'■VtP^ ^■^(\ 'i\"!r, A ' ..t'!^ ;' *',-' i<^. t^ M^ '.y, ,,v ■" A.;,.;.-.^ ^-j 2-K Z-_ _5^ ^ (^/o^/ca./ ^^772^/ygL-v^ LIBRARY OF THE ^ Theological Seminary, PRINCETON, N. J. sec Shelf, L'!:?../^'... .D.ivisjor -S.ec.t.ion '' liook, N«,. ± THE HUMBLE 4» •4^ A D V I ♦ OF TheAiTcm,-. . . ^ OF -^^^ DIVINEST Authority oiT ARLlAMENtZ ^ Sitting atWES TM I NSTER.5 ± ♦ CONCERNING %. t nA anje^ion of F A I T Hi | I WITH Z |The QJUO TAT IONS and TEXTS of| •9> Scripture Annexed. 4^ ^ Prefented by them lately, to both Houfes of Tarliament : ^ ♦ — , ^ X ' Now Publiflied with Scriptures at length, ^ -* For the good of F A M 1 L I E S. ^ ♦ ^ _ — ♦ LONVONj "♦ Printed by 5. G'r/^« for the Company of Stationers, and^ J to be fold by /. Kothfrell at the fountain in Cheaff^4^. ^ ^ I 5 5 S. ♦- ♦ ? TO The Chriftian Reader f" Efpecially he::ds of FAMILIES QLoan n ■»■"• "^ S we cannot but with grief of Soul lament thofe multitudes of Errors, Elafphemies^ and all kinds of pro- phaneneffe, which have in this laft Age like a mighty D el^tge overflowen this Nation, fo among feveral other fins which have helped to open the Flood-gates of all thefe impieties, wie cannot but efteem the difufe of Family- Inftruflion one of the greateft. The two great Pillars upon which the Kingdom of Satan is erected, and by which it is upheld, are Ignorance and Errour, The firft ftep of our manumiflion from this fpiritual thraldom con- fifts in hnving our Eyes opened^ anci heiitg iurtKcl frofu darkpejfe tolight-^ How much theferiousendeavours of godly Parents Aa.25.i8. and Mafters might contribute to an early feafoning the ten- . der years of fuch as are under their infped:ion is abundant- ly evident, not only from their fpecial influence upon them in refped of their Authority over them-, intereft in them, continual prefeace with tkem, & frequent opportunities of being helpful to them, but alfo from thefadefFeds which" by woful experience we find to b^ the fruit of theomiffi- on of this duty. 'T were eafie to fet before you a cloud of As '- IVitmjfes ihe Epijile to the Reader. Witnejjes tht language of whofe pradicc hathbeen not onely an eminent Commendation of this duty ^^buialfoa feri- ous Exhortation to it. As Abel though clead^ yetj'peaks by his Hcb.11.4 example to us for our imitation of his FaithjC^c-. So do the examples of ^^r.?/(>^/;/5 oV]oJJ)ua^ oi ih^V^ncntsoi SobmoK^ of the Grand-mother and Mother of /7w^^^/, the Mother of Anguftine^ whofe care was as well to nurfe up the Souls , as the Bodies of their little ones, and as their pains herein was great, fo was their fuccefle no way unanfwerable. We (hould fcarce imagine ir^ ^ny better than an imperti- nencyin this noon- day of the Gofpel, eitherto inform or perfwade in a duty fo exprcfly commanded , fo frequeo tly urged, fo highly encouraged 5 and fo eminently owned by the Lord i i all ages with his bkfling , but that our fad ex perience tells us this duty is not more needful than 'tis of late negleded. For the reftoring of this duty to its due obfervance give us leave to fugged this double advice. The fiift concerns Heads of families in refpedof them- felveSjThat as the Lord hath fet them ih place above the reft of their Family, they would labour in all Wifdom and fpiri- tual Underftanding to be above them alfo.'Tis an uncomely fight to behold men in years Babes in Knowledge, and how unmeet are they to inUruft others who need .them • Heb.$.i2. felves to be taught which be thefirji prmciples ef the Oracles of G^<^ /Knowledge is an accompiilhment fo deferable that the Devils themfelves knew not a more taking bait by which to teinpt our firft Parents, than by the fruit of the Tree of Knovoledge : fbfiallyoH be as Cods knovping good and evil!. When 5 Kings. ? Solomon bad that favour (hewed him of the Lord , that he 5-9 was niadeh'sov/n chufer v/hat toafk , he knev/ no greater mercy to beg than IVifdom. The Underftanding is the Guide >& Pilotof the whole man-.that faculty which (iti- at the frern ofthefoul; butas the moft expert guide may mirrcke in the dark 5 fomay the Underfrandiug when it wants the light of EpM^i 3! Knowledge ^ without Knowledge the Mind cannot hegood^ nor Hof.4^. the life good, nor the eternal condition fafe, Aly people are dejiroyed for hcl{^of knowledge^ 'Tis ordinary in Scripture to fet prophaneffe and all kind of mifcarriages upon the fcore oi 7 he Epftle to the Reader . of Ignorance. Difeafes in the body have many times their rife from difrempers in the Head, and Exorbitances in Pra- fticc from En ours in Judgement, and indeed in every fin there is foirething both of Ignorance and Errour at the bot- tome, for did linnets truly know what they do in finning, we might fay of every fin what the ApoftJe fpeaks concern- ing that great fin, \\2idthey kpown him^ they roould not have crucjfi'd the Lord of glory ^ did they truly know that every fin is a piovoking the Lord to jeabujte^ a proclaiming war cgainft Heaven, J crHCJfying the Lord Jejns afrefi , a trea- jnring up ivrath ttnto thernfelvef agair/ft the Day fif Wrath and that if ever they be pardoned, it mnft be at no lower a rate than the price of his blood, it were fcarce poflible but fin inftead of alluring, fhou Id affright, and infteadcf temp- ting fcare. 'Tis one of the Arch-devices and principal me- thods of Satan to deceive men into fin 5 thus he prevailed a- gaintt our firlt Parents^not as a Lyon,but as a Serpent,a6ring his enmiey under a pretence of friendftfip, and tempting them to evil under an appearance ofgood,and thus hath he all along carried on his defigns of darknefle by transforming himfelf into an Angel of ii^ht,mak!ng poor deceived men in Jove with their mirtrie',ahd hag their own defiru^ion. A moft fovcraign antidote againfi: all kind of Errours , is to be grounded and fctled in thofaich: perfons unfixed in the ttue Religion are very receptive of a falfe, and they who are no- thing in fpiritual kmowledge are eafily made any thing. Cloudcs without rv.tter are driven too avd fro with every wirid^ and fhips without bailaft lyable to the violence of every tempeil:. But yet the Knowledge we efpecially commend. is not a brain- Knowledge^a meer (peculation, this may be in the wor(^ of Men, nay m the worll of Creatures, the Devils themfelves, and that infuch an eminency, aSj thebeftof Saints cannot attdin to, inthislifeof imperfedionj but an inward, a favory. an heart knowledge, fuch as was in that Martyr^ who though (hewould not difpute for Chrift, could dyeforhim. Thisis that fprrituaifcnfe and feeling of divine truths the Apoflle fpeaks oitkb.$.\^, Havingyour fen/esex- crcifedjd^c. A3 , Bui 2 he Epiftle to the Reader, But alafs we may fay of moft Mens ReligioHjWhat learned ^. - ., Rivet Tpeaks concerning; the Errours of the Fathers • thev ba.r. ^'ei e not Jo much t tmr orcn Errours^ as the Lrronrs of the tidies vphereii2 ihcjUvcd. Thus do moO: mtn take up ihcir Fveligi- oii upon uo better an account ihan1«r4f and r\,as a diredo- ly what to afk. Concerning the ufefulneffe of fuch com- pendiary Syftems, fo much hath been faid already by a^^^^^ «■ learned Divine of this age, as is futlicient to faiisfie all who Tuck^nly i„, .^ arenotrefolved toiemain tfnfuiified. hisicr- Concerning the particular excellency of thefe enfuing ^Xim!". Treatife?, we judgeitunneedful to mention thole eminent 15: teftimonies which have b^en given them from perfonsof kaown worth in refpcd: of their judgemenis^Learning.Sc In- tegrityj inftance boi h at home & abroad^becaufe themVeives fpeak fo much their own ptaife 5 Goldftandsnotiu aeed of Varnifh, nor Diamonds of painting, give us leave only toteliyouthatwecannc t but accounciLanconaentmercy to enjoy fuch helpsastli;feare5 'Tis ordinary in thefe days forMen to fpeak eviil of things they know not, butii: any, are poiTefled with mean thouj^hts of." hefcTreatifes^vv^e (Ji^li onely give the (ame counfel to them that Vhijip gives Kaiibd- ,^ , - niek Come and fee. 'Tis no i'mall advantage the Reader \^oy\^ ' ^'^' hath ihe Epifile to the Reader, hath, by the Addition ci^criptures at large. Whereby with little paines he may more profitjbecaufe with every truth he may behold its Sciipture^ foundation. And indeed confi- dering whata B^/^e/of Opinions^what a ftrange confufion of tongues there is this day, among the who profefs they fpeak the*-language o£ Canaan^ there is no intelligent perfon but will conclude that advice of the Prophet efpecially fuited to fuch an ageas this, IJa.%,'io. To the Law a.ndto the tefiimony ifthejJpCitk,rjot According to thk wordy 'tis becaufp, there is no light in them. If the Reverend and Learned Compofers of thefe enfuing Treatifes were willing to take the paines of an- nexing Scripture-proofs to every truth, that the faith of people migh t not be built upon the d iftates of men, but the Authority of God ; So feme confiderable paynes hath now been further taken in tranfcribing thofe Scriptures, partly to prevent that grand inconvenience ("which all former im* preflions ("except the Latin) have abounded with, to the great perplexing and diihcartning of the Reader) themif- quotations of Scripture, themeaneft Reader being able by having the words at large to reftifie whatever miftakemay be in the Printer in citing the particular place , partly to prevent the trouble of turning to every Proof fwhich could not but be very greatj partly to help the memories of fnch who are willing to take the painesof turning to every proof, but are unable to retain what they read, and partly that this may ferve as a Bible Common place, the feverall paflagesof Scripture which are fcattered up and down in the word, being in this Book reduced to their proper head, and thereby giving light each to other. The advantages Cyouleejofthis defignaremanyand great. The way to fpiritual knowledge is hereby made more eafie^and the ig- norance of this age more inexcufable. If therefore there be any fpark in you of love to God, be not content that any of yours (hould be ignorant of him whom you fo much admire^ or anyhaters of him whom you fo much love. If there beany com paffion tpthe Souls of them who are under your care, if any regard of your being found Ike Epijile to the Reader^ &c. found faithful in the day of ChriOjifanyrefpeft to future gCf neratious, labour to (ow thele feeds of Knowledge which may grow up in after times. Thatyoumay be faithful here- in, istheeaineft prayer of Charles Ofspring. Arthur Jackfon. John Croffe^ Sam. Clark. Sam. Slater. William Whitaker. John Fuller. James Nalton. T*homas Goodwin. Matthew Pool. Dod; Drake. William Taylor. William Cooper. Williamjenkins. Thomas Jacomb. Ccorge Griffiths. Edward Perkins, Ralph Venning. Jeremiah Burwel. Jofeph Church. Doft. Annefley. Thomas Gouge, Richard Kentifh. Alexander Pringle. John Loder, Sam. Rowles. John Glafcock. Fran, Raworth, Sam.Smith. Jam. Jollife, THE vT- /O THE <3ontents of the CHAPTERS IN THE Confejfton of FAITH. ^. C\\2iip.h /^^F the Scriptures. - V^II. OfCedandoftheHely trinity, - ~- - _ - _^ HI. Of Cods eternal decree. ^ _ _ IW , Of Creation. - — _^— -^ V.OfTro'vidence. -. - - ^ - V I.OfthefallofManyofSin^andofthe pnnifh- V ll.Of Gods CoT/enant with Man. ^ ~ 2S VII I. OfChrift the Mediator. ^_9 IX. OfFree-WilL ^ ^ - - - ^ - ,3^ X. Of EfeHml Calling. - ^^ XI. Of Jnfiif cation. .. ^ - -^/ XII. Of Adoption. ___^__^^^ - -#^ XII I. Of SanSiification. ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^^ XIV. Of Saving Faith* - - -^ - - 4# XV.Of Repentance unto life. ^^ - ~ - — ^^ XVI.0/GW»^H^A ^ '_ >^ ^ - ^^^ XV u. The Contents* XVII. 0/^fc^ Ferfei/erance of the Saints* ^---~----~ - - *" XVIII. Of the Affnrance of Grace and Sali/ation, - — ^ ^ ^ - ^-^ — KlX^OftheLatPofGod. ^ ^ ^ - - - - XX. Of Chrijiian Liberty J and Libet' tyofConfcience. ^ ^ - ~ ^ ~ - ~"" XXI. OfKeligioHSy Worjhrp^ and the ^77 Sabbath day. ---- ~- - ~ ~ "" XXII. OfLawfulOathesandVotpes. - — -~ XXIILOftbeCimlMagijirate. - - -^^ - ^ XXIV. Of Marriage and Divorce. - - '~ ~ XXV.OftheChHrch. - - - - - - XXV I Of the Commnnion of Saints. - - XXV 11, Of the Sacraments. - - — XXVIIl OfBaptifm. ^ -^ - ^ -^ ~ XlX\Ofthe Lords Supper. ----"' XXX. Of Church Cenfures. - - ^ ^ ~ XXXLOf Synods andComcils. - - -^ XX XII Of the Jiate of Men after iPeathy and of the RefnrreSlion of the _ _^ ~^//f T>ead.^ ^ — -- - - ^ • XXXIIlOfthelalijHdiemm. - - - ^ ^ //^ THE V .^ ^4 A Grave and Serirjus /Advice of the MINISTERS of the KlRKofSCOT- LAND^ to Maflers oF Families that they may govern according to ih; Word ot God. BEfidcs the Pnblick Worfhipin Congregaticns,mcrcifnlly eftaSlin^ed in rhi? Land ifl great Pnrityi it is expedient and necefTary, that Secret Worfliipof each ptr. fon alone, and private WorfhipofFamilies^beprelTedandfernf, rharwirh rarinnil Reformation the profeflion and power of godlincfs both perfonal and dcmeftick be advanced. I. Andfirft for fecret worfhip: It is moft neceiTarie, that every one a part and by themfelvesbc given to Prayer and Meditation, the unfpeakabic benefit whereof is beftknowntothenn who are exercifed therein, This being the mean whereby in a fpecial way communion with God is entertained, and right preparation for all other duties obtained •• And therefore it becommeth not only Paftors within their feveral Charges to prefs perfons of all forts to perform thi? duty Morning and Evening, and at other occafions, bntalfo it is incumbent to the head of every Family, to have a care that both themfelves and all within their charge he daily diligent herein. / 1. The ordinary duties comprehended under the exercife of Piety,which fhouid Ite in Families when they are convened to that efFeft, are chefe : Firft, prayer and ^raifes performed, with a fpecial reference as well to the pnbhck condition of the Kirk of God and this Kingdome, as to the prcfent cafe of the Farrily, and everv member thereof. Next, Reading of Scriptnres with Chatechizing in a plain way,rhac the anderftandings of the fimpler may be the better enabled to profit under the pubi lick Ordinances, and ^hey made more capable to underftand the Scriptures when they are read i together with godly conferences,tending to the edification o*^ all rhc members in the moft holy faith i as alfo, admonition and rebuke npon juftreafDcs from thefc who have authority in the family. Ill, As the Charge & office of interpreting the holy Scriptures is a part of the y/t- nifterial calling, which none Chowfoever otherwifc qnalifiedj fhould take upon him in any place, but he that is daily called thereunto by God and hi^ Kirk. So in every Family where there is any that can read, the holy Scriptures fhould be read ordira- nlytothe family j and it is commendable that thereafter they confer, and byway of conference make forac good ufe of what hath been read and heard, As for ex- ample, if any fin be reproved in the word read, ufe may be made thereof, to make all the family circumfpeft and watchfull againft the fame-, or if any judgen^ent be rhrear- ned or mentioned to have been inflifted in that portion of Scripture which is read, ufe may be made to make all the family fear, left the fame or a worfe judgement be- fall them, nnlefs they beware of the fm that procured it. i^nd finally if an^ duty be required, or comfort held forth in a promife, ufe may be made to ftir up themfelves to employ Chrift f©r ftrcngth to enable them for doing the commanded duty, and to ap- pjy (0 ply the offered comfort i In all which the Mafter of the family is to have the chief hanc[,andatiy member of the family may propone a queftion or dombtfor refolutf- on. A'^, The head of the family h ro take care that none of the family withdraw him- felf from auy part of family- worfhip. And feeing the ordinary performance of all the parts of family- Wotfliip belongeth properly to the head of the family, the Minifter is to ftir upfuch as are lazy, and train up (uch as are weak to a fitnefsfor thefc^xerci- fes i It being alwaies free to perfons of qiality to entertain one approved by the Presbytery for performing faiv.ily Exercife: And in other families where the head of the family is unfit , that another conftantly refiding in the family, approved by the Minifter and Sefllon, may be employed in that fervicei wherein the minifter and Seftlon are to be countable to the presbytery. And if a Minifter by divine providence be brought to any family, it is rcquificc that at no time he convene a part of rhe fami - ly for worfhip, fecluding the reft i except in fingular cafes fpecially concerning thefe parties wliichC'n Chriftian prudence Jneed not or ought not to be imparted to others. V. Let no idler who hath no Particular ealiing, or vagrant perfon under pretence of a calling, be fuffered to perform Worfhip in families to or for the fame •, feeing perftDns tainted with errors, or aiming at divifion, maybe ready ("afterthe manner) to creep into houfes, and lead captive filly and Dnftable fouls. V I. At family- Worfhip a fpecial care is to be had, that each family keep by their- felvesj neither requiring, inviting, nor admitting perfons from divers families,unlefs it be thofe who are lodged with them,or at meal, or otherwife with them upon fbnre lawful occafioD. V I I. Whatfoevcr hath been the eflfefts and fruits of mettiHgs of perfons of divers families in the times of corruption or trouble (in which cafes many things are com- raendable,which otherwife are not rollerable,J yet when God hath bkffed us with Peace and the purity of the Gofpel,fuch meetings of perfons of divers families fexeept in the cafes mentioned in thefe direftionsjarc to be difapproved, as tending to the hinderance of the religious exercife of each family by itfelf, to the prejudice of the Publick Miniftery, to the renting of the families of particular Congregations, and On progrefs of timej of the whole Kirk: befides many offences which may come thereby to the hardnlngof the hearts of carnall men, and grief of the godly. VIII. On the Lords day, after every one of the family apart, and the whole fa- mily together have fought the Lord C >" whofe hands the preparation of mens hearts are) to tit them for the publick WGr£hip,and toblefs to them the pnblick Ordinan- ces, the Mafter of the family ought to take car* that all within his charge repair to the publick Worftiip,thaths and they may joyn with the reft of the Congregation j And, the publick worfhp being finifhed,after prayer he fhould take an account what they have heard i and thereafter to fpend the reft of the time which they may fpare in Catechizing, and in fpirirual conferences upon the Word of God: Or clfeCgoinga. part) they ought to apply themfclves to reading, meditation, andfecrct prayer, that they may confirm andencreafe their communion with God ', that fo the profit which they found in the Publick Ordinances may be cheriflied and promovcd,and they more edified unto eternal iife. IX. So many as can conceive Prayer, ought to make ufeof that gift of God : albeit thofe whoare rude and weaker may begin at a fee form of prayer} butfo, as they be not fluggitli in ftirringup in themfclves (according ro their daily necefTities ) the Spirit ofPrayer,which.is given to all the children of God in feme meafure. To which effcft they ought to be the more fervent, frequent in fecret Prayer to God for enabling of their hearts to conceive, and tlieir tougues to express convenient defires to God for their family, aud in the mean time, for their greater encouragement, let thefe materials of Prayer be meditated upon,and made ufe of,as followeth; La them confcfs to God how unworthy they are to come in hisprcfence, and how unfit to worfhip (?) wor ftiip his N^ajefty ; and therefore earneftly ask of God the Spirit of Prayer. They are to eonfefs rheir fins &: the fins of the faniily,accufing,judging,and condem- niDgthefelvs for thcHi,till they biing their fouls to fomcmcalurc of true humiliation. They are to pour cu t their fouls to God, in the name of Chrift, by tlie Spirit,for for- givencfsof fins,for grace to repent, tobckevc, and to hvc foberly, righteoufly, and godly, and that they may fcrve God with )oy and dchghc walking before him. They are ro give thanks to God for his many mercies to his PeopIe,and to themfclvcs, and efpecially for his love in Chrift, and for the light of the Gofpcl. They are to pray for fuch particular benefics. Spiritual and Temporal, a$ they Hand in need of for the time (^whether it be Morning or Evening>> as health or fickntfle, profperity er advtrfity. They ought to pray for the Kirk of Chrift in general, for all the Reformed Kirk*, and for this Kirk in particular, and for all that fuffer for the Name of Chrift, for all our Superiors, and their Children, for the Majeftrates, Miniftcrs, and whole body of the Congregation whereof they are Members, as well for their Neighboujrs abfcnt in their lawful affairs , as for thofe that are at home. The Prayer may be clofed with an carncft defire, tliac God may {he glorified in the coming of the Kingdom of his Son , and in the doing of his Will , and with aflu- rance that themfelves are accepted, and what they have asked according to his Will fhall be done; X. Thefe exercifcs ought to be performed in great fincerity, without delay, laying afide all exercifcs of worldly bufmcffeor hindcrances, notwithftanding the mockiigs of Athcifts, and prophane men j in rcfpcft of the great mercies of God to this Land, and of his fevere Corrcftion, whercwrth lately he hath excrcifed us .- And to this effcft, perfoBs of eminency (and all Elders of the Kirk) not onely ought toftirup themfelves and their Families to diligence herein, but alfo to concur cffeftually, that in all other families, where they have power and charge, the faid exercifcs be confcionably performed. X I. Befides the ordinary duties in Families , which are above mentioned, ex- traordinary duties both of Humiliation and Thankfgiving arc to be carefuUyper- formcdinFamiliesj when the Lord by extraordinary occafions (private or publick) calleth for them. XII. Seeingthc Word ofGodreqmrcth, That we fliould confider oue another loprovokeunto love and good works i Therefore at all tiwcs, and fpecially in this time, wherein prophanefle abounds, and Mockers, walking after their ownluAs, think it ftrange that others rcn not with them to the fame excefle of riot. Every Member of this Kirk OHghttoflir up themfelves and one another to the duties of mutual Edification, by rnftruftion. Admonition, Rebuke, exhorting one another to manifcft thegra«eofGod, in denying ungodlini (Te and worldly lufts, and in living godlily, fobeily, and righteoufly in this prefent world , by comforting the feeble- minded, and praying with cr for one another j Which duties refpeftively are to be performed upon fpecial occafions offered by Divine Proviflence j as namely, when under any calamity, grofle or great difficulty, counfcl or comfort is fought, or when an Offender is to be reclaimed by private Admonition, and if that be not effeftual, by joyning one or two more in the Admonition , according to the rule of Chrift, that in the mouth of two or three witneffes every word may be eftabliflicd. X I I /. And -becaufe it is not given to every one to fpeak a word in feafon to a wearied or diftreffed confcience, it is expedient, that a perfon (in that cafc^ finding no eafe after the ufe of ordinary means private and publick, have their addrelTe to their own Paftor, or fome experienced Chriflian : But if the perfon troubled in Confcience be of that condition, or of that! fex, that Difcretion, Modefty, or fear offcajrdal, requircthagodIy> grave, and fccret Friend to be prefent with them in '^ their (4) their faid addreffe, it is expedient that fuch a Friend be prefcHi:. XIV. When Perfons of divers Families arebraught togctherhy Divine Provi- dence, being abroad upon their parcicalar Vocations, or any nccefTary occafions, as they would have the Lord their God with them whitherfoever they go, they ought to walk with God, and not oegleft the duties of Prayer and Thankfgiving, but take care that the fame be performed by fuch as the Company Ihall judgc| fittcft ; and that they likewife take heed thatnocorrupt communication proceed out of their mouth, bat that which is good to the ufe of edifying , that it may minifter grace to the Hearers. , . o. . ... The drift and fcope of all rhefe dircftion? is no other but that upon the one part the power and praftice of godlincffe anaongallthc Minifters and Members of this Kirk, according to their feveral places and vocations, may be cherifhed and advan- ced, and all impiety and mocking of religious Exercifes fuppreffedj And upon the other part, that under the name and pretext of Religious Exercifes no fuch Meetings or Pr aft ices be allowed, as are apt to breed Error, Scandal, Schifna, contempt or niifregard of the publick ordinances and Minifters, or negleft of the duties of parti- cular callings, or fuch othei evils as arc the works not of the Spirit, but of the Flefh, a,iid are contrary to truth aid peace. A*KE R, ^■••■■■■■■■na FINIS, mm^ Many of the Persons who were called to attend the Assem- bly appeared not 5 Whereupon the whole Work lay on the hands of the Perfons hereafter mention^ ed. The Promise and Vow taken by every Mem- ber admitted to fit in the A s s e m b l y . I A, ©. 'Doferm(l^ Tromlfe and Vow in the prefence of Al- mighty God^ Ihathith'n Ajjemhly^ whereof lam aManber^ 1 will maintain nothing in point of VoFlrine^hut what I believe to he mojl agreeable to the Word of God • ?ior in point of Dijcipline^ hut what may mah mojifor Gods glory ^ and the peace and good of his Qhurch. William Twiifc Prohcutor. William Gouge, Robert Harris. Thomas Gataker.] Oliver Bowks. Edward Reynolds. Jeremiah Whicaker. Anthony Tuckney. • John Arrowrmith, Simeon A (he. » Philip Nye. Jeremiah Burroughe?.. John Li g hi: foot. Stanley Cower. Richard Hcyricke> Thomas Cafe. Thomas Temple. George Gipps. • Thomas Career. Humphrey Chambers. Thomas Micklechwaite. JohnGuibon. Chriftophct TeCdale. John Phillip. George Walker. Edmund Calamy, Jofcph Caryl. Lazarus Seaman. • Henry Wilkinfon [enior Richard Vines. Nicholas Proffet. Stephen Marfhal Jofliua Hoyle. Thomas Wilfon Thomas Hodges Thomas Bayly Francis Taylor. Thomas Yong • Thomas Valentine William Greenhil Ed\^ard Pele John Green Andrew „Pern Samuel de la Place John de la March' John Dury Philip Delme. Sidrach Simpfon % John Langley. Richard Clcyton Arthur Salwcy John ohn Ley Charles Hcric, Prolocutor after Dr. Twiffe. Herbert Palmer, A([ef[or after John White. Daniel Cawdrey Henry Painter Henry Scudder Thomas Hill « William Reynor Thomas Goodwin William Spurftow Matthew Ncwcomen John Conaut Edmund Staunton Anthony Burgcs^ William Rathband Francis Cheynel Henry Wilkinfon jun, Obadiah Sedgwick • Edward Corbet Samuel Gibfon Thomas Coleman Theodore Backhurft William Carter Peter Sraiih John Maynafd William Price John Whincop William Bridge * Peter Sterry William Mew Benjamin Pickering John Stricklind Humphrey Hardwick Gafper Hickcs John Bond Henry Hall Thomas Ford Thomas Thorowgood Peter Clark William Good John Foxcroft John Ward Richard Bifeild Francis Woodcock I. Jackfon. Commiffmers (j/Scotlaod. John Maitland.' Alexander Hcnderfon. George Gillefpie. » Samuel Rutherford Robert Baylic. Henry Robrough Adoniram Byficld JohnWallis. ^Scrib, ^. Books Printed for fohn^othml attheFoua t^inm Cheafjide. Mr. r~^Hriftopher Love's Works in Two Vollumes. I- Vollume. Mr. Love, Of the Different degrees of Grace, in 40. ^ Combate between the Flefli and Spirit, in 4°. Of Heavens Glory, and Hells Terror, in4«. 2. Vollume. Mr. Love's Zealous Chriftian. The Dejcdcd Souls Cure, To which is annexed C The Miniftery of Angels. "S Gods Omnifciency . ^Sinners Legacy. Penitent pardoned: Of the Confeffion of Sin, and the privjledge of oar. don of Sin, in 4". ^ ^ ^ An Exercitation on Confirmation, the ancient way of compleating Church- Members as an expedient to promote peace and unity among Bre- The Good Old Way , or Perkjnt Catechifme , in 8°. By Charhs Brvxolme. ^•ifr^,^. fiB^m WW [I 3 TO The Right Honourable the Lords and Commons Aflembled in Parliament', The*humble Advice of the Aflembly of Divines now, by Authority of rarliawent, fitting at WE ST M 11^ S TEE. Concerning a Confeflion of Faith. /lis C H A p. 1« / of the Bofy Script nr e . (4) Rom. 2. 14, I J. Lthough the Light of Nature, and the-'^/;,-»™^J v/orksor Creation and Pjovidence Qoio j,^t the Law, aohyna- far manifeH: the Goodnefs, Wifdom, and tnre th things mtei- Power of God, as to leave men unexcufa- "^^X^^ lJ^ ble^^ yet are they not fufficient to ^ive area Law urto them- that knowledge of God and of his Will, ^^^"'^- '5-] which which IS neceliary unto lalvation o. i heretore it pJea- ^i^e Law writteu m fed the Lord, atTundrytime% and in divers manners/^jw hearts, their to reveal himfelf, and to declare that his Will unto his '£lll' '^^i'^^lefr thoughts the mean while accufing, or exaifuig one another. Roni. t. 19,20. v. 19.3 Becaufe that which may be l:2^own. of God^ is nianifejl in them, for God hah JJjewed it unto them. Verf. 2o-3 For the invilible things ot him, from the Creation of the world arcilrarly fccn, being underftood by the things that are made, even his eternal power and godhead, (o hat they are without eX' cufe. rfalm.19. 1,2,3. V. 1. "} The hcz\cv,s declare the glory oi God, and the fifmament/Zjeiret/; his handy worl^- Y. 3.] Day unto day lurcreth/jfeecA, and night tinto night fhewech kjiowlcdge^y. 3. j There is no [pcech nor language , where f/'e/V voycc is not heard. Rem. i. 32. Who knowing the judgement of God, that they which commit fuch things are wonhy of death , not only do the fame, hut have pleafHre intherai:;at do them. Rem. 2.1- therefore thou art incxcufab le O mzn whofoever thoii art that iiidgeft,for wherein thcu jucigcft snother/thcu ccndcmneft thyfelf, for thou that judgefl dotii the fame things, (b^ i Ccr. 1 . 21 . for after thit in the wifdom of God, the worla'by wifc'o:n l^jicw not God, It pleafed Gcd by the for.lifhnefi. of preaching,toTavethera that believe 1 Cor. 2. 13, 14.V. 1 5.3 which things alfo wtfpeak nor in the words which tr.ans wifdom teacheth. But which the Holy Ghoftteaciicth, comparing fpintual things with fpirftujl. V. 14-. 3 But the watMMf/w^iH rcceiveth not the things of the Spirit of God, for tb'cy are /9o///7.7i^/jr««io Aim, neither can he know them, bcczvSc they Ate fpiritually dif corned. ^ B Church CO Heb. 1. 1. God Ghufch c ^ and afterwards for the better preferviog and "Tt'^^j!^^^ ^™"' propagating of the Truth, and for the more fureefta- Jake" in^^timcrpaft blifhmcnt and comfort of the Ghurch againft thecor- Bnto the Faih«rs by ruption of the flclh, and the malice of Satan and of the C^jfpror^M. 1 world, to commit the fame wholly unto writing^.* 20, 21. T.ip.]" that which maketh the Holy Scripture to be moft nccefla- thy rruft maybe in rv ex thofe formttr wayes of Gods revealing his Will the Lord, I have ''i.- lu:^ rj^ &. * madekmr^u to thee ^^to his people, bcmg now ccafcd/. this day, even to thee. V. ao.] have not I wrjrren to thee excellent things in counigls and know- ledge .♦ V.2I.]] that I might make thee know the certainty of the words of truth , that thou mighteft anfwer the words of truth to them that fend to thee? Luk. i • j, 4- V. 5. } It feemed good to mc alfo having had perfeft underltanding of all things from the very firft, to write unto thee in order inoft excellent 77;eo;)J!?i/Hy. V. 4.3 that thou mighteft i^nowf fee certainty of thofe things, wherciR thon haft been inflrufted. Rom. 15.4. for whatfoever things were written aforetime, were writ- Ten for our learning, that we through patience and comfort of the Scriptures, might have hope. Mat. 4. 4, 7, ic. v. 4.} But he anfwered and laid, it is mitten^ man fhall not live by bread alone, but by every word that proceedeth out of the mouth of God. V. 7.I Jefus faidunco him, it is written again, thou (halt not temptthe Lord thy God. V. 10.] then faith Jefus unto him, get thee hence Saan,for it wwmrer, thou Ihaltworftiip the Lord thy God, and himonejy fhalt thou ferve. lia. 8. 19, 20. v. 19. 3 And when they fhall fay unto you feek unto them that have familiar Spirits, »d unto wizards that peep, and that routtcr,fhould not a people feek unto their God^ for the living to the dead .•' V. ao. 3 to the Law, and to the Teftimony, If they fpeak not according to this vfttrd^ it isbeeaofe there is no light in them, fej 2 Tim. 5. 1 $. And that from a child thou haft known the holy Scriptures , which are able to make thee wi/e unto Salvation through Faith Which is in Chrift Jefijs. 2 Pet. i . 1 9. we have alfo a more fure word of Prophecie, whereunto ye do well that ye take heed, as to a light that fhineth in a dark place, untill the day dawn, and the day ftar arife in your hearts.(/^ Heb. 1 . 1 ,2. V. 1.3 God who at fundry times, and in divers manners ^ake in times paftHDto the Fathers by the Frophets. V.2] hath inthefelaftdayes fpokenunto m by bis Son, whoa he hath appointed heir of all things, by whom alfo he made the worlds. 1 1. Under the name of Holy Scripture, or the word ©f God written, arc now conteincd all the Books of the Old and New Teftament, which are thefe. Of the Old Tcfiament. Genejfs, Exffam. finmbers* IL SamucL /. Kings. IL Kings ^ L chronicles, II, chronicles, E%ra, Nehemiah* Mjlher, Pfalws . Proverbs. Ecclejiafies, rheSong of Songs ^ jfaiah, Jeremiah. Lamentations. EzekieL Baniel, Hofea, E n Jotl. Micah. ' t^^ggai. Am9s, t^ahufff, Zechariab. '^''' eba^iah. Habakfit^. JliaUchi. Of the New Teftanenc. JMatthtv. GaUtians, The Fpifile to tht Markj. Ephefianf. Hebrems, Luk?, T^iUpfians* The Epift. of James, J^bft, Colf^ans, The firp aftdficoftd The A3s of the A- Thejfalonians I. Epijtlef of Teter, pojilef. Thejfalonidnsll, The firft^ fecond^ Taufs Epifikt to the To TJmothji L dttd third Epifihs Romans^ ToTitftothylU of John, eormthUnsJ. ToTitus. The Epijile of Jude. Corinthians 1 1, To Thilemon, The Revelation. All which are given by infpiration of God^ to be the^^^Lnke f #.t9,ji: Rule of faith and life £. v. 29. ] i... . ,'^, r • • , tit i c- a light that fhincth therefore It IS to be received, becaule it is the Word or in a darkplace, iinril God /. Jii-^ >il/Mi the day dawn, and the day ftar arifcin ysur hearts. V. 2i.3^ • /.: "' (O » Tim. 3. 1 i. v. We Biaybemoved aiid,induced by the Teftimo- fh«'^tLrU°y"|nyof the Church, to an high and reverent cfteem of know how thou the holy Scripture 4 And the heavenlinefs of the Mat'; oughKft to behave tgr, the efficacy of the Doftrine, the m:ijefty of the of^God, which isThc Stile, the confentoFall the Parts,, the Scope of the Church of the living whofe(wlii(ih' is, to give all glory to God, ) the fuU'diC- f)W t/ fhi^truth ^^^^^y ^^ "^^^es of the only way of liians fal vation, the (^IJ 1 John ^.zc,2^. many other incomparable Excellencies, and the intire v.,20. J bucyehave perfection thereof, are Arguuients whereby it dotha- *^;/ajf ind/;'know bundantly evidence it felf to be the Word of God : yet all things, v. 27.] notwitfl:anding,our full perfwaiion and allurance ot the vShtch'^^ have'r2^"^^^^^.^^^^^"^^^^5 ^^^ Divine authority tjiereof,' IS from ceivcd of hiflr^w-ihe inward work of the Holy Spirit, bearing witnefs dethin you, and yee by , and with the Word, in our hearts /. seed not that any ■' man teach youj Bi:t as the fame ano:nringteac\ieth you of all things, and if truth., and is nolye,aad ^venasirhath taughtycu, ye fhallabiJe in him. John 16. 13,14. v. 13] howbeit when he tiie Si'ii'ito/ tcMf/j is conr.e, he will guide you into all truth, for he fliall not fpcatiof biwfelf, bufwhat- >tbever hcfljall hear^ that fhall he fpeak, and he will fhew you things to come. V. 1 4. ] he ftiull glo- fiHc me, for he Jhall receive of mine, and fhall (hew ii unto you. 1 Cor. 2. i o, 1 1 , j ; . v. 10. 3 buc {God hath revealed them to us by his Spirit, for the Spirit fearchech all things, yea the deep things of Cod. Y. 1 1. ] for what man knowech the things of a man, fave the fpiric of tnan whichisin hiir., even fo the things of God knoweth no man, but the Spirit of God.' V. 1 2.'( now we have received sot the Spirit of the world, but the Spirit which is of God, thatwemiglu ^/low the things that are 'freely giv^n to us of God. Ifa. 59 , 2 1 . as for me this is my Covenant with them faith the Lord, myj Spirit that isvpn thee, and my words which I haveput in thy mouth fhall not'dtpartout of thy pnouih, nor out of the mouth of th} feed, nor out of tiic moaih of thy feeds Iced, laich the Lord, &om hcnseforih andfor ever.. VI. Tlie CO ,W. I. The whQ^<^uticiU)irQq4f^oi\i?fmn^ all things (w) 2 Tim, u hV necellary%r hip qwa Clor^ij^il^s^i^lttltt^ ^h.V' ^^'a'.ctud Life, is either exrpi^eflyfettiown in Scripture, or by thou haft known i/oodandneceflary confequenccmay be deduced from '^f ^'^'y Scriptures, &"** V -a y , wlucli are able to Scnpture 5 unto which nothing at any time is to be ad- ^ake thee mfc uvto ded.3 whethcrhy new reyehtk^ns of the Spirit, or tra- s«/v/«(ic/i through aitions Qi u>e]^i;/^.'Neverthelefe we acknowledge the ^f,*;!;; ^^[jjfv.^^* invvard illutpinaiion of thu Spirit of God to benccef- all Scripture: u given- fo4 V for the faviiip; underftandiU2 of fuch thircjs as are l*y in/piration of God revealed )ntheWo4» : And that there are lome cir- dodriue, for reproof, Gumftancds concerning the Worfliip of God^ and,Go- for correiSion, ,for vi-rmiient of;the Chur-ch, common to humane A6ions ';;l\Z^y^, ^/.f ,^5; a«d^9cif ti&Srj^ ,*jijhiqhare to be ordered,by the Light ofc\he man of Gqd way Isl^turif^arfd' /ecV ''^^^"^^jj neral Rules of the Word , which are alwayes to be ob-^"^J'(Ji,.(^,.''Gai. i. 8, ferved^. ^. v. 8. 'J But though • . • ,. we or an Angel from heaven peach avy otho^JofpcIvntcy }'bii, thgn that v^'' we' liav^ pritofGod. Y. 1 2. j now we liave received not the Spirit of the world, !)ut t1ie5p;'2> tvhicb isoj God, thztrve Tr.jrht l^now the things chat are freely given to us of God. (0) I Cor.n. 13,14- v. lij.J Judge in your fclves, is it C(5iWc/; r'laca woman pray unto God unca- \'ered. V. 14.3 dotlinot evcn?;/jr«>c it fetftcackyou, tliatif a man have longluir, it isafhameun- to him. I Cor. 1 4. 26, 40. v. 26.3 How is icthen brethren, ,when you come togerher every one of yonharha Pfalm, hath a Doftrinc, hath aToni'iiie, hafh aRevch:ion , Iwthan Interprictacion, lee »tl things be do'ixknto edify in£4 Y. 40.3 '^^^z\'^tbirg^i)^dmc: decently and vi or4e,r. Vll.All things in Sciipture are not alike plain inCf)^ Pe^ ?. i6 As ^» ^ /- , S.i , * ^ ,, 1 /r' • alio nr all his Epiftlcs themlelvei; nor alike clear unto all />: yet thofe things fp^aKiog in them uf which arc neceilary to be krbown, believed^ and obfcr- thefe rhings, in wh ved for falv.-,tion, are fo clearly propounded ar^do- -^;;^';X;;S,^ pcned in lome place or Scriptuire or other, that not on- they tiiat are uniear- 3y the Learned, but the unlearned, in a due ufe of the ''^'^ ^"'^ , i*>>fl''^{'^ J* ^ • r n- • 1 w)t/?, as thevdoal- oidinarymcans, may attain unto a iufhcient under* f^ the other" Scrip- flandiogof thcm<7. tura, unto their otcn dej}nii}fon.(qJVU. up. 105,150. V. 105.3 thywor^is n i<• J M«. s. i8. for VIII. TheOld Tcftament in HebKW (which was Sa«„^^e^h'heN»«ve^an«ageofthePeopleofGpDofold,) pafs, one joty or cue and thc Ncw TcitameDt m Grecky ( which at the time wr/*, '■»>»*»&'= eteinat^i WompreheBfiWe/, ^ry ptrfcftgifc u'*'*°'8«yH'«>««.wae», iBoftholyci, molHieep, moft •from Aove , anJ abfolutfrf , working all thing* According to the Coun- rt*he,Tiighc'^^'l°*;'''5 own immutable and moft righteous Will .-, ■with wAwnis wot/^w- for hisown gloiy/^ moft loving ^5 gracious ^ merciful :^cnefs, wr /^Wo^long-fuffering^ abundant in goodnefs andtraih, for» «f turnvtg.bM.2. 6. ' ; : : •/ ^ r rr^ i r- *•*"> *"* 5foriai^WLcf}wf«. f/jPfal. 145. 5. Great istlwLord, andgreatiyto robepraifed,and/7Zi^rMr?!c/i ii^ unffarchable. (m)Gen. 17. i. And when /lkdi I am the Almighty God^ walk before me, and he thou perfeft. Rev. 4. 8. And the four hearts had each of them lix wings abouth'm, and they were full of eyes within, and they reft nor day and night faying. Holy, holy, holy, Lflr^Gsrf^/m/^iiO' which wfSi and is, and is tocome. (n^ Rom. i(f. 27. to God (inelr wife be glory, through Jefus Chrift for ever , Amen. (0 J Ifj. 6. 3. And one cryed unto another and faid, J^ily, holy, holy, is the Lordof Nofts, the whole Earth is full of his glory. Rev. 4-8. See Letter M. immediately foregoing, Cp ) P^al.i I5. 5. But our God is in the heavens, he hath done yvhatfi- evorhepleafeth. Qq J Exod, 3. 14- andGod'faid ux)to Mo fes, I am, that I am^ and he faid, thus fhalt thoufay untothe children of lfrael,rJ Heb. n. 6. but without faith it is impolhble to pleafc him, for he that commeth to God mufl believe that he is, and that he is a rervarder of them that diligently feel^ him. (^x}Nehera. 9.32,35. v. 3 >.] Now therefore our God,the great, the mighty and f/)?fe)Ti£>/e God, who keepcli Covenant and Meicy, let not all the rrcuble feem little before thei; that hath cnme upon us, on ©ur Kings, on our Princes, and on cur Prictts, and on cur Frophets,and on our Fathers, and on all thy people, fince the time of the Kings of Affyria unto this day. V. 33-3 Howheit tlnu art jujl in all that is brought upon uss. for thou hajl done right, but we have done wickedly. iy) Pf. 5.5>^.v.5.] thefooli/h fhallnotf^and in thy fight,r/;oM hate all workers of iniquity. V.6.J thou fhalt deftro>- them that fpeak leafing, the Lord will abhor the bloody and deceitful man. and I^9 1 . and who will by no means cleer the guilty z. Wl whirl-wind, andintheftorm, and the clotids are the dull of his feet, Exod. 54. 7. keeping mer- cy for thoufands, forgiving iniquity, & tranrgrcrtion, and (In, and that -will by m tfuans clear theiuiltjt vificing the iniquitxs of the Fathers upon the children, and upon the childrcns children unto the third and fourth generation. 11. God hath all life ^, glory ^, goodnefsr, blefled- W John 5. 2^. for ncfs^5 in, andof himfeU^ and is alone in, and unto « the j^rAer h^tb himfelf allfufficient, not (landing in cecdof any crea- Z'ty'cflfhJ's^ turcs which he hath made e, nor deriving any glory to have life in him- from them/ bur only rnanif.fting his own glory, in,/i;,V,Vfdd! Mep'; by, unto, and upon them; He IS me alone bountam or brethren, and fa- all Being, of whom, through whom, and to whom are ^^^^ hearken, tin alithings^i and hath mod Soveraign Dominion over ^,^to{tV2l"t them, to do by them, for them, or upon them whatfo • brakamy when he €vcr himfelf pieafeth h. In his fight all things are o- l*'" in MffipttMmja , -r /I • L« I I J • ' c ' •^11 -LI before h€ dwelt m pen and manirett/, his knowledge IS inhnuejUituHible, chanan.- (c) pfai. and independent upon the creature^ fo as cothing; is »i9v <58. thou nn teach me thy Statutes. C^J i Tim. 6. ij.whidi in his times he fhall fhew wfeo is the bleffcd and only poteni ace, toe King of Kings, and Lordof Lords. Rotn. 9. 5. whofc are the Fathers, an<1 of whom as fonceniing the fleniChrilt came, v/hoistver allGodbleJffdfor evcr^ Amen. CO Ads 17, 24,25 V. 24 3^®^ thit made the world, and all rliisgs therein, feeing that h<. is Lord of heaven and cai th, dwcilerh nor in Temples made with hands V. 25. 1 Ncithcrisworfhipcd with mens liands, us though he needed any thini^ feeing he giveth to all life and breath and all things, (^f J job 2 J. 2,5. V. 2. J Can arntn be piojitabL' unto Gtd, as he that ii wile, may be profitable unto hintfelf? V. ^.3 Ibir any pkafure to the Almighty, that thou art riglveows, ir n- jf^rtw ro /;im, that thou nia- keft thy waycs pcri'cd? (^^ ) Kom. 11. 50. for of him^ and through hvn^ and to him are all things^ to whom be glory for ever, Arncn. C h'))^^:v. 4. u. i hou art worthy O Lord to receive glory and hOnojr, andp wer; (or thou hafl created all tbin»t ^ Audfor'tky pleafutc they are and were created. I Tim. 6. 