mp complaint^ ti|at^eart)(o)»illinglie« 7 l^eije(mpfbiemant)fojitttutie^ mpbuclderintiillreire: a^p ]bope,mp ftealt^,mp ftartifif rdiefe, mp (bnglball bim confeCfe. 8 |)ei;e(ourftrengt]^anDourMenre, ourenimieiaitorefift: V^t i^ealtt) ant) t^e faluatton> of ^ij5 elect bp C^;i(l:^;unau ;;^i; 9 cibP people ant) t^ine^ttttage,' ltt4)^Dbleire;guiDeant)p;erente: In «P Pfalmc. xxix. Jjixctcnk t!)cm )to3tt) anH rule tljeir Ijeart^, tl)at t^ep niai' neiicr ft»erue. AfFcrte Domino. Pfal.xxix. T.S. ClDau(Dc)t:')C3ttctl>|Gy;irce0C&I)o fojttl^emo&parttljftibetbmitfnocEioD) at lead ro fearf ; albeit it t^.ieatnctl)anner0 pctttmonet^litotop^atret^itfnamc. r; 3Buetotl)eTlojDpe^otentatei2f, .Sth"efun^«f ? ^i s ^^ petu!cr0oftDct»o:lt): YthJ^^^pSuC ^iuepe all piaife,l)onoutanD(lrengt^, ^ -^ t)ntotlieluung)l03^t). 2 (I5iuel)onourto5t;0?l^oli>name, anDl)onourlbint alone: iC^oiHip Inm in W$ maieltte, i»iti)inl)ii3(ljolpt^l^ne» 5 l^igboiceDoti^ruletljeiDaterjaiall, euen a0 l)imfelfe Dotl) pleafe: i^e Dotl) prepare tl^e tl|Junt)erclapiQ() anD gouerneiSf all tlje feasf. 4 ticijc l)otcc of d^oti ^a( of great foK^> anr» ^ont)ioui8f ejccellent : 3ltii9fmo(l:migl)tiein effect, anH molt magnificent ,,^^,^, 5 CljetjoiceofdPoDliotljrentanti b?eafee, tljeCeDar trees; fo long: C^e Cellar trcejs? of :iLitjanu£f, i3al)icb are mod: btgb anO fhrong. 6 i^nD mattes; tljem leape Hfee a$ a Calfe, ^ oul)3;tl)C(Kmcoine: J3ot onelp trees, but mountaiueja; great tobereontbe trees are borne* , 7 !^is boice \izm\}tsi tbe flamesof fire, anb O^a^e^ t^eboilbernelTe: 8 3t Pfalme xxx. Si 9 3ttnaU^t\}tl^mWoifttLUto calue, atiD mafeejB? tl)e couett plaine : %\}m in ^i;5 temple mttv man, i^i{SSlojPt)otl)p?oclaime* 10 €liejio^Db}as!fetaboueti^cfloutij2(, ruling tl)e raging fea: S>o 0)aUt)eraigneaj3;:ilojDanDHiii3;, fozeneranDfojape* 11 -c^e )loiD i»iU giue W people pot»er, (ntertuetotncreafe: C^e ]io jU i»tll bieffe IjiiS cl)ofcn folifte, ij)it^euerlaftingpeace» ExaltabotcDomincpfal.xxx. I.H C&lienlDaniD (^oulQ DeDic^te liis tjonre to t^e ILo;D, \)t fell octrem? fSc^e fioif^ottt ell fiopcof life. an& ti)erefo;ie after recontriC) litt^anbeD(^o D e]cl;o;ttttg otl^ers t3 totl;eiibe.ant>Uamc^bpbtmtt)at(5oDi0 tatifit mcrctfuli t^an feucre towavDtf ^10 aifo tl)at aDnerfitte is futntcn, C^en t)ct>;ateti),and p^omifetl) to p;atfe (0oo fo) cacr. , , . rsi:;: I am lauD f p^taife toiti^ Ijart ? tottc, flD HojD 3 Siwe to feiiii $i3i ^1^ tljee: i33l)ici^ tiitift not maifee mp foe^ reioice, hut l^aft ejral^ -Ai.^. 5z: [^teD me ♦^ )S) )Lo3it) mp €Jol> to t!)ee3| crilje mall mrpame d^i* anD « Pfalme.xxx. fe=sE|Efesi=i|Eiii «-■ ■ "^ '2^ 6f grief: C^ou gaueft an eare, anD DiDft p^ouiDe to eafi^ -b.. :i?3E_3l|:; metoitljreleefe* 3 €>f tl)p gooD toll tftoubail; cult bncU mpfoalcfromljelUo tmm Cl)OuDiDftrcumct»l)en ftrengtlj DiUlaclir anDi^eptmefromtlje grauc- 4 S> tug pjtatf e pc fatntiS, tbat p joue anti fee tlje gootineire of t^c )Lo jD: 3|n memoitie of W maieftte, mopcetoitft one accojl»» 5 jfoii^^p-^l)ii8iangetbuta fpace, Dot^ laft, auD flacfee againe: 25utmi^ii3?fauoucanDl)ijg grace, ali»aie0Dot^Ufe temame. ^i^oiigl) gripes; of griefe, ^ pang0 full fo?ex ftal loDge ix)itl) ^^ ail nTgl)t: CljeiLo)it)toiopn)allb;0( reftoje, befo^tljeDapbeltgl^t. 6 nai^en 3 inioptie tl^e txiojlti at boilt tl)u0t»oult) i boaftanD fap: '®i(!) , 3 am fare to feele none ilU tW ^ealtl) fl;all not necap* 7 :f 0^ ti)ou jC> )lo;tii of tbp gooD grace, ijaDft fent me (Irengti) auD aiD, :©ut i]o!)en tljou turnna at»ap tbpface, mrminft^a^foje DifmatOe, 8; m¥^^^ P/almexxxi S| anU pjatD botl^ Dap anD nig^t. P o^l^at gaine i^s: inmp btouUfaiU % tf5eatl)Defl:rormp Date?: jaot^ Dull Declare tl|p maieOte, ojpett^pttutftDotft p^ife* lo D^t^erefo^e ntp<^oD Ibmeptttietal^e^ £>Xo;D3ItteeDefice: Bo not tl)i?rimpleroulefo;ral^e) ofljelpe 3 tbee requite. ii'viE^enDiDat^outumempgrtefeanD ^^o, intoacl)erefiintjopce: Ci^emournins DoeeD ftoutoofeftme fro, auD maDefl: me to reiopce, i2iJDl^erefo?e mpfoule tjnceffamlp, ftailfm3l)ntotliPP3tatfe: fl^p >LojD mp d^oDjtot^ee toillj Siue lauD anD t^an^iQ^ alt))aieil» In te Dominc fpcraui.Plal4axi.I*H € 2Danfl)UeW8ireDf rem great Danflcr, IbcSoctl) firft&^dtntcMtatfCtt fiefiat) few tl)et)o&)cv of fatt^,i»l)enDeatt)&)ai9 before ^ide?£0,anli()Of»t^efanonr of ^n 8ltoat(0l£((€aDp totbsfetbatfeare ^m^f^ g^^^m^ ti)S fatt^fullto trna tii eoD,bccattft l)et»>«ftr«et^ ^Itn, O^ .^ -^ ^ ^ . « \Sing this tOi lojD 3 put mp trufl: m tljee •^thc «une of^ letnotibinf\j30?fee mef^ame ^^^^i9*^^»i^ Z^ tljou art tuft Deltuer me anD fe t me quite ftom b!ame. 2 !^earemc ^ )lo,iD,auD ti^at anon, to^elpeme maik^gooDtpeeD: (34u ^4 PfalmexxxL ?3e tl)ou mr rocHe anD ijouft of (lone, mp fence in time of neeD. ' jFo?i»l)P^a5^ ftonegfftp ftrengtft i^i triUe, t^on art mp f ojt anD toi»er : f oitljpnamejSCafeebe tftonmpguiDe, ^ anDleatimeintl3ptot»et. 4 i^lucfee f oojti^ mp feet out of tl^e fnare, \x)W^ t^ep f oj me Ijaue laiD: %\)0\x art mp ftcengtlj^anD of mp tare i anD fenotoefll: mp foule full toell: 8 %\)m !)a(!: not (eft me in tl^etr ^auD^ t!)at tooulD me ouerci^arge: 25utt^out)aftretmeoutofl)anD, totoalfeeatJ^oHeatlarge. Thcfccond part, p d^reat greefe O HoiO Dot!) me alTaile* fomepitie onmetai^r: S^ine eie^inajc tiim^mp figi^t Wl} failr, mp toombefo^too Dotb afee* i©fll^piife iistoojne toiti^griefeanDpainep, wppearei^intooarejiaft: Pfalmc xiscxJ, gj m^ hontfi corrupt anD )uall:» II amongmpfoeieiaamafcoitne, mp fttenD^ are all biCmait): ^?neigi^lJo;$anD mpfetnfmenljo^w, tofeemeeareafraiDe. ;i1E0menonceDeaOeateoutofmmD; foam^twtwfa^ol:: 3i6i Cmall ef ect m me tgepf ind^ a^tnabjteHenpot. i| 3 l^eacD t!je bjagiBJ of all fte tout, tljeir t^^eatjBi mp minD DiO frap, i^oto ti^ep con())itet) anD toent about, totabempi(fea\»ap. 1 4i5ut )LojD 3 trufl: m t^ee foj aiD, notto be ouerttoD: :f 03^ 3 confefTe anD ftill ^atie Cw'D, tljou art mp^j^U anD (SoUo 15 C^e lengtljDf allmp life aub^ge, €>)Lojbisintljpl)and: l^ef enb me from t^e t» jatb anD rage> ofti^emtbatme iDttbftanb. j6%o me ti^pferuant)U^b eicpjeffe, anb Q)m tbp topfull face : Sinbfaue me TLo^ fo; ti)p soobneiTe, t^pmercpanbti^p grace. yThc'third part, i7:i gnrtev from all pzouD biags^ anD t» jongjBi: m\t\)in t^p place tDou ftalt tljem IjiDe, fromalltijeanfeoftongjs; zoCljanfe^totl^eHojDtljattjatl) DeclarD, onmefti^gracefo^farrc: apetoDefcnDiuitl) toatcl) anli loart?, a0 in a to^ne of iwatre. 2i^l}u;8! HiD 3 fap botl) tJap at|t) nigljt, \x)ljen 3! i3oa$ foje appjeftt- )l0;3! tx)a;8;cIeanecafi:out of figljt,, pet IjearDd tijou mp requeft zz pe faints lone pee tl)e )lo?ti 3 fap tljefaitl^fuUljeDoft guilie: aint) to tl)e piout) ^e Uiill tepap accojDihgtotljeirp^iOe. ^?23efttonganDd5oDa)aU ftappour Ijeatt, beboit)anD!)auealaft: f o;tf!ite tlje jLoiD tDiU tafee pout part, fitijpeon t)im Do trull. Beat! quorum. Pfal xxxii.T.S. 4y»3DamDpimmii:eDS»ii!) Yimous OcHncBfo;^i£f fitwctf, cotmutfj tiftm ftappfe t«> fel)omc(:DODDotbnotlmpiitetl;eittrtinfgrcffion0.ainoaf{cr tl)athcl)aD confcfffBbMJ Qnnefl, ond obtepneo part)on,ije C]cl)o;t(tb t^c tt^tcttcD tncn to hue go^}; andt)}« S eotorciopce, T'i^e mail i^siblefl; twljofe toicHebneio Csing t>ii, tol •*^ tl)e)Lo:t)l)atl)cIcane remitted, lt)aUi^aue no poller onl^im. 7 Da^en trouble anD aDuetfitie^ DocompalTemeabout: •Ctwjuart mptefugeanD mpiop, anD tbou Doefi: riD me out. 8€omei^et^eranD3 (l^allti^eeteacl^ l)ol»t^oufi^oulDn;)»ali^e artgl^ts aiuD ixiill tbee guiDe aisj mp felfe, liauelcarnDbpp^oofe anDfigi^t p^enotfotutieanD ignojiant, a!0!t!3!tbei^oiifeanD mble: ttDt)ofemout!)t»itbout ataineotbit, ft omljatmetbou canftnot rule: 10 tlTlje \xiicfeeDman ©aUmantfolD, CoxroD3e$ auD griefe fuRaine: (^ 4 'ti:^ Pralme xxxiii^ -mlnVl jBiit tntoljim tl^at truftief in d^oD, l)t$ gooDne0fl)ailtemdtne. n 15 c metrie fterefoje in t\)C Ho jt)> petuftliftuprourbopce: 3(int) peofpnteanDperfcct^art, be glan anD efee reiorce. Exukateiufti. Pfal.'xxxiii. I.H, C. I^e cjclio^tctl) goot) men to t};icttrc (0oD to} crtaHns aim gouerntng oil tiiittisft^ t)i0 f aitbful p;o>mrf0, foz frattertng tt^c counrdl o( cl^c Istcbcb, tea(!;tng tl^at n^^^ creature p?cfeructlj atiK; man, but onip l)i0 mcrcie , iti^afeemelpfigDt: ^S^'S 'C^iat tjpugl)t men ij)iti) tljanfefiill bopcc flj onlt) piaife tlje moC^^ feare d^oti anD ^eepe W lat»: Pc tl^at ini^abite in tntl) coad, UjeaDi)im anD danD in at». iB^atljecommanlreDiKjougWit ^afc at once tjoitl^ p jefentfpeeD: j^n^ljat ijeUotl) \3otn i>s^ biougftt to paffe;, i»i^ full effect tnbeebe* 10 "Cbe counfeWof tbenationgs tube^ tbejdojDbotbbjtng; tonongbtt l^e botb Defeat tbe multituDe, of tbetr DeniCe anD tbougbt* 11 23ut W Decreed continue ftilU tbep neuer HacJ^e o j ftoage: CJe motionis i^fW minD auD lj)i!l tai^eplaceineuetpag?. Thcfccondpare u anDblett aretbepto t»^omrt!)e)Loiit§ ai0((i5oD anD gutDeiisifenotone: Dbom be Dotb cbuCe of meet e acco jD ^ totals: tbemajs? bi0 otwne. /ii:beiloS)fi:ombeanencaft l^i^tiiliU onmenmottallbpbittb: 3 4 ConfiDetingfrom biis feat of migbtj* tbeDijoellerjSJoftbeeattb. 35 ^l]e lojtD 3B fap t»bofe bauD batb mans bart^anD Doft it ftame:(\xijougbt foi be alone Dotb Hnoto tbe tbougbt, anDttJo^tfeingoftbe fame, im Mng.tbattniftetb inbfe^boatt^ 9^ Pfalmcxxxiii* fljdl nausl)tp]ieuaile at lengtl^: tC^emmitfiatofljtiaimtgWDotl) boatt, fl;aU f atie fo^ all l)ij$ ftcengtli. 17 'Xi)c ttoupeg of l^oifemcneikell^all faile^ t!)cirllui:DiefteeUc0 Hall ftetue: (^caccngtl)of Ijoife (t^aUnotpjeuailei tljenUertopjeferue, ^ 8 :t3ut Id, ti^e m^ of (^oD mtcnlij anu iMatci^ to aiDe tlje iuft UDitti fuel) a^feare Ijim to offenD, ant) on W gooDneiTetrull:* ip'^DliatljeofDeatljanD all Wdreffe, map fet tl)eir foule from DjeaD: SdnU if tljat Deactl) tlje lanH oppjelTcv inl)ungctti)emtofeeD. 20 i©l)crefo?eom: foulejsfDo IHUDepeuU on (^oD our ftrcngtl) anD flap : ^e i$ ti^e D;ielD lJj5 to MenD, anDD^tue all tiart^ tcmnv* 21 €)ur foule in d^oD i^aue top anD same> reiopcinginl)ts;mtgl)t: iFojt \»i^p;'in lji$ mod i^olp name, toe Ijope anti muc^ DeUg!)t. 22' Doonelptruftintliee* Benedicam Domi^ Pfal.xxviiii. 1S» \ i tt)cr e)campletotrufttn(i&oD,tofcarcanorerue i)tm,ix)l)o DcfcnOSt^ t^ SODIp xvit^ 31 Pfalme.LxxxiMi 9^ TttatllgmelauDantiljonourtjotli, Csingthi»top ^ iJtitotBettojitialtoate^: Yil* ""p?t ft all fpeafee UntoJftijgpjaiCe. 2 3f Dh) Deiigl^t to laut) t^elojn, infouleannciiembopce: CwljumblemenanD mo;tifi'eD, map^eareanDfoteiopce* [ 3 Ci^erefojefee tljat poti magnifi'e. ' toit^metl^elimnga^zr): anD lettenoto e^alt ^10 name, togetl^ertoit^oneacco^tr. i^eanfijoerels meagame: 31nli meCetfreemcontment, torn all mpfeare^titipamr* 5l©l^ofotljepbeetl^atljtm beWft, ftanreeW^ligbtmoflt clearer ^JCfjeit countcnanceftail not be tiaat ^ ^ Ji^^P neeU it not to feare. <5 ^IJi^illptw^etcljfo^fomereleefe, ^. JIJfof^je^tLo^tititDcall: i^9oDiDbtmljearetx)itbout Delap, anDriDlTOoutoftljialL TtlDlje angelof t^eXo^tdnotb pi'tcb, bi^ tcnt^ineuectepiace: Co faueall fuclj a^feare tije Xml}, «?a?S? cpnftDcc ixjell ttjerefo^e, tl)at(^ol»i^gootiant)uia: ^liappjemant^atmafeetb^im^ C0, Plalmc xxxiia. 9 Jf eate pe tlje )LojD pe i^olp mt^, aboucaUeattl)iptl)mst #ojtl)epftatfcarctl)c lmingll4)jiD, arc fare to twant notljing. 10 ^l)elion0 {l;aU be ijtmgcrbit, auD pinDc \Mitb famine mucb: 1t3uta;5fo^ ftemtbatfearetlb^ ]iX):D nolac((efl)aUbetortic^. rhc fecofld parr, 11 Comenearetl^etefo^emp c^ilDjenDeaw, anD to mv two jDjsi giue turn 31 fljall pou teacl) tbe perfect iMap boix) pou tlje )iozlifl)oulMeate* 12 n^l)o i0 ti^e man tl)at bJoulD luie Jong^ anDleat^ablelTeDUfe:? IS S>ee tljoutefraineibptonganti lipft from all Deceit anD ftrife; H^urnebadKetbpfacefromHoingiB, anUDottjegotilpDeeDe: inquire fo? peace anU quietneiaf, anD follo\» it toitlj fpeeD. 15 f oj t»l)p:?ti^e epe$ of (^oU aboue, l^pontbeiuft are bent: 1^1$ tnm \iu\s)i[t Do beare tl^e platnt> of tl^epooiie innocent 1 6 }3ut be Dotl^ frot)ne $ benD l^t^ b^ob^eist^ bpontbet»icfeeD traine: 4tnD cut atoap tbe memojp: tl)at ftoulD of tbem remaine* 1 7 23ut U)l)entl)eiufl: Dotb call anD crie, tl)e jlojD Dotl) beare tbem fo: ^^irijat out of paine anD mifetie, io jt^toitb l)e let;3i ti^em go* IS C^ Pfalmexxxv $9 1 8 tiTlje :«Lo jD 10 WnU antj ftraig^t at lianD> to Cuc^ajs: be contrite: i^e fauejs; alfo tl)e fojroinftill, tl)e meefee ann poo^ie in Cpjite* ip f uUmanpbetljemiferie^, tljatrigWeou!3! menDafuffert J5ut out of all aDuerCitieje?, t^z IdojD Dot^ t^emtielinei:* 2aCl)e>loiDDotl)fo pjieferueanDfeeepr, i^isiberpbonegalljjap: •Cijat not famuc^ ais; one of tl^em; Doti^pcrifl^oi^liecap. 21 'C^eftnDjallOeatljetBicfetiman, tDljic^ be birt^felfe batft t» jougbt * 3lnt) fuel) a^i^ate tbe tigbteoujsiman, fljallfoane be bjoug^t to nought. 2i25ut tl^ep t^at fetuetlje Iiuins)Lojl>, t^ei^oitJ Dotb faue tl^em fbunD i Senti to^o ti)at puts! tbetr trad in bint, noticing II)aU tbem confoimli* ludicaDomine. Pfal.xxxv. LH. ^aaletf flatterers pcrfcctttcD- Z^aoiQ.&jIjopja^ctbfoj reucnse, t^atl)tsinnofen{(e map be Declareo,anDt^tfuc^ astatic 1)13 pact maBi;ci3H«,fojto^icl)^cp^otn»3 ret^ to masntfp etm naweaUt^ oapes of \)i» life, L€) jb pleab mp canfe againft mp f oe^, c s^ng this as tf,c m confounb tbeir foice anb mig^t : j afi'nt'^""''' C iFi9^tonmppartagaihftaUtl)ofe, c ' \ tib^t Ceefee ^itb me to figbt- 2 lap !)anb bpon t^^(peare anb (bit% tb? felfe in acinonr bjelTe : ^tanb bp fo j me anb fioi^t tbe fielD^ to^elpemefpomDuh;e(R«. 94 Pfalmc.xxxv Z neencmiei8!to t»ttl)ftatit): C^attljoubntompfoule maiftfap, lo,3itl)pl)eli)eatftanD: 4 ConfoimiJ tbem \»it^ rebui^e anD blame, tbat f ecfee mv foule to fpifl: %tt tl^tm tume bacHe anD tiie toitlj (Dame, t^at t^ini^e to )xio^&e me ill 5 )Ut tljem r^itptt^ anti flie abjoDe, a$i»mDDoti^ D^tuet^Duft: aittti tbat t^e angell of out (£>oD, tl)eit mig^t atoap maptbjuCt. ^ )Let all tl)eir UjaieiSbelJoiD of ligtjt, auDHtppeneliiketofall: 2nt> fenU tbine angell, toitl^ tbp migi^t toperfecutet^emall. 7f oj i»bpj'^it!)outmp fault t^epl^aue mfeccetfettbeir^rim 3nl$ foitno cauCebaueDisD a caue> to tai^e mp roule t^emn: 2 OD^cutbertbrni^eleallanDliaueno care, €) Hoff^ beftrop tbem all. Klet tl)em be ttapt in tl^eit: otx^ne fnate> anb in ti^eir mifcl^iefefall* 9 ^nb let mp foule,mj> ftart atib boice, in ^ob baue top anb inealti^: C^at in tbejdojb 3 map reioice, anb in W Caning bcalt^* 10 iPnb t^en mp bonejs! Q; all fpeafee anb Cap, mpparts^fljall all agree: £) ]iojb jti)oiigb t\)£v bo fecttiefull gap, tul^atmaniis^lil^etot^ee;? The Pfalme.Lxxxv ^^ The fecond part 1 2 Ci^ou tJiDft tiefenti fte tjjeafee from tl|cm? tl)at are bott) ftout ant) (Itottg: 3Lnti riD tlje pooje fcomlx)iciiei) men, tljat fpotle anti Do tl>em tojong* 12 SIpp cruel! foe^againtt me rife, toAjottneiretljiugiS Ijutrue: ant! to accuCe me tljep tJeutffe oft^atJnenerl^nelD. i?i©l)ere31to tljemDooiajgoobtoin tljep qiiite me Uoiti^ tiiCDainet •C^at ttjep fl)oulD pap mp gooD iwit^ ill, mpfoule tJot^fojecomplame. i4 na^en tl)ep t»ere Hcfee 3 mournti tljerfoie anD clan mpfdfeinracfter i^itl^fafting 3 tiiti faint full foje, top;ap3t»ai9;notnaci^e* I y 5f is ftep ^ali beene mp bietljjen Beare 3tiiD mpfelfebebaue: 3(13^ one t^at mai^etb ))3ofuU cf^eare, about b^mott)er;s( gtaue* ]i<525utt^epatmpDifeareliilJ lop, anDgati^eron'acout: gea abiect tlaue$ at mentD top, txiiti) mockjs; ant) c^ci^jsifull ttout i7C!)ebelipgot)i8i anD flattering tr4ine>, rijatallgoot) tl^tngisfDeriDer 3lt me Do grin ix)it^ great DifDatne, anD plucHetbeir moutb afiDe* X 8 )Lo?D,tx)ben A»ilt ti)ou amenD tln^ geare, yx>\)V Docfl: tljouilap anD paufei ^ riD mp fouIe,mineonlp Deare, autaft^e(e)l(onj3(clat^e^ p$ P/almc Lxxxv befojetl)Cct|urct) al\x)a(ej8i: atiD tol)erea;8: mod of people be, tljereiuUiJl {^e\x> t^pp^aife. 20 %tt not inp foe0 p^mile on me, \x)\^ic\) ^ate mc fo? no fault : 00^ pet to tninfee oj tutne tljeii: eie, ti^atcautlcfremeairault. ^Thc third part. 2i€)fpeacenoiMO?littjept!)infeeojirap, tl}eirtalfeei$aUl)ntnie: Ci^ep lltlIconrultanDt»oulDbetrap all tl^ofe tl^at peace infue. 22 oatti^ open moutlj t^ep run at mce^ tl)cp gape^tliep laugljjti^^P f lite : «DeU,ixiell,faptl)cp,out:epeDot^fee tljeti^tngt^atixje Mite. 25!©ut!oititl)oufeeftt»]batt»ategt]^eptalfee ceafe not tW geare to menD : 36e not far off,no? me fojfafee, ag men t^at f aile tljeir frenD. 24 1iiij)aifee,arife,ant) ftir abioDe, Defend me in mpri'sbtt Eeuenge mp caufejmp %oit} mp d^oti, anil apti me b)it6 t^V mig^t* ^5 iccojUing to tl)P rigWeoulheffe, mp jLojli dDOt) fetmeftee: ant) let not tl)em ttjeir p^iDe ejcpj effe, noitriump^ouermee. 2^ %tt not t^eitl^artisJteioiceanD crie, tl)ere,t^ete,tl)i!8( geare goet^ trtm : 0ot giue tljem caufe to fap on i)tg^, ^eUaucourt»illoni^im* 17 Coui Pialmcxxxiv. 9f Ij CottfounD ti^em t»(tft rebufee anU Qfmti t^at top tx)^en 31 tio motttne: asnDpap ti)em^omei))tt:i^fpigt)t ant) blame tbae b;ag; at me ijotti^ Ccoiine. 2itM tbem be glaD anD eKe reiopce, twbicft loueminebp^ig!)t toap: 3nD tljepaUtimeiefiDitb^art anDbopce^ ftalpjaire ti^e]flojU,anDfap. 29 (^teat lis: ttieidoi^b anD Dot() eieeelU foj^^p:?i&c Doti^ DeliQbt: Co fee btie^CeniantiQi piofpet toell, tbati$i^t$pleafant(tgbt ?o BD^erefoje mp tongue 3 Uiill applp, tbp ttgl^teoufne^ to p^tfe: mnto ti^e)l/0jD mp 6ob,tj5iU % flnslauD ant) t^ani^ia^ aDDateiei. Dixie iniudus- Pfal.%xxvi I.H. 3Daniobe]eeDl?ptl)eU(cttei> cotatilaiptiet^ of Hjdr malice, bnt conft^rins ^fSiS^m twtrciz to all cteQtare^,(peciaUp toissrDff |)S0C^UO)cn, bf faiti) t^ctcof ^c 10 comfot^ Ceo anO a(Iu.cD cf ^0 teltaerance* Ti^^ totcfeet) iwitb btji ^oiW bniud^, ? ^ing this to ^ tiotb tl)u0 pern»at)e bfe bam C 'he Zy t^ C Ctjatoftbel^ojbbebatbnottuft, ^ biisfearei^fet apart 2 gett)otbbeiopmljii8(eftatea to )]oali|ea$be began: ^0 longtillbe beferuetbe ^ate otd^oDantseKeofman. 3 i^ijai too^tbejs are \))febeD bile anD naught. btistoongno trutb tJotl^tell: pea atno bant) M bebetangbt i93btci) toap i)e map bo txiell. ©4. ■4tt^})ei^ 58 Pfalmcxxm. l^tiS^mtrc^iefe to fulfill: 0otaicUeDU)ate0t)ot4l)etefure, noj^ nothing tl)atti8^ilL 5©utKLo3iD,t^pgooDnc0Dot^ afcen&> abouetl)ei)cauen!8:i)te, ^oUotljftptnit^itftlfe cwenH, tntotl^ecloutipftiie. ^ #ucft moie t^en ijiljsf fo l)i^ an& fteepe, tl)pmftfcet;5C)cp)te(li d)p iuDsementjg; ifee to Ccag moft Deepe, ti^ou faued botl) man anD beafl^* 7 C^jp metcie i;3? aboue al! t^imgft i^<25oDitDotl)ejCceII: 3fn tmlt; twljereof u^ in tl)p iDiitg^, tl^e Mmsi of men Qjall titDell. 8 t^it^in t^pl)oure ttiep Ojall befett, tDitb plentteat t^etristll: fl)f all Deltgbt tftpp Rjail be fpel^, anD tal^e thereof ttjetr tiiU 9 foi toljp tl)e toell of life fo pure, Hoti) ouerfloU) from tbee: ainD in t^pligljt ixieate full fure t^e lading Itgbt to fee* 10 f J fuci^ a;8; tljee Defire to fenotw , let not t^p grace Depart: Cl)P rigi^teouCne^ Declare anD Iljotxj^ • to men of bpzigijtljart. 1 1 %tt not tl^e pjouD on me p jeuaile £) AoiDjOfti^pgooD grace: Bo? let tfyt \»icfeeD me afTaile, totl|^oi))meoutofpla(e«. K®Ut Pfalme.xxxvS 99 nmtd^tV in tl^ett Deuife B)mM, anDneuernfeagaine. NolIamulari.Pfel.xxxvii. W.W. C1l$(canfet^goDip(l)onlDit8tbcDannteotorccwickeDmeii|)^pcf, IDettiiD f^cl*:: ctl)tiiat all things (^aUbe8ranteoe»eii&ttiibcatte0td'ttrc to tl}einti)8t (ooe sno f^Suligenotto feetl^eboicfeeU men, ^-^ in toealtl^ toflouril^ Ml: Bo}Vttmmtiit\)yti^to ill ^aue bent anD fel; tf)eit totll. 2 foi ajsi greene gralfe ant) flouriOjtns ate cut anU toit^et atoap: (^earbjl ^0 idall tl)ctt great poflerttte foonepaflefaDe anH t)ecap« ^CtuHtljOut^erefoiietnd^ot) alone, toDotoellgiuetU^mmD: ^0 fl)alt tl)on^auetl^e lanD^^t^ine, ant) tljerefute foot)lI;aIl fmti. 43n (SoUfetalltftp ^aw Ueligftt , ant) Iooi^e^t)atti}ou)rouiDt!: l^aue^ ^1 el0 canft taiD; in all tl)e tno^lD. tl^on neeDfl: (t not to ci:aue> 5 Caabotb tftpfdfeantitWne affairSt on <5oli toitlj perfect trull:: aintitljouCbaltfcetDttt) patience, , ti)e effect boti^ fare anD iufl:. 6 ^^e perfect Kfe^nti gotilp name beU3illcleare;a^t]^eligl)t: ^0 tl^at t i}e funnejcuen at noone DaieiS, fl}aUnotH)ine Ijalfe fo bjigi^t* Yoo Pfalmc xxxnl 23ettint!)cuefoie,attt) aeUfaftlp on (l5ot) fee tljou toait rten: ^ot flninHmgfo]^tl)ep3tofpetoui8(ftate of letoti anH toicfeeD men* 8 ^]^afeeofDefptgl)t,enuieanDl^ate, atlea(linarip\j)ife: C^etr \x)'cheD ftepjsi auoiD ant) ftte, ant) foUotx) notf^eir gitife* 9 foi eucne\x)tcKeDmantx)iIl(l5oD5 Deftror botl) mo?e anD leffe: J3ut fuel) ais trad in l)im are Cure tl)elantJfoAtopoireire* 10 iBatci) but a t»^iie,anD tl)oufl)alt fee : nomo>etl)ett)icl^D traine: 0t> not fo mucib ais Ijoufe o j place, U)^ei:e once ^e t)it) remaine. The fecond pare ii23utmemfullant) l^umklemen>. tniopfl]alifeaant)lanD: 3n reft ant) peace tbep ft allrefopce^ fo]inaugi)t ftali tt)em tDttibttant). 12 ticijeletot) men ant) malicioitf, agamfttljeiuft confpire: Cliep gnaft tl)eit tectl) at l)tm, a^e? men to^ic^t)ol)(8;bane Defae. 1 3But \x5l)ile tl)at letot) men tlb";s( l)o tljinfte, ttjeU-ojOIaugbiStbemto fcome: fo? tol)pl)efeetbtbe(rtermeappjoc!), iDijcn tbep fl>all figb anO moume. H 'JEije \x)icKet) ^aue tbeir ftooiD outDjatone t^eirbob) efeebauetbep bent, Co onectl)?o\» anD kill tbe pooje, a$ t^ep ti^e rigijt iwap wnu i5»«t Pfalme xxxvii 9; i525utt]^erdmen)30]^D (l;allpearcetl^eit t»!)tc^tx)a;Qi toi^il tWixtt: (^attjgja Xiinmite ti^e botx) fl^ali b^eai^e to fJ^inng, t»^erein ttjep put tl^eir tnifl:. 1 6 Boubtlelfe tbe tuO; manieipoo^e ettate: i^bettetagreatDeale mo^e: * - ICi^en aUti^eCele)»D anD tuojtlDlp meae( tic^ pompe^nD ^eapet) fto^e. 17 f 0^ be tl^etr pobjerneuer to If tongs d^obtoillttoumbl^obo: nal^ere conttarp ^e t»otb p^eferue^ t^e fumble men anb 1o)d. 18 !^e0^et^ bp i^tiQi sreatpj;omben ce^ ti^e goob meniQt ttabe anb \x>nvt ^nh \x)i\\ giue tljem inberitance. t»i^icSineuet(^aU becap. ^ 19 %\)tv Hiallnot bebiCcontageb , bobentomeareibatb bedeb: HDlienotl^er (^aHbe^un9et:bie> ti^epfl^allbeclabanbfeb: dfoi tDbofoeuec )»icl(eb tie?, anbenmie totbeKlo^b: ^^alquatlereamelteuenaisilamb^peafes. 0} fmoi^e^at fli^fi ab^obe: ifThdthird part. zi :Bel^olbtliei»icbebbo?tot»eftttme^, anb neuet pateti^ againe: UD^ctea^tbeiuftbpliberall giftejai mai(e$manpglab anb fame. Z2fottbeptobome(i5obbotl) bleffeftal tbelanbfoi betttage: (^aue 3nb tw toT^ome be boti^ cutfe UHetoife , 102 Pfalme.xxxvii, 2 5 tE i^e HojD t\}t M ma n^ caufe Dotlj giuOy an?) giiics l}im gooti fiu ce (Te: Co cue rle t!)iiig l}t tafecjs in !}anr>, l)efentietl)gooDatir)icire, 2 4 tE !)ouglj t!}at !}e fall> vet i^ l}c fute, notbttcrlptoquaile: i5ccaufetl?p:lorj (tvcU\)i^o\itW IjanD, at uei'D;anD Dotl^nct faile. -5 3 i)aue becne roimg ani) nob) am ciD petnenecDiDJCee: C!?e iad man left ,noi pet l)ij3! feeH tobegfoimtfene. ^6 asut g:ueis ai\j)aie«; moft Uberallr,, anDlenD3b)l)erea0i;B( neeb: l^ii9(cl)Ub;ten anb podcritie receiiieofd^obtljeii: meeb. zy f He bice t!}ctef o je anb bjicfeebne^ef;, anbbectueboimbjace: ;^70d5obil)allgi:anttl)ceIongtol)ane oneattbabboeKngplncc, 2 SiToi \xjl]ercas; t!i e goob anb golDlp men, in!}cnte(Iialltt}elanb: ]^aumga;sf)lo]il'0alltl)in90t!)ct:eiir, in t!)cir o^amc poUicr ani) l^aiib- 30 d]e tiift manfi( moutlj botl; eucr fp cal^e. of maticr^ unCe anb l)ie: ^(s fooiv^ botl) talKe aub ebifie, l;^it?)ti:uti}anbCQuitiCo ii fo^ Pfalmcxxxvii i^^ 3 1 Jf oiih IjiieJ l)5tt ftc !atj) Of c^oD, ^0 t^at \Ml)cre ere l)e goc oj toalifee, Ijl^footcanneuerfliDe. 3 2 "C^e oaicfeeD Ufee a tauetiins twoolfe tl)e tubman Dot!) befet: 2$l»aimcan!s;reehin3^;mtoW, ifi)efaUml)fenet. , X'nc fourth part. 2 3 tir!)ougl) be n^oulti falltnto bi^s^l^anbft yct> Ije (i^xW pzeCecue ftee tften, aboue: m\)0 in tl)eir ttouble feuD0 tt^em aiD ori)i2{ meete grace anD (one, 40 <^ot) Dot^ tbem Ijelpe, faueant) Deluier, ftomIe\j)Dmen anD bniud:, ^nti atll toilfauetljcm, ix)l)ilefttbat tl^ep in (|tm Do put tt)etrttu(l:« Dominene in furore.Pfal.xxxviii.I. H. IDanftTtcbcofrome 6rteaon0 Direare, acbnofolcDgct^ ^tm relfeto becbaOifeOef the Hojtd fof, t)i0 (inncs : ano tbercf o;tc p;ar ctl) CFoD to tame atoap I)i0 &>;tatl) bnt in tl) c end SDtt^ftrme confluence anD commcnDinsl;t;scanrc tntoc^oD* ^Qpet^ fo; fpec^tc ^dpt at t)i0 ()anD. PBt me not to rebufee j© iHo jD, C^J^g tnis to > in ttjppjouolfeeD ire: it ^"W? C «0eintl^pi^eaute^]tatl)€>)LojD 6*3 cojtectme3IDefire, 2 tiD^ine arro)»e$ Do fticl^e fiifi; in mty tbine ^anD Dot^ pjielTe me fote: ainD in mp fled) no ^ealt^ at all, appearet^aniemo^e* iSdtiD all tl^iiSii^bp reaCon of t^pi»jati^tbat3amim l^ojtanpreftiisfin mpboneiJ, bpreafonofmpfin* 4 f 0^ Io,mp ^icHeD Doingjei TLojtDj . aboue mp bcaD arc gone: at greater loaD tben 3 can beare, tl)eplapmefojebpon* 5 i39p\»ounDi9i(linUe,anDarefeftreDfOp , a;0Jloatbromi;s:tofee.* la^l^icb all tb?oug!) mine ot»nef oolif^neji, betipeti}bnto me?» 6^m Pialmc xJKviii 6 3tnti 3(in catefuU ij)ife am b?ow5^t, tntrouble anU DiftrelTc: 'Cljati go tDapUngaltlieDap, mp Doleful \)zmm$i 7fl^plotn;gatefilDi»itl)fojetiifeafe, mp f left) l)at^ noiw^ole part: 8 JfcbleamantJb^ofeenfoje, 3 roarefoi grtefe of batt. 9 tcijou fenotorf .Ho^tJ ttip l>eRre,mp gconesr areopenintbpfigbt: lo^p i^art Hotb pantjtttp ftrenq[tb bat^ failD mj>ne epeg \)mz loft tbefe ftgbt> II applouergantimptwontetiftienlijsit ftanti lool^tngon mp l))o: anntiefeemp femfmcn faratoai^, atemeDcparteZi fro* n tJCijepti^atDibfecfeempUfclaiDrnate^p anDt^ep t^atCougi^ttbetxtap^ €oliomelbuit,fpafee liejB:,ant)ti^ougl)t ontrcaronalltbeHap. The fccond part ^y^nt a^ a tieafe man 31 became, tbatcannotl^eateatall: i4.3llnti aiet onelDmnbe anti openiei not bt^moutl) to Cpeai^e^itbaU. 15 jfojallmpconfibence£) )lo,iti, fe^boliefet on tbee: 19 f^ %ti^ tbon M.0 jH tbat art mp (BoK t ^ou l^alt gtueeate to me* 17 t:i^usDiD 3 ctauet^atti^epmpfoe;3f, tttmnpl^notouetme: f ojto^enmpfoottiiDflipjti^enl^ep Di&iopmpfalUofe^ poT P(alme.xxxix, 2t0 tcuf 1? I poo}c \mtC} m\ Cet in plac: a iriofuUVjigW: tfthuatljle w)ife coafefTe: ainti Lui;(!e3i foi mr Cmfull DeeHjoi, mp CoiroojcisDo fjcpzeire, 1 9 ^r fo^)5 Do ftiil remame aime, anHmigljticarealfo: 3[iiit) tl)ei' tl)at l)ate me ^joiongfullp, in number ^ugelp gro\». 2 o ZW ft^«^ againa me tl)at mp gooD, txitti)ciuUDotepap: :6ecaiifctl)at goou anDtoneft tl)ingfc 3ibomfaeala3ap. iToifalie me not mp )lozt) mp <15oD, "liett)Ounotfara\»ap: l^tift metol)?lpe,mp)lo;Dmp(lf>o% mpfafetpanlJmpftap. Dixicuflodiam. PraLxxxix.I.H. iDauio>'?ctnc DetcnrlnQfi'fncc petbarftfooiitlj fntoi»)e?wt^atb«fe»olD nott')?oug^ l)t3bt tcrg Xtfc fdi\]e n;aH«l|«i: a;ncrequcft-«tDlHC'4t.ifl:of man0infi:nUtC0 p?tmttrt!'o:.t')man?pz-^p-r3, anfiaUtoOjco? aminQfccnDtrfullp t otiblcD, tijat It; trap ii;pcdrc Ifojui): DtD Uriue mio[l)telp acjainft 0;at!) ano Ocf^eratian. I ^ail) 3f \x)ill loolke to mp toaiejg, c s;ngthi, as y fozfeaceaajDiiDgo Vo^.oiig: $ butft out • ^ )toiD number out mp life mh Daieis^ , toji^icl) reti^auenot pad: ^0 that ;S map be certifieu, l^oi33 long mp life (ijall lad: 6 )lojD tljou l)aft poiiiteD out mp life: iuleii^tl)mucl)U!iea fpan: S^^iK age isJ notljiiig bnto t^ee, fobaineiisfeueneman. 7^antoaifeetl) Hlieafl;aDe,ant» botlj inbaine bimfelfeannop: insetting gooDjSf aub cannottell, loo^oajalltljefameimop. 8 JOob) lo^D M} tl)(ng0 tlji^ ^i^t bo ftame tol)atl)elpe,bo3!r)erirf»-' M trutljmp beipe botli bang on tljee, 3!notbingeirerequire* Thcfcccnd part 9 fax all t\}z iimt^ tljat 3^^«^ ^onc, loj^D quite me oat of l)anb: :*Knbmafec menotaCcojuetofooleft tijat Kotbing bnberff anb. 10 3 Uia^ai5lumbe>ant) to complaine HO trouble migW memoue: ;:6ecaure 3 lvno\xj it \»a^ tbp "ix^oiUr mppattencefojtopjoue* ^Oy n %o^^ i«i Pfalmcxi^ 1 1 %ot^ take ftom mo tJjpfcowrge? plajue, 3Icantl)emnot iwitfiaanD: 3 faint anU pine atx)ap,fo? feare, of t^p mod: ^eauie IjanD* f unai^en tljoufojfmnenoeftmantebute, IjetDapetljuioanDtxian: 3;B(t)ot^ 3(iclol:l)t^atmotWJiauefi:er, rol3aineat^mgt;s(man. /4)L03iDl)eare mp futeanD giuegooftfteed, regarDmptcarcjSt^at fall: 3 foio jne MU a (Itanger l^ere, a$t)iDmpfatl)etissair* 24fiDfparealittle,giueme fpace, mp ftrengtl) fo j to relloje: :^efo?e 31 go atoap from ^ence, ant) a;aU be Ceene no mo^e. Expcctans cxpcctauu pfal. xl.I.H^ 2Datttt)iicltuerco from great danger D0tJmajjit<(ie<158i>«>erefb>eaw>cemtmtrt)ct!jftfiS t);outDciice totsarDe al manbino*C^en ^ep^omifett) to gtuc Ijtmfdfe wbol? toCD^oDd fcrutcr.anD oeclareti) i)0'w d^oD t0 tmelp ivo^ftiippeD.airtenvard ffz gtaet^ ti;anU0» an) tjautng complarsneD of I)i0 enctnfesj^e caltet^ f o; m ant) Cacconr. Ii©aiteIJ long anti fought tlie KLojD, ? f '"s *;;•• «^? anD patientip DiU beat:e: clhc^ ?f C atlengtfttome^eDftaccoiiD, •^ mplJopceanD crie to^eare. ^|)eplucfetmefromtftelafee Co Deepe, outoftljemireanDclap, 3IinD on a rocite m fet ntp feet, anD Ije DiD guiDe mp twap* 3 Co me^etang^t a pfalme of p?aife, \x)W^ 3 nttifl: (^e)» abioUe: KlnDfingnet»fong^oftl^anfe8i altoape;9f. imtot^ejiojDourcPoD* >% Pfalmexl. i#^ a0peopIemucl)afratD: Ci)en tljep bnto tl)e tLojtU \x)tU flee, anDtruftt)ponl)tj8(aiD» ^ £> bleft fe !)e,tol)ofe Ijope auD ^art, Dotl) in tl)e )Lo?D remainc: CtjattxJiti) tl)ep3touD Doti) tal^eno part, no; Cuc^ a0 lie ani) f atne« ^oj itojD mp 3Ieomeameanetobee, f oMn tbe ijolnme of tbp boofee, tbuis^ttiiairatDofme* nZW3i €) >(l)ouH)bo tl)p m(nD, tobicl) tbmgtiotb lii^e me toell; fioiin mp bact tbp la^ 31 fino faftplaceDt^etoD^j^ell I fo PialmcxI. C^^ ivXtitt mx^ % tig^teouCneiJ ingreattefojte^l tell: :23el)olDmp toons no time Doti^ceare^ £D )(Lo]tti t^ou bnotx)eft fuUiJoelU Thcfccond part 1 5 3 banc not i)iti \x)it!nn m p b^ft t^p gooDne^ ajsi bp ftealtlj: J3ut 3 Declare anD Ijaue erp^eft tl)p trutl) anDCauing l)ealt^|. 143 fecpt not clofe t^p louing mmD, tl)atnomann;onlD tt^not)): •^l^e trnfl: tljat in t\)v tcutb 31 fitiU. toaUrt)ec^urcl)3III)o\», fO}t tottl) mtfcl)iefcj6J manp one amfo^befet about: iB^pfinnejsincreare anti fo eome on 31 cannot fpietbemout* ly f 0,1 tobP* innumbec tbepcjcceel) tbebaire^bpon mpb^^Ci: ^p bartbotb faint fo^betpb^eb, t^at3Iamalmoftbeab. i6r»itbCi)eebrenbbelpeanbfetmeftee^ ^Mib,31tbee require: ^a^e l}a(t i(»ttb aib to Cuccour me: €>?Lo2ib,atmpbefire. 17 :tetti)emai(tainerebufeeanb C&ame, tbatfeebempfoule tofpill: J3iiue bacbe mp foejsf, anb tbem befame ti^at t))il^ anb tnoulb me ilU 1 8 jr 01 tbeir ill feate;Sbo tbem bifcrie, tl)at\xioulbbefacemp name: 31iltj3aic$ at me tbepraile anb crie? &eonl;im;fiefo^(l)ame. i5>)Let Pfalmcxft 311 i97Uttl^emmtl;eeftaueio?anD toealtli, ttjat feefeetotljeealtBaiejs!: €^at ti^ofe ti^at loue tl)p famns fiealt^> ma^faratod^oD bepjaiC^^ 2o25utaj6;fo;me,3ambtttpcro?e, opp^eO: ant) b^ougt)t full lotx): pet t^o u £D )(Lo?D txJilt me r edoje to liealth full toell J ^notxi. 2ifo?to^pftl)ouat:tmp^opeanDttaft mp refuge ^elpeanD dap, mljeref 0^ mp iFoiint^eftafonperillouisf, tfinncr. y tl)e)lo3tlit»ili^imDeliuer. 2i:ije )Lojti\x)tll mafeel)(mfafeanDrounD, anD^appieintljelanD: aitttJbet»tllnotDeliuerl)iin into Ijis enemies IjanD; 5 3lnt)mW$^bet)i»l)enljeIiet!j ficl^e? tl^c)Lo;tit»ill^im reftoje: att! tl)ou ^ )LojUtt)tItturneto^ealtlj l^tj8(rtci^ne$autil)i$:ro^e* 4a:i)eum mp ficfenejsti^u^fap %^ ftaue mercte U^ojH on me: ain&i^ale mpfoule tj)|)ic^ i$ full too^ fi^at^ofenDeOtiiee* fii P&Imc xli auDthusofmeDiDfap, iBl^en fl; all Ije Die tt)at all l)i;0( name map i^anntflj quite a\»ap. ^^iiD\x}|)enti)epcometo bifttemee, tl)cpan{etf3!t)o\jocU: 25ut in t\}tit Wt^ mifcljiefe tljep Ijatc^, anDtotl^eirmateiSiittelL 7 cljepbitetl)eitlipi3?,anD toiWfpet fa, ajS t!)Ougl) t^ep i»oiilD me cijarme: 3inDcaati^cii:fetcl)e$ljo\B to trap, me toitt) fome mortal! ^arme. S&ome gneuoii;8;fin Wo ^mQ^t \)im t$ tt)i;8;ficfene;3;,faptl)ep plaiitc: i^eijs; fo lob), tl)at tnitl^out Doubt, rife can ije not agame: ^^ljemanalfotl)at3t)iDtt:uft ,^ t^ttl) me DiDtjfe Deceit: m\)o at mp table eate mp bjeaD, ttjefamefo^ne laiD toait. 10 i^ai)e mercie Ho^ on metljetefoji, anDIetmebep^teferueD: Cl)at 31 map teuDer buto tljem, tljetbingis; tljep tiaue DefetueD. 1 1 Tdv tl)i!8f 31 i^tto^ ^ alfureDIp, 3IambeloueD ott^ee: w\)m tbat mine enemies liaue no caufe, to ttiumpbouecmee, 12 23ut in mp rigbt tbou baft meUept> auDmaintapneD alb^ap: 3nD mtbppjefence place alfignD, ^bete3in)allDt»eUfoiiap. Pfalmcxiili iil i; ti:fteito?6tl)e6oDof Jftaell, bepjtatreD timmoxt: Cuen fo l^e tt, lo^zt), \»i\\ Ji fap^ Qucmadmodum. pfal, xlifi. l.H. IDaiiftarctaclitI)attl)jotts!)Pfrf«at(^3!jccotin> no*e pjtfcnt fnt^e tot^wjatiJii, l^teaing lji0 wcfencc in Ijart, albett in boDie fcpcrate.^t faft !je (^cwc*9 wt nofa S»irt)ttanomg tljcfefojro&es ano t^oog^ts'.jet ^c ctntinuaUp pHttti^ ^tff wimicwf L3|feea$tibel)mt Doti^b^eatljanftb^ar, ? s/ngthuto > t^e U)elfp;mg0to obtaine: C S:^J 5 C ^oDotbrnpCouleDcfitealtxiap, tjjttlj tUeKLojn to temaine. 2 a^p f ouie Dotl) ti)it ft gt ijoouiD Djato neare t^eUumg<5oDofmig6t: j©^tDbenfl)a!l3comeanl> appeare mpzefenceofl)t0ft8!}t. ? Clie teareis; all timeja; are mp repaft, tobicb from mme epeis Do fliDe: Da^en istci^eD men crte out fo fafti iDtiere not» i$ (iE>oD tl^p guiUe* 43Ia;8;toi^atQrtefet^it to tlimbe, ij)batfreeliomeonce3 l^aW €:i5erefo.:emproiiIe,a$atpitj$bjmfce, t;s;mofl:*^eameanDraD» m^tn 3D titD marcl) m gooti arap> furntljedtoiti^mp traine: ta^nto tlje tetnplei»a$ our toap, toitljfongsi anBftartsimo^ faiite- 5S^pfou!e,tDi)partt^oufaD al)»aies, anD fretft t^u^s; in mp bjcfti' 114 Pfalme.xlii. 'Ctud (lili in e bpon ^tjelanD of 3jo:Uame,miD reco^zD, ttje little biH^ermon* Thcfecond part 7^nesr4ef0anotl}erinDotl) ca11> a0 clonD^ butft ont tl^cit l^oice: tl)onattmpgmDeanl> Hap; mp rocUe anD mp Befence* J©^pt)o 3) tljen inpenftueneiai ftiangingtljebeaD tlju0 toalke-^ m'l&ilettjat mine enemieiBime oppjeffe, anD ^(ic me tx)iti) ti^eir tal&e« 10 f oiA}(^l)p.^ t!)cp pierce mfnei'ntoart) pnxtg \iiti) pang0 to beabljojU: o^fjen tlicp crie out toitljflubbotneljart^?, toljErei0tl)p(!5ot)tl}p %oit}i II ^0 roonetDl)pDoftttjoufaintanl) Quaile mp foule.toitl? paine opp^cft. mixf) Pfalmcxiiii Il5 anD tl)outl)ettme(I;alt Cee> 'Co stue l)tm tl)ani^ ^tt^ lauH ani) pj^aiTe IudicaineDominc.Pral.xliii. T.S. rromtoemt^ateuiilbe: 5the^t o'l f romU3icfeeDanDDeceitfunmena >hc„xp a C £> )to^ODeUuecme» » o -^ 2 Jfojof mparengt^t^ou art t^d^oft, iw^pputftt^oumetbeefro: ainttto^pujameafo^eauiip oppjeffeDtoit^mpfoci' airt)leatimet»itljtl)pgrace: v uai^icl^ map conDuct me to t^p ^in, anD tot^pDtoellmg plaee^ 4'^i)enHall3tot^ealtargoe, of d^oUmp top ann create: aitiD on mpljarp gmetl^anfei8?to t^ee, €) (^oD mp mprou!e, anD freta tbii^ in mp bjeft ? ^till triift in m caresiljaueljeatDourfat^er^gtellanti teneretitl? H-- 1 ~t —^ t — t~r -^ ^ moili5tl)e\]oont)]iousi\x)ojK9^t^attl)ou^>afl:Donemal Der tttoT'ba tljetn luiei) Orong ^anti'.planttng otic fatlftt^ tt::: in t\}zix pIace,anD gaued to ti^em tl^ctr lanD. g Cl)ep conquereD not bpf iwojU noj (IreuSt^j tl)cianD of tl)p belied: J5nt bp tl)p ijanD^tUp arme anti grace, becaufetl)OUloueDlltl)em bcft, 4 'CtjouartmpUmgjO <^oUt^at ^olpe, llacobinfunDnetwifc: . 5)LeD Pfalmcxiiiii Il7 5)Le6 toitl) t\jv poixier,b3e tl)?eto tolwit fuclj 6 J truftet) not in boUj neftoojD, tl)ep coulD notfaue me foimli: 7 Ci)ou hep tft i)3froni our tmmitg rage, tl)outiiD(lour foe;8; confoimD* 8 3^ntittiIl\»eboaftoftl)ceoin: (^D, anDp]iaifetl)^I)oipnamc: 9 l^et iiotx) t!)ou goeftnot t)3ltl) out i^oll', butleaueat)|3;ton;ame» 10 ^l)ouma5ftl)gf(ccbero,:eourft)e^, anDfotoeteouertroB: ilDurenemie;8?robti anbrpotlbour goobjs t)Dl)ile iMe t»ere fperd abjoaD: 1 1 tiTbou baft b0 giucn to out f oejj, a^fljeepefoitobeflainc: 3imong tbe bcatben eueti^ tobete, fcattteb^ebotemame* 1 2 trbr people tljouljad foD liikenaue^, anb n0 a tbtng of nougbt> iroitpzofit nouetOoubabO: tbetebp, no game at all baa0 fougbt, I? ^nbtooutneigbbo^^tbouljaftmabe ofb<^alaugbmg(!oclie, iilnb tl o'e tbat tounb about H hWlh at b$bo grin anb moche. The fecond part r4t£!]tt;S^jceretuefoMioucot6et bfe but (01 a comnion taifee: q:bcpmocU,tliei>fco;n,tbepnobtbeit!)eab;3? tjolicte euct tl)Cpgo ot halite. 15 3 am aftamb continually, ■; tol)eatetljefc^ic'dtbmen: 3!.iir. ^tn 115. Pralmexliiii. }3eafo3!W«H tljat allmp face toitb tcD ijS couereD tl)eu. 16 Jf 0^ tol)iv\)3e Ijeare fuel) flanD?ou;BJ i»oji: fc fuel) falfe tepojtjB! ant) lic;B(: iCl)atDeatl)it t$to rcetl)eu; b)];ong;e{ tijeir t^;eatning0 auD tl)eir ceteja(r i7fojautl)i0t»e foigotuottl)ce, nojr^ttl)^ eouenant bzafee: 1 8 t©etunie not baefee our ^artg from tl)ee; nojpettl)ppat^c$ fojfate. ip gettl)oui^aft troDbsfDotonetotiuft: \»l)eret!en;s( of H^agonsbe: ^D eouetet) bis; \»itl) a)aDe of Deati^ anD great aDuerfitie.. 2 o 3If tjae^aD our (^obiei name fojgot, , anti l)elpe of 31Do W fougi)t : 2 1 r© ouiu not ^ob bane tl)cn tribe t\}ig outi , foj!)ebot^Unot» ourtl)ougl)t- zz J3ap,nap,foitbP namesifafec, Q )Lojt), al\xsatoare\x)eflainc tl)UjB: ^^ (!)cepe l>nto tl)e fl)ambieig^ fent, rig!}tfo tt]e?bealelx)itl)b0. 232IpiLozb,i»!)pneepeil t!)ou:^atxiafee, anbieaueb^notfoiall: 24l©l)pl)ibe(l:tbou t!)p countenances aiibboftfojgetour tl)jan. 2^ f o^botonetobuftour roulei;^ bjougi^t; anb\33enot»atiaf!: call: i®urbel!ieUfeea0ittciereglube, . l)ntotl)egrounb cleaueiSfaft. 26jaifebp tberefo^efoiour befence>, anb^eipebi3!]S^o^atneeb: : Pfatme/xlv ij^^ B^nljeebcfcccl) of r!)?? goo?5neisf, to refcue Ij^noitl) fpveli. Eructiuit cor meum .Pfal. xU, LH, ttf atriagi iott^ t^c dBgpptian c it ^eatljcn foomait tj9 ble((,if i^at Qiee reneance b^r people and ecu trte^ atiD sine ber Ceife i»boite to liet .buf^anM^ere <0 ftgurcb tiie tDon&crfulimcieate,anT)tncreareo(C^jtft0(im8»otne enbt^e cl^urcl) i)tji (poufe nof»talicnoft^c(]5cntt!c0. ,.>. \/\ p beart t^otl) takmliaril), S^r^?'* *°f? feme gotilp fong to Ctng: • S^.', -ZpfX 'Cliepzaifct^atjajailRje^roerem ^ " : ^ pcrtapnetlitotijefetng. 2^i? torig ftall bea^ Qtucl^, 6t0l)onouftoiriDite: adjBfijst^epcnofanrCcnbe tliat tjfetl) fad to ts) j:te. ^ _ ; ; ^^^ faired of ail men. ■ t\)v fpeecl^ i$ pleafatit pure: i'oz etl)ce glau. 10 fetngsDauQfttetsDo attenti, mfmcauDrlcl^arap: 3t tl)p tigl)t !}anl) tl)e ^uecne Dot^ ftanDy: ingolDaaDsanncntisJgap* The fccond part. 11 0Daugi^tertaUegootii^eel>, tndm aiiD giuc gooD I earet S^ou muft f oiget tl)p HinD^et) all, anT)fati)erj9!l)oufemoft tieare. . i^ 'i:t)eua)alltl)cl^mg Mite ti)pbeaiitp faitcauD trim: foi^i)p:H)ei0t]^Piloznt^p (BoXiy ' ant!t"i}oii muft t»bjll)ipl)(m. 15 'C*}cliaugI)tcr$itftenof;CFce, ti3it!) gtftes: full ri tl) to fee: 3111I1 all tl)e t»eltl)ie of tl}e lanD, n)aUma^etl}eir futeto t^ee* 1 4 tiDljeliaugfjter of tl}e feing, teglo^iou^tobeoolD: lipitl)mtiei:clofet lljcebotl)ftt, apccfet in beaten golD. I5|H Pfalmc xlv nc? 15 3n robejEl Ixieli to^ougljt UJitlj neeWe, dnD mante a pleafant tl^tng: Haiti) tjitgtnisfaire m W to t»ait> {]^ecomimtl)totl)eHing» j6 ci^uiSateti&epbjoiigW^ft^ wp, anD mirtl) on eume fiDe: 3nto tbepallace of t^e femg, anHti^eretbepDoaWDe. 