C^:!?C^:S4-,V -jfs^ "T^ ; j)tf 5r/t^> ~A.iK- 1 *^*^ ^^^ ^ fcfbrar;^ of Che trheolo^fcd ^t^mimvy PRINCETON • NEW JERSEY PRESENTED BY The Estate of BR 560 .L48 C5 1897 The church record s^^^^ ■^ '^' f^^ •^ -4~»' ■ ■ y^^^J^d^ ^i 'if . ^:^ ^^W csS*--*.^- THE CHURCH RECORD CONTAINING The Histories of the Churches — Biographies of Their Pastors — Photographs of Churches and Pastors — List of Officers and Members. ILLUSTRATED. NEW YORK : THE CHURCH RECORD PUBLISHING CO 1897. PREFACE. With the exception of only two or three, the interest- ing histories of the churches which are here presented have been prepared by their respective pastors expressly for this book. As to the arrangement of the subject mat- ter, we have placed the denominations in alphabetical order. We sincerely regret the inability to secure the two or three photographs that are omitted, but it is no fault of the publishers. We trust that any slight errors may be generously overlooked, since they are not due to any lack of pains- taking care. The Publishers. INTRODUCTION. This book is something entirely new for Lexington. Although many churches publish occasionally, each for itself, a manual or directory, giving some of these facts for the use of their own members, yet the combining of all these together so that the members of all the Protest- ant bodies may readily learn about one another is an entirely new plan and will prove to be a great success. Aside from the great convenience of such a volume there are higher ends to be secured. We are members, in all these churches, of one another; our aims are common; our methods vary and we can learn much from each other. There is also great practical value to a city, grow- ing as this does, in holding up the beginning of things and the course of history in the churches. The stranger can inform himself in a few moments as to the story of the church into which he has come from another com- munity. riRST BAPTIST CHUPCH. Historical Sketch. By Rev. W. M Pratt, D. D. The present First Baptist Church of Lexington was constituted in 1817. George W. Ranck, in his History of Lexington, page 119, gives the following account: "In that year (1817), on the 4th of January, a number of its (Town Fork) scattered members assembled and re- organized the church, with the assistance of Elders Toler, Jacob Creath, sen., and Jeremiah \ardeman; Berry Stout being moderator and Samuel Ayers, clerk." On the church list of members about that time, we find, among others, the names of James Trotter, R. Higgins, William C. Wartield, Walter Warfield, W. H. Richardson, W illiam Stone, Matthew Elder, William Payne, Edward Payne, J. H. Morton, J. C. Richardson, Gabriel Tandy, Thomas Lewis, and William Poindexter. The congre- gation met at this time in the chapel of Transylvania University, but immediate steps were taken to build a new house of worship. It was completed and occupied in October, 1819, and located on North Mill street, op- posite the College Lawn. It was a substantial two-story, provided with galleries. Immediately after re-organization of the church, Dr. James Fishback, who had just been ordained to the Bap- tist ministry, was called to the pastorate at a salary of $400 per year, a sum considered at that time quite extra- ordinary for a preacher's services. His pastorate ex- tended from 1817 to 1826. A quaint feature of the day was the custom, kept up for a long time, of the Mill Street Church, of giving out hymns line after line. Mr. Ranck furthermore states respecting this first pastor of the church: "In 1826 the influence of the religious movement, headed by Barton ^Stone and Alexander Campbell, caused the introduction of a resolution into the First Baptist Church to change its name to 'the Church of Christ,' which was advocated and opposed by the two parties which had then formed in the church. After a 6 THE CHURCH RECORD. long tliscnssion. the party favoring the resolution 'swarmed out' under the leadership of Dr. Fishback, and organized the "Church of Christ,' and worshiped in a building now known as the' station, an ofBce on Short street between Upper and Limestone. This church was eventually dissolved, many of the congregation going back to the First Baptist Church, and the remainder con- FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH. nected themselves with the body now called the 'Chris- tian Church.* " The following is a list of succeeding pastors of the First Baptist Church to the present time: Second Pastor — Elder Jeremiah Vardeman, from 1827 to 1830, assisted by J. Creath, Jr., in 1828 and 1829. He was a very eloquent and effective preacher and had greater success in revivals than any other minister of his day. • In 1834 and 1835 Elder W. C. Buck preached for the church once a month. In 1 83 1 J. B. Smith is mentioned as preaching for the church one vear. FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH. 7 In 1832 to 1835 Elder R. T. Dillard was in charge of the church. In 1835 to 1839 Elder Silas AI. Noel was pastor. He died j\Iay 5. 1839. He was succeeded by Dr. B. P. Drake, a member of the church, a physician, and set apart to the ministry of the church. In 1840 Rev. William F. Broaddus, of Virginia, was called to the pastorate at a salary of $1,500 per year, with the privilege of conducting a young ladies' school. He continued in the pastorate until 1845, when he resigned. He was a very able minister in the pulpit and an excellent teacher. In 1845 Rev. W. ]\I. Pratt, D. D., was unanimously invited to take charge of the church for one year, at a salary of $700. So, according to contract, he returned, after a tour through Virginia, and commenced his pastorate August I, 1845, expecting to close up and go back at the end of a year. The church sent a conunittee each year for seventeen years, to renew the call. The people in this region know whether his labors during this long pastorate were a suc- cess or a failure. He has preached during the pastorate three thousand two hundred and seventy-one sermons; baptized into the fellowship of the church three hundred and eighty-six; two hundred and seven were received by letter, and eighty by relation and restoration, making six hundred and seventy-three additions. Number of members in 1845 two hundred and sixty-nine; number in 1863 three hundred and twenty-six. The church con- tinued in great harmony during this period, with very little disturbance. During the period of the civil war it required great prudence to steer the ship of Zion through the troubled waters, but she got through safe and sound. In the spring of 1853 the church resolved to erect a new house of worship, and secured a lot with a good dwelling on Mill street, and broke ground for founda- tion the 1st of April. On the 19th of November, 1854, the last services were held in the old meeting house which had been occupied for over thirty years, and the church used the basement of the new church on December 3d, following. The house was not completed for dedication until August 19, 1855. when Drs. S. W. Lynd and R. T. Dillard preached on the occasion to a full house at 11 a. m. and 4 p. m. The cost of the house was $15,000. We raised by subscription $8,296, by collection and subscrip- tion on day of dedication $7g6.yT^, and the contractors al- 8 THE CHURCH RECORD. lowed us $2,500 for material of old house, leaving a debt of $110.86 which was subsequently discharged. The church prospered in this new and beautiful house, when, on the night of January 3, 1859, it was burned to the ground. A burning shingle from a stable on fire, on the opposite side of the street, was blown into the cupola and the firemen had not the appliances to reach and put out the fire. The pastor was returning from a trip to Illinois and at Cincinnati was informed of the sad disaster. On reaching Lexington he found his church in great distress on account of the disaster, and it was a number of months before the members could agree upon rebuilding as to the location. A portion was favorable to rebuilding upon the same ground, others regarded the "Old" Baptist grave yard a better place, because of the spacious ground. It was finally agreed that the contribution should decide the matter. This stimulated activity and liberal subscription. More money was subscribed for the grave yard and the others acquiesced. It was not till January i, i860, one year after the fire, the basement was fitted up for worship, and a year later before the auditorium was completed. Dr. D. R. Campbell, of Georgetown, and Rev. George C. Lor- rimer were with us and preached on the occasion. Pre- vious to this the church worshiped sometimes in the old city hall and in the theater and we were all glad to be settled in our new home. About the first of 1863 the pastor resigned his charge, although the annual call was renewed. The reason was this: For a number of years the board of the general association had been located in Lexington, and he had acted as financial secretary of all branches of its work, viz., state, foreign and domestic missions, Sunday-school and colportage, and the duties were so numerous and such a tax on his time he could not do justice to his church as a pastor or to himself under the heavy responsibility resting upon him. The prosperity of the church demanded the whole time of her minister. He advised the church to call Rev. Wm. H. Felix, a young man full of promise of usefulness, and well isquipped by education for the position. The church acted upon his suggestion, and on the 6th of September, 1863, Rev. Felix, having accepted the invitation of the church, entered upon the pastorate and continued until May, 1869, when he resigned and settled as pastor of the church at Covington, Ky. During this period of six years the church was increased to four hundred and twenty-five membership. He was much beloved by his FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH. 9 church and respected by the community. He was suc- ceeded by Elder George Hunt, who was pastor for about four years — from 1869 to 1873. Brother Hunt was fol- lowed by L. B. Woolfolk. who continued in the office be- tween four and five years, and he was followed by Elder Lansing Burrows. x\fter him came Elder J. C. Hiden, who was pastoi from 1884 to 1887. In 1887 Elder W. H. Felix was called to the pastorate the second time, and is now closing the tenth year of the second pastorate. When he came to the church in June, 1887, there were four hundred and twenty-five members; now there are over nine hundred, having himself received between six and seven hundred into the church. Biographical Sketch of Pastor. Rev. William H. Felix, pastor of the First Baptist Church of Lexington, was born in Martinsville. Wood- ford county, Ky., October 6, 1838. He remained on his father's farm until he was sixteen years of age. In 1855 ^^^ entered Georgetown College and was graduated from that institution in i860. He then took charge of a Baptist church at Newcastle. Henry county, Ky. He was ordained by Dr. Duncan R. Camp- bell, president of Georgetown College. During his first ministry he read law and was admitted to the bar in 1862 and practiced law one year in Shelbyville. Ky. In 1863. Mr. Felix was called to take charge of the First Baptist Church of Lexington. Ky.. and served until 1869. when he received a call from the Pilgrim Baptist Church of New York City, and was pastor of that church for one year. In 1870 he accepted a call to the First Baptist Church of Covington, where he remained for fourteen years and resigned in 1884. For two years thereafter he served country churches in order to regain his health. When he came to Lexington in 1887 the church had four hundred and twenty-five members; after his nine years of labor the congregation has grown to over a thousand members. Mr. Felix was married in 1861 to Miss Mattie Hay- don, daughter of Thomas Havdon. of Louisville, Ky. 10 THE CHURCH RECORD. She died in 1871, leaving four children. Mr. FeHx was married the second time in 1875 ^"^^ ^Y this union one son and one daughter were born. There are few men in the ministry whose labors have produced a greater portion of good. Wherever he is known he is greatly loved and respected. REV. W. H FELIX. FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH. 11 List of Members. Allender, W. E. Allender, Mrs. Allen. Allender, Mrs. S. A. Allender, Miss Bettie. Allender, Miss Sarah. Adams, Thos. Alexander, Mrs. S. M. Atkins, F. A. Atkins, Mrs. Roberta. Atkins, Miss Mary. Atkins, Miss Bertie. Aubrey, Mrs. Annie. Allen, Elijah. Allen, Mrs. Mary E. Allen, Miss Elma. Allen, Miss Nellie. Allen, Wm. Raymond. Allen, Mrs. Jennie. Armstrong, Mrs. E. Atchison, Mary. Ayer, Mrs. Ella. Anderson, Josephine. Atkins, Annette. Asher, Mrs. Margarette. Adair, Miles. Adair, Mrs. Mollie. Alexander, Harvey. Adair, Miss Lena. Adair, Miss Addie. Akers, J. A. Alford, 'Richard. Alford, Mrs. Mary. Alford, Miss Susie. Alford, Oliver. Alford, James. Alford, Richard. Alexander, Mrs. Nettie H. Allen, Leonard. Alexander, John. Armstrong, Mrs. Maggie. Baker, Jessie. Bosworth, G. W. Bryant, W. D. Bryant, Mrs. Maggie. Bond, Mrs. Hattie. Berry, Mrs. Mildred. Berry, Mrs. Ellen. Berry, Miss Lucv. Battaile, Mrs. S'allie. Barkley, John L. Barkley, Mrs. Bettie. Barkley, Archie. Barkley, Miss Sallie. Barkley, George. Barkley, Mrs. Lucv. Brooks, Mrs. F. D. Batts, Mrs. Mattie. Bliss, Mrs. Julia. Beard, Margaret. Bourne, Morton H. Bacon, Miss Maggie. Bvrnes, Robt. Bolin, Miss Nannie. Bealert, Mrs. I'ateman, G. F. Rateman, Mr. C. Brock, Joseph, fjrock, Mrs. Ella. Bosworth, N. L. Brock, Mrs. Frankie. Ball, Mrs. Samantha. Bateman. Howard. Brasfield, Miss Hallie. Bickers, Mrs. Emma. Booth, H. M. Ball, Eugene. Ball, Miss Nettie. Brown, S. S. Brown, Dudley. Brown, Miss Bertie. Biggerstafif. Miss Bessie. Bradley, W. S. Bonta, Mrs. Geo. Bush. Bramlette. 12 THE CHURCH RECORD. Byrnes, Mrs. Sallie. Bennett, Miss Annie. Barlow, Maria L. Barlow, Miss Blanche. Bealle, Narcissus. Bloom, Miss Laura. Brown, Mrs. Mar}-. Bain, Mrs. Bettie M. Chasteen, Martha. Chasteen, Julia. Clark, Mary. Clark, Augustus. Clark, Ma^^ Clark, W. F. Clark, Lee. Clark, Jessie. Carpenter, B. P. Carpenter, Mary. ' Carpenter, Lizzie. Calvert, Mrs. Thos. Cassell, Mrs. Sophia. Curd, Miss Sallie. Campbell. W. H. Curtis, Mrs. Ellen. Conners. Mrs. Atar. Cluke, Mrs. Fannie. Chasteen, Bert. Collier, Fred. Calvin, Miss Laura. Chick, Mrs. Mar}\ Cohen, Henr\'. Cohen, Mrs. Henry. Cohen, Allie. Cohen, Miss Bessie. Cassell, Miss Annie. Canfield, Mrs. Mary. Canfield, Miss Mary. Canfield, Miss Bettie. Darnaby. Geo. E. Dickerson, James. Dickerson, Mrs. Alice. Dickerson, Claud. Dickerson, Nannie B. Drake, Ben. Drake, Ben, Jr. Bressie, Miss Minnie. Burke, Mrs. Rannie. Burke, Miss Lola. Britton, Thomas. Britton, Mrs. Thomas. Bain, Mrs. Mattie. Bain, Mrs. Cherela. Burke, Mrs. Mary. Carr, Ben G. Clould, Miss Mar\^ Curry, Brook. Collins, Miss Jessie. Cardwell, Miss Sallie. Cardwell, Miss Fannie. Cohen, Miss Edith. Crowder, David. Covington, David. Covington. Mrs. Hannah. Crosthwait, Mrs. Laura. Creek, Miss Bettie. Colcamp, Mrs. E. F. Curtis, Mrs. Kate. Cohen, Miss Minnie. Colclazier. Joe. Chenault, D. A. Cannon, Miss Marv. Corbin, Mrs. M. J. " Chandler, Mrs. Alice. Collier, Miss Lucv. Carter, W. L. Chambers. \'actor. Cluke, Miss Annie. Crowder, Miss Gertrude. Cramer, Mrs. Alice. Cox, Mrs. Lottie. Caldwell, Mrs. Jennie. Cooper, Mr. George. Cooper Mrs. George. Downing, IMrs. Eva. Duncan, W. H. Davis, J. Elwood. Dillard, Miss Florence. Dinelle, Miss Mary. Dillard, Miss Annie. Drake, Mr. E. B. FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH. 13 Drake, Mrs. Alice. Dotson, W. N. Downing, Mrs. Delia. Dillon, H. R. Dillard, Mrs. Nannie. Dingle, Miss Kate. Downing, Robert. Davis, J. El wood. Drake, Mrs. E. B. Darnaby, Charlie. Darnaby, Mrs. Amanda. Davidson, Miss Vienna. Davis, Miss Hattie. Doty, Mrs. Anna. Dotson, Mrs. Nana. Davidson, Mrs. Minie. Elrod, David. Elrod, Carrie. Elrod, Mamie. Elrod, Lulu. Ellis, Mrs. Sarah. Eades, Lucretia. Eades, Annie. Emison, Miss Mary. Eastin, Preston. Eastin, Laura. Elmore, Sallie. Eastin, Mrs. A. Early, Miss Cora. Easton, Thomas. Eskridge, E. C. Eskridge, Mrs. E. C. Eastin, David. Elkin, Miss Mattie. Elkin, Chas. B. Elkin, Mrs. Nancv. Elliott, Mrs. Adelaide. Elliott, Walter. Eaves, Miss Hulda. Foreman, Julia. Fowler, Catherine. Foley, Laura. Fairhead, Lizzie. Flannelly, Mary. Freeman, Yancey. Freeman, Eva. Felix, W. H. Felix, Mrs. C. H. Felix, W. H., Jr. Farley, Albert S. Foley, Mrs. Dixie. Fowler, Martha. Fleming, Lucy. Frily, Miss Fannie. Graves, Mrs. Pollv. Graves, J. M. Graves, Mrs. J. M. Graves, Miss Elenora. Graves. Buford. Graves, J. R. Graves, Mar>' E. Graves, Lee. Gears, Caroline. Fleming, W. W. Fitemaster, Lucretia. Foster, Thomas. Freeman, Mrs. Nannie. Freeman, C. C. Felix, Mrs. Annie B. Freeman, Eddie. Freeman, Mrs. Mary. Forsythe, Mrs. M. R. Foley, Miss Annie. Fasqeues, Ernest. Foushee, Henry. Forman, J. C. Flowers, Mrs. Pattie. Freeman, Rev. J. C. Greene. Belle. Gains, J. H. Gains. Marv. Glasscox, E. B. Graves, Ellen S. Garrett, Burton. Gess, Naomi. Griffing. Mrs. Mar\-. Gritton, C. B. 14 THE CHURCH RECOKD. Gilbert, Henry. Gilbert, Julia. Gilbert, Albert. Griffing, Man^ E. Griffing, H. F. Griffing, Jerry E. Griffing, Annie. Griffing, Emma. Griffiing, Orrie. Griffing, Harly. Griffing, William. Gribbin, Minnie. Guess, Miss Hattie. Gritton, Mrs. C. D. Gritton, W. E. Griffith, Mrs. Mary, Gritton, Miss Dessie. Griffin, Mrs. Harly. Gaines, Mrs. Mary. Gess, George. Graves, Madison. Graves, George T. Gaines, Slaughter. Gritton, Mrs. Irene. Griffing, Mr. John. Gilbert, Mrs. Emma. Hardestv. Sarah. Hunt, J.'D. Hall, Alexander. Hornsey, Fred. Hornsey, Mrs. Fred. Houghton, Mar}^ Hicks, Hugh. Hicks, Mary. Hicks, Sophie. Hicks, Margaret. Hicks, Carrie. Hukill, Mar}^ Hibler, Emma. Hibler, Clarence. Hall, Robert. Henderson, Mrs. L. Hicky, James. Hedges, Mrs. Sue. Hedges, E. C. Howard, J. R. Howard, Ruth. Herndon, Mrs. E. Herndon, Lottie. Herndon. Eva. Hicky. Ida. Hukill, Catherine. Flukill, Ida. Haley, Barbara. Haley. Mattie. Hornbrook, E. A. Hornbrook. Richard. Hornbrook. Tom. Hornbrook. Mrs. Lida. Harris. Jacob. Harris, Effie. Henesev. Mrs. M. J. Hodges, J. W. Hodges. Mrs. J. W. Hodges, Miss Laura. Hodges, Han-y. Handy, Miss Bettie. Howard, Miss Ira. Hunt. Miss Stella. Hall. I. C. Hall. Mrs. Elizabeth. Hall, Miss Mattie. Hall, Miss Nannie. Hall. John F. Hamilton, Mrs. G. A. Hamilton. Miss Daisv, Higgins, Mrs. E. W. Higgins, Joel. Haley. Miss Florence. Hamilton, Miss Erma. Hifner, J. B. Hifner, Mrs. Annie. Henderson. Woolfolk. Haley, Lister. Henry, Volney. Hall. Miss Annie. Hukill. Miss Katie. Hall. Miss Roberta. Hicks, Yellman. Hunt, Waller. Hukill. Henrv. Henrv. W. S! FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH. 16 Hardesty, Annie. Hunt, Nannie. Hunt, Mrs. Carrie. Hunt. G. R. Hunt, Maggie. Hunt, Mary. Hunt, Carrie L. Hunt, Walter B. Humpstone, Price. Hukill. C. E. Hicky, Moses D. Hoagland, Annie. Harper, Annie. Hughes, George. Ingles, Mrs. Marv. Henry, Mrs. Ann. Hanson, Miss Jennie. Hamilton, Mrs. Ray. Harris, Miss Rubie. Hall, W. F. Hart, Mrs. Orma. Hodgen, Dr. Higgins, Miss Bessie. Hughes, Mrs. Lizzie. Harris, Mrs. Martha. Hodgen, Mrs. Florence. Harris, Mrs. Anna. Hickey, Mrs. Ada. Headley, Mrs. Mattie Lee. Hearndon, Mrs. Mattie. Jackson, Sabina. Johnson, B. F. Jefferson, Elizabeth. Jenkins, Miss Annie. Jefferies, C. B. Jeffries, Mrs. Lulu. Jarrell, Harry. Tarrell, Mrs. Addie. Kidd Mrs. Lou F. Kidd, Carrie. Kidd, Martha. Kidd, Frank. Kidd, Joe. Kidd, Clark. Kidd, Lutie. Kent, Jennie. Kaufman, Hiram. Kirbv, Mrs. A. L. Kidd, Mary C. Kent, Annie. Kennedy, J. F. Kennedy, Mrs. Grace. Kerr, Charles. Kaufman, Maggie. Kent, Mrs. Agnes. Kidd, Miss Lizzie. Kenvon, Mrs. D. P. Kimball, W. P. Kimball, Mrs. Flora. Lewis, Miss Ann. Lewis, Miss Julia. Lanckart, Susan. Lanckart, Nannie. Lanckart, Annie. Lanckart, Joette. Lancaster, Sarah. Lashon, Miss. Lancaster, Carrie. Lancaster, D. L. Lancaster, Mrs. A. E. Lutstarf, Man'. Lee, Mr. F. E. Long. Lulie. Littrill, William. Lancaster. Richard. LeCompte. Joe. LeCompte. Mrs. Sarah. LeCompte. Miss Maggie. Latta, Mrs. Ollie D. Lassiter, William A. Lee. William. Lewis, Miss Clara. Lindsley, Mrs. M. J. Laffoon, Mrs. Glcrena. Lewis, Mrs. Anna. 16 THE CHURCH RECORD. Mitchell, T. D. Mitchell, X'irginia. Morris, Josephine. Mooney, Carrie. Moonev, Florence. McCann, G. P. May, Victoria. May, Charlie. May, John. Miller, Eudocia. Metcalf, Mar\'. Martin, Manlius. Martin, W. M. Martin, Maggie P. May, J. B. May, Mrs. J. B. May, Miss Clara. May, Benjamin. May, Oscar. Meglone, Sam. Meglone, Georgie. Meglone, Lewis. McCoy, Mary. McMeekin, Sallie. McDonald, Mrs. Sue. Montague, Ella. Moore, Nettie. Moore, Wm. Maul, Etta L. jMeeker, Mary. Meeker, Rebecca. McCord, William. McCord, Rebecca. McCord, Ben. McCarty, Mrs. Lulie. j\Ioore, Dollie. ]\Iurrell, Salome. Matheney, Emily. Morgan, Alice. Morgan, Mary. McCann, Miss ]\Iarv. Morton, Shelbv. Moore, W. R.' Moore. Mrs. Laura. McMurtrv, Ed. McHargue, S. A. McHargue, Mrs. T. ]. McClelland, Robert." Moss, Mamie. Moore, Susan. McCann, Joe. McCann, Fannie. AlcCracken, Rachel. Mayfield, W. P. McCann, Mrs. Maggie. Martin, A. K. Martin, :\Irs. Mollie. Martin, Miss Ella. Martin, Miss Bessie. McMeekin, Mrs. Mattie. Mathews, Clarence W. Mathews, Airs. Henrietta S. Miller, Miss Cornelia E. McCarthy, Miss Stella. Morgan, Airs. A. E. Martin, E. L. McHargue, Aliss Etta. Morgan, Aliss Llewellyn. Martin, Mrs. Nancy. Mohr, Airs. Catherine. Alills, Airs. Ella. Alills, Aliss Ella J. Aloore, Airs. Fannie. Alunday, Aliss Sarah. Alaurer, Aliss Annie. AlcClellan, Airs. Susan. Aleeder. Aliss Kittie. AIcHargue, Robert. Alurphv, Airs. Belle. Alaxwell, Airs. Belle. AlcConnell, Aliss Lillie. Aloore, Aliss Aland. Moore, Aliss Sadie. Newberry, Airs. Notnagle, L. H. Nally, Aliss Sallie. Nelson, John L. Nelson, Airs. John L. Neely, Dr. J. E. Neely. Airs. Annie. Neelv, Aliss Tessie B. Neff,' Aliss AHce. FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH. 17 Oldham, Lizzie. O'Mahony, Emma. Owens, Susie. Oldham, Abe. Oldham, Josie. Oldham, C. K. Oldham, Alline. Oldham, MolHe. Owens, Amanda. Owens, Aliss Katie. Osborne, Mrs. Sallie. Parker, A. T. PuUiam, Minerva. Pulliam, Nannie. Purnell, William. Polk, Charlotte. Page, Lizzie. Page, E. Jeff. Page, Charles C. Peale, J. H. Peale, Nannie. Pepper, Nannie. Pepper, Dixie. Pittman, Man. Pence, M. L." Pence, Belle. Penn, N. F. Penn, Libbie N. Perkins, Josephine. Parrish, W. D. Pierre, Beatrice. Powell, Mrs. Sarah M. Page, Miss Lillie. ' Peterman, Mrs. Lucy. Penny, Mrs. Gabriella. Pence, Miss Alice. Perry, Mrs. Lida B. Polk, I\Irs. Linda W. Perry, E. P. Polk, Miss Mary. Perkins, Miss Florence. Pepper, Miss Mary Belle. Patterman, Mrs. Annie. Page, Mrs. Esmel. Prather, Mrs. Emma. Reynolds, S. W. Reynolds, Bettie. Reynolds. Charlie. Reynolds, Sam. Reynolds, Nellie. Redman, Susan. Richardson, Will. Richardson, Maggie. Richardson, John. Richardson, Ella. Rutherford, Florence. Rodes, Mary E. Rodes, Lula. Rash, W. L Rash, Lillie. Richardson, IMrs. ]. H. Roberts, Dr. W. P. Richardson, Mrs. Maggie. Rash, W. D. Rash, J\[iss Lizzie. Rash, Mrs. Fannie. Richardson, Miss Elenora. Rumsey, Miss Addie. Ramsey, Miss Mattie. Rogers, John. Rice, Miss Lucy. Robb, Mrs. Lizzie. Robb, Miss Jennie. Ravburn, Miss Lizzie. Rash, Robert. Rockett, John. Ryals, Mrs. Mar>'. Redwitz, Mrs. Bettie. Risque, Mrs. Rosa. Stafford, Sarah. Snyder, W. R. Snyder, Rebecca. 2 Smith, Bettie K. Saxton, Miss Stella. Sharp, IMaggie. 18 THE CHURCH RECORD. Sutphin, Martha. Sutphin, Mattic. Sheely, Francis. Sheely, John D. Sheelv, Tames W. Sheely, W. F. Sheely, John M. Sheely, John Henry. Sheely, Sarah. Sheely, Frank. Sheely, Noah B. Searcy, Mary. Searcv, James. Shiddell, Mrs. Shiddell, Alethia. Sidener, Sallie. Sharp, Stephen. Sharp, Jennie. Sharp, Miss Jennie. Saxton, Ann. Slade, J. T. Slade, Bettie. Slade, Jennie. Slade, b. D. Snedaker, Sallie. Snedaker, Sue. Snedaker, Bradford. Sellman, Will. Smith, Emnia. Stout, H. M. Shepherd, Mrs. V. K. Stout, Newton. Smith, G. W. Smith, Mrs. Mamie. Sewell, Mrs. Lizzie. Spencer, Marv\ Stoll, Nellie. " Smith, Mrs. Ida. Southworth, James. Sherrod, T. W. Saxton, Orrie. Shedd, William. Smith, Mrs. Annie. Stackhouse, Sallie. Stackhouse, Ida. Stackhouse, Carrie. Scott, Dr. W. F. Sheely, Richard. Sheely, Lizzie. Sheeh', Mrs. Mary F. Sebree, Carrie. Shepherd, Miss Bertie. Sheets, Miss Mary. Stackhouse, Thomas. Searcy. Miss Annie. Shay, Miss Lulu. Sutherland, E. S. Smedley, Mrs. Mar)\ wSmedley, Miss Laura. Smedley, Miss Ada. Skinner, Miss Lucretia. Smith, Guy. Shropshire, Airs. Willie. Sadler, F. E. Sutherland, Miss Fay. Staples, J. H., Sr. Staples, Mrs. Lillie. Staples, Miss Eleanor. Staples, Charlie. Staples, J. H., Jr. Sweenv, Mrs. Sallie. Sloan, 'Mrs. Stella. Sloan, Miss Mar}- B. Sloan, Miss Alillie. Strode, Hall. Stackhouse, Miss Alma. Spicer, J. A. Sharp, Leslie. Sharp. S. G., Jr. Stoll, Aliss Mary. Shely, Miss Lillie. Sheelv, Mrs. Marv. Strode, Dr. J- T. Strode, Mrs.' Dr. J. T. Smitha, James M. Stackhouse, Percy. vSallee, Miss Lillie May. Self, Mrs. I\Iar^^ Snedaker, Samuel. Sublette, Miss Jennie B. Scearce, Mrs. Ann. Stevens, Mark. Savre, Mrs. Alice. Scott. ]\Irs. M. E. FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH. 19 Taylor, Catherine. Tingle, William. Tingle, Amanda. Thompson, Mary. Thompson, Joseph. Thompson, Thomas. Talbott, Marv. Talbott, Mollie. Talbott, Thomas. Tisdale, J. T. Thornton, Xannie. Talbott, Fannie. Talbott, Emma. Tate, P. A. Tucker, Olivia. Tobridge, Thomas A. Talbott, Lena. Todd, J. O. Todd, Mattie. Threlkeld, Mrs. Thomas. Todd, Annie. Todd, Jennie. Thornton, Willie R. Talbott, Airs. S. J. Thompson, Steele. Threlkeld, James. Tracy, Susan. Taylor, Josie. To'onev,'Mrs. A. M. Tillett,' Miss Mar>'. Talbott, Miss Fannie. Thompson, Mrs. Lureno. Talbott, Miss Mary T. Talbott, Miss Mattie Lee. Taylor, W. E. Thurman, James. Thurman, Mrs. James. Thurman, Miss Bettie. Talbott, Miss Bessie. Turner, Airs. Maggie. Upton, Mrs. Fannie. Vaughn, Emma. Vinson, John R. Wilson, W. C. Wilson, Maggie. Wilson, Lizzie. White, Al. White, A/Iary. White. Alol'lie. Weeks, Lizzie. Weeks, Fannie. Wilson, T- N. Wilson, Mrs. M. C. Wright, Thomas. Weight, Susan. Wainscott, George. Wainscott, Lee. Williams, Hellen. Williams, William. Williams, Marshall. Webb, Gulie. Worsham, Alattie. Worsham, Pearl. Worsham, W^arren. Weigott, W^illiam. Walker, P. M. Westbrook, Leonard. Wilgus. Ida. Wren, George. Wilson, Libbie. Willis, Tames A. Willis, Ben G. Wilkerson, C. H. Wolverton, Silas. Wilson, John N. Whitson, Alildred. Whitson, Aliss Edith. Wilson, Fred. Wilson, Miss Lizzie. Wainscott, Marshall. Wilson, Aliss Ida. Weigott, A/Iarshall. W^eathers, M. E. Weathers, Airs. Sallie. Weathers, Aliss Blanche. Wilson. Aliss Julia. Williams, Aliss Lucile. 20 THE CHURCH RECORD. Weigott, Nannie. Wilson, Mrs. E. M. Wilson, L. Shuck. Wilson, Joseph. White, Mrs. Georgie. Williamson, Frank. Webb, J. Whitney. W^ells, Mrs. Barbara. Walker, William. Walker, Lucy. Williams. Mrs. Smithy. Walbv, Rosa. Woolly, Mrs. Mattie. Williams, Miss Cora. ^\'itherspoon, A. H. Walker, Mrs. Mona. Walker, Mrs. Sallie. Walker, Miss Mattie. West, Miss Xaomi. Woolridge, Miss Nellie. Weeks, ^liss Emma. White, Mrs. A. J. West, Mrs. J. H. Weddell. Miss Hattie. \\'itherspoon, Mrs. A. H. \\'illis. Airs. Annie. \\'yats. Miss Helen. Yellman, William. Yellman, John H. Young, \ ernette. Yates, Margarette. Young, Mrs. Lucy. Young, WilHam. Yarrington, Mrs. J. D. Yeager, Silas. Yellman. Alice. Young. >\Irs. LiUie B. Yellman, Aliss Gracie. Young, John. Young, Mrs. Emma. Yellman. Miss Fannie. Younsf. Mrs. Eugenia. nrTH-5T. BAPTIST CHURCH. Historical Sketch. By Rev. Otis Hughson. The Fifth Street Baptist Church of Lexington was organized a regular Baptist church on the evening of January 15, 1892. There had been a Sunday-school in the chapel in which the organization was effected, for several years conducted as a mission from the First Bap- tist Church. The membership numbered but six on the evening of its beginning. For two weeks the church had its pulpit supplied by students of the Southern Baptist Theological Seminary in Louisville and on the first Sun- day in February called to its pastorate Rev. Otis Hugh- son, who was then a student in the seminary. For two years and a half the only place of worship was the little frame chapel that had been built for Sunday-school pur- poses. In the middle of the summer of 1893, in con- junction with the First Church, a new building was be- gun, but on account of the serious depression in business and financial matters the building was only half finished. It remained in this condition for over a year. On the i8th of November, 1894, the new home was dedicated by Rev. W. H. Felix, D. D., pastor of the First Baptist Church and humanly speaking the founder of the new organization. The membership grew gradually, reaching at the fifth anniversary the number of two hundred. It is proper to mention that the property consisting of the new church building and the lot of ground upon which it stands, valued at $7,000, was a present from the First Baptist Church, except about $i,5CX3, which the Fifth Street Church paid in constructing or improving the building. The church has been from the beginning thoroughly united, vigorously resisting any effort to gen- erate contention and strife and promptly dismissing those who persisted in disturbing her peace and concord. (21) 22 THE CHIRCH RECORD. Officers of the Church. Pastor, Rev. Otis Hughson. Deacons, H. F. Thornton, Geo. Cooke, R. T. Dale, A. R. Allender and John L. Rue. Treasurer, A. R. Allender. Clerk, A. M. Baker. Sunday-school Superintendent, T. W. Spicer. Asst. Sunday-school Superintendent, James Stuart. FIFTH-STREET BAPTIST CHURCH. Choir Master, N. H. Williams. Organist, Miss Maggie Roberts. Sunday-school Organist, Mrs. W. H. Cooke. Sunday-school Treasurer, W. H. Cooke. FIFTH-STREET BAPTIST CHURCH. 23 The church has several auxihary societies. The "Lit- tle Lamplighters," the little folks' society, with a full set of officers selected from the little people. The Ladies Aid Society, the president of which is Mrs. R. H. Smith; secretary, Miss N. B. Darnaby; treasurer. Miss Ella Cooke; board of trustees, Geo. Cooke, C. S. Wright and N. H. Williams. The Young Peoples Union, a society for the social worship of the young people; president, T. W. Spicer; secretary, J. J. Adams. Biographical Sketch of Pastor. Rev. Otis Hughson was born near Charlottesville, Virginia, January 29, 1863. His childhood and youth were spent on the farm, receiving such education as was furnished by the common public schools, which was very meager at that time, rarely reaching over five months in the year. At the age of seventeen, having learned teleg- raphy, he was employed by various telegraph and rail- road companies as telegraph operator, finally reaching the office of train dispatcher for the Chesapeake & Ohio Rail- road situated at Richmond, Mrginia, and having charge of the transportation department over the portion of road from Charlottesville to Old Point. At twenty-two years of age he united with the Leigh Street Baptist Church of Richmond, \ irginia, and in September, 1885, having re- signed his position of dispatcher, entered Richmond Col- lege to begin his collegiate course. Three years were spent there, graduating in various schools. In the autumn of 1888 he began his university studies at the University of Virginia. At this institution he graduated in chemistry, moral philosophy, natural philosophy, his- torical science and received proficiencies in several special departments that did not lead to diplomas. After three years at the university he went in 1891 to the Southern Baptist Theological Seminary, remaining only one ses- sion, during which time he graduated in five schools. New Testament, Interpretation, Systematic Theology, Pas- toral Theology, Church Government and Biblical Introduction. While a student there he was called to the Fifth Street Baptist Church in Lexington, where he still labors. During his work as a stud- 24 THE CHURCH RECORD. ent at the University of Mrginia he suppHed a country field in Amherst county, fifty miles from the university. He is the fifth child in a family of eleven children. At this writing his father and mother and all REV. OTIS HUGHSOX. the eleven children are living-, never having had a death in the immediate family, all tlie children having been suc- cessfully reared to manhood and womanhood. In 1893, November i6th, he was united in marriage to Miss Elsie Griggs, a member of his charge in Lexington. FIFTH-STREET BAPTIST CHURCH. 26 List of Members. Alleiider, A. R. Allender, Mrs. Anna. Allender, Miss Lillian. Bromley, Mrs. Julia. Bryant, A. W. Bryant, Mrs. A. W. Burke, C. R. Burke, Frank. Bocook, Fred. Bocook, Forest. Baker, Miss Jay. Baker, Mrs. 'Mary. Cooke, Geo. H. Cooke, W. H. Cooke, Miss Ella. Cooke, Miss Dorothy. Cooke, Miss Elsie. Chinn, Mrs. Maggie. Dale, R. T. Dale, J. I. Dale, J. W. Damaby, Mrs. Mildred. Darnaby, Miss N. B. Downing, Miss Addie. Dickson, Sam. Darnaby, Mrs. Henrietta. Darnaby, Mrs. Lillie. Douglas, Mrs. Eliza. Edes, Miss Lucinda. Allen, Mrs. Susan. Anderson, Mrs. Mary. Adams, J. J. Achison, Miss Nannie. Baker, Mrs. Annie. Baker, A. M. Bundy, Mrs. Cordie. Butler, Miss Birdie. Bess, Ollie. Bess. John. Biven, Mrs. Gusta. Bess, Miss Leona. Berry, Miss Nannie. Child ers, Miss Maggie. Childers, Miss Willie. Crystal, Miss Nettie. Coons, Miss Laura. Carter, A. D. Cassedy, Mrs. Lizzie. Douglas, Miss Lula. Douglas, Wm. Douglas, Mrs. Mildred. Douglas, Marshall. Douglas, Lee. Douglas, James. Douglas, Mrs. James. Dickerson, Miss Rebecca. Davidson, Mrs. Lennie. Day, Miss Eva. Edes, Mrs. Nellie. Freeman, Robt. Fishback. Miss Nannie. Gilbert, Mrs. Louise. Gross, Jessie. Gross, Mrs. Obera. Farris, Mrs. Fannie. Farris, Daniel. Grehan, Enoch. Griggs, Mrs. Martha. Gritton, W. E. Gritton, Wrs. W. E. 26 THE CHURCH RECORD. Hughson, Otis. Hughson, Mrs. Elsie. Holt, Geo. Holland, Wm. Hart, N. C. Henderson, Othello. Holnian. AUie, Hatton, B. F. Hatton, Miss Mary. Howe, Mrs. Lou Bell. Hart, Mrs. Clementina. Hearn, Mrs. Susie. Jones, B. S. Jones, Mrs. Annie. Kays, Miss Isabel. Kays, Miss Alice. Kays, Miss Lizzie Lawell, Josiah. Lavvell, A. D. Lawell, Mrs. Fannie. Lawell, Miss Susie. Jackson, Mrs. Howard. Johnson, J. D. Johnson, Mrs. Mary J. Kays, Mrs. Susie. " Knight, Thos. P. Knight, Mrs. Sallie. Liggett, A. D. Liggett, Mrs. Sarah. Liggett, Miss Mattie. Long, Mrs. Emma. Lone. Miss Ethel. Martin, J. R. Martin, Mrs. Lizzie. Martin, Mrs. Nannie. Moore, Miss Dorothy, Ollson, Mrs. M. Perry, John. Phelps, Clarence. Rue, T. L. Rue, Mrs. Ida. Rue, Eddie. Rue, Leslie. Rupert, Mrs. Sallie. Rupert, ]\Ir. John. Scrugham. Airs. Doshia. Smith, Mrs. Kate. Stephenson, D. T. Stephenson, Mrs. Joe. Sellers, Mrs. MolHe. Smith, Mrs. N. L. Smith, Mrs. Annie. Merrifield, Mrs. Lillie. Merrifield, Miss Olie. Merrifield, Miss Josie. McMillan, Mrs. Florence. Parker. Miss Mattie. Perkins, Fred. Parker, Miss Mary. Roberts, Mrs. Amelia. Roberts, Wm. Roberts, Maggie. Roberts, Bettie. Roode, Mrs. Thos. Roode, Miss Sophie. Spicer, Robt. Stone, Mrs. Annie. Steele, Miss Annie. Smith, Rufus. Smith, Mrs. Martha. Shropshire, Miss Julia. Shropshire, Miss Mary. FIFTH-STREET BAPTIST CHURCH. 27 Smith, Arthur. Smith, J. R. Stuart, Mrs. Nannie. Stuart, Joe. Stuart, Jas. Stuart, Thos. Stuart, Mrs. Cordie. Spicer, Miss Fannie. Spicer, T. W. Spicer, Carey. Tocher, Geo. Thornton, H. F. Sterms, Frank. Sterms, Mrs. Jennie. Sterms, Miss Clara. Sterms, Caswell. Shyroch, Mrs. Julia. Stamper, Robert. Stamper, Mrs. Lena. Stamper, Miss Carrie. Sherley, Frank. Sebrey, Jas. Snider, Mrs. Sallie. Thornton, Mrs. Meta. Taylor, Mrs. Mattie. Tioton, Miss Maud. Underbill, Miss Rhoda. VanMeter, Tas. Wasson, Ellie. Wasson, Theo. Wasson, Frances. Wasson, J. A. Wasson, Mrs. Tula. Wasson, Miss Lizzie. Wasson, Mrs. Phebe. Williams, N. H. Williams, Marian. Williams, Jas. Wright, C. S. Ward, Mrs. Annie. West, C. W. West, Mrs. Carrie. West, Miss Annie. Wright, Miss Maud. Woodrum, Mrs. R. L. Watts, Ernest. Watson, Miss Kate. UPPER-STREET BAPTIST CHURCH. Historical Sketch. This church was organized in 1875. Having no build- ing of their own, held their meetings in the Masonic Hall, the First Baptist Church and other places. On May 19, i875> the Melodeon Hall was rented in which to hold rPPER-STREET BAPTIST CHIRCH. their meetings. Sept. 8, 1875, R^^. J. M. Frost accepted a call to the pastorate, being their first pastor. During his four years" charge he built up the church wonderfully and was greatly beloved by all. On December i, 1875, a lot was purchased on the (28) UPPER STREET BAPTIST CHURCH. 29 corner of Church and Upper streets, on which to build a meeting house. On October 14, 1877. the present building- was dedicated. Rev. J. P. Bovce preached the dedication sermon. Mr. Frost was succeeded as pastor by Rev. T- T- Taylor, who remained with the church for seven years and was a most acceptable pastor in every way. He now has charge of one of the largest churches in Montgomery, Ala. The next pastor called to this church was Rev. F. R. Raymond, who had charge for three years and was followed by Rev. W. S. Splawn. who after serving three years accepted a call to a church in Texas. The present pastor, Rev. J. H. Boyet, came next, and is doing great good by his untiring labors for the upbuilding of his church. On February 18, 1875, this church was christened the "Pilgrim Baptist Church," but on July 4, 1877, it was changed to the "Upper Street Baptist Church" and still bears that name. Biographical Sketch of Pastor. John H. Boyet, D. D.. pastor of Upper Street Baptist Church, was born in Tipton county, Tenn., Avigust 11, 1847, ^rid moved with his parents to Lamar county, Texas, in 1856. He grew to manhood with only the educational advantages afforded in the common sum- mer schools of the country and human nature as he saw it among the Westerners and the Indians along the border. He was familiar with the lasso, the broncho, the red man and all the dangers to body and soul incident to life in such surroundings. He served in the Confederate cavalry the last year of the war, and knew the Indian as a soldier, a scout and a spy. When the war was over, and the awful experiences of a few years in which the country was filled with murderers and highwaymen had their day, and came to grief, many of them, at the hands of young Confederates who longed for peace and rest from strife, he settled down to work and study with a thirst for knowledge which drank at every fountain opened to him, until he literally carved out for himself a future. He was ordained to the ministry in 1873, and from that time gave himself exclusively to preaching and 30 THE CHURCH RECORI further preparation for his Hfe work. He spent a time in the Southern Theological Seminar}^ at Louisville, and was in a private way a pupil of Dr. John A. Broadus afterward. Availing himself of the benefits of a strong personal friendship of some of the great men of his de- nomination he was able to make good, in a large measure, what he lacked of early advantages. He preached all over Texas during a period of seventeen years and saw over six thousand people converted, in the meantime JOHN H. BOYET. serving as pastor at Paris, Sulphur Springs and Honey Grove, all important points. He was often in demand at college commencements and received the degree of D.D. in 1 887 from the Keechi College. La. He was one of the founders of the "Texas Baptist Standard," which now has the largest circulation of any Baptist paper in the South. He has also written several small books and has published many sermons and other articles in the lead- ing church periodicals. In i8go Mr. Boyet became pastor of the First Church of Owensboro. Ky., where his success was conspicuous until failing health influenced him to go South for a time, when for eighteen months he did a remarkable work at UPPER-STREET BAPTIST CHURCH. 31 Mcksburg, Miss., acting' at the same time as associate editor of the "Baptist Layman" in that state. Since leaving Texas in 1890, he has held great revival meetings in Louisville, Memphis, Nashville, Little Rock, Natchez and New Orleans, besides many smaller cities North and South. Dr. Boyet became pastor of the L^pper Street Church June I, 1895, and has in twenty months increased the membership from less than three hundred and fifty to more than five hundred. His congregations always fill the house and there are accessions and baptisms almost every Lord's day. He teaches a large class, preaches twice on Sunday and attends three other night meetings through the week. Besides his work as pastor Dr. Boyet manages to hold a ten days' meeting every two months at some place in the state. He also appears often on the platform, and has won for himself a name as a popular lecturer. He is frequently on the programme of National gatherings and was for several years one of the board of managers of the Baptist Young Peoples Union of America. List of Members. Appleton, J. W. Appleton. Kate H. Appleton, Henry W. Appleton, Susie. Appleton, J. W., Jr. Atkins, Nannie. Atkins, W. C. Alexander, A. M. Alexander, P. M. Alexander, Mar\^ Alexander, Nannie. Alexander, (Mrs. F. P. Jenkins.) Alexander, Spencer. Alexander, Mattie. Atkins, Dudley. Atkins, Mrs. Sarah. Atkins, Hallie. (Mrs. Reed.) Appleton, Frank. Atkins, George. Allen, Mrs. Emma. Agee, Melvin. Allen Miss Annie Martin. Atkins, Mrs. Lizzie. Anderson, Mrs. A. Allen, Airs. Susan. Allen, Claude. Alston, Mrs. Millie. Alexander, Mollie. Alexander, Harvey. Appleton. j\Irs. Sallie. Atkins, Jessie. Albert, Miss Irene. Andrews, Mrs. Anderson, Mrs. ]\Iary. Appleton, Thompson. Appleton, Aliss Lily. 32 THE CHURCH RECORD. Atkins, Sallie. (Mrs. Gray.) Alexander, Robt. Anderson, Mrs. Julia H. Atkins, Mrs. Lucy. Alfred, George. Ault, H. B. Aldrich, Mabel. Allen, Steve. Aldrich, Alaud. Alston, M. G. Aldredge, Mrs. Emma. Bell, W. E. Bell, Mittie. Bosworth, W. E. Bosworth, H. W. Bosworth, Mrs. Mary. Bosworth, Lillie. Bosworth, Mrs. Minerva. Baker, Jas. L. Brown, Annie T. Brown, Sallie H. Brown, R. R. Brown, Bettie. Brown, Eddie. Byrnes, Lizzie. Bohon, Alice. Butler, Julia E. Bosler, Laora. Bosler, Mrs. Sallie. Blank, Julia. Blank, Maggie. Berry, Mrs. Mattie. Baker, Mrs. J. L. Brock, Maggie. Brightwell, J. J. Berry, Jno. AI. Bacon, Sallie. Brock, Jas. T. Brock, Susie. Barclay, Lizzie. Baxter, Mrs. E. R. Baker, Mrs. Eliza. Beckley, J. A. Bradley, Garrett. Barlow, Lena. Bacon, Mrs. Mary S. Brown, Janie. Boyet, Rev. John H. Boyet, Mrs. M. E. Boyet, S. M. B. Bovet, M. B. Bradley, W. B. Biggerstaff, Maggie. Bradley, Stone. Boyet, Mona. Boyet, Joseph. Beone, Watts. Boyet, Jno. F. Bird whistle, Eliza. Bosworth, Ida. Burks, Lola M. Broyles, Lena. Borgess, W. H. Butler, Miss Lida. Connell, B. P. Coghill, Mrs. Lucy. Collins, Mrs. M. E. Cox, Mrs. M. E. Crovse, Mrs. M. K. Croxton, C. F. Croxton, Mrs. Mary B. Croxton, Mrs. Amelia. Crawford, G. W. Crawford, Mrs. G. W. Cecil, Sallie. Cooper, Willie C. Collins, Miss Nannie. Cheek, Mrs. P. E. Croxton, Frank. Croxton, Richard. Crow, Alethia. Curtis, Henry. Cooley, Nannie. Chinn, Mrs. Jno. Coons, Catherine. Colvin, John. Cassidy, Mrs. Lizzie. Cassidy, Robt. J. UPPER-STREET BAPTIST CHURCH. 