15. See Letter D. immediately foreg<;iiig Dan. 4. 25,55 v. 2-.] Thar rhey fhaildrive thee from men, and thy dwcllini; fhall be with the bcafts of tiic field, and they fliall make thcc roeargrafs as Oytn , and tliey fhall wer rhcc with the dew of heaven, and feven times fhali pafs over thee till thou know thar the wofi high rulcth in the Kingdom of men^ and giveth it to tvhom- foevcr he rcilL V. 55.] And all the Inhabitants of thecarth arc reputed as nothing,and Ac ledg: of God, how unfearchabie are his Judgements, and his wayes pai\ find ng out. V. 54. ~\ For vebo katb knovcn the mindoi the Lord, or who hath becti bis CounfelUr .^ Pfai. 147. 5. Great is our Lord and o( gCQitpowcif his Hnderfianding; is injinite, C to Elo] ( /) Afts ir. i8. to him contingent or uncertain /. He is moft hdy in wnri"4 from a^l^^« councils, in ail hi« works, and in all his com- the beginning of the oiands m, To him is due from Angels and Men, and woild. £z«k. II. 5. every other creature, whatfocvcrworftiip, fervice^or And the Spirit of the ,j- L'lrj tl lord fell upon me Obedience he is pleaied to require or them ». and faid unco me. Speak thus, faith the Lord, Thus have ye faid Ohoufeof Ifrae! Jor I know the things that come in- to your mind evtry one of them. ( m )' Flalm. 145. 17. The Lord is righteous in alt his vayes^ and huly in all his wor^s. Rom. 7. 12. Wherefore the Law is holy , and the CommandemM holy 4nd)uji andgtod. (h) Rev. 5. 12, 19, 14, v. 12.] Saying with a loud voyce. Worthy is the Lamb thztwtii\iintto receive potper and rkhes^ andwifdomandfirengrh, and honour and glory ^ind blcffing. y. I }.3 And every creararc which is in heaven, and on the earth, and under the earth, and fuch as arcintheSca, and all that are in them heard it faying, Elefing^ honour^ glory and power be unto hm thAtfittetb upon the throne, and unto the Lamb for ever and ever. V. 1 4. j And the four beafts faid, 4(ii»ifn,and the four and twenty Elders /#// down and worp^ipped him thit liveth for ever and ever. C0« ]ohn^- 7- For 1 1 1. In the Unity of the God-head there be Three there art tbrte that r» c r u Vl j ^ v ^ j tear record in hca- Per OHF^ ot one (ubltance, power and eternity ^ God i>cn,the Father, the the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Ghoft 0, Choft /""ind^ ^hlfe The Father is of none, neither begotten, nor procce- three Ze ancy Mat. 3. ding: The Son is eternally begotten of thcFatherCp: t6, 17 y. \6.2 And thcHoly Ghoft eternally proecedingfrom the Father lews when hee was j ^1 .c laptixcd, went up and the bon ^. ftreight way out of the water, and Loe the heavens were opened unto him, and he faw the Spirit of God dcfcendii^ like a Dove, and lighting upon him. V. 1 7 .] And Loe a voyce from heaven faying. Tins is tny be* iavedSon^ in whom I am well pleafed. Mac. 28. 19. Go ye therefore, and reach all Nyions,' Bap- tizing them in the name of the Fatherland of theSon, and of the Holy Ghofi. 2 Cor. 1 3. 1 4 l he grace of ibc Urd Jefhs Cbrift, and the love of God, and the C'^mmunion ef the Holy Ghoft be with you all, /l- ttien- (pj John 1. 14, 15. v. 14 ] And the word was made tic fh, and dwelt among us, and we behcM his glory, the glory as of the on/j' fif^orffn of the Father, full of grace and truth. V. i8.]No man hath feen God ac any rime, the ^n\y begotten Son wliich is in tlie bolbm of the Father, he harh •'declared him. Tf ^1"^ $.i6.But when the comforter iscome, whom I will fend unto you from the yathcr,even rAe 5fJnr of tmthywhichproctedcth from the Father, he fhall teftifteof me.Gal.4. ^.And bcoaufe you arc ions, God hath fcnt forth the Spirit of his Son intoyonr hearts^ crying Abba Fatker. Chap. III. 0f Cods eternal Degrct. GO D from all ctern'ty, did^ by the moft wife and holy Goancil of hb own Will , fxcely, and un- changeably changeablyordain whatfoevercomestcpafs^.Yetfo, r^Eph. r. n.' in as thereby, neitherisGod the Author of fin ^, 'nor is ^hom aifo we have violcnce oftered to the will ot the Creatures,nor is the tance, being prcdc- Liberty or contingency of fecond Caufes taken away, ^'na^cd according to but rather dhblilhed c. tL"'Zi,^H "^ things after the Cout- ttllof bis QWn will. Rorti. i I. 53: OH the Jepth tf thericMsy both s/ the wifdom attd knoifledgeoi God, how unfearchable are his Judgements, and his wayespaft finding out? Hcb. 6, 17. whetcln God willing more abundantly to fhew unto the heirs of promife, the immutability of his Co«nc;/,con- firmed icby an Oath. Rom. 9. 1 5, «8. v. 15.] For he faith to Mnfes, I will have mercy on whttnl willhiYC mercy, and I will have companion en whom I will have compaffion. V. i8.f Therefore hath he mercy o«w/»i3OT*ewi// have mercy, and w/;9m/je wi// lie hardneth. CbJ]3m. 1. 19,17. V. 19. J let no nn.an fay when he is rempred, I am tempted of G^J^ for God cannot be tempted with cvWl, neither temfteth he any wdtt. V. if.^Everygsod gift^ ^nd every perfcil gift is fremdbavey md commerhdown froai the Father of lights, .with whom is no variablenefs, neithcr'fhadow of tur- ning. I John I $. This then is the me'fTage' which we have heard of him and declare unto yon, that God is light, and in him is no darknefs at all. (t) Afts 2. 23. Him being delivered by rAe Jc terminate Council andforel(nowledge of God^ ye have tal^en^ and by wicked bands have crucified ancf (lain. Mat. 17. 12. And 1 fay unto you, that £//4^ is come already, and they knew him not, but have done unto him what foever they lijied^ likewifefhall alfothe Son of maniiiffer of chcm, A As 4. 27, 28. v.»7 ] Forofatrurh, againft that Holy Child Jcfus, whom thou haft anointed, both^eroi', andFantrK/f/Z^te, with the Gentiles, and the people of 7/r«/ were gathered together, V. 28.1 For todawhatfoevcrthy hand and thy Council determined before to be done. John 19. ii.jefut anfwered. Thou couldeft have no power at all againft me,cxcepc it were given thee from Ab$ve^ there* fore he chat delivered rne unto thee, hath the greater fin. Prov. 16 59. The Lot is caft into the lap, but the ^vhole difpofmg thereof is of the Lord, II. Although God knows whatfoever may, or can C^^) Afts if. ]«f- come to par upon all fuppofed conditions d^ yet hath ^^^""^'.^t^^rJS he not decreed any thing becaufehe forefawita* fu- *he beginning of the ture, or as that which would come topafs upon fuch '^^^^^' » Sana. 2?. conditions e. • lll^JenyKiill^. •liver me up into his hands, will Saul com dmn as thy Servant hath heard ? O Lord God of Tfrael^ I bcleech thee tell thy lervanr,and the Lmdfaidhe wilt come down. V. j 2. J T hen faid Davids will the men olKeilah de- liver me and my men into the hand of Srfw/, and the Lord faid They will deliver thee up. Matth.i i. 2 1, 15. V. 2 £ .1 Woe unto tiice Cora^in, woe.unro thee Bdhfaida, H the mighty works which were do.ie in you had been done in Tyre & Sidon,thcy w^iuld have repented long ago in Sack^cloath & Aflies. V. 2^. j And thou Capernaum, which art eyalrcd uiitolieavtn , fhalt be brought down to hell: for if the mighty works which have been done in thee, had been done in Sodom, it would have rei mained until! this day. (e) R0.9.1 i,i5,i<5,i8,v.j i.jFor the Children being not yet hrtiyneit her having dme any good or eviil, char the purpofc of God according toele^ion mig.'it fland,.not of works, but of him chatcalleth. V. 1 5.] ■ As it is Wfitten, Ja4:ob havelloved^ but Efau have I hated, V.i6.1So fheii,icisnotofhi«thatwi]leth,nor of himthat runuech, butof God that/hewethmercy. V. iS.J Thereforeh^thhemercyonw'AflwkwiIlhaye.mer€y,aHd»'A»/w^ew// he hardneth. 1 L -- •> 1 1 1. By the decree of God, for the manifed-ationof (/ )i Tim. '$. 21. 1 his glory, fo me men and Angels f are prcdeftinated ^''''rge thee before .; • f ' ■ \ ^ •' * . God and the Lord Jcfiis Ghfift, and.tl^ea^J? ^"IfA "'^ha' thou^bferve fihefc cJiHigs, without- pi '^ferrhig one before anptheir. doing- nothing'by partiality. ' Mat. 25.41'. Tlicn^iliaU he fay a)^ unto them on the left Jljmd, 'deparc from rneyc cuffed into cverlafting fue preparedfoi tte Pevi! Mud kis Angels, C 2 unto T*L^Twh«r" God ?^}P everlafting life,and others fore-ordained to evcr- wiliing to fhewhh laltiDgdcath^. wrath, and to make fcis power known, iiidured with much long ftiffertng the Vejfds 6f wrath fitted to dcftruaion' y. aj. J And that he might make known the riches ot his glory on the vr(relsof mercjy which he ;J J uP?'?"5iT°*.l°'^/,r^'^^' V ^'^' \- 5-3 Having fredefiinatca us unto the adoptionof ChtldrcBby Jefus Chrrft to himfclf according to the good pkafure of his will. V. 6 ] To the praife of the glory of his grace, wherein he ha h made Kj/tcce;tf-*^(f/?i«4f«hem hcalfo cal- led, whom he called, them healfo juftified, 8c whom he)uftified, them he alfoglorificd. a Tim. 1.9. "who hath faved us, & called us with an holy calling,5not according to our works, but according t$ his «-K>npHrp«fe iy gratt^w^^ was given us in Chrift JeAis htfort the world began. 1 Thef.$.9.For God hath not appointed us to wrath,but to obtein Salvation by our Lordjefus Chril t CO^o*?' • *» 3> ' ^-^^ ^'" t«r E. immediately foregoing. Eph. i. 4. j.See Letter I imnwdiately foregoing, ( / ) Eph. 1 .6,1 2 . , v%6,3 Tor^e prMfe of the glory ol his grace, wherein he hath made us accepted iii the beloved. Y* 12. 3 Thac we (hould be to the praife of ki$ ghrj^ who firfl tmfkd in ChriA. V I. As God hath appointed the Elcft unto gibry,, ^ hath he. bv the eternal andmofl free purpofe of hia Will> fore-ordained all the means thereunto w. Cm) i Vct. t. i. &- Wherefore they who arc eleaed,being fallen in Aciam, ll^^^tll^ ^ are redeemed by Chrift» 5 arc efFedually called unto God the Father faith in Ghrift, by his Spii it working in due feafon, are ^*"je* fanptficawn juftified, adopted, fandified o^ and kept bjhhlJig^J'^^J.i'^lin^i power through faith unto Salvation p. Neither are any /'"« of the blood of other redeemed by Chrift, efFeaually called , ju(Hfied, |f/.^^^"^j ^P^^J^r- adopted, fanftificd and faved, but the cled only q: dmg as he hathcho- fen us in him before the foundation of the world, that wc fhouldi^f holy and rrirhout blame before him in love. V. s!I Hiving prcdeftinatcd us anto the adopt hn of Children byjcfus Chrift to himfjlf, according to the good pleafure of his will. Eph. s. lo. For we are his workmanfhip Created ia Chr\(i JcfusKntff gtodworkjt which God harh before ordained that we fljonld walk^in them, a ThelT. >. 13. But we are bound to give thanks aiway to God for you Brethren beloved of the Lord,becanfe God hath from the beginning tA9/enj'«M to Salvation through S anil ip cat ton of the Spirit and belief of the truth: (n) I Thefl". 5. 9, »o. v. 9. J For God hath not appointed us to wrarh, but to obtein5 hath from the beginning chofen you to Salvation throttgh Sanilification of the Spirit^ and hehci of the tttath.rpji ?et.i .$.VJho ire kfpt by thepovcerofGodthr ugh Faith unto Salvation^rady to be Tcvfz-' led in the laft time.(^^JJoh. 1 7.9.! pray for them^i pray notf)r the world., bui for them which thou hajl given mty for they are thi le.Ro 8.28. And we know that all things work together for good to them that love God , to them that are the called according to bis purpofe. Refer the Reader to the end of the chap. loh.d.64,5s.v.64.jBut there are fome of you,that believe nor,for jcCis knew fromthe beginnlBg, wb9 they were that believed not^ and who fhould betray hira.V. 65.]And hcfaid Therefore faid I unto yoa^thit no man can come unto mn except it were given unto him of my Father. John io. 26. Butyce btlieve not, *ff4j,even for this fame purpofe have/ raiied thee up, that I might fhew my power in thee, and that my name might be declared thronghsut all the €3.nh. V. 18.] Therefore hath he mercy on rvh^mhe mil hive mercy, and whom he rvill he hardneth. V. ai.J Hath not the Potter pov w/ power, wifdorDj and goodntis ^5 in the beginning, to /,„ ,^hom he hath create, or moke of nothing, the World, and all things appointed heir of all therein, whether yifible or invifible, in the fpacc of fix '^j''Z'J^]h7''Ztls, dayes, and all very good c. ]ohn. i . 2, 3. v. 2.] The fame was in the beginning with God. V. 3.]] A\l things were made by him^ znd without him wis net any thing madet That was made. Gen. t . 2. And the earth was without form and void, and darknefs was upon the face of the deep j And the Spirit of Qed moved upon the face of the vcaters. lob 26. 1 3. By bis Spi' rir he hath garnifhed the heavens, his hand hath formed the crooked Serpent, job 93. 4. The Spirit «/ God hath made me, and the breath of the Almighty hath given me life* ( bj Rom 1. 10. For thcinvifible fWngjof him, from the Creation of the world,are clearly feen^ being underwood by the things that are made^ even his eternal power and God- head, fo that they are without excufe» jer. fo. 12. He hath made the earth by A/j/oiver, he hath cUablifhed the world by his wfJVom,and hath flrerched cut the heavens by his difcretion. J^fal. 104. 24. O Lord how manifold are thy works ! inwifdomhi^ thon made them all, the earth is full of thy riches. Pfal. 33 $, 6. ▼• 5-] He loveth righteoufnefs and Judgement, thetarth isfuUof r/jegiouWy} 0/ the Lord. V. 6. 3 By the wor. r the C '63 . (^ Rom 9 I *i< '^^ Law of God written in their hearts^, and power V J4°]™ For when ^^ fulfill it h : and yet under a poffibility of tranrgref- the Gentiles which fing, being left to the Liberty of their own will, which £r»««e*h'ttogs was fubjtft unto change/. Befide this Law written coatcincdinrheUw, in their hearts, they received a command, not to eat izw ^TrJ'V^^ '^m ^^ ^^^ ^^^^ of the Knowledge of good and evilj, which unto * 7hmfdves!^ whilcs they kept, they were happy in their Communi- v.i5.]wiijch fhew on with God ^.j ana had Dominion over the crea- ithe work of the turcs/. Larv written in their hearts, their conf<;j^ cnces alfo bearing whicfs, and their rlicughts the racan while accuring,or tlfe excafmg one another: C»J Ecclef. 7. 29. Loe this only hare I found, God hath ttiaJe man upright, butrhey have fought out many inventions, (i jGen. 5. 6. And when the woman faw the tree was good for food, and that If w-as pleafant to the eyes, and a tree to be dcfired to make one wife, p;c toek^of the fruit there^ of and did eat, andgavg alfo >t her husband with her, and he did eat. Ecclei. 7.19. See letter H im- fnediately foregoing. ( t_) Gen- 2. 17. But of the tree of the knowledge of goodand evill, thou fhalcnor eat of it, for in the day that thou eateft thereof, thtu fijalt furely dye. Gen. 9. 8, 9, lo, 11,2;. V. 8.] And they heard the voycc of the Lord God walking in the Garden in the cool of the day, and Adam and his wife hid themfelves frsm the frefence of the Lord God amongft the trees of the Garden. V. 9.] And the Lord God called mto Adant, and laid untohim, IVhete art thou f Y'j^°'\ "^"^ ^^ ^^'^* ' '^^^'^'' '^y ^°y" •" ^^^ g»rclcn and I was afraid, becaufe I was naked, and /" btdmyfelf. V. 1 1.3 And he faid. Who told thee that thou waft naked ? haft thou eaten tf the Irff, whereof I comtnandcd thee that thou ftiouldeft not cat. V. 23. Therefore the LerdGedfert Jjim f»>th from rf\c Garden of Eden, to till the ground from whence he was taken. (/) Gen. 1.26, a8. y. 26.] And God faid, let us make man in our own Image after oof likenefs, and let them hare dommion.over the fiff} of the Sea, andtverthe fowlof theair, and over the Cattell, and over all the earth, ^ over eyety creeping thing that aeepeth upon the f i heaven, and mine lyicic)'^. underftanding retur- ned unto roe, and I blelTed the moft high, and I praifed and honoured him that lirech for ever, whofe dominion is an everlafting dominion, and his Kingdom is from generation to generation. V- g$. ] Andallthe In- habitants of the earth are reputed as nothing : and be doth according to his will in the Army of hea- ven, and among the Inhabitants of the earth, and none can ftay his hand, or fay unto him, what doeftthou? Pfalm. 155. <5. Whatfocver the Lord pleafed ^ r/;t5, 28. v. 25;] Neither is worfhipped with mens hands, as thoiigh he needed any thing, leeing he giveth unto nil life and Ifreath and all things. V. x5.] And bach made of one blood all Nations of men for to dwell on all the face of the earth» and hith determined the times before appointed y and the bounds of their habitation. V. 28.] For in him vpe live and move and have our being, as certain alfo of your own Poets have faid, for we are al- fohisoff-fpring. job 58. 5?, 40, 41. Chapters. (c_)Mat. lo. 29, 30, 31. v. 29.] Ktt not twn fparrorv s (old (or a fivthingi and one of them /hall not ftult on the ground without y our fither. V.30.3 But the verjr hairs of your head are all numbred. V. 31.] Fear ye not thcrefore,ye are of more va- lue than many fparrovps. Qd") Prov. 15. 3. The eyes of the Ltrd are in every place beholding the cvill and the good. Pfal. 1 04. »4. Lord how manifold arc thy works ? in rvifdomJiaji thou made them all, the earth is fall of thy riches. Pfal. "145. 17. The Lord is ng^reflwj in all his wayes, and holy in all his works. Qe) Afts i $• 18. Known unto God are all his works from the beginning of the world. Pfal. 94. 8, 9, 10, 11. v. 8. ] Underftand O ye brutifh among the people , and ye fools when will ye be wife? V. 9.] He th&t planted the ear fliall he not hear, he that formed the eye fliall lie not fee ? V. 10.] He that chaftifeth the heathen fhall not he correft? he thit teacbeth man knewledge, fliall not he know ? V. 1 1 . ] The Lord ki^meth the thoughts of many that they arc vanity. CfJ Eph. I. II. In whom alfo we have obtcinedan inheritance, being predeftlnated according to the purpofe of him , who worJ^eth all things after the Councillof his own will. Pfal. 33. ifo, 1 1. V. 10.] The l.otillfavs rfcem by the Lord their God, indiepiUnot favethem by bow, nor by [word, nor by batel, by horjes, nor hy horfemen. Mat. 4. 4. But he anfwered and faid It is written, man fhail not live by bread alone, but by every yvord thzt prcceedeth oat 9^ the mouth of God. Job34.'io. Therefore hearken unto me ye men of undcrilanding, far be it from God that he fhould do wickednefs, and from the Almighty, that he fhould commit iniquity, (m^ Rem. 4. ip, 20, 21. v. 19] And being not weak in Faith, ke corfiderei not by his own body now dead, when he was an hundred years old , mitherye: the dead- nefs of SzTAhb womb. V. 20.] He Aaggered not at the prcmife of God through unbelief, but was ftrongin Faith, giving glory to God. V. 21.] And beingfully perfwaded, thztwhat he hadpromi- fed, he wmable alfo toperfarm. («} 2 Kings 6. 6. And the man of God faid, where fe.l it, and he fhewed him the place, and he cut down a ftick and caft it in thither, and the Iron did fwvn. Dan. 3. 17. And the Princes, Governors, and Captains, and the Kings Cjuofcliers being gichered sogether faw thefe men upon whofe bodies the fire had no power , nor was an hair of their headfmdged-i^ mther were their coats changed, nor thefmell of fire had paffed on them. IV. The Almighty power^ unfearchable vi^ifdom, and infinite g ^odnefs of God lofar manifeft them-- felves in his Pr vidence 5 that it exf endeih it felfeven to the ^^ii Fall ^ and ail other iius of Angels and Mea. Li9l Men ^5 and that not by a bare permiffion jp, but fuch as CO Ro«>. 1 1. 32;??, hath iovned with it, ainoftwife and powerful boun- ^4- ▼• 32- ] tor . ^ -^ I , './- 1 . *, . ^ God ham concluded ding q, and otherwile ordering, and governing of them all in unbelief, them 3 in a manifold difpenfation to his own holy that he might have ends r; yet fo, as the (infulnefs thereof proceedeth on- y"^^l o7tZ de^^ht ly from the creature, and riot from God, who being o/i/;e rkhes both of moft holy and rishtpous 5 neither is , nor can be the i^' »''/^j'" ""'^ h^rv- Author or Approver Ot fin/. uufcarchable are hii Judgments^ and h\s wayespajifittdingout \ V. 54.] For who hathknonvn them'wdofthe Lord^ or who hath been his Counfellcr ? aSam. 24. 1- And again the anger of the Lord was kindled againft//r4e/, and he moved D«viVagainft them to fay, Go number //)v»e/ and Judah. i Chron. ai. 1. And Satan flood vpigi\t\{ilfrael,and provoked VAvid to tiMmhcx Ifrael. I Kings at, 2a, 23. v. 22*] u4nd the Lord fiid unto hira, Wherewith ? And he faid, I will go forth, And I will be a lying Spirit in the mouth of all his Prophets, and he faid., Thou/hAjtperfwade him and prevail alfo, go forth and do fo. V. 23.] Now therefore behold rk Lord hath put a Ipng Spirit in the mcuth of all thefe thy Prophetic, 3ind the Lord hath fpoken evillconcerningthce. i Clifon. 10. 4, 13, I4.v,4'j Then faid ^W to his Armour- bearer, draw thy fword and thruft me through therewith, left thefe uncircomcifed come and abufe me-, but his Armour- bearer would not, for he was fore afraid, fo Saul took a fword and fell upon it. V. 13. ] So6'4» them in the days o{ He:i^ekjah.V . 5 1 .]Howbeit in rlie hafmefs of the Embaflfadours of the Princes o[ Baby Ion , who fenr unto him to enquire of the wonder that was done in the land, God left him to try himjbat he might linow all that was in his heart. 2 Sam. 24. i. And again the anger of the Lord, was kindled againft If- rael. And he moved David 2g3.\n(\. thtm to fay, Go number Unci < Me faith unto him, Yea, Lord, Thou knovseft that I love thee. He faith unto him. Feed my Sheep: V. 1 7.] He faid unto him the third time , Sim-)n., Son of Jonas, 'Lovcfx thou me/ Peter was grieved,, becaufehefaiduntohim the third time, Loveft thou mei and hcfaid unto him, Lord, Tliou know- eft all things, Thou knoweft chat I love thee, Jefus faith unto him. Feed my fljeep. (w3Rom.i.24, 25, yi, As for thofe wicked and ungodly men, whom fo^re'' G^orf aifb^glve G O D as a rightcous Judge, for former fins doth blind ihem up to unclean- and harden iv^irom them heuQt only with-holdeth his nefs, through the gj.^j,g whcrebv they might have been inlightnedin , lufts of their own o.' loi- 1 l • i- hearts, to difhonoiir their underlrandmgs, and wrought upon m then* their own bodies be- hearts ;c : butfomctimcs alfo with-drav/eth the gifts rween themfelves. V.26.]For thiscaufe. GsS gave them up to \^^ezffi6tion'., for even their women did change the naturall ufe into that which is againft nature. V. 28 3 And even as they did not like to retam God in their knowledge, Codgavz them over to a reprobate mind, to do thofe things which are not convenient. Rom. 1 1.7, $.v. 7.3 Whatthen // rte/ hath not obreintd, shat which he kektth for, but the Elcdion haveob- teined it, and the reft were Wmrfff/. V. 8. ] Acccrdingas it is wriictn, God hath given them the Spi- rit oi Uumber, eyes that they fhould noc k"e, ears that they ftiould not hear unto this day. fxj JDeut. 2p. 4. Yec the Lord hath net givenyou an heart to perceive, and eyes to fee, and ears co hear^. mnto.thi& day. wliich which they had;-, and expofeth them to fuch objefts WMju?. .^».^Fcr as their corruption makes occaiions or (in z: and with- him (hail be given, all eivesthem overro their own Jufts, thetcmptati- ^"^ '^e fhaii have onsot the world, and the power of Satan ■«.• whereby Zwhofo^Xrii it comes to pafs that they harden themfelves^even un- not, from hmi fhaii derthofe means, which GODufeth forthefoftning ^u'^^^'uV^Z^'' of others y. 25. 29. For untoe- very one that hath fliall be given, and he fhall have more abundance, but ^rom him that hath not, fhall be taken away even that which he hath. Ct^ ) Deut. 2. 30. But Sihon King of Hejfjbon would not let us pafi by him 5 for the Lord thy God hardned his Spirit, and made his heart obftinate, that he might deli- ver him into thy hand, as appeareth this day. 2KiHgs8. 12, 15. V. 12.] And //rf?:^?/ faid, why weepeth my Lord ? and he anfwered, becaiife I know the evil] that thou writ do unto the Children of Ifrael •, their ftrong holds wilt thou fet on fire,and their young men wilt rhou flay with the fword, and wilt dafh their children, and rip up their women with Child. V. 1 3.] And Ha^ael faid. But what is thy fervant a Dog, that he fhould do this great thing ? And EliP:a anfwered, The Lord hath JJfcwedme that thoufljaltbe King oi/er Syria. C^) P^^^- 81- i '» 12. v. ir.] Butmy people would noc hearken to my voycej and J/Jviei would none of me. W. 12.'] So I gave them up unto their own /;Mm/H/?j and they walked in their own Councils. 2Thef. 2. 10, ii,i2v. 10,] And with all dcccivabknedofunr'ghteoufnefs in them that perifh, becaufc they received nor the love of the truth, that they might be favedl V. 1 1. J And for this caufe, God /hill fend them firong delufwis, that they fhould believe a lye. 12. ^ That they all might be damned, who believed not the truth, but had pleaiure in unrighreoufnefs. (b) Exod, 7. 3. And I rrill harden Pharaohs heart, and naul- tiply my Signes, and my wonders in the Land of £^yjf>f. Exod. 8. 1$,' 32. v. i$..3 But when F/;4- y^o/j fav/there was refpite, he hardned his fce-arf, and hearkened not unto them, as the Lord had f aid. V. 3 2. J And Pharaoh /?fl> V. 15- ] For we are unto God a frveet favmr of Chrift, /n them that are faved, andi» rhem tkit periJJj. W.j6.JTo the one, we are the favour of death untodeath, ajid to the other, the fa- voKT of life unto life i And who isfufficientfor thefe things. Ifa. 8. 1^, And he fhall be for a Saniluary : but (or zflone of fiumbliiig, and fcr a Rock of ©fFenee to both the Houfes of //Vrft-/, for a gin, and for a fnarc ro tha Inhabitants oi Jerufakm. -i Pet. 2. 7, 8. v. 7.3 Vnto you therefore which believe he is precious, but unto them which be difobedienr, theftone which the builders dif- allowed , the fame is made the head of the Corner. V. 8. ] And zfione offtumbling, and a Rock of offence to them which flumble at the word, bemg difobedient, wheremto alfo they were appointed. Ifa <5.p, ic. V. fj And he faid Go and ttW t\\\iTpto^\Cy hear ye indeed, but underfi and not^ and fee ye indeed, but perceive not^ V. / o. Make the heait of this people fat, and make their ears heavy, and fluJt their eyes, left they fee .with their eyes, and hear with their ears , and underftand with their heart, and convert and be healed. Ads 28. 26, 27. v. 26. ] Saying, Gaunto this people and fay, Hea-^ nni^ey/W/^e.-?)-, and fhall not underftand, feeing, ye fhall fee and not perceive. V. 27.] Forribe bea but even their mind and (ovfcicnce is defikd. Gen. 6. 5. And God faw that the wickednefs of man was great in the earth, and that every imagirAt'ioH 9f the thoughts of his heart , was onely eHill continHallj/ . Jer. 179. The heart is deceit full above all thi^gi, and Jefperatcly w7c^ei/,whocanknowit? Rom. :?. 10, \ 1,1 ,13, ,4,15,1(5,17,18. V. 10. ] As it is wiitten. There is none r7|^feo«5, no not one. V.n.] There is none that urJerftandeth^ thttc h none that feel^:th afterGsd. V. 12. j They are allgoneoutof the rcaj^ they are together become mprofitable^thcct is nene that dotkgood^ mt not one. V. 1 3.] Their throat is an open Sepulchre^ with their tongue they have ufed deceit, the Poyfon of Afpes is under their lips. V.*i4.J Whcie month is fulhf ciojing and bitternefs. V. 1$ J Their feet artfrviftto fljed blond. V. 1 6. ] Deftru^ion and mifery are in their if ayes. V. 1 7. And the way 0/ peace have they not known. V. 1 8. 3 Ttjere is no fear of God before their eyes. III. They being the root of all man-kind, the guilt ^/joen.i. 27,28. of this fin was imputed/, and the fame death in fin v 27. ] So God and con upted nature, conveyed to all their pofterity Created w^n in his defccnding from them by ordinary generation g. ^rgi^^God cre! ated he him, Male and Femak Created he thera. V. 28. ] And God bleHed them^ and God faid unto them., Be fruitfull, andruuhiply, and rcplenifli the earth, andfubdueir, and have dominion over the fifhof theSea, and over the fowl of the aire, and over every living thing that moveth upon the earth. Gen. >. j6, 17. V. 16. ] And the Lord God commanded the man,faying, Of every Tree of the Garden thou rcayft freely eat. V. ->7. ] But of the Tree of the knowledge of good and evil), thou (halt not eat of ir, for in the day that thou eateft tlicreof, thou fljalt furely die. Afts 17. 26. And hath rjiade of one blood all Natimsofmen^ for to dwell on all the face of the earth, and hath determined the times before.^ppointed, and the bounds of their habitation. Rom. 5. 12, 15, 16,17,18,19 v.12.3 Wherefore as by one man fin entered into the world, and death by fin, and fo death paffcd upon all men., for that all have finned. V. 1 $. ] But nor as 1 he offence, fo alfo' is the free gift j for \\ through the of- fence of one many be dead., much more the grace of God, and^ the gift by grace, which is by one man 3efusChnll,hach abounded unto many. V. 16. And not as it* was by one that finned., fo is the gift,for the Judgement was by one to condemnation, but the free gift is ff many offcncts un,o juftification. V. 1 7. J For if by ene mans offence death reignedhy one, much more tliey whicli receive abundance of grace, and of the gift of righteoufnefs, fhall reign in life by one jefus Chrift. V. 18. j There- fore as i;' the effence of one Judgcmvnt awe upon all men to condemnation, even foby the righteouf- nefs of one, the.free gift came upon all men unto juftification of life. V. ' 9. J For as by one wans difobedience.mmy were made fmnersjfo by the obedience of one,fhall many be made righteous.iCor. j$. 21,32, 45,49. v. 21.3 Fotimce by man came death, by man came alfo the rcfurredicn of the dead. V. 22. J For as in Adam all die, even fo in Chrift, fhall all be made alive. V. 4.$. ] And fo it is written,The fitii man Adam was wade a living foul, the laft Adam was made a quicknmg Spirit. V. 49. ] And as we have born the Image of the earthly, we alfo fhall hear the Image of the heai venly. (g ) Pfal. 51.5. Behold I vinfhapen in iniquity, and infin didmy Mother conceive me. Gen.$. 3.- And Adam lived an 130. years, and begat a Son in his own likenefs, after his Image, and called'his !ume5eti. ]cbi4. 4. Who can bting a clean thingout of an unclean^ mt one. Job 15. 14. Whati> man t iut he p^ould be clean, and he that h born of a woman, that hefJ^ould be righteous^ IV. From this original corruption, whereby 00 l^oi"- 5- ^' F""^ wee are utterly indifpofed, dif-abled, and made '^lll^'^'^l'^^^ll J-^ oppofite to ail good />, and wholly inclined to airduedme Sft dy- ed for the ungodly.. Rom. 8. 7. Eecaufe the carnall mind is enmity againfl God ; for it is not fubjeff to the Law of God, neither ir.deedcan be. Rom. 7. 18. For I know that in me,l, thatis i« my f^JJ^ dwelleth nrgood thingiror rowiJl is prcfent with me, but how to perform that which is go^d,I find not. Col. 1. 21. AndyoathKyiKiQiom^m^iali^aaied and mmjcsinjQHr mind by wicked works,y€tnow hifthhc, . reconciled, evill. CO Gen. 6.5; And eviU /, do procced all aftuall tranfgrefQons ;^. God faw chat the wickednefs of man was great in the earth, and thztevery imagination of the thoughts of his hearty was onely evill continually. Gen. 8.21. The imaginatin} of mans heart is evillfiom his youth. R0.5. ic, II, iJ. V. 10.] As it is written, There is no.'Jtf figfefeoxj, nonocone. V. ii.] There is none that undcrltandtth, there is none that feeketh after G©d. V. 1 2. ] They are all gone out of the way , they are together become unprofitable^ there is none that doeth good, no not one. ^ kS) Jaraes i. 14,1 5.V.14. J But every man is tempted, svh^nhe \i drawn away of his own lujl^and enticed. V. 1$. 3 Then whea lufi hath conceived it bringeth forth fin i and fin when it is finilhed, bringeth forth death. Eph. 2. 2, 5. V. i.~] Wherein in tinses paff, ye walked according to the courfe of this world, according to the Prince of the power of the aire, the Spiritthatr.ow worketh in the children of difobedience. V. g.] Among whom alfo we had our converfation in ciraes paft, in the luftsof our flefljy fulfilling the deftres of the /e/7;, and of the mind, and were by nature the children of wrath, as well as others. Mar. 15. 1 P- ^o'c out of the heart proceed tyWlthoxx^tit Murders, Adulteries, Fornications, Thefts, falfc wicnefs, blafphemies. ' ^ Vi y^^" •J.8IO- V, This corruption of nature during this life, doth I'dveno finl wed'e- f ^main in thofe that are regenerated / ; and although ceivc our feivesy and it be through Ghrift pardoned and mortified, yet both VMoOi/'r^J^^ itfelf, and all the motions thereof are trCily and pro- have not finned, we perlyfin W. make him a lyer,and his word is not inus. Rom. 7. 14, 17,18,25. v. 14.3 For we know that the Law is fpirituall, but I am carnal fold under fin. V. 1 7.] Now then it is no more I that do it , buty;« thtt dwelleth in me. V. 18.3 For I know, that in me (that is, in my flefh^ dwelleth ;;o goodthing j for to will is prefcnt with rue, but how to perform that which is good, I find not. V. 23.3 But I fee another Law in my mem- bers, warring agalnft the Law of my mind, and l)ringing me into captivity to the Law of*fin, which is in my members. Jam. 3. 2. For in many things we offend all.^Uzny man offend not in word, the fame is aperfeftman and atle alfo to bridle the whole body- Prov. xo. 9. Who can fay, 1 have made my heart clean, I am pure from my fin ? Ecclef. 7. 20. For there hnota jnjl man upon earth that doth good 3ndfinneth not. fm^ Rom.7. 5,7,8,*$. v. 5.3 For when we were in theflefh, themoti- tions of fm which were by the Law , did work in our members, to bring forth fruit unto death. V. 7. What fhall we fay then ? is the Law fin ? God forbid. Nay, I had not known fin, but by the Law i fori had not known lad, except the Law had faid, thou fhalt not covet. VS.] But fm taking occafionby the cowwrf/i a'cor.g. ^,7,8, Under the Law it was adminiftred by Promifes, Pro- 9- v.^. ]*whoai- phecies.Sacrifices.Circumcifion.the Pafchal Lamb,and ^Z^a^ '"r'^l"' '^^'^ LI- o -r-^ J- J 1- J -. .L 1 ^ ^'"y"''' of the new other Types & Ordinances delivered to the people of tefiament, mt of the the Jews, all tore-fignifying Ghrift to come^i which ^'i^^p* ^j*^ ofthefpi- were for that time, fufllcient and efficacious through [eth,°"ut't"c%^ric the operation of the Spirit, to inftru(fl: and build up the giveth life. v. 7.] Eleft in Faith in the promifed Meffiah /.by whom they ^"''i 'j*^ mniftrati^ ^ ^ ■* J on of death written and engraven in Hones was glorious, fo that the children of Ifrael could not ftedfafUy behold the face of Mofes, for the glory of his countenance, which glory was to be done away j VS.] How fhall not the miniflration of the fpirjt be rather glorious ^ V.^.] For if the miniflration of condemnation be glory, much more doth the miniflration rf righteoufnefs exceed in glory. fk^J See the 8,9,10, Chapters of the Hebrews. Rom. 4. 1 1. And he received the fign of circumcifion , a feal of the righteoufnefs of the faith which he had yet being uncircum.cifed, that he might be the father of all them that believe, though they benotcircumcifed, that righteoufnefs might be imputed unto them alfo. Colofl'. 2. 11,12. V.ir.3 In whom alfo ye are circuracifed with the circumcifion made wir^owr hands, in putting off the body of the fins of theflefb, by the circumcifion of Chrifl. V.if.] Buried with him in baptifm, wherein alfo ye are rifen with him, through the faith of the operation of God, who hath raifed him from the dead, i Cor. $.7. Purge out therefore the old leven , that ye may be a new lump , as ye arc unlevened. For even Chrift the paffe- over is facrificed for us. C ^ J ^ Corinth, io. 1,2,3,4. V.i.] Moreover brethren, 1 would not that ye fhould be ignorant, how that all our fathers were uvder the cloud, and all palfed through the fca. V. 2.3 And rrere nil baptized vrntolAoia in the clowd, andin thefea. . V.5.] And did all eat iht fame fpiritual meat. V.4.3 And did ail drink the fame fpiritual drin^: for they drank of the fpiricual rock that followed them, and that roti^ »'/w Chrift. Hebr. ii;ig. Thefeall died in faith,, not having received the promifes, but having feen them afar off, and were pcrfwadedof them, and embraced them, and confeffed that they were Grangers and pilgrims on the earth. John 8. $6. Your father Abraham rcjoyccd to fee my day^ and ht faw itj and was glad. E 2 had (^mj Gal. g. 7,8,9, had full remiflion of fins^ and eternal Salvation : and ' .'hUoJ;? S'y is called, the Old Tcftament m. vphich are of faitb^ the fame are the children of Abraham. V.8. And the Scripture forefecing that God wodd juflife the heathen through faith, preached before the Go/^e/ unto Abraham, faying. In thee fljall all nati' onsbebleffed.- V.9.J Sothen,they which beof faith, zxt bleffedWxthfaithfull Abraham- V.14.3 That the ble(jing tf Abraham might ccrae on the Gentiles through Jefus Chrift, that we might re- ceive the promife of the fpirit through faith. VI. Under the Gofpel, when Chrift the fub- Cn) Coloff. 2. 17. ftance n ^ was exhibited, the Ordinances in which this Z\tnSt^lt7e, Covenant is difpenfed^are the preaching of the Word, but the body is 0/ and the Adminiftration of theSacraments, of Baptifm, chriji. (o)Mat.28. and the Lords Supper f?. Which,though fewer in num- therefore^' and teach ^erp and admlniftred with more fimplicity, and lefs nU rations, baptiyng outward glory .* yet in them it is held forth in more Jh^Fl"thcr^^aTd^of^"^^^^^' evidence, and fpiritual efficacy f, toallNa- the Son, and of the tious, both Jcws and Geutiles q 3 and is called the iiolyGhofl. V.ao.'J Teaching them to obferve all things whatfoever I have commanded you ; and lo, I am with you al- way, even unto the end of the world. >lmen. i Cor.ii. 23, 24,25. V.23.] For I have received of the Lord that which alfo I have delivered unto you, that the Lord Jefus Chrift, the fame night in which he was betrayed, toaJ^bread^ V.24.] And when he had given thanks, he brake ir, and laid, Ta1(e, eat., this is my body., which is broken for you ^ this do in remembrance of me. Y.25.3 After the fame manner alfo he took the cup when he had fupped, faying, This cup is the new te- i\amentin my blood*, this do ye, as oft as ye drink ir, in remembrance of me. (p) Hebr.12. 22, 23,24,25,26,27. V.21.]] But ye are come unto mount Sion, and unto the city of the living God, the heavenly Jerufalem, and to an innumerable company of angels. V.J3.3 To the gcnerall af- fembly and Church of the firft-born, which are written in heaven, and to God the judge of all, and to the fpirits of juft men made perfeft. V. 24.^ And to jefus the mediator of the new cove- nant, and to the blood of fprinkling, that fpeaketh better things than that of ^4^/. V.25.] See that ye refufe not him that fpeaketh, for if they efcaped not who refufed him that fpake on eaitb : much more fhall not we elcape, if we turn away from him thzt fpeaketh frcm heaven. V.16.3 Whofc voice then fhook the earth, but now he hath promifed, faying, Yet once more I fhake not the earth onely, but alfo the heaven. V.27.3 And this word,yet once more fignifieth the re/woi^ing of thofef/jin^j that are fJiaken, as of things that are made, that thofe things which cannot be fha- kcn, may remain. Jer.ji. 3(3,34. V.33.] But this fhalh be the covenant that I will make with the houfe of Ifrael after thofe days, faith the Lord, I will put wy Uw in their inward parts, and jyrire it in their ibf^rrj, and will be their God, and they fhall be ray people. V.34.J And they IhaH teach no more every man his neighbour, and every man his brother, faying, Know the Lcrd: for they fl}all all Jinovc me., from the lead of them to the greatell of them, faith the Lord ', for I will forgive their iniquities, and I will rerviember their fin no wore, {q) Mat.28.j9. See letter C") immediately foregoing Ephef 2.1$, 16,17,18, 19. V.15.3 Having '3i24- V.^.J For what faith the Scripture? Abraham believed God, and it was counted unts him for rigbteoufne {s. V. 6. Even as David alfo dcfcribcth the bleflcdnefs of the man unto whom God imputeth righteoufnefs without works. V.16.3 Therefore it is of faith, that it might be by grace, to the end the promife might be /«re,to all the feed,not to that 6nely which is of the law, but to that alfo which is of the faith of Abraham, who is the father of us all. V. 1 7.3 As it is written, 1 have made thee a father of many nations, before him whom he believed, even God, who quicken eth the dead, and calleththofe things which be nor, as though they were. V.23.] Now it was not written for his fake alone, that it was 7w;)Mre(;^ to him. V.J4O But/or«i alfo, to whom it fball be imputed, if we believe on hira that raifcd up Jefus our Lord from the dead. Heb.13.8. ]efusChrift, the fame yefisrday, and today, and for ever. Chap. VITL of chrifi the Mediator. IT pleafed God^ in his eternal purpofe, to choofe ^^j jfa. 42. i. Be- and ordain the Lord Jefus, his onely begotten Son, hold my ferranc to be the Mediator bet ween God and Man a , the Pro- ^^["^1^^^ in whom phet/'j Prieftr, and King ^, the Head, and Saviour my foul deiigheeth, / have put mj fpjrit uponhim, he (hiUhnngfotth judgement to the Gentiles. 1 Pet.i. 19,20. V.19.3 But with the /re- C10US blood of Chrift, as of a Lamb without blemifh, and without fpot, V.20.3 iVho verily was ft) e- or daine^d before the foundaricn of the world, but was manifeUin thefc lafl times for you. John 3.16. For God fo loved the world, x'mt he gave his onely begotten Son, that whofoever believeth in him, fhouldnot perifh, but have ever//:^/"^ /i/e. 1 Tim. 2. 5. Forthereis oneGod, ando;ieAft- (/wr^r between Gcd and men, the mzu ChriJ} Jefus. Qb) Ads 3.22. For Mcfcs truly faid unto the father?, A Prophet fljall the Lord your God rafc up unto you of your brethren, /i^e unto me, him fhall ye hear in all thing?, whatfocver he fhall fay unroycu. fcj Hcb 5.5,5. V.$.3 So alfo Chrifi ^/o- rified nut him j elf, to be made an high priej}^ but he that faid unto him, ThoB art ray Son, to day have I begotten thee. V.6.3 As he faith alfo in another place, Thou art a priefl for ever, after the order of Melchifedec. C^J Ffal.2 6. Yet have I fet my king upon my holy hill of Sinn. Luke i. 33,. And he fhall reign over the houfe of Jacob for ever, and of his kingdom there fhall be no end. E 3 of Ce) Ephef. $. 2^ of his Chuich ey the Heir of all things/, and Judge of rhe'hc^dJfthe'^fc! the World g: Unto whom he did from all eternity even fo chh^ is tkl give a People, to be his feed h , and to be by him in '^'^^^// ^^^ ^^«'.^^^' time Redeemed, Called? Tuftified, Sandified, and znd he js the Saviour ^. •£: j . f the body, cfj^th. Olorined /. 1.2. Harh in thefe laft daies fpoken unto us by his Son, rehom he hath appointed heir of all things^ by whom alfo he raade the worlds. Cg) Ad:s 17.3 ». Becaufc he harh ap|>oinced a day, in the which he will judge the world m righteouthefs, by the man whom he hath ordained, whereof he hath given afTurance unto all men, in that he hath raifed him from the dead. Qb) John 17. 6. 1 have manifefted thy name unto the men which thou gavejl me out of the worlds thine they were, and thou gaveji them me, and they have kept thy word. Pfal.22.30. Afeedfialljerve him., it fliall be accounted to the Lord for a generation. Jfa.s3.10. Yet it pleafedthe Lord tobruifehim, he hath put him to grief, when thou flialt make his foul an offering for fin, he fljallfee hit feed, he fhall prolong his days, and the pleafure of the Lord fhall profper in his hands. (^ / ) 1 Tim. 2. 6. Who gave himfelf a ranfom fw all, to be tel\ified;"n due time. Ifa. 551 4,5. V.4.J Behold I have given him for a witnefs to the people, a leader and commander to the people. V.$.j Behold, thou Pj alt call a nation that thou kjioweji not, and nations that know not thee fljallrun unto thee, becaufc of the Lord thy God, and for the holyoneof Ifrael,for /;e hath glorified thee. 1 Cor. 1.30. But of him are ye in Chrift jefus, who of Godismadeuntous,wifdome,andrighteoufnefs, and fanHification, and redemption, (k) Tohni. 