1 7 3ln lleeti of parentis; left , (€) ;©ueene tbe c^ancefo ftanbS:) ^l)ouftaltbauefonjG{ tubom t^ow maiftfet,: , a0pjtince$ in all Ian W' i8 MDberefozetbPbolpname allage^iballrecoiDt: %\)V peopleftall giuetbanW to t^ee^ fojeuetmojeDTLojjD. Deus nofter.refugium«Pfal. xlv. I.H. C 311 fo»3 of tl^anbfgiaing fo? t^t Ccliitcraticc of 3BcrttCaletii after ^^nac^ctlb wittj Mb armte iuao D^tacn a&ap, o; fome otljer itbe fuo&cn atib m(iruciou0 Ddiucrance , bpt^emisbtieljanDofdDoDjte^crebp tt}e pjiap^etcommcnoett)tt;>d great benefit, Dot^cicl)orttl)efattt)fitHtosiuet^emrelucs &)l)oUi^totl)sbanD0 of C^oD. Doubtins tiocbtngbattbat V)nDer^i0p!tettctton t^ep ^allbs.fafeasamftaUtlieafranltoat of H ^ ftllii^ElEE^ I tEl)e)lD3ttiia( out Defence antiaiD,t!)e (Icengtljtoljerej^ n=:i~i~::i:r=:^=JEr|zi:5z:iEiz5:^3i:r ^ _ __ j_. _ L , A. :* --^ 1^^ lx)eftiinti: nDben\))e^itl)tj3oate:miicl) tiivmiiD^, !): til Plalmcxlvi. Hi-_.i — J — .+- — J,- — - 3-t) 4.— tB :ir*--"- -^ ^ i;5our!ie!pe atljanD. z. Cljouglj tijearrlj remoue: toe toijlnotfearctijongiiWiBifo ^iglianl^lleepe, beetljjull: ■^--^ — 3: 4 — ^ — izit ^ a«D IjurleD^ereauD tl)ereb)n:!)m tljefeafo Decpe: ? 08 t^ongl) tlje U)auesf ^o rage fo fo.ie, tl)atallt!)ebanfe;e^itfpi[0: anD tI;ouglj it oucrf loU) t!)e ffio^e, ant) beat rjoixjue mtgl^tielnlo^ 4. Jf o;t one faire f ionU liotl) feiiD abzoOe Ws^pleafaiit teeame^ apace: tiCofrell? t^cmicofout^oh, anDt»2(^l|i;2?I)0lpp!ace. 5 3f» mm of Ijcr tlje liojtJ Dot^ ttoel!, nieecannotM^itDecap: 3illt!)nig0again(l^crtl)at rebeH, tl)e ^oit) unll ttuelp ftaie, ^Clje ^eati^en folke, tlje l^mgDome^feare tl)e people mabe a nopce, fl\)e eartb tiotb meit,anD not appeare twljen (^ou put0 fo?t!) bi^boyce. 7 '^Ije t ojD of bodcja: botli take our part, toWbebatb anepe: ©utljopeofbealtft/aDttb allourl^are, onJacobjjd^oDbot^Ue. SCome Plklmcxlvii j2g aCome ^eare auD fee t»itl) mini) anti tl^ogiitr tlje\)3o;femg of our (^oD: ttabatt»onl5er0l)e l)imfelfe l^at^ to}OWSW> tl)iOugftoiittl)eeattl) abjoUe, 9 :t3p ftim all toar^f are l)u[I)t anU gonr, t»t)icl) countr(e;5; DiU confpire: CljeirbotoeisJljebjafeeanlifpearesi ec^one, tbe(rcl)artot0 burnt t»tt^ fire* loX^eaueoflf tberefoite, (att^ ;^eanDI(not»9 3lama(!^DDmoftftout: Simong tl^e tjeati^en btgb and lot)), ant) all t^e earti) tb^oug^out. 1 1 1 be^l^jb of i)o(l;9! ru)ti^ WbcfettD> l^e feour ftrcngtl) anu totoer: fl)n|a(ob0 0oDt»e DoDepenD, ant) on ^i^mtsljt anD potj^et, Omncs gcntes.PfalxIvii. T.H. 10 p;op^ruD t^e btnsDome of €^iifi, tn t^ttm9 of t^e (^ofpeil. VC people all tortl) one accojti, S^'°s ^w* to] -1 clap l)anD$ ant) el^ereiopce: plTp&i" 35e8laD,ant)angbntoti)eiLojD ^ * t)[)itl)rix)eet ant) pleafant bopce. J Jfoji^tgli t^el-oj^ ant) Djeatifull iiaf, totti)^ont)erie? manifolti: a mtgi^tie Ifeing fte i^ truelp in all t^eeartl^eictolt). ^ ^e people be n;aU mafee to U, bnto our bonbage tb^U: ^b bnbemeat^ our feet be diall t^ienationsfmafeetofeU*. ' l24 Pfalme xIviH. 4 fox 1)S^ tlje Ijeritage !je cljofe, i]ol}icVooc poirede alone: CUef louridKnij tao?(!)tp of Jacob l)ti8f^e!beIoucZ>one. ^ ^ur <0oD afccuDeti tp onl^fe \knt\) top rmD pleaCant noice: -C^e •ilo^D goctl)Dp atone tljeffete toitl) ttnmpet;3! ropalltjorct,. <5S^mgpzaiCes^to on» d^otrfingpjate, ftng p^^ife^ to our feing: ::(ro: (^oD 10 fetng of all t^e ;eartl), airCivilfulpiaife^fmg. 7 d^oD on ti)e Ijeatljen raigne;9( nnD fitg ^ ijponl)ijBJl)olptl)ione, €i}c punceisof ti)e people l)aue tljemtopneDcuerieone. 8^0 3[lbUil5am$peop!efojour d^D, to!)tci)i<3ic]calteDI)(e: ■^^ b)ctl) a bucblec Dot^ DefcnD ttjeeaitlicontiunallp. Magnus Dominus. pfal.xlviii.I.H* /IKl)(^n'^s ore gitifn to (&c d foj tic notable ijtltn rmif e ©f l*?it*rnfaifm from the h^n^s ci iitiinp Htn5S,t!- f ellatc ftjbcrcrof tS;Pjaifet),fp? t\}(it 0oD (0 pjcfcnt At alttttrffl to ti:fcnO't:tlrDpfslmcrccmct'jtobcm6Deintl)ctttne,t«cc0affaaUcD. ( > i^cat i$ti)elo:D, aiU) iwitlj g^^^tp^zaife^f^^^^^^J;;^^^^ ^^ tobeai)aanceD(lill: i fi)jt3etie^ot|iepme: Z^ Dot^ a tx)oman,t]3^en f^e 0;aU gotraueilbpanH bp« 6 Slijai ti^ou ixitt^ eadetne )»tn^tl)e(t)(pie(» bpon t^efea boft biteai^e, ^0 tl)ep txiete fl:aib,anD euen ai8i, tx)ei)earb our fatt^erioi rpea^e« 7&omtl)ecittieoftibe Xoitb, l»eCai»aj8[tt))3d0toIl). Ilea in t^e etttte, tDi^ic^ our )lO}ti fo^^euertwiUbpl^olb. 8 iD £.o]ib )Dei33ait anb bo attenbi ontbFgoobl^elpeanb grace: fti boi^tc^ toe bo all ttme0 attenb, boitl^mti^pljolp place. p iD lioib accojbing to tftp name, fojeuer fet^ppjaife; 3Knb tbp right Ijanb:© )lo^b(j8!fiUl, of rigbteoufneiS nl\»aiej8;. loXetfojthpiubgement^^ion mount, fuUillebbetoitl)iope$: ainb eHeof Juba grant;€) )Lo}b, thebanghtertoreiopce. . 11 <$5o ii6 Pfalmcxlix. I o (150 ^alfee about all &m \)i\U pea tounD about l^er goe: ainD tell tl]e to\rerj5 tbat thereupon, arebmlbeDonaroe* u 3nD marfee ?e twell bw bultoarfejei aU» beboibbirtotwerg! tbere: a:t) at re map teu tbereof to tbem t^nt after fl;ail be ^ere. ^2 f J tW d^ot) ijB^ our (Bob,out (15ot) fojeuermojeiisbe: ^ea auD bnto tbe beatb ^Ifo, oursutt)er(^all^be. Auditchrec omnes,Pfal.xlix. T-S. C^oDfi^inte mootict{)t^econriDerationofmsn0Ufe.O)r&ine tktAthtvoiMifittttxt not IjappteS: but notet^ i)oi» all tl}tng0 arc ruie&bB aii» Soiil rc^avD t^em in ti)c Dap of I)i0 [r((Hr;ectton. i ,C^er*i« A Unpeople Ijarfeen anb giue care S^'"s '^" **!i totbattbataftalltelh It^ 2:i3otbbisbanbloto,boti^rici^anbpoo?e, ^ tbatmtbet»o^ib bo bt»ell> 1 f o?)»bP^^mpmoutb (Ijailmaifee bifcourfe, of manp tljings? rig^t t»ife: 3Inbnber(lanbmg ftall mpbart bt;8:itubtee]i;erctre* 431 \»illmclmemmeeatei0(tofenoto, tbeparableisi (bbarUe: 3[nb open all mpboubtfulirpeecl)> inmeeteronmpbarpe. 5 ttDl)r ll)oulb 3B feare aff lictionsJ, ojauprarefulUoile: Pfalmc.xUx iiy arepieftmp life to fpoile;? ^jFo^ajBifoifucl)aj3!ricl)Cj8i l)aue, i»i)erein t^eirtruftijsJ moft: 7a!nDfteptol)ic^ of tljefetrcafureg great, tljcmfelue^Dob^taganD boatl:. Cljerc fe; not one of tljem ti^at can, I^ij9( bjotterjsibeat^ ret^eeme: 1^} tljat can gtue a p^tc^ to ^ol^ fuf tcient foji^im; 83|tii6itoogreatap]ttcetopar> nonecan ti^reto attatne: 9€>|tti^ati^emigi)tl)iie;iifep^olong, o^not in gtaue tematne* locbep fee i»ife men a^ sx^zW aiS fooIei3^,, fubiecttjntoDeatl)$ ^anb^: ainbbetngbeab lltanget!S(poirefre tljeic goobjaf, tbetr centisijtl^eii: lantisf. iri:beiccareiiStobuilb l)oufe;J faite,, anbfobetctminefute: Comafeetljeirnameja^tigi^ t gteaton eart^, founectombure^ i2Petfl;allno manalinateis^ (nior btgbl)onout>)x)ealt^anb reft: 25ut fl)all at!engtl)taaofbeatl)ei3(cup> ug WW a$ tbe bi^uit beaO* Thefccond part ^ anbti^ogibtbeptrietljeicfooliU) tl^oug^tj^ to be moft letub anb baine, Cl^eit cbilb^en pet app joue t^eir talfee, anb in itfee finne remaine; J 43(10 fbeepe into i\}t follr ace bj^ougljt, fofl)aUtljepinto graue: Beat^ 128 Plalflicxlix* j^tH^ (ball t\)m eaee, anD in ti^at Dap tt^e iud (ball \ott^f\)i^ baue. €beir image anD tbeic ropa! po^t> (I;al faDe atiD quite Decap: ualjen a^fcom^oufeto pittljeppaffe, toitl)\»o auDtoealea luap. i;J5ut^oDtoillfurelppjererue me> from Deatlf ant) enDlelTepame: 25ecaurel)0tx)iII of l)issgooD grace, mpfoulereceiueagame. 1 6 3f anp man t»ac tuonDjonjoi t fc^, feai;enot3(^ap tljerefoje: Sltbougb tl)e glo^e of ilitiSbottre, increafeti) moze anD moje* lyf ojtBijenbe Hietb, of all tbefetbrng?^ jiotl)tngll)alll)ereceiue: I^tie; glo^te tutll not follot» ^tm, W pompe i»tll taHe ber leaue. 18 petmtbiiSKfeftetafeejSlbimrelfe tljebapptedbnDer fumie; 3lnD otl)et$li&ei»iCeflattec btm, raping all is; tnell Done. ip^inDp^cfuppofeljeliueais; long> a^DiD^t^fatbet^olD: Pet mud ^e neeD;8( at lengtl) gtue place, anD be b^ougbt to Deatl^je; folD* 20 %W ^^^ to bonoi^ ur (!5oli iDtlt'comcbefo^eiti^at long time -=. — II ^ _. . — . .S^euauringfitelbaligo befojel^ifi^face, M great tempeft^allrotmD about bimtrace^ ft 4 ijc Pfalme L. Co iuDge W folate toitlj cquitie auU rigl)t: 5%apmg,go to, anH not» mpfaint$ alTemble , fl^ppeacet^ep^epejtljeirgtftejBfDonotmiremWe* 6 cijeljeaneniBJ B)ail Declare i^terigljteoiitlicafe, f o: (!5oD t^iuDge of all tijinge^moie anU Icffe. 7 5>Mre mpfpeople, &i 3 tx)tlliio\» ceueale: :ii(i: Jfraeil: J iwill t^ee noug!)t eonceale* Ct)p (!5oD^tl)p (Sou am 3, anO toiil not blame t!jee> 8 f jguung not all manner offermge;Slo mee* 9 S^aue no neet) to ta&e oCt^ee at all <^oatei8:of tbr falD, o^ calfe out of tl)p (lall. lof oxtail tbe beaded are mine ix)tti^m tbet»oob0, £)ntbourant)ebtlis^ cat^elare mineotDne goobjs?. 1 1 J i^no^ fo]^ ntine al btrbe$tbatareonmountatnej8(. 3tlbea(tia(are mine tDl^ici^^mmtti^eftelD^siant) fountainio^ H ]^ungrrif3!^w,3tooullinottl^eeittelf, jf ojt alli0 mine tbat in tlje twojlb Dotlj :Dt» ell • li €at 31 tbe flefl^ of great bulia^oji buKocW, iS);D^nfeetl)eblouDof ^oate0 anDoftbe flocft;^ i4©ff^r to<^ob,pjaire anb bartp tbanfeTgiuing: ainb pap tljp bo\)3e;9(!bnto (i5ob eaer lining. 1 5 Call bpon mctwben troubleb tljou C^alt ber. Cben twill 3 belpe, anb tboulI)alt bonour mee: i6 (Co tbe "oii^tliy ti)n0 faitb tbe eternall (Boh: mbP boll tbou p^eacb mp latwe^ anb beftjJ ab^oab: ^eing tbou baft tbem b3itb tbP moutlj abufcb, 1 73[lnb batft to bee h^ bifcipline refo jmeb. ^p bjojb^i Captljouboft retect anb Ijate: 1 8 3 f tbat tbou fee a tl)efe,ag boitt) tbp mate, Ci^urunne(ltoit^i) featenot \xA^m i^e tbiteatnetl^ tx)it^ l§tie( boo^be: jleaa tottbout belpe: 3 fpoile ponajBi atJj^p^ 33 :23utl^etbat t^anikeiBfoffetet^p^apG^l^ meeap^ daitbtbe)lo^bur <5Db (^all comein^aft, to Cpeafee i^ee fl^all not boubt: t^efo^e btm Q)aU ti^e fire )»afl:> anb temped: ronnbe about: 4 'Cl^el^eaueniBEfrom onl^tg^ j^eearti^belot))liHe)pi(e: . fsl'^ P1alme.L. l^e t)3in call footii^,toiuDs0anD trie 5 :J3ungfoit!?mpfamtej9tffa people, C^gtueljeeDe, Sfraeltottieejme: 3 am tljp,(i5oD ti^r ijelpe .at neeDe, t^oucanftitnotDenie* 83|Doenotfaptot!)ee« t^pfaerificeisflacfte: Ci^ou offered Daplp i?nta t^ee; mucl) mo je t^en 3 Doe la*e>. 9 Cbinkftt^ontljatJfDanerD mv cattell poung oj olDef S>^ CIS Co muci^ Defireto feel> ongoatejsout oftl)pfolD* I o ^ar , all t1ie be alleis are mine, m iJoooDie; tbat eate tbeir fitsi: 3nDtboufanDe$mo^eof neatanD Hinr t^atruntDilDetntbe W. The fecond part. II Cl)ebtrDe!9(tbatbuilDeonl)i8^, tnbU^anDoutoffigbtt ^nD beaaeiat tbat in tiiefielDe;QlDo1ie; areCubtecttompmtgbt. 12 -Cben tboiigb 31 bungreD fo?^ toi^atneeDJ oug^t of twines Pfalme L ijl atftiall t\)ttzmfimm: n Cobuli0(fle(l)l^aue3Imml>, to eate it Dod t^ou tWUi £)^fucl) atoeeteneffetioa finlj, tl^eblouD of goatee to ^mfxci l4.(5mztom%ott^i^\^ p^aife, iBitbti^anfeeiStolitm apjjipt aint) fee t^ou pap ti^p botDeis: al)x)atejg( bntoti^e(^oDmofti^ie. isCften feefee auH call to me, U)benoug[i)t t»oulD tuo^lie t^eeblame# aint) 3 \»iU Cure Deliuec tl^ee, ti^at tbou maid: p^atO^ mp name> i6 :23ut to tbe t))ic]^eD traine, twbte^ talfee of <5oD eacb Uapt ainD r et tbetr i»ojW are foule auD J^aine!, to tl)em tl)e jLo jD tolU fap: 17 oait^ix^l^atafaceDard t^ou mptDoitioncefpeafecoj name? iBbPtioti^tbptalfee mp lat(jallot»: tl)p UeeDejBi Uenp t^e fame. iS i^^ereajsifo^to amenD tbp life tljou art foflaclfee: ^V ^ojD ti)e tDbicl) t^outioft pjetentb iis( call: bebinn tbp baclte* The third part. 1 9 UDl^en tbou a tl^ef lioH: fee bp tbeft to iiue in twealtb: ^itb bimtl)otitun(l)anbtio(f agree liHeiwife to tl)jme bpftealtl^* 20 i©t)en tl)ouboltt!jembei^olD, ^at)x)iue^auDmatD|3i Dealer IJ4 Pfatme L. Ctioulifeeft ft lx)elI,antJi»aiceftbolD; toMetljatUfemoaDile: 21 %\}V lipjs foou tioa appip to llanlirranD Defame: ffi)P tongue i0 taught to craft anD He, anD mu tiotl) life tl)e fame^ «z 'C^ou ftuHietl to teiule tl^p ftienDeiS to ti^ee fo neate: mit\) flantier ttjoutooulDftneeUiSBefite t^rmotljergfonnemoft Deare^ 2; t ereat lx)l)ile 3 Do toinfee, aj9?t!)ougl^3Di&uotfi^: eface,mpfaultes!telt}e(re, gooD LJ I I III ■,i i «'-i.n I .■■ ■ ■I I III Hll. iii . i l - » 1 « l |J> I M I I I l | ill»» » lll.ll , , it rt anDinattemetleane:ftom t^i.silmm(I:anDflnMact: anQ -1— 1 »» J ' ..■«»> — ^ — — — — — * — . ^ . — . ^Vi .^ -. JB-T purifie^etonceasame>m^i^amoui8(tnme fiblouDp fact; ^Eemo^reant^fo^tDtoDoti^ conarame mctoaci^nob)letigetnmeeii;ce(re: iS^pfinneiGiaiajQiDolUU temaine befo?empfac0i»it^ut releafe. 4fo^t^ee^lone3baueoSent)e0> commtttmseutUint^p (iS^t: ainD if 3 luere t^tefoi^e coHbemneb, ret iwmt^p iuDgmentie( iuftanb t^igbt »4 5 i|($ PralmcLi* 5 3It Wtoo manifett,ala!S, t^atfirftitoaiaiconccpueamrmne: l^ea of m^ \mt\}zt Co bojne twaft anD pet ^ile \»ietcl^ temame tljetcm; 6 3(ilfo bcl)OlD 'ilozti tl)Oii Dofl: loiie tftetnioart) tnitl) of apurel^eart: C^erefozetln'^^ifcDome from aboue tl)oul)a(l:reueaH>meto conuert. 7 31ftl)ou i»itl) i^tfop purge tl)i;3! blot , 31 0;all be cleaue r tl)eu ti^e glaOe: 3rtt5if tljouusaa) a^apmpfpot, tl)efnoi3a in iwi^iteiicire fljall J paffe: 8 Cl^erefoje €> iLo.iD fuel) top me fenb, tl)at in\»arblp J map finti graee: anDtljatrnpftrengtbrnapuotD ameii^/ Ual^icl) t^ou ^aUTuoagUe fo? mp treCpaie?. pCumebac^etlipface anti frotwning (re, f 03^ 3 l)aue felt tnougl) tl)p l^auD: aiuD purge mp finne;^ 3 tbee Defire> tuijict) Do in member paffe tljefanlr* 10 ^afee neb) mp i^art toitl^m mp bjefts anb frame it to tl)p Ijolp tjoill: Cl)P constant fpirit in me letreH, toi^icl^ map t^eCe raging enemies feill, Thefecond part. 11 Call: nte not )Lo;it) out from ti^p face but fpeebelp mp toimentjSfeuli:. CaHe not from mee ti)p fpirite anb grace tuljicl) map from banger^ me befenb* i2Ec(fo:emetotl)ofeiope0 againe, tx)l)icl)3I ^as^oatintljee to ftnb: ainb let me tbp free fpirite retaine, M)icl| bntotljieemapftirmpminbc* n Vii\^ PfalmeLi I37 i^ %W Wben 31 0)M t\^v mtttitg tmot»? 3f Q) all mllruct otl)ets( tl)crem: 3inn men tftat are lteei»ife b^ougi^t toto: bp mine example (l)a!l flee fmne* 14 €) (l5oD,tl)at of mp l)ealtl) art XLojH, fojgiue me tlji^mp bloulip t^ice: S^pi^eartanti tongue l^all t^en accojD to Cing tl)v mtttic^ atiD tuff ice* i^Coucl) tl}oiimpIipjE(,inp tongue tjntfe ^ Klo^D iD^cl) art t6e onelpfeap; ainD tl)en mpmoutljUiallteftcfie tl)p ij)onn JOU0 'ol)Op^^ ^ pjaife atoap 16 inDaisifo J outiToarD Cacrif ice, 31 tooulti l)aue oiferet) manp one: 25ut ti^oi; edemell ti^em of nopj^we, anDtlieretnplearuretal^at^ounotie*^ 17 C^e ^eauie liart , t^e minUe oppjeft, £D £0 jD ti^ou neuer Doll reiectt ainti tofpeafte trut^it ijsft^ebeftr anUof all facrifice tlje effect* 1 5 HojD bnto S) ton turne t^p face, poureoutti^p merciesiontljp^ili:. aii^D on Jerufalem tljp arace; builDbp tl)pi3oala!anOlouettftiU* ip "C^ou Dt>alt accept ften our otfeingjai of peaceanDngl}teoufnei^ 31fap: pea Caluei3; ants manp otljer tWngefe tipon t^tne altar \x)iUi»e lap* Another of the fame by T.N. vSmgthija» fJ3luemercp on me c^oDafter, ^'^noi^* chki t^pgreatabunDant grace; , he lame »ta-> Met i^ Pfalme Li» aif ter t^v mttdtg multt(ttDe» tiotljoumpfmiaiDeface: zPtn'nyynn) memojefrommineofiEetice; anU cletifemefrommpfmnr. fo} 3 1)0 hm\x) mv fmdte)ai>anD (Ml mp finnejBi ate in mint tf ne. 0qmnf^tlftZyt\)tt alone, 3 tjaue oSentiet)tntl|i0care: 3CnD euiU ^aue 31 Done before D^ep^edmceoft^pface. 4'Ci^at inti^etl)ing$t^attl^ou baftDone^ bp^tgl)t ti^u maieft bee triDe: 3iitiDe^miuDgms tl^attbe Doome, mappaltebpont^ribe* 5 23ebolD tntDicl^eDneirempl^mbe anDfl)ape3|Dtt)teceiue: 3llnt) lo mp rmfuU mottier elte in rinne bit) me conceiue. 6 53utlo,ti^etnttbof inluarD -patteje? iisfplearantbntot^ee 3nb remte0 of tbp toiCebome ti^ou; reuealebftafttomee, 7 iiDitbl^pfop>>Lo;b,befpjinWemee, SMbecIeanCebfo: ^ea ix)aQ) tl)ou me, anb fo il^ali 3| bet))l^itect^entlie&um)« s ^f iop anb ctlabne^malie tboume, to^eateftepleaftns bopee: Cl)at fo tbe biufeb bone^ t»^ici^ ti^ou ^aUb^i^en map teiopce« 9;f rom ti^e beftolbing of mp fmneifc >Loxb turne aboap ti^pf^ce: Pialmc Li. I3f 3nt) all mp tieeDeis^ of loic^eDneffe Doe ttterlp Deface* 10 £) ^oD^createmmeai^art tjafpotteDint^prtgljt: 3^nDeUetx)itWnmp botDeWJiojDr renetnallableDfpmt. ^eca(lmefromt^pfi8W;noj tafee tl)P^oUefpititeal»ap, Cljecomfojtoftte fauing^elpe, gtuemeagaiae3p?ap. iz itattb t^p free fpirtte eftabiiQ) mee> anD 3 luill teac^^erefo je ^tnnevis^ tl^p )x)aiei6; anD tiatc^D (Ijall betumDt)ntoti^plo;e. The fccond part. 13 ^D^l^at art mp d^oD of i^ealti^ from blouD Deltuer mee: tpatpj^atfeje^oftW rigl)teoiifnej2(, mv tongue map ring to t^e« H^plip^tl^atpetfad cMD bee; DO tuou £> >Lo jD> bnelofe: tlD'^e pjaife^of tbp maieftte, tnp moutli ft)all foiDiCclofc, 15 3 tMOulD liaue offereD ;facrifke, iftt^atftaDpfeafeDtbee: 23ut pteafeD i»itl) burnt offettngeies ;9 l^oto tl)Ou )»iit not bee. itf^IitroubleDfljimei^ factiftce, Deligbtfull in (SoDjsf epe;5: SUb^oi^enanD an Ijumble Ijeatt, d^oD, tliou tDtIt not DiTptCe. 17 3n tbp gooD t»ai DealegentlP;)tOi&j to^Ua^aD ipit^aU: 4foant Uo Pralme Lii. d^rant tl)at of tte 3i<^nifalem. ijpjeattimapbet^etxiall. 18 Tiucntoffcnugcs;,gtftei3ianD facrifice, cfiuiliccmtljattjap^ 'Cljou fljalt acccpt.ant) Culwcisitljern^all Upon tUiue altar lap. Quid gloriaris. PfaLLii I.H. ft5* E)atttM>ercnbctl) tljc arrogant ti'^annic of 3Docg S>anlc9 cWcfe ftcpl[>carDe,w!)i bpf3lfcfurtrtfc0 cauf<;B aibiimi;clic anDtljc P?icft0tobcilatne,!^cp?opbcfoonMi^ptis^: 'Ci^oui^aQ;mo^eluafaUi^tale)8(tofinl)r> t^anbjtmgt^etrutljto liq\)t 4 Cl^Du tttDd: Delight in firauti anD guile, in mtfcl)eefe,blooD anH tDitong: _ C^pltpgi^aue learnt) tbeflattnngiKlr, I €)faireDecettfiUltong. T 5Ci^erefo?eD)aU(^ot>fo3taieeonfourti) ant) pluche ti^eefromd^pplaee: •Cl^ feeti root out from'offt^e gtounD, ant) fofljalltljee Deface. 6ci^eiuftt»l)entl^epbel^olt)eti^pfaWj Doiti^ feare ti^tli pitaiCe ti^e )la^D: 3(nt)inrep^ocl) of tl)ee )))itl^all, trie out tott^ one acco^D* 7 Betiolt) tl)e man tni^ic^ IdouIH not tab^y ti^e)Lo}t) foji^i^Defence: 'But of ^1$ soot);3i !^t9S ^ot) D^mai^e^ anDtrnft^iisicojniptfenfe* 8 25ut 3 an oliue f rel^ ant) greene, tiotlirp^tng an!)(|)^eaDabtot)e: jFojit»i^pf mptruQ:aUttmej3i^'ati^beene i t)pontt)e;Uuing<^oO* 9 f o]i tl^iiSi t^erefoze )x)itl3tgiuf PltaiTe to ti^ee tuttt) i^art auD botce: 3 \x)i\i fet f o^t^ tbp namealtpaieiet, ioo\)ttm tbprainti9(retotie* Dixit inifipicns* PfalXiiL T»N* 0>3Ddui(Dcli:ftbetl) tl)? cvooHed natore* t^c crueltp itti) 9tittt%ment of tlie &^6f» £4i P(aIme.Liu. 9D^at t^ete 10 anp <150D at all, i^ati^DtterlpDenatD. z 'Cl)cpatecoiriipt,anDt^epairo a ^ainouiei boo^&e i^aue)»;oug^» aimong ti^em all t^eretie( notone> of gooD t^at too^i^etli oug[^t* ^ d)e)LoiDlooi^tt)o:i3at^onConne^ofmm from ^eauen ^1 ab^De : Co fee if anp "mtxttW )»oull^ be )x)tre> anti feet^e foit * 4 tii:^epareallgoneoutoft^e)»dp> tl^epareroiriipteliaU: "Cl^ere t^ not one botl) anp gooD^ tl^eret^notoneatalL 5 }^onotalll])lcbebt»o^l(etle{|mote^ tbatt^epDofeeDbpon S^p people,aj8;tl)epfeeDjonb3^eal>f t^e)to;b tbep cannot on. 6 Cucnt^eretl^eptx)ereafratD>anDffoo& )x)ttb trembling all DiCmaib : D^l^erea0t^ete)])aj8(no caufeataU tni^t^ep QDonlbbeafcaift* 7 f ojKiBoD^bije^boneia^tl^attlieebefeegib batb fcattereD all ab^De : C^ubail confonnDebtl^^fo^tl^e^ teiectebareofd^oD. 8 €>:lo^D,giuetboutl)ppeople^ealt^/ ant) tbon>€> ?lo!^l),fulf!ll %\)V pjomife mabe to Jittntlh fromoutofj^ion^ilU Vie Pfalme LiiiL 14I 9 {)al)en(!5ot)t)i$ people (^allreOo^, m tbateatftiDa^captiuelaD: tciyenjacob {l)all ttjerein retopce, miDJCtaeliO^ailbeglaD^ Dcus in nomine. Plal.LiiiL I.H. IC IDmtf) in srrat Danger tf^jtongl) ^HP^jer, caQet^ l^wn ^oatd DcSrop itetmii^i C; ^D raue mc foj t^p ^olp name, rsiagthii tor> ^ anlieo?t^P500Dne(ftfiafeet ^ScTpjic Wntotl)cftr^n3ti)'^o3itiofti&e(]lme, c »> ^ 3gDomrcaufebetalte. As !Reg;atD)^ )lo;0,anD qm an eace V^ to met»^en3 Do pjap: »oto Dotwnet^pfeiftto me,anD^eare t^eb30jDia(t^at3Dofap. I jfojtftraungerjBJljpasamftmenfc, anH tnant$ bei^me fttll : H^i^iib i)auenotc3oDbefoitet^eir epeja^r tbepfeefee mp fouleto (pill. 4 :23ut lo^mp (BoD Dotb stue me ^D, fte M^ojD ii8i(h:aigt)t at batiD : Ileitis t^em bp tobome mpfoule ig (f aiD, tbe %ofi^ Dot^ euet ftatiD. 5 oaitbplaguejsirepapagameant^ft, fo;mett)atliefnt»ait: anD in tbp tttiettj beftrop mv fotgy )))itbtbeirotx)ne(hareatU>^ait« 6 3lnoffnngoffceebaitanD)»(U, tljenitotbeef^allmake: 3lnb p^e tbp namelDit tbemttSiQ l44 . Plalmc Lr. 7 4) )Lo:ti at length DoCetwrftee from tljcm t^at craft coiUpire: auD no to mine eteixiitt) ioi? Dotti tee on tljem ntp ijartis Defire* ExaudiDcus. PfalXv. I.H. C 3D8ui& in great BtarcfTc. coraphrtiirtl) ct^oAa cnictt]? fm^ Mthoo'6 offfMamOUn acquamtance, cffectuottQp moouing t^e H o?D to p(tte ^m*d^ aCTnteO of Ddiuc^ rancc, ^e fctcctl) f o :);tt) t^e svace of d^oD^as tf la ^aD alrcaDi» obtatoed ^iB reqoeft, (^©ol5 giuc eare, anD Do applie 5 Se^e ^ '^ ^^ tol)earemetol^en3lp?ap: ytkcu.?^\ SJnD tot)en to tUee 3| call auD crte, ^ ftiDenottUpXelfcatoap* 2 Cat^e beet) to me^gtrant mp reque(ts anD anCwer me agatne: Iffiit^ plaints^ Pl^ap,fuUCo^^pp^e0:, great greefe i3u)tlj me conlhdto* ; 15ecaufemp foei8( iDtt^ n^eatiBf anD cni^ opp^elfemeti^tougl) DeQ)iei)t: EnD fo ti^e toicl^D fott Ittieloai? tot3e|cmel)aueDeUgl|t. 4 f o; ti^ep in counfell im confpirc to ct)ar ge me to itl) Come ill: ^0 in tl)eit ^a(tte to]iat^ anD ire ti^epDopurfuemeHtlL 5 ^p l)eart Doti^ foint fo^ toant of D^eatl^^ it panteti^ in mpbjell:: C^e terrojie; anD tljeDjeaD of Deat^ Dot!) too jfee me muc^ tjnreft. 6 ^ucl) DxeaDfuU f eare on me Doti^ M* ti^at 3 tl)eretoitl)Do Qimfte: fyn cl) \)0%m toljelmetfi me toitt;al!j t^t3Inoft^tftcanma^« 7»wt Pfaime Lv, $4^ 7a5ut3IDofar,t»l)ot)otUgiuemee, tl)eftj)tft ant) pleafant toingetf ^f fomefatre J^ouef tftat 3 map flee, anDteftmeefromtljefeti^ingeiBf. 81/0, tljen3l ^oulDgoefatreatuap^ toflief tsjoulDnotceafe: ^nD 3} tooulD l)tt)c mp felf e, atiD (lap in fomegreate tMtlDccnelTe. 9 Ji tooulD be gone in aU tlje ^aft, anDnotabiDebel^inDe: ^]^at3!t^erequite anD ouetpad t^efe blatter of botfterou^ i(upn2)« 10 1^zmX>t tbem ido^D anl^from t^em puO, tbeir Bmilid^ Dubletongue: fot 31 ^aue fpteD tWt titit ftill of raptne;n:t:tfeanli \))^ong. II i©bicbtl)mg!8?boti^mgbt^tiap tl^joug^- t}iDclofebera$at)oaU: (out, Jn mtDft of ber tjs^ mtfcbiefe ftout, anD ro|trot» efee; tjoitftalL I i^tt pziute patters ate )»tciieli plame, berUeeDejs(aremucbtoo bile: Inti in bet ftreeteis ti)ere botb temaine alUraftie fraun anDguile. The ftcond part. 13 3f t^at mp foejs DiD feefee mp (liame, 3!migbtittJ3eUabitie: Jrcom open enemies cbec'$i8( anD blame, fome ttibere 31 coulD me IjiDe. i4Buttbouttt)}a$mp felioto Deate bobtcbfttcntiftip DiDftptetenih ^nDbtDftmpfctrrtcounfeU j^eare, asmpfamiliar frtenb: 14^ PfalmcLv. 1 5 nE>ttI)i»]&ome'3 ^atiDeligi^tto tame, tnfecretant) abitoaD: 3[lnD tx3etoget^er oftMDt)oaIke tx)ttl)iu tlje Ijoufeof^oO* i6 let Deftt^ in Ijaft ijpoa t^em fall> anD fenD t^em qutcl^e to Wh f o^^mifcljieferaignetljm djefe tjal!, anD parlour i»ljere t^ep Dtoell 17 TdntJi^ntomi^mtiDomtu toljimfozWpeiflee: Ci^e iLojD Dotft Ijeare me bp anU bp, anD \)z Dotl? fticcour mce» 18 ^t moiniug. noone, anD euenittg tiDe tJutotljeHojDelpjap: ti8>ljen 3 fo tnftamip i^ue critte,. IjeDot^notrapmenap* iptiDo peace ^cfltiallteftoj^eme pet, tl^ougi^ )»arre be neare at i^antt: ^Itf^ougli ti^emtmber be fullgteate t^at^oulDagamltme ^nD* 20 %\^z )Lo;De tftat firft ^ laft Uotlj raigrte, botl) noto ant) euermoje: Will Ijeare )Dben 31 to btm complame^ anDpmufet^emtiiU foie* 21 f Djfure tfierei^ no i^ope, tl^a^' t|)ep to tiirne \301U once accoiH/ f 031 tol)p tljep toiU not <5ot^ obep, no; Do not f earc tlje jiotD: 22 mpon tljeir frenDisitljep laiD tl^e toi^ic!) tocrein coucnantfemt: €>f ftentiQjip to neglect t!je banDej3>, t^eppaffeojcarenotoi^it*. n^ butter uxttWt )»oztie$: 3ltl)oug^> tljeir toojW i»ere fmootl^ ai8(oiie, tftep cut as ft atpe a$ f u)03tDe$. 2^ Caft tljou tl)p care lipon ti^e }lojD, anD^eftallnounft tbee: foj in no tj)ife \»illl)eeacco2il5 tijeiuftintljjalltofee. i5 Sut 001) ftall call; tbem Dcepe in pit, tj^att^trftfoj blouD altoates?. i^e t3til no giulef uU man permit toliueoutbalfel)t0 Date^f* 2 (f C6oug;b ruci^ be quite HeHroiH ant) gone» mtbee,!©)L03tli,3!truft: 3 (liall DepenD tbp grace bpon, )x)iti^dUmpl^edrtanli lull. Mifer^re mci.PfalLvi. I.H. O jiDaufl) being bi^oos^t to 9cl;t0 tbe btng of ^atb*t*ia>«n« tf . i ». fomf^t^net^ of |)t0attmie«,«demant)etti rnccour.tTaaetb in d^oD, twtpiomiitt^ to vetSo}mt bisvotv, tfbicb voasto p^atfc €>od4n t;t0 C^nnt), H3Ilue mercieM^oi^D on mt 3 pjap, Csbg this to] f J man twoulti me beuoure: <»!;« ««« or; i^eKgljtetb^itlimeeUap bp bar, c'^' ^** "' anbtroubletbme ecbi^oure:- zfl^meenemiejSibaplr enterpiife, to toaUoix) meoutrigl)t: Co figbt againft mce mmv titz. tbon moftijigl) of mtgi^t. 3 m\^ti tbep luoulb maiKe memoll^ afraiD, toitl) boafteief anb b jagsf of pzibe: 3 truH in tl^e alone fo^ laib, bp.t^t»iU3|abibe' ^2 4l^aueairatb l^iismeccie^ttutb anb mig!)t 53feabmpUfe\»itb)ttoniai fell, aUfetontrjatbanbite; ainb t»ttd Cucb iDtci^eb men 31 blDell tl)atftetliKe8ame$of fire {^6 PfalmcLvli. M 6 %\)mtttt^ are fpeateg ^ atraiw W long a$(^atpea;ai3|]^aueCeene Cl|epb)ounD9cut \x>it\) t^mtffi^ tong^ lil^e CtooiDejB^anD )x)eapon$l(eetie. 7^et Up anD fl^elxj t!)P ftlfe flD ^06, ^^'^^fi aboue tl)cljeauens bjigl^t: C]calt tl)p pzaife m eartl) ab^oal>> tl)p mateftteanD migtjt , 8 C^ep lap t\)m net anD t)o pjepare, apjiuiecaiieattiti ptti -'= ^ ••*j^-' ifetierein tl)eptl)jnfeempfo«atetoftiare; buttliep are fame tnit 9fl?p ^arttgfettolannetl^e)Lo3i,, m^rmtoiopaltwapei?: fl^P ijatt f fap Hotft iMell aceojDe, toftns 1)1)0! laune anD pitaifc 10 Urtxjai^e mp iop, aU)afee3 top, mp)Lutempl^arpe,antiaring; fo^nipfelfebefojet^tiap totUrifereiopceanD fiug. II 35mongtl)e peopled \Din te* -0 -i ten* ^(fjnci £ 5: ttiegoDtJnedeofmpdDOD: '•'::"" ^nt> O^eiD l)i0p;atfe tijat ^dti) enje^j uil)eatl)enlanti$ab,ioatie. i2i^i0mercieDotl)e]ctenDaiff%re, '^^^'^li a0l)eauen;8;aUarebie: • J^tgtrutM$l)ig!)a$ameftam, ^ ) t!)atftantietlMntl)efl^fe. I? S>etfo?tl) anU {\)m (IjpMe, €) <15oD. abouetUefteauen^Jbjigiju et)0(uOgement ^etvins t^ tl^e tutt Q)al I t9i9fcc at t^e ponntQ^ment of t^z foicbgb to 4^OD0 g^o^p. Y(£ rulet t)fticb are put in tmtf , 3 ^i"^ '^'' *?l to iuDseof iMjonganDrig^t: ^rc a!;r:v 23e all !>out luDgement^ ttueanti iuO> noti^notx)mgneeDo^migl^t: 2 0nv in pour tiartief pe mar^e anti muTe^ in mtCci^tefe to content: Htnti tDljerepou (l&oulD trueiudicefire, p^ur l^anDiS^to b^ibe^are bent. /-Cl^toicfeeti (ojt fromtl^eir birt^ bar, ^aueenetion tl^i^tDife: 3nli from tbetr motber^sf toonU^e alt»a? bane bftb craft anDlieiBf. : 4 3n ti^em ti^epotlbn anb ti^ebj^eatli^ of ferpentisfboe appeare: ^alii^et^e 3(ibber ^atitf bea&. anbfaftbotl^aoi^el^eare* 5l3ecau(^^ei93ill noti^areti^e bopc0 ofonetj^atc^armetb toell: il^o^tbougib i^e)»eret^eci^iefeof cliioife, anb bib therein ercell. 6 ^ (!5ob b^eai^eti^out^eir teetli at onte> iDttbin tbeir mou^ tl^^ug^out: W^t tnt^tsi tl^at in tbeir great tat)3 bontfl^ It&e)lioni6ibol)elpcie(i^ang out. 7)!Lettl)emconrume atoapanb twaft, aiS^boaterrunisffoitb rigi^: Cl)e(^afte0tbatt^epbon;ootin l^afl^ lettl^embe bzol^en infiigi^t. /52 VMmt Lix. 8 3ismaile^t)ot»al!toitl)intl|en)en ant> tnto fltme Do runne: 3([;8Jonebefoze 1)10 timctl)at fell, anu neiierfatx^ tljefunne* y ^''' V 9 iSefoje fte tijojueg; t^atnoto arc pong, to 1)110)0$ btg Q^all grol)): %\^t fto?me$ of anget looajcing lltong, fl)alltaUetl)emetetl)epfenot»» 10 cije tuft (I)all iop,it Dotlj tljem gooD tt)at (l5oO Dotib bengcanc^tafee: 3(lnt) tl)epfl)allt»a(ft tbetrfeetein WooD, oft^emtl)atl|imfo;raHe. 11 %\^tx[ [I)all tl)e tDoUD fl^etx) fo;ti^ 9tell> t^at goot) meni^ur ret»atD: 3inD t^at a d^oH on eatti) Dotli D)»ell> tt)attu(ltce Dotl) regat));; Eripe mc. PfalXix. IH. f^SDauidin great Danger of ibaul,&>^fciit to flap.^totln IM^ be»,DMUtrft^ lite fnnofl ccnc? ano ti^ir far^, p^aping ^OD to beOrop al maliciotui (hmerfl* %» t)0 (tof fo^ time to c]cercirei)i0 people, bat tntl)eenDconrttmetti l)(9 Sp^at^, to tf^ons glo^lp fo^t^is be nngcti) pyaife to ^oo, alTureo o( ^t0 trercies, cCiiD aioe anofauemefwm mp foeiJ, cs«ng f^^ »« 7. , ^ £)!Lo^l»,3p^aptot^ee: ^lio'nS^ j^efenH anH beepe mcftom all ftofe, <- -^ t!)at rife anD llnue t»it^i mee. 2 £E) )to;li, p^eferue mefrom tlK)fe men, . txj^ofe DotngiQi arc not gooH: 3(int) fet me fare anD fafe ft^om t^em> t!)attl)trfteti) after blooD. l#ojlOvt]^pi»aitmpfouletotafce, tl)ep rage agamftmeftill: peafoj no fault t^atJDi&mai^er SneuerdtOt^emtll. Plalme Lix. i^ 4C^e!> tun anti Ho ti^emfelueiar pjepate, tw^enHnotolbitoffenD: arife auD faue me from ti^cir fttare, anD fee i»^at tl^ep intenti* 5 fl) )to^D of ijofte^of Jftaell, arifeanD ftrifee all lanDjaf: ainti ptttte none tljat Dottj rebel!, anD in tl^eir mik\)ieft ftnv^fi. 6 3W mgljt tl)ep ftir anti feel^e about, a$ ^ouuD^ t^ep l^oule anU grinne: Stntiailtbecittecleanetb^tougbout fromplace to place t^eprunne. 7 ticiiepfpafee of me twitb ntoutb altwap, but tntbeit ltpj8( ateCbDo^tieis: : Ci&epgtreeD mp Deatb,anli t^entjjoulbfap, t»batf none Dotti ib^ve out tDO^Deief* 8 ®ut )lo^iD t^ou liad tl^ett tarn' eisterpiel)> and laugbt tbeteat apace: W^ei^eatlien fbli^e ri)ou Q^alt Dett&e, anD moc^e tl^em to t^eit face« ptE^efttengt^t^atDotbntpfoeisiiDit^ttaD iS> ifloi^D,liotb come of tiieer ^p (0oD^e($mpl)elpeat^anlir a fozt offence to mee* 10 ilbe iCo^D to meDotb (bet)) i^tja; gtace, in gteat abundance IHll : d^atH map fee mp foeiei in cafe, fuci^ a;$mpbeattDott|t»ill* The iccond part. 11 Jaelttopti^emnot at once,^ (Bot»> leadit ftommtnDeDo falk Cut \x)ii^ t^p fttenst^D^t^emab^ll^} anD&con^amet^ati* j^^ Plalmc.Lx. lif 03^tt)ti'rillU)0.it)jganDtrutl)leffe totisue, confounDtl)cntint^eii: p^iiDe: letalltljeiDoo^ Derine. 1 1 Coufume t^em in tl^^ bD^atl^ €> JlOiD, tljat nciiigl)t of tljem tematne : '2Cl)at men map bno\» tl)^ug!)Out tlje l»o^lO t^at 3lacob0(5on Dottj taigne, 1 4 3[lt euening tb tv tetutne apace, a0tiog$t5er9nnanti ewe: Cljiougljoutti^cftreeteisiin euerte place, tUep mtme about ml> fpie. 15 C'^cr feefee about foji meate 35 Cap, but let tljem not bee f et): l^o^tfinDai^oufeiaiftemntbep map, bee bolD to put tl^eir J^eatie* 1 6 :taut 3 toll (l)eto tbetr ff tengtft abjoa^ tl)P soobnelfe 3t»illp^aife: f o^tliouartmpbefenceanlJ ^ob, at necb in all laffaieip?* i7(Cl]ouattmpfl;ren8tft>tl^ou^aftmettapb> €)ltiojbe3!fmgetotbeei ^l}ou art mrfo;t,mp fence anb apbe, aloutnge foi fauour me bnto* 9^ Butto^o iDfllbimgmeatti^iSltiDe^ tntoti^ecitteftrong; fl)jl»l)oto®omixitllme piDc fct^atJsoenot tojonsi 150 Pfalme Lxi. no; \x)ali^e among our lioaftjOi* 1 1 <^tne aiDe,£D )loiJ),anD tie( relieuc, from tl)cni tl)at t^^sDiCDaine: %l^t ^elpe tljat ljcff$ of men can giue, ittsbutallmt^am^ 1 i:^ut t^zogl) out c^oD tx)e (l)ali^aue misi^t to taUc great tfttngjei in IjanD: l^e ixitri treau Dotone anH put to tivHt^t all t^ofc tl)at \)^ toitl^ftanli* Exaudi Deus. Pial.Lxi. I.H. C^ijet^cr ^c &} etc in Danger of ttje 9mmonite0, 0? purfueD ori(i>fbloii, tKreiirerii et\^ to be deltucrcD and confirtneDin l)t0 btnsdome^j^omtSns perpctoaU pyailinB. RCgarDj^'/LoiWoj^llcomplaine, csingtbiia. p anDmafeemrfutetot^ee: ^donorclSrC 3ietnot mp toojDja; retume intjaine, <- * butgtueanearetomee. 2 f rontjoff ti^e coa(li8( anD titmotl part ofallti^eeartlb^^^odD: Jn grtefe anH anguift of mpl^art, 3Icrietoti^ee5€)(!5oft» g ^pontlje rocfee of tljp great po^er mptDoefull minHerepofe: Z\)on art mp l)ope,mp fo^t anH totoer, mp fence againftmpfoeiBf^ 4 l^ttl)intl)p tent 3 Uift to Dto^I, foKuertointiure: ^nDer tl)pi»ing)8;3i fenoto rigljtiDeU 3fl)allberafeanUftire. 5 c^ejLojliDot^mptieriretegarD; juntJtioti) fulfill ti^e earner DDtt^ Pfalmc LxH. 157 alltf)emtl)at fearetji$name: 6 '€f)C feing (^ all l)ee m Ijealtlj maintmnr, anil fo pzolong \}i$ tiaiejs: 'Cljat ije from ageto age fl^ail tafgne, foj eucnnoje altoapcjs. 7 fi:tjat i)e map l^aue a DtoelUng place before t\)z % 02,^ foj ape: i©Iettl)pmercie,trutl)attD grace, tiefenDl)unfromDecap. 8Cl)eiifl)all3!fing foicuecftill, toitl) pjaifel)ntotl)p name: Ctiatallmpt)a^es!3I map fulfill, anDtiapippapt^efame. Nonne Deo .Pfal. Lxii.I .H. IDwtt) Declareti) bp f;caniplc aniinamc of (0od,tt)at tjeean^al people mutt ttuftftt 00D a!onC)fetirg t^at all xvic^out.d^oD gcctt; tonou*: t}t, u^o cnclp is 0. poi^ec to Caucattd t^at ^e retDac^ct^ tnanaceoj^ins to ^iiB &io.i&9. Alpfonletod^oUlljaUgiuegooD l^eeD, <:sing this to! ant) \)im alone tntenU: ^^h« tunc of < fo?toljp>mpl)ealtl)anDl)opetofpeeD, < ^ Dotl) to^ole on l>im ticpenD^ 2jroji^e alone 1181 mpDefence* mprocfe,mp^ealtl)anl> aiU: !^e i;9( mp ftap tW no pietence, (l^allmaifeeme muc^DifmaiU* 3 i^ toicfeet) foli^e 1)0 to long totil pe» tjrectaftegifutepoumuftfalU foi n^ a rotten ^cDge pe be, anD like a tottenng toall: •f ria^ome(0oDDot^loue,pee(eefte alb^aie^ tQputl)imtotl)ei»u;(e^ 'the i/,Pr.( 1 58 Pfalmc.Lxii. |0e loue toIie.tDttt) mouti) pepjtatfe, atiti^etpoar ^attDot^ curCe. 5Petftillmi>fouleliot]^\33!)ole tiepenlJ ondPoUmpclHcfeDeftre: fromallillfeate^mcto Defend, nonebiitt)im3tequire* ^ i^e i% m roclie,mp ftrengtl^, mp tot»er, mp l)ealt!) t$ of l)i0 grace: i^e Dot^ Cuppojt mcct^at no pot»er can ntone me out of place* 7^ot)tgmp glojteantimpi^ealtli, mpfoule^Delite anD luft : fl^fo^Cmpllrengti^,mpftar»mFt»eaItl^ d^oD tjB^ mine onelp truft * 8 ^ll l^aue pour l)ope in l^im alt)oap^ pefoli^etDit^ one accojtU: Souce out poin: 6arti8: to \m anD Cap, ourtntftiiBiintl^e^iojiti* 9t!r:^efonnejGtof men fteceitefiiHare, on bailancebut afletgbt: Haiti) ti)inge$ moa batne Do ti^em compare^ fojtbepcanfeeepeno tweig^t I o ticnid not m )x)^ong,robberie, o^ ttealtl^, lettaine DeiigWejs; be gone: C!)ogb gooDief )xiel got dot) in trttl^ toealtl^) fet not poiw l}carte!0i tljereon* II €beliLo]il) longfitl^ onet^ingUotlj tell, iDbtcbbereto minDeS call: l^efpaifee it oft, 3 bearb it boel! tbat(25ob alone botb all. j2^nbtbattbou7Loiibeartgoob anb totb> tbpmercpboti^erceebe: ^0 Pialme.Lxiii.. /59 Deus Deus meus.Pfal Lxiii. T.S^ IDautii after l){g Danger of 5ip!).s3, Od5oD mp (!5oti,3f iwatc!) betime, csii^this torometot^eeinftaat '$hVZi foi \x}\)Vf m^ foule anD boDie botl) tiotljirftoftljeetotaft* i»beretDateri8!tl)ecearenone: jS^pflel^ i0patc6tfojt^oug^t of tftee, totljee3l t»i(l) alonr, 2Cftat3mi8i^tfeei>et'0ttce againr 3j9f 3HD8;2f ixjont it to bd)olD, tott^nti^ptemple bjigl^t. jfojtbjljpftljpmemeisfacrefutmount ^-^ t^t$lifeanD U)^etc^et) Date^f: iQ^p Upie; tiierefoie a)au gtue to t^ee Due honour, lauO ant) p^tTe* 43fntJtoWe03l Kue,3l tollnotfafle to i»o^ftipt^eeali»apr ainD ill t]^pname3Ill!)an lift tipr ttipi^anD$i»ljen31 Do p^ap. 5^ptoulei$filDa^i»it^ maqolw, tx)l)(el) 1$ bot^ fat atiD n^eet: a^pmout^t^ercfojeO^aUftngfuc^ fongist, ais are f^^ti^ee mod meet, ^uaijen a^inbeD Jtljinifee on t^eet anDefeeallt^emg^ttiDe;. 7 f o> 1^ Pfalme LziiU. 7 f 01 bntier couett Of tftp tongei0(, ti}ou art mv topfull gutDe ♦ 8 a^pfouleDottjfurelp ftlcbetotl^ee, t\)v rigl) t IjanD i$ mp potwei; : p ainDti^oretljatfeeliempfouletoftrop tl^em teatl) fl;al foone Deuour. 10 ' ^n^l^attDateieitoi^uttjti^eptalbe anD mufe, ailttme!Bit))iti)mti^eit^art> Ci^ep all confult tD^atfeateis; to &(e> ec^Dot^nmenti^tjsipate* 7ffiutpetalltl)ijB{fl)all not auaile, U)Uen t^e^ tlbtuHe leaft t^pon, ^oD tDttl^ Ijt^liatt fl;all [\xu alTaile? anD t}3ounD ti^em mmt one» SCi^etrcrafteiei anDtl)etrtltoans0!toit^ab Qiall)»o^i^eti^emfelue$atci^ blame: Cl^atti^ept»ibici^t^enbei^Qlb tl^^trfdU. ft all twonlier at tl^e fame. pCtienalltl^atreejftalM^nati^ ngi^ t»en> tliattll: ourf^ealt^oftt)0et)ot!) rife: '^Ebebopeofallti^eeattlb ab^ioat), ano tl^e fea coaae$ iti^einife* 6 i©itl)fttengtl)tl^ow»aitbeOrt;about, ?;i]f»r;:ro\ anbcompafttoitftt^p potoer: Cl^ou mabft t^e mountaine$ lh:ons 9 (tout to ftauD in euewe II)otxiet. 7'Cfte CijjelUngfea^t^outtoffiafftoage, ant) malvetfteir dreamer full (hlU '3rijout)oftreftraine tljepcoplcjsrage. antiruletl)ematt^pti)i!l. 8 'eilfullfaroneartJ(), ftaUD^eat)tl)p figne^tdfee: m>W^ mojne ant) euemngin great mirtl^ Do paiTe t»it^ pjaife to tljee* 9 WY^tti tl)at tlje eattl) igJ cljaptfjnl) t^iti ant) tl)itftetl) mo je mt^ mo^e: tlTljen tt>it^ t^p t)jop0 tl)ou Doft applp: ant)mucl)imrea(e^er ftoje: 10 Ci^t Pfalmc.Lxvi i^/ 10 Cbe fimtiS of anO to t>^s QoHc all men to ^cave and pj^tTc i^s name. Yemen on eartij in (5oDreioipce, SSn«S? i3oitl)pfaifefetfo|tti^ ^igname: 5*«^'^^'-^ d;toUWismtgljttx)itbl)artanDboice, ^ -^ giuegloiietotbejfame* 2l^o^\£ionDecfnlU(l)>L03^D,fap pe, in allt^ptoojifeejsti^ouart: €l^p foejsi fo; feare;Dofeeke to tftee fuUfoie againtt t^eirfteart* i* 4 3ilfolfee come fojtl)>bebomanD fee: toljat ^o^feet^e )lO]i& Ijatb bo^owsbti fl^arbe b3ell tlje iDotiDjoujJ Uiojfeisi ti^at 5^e, foMnantopadeJtjati^ bjouBbt. 5:i^elaibtUefeaIfeel)eapes onljigft^ ti^emnamptljepiljaD €)nfoote:topaire l)otbfaireanM)jp> tJo^etoftljeirbatttfiDereslali^ 6i^t<8(mtgl)ttioil)rulet^rt»03t(D alto^p, ^r^epe^alltftinse^ bebolU: , - ' ^ ^ 3lllfuc^ as tooulbljim Uifobep, bpi)int(l)albecontrolD« 7 i^epeople.siuebntoout^^ol) bue latib aub tl^anbes alti)ate;e(^ D^iti^ iopftU botce beclare ab^ab anbfingbntol)i$p;aife» soD^icbbotbinbueout: Coule^a^botti^ life anbitp^fernetoiti^ai!: $e&atet^outfeet>fo tbat noftrife, canma]^eb)e(aip6$fall. 9 (Ci)e )lo^b botb Piioue out beebioi bottl) ftte^ if tbattbep t»tl ;abibev^> ^^ (H 3(t!8!b3ojfeemcnboe,bol)^irtbepberire 10 baue tljetr mettete tribe* 10 3aitboHgbtbouruffe(b$Q)lons in p^iTon to be caft: 3inb tbeteiDitb ci^aitiieianb fettetia(Orong> to lie in bonbaaefaflt The Pfidme Lxvi jMj; Thefecond part. II Wta^ovi^ 3faV;t^ou fuffietmen, ont0 to nDeanD ratgne: C^ugl^t}oetl)itou$^ fireanDt[)dtettim» of bette stiefe anD pattie* ii^et fute t^outiolt of ^ goot) grace, Dtf{)Ol^ it to tl^ebell, 3(nDb^tngt)0out into apiace> to \im in tnealt!) anD teii« 1^ (Snto t^?i^ourere(b^tl»tll3l> < tooS^anDtopap: amn ti^e 3 bjill mp (elft appi?, mp tioiseiEi to tbee to pap. i4(C^ebot»e0ti^att»tt1^ mpmoutl^'3({)dke in all mp grief e anD fmart: C^e t^otoejs^ 3 Cap, to^icl^ 3 hit> m^ in Dolo^ of mpi^art* 15 "Burnt oSferingiei J t»ill giue to tl^e of ojcen fat ant) of Eamie(;? l!ione oti^er facrificelliallb^ of :t3ullocl(eiBi , (^oate$ anD idambiii. i6Comefo^tb ^anD^rften^ereMfoone^ all pee t^atfeare t^e %0}rit nai^at ^e fo^i mp poojie foule ^atpone, to pott3itx)illrerojt)» 17 full oft 3 call bpon ftijai gtace, t^tis^mouti^ to l)tm Hoti^ crie: 3lnt)t^oump tongue maliefpeetieapacep topzaifeftijnbpanDbp: i8 ©ut if 3 fcele mpljart ixiiti^in, intoicfeeOit»dj!i;S reiopce: <^oD t»iU not ^eare mi>bopce« #5 rpSttt anD tBijat 31 Do require: rV]^,'] fjorii/mir cJpno-.l^^ i #PPiaper^e Dot!) ^eU regatU, ^ " ■ auDgcantetl) mp Defire* 2 o 3111 pjaifc to l)im tl)at batl) not put nojcaftmeoutof minDe: il5o: pet 1)10 mercte from me (l)Ut to^irtJDoeuerfiuD*^ Dcusmifcrcatur.Pfal. txviLT.S. C 9 riDCctcp^aperfo^all tl)efatt})fail to obtaint t!)eCauojt b(^ob,j8!ittoBe{ilg^tttfl> &)ttf)ttt0ceuiitcnancc,totl;e cnix tt)atJ)i^i!Mp8n0iu&s ti)e toap to goDlp Ujeait^: aiuD all t^e nationje( on a rob) map (^e tl^p fauing l^ealfl^^ti ; ;A,etaU tl)et»ojlD,|^ let ttjepeople all ab^zoDe ; eWoUanDlauDeti)ci^nte: .wr^vr h — - » #i:i)?oug!)Outtl)e^o^rol»iDe, -^ '\" r'^ .''