33 Collins, Maggie. Cooper, Katie. Cox, Mrs. Mar>- C. Cobb, Mrs. Carrie. Crawford, S. G. Collier, Alice. Carpenter, J. R. Carpenter, Mrs. Mary. Cravens, J. C. Cravens, Mrs. J. C. Cooley, Susie. Crawford, Mrs. Julia. Cook, C. M. Coons, Mrs. Emma. Chinn, Mrs. Chinn, Ida. Cheek, Mrs. Mar}'. Callahan, Jno. P. Callahan, Mrs. Annie H. Carr, M. C. Chauncey, Rev. J. M. Chauncey, Mrs. Hallie. Curtis, Mrs. Christy. Coovert, Corda. Clory, Maggie. Chrisp, Mrs. Rebecca. Coovert, Mr. Clegg, Mrs. M. Combs, Wm. Cowgill, Daniel. Cowgill, Mrs. Cornelia. Cowgill, Miss Lou. Cowgill, Florence. Cowgill, Cornelia. Corver, Annie. Cowgill, Daniel, Jr. Cowgill, Sam'l L. Carr, Birdie. Drake, Jos. F., Sr. Drake, Mary L. Drake, Jas. F., Jr. Drake, Edwin R. Drake, Miss Jennie. Drake, Phoebe. Drake, Rebecca. Drake, W. Desha. Downing, Joseph. Downing, Mrs. Joseph. Downing, Jennie. Darnaby. Alildred. Darnaby, Mrs. Henrietta. Darnaby, Robt. Darnaby, Sallie. Darnabv, Mrs. Hettie B. Darnaby, Mrs. Mary J. Darnaby, Mrs. Mariam. Dean, Thos. Downing, Mrs. Ella. Davis, Mrs. Sarah. Dean, Miss Anna. Dalmon, Mrs. Sallie. Davidson, Wm. Davidson, Mrs. Wm. Davidson, Fannie. Duerson, J. B. Davidson, James. Davidson, Miss. Dillard, Florence. Dishman, Mrs. Jennie. Darnaby, Fannie. Darnaby, Lily. Darnaby, Lou. Darnaby, Mrs. D. Darnabv, E. F., Jr. Darnaby, Mrs. E. A. Darnaby, E. Katherine. Darnaby, E. F., Sr. Davis, Lizzie. Davis, Mrs. Lena. Davis, Mrs. Bettie. Daugherty, Clara. Diston, Rev. H. H. Diston, Mrs. H. H. Diston, ^fiss E. B. Darnall, Mrs. Bettie. Daugherty, Nannie. Darnall, Miss Lutie. Darnall, Sabina. Darnabv, Stella. Darnall', W. W. Daugherty, Belle. Darnabv, Wm. E. 34 THE CHURCH RECORD. Davis, Edna. Davidson, Mattie. Darnaby, Jno. H. Davis, Airs. Duncan, Mrs. Mar}. Elliott, R. G. Elliott, Mrs. Caroline. Elliott, Mrs. Susie F. Erdman, Mrs. C. G. Erdman, Mrs. M. M. Erdman, Ernest. Eades, Asa. Eason, Reddick. Eason, Martina. Eagle, Nancy. Ely, Frank. Elv, Joseph. Ely, 'Willie. Ely, Mrs. Laura. P2vans, Mrs. Flora. Evans, David. Ellis, Miss Mollie. Elliott, Miss Fannie. Eason, Crews. Eason, Lilly. Eason, Frank. Elliott, Crowley. Eason, Mamie. Eason, Ijertie. Everton, Mack Eskridge, E. C. Eskridg-e, Mrs. Anna. Elkin, E. S. Elkin, Clarence. Easter, Nannie. Freeman, Lizzie. Freeman, J. H. Freeman, Mrs. Eliza. Freeman, Sallie. Farrell, Thos. T- Filson, Robt. B. Fishback, Jno. S. Fyffer, Mrs. Millie. Fyffer, PerT}^ Faulkner, Sarah. Friley, James. Farra, Annie. Farra, Lnla. Foele, Columbus. Fogle, Mrs. Elizabeth. Fogle, Lizzie. Featherston, Mrs. Bettie. Francis, Mrs. Sadie. Fishback, Mrs. Julia. Fishback, Miss Mary. Fishback, Miss Jessie. Fishback, Miss Susie. Foley, Alma. Farris, Mrs. Kate. Fister, Mrs. Susan. Gower, Geo. Griggs, Martha. Gravette, Edward. Gardner, Mrs. Jennie. Gibson, Ann. Gorman, Mrs. H. H. Gilchrist, James. Graham, Alice. Greehan, Enoch. Garrett, Jennie. Gilchrist, Mrs. Maggie. Grippe, Helen. Gammon, Hattie. Grippe, Lucy. Grippe, Lida. Grippe, Russell. Grippe, Albert. Gibbs, Virginia. Gibbs, Hettie. Gentry, Mrs. Mattie Lee. Gasnev, G. L. Gasney, Mrs. N. C. Gresham. Carrie. Gibson, Mrs. Mary E. UPPER-STREET BAPTIST CHURCH. 35 Higgins, Geo. B. Higgins, Mrs. Bettie. Hobbs, M. E. Hobbs, Mrs. M. E. Heirnen, Martha. Hickev, Mrs. Nancy. Hickey, Nannie. Hickey, Bettie. Hickey, David. Hickev, Mrs. Nettie. Hall, Miss Lida. Hunt, Laura. Hunt, Maggie. Hooper, R. H. Haggard, Mary. Haggard, Nathaniel. Henderson, R. S. Henderson, Mrs. Jane. Henderson, Mrs. Sallie. Henderson, C. S. Higgins, Mrs. Bettie. Heitner, Fannie. Hobbs, Mattie. Hobbs, L. H. Haley, Mrs. Julia. Holman, James. Hunt, Mrs. Lucy. Holland, Jno. A. Hale, Susie. Hale, Aliss. Hale, Carrie. Holland, Mrs. G. A. Hunt, J. C. Hunt, Annie. Hunt, Mrs. Ida. Hunt, Chas. LTanna. Mrs. S. Hart. Dudlev. Hanson, R. H. Hodges, J. W. Hodges, Mrs. Bettie. Haynes, Mrs. Lizzie. Hall, Mrs. Ann. Hall, Harry. Howard, Richard. Hamil, Mita. Hunley, Richard. Hunley, Mrs. Sarah. Hays, Mrs. Emma. Halliday, Mrs. Janie. Haynes, Mrs. Catherine. Hawkins, Minnie Lyle. Hicks, Hugh. Hicks, Yellman. Hicks, Alargaret. Hicks, Mary K. Hicks, Sophia C. Hufifman, Jno. Haines, Clarence. Haines, Mr. Hunt, Chas. Holman, Mrs. M. Huffman, Alma. Hays, Rosa. Hays, Anna. Hornsey, T. A. Hornsey, Florence. Hornsey, Mrs. T. A. Hukle, Lucy. Hukill, Lizzie. Hastings, Mrs. M. Hastings, J. W. Hunley, George. Hunley, Raymond. Hamil, Emma. Herndon, Miss T. A. Hill, Mrs. Hawck, A. C. Hawck, Mrs. A. C. Havnes, W. T. Harper, J. M. Jackson, Albert. Jackson, Luta D. Jackson, Mrs. Sarah E. Jeffries, Mrs. Lucy. Jenkins, F. P. Johnson, Mrs. Amanda D. Johnson, Belle. Johnson, Henry. Jones, A. A. Jones, Mrs. Mary. Jones, Jonathan. 36 THE CHURCH RECORD. Kent, A. D. Kent, Mrs. A. E. Kent, James. Keig-er, Mrs. Mar)' J. King, Nannie. King, Isaac H. Lowe, Eliza. Lancaster, W. D. Lancater, Mrs. W. D. Lancaster, Mattie. Lancaster, Howard. Kincaid, Jere. Kincaid, Mrs. S. A. Kniglit, W. T. Keller, Mrs. Fannie. Kawtzar, Mrs. Lou. Keith, Lulu. Landroni, Jessie. Landrom, Josie. Lowman, Lottie. Lay, Silas. Lav, Mrs. Fannie. Lumsden, Mrs. A. M. Milton, Mrs. Marrs, Maria. Montague, J. W. Montague, Mrs. M. C. Montague, B. G. Morgan, Anna E. McClelland, N. H. McClelland, Mrs. Lizzie. McFarland, M. G. McFarland. Mrs. L. Merrill, Jefferson. Moore, Arthur. Moore, Mrs. Bina. Myer, Miss Ernestine. Miller, Isaac. Miller, Mrs. L. S. Myer, Ernestine. Mbffatt, D. L. N. Morton, Mrs. Gabriel. Morton, Speed. Morton, Mrs. Martha. Morton, Julia. Montague, Clarence. McMurtrv, J. D. McKendrick, J. S. McKendrick, Mrs. Louisa. Muncey, Jennie. Morgan, Emma. McGintv, Nora. McGint'y, Asa D. Morton, Ann. Morton, Dosia. Morton, Lizzie. Morton, Beatrice. Morton, E. D. Mitchell, Erasmus. McMurtry, Mrs. Mary O. Mosley, Tommie. Mefford, Sallie E. Melton, Jonie. Montague, Dracella. Matheny, Mrs. Emma. McKendrick. J. S. McKendrick, Mrs. Louisa. Miller, Mrs. Sallie. Morford, Mrs. Mary. Moody, Lucy. Morford, Eva. Monroe, Walter. Montague, Hally. Montague, Wade. Murphv. Mrs. Elizabeth. Moore,' S. J. Morgan, J. B. Mauck, O. Y. Neal, Elizabeth. Neal, Hattie B. Neal, Mrs. Ida. Neal, C. F. Norvil, Hita. Neff, Nannie. Neff, Mrs. F. C. Neff, Bessie. UPPER-STREET BAPTIST CHURCH. 37 Nottnagle, L. Henry. Newberry, Mrs. A. W. Neff, Flora. Neff, Mrs. M. C. Oldham, Sallie. Ott, George. Perry, S. F. Perrv, Mrs. Maggie. Perr'v, R. R. Perr>% Mrs. Belle. Powell, Jno. Proctor, John A. Proctor, Mrs. B. A. Pratt, Marv E. Pratt, Mary B. Pratt, Ryland D. Pratt, Rev. W. M. Parker, Lizzie. Pates. Marv D. Pates, Mrs'. Mary D. Nye, N. P. Nye, Mrs. N. P. Newberry, Ada B. Nicholson, Mrs. E. B. Obernoer, Fannie. Obernoer, Geo. M. Pulliani, Annie. Parris, L. Mollie. Probert, Maud. Parker, Mary H. Parker, Milton. Parker, Leah. Parker, Blanche. Putney, G. L. Putney, Mrs. G. L. Plake,' D. H. Plake, Mrs. H. Perkins, Verna. Peake, Bettie. Perrin, H. T. Reynolds, Mollie. Reynolds, Frank. Reynolds, J. W. Remolds, Addie. Reynolds, J. W. Reynolds, Lewis. Robinson, Elizabeth. Ray, Mrs. W. S. Ryiand, Rev. Robt. Small, Sue E. Staples, J. H. Staples. Mrs. Lilla. Shiddell, Chas. C. .Schooler, Martha. Schooler, Thomas. Sagdon, Jno. Sloan, Frank. vSloan, Mrs. Smith, Nannie B. Smith. Susie. Smith, Bettie. Smith, Fannie. Rice, Miss Lizzie. Rice, Thomas. Rice, Lucian. Rice. Nannie. Roadcup, Jennie. Romsese, Susan. Raymond. Maurice. Redings, J. O. Redings, Mrs. J. O. Rumsey, Edward. Smith, James. Staples. Harry. Staples. Chas. Staples, Nellie. Shawhan. Mrs. Ann. Seaborn, G. H. Sallie Nannie. Stinwell, Chas. Stull, Susan. Schooler, Lucy. Schner, Mary. Sagdon, Precilla. Sugars, Nolin. 88 THE CHURCH RECORD. Smith, James. Smith, Carrie E. Smith, Mrs. E. Simcox, Alice. Sprake, Bettie. Sngden, Hannah. Settles, C. C. Sngden, Jonah. Sadler, Maria. Spurr, Mrs. Jane. Searcy, Chas. Shendlebower, Annie. Sharp, Llewellyn. Smith, Mattie.' Smith, Mrs. Georgia. Settles, Mrs. Eliza. Shilling, Sophia. Sallee, Maggie. Saxton, Hugh. Shropshire, Perry. Smith, Mrs. Georgia. Tingle, Mar>\ Tingle, Emma. Tingle, Eliza. Tingle, Laura. Tingle, Leonard. Thompson, Mrs. P. E. ' Thompson, W. H. Thompson, Mrs. Carrie. Thompson, Landers. Thompson, Frank. Turlev, Amanda. Threlkeld, S. B. Threlkeld, V. L. Tuttle, Elizabeth. Talbot, Essie. Talbot, Lula. Tracey, wSusie. Tracey, Mamie. Tracey, MoUie. Tyler, Chas. R. Underwood, Mrs. M. J. Vaughn, Hattie. Vaughn, Lizzie. Vaughn, Mrs. Mattie. Snyder, Taylor. Southworth, T. W. Southworth, Mrs. T. W. Sparks, Mrs. Mary. Sparks, F. G. Steele, Nannie. Socre, Thos. Stall, H. C. Simcox, Ira. Simcox, Jos. Stall, Chas. Stephenson, Eva. Stone, .Stella. Sleeth, W. C. Spencer, Jessie. Spencer, Annie. Short, E. A. Smitt, Mrs. Georgia. Stewart, Claude. Snyder, Mrs. Lula. Teasdale, Wm. Taylor, Edw. Taylor, Mrs. Mary E. Tucker, Eva. Talbot, Edward. Taylor, Clififord. Tipton, John. Teasdale, Lula B. Thompson, J. G. Turner, Jas. Turner, Mrs. Sallie F Tingle, Lula. Tingle, J. L. Tucker, Albert. Tindall, Alma. Taylor, Mrs. Allie. Taylor, Mrs. Sarah. Taylor, Bennie. Thornton, Mattie D. Threlkeld, W. S. Vaughn, Roger. Vaughn, Ida. Van Huss, Mrs. UPPRR-STREKT BAPTIST CHURCH. 39 Waide, Mary A. Waide, Dan'I. Waide, David S. Waide, Carrie E. Wilson, E. B. Ward, Nannie. Winn, Mrs. M. Woodford, Hattie. Wardroper, Frank. Wigington, Sallie. Wolf, Ella. Wolf, James. Wolf, Airs. Niona. Wolf, Lavinia. Wolf. Francis. Wornock, Bettie. Williams, Mrs. Wm. Williams, Wm. Wright, Laora. Whetson. W. ?T. Whetson, Mrs. Mildred. Waggoner. Mollie. Whitney, Mrs. T. Gray. Weble, Louise. Weble, Tommie. Weble, Lucv. Wilgus, Tibbie. Williams, Wm., Jr. Wornock, Wm. Williams, Richard. Williams. Mrs. Richard. Waggoner. Mrs. Lucv. Woodruff. Mrs. Kale." Wilson, Lydia. Ware, Serisa. Waller, Frank. Waller, Mrs. Mary. Wilgus, D. S. Williamson, Mrs. C. Wrenn, Mrs. M. E. Wrenn, Mrs. E. B. Wardroper, Mrs. Florence. Walis, Lily. Wood, Georgia. Webb. Lottie. Ware, R. M. Ware, Mrs. Mollie. AVheeler, Mrs. Lizzie. Waller, Ella. Wrenn, May. Wornock, Eddie. Wilson, Tulia. Wright, b. C. Weeks, Warren. Weeks, Mrs. Warren. Weeks, Nellie. Weeks, Jessie. Waller, Melissa. Waller, Martha. Wornock. Mary. Wallace, Lizzie. Wallace, Annie. Waddy, Annie. Wallace, Carrie. West, Van. Wilson, R. B. Wornock, Sue B. Woolten, B. V. B. Waid. Addie. Wright, Helen. West, Carrie. West, Annie. Young, Jno. R. Young, Mrs. Bettie. Young, Ada. Young, Ethel. Yeiser, Geo. O. Yeiser, Mrs. G. O. Yeiser, Mrs. P. D. Yeager, L F. Yeager, Mrs. L W. BROADWAY CHRISTIAN CHURCH. Historical Sketch. By Elder J. W. McGarvey. This church came into existence as a branch from the church then meeting in the old house near Phoenix Hotel, on Main street. The latter had enjoyed a very rapid growth from the year 1865 till the year 1869, when the audiences became too large for their house of worship, and a separate meeting for such as saw fit to attend it was organized in the old opera house, corner of ]\Iain and Broadway, January i, 1870. In the spring of 1870. the old Presbyterian house of worship on the corner of Broad- way and'Second streets was purchased for the accommo- dation of this meeting, and was first occupied by it on May 1st of that year. On June 25th of the year 1871, it was thought best by the whole church to organize those meeting there into an independent church. This or- ganization was effected on Lord's day, July i6th, by the enrollment, with the consent of the mother church, of all who chose to enter into it. The whole number then enrolled was one hundred and twenty-eight. J. W. ATcGarvey, who had been already selected bv the undivided church to preach in that hotise every Lord's day. was continued in that service, and the church was fully organized by the election and ordination of elders and deacons the same year. The elders first appointed were W. B. Enmial, Dr. L N. Hodgen, Dr. R. A. Gibney, and J. W. McGarvev; the deacons, Robert Mc^NIichael, J. M. Hocker, L Y. Smith, J. L. Shivel, D. D. Laudeman, J. P. Metcalf, J. I>. Wallace and James Frost. J. W. ]VIcGarvey was both the preacher for this young congregation and professor of sacred history in the Col- lege of the Bible; and he continued this double service until the close of the year 1881, when the church had so grown in numbers that the time which could be spared from his ])rofessorship was inadequate to the demands of the church work. He conseciuently resigned, and John S. (40) BROADWAY CHRISTIAN CHURCH. 41 Shotise, of Midway, Ky., was chosen to take his place. At this time the number of members was about three hundred and fifty, and these, together with the boarding pupils of Hamilton Female College, and many students of the College of the Bible and Kentucky University who were regular attendants, frequently crowded the house of worship. Under the services of J. S. Shouse this growth continued until it became necessary to provide more seating capacity for the large congregations. All prac- ticable plans for enlarging the old house were considered BROADWAY CHRISTIAN CHUKCH. and found unsatisfactory, so it was finally decided to build a new one. Search was made for a suitable lot in the vicinity, but none that could be purchased was found, and it became necessary to tear down the old building and erect the new one on the old site. J. S. Shouse under- took to secure the necessary subscriptions of money, and had scarcely succeeded when he was induced to resign his position and accept the work of soliciting for an in- crease of the endowment of Kentuckv University. His term of service closed with the year 1890. In this crisis, O. A. Bartholomew, of St. Louis, Mo., was induced to serve the church for one year in the double capacity of 42 THE CHURCH RECORD. regular preacher and architect of the new building. The new house of worship and a parsonage were constructed under his supervision and according to plans and speci- fications drawn up by him. On the first Lord's day of September, 1891, the new house, with a seating capacity of about one thousand, was formally set apart for public worship to the great delight of the congregation, which had for six months worshiped in the chapel of the university. The cost of the two buildings was about $22,000. But previous to this, in the year 1888, for the purpose of relieving the overcrowded condition of its audiences, as also for the sake of more efificient evangelizing in the city, the church had bought a lot on Chestnut street, and erected a house of worship on it at a cost of about $6,500. Here services were maintained regularly by members of the congregation, who were preachers, with the as- sistance of some of the elders and deacons, until the month of December, 1891, when an independent church was organized there. This church being financially weak at first, the mother church continued to help it finan- cially for several years. At the close of the engagement with O. A. Bartholo- mew, Mark Collis, who had been for six years Professor of English Language and Literature in Kentucky Uni- versity, was induced to resign that work and serve the church, which he has continued to do until the time of this writing. The increase of membership which has marked the histor}' of the church from its beginning has not been interrupted and the congregation now numbers about nine hundred members, besides about two hundred who have moved away from the city without changing their church membership. Throughout the history of this church it has borne a part in the benevolent work of the city of Lexington, and has contributed liberally to the support of the gospel in the state of Kentucky, in the more needy parts of our whole country, and among the heathen. ' Its members have manifested an interest in the poor and the sinning in every part of the world. No class or race of men are be- yond the reach of their sympathy, and this largely ac- counts, no doubt, for the abundant blessings which God has bestowed upon the church. Her devotion to the faith and practice of the primitive church, for the defense and maintenance of which she has ever stood, knows no abatement, and she has confidence that in the years to BROADWAY CHRISTIAN CHURCH. 43 come there is a still larger work for her to do than all that she has hitherto accomplished. Her officers now con- sist of five elders and seventeen deacons. She has an at- tendance every Lord's day which nearly fills her large auditorium; her Sunday-school is large and growing; her prayer-meeting is largely attended; and her young people, in their special lines of work, are active and zealous. She has every reason to thank God and take courage. Biographical Sketch of Pastor. Mark Collis, the minister of the Broadway Christian Church, was born in London, Flngland, September 21, 1 85 1. When he was three years old his parents emigrated to South Australia and established themselves in the city of Adelaide. There he was brought up and lived till he was twenty-two years of age. When fifteen years old he obtained employment in a large mercantile house, con- tinuing this pursuit up to the time of his majority, at which time his health failing him he withdrew from bus- iness and sought by a change of location and occupation for the strength which he had lost. For about a year, on the farm of a brother-in-law, he followed agriculture more as a recreation than as a serious business. At the age of eighteen he had become a member of the Christian church, from which time he had been possessed with a desire to preach the gospel and had frequently taken part in the public services of the congregation. His en- forced retirement from business caused him to think more seriously of the question of whether he ought to de- vote his time and talents to mercantile pursuits or to the work of the ministry. At last he determined to come to Kentucky University to spend a year or two, after which he hoped to be able to enter upon the great work of pro- claiming Christ to the people. So in 1874 he bade fare- well to his parents and friends in Australia and came to America, expecting to see them all again m two or three vears. He entered the Bible College of Kentucky Uni- versitv in the fall of 1874, and in 1878 graduated in the first class of the present College of the Bible, delivering the valedictory upon that occasion. After graduating in this college he prosecuted his studies in the College of 44 THE CHURCH RECORD. Arts, graduating in that institution in 1881, and deliver- ing the Latin salutatory. While in college he employed almost every Sunday in preaching, most of this time be- ing divided between the congregations of Antioch and Berea, in Fayette county. His vacations were largely taken up with protracted meeting work. The same month that he graduated he married Miss Mary Gibney, MARK COLI^IvS. of Lexington, and that fall he accepted a call to the church at Alidway, Ky., where he labored for four years. During the last year of his ministry there he made a visit to his father and friends in Australia, his mother having died while he was in college. Soon after his return he was invited to take the chair of English Language and Literature in Kentucky Lniversity; this he accepted, re- luctantly giving up the work at Midway, which had proved very delightful to him. For six years he filled that position, when, the new Broadway Christian Church BROADWAY CHRISTIAN CHURCH. 45 being completed, the congregation unanimously called him to serve it as its preacher, which place he has been filling ever since, having begun his sixth year of service with them in January of this year. Mr. Collis has many cares apart from his duties as the minister of this large church. He is the president of the Board of Education of the city of Lexington, the president of the Board of Trustees of the Kentucky Female Orphan School, secre- tary of the Board of Trustees of Hamilton Female Col- lege, secretary of the Board of Trustees of the College of the Bible, and a member of the Board of Curators of Kentucky University. He is president this year of the Kentucky Christian Missionary Society. List of Members. Adams, W. W., Leland Annex. Adams, Mrs. C, Leland Annex. Adams, Robt. C, 146 W. Short street. Adams, Mrs. Beulah V., 186 S. Broadway. Adams, W. B. 186 S. Broadwav. Adams, Jas. H., 17 Hickory street. Adams, Mrs. J. H., 17 Hickory street. Allen, Jno. G., 96 S. Limestone street. Allen, Pearl, Elm Tree Lane. Allen, Frank W., College of Arts. Allen, W. H., College of the Bible. Allender, Mrs. Virgie B., Woodland Park. Alexander. Bertha, 201 W. Maxwell street. Anderson, Miss Fannie M., 53 Georgetown street. Anderson, Mrs. Maud P.. 446 N. Limestone street. Applegate, Mrs. Susan F., 6t W. Sixth street. Arnett, Mrs. E. A., 355 N. Upper street. Arnett, Miss Margaret, 74 S. Mill street. Arnspiger, G. W.. 426 S. Limestone street. Arnspiger, Mrs. Laura, 426 S. Limestone street. Arnspiger. Eugene, 426 S. Limestone street. Alford,' Miss Mattie, Todds Road. Austin, Miss Kate. 47 E. High street. Austin, Miss Elizabeth. 47 E. High street. Ashurst, Miss Sallie, 161 E. Main street. 46 THE CHURCH RECORD. Bailor, Paul, S3 Georgetown street. Bailor, Mrs. Daisy Botts. 33 Georgetown street Baker, Mrs. Kate T., 168 W. Third street. Baker, Miss Katie Mav, 168 W. Third street. Baker, Miss Mary Lou, 168 W. Third street. Baker, Frank T., 141 E. Maxwell street. Baker, Jno. R., ^2 Kentucky avenue. Baker, Mrs. Lou, ^2 Kentucky avenue. Baker, Miss Sallie B., t,2 Kentucky avenue. Baker, Chas. A., Jr., 22 Kentucky' avenue. Baker, Mrs. C. A., 32 Kentucky avenue. Baker, Jas. H., 427 W. High street. Baker, Mrs. Sallie A.. 427 W. High street. Ballard, Mrs. Allie H., 107 N. Upper street. Barbee, Geo. L.. Winchester pike. Barbee, Mrs. Ellen F., Winchester pike. Barbee, Frank W.. Winchester pike. Barkley, Jno.. 71 Woodard avenue. Barkley, Miss Lizzie, 71 Woodard avenue. Baxter, Mrs. Eloise, 63 Walnut street. Baxter, Miss Jennie Alvin, 63 Walnut street. Blackford, Mrs. Olive, 55 N. Limestone street. Blackford. Miss Meta, 55 N. Limestone street. Bradley, D. S., 107 Kentucky avenue. Bradley, Mrs. Luella, 107 Kentucky avenue. Baker, Miss Emma. 203 S. Limestone street. Baker, Miss Susie, 203 S. Limestone street. Baker, E. M.. 203 S. Limestone street. Batson, H. W., College of Arts. Bagley, Thos., College of the Bible. Barrow, Miss Mary E., Walnut street. Baughn, Mrs. Eliz. A.. 42 Graham avenue. Barlow, Mrs. Kate. 200 S. Mill street. Batson, Arthur. 319 S. Broadway. Beatt}', David H., 41 Rand avenue. Beatty, Mrs. Annie B., 41 Rand avenue. Beatty, Wallace, 41 Rand avenue. Beatty, Leon O.. 41 Rand avenue. Beatty, Earl, 41 Rand avenue. Beauchamp, Mrs. Mar\% Hanson street. Beauchamp. Miss Nora, Hanson street. Beckley, Mrs. Mollie L., 417 W. High street. Bedford, Hite, yy Kentucky avenue^ Bentley, Miss Nannie. 22 Hanson street. Berry, Miss Ella, Tate's Creek pike. Bernett, Miss Bertha. Hamilton College. Beale, Mrs. Mattie, Parker's Mill pike. Beckert, ]\Irs. Addie, Graham avenue. BROADWAY CHRISTIAN CHURCH. 47 Bennett, Mrs. Armilda, io6 W. Fifth street. Bennett, Miss Artezella, io6 W. Fifth street. Beck, Miss Louisa, Hamilton College. Bell, Ernest J., 44 Headley avenue. Bell, Mrs. Maryetta, 44 Headley avenue. Bell, Mrs. Sallie V., 28 Headley avenue. Bright, Wm., E. K. L. A. Bright, Mrs. Dovie, E. K. L. A. Biggerstaff, W. C, 201 W. Maxwell street. Biggerstafif, Miss Mary, 79 Kentucky avenue. Biggerstafif, Miss Beulah, 79 Kentucky avenue. Boon, W. W., Davidson Court. Boon, Mrs. Mary, Davidson Court. Boon, Miss Katie, Davidson Court. Boon, Miss Alice, Davidson Court. Boon, Jos., Davidson Court. Bourne, Mrs. A. R., Main and East End avenue. Brock, Dr. W. A., 30 N. Mill street. Brown, Mrs. Bettie, 139 S. Mill street. Brown, Mrs. Hanna, 342 S. Broadway. Brown, Miss Pearl, 342 S. Broadway. Brown, Miss Anna, 342 S. Broadway. Brown, Miss Carrie, 94 E. High street. Brown, J. M., 1 19 Spring street. Brown, Mrs. Linnie, 119 Spring street. Brown, Mrs. Lizzie Jones, yi) Spring street. Brown, E. Frank, 119 W. Short street. Brown, Mrs. Lida L., 119 W. Short street. Bronaugh, J. J., 184 W. High street. Bronaugh, Mrs. Kate, 184 W. High street. Bronaugh, Willie, 184 W. High street. Bronaugh, Anna, 184 W. High street. Bonta, Mrs. J. B., 357 N. Broadway. Bonta, Clotild, 357 N. Broadway. Bonta, Mrs. Susan, 357 N. Broadway. Bonta, Miss Mattie, 357 N. Broadway. Bonnell, Miss Ella, 1 1 Forman street. Bowers, Mrs. Mattie, 11 W. High street. Bullock, G. R., Harrodsburg pike. Bullock, Mrs. Bettie, Harrodsburg pike. Bush, Mrs Tommie, 106 N. Upper street. Calvert, Mrs. Rebecca, 212 S. Limestone street. Calvert, Jephtha, 212 S. Limestone street. Carpenter, J. T., 348 S. Broadway. Carpenter, Mrs. J. T., 348 S. Broadway. Carpenter, Mrs. Annie, 348 S. Broadway. Carpenter, William, 348 S. Broadway. 48 THE CHURCH RH.CORD. Carrrick, Dr. J. C. 41 N. Mill street. Carroll, Arthur, College of the Bible. Carroll, Mrs. F. A., 248 W. Third street. Cassell, Miss Maggie, Park Place. Cassell, W. H., 115 W. Second street. Cassell, Mrs. Minnie, 115 W. Second street. Cassell, Henry, 115 W. Second street. Cassell, Miss Jennie, 71 W. Fourth street. Clark, Jno. W., Tate's Creek pike. Clark, Mrs. Lillie, Tate's Creek pike. Clark, Mrs. Lida B., 55 N. Limestone street. Clark, Mrs. Maggie G., Elm Tree Lane. Clay, W. Rogers, N. Upper street. Cramer, Mrs. J- G., 360 N. Limestone street. Crane, Mrs. Ella, South Broadway. Crane, Morgan, South Broadway. Crane, Mrs. Amanda, 82 W. High street. Canbey, David B., North Limestone street. Canbey, Mrs. Lizzie, North Limestone street. Canbey, Ollie, North Limestone street. Carl, Walter, Lancaster street. Cartwright, Mrs. Carrie, 79 Spring street. Campbell, A. T., College of the Bible. Cardwell, Mrs. Lulie G., E. K. L. A. Chenault, Mrs. Pattie. Second and Upper streets. Chenault, T. D., Richmond pike. Crenshaw, Mrs. Mary A., 256 N. Upper street. Christian, Miss Hattie, Toddy's Road. Christian, Mrs. Frances, Walnut Hill. Christian, Miss Ida, Walnut Hill. Christian, Miss Birdie, Walnut Hill. Christian, Miss Maud. Walnut Hill. Christian, Miss Mollie, Walnut Hill. Christy, P. L., 26 Headly avenue. Christy, Mrs. Louisa, 26 Headly avenue. Christy, Miss Minnie T., 26 Headly avenue. Christy, Miss Alleen,. 26 Headly avenue. Chilton, Mrs. Mary James, 139 Constitution street. Christerson, I. J., 12 W. Maxwell street. Christerson, Mrs. J. T., 12 W. Maxwell street. Christerson, Walton, 12 W. Maxwell street. Christerson, Miss Annie, 12 W. Maxwell street. Crimm, Clarence, Cheapside. Crimm, \'an, Cheapside. Cobb, Mrs. Flora H., Lexington Stock Yards. Cobb, Hugh L., Lexington Stock Yards. Coleman, Dr. B. L., 120 S. Broadway. Coleman, Mrs. Belle, 120 S. Broadway. BROADWAY CHRISTIAN CHURCH. 4&' Coleman, Miss Eleanor, 120 S. Broadway. Coleman, Robt. M., 120 S. Broadway. Collis, Mark, 15 Fayette Park. Collis, Mrs. Mary, 15 Fayette Park. Collis, Virgil G., 15 Fayette Park. Combs, Mrs. Mary, 148 E. Main street. Combs, Miss Davelle, 148 E. Main street. Cox, Miss Hattie, Reed Hotel. Cox, Mrs. John, 230 S. Upper street. Cox, Mrs. Addie, 177 W. Main street. Cox, Miss Burnett, Hamilton College. Coons, Miss Etta, Upper and Maxwell streets. Corman, Mrs. Susie, 184 S. Mill street. Conley, Miss Bertha, Elm Tree Lane. Conley, Miss Jennie, Elm Tree Lane. Conley, Robert, Elm Tree Lane. Conley, Horace, Elm Tree Lane. Cook, Mrs. Emma, East Sixth street. Coyle, Dr. D. A., 165 N. Broadway. Coiyer, S. D., West Sixth street. Cooper, Mrs. Cynthia, zpi Jefferson street. Cowgill, Frank, 44 Graham avenue. Cowgill, Mrs. Pearl, 44 Graham avenue. Curran, Mrs. Marv, Hanson street. Daly, Mrs. Narcissa, 74 S. Mill street. Daly, Miss Sallie E., 74 S. Mill street. Dalv, Frank, 74 S. Mill street. Darnaby, Mrs. Mary E., Headly avenue. Darnaby, Miss Ida, Headly avenue. Darnaby, Miss Louella, Headly avenue. Daugherty, Mrs. Frances, 9 W. High street. Daugherty, Miss Ida, 9 W. High street. Daugherty, Miss Isaphena, 128 S. Mill street. Daugherty, Walter, 128 S. Mill street. Daugherty, Albert, 128 S. Mill street. Daugherty, J. D., Greendale. Daugherty, Mrs. J. D., Greendale. Daugherty. J. K., Chestnut street. Davis, M. H. H., Kentucky Steam Laundry. Darnell, Miss Lizzie, 91 W. Main street. Davis. Miss Nora, Fort Spring. Daniel, A. G., 347 N. Broadway. Daniel, Mrs. A. G., 347 N. Broadway. Daniel, Miss Minnie, ^47 N. Broadwav. Darnell, J. L., 168 S. Mill street. Deweese, Prof. B. C, Headly avenue. 50 THE CHURCH RECORD. Deweese, Mrs. Ella, Headly avenue. Denney, Earnest, College of the Bible. Derington, Miss May, Hamilton College. Dishman, Miss INIaggie, 142 E. Sixth street. Diamond, Mrs. Hallie, i^o W. Pine street. Dodd, Lucy. Walnut Hill Dodd, Mrs. Josephine, Walnut Hill. Dodd, Miss'Katie, Walnut Hill. Dodd, Charles, Walnut Hill. Dodd, Miss Alice, Walnut Hill. Dodd, Miss May, Walnut Hill. Dodd, Miss Bell, Walnut Hill. Donaldson, D. Y., College of the Bible. Downing, Ophelia, East End avenue. Dudley, Mrs. Sallie, 96 S. Limestone street. Dudley, Thos., 96 S. Limestone street. Dunlap, Geo. W., 65 W. Sixth street. Dunlap, Mrs. Geo., 65 W. Sixth street. Eads, A. T., 296 E. Third street. Emmal, W. B., 55 N. IMill street. Emmal, J. B., 55 N. Mill street. Emmal, Mrs. J. B., 55 N. Mill street. Evans, Mrs. Linda, 134 S. Broadway. Easterly, H. B., College of the Bible. Ellett, Prof. R. H., 169 W. Third street. Ellett, Mrs. Katie B., 169 W. Third street. Elder, Robt., College of the Bible. Elgecomb, Geo., College of the Bible. Elliott, David, 165 S. Mill street. Elliott, Mrs. Sallie H., 165 S. Mill street. Elliott, Ernest, 165 S. Mill street. Elliott, Mrs. Sallie B., Versailles pike. Elkin, Mrs. Belle, 196 E. Fifth street. Edrington, Lee, College of the Bible. Edmonds, Will J., College of the Bible. Farra, Miss Ellen B., 96 Merino street. Farra, Mrs. Melvina, 96 ]\Ierino street. Farra, Miss Jessie, 96 Merino street. Farra, Pat, 96 Marino street. Frazer, W. L., 141 S. Mill street. Falconer, Miss Eva, Clay and Central avenues. Falconer, Clarence, Clay and Central avenues. Falconer, Mrs. Nannie G., Clay and Central avenues. Frank, Ashbrook, 24 Park avenue. Frank, Miss Lyda, 24 Park avenue. BROADWAY CHRISTIAN CHURCH. 61 Featherstone, Miss Eudora, Richmond pike. Featherstone, Sam'l, Richmond pike. French, Aliss Lizzie, Meadowthorpe. Finley, A. P., College of the Bible. Fightmaster, Mrs. Agnes, 95 W. High street. Fish, Mrs. Irene, 130 W. Short street. Fish, Clarence B., 130 W. Short street. Fish, Miss Ina, 130 VV. Short street. Fish, Miss Maude C, 130 W. Short street. Fish, Graves, 130 W. Short street. Fisher, Wm., Fort Spring. Fisher, Mrs. Mollie, Fort Spring. Filson, Mrs. Mollie A., West Short street. Fitzgerald, Miss Carrie, 96 S. Upper street. Ford, W. H., 227 E. Third street. Ford, Mrs. Kate, 227 E. Third street. Ford, Mrs. Emma, Maysville pike. Foster, Mrs. Lucy J., 67 W. Main street. Foster, Geo. R., Old Frankfort pike. Foster, Mrs. Jennie, Old Frankfort pike. Fogg, Mrs. Susie, 112 S. Broadway. Fogg, Miss Sadie, 112 S. Broadway. Fogg, Clinton, 112 S. Broadway. Fowler, Miss Eva, Flamilton College. Funk, Wm., Maxwell and Spring streets. Funk, Henry, 102 S. Upper street. Funk, Mrs. Sadie E., 102 S. Upper street. Gamble, Mrs. Kate, 184 S. Mill street. Gamble, Miss Lena, Chair avenue. Gamble, Miss Lizzie, Chair avenue. Gaugh, Miss Annie E.. 208 N. Limestone street. Gay, Miss Katie S., E. High street. Gay, Miss Fannie, E. High street. Gay, Miss Lizzie, E. High street. Gay, Stonewall, Jr., E. High street. Graham, W. H., W. Second street. Graham, Mrs. W. H., W. Second street. Graham, Pres. Rob., W. Second street. Graham, Mrs. Maria, W. Second street. Garrison, Chas., College of Bible. Garrison, Mrs. Bettie, College of Bible. Glasscock, Mrs. Carrie, i Oak street. Gambo, W. S., 339 N. Upper street. Gambo, Mrs. Facia A., 339 N. LTpper street. Galbraith, Airs. Josephine, 75 S. Upper street. 52 THE CHURCH RECORD. Galbraith, Daniel, 75 S. Upper street. Glass, Jno., College of Bible. Gears, Rob't, High and Merino streets. Green, Miss Mattie. 184 S. Mill street. Green, Mrs. Manora, 168 Spring street. Green, Wm., 184 S. Mill street. Greene, Dr. R. D., 96 N. Broadway. Greene, Mrs. Shaw, 96 N. Broadway. Greenwood, Harry, Hamilton College. Gregson, W. C, 2^ W. Main street. Gregson, Mrs. W. C, 2| W. Main street. Gibney, Mrs. Amanda, 83 S. Upper street. Gill, W. W.. 165 W. Third street. Gill, Mrs. W. W., 16c; West Third street. Gill, Miss Mary, 165 West Third street. Gill, Mrs. Katie, 103 Spring street. Gilliland, Mrs. Mary, 151 Pine street. Gilliland, Miss Mattie, 151 Pine street. Grimes, Miss DeHa, 31 Lottie street. Griffith, Mrs. Sallie, 175 Jefferson. Griffith, Jno., 221 Georgetown street. Gribbon, Mrs. Cora, Clay avenue. Goode, Clare. Headly avenue. Goodwin, Miss Georgia, Hamilton College. Gossett, Mrs. Lindsay, Versailles pike. Grubbs, Mrs. Olympia, loi West Fourth. Grubbs, Miss Nora, loi West Fourth. Grubbs, Jessie W., loi West Fourth. Grubbs, Mrs. Birdie, loi West Fourth. Gulley, W. M., 97 Merino street. Gulley, Mrs. S. E., 97 Merino street. Haley, Mrs. Elizabeth A., 82 West Fourth street. Haley, J. S., 183 Jefferson street. Haley, Mrs. Mary, 183 Jefferson street. Hall, Mrs. Sallie E., High and Upper streets. Hall, W. H., College of Arts. Hall, Mrs. J. Embry, 2^ Ohio street. Hambrick, Mrs. F., 175 East Main street. Hambrick, Louis, 175 East Main street. Hambrick, Mrs. Alice, 175 East Main street. Hambrick, Mrs. Mollie, 49 Lottie street. Hamilton, F. K., College of the Bible. Hamilton. Miss Mary S., West Main street. Harp, C. P., Russell Cave pike. Harp. ]\Irs. Nannie, Russell Cave pike. BROADWAY CHRISTIAN CHURCH. 68 Harp, W. H., Russell Cave pike. Harp, Lizzie Alma, Russell Cave pike. Harp, Mrs. Sallie, 107 Merino street. Harp, Roger, 107 Merino street. Harp, Shelby, 107 Merino street. Harp, Jessie, 107 Merino street. Harrison, Mrs. Georgia, 34 North Upper street. Hawkins, W. B., Leestown pike. Hawkins, Mrs. Bettie, Leestown pike. Hawkins, Elijah, Leestown pike. Hawkins, Miss Mary, Leestown pike. Hawkins, J. N., 141 East Maxwell street. Hawkins, Mrs. Annie, 141 East Maxwell street. Hawkins, Miss Inez, Headly avenue. Hawkins, Miss Lizzie, Headly avenue. Hawkins, South, Headly avenue. Hawkins, PYank, Headly avenue. Hawkins, E. B., 8 West Maxwell street. Hayes, S. T., yj Patterson street. Hayes, Miss Ormanda, yj^ Patterson street. Hayden, Mrs. Theresa, \'ersailles pike. Hardin, Duke. 207 West Maxwell street. Hardin, Mrs. Duke, 207 West Maxwell street. Harvey, Mrs. Nannie C, Park Place. Harris, Lizzie, East Seventh street. Halstead, Miss L. P., 234 North Copper street. Hardesty, Frank, Walnut and Constitution streets. Hardesty, Mrs. Susie, W^alnut and Constitution streets. Harp, Arthur, \^ersailles pike. Hart, M. A., College of Arts. Haggin, Mrs. Jno., Donerail. Hedges, Matt., 115 East Third street. Helm, G. G., 187 East Fourth street. Helm, Mrs. Alice F., 187 East Fourth street. Helm, Foster, 187 East Fourth street. Helm, Ernest, 187 East Fourth street. Henry, Mrs. Minnie, 41 West High street. Henley, R. Y., 53 West Third street. Henley, Mrs. Dora, 53 West Third street. Henley, Miss Lou, 53 West Third street. Herr, Ben C, Headley avenue. Herring, Mrs. Nannie. 24 Whitney avenue. Herring Samuel O.. 24 Whitnev avenue. Hill, IMiss Maud L., 184 South 'Mill street. Higginbotham, Geo., East End avenue. Higginbotham, Mrs. Geo., East End avenue. Higginbotham, Jos., East End avenue. 54 THE CHURCH RECORD. Higginbotham, Ella. East End avenue. Higoinbotham. Sallie, East End avenue. Hinton, J. D., 104 Merino street. Hinton, Mrs. Sue, 104 Merino street. Hiltibrand, Geo. W., College of the Bible. Hooker, Tas. M., Sr., 26 Ohio street. Hocker, Mrs. H. T.. 26 Ohio street. Hocker, T. Logan. Elsmere Park. Hocker, Mrs. Bettie, Elsmere Park. Holton, Mrs. E. E., West Sixth street. Home, Mrs. Carrie Moore. 58 Ashland avenue. Howard, Jno. P., 201 Maxwell street. Hughes, Miss Florida B., 222 North Broadway. Hughes, Mrs. Amanda, Georgetown pike. Hutsell, Mrs. Helen, 183 Walnut street. Hudson, Mrs. Annie, 48 West Maxwell street. Huntsman, B. W., College of the Bible. Ivers, Jas., 14 Breckenridge street. Ivers, Mrs. Jas., 14 Breckenridge street. Ireland, Mrs. Pearl, 55 West Pine street. Idol, P. H., 97 North Limestone street. Idol, Mrs. Jennie A., 97 North Limestone street. James, Mrs. D. E., 68 West Bolivar street. James, Miss Annie, 68 West Bolivar street. Jesse, Mrs. Mar>', 350 North Limestone street. Jeffers, N. H., 135 East Third street. Jeffers, Mrs. Susan, 135 East Third street, jeffers. Miss Pearl, 135 East Third street. Jennings, Walter, College of the Bible. Jenkins, John, 142 ]\Ierino street. Jenkins, Airs. Neva, 142 Merino street. Johnson, Mrs. Elizabeth, 143 South ^Nlill street. Johnson, Miss Jimmie, 143 South Mill street. Johnson, Chas. B., 143 South Mill street. Johnson, Horace N., 165 South Mill street. Johnson, Mrs. Blanche, 165 South Mill street. Johnson, Jno., 249 North Lpper street. Johnson, Airs. Jos. A., 249 North Upper street. Johnson, 'Sirs. Alary, 182 South Broadway. Johnson, W. E., 12 Rand avenue. Johnson, Mrs. Amanda, 10 Hickory- street. Johnson, Aliss Mabel, 120 South Broadway. Johnston, T. M., 49 West Maxwell street. Johnston, Mrs. T. AI., 49 West Maxwell street. BROADWAY CHRISTIAN CHURCH. 56 Jones, Mrs. Elizabeth P., 128 South Mill street. Jones, Mrs. A. Sidney, y-i> Spring street. Jones, Hamilton E., Ohio street. •Jones, Miss Lillie K., 35 Ohio street. Jones, Mrs. Hattie, E. K. L. A. Jones, W. H., Walnut and Constitution streets. Jones, Mrs. Lizzie, Walnut and Constitution streets Jones, R. Lee, Merino and Maxwell streets. Jones, Mrs. R. Lee, Merino and Maxwell streets. Jones, Miss Gypsey, Hamilton College. Jones, Miss Hattie, Hamilton College. Jones, Mrs. Emily. 315 East High street. Joyeaux, Mrs. S. A., 123 South Spring street. Kemper, Mrs. Lillie Bell, West Third street. Kirkham, Miss Grace, Hamilton College. Kidd, Miss Mary, 76 North Copper street. Kidd, Miss Ella F., 76 North Copper street. Kimbrough, Mrs. Nettie, 179 Jefferson street. Kimbrough, J. M., 266 West Third street. Kissick, Miss Anna, Rose and Nicholasville pike. King, Mrs. Lizzie, 22 Willard street. Kirkpatrick, Mrs. Carrie, East Maxwell street. Kirkpatrick, Mrs. L. jNL, East Maxwell street. Kirkpatrick, L. M., East Maxwell street. Lamb, Aliss Maggie, 459 North Limestone street. Lane, Mrs. Sallie, Maysville pike. Laudeman, D. D., Elsmere Park. Laudeman, Mrs. Eliza, Elsmere Park. Lawrence, Mrs. J. M., 46 East Second street. Lawrence, Mrs. Ed., Limestone street. Land, Mrs. Maiy, 24 Park avenue. Lancaster, Mrs. Jno., 63 North Limestone street. Lancaster, Merrit A., 196 West High street. Lancaster, Mrs. Alary, 196 West High street. Lancaster, Miss Maggie, 62 North Limestone street. Lemon, Miss IMaggie K., 226 North Upper street. Lemon, Miss Katie T., 226 North Copper street. Lewis, Miss Lizzie, i Elsmere Park. Lisle, Mrs. M., Second street. Lisle, Miss Virginia, Second street. Lisle, Miss Nancie, Second street. Lisle, Halley, Second street. Link, Mrs. Mattie, 16 Park avenue. Logan, Dr. J. M., 256 North Broadway. Logan, Mrs. Sallie L., 2^6 North Broadwav. 56 THE CHURCH RECORD. Logan, Mrs. Celestine, 158 East Fifth street. Logan, Brooks W., 158 East Fifth street. Logan, Fannie, 158 East Fifth street. Lloyd, Miss Lizzie, 193 South Upper street. Lloyd, Miss Annie, 193 South Upper street. Lloyd, Allie, College of Arts. Lowe, J. R., 246 North Broadway. Lowe, Mrs. J. R., 246 North Broadway. Long, Marshall, College of the Bible. Lutes, Ward, Blue Grass Stock Yards. Ludgate, V. W., College of the I^ible. Lyne, Marguerite, Hamilton College. McAndrews, Oscar, High street. McAndrews, ]\Iiss Josie, High street. McAndrews, Miss Lillie, High street. McAndrews, Mrs. Mary, 68 West Fourth street. McCann, Mrs. Lucy, 85 North Upper street. McFarland, Mrs. Effie, 104 North Upper street. McGarvey, Pres. J. W., East Main street. McGarvey, Mrs. O. F., East Main street. McGarvey, Miss Sarah, East Main street. McGarvey, Miss Ottie, East Main street. McCabe, Mrs. Ellen, 119 West High street. McCaw, Chas., College of the Bible. McAfee, Mrs. Elizabeth, Short street. McClelland, Mrs. Mary, 231 East High street. McGinnis, 268 North Broadway. McMichael, Mrs. Lizzie, 107 South Mill street. McMichael, Robt, 173 West Sixth street. McMichael, R. J., 173 West Sixth street. McMillan, Luther, Vine and Upper streets. McMillan, Mrs. J. T., 282 N. Broadway. McMillan, Chas., 282 N. Broadwav. McKinnev, Mrs. Marv, E. K. L. A. McCorkle, Mrs. Sallie B., 173 W. Sixth street. McCrollough, Miss Willie, Hamilton College. McClure, Virgil, 120 S. Limestone street. Marrs, S. W., 42 Kentucky avenue. Marshall, Mrs. Mary, 94 'Merino street. May, Mrs. Mollie Morton, 50 Woodard avenue. May, Mrs. Mary W., 75 W. Sixth street. May, Jno. C, 75 W. Sixth street. May, Miss Annie S., 75 W. Sixth street. May, Charles B., 75 W. Sixth street. May, Henry, 75 W. Sixth street. May, Mrs. Hattie B., Winchester pike. BROADWAY CHRISTIAN CHURCH. 