1, 14- ^^* The Son of God, thefecondPerfonintheTri- V. I.] In the begin- nity, being very and eternal God , of one fubftance, ningvvasthe Word, & equal with the Father, did.when the fulnefsof time and the Word was ^ , , . ' ' , . t ,, , with God , and the was come, take upon him mans nature ^5 with all the Word was God. V.J4. EfTential properties, and common infirmities thereof, t:i%::'Z'ZZ r%f V^°\"^-?^■ b^ng^n^i^t-i by the power of among US, 2x\dv/che- the Holy Ghoft in the womb oi the Virgin Mary^ of held his glory , the her fubftance m. So that, two whole, perfed, and di- be°gotten°of the^Fa^ ftind Natures, the God-head and the Man hood, were ther, full of grace infeparably joyned together in one perfon, without and truth, i John $.20. And we know that the^ow of God is come, and hath given «san underftandi'ng, that we may know him that is true, and we are in him that is true, even in his Son Jefus Chrill, this is the true God, and eternal life. Phil. 2.6. Who being in the form of God thought itno robbery to be equal with God. Gal 4.4. But vvhen the fulnefs of the time was come, God fent forth his Sm made of a jrom4n,iTiade under the law. (_/)Heb.2.i4,i6,i7. V.J4.]]Forafmuch then as the children are par-, takersofrlefh and blood, he alfohmitK tool^pait of the fame, that r/jrow^^ death he might deltroy him that had the powerof death, that is, the devil. V. 16.] For verily he took not on him the nature ol angel«, but he tool^ on him the feed of Abraham. V. 1 7. Wherefore in all things it behoved him to be made like unto- his brethren, that he might be a mercifull and faithfuU high prieft in things pertaining to God, to make reconciliation for the fins ofthepecple. Heb.4.if. For we have not an high prieft. Who cannot be touched with the feeling of our infirmities, but was in all points tempted like as we are., yet without fni. (w") Luke 1. 27,31,35. V.27.3 To a virgin, efpoufed to a man whofenarr.c v;as ^ofeph, of thehoiife of David, and the virgins name was Mary. V 31. And be- hold thou fliai t coHccivt- jn f/;j rrow^, and bring forth a Ton, andfhair call hisnjme Jefus. V35.3 And the angel amwered andfaid unto her,The/;o/)' Ghofipiallcowe upon thet, and the power of the Jiilheji flf all over/fjadow thee, therefore alfo that holy Thing which fliall be born of thee, fhall be called the Son of God, 031.4.4. See letter Qk.") imnieaiately foregoing, Converfion, C3J] Converfion.CompofitionjOrfconfufionv, Which per- (0 Luke gi. 55. See fon, is very God, and vcrj*JVlan yetoneChrift, the SiTFofinWm onely Mediator between GoH ana Man 0, dweiitrh all the fui- '' ;, ' liefs of the Godhead bodily. Rom.p.^. Whofe are the Fatiiers, and of whom, as concerning the flefl) ^ chrifl lamcy whoisoverall, God bleffed (or crcr^ Amen, i Pct.3.18. For Chriftalfo hath once fuffcred for fin, the juft for the unjuft, that he might bring us to God, being put to death inthe flejh^ hxMqukkened by the fpirit. i Tim. 5.1 <5. And without controverfie, great is the myftery ofgodlinefs, God was manifeftin the flejjjy juftified in thefpirit, feen of angels, preached unto the Gentiles, believed on in the world, received up into glory. (0) Rom. 1.3,4. V.5.] Concerning his Son jefus Chrifl our Lord, which wa made of the feed of David', according to the flefh. V.4.^ Declared to be the Son of God, with power according to the Spirit of holinefs, by the refurredion from the dead. iTim.2,5. For there is one God, and one mediator between Ood and man, tliQ man Chrijl Jefus^ I T I. The Lord JefuSj, in his humane nature thus u- fiited to the Divine, was fandified and anointed with the holy Spirit above meafure ;?, having in him all the Cp3 Pfal.4$ 7'Thou Treafures of Wifdome and Knowledge^: in whom it ^^j'^hattwktd^^ pleafed the Father that all fulnefs ftipuld dwell r 5 to nefs, therefore God the end, that being holy , harmlefs', undefiled, and J^y God hath ^^/mn- fuU of Grace «hd Truth/, he might be thorowly fur- [fg)a2eJ/abo[e^thy nifhed to execute the Office of a Mediator and Sure- fellows. John 3.54. ty t : Which Office he took not unto himfelf, but was ^or^ ^f^„;;'\°'J',ktit thereunto called by his Father «, who put all Power the words of God, and Tudgement into his hand, and gave him com- (or God givethmt the 1^ ^ *. ^u r -k fpirtt by meafure onto mandement to execute the fame ^ j^i^, CO coi-a-gr In whom are hid all thetreafures of wifdome andknowledge.' (r^ Col. r. 19. ^oxk pleafed the Fathery t\\^\. inhim^oxxXd. all fulnefs dwell. ( f) Heb.7.2^. For fuch an high PrieA became us, who was holy, harmlefs, m- defled^ feparate from Jinners, and a\zde higher than the heavens. ]ohni.i4. And the Word was madertcfli, an. i o. 1 4. For by one offering he hath perfeHed for ever them that are fanilijied. Eph. 5.2. Ai)d Walk ifj'ovc, as Chrift alfo hath loved us, and hath giv.'n himfelf /or mj , anojfering andafa^ ^'cr'itiCc -o G*i^ Cox ».v^-cttfmelling favour. Rom 3.25,26. V.25.] Whom God hath fet forth to be ^pnpUiuttv.O'- ii?M fairh jw his blood., to declare his righteoufnefs for the remifTion of fms that are pair torough th, prbeavmceofGed. V.25.] Todcclare, 1 fa)', at this time his righteoufnefs, that he niigiit bi: tiifi. I'ld the uihfier of him tha;: believeth in Jefus- CQ Dan.9 24,26. V.24.]Sevcnty weeks are dcteriviacd i);>ot) thy people, upon thy holy city, to fnijh the tranfgreffien., and to make an end of Jjn, ana ro make rdcmciliationfor iniquity^ and to bring la everlafting righteoufnefs, and to Teal up the vifion and "he prophecy ,and to anoint the moft holy. V.i6.And after threelcore and two weeks fhall Meffiah be cut cjf., hvx not for himfelf and the people of the Prince that fliall come fliall deftroy the city and^he faiirtudry, and the end thereof fhall be with a flood, and unto the end of the war dcfelarions are determined. Col. 1.19,20. V.ip.] For it pleafed the Father, that in him fliould all fulnefs dwell. V.^^o.] And hiv'mgmade peace through the blood ef his crofs, by him to reconci/f all things unto himfelf j by hin?., I fay, whether they be things in earth, or things in heaven. Eph. I.I 1 ,14. V.I I. In whom alfo we have obtained an inheritance, being predcftinated according ro the purpofc of him vyho worketh all things after the counfel of his own will. V. 1 4- Which is the ear- neft of our inheritance, until the redemption of the lurchafed poffeffion, unto the praife of his glory. John 17. J. As tliou hafi given him power over all ficfh, thathe fhould g/vefrarj<«//7/etoasmany z% thou hafi given him. Ikb.p. 11,15. V.12.^ Nticherby the blood of goats and calves, but by his own blood he entered in cnce into the holy place, ha\]og obtained €te)ral redemption for us. V.i$.] And forthiscaufehe is the mediator of the nev/ tellamcnt, that l)y means of death, fcr the redem- ption of the tranfgrefnons that were under the firil ceftan.enr, thty which are called ;/H^/;r receive the promife of eternal inheritaiKC. F VI. AU 11541 V I. Although the work of Redemption was not aftually wrought by Ghrift till after his Incarnation yet the ver tue5efficacy3an d benefits thereof were com- municated unto the Eled: in all ages fucceffively from the beginning of the world, in and by thofe Promifes Types, and Sacrifices, wherein he was revealed, and fignified to be the feed of the Woman, which (hould bruife the Serpents head : and the Lamb flain from the Cm)Gal.4.4i5.y.4.] beginning of the World i being yefterday, and to day of the time wl come, ^^6 lame, and for ever /?/. Codfent forth his fon made of a woman, made under the law, W.^.2 T^oredsem them thatv?erc under the law, that we might receive the adoption of ro«s. Gen. 5.15. And I will pot enmity between thee and the wo- man, and between thy feed and her feed, k flj all bruife thy hexd, and thou fhalt bruife its heel. Rev.13.8. And all that dwell upon the earth fliallworfhip him, whofe names are not written in the book of life, of the Lamb {lain from the foundation of the world. Heb. 1 3. 8, Jefus Chrifi, the fameyefierday, and to day, and forever. VII. Chrift, in the work of Mediation, adeth ac- cording to both Natures, by each Nature doing that rO Heb. 9. H. See which IS proper to it felf».- yet by reafon of the unity letter (O Scripture of thePerfon, that whlch IS proper to one Nature, is For Sft a^fohat^h foj^ctimes in Scripture attributed to the Perfon deno- oncefufferedfor fins, miuated by the Other Nature o. the )uft for the un- juft, that he might bring us to God, being put to death in the fleJJ}, ' but quickned by the fpjrit. (o} Afts 20.28. Take heed therefore unto your felves, and to all the flock over the which the holy Ghofthath made you ovcrfeers, to feed the Church of God, which he hath purchafed with his own blood. John 3. 13. And no man hath ikendcd up to haven but he that came down komheivexit evenr/;e/c«o/m j butytt, mutabW lb that he (oundy thit God hatb •I'^r-nr- made man nprightMt might tall trom U C, ihey have fought out maay inventions. Gen.i.a^. AndGodfaid, Let us miVc wan in our image^ after our likenefs, and let him have dominion over t|j^(h of the fea, and over the fowls of the air, and over the cattcl, and over all the earth, and over every creeping thing that creepeth upon the earth. CO Gen.». 1^,17, V. 16] And the Lord God commanded the man, faying. Of every tree in the garden thou inayeft freely eat. V. 17.] But of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, thou fljalt noteat-^ for in the day that thou eatefi thereof, thou fhaltfurely die. Gen. 3. 5. And when the woman faw that the tree was good for food, and that it was pleafant to the eyes, and a tree to be defired to ipakc one wife, y7;e tooJ^ of the fruit tjjereof^ind did eAU and gave alfo unto her husband with her, and he did eat, III. Man by his fall into a ftate of fin, hath wholly loft all ability of Will to any fpiritual good accompa- w^e^°we wfrc^/et ^ying falvation d : Co as, a natural man, being altogc- without ftrength , in thei averfcfrom thatgood f, and dead in fin/, is not due time chrift died ^^jig bv his own ftrength, to convcrt himfelf. or to for the ungodly. * ■',. rir-.i. * Rom. 8. 7. Becaufe prepare himfelf thereunto g. the carnal minde is enmity againft Gody for it is not fuh'jeil to the law of God, neither indeed can be: ]ohn i J. $• I am the Tine, ye are the branches, he that abideth in me, and I in him, the fame bringeth forth much fruiti iov without me ye can do nothing, (e) Rom.5.10,12. V.io.] As it is written, Tbereiinme righteoust no not one V. 1 2.] They are all gone out of the rvay^ they are together become unpro- fitable, there is none that doth good, no not one, ( f) Ephef 2. i,$. V.i.J And you hath he quick- ped, who were dead in trefpajfes and fins. V.$.3 Even when we were dead in fins, hath quickned us together with Chrift, by grace ye arefaved. Col. 2. 13. And pu being dead in your jins, and the uncircumcifion of your flefh, hath he quickned together with him , having forgiven you all trcfpaffcs. Q3 John (5.44,6$. V.44.3 No man can come tome, except the Father which hath lent me (/rrtw /rim, andl willraife him upatthe laftday. V.6$.] And hefaid. Therefore faid I antoyou, xhitm man can come unto me, except it were given unto him of my Father. Ephef. 2. a,2,4,$. V.2.] Wherein in times part we wo%rf, according to the courf^ of this world, according to the prince of the power of the air, the fpirit that now worketh in the children of difobediencc. V.5.] Among whom alfo >pe Word 4//0 cd//f^,and whom . ^ ^ ^ ^ he called, them he alfo juftificd, and whonrhe jufiified, them he alfo glorified. Kom.i 1^7. What then, Ifrael hath; not obtained that which hefeekcth for, but the eleilion hath obtained ity and the reft were blinded. Ephef 1.10,11. V.10.3 That in the difpenfation of the fulncfs of trraes he^might gather together im $ney all things in Cbrifty both which are in heaven, and which are in earth, even in him. V.ji. In whom a'fo we have obtained an inheritance^ being predeftinated according to the purpofcof him^ who workcth all things after the cooofcl of his own will» E ^, andi [383 (/0iThe(r.2.i?,i4. and Spirit b^ cut of that (late of fin and death, tV&'kt^iwaJ ^n which they are by nature, to Grace and Sal- to God for you btc vation by Jefus Chrift^r, enlightning their mindes, thren,beiovedofthe fpirituallv and faviufily tounderftand the things cf Lord, bccaule God A Ji j ^ ^ ' lu'i. en. j.« hath from the begin. God d 3 taking away their heart of ftone, and gl- uing c/wy^r^oj/ro/^/- ving unto them an heart of flelhe, renewing their vationthrouihfanm- wills , and by his almighty power determining them pcatjon of the jPnitt => ,.•',. r^j rro n 1 and teikf of the to that which IS good J , and eiieCrually drawmg rrt,io. V.9.] Who harh/rtW^j, T of his po wer to us- ward who believe according to the rimkjng of his wighty power, John 6. 44>4$. V.44.] No nun can come to me, except the Father Qwhkh hath powcr^ draw him, and I will raife him up at the laft day. V.45.] It is written in the prophets, Avd they ihall be all taught of God^ cveiy man therefore that hath heard, and hath leartiedo ft he. Father, cometh unto me. freely finely, being made willing by his grace h, C/OCanM.4. Draw mt, we will run after ihee. Pfal.iio.?. Thy people y^d/Zfiew/'/Z/rg in the day cf rhy power, in the beauties of holinefs from the womb of the morning, rhmi haft the dew cf thy youth, lohn^.37. All that the Father giveth me, fhjll come to me, and him that cometh untome^ I will in no wife cafl out. Rev. 6. 16,17,18. V.16'] Know ye not, to whom ye yield your felves fervants to ohay, his fervants ye are to whom ye obey, whetherof fin unto death, or of obedience unto right ecufnefs. V.17.] But God he thanked that ye were the fervants of ifin, but ye have obeyed from the heart the form of do- ftrine which was delivered you. V.i8.] Being then made free from fin, ye kcame the fervants of righteoufrtcfs. I I. This efFfdual Call is of Gods free and fpecial grace alone^not from any thing at all forefeen in man i^ CO 2 Tim.i.p.who who is altogether paffive therein, until being quick- catd^^withkhol ned and renewed by the holy Spmt ^^ he is thereby ly calling, mtaccor- eaabJed to anfwer this Call, andtoimbracc the grace <^r"gtoo»rworkj,hM /r J J 1:^:4.1 accordtng to \\\% own offered, and conveyed in it /, i>«,^o/e%nd grace which was given us in Ghrifi Jefus before the world began. Tir.5,4,5. V.4.} Eut after that the kindnefs and love of God our Saviour toward man appeared. V.5'.] Kot by works of righteoufncf- which wc havs dorie^ but according tohis mercy, he faved us by the wafhing of regeneration, and renewing of the holy Ghoft. Eph. 2.4,5,8^9. V.4.] But Godwhoisrichinmercy, /oi-/;;j^KMf /orf Ty/;ere»'ff/j/6(?/ovc^ us. V.5.] Even when we were dead in fins, hath quickped us together wuhCbn{[ C by grace ve are favcd.J V. 8-3 For by ^rtfce 4re >? ^W through faith, and that «ofo/;'OHr/(f/i;w, \t h the gifcofGcd. V.9.] Noto/ »o>-^/, /e/f dny manfhouldbcafl. Rom. 9. 11. For the children being notyetborn, neitherhaving done any good or evil, that the purpofe of God according to ele^ion might jiand^ not of works^ butof himthat calleth. C^) j Cor.2.14. ^\.\t the natural rran recei- veth mt the things of the Spirit of God^ for they are foolifhnefs unto him, neither can he kiww thewt becaufe they are ffiritually difcerned. Rom. 8 7. Becaufe the carnal minde is enmity againft God, for it is notfubjeH to the law of God, neither indeed can be. Ephefa.^. Even when we were dead, infins^ hath quickned us together wirfiChrifi: (by grace ye are faved.} CO John (5.37. All that the Father gtveth me, p^/tll come to me, and him that cometh to me, 1 will in no wife caft out. E- zek.36.27. And I will put my fpirit within you, atjdcaufeyou to walJ^ in my ftatutes, and ye ffjall keep ray iudgements and do rhein. John 5-25. Verily, Verily, I fay unto you. The hour is coming, and now is, when the deadflmll hear the voice of the Son of God, and they that hear fhall live. III. Eled' Infants, dying in infancy, are regene* ^mj Luke i8.ir,i^. rated, and faved by Chrill: throueh the Spirit ^, who v. « 5. ] And they •^ a X J brought unto him al- fo infants , that he floould tomb them, but when his difciples faw ir, they rebuked tliera. V. i ^. J But Jcfus called them unto him, and (aid. Suffer little children to come unto me, and forbid them nor, (or of fuch is the kingdom of God. Ai^i2.^8,^g. V.38.] Then Peter faid unto them. Repent md be baptiied every ane of you, inthe Nameof Jefus Chrift, for theremiflTionof fins, and ye fhall receive the gifc of the holy Gholt. V.39.3 For the ^rom'ikh to pu, and to your childicn, and t9 all that are afar oft", even as many as the Lord yotirGcd fhall call. ]ohn 3.3,5. V.3.J Jefus an- fweredandfaiduntohim, Verily, verily, I fay unto thee, Exct-pt a man be born again, he cannot fee the kingdom of God; V.5/I jefus anfwcred. Verily, verily, I fay unto thee. Except /1 w^"9iMr: ji'a^j * . V. 9. J Whofo€vet deteltcd t. . tranfgreireth and 4- bides not in tite do' eime of Chridi hath not God', he thit abideth in the do&nHc of ChT\% he hath beth the Father and the Son. V.io.] If there come any unto you, md brin^ot this do&r'mcy receive him not into your hoHfcy neither bid him God fpeed. V. J i . ] For he ^at biddeth him God fpced, is partaker of his evil deeds. 1 Gor.i<5.2a. If any man love not the Lordjefus Chriji^ let him he Anathema^ Maranatha. GaUi-^,7,8. V.(5.] I warvej that you are fo foonremoi^^rf from him that called you into the grace ofChrift unto another Gofpel. V.7.] Which is not another, but there be fomc that trouble you, and would pervert the Gofpel of Chrift. V.8.] But though tve, or an angel from heaven, preach anj •ther gofpel unto you, than that which we have preached unto you, let him pe accurfed* Chap. XL of Jufiification, THofe whom God effeduallycallethj he alfo freely juftifieth a : not, by infufing righteoufnefs into WRom.p.joiMoic- them, but by pardoning their fins^ and by accounting demnaTedTt hem he and accepting their perfons as righteous 5 not, for any alfo caiied,and whim thing wrought in them, or done by them, but for be aif^ called them he Chriits lake alone 5 nor, byimputmgraithitlelr, the whom he juftified, aft of believing;, or any other evangelical obedience, them he alfo glorifi- tothem,as their righteoufnefs 5 but, by imputing the |**,;„g^^^J"/rf}ve'/; by his grace, through the redemption that is in ]cfus Chrii&# G V obedience (b) Rom.4. 5,6,7^8. obedience and fatisfaftion pfCh.rift unto them ^^ they c^hat'-^worTer tl receiving, and refting on him and his righteoufnefs by but beiieveth on him faith 5 which laithj they have, not of ihemfelves, it is that ]ujlifieththem' the gift of God C. gedly , ms faith is o ' ^ counted for righteeu:f' f\efs. V.6.3 Even as David alfo dcfcribeth'the blefTcdncfs of the man, unto whom God imput''th righteoufncjs without vosrks. V.7 .] Saying, Blefled are they whofe iniquities are forgiven^ and whofe fins are covered. V.8.3 BkflTed is that man to whom the Lord willmt impute fin- 2 Cor.$,i9,2i. V.19.] Towit, that God was in Chrift, reconciling the world unto himfelf, notimputing their tref' _f40>f unto them, and hath committed' unto us the word of reconciliation. V.21.] F©r he hath made him to be fin for us, who knewno fin, thdt we might be made the righteoufnefs of God in him. Rom.3. 21,24,25,27,28. V.22.] Even the righteoufnefs of God^ which /j^> /air/; of ]efus Chrifb onto all, and upon all them that believe, for there is no difference; V.24.3 Be'mg jufiified freely by his grace, through the redemption that is in Chrift Jefus. V. 1 5.] Whom God hath fee forth to be a propitiation through faith in his blood, to declare his righteoufnefs for the remijfion of fins that are pafl, through the forbearance of God. V.27.3 Where is boafting then, by what law of works, but by the law of faith ? V.28.] Therefore we conclude, thata man is juflified by faith, voithout tfis deeds of the law. Tit. 3.^,7. V.5.3 ^ot by vporkj of righteoufnefs , which we have done, but ac- cording to his mercy he favcd us, by the v?'afhing of regeneration, and renewing of the holy Ghof^. V.7.3 Tbit hcing) ufiified by his grace, we fhould be made heirs according to the hope of eternal life. Eph.1.7. In whom we ha.\c redemption through his blood, the forgivenefs of fins according to the riches of his grace. ]ev.2^.6. Inhlsdaysfliall Judahbefaved, and Ifrael fhall dwell fafe- ly, and this is the name whereby he fiiall be called , The Lord our righteoufnefs. i Cor.i. 30,51, V.30,] But of him zrcye in Chriji Jefut, who of God, hmade unto us wijdom, and righteoufnefs, and fanBijication, md redemption. V.31.] That according as it is written, He that glorieth , tet him glory in the Lord. Rom $.17,18,19. V.I7.3 For if by one maids offence, death reigned by oncj much more they which receive abundance of grace, and of the gift of tighteoufnefs, fJiall reign in life by one, Jefus Chriji. V. 1 8. ] Therefore as by the offLnce of one, judgement came upon all men to condemnation, cven(o by the righteoufnefs of one, the free gift came upon all men to jujiification of life. V.I 9. 3 For as by one mans difobedience, many were made finners : fo by the obedience of one, fhillminy be made righteous, (c) Afts 10.44. While Peter yet fpake thefe words, the holy Ghoji fell en all them which kezydt^e word. Gal.2.16. Knowing that a man isnot juftifiedby the works of the law, but hy the faith of Jefus Chrifi, even we have believed in jefus Chrift, that we ara'ght be jufiified by the faith of Jefus Chrifi, and not by the works of the law, for by the works of the law fhall no fiefh be juftified. Phil.3.9. And be found in him, not having our own righteouf- nefs, which is of the law, hmthitwhich is through the faith of Chrift, the righteoufnefs w^fc/j ix 0/ Godby faith. A) Luke 22.32. But 1 have prayed for thee, that thy faith fail not, and when the u air cnnverred, ftrengthen thy brethren. 1 Jchn io.i8 Andl give unto them eternal lite, and they jhall never jerifh, nt it her f}. all any man plutk. them out of try hand, Hcbr. 10. 14. For bj one otitring he hath perfeUed for ever them that are fenftifted. paidoHj C45T mrdon. and renew their faith and repentance <7. ('?)pra.89?^32^5?' *^ ' JT 7 V.3i.]lfthcyijrc4k my ftatutcs, and keep not my commandements. V.32.] Then will I vifit tfceir tranfgrcffions wn/j theredy and their iniquity withftripes. V.33.] Neverthelcfs my loving kindntfs will 1 nor utterly take from him, norfuffer my fairhfulnefs to fail. Pfal. 51. 7,8, 9, 10,11, 12. V.7O P^^rge me xtitb hjjfopy and I fliall be clean, vi>af}}me^(ind IflmUbe w/jifer than thefnow. V.8 ] Make me lohear joy andgladnefs^ that the bines which thou hajl broken may rejoyce. V. 9. j lUde thy face from myfins^ and blot out all my iniquities. V. 1 o. ] Create in me a clean heart, Q God, and renew a right fpi- rit within me. V. 1 1 -3 Caft me not arvay from thy prefence, and take not thy holy fpirit from mc. V.i2.j P,c(\oTt untome the joy of thy falvation, and uphold me with thy free fpirit. Pfal. 32. S- I acknowleagedmyfin unto thee, and mine iniquity have I not hid, i faid, 1 will confefs my tranfgref- fions unto the Lord, zndthou fsrgavejl the iniquity of my fin. Matth.26.75. And Peter remembred the words of jefus, which faid unto him, Before theccck crow, thou fhalt deny me thrice i and he went out, and wept bitterly. 1 Cor.i 1.30,32. V.30. ] For this caufe many are weak_ and ficklj among you, and many fleep. V.32.3 Bat when we are judged, we are chajienedof the Lord, that we ftioald not be condemned with the world. Luke i . 20. And behold, thou Jfjalt be dumb, and nor able to fpeak., until the day that thefe things fhall be performed, becaufe thou believejl not mj wirdsy which fliail be fulfilled in their feafon. VI. The Juftification of Believers under the old (-,; 0^1.3. 9113,14. Teftament^ was in all thefe rcfpefts^ one and the fame v 9.] So Ihcn they with the Juftification of Believers under the new Te- "^^''^K^J ""^^f'^V o '' are blejfed with faith- Itament r, fuU Abraham, v.13.3 Chrift hath redeemed us from the curfe of the law, being made a corfe for us i for it is written, Curfcd is every one that hangeth on a tree V. 14.3 That the blefing of Abraham might come on the Gentiles, through jefus Chrift, that we might receive the promile of the fpirit, through faith. Rom.4.2a,23,24- V.it.3 And therefore it was imputed to him for rlghteoufntfs. V.23.] Now it was not written for his fake alone, that it was imputed to him. V 24. J Bvt for us alfo, to whom it fhall be imputed, if we be- lieve on him that raifed up Jefus our Lord from the dead. Heb. 13.8. Jefus Chrijf, the fameyej\er-^ day, and to day, and for ever. CHAP. xn. of Adoptioff. AL L thofe that are juftified, God vouchfafcth, in, Wj£phr.$. Having andforhisonely Son Jefus Chrift, to make par- fhyado^Tn^fXl takers of the grace of Adoption a.: by which they are dren by jt/m chnft, taken into the number, and tnjoy the liberties and [oIllr'^o.^^Ttat"! privileges of the children of God K have his Name put of'h.l win ^Gar.4. 4,$. V. 4.] But when the fulnefs of time was come, God fent forth his own Son, made of a woman, under the law. V.5.3 To redeem them that were under the law, that ne might receive the adoption of fsps. (b ) R<^m.8 17. And if children, then hei>s, heirs of God, and pynt heirs with Chnji, if lo be that we fuffcr with him, that we may bcilfo^/orjjifrfrc^crkr. John .12. Buras many as-eccived liim, to rhcm^rtte /^'5^' iower to become tbefons of Ood^ even to them that believe on his Name. G 3 upott Ct} Jer.i4 p.Yet upon theiii r, receive the fpirit of Adoption d^ have rte'Jiidft^Tl'a^^ accefs to the Throne of Grace with holinefse, are in- we aie called by thy abled tocry, Abba^Fathcr/, are pitied ^5 protefted^, Mme, leave us nor. provided for i, and chaftened by him, as by a Father h be a father unto you, yet nevcr caft Oil /, but lealed to the day ot redemp- andycjhaii'betnyfons tion /i^, and inherit the promifes». as heirs of ever- and daughters, (aith i^n-jno fn]vit\nn n the Lord Almighty. ^^Iting laivation 0, Rev.3.12. Him that overcometh, will I make a pillar in the temple of my God, and he fhall go no more out, andlwill write upon him the name of my God, and'the name of the city of my God, which is new Jerufalem, which Cometh down out of heaven from my God, and I will write upon him my new name. ()Jo1""7>7S-m- minioaof the whole body of fin is deftroyed c, and ^(fj/'Thf^^fat the feveral lufts thereof are more and more weakned truth.^ Ephef.5.26. and mortified^.* andthey, more and more quickncd Jjlf^ and""i?*^n/'*" and ftrcngthned in all faving graces e, to the pradtice with the wafti"njjt of true holinefs, without which no man (hall fee the ^f.^JJ' ^^^^ '^ 2 Thefr.2.13 Butwe and mortified^.* and they, more and more quickncd J!!?^ hemght/4n- igthned in all laving graces e, to the practice lolinefs, without which no man (hall fee the ■Lora J. are bound to give thanks alway to God for you brethren, beloved of the Lord, becaufe God hath from the beginning chofcn you to falva- tion, through fan^jficationof the fpjrir, and belief of the truth, (c) Rom.i5.6,T4. V.6 ] Rnowing this, that our o/iwrf/i ?V crMci/ie(fy?ren|;t^- ned with might, byhisfpirit in the inner man. V.17.] ThatChrift may dwell in your hearts by faith, thit ye being rooted and grounded in love, V.18.3 Miybeable to comprehend, with all faints, what is the breadth, and length, and depth, and lieight. V. 1 9.] And to know the love of Chrift, which paffeth knowledge, thitye might be filled with all the fulnefs of God. ^f) 2 Corinth. 7.1. Having therefore thefe promifes, dearly beloved, letuscloinfeourfelvesfrom all filthincfs of the i\c{\\ znd (pint, perfelfingholinefs in the fear of God. Heb.U.if. Follow peace with all men, and holinefs, without which no man fliall fee God. II. This Sanguification is throughout, in the whole C^) i Their: $.25. man c; yet imperfed: in this life, there abidethftill And the very God of 'r ^J J t . . 5 peace Canihfie you fome remnants or corruption in every part h : whence ^/,o//y , and i pray arifeth a continual, andirreconcileable war, theflefh God, your whole fp- Jufting againft the Spirit, and the Spirit againft the %:^^,,f:'j;f^\ flelh i. lefsumo the coming of our Lord Jefus Chrifl. (i^3 ijohni.io. If we {ay thit we have net finned, we make him a liar, and his word is notinus. Rom".7.i8,2?. V.iS.'J For 1 know that in me, thit\s,inmyflep}, dwelleth no goud thing: for to will, is prefent wichme, bur how to perform that which is good, Ifinde nor. V.25. J But I fee 1 amther law in my members, warring againft the law of my minde, and bringing me into captivity to the lawoffm, which is in my members. Fhil.g.ia. ]<\otas though I had already attained, either were already per fell, but 1 follow after, if that I may apprehend that, for which alfo I am apprehended of Chrilljcfus- (O Gal.5.17. ¥ot the flej}} lufhth a^ainfl the fpirit, and the fpirit againft thefef?, and thcfe are contrary the one to the other, fo that yecannot do the things that yc would, i Per. I». II. Dearly beloved, Ibcfeechyou, as ftrangers and pilgrims, abftainfrora flefhly lulls, which \war againft the foul. II r. In which war, although the remaining cor- (j^j Rom.T.ag.But jruption, for a time, may much prevail A. , yet through i fee another law m ting againft the !aw of my minde, and bringing me into captivity to the law of fin which i^ in my aembers. the [48] r/}Rom.5.i4. For the contiiiual fupply of ftrcDgth from the fandifying fm flutH not have do- Spirit of Chrift, the regenerate part doth overcome / .• winion over you , for ^^^ (q j-jje Saints grow in gtace m^ pcrfc^Sing holinefs ye are not under the .,?• c/^ a ° Uw, but under grace, in the tear ot Ood H. ^ohn5.4. What- i^er is born of God, overcometh the world, and this is the viftory that overcometh the world, even OOT faith. Eph 4.i5,i<5.» V,i5'] But fpeakingthe truth inlove, may grow K-pinto him inallthingSy which is the head, even Chrift. V. 1 6. ] From whom the whole body fitly joyned together, and compared by that which every joint fapplieth, according to the efFeftnal working inthemcafure of every part, maketh increafe of the body, unto the edifying of it felf in love, (m) 2 Pet. j. i8. But grow in grace, and in the knowledge of our Lord and Saviour ]efus Chrill j to him be glory, both now, and for ever. Amen. 2 Cor.3. 1 8. But we all with open face, beholding as in a glais, the glory of the Lord, are change d\nto the htae'iTMgey from glory to glory, even as by the Spirit of the Lord, (n) 2 Cor. 7. i. Having therefore thefe proraifes, dearly belaved, let us clcanfe out felves from all filthinefs of flefh and fpirit, perfe^ing holinefs in the fear of God, Chap. XIV. Offaving Faith. Caj Heb. 10. ?9. But '^T^Hc gratc of Faith, whereby the Eleft are inabled we are not of them J[ to believe to the faving of their fouls ^^ is the ^rdiSn'^'^'but^'Tf work of the Spirit of Chrift in their hearts ^j and is them who believe, to ordinarily wrought by the Miniftry of the Word c : by the faving of the foul, which alfo, and by the adminiftration of the Sacra- htvin^Se /4we Jpt ment s^and Prayer, it is increafed and ftrengthened d, fit of faith, accor- ding as it is written, I believe, and therefore have I fpoken, we alfo believe, and therefore fpeak. Ephef.i.17,18,19. V.17.] That the God of our Lord lefusChrift, thcFatherofglory, may give unto you the fpirit of wifdowi and revelation, in the knowledge of him. V. i8.]] The eyes of your underftanding being enlightned, that ye may know what is the hope of^his calling, and what the riches of the glory of his inheritance m the faints. V.i 9.3 And what is the exceeding greatnefs of his power to us-ward who believe, according to the working of his mighty power. Eph.2.8. For by grace are ye faved, through faith, and that not of your felves, it is the gift of God. (c^ Rom. 10.14,17. V.I 4.] How then fhall they call on him, in whom they have not believed , and how fiiallthey behove in him, of whom they have not heard ? and how fhall they hear without a preacher ? V. 17.] So then faith cometh by hearing, and hearing by the word of God. {d) i Peter 2. 2. As new born babes, deftre the fmcere milk, of the word, that ye may grow thereby. Afts20. 32. And now, brethren, I commend you to God , and to the word of his grace , which is able to build you up, and to give you an inheritance among all them which are fanftified. Rom.4.11. And he received the iign of circumcifion, a feal of the righteoufnefs of faith , which he had yet be- ing unclrcumcifed, that he might be the father of all them that believe, though they be not cir- cumcifed, that righteoufnefs might be imputed to them alfo. Luke 17. 5 • And the apoftles faid unto the Lord, Increafe our faith. Rom. 1. 16,17. V. 16.3 For I am not afhamcd of the gofpel of Chrift, for it is the power of God unto falvation , to every one that believeth , to the Jew firl>, and alfo to the Greek. V.i7.'J For therein is the lightecufncfs of Godrevealed, from faith to faith, as it is written, The )uft fhall live by faith. IL By C49] _..,. II. By this Faith, aGhriltian beleeveth to be true, whatfoercris revealed in the Word, for the authority of God him fell fpeaking therein e, and adeth differ- CO John 4.42. And ently upon that which tacft particular palijge thercot man,nov^ w<- baicvc containeth, yielding obedience to the Commands/, not> becaufe of chy trembling at the threatnings^, and imbracinj, the pec- fi^^rLTr*^ mifes of God for this life, and that which is to ccme h, and know that tuis u But the principall ads of faving faith, are, Accepiinc;, t"''/' '^^ ^*!.'^' ^E*^ J: . ,* * 1 « o. r^t -A 1 r / n.'c Saviour of the Receiving, and Rcfting upon Chrift alone for Jultifi- world. 1 Theff 2. ii cttion, Sanftification, and Eternall Life, by vertueof tor f^^'s "uie alio the Covenant of Grace/. ^^^'^^5*':^}; when ye received the Word of God which ye heard of us, ye received it ^ not as the Word of Men, but as it isintruh^the Word of God which effc^ually worketh alfoin youchacbclecve. i ]ohn 5-io« He that beleeveth on the Son of God hath the mtneffe in himfelf he that bcleevcth not, God hath made him a Iyer, becaufe he beleeveth not the record that God gave of his Son. A^s 24.14. But this I confeflc unto thee, that after the way which they call hercfie, fo worfhip / the God of my Fathers^ belecving all things which are written in the Larc and the Prophets. Qfj Rom. 16.26. But now is made manifefV,and by the Scriptures of the Prophets,according to the Commandement of the cvcr- la(\ingGod,made known to all Nations/or the ebedience of faith. CgJUa.66.2. For all thofe things hath mine hand made , and all thofe things have been , faith the Lord God , but to this man will Hook, Even to him that is poor and of a contrite fpirit, and trembleth at my rvords. (^)Hcb. 11. 13. Thefe all died in faith,not having received the promifes, but having feen them a far off, and were perfwaded of them, that were not good, and (hail loath your fclves in your own fight , for your iniquities, andfo' your abominntions. ' If4.50.22. Ye fhall defile alfo the covering of thy graven Images of filver,and the ornament of thy molten images of gold, thou flialtcafUhem away as a menftruous cloth , thou flialtfay untoit. Get thee hence; Pfalna 51.4. Againfl: thee, thee only have I finned, and dene this evil in thy fight : that thou mighteft be jaftified whenthou fpcakeft, and be clear when thou judgeft. ]er. jr. 18, 19. V.18.3 I have furely heard Ephraim bemoaning himfelfthus,Thou hafkcha- l\ifed me, and I waschaftifed, as a bullock unaccuftomed to the yoak, turn thou me and I (hall be turnedithou arc the Lordmy God.V.ip.JSurely after that I was turned,! repented j and after that 1 was inftruded, I fraote upon my thigh : I was afhamed, yea, even confounded, bccaufe I did bear the reproach of my youth. Joel 2. 12, ig. V. 12.] Therefore alfo now, faith the Lord,turn ye even tome with all your heart, and with faAing, and with weeping, and with mourning. V. 15. 3 And rent you heart and not your garments,and turn onto the Lord your God : for he is gracious and mer- ciful, flow to anger, and of great kindnefle, and repenteth him of the evil. Amos 5.15. Hate the e» vil, and love the good, and eftablifh Judgement in the gate : it way be that the Lord God of Hofts will be gracious unto the remnant ofjofeph. Pfaira 119.128. Therefore I efteem all thy precepts concerning all things to be right j and I hate every falfeway. 2 Cor. 7. 11. For behold, thisfelf fanae thing that ye forrowed after a godly fort, what carefulnefle it wrought in you, yca,what clear- ing of your felves, yea, what indignation, yea, what fear, yea, what vehement defire, yea, what zeal, yea, what revenge: in all things ye have approved your felves to be clear in this matter. ( 5 fo there is no fin fo great, that it can bring death, but the gift damnation upon thofc who truly repent z. ofGod is eternal life, through ]efus Chrift our Lord. Rom.$.i2. Wherefore as by one man fin entred into the worId,and death by fin , and fo death palTed upon all men, for that all have finned. Matth. 1 2.^6. I fay unto you, that every idle word that men fhall fpeak , they fhall give account thereof in the day of Judgement. (;) Ifa.59.7. Let the wicked forfake his way, and the unrighteous man his thoughts* and let him return unto the Lord, and he will have mercy upon him, and to our God, for he will abundantly pardon. Rom. 8.1. There is therefore now no condemnation to them which are in Chrill jefus, who walk not after the flefh but after the fpirit. Ifa. 1.16,18. V.i<5.] Wafhye, make ye dean, putaway the evil of your doings from before mine eyes, ceafe to do evil. V.18.]] Come now let us reafon together, faith the Lord : though your fins be as fcarlet, they fhall be as white as fnow^ chough they be red like Crimfon, they fhall be as wool. V. Men ought not to consent themfelves with a generall Repentance , but ir*is every Mans Duty to endeavour to repent ot his particular fins, parti* from prefumptuous fins, let them not have dominion over me, then fhall I be upright, and I fhall be innocent from the great tranfgrefTion. Luke 19.8. And Zacheus Hood and fa>:i uuto the Lord, Behold Lord, the half of my goods I give to the poor, and if 1 haverai-on any thing from any man byfalfe accufation, 1 ref\ore him fonr-fold. r Tim.i.i3,»5. V.ig.j Whowasbeforea Blarphemer,andaPerrecuror,ani injurious, buclobtaintd mcrcybecaulcl did it ignoranMy in unbelief V.15.] This is a faithfiil fayr mg, and worthy of all acceptation , thai Chrift Jefus came into the world to fave finners, of whom lam chief* WL As VI. Ascvcrymanisboundto make private confef- C0P^aim$i.4,$, fion ofhis(?ns toGodjpraying for the pardon thereof/^ IhctoiU't^^^^f'^ upon which, and the foriaking of them, he (hall find lie? °"nddInithTs mercy f» - fo he that fcandalizeih his Brother, or the ^^'' '" ^^y fight: that Church of Chrift, ought to be willing by a private or '^Zftu.l ' hlu publick confelfionjand forrow for his iinjto declare his fpeakeft,anci be clear repentance to thofe that are offended », who are there- ^^''i^D jhou judgeft. * 1 -I J * u- J • 1 • V.$. J Behold, I was upon to be reconciled tomm, and in love to receive ihapcn in iniquity. Mother conceive mc. V.7.]Purgcrae with Hyffop, and I fhali be clean : wafh me, and I fhall be whiter than fnow. V.9O Hide thy face from ray fins, and bloc out all mine iniquities.V.14.3 Deliver me from blood- guiltincffcO God,thou God ofmyfalvation : and my tongue fhall fing al®udof thy righteoufnefs. Pfal.52.$,6.V.$.] I acknow- ledge my fin unto thee, and mine iniquity have 1 not hid, I faid I will confeflfe my tranfgreffions un- to the Lord, thou forgaveft the iniquity of my fin. Selah. V.6] For this fhall cyery one that is godly pray unto thee, in a time when tliou mayeft be found : furely in the floods of great waters,they fhall not come nigh unto him. (w3 Prov. 2 8. 1 J. He that covereth his fins fhall not profper, but who foconfcffech andforfaketh them, fhall have mercy, i John i .9. if we eonfefs our fins, he is faith. ful and jul^ to forgive us our fins,and to cleanfe us from all unrighceoufnefTe. (wj James i.i6.Confefs your faults one to another, and pray one for another, thatje may be healed j the effeftual ferrcnc prayerofarighteousmanavailethtnuch.Lukei7.3,4.V.g.]Takeheedtoyourfelves : If thy bro- ther trefpafs againf\ thee, rebuke him, and if he repenr, forgive him. V.4.] And if he trcfpafs againfl thee feven times in a day, and feven times in a day turn again to thee, faying , I repent, thou fhalc forgive him.jofh.?. 1 9 And Jofjua faid umo Achan^vay Son, give,! pray thee,gIory to the LordGod of Ifrael, and make confeffion unto him ; and tell me now what thou haft done , hide it not from me. Pfalm $ I . Throughout. Qo ) 2 Cor. 2. 8. Wherefore I befeech you, that you would confirm your, love towards him. Chap. XVI. Ofgeod Works. GOod Works are onely fuch as God hath comman- ^'*^^'^' ^'^' . "^ ded in his holy Word 4, and not fuch as, without o*raan,what it good', the warrant thereof, are devifcd by men, out of blinde and what doth the Lord require of thee, . but to do Juf^ice, and to love mercy, and to walk humbly with thy God? Rom. 12.2. And be not con. forraedtothis world, but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind, that ye may prove, whatisthatgood, that acceptable and pcrfeft will of God. Hcb.23.21. Make you perfeft in every good work, to do his win, working in yon^that which is well-plcafing ia his fight, through Jcius ehrift, to whom be glory for ever and ever, amen. xcalj. C^) Mar. 1 5- p. But ;« zeal, or upon any pretence of good intention ^. vain do they wor- ihipme, teaching for dodrines the Comirandements of men. Ifa. 29. 15. Wherefore the Lordfai^, For as much as this people draw near me with their mouth, a«d with their lips do honour me, but have removed their heart fur from me, and their fear toward me is taught by the precept of men. 1 Pet.i.i8. For as much as you know , thacyou were not redeemed with corruptible thing?, as Silver and Gold, from your vain converfation received by tradition from your fathers. Rom 10. 2. For I bear them record, that they iiave a zeal of God, but not according to knowledge. John 1 6. 2. They fhall put you out of the fynagogues , yea, the time cometh , that whofoever killeth you, will think he doth God fervice. 1 Sam. 15. 21, 22, 25. V. 21;] But the people took of .the fpojl. Sheep, and Oxen, the chief of the things which fhould have been utterly deftroyed , tofacrifice to the Lord thy God in Gilgal. V. 22]. And Samuel faid,Hath the Lord as great delight in burnt of- ferings and facrifices, as in obeying the voice of the Lord ? behold , to obey is better than facrifice, and to hearken, than the fat of Rams. V:2^.2 For Rebellion is as the fm of witch-craft, and ftub- bornefs is as iniquity and idolatry : becaufc thou haft receded the word of the Lord, he aifo hath rejefted thee froai being King. (c; James 2. 18,22. I J. Thefe good works, done in obedience to Gods may^fay ,^t^h0u hall commandements^are the fmits and evidences of a true faith , and I have and lively faith f .-andjby them^Beleevers manifeft their th°^^faith ^whhou^t ^^^^i^^f^ln^fs ^3 ftrcngthen their afliiranceejedifie their thy works ,^ and I Brethren/, adorn the profeflion of the Goipcl^j ftop will fhew thee my faith by my works. V;22. Seeft thou how faith wrought with his works, and by works was faith Hiadeperfeft. (rf) Pfal. 116. 12, 13.V.12.] What fhall I render unto the Lord for all his benefits towards me? V.I 3.3 I will take the cup offalvation, and call upon the name of the Lord.i Pet.2.9. But ye are a chofen generation, a royal Priefthood, an holy nation, a peculiar people, that ye fhould Ihew forth the prailes of him, who hath called you oat of darknelTe into his marvellous light. (e) 1 John 2. 