^ let aUreiopce\]oif9 mirtt): jf o^j tftou toitl) trutl) anD rigbtDodgtuDe tljenation^oft^e cartl). 5)letallt!)e too^,£D i^oD, giue pjatfebnto tljp name: €^ let tl)e people ail abjoDe ettoiianDlauDeti^&imj, 9 C^'H) dll t^e eattl) increaCei great ftoite of frute (^aU fall: ainD tteti out C5oi>, tlje d^oD of p^ace^ «oDftaUWl)lcire3fat>, anntt^enboti^farant) mate: Ci^efol^et^ou^outtt^cearttialtnari ofUimfcaUftauDmfeate^ Exurgat Deus, PfaLLxviiiTiS. fi>1Dan{ti t]Ct>}emgpiaife,fin8Pi:aifet)ntofte)lo^Dr i»boriUet^ontbefliie: C]rtolltbi$namcof3at)out (Bot>j antJi^imDo magmfie* 5 'Jl^atfame fe?!)e tbat ijs^aboue; t)3itl)inl)i;f^^oIp place: 'Ci^atfat^ec i;eiof fatj^etleCTe, ant)tuDgeofix>ibbob3eje( caC^ 6i^oufe$ ^e giuej9( ant) iffue bott^, bntot^comfottlefle: l^e b^ingetl^ bouDmen out of tl^^all anDt:ebeI;6itobtftt:eai^» 7 naftentftou tAUtt matc^ before ftpfofte^. t^e Cgppttan^ftom amons Hub bjiow^t tljemtb^wjuglj t^e iwilbemeffe, tliat tx)a$ botl) boiDe anb long. 8 %\^t eactl) bib Quai^e frame pourb boboU;, i^earb Wtc great clap;3f of ti^unber: Cl)e mount :&inat ^jooU in fuel) fo^t^ a$ it booulb cleaue in funbec. 9 i:l)ine l)eretage toiti^ bjopje^of taine, abounbantlp toais toafl;t: 3^nb if fo be it barren t3)m:t, bptl)eeitt»a$reft:e(^)t« I o i:i)p e^ofeu f ocfee bot^ tljere remained f^ou bail: p]:epat^ tl)at p lace: ainbfo^tftepooje tJ^ouboftpjouibe^ oftiiineeCpeciall grace. PfalmcLxviri. ^ The fecond pare n^oDt)iUsiuet3oemeticaufe0 md, tomagnifiei^ijsiname: ^l^en ^ W people triump^^mai^e, anD putct)are l»^ute ant) fame, uf o^ptuffanti^mgiQifoi^all tl^etr potx)et> (l^all flee anH taKe ti)e foile: ^UnDtoomenti^atretttameat Ijotm Oball l)elpe to part ti)e fpoile* %l 3Dnti tl)ouQ^ pe \]aet;e ajoiblacl^eaiei pot?? pour t)ue (^alpalfe tije doue? i^^ofetomgiganD feat^erietfcemetoi^auea ftlueranDgolHaboue^ 24 DDi^ett tn ^ifi lanti d^oD ((lail trmmpl^^ otter litng$ botl^ l^tsi^ anti loD): C^en l^ali tt be KHe ^aimotti^tU, a!8it(3l)ttea$anprnot]a: 15 C^ougtjt6afanbe afruitfuU ^, and m ^eigi^t otber^ palTe: |let &ion anD fuel) a0tiiD repine ^ ouDiDfl: fnbHue tl)at tljep mtgftt t^toell, in tl)p temple biume. ipJQo^ p^zaifiD betlje Ho^t)^ foit^at l)epoure0onb$rucl) grace: f rombaplobapljeiist^e (5oD ofourl)eaiti)anDfolace. The third part 20 l^efe?tl)e(i5ot)ftom twftomealone faluation commetl) ^plainer l^e i^^c^oD, bp b)!)omet»ercape allDanger0;t)eatl) antipaine^ 21 €l)u;8((i^oD)»il^unD^i;e(enemteiei^eali anDb]teaiietl)et)a;rie fcalpe ^f ti)ofe tl)at in tljeir tnicHet^neffe conttnuallpt)o))3alHe. 2z f romi3afanl»ill3biitng;rail>l)^ mp people anDmp (^epe: ainDall mtneo)])ne,ajS3i l)mi€ |t)one> from Danger of ti^cbeepe. 2; ^{inbmaHet^em Bip tl^eir feetetn bIouB> ' of t^ofe tt)at t^ate mp name: ^nb bo8$(t)all^uet4eirtongtteiai;imi9Ube Doit^ ItiJ^ing of tl^e (ame* 2^3ilUmnmapfeel)ototftouia) <15ob, ti^ine mzmitfi boltbeface: Inb i^obo ti^ou goeCt ns ^ob anb i^ing mtotftpboipplace^ z^%\^t fingerjsf go befoi^e toitlj iop, tt)e miunrcliGi foUotQ after : ^ubintl)emib(lt^ebamfei!B( plap> txjttbtimbjeUanbtoitfttaber* ^ £ s JSotxj Pfalme Lxviii* i^i 26|^oito in fte congregation^ (£) 3iftaell)pjaifet^eMJt>t anl) Jacobs! \»^ole podecitie, gtuetliatii^^tDtt^one nccoHi. syCijetccWefetrajs! little BeniamiUj butHluDamaDetljeic boalf: mtti) Zabulon anU iSeptalim, to^tcl) D\x)elt about t'^eir coaCt* z^M (!5oti4)atft giuen potocc to ti^ee, foiiojtimabcfirmeanb fuce Clje tl)tng tbat tljoii l)a(l t»,iougl)t in Ijft, fojcuerto enDure* ^9 ^nH in tl)p temple gifteis! \x)ill t»e giuebntotbee^D^iojDt fo^i tbmebnto 3jciufalem tim p^omiTe maDe bp tno^lr; The fourtfi part |0ea anHdrange j^tngisi tobjsi fubbuHfr Q)alltiolii^etnt^oreDateiei> 3 meaneto t^eetbep (^jalli^jefent tbeir gifted of laubeanD piaife: so^t (Ijail beftrop tlje fpcacemen^ canlfejj t^efeCalueis!anb:E3uliE( ofmtgbt: Klnb canfe ti^em tribute pap ant) baunt atlfucSa^louetdftgi^t 51 tEiben fljall tl^e lioibjBf of €gppt come, anbpjeCentjSijjitl) tbem bung:(banbf d)e^o0]t$mo(!:blacfee(l}all ttretci) t^etr tinto tljeir Kloib anb m$* n 'i:]beref0jepefemgbomej5of t^ eartfe giue p jaife bnto tbe KLojbt- &mg)araime;B^to (^ob t)3U^ one conTent, i^toJetaUaccojb* 11 ^t)0 17 1 PfalmcLxlx abotiett)el)ermen0 b^ig^t: pet bp tDe fearefuU t^nDercIapjsl , men map toell bnotw l)i$ mtgbt 3 4 Cbetefoze tbe (Irengtb of SlCtaell, afcribetoc^oDDni^tsb: ^i^ofemia^t anD pote^ertiot^farewcnlt abouetbeclouDieCi^te* 35 ii)0oDt^p^olmei8JanDpot»er» i^HjeaDefojeuermoj^: tli^e (5oh fif 3frael! giuej8( b^arengt^ pzaifeD be (l£>oD t^erefoj^. Saluumraefac. PTaL Lxix.LH. C Cl)?t& and Ne tlm ie figured in IDauiDS ^ealc avo anrnttf^tttit MoKctoad cr nd> He of i»l)o''e rneinic0 and t^eir puttti^mcnt, 3inQa0anl>Tacb traitors nomt),tei)e are atcurfcD.CiKngattjeretli^e courage in aflictum£()anDeG^tt^p;MtC(0to (SStD ioliict) are mo;e acceptable ttjan al facrmccs^iFtnallp ^ Dot^ p;oaobe all cr«aturci top;aifcs,p;opb,efptnQO(t^e btngDome of Cl);tfl>«nl>t>namngof 3loD8,SoiKrctU t^efmt^fuUanDt!)cirteeDeq^al Oteeilfo^ eucr. :zi35: Efe^gEEH^lEfei I S^aue me, £D (l5ob,anD ftat toitl^ fpeeD, t^e toateriei flot)3 fuUfaa> ^D mempfouleBo t^ep p^DceeD> t^ at 3 ^-__ amfoje ag^tC.i.SfticfefiiUDeepe in Kti^ani) clap, ^i^etea^ Plalmc Lxix. 17} iDi^ereajs; 31 feele no gtoanli:3| fall into (Ucl) flouDg> 3 fap>t^at31 am!mebe D^iounD/ 1 laitt) crptng oft 31 faint anti quaite, mp ti^joat fe boatfe ant) Djte: ii^ttiilooi^mgbpmprts^tl^ot^Me^ fo^ti^elpetoc^oHott^te* 4 fl^P foeg t^at 8uilt!e(re Do oppjeffe> mpfoule^iwit^ l^ate ate left: 3[nnumbetfutet]^epate no lelft* ti^anl^atreje^areon mine.lieaft* 5 tC^ousl^fo^nocauCetl^epbei^me (iDje, ti^eppi^rpetanDare glaD: C^epDorompelimeeto t:e&o}e^ tl^etl^insje^J neuerl^aD* s^WJ, i^ane5on€foji»antoftoit, ti^oul^o^ft all tinted cann;tell^ :$nti all t^e faulteis^ti^at 3 eommte> totl^eeare^noiDne ftill \x>z\\, 7 ® <^D of ^oftg, HefenD and ftap allti^oreti^atttuamt^ee: jLetnoman Doubtoiti^Mni^eatoap^ fo^ ou9^t tbat cbanceti) mee* 8 it ijBifojt^ee antJ foj^ti^pfafee, t^atSDobearet^ijSiWame, Jnfptifttoftljeet^eptwoirta memafee toi^ti)(mp»ic(/o}Qtome* j74 P(altn€.Lxix, ^ fll?pmo«)eW(onneje(,nipb^?en all foifafeemeonaroto: aints a0 a (Iranger tl)ej> mc call, mv face tbcp todl not feno^: iQ^ntoti^p!50urefuc^?eale31 beare, tbat It botl) pine me mud): ^ck cbic^eiBi auD tauntej0(at tljeetoi^eare^ mp beciebart Dotl) gt;utc|). rhcfccond.oart. 1 1 'Ci^ougb 31 Uofaft mp fleC^ to cljatt, veaifJItoeepeanH mone: |3et in mp teetl) tbijef geare 1$ call: tljeppalTenot tl)emipon. *'^'-.=^^-' -^^^^^ ^- 12 30 fo]i gricfe anD panie of Ijaiti' in facfeclotb Ufe to iwalbe: Cljen tl^ep anone \j)in it peruett, tl^eteof ti^ep ieft anD tallie* 5:3 23otl} ^i|^ anb lotj anb al tfte tt)jong, tbat fit boitbintbe gate: Clj^pbauemeenetintbeit tongue/ of metbeptalbe anb pjate. J4 'i;i}e bamnfearbes^ t»l^icb tn t»fne beligi^l:, it ijstbeircbiefe paOime: Co feefee bobici^ \»ap to toojfeeme I^igi^tj jofmet^epfinganbrime. I5i3utt6eetbeb3bite,€>^0)b3 pjap, tbst \x^\m it pleafetlj t^ee: foi tbp great tcutb, tbon toiit atoa? fenb bobone tljine aibe to mee» i<5j&iucfeetboumpfeetout0ftl)e mir^, from b;ob3ning bo mefteepe: jFrom fuel) ai^ oboe me bDjatl) anb ite, anbfrom tljetwater^beepe* . > -^ - - > . PfalmcLxix. 1^ ant) Deptl) mp foule Deuoure: 3nti tl^att^e piti^ouIDme confonnti^ anU C^ut me m Ijec potocr • 1 8 £) )iojD of ^oaftejs, to me giue eare, tig thmm gooD auD i^inD: ainD aj5 t^p mercie ii8^ mod Deare, toiD ^aue Jtie in tljv minD» IP 3linD tjo not from t^p (Vruant IjiDe no^ tucne tt)p face aiu ap: 31 am oppjeft on enerie fiDe, inftafl;giueeare3!fapt 20 €) %o]^ Dnto mp faule D^ati) ni3l;>. fterameb)itftaiDe repofe: :6ecaufe of tl)eit great tvcmtmy arqurte me f rom mp foe?» The third part. 21 Cl)at3labtt)erebu^ant) Qmme, t^on l^nolDefl: anti tl)ou canft tdl: f 0]^ t^ofe t^atfeei^e antiix)0|]^e ti^ei fwrn^ t^ou feeft tbem all full ti^eir. 2zt&9mtW t)tti^ b^ag$ ^l;i;eai^e mp iun 3feeHefo|i^elpeanone: ©utfmtj no frienDeiSto^ifempOnart, to comfort me not one. 2^i53at ill m)^ meate tliep gaue me gall. toocruclifoito tbtnfee: anD gaue mem inv t^irft ii»it!jall ftcong 4jmeger to ^inU* 24'](LDititurne tlietrtabletoarnarer to tm tljemfelue^ tljerm; 3(nti )))!ien tbep r^tn^e full tx^eli to fare; ii^mtraptt^mmt^e siptm jtfif Pfalmc Lxix^ 25 ant) let t\)tit mfiUt^nm anD .bltolie, t^at tl)ep mai> noting fee: iBo'o) Dot]onetl)eit;bac^e,anUDo ti^em, bind intl)^alDomfo^tobee. 26}Bo^eouttbr t»^atba)8(l|Ctedi$fite> t^atiton ftemmai»faU: U et tbp Difpleafure anD tljine ire: taliei^olDbpontl^emaU. %7M Hefatt ti?ie t^etc i^oufe Oifgtace: tl^e(t:of(l)?mgeUee]CpeU: ffl^atnonetl^eteofpocrcflreti^eit: p!ace» noiintbeittentisiDoDtxieU. i8 3if tbouDoftlttfeeti^emautotame, onWfteplapfuUroje: ainb if tftoutJo but \x)ounD tberame> t^epteeHetoftitttbimmoje. sp^benlettbembeapebptt^Wefe <*ftl> fitftt^evateaUpetuertt^^^ Cb^toftb^fauotttanU BOwJ «5)ub tbepneuetbaueapatt 2oant)Da(btbeiticlemieoutoftbebooke oflife,ofbope,ofttuft: , ^ ^bat f 0]^ tbeic nmtgt\mnmt loofee : ^^ in number of tbetiuft* The fourth part, 3 1 "Cbougb 3 €) iLojbitoitb too anDfitiete, bauebeenefullfo?eopp^eft: CbP 5)cipe n)all mt me fticb teleefe, tbataiitbaUberebieC. ?2 CbatJ margtwetbpnametljepjaire, anba)e)x)ittoitbafims: 3j\»iUe]ctoUtbefamealtoapejS> ^ toitbbattiepiaife among;- '^ ^^tt^bicD Pialmc Lxx ijy I? mw^ igmt^tpitatmt into tljee, fuel) minDe tbp grace ^at^ bo?ne: 'Jlljan tft\)tt €)|:e o^ Calfecan be, tl^atl)auebot4^oofeanD ^o^ne. umW ftmple foli^e Dot^ ti^i^bei^oiD itf^allreiopceftemfure: aiH peetbatfeefeetlje^lojDbeftoIti, pouclifefovapt^aU hmc. ?5fo3^t)l^tl)elo3iDof^oaCegDoft Ideate tbepoo^e t»^en t\)tv complaine: l^ii6(pj^tfonerj6(aretobtmfitlI Deate? l^eDotl^ t^em not DtCUatne, iSmWtfo^tl^z (lieanDeattl^ belotv, t^efeai^itlbflouDe ant) dreame: l^iiai p^aife tbep l^all beciate anb ll^etjo, )»ttbdUtbaciuietnt))em. ?7 f o]i Cure our (l5ob boil &ton raue> anbjuba^ctttiebuilb: i^ucbfolbepofrelTiontberefban ^aue, berltreetie^i^aUaUbefilb. f s i^ti8;reniant0 feeb a^all beepe t^efame^ allageieioutofmtnbe: 3^nbtberealti^ept^atlouebt^ name abtDeiltngplacelliaUfinb^ Dcus in adiuto. Pfal.Lxx. I. H* A'O^Dtobecomfo^tco* O0ob,to mee talte fteeb: of Delpe 3! tbeetequire: SfheS^ ^)lo]tbof boa(l:e0,boitbbaftanb fpeeb. ;tbc35 mx belpe,i^elpe,3t^eebeffre. 2 i^itbft)ameconfounbtbem all, tbat feeifee mp foule to fpiii: ^ Eebiifee t7S PfalmcLxxi ttcbulftc tl)em bacfee tottli blame to fall tl^at t\)ix\U ant) \331a) me ill. ? Confouun tijem tl)at applp, auDfeelie to^otbemed^ame: ainD at mp t)ar nic t)o laugi) anD ctie, fo,fo,tl>ei*egoeri) t^c game. 4^ntIettl)emiorfullbee, in t\m toitl) iop ant) \33ealtl): ^liicljouelpttuftanD feefeeto t^eey, anDtotl3pfmtingl)ealtli. 5 Ci^at tijep map fap altoapes, inmittljanboneaccojD: M i^ottoit y glo^p,lauD anD pjaife, begiuentot!)ce€>)Lozt). 6 :25ut 3 am \»eaue auD poo]ie„ come Hoi^ tl)ine atDe 3 lacfee: "Cijouartmp aapantiljelpetberefoie mafee fpeeD ano benot flacfee* In te Domine.Pfal. Ltau I.H. 1?ontl),tobeDt!iucrcdfrom^ian3icbcD attdcrucUfonne 9bfolon, TPU^^ieicottfeltrs racte,p;tomirm3 to be tl^dottefuU t^cccfo^e. M ^ '^^^^ ^V <^oD in all Diftreflt, 5^'"" '^" '"*< ^ mpl|opei$b3t)oleintDec: ?ZlTv^\< "^D^en let no fl)ame mp foiUe cpp^tefTe^ ^ noi once take IjolD of mce 2 %fi tliou art iuft DefenD me llojD^ antititimeoutofl^jeat): ' '^ ; dKue eare rniD to mp fate accozD, anD CenD me Ijeipe at necDe* 3 25e t!)ou mp rocke to toljome 3 map, , c:-^ fojaitt all timers tetojn ■CI)? Pfalmc Xxxi 17^ t^ou art mpfcnce anD foft: 4S)aueme,mp(!5oli,fn)mt»icfteli mm, anti f com tl^m (Irenatft anD po^x^ttt ijfromfollietnmdpant^e&efrom ti^em t^atctuellp Deuoute, $ %\^oi\ attfteftap toljfereinj mi8, tljou)lojtJOfljollejE(art5e: gea from mp pout^ 3 l^aD a Urit ftUltotiepeatJonti^ee* 6 Cftou Ijafl: me feept euen from mp i)itt% anD 31 tl>|oug;i) ti^ee ^ajsi bojne: ii^l)erefo?e 3 i»il ^ee p jaifel»itl^ mirtl^ totl) euenmgant) mojne^ 7aii8Jtoa monfterfdUomefeene, mnclb foli^eabout me tt^nong: aSutti^ouartnoto anDftUl l^afi beene mp fence anD aiDe Co (Irong. 8 naljerefoiiemp mouti^ no time C^all lacfte> tl^p glo jie anD ti^p pi^aife: atnD eUe mp tonpe Iljall not bee flacte ' to honour t^eealixiate^Q;* 9 aefuremenot,€) )ilo?D,3fapj tDljen age mplim^Dotb tafee: atnD \»i^en mp ttrengt'^ Dot^ i»att atoap, k Do not mpfonle fojtaiie. 10 SBmong ti^emfelneis mv fees inquire, to tal^e me tbltons^ Deceit: ainD tbei> againft me Do confipire, \x)Wcl)f03^mp foule laiDtxJSit Thcfccond part. \i I Xap i^anD anD taifee \mx noi» tljep faiD foj (^oD feom l)im ip gone: 0^ ^tj^mt) j2o PfalmcLxxi. ^iQ^atc^ t)im quite,! 0^ to W ^^tj i\x)i^ t^ere commetb none. 12 5^0 not abfent tbp felfe ai»ap, ip Hoih \»i&en neetie fl;al be: asutintibatttmeofgttefetl^ou mateft in Jbaftgute^elpe to mee* I ; nattl) Q) ame confount) anti ouett^^toto all tljofe ftat feebe mv Me: £)pp^eirett)em)x)itt) rebubejsfalTo tl^at faine toonlD tuojtj^e me (Irife^ H 75ixt3 ^ill patientip abiHe, ti^pi^elpeatallairaieg: ^till mo^e anu mo^e> eac^ time anti tiDe 3 twill ret foo jt^ t6p p jaife* 15 ^ ntoutl) tl)^ iuftice fl^all recojO^ tljat tiaplp l)elpe Dot^ fentt: ffiut of tl)p benefits. €) %oxOy J hm\x^ no count no^ enO. i6 )9et VDill 31 go annreel^e fojtti^ one^ toifttljpgooDi^elpe^ dPoU, tir^efauingi^ealtlioC ti^eealone tofI^et»antiretabjtoatie. 17 fo^ of mp poutb ti^ou tafeft H^t cate^ anDDoHinlltuctmeaill: ^tjetefo^ tbp toonOer j8; to Declare, 3 bane great minDe anD \x)i\l 18 3!nt) ajs; in poutb from tx>anton rajjr tbou Dibit meUeepe ant) ftap: fo^Cal^emenotbntomine age, anb till mp beabebe grap. The third part i9^bat3Jtbvllrengt!)^mig^tmag l^cte to ttjem tljat not» be l^eret 9nd PfidmeLm i8f Sntitl^t^iir feed ti^p potoermap imote> ^eaftet manp a pram 20 €> lojD tl^p lufltce liotb epceel^e, tl^pDomg^aUmapCee: Cll^p)DO]iU$ate i»ottt)erfullmDeet»e, 21 tlTi^ou matifl; mefeele afiSictionieifo^, anDpett^outitDttmee faue, jaeati^outiDlt ^elpe anDme refi;o^e> t^ou tooblt mefrom tl^e gtaue: 2»9nDt^oummel|onoui:t)oft m(i:eafe> mpDtgntctematntame: pa tl)ou Dod mabe all griefe to ttnk, anD comfo^tdmeagame. 2} 'Cftcrefb^e ti^pfattWulnejBi to pjaife, 3 iDiU botb )lute antr Hng : ^P^arpe ((lalfotmD tl)plauti Moouitg^ iSDJifraeliBtftolpfeing. 24.#pmout^ (^all loptott^ plearant bopce )»^en3l (^allCtng tot^ee: 9(nl) eite mpCoule (I)all muc^ retopce foit^jDu^altmaDe meefree. i5^p tongue ti^piip^tg^tnefl^ (^all lJDun6« ant)Q)eal(ettt)aplpfttll: fo% gtiefe ant) Qiame Doti^ tlietn confounb t^at fougi^tto \x)t^'kt mtill Dcus iudicium.PfaLLxxiLLH feg^teonfne0i^aseanDfeltc tntufttceto tncreaCe. 4 'Ctjat ^e map ijeipe ttje tueafte ant) pooje, twiti^aiD, anDmaUet!jein (trong: ilnl) eke Detlropfoj euermoje all tl^oCet^at Do tl^em tx)^ong. 5 3lnD t^en from age to age ft all t&ep regatDauDfeare tl)p mtgtjt: ^0 I0ng ajai fanne Dotl^ ft tne Dp Dap> oielgtiftespoone Dpnigbt. yuth Tialmc Lxxli. likttumto fiieIDe$ne))3 moti^ne, anDfrell^tljelanD t^nCotone. 7^eiuftil^aU flourtf^m WtitnCy 4nD all (^albe at peace t mntill t^e#oonel^all leaue to pitme? toaftjC^ange anH to increafe, 8 peQ;)mht%oi^ offeaanD lanH. from Hjo^tto fl^o^zetl^fougliout, KnDfromtiieflouD$t»ttt)int^e lanti; t^^ug^ allti^eeart^ about. 9 Cl)e people tbat in befert bt»el, (I;allbneeie toi^ttn full tbici^e: ^nb allbtis^enemteisft^atrebell t^e eattb anbbuifll^ainiel^e: loCbeifLojb^ofalltbelflejS tberebp great gtft0 to btm'ftall bjing: Cl^e hinp of ^abe, anb airabte, giue manie a coftlp tiding* T'herccondparc 1 1 SdUi^ingiQi I^all feel^e t3it^ one acco^b, it\W goob grace to ftanb: 3inb all tbe people of tbe tooitlb, Q)H\i fertie bim at W i()anb* 12 f oj^etbeneebpfojitbotl^ taue, tbatbnto^tmbo call: 3tob eHe ti^e dimple fometi^at^aue no ^elpe of man at all. I;? I^e tabetic pitti'e on tbe pooze tbat areboftb neebeoppjted: ll^e botbpjteferue t^em euermo^e anbb^ingjBiti^eir foiileieito reit 0^ 1S5 184 Pfalmc.Lxm 14 l^elSanteticemctbcitlifcfromD^teaJ, fcomfcaun, fcom iwjiongfrom rnig^t, 3lttD cU tlje blouD ftat t^ep ftall bleeD, 15 23utl)cfl)aUUue,anDt]bepq;aU b^ins tol)tmof^abae$golD: I^el^allbeUonozeD a^afeing, anDDaplpbee]ctolD. i<5 -cije migljtie mountaineisJof lifelauU . of cojne (l)all bearefucl) tljjong; tci^at It Uhe CeDat tree$ (l^all ftanUr m )l>tbanu;aifull long. 17 'QCbetrCittie^ efeefulltoeHftallfpeeD^. t^efciute^ti^mof ftall palTe: 3n plentte it ll^all far cpceeUe, anD Cp^ing aje^gteenea^gtalTe. i8iFojeiiertl)ep{l)all pjaifel^ijsiname b^btle t^at t\)z Cunne 1$ ltglt)t: SitU^ti^mHetbemi^appietU^oug^t^e famrr all fome tt)n\\ blelTe btiS mig^t. 1 6 }^|iaife pe tbe )Lojt) of ^oaj8J,anD Kng to 31ftaeljB! *> 3llnU to allfu^ a^fafelp feecpe, dthe i^pfai^v^ tlietr conCctence pure anD tuell. 2 getUfeeafoole 3 almoftflipt, mpfeetbeganto lliDe: 3lnt)ete3ll tjoideuen atapmcti, mp ftepjS! ato jie gan gliDe: ^ Jf 01 i»^eii 3 Ca^ fuel) foolidb men, 3 gruDgeD^anD tiiD i)tfDainer Cbat \x)tci^eD men all tt)tng0l^onlD ^aue> )»ttl)Out tutmolleo^ pame* 4 tx^epneuer fuffer pangiJno^^gjiefe a0tft)eatl)l4ouintbem Cmtte: Cl^eir boWe^arebotl) (lout and lltong. auDeueringooDpIfgl^t; 5 ainDfreefromall aUuerfitte, tol^notljecmen beel^ent: ainZJDoitbti^ereftti&eptaHeno part of plague oj puniljment: 6t:i)crefoitep|terumpttonDot^tmb^ce;> tl^eit neci^ n^ tiotl) a cl^atne: ant) ate euen i»^apt a$ m a robe, initio rapine anb DtfDame. 7 'Ci^eparefofeb,ti&ateucnf#fat ti)eir ere$ oft timejai out ftart: anb aisfoj tDoi^lWpgoobgtl^ep^aue mo^e tben can t»ift tl^eir ^art* 8 'Xi^etrltfei<8;mo(tlicenttou$ boafttngmucb ofti^eirto^ong; ^^icb tl)epl)aue boue to fimple men^ anbeuerpitbeamonS} 185 Pfalrae LxJiii. tfjep fpare not to blafpljeine: 0ttti pjate tljepDo on too^lDlp tljingft no ^igl}t tl)ep Do efteeme, ioCl)cpcopleof d^oD oft timeis turne bacfe, to feetl)eii: pjofperou;9( ftate: ^nt) almod D^^tnbe t^e felfe fame cup> ant) follow tl)e fame rate. rhcfccond part 1 1 l^ob) can it bee tl)at d^oH/ap ti^ep, Q;oulD HnolD anD l^nDerdanti 'CljefetMo^UDlptljingftftncetDtcfeeD men, beXojD^offeaanDlanU: i2fojtx)eemapfee,^otD\»icfeeD men tnnci^e^lltiltmreare: EetoarUeDtoellteJitl^ ixiojltilpgooUisf, ant) Ituetntedant) peace. I? ^ftentQl)pDo 3Ifcoml»icfeelinetf, mpfantallerefraine: ^nt) toad) mp l)anDiS\j)tti^{nnocentiSf, ant) clenfemp^artint^aine 1 43(inti rnfierfcourgeis^ enerte tiap, agCubiecttoall blame: atnD euerie moaning from m^ v ontfy Cuaaine rebuke anD fl)amef 15 aint) 3 ijat) almoll faiD tig tijep, mtlUi^tngmtne eftate: :25ut tbatli $ouID t\^y cftittijeniutige, aj8(folbe^nfo]itnnate. 1 6 tiDben 3 betl)ousftt me !)ol» 3 migW tbt0 matter bnt)erftanD: ^,ut pet tt)e labour t»aj8{ too great fo^metotai^ein ^ant)* i72ln Pfalmc Lxxiii. ^o- i7*intintl)ettme3| tMcntmto t^pl)0lp place anUtften 31 bnUerftooU rig!) t perfectip, t^eenDofallt^efemen* i8 3(iUi namclp ijoiu ti^ou fettett tl^emj l^ponaOlippeneplace: 3[!nD at ti^p pleafurc ahu tftp toil ! tl)ouDoitti^emall Deface* 19 ci)enall menmuCeatt^atftranse tigfytr tofeei^otoCuDDenlp Cljep are Delh:oiD,t)ifpatcl^t>confumDe antiDeatifal^o^riblp* 2o^ucl| ittieaD^eantetDi^enoneatoaliet^/ foftalltljeir iDealt^ Decap: %\)m famous name^ tn all mmg fig^C n^all ebbeanDpadi^ a)))ap« 7hc third part mp mtnD ))3aiQ;muci^ opp^ed: 22^)0 fonHtoa^j anDignojant. anD in t^tie; point a bead;. 2/ ^et netteiii^eleire,bp mp ng^t l^anD tbou bolDfl: me altoaie;8( fad: 2 4.3tnD toitb ti^P counfeU Dod me guide, to glo;te attire lad. 25 i^ljatti^mgi^tbereti^atjcan tpiflj, but t^ee in beauen abouef 3^nt)tntbeeartbtberetie( nothing, itlietbeetbatjcanloue. 29 fl^pfleft ant> ekempbartbotl^faile/ but dSoD botl) fatle me neuer: f ojof mpbatt^oD witi^edrengt^s mppo}tionetefo;euef« iS 8 Pfalme. Lxxiiii t^ou (^alt Detlrop ecl)one: 3inD tl)ore ti^at tru(t tu ante t^tng, Cautng in t^ee alone. 28 i:i)ei:cfojeD3tii3D;a\»nearetod5oti ^nD euet i»ttb t)tni DtoelL 3n (25oD alone 31 put m^ tnift, l^(^U3onDer$)x)ill3telL Vtquid Deus«l»ral.Lxxiiii.I. H. C<)efait^U complaint eftljeoeftracttonof t^ecl)urct}>atO trac reltgfintm&rv tlx namcof j&tonanDtt)e cil(ar0 tielh:opeD:atn)»ulltngint4emt8f|t anofrie nuxdtg 9{(^on bpt)t0coucn3nt t^cp.rcqutre ^clpe anofoccoarfoj^t^egtiqifof (f^otis ^If na:tie,ttier8iuatton off) poo;e affiicteo (etn0ntj9,andt\)e(onfiirtORof ^ p^/a^ enemies. W^^ att tl)ou5lo^D,ro longftom b$, in all tl^eCe Danger^ Deeped |]al)pDotl^tl)tne angafctnDlet^u^ att^ine oujne pafture (Ijeepe? 2lio3:D call tljp people to tljp tfjougftt yx>Ut\^ ^aue beene t^tne (b long Cl^i))i)tcl)tl)ou^aftreDieemDdnD boug^b from bondage Co^ antiflTong $!^auemtnDtl}erefoite antitl^mbe bpoif} remember it full toell tld^ppleaCantplacet^p mount ig^ion, ^beretbou\))a;eit»onttoDb3en. 4KLtftbp tl)pfootanDcomein ^aft anD all tbpfoe? Deface: tiDl)tcDnot»atplearurerobanD t»aft )x)itl)intl)p^olp place. 5 itott) tbe congregation^ all, tbine enemies roarei^ (^obt Septet a0fignejs?oneuerie t)all jti^eirbanneriQirplatD ab;oati* ^0 f|imetliebtlleie;aittir^o;tiiQS of tl^efe ijotti^tn t\)t templet noi». 7^l^efeelmge;e((jStpt),ti)e catueliboo^Dief^ tt^t gooDlp gtauen ftonejei: tBitl) e{]cejS^,tiammer!S,btI$,anD(tooitDie(> ti^ep beate ti^em ho\x^m at once. 8 C^p placed e^epconfumelx)^Q^me^ ant)e&etnaUtl|iis^toiIe> Ci^e i^oufe appopnteb to tl)p name, tijep race Doiwne to t^efoile. 9 3linD ti^u0t]^epratt)lx)itl)mt^eir^att7 bifpatcb t^em out of i^anH: C^en burnt tJjep bp in eueriepart, (Bob0i^oufe$tl);oug^ tbe lant). logettljouno ftsneofl)elpetiottfenl»> our^^opi^etis^atiare gone: CoteUix)l^eut!)t0our plague f]^oulbentr> amongbjQit^ereti8inone« iiDal^eni»tlttl)ou ido^tionceentiti^tie; anb ceaCe ti^ine enemteiBi Orongf (0)^mt^ ^Wl tW altDap blaQiiieme tl|p name> anb raile on tbee Co longt^ 12 ua^pboft t»iti^b3»t» t^v "i^^nXi abacfte> anbl&tbetttntbplap? £>p\mU ttoutanbbenotOacl^e togiueti^pfoe!8iarap« The (econd part. i;£)^obtl)ouartmpi^inganb Ho^b;^ anb eucrmojieljaftbeene: Pea tbp goob grace t))i»)ug]^out tl^ b^ojtlbr fQ}oursoobi^e!pei^at^ii^ene« ipo Pialme.Lxxiiii. 14 C) erea«3:tl)atarefotieepeattDt>eat>, tftp migljtDiU msfeet^emHi^ie: 31nti tl}Ou DiDff bitau tljeferpentjB^^eatfe t'9atl)ct!)eretnliiDI>:e* 15 i^eat^outiiDfl: bjeabeti^e fteaH^fo great ofae»bale$tl)atbefofeU: 4inH gmieft tljem tl)pfolfee$to eate, tl)atintlieDcfcrt0titoeU- 16 '?5:i)ou maDll afp^iiig toitt) (feeameS to from rocUe botl) IjarD anU 6ie: (rife m\^ efeeti)r l)anti Ijatl) maticlfeei»ife Deeperiuer^tobeDjie. X7 :©otl)DapanD ei^et^emg^tareti^mey bp tljec tl)ep iDoere begun: C!)OU fetft to feme bi^ twith tl^eir .(l^ine tbe ItgW aiiD efee tljefimne. 1 3 'CbouHod appoint tbe enb^anti coadi^ ofalltbeeart^abottt: 23oti^ fammer i^eateisJ anb iwinter frottft t^ bant) batij founb tl)em out. 18 d}inl^e on,€) A*D^TJ,no timefojget tijpfoeistbattbeeijefame: ainb botti tl) e iQoM) folfee arefet toraplebpontbpname. p:ctno cruellbeaftbeuoure tbp 'i^urtle tbat 110; trtie: &oJFo^et notalboaieiSmtbppo^er tbe pooje tbat mucl) bo rue. z\ Eegarb tbP couenant anb bei^olb , tbpfoe^polfedetbp lanb: 3(iUfab,aubbarfee,fo;\»o?neanb olU, ourrealmeajefnobo botl^Hdnb* n %n Pfalmc Lxxv /oj 22)let notftefimplegoe aioap tj)itpifapointei) (l^ame: 3Sut let t^e pooic anti nceDp a^e giue piaifc tinto tijp name. 23 l*life)loiUletbeebpt]^ee inaintamlr, tijecaufetbat 10 t!?ine otone: Eemembcr i?o^ ti^at ti^ou blafpl)emU artbptl)cfooli(I) one. 24^ebopcefo.igetnot oftl)pfoei@f^ foztl)eirpjefumiugl)ie: 31^ mbie anU mo^e tncreaftof tl^ofe^ tl)atl)atet^eefpigbtfti!lr* Confitebimurtibi Deiis. Pfal.LA-Arv.N. Clj«fa D?ttiH< ti)C cop of ^ijs fejat^ t^eitpjitte Sjalbe ab3tcD,anD t!)« ris^tcous Qjaflsccjcattco t« tjonoj, T7^to tl)ee (!!5obtee twill giuetljanfe;^, c«rcgtkisto9 V tBel»iUgiuetl)anfe0toftee: l^'r/rr/C Sit^itftp name 1)3 foneere Declare, ^ • '^^ tbj? iDonD^oug t»o?feg ix)in !»»♦ 2 3 t»tll bp?tgt)tl^ i«t»ge,tj3ljen get conuenienttimeS ma^: %l)t eattlj fei treaHe anH all tl^ewin ? but3!l)etplllerj8!(!:ap. :^ 3IDiDto tbe mat! people Cap, tiealenotfofuricwffp: 3lnD tntati^e bngoBlp onetf, fetnotpoucbojnejS fo ^te» 43iraiDl)nto tljem,fetiiotbp pour raifeD l^o^neg on W* 3fnlifeetl)atpouDai»ttl)ftiflre netfte nottjjieafee pjelamptnaufl^ sfof i^f Pfaltne.Lxxv 5 foj neither from fte Cattetne pattf noil from tt^t naefteme fttie: l^lojfcom fojfafeen toilDcrnelTe, ^ protection Dotl)p]toceeD» 6 f ojt»^p:^tibe )loiD out (8>oD l&e iief, a)eng;l)teou;Q(tuDse alone: ^c pnttet^DotDneti^eone^ant) fetjOi another tnt^ti^iione* 7 for tx)lj^a cup of mtgWte tome^ iieitnt^el^anDof^oD: 3lnt) all tl)e mig^tie t»tne t^emti ^imfdf e Dotl^ poure ab^odt)» 8 Mto^tii^t leej8^anDfilt^pt);es9ei& ti^atDorematneofit: CSietoicfeeD offteeattft fl;alIDrmfee, anDfucl( t^emeuertei))]^tt 9©ut 3 Wll talKeof (l5oD,3 fap of|a(obi8( (5oD ti^erefo^et :3Knt) toill not ceaCeto celebrate W p^atCefo; euermo^e 14? Jn funUet bjeaHe tlje ^ojneiBf of all tjngot)lpmen\»ill3I: )5ut tijen t^c l)orne$ of cigWeoujgi men (^albeeicalteDl)te* Gloria patri. r jillUudAndpraifileto the Lerd, "% r ^t it in the hgimmt^ 194t, O 3 O God of might art moft : > < for eutr heretofore: ^ 2 ToCodtbe Father andtheSonme C / jIttditnowatthisprefimttirmQ and to the holy Ghofl*^ ^ Amdfbalhe enermor*, "^ Inludca. PfalLxJcvi.I.H. Ct)t0 ^falme fettcti) foMi) t^e po&cv of fatten lo be t^anhefnl fo; t^e Imu 'Co Pfalmc Lxxvi Ip3 T^ all tl)at no\» m JntithWH t\}t io?D 10 tlentclv i^notone: gi? nameijsJ great.in Jfra^ll, apeopleoflji^ otone. 23t ^alem i^e^igtentisiftatij pigljt, totametl)ereafpace, to mafee IjtiS titxjeUing place, 3 ^nt) t!)crel}ebtaliel)Otl| ©aftanDbolw, t^efiroztijtljc fpcare,antJ(I)telO: 3ttti bjafee tlje raie, to owertl}?o^ tnbattcllont^efeelD* 4 (13)011 art moJie ix)Ojttl|ie ^ono^^llo jU, m oiie migbt in tl^ee Dotlj l(e: Ci^en in ti^e ftrongeft of tlje \»ojlD, ti^at rob on mountaineisii^ie, 5l3ut nol)) t^ep^oul) arefpoilD ^m^ t\)tt anD tl)ep are falne on fleep: Cljjongl) men of^anno^elpecanbe, tljemf elue^ ti^ep couUj not feeepe; 6 mt^v rebufee £) 3acob)3iS^ojD Dotljourefttaine, tljeir ix)tatl) anD tl)icat^ altnaiciOf. 1 1 ^aU ^mtg ant) pap tljein to roue f arfcth tl'cgreatnr© of Mflf aW^cticn, ant t|!0 QXteuoas temptation, xr-fjcrcbp ^? itasf jt en to tt;t0 cnDe to con iBcr ^10 foi' mcrconu:rfation, ano tliz contmualicourfcof(©oD0«)o:Ks intt)fp?c(cruatton pC i)ia fcruanta, anD f e ijc conitrmet^ ^lo fa;t;j> againtt iljcfe tcinptsticn j% 1 iBiti} mp bopce to dDOtJ t>o cn'e, r . , . tottl) !)art ant) ;i)artp cl}eace: ^fhcfunc Tf^ ^pi)opceto(!5oti 31 lift on ^)iS'()> ^thc?/, pfai< ant) l)e mp fute Dot!) Ijeare. 2 3jn time of gceefe J fougljt to d^oD, bpnigbtnorelijtoofee: But ftrctdit mp baiitiiS to Wn abjoatie mpfonle comfoit fojfoolti. ^m^m 3itotI)inUeon(BDDinteuti, mp trouble tl;eni$moje; ■ ' • '' Mat' Pfalme Lxxvii. ip5. 3J fpal^e but coultJ not mnu m enti , mpbzeat^ laja^Clopt fo foje* 4 ci)ou ijblDfl mine m^^lmmg from reft, tl3at3|aIiBaic^^a^altc.- i^itl^ feate am J fn fo^ie oppjted, mvrpeactjDotl^me fo^Me* 5(Ci3et)me;gofoltJinminD3I caO, anD oft UtD tl)mfee bpon: (2Dl)e timcj3i anD ageis; tljat atepatt fullmanppcaregiagom ^ 23p ntgl)t mp fongg 3! call to miiiD, once maDetlippzaifeto (])0tx3: ^uD i3aitl) mp l^eatt auiclb talfee 31 f mUe mpfptrite^ tJofcarc^toHnoir. 7 i©iU (BoDfaiD 3! atoncefoj all caft of 1)10 people tl)u;8^i' ^0 ti^a t i^encefojtl) no time ^e C[;all befcientilpbntot)^* 8 r©bat.^ 10 W gootmelTe cleane De caiti, fo^euecanDaDar?' iDM^W^P^omifc not» Helail^, antJ Dotli 1)10 ttut^ Decap:? 9 3(inD mill tl)e^o^D our d^oDfojget, 1)10 mercies manifolW £>j(l)all l)i0teatl) incteafefoi^ote, ^i0mcrcierob3itl)i^olD:? I® Zt luit 3 fattJ mp t»eaHeneirei0 tt)e caufe of ti^i0 miftcuO:: ^cD0m!g!)tie^anD cant)elpeallt^i0, auD c^atige it \x>\^m l)e luft^ Thcfecond part n 3^ill tegat:Danl>tl)mfeeljpon, ti^el»o,ilungoft^e}LojD: £),it. S>f ip6 Pfalmc.Lxxvii £)falUn;8(tx)ont)et0pa(l auD gone 3 glaDlviDiU recozD: 1 2 l^ea al 1)10 mihg 3 totliueclate, antiui^at 3!DitiDeuife tEotcUl)i2^fact03toiUuot fpare ant) efeeftiiOJcoimfe iltwife. 1 5 ci)p tooths £D )Lojt) aix all bp jigl)t> anl>l)olralIab;oati: ta^\)^t one l)atlj llrengtli to inatcl) tl^e mts^r of tl)ee,€> XojD our c^oiD/' i4i:i)on art a dPoti t^at oft Ooeft I^et», t\^V ^onticr^ enerie Ijoure: :%nti fo tioeli: mai^e t\)v people i^notjo tl^p bertue an!) t^p potx>et; 15 anil tljine ob)ne folfeet1)on tJoft tiefenU?^ toit^ ttrengt^ anti ftretcfteti arme: %\)Z fonne0 of facob tbat DefcenD anD 3!ofepl)s;feel)from Ijatme. i 'CbpiwauesJiMitbtn rt)e feaDoelie> ti^rpatl)mix)ateri3;Deep: J3et Ip7 Pfelmc Lxxvm Ptt none tijere can tWfttp^ ^pplp, not knotxj tte pti^^e^ to l^eepe. 29 Xiboii lea!jeft tl)FfolHebpont^e lanU, a^Bifteepeoneuenedi^e: -Cftlioug^ ^oire0 nnh tf^jtoug^ Hatonie^l^attD tl)Ou BiDH tl^em fafelp giuDe* Attendire PopuIL PfalLxxviii. T.S. C He Qjctnctb !'0^ eet) of l)«8 n\mu d oic fjto cljarc^ of tije poff critic of Bbjtahatn (aftdts in tl^cir tfctb tt)c rebeUion of tljetr fatljcrstbat tl5ctrcl)U0?crsmtgljt acfenofe- IcDje^^oDa free mttctca f be aQjamea of tbctr pci;uer0 anceaajis .C^je belp (P&oft Ijatij compKl)£u8ea as it uifte t5)f fummc of all «ffi»oD0bencfit0, t^t tijegpoffc pcoa t^le tntg^t icc tn fecv ioo^^e t^c cdcct of t]jt aljoie l]tao^te0. iiil^yi LlttenU mp people to m? lato, anDto mpteojtsi to . ti rr^gzzTjri— :|--|t: ^ =^ clme:2.a5p meut^ fljallfpeafee fttange patableisi , anD ^i- Hf ^?^ *=^ fentcnce0Dtume:i*iiafticl)\»eour felue^l)aueljeatt> anil $z:r:5zz:i;7-±z^ -fl^^i^ "Y" ^^ ^qT I » ant^ tl^eit poderitir, \x}W) lx)ei:enotrp^tmgt)pc^o: j&l^oulti ^aue t^e l^no)»letise of t^e la% anDteacl^tt)e(rreeDal(b. 7 ^Ijat ti^ep map ^aue tlje better ^ope, m(0oDtl)att^ aboue: ^nD not forget to Iseepe l^tjsi Iat»eiaf^ anD^ii6(p}ecept$mioae. ^ l^otbeinjs aje(our fatbetio: taete^ tebelimgtnd^oDis^rig^t: ainU twoulD not frame tljeir toicfeeti l^arttfa to i^notD t^eir d^ot) aright. pJi^o)» b3enttl)epeop!eof(Sp^;atm> tlieir netgbboitjQi fo: to fpoile: ^^ottngti^eirliart$tbet)apof iwar> anppetti^eptoo&eti^e fotle. IP ifoi \»br ? ft ep Dil) not &eepe t»itl& \)tx teonl^etiei to out: fo^efal^ei^ 3|nCspptlant)D)tt^m t^ttit% ti^atcalleDiis^Cl^aneojef. ij l^eDiDDimOeanD cutt^ereai tl)at t^ep mig^t palfeat once: 3iin^mat)et^e)»ater)8i aanDa^Oiir, aiQiDot^ ati Ueapeof ftmti. 1 4. I^e leD tijem fecret in ac louD, bpUap )»!?en it t»a^ b^isftt: 3nt) m ti^e ntgi^r U)^en Darl^e it tioaitf, toiti^fireljegauet^fm liglit. 15 l^eb^^e ri)e rocHisfm ))9il^ernei8( anD gaue t^>e people D^mite: a)B{ plentifuir, aj0f tx)iw t^e Deepeid Doflotwbptottiejbjmfce, |)e D^et)) 6ut rm^rs^ out of roc^> tliat t»ere boti) li^ie anH barb ': S>ttixt^ abouttbanceyt^atno Rout^if to t^em mig^t be compatD* i7j^et foji al t^t0 againft tl^e X^jD ttjeirantfteplitb increafe: ainD airreD btm t^at t'lai mod i^igb, tot»]tatbm iDilbemeiei. »8 C^ei? temptett Ijtm toitl^in tlieir l&attj^, lit^epeopleofmiftrutl:: l^equtrtng fucb a l^int) of meat a^CerueDtotl^etclun:. s9S»aieng)x)ttl) mutmuration^ mtbetr)}nfattl)fulne:e(: t^i^ati^can tw^ti^ pjiepatefojift afea&m i»Ui)emei3t/ 204. PfalmcLjcxviii. 20 T5^o\\>M^tHU tftellonietocbe anD f lout)0 fo^tl^ t»itl) lUl^f Io)»: 05t{t can l)e no))) giue to l^i^ foliie> botl) b^eaD anD f leO? alfof 21 mi^etK^oD^earb t^i$, l)e)»aice& tojotb. totti) Jacob ant) Wtzeiht ^0 bib btiBf tnbignatton; on3fraellpioceeb.. The third patr, ^2 Stcaufetljep bib notfaiWulIf beleeue anb Ijope , tJjatijee Cottib, atoaieiBf^eipe anb fuccour ftem iut^eirnecelTati^. aL^t^berefo^el^e bib commanbtfte tIoubi9(, foitft toitl) t6ep bmHc in funber: 243inb ramb botion ^anna'. fojttje to eate afoob of mici^le tDonbe^ z^tB\)m eartl)lpmen \x>m^ angeljeifoob tMere feb at tbeir requcfl:: 2A]^cbab tl)e Can tsjinbblotDatoa^i anb b;ou8l}t in tbe §)outl)b3eft. 273inb rainb botone flefli a0 tljicheag butt^ anbfottleaieitbic^^as! fanb: i;S iBl)icli \)cU\} caft amibfl: tl^e place 'm\)ttt all t^eir tent^ ^it^ ftanb * 29ti[:l)enbibtl)ep eateeicceebinglp^ anb ail men Ijab tljeirf iijsf: Pttmo}c anbmojetljep bibbefi^e tofcnietWc luftsianb tx>i\^' BO I3nt as; tlje meat t»a^ in i^mmout^i8i> in^; U3uit!) bpon tb em fell: ^i Jnb fine tt)efio\»er of aUtl)e(rponti^ anbci^oifeofSfraell, ■:52j^cS; PfalmcLxxviii. tot n^ttkW^tv to tlbeir toonteDfinne, anU ftill tijep t^iD l)im greeue: fo:aut^etoonnet0ti^atfte t^ioug^t, t^ep \»oulD l)im no t beleeue* :5?(Ct)eit napes! t6erefo?e!)cfto3^teneD, ant) mate t!)cit: l)ono^iei tiame: ^^eirpeareiS DiD ^aft anD palFe atoap, tjoit^ terjtojs! anD iwiti^ painc. 34:But euet toljen i^e plagueD timr tW fou5l)t l)im bp anU bp: 35 fiemembjing tbenftetoajstbeirfttengtl) t^eCr i^eipe auD (25ol) mod bic* 1^6 'Cbousb in ^etvl)attja(ti^ep DiD but clore, anbflattertoitft ti^e KLo^U: tHD tDtt^ tt)etr toongja; anD in V^tit t)arti$ tiilTembleb euetie txio^D* '"^ -The fouith parr Z7fot^\}Vit\)dxWtg^txt noting bent tobimno^to ^t^ttabe: l^epettoi^eepeo^topetfojime ti^^ 'couenant tbat ^a;a^ mabe* ?^J^etA»a$l)e(ltIlfometci{iai, t»beu t^ep befetube to bie: %\)nt Ijefojgaue tbemtbetnnifbeebj9?> anb tx)oulb t^ctn not beftrop* l^eamanpa timebetumbl)i;ait»jat^i, anb bib btmfelfeabmfe: anb tooulb not fuf er all W ^W^ bflpleafureto atife. S9 Confiberingti)at tbep ^etebut f le(^ anbeuena0abotnb> Ctiat palTctt) ai»ap, anb cannot toell murne bi^ f)ig obone liini^ 4P?>oto tci PfilmcLxviB 40 l^oto often thnejetin ttiilDcweS, tih tt)cr tl}ett )lojD pjouo&e, lgo\» bit) tljer moue anD air f A^ojlJ to plague tl)em toit^ Ijfe ftr9he» 41 J^etliitJ ttieptutneagainetofin, anDtempteDd^oD eftCoone: 1^ jefcribing to tibe l}0lp )lojl>, t»l)st ti)iug^ti)ept»olD^)aueDone 41 fdotttjinKing of IjigljanD an6 poton?, noioftl)eDaptj)l)en^e i^ eliucicD tl)em out of tl^e^auDiil oft&eftetceencmie* 4^1901 l)0ix> ije tj) jogi)t W miracW, as;t^ey t^emCeluejei: bel^elD ;SH€^rpt>anD t^et»onliei:iei tl^ae ^etiDtnXoanfielD. 4f |pto|^l)o\» i)e turneD br W«po1»tt ttjeir \Dateri0J into btouft: f:l}at no man migtjt tec erne ^fei t)jmfte attiuetnoiatfloub* 4, i^DjDotoljefettteftem ftoatmcgorflieA t»tftcl)t>il> tt)emfoieannop> ant) filDtbeircouHtrieftdof fro8iQ^> t»l)icl) ftoulO t^eic lanD Defttop. The fccoad part, 46 0o3tl)Otol)Pt)idcommit;tfteic tnto tlje^aterpiller: (ttuittfi, ^nb all t^e labour of ti^etr ^anbiar, begaiic to tl)egcall)opper. 47t^itl} baddon^ bebeftro^ t^eir hintt rotb^ittl)eptoet:eallo(t: ^inbnotfo muci) a$ix)Ubfistreeie(> tot \)z conftimOe \xiit^ftofJt» 4<3(tttt Pfalmc LxxViij. joi 4f3fnb pet D)tt^ ^aUeaoneie: once dSdtttr, ti^e :lo]^D t^eir cattell Onote, aittb all tl^eit floci^isi anD ^earD)e( Ul^lxitre toiti^tl^unDerboltieifuU ^ote. 49]@ecafttponti^ m W vc^? ]airpleafure>t)o^tb,ant) emlffpintis Do trouble ti^em among* So Cben to bti8{ to}at^bemabea^dp> . anbfpatet) not [tbe leaa.^ Sut gatte bnto t^e peiltlence» ^ tbeman aiO^ebetbel^eaa^ 5:1 l^e fttm airo !tbe firS bo^ all tbatbpmiegifptcame: 3lnb allltbe ebiefe of men anb bea0)9i ti^itbm t^e tentjetof i^am. 5i25ata$ifo3iailbt!8^o^ne beat:efol^e> . be ^it) p jteCerue anb ftcepe. acnbcamebtbemtb^ougbiboilberneiai euenl(fteafIocl(eof;(beepe. ^ rtottbout all feare botb fafe anb fonnl) beb^ousbttbemontoftbiial, nabeteais^tbetrfoeiaibottbtaseof (ea iDere^uettobelmeb alL 543nbbiiou8bttbemfojttbmtotbeireoaa^: euenlof bt$ bolpdanb: C^tentotbemounttDbtcbbebabsot: bp W tttong'anne anb banb. i5 3inb tbete cad out tbe beatben foll(e? anb bit) tbett anb t)m\it: 3lr^bmtbelr tentjQ[ beret tbe ttibeis^p oOn^^itoabibe. ^©4 PfiJmc.lxxx'Iii, pet fo;t all tW,t\}tk ^oD moa ^ig^ t\)tV S irD anD tempteD ftill : 3iuD )»oulDnotUeepe^t$teftament, notrctobcvl)isft»ill ^7 25utajBftIjeirfat^ct;5 tutnet)bacfee> euenfo tljep tx^cnt aftra?: ^\xc\} UUeaba\))tl)att»oulDnot l^entJ* but fliptanti fiartatjjap. The fixt part ;S ainl) gr ieueU btnt \j)(t^ tl^eir l^il aWatis^, taitl) offeringjai anti toit^ fire: aint)i3aitl)tl)eir3!t)ol$ bel)ementl? pjouDfeeDljlmto ire^ 59 cijctetrtti) I)tj6; tozatb J^egan againc tofeintilemlji^bieft: C^enaugbtenei8?of 3fraeU Dt!)i^eromuci)Detea» 6o%\im^cfoitooUt\)c tabernacle ofgMiotDijerebetoaiai Eigl)t conuerCant tuttb eartl^lp tnm, cuena0bt;8Jb\x)elliiigplacr. $1 c^enJuflfcreD be l^fe migbt aab potwer tnbonbagefo^to1lanD> 3lnt^ gaue tbe bonoiiof bt^ari^e, iutobt^enemieisiljanb. 6i Mnt} biU'c^mnut tljem to tbe fiwoib, ^ jotb twitii btisf heritage:: S^^cpngmcaixiercbcuoureblDitb fire, niaiD^baD no marriage . 6i^%nh UiitbtbefU)ojBtbep?eeftie( alfo Dibperilbciierieone: ainDnotatoiDOoboleft alme, ti^etrbeat^ {o^tobemone* Pfatmc Lxxviir 105 6 s aint>t]^eutl}e)Lojti began totoate, lii^eouetljatfleptatime: 3nti a0 a baliant man of ix)ar tcfredjeti after twine* 66 miti) emroDaim tl^ei^intiet: patt^ ijeftcafeefti^ enemieisfal: 3lnl>puttl)emti)entntoa t^ame? tl?atij)aj8(perpetualU ^7 ^i^^tt ftc ti^e tettt ant) tabetnacle* oflofep^DiD refute: 3i8(fo J t^e tribe of <^pl)jairtt \}Z iDOUlD in no tt)iCe cfjufe. ^S 23ut ci^ofeti^etripeof lebutia, twbereasi be tbougbt to Dtwell: CuentbenoblemountS>ion, tx)bicbbeDitilottefotMelU ^9 tt^ljereajSbeDibbijs^templebuilD botbfumptuouGlr antJ cure: Xiktnfi tbeeartb,t»biebftebatb maUe fouuertoenbure* 7oti:ben cbofebe J^auib l)im to feme, btiSipeoplefoitoHcep: li^l^icb \}t tooht bp anb b^ougbt n\x)HVy mm from tbe folbeisf of fteep* 7 1 ^disibe bib fo!loi» tbe eboeisi toitli roung, tbe YLo^b bib bim abuance: Cb feeb biiS! people Jfrael, anb W inberitance, 7zCbn3S5©auibij3itbafaitbfuH beart, bij8^ flocfee anb cbarge \)i^ feeb: ainb pfubentlp toitb all bijoipoboer, bib gonemet^em inbeeb* Dcus zo6 P{almc;Lxx/3C. Dcusven^runt. Pfal.LxxIx. I.H. C '^lic 31 ft:.. It'c J conipla.iic to \i50D fo? the c«lamiti< tb^t tl)«i? fu ffcrcD, feljf n ^ntu ocbus Dsliri: VCD ti)cir temple atOcttUc.DcfirinsaiD aga nft bis tirar.ntc,lc<3ft CSoo ana ^<0 religion fi;oalc b: coiuemnco bp t^e ^ratt)cn ,i»)jO QjouIO f cc l;imfo?fuHcii an& peariH). ^-^ tl5mel}ciitagcto fpoilc: <'^''"'Kai c Jcnifalcm en i;eape i^ maHe, 2*^^ ^^ * '^ tliiucmpletl)epuefi!e. 2 ^t;el5OiDie0of tijp famti8(moft Deare, abioau to biiBs! tl)ep caft: Cl^eficll) ofti)emtt}at Dotljee feare, ti)ebeatt;3JDeuqiiranlilxia(J. ' i ^l)eii:blouD tbtougljout JmMtmy a3i33aterfpilttbei>l}aue: :^otl)attljCi*ei|s;notoncof tl)em to lap tljeit ??eat) in gtaue, 4i:i)U!Siatei3aemat5caIaugl)mg Cocl^, almoflti)e \]ooi;ti tl)20U3l)0Ut: Clje euen!ie^ at 1)0 tell anD moch ixil)ui)r)ixicUour coafteis about. 5 iBilt tliou ^ U'OzD tijitai ill tl^iue tee, agamdbjBfeuerfume: 3!it) ft e\» tl)p \3D;atb a$ Ijote aS fire, tl)pfolbefojtoconrnmc. 