67 Matthison, Robt., Chestnut street. Maupiii, Jno., 55 Barr street. Maupin, Mrs. Annie H., 55 Barr street. Martin, Miss Fronie, Clay street. Martin, Miss Ellen, 170 W. Third street. Martin, H., College of the Bible. Maxey, Mrs. Elizabeth, 172 E. Main street. Marcrom, Jno., College of the Bible. Maxey, R. Tibbs, College of the Bible. Metcalf, Mrs. Catherine, 198 S. Spring street. Metcalf, Miss Mary, 198 S. Spring street. Metcalf, Mrs. Mary, Upper and Short streets. Metcalf, Mrs. Annie, Constitution street. Metcalf, Mrs. Lillie, 128 W. Main street. Means, H. A., North Upper street. Meighan, Mrs. Susie B., High and Upper streets. Meeks, Miss Ella, Hamilton College. Meyers, Mrs. Mattie 161 E. Main street. Milligan, Mrs. Ellen R., 116 S. Broadway. Milligan, Prof. A. R., 116 S. Broadway. Milton, McGlone, 127 W. Sixth street. Mock, Miss Sallie, 67 Winnie street. Moore, Mrs. C. C, Russell Cave pike. Moore, Jno. P., 64 W. High street. Moore, Mrs. Lucy, 64 W. High street. Moore, Ernest C, 64 W. High street. Moore, Miss Lulie S., 64 W. High street. Moore, Miss Bessie R., 64 W. High street. Moore, Miss Maggie, 91 W. High street. Moore, Miss Blanch, 91 W. High street. Moore, Miss Emma, 91 W. High street. Moore, L. D., 20 Lottie street. Moore, S. A., 19 W. Second street. Morris, J. M., 186 W. Third street. Morris, Mrs. Annie M., 186 W. Third street. Moberlev, Mrs. Anna, Elm street. Moss, Robt. E. J., College of the Bible. Muir, E. S., Clarendon-LeLand. Muir, Mrs. E. S., Clarendon-LeLand. Munz, Mrs. Lena, Sandersville. Murphy, Mrs. Maggie, 93 Patterson street. Murphy, Robt., 93 Patterson street. Murphy, Miss Willie, 93 Patterson street. Murphy, Mrs. Tommie, 93 Patterson street. Murphy, Eugene, 185 W. Short street. Murphy, Mrs Nellie, 185 W. Short street. Myers, Mrs. Laura, 79 W. Sixth street. Myles, Mrs, Marie, Hamilton College. 58 THE CHURCH RECORD. Nash, Mrs. Annie, Richmond pike. Nare, J. J., 114 E. Sixth street. Nare, Mrs. J. J., 114 E. Sixth street. Nare, Miss Earl, 114 E. Sixth street. Nare, Miss Miriam, 114 E. Sixth street. Nichols, John, 127 W. Sixth street. Nichols, Mrs. Jno., 127 W. Sixth street. Nichols, Miss Carrie, North Limestone street. Nickell, Mrs. Mary F., 172 E. Main street. Noyes, Mrs. Allie J., 32 Kentucky avenue. Norvell, Walter, College of Arts. Nutter, Jno. W., 20 Lottie street. Nutter, Mrs. Sarah F., 265 N. Broadway. O'Mahoney, Mrs. Emma, 312 N. Broadway. Oakes, Mrs. Mar}% 115 N. Limestone street. Oder, Alonzo, College of the Bible. Ott, Mrs. Julia F., 185 N. Limestone street. Ott, Frank, 185 N. Limestone street. Patterson, J. T., Loudon Park. Patterson, Mrs. J. T., Loudon Park. Patterson, Dr. T. L., Loudon Park. Patterson, C. C, Loudon Park. Patterson, Mrs. Kate, 49 Jefferson street. Patterson, Mrs. Rio W., 49 Jefferson street. Payne, J. H., Leestown pike. Payne, Mrs. Fannie H., Leestown pike. Payne, Mrs. Nannie F., 151 N. Broadwav. Payne. J. T., Park Place. Parrish. Mrs. Ella, 79 Kentucky avenue. Page, Mrs. Lillie Boon, 31 W. High street. Parham, Miss Eugenia, Hamilton College. Perkins, Miss Annie, 139 W. FTigh street. Perldns, Miss Lida. 228 N. Broadway. Perkins, J. W., 228 N. Broadway. Pettet, Mrs. Lizzie. 91 S. Spring street. Pettet, Mrs. Maggie, 91 S. Spring street. Pettet, Wm., East High street. Pettet, Harry, 91 S. Spring street. Pettet, George, 91 S. Spring street. Pettet, G. M., Leestown pike. Pettet, Mrs. Miriam, Leestown pike. Peck, J. B., College of Arts. Peck, A. H., Harrodsburg pike. Peters, Miss Mattie, 69 Short street. Peters, Miss Sallie, 69 Short street. BROADWAY CHRISTIAN CHURCH. 59 Pearson, Albert, 128 S. Mill street. Pearson, ]\Irs. ]\Iartha, 128 S. Mill street. Price, Len C, 22 E. High street. Price, Ed. L., 338 N. Broadway. Price, Mrs. Elizabeth, 85 N. Upper street. Price, Mrs. Amanda, 256 S. Upper street. Privett, Mrs. Mattie, 320 S. Broadway. Phillips, H. A., 125 S. Broadway. Phillips, Mrs. H. A., 125 S. Broadway. Porter, Mrs. Lizzie, E. K. L. A. Porter. Mrs. Nannie D., Hamilton College. Powell, Miss Beatrice, 186 S. Upper street. Powell, ]\Irs. Lucy M., Walnut street. Powell, Miss Mary, Walnut street. Potter, J. T., Christy street. Potter, Mrs. Dora, Christy street. Potter, Homer, Christv street. Powell, J. D., College of the Bible. Pruden, Mrs. Alary J., 48 E. Second street. Redmond, ]\lrs. Ella, 175 E. Main street. Rennick, ]\Irs. Harriet, College Campus. Rennick, Harrie, College Campus. Rees, Mrs. Mary, Hamilton College. Rees, Mrs. Jennie, 49 Lottie street. Ringo, Chas. E., 194 Jefferson street. Ringo, Mrs. Emma, 194 Jefferson street. Ringo, Miss Elsie M., 194 Jefferson street. Ringo, Fay, 194 Jefferson street. Rice, Miss Eusebia, 20 Central avenue. Rice, Aliss Bettie, 114 E. Sixth street. Rice, Miss Georgia, East Hickman. Richardson, Miss Laura, 381 E. High street.' Richardson, Miss Olivia, Hamilton College. Robinson, Mrs. Mary P., North Mill street. Rogers, Mrs. Kate, 78 W. Sixth street. Rogers, Charlton, 43 Headly avenue. Rogers, Mrs. Ethel. 43 Headly avenue. Rogers, Mrs. Ella T., 246 E. Alain street. Roach, Mrs. Carrie, 413 W. High street. Roberts, Aliss Belva, Hamilton College. Rowland, N. H., 36 Park avenue. Rowland, Mrs. Fannie, 36 Park avenue. Ross, Mrs. Lizzie, 140 W. Second street. Ross, Jas. M., 140 W. Second street. Rubbathen, Airs. Alattie, 164 Walnut street. Russell, Rufus A., College of the Bible. 60 THE CHL'RCH RECORD. Safiferaiis, Mrs. Sarah, South Broadway Park. Safferans, Miss Maggie, South Broadway Park. Safferans, Miss Mar>% South Broadway Park. Sale, Wni., Parker's Mill pike. Salle, Mrs. Annie, 459 N. Limestone street. Salle, Miss Rosa, 87 Maryland avenue. Saunders, W. O., West Fourth street. Saunders, Mrs. Jennie, West Fourth street. Saunders, Miss Mary, West Fourth street. Saunders, Miss Daisy, West Fourth street. Strader. Mrs. Margaret, 186 S. Mill street. Strader, Robt. 186 S. Mill street. Strader, Jas., 186 S. Mill street. Strader, Stewart W.. 186 S. Mill street. Staley, Mrs. Elizabeth, 229 Pine street. Stamper, Mrs. S. J., 4.S8 S. Mill street. Sprake, Mrs. Kate, East End avenue. Saunders, Miss Cora, 14 Virginia avenue. Saunders, Miss Florence, 47 Winnie street. Scales, Harr\-, 259 N. Upper street. Scales, Mrs. Harry, 259 N. Upper street. Sehorn, J. O., 44 N. Broadway. Sehorn, Mrs. Minnie, 44 N. Broadway. Sheets, W. A., Fifth and Woodard avenue. Sheets, Mrs. i\Iary, Fifth and Woodard avenue. Sweeney, Dr. W.'O., 63 N. Mill street. Sweeney, Mrs. Margaret, 63 N. Mill street. Sweeney, Arthur, 63 N. Mill street. Sweeney, Miss Mary, 63 N. Mill street. Sweeney, W. O., Jn, 63 N. Mill street. Spencer, Mrs. Fannie, 290 N. Broadway. Spencer, Miss Annie, 290 N. Broadway. Spencer, Miss Nettie, 94 E. High street. Steves, Miss Maggie, 426 S. Limestone street. Stewart, Mrs. Lizzie, South Broadway. Stevenson, Nelson, College of the Bible. Stevenson. Mrs. Du Rice, Russell Cave. Sellers, Mrs. Mary, Chair avenue. Sellers, J. W., Chair avenue. Stevens, Bert, College of the Bible. Stevens, Leonard, 46 E. Third street. Stevens, Mrs. Kate, 46 E. Third street. Sherman, Chas., College of the Bible. Stephenson, Miss Eva, 256 E. Fifth street. Skinner, J. B., 253 N. Broadway. Skinner, Airs. Julia C, 253 N. Broadway. Smith, Mrs. Ruth A., no S. Broadway. Smith, Miss Bessie, no S. Broadway. BROADWAY CHRISTIAN CHURCH. 61 Smith Earl, no S. Broadway. Smith, Mrs. Mary J., 15 J W. Main street. Smith, W. P., Tate's Creek pike. Smith, Mrs. Belle F., Tate's Creek pike. Smith, Ethel, Tate's Creek pike. Smith, Mrs. Isaac, 377 S. Broadway. Smith, Miss Mary, ^^yj S. Broadway. Smith, R. A., -^"jj S. Broadway. Smith, Rhodes, College Campus. Smith, Mrs. Belle, College Campus. Smith, Lucy Clay, College Campus. Smith, F. P., 2.2 Woodard avenue. Smith, Miss Lina P., Loudon Park. Smith, J. George, 24 Kentucky avenue. Smith, Harvev, 24 Kentucky avenue. Smith, Miss Ella G., 165 W. Third street. Smith, Roger H., Elm Tree Lane. Smith, Mrs. Nettie Scott, Chair avenue. Smith, Mrs. F. A., 158 E. Fourth street. Smither, Mrs. J- M., 113 S. Upper street. Swigert, D. A., 228 E. Third street. Sibold, J. M., 63 Jefiferson street. Sibold, Mrs. J. M., 63 Jefferson street. Sibold, Miss Mamie, 63 Jefferson street. Sibold, John, 63 Jefferson street. Sibold, Ed. P., 63 Jefferson street. Sibold, Miss Annie, 63 Jefferson street. Spiegel, Robt. O., College of the Bible. Stennett, Mrs., 259 N. Upper street. Stennett, Jno., 259 N. Upper street. Soper, Mrs. Lula Mock, 67 Winnie street. Sousley, J. M., 133 W. Second street. Sousley, Mrs. Mary, 133 W. Second street. Sousley, Edward P., 133 W. Second street. Sousley, Chas., 133 W. Second street. Sousley, Harry M., 133 W. Second street. Scott, Wm., 96 S. Limestone street. Scott, Mrs. Mary, 96 S. Limestone street. Scott, Mrs. Docia, 96 S. Limestone street. Scott, Jesse, 51 W. Sixth street. Scott, Mrs. Lila, 51 W. Sixth street. Scott, Mrs. Louisa, 261 N. Upper street. Schoonmaker, J., 19 Constitution street. Schoonmaker, Mrs. J., 19 Constitution street. Schoonmaker, Ed., 19 Constitution street. Stone, Miss Debba, 3S3 N. Upper street. Stone, Clay, 353 N. Upper street. Stone, Wm., 353 N. Upper street. ^■^ THE CHURCH RECORD. Stoney, G. H. C, College of the Bible. Sutton, Frank M., 358 N. Upper street. Sutton, Mrs. Eva A., 358 N. Upper street. Sutton, Mrs. .C. W., 402 E. Third street. Sutton, Mrs. Elizabeth, E. K. L. A. Scrughan, W. D., 107 N. Broadway. Stuckey, Dr. J. A., East End avenue. Stuckey, Mrs. Nellie, East End avenue. Stuckey, Jno., East End avenue. Stuckey, W. S., East End avenue. Sudduth, Jas., 71 N. Broadway. Sudduth, Mrs. Lucindie, 71 N. Broadway. Sumner, Frank, College of the Bible. Snyder, Hubert, 32 Kentucky avenue. Tanner, Mrs. J., 353 North Broadway. Taylor, Mrs. Lizzie W., 285 East Third street. Taylor, Mrs. Eliza, 285 East Third street. Taylor, W. R., Bryant's Station. Taylor, Mrs. Emily, Bryant's Station. Taylor, Miss Josie, Bryant's Station. Taylor, C. E., Bryants' Station. Tavlor, Mrs. Mamie, 401 West High street. Taylor, G. M., 173 West Third street. Taylor, Mrs. Mariah L., 173 West Third street. Taylor, Miss May, 173 West Third street. Taylor, Homer C., 173 W^est Third street. Taylor, D. P., College of the Bible. Taylor, F. P., 31 Woodland avenue. Taylor, Mrs. F. P., 31 W^oodland avenue. Taylor, Mrs. Macie, Leestown pike. Tarlton, C. A., 235 East High street. Tarlton, Mrs. Dallas, 235 East High street. Tate, Mrs. Bettie, 178 West Third street. Tate, Ida Belle, 178 West Third street. Tate, Miss Catherine, Hamilton College. Talbert, R. M., College of the Bible. Traecy, Chas., 250 West Third street. Traecy, Mrs. Chas., 250 West Third street. Tisdale, Miss Aria C, 290 North Broadway. Tisdale, Miss Annie, 290 North Broadway. Tisdale, J. M., 290 North Broadway. Tipton, Duke, 200 Spring street. Tipton, Mrs. Duke, 200 Spring street. Tipton, Miss M. S., 200 Spring street. Toler, Miss Minnie, 360 North Limestone street. Thomas, C A., College of Arts. BROADWAY CHRISTIAN CHURCH. 63 Thomas, Mrs. Jessie Jenkins, 103 Spring street. Thompson, Steele, 93 East High street. Thompson, Mrs. Louisa, 93 East High street. Thompson, Mrs. Callie, 105 West Short street. Thompson, Mrs. A. T., 123 West Short street. Thompson, Miss Iva, 123 West Short street. Thompson, Miss Lavinia, 123 West Short street. Troupe, Miss Emma, 163 East High street. Thornton, Mrs. Eva, Walnut. Tudor, Jno. G., Loudon Park. Tudor, Mrs. Kate B., Loudon Park. Tudor, Mrs. Mary M., 270 North Broadway. Tudor, Lee, 270 North Broadway. Tudor, Mac, 157 .Spring street. Tudor, Mrs. Nellie, 157 Spring street. Turley, Robt., Richmond pike. Turley, Annie B., Richmond pike. Turley, Nellie, Richmond pike. Turley, Halla, Richmond pike. Turley, Mrs. Jane PJlack, Richmond pike. Turley, Jas., Richmond pike. Tnunan, Mrs. Margaret, 104 North Broadway. Truman, Miss Maude, 104 North Broadway. Vance, Jno T., 83 South Upper street. Vance, Mrs. Emma G., 83 South Upper street. Vance, C. P., 83 South Upper street. Vance, Jno. T. Jr., 83 South Upper street. Vandeventer, Mrs. Susan, Chair avenue. Vardon, Mrs. Emma Greene, 69 North Broadway. Venable, Geo., College of the Bible. Viley, Willa, Market street. Viley, Miss Mary, Headly avenue. Wakeley, Mrs. Jno., JJ West Maxwell street. Walker^ Mrs. E. L., 253 North Broadway. Walker, Miss Bettie, 253 North Broad wav. Wallace, Mrs. Lucy W., 78 West Sixth street. Waller, Mrs. Fannie, 71 Woodard avenue. \\^aller. Miss Annie, 71 Woodard avenue. Waller, Jno. S., 377 South Broadway. Waller, Mrs. Jennie, 377 South Broadwav. Ward, Miss Rosa, E.^K. L. A. Wayland, Mary, 64 Henry street. Waldman, Airs. Lutie, 252 North Broadway. Waddell, INIiss Ella, Hamilton College. 64 THE CHURCH RECORD. Weaver, Robt. L., College of the Bible. Weeks, Mrs. Mollie, 79 South Limestone street. Weeks, Walter B., 79 South Limestone street. Webb, R. M., 25 Woodland avenue. Webb, Mrs. Elizabeth, 25 Woodland avenue. Wells, Miss Cecil, liamilton College. Wells, Miss Clifford, Hamilton College. Wheatley, Jas. R., 494 South Limestone street. Wheatley, Mrs. J- R-, 494 South Limestone street. Wheatley, Miss Mary R., 494 South Limestone street. Wheatley, Miss Fannie, 494 South Limestone street. Wheatley, Reuben S., 494 South Limestone street. Wright, Miss Nellie, 13 Blackburn avenue. Wright, Miss Linnie, Hamilton College. Williams, Jno., 91 Constitution street. Williams, Mrs. Kate, 91 Constitution street. Williams, Miss Maud, 91 Constitution street. Williams, G. S., 165 East Fourth street. Williams, Miss Aroa, 165 East Fourth street. Williams, Miss Anne, Hamilton College. Williams, Mrs. Georgia, 165 East Fifth street. WilHams, George, 165 East Fifth street. Williams, Lawrence, College of the Bible. Wingo, Miss Annie, Hamilton College. Wilkerson, J. W., Tate's Creek pike. Wilkerson, Mrs. J. W., Tate's Creek pike. White, Prof. H. H., 130 Maxwell street. Wright, Mrs. Margaret, 161 Short street. Wright, Thomas J., 265 East High street. Wright, Mrs. Thomas ]., 265 East High street. Wright, Miss Bessie, 265 East High street. Wright, Miss Lina, 265 East High street. Willett, A. M., College of the Bible. Willoughby, Mrs. Nannie, East High street. Willoughby, James, East High street. Wilson, J. H., Jr., 19 West Short street. Wilson. 'Miss Nellie, 113 Spring street. Willmore, Mrs. Lucy M., 107 North Upper street. Willyard, J. J., 88 E. Third street. Wolverton, Miss Annie, 64 West Fourth street. Wolverton, Miss Masie, 64 West Fourth street. Wolverton, Miss Maggie, 64 West Fourth street. Woodruff, Frank L., 64 Henry street. Woodruff, Mrs. Alelissa, 64 Henrv street. Wood, Will, College of the Bible. Woolfolk, J. C, 99 Merino street. Wood, Mary, Hamilton College. BROADWAY CHRISTIAN CHURCH. 65 Wood, Miss Minnie Lee, Hamilton College. Woodard, Mrs. W. T., 217 North Limestone street. Woodard, R. E., 217 North Limestone street. Yellman, Mrs. Julia, Limestone and Seventh streets. Young, Madison, Tate's Creek pike. Young, Menon, 51 Rand avenue. Young, Ernest, 51 Rand avenue. Young, Mrs. Blanch C, 14 East Maxwell street. Zachary, J. W., College of the Bible. Zimmerman, Jas S., 195 South Mill street. Zimmerman, Mrs. Helen, 195 South Mill street. Zimmerman, Clarence, 171 South Mill street. Zimmerman, Mrs. Susie, 171 South Mill street. Zinnwalt, Mrs. Hulda, 172 West Fourth street. CENTRAL CHRISTIAN CHUPCH. Historical Sketch. In the latter part of 1831, a little band of nine faith- ful and devout Christians, pleading for the "faith once de- livered to the saints," and insisting upon a return to primitive Christianity, began holding meetings every Sunday in their private houses for the purpose of attend- ance upon the Lord's Supper, the singing of hymns, prayer and exhortation. These nine believers, now all save one gone to their last reward, were William Poin- dexter and wife, Thomas Rogers and w'ife, Mrs. T. S. Bell, Mrs. Joseph Ficklen, James Schooley, William Van- pelt, and his son William Vanpelt, Jr. These meetings continued through the year 1832. God greatly blessed them, for the membership gradually increased until early in 1833 the little band had grown to such an extent that it was deemed advisable to secure a permanent place for the meetings and to call a minister. Accordingly a room on Spring street, that had been a chair factory, was rented from William Challen, father of James Challen, and here the congregation was domiciled and organized, James Challen being called to serve as minister. The interior of the old factor}' was arranged as best they could. It is difificult for one in our day and gener- ation to conceive of the rudeness of the furniture of that old room, which the Disciples then doubtless took great pride in. Some old chairs were donated by the members for the pulpit and chancel, while the seats proper con- sisted of some clumsily constructed benches, without backs. No carpet covered the floor, nor was the light diffused by cathedral glass. They did not exactly "build a pulpit of wood," but they secured a large dr\' goods box, covered it with cotton, and that served as a reading desk. Amid these rude surroundings our forefathers served God, and who is there to say they were not as happy then as those of us who sit in Central Church and enjoy its blessings to-day? It is not probal^le that they (66) CENTRAI, CHRISTIAN CHURCH. 67 ever complained of the minister's lengthy sermons, or hurried the service to get home in time for early Sunday dinner. But amid the sweetness of this Jheir first meeting place, there was some bitterness. The early church in the CICNTKAL CIIRISTIA.N UllUKCII. days of Peter and Paul was persecuted, and this early church was persecuted. Not to such an extent, it is true, but persecuted nevertheless. Disagreeable epithets and ugly names were applied to them. They were called "water dogs," "baptized infidels," "Campbellites," etc. A caricature was prepared representing a huge camel with two large humps upon its back, labeled "Alexander Campbell," and beneath this was printed the couplet : "Ho, all ye sons and daughters. Here's salvation in the waters." 68 THE CHURCH RECORD. But in spite of all this persecution and calumny they stood firm, and grew in spirit and numbers. In 1834, the congregation had outgrown the old chair factory, and the old Oldham cotton factory, that stood on North Broad- way, where the Skillman residence now stands, was rented. This was arranged better than was the chair factory, and here services were held for several years, until a union took place between them and the so-called "Stoneites," a body of Christians holding to the same faith, that had sprung up in the meantime. The "Stoneites" had erected a brick building at the comer of Mill and High streets. The day this union was consummated was a notable one, and it is greatly to be regretted that the exact day has not come down to us. The services doubt- less lasted all day, among the venerable ministers taking part being Barton W. Stone, J. T. Johnson, Thomas M. Allen, John Smith, Frank Palmer, William Morton, Thomas Smith, Jacob Creath, Sr. The union was cause for great rejoicing. The congregation was strengthened, and took its place in the city as an "established church." Allen Kendrick was the minister of the united forces, and in the autumn of 1840 he held the first protracted meeting, lasting two months and adding one hundred and forty- eight to the church. This addition increased the mem- bership to such an extent that the High street building was found too small and a movement was set on foot that resulted in the building of the old Main Street Church. The High street property was traded for the lot and after some little difficulty the building was completed early in the year 1843. It was dedicated in the spring. President James Shannon preaching the sermon. Shortly after the dedication the celebrated Campbell-Rice debate, in which Henry Clay acted as chairman, was held in the building, lasting for eighteen days. William McChesney suc- ceeded Allen Kendrick as minister, and he in turn was succeeded by Samuel Church. A. L. Robbins succeeded Church, and A. L. Jones, J. G. Tompkins. James Hen- shall and the venerable John T. Rogers followed. In i860 W. H. Hopson was called and served one year until 1861, when J. W. McGarvey was called. During the war the church had many vicissitudes. The building was seized and used as a hospital by both the Federal and Confederate troops, but at the close of the war the church was stronger than ever, and found it necessary to estab- lish another congregation in the city, and Broadway Church was organized with a membership of one hun- CENTRAL CHRISTIAN CHURCH. 69 dred and twenty-six. L. B. Wilkes was called as min- ister in 1868, and was succeeded in 1872 by Moses E. Lord. T. N. Arnold followed in 1873; C. K. Marshall in 1874; W. H. Hopson was recalled in 1878, and was suc- ceeded by W. F. Cowden in 1881. R. T. Mathews came in 1885 and served faithfully and well for ten years, he being the last to serve in the old building. For fifty years the congregation worshiped God in this building. Children grew up in the church and their children in turn grew up. Year by year God prospered the congrega- tion. Year by year the membership grew in numbers; year by year came the children from the Sunday-school to the church, and in after years their children came from the Sunday-school. In all these years the membership grew not only in numbers, but in grace and in love for one another. But the building that had served them so well, that had witnessed so many happy marriages and sad funerals, whose walls had echoed with the voices of so manv godly men and women, began to decay, and the members began to talk of a new house or of remodeling the old one. In the latter part of 1891 the movement for the erection of a new house of worship began to assume definite shape, and on the evening of the 7th of December of that year, after public announcement from the pulpit on the two Sundays preceding, and the mailing of a postal card to each member, the congregation assembled "for the purpose of considering and finally determining the question whether we would remodel the present house of worship, or buy and build elsewhere." This meeting, presided over by Alex McClintock, one of the elders of the church, was a large and representative one, and each member present felt the importance of the occasion. After considerable discussion, it was determined, almost unanimously, to "buy and build elsewhere." A commit- tee consisting of three members from each of the then wards of the city, was appointed, charged with the duty of selecting a suitable location, and to report to a sub- sequent meeting of the congregation. This committee, after careful deliberation, selected the lot known as the old Masonic property, at the corner of Short and Walnut streets, which was forthwith purchased, and plans for the new building drawn, submitted to the congregation and accepted. It was not without some difficulty that a purchaser tor the old property was found, but these difficulties were 70 THE CHURCH RECORD. overcome l)y the committee of twelve, which was con- tinued as a buildin_s^ committee for the new house, and on the 7th of May, 1893, the cornerstone was laid with ap- propriate ceremonies. The work on the building pro- ceeded as rapidly as possible under the circumstances. It was not, however, until July, 1894, that the work was completed. On the 22d of that month the dedicatory services were held, the sermon proper being delivered by the minister, R. T. ]\Iathews, who had worked so faith- fully for the completion of the building. Before the finishing touches had been put upon the new house, the minister, Mr. Mathews, was called to a field of larger usefulness, accepting in September, 1894, a chair in the Bible College of Drake University. He was succeeded in January, 1895, by the present minister, I. J. Spencer, who has endeared himself to every mem- ber of the congregation. Lhider his faithful ministry the work of the clutrch is constantly growing in useful- ness, the missionary spirit continually enlarging and spreading, while the membership is gradually increasing Sunday by Sunday. In September, 1896, the church began the work of establishing a mission in South Lexington, purchasing a lot at the corner of Mill and Cedar streets, upon which it is hoped to erect during 1897 a comfortable house of worship. Biographical Sketch of Pastor. I. J. Spencer, the subject of this sketch, was born in Belmont county, Ohio, and was reared on a farm. At the age of twelve the management of the farm devolved upon him and his widowed mother, whose husband and two sons had died during the civil w^ar. He was suc- cessful in business, and when, eight years later, he had decided to enter college and prepare for the ministry, a wealthy and wordly old uncle wept to think that so good a farmer was soon to degenerate into a preacher. Mr. Spencer had been a life-long student, had attended Hillsdale College, in Michigan, before making up his mind to study for the ministry, and had also taught two sessions in the public school. The ministry was chosen after much prayerful deliberation and in the face of CENTRAI^ CHRISTIAN CHURCH. 71 numerous wordly interests. He had joined the Metho- dist Episcopal church when a boy, but having been con- vinced that nothing except immersion answered to the act of baptism and that only believers were the scriptural subjects of the ordinance, he left the Methodist church, I. J. SPENCER. united with the Disciples of Christ, and determined to enter Bethany College, from which he graduated in 1875 as the valedictorian of his class. His first regular service as a minister was devoted to the church in Bellaire, Ohio, where in his first protracted meeting fifty-five persons confessed Christ and were baptized. The church grew under his ministry for five 72 THE CHURCH RECORD. years, after which he left it to accept a call to the First Christian Chvirch of Baltimore. While in Baltimore, in 1878, he married JMiss Louise Pendleton, a daughter of Dr. Philip B. Pendleton, of Louisa county, Virginia, and a niece of Dr. W. K. Pendleton, then president of Beth- any College. Mr. Spencer's health failed in Baltimore, after two years, and he went South, spending two years in lighter labors in Augusta, Georgia, and Clarksville, Tennessee. From Clarksville he removed to Virginia and assumed editorial charge of the "Missionary Weekly," which jour- nal under his management for nine years grew constantly in circulation and influence. Having entirely recovered his health he decided to give himself wholly to preaching and to pastoral labor. He accepted a call to the First Church, Winchester, Ky., in 1891, and remained there for nearly two years. During his stay with this church more than two hundred new members were received. From Winchester he moved to Louisville and for a little more than a year preached for the Broadway Chris- tian Church. Under his ministr}' on Broadway a large number w ere added to the church. Having been called to the Central Church, Lexington, Ky., he accepted the call and began his labors with it on January- i, 1895. During his term of a little more than two years with the Central Church more than three hundred have been added to the congregation and the church is now one of the largest, most aggressive and liberal congregations in the denomination or in the South. Mrs. Spencer is a most intelligent and efficient help- meet. Their children consist of three daughters and one son. In addition to Mr. Spencer's regular work as a pastor he writes occasional doctrinal, missionary and other practical articles for the press, holds protracted meetings, in which many have been gathered into the churches, and is now giving attention to special lines of work on behalf of the children. Official Board. Minister — L J- Spencer. Elders — William \'an Pelt. Chas. Louis Loos, John Shackleford, Albert Allen, Alfred Fairhurst, Alexander McClintock, Jas. P. Headley, Robt. A. Hancock. CENTRAL CHRISTIAN CHURCH. 73 Deacons — G. Albert DeLong, Jas. G. White, J. Til- ford Hawkins, Wm. A. Price, Richard A. Arnspiger, Newton L. Baker, Sidney A. Donaldson, Clarence Eg- bert, Jno. C. Taylor, Jos. W. Porter, Wm. N. Cropper, Mat Walton, Samuel K. Cozine, A. B. Chinn, J. T. Jack- son, Harry C. McDougal. Geo. M. Berry, J. T. Honaker. Sonday-School Officers, Superintendent — I. J. Spencer. Assistant — J. C. Taylor. Secretary — J. D. Armstrong. Treasurer — Clarence Egbert. Librarian— G. G. Wilson. List of Members. Armstrong, J. D. Armstrong. Mrs. J. D. Arnspiger, Richard. Arnspiger, Mrs. Nellie. Arnspiger, Rodes. Arnspiger, Chas. Allen, John. Allen, Albert. Allen, Mrs. Ann. Alexander, Mrs. A. J. Alexander, Miss Pauline. Alexander, W. S. Ackman, Jno. W. Ackman, Mrs. Jno. W. Baker, N. L. Baker, Mrs. N. L. Baker, W. Cross. Baker, Miss Cal. Baker, Mrs. Ann. Baker, Mrs. Elizabeth. Baker, Miss Alma. Baker, Thomas. Bailey, Mrs. Virginia. Anderson, Miss Mar\-. Anderson, Frank. Andrews, F. E. Arnett, Mrs. Sue. Arnett, Wm. C. Arnett, L. E. Ambrose, Mrs. Julia. Adams, Mrs. Mary. Applegate, Miss Annie. Arnold, Glenn B. Aubrey, Mrs. Mollie. Adamson, Mrs. E. C. Atkinson, Milo. Allen, Mrs. Cora H. Berry, Mrs. Grant. Berry, Claude. Berry, Geo. M. Berry, Mrs. Geo. M. Berry, Albert. Berry, Mrs. Albert. Biddle, Jno. Biddle, 'Mrs. Mary. Biddle, Miss Annie. 74 THE CHURCH RECORD. Bailey, Chas. B. Bailev, Ed. B. Bailev, Mrs. E. B. Ball, 'Mrs. Susan. Ballard, Wood. Ballard, Thos. Barnett, Mrs. Marg t. Barr, R. M. Barklev, Mrs. Lillie R. Bass. B. W. Barbee, Mrs. Emma. Barbee, Geo. Reed. Barnes, Mrs. R. H. Barbour, Miss Marg't. Barbee, Miss Katie. Bealert, Mrs. Alice. Bean, Mrs. Emma. Beasley, Jas. M. Beasley, Mrs. Jas. M. Beasley, Miss Fannie. Beasley, Miss Louise. Beasley, Miss Florence. Berkley, Jno. E. Berkley, T. W. Berkley, Mrs. Jennie M. Bell, Geo. K. " Bell, Mrs. Laura. Bell, Walter S. Bell, Arthur H. Bell, Mrs. Anna B. Benton, B. F. Benton, Mrs. Kate. Benton, Miss Hallie F. Benton, Walter R. Benton, Bert H. Bennett, Miss Maria. Berger, Mrs. Lizzie. Berry, W. Grant. Case, D. W. Case, Mrs. D. W. Case, Wm. V. Case. Jno. B. Caldwell, J. C. Campbell,' Mrs. V. Campbell, Clyde W. Campbell. Bruce R. Campbell, W. R. Bowman, A. Smith. Bowie, James. Bowie, John. Bowie. Mrs. Ann. Bradley, O. Lee. Bradley, Mrs. O. Lee. Bradley, Thos. Bradley, E. B. Bradle'y, C. B. W., Jr. Briney', R. B. Bronston, W. S. Brown, Sam'l M. Brown, Mrs. Bettie. Brown, Miss Mattie. Brower, Mrs. Ella B. Browning, J. Wood. Browning, Mrs. J. Wood. Buchanan, Walter. Buckner, Dr. M. G. Burgin, Airs. Sallie. Bush. Mrs. Susan. Butner, Lyman T. Butner, Mrs. Amanda. Butner, John. Butler, Miss Etta. Butler, Chas. W^ Butler, j\Irs. L. C. Butler, Mrs. Martha. Bryan, Mrs. Mary C. Bryan, Miss Mary B. Browning, Mrs. W. T. Bowen, C. C. Bowen, Mrs. C. C. Breeden, L. M. Black, R. Lee. Baker, E. S. Bonney, Miss Jennie. Brinegar, Miss Etta. Clark, Airs. M. E. Clark, Mrs. Ella. Clay, Bishop. Clay, Mrs. Lucy C. Clay, Sam'l. Clinkinbeard, A. Lynn. Colcazier, Wm. Connelly, Miss Rosa. Cook, Mrs. Mary. CENTRAL CHRISTIAN CHURCH. 76 Campbell, Miss Florence. Cauble, Wm. C. Cauble, C. W. Cannon, Mrs. Leonora. Carpenter, Mrs. Fannie. Carpenter, J. Walter. Castleberry, J. J. Cave, Mrs. Nancy. Cawby, Mrs. Cora D. Cassidy, Mrs. J. Ernest. Catlin, Mrs. Annie E. Cassell, Mrs. Jennie. Cassell, Miss Mellie. Cassell, Miss Willie. Cassell, Miss Minnie. Clay, H. C. Clay, Mrs. H. C. Clay, Mrs. I. C. Chiles, Mrs. Susan. Childs, J. I. Chinn, A. B. Chinn, Mrs. Fannie. Chinn, Miss Ellie. Chinn, Orlando. Chinn, Mrs. Mollie S. Chinn, Mrs. Nannie. Christian, Mrs. Emma G. Christian, Thos. M. Christian, Miss Mattie. Christian, Ora B. Christian, Bettie. Christian, Wm. Clark, Geo. R. Cook, Robt. P. Cook, Mrs. Jennie R. Coons, Mrs. Fannie. Coons, Mrs. Amanda. Coons, Miss Annie. Cox, L. G. Cox, Mrs. Edith. Cox, Jno. W. Conghlin, R. P. Coughlin, Mrs. R. P. Corneilson, Mrs. Isabella. Coryell, Mrs. Nannie. Cooper, Mrs. Lutie. Connell, B. P. Connell, Mrs. Mary T. Connell, Miss Mary. Clore, A. H. Cogswell, Chas. D. Cogswell, Wm. Coburn, Merritt. Cravens, Miss Laura. Cropper, W. N. Cropper, Mrs. W. N. Curtis, Miss Corinn'\ Curtis, Mrs. Jennie. Curtis, Augustus. Crum, Miss Lvdia. Cox, Miss Mary. Caldwell, Jos. Cantrall, B. J. Combs, Mrs. T- L. Campbell. W^ R. Corman, D. A. Corman, Mrs. D. A. Darnall. J. T. Davenport, Mrs. Margaret, Davenport, Miss Mary. Davenport, Miss Annie. Davenport, Miss Ada. Davis, Dr. H. B. Davis, Joseph H. Davis, Miss Annie. DeLong. G. A. DeLong, Mrs. G. A. DeLong, Allie. Denny, Mrs. Geo. Denny, Miss Eugenia. Douglas, Douglas, Douglas, Douglas, Downing, Downing, Downing, Downing, Downing, Downing, Downing, Downing, Downing. Miss E. Mrs. Rebecca. Miss Mollie. Miss Laura M. Mrs. Nellie G. Miss Margaret. Walter B. Mrs. Susan. Wm. F. Miss Mattie. C. E. Miss Bettie. Mrs. Lizzie. 76 THE CHURCH RECORD. Denton, J. T. Denton, Mrs. J. T. Denton, T. J. DeWitt, Mrs. L. C. Donaldson, Dr. S. A. Donaldson, Mrs. S. A. Donaldson, Charles. Donaldson, Miss Mary. Donaldson, Mrs. Anne. Donaldson, Jno. B. Downing, Miss Carolyne. Downing, Mrs. Kate. Downing, Mrs. Mary. Doyle, Mrs. Thos. Dovle, Miss Bettie. Doyle, Willie. Drifus, Mrs. H. M. Davey, P. A. Davis, Harry. Denton, J. W. Egbert, Clarence. Egbert, Mrs. Clarence. Elder, Mrs. Ellen. Eldridge, John. Elliott, Mrs. Hallie. Elliott, Robt. Ellis, Mrs. M. Ellis, Miss Emma. Ellis, Miss Vera. Fairhurst, Prof. A. Fairhurst, Mrs. Lizzie. Fairhurst, Miss Mar\'. Farley, Mrs. F. C. Farley, Mrs. Lena. Farley, Mrs. Sallie. Farra, Oliver. Faiight, Mrs. Laura. Featherstone, C. F. Featherstone, Mrs. C. F. Featherstone, Ernest. Ferguson, R. M. Ferguson, Mrs. Maggie. Ferris, S. W. Fielder, B. Fishback, Mrs. Annie. Fishback, Miss Ida. Fite, W. A. Foley, Marshall. Foster, G. W. Embrey, Wallace. Embrey, Jacob L. Embrey, Miss Jennie. Embrey, Miss Pattie. Embrey, Miss Sallie. Embrey, Miss Carrie. Elder, H. C. Elder, Miss Mary B. Ewing, M. O. Elkin, Mrs. Ella. Foster, Geo. Floore, D. L. Ford, L. M. Ford, F. C. Foushee, Mrs. Julia. Foushee, Miss Eunice. Foushee, Miss Mamie. Frazee, D. F. Frazee, Mrs. D. F. Frazer, Miss Mary. Francis, Mrs. Sadie. Frost, Mrs. S. J. Frost, Miss Nellie. Frost, Miss Jeanette. Frost, Stanley. Fry, Mrs. S. B. Fitzgerald, Geo. Funk, Mrs. M. Foote, Miss Flora. Foster, Mrs. L. C. Gaitskill, C. W. Gaitskill, Mrs. C. W. Gaitskill, Miss Francis. Gaitskill, Miss Nancy L. Gilrnartin, A. Green. Rollis. Green, Mrs. Annie. Green, Mrs. Kate. CENTRAI, CHRISTIAN CHURCH. 77 Gaines, Mrs. Mary. Gardner, Mrs. V. N. Garnette, Mrs. Jane. Gates, J. W. Glass, S. A. Graves, C. L. Graves, Mrs. C. L. Graves, Mrs. Louisa. Graves, Miss Laura. Graves, Miss Leila. Graves, Miss Clemmie. Graves, John A. Graves, Mrs. M. A. Gray, Miss Etta. Graddy, J. J. Gibson, Isaac. Gebbie. Ralph. Gillespie, Richard. Green, Wm. H. Gmbb, Stanley. Grehan, B. N. Grehan, Mrs. M. Grubbs, Mrs. Lena. Grubbs, Thos. J. Green, Mrs. Josie, Givens, R. B. Goforth, Mrs. Catherine. Goforth, Miss Sallie. Goforth, Miss Mollie. Gordon, F. Leigh. Gordon, Edw'd. Gorch, Mrs. Sarah. Goosey, Wm. C. Goosey, Mrs. Millie. Grinstead, Wren. Hadley, Mrs. Kate. Haggard, Mrs. Ella. Hair, Mrs. S. C. Hair, Miss Sallie. Hair, Miss Maids. Hair, Miss Eoline. Hair, Miss Helen. Hair, Miss Mary Kee. Hair, Isaac. Hahn, Miss Winifred. Hall, Wm. E. Hall, Miss Jessie. Hall, Miss Bessie. Hall, Ewing. Hamaker, W. M. Hamlin, J. D. Hanks, Cyrus. Handman, Mrs. Fred. Handman. Miss Maud. Hanson, Mrs. C. W. Hanson, Miss Sarah. Hardesty, Mrs. Mary. Hardestv, Miss Hattie. Harrison, Mrs. A. M. Hawkins, J. T. Hawkins, Mrs. J. T. Hawkins, Miss Bettie. Hawkins, Mrs. Martha. Headley, J. P. Headley, Mrs. J. P. Headley, Jno. A. Headley, Miss L. V. Henderson, W. H. Hendren, Miss Lizzie. Hendren, Miss Susie. Hibbs, Wm. E. Hildreth, Mrs. Louisa. Hinkle, S. D. Hinkle, Mrs. Irene. Hocker, Isaac D. Hogaboom, Geo. B. Holmes, E. H. Honaker, J. T. Honaker, Mrs. J. T. Honaker, Mrs. Marv. Honaker, Miss Mollie. Honaker, David, Jr. Honaker, Walter. Honaker, Mrs. Walter. Hufifman, Jas. B. Huffman, Mrs. Jas. B. Hufifman, Miss Olive. Hufifman, Miss Efifie. Hufifman, Jas. W. Hufifman, Chas. B. Hufifman, Mrs. Kate. THE CHURCH RECORD. Hawkins, Dr. J. E. Hawkins, Mrs. Laura. Hawkins, Mrs. Willie. Hawkins, Miss Julia. Hawkins, Miss Martha. Hay, Thos. B. Hay, Mrs. Thos. B. Hayden, Mrs. Ella. Haverly, Mrs. M. Hayes, R. A. Hartman, G. W. Hartman, Mrs. A. R. Heacox, Wm. C. Heacox, Mrs. Wm. C. Heacox, Mrs. M. L. Heacox, Miss Ethel. Innis, Henry E. Jackson, O. F. Jackson, Miss Minerv^a. Jackson, Errin. Jackson, Miss Olive. Jackson, Miss Eula. Jackson, J. T. Jacobs, Miss Amanda. Huffman, Miss Annie. Huffman, Hugh S. Huffman, Miss Lydia. Hughes, Miss Jessie. Hughes, Wm. T. Hunter, Miss Emma. Hunter, Mrs. Nannie. Hunt, Miss Irene. Hunt, Mrs. Catherine. Hunt, R. E. Hunt, Mrs. R. E. Hukill, Mrs. Susan. Hunleigh, Wm. T. Hopkins, Miss Lily. Henry, Lot. Hardy, Cliff. Hawkins, JMrs. E. D. Jenkins, Mrs. Florida. Jeffers, Russell. Johns, Harry T. Johns, Mrs. Mary. Johns, Miss \'irginia. Johnson, J. T. Jones, Mrs. Lon. Job, Archer B. Karr, Miss Annie. Karr, Miss Allie. Karr, Percy. Karr, Edwin. Karr, Mrs. Olive. Karsner, Wm. C. Kastle, Mrs. Callie W. Kemper, Prof. C. J. Kemper, Geo. W. Kemper, M. F. M. Kendall, Hayden. King, Eugene. King, Mrs. M. E. Kimbrough, Jo. Kimbrough, Megibben. Kidd, Miss Blanche. Kidd, R. T. Knox, M. L. Kershner, F. D. Lambert, Mrs. N. Lancaster, J. Lancaster, Mrs. Laura. Lancaster, Miss Lizzie. Lawless, J. R. Lawson, Mrs. Fannie. Lillard, Jno. Locke, Mrs. E. W. Lloyd, Wm. C. Longmire, Mrs. M. E. Longmire, Ernest. Loos, Prof. C. L. Loos, Miss Minnie. Lvle, Mrs. Kate. CENTRAL CHRISTIAN CHURCH. 79 Lillard, Mrs. Jno. Lillard, Miss Lizzie. Lindsev, Mrs. R. Locke,' E. W. Lyle, Miss Sarah. Lyne, Mrs. Ida F, Lyne, Miss Jane Kay. Lyne, Miss Ida W. McCabe, Jas. T. McCabe, Mrs. Jas. T. McClintock. Alex. McClintock, Mrs. Alex. McClintock, Miss Emma. McClintock, Miss Patton. McClintock, Russell. McClintock, Sam. McComas, Geo. McDonald, Jos. McDonald, Mrs. Jos. McDonald, Miss Lula. Maddux, Harrv. Manning, Mrs. 'A. H. Marrs, Mrs. Emma. Marrs,Miss Helen. Marrs, Miss Ida. Marrs, Miss Roberta. Martin, Mrs. Francis. Martin, Miss Annie. Martin, Mrs. Malinda. Martin, Mrs. Mary. Martin, Miss Maude. Masters, E. B. Mason, Miss Mollie. Maurer, C. T. Meek, R. J. Merrett, W. P. Miller, Mrs. Kate. Miller, Miss Mollie. Miller, Mrs. Bettie. Miller, Willie. Miller. Mrs. Maggie. Milboume, W. P. Mill. Geo. M. Milward, Mrs. Stanley. Montague, Mrs. Joanna. Nash. Mrs. Ollie. Nash, Harvey. McConnell, Wm. H. McCormick, J. W. McCormick, Mrs. J. W. McAndrew, Mrs. Lucy. McAndrew, Miss Lena. McDougle, H. C. McLain, Miss Minnie. McMeekin, Mrs. Mary. McMichael, Thos. Mc Michael, Mrs. Emily. McMichael, Ernest. McMichael, Miss Pearl. McClure, Miss Emma. Montague, Miss Rose Moore, Mrs. Mattie. Moore, Jno. W. Moore, Jos. Moore, Mrs. Lou. Moore. Walter. Morgan, Mrs. Willie. Morton, J. B. Morton. Miss Annie. Morton, Geo. B. Morton, Miss Bell. Murray, Mrs. Lina. Muir, Geo. W. Muir, Mrs. Geo. W. Muir, Miss Nellie. Muir, Wallace. Murphy, Mrs. Jane. Mevers, Miss Annie. Meyers, Polk. Meyers. Mrs. Rebecca. Morris, Jos. Merford, Mrs. Laerina. Maupin. Mrs. Dasv. Martin. W. B. Martin. Mrs. Annie. Nichols, T. A. Nichols, Jas. 80 THE CHURCH RECORD. Nash, Miss Cornelia. Nelson, J. W. Nelson, Mrs. J. W. Nelson, Thos. Nelson, W. Bush. Nelson, Mrs. W. Bush. Nelson, Mrs. Elizabeth. Nichols, Jas. T. Nichols, Mrs. Sallie. Nichols, Miss Mary L. Nichols, Roger T. Owen, Merritt. Nichols, Mrs. Jas. Northcutt. R. L. Norman. R. M. Norris, Dr. C. W. Nunnelly, B. T. Newman, Mrs. Jennie. Newman, Miss Sarah. Newman, Prof. J. W. Noble, W. C. Nichols, Mrs. M. E. Norvell, Wm. M. Parker, Miss Mar}\ Parker, Miss Virginia. Parker, Miss Nellie. Parker, Mrs. Bettie. Parker, H. J. Parker, Mrs. Price. Parker, Mrs. Emily. Parker, Mrs. Lillie G. Parrish, W. P. Parrish, Mrs. W. P. Patrick, Wm. Pavne, A. P. Payne, Mrs. M. Peay, Mrs. Annie. Peel, David. Pemberton, Mrs. Eliza. Pemberton, Miss M. K. Pennington, J. W. Pennington, Mrs. L. Perkins. Mrs. Sarah. Pettit, Miss Mattie. Pettus, Mrs. Pauline. Phelps, Z. J. Pickles, Henry R. Pickles, Mrs. Henry R. Pierce, Mrs. Pattie. Pierce, Geo. C. Pierce, Thos. J. Poer, Mrs. Annie. Price, Wm. F. Price, Mrs. Kate. Price, Miss Mary E. Price. Miss Katie. Price, C. H. Price, Augustus. Price, Miss Annie. Price, ]\Iiss Mary. Porter, Prof. J. W. Porter, Mrs. J. W. Powers, Warfield. Pruitt, Mrs. Lillie. Powell, A. P. Porter, Mrs. Lillie Lvne. Pearl, Mrs. Mary. Pemberton. Miss Nina. Ouisenberry, Miss Jessie. Ramsey. Ramsey, Ramsey, Ramsey, Ramsey. Ramsey. Ramsev, Marv. Wm'. F. Airs. Lucy. Mrs. Susan. Miss Inez. Miss Jennie. Miss Mattie. Roach. Miss Francis. Roberts. Mrs. Susan. Robinson. Miss Julia. Robinson. Salathiel. Ross. Wm. J. Ross, Mrs. W. J. Ross, Jno. CENTRAI, CHRISTIAN CHURCH. 