3, 5. V.5.] And hereby we do know that we know hiiB, if we keep his Commacde- ments. V. 5. J But whofokecpeth his word, in him verily is the love of God perfeded, hereby know we that we are in him. i Pet. 1.^,6,7,8,51,10. V.$.J And befides this, giving all diligence, add to yourfaith,Ycriue j and to Vertue, Knovv'ledge. V.6. J And to Kaowlege, Temperance •■, and to Temperance, Patience ■■, and to Patience, GodhnelTe. V.7.] And to GodlinelTe,Brotherly-kind- neflei and to Brorherly»kindnefs, Charity. V.8.3 For ifthefe things be in vou, and abcund, they make you that ye fhall neither be barren, nor unfruitful in the knowledge of our Lord jefus Chrift. V.9.] But hethailacketh thefe thifigs, is blinde, and cannot fee far off, and hath forgotten that he was purged from his old fins. V. 10.] Wherefore the rather, brethren, give diligence to make your calling and eleftion fure : for if ye do thefe things,ye fhall never fall. ( / ) 2 Cor. 9. 21 For I know the forwardneffe of your mind, for which I boaft of you to them of Macedonia , that Achaia was ready a year ago , and your zeal hath provoked very many. Matthew. 5. 1 6. Let your light fo fliine before men, that they may fee your good works, and glorifie your Father which is in heaven. Q) Tit. 2. 5, 9, 10, 11,12. V. y.3 To be difcrecr, chad, keepers at home, good, ft- bedient to their own Husbands, that the word of God be not blafpemed. V.9' Eyhort Servants to be obedient to their own Mafters, and to pleafe them well in all thing?, nor anfwering again, v. ID.] Not pufloining,but fhcwingalloDod fidelity, that they may adorn the doftrinecfGodouf Saviour in all things V.n.] Forthe grace of God that bringeth falvation, hath appeared toall men. v. 1 2.] Teaching us, that denying ungodlineiTe and worldly lufts, we fhould live foberly, righteoufly, and godlily in thisprefent world, i Tiffl. 6. i. Let as many Servants as are under the yoak, counttheir own Maflers worthy of all hononr, that the naiaaeof God and his dodrinebe not blafphemed. * the C55] the mouths of the adverfaries ^, and glorifie God/, C/Oi Per.2.i5.For whofe workmanfhip they are created inChriftJefus .t? ^i^^w °f ^^^J' thereunto Aithatjhaving their fruit unto holinefs^they fmg, ye may puc may have the end, eternal life /, t° r,ience the igno- *" •' ' . ranee of foohfhnieri 0) « Pec 2. 1 2. Ha- ving your converfation houeft among the Gentiles, that whereas they fpeak againft you as evil do* •erf, they may by your good works which they fhall behold, glorifie God in the day of vification. Phil.i.ii. Bdng filled with the fruits of righteoufnelTe, which are by jefus Chrift, unto the glory andprailcofGcd. John 15 8. Herein is my Father glorified, thatye bear much fruit, fo fhail ye be my Difciples. ^ l^) Eph.2. io« For we are his workmanHiip, created in Chrift Jefus unto good works, which God hath before ordained that we fhould walk in them. (/) Rom.^.za. But now being made free from fin, and become Servants to God, ye have your fruit unto hoiincffe, and tha end everlafling life. III. Theirability todogood works, isnotatallof C'«3 John 15.4,5. themfelves, but wholly from the Spirit of Chrift«/. Jntn^^u Va" The And that they may be inabled thereunto^ befides the branch cannot bear era CCS thev have already received, there is required an (^^"'^^f'^^'^^f-- ^^cept ^r^ ,, . A I \ r i_ 1 o • •.. ... t • Jt abide m the Ymc, aduall influence ot the faa7eholy Spirit, to work in nomorecanye, ex- thcm to v/ill and to do,of his good pleafure n : yet are cept ye abide in me. they not hereupon to grow negligent as if they were l^ot\um'!Th^^ not bound to perform any dutyj unlefs, upon a fpecial forth as a branch, & motion ofthe Spirit Abut, they ought to be diligent in '^ withered , and n- • 1 ^ r /- J ^il • • ..1, men gather them & ftirring up the grace oi God that is in them 0, eart them into the fire and they are ^rred. Ezeck.3^. 2(5,27. V.2<5.] Anew heart alfo will I give you, anda newfpiric willlpuc within you, and I will rake away the ftony heart out of your flefh, and I will give you a heart of fleOi. V. 27.3 And 1 will pur my Spirit within you, and caufe you towalkinff_y (lacutes, and ye fhall keep my judgemenrs, anddorhem. (^w) Phil.2.13. For it is God that worketh in you both to will and to do, of his own pleafure. Phil. 4. J 9. 1 can do all things through Chrif^ which ftrengtheneth me. 2Cor.3.5. Not that v/e arc fufficient of our (elves to think any thiiig as of our fclves : butourfufinciencyisofGod. (0) rhil.2.i2. Wherefore my beloved, asyehave aiwaies obeyed,not as in my prcfmceonhsbat now much more i.i my abfencciwork cut your own falvation wifh fear and trem.bling. Heb.6.1 1,12. V.i 1.3 Ard we dcfire that every one of you dofJiew the fame diligence totl'e fiiilalTuranceof hope unto the end. V.12.] Thatye benctdorhful, but fol- lowersot them, who throi-'ghfaich and patience inherit thepromilcs, 2 Fer.i.g,$,io,i i. V.3.] According as his divine power hath given unto us all things that pertain unto life and godlinefle, through the knowledg of hinii that harh called us to glory and vertue. V.5.3 And befides all this, giving all diligence, add toyour Fai li, Vcrtciei and to Vertue Knowledg. V.io.^ Whercforethe rather. Brethren, give djligence to make your calling and eleflionfure : for if ye do thcfc things ye fliall never fall. V.u.'J For fo an ei-;rerance fhall be niiniftred to you abundantly, into riie cverlaftingKiiigdcmofour Lord and Saviour jefusChrifl:. Jfa.64.7. And there ii none that callcch ypon thy name, that liirreth up hiiiifdf to take hold of thee; for thou hall hid thy face from us,and haft confumed us, becanfe of our iniquities. 2Tim.i.6. Wherefore I put tliee in remembrance, thatthouflir upthegi t of Gfd , which is m thee , by the putting on of my hands. Afts 26.6,7. And now I Hand, and am judged for the hope of the promifc made of God unto our Fathers. V.7] Unto which promife our tv/clvctribts infiantly ferving God day and night, hcpetocome: for which hopes fake, King J.gnt'pa^ i amaccufedof the jcwes. jude v.20, 21. V. 20.] Ei;r ye Belo- ved, building up your fclves on ) 01! r mcft holy faith, praying in the Holy Ghoft,V. 2/. | Kcepyuir fclves in the love of God, looking for the mercy of our Lord jcfus Chrift unto eternal life. 1 v.- IV.Thcy.who in their cbediencCjattain to the great- eft height, which is pcflible in thii life, are fo far from being able to fupererogatej and to do more than God requires, as that they fall Ihort of much which in duty Q) Luke 17. 10. So they are bound to do p. likewife ye, when ye fli^l have done all thefe things, which are commanded you,fay. We are profitable Servants,we ' have done that which was our dutytodo. Nehem.13.22 And I commanded the Levitcs that they ftiould cleanfe themfelves, and that they fhonld come and keep the gates, tofandifie the Sabbath day. Remember me O my God, concerning this alfo, andfpare meaccordnig to the grearneffeof thy mercy. Job 9. 2, 3 . V. 2.] 1 know it is fo of a truth, but how fhoi-Id man be jnft with God? V.g.]] If he will contend with him^ he cannot anfwer him one of a thonfand. Gal. $. 17 For the frefh lufleth againft the fpirir, and the fpirit againft ihc flefh, and thefe are contrary the one 10 die other, fo »har yee cannot do the things that ye would. V. We cannot^ by our beft\Vork§5merit pardon of fin, or eternal life at the h?».nd of God, by reafon of the great difproportion that h U t ween them 8c the glory to Gome^andjthe infinite diftance that is between us & Tiwrefore ^'by °the God,whom,by them, we can neither profit, nor fatisfie deeds of the law, for the debt of ouf former fins^, but when we have ^^^•T Jl" "? flefh done all we can, we have done but our duty, and are be juiTined m his /- i i o i i r % ' j fight, for by the law Unprofitable Servants r, and,becaure,as they are good, is the knowledge of they procced from his Spirit A & as they are wrought iin.Rom.4, 2,4,6. V. ^ ^ r J^ j o 2.3 For if Abraham were juftified by works, he hath whereof to glory, but not before God.V 4^ Nowto him that worketh, istherewardnot reckoned of grace, but of debt; V.6.] EvenasDrtwi alfo defcribeth the bleflfednefle of the man unto whom God imputeth rightcoufnelfe without works. Ephef. 2.8,9. V 8.^ For by grace are ye faved through faith, and that net of yourfelves, it is the gift of God. V.9.] Notofworks, leftany nmnfhouldboaf\. Tit.g.$,6,7. V.5»3Noiby works of righteoufnefle which we have done, but according to his mercy, he faved us by the wafh- ing of regeneration, and renewing of the Holy Ghoft. V.6.3 Which he fhed on us abundantly, through ]cfus Chrift our Saviour. V.7.J' That being juftified by his grace, we fhould be made heirs, according to the hope of eternal life. Rom. S. 18. For I reckon that the fufferings of this prefent time, are not worthy to be compared with the glory that fhall be revealed in us. P'al. 1 6.2" O my Soul, thou haft faid unto the Lord, thou art my Lord, my goodneffe extendeth not to thee. Job 22.2,3. V.2.3 Can a man be profitaSk unto God as he that is wife may be profitable unto him* ielf? V.5.] Is itanypleafuretothe Almighty, that thou art righteous ? or is it gain to him that thoumakcft thy wayesperfeft? ]ob 35. 7,8. V.7.] If thou be righteous, what giveft thou him? orwhatreceiveth heofthyhand ? V.8. Thy wickednefle may hurt a man at thou art, and thy righteoufneffe may profit the Son of man. (^rj Luke 17. 10. See Letter (p) in this Chapter. (j3Gal.5.22,25. V.22.3 But the fruit of the fpirir is Love, Joy, Peace, Long fnffering, Gentlc- neffc, Goodnclfe, Faith, V.23-] Mcckncfs, Temperance, againft fuch there is no law. by by usjthcy are defiled, and mixed with fo much weak- (O i(t.(4.6. But we nefs and imperfedion, that they cannot indure the fc- ^J^ "'^ ^^ '•" unclean verity of Gods judgement t. "fcu^^f Z >s filthy rag6,and we do aU fade as a leaf, and our inquiries like the wind have taken osaway. Gal.$.i7. Forthcflcfh lulleth agajnft the fpirit, and the fpirit againft the flefh, and thcfe arc contrary the one to the other fo that ye cannot do the things that you would. Rom.7. isa5. V.i5.] For that which I do, I al- low not, for what 1 would, that do I not, but what I hate, that do I. V. 18. J I know that in me f that is in my flefh) dwellcth no good thing, for to will is prcfent with me, but how to per- form that which is good, I find not. Pfalm 145. 2. And enter not into judgement wiih thy fer«. vant, for in thy fight fhall no man living be juftified. Pfalm 150. 3. If thou Lord fhouldfl mark iniquities, O Lord who Ihall fland. VI. Yet notwithftandiog, the Pcrfons of Beleevers being accepted through Chrift, their good works alfo are acepted in him w, not as though they were in this («} Ephef .1. 6. To life wholly unblameable and unreproveable in GODS the praife of the fight jr 5 but that, he looking upon them in his Son, is ^herein°^ he ^hath pleafed to accept, and reward that which is fincere, made us accepted in although accompanied with many wcaknefles and im- ^^^ ^5)°^f?' ' ,?^'* _ _r- fjp * •' 2.$. Ye alfo as live- perreCtOnS. j^ ftones,are built up a fpiritiialhoufe, an holy Pricft-hood, to offer upfpiritual facrlficcs, acceptable to God by JcfusChrift. Exrd.28.38. And it fhall be upon Aarons fere- head, that Aaron may bear the inquity ofthe holy things, which the Children of Ifrael fhall hallow in all their holy gifts, and it fhall be alwaies upon his forehead, that they may be accepted before the Lord. Genefis 4.4. And AbelhcaUo brought of the firftlings of his flock. And the Lord had rcfpcft vi\to Abel ^ andhisoflFcring. Heb.11.4. By- faith >lie/ offered unto God a more excellent facrificcthan Cain, by which he obtained witneffe, that he was righteous. God tcftifjing of his gifts, and by it he being dead, yet fpeaketh. (v>) job 9.20. Iff juflifiemyfclf, mine own mouth /hall condemn me. If Ifay I araperfcft, it ftiall alfo prove me perverfe, Pfalm 145.2: And enter not into judgement with thy fevanr, for in thy fight fhall no man living be juftified. (x) Hcb.13. 20,21. V.20.] Now the Godof peace that brought again from the dead our Lordjefus , that great fhepherd of the fheep, through the blood of the cverlafling covenant, V.21.] Make you perfe^ in every god work to do his will, work- ing in you that which is wel-pleafmg in his fight, through ]ef«s Chrift, to whom be glory for c- yer and ever, Amen. 2 Cor. 8. is. For if there be firfta willing mind, it will be accepted accor- ding to that a man hath, and not according to that hchathnor. ft'eb. 6.ro. For God isnotun- righreous, to forget your work and labour of love, which ye have fliewed towards his name, in that ye have mioiftered to the faints , and do minifler. Mat. 25. 21, 25. V.21.] Kis Lord (aid untohiuj, well done, thou good and fathfulfervanr, thou haft been faithful over a few things, I will make thee ruler over many things, enter thou into the joy of rhy Lord. V.a^.l His Lord laid unto him, well done, thog good and faithful fcr vant, thou haft been faithful over a few things, I will make thee ruler of many things, enter into thejoy ©f thy Lord. VII. Works done by unregeneratemcn,although,for the matter of them, they may be things which God commands^ and of good ufe both to themfelvcs,and o- I thers 0)2 Kings 10. 50, thersvryet, becaufe they"^i8W)ceed not from an heart 21. V. 20.] And the -rf j i V* u ' J - • l Lord faid unto ]e- purmcd by taith z, ^nor are done in a right manner, ac» hn,b€caufe thou haft ding to the Word rf , nor, to a right end, the glory of Sg'^hat whichi; Go^^^ they are therefore finfull , and cannot pleafe right in mine eyes, God, or make a man meet to receive grace from God c\ and haft done unco And yetj their neglect of them is more finfulJ, and dif- the houfe of Abab -^ ° ' aceording to all that was in my heart,thy Qiildren of the fourth generation fhall fit in the throne of Ifrael. V. 51.3 But Jehu took no heed to walk in the Law of the Lord God of Ifrael with all his heart, for he departed not from the fins of Jeroboam, which made Ifrael to fin. i Kings 21. 27, 29. v. 27.] And it came to pafs, when Ahab heard thofc words , that he rent his cloathes, and pat Sack-cloth upon his flefti, and fafted, andlayin Sack-cloch, and went foftly. V. 29. Seeft thou how Ahabhumbleth himfelf before me? becaufe he hnmbleth himfelf before me, I will notbring the cvill in hisdayes j but in his Sons dayes, will! bring the evil) upon his houfe. Phil.i. 15, ii5, 18. v. 1$,] Some indeed preach Chrift, even of envy and ftrife, and fome alfo of good will. V. id.] The one Preach Chrift of contention, not finccfely, fuppofmg to adde affliction to my bonds. V. 1 8 .3 What then? noiwithftanding every way, whether in pretence, or in truth, Ghrift is preached, and I therein do rejoycc, yea, and will rejoyce. (jQ Gen. 4. 5. But unto Cain, and to his offering he had not re- fpeft, and Kain was very wrath , and his countenance fell. Heb. 1 1. 4. By faith, Abel offered unto God a more excellent facrifiee than Kain, by which he obteined wimefs that he was righte- ous, God teftifying of his gifts j and by it he being dead, yetfpeaketh. Heb. 1 1 . 6. But wichouc faith, it is iajpoffible to pleafe him, for he that corameth to God, muft believe that he is, and that he is a rcwarder of them that diligently feek bins. (<«}iCor. 13.3. And though Ibeftcwallmy goods to feed the poor i and though I give my body to be burned, and have not charity, it profiteth nothing. Ifa. i . 12. J When ye come to appear before me, who hath required this at your hands to tread my courts, {b) Mat. 6. 2, $,i(5. v. 2. ] Therefore, when thou docft thirc Almes , do not found a Trumpet before thee, as the hypocrites do, in the Synagogues, and in the ftreetss that rhey may have glory of men. Verily, 1 fay unto you, they have their reward. V.5.] And when thou prayeft, thou fhalt not be as tlie hypocrites are, for they love to pray ftanding in the Synagogues, and in the Corners of the ftreets, that they may be feen of men j Verily, 1 fay unto you, they have their reward. V. 1 6, ] Moreover, wlien ye faft , be not as the hypocrites,ef a hA countenance , for they disfigure their Faces, that they may appear to men to faft. Verily, I fay unto you , they have their reward, (c) Hag. 2. 14-] Then anfwered Haggai andfaid,Sois this people, and fo is this Na- tion before me, faith the Lord, and fo is every work of their hands , and that which they offer there is unclean. Tit.i . 15.] U«to the pure, all things are pure, but unto them that are defiled, and unbelieving, is nothing pure i but even their mind and confcience isdefiled. Amos 5.21,22. V.21.] Ihatc, I defpife your feafl- dayes, and I will not fmell in your folamn Alfemblies. V.22.3 Though ye offer me burnt-offerings, and your meat offerings, 1 v.'ill notaccept them, neither will I regard the peace- offerings of your fat beafts. Hof 1.4. And the Lord faid unto him, Gail his name Jezreel', for yet a little while, and I will avenge tfte blood of jezreel upon the houfe of Je- hu, and will caufe to ceafe the Kingdom of the houfe of Ifrael. Rom.p.i^.] So then itis notof him that willeth, nor of him that runneth, butof God that fheweth mercy. Tit. 3. 5.]Notby works of righteoufnefs which we have done^ but according to his mercy he favcd us by the wa- filing of regeneration, and renewing of the Haly Ghoft. 0^ I)leafii3g pleafing unto God d, Qd^ pf. 14: 4. jHave * ° all the workers of iniquity no know* Iedge,who cat up my people, as they eat brcad,& call not upon the Lord. Pfal. 36. 3.] The words of his mouth are iniquity and deceit, he hath left offto be wife and do good. ]ob 21. 14, 15. V. 14.]! Therefore they lay unto God, depart frcoft us, we defire not the knowledge of thy waycs. V. 15. J What is the Almighty, That we fhould fervehim? and what profit fhall we have. If we prayuntohim? Mat.2i-.41, 42, 43,45' v. 41.] Then fhall he fay alfo unto them on the left hand, depart from nee ye curfed, into everlafling fire, prepared for the Dcvill, and his Angels. V. 42.3 For I was an hungry, & ye gave me no meat, 1 was thirfty, and ye gave me no drink. V.43.3 1 was a ftranger, and ye took me not in -, naked, and ye cloathed me not i fick, and in prifon, and ye rifi- tcd me not. V.4$.3 Then fhall he anfwer them faying. Verily, 1 fay unto you, in as much as ye did it not to one of the ieaft of thcfe , ye did it not tome. Mat. 23. 23.] Woe unto you Scribes and Pharifccs, Hypocrites j for ye pay Tithe of Mint, andAnife, and Cummin, and have omitted the weightier matters of the Law, Judgement, Mercy, -and Faith j thefe ought you to have done, and not to leave the others undone. G H A P. XVIL of the perfeverance of the Saint f. T Hey 3 whom God hath accepted in his Beloved^ uPh.i.d. Being con- effefiually called, and fanaified by his Spirit,can fi,f„« 1* he w?b neither totally, nor finally, fall away from the ftate of hath begun a work Grace: but fhall certainly perfevere therein to the '"^M^^'d'^^^one- end, and be eternally faved a, fuTchrift. aVet. i. II. This perfeverance of the Saints 5 depends not ic] wherefore the upon their own free- will, but upon the immutability ^^jj^^^^^^*^^"^^^^ of the Decree of Eleftion , flowing from the free and yLir calling andE- unchangeable love of God the Father ^,; upon the cf- icftion fure, for if yc ° ^ ^ do thefe things, ye fhall never fall. John 10. 28, 29. V.28.] And I give unto them eternal life, and they fl)all never perifh, neither fhall any man pluck them out of my hand. V. 29. J My Father which gave them, is greater than all, and no man is able to pluck them out of my Fathers hand, i Jolm 3. 9.] whofoever is born of God, doth not commit fin i for his feed rcmainth in him, and he cannot fin, becaufe he is born of God. I Pet. I. 5^9-] Who are kept by the power of God through Faith unto Salvation, ready to be revealed in the laft time. V. 9.] Receiving the end of your faith, even the Salvation of your Souls. Cb) 2 Tim. 2.18, 19. v. 181J Who concerning the truth have erred , faying, therefur- reftion is paft already •, and overthrow the faith of fooK. V. 1 9 . ] Neverthelefs, the foundation of God ftands fine , having this Seal , the Lord kncweth them that are his; and let every one that namcth tlic name of Chrill, depart from iniquity. Jer. 31.3.] The Lord hath appeared of old unto me, faying. Yea, 1 have loved thee with an crcrlafling love, therefore with loving kindnels have I drawn thee. 1 3 ficacy f * LhJ £■-■ (0 Hcb.io. 10,14. ficacy of tbe merit, andinterccffionof JefiuChriftf 5 which will wc Ire the abiding of the Spirit, and of the feed of God with- ian^ified through in them d , and the nature of the Covenant of Grace e : the offering of the {^^^ ^jj which , arifcth alfo the certainty, and infalli- bodyof JefusChnlt , ., i oV otceforaii. V.14.] Dility thereot /. For by one offerirg, he hath pcrfcftcd forever them that are fanftificd. Heb.i^.ao.zKV.ao.] Now the God of peace that brought aga n from the dead our LordJefus,that great fhcpherd of the fheep,through the blood of the everiafting Covenant. V. 2 1. ]Make youperfeft in every good work to do his will.working in you that which is well-pleafing in his fight, through jcfus Chrift, to whom be glory for eTcr and cver,Amcn. Hcb.p.ia,!? ^4,15. V.12.] NcitherBj the bloods Goats and Calves , but by his own blood hccntrediij once into the holy place,having obtained eternal redemption for us.V.j^.j For itfhe4)kodx>f Buls,and of Goats, and the afhts of an Heifer fprinkling the unclean, fanftificth to the purifymg of rheflcA i V. 14.] How much more fhall the blood of Chrift,who through the eternal Spirit, offered himfelf without fpot unto God, purge your Confcience from dead works, to ferve the living God ? V. 1 5.] And for this caufe he is the Mediator of the New Tcftament, that by meancs of death, for the redennption of the tranfgrefTions that were under the firflTef^a- ntient, they which arc called might receive the promife of eternal inheritance. Rom. 8. 93. 34,35* 36,37,38, 3p. V.33.] Who fhall lay any thing to the charge of GodsEleft? It isGodthat jufti- fieih. V.34.3 Who ishcthatcondemneth? It is Chrift that died, yea rather that is rifcn again, who is even at tire right hand of God, who alfemakcth iatcrcefllon for us. V. 3 S.J Who fhall fe» parateusfrom the love of Chrift? fhall tribulation, or dif^refTe, or perftcution,or ramine,or naked- neffe, orperil , or fword« V 3^.] f As ins written, for thy fake we are killed all thtfday long, we are cocnred asfheepforthc flaughcer.J V. 37.3 Nay, in all thefe things we are more than Conqucrers, through him that loved us. V.38.] For I am perfwaded , that neither death, nor Iife,norAngels,nor principalities, nor powers,nor things prefent, northings toco tie. V.39.] Nor height, nor depth, uor any other creature, fhall be able tofeparate us from the love of God which isinGhrift JcfusourLord. jQhni7. 11,24. V.12] And now lam no more in the world, but thcfe arc in the world, and I come to thee, holy Father, keep through thine own name , thofc whom thou halt given me, thatthey may beone, as we are. V.24.] Father, I will that they alfo whom thou haft given me, be with me where /am, that they may behold my glory, which thou haft given me, for thou iovedft me before the foundation of the world. Lake 22. 32. But / have prayed for thee, that thy faith fail nor •, and when thou art converted, ftrengthen thy brethren. Hcb.7.2 5.Wherfore he is able alfo tofavc them to the uttermoft,that come unto God by him.feeing he^vcrlivcthioraakeinrcrcdnoufor them. ((/3]oh.i4.i6,i7.V.}6.] And /will pray the Father and he fluU give you another Comforter, that he may abide with you for ever. V.r7 ] Even the Spirit of truth, whom the world cannot receive, bccaufeit feeth himnot, neither knoweth him, but ye know him, for hedwelleth with you, and ftiall be in you. 1 ]ohn 2. 27. But the anointing which ye have received of him abideth in you, and ye need not that any man reach you, but as the fame anointing teacheth you of all things, and is truth, and is no lie, and even as it hath taught you, yefliallabideinhim. 1 John 3.51. Whofoever is born of God, doth not commit fm, for his feed remaincthin him,he cannotfin, becaufeheisbornofGod.Cfv> 3cr.33.40.And/willmake an cverlaftrog Covenant with them, that / will not turn away from them to do them good , but / will put my fear in their hearts, that they fhall not depart from me. (f) John io.;8. And/give unto there eternal Jife, and they ftiall never pcri^, neither ftiall any ma n pluck them out of my handfp 2Theff.3.3.BHtthe Lord is faithful who ftiall ftablifti you , and keep you from evil# i]ohn2.ip. They went out from us, but they were not of us, for if they had been ef us, they would no doubt have centinacd with us, but they went out, that they might be made manifcft tha: they were not ail of US' TIL Neverthe kffe, they mayjthrough the tempta- tions of Satan and of the World^the pre valency of cor- ruption 1 t*»3 ^' mption remaining in them, & the negleft of the means G)w^«^-2^-7o.72, of their prcfervatioDjfall into grievous fms^ 5 and, for 2e,7ed'i^fle"hem a time, continue therein h : whereby they incur Gods aii,faying,iknownoc difpleafure/, and grieve his holy Spirit 4, come to be ^^'^^f ^'^j"/'^*^^" T: deprived of fome meafure of their graces & comforts /^ again wirh^an oath,i have their heartshardned m -^ and their confciences do not knowthe jm, wounded «, hurt, and fcandailze others J '*.UJ • l\^ \' I. ^ beloved that knock- ment temptation, by Gods withdrawmg the light of erh, fayiag, opcn to his countenance, and fufFering even fuchas fear him '^^> "^^y ^'^"' "^y to walk in darknefs and to have no Wght p: yet are IfJdefirdf foV my they never utterly deftitute of that feed of God, and head is filled wyia lite of faith, that love of Chrift and the brethren, that ^=T' f '^ ?^ ^°'^^ f, . ri J r * c A ^ n ^'f" the drops of fincerity cr heart, and conlaence or duty, out of the night, v. 3.] which, by the operation of the Spirit, this Aflu ranee ^ 'i^vc put off my may, in due time , be revived q h and by the which, in p °^|; ^^^ ^^l^\ wafhcd my fccr, how fhall I defile them ? V. <5. ] I epened to my beloved, but my beloved had withdrawn liinafclf, and was gone j oiy foul failed when he fpake i I feught him, but I could not find him •, I called him, but he gave me no anfwer. Pfal. 51-8,12,14. V. 8.] Make me to hear joy andglad- ncfsi that the bones which thou haft brokea mayrcjoyce. V.12.] Reftore unto mc the joy of thy Salyation i and uphold me with thy free Spirit. V. 14,] Deliver me from blood- guiltinefs , God, thou God of my Salvaltion j and my tongue fhall fing aloud of thy rightcoufnefs. Eph.4. s{o , 3 1 . v. 30 J And grieve not the Holy Spirit of God, whereby ye are fealed unto the day of re- demption. V. 31.] Let allbittcrnefs, and wrath,and anger, and clamour, and eyil-fpeaking be put away from you, with all malice.Pfalm. 77.1, 2,3,4,5,(5,7,8,9.10. V.i.J I Cried unto God with my voyce ; even unto God with my voyce, fe he gave ear unto me. V. 2. J In tlie day of my trou- ble 1 fought the Lord j my fore ran in the night, and ceafed not ; my foul refufed to be comforted. V.3. I remembred God, and was troubled ; 1 complained, and my fpirit was overwhelmed. Selah. v. 4.3 Thou holdefi mine eyes waking i lam fo troubled that I cannot fpeak. V. 5. J I have confidered thedaycsof old, the years of ancient times. V. 6.'\ I call to remembrance myfong HI the night jl commune with rame own heart, an«l my fpirit made diligent fearch. V. 7.] Will the Lord caft off for ever ? and will be favourable no more ? V. 8. '\ Is his mercy clean gone for ever ? doth his promife fail for evermore ? V. 9.3 Hath God forgotten to be gracieus ? hath he in anger fhut up his tender mercies ? 5elah. Y. 10.3 And I faid. This is my infirmity j but 1 will remember the years of the right hand of the moft high. Mat. 26.69, 70,7 1,72. V.69.] Now Pe- ter fat without in the Palace*, andadamfellcameuntohim, fayirg, Thou alfo waft withjefusof Galilee. V.70.] Bat he denyed before them all, faying, 1 know not what thoa fayeft. V.71.3 And when he was gone out into the Porch, another maid faw him, and faid unro them that were there, Thisfellowwas alfo with Jefus of Nazareth. Y. 72.3 And again he denied wirh an oath, 1 do not know tie man. Ffal. 31.22.3 For 1 faid in my haft, larucaft out from before thine eye?; weverthclefs thou heardeft the voyce of my fupplications, when I crved unto thee. Ifa. $0.10.3 Whoisamongyou that feareth the Lord, that obeyeth the voyce of hisfcrvanr, that walkethiu darknefs, and hath no light ? let him trull in the nam.e of the Lord, and ftay upon liis God Pfal. 88* throughout, (cj) i ]ohn 3.9.] Whofoevcr isborn of God i doih not ccmrritfini for hisfecdre- reaineth in him, and hecannorfin, btcaufehe isborn of God. Luk. 22. 32.] But I have prayed for thee, that thy faith fail not 5 and when t^iou art ccoverted , ftrengthen thy brethren. Job 13. 15-3 Thci'gh he flay me, yetwilll trufiinhim; but I will maintain mine own wayes before hin>. Pfal.73.15.3 Jflfay, I will fpeak thus i beheld, I fhculd c ffcnd againft the generation of thy children. Pfal. 5i' 8, 12] Sceabove. Jfa. 50.10.] See above. K the [ 5^ j ■ - COM'cah7.7,8,9. thea;ean time? they are fupported from utter de, V. 7.J Therefore I r- • j i. l will look unto the ^P'*^^ ^' Lord*, I will wait ' * for the God of my fajvation ; my God will hear me. V. 8. ] Rejoyce not againft me, O mine E- nemyi whcnlfall,! fhall arife j wheni fuin darknefs, the Lord fhall be a light unto me. V. p.] I will bear the indignation of the Lord, bccaufe I have finned againft him, untill he plead my caufe, and execute judgement for rec \ he will bring me forth to the light, and 1 fhall behold his lightcoufncfs. Jer. 32. 40.] And I will make an everlafting Covenant with them, that 1 will not turn away from them, to do them good , but I will put my fear in their hearts, that they fhall not depart from me: Ifa. 54. 7, 8, p, 10, V. 7.] For afmali moment have Iforfaken thee j but with great mercies will I gather thee. V. 8,] In a little wrath I hid my face from thee,for a moment-, but with everlafting kindnefs will I have mercy on thee, faith the Lord thy redeemer. V. 9.3 For this is as the waters of Noah unto me ^ for as I have fworn that the waters of Noah fhould no raore go over the earth j fo have I fworn that I would not be wroth with thee, nor rebuke thee. V. 10.3 For the Moantains fhall depart , and the hills be removed , but my kindnefs fhall not de- part from thee, neither (hall the Covenant of ray Peace be removed , faith the Lord, that hath nier^y on thee. Pfal. 22. 1.3 My God, my God, why haft thou forlaken me ? why art thou fo Jar from helping me, and from the words of my roaring I Pfal. 88.3 Throughout. Chap. XIX. Of the taw of Cod, OOGen.i. 2,6,27.] (^ O D gave to Adam a Lawj as a Covenant of And God faid,Let VjWorks, by which hc bound him, and all his po* yrgtfer";"^ ferity, to perfonaVntire, e^aft and perpetual obe- nefsi aad let thera dlenCC 5 promilcd lite Upon the lUlhlllDgj and threat- have dominion over j^g J death upon the breach of it; and indued him with the fifh of the 5ea, , lii:. ^ 1 and over the fowl of power and ability to keep it a, the aire , and over the cattell, and over all the earth , andover every creeping thing that crecpeth upon the earth. Y. 27. So God Created man is his own image, in the Image of God Created he hkn i Male and Female Created he them. Gen. 2. 17.3 Butof the Tree of knowledge of good and evill, thou fhaltnot eat i iw the day that thou eatcd thereof, thou fhalt furely dye. Rsra. 2. 14, 15. V; 14.3 For when the Gentiles which have notthcLaw, dobynatare the things contained in the Law, thefc having not the Law, area Law unto themfelves \ V. 15.3 Which fhew the work of the Law written in their hearts,their confciences alfo bcarifig witnefs,and their thoughts the mean while accufing,or clfe cxCufmg one another.Ro.io.5.3For Mofes dcfcribeth the righteoufnefs which h of rhc Law, that the man which doth thofe things, fhallhve by them. Rom. 5. 12, ip. V. 12.] Wherefore, as by one man fm entred into the world, and death byfmi and fo death palTed upon all men, for that all have finned. V. 1 9.3 For as by one mans difobcdience, many were made fm- ners , fo by the obedience of one, fhall many be made righteous. Gal. 3. 10, 12. V. ic] For as many p are of the works of the law, are under the curfe ', for it is written, Curfed is every one that cominueth not in all thmgs, which are written in the Book of the Law,to do them. V. 1 2.3 The law is not of Faith *, but, the man that doth thera, fnall live in them. Ecch 7. 29 3 ^^^ ''^'^ °"'y have I found, that God hath made man upright, but they have fought out many invcnrions.job 28. 28. 3 And tntomanhefaid, Behold, the fear of the Lord, that is wifdom, and to depart from evill is under (landing. i I.,iThi» a II. This Law, after his fall, continued to be a per* (0 Jam: i. 25I fed: lule of righteoufnefs^ and, as fuch, was delivered ^utwho fo looketh by God upon Mount Sinai^in ten Commandments,and oniberrv!^Ind c^ written in two Tables h: the four firft Commandments """^rh therein, he containing our duty towards God 3 and the other fix, foii"?,e"°er', t?" our duty to man C, doer of the' work , this man fhall be blcf> fed in his deed. Jam. 2.8,10,11,12. V. 8,] If ye fulfill the royall law, according to the Scripture, Thoufliait love thy neighbour as thy fclf, ye do well. V. ic] For whofccver fliall keep the wholclaw, andyetoi- fcnd in one point, beisguiltyot all. V.ii.] For he that faid. Do not ccnmit adultery, faidalfo Donotkilli now iJ thou ccmnit no adultery, yet if thou kiJI, thou art bcccir.ea tranlgrtffcurof the law. V. 12.3 Sofpeakye, and fodo,as they that fhall be judged by the law of liberty. Rom. 13.8,9. V. 8.] Owe no man any thing, but to love one another i for he that loveth another, hath fulfilled the law. V. f .] For this, Thou fhalt not ccmrr.it adultery. Thou fhalt not kill, Thou (halt nor heal. Thou fhalt not bear falfe witncfs, Thoui fhalt not covef,fe if there be any other Command- rcenr, it is briefly comprehended in this faying, namely. Thou fhalt Jove thy neighbour as thy felf. Deut. 5. 3 2. J Ye fhall obferveto do therefore, as the Lord your God hath commanded you , you fhallnof turnafidc tothe right hand, or to the left. Deut. lo. 4.] And he wrote on the Tables, according to the firft writing , the ten Commandments , which the Lord fpake unto you in the Mount, out of the midft of the fire, in the day of the affembly j and the Lord gave them nnto me. E>:cd. 34. 1.3 And the Lord faid unto Mofes, Hew thee two Tables of Stone, like unto the firft; and I will write upon thefc Table?, the words which were in the firft Table, which thou brakeft. ('c)Mar.22.37,38,39,4o, V.37.] Jefus faid unto him, Thcu fhaltlovethe Lord thy Gcd, with all thy heart, and with all thy fcul, and with all thy mind, V. 38. J This is the firft and great Commandment. V. 39.3 And the fecond is like unto it, Thou fhalt love thy neighbour as thy felf, V.40.3 On thefe two Commandments, hang all the Law and the Prophets. III. Befide thi§ Law, commonly called Moral,God was pleafed to give to the people of Ifrael^ as a Church under age, Ccremoniall^ws, containing fevcralty pi- C^)Heb. 9. chap; cal Ordinances, partly oPWoiQiip, prefiguring Chrift, ^'^^ ^Vad! his graces, actions, fufierings,and benefits (t)Mat. 5.17, is- ligation 4. ,'/.-g'".".8.'5f": verily,l fay unto you, tilHieavcn and earth pafs, one jot, or one tittle , fhall in no wife pafs from the law , till all be ful- filled. V. i^.] Whofoever therefore fhall break one of thcfe leaft Commandments, and fhall teach men fo, he fhill be called the leaftin the kingdom ®f heaven i but whofoever fhall do, and teach them, the fame fhail be called great in the Kingdom of heaven. Jam. 2; 8. See in Letter B. before. Rom. 3. 31.] Do we then make vokI the Law through Faith.' God forbid, yea, we efta- blifh the Law. V I. Although true Believers be not under the Law, as a Covenant of Works, to be thereby juftified, or condemned /, yetisitof great ufe to them, as well as ^i^ Rom. 6. 14.] to others 5 in that, as a Rule oi life informing them of For fm fhall not the will of God, 8c their duty, it direfts, Sc binds them ^^l] ^oTlTl^cmt to walk accordingly m-^ difcovering alfo the ilnful pol- unde'r the Law, buc lutionsof thcirnature, heartsand livcsw, fo as, exai under grace. Gai.a. mining themfelves thereby, they may come to further i°Jnl"notTuVfkd convidion of, humiliatioa for, and hatred againft by the works of the fmoy together with a clearer ilght of the need they j^^^J^j^^^^f^^^yj^^^^^ even we have be- lieved in jtfus Chrift, that we might be juAifJed by the Faith of Chrift, and not by the works of the Law j" for by the works of the Law fiiall noflefhbc iiiflified. Gal. 3. 13.] ChriA hath re- dcensed us from the cnrfc ©f the Law, being made acurfe for us i for it is written, cnrfed is every one thachangerhonaTree. Gal. 4.4, 5. V.4.] But when the fulnefs of the time was come, God fenc forth his Son made of a wonoan, made under the Law, V. 5.] To redeem tiiem that were under the Law, tliat we might receive the adoprion of Sons. Aft. 13. 39.] And by him, all that btiievc, arc juilified from all things , from vv'hich ye could nor be juftified by t!ie Law of Mofes. Rom. 8. r.^ There is therefore now no conderrnarion to them whicli are in Chrift Jefus, wUo walk not after rlic-fkfh, but after rhe Spirit. ('m3Rom.7.i2. 22.25. V. 12.3 Wherefore the Law is Holy, and the Gorainaiidnient Holy , andjufland good. V.22.3 For 1 delight in the Law of God, after the inward rrian. V. 25. J I thank God through ]tfus Chrift eur Lcrdj fo then with ri'emind, liny fclf ferve the Law of God, buc with the iiefh, the Law of fm. Pfal. 119. 4, 5,5, V.4.J Thou haft commaadedus to keep thy Statutes diligently. V. 5.] O that mywayeswcre diieftedtokeepthySrarutes. V.6.J Then fhall I not be afhamed, when I have re fpe ft unto all thy Commandments. 1 Cor.7.i9.J Circumcifion is nothing , and uncircumcifion is nothing, buc the keeping of the Connroandments of God. Gal.j. 14.16.18,19,20,21,12,23.] Seeinthe Bi- ble, (k) Rom. 7 7.] V/iut ihall we fay then.-' is the Law fin ? God forbid". Nay, 1 had not kr>,own fin, but by the Law •, for 1 had nor known liifl: , e>cepr t!ie Law had laid , TJicu (lialt not covet. Rom. 3, 20."! Therefore by the deeds of the Law, there fliail no Htfh be juflificd in his fight • for by the Law, i=. the knowledge of fin. Co) Jam. 1.23 ,24,25. V.23.] For if any m.in be a hearer of the w';rd, and not a dotr, he is like unto a man, beholding his natural Cace m a gla's. V.24.] Forhebcholicthhimfelf, and gocthhis way, and fti eight- Vvay f(.rget:eth what manner of man he W35. V. 25. J But who ibjdokcth into the perfcft Law of Ubcrty, and conMr)u<:ch thereio, he beiiignora fcr^etfull hearer, butadotrof the work, this man flull be b!c(Tcdinhis deed- ?iom.7-9.t4-24. V.9.J For I was alive without the Law once, but w'len the Ccmnsand- menrcnue, fin revived, andldied. \'.I4.] For we know that the Law is fpiritiiall, but I am ^ carnal, fold under fin. V.24.J Oh wretched .Tan ihat I am, who fhall deliver me from the body of. thii death. K 3 have r-5 i^l^' CpJ Gal. 3.' 24] have of Chrift, and the perfection of his obedience />. S o"1:hcoi-^r It i' likewife ot ufe to the Regenerate, to reftrain their fter, to bring us un- Corruptions, in that It forbids iinq: and the threat* to chrift , ^'?^^J^^ nings of it ferve to fhew, what5even their fins^deferve, Fa?th.Ro!°7!24,2 5^ and, whataffiidions, inthislife^ they may expcftfor V. 24.] Sec before thcmjalthough freed ffom the curfe thereof threatncd G!'"2^1n Lmer^M^ J" the lawr. The promifcsofit^in like maner^fhcwthem Rom.8. 9, 4V. 3.] Gods approbation of obedience, and what bkflings For what the Law they may expeft Upon the performance thcreof/^ah iTwas weak*througtJ though, not as due to them by the Law, as a Covenant thefle/h, God fen- of Works t. Soas, a mans doing good, and refraining ding his own Son in fromevill, becaufethe Law encoTarageth to the one, the likenefs of lin- ,, ',/- t i« v", ^ . . , » full flefh , and for and dcterrcth irom the other, is no evidence of his bei fin, condemned fin intheficfli. V. 4.] That the rightcouf- nefsoftheLaw might be fulfilled in us, who walk not after the flefh, but after the Spirit.' r^) Jam- 2. iiO For hethatfaid. Do not commie adultery, faid alfo. Do not kill; now if thou commitnoadultery, yet if thou kill, thou art become a tranfgrefTour of the Law. Pfal. 119. 101, 304,128. Y. loi.J 1 have refrained my feet from every ev/!l way, that 1 may keep thy word: V.104.J Through thy precepts, Iget underftandingj therefore 1 hate every falfe way. V. J28.] Therefore J cfleemali thy precepts concerning all things tobe rights and I hate every falfe way. (r^Eirzp. 13, 14. V.13.3 And after all that is come upon us, forourevill deeds, and for oar great trefpafs, feeing that thou our Gcd, hafl prniflicd us lefs than our iniquities deferve , andhaft given us fuch deliverance as this, V. 14.] Should we again break thy Commandennents, and joyn in affinity with the people of thefe abominations? wouldeft thou not be angry with as, till thou hadlt confumcd us, fo that there fhould he no remnant nor efcaping ? Pfal.8p.3o,3i,32,33,34: V.30.3 If his children forfake my Law, and walk not in my judgements. V. 31.] If they break my Statutes, and keep not my Commandments- V.52.] Then wiMI vifit their tranfgreffion with the rod i and their iniquity with ftripes. V. 33.] Ncvcrthekfsmy loving kindnefs will I not ut- terly take from him, nor lufFer my fai:hfulnefs to fail. V. 34.]) My Covenant will I not break, nor alter the thing that is gene cut of my lips. O^Lev. 26. -to the 14. verf. See in the Bible. 2Cor.6. 16.^ And what agreement hath the Temple of God with idols .«" for ye arc the Tem- ple of the living God, as God hath faid, I will dwell in thera, and walk in them i andJwillbe their God, and they fiiall be my people. Efn.6. 2,3. V.2O Honour thy Father and tl*y Mother, (which is the firf^Commandement with pron lie.) V. 3. J That irmaybe well with thee, and thou iF.ayftlivelongon theearth, Ffal. 37. 11. J But the treek fhall inherit the earthy andfhall delight themfelves in the abundance of peace. Mat. 5. 5.J BkfTcd are the meek, for they fhall inherit the earth. Tfal. 19. ii-] Moreover by them is thy fervant wsnied, and in keeping of them, there is great reward, (t) Gal.2. i<5.3Knovs'ing that a man is notjuflifird by the works of the Law, bat by the faith of ]efus Chrift •, even we have believed in ]cfi3s Chr-ft, that we might be juAified by the faith of Chrift, and not by the woi ks of the Lav/ ■■, for by the works of the Law, fhall no flefh be ju(\ificd. Luk. 17. 10. So likewife ye. when ye fliall have dene all thofe things which are commanded you, fay, we are unprofitable fcrvants, wc have dene that which was our duty to do. ing ':lt[A^] ^ kig under the Law 5 and, not under gracci^. C«)Rom.6. 12.14. V. 12.] Let not (m reign therefore in your mortal body » that ye fhould obey it in the lufts thereof. V. 14. ] For (in fhall not have do. minion over you, for yc arc not under the Law, but under grace, i Pet. 3.8,9,10,1 1,12. V. 8. ]Fi- nally^heyeallof one n^iind , having corrpaflicn one of another , love as brethren , be pitifuil, be courteous. V. 9. ] Not rendring evill forevill, or railing for railing j but cortrariwifeblciring, knowing that ve are thereunto called, that ye fhould inherit a blefl.ng. V. 10.] For he that will love life, and fee good dayes •, let him refrain his tongue from evill , and his lips that they fpcak no guile. V. u.] Let him cfchew evill and do good ■, Lethinnfeek peace andenfue it. V. 12.3 For the eyes of the Lord are over the righteous j and his cart are open unto their prayers, but the face of the Lord is againft them that do evill. Pfal. 34. 