6 ^pouti)efepeoplepourctl)cfame, t)ol)icl) bil5tl)eeneuerbnois3 ailrcalmeistKlbic^ call not on ti^p name, confume anU ouertl}zot», 7fo^tftepbauc a:ottbebppet:bant), ant) 3i acob^fcet) DefltopD: i^ii3?^abttation ant) W lanU tl^epljaue left toan anD tort), ^ ^ 8 fficate Pfalme. Lxxiy. 207 8 BearenotinmrnHourftiiinerfauUis? ^nD a(B^ 1)0 %01'^y in all airaultiei, fojtjocare U)eai^e auDIo^. The fccond part. p^Xi^otijti^atgiiieft aii^eaitl)atiD grace, onWDeclatetljefame: t^eigftnotouc^ojU^^oia-finneiS Deface, foil)ono|toftl)pname» IP ua^p fl;aii t^e ia)tcfeeu aiU al^ap, to b0a$ people tiunme, SIntlbPtepjtoclj cetopce, anD fap, tw^eretjsftWr C5ot) become.^ Eeqmre5€)jiLojti,ai8(tljoufeefl: gooD, before out erejBiinrig^t: £>f all tl)ofefolketi^p fetuants? blooD; . i3i)i)tcl) t^epfpilt m befpigW. 1 1 Eeceiue into t^p figl} t in ^ad tlje clamo?0, greefe anD ^ jong, ^f fucb a0 are in piifon caft, fuftepningirotijSJ ftrong. C^pfojceanbftrmgti^to celcb^iate %oil> ret t\)tm out of baiiD: mW^ ^nto Deat^ are Deftinate, anD in tl^etr enemies IjanD. 12 %l^zmtmsi*o)\vx^ i^aue btznc fo bolU, a$ to blafpi^eme tl)p name: 3Into tl^eir lap0 i3attl^ feuen folU, repay againetl)e fame. ^o\j3etl)pfol!ieanDpa(lure (l^eepe, 103111 pjaife t'oeeeiicrmo^e: aintJ teac6 al agc0 foj to I^eepe f 0^ t^ee liKe p^^aife in Hoje. . ioS Pfalmc Lxxx. Qui regis IfraeL Pfal.Lxxx J .H. ^ fL}S!^!!^l^^i^ ^^^?^l^? '^^^ ^° ^*'P« *^^ tntrcrfo toilD, Dot^ Big ants root it out: Ci^efurioii^beaa^out oftyefiel^, Ueuour it all about. 14 D iloii) of S)oaa^ teturne againe, from beaum looHe bctime, 23el)ol!), auD t»itl) tl)P l^clpe fuftaine tbi^ poo^e binei'atti of tl)ine. « '? €!)P plant 3 rap: tl)ine ll^ael!, tDljometbvrtgDtbati^il^tbfet, Ci^e fame \i3btcb tbou BiBfi; loue Co ix>eU ^ M^D Uo not fornix ^ , , -. ^ 2^0 PfalmcLxxxi 1 6 (itjep lop atiD cut It tJotwne apace, tljepburiieiteUe toitl) fim 3Inti tljjougl) ti>e froi^mng of t^p face, twepenfttut^meire. '7 let tl)P rigl^t l)aut) be twitib ftem noto^ lM^ometl)oiil)a(lfeeptfo long: 3inD twjti) t!)cfoniieof man )x)ljoaie t'^ou totl)cel)a(lmai>efo llcong. i^3lnD fo ts3t)eu tl)ou t)aa fct l)^ free, anD CattcD b0 from (bame: ^IjeiitDid toe neiiet: fall from tl^ee, but call bpoHtl)p name* ii>€))LojUofl)oafttl)togl)tl!P8ooti gtace> connect b3bntotl)ee.* »el^olD biStoitbapleafantface, anUtben full fafe ace toee. Exultate Deo Pfal. Lxxxl LH. Wn tf^opmtim to p^wtfc <]Bon foj histhtntfitg fon'^etrnim t\]Ht fngraHttiT)«i ggi^: 1 25e ligbt anD giaD in d^oD ceiopce^tobtc^ 4^ our »ftcegtl| auD fl;ap:i5eiopfull:ann liftbp ronr bopceto J^^objai ;|E|=^E|gig?=fe5^| tbe buctbcn cleanc atwap: ainDfcom tiiefiicnace quit bim free, from bHrning bztch of clap. Sn^bcn tl)ou in grief Dtbft crteanD call, 3It)0lpetl)eebpanlibp: aiuD J. bill anf toere tl^ee boiti^all in tbuuDer fecretlp* -212 PfalmeLjoofi s peaattt)c i»atergof Dtfcojt) 3 tiiti t^ec tempt anD pjooue: mi)Ctc^fs tljt gootinc0of tbe '/lojti, iDttl) muttciHug tl)ouDiDfl; moue. iotcare€>mF fome,C> 3frael!, anD 3! affurett tt)ee: * : :: SesarD mh marine mriioozD^ hill IxieH: iftljoub3iitcieauetomce. The fccond part, 11 ^Ijou {I;a t no dDaD m tt)ee refetue ofanplanDabjoaH: IJo; in no ij^ife to boto oi fcrue a Grange atiD fozteii (^oD. 12 3 am tl^e %oiti tl)p (25oti,anti 3 from €gpptfett})ee free, '^5;ena0tteof me abomiDantlp, anD3ltoiU3tucittl)eeo 1 33nD ret mp people b)oulD not i)ear^ mpt)opce,"ijDi[entl)at3 fpai^e: |5p;3rraent»oiiltJnot obep, tiithiO mc quite fojtfafee. H'^ljmtnH Jleauetljemtotl^eir toilU in I)att8iujg of t^eirftart: Co iiaai^ie in il)cir oiaoue coimfell (till, tijemfeluegJ tljep migW peiucrt. ^^ £) tfjiat mppeoplei3oou!t)l]aue Ijeatti tbc^oiBjs tijat -3 J)iD fap: 3[[ui) etie rl)at ICraell ixioulD regatt) to t*jalfee antWu mp toap. i lx)it^iuDge;8(of tl)elanti. 2l^otj)IongraiD lietnillpoup^occeij f aire iuDgementis! to alwarD: , aintil^aueterpeufoiioue ofmeetL tljeiwicHelitoregarD;' :^tBWtHg ofDuepouf^ouIl) Defend, t^efati^etlelfeanD t]oea&e: 3luDt»ibentt)e poo;emantiot^ content»a in tuDgement tuftlpQjeafte. 43f reebe\»ife>tiefenD tfte cawfe ofpoojcmentnt^cic rigljt anb ritJ t^e neeDic from t\)t clabjeisi of tpjantg fojce anli mtgljt. 5 'But nothing ixjtu ti^ep feno^ 0} leame, in batne to ti^cm3f talfee: Cl^ep ^tll not fee oj ougl)t Difcetne, mt 8ill mliartene$ twalfee. 211 Pfalmc Lxjtxiii Soi lo eueit nob) fte time is come, t^at aUtWngjgfallto nougl)t: a'ttl) ime\]oife lai30c;S botl} all anti fome : foi gaine are folD ant) bougW* 6 3 l)aD ticcreeD it in mp figljt, asgotiB'totauepoualU Znh cl)iiti?en to t!)e moft of miglft t, foMo«e3!tiiDroucalL 7J3nt nottoitI)ftant)mgrreljEialtiie, ' . ajSimenanDfoDecap: ' fi) tpiant]6f, 3 (l)all pou Deftrop, anDpIucl^pou quite at»ap. ^smg tiii$ to; •^ infilenceDonotaap: Iterrpfaf l©itW)o!t)notloit)>tlipfeIfefolon8, ^ noimakenomoietielap: ziFoz tx3l)p!?bel}olD tl)p foe$ aniJ fee i)0t)3 'ti)ep Do tage anD crie: Klnti ti}ofe tbat beate an i^ate to tljee, ftolDbpt^eiri&eaDjion l)ie. 3 2ligainfttl)pfome tl)epbreDcmt> anD craftilpt^ep inquire: foitljine elect to lie in i»ait, t^eircounfelIDotl|confpfre. . 4€om Pfalmc LxxxiII. tij" 4Come onfap tl)er,let W eicpell anU plucUc tl)ere foifee al»ap: ^0 t^at tl^enameof JCraell mapt)tterlpliecap. jCljep all conCptee twiti^m tljeir Ijeart i^o^ti^cpmapt^ee tjoitljftanti: agatnO; ftc)lojlitotafeeapait> t^ep are iu league atiD banU. 6 'i:t)etent!8fofaUt5e CDomiteisf, tl)e3jfmaUte!g aifo: Ci^e i^apren^ anD apoabite^, \»itl)DuietiB?ot^et: mo* 7 (Sebal bjitl) immon^anD %t\x>i& t)otl)2(imalecconrpire d)e]p)iU(ltne!5agaiiifttl)ee rife, \»itl) tl)em t^at Dijoell at cpje. 5 ainD 3licrur eUe i^ b)eU apaiD txjitl) tijem in league to bee, 3f ut)Dot}) become a fence anD aiD tolLotiSpofteritte* ^ 35i2( tbouHibft to tbe a&atiianite;8f , fo retue tl)em U^oiD ecbone: 3;3?toCicer anD to 3Iabm, bcKDetljeb^ool^eftifom loi^l^omt^outnCatiojbiDftDeftcop, anD trad tbem ti^^oug^ tbp migftts C^attbeplifeeDungoneartpiD lie, anDtl^atinopenftgibt Thcfecond pirt. i2^ai^etbemno^ant)tl)ett)(lozt)iaiappeat lifeeZeb anU €)^eb tban: 3l^2:ab4 anD Zalmana wt tl)e^in3j0(of^aWam ^^ v(^c ui^ '^'^^"^ in all tl)ecoafl:e$abzoali: idoflcffe antJtakc into out l^ant^, tijefaiteljoufc^ofd^oli. ij f iirnetl)e,D (l5otiix)itl)fi"oxms;,aS faft a0ia3!)ecles:ti)atl]aueao (lap, £)z \iutl)t cl}a[!c,^l)icl) men Do ca(t \j}itl) unnDr^ to flie aujap* HfiiU ais tt)e fir e,^itl) rage anti ftimp ;. tl)e migliticfojreftiSfpil^: ainDa^tlje flame,Dotl) quite confume tl)e mountaiueis? auD ti^e l^iK. i5feolettl)etempell,oftl)pt»iatl) . bpontt)eirnecfe0be laiD: 3((nDoftI)pfto^mpl3oinDant) ftolxier, ^LoiDmafeet^emalt affraiD* i6?lojDbjing tljem all,3Itl)eeDefirej to fuel) rebulse anD (I^aine* C^at it map eaufe tl)em to inquire, ant) learne to feeUe t'or name, 17 Int) let tl)em euermoje Haplp toftameanDfianDer fell: aini) in rebufee auD obloqup topenfl) efee\x)iti)all. J8 cbatti}ep map !inot3,^feele full W\U tl}att!)ouartcalleD)lojD: ^nD fcl)at alone ti)ou Dod f jrcell, ant) raigue tl)jougl)OUt tljtbJOjID. Qiiam dilecta.'Pfal.Lxxxiiii.I.H. 3Da:it5 cj !c&lit0 countrte, Dcnrctli arDetitlp to rcturne to dFot^s! tobcrnsclc, 'anft arfcfn^ bip of tl)e (mtg to p;atrc (Bo^, Ct;en iK P^aftt') Cl;e c otiragc of tlje people? t^at palff t^e uuoernc0.to auembU H^mUiain vx[^m* 1^0^ Pfalmc LxxkU\ , 21/ H£)l)3 pleafant ijs: ti^ptJiBcllrngplace, %l)t tabernacle of tf)p grace, botj) plearantXo^D tl)ep bee^ 29gpfoule Dotl? longful fojte to goe, into ti^p courtes! abjoal^: g^p ^earti)otl)Iut!:,mpflell^airo, mt^eetl}cUumg(0oD. s'^lb^j&parroireigjfinDaroometo retl, anH faue tbemfelues^from twjong: ainti eKe tl)ef\xinllot33 Ijatlj a neil, l»l)ereiMtoHecpel^er pong, 4 Cbefe birn0 full nigl) tWne altar maf l)aue place to fit anDfmg: ^ jLojD of tjoade^, t!)oii art 3Ifa p> ttip dSoD ant) ebe mp Mng. 5^1^ tbep be bleffet) tSat map niwell initWntbp boufe alboaieis^- dfo.i t!)ep all time0 tbp fact^Do ten, anD euer giu^ tbeepjaife^ 6 }^ea^apppfutc Ufeetotfe are tljep: totjofe ftreugtl) anli (lap t!)Ou art: xbW^ totbpi^oufetiominl) ti^etwap* antireei^e it in ti)etri^eart 73[[i3itl)epg9t!jiougbtbe baleof tearei^> ti)ep big bp foimtaineis M: %\)nt aj3^ a fpiing it all appearcisf, anb tboii tbeir pits^ boH filL ^fromftcengti) toftrengtbtbep tjoal^eful! nofamtne^ tl)ete[l)all be: (fad Mt^ fo t'ae (Bo^^ owm at laft in S)toutljep bo fee* 9 ® jfj Pfalmc Lxxxv ^ ^ 5Lo2t) of l}oa(lei5 to me giue ijeeti, aub Ijcare iwtcu 3 tio p]iap: ainti let It tl}zougl) tt)ine earejei p joceetJ, £D3!acob0(^ol33faiv I oj© Ho^tJ our (IjielD, of tl)p gooD gtace, r cgarti auD fo D^iaij) neate: KcgarD 3; fap,bel)om tl)p face of tljincannointeD Deare. I I f or^5)P^^iti^itt ti)p coutt)3;one Dap i^ better to abitie, d)enoti^er\»l)crct0 fceepcoj (lap atljouraiiDDaieiSbefiDe. 1 2 j3@ucI) ratl)er \3oouID 3 becpe at)oo?e \3ottl)iutl)el)oiifeof 0oD, Cljan III tl)e tenths of \»icKeDne^> to fettle mine aboUe, 13 f oi(^D tl)e iLoiD,ligi)t anD tiefcncer twill grace anb l3ooi(t)ip giue: 3nD no goootl^mgl^all beluit^olD fromtl]emtbatpurelp line. i 4. ^ ^dojD of i)on;e;8^,tl)at man i^bleft, anDl)appiefurei^ bee, ^\)Ui^ perDxiatJeD in W bjeft, to truft all time? in tijee* Bcnedixifti Dom. PfalXxxxv.LH, la^ccaufe O^oD wf tljD?ea) not ijie tone frout l)ifl cimrct? after tbc tetarne from tPab^Ion firatl>cpput!)tm tniiiioDtljathcCboulDnoticauctbc feo;b0 of I)i0 grace tJnpcrfttf QjiD complamc of tljctr long affliction. Cl)cn tt)e]? rciofcc m Ijogeof jpjomircD DeUuc- ranrc,1vl)icl; i;9ajB afigurcof C^^UleiS .btngDomc, vmDcr ivt}oine{^oulDeb(cpirfit fcltcirte. T 15011 bad beenemercifiillinDeeD, c sing thi$ too €>Uozr)bnrotbP lanD: >t^'Tpr3!r foitboureflozet)(l3Iacob0fecD, <- -^ ' ftomtlijalDomeoutofbanD. Pfahtac Ljficxv. 2r%\^t \x>itWty i»aic^ tl^at t|^p i^ere in, t^ou DiDH t\}tm cleane remit: ainti ttouliiiiftljiDetftcpeoplejsJfmne, fuIIcIofeti^oiicouereDllit. ?C^meangerc]ke tl^oumtiftarrtoase tl)atalUl)pi3ojati^i;ggone 3Bn5 fo nioil turne tljee from t^ p rage \x)itljtljcmtobeeatone* 4® (I50D ouri^ealtljjDonotj) comiere^ tbrp^oplet^ntot^ee: jBut all t\}v ^^atl) from t)i8? apart, antiangrtecearetobee. 5 u^ftpf Rjall tftine anger neuer en6> t)ut(ttUp^oceeDonb]8^f 3lnt) (baa tl)p )x)^atl) it felfe ejt^tenti Upon all ageiS!ti)ui8[.^ 6iiaiit ti^ou not rati)er turne tt^erefoie? , anD qqicben t);5 tljat twee, 2vbt\\ t^p foifee map euermoje beglatiantiiopintiftee. 7J©)LoiU,onl3;8iUot!30u lieclare tl)pgooDnei0itoourl»ealtl): S>^eb) foojti) to U;9i,anl> tio not fpar e, tl^ine'aiti anU fauing i^ealti^* 8 3!1»i« ftarfee i»liat dPoti faitWoj Ae fpeafee$;tol)i;sfpeople peace* antito l|iis faints, t^at neuer tljep returnetofooli(^neis^. f f 0? tol&p^ WS^eaiti^ ij^aill at l^anU, , to(lic^aj8(tiol)imfeare: l©Ijerebp!great glojte in the lanD, . SjAW 0:3?eH an^ flauril^ ti^ere. •"P jo; 22© Pfalrac.Lxxxvi. 10 jf 0? ttut^ ant) mercie tljecc H^all meet, in one to taUe fWt place: aint)peace (l^all iiifttce ^itt) feilTe greets anD ti)ei:e tljep fl)aU iinbjace, 11 Mttm) from eart!) (Ijallfpjmgapace, anU fioiinS)ple«^fantUe: ^0 rtglKcournes (Ijail fl;ei» Ijet face, auD Iooi^etom!)cauenlbi9l|. 12 Pea (iE5oDl)imfelfelljaltaliein l)anl», to giue t)0 eaci^ gooD tiding: antJtljiougl^ tl)ecoa(l^of all ti^e lanti^ tUeeartl) Ijcr ftuiteis^l^allbjmg: If 25efo2ieW^faceftalIttifttce goe, mucl)ltlkeaguiDeojftap: . I^e f^ailUirect l^i^ftepjsalfo, anil Uecpe tljem in ti^e^ai>* Inclina Domine.Pfal.Lxxxvi, I.H, 3Dam!>ro?caffitctci> ,pia^?cil)fcrttentlie fo; DrttBctancc (omttimeU retlcatfttts^Wttrtfts Ytc0 anD merctcjs i:cccpuci),9crtctn({ alfo to be inftmctett of tt)e £o;d,t])at i\t ma)? fcarc eno giov.ftcl)t0 nam:, i^c compIai»nct^ aUo of ^iji al}narfai:te0«aitD tcquiret^to bee licltuercD ftom tftem, T £)^Bbo\)otl}tneearetomptequeft, ^singthistoo •L' nno l)care mebp ant) bp: ^ iScS.' w ? l©itl)gcieuou;3(pIamt0anD grief opp^ctt i ^ fuUfoieanDiDeafeeamS- 2|^isferHcmpfouIe)becaufemptoaiei8i antit5omggil)olpbe: 3ntJ faue tl)p fernant,€) mp )LojtJ, tl)at putjs W trufl: in t^ee* 3 tlTljP metcie,Xojt) on me eicpjeffe, Defent)meeliei3oitl)all: jfo?ti)Xougl)tl)cDap 31t)onotceafe i>nti^ee tocneant)cali* 4Comfojt £> Xo?D5 t\)V feruantiSfoale, anD lift mp foiile anB minH. J f J tI)oii art gooD auD boimtif uU t^v St't.^ of grace are free: ainti eUe tljp mercp pientifiin, toalltijatcallont^ee. 6a)U,o?l!Ulici33ife \j3^eu3Dopjap, tegarDanDgiueaneare: ^srhe txjell tlje )Bo^tig tl)at31 Ho&f, anU allmppjapergi^eare* 7 Jn time )x)l)eu trouble Uoti^ me moue, tot^eetiojcomplaine: fojt»i)p:'3Ifeuotoantii»ell Dopjoue, tl)ou anO»erll me agaitte: 8 3lmong t^e goU^ €) llojiD te none, l»itl) tljee t$ bee comparD: 3lnti none can Do a^ tl}ou alone, tl)e liHe !)at!) not beene i^carD« The fccond part. 9 tiTl^e (Bentile^ antJ tbe people ai; ' tni^ic!) tijoii Uhft maU anti frame:: ©efoje tlip face on liiiees iDill fall, anDglonfi'tlipname* lo jfozi3o5p?tl)ouartfomiul50f migi^t, . all po^er is; tijine otxine: C^ou \x)OjiUe(l ttJotiDer^ M\ in figljt, fojtl^on art (Si) D alone. ii€rteiac'^me,lo|ii ,t!3p tj3apan^ 3 IIiaUmtl)ptnu^ pioccelj: iS> iopne mp I3 art to tl}ee fo nie, tl)at It t^p name map DjeeD* 125 Pfalme LxxxxvIL i2'oiU fttU Dotl^ ttap ttpon t^e l)D I V WW fuU fure, itcannotimeDecap. ^ ^ »<5oo the tune of the S I »Pfal^ Pialme Lxxxvii ^^, * ^ot) louej^ t^e gate of ^lon bel^^ life grace Uotl) t^ete abitie: j^eloueis; ftemmojetl^enalitlie tell of3acobi8!tentgbefiDe» f full glojiouiSi tl)tngj8( tcpo jteti be m j&ion ant) abjoaD: 45reat tl?ing$, 3 fap^ate faiU of ti^ee, tljoucittteofourd^oD. 4 €>n Eabab 3j \x3iil caft an epe> anti beate i n minb ti^e fame; 3InD i3abtlon fl)all el^e applr, anD leatne to fenoto t^p name* 5)Lo)^ale(lmeanDCtre alCo^ \x)ttl)(2ftb(opelttietoife; 311 people olDfnl long ago, U)ei:e bojne anbtbete bib rife. 6Df^iontl)epR)aUfap abjoabe, ti^atbtueti9(menoffame l^aue tbete fpjstmg bp>anb tbe ^igi^ c^oti bati^ founbeb f aft tlje f ame» 7 3In tbeit recojbjs; to tftiem it jl^all tbjtougb (^obis^beuife appeate: fl>f S>ion tbat tbe cliiefe of all> bab ^ijSbeginningtbere. SCi^etmmpeter;^ \»itbfuci^ aistfingj tbeccin great plentp bee: a^pfountaine^ anb mppleafant fpjingiat are compail all in tbee* DomineDeus. PfaLLxxxviii.I.H.. C^efaitl)fuuro;e arfiFlictcDbp ricbmsr, pcrfecntfen, atiucrntie, atiti asit Soert leftol 114 PfalmcLxxxviii. ^ _±^^ I >LDXiiaD:jofl^e2lt>) tljetjcpeanDftaHbcu art alone ».H. •.„^^ywU att alone -i- to niee:3 call anDcrte ti)iougl)outtIjeDap,anD alltl^e nigl'tto tl^ee: i . £) let inp pzaFCt^foone arcenti biito tl^p fiO;I)toul)fe: 3nclmcti)ine eace €)7losD,attcat) anD n- liartoitompmc* ' anl5s)Dt^in trouble Dtaadi: S9p life aiiD bjcatl) almoll Doti) peelD, antJ ti^ia^etl) nigl) to !|c!:. 43 ameO:eemD,a^oneof t!)em, tl)atiurt)epitt)ofaIi: %\\^ ijoa'oe a0 one among tbefe nicn, tl}at \^Tim no ftren'jt!) at ail* 5^10 one amougt!)c DcaH^antJfcee from tl)tng^t'oatl}ece temame: 3t ^eit moic eafe foz mec to bee, toijf ^ tljeni tl^e \»i)icl) ate flaine, «ai)3f PfalmeiLxxxvlii -j'if € ai!l Wt ftat lie in graue,3 rap, t»l)ome ti}OU Ijaft cleane f oigo t, Ci^c to3!)icl) tfep IjanU Ijatl^ cut ai»ap, ants ti)ou regarDft ti^em not. 7 J^ea liUe to one d&ut lip full .fare, tj3itbintl3elot»etpit: 3In placed Bar^e anD all obfcure, ants in tl)e Deptl) of it* 8Cl)inc auger ant) tl?p tuj ati^ lifeelwife, fullfojeonmeDot^lie: ^Cnt) elltljp (lonnc^againamerife, mpfouletobe^auDtne. 9 cijouputftmpfrfenD^far ofFfrom me, anU maHelt tl)em l^ate mee foze: 3 am ftut bp in p ?ifon faft, auD cancomefo?tl)nombj^e* - ioSlppfigljttiotl) failetftjoug^greef^Uw 3calltot^ee€)(!5oD, ^l^;ougftout tbe tiapmp IjanD aifo totfteelfttetctjab^oDe. The fccond parti iiSofttljoutntotljetieati Declare tl)p tj3onDjou0 iooiH;8? of fame, ^liall^eatito lifeagaihe repaire, ant) p jaife t!)ee fo j tlje ram.ej- 1 2 C>j lljall tl)p louing kinDnc;^, jlojD. be p:eac6eli in tlje graue-^ W t (ball irttl) tbem tljat ace Dedropti, t^ptcutl) \)vc bono? Xymti i^febalttjep^at Uein tiarM f uUolj) ofalitl)p^ontseri3!^ot^ J^jtt!ieiefl)a!ltl)eptl)p radiceUno ^? i»!;ei;eailti^tng^ai;cfojgot,^ Do me anD call apace:. S^p piaper efee ere it be Da^ Ojali come befojet!)p face* 15 t©i)pUotltl)ouilo?ti abljoj mpfoulc,, in gnefetbat fccl^ctl) tljce • 3ut»no^,€>lozD,^t)pt)oft tbou ^iUg. tl)p face ai3Dap from mecf 163 am afflict a^ti^nng Ml, frompoutl) ti)i$ manp apearet, Wi)v terrors: tol)icib Doe ^ejc mee ill, t»itl) tcoubleD minD 3 beate. 17 'Cbe fmtsi of tbp iDjatbfuUrage full fojebpon me fall: %\)V terr OJ0 efee Do no t alTu) age, , but me oppjiclTe iwitbalL 18 JllDap tl)ep compalTeme about,, asdTjatec attbetiDe: 3nD all at once \»itb ftreameisffuU (lout; bieretmeonecbfiDe. iptTboufetteft farce from me mp fteenD^^, auDlouerjsieuerie one: Jfca anD mine oiD acquaintance all, autof mpfigbt aregone., Mifcricordias. Pfal, Lxxxix I.H.; J^mtty pzaifetb <* ncs of wans life ana confirming l)linrElf«&p (I3oD3WORUrcs« ^ilD ftng tlie mercje$ of tlje itojD, ' <; ^i*;? •';;* j;'^; mptOGngajallneuerfpare: : tljv tuitb 3 xpUI Declare. Pfalmelxxxix • * *^ > fo} 3! ibauefatlj tbat mercp l^all fojeuetmoielraname: 3In ftat t^ouDod foe ^eauens (tap, ^j> trut^ appeam^ plaine* ^ Co mine elect^fattft (i5oD,3l malie acouenantauDbei^efl:: S^p f eruant BautD to per rtoaUc, 3 fixjare ann DiD p^oteft* : ^ 4 '^ i)p f ecD f J euer 3 1) ill (far, anUftabltajitfiillfaa: anDftilltjpl|olDtl))?tli?onealtoap, :' ftomagctoageto lafl:. 5 Clje !)0auen0 dje^j) ijoit!) top anti mirtl^, tl)p ^onliiou$ Inojas^, €) ltLojt»: Cl)pfatut3? ^ttl)m tl)p cl)urc^oneaitft3 t!}pfaitl) aiiti triitli rccotD, ^ 1^1)0 tDttb ttje )Lo?D 19! cQiiall tlien, mallftecloatJSfabjoDef aimong tl)e fonncist of all t^e goD^, ixjl)at one is liUe our d^oD? 7 <15ot) in altcmbUe of ti^e faints, ig^greatUetobeUieaD: anD ou:r all t^at U'joell about, interrojtobeljan* 8 )tojt5 (SoD of ^0^0, 111 all tl>e Ixio^lD ^IjatoncisiltHetotljee!? ^n euerieftbemoa migbtie Mib. tbptrut^iisifeenetobee* 9 'Ci^eraging fea bp tljine abiiife tbou ruled at tbp totll: Sfnti twljentbeiwauejSttjereof arife, tl)ou mai^ft t^em calme anb dt'H* 2 J8 Pfalme Lxrxiic. anti ti;Ou ijaft it DeftropH: ^a tl)ou tl}p foes ^tti) niigl)tie atme l^aafcattceD allabjoDc* The fccond parr. n f Ijeljcauen^ate tbine^fMlbaue hiiu UUMoiktlit eartl) anD (auD: tilje tx)oziDtx)itl) ailt'oat i^fterein, tl)oiifoimDt)cftto3itb tbpbanD. i2:3ot()no;tl) ^ foutb^ttb eaftatiDtoeft, t^pfelfeDiDllmafeeanti frame: Botl) caboi mount anD efeel^ermou reJopceanD pjaife tbp name^ 1 6 'Catne arme 10 ftrong auti full of poller, all migbt tberem botlj lie, %\}t ilrengtb of t\)v rigi^t ^anD eaci^ \)Oi\u, tbouliftcdiip ohWe: 1 4 3!" risbteoufne^ atiD equftie tI)ou baft ti)p feat ant) place: fleeter anti trutb ate dill \x)itl| tljee, anb go before tl?p face. i^^bpfolHefebleftjtbatfenotoetljatisljts tbppjefent po^er^D d^oD: Jfoj in tbe fauout of tb p figbt tbep UJaUte ful fafe ab?obe* I tf Jf o.z in tbp name tbiougbout tbc bap, tbepiopanb mucb teiopce, anbtbjougb tbprigbteoufne^/banetbep a pleafant fame anb noife. 17 foi \xy^v^ tbeit gloiie drengtl) anb aibe, intbeealonebotblie: «^l)P aoobne^ che tbat batb b;s^(taib: v^all lift our bojnconlji?* iS€)ttt FfalmeLmcix Z2^ Cljel^olp one of jCtaell, ^tigowt guiDeanHfeing* 19 ;feometimetl^l»ill bnto tl)pfamtj9l mbiCioniS ti^ou DiOft Heto: ^tiB thnfi t^zn DiDa ti^ou Cap to t^em, ti^pmmt)toma&etl^embnot»» ;' 2oai manof mtg^t3 Ijaue erect, ; i ponrWnganD gutlieto bee: r ,^ ainli(et^imt3p,t»ftome3elect ;%'• amongt^rfolfeetome. rhcthir^ part, • ^ 2 1 S^p fetuant ©aiuD 3 appoint, )33bome3l ^auefearcbeD out: 3inDtott^mp^olpople annoint l)tml^m9ofallt^erout* 2 2 jfo J tD^p? mp i^anD ijef teaDp ftill toitl) l)im fbji to remaine: alnO tott^ mint at me aids 31 t»^l i^im Hrengti^en anb (uftaine 2; ^i^e enemteiei {^all bim not oppjeflfe^ tbep (^aUbunnot beuoure: ^e pet tbe fonneiaf of toicbebnejsi on btmO^alll^auenolpoboer. 24 5)10 foe0 Ufeetoife 3 toiU Deftropj befo2ebii8!fecemKgW, Sfnbtbofetbat^atebimJ twillplagne anb teiket^emtwtt^mpmigbt^ 25 #ptrutb anbmercpefee^iti^aU lljaiaaibponbtmtte: ISnb m mp name btia^bojne et(e ^all beliftebbp OH^ie, . ,j,Q Pfalmc.Lxxxix, 26^i$ WttstJome 3 toil fet to be jjpontljefcaanU fanli: SdnD eUe ti)criiumngflouDj9> fl)al fte, iiubiacetottl) ^i^mU ^runD. 2 7 !?e ftall iJcpenD toit i nil l)i0 ^att, on me, auQ t»;u$ (ball fap: S^ j> latber anU mp (^oU tl)ou art, mr tocKi' of t)ealtt) anD ftap. 28 a^ionefiiilbojne 3!^:ll^imtalie, of all on eartij tbat ipziugjsi: l^i;3(migl)t anD lionoiirj (l}aU mafee aboueailtoo^lDl^feingjsf. 29^V tncrcp fliall be \»itl) \)m ttilU as(3lmi?feifebmietolt): appfaitbfull cottcnantto fulfill, mpmercpi^^llbolt^e. ^o ^iiD efee l)is fecD 3 toill fuftaine, foi euer (Irong anD fure: ^0 tbat i)t;B^ feat fl)ail ilill remaine, toljile^eauen Dot!) tnbiire. The fourth part, ^ 1 3!f tbatifei^fonne^foafafeemp lato, an5)fobegintoCtoenie: ainB of mp (utigementjsibaue none ato, no J toill not tijem obfeme. 3i£); iftbepDonotbfe arigW mpftatutcsito tl)em maDe: aintJfctallmpcommantiementiai ligl^t, anD toill not fteepe mptraDe* ^i Cben toitb t!je rob toill 3 begin, ti)eitboingiStoamenb: s mnb fo toitb fconrging foz tbeir finne, toijentt>attl)epboofifmb» 34a?? [Pialmelxibdx i|a 34S9^mercppetanlimp gooDn^, 3iU)tllnott;a&ebtmft:o: anDComptrut^ffojgo* g 5 But fare mp couenant H t»in ftoID, toit^ all t^atJIIjauefpol^e: Bo b)o^D tl)e toi^tc^ mp itp;s l^aue toIld> lI)analtcroibeb^o^e. g6£)ncef>xiare3fepittP iftoUne^, auDtljatperfbjmetoUJ, UDitb S^auiD 3 fl}ali feeepe pjomife, tot)tm3i\x3ainotlic. 37©t^Cce:jfojeuermojea;aUraisne, auD ebe ^tsl ti^^one of migljt: ^;8! tioti) t^efunnc, it fljallremaine fojeKertnmpft!|l3t. 3 s 3(lnD a$ tl)e moonc toit^in ti^eftp, fi)ieuetftanDcti)faft» atfaiti}fuli^ttnej3;from on^ie, foftiaU^tisifemsDomelaft. j9i6uttto^,^liojD,tl50u tsoHreiect, anD notjo ti^ou cbangeft cljcatc: gea tljou art "tojotl) toitl) tWnc elect, t^ineotxineannomtcDiJeare* 4oCliecouenauti))ttl)tl)pfcruantmaoe, )LoxOt-:)Oul)a(l quite DuDonc: anUtio\»ne^pontt)e grounli alfo> , haacaai)i3rovalicro1»nl- • '- ; ^ • ^ The fift part. : jT nt'Jj^n 4.1 ts:i]ouplucfea t)is Deogejsup t»it^ mm, l)ti3U3al$ti»ouDottcon!ounD: €l)oubeateaeHeHfebui\»atk3tJot»ne, anWjeauatljemtotDWlJv ^,^^^^ il)t Ffalme Lxxxix. of commec^bp tl);oug^out: aint) (b i^ maDe a mocfee anD fco^ne to all t^atDVo ell about. 45^l)outl)eirtigljtl)anl>ljaft lifteDbp, tbatbimfofojeannop: ainl^ all biiSfoes! t^at bun beuout, lo,t!|ou|)afl;mabetoiop* 44l^t;s(ru)ozi)0ebgeti)ouno((tdlte atoar> * tbat G^buio btiS^foejQitottt^adtA: biist^jone,bi^iop,anD mtrt^t :3ptl)tet$ouertl^^oi3one)antr cad fuUioix)bpouti)eeatti|* ntft to BauiD tl)ou i^aft a»o;ne. iiCibegreattebiiikejBftominDJ call, tl)atontbpreruant$ Ue: C^e railing ofti^e people all bozne in mp h}t(t ba«e 3f • 52 aaberetjjitft ^ )iLo^D tljme enemiei^ i^larpbemet) baue t^p name* ^e CiepiS of t^meannomteD one ti^ep ceafenottotiefam^ 5?lUp?airetot^ee,€)lLojtiofl)oftA bot^ n0tx) anD el^efo^ ape: Cl^ougb r^t^ anU eartb anD all tl^e tonag^ aimen,amenrap3. I>aminc refugium. Pfal.XC.I.H jfl^oTctf fccins t^t people neither attnoR{Q)e& bp t^ebjroiHeof tlifir lifeitojbp rl^StiejiC^ Id be tbanbefuU p^apctb ^ob to turne tl^(ir l^arts ono tontinat ))\& mcrcp toSvarniS tbfm anb tbcit^ poaetitte fo;^ cucr«. Ti^ou)Lo3iD,i^aft beeneottt Cure MenceA^^^s^^^'^i? oucplaceofeafeanDreft, y^VyTrlx 3nalltimts;paa,pearolongKnce> ^ '-^ a^cannot beeiep^ell^. 3 Cre t^ere \x)u^ maDemountame o} l^llt, tl^cactb oil \x^o^\h nhpitit: Jfrom age to age ant) alt»aieias MU fojienertl^ouart^oD. 3 ticiiottgtmDeft man,tbiy5ug]^ itttf^anfi to tjuft 0? clap,anl> t^en, : fpain^ 3nl» tben tbonfaifl: agatne,tetume agataepefonne^ofmen* 4^^ V4 PfalmcLxxicx. " I 4 'Hje laffing of a tl)oiifanU peare, tobatijefitintl^pfig^t^ 3;6?reflcrttapitUot^ appeare, oiasauiatcl^bpmg^t. 5&'0fooncas;tl)ou Doft fcattertl^em, ttjcn i0tl)etr lifeaiiDtraDe 3i!la0a,fieepe auD litjetbe gralTe, toJioCe bcauticfooneDotl) faDe. ^ oatjicl) ti! tl)e juojintng (i}im^ full O^iig^t, but faletljbp ant) br: Mnt) i$ cut tio\»ng ere it be nigl^, all lj)itl}jrts,t?eaD, anD D^p. 7 f oj t'ojougl) tlraie anger ^e conrumc our mtg'at i^ mucb DccaiD, ainD of t!)r f eruent \)3?atb anU fume, iDoe are full Cote dft:atti* 8 Cl)etx)ickeD^ozUe0tl)att3ei^auct»;og^t njoufetftbefotetWuefpe: £> Jc puup f ault0,pea ebe our iA^oixqW ' ^^^oa t}:if counten^TiCe Uot^ Cpie. 9fot t'o^ouoi) ^)V ^^atb our bapesi bo iwaft tl)vreof Dotl) nougbtremame: £Durpeare$ confumeajstDozb^loj blaftft anb arc net caib agatne. io£)ur time i$ tbieCcoze pearei9(anb tm, tbattoeboUueon molD: 3lf one fee fourercoie,rurelp tbeii \33e count bint t}3onbjous» olb. The fccond part. II l^ctoftbt^ttmetbeftrcngtft anbc^iefe, tbeDobtcb toe count bpon: 513! notbing elfebut painef ull griefe, dab )»e \iu blait:^ ate gou. iim^o PfalmcLxxxx ^ij 12 1^1)0 once tioti^ fenoto i^Uatarengt^iS lxil)at migl^t ti)tne anger ftatW (ti)mi i©?m 1)10 ^art ^1)0 DotU iti^cefeare, accojUingtotlbpto^atbf I ^ Jadruci; 1)9^, Ho^D to feno^ anH tne> 1^0113 long oncDape^remame: %\)nt t\^m toe map ont beartg appip, tnie totfe^me to attatne. i4 l^tutne, £D ilo.it5,l)oto long t»flt tl)ou foo.it^ on in tc-jitl) p^ioceeDf fe^ctj) fanour to t\)v feruant^notj), ant) ^elpe t!)em at t^etr nceD. u Eefrcfl) bjs^toitl) ti^p mercpfoone, anDtl}cnonrtop(ljaUbe: 3llltime0fo longa0lifet)otl)laa, m6eartreiorceftaUtj3e« /5 IjS t^ou VM pla gurD b$ befoje, noix) alfo mafec WglaD: ainD foj t^e pearcjs, to^erein full fo^e aSlictton)»r^auet)aD* -17 €> let tl)p toojifee ant) po toer appeare, > an i on t^p feruant^ ligljt; anil m^xy tnto tf^v cWitijcn Uearc, t^pgoueant)tl)pmfgW. 1 8 )lo;D let tl)p grace auD glojie tlanD, onb0t^pferuant0 tf^u^: Confirme tl)e ^3O]tfe0^eta!ieml)anD a^ojD pzofper tl)emtob;3?» aui habitat. PfalXCi. I.H. I !^c»e is OcfcrtbcD tbe affarance Ije Itactb In, tlwt committctftbfmfdff »Iif' -^t o smcitl;cm imitio;t9l gic^c ji of ^oDmoCl l)iet)ot^Dt»eI: 3[n fi;at»oto of ti^emigftticft grace, atreftOjalliicepelitm \x)tll 2 Cl)ou art mp Ijope anti mp Brong IftolD, 3totl)eeltojDtoiUfap: S^p (5oD ^e i$yin bim toill 3 mp to^olc affiance (lap* 3 ^e fl)al defenti me from t^e fnare tlbetol)ic^ tl)el)imter laiti, 3nt) from t^e DeaDlp plague anD care tx)^crcof tl}ouart afraiU: 4 ^nt> tj3itl) ^i^ toing ^djall couer tljce , ant) feeepe t^ee fafelp tljere: 1^i$ faitl) anD trutl) tl)p fence G}H\ be, ajeifure aje( ft lelD anU fpearc: 5 S^ott}at tI)ou ftalt notneeD, 3 far> tofeareo^beafrtgi^t: €)fallt6ea)aftej9!tl)atfleebp Dap, no?terroj!0jof tljenig^t. « ilioj of ti)cplague>t^at pjiuilp Dot!) b)albe in Dari^e Co fad: Boi pet of t^at oDl^ic^ Dotl^Deftrop, auD at noone Dape^Dot^ \x>n(t' yj^ea atti^pfiDeatf tbotfdofl: ftanD , a tbouCanD DeaD Q)allbee> trentljoufanD el^eattftprigljt ijanD, auD pet tljon (bait bee ftee: S 25uttl)oua;altfeeitfojtbp:part, t^me m^ ftaliujell regarD. '^bat etten lifee to tbeir Defart, tbet»icfeeDl)aue regarD* 9 m ^ f OJt tJJ^P? idD )Loi^ 3 o»e!p luft, L- ta atkv m?!)ope on mt: ainU m tliel^igiied J putmp truft, mpfureMeucei0i^ec« IP C^DU ftalt not necD none ill to feate, laoitl) tljee it fl^all not mell: |5o?petti^e plagne (I?a!l once comeneate, t\)z tjouCe toilet e t^ou IJoft tii»eU. 1 1 jFo!t^]^p?l3nto l)ijBi angelisJ an, totti^c^i^QecommanDet^ i^ee: Cl^at IHII in all tlip ^nit^ ti^ep (^ all p^efcrueanD pjofpet tf^ct. ii%m in ti^etc i^anDjei (ball beate tl^ee bp> . fttlltoattmgt^eetpon: ^ot^att^pfootO;allnenet; c^nee Ifofputneatanp aone. . 13 Bpontl^elLton tl^ou (lialt goe^ t^eaDHcr fell anD long: 3nD treaD tjpon tlje iLioniBf po ng, i»ttl) H jagonj8( ftont anU ftron g* J4f oz^etliat tmftetl^ tjntomee, 3 U)ill Difpatclii^im quite. Snti^imtiefenD,becaure ti^at()e botb feno^ mp name arigbt. 1 5 ))abenbe !o^ bealtb to me botiti trie ananf\}oet3^illgme: anU from bi0? griefe taifee bit^ tof II 3f, inglojiefo^toliue. 16 uaitftlengtl) ofpearejS^Datcis^oftJjealtfe :. 3! toll fulfill ijtjsittme: Cl^e goobneia^f mp famng Ijealti^ Jiwrtlbcclareto^im. . Banum n tL$^ Pfalmc. Lxxxxii. Bonum eft. Pral.Lx«cxii.I.H, aipralmffojtijf fabot!] toftir Dp tbc people to achnotolcrgc arft p^aff: <£ro^ In fits «»0|!fe6.iDaui') rcfopccJb tljcretn.butttjt ioicHeDCorfificrnottljartbetongoD.piwtjcti lie i£s mtftacnnft) n0, fl:;r.imcCf^:cc t}o»feoC(i5cD in ptaift of tl)tfiopi* fCfea tljin8botI)goot»anl> meet, ^^'"^'^''!?? *■ to pjaife t^el)tgDeft :iojU: <;hc77pKC 2[niitDtl)pname>OtljDumoft^t8l^> c •> to fmg^ttl^ one accord. tCo (lje\B t^e feiuDucjS of tl^e .)Lojl^» betimeeret5apl?eliglit. anti efee t edare l}is; trut!) abioDe, \x)\}zn it Uotl) D jaix) to nigljt. I^pon ten (InngeBinftrtiment, on U ute ano l^arpe Co tocf t: U^it!) ail tl)c mictl) rou can inuent, of mftrinneut0ino(l meet. 4foiit^oul)allmaDemctomopce ■ m tWng^fo tojoijg^t bp t^ee: Mn'b 31 Ijaue iop in Imt anti topee, z ': tljp^antfpUJOjUis^tofce. 5 £D )Lojl>,l)oto glojiouje^ anli^oiM great are alltljptooifejsfo ftoiitf ^0 Deepelp are tl)P coimfeljS fee, tl^at none can trie tljem out, d^l}emaabuicoirel)atib not tl)e tort • : : t^i^gcarctopaffeto bjing: 38riDaUtot)foole;s?are notMngfit toiJuDernauOtl)i!S!tl)m8. 7 m Mtw fo tl)c ^iefeet) at tljeic l»il!, ajsgraffe t)o fpjmgfull faft: 'a^er,iDl)en ti)CF f lourif^ (u t^eir ill lozeiierf!?aUbe^a»> .. 8©iit PfalmeLxjocxii a^^, yea t^outioft raigne t^erefoje 3Itteumetime eternallp> 9 jfoi toftr-^ t'^fi^ ^^ijoiu anH fee, !|oi3o aUtl)ati»o?feeimQuitte, l^aUpenHianDBecap. lo'Bat ti^uUl^e aiei an mnicojne, l^alt;Uftmpl)omeottWe: fi^Ul) ftefl) anb miw pitepareU oife, , 11 iOnD of mpfoeisfbrfoje mine eyei^^. dbaUfeet^efallanOHjame; S>f all tljattpagainamc rife, m^eearefl)aUi^eareti^e fame. 12 c^eittft fl)all flouriO) tjp onbie, ajStiatetree^ buDanl^ btol»: a«t> ajait^e CeDatjai multipMe, in )libanu^t^at8rp^. 12 jfojtbepareplanteBintbe place^ anbDVoelliug of our <^0^: l©itbinbifi!coutt6tl)eprpungapace, anUflourifl) allabiobe* , 14 3lnD in tljeit age mm\i fnute tpal t^mg, bo«)fatantitxiellbefeene: atibpleafantlpbot^buDanD fpjing, iooitljbottgl}e^ antxbjanctje?; greene* 15 %&fi)z'a> tW dPob ijsi gooD auD m&y autibp3^igl)tvs^t9J^iU: »ei9impbope,mytoc^e,anDtru(l^ , in^imt^ereisnoueili.. '-^40 Pfalmc XCiiI;rCilil Dominus regnauit. Pfal. JlfCiu.I,H. iyp?atT(tbt5)cpo5acr cf Coc in t^e crcatioti of tl)e fDozlo anDbeatcrtj 6ofe«e ai!ee»' p'c ^\)i:\) lift tijcm py aga.na ^io m&mu, anO p;iOaolictl; w ctmfiD et ^0 Piomiit0» in mv gooDlpDigDt: it^rpa^ aint) l}e to fl)cvi3 iji^ Ctrengtl) auD maitte: <^ ^ l)atl) girt l)i«ifelfe \»itlj mtgl)t* 2 tEljeUoi^iracVoifetl^eeart^tjat^ maDe, i:iii)ri)apct)(tfofure, JI3o migljt can mafee it moue oj faDe, atftapitDoti)int)ure» iCtc tl}at tl)e ix)oj!D twa^maDe oz i^^ougiSt tiyp feat b}a0 ret before: 23eponD ail time tl)at can be tWicfyt, tljotiljallbecnecuccmo^e^ - :, 4 Ci^e nouti0,iSD )lo jb;tl)e f loubjs bo rife. tl}cpcoare anb mai^e a notfc: tCljcfloub^; f3 fap)bib entetpjife, anblifttbbptijeicbopcf* 5 i^ea t\}omy^ tl^e aoimejg arife tntig]^ tl)ougl) feajs bo rage aub toell, tli:i^e)io?bi$(lronganb mojeof migljt: fojijeonlriebotl) bAjoelu '^ Inb lODfee\)(3l}atp;omtfel}ebotl)mafe0> ?)isl)ou{I)olbtobefenb: ;f ojiuH an^ truetl)cp S)^\\it tafee, all tinted U)itl)outen m^ . Deus vltioniirnPfalxCfiii.I.H. i^c Pitcpct!) to (S6& agam ft tl)c toioUncc; of tpfant0,anD comfojtctlj tl^c atfUctc^ b^tl^t qoo5 ilTi'.c cf tlj cir ral-ctlcn^ anu i>p tl)c ruine; of tl^c ftjiilico . O<©ob tijou Doll teuenge all ^}32ong> r singthis w tbat eifice lonigs to tljee: ^ "^^"^o ^^ J PfalmeXCiiii Ui ;g)it!)t)engeat!cel)ot:t)tatl)ee belong. Declare t^at all map fee. 2 ^et fooui& tljp felfe fo^ tl)oii of rigftt t^eeam^DodiuDge anDgmoe: EetwarDt^pjouH anDmenofmigW? acco^Dmgtoti^eirpnDe* l§otx» long a)all tutcl^eD men beareftoap, iDit^umngljp tljeitbopce*^ s 5^ob3 long ftall \x)itWts men, H far, t^u^triumpb anD'.mopce:? 4ll^ot»iongl^aUt!5er;t»itl)b]tagsfbur8oiit antj pjouDlp'pzate tWvfilU M)n\l tljev teiDpce tl)at are fo ftout, i»i^ofe toejfe^ are euer iU» 5 ^l^v flocfee, D )Lo3^D, t bine beritage tbepCpOileanDbep full fo.ie: 3gatnfttbp people ttjep borage, iliUbapUemoieanb more. 6cbe t»iDboU)e;3; Wbiebare comfojtlelTep ant! (Irangers tbep bedrop: €bepflaptl)ecDtlb|en fatberlelfe anb none to put tbem bp* 7 3(inb ^bcn tbep tafee tbefe tbmgg m ^anb ' tbts^talfee tber> bane of tbee: CanJacobjSid^obtWiBiitn^erftanb, talb^no be cannot fee: 8 i© fol^e biitoife anb Ipeople rube, fomeUno oolebgenolMbifcerne Pefoole0 amongtbemultitube, atlengtbbeginto learne. i> Clje KLo.ib tbat mabe tbe eare of man, l)z neeb^ofrig^tmufti^eare: K4 m 241 PfalmeXCiiii ^e maUe t\)t crncaH fttngjS mud tl)cn bcfoic l)ts figl)t appeare. 10 ci^e loib Dotl) all t\)z \»oilD correct, auD make tljcm itnDerrtauD: ifel)alll)e not tl)en pour Dect) $ Dmctf l)otx) canreCcape^tjsfl^anli:? [The third part. 1 1 tl[l)c tLozl) Ht\) fenoto tlje tftougW of ma, l)i)Sl)eartl)ce feeti^fullplatiie: •C^e )lojD 31 Cap,meni8! t!)ougi^t$!Dott) fcau> anu finDetl) Itljem but Uaiue. i2:t3tttKLoiiD;tl)atmaa igi^apppfure, tol^ome t!)Du HoO: Ueepe in tavo : ainli tl)jougl) coirection Doll procure, toteaclii)tmtutljpiato. »? r^ljerebp 1)0 (ball mqmct teff, mtimeoftroub!e;fit: m^^tn twicfeeti men (l^all be fuppied^ ant) fall into ti)e pit* s 4 f oj Cure tfte Hoj^ \»in not refufe, 1)1$ people fouotalie: i5i!2{ !)er (tage tx>l)ome Ije Dotl) cl^ufe^ Ijeixjtllnotimcfojrai^e. 15 tEntilUbat luDgementbeDecreeiTy to iuaice to conuatt: Cl}at all mnpfolio^jj btrAJ3ttl) (peeD, ti)at are of i)p;igt)t ^eart- I e>25ut U}l]obponmppart(l)allftanti, agamfttl)ecurfeD ;tratne? mineenemteisJtacjCpelJ: m PfalmeXCv* zjf^ jj^p foule ann life l)atmot» bin lm1>, almoO;a0lot»a$l!eIL 1 8 ml^m 5 DiB fap mp foot DiD fliDc, ant)3[amlt&etofall: Ci^p goolme;g)(Lojli DiU fo p?omDe, to(tapmeDpix)itl)a!I. 19 i©ljen tMitl^ mpfelfe 3! mafeU mud), ant) coulD no comfort fmD: %^m1Lo}M\^V5ooMt^ DtDmetoucl^, anDtl^at DID eaCe mpinmH. 20 a8)tlt tl)ou mi^annt t\^v felfe>ant) ti^atx) liiit^\»ic!^el>mcntofit: Dal^tcl)lx)itl) pretence tnfteeDoflat)}, mucl) mifci^iefe Ho commit? 2iJFoui)ep confult agamdt^elifc, ofngl)teou;s(menanli gooD: aLnDtnt^eii:counfel0tl)eparenfe, to 0)th tt^e gutltlefTe blouD> 2223utpettl)e)lojb!)ei0tome a (trong Defence 0^ loctie: i^e iisi mp <^oli to to^ome 3 flee, \)t i^ mp ftrengt^ anH rocfte. 2]m^ be fl)aU t auCe tbeit mif cljiefe all tbemfelucjB! foj to annop: ant) in tbeit malice tbep (ball fall, our (^ot) (ball tbem tredrop* Vcnitc cxultemns.PraLXCv,I.H 9n earned exl)o;ttation to i^^atre 45oDfo;tE)e goncrnentcnt of tl)c ^ojttb, anD election cf ljtjsct)itrct) te efc^ew tlje rcbciUon |of tt)e old f at^er^.tD^otemptet) (0oD Ui t|}e lod- > ernes, ant) t Iter efo;eentreD net t^elemD of pj;ointfe« CSing this to^ OComelet)3Siliftl3pouriiJopce, >^crunc ofC, anOfingbntot^eiiLojt): ^thcciupfa.^ tt'tt lit «?44- PialmcLxxXxv 3In !}im our tccfec of ^caltl) reiopcc Ieti3^U)iti3oneaccojD. zPtti UtH tome before W f^c^* to giue l}im tl)anU;3( anU p^aife t Snfinging pfalmes bnto l)i;8( grace, letb.iSbeglali al\x!aie0. ^^ Jf oj l\i!}p ?- tl)e 'iLoiti l)e f s: no tioubt, a great anO migljtie (!5oD: Z feing aboae all d^otijs? tf)jougljoiit, inaUtl)etj3o?lD abjoat)* 4 'Cbefecretsoftl)eeart6foDeepe^ anticoiner^oftljelatiD: '^Ilje t op0 of l)t!0 tl)at are f o (leepej, ljei^ati^tl)emml)fis!^)anD. 5Cl;efea auti\»ater;8^tl)atareljiX f0;il)e tljefameljatlj trtougi^t, 't:i)eeart^an!) allti^ttlierem fe, l)i!S!l)anliliatl) maDe of nougljt. 6 Come Ietb0 bo^ and pza:Te tbeizioiD. befojebim let befall: :^iit5 liticele to bim txjitl) one accoit>> tl]e\x3l)icl) i)atl}matJebi8;ai!. 7 f ot ^.ibp^bc tiS tijc TLozti onr (l5oD, fozus^tieDotl) ptoniDe: mcmeW^oiu t)ebctbb;8?feet>, bis>il)eepe,ant) beour gius^e. 8 ^otJapifpebi3;t'Orcet»iUbeare^ tt)e nbarDennot rourbart: 3P^retoitiigrutcbnig maup apeare pjouofet me in Defert. sf :©b^re;i3^ pour fat^jcr^ temptcD mee, mrpoijcerfojtop;0;ie: ^r Pfalrac.XCvi 24/ ^ptooiiti^oiiiSi lvio:tv0 \j)^en tljep I)tD fee, vetCHlltljep DtDme mooue. 10 %'mik tixi entic peate$ tljep Hit) me gt eeiie, ; , annStoti^emDiDfap. C^ep erre in ^att aiiD not beiene, tljcp \)mt not feno\xine mp toap« iiatl)trefo:c 3 Ct»ate, tjoi^entljat mplwjat^, tonjShmtJlcDin mpbjcft: Ci^att'orp fljoulD neucr tceaD ti^e pati^, tomtecmmprcft* CantateDomino.Pfal.XCvi. LH. 3ln cj:'!0?tatlon botJj to the Jcircs ano (Sf utiles to pjaife ©pD foi his mmf.%tHitbia . fpcciailpong^ttoberefcmDtort^tbmgjomc of Ci?ift, ^ Sing pe taoitU p^aife t nto t^e Hofii, c S'"8 «'"s to y ncto fongs of iop anti mini?, >;^; It^P^^ ^in3tntol)im\»ttl) oneaccojtD, c S. all people on tlKeartl^. 2]geafingbntoti)e:io^D Jfap, pzairepel)ija!l)Olpname: 3©eclareani)(^cto from^aptotsap,. faluationbpt^efame. 53Emongtl)et)eatl)enefee ticciate bi^UonozrounD about: Cofl)e\3o t)i;stoontjer0^onotfpate inalltl)ei)3ozltitl}jongl}out. 4f o?tol)Pf tlie -^oiDi^muc^ ofmigljt, ant)t»oztl)ppzaiCealtx)ap: 3(lnl)l)ei9;tobe tijcan ofug!)t aboueall (15011^, H rap. 5 f o?all tbe<5ot!s! of beatbenfolfee, areJjDoytl^atMlfaDe, ^^^ - 24.6 Pfatmc'xCvL •^Ut pet out (BoV{]ci$tl}C OLojtD, tl)(it\}at\}t\)c l)eaucn0maDe <5 1 II p itaife anti Ijonoz che Do Dt»eU foiar before l)ijB;face: J3otl) pou er auD mtgl)t liUeb^ife ejcceti, i»ttinni)is;i)oiie place. 7 ^Efcribctnto tl)e %oi\) al^ap, pcpeopIeoftftetodtlD, ^lImigl)tant)\x)o:a;ip ehejfap, afcnbel)utotl)eloiD: 8 3fcnbetJiitot!)e jlojD alfo, tljeglo^eof^ijsname: 3IlnD el^eijnto IjiiS^couttjSDo goe, \x)\t\) gtf rj8! bnto ti)e fame. The fecond part. 9 fall tiotone ant) txjo.illjippe pe tlje JLof fc ^it]^inl)i0 temple bjigW: A/et all ti^e people of ti^e uiojlD, befeatefullati^i^figW. 1 6 ^eHalltl)etx)0]:lD,be notagail tibe U'O^H t)ot]^ tatgne aboue: Ilea \}z !)atl) fet t^e eattl) fo fad", tijatituinneuermoue. ii^CnD ti^atitiisitlje %ofi alone, tl)atrulej3!\»rt^ p^incelp migftt: Co lutigetljenationjB; euetieoue, bjit^equitie auD tigW: I aClje !)eauen$ (l)al great iov begin ti^e ear tl) efee (l)all reiopce: •Cljefea toitl) all tljat i$ tljerein, fl;all fl)outanDmafeeanopfe. igtlDljefielD flialliopanb euerie t^ing, tijatfpjmgetl) of tlje eartl): •tc^e Pfalmc XCvii. 2^7 Cl)e l»oot) ant) tmtit tree (l)all fmg, txJitl) glat)ae0 auD initi) mirtl^: i423efoze tljc piefence of tl}e )lojli, auD comming of bi;s migljt: aaljen ije Ojall tuftlp iutige tl^e tooxlti, auDnile^t^ foM\x>it\^tiQ\)i. Dominus rcg.Pfal, XCvii.I.H- IDantt c>;^o?tctIj al to rciopcc fo? t^c ccmmtng of t8c bfttflDome of CI)Uft,l>?ca6 fui to the rebels ano J Doiatet0,ant) to^f ul to t^e iua,fol)ome §e tj:\)0}tftl) to innocenctc to t^iopftogand ti^anbs siutnS:, Ti^e M-o)D Dotl) taign,ix)l)ereat tl^e earti^ C s;ng ^^'^ ^o 7 map top ^itb pleafant tjopcr: >hc cTpfa r 3KnD eifee t!)e JlegiDitl) iopfuU min^, <- *-* map triumph ant) reiopce. 