81 Redmon, Mrs. H. Redmon, Miss Alice. Reed, Mrs. White. Reed, Miss Katie. Rice, Mrs. Mattie. Rice, Earl. Robb, Jos. W. Robb, Chas. F. Robb, Henry. Robb, Miss Lula. Robb, Mrs. Mary. Roach, R. R. Roach, Mrs. Lucy. Ross, Mrs. H. E. Rowland, Miss Sallie. Royalty, Mrs. L. L. Rumsey, Mrs. H. Runyon, H. C. Runyon, Airs. Mary. Runyon, Miss Virgie. Russell, Ward. Ragland, Miss Jessie. Ross, Wallace. Roberts, Geo. Ragland, R. H. Railey, Mrs. M. B. Sagerser, Mrs. H. Sagerser, Miss Bettie. Sagerser, Arch. Sagerser, Miss Florence. Sallee, Mrs. Annie. Sallee, John T. Sandusky, Mrs. Linda. Sayre, Mrs. A. Sayre, Miss Elizabeth. Saunders, T. W. Scearce, Mrs Mary. Scearce, Miss Florence. Scott, Mrs. Mary. Scott, John. Scott, James L. Scott, Geo. Self, Mrs. Wm. Shackleford, Prof. John. Shackleford, Mrs. Mary. Shackleford, Thos. W. Shields, Mrs. A. E. Shroyer, Mrs. Mary T. Simunds, Mrs. Hattie. Simpson, Mrs. Lizzie. Schaeffer, Carl H. Short, Sam'l. Short, Jno. Short, Geo. Short, Buel. Short. Willis. Short, Miss Estelle. Slade. Mrs. Lillie. Slayden, J. P. Shenvood, R. T. Smitha, H. G. Smitha, Mrs. H. G. Smitha, Miss Lula May. Snedaker, Mrs. Annie. Snedaker, Miss Lillie. Snyder, Otis W. Snyder, Mrs. Otis W. Snyder, Miss Mais. Spencer, L J. Spencer, Mrs. L J. Spencer, Miss Jessie. vSpencer, Miss Eva. Spencer, H. Gale, Speagle, Miss Ella. Stevens, Miss Jennie. Stevens, Ed. M. Stevens, Miss Florence. Stevens, Mrs. Harriet. Stevens, Miss M. Estelle, Stevens, Miss Rose. Stevens, David. Stevens, Miss Ma^v^ Stevens, Miss Katherine. Stevens, Mrs. Inez. Stevens, Mrs. Mary. Stone, G. W. Stone, Mrs. Susan. Stofer, S. C. Sublette, Mrs. C. Sublette, Miss Sue. Sublette, Mrs. I. Sullivan, Fleming. Sullivan, Miss Martha. Sutton, Mrs. Allie. 82 THE CHURCH RECORD. Slicer, Mrs. Eliza. Shearer, Mrs. F. Smiley, Mrs. Z. S. Smiley, Miss Irene. Smiley, Miss Mina, Smith, Mrs. Bettie. Smith, Mrs. Katie. Smith, Mrs. Mary L. Smith, Miss Letitia. Smith, Mrs. Sallie. Smith, Thos. R. Smith, Miss Nannie. Sutton, Mrs. Annie. Sutton, N. J. SutherHn, Mrs. Mollie. Strader, Mrs. W. P. Smith, Sam'l. Stevens, H. E. Stevens, Mrs. H. E. Saunders, Carey. Shely, Mrs. B. F. Shipp, H. C. Shipp, Mrs. H. C. Stevenson. Miss Mary. Simcox, Miss L. Taylor, John C. Taylor, Mrs. John C. Taylor, Cyrus F. Taylor, Mrs. Cyrus F. Taylor, Jno. M. Taylor, Mrs. Alma. Taylor, Miss Hattie L. Taylor, Miss Lila J. Taylor, Miss Margaret. Taylor, Mrs. Newton. Taylor, Mrs. Lena. Taylor, Lloyd. Taylor, Newton. Taibott, Jno. B. Talbott, Mrs. Sallie. Thompson, Mrs. D. W. Thompson. Miss Lewis. Thompson. Mrs. Ann. Timothy, Mrs. T. Thomas, Dr. E. B. Trapp, Mrs. H. Trapp, Miss Lizzie. Trapp, Miss Fannie. Trapp, David. Trapp, Dr. Claude. Travis, Mrs. Lizzie. Tudor, J. H. Turner, Miss Julia. Turner, Mrs. Mollie. Tulley, B. F. Tulley, Mrs. Eliza. Tulley, Miss Cora. Tulley, Miss Edna. Tulley, Wm. Twyman. Mrs. J. Clarence. Throckmorton. J. W. Throckmorton. Ben E. Throckmorton, Miss Lauri. Throckmorton, ]\Irs. Maud. Throckmorton, Wethers. Uttinger, Thos. LTttinger, Geo. W. Uttinger, Mrs. Mary. Van Houtin, J. A. Van Houtin, Mrs. J. A. Uttinger, Miss Florence. LTttinger, Miss Kate. L^mstadt, Josh. \^an Pelt. Miss Lizzie. A'an Meter. S. L. Van Meter, Mrs. Ann. Walton. Mat. Walton, Mrs. Mat. Walker. E. E. Ward, Paul. Williamson. T- T- Wilson. F. F: Wilson. W. L. Wilson, Mrs. ]as. CENTRAL, CHRISTIAN CHURCH. 8a Waters, Mrs. Lucy. Waters, Miss Dora. Wasson, Mrs. Lucy. Wasson, Frank D. Webb, Mrs. Mary. West, Miss Maggie. Weathered, Mrs. Wm. Wheeler, Mrs. Inez. Wheeler, J. A. Wheatlev, Thos. Wlieatley, Dr. R. R. Wheatley, Mrs. R. R. Wheatlev, Skillman. White, Prof. J. G. White, Mrs. J. G. White, Miss Clara. \Yhite, Miss Martha. White, Miss Martha. White, Mrs. Marv E. Wickliffe, Mrs. Man-. Wickliffe, Miss Flora. Wickliffe, Miss Catherine Wickliffe. Miss Estelle. Willoughby, Miss Lizzie. Willoughby, Miss Kate. Willett! Mrs. Lizzie. Wilhite, S. M. Wilkerson, Mrs. Mattie. Williams, B. F. Williams, Mrs. B. F. Williams, Mrs. Hulda. Williams, Jno. T. Williams, Mrs. Laura. WilHs. Dr. R. L. Willis, Dr. R. L. Wilson, Robt. Wilson, Mrs. Robt. Wilson, R. D. Wilson, G. G. Wilson, J. W. Wilson, Miss Lucy. Wilson, Miss Bettie. Wilson, Albert. Wilson, Mrs. Mary. Wilson, Mrs. Belle. Wilson, Mrs. Ellen. Wingate, Mrs. Deborah. Withers, W. T. Withers, Mrs. W. T. Wood, Morton. Wood, Miss Lucv. Wood, Miss Nelli3. Wood, Wm. G. Wood, Mrs. Jennie. Wood, Mrs. Effie. Wood, Mrs. Mary J. Woodhouse, Mrs. Emilv. Woodin, y. B. Woodruff", Mrs. Ann. Wolcott. Mrs. Sybil. Wolverton, Mrs. Ann. Woolfolk. J. P. Willkamper, J. W. Willkamper, Miss Mary. Willvard. Mrs. J. J. Willyard, W. H. Wood, Mrs. Tno. L. Watkins, Mrs. Ida. Williams, W. A. Williams. Mrs. W. A. Wheeler, Mrs. Roberta. Yates, Richard. Yates, Mrs. Richard. Young, Dr. F. O. Young, Mrs. Tane. Young, Mrs. Susan. Young, Miss Sadie. Young, Miss Emilv. Young, Miss Ida. Young, Miss Mary. Young, Geo. H. Young. Mrs. LilHe B. Young, Arthur. Young, Miss Lorena. Yeager, Mrs. Sadie. Zimmerman. D. N. Zimmerman. Mrs. D. N. Zimmerman, K. F. Zimmerman, INTiss LuHe. Zimmerman, Karl H. CHESTNUT- ST. CHRISTIAN CHURCH, Historical Sketcii. By Rev. J. W. Taylor. In 1888, under the direction of the Broadway Chris- tian Church, a mission Sunday-school was started and carried on with the assistance of students from the Col- lege of the Bible, at No. 34 Chestnut street. In a short tmie there was a demand for preaching, and soon the cottage became too small for the number attending these services. In 1889, a brick house of worship was built, dedicated and called the Chestnut Street Christian Church. After the completion of the house, services were conducted by professors and students of the Col- lege of the Bible until the fall of 1890, when the services of Brother T. S. Tinsley were engaged. He proved to be a proficient and successful minister of the gospel, and, under his leadership, the cause rapidly advanced. Broad- way church at first supported the work, then when the church became stronger, they supplemented all finan- cial deficiencies until in 1893 the work was entirely self- sustaining. The first Lord's day in January, 1892, Brothers Shouse and Tinsley ordained" the following ofBcers: Elders — John Simpson and I.' M. Williams. Deacons — S. H. Moores and C. D. Cunningham. The following July, Brothers W. A. Adams and F. W. Hunt were elected and ordained deacons. The first of January, 1893, Brother W. E. Crab- tree accepted the call to the ministry of the church. Under his faithful service the membership grew rapidly in numbers, and much good was accomplished both in and out of the church. The result of patient and diligent work on the part of the Ladies' Aid Society and young people, the church was carpeted and electric lights were put in, adding greatly to the comfort and beauty of the church, (84) CHESTNUT-STREET CHRISTIAN CHURCH. 86 The following is taken from the record book of the Board of Oflficers: "January- i, 1897. "Four years have passed since the above synopsis of the early work of Chestnut Street Christian Church was made. As no regular minutes have been kept by the Board of Officers, we must again outline briefly the more important events which have occurred in the interval since the close of the year 1892. Brother W. E. Crab- CHESTNUT-STRKET CHRISTI-VN CHURCH. tree served the church as minister from January i, 1893, to May I, 1895. Prof. I. B. Grubbs was elected an elder, and Brothers W. C. G. Hobbs and Geo. Downing were elected as deacons during the time that Brother Crabtree was serving the congregation. Brother B. C. Hagerman was the minister in charge from August i, 1895, to June I, 1896. . . . He was an earnest man, and many of the sermons preached will be long remem- bered by those who heard him. During his service the Ladies' Aid Society had the interior of the church nicely S6 THE CHURCH RECORD. frescoed, and Brother Joe Miller was elected a deacon by the congregation. "Brother J. W. Taylor began his services with the church July i, 1896, and continues with us at the present writing. . . . The congregation now numbers more than three hundred members, a fair percentage of which are active workers. All departments of the work are now doing active service, the Ladies' Aid Societ>' de- serving special mention. The C. W. B. M. is composed of an earnest band of women. The Young Peoples' So- ciety has done a good work, adding materially to the spiritual development of its workers. The Youug Men's Prayer Meeting, which has met weekly for three years past, numbers among its attendants our most earnest young men. The Sunday-school has been a valuable factor in the church; a large percentage of the church members have been developed and brought to Christ through its work. . . . "As the forces of the church are, at present, well or- ganized, we hope, through the blessings of an all wise Providence, to do a better and grander work during the future vears.'' Biographical Sketch of Pastor. Rev. John W. Taylor, pastor of the Chestnut Street Christian Church, was bom in Kansas City, Mo., May 27, 1866. He attended public and high schools, and was a student at Butler University for three sessions prior to entering the College of the Bible at Lexington, Ky., from which he graduated, and took charge of a church at Burgin, Ky., in 1890, where he remained for two years. From there he went to Hicksville, Ohio, as pastor of a church, and remained there for two years. His next charge was a church in Defiance, Ohio, which he served for two years, and then devoted himself to evange- listic work for six months before taking charge of his present church, where he has been since July, 1896. Mr. Taylor is one of the most progressive young min- isters in the city, and the present flourishing condition of the church is owing greatly to his energv' and faithful duties as a devoted pastor. CHESTNUT-STREET CHRISTIAN CHURCH.. 87 Officers. Minister — J. W. Taylor. Elders — I. N. Williams, Prof. H. B. Robison, John Simpson, Prof. W. G. Conley. Deacons — S. H. Moores, W. A. Adams, Geo. Down- ing, C. D. Cunningham, Joseph Miller, W. C. G. Hobbs. Superintendent of Sunday-school — I. N. Williams. President Christian Endeavor — George Lawrence. President Ladies' Aid — Mrs. Anna Simpson. President of C. W. B. M.— Mrs. T. O'Neal. List of Members. Adams, George, 23 Jackson street. Adams, Lucy, 23 Jackson street. Adams, May, Pemberton avenue. Adams, Ollie, Winchester, Ky. Adams, Press, 23 Jackson street. Adams, W. A., 123 North Mill street. Adams, Mrs. W. A., 123 North Mill street. Anderson, Earnest, North Limestone street. Anderson, Mrs. N. F., North Limestone street. Appleman, F. J. M., 238 East Fifth street. Appleman, Mrs. F. J. AL, 238 East Fifth street. Ballard, James, 265 East Fifth street. Ballard, Mrs. Jas., 265 East Fifth street. Ballard, John, 71 Elm Tree Lane. Ballard, Mrs. Jno., 71 Elm Tree Lane. Ballard, Alsie, 71 Elm Tree Lane. Barr, Archie. Barr, Mrs. Fannie, Todd's Road. Barr, William, 194 Race street. Barr, Mrs. Wm., 194 Race street. Bartlow, Jno. F., ti6 Vertner avenue. Bartlow, G. W., 116 Vertner avenue. Bartlow, Mrs. Georgiana, 116 Vertner avenue. Bartlow, Georgiana, 116 \ ertner avenue. Baxter, Mrs. Amelia, 89 South Mill street. Bealert, Milton, 242 East Fifth street. 88 THE CHURCH RECORD. Bealert, Mrs. Hattie, 242 East Fifth street. Bishop, MeHssa, 69 Chestnut street. Bonnell, Mrs. Ellen P., 11 Foreman avenue. Bonnell, Mamie, 1 1 Foreman avenue. Bonnell, Maggie, 11 Foreman avenue. Bradley, J. H., 97 Ohio street. Bradley, Mrs. J. H., 97 Ohio street. Bradley, Mrs. Nannie, 283 East Fifth street. Butler, A. C, 7 Jackson street. Butler, Mrs. A. C, 7 Jackson street. Bussabarger, Robt. L., Bible College. Cheek, A. C, 265 East Third street. Cheek, Minnie, 265 East Third street. Cheek, Nannie, 265 East Third street. Cheek, Robert, 265 East Third street. Chilton, B. A., 53 Chestnut street. Chilton, Mrs. Maggie, 53 Chestnut street. Chilton, Valona, 53 Chestnut street. Chilton, Susie, 53 Chestnut street. Chilton, Isaac, ^^ Chestnut street. Chinn, Hulda, 93 Ohio street. Chinn, John, 93 Ohio street. Chinn, Mrs. Mary A., 93 Ohio street. Chinn, Smiley, 83 Chestnut street. Chinn, Mrs. Mariam, 83 Chestnut street. Clarkson, Eugene R., Bible College. Clem, A. T., 98 Walnut street. Clem, Mrs. A. T.. 98 Walnut street. Clem, Robert, 98 Walnut street. Clem, Mrs. Robt., 98 Walnut street. Clugston, Mrs. Laura, Three Miles, Winchester pike. Clugston, Etta, Three Miles, Winchester pike. Clugston, Fannie, Three Miles, Winchester pike. Clugston, Leslie, Three Miles, Winchester pike. Clugston, Lillie, Three Miles, Winchester pike. Clugston, Mollie G., Three Miles, Winchester pike. Cogswell, Forrest, Bible College. Coffey, Mrs. Jane, 75 Ohio street. Coffey, Josephine, 75 Ohio street. Coleman, Bertie, 97 Ohio street. Compton, Htzhugh, Walnut Extension. Conley, Prof. W. G., 62 West Fourth street. Conley, Mrs. May C, 62 West Fourth street. Cooley, Sallie, loi Chestnut, street. Cooper, Mrs., 27 Clay street. CHESTNUT-STREET CHRISTIAN CHURCH. 89 Cooper, Rosa, 27 Clay street. Corbin, Mrs. Thos., 13 Pemberton avenue. Crabtree, Mrs. E. R., 300 East Fourth street. Crabtree, David, 300 East Fourth street. Crabtree, Mattahne, 300 East Fourth street. Crabtree, Hodge, 300 East Fourth street. Cropper, Mrs. Ehza, 87 Ohio street. Crosthwait, Harry, 320 East Third street. Crosthwait, Jennie, 320 East Third street. Crosthwait, Mrs. Mary, 320 East Third street. Crosthwait, Matt., 323 East Third street. Crostlnvait, Mrs. Rachel, 323 East Third street. Crystal, Lloyd. Cpy'stal, Luella. Cunningham, C. D.. 147 South Broadway Cunningham, Mrs. Nannie, 147 South Broadway. Cunningham, Blanche, 147 South Broadway. Cunningham. Florence, 147 South Broadway. Creason, J. G., 197 North Limestone street. Creason, Mrs. J. G., 197 North Limestone street. Dotson, Mrs. Mary, East Third street. Davis, Lizzie, 360 East Third street. Downing, George, 287 East Fourth street. Downing, Mrs. Geo., 287 East Fourth street. Downing, Julia, 287 East Fourth street. Duvall, Gabe, 97 Ohio street. Duvall, Mrs. Anna, 97 Ohio street. Edwards, W. H., Bible College. England, J. E., Bible College. Farmer, J. T., 202 North Limestone street. Fields, Mrs. Susie, 55 Chestnut street. Foley, Mrs. Sallie, 243 East Fifth street. Friend, Mrs. Clara, 263 East Fifth street. Goode, William. Goode, Arthur, 157 East Third street. Goode, Walter, 157 East Third street. Goode, Willie, 157 East Third street. Grubbs, Prof. J. B., loi West Fourth street. Hadley, Minnie, 207 East High street. Haley, Jas. R., 82 West Fourth street. Haley, William, 130 North Limestone street. 90 THE CHURCH RECORD. Haley, Mrs. Margaret, 130 N. Limestone street. Hamilton, Mrs. M., 26 Chestnut street. Hamilton, Ada, 26 Chestnut street. Hardy, Clyde V., Bible College. Harvey, Allie, 2^ Chestnut street. Harvey, Ida, 27, Chestnut street. Harvey, Nannie, 2^ Chestnut street. Hawkins, Mrs. Lillie, 120 Chestnut street. Hawkins, Mrs. Loulie, 24 Chestnut street. Holman, Fannie, South Broadway. Holman, Lulu, Nicholasville. Hobbs, W. C. G., 230 North Broadway. Hobbs, Mrs. Emma, 230 North Broadway. Hughes, C. M., 108 South Mill street. Hughes, Mrs. Effie R., 108 South Mill street. Hunt, Fred W., Arlington Heights. Hunt, Mrs. Ida, Arlington Heights. Jenkins, E. May, 186 West Third street. Jenkins, G. R., 242 East Fifth street. Jenkins, Mrs. Sarah E., 242 East Fifth street. Jenkins, Dora, 242 East Fifth street. Jenkins, Mrs. Lulu M., Five Miles, Versailles pike. Johnson, Guy, 182 South Broadway. Johnson, Mrs. Minnie, 182 South Broadway. Johnson, E. Percy, 114 Chestnut street. Johnson, Mrs. Mary G., 114 Chestnut street. Jolly, Jas R., Bible College. Jones, Mattie, y;^ Ohio street. Kelley, \Vm. H., 27 Jackson street. Kelley, Mrs. Wm. H., 27 Jackson street. Kelley, Florence, 27 Jackson street. Kelley, Lillie, 27 Jackson street. Kelley, Willie, 27 Jackson street. Kevil, John, Bible College. Kirkpatrick, Carroll, 30 Jackson street. Lancaster, Mrs. Josie, 56 Constitution street. Lawrence, Geo., no West Second street. Lawrence, Mrs. Lizzie, no West Second street. Lewis, Mrs. Eliza J., 235 East Fifth street. Llewellyn, Anna, 80 Chestnut street. Llewellyn, Mary, 80 Chestnut street. Lloyd, Levie, 164 Chestnut street. Lloyd, Annie, 164 Chestnut street. CHESTNUT-STREET CHRISTIAN CHURCH. 91 Lowe, A. B., 200 Race street. Lowe, Mrs. A. B., 200 Race street. Luttenberger, J. G. M., 197 North Limestone street. Luttenberger, Mrs J. G. M., 197 North Limestone street Lynch, Myrtle, 283 East Fifth street. McKinney, Mrs., 373 East Third street. McCarty, Mrs. Mary, 161 Chestnut street. Mann, Mary, 221 East Third street. Miller, Joseph, 24 Woodward avenue. Miller, Mrs. Maggie. 24 Woodward avenue. Miller, Carrie, 24 Woodward avenue. Miller, Alabel M., 24 Woodward avenue. Milton, Mrs. Cora M., 79 Ohio street. Milton, Mrs. Gordia, West Sixth street. Mitchell, Mrs. Lydia. 16 Ohio street. Mitchell, Man- B., 16 Ohio street. Mitchell, Hattie M., 16 Ohio street. Moore, Chas., 6gh North Limestone street. Moore, Mrs. L. B., 69^ North Limestone street. Moore, Maud, 69^ North Limestone street. Moores, S. H., yy Ohio street. Moores, Mrs Mar\% yy Ohio street. Moores, Frank, yy Ohio street. Moores, Charlie, yy Ohio street. Morrison, Robt., Shelby street. Morro, W. C, Bible College. Morro, J. J., Bible College. Morton, Bettie, 505 Clay street. Morton, Mrs. Mary J., 505 Clay street. Muir, Pauline, Tate's Creek pike. Murphy, Mrs. Elizabeth, 97 Ohio street. Murphy, Anna, 97 Ohio street. Murphy, Willie, 97 Ohio street. Mobley, Earnest, Bible College. Morgan, Mrs. Bernice, Clay street. Neal, Alice, 97 Walton avenue. Neal, G. W., 97 Walton avenue. NewHn, Wm. H., Bible College. Oakley, Chas., Bible College. O'Neal, Mrs. T., 440 East High street. O'Neal, Norah, 440 East High street. Owen, Mrs. Fannie, Clay and Seventh streets. 92 THE CHURCH RECORD. Parker, J. K., 104 Chestnut street. Parker, Mrs. Nannie, 104 Chestnut street. Paul, Mrs. Fannie, Pemberton avenue. Porter, Abel, Walton avenue. Powell, Edna, 130 Walnut street. Powell, Stella, 130 Walnut street. Prewitt, George, Bible College. Price, Nannie, Forest Hill. Parrish, Lucy, 43 Chestnut street. Ragland, Etha East High street. Ragland, Jennie, East High street. Ransdall, Maud, 239 East Fihh street. Reed, D., 83 Ohio street. Reed, Mrs. Clara, S^ Ohio street. Rhodegap, Mrs. Jennie, Barr street. Rhodegap, Grace, Barr street. Robinson, Prof. H. B., 221 North Upper street. Robinson, Mrs. Dora, 221 North Upper street. Rupard, Mrs. Nannie, 23 Jackson street. Ryan, Mrs. Margaret, 130 'Chestnut street. Ryan, Effie, 130 Chestnut street. Rider, Mrs. Mattie B., Georgetown, Ky. Sallee, D. P.. ^^t, South Broadway. Sallee, Mrs. Belle, 2,73 South Broadway. Sallee, Clarence, 373 South Broadway. ' Sallee, Lena, 373 South Broadway. Sallee, Julia, 287 East Fourth street. Shackleford, Alaud, 19 Havman Place. Shughart, Mrs. Ellen, Richmond pike. Shughart, Kate, Richmond pike. Simpson, John, 239 East Fifth street. Simpson, Mrs. Anna, 239 East Fifth street. Simpson, Robert, 239 East Fifth street. Simpson, Jesse, 239 East Fifth street. Sledd, Mrs. Joe, 2^8 East Fifth street. Sledd, Ollie, 238 East Plfth street. Sledd, Russell, 238 East Fifth street. Smith, Mrs. Jas., 85 Chestnut street. Smith, Harvey B., Bible College. Stamper, Mrs. Rachel. 2^ West Second street. Stamper, Abney, 2^ West Second street. Steele, Willie, 200 Chestnut street. Stevens, Lillie, 69 Chestnut street. Stevens, Lizzie, 69 Chestnut street. CHESTNUT STREET CHRISTIAN CHURCH. 93 Stevens, Mrs. Sallie, 27 Mt. Mullen street. Stevens, Mrs. Sallie, 290 East Short street. Steward, Bee, 212 East Third street. Steward, Robert, Bible College. Stockard, Jno. L., Bible College. Stone, J. F., Bible College. Storms, Mrs. Louisa, 286 East Fourth street. Storms, Nellie, 286 East Fourth street. Sutton, Mrs. J. D., 163 East Fifth street. Sutton, N. J., 95 Walton avenue. Sutton, Mrs. Alice, 95 Walton avenue. Swope, D., 223 Chestnut street. Swope, Mrs. Delia, 223 Chestnut street. Taylor, J. W., 43 Chestnut street. Taylor, Mrs. Eva B., 43 Chestnut street. Thurman, J. T., Shelby street. Thurman, Mrs. Anna, Shelby street. Tinsley, T. S., 239 East Fifth street. Tinsley, Mrs. Gertrude, 239 East Fifth street. Tracey, Emma, 250 West Third street. Thurman, Thos. Vance, Mrs. Jessie, 503 Clay street. \^ance, Rodger, 503 Clay street. Ware, Mrs. Drusilla. Warren, Mrs. Sallie, 350 North Limestone street. Wells, J. T., Oxford, Ohio. Wheeler, Mabel, Charles avenue. Williams, Clara, 148 East Sixth street. Williams, L N., 25 Clay avenue. Williams, Mrs. Mary, 25 Clay avenue. Winn, Mrs. Margaret, 223 Walnut street. Winn, Mary, 223 Walnut street. Wilson, Thos., 228 North Upper street. Williams, Allie, 150 East Sixth street. Young, John, Bible College. CHRIST CHURCH (EPISCOPAL). Historical Sketch. By Lyman Beechkr Todd, M. D. , The centun- that marks the history of Christ Church, Lexington, Ky., from its organization in 1794 to the present time, is certainly an eventful one, considered ec- clesiastically, historically and biographically. • Those early Christians who, more than one hundred years ago, erected the small frame house upon the site of the present church, surely builded wiser than then they knew. The history of this church is even more than of local or state importance ; but of national interest, considering the long succession of learned and consecrated minis- ters who have served at her altar, and afterward have gone to different and distant parts of this countrv', whose influence for Christian civilization can not be estimated, as well as many members of that church who have been useful for God and his service in private life, in the state and national councils. The Rev. James Moore, of Mrginia, was the first rector, called in 17Q2. He was learned and pious, and of beautiful manners. He was president of Transylvania University in 1798, and died the 22d of January, 1814, age forty-nine years. In 1808, a brick house of larger proportions suc- ceeded the frame building, and strange as it may sound, the funds raised for this building were started in a lottery. Among the projectors of this scheme was Lord Alorton. He is ever to be remembered gratefully by citizens of Lexington as having made a donation by will for the establishment of a public school for the children of this city, v.'ho thereby became his heirs, and for whom the public school building on Walnut street has been called. Rev. John Ward became rector in 181 3. During his ministry he conducted a large female school, and was useful and universally esteemed. He died in i860, at (94) CHRIST CHURCH (EPISCOPAL). 96 the age of eighty-two, and by will left his late home on Second street to the church as a rectory. We next record the name of Rev. Lemuel Burge as rector in September, 1819. Succeeding him was Rev. Geo. T. Chapman, of Massachusetts, in July, 1820; rec- tor for ten ye&rs. During his ministry a larger brick church was built, that also upon the present site. Rev. Benjamin Bosworth Smith became rector in 1830. He was born June 13, 1794, in Rhode Island; CHRIST CHURCH (EPISCOPAL was ordained a priest in 1818, and was consecrated bishop in 1832. As the senior bishop in the House of Bishops in the United States, Rt. Rev. Bishop Smith presided over the House of Bishops at several recurring tri-annual conventions. This consecrated man died only a few years ago. During the ministry of Bishop Smith, Dr. Henry Caswell became assistant rector. Succeeding him Rev. Edward Winthrop, of Massa- chusetts became temporary rector; but the regular suc- cessor of the Rt. Rev. B. B. Smith was the Rev. Edward F. Berkley, who, having completed his theological studies in the Episcopal Theological School in this city, became rector in January, 1839. During his ministry, 96 THE CHURCH RECORD. and on March 17, 1847, the corner stone of the present building was laid, with imposing religious ceremonies. Rev. Dr. James Craik, of Louisville, made the address of dedication. During Rev. Mr. Berkley's ministry, the Hon. Henr>' Clay was confirmed. He was baptized at Ashland in BISHOP SMITH. the presence of his family and a few friends by Air. Berk- ley, who also officiated at his funeral in 1852, also at his home at Lexington. During, and for years subsequent to Rev. Mr. Berk- ley's rectorship, a person visiting Christ Church would have been pathetically impressed by the presence of a blind man, Mr. William !)•. Hulett, presiding at the or- gan. His services were highly appreciated, and, for his faithfulness and general usefulness in the church, he was presented with a copy of the Bible and Prayer Book printed by the American Bible Society for the blind; at that day a very rare and valuable gift. It is a pleasure CHRIST CHURCH (EPISCOPAL). 97 to remember that the Bible, in three very large volumes, is still used by a similarly afflicted family near this city; and the Prayer Book was presented by a devoted mem- ber of the church, now called to her Heavenly rest, to a blind person, who is at present a communicant of the church. Mr. Berkley resigned the rectorship in 1857, having been called to St. George's Episcopal Church in St. Louis, where he still lives in the quiet evening of a long and useful life, endeared to hosts of loving friends. Rev. James H. Morrison, of Virginia, next became rector in 1858, and he was succeeded in October, i860, by Rev. Jacob S. Shipman, D. D., who was born at Niagara, in New York, November 30, 1832. Dr. Ship- man was a man of brilliant intellect, a graduate of Yale, and in every way accomplished. In the historical address by Dr. Lyman Beecher Todd on the semi-centennial anniversary of the Lexington and Vicinity Bible Society, Dr. Todd referred to Dr. Ship- man in these words: "Rev. Jacob S. Shipman, rector of Christ Church, Lexington, Ky., from 1861 to 1877. Of Mr. Shipman's usefulness as a minister of the gospel, faithfulness as a pastor, and also of his admirable ad- ministrative ability, the venerable Bishop Smith, on visit- ing this parish and administering the right of confirma- tion to the largest class ever presented in the history of the church, remarked, in the presence of the writer: 'This duVrch, Christ Church, here at Lexington, is greatly blessed in the rector. Dr. Shipman has an old head on young shoulders ; and I do believe he is the only man in America who, when every Protestant church in Lexington has divided during the war, could have held his church together.' Pure in spirit, and with a warm heart, he gave comfort to the afflicted; and with bright intellect and genial nature carried instruction and glad- ness everywhere. He will ever have a green spot in many, many loving hearts of the citizens of Lexington and their descendants. He is now rector of Christ Church, New York City; and his gifted son, Herbert Shipman, who was his father's assistant for years, has recently been appointed chaplain of the United States Military Academy at West Point." Dr Shipman was succeeded by Thomas S. Tidball in the year 1878, and resigned in 1885, and is at present rector of the Church of the Epiphany in Philadelphia. Rev. Dr. Edward H. Ward was next rector, coming in the year 1885, and resigned in 1897. Dr. Ward is now rector of St. Peter's Episcopal Church, Pittsburg, Pa. 98 THE CHURCH RECORD. During these many long and eventful years, Christ Church and congregation has enjoyed visitations, ser- mons and the administration of the rite of confirmation by many eminent divines and bishops, among whom are Rev. Dr. Quintard. of Tennessee, and Rev. Dr. George D. Cummings, long since called to his reward. In 1895, the Diocese of Kentucky was divided into Lex- ington and Diocese of Kentucky. Soon thereafter, in the church convention held in Christ Church, December 5, 1895, Rev. Lewis W. Burton, a man of ability, learn- ing and great consecration, was elected bishop of the Lexington Diocese of Kentucky, December 5, 1895, and was consecrated in Louisville January 30, 1896; held his first confirmation in Christ Church, Alarch 15, 1896. He is now industriously, successfully and acceptably dis- charging the duties of his office. Perhaps the most important event in the history of Christ Church may be considered the action of the church assembled on Monday evening, March 15, 1897, when, by an overwhelming vote of the church and congrega- tion, Christ Church was tendered to Rt. Rev. Bishop Burton as the cathedral church of the Lexington Dio- cese. The tender of the church is made upon the following terms and subject to the following conditions: 1. That the bishop shall, in addition to his preroga- tives and duties as diocesan, be the chief pastor and di- rector of the parish, with the right, at all times and at his pleasure, to use the church and other parish buildings, except the rectory, for all diocesan and episcopal pur- poses; to officiate, preach, administer the sacraments and conduct such other rites, ordinances and services in the church, chapels and missions of the fDarish; to take part in their deliberations, and to submit to them from time to time such suggestions and counsel as he may see fit. 2. This being designed as the preliminary step to- ward the establishment of a cathedral system, which shall conduce to greater efficiency in the missionary work and other activities of the church in this diocese — the ultimate form of which system is to be determined by future trial and experience — the bishop shall also, until other provision therefor be made by consent of the bishop and of the vestr}^ of this parish, have the power to constitute, as he may see fit, a cathedral chapter, its powers, privileges and duties to be prescribed by him from time to time, but to be consistent with those other- wise recognized or assigned in this resolution, and also with those conferred and imposed upon this parish and CHRIST CHURCH 'EPISCOPAL)- 99 upon the rector and vestry by canon law and upon the corporation of "the rector, wardens and vestry of Christ Church in the city of Lexington," by civil law; pro- vided, however, that the bishop shall always be the offi- cial head of such chapter, and that the rector of this parish, and two lay members of this vestry, shall always be members thereof. 3. The rector of this parish, who shall also have the title of Dean of the Cathedral, shall be elected by the vestry from nominations submitted to it by the bishop, with the right, however, upon the part of the vestry, to reject any and all nominations until some person sat- isfactory to it be named; and he shall be charged with all the duties, and have all the rights and privileges of rector, as defined by canon law and ecclesiastical usage, except as the same are modified by the rights and privi- leges hereby conferred upon the bishop. This parish shall have all rights, powers, privileges and obligations which the other parishes of this diocese may possess or be charged with. 5. The arrangement hereby proposed shall cease with the termination of the episcopate of the present bishop, the Right Reverend Lewis W. Burton, unless thereafter continued by the mutual consent, expressly and formally thereto given to his successor in office and of the rector, vestry and congregation of this parish. Miss Bertha Embry is the organist of Christ Church, an accomplished musician, painstaking, industrious, de- voted to instruction in church music, and has given great satisfaction in the discharge of her difficult and onerous duties. The Sabbath-school of Christ Church has long been successfully conducted, from which, for years, many most faithful and useful members of the church have come. It has now an average attendance of one hundred and ten scholars. Mr. Clarence Crittenden Calhoun is superintendent. Mr. Charles W. Bean is secretary and treasurer. Mr. Samuel G. Bovle is librarian. Jas P. Nelson, teacher of Bible class. Teachers are — Mrs. Sarah Bruen Cronly, Miss Carrie Thornton. Misses Marv T. Pavne, Bertha Embry, Murrell, Davis, Mrs. Casey. Misses Walby, Linda Payne, Nannie Woodruff, Emily Barnes, Mrs. Berry- man. At an annual meeting of the congregation of Christ Church, held on the Monday following Easter, twelve vestrymen are elected. The following gentlemen com- pose the vestr\^: 100 THE CHURCH RECORD. Jolin H. Woolfolk, senior warden; John W. Berkley, junior warden; Charles H. Edge, secretary; James Al- len Todd, treasurer; T. B. Wood, Wm. B. Huston, Stephen T. Swift, Charles W. Bean, Hamilton Scott, C. C. Calhoun, John Todd Shelby, W. W. Warren. In 1887, Christ Church established a mission, located on South Broadway, on a lot generously donated by a member of the church, Mr. J. Q. A. Haymon, called the Chapel of the Good Shepherd. On December 30, 1887, the chapel was formally opened by the bishop of diocese, Thos. U. Dudley, D. D., by excellent address. Religious services are conducted there on Sunday and Tuesday evenings. A Parents' Aid Society meets on Friday afternoon, and is presided over by Miss Linda Nevelle. A Sunday-school, with an average attendance of more than a hundred, is held every Sunday afternoon. The superintendent is Mr. Wm. Plunkett. Instructor of the Bible class is Mr. William Warren. Teachers — Misses Carrie Thornton, Fannie Swift Todd, Alice Brad- ley, Louise Saunders, Lucy Ford, Margaret Payne, Mamie Didlake. Katie Clay, Fannie Saunders, Dora Berkley, Mary Berkley. The several organizations of benevolent and mission work have always been efBcient, useful and eminently successful, embracing many departments. Christ Church has three guilds, viz. : (i) The Woman's Guild, (2) The Gleaners, (3) St. Catharine's. Biographical Sketch of Bishop Burton. The Rt. Rev. Lewis William Burton, D. D., first bishop of Lexington, was born in Cleveland, Ohio, No- vember 9, 1852. His father was the Rev. Lewis Burton, D. D., one of the best known of the clergy of the Diocese of Ohio, with which diocese he was associated for forty- seven years, from 1847 wntil his death in 1894. Dr. Burton, Sr., was for twenty-four years of this time rector of St. John's Church, and afterward rector and then rector emeritus of St. Mark's Church, Cleveland. He was also the founder of All Saints' Church in the same city. An uncle of the present bishop, the Rev. William M. Burton, was the immediate predecessor of Dr. Lewis CHRIST CHURCH (EPISCOPAI,). 101 Burton in the rectorship of St. John's Church, Cleveland, and anotlier inicle on his mother's side, the Rev. John S. Wallace, was the first rector of St. Andrev/'s Church, Louisville, Ky., of which parish the bishop was rector at the time of his election to the episcopate. The present bishop graduated from Kenyon College in 1873, being valedictorian and first honor man of his class. From Kenyon, he took successively the degrees of B. A. and M. A. in course, and the honorary degree of D. D., the latter after his election to the episcopate. His theological education was acquired at the Phila- delphia Divinity School, where he graduated in 1877. Ordained deacon by Bishop Bedell (Ohio) in the Church of the Holy Spirit, Gambler, June 24, 1877. Ordained priest by the same bishop in St. Paul's Church, Cleveland. May 15, 1878. His diaconate was spent as assistant at All Saints' Church, Cleveland, of which parish he became rector shortly after his ordination to the priesthood in June, 1878. This parish he resigned June 7, 1880, and spent six months abroad. From June, 1881, until Jan- uary I, 1882, he was assistant to his father at St. Mark's Church, Cleveland, and on the latter date he became rector of the parish, his father becoming rector emeritus. From April 13, 1884, until July 15, 1893, Mr. Burton was rector of ■ St. John's Church, Richmond, Va. During portions of his stay in Virginia he was a member of the Missionary Committee of the diocese, as examining chap- lain, president of the James River Convocation, and vice- president of the Richmond City Missionary Society. During this time also the Weddell Memorial Chapel and the Chapel of the Good Shepherd were erected, paid for and consecrated, a rectory purchased, the parish church beautified and adorned and its chapel enlarged and re- fitted. Mr. Burton was also in charge of Calvary Chapel, a mission in the slums of Richmond. Having resigned St. John's to become rector of St. Andrew's Church, Louisville, he began his ministry there October i, 1893, and continued in that charge until his elevation to the episcopate. In Kentucky, among other offices held by him, was chairman of the diocesan Sunday-school Board. In 1892, Mr. Burton sat in the general convention as a deputy from Mrginia, and in 189.S, from Kentucky. He married ]\Iiss Georgia Hendree Ball, of Atlanta, Ga., on January' 15, 1883. The new diocese of Lexington was constructed out of the eastern half of the Diocese of Kentucky, in i8q=:. and on December 5, 1895, Mr. Burton was elected bishop. 102 THE CHURCH RECORD. consecrated in St. Andrew's Church, Louisville, January 30, 1896, by the bishops of Kentucky (Dudley), West Virginia (Peterkin), Ohio (Leonard). Southern Vir- ginia (Randolph), coadjutor of Southern Ohio (Vin- cent), Georgia (Nelson), and Indiana (White). Bishop Randolph was preacher. Bishops Vincent and White, presenters, and the Rev. Messrs. Sneed and Rolla Dyer, attending presbyters. List of Communicants. Akers, Mrs. Kate. Akers, Thos. P. Allen, Airs. Sarah H. Allen Mrs. Jno. R. Bacon, Ed. Bacon, Mrs. Bacon, Frank. Bacon, Margaret. Bacon, Maria. Bain, Mrs. Bain, Miss Nettie. Ballard, Lizzie. Baldwin, Nellie Todd. Bowman, Miss Florence. Bartol, Mrs. Bartol, Cronly. Bartol, Katie Alice. Berry, Ellen Rosa. Berry, Mrs. Henry. Barnes, Mrs. Fannie. Barnes, Emily. Barnes, Mrs. Thomas. Barnes, Jessie. Barney, "Mrs. G. W. Barrow, Mrs. David. Bateman, Mrs. Geo. H. Bean, C. Y. Bean, Miss Lizzie. Bean,C. W. Bean, Mrs. Allen, Wm. Allen, Mrs. Alford, Mrs. O. P. Alford, Smith. Ascher, Mrs. Brown, Mrs. Lew. Bean, Jas. H. Beckley, Mrs. W. R. Beckley, Edwin. Berryman, Mrs. Jno. Bennett, Mrs. Sam. Bissicks, Mrs. Frank. Bissicks, Jennie. Bissicks, Katie. Boswell, Miss Mav. Bruce, Mrs. W. W. Bruce, Mrs. Louisa. Bruce, Miss Laura. Bradley, Alice. Bright, Louise. Berkley, Tno. W. Berkley, Mrs. Berkley, Dora. Berkley, Elizabeth. Berkley, Mary. Bush, Mrs. C. Bush, Miss Nannie. Bullitt, Mrs. Beard. Harry N. Beard, Mrs. Brand, John A. Brand, Mrs. CHRIST CHURCH (EPISCOPAL). 103 Clay, Mrs. Sidney. Clay, Belle. Clay, Annie. Clay, Katie. Clay, Mrs. Jas. B. Clay, Miss Lucretia. Clay, Mrs. Jas. B., Jr. Clay, Miss Laura. Campbell, Alary. Campbell, Henrietta. Campbell, Andrew. Calhoun, C. C. Casey, Mrs. E. B. Carey, Mrs. Hannah. Carr, Mrs. Dabney. Caldwell, Edna. Chiles, Miss Des. Chiles, Aileen. Chiles, Mollie. Chiles, Ophelia. Cronley, Mrs. S. B. Charles, Mrs. S. A. Charles, Miss Laura. Curd, Mrs. Jno. Carrier, Miss Fannie. Combs, Miss Eliz. Davidson, Annie. Darby, Miss Marv. Duke, Mrs. Esther. Darnall, Bessie. Darnall, Margaret. Downing, Mrs. Nannie S. Davis, Mrs. Somerville. Davis, Lizzie. Davis, Lou. Davis Bettie. Downing, Miss Marv Anne, Didlake, Mrs. Nannie B. Didlake, Mary. Didlake, Nannie Bain. Dudley, Alice. Dudley, Mrs. Mary T. Dudley, Mrs. Maria B. Dudlev, Clara. Duff, Jas. M. Duncan, Miss Nannie. Duncan, Henry T., Jr. Duncan, Fannie. Dangerfield, Foxall. Dangerfield, Mrs. Dangerfield, Henderson. Dangerfield, Bessie. Dangerfield, Elizabeth. Dangerfield, Mary T. Elder, Miss Vic. Edge, Chas. H. Edge, Mrs. Mary. Edge, Annie. Edge, Susie. Edgar, Mrs. Belle. Edgar, Thomas. Edgar, Kate. Edgar, Maud. Emery, Bertha. Frost, Mrs. Mary T. Fraser, Mrs. Jno. Frazer, Warren, r'oreman, Mrs. Thos. Fitzhugh, R. H. Fitzhugh, Mrs. Fitzhugh, Lucy. Fitzhugh, Evelyn. Ford, Lucy. Ferguson, Mrs. J. B. Grey, Miss Annie. Grant, Mary Davis. Graves, Geo. K. Goodloe, Mrs. W. C. Goodloe, Louise. Goodloe, Mrs. A. Guthrie, Henry A. Guthrie, Mrs. Georgi, R. Georgi, Mrs. 104 THE CHURCH RECORD. Goodloe, Mina. Goodloe, Elsie. Goodloe, Grace. Goodloe, Wm. Hopple, Mrs. Richard. Hopson, Jas. Hopson, Mrs. Harris, Miss Mary. Halsey, Mrs. Irving. Haggard, E. T. Haggard, Miss. Herbison, Mrs. S. T. Higgins. Mrs. Eliz. Henry, Mrs. Hogan, Mrs. Mary. Ingles, Miss Ideele. Georgi, Miss Annie. Gribbin, William. Gribbin, Helen. Grehan, Mag Steele. Gibbons, Mrs. Z. Hollowav, Miss Mar}'. Hutsell, 'Mrs. Jno. Hill. S. E. Hill, Mrs. Hill, Effie. Hill, Elizabeth. Huston, W. B. Henning, Mrs. Hibler, Miss Emma L. Harden, ]\Irs. Albert. Harden, Albert. Harrison, Miss Mary. Ingles, Annie Belle. Jeffrey, Mrs. Alex, Jr. Johnson, Miss Rosa. Johnson, J. B. Johnson, Bertie. Johnson, Mrs. Ed. Jones, Jas. Jones, Mrs. Jones, Annette. Kemp, Chas. Kemp, Mrs. Ketchum, Mrs. Keiser, Mrs. Josephine. Keiser, Jennie. King, Mrs. Elizabeth. Justice, Mrs. Mary. Justice, May. Justice, Frank. Justice, Paul. Jacobs, Mrs. Lilla B. Jeffrey, Miss Mrginia. Johns, Mrs. Johns, Frank. Johns, Mrs. King, Lizzie. King, Margaret. King, John G. Kinkead, Mrs. Edmund. Kinkead, Mrs. Henry. Kinkead, Mrs. Shelby. Livingstone, Jack. Landers, Alamie. Leonard, Mrs. A. G. Lyons. Mrs. Mary. Lynne, Mrs. Annie. Llewellyn, Mrs. Lancaster, Mrs. Abraham. Lle\vellyn. Marie. Lancaster, Merritt. Lewis, Lilly Sellier. McClure, Mrs. W. B. McElroy, Gared. May, Wm. Lewis, May, Elizabeth. CHRIST CHURCH (EPISCOPAL) 106 McElroy, Mrs. Metcalf,' Mrs. Mary T. Morell, Chas. McClintock. Mrs. John. McDowell. Mrs. H. C. McDowell. Julia. McDowell. Mrs. Thos. C. Morton, Miss Gabe. May, Miss Bettie. May, Alex. H. B. May, Mary Brand. Montgomery, Mrs. Montgomery, Ida. Morgan, Mrs. Charlton H. IMorgan, Nellie. Morgan, Alex. G. Alorgan, Mrs. Morgan, Thos. R. Morgan, Mrs. Mullen, Mrs. Mullen, Jessie. Masner, OUie. Alaull, Wm. Neal, Mrs. Jemima. Norris, M. P. Norris, Mrs. Nelms, Mrs. J. H. Neville, Miss Mary. Neville, Linda. Nucholls, Mrs. Nucholls, Miss Mattie. Nucholls, Morris. Nucholls, Jane. Nelson, Jas. P. Nelson, Mrs. Nelson, Richard. Nelson, Robert. Owens, Mrs. Owens, Issie. Owens, Josie. Ott, Marv. Oliver, Mr. Oliver, Mrs. C. J. OHver, Matt. Post, Miss. Pulliam, Mrs. K. K. Plunkett, Wm. Plunkett, Mrs. Payne, Wellington, Payne, Mrs. Payne, Mrs. T. B. Payne, Linda. Payne, Margaret. Payne, Mary Tibbs. Payne, Maria Cronley Parker, Mrs. Mary. Parker, Emma. Peter, Miss Joe. Peter, Lettie. Patten, Henry. Patten, Miss.' Preston, Agnes. Porter, Mrs. Pickett, Miss Annie. Purcell, Mrs. J. D. Preston, Mrs. William. Preston, Mrs. Wickliffe. Potts. Mrs. E. D. Price, Mrs. E. L. Piatt, Luly T. Routt, Mrs. Rackett. Mrs. T. D. Ranck, Mrs. G. W. Ranck, Helen. Ranck, Mary. Ried, Mrs. Catherine. Richardson, IMrs. Maria. Richardson, Miss. Richardson, Charles. Richardson, Miss Harriet B. Richardson, Mrs. Lucy. Richardson, Miss. 106 THE CHURCH RF.COKD. Richardson, Mrs. Cath. Richardson. J. L. Richardson, Alary T. Richardson, Amy. Richardson, Kate. Richardson. Emily. Robertson. Mrs. Geo. Robinson, Mrs. Mary. Robinson, Lily. Robinson, Mamie. Stone, Mrs. R. R. Saffarans, Mrs. Adah. Saffarans. Elizabeth. Saffarans, Adah Mead. Saunders, Mrs. Pembroke. Saunders, Louise. Saunders, Fannie. Sellier, Mrs. T. F. Sellier, Helen Louise. Sellier, Mrs. Edw. Steele,' Mrs. Henry. Steele, Marv. SkiUman. Airs. H. M., Jr. Shelby, Jno. T. Shelby, Mrs. Shelby, Thos. H., Jr. Shelby, Thos. H. Shelby, Miss Mary. Shelby, Alice. Shelby, Rose. Schmidt, Nicholas. Simrall, Harrison. Simrall, Sarah. Swift, S. T. Swift, Airs. Swift, Gabriella. Swift, Morton. Stockwell, Mrs. M. R. Scherer, Airs. Conrad. Scherer, Lottie. Scherer, Conrad. Saville, Aliss. Sw'igert, Mrs. Sam. Swigert, Clara. Spears, Airs. Kate. Spears, Henry. Scott, Hamilton. Scott, Airs. Thayer, Airs. Thornton, Airs. R. A. Thornton, Alargaret. Thornton, Carrie. Tilford, Airs. Anna. Todd, Airs. L. Beecher. Todd, Jas. Allen. Todd, Mrs. Jas. Allen. Todd, Aliss Lutie Swift. Voorhies, Airs. C. H. Voorhies, Lilv. Todd, Fannie Swift. Todd, Alaria Blair. Todd, Charles Lee. Talbert, Airs. W. B. Totten, Aliss Anna. Tuggle. Airs. Taylor, Alary T. Taylor, Airs. Todd, Susie. Todd, Charles Lee. Aoorhies, Nannie. \"an Aleter, Airs. Welsh, Airs. Ella deRoode. Wood, Catherine H. Welsh, Airs. Alary. William, Lizzie. Walby, Wm. Woodward, Airs. E. B. Walby, Alary. Woodrull, Nellie. Walbv, Lou. Woollev, Airs. Lutie. Walby, Alildred H. Woollev. Cicely. CHRIST CHURCH (EPISCOPAL). 