12, 15, 14, 1$, id. V. 12.J Whatmanishe that defireth life, and loveth reany dayes, that he may fee good? Y. 13.3 Keep thy tongue from evil!, and thy lips from fpeaking guile. V. 14. J Depart fronn evill and do good, feek peace and purfueit. V. ij.] The eyes of the Lord arc upon the righteous •, and his ears open unto their cry. V.i^.] The face of the Lord is agaip.ft them that do evill, to cut off the remembranceof them from the earth. Heb. 1 2. c 8, 29. V. 28. ] Wherefore we receiving a Kingdom which can- not be moved-, let us have grace whereby we may ferve God acceptably with reverence and God- ly fear. Y. 29.] For our God is a confuming fire. VII. Neither are the forementioned Ufes of the (w)Gai.5. »i.]rs Law contrary to the grace of the Gofpel, but do '^J^uc '^Z\kl fv/eetly comply with it js?, the Spirit of Ghrift fubdu- of God, God forbid; ing, and enabling the will of man, to do that, freely ^°'" ^[ ^^^^ ]y^^ and chearfully, which the will of God, revealed in the whkh codd^havc Law, requireth to be donex. given life , verily, righteoufnefs fhould have been by the Law. (x) Ezek. 7,6.2'].'} Aed I will put wy Spirit within ycu , and caufe you to walk in m^ Statotcs i and yc fhall keep my judgements, and do them. Hcb 8. lo.^ For this is the Cove- nant th^^ will make with the houfe of llrael, after thofe dayes, faith the Lord, Jwillpurmy Laws in^^V minds, and write them in their hearts ■■, and / will be to them a God, and they fhall be to me^Tcople. "jer. 31. 33] But thisfliall be the Covenant that /will make with the houfe of /frael, after thofe dayes, faith the Lord , I will put my Law in their inward parts , and write it in their hearts j and 7 will be their God, and they fhall be my people. Chap. XX. of Chrijiian Liberty:^ and Liberty of Co-nfiicnce. THe Liberty which Chrift hath purchafed for Be- lievers under the Gofpel, confifls in their free- dom from the guilt of fin^ the condemning Wrath of God, C- God, thecurfe of rhe MeraiLaw^, and in their be- ^ hf mighrre! ing delivered from this prefent evill World, bondage deem us from all iai- to Satan, and dominion of (in/>3 from theeviliofaf- quity , and pnrifie fli(5^ions. the fting of death, the vidory of the grave, unto himiclt a pecu- , 'in- t ^- ir • i^i, - r r liar people, zealous and everiait'ng damnation c, as alio m their tree accefs of good works, to God d^ and their yeelding obedience unto him, not to'^waic'for'hllonO^^^^^^^^vife but a child-like love and willing from heaven, whom mind e. All which wcre common alfo to Believers um he raifedfrom the der the Law/. But under the New Teftament the whkh dXerldus liberty of Chriftians is fuTther inlarged in their free^ frona wrath to eome. dom from the yoak of the Ceremonial Law, to which hafh ^edeemS^"^ ^^^ Jewifli Church was fubjcded^^ and ia greater from the curfe of the Law, being made a curfe for us h for it is Written , Gurfed is every one that hangeth on a Tree. ^0 Gal. i • 4.] Who gave himfelf for our fins, that he might deliver us from this prefent evill world, according to the will of God, and our Father. Col. i. 15.] Vyhohath delivered us from the power of darknefs ; and hath rranflated us into the Kingdom of his dear Son. Aft2<5.i8.j To open their eyes, and to turn them from darknefs to light , and from the power of Satan unto God, that they may receive forgivenefs of fins and inheritance among them which are. ' fan Aified by faith that is in mc. Rom. 6. 1 4. ] For fin fliall not have dominion over you, for ye are not under the Law, but under grace, (c) Rom. 8. 28.] Wc know that all things work toge- ther for good to them that love God, to them who are the called according to his purpofe. Pfalm. 119.71.] /c is good for me, that/ have been affiid:ed j] that /mighclearn thy Statures. 1 Cor. 15.1:4,55,56,57. V.54.] So when tiiis corruptible ftiall have put on incorruption, and this mor-; tall ftiall have put on immortaliry, then fliall be brought to pafs the faying that is written. Death is fwallowed up in viftory. V.J5.I O death, where is thy fting ? O grave, where is thy viftory ? V.56.]. The fting of death isfin," andtheftrength of finis the Law. V. \7.]_But thanks be to God, which giveth us tlievidory through out Lord jefus Chrilt. Rom. 8. 1.] There is there-^ fore nov»^ no condemnation rothem which arc in Ghrift jefus, who walk not after the flcfh, but after the Spirit, fdj Rom. 5. 1,2. V. i.] Therefore being juflified by faith, wchavc peace with God, throiaghour Lord jefus Chrift. V.2.] By whom alfo we have accefsbyf^kntothis grace wherein we.fiand, andrejoycein hope of the glory of God. (0 i^om 8. 14jW^ V.14.]^ For as many as are led by the Spirit of God , they are the Sons of God. V. 15.] For ye ha^e rot received the Spi^rit of bondage again to fear, but ye have received the Spirit of adoption,, whereby we cry Abba Father, i joh. 4. 18. there is no fear in love, but perfcrt love cafterh out fear 5 bccaufe fear hath tormtntj he that fcareth, is not made perfcft in love. (/)Gal. 3. 9.14. V.9. So then rhsy which be of faith, are bklTed with faithfull Abraham, V. J4.J That theblef- fing of Abraham might come on the Gentiles through jcfusChrifti that we might receive the pro., mife of the Spirit through faith. Cs) Gal. 4. 1,2,3, 6,7. ^•'•3 Now /fay, that the heir as long as heisachild, differeth nothing from a fervant, though he be Lordof all- V. 2.] Bucisunder tu- tours and gcvernourf, untill the time appointed of the Father. Y. 3. J Even fo we, when we were children, were in bondage under the Elements of the world. V. 6.] And becaufe ye arc Sons, God hithknt forth the Spirit of his Son iato your hearts, crying Abba Father. V. 7.] Wherefore thou art no more a fervant, but 3 Son , and if a Son, then an.heir of God through Chrift. Gal. 5.1.] Stand faftthereforc in the liberty, wherewith Chrifl hath made us free, and benot intangled again with rhe yoke of bondage. Ad. 15. 10, 11. V. 10. J Now therefore, why tempt ye God, to put a yoke upon the neck of the DiTciples, which neitlier our Fathers, nor we were able to bear. V. 1 1 . ] B ji we belleye, that through the grace of thc,Lord Jefus Chtift, wcfhallbefavedevenastiiey. , , boldnefs boldnefs of accefs to the throne of Grace h , and in (A) Mcb. 4. »4» i^- fullercommunicationsof the free Spirit of God, than Tha^w^c hrvl^a^'iTf Believers under the Law did ordinarily partake High-pridi, that is Q^ i^ paflcd into tlic hea- vens, ]efus the fon cf God, let us holdfaft o«r proftftion. V. i6.] Let us therefore come boldly unto the throne of grace, that we may obtain mercy, and find grace to help in tn.e ©freed. Hcb.io- 15, 20,21, 22. V.ipHaving therefore brethren boldnefs to enter into the holicft, by the blood of ]efus. V.20.] By a new and living way, which he hath conlccrated for us through the veil,that is to fay, his flcfli. V. 21.3 And having an High-1'rieftover the houfe of God. V.22.3 Let us draw nter with a true heart in full aflurance of faith, having our hearts fpfinkled frcmancvill confcicncc, and our bodies walihed with pure water. (0 jt'hn 7.38,59. V.^S.^tie rhatbcljcvcthon m.e,as the Scripture hath faid, outof his belly fliall flew rivers of living warer. V. 59.] Eutthisfpakehcof the Spirit, which they that believe on him fhould receive: for the Holy-Ghofl was not yet given, becaufethat Jefus was not yet glorified.) 20^.3.13,17,18. V. 13. J And not as Moles, which put a veil over his face, that the children of /frael could not flcdfaftly look to the end of that which is abolifhed. V. 17] Now the Lord is that Spirit, and where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is liberty. V. ig.J But we all with open face, beholding as in a glafs, the glory of theLord,are changed into the fame Image, from glory to glory, even as by the Spirit of the Lord. % 1 1. God alone is Lord of the Confciencc 4, and hath C^) I*""- 4- 1 2 ] left it free from the Doftrines and Commandements of givcr^whoTabieTo rnen, which are in any thing contrary to his Word ^ or favc, 'and todeftroy; befideitjif matters of Faith, or Worfhip/. So that, to "JJj "^cftTnJthcr? Ro' believe fuch Doftrines , or to obey fuch Commands I'^.^.J'^who are out of confcience, is to betray true Liberty of Confci- thou that judgeft a- ence«.; and the reqwriog of an implicite Faith , and ?„trorMato?f. an abiolute and blmde obedience, is, to delrroy Liben ftandeth or faiicth, yea, he fhall be hol- den up : for God is able to make him Hand. Ql^Adi. 4.19.] But Peter and John anfwered aadfaidunto them, whether it be right in the fight of God, to hearken unto you, more than unto God,;udgeyee. Aft. $. 29.] Then Peter and the other Apoftles anfwered and faid, we ought to obey God, rather than men. 1 Cor. 7. 23.3 Ye are bought with a price, be not ycthefervants of men. Mat.23.8, 9, 10. V. 8.j Eutbenot ye called Rabbi, for one isyour Maftcr,even Chrifti andall ye are brethren. V. 9.] And call no man your Father upon the earth, for one is your Father, which is in heaven. V. 10.] Neither be ye called Mafters, for one is your Maftcr, even Chrif^. 2 Cor. r. 24. j .Not for that we have domii nion over your Faith i but are helpers of your joy, for byfeithye fland. Mar. 15. 9.]Butin vain they d^> worfhipme, teaching for dofttines the Commandments of men (m) Col. 2. 20,22, 23. V.20.] Wherefore if yebc dcadwich Chrilt, from the rudiments of the world , why, as though living in the world, are ye fubjeft to ordinances ? V.22.] Which all are to perifh with the ufing, after the commandments and doftrints cf men. V. 23. J Which things have indeed a,fhcw of wifdorain will-worfhipand humility, andnegledingof the body, not in any honour to the fa- tisfyirgof the flcfh. Gal. i. ic] For do I now perfwadc men, or God ? or do 1 fcek to pleafe men? tor if I yet pleated men, 1 fhould not be the fervantof Chrift. Gal. 2. 4, 5. V. 4. '] And that becaufe of falfe brethren unawares brought m, who came in privily tofpyoutour liberty, which wc haveinChrift Jefus, that they might bring us into bondage. V, 5.] To whom wc gave place by fubjeftioo, no notforan hour, thatthc tr.mhof the Go^el might continue with you. Gal. $. 1 .] Stand fait therefore in tlic liberty wherewith Chrift hath made us ftee , and be uQiimangled aga n with the yoke of bondage. L ll L They (;n)Rom.io.i7 ]So ty of Confcicnce, and Reafonalfo/f. then faith comcth by ^ hearing, and hea- _ . ..,., ,.^, • r. ring by the word of God. Bonn. 14. »?• J He that doubteth u damned if he ear, bccaufc he ea- teth not of faith j for whatfoever is not of faith is fm. Ifa. 8. ao.J To the Law, and to the tefti- mony , if they fpeak not according to this word, it is becaufe there is no light in them. Aft. 17. II. 'jThefc were more noble than thofeinTheffalonica, in that they received the word with all readincfsof mind, and fearched the Scriptures daily, whether thefc things werefo. ]oh. 4. 2x.]J Ye worfhip ye know not what, we know what we worfhip-, for Salvation is of the Jews. Hof.j. 1 1 .'! Ephraim is opprefled, and broken in judgement ; becaufe he willingly walked after the com- mandment. Rev. 13. i2, I6,17.V. 12-3 And he excrcifeth ail the power of the firftbeaft before him and caufeth th« earth, and them which dwell therein, to worfhip the firft beaft, whofe deadw ly wound was healed. V. i <^. We caufeth all both fmall and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark in their right hand, or in their fore heads. V. 17.] And that no man might buy, or fell favchethat had the mark, or the name of the heart, or the number of his name.jer.S. 9.3 The wife men are afhamed, they are difmayed and taken j Lo, they have rejedcd the word of the Lord, and what wifdom is in them ? Co)Gai.$.i5.] For HI- They,whoupon pretenceof Chriflian Liber- brethren, ye have ty, do^adtifeany fin, orcheriftiany luftj do thereby been called untoii- ^^i^^^y the end of Chriftian Liberty, which is, that berty, only ufe not ^^. ■> . .. , ^ r u u J C tp • liberty for an cccafi- being delivered outoi the hands or our Enemies, we onto the fl€fh,but by tnight ferve the Lord without fear, io holinefs and Iher! ^' PerJ". 'A'] rightcouinefs before him, all the dayes of our life 0. As free and not u- fjng your liberty for a cloak of malicioufnefs, butasthe fervantspf Goi. aPer. 2. 19.3 While theypromife them liberty, they themfelves are the fervants of corruption v forofwhomamanis overcome, of the fame he is brought in bondage. ](;h. 8. 34.3 jcfusanfwcred them, Verily, veri- ly,^/ fay unto you, whofoeverccmmiteth fin, is the fcrvant of fin. Luk. i. 74, 75. V. 74.] That he would grant unco us, that we being delivered out of the hands of our enetnies, mig' t ferve him withoiat fear. V. 7 5 . 3 In holinefs and righteoufnefs before him all the dayes of our life. C;)Mat. 12. 25.3 IV. And becaufe the Power wl^ich God .^athor- fhoulh^s^^^^^^^^ dained, and the Liberty which Ch ift haih purch ifed» onto them. Every are not intended by God, to de/troy, but mutually to Kingdom divided a uphold and pre ferve one another ^ They, who upon agaifiit it felf, is ^ ,-/;, .0 i -u * ru 1 / 1 c \\ brought to dcfoiati- pretence ot Chrutian Liberty,tna:lQppoieany lawtuU en j and every City Powcr, or the lawfuU i xercife of itj whe< her ii be Ci- glinftttSi'^XiTl^'^^or Ecclefiaftical, lelift the Ordinance of God ^ notf^and. iVtt.^. And, for their publifliing of fuch Opinions,, or main- J. 3, 14,16. v. 13.3 • ( •'■ ,•■ '-n Submit your felf to every ordinance of man for the Lords fake, whether it be to the King afs fir-' premei V. 1 4.3 Or unto Governours, as unto them that arc fent by him, fcr tlie piinifhmcHt of e-^ \ill doers, and for the praife ot them that do well. V.t 6.3 As free, and not i fing your It-berty for a cloak of malicioufnefs, butastliefervancsof God. Rom. 13. i. to,thc8. verf. SeeintheBible^ Heb. 15. 17.3 O!". ythcoi that have the.rule over you, and fubmit your felves, for they warch for your foules, as they that muft give accouiK|- that they may do it with, joy, and-not With gtief •, for that is unprofitable for you. tainittg taining of fuch P radices , as are contrary to the light ^^^ i^q^^ , ^ , of Nature 3 or to the known Principles of Chriftiani- who knowing^the ty5 whether concerning FaithjWorfhipj or Con verfa- '^"Jgc'ncnt of God tion, or to the Power of Godlinefs 5 or, fuch eroneous commi/ fuch dhiig'j Opinions orpradices, as cither in their own nature, "c worthy ofdcath) or in the manner of publiftiing or maintaining them, fameXthayc i^^ are deft ruftive to the external Peace and Order which Jure in thcmThat do Chrift hath cftabliftied in the Church , they may law- ^^^^- ' ^^"^ ^ ''^ fully be called to account, and proceeded againft by rVponed comiro'niy the Cenfures of the Church ^, and by the power of the ^^^^ f^^e is fomjea- tionainoHgyou,and fuch fornication, as isnorfo much as na- med amongft the Gentiles, that one fhould have his Fathers wife. V. $. To deliver fuch a one unto Satan , for the deftru^ion of the flcfh, that the fpirit may befaved ini||the day of the Lord Jefus. V. 11.^ But now I have written unto you notto keep company, if 'any that is called a brother, be a fornicator, or covetous, or an idolater, or a raylcr, or a drunkard, or an extortioner, with fuch a one, no not car. V. 13.] But them that are without, God judgcth : Therefore put away from among your felves, that wicked perfon.i Joh. verf. 10, 1 1. V. 10. 3 If there come any unto you, and bring not this doftrine, receive him not into your houfe , neither bid him God fpecd. V.I I.] ForhethatbidcthhimGedfpeed, is partaker of his evill deeds. 2Thcf. 5. 14.3 And if any man obey not our word by this Epiftle, note that nian,aHd have no company with him, that he may be afhamed. i Tim. 6. 5,4 V. 3. '] If any man teath otherwife , and confcnt not to wholefoffie words, even the words of our Lord Jefus Chrift, and to the doftrinewhich isaccor- ding to godlinefs. V. 4.] He is proud, knowing nothing, but doting about qucftions , and ftrifes of words, whereof, commeth envy, ftrife, railings, evill furmifings, V. $-3 Perverfedifputings of men of corrupt minds, and deftituteof the truth, fuppofing that gain isgodlinefss from fuch with- drawthyfelf. Tit. r. 10,11,13. V. 10.] For there are many rnruly and vain talkers, and deceivers, cfpecially they of the circumcifion. V. 11.] Whofe mouthcs muft be flopped, who fubvert whole houfcs, teaching things which they ought nof,for filthy lucres fake, V. 13. 3 This witnefs is true j wherefore, rebuke them fharply, that they may be found in the faith. Tit. 3. i<5.] A man that is an Heretick, after the firft and fecondadmonicicn,re)eA. Mat. i8. ij, i<5, 17. V. 15.] Moreover,if thy brother fhould trefpafs againft thee, go and tell him his fault between thee and him alone, if he fliall hear thee, thou haft gained thy brother. V. 1 5.] But if he will not hear thee, then take with thee, one or two more, thatinthe mouth of two or three witnefles, every word may be cftablifhed. V. 17.] And if he fhali neglcd to hear them, tell it unto the Church j but if he ncgled to hear the Church, let him be unto thee as an heathen man, and a publicane. i Tim.i.i^, 20.V. 19. ) Holding fairh, and a gcodconfcicnccwhichfome having put away, concerniug faith have made fhipwrack. V 20/) Of whom isHymeneus, and Alexander, whom I have delivered unto Satan, chat they may learn not to blafpheme. ReT.2.2, 14,15, 20. V. 2.] I know thy works, and thy labour, and thy patience, and how thou canft not bear them which are evill, and thou " hall tryedrhem, which fay they are Apcftles, andarenor, and haft found them lycrs : V. 14.3BUC I have a few things againii thee, becaufe thou haft there themi that hold the dodrinc of Balaaoa, who taught Ealac rocaftaftumbling block before the children of /frael, to eat things facrificed unto Idols, and to commit fornication. V. 1 5.]So haft thou alfo them that hold the dodrine of the Nicholaitans, which thing /hate. V. ao. J^ Notwithftanding, /have a few things againft thee, bc- caule thou fuffereft that woman ]ezebel, which calleth her felf a Prophetef*, to teach and feduce my fcrvants to commie fcrnicarion, and to cat things facrificcd unto Idols. Rev. 3. 9.] Behold / will make them of the Synagogue of Satan, which fay they are Jews, and are not, but do lye.* Behold, I will make them to come and worftiip before thy feet, and to know that / loved thee. L2 Civill (ODeot. I?. <5.to CivillMagiftrater. the 1 2. Sec in the ° Bible«Ro. 1 3.3,4- V. g.] For rulers are not z terror to goods works, but to the evill wilt tkou then not be afraid of the power? do that which is good, and thou fhalc have pralfecf the fame. V. 4.3 For he is the Minifter of God to thee for good , but if thou do that which is evill be afraid j for hebearcth not the fword in vain i for he is the Minifter of God, a revenger to execute wrath upon him that doth evill. 2 Joh. verf.io, n. See in the Letter Q_ Ezra. 7. 23, 25,26, 27. 28. V. 23. Wharfoever is commanded by the God of heaven, let it be diligently done, for the iioufe of the God of heaven : forwhy fhould there be wrath againft the realm of the King of his Sons? V. 25.] And thou Ez- ra, after the wifdoai of thy God, that is in thine hand, fet Magiflrates, and Judges, which may judge all the people that are beyond the River, all fuch as know the Laws of thy God, & teach ye them that know them not. V. 26.] And whofoever will not do the Law of thy God, and the Law of theKing, let judgement be executed fpeedily upon him, whether it be unto death, or to banifhment, or to confifcation of goods, or to imprifonmenc V. 27.]) BlelTcd be the Lord God of our Fathers, which hath put fuch a thing as this in the Kings heart, to beautifie the Ijoufe of the Lord, which is in Jerufalem. V. 28.] And hath extended mercy unto me, before the King and his Counfellors, j|pd before all the Kings mighty Princes ; and I was ftrengthened, as the hand ©f the Lord my God was upon me, & 1 gathered together out of Ifrael chief men to go up with me. Rev. 17.12,16,17.7. 12.3 And the ten horns which thou faweft, are ten Kings, which have re- ceived no Kingdom as yet , but receive power as Kings one hour with the beaft.V.i^.JA^"^ the ten horns which thou faweft upon the hearts, thefe fhall hate the whore, andihall make her dcfo- late, and naked, and fhall eat her flefh, and fhall burn her with fire. V 17.] For God hath put in their hearts to fulfill his will, and to agree, and to give their Kingdom unto the beaft, untill the wordsof God rtiall be fulfilled. Neh. 13.15,17,21,22,25,30. V. 15. In thofe dayes faw iin Judah, fo-rne trcadi.ng wine-preflls on the Sabbath, and bringing in fheaves, and lading Afles,as alio wine, grapes, and figs, and all manner of burdens, which they brought into jerufalem on the Sabbath day i and I teftified againfl them in the day wherein they fold viftoals. V.17.] Then I contended with the Nobles of juda*?), and faid unto them, what evill thing is this that ye do, and prophane the Sabbath day ? V. 2 1.] Then I teflified againft them, and faid unto them, why lodge ye about the wall .'' if ye do fo again, 1 will lay hands on you: from that time forth, came they no more on the Sabbath. V. 22.] And I commandedthe Levites, that they fhould cleanfe themfclves, and that they fhould come and keep the gates, to fanftifie the Sabbath day.Rcmember me O my God,concerning thisalfo, andfparemcaccording tothegreatiicfsof thy mercy. V. 25. ] And 1 contended with them, and curfed them, and fmorecertai* ot them, and pluckc off their hair, and made them fwear by God, faying, Yefhillnot give your danghters unto thcrirSons, nor take their diughters unto your Sons, or for your felves. V30. Thus clenfcd I them from all Grangers, and appoined the wards ofthe Priefts,and the Levires,everyoneinhisburinefs. 2 Kings 2g. 5,5^9,20, 21. V.5.] And he put down the Idolatrous Priefts, whom the Kings of Judah had ordained to burn incenfe in the High places in the Cities of )udah, and in the places round about Jerufalem j them alfo that burnt incenfeuntoBaal; totheSun,,andtorhe Moon, and to the Planets, and to all the hoft of heaven. V. 6,3 And he brought out the grove from the houfe of the Lord, without Jerufalem, unto the broek Kidron, and burnt it at the brook Kid ron, and iUmpt it fmall ro powder,and caft the powder thereof upon the graves of the children of the people- V. 9. ~\ Ncvcrthekl'i, the Prieftsofthe high places, came not up to the Altar of the Lord in jerufalem, but they did eat of the unleave- ved bread among their brethren. V. 20. And he flew all the Priefis of the high places that were there, upon the Altars, and burnt mens bones upon them , and rerurncd to Jcrula;cm. V. 21.] And the King commanded all tlie people, faying. Keep the PalTeovcr vnco the Lord your God, as it is written in this Book of the Covenant. 2Chron. 34. 33.3 And jcfiah took away all the abo- minations out of all the Countreys, that pertained to the children of Ifracl, and made all that were prefcnt in Ifrael to fcrve, even to ferve the Lord their God \ and all his dayes they departed not from following the Lord the God of their Fathers. 2 Chron. 15. 1 2, 1 3, 1 6. V. i 2. J Aad tliey entered into a Covenant to feek the Lord God of their Fatliers, witli ail their liearr, and w'uh r,ll their foul. V. 13.] That whofoever would net feek the Lord God of Ifraclj fhould be put death, whetliero whether fmall or grear, whethdHJlB or woman. V. \6'\ And alfo concerning Maachah the Mother of Afa rhe King, he removed her from being Queen , becaufe fhe had made an Idoll in a crovei and Afa cut down her Idoll, ftamped it, and burnt it at the brcok Kidrcn. Dan. 3. 25.] Therefore I make a decree, thatcvery people, nation, or language which fpcak any thing amilsa- gainft the God of Shadrach, Melhach, and Abed- nego, fhall be cut in pieces, and their houfes be made a dunghill, becaufe there is no other God tliat can deliver after this fort. 1 Tim. 2. 2.] For Kings, and for all that arc in authority, that we may lead a quiet and peaceable life , in all godli- ncfs and honelty. Ifa. 49-23.] And Kings fhall be thy nurfmg Fathers , and their Queens thy nurfing mothers, they fhall bow down to thee, wich their face towards the earth, and lick the dull of thy feet ■, and thou fhalt know, that 1 am the Lord -, for they fhall not be afhamed that wait for Hie. Zach. 13. 2,5. V. 2.] And it fhall come to pafs in that day, fairh the Lord of Hofts, That I will cut off the names of the Idolsout of the land, and they fhall no mere be remcmbred i and alfo I will caufe the Prophets, and the uaclean Spirit to pafs out of the land. V. ^.] And it fhall come to pals, that when any fhallc yctprcphefie, then his Father and his Mother that begot him^ fliall fay i^nto him thou fhall not live s fot thou fpeakeftlies in the name of the Lord j and his Fa- ther and his D/'otherihat begat him, fhall thruft him thorow when he prophefieth. G H A P. XXL of Religious lf'orp?fpj and the Sabbath Dayl 1"^He light of Nature fheweth that there is a God, W Ro"i' V 20.} who hath Lordfhip and Soveraignty overall, is ^hTngs^of^l Jrom good, and doth good unto all, and is therefore to be the Creation of the fearedjlovcdjpraifed, called upon, tiufted yi^andfert Y'^'^'^^^^ are clearly ved, with all the heart, and with ail the foul, and with (\ood by the things all the might a. But the acceptable way of wordiip- that are made, even ping the true God, isinftituted by Himfelf, and foli- '^^ '^::^lri mited to his own Ve vcaled Will , that he may not be that they are with- worfhipped according to the imaginations anddevii outeycufc. Aa. 17. ^^ " ° : 4.] God that made the world, and all things therein , 'feeing that he is Lord of heaven and earth, dwclleth not in Temples made with hands. Pfil- 119.68.] T hou art good, and dofl good, teach me thy Sratntcs. ]er. 10. 7. J Who would not fear tiiee, O King of Nations ? tor to thee ic doth appertain \ fora.'miich as among all the w.fe men of the Nadons, and in all their Kingdom?, there is none l;ke unto thee, Pial. iS'. 9.] I Will call upon the Lcrd, who is worthy to be praifed j fo fhall I be favcd from mine enemies. Ro. 10.12.3 For rlicre is nod fference between the Jew, and the Greek •, For the fame Lord over all, jjiich unto all that caUupcn him. Pfal. <5-2. 8.] Trnltinhimac all Mnic-i ye people , poureout yoiir heart before him, God is a refuge for us. jcf, 24. 14.] Nov< therefore, fear the Lord, and ferve him in firxcrity, and in truth i and put away the gods which your Fathers ferved on the o- ther fide of the flood, and in F.gypt,fcrve ye the Lord. Mark. 1 i. 53. J And to love him wiih all the heart, andwithall the undcrHanding, and with all rhe foul, and with all rhe flrcngth , and ca- love his neighbour asihimfelf,is more than whole burnt-offcrJKgs,and facriftces. ces iDeu.i?.3>.]what cesof mentor the fuggeftii^of Satan, under any vi< thing focYcr 1 com- fiblc reprelentatioDS, or any other way not prefcribed rod 'i^'xhou t" ia the holy Scripture b. noc aclcie therero, nor dimininifrom it. Mat. 15.9-3 But in vain they do worfliipme, teaching fordoftrines the Commandments of men. Aft. 17. 25. ] Neither is worfliiped with menshands, as though he needed any thing, feeing he giveth to a/1 life , and breath , andallthings. Mat-4. 9, 10. V. 9.] And faith unto him, all thefe things will I give thee, if thou wilt fall down and worfhip me. V. 1 0.] Tlien faith jcfus unto him, get thee hence Satan, for it is written, Thou (halt werfhip the Lord thy Gcd, and him only nialt thou ferve. Deut. 1 5. to the 20. See in the Bible. Exod. 20. 4,5,6. V. 4.] Tliouflialc not make unto thee any graven Image, or any likencfs of any thing that is in hea- ven above, or that is in the earth beneath, or that is m the water under the earth. V. 5.3 Thou fhalt notbow down thy felf to them, nor ferve them i for I the Lord thy God, am a jealous God, vifitingthe iniquity of the Fathers upon the children, unto the third and fourth generation, of them that hate me. V. 6.'] And fhew mercy unto thoufands, of them that love me, and keep my Commandments. Col. 2. 25.3 Which things have indeed a fhew of wifdom in wil-worfhip and humility, and negleding of the body, not in any honour to the fatisfying of the flefh. COMaf.4. 10. See II. Religious Worfhip is to be given to God ^ the before in Letter B. Father, Son, and Holy Ghoft j and to him alone f, not Joh. 5. 22 \ That » 1 A • 1 1 1 r- all men fhouid ho- to Angcls, Saints, or any other creatures: andnnce nourthe Son, even the FalJ^ not without a Mediator 5 noi in the mediation F«*7,heZh'! of any Other, but of Chrift alone e. noureth not the Son, hcnoureth notthc Father which hathfenthim- aCor. 15.14.] The grace of our Lord Jcfus Chr Jft, aiid the love of God, and the Communion of the Holy Ghoft, be with yoa all. Amen. Qfl'3 Col. 2. 18. ] Let no man beguile you of your reward , in a voluntary humility, and worfhip. ping of Angels, intruding into thofe things which he hath not feen, vainly pufft up by hisfleflily Hiind. Rev. 19. 10.3 And I fell ^f his feet to worfhip him, and he faid unto me. See thou do it not, I am thy fellow fervant, and of thy brethren, that have the reftimony of Jcfus, worfhip God j for the teAimonyof jefus is the Spirit of prophecie. Rom. 1.2, $.3 Who changed the truth of God intoalie,and worfhipped, andferved the creature mote than the Crcatour, whoisbkffed forever. Amen, (e) joh. 14. 6.3 Jcfus faith unto him, I am the way, and the truth, audthe life, nomancommeth to the Father, but by me. i Tim. 2. 5.3 For there is one God, and one MediatGur between God and men, themanChrift Jefus. Eph. 2. 18.3 For through him, wc both have an accefs by one fpirit unco the Father. Col. 3. 1 7.J And wharfoever ye do in word, or deed, do all in the name of the Lord Jufus, giving thanks to God, and the Father by hira. III. Prayer, with Thankfgiving, being one fpecial L(eU'tt4i n': P^^^ ^^ Religious Worlliip /, is by God required of all butineverythingby men^5 and thatitmay be accepted, itistobemade prayer and fupplica- ticn wich thanfgiving, kt yo«r rec]i!eOs be made knQvs n unto _God. Qg)?h\, 6$.2.'jOz\\o\i that hearefk prayer, unto thee fhall all flefh come. m 1^1 K? in the Name of the Sonh, by the help of his vSpiritr, OOJ^h.14. ^5,14. according to his WilU, with underftanding, reve- e\Vrye1ha1rik t rence, humility, fervencyj faith, love^ andperfeve- my nam?, That will ranee / '-, and ii vocall, in a known tongue pff, ^ ^° » ^^^^ ^he Fa- ° thcr may be glorifi- ed in the Son. Vcrf. 1 4.] If ye fhall ask any thing in my name, 1 will do it. i Pet. 2. $.'] Ye alfo as lively ftoncs, arc built up afpirituall tioufe, an Holy Vrieft-hood, to cfTcrnp fpirituall facrifice, acceptable to God by jcfus Chrift. (^r'^Rom. 8, 26.] Likewlfe the Spirit alfo heiperh cur infirmities i for we know not what we fiiouldpray for asweoiighti but the Spirit itftlf, maketh interctdion for uf with groanings, which cannot be uttered.( )(i,)i ]oh.5.i4.3And this is the confidence, thatwehavcin him, that if we ask any thing according to his will, he hearcth us. Ql) Tfal. 47. 7J Fer God is the King of all the earth, fing ye praifes with underftandirg. Ecclcf. 5. 1,2. V. i. J Keep thy foot when thou goeft to the houfe of God, and be more ready to hear , than to give the facrince of fools i for they confidernot that theydoevill. V. 2.jBe not rafhwith thy mouth, and lee not thine heart be hafty to utter any thing before God ■■, for God is in heaven, and thcu I'p'^ r> tarthj therefore let thy words be few. Hcb. 12. 28. ]J Wherefore wc receiving a Kingdom, which cannot be moved, Ice us have grace, whereby we may ferve God acceptably with reverence and godly fear. Gen- J 8. 27.] And Abraham anfweredandfaid, behold now, I have taken 1 pen me, tofpeak unto the Lord- which am but dufi and afhcs. Jam. 5. i6.~j ConfeG yoir faults one to ano- ther.that ye may he healed j the tflfeftoal fervent prayer of a righteous man availcth much jam. 1 . 5, 7. V. 6.'j But let him ask in faith nothing wavering •■, for he that wavercth, is like a wave of the Sea, driven with the wind and tolled V. 7.] For let not that man thiiA, that he (hall receive any thing of the Lord Mar. 1 1 • 24.3 Therefore I fay unco you, What things foever ye defirc, when ye piary, believe thar ye receive tiicm, andyefhall have them. Mat. 6. 12, 14, 15. V. 1 2.] And forgive us our debts, as we forgive our dcbtours. V. 14.] F'@r if ye forgive men their rrcfpalTcs, your heavenly Father will alfo forgive you. V. 15.] But if yc forg ve not men their Cftfpitfles, nei- ther wifl your F"athtr forgive your rrefpaftes. Coi. 4. x 3 Continue in prayer, and watch in the fame with thankfgiving. Eph. 6. j8.J Praying aUayes, with all prayer and fupplic'arion in. the fpiric, and watching tliereunto with all pcrfeverance, andfi'pplication for all Saints. (/w3 ' Cor. 14. 14. J For it 1 pray in an Unknown tongue, mytpirit prajet.h, but mine underftanding is un- iiruitfuli. I V. Prayer is to be made for things la wfull ^/^ and rn)i loh- 5-14 Sec for all forts of men living^or that fell live hereafter^: j^'i'^ v , ] S- hort therefore,1rhat firftof all fiipplications, prayers, and inrcrecfUons, 'and'givjp.g of thanks, be made for all men. V. 2. For Kiiigs, andfor allchatare inaurhoriry, that we may Icada q:iet, and peaceable life, in all godlintfs and honcfiy. ]oh. 17. 20.], N"ither pray I for thefe alone, but for them alfo, which (hall believe on me through their wo.'-d. 2 Sam. 7. 2p.'] Therefore now, Let it pleafe theeto blefsthe houfe of thy fervanr, that ir may continue for ever before thee ; for thou O Loid God haft (poken it; andwith thy bleflir.g, let the houfe of thy, ftrvar.t, bebltiTed for ever. Ruth 4. 12. J And let thy houfe be hkc tire houfc of Vbarez, ( vi-hom Tamar bare unto ]udah j of thefet'd VKhich the Lord fliall give t1ke of diis young woman. " ' :oO but^ {» Sam.i2.2i,22, but, not for the deadp, nor for thofe of whom it may luld his^fervancT un" ^^ known, that they have finned the fin unto death q, to him, what thing is this that thou ha(t done ? thou didfl faft and weep for the child, while It was alive, but when the child was dead, thou didft arife and eat bread. V. 22-3 Andhefaid, while the child was ycc alive, I fafted and wept ; for I faid, Who can tell, whether God will be gracfous to me , that the child may live ? V. 23. J Butnow he is dead, wherefore fhould I faft ? can 1 bring him backa- gain ? I fhall go to him, but he fliall not return to me. Luk. 16. 25, 26. j But Abraham fa-id, Son remember that thou in thy life rime, receivedft thygood things, and likewife Lazarus evill things, now he is comforted, and thou art tormented. V.26.'] And befides all this, between us and you, rhere is a great gulf fixed, fo that they which would pafs from hence to you cannot, neither can they pafs to us , that would come from thence. Rev. 14. i §.] And I heard a voyce from heaven, fjying unto mc, wfite i BlelTcd are the dead, which die in the Lord from henceforth', yea, faith the fpirit,that they may reft from their labours,and their works do follow thcmCq) 1 ]oh.5ii6.3H any man fee his brother fm, a fin which is not unto death, he fhall ask, and he (hall give him life, tar there that fin not unto death j there is a fin unto death, I do not fay, that he fhall pray for it. C r ;) Aft. I $. 21 .] V. The reading of the Scriptures with godly fear r. For U^oj^i.of old the found Preaching y^ and confcionable hearing of. Gity ', them ^S ^^^ wordjin obedience unto God^with underftanding, preach him, being faith, and rcvcrcnce / 5 fingingof Pfalmswithgracein. gogues" every ^Sab- ^he hcart w 5 as alfo, the due adminiftration, andwor- bath day. Rev. i. thy receiving of the Sacraments inftitutedbyChrift, 3. Bieffed is he that are all, parts of the ordinary Religious wcrlhip of readeth , and they ' ^ -^ ° ^ . that hear the words of this prophefie,ind keep thofe things that are written therein, for the tin«e is at hand.C/3 2 Tim. 4. 2. 3 Preach the word, bcin(iantinreafcn,outof feafon, reprove, rebuke, exhort with all long fnflfcring and dodrine. (t)]2m. i. 22-2 But be ye doers of the word, and not hearers only, de* ceiving your own felves. A(ft. 10.33.] Immediately therefore, Ifenttothee, and thou haft well done, that thou art come '-, nay, therefore, wc are all here prefent before God to hear all things, that are commanded thee of God. Mat. 13. 19.] When any one hearcth the word of the King- dom, and underftandeth it not, then commeth the wicked one, andcafteth away that which was town in his heart, this is he, which received feed in the way fide. Heb.4. 2.] For unto us was the Gofpell preached, as well as unto them; but the word preached, did not profit them, not being mixed with faith in them that heard it. Ifa. 66. 2.] For all thofe things hath mine hand rsade, and all thofe things have been faith the Lord j but to this man will I look, even to him that is poor, and of a contrite fpirir, and trerebleth at my word. f^«3Col. 3. 16.'] Let the word of Chrift dwell in you richly in all wifdosi, teaching, and adminfhing one another in Pfalms, and Hymns, and fpirituall Songs, finging with grace in your hearts to the Lord. Eph. $. 19.3 Speaking to your felves in Pfalms, and Hymns, and fpiritual Songs, finging, and making melody in your hearts to the TLbrd. ]am^5. 13.J Is anyamong you affliaed ? Let him pray , Is any merry ? Lethimfiftg Pfalnvs. :KJ GO'i Godi^: Eefides Religious Oaths ^5 Vows^, Solemn WMat- 28. i?.] Faflings2s,and thanklgivings, upon feveralloccafions feacrarNSs*, ^5 which are 5 in their feveral times and feafon?, to be Baptizing them in ulcd, in an holy and religious manner b^ ^^^ "anne cf the Fa- " ' -' ^ ther,andoftheSon» o - L •, , ^ n &oftheHo!y-Ghoft I Gor.ii.2?. toverl. 29. See in the Bible. Art. 2. 42.] Ard rhey ccr.tii.ucd ftcdfaAly in the Apoftles dc^rine and fellow ftiip , and in breaking of bread, 2nd in prayers. (x^Diu. 6. 1^.] Thou fhak fear the Lord thy Gcd, andfervehini, andO-.alc fwear by his name, ^feh. ro. ip.j They cleave to their brethren, their nobles, and entered into a curfc, a^d into an oath to waik in Gcdsiaw, which was given by Mcles theftivantcf Gcd ; snd ro cblcrve and doall the Com- mandments of the Lord our Gcd, and his judgenrents, and his Statures. (v)ira 19.21.] Andthe Lordfhall be known to Egypt, and the Egyptians fhalj knew the Lord in that day, ardn-.aUdo facrifice and cblition i yea, They fhallvcwavewcnrothe Lcrd, and perfcrmir. Ecclef. 5. 4, $. V.4. 3 When thou voweft a vow unto Gcd, defer it not topayir, frrhehathno plcafure in fools, pay that which thou haft von=ed- V. 5-] Better it is that thci) fhculdtftnct vow , than that thou fhouldeft vow fe not pay.(^) jcel 2; 12.] Therefore alfo new faith the Lord, turn vc even to me with all your heart, and with fafting, and with wecpirg, and with mourning. Efiher4. 16.] Go,gatheT together all the jews that are prcfenr in Shtfhan, ardfaHye fcr rr.e, and neither ear, nor drink three dayes, night or day : J alfc, and my maidens will faft likewife, and fo will I go in unto the King, which is not according to the Law i and if 1 perrifh, I perrifh. Wat. 9. 1 5.] Jefos faid unto them. Come ye children of the bride-chamber, moi rn as long as the bridegroom is with them: but the dayes will come, when the bridegrcom fhall be lakcn from them, and then fhall they faft. 1 Cor. 7.5.] Defraud you not one the other, except it be with ccnfent for a time, that ye maygivcyourfelves to fafting and prayer, and ccn-e together again , that Satan tempt you noc foryouinccntinency. raJ^lXl- 107. throughout, fee in the fible. Efther p. 22.] As thedayes wherein the Jewes reftcd from their enemies, and the mcneth which was turnedunto them, from forrow to joy, and from mourning into a gocd day, that they fhculd make them dayes of fcafting andjoy, and of fending portions one to another, and gifts to the poor. (t)Heb. 12. 28.] "Where- fore we receiving a Kingdom which cannot be moved, let us have grace, whereby wc may ferVc Cod acceptably, with reverence and godly fear. VI. Neither Prayer, nor any other part of Religi- ous Worftiip 5 is now under the Gofpel, either tyed untOj or made more acceptable by any place in which COJo''' 4- ai-] it is performed, or towards which it is direfted c: but ^wc™t£rv°'',„"; God is to be Worfhipped every where d^ in Spirit the hour commcth, when ye fhall nei- _ - , „ . , . ther in this Moun- tain, nor yet at Jerufalem worfliip the Father, (^d) MalJ.i. 11.3 For from the rifwg of the Sun. even unto the gomg down of the fame, my name flwll be great among the Gentiles , and in every place, incenfe fhall be offered unto my name, and a pure cflfering : formy name ftialJ be great a- mong the Heathens, faith the Lord of Hofts. i Tim. a. 8.] I will therefore, That men pray c- vcry where, lifung up holy hands, without wrath and doubting. N and CO>)M-M«^j andTruthe: as in private Families/, daily ^5 indin ^■*^^?"" *°^ fccretj each on : ~ " '" ~ felf h ^ fo, more foiemnly , in w^re tht^'am ^^^ publlck A^ - r ; , which arc not careleCy , or fcS wilfully to be neglected, orforfakcD, when God, by ibeMier y^^ Word or Providence, calleth thereunto /. ooik, fcr the Fa- dtataAeAiSoA CO wxxftaphlrr, \.2^'^GodiszSfkk,mdAtjtiatwodki^himtmiAwof' §ifm^kktami'mxrwdL(j}yer.iz~25-J fcmcvucAj fmjvfom Ac Bembenydackmamibce ■fac,jadapaBifaeFaBiiies«iliitaDaocaadijBaK,i3r ckcj have caa op Jacob, aaddcvoo- ttdtimtmiaa^^edlmt, rndbtwcmadchashdrnmomtitUkmc. Deo < 6, :. V. 6.^Amd ihfir wnrili w^iirfi TifMikil rtrriKT tliT friTTr-^ tf-^rhrirr V. r.*^ And dioalkUc taghAem^aadjaunAjCaUKm, aadlkalcalkof dm^ vhadnafiBBl ■ thiae bodci 9miwbcmAoc.wtSkKAbiwAcwaj^m^wbcmdKmijtAJowmt mAwheudatamtfiBAt^ Jobu <.5.3 Aadk vasfo,vbaibcdifesof cfadrfe^iiewcregaBeabaiK, dnrJobibcaBd&afii- fieddaeB,aBdrdcapcatijiacbc ■Miiiit- "^ "^ "^'* ^''"' "fliiwi . nnrilin£rnitii ■■■rm idAemdlzfaryitiudtbwKMfbc,AmmySomhMwc6aaed,mtdaAdCodmdMarbcanStihai dxj, m diecyocf diel u a dMai dscfhbferwB, soBCof chevaaa feOovs fl iii l i ff j iwcu ^ eiub hoa- IcSl I Til J .J lifciaifi ji laiiliaiilf. iloiM aiti ihf iiii>iTiii£ in tamilrifr crrai; twannf narnitr wtf inaniihi wnAtftilkX, md^bdmg hdntaeafacr cfAegnctat life, dacjaarpnycnbe aochiailred! Aft-MLS.] AdrvoataaB, oacduffearcd Godwiihali his faoafe,«likliciTcaBdi AlaBCDiheMoplc,fcpcqc)d»GodaHpiv.Q3 f^-^- >>• J GncBdis dav, oar daily farcadL (A3llac6.d.j BaciteB, wfaeaifaoapr^cft, ciRriaeoill^claia, aad WBcadMalHAIfaBrdiydoar, prqreodijFsiKf wbidiisiafecfa, and thy Fsher vhidi isnfa IB feczet,ftd reward ihocofariy. Ffb.6.i9.'l Vrxfrn^thnfOt miAdifrxfaimdbppSa' daaiadieSpakfaadaraoduBgdicreaMO, wkhaDpc i i g w tra a tg «d faffilirgioa far aPSaiag, (^131^55.5,7. V. 5.~ AliodicSeBS of tfaeftrai^Br, ttariowa ihta^tliutodic Ixrd toflervc laaK cf the Lord , to be his ftmiBis , cTciyaae ihar kcqKth the Sabfaacfa, t^Kthbddof ByCoveaaac V. 7.1 E«ca chaa wflll fariag loaiylioly bcaioyfuDiaByhoa^of prayer:tfaarfaarac-«&riDgs, aadthckfafrificrt flaflbcaazp(cdo^oaaHBeA]ar:fcraHBeiMa]tfcftrilhecaIkd, aa hade of |!cayer forallpeo* pic Hd>.io.a5.J Nocfcffekiagdic altmHmgcijcmfdratvffnkftt as the laaangr of faaic B:bKcsliornasaBcaaodicr,aad(bBadithc»arc, asyoofirctfacdajapprcadiiag. Prov.i.xc, 3i»Z4.V.3o.3 wMdoaaycxhvidKiv, IbeoncfcdiherTCTceiB thcl^rcca. V. siO 5hccri. ah ia dK dbwcf pboe of ooKXXxkjm cfac opening of die Csn a chc Cjiy,fte mercsh her words (iyiBg. V.24.3 Becadfelhxvccalkd, a&iyerciaMad, lha«cltfcsdhedoara:jtnad,aadnoaaa T tfmktd : Frvr. 9-^3 Bkfloi edieiiaBd>tthcarcdiflK,w»dii^dziiv aricy Gaxcs,waidBg sibepofbof ■ydoon. Aft.13.42.3 Aadwheadbejonvcrcfiaeoacoe tbcSjiiagcfac^dbe Gcadlcsbc idBy ■ die ApeAlcs Oo&Wawdrcllowftip. aad b breakky of bread, aad k iicajcr&. VII. As it is cf the Law of N2tuie; tint; in genendf, a cue proportion cf time be fer apart for the Worfhip cf God ', fo . ic hii \\'c:d3 by a polTtive . Mora-l; and perpeiiul CciLir.2i:dcii:enr; L.r,u.r^ ... aien, in ail Age J Ages he hath particularly appointed One day in Se! ^ ^j ^^^ ^^ ^ ven, for a Sabbath, to be kept holy unto him k.