? s * ITHE POPISH ! ROYALlT~"$ I FAVOURITE I I OR, . | I A full Difcovery of His Majefties | i Extraordinary Favours to 3 and TroteBions of II i notorious Fapifts, Friep^Jefuits, againft all prosecutions ^ and penalties of the Lamen&Sttd againft them 3 notwithftanding his many Roy all Troc/amatiem^Dec/arathns, zai Preteft contraiy; Asllkewifeof a inoftdeiperatelongcrofecu'ed o| Dcfigne to fet up Poper,, and extirpate the Prmjlam Religkn 4 5' bydcgnetSjin this our Reaimc of BtglMi,mi ft* J all His Majefties Dominions. %9 | Manifeftedby fandvy Letters of grace .Warrants, W j and other Writings under the Kings owne Signe-Mannall, fe | Privy Signet, His Privy-Councds,mA Secretary Windebankj hands and -1* Seals, by divers 0r<&r/ and froceedinosm open ScfTionsit Neivante, in the ^ 5? Seals, by divers 6>r^r.f and Froceedings in open J^*** at Newgate^ m th ; iaw £w£, and elfewhere (all extant on Record in the Stffims Hool^ Goal-Books, C rGWn '°ffce, where all who fcruple their indubitaole verity SU> j> or reality, m ay perufe them for their better fttisfaclion ;) Aslikcwife 3f% p L 7 tne K™£' £?«<* to the P*/* , His mmhgt ^Articles, Oaths, pd £ • and other pregnant Teftimonies,wonhy publike 4$ know ledge and coniideration, «tg! ? — - 4 < % Colle&ed and pubjiflred by Authority of Parliament : > , Jbyj^illiamrrynne , oiLincol nsIt me^ Ffquire, ^% ^,,~,, r IUHRON.I9.1. /fW -' And Jehuthtfonne of Hanni the Seer went out tomeethim, and faidtol^ingJ,hofaphat 9 Sbouldef! thouklpe £g JT {fe mgody, and love them that bate the Lord ? therefore h wrath upon thee from the Lorl %%> g I foe unto them tot fake deep to hide their courfe'lfrom the Lor™ Hid their work are in the dark, and they fy, g^ g Who.cctb us? and who\nmeth & ? Surely your turning of things upside dome fiall be efieetned at the pt- %«> J tm cuy, A:id in thet day fall the dcafe heate the words 0} the Uo\e ; and ihe eyes of the bhnie fall lee %% u out ojoifcunty and out oj darfafc ; the ntee{ A fall increase tkirjoy k the Lord ; and the poore amove ^v u mmjballrejnyce m the holy One oj ifmL Ft- the terrible omfallbe brought to noiuht.and ibe [corner fad 3M[ £->>»■ ^ % k cm fumed, and all tha K watch for iniquity fall be cut <# &% Z>C~~*<-» ^Imprinted at London for M ic H A e l Spark senior, and are to be Jjf ^ZjOC fold at the Blue-Bible in Green*t±Arbour. 1643. 5f*L ITisthisfeventcenthdayof November 1643. ordered by the Committee of the Houfe of Commons concerning Printing, that this Booke intituled, the Popifi Royall Fa- vourite, &c. be printed by Michael Spares fenior. John Wh ite. A materiall Obfervation. * Sec their Re- HPHe * Rebels in Ireland, declared the Parliaments proceedings and an?D *¥•»/ * intendments againft Papifts^the only ground of their Rebellion. hi> too'ke. The Queene foone af ter,for fo aid them and the Englifh Romanics, departs the Realms with the Kings Jewels, to raife Money?, Men, pro- vide Armes 3 Ammunifion,the which (he ftrenuoufly performed. The King immediatly upon her departure deferts the Parliament al- together notwithftanding all Petitions, MefTages to reduce him .\rai- feth an Army,firft of Englifh Malignants, then of Papifb, to divert all fupplies from hence againft the popifh Rebels in Ireland^ and fecure the Gatholike party in England and Scotlaad* Upon theQueenes returne, the Irifh Rebels are firft fupplied with Armes and Ammunition from the Queene, then, after fome negoiia- tion, received into the Kings Royall favour as his good Catholike Sub- jects, by Articles of Pacification, under his great Seale, contrary to two cxprefle A&s paffed by him this Parliament, to the undoing of the Englifh Adventurers and Proteftant party there : And finally, they are fent for hither to aid the King and Englifh Catholikes againft the Par- liament. Judge then whether the Kings departure from, and taking up Armes againft the Parliament, be not only and wholly to maintaine his Roman Catholikes and their Religion, according to the tenourof his enfuing marriage Oathes and Articles,what ever be pretendcd,pro tefted to the contrary. The King be fides the generall & fpeciall Articles of the Spanijh xmtch hereafter mentioned, tooke this further Royall Oath, ex abnndiinlis » Pag.48,4p. C as lhe * f tench Mercury records 5 ) CO petltllt at all times t\)U anp 'htrc hi$ P af one CbcruID fceelp pjopofeunto&im tlje arguments of tfce vmomm ca^ h^tcTnein- ^ oUfec BtHgion , tDit^out gibing anp impeachment tfcereunto : anD tncd. tfjat U tooulD nefcer permit, neither Direetlp not fnWrectlp, t$at anp •£o*i. 9 . An - one CljoulD fpcafee to t&e 3jn£anta asamtl it 3 taking fince the like Oath, with reference to the Queene : by which he hath irrefiftably expofed bimfelfc to all temptations, feducementsto the Antichriftian Rdigi- on^ and bound himfelfe,neither by word nor deed to make the leaft op- pofttion againft if, but to give it all the prote&ion and incouragements that may be, and to the profefTbrs or ir, as appeares by the Articles en- fuing, ^48,49, &c *«J fTHE POPISH « ROYALL FAVOURITE U A full Difcovery of His Majefties g ^j Extraordinary Favours to and Trote&ions of; ^ notoriousPapiJis,Priefts,Jefuits y againft all profecutions y t and extirpate the Proteftani Religion £% bydegrees,inthis ourReaime of England. ^ Manifefted by fundry Lette r s o/CfraceJfarrants, JpP and other Writings under the Kings owne Signe-Manuall, 6% Privy- Signet^ His Privy-Councelsjmci Secretary Windebank* hands and Seals., by divers Orders and proceedings in open Seffions at Newgate^ in the Xwgj Bench, and elfewhere (all extant on Record(in the Sfffuns- Books % God-Books, Crown-Office, where all who fcruplc their indubitable verity or reality, may perufe them for their better fatisfaction ;) As likewife by the •Artichs of the l\ings marriage , and other pregnant Testimonies , worthy publike knowledge and coniideration. if Colle&ed and pubJHhtd by Authority of Parliament by IVilliamPrynne^ of Lincoln* Inne^ Efquire* m If. Chron. 19. 2. Jitd Jehu the form ofHanmi 1 he Seer went out to meet kirn, and aid to t{ivg Jehofhapbat, Sbouldeft thou Ulpe the ungodly, and love them that hate the Lord ? therefore U wrath vpm thee from the Lord. IS A Y 29, 1 l.to 20. Wot unto them thatfee^e deep to bide their council from the Lord, and their workj are in the dar^, and they fay, Who teeth us ? and. who fawweth va i Surely your turning of things upjide downefha.ll be efteemed a* the pot- ters clay. And in that dayfhall the deaje beare the words of the ho[e ; and the eyes of the blinde fimll fee cut ofobCcurity and out ofdarkntfe ; the mce\ a l (ofl)all incrcafe their joy in the Lord ; and the poors among men /ball njryce in the holy One of ijraal. For the terrible one flail be brought to nougbt 3 and tbe fcorntr JJjail be con fumed, and all that watch for iniquity fh all be cut off. Imprinted at L@ndon for Michael Spark Senior^ and are to be fold at the Blue Bible hi Green~^4rbour. 1643. IT is this fcvcntcenth day of November 1643. ordered by the Committee of the Houfe of Commons concerning Printing, that this Booke intituled, The Fopijh Royall Fa- wonritCy &c. be printed by Michael Sparbgs fenior. John VVh ite. VWVWVWWfWVWVWTWTf*? HIS EXCELLENCY Robert Earleof E s s e x, Sec. LordCfenerallofthe Forces raifedhytheTarliament, for the defence of the Kingdonte^ King, Religion, Lams y Liberties, againft the Popifi and Malignant Party, who by force of Armes invade them, and intend their utter i uinc. , Right Honourable, ~^He * goodneffe of t£e Caufe for which Armes are taken up, *Afoti<&Gt+ is the Generals, Souldiers, greatefi encouragement : where » /w >.^ ***& Religion and Juftice are the reall Caufes, ViSory and Bdli.Ub. i. - Succejfe will certainly be the effeSs of Jfiirre. That Hen. Bwmd* thefe are the true unfained grounds of the Parliaments and 2 ^ P q^^ * your Excellencies defenfive Armes > is fufficiently mani- otafflu 4*Be//i fefted to the world by fundry late printed Difcourfes • but by none more Pnmpiutb^ perfpicuoufly cleared then by thefe Colle&iom, which upon this confide- ^^^1; ration efpecially, I humbly recommend to Your Honourable Patronage. Band #>«*• The extraordinary prefence and admirable protection of God , mth momrii * ltltC '^ that viSorious fucce£e which hath accompanied your Excellency in two Signall Battels, at Edge hilt and Newbery, wherein theE^re^ (by reafon of their «**>y advantages) affured themfelves of a full and total! Conqueft, are an undnbitable evidence, that Tou are the Generall of the LordofHofls, and the C