107 Walby, Susie G. Warren, Wm. Warren, Mrs. Warren, W. F. Warren, Shipman. Warren, Lilly. Warren, Lulie. Warren, Nannie E. W^illemin, Miss Gertrude. Warren, Mrs. Walter. Warren, Fay. Warren, Henry. Warren, Mrs. Warren, Fannie. Warren, John A. Warren, Thos. L. Warren, Lizzie. Warren, Wm. H. Warren, Mrs. Warren, Sidney R. Wolf, Mrs. Henry. Williamson, Mrs. E. T. Williamson, Adah. Williamson, Harved. Wood, T. B. Wood, Mrs. Woolley, Robert. Wicklilfe, Mrs. Virginia. Wickliffe, E. N. Wickliffe, Mrs. Winston, Mrs. A. S. Winston, Mary Day. Woolfolk, John H. Woolfolk, Mrs. Woolfolk, Anne. Woolfolk, John H., Jr. Woodard, Gracie. Woolfolk, Amanda. Woolfolk, Miss Almira. Woolfolk, Mamie. Wendover, A. C. Wilder, Mrs. Webster, B. N. Webster, Mrs. Waring, C. H. Waring, Mrs. West, Mrs. Jennie W. Willette, W. S. Willette, Mrs. W^ard, Mrs. E. H. Ward, E. H., Jr. Wright, Mrs. Young, Mrs. ST. JOHN'S EPISCOPAL CHURCH. Historical Sketch. During die early part of the year 1885 a number of laymen of Christ Church parish, Lexington, Ky., began the discussion of organizing a second parish in this city. At this time Christ Church was without a rector. A meeting was held early in January, a paper was drawn up and addressed to the Rt. Rev. Thomas Underwood Dudley, bishop of the Diocese of Kentucky, signed by fifteen male members who were communicants of the church and residents of the city. The purport of the paper was to obtain from the bishop his official consent to the organization of St. John's Parish. The bishop at once gave his consent and approval. At a meeting held soon after a vestry consisting of the following gen- tlemen was elected: Messrs. Anderson Berrv, A. J. Campbell, J. F. Edgar, William Farley, Alexander Gib- bons, Ed. K. Graves, F. E. Johns, J. E. Keller. A. L Tot- ten, John S. Wilson, Harry Williams and Theodore Wil- liams. A. J. Campbell, Esq., was elected senior warden, A. L Totten, junior warden, and J. Esten Keller, secre- tary. The vestry elected and called for its first rector the Rev. Robert Elliott Grubb, who took charge of the parish about the ist of May, 1885. The first service was held in a room in the Carty Building, corner of Main and Mill streets, on the 17th of the same month, and was continued in the same building till the following January, when the services were discontinued owing to the financial inabil- ity of the congregation to meet the expenses. During the rectorship of Rev. Mr. Grubb one marriage was cele- brated, three persons were baptized and three members were buried. After a lapse of two years and by consent of the bishop in April. 1888, a quorum of the old vestry met and determined to revive the services and start anew the work begun. At this meeting there were present Messrs. A. L Totten, A. J. Campbell, Anderson Berry (108) ST. JOHNS EPISCOPAL CHURCH. 109 and R. B. Hatchraft, who had been elected to the vestry in the winter of 1885. They, constituting a quorum, pro- ceeded to elect others in the congregation to fill vacan- cies and the following were chosen : Judge Z. Gibbons, Levi T. Rodes, Henry A. Guthrie, Henry A. Engman, George J. Warren, M. F. Norris and F. E. Johns, who was one of the old vestry, making twelve in all. This meet- ing was held on the 15th of June, 1888, and thus began the new St. John's. The lot upon which the church is built was donated by J. Esten Keller, Esq., whose generosity to the parish continued till he removed from the city. The corner stone was laid by the bishop on September 18, 1888, with a very impressive ceremony. There were present besides the bishop the following clergy: G. A. Weeks, of Cvnthiana; G. C. Betts, of Louisville; W. H. Bam- well,' of Paris; H. H. Sneed, of Mt. Sterling; W. G. Mc- Cready, of Versailles; Dr. Ward; G. A. Stansberry, of Christ Church, and the Rev. Mr. Wilson, of St. Andrew's, this city, besides a congregation numbering nearly or quite 1,000 persons. The first rector of the new St. John's was the Rev. Samuel Johnson French, who took charge of the parish about November 14. 1888. The services of St. John's be- gan on true Catholic lines and so are continued. The Rev. Dr. Pelham Williams served the parish as rector for six months as "priest in charge" on the resignation of the Rev. Mr. French on All Saints' Day, 1891. On June 12, 1892, Trinity Sunday, the Rev. Roger Hanson Peters, came to the parish and served as priest till Feb- ruary, 1895. During the months of February and March the Rev. M. M. Benton, archdeacon, conducted the ser- vices and on the ist of April the Rev. John Sword entered on his duties as priest and served as such till the middle of December, 1895. During the incumbency of this godly and learned priest a chapel was made and a side altar was erected wholly at the expense of this gen- erous hearted man of God, except the stone for the altar, which was gratuitously furnished by Wm. Sleath, Esq. The present rector, the Rev. E. A. Bazett-Jones, took charge on March 22, the fifth Sunday in Lent. 1896. St. John's has been blessed in having some of the most learned priests in the church to serve at its altars and but for the modest circumstances, financially, of its members, who are imable to liquidate the debt owing by the parish, would to-day be in the front in church work generally. Since the new St. John's commenced its work there have 110 THE CHURCH RECORD. been: Baptisms, 69; confirmed, 57; marriages, 12; funer- als, 30; communicants, at present, about 50. The church is open every day and a daily celebration of the Holy Eucharist. Seats are free and the poor have the gospel preached to them. The character of the services is shown by a paper read by a layman to the vestry at a meeting held on August 31, 1891. "I believe that here we are worshiping with forms and cerenionies which are those of the Holy Catholic Church, which are in accordance with the spirit and letter of our Ordinal and without which the services at the cele- bration of the Holy Eucharist and at the minor ofifices are mutilated, incomplete and non-Catholic. I believe only in observing such ritual as is to-day called Catholic, and is found in conformity with the traditions, usages and doctrines of the Holy Catholic Church of the ages past and present." A vested boy choir was introduced on Easter Day, 1890, and the services as rendered compared very favor- ablv with those held in churches in much larger cities. The font sitting in the body of the church near the inner door was presented by Anderson Berry, Esq., and others and is 'Tn Loving Memory" of H. K., M. T. and L. O. Berry. Quite a beautiful and costly window in the front of the church bears the inscription, "In memory of Jas. A. and Mary E. Harper and Kate Harper Camp- bell." The window is in the highest style of decorative art, and has a figure of St. John the Evangelist with pen and eagle, emblematical of this beloved apostle of our clear Lord. Another window, much smaller but quite a costly window, directly over the altar, contains the image of the crucified Christ upon the cross. A massive rood beam, surmounted by an oaken cross, connects the two columns of the center arch between the nave and choir. The members of the choir consisted of E. C. Newlin, organist; J. Pointz Nelson, choir master; L. E. Elsworth, L J. Blackburn, W. H. Sharpley, F. H. Diller, Geo. H. Chase, George A. Weeks, G. H. Sharpley, Richard M. Nelson, J- E. Keller, Jr., S. O. Cavette, W. T. French, Louis M. Schweedes, Jno. R. Crawley, John C. Schweedes, Louis Fischer. John D. Reynolds, Francis J. French, Kerry Compton, Charlton A. Metcalfe, Wil- liam G. P. Perkins, Thomas P. Edgar, Owen D. Keller, Walter S. Carr and G. Drummond Hunt. The services were choral throughout and were very im- pressive, attractive and inspiring. The officers of the parish to-day are Messrs. George Copeland, senior war- ST. JOHN'S EPISCOPAL CHURCH. HI den; George S. Weeks, junior warden; George J. War- ren, secretary; Anderson Berry, A. M. Peter, W. F. Jen- nings, Frank Kirschner, H. J. X'andermark and W. S. Welsh. H. B. Clay was elected treasurer. St. Agnes' Guild is rendering substantial aid in parish work, besides contributing largely toward its financial support. The members of the Altar Guild, composed of the younger women, are energetic, devotional and are of great service in the requirements of their offices. The Sunday-school has a fair attendance and is presided over by the'rector, assisted by Mr. J. S. Keller, superintendent, and Mrs. Bazett- Jones. Biographical Sketch of Rector. Father E. A. Bazett-Jones, the present rectoi: of St. John's Church, was born at Fleetwood, in the county of Lancashire, England, on June 9, 1845. His infancy was spent there, and in early childhood he was taken by his parents to live near Preston, his father's interests necessitating the change. At a lovely home some seven miles from the city his childhood was spent, receiving his early education and training from his mother until he was nine years old, and then upon her death, which happened about this time, his father employed a governess, who taught his younger sister and brother as well as himself until he was twelve years old, when he was sent to school. For three years he attended the Preston Grammar School, a foundation of King Edward VI, i549- From this school he was taken and placed at a private school, begun by a personal friend of his father's. The school after a few years was broken up, owing to the head master having accepted the position of leader of a large and prominent school in Yorkshire. His father, acting under the advice of the family physician, for some time kept him in the country, where his time was spent principally out of doors, engaged in the dear old English sports and athletics, until having become thoroughly strong he was taken into his father's office and in- structed by him in the rudiments of a business educa- tion. From there he was sent to Liverpool, where, through the influence of his father's friends, he obtained a position in the Bank of Liverpool, remaining there 112 THE CHURCH RECORD. until some little time after his father's death. He be- came interested with mutual friends in an idea which took firm possession of them to go abroad and settle. After some investigation it was determined to go to the United States, and, putting what capital they had to- gether, land was purchased in the State of Minnesota. He remained here long enough to discover that farm- FATHER E A. BAZETT-JONES. ing was very hard work, and very little income accruing therefrom. Two years' experience led to abandoning the farm and entering business. After several years of active work, circumstances arose, which, under guidance, led him to study for orders. He entered Seabury Hall Divinity School, and took the theological course. His first work was serving his diaconate in Gethsemane Parish, Minneapolis, Minn., when at the end of the year he was ordained to the priesthood, sent to the parishes of Zumbrota and Pine Island, remained in charge a little over two years, was transferred to Iowa and took charge ST. JOHN'S EPISCOPAL CHURCH. 113 of Holy Cross Parish, Keokuk. In the third year of his rectorate he organized a colored work called the Mis- sion of St. Mary the Virgin, and for nearly four years ministered to both white and colored work. In the fall of 1891 he was transferred to the Diocese of Chicago, and in charge of the parish at B21gin, where he remained a little over a year, when the bishop placed him in charge of a new mission which had been organized in the city of Chicago. For two years the mission flourished and then for some unexplained reason the bishop killed it. For rest he then took charge of a small parish in the Dio- cese of Chicago. Remaining one year, he received and accepted a call to the parish of St. John, Lexington, Ky. Entering upon his charge on Passion Sunday, 1896, he has as rector led and directed the parish until now. MAR^^A^'D-AV[:NUE GER/WAN EVANGELICAL CHURCH. Historical Sketch. Congregation organized on April 17, 1892, with nine- teen members. May 4, 1892, lot for church was bought, and building MARYLAND-AVENUE GERMAN EVANGELICAL CHURCH. of foundation immediately began. Church was com- pleted in the year 1893, and dedicated on Sunday, May 21, 1893. The congregation held, as long as the church was not (114) MARYLAND-AVENUE EVANGELICAL CHURCH. 116 completed, their services in the Maxwell Street Presby- terian Church, every Sunday afternoon, which was kindly offered by the officers of said church. The first pastor was C. C. Moser, from Covington, Ky. The second, Rev. John Ramsauer, from Otten- heim, Ky. After joining the Evangelical Synod of North America, we had Rev. C. Hoffman, from St. Louis, and at present Rev. J. Frohne, from Freelandsville, Ind. Regular services every Sunday, except first Sunday of each month, at ii a. m. Sunday-school at lo a. m. First Sunday of each month Pastor Frohne attends to the German Evangelical congregation in Fallmouth, Kv. Biographical Sketch of Pastor. The pastor of the Maryland Avenue German Evan- gelical Church, Rev. J. C. Frohne, was born in Sheboy- REV. J. C. FROHNE. 116 THE CHURCH RECORD. gan county, Wisconsin, November 29, 1869, and lived there till 1879, when his parents removed to Freelands- ville, Ind. Mr. Frohne was educated at Elmhurst Seminar}-, a short distance from Chicago, and Eden College, at St. Louis, having spent four years at the seminary and three at college. Mr. Frohne is a member of the German Evangelical Synod of North America. In 1896, he mar- ried Miss Annie Schroeder, of Freelandsville, Ind. The Maryland Avenue Church is Mr. Frohne's first charge, which he is conducting most acceptably to his congregation. He is very energetic and progressive, and just such a pastor as a struggling new church needs to tide it over the crisis to a firm foundation. List of Members. Afifolter, Mrs. J., No 57 Winnie street. Becker, A., country. Etter, W., country. Fischer, L., 285 E. High street. Haldemann, Mr. F. King, O. Klein, C, 186 Jefiferson street. Kraehenbuel, F. Kruse, Mrs. H. Kuehne, E. Ojlenberger, Mrs. K. Renter, J. Renter, Mrs. E., No. 19 W. High street. Renter, Theo. Schange, G. Schwede, J., No. 42 Drake street. Stof^el, F., country. Trost, Mr. H., North Broadway. Trost, Mr. C, 190 Jefiferson street. Tschanz, W., country. Ujlmann, F., country. Welsch, J. Wiegand, F., No. 44 Kentucky avenue. President, F. Haldemann: secretary. L. Fischer; treas- urer, G. Schange; trustees, H. Trost, C. Klein. 5T. JOHN'S EVANGELICAL LUTHERAN CHURCH. Historical Sketch. In A. D. 1 89 1, Rev. Otto Kuhr, pastor of the Ger- man Lutheran congregation at Ottenheim, Lincohi county, Ky., came to this city to preach to the German Lutherans in this place. He gathered a small congre- gation, which was organized in the summer of the same *• '^r^uM-- :uihu{iH_n!|jii ST. JOHN S EVANGELICAL LUTHERAN CHLTRCH. year, as the St. John's Evangelical Lutheran Congrega- tion. Rev. Kuhr now served as the minister of this con- gregation. The}' were furnished with a place of wor- ship by the kindness of the Second Presbyterian Church, (117) 118 THE CHURCH RECORD. and later of the Maxwell Presbyterian Church. From April to Aug-ust, 1892, they were permitted to use the Chestnut Street Christian Church. Early in 1892, Rev. Kuhr left Lexington, and on March 4th, Rev. Paul Schencke took his place. About this time a number of members, who did not agree with the confessional standpoint of the congregation, left it. The remaining members, then about ten in number, at once proceeded to build a church of their own. The lot for the building, on the corner of Fifth and Wolf streets, was donated bv the late Mr. D. F. Wolf, an old citizen of Lexing^ton and member of the congregation. The church was dedicated on October 30, 1892. On July 28, 1895, Rev. Schencke having taken another call, Rev.J.F. C.Schmidt, member of the Evangelical Lu- theran Synod of Missouri, took charge of the congrega- tion. In September of the same year, the congregation established a parochial school, to provide more sufficient religious instruction for their children than can be given in a Sunday-school. The school is conducted by the pastor. Besides the regular course of a grammar-school it gives instruction in religion and German. Sunday- school is held in English. The congregation receives as its confession the Augs- burg confession and the other Lutheran symbols con- tained in the Book of Concord. Biographical Sketch of Pastor. Rev. J. F. Charles Schmidt, pastor of St John's Evan- gelical Lutheran Church, is a native of Ohio. Was born at Elyria, Ohio, in 1874. He attended Concordia Col- lege at Ft. Wayne, Ind., and finished his preparation for the ministry at Concordia Theological Seminary, St. Louis. He was a member of the Evangelical Lutheran Synod of Missouri, when he was called to Lexington to take charge of the little church erected on the corner of Fifth and Wolf streets by a faithful few. Mr. Schmidt also conducts a parochial school in con- nection with his duties as pastor. He is a most earnest, thorough and untiring worker among his flock, and is much beloved by them. This is his first pastorate, which he began in 1895. The future holds great promise for this faithful young pastor. ST. JOHNS EVANGEI.ICAI. LUTHERAN CHURCH. 119 List of Members. Burkhardt, Miss Catharine, Arlington Heights. Burkowitz, Hermann, 66 Christy street. Ehlenberg, Miss, Broadway and High streets. Geertz, Martin, 456 N. Limestone street. Henning, Mrs. Wilhehnine, 456 N. Limestone street. Hohn, Miss Emihe, East Short street. Jochum, John, Mihtary pike. Jochum, Louis, Fayette county. Jochum, Michael, Fayette county. Jung, Geo.. Arlington Heights. Klunker, Ernst, 454 N. Limestone street. Kohl, Karl, West Second street. Krachenbuhl, F., North Limestone street. Kroll, Mrs., 457 N. Limestone street. Link, W'm., Park avenue. Mattesen, Ole, Mill and High streets. Mattesen, Osten, Mill and High streets. Meier, Henry, 454 N. Limestone street. Mohr, Claus, Arlington Heights. Pollitz. Geo., Fayette avenue. Schester, Oswald. Schilling, John, yj Ohio avenue. Spitzer, Miss Caroline, 96 N. Upper street. Spitzer, Miss, 33 Maxwell street. Officers — H. ]\Ieier, president; INIartin Geertz, secre- tary. Elders — Geo. Pollitz, John Schilling, Wm. Link. CENTENARY METHODIST EPISCOPAL CHURCH. Historical Sketch, In 1844 the Methodist Episcopal Church in the United States was divided into two parts — one of which, the M. E. Church, South, occupied the then slave States of the Union. After the close of the civil war, at the session of the Kentucky Conference held September, 1865, reso- lutions were introduced memorializing the General Con- ference, in view of the fact that slavery had been abol- ished, to take steps looking to organic re-union of the two Methodisms. This was voted down by a large ma- jority. As a result of this action eighteen members of the conference (believing that they would be sustained by a large portion of the Methodists in the State) deter- mined to witlidraw from the Church South, and cast their lot once more with the old church. Something over one hundred members withdrew from the Hill Street M. E. Church, South, and, on the 3d day of January, 1866, in a private residence in this city, that of Hiram Shaw, Esq., were organized and tendered to Bishop D. W. Clark, who was to preside at the Kentucky Con- ference of the Methodist Episcopal Church in Covington, Ky., March, 1866, with the request that a pastor be sent them by the bishop. At this March conference the "eighteen" joined the ]\I. E. Church and one of their number, Rev. Duke Slavens, a relative of Bishop Kavanaugh, was appointed to Lexington. A lot was purchased on the corner of Broadway and Church street, and by October following the chapel at the rear of the present church building had been erected and was dedicated to the service of God by Dr. (afterward Bishop) Isaac W. Wiley. At the next session of the conference Rev. John R. Eads, "an- other of the eighteen," was appointed pastor. He re- (120) CENTENARY METHODIST EPISCOPAL CHURCH. 121 mained only one year and was succeeded by still another of the "eighteen," Dr. Daniel Stevenson, who remained as pastor for three years. Dr. Stevenson was aggressive and when he departed in March, 1871, he and the con- gregation had mutual satisfaction in realizing that the present church building had been erected and paid for during his administration. Up to this time all the pas- tors had been native Kentuckians. Now a new depart- ure was determined upon. A transfer from Rock River CENTENARY METHODIST EPISCOPAL CHURCH. Conference, George E. Strobridge, was made pastor, and during his administration of three years the membership was nearly doubled, and all the work of the church pushed forward with great success. T. M. Leslie, a former member of the West .Virginia Conference, served the church for one year, and then went to Ohio. Jas. E. Gilbert, from the Cincinnati Con- ference, next served for three years and was succeeded by J. L. Sooy, of New Jersey, who served the church for two and a half years. Again a member of Rock River Conference, in the person of Adam J. Jutkins, was ap- pointed and served for two years. Now the church re- 122 THE CHURCH RECORD. turned to the Kentucky Conference and Rev. Wm. Mc- Afee served the church for three years. He was suc- ceeded by Ira T. Walker, from Wyoming Conference, who held the place for three years. F. D. T. Bickley, of Western New York, served the church for one year, and was followed by Henry Tuckley, whose health failed in the middle of his third year, and who was on this account released from the pastorate. J. B. Smith, of Hull, Mass., was transferred to fill Dr. Tuckley's vacancy in the middle of the year. He remained one year and a half and was transferred to another field. He was followed by Dr. A. D. Knapp, of North Ohio, for three years. This bring-s us to September, 1896, at which time the present incumbent, B. R. Wilburn, was transferred from Johnstown, Pa., and appointed to Lexington. Dr. Wil- burn has been warmly welcomed and has already begun an excellent work. Biographical Sketch of Pastor. Dr. Wilburn is a native of Southwest Virginia. His people have been prominently identified with the civil and religious history of that State from the time of its early settlement. His paternal ancestors were among the sturdy Welsh pioneers of the Southwest. His mater- nal ancestors were French Huguenots, two of whom served as commissioned of^cers in the Revolution, and the War of 1812. In early youth Dr. Wilburn applied himself to the study of law, but after graduating, at the age of nineteen, he abandoned the idea of following the practice of law, and began to prepare himself for the work of the Chris- tian ministry. Shortly after entering the ministry he be- came pastor of a congregation in Baltimore, Md. Dur- ing his seven years' pastorate in that city he completed, under tutors, a course of scientific and philosophical study. At the close of his Baltimore pastorate, he served as pastor of a small church m Cincinnati, Ohio, for one year, from which place he was transferred to the Walton Church, Pittsburg, Pa. His next pastoral charge was First Church, Greensburg, Pa. From Greensburg he went to the Franklin Street Church, Johnstown, Pa. After a residence of two years in Johnstown, he was CENTENARY METHODIST EPISCOPAL CHURCH. 123 selected by the bishop, having charge for a pastoral term at Centenary, and was accordingly transferred to this city. He is among the latest accessions to the minis- terial corps of the city, his work here having begun last October. Dr. Wilburn is a man of broad scholarship and deep research, a careful and pleasing historian, and an elo- DR. WILBURN. quent and effective preacher. His degree of "Doctor of Philosophy" was earned by the completion of the pre- scribed university course of study. In his work he may be said to be both aggressive and conservative. He pos- sesses the faculty of endearing himself not only to his own congregation, but to all the people of the community in which he resides. As an organizer he is possessed of more than ordinary talent, and knows how to use all the working force of his congregation to the best advantage. His sympathies being largely with young men in their 124 THE CHURCH RECORD. efforts to attain position, he finds no great difficulty in securing their sympathy in return. The matter of his sermons is helpful, and thoughtful, while his manner of delivery is deliberate, earnest and direct. He speaks without the aid of manuscript, and spends no time on preliminary discussion, but after announcing his text en- ters at once into the spirit of his subject. He is an en- thusiastic student of the peoples and literature of the Orient, and is regarded as an accomplished Biblical and Oriental archaeologist. He is an enthusiastic member of several learned societies of Orientalists, among which is the "Society of Archaeology and Palaeontology of the University of Pennsylvania." This latter is a society of learned Orientalists engaged in collecting and decipher- ing the prehistoric annals of ancient Chaldaea. The Doctor has been warmly received by the good people of Centenary, and it is believed his pastorate in this church will be satisfactory to himself and the people he serves. Pastors from 1866 to J 896. . Slavens, Duke 1866-67 Eads, John R 1867-68 Stevenson, Daniel 1868-71 Strobridge, George E 1871-74 Leslie, Thomas M 1874-75 Gilbert, James E 1875-78 Garrott, Theodore P., Assistant. Sooy, J. Leander 1878-80 Jutkins, Adam J 1880-82 McAfee, William 1882-85 Walker, Ira T 1885-88 Bickley, F. D. T 1888-89 Tuckley, Henry 1889-92 Smith, J. B 1892-93 Knapp, Albert D 1893-96 Wilburn, B. R 1896- CENTENARY METHODIST EPISCOPAL CHURCH. 125 Original Members, J 866. Bell, C. C. Bell, Mrs. Olivia. Bright, Rev. Jno. W. Bright, Mrs. M. L. Bright, Miss C. M. Bright, Miss Belle M. Bright, William. Bealert, B. T. Boardman, H. B. Brickev, M. C. Chipley, Mrs. A. S. Chipley, Mrs. Elizabeth. Corban, Miss Mary. Corban, Miss Martha. Clark, Mrs. Kate. Cooper, Mrs. Mary H. Cooper, Miss Anna G. Coleman, Mrs. Jane. Curry, Mrs. Margaret. Campbell, Mrs. May. Cassell, John W. Cassell, Mrs. Mary A. Cannon, John W. Cannon, Mrs. Mary. Conway, Mrs. Sarah A. Dodge, Asa. Dowden, Edward W. Ely, B. F. Gunn, W. A. Gunn, Mrs. M. D. Gunn, Miss Fanny. Davis, Mrs. Frances. Duncan, James. Duncan, Mrs. Mary. Gunn, John T. Gunn, Miss M. Brooke. Gibson, Charles. Gibson, Mrs. Mar}^ Hamilton, Wesley C. Hamilton, Mrs. Margt. T. Hamilton, Geo. W. Harris, Jeriah. Hensley. Mrs. Margaret. Hunter, Thomas. Hulett, Hudson D. Hulett, Mrs. Jane. Hamilton, James. Hulett, Mrs. Sarah. Harrison, Miss Lizzie. Headington, Rev. N. Headington, Mrs. Mary. Hubbard, A. H. Hubbard, Mrs. Ellen. Johnson, James. W. Johnson, Mrs. Tabitha. Johnson, Peter Johnson, Mrs. Ellen. Johnson, Charles. Johnson, Mrs. Bettie. Kennard, Mrs. Mary. King, Whittington. Kamp, Mrs. Anna. Kansel, Christian. 126 THE CHURCH RECORD. King, Mrs. E. King, Robt. H. King, Isaiah. Lee, John W. Lee, Mrs. Jane. Lord, Miss Jane E. Lonney, Miss M. Mihvard, Joseph. Milward, Mrs. Keturah H. Mihvard, Joseph \J. Mihvard, Mrs. Jennie. Mihvard, L. P. Milward, Mrs. EHzabeth. Milward, William. Nichols, J\Irs. Sarah T. Parker, Jacob. Parker, Mrs. Nancy. Powell, Mrs. Reynolds, Benjamin. Reynolds, ^Irs. May J. Stone, Mrs. Catherine A. Searcv, Mrs. Sarah. Scott,' P. Scott, Mrs. Lizzie. Scott, James F. Scott, Miss Jane C. Shaw, Hiram. Shaw, Mrs. Ann. Shaw, Joshua P. Shaw, Mrs. Emms. Shaw, Miss Ann E. Shaw, Miss Julia. Talbott, Mrs. Joanna. Vigus, Airs. Susan. Williams, Benjamin AI. Kansel, Miss Nettie. Krusor, James. Krusor, Mrs. Susan. Kelley, Mrs. Mary. Lonney. Miss Kate. Lanckhart, Mrs. Mary. Lanckhart, Mrs. M. J. Langdon, Miss Anna. Milward, Miss Bettie. McMurtry, David. McMurtry, Mary J. McMeekin, William. McMeekin, James. McMichael, Joshua. McMichael, Mrs. Emma. Morton, Mrs. Ellen. Perry, Miss Matilda. Perry, Mrs. Jerusha. Richards, Airs. Mary. Robinson, Mrs. Priscilla. Shaw, Hiram, Jr. Shaw, Miss Kate M. Shaw, Miss Emma R. Shields, Mrs. M. A. Smith, Mrs. Frances. Sanders, Mrs. Nancy. Sharp, Mrs. Matilda. Sharp, Aliss Sallie. Stoll, Mrs. Julia H. Smith, Mrs. Eliza A. Smedly, Mrs. Mary A. Shears, Mrs. Barbara. Thompson, Mrs. Bettie. A'igus, Aliss S. N. Williams, Airs. Elizabeth. CENTENARY METHODIST EPISCOPAL CHURCH- 127 Conference Year— 1866-67. Duke Slavens, Pastor. April 8, 1866. Cass, Mrs. Sophia. Gunn, Wynn. Gunn, Mrs. Matilda P.. Henderson, Mrs. Marv. May, 1866. Lake, M. H. Lake, Mrs. Jane. O'Neal, Mrs. M. A. Ramsey, Mrs. Sarah. Slavens, Mrs. May H. Johnson, Mrs. Caroline. Murray, Mrs. Rachel. Sept., 1866. Savage, Miss B. Jelly, Mrs. Hester Ann. Riner, Mrs. Jane. Longwell, Miss A. J. Neal, Mrs. Ann. Parker, Mrs. Mary. Jan., 1867. Tarrant, Mrs. Ann C. Adams, Mrs. Carrie B. Feb., 1867. Billingsley, Geo. E. Conference Year — 1867-68. John R. Eads, Pastor. April, 1867. Harris, Miss Mattie. Fitch, Mrs. Paulina. May, 1867. Zimmerman, Jno. F. Zimmerman, Mrs. M. E. Aug., 1867. Bourne, John W. Bourne, Mrs. Sarah O. Webster, Miss Sallie B, Sept., 1867. Davidson, Dr. A. M. Oct., 1867. Duncan, Rev. Charles. Duncan, Miss Lucy. Duncan, Mrs. Lucy J. Nov., 1867. Shaw, Miss Margaret. Shaw, Mrs Harriet M. Hamilton, Mrs. Agnes S. Adams, Hugh W. Dec, 1867. Johnston, Mrs. Margaret E. Tan., 1868. Gunn, Mrs. Clara M. Feb., 1868. Wherrv, Mrs. Marv J. Gilbert, Mrs. Isabella. Crilley, Mrs. Mar>' B. 128 THE CHURCH RECORD. Conference Years — 18( D. Stevenson, Pastor. -71- Mch., 1868. April, 1868. May, 1868. June, 1868. July, 1868. August, 1868. October, 1868. Dec, 1868. January, 1869. Feb., 1869. Stevenson, Mrs. E. G. M. Stevenson, Miss Sarah A. Stevenson, D. C. Stevenson, R. T. Sullivan, Geo. E. Rucker, Hannah D. Graham, G. H. Diamond, Mrs. Lavinia. Samuels, Rich. H. Zimmerman, Eliza P. Lyons, W. L. Lyons, Mrs. Molly A. Lyons, Mrs. ElizalDeth. Sullivan, T. H. Sullivan, Mrs. E. Sullivan, Miss Maggie. Shindlebower, Abner. Shindlebower, Mrs. Nancy. Lawrence, Mrs. Nancy. Lyons, Miss Anna. Sherwood, Miss Margaret. King, Mrs. Martha. Lowry, Mrs. Miranda H. Sullivan, Miss Carrie. Davison, Mrs. Nannie. Hutchison, Mrs. Alice. Holding, Miss Delia. Stevenson, Miss May J. Stevenson, Miss Sarah E. Martin, Miss Belle K. Powell, John H. Lowman, Mrs. Mary. Brichey, Airs. Mary Ellen. Pilcher, T. J. Clark, Miss Jennie. Clark, Miss Belle. Clark, Thomas B. Duncan, Wm. E. Crilley, Miss Lizzie. True, Miss Catherine. Short, Miss Margaret. Combs, Miss Anna. Curtis, Newman. CENTENARY METHODIST EPISCOPAI, CHURCH. 129' April, 1869. May, 1869. June, 1869. July, 1869. August, 1869. October, 1869. Nov., 1869. Dec, 1869. August, 1870. Sept., 1870. October, 1870. Nov., 1870. Dec, 1870. Feb., 1871. May, 1 87 1. Terley, Miss Dona. Scott, Miss Addie. Conquest, Miss May. Davis, Miss Mary E. Mihvard, Luke U. Brown, Mrs. Naomie. Harkins, T. G. Harkins, Mrs. Mary E. Kirkland, Mrs. Susan. Milward, Wm. R. Gentry, Frederick. Chapman, Robert. Cozine, Mrs. Eliza. Farnau, Mrs. Cornelia. Adams, Mrs. Susie A. Farnau, William. Crouch, Wesley. Crouch, Mrs. Henrietta. Shoemaker, Mrs. Sarah. McMichael, J. W. McMichael, Mrs. Bettie. McMichael, James. McMichael, Mrs. Nancy. Hoch, E. W. Bratney, Wm. A. Milward, Miss Eliza. Travis, Miss Sallie. Combs, Aliss Cora. True, Miss Alary Jane. Carter, Miss Alargaret T. Nixon, Robert. Perrin, Mrs. Lucy Alice. Wilder, Miss Martha. Hulett, Miss LaBelle. Hulett, Miss Emma. McMichael, Ripy B. Lewis, Mrs. Mary. Lewis, Miss Sallie E. Lewis, Miss Ella. Scott, Miss Alollie E. Conference Years — 1871-74. George E. Strobridge, Pastor. Mefford, W. D. Mefiford, Mrs. Sarah E. Tingle, Miss Mary Ann. 130 THE CHURCH RECORD. June, 1871. July, 1 87 1. Sept., 1871. October, 1871. Nov., 1 87 1. January, 1872. February, 1872. March, 1872. April, 1872. June, 1872. July, 1872. August, 1872. Sept., 1872. Dec, 1872. February, 1873. April, 1873. May, 1873. July, 1873. August, 1873. Strobridge, IMrs. Kate K. Burleyson, John. Downs, Mary E. Armstrong, Robert. Shryock, S. K. Shears, Barbara. Stone, C. C. Stokes, Amos F. Brand, Mary E. Travis, Oliver. Rose, Samuel. Bell, Clarence. Adams, Kate W. Smith, S. M. Smith, MoUie. Scott, James F. Shryock, Mary. Gilbert, George W. Gilbert, Alice. Hulett, Nicie. Johnson, Ida. Kemp, Lewis V. Milward, Harry L. Milward, H. Kavanaugh. Scott, Walter. Scott, Mrs. Mary. Scott, James F. Shomate, Miss Joanna. Shryock, Miss Mary. Smi'ther, Miss R. G. Woolums, Mrs. E. J. Brown, Miss Lizzie. Johnson, Mrs. Tillie. Dozier, Mrs. Mary W. Spring, Mrs. Ann. Shomate, Thom. Fry, Frances E. Farra, Lizzie S. Bright, Mrs. Alice. Dozier, George W. Mullen, Miss Fanny S. McArdle. John. Wilson, Henrv H. Pilcher, Mrs. Thos. J. Wilson, Annie. Woolums, E. C. Lieb. Mrs. Kate. CENTENARY METHODIST EPISCOPAL CHURCH. 131 October, 1873. Dec, 1873. January, 1874. February, 1874. March, 1874. April, 1874. May, 1874. June, 1874. July, 1874. August, 1874. Owings, Eliza Belle. Owings, Nannie S. Powell, Mrs. John H. Elliott, Richard. Elliott, Elizabeth. Rosebaum, Edward. Robinson, Percilla B. Rawls, A. O. Smith, Miss Maggie. Rawls, Mrs. Libbie. West, Hiram. West, Mattie B. Gatch, G. L. Kenningham. J. L. Lowery, Bell. Lowery, Amanda. Evens, Jacob. Drake, Sarah L. Drake, Martha. Jaubrot, Mrs. Emma. Tingle, John P. Adams, Mrs. Susan. Leslie, R. E. Grin stead, W. S. Leslie, Miss Mary E. Leslie, James C. Grinstead, Miss Josephine. Stringfield, Mrs. Helen. Stringfield, Miss Noma. Andrews, Miss Charlotte. Bell, John Clavton. Bell, Thos. C. ' Gunn, Miss Fanny. Gunn, Miss Jennie B. Hulett, Miss Kate. Knoble, Miss Annie. Milward, Joe H. K. McCoffrev, Miss Nannie. Owings, Willie. Leslie, F. M. Cooper, Eliza. Wilson. Luther. Hulet, Kate. Harrison. Emma. Cooper, Valentine. Sullivan, Willie. Schryock, John. Small, Miss Maggie. 132 THE CHURCH RECORD. Sept., 1874. February, 1875. April, 1875. May, 1875. June, 1875. July, 1875. Nov., 1875. Dec, 1875. February, 1876. Shryock, Richard. Shryock, Rosa Bell. Wilson, Luther. West, Freddie B. Pigg, Charles. Cooper, Valentine. Brickey, Miss Emma. Crosthwait, Miss Mollie. Davis, Billie. Gunn, Miss Mary D. Brown, C. M. Brandt, Miss Emelia. Gilbert, Miss Sarah J. Hanks, Geo. H. Zimmerman, John F. Zimmerman, Mather E. McArdle, John. McArdle, Emma. Clark, Miss Bell. Pearson, Miss Jenny C. Spring, Miss Ann. Stillfield, Miss Kate. Simcox, Miss Katherine K. Adams, Miss Katharine. Gilbert, John W. Adams, Wm. Gilbert, Miss Isabella. Gilbert, Miss Tillie. Howe, Eldridge R. Woolums, E. J. Howe, Camelia B. Canond, Miss Nanie. Davis, Miss Love Jane. May bourn, Wm. Totten, John. Monks, Miss Nannie. Noyes, Miss Ocala. Neale, Miss Zerilda H. Owings, Miss Mollie L. Hunt, Miss Alice R. Scott, J. Percy. Shaw, Theodore M. Gunn, Miss Jennie B. Shindlebower, Mrs. Shindlebower, Mrs. May A. Hodnott, Miss Ida C. McComas, Geo. Hukill, Geo. C. CENTENARY METHODIST EPISCOPAL CHURCH. 133 May, 1876. June, 1876. July, 1876. August, 1876. Sept., 1876. Dec, 1876. Januar}% 1877. February, 1877. March, 1877. April, 1877. May, 1877. June, 1877. Sept., 1877. October, 1877. Hukill, Miss Lucy. Cecil, Warren. Cecil, Sarah. Mills, Miss Minerva. Cecil, Miss Lavina. Gunn, Miss Fannie. Colclazier, Miss Nannie. Atkins, J. P. McDaniel, S. C. Adams, Ross C. Adams, John T. Dixon, Henry. Kinson, Miss Inson. Dixon, Ella. Breed, D. G. Breed, Etta H. Coons, Wm. Coons, Miss Mary. Hulett, Frank. Hulett, James. Hulett, Miss Mary. Hutchison, Miss Alice. Stone, Miss Amanda. Vance, Jas. W. Slade, Miss Katharine. Wilson, Elizabeth. Blount, Josephine. Searcy, Miss Pemelia. Tucker, Clarissa. Tucker, Amanda. Ellis, Miss Susan. Sayre, C. C. Sayre, Elizabeth. Duncan, Miss Elizabeth, Tilfer, John. Gilbert, Miss Amanda. Weyland. Annie B. White, Enly S. Brandt, Geo. Brandt, Miss Sarah. Brandt, M. Trout. Campbell, John B. Eichilberger, Miss Mary. Renter, John. Renter, Miss Annie. Slade, Susan. W"asson, Mrs. Nancy. 134 THE CHURCH RECORD. Nov., 1877. Scott, Jessie S. Dec, 1877. Stevenson, Milton. Stevenson, Miss Laura. Stevenson, Nancy. January, 1878. Shryock, Mary S. Wright, Susan E. and "Coswell Sam." McDaniel, Miss Jennie. McDaniel, Mollie and "Parker Wilford" Feb., 1878. Simpson, James. DeWitt, Daniel. Foushee, Pierre. Hastings, R. H. Simpson, James. March, .iSy8. Hastings. Alice. Irvine, Fred. Mullen, J. Olley. Mullen, Charles. Mullen, Mrs. Mollie. Milward, Miss May. Milward, Stanley. Palmer, Harry. Foushee, Amanda. Clark, Joseph, Jr. Clark, Lewis H. Shaw, Ralph M. Patterson, Mrs. C. Parker, Mrs. Bettie. Wright, Elsie. Whalen, Mrs. Mary. Williams, Miss Ida. Yates, Geo. Yates, Richard. Tuttle, Chas. April, 1878. Bernett, David. Buffum, Mrs. Ott, George. Ott, Susan. ^ Sooy, Mary. October, 1878. Wilson, H. H. Wilson, Mrs. Annie. Nov., 1878. Wilson, Mrs. Hannah M. Wilson, Amanda A. McCann, Mrs. Margaret. McCoy, John H. January, 1879. Davenport, W. V. Davenport, Mary E. Frost, Mary J. CENTENARY METHODIST EPISCOPAI, CHURCH. 135 Feb., 1879. May, 1879. July, 1879. Sept., 1879. October, 1879. Nov., 1879. Feb., 1880. March, 1880. April, 1880. June, 1880. Sept., 1880. October, 1880. Shryock, James. Davenport, Miss DoUie. Rees, Mrs. M. A. Rule, Mrs. Sarah. Teater, Mrs. A. L. Foreman, W. M. Foreman, Mrs. Cornelia. Hall, Mrs. SalHe. Snyder, Ruth S. Flake, John. Flake, Sarah. Flake, Jenny. Lowry, J. T. Glass, Mrs. May A. Shryock, Mary D. Montague, Mrs. Kate. Montague, Miss Annie. Bonna, Miss Kitty. Stuckenburg, W. S. Stuckenburg, Belle. Krauss, Bettie A. Knap, Lewis. Bonna, Lewis. Hevy, Mattie. Duncan, Lizzie. Adams, Ross C. Duncan, Charles. Duncan, Lucy J. Peel, John. Stephens, Miss Janet. Tillow, Mrs. Elizabeth. Wright, Miss Elsie. Wright, Miss Nellie. Wright, Tack B. Martin, Juliet. Stephens, David. Crystal, Mrs. Fanny. Bealert, Kate H. Blanton, Mrs. Bettie. Elmaine, C. Robertson, Thos. E. McCracken, Mrs. Nannie. Fisher, Lewis L. Gibbs, Mollie. Shryock, Theresa H. Callahan, Miss Mollie. Porter, Miss Frances. 136 THE CHURCH RECORD. March, 1881. April, 1 881. May, 1881. June, 1 881. August, 1881. Dec, 1881. January, 1882. March, 1882. May, 1882. August, 1882. Sept., 1882. Nov., 1882. February, 1883. March, 1883. June, 1883. Nov., 1883. Dec, 1883. April, 1884. May, 1884. June, 1884. Jutkins, May P. Williams, Jane A. Bensen, Mrs. Lillie. Hollenkamp, Lillie. Randolph, Loretta. Robbins, Mary A. Roskelly, James. Jordan, John W. Jordan, Mrs. Sarah F. Price, Mrs. Sarah E. Rawlings, C. O. Dodd, L. O. McComas, Harry. Groff, Oscar. Gunn, Miss Belle C. Gunn, Henry. Pierce, Miss Frances. Tarrant, Mrs. S. F. H. Tarrant, Fred. Lucus, W. J. Lucus, F. E. Lucus, Willie. Lucus, T. B. Ellsworth, Z. Childs, C. H. Childs, Mrs. Virginia. Crosthwait, Mrs. Perry. Crosthwait, Mr. Perry. Hamilton, Miss Sallie. Gatewood, Mrs. Sarah. Rees, Mrs. Nannie. Rees, Miss Emma. Rees, Hiram. Thompson, Ida. Milward, Miss May. Zinn, Nancy. Irvin, William. Irvin, Berkley. Shaw, Hiram, Jr. Milward. W. R.. Jr. Milward, Miss Jennie C. Jennings, Mrs. Elizabeth. Collins, G. T. Martin. Ellen W. Cruikshank, John. Pendell, George H. Baker, Sarah. Bake, Frances. , CENTENARY METHODIST EPISCOPAL CHURCH. 