-' which, lo, n. v. i.j bc' fi-om the beginning of the world to the refurrcdion j«nt«rcheSabhKfa of Chrift , was the Laft day of the week ^ and, from v/ic?] ^Smthc i- the refarrcction of Ghriil 3 was changed into the Firft *"* ^f .ilr A^ Lord s day «7,and is to be continued to the end of the, fluic doc do any world, as the Chriftian Sabbath ». T'^lJ^''' °**^ ' * thy Son, nor chy Daaghrer, thy man'* Icrvant, nor rfiy maid-fcrrant, nor thy carrcll, nor thy Aranger that is within thy Gates. V. 1 1.] For in fix dayes, The Lord nnadc heaven and earth, the Sex, and all that in them is, aud rcfled the (irTcnth day, wherefore the Lord Uefled the Safabarh day, and bailowcd it. /fa. 5 6. 2, 4,5 ,-.V.2.3 BIcfTed h the noan that doth this, and the Son of man , that layeth hold on it , that keepeth the Sabbath froaj poIliitiDg it, and keepeth hh hand from doing any ctiII. V. 4.3 For thcs Cuth the Lord onto the Eunnchs that keep Bjy Sabbaths, and chuiie the things that plcale me, and take hold of my Covenant. Verf.<5. and 7. See in Letter I- foregoing. (I) Gen. 2.2, 5 . V. i.J And on the fcTcnth day, God ended his work which he had made, and he rcfled on the Urventh day, from all his work which he had made. V. 5 ] And G od blcffcd the fevcnrh da y, and fanftified it : bc- caafe that in it, he had refted from aU his work, which God created & made, i Cor. 1 ^. i, 2. V.i. ] Now concerning the coUc^ion for the Saints , as I have given order to the Charchcs of Galada, even fo do re. V. 2- 1 Upon the firfl day of the week. Let every one of you , lay by him in flonc, as God hath profpered him, that there be no gathering when /come. AA. 20.7.3 And upon the firfl day of the week, when the Defdples came together ro break bread , Paol Preached to rbem ready to depanon the morrew, and continued his fpeech cmtill midnight. ("«} Rev. i. 10. 3 I was m the Spirit on the Lords day, and hf ard beh'nd me a great voycr, as of a Trumpet (nj Ex. »o, S, I o.See Letter K. with Mat. 5. i-,i8.V. i7.3Think not that lam come to deflroy,chc Law, or the Prcphers , I am not come to deftroy bur to fulfill. V. 1 8. 3 For verilv, I (ay onto yoo. Till heaven and earth pal's, one jcc, or one titic^afl in no wife pafs from the Law, till all be fuifiilcd. VIII. This Sabbath is then kept holy unto the COExod- 20. 8.3 Lord, when men, after a due preparing of their heart.% ^^^^.\^ ^^°f and ordering of their common affairs before hand, do v. 2?. ] And* he not only obferve an holy Refr, all the Day, from their ^'=^P"™^^="^ This own works, words, and thoughts, about their worldly Lord 'hath (iid , To employmcntf, and recreations <7, butalfoare taken up snorrow is the reft the whole time, in the publick and private Exercifes ^0^^^ Lord*^e t^at which yoo wiU bake ro cav, and feethe that ye will Teethe, and that which remaincth ever , lay ap for yon to be kept an i II rhe morning. V. 25.^ And Moles did, Elar that to day , fcrtoday is a Sabbath onto the Lord, to day yr (hall not find it in the field. V.2 6. 1 Siy. dayes ye fha.'I gather it, bcr on the feveaih , which is the SabSath , in it there fhaC be ncne. V. 25.! Sec, for that the Lord harh given you the Sabbath, therefore he giveth^-on on the fixth day, the bread of twc dayej : abide ye every man ia his place : let no man go ontof his place on the jcvcnrh day. V. 50. J So the peo» pie refted on the fcventh day. Ejrod. 31. 15^ >^, i-. V. I5.I Sis dayes may work be done, biC in the fcvench dav, is the Sabbath of reft hcly ro the Lord : whoibevcr doth any work in the Sab- bath day, he fhall furely be pu: to death. V. i f .] Wherefore the children of Ifrael (hall keep the Sabbath, co obicrTe die Sabbath rhrooghoat cbeir generations, for a perpetual Covenanc. V. 1 7.3 Ma U It is a fign between. mp, and the chiUneo of Ifrael for ever : for in fix dayes , the Lord made hea- ven and earth, artdon the feventh day herefted, and was refrefhed. Ifa. 58- 15.] Ifthoaturn away thy foot from' the Sabbath , frorai doing thy pleafure on nny holy day , and call the Sabbath a dehehf, the hoiy df the Lerdjponourable.and ftiah.hoftoi)r him, not doing thine own wayes,nor findingthineownplcafure,norfpeaking thin own words. Neh. 13. i 5,16. 17,18, 19, 21,22, V. i<.i In thofe dayesfawl in Judah, fomctrcading wine- prefles on the Sabbath , and bringing in fheaves, and lading Afles, as alfo Wine grapes, and Figs, and all manner of burdens, which they brought into Jerufalenvon" the Sabbath day : and Jtcftified againft them in the day , wherein they fold Viftnals. V. 16. ] There dwelt men. of Tire alfo therein, which brought flfh, and all manner of ware, ajid foltl on the Sabbath, unto the children of judah in jerufalcm. V. 17.3 Then I con- tended with the Nobles of judah, and faid unto them, what evilL thing is this that ye do, andpro- phane the Sabbath. V. 18.3 Did not your Fathers thus, and riidnot our Godbring all this evill up- on us, and upon this City,yet ye bring more wrath upon Ifrael, by prophaning the Sabbath.V. 19.] And it cametopafs. That when the Gates of jerufalera began to he dark before the Sabbath, I commanded that the Gates fhoiild be fhut, and charged that they fhould not be opened j till after the Sabbath j and force of my fervants fet latthe Gates, that there fhould no burden be brought in on the Sabbath day. V. 21.3 Then Iteflifiedagainftthem,.andfaid unto them, Why lodge ye a. bout the wall ? if ye dofoagain, I will lay hands on you, from that time forth, they came no more on the Sabbath. V. 22."] And I comnianded the Levites, That they ihouldclenfe themftlves, and that they fhould come & keep the Gates, to fandifie the Sabbath day. Remember me O my God, concerning this alfo, and fj^are me according to the greatneffe of thy mercy. of fes Woifhip, andiritbe^Djatiesof neceffity, and 0,)lCa,58.i3.See ^gjcv ^ - w. ' . - in Letter O. Mat- "^^rcy y* 12. 1 ; totheia. Seein the Bible. C H A r. XXII. of lavpfdl Oathes and Vows, ^4)Dcut. 10.20] 4 Lawful! Oath is a part of Religious Worfhip^, rprd^h^y^God'^him j/\ wherein, upon juft occafion, the perfon fweanng iiak thou ferve, iolemnly calleth God to witnefs what he aiiertetb, or and to him Awit pj-^j^jf^tj^. aj^ J to judge him according to the truth fwTar bt'^s iame? of falftiood of what he fweaieth b. Qb) Kxod. 20. 7.3 t f,.- -1 Thou fhak not take the name of the Lord thy God in vam : for the Lord wdl not hold him guilt- lefs, that taketh his nanic in vain. Lev . 19 1 2.] And tliou fhalt not fwear by my name faUly, nes- tber fhak thou prophane the name of thy God: 1 am the Lord. 2Ccr. i. 25.] Moreover, I call God for arecord upon my foul, that to fpare you, / came not as yer untoGorinth^ 2 Chron. 6.2?, 23. V.22.] If a roan fm againft his neighbour, and an cath be laid upon him to make him fwear, a^d'the oath come before thine Altar in this houfe. V. 23. J Then hear thou (rem heaven, and do, and judge thy fervants, by requiting the wicked, by rtcompenfmg his way upon his own head,^ ao^hyiu^lfyir.g the riglueous, by giving him accordiRg to hu rightcotfnefs. •7 II. The i C?5] I I. The Kame of God onely, is that by which men rO ^^"t- ^' i? 3 ought to iwear 5 and, therein it is to be ufed with all J^hou ^^^^^^^ ^hc holy fear and reverence c. Therefore, to fwear vain- fcrve him, Tnd ftaii ly^ or raftily, by that glorious and dreadfuil Name 5 or, fwcar by his name. toVwear at all, by any other thing, is finfull, and to be ^.^^lSc; i'^y,'}, abhorred^. Yet, as in matters of weight and moment, 7.]Howfhaiiipar- an Oath is warranted by the word of Cod, under the ^?" ^^?ii°^ ^^'^* New Teftament, as well as under the old e 5 fo, a law- Lfaken ' nie" \*nd full Oath, being impofed by lawfull Authority,in fuch fwom by them that matters ought to be taken /. f 5 "° g°?^ > f'')^} " o J fed them to the full, they then ccmmit- red Adultery, and alTembledthcmfelves by Troops, in the Harlots houfes. Mat. $.94,37. V. 54.^ But / fay unto you. Swear not at all, neither by heaven , for it is Gods throne. V. 37. 3 But lec your communication, be jea, yea *, nay, nay : for whatfoever is more than this commeth of evill. Jam. 5.12.] Above all things my brethren, fwear nor, neither by heaven, neither by earth, nei- ther by any other oath : but let your yea, be yea : and your nay, nay : left ye fall into condemnati* on. CO H^^' ^" ' ^'3 ^°'" "^^^ ^^""'^y ^^^^"^ ^y ^^^ greater, and an oath for confirmation , is to themanendof allOrife. 2 Cor. i. 25. See letter B. Ifa. 1^5. 16.] Thathe who blcffeth hirafclf in the earth, fhall blefs himfelf in the God of truth : and he thatfwcarcth in the earth, fhall fwear by the God of truth : becaufe the former troubles , are forgotten , and becaufe they are hid from mine eyes. (/) 1 King. 8. 91.3 If any man trefpafs againfl: his neighbour, and an oath belaid upon him, to caufe him to fwear, and tlie oath come before thine Altar in this houfe. Neh. I3.x$. J And / contended with them, and curfcd them,and fmotc certain of them, and pluckt off thefr hair, and made them fwear by God, faying , Ye fhill nor give your daughters unto their Sons , nor take their daughters unto your Sons, or for your felves. Ezra lo. 5.] Then arofe Ezra, and made the Chief Priefts, the Levites, and all IfracI to fwear,that they fhould do according to this word : and they fware. III. Whofoever taketh an 0.ith , ought duly to C^) ^^°^- 20. 7-3 confider the weightineffe of fo folemn an Aft 5 and 2^] And' ttou'fhat therein to avouch nothing, but what he is fully per- fwear the Lord li* fwaded is the truth ^. Neither may any man binde .^"^ '" ""^^.^ I" i-/-iri r^ \ \ ' \ ^ \ ^ • 1 \ juclgemenr, and la himlelt by Oath to any thing, but what is good and righteoufntA , and juft, and what he believeth fo to be , and what he is a- f''*^ Nations fliall. ijp , and 1 efolved to perform h. Yet it is a fin, to re- !;|'^', ^1^ fliall ihty glory- /T)Gen.24.2,5;5,(5,&,9,V. 2 ^And Abraham faid unto hiseldeft fervant of his houfc , that ruled o- ver all tliat he had : put I pray thee thy liand under my thigh. V. 3. J And 1 will make thee fwqar. by the Lord the God of heaven, and the God of the earrh, that diou fliak nor take a wifc^iiitP!- my Son, of the daughters of the Canaanites, amongft whom I dwell, V. 5,] And the fcryanc Caid unto him,pcradvencure thewcmnn wil not be willing to follow me unto this knditnufl i need's bringthy Son again unro the Land, from whence thcu camcft? V. ^.] And Abraham (aid uftto him beware thou, that thou bring nor my Son thirher again. V. 8.] And if the woman will noB be willing to follow thee, then thcu fhalt be free from this my Oath, only bring not my fm' thitiier again. V. 5*.] And the fervant put his hand under thc'thigh of Abraham his Mafter , and fwara to him concerning that m.atter. M % fufe CONumb. $. 19.21. fufe an Oath touching any thing that is good and juflj p ' {?'fh H"char'^e ^^^"8 ioipofcd by lawfuU Authority i, Ihrby an oath, and ay unto the woman, if no man hath 1 yen with thee, and tf thou haft not gone afide to uncleanefs with another inftead of thine husband , be thou free from this bitter water that caufeth the curfe. V.21.] Then the I'rieft fliall charge the woman with an oath of corfing', and the Pricft fliall fay unto the woman, the Lord make thee a curfe, and an oath among the people, when the Lord doth make thy thigh to rot, and thy belly to fwell. Neh: $.12.] Then faid they, we will rcftorc them, and will requite nothing of them j fo will we do as thou fayefi;, then I called the Priefts, and took anoath of rhem, that they fhoiild do according to this promife. Exod. 22. 7, 8,9, 10, 11. V.7.] If a man fhali deliver unto his neighbour money, or ftufF to keep, anditbe ftoln outof the mans houfe, if the thief be found, let him pay double. V. 8.] If the^thicf be not ft)und i then the Maftcr of the hcufe fhall be brought unto the Judges, to fee whether he have put his hand unto his neighbours goods. V. p.] For all manner of rrefpafs, whether it be for Ok, for AlTe, for Sheep, for Raymenr, or for any manner of Iof\ things , which another challciigeth to be his : the caufe of both parties fliall come before the judges, and whom the Judges fhall condemn , he fhall pay dou- ble unto his neighbour. V. 10.] If a man deliver unto his neighbour an Afle , or an Ox, or a Sheep, or any beaft to keep, and it die, or be hurt, or driven away , no man feeing it. V. ii.J Then fhall anoath of the Lord be between them both, that he hath not put his hand unto his neighbours goods : and the owner of it, fhall accept thereof, and he fhall not make it good, f t Mer 2 See ' ^' ^" Oath IS to be taken in the plain and com- Letter G. Pfai. 24! mon fenfc of the words, without equivocation, or 4.3 He that hath ^entail refervation 4' It cannot oblige to fin; but, in p"c tat; 'who anything notfinfull, being taken, it binds toperfor- hath not lift up his mancc, although to a mans pwn hurt/. Nor is it to foul unto vanity ,nor ^^ violated^although madc to hereticks, or Infidels «f. fworn (/) I Sam. 25. 22,32, 35,34. V. 22.3 So and more alfodo God unto the enemies of David, if I leave of all that per- tain to him by the morning light, any that piffethagainft the wall. V. 32.] And David faid unto Abigail, BleflTed be the Lord God of Ifrael, which fent thee this day to meet me. V. 33. J And bleflcd be thy advice , and bleffed be thou, which hafl kept me this day from comming to fhcd blood, and from avenging my felf with mine own hand. V. 34.] For in very deed, as the Lord God of Ifrael liveth, which hath kept me back from hurting thee, except thou hadft halkd and cometomeetme, furely there had not been left unto Nabal by the morning light, any that piflech againft the wall. Pfal. 15. 4.] In whofe eyes, a vile pcrfon is contemned j but he honoureth them that feer the Lord, he that fweareth to his own hurt, and changcth nor. (w) Ezek. 1 7. i<5, 1A3 19, V. id. 3 As I live faith the Lor unto my eyes, nor fuimber to mine eyelids. Y» 5. J Uncill 1 find out a place for the Lord, an ha?- bication for mighty God of ja^ob. VII.N^j U) Aft.23. 12, 14. V I T. No man may vow to do any thing forbidden V. 12.] And when Jn the Word of God, or what would hinder any dutv it was day, certain , . j.j u-i_* *.*l- of the Jewes banded therein Commanded 5 or which is not in his own pow- together, and bonnd er, and for the performance whcreof he hath nopro- cS^*'frin""T^^^^^^ ability from God^. In which refpeftPopifn Seywo^uid neither, Monaflical Vowcs of perpetual fmgle life, profeffcd ear, nor drink, "'1 Poverty, and regular Obedience, are fo far from be- Pal V. H.]*"And ing degrees of higher perfedion, that they are fuper- they canne to the ftitious and (in full fn are s , in which no Chriftian may ''^]'f ^'^■''^^^'"'^intanglehimfdf r. ^- -! ^ Elders, and faids We o have bound our felves, under a great curfe, that we will cat nothing, untill we have flain Paul. Mark 6. 2 5,] And the King was exceeding forty yet for his Oaths lake 3 and for their fakes which fat with him , he would not rcjeft her. Numb. 50. 5,8, 12, 1?. V.5.] Butif herFathcr difalowher inthaday that he heareth not any of her vow, cr of her bonds, wherewith fhe hath bound her foul (hall iland • and the Lord fhall forgive her, became her Father difalowed her. V. 8.] But if her huf. band difalow on the day that he heard it, then he fliall make her vow which fhe vowed , and that which fhe uttered with her lips, wiicrewich fhe bound her foul, of noneeffeft, and the Lord fhall forgive her. V. 1 2.] Fut if her husband hath utterly made them void on the day he heard them,' then whacfocver proceeded out of her lips concerning her vows, or concerning the bond of her foul, fhall not f\and, her husband hath made them void, and the Lord fhall forgive her. V. 13.3 Every vow, and every binding oath to affift the fool, her husband may eftablifh it, or her husband may make it void. (0 Mat. 19. 11, 12. V.ii.J Buthe faiduntothem, all men cannot receive this faying, fave they to whom it is given. V. 1 2.] For there are feme Eunuchs, which were fo born from their Mothers womb : and there are fome Eunuchs, which were made Eunuchs of men : and there be Eunuchs, which have made themfelves Eunuchs, for the Kingdom of heaven fake, he that is able to receive it, let him receive it. i Cor. 7. 2,9. V. 2.] Neverthelefs to avoid fornicati- on let every man have his own wife, and let every woman have her own husband. V. 9. 3 But if they cannot contain, let them marry , for it is better to marry than to burn. Eph. 4. 28.] Let him that (\oIe, Iteal no more 1 but tather let him labour, working with his hands the thing which is good, that he may have to give to him that needeth. i Pet. 4. 2.] That he no longer fhould live the ref\ of his time in the flcfh, to the lufts ©f men, but to the will of God. i Cor.7. 23.] Ye are bought with a price, be nor ye the fervants of men. G H A P. XXIIL of the Civill Magijirate. ^ GOd the fupreme Lord and King of all the world hath ordained Civill Magiftratcs to be under him over the people, for his own Glory , and thepublick good J good 5 and to. this end hath aimed them with the('»)Ro»«;.»3 -^2,3, power of the Sword forihe defence and incourage- fcui^/jubjeft^'umo mentofthcm that arc good, and for the punifVmcnt the liighcr powers : Ofevilldocrs^.. . for there is no pow. ^ • er. hut oy3oc^, the powcrsthat be, areordaired cf Gcd. V. 2.J Whcfcever thcrefcrc rtfiHcth tie p^er, refi- l^eth the ordinance of Gcd, and thty ihatrtflt, flailrtcciveHCihcnfcivcsdannaticn. V.3.] For Rulers are not a terror tc gccd works, but to tie tviiJ, wilr thcu then not be afraid of the pcwcr ? do that which is good, and thou fhalt have praifc of thefawe. V. 4.3 Fci he is the Minifier of Gcd to thee for gocd : but if thcu do that which is e\ ill, be afraid: for he beau th notthefword in vain: for he is the Miniiicr of Gcd,artycr.gcr to cxccite wrath upon him that doth evill.i Fet. 2. 13, 14. V. i^O.Sibnriityci^r felf tc every crc'inar.ce of ni^^n,fcrthc Lcrdslakc, wheihtr it be to the KingasfLprtne. V. 14. J Or vnioCcverncurs, asuntothtm that arc fentbyhim, for the punifl.n.ent cf cvill doers, ard fcr the praifc of thtm that do well. 1 1. It islawfull fcr Chrifiiacs to accept and execute ^tjprov. 8.15,15. the Office of a Mr giftrate when. called thereur.to/» .• v. 15.] By mc Kings intheo^anaeing whereof, as^heyouehtefpeciallv to ^^^'S"' and Princes • ^ • r» . Tn* Jr> j- "'1 decree lulticr. V. maintain Fieiy, J uluce, and Peace , according to the 16.] By me Princes wholfcm Laws of each CcmiTion- wealth c : fo, for ru'^' and Nobles, that en3, they may lawfully now under the New Te- oFthe «rth! tt! ftamcnt, wage War upon juft and neccfl^iry occafi- 13. r, 2, 4. Seeia Cm^. Letter A. CO P^al. 2. 10,11, 12. V. lO.J Be wife now there- fore, O ye Kings, be inf1n:flcd ye Judges r-f the earth. V. irO Serve the Lord with fear, and rej©yce with trerrblirg.^ V. 1 2. J Kifi the Sen, IcA he be argry,and ye peiiflifrore the way,when his wrath is kindled but a little, BltfTed are all thej that pur their trufl in him. 1 Tim. 2. 2.] For Kings,andfcra'l that are in authority, that we naylcad a qtietcud ptaceablelife, inallgodli- nefs and hcntHy. Ffal. 82 3^4•V.3.J Eefcnd thepocr,andfathtrltfs : Doitflicetotheafflifted and needy. V. 4.] EeJiver the poor and needy. Rid them ciit 01 the hand of the wicked. 2 Sam. 23. 3.3TheGodof Ifrael faid, the Reck of Ifiaelfpakc tome: he tharri.kth over men, reuftbc juft, ruling in the fear of Gcd. i Pet. 2. 13.] See in Letter A. C^) Luk, 3. 14.] And the Souldi- crsliktwife demanded of him, fajing, i^.nd vvhat fliall we do? and hefaiduntothem, Do violence to no man, neither accufe any falfly, and be content with your wages. Rem. 13.4. See Letter A. Mat. 8. 9,io. V. $t Fori am a man urdcr authcrity, havir.g5culdiersund€r me^and Ifay to this man, Go, and he goeth j and to another c^me, and he ccmn eth ; and to my fervant. Do this, and hcdcthit; V. 10. J When Jtfus heard ir, he marvelled, and faid to them that followed, Verily, J f»y ur.to yoiu'I have not fcuncifo ^ear faith , no not in Ifrael. Aft.'io. i,j.V. i.] There was a cer- tain mian in Ccfarea, named Cnrrelii^s a Centuricn of the bar.d, called the Italian hand. V. 2.] A Devcutman, and cner! at fcarcdGod withallhishoifc; which gave much Almes to -the people, and prayed to Godalway, Rev. 17. 14, 1. V. 14.] Thefc fliali make war with the Lamb , and the I anibfliall overcome them: for he is Lord of Lords, and King of Kings i and they that arc with him, a!e called, and chofen, and faithfull. V. ($.] And the ten herns which thoufawcft upon the hcaft, thefc fliali hate the whore, and fhall make her defolate, and naked, andfliallcac her fltfh, and burn her with fit e. - * N in. The CO2 Chro. 25. i8.] m» The Civill Magiftrate may not aflume to him- And they withftood felf the AdminiftratioQ of the Word and Sacraments, Uzziah the King, j^ powcr of the Kcvs of the Kingdom of Heaven e: and faid unto him,It *^* . f 1 a 1 • J -^ • u- j ^ ^ ^ 1 .. j pertaincth not unto yet he hath Authority, and it is his duty to take order, thee Uzziah , to ^j^j^ Unity and Peace be preferved in the Church^that t^h?LJrSu'toTtheTruth ofGodbekeptpure.and intire, that all Pricfts, the Sons of Blafphemies and Herefies be fupprefTed , all corrupti- Aaron, that arc cen- q^s and abufes in Worftiip and Difcipline prevented S;"eTgomuif th"; or reformed.- and all the Ordinances of God duly fet- Sanftuary, for thou Iq<^^ adminiftred and obferved/. For the better effe- ^u^'!S^???^t'"f^r (^ing whereof he hath power to call Synods, to be thcrfhallit be for ^"-^^B ^^ . , ^* -it. ^ 1 r- thine honour from prefent at them, and to provide that whatloever is the Lord God. Mat. tranfaded in them be accordinff to the mind of God g. i5.17.And if he flial o '^ neglcdtbheartheoi, tell it unto the Church : bnt if he negleft to hear the Chnrch, let him be unto thee, as an heathen man, andapublicanc. Mat. 16,19.3 Andl will give unto thee , the Keyes of theKingdomof heaven ', and whatfoever thou (halt bind on cartli, fhall be bound in heaven, and whatloever thou fiialt loofe on earth, Ihall be loofed in heaven. 1 Cor. 12.28, 29.V. 28.] And God hacltfet fome in the Church, firft Apoftlcs,fecondarily Prophets, thirdly teachers, after chat miracles, then gifts of healings, helps, governments, diverficies of tongues. V. 29.'] Areall Apaftlcs? are all Prophets? arcall teachers ? are all workers of myracles ? Eph. 4. 1 1, 12 V. a. ] And he gave fome Apoflles* and fome Prophets, and fome Evangelifts , and fome Pa(tors , andTeachers* V. 1 2.] For the perfefting of the Saints, for the work of the Miniltry , for the edifying of the bodyof Chrift. 1 C0r-4. I, 2. V. I.] Let a man fo account of us, as of the Minifters of Chrift, and Stewards. of the myfleries of God. V. 2.] Moreover it is required in Stewards, that a man be found faithfull. Rom. 10. 1$.] And how fhall they preach, except they befent? As it is written , how beautiful! arc feet of them that preach the Gofpell of peace , and bring glad tidings of good things? Heb.5. 4.] And no man taketh this honour unto himfclf, bathethatis called of God, aswasAa- ren. (/}Ifa. 49. 25.] And Kings fhall be thy nurfing Fathers, and their Qncens thy nurfing Mothers : they fhall bow down to thee , with their face towards the earth, and lick up the duft of thy feet, and thou fhalt know, that I am the Lord : for they fhall not be afhamed that wait for me. Hal. 1 22. 9. 3 Becaufe of the houfe of the Lord our God, I will feek thy good. Ezra. 7. 23, a $, 26,27,28. V.23.3 WhatfoeveriscommandedbytheGod of heaven, let it be diligently done, for the houfe of the God of heaven : for why fhould there be wrath againft the realm of the King andhis5ons. V.2t.] And thou Ezra, afctr the wifdom of chy God, that is in thine hand , fee Magiftratcs and Judges, which may judge all the people, that are beyond the River, allfuchas know the Laws of thy God, and teach ye them, that know them not. V. 26.'] And whofoeyer fliall not do the Law of thy God, and the Law of the King, l^t judgement be executed fpeedily upon him, whether it beuntodeath, or tobanifhnacnr, or toconfifcationofgoods, or to imprifon- ment. V. 27. 3 Bleffcd be the Lord God of our Fathers , which hath put fuch a thing as this in the Kiugs heart, to beautl lie the houfe of the Lord, which iajerufalem. V. 28.] Andhach ex- tended mercy unto me, before the King , andhiscounfellcurs, and before all the Kings mighty Princes : and /was flrengthened as the hand of the Lord my God was upon me , and / gathered together out of Jfrael chief men to go up with me. Lev. 24. 16.] And he that blafphemeih the name of the Lord, he fhall furely be put to death, &mi all the Congregation fhall certainly Aone him, as well the ftranger, as he that is born in the land , wjien he blafphemeth the name of the Lord,/hallbeputtodcath. Deu. 13. 5, 6, 12. V. $.J And that Prophet, or that dreamerof dreams, fliall be put to death, becaufe he hath fpoken to turn you away from the Lord your God, which brought you out of the Land of Egypt, and redeemed you out of the houfe of bondage, to thruft tjtrijft thee out of the way, which the Lordthy Gcdccnr.nnanded thee to walk ln,fofhalt thou »tit the evjll away from the midft of thee. V. 6."] U thy brother, the Son of thy Mother, or thy Sen, or thy daughter , or the wife of thy bofome, or thy friend, which h as thine own foul entice thee feoretly, laying. Let us go and ferve other gods, which thou haft not known* thou nor thy Fathers. V. 1 2.] li thcu flult hear fay in one of thy Cities, which the Lord thy God hath given thee » to dwell there faying. 2 Kings 18.4.] He removed the high places, and brake the /mages, and cue down the groves, and brake in pieces tht brazen Serpent that Mofej had made:for uuto thofc daycs the children of /(rael did burnincenfe untoif,and he called it Nchufthan. i Chron. 13. i. to the 9. See in the Bible. 2 Kiiig.23. i. tothc 26. Seein the Bible. 2 Chron. 34, 33.] And lofiah took away all the abominations, out of all the Countreys, that pertained to the Children of IfracI and made all that were preftnt in /frael toierve,even tofervethe Lord their God, and all his days they departed not from following the Lord the God of their Fathers. 2 Chron. 15. 12, 13. Y. 12.] And they entered in re a Covenant , tofeek the Lord God of their Kathers, withall their heart, and withall their foul. V. 13.] That whofoever would not feck the Lord God of /frael fhouldbe put to death, whether fn- all or great, whether h?an, or woHian.f^) 2Chron. 19.8,9,1ft, II. V. 8.] Moreover in Icrufalem did Jehofophatfet of the Levitcs, andot the Ptieftr, and of the chief of the Fathers of Ifraei, for thejudgcmcntof the Lord, and for ccnrrovcrfies when they returned to Jcrufalem. V. 9. J And he charged them, faying, Thus fliall ye do in the fear of the Lord, faithfully, and with a pcrfeft heart. V. 10. ]) And whatcaufe focver fhall come to you of your brethren that dwe'l in their Cities, between blood and blood, between Law and Command- went. Statutes, and judgements, ye fhall even warn them, that they trcfpafs not againfl the Lord, and fo wrath crme upcn you, and upcn your brethren : this do, and ye fhall nottrefpafs. V. 1 1.3 And behold Awariah the chief Pritft is over you in all matters of the Lord j and Zebadiah the Son of Iflimael, the ruler of the houfe of Judah, for all the Kings matters , alio the Levites fhall be Officers before you, deal ccurageoufly, and the Lord fhall *be with the good. » Chron. 29. and 30. Chapters. See in the Bible. War. 2. 4,5. V. 4.] And when he had gathered allthc chief Priefts, and Scribes of the people together, he demanded of them, where Chrift fhould be born. V.5.3 And they faid unto him in Bctlilehcmof ]udea, fcr thus it i< written by the Pro- phets. I V.It is the duty of People to pray for Magiftrates hj W » Tim. 2. i, 2: to honour their perfons;, to pay them tribute and 0- fbre,"'tha?firft ?f!5j therdues^ toobcy their la wfull Commands, andto foppiicatidns, pray- be fubjedl to their Authority for confciencc fake /, efS'>tcrceflbns,anc! Infidelity or difference in Religion doth not make ZZ^tr^^!!'^L^, void the Msgiftratesjuft and legallAuthority.nor free v. 2.] For Klngsj and for all that are in authority, that we may lead a quiet and peaceable life in all godlincfs and honefiy. ft) i Pet. 2. 1 7.J Honoio- all mcn,love the brotherhood, fear Go3, honour the King. ( /^) Rom. 13. 5, 7. V. 6. |For this caufe pay you tribute alfo, for they are Gcds Minifters , attending continually upon this very thing. V. 7.3 Render therefore to all their dues, tribute to whom tribute is due, cuftom to whom cuftom, fear to whom fear , honourio whom honour. C/_)Rom. 13. $.'] Wiierefore ye mufl needs, be fubjeft, not only for wratfi, but alio for confcience fake. Tit. 3. i.j Put them in mind to be fub- jeft to principalities and powers, to obey Magiftntcs, to be ready to every good work. N 2 the Mipet.a. i3,i4» t!ie People from their due obedience to him «^.* from *^* ^' f?;^«^'i^ which Ecelefiaftical perfons are not exempted « a ryorduianceqfman much kis hath the Popc any powcr or junldicrion 0* for the Lords fike, yer thcm^ in their Dominions , or over any of their Kinf as'Vupre,^^! pcople 5 andleaftof all to deprive them of their Dj- V. 14] Or unto minionSj or lives, if he (hall Judge them to be Herex Governonrs 3^~"^^J^° ticks^or upon any other pretence whatfoever^?. by him, for the pu- Bifhment of evill doers, and for thepraife of them that do well. V. 16,^ As freCj and not ufmg your liberty for a cloak of HFialicioufncfs, but as the fervaats of God. (n) Rom. 1^. i.] Letevery foul be fubjeft unto the higher powers : for there is no power bac of God, tlie powers that be, are ordained of God. 1 King 2.35] And the King put Benaiah the Son of Jehoida in his room over theHoft, andZadokthePri^o» thcr, and fliali cleave to his wife, and they twain ftiall be one flcfh. V. 6] Wherefore they arc no more twain, but one ticfh. What therefore God hath joyned together, let no naan put afunder; Prov. 2. 1 7 . ] Which forfaketh the guide of her youth, and forgctteth the Covenant of her God. II. Marriage was ordained forthe giutualhelpof (OGen. 2.i8.]And Husband andWife>, forthe increafe of Mankinde llTsnot'^go^d^ S with a legitimate iiiue, and of the Church with an ho- the man fhouidbea- ly koA r, and for preventipg of uncleanncfs d, 1°."^ ' I .^''^ "'^j^e •' ° hiin a helpmeet for hii.Ti.(c)Mal.2.i5.J And did not he make one? that had the refldue of the Spirit: and wherefore one? that he might fctk a godly feed : therefore rake heed to your Sp'rir, and let none deal trtachcroufly a- giwA the wife of his youth, (^d)i Cor. 7.2, 9. V. 2.] Neverthelefs, to avoid fornic.tion, Lcc every man have his cwn wife, and let every woman have her own husband. V.p] Butif they cannot contain, let them marry : for it; is better to marry than to burn* in. It is lawfullfor all forts of people to marry COHeb. 15. 4.] who are able with judgementtoeive their confente. ^f'"'^'?gc '* honou- v *:„,.. ^1- J ^ c r^\, TL' I • 1 rable in all, and the Yet IS It the duty ot Chriltians to marry onely in ^he bed midefiicd , but wh re-mongers and adu)r:rers, God will judge, i Tim.4.3.] Forbidding to marry, and commanding toabftauifrom mtau , which God hath created to be received, wirh thlnk^giviiig of them, which believe and know the truth, i Cor. 7. 36, 97, §8. V. 35.] Butif any man tliiiik, that h. behavtth himfclf uncomely towards his Virgin, ifflie pafs the flower cf her age, ar,d nctd fo icquire, lethimdo wliachewilUhefinncthnct: let them marry. V. 37.]NIcvf ithclefs, he thatJ^Jiidtthficdfaft in his hear r, having no \ioce(rity,hut hath powercver his cwn w;Jl,aiid l.ath fo decreed in his own hcarr, tlur he will keep his virgin , doth well. V-.^S] So tucn^Jie that givctij her in rnarriagt d th well i huHicthargiveth htr not in marriage, ..lotli better.' enfation ^^^^3 ^^^^ ^^^^ been, are, or (hall be gathered into one, of the fuinefs of under Chrift the Head thereof , and is the Spoufe, the times, he might ga- g^^jy ^j^^ fulnefs of him that filleth all in all a. ther together in one ■" all things in Chrill, both which arc in heaven, and whicji are on earth, even in him. V. 22.3 And hath prtall things under his feet, and gave him to be the head over all things to the Church.- V. 23.3 Which is his body, the fulnefs df him that filleth all in all. Eph. 5. 25,27, 32. V. 23.] Forthehcfbandis the head of the wife, even as Chrift is the head of the Church, and he is the Saviour of the body. V- 27.] Tiiathe might prcfent it to himfelf a glorious Church, not having fpor, prwrinkle, or any fuchthing, biJtthat it fhonld be holy, and without blemifh. V. gi.yThisisa great myf^ery: but I fpeak concerning Chrift and the Church. Col. i. 18.] And he is the head of the body, the Church : who is the beginning; the firft botn from tlie dead, th.at in all things , he might have the preeminence. II. The II. ThevifiBltCT^tirch, which is aJfo Gatholick or CO » com. 2 ]un" Univcrfal under the Gofpel (not confined to one Na- God^whfh"'^*^'' °t^ tion, as before under the Law) confifts of all thofe, CorinchJ^o 'them thorowout the world^that profefs the true Religion />, '^u%^ fanaificd in andof the Lord JefusChrift^3 the Houfeand Family fot^sIZ] 'with of God e, 9ut of which there is no ordinary poffibilt- all that in' every ,y of Salvation/. STe 0?^:^ ^ , , our Lord, both their and odrs. i Cor.12.12, 13. V.12.] For as the body i» one;, and hath many members, and all the rtiCftibersOf that one, being many, are one body', fo alfo is Chrift. V. 13.] For by one Spi- rit, are we all Baptized inronne hodv, whether we be jews or Gentiles, whether we be bond or fre5, and have been all made to drink into one Spirit. Pfal. 2. 8.3 Ask of me, and /fhallgire thee the heathen for 'thine inheritance , and the uttcrmoft parts of the earth for thy pofTefljon. flcv. 7: 9.'! After this I beheld, and lo, a great multitude, which no man eould number, of allNa^ tions, and Kindreds and people, and tongues, flood before the throne, and before the Lamb clo- thed with white/obe*, and palms in their hands. Rom; 15. 9,10,11, 12. V. p.j Andthatthc Gcntiltfe might glorifie God foe his raeroyTas it is writtcn,Fcr this caofe, I will confcfs to thee a- mong the Gentiles, and fing unto thy name. V. io.]Andag.iinhefaich Rcjoyce ye Gentiles with hispecplc. V. II.] And again,Prairc the Lord all ye Gentiles, andlaud himallyepeopIe.V.i2.1 And again,Efaias faith,There fhall be a root of Jeffe,and he that fhall rife to reign over the Gentiles in him fhall the Gentiles truft. fcj i Cor. 7. 14.] For the unbelieving husband, isfanftifiedby the wife, and the unbelieving wife i& fanftificd by the husband, elfe were your children unclean but now ar«hey holy. Aft. 2. 3 9. ] For the promife is to you, and to your children, and to all that area far off, even as many as the Lord our God fhall call. Ezek. 16. 20, 21. V. 20. TMorc- ovcr thou .ha(\ taken thy Sons, and thy daughters, whom thou haft bom unto me, and thefc haft thou facrif^ce'd unto thera to be devoured, is this of thy whoredoms a fmall matter? V. 2i.1 That _ . . , ,.«».. thy feed, and her feed : it fhall bruife thy head, and thou fhalt bruife his heel. Gen. 17. 7."] And/ will ef^ablifh my Covenant between me and thee , and thy fe8d after thee in their generations for an everlafling Covenant, to be a God unto thee, and to thy feed after thee. Mat. 13.47. j Again the Kingdom of heaven is like uj[ito a net, that was caft into the Sea , and gathered of every kmd. 1^9.7-] Of thcincreafe of his government and peace, there fhall be no end upon the throne of David, and upon bis Kingdom, to order it, and to cftablifh it wich judgement, and with iuflice from henceforth, even for ever : the zeal of the Lord of Hofis will perform this. ( e) Eph. 2 * 19.] Now therefore ye ar» no more flrangers and foreincrs, but fellow Citizens with the Saiats* and of the houfholdof God. Eph. 3.1 $0 Of whom the whole Family in heaven and earth is mwed. (^ f) Ad:. 2.47O Praifing God, and having favour with all the people ; and the Lord added to the Church daily, fuch at fhould be faved. I i I. Unto this Catholick Vifible Church , Chrift hath given the Miniftry, Oracles , and Ordinances of God, for the gathering, and perfcfting of the Saints, in th?slifc3 to the end of the World ; and doth by his own ggr^feaccaad Spirit^ a.ccor4ing to his pro- CO I car.u.as] mife make them cffe^uall thereunto 5. And God hach fee (bme in the Church, firft Apoftles, fccondarily Prophets, thirdly Teachers, after that miracles , then gifts of healings, helps, governments, direriicies of tongues. Eph. 4. 11,12,1^. V. 11. ] And he gave fome Apo- lilcs, and ibme Prophets : and fome Erangelifts, and fome Paftoursand Teachers. V. 12.3 tor the pcrfcft/ng of the Saints, for the work of the Miniftry.^ for the cdifyngof the body of Chrift. V. ij.] Till we all come in the unity of the faith, and of the knowledge of the Son of God, unto jiperfcft maa, anto the mcafurc of the ftature of the fulnefs of Chrift. Mar. 28.19, 20. V. ip.J Go ye therefore and teach all Nations, Baptizlhg them in the name of the Father and of the Soa and of the Holy Ghoft. V. 20.] Teaching them to obferveall things whatfoercr / have com- manded you, and lo, /am wicti you alway, even unto the end of the world. Amen. Ifa.59, 21.3 As for me this is my Covenant with them faith the Lord, my Spirit that b upon thee , and my words which I have put in thy mouth, fliall not depjrt out of thy mouth, nor out of the mouth oi^ htS fecdj nor out of the mouth of thy feeds feed, faith the Lord, from hence forth and for ever. t • m Rom. 1 1. 3,4.3 'V* '^^^^ Catholike Church hath been fome times Lord they have kii- more 5 . fometimes Icfs vifible h. And particulaE '^d'dl ed^^down ^burcbcs, which are Members thereof? are mcjreor thine Alws , ^and Icfs purc, according as the Dodrine of the Gofpel 1 am left alone, is taught and embracedj Ordinances adminiftred, and hfc. ^v.^ 43 Eut Publike worQiip perform more or lefs purely in them /, what faith the an> , fwer of God unto him ? I have refervcd to my felf, feven thoufand men, who have not bowed *hc knee to the Image of Baal. Rev. 12. 6, 14. V. ^.3 And the mpraan fled into the wilderndJ, where fhehaih a pla^c prepared of God, that they (hould feed her there athouland two hundred aid threefcore dayes. V. 14.3 And to the woman wcregiven two wings of agreat Eqglc, that flie might fleeintothewildernefs, in her place: whcrcfhcisnourifhedfora time, and tinjcs, and half a time, from the face of ehe Serpcat. Q) Rev. 2, and ?. Chapter throughont , fee in the £i- \Ae. I Cor. 5.6,7. V. 6.3 Your glorying is not good, know ye not, that a jitrle leaven, leave«eth the whole lump. V. 7.3 Purge outthcreforc the old leaven, that ye aaay be a.oew lump , as yc arc unleavened} fprcvcBiChriileurPaiTeover isfaaificedforus. ( It J I Cor. 1^. 12.3 V. The Pureft Churches under Heaven are fubjeft AorowTgiaft daiki ^oth to mixture, and crrour k- and fome have fo de« ly, but then face fo generated, asto'become no Churches of Chrift j^ but pa?t r but then fhaii Synagogues of Satan/. NeverthckfSj there fhall be 1 know even as alfo I am known. Rev. 2. 2. Chapters. See in ^ .,,,., . ., « t . ,. . thcBible. Mar. 13. 24,2$, 26,27, 28, 29,30. 47- See m the Bible. Rev. J8.2.3 And hecryed mightily with a ftrong voyce faying, Babylon the great is fallen, is fallen, and is became ,the habita- tion of devils, aadthc hold of every foiil fpiric, and a cage of every unclean and- hurifullEird- Rom. n. 18,19,20,21,22; V. 19. 3 Boaft not againft the braaches : but if thou boaO, rhou bcareft, not the root,*but the root thee. V. 19.] Thou will fay then, the branches were broken off, that / might be grafted in. V. 20.3 Well : becaufe of unbelief they were broken oif, and thou ftan- daft by faith, be not high minded, but fear. V. 2 1 .3 For if Godfpircd not the nataraU branches, take heed left he alfo fparc not thee. V 2a.] Behold therefore the goodnefi and fcycrity of God; on them which fell fe vcnty,.Uit toward* thee goodnef^Jf thou-contiriue in his goodAds : other- wife thea ftult be cut 0$ " alwaycs alwayes a Church on Earth,to worfhip God according thee,- that rhou art Peter, and upon thi$ Rock.I will build my Church, and the Garci of hell, fliallnot prcvailc agaiaf\ it. Pftl. 72- if'D His name fhall endure for ever, his name /hall be continued as long as the Sun : and men fhall be bleflcd in him, all Nations fhall call him blelled. Plal. 102.28.3 Thechildrea of thy fervanis (hall continue : and their feed fliall be eftablilhed before thee. Mat. a8. 19, »o. Sec in Lester G, VI. There is no other Head of the Church, but ^^^ q^i ,. ,3 j the Lord Jefus Chrift n . Nor can the Pope of Home, And he is the head in any fenfe be Head thereof 5 but is that Antichrift, ^^J^^ . ^^^ .^'^l that Man of iin^ and Son of Perdition, that exalteth beginning, the firft himfelh in the Church againft Chrift , and all that is bom'from the dead, M ^X J ° » that m all thmgs he called God a. „-,ght have the pre- eminence. .Eph. r. 22.] And hath put all things under his feet, and gave him to be the head over all things to the Church. (oJMat. 23.8,9,10. V. 8.] But be not ye called Rabbi , for one is your Walter, even Chrift ', 8c all ye are brethren. V. 9.3 And call no man your Father upon the earth:forwiei$ y©ur Father, which is in heaven. V. i ol Neither be ye called Mafter, for one is your M»"er, even Chrift. 2 Theff. 2. 5, 4, 8.9. V.3. Leino man deceive you by any means : for that day Ihall not come, except there come a falling away firft, and that roan of fin be revealed,thc Son of perdition, V.4.] Who oppofeth and exalteth himfelfabove all that is called God, or that is worlhipped : lo that he as God fitteth in the Temple of God, fliewing himftlf that he is God. V. 8.] And then fhall that wicked be revealed, whom the Lord fliall ccqfume with the Spirit of hisrnourfi, and Ihall deftroy with the brightnefs of his comming. V. p.] Even him, whofe comming is after the workftig of Satan, with all power and fignes, and lying wordcrs. Rev. 1 5. 6.'] And he opened his mouth in blafphemy againft God, 10 blarphcme his name, and his Tabernacles, and them that dwell in heaven. ^Ch A P. XXVL Of the CoMmunun of Saints^ f \ LL Saints, that are united to Jefus Chrift their XTLHeadjby his Spirit^andby Faith, havefellowlhip with him in his graces^ fufferings death, refurreftion, O 2 and (f) I Job. I. 3.] and glory ., ,^ lowfliip is with the - ' , . ; iiAuv UjV- i'- nant of Grace .2, immcdiatly inftituted by Godf, afcai of the righce- to reprelent Chrilc and his benehts, and to confirm our dufuefs of the Faith Jntercft in him € : as alfo to put a vifible difference be- h)^g ^'undi'u Jcl' twecn thofe that belong unto the Ghurch • and the reft fed,thathemightbe of the World ^ .* and folcmnly to engage them to the *e ^^t^'/'l *^^ fervice of God in Chrift, according to his Word e. them that behcve, ' o ^^» though they be not circumcifed, that righteoufncfs might be imputed unto them alfo. Gen. 17. 7,10. V. 7.3 And 1 will eftablifh my Covenant between me and thee, and thy feed after thee , in their generations, for an everlafting Covenant , to be a God unto thee, and to thy feed after thee. V. 10. ] See below in Letter F. (b) Mat. a8. 19.] Go ye therefore, and teach all Nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghoft. 1 Cor. 1 1. 