2:5otl)clouDie(anD Darliene^el^e Do Ctxjell, anti tounH about l)im beat: ^J^cacigi&tanti mfticeeuctbtxien, anti bitie about l)t;e(reat* geafitcanDi^ef*tatoncel)o nm, anB 90 before ijis^ face, m\)it^ (I) all W^ot^ ^uD encmiei8?bum, , abjoaD in euene place. 4l^tiSligl}tmngg! efeefuUbiigt)t DiUblafe ant) to tl)e t»oilt) appeare: UDi^eteat tbe earti) DiD loofee anD gafe, t»tt^ DjeaD anD DeaDip feate* 5 tiDljeibilisiliUeixiai; biD melt>inngljt, anD pjtefence of ti)e lojD: Cl^ep f leti befojc tljat ruler^s migl^tj \j)^icbguibetl) ailti^eijjojiD. 6 %^z j^eauen^ cl^e tseclare ant) I^oIjj ^t^ luilice foojtl) ab^oaO: 248 PfalmeXCvif. djatantl)eb3oitlD mapfeeanDlmot» tl)egloitcofour (^o^* 7 Confufioiifure fi)an come to fttc!), ainD eUc to ttjofc tljat glo^ie muc^ Dum pictured to matntaine. 8 f o]iailti}c3ltJol0oftUe\rojlD, tj3l)tcl)tl)epa^(!5ot)j8;r)o call: ^ijall fecle tl^e po\Dei: of tlje )loiD, anD i)otaneto ^im H^all fall. P iiDttf) top a)an ^lon ijeate tl)ij3; tiding, aiiD3ittDaQ;allreiorce: :ff03:attl)puiDsementt!)epfl)allfing, anomai^ea plcarantuopfe. 20 CDatttou €> iLozti^art feton l)ie, malltl)ecartl)ab:oati: ainJj art cicalteD ^onojourip, abouccctjof^eri^oD. 11 Hillpetl)atlouetl)e)loiliDot'^i38(, I)atealtlbmg0tl)ati0ill: ifojt^eDotljliecpetljcfoulesiofbfe, ' fromfuci)a0\i3oullil)tm fpilL 12 3nD ligljtDot!? fp.imgbp to tljeiuft, tx3itl? pleaCurc fo.i W part: d^teat top \>3itt) glaDue;^, imrtl} ant) lud:, toti3emof^pjigl}tl)att. ^3 piee ngl)tcou^ in tl)e ifLoits retoi^'cc, Iji^tloUnc^piOClatiK: 23e t^aufeefull eHc twitb liart aiin bovce, anDmmt)fullofti)efame, Cancate Domino.Pfal.XCviiiJ.H. Zn famcft crtop^ation to nil (rwtureg.to pjatfc t^c iLozD fo; !)(flpotoer,wfrct>«ni» f »; Dciittc tn i)K p^omic b^ Ct^itft.bp vo^uu t)c Ijstljcstntnuntcateojptgraluauontoai natters , i PfalmcXCviii 249 ane\» anti picfantCoug: jFoj^eljanjnaiouglit ti^xougtjouttlbel^ojft 0^^^^^^^^»^ 1)10 D3ontJer0 great anD ftrong* a VBim t)i0rtgWi^ant) full l330itl}pUe, l)t t5o tl) Wfoz^ Ueuout: aintigctJ)mUl^!fetl^e bictojie, tx)itb W o^tie arme auD poiwet. 3 i;i)e)loiit)tiotl)mafeetl)cpeople fenol» ^tgfauingifeealtljanti migljt: %\}t jLoiD Dotlj eHc !}t!s; tuftice 5)o\» , malltl)el)eatl)en$figl)t. 4 l^iig grace ant) trutl) to Ifraell, inmmD^eDotl)recoiB: tli:]^atailtl)e eart^l)atl)feene rigWtoell tljcgoot)ne0oftl)e)lojD» 5 Be alaD inliim b3iti^ topfull ijopce, ail people on tlje eartfj: ^iuetl)anfeejs;to(!5oD, finganD reiopce, to l)im \»it^ top anH mirtlj. 6 Bpon tl^eljarpe ^nto l)im fmg, giiieti^anl^jsito !)imtoiftpfalmei8f: ^ziovct before tlje )LojD our bing, ^itl^ trumpetjs anD i»it^ ftjalmeisf 7 |^ealett!)ereat»itl)aUtl)erem, fojtopbottjroareanD ftxjell: C^e earti) UUe^Mife let it begin. toitl)aUtl)attl)ereinDtxieIL 3nl> let tlje f louD^ reiovce tljrir fiy, auD claptl)eirl)anu0 apace: ainD e!^e tlie mountamc^ anD tlie t^i% befojetlie)lojDl}i^face. T 23 o Pfalmc Lxxxxlx, 9 jf oi^l)e fl)an come to iiiBge ant) trie tl)e \J30Zin auD iwzis^ ix)pgl)t; mutule tl)epeoplemigl)tilr> irttl} tuftice auD iKitl) migl^t: tDc!Lo?5a0tl)c ancient fatDcr0,^orc)3,3iaron anl»g^£iw««l .^1)5 cau.ns ^w CgoDiDCteljcarD mtljcir p?agtr0. ]|)c)lojt) Dotljraigne, alt^ougt^atit, SfhcfuncTf^ tl)e peoplerageful foje: "^thc 78. rr,^ J^e a l)c on Cljcriibinis tiotl^ fit, tl)oug^ all tl)c txio.tlD t»oulU toare- X Clje i o^D tl)at Hot!} iri &ion titoell, i;6 i)tgl) anD toontizoujS great : Sboue all folfee Ije Dotl) epceU, anti l)e aloft iisfet. ?)Let allmen pjaifetl^pmisi^tiename.. fojitijgfearefullfure: 3lnD let x\)zm magnifie ti^efame, ^)atl)Olpi0anDpiire. 4i:l)epjmcelppotocrofouthing lotl) lone luDgemciit anH rigt^t: C!}ou rigl)tlp ruled etierie t^ing, in 3|acol);tl)joug\)ti^p migljt. 5 tro piaife tlj e 4^0 jD'our c^oH Deuife, alil)ono^tol)imt)oe: l^ijSfootftoole too^l^ip relifee\xiife> fojl)ei;s;t)Clptoo. 69^ofe;^,K'aron,an^ ^amnell, a$pue(l0onl)iml)ocan> ti^ljen tl)epDiD p^ap !)e ftearD them toell , anD gaiie t^em auftwere all, 7 u^itljin PfalmeC* zn f uaitl)m t^e clouti to tbem Ije fpafee, tl)en Dili tl)ep labour (Itll: q:o ikeep^ flic!) la^e^ a$ ^e DiD malte, anDpomtet) ti)emt3ntill^ 8 £) jioj^ our (!5aD,t^out) iDfl: tl^eml)eare>. atiD autoer^ tl)em againe: ^l^p metcp DiD on tl^em appeare, t\^m UeeDjsJ Dilift net mamtame. 9 ^ lauU anD piaifeour d^oD ann )LojD, toitl)int)i$i)Olp W!l: f 0^ tw^ppour d^otJ ti^zoug^out tlje bjojiu iiSljolpeucr miu 2.IubilateDeoomnis. Pfal.C. C 1^ c ix\iQ%tit\t all mm to fcruc t!)e |Lo;D,%o^ ^atf) tnaHe tia! to enter into ^i^; courtf anD afle(ublte0 to pzatfe \^9 name. -^ iiil "^—♦- S '^ :3E I ^3gll peopIetl}at on eartl) Do DtweU, fuig to tl)e :^o^D 5 ^s *= iMiti^cfteerefuUboice. 2.l^imfetuelj)itl) feare,l)ij8fpjaife [— ^ -^- n 'SE-M foo2t!) telljCome pebefo^ie ^im anD reio^ce< ? C^e )ioiD re knolM fe€?oD in DceD, toitboutouraiDcbeDtD bs^mai^e: wz arel)tg!fiocUe be Dotl) b^feeD, anD foj bis (beepebeDotb bjsf tafec. ^ dD enter tbcn Ijfe gatejs; t»ttb piaife, appltoc^ \»it^ lop ^ij3^ courtiS tjnto, i^^aiCe I 252 PfalmcC. l&?aife,lattD, anD him tjtsname altxmp foiiti^feemelpfOtoDoe, 5 i'ot>Dl)p;tl)eitoiUour(f5ot)ijg?goot)a , l}i$ mercp i0foi cner fate: l?t^ trutl^ at a!l time-sf irmclp ftooH, auti fl)all from aqe to age iut)ui'e.. Another ofthe fame, n (^oD tlje 'ilozD be g!aD auti \iq\}t, p?aire'i)im tl)jougl)out tijeearft,, ^eru: l}im anD come befo^cljtsf fig'ot, tDitljfiiigmganU^iti) mirtb. -? feuoix) ti}at tbe loiti our d^oD l^etof, 1)gDid l30ma!^eanD feeepe: iJ^oti»eourfelue!8?,fojt3oeare W o^neflocHeanUpafture fteepe» 5 €> go into l)i!0( gate ;8(ali»apeg(, gttte tl)anb$ toitbtn tl)e C^me: iiS>itbinl)i?!couri;j9ifetfoo;tl)l)ii8f p?^a% « ant) laiiDl)t;0!bolp name. 4 j[ 0^ \»ljp? tlje gooDne0 of tbe )lo,iD fojt euermoie Dotl) raigue : jf rom k%t to a ge tl);iou8l}oiit tl^e ticojlD ■ 1)1$ trutl} Dotl) iliU remaine* Mirericordiam.Pral C, N:. IDautD fecrcribctlj&bat goiKrnment befell obfcrae in bisl^oijfcanfi Wngtiome»6p rOcr; tmg ont tlje atchco.tmo cljc nQjing tl)C soojp pcrfon^. . IiJl^ercp \uill anlJ tutjgement fmg. c S'arthis to- ' ^l[loiB(5oD>motljee:. yc'S'pff 2 3ni) ltHe\x)tfe Do in perfect lx>ar„ <- bntiltl]ouccmetome. :31lni) m t^e jmtift of inp hoafe toalfec, in pur ene^ of mpfpir it. ante J PfalmcCii* J^ ^Mt} 1 no feinti of tjoicheli tiding, tDill Cet before mpfigi^t^ 3ljateti)cu:tj)oifee tljat fallatjjaF, itiljallnotcleauetomee: 4f torn me (I) all part ti^e fi:o)»acti fteatt, noucemlllwilljfee. 5 i^im ixjill 3 ftrop, t^at flanDeretiji Jifencigljbourepjiutip: Ci^e loftpbeatt 3 cannot beare, noi^imtl)atloofeetbl)ie* <^#pneepeje!(I)allbeonti)em to'tljin; t^elanlitl)atfaitl)f«ilbe: 3n perfect twap tobo iwoifeetl;, (I)all beferuantbntome.! 73i»iUttogutIefalIpetlJon baue, toitl)mmpl)ouretoD)»eIl:< 3inD inmp pjefencei^e (l)ali not, remainetl)atliej8(Dotl) teU 8:ffietimej3(3 toillbeftrop euen al t^e\»icSetioftl)e;ianD: ^ut Ji m^v from d^oDjsi cittie cut> tbe totcfeeD i»o?feer^ t}anD* Domine cxandi» Pfal.Cii. N. 3[tfccmctljt^attl)i3 p;aj)ec ioae'appoirteD tot^cfa(H'>fuUoP?a''*"t^f9^n^t»* o? 25abplon,'3l cotifoJation fo} tlje buiiOiug of the c5)ttrcI),'«r|)CtCol toHotoct^ tDc p^aff of ©00 to be publtfijCD \)mo all pofterttics, Cbc coniicvnon of tt)«<15Cttriic0 ano ua* btticoft!)C cl)ucc{j. r^i^carc mr piaper )lojri,anD let, Sfhcfuneof ^ ^^^ mv crie come Unto thee: ) the es. pc. C 2 3n time of trouble Bo not Ijinp, ^ tl)pfacc atoapfrom mc 3nC'inetl)ine eare^ to me mafte l^aft toyearemeixjrienj call: fn. 254 PfalmeCii ^f ojagtljefmoikeDotMaUe, fo-Do, mpDape^sconfume ant) falU 4lnli n^ a Ijartg mr bonejB? ate.bumt mp t)art t$ fmitten DcaD: ainl) b3itl)ci:?{ ajEl tl)C 5talfe,tl)at 3 fojgrttocatmvbjcaD. 5 >5p reafoii of mp gcontng tjopcc, mp bone;g cleaue to mp ffetn: 63(l!S(i^ellicaii m tDiltiemeiBt, fuel) cafe noU) am i3|tm ^no ags an C>b3le m Uefert i;9f, lojamfuc^aone: 73 i»atcl) auD ajs a ^partotw on t^eljoufctop am alone. 8 %o Daplp in rep jocljfuU ^ife mine enemtejsfbomcfco.zne: ant) tl)cp t^at t)o againft me tage, agatnft me t\)tv Ijaueftxjoiine* 9 S>ntelp ixjitl) a(I)eis? a$ l»itlj bicaD, mpbnngec3Il)anc;ftlD: ant) mingleU l)ane mp bjinftelDi'ti) teatejaf, tl)at from mine cpeja; bane ftil^. iol3ecaufeoftl)pt)ifpleafiire)LojD, tbp txjjatb ant) tb^ •btfbaine, jfojtbou^aftliftet)me aloft, anDca^met)o\»i^e againe* n CbebapjeiBi lr)berem3^paffempUfe, are UUe a fleeting ftaDe, aint)3iam\3aitbjet)Uketbe gralTe, tbat foone at»ap tJotb fabe. X * 75\xt tbou yp 1 ofb foi euer Doft rcmatnetn tteabieplace, 3nt» PfalmeCiL 2^y 3nt> tbp rcinembjance euecDotft al)itiefrom;raceto race. The fccond part. 1/ ^ou toilt ar ife aiiD nier etc t^o u to;&ion\x3ilteirtenii: %\)t time of merer noto tfte time fo;efetis!cometoenD. i^ f jeucn in ti)e aoneist^ereof t^pferuantstio Delight: annli on tl)e tmft thereof t^ep ^aue companion in tljeie fpjiite. 1$ Ci)en Ct)allti)el^eat^en people fcaee, t!)e)to^D;6{mo(l ^olpname: 3int)allt4e&tng$oneartl) (l)aUD;eat) t^pgloite ant) tljp fame. K^C^en tD^en ttje iiojti t^emigl^tie d^oD^ againei^ail^ton teare: ainDtl)enU)ftenl)emoftnoblp in i^i^gloziefljall.appeate.. ty tro p^apet of t^e Defolate i3o!jen!)eWmfelfeftal bend: U^l^enljeftall nottJifDainebnto tbeitpzapergto attenD. 18 Cbi^ftalibeiKittten^fojtlje age tl^at after a^aUifuccecD: Cl^e people pet bncreateU, tl)e}lojt)ie(renotone fljallfp^eab* ipf oiliefrom WW fancmarie, l)atl)'looi^et)tioi3Dnc bclot»: anti oat of ^cauea batb tl)e idoiD bebeiDtbeeartb.alio: zoCbat of t^e mourning captiue^e mig^t^earetbe \»ofun crie: ^47 PralmcCiL 3inD tljat he mistjt^eliuet tljofe tl^atDamneDare toDtc 2 1 tiD^at tl)ep m ^ion map Declare tl5e)Lo.iD0moftl)olp name: Klnli in 3'cruraicm fit foojitl) t^epjaifcsof ti^efame. »2 ^|)en toljm ti)e people of t^elanU, atiD bunjtiomesi toit!| accojD, ;§)ljaU be alfembleD fo? to Do tljeirferuicetotbeliojD. The third part. ^3 fl^p foimec fozce of (Irengtli Ije abateDiiUljel2)ap: (^atl), 3lnD ftojtet !)c DiD cut mp DapejS, t]^u$ 3 tbecefoze DiD fap^ a4C^P(i5oD;m miDdof al mp Daps no'Cijtafee me notatoap: %\)V pcat*e;s; tnDiire eternallie, fromagetoagefo^ap. 2 5 '^)ou tl)e fou uDationg; of tl)e 'earfl) before al timers: IjaftlaiD: ginti )to jD , tlje beauenis are ti^e tuojfee boi^icl) tl)ine otonei^anDSbauemaDe* 26 geatbepDjallperiftanD Decap, butrt)Ou(!?alttatrieftiII: ^nD tl)ep(l)al all iu time toajcolD, euena;8( a garment ijoill. %\)0\i n^ a garment (l)aU tbem cliance, anD ci^anceD (Ijall tbcp be: 27 But tbo J Doft ftili abiDe tlje fame t^ppeare$Doneuerflee. 2S ^^ecijtlDjen of tbp Ceruantj9i;fl;aH continualUeinDure: InD pralraeCfii. anil m t^ip {io^t t^ctt ftappp feett i,Benedicanima,P/aI.Cm. iT.S. ffr^ t?!op!]ft t^oaobetli men ans an3cl0,anD all creatures to p^aift t^e &o^ fo; ^eihtertng of ^3 psoplfrom ratljarjn i;ijSPjiOR(9ence oaer al t^mgs and in PiiefcrHatton'of t^e f att^ftiU igr if g:^ 3S r.a I. S9p roule sine laul) iinto Giz %aiXi, mp fpirite fljall Do :^r5:rrxr3K3i ^^^i t^eCame:lntiallt^efecretsiofmi'^eart,p.iaifefe^iSi Ijolpname. 2 (5m ti^anbs; to d^ots foz all W Sift^ (l)et»riDtt^pfelfeunbmD: anDfiiffer not ^tjSbenefttjsi toflipoutoft^pminD* 3 ticijat sane ti^ec parDon fojt tbp fanltjaJ annt^cereaojDagaine: fox all t^r toeafeeanD fraile tiifeate, ^ antit)eaiDtl)eeoftl)ppaine. 4^l)att)inter>eeme t^p life from Deat^ from t»l^tc^tl)ouconlt)ft not flee: l^i^B! mercte anbicompalfton bot!) l^eDitiejctentJtot^ee. 5 cijatfiiDi»itl)goolme^t^PlDefire, anUD(Dpiolon8t^p;pout!). m Xil^e 25r« PfalmeCiii >Lilte ai^ tlje eagle ca ftjS !)ir btil, t3l)erebp Bet age renuetlj: 6 'CftelojDi»itl)tufticet)ott)repar? aliraclia0beopp;tel^. ^oftat tijeit fiiflftinssant) t^eirbj^onge, > areturnet)tot^ebell:. "^l^ig ^atciS ant) bijai commauDementjS toa9ofe$litDbe(l)o\w: ^ig counteI0 anti W t^altant a ctfiy t\}t JftaeliteisiDiti Unotxr. 8 Clje lio^n tiB; bmH atiD mercpf«n> i»ben(tnner$Dol)im greeue, ^Ije no toeft to conceiue a t»;a% anD reaWeft to fb^giire* 9 pt t\)\ntfi not hg continnallie, ^ . tbougl) t^e be full of fttife: 00} feeepio? our f ault^s? in mtn\oiit> fojallourfinfulUife, io/l*iojtret accoxDing to ourrinnfiff:. tbe jtlojD tiot!) b^ tegatD: |io? after oiir iniquitiejg, beUotb b;9f not;retx)arlr» ' * - 1 1 ^ut as;tl)e fpacet]s;i3oonbjtou;B?great ti»iirt eaitl) and Ijeauen aboue, ^ ^0 i0 1)1)3; gcoDnejSmucb mojelargc totbeitttbatDoijimioue. 1 2 d^oD Dotl) rcmoue our fiuis from \)gj anbonroffencejSall, Slgfar a0 i^ti)e fun rtftng full Diftaut from !]ijSfalU jThefccondpart. 23 3(nt)Iooi^et)batpttttcparent}Sltieare l)utoti)eir c^iiDien beare: 5Lfte PfalmcCifi 2jj a$ \»o;(I)tp l)im in feare. 14 C^e }lo^zD t^at maDe l3)gi Hnotvt^ out out molD anD faIt)ton tuft: ((^ ape l^o)x) toeai^e ant) ftatle our nature ifi, an^i)ototx)ebel3UtDull» li^lfin&i^ol)) t^e ttmeof mo^talmeti, i0Ufeet!)eU)itl)etm5^ap: £)j^ Itike tl)e floure ti^tfuitin fiell), t^at!fat)e$ full fcone atwap. KSiB^ofeglofTeand beautie,ao$mie tomDiS Uo btterlp Difgtace: sent) mai^ei6{,ct)ata!ter ti^eitairault^ fuci^ blolfom^ i^aue no place* 17 23ut pet tbe gooDne^ of tbe %oi^ )x)ttbbtis^Q)aUeuerftant): C^eir d^tltijien^ cbtlD^enDo recetue i^fertg^teourne$ atftant). i83Imeane)))^tc^i^eepe t)ti6^couenant> t»itb all ti^ett t»l)ole beCire: 9nt) not fojiget to t)o ti^e t^tng t^at ^e tiotl) t^em requite. 19 t^l^e ibeauenia^i)t8i^ are maDe tl^efeat anofootaoole of t^e l(Lo$D> 3nDbpl3i0potoer imperiall, ^esouern0alltQei))O!ilD. 20 )^e anselie;i3o))icl^ are great in poteer» PjtaiCe ye ant) blelTe ti^e Lo^D: DDl^ic^ to obep anb bo W ^i\U tmmebiatelpaccojb. ziPt nobleboftje^ anb minifteri^, ceafenottolaubi^imllill: 2 6o Pfalmc. Ciiij. UDljicl^ relJieareto execute 22 }^ea ail W ^o^ife^ in tmtv place, Pinik vtWWvnnmt: appl^eart,mp miuti,ant) eliempfou!e> pjaifepealfotljefame. Benedicanima. Pfal.Ciiij. W. K. C 1l(tl)ankr6tttinsfoMl)C creation of tI)ef»o;tId, and gonernance of tijcrame bplyi^ inaraeUou0p;ouiDcnce. 3iroa plater againft t^e&)ic&cD>ja>i)o aret^e Qccafion t^t ii i=^iEi ::=:::3E=3n rs: ::5=^ i#pfouIepjatrctl)eiioiti,rpeafeesoot(oflji!Sname: Hi :^.^-: 3C:= £) HojD our great (Boti , l)6to tioft tijou appcare , ^o -♦- EfE :^_^__: :^ -w-^— ♦ :^ pairing in gloiPtljat great i;8^tl)pfamc:'$ono?ant)ma^ ^^^~^:^rl=^^ :3S:,- icftie til tijee tt)im moa clcarc. z i©tti) Ugljt as! a robJ njj .^, .. :z^: ^-ini tljou l)aft tljee becIaO; n^i^ercbr all tlje eartl) ti^p great^- urffe u PfalmeCiiii, z6i lrri:=i"-z=-=tzx— — yrgrrlgzig nefTeinapfee. f:i)el!eaueu!$infuc^ro;itti^on8l{o^ai( fp jea^, tl)at it to a cnxtmt compared map bee. ^$i;^cb;amber beamed Iieintbec!oui)isfulirure, U3atc!} a0 a cl)ariot arc maBe Ijim to bcarc: MH t^cre )30itl) muc^ f tuU'tues i)i0 courfe Dotlj mDure^ bpon tije \x)tng;3( riDmg of U)mt> m tl^e aire. 4l)emafeet!)i^ii8;fuintei8!a0l)ci:a!l50to go, miiDUgljtmngjS toferueUjefeealCo pzell: l^iS toill to accompiid) tl)ei> nm to auD fco, toniaeouonfumet^mg^a^feemct^ l)imbe(l* 5 ^e gtountiel) ttjeeartl) Co iitmtlv anU fal?, ^atitoncetomouenoneQ^all baue tbe po^xier: 6€^eDeepafaii:ecoiienngfojiitmaDeti;joutjaft, ^l}iti} bp lii$ot33ne nature ttiebtte'i^oulD lieuoure^ 7 :^ut at tl^v rebuUe tlje tjjateris^Do flee, auD Co gtueDue place tbp U}0zli to obep: M tftp bopce of t^^mUt to fearefiill tl^ep bee, tijat in t^cir greatraging tljep^aafooneatoar. 8 tiEbc mountapue^ full ftte tbcp ti^en bp afcenD^ if t6ou bo but fpeafee tl)p tx)ojb tbep fulfill: S>o Ui^etoife tlje bailies; mofl: quicfelie befcenU, tDftere t6ou tbem appointed remaine tl^^v bo rtill. 9 '5Ebeirbonb;0(tbou;^aafetbot»fakt^epnjalli:un, fo aj0( in tbeirrage uottljatpafletbep can: f oj (^D bat^ appointeb tbep a;al not returne, t\)z tm\) to bettrop moje,tobic^ mabe toasf fo: man. S J ' Ti.e 252 PfalmeCiai. Thefecond part, io!^cfentiet!)tl)erp^msfgtofti:ong(lreame;2(o3tlate;3f, l)5iKcl) I'lm Ud full fmi f t among ti^e l^uge IjiW: 11 i©l)ei:ebotl) t\}t bJilD alTesJ tljeir tft ird oft timers flafeetf, antJbeall;s( of tljemouutatnc^t^etcof Duni^ct^cir fti^* 12 i3p tbefeplcarantfpjmgigoffouutajJne^fuUfaipe, tl)efoule]Softl)c aireabiDelI)aUanH Dtoell: 15^1)0 moueD bp natuce to ^op bcre anD tljere, among ttjt grecnc bjancbe^ t!)eir fongs! ft al ewl- 1 3 ^t)e momtnint^tt moiOtl)e cloutiglje tiotl) bfe, t!)e eartl) ^itl) bt^ ijoojUisf are;t3ol)ollp tepleat: 1 4 ^.0 as; tl^e b juite cattell i^e Uotl^ not refiife, bat g!:a(re Do tl) p jouiDe tbem ^ l^earb foiimas; meat i5g0abieaD,^meauDo)?!e,l)emabefojman)2!fafee> bii8;facetotefi;e(l;eanb ^arttomaHe fttong: i6%\}t€thntgof%ihmtWstznt d^oDbiti mafee i»l)iclj treeg l)e Dotlj nouri(b>tbat gro^ bp fo long' 17 3In t!)o(e map birD$ builb ^ mafee tberc ttjeir nefl:,. mfirretrceia!tbcS>to^$ temaine anDabiDe: 18 cbebte i^il^atefucco^fo.ttwiHigotes^to rell, anD elje ti^e tochfi ftonp fo^ connie^ to bibe, i^ Cbe ^oone tl^en i^ fet Ijer feafon^ to run, t!)^ Uape^fcom tbe nigbt0 fterebp to bifceme, 3nB bp tt)e tJcfcmbmg alfo of tl}e funne, ti)e C0I53 ffom ^at altx^ap tberebp toe bo leanie. 2 oiii:)!ien Batf^eneisi bot!) come bp(!5ob;s?toil at potoec tljm cteepc fo;tb bo all tl^^ bead^ of tbe tooob, 21 'Cl)elLion0 range toiingtbeirpiap to beuour, butretitta(tbou,ilojb,i)3!)icl) giuefttljemfoob. 2 2 M foone aiS tbefmme t;g bp,tbcp retire, to coucbintbcirbenjStlKn are tbcp full fa:nr* 23 TO^umaHtobtj8«boozfee map,a0rigl}tbotb require till nigl}t come anb call \)m mtiU reft agaitie. The PlalmeCiitf. 2S5 Tbefecond part ixjitlj toifeDome full great t\)tv are in tieeH twj^usl^t: ^oti^attl)c^l^oiei3)ojiiDoftftpp?arre tiot^ CounU, anD ag foitljp rtclie^ tbeppalTe all menis; t\)oiigfyt, ai ^oije^ti^egreatfea tjol^ic^largeigfanti bjoUe, Ujljeret^mgsJtljatcrcepetoarme,^ bealtisofet^foitt z^Cfterebotlj mtgi^tieflEiiiJieifaile^anli fowlceatrotie, t^e^^alei^trgeauDmonftroujeitljerealfoliotl^ fpojt 27 aill tftmgiei on ftee t»aft,tl&ou tiotl; ti^em releeue, ' anDti^outnDuettmefulltxieUDolltl^emfeel): 28 BoiB toljen it Doti^ pleafe tftee t^e fame fo to giuc t^ep gat^erfallslat)lpti^ofetWng0toljicl&tl^p neeft. Cl^ou openeft ttjp l)anD,a«li tliep finh fticl^ grace, tljat ti^ep iBiti^ gooD tilings? are f illeD boee fee* i9 23utfo^earetli^ troubled iftftouturnetljpface, foMft^Duti^eir bjeatl|talie,t)ileDu(lt^en;t^ep h^ 36aigaineix)l)ent^pfpmtfromti^ee Uoti^ pjoceeD, allt^ing$to appoint auD toi^at ©all infne, tiDl^enare tbepcreatetia^tl^ou l^aO: DecreeD> anDHoftbpt^pgoonneis^ti^eliiiieeartl) renue. ^itE^ep^ifeofti^eS^ojiDfo^^euerftall laft, tjoibo rnapin W t»oj]^0 bp riglit Wl retopce: 3^ !^ii8ilooUecanti^eeartl>mafee to tremble full fatt, anDlfee\3oife tl^emountapnegi to fmoi^e atljiisJ bopce* i^tlCoti^tisiliojtianl^c^oDjKngtDill 3 altoaieis?, fo long a$ 3 liue,mp <3ob p jaife \x)ill J : ^4 tii)en am j mod certatne mp ujo jtusf Hiall l)im pleafe, 31 ^ill retopce in l)im, to i^imlDtll 31 trie. ^5'Cftefmner$ © ^LojD^confume tntljineire, anDefeet^eperuerfe^tbemrcotouttDitljfijame: ^ut ais foi^mp foule noi»,let itj ttill Defire, anHfap ijoitljtl&efmtbfwltpjaifepetl^eTLojliisJ name 24^ PfatmcCv, ConfiteminiDom. PfaLCv.N. ^ e piaife tb tf)e Gngn^ar sostinc0 of <0o& fo; cbooGng'a pecuKair ptt^ to Mitifclf(» neucr ttattxiQ. to do tl)etn gooD fo; i)t8 p^omtfc febe. r* Sing this; to /) ^^ anlicall)pont)i;8?name: c i among tl)c people cfee Declare 510 txioiU0 to fpzeat) t?t0fame. 2 ^ing ye Xtnto tl)e )lo^ti, 3 ^^Vy atiD fmg Diit o ^tm piaife: xdnD tnlfie of all t -^e t»ont):oui3f iDOjtfejs^, tl)at l}t i^atl) \»joug^t al\»aiei8f* 2 In l^ono? of Ws^i^olp [name, reiopce\x)itl)oncnccojtD: ainDIctt^eljeart alfo retopce of tijem ftatfcefeet^eiiozU, 4 S>ce!;c re ti^e ?Lo,i^,anD Ceeketlje ftrcngW of l)i$etcrna!l migW: SfnDfeeHeljfeface conttmtaUp, anD pjefencc of Ijiis ftgtit 5TOe toouDjottiSixioifeiBJ tl)atl}e^at!)lione^,. feeepeftillin mmbftill ^ean: 0t\ttt\^e lujDgement^ofWs^mouft outofpoucminB Hepart. 6Petl)atoffaitl)fall ^bjal^am ^feferuant are tl)e feeU: PtW elccttlje cl)tlD^cn tftat ofJacobHopjoceeH- 7fo;tl)e,l)eonelpift3fap, tl)e migl)tie :to?D our (^oft: 3lnt>^ij8;tnoftrigi)tfulUuDgement)S arc?, tljjougi) all tije eartl) abioDe» PfidmeCvi 10$ 8 l^iis?p3tomife ant) W touenattt )»^tcl) i^el^at^ maDe to Wx ©: i^tlb remembjeD euecmoje, to t^oufanti^of Degreeie:. The fecond part 9 ^^e couenant ij3l)ict) i^e tjatlj maDe tDitl)3(tb,ia^amIong ago, amn fattbful ot^ i})i^tc^ ^e i^at^ ftoo^ne to 3iraac alfo* 10 IPntiDit) conftrme t^efamefo? lato? tbat3Iacob(l)ouH)obep:; 3(inti foi etetuall couenant toiftacUfoisp. 1 1 l©I)ent]^ii^l^cfatti lo,3 to pou aUCauaanlant)ti3tli im\ . %\^t tot of pout in^tttance, twljereonpourfeeD (^all Hue, 12 aUl)ougl)t!)enumber atti^atttme liiDUerpfmaUappeare: |leaberpfmau,anD in ttie lan& tiftep tt)enbiit ftranger^ toere. i;r)Dbticpetti^cpi)oalbt from lanD to land ))jttl)outafureaboDe> ainDtwljiiefromfunD^tefeingliomejaitl&ep mtJ\x)anDerali;abiobe. 1 4 3inD b3iong at no oppie(ro^i8^l)anD) ^efufftcDt^emtotafee: asuteuent^e great anDmtgl)tie i^tngjsr^ rep]iOoueDfo;t^etr ra^e« 15 31 ntj t^ujBi i^e fait),touc!) pe not tl)0fe tbat mme^annotnteD be: ^[ietiot^ep^opftets^ anp ^arme, . ftatHopettainetomej, 2^6 ♦ PfalmeC? r6 j^c cm a lieartl) bpon tlje lan^, of bjeati i^e (IropD tlje doze: iSutibeasainftt^eirrtmeof neeD, Ija&fent a man before. The third part. i7(£uen3Iofcp!) U)l)icl)l)aO oncebeenc foID^ toltueainanctn )))o: i8iJE)l|ofefeet tljcrbittt mftocfeeief^tKl^ofe tl^e iron pear 11 alfo* (Coule ipBnttllti^ettme canie)»l)enl|t<8^can(e i»a0feno^ne;apparantlte: RClje migfttie toojiD of (^oo tl)e 2^0:0 J^tgfanltleffetmt^HtDltrie. 20 'QC^iel^ingfentanliDeliueretJl^im, from p jifon tw^ere i^e tjajsf: C^ernler of t^epeopie rtjen^ tiiUfreelpletl^impajg?* 21 anDouet all 1)19^ ijoiife^e malic l)im)LojD to beare ttieftwap: 3Knt) of i^ti8irub(lancemalieibimji^atte ti^e rule aul) allege (lap* 22 C^at Ije migW to W!5 txjill mlhuct tftepzincej8foft)i$lanD: ainliix)ifc^om$lo.2e^(i9(anacnt men mi^t teacb to.'bnOrrftanD^ 23tli:^enintotbe CgppimnlanD, came 3lfraell alfo: ainti 3!acob in ti^e lan^o of i^am DiDltuelafitangerti^o* H^iisipeoplei^e eicceeDinglp in number maDc to flot»: Int) ouer all tl^eir enemiejBJ: inftrmgt^ ijeinalie, t^ejn groto. D^i^Qfk PfalmeCv z^y 25ti^!)Dfcl)att i^e tumDjtljat tW toiti^ ^ai« 1)10 people UiDmtreat: anDtJiU i^i!Biferimnt;3!\x)^onsfuUp, abiife^itljfairetieceit* The fourth part. 2(5j^i;sifaitl)fiilireruaut #ofe0 tl)en. anD laron Uoi^ome Ije cl)ofe: i^e DtD command to go to ti^em, ^ijSmelTagetotiifclofe. *7 tic^e ix)onD jou!$ meflage of W figne^, among t^emt^ep ntD fl)0U), ^ntJ Ijcotit>er0tnt!}elant) of i^am tljen Did tl^ep motive alfo^ 282^arfeenesJl)efentanDmaDeit Darl^e, infteaDofbug^tec Dap: aCnD bntoln^coinmiflOion tt^epDiDnotDifobap, ip^e turnD tbeir "mntttsi intoblouD l)eDiDt!)Cirfifl;e;siriap, io%\)m laD bzougi^t.fcogis! euen m t^e place m^txc ti^tit hing; )§l^atao lap. 5 1 ]^e fpalje auD at W t^opce tljere came great D»arme0 of noifom (iitg: 3nDaUl)equartergoftl)eit lanD ix^erefilD iritl) cradling lice. 3 2 ^t gaiie tljcm colD auD ftonp ^aple mfteaDofmilDercame: aiuDfieneflame0tBitl}intl}eir lanD IjefenttJitlotWr paine. 3;l?e fmote t^cir l)ine0,anD all tlietr trees iDliereon t^eir figiS DiD groto: aiuDaUt§etree$t)3it5intt)eir coafts' Do.\x)neDiDtliepoucrrojol» 26s ' PfalmcCv ?4^efpafeett)en Caterptlleris DtD anDQ:ra(l)oper$ aboimD: 35 i5ai)ici^catett)egrairemaUtl)eir laiiD, anD fniite of all tl^eir g^outtD » The fift part, ?6 O^eflrflbegottmtntljeirianD el^eDeaDlpliiU^eCmite: PtH tbe beginning anD fir ft fruite of all tljeir (Irengt^ anD nitgl^t. ^7 aE»tti)gclDanDrtluei:l)etl)em b:oug!}t fromegpptlanntopatrc: aint) in tl)C number of rt)e tribe;^, no feeble onetl)ereU}a0. 38 Cgppt t^ag glaH anD iorfuU tbcn t»!)en tbepBiD tljence Depart: i'ojterroji anbt!)e fear eof tljem tjj ais f alne into tljeirl^art . $9 %o (IjjouD t^em fromt^e parceling ^eat, aclouDl^etiiDDifplap: 3!nDfire be Cent togiueftemligljt, Do^cn nigWl)aD ftiD tbeDav^ ^o'Cbepa$feeD,anti i^ecaufeDquailci3^, toraineattbeirrequeft: ainDftiUie tx)itl) ti^ebjeatJ of ^eauen tl)eirbungetberepiicll« 41 i^eopeneDtbentbeftonieroc^r? ant)\Materguajet>ont: 3nti in t^e bjie anD parclb^D grounbg?, lilieriuer^ runabout* 4z I'ojofljiiElbolpcouenant aiemmDfuUtBajaibetbo: mW) to W feruant 3lbja^am f^eplig^teD long ago. ^ Plalmc Cvi %6^ anDWiS elect i»it^ top: iS>nt of tl)e cniell lanlr,ixi^cre tlje^ ^aDUuetim great aimop, 44lnt)oft]^ei^eatl)enmeni^e gaue totijemt^e fruttefuU lanti;3(: C^elabourjBioftlje people efee, t^eptooUe into t^eir \)m\^g. 45 Cljat tW WWV ftatute^Q^lmis^t obferuefojeuetmoje: antJ faitWuIlp obep W latoeft pjaiferet^e^Loj^ti tljerefo^ie. Confitemini domino«PfaI.Cvi»N. Ct)€ P wp^c OfrpcrfcD btt^cr ^ntiortas be magnlfie tftc gocu m$ of ^©5 atttMS tbe tea jKmant,an5piiae to be gat'jcrea from among tl^e^eat|)en,ti)at tl^ wapwatft^to name, PEaifeiJe tbe fi/0?lJ,foi be iieigoo^, <- sm« thu to 7 bijs; merer buregJfojap: ^ itcmnc of c 2n0bo can eirpjWebfe noble aeti8?, c^''^^ ^^'O o?iaUbi!9ip?aifebifplar:^ 3 'Q:bei?ble(reD aretbat uiDgement fteepe^ anDiuillpHoaltoar: 4 naitb fanour of tbppeople )lojD, remember me 3 pj^p* 5 3Bnb tDitb tbp fautng bealtl^€> )LojD, boucbfafetobifitme: Cl^at 31 tbe great felicitte oftbme elect map fee* Jnbijjitbtbp peopled top 3 map, aiopftiUmmnpofTeiret ^ ainb mapij}itbt!)me inberitaneej Ijo PfalmcCvi ^ !5otlj toe ant) ^e our fatljer^ all, !)auefinncDcueneone: ti3cl)auc committer) \x):cUcDueiB(, anD le^DIp \x>t l)aue Done. 7 Cl^c tMonDerja? great toi^tc^ t^ou ® Xoi^ IjaftDonemCgpptlanU: ;a)urfatljergti)ougr^tl)epfato t^emal!, petDtDnotljnDerdanli. Bo}tl)cv ti)pmerciei3;multitulie DiD Ucpc in tljanUefuU minDt 23utdtt!)erea,peari}e;reD fea, tebelletimoftbnHinD. 8 0euertl)eIe(re UefaueDtljem, foiljonoiof 1^10 name: €ljat l^e mtgi)t maUe W potoet bno tone> dnDfpieati ab^De tottl) fame. i?i:^ereDfea!?etitD tl^enrebuUe, antif03itl)tolt^it toaiSDjtDe: 3lnD a^ in toilDernejE^^fo ifyiongfy tl}eDeepel^eDtD tl)em guiDe* lol^efaneDftemfromtljecruell ^m\} 0ftl)eirtieCi)igl)tfullfoe: 3nDfromtl)eenemie0^anO^e DiD DeUucrt!}emalto. The fccondpart. II ^l)etoater$tl)eiropp;e(ro?iG;tol)elmti, not one toa0 left aiiue: x2'i:i)cntl)epbeleeueDl)ijaftooiU$J6^ pjaife, infongtl)epDtD()imgiue. IS I5ut bp anu bv bntljanfefullp W tooibjai tl)ep cleane fo:gat: ainlifoi^iSJcbunrellanD^ijaJ ^Ul ttjepDiD neglect to toait. 14 ^wt PfalmeCvh 271 i4':t3ut luHeU in t^e \x)i\\^tmtgf t3oift fonU anD greeDpluft: JCntJ in tfte Uefett tempteti(5oli, ti^eftapofailti^ettttufl:. 1 5^nti m t^eir inanton mtnDio; tercre !)efuffce^ti^emto*^aue* ffinttDafttng leanne;^ tljetetwitli intotl^mrouleisi^egaue* rat i 6Cbcn i»l)en tftep loHget) in t^eir tentie(, at ^ofeiei ttjep biD gtiitelj: $aton t^e Wv of tt)e )Lo;tD, foDiDtljepenuiemiKl^* i7^i)eicfojetbeeai:tl|DiDopent»iDe, - anti ^at^an DiH Heiioure: 3n& all 3lbtramjQi companp t»iDcouei:int&atl)oute. isjnt^eitalfemblpfeintileli b)aj^, tlje ftote confuming fitt: ^nt) \33afting f lameiS DiD t^cn bum tftetoicfeeUmljijBiite, (bp ipOpon ftcbtllof f^o^ch ti^ep an 3ItioU calf e t)iO frame: 3!nb tljete tbe mo Iten image t^p Did i}oo^f]^ip of t^e fame. zo^ntotljelifeenejefofa calfe, tijatfeeDettion t^e graffe: tptoit^?eaIe, ^^i^:^ ^ . ^ t^efintter^ttletoflar: ,, anDiuBgemeut^^eDiDeicmtte, . /'^^^ anl»tl^ent^eplaguettl>ftar; : ;"; : - ^ ,5^ f 1 3!t l»a!9iimputebt)mo^tm fbitig^teoumeiSt^atDJH^t , :S from race to racefiiiar* ^r^i^QiJdmri^cttat: Ci^ ^^3(1: t»aterieiei(eof^enbatl^» tl^epDiD^imimsriemdket ^ )leaG)forfo^ti^,t^at^ore0toajl . t^enpuntfl^tfo^t^etr mte> uct «ht 3?»eca(UCfet]^e?bew^i«^itftfefeje^ -^ ^> ti^atiniinpattentl^eat* l^ltpiBifpal(ebnat)utfeUp: .^ ^i^feruojtoaiBirogreatr ^'^f!^ ^'X^^'' U^o^a$tfte7lojt)comnAnW)it^wi[,'^ - ^" - ^- t^epfletD ti^e people tfto: ^'^^^fv 3yi5utt»ereamongtijtefteatl^tttto,, , ;' '*'^f aiiDleamlit^eirtDoifeeiaiallb* ^^"^^^-^ ^-''^m. ! *6anl)Wl)tlieir3l)oWftrdl^r^W*^er^^^'^^^^^^^^ fteit tuine atiDDecar^ i ^^^ ^ ioT ii^ n;li[inosd %itxt i7tCofienWt^e(rfonjSdiil!il)at^irS:i^ ' - *if r> DiDofferbpanDtlap* '^ sSl^eaiwitl^DnWnDUe mutUetmaknJJfc^^*^*^^^'?^^^^ "^ tfteguatleflfebloUDtl^eMWltt -Hiuii;!l o:l^^^*ii: ro^ l^eatteiro\»nelbnj0{anD Datmbt^Bfeate^' ^^^ %ct^m^ toit^outalUauftofgwlt. - '^^^^ ^ i©^om ^74 PfalmcCvv-p -^jp- i^ojiH t^atattow: 0oD^,i,- mia tdorifsii ^ fmieW^)lo3iD>»ep?ap: mti from among tl^^ei^&m&l^e, ,n ; . . (Cl^att»cmapti)|cat>ti)enobte|i^ttt tJianni^iJ^ oftbpmoft^olpnamc; Cijattoemapgio^m t*?p»aitt, ata^founUing of tbpfame. bebleftfo^cuetmoiie: fi^siiii JUtaUt^peopleC^i?3lm^, .,,,- ^^ ^.,^3 pjaiftfettjeitojDwewte-'^-.na. ui; ;nn Confitcmini Don^irioi^ Of uVP^K^ l>M(ic)ciwtfttiutiHitircfrtcfiiftiltftbtlW ?:j-hU-^ 1.1.1 iiiJ'kid4:i<|il^jKft!^tf6>; r^,3tiet^anfeesbnrdJW1to|t?.fttt^p^;-i ^ fb^ 8ratiou0ti0fl)e^ ':^'^^ W^ anbtbatbtjjmetcplmftti^enl^, :;^ 1'. :::::U . ail mojtall menmapCfce^ ^ ^ p;^ ^ . V -,r #^ 2ftucftagtftea4)?t)cel)epe^atfe;:-^,^^::;'^^^ i»it^tljanlie^ftoutin^«fel)fenamt,=:^ anD ftctD ^tut^pfrom fDt$ txierefteeDc;, ' ' ^^' ^^^ anU^otoi^etBjiottgWt^^^^"^^* ?ml?ret?^ I^egatberebtbem fbjt^oftftelaittiia^ ):i »^ i V' «^ ^^i^^ t^atlap Cbfat about::^ ^1 ::^'^!rf i:f?^ji l^r^ffji^iT]-; dPromeaatotocft,fromnoitfttrfout^>iJ .iK H?j^a' - %ijg{^W^nftl)a)fml)t^emout. ^ •Tfe ^2^ PralfflcCviiV.-. ;,f >f anD (Icatet) from tt)e t) aip: 3tfiifounDnoCtttm)»btfetoD)»eII, .--^ ti^at ferue migtjtf oi (bett ftap. 5 aabofe tfticfl: an^lnmger toajeTo great, in tl^ere Defects rot)OtD: '^IjatfaintnetreDtD t^emfo^aaisult, anD el^e tl^etr Coulee annotD^. 6 cijenDiD tl)e)> criem tbwDilhelft, bntot^eilo^Dfo^aii): s^l^o DtD temoue t^etr troublouist ftate> dcco^Htng aje( ti^ep pjtatO. 73inlibptl^attx)apto^tcl^fei^mo8 rigftt* l)eleDtl)emltitea9tftDe: Ci^at tl}ep mtg^t to a Cittie goe> anHt^etealCbabiDe; confeffelits^BooDnejBitWri: ^^ ''^^^><^^ ::ifn .^iur/j 9f o^ibet^eempttefoule CUtl:atnD»' rto^ometWrftte&inai^ffafamtv ,>.,,... s..,^ . . Ci^'fntngtpfoutctofti^ goot)nej$fei)> ' anH DtD^i^em elie acquaint. i6j^ucb a0Do Dtaoell in DatHenctfDeepe. tDljeretljepofDeatbtiottaUt * i. ^ f aif bounl) to taOXUci^ ttotUiliuiiJ ftojwejef, II jfo^t ti)atagatna t^e )lo^tii!?ot»netxio;TW t^cpfougljtfotocebUl: a c^aeemtngligbt^t^ (oimfen^iev tD^^Dot4(bfain:rci;celU T PfalmeCvu. 277 n 2&uttol^ni^elbumbIeD tl^em full \o% tH^cv t^en fell Dol»ne \x)it\) gttefe: Mnt^ ifonet»a$founD (b mud!) to l^elpe^ toljerebj'to get reliefer i/C!)enDiUti^cric intl^eir Wftreffe, t3moti^e)loiiDfoMtt)' nal)o t)iD remoue tl^ett trdublottf ftdte> according n^ ti^ep p^atb* i4Jfo|l)efromt)arkenej8(out ti^b^oui^^ dnt)ftomDcati^ejS> D^eaDfuUfl^iDe 23ur(lmg tottb fo;ce tl)e iron hmt^g^ )x)^icl^t)iB before ti^la^e* i5)tetmentl)etefoje befo^'ttje jLojDe, confeirel^ijsJfemline^ t^en: a(int»a)et»tftetMouDetj8fti^ati^e Dot^, befojc ti^efonnejEJ of men* I ^ f J be tb?c\B botxjne tlje gatetf of bjafff. anD b^afee tbem t»iti| fttong ftawB '^l^tr iron batjS befmote in tt»o, nothing coulD ))tm )x)tt^0anD» i7Cbe fooUf|)folfee great plagueisJ Do feel, anD cannot from tbemiuenb: :^ut beape on mo^e to tboCe tl^ep l^aue, becaufetbepbooffenb, /8 trbeirfoule^uibfo mucb loatl^ aUmeat, tbat none tbep coulD abijDe: m\}mb^ beatb ^ab tbem almoa caught, aj^t^epfuUtruelptribe* 19 mmx tJib tbep crie in tbeir biftreife, bntotbe)lojbfo^aiD: m))0 bib remoue tbeir troublouiei ftate, accotbing ajsJti^ep pjaib, %^ ■ 30 foj 2o^oj!jetftenrcnttdt!)crtJl7tsf.feo2lJ , 2 i)Let men tlictef oie i efoic tije )LoiD, 3nt) (l?cU3 tiic tooiiDcrs; that l)e Doib befoie tl^efonu^ofirujtu •. - / 223ni) let t()em offiinacnfjce v . j ' \j3iti) tt)aiiUcs! ant) afib feare: atnt^fpcalicof all W U»onDiou^ u^ojW, \»it^ glaD auD topfull fjieare. %l &nt\) as! in (Ijip^ dj b>/tle:6ai;|i^jB?, intot^c(i:a$ Defter^, -t .. r f^< - c; ; ;^, >; Cl)eir maiCijauDife tl)?on8{)Mr^&ifio«S$,^ Z4 d)pre men arcfoi:r-f ^:;ip^^rt^ tbe 'iL oiDcs lii3ozlvC0'tbltet|iiep becr: ^nls in tl)c bangcroiiig Iseepe tije. (ame mollmctuelouit'^epfce^ ^' 25f oiat totooitJ t!jcftoim(?iKinli, arii^tljma rag : ^,'J!\ 2CnU(litretl)tiptl)cruit^ffo, >.- ^-nrT^«n• a^^ollgl)tca^,ttona(Tlmg^" * 26 Cijen are tW Itfrcts ijp fs !)i^».: tl)ecloutie^tlj:r Qje^iictodStnti :. . .j. ^uD plimam.xt^oiwnitHe'tJept^ VMli rr-m n ,-. r - tl)cirfoalc;5coum:nc tx)itD;i)ntA;^"*^"^^*^^ ' i7 ^iiU UUe a t)uinUatli aiA fto^, ' no'i)) i^ere noU) tl)ere tl)cprecle 3tgmeuABitl) fearc of twittereft) QjDaHoffeuceuofccle, ^^^^^ The fourth part ■ >.?»'. 5!. i'J PfalmeCvli. H/DjmlnfH 247 l^lja tiiD temoiie tljeir troubtoag^f ate , acccjDmgaiSt^cp p?aiD. - -^xfiSo. 29f o3tatl)i0ixioji>tt)(^lojD lK)ti^ mafe -i^i ^^(i r - tljeHnrtie^o^Jtietoceafi^: . c=- ^otljattbe great \»au^!8ifedmt8eu?Tase, iujo-^c aretjDugtjttoteaanD i?eace, ^ :^* "^ 30 tiDljen are men glan iD!)en reffci^ corner t»l)icl)t})ep fomuc^ Do trai^. ain^ are bp bim in bauen bjougW* ix)btcb ti)cprofainet»ouiii^atte* ^ .. X - - - ^ ^ 3i)Letmentl]etefo^ebefojetbe )lo?a, confeirel)i$Hinmieire tben: aint) ftetj) tl)e i»onDcr$ tbatl^e^otft, befojeti^efonne^fofmea* l': ^ ^2ttt\^mmmknccoft^tfo\U, • l»it^ p^aife ef toll \^\^ mmt: aintitxil^eretljeelDer^Do conuent, l^tljemtJjereDotijefame. ^? f oj riuming (!ouDe0 to Hu'etJefettie? i^e botb oft cbautt ge anb turne KfnD u;ictl)t)p n$ it \»ere Duft, tbefpungmginell anD bourne* ^4 ^ fruitcfun iauD lj)it^ pleafure$ JiecW, fuilbarren Ijebotl) ntafeeri:; i??^ r-- mi)m on tl)nr fmnee^Kbicb ttr ell therein, fteDott) iua beuseancetalie. ?5 ^;game tl^e \j: i\Un\t0 ftiii rube, bemalietljfimtetobeare; / i^it^ pkafant fpjmg^cf toaterjs? cleare, tbougb no!ie before toere tbcre. ^4 s6 f^fjerem iSe pralmcCvii aj9il)eDotl)freelp rtirfe, C^atrtepaCittiemaf tbeinbuill), tot)i»eUmfo;t^eict)fe. 37€i^attl)epmapfatott)ctr pleaCant lartti, anDbtneparDe$aira plant: %t peelD tl)em fctuie Df fueit) mcreaf^, a$none mapfeemetat»ant. 3$ Cftep multiply ciccceDingrp, ^e^ozDDotli blelfe tbtmfa: HDbo liotb alfo tt)eit: b^utte beait^mato bp namberis; great to grol»e. $923ut tpl^etbefaitbful atelob) b^ugl^t bptbeoppielfoj^ftottt: aintimmnifl) botb^oug^matipplasueiat^ tbatcompadi^tbem about. 4o'€^enbil)bep^tncejQ(b^ingto(bdme> tx)t)icbt>tDtbemfb;e opp^effe; 3(int) \ilsi^\xiitz caufeD tbem to erte t»ttl)tntbeix)iltiemeire. 41 23tttpet tbe poo^e beraiCeb bp, out of bt^ttoubleia^beepe: ^ttD oft ttme0 Dot^ W traine augment^ mucb iil(e a floci^e of (beepe. 42 €bertgbteou0(I)albeboltiti^ti8S(tg^r, anDalContucbmopce: tl@^l)ecea$ tbe )xitcUeD anti pcruetfe toiti) griefe f^;all (toppe tljetr bo(ce. 4 ^!3ut bobo 12! tjoift that not» fiiH t»cH be map tbefe ;tbing$ reco^of JFojtcertamcip fttcb(ballpcrceiue> t^eWntmeffeoftbeloib. PralmeCvili 2^1 Paratumcor.P(alCvii N. X>aa(bfDKt)^rt snbbeice p^atfeti^tf^e l.o;tti ant afTaretb l^imfrlffof'it pt ntr eof (0011 conceming lii0 ft ngitoine oacr Jfraett aoti ^ai poteev QgainftotiKv tiatiOR0 Svijo tliottgt) t)e recwe to f o^fabe t)0f o; a time^et Ik alone in t^e enn Soil caa Ooo^o oitrencmted. 0(i5oD nip ijart pjcpareD ift <: ^^s»^» *« ? anD efee mp tongue i$(b: >r,"«r3' pr. r 3 tjiil aUimnce mp botce anD Cing. ^ ^ tngtumgpjtatreairo. 23[li»afeempDt0UaiiDmp^arpe, . nneetmeloDptomahe: ainU in tl)e moaning 3 mp ftlft tiQi)tearelpi»tll at»abe» 5 J5p me among tije people ilo^, (IttlpiatfeD S^alt t^oubee: 3(nD H among tt)e lieat!)en jfoii^e, ^tUOing€>)Lo^Dtoti^ee. 4 )3ecaure ti^p metcp, HoitD iiS gteat, abouet^l^eauenieii^te: ainD elie tl^ptrut^Dotb reaci^ tJ^clouttj^^ tx)it^mtl^eIoftpfKte* 5 3libDue ti^e ftarcte beaueniet ^te>7 en^ltti^pfelfeOd^oD: ainDiELo^litl^lapt^pont^e earti^ tbpglo^teallabiiotie. 7 ^oD in ^i$ liolinejei i^at^ fpol^e> U)^etefo)ie mpiopeis; abounl^ ^kliem 31 (l^all Deuitie anD mete, t^ bale of ^uccot^ gvountt* 9 Sua 2^2 PfalmeCIx.. 8 IntJ (Biknti (l^albc mpne otwne, . ^analTeismmeftaUbc: i3^pt)eaD ftrcnf^tt) Cp!)j»aim^^rtD lab) ' O;a'.l3j"tiagmefo3i me, pi^oabmpDoafljpDtanDmp fi)oc on€Oom^tll3!tl)iotxi: Bpontl)e!ant?ofjBale(ftne, intruimpljtj3iU3goe. lo m\}0 (l^all into t\}c€\ttit (Irons begiiil50tocoul)iictmej' £Dj l)oi» bp \}Qliomc to CDom lanDi couaepet) (^all3jbce? 1 1 3$ it not tl}ou cS> (!5ot)) tobic^ late l)atJ(lb)8;foifafeen quite:? 3Iinn tiiou ^ )(LozD,i»bicb Uiitl^ ow l)oft tiiDftnotgofoztbtofigljt. i20tueD0€) Mibtbp faMintjaiD, boben trouble^ Do alTailct fojalltljebelpcofmaniiSbainer anlscannot»l)itauaile. I ?d)Zou5l) (!5ot) toee (l)aH Do baliat^ actft . aat) i3iio^tl)p ofrenolxine: . . ': n;"' i^e fl^ all fubtiuc our enemie^^. Feabcfi;aiitresDtl)embo^ne, Dcus laudem tuam. Pfal.Cix* H? IDauiD bt'ns f/iirclp accuff 6 bp ^aules BAittcicrs p?an:l[} <^o^ to\)t\n him to l)c= ftro^ Ills cneRTicB wljo rcwefcnt ifubaat^ctrattojtmtojllcfus CfjiiftanD all hSccnetmcooft?)ccl)tte;enof(l5o!>. , , T 0r^nt\}kfieti lence Do not bo!o,€) d^o^ tbP tong al^aiefif, * €) dD oD , mm tl)ou 31 fap^t^ou ai*t tbc (^oD of a I mpuiairc: 2Z\}c \iJicUeD a«outl) ^ mMiil] moutb on ine DiCeioieb bee. ^uD tbep x\)ttl} f alfe anb Iping touguci^riUC fpolien bnto m e. PfalmeCvii. ±7'^' ^ "Cljer tJttJ b efet me roimli about Vi5 b? cp.^ of ^.atcfui fpirr!]! l©!t!}outaIlcaurcofmprjerert,nc^aiti(l!rcotDti7cpfigl]t.- 4f 0? mr gooD U3il tuer ttJcr mp i'oe0,lut t'aen gmi 3 to p^a? 5^f goii& iMiti) U nip frienBlmcs tait:; gate tljep UiD rcpaj^ «^vctti)Outl)cto;cI'.ctJOu:rlnr4i,toljauctIjc bppcrbaiiD; 3t iji5 ttg!)r l)at\ti c'a ? fuScc rl)ou t)i5 iKite :uU foe t j ftaut) . 7ik:il)nibct3iuDgl3€lctl)imnottI^?n conlJeinuejtG tqec^in: " uD let ti)e p:aperti)at ^e maUe^ be tmnzif into fmue. -at gfeioabel)t3Datc^, l;t3 charge alfolet t!)ouanDtl)et tase, 9i^i$ cljiiDjen let ue tat^erlefte,l)i3 xoifc a ij)tDDoB3 iml^^. joUtt ^i^ofip^iUjibeDagabonDSjtDbeii^rceiietijCir bzeap: iiaaa^ini out oi ^ a)aUeu place aj04>e; ii;irti}cp ,^au(^^^ 11 Het couetous cjctojtfonet^catcb a!!ir)ggoo!;0attD (!d)r, 3{lnti Icttbedranger^ fpoiIeVqefruite^ofaltjistoJe before* iiTtettbercbe nonetoptttiebtmjettljerebeuoueatail: t^atoti ^i^cljilDzen fatberleflejtxjiUettbeir mercp fali : The fccond parr, i?^nDfoletbi!8fpoftentrfojeucrbeDe(JtoiD: "ilMt name out blotteb in tbe age,tbat aftei: (ball fucceeb. i^XetnDtbt0fatbet^\)3icKebne0ti:o(^oDs( remebiance fall;= iliub let tliou not bi)B^ motberiSftiuie,be Done atwap at rai. i5Butmtl}epjefcnccoftl)e1lo:blet tbem tcmamefo: aie^ ^b^t from tbe eattbtbeic memoue be map £i\t clCiim atuap 1 ^,^ttb mere pb^ foigat to (boiw bat DiD purrue ^joirl) fpitc: 'Cbe troubleb man,^fougbt to (lap ttje iDofiilbarteD ^utgbt.. ijMi^ bebiD curfingloue,it (I)allbetiDebnro btrnfo: aubarbebiDnotblclTingloue itfl)all befat^nrnfro. iH 3i0beix)iti) curCmg cliiDWrnfeircfo it IteiDatcr (l;al, 3!ntoljiis{bo^els!>anD UUeoile into bi3 bones^ befall. 