137 October, 1884. January, 1885. March, 1885. June, 1885. October, 1885. Nov, 1885. Dec, 1885. Ellsworth, Mrs. Z. Jones, Thos. Jones, Wm. Schneider, Mrs. W. Schneider, W. Roberts, J. E. Roberts, Mrs. Agnes. Eichelberger, Alice. Farra, Miss Emma. Anderson, John. Anderson, Will. Berrvman, Miss Marv. Buffi'n, Robt. Pearson, Alex. Pilcher, Charlotte. Pollard, Maris. Pollard, Mrs. Ellen J. Phipps, Park. Phipps, Nema. Shindlebovver, Miss Sallie. Carr, E. M. Carr, Mrs. Anna. Clark, Mrs. Nettie. Tofifman, Mrs. Francis. Lewis, Jas. H. Lewis, Miss Annie. Lewis, Arthur. Lomax, G. W. Long, Lizzie Farra. Whitehouse, Miss Emma. Winans, H. T. Winans, H. C. Shaw, Clar. Shawhan, A. Phipps, Mary. Walker, Mrs. L T. Walker, E. B. Walker, Minnie M. Walker, H. Ira. Harris, Mark L. Snyder, Stella. Shindelbower, L. B. Schwartz, Stella. Hamilton, Miss Grace. Hall, Mrs. Lou. Hall, WilHe. Hall, Miss Hattie. McArdle, Charles. 138 THE CHURCH RECORD. McArdle, Herbert. McCall, Mrs. Miller, Minnie M. Miith, Caroline. Moore, Dollie E. Mullis^an, James. Huffman, W. W. Hamilton, John. Gunn, Robt. Gunn, Frank. Clark, Joseph. Clark, Edward. May, 1886. Colter, J. H. Cropper, Thos. B. Cropper, W. E. Cropper, Mrs. Minnie. June, 1886. Highfield, A. C. Jones, Miss Hattie. McMackin, Wm. McMackin, Lon A. Gunn, John W. Stiltz, Jacob. Stiltz, Mary Ann. Slade, Catherine, July, 1886. Taylor, Emily M. and Vest, Annie. Phoorman, Mrs. and Vest, B. H. Sept., 1886. Wood. Ida. Woodruff, Mrs. H. S. Wood, W. E. Wood, Dora. Wood, Josie. Hart, Wm. A. Johnson, Arbelia. Coats, Mrs. Ida. Cook, L. B. Cook, Blanche. Easlv, Mrs. Pattie. Dec, 1886. House, Chas. W. Haynor, Gorman. Kirkpatrick, Minnie L. Glassbowm, Mrs. Marv A. April, 1887. Finch, C. R. Fauver, C. H. Sept., 1887. Ford, James C. Ford, Mrs. Ida. Armstrong, John. Armstrong, Mrs. Sallie. CENTENARY METHODIST EPISCOPAI. CHURCH. 139 Feb., li March, 1888. April, 1888. July, 1888. Nov., 1888. Dec, 1888. Januar}', 1889. March,' 1889. April, 1889. May, 1889. Smith, Malvina. Shorten, Francis. Shorten, Amy. Shorten, Sadie. King, Robert. Kirkpatrick, Mary. Klein, C. F. Klein, Kate. Johnson, Roxana. Jackson, Thesa D. Campbell, Emeline. Collins, R. Durbin. Cobo, J. J. Childs, Roy H. Hickman, George C. Hickman, Mrs. Nannie. Brandt, Sarah. Brandt, George. King, Mrs. R. H. Kirkpatrick, Sadie E. Long, Susan M. Rawlings, E. Rawlings, Lula. Hunt, Ida C. Hogan, Pearl. Birnes, Malinda. Birnes, Wm. Birnes, Thos. Bickley, Lizzie H. Moore, Hannah M. Price, Sarah. Price, Etta. Hartman, W. H. Hartman, Margaret. Hartman, Katie. Friend, Anna M. Clark, Otis. Campbell, George. Cochran, Emerson. Brooks, Mrs. McCune, Mrs. Yarrell, Edna. Hammond, Otis. Hammond, Mrs. Otis. Hastings, Mary. Hughes, Jenny. 140 THE CHURCH RECORD. July, 1889. August, 1889. Sept., 1889. Nov., 1889. January, 1890. March, 1890. April, 1890. May, 1890. June, 1890. July, 1890. August, 1890. Sept., 1890. Revare, Frank. Revare, Belle. Smith, Mary. Clark, Kate. Clark, Mary. Shaw, Henry. Pearson, Miss Jennie. Pearson, Miss Grace. Milward, Henry. Milward, Miss Susan. Milward. Miss Amelia. Boyd, Emma C. Jennings, Mary. Hennessy, Hannah. Vests, Cora L. LeFarre, Grace W. Tuckley, Mary S. Tuckley, James H. Shelton, Louise. King, Isaiah. Elmigor, Ella. Weed, Kate L. Cheadle, W. D. Cheadle, Mrs. Burns, Cora. Alconbrach, Ada. Frost, David C. Gunn, Thos. Gunn, Lucea. Gunn, John T. Gunn, Clara B. Jenkins, Francis. Tillow, Alice. Harrison, S. T. Harrison, Mattie. Harrison, W. G. Harrison, John C. Price, Mabel. Luxon, Lena. Luxon, Elizabeth. Milward, Mrs. Lena. Stilz, Evelyn. Thonpson, B. A. Thonpson, Bessie. Elmiger, Ella. Hart, Lena. Hart, Alice. McArdle, Ruth. CENTENARY METHODIST EPISCOPAI, CHURCH, 141 Nov., 1890. Dec, 1890. January, 1891. March, 1891. April, 1 89 1. May, 1 89 1. June, 1 89 1. July, 1 89 1. August, 1 89 1. Dec, 1891. April, 1892. Milward, Mrs. H. L. Hennessey, Huldah. Doty, Minnie C. Doty, Mollie F. Rawlings, M. E. Jennings, Ethel. Southworth, J. H. Griffin, Mrs. Susie. Snyder, George. Hibbett, G. P. Hickman, T. C. Jones, Phoebe. Nichols, Kate. Tillow, Elizabeth. Shryock, Richard. Jaubert, Elizabeth. Jones, Mrs. Alonzo. Jones, Rees. Martenstein, A. W. Martenstein, Mrs. Elliott, Bettie M. Milward, Elliott. Milward, A. W. Milward, Louise. Milward, John. Milward, Anne. Stephens, Rosa. Vest, Virginia. Pearson, Mayme Alex. Hastings, R. H. Harrison, S. T., Jr. Gore, Claudia. Gore, Mrs. Lizzie. Davis, Alice. Durham, Victoria. Durham, Alice. Clark, Ruth. Wasson, Laura. Tichley, Elze. Virden, Mermix. Shaw, Willie. Scott, James K. Scott, Wellington. Stellz, Fred. Stephens, Mary. Burnes, Mary. Armstrong, Myrtle B. Coe, James S. 142 THE CHURCH RECORD. June, 1892. August, 1892. October, 1892. Dec, 1892. January, 1893. April, 1893. May, 1893. August, 1893. Sept., 1893. October, 1893. Nov., 1893. Coe, Mrs. James S. Richard, Gomer. Ross, James M. Ross, Mattie. Veach, Mary Ann. Potts, Mrs. E. J. Thompson, Joseph. Long, Susan M. Kensel, Christian. Cooly, Richard. Dann, W. F. Denison, J. E. Denison, Mrs. J. E. Erie, Charles. Erie, Emma. Milward, H. L. Milward, Mrs. H. L. Higgins, C. P. Jones, Hattie. Cozine, Mable V. Jones, Abbie. Logan, Mrs. R. Los^an, Birdie. McArdle, Anna. Rawlings, Pearl. Thompson, Daniel. Thompson, A. Soper, Thos. W. Moch, Elizabeth. Eggelston, H. C. Yungling, C. W. Clark, S. T. Clark, T. B. Kelly, Tames W. Walsh," C. B. Walsh, Wm. Wood, Ada. Worten, Eva. McCall, Edna. Pollard. Ermie. Yuengling, Mrs. C. E. Knapp, Mattie B. Knapp, Mable A. Knapp, Wm. Knapp, Ethel M. Myrck, Emma. Myrck, Lilla L. Punphrey, J. S. CENTENARY METHODIST EPISCOPAL CHURCH. 143 January, 1894. February, 1894. March, 1894. June, 1894. July, 1894. Sept., 1894. Nov., 1894. June, 1895. April, 1895. June, 1895. August, 1895. Sept., 1895. Dec, 1895. Baldwin, Mrs. H. M. Baldwin, H. M. Bruce, W. W. Bonn. Mollie B. Russell, Cora. Scott, Charles. Scott, Margaret. Sleder, W. T. Sleder, Mrs. W. T. Johnson, John C. Jennings, J. J. Mayhan, Frank. Mayhan, Tersa. Mandelhall. Anna C. Harding, Mrs. L. Arnspiger, Mrs. Mattie. Jones, Otto. Himenbaugh, H. Alcombrach, Wm. Wheeler, Albert. Walsh, Robert. McArdle, Rose. Baldwin, Addie. Baldwin, Emma. Wood, Lida. Roberts, Jessie. Milward, Leslie. Russell, Leslie A. Ford, Harold. Ford, Earnest. Dunning, Nettie. Dunning. Mrs. McCall, W. D. McCall, Mary B. Miller, Mary. Noon, Annie. Powers, S. L. Powers, Mrs. S. L. Pollard. Otis. Payne, Mrs. J. B. Shryock. Joseph. Stilz, Alvin. Stilz, Clift'ord. Schmortz, John C. Wheeler. Francis. Wright, Clarissa. Caldwell. Katie. Cozine. Ethel. 144 THE CHURCH RECORD. January, 1896. March, 1896. April, 1896. June, 1896. July, 1896. August, 1896. Sept., 1896. Cropper, Frank. Barlow, J. E. Berry, Josiah. Lonan, Jessie. Graves, Caswell. George, Maggie. Reobans, Amanda. Vanderniark, P. R. Vandermark, Mrs. P. Barlow, James A. Staley, Wm. West, Hiram. Hoover, T. B. Hoover, Mrs. T. B. Wright, George. Wright, Ida. Wright, Eva. Harding, Lewis. Biterman, W. H. Rawlings, Polly. Three of the original members have remembered the church by bequests in their wills. Hiram Shaw, who died in 1873, left five hundred dollars, the interest on same to be used for keeping up the Sunday-school library. Mrs. Keturah ]Milward, a few years later, bequeathed one hundred and fifty dollars for the worn out preachers of the Kentucky Conference, and last year the venerable P. Sco'tt devised five thousand dollars for the benefit of the church, the interest only on this sum to be used for ten years, at the expiration of this time the entire sum is to be handed over to the treasurer. Present Officiary. Pastor — B. R. Wilburn. Trustees — Joe Clark, J. Percy Scott, Hiram Shaw. Class Leaders — J. U. Mil ward, John T. Gunn, S. L. Powers, W. R. Milward. Stewards — Alex. Pearson, David Bennett, David C. Frost, Luke U. Milward. Jacob Stilz, Stanley Milward, Thos. J. Pilcher, B. A. Thompson, Frank Gunn, Albert, F. Wheeler. District — Charles S. Milward. Recording — J. P. Shaw. HILL- STREET N. E. CHUl^CH, SOUTH. Historical Sketch. By Rev. H. P. Walker. The first Methodist itinerant missionaries sent to Kentucky were James Haw and Benjamin Ogden. This was in the year 1786. The appointment in the minutes of that year reads, "Kentucky," the first circuit formed in this vast territory. These two missionaries, however, had been preceded by several local preachers of more than ordinary ability, who had organized societies in different settlements. Francis Clark, local preacher, with John Durham, class leader, settled about six miles west of Danville, and formed a society, in the year 1783. About the same time, Nathaniel Harris and Phillip Tay- lor, of Virginia, and Gabriel and Daniel Woodfield, of Redsandstone, came and settled, the first two in Jessa- mine, the latter in Fayette. These men preached to the pioneer settlers and formed several small societies. When the Kentuck}- circuit was formed, 1786, and Haw and Ogden were sent to it, they found a few feeble Meth- odist societies already existing; just ninety members in all. One of these societies was at Masterson's Station, four or five miles from the town of Lexington, where a log church was built in 1787, presumably the first Meth- odist church structure in Kentucky. Although a permanent settlement was formed at Lexington as early as 1779, under Col. John Patterson and twenty-five associates, no Methodist society was formed here for nearly ten. years, in 1789, although the pioneer Alethodist preachers several times made a pass- ing call. Conditions seem to have been unfavorable. A few lay Methodists, very poor, but good, honest peo- ple, kept the holy fire alive in their hearts by holding re- ligious worship, such as prayer and class meetings in pri- 10 (14.>) 146 THE CHURCH RECORD. vate homes, but no regular, organized society was formed until about 1789. Very little mention is made of Lexington for a number of years. In 1790, the first Methodist Conference was held at Masterson's Station, Bishop Asbury presiding, but he did not stop or preach in Lexington. The first mention of Bishop Asbury stopping in Lexington is in his journal of 1805, and then he makes no mention of preaching. From these facts we infer that the society as vet was small, and it was HILL-STREET -METHODIST EPISCOPAL CHURCH, SOUTH. probably not prepared to entertain even a plain preacher like Asbury; besides, there was no suitable house pro- vided for preaching. We are informed, notwithstanding, that, in 1803, Lexington asked to be separated from the Lexington circuit and made a station; that the request was granted, and Rev. Thomas Wilkerson was ap- pointed in charge, yet the regular minutes do not agree to this view. Wilkerson was appointed to Lexington circuit in 1796. For 1803 the minutes read, Samuel Danthet. The society in Lexington had a hard struggle. Redford (Hist. Aleth.'in Ky.) says: "In 1819 the church was verv small and feeble, and worshiped in an ill- HILIv-STREET M, E. CHURCH, SOUTH. 147 shaped, dilapidated buildinfT^ far out in the east end, Hkely at the corner of Dewees and Short streets, where the col- ored Baptist church now stands. It was not till 1820 that this church received any special impulse toward a healthy growth. A revival sprung up, as a result of the great revival at Ebenezer, in Clark county, brought into Lexington by those who attended that wonderful meet- ing, mostly members of the church in Lexington, who caught the holy fire and spread it throughout the city. Up to that time, we are told, there was not a young per- son in the society. The revival continued through 1820 and 1 82 1, during wdiich time a great many persons, young and old, were converted and brought into the church. Many strong men contributed by their zealous and self-sacrificing spirit and efftcient labors to the early establisliment of Methodism in Lexington and through- out the region of Kentucky; such as Paythress, Haw, McHenry, Lee, Massie, O'Cull, Page, Allen, Brooks, Northcutt, Ray, Burke, Cook, Gibson, Baird, etc., but the chief among them all was the invincible Francis Pay- thress. Later, such men as Jonathan Stamper, William Gunn, George C. Light, VVm. Stribbling, H. H. Kavan- augh, George W. Brush, T. N. Ralston, Edward Steven- son, John H. Linn, Edward Sehon. L. D. Huston, Peter Akers, John Newland MafTett, H. B. Bascom, Benj. Crouch and more than a score of other names, justly dis- tinguished as among the greatest pulpit orators and di- vines of modern times. Lexington enjoyed the ministry of all these men from time to time, either as regular pastors or frequent visitors. The Hill Street M. E. Church (since 1845, M. E. Church, South), has had its troubles, perhaps, more than most other churches. In 1810 it was a station, and Dr. Caleb W. Cloud the pastor. In 181 1 it seems to have been again placed in the Lexington circuit with three preachers, viz., C. Holding, E. Truett and Caleb W. Cloud. Dr. Cloud was a man of pietv and ability, but ambitious and eccentric. These qualities brought him into antagonism with a large portion of the member- ship and resulted in his withdrawal, tog-ether with a num- ber of members, over whom he w-ielded great personal influence. This secession occurred in the year 1812, After preachino- for some time at his own house, he suc- ceeded in building St. John's Chapel, where he offici- ated gratuitouslv as pastor for quite a number of vears. He finally came back to the Methodist church, and died within her bosom May 14, 1850. 148 THE CHURCH RECORD. The feeble and unprosperous state of the church from 1811 to 1819, when the revival broke out, was doubtless largely due to the disturbances created by the event just mentioned. The revival of 1820 and 1821 enabled the church to abandon its former ill-favored quarters and erect a new, plain, but comfortable and commodious brick church, 50x60 feet, with a large gallery for overflow congrega- tions, and for the people of color in her communion. From this time, under the pastoral care of such men as Ed. Stevenson, Richard Tydings, William Holman, H. H. Kavanaugh, George C. Light, Spencer Cooper and Peter Cartwright, the church continued to prosper. The present church building was erected in 1841, and dedicated by Doctor, afterward Bishop, H. B. Bascom, one of the most wonderful of all the great galaxy of American pulpit orators. The division of the church in the United States of America in 1845, provided for by the General Confer- ence of the whole church in 1844, afifected, to some ex- tent, the growth and prosperity of Hill Street Church for a number of years, as, indeed, it did for the entire body of the church in the state. Hill Street Church very promptly connected her fortunes with the Southern wing of this great body of Christians, and so has remained to this day. A second secession occurred in 1856. A difificulty sprung up about the powers of the officers in the removal of the pastor, Rev. Samuel Adams. It was followed by the withdrawal of Mr. Adams and some fifty-seven mem- bers from the communion of the M. E. Church, South, and the organization of an Independent INIethodist Church, w^ith Mr. Adams as pastor. The congregation bought the old Medical Hall lot, and built on it a very neat, plain, brick church. Under the leadership of Revs. Samuel Adams and Nicholas Headington it continued to grow, until they returned, a few years after, to the communion of the church they had left, with over two hundred members. They conveyed the property by deed to trustees for the use and benefit of the M. E. Church, South, which continued to use it as a second church, most of the time, until 1866, when it was sold for a city library, and the remnant of members transferred to Hill Street Church. During the great Civil War, from i860 to 1865, this church had a great struggle for existence. Two sorts of people were within her pale, the Northern and Southern, HILL-STREET M. E. CHURCH, SOUTH. 149 and their opposite sympathies and prejudices kept the church in a state of turmoil and confusion. The Union- ists, however, held sway over the church in such way as to cause many Southern sympathizers to go into the fel- lowship of other churches. Quite a number, from time to time, made their way into the Presbyterian and Epis- copal churches, in order to avoid discord and enjoy a season of peace. A church convulsed by the violent prej- udices and passions, springing up on both sides during a REV. H. P. WALKER. desperate civil strife like ours, could not possibly experi- ence much numerical increase. Up to this period, and for years before, Hill Street Church continued to be served by men of marked ability, such as Wm. C. Dandy, John C. Harrison, John G. Bruce as P. E., R. Hiner, E. P. Buckner, etc. After the close of the Civil War, at the session of Con- ference held in Covington, September, 1865, eighteen members of the Kentuckv Annual Conference of the 150 THE CHURCH RECORD- M. E. Church, South, located and soon after went into the communion of the M. E. Church. The occasion of this course on their part was the decisive action of the Conference, by a large majority, defeating their well concerted plan for committing "the Kentucky Confer- ence, as well as the General Conference, to seek a union with the M. E. Church. This plan was outlined in the majority report of the committee on the state of the church. The minority report prepared by Rev. H. P. Walker, proposed to relegate the whole question of or- ganic union to the action of the two great co-ordinate bodies of Methodism, etc. This report, after a full and free discussion in open conference, was adopted by a large majority, whereupon the "loyal eighteen," as they have been styled, proceeded, the day following, to lo- cate, but not until after the four delegates to the General Conference, which had been called to meet in New Or- leans the following May, had been chosen of men who stood firmly on the minority report. Following the lead of these brethren, in the latter part of December, 1865, about one hundred members withdrew from Hill Street M. E. Church, South, and soon after, March, 1866, joined the M. E. Church in the city of Covington, during the session of Conference. At this Conference the eighteen were received as members, and Rev. Duke Slavens. a gifted young preacher of their number, was appointed to serve the newly organ- ized church in Lexington. This was the third seces- sion from the ranks of Hill Street Church. At this time Rev. H. P. Walker was in charge of Hill Street Church. He proceeded to consolidate the remaining member- ship, comparatively few in number, and mostly of small means, and succeeded, by the close of the year, in pay- ing off a large debt upon the church for repairs, and leav- ing a balance in the treasur}-. During the year he held a protracted meeting, at which a large number were con- verted and added to the church, and once more the tide of prosperity set in. At the close of this Conference year he was placed on the Lexington district, and was followed in the station by Rev. B. M. Messick. The church continued to prosper under the labors of R. K. Hargrove (about nine months), S. X. Hall, H. A. M. Henderson, J. Rand, C. W. Miller, H. P. Walker again, Rev. W. F. Noland (under whom the old building was remodeled into its present beautiful inside finish), John R. Deering and E. L. Southgate. All these brethren have done good work. During the pastorate of E. L. HILL-STREET M. E. CHURCH, SOUTH. 151 Southgate there was quite an extensive revival, and it was during his pastorate that a fresh impetus was given to the pet scheme of Dr. Walker, for many years, to have a second charge in Lexington. After much effort the design ripened into Epworth Church, but not until Dr. Walker had taken the responsibility for three years of having a Mission preacher appointed for Lexington, and the work kept, for two years, under the jurisdiction of the Quarterly Conference of Hill Street. Ep- worth now gives fine promise of solid growth. Rev. E. L. Southgate was followed in Hill Street by Dr. W. T, Boiling, and he by Dr. C. H. Evans, transferred in the midst of the present Conference year to supply the place of Dr. Boiling, who was transferred to Colum- bus, Miss. The church is furnished with handsome pews, a beau- tiful carpet and a fine pipe organ. The congregation has provided, for the comfort of its pastors, a substan- tial and commodious brick parsonage on Upper street, and furnished it throughout with everything requisite for housekeeping. Hill Street paid her pastor, in 1885, $1,800, and I suppose the same for 1886. I have not the minutes before me. She paid about $400 to the benevolent collections, and $1,874.50 to other purposes. She reported a membership of 494. The value of the church building is reported at $20,000, and its parson- age at $5,000. Thus it will be seen that after all her troubles she is yet moving on lines of fair prosperity. Hill Street has been kept up to a great extent by sev- eral very marked revivals, viz.: 1820, under Dr. Ed. Stevenson; 1830. under Bishop Kavanaugh; somewhere in the forties, by Dr. Maffett, a great worker; two under the labors of Dr. Walker — one in 1866, the other in 1878 or 1879 — i" which more than two hundred pro- fessed conversion, and about one hundred and sixty united with the church. The meeting continued for eight weeks, and imparted wonderful vitality to the church. Another, as already mentioned, under the pas- torate of E. L. Southgate. There were also others, not so large, yet of great value, but we have not the data before us. May the bow of this historic church con- tinue to abide in strength, and streams of salvation pro- ceed from her altar to bless and save the fallen race of Adam. 152 THE CHURCH RECORD. Biographical Sketch of Pastor. Rev. Chas. F. Evans, D. D., is a native of Louisiana, and was transferred to the Kentucky Conference, and stationed at Lexington, Ky., in December, 1896. He was converted in 1853, and joined the Fehcity Street REV. CHAS F. EVANS, D. D. Church in New Orleans, where subsequently he was licensed to preach. He entered the itinerancy in Decem- ber, 1864, and was stationed that year at Canton, Miss., and from that city, in the following year, was sent to New Orleans, La. There he served two pastorates, and his full term on the New Orleans district. He was also in Pine RlufT, Little Rock, Hot Springs, Ark., and Memphis and Chattanooga, Tenn. HILL-STREET M. E. CHURCH, SOUTH. 158 Officers of the Church, Pastor — Rev. Chas. F. Evans, D. D. Board of Stewards — H. W. Bain, president; S. S. Ros- zell, secretary; T. O. Lewis, treasurer; W. A. Cannon, Jas. E. Cooper, Alelvin L. Harris, Mark Harris, A. Ken- nedy, T- D. Walker, M. T. Lyle, C. T- Myers, W. T. Mor- ris, H." A. White, J. L. Watkins, O.'E. Hanna. Board of Trustees — H. W. Bain, AI. J. Durham, S. E. McDaniel, J. W. Estill, W. A. Cannon, C. J. Myers, Dr. E. B. Johns, H. A. White. Societies of the Church. Epworth League Officers — W. T. Morris, president; Miss May Elkin, ist vice-president; Miss Mattie Hutch- inson, 2(1 vice-president; Miss Rosa March, 3rd vice- president; Miss Ruth Rush, secretary; O. E. Hanna, treasurer. Devotional meeting Sundays 6:30 p. m.; business meeting, first Tuesday in each month. Junior League — Miss Ruth Rush, manager; Miss Katy IDuncan, president; Miss Eloise Wooldridge, secre- tary; Porter Thomas, treasurer; Alax. Cassell, ist vice- president; Annie B. Cassell, 2d vice-president. Ladies' Aid Society Officers — jNIrs. T. D. Kelly, pres- ident; Mrs. Salhe McClure, treasurer; Mrs. M. T. Lyle, secretar}'. Sunday-school — Convenes at 9 :30 a. m. sharp. H. W. Bain, superintendent; H. A. White, assistant superintend- ent; M. L. Harris, secretary; J. L. Watkins, treasurer; E. O. Kidd, organist; T. D. Kelly, Jr., librarian; Miss Jen- nie Wilmot, assistant librarian. Woman's Foreign Missionan,^ Society — Mrs. G. W. Bain, president; Mrs. T. D. Kelly, ist vice-president; Mrs. W. C. Peyton, 2d vice-president; Mrs. Lucien Smith, 3rd vice-president; Mrs. Melvin Harris, corresponding secre- tary; Miss Minnie Rozzell, recording secretary; Mrs. Mary Hutchinson, treasurer; Miss Carrie Morris, agent for "Advocate of Missions.'' 154 THE CHURCH RECOKD. List of Members. Those members whose addresses are not given with their names, either reside beyond the bounds of our con- gregation or their present places of residence could not be certainly ascertained in time for this publication. Anderson, Aliss Mary, South Upper street. Anderson. Mrs. Annie, Winnie street. Allen, Mrs. Hattie, Tate's Creek pike, Kirklevinton. Allen, Wm. H., Tate's Creek pike, Kirklevinton. Allen, Dodd, 6 E. Main. Ashbrook, Miss Myrtle, 40 Constitution street. Aubrey, Lizzie, Louisville R. R., near Versailles pike. Bain, Mrs. Jane E., 41 High and L^pper streets. Bain, H. W., Merino street. Bain, Geo. W., Park Place. Bain, Mrs. Annie, Park Place. Bain, Miss Annie, Park Place. Bain, Geo. A., 174 Third street. Bain, Mrs. Geo. A., 174 Third street. Bain, Wm. W., 20 Woodward avenue. Bain, Warren, with Vanderson on Main street. Bain, Jno., loi Merino street. Baxter, German T., South Broadway. Bell, Wm. S., West Main street, opposite Cemetery. Bell, Mrs. Ada, West Main street, opposite Cemetery. Baker, Mrs. Beulah, no Merino street. Bealert, B. B., South Spring street, 2d door from Pine. Bealert, Bert E., South Spring street, 2d door from Pine. Bell, Mrs. Mattie L, 44 Headley avenue. Bedford, Ed. H., Woodland avenue. Blakeley, Mrs. Jno., 39 High street. Bowman, Miss Anna, Versailles pike. Bowman. Miss Sallie, Versailles pike. Bowman, Miss Lou, Versailles pike. Bowman, Mrs. E. R., Versailles pike. Bonnell, Miss Nannie, Foreman avenue. Br\'ant, Mrs. Martha, North Broadway. Bryant, Miss Lizzie, North Broadway. Bryant. Miss Mattie, North Broadway. Browning, O. K., Short, corner Mill street. Bricken, A. W., Maxwell, corner Spring street. HILL-STREET M. E. CHTRCH, SOUTH. 165 Bricken, Augusta, Maxwell, corner Spring street. Bricken, Bird, Maxwell, corner Spring street. Bricken, Carrie, Maxwell, corner Spring street. Brainlitt, Mrs. Florence. Bradley, Beulah. loi Kentucky avenue. Cannon, Wm. A., South Upper street. Campbell, T. L., student at State College. Carpenter, Mrs. Martha. High and Upper streets. Cassell, Abram, Park Place. Cassell, Mrs. Mar}-, Park Place. Catherwood, Mrs. Mary W., 56 Woodland avenue. Cecil, Isaiah, five miles S. Clay's Mill pike. Cecil, Mrs. Jennie, five miles S. Clay's Mill pike. Cecil, Warren, one mile S. W. A'ersailles pike. Cecil, Mrs. Agnes, two miles \"ersailles pike. Cecil, Mrs. Emma, Nicholasville pike. Cecil, Thomas, Nicholasville pike. Cecil, Minnie L., Nicholasville pike. Cecil, Willie, Iron Foundry, Dewees street. Cecil, Eldridge, Harrisonburg pike. Cecil, Mrs. Mary, Harrisonburg pike. demons, Mrs. Hattie L. Chambers, Alexander, Jeffersonville, Ind. Chambers, Mrs. ^vlartha, Jeffersonville, Ind. Cockwell, Wm. R., Forrest avenue. Cockwell, Mrs. W. R., Forrest avenue. Collins, Miss Charn, 46 Lexington avenue. Conn, Mrs. ^Nlary, 346 South Broadway. Cook, Mrs. Margaret. Coons, Miss Belle, Drake street, near West High street. Cooper, James E., Main street, corner Broadway. Cooper, Jesse, 186 South Upper street. Cox, Mrs. Margaret, 67 West Third street. Cox, Mrs. Lena G., 67 West Third street. Crutchfield, Susan, South Broadway. Dale, W. P., Walnut street. Dale, Mrs. Annie M., Walnut street. Darnaby, Lee, 112 South Limestone street. Darnaby, Mrs. Lucy R., 112 South Limestone street. Davis, Miss Annie E., 153 East High street. Davis, Susan, 418 East High street. Davis, Jno. F., office 47 North Broadway. Davis, Mrs. Lena, 47 Marsdand avenue. Denton, Wm. H., 230 North Limestone street. 156 THE CHURCH RECORD. Denton, Mrs. Callie, 230 North Limestone street. Deering, Airs. F., Alaxwell street. Dearing-, Xeel, ^Maxwell street. Dearing, David, Alaxwell street. Diamond, Mrs. Lizzie, North Upper street, bet. 6th & 7th. Donaldson, Susie, 346 South Broadway. Donaldson, Mrs., 346 South Broadway. Downing, S. T., 76 Soifth Spring street. Drake, Mrs. Martha, 153 East High. Drake, Miss Ida, 153 East High. Drake, IVIiss Blanche, 153 East High street. Drake, Miss Nash, 153 East High street. Duncan, N. B., 22 East Maxwell street. Duncan, Mrs. N. B., 22 East Maxwell street. Eastin, Mrs. James B., Tate's Creek pike. Elkins, Annie Mai, 196 East Fifth street. Elkins, Lizzie H., 196 East Fifth street. Elkins, Mrs. G. W., 196 East Fifth street. Estill, J. W., one mile Versailles pike. Fain, A. J., 47 North Broadway (ofiiice). Fain, Mrs. A. J., 25 West Short (residence). Ferris, Mrs. S. W. Fields, Mrs. E. J., Constitution, near Limestone street. Fields, Miss Anna, Constitution, near Limestone street. Flenner, F. M., 228 South ]\Iill street. Flenner, Mrs. Ida C, 228 South ]\lill street. Flenner, Aliss Bessie, 228 South ]\lill street. Flenner, Miss Laura, 228 South Alill street. Flenner, Miss Kate, 228 South ]\Iill street. Ford, Mrs. Sallie E., 71 South L^pper street. Ford, Harvey, 71 South Upper street. Ford, Mollie, 71 South Upper street. Ford, Fannie, 71 South Upper street. Ford, Nannie, 71 South Upper street. Ford, Alice, 71 South Upper street. Ford, E. S., 71 South L'pper street. Foyle, Miss Annie L. Foster, E. T. i^ miles Versailles pike. Foster, Mrs. Bessie, 102 Merino street. Foster, T. G., 102 Alerino street. Foushee, Bessie M., 110 Merino street. Frayley, Alice, Market street, near Seventh. Freeman, Mrs. D. M. Frazier, Mrs. Nannie, 2>7 High street. HILL-STREET M. E. CHURCH, SOUTH. 157 Gallagher, Miss Annie, 41 1 South Limestone street. Gardner, Thos. R., Hoffman Mill pike. Garnell, Mrs. T. S., 176 South Limestone street. Gibbins, John, 167 South Broadway. Gibbins, Mrs. Mary E., 167 South Ijroadway. Gibbens, Miss Addie, South Broadway. Gilbert, John T., 106 Merino street. Gilbert, Mrs. J. T., 106 Merino street. Gilmore, Wm. D., 97 Broadway. Gilmore, Mrs., 97 Broadway. Gilmore, lone, 97 Broadway. Geers, Mrs. James, Curry avenue. Glenn, James P., 100 South Upper street. Glenn, Mrs. Martha, 100 South L'pper street. Gordon, W. R. i^ miles Versailles pike. Gray, Mrs. Lillian, at Mrs. H. H. White's, Park Place. Graham, Clarence. New York City. Graham, Ernest, Cincinnati, Ohio. Griffin, Mary B. Grimes, Mrs. Laura, 353 Rose street. Grosclose, Prof. F. A., 196 East High street. Gordon, Mrs. Tillie, Versailles pike. Hall, Mrs. Eliza. Hall, Reuben, j}, East Main street. Llall, Robt. C, South Broadway. Hall. Alexander, 239 East Fifth street. Hall, Mrs. Alexander, 239 East Fifth street. Hall, Mrs. Carrie, Patterson street, near Depot S. R. R. Hamilton, Mary, Third avenue, bet. Vertner and Race. Hamilton, James, Third avenue, bet. Vertner and Race. Hamilton, Grace, Third avenue, bet. Vertner and Race. Hamilton, John, Third avenue, bet. Vertner and Race. Hammond, James D. Hammond, Airs. Mary F. Hammond. Beverly A. Hannah, E. O., 83 Kentucky Park. Hannah, Mrs. Sallie O., 83 Kentucky Park. Hannah, Edna. 83 Kentucky Park. Harp, Sarah D. Harris, Mark, Merino street. Harris, Melville, L., Merino street. Harris, Robert T., Merino street. Haverly, J. H., Merino street. Haverly, Mrs. J. H., Curry avenue. Haverly, Carrick, Curry avenue. 158 THE CHURCH RECORD. Haverly, Hines, Curry avenue, Hawkins, Mrs. Virginia E., Hanson street, near Fourth. Hawkins, Mrs. Eliza, Hanson street, near Fourth. Herr, Charles, 444 East High. Herr, Mrs. Emma, ]\] East High. Hill, Morton S., Corner Mill and Pine streets. Holding, Mrs. Amanda, 199 East Main street. Houchins, Miss Nannie, 22 Maxwell street. Hudson, Mrs. Eliza, Leestown pike, at Toll Gate. Hudson, Ernest, Leestown pike, at Toll Gate. Hudson, John W., Leestown pike, at Toll Gate. Hughes, Henry, 49 Rand avenue. Hughes, Mrs. Mary J., 49 Rand avenue. Hutchinson, Mrs. Alary, 159 South Broadway. Hutchinson, John, 159 South Broadway. Hutchinson, Miss Mattie, 159 South Broadway. Hutchinson, Miss Mary H., 159 South Broadway. Hunt, Mrs. Mary R., South Upper street, corner Pine. Hunt, Miss Julia, South Upper street, comer Pine. Hyatt, Wm. M. Jacobs, Claude, at Lorenharts' Clothing Store. Jacobs, Fred, East Hickman, Tate's Creek pike. Jacobs, Chas. A., East Hickman, Tate's Creek pike. Jacobs, Henry, East Hickman, Tate's Creek pike. Jacobs, Mrs. Mary AL, East Hickman, Tates' Creek pike. Jacobs, Miss Lillie, East Hickman, Tate's Creek pike. Jacobs, Miss Arth, East Hickman, Tate's Creek pike. Jacobs, Miss Agnes L., East Hickman, Tate's Creek pike. Jacoby, Mrs. Agnes, East Hickman, Tate's Creek pike. Jacoby, Miss Annie, East Hickman, Tate's Creek pike. Jarral, Frank, 149 South Spring street. Jones, Miss Lutie, nine miles Newtown pike. Jones, Mrs. Jennie E., nine miles Newtown pike. Jones, Miss Ella G., y^ Ohio street. Jones, T. W., y^, Ohio street. Jones, James B., South Broadway. Jones, Mrs. Belle O., 73 Ohio street. Jones, Mrs. Sallie, 39 East High street. Jones, Theodore, Jr., 39 East High street. Johns, Dr. E. B., South Tapper street. Johns, Mrs. E. B., South Upper street. Juett, Byron, 100 South LTpper street. Juett, Mrs. Ada, 100 South LTpper street. Kane, Edward, Georgetown pike. Kane, Mrs. Bessie, Georgetown pike. HILVSTREET M. E. CHURCH, SOUTH. 159 Kane, Hattie, Georgetown pike. Kayse, Miss Sallie, Cox street, near Main. Kayse, Miss Annie, Cox street, near Main. Kelly, Dr. T. D., loo South Broadway. Kelly, Mrs. Ella, loo South Broadway. Kelly, T. D., Jr., loo South Broadway. Kelley, Ezekiel, Parkersville pike. Kelley, Louise, Parkersville pike. Kelley, Mrs. Margaret, Jr., Parkersville pike. Kellogg, Miss Carrie, 185 South Limestone street. Kellogg, Miss Gertrude, 185 South Limestone street. Keith, Mrs. J. H., West High street, west of Spring. Kemp, L. V. A., 285 East Main street. Kemp, Mrs. L. V. A., 285 East Main street. Keith, J. H., West High street, west of Spring. Kennedy, A., Park Place. Kennedy, Robt., Park Place. Kennedy, Richard, Park Place. Kennedy, Mrs. C. M., Park Place. Kennedy, Miss Gussie, Park Place. Kennedy, Miss Margaret, Park Place. Kidd, E. O., Rand avenue. Kidd, Mrs. Willie, Rand avenue. Kidd, Mrs. Nellie, Rand avenue. Kinnear, Miss Margaret, 141 South Broadway. Kinnear, Aliss Helen, 141 South Broadway. Kinnear, Miss Annie, 141 South Broadway. Land, Aliss Alary, Park avenue. Land, Miss Alice, Park avenue. Laner, Mrs. Elsie, High and Limestone streets. Lancaster, JMrs. Mary, Cincinnati, Ohio. Larkin, Miss M., South Upper street. Lee, Robt., 543 South Limestone street. Lemon. Mrs. Rebecca, North Upper street bet. 4th & 5th, Lewis, Theodore, 9 Fayette Park. Lewis, ]\Irs. Kate, 9 Fayette Park. Lewis, S. Higgins, 9 Fayette Park. Lewis, Miss Annie, 9 Fayette Park. Lewis, Mrs. Jennie W., 309 East High street. Lewis, J. W., 309 East High street. Lillie, Mrs. Margaret, 67 North Broadway. Lockett, Mrs. Mary, South Upper street. Lowe, Jno. ]\I., 205 South Mill street. Lowe, Airs. Amelia, 205 South Mill street. Loney, Mrs. ]\Targarey, 152 South Spring street. Lyle, Marion T., High street. 160 THE CHURCH RECORD. Lyle, Mrs. Mamie, High street. Lyle, Mrs. Margaret A., Frankfort pike. Lyle, Irvine, Frankfort pike. Lyle, Earent, Frankfort pike. Lyle, Cornelius, Frankfort pike. Marshall, Man,-, West High street, cor. Patterson. March, James H., 64 High street. March, Mrs. Matilda, 64 High street. March, Ernest L., 64 High street. March, Miss Rosa, 64 High street. Maples, Miss Tillie, North Upper street, bet. 6th & 7th. McClure, Mrs. Annie, South Limestone street. McClure, M. A., Richmond pike. McClure, Mrs. Sallie, Richmond pike. McClure, Miss Louise, Richmond pike. McClure, Turner, Richmond pike. McClure, Bert, Richmond pike. McAdams, H. K., South Broadway Park. McConnell, John R., 54 Maryland avenue. McConnell, Islrs. Lucy A., 54 Maryland avenue. McConnell, Mrs. Frances, 54 Mar}dand avenue. McConnell, Miss Lizzie, 54 Maryland avenue. McDaniel, Sam'l E., Georgetown pike. McDaniel, Mrs. Jennie, Georgetown pike. Metcalf, G. W., Short street, cor. North Upper. Meyers, Mrs. Dorcas, South Upper street. Miller, Mrs. Virginia, 540 South Limestone street. Miller, Miss Annie, Nicholasville pike. Miller, Miss Minnie, Nicholasville pike. Miller, Marcum, Nicholasville pike. Miller, Clifton, Nicholasville pike. Miller, McTyeire, Nicholasville pike. Miller, Mrs. Fannie, 58 West Sixth street. Milburn, Mrs., 183 JefTerson street. Minor, Joseph S., East Hickman pike. Minor, Arthur, East Hickman pike. Minor, G. M. D., East Hickman pike. Minor, James P., East Hickman pike. Mitchell, ]\Irs. Bonnie, 56 Woodland avenue. Morace, Miss Georgia, Hansom street, near 4th. Morgan, R. L., 26 Clay street. Morris, W. T., 108 Maxwell street. Morris, Mrs. Lou W., 108 Maxwell street. Morris, Mrs. Elizabeth, 40 Constitution street. Morris, Mrs. Belle, 40 Constitution street. Morris, Miss Carrie, 40 Constitution street. HILIy-STREET M. E. CHURCH, SOUTH. 161 Morris, Miss Ella, 40 Constitution street. Morris, Miss Etta, 40 Constitution street. Myers, Chas. J., South Upper and Maxwell streets. Myers, Mrs. Nannie, South Upper and Maxwell streets. Newton, Miss A. M.. 165 East Fifth street. Newton, Miss Mary, 165 East Fifth street. Newton, Miss Ella, 165 East Fifth street. Norman, Chas. L., 46 Short street. Noble, Mrs. Mary, Jessamine county. Nichols, Mrs. Jennie W., 105 West .Short street. Numaker, Mrs. Belle, 68 Constitution street. Odor, Mrs. E. R., South Limestone street. Oldham, Mrs. Mary. Overstreet, J. H., 223 South Limestone street. Overstreet, Mrs. Annie E., 223 South Limestone street. Owings, Gabriel, 434 East High street. Owings, Miss Hannah, 434 East High street. Parker, Miss Nannie, Merino street, 2d house n. of Pine. Parker, Miss Kate G., Merino street, 2d house n. of Pine. Parrish, Mrs. Mary, Market street, near 7th. Patterson, Mrs. Rebecca, 228 South Mill street. Peyton, W. C, Versailles pike. Peyton, Mrs. Kate S., Versailles pike. Peyton, Miss Nellie, Versailles pike. Peyton, Miss Emma, 57 East High street. Pearce, Eugene L., 19 Park Place. Pilkington, John, Nicholasville pike. Pilkington, Mrs. Mollie, Nicholasville pike. Pilkington, Alvin S., Nicholasville pike. Portwood, Mrs. Potts, Mrs. A. J., Broadway, cor. Maxwell. Potts, Miss Lula, Broadway, cor. Maxwell. Powell. William, 21 West High street. Powell, Mrs. Emma, 21 West High street. Prather, J. H. Randle, Preston, Loud's Woolen Mill. Randall, Jno. B., Ky. avenue, bet. High and Central sts. Randall, Miss Tillie, 434 East Main street. Randall, Miss Jennie, South Limestone street. Reese, Mrs. Sallie, 155 East Maxwell street. Reese, Mrs. Flora, Elsmere Park. Riley, Mrs. Nancy, 57 High street. Rippendon, Mrs. M. A., 140 East Maxwell street. 11 162 THE CHURCH RECORD. Richmond, Thos. L., student State College. Ridgeway, Miss Dora, 21 West High street. Ricks, Mrs. Emma. Rogers, Mrs. Sallie, Engman avenue, near Limestone. Rogers, Miss Mamie, Engman avenue, near Limestone. Rogers, Pearl, Engman avenue, near Limestone. Rogers, Wilson, Engman avenue, near Limestone. Rogers, Deweese, Engman avenue, near Limestone. Roberts, Mrs. Mary L., 67 West Third street. Roberts, Miss Josie C, 42 East High street. Roszell, Samuel S., 159 Maxwell street. Roszell, Mrs. Kate, 159 Maxwell street. Roszell, Miss Minnie, 159 Maxwell street. Roszell, Calvert, 159 Maxwell street. Roszell, Miss Lou, 159 Maxwell street. Ross, Mrs. Violet. 13 Foreman avenue. Rodman, Mrs. Hattie. Row, B. W., High street, corner Drake. Rowland, N. H., 33 Rose street. Rowland, Rowena, 33 Rose street. Rowland, Sallie, ;^t, Rose street. Rowland, Mary E., 33 Rose street. Rowland, Maggie, 33 Rose street. Rush, Miss Ruth, 21 West High street. Rumsey, Mrs. Lucy, Spiegel Hill. Saxton, Mrs. Kate, 152 South Spring street. Saxton, Orrin, 152 South Spring street. Sams, James R. Sawyer, Mrs. Clara, Park Place. Sawyer, Clifford, Park Place, comer Maxwell street. Sawyer, Virginia E., Park Place, corner Maxwell street. Scarce, Mrs. Addie, 212 South Limestone street. Schearer, Mrs. Rowena, Cincinnati, Ohio. Scott, Thos. H., 73 East End avenue. Scrugham, Geo. R., Chestnut street. Scrugham, Mrs. Geo. R., Chestnut street. Seibright, Mrs. Sallie, yy South Spring street. Sellars, Webster, Versailles pike. Seeley, Miss Carrie. Selliers, Ida G.. Ashland avenue. North of Main street. Sharpe, Mrs. Sallie, 29 Kentucky avenue. Sharpe, Mrs. Fannie, East High street, corner Drake. Sheppard, Andv G., L. & N. Depot. Shelton, Miss Ida, Nicholasville pike. Shelton, Miss Nera, St. Joseph's Hospital. HILI,-STREET M. E. CHURCH, SOUTH. 163 Shelton, Mrs. Fannie, Nicholasville pike. Sistrunk, W. T., 28 East \'ine street. Smith, Mrs. Alaggie, 39 East High street. Smith, Mrs. Mary A. ' Smith, James. Smith, Roy, 39 High street. Smith, Mrs. Lucian L., 124 East Maxwell street. Smith, Miss Jennie Lyne, 124 East Maxwell street. Smith, Mrs. Sarah, 90 Walnut street. Smith, Miss Annie, 90 Walnut street. Snelling, PYank, 289 Constitution street: Souseley, Miss Norine. Spears, Mrs., High street, corner Rose. Spring, j\Irs. S. W., Cor. ^Maxwell and Broadway, Sprake, Mrs. Chas., yi miles Russell Cave pike. Spencer, Geo. E., Park Place. Spencer, Mrs. Mary E., Park Place. Spencer, Miss Fannie, Park Place. Spencer, Miss Margaret, Park Place. Spencer, Charlie, Park Place. Snyder, Mrs. Mary, Mill street, bet. Maxwell and High. Stanfield, Mrs. Ella, Georgetown pike. Stantrope, Miss Bettie, Harrisburg pike. Stivers, Mrs. Mary J., 17 Maxwell street. Stivers, Miss Lina, 17 Maxwell street. Stivers, Ida B., Limestone street. Stanhope, Miss Bettie, Harrodsburg pike. Sprake, Mrs. Chas., Russell Cave pike. Stivers, Lizzie, Limestone street. Stivers, Mrs. Martha, Limestone street. Sutherland, T. M. Paris, Ky. Sutherland, Mrs. Carrie, Paris, Ky. Sutherland, Luke, Paris, Ky. Sutherland, Ruth, Paris, Ky. Taylor, Wade H., student State College. Terrell, Mrs. Mariah. Thomas, Lee, West High, west of Spring. Thomas, Mrs. Lee, West High, west of Spring. Thompson, Wm. T., 105 West Short street. Thomason, Mrs. Ella, East Main street, near P. O. Thomason, Miss Annie, East Main street, near P. O. Tipton, Charles, 29 Lexington avenue. Tipton, Mrs. Mary R., 29 Lexington avenue. Timberlake, Frank M., 109 South Mill street. Timberlake, Mrs. Mary E., 109 South Mill street. 