2^.'] For I have received of the Lord, that which alfo I delivered unto you, that the Lord ]efus,thc fame night in which he was betrayed, took bread, (c) 1 Cor. lo. i6;3 The cup of ble^mg which we blcfs, is it not the communion of the bleod of Chrifl / the bread which we break, is itnot'the communioD of the bodyof Chrift? i Cor. 11.25,26. V. 2$.] After the fame manner , alfo he took the cup when he had fuppcd, faying, this cup is the New Teftament in my blood : this do ye, as oft as^e drink it, ra remembrance of me. V. 26.] For as often as ye cat this bread , and drink this cup, ye do fhew the Lords death till he come. Gal. g- 7. ] And this I fay , That the Covenant that was confir- med before of God in Chrift, the Iww which was four hundred and thirty years after, cannot di&- null,thatit fhould make the promife' of none efFeft. ( This is my Cove- Otnerj. nant which yeftiall keep between ircfe yoH, and thy feed after thee, every man-child among ydti (hall be circuracifed,Mat. a 6.27,2 8.V27.] And he took the cup and gave thankes, and gaveitto thcm,faying,Drink ye aliofit.V.aSOl'orthis is my blood of the New Tcflament which is fhcd for many,for the remiflion of fins. Tic.3.5] Not l^ workes of rightcoufnefle whichwe have done, bat according to his mercy he faved U5,by the waihing«f rcgener ation, and renewing of the Holy Ghoft. •* 1 1 1.The grace which is exibited in,or by the Sacra- ments rightly ufed y is not conferr ed by any power in them .* neither doth the efficacy of a Sacrament defend upon the piety or intention of him that dothadmini- fter it ^ 5 but upon the work of the Spirit h , and the Cg) Rom- a- 28, 29, wordofinftitution^ which containes, together with Tfewi'whichis'enl a Precept authorizing the ufe thereof, a promife of Be* oucwardiy , neither nefit to worthy receivers i. . »s that circumcifion, ' which IS outward in thcflefh.V.ap.^Buc he is a Jew which Is one inwardly, and circamcifion is that of the heart, inthcfpirit, and not in thelettcr,whofe praife is not of men butofGod. 1 Pet. 3. 21.J The like figure whereunto, even Baprifm, doth alfo now favc us (not the putting away of the filth of the flcfh,but the anfwerof a g,ood confcience towards God^ by the refurrefton of Jefus Chrifl. (A) Match. 3. i ij I indeed bap- tife you wit-h water unto Repentance, but he thatcomerh after me is mightier than i, whofc fcocs 1 am noc worthy to bear : he /hall baptife you with the Holy Ghof^ and with fire, i Cor. 12. 15. ] For by ope fpiric w« are allbaptifed into one body, whether we be J ewes or Gen- tiles, whether we be bond or free : and have been all made to drink into one fpirit.(r) Macth,2^. 27,28.] See in letter (^/)Matth.28.i9,20.2 V.19. See letter C*)V. ao.]Teaching them to obfcrvc all things whatfoever 1 hare commanded you : Jand lo, 1 am with you alway unto the ead of the world, Amen. IV. There be oncly t^'o Sacrament ordained by ri) Manh.aS.ip.] Chrift our Lord in the Gofpel 5 that is to fay, Baptifm f^,^' TtZX and the Supper of the Lord : neither ofwhich may be baptizing them in difpenfed by any, but by a*Miniftej of the Word law- ^^^ uamcof the Fa- r \\ J : JL * . thcr,andoftheSon,. fully ordained^. ^^^\( ^he hoi; • Glioft. 1 Cor. 11. ^0,2 g. V.20. J When ye come together therefore into one place, this is not to eat the Lord fupper. V.a^. j For f have received of the Lord that which aifoi I delivered unto you, rhat the Lord Jefus the lanae night in which he was b«trayed,took bread, i Cor. 4. i .3 Let a man fo account of us, as of theMiaiftcrs of Chrifl, and Stewards of the myfleries of God.Hcb.5. 4'] And no man takcih this hoaoar unto himf^l^ bucherhat iscaUedofQui« aswaiAiuonu V.The t^3A^^ O) I CQr.io. 1,7,3,4 V.The Sacraments of the Old Teftament, in regard thren,^rwodd not of the fpiritual things thereby fignified and exhibited, that 'yc ^ouid be wcre , for fubftance , the fame with thofe of the ignorant , how that TSJp«7 / * all 6ur Fachers were ^^^w*. under the cloud, and all paffed through the fea.V. 2.] And were all baptifed onto Mofes inthecIould» and in^thefea.? V.5.J Anddid all eaf the fame fpiritiiaj meat. V.4.3 And did all drink the fame fpiritMil drink,- (for they diank of that fpiritual rock chat followed them, and that rock vra> Chrift.) Chap. XXVIII. OfBaptifmi (rt)Mat.28.i9.]Sce T^ Aptifm isa Sacramentof thcNew Teftament, or- 'rCor"if iH Kor -t) Gained by JefusChrift a, not only for thcfolema by one Spirit arc we Admifiion of the party baptiztd into the vifible all baptized into one Chorch ^ .* but alfo to bcuntohima fign and feal of h^we.^ ol^'rr the Covenant of Grace cpi his ingrafting intoChrift d, DC Jewes or Oen- , _» . /--, ♦rr- r/- J^ 1 r-i • • tiles , whether wc ot Regeneration e, of Remjiiion otlms/, and OI his gi- be bond or free, and ving up unto God through JefusChrift, to walk in to^ dri?k into"^one newneffc of life^. Which Sacrament is by Chrifts own Spirit.(c}Rom.4.ii. appointment to be continued in his Church until the Andhereceiyedthe end of the World />. ' fign of circumcifion, a feal of the righte- oufneffe of the faith which he had yet being un<:ircumcifed,that he might be the father of all them that belceve, though they be not circunicifed, that righteoufnefs might be imputed unto them alfo. Col. 2. II, 12. V. II. J In whom alfo ye arc circumcifed with die circumcifion made without hands, in puttingoffthe body of the fins of the flefh, by the circunwifion ofGhrilt. V.12.] Buried with him in Baptifm, wherein alfo ye are rifen with him, through the faith of the operation of God, who hath raifedhira from the dead. C^3 Gal. 5-27. J For as many of you as have been baptifed in to Chrill, haveputon Chrift. Rom.5.5.] For if we have been planted together in the likeneffeof his death, we fhall be alfo in the likeBcffeof his refurredlon. Qe) Tit- 3. $.3 Not by works of righteoufnefs,which we have done ,bnt according to hiArercy hath he faved us by the wafliing of regeneration, and 'renewing of the Holy Ghoft. (jQMarkc i- 4- ]] ]ohn didbaptife in the wil- dcrneflei and preach the baptifm of repentance for the rcmifllonofrins. (g) Rom. (5.3,4. V.3.] Know ye not that fo many of us as were bartized into jefus Chrift, were baptizcdinto his death .* V.4.3 Thereferc we are buried with him by baptifm into death, that like as Chrift was raifed from the dead, by the glory of the Father : even fo we alfo fhould walk in ncwncfs of life, ^h") Mat.28. i9,ao. V. I p.] Sec in letter (k^) forregoing Chapter. V. 20.]] Teaching them to obfcrvc all thirtgs whatfoever I have commanded you : and lo, I am with yoa alway, even to the end of the world, Amen. ILThc ftJMat. 3.11.] I I I. The outward Element to be ufed in this Sacra- ment is Water, wherewith the Party is to be Bapti- zed, in the Name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghoft, by a Minifter of tlic Gofpcl lawt'ul- ly called thereunto i, inVccTbapt'ize'yoi with water unto rc- p«jrance, but he that coraeth aCrcr h^c, is mightier than I, whofe fhoeslam notworthy toljear: he fhall bapriz-e you with the HoJy Ghoft, and with Fire. Juli. i. 53.] Andl knew him not : but he that fcnt me to baptize with watv, the fame faiduntome, Upon whom thou fhalt fee the Spirit defcending ar.d remaining on him, the fame is he which baptizcth with the Holy Ghoft, Mar. 28. If J 20. V. ip.] fee letter K. V. 20.] fee iulettcr H. III. Dipping of the perfon into the Water is not neccfTary : but Baptifm is rightly adminiftred by pow- ring or fprinkling Water upon the perfon k- 2<^ a?f 22!] fee ?b the Bible. Att. 2:41.3 Then they that gladly received his word were baptized : and the fame day there were added un- to them about three thoufand fouls. Aft. !(5. §5.] And he toekthem the fame hour of thenighr, «nd wafhed their ftripes, and was baptized he and all his ftreighc way. Mar. 7. 4.] And wheu they come from the matket,escept they waflithey cat not, and many other things there be, which they hare received to hold, as the waftiing of cups and pots, brazen veffels, and of tables.. I V- Not onely thofe that do a<3:ually profcfs faith in, andobedience untoChrift/, but alfothe Infants ru Mar. 16.1$, i^. ofcne, or both believin^Parcnts, are to be bapti- v. 15- jAndhefaid 1 "^ *• •' *■ unto them,Go ye IB* 2^<^^' toaUtheWorld,aBd , preach ye theGof- pel to every creature. V. i5.]'Hethat believtth and is baptized fhall be favcdi buthethatbe- liereth not fhall be damned. Aft. 8. 37, 38.V. 57.] And Philip faid, If thou believeft with all thinie heart thou mayeft, and he anfwered and faid, 1 believe tliatjefus Chriftisthe Son of God. V. ;8.] And he commanded cheCharet to f^and Hill, and they went down both into the water, both Pibilip, and the EuBUch,andhebapci2ed him. ('m)Cen. 17. 7,9. V. 7.] And I will eftablifk my Covenant between me and thee, and thy feed after thee in their generarioHS, for an everlaft- ing Covenant, to be a God unto theo and thy feed after thee. V. f.J And God faid intoAbra« ham. Thou fhalt keep my Covenant therefore,t!iou, and thy feed after thee,iin their generations. Gal. 3. 9, 14. V. 9. J So rhtn they which be of faith, are blelled with faithfull Abnham. V. 14.J That the bleiling of Abraham might come on the CJentiks, through Jefns Chrift; that we mighc receive the promife of the Spirit through faith. Col. 2. i r, 1 2. V. 1 1. j In whom alfo ye are cir* cumcifed with theCircumcifion made without hand? ,in pntring cff the body of the fins of the flefh, bytheCircumcifjon of Clirifl. V. 12.3 Buried with him in Baptifm, wherein alfo you are rifea with him through the faith of the operation of God, who harh raifedhim from the dead Aft.2» 38,39. V. 38. I Then Peter faid untochcra, Re pent and be baptized every eneof you, in the nameof jefusChriff, f, r tlie remifllon of iius, ai^dyefnall receive the gift of the Holy Ghoft. V. 319.3 For the promife ib nntoyouand toyour children, and to all that arc a far off, even as many as the Lord our God fhall call. Rom. 4. it, 12. V. 1 1.] And he received chefign-©fCirciimcirion,a fealof therighteorfnefsof thefairh which he had yet being unciitfumcifcd, that he mighc be the father of all ihcm that believe, thoiigh they be not cii cumcifed, that righteoufnefs might be im- puted to them alfo- V. 12.3 And the father of Circumficnrothem, who are not of theCirccm- cifion onely, but alfe walk in the fteps of rhat faith of our father Abraham, wliich he had being yet ;. . P uncircufla- undrcumcifed.'^i Cor. 7 14.^- Forihe unbclteving hufband is fanftified by the wife, and the nn- believiftgwife isfanftifiedby the hufband, elfewere your children unclean, but now they arc holy. Mat. 28. 19] Go ye therefore, and teach aUNations,baprifing them in the name of rhc Fa- ther, and of the Son, and of the HolyGh)ll. Mar. 10. 15,14, 1$, 16. V.13.] And chey brought young children to him, thariie fhould touch them, andliis Dil'ciplcs rebuked thole thac broight: them. V. 14.3BUC wiien jef-sfaw it, he was raucli difpl'-afed, and faid unco them, Suffer little children to come unto me, and forbid them not, /or of fuch is the Kingdom of God. V. 1 5.] Veri- ly I fay unto'you, Whcfoeverfliall not receive the Kingdom of God, as a Hrtk child, hefhallnot enter therein. V. id:] And he took them up in his arms, put his hand upon them, and blcfled them. Luk. 18. 15.] And they brocghcunto him alfo infants, that he would touch them j but when his Difciples fiw it they rebuked them. V. Although it be a great fm to contemn. or negle£l (h) Luk. 7. go.] But thisOfdinaoccj^^ yet Graceand Salvation are notfo Lawyerl^"^' rejefted infeparabiy annexed unto it^ as that no perfon can be the counfei of God regenerated or fa ved v^ithout it : or, that all that are againfi ^^^^^^^^^^^ baptized are undoubtedly regenerated p. ofhim. Exod.4.24, r L u ■ , . , .- T , u- jr X. 25, 26. v. 24.3 And it came to pals, by the way in the mn, that the Lord met him, and fought to kill him. V. 2 5.1ThenZipporah took a fharp ftone and cut off the forefkin ofhcrfon, andcaftic athisfecf, andfaid. Surely a bloody hufband art thou to me. V. 26.] So he let him go : then fhe feidl A bloody hufband thou art, becaufeof the Circumcifion. Co)Rom. 4. 11.] fee in letter M. Aft! 10 2,4,22,3 1, 45,47.3iee in the Bible. Q)Aft. 8. 19, 23. V. 13.] Then Simon himlelf be- lieved alfo; and when he was bapdxed he continued with Philip, and wondered, beholding the miracles and figns which were done. Y. 23.] For I perceive that thou art in the gali of bitternefsj • and in the bond of iniquity. V I. The efficacy of Bap(*fm is not tyed to that mo- (5)3oh.3. 5,8. V. ment of time v^herein it is adminiftredf : yet, not- VcnUvcr1iyT«^y withftanding by the right ufe of this Ordinance, the unto thee, except a grace promifed is not onely offered^ but really exhibit man be born of wa- ted and conferred by the Holy Ghofl:, to fuch (whe- h\^i«mStherofage, or infants) as that Grace belongeth unto, the Kingdom of according to the counfel ofGods own Will, inhisap" wtai "■ III J«h pointed timer. where it lifteth, and . thou heareft the found thereof, but canfl; not tell whence it ccmeth and whirher it goeth : fo is e* veryonc that is born of the Spirit. (r)Gal. 3. a?.] For as many of you, as have been baptized in- to Chrift, have put on Chrift. Tit, 3. $.3 Not by Works of righreoufnefs which we have done, but accordifig to his mercy he faved us, by the washing of regeneration , and renewing of the Ho- ly Ghoft. Eph. $.25,26. v. 25] Hufbands love your wives,cven as Chrilt alfo Icrvcd rlie Church, and gave himfelf for it.. V. 26.] That he might fanftifie and cleanfe ir, wkh the waOiing of wa»- terby the word. Aft. 2. 38, 41. V. 38.] Then Peter faidjunto them, Repent and be baptjzed e- veryone af ycu, in thenameof Jcfus Chrift , for the remiflion of fins, and ye fhali rteeive thcgifc of the Holy Ghoft. V. 41.] Then they that galdly received his word were baptized : and the fame day there were added unto tiicm about three thoufand fouls. V II. The Sacrament of Baptifm is but once to be feS;^'^*-^ " admimfuedtoanypeifony: Chap. XXIX. ^\^. C^l/^/ Chap. XXIX. of the LORDS Supper.' OUr Lord Jefus, in the night wherein he was be- trayed, inftituted the Sacrament of his Body and Bloody called the Lords Supper, to be obferved in his Church unto the end of the World, for the perpetual Remembrance of the Sacrifice of Himfelf,in his Death5 the fealing all benefits thereof unto the Believers^their Spiritual nourilhment and growth in him, their far- ther engagement in, and to all duties which they ow unto him j and to be a bond, and pledge of their Com- munion with him, and with each other, as members . . ^ of his myftical Body a. W ; f^ «;^=j^4. I have received of the Lord, that which alfo I delivered untoyoD, that the Lord Jefus, the (ame night in which he was betrayed, took bread. V. 24.] And when he had given thanks he brake ir,and faid,Take,car, this is my body which is broken for you : this do in remembrance of me. V» 2 5.^ After the Cime manner alfo, he took the cop when he had fupped, faying, This cup is the new Teftament in my blood : this do ye as oft as ye drink ir, in remembrance of me. V. 26.'} For as often as ye eat this bread, and drink this cup, ye do fliew the Lords death till he come, i Cor. 10. i5, 17,21. V.i^.] Tiiecupof bleffing which weblefs, is it not the communion of the blood of Chrift ? the bread which we break,ibitnotthe communion of the body of Chrift /V-i?.^ For we being many are one bread and one body : for we are ali partakers of that one bread. V. 21.3 Ye cannot drink the cup of the Lord, and the cup of Devils, ye cannot be partakers of the Lords table, and of the table of Devils. I Cor. 12. 15.3 For by one Spirit are we all baptized into one body, whether we be Jews or Gentiles, whether we be bond or free i and liave been all made to drink into one Spirit. . I L In this Sacrament Chrift is not offered up to his Father :; nor any real Sacrifice made at alljforremiflioa (i>')^^^- 9-22, »$, offinofthe quick or dead ^, butonely aCommemo- aimofta'flthjigs^re ration of V hat one ofFeiing up ofHimfelf^ byHimfeif, by the law purged upon the Crofs, once fo'rall; and a fpiritual oblad' our'^ ^Jheddin "^"of on of all pofTible praife unto God, for the fame r.* So blood there isnorc- miffion. V. 25.]Nor yet tliar he fhoold offer himfclf often, as thehighPrleftentereth into the holy place every year witii the blood of others. V. 3<5 For then mull he often have fi.ffercd fmce the foundation of the M 11 i i ; bur r^ow once in the end of the world hath he appeared to put away fin, by the facrifice of ■himtclf. V. 28] So Chrift was once cifcred to bear thefinsof msny, and unto thofc chat look for hhr, fhall he appear th*. fecond time,withoutfin,untofalvation (r) i Cor. u. 14, 25, 26. fee them m ierter A. T^t 76. 10,1,7. V. ji5.] And as they were eating, Jefus took bread and bleffcdit, and brake it,and^»€ir-K) iheDiicifles,andfaid,Take,car,this is my body. V. 27.3 And he took 'the cup auc! ? ,%:. t' .mks, and g: vc it ;o them, faying, Drink ye all of it. ' s Pa that '^'^)'?«^«7.*3,24; that, thePopidi Sacrifice of theMafsCasthey callit\ they truly were ma. ^^ ^^o^* abominably injurious to Ghrifts one, onely Sa- ny Priefts , bccaufe cr'ificc, the alone propitiation for all the lias of the they were not futfcr- Eled:^, cd to; continKC by reafon of death. V.24;3 But this man, becaufc he coBtinueth ever, hath an unchangeable prieft-hood. Verf.27.] Who Becdeth not daily, as thofe high priefts, to offer up facrificc , firft for his own fins, and then for the peoples : forthishedid once,whcn he oflfered up himfelf.Heb.i 0.11,12, 14,1 8. Verf.ii.J And every Pricftftandethdailyrainiftring, aad offering ofcenrimes the fame facriiices, which can- never take away fms. Yerf.i2.] But this man, after he had offrrsdone facrifice for fins forever, fat down on the right hand of God. Verf 14.] Forbyone offering he hath perfeftcd for ever them chat arc (kiftificd.- Vcrf 18.] Now where remiffidH of thcfe is, there is no mor€ offering for fia. II I. The Lord Jefus hath, in this Ordinance, ap- pointed his Minifters to declare his word of Inftituti- on to the People 5 to pray, and blefTc the Elements of i'^ vw?25.^& 2?] Bread and Wiae, and thereby to fet them apart from See in letter cverf. a Common to an Holy life 5 and to Take, and Break 28;] For this is my the Bread, to take the Gup, and (they com munica. Tcftaraent'whi^hTs ^ing alfo themfelves) to give both to the Communi- ftiedfor many, for cants e 5 but, to none who are not then prefent in the ^reraiflionoffins. Congregation/. Mark 14. 22,25,24, ty b J Vcrfe 22.] And as cheydideat, Jefus took bread and blefled , and brake it, and gave to them/ and faid, Take, car,' this is my body. Verf.2g.] And he took the cup, and when he had given thanks, hegaveitto them, and they all drank of it. Verf. 24.3 And he faid unto them, This is my blood of the New Teftament, which is fhed for many. Luke 22. 19,20. VerCipO And he took bread and gave thanks, and brake, it , and gave unco them faying. This is my body which is given for you, diis do in remembrance of me. Vcrf.20.3 Likewife alfo the cup after Siipper, faying,Thi£ cup isth^ NewTeftamentinmy blood which is fhcd for you. i Cor. 11. 23, 24,25,16- St:e all in letter A. IV. Private Maffes, o^ receiving this Sacrament by And upon\he firft ^ Pricft, or aoy other, alone^, as likewife , the de- day of the week, niall of the Cup to the people />, worfhipping the came" together'^ w Elements, the lifdng them up, or carrying them about break bread, Paul for adoration, and the referving them for any pre^ preached unto them, ^ ready to depart on the morrow, and contiuned his fpeecli until midnight rCor.iLZO.3 When ye come togethertherefcre into ORC place,this is not to eat the Lords Supper. (^?) tCor.iG.6.] Now thefe things were our examples, to the intent we fhould not luA after evil things, as they alfo lulled. (/;} Mark 14. 23.3 See in letter E. iCor.ir. 25,26,27 ,18,29. Verf. 2 5, and i 6,] See letter A. ■Verf.27. j Wherefore whofocver fhall eat this bread,and drink this cup of the Lord unworthily, fliall be guilty of the body and blood of the Lord. Verf 28.3 But leta man examine himfdf, andfo let him eat of that bread and drink of that cup. Verf.29.3 For he that eateth snd drinketh ur* wxjithily, eateth^nd drinketh damnation co himfelf, not difcerning the Lords body. tended^ tended religious ufe, are all contrary to the na- ture of this Sacrament, and to the inftitution of V>nrut ** ,n vain they do , worfhip mc, teach- ing fcr doctrines the Com»\»ndcments cf men. V. The outward Elements in this Sacrament, due- ly fet apart, to the ufes ordained by Chrift, have fuch relation to him crucified, as that truly, yet Sa- cramentally onely, they arc fometimes called by the name of the things they reprcfent, to wit, the Body, ^!!^^^Xlt'\' Ilk and Blood of Chrift k.^ albsit in fubftance and nature, \^ JhcV wVc eatings they ftill remain, truly, and onely Bread and Wine, as jefus took bread, %c ^y •' i^ c ^^ t blelTed ir, and brake they were before /. .^^ 3„d ^,,,-^, ,^ ,h^ Difciples and faid. Take, eat, this is my body. ' Verr.57.] And he took the cup, and gave th.inks, and gave ic to tkem, faying, Drink ye all of it. Verf.28.] Forthisismy t.Ioodof the New Tcftamenc which isfhed for many,fcr theremiilionoffms.C/j 1 Corii.2^,27,28.Verf.25.] Kor asofctnasyeeat this bread,and dfink this cup, ye do ffiew- the Lords death till he come. Verl". 17-] Wherefore whofoever fliall eat this bread, and drink this cup of the Lord unworthily, fhall be guilty of tlie body and blood of theLord. Verr.28.] Biitlecaraaaexaminhimfelf, and fo let him eat of that bread and drink of that cup. Matrh.26.29. But I lay unto you,I will not drink hencefortli of this frtiic of the vine,un- lill that day when I drink it new with you ia my Fathers kingdom. Vf. That Doftrine which maintainesa change of ^. ^^^ 2 ai 1 the fubftance of Bread and Wine, into the fubftance whom the heaven of ChriftsBodyand Blood, (commonly called Tran- muft receive untiil fubftantiation)byconfecrationofaPrieft, or by any ;l;VTf\n' th^gt other way, i? repugnant, not to Scripture alone, but w'''God hath fpoken even to common Senfe and Reafon 5 oveithroweth }jy ^jj^^'^o^fh of^all the nature of the Sacrament, and hath been, and is fincc the world be- thc caufe of manifold Superftitions^ yeaofgrofTel-^ gan. iCor. 11.24, dnlAtrV^/« :? J & x5,26.Ver.24.]And aoiatriesw. when he had given thsnks, he brake it, andfeid. Take, ear, this is my body which is broken for you, this do in remembrance of me. Verra;.3 After the fame manner alio, he took thecupwhenhe had fupped, faying, Thiicnpi^ the New TcftEment in my blood, this do ye as oft as ye drink ir, in remembrance of me. Verf.25.3 See letter L. Luke 24. 4, 59. Vtrf.6.J He is not here, bat is rifen, remember how he fpake unto you , when he was in Galilee. Verf 59,3 Beholdmy hands and aiy feet,that itis/my ftlfjhandiC me, and fee, for a Spirit hath not flefh and bones,,as ye fce me have: VI I. Worthy Receivers outwardly partaking of the (n) I Cor. n.:28. ] the vifible Elements, in this Sacrament «, do thenalfo See in letter L. (o) jn^yardJy by faith, really and indeed, yet not carnally cup^"^ o°f^^bTcning and corporally, but Spiritually receive, and feed upon which we blttie , is Chrift crucified , and all benefits of his death : The it not the- com^^mi- ^ , j gj j ^^ (>j^j.-^ ^^' ^j^^^ ^^^ corporally on of the bleed ot ^^"-"j . j°i-nj j 1x7 • ^ chrift? the bread or Carnally, in, with, or under the Bread and Wine, which we break, is yet as really, but spiritually, prefenttotheFaithof oo"oTthrb™of Beleevers in that Ordinance, as Elements themfclves chrii^ .«• arc to their outward fenfes o. 6)1 Co n 27,28,29 VI I L Although ignorant and wicked menreceive verf.27.&2 8/J See the outward Elements in this Sacrament, yet they in letter L.verf. 25.] j-eceive not the thing fignified thereby; but by their an°d '"rinketh^'cn- un Worthy cooiiag thereunto, are guilty of the Body worrhi!y,eaceth and and blood of the Lordjto their own damnation. drinketh damnation Wherefore, all ignorant and ungodly perfons. as tohiniielf, not dir K ^ . • • l !_• /- _- ng the Lords they are untit tocnjoy communion with him, lo ^re cemi body. 2 Cor. 6.14, jj^^y ^nwoTthy of the Lords Table 5 and cannot Jolunequalb-y^oled without great lin againft Chrift, while they remaiii together with un- fuch, pertake ot thefe holy Malteries p, or be admit- beleevers, forwhat J J ji^gj-euntO^. fcllowfhip hath -^ rightcourneffe with unrighceoulhcfle, and what communicn haihVight with darkneffe? Verf. 1$. And what concord hath Chrirt with Belial? or what part hath he that beleevcth with an infidel? Verf. 16. J And what agreement harh the Temple of God with idols ? for ye are the Temple of the living God, as God hath faid, I will dwell in them, and walk in them , and I will be their God and they fhall be my people, r-]} I Cor.5.e,7,i?. Verf.d.'J Your glorying isnotgcod, know ye not that a little leaven leaveneth the whole lump? Verf. 7. J Purge out therefore the old leaven, that ye may be a new limp, as ye are unleavened, for even Chrifi our pafleover is facrificed for us. Verf.i^O B"'^ them that are without, Godjudgeth. Therefore put away from among} cur felvcs that wicked perfon. 2 Thdr.5.f,i4,i5. Verf.6.3 New we command you. Brethren , in the name of our Lord Jefus Chrifl, that ye with- draw your felves from every Brother that walkcth diforderly, and not after the traditicn'which he received of us. Yerf.14.] And if any man obey net cur word by this Epiftle, note that man, and have no company with him, that he may beafhamcd. Ver.15.3 Ycc count him not as an enemy, but admoniQihim asaBrother. Matth.7.6.3 Give net that which is holy unto the Doggs, neither call your pearles before fwine, lert they trample tliem under their Feet, and turn again and rent you. e H A P. X X X. H.C<«^]/// CHAP. XXX. ()/ church Cefjfnrer, THe Lord Jefus, as King and Head of his Church, hath therein appointed a Government, in the hand of Church Officers, diftinft from the CiviJ W^^a- 9'^,7'V,^.3 M,^;a..«<-« ^ i'or unto us a child dglltratetf. is bom , unto «s a fon is given, and the government fhaU be upon his fhoulders, and his narce fiiall be called wonderful!, counftllour, the mighty God, the cverlafting father, the prince of peace. V. 7.3 Of the increafc of his go- vernment and peace there fhall be no endj upon the throne of David, and upon his Kingdom to order ir, and toeftablifh it with judgement, and wi:h JLiftice, from henceforth even for ever : the zeal of the Lord of hofts will perform this, 1 Tim. $• 17.3 Let the elders that rule well,be coun- ted werthy of double honour, efpccially they who labour in the wordand doftrinc. i ThefT. 5. 1 2.] And we befeech you, brethren, to know them which labour among you, and are over you in the Lord, and adffonifh you. Ad. 20. 17, 18. V. 17.J And from Miletus he fent to Epliefuf, and called the elders of the Church. V. 1 8. J And when they were come to him, he fjid unto them. Ye know, from the firft day that I came into Afia , after what manner 1 have been with you at all fcafons. Hcb. 15. 7,17,24.7. 7.] Remember them which have the rule over you, who have fpoken unto you the word of God, whofe faith follow, confidering the end of the r convcrfation. V. 17.] Obey them that have the rule over you, and fubmir your fe Ives, for they watch for your foL'ls, as they that muft give account, that they may doit with joy, andnot with grief, forthatis unprofitable for you. V. 24.] Salute all them that have the rule over you, and all the iaintsj they of Italy falute you. 1 Cor. 12. 28.3 And God hath fct fome in the Church, firft Apoftles, fe- ccndarily Prophets, thirdly Teachers, after that miracles, then gifts of healings, helps, govern- ments, diverfiries of tongues. Mat. 28. 18, 19, 20. V. 18. J And Jefus cawe and fpake unto them, fd_ying, All power is given unto me in heaven and in earth. V. 1 9.] Go ye therefore and teach all nations, baptizing tliem in the name of the Father, andoftheSon,andofthe Holy Ghoft. V. 20.3 Teaching them to obferve all things whatfoeverl have commanded you : and lo J am with yoa alway, even unto the cndof the world, Amen; II. To thefe Officers the Keys of the Kingdom ot Heaven are committed 5 by vertue whereot they have power refpedtively to retain^ and remit fins, to fhut that Kindom againft the impenitent, both by tfcc Word, andCenfures^ and to open it unto penitent finners by the Miniftery of the Gofpelj and by Abfo^ lution COMat 16. 19.] lutionfromCenfuics, as occafion (hall required. And / will give unco thee the keys of the Kingdom of" Heaven, and whatfocvcr thou fhalc bind on earth, fhall be bound in heaven: and whatfoever thou fhalc loofe en earth, fliall be locfed in heaven. Mat. f8. 17, 18. V. 17.] And if he fhall negkft to hear them, tell it unto the Church -, but if he ne.2;cft to hear the Church, let him be unto thee as an heathen nnan and a publican. V. 1 8.] Verily i f. .c,^ , ^ as are commonly called Synods or Councils a, v. 2. ] when there- fore Paul, and Bar- nabas had no ftnall diflenfion and difpuration with them, they determined that Paul, and Barna- has, and certain other of ihem, fhouldgoup to Jerufa lent unco the Apoftles, and Elders, about this <)ucnion. V. 4.} And when they werecome to Jerufaiem, they were received of the Church, and of the Apoftles, and Elders; and they declared all things that Goa had done with them. V . e.J And the Apoftles and Elders came together, for to confidcr of this matter. 1 1. As Magiftrates may lawfully call a Synod of Mi- {b) ifa 49-29- J And nifters and other fit perfons to confult and advife Kings ^'^^^^^^ ^^JjJ wish, about matters of Religion b .-.So, if Magi^ treir"^Queen"' *thy (trates be open Enemies to the Church, theMinifters nurfmg Mocherti of Chrift, of themfelves, by vcrtueot their Office 5 f^^t' wuh thdr or they, with other fit perfons, upon delegation face toward the froth their Churches, may meet together in fuch ""b, and Uck up \n UT- the duft of thy feet, /LllcmOlieS C» ^^^ ^j^ou Hult know ^ that I am the Lord : for they fliall not be afhamed chat wait for me, i Tim.a.i.s.Verf.i.] I enhort therefore that firft of all,Supplicaxions, Prayers, jntercefrions, and giving of thanks, be made for all men. V. 2. J tor Kings find for all that are in authority, that we may lead a t] let, peaceable life, in all gGdlmels and honeny. 2 Chren.i 9.8,9,10,11.] See in the Bible. 2 Chron.ap.Sc 30. Chapters chroiignootj See m file Bible. Matthew. 2. 4,5. Vcrr.4.] And when he had gathered all the chief Pricfts and Scribes of tire people together, he demanded ofthtm where Chrift fhould be bom. VcrfS-] And they faJd unto him, in Bethlehem of Judea,for thus it is written by the Pfopher, Prov. 11-14] Wherq noc6QftfdiS the people fall, but in the multitude of counfcilors there is fifcty^CcJ Afts '5'2,4» 2a,29,»5- V.a.4.] Scein LtttefA. V. 22.] Then pleafed it the ApcOles aJfd Elders witht.'c whole Church, to fend chtfen Menof their own company to Antioch , with Faufaud Barnabas namely, ]udils,furnafr.ed Barfabas, and Silas, chief men aiHong the brethren. V.25.J Asid wrorc j Letters by them, after this manner i TheApoflle;, and Elders, and Ererhrcn, fend greetiT!gun:o 1 the Brethren which are of the Gennks in Antioch, andSyria, and Cilicii. V.25 J Itlcemcdgood i unto us, being affcmbkdwithctic accord, to fend chofen Men vnto you, with our B\;loved Ear- nabavand Paul. III. Itbelongeth toSynodsand Councils minifte-i riallyto determine controverfies of Faith, and cafes of. Confcieflce 5 to fet down Rules and Directions for Q^ the {ej I Their. 4. 17 3 1 1. At the laft Day fuch as are found alive fhall not Then we which arc die, but be changed e : and all the dead fhall be raifed fii7n be caug^uTp up5with the fcif fame bodieSjand none other, although together with them with diffei'ent qualitieSj which (hall be united again to Z^X t"^^'\ Z their Souls for ever/. meet the Lord m tlic J air, and fo fhall we everbe with the Lord. 1 Cor.i^.jij^a. VerC^j.] BehoW I fhew yon a rayftery , v^'g fhait noc all flecp , but we fhall be all changed. Verf. 52O -^n a Moment , in the twinkling of an eye, at the lalt trump, (^for the Trumpet fhall found, and the dead fhall be raifed incorruptible, and we fhall be chaagcd.3 ( f ) job i9.25,a7.,Verr.26.] And though after my fkin,worms deflroy this body, yet in my flefh/ fhall fee God. Verf.27.] Whom /fhall fee for fnyfpif, an«[ mine eyes fhall behold, aqd not another, though my reins be cDnrumed within n\e. 1 Gor. i5.42,49,44.Vcrr42.] So^lfo, fs the Relurred^ion of the dead, itisfownincorruption,5tisraifedinincorruption.V.43.J/tisfown in difhonouf , it i^ raifed in glory, it is fown in weaknclTe , it is raifed in power. V«rf.44,^ Jt is fowo A natural body, it is raiied a fpiritual body, there is a natural body , and there is a fpiritual III. The Bodies of the unjuft (hall by the power of Chriftabe raifed to dilhonour; the Bodies of the Juft ri) Afls 14. 15] by his spirit unto honour V and be made cooforoiable And have hope to. tQ bis own dorious body ^. wards God, whrch :-'•/. Hj-. «^ •' *^ . they themfelvcs ajfo 'i : ' ; allow, that there' fhall be a Refurreftion of the dead, both of the )uft and unjuft. John 5.28,29* Verf. 28. 3 Marvailnotat this, for the hour is coming, in the which all that are in the graves flull hear his voice ■■, Verf 29.] And fhall come forth, they that have done good, onto the Refurreftion of Life, and they that have done evil, nnto the Refurreftion of Damnation, i Cor, 5.42.3 Sec in letter F. rhil.3.2».] who fliall change our vile body, that it may be falTiioned like unto his glo- rious ^^d^i according tQ the working whereby he is able even to fubdue all thmgs uj^to him- it\f: nrrr Chap. XX XIII. Ofthelafi Judgement. GO D hath appointed a day wherein he will judge the World in righteoufnefie by Jefus Chrift 4, to a^pltaled t'day t whom all PowM 3pd JWgement is given of the Fa. the virhich he will •>^' JLidge the World in righteoufs, by that man whom he hath ordained, whereof he hath givca affurance unto all Men, in that he hath raifed him from the dead. ther •A 1:: - O ther b. Ifl which Dayj not onely the Apoftate An- r^jjoimj. 22,27. gels fliall be judged fT, but likewife all pcrfons that ij'"/'-^^^ *^°f ^''« have lived upon Earth (hall appear before theTribu^ Malr"buSh co™"^ nalof Chrift, to give an account of their Thoughts, "''tted 4II judge. Words 5 and Deeds, and to receive according to y^^^Undt*^?"" what they have done in the Body ^ whtther good or ven him authcJity ro evil^« execute Jiidgcmear alfobccaofehcisthc ' - Son of Man, (^cj I Cox.6.%.'\ Know yc not that we fhall judge the An§d^|iow. mud^ mort thifigs that pertain ro this life? JudeVcrfe 6.] SeclctterD. Chapter foregoing. 2 Pet 2.4.] For if God fparcd not the Angels that funed, but call them down to Hell, and delivered them into chains of darkneflc, to be refcrved unto judgement, {d) 2 Cor.5 , i o.] For we muft all appear before the Judgement featofChrift, that every one may receive the things done in his body, according ro that he harh done, whetherit begoodorbad.,Ecclcf.i2.i4.3 For God fViall bring every work into judgement, with every fecret thing, whether it fee good or whether it be evil. Rom.2.i<$.3 Jntheday wh^o Oodfhaljjudgethefccretsof Mcnby 3efu»ehrif>, according to my Gofpel. Rom. 4.10,12. V.iol By t why doft thou jndge thy Brother? or why doft thou fet at nought thy Brother ? wefliallall ftand before the judgement fear of Chrift. Verf.12.] So then every one of us fhall give account of himfelf to God. MatthJ2.5^,37. ' Yerf. 3^.] But I fay unto you, cha- every idle wordthatMc« fliall fpeak, they fhall g:ve account thereof in the d \y of judgement. Verf.57.] For by thy words thou flialt be juiftined, and by thy words thou (halt be condemned. I I.The End of Gods appointing this Day , is for the manifeftation of the glory of his Mercy, in the eternal falvationoftheEle^ftjandofhisJuftice, in the dam- i nation of the Reprobate, who are wicked and difobe- dicnt. For then (hall the righteous go into cvcrlafting Life, and receive that fulneiTe of Joy and Refrefhing which (hall come from the prefence of the Lord ; but the Wicked 3 who know not God, and obey not the Gofpelof JefusChrift. (hail be caftinto eternal tor- ^ j m . ■j i- TL J • u 1/1- J n. n.- C^-^ Matth. 15.51. ments, and be punithed with everlalhng delrruction to the cnd]see i. from the pretence of the Lord , and from the glory of f'^'^ ^'y^- Rora.2.5, Vii. Powers '"■--" ^ ^ 6.Verr5.]Butaft«r impenitent heart, treafurefl up unto thy felf wrath againft the day of wrath, and revelation of the righteous Judge- ment of God. Verf. 6. J Who fhall render to every Man according to hisdeeds. Rcm.9.22,25. Verf. 22.3 What if God, Willing to fhew his wrath, and to make hif power kn^wn, endured wit.h muchioBg fufFs:fin^the,y?ilels of wrath, fuced to dcftruiftioii. Verr.25. ] And that he nij^ht majcf known the riches of his glory, on the veflels of mercy which he had afore prepared unto glcry. Matth. J5. 21.] And his Lord iaid unto hin^. Well done thou good and faithful fcrvanr, thouhaft been faithful over afcw things, 1 will make the ruler over oiany fhings, .enter thou into the joy of thy Lord. Aftsg.19.3 Repent ye therefore and be converted, that ycurfms may be blotted out when the times of rcfrefhirg fhall come from the prefence of the Lord. 2 Thtff. 1.7, 8, ^,10.3 Sec in the Bible. ; a.5 ^Ji'As (/)2l»er.3.ii»T4. ''^* ^' Ghrift would have us tobe certainly per- Verfn.] Seeing fwaded that there (hall be a Day of Judgement, both thb s^ftiaii^bVaif ^° ^^^^^ ^^^ ^^'^ ^^^^ ^^"' ^^^ ^^^ ^^^ greater confola- foSwhat manner tion of the godly in their adveifity/.* fo will behave of perfons ought ye that Day unknown to Men, that they may (hake off convcrfariof ^a^'nd all carnall fecurity, and be alwayes watchful, becaufe godlinefs. Verf.14.3 they know not at what hour the Lord will come 5 and wherefore (Bcio- may be ever prepared to fay. Come, Lord Jefus.come ved; feeing that Y«e •iia_^ '" look for fuch things, quickly. Amcn g. be diligent' that yee maybefoundof him in peace, without fpot andblemifli. 2 Cor. $,io,ti. Vcrf.io.^ Seeletter D. Verf.ili.J Knowing therefore theterrour of the Lord, weperfwadc Men i but we are made mani- feftuntoGod, andl trufta!fo,aremademanifeftinyourconfciences. sTheflT. i.$,'5,7. Verf.5.] Which isamanifeft token of the righteous Judgement of God, that ye may be counted worthy of the Kingdom of God, for which ye alfo fufFer. Verf.6.3 Seeing it is a righceous thing with God, to recompence tribulation to them that trouble you. Verf 7 .] And to you who are troubled, reft with us, when the Lord fhall be revealed from Heaven with his mighty Angels. Luke 21 .27,28. Verf. 27.3 And then ftiall they fee the Son of Man coming in a cloud, with power and great glory. Vcrf.28.] And when thcfe things begin to come to pafs , then look up and lift up your heads, for your redemption draweth nigh. Rom.8. 23,24, 25 Verf 23.3 And not only they , but our felves alfowhich have the firft-fruits of the Spirit, even we our felves groan within our felves, waiting for the Adoption, to wit, the redemption of our body. Verf. 14. J For we are favcd by hope, but hopethitisfcen, is not hope : for what a Man feeth,. why doth he yet hopefor? Verf.25'lBuc if we hope for that we fee not, then do we with patience wait for it. Q>^Matth. 24.3 6,42,43,44. J Sec in the Bible. Marke 13.35,35,37. Verf.35.3 Watchye therefore, for you know not when the Mafterof the houfe cometh, at Even, or at Midnight, or at the Cock.crowing, or in the Morning. Verf.35.3 Left coming fuddeiily,hefinde you fleeping.Vcrf.37.] And what I fay unto you,I fay unto all} Watch. Luke it. 35, 36. Verf 35.3 Let your loins be girded about, and your iigltts^rning, Verf.36.3 And ye your felves, IkeuntoMen that wait for their Lord, when he will return from the Wedding, that when he cometh and knockcth , they may open unto him immediately. Rev. 22 . ao.3 He which teftifieth thcfe things> faith, Surely I come quickly. Amen. Even fo come Lord Icfus. CW/e/ Her/e, Prolocutor. Corndiut Burger^ AflefTor. :< Herbert Palmer^ AfTelTor. Henry Robroitghe^ Scriba. AdomramByfieldy^cnbdL, imprimtHf., JAMES GRANFORD. FINIS. '^ ORDINANCE LORDS '°'^ COMMONS AiTembled in Parliament. FOR The Calling of an ^ASSEM^BLY O F Learned and Godly DIVINES, to be con- fultcdwithbythc PARLIAMEMT Forthefetling Of the Government and Liturgy of the CHURCH o£ EHGLAHD. And for Vindicating and Clearing the Do^ 6trine of the faid Church from falfe Afperfions and Interpretations, as (hall be naoft agree- able to the Word of God* With the Names of all the Mtnljlers appointed for the/ante. Die Lun(&^ 12. Jun, 1643. ORdered by the Lords and Commons afTcmblcd in Par- liament , That this Ordinance be forthwith Printed and ' Publiflicd. ^oh, Brfifvn cler; ?arlUment$rum» London^ Printed for ^,R9thwil at the Fountain in Chcapfidc, idj 8. .^«r5Q^H ."LA4»|[ An O R D I N A N c E of the Lords and Commons in Parliament, for the Galling ©f an AfiTcmbly of Learned :>?/imo?e perfect Kcfoanfition, t^en as ^et l)at^ been attained : ^rtD fert)crcas ii \)^t\) been DeclaroD anD rerolt)eDb\?tl)B ilfcD«a«tjCommon0ar? fcmbleo in iaacliament, jSLljatttje p^efent Ct)ui^c|,?cl^ctiernmentb^ ^rcij# biflEiops, tbeir Cb^ncelloas, CwnmtffaricJ, ^cJins, S^eansnnDCb.^pterg, ja re bOeac ons,anD ottier c^cclefiaflical ^fficcr&bejetiwi'ng upon tlic i^terar* cljVvW ebilanO juftlr offenfitjeanDbuctbenfometottieliitngDom, a great impeniment to refo^matton anDgrolut^of Meltgiony anDt)cn?p>ejuuicial to t^e ^ate anu (5otiernment of t^ijs ^ingoom, anu tl)atti)erefo?et^epare refoltcD tljat tt)e fame Itiall be (afe'en auiav? ano t|jat fuel) a CEioberitnicnt ll^all be fetleD in tbe C^urcb,.a0 mat? be moft agreeable to (!15ow 1;oIt? ?tCro:o, anD moft apt to procure anD p;itfert)e t^.e ^eace of tl)e C^urclj at Ijornc, anD neerer agreement iratlj ttie Cburclj of Scotland , anD otljer refo;meD C^urclies abjoaD,anD fojtljeibetter effecting hereof, anD fc^tbetJinDi citing, anD clearing of tfje SDcctrine of tfje Xlnircf) of England, from all falfe tA\\.mxf nies anD afpcrftene, Bit is tboujbt fit anD necclTdr^? to callan^ffembli' of learneD, goDl^, anD iiiDtctcus SDitJtnes, toljotogetljertuitfjfome members of botbtljel^oHfcs of parliament are to confult anD aDbife of fuel? matters ariD things , toutl)tHg tbe pjemi^s, ^^ H^U be pjopofcD unto iXynn bv bctlj o; $itl)er of t^e^oufes of parliament, anD to gilie ttjcir aDticeanDconnfcl therein, to botlj o? either of ttje faiD ^oufes , Iwben anD as often as tlje^ fljall be tl)«reanto requireD. B« it tl)crefo?e ojDainettb^ tlje Uo?Ds anix Commons * 2. in. fn ttjie pcfent ^I'iarliAment affembleu, SCljat all anu etier^ tlje perfons ^zw nfttc in t^is pjtfent i2D;Dtnance n imcD, t^at is to far* ^hernori Earl oiKorthum" herlana William^ Earl of Bedford. am el Caw drey George wdker Batchclour in Divinity Edmund Cal amy Batclicloiir in Divinity fofephCaryllo^ Lincolns Innc Laz,trmSeamm of London Dr. John Harris Warden of Winchcftcr Colledg George Morky of Mildenhall Edjvard Reynolds ofBramfton Thomas Hill of T itch march Batchclf urin Divinity Dr. Robert Saitnderfon of Boothby pjnnell fohn Foxcroft o( Goihim John Jack f on oi Marske svilliam Carter of London Thomas Thoroxvgood of Maf^ fingham John y^rrctvfmith of Lynne Robert Harris of Hanvvcll, Bat- chclour in Divinity Robert Croffe of Lincoln Col- iedgCjBachdour in Divinity 5f4«»fj Arch-Bilhop of . Ar- magh Dr. Matthias Styles of Sainc George Efchcape London Samuel Gibfon of Burlcy Jeremiah 'fvhi taker ot Strcc- ton I Dr. Edntund Staunton of King- I fton ! Dr. Daniel Feat ley of Lam- I bcth 1 Fran- Francis Coke of Yoxliall John Lighfoote of A flilcy Ec^rvardCot btt of McrtonCoJ- ledge Oxon San.ud Hildcfjham of Felton John Langley of Weftudcrky Chrjfiofher 7ijdJe of Uphuf- borrc Thcwas foung of Stowmaiket ^ohn Philips of Wrcntham Hftmphrey Char/'hers of Claver- ton, B..chelour in Divinity John Conant of Lymington \ Batchtloui ii D vinity ^ Benrj Ha/lof Noivvich, Bat- chclourinDivin.ty Henry Mutton HfnrfScudder of CoHngborM Thcwa^Baylie of M^nningtord Bruce Benji^rnin Pickerirg of Eaft- hoaicly Henry Njeoi Chaph;'m jirther SalUtvay of Seavcrne- ftoakc SidrachSymffen of London Anthony Burgejfe of Suiton^ Coldficld Richard Vines of Calcot5 mlliam GreenhHlo(Su\)r\ty Willi Am Moreton of Newcaftlc Richard Buckley Dr. Thomas 7 ewple of Batter- Simion Afheoi Saint Bndcs Mr. Nicholjon Them as Gattaker of Rotficr* hithc , Batchelour in Divi- nity fames iveldy ofSylatten Dt.Chnftifhn Pajhlty of H3.- vvardcn Henry Tozer Batchclour in Di- vmicy frilliam Spurfierv of Hampden in Com. JBucks Francis chnnelloi Oxon Edward Ellis of Gilsfield, Bat- chclour in Divinity Dr fohn Hacket of S.t. An- drews Holborne Samutlde la Place ^ohn de la March MatthetvNervcomen ofDedham f^'iUtam lyford of Sherborne. inCom Dorfct Mx. Carter of Dynton in Com. Bucks mlliam Lance of Harrow in Middlefcx Thomas Hodges oi Kenfington in Com. Middlefcx Andreas Peme of Wilby in Com. Northampton Dr. ihomoi We fl field of Saint Bartholomew le great Lonr don,Bi(bopofBriftoll Dr. Henr'j Hammon of Pcn- (hurftinKent Nicholas Proffet of Marlbo- rough in Com. Wilts Peter Stcrry of London John ^ohn Erie of BIfhopfton in Mr*. PW^^ of Pauls Church in Com. Wilts Mr. cMon of Waltham fferiry Pahier of Exeter, BaC- chelour in Divinity Mr. MnkUthrvaite of Cherry- burton 'DtJohn^hinco^ of St.Martins in the fields Covcnt Garden Henry JVtlkirtfon junior, '^^ichc- lour in Divinity X^'C, Richard Oldjrvorth Maftcr of Emanuel Collcdi^e m Cambridge M,fFi/iiamDHr)if3g ofColoa- fton. SIno forlj otljer perfon anu pcrfons m (l&aU be nctttm«tcD i appointed bv bot^ Routes of parliament, o? fo manp of tljem ag C^ill not be letteu b^ fuUncf^ oa ot^tt neccffar^ impcDimentjf^all meet ano affemble, anuare Ijcrebi? re* quireo ami enjoined upon fummons Cgneo b^rtfje Clcrt?0 of botl) ^oufes of parliament, left att^eicfelJeraltefpertiteoiDeUings, tomeet^inDaffem;! ble ttjemfcltjesj at Weftminfter in t^e C^appel culleD lltag Henry t^c febentljs C^appcl on t^e ftrlt oai^of July in t\^t ^ear of cur %tin cnc tljoufanD fir Ijm:^ ureD fo?ti» tljrec : j^nu after flie flrft meetincj, being at Icalt of tl)c nuuibcr of fojtp, O^all from time to time 0t ann be rcmolieti from pLvr c to ].lpxt<, nno alfo tljatt^e faio ^ffemblt? (i)^\i be uiffolteD in fur tj manner as b\? botij Bou- r^ of parliament d^all be DtretteD : 0nD tVe faio per fons, cKomau\?of tijem as (^Ul be fo jaffembleD^or fit,fl^aU Ijatie pctrer anu iautticjitr, nno arc Ijerebp Uftctoife cnjo^^neu , from time to time During t\)i{i pjefcnt parlia* mtnt, 0? until furt|jer ^?Der be fallen b\? botb tbe TaiD ^)curc5, to ccnfer anu ftreat awoirstlnrmfeltjejf of fucfi matters mit) tl)in(yg, toucljins aaij concern^ ingtije ^iturcnj, nifcipline anB (!5ot3ernment of the CfjUrc I) of Hngl ud , c;? t^ tjintiiCAtinff anD clearing of tbc toctrine of tljefame front all falfc afpcr^ tions anD mifconftrurtions , as fl^all be propofeD unto tljcm bt? bctt) o^ cttljer of tl)efaio ^oufes of parliament, anD no otiier, anD Delibtr tlieir £;muions anD J^Dtsifes of, o: toucbing tbe matters afo,:efaiD,a3 ll^all bt mtft ag^ erablc tot^eMlo?Dof©oD, tobotl)o5eit!)cr oftbe^oufes, frcmtimcto tin e, in fucb manner anD fo?t, as b\?botl) o^^eittjer oft^efaiD^^cufes of parliament ll^all be rcquireD, ano tlje fame not to Dit3ulge hv p;stnttnc5, Iwritmg, o? otbcr^ toife, toitbouttbe cenfent of botlj o; either ^cnfe oj pArii.imHent. 0nD it be further j^jDv^incD hy> t\)t ^utljojitv^afo^cfniD, that Willi^n T « ifs pottonn E^i^initp ttjallCt intljeCbair asp;iolocutcrofttji^ faiD ^ITcmblv, ano if |e |iappentoDT?e, or beletteDbp fictmcfs ojotbernecelurv inu'cDimcut , tben fucljctbe- pcrfcnto beappointeDin t)ts placeasf^allbeacrccDcnbp botb tbe faiD ^oufes of parliament : ^nD in cafe anv Difference in iBpnu on (i) ill b^PP^ n amonfift tlje fuiD perfons fo affe r.bveD,touf bing mv tbe mat* tfrs tb *t (1^ :ll be p;opofeU to tbe'm as afojcfaiD, t})A tbm tfirp Hi ill repjcfcnt tl)e fanu tosctl)er toitl)tl)e rcafons ttjereof tobotlj ojeitbet fbcfiUD l)cnfts rcffcditjc^ refpertttjd^ , td tlje enu fuel) further Dircetwit mai? be gtben fljereiit h$ (^al! be rcquifitc to ttiat belialf. ^nB be it be furttjer ^juaineo bi? t\)t autbarit^ afojcfuiu,, SSb^t fo?tt)cXbuge5 anoci^rpencesof tbefaiD 21>ibinc0, anu ctjcrv of tljem in attenning tlje faiD ferbtce , tljcre fl^ill be allctneD et»er^ of mm tbat fl>.iU fo attcnu , During tbe time of ttjeir faiu attenuance , mm fo? ten uw^es befo;ie anu ten Da\?ei8 after tbe fumme of four ^l)illin5s fo? rijcvvr nar, at tt)2 clji^rgcss of tbe Common^toealtl) , at fuel) time ann in fuc^ manner as hy> botlj i^oufes of parli.^ment (i^xW be appointeo. 2im be it further ^nuaineD , SLbatallanu ctjer^t^e fain H)itiine!S> fo as aforefaio vennt«*cD ano enjo^ineO to meet anD affemble , il^aU be freeoanb acquitteo of ani fiomctjer^ cffence, forfeiture, penalty, lofTe oj Damage tobic^ fl&all o> mav arife or groto b^ reafon of anr non^refibence or abfence of tljem o? anr> of tVm from W c? tbcir,o? an^ of tbeir Cburcb, Cbuccbes o^Cures, fOM? in refpcct of tbcir f aiD attenDance upon tbe faib ^ertite, an^ 3lato dj ^tatutt of mcnicfiDence,c? otber ILato of ^t itutsenio^ning t^cir attendance upon tbetr refpectitje Spiniftries oj Cb^rges to ttje contrary thereof noftoitbftanD' inn 0nb if an\? cf tbe perfons befcje namett C^-^l bappen fo ore before tljc ftiViairembl^ i^allbe biaolbeobT? m'^tt of botlj ^onfeis ofparliamentj then fuch ctber perfcn or perfons ft) Jl be nominate} anb placeD in f^e room anD ItcaDcf facbperfon anb perfons fo Dicing, as bp botbt^e faio l^oufe* ihxW be tbcuQbi fit ano ag'-eeb upon t 0nb etjeri? fucb perfon oj perfons fo to be namcD (^all l)abe tlie lifee potoer anb Butbojit^, ifreebome, ano acquis tal to all intents anb purpofes anb alfo all fucb i»agesanballotoancgsfoj tbe faib fert3ice, During t^e time of bi« 02 tbeir attenbance, as to anp of Ijec cf tbc faib perfons int^iis ^^binanceis b^tl)is^;jDinartce limiteb antt ap^ cointcD B?ot3ibeb altoai?es t^at tbis iSDjDinaHce 0? ani? tiling therein ton*? taineD, fl^U not gitie unto t^e perfons afojefaib, ojani^oftl^em, ito^ll^U tbev in this aCfemblr affume to ewrcife am? SlurifDirtionj^otoer^o? ^utliort^ f^ ^ccleliaftical to^jatf oet)er, oa t^m otljec |0otoec , tljen is lierein patticn^ l^rlt er^prcffeb* ^^#ill#^#^li-||#||^#^|||^#if#^ ^ ^ The Humble ig^ SA D V I C Eg O F T H E §► Z ASSEMBLY t ^ OF '•^ s DIVINES, I ^ Mr a(§| Now by Authority of Parliament fitting at8^ ]^ Concerning . IB^ ^ A Larger Cat ec his me, !•► ^ gf Prefcnted by them lately to botK Houfes of i8> ^ PARLIAMENT, | ^With the^roofs thereof at Urge out of the Scriptures, ^g^t 2^——^ .. , , .,. . .. _^- i^r ^J^ Printed by A.Maxty for the Company of SrATiOir*iis>and ^g f./?9»)[>ft'f/, at the Fountain inCheapfide. ^^^ 'i=.. J in lllf f f f f f f if f f f f f if The LARGER CATECHISM Agreed upon by the ASSEMBLY of T> J 71:^(88 At Westminster. Q^eft W Hat is the chief And high efi end of man? Anfiv, Mans Chief and Highell End , is , to glorific God to enjoy him for ever\ and ful- 1 Item, it.i6. For of him, and through .^•i- r u ' " ' hinii andtohjm arc ly to enjoy him for ever\ ,li Jbi^^^^ ^owhom be jlory for ever, A- men. iCo**. lo. ji. Whether thrrefore ye eat or drink, or wbatfocver ye do, do all to the glory of God. ^ 'FfaLj^.x^.tothcend. Thou ftiait juidc mc with thy ceunfelj, and afterwards receive me to glory j Whom have I in heaven but tbec ? and there is none on earth that I deGre belides thee. My flclh and my heart fail , but God is the ftrenjth of my heart, and my portion for ever. For lo, they that arc far from thee (hall perifli, thou (hale deftroy all them that jo awhorinj from thee j butic is good forme to draw nigh to God J 1 have put my trull in the Lord God, that I may declare all thy works. ^ohni7.ii,zi,i^. That they all njay be one as thou Father art inme, andl in thee, that they alCo may be one in us, that the world may believe that thou baft fent me j and the {lory which thougavtft me have I jiventhem, that they msybeone, even as we ate ono, 1 in them, andthouin me, that they may be made petfeft in one, and that the world may know chat thou baft fem m:,and haft loved them as thou haft loved me. Queft. How doth it appear, that there is a God ^ Anfxo, The very hghc ot Nature in man,and the works of God, declare th.c there is a God^, but his Word 'J:!',:?;:,^™; be known ot God, i» maniftftinthem, for God hath fhcwed it unio them; For the Invifiblc thlngsof him from the creation of the world , are clearly fcen, being undcrftood by the things that are made, even his eternal power and Godhead, fo that they arc wichou:excufe. F^d. 19. 1, z, j. The heavens declare the glory oi God , and the Firmament (hewcih his handy-work. Day unto isy ut- Itereth fpcech , and night unto night (heweth Knowledge. There is no fpiech nor language • where their voice is not heard. %A^s 17. z8. For in him wc live, anJ move, and have our being. B and CO ^ I Cfr.t. 9, 10. Bu: and Spirit only^do fuffidcntlyjand effedually I'cveal him as i: is mhteu , Eye y^^Q ^cn for their falvation ^. ' bath no: ictnj nor c«c beardj neichtr hsth it cmted inw the heart of man , the thinjt that G>.i hath pre|»arrd for them that love him : But G jd ha:h revealed :i:m unto us by bis Spit it, tor the Spirit fearchith aU che deep things oi'Gjd. I rim. J. 15316,17. Aad that from a child thou haft known th: holy Scriptures^ which are able to make thcc wife unto lalvationj through fiich which is in Chrift Jslus. All Scrip:ureis5ivcn by infplcation, and is profitable far dodrincj for reproof, foe correftioo, for iaftruSiaafn njhceouf- refsj that the man of God may be ptrfcd, throujbly furnhli?d unto all.goni woks. Ifii,$^j.i. As forme, this is my Covenant with thee , faith the Lordj my Spirit which is uponthee, andiriywords which I have put into thy mou:b, (hall notdepartoutoftby mouth? nor o.tt of the mouth of thy feed,nor cutof the mou;h of thy Seeds feed, faith the Lord, from henceforth and hi ever. ' 2 Tint, ■?. 15. All Q. ^'^'^^ ^ ^^^^ ^^^^^ ^i ^^^ ^ 6'crip:ure is'iiven by A, The Holy Scripturcs of the old and ncw Teftaiticnt in.^iration. t F«. ^^^ j-t^^ \i^oid of God <^ , the only rute of Faith and 0- 1.19,10. We hate t j- c alfo a more fure word uCulCDCe « of Prophecy, where- unto yc do well that ye tfke heed, as unto a lijhtthat fiiineth in a dark place untill the day dawn, anel the day-ftar arife in your h;arts. V.io,] Knowing this faft, that no propkecy of the Scripture is of any private interpretati0n4V.il. 3 For the prophecy came no: in old time by the wiilof man,but holy men of God ipskc as they were moved by the Holy Ghoft. ' Epb. i. lo. And are built upon the foundation of the AfK>ftlcs, and Prophets Jefus Chrifthimfclf being the chiif corner ftonc, Rfv. i r. 1 8, 1 9. For I tefiifie unto every man, tb?thearcthth; words of the prophecy of this boolc, if any msn ihall adde unto tbeffthin^gs, God (hall aiie unto him th: plagues that are written in this book. V.19.] And if any man fhjll cake away from the words of the book of this Prophecy , Gji ihaii take away his part out cf the book of life, and out of the holy cicy, and froaa the things which are written in this bock. 1/^8,10. To the Law and to the Tcftimcny, it they fpeak not according to this word, it is becaufe there is no lijht in chem. Lu^c i6.ii^i\i. They have Hofes and the Prophets, let them hc«r them.* if they believe tiotMo/eJ and the Prophets, neither will cheybeptriwadcd thoujh one rofc'from the dead. Gii/.i.8j9. But thou|h we or an Angel from heaven, preach any other Goi'p:! uriro you, then that which we hive preached unto you let hira be accurfed. As we faid before, fo fay I no.v s|ain,if any man preach any oihcrGofpcl unto yoa^theiuhat ye have received, lechimbeaccuci«i. iTim.i, iJ* 16, Before. Q^ Bow doth itappe.tr that ths Scriptures are the rv&rd cf God ? fHifui.iu Ibave j. The Sciiptures manlfcft thsnr.felves to be the word r^rntl'S" X of God by their Majeftys, and PuricyS by the con- liw, but they were counted as a flrangc thing, i C«ri.6j7>i5. Ho.vbeitwefpcakwifdom amcng t'nea that are perfed, . yet not the wildom of this VVoiii , not of the Princes of this Woilithat cometanougHr, bu; wc faeak the wiiJom of God ina myfteri;, eveath: biiden '.rr.Jotri which God ordained before the world or.to our g'orv. Which things alfo we fpeakj no: in th; w::as which mans wifwom teache-th, bu: \¥hich 5be Hjly G'lod teacheth, comparing fpiricuoi -.kin^s ivitL C^iritual. Fpl.i 19.18,1 29. Open thou sine eyes, tfiJt I miy brhold wonirous things oat 0: thy law. Thy Tcftiraonies arc wonderful - ch:refore dotLay louiitc.'p them. •> P/rfZ.ii.6. The worUs of t'ae LcrJ arc pure worcSj as fiive rr tried in a furns:e of earth ; puriSed rc?cn tici^s. Pfil.i 19, 140. Thy word i» very pare, thctefoiC fentu fcnt oF all the parts % and the fcopc of the whole, ;^^,o^j To hin which isto give all glory to God^-, by their light and gu: ail th: Piophets i30\vcr to convince and convert finners, to comfort and ^l'^-^'^^ ihic through buildup believers to falvation ; ^ but the Spirit or bear- bdievcthinhim, (h>il ing vvitnefs by and with the Scriptures in the heart of j.««ivc remiiibn of man, is alone able fully to perfvvade it that they are the Jj'^'g l^etrc'cb"^- very vyord of God *". ncd'hdp of GoJ , i continue unto this day, witncflinjboduo fmall andj^rest, faying ocne other th'ngs thcnthofc \\hichihe Prophets snJ Mops did fay (hou'd come. '' ivoj-n.j. 1 9. Nov» we itrow that what things fcevtr the Law fiiithj it faitfa ro them who are under the Law,tbat cvtry mouth triay befl .pped,and aljthc Woild become guilty before God. ' y^^.i 8.x8.For he mightily convinced th: Jews,and that publickly fhewing by the Scripture that Jcfuj was Cbrirt. Hefc.4.12. For the word of God is quiclt and powerful, and fliarpenhen any two- edged fword, piercing even to the dividing afundcrof foul and fpiiit, and of the joints and marrow, and is a difcsrner of the thoughts and intents of the heart. ^^aw.i.iS. Of hisovfnwill begat he m, withthe wordof trutbj that we fliquld be altindof firft fruits of his creatures. FfaLi^.y^^.^. Tbo Lswof the Lord ispcrfeft converting the foul j the ttftimcny of the Lord is furcj making wife the Cmple : rheftatutescf the Lord are right, rejoicing the heart : the commandment of the Lord is pure, cnlightning the eyes : the fear of the Lotd is clear.enduring for ever : the judgements of the Lord aretrue, and righteous altogether. Rc»»,iy.4. For whatfoever things were written afore time, were written for cur learning, that we, through patience and comfort of the Scriptures might have hope. ^(is 10. 3 a. And new Brethren I commend you to God, and to the word of his grace, which is able to build you up, and to give you an inheritance among all them which are fanSified. ■" ^eb.i6.i^,i^. Howbeit when He the Spirit of Truth is comcj He will guide you into all Truths f or He fhall uoc fpeakof bimfelf , but whatfoever He (hall hear, that fiiall He fpesir, and Hcwill (hew you things t» come. I ^obn 1. 20, 17. But ye have an undion from the Holy One,8nd ye know all things. V, 17.] But the anointing which ye have received of Him, abidethinyou, and ye need not that any man teach you, butasthefameanointingteschcthyouof all things, and is truth, and is no lie, and even as it hath taught you ye (hsll abide in him. ^obn lo.ji.Buttfeefeare writ;eathatycir-igbt believe thatjefusis the Chrift, the Son of Godj and th at believing ye might have life throagh his name. Q^ What do the Scriptures frincifallj teach i A» TheScripturesprincipally teach, what man is to • believe concerning God , and what duty God requires of man". ■ lr/w;I.I^ Hold faft the form of found words , which thou haft heard of mc , Sn Faith and Love which is in Chrift Jelus. Q. What do the Scriptures make kmrvn of God'i A. The Scriptures make known what God ls°, „„,j„ ^ ^^^^.^j^^^ the Pcrfons in the Godhead p, the Decrees % ourfaichi'th imponi- blc to pleafe Gcd> for he that Cometh toGod mnflboUevethat heis, and that be is a rewarder of them that diligently fetk him. P i5Fofr» J.7. For thcrearcchrCfc that bear record in heaven, the Father, the Word , and the Holy Ghoft, and thefe three arc Or.e. i /fflf. iT. 14,1 5,18. Simeon hath declaredjhow God at the firft did vific the GtntiJts, ro take out of them a people for liis natBC V.15O Andiotbia agreethe words of the Prophets as Mswiincn V.18.] Known onto God arc all bis works from the beginnjagof the World. B 2 and C4] tAHs^. 17, i\Voi and the execution of His Decrees '. ef a cruth againlt the holy shi'id J-ct'u;, whom thou haft anointed, bothH^rod and Ponuus Pilate with the Gimiles and the people of Ilrael were gathered tojcchcr. V.18.] For to do whacfoevcr thy lijnd, and thy counccl de- termined before to be done. J ilohn 4. »4. Go J is Q^ What tS God ? 'orlf^'hitSl'^^muft '^' ^^^ ^^ aSpi^c^ in and of himfclf infinite in worQiiphim'^nsTm Beings Gloty % BldTcdnefs *, and Perfedlion % All- and Truth. . ^ Exa. fnfficient y, Eccmil % Unchangeable % Incomprehenfi- umo'M^f« i^altbt ^^^ '' ^^^^"V "^^^'^ prcfent s Almighty ^ Knowing all lam: and be faid , things % Moft Wife ^'^ Moft Holy s, Moft Juft\ Moft thus (h3itthc>u fay ua- jvlcrciful and Gracious, Lon^-fuffering , and abundant CO the Children of If- . , r j^L rael, I .4-^f hathfent m goodncfs and ttUth. mcuntoyou. Job 1 1 .y ^Z ,g . Canft ihou by fearchinj find out God? canft thou fxad out the Al- mighty unro perfedion ? ic is as high as H;a\ren, whit canft chou do? deeper then Hdl, whatcanftr thouknow? the meafurc thereof is longer then the earth, and broader then the fea. " tASl.j.i.Tht God of Glory appeared unto our Father Abraham,whcn he was in Mcfopotamia before he dwelt in Charr ran. * i Tiai. 6.1 5. Which in his times he {hall flitw, who is the blefled and onely Potentate, th^ King of Kings, and Lord of Lords. ^ Muttb.'^.'^S. Bi ye therefore pcrfed even as your Father who is in Heaven is perfedt. y Gen. 17. f When Abram was ninety years old and nine, the Lord appeared to Abram and faid to him, I am the Almighty God : walk before me and bethoup^r- USt. ■>■ Pfd.^o.i. B:fore the Mountains were broajhc forth, or ever thou badft formed the earth and the world, even from everlafting to everlafting thou art God. ^ ^(tJ.3.6. For I am the Lord, Ichanjenotj therefore ye the fons of Jacob are not confumed; liu. 1.17. Every good gift and every perfcd gift is from above, and cometh down from the Father of light, with whom is na variable - nefj, neither ftiidow of turninj. '' i l^ing.S.ij. But will God indeed dwell on the earth ? be-^ bold the heaven and heaven of heavens cannot contain thee j how much lefs this houfe that I have Ibuilt? " Pfd. 119.1. to I J. O Lord, thou haft fearched me and known me ; thou knpweft my- down-fittlnjani mineup-rifing, and thou underftandeft my thoughts afir off, &c. d J(e^/,4.8.• Andth^four beafts had each of them fix wings about him } and chey were full of eyes within} and they reft not day ani nttht, faying, Holy, holy, holy, Lord Gad Almijhty, which was, and is, and is eqconc. « tfe&4tij. Neither is there any creature thit is not manifcft in his fight; but all chinjs are nakid and opened unto the ey^s of him with wh-jm we have to do. Pfil. 147. y. Great is. the Lord and of great power J his underftanding is infinite. * 7{!!mii6.z7'. To Gad onely wife be ilpry through Jefus Ghrift, for ever. Amen. i Jfx.S.:^. And one cried upro another and faid. Holy, holy is the Lord of H^fts} the whole earth is full of his glory. Rev. if. 4. Who fliallnot fear thee O Lord and glorific thy name ? for thou onely art holy .• for all nations (hiiUomSr and vvcrfliip. before thee, for thy judgments are made manifcft. > Deut. j s.4.He is the rock J his woik is perfed : for all hts.wayes are judgment } a God of truth and without iniquhy, juftand ri^hc is he. ' Exid, 34.6. The Lord pa Hid by before him and proclaimed, the Lord, ihck Lord Ggd, merciful and gr&ciousj iong-fufttring and abundant iagoodnefs and truth. Q. Ar e ther e more Gods then One-^,' ^ VeuUi. Hear o ^^ There is but one onelyjhe living and true God ^. Ifrad , the Lord our . ^ l . r l. a- 1 • r -r God is one Lorl iCor.8.4.6. As concerning therefore the catjng of things oft:rcd in lacrihcctp Idols, we know that an Idol is nothing in the world, and that there is noneotherGadbut^cne.— - BJt to us there is but one God, theFath£r,of whom arc all things sad we tn him, and oneLordJefus Ghria, by whom are all things and we by him. /er.io.io. But the Lord is the true God , heistbe iiving God, and an everlafting Kin^ i at h^s wrath tU: earth (hall tremble, and the nations (hall not be ^e. to abide bis ii\digruitioa. . - Q^HotV 115] Q:, How mittj ferfons are there in the Godhead ? A, There be threcperfons in the Godhead, the Father, ^^^ ^•^« ^ 7- For the Son, and the Holy Ghoft^ and thefe three arc one, b/"r"ord\nb«ve" true, eternal God, the fame in fubftance, equal in power thi Fithtr.che Word, and glory; although diftinguifhcd by their perfonal J"j";h"''fh«=°*r; properties'. one. biiuh.iAGM. And Jefus when he wasb8pt'xed,wentupft'at|htwsyout of the wattr, and loe tbc heavens were opened unto him , and he faw the Spirit of God defcendin j like a Dorc and lijhtin j upon bim. And loe a voice from hea- ven, fayinj, T his is my beloved Ion, in whom I am well pleafcd; HiXUx'i. 1 9. Go ye therefore and teach all nations baptising them In thename of th« Faihcr, and of the $t)n, and of the Holy Ghoft. »Cor.i}.T4. Thejriceof our Lord Jefus Chrift, ani the love of God, and the communion of thg Holy Ghcft be with you ail. Amen. ^oib. 10.30. 1 and my Father arc one. Q^ what are the ferfoaal properties of the three Perfons in the Godhead i A. It is proper to the Father to beget the Son '"j and ^w^^- ^J^jf"^- ^°^ to the Son to be begotten of the Father % and to the Anjcirfaid he°at anj Holy Ghoft to proceed from the Father and Son from all time, Thou arc my CCCinity . begotten th.-e ? And »Sain, I will be to Him a Father, and He (hill be to me a Son. And again when hebrinjs in the firft begotten into the world, he faith. And Ice all the Anjels of God wotlhip him But unto the Son be I'sicb, Thy Throne, O God, is for ever and ever} a fcepter of righceoiifnefs is the fcepter of thy Kingdom. ^ ^ohn r.i4)i8. And the word was made fl;{h, and dwelt among ui, and we bi- hcldbis^loty, the glory as of the onely begotten of the Father, full of jrsceand tru.h. No man hath ften God at any time : The onely begotten Son which is in the bofom of the Father, he hath de- clared him. ° lohn \ j. \6, Bit when the Comforter is come whom I will fend unto you from the .F^her, even the Spirit of Truth wh'ch proceedeth from the Fitter, he (hall teftifie of me. * Gdxu 4.6. And bccaafe ye ar« fons,. Gjd hath fcnt forth the Spirit of his Son into your hearts, crying , Ab- ba, Father. • Q. Hew doth It appear that the Son and the Holj Ghoft are God ecjual rvith th e Father i A, The Scriptures manifeft, that the Son ^^^ ? E^iy^.i-r^- f^^^ the Holy Ghoft arc God equall with the Fa- one cdej umo inother ther , afcribing unto them fuch names p, attri- "^ ^ 'thfLorS'If Hoi^s ; the whole earth is full of his glory— Then faid I, Woe is me for I am undone, becaufe 1 am s manot-uncleanlips, for mine eyes have fccntfcc King the Lord of Hofts J *- -Alfo I hevd the voice of the Lord, faiins, Whsm (hall 1 fend ? and who w.ll go Lk us ? then I laid, here am I, fend me.This compared with Job. 11.41. Thefe things {aid Efaias, when he faw His gloiy, and fp:ks of Him. And with -^S.rS.xy. And wbenthev agreed not amon^ themfelvfs they depirted, after that Pat^l hid [pcktn one word, Well fpake the Holy GhoiV by Efaias'tbc Prophet to our Fithers. i Jo/;.f.io. And we know that the Son of God is come, and hath given us an undcrftanding.tba: we may know himtha: is true^J and we arc in him that i^truc, even in his Ton Jefuf Chrift 5 this is 'he tnic Goi and eternal iitf. t/Stf. y. 2j4.ButPeter faid, Ananias, why hath Satan filled thine heart to lie to th<: Holy Ghoft, and to keep back fart of the pice of th« land / whiles it remained, was it not chine own ? ai^d after it wss^ lold, was u no: in thine own powc^ ? why baft thou conceived this tbina in thy hean/chou hift no: lied uniq men, - 4)ot.»nto Cod. . '^ ' 1^5 biltes^'a -"' yiohn i.irin the butes q. works \ nnd worfliip ^, are proper to God b:pt(ihing was tnci' ' *' ** ■wvw word, aad the word On^ly. was wich Gad , and ihewovd wasGod. l(i.q,6. Far unto us a Son isbornj unto us a childisgivcn, »nd the gpyernmem Ihall be upon lis fliou'der, and his name (hall be called Wonderful,Counfellcr, the mjghcy God, the eveibliing Father, the Prince of peacf. Uh, ».i4. 15. But Jdus didnotco-ntnitbitnfcU unto thtm ; bcosufe he knew all men, and needed not that any (hould tcftifie of man ; for he knew what was in man. 1 Cor.i.10,1 1. Bjt God hath revealed th?m to us by his Spirit j for the Spirir fcarcherh all things, yta the deep things of Go J. Fjrwhatmanknoweththeihingsof a manfave tbefpiri: of man that is in him ? even fo the things of God knows no man, but the Spirit of God. "< Colof. f.\6. Fjr by him were all things created, that arc in heaven and that are in eaith, vllible and invifiblc, whether they be Thrones or Dominions , or Principaliiies , or Powers > all things were created by him and for hjn Gen.iyi. And the earth was without form and void, and daiknefs wasupcn thefaceof the cartli, and the Spirit of God moved upon the face of t^ie wateis. ^ Mdtth.iSJ^. Go ye therefore andceach all na ions baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghoft. i Cor. 1 5.14. The grace cf the Lord Jefus Chrift, and ihe love of God, and the Comiaunion of the Holy Ghcfi be wich you all. Amen. Q^ W^at are the Decrees of God i A, God's Decrees arc the wife, free, and holy 3(51$ of *Ep&.4.ii. In whom thccounfcl of his will ', whereby from all eternity, he aifowehavs obtained hath for his ovvn slorv, unchangeably fore-ordained anmhtritance, beine l ^r ° / '. . ^ r • n prtdcftinatcd acccord- whatiocver comes to pais m time", clpccjally concern- ing to the purpofe c.f ing Angels and ncien. him who workech all things after the coanfel of bis own will. Kow.i1.3j. O the depth of the riches both of thewifdom and knowledge of God ! how unfcarchable are hit ja-fgrHcms and bis waycs paft fmdirg out I K^ot.9. ' ""-li ^r ^ ^^*' ^^^' ^^ ^^^ *^^" •' ^* ^^^" unrj^htcoufncfs with God f God forbid. For he faiih toMoiifS, I will have mercy on whom I will have mercy, and I will hau comp^fllon on whom I will have compaflion. Therefore he bath mercy on whom he will have mercy, rnd /.hem fee will he ij""''* " ^P'^'-'4> »i. According as he hath cbcfen us in him before the Toundstioncf the world, that we &ould be holy and without blame before him in love. In whom alfo we have obtained an inhcntance, being predcftinated sccordins to the pu'pofc of him, who worLe.h all things after the counfel of hi5 own will. Rm.o.ii,i^. What if God, willing to ilkw his wrath ard to mak^ his powcr)tnown, endured with much long-fufF.rinj the vtlTels of wrah fitcd to dtftmaior, and that he might mike known the riches of his glory onthc vefftls of aercy, wlich he bad bJore prepared unto glory? Tp/.jj.ii* The Counfel of the Lord ftandeth for ever 5 the thoaghts of hi,i heart unto ail generations. - Q^What hath God cfpeeUllj decreed concerning Angds Avdmen ? A, God by an eternal and immutable decree, out of his meer Iovc,for the praife of his glorious grace to be ma- »i r/w?.it.ichar2e "^^"^^^'^^^ ^"^^^"^^* ^^-^^^ clcded fome Angels ro glo- thee before God , ard ry ^j and In Chrift hath chofcn fomc men to eternal the Lord JcfusChrift, and the eleft An^c!$, rhat thott obfcrve thefs things without preferring one Le''or: another;, §ping floching by firti|licy, life. C7l life, and chc means thereof '^j andalfo according to his '^Eph. 1.4,^6. ac- fovereign power, and tfie unfcarchable counfel of his cording as he bath own will, (whereby he extendcth,or withholdech favour, t^tT. hM.l as he pleafcth) hath pafTed by and'foreordaincd the reft to of tW world, tbac wc diflionor and wrath, to be for their fin inflided, to the ^°?^'^ ^' ^""^r »"^ .-/•, , ri'-n- without blame before praife of the glory ot his jufticc y, him in lovr , having prcdtftinatcdus unto the adoption of chiHrmby JcfusChrift, toHmWf, according to the good pleafure of his will, to chc praife of the|loryof his grace wherein he hath made us acctpted in the beloved. iThcf i. ij, 14. B'Jt we are bound to g'.vc thanks to Gad alway for you. Brethren, beloved of the Lord, b-caufc God hath from the brjinningchofen you to r?kation through fandlfication of the Spirit, and belief of the truth i whereuiuo he oiled you by the Gofp.-l, to the obraining of the glory of the Lord 7crus Chrift; y !Z{cw9.17ji8 nit. For the Scripture faith unto Pharaoh, even for this fame purpofe have I raifcd thccup,th^i I mij;h: U;ew cy power in thee, and that my nsme might be declared throughout all ths earth; Thsirf. ire hath he m;rcy on whom he will have mercy, and whom he will he hardeneth.— - Hath not the Prrer poyvcr over bis clay of the fame lumpcot^iake one velld unto honour and ano- ther unto diihosio: ?' WliJtif Gjd wl'ing to (hew his wrath and to make his power known} endured with much long- futf.-rin^ the veffcls of v»'ich fitted to deftrudion ? Afrf«^. 11.15,25. At that time JeCusar.f'Yered andf3id,Ith3nkThce, O Fat'acr, Lord of Heaven and Eirth, becaufe thou haft hid thifc things from the wife and the prudent, and haft revealed them unto Babes. Even fo, Father, foe fo it fectfted gooj in thy fight, x Tim. x.io. But in a grest houfe there are not onciy vefTtls of gold and of filvcr, bat alfo of wood and of earth, and fome to honor and foaie to difhonor. Zm^ Udtv did God create Angels ^. ^ ccu.\6. For by ^* God Created all the Angels^, Spirits ^Im- hitn were til things mortal "^j excelling in knowledge ^, mighty in powers^, h^mn, fnd th« ate ^oexccute his Confimandmcnts^and topraife his namc\ in ear'h, vifible and yCt fubjcd tO change '. inviGble , whether theybcThrones, or Doailnions, or Piincipalhlesjor Powers, all things were created by him and for him, " P/a/. 104.4. Who maketh his Angels Spirits, bis Minifters a flame of fire. '^ MattK zT.jo. ForinthcRcfurredionthey neither marry, nor are jtvcn in marriage, but areas the Angels of Godinheaven. * A/^w.iy.jr. When the Son of man (hall coma inhisglory, andalltheholy Angels with him, then (hall he fie upon the Throne of his glory. '' 1 Sim.i^.ij, Then thine handmsid faid, the word of my Lord the King (hill now be comfortable: for,-isan AngcIofGoJ, fo is my Lord the King, co difcern good and bad 3 therefore thc^Lord thy God wil] be with th.*e. Mitt. 34. j6. Butcf that day and hour knoweth no man, no not the Angels of heaven, but my' Father onely. « zThef.1.7. And to you who arc troubled, reft with us, when the Lord Jefus (hall be revealed from heaven with bis mighty Angels. "^ P/i/. lO^.iOjji. BleCTe the Lordj, ye his Angels, that excell in ftrcngth, and do his commandments, heirkning to the voice of his word. Blefs the Lord all ye his hofts, ye Minifters of Lis that do his pleafure. ' x Prt. 1.4. For it Cod fpared not the Angels that iinned, but cjft them <{own to Hcl!, and delivered them into chains of darknefs to be referved un- to judgment.— —— Q^ Hcrv did God create Man i A. After God had made all other creatures, Hccrca- crewed mYn il° nfs ^^^ "^^" ^^^^ ^"^ female % formed the body of the man own imag", in the of the duft of the ground ^5 and the woman of the rib Image of God created of the man'", indued them with living, reafonable, and ^mak'^creSed' He immortal fouls ", madc them after his own image o, in them. 1 Gen. 1.7. knowledge p, rlghteoufncfs , and holinefs % having And the Lord God the Law of God written ^11 their hearts', and formed man of the r in • r ■ • l j • • ^i duft of the ground, powcr to fulfil It \ With dominion over the crea- and breathed into his noftrilsthe breath of life. "'Gen.i.xU And the rib which the Lord had taken 6:0m man, made He a woman, and brought her unto the man. " Gtn.i 7. And the Lord God formed man of the duft of the ground, and breathed into his noftrils the breath of life, and man became a living foul. Compare this with hb 55. 11. Who teacheth us more then the beafts of the eaith, and makes us wifec then the fowlcs ot kcaven. And whh Ecd, 1 1. 7. Then fiiali the duft rcrurn to the earth as it was, and the Spirit Ihall return to God who gave it. And with Af4».io.i8. Fear not them who can kill the body, but are not ab'e to kill che feul : but raiher fear him who is able to deftroy both body and fouUn hell. And w.ch I«^< ^3-43. And Jefus faid unto him, To di&y (halt thou be with me in Pjradife. ° ^en.i.ij. Sa Goi created mania His own Image, in the Imsge of God created He him, male and female created he them. p Cel.i. 10. And have put on the new man which is renewed in knowledge, after thelmage of Him that created him/ 1 E^lb.4.14. And that ye put on the new manj which after Gcd is created in righteoufncfs and true holinefs. "^ K'>m. a. 14,1 5. For when the Gentiles, who have not the Law, do by nature the things contained in the Law 5 thefc having not the Law are a Law unto themfclves j which (hew^the work of the Liw written in their hearts, their confcience alfo bearing witnefs, and their thoughts the mianwhileaccufingor clfcexcufing one another. ^ Eccl.y.ig. Loe this oncly have I found} chat God hath made man u{v right, but they have fjugbc out many inventions. tures', jurCS S yet fubjcd to fall ". »(7f«.T.i8. And God blciTed chem and faid onto them, Be fruitful J and multiply and replenlfli the earth J and fubdueit, and have dominion over thcfiihof thefcs, and orer the fowlc of the aire, andoter every living thing that moveth upon the earth. " G«n.i.6. And when the wtman fav» that the tree was good for food, and pleafam to the eyes, and a tree to be dtfu:ed to make one wife, (he took of the fruit thereof, and did cat, and gavcalfo unto her husband with her, and he did eat. Ecd.j.x^: Loe ;his onely have I found, that God made man upright, but they have fsughi out many inventions. Q;^ What are Gods rvorks of Providence ^ * pHiM < 17 The A. God's works of Providence arehismoit holy *, Lord'' iwigbteous in wife ^5 and powerful prcferving y , and governing all all his wayes, and ho- his creatures % ordering them and all their adlions %i^p"/)o4*l'\ro to his own glory ''. Lord how manifold are thy works I in ivifdom haft thou made them all J the earth is full of thy riches. J ft. 18, 19. This alfo cometh from the Lord of hofts, who is wonderful in counfelling and excellent in working. r Hsb. 1. j. Who being the brightnefs of his glory, and the cxprefs image of his petfon, and upholding all things by the word of his power, when he bad by himfeif purged our fins, fate down on the right hand of the Majcfty on high. ^ P/4/.10J.19. The Lord bath prepared his throne in the heavens, and his Kingdom ru- lethoierall. * Af4»M 0.19,3 0,51. Arc not twe fparrows fold for a farthing, and one 01 them (hall not fall td the ground without your Father ? but the «ery hairs of yont head arc all numbred. Fear not therefore ye are of more value then many fparrowes. Gen. 47. 7. And God fent me before you, to preferve you a pofterity in the earth, Jand tofave your lives by a great deliverance, "^ Rom. 11 36. For of him, and through him, and to him are all things j to whom be glory forever, Amen. J/4>j.i4. As 8 beaft goes down into the valley, the Spirit of the Lord cauCcd him to reft i fodidil cbou lead thy people, to make thy felf a glorious name. Q^ fyhat is Cods Providence towards the t^iin- gels < A, God by his Providence permitted fome of the Angels , wilfully and irrecoverably to fall into fin, and damnation % limiting and or- ' sF^'^^r.^. Andthe dcring that, and all their fins to his own glory ^ f^^ftfttorbS and cftablifhcd the reft in holinefTe and happi- ufc their own habita- tion, he bath refcrvcd in cverlafting chwns, under datknefs, unto the judgement of the grca* day. z Ftt.z.^, For if God fpared not th: Angels that finned, but caft them down to hell, and delivered them into chains of davk- neffe to be refervcd unto judgment* Hcb.z.xd. For verily he took not on him the nature of Angels, but he took on him the feid of A braham. Jo6» 8. 44. Ye are of your father the Devil, and the Tufts of your father ye will do J hcwasamurtherer from the beginning, and abode no: inthc truth, becsufe there is no truth in him j vshen he fpeaketh a lie, he fpcaketh of bis owm for he is a lia: and the fiitherof ir. <* ^ob i.ii. And the Lord laid unto Satan, B:hold all that he hath is in thy power, onely uponhimfelf put not forth thy handj fo Satan went fonh from the prefcnce of the Lord. Matt. 8.J1. And the Divils beioughc him, faying, If thou caft us out, fuffir us cogoawjy into the heard of fwinc. C neflfe % Vfb^orc'oL^^and "^^^ *' imploylng them alF, at his pleafurei in the the LordKus chHft adfuiniflration of his power, mercy, and jufticc &• andchceUd Angcls> that thou obferve thcfe things, without preferring one before another, doing nothing by pariialityj Wir^.S.jS. WiiofoeycrthcrC(%e(hjllbea(ha!n;dof me, andof my words in this adulterous and (in- ful generation, of him alio (hall rhe Son of msn U: aftiamcd when he comes in the glory of his Fa- ther, with the holy Anjels. Heb.tz.n. Butycare comeunto Mount Sion, and unco the City of the living God, the heavenly Jerufalem, and to an innumerable compjnyof Angels. ^ Ffatc 1 04. 4. Who maketh his Angels Spirits, his Minifters a filming firr. s i f^in. 19. 3 5^J^.nd ic came to pafs that night that the Angel of the Lord went out and fmote in tbc camp of the Aflydans iSjooo. and when they arofc early in the marning, behold chcy were all dead corpfes. Heb. i. 14, Are they noc n^i mini^ing Spirits, fenc forth co minifter for them who ihall b: heires of falvation I Q^ What rvas the Providence of God tomrd man in the eft ate rvherein he was created ? A, The Providence of God toward man in the cftatc wherein he was created, was, the placing him in Para- dife, appointing him co drefte it, giving him liberty to eat of the fruit of the earth ^, putting the creatures un- I, Qifi^iX. 1? i5. der his dominion ^5 and ordaining marriage for his hclp*^. And the Lord planted affording him communion with himfclf ^, inftituting the BGardenEaftwardin Sabbath", cntring into a covenant of life with him, Eden , and there be ,'. . r° r t r n j i i put the man whom he upon Condition of perlonal, perrect, and perpetual obe- had formed— v.i 5.] dience ", cf which the Tree of Life was a pledge °, and A"L?,',„dpu=ht forbidding to cat of the Tree of knowledge of into the garden of E- dentodreffeit , and keep it. And the Lord God commanded the man, faying, Of every tree cf the garden thou maift freely eat. ' Gen.i.ii. And God blcffed them and faid unto them, Bi Fruitful and multiply and replenifh the earchj and fubdue i;, and have dominion over thefifli of the fea, and oyer the fowl of the air, and over every living thing that month apon the earth. ^ Gen.itiS. And the Lord God faid, Itisnot{oodthattbeman{hotild be alone: I will make him an help meet for him. ' Gen.i,i6,27,i%}i9. And God faid , Let us make man in our own amage, after our lik^enelTe, and lee him have dominioa over t^e filh of the fea, and over the fowl of the air, and over the cattle, and over all the earth, and over every creeping thing that crcepech upon the eartbjfo God created man in his own imagej in the image of God created be him , male and female aeated he them. And God blefisd them, and faid unto them. Be fruitful, and multiply andreplenifti the earth, &c.— — And God faid, Behold I have given you every herb bearing feed, upon the facs of the (arch , and every tree in which is the fruit cf a tree yielding feed, to you ic (hall be for meat. Gen. J . 8. And they heard the voice of the Lord God walking in the garden in the cool of the djy i and Adam and bis wife bid cbemfe Ives from the prefenceof the Lord, amongft the trees of the gar- den. "> gen.i.i. ^dGo^blcfTedthefevcnthday, and fandified itj btcsufe that in it he had rcfted from all his work which God created and made. ° Gd.i.ii. And the Law is not of faith 5 but the man thit doth them ihall live in them* Kow.io.j. For Mofesdefcribes the righteoufnefs which is of the Law, that the man who doth thofc things Ihall live by them. " ^en. z.p. And out of the ground maic the Lord God to grow every tree that is pkafmt to the fight, and good for food t i^he tree of life aifo in the midil of che garden , and t^? (i^ee of knowledge of good and «vil.. "" " -■- -- -- --■ sood 7 cio ^ ■ good and evil, Upon pain of death K p c«.x.i^ But of ^ the tt{e of knowledte of iood and evil , thou (halt not eat of it : for in the day thou eitlft thereof, thoa (hfihfiirely 4ie. Q. Did wan continm In that epate wherein Gid atfirji created him i A, Our firft Parents being left to the freedom of their own *;i*ll ,• through the temptation of Satan, tranfgreffed the commandment of God , in eating the forbidden fruit, and thereby fell from the cftate of In- ^Q^n.^.s^jz, t?: nocency, wherein they were created "J. Andwhcathe'woman faw the tree was good for food, and pleafant to the fijhtj and a tree to be defired to make one wife, flic took of the fruit thereof and did cat) and favealfo unto her husband with her, and he did eat. And the eyes of them both were opened, and they knew they were naked, and they fewed fij-leaves together and made themfelvts aprons. And thty heard the voice of the Lord God walking in the garden, in ihe <:ool of the day % and Adam and his wife bid tbemfelves from the prefence of the Lord amonjft the trees of the jard.ort oi the glory of God; C 2 QJVhat -<^. Sin is any want of conformity untoi or tranfgrcf- • i*o& ,/ Wbofo ^°" ^^ ^"y ^^^^°^ ^^^' S'ven as a rule to the reafon- cfcr commhtcth fin, ^ble CrcatUtC ". tranfjrcffcth alfo the Law } fotfin is the tranfjrefTxonof the Law. Gd-i. lo-i i. Fjr as many as are of the works df the Law, are under the curfc 5 for h U wticcen, Curfcdis everyone thit cominuech not in all things which are written in the book of the Lsw to do them And the Law is not of faiths but the man cbac doth them (hall live in them. Q. Wherein conpficth the finfttlntfs of that efiate tfhere^ iff to man fell'* ^ A, The finfulncfs of that eftatc whercinto man fell Wh^eX^as'bJ"ofe^°"^^^<^^^^"^^^g"^^'^ of Adam's firftfin % the want oE man fm entred into that rightcournefs vvhcrcin he was created, and the cor* the world, and death ruption of hls nature, whereby he is utterly indifpofed, paffcd'upon aU men, difablcd, and made oppofite unto all that is fpiritually for that all hare fm- good, and wholly inclined toallevill, and thatconti- as'^b77aema^i¥fo-""^^^y'' ^^^^^ ^^ commonly Called Original fifty jind bcdience many were ftom which do ptoceed all adiuall tranfgrcffions y. made finners, fo by the obedience of one man fhall many b: made righteous.' * 7{pm.i . from v. lo. to v. lo. As ie is written, There is none righteous, no not one. V. 1 1 .] There is none that underftandcth, there is none that feeketh after God. V. 1 1.] They are ail {one out of the way,they are altogether become unprofita- ble, there is none that doth good no not one. V.ij.] Their throat is an open fepulchre, with theic tongues they have ufcd deceit, thepoifonof afpes is under their lips. V.14. ] Whofe mouth is full of curfin J and bitterntfs. V. i y.] Their feet are fwift to (hed blooJ. V. 1 6. Dcftruftion and mifery are in their wayes. V.i 7