1 9 ^^ S^tment let It be to buUjto couer bun fo> nie: ^n0ai5a3PjDle,\»bcte^itb f)ua)^\i\xi>t^'m. aliuoap. Tto 284 PfalmcCx 2o)Lolettl)t$fametefromtl^A<)^lit^ie8iietUonofmpfoe: ^eaanDof ti^oretl^ateutllfpeaiKeagatnftmprouIe aire 2 ii3ut tljon €> Hofi^ tW art mp cSoD Deal ti^ou J far tfi me ^f ter tl)p name Deliuer mee fijt gooD t^p mercieie! be. 21 23ecaufe in Dept^ of great Diat:e(re,S neebp am anD pooje ^nU efee i»itl)in mp papnen bieft^mp ^art i» ,teounDeD fo^* The thud part a? €mn fo t)o 3! Depart aV3ap,a0Dotli Declining fl^aDe : 3inD a$ tl)e (!5ralI;opper ,ro am J ftafeen oft anD faDe* i^XBitf) fading long fro neeDfnlfooD^enfebleD are mpltneeioi ainD all ^er f atnefle ^t^ mp 8ef^ enfo^eD beene to ieefe. 2 5 3(inD i» alf a bile repjiocft to ti^em t»as maDe to be: ^nD tl)eptl)at DiDbpon melooUeDiD f^al^etbetr^eaDiefatme -26'But tbou ^ 1iQ}l^ jt'oat art mp C5oD,mp aiD ^ fuccour bee. ?((ccojDingtotl}pmerip,)lojD 5«ue anDDeliuerme. 27 3[(nD tbep (l^al bno\» tljerbptbat tbijsiU'O^D I'g tl^pmigljtp 3hD tbat tit)on,|> baft Don it 'jLoiD Co Bi^al tbep bnDerflaD (WtJ 28 1llltl)ougl)t!jepcurfc \i5fpitefettl^0H flialtbleffeVd loutng 'Cljcp fl) ai ar ifc ^ come to tbame^tbp feruSt (l^al retopce(boice 2 p )let tbem be cIotljcD all iDitft ll^ame,tbat enemie;8^are to 3[inD toitl) confufton a^ a cloUe efee cou ereD Ut tbem be. (me, ^ut greatlp J t»ill t»itb mp moutb giue njnnUfSi ;bnto tl^e 2[!nD 3 among tbe miiltituDe biis'pjaifejSijjiU recozD.(XojD: 1 o f 01 i)e loitb belp at bis; rigbt banD toil ftanD tbe pooje ma tlTofaucbimfiJo tl^ m6 tbat t»olD conDemlji^foul to Dp.(bp Dixit Dominus.pfaljCx. N. tDauto ptopl)c(utl) o'tie potoo: anD euerlafttngisingDome of Ci);ift9nl(tf ^td i^icft^ t)eoD Alltel; OjoulD put an cnDto tM P3tie&l)00D ofS^cuie. nri^c loth DiD fap bnto mp)lo jD fit t^ou on mp rigl^t banD -*" ^il a l)m maDe tl)p foeis a (tool tc^ero t^jp feet J^alftanD n75ut i tlT^lojtli (^all out of fi)iott r^tiD t^c fceptec oftt^ mi^Yftp 3mtt)t^piiifl^allfocj0,b.ctl5ou4i^ uOcr mfteirfigljt - i' 73int>tn tbe Dap on ix^ict) ti^p rmpand pot»ec t^ep Ibai fe: C^l^cbp free t»Ulo5i&:i5i{jg!fl^t^? people offer tl)ee. ^ }3ea toit^ an ^o!r t»ojfl?ippiug, tften d)all tljep offer aU:(farr "Cftp biGl)^' Deu) ts; tl^e De m n^atDotl^ fi3 SDomtof mo^umg. 4tlE:!)e HojU I] at!) fiwoin at neiier t»:l repent \3ot)ati)e tJot^ f ap Bp tbe ojDer of ^elt Iji jeDecl), tl^ou art a pjieft fojt ape: C^eilozD tW<5oiy on ttjprigw WW^attJSDet^fojtbp Hap fyW i9oounD fo^ tUee tt)e ff atlp &mst)e( tipo ^i$ tx)^an)fu! Dap 6 Cl^e]&eatl)e!}e (^altuDgeftfittbf place toitftboDieiSDeaD: ^nDouep Dluerjei countries (^!l m uinDer tmite tl^e ^eaD. 7 3llhD i)e f^alD^tnkout of t^ b^oote^t^at iunneti;)in f tnap: C^crefo^l)elbdllUfttipon{|ie4t$ropaU J^eaDt^tDap. ^ Confitcbor tibLPfel, Cxi,N. I^f gtaet^t!Hinke0totlielLt9O fayfjurimctacioaf Soo»ticife!Dam0l!^0 ci^ntcl;, sift fitclartt^ Svi^eretn true viTclomt fittD r^i^t bnoiDkDflC cottfUlct^^ |r 4.*<^ Q—f ^EE^EgEjg I Datt^i^rt 3 Do acco^D,to p^aife anD latiB c^e Hof D,m p^efenceof tl) eiuff«2, f o?8teat§tg toojifeeigare fotmD>to ^ilE — ^—viYriS:^^: ti?drc]^tl)emrucl^drebounD)aiB^i)ot)tmloue6^truff>Vl^t5 ■ |i A ■-. ' J.I ' ■*' I ■ ■ " ■ ' -^ ■■ ■ - I . I - ii i >i . iiiiii ■ j"'i ■' ' " ■ii ' ,!" I ' ' , " 'I ' ,"- ■ / ■••• ^ ■ — ' ■ '•■ ■' * • i»o^H)^laresU)}to^B(ai(b1%i^ ngi^tedurne^^ z^s PCiImeCxi f'^-imfrH i^E:^ 7 "^^ ^ fp^ — ^ ±=il fo}zixtt> 4^«!^t0ivonDitou;Q;^o^i^^i»ouID toediUre^ 1-4- ->-^.0 A ^m fp=„=rz:— mmJba d)M^i^i» mercpfaileti) neuer . l^el)ati)t)pfo;t4emiaiD: f o; tl)i0 tbep (l)all u>eU finl),^e \x}tll ti^em ^aue in itmO, InBiteepet^maiEtli^rai^. <5ifoi^Ue BtDnotl^tfDdiiteDiiQrtsojtHeieitoQfeixiit^plaitir* 7 €)f all ^is;iBoj*j9ffo) cuettottduice^ - -~ : t©!)tcftequttpDt)itJ en^ ;-; ",";^t?: , T lStbemptton^C5aue,WiJpeop!elb?tofaue/ L c^ 9 3fi«B tjatft al(b tequtced, T; l^tjB^pjtomirenBtto fotle,bttt aiv^ai^topjenailej ^ ^5 .-, .1^1$ l)olp namebeftareDu^j } . f oii^i)oro iDtt!) l^artFiilf fame tnie^mfe^omejjaoulb^^^ C^a^ojDfearcaHliobap: u~ i -\ n &.uc!iai8btisilat0ej8(l)ofceepe,a)albno)»lel)3e^uefu!lbeep/ - ; I^i3pi?iifel]^|ap«gfap. Hr p^flifctt) ttft fmmp «f tbcinikiriim mnMlfoiviiimt^thc nsfto ant if IN PfalmcCxu-Cxiit ii'^^Hi ^8^ T'^emfttt(i0(Weatftat^oDDot|)fcare, 7~-ri ittiliAatJ&fjB^IdiDe^Dot^louetnl^eeO '' • 3^nD bidTe Cuc^ a^ from^tm p^ocret)^ Bl^ijafljoufetoitD gooDlje toillfulfttl, i^i^rigtitcoufueflte etiDute n^all fttlU 3ln ttoubieiop it? tmrfeencffelij^: ^^^ ^^^'' „ . CprnpafTtoni^iiT W^^ : r::::r:: j.^..-,.^ — ^^ ainb mmp atomeismbtJ ffgftf* /^eaptttiemauetftfiicbto lenD, I5eltoi;^bpml)5eit»mt^Mt8jBie|ppenl)t . . .. f oitin remembjancebaJHjSbe, F - ~ r 7 ^0 ttbtngjai in canmai^e bint quaiie> »6o (»itiie}tojbnire!)oprboti^fijet „ . . i]^brart($firmej&ttfeateij0^paft, -^r^iii ^oi^t^e (ftaUfee l)igfoe)j|W)i»nttaft* ^ : i: f : - ^ l^t^rQ^teou&iejBSf^ailftiU temaine: 3inD^iiaie(latet»itbp^treabtDe> „., Cb^tftijbftattlje toic^^meu l^ifbaitifr 4^— ^ 10 i^ra gnafb bil^teetb tba:eatQ^al^e^> adnbfoconCOmel^ijSttate tolto« ::;^ ; iI;^udatcpu€ri.PftLCxiu WJC i:^~i:f::$cr:;i^ ccarfc o( nature lye loo^bett) tti bt0 ct;arc1),. . ^ ^ ; ' name PfalmeCxiii ^»»8t .[ III! ■ ■■ ♦-- K name \]0;tt) one accoiH • 2 iita blefll^l) be altoaie^ W EE^E^ilii^i?^^ namc^ oal^a fromt^etitins oft^run,ttiUtt:etttnte Mf?:=i^^=J^ tDl^erejt begun, Jfi to be$ p^aif ai tpit^ great fame* ±A= i ^A^ ^±£r| r ^ 4. ^be)loir)ailpeopleDdt^(utmount,3lje({b; ^ijs; gtoig^ j 1 Y '^V> t ititt . n > ii ^ -* iV V ' i 1_. ^ 1 — , . =:t mt map count ,3bouetl^bemmiii4igl^tobe:5 iBitl) ^^m ^ «•*■ b--^ » «»>» « » I » i i^ > , ^ « i I ■ " ' ' 2 3n 3iuba(0oDl)t0Slotie ftetoD, l)i$bolmej3Jmoftbiigi)t: ^obtti tbe3irraelite;8ilDcclare litjsiHingDomepotJoer an&migi^t. s Cljc fea it fato anD fulinenlr> a0 all amafDemn flic: Ci^ roaring areame;e(of JozDaniai flouH reculei> bacfetoarblte. 4.1)3! rams? afraiD t^e mountainc^Cfeppt, tljeir flrengt^ Dib t^em fo?fafee; SHnU a^tljefeeiptrembUng lamb$, tljeir top0 Uio beat anD (Ijake* 5 i^bat aim tbeCea, -a$ all amaO)e fofutibenlptofliej* ge rotnling ^ane$ of 3Io:Dan iswi Si^OHttlj^foutttaineS clears ^/!\ 'Ston aobis Domin, PfaLCxv.N. Cbc faft^ful oppjerreD b^ l^cIatrott0t(rant0,p?omUctl)ti5»tt^>«)a»«lMe# htMnmmh^ fulof fogrcatabcntft/afit SDOulDp'.cafcdPoOto ^ww tljclrDiaper aiiljae5tu«tiil bp m onmipotcn. 'poacr. wt»{^r,anq obkhw njc Ni^tt^ntobiS •ja:oit!,notto iJ^, butto ftp name gtueptaife: 25 ot I) fo; tl)e mercp ant) ftc trutf). ^ '^ -^i ftat are m ftee alixjato. 3nai)p (I)ail tfje ijeafteu fcojncrs! fap, i3oi)ere 10 ftcit (^otJ become;? J ^iir (505) in IjeaucniMnD ^Ijat beb)!llftatljaftl}e:Done. q. €l)eir 3EDOI0 filuer are anD qoWi, ^OJtl^ e of menis banlj^ftep bee: 5 ^i:cp i)ane a mouft anU Do not fpea!;c: auDcpe^anDDo not fee. 6 3inl5ftep!)aueeare0iopnDto fteirlKabiB^ an^Donotbeareat ail: ln5norcgei^eftepfoimcli i^auc, auDi^onatfrneUijoiftalL 73hD PfoltneCxv spi anDfcetant>Donot!g8e: % tl^ joat t^ep tjaue>ret tl)jougl) tlje fame tt)epmafeenofounl> to bIo\». S Cl)ofe tijat make t^em te line to ti^em anti t^ofe toi^ofe trail tl)ei> bee: p €> Jfraell tnift in tl)e isioi^D, tlieirfljielDjanli i^elpetg^e. ioiS)3^aton?iftoufettufl:int^eA^ojD, tfteirl^elpeantiftielD iiBi !)e: 1 1 Ctud pe ti^e ](Lo?D t^at fearetl)e)LojB tl^etr l^elpe anD fl;ielDt;e;^e: 12 cl^e'/Lo^Dl^ati^mmDfuHbeeneQf i)j9S anl>U)iUblenft WalCb: : ^ -"^ S>u jiitaeW atiD on aatoms^oufe, W blefling ^e Ml ft)oi»^ J3 trft^ tftat bee fearerig? of tlje Hojfij^ rte lloiti t»iU blelfe tftem^ al: from 1)0 nccfottl) anD foz ap: ^oiiutJ pe tl)e p:aife0 of tli'e Tlo^tr, pz3ircpetl)e)l02iD3ira^ Dilexiquoniam.Pfal.Cxvi.N. ,, jC>amT5 bang in great Oanger of ^anle in tl)c DtCcrt of !^aon.pnfcei«itogt!ie great anD intftt nnbi; louc of (©ooto'iDarDtji-r. wn3nifivt^fucOs»cat mcrciwi ehDpjotc. ftct^ tljatUc^iltJe tljanbfulfoj t^e vamc< I:loiie tlje IL^i'^Mcmtc mp boice 6^ pjtai'ci: Ijcart) Ijatij i^e, 2 i0l)en lu mp Ijaicis 3ff calti on lHm,l)t bo 1301) W^ tat to me. g c^am^jo!)eu^fuarc^of cruellDeatii about befct me tomiD: mimi pains; of l}el me caug^t^a^isljc 3 11)0(1 foiroixi founn. 4 Opou t!)e name of (Bolj nv> 'iboihtl^m titu 3 caa atm Tap?^ Beltiik^r tl]Ou mp foulc , Q %0}% 3 Do t^ec bumblp pzap* 5Cl)e:ilG^^is;berp mercpfuri^anOluli^ t;e ti^alfo: u'^;. nsaS 3linDmour (^oDcompalTion botDplemifuUp fioto. . 611:1)0 'iLoit)mfafetpi)ot^>p^cftiniealti)ofctl)f!tri?iii)?ri^^^^^^ ' 3 \x)a3 til 'ijbofull miferp,anD t)e releeuet) mt. • ' 7 ^uD uo\x)mproulentl)tl)ouartfafe,retm:net)Utotbpre(l f 01 largelp lo t\)z Hoii) to ti)ee i^ig boimtp ^^tl) ttmft: - 8 x5ecaiifet^otii)afttieUueret>mpfcnlefcomDeaDlp tl)iallr jiU^p moi(let5 epne fro mounif lU teats; inp fiioing feet fro f al, 9 l5:fo?? tl)e Ho}'^ 3! iui tl)e laiiu of life Vx)ill toaiue tbcrefo^e* 10 31 Did beleeiie ti)crefoieg! f;^.a^e,fo;31 U)as troubled foje.. n 3i fatUm mp t)i(lrefre^tit)'fcate,tl|ataTinitenIier0bee: i2i>^5^atfi)ail3lpaptl)elLoiDf9:^alIl^i!^benefitsto mee? i? ^beiul)oirom cup of fauihg iieltl^i^ tl)anlvefuUplx)il tal^e KittD on tiie '^oj6p \umz 3 i»tl caf 1j:1)c 3j mp p japer mabc . 143 PfalmeGxyiiCxviii. 29/ 1 4 J to fte %op "mil pai> tl)e bo^^t^at 3 ^aiie Wm bel)igl^t J^e aeuen at tl)t0 p^efcnt time^tn allWiS people^figljt, 1 5Ei8i)t Here 6^ pjetioug in WH'^^t t\}z !a?l3 Uotij ap e (teem, €tie lieati^ of ail i^i^ \)0\v oaeiS^Vo^at tmt men iio B vC m. 16 c^p ferimnt )lD;t),tljp f miant Id, J Da m)?^^Ife co nf :s?, ^onoftl)pl;al)matl5,t^oiil)aab?ofect!}eb5i;^0eitipl}.atc'^ 1 7 3linD 31 toill offer l)p to tljee a facrifice of p^ai; e: 35nD 3 toill call ^pon ti^c name of 60D tlje 'dm ato atcj^. 1 8 3 to tlje %oit^ b3tl pap tl}e totwgi tfeat 3\mt Uni h^i&t Prafuenattl)i0p;:efenttune,mall Ijfepeopiejs fig^^t, /5>3^ea m tt)e courts of <0ot)$ oton !joufe,^urt^e mit (t of tlie €) tl)ou3erufalem,3fap,i»l^erefo^etl)e]lojiD P^aiCtpce, . Laudate Dominum.Pral. Gxvii.N. Igc Q(I)o;tctl) tbc (Btnti\t0 to piaffe (|»oo,becaare !;e Ijat^ acco!t-pii(!m> as 'tsct t9 t^em 80 to t^je 31cS»cs iMt p^omift of tttecuwlatttos bp Jlcfuj Ci;?!*, Olll pe natf on;3J of tl)el»o^lt), c^jng this to pjaife pe tlje Xq}^ alb>ateg: i)tjB!truf9 mDure^fojap: mljcrefoje p jaife pe tlje )Lo?D our d^oD, piairepetl)cl(lotti3fap, Confitcmini Domino.Pfal.Cxviii.M IDauiOrctcctcoof ^aalan^Joftbc people* at tbettme appofRtc5obtcpnc& i\)t btngttortit foj tije ^btclj ic hmzt\i aft tbetn tbat fc^ce tlje iio;a to be tl)anU{u!,bnDcr ^liOic pji-fonJCb^ift ts ^w^'? fc£foo?t^,fe:;o C;oIci be of dispeople ntcctfD, (^iuepetoauli^bntotftc Xo^lJ? rS'ngthfs,to o fojeucr totxjarti?^ tl^ee. mm. ^94 ^' PfaliiwCxviii I )let 3IftaelI confelTe antifar/ tjismcrcpDureSfojap: 5 ilioMi let t!)e l)oufe of Htaronftp, !)ij9J mcvcp Utireis! foi ap* %tt all tljat fearc fte lo^tD ottt ^oD, ciietinot?Jcoufeire anD fap: CftemercpoftocKlojD our0oD, intJiiretl)ftirifojap:, 5 Jn trouble anDinl)eaume0, tntotl^ctmj criDe: l©l^(cl)louingliei^eactimeat large, mpfutetua^ot DenitJe* ^ Cl)e iLojH l)tntfelfe is^on mp fiDe, 31 )vtU not ilani) in Doul)t: |io? feare \))l)at man cant)o to me, U)l)eitaoDftan^i3; me about. 7 Ci^e i^ojD Bott) tafeemppart \»itl! tl^m? tl)atl)elpeto fuccourmee: Cl)errfo?e3(^all feempUeftre,, Ijpoumiueemmte. 8 I3etter It 1101 to trull m (5oD, tljan in manjs! mo^tall feeD: 9 i^it to put confluence m Hing?, ozpunccsituourneeD. iom\ nationj0;i)miemclofel> tne, anD compafieD me roim)^: ©ut in t^ename oWoh fl^all 3 mine enemiejS confounlJ. 1 1 "(El^ep feept mc in on euerie tfi)c, tliep l^ept me in 3 fap: 23 u^ tijiougi) tlje %o}Xi^ mod migljtie name 3fl;aIlt»ojfeetl;eir Decap. n tctjep Pfalme Cxviiie vx,' „ zQs 11 tn)cp came about me alUtifert>cei^, ijut ret m t^e )lo jt)$ name , 3 queucl)t tljeit tljoitnci^ t!)at b)ere on fite, ann a toillt)eflh:optt)efame* The fecond part. i:5'Cl)ou ijaaijoitl) fojcetij^uftfojeatme, tibat31 innceBemigl)t fall: :^ttttl}jougi^tl)e )lo?D3Ifmt)f«c^l)elpe; tl}at t^epixietetanqmfttall* 14 C^e U ojt) \& mp !)efence ant> ftcengtUf nipiop, mp mtttl}, ant) Citng: l^e 10 become to me inlieeti, a^auioucmoftiltong. I p Clje cigbt ^ant) of om;Xo3it> ottt (^otSr toti^ biting to paffe greate ti^tng^ t ^e caufetl) tjoice of top anD Ijealtil) , tnctgbteouisi menjStitKellingjSf. 6 %\^zi\^t\m^ of ti)eM^i:»^otli b^ng:, molt migi&tp tWnge$ tapaffr : l^i!0(l)aut) t)at^ ti}e pjel)eminence, i^tjsfo^icei^asit^a?. 7 g toill not t)ie but euet Uue, to bttetanti Declare: iClje )lo]tD ^tsf mtgibt anU DaonUpuiS |«rt»er, l)iis tooiUejei anti toljat tljep are. 18 %\)z%i'^ l)imreife l)ati& c^afteneD , anDl)atl) cojrectetJ me: t^ut batb not giuen me oner pet , toUeatljaiSpem^apfce. lo ;&ctopenbntometl)egatejS, . oftuit^ rjiDrig^teoufnelTc: CijatJ map enter into t^em, the ]lotD^ p jaiCe to confelTe. ipfS PfalmeCxviii ^ut 900:3 aiiD rigl teoii^ men alt»ai> li;all cuter into ir. Thcthird part, 2 1 31 toiil gtue tljanus to ti]ee,^ :loit», becaufetl)onl)a[i; ^earD me:, ^ntiartbecoiiie moft louinglp? afaiuouriJiitoinc. 23 C!)eftonc toi)icl)attl)i0time among tl)e builHersl \3aa;9( tefurcD: 3Ignot» become tlje coiner (lone * anbcl)icfclptobetiCeb. ii'Cl)is^asl t^e migl)tpt»oj&eof onoU5icheDti}ing: iBi^ic]^ feeBf aaip t» ame III l)iis( patljeief, tott^out aup xoanD^img;* 4: IP ipS PfalmcOwx 4 Jit fe t!)p toil! ant) commanOement; tl)atU)itl) attcntiue IjeeD: Cl)p noble ant) DiumcpjecepW: toe learne atiD feeepe in Deeti 5 €>1) toouiDe to c^oD it migl)t tieeplea^ mpniate0fotoaDti?effe: €1) ntj migw bot^ in Ijart anti Ijoicc, ti)p latoes! lieepe ant) confefTe. 6 ^od^ouiD no (bamemp life attaint? to'^iic J t\)n$ ret mine eiejs;: SKnD bent) mp montb altoaieSJ to mufe ont!)pfacteD^cree;9(, 7 'Cbcn trill 31 pjaife toit!) bp^igljt ftartr,. ant) magnifie tbp name: tJ^i^en 3 n;aH learne tl}p inDgementi8( i«8:, ant) liHetoire pjoue tbe fame. 8 '^nD toboliie boil 3 gtue mp felfe, to!teepetbelat»e0ma(ltig^t: f o^ifafee me not f o j enerXozt), but Q^eto t^e grace ant) migi^t . BET'H The ftcond part 9 T>Si»batmeane$mapapongmanbett ^^ ins; life learne to amenta: af tl^at be marbe anb Heepe tbp toojb. an^ tercinbt2(timefpenb. 10 dinfaineblie ^i^auetbeeCougljtj auD tlin^feetiingabibc: * ^ neuerfutfermee,€>]loil), f com tbp pjecept;3! to ffibe. M is^itbm mp bart anD Cecret t^ougl^tja?; tbP^oit)3)banel^ibfi;il. t2:i)at 3 migbt not at anietime; oSfenbtbpgoblieboiU. 12 mt magnifie t^p name , €> jLojD* anD pitaife t^ee euetmojie Ci)p llatute^of moft txiojt^pfamo ^KlojD teaci^ metljerefoje, i^ ^pli|?j8!l)a«eneuetceafl:topjeacl^ anD publtd; tJap anD nigW^ tll^e iutigemcnt^ all, isjfticl) DiD pjoceeD: from tt)P moutl) full of mig^t* pl^afcmeno lelTe inUcelJc: Ci^an altlie treafareof ttje eactli , D)!)icl) t^o^lDUngeiS mafee t^rir metUe* 15 Df tl^P p^cepw 3 tDill aui mufe, ant) tfierefoje frame mp talHe : 3((^af a marine fotntU 3I atme, t^p toaie0l&ot» I map toalfee. i^ fl^p onelp lop fljall bejfo fint, anD on ti)p latueis; Co fee : Cl^atnotl^tngcan mefo farteblinb* tl)at3|t5ptoojWfo^get. ^IM'lL The third part. 1 7 d^raunttotl^pretuantRoUJfitcl^grac^ a$ map mp life prolong: 'Xljp i^olp txjo jD tl)en inill 3 feeepe, botb in mp l^eart anD tong. 18 a@ineepej3!t»^icbi»erebimantJ(Ijutt)p> Co open tint) make b^tgbt : %W of tbp lam and marueiloitf two^feeg, 3 map ijane tl)e cleare figbt ip 3 am a 0tanget in tbt!8^earti^> tJoanD jing noto Ijete, no\» tl^ete: %\)^ \miX^ tberefoje to me Uifclofe, m f ooteaep$ f 0^ to cleare* 20 iSpp 300 PfaimcCxjx 20 ^pfoiite itf tauif^tbjit!) Defice anUneucri^atccft: :^iit fceue$ to fcnot»tl)p lutigementjeifjie, aal)tx)l)atmapplearetl)ecbeft» 2 1 Cl)e p.iouti mananD malitiouflf, tl)ou i)a(l Dcftrotti eel) one: ^nD curfeD ate fuel) a0 Do not, tte!)cfl0attenD^Dpon. 22LoiD turne me 'ftom rebnl^e ant) fliamr^ tn)l)icl)\Dicket)men confpite: f oj 31 l)auc Uep t t\)V couenantie(, i))ttl) f ealeaie^^ote aieiftte. C^e p jince$ great in connfell fat» anD Dtti againlJ mefpeaUe: 23ut tben tl)p fetuant tljougljt Ijotx) Ijer tl)^ ftatutc0 migi^t not b?eafe» H f^l ^^P^tbp eouenantgi ate m^ ioVp. arilJ mp gteatl)eatt?{[folace: d)ep feme in tleaU of counCelletjsfj, mp mattetjeifojtapalTe* D A L E T H The fourth part Imn alalTe a^ biougbt to gtaue, anti almoft tncnU to bufl;, ^?to;e t^etefoje mp life iagainr, a^t^ppjomife iiSiuft. 26 Q9pt»aie;3; tsj^n 31 aclinob^leDgeU, D)itl) metcp tbou DiDft Ideate: ^jatenoU) eftfooneief ant) meinfttuct, tt)p latjoeg to lone ant» [feate. 27 'Xeacljmeoucetlpugljlpfoiito fenotOp t^r piecepti0( anD tljp 'loie: ^Jl)pi3ooife2! tbenloilljimebitatc, anblap ti^em tjp in ftoie* 28 Sll)prou!e3 feelefo (o,teopp^, tl^at It meltetl) fo^ griefs: ?cco]iDlngto t'qpiDojD tljerefo e, l)a(l:>io?t)tofent)reliefev 2 9 f rom Iping auD a^ceitfiUl UpiBt, Iettl)pgracentetJefenD: 3nti tljnt 3 map learne ftee to lour, ti^pl)olplai3omefmU. :5o ^l)? ijoap of truth !)pt&.ai:ai8!jt anftfure, 3i)anecl^oren^ntifoWit): 3fet t l)p luDgerwetitismebcfoi^, to^ici^ feeepe me fafeanti founU* ;5i^incctlien3©:io|t)3!fq|ttmFfe;fe, . tlj p coucnantj^ to imbjiacc: jLet \tvetljerefoie!)aue no tebuUe no;tcl)ecfeemameca(e^ 32 (i:t)eni»iU 3i tun tj)it^ iopfull d^eare, U'jfiere tl)p tjaoit) iJotl^ me call: ^enttjouUaftfetnipi^artatlatge, auDtiDmeout oft^^lU ; - ^ ,, ^,^. ^. HE Tcfiftpart -, , 3 3 Jnfttuctmeitojtlitotl^engl^tttM ^7^^^j^^ oftljpftatute^Dumte: i.i.jrAr * 3intiittotiecpecuento tljeenft/ mpijartiDiU 31 incline. 54€^rantme tl)efcnoij}leDge of tftplato, antJjIlljalUtobap:' UBit^ Ijatt anD mtnti anB all mp migljt? 3 UHliitl^eepe3 fap* j5 3n tl)t rigi^t patl) of tiip p^ecept^, gmDeme,)iojDJtcauiie: .^y" "' 0oue oti}cr pleafure do 3 totO; , noi greater t^mg Mm.. >6jnclmr auB coucnantjs to imbince: ^iiD ftom all filtljp auartceV 'iLoiD fi;iielt) me ixiitl) t^p gtftce;^ tin j) oi uic >' •:;»<> 37 from tame Defite^aiiiJix)ojtj()lplufte?5i '';'^^" turnebacbc mine epeiS anD.ftgljt: cBmemetfjefpintoflifeautipdtijet:, . to\»aIUet!)pl»aj^ati8W* •"'''-■ - ■ sSConfimetbpgtattouisfpjomife^Jtojft, / '^^ tDfjicl) t!^oul)all: maDe to me ♦ JBl)ic]^amtl;Fferuant,antiJJoloue ., . aiiD feare notions but tljee. 9P ^motl) ant) (l;amet»^i(^-5tiofesrer ii^lio^nl'^' 1 1 from me Q lio^h cjcpell: ^:no3 ^ (^'^ jfo]itl)oa Doftiutisetoitftequitie, Mr antJlti3eteinl)ofte!CceIl« 4oi3el)oiDmpl)artj9(i)efitfefe?bent> r: t!)pla\x)ej8;toHeepefo^p: ^ojD lllrengtljen mefo toitft ttjp grac^? tljatitperfourmea map. VAV the vi part. , ..•:.q)';^9T 3r- 41 €l)p mctciejB^ great anD mintfoft, ^^^^'^ ^ '^^ ? r let me obtatne, €) Xoi^li: Cl^pfauing^ealtblet meimop, accojliin8totl}p\x)O^D. 41 S>o fl)au 3 i^op tbe f lanb^oujai moutl^e? ofietoDmenanD tmufi:, fOiint\)V fait!)ftJllpj0mifej3^ ftanU js mp comfort anU trull. 4? 'CljeiMoiti oftrutl) toitljinrnp moutli, leteuerftiUbetpjteft: fcf intt)ptuDgement0t»onlierfuU> mv ^09^W\) UanD anu reft. 44^ntt -.J l)ot!? natucaUifepjteretue: J^eatilltl)ij9i\»oiltiIl)albe DilToUieti, tl)plat»b)ill3obrerue* 45 ;feo toameAKHl 3 agi.fet at large, aitt) maDe free from all tijeaD: iSecaiife 3 fougW l>oto fojto tope tljp pzeccptg anil t^p teat)* 46 %\)^ noble act^ 3 t»ill tiefmbe, a^tbingsJof mod; great fame: €uen before feingjs; 1|i»il t^em biafe anti ft) jmfee no t»^it foj (l^ame. 473^tlireiopcetl)ento obep tl)p i»03ttbpfte(l$ anDtoilU ji id rj^i^iclj euermo je 3 i^aue joaeb beftr anD fo U)tll loue tt)ent ftiU. 48 #P tiant>$ iMill 3 Uf t to tftp lai»ei8i, ^l^icb 31 ^aue Dearelp foii(ftt: 3iul5pzactifetl)pcommani:!ementj3(, :.'; intwiMntieeD an?) ti^ougW* ZAIN Thevii part 99 %\9c pitomife W^iti) tibou mal^ft to mr tl^pCernant, U'O?!) re member: Jf oj tljerem bane 3 put mr tcttft> anticoufiDencefoieuer. 50 3t is mpcomfozt anD mp top, \»!)eti trouble;^ me alfaile: f 01 toere mr life not bp for two^lJ , mr life ^ouiU fooue me faile.. 51 ^l)e p jont) anD fad) 03 ^oD contemne fttllmaDeofmeafcome^ PetiBoultJl'ncttbr la\s) fojfafee, ag^et&attijecefoUcjne* ^04 PfalmcGfjx) ^m'fFr ' s 2'^nt call to mint», Xof^ , tftr great too jfeie;? (l)C\3(3l) to our fatlicrs oiD: ^ ' VBt}ttztT? 3 ^f ^t t^P top furmoimt mp gi'if fe an ^imt)^eD ,fdID. s 3 ^nt ^et ala^ foi f^are 3 Qualit, feeing l)otxj twicl^etimm ^\)V la'oo fozfooke anD HiU ptocure, tl)p iut)geiuent0 \xil)ofehot»et^ tol^en. - 54.3iinD a0 fo? me,3 framOe mpfongis , tl)pfl:atute0to,cralt: : ooi^; lE>l)en 31 among ti)e arangersiDtei^^^sni ' anB tl)Oiuji)t0 gan me alTault. 5s. J tl)Ougl)t Upon t!)p name ^ )tojD, bpnigl)ttol)en oti)er|0f fleepe: 95j^fojtl)Platxialfo3Uept, anDeuerijatllitfeeepe. 5« ttlji;^ grace SHJiDdbtapne^becaufe ttjpcouenantjSftxjeet^H Deare: 31 Dili imbjtace anB alfo Keei)e \»itl) reuerence anD toiti^ feare» ' H E T H The viii part ^^ 1 »*v ».l r 57 €> .^i- ! TETH The ix part | ACcozB!ngtot^pp;omite)Lo)tr, i ^oi^ad tliou )x)ttl^ meDelt; \ ^o^of t^pgraceinfunDjiieajtiai l^aue^ti^Pfttuantfelt. ^<5Ceacftmealtoaie0to luDgeatigl^t, antigmemei^notoleDge Cure: f oj; cettainelp belfeue 31 Uoe, ti^attJ^ppjeceptj3iare pure. ^7 €ce tliou WDft toucl^ me toitl^ tl^u roI», 3IerreDanDij3ent atttap: £^ut not)) 3i beep t^l^oHptjoo^D, anomaifeert allmp flap, i | ^■■■' '6g C^ouattl30tl)gootiartt)gratU)u& b anDgiueftmoftlibecnUr: %\}Tp ozDinance^ljoto tokeepe, •^ j^- tlicrcfoze €> ]iojiiitcacl)mee. -^9 %\}c prouD ants tjoickeD men t)ane fozgtir? - >. agauidmeemanpa lie? Pcttl)p commantienientjs ftiUottfetuc, ixiitl)aUmpl)att\»ill3, 70 Ct)e(r \}mtfi are Dxiolne iwitl) toojlDlp > asgreafefoatctliepfat: (tjoealtft 25 ut in tl)p lain t)o 3 Deligljt, anU noti}mg Ceel'ie but tljat. 7io tl)at to me t\)v bjojt) anD lalw, 5 i^ Dearer manpfolDt Cl^an t i)ouranD0 great of filuer anl> gollr, oj ougl}tti}atcan betolO^.,, ^,.,^,,«c;^.,,,^,i^;,j 75feeeiugtl)j['i)anD0l)nuemat}e mejI^oiJ, A tobct!)r creature: ,; M.- liii ij,/ xx (!5rant l^not»lei)ge Ut;e\»(fe Jje^lJ) tQ.i.e^in?> toputtl)plab)e^ in tjte. . - b;» ^ 74 ^0 ti}eptl)atfeare tljeefli^allreiorce, ^l}eneuertl)epmeTee: ^ ; - , ^, 23ecaufc 31 i)aue leacncli bp tft^ JJ?o?D», ^ jol. toputmptru(lintl)eet. ' • ' ji m\)m Mil) tijp roD,tl)e Jxjpjli) i^ plageDp J feuo\))tt)ecaurefeiuftt :iin ^mu^. ^ot5al)enti}out)oftcozrertme)Lo^bi, x> tlje caufc iua necDe^ be mull. , ^,, ,,^ ■, .,;;,. . 7^iFloto 76 i!iol» of tl)r sooBneire Itljeepjaj);!, fomecomfoittomefenU: M tlm to me tl)p rerimiit ijetd:, fofron!aiUllmcR)enD» 77 -cijptettdei: mercies poure on mci anD 3 (I^allfutelp Uue: vf o^op antJ conColation botft, th^ la^ci^ to me Doe gtue. 78ConfoimDti^epjout),t»^ofefalfpjetena ij8?meefo?^totie(lror: a3utaj3!fojmetl)pl)etl!0(tolinot», abjillmpfelfeimplo^ 79 1^1)0 fo i»it^ reucrence Do tl^ee fearr* tomelettljem retire: BnD fttci^ a;e^ Do tl}p couenantjail^not)!); auDtljem alone DeCire. $oS©p^arttoitl)outaUt»auerins, - letontljpla^ejsibebent: Cliatnoconfiifion cometome, ix)l;erebp 31 ftoulD De fljent CAPH The xi part. 8ifigpfonleDotl3famt,anDceafet^not -'^^1^ ^^^'^ tbpfautng ^ealtl) to crane: anD f 0^ t6p too^Dja; falie ,atu 3 trntt mp^artjBiDefireto^ane* S2 ^pneepe^Dofatletwitftloofemgfoi tl)p too^D anD t^nj3f 3 fap: ^1^ t))i^en ix)tlt tgou me comfoi^t XojD, t»i^pDo8t^ontl)n!9i Delap? 8i M a $femnebottIe in tl^e fmoUe, , ,,, . w,.h ..*. v - foam3 patent anDlDjiDe: i ^^^^ rr ^ . geti»iU3 not ontof mp l^art, let ti)p commanDem^jnt^ffiDe; . r joS PMmcCxix •^4.3[itag! Ijoto long (Ijall 3 i^et line, befoje3|fcetftel)OUtc: C^at on mp foe$ U)l)icft me tojmetit, ti^p Vengeance tljoaUJilt poure* 8j^^erumptuou;8?menl)anctiiggctipiti^^ tl)mHingtomafeeme futc: ti:i)U0 contratieagam(i;ttela\xj^ mpi)urttl)cp DiD procure. S(5* 23ut t^p commattt»ement$ ate al true? anUcaufleiTet^ep megrieue: Cottjeet^erefoje^DiD tomplaine, tl^att^ou migl^tft: mereiieue. 87 3Iilmoft t^ep !)aD "me clearte DetlroiD^ ant) bioug!)t me quite to gtount) J^et bp ti}p ftatutejeJ 3 abotie> ant) therein Tnccour fount). Ss Eeaoiemelo^tiagatnetoUfr> fojtljpmercieisi etcell aint) fb n^all 31 tl)p couenantg feeepc^ till Deatljmp life eicpell. LAMED The xii part . . . I B^eauen,lo;t),\3E)l)ei:etftout)o(l: btoetl; 1 tl)pt3oo;Dii3;fl;abli(]^tfure; 3nDfl)alfoz all eternities - faa gtauen tljece iut)ure. *^^' ^^ 86 jFcomagetoage t!)e tmt^ abib^, a$t)otl) tl)e eattl) iDitneffe: s^ljof^' grounti i^o^fee t^ou traff laitJ to fiire^ a^notonguecanerprelE%'' '''-'• ^" Cutn to tl)i$; t)ap toeijcelimapfec, l)ot(j all tl)ingjBi perCeuece; : ,.^ lcfC?^ingtotl}po^Diuance, :^'^2 Mallt!?ing$tl)eei:euete. * I?-. FfalmeCxix n l^aD it not beene,t^at in tt)? lata mp foule l}ati comfort fought: }Long time ere noi)) mmpHtftveffi^, J ^aD beene b^ugi^t to naught* 95 t:l)etefo?et»fll3 tbppjeceptjaiap, mmemo^iel^eepefall. :t3r tbem tbott l^aa mp life refto^De, i))ben3|toai8;atldfi:cafi:. 94 00 iDi^tto mecatt titlema^Cx fo^Jamonelpfi^tne: ^auemetberefoj^,antitotbplatoiel mpeareiefanDi^art incline* 9$ ^l)et3tc&et)men^ofeeUe:mpiianea ant) thereto lie in taait: 'ButHit^e to^ileconfiOeteD tbp noble t»o,ii^e^ anb great 9^3feenotbingintbi$ toibe tjoojilb, * atlengtbt^bicb batb not enb: 25ut tbp commanbementiBf anb tb? toojb, beponb all time ejDtenb. MEM The xiti part 97n0i^atgteatbefireanb fetuent loua DoJbeatetotbPlabo? ailtbebaplong mptobolebeuife ijB(onelpontftpfa\». 95 Cbr^o^bbati^taug^tmefar topalTe, mpfoe^inpolicie: f 0? dill 1 feeepe it ag a tiding, of mod ejDcelleticie* ^9 #p teacbct^ t33bicb ^i^ nte inStuct^ inlmotDlebgeiBewell: I5ecaufe3l bo tbpcouenantisil»ecpe, anbt^emtoot^ct^tell. ~ 1 i 3«P 3ro Pfalmc Cahx *oo 3[n\x)ire6ome3I Dopaffe alfo t!)e anciciit men mDeetJ: aint) an b ccaufc to becpe tbp laiue^sf, 3I!^c!D itapbefl: rccD. ioi a^pfect 31 l)aue refrapncD e!i.e, fromcuerpeutlliDap: 25ecauret!)at3I continimllp tl^p)»03il»migl)threpe3! i^V- loij !)aueuotfU)emDfi:amtl)pi«ligemet^ nojpet(l);iinlfeeaupt)ell: fo} \»!)P^ tl)ou Uaft me taught tijetebp, toliuegoDlpanDixieU. 105 €) )iLo3ti) ijoto toeet t^nto mp taft, fitiD 31 ti^p tooiW alb)ap? jDoubtlelTe no l^onp in mp moutf) feeleougfttfofHieetf «iap* 1 04i:i)p lainejs ijaue me liicft luifeDo tearniJ tl)atil)ttetlp3It)ate, 311 \»icueti anti t ngoOlp UjaieiBf, meuene^tnDottate. NVN ^ xiiii part E5llen a$ a ^Lantljecnc to mp feetr fotiotl)tl)ptooit)(l)fne biiglbt: ^nUtomppatljeftto^ere euerJI gof, itfeflframuiglcg!)t. 105 3 ^aue botlj f ujojine anli l»iU petfojmc, mod cettainelptioubtleire: €l}at 31 toil! ^eepettjp couenauts iiltt> antJtljemiuUfeeicp^efl'e. I o5 ?i(ff uct (on i^ati) me foie oppiteff , ant) bioiigbt me toDeatbes? bojei £>'ilozli a0tl)oul)al!; pjomireiD, CbmetoUi^:t;e(tQ;c. PialmeCxix ^j, acceptanDteactjmei^otx) 3may aftertl^piuDgementgdiue. lop^pfoulcijs; apfommptjant)^ t^atuangeri0(itairafle: getDo3nottl)platofo;^8et:/ nojiitto feeepetDiUfaile- iio3i!tl|oii5^tftetx)ickeDlaiDt^efcnet$[, tocatcl^meatabj^ap: pctntli 3 not ftom tljppjecept?, onceftomieo?'goallcap: III tE^p la^ 3li^awfociaimbalixiaj^ a^mmeolxjnei^cmage: ainU toftppfo? tljerein 3 Deltgbt, anH fetmpiD^oIecouraffe- ^ t^Pftatute^to fulfill: ^' Cuen tb lifteUJife Iwito m enD. ^ JtJoiiicommueftiiL Ji^iECH Thc^rpart 7^#ecratoeftaiti9(anDDouWetbouab«. ^/^C^ou artmpbiDanU fccretplac^ looWfojtoiti^ patience. ix/^otot^etefo^epe twicfeeD men, ^ pcpattftommeanone: *^^^S^^l?^^"^^«»^«W toll 3keepe of(^olimp)lo?lialone: *^ iT2 Tfaiutc Cxix tl)at Deatl) me not alTat le: lioz !ct mp l)opc abufe me fo> tl;attl)?ou3l) tiiftmftSlQimile. 117 BpI)olt>meantJ3i n)aUbefefey foi ougbt tl^ep Do 0; Cap: 3lnD in ti)p flratuteis^ pleafure ta^ ^ill 31 botlj nigljt anl) Dap. iiS Cljou ^ad: tro'D fuel) buDcr tWtttt a0 Do tbj> ttatute$ bjeafee: f 0; nougt^t auailejQi tbetr rttbtiltte> ti^etr cotittfell ii9( but iweafee. 1 ip )[Lii^e DtoITe tbou cailiet tiie t»tekeD ont^ iDberc euer tijep go 0} Dtoell: Ct)erefo3^ eaii 3 a^ t^p (latuteiBf, louenor^mg ^alferotoelL uo ij^p f led) ala$ i;9i tafeen toitft featr, a0 tl}ougb it ixjcre benumbD: dfojUjl)en3l fee t!)p iuDgement!0?> ttrataftfc 3[ama;8fonea(louD» ^ A/N The xvi part j^z 1 3 Do tfte tl)ing tljat latofulltlsf, ariD guieto all men rtg^t: EeHgne me not to tljem tliat trouIU opp^c(!emel»ttl)tl)eit: migl^t,. i22 25utfojti)preruanttotetp bee,, in tljatt^mgtl^t is? giioD: "Cijat p^ouD tnen giueme not tljc foilc> l)D!)tcl}i;agea.sitl^eplx)ei:e iroou. i2^^^'cpesfijoitl)\»atc5jtngarenoi» b^i^^? tl)p bealti)fo m\ic\} 31 ctaue: a[|iiDek?tl)pngl)teou3:p3tointfe JlojD, tjcitjcr^bp t^ou \»(ltme fane* 142 Jittreair PfalmtCxix Cif u43utrcattl)^feruant lountgU'e, anDfauoutto lbtm;fl)ob), tR)pftatutei9(afmofl:;ercenence, tead^mealfo tobnotx). 125 ^fti>^nmblefetuant,t|.ozD J am, Stantmtto tnDetltatm: l^oto liptl^^aatuteieiS mapHnolD» bed t»l)dt to tabe in i^anti* ia« 3It ignoto timcXojti to begut, f(^tt:ut^ijeiqiutei>ecat^> C^pia\»libet3oiretbep^aue tranrsreff^ ^ anDnoneagainfttljemratD. tib?la\»e!3ibettert^en 90ID, £D^3[e)»eIisifmetbatare eftecmO> moftcoffltetobefolD. uS Bttl^ougbttt^pp^eceptiQiallmoS iuI^t^ ant) fo t\)tm laiD in fto^e: ^lIctaftteianD maitttouie! \x)nxtfii 3|Doabl)o^retbetefo^e» ?E Tbcxviiipart nri^^ coueuantjs are moft iwoulierfun ^ antJfuUoftbmgSpjofoimU: n I ipS^r foiile tbetefo^e iiot^ feeepe tijem tUrr Hjljen tljep ate tcit)e anU feimD. 150 ll^1}en men fttil enter into tbp t>)o;Dr tl)ep finD a Ugi)t mod clearer ainliberie3Btoti@( bntJerftanB, \»\m t^tv ft real) oj bearr. 131 f oMopJbauebotbQapn anti bjeati^b, to fenotj) tfyv commantsement, ^I^at3migftts«ibempltfetl)erebp;, 3 raagijt tob^t tljingit mem. 3f^ — -^ PfalmcCxjx 7/2 tle)Al) mctcicant) con^pnlHon botlj, l)Ci}olDmcfrcmabone: »gti}ouactU)outtobci}olD fuc^, a5ti;pnamcfcaceanD loue. i3?Btrectmj?footllcp$;bp tljpiDojlr, tl)at H ti)'p t»i!l map bnoi»: :intincucrletiniqiutie, t!)prcruant ouertlxiolxj. ii4fromflanc3tousfton$$gttJeat)lpIjannei9i pwfcnic ant) feeepe^mcfure: Cljp precepts; t!)en 1^)1(131 obferue, anDputtljemclfccinb^te. 1 35 C^p countenance b}l;iclj tiotlj ftirmout, tbe&unnembfebjigbt betu; )Lct(l;meonmcanU bptl^plaixi, teacbmeijotjat to efcljelD* i56€>utof mpepejefgreatftouDeis: girfj out, ofb^earieteace^auD fell: ml^m'i bei^oID tjotx) \))tciieD men tljp latoeiBifeecpencuer anelK ZADJE Thcjwiii.part '^ ' m 3{ncueriepoiut)tozliti^ou artiuOi ttje tDtckeD t^oug^ tijcp gcutcl): iiilnD )]al)en tbouDodfentence p^iouomtce, tbou act a cigljteouiaf iuDge. i|8Corcnticrtigijtanbflee from guile, arc tttio c^tef e pointjB? f uH Ijie: 3nD( uclj a$tl)ou baft in tl^p lato commanUet) Ij^ftraitelp* ^9 iPitt! ?eal anD bjiatlj 31 am confumfte? anlieuenpmUeatxjap, Co fee mpfoejei tbp iroiDfoigct, fojoug^ttljatSDbmapt '4o)&0 PfatraeCxiaf. Jii 1 40 ^0 pure aul) perfect tjai tl^p bjcjijr a!0(anpi)artcant)eeme: ISnti 3 tl&p femant noticing mo?e, Doloueoipetedeeme^ i4i 3lntitl)cuglj'3!benotl)tn5fetl?)?, 30 one of bare Degree: J^et Do 31 not tl)^i^eft0fo?get, noi^ Q^^tnHe atsap from ti^ee. i4z'Ci^prtgl)teoufneffe;V.o^D,ii$moii: tuff, fo2 euer to tnDure: Zlb t^v Ia)» tjQitrut^ tt reUe> inon:cona:antanD moapure. 14? Crouble atiD grtefe liaue feafD on me^ auD b^ougi^t me U)onD;ou$ loto; l^etDoJ ftilloftl}ppjecept$ Deltg^tto l)eare anD l^noti^* 1 ^4^t)erigl)teourne!Siofti&p iuDgementsf,^ Dotl)la(l:fojeuermo?e: Cl)en teacl) ti^em me foji euen in t\}tm mrltfelietljtjpmfto^e. KOPH The xix part. 145 wiiA) feruent Ijart 3 calD auD criDe^ no^ ann»ereme€> &o^Dt C^at t\^v commanDement^ to obterue 3raapfiUlpacco;D» 14^ Co tijee mv ^oB ^jwafee mv fute, iDitl^ mod ftumbl^ requeft: S>3ue me tfterefoje, anD 5 ^rtlfe^^P^ t^V p?ecept0 anD ti^p \^tft^ iA7 Co c^ee 31 crie eiien in t!)e mojne, befojett}eDap^arIigW: 25ecaufe tljat 3 l)aue in tftp "toajl^ mp confidence ix^liole plight- f I om fo iul>geme)toj5, Icalt life 11)01110 me fo^Cai^e, X 5o3^p f oe;8?b?a\» neare anD Do pjoaire, mpbeat^malttiouQte: i^l)icl):fromttipla\x) ape fat gone bacbr> ariD itraib0foomitletx)t)lp* 151 cberefo^e £) TLoiD app;oc^ tl^ounearei foi^neebDotl^ Co require, ainti all t\)v p:ecept0 true tbep are, tbeni^elpeltijeebefire. 15 ^i^pebp commaiiDementiss 31 4aue learnt not no)u but long ago: Cljatttiep remaine fojeuermoje, tl)ou i^att t^em grounDeD (0* RESH ^ Thtxxpart 133 \>ri^ trouble 'anU affliction, -*'^'*- conftber anb beljolb: ©eliuer mefojoftbplatx), leuertafeefafti^olb* i^4.}d:fenbmpgoob anb rtgl^teouie^cauC^, init^ fpeeb me fuccour tm\): f rombeatb aiai tbonftaft pjomifeD, Tlo^b iteepe |me anb befen b. 15? M fo]itl)e tMicfeeb farre tljep are from bauing bealtb anb grace: iJDt)etebpt!)epmigl)t tbp ftatuteis fenol», t^ep enter not tt)e trace. iji^^reat to^at tongue can ttjem laittaine? IfnDajeit^oui^aamemDgDete nota, (Diet me life obtaine. i57^i^ougl^mahpmen Dib trouble me. anbpetfecutemoftfoze: Petfr:omtbplat»es3!neaet fljjunHe, no? i»ent at»?ie ti^refoje: 1^8 3^nDttutl)iti$fo3i8nefe3 Hie, toljcnj ti^efetraito?)S! fee: ©ecaufetl^ep]^eepenot»i^ittl)ptJ30fD> no]i pet feei^e to knoixi t^ee* x5923el^olDfi)ODo louetljp latoeis?^ lx)itl) i^att mofl: glaD anD faint: ^ i o:;. ; , 3fi8it]^ouattgooDanl)gratioUj3!>?Ur?li^qnirf{trlit.-. , teftotempltfeagaine. ' v''- :^ Fc - -^ :'j'r ' -^^^ i^or©ijattl)pi»oit)Doti) Decree muft bee* antifoitijatijbeeneeuen .^..,j ., tEl^prigi^teouiBfiuDgementjeiare alfcb^ndu; . ,. .; ;, moft true anD Decap neuer- fe '^ ^:fli ni'in^'i'.'q ^-^ SChIN The wt part '^rq i-/x slT pUincegl)aueroug]^tbpcrttettt¥' ' - ■*- caufelelTetomafeemecrouc^ Odut all int)aiue,foj of tbp t»bjD, . tl)e feare tiiD mp bart toucl>. 162 %nb ccrtainelie eucn of t^p iwojbj 3ftoa!Smoie merrieanD glat), 'Ci^an l)e tobtcl) of ricb fpoile0 anD piap great (lo.ie anD plentp baD^ i^i 30 foj all liejsi anD f alfitp, 3l)atemoftaaDDeteil: #0? i3obi>:' ti)p l)olp lai^eisDo 3, aboueallt^tng^louebtft. «Jcri^ i7^;t>eaueti *>(c nt PfalmcCAttx 1^4 ^^auen timei^ ar»ai? Jpzatfe tljee )toja finging iDitl) imt an'o Doipce: / ' q:i}p cig'otcouaf act3 anD, \MaaDei;fuII> r' - : fo caiifc nie to rcfopce* , ,;,-|;!^;, ;j^i |5o J)angei* [I?ail tljeii: qutet ilatc, impaiitoioncercmoue. : i.i>'^. .^ j 1 66 c©iue ouelp ijcaltl) auD comfo;t it^bjtji ^ 3loofeefo,iattl)p!jauD:. 3liD tlietcfoic l)auc i Uouc tl)ofe tbmgiBJ, .'. ^^ «^, tl)attl}buDiDGme commanti^ :!'*^^^ 1 6Z ^!)p lat»e0l)aue bccne mp cicercite, - » ,^^^ /- loo'^icljmproule moHDefircP: ^0 mucl) to tUem mpldue l^a^ jbeutj tljat nougl)t cIiS 3I reqiiiret) . 1^8 tiDl)p (latateisi atiD commanHementie?, , ^', x - 3Ifeeepet^ou Iviiolwef!: uigfyti ai^ '-3^ >*♦ fojaUt^etl)mg^t!iata;tou^J59ne, H:"'^'' v^v;, arep3:erentintl)pfisl)t. 2jiir, ^ ' TAV Thcxxiipart. • .^^ -, r- i69^:tojtilet mp complaint wlJcpie' i^,??" i befojetbpfaceappeare; " nr ^nv.^i^ 3tnt) as; t^ou^aa me piomite ^aie, V ^ . , foteacljmcetijeetofcare. .^'-'^ x7o#pne fumble fuppUcatioii, tot3aarti!3i tbee let fiitt) accelTe: atnl^ grant me )Lo:D Deliuerancej fbjfoi^tljppiomife^ 17 1 'cl)^n ft all mp Up^g; tljp pjaifeisffpeah^, after mod i)umblefojt: U^ljeut'^outi^p ftatutei9( ^aftmetaugl^t, to^erein ftanD;3( all tomfojt. _ - apDontiii^twiC^fapa^all: <^oli^famoui2^act;SahD noble \tiW0, ateiuftanU perfectaiUr -^ i r.^ ^ii ; 1 7?^tretc]& out C^i^ftanD, J tWhttm^y atiurpeeUtlpmefaue: , / JFojtljp commanDcmentgitoobrerae, c]}oren€) itojD,3l ftauet.; ^:,:: • 174 €)f tl)eea!one,i(Lo?t)3 ctralir^ealtl?> foj others bnot» none: ----r^ Sfint) in tl)^la\»anD nothing eliei, 3 Uo tJcitgW ate^e^ ' im Jnc «w3ia ^3b nir / • i 1/5 dDtant mc tiicrefo^e long Me^ toU'i^i ^i^-i ^^^ tftpnanietomagniftc: ^nti of tl)pintJ3ement;8;metcifuU lyWotJiwa^loaanD lijpritfvain:..;. ...,^./,^^^^^^^^ ' mnmmtv. \3omiDimgftcepe: '■'^•^**'''=^^^'^* £> feefee me,fo^ 31 l)auehotfdiin,. ^^^'i : ttjp commanliementis to feeepr* i: a.^ i :22 AdDominum, Pfal. Cxx. T.S. ft S»icUtDncfl"eai«) contention, _; _ " .% .. ' * Hr— ^- 1 3n troubi|^an5.iu t^)?^ll^'^^^ feXojD 3] tti\UmX> tjr- Bof9 me comfort : 2 b eliuer me 2 fa? , from licr0 Up^ atoap. Ho tJtl Pfalme. Cxxx..^ixD ^rnfi^I a-- Ss ', m]\ ;a ■: altoap, aut) tong of falfe tepoijti ; ijal)att5antageb;t»ftm:t!)m8;gctfttffb&tl|U|2lfo^^ Cl)on falfe ant) flattcrtng lier;? 4 tlT^p tong Dotl) i]urt 3! toeen, no l^cti^an artQtoeiSl^eit j^f l)otecc^nfummgfire» -.C"^'':^^^^ 5 SClaie^toolongSflaclictjottijmtbefetcntiBifoWacU. lDl)icl) i^eDatjs! arc bp name: 33? bol)omti)e3oc]fe elect, anD all of Jf^aciaf feet, uu au ^repiittoopm(l)ame;. ;;irirj^r.' pnDtti^tl)emtl)atpeacetiil)l^te,3cameapeacetd'make, anDfetaqmetlife: 7 23ut toijen mp tMo jD i»as tolD , caiifcleiei a ^^is^ controlD 'Bp t^cm t^^at ir oulti pue ftnf e» Leuaui oculos. Pfal. Cxx« W»W« tbcir fuccotic of (!5o&aloncS»])0);ctU2oitcim€.aiiD gtacQccDCucccactoaltijetrgoo? ipcntcrpufra. ::,;r .vxl-fc .-VT .rnnru ^;a^ ' liy^gii^ I 3 lift mmeeics: to ^tonljiU , from toljencej tio at# — ^- t:s=s=-s:r-r I^^^^IeII teiiD, tl)atf«ccour®ot)mefenD. 2 Cljemigljtie ©oD 8= fe f^lEg^ EfElEJ ^ ^ -— meruccoitoiU,\xil)icl)ljeauenanD eattl) ftameD^anD all u ■1— H — Pialmc Cxxii i^i all t5 ing^ tijcrem names): ?jnDlxsi!ltl)eefaf:I:p^eepe, f oz l)c txjil! n?aec flecpe. 4 Xo ^e tl)at Dotv) 3 iraUl cDuCerne, i5oflcep^ataUcaul)im catcl], 75i\t W tic^ tJo eiiec ij^atc!^* •ClLljeUojtitetl^P ixiarrmjt alljjap, t\)t U oiti el^e Bcft tijec couer: 3;^ at tkv m^t ijant! eiicr. 6Cl)eftmnc(I}ailnottI}eep5rc!)bptiap, iFlojt tlie moone not l)alfe fo bjig^t* ^ ^!)all i33itl) colD t^ee l)urt bp nigi^t^ 7^l)eS.ozDli53ill!ieepetl)eeft:om Dftreffe 3i(nD UJill ti^plifefure faue, 5 3n all fop bufmcrfe gooD fticcclTe:: Wi^ztt euer tl^ou goeft in o? out, (^oD tjodl ti;? t\)iixg$ bjmg about, Lsetatusfum. pfal.Cxxif. W.K. fi5* 5D?uft rctoicctl) tbat (I5oi» accompliajctlj W0 pjotnlfe anD placcD f^jgf ar& ei « ^totl smtng tl)flnlJ0> anD pje^mg fa? fcije p^ofpCTitie of tljcel?urcl}. El >—^^ zz:±z±tt: 1 31 BitJ in l?art tetopce to Ijmtc t\)t peopled botce, in offej:^ ins to ixiiU(n3lie;f J let i?$ bp fap t!)ep ^ in t!;e jLozB^f 23b* t;ouf^ 3 22 PfalmeCxxit l)Oiirepiap>tDu^fpaUetl)efoii^efullloiiin9li\2,a[>ur tnt $: r^- -^— ^ T"T — lt~i"^" ! — lit , -^. 1 s:iiralemfuUfairc:3."tol)ici)art fofeemclp fet,mucl)I&e a Cittie neatC;t!;eIifec\xi!}eteof ig notelfetr^ere* 4Cl]ctnl)eiSitottl)oneaccc?D,tl)e tnbejafof^oDt'^e )lojt)r are tl)ltl)er bent tiieii: tonp to talker §)0 d^oti before DiD tell tljat tljere W SIftaell,. tljeirpiaper^ (I)oiUD togetljennaue. 5 f D?ti)ereare tlnonc^etect jant)t()atfo^tl](a( refpect, ^ tof^t foouMuft'ceo^iUerlp: I30l)icli tb^oiicgf rig^)t to maiiitamcto ©auitiiS Ijoufc pertaar,, l)i0 fol&e to tutjge accojtJinglr • 6 ^oviHv let b0 not ceafe, fo^ 3IerHra!em;8? peace, t!)pfrieiiB2^cBoI)p?oll)ennigI>ti!p: y -^^^^^^ - - ; 7}Bi?arebetI)e*ii3aKaboiit>an&piofpi:i:tbeetl)^a3l^ ti)p placeiBfefeccontimiallp. ^ 3 tutO) tl)p piofiperoii^ flatc>foi mp.pooie bzaijtcti^irai; t tliat cj3?]]fo:tbanel>p meaner of tijce: ": rrri Q'6oi)i5l)oiiretJot^)ntcn'lute,tbpU3caltijfaUbpjocin:e> fa iniiclialixiaieg a^ Itetli m n\t. PralmeCsaiii.CxxIiiu 313 Ad teLeuauiPfal, Cxxiii.T^S. 31 pmtroftln eaitbfB! io^ic^ ere afflicted bj tlje JWcHcft a^o^loHits^a?