164 THE CHURCH RECORD. Timberlake, Henry D., 109 South Mill street. Townsend, C. W., City Limits, Versailles pike. Townsend, Mrs. Jennie, City Limits, Versailles pike. Trumbull, Miss Maggie, 113 Chestnut street. Tucker, Mrs. Nancy M. Underwood, Wm. Underwood, Ruth. Underwood, Alice. ^ Uppington, Mrs. S. B., 201 West Second street. Uppington, Georgie, 201 West Second street. Uppington, Ouie, 201 West Second street. Vance, J. W. Van Deering, Mrs., 75 Limestone street. Veach, Mrs. Ella, Curry avenue. Vest, Miss Mamie, 163 South Spring street. Walby, Mrs. Mildred, South Broadway. Walder, Mrs. Mariah, 159 South Broadway. Watkins, James L., 19 East Maxwell street. Watkins, Mrs. Lillie, 19 East Maxwell street. Waddle, Miss Sallie. Walker, J. D., High street, near Chautauqua Grounds. Walker, Mrs. Jennie. Walker, Wm. R., C. & O. Depot. Webb, Arthur S., Transylvania Printing Co. Wells, Luther. Wells, Richard. White, Henry A. White, Mrs. Emma. Wilburn, Mrs. Jane E., St. Joseph's Hospital. Wibben, Pearl. Wibben, Joseph. Wilmott, Mrs. Martha, 20 Park Place. Wilmott, C. E., 2oPark Place. Wilmott, Miss Edna, 20 Park Place. Wilmott, Chas., 20 Park Place. Wilmott, Gano, 20 Park Place. Wilmott, Jno. W., Georgetown pike. Wilmott, Miss Jennie B., 20 Park Place. Wilmott, Miss Hattie, 20 Park Place. Wilmott, Curtis J., 3 miles out Georgetown pike. Wilmott, Miss Margaret, 3 miles out Georgetown pike. Wilder, Mrs. Susie. Williams, Mrs. Nannie. HILI^-STREET M. E. CHURCH, SOUTH. 165 Williams, Mrs. Georgie. Wilson, S. F., 140 South Broadway. Wilson, Mrs. Mary, 140 South Broadway. Wilson, Miss Elizabeth, 140 South Broadway. Wilson, Miss Rosa, 140 South Broadway. Wilson, Miss Corine, 140 South Broadway. Wilson, John, 140 South Broadway. Wilson, Henry, 140 South Broadway. Wilson, Arthur, North Upper street. Wilson, J. B., 47 North Broadway. Wood, Boyd, Maryland avenue, cor. Jefferson street. Wood, Mrs., Maryland avenue, cor. Jefferson street. Wood, Frank N., 30 North Limestone street. Wood, Mr. T., 30 North Limestone street. Woolfork, Mrs. Mary, Park Place. Wooley, Mrs. Flora, 182 South Limestone street. Worsham, E. L., Post-office. Worsham, Mrs. Julia. South Broadway. Wyant, Peter A., 163 South Spring street. Wyant, Mrs. Annie J., 163 South Spring street. Young, Lev. P., Russell Cave pike. Young, Mrs. Mary Emma, Russell Cave pike. Young, Emma P., Russell Cave pike. Young, Elizabeth Ford, Russell Cave pike. Young. Olive Belle, Russell Cave pike. Young, Tipton L., Russell Cave pike. Young, Minor, Russell Cave pike. Young, Mrs. Alary, 36 High street. Young, Mary C, 36 High street. riRST PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH. Historical Sketch. The First Presbyterian Church was estabHshed in Lexington in 1784. They erected a log house of wor- ship on the S. E. corner of Wahiut and Short streets, and called to the pastorate Rev. Adam Rankin, of Augusta county, Virginia. The church was first known as Mount Zion. During Mr. Rankin's administration the con- gregation was divided over some doctrine disputes. In 1792, Mr. Rankin withdrew from the presbytery, and, with iiis followers, formed the Associate Reform Church, over which he presided for twenty-five years. The part of the congregation who were approved to Mr. Ran- kin's views took the new meeting house, an unfinished frame building commenced before the church trouble culminated, which was situated on the corner of Mill and Short streets, and called Rev. James Welsh, of Vir- ginia, to fill the pulpit, which he did most acceptably until 1804, after which it was filled temporarily by Dr. James Blythe, the president of Transylvania University. *Rev. Robt. Stone and the faithful John Lyle served at different times, until the installation of the second reg- ular pastor. Rev. Robt. M. Cunningham, of Pennsyl- vania, in 1807, who served from 1807 to 1822. He was succeeded by Rev. \Vm. McCalla, who was followed by Rev. John Poage Campbell, D. D. Then came Rev. Nathan Hall's long and prosperous reign, from 1823 to 1846. Rev. Robt. J. Breckenridge. the most talented min- ister in Kentucky, followed Mr. Hall and continued the pastorate until 1853, when he removed to Danville as professor in the Theological Seminary. His successor was Rev. J. D. Mathews, whose ministry was so accept- able that he was retained many years — from 1847 to 1870. In 1870, Rev. Wm. Dinwiddie, of Virginia, was chosen pastor, and remained until 1874, when the present (166) FIRST PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH. 167 pastor, Rev. W. F. V. Bartlett, beg-an his ministerial labors. In 1892, the first church dismissed seventy-seven of its members to form the Maxwell Street Church, and this offspring- has grown into a self-supporting church of two hundred and fifty members. It is also, in addition to its own Sunday-school, carry- ing on a flourishing mission school in the northwestern part of our city, and its members are engaged in Sunday- school work in the country. The ladies' societies are supporting a missionary in China, and are about to start a kindergarten in one of our mountain towns, and are active in helping- the poor and sick of the city. The church has under considera- tion, and will soon carry into execution, a project for the enlargement and complete transformation of its house of worship and the parsonage. It is expected that the lecture-room and Sunday-school room will be entirely separated from the main building, and will be provided with the most ample accommodations. No single church organization in Kentucky, per- haps, has exerted so great an influence for good as this church for more than a hundred years. Biographical Sketch of Pastor. Rev. W. F. V. Bartlett, pastor of the First Presby- terian Church, was born in Portland, Me. At the age of ten years he began clerking in a store in Portland, and four years later went to Boston, and continued in the same business for three years, when he left Boston and entered the freshman class of Yale College, from which he graduated in 1853, after which he went south and taught school in Natchez, Miss., for several years, and then went to New York and spent three years at the Union Theological Seminary there, and returned to Natchez and became president of Washington College. On his return south, he was married to Miss Mar}^ Moore, of Natchez, who is connected with the Moore family of Danville, Ky. The Civil War coming on about this time caused Dr. Bartlett no little struggle to decide whether to cast his lot with the people among whom he had so recently come, or to return to his native home and share their fate. Plis sole object was to do good, and finally de- 168 THE CHURCH RECORD. cided to minister to the spiritual wants of the First Ala- bama regiment at Port Hudson. At the close of the war, his health having failed, he traveled in Europe for two REV. W. F. V. BARTLETT, D. D. years, and on his return took the chair of Latin in Oak- land College, in Mississippi. In 1874, he accepted a call to the First Presbyterian Church in Lexington, Ky., his first and only pastorate, which he still retains, notwithstanding the fact that he has received many calls from large churches in many cities. The University of Richmond, Ky.. conferred the degree of D. D. on Dr. Bartlett several years ago. FIRST PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH. 169 Officers of the Church. Pastor— Rev. W. F. V. Bartlett, D. D. Elders— T. H. Beanchamp. R. S. Bullock, Dr. F. H. Clarke, James A. Headley, B. T. Milton, H. B. McClel- lan, E. M. Norwood, John Pew, C. S. Scott, I. C. Van- meter; James A. Headley, clerk of the session. Deacons — John W. Coleman, R. H. Courtney, E. S. DeLong, John M. Greenway, Wm. E. McCann, R. D. Norwood, Richard M. Redd, James F. Scott, Wm. Wor- thington; E. S. DeLong, treasurer. Sexton, Clay Estill, 147 Constitution street. Officers of the Sunday-School. Superintendent, H. B. McClellan. Librarian, Fred V. Bartlett. Secretary, Bruce E. King. Societies of the Church. The League — Lucy G. Shelby, president; Sara S. Bul- lock, vice-president; Emma H. Barr, secretary; Georgia B. West, treasurer. The Pastor's Aid Society — Mrs. Mary P. Shanklin, president; Clara W. Cochran, secretary; Mrs. W. K. Mas- sie, treasurer. Ladies' Foreign Missionary Society — Mrs. A. W. Marshall, president; Sara S. Bullock, secretary; Mrs. E, S. DeLong, treasurer. The Young People's Society — Samuel A. Bullock, president; Evelyn Lucas, vice-president; Mrs. A. W. Marshall, secretary^ ; Mrs. Wallace Searles, treasurer. The King's Daughters — Lillian Headley, leader; Mrs. Wallace Searles, vice-leader; Mrs. W. Field, secretary and treasurer.. The Loving Service Society — Isabella Marshall, presi- dent; George W. Headlev. Jr., treasurer; Bertha Schaefer, secretary ; Miss Laetitia P. "Bullock, Mrs. W. Field, Mrs. A. W. Marshall, Mrs. D. A. Coyle, executive committee. 170 THE CHURCH RECORD. List of Members. Adams, Thomas. Allison, Rachel, 190 East Maxwell street. Anderson, James Blythe, Glengarry. Anderson, Mrs. Joe C, Glengarry. Anderson, Mildred Baker, 85 W. Third street. Armstrong, Annie. Armstrong, John, no South Mill street. Atkins, Mrs." Mary. Barber, Jennie, Maryland avenue. Barber, Mrs. Annie, Maryland avenue. Barbour, Mrs. R. N., East Short street. Barnes, Mrs. W. S.. 336 North Broadway. Barnett, Mrs. Elizabeth, 138 West Main street. Barr, Emily H., 173 South Limestone street. Barr, Garland H., 173 South Limestone street. Bartlett, Mrs. W. F. V., 69 Market street. Bartlett, F. V., 69 Market street. Bartlett, George E., 69 Market street. Bartlett, M. W., Elsmere Park. Bartlett, Mrs. M. W., Elsmere Park. Bartlett, Paul Vincent, 69 Market street. Battaille, J. Ed., 181 Jefferson street. Beau champ. James H., Versailles pike. Beauchamp, Mrs. J. H., Versailles pike. Bell, Ben D., 120 West High street. Bell, Mrs. Ben D.. 120 West High street. Bell, Charles Stuart. 136 West Third street. Bell, Mrs. C. S., 136 West Third street. Bell, Louis Keith, 136 West Third street. Bell, Margaret Elizabeth, 136 West Third street. Bell, Mary, 398 West Main street. Bell, Thos. M., 398 West Main street. Berryman, Chas. H., 84 Market street. Berryman, Mrs. Chas. H., 84 Market street. Billingsley, Mrs. Nannie, 102 Market street. Billingsley, Catherine Hull, 102 Market street. Billingsley, Harriet Evans, 102 Market street. Billingsley, Lila Davidson, 102 Market street. Blanton, Robert Lee, 50 West Second street. Bowerman, Mrs. M., Winchester pike. Boyd, Mrs. Frances, 205 North Broadway, FIRST PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH. 171 Boyle, Sam'l G., Second and Upper streets. Boyle, Mrs. Sam'l G., Second and Upper streets. Bradley, Mrs. Nannie C, 336 North Broadway. Breckinridge, Sophonisba P., 121 East Third street. Brennan, Mrs. Kate, 8 Elsmere Park. Brennan, Kate Hull, 8 Elsmere Park. Brennan, Thomas D., 8 Elsmere Park. Brent, Chas S , Jr., 136 North Broadway. Bronston, Catherine McCreary, 64 West Second street Bronston, Chas. J., Jr., 64 West Second street. Bronston, Sallie Aurelia, 64 West Second street. Bronston, Thomas Hughes, 64 West Second street. Brooks, Mrs. J. C. Brower, Harry Strowbridge, 317 North Broadway. Bryan, Mrs. Bettie T., 203 North Broadway. Bryant, Simeon Joseph, 74 South Mill street. Buckner, Garrett Davis, 65 Market street. Buford, H. M., Northern Bank Building. Bullock, Robert S., East Main street. Bullock, Mrs. R. S., East Main street. Bullock, Sara S., East Main street. Bullock, Dr. W. O., 33 Market street. Bullock, Mrs. W. O.', 3^ Market street. Berry, Robert, Ashland avenue. Berr}^, Mrs. Robert, Ashland avenue. Bailey, Theodore, Newtown pike. Bailey, Mrs. Jane, Newtown pike. Bullock, Barry, 33 Market street. Bullock, Sallie, 33 Market street. Bullock, Samuel A., t,^ Market street. Bullock, Fred D., 33 Market street. Bullock, Mrs. Fannie B., 386 East Main street. Bullock, Mary S., 201 North Broadway. Bullock, Laetitia P., 201 North Broadway. Caldwell, Lucinda P., 271 East Main street. Carr, Allie Lee, East Main street. Carr, Bertie Thomas, East Main street. Carr, Laura Bell, East Main street. Carr, Lena Bell, East IMain street. Carr, Wm. E., Brazil. Carrithers, A. T., 209 North Broadway. Carrithers, Mrs. A. T., 209 North Broadway. Cary, Buck Graddy, 407 East Main street. Cary, Mrs. Arthur, 407 East Main street. Cassell, Thos. J., Loudon avenue. Cassell, Mrs. T. J., Loudon avenue. 172 THE CHURCH RECORD. Cassell, John Lewis, Loudon avenue. Cassell. William Payne, Loudon avenue. Cassidy, M. A., 79 South Mill street. Cassidy, Mrs. M. A., 79 South Mill street. Cassidy, Henry Duncan. 79 South Mill street. Chambers, Mrs. Maggie L., Hotel Leland. Chelton, Mrs. Drusie, 139 Constitution street. Chelton, j\Irs. Frances, 139 Constitution street. Chelton, Charles, 139 Constitution street. Clark, Miss Kittv. Tates Creek pike. Clarke, Dr. F. H., E. K. L. Asylum. Clarke, Mrs. Sarah H., E. K. L. Asylum. Clarke, Mary, E. K. L. Asylum. Clarke, Kate, E. K. L. Asylum. Cochran, Clara W.. 127 East High street. Cochran, Nathan P., corner Short and Mill streets. Colclazier, James M., 149 Patterson street. Coleman, Mrs. Judith, Newtown pike. Coleman. John W., Newtown pike. Combs, Leslie, Maysville pike. Combs, Mrs. Leslie, Maysville pike. Combs, Annette Brodhead, Maysville pike. Combs, Daniel Swigert, Maysville pike. Cromwell, Josephine. Cooper. i\Iiss Jennie, 92 West High street. Corbin, Anna M., 164 East Third street. Corbin, Mrs. Lucy. 164 East Third street. Corbin, Lutie E., 164 East Third street. Corbin, Thos. McClintock, 164 East Third street. Courtney, R. H., 103 West Second street. Courtney, Ephriam Sayre, 103 West Second street. Coyle, Mrs. Dr. D. A., 165 North Broadway. Crockett. Emma Long, y^i West Short street. Cruikshank, John F., 105 East Main street. Cruikshank, Mrs. J. F., 105 East Main street. Darnaby, Wm. M., 238 North Upper street. Darnaby, Mrs. Wm. M., 238 North Upper street. Darnaby, Mrs. Mary J., 253 Chestnut street. Darnall. Mrs. Margaret K.. 103 North Broadway. Darnall, Harriet Rogers, 103 North Broadway. Darnall, Margaret Blackburn, 103 North Broadway. Darnall, Shelby, 103 North Broadway. Dargavell, W^illiam, 119 North Limestone street. Darnall, Mrs. Annie Franklin, East Main street. Davidson, Mrs. Kate, 135 North Mill street. Davidson, j. Hull, 135 North Mill street. FIRST PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH. 173 Davidson, Robert Brank, 8 Elsmere Park. Davidson, James Thomas, 8 Elsmere Park. Davis, Allen, ii North Mill street. Davis, Annie Edward, ii North Mill street. Davis, Mary Willie, 1 1 North Mill street. DeLong, E. S., i86 North Limestone street. DeLong-, Mrs. E. S., i86 North Limestone street. DeLong, A. A., Russell Cave. DeLong, Hettie Bell, Russell Cave. DeLong, James Lucas, i86 North Limestone street. DeLong, Kate Lyttleton, i86 North Limestone street. DeLong, E. S., Jr., i86 North Limestone street. DeLong, Belle, i86 North Limestone street. DeLong, Fanny Lucas, i86 North Limestone street. Delph, Mrs. J. E., Newtown pike. Delph, Mattie J., Newtown pike. des Cognets, Mrs. Louis, 60 North Upper street. Didlake, Anna F., Lexington. Douglass, Frankie Belle. Downing, Richard Thomas, Georgetown pike. Downing, Russell J., Georgetown pike. Doyle, Thomas, Lexington Cemetery. Doyle, Lizzie Bell, Lexington Cemetery. Duncan, Mrs. Eliza, Ingleside. Duncan, Miss Lilly, Ingleside. Durham, Mrs. M. J., 2 West High street. Eastin, Luther F., 10 East High street. Eastin, Mrs. Luther F., 10 East High street. Ellis, Mrs. Susannah C, Constitution street. Evans, Dr. Silas, 398 South Broadway. Evans, Mrs. Silas, 398 South Broadway. Field, Mrs, Elizabeth, Fourth street. Fields, Carrie Bruce, Nicholasville pike. Fields, Wm. N., Jr., Newtown pike. Fields, Mrs. Wm. N., Jr., Newtown pike. Fields, Anna Mary, Newtown pike. Fleming, Mrs. Kate, 28 Ohio street. Fleming, Emma Thomas. 28 Ohio street. Fleming, Mary Nettie, 28 Ohio street. Flowers, Samuel R., 72 West Main street. Flowers, Mrs. S. R., 72 West Main street. Flowers, Samuel R., Jr., y2 West Main street. Ford, Mrs. Mary iJ'., Baltimore, Md. Forman, Thomas T., 4 East High street. Forman, Mrs. Thomas T., 4 East High street. 174 THE CHURCH RECORD. Forman, Donahoo, 4 East High street. Forman, Leila Ellen, 4 East High street. Forman, Thomas Vernon, 4 East High street, Forney, Louis, Manchester street. Forney, Mrs. Louis, Manchester street. Foster, Annie, 193 West Fourth street. Foster, Musie, 193 West Fourth street. Frame, Charles Albert, 18 Bowyer street. Frame, Mrs. L. E., 18 Bowyer street. Frazer, Mrs. Martha B., Georgetown pike. Frazer, Bessie, Georgetown pike. Frazer, Nannie, Georgetown pike, Garrett, Mrs. Burton, 165 South Spring street. Gentry, Wm. H., Russell Cave pike. Gentry, Mrs. Wm. H., Russell Cave pike. Gentry, Coleman, Russell Cave pike. Gentry, William Lawrence, Russell Cave pike, Gess, J\Irs. Isaac S., Parkers' Mill road. Gibson, Mrs. Hart, Ingleside. Gibson, Tobias, Ingleside, Gibson, Duncan, Ingleside, Gibson, Mrs, Mary Duncan, Ingleside. Goodman, Mrs, Minnie French, Epworth Park. Goodwin, Mrs, Kate, Harrodsburg pike. Gordon, A. N., Nicholasville pike. Gordon, Mrs. A. N., Nicholasville pike. Gordon, Frances Jean, Nicholasville pike. Gordon, Mary Logan, Nicholasville pike, Gordon, Robert Lee, Nicholasville pike, Gorham, Mrs. John B., 49 West Third street. Grammar, Clara B., Winchester pike. Gregg, Airs. M. J., Preston street. Gregg, Sallie B., Preston street. Gregg, Henrietta Caldwell, Preston street, Greene, Dr, F. M., 2 Elsmere Park. Greene, Cora Lee. 2 Elsmere Park. Greene, Francis M., Jr., 2 Elsmere Park. Greene, Nanci Lewis, 2 Elsmere Park. Greene, Sophia Maude, 2 Elsmere Park. Greene, Willa Viley, 2 Elsmere Park. Greenway, John M., 26 East Main street. Groom, Mrs, Annie, South Spring street. Groom, Emma, South Spring street. Gross, Mrs. E. T., 7 Woodard avenue. Groff, Mrs, Sarah, Newtown pike. FIRST PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH. 176 Haden, Iva Leona. Haggard, Allie Harrison, 383 South Limestone street. Hall, Belle, Harrodsbiirg. Haley, John Thomas, Versailles pike. Hamilton, Mrs. Annie, 86 Woodland avenue. Hamilton, Mrs. Wni., Maysville pike. Hanna, Wm. Guthrie, 86 South Mill street. Harney, Mrs. Mary Priscilla, 56 West Second street. Harney, Oswald Hood, 56 West Second street. Harrison, Mrs. Mary C, 64 North Limestone street. Harrison, William T., 34 North Upper street. Harrison, Elijah J., 50 Maryland avenue. Harrison, Katie A., 64 North Limestone street. Headley, George W., 321 North Broadway. Headley, Mrs. G. W., 321 North Broadway. Headley, Alice, 321 North Broadway. Headley, Lillian, 321 North Broadway. Headley, H. P., North Broadway. Headley, George W., Jr., North Broadway. Headley, James A., y2 West Third street. Headley, Mrs. J. A., 72 West Third street. Headley, Mrs. Alline H., 278 North Broadway. Headley, Elizabeth Higgins, 278 North Broadway. Heiman, Meyer, 16 Valley avenue. Henderson, William S., Leestown pike. Herndon, John T., Donerail. Hiatt, Walter, 62 Elm Tree Lane. Higgins, Henry B., 135 North Broadway. Higgins, Mrs. H. B., 135 North Broadway. Higgins, Sallie Ross, 135 North Broadway. Hodges, John O., 231 East High street. Hodges, Mrs. John O., 231 East High street. Hodges, Hattie, 231 East High street. Hodges, Mary, 231 East High street. Hogwood. Mrs. Anna. Hoover, J. C., Tates Creek pike. Hildebrand, Miss Butler. Hoover, Mrs. J. C, Tates Creek pike. Hostetter, John P., Leestown pike. Hostetter, Mrs. John P., Leestown pike. Hostetter, Maggie Belle, Leestown pike. Hostetter, Mary Whitney, Leestown pike. Hodgen, Dr. R. Hervey, 523 South Limestone street. Hughes, James W., State College. Hughes. Thomas, Mill and Main streets. Hukle, Margaret, Manchester street. Hunt, Maria B., 201 North Broadway. Hutchison, Mrs. Isaac, 12 West High street. 176 THE CHURCH RECORD. Ingles, Evan S., Tates Creek pike. Ingles, Mrs. E. S., Tates Creek pike. Ingles, Willie McG., Tates Creek pike. Ingles, Florence Bruen, Tates Creek pike. Innes, Mrs. Robert, ii East High street. Innes, Mary Russell, ii East High street. Innes, Mrs. Cordelia E., 171 South Limestone street. Innis, Miss Will Richardson. Jefferson, Lutie, Hamilton College. Jardine, James. Harrodsburg pike. Jenkins, Mrs. Lucinda, Davis Bottom. Jenkins, Mrs. Elizabeth, Davis Bottom. Jenkins, Mrs. Rebecca, South Mill street. Jochum, Mrs. M., Versailles pike. Jochum, Catharine Margaret, Versailles pike. Jochum, Sarah, Versailles pike. Jochum, Lena, Versailles pike. Johnston, Alice S., 492 South Limestone street. Jones, William L., West Main street. Keiser, James A., 164 East Fourth street. Keiser, Bertie V., 164 East Fourth street. Keiser, Mrs. Mary T., 164 East Fourth street. Kenney, Lottie Lee, Iron Works pike. Kerr, Parthenia D., 173 South Limestone street. Kiger, Mrs. Nancy J., Merino street. Kiger, Mrs. Hattie, Merino street. Kiger, Loulie, Merino street. Kimbrough, Mrs. Helen, 265 West Third street. King, Bruce E., 278 North Broadway. Kinkead, Mrs. Eliza, 206 Walnut street. Kinkead, Henry P., 215 Walnut street. Kinkead, Jimmie P., 206 Walnut street. Kinkead, Eliza P., 206 Walnut street. Kinkead, Mary B., 206 Walnut street. Landers, Abe, 71 Payne street. Landers, Mrs. A., 71 Payne street. Loughridge, W. J., North Broadway. Loughridge, Mrs. W. J., North Broadway. Loughridge, Susan Allan, North Broadway. Lowry, Mrs. C. B., 128 West Second street. Lowry, Helen, 128 West Second street. Lowry, Margaret, 128 West Second street. Lucas, Mrs. Mar}^ E. 35 Woodard avenue. Lucas, Evelyn, 35 Woodard avenue. Lucas, Ida West, 35 Woodard avenue. Lyle, Mrs. John T., Lexington, Ky. FIRST PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH. 177 McCallie, Mrs. Rebecca, 253 Chestnut street. McCann, Wm. E., 98 West Third street. McCann, Mrs. W. E., 98 West Third street. McCann, Bessie A., 98 West Third street. McChesney, W. S., 67 Georgetown street. McChesney, Mrs. W. S., 67 Georgetown street. McChesney, J. Curry, 67 Georgetown street. McChesney, Annie, 67 Georgetown street. McClellan,' H. B., Sayre Institute. McClanahan, Robert, Tates Creek pike. McClellan, Mrs. H. B., Sayre Institute. McClellan, Margaret E., Sayre Institute. McClellan, George Matthews, Sayre Institute. McClellan, Emily, Sayre Institute. McClellan, Mary C, Sayre Institute. McCoy, Julia S., 40 Maryland avenue. McCubbin, Mrs. Isabella, South Elkhorn. McCubbin, Miriam, South Elkhorn. McCubbin, Jessie, South Elkhorn. McCubbin, Isabella, South Elkhorn. AlcCubbin, Maggie, South Elkhorn. McFarland, Mrs. D. S., North Upper street. Mclntyre, Mrs. Mary. McRoberts, John. Marshall, A. W., 98 West Second street. Marshall, Mrs. A. W"., 98 West Second street. Marshall, Alfred W.. Jr., 98 West Second street. Marshall, Isabella West, 98 W^est Second street. Marshall, Richard. Martin, Thomas L., 67 Georgetown street. Martin, Mrs. T. L., 67 Georgetown street. Martin, Lewis Wynne, 67 Georgetown street. Martin, Martha Curry, 67 Georgetown street. Martin, William McChesney, 67 Georgetown street. Masner, Wm., 205 North Upper street. Masner, Mrs. W. D., 205 North Upper street. Massie, William Kenney. 64 North Broadway. Massie, Mrs. W. K., 64 North Broadway. Megee, Mrs. Annie M. Megee, Hilton Haynes. Megee, Leslie Robert. Melton, W. S. Miller, Mrs. E. Eield, 70 Central avenue. Milligan, Mrs. R. A., 492 South Limestone street. Minor, Hugh, 55 Barr street. Mitchell, George Thomas, Pralltown. Mitchell, Hiram, Pralltown. 12 178 THE CHURCH RECORD. Mitchell, Mrs. Sarah, 17 Montmollin street. Mitchell, John W., 17 Montmollin street. Mitchie, James W., 127 East High street. Mitchie, Mrs James W., 127 East High street. Mooney, Mrs. Agnes H. Moore, Dr. James B., 19^ East Short street. Moore, Josie, Davis Bottom. Moore, Mrs. Nancy, 40 Maryland avenue. Moore, Mrs. Wm. R., Saundersville. Morgan, Jane, West Short street. Morgan, W. G., 9 Fayette Park. Morgan, Mrs. W. G., 9 Fayette Park. Morgan, Coleman Richard, 9 Fayette Park. Morgan, Brooks S., 9 Fayette Park. Morse, Thomas Grant, Georgetown, Ky. Morse, David Crozier, Georgetown, Ky. Morse, Marie Custer, Georgetown, Ky. Mountjoy, Mrs. Anna Lee, 63 Ashland avenue. Musselman, J. T., Elm Tree Lane. Myers, Mrs. Wm. C, 54 East High street. Myers, John R., 54 East High street. Nelson, Mrs. Henry B., 353 East Main street. Nicholas, Mrs. E., 96 West Third street. Nicholas, James S. Nicholas, John Vanmeter, Paris pike. Nichol, James, 340 West Main street. Nichols,' N. A.," West Maxwell street. Nichols, Caroline McCreary, West Maxwell street. Norwood, E. M., Newtown pike. Norwood, Frank W., Newtown pike. Norwood, Richard D., Elsmere Park. Norwood, Mary, Newtown pike. Norwood, Addie Swift, Newtown pike. Norwood, Nellie W., Newtown pike. Norman, James H. Oldham, Dr. John Y., West Third street. Oldham, Mrs." John Y., West Third street. Overstreet, J. F., 22^, South Liijiestone street. Parker, W\ C, Winchester pike. Parker, Mrs. A. T., 219 East Main street. Parker, Mrs. Margaret, Winchester pike. Parker, Lena, Winchester pike. Patterson, James K., State College. FIRST PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH. 17i^ Patterson, Mrs. J. K., State College. Patterson, W. K., State College. Payne, Walter S., Versailles pike. Payne, Mrs. Walter S., \'ersailles pike. Payne, Elizabeth Louise, Versailles pike. Payne, Mary Shelby, Versailles pike. Payne, Mrs. Mary J., Loudon avenue. Pearce, Mary Letcher. .Pettit, Katherine R., Tate's Creek pike. Pettit, Minnie B., Tate's Creek pike. Pettit, Mary Lillian, Tate's Creek pike. Pew, John, 169 North Broadway. Pew, Mrs. Jno., 169 North Broadway. Prewitt. Airs. Sue, 62 West Third street. Price, Daniel W., 81 West Sixth street. Price, Mrs. D. W., 81 West Sixth street. Price, James Foley, 81 West Sixth street. Price, Mrs. L. C, 22 East High street. Pryor, Dr. J. W., 203 North Broadway. Raines, Jas. H., 93 Patterson street. Ramsey, Ines, 8 Elsmere Park. Ramsey, Mary McCreary, 8 Elsmere Park. Reasor, Amor D. Redd, Richard M., Georgetown pike. Redd, Mrs. R. M., Georgetown pike. Redd, Marie Louise, Georgetown pike. Redd, Margaret Allen. Redd, Oliver P., Georgetown pike. Redd, Mrs. O. F., Georgetown pike. Redd, Fanny Frazer, Georgetown pike. Redd, Lee Warren, Georgetown pike. Richardson, Mrs. Jane, 171 South Limestone street. Richardson, M. D., Russell Cave pike. Richardson, Mrs. M. D., Russell Cave pike. Richardson, Bettie Smith, Russell Cave pike. Richardson, Jane .Stamps, Russell Cave pike. Richards, Mrs. Helen F. Rigg, Samuel Ellis, 113 South Mill street. Ringo, David L. Robb, Mrs. Addie, Jessamine county. Roberts, Benjamin B., Russell Cave pike. Robinson, W. T., 357 East Third street. Robinson, Mrs. W. T., 357 East Third street. Rogers. Mrs. Ella B.. Georgetown, Ky. Rogers, Roberta T., Georgetown, Ky. 180 THE CHURCH RECORD. Rose, M. T. Ross, John McD., 140 W-est Second street. Ross, Clifton B., 229 North Broadway. Ross, Mrs. C. B., 229 North Broadwav. Ross, H. E., loi South Upper street. Rule, Peter S., 80 Walnut street. Rule, Mrs. P. S., 80 Walnut street. Saddler, Joseph, Richmond pike. Savage, John Sherman. Savage, Etta Clayton. Sayre, Mrs. E. D., 50 North Mill street. Sayre, J. W., Harrodsburg pike. Sayre, Mrs. J. W., Harrodsburg pike. Schmidt, Lillie R., 211 North Broadway. Schmidt, Nannie I., 211 North Broadway. Schmidt, Mattie L., 211 North Broadway. Schmidt, Mamie E., 211 North Broadway. Schryver, Laura I. Schucks, Lena. Scott, James F., 84 West Third street. Scott, Mrs. James F., 84 West Third street. Scott, James Russell, 54 East High street. Scott, Mrs. James Russell, 54 East High street Scott, Walter, 62 West Third street. Scott, Mrs. Walter, 62 West Third street. Scott, Sarah W., 62 West Third street. Scott, C. Suydam, 97 W"est Second street Scott, Mrs. C. S., 97 West Second street. Scott, Mrs. Charlotte Elizabeth, 41 East Virginia avenue. Scott, Carrie Neal, 41 East Virginia avenue. Scott, Georgia Mary, 41 East Mrginia avenue. Scott, Frank F., 180 Jefiferson street. Schrugham, James Graves, South Mill street. Searcy, Mrs. Julia Jane. Searles, Mrs. Lizzie, 97 West Second street Searles, Wallace L., 140 Walnut street. Searles, Mrs. W. L., 140 Walnut street Schaefer, Bertha M., 165 North Broadway. Shanklin, Mrs. Mary P., 4 Elsmere Park. Shanklin, Mattie P., 4 Elsmere Park. Shanklin, Mary E., 4 Elsmere Park. ShankHn, George S., 112 East Fourth street Shanklin, Mrs. G. S., 112 East Fourth street Shanklin, Mrs. E. W., 4 Elsmere Park. Shannon, Mrs. E. G., 21 Forest avenue. Shannon, Mary E., 21 Forest avenue. FIRST PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH. 181 Sharpley, Arthur G., 9 East Short street. Sharpley, Walter H., 9 East Short street. Shelby, Mrs. Florence M., 70 Central avenue. Shelby, Edward Bullock, 70 Central avenue. Shelby, George S., 70 Central avenue. Shelby, Florence M., 70 Central avenue. Shelby, Willie Irvine, 70 Central avenue. Shelby, Wallace AI., 367 East Main street. Shelby, Mrs. W. M., 367 East Main street. Shelby, Mrs. E. P., 134 Walnut street. Shelby, Arthur, 134 Walnut street. Shelby, Isaac P., Jr., 134 Walnut street. Shelby, Lucy G., 134 Walnut street. Shelby, Mary Bullock, 134 Walnut street. Shelby, Ben Gratz. Shropshire, Laura Didlake, 124 Market street. Shryock, Mrs. O., 95 West Fourth street. Shryock, Ella, 95 West Fourth street. Shucks, Lena. Simmons, Dr. N. R., 127 East High street. Simmons, Mrs. N. R., 127 East High street. Simpson, Mrs. Belle Scott, Kirklevington. Simpson, Belle Scott, Kirklevington. Smee, James J., 52 Georgetown street. Smith, J. Soule, 122 South Limestone street. Smith, Sydney Allen, 122 South Limestone street. Smith, Ralph Waldo Emerson, 122 South Limestone. Smith, George W.. 383 South Limestone street. Smith, Mrs. G. W., ^87, South Limestone street. Smith, William H., Paris, Ky. Smith, Mrs. W. H., Paris, Ky. St. Clair, Netta, 274 West Fourth street. Stedman, Nora K., Bryantsville. Stedman, Mrs. Pauline, 84 West Third street. Stewart, Margaret. Stinnett, Mary Elizabeth. Strickler, Philip E. Swigert, Daniel, 2 Fayette Park. Swigert, Mrs. D., 2 Fayette Park. Swigert, Annette Brodhead, 2 Fayette Park. Tandy, Clarke Howell, E. K. L. Asylum. Taylor, Mildred, 61 Market. Tenny, O. S., Maysville pike. Tenny, Mrs. O. S., Maysville pike. Terhune, Mrs. John R.. 27 Forest avenue. Thomas, Embry G.. 27 Evans street. 182 THE CHURCH RECORD. Thomas, Mrs. Laura A.. 27 Evans street. Thompson, Charles, 139 East High street. Thompson, Mrs. Mary EUzabeth, 139 East High street. Thiirman, Mrs., West Second street. Thurman, Alma, West Second street. Tillett, William N., 96 Walnut street. Tillett, Mrs. W. N., 96 Walnut street. Tillett, Jennie E., 96 Walnut street. Tillett, Callie, 96 Walnut street. Trapp, Mrs. Claude W., 30 Nt^rth Upper street. Travis, Aaron, 193 West Fourth street. Travis, Harriet, 193 West Fourth street. Tuttle, Mary M., 71 Payne street. Uttinger, Franklin J., Tate's Creek pike. Uttinger, Mrs. F. J., Tate's Creek pike. Vanmeter, Isaac C, Vanmeter Station. Vanmeter, Mrs. I. C, Vanmeter Station. Vanmeter, W. Scott, Harrodsburg pike. Vanmeter, J. Brown, Vanmeter Station. Vanmeter, B. Wallace, Vanmeter Station. Vanmeter, Jesse, \'anmeter Station. Vanmeter, Mrs. S. E., Bryant Station pike. Vanmeter, L. Marshall, Jr. Vogt, Henry, 40 Maryland avenue. Vogt, Mrs. Henry, 40 Mar\'land avenue. Walker, Mortimer. Tate's Creek pike. Walker, Mrs. M., Tate's Creek pike. Walker, Robert B., Tate's Creek pike. Wallace, Sarah C, 97 West Second street. Warnock, Ed. Wm., Pine Street. Warnock, Mrs. Anna B., Pine street. Warren, Mrs. Thomas B., Lexington. Watkins, Thomas B., 426 South Broadway. Watkins, Mrs. B. P., 339 Third street. Watson, James L., 146 South Limestone street. Watson, Mrs. J. L., 146 South Limestone street. Weatherford, Mrs. Rachel. West Fourth street. Weatherford, Rowena D.. West Fourth street. Webb, Mrs. J., Leestown pike. Webb, William, Greenedale. Webb, Richard S., Leestown pike. Webb, George M., Leestown pike. Webb, Shelton R.. Leestown pike. Webb, Hettie R., Leestown pike. FIRST PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH. 183 Weeks, Henry C, North Mill street. Weeks, Mrs. H. C, North Mill street. West, Georgia B., 98 West Second street. White, Nellie, 274 West Fourth street. Whiting, Florence E., Sayre Institute. Whiting, Minna C, York, Pa. Wickliffe, Mary B., Constitution street. Wiehl, J. H., 44 Barr street. Wiehl, Fred, 44 Barr street. Wieser, Mary, 223 East High street. West, Clifford Louise, 98 West Second street. Williams, Mrs. R. D., 65 North Mill street. Winston, Mrs. J. S. Willis, Mrs. Fanny C, 8 Blackburn avenue. Willis, Fanny M., 8 Blackburn avenue. Willis, Martha S., 8 Blackburn avenue. Worsham, Mrs. Ida S., Drake street. Worley, Marion T., Second street. Worthington, William, 278 North Broadway. MAXWELL-STPEET PRESBYTERIAN CHUPCH. Historical Sketcli. By Kev. I. S. McElroy, D. D. The Maxwell Street Presbyterian Church, on the corner of Maxwell and Lawrence streets, and between South Upper and Limestone streets, was organized May 8, 1892, by a commission of the Presbyterv' of West Lex- ington. It is a vigorous offspring of the First Presby- terian Church of this city and came into existence after this manner: December 3, 1888, the session of the First Church ap- pointed a committee, consisting of Messrs. James A. Headley, John Pew and E. S. DeLong, to take under consideration the propriety and the feasibility of establish- ing a mission in some promising part of the city. The en- terprise met with such a hearty approval that the com- mittee, to which Elder R. S. Bullock had been added, abandoned the idea of a mission, and in touch with the views of the congregation, determined to build a house that would answer at once for a church. March 3, 1890, they purchased a lot on Maxwell street, which had on it a two-story brick residence, facing Upper street, and the same which the new church pur- chased from the first church in February, 1897, and is now known as the Maxwell Street Manse. On that part of the lot fronting ]\Iaxwell street they erected a handsome brick church, trimmed in stone, lighted by gas, heated by a furnace and furnished with modern pews, capable of seating comfortably four hun- dred worshipers. On the 17th day of August, 1891, this house of wor- ship was completed, free from debt, and dedicated to the service of the Lord by Rev. W. F. V. Bartlett, the be- loved pastor of the First Church. Rev. C. T. Thomson, who had been called bv the session of the First Church to labor in this part of their (184) MAXWEH-STREET PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH. 185 field as an assistant to their pastor, began his ministry in the new house of worship November lo, 1891, and so great was his success that a petition, approved by the session of the First Churcli. was presented to the Presby- tery, April 6, 1892, asking for a separate church organiza- tion. This request was granted, and a commission, con- sisting of Rev. G. H. Rout, D. D., Rev. W. F. V. Bartlett, MAXWELL-STREET PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH. D. D., Rev. C. T. Thomson and Elders D. B. Price and James A. Headley, was appointed to organize the Max- well Street Presbyterian Church, May 8, 1892. The organization was effected with seventy-seven members, of whom thirty-three were a colony from the First Church and forty-four had been received by Rev. C. T. Thomson in services at Maxwell Street. The of^cers elected were Elders T. T. Forman and W. L. Bartlett; and Deacons, Dr. Wm. Rhodes and N. H. 186 THE CHURCH RECORD. Smith. To these were added, February, 1893, Elder J. Morton Davis, and Deacons J. W. Yent and J. R. Smith. The church grew rapidly under the faithful ministry of their beloved pastor. Rev. C. T. Thomson, and when, in February, 1894, he severed his official connection with it to become the pastor of the Bethel and Horeb churches, there were a hundred and forty members on the roll and ninety pupils in the Sabbath-school. Before he left this field, in which his labors had been so signally blessed, he moderated a congregational meeting February 11, 1894, when the church called Rev. I. S. McElroy to be their pastor. This call was accepted, and the new pastor began his ministry the first Sabbath of the following May. During the short vacancy in the pastorate, Rev. W. C. Young, D. D., president of Center College, supplied the pulpit for a few weeks, when the building was beau- tified and made more comfortable at a cost of several hundred dollars. The rapid growth of the church soon made a demand for additional officers, and December i, 1895, B. F. Van Meter, Sr., and Dr. Wm. Rhodes were elected elders, and E. D. Veach, Jas. Rogers and W. D. Gay, deacons. During the five years of its history there have been added to the original seventy-seven members, two hun- dred and fifty new members, of whom the larger part re- main unto this present time. In February, 1894. Rev. C. T. Thomson was assisted by Rev. J. H. Hopper in a successful evangelistic meet- ing, when there were forty-two additions, and in Novem- ber, 1895, Dr. McElroy had the assistance of Rev. J. H. Evans in a similar meeting, when thirty-five members were received. These were the largest accessions at any one time, the others, for the most part, being received at the regular Sabbath services. The growth of this church in membership, although quite remar'kable, has not exceeded its growth in those other directions so essential to a vigorous and efficient organization. It was never more prosperous than at present, never more hopeful of the future and never had a wider open door of usefulness. The congregations are good, the contributions are liberal, the Ladies' Aid and Missionary Societies are enthusiastic and the Sab- bath-school of one hundred and sixty members is thor- oughly organized with a corps of most competent teach- ers, who are doing an excellent work in this department. MAXWEtL-STREET PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH. 187 This church is especially notable for the activity and sociability of its members, and for the charity and har- mony that has characterized its histors'. The seats are free, the offerings are voluntary, the visitors receive a cordial welcome. The present mem- bership is two hundred and seventy. Biographical Sketch of Pastor* The Rev. I. S. INIcElroy, D. D., pastor of the Maxwell Street Presbyterian Church, is a native Kentuckian, of Scotch-Irish Presbyterian parentage. His ancestors came to America in company with the Irvines, the Mc- Dowells and others in "the good ship George and Ann" about 1723, and to Kentucky with a colony from Camp- bell county, Va., which effected the first white settlement in what is now Marion county, Ky., October, 1789. The chief town of this county received its name from the old log meeting house which these settlers erected shortly after their arrival and called the Lebanon Presbyterian Church. Near this historic spot and not fifty miles from his present home Dr. McElroy was born July 30. 1853. He was fortunate in having Prof. J. C. Fales, now dean of faculty of Center College, for his instructor until his sixteenth year, when he removed with his father's family to Newtonia, Mo., where for three years he taught school and studied law at night. When nineteen years of age a conviction of duty to preach the gospel, which he had successfully resisted on former occasions, took such a hold on him that he was constrained to yield to the divine call. Without delay he repaired to Danville, Ky., Jan- uary, 1873, where he completed his academic education and then spent three years teaching in the Danville Class- ical and iSIilitary Academy. While teaching here he studied Hebrew and Theology under Dr. Wm. F. Jun- kin. He completed his theological studies in Union Seminary, Va., May, 1878, and was ordained by the Pres- bytery of Missouri the following September. He had been a communicating member of the Presbyterian church since he was eleven years of age. From the theological seminar}' he went at once to the charge of the Keytesville and Brunswick churches in Mis- souri, where his labors were eminently successful until 188 THE CHURCH RECORD. the climate proving prejudicial to his health he accepted a call from the church at Stanford, Ky., October, 1880. The following month he was married to Annie Lee, the 'second daughter of Judge George F. Lee, of Danville. While pastor at Stanford he also preached for a part of his time at Perrs'ville and later at Hustonville. REV. I. S. MCELROY, D. D. In October, 1884, he accepted a call to the church at Mt. Sterling, and gave a part of his time for the first year to the Springfield church as pastor elect. He remained at Mt. Sterling until July, 1890, when he removed his family to this city. At his earnest solicitation his church consented reluctantly for him to provide them a supply for the year 1889 while he and Chancellor Blanton would endeavor to raise an additional endowment of one hun- dred thousand dollars for Central L^niversity. This they accomplished in seven months and then the Synod of Kentucky requested Dr. McElroy to continue his labors with a view to securing an endowment fund for a theo- MAXWELL-STREET PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH. 189 logical seminary. The following spring he resigned as pastor at Mt. Sterling and gave himself entirely to this new w^ork. The Louisville Theological Seminary was organized March 29, 1893, when the Synod most reluct- antly accepted his resignation. While secviring subscrip- tions for this seminary, aggregating considerably more than a hundred thousand dollars, he also did the full work of a successful evangelist. Immediately on concluding his labors in behalf of the seminary he accepted a call from the Lexington, Mo., church, but his Presbytery refused consent and placed in his hands an invitation from the Bethel and Horeb churches, which he served until the following October, wdien the Synod elected him to superintend the State evangelistic work. Desiring to return to the pastorate, he declined this important position and spent that fall and winter with the First Church, Tampa, Fla., from which he had received a pastoral call. He continued to serve this church after he had declined the call until May, 1894, when he entered upon his present charge as pastor of the Maxwell Street Presbyterian Church of Lexington, Ky. Dr. McElroy has been honored by his brethren with some of the most responsible positions in his church. He is now a trustee of The Louisville Presbyterian Theologi- cal Seminary, a member of the Executive Committee of the Synod's evangelistic labor and chairman of the Com- mittee of Home Mission Work in his Presb}1;ery. He was a delegate from the Southern General Assembly to the Pan Presbyterian Council at Glasgow, Scotland, which he attended in connection with a tour of three months in Europe the summer of 1896. The Central University conferred upon him the degree of Doctor of Divinity June, 1894. Officers of tlie Church. Pastor— L S. McElroy, D. D. Elders— J. M. Davis. B. F. VanMeter, Wm. Rhodes, M. D. ; W. L. Bartlett, Clerk of Session. Deacons— N. H. Smith. J. R. Smith. E. D. \^each, W. D. Gav, Tames Rogers; J. W. Yent, treasurer. Trustees— J. M. Tanner, L. F. Huffman, W. H. Big- gerstafif. 190 THE CHURCH RECOPD. Societies of the Church. Ladies' Aid — Mrs. Wm. Rhodes, president; Mrs. W. L. Bartlett, vice-president; Mrs. W. H. Biggerstaff, secretary; Mrs. L. B. Bowyer, treasurer. Ladies' Missionary — Mrs. E. D. Veach, president; Mrs. John Morgan, vice-president; Miss Laura Smith, secretary and treasurer. Young Ladies' Missionary — Mrs. E. D. Veach, presi- dent; Miss Mattie Sprake, secretary and treasurer. Children's Missionary — Mrs. W. L. Bartlett, presi- dent; Miss Florence Skinner, secretary and treasurer. Westminster League — E. D. \^each, president; J. R. Smith, vice-president; O. D. Randolph, secretary; Miss Bessie Tanner, treasurer. Sabbath-school — Superintendent. Prof. J. M. Davis; first assistant superintendent, W. L. Bartlett; second as- sistant superintendent, J. R. Smith; secretary and treas- urer, T. W. Yent. List of Members. Adams, John F. Anderson, Mrs. R. M. Arvidson, Mrs. Fannie. Atchinson, Mrs. Mary J. Anderson, R. AL Acman, Mrs. INIargaret. Batterton, James H. Brown, Mrs. Margaret H. Batterton, Mrs. J. H. Briddell, Frank C. Butler, J. W. Briddell, York C. Bartlett, W. L. Bailey, Mrs. Sarah. Bartlett. Mrs. Lottie. Bailev, Matthews. Bell, Mrs. B. D. Bailey. Earnest. Bowyer, Lucien. Barkley, Mrs. J. E. Bowyer, Mrs. L. B. Bright, Mrs. Florence. Biggerstaff, W. H. Bright, Aliss Hattie. Biggerstaff, Mrs. Florence. Bright, Jralva. Bierly, Miss Hannah. Beard, Mrs. Minnie. Berryman, John C. Jr. Baker, Mrs. Massie S. Bealcrt. Mrs. Susan T. MAXWEIvL-STREET PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH. 191 Cole, Mrs. Annie P. Cole, George. Chom, Wm. Chom, Miss Sarah. Cruzan, R. S. Cruzan, Mrs. Eliza, Jr. Cruzan, Miss Roberta. Cassidy, Mrs. Laura. Davis, J. Morton. Doffs, Mrs. Bettie. Davis, Mrs. Rebecca. Davis, James. Cook, Samuel. Cook, Mrs. Mittie. Cannon, Mrs. Hettie A. Cannon, Miss Minnie H. Cannon, Miss Charlie F. Connell, Mrs. Mattie. Centers, Miss Annie. Cecil, Oliver. Cruzan, Alpheus. Davis, Mrs. Jane. . Donah o, Thomas. Dunlap, Mrs. Ella. Dornpier, Albert. Drivers, Mrs. Mvrtie S. Emanuel, Mrs. Sudie. Elkin, Mrs. Martha. Forney, Henr}^ Forney, Mrs. Mary. Fuller, Mrs. Amanda. Fuller, James F. Gay, W. D. Gay, Mrs. Virginia F. George, Miss Mamie. Gates, Miss Anna. Griffee, Mrs. Mattie. Hadlev, J. W. Hadle'v, Mrs. J. W. Haggard, M. R. Haggard, Mrs. M. R. Hanna, Wm. Hanna, Mrs. S. E. Hanna, Miss Rena. Hanna, Miss Virginia. Hanna, Miss Hettie. Harris, Miss Laura. Hamilton, Archie. Hamilton, Mrs. Emma. Hamilton, Miss Amelia Jenkins, James. Keene, Mrs. Annie B. Kirby, W. H. Fuller, Wm. J. Furrier, Miss Annie. Furrier, Miss Lizzie. Ford, Miss Edith. Fischer, Louis. Gratz, Mrs. Birdie V. Granaghan, Miss Sarah C. Guerrant, Marshall H. Gassett, Miss Anna M. Gill, Mrs. Sallie S. Huffman, Dr. L. F. Hughes, Mrs. Sarah. Herd, A. S. Hudson, Mrs. Mattie W. Henrv, Miss Marv E. Hible'r, Mrs. Lily D. Hawkins, Mrs. Minnie S. Hale, Mrs. Lula R. Hill, Mrs. Elizabeth. Haggard, Smith. Holmes, Mrs. Annie. Hulett, Mrs. Rida. M.Hinchman, Mrs. Florence W. Johnston, G. Y. Kirby. Mrs. Lula A. Kirchley, Mrs. Clara E. Kvle, Perr\^ 192 THE CHURCH RECORD. Lehman, Dr. Joseph. Leonard, G. W. Linville, Mrs. Nannie. Linville, Miss Estelle May. Lay, Mrs. Fann}' W. Morgan, Dorsev. MacCown, J. R. B. Morgan, Mrs. John. Moler, Mrs. Lilly P. Mayes, Mrs. Ann B. Miles, James O. Matliers, James R. Moore, Walter. Mathers, Miss Lottie Lee. Moore, Mrs. Lncinda. Maddox, Charley A. McElroy, Mrs. L S. McDougal, Mrs. H. C. McElroy, Miss Susie Lee. McFarland, Miss Eunice. McElroy, Miss Lottie TateMcMullen, Miss Jennie. McAdams, Mrs. H. K. McMullen, Mrs. Jane. Mc Mullen, Miss Mary. Nolin, W. W. Nolin, Mrs. W. W. Oats, Samuel. Oats, Mrs. Samuel. Offutt, David. Parks, Cecil. Parish, Marion. Parish, Mrs. Marion. Parish, Miss Lula. Price, Erasmus. Price, Mrs. Erasmus. Pepper, Mrs. Ella. Pettit, James. Quisenberry, J. W. Rhodes, Dr. Wm. Rhodes, Mrs. Mary. Rhodes, Allen. Rhodes, Mrs. Sarah E. Rhodes, Mrs. Bettie P. Rhodes, Miss Henrietta F. Rowland, N. H. Rice, Mrs. Sudie. Reed, Miss Etta. Rodgers, Miss Georgia L. Nolin, Miss Anna B. Nolin, Miss Effie. Nolin, Miss Drusie. Offutt, Mrs. David. Offutt, Alfred D. Offutt, W. D. Pettit, ]\Irs. Lucy. Pettit, ]\Iiss Edna. Pettit, Miss Bertha. Pearce, L. E. Pearce, Mrs. Anna M. Pearce, Miss Marv. Prewett, Ivlrs. Ella' W. Pettit, Mrs. Annette V. Powell, Mrs. Ella M. Rogers, Miss Mayme. Rogers, Miss Anna G. Rogers, Mrs. Lou R. Richardson, Mrs. Crit. Robinson, Wm. Robinson, Mrs. Mary C. Rilev, S. T. Rieliy, Miss Martha. Railey, Miss Eliza A. Rliorer, Dr. Melvine. MAXWEIvL,-STREET PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH. 193 Rogers, James. Rogers, Miss Rebecca. Smith, N. H. Smith, Miss Marie. Smith, Miss Laura. Smith, J. R. Smith, Mrs. J. R. Smith, W. L. Smith, Mrs. W. L. Stokeley, Miss Annie E. Shannon, Mrs. Nannie C. Sproke, Miss Mattie. Spillman, Richard H. Stevens, Isaac S. Sayre, Mrs. Agnes. Sayre, C. C. Trabiie, G. A. Taylor, Graham, Tate, Mrs. Kate. Tate, Wm. Tureman, Mrs. Lizzie. Trap, Mrs. Josie R. Tanner, J. M. Tanner, Mrs. Lizzie B. Tanner, Miss Bessie P. Rhorer, Mrs. Sue M. Robb, Mrs. Maggie F. RatcHff, John. Sayre, Mrs. Nannie. Sayre, Miss Eva. Sayre, Aurehus. Sayre, Mrs. Lucy M. Stamper, John. Sellers, Mrs. N. O. Spears, Miss Maud. Spears, Miss Minnie. Spears, Thomas B. Simms, Miss Katherine J. Smedlev, Miss Florence. Seal, tl. B. Skinner, Miss Florence. Swigert, Mrs. Lizzie. Tanner, Miss Allie M. Tanner, L. W. Travis, George. Turner, Mrs. Mary M. Turner, J. M. Tuttle, Mrs. Mattie M. Tompkins, J. L. Tompkins, Mrs. Georgia W. Treadwav, Mrs. Mollie. Underwood, Mrs. F. D. Lhiderwood, Miss Clara M. Van Meter, B. F., Sr. Van Meter, Jesse. Van Meter, Mrs. B. F. Veach, E. D. Van Meter, B. F., Jr. Veach, Mrs. Georgia. Van Meter, Miss Mabelle. Vaughn, Richard. Wheeler, Mrs. Hattie A. Wardle, Mrs. Lizzie. Woods, Mrs. Mary. Webster, Mrs. Loretta. Wilson, Mrs. Annie E. Wilson, Miss Marvin. Wilson, Miss Annie G. Wiggington, Junius T. Yent, T. W. Yent, Mrs. Mollie L. Yent, Wm. 13 Wilkie, Miss Amelia. Wilmot, Mrs. Amanda J. Wilmot, Miss Zuella. Williams, Mrs. Minnie. Wilson, Mrs. S. S. Wallace. Mrs. Mary. Wallace, Miss Minnie. Weddle, George W. Yent, Charles. Yent, Robert A. Yantis, Mrs. Jennie W. SECOND PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH. Historical Sketch. By Rev. W. S. Fulton, D. D. This church was organized in 1815 with fifteen mem- bers, and was then named "The Market Street Presby- terian Church." The first church building, erected mainly by men who were not then professed Christians, was begun in May, 1814, and dedicated July 30, 1815. The first pastor was Rev. James McChord, a brilliant thinker, eloquent speaker, and faithful minister of the gospel of Christ. He died May 29, 1820. To honor his memory his people buried his body under the pulpit in which he had preached, set a marble slab in the wall back of the pulpit and inscribed on it the words, "The resur- rection of the just shall unfold his character.'' Then to still further show their feelings toward him the people on August 26, 1823, changed the name of the church to "The McChord Presbyterian Church." There may have been elders in the church before this, but the first elders of whom we have record in "The Min- utes of Session," were ordained September 28, 1818. They were Ebenezer Sharpe, then a professor in Tran- sylvania University, Joseph C. Breckenridge, afterward attorney-general of the United States, William B. Logan, and William Henry. After the death of Mr. A^cChord the church was sup- plied chiefly by Dr. Robert H. Bishop, then a professor in Transylvania University, and afterward president of INIiami University, until the summer of 1823. A call was then made to Mr. John Breckenridge, a young man who had been chaplain of the National House of Representa- tives during the previous winter, and was then a licentiate of the Presbytery of West Lexington. Mr. Breckenridge became later a minister well known for his ability in all parts of the country. When he became pastor the church had only fifty-eight members, but it had begun to manifest (194) SECOND PRESBYTERIAN CHl-RCH. 195 that activity in Christian work which has characterized it ever since. On March 30, 1823, according to the arrangements made before that by tiie session, the Sabbath-school was organized, and the members of the church "Pledged themselves to their God and to one another to endeavor to do something weekly and daily to promote the relig- ious instruction of the vouth." The school met at two SECOND PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH. o'clock p. m., the teachers were to meet their classes of "four or six scholars" exactly at that hour. A half-hour was to be spent "hearing a small portion of scripture re- peated and endeavoring in a familiar manner to enforce some divine truth upon the understanding and the heart." For seventy-four years the Sabbath-school thus organized •196 THE CHURCH RECORD. has been the very right arm of the church. It has had among its officers and teachers the most intelHgent and devoted members of the church, and it has helped to train for service in this and other churches hundreds of useful Christians. Its present superintendent, Mr. John R. Sharpe, has for twenty-two years been in office, and has during all those years been absent only three or four times. Its present primary teacher, Mrs. Dr. H. M. Skillman, has efficiently conducted her department for a still longer period. In October, 1824, the first deacons of the church were elected and ordained. They were Thomas Prentiss, William S. Ridgely, and James Wallace, and since that time thirty others have filled the deacon's office, and "having served well as deacons have gained to themselves a good standing." The third pastor of the church was Rev. John C. Young, a native of Pennsylvania, a pupil of the celebrated Dr. John M. Mason, and for many years after he left the pastorate of the McChord Church the successful president of Center College at Danville, Ky. Dr. Young's pastor- ate, begun October 27, 1828, lasted but two years. It, however, introduced him to the Kentucky Presbyterian church, and opened the way to his great life work as an educator of young men. The fourth pastor was Rev. Robert Davidson, whose service extended from November 31, 1831, to June 28, 1840. Then he resigned to accept the presidencv of Tran- sylvania University. Dr. Davidson is known to the church throughout the country by his excellent "History of the Presbyterian Church in the State of Kentucky." It was during his pastorate that Lexington sufifered so terribly from the cholera, and we owe to his pen one of our most graphic descriptions of the horrors of that vis- itation. The fifth pastor was Rev. John D. Matthews, elected April 22, 1841. He continued in the office until 1845. During the first year of his pastorate the church received fifty-three persons, and reached a total membership of one hundred and sixty-eight. The sixth pastor was Rev. John H. Brown, a native of Greensburg, Ky., who had studied both law and medi- cine before he entered the ministry. He was "remark- able for his clear, direct style, and he presented truth with a tenderness and pathos which made him eloquent even upon occasions when least expected." His pastor- ate extended from January, 1847, to December, 1853. SECOND PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH. 197 From Session Book, of October 31, 1847, we make the following extract : "Sabbath morning clear and pleasant. The McChord Church, having been completed, was dedicated this fore- noon. Opening prayer and reading 6th chapter of 2d Chronicles by Rev. S. V. Marshall. Sermon preached by Rev. John H. Brown from 26. Chronicles, 6th chapter, 40th and 41st verses. Closing prayer by C. W. Campbell. The audience was large and attentive." Rev. R. G. Branck was the seventh pastor, serving the church for a longer period than any of its other pastors. He was installed Februan,^ 12, 1854, and dis- missed September 18, 1867. The church was also greatly blessed during his ministr\-. But his pastorate closed with the division of the church. Dr. Branck taking with him into the Southern Presbyterian church a part of the members of the Second Church. After the division of the church Rev. Edward H. Camp was pastor from Januar}- 26, 1868, to September 14, 1869. But during this brief pastorate fifty-two persons were added to the church. The next pastor was Rev. G. W. F. Birch. During his pastorate, which extended from 1870 to 1873, the church was again well organized and prepared to go steadily forward in its work. Rev. Robert Christie succeeded Dr. Birch. He was called November 19, 1873, and remained with the church until July 31, 1879. During these years the church did excellent work in all its different spheres of activity. Rev. George P. Wilson was ordained and installed pastor of the church October 14, 1880, and remained un- til January 24, 1884, having accomplished a good work during these opening years of his ministry. The present pastor. Rev. W. S. Fulton, was called March 3, 1884, and was installed May 7th, of the same year. Since that time the church has received into her membership over four hundred and sixty persons. Its members, without fairs, festivals or other devices for rais- ing money, have directly given to the work of the church in the city between fifty and sixty thousand dollars, and to mission work outside of the city they have contributed between forty-five and fifty thousand dollars. Tn 1876 the Ladies' ]\Iissionar\- Society was organized, and for some years past it has been one of the best so- cieties in the whole Presbyterian church. For five years past a flourishing and useful mission 198 THE CHURCH RECORD. has been supported by the church in the west end of the city. This is known as the Campbell Memorial Mission. Erected and presented to the Second Presbyterian Church by a faithful and useful member — Mr. William Campbell — in memory of his beloved wife, Mrs. Serilda Campbell. It was dedicated with interesting religious ceremonies on Sunday, July 13, 1892. Mr. Campbell was called to the heavenly rest on last Christmas day, a year ago, and in grateful memory of Mr. Campbell memorial services were held in the chapel the Sunday evening following, when the pastor, Rev. William S. Fulton, D. D., presided, preached the sermon, and Elder Dr. Lyman Beecher Todd delivered an appropriate ad- dress. The chapel was filled to its utmost capacity by a deeply impressed and appreciative audience. A prayer meeting is regularly conducted in the chapel on every Thursday evening, by the pastor and elders alternately, and also divine service ever\^ Sunday evening, which are well attended by citizens of the vicinity, and growing in interest. A Sabbath-school, numbering over one hundred pupils, is held here every Sunday afternoon, of which Mr. J. Edward Bassett is the attentive and faithful superin- tendent and Miss Ella Williams devoted and untiring assistant superintendent. Much good has been accom- plished by this school in the neighborhood. On Saturday morning an industrial school is con- ducted at this mission, attended by more than eighty scholars and by many ladies of the church, who labor earnestly and faithfully in this department, which has already given gratifying evidence of great usefulness. One of the elders of the church, Dr. John W. Scott, from 1 87 1 to 1883, supported and superintended a Sab- bath-school for the colored people and in the teaching he was assisted by other members of the church, and at a later date Elder James A. Curry superintended a similar school. From about 1864 to 1874 members of the church con- ducted a mission Sabbath-school on West Main street in the city school building. During all of its history the church has been composed of a liberal, intelligent and conservatively progressive people. SECOND PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH. 199 Biographical Sketch of Pastor. The pastor of the Second Presbyterian Church, Rev. WilUam S. Fuhon, is a native of Washington count>% Pennsylvania. On his father's side he is of Scotch-Irish stock, and comes of a long line of Presbyterian ministers, his great-great-grandfather being the first Presbyterian minister to settle west of the mountains in Pennsylvania. Dr. Fulton was educated at Bell's Mills Academy, Washington and Jefiferson College, and Lafayette Col- REV. WILLIAM S. FULTON, D. U. lege, where he was graduated. His theological training was 'in the Theological Seminary at Allegheny, when the great teacher, Dr. A. A. Hodge, was there. His first pastorate was in the First Presbyterian Church of Oil City, Pa., a church of several hundred members, re- markable for the fact that it had in it but one gray- haired man, and two grav-haired ladies. This pastorate of five years was signalized bv two large ingathenngs and bv the unusual number of men who were saved from the drinking habit to become sober, Chnstian men. The second pastorate was over the First Presbyterian 200 THE CHURCH RECORD. Church of Erie City, Pa., but was not characterized by any unusual features. After being there four years, Dr. Fulton came to the Second Church, Lexington, where he has been thirteen years. He was honored with the degree of Doctor of Divinity by Center College several years ago, and last year his alma mater, Lafayette College, at Easton, Pa., conferred on him the same degree. He was married in 1879 ^o Miss Harriet Gordon, sec- ond daughter of Hon. Isaac G. Gordon, late Chief Jus- tice of the Supreme Court of Pennsylvania. Organization. Pastor — Rev. W. S. Fulton, D. D., residence 70 South Mill street. Session — Frederick Bush, James A. Curry, John R. Sharpe, Wm. E. Bush, Squire Bassett; L. Beecher Todd, M. D., Clerk. Deacons — Wm. Curran, Frank Gilmore, J. T. Tunis, L J. Blackburn, W. W. Patterson. Trustees— Charles Hottes, H. M. Skillman, Jr., J. Howard Currv, Wm. Curran, J- W. Stoll, J. E. Bassett, W. L. Threlkeld. Treasurers — J. T. Tunis, of deacon's fund and benev- olent work of the church. J. Ed. Bassett, of congrega- tional fund, church expenses, etc. Sexton — Ben Johnston, may be found at Fayette Na- tional Bank. Sabbath-SchooL Officers — John R. Sharpe. superintendent; W. W. Patterson, vice-superintendent; J. Howard Curry, secre- tary and treasurer; W. W. Patterson, librarian; Berkley Diick, assistant librarian; Miss Jane Lowry Curran, organist. SECOND PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH. 201 Campbell Memorial Chapel. Sabbath-School Officers — J. Ed. Bassett, superinten- dent; Albert Hottes, secretary. Woman^s Missionary Society. Officers — Miss vS. B. Scott, president; Mrs. M. C. Lyle, vice-president; Mrs. F. H. Norton, recording sec- retary; Mrs. B. B. Wilson, corresponding secretar}-'; Aliss Lizzie Lyle, treasurer. Regular meetings are held on the tliird Tuesday of each month in the Sabbath-school room, at 3:30 p. m. Lucas Mission Band — Officers are elected quarterly. Regular meetings are held in the Sabbath-school room at 3 p. m., the last Sabbath of each month. Y. P. S. C. E. Officers — I. J. Blackburn, president; J. H. Curry, vice-president; Miss Margaret Beard, secretar}^; Miss Elizabeth Curran, treasurer. Regular meetings 6:45 p. m., in the Sabbath-school room. Business meetings second Monday evening each month. List of Members. Adams, R. P. Adams, Mrs. Lena. Aiken, Mrs. E. B., East High street, c 1874. Aiken, Miss Marv B.. East High street, p 1880. Aldrich, Albert E.', S. Broadway Park, p 1891. Aldrich, Mrs. Emma S., South Broadway Park, p 1891. 202 THE CHURCH RF.CORD. Alexander, Mrs. Virg-inia N., 128 E. High street, c 1883. Alexander, Miss Hattie, 208 W. Maxwell street, p 1891. Alexander, Sylvester, 208 W. Maxwell street, p 1891. Allan, Mrs. Susan. 139 E. High street, c 1867. Allen, Miss Bettie, East Main street, c 1889. Allen, Miss Louisa, East Main street, c 1889. Armstrong, Miss Julia, East. Kentucky Asylum, p 1891. Armstrong, L. R., Chestnut street, c 1893. Armstrong, Mrs. Celestia, Chestnut street, c 1893. Armstrong, Thomas Edward, Chestnut street, c 1893. Aston, Miss, 194 W. Third street. Baldwin, E. C, 194 W. Third street, c 1894. Baldwin, Mrs. Florence A., 194 W. Third street, c 1894. Barron, Mrs. Lillie, 46 Walnut street, c 1877. Bassett, Squire, 86 S. Limestone street, p 1855. Bassett, Miss Emma L., 86 S. Limestone street, p 1882. Bassett, Miss Anna W., 86 S. Limestone street, p 1885. Bassett, Mrs. Mattie K., 127 N. Broadway, p 1878. Bassett, J. E., 10 Fayette Park, p 1882. Bassett, Mrs. Katliarine S., 10 Favette Park, p 1889, Baxter, Mrs. Mary A. ' Beard, Morrison H., 155 N. Broadway, c 1885. Beard, Mrs. MoUie, 155 N. Broadway,' c 1885. Beard, Miss Margaret H., 155 N. Broadway, p 1890. Beard, James Allen, 155 N. Broadway, p 1894. Beard, James W. Berkley, Miss Sarah E., 133 N. Broadway, p 1891. Bentley, Leslie, Fayette county, p 1893. Bentley, Mrs. Louisa, Fayette county, p 1893. Bergen, Mrs. A. R., Georgetown pike, c 1889. Black, Mrs. Ida E., Richmond pike, p 1888. Black, Aaron M., Richmond pike, c 1888. Black, Miss Jennie Maud, Richmond pike, p 1895. Black, Miss Stella May, Richmond pike, p 1895. Blackburn, L J., South Broadway Park, c 1889. Blackburn, Mrs. Julia. South Broadway Park, c 1889. Bolden, Mrs. Anna A. Bolden, Miss Lillie. Blaine, Samuel L., Cincinnati, Ohio, p 1893. Brower, Miss Francis A., 38 W. Main street, p 1886. Brower, Miss Josephine, 38 W. Main street, p 1890. Brower, Miss Carrie, 38 W. Main street, p 1892. Brower, Wm. H.. 38 W. Main street, p 1895. Brasfield, iVIrs. Clara, South Broadway, c 1894. Brown, Mrs. Ettie, 72 Prall street, p 1885. Brown, Miss Katherine Clark, 115 W. Third St., p. 1895. SECOND PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH. 203 Browning-, Miss Bettie, 6i W. Main street, p 1871. Bruce, Miss Lizzie B., 58 Barr street, p 1866. Butler, Mrs. Lucy A., South Broadway, c 1871. Bush, Frederick, no E. Third, c 1869. Bush, Wm. E., 100 N. Upper street, c 1869. Bush, Mrs. Susan E., 100 N. Upper street, c 1869. Bush, Miss Lizzie, 100 N. Upper street, p 1872. Bush, George Lewis, 100 N. Upper street, p 1895. Carpenter, Mrs. Ahce L., 224 N. Broadway, c 1890. Cassidy, Miss Irene, Richmond Pike, p 1894. Chandler, Pern', Woodland avenue, p 1895. Collins, Mrs. Martha, p. 1882. Cooper, Mrs. Sallie, Georgetown pike. Cox, Miss Sarah Anna, 60 Colfax street, p 1895. Cramer, Willard S., Lake Ellerslie, c 1885. Cramer, Mrs. Matilda, Lake Ellerslie, c 1890. Curran, Wm., 83 W. Fourth street, c 1869. Curran, Mrs. Elizabeth, 83 W. Fourth street, c 1869. Curran, Miss Elizabeth, 83 W. Fourth street, p 1888. Curran, Miss Jane Lowry, 83 W. Fourth street, p 1888. Curran, George Russell, 83 W. Fourth street, p 1891. Curry, James A., 283 N. Broadway, c 1883. Curry, Mrs. Elizabeth Porter, 283 N. Broadway, c 1883. Currv, James Howard, 128 E. High street, p 1883. Currv, Mrs. Elizabeth Norton, 128 E. High street, p. 1882. Davis, Mrs. Charlotte, 58 Barr street, c il Davis, John Bruce, 58 Barr street, p 1895. Davis, Miss Margaret Skillman, 58 Barr street, p 1895. Dodge, Victor K., South Broadway, c 1895. Douglass, Elias, 47 Rand avenue, c 1892. Douglass, Mrs. A. C, 47 Rand avenue, c 1892. Drake, Dr. Thos. E., 24 Barr street, c 1890. Drake, Mrs. Mary, 24 Barr street, c 1890. Downing, Mrs. Mary, Nicholasville pike, p 1870. Duck, Mrs. Alice C.', 67 N. Broadway, p 1891. Duck, Miss Alice, 67 N. Broadway, p 1891. Duck, Berklev W., 67 N. Broadway, p 1891. Dudley, Mrs. 'Mary S., Washington, D. C, p 1864. Dunlap, Miss Eugenia, p 1895. Dugan, Mrs. Sallie, 104 Manchester street, p 1886. Durst, Mrs. Josephine, 179 E. Short street, p 1873. Eacho, James C, 79 S. Limestone, p 1895. Eacho, Mrs. Minnie Spencer. 79 S. Limestone, p 1893. 204 THE CHURCH RECORD. Faig, Mrs. Louisa Emma, 178 W. Main street, p 1895. Faig, George Walter, 178 W. Main street, p 1895. Frazer, Mrs. Mary Jane, Versailles pike, p 1877. Frazer, Hugh Miller, Versailles pike, p 1885. Frazer, Miss Mary F., Versailles pike, p 1885. Frazer. Joseph C. W., Versailles pike, p 1893. Frazer, William R., Versailles pike, p 1895. Frazer, Miss Charlotte, Versailles pike, p 1895. Frazier, Wm. T., 47 W. Maxwell street, c 1890. Frazier, Mrs. Wm. T., 47 W. Maxwell, c 1890. Frazier, Miss Ida May, 47 W. Maxwell street, c 1890. Frazier, Ernest D., 47 W. Maxwell street, c 1890. Fulton, Mrs. Harriet G., 70 S. Mill street, c 1884. Garman, Mrs. W. H., 424 S. Limestone street, c 1892. Gilchrist, John, Paris pike, c 1868. Gilchrist, Mrs. Elizabeth, Paris pike, c 1868. Gilchrist, John Jr., p 1877. Gilchrist, Mrs. Mattie F. B., p 1877. Gilchrist, Miss Margaret C., p 1895. Gilchrist, Miss Mary R., p 1895. Gilmore, Frank, 10 Arlington avenue, p 1866. Gilmore, Mrs. Addie, 10 Arlington avenue. Gilmore, Miss Addie, 10 Arlington avenue, p 1882. Gilmore, Miss Nannie, 128 S. Broadway, p 1878. Graves, Mrs. Margaret, p 1887. Grinstead, Mrs. Irene R., 45 Park avenue, c 1894. Grubbs, Mrs. Rosa, 179 E. Short street, p 1875. Grubbs, Wm. Armstrong, 179 E. Short street, p 1895. Gunn, Mrs. Florence H., Loudon Park, p 1882. Goetz, Paul E., East Short street. Goetz, Mrs. Jennie, East Short street. Halliday, ]\Iiss Janette, 206 S. Upper street, p 1870. Halliday, Miss Isabella, 206 S. Upper street, p 1870. Hancock, Mrs. Mary T., 414 S. Limestone street, c 1874. Hancock, Miss Mary, 414 S. Limestone street, p 1886. Hancock, Miss Ella P., 414 S. Limestone street, p. 1893. Hamilton, Thomas S.. 61 W. Main street, p 1885. Hamilton, Mrs. Charlotte, 61 W. Main street, p 1869. Hamilton, Thomas S., Jr.. 61 W. Main street, p 1894. Hamilton, Robert B., 61 W. Main street, p 1895. Hamilton, Henry A., 61 W. Main street. Herring, Mrs. Florence, 28 Perrv street, p 1893. Hill, J. R., West Fourth street, c 1893. Hill, Mrs. J. R., West Fourth street, c 1893. Hill Matthew Edgar, West Fourth street, c 1893. SECOND PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH. 205 Hottes, Charles, South Upper street, p 1877. Hottes, Mrs. Margaret A., South Upper street, c 1884. Hottes, Albert, South Upper street, p 1890. Hottes, Miss Margaret, South Upper street, p 1891. Hottes, Miss Naomi, South Upper street, p 1895. Hottes, Miss Alma B., South Upper street, p 1895. Hottes, Miss Mary M., South Upper street, p 1895. Hoyt, Miss Mary S., 56 N. Upper street. Hughes, Mrs. Mary, 222 N. Broadway, p 1884. Hughes, B. Ed., 222 N. Broadway, p 1895. Hughes, Mrs. B. Ed., 222 N. Broadway. Hughes, Miss Mar>' Wilgus, 222 N. Broadway, p 1891 Hughes, Miss Katie O., 222 N. Broadway, p 1895. Hughes, Alex M., 222 N. Broadway, p 1895. Hughes, Miss Stella, 55 W. Maxwell street, p 1895. Hukill, Mrs. Mary, Frankfort pike, p 1872. Hukill, Mrs. Minerva, Frankfort pike, p 1886. Hukill. Miss Mary Belle, 40 Headley avenue, p 1892. Hukill, Moses K., 40 Headley avenue, p 1895. January, Andrew M., p 1895. Jaeger, John F., 85 S. Limestone, p 1890. Jaeger, Mrs. Annie E., 85 S. Limestone, p. 1890. Jaeger, Henry F., 85 S. Limestone, p 1895. Jaeger, Helen Louise, 85 S. Limestone, p 1895. Johns, Mrs. Alice, 128 S. Broadway, p 1877. Johnson, Jonathan, Fayette county, c 1886. Johnson, Miss Kate Viley, Fayette county, c 1886. Johnson, Miss Elizabeth, Fayette county, c 1886. Johnson, Mrs. Lizzie G., Winchester pike, p 1883. Jones, David B., 210 W. Maxwell street, p 1895. Jones, Mrs. Minnie S., 210 W. Maxwell street, c 1890. Jenkins, Ernest W. Keiser. Miss Nannie N., 163 W. Third street, p 1895. Kiger, Henry C, p 1893. Kiger, Mrs. Marv Elizabeth, 232 W. Pine street, p 1894. Kinkead, Miss Eleanor Talbott. 61 W. 2d street, p 1875. Kinkead, Miss Elizabeth Shelby, 61 W. 2d St., p 1879. Klein, Miss JuHet M., Palace Hotel, p 1895. Klein, Miss Clara, Palace Hotel. Krigel, Louis, Richmond pike, p 1882. Krigel, Miss Emma K., Richmond pike, p 1895. Krigel, Miss Annie Louise, Richmond pike, p 1895. Krigel, George, Richmond pike, p 1895. Kroesing, A. J., 96 S. Spring street, p 1874. Kroesing, Mrs. P. W. H., 96 S. Spring street, p 1874. 206 THE CHURCH RECORD. Kroesing, Miss Lillie, 96 S. Spring street, p 1890. Klein, Miss Louis, Palace Hotel. Klein, Miss Nettie, Palace Hotel. Lanhiim, Milton, 123 W. Pine street, p 1895. Lyle, Mrs. Maria C, 160 Walnut street, c 1869. Lyle, Miss Lizzie A., 160 Walnut street, p 1870. Lyle, Miss Helen, 160 Walnut street, p 1871. Lyle, Charles N., 160 Walnut street, p 1882. Lowman, E. F., Jefferson street. Lowman, Mrs. E. P., Jefferson street. March, Aliss Lizzie C, no E. Third street, c i< Martin, William, St. Joseph's Hospital. Martin, Wm. Ed., 96 Ohio street, p 1889. Matthews, Prof. C. W., South Limestone street. Matthews, Mrs. C. W., South Limestone street. Mays, Alfred B., 245 S. Mill street, c 1884. Maxwell, Mrs. Mary J., Washing-ton. Ind., c i< Maxwell, Miss JMar}' E., 54 ^Maryland avenue, p 1893. Middleton, John W^. 234 W. Pine street, p 1895. Middleton, Mrs. Josie, 234 W. Pine street, c 1895. Miller, Mrs. Louise A., p 1886. Millikan, Miss May E.. 2 High street, c 1891. Milligan, Miss Edna Belle, 42^ E. Main street, p 1895. Mitchell, Miss Hebe, Cor. Elm Tree Lane & 5th, p 1895. Mitchell, Miss Stattie, Cor. Elm Tree Lane & 5th. Moffatt, Mrs. Anna, 35 Constitution street. Montague, Wm. R., 94 Walnut street, p 1895. Moore, Mrs. Mary L., 68 W. Second street, p 1879. Moore, Miss Courtney, 68 W. Second street, p 1893. Morden, Wm., Kentucky avenue, p 1895. Morden, Mrs. Emily, Kentucky avenue, c 1892. Murray, James, 428 S. Limestone street, p 1880. Murray, Mrs. Matilda D., 428 S. Limestone St., p 1880. Murray, Miss Mary W., 428 S. Limestone street, p 1895. Myers, Henry S., p 1895. McClain, Miss Jennie, Georgetown pike, c 1889. McCracken, Mrs. Kate, 4 W. High street, p 1856. McCracken, Miss Ella, 4 W. High street, p 1872. McCracken, John, 4 W. High street, p 1875. McCracken, Miss Anna, 4 W. High street, p 1882. McElhinny, Mrs. Anna M., 94 N. Limestone street. McElhinny, Aliss Xettie, 94 N. Limestone street, p 1871. McElhinny, Miss Kate, 94 N. Limestone street, p 1872. McElhinny, Miss Anna, 94 N. Limestone street, p 1875. McElhinny, Miss Mattie, 94 N. Limestone street, p 1882. McElhinny, Miss Mary, 94 N. Limestone street, p 1884. SECOND PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH. 207 Neale, Mrs. Carrie B., 95 E. Alaxwell street. Neale, Miss Marv^ B., 95 E. Maxwell street, p 1882. Norton, Mrs. Elizabeth, 128 E. High street, c 1836. Norton, Miss Florence, 128 E. High street, p 1872. Norton, Frank H., 2 E. High street, p 1872. Norton, Mrs. Katherine, 2 E. High street, p 1871. Nottnagel, Mrs. Annie, 82 Walnut street, p 1882. Nottnagel, Miss Mary, 82 Walnut street, p 1886. Nottnagel, Miss F"lorence, 82 Walnut street, p 1886. Nunnelly, Miss Mary S. Nunnelly, Miss Daisy B. Orear, Miss Mary E., 128 E. High street, p 1875. Ott, Miss Maggie, South Broadway Park. Patrick, Mrs. Wm., Fayette county. Patterson, Mrs. Janet, State College, c 1874. Patterson, Mrs. Emily, 108 S. Spring street, c 1887. Patterson, W. W., 108 S. Spring street, c 1885. Pfeiffer, Miss Lizzie, 106 W. Fourth street, p 1869. Portwood, Mrs. C. C, c 1894. Purnell, Miss Mary, 170 E. Maxwell street, p 1884. Purnell, Miss Roberta, 170 E. Maxwell street, p 1895. Renter, Airs. Anna, 23 W. Fifth street, c 1882. Renter, John, 2^ W. Fifth street, p 1883. Renter, Charles A., 23 W. Fifth street, p 189^ Rice, Mrs. Mary D., West High street, p 1886. Richmond, Miss Lillie E., 432 E. Main street, p 1892. Richmond, Miss Carrie F., 432 E. Main street, p. 1892. Richmond, Lawrence L., 432 E. Main street, p 1895. Richmond, Miss Hattie A., 432 E. Main street, p 1895. Roark, Prof. R. N., 420 S. Limestone street, c 1890. Roark, Mrs. Mary C, 420 S. Limestone street, c 1890. Roberts, Mrs. Elizabeth H. Rogers, Mrs. Etta H., 40 Headley avenue, p 1886. Reedy, Miss Charlotte, 179 E. Short. Sage, Mrs. Mary E., 128 E. High street, c 1872. Sage, Miss Alice N., 128 E. High street, p 1882. Sandusky, Miss Bessie, 180 E. Main street, c 1889. Sandusky, Miss Roberta A., 180 E. Main street, p 1895. Schwedes, Miss Dora A., 42 Drake street, p 1890. Scott, Miss Lucv A., 68 N. Broadwav, c 1845. Scott, Mrs. Elizabeth S., 68 N. Broadwav, p 1859. Scott, John W., 68 N. Broadway, p 1888. Scott, Miss Margaret S., 68 N. Broadway, p 1892. 208 THE CHURCH RECORD. Scott, Joseph M., i6i N. Broadway, c 1865. Scott, Miss Susan B. M., 161 N. Broadway, p 1889. Scott, Miss Grizilda A., 161 N. Broadway^ p 1890. Scott, Thomas, T. S., 161 N. Broadway, p 1895. Scott, Wm. Campbell, East Main street, p 1895. Scott, Miss S. B., 161 N. Broadway, c 1886. Scott, Mrs. Elizabeth Bassett, 127 N, Broadway, p 1871. Scott, Miss Elizabeth Bassett, 127 N. Broadway, p 1892. Scott, Miss Jane S., 127 N. Broadway, p 1895. Scott, Mrs. Libbie J., Kentucky avenue. Scovell, Mrs. M. A., Nicholasville pike, c 1887. Sharpe, John R., 133 E. Maxwell street, c i860. Sharpe, Mrs. Elizabeth, 133 E. Maxwell street, c i860. Sharpe, Miss Lillie T., 133 E. Maxwell street, p 1872. Sharpe, Miss Mary D., 133 E. Maxwell street, p 1877. Sharpe, Miss Anna D. Sharpe, Geo. Norton, p 1883. Skillman, Dr. Henry M., 68 N. Broadway, p 1866. Skillman, Mrs. Margaret, 68 N. Broadway, c 1845. Skillman, Henry M., Jr., East Main street, p. 1875. Smith, Wilbur R., South Limestone street, c 1884. Smith, Mrs. Lila R., South Limestone street, c 1884. Smith, Mrs. Lillie B., South Broadway, c 1894. Spotswood, Mrs. Sarah P., 190 E. Maxwell St., c 1879. Spotswood, Fred M., 190 E. Maxwell street, c 1879. Stoll, James S., 107 N. Broadway, p 1876. Stoll, Mrs. Addie, 107 N. Broadway, c 1890. Strobel, Gotleib, South Upper street. Strobel, Mrs. Eliza S., South Upper street. Strobel, Miss Anna C., South Upper street. Strobel, Miss Lena, South Upper street. Strobel, Carl, South Upper street. Strobel, William, South L^pper street. Stewart, Mrs. Elizabeth, 160 E. Fourth street. Stewart, Miss Marie Louise, 160 E. Fourth street. Stewart, Miss Isabel Herron, 160 E. Fourth street. Stoll, George J., 107 N. Broadway, p 1895. Stoll, Charles H., 117 W. Third street, p 1875. Stoll, Mrs. E. B., 116 W. Third street, c 1891. Stoll, Miss Elsie May, 116 W. Third street, p 1895. Stoll, Richard Charles, 177 N. Broadway, p 1888. Stoll, John George, 177 N. Broadway, p 1894. Stewart, John L., 494 E. Main street, c 1892. Stewart, Mrs. Amelia, 494 E. Main street, c 1889. Stanhope, Mrs. Virginia, Midway, p 1894. Talbert, Mrs. Charlotte D., Tates Creek pike. Threlkeld, W. L., 86 S. Limestone street, p 1894. SECOND PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH. 209 Threlkeld, Mrs. Fannie, 86 S. Limestone street, p 1868. Trost, Miss Annie, 326 N. Broadway, p 1883. Trost, Miss Mena, 326 N. Broadway, p 1890. Todd, Dr. Lyman Beecher, 355 E. Main St., p 1846. Todd, John B., East Main street. Tunis, John T., 285 N. Broac^vav, c 1886. Tunis, Mrs. Mary E., 285 N. Broadway, c 1883. Updike, P. P., 78 S. Spring street. Updike, Mrs. SalHe, y8 S. Spring street. Uppington, Miss Emily, Ransom Av., near High, p 1890. Van Orsdel, Mrs. Annie, 5th & Ehn Tree Lane, c 1895. Vanmeter, James, 494 E. Main street, c 1874. Watkins, Mrs. 179 E. Short street. Watkins, Louis, 179 E. Short street. Watkins, Lester, 179 E. Short street. Ward, Miss Nora, 68 W. Second street, p 1884. Wai-field, Wm., 108 E. Fourth street, p 1846. Warfield, Mrs. Mary C, 108 E. Fourth street. Warren, Mrs. Mary A., 10 Arhngton avenue, p 1886. Warwick, A. W., 6y S. Upper street, c 1892. Warwick, Mrs. EHza J., 6y S. Upper street, c 1892. Weigand, Mrs. , 44 Kentucky avenue. Weigand, James, 44 Kentucky avenue, p 1895. Wellman, Mrs. Anna E., 39 Cox street, c 1895. Whitmore, Mrs. Amanda, 80 Wahiut street, c 1883. Whitmore, Miss Jessie B., 80 Wahiut street, p 1885. Wilson, Benj. B., 418 S. Limestone street, p 1885. Wilson, Mrs. Alice P., 418 S. Limestone street, p 1874. Wilson, George H., 418 S. Limestone street, p 1895. Wilson, Mrs. Emma B., 154 E. Sixth street, p 1883. Williamson, Mrs. Anna E., 140 W. High street. Williamson, Oliver R., 140 W. High street, p 1895. Williamson, Hugh, 140 W. High street, p 1895. Williamson, Ross, 140 W. High street. Young, Edward G., Bryant Station pike, c 1877. Young, ]\Iiss Mary, Bryant Station pike, c 1877. Young, Miss Agnes, Bryant Station pike, c 1895. Young, Miss Annie B., Bryant Station pike, p 1887. Zimmerman, INIrs. Cordelia, 350 E. High street, c 1869. 14 WALNUT- HILL PRESBYTEI^IAN CHURCH. Historical Sketch. By R. H. Davenport. Walnut Hill Presbyterian Church, in Fayette count}', has one of the most illustrious histories of any church in Kentucky. It was organized in 1785 by Rev. Alex- ander Crawford, whose dust now lies in t!:e old church yard. Rev. Robert Stuart (familiarly known as Father Stuart), was its second pastor. The first preacher I recollect was Alexander Craw- ford, who ministered there many years. He was fol- lowed by Robert Stewart, he by John Lyle, he by R. J. Breckinridge and J. J. Bullock. Stewart and Lyle died during their- pastorate of this church. Some of the most prominent members were Dr. Todd. Waller Bullock, Charles McPheeters, Walter Hawkins. Andrew Armstrong, Samuel Bell, Dabney CJverton, the Headleys, Will Dunlap, Col. John Dunlap, ]\IcClanihan, Mclsaacs, Robert Boggs, Edmund Bullock, Mrs. Col- onel Rhodes, Mrs. Charles Carr, Mrs. Whitney, Mrs. Gordon Hunt (mother of Judge Joe Hunt). Parson Stewart taught school there about 1824, and among my old schoolmates were Joe Bullock, Robert, Sam and David Stewart, Lunsford Chiles. Charles Mc- Pheeters. \\'alter Carr and William Richardson. Joe Bullock was afterward pastor of the church; David and Sam Stewart became preachers; Robert Stewart moved to Springfield, 111., and was a famous lawyer; Richard- son moved to Illinois, studied law, was elected to the United States Senate as a Democrat, and served in the Senate with John C. Breckinridge. Carr and McPheeters moved to St. Louis. Chiles lived and died at Chilesburg, in Fayette county. The (210) WALNUT-HILL PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH. 211 writer of this is, I think, the only member of the old school living. There was a singing- class taught there. Among those who attended were the Misses Bullock, Carr, Hawkins, Armstrong, Stewart, Simrall. Miss Sarah Bul- lock, who was a sister of Rev. Jos. Bullock and Robert Bullock, married a Mr. Simrall, and was the mother of Judge Simrall, of Louisville, and Mayor Simrall of Lex- ington. Mrs. Simrall and the writer of this are the only survivors of that large class. The Sunday-school, con- ducted at that time at the Walnut Hill Church, was the only one held in Fayette county. John C. Breckinridge was an attendant at the old church, lived wath Walter Bul- lock and was indoctrinated into the principles of Democ- racy by him, who was recognized as being the best posted man in the country at that time. Gen. John B. Huston taught school in that neighborhood, and it was said, studied for the ministry, but never preached. The pulpit was six feet high from the floor, boxed up, and steps leading up to it. When the preacher stood up 3'ou could only see his head, while sitting he was entirely hid from the congregation. The writer moved to Wood- ford county in 1848, and is not ver}^ familiar with the history of the church since. It was a great county, the best and greatest of God's creation lived there, the pure gospel was preached in the old church, the good men and women who lived there have died and gone to their reward, their descendants have scattered, many of them in the pulpit and in the legislative hall have left their impress on the history of this country, the old church still stands and, as in the past, the pure gospel of Christ is preached there. With what a mixture of pain and pleasure are these recollec- tions dotted down. One moment I can see tlie old church, the school-room, the boys and girls, and can hear the merrv shouts as they engage in their old-time games, then my eyes fill with tears when I remember that of all that number the writer alone is here, waiting for the summer, trusting that when it comes there will be a reunion of the old Walnut Hill boys and girls in our Father's house above. The old stone church was remodeled a few years ago, and is a beautiful structure, and though its membership is small, still has regular ministrations of the gospel. DATE DUE CAYLORQ "~41^^afc^(