*^ (on'.emncrs 3 lift mr ete0 to t^ee: S the 2 1 pfai. r C5ucna^t!jefetuantlifteti^lj(2(, ^ 2 3i;3? I^antimaitie^ i»atc^ tl^eir miftrerfe fome grace foj to atcliiue: (i^anDeiB?, ^0 b)e beSclt) tl^c H^o^D our (!5oD, t(IHjetiot6ii^fo?giue, 3 )lojD,srantt)j8[tl)i'comparCion, iToj toe are f ilD auD ouercome toitl^ IjatreD ann l5efpig»)t: 4^urmmliei0?beftuft txiitl) greate rebube, tf;e ricl^ anD \»03^lDlp ^tfe ©0 msfteof b$ tl^eir mochtng ftothg, t6ep?out)DoWtiifpife. ^ Nifi quiaDomi. pfal. Cxxiii-W* W C9eCattl)fnUt)elkcredout of great danger, acbnowIcdS notto ^atte cfca^eM'^t^ett o£dh pojver.bttt tl)?oa3^ t^efauour of 0oD* S p—r—f-^f Y — ^ — " '- — "^ — '^ ' - 0o\xy 3!fraenmapfapantitl)attruely,iJ tliattlie)!Lo;D :±=$ — — ?>--xr —^-4^— ^tittototttfmtffemamtamUjiJftiiat ttie jLojDi&atinot »b2, tm Pfalmc Cxxv, i:r3r=±=r4==^=^?^^^^^ : J=iri:±zz3:fc :=: -t ii^obj long ago tl}erl)a^t)enoureti b^alt, :3(int3fo3allo'D3ftiqutct>cfczoug!)tfrmt ^e coulDtieenie^ i&uci) twastljeir tnge> a^ivoe mtgl)t D3cU cfteeme . 42int) as ti)c f loutiis ixntl) tntgl}ti^ foice ho fall: . ^0 l)aio t\}zv UQiD out linens mm bjougi^t to tlj^ail. $ '^lieragtng {treame0,n!ollpio«ti in toaringncice, l^xiti long ago ouemljclmU b;5 in tl)e Decpe: 45'ButloueDbe(53D,^l)icl)tiotl)D^rafclp feecpe* -^ from blouDp teeti), atiD tlictr moll cruel; toice> i3E^l)icl) a^ a p jar,to e.at,e b^ ^oult) mo^ce. ,7- (^i\m a^ a bitt) out of tbe foulcr^grin cbtcap etb a\x)ap,tiQ;l}t fo it fatctb ^itl) b^, 23;cfe e are toeir nct0,a!iti toe l}aue fcapcD tbu^. 8 cl50lJtbatmatjel)eauenanDeartl),t;5Ourbclpc tljcir,, i^ig name i] atl) faueU hf^ from tl^ef^ U)tcUeD men. Quiconfidunt.pfal.Cxxv.' W.K. ^ c_!)e.Ccribctli tbcafi'urancc of tJjcfai.l>fiii m t^«ir affiwltonp,an5 DcTtrctl-t^ftr tUrtltlj 3L ^tict?,a;s in 0otitbe)Lo,il) Do truft as mount ^lon fball ftrme- PfiFfttcCxxv. siy llf^l^^^ggg firmlp (lanli,^ be remoucli at no ^anH,t^je)Lo,iD t»tl tout T-^TT-rfrjr 4.^. ft e rigi^t ^ tua,fo ftat tlje^ (l^albe fure,fbj euep to taDwe. a 3(ij8^mi5btpmoimtame0 bus^antjgreat, ^etuCalem about bo clofe t ^otaiUtbeMibbebntotbofe, )<,„,./ iJg)ljo oubij3JgoWptoiUDo twait. ^^""^ ^ucb are to btm fo beare, ^ l|ep neuer neeb to feare* ^ f ouboiiBbtbengbteougtriebotl^^c, 23p malktug t)oicfeeb men b tf rob : Jleaft tbeptbiougb grief fojfalfee t^eir (PoU 3t fl;all notlas tbeir lot m be. 4 (^ui:)lo^b to tbofetbplifibt, ijabofe bart0 are true anb rig^t* «? Butas^foifucbaja^turneafibe, ■^ p croheb toaie^ tobicb tbep Cougbt out, ■Cbe t oib toill furelp biting to nougbt, l©itb txJojfeeiBi moft bile tbep fljall abibe, But peace boitblfraell tfojeuermoje(|)aUbto)ell An other of the fame by R,W> T i^ofe tbat bo put tbeir confibence, S^'"^ this^ixt? ^ mpontb.e)U)?bour(^oboneIp: fcT'S a^nb flee to bun fo j tbeir befence, jnalltl^eirneebanbmiferp, ®b 3 Cljeif Cl)cii: aitft ij^ furc ficme to enDiire, (i5i:ouiiIietJ Dii.Cl)iift tije cozner (lone: !^ijueliixitt!^ tTOiTttl!,biit fl-anDetljftillT ^eDfWiftetotl^eapDimt ^loit^; - ^•" • t'3linD agal?out3!enif^lem, '^Ijemtgljtiel^iteDo it compaffe: ^aHtt^atnomemteiJcorneto ttiemr ; '^otjurtttjattotwitem anrcaft.tr!)tf, M j^j r ... .. j ^o(ii5oDmDeeDe,iueucrieneeDe ^'' ' *' ^i^ faiti)full people tiotlj DefenU: j^tanHingtljembpaffuretili):* ■ -y ■ f rom tl)i0timefoul) ixjozllj tx)itl)fiirtfcitJ. ia(gl)t i»ife anti gooD is(otit )Lojl) )l>oiti Uefent) two^ilD twitftout enDt, Cljpct^iiftian flocketlxzongl)tljp gooDnelTe*. €^ )to;l» Do gooti to Ctj^idtang: all, CljatfteDfallintl}!? ixjozti abiHe: ;S>ucl)a;S\»ill(ngliefrom d^oDfall, 3inD to falfe Doctrine Daplp fliDe, ;§>ncl) tx)il! tl)e )tojDfcatter abjoaD, naitl) l)ppocriteg^ tl);oixineD,o^Heto ftell : itft6ut enDe, 23iit %o}'0 graunt peace to 3ftaeL ^!orj> to <5o^ tljc jf atl)er of mig!)t, ^[^nDtb'tUe &onne our^amoiir:||,.,0TJc ni^u 3[!nDtotljel)oUe (5!)oa,\»l)orc ligljtf '/r-jyr- ^ ^tne m out ijearteg auD h^ fuccour. "^ ■ Z\}tt In conucrtenfo. pTal. CitxvS' W.K.'^' "*\ Ci'tflf pfatme teas maoc af f cf t!jc rctottic o f t l)p cople from 13 abtloit antj fl&cfucf^ tl) It tlje mcanc o; t^eir Ddi'icrance &>aff teonDcrfuU after tbe fettsntp pcai c0 of capi= tiatuefo^rpoisenbp31crcmte.25,i2unD.29.[o* j^±^^^Eg^E|i fromtJonDage great ant» alfo CemtuDe ejctteame:l?ii9i fc :i, jl i j^lz:fe ^^ --»— $=3£ m ^m jt to tl)at i»e ixiere muci^ lifee to tftem tW ^fe to D jeame* ± i::jr^±f |;;4ziji" ^^ 2.€)urmoutl)c^ti3ei:etoitl)!au8i^terfiUelitl^en,6tebe ^ — grff . 'iMi. ;4f f /,^]^jl 23lj 4 ^^ :jjj8 PfalmeCxxvii ^ c!)c!iCcitl)enfome \»'et:efo^cet)tlientl)i^toconre(re, ]^o\J3 t't)at tl)e )loiD foi tl)em alfo great tl)i!ig0l)ali Done: ^ But imicl) mo:c ^e,mit) tl)crefcjie can cwifefTe no Icffc, 4 tt8> cfoic to top b3C Ijaiic goob caufc a^ lue begmi. 4 iS) ^oiD,go fojtl),tl)ou cand out bouDage enD, %% to Defcrt;8(; tl)p flo^joiug tiucrjai CeuH* 5^ full true \i i^,t^at tlicp ^l)icl) fob) ixiit!) tearc^tnUeeD,, 3(1 time unU,come,U)l)cn i\\v^ (Ijall rcape in miitl) anU iop : Cl)cp \»ent'anti iwepttn beartngof tljeir pjettaitsirccD, f 01 tl)at ti^etrfoes; full oftenttntej^Ditrtljemannop* ' :z3ut tl)eir retucne iDitlj top tl)ep (Ijallfure fee, Ctjeir (l)eaue;8;^l)omeb^ng,anD tiot impaired be» NifiDominus. Pfal.Cxxvii. W.W. i^int X&VAt xms\A tDit. power, o; labo^but tl)e free QOODneOic of , Cjccept tfte iLoiti be tl^eir Cafegart). 2r -ciKrtigl? pe rife earlp in tl^e Htojtte>.f — :^-it:jt~"::~'^ 3(in^fijat nigl}t galateto beir, ' ~zTr^ :Peelungfuin)arDlp\joitP;ot3onebzeali:~ -i— -, l^et ixiere ^mc labour loft anb ijoozne 25uttl)epi»t)ome(l^otH)otl)loueanti.lseepe, ■, EeceiuealltljiugiSAjoit^ciuiet fleepe^T^:^:- :"::.:. ^::„^ 7, Cl^erefo^marftei»eII,b)!)enercpmir5t: "i:r ~r_r:£":a tEljatmeniiauetjcire^to'enioptljeirlanD:,, ,-. ..„.,-. - 3it is tl}e gift of (!5oti0 o\3ane Irant!. - foi(i5ol)btmfelfeDotl)muiei{Hp> / -r~ i)f4>is great liberaKtp. * " ; ^ijeWelRngofpoaeritp;. •^''" • ' ■ 4 35nl5^ PfalmeCxxviiii j2p 4 InD l»]t!en tlje c^ilDmt come to age, 'Cftep gro^ in fttengtl) anU actiueneffe, Jnpetfon anD in comeUneiTe : jS>o t^at a (l)aft (l)ot toitlj coiiragry £)f one tl)at Ijatt) a mod; ftrong antte, f Ueti) not fo f iToif r noiDoti^ liHe Ijarme^ 5 ^ iwell i^ \)im tljat Ijatft fti^ qiuuci:, i:ui:itiR)el>t»itl) fuci^ artillerie ;: f 0? ix)i^m in petill l)e (ball be, t: ^ucb one (ball neucclbaUenoj (biuei? ODben tijat be pleaDetb befoie tbe iulise, ^gainO: W foe$ tbat beamb bun gi^ubgc. I ■■ -i- BcatiomneJ, Pfal.Cxxviii. T.S. C l^re <0DercnbeMt)e p;torperoti0 cftatc of pcrronsntdrrtcD ttt tl^frare of <]?o0,9ifd tht v^otwXts of hcxo^pf.c 2fozoftbplabo?.tboa(balteat,, <- -^^ bapppatttboulfap, 3 )LiHefruitfullbine)S»ontbebottreRbe?, fobotbtbpt^ifefp^ngout: •^'^^'' Cbp cbilbzen Itanti UUe ^itueplantio?, tbp table rounb about. 4 'CbuisJarttbonbleft tbat fcat:eft(l5oI3, anl>;be 11)311 let tbee fee: x'Cbr PJomifei) lleturalemi, anl)bi;3ifeUcit^ 6: ^bou fljait tbr cbiiti:=en;3( cbiltijenfee,. to tbp great tQte$ mcreafe : 3nt)ttUet»ife grace on 3ft;iell» ft^ofperttpauftpeacc. 'SingtbistG* 1 the tune of < tbc lOJ.Pf. ( ^iS PfalmcCxxijf^Cxxx Scepe cxpugnauerunr. Pfal. C^xix, N. C ^c abtnonidjctl) tbc cbarcfj to r.ioi>ce, tljouglj af:IictcDtnalla2€5,foi <5otit»ftlt«* iiucr It, anD fuODctilp Dclli:opt};c cmmicg! tbcrecf. Ojf t tl)cr, no\3a 3irtaeUmnp Tap, mc from mp poutlj affailti : i £I){tti)epairatlDmefrommppoutl^, pet neucr tl)cppietmtlD* : 3 tHponmpbacIict^eploU3eri8fptol3o6, " auDfarroVoe^longDitJcafl:: : 4 tli:i)c s;igl)teou3iiLoiD i)atl) cut tl)e cojlw? oftoJicKeDfoeg^atlaft. 5 ci)eptl)atl)atel}im,l!)al!beaa;ame))^' :"" suntunicDbacfeijalfo: ^ ainD maUe aja; gralTe bpon t\)c Ijoufe, tftat \»ttl)eretlj ere it grot»* 7 Di^etcoftl3emo\»cr cannot finO inoug^tofillljiis^ftanD: |ioi 1)0 can fill !)t;s! lap tljat goetl^ togleanetjpontljelanD. 001 palTerjS bp piap (Boh on ttient toleti^t^bleiringfaU: :^-j^, ^oxfap, i»eble(rcpoumtl)ename' of(^oDtlje)Loil>atalu Deprofundis. Pfal.Cxxx. W.\A^* ^neffcctu(ntfiep;ta?crtoobtai»eitiercpanD toi^nentfli of ^i0linncflt,ant> at Icnstb^ Dctiucrance from ail cuil0. — Su^J :3E a =;z^ i.)lo:l» to t^ee 3 mafte wp mont, twi^m Dattgcrsi me op* PJffe "PLlmc'GxxxI ^3 1 m p^fTe : 3B caU,3 fi3l),platne auD groiie, trading to Sua .^-^ m ttme:^ let ti^tne eareis^ ar bcpzcft Unto ti^i^ p japer mim. T^ €) )loitJ out (^oD if tl)ou taoeigl) our ftn8i,ant) tljem peture: i©l)o (!)all tl)eu efcape, ant) far, 3 can mp felfe ejccufe. 4 23at jiozD tl)OU art mercifulUanD turuH to b;S tl)p grace t tici^at tj)e li5 i^artis moft carefulU)oult» f eare bef o]ie t^p f a c e 5 3n 6oD 11 put mp ADbole truft^mp foul t3oait;8^ on bi^i^il! . f ot iWiS^ p jomife i!S! moft luft^anl) 31 bopc therein ftilU 6 #pfouIeto(5oDlSartregarD,b3iIl)ingfojl)im^ltxiapt ^oje ttjau ti&ep ti&at toatci^ ^ twarD to fee t^e Daijjnmg Dai? 7 )Let 3lfracll tben bolDlp.tn tlje 7Lo;ti put l)t5i trult : l^e i2!tl)at (^oH of mercp ti^atbi^Deliuermufl:, 8 ifoi^ljeiti^t^atmuafauellfracUfromlji^finnet aintiaUfuc^ a0rurelpputtl}eir couftmnce ui ijim. Dommenoneft. Pfal.Gxxxi. 0)LojDr3l am not puft in mtnU, 3t)auenorcojnefui:ete: 3 Do note^ercifempfelfe m tilings tl^at be too lite»\ , ,\ ' 2 ^ut a0 a cl)lli5 tl)at ^atneB iS, '■ ''* ' euenfroml)i|3!motljct^b|cUt ;rn i-^ * t * 1^1 PLImcCxxxn ^0 \mt % t oiti h^m^ mpfe% 3 fl>3fracIltruftmt!)e)Loit), lctl)imbeiiUt!)p(lar: ^roni tw time f ojt^ f oj etientioje, from age to age, 3 Cape* Memento Dominc, pfaL CxxxVu M. to p;ia]p tijcre 00 ^ftS f o^cfiwlsen. m •-^f iis^^^ . !%;membet; BauCDiS tcoubleiS,7lo^t),4olxi to t^e )lo;ti yz -»-^— "^ ±r:$r^r±E^.2[ — -^---t z^:: l)eftoo?c,i.16nDlJotoDalJoi»to3at8bs;<0oD,tofecepc ^HF-^ — + — sr:^: S fet^E ♦■-«»- —- 0— , — ^ foj euttmoje.? .3 toill not tome toit^in jnp IjOKfe, woi tlT~t't~t" ^mEf^ t 3J:: V" I dime tjp to mp beD : 4* j&ot let mptemplejs^ taUe t^eic ^3 * - ] ■ i * ted, 0^ tlje eie;e( in mp l)cat>. 5 %i\l 3 i)^«e founU out fo j t^e )l ojD aplacetoRttl;cr:oH: Z% Pfalmc'Cxs^iu 3j,j 6 jpel)earD of ttatCupi)jam, tl^ere Did toe ^ere tl)i;S foutiDr t^£(e tiotce^firft toetefoimi»» . 7 ii^e toill airr.p ant) soiti noto !)i0 tabernacle tljece: a3efo^el)t0fotcftooie to fallSotoue i)ponoiiti[inee$tnfeare 8 airire,€) :to:t!, arifej fap, into ti)p retting place: :i5 oti) tl)ou anH t!)e ar l>e of t!)? (trengtft^ t^e pjelenceof tl)p grare*^ • - ^*^ - iiuayjiris^i^e 9 )Let all t\}v piicftg be dotl^et), KLojD, toitljtrutlb anls rigl)teonfucire: JLet all tl^p fainter anD^olp mm , fing all tott!) lopfiilnelTe; 10 SKuti foi tbp feruaiu j^auiD^Xafeer . refufe not)lojli3fap: Cl^ face of tljine artnointeti, jtLojD, ,npjtut:uetljpfacea\i3ap. ' 1 1 Ci)e Klo jti'td ^ auiD Ctoo je intrutfe - ant) toill riot fl)niiUe from it: §iapin5,tl)efrtut of tl)p boDp l}pontl)p feat tljaU fit. liinDtftijpron^mrcoiimmtt^^cepej, .^, .^ , tl)at 31 [l}nll learnc eel) one: -T^^^y^^^ vmocM^i %\}m (l)alltl)eir fon^fo? euerftt '^^ ^^--^ c^mH^J tipontl)p pjtncelp tljtone. 1 j^Cl)e Hdfl^ Sjimfclfe !]at!| tWt ^loit anti loiies tljeriiito t^Uiell ? .- -^^^^^^i^^'t^ taping; Sj^4' Pfalme Cxxtiii. 1 4 ^ apinSjtbfe i^ nip refting place, JloucanDIiUeit twciU ij anr!3!i>3illbleATcUoiti) great iucreate l)erbtctual$euerptt>ftece. JduD 3 unll fatiffietKttii bjeaU t:^eneeUptl)atbetljere. i6 ^ca 3 b3in tiecfee anD cloatl)i^ecp^efts? toitl)mpfaluation: SdnD all l)er faintejef f^aU fiug fo^ top of mp p3M)tection- X7 m^ttc \x)til 3 furelp mafee tliel&ojne ofJ^mtDfoitobuti: jf02t tl)ete3Il)a«e ojlmpirti fojanine alantl}o}ne b^itgi^tauDgoot). is^^fo} W cntmic^J b)(H cloati^ toitl) n)amefo? mttmoit: :©ut 31 l^tll caufe W cro^ue to (Ijine moje frefl; t^an ^leretofoje, Ecce quara bonum^PfaLCxxxiiiiW. W, d;c comnien&eittona of sotii^ anO b^tot^crUc amtttc compared to ^t mtfl pHttou* licmentt&ne^ in a^)coD,;ot;ic . Ol^ob) l)appie a tljmgit i^, csingtusas the. anU topfull fO J to fee, >Cnncr, ^ 25jet^jentogetl)et:fa(lto^olti C tljebantiofamitie* 2 3tcai^ to mmtJtfteftocet perfume, an£) tl^at coftlte ointment : m\)it\} on t\)t facrificer0 !)caD bp (^oD5^ pjecept to)ai3 tpent^ 33Itt»etnot iSaronjS^aH alone, butD?enciitl)i9?bcarD t^joug^out: 3ulifma!lpitt)iDrunDo^nr, ^ijsfrici^ attire about. 1 3f n& Pfalme Cxxxiiii J^^ tl)et)e\Mofi^ctmonl)ill, tljefielDe;a;txiittjftmttsott) fill. 5 Cueufo tl)eiLo;tJ Hoti) potiaze on tijem, l)i0blefrmg^manifolt): uaijoCe l}att,«5 anD mmtJ^ijjtt^cut all guile, tW ii^not Doe ifecepe anD l)olD* Ecccnunc. Pfal. Cxxxiiii. W. K. ft> ^c c)cl)0?tctl)tl)c jccttits tljatSoatcl; in llje temple top?aifetlK JlojD. » =lijgg=llLti&iEi=i 1. 25el)0lDanDl)auetcgarD, pefmmnt^oftl)e %i)ti} : D)l)ict? m l>i]S!^«re br nigl)t Do t»atcl},p^ire Wm ix»it!) oueaccojiD. 2Mt l)ppour!)miD«;on^tev, bnto 1)10 iiclp place: 3PnD gtiie tl)e M.ojD bf0 piaifejB^Duep l}t.3benifite$' imbzace. ^^ ^fom!}pni3e^ozDl»l)aDiD-. ..:•.-" '^'^ ^^ c.., botl)cartl)ani)!3cauen frame:-* "' ■-"* Bot!) ^lon bielTc, anD ixtiil tmimu fo^cueniiDzetljefame.. '^^^ 336 PfalmeCxxxv Laiidatenomcn.Pfal.Cxxxv N. ^ z eftiovum a' tl;c fait bfiii to p?ai .c <2» 00 ismaicltic,t3t:.econfuroncfnll5.cola:cvs. 3 I -y-' "iQj ""] ^"^ Y """""A" — ^ ;f; r^jjT Jul- :^ JEJE$zz3S:: f^ — h+~- ^4;-^- ♦ fe$g to 'tl) nc aeco j^ : i^ piatfeljim (ttll; all i>e tl)nt be tl)c itt. ■$zxr-r—i^; rsr:^;: 4^—$ -^ imnt0 cf t!)e ILoiD: 2 , £> pzaife !)im re tljat 0:ann ^nt) be mt^eljiDufeof tiieiUc^D :|^e oft|i;sJroiirt anU oftjiiS •■a" ::$:s — ^—jjiz:^ — _ ftotife, p jaife Ijim toitl^ one accoiD* g jBjaifepct!)e:iL9jt!,foil)ei^ goot?, faig ppjre0 to ?ji0 name: 3ttj3!atomelpant) gooti tljmg, alt»air$totiotl?efame. 4 jroz \xil)r: tl)e :ti c jD !)ati3 ctjofe Jaco^, lii^l^r^potcncvoufce: ^o!)3tl)i)ecl]ofcn3Jfi:acll, Iji^tpeaCarefojtobee. 5foj Pralmc Cxxxr»tr> %r !r^ jfl? , tl)e 3tojD tj0( tjme great t-'"'^ l^e ti8? mDeeD aboue all goti^a; mofteafieto intceat. ^ ^^ 6 jf 0^ twi^atfoeuet; pleafeD ^im, ^ allt^atfulitDeUi^ettjoujB^fe - jn i^eauen,i« eartl^, anD in t^e fea, tofiic^ l^ei^at^iframDetf riottjtot. 7ii^elifti8!bpcloulieie(euettfrmtttfteea«^ ^ l^emafeefiiligfttnitTgjaianfiiaitteV - ' I^el)jmgct^foo^tijt^eu»mftj0faito, r i^emaDe notW«gif|i>ainer r^ , P . 8!^cfmoteti^cfiritbojttWea^t§lttj ' - ,,, in Cgppt t^attodfeef eft i l^efpatel) t^ereno liuingt^mg t^emannoj pettt^e te^ft, ^ ^ ^ f 9 ©eftat^ int^ee lljettl^onUei^jjgi^^^ rm -mm^u^Mj i^Cgppt t30itiof^aunt$f: i i^n i^barao tbp cutCeDiUttg, • ^ <^| ant) ^tieireuete feru^tjS. lol^efmotet^enmanpnationjsf,' . r ant) DiO great actiei atiD^tngia^ l^enet» tl^e great anD mtg^ttefty anDcl)tefeftoft^ctr ikingis^. ii^ei^onftmgoftljeaimojfteiP/ mvij/rji^o' anD C>g feing of aSaCiam^^' Ho^h O^all Sill etAure> anDt^pmemo^taiU Cii^ugtiout all geiieratton^> tl)atareo^ euetftialL UCi^Xo^I^a^alirurelFnot^ auenge t^t^peoplealltnOeebe: fauoutmrimeofnecDe. i5€fte3DoWoftiie^eatlSenatemat)r, m ail t^ett coaa^anD lantiiec i^f tiluet ani) of golo be t^ep, t^e rooiKiei euen of menis ^anM. x6Ciiep^auet^tr mout^iii^cannot f{^al(> anDepeiQitlyat^aueno (igi^: i7tLliep^aueebe eate^t^ae^eaeenot^tng ^ t^etrmoutt^^bebi^eatVeCre quite. i9li^^erefo;ealltl|iepafrliftetDe^> ^- tl^atro Do fee t^emfoojit^, 3nDltket»iret^oren^ttru(ltn e^em> D|t tbinke tbepbeeougbttx)oo^. ^ , ip C^ailpeeboufeofllfrael, fee tbatpeepjaifefteXo^D: j ,^ ^, atnb pe tbat be of 3taron0 bowft. '^ • ^ '^^^^ ^^^^ pltatTe bttn t»itb one acco^b. ^o3lnbpetbatbeeoftfmej0i bottfe, p^ife pe Ukelotre tbe )Lo^b: a 3Lnb all tbat (tanb in at]) of bint, ' '^ p^aife bint U}itb one accoitb* 2' ^nbont of &touroimbbti6!piiaife> tbegreatpitaiCeoftbelio^D: Sd^btDclletb in 3fturalem> p^aifelptm toi^one acco]Ji* Cow PfalmcCxxxvi jj6 :>r f*'ri?fnConfitcmini Domino.Pfal Cxn vi % moft Mtiuft cic^tatto/i to giM tl^mtitf bnto <8od^ Hm crcatfon Ml goncnHRc* i V ~: ^i^zgn |z:3jEj[^3^c=^z34;ii:y^ I ^^treifeti^e}Lo;t)fb|4et^ qootHfo^Wtnncv ttibn E^l^gEjE^ g^J^i^ ^ merer enl^uret^ fo^ euet,(l5tuepiiatfebntot^>Lo^D zsuzit: Si^fef^l^ saoE of TLojiHiBiroj^qm m ercp enoureft foiruer,4 mnxm onip tmtl^ great toontierf(I)oojikefof ^iioi mercp enDuret^ ^. 5n^^tc^bp4t0i»tfel>omemal»en)e ^cdueti$>fb!il)i$ merer 6 UDlbtcbontt)et»ater0(tretebt t^eeart^fbi^tsf mercp^oie. 7 it^bicb matte great Itg^ to fl^ine abi^oaD,fb| ^0 mcrcr^c. S 3110 dumie to rale t^ ligl)tfome^ap>fo^tH!i!mertp ^t. 9 W()t^wm anD ftar^to gtitDe tiie ntgl)t for W merer $c /olldl)icl^(lmdte€grpttott^t!ieirftt(l^bc;2tefo^^i$merep,^ 1 / 3I1hD 3(tadl bjotisi^t out from tt)em,fo^ yi$ mercp.c^. ^4^o PfalmcCx«xvi "' 14 ^nD3)fraellmat)epa{re tDeretl)iougl),fo;^i;9fmei:cp,|c, 15 ^nU^iot»ttci)}&!)arao aiiD Iji^l^aail; fojt^mercf ,ft, -^ »7^ei»ljtct) Ditifmtttgreat noble ting0,fo?ljfi0f mcrcp ,gfr;^ 18 3inD tMijic^ ijat^ flam tljemigWpfettigfifjfotljtfiimeixp^c 19 M fee^on king of tlje 3[imoutei6!, foj 1)10 m€tcie,^c. ?p:3ttiD:^gti)efewgof©aC^ii lanD^iibi;gmercp5 6^c; ? i'i ^(lu^TSaue tijeir lani) fo?^eritage,foj i^lfii meap ^c. 22C«entpl)i0ftruautg!rcaeIl,fo?l)t0 mi^rcpgtc. 2:; EemgmbjieD bji^ in bafe cdateiojt bi0 met:cp,^c. ^^4; 3inti from opp^eiTozjaJ refcueB b0,fo? ^iiadnmr jf c* i5:iiDbicbstuetbfool> bnto all f le(l) ,fo; b^ 2 <^ JB jatfe pee tbe d^oD of beauen aboue/oi bis; mercp^^c. -i7#ftie ti^anfee0buto tlje )Lo^b of }Lo?b0fo^ b^S mercp^g^CiH -- v; - ■ 5upct^umin.PfaI.Cxxxvi.W.W. f - 4--^-— — f^ "Cfff 3f^racI(tC0 in t^c:rpptit«cl)rar(nqt!ie2raiDcan3 tcpyoacftaniblafp^imc ^db T ■ "II ll — . — t : , I 1 , ■ y I III.. , !' ! #» . '< t I I ' »ll' , H. I- « / I « » < I II* ) ' '»i^ I ' ' t iK^ben a^\»efatm ©abpion, t*)« riueris; coanD abo«i;> » -4 — i=-i- — .' I ■ » « • ■ I ■■ >i r ■ ■ m lh- ' i ' I li . M m 4 . *^ ^ J 11 ' 'i ■ '' I ' j i' •>\i ' *■■ " ■ ff ^.?^ ,tt)ctcarcsfo! T?r ani)tnremembtanceof^ion,tt)ctcarcsfo:gncfburft ■^V I"" ■ "■T'~*~~'V '■" jT" '■'T"~~' V"" ' "* ~'~"^' " '-V" •', T**" 3z:i: ottti^ti^ebangj) our ijarpsantJinarumentfttl)^ ^ti^ Pfalmc Cxxxvii ^'f 341^ tob) tttzgh^otiyfo} in t^at place men foj t^eir bre J^aD j"5:z3S i:r:ng:: planted manp one* |Zi:l^e!t tl)ep to t»i^ome l»e pjifoneris: l»ere> faiD to bjS taunttnglp:: j^otj) Iett)i9(l?earerouri|ebjel»fon8i0(, anDpIeafant mciotsp. 4 3Ha0faiD \x)ee,iDi^o can once frame i)([$rDi;tot»fuUl)ai:t to Xixxq t^:^ epjaifeiefof our louing d^oD, t^wjaibntieraarangeWngf y^utpetifHierufalem outofmpljartietfiitier ^i^mletmpfmger^quite fo^gef t^iuarblinggarpeto gtube. 6MWtmnomq^it\)innivmo\\% UetiDefoieuerfafl:: 3Eftliat3|iopi3efoje3fee t^pfullDeUuerancepad. I 7 clierefo?e€) )l.ojD remember notjo tbecurfeDnoifeanUccie: Ci^at (BDomes^fonneiBi againllbjgmaDe, ^l)en tbep rajUeour Ctttie. »ememberX>oSJtl^eircrueltMojbi^, ixjben ai$ [tjitb one accojD %W criDe on,facfee,anD raij e tljetr ^ullcg inOefljig^toftl^eirjLo^tU. Cc3 ^ Cuen i4% PfalfflcCjfltxviit 8«uenro(I)alttljouC€> ©abplon) ' at lengtt) to Dud be b^tou^t: 3lnbbappp a)u\\ tbat matt be calD> tbat our reuengbatb\x)iotig;bt 9|0ea bleffeU ftall tijat man bee ca!D, tIjattaUcstUp cbtlb^npoung: 'Xo bad) tijeic bonejsf agamft barb ftoucjBi; iDljtcb Ipe tbe ftreeteje^amona. Confitebortibi.Pral.Cxxxvu;. K. C ^min pjatfet^ tftc goeftncrti; of <15oD to toatu ^im, foj toDicb. cnen fo;ra4iie 0>tn«0 Hjail p:aifetlje JLo;D togetljtt isitlj Ijim ,3nD ^e i0 auorcD to ^ne libe comfort of (i^oDl^ereafter, 80 i)erctofo}e. .. ,. q^i^eetoJil J pjatfetMitbmp tjobolel^art SSni* on ^ mp j^ojtb mp c5ob altoaie?: > the i^ pfaj. i aBuettintbep?efenceoftbe(0obi8f ^ 3! totU abuance tbpp]taife> iCotJoarbtbp bolp Cemplelf t»tn looi^ anb \»o^in)ippe tbee: 3lttb p^aiCeb in mp tbaniiefiiH moutlr tbPbolp name fl?aU bee* dienfo|itbpIoutng'feinbnc5J;fafee> anb fo,t tbP trutb tjitball: dFo^tboutbpnamebalfbptbP^oj^r abuannceb oner all. ^i©ben3bibca!ltbon bearbeftme: anb tbou bail: mabeaifo, €bepo\»er of encreafci^ ftrengtli tsDitbtnmptbuleto groDj, 4 Vnm t!;e lungs en eartb tbep (f?alJ giuepiatretotlice,^) Hoih: Soi tbet>cf tOpmoilbolp montb baijr.^?}earb t^i^ mpgbtF bjo^b^ d)t? Pfalme Cxxxk /^l mlittgingQiallintreate: SSecaufetl^egio^ie of t^e )lo^^ itiSitKmUns greate* 6cfte KLojU ig ibigi^>anli ret ^edot^ be^oltit^elo^Ip fptritt :^ut i^econtemnmsltnotoeiBf a fatre tl)e pjout>anliloftpt»igl)t. 7 3liltl)0usi) m miDll of trouble 3r Ho tDalbe,pet (^all 3 etanDi amueUbpt^eeC) mp)lojn, t^outx^iltdretc^outtl)^ l^atiD. ttpont!)etx)j^tl) of allmpfoeist, auDfaueUftaUHbee: .. 25ptl^pri5]^tljanDtl>e)Lo;n(:5ol) toill ^ perfojmebfe ^oji^isto m^ SCftp mercp U/Oj^ti enHureisf fo| ap, ' * )to^DDomenot fo^Cal^e: :ffoJfafeemenotti)atamti^e taojiic, )x)i^tcl)tl)ineo\)one^ant»DtD mal^e. Domine probafti. Pfal. Cx xxix, N, ' ' C1DaaiotocleflttfeI)fdI)eartfromaUt)ppocrifie,(^e&etbtba(notl)in3 (0fofecret ^ Soljtci) tl^oucompairell alix^aie^; SCnt^bpfamilUar cudomeart acquamteD )x)it^ mp toate;^ 4 lac 544. Psalme Cxxxix 4 ^0 bMiti ig m mv tongue HD )lo^D, butiino>»neiti3;totl)ee: 5' (ll)oa me bcljiurj l)olDil auD before, tl)OU lapefl ,tl)mei)anD on me: 6ttl)er (Ijall 31 gor^ £)j lDl)ttl|ec(^aH3!fleeai»api tl)p piefence to fcape fro ? 5 ^0 l)eauen if 3 mount aloft, ; Iotl)ouartpjefenttbere; 3{i^eilif3i IpbotDiicbelobo, cueu ti^ete tl^ouDoft appeare* 9 J^ea letmeta!iefljemo?mng \»ings^, anoictmegoeaubi^iDc; 'ot boti^ n;inc agl bapt Co tl)ce tl)e batlieneg anb tl)e ligljt ateboti)al&eali»a^ The Pfalme Cxjcxix' Thcfocond pare I? fojftoupoffeireliftaftm^taineft ant) tl)ou i)ail couereD me: ml)m 3 t»tt^m mp mot^eris uoombe tncloCeDtoai8(bpt^ee» 14 Cbee totll 3 Pl^aire maDefcar^IIp anDtwonD^ouflpJ am. Cl^ptoojW arc maruelott?, rlgbt toell mpfouleDotb iknoiDt^e Came. 15 2^p bone$ tbep ate not (jiD from eijee, altbougbtnfectet place: 3I^auebeenemat)e,anbtnt^e eartt) beneatb3in)apea\»a;0(. 1^ i©ben 3 U)a$ fo jmelelTe, tben t^ine ere fatu me foun t^p bool^e^ 1]^ ere ^x^iittm all nougbt toa$befo^e, tbatafrerfafl;tontool^e« 17 tiDbe tbougbtistberefojeof tbee ^ ^oD, 1^0^ Deare are tbep to mee.^ 3(nti of tbem allbot» paOfmg great tl^ecnblelTemtmberiB; bee? 18 3f 3fl)oulbcountt^em3loti&eirfumme mojetbentlfeefanbjfee: 3lnSt»benfoeuer3 atoafee, petam3muu)ttl^t^ee. ^^^or 19 Cbetx)ic]feeb anbtbeblounpmdf^^^^"'^ obtbattl^u \))0Ult)e(l flap: (2u en tbofe€> c^oti toi^bome depart, Depart from mee^fap. 2o€nentbofeoft^ee€>)lozi) mpd^oD, tbatfpeaHef till tsjf c'^eUlp: Cljofet^atareltfteDbp in baine, being enemiejstatljce. 54^ V''j-i> '^fn *r»> ^^iyji, ail^ate u^ Plalme Cxxxx. ahD cljat m eatneCt ^Vti (ConeenD3l not agama t^cm all, agamftt^eet^at^nre;^ ^l 31 (ate tl^em t»tt^ linfaineli ^atc> ' euena0mpttterfoe0: 2? tiDnemc,^) (5oD,anD bnotompftart, mpti)ougl)tiS'P]toue atiDDtCclofe. 24C0nfiDetf)Lo;td if iDicheDneiS tnmeet^ereanpbee: anU tn tftp toap €) <^ol>,me" ftuiUe foreuetleaDt^oumee* Eripc me Domine. Pfal. Cxi. N C IDatrtDpjMfctl) bntoti)e9^o;6,a3ainftii;enrucltii^alQ)OoDOtbitiftitfrir of ^fcttfs mie0,a(rartn8^unrclfrofl)f0fuccour. TOljcrcfo^f ^c |>;oaot(ct^t1peiutttop»at(e ![)( llQ;]),an0 to alHire tljeinlelues of bistnicton. L^^t) faue mefrom ti^e euilman, anl) fromtl)ecrueIltx)ig^t 2 Beltuet mee»ix)l)icl^ eutll Doe imasmint^cicfpjite. ^{i^l)tci)mat(eonmee contmuall li)art;e> tl)eirtonsueieiIoetl)epi^aue i»l}ct: )(Lil(ererpent$bnDemeatl^ ^eirlip^ iisaDUeriBfpoironfet. 4 &eepe me i^ 7Lo;D from1»t(HeD ^anti^^ pzeferuemetoabiDe: freefromtljccruellmautljat me^ucjj to caufe mp flep$ to fliDe. 5 Cbe p?ouD bftue latD a f nar e f o? mee, anDtbepl)auefp;eaD anet: iBitl) cojb0mmppatlj U)aieftanD5i«?, foiimeebebauetlftep fct, <5tEl)erefojc3Caiti bn^o tlje lo:I]i, t^ouattmpc^oD clones l^eare 'Singthii as the* ^lamentarioaofi^ u Cnncr PralmcCxxxxi J47 tol^ewtoifta p^apanDmone, a) )Lo)D mp <0oiitl)ouonelpait ebe atengt^tl^at fauet^ mce jS^P l^eaU in tiapof battell ^atft 8 jlet not £) ^o]tD ti^e toicfeeD l^aue t^een0afi^t^t)ef(t:e: l^erfo^menot i^tie! til t^ou2;l)t , leaS ^tt \x>it^ppX)cbtt fetotiftre* ^€)ft^emtt|dtcompa(reme about, t^eci)tefen:oftbem all: TLoihmt^tmiWtfc of t^eir Itpg ijponti^emfelueiSbefalU 20 )Letcoalej6:fallon tbem,letbim caS tbem in conOimtng flame: amninlicepepitisfo a^itljep map, notriCeoutoft^eCame. 2 f f 0^ no baci^ebiter fl^all on earti^ befet instable plight: 3nb euill tobedruction dill QiaU l^unt tl^e critell txiis^t. 1^3 fenotr ti^ S/O^b t^afifiictcb toill teuenge anb iubgc t^e poo^e: q:^eiudn)allpjatfcitt)pname,uid ftall bbjelltKitl) tl)eeeuermoje* DominecIamauuPraLCxIi N S>atHd beittf srintouft^ pctrerutcD ^nUv ^aulc ficftrct^fafccuK anil pattctui t& (59^ tabs \) engeance of l)X0 cncmtcs. . i £))Lojbbpouti)^eboicau,?lojii \)nfttf}u^im m 3fnb SEgfmfenfeletmppiaper bee 3nlJ ftetjpliftinc^ of mpljantiief> a;6(eiicnpngfacrifice. J S&'p loxD fo,i gutlJing of mp nioutl^, fet tijou a ujatcl) befo^ie: :ainD alQ) of mp inouitig iipief, £) %oih feeepe t^ou tje tJOjte* 4 ^l}at 3 0)01110 iBicl^eDiBoibiQfcommtt;^ incliuetljoimotmpljart: mith ill men of tl)eic Mitnttg, jLo^tilctmeeatenopart. 5 23utIetftei:igl)teougrnuteme)Loja: fbjtljat 108001) to mee: Jt'et Ijim tepjoueme ant> tte fame apitettou0oile(l)aabee* ^ucl) fmititig (ftall not b jeafee mFftea&> a & tl^e time (ball i^o^ttHe fall: tJDljen 3 (l)nll in tl)ctrmiferie, maiiepiaper^fo^tliem all* ^ben toi^en in ftonp placejsJDotune, tbeirint)ge0fl)allbecaft: ^^en (Jail tbep beare mp two^iliief, foj tl&en, tlbep bane a pleafant taft. 7 €>nrbonc!3: about tbegtauegmouti^, loefcattereti aretbepfonnb: 3jSbe tbatbet»etbt»ooD: ojbee tljatDigsetljbpt^egwunO, Pfalme Cxliil^ $i^ Doloofeebptjntot^ce: 3n tljee 10 all mp mill, let not mrCbuiefojCabenbecJ* pUDWc^ti^eptiauelatDtotatc]^ me in . , liojDi^eepemeftomtljerttate: 4r,o4 atntifrom tljcfubtiil gnnisof t^em,. T t^at^icfeelilx)o?ter;Sare; '-' ^o ^Ije iDicifeet) into tbeit objne netiE^ toa:eti^er let tljem fall, 8&ljile 3 l»o tjp t l)i> Wpe eftapr ^ ^^ti^eDangerisioft^em aUv SDaaUt neit^e? fo» (care no; migev Soould ba ^ante^liut Sott^a vjm itftntiep^a^eti ))n "DtCfoje t|ie5LojD 6ob toitlj mpljoiee^ - e5;°g»^'>^p.7 -P ftiHtenDoutmpcrte: IIh:^;/^? 3intitoitbmp(lcapneDl3otce Imto ^ -^ t^e Hojlid^oli p^areJjg* 2 :9^p menitattonisi in ^tis: ftS^t toponte3ltJtt>notfpate: ^nD in ti^e pjefenceofti^e )Lo;U> mp ttoublejs Dtl) Declare. I ^dlt^oug^ petpleicet) t»a0 mp fixity . mppat^iQoa$Uno)}metoii)ee: ;jni»ap tD^ereJ ttD toalfee a fnare tl^epflilielaiDfojme. 43 tieiweHanD looiftton mpagftt i^nD^. but nonett)erei»oult>me fcnotMt 3111 tefngefaileD me, ant) foj mpfoulenonecatetiti^o*^ 5 tLl^en ctiet) 31 lio jtj to ti^ee^nft fapU -' '' mp tiope tl)ou onelp att: i5o PfalmcCxUi CljoumtljelmiDof Kumg art mppoitionanD mppart. 6^athtto mp ccp fo; 3 am b^m^t fuUlotDtieltuenne :f rom t^em ti)ac Do me perfecutr, foitmetodrongtl^rpbee* 7 C^at 31 map p^aife t^p name mp (bule ftom pulton Ho^Db^zing out: I9^en tt)ou art gooD to metl^e m% fljali p]ica(e me rount) about. Dominecxaudf. Pfai.Cxliuj. N. C 9b nnica p;eitv foj, temtfTion of (i«Cf,actuwfeIcftfiii8t^r4KMH«te0Mlcftts dlf pcrfccoie l)im bp ^opf tttO taDgfmenf . He DcGrit^ to be RftagMi to ffscc , lo fraff anb ffnitctof^^ot. )Lojb^earemppjapetAar*t^eptoim; C?"*'"*'?.? tt>at3lbomaketot^e ^^Jr^^C jtojtbintbpnattuetruttianbtn c 3 tbp uillice anfmete mee. i^n iuogement tottb tl^p Teruant )lo;tb> ob enter not at all: f oi tufttftebbeintbp Cig^t notonetl^atUuet^Qiall* i; tc^eenemiei^atbpurrueb mp Ibule^ mpltfeto gtrounbbat^tblto^n, 3nblaibmem tbebatbe>ltfcet^em tbatbeab arelongjagone^ 4ii&it^tnmem perpleicttte, t»a0mine accomb^b fp;tte* 3inb m me tsaioimp tcoubleb i^eart, ama^ebanbaCngbt* 5 get Itetoib time paft in aU tl)p\»ojh«;'jmebitate: PfalmcCxliii *^ g^j ]9eafnt^t»o^teiB( J meDttatr, ^att^p i^anD0t)auecredtr. 6 Co ^tz, €) Xot^ mp <5oit},\ot 3 , Do ftretc^t^e ctauing^anti^: (S^pfouleDcfttetb aftert^e^, a^OottietbtrdplanDje^. 7$eare metDttlifpeeD^mp fptrittiotl^fatie l^iDenott^pfacemefto: eiia( Q^all 3 bee Mht t^em>t^dt Dotone into t^e pit Do go. s )Utme tbp touingkmDne]8( m t^emo^ng ^ear anD knoto, JFo^ttn ttiee tieimp tmft> fljCDo me t:^t»apt^at3fl)aUgde. y ifoj3 lift bp mpfoule to t^ee, €>)Lo^DDeItuevme: :f torn allmine enemie^^fo^^ i^aue^tDDenme )s^xtk t^ee, xoCeaci^ me to Do tl^p Doill^ fb^ t^ouj tl^ou artmpeoDHfap: )Let tlip gooD fyixit tinto tlielanD ofmeecpmecomiap. I If 0^ ti^p name^CialtfDoit^ibnmg grace aliucDot^oumemai^e: Ztxt^ out of trouble b^mg mp taint, euenfott^pmlltce fal^e. KnD foil tl^p merrp Clap mp fbeiai> S> XoiD Dellrop tliem jail: Ci^atDo oppieife mpfoule, foil 3[ t^pferuant am anD Q^au. Bcncdidus Dominus. Pfal. Cxljiij, N. 3Daaib|^)aH'(A t^l>o^ fo»l)iit<(to;t^ tbouboiHeltfoinp^ice, €>?ft)nneofman tbat bponbfm tbon tbmfeeft in fucb toife. 4i}^aniisfbutltbe to bamtie, fo palTe btis; bate^ to 'cnbe: 3 3(ii6i fleeting a^abe boto bobone,i^ )10}D^» tbeljeauenjs anbbefcenb* 6tl[:i)emountamej8ftouc!j^llj^i^aflrmoke '^''^ caftfootti^tbpUgbtning ftume: 3nb Ccatter tbem,tbme atrotueisi (^oote, confumeitbemtwitl) tbefame, ; 7S>enbbotonetbPbanbeuen fromaitfpue,.,, ^^^.u.^. €):iojbbeluierme: ' ' ''^* ^^^"^ ;' ^aUcmefromtwatetjsfgreatjftom l^a»&i f ifi5>i«^dn':-i 1 1 of ftranggtjs; mai^e me ftee. 8 uabofeCiibtiU moutb of bantrte, anb fonbnejs; botb intreat: - to^ mi- i^nbtijetrttgbtbanb i^arigbti^anb,' offaliboobanb beceit. /> ^ nebo fong t»iU 3p fing €) €>ob, anb ringing U)tU 3 bee: ^n Cliol ant) on inftrument tenftringebbntotljee. loCtten Pfalrac Cxxsoof j^j Delitietancetoltingis: Unto W Ceruant ^mihWpt ftom4u(tfuun»o^D^el«mgiQt. II jfcomdrangetjei^anD meraueanti (t)iell toi^ofemouti^ieitdlftebanttte: 3Ent)tl)eit:ns^t l^anO tje^artgt^ ^atiD of guile anDfubtiltte* ''Cljatourfonnejimapbeagti^ plants )))l)ome growing vout^ t^ot^ ream €)ur Baust)terje^ ng carueD coj;nei: (loners; libetoapallacefaire* ig €)ur gamerjB^fuUatil^plmtrimi^ t»it^ funlijtcfottjsibe fouiiD: )Dur n^eepeb|ttngci^oufanDje(moucSreeteia( ten tbotiTanO map abound* 1 4 ^ur 0x^ be to labour fi^ron^ tbatnoneDobiestnuaOe: C^erebeno gomgjetoutno cm^ t»itbin out llreeteiaibemaBe. 1 5 ci^e people blefl^o ate, tbat toit^ fuel) bleirtng^atefb ftojD: Pea bledeliaUtbepeopleate, ^^ofe 0oD 1$ d^oO tl^ :to;li- Exaltabo tcpfalCxlv. N. JDrat^ Defer tbctl)tl)e&)oni)etful ^wtfBcnceortS^oa.fugOQemtns and pjicfrmttg ofi (^e Oilier cxtatnrair^tviaiittii dBot (ot t)<0 tn(hc?,mcrcp aqDfpectiU lou^ fctoO* ma tou7aiD0 tl^oft ti)at can tpon ^itti tt^at foiR aiU) lone t)tm. ^E :i:r£|=:^ |- ^l 4 I a:i)eet»iU31laubmp<0o!) anUbtngauDblcfli? tijpname BD. foj Pfalme Cxiv, fqii ape2,f ojt eiierlotll J p^atfe % name^ftttUblefre t^ec li -U, /% TV. A t .a L V, /V I " f; —I* - ■ - ■ — ■ ■ -■ ; • -' ■ » ..... JL . gceat«me«nonrcanreac!>4;. jFromratetorace t^ep; J— — -¥• — r .. 1 — - — ^ ■■ --W ii« * . (^all tl)p i3Do:K5? w^ire,anD t Jp potoer pj^clj. 53 of tftp gI03;ioii$ ma eftir, ^^ ^ ^ • ' - - - - t^ebcaiitietoillmo^:^^^^*''''^-'-^ ^''^ "^^ ' " ^ 3nb meUttate tponti)p t»ojfc^>' tnoft tDontietfull ^Xb^v^ ' «ainl> t^ OmU of tiftp P0\x»er,atrt)of tftpfeatefullacw Declare: - atnH 3 to publiO) all ^^on% ^ ^ "^'^ tbp areatne^ i»iU not Qjare* 7 aiuD tl)e}^ into ttjementlon flS^all b:ca^-eoftl)p gool)nei0f great:. , ^ 2llttD|aiOui)t!)pu(|l)teoumeja[ '^''''''* S-Cfte JLoit) our d5otr igf gtatiou^ anU mccq'fiil aifo: ^pfsceataljountiing; met:cp>anD toati9;ctj)ei!8i0o^. 9,^Pta gooD to al anti all !)tjOl)»o^ft|3^. !?i3 meter t5crtl)C)cc^etK ffalmcCxIf. j^^ mtD Do tt)p honour l))ii^D: i2 3^nDbla^ti^poiDeriocaHftti|ebmnejl^ of men^ije(pot]oetto HnotQe The feeond part ainti Of i^tj^mtg^tp ^tng;Dom0(^e, toCp^eaD^eglo^touia; piatfe: IS C^pi^ingtiomeMl^dMnsDemett t^atDotb mDure alttaiejet. 3(nD t^pDamintont^^ujS^ e^ age mDureieit»ttboutDecap: ' i4ti:i;e lo^tiiip^olDet;]^ tbemtl^at&a^ t^eir niBtng i^e Doti^ltapv 15 C^e epe0 of all t>o tvaite on H^e^ tbouDodtl^emaU relieue: ainHt^outo ead^CiiffiCingfooD infeaConDuetiod gtHr. i6t![:^ouopmeQ:t^pplenteou!e; l^atA> anDboimteouJ^ Di^lfli: aiUt^ins^tsliatrocuerDotb liue^ i»it^ Stftie^of tbpsooo totlL 27 Cbe )L eitD iiQi tuft m all W ^Bkfi, i3|%eetealll)e t;9(ti^atcaUonl^un, mtrut^t^atonbtmcalL fi^ l^eti^ebetirejsto^ic^tl^ep require tbatfeareliimtotlttulfiU: mnt) l)e txjtlli^earc tljcm tjoi&en t&ep trie, anDfjauet^emalti^e )»ilU ac ^i^eXo^D p^ieferue^aU ti^ofeto i^im ti^atbearea louingl^eart: ®t»2. »llt: ^^^. PfalmeCxIvi* a3ut i^e etiem all t!)dt teicUeD are tDillttterlplUbuert. 21 ^pt^anfteftiUmoutl) (^d]lglat)ip(t)eat(e t^ep^at(eie;of tl)e liotD: aufled^ to pjalfe Wj3!!ialp nainc fo^euetfl)allacco^D. Laudaanimamca.Pfal.Cxlv i.I.H, IDaufI tcacbcti) tljat nonf fljonlD pat tl)dr trad in men but fn (5ot) alone ^o ia al tnt0!)rp,anDoeUucrctbtbeafflp?tfoner0 at H- btrtf cottifojet^ tl^efat{)ei1eir,i9i(MiK0»(lvntK8r0anD ts bingfi^ Mrr, Vf gfoulepjtaifet^oufte )lojD altoaieja;,S*u°^'^"'i? JVl mpalL ?€) Uapppig t!)atman,3ifar», to^ome3[Iacobs(i5iRiDot^ aiD: ainl)i>ct»l|orebopeDotbnotDecaF/ ' ^ but on ^tHoiXs i^ftati). ^ 6 r©l)fcl) malie tlje eartb auD toateisJ Deepr tbebeauen^ bt^^ ^tt^: tiDl}tcl)t)otl)bt;sit»o|tDanD pzomifei^eepe intrutbanUeucrfljalf. 7 n^itb rigbt altwa^e^s Dotb l^epjoceeBe fo^ (Uc!) asffulfep \w^ong: ^Ije poojte anb bungrp ^ebotft'fee5> anb loofe (^e U tter$ ftrong. 8C^ PfalmcCxlvi). }57 t^elaineto limgttttoiti anDiudmanetiermo^ 9 i^eHotl) Defend ftefat^erleffe, t^e lltanger$ fat) in hm ; 3^nt) quittl^e t»tDtiotDfromDt(li:efli^ ant) ttl mentf toate)S(Cubuart. 10 Cl)r Mi^ ant) (^ot) eternallp, €) ^ton^dtll ^all reigns : 3Inttmcofallpoamtie, fb^euettoremaine. LaudatcDominum, PfaLCxlvij. N, a> ^l}t i9op^etp^IetI) tltebottntte, i»t(bome, poSoer, iafttce an^ntoniMticf of ^0t bponall ^tsrcrcatttre0,bat fpf ctallp Dpon his :I)urd)i itibtc!) ^e gatt^mo to0tif«c6t* ter t^ Dtrperrion,Dtcl«rttts ^ S»o^(anoiut>sement fo t)nto t^m,a0 l^el^at^ Mne to no ottiei: people. i^E^^I^Ek^ u^^nik n t^e )Lo^D ,fo^ tt tjai sooB l)nto out d^oD to Rng: SLjfc — ^ foj It w? pleafant,anD to piiaife tt tjsf a comlr tiding .2 .C^e 1.0^1) l)i<8:ot»ne3|eruralem!)ebuilt)etl)t)p alone: ant> :<^ — •^•T=g::jCE3K:| t^er)iCt3etftof3!ft:aenDot^ gather intoane* 35 S Pfalme Cxivii. 3 J3eljealegtf)ebzoUrtimtl)eir^eait, tljeit: toie;8( bp tiot^ l)e binD: 4 (ge count^tljenumber of t^e ifetariai, anD namciB^tl^emmtWtfeinD. 5 ^reat is^ tl)e HoitJ, great 1$ W pother, I)i$^trel)omeinfimte: 6 Ci)e^o:T)rciieuej3(tbemeeifte,^ tb?to\3ocs to grounD tl)e t»icfecli tuigbt. 7 ^ing bnto (5ot) tbe lojb tjitb p^aifr> intotbeJLoiUretopce: ainti to out (i5oD bpon tbe l^arpe, almancc pouc rtugtag bopce^ 8 l^e coueris^bcaucn ^xiitb cloubftanb fo^ tbe eartb pzeparetb rapne : 3lnti on tbe moimtatnejBLbeUotb mafee ^"^ tbe grafTe to gtotj) agame* 9 !&e giues to beafts tbeir fooD, anH to pong tauenS i»ben tbep ctp : 10 l^ifi pleaCure not m fttengtb of bojfe noun mans? legsDotb Ue. 11 05utinai(t!)orctbatfeai:e tbe^Lotb? tbe )lo:i3 batb W tieligbt : ainb fucb as bo attcnb bpon btjadnetcie^ (I)imng bjigbt. The (econd part. 12 €) piaitt tl)e S.ojb, ^etufalem, tbp^ob,€> !&ion,p,:aife: H f oi be t\}t bdx$ !)atb foigeb ftrong> toberetottb tbp gate^ be (tape^. 1 4 CbP cbiibjen be batb bleft in tbee, anDintbpboiber^be IDDtb fettle peace,anti bjitb tl^e flotwer oftjoljeat^efillett^t^ee. i> 3fnO Pfalme Cxlviiu f isf^ tijeeatt^ftefenHetljoiit: %n\} ebe W tt>o?t) iDttft fpeeDp courfc DotljOntftlprim about i<5 l^e giuet^ fnot» l*e tDOol,ljojefroft Ufeea(l)e35liotl^l)erpjeaD: 17 )LiKemojfeWcaft$ 1^10 tfe, thereof t^ecolDtjj^ocanabtDe*' 18 i^efenDetl^foojt^ljis^mtgWP^ojD, ant) meltetib t^em agatne : l^t^ t»tnD ^e mai^e^ to blob), anD t^en t^e \»aret:0 fiotD amatne* 19 -CbeDocttme of Ijijs^ijolp t)OiD, to3acol)t)ot!)bc(^bto: ^-^- l^i^e; datute^anD btje^mtisement^ i^e 20 oaitl^euetpnationl^ati^l^enot foDeaIt,no?iftepi^auefenotx)ne -^*(0. l^()3ifecrettubsement$,pet^erfoje ' " pjaifepetljejLo^Dalone* LaudatcDominum. Pfal. CxIviijJ.H. fi>^epjtoneket^allcreature0topjiatfett)eiLo;i>in^eauen,anOtti aitdaccjS, cfpe^ ctaltp f ojt t^e potvev tijat ^cl^ati) gtuen to i0 (leopit 31 fraell « ^!p^=l=^^ — 2- • . .,j I . (Blue lauD bnto tije tLo^, ftom ijeauen iW tiSfo bte : p jatfe ^im ixi DeeU ^ ixJotti;aboue tlje ftatrp fltie^z ♦^KnD SaiD 4 alto j^o Pfalmc. Cxlviij. alfu v^yW angels al,acmiei8( total p^aifeljrm toitl) glee. Z }^:aife Ijtm botl) moone ^ fun, tobic!) ace fe clecce ^ bjigljt: 'Cije fame of i>ou be Donc,pe gliftring ftar$ of lig^t* l^ei^eauens^fatrc auD ciouUi9( of tJ^eatee^ l^i^lauD ejcpjeffe. ; '* ' i5rf oj at 1)10 ^oitJ ttjep toere all foime&ajEf toe fee, St W botce tJiO appeate all tl)ixiQ^ in t^eir tiegtee, - (5i58>l^icl)l)efetfaft, Co tl^em l)e mat^ea lato anD tcal^e, fO^aptOlaft:* i«:-;^'lf V 7 Cjctoll and piaife d^oDjaf name on eart!),pe Utagon^felU aiU Deepe!Sit)o pe tlje fame, foiit becommetb pou toelL. . 8 i^immagnifie, ^ .,r,v r i^i' f ire,t)aile,ife>fnoto,anDll:o^at!|atblotoi ' ' ' 3ltbt0 decree. '' ' 9 Clie bite anbmountainjsi alUnd treejai tbat fcutefiill are, Clje CeDar$ great and tallbi^ too^tljp pjaife declare. lo^eaftfiandc^ttell) , .^ - - -. i o Pea bird^ flieng and tooimjScreeplrtife?' ^ '- _ *V^ - Jw-- -. 'Cbaton eartl)dtoell;'v -v^ /• ^j-:i:j.__::._.- n3inWngtfbotb tno^e^lesfjtoitb alltbeirpompoiigtr^iin: |&^ince0 and all ludgcs^, tbat in tbe toO.ild reinaine, (j^jcaltbij^name: .: _,. j2Pongmenandmatd;8^50ldemen andbabeiJ, -** • * rrrr'Bopetijefame. j^fistW name n)an toe pioue to b e moft excellent, n^i^ofe pitatfe te^ far aboue tbe eart^ and firmament Pfalmc.Cxlix. J^l 3antil)elpet^emall l^fefamw all mi fet^ ttWm^^^ ^"^ toojtrtmecre, %\}z cl)iiD;en of 31ftaell,ect) onebot!) moitmt} leffe : ^nDalfbtijep, " : " '• C^atiQDift gooU Doill ^ii0^too^Wfalfiti> 3nDtl)emobep* Cantatc Domino. Pfal.Cxlix.- N; - ^ ^ ^*-->» GJ«nn*o>ta«onto{ftcc6urcl),top;atfctl)ClLojt)foM)V a»»^ f^qncO t^at ^cgiuctt>^t0rauit0aBainftaUit!ati0potocr* ' : i m c3!ttJpebntotl?e}loiDour(!5oD vt ^ anetjxanl»pleafaritfong: %t)Iettljep^atfeof^imbe!)eatl> t i^ijBJbolpfamwamong* -..r 2 letSICraeHreioicembini,, tbat matie i^tm of not^tns : anb lettljeCeeDof^ioni^iU beiotfuilint!)eiti^ing* )lettbemrount) p^tfe\»it|iMceof Su(e) bntol^iiSiljolpnamei^ r M '11 -^' ^ nngpi^aife^ofttierame* 4 f ojtoijpf tbe j(Lo;i^l)i;0ipleafurcaH tjati^ml^i^peoplefet: ainbbptieliuerancc^etotHraife tlie meebe to giPJP gteat. 5 miti^ gioip ann t»i^ bonouJ^noto,, letallt^pfatntia^reioice: T^ r - 3inti notx) alouD bpon ti^ctt be^|t abuanceti)efefingtngboice, 6 3^nbmtbettmouti^i6^letb^t^e act^ of d^obti^emigfttielojb:: ' ' ' ' 11lnb(nti^eiri^anbi9Jefeeletti^be«t^iVi^v.>Vuv.^ al^oubieebgeOftvo^O* 7 362 Pfalrac CL ..A.,:. 7Coplaa;iietl);^l)eirti)eit,aiVD^o;reci; ' v^vJ' . t^e people \x)tt^ t^eir t^anD^i : 8 Co uinD t^eir ftatelp feitig^ in cljaineja^, tljeir TLo^His; in p^on banW* 9 %o menu on tljem tljeDoomc tljatix)jittcnii0(brfoje: Cl^te ^onoui: all W^faintierftail l)aue> piatfe pe t l}e )Lo jU tljeref o je» LaudatcDominum. PiaLCL. N. ft>a[ttcj:!jo?tatton top?aif«tljeiLo?DSDit^tccaCiiB,bH8U itJ«mcro(&apejB(,fej ail t)is inigl)tp nRD jDonDerfaii fDOjibe0. YeelDDntod^oDt^emigWpiayOjD, SS-ncof? ^ piaifein^i^ranctuarp: 5^*^« io3.pf.c 3[lnDpjaifel)im in tlje firmament, ^ '^ .. tl)atfto^ei8;i)i;e^poU)ei:onl)l0. '^ * 2 aDuancc!)i$uame,anDpjaifel)imin I)i0migl)tpacte0altx)ape)3i : aiccoiDing to l)i$ excellence ofgreatneffegteoljianp^apfe* -nnr'jioJr 5 J^i$p;iaife0t»itl)tl)epjincelpnopfe ofrount)ingtrumpet;s!blo)» : jB^iaifeljim t)pon tlje aiol, anD tpontl}e!?arpealfo 4 ^^aife l)im tMiti^ cimbjell 9 ^'tl^ f^tite, €) jgang; anti mitginaljE( : 5 i©iti)fonnDing CimbaWpjiaiferel^im, p^aife l)im \»tti^ louti Cimbalisi. 6 1© W euer batb tlbe benetite of bzeatfiing, p?aife tbelojtD : Co ptaife tlie name of d^ol) tfte HojD, agree iDitb one accojb. The end of the PfalmestfX>Muid, ^ Ancxhortation vnto thcpraife of Gcd, to be fong before Morning pi:aycr. T.B. i^pjaifeWmallpeoplemoitaU, ^ ^ aj3! It i;S moft txjojitl)? anD rtgl^t. fot^e 10 full Determined, 4:- -i s;rz:^ on t)0 to poure out 1)10 mercp : 3(int» tl)e iilo^ti0 tr uet^ be pe affureD, abiDetljperpetuaUp* Glory heto God the Father, %^ruitoIefusChriJl his true Some With the holy Ghojl in like tnAnery NfiOfandAteueryfeafon. ^ An exhortation vnto the praife ofGod, to be fong before euening prayer. T.B. Ba^olDnoiDgiuebeetijfucba^be csingthisto^ Clie)lo;t)0feruant0fattbfuUanDtrue:2lhVi^^^^^^ Come pjaife tbe )Lo^D euerp Degree, isi)tt^ruc^rong0a0tol)tm are Due. €) pe ttjat ftanD in tlje )lo^D0t)oufe5 €uen in our o^ne (5oD0 maufion : l^jaife pe fte HojiD fo botmteouft ua^icb trojl^etl) our faluation. %\lt bp pour l)anD0 in W Wv place? pea anD t!]at in t!)e time of ntg^t : idzaife tl)e Tlo jD i^btcb ginetb all grace, f 0? I^e 10 a )LojD of great migtjt. Ci^enltalltljejlozDoutof^ion, naWc^ maDebeauen g^eartbbpl)i0potoer : d^iue to pou anD pour nation, 1^10 blelRng,mercp, anD fauour. GliryhtoQQdthF^ther^c^ iThc % The ten Commandcmcnts* H |r3pi£gr±:^ar^E|5E^ r;z; ■ ^ttenDmppeopleanDgtueeare, offetelp t\)mi»Ji j _^ ^^^IZ, Z±Z3S t=s: * :i — -^ ivill t!)ee tell , j&ee tl)at mp t»o^D$ in minD t^ou beare> -— ^ I t ±s: auD to mp pmt^tg liOen toelL 3! ^m t^p foueratgne %opt> and <^o t> , »©l)icl) ijaue t^ee biiougljt from careftiU t^all, 3nD eke reclaimD from }&^araoe$toti, '*'- '^^ * ^a!te tl)ee no d^oD^on ti^em to call 2 iliojfafbtoneDfo^meofanpti&ins, Jn beanen oj eatt^ to boo jfl^ip it : f 0^ 3 tljp <^oD bp reucnging, aatt^Stieitoujs^plague^t^t^rmneiuttirmite. :? tcaifeenotmbamctji^bolpname, 3(lbufe it not after tljp twill : f 01 Co tbou migWff foftne putci^afe blame, %m tni^i;8(tx>iiatl|^etD0UlD t^cefpill. 4 tiDbelLoiDfromtooxfeet^e feauent^Dapceaft, 3IinD bjtougbt all t^ingia; to perfect enD : ^0 tijou and tbine tbat dap tafee reft, ^bat to6odjs(befte0poiimap attend. ^minto tbp parents !)onour giue, 3[ij8f(Sod]a(Commandementi9fdopjetend : Cbat tbou long dapeje? and gooD maift line, Jn eartl) to^ece d^od a place dotft lend. :i3etoare The Lords prayer 73Kfiltl^pfojtmcation feare: t &e t^ou (lealenot in anp rate, pfalfetMitue^againftnoman bearc. )oC^pneig!jbo^e$^wfe\))t(l)notto liaue, l^t»ife 0? ouglit t'oat be calt^ mine: ^w^fielDi ijtjs; ott^W affei^i^flaue, ^^anp r^mgtt^ate uottinne, ^sa^tpkit of acace, grant W £> )Lo?l>, tlc:ofeeepeftefelatx)ie$ourT)arti6^cefto^: ^nD caufe Wall.lDitib one accoiD, tComagnifietijpname t^erefoje^ dfojof ontfelueiino ftrengt^ toel^aue 'Co feeepe tftefe latx)e0 after t!jp tDiil: C^P miffftt tfterefo^e , €> Cij^ift i»e craue CbattDeint^eemapftem folSIL lio;t){o^t^pnamefai^e grant r^gtl^is^ Cl^ou art our drengtl^ €> Cauiour Cb^t(l> ^f tl)eetofpeeD \^orx> (tioullD )x)e mlire> 3n^bomeour treafweDotft confift. Co t^ee fbi euermote be ptaift m>it\^ tl^V fatb^r 'in each refpect: ^ 3KnD UJitt) tljp l)olpfptrit al\»ate;s(, C^e comfotter of t^me elect* Th cLords prayer D.Cox^ ,. .. — ■■ .^ : -rt- A.- _ J, A A Jk. . ■— ^Z m — 'H— ^- A- .^ ^ A ■ 0- - ♦ ■^- 'V ^ V -Att -^r" £>ur father tpi^ic^tn^eanenart^anDmaHd bi^aii one tj:atl?eri|00B i&i ThcCreed r . fat^et tolnci) allt^mgsc^atl) maDe,t^e Dap anfi eke tl)e ^ggrz^hj^lf^ nigl^t.c^elieauenjQ^^tl^efirmament e^alfo manpaltdr ^ :0=3r:' tt)e eartl) ^ all tt^at ifi tisercin, t»l)icl^ pa0 inan0 teafim fiat 3uDmlikemantier3beleeoetn C^i^ttout iy>tD^tja;ronn^ CoequaUt»ttl)n^etietttednD man mflcQ^anDbone. Concepuetibptlielbolp 8^of^,btje( t»o^D Dot^meaflttre, 3nD of !)ii0( mother #acp i«)^ne,pet ft eea birgui pure. i3ecauremanl(tttt)to rattan 'b)aj6( fb^fininbonD atibd}^!!: l^e catne anD oSceb bp btm(elf0 to beatl) to f aue bj^ all. a(nb fuflrtng moil QTeetu)u0|iaine>tben )^Uat bcitig tubgc, DdaiGi ccuctfieb on tbe ctoffe^anb ti)erjmt DID not grubge. 3Bnb fo l^thizh in tbe fleftjbut quidUKb in tbefpittt, ©i]0(boDptben\rajfl(bnricD,a$i!BfourbfiJanb cite. i?i0 fpit it bib aftet tbiiSf befcenb into tbe louder part^r Co tbe tbat long in bat*nei8? toerc tbe tni ligljt of tbeir \)m^ ainb in tbc tbirb bar of W bcatb ^e roffe to life againe, 'n Cob$ rig^t banb W f^¥t beete>acco^:btng to ^ta^tl. tln.^ A prayer to the holy Ghoft. ^ t»o^ti Dotb mattttam: ainD Wv icttptixct Doti^ aUolo>ix)^ic^fati^an Dot^ ttiTbainre 3nt) alfo 3 truft to f^aue bp iefu CtjjiftljijS Ueatli, 3Sleleafe anD parHon of my nnne;3^,anli t^at onelp bp'faftli. iiDbat time al flell; l^al rife agatne,befo^e tbe ilo^b of mig^t, 3lnb fe ^im t5 t^eit boDilp eiei$ )))^ic^ m\x> Ho giue t^e ligbt. ant) tbenlI)aUC^jti(l:our fauiourtiie (tieepe^goate^UimDe: 3nl) giue life euerlaOtnglp, to tiioCe to^ome i^e bat^ triDe. i3^]^icl|i^i)i$Eealmecelefl:ialMnglo^iefo^to reft: iBtt^ all t^e i^olp companie of faintioi anD mgtlg bled. n^l^tcbf^rue t^e nLo^t) omnipotentobeDientlpeacl^^ouee» %o t»^ome be all Dominion ant) piiatfe fo^ euermo^e* A prayer to the holy Ghoftjto be (ling before the Ser7»(fff» Cj^mebolpfpitittl)e<^ot)ofmigl)t, rsingthuw^ comfo^terofWall: Svc'niae^tC CeacbbjJtofenotDtbptoo^tiaeig^t, c 3 tl^attoeDoneiterfalL S> ljolp(©l)oft;l3ifitourcoaft, DefenDb;St»itbtl)p fl)ielD: ^gainft all finue ant) tx)icl^etuiei8f, TloitJ l)elpc tg \x^m\t t\)c f ielD. )LoiD feeepetl)e ^©ueene anb her: counfefl, anbgtuet^emixjillauDmig^t: Ce Co A Vnyet to the holy Giioft* %(y^tttmttt in tl)p %oi\} t!)at giueft tW Wv toOi^> feuD pzeac^erja^plenteouHp: •C^atmfte fame tnemap accojD> atiDt^ercmliueaiiDDie. £) l^alp fpicit,Direct aright, tt)e p?eacl)eri8! of t^p tooi^D: Ct)att^oubpt!)em maid: cut Dotone Rune, aisiit^ecetDtt^a fi^ojiD* Sfepart not ftomtl^ofe paftwrejefpute, btitaiHtljematallmcet): x&)it\^ bjeafee to bi9(tl)eb?eaD of lift, tjjl^ereonourCouIeisJtio feeSe* i £) bleiredrptrttof truetl),lteepetiie{ m peace anUbnitie: i^eepebisi fcamfect^anD erro^jeiall,, anb from all papidrp.^ ©nuertalltbofet^atareourfoeiB?, \,\^ atib biittg tl)em to tl^e Itg^t: ' "C^at tl)ep anD t»ce map all agree, anb pj^ife tljcebap anb nig'^t^ £) AeOib mcreafe our faitlj . in})gj anblouefotoabounb, ^Ijat man anb b3:fe beboib of ttrife^ anbneigbouc0 aboutbsrounb. Jn ouc time gme ti)p peace,C> )lo jb> to*nattou;0J farce anb nie: ainb teacbtl)em aUt!}pbolpt»o?b> t^attwemapCingtotljee, i^Ilglorie to ths TrmHy^that hofmighties moft: TJkJming fAthsrs^ndtk Scm&^md skthe hoJj Qhofti Da paccmOomine, As it hathbeene inallthetmethat hdthbceneheretQfirer "i '" Js a is rtow^ AndfojhAlhe hencefbrthfbr euermore^ ttq:^ -^ DapaccmDomine. E. G, r:^=s. ■:m 3— ZZ3E Tt— -3 r-^ (Biuepeaccu tl)eCeourt}atc;S, O ?Lo?ti, great Dangers i=i:fe-3Hir:=: :Sc::±:B-ai=^i=^ ±ittf: ace no)x) at ^anl),t^inc tmmit& )x)t(i) one atcoU),C4}^ft)a> ' — a- — ^ :r=r2±: a-jtzH: -^ -a— H— »-y-a-^ i namein eume iatii) fee&e to liefacc>roat out ? c3ce,ti)? l»l — ^ - — ^M V » ^»« -S' so:: true tigljt txioiQjtp in t)eeD : be t!)ou t'oe flap , )LojD,ixit.- ^^ H ^ H ^pA -Sfe fr=! t!)ee p:ar, ti)ou i)eipefi: alone tn all neeDe. ^ „ , (^mebs«tl)at peace tel)icl)tD2 Do lacfce, :5' k Cl)iciu3l)mlfljeleefeantic{I Ufe: •^iVp \xJo:U to offer tl)ou Dod not flacl^e^ naijicl) 1300 bnfettiDip gaiaeHriue: , , iPitt) Rre auD DDOjti, ^ -^ — ^ — C^i^s^eaiti^fulltroiD, €e2, ^(mt H TficLamctitatjon ^mt petfeeute anD opp^etTe: ^ome\»it^ftemout^ ConfelTetlje truft, i©ittjo«tftncere goDUneis:. perfect repentance tbe ftnner W^ a furc tmd to dCToD, t^t f)i d^ne fl^iU be %o»S)ciiawap in Ct)jitac0.blOttD. p^-»=^^ ^b:^^^| -- tJEi^ ^ TLoiO in tl)eeijS all mp mift, giue eate bnto mp moful ttp : tefuCcmenottijat am bniuftrbut bowing Dotnne ^Eiii^^^^iii t>)p ijeaueiilp ete . ©eljolD l)oto J Do ftill Uinetitm p z|r±||rx:2r;::?— ^ .■ — _4— — « ftnnej0!, tw^etein 31 Oo offenD : ^ )LojD, foj tljem fti all U be ^ A Aaiikefghiiitg. U ft » .1 3^ Sctrtt::: ■«T I I , I I I III l)eft^ent,fitl?tl)eetopleafeaDomtenW . , ,:' ./ . t6^ale)»ttl^fmn^0m t^metret t^ou8(antft)))it^CpeeI)ti^ett:iufl:De(tfe. ^ot^e^t^erefo^eiaillf^aH 3[cttei li to \»an? atoap mi' Ritftill f tine: - '^'^^' ^ C^?blouttflD)Lojt)fe?rtotpet D?ii^. but t^at It map l^Ipe me m time* i^aft t^ee^^) )lo^D^aft t^ee 3 (iai>> to poure on mee t^e stftjK of giare: Cl^at tDl^en tliytieiltfe fl;all fleeteatnar, in^eauen toitb t^e^l map^aue place> D^^mtl^oubollraigneetemallp, 'l»tt^ dE^oD iD^tc^ onceDiDlN)i»n ti^e reni) W$ztz aiugelisi fmg eonttnuallp> to t^ee be p^atCe too^lD t»i^ont en!). ^^Athankefgiiung after the recciuing of the Lordes Supper. 'T'i^e )Lo2iD be ti^^eD fot i^ijSi 8ifti9(,anD metcieis; euecmo^e: ^ ^ b^ boti^ ft)m bnto bi0 Caintje(;to bim be lattb t^ ecfo^e. i^ut toti9;a;canotCo piiatfe^ 7Lo^b,a^bebotb tigbt Mtmt^ ^urbattiSfcannotof ibtmCo t I)tnike>ai9(b^botbb0pj:efenie. ^tiGibenefttejdftl^epbero great, to bj^tbatbebutfinne : Cbat at out banDj9»f o; tecompence.tbcre iiai no bope to teim €) fin!ullfle(lt>,§ tljouftoulbftbauefucb metcieje(of ^ Tlotlr: ^bou boll beCente mo^ie t»oiitbtlp> of ^im to be nhl^op* 0ougbt eli9ibutfin?it»zetcbebne0botb reft tfm out battje;^ 3(inbftubbojnlragainfttJe](lojDtMebaplppiap ourpartr C^ -Sfrtttitie abottetl)e firmament, timimo\}$nV^ Cl^e ^eatiens! aboiie mib'al tl)ei:ein,moici)oIpace tljaw toeefl c6epfctiictIje7loiDmtl)etreftate,cc^duemti)Cir Degree. C^ep Do not (trine fo,zma(tcr(l)ipiioiflaciie tftcn: office fet: :3ntfeare t})e*iLoitD aiU>bot)i;8ftoilU)ateij3!toat )xie [^duR) Die* Cljcrefoze bjljen remeDie toa^ none to b^ng bjo; bnto life: d)e fon of dE^oD onr'flefl) i^e too^e^tomenD mir mortal toife* 3taDaUtbeiatM.ofj:goDonr*io,iDjt]eDtD^^itCifllobap: >■ ^mhmv^^i^ Upoiitfeejccoffpjljj^bldub piicljcbj^ Di]& pap :3(lnb tbat lx)e (boID iiot pet foiig;et,u>tjat gooD to t^ Ije Uozog^'t 3(1 fign: l)C left our epe0 to tell, tl)at be our boDie^bongbt: J\n bieaD anD tjome bere i?trible/oato tijine cpi^s anD tad: !|i0meictc0 great p maillrecoiD,lft?jatl?i0fpirittl)on baft, M once^*)e co^ne DID line ^ grot» a^ ixja^ cut Dot»n tcitl) nt^ 3IinD tbJicIljeD out tDitlj-rnaiip lh:(pe^ out fro 1310 bnffe to Dxiuc :aiinD aje^tbfetnilllDitb biGlence,trtDteav^ it ontfo fmall: 3(inD maOe it Ufee to eartblp ^n^mt tpmng it at all. ^ toaaf tl)c ©ai^iit tjt^ ripe age, cut 5o)»n ti5 cniell Deatl^: 25ecaufe tl)at Ije toJxsf micjtit \>t an cuerlafting bjeaD : (leD^ i©it^ mucl) repjiof^ MiirtiiS6iMW%tm^mcmiW'lS^^ SnD ajs^tljegcap^mple^ranttim^j acepjeifeDUetp fojc: 3(luti plucUeD DD\»n ijoije ttfcpije ripe,ttlel to gtoi» no moje* J3ccaure ti)e iuicet^attit tliem te;|^cD|itfo,ztableD?infte : ^0 Clj;i(le8;b;oiiD o'utpirfTel^ toajsfAiS nattsi^ efee\5 fpeare: Cbe iutcc t»i)ei:Dfi)oti) f4ue all tl)of^,f rig^^^ ainU a$; tlb^ coznea^ bp ijnittc > into oh'^ loafe arc fenit t • ^0 i!e( tl)e Hofii ^W ^boi? cbuvpft,ti)ougUbe in Deauen fit. 3^jB(manpgrape0maHebu?iiit#ui^,fo n)ato^ 3ln fatti^ auD loue in Ct^iiO: atjiue? artti into Ctjiift afonc. , 5Leatitng; a life twiti^out all ftrife,m cjuiet reft auD peaci^ t ' ■ ifromenuie 6Efrommalicebotl),ourbartjBfattongsfto ceafe. UDbicl) if tx»cDo,tbcn (l^aUi^e Ibetwibat luebiiai cbofenbee : 75v fattb inbimto leab a life, a^atiiiaieSiDilleb ^z* 3(int)tl)atixiemapfo bo inbeeb>(i5obfenbb0allbifi!9tace: %\}tn after beat!) iJ3e fl)all befure,t»itl)l)im to baue a place. Robert Wifedomc. •^— ^ -^--^ S -7 -T .H ^ It : _^_:^_^_^_^«v — ^ — __^ ^ ^zeferue bs! Tio . b bp tbp beare b3o;b, f roitt Ciirlieanb ^ # ope befeub b$ >ioibp ^ijicij botl) tx)oulb tbzull out of Ce 4 i)i;9f APraicr. j-g^srzrtns ±=M HlliU'f tl^atti)otiai;tA;0^DQfXo2.tij8:bpt;i8^t; %\}V po0zeafntctel>fldcfeeDeftnD* „ , . tt)at;t)}emap|)|tairetl)ee tDit^out enl^* bet^ouour pati:oiu]^lpe>anU faccour ^iue ^ one mtnl) antv perfect peace, all siii^of grace in bjsmcreafe. C(ioultums ij^pnamebe p^ifH mtinttte: Inall ourneelirati^tiefmti^ t^ai;t»em8pp^ireti^eU)0^toit^aeen&^ FINIS. Aformeofprayertobc vied in pri- uatehbufcseuery Morning and Buening. Morning prayer TlniiglitrdSoD etmoC mercrfulfatfjer^ lb3cDonotpterent'ourfcIuc0 Ijeere be^ 'fo:ctl)p^aielfp:ttullinginour oljort merited o j tBO2tWnc0, but In tljp ma^ nifDiD merciejs;,ix)l)icli !)aft pzomilfeD to fteate our pjareris;^ grant our rcqueftis \i)^tct) )»e fpali mafeetotlrecm tftenameof tftpbeloueu fonne aefu^C^iift our ^ojD twijo^at^alfo conimanHeD W to alTembl our felueiB^toset^er tnttjp tiamct»itl^ fiillalTurancetftat fte tMiirnotonlp be amongab;9f, butalfobeourmeWato? ^amtocatctotwarW tljp mateftfe,tftat\Meema? obtatneall tWng^ \x!Wi m\\{umt eicpeDienttotftpblell^l) ^lU fb^ourue^ relKttej8(:tl^erefb^et)oeibefeeci^t^ee mod^ merctfull fat^cr,to tmxt ^ louing countenance tot»arbe0 b$>anlitmputenottimo t);8(ourmamfolbnn$6( qU fenceje^^tDl^erebptneetullIp Meruetl)^\))itatb anD (^arpe puniQ)ment> but rather recemebio^ to tbp merer fo^ %ti\x^€^%x^ii Cal^e, accepting W b^atl) 9pa(rion,ai9i:auifl:recompencefo^aiourofence$(n tDbomonlpti^ou art pteareB,^ tl^^ougi^ t»bom ti^ou canltnotbeeoSettDeDtDttl^ ^* 3linB(^etng oftl)^ great mercpe^ taoeel^aue quietlp palTet) tl)t^ ntgi^r , (graunti©beauenlp.'fetfter)tliat;i»eemapbe(lotx) tl^ii0{ Dap Ujftolp in djp feruice,(b tljat al our tbogbts? tx)o^ei^> anI^Deet)e$,map reDounb tatiie glDzteof t^namejanDgoottenfampletoall men,)x)l)o Cee^ %ourspoli^t»o;l^e;e^mapsroMfieti^eeouriicauf::^ hf^tx^ ainafojatittuc^aistofti^pmeere faiiout ^ an]D!. antJ loiic, tljott l)dft: wpt? onelp ttmttMjg to tftme oiwncrumlituDcanbliUcucirc, butalfo ijaftdiofeii U;sitobel)eircje(\x>itl)tl)r beate fonne 31pru.s Cljuft !Oftl)atimmo,italfemgliomeixil)icl)tl)oup,iepareD(l: foi bs^ bcfoic tl)c begummg of tl}e \wo^iOyii»e befeci^ tj^ec to mccerifc our f aptl) anU ftuotoleOge^ anO to U8ljtenouii)carte$ iwitl) ftpljolp fpirite, tl?atb)c map in tt)emcanetpmelme in all Qot)lp couuerCa* tionanDiutcgntroflife,feno\x)mgti^at3Dolata?i0(, almltererjs; , touetons; mm , contentious perfonjai, t)iunUarDc0, glutton^s^jantJfucl) UUe^ (I; all not in^0^ titetl)eUmgDomeof^oD» .' ,,.;,.- ■ 3[inD becaufe tl)ou Ibalt commauhDeti tie^ to pjiap onefoi anotl)er, iJoeDoe not onelp malte reque(l(^ ]loit»jfojoui: felu€;0;5anD tljem tl)at tljoui^all: nltti^ bpcalleD to tbetruebnDerftanWng of tl)pl)caucn<* Ip )]DiU,butfoiaU people ant) nattoti^s: of t^e iDo^tlD, t»^o n^ ti)ep fenotoe bpt^p toonbetfull too^iUeis?, rl^at tl)ou art oner all : Cb tljep map be inftriic* ten bp tl)p bolp fpirite, to beleeue in tljee tl)eir onelp %j&auiour anb reDemer.ll5utfo;afmucl) a0 tbep can norbeleueeirceptt^epl)eare,noiicannotibeare, but hv p;eacl)ing,anb none can pieaclje ercept. tftcp be fent : tberfojc(SD A^ojb) raife Up fattl^full Di(h:tbu^ ter$i of tl)p mpfterie0,ioi)o felting a part all ^d^llj^ ip reipcctc;8?3 map botlj in tljeir life anb boctrine, onelp feefeetljp glozp* Contrarilp, confounbe ^a^ tl)mt,3(tnticlxu(t, tiitl) allljireling;e;8^,\J3l)ometliou l)a(lalreabp caftof iutoarepzobatefcncc,tl)atti)cp map uotbp fectcft fcl)ifinc$,ljorcrtej8!anbcn:oni% bifqutet t\)v little flocfee. 3(lnb becanrc (^ Ho'M) uebcfa I ninto tl)e latter bapesi anb banngcroiijGf :.tpmc3rU)i)crem ignojaunce l^atlj gotten fl)t bpp^^^ r\)m% anb ^atljan b^ iji^ minitl^rg feclie b^ali meaneja: Prayers. meiinej^totiuencli ti^rl^toftbi^ (tsofpell.txieebe^ uemngtbolue^^antiftcengtlien allt^p fenmntc^, >»l)ometl)epiieepeinpufonattDbonl^age. %tt noi tl)p longfuffcrnigbeiinoccafion, eittiecto encceafe tijet tirannr^oi to Difcoiiraget^pcljillijteria neittjec pctlptouc Cinne$ anDi»icUeDnc$ be a liinDerance totl)pmeme^,but\Mitl) fpeep(€) iojb) confiDec tl)erc great mifcrie^. fojt^p people jrraell manp timcjB! bp tbeir finncs^ p?ouofeeti tbine anger, anD tbouptmWieDeftftbem bp t\)v tuftiuligement, pet tboagb tbeitfume;B(t3oereneuer(o gre«ou;8(,if tljep anre retuciieU from t^eir mtquttf , tl^&u rerepuibft tljem to metcp%i©e ttjecefojemo^ix) jetcb . bfinnerfl? betoatleons matufoiDfiuue^ianD eameftip repent iJjBfof oiir foimet 'ix)icUeDnefle) anD bngoDIp beba* u(otirtoti}arDei8i tber: anD lpl)etea$ )))ee cannot of ouu lelue^puccljafe tbp paPHon, pet toe buniblp be^ feecbtfteefo;3leto>CbJtft^i8!fafeeto fl^eto tbpmei;. tpe^stipon lr0 , anb receiie bisf againe to tbP f auo nr. <5tmnt banD all otbertbtngsfneceffariefoib^^tbp tobole Cburcb, aecoi^tng to tbppzomifein 3lefuj3(Cb3iift onr ^tlojii). 3n tobofe name toe befeecb tbee ajs l^eJ^atb tatigijl; A thankefgiuing before meat. ECernall anb etterUumg(^€)B,f atberof out io?be3efu0 Cbiift, toljooftbpmoftfmgulat: loue tobtcb tbou beaieft to manUtnbe, baft appotp^ tebtobtis! fuftenaunce, not onelptbefruite^of tb^ eartli,bu^lfotbe fouleja^of tbc ar?e,tbe beaded of tljefielbyatibftS^eialoft^e fea, attb baft comniaun^ titJif tbpijeneflteg ttf be tecepueb aj5 from tl)p ijnvM ^^^ '^ toitl) Prayers. ,^ moutl) of t!ip aipoftie,t^dt to tlie cleane allt^tngs; arecledne>die(ebeci:eantreiei txjI^icl^befancttfteD bp tl)?\roit),anDbppj^pet: gcaimt bntob^gracefo moDcratelprobre tbefe tbP gtftiQ! Pi^feut, t^atour bot)ie0 being tefrc(t)et),ou(fouleiQi map bento^e a» ble to p^oceeb m al goob t»ojt^0 to tb t pitatTe of tbp bolp name t^jiougb Jtft:^ €\)ii(t our %t>fi. ^ bee it. Our Father which.&c. A thankcfgiuing after meat. Glo^p >p;aire,anb bono^bebnto tbeemodmet^ ctfuil 6^.omntpotent;fatbet, tx)bo of tbtne tnfi- nitegoobne;Qi,ba to bobom be p;aire,gIo^te,^bonoji fo^i euer.^ o be iu (i^obrauebt0Cbutcbbntuet:raII,out Stmmz 9 tealme:6obcomfoztalltbemtbatbe comfojitieiei « )lojibmcreafeoutfatti^.£DiioiitfotCb!tifttbpfbnjQ( (ake^be merctfuU to tbe commonboealtb b^bere tbp d^ofpeii \fi truelp p;eacbeb,anb barbo^ gtaunteb to tbe af fiictcb member^ of Cb^t(l$bolip, anb tllumt- nate acco^tbing to tbpgoob pleaCute, all nationiai ioitbtbebjitgbtne0oftbpbpo^.&obe it Eucning prayer Ot^o^b (^obfatbet euetialhnganbfulof pittp, b^e acknobolebge anbconfeire>t^t U)ebe not t»ojtl)p Praicrs. too^fetoliftbp our erei9( tol^eduen^mnc^leireto p^eCmtoutteluejaibefo^et^ri^aieftie, M^ confu Dencet^attl)out»tlt^eateout:p^met<8i> anti grant our requefteiei, tf )»e conUDer our alDneDeferumg^^, lo^ cur conCclence^ Do aceufeb$, anD our nn$)))tt^ neireagam(lb$,ant) tx^el^nolD t^atti^u artantp^ rtg^t tuDge , \»t)tc6 Doft not iuflifie tlje finner$ and toictccDmen^butpunif^eft ti^ faulted of allCuclj ag tranfgre(retl)pcommantiement$: J^et mod mer^ rtfullfatljer , fincc it batb pleafeb ttiee to commanD h^ to call on tljeein all our troubled anU atJuerfb tte0,p^mtftngeuen tben to belpe bjsf tw^en tx)e feele our feiue^ ( a0 it tuere) f\»aUot»eb bp of beatb anD DeCperj^^n, \j)e bttetlp renounceallboo^lDlpcom liDence, anD flee to tbv Coueraigne bountte a$ our onelp (tap auD refuge : befeecbtng ti^ee not to call to remembrance our manifolDfinnejsfauD ix)icfeeDne$, toljfcebp Due continually piouofee t^p bojatbauD inDtgnation agatnft bis : neitber our negligence anD bnfeinDneire 5 tol^icb baue neitber ^oozti^ilp efteemeD > no% in our liuejs fufficientlp erpteireD tbe Cboeete comfort of t^p gofpellreuealeD bnto b$: but ratijerto accepttbeobeDiencegtDeatl^ of t^|pfonne 3IeCu$ Cbjift 3 t»bo bp offcing bp W boDie in faerie nee once foz all ^atb maDe a fufficientrecompence fojall our rinne0« l^auemercie tberfo:ebponbj8(r€> %oits) auDfoz^iue bjs owoffence^. Ceacl^ b^bp tbp^olpfpirit tbat toeemap rigbtlplreigb tbem, anDearne(Hprepentfo?tbefame.3linDfomucbtl)e ratber ( €) iojtD jbicauTe tbattbcrepiobate?ifuci^ a$ tbou i^aft fojfafeen can not p jaife tbee not cal \)pi^ ontl)pname,buttl^erepentingbart,tbefo^ro^fuU mpnD;tbeconfcienceopp]ie(reD>i)ungtingani)tbir« ftin8fojti^P2tace>ftaUeuerfetfa^^ti^pp?aireanD- Prayers* tDoaart cur creatoj,i«nli mt\xtt\ic\x^o}Uolt\^i^ ^2tiB^: pea t^ou art our fatl)er eiiDUJ^tl^pcWi^en, tl)ouart 0ur l^'epl&carD, auDUice ti^p ftocfe^> t^ow artour reDeemer ^ix)etl)c people tx)l)omt6ou Ijafl: bougl)t;tl|ouartour6oD9i))ee t\)m inheritance: CojtrectlJSf not tljmioit in tbtne anger iD Aoi^D, neitljer accoiDing to our DefertejS puntfttft hut meccif ullp c^aftice ))0 ^itl) a f atl)crlr aflfection tftat all tl;e \x)0]tlD mar Unob3 t!)at at 'mW time fo euer ^ fmner Dot^rcpent t)tm of ^i^rinne from ti^ei)6ttom iOf t^i$l}art> tt)ou totltput a^^aapl^iiBitxnci^etmeiSout oftl)p remembrance, a;St^ou !)aftpjomifcti bptl^ f inallp.fo^fmucl^ajqittbatbpleareb t^eeto malse t^enifilit fo? manto;te(lin,aiStl)ouftafto;jDapne^ l)im tl;c tjap to trauaile^graunt £) tiearefatber t!)ae toe map Co taKe our bobilp rel^, tbiit our foulejs^m^ continuallp iwatcji fo; t^e timct&at our Xo^Diefttf Cl)nft(^ailappeare fo? our Deliucranceoutof tbi^ moztall life,anD in t!)e meane fcaron tiiat ijoee' not ouercome bp anp fantafie0,b?eame9!,o? otlier f^mp^ rations mapfullpfet our mpnte? bppon ti}ec,loue tbce, feare ^^ee, auD reft in ti^ee, juttljerntDie , tbatourflccpebee notepceffinco? oucrmucl), after foeinfatiable Defire0 of tbefle!^, bwtonelp fuffici* ent to content our ^eaKe !natur?,tl)at toee map bee better DifpofeD to Hue in all goDip conuerfation^to tl)egIo?icof t6pljoipnamepantipzofit of our b^etlj^ jen^^obeit A godly prayer to be faid at all times. lLJ€)no? anb p?aife bee gtuen to ti^ee, ^ %mt ^ -^0 i^jDalmigljtp, moft beare fattier of ftea^ ueti Prayers. uen^foitaUtftpmecciejsfaninouing WnDneffe fteto- t^ t^nto W>tn tl)at it f)at^pleafet) t^p gratiouiet gooDncircfreclpanDofttjmeoiDueaccojD, to elect auDci^etJjsfto faluation before t^e beginnmg of tfte t)oozlD,anD mm liuecontinual tiyianfeja^be geuen 13) tijee fo jcreattng t);g after ti)ine otwne image, fa^t fe0eenungtj^ta3tt^t!}epjetiott$ blouDoftl^p Deare f0nne,^i^eii i3oe toere btterlp loft, tot fanctifping l30\x)it]b tljpftolpfpivittn t^ereuelation anU fenoi»? leDgeof tlj? ^kDlptxro;t>)fo^l)elptng anD fuccouring 1)0 in all our neetie^ aiiD neccCTttie^, to} Cautng W from all oaungerjs of boUp antifou!e> fojcomfoi;^ tiitg b0 Matft ^clie in all our tribulation^, anD per^ feciition^fo? fparingbSfalon^ an^giutng Wto larg^atiine of repetitaunce. Cl^efe benefited ( £D moftmercpftiU fattier) liftca^twee iftno^xjleDgeto ^auerecepueBt^emoft^p orrelp gooDnelTe, eucn fd tojeebeC^i^chtl^efojtbpUeare .^onnelefo^ €^},v- (Ie0fafee,tograuntb!8l nlmm^s^ tl^r^ijoik ^pirtte, ixi^erebp lajeemapcontinuaHpgro^ int^auHeful^ mere toi»arDe0tliee,tDbee lebDe into all truetft anO romfojteD in all our aDuerfitie^, O 5Lo?t>3 ^tm^ ti^enour f aitft, UnW it moje in feriientnefie an5 loue toix)arUe0 tljee ^ our neigbbaure^fo^i tl}p tMl puffer \3^ uotOtto(lDearefatl)er} to recepae tlj? i»0^^ aiip mojei I baine : but graunt bg; altuapesJ t^e afliftauce of tbp grace anb bolp fpirit ,tl}at iii Ijart, txjojtb anb beeb^ boe map fanctifie anB Do boo^i fl)ippctotl}pname.l^elptoampligeanbincrearct^r &ingbame,anbbDl)atroeuert^ou fmbe^, b}e map be bartelp boell content twitb tl^p goob pleafure anb toil : i^etb^not jacfee ti^eti^tng (€) ifati^er) wit^-^ out t^eU)ibiCiji»e cannotferueti)ee,but bleCTefoaa fa*iltl)^J»Di^egi ofour ftanb^S tljattoe map ^aue Prayers. ftiSRcient, anD notbec!)argeable, but tatbet Ijelp? fiiU\)nto otber$:bemercifu:l (^ Ho}^) to our offr- CC0, ant) feeing our Debt us; great, \s)W^ tboubaft fo^gtuen biS in Jtivfi Cb^tft, ma^e b$ to loue tbee anb our neigbbounei (b mueb tl^e tno^e.i3e tbou our fatber , our captaine anb bef enber in all teinptatb onjS; bolbe tbou bjs bp tbp mernfull banb,t^at toe mar be beltuereb from ai inconuentencejai,anb enb ourUucjSintbefancttfring anbbonouroftbp bolp nantc, tbjougb ll^fu €^ii^ our lo^banbonel^ ^auiour.^^obett. net tbi' migbtp banb anb outdretcbeb arme (^ )lo^b be M our bef ence,tbp mercp anb lotytg IttnB ne^in Jefu€b;ift tbpbeare tonne, our faluation, tbp true anb bolp toojb our inllruction, tbp grace anb bolp Q)ir tte our comfo?;t anb conblation ^ bnto tbe enb^anbint^eenb.S^obett Lordmcreafeowfaitk&c, A Confeffion for all eftates and times. S^ternall d^ob anb moft merciftiU :f atber, |toecon(etreanb acknotolebgebeerebefbite f tbp ^ixxim maiellp, tbat toee are miferable (innerisf jconcetneb anb bojne infitineanb iniquitp, fo tl)at in b$ tberei$ no goobnej8?. f o]t tbe f left euer mo;e rebelletb againll rbe fpirite, toberebp toee continuallptranfgrefletbPbolpp?ecept!8i anb com^ mani3emct;0f, anb fo purcbafe to our feIue$tb?ougb tb^^iuft iubgement, beatb anb bamnation. ;0ot^ toitbftanbmg (:€>beauenlpf atber) fojafmucb ^^ toe are biljjleafeb toitb our felue^foj tbe (linnet tbat toebaue committeb againa t^ee^anb bo bnfameb^ Iv repent b0 oftbefame: toeemolf bumblpbefeecb tftee,foOefuS€l^uaei5fa^,to fteto t^p mercp on b$ Praiers. tjiSxtofoigetteb^aliourfinne)e(,anU'totntreafetl|p liolprpttitc m t>MW \x}C acbttotDletigdis from tbe bottomeofout^attejQ^our otx)ne bttrigj^teoufnelft map from ijeucefojtlj notonelpmo^tifte owfinful ummt^ nfttctm^jbixt alO) bung fo;tbfucl^fi;uft0» n^mnv be agreabie to t^p mod blefTeD tx)i(I> not fo^ m tooit:'9pne;8;ti)ercof, butfo^tljc meritejEi of e^ Denrelr belouetJ fonne 3!eCte Cii?ift our onelp fa# utout )))t)om>tl)oul)aaaireatip geuen an oblatton anO oSdngfo: our rmue$;,anl)fo^tx)l^& 0il^e,lue areccrtamiFpern»aUelJ,tbat tboutwtlt lienpe W notWng t^at t»e fl>aU afec in tji^ name*, acco^Wng to tbp \»m/f o: tl)pfpir:teliotl^ afliire our confciet^ ce0tl)attwuartourmerctail( father anb(b touelt D;s^tbFebtli)^entl)itougbi^tm, tbatnot^tng ig able to remouetl)rl)eaueulp grace anljfauourfromljija^ Cotljec tberefoie('€>f atljer) \»itl) t^>e tonne anl^ tbebo)p(!5l)ofl:,beaU^ono]^anD glo^ i^o^mtxiit!^ outenD«^obeit« % A pray erjfor the whole ftate ofChriftcs Church. Ajtmig()tr<^oD anU moftmercpfull father toee bnmblprubmiteourCelueiei auDfallDo^ne be^ fo?eti)pmaie(tiebeCeec^ingtt)ee fromtfte bottome ofonrbattgJtljat tl^igfCeetilof tl)pt»o^t)noto»fotoen aniongeabgi, map tafee fuel) l)eeperoote,t^at nei- tl)ertl)eburnuigi)eatof perfecution caufeitto t»t# tl]er ,nettl)crti)el^mp car^oftbtislife cl^oal^ett, but tl^at a0 feeti fo\»n in gooti grounD,it map bjing foDiti) toittpjfiictp, anb an bunbzcb foib ajstbp^ea^ nen;p tswfebome batb appointeb: 3lnb becaufetwee bane uceD, couttnuaUp to craue manptbmge^ at tl^pl)anbej3!;t»eel)umblp>ereecl> ^e(€) ^eauenlp fati^( ftitlitt) to gtaimt W ti^v ftolp IJjirtte to Direct out pttitm^tWtWntuv p^ceeDe from fucl^ a kt^ uent mitiDe, n^ map be agreable to ttjp mod bleffcD toilL 3(tnD feeing tbatour inftnnitp 10 able to Doe notbitig ijjitbout ti^p belp,anD tl^at tl)oii art not iq^^ no jaunt Doit!) l^otM manpe anD great temp tation^, '.toepoojetojetci^e^are on euerpTiUe enclofeO anD compalTeD : %tt tbp ftrengtlj, C> )LojD,fu(lame our l»eafeencffe;tl)attoe betngDefenDeD i»itb tbc fojtce of tbp grace^map be fafetp pjeferueD againflt all af^ faulted of ^atlian : iD^ogoeti) about conttnuallp lifee a roarmg idion feeWng to Deuour ^^. Jn^ xreafe our fait^> €) mercifUUf at!)er, tjmt toce Doe tiotftoarue atanptime from tbp ^tmmlv ino^D, butaugmenttn b;8(t)ope anD loue, tx^itb acarefuii l^eeping of all ti^p commanDement$ : tbat no l)arD# ne(reDfl^eart,noi^ppocrifp,noconcupifcenccoftl)e epfii8:> nojinttf^ente$ofti|et»ojlDe, Doe D;at3o bie; ^toapfromtl^p obeDience* 3(inD feeingtoeliuenoDo in tl^efe mod periIou$ time$ : let tbp fatberlp pjoui^ Dence DefenD bja: againd: ti^e btolence of our ene^ mie;8^,Dobtc!) Doe feei^ebp all meaner to oppjieffe tbp tructb. f urtbermo?e fo^afmuct) ajs bp tbp l^olp 3i^ podle t»e bee taugl^t, to maUe our pzaper0 auD fup^ plication!Sfo?tallmen:a£)eep2apnot onelp fojour felue0berepjefent, butbefecc!) tijee alfo, torcDucie aUftrcba$pctbeignoitant,fromtbe miferable cap:^ tinitic of blinDneflfe anD erroi, to tbepure bnDcr)^ ftanDing, anDfenotnlebge oftbp bcaucnlp truetb : tbatDoealltoitboneconfentauDbnitie of miuDejf, maptoojflnp t!)ee our onelp dPoD anD fauiour. 3[lnD tbat al pado?0,a)epljearDj8; anb miniderftto t))bom ti^ou i^aft ccmmitteD tbe Dtfpenfatton of ti^p bolp iO!jo^D,anD cl^atge of tl)p ri^ofen people, map botb in A Prayer. t^efeUfeanlJBoctcinejbefountifaftl^fuIl/ettingbtt^ !pbefo|et^eicepei0(t|)pslo?tp: anU t^at bp tj^mm poo^^e fteepe,\»i^ic{) ^wantiei: aiiD go alteap : mapbf gatftereDaiiD bjougi^ti^ometotlipfolD* S^ojeouet, beeaufet^e lieatte^ of rulers? areitt tl^pl)anliei3:,it)ebefeccl)tl)eetoWrect ^gouerne tfte ftarti8(ofaUfeingftp?mce;8faittimagiftrat$totD6om tbou baft committed tbe (toojti : efpecmllp £> ^o^D, accojtimg to our bount)en Duetp l»ee befeecbtbee tomainetameant)tncreaCef|)e i^ono^abie eftateof tbe^ueencj8(matellp, antiallbet;mo!i^ noble rouu^ fellerje(,atttimagiftraee;si^ t^itballtbe fpmtuallpa^ ll^o^aiant]#mtfterie(,anl) alltbetDbole bobpof ei^r$ common iweale.itLet tbpfatberipfauour to pjeferue tbem,ant)tbpbolip fpirtte fogouerne ti^eir bearte$t> ibattbepmapinCucb fo^ ei^ecute ^m office, tbar tbp religion map be purelp mainetainet),manneria( ref o^meD, anD (tnne punif^eb; acco^bing to ti^ep^e^ ciferuleoftbp i^olp i}oo|b/3nbfo^tbatb3eebeeall memberia(of tbe mtdicailbobp of ielUiei €\^ii% toee ma]^eourreque(fei8ibntotl^ee(^beauenIpfat|^er) fo^allCucb ajeiareafflictebiDiti^anp i^tnbe ofcrolTe 0^ tribulation, aj8(ia)arre> plagnepfamine>(ichneire> ponertp, imp^ifonment, perO^cution, banifli^ment, oianpotberWnbe ofti^tobis?, tobetberitbeecalai^ mitpofbobp, 0^ l^ei^tionofminbe: ti^at it tiooulb pleafe tbee, to giue tbem patience anbconftancp, till tboufenb tbem full beliuerance of all tbeir trou^ ble^.Eoote out from bence(C> ilojb) allrauening I©olue05 iMbicbto filltbeir belliejs feefeetoDellrop tbpflocfee.^ub ^ei30 tbp great;mercie;Sbppon tbofe our bietbienin otber coutitreie^,i»bicb are perfectly teb^caftintopjifonjanbbaplpconbemneb tobeatb fo J ti^e teftimonp of tbp tratlj* 3inb tbougi^ tbep be ffz btterlp Prayers. bttetUe DeflKtute of au;matiies arbe^petietti^ftom eomfoitneuecDeiiattefcom t^em : butfo inflame tbeit^artejQl)))tt^ t^p l^olpe Cptrit, tl)at tt^epmap^ bolDIpanlt cbearfoUp abtDeOic^trialu a;8i t^pgoD^ Iptx^ifeDomeCtiall appoint. &o t^atatletigtl) aisi toell bptl^eir Deat^a^s bptbeiclife^tbeHingDomeof tbPt)^are(bnne3erud€i^ii(l»map incteafe anO l^ineti)^ougbdtltbe )»o^. 3n Do^oCename tx)e make out i^umblepe(ttionj8^ tiisro tt^ee 4;9(l^^a^taU8btb0.Our Father whichj artin heauciilullowed.&c. FINIS* senottof(e« ^e<:;; '51: t o 3in trou j!e ano aDtMti j-j Juftmip^eaTt. 34 3|iDtU9iuel9ao. )9l raid 31^01 l(Dbc. 4o3l&}aUcolongaRD, 4? ludgeano reutng?.. 77 1lS»itl)o^«) ''jo3Jn©ODtI)c3tojH»., I ilraerden)i)l8t»D,- Jlnf^o^lelTcfilcttCtv - r97 - f fi 2^7 ■ iZ9 335 3X2 21^ 328 80 99 »i4 14? *H 4*? 47 , >37 i47 166 - 18S ai7 35 J 4? 73 PI 106 108 115 1P4 238 »fa f 282 I ■'P^altBC.. , ^?o 3ln trouble an» in. :tri 5i lift nunc nc0. •iai 31 Dio tn bcart. .. ; . L. 6 Jl02Bintl)!>'tinAth. i^i«ZDHapP"»cfo?, 26 JiojtDbcnipujagc, :{15llOlBple:»1Up. ' ^.^iilicasttjel^art 68Jlet(10oOarife. 7 2 lic^D Qiuc tl)p iuDse» 86!S.o;Dbol&tbiteear(, 88}Lo?i)(0oDot'l)caltl). i3b3BrOjl»totl)ee3. t46lto;ifiroueme. r M. 2^59pt^cpl>cartti0tlje, 4f ^1?l)artD0t^tabe, 71 l3^llo;dmp#od. lo^i^pfonlegtue. io4.:^pfoiiiep;^iret N. ' iij/I^ottntoW. 124 Bo5» IfraeU O 4, £> (SoD t^atattm^i 7 £>S^O7Dtni»<0ot>. 8 £><0Ol>OUYlLo;!),l}O%t). 15^ fim feit^'-n tl)p tab, 17 flDS^ojiBgiaceare. 18 £)<15oDmpft«ngrI), II ^ ti^OD t)0f9 to^ftiH, 22 £[>(I?oD mf (!5ob, 31 ©iLoj0 3ltnttiiip. 44 €)nr eared batte beam. 51 £>l^o;iDconfti>ermp. 55 £>(0obgi»eeare. 60 £> !Lo;b tbou JiinQ* 6\ ££><15obtti^(0oti« 64 €> ilojtb tmto mp ticfcr. 7o£>(!&o0tometahc. T9 JLojb tbe d^cntt^sf. 9^£p(]|^0l>t!)0U])0tl. 9$ flD come let b0. Foiled 3if 511 ?f 5<» 75 95 115 l(lD0^inpncatt. 117 u) all pc nations. II S C> Qiuc tl)nnbc0. u^ C) JLozo tijat IjeatKn, 119 €>fttl)cpncftD. ' i 131 £> jLozD 3i am not. 13; £) Uoix) t)appte. 19 J iiPp?3lfctl]cllO?D. 139 £> iLojD tl}Ou Ijaft. 141' i]Pllo;Dtopont])e^ P. . 38 ?E)atmcnottoircbttfet; 106 ^;taifcpctb^iL;a!iD, i3(fpliaifcpetvt3l'0;o. i47^0?aifcpet-^e3lojD4 R. ^i lSe8ard,€>llo;li,fo;. X 3 2 iSemeutbcr 3DautD0, ' s. -'.^r 59 ^cnDaidanbraue. 6p ^aueme€><]&OD« 12; ^uct)a0tn(0oD. T. X C^etnantfltblefl:. 14 Ct)arct0no(15o&. ^ 19 CbebeauensVnbtt^. »4 i:^ceaTtbt0alI< 17 Cljc3B.o?Dt0bot!j. a3 Cjbou art ^ 3Lo;D. 31 Ci)etnanf0bUfl. ;6 C!)c^ifbcDtoitb. 41 die mantsblefl. 4^ Cbclto;it)t0onr,. *9r 3:31 345 347 50 Ct)C(lDOOef3 C^e]Lo;Da0kui£(. 98 i ^7 Cb« 3IU>?1> fiotb ratgnr. atfp 99 C^cHo^bDot^aisQc, 2^7 ' 1 lit C^entant0bleft, ' i2f Cboftt^iatDo. ,^f I i38Cbeefeai3Bp;atfc. xyi ^ W. 245 « ^ wttbljcartanbmwit^. 3^4 ip W^ati0t^iccaurc. 301 yt tXJln'DettttMxitp^ant. 7+ wbparttljo«3Lojo, iiiTOit^tfcaitjilbo. 114 wb«n3rfra«Ubp. i26>X)bentbattbeilo}d. 137 V7bma0Si)e(ate \. 33 yensl;tcou0fcitb«, ^7 7epeopUaOUi. y8 -ycrttlerfitijjft. 66 Tc men on eartb. ni yz cbUDjcn&btcb. rf6yedDbnto0oD» The e ye rtiall haue in the be ginning of tbeboobe, Vcni Creator. Cbc 0«mblc futeof a finncr. . Venice exultemus. Te Deum. (^liz rong of rtjc tbja c!)ili>jai# Benedidtus. Magniftrat anima mea^ Nunc dimittis. Quicunquevuk. CbeluncntationofaGnner, The Pater nof>er. •Cljctm CommanDctnei^'S, €:i)£to:nphtwofafinncr. 1^ 48 70 71 7tf , 78 86 97 ixlj 218 22t 233 240 247 Z84 187 3aT 34* 353 19^ 29 4P 140 lifg *85 189 3*r 340 83 il4 i8» 36IS }-^ Thcfe follow after the l&falmetf, ij3€boU) ns^giue. mttcnomp people. €)ur father &)bcaaen art. IPIl nip btltcfeanb con6bmrc. Comcbolplptrft* <0(ue peace in tber«. ^JtojiD in tbcK t0 fltl mp tntS. ^tK3Lo;tDb&0Hniltc&. ^^feraeb0llo;]>. 9t(iocertaina iKOftlpp;ai»(r0. FINIS. ^i,'^' •.r^oonnr>yi '^<^, ~ «;i^w^>^^ 251 PSALMS, ^ije Wl)ok boofee of P^almesf: coUecteb into Cnglisif) meetre by T. Sternhold, W. Whittingham, I. Hopkins, and others. Confeixed with the Hebrue with apt notes to sing them withall. Newly set forth and allowed to bee soong of all the people together, in all churches, before and after Morning and Euening prayer, as also before and after Sermons : and moreouer in priuat houses for their godly solace and comfort, laying apart all ungodly songs and ballads, which tend onely to the nourishing of vice and corrupting of youth. London, Printed by lohn windet, for the j\ssignes of Richard Daye, 1598. Sm. 4to, !$lack Hctter, title ivithin woodcut border, with printed tnnsical notation {sqziare notes), a very fine and tall copy, old calf, £6 10s. The first words of the 137th Psalm, " When as I sat in Babylon," are sung by Sir Hugh Evans in The Merry Wives of Windsor. ..f^^V^ft^'^' i>9S •t>"0'i' ;xtremely rare, Dr. Laing's pericct copy sold for c.S?i^I". ^^^''^'^^'^ J' RELIQUll. tjACRA., sive auctorum fere jam perditorun II et III SkcuH Fragmenta, accedunt EpistolJ Synodica? et Canonicoe Nica^no Concilio Antj quiores cum Notis, Index, etc., Second and B,- Edition, 5 vols, 8vo, clot/i, i6s 6d , , _ . Oxford, 1846-4I 696 Ruskin (John) Studies in both Arts, illust trntrd ■with 10 plates drawn by the autiior, sotA coloured, foho, cloth, 15s (pub 21% jiet) 189! 697 Ryther (John) Morning Seeker, shewino- thl beneht of being good betimes, with direcliot to malv-e sure work about early reliaion 8v( ^ calf, 7s 6d . ^ > ^^_ Plat for Mariners, or the SteV'"""'' S- Tridentini Con "^Tfn^rA^3f^i^ipj5< m ;;^:^j?';^^?;«S?'sr:"2'r?:»?5'= in c l^f^^ 562 SAVOY CONFERtmi'T'T^^^^^^^ Commissioners nf ...„ ir^ • ^" Accompt of all th/ 1 SSSi2^^^ji^--L^-sw..sioKs^ all the Proceedings of PSai/BbS.— The Whole Booke of Psalmes collected into English meetre by T. Stbrnhold, W. WiTTiNGHAM, I. HoPKiNS, and others, with apt notes [musical Notation] to sing them withal, to bee soong of all the people together, in all churches before and after Morning and Evening Prayer, as also before and after the Sermons : and moreover in privat houses for their godly solace and comfort, laying apart all ungodly gongs and ballads, which tend only to the nourish- ing of vice and corrupting of youth, JSlacft XCtter, title within woodcut borders, 4to, ealf neat, ^\ 58 Zondofi, John V'indet, 1598 A very large copy with exceptionally wide margins, but somewhat water-stained, and has two small worm- holes. V- PSHl/lBS.— The Whole Booke of Psalmes collected into English meetre by T. StERNHOI.D. W. WriTINGHAM, J. HOI'KINS, and other!!, with apt notes [musical Notation] to sinj; them withal, to bee soong of a([ tbC people togetber, in all cburcbcs before anb after horning aiib J6v>en(ng Ipraeer, as also before aiib after tbe Senr^ons: anb moreover in prlrat bouses for tbeir goblg solace anb comfort, lagtng apart all ungoMg songs anb ballabs, wbicb lenb onlg to tbe nourisbing of vice anb corrupting of goutb. JSlach ^Letter; title within -wood- cut borders, 4to, calf neat, A rare edition, Londo7i, John Windet, 1598 , The Whole Booke of, collected into Englishmeetre \sic\ by T. Stern- hold, W. Whittingham, J. Hopkins, and others. Newly set forth and allowed to be soong of all the people together, in all churches, before and after Morning and Evening prayer, as also before and after the Sermons, black letter, icilh title within woodcut border, and Music; sm. 4to. mottled calf extra, g. e., by F, Bedford (a fine and tall copy); rare, £a. 4^ "^' >^odem, pro iisdem, 1590 , I'ope'. Scholer m S« E»flf ^^^^'J-'^^ ,j^^^^ blacS letter, «ma 5T0, half "«»*«*''s'^aiPA.ii3?- 1 J CATALOGUE Large and Valuable Library LATE HENRY F. SEW ALL OF THIS CITY COMPRISING A Very Rich Collection of the Old English Literature, Rare Editions of the Works op the Famous Dramatists, Poets, Essayists ; Illuminated Manuscripts and Books Printed on Vellum ; Specimens from the Presses op the Early Italian, German, French and English Printers; Many Editions op the Holy Bible, THE Common Prayer and Psalter; Books of Emblems and other Works Illus- trated by Well-known Artists, Ancient and Modern; Books Notable for their Good Bindings ; also a Number op Works Extra-Illustrated with Numerous Engravings from Mr. Sewall's own Large Collection. TO BE SOLD AT AUCTION Monday-Friday, January 18-22, 1897 BY BANGS & CO. 91 & 93 Fifth Avenue, New York I 3638 Sternhold, T. The Whole Booke of Psalms collected I into English metre by T. Sternhold, W. Whittingham, J. Hopkins and others, with apt Notes, etc. Small 4to, I sprinkled calf, red edges, by Riviere. Fine copy. John IVindot, Lond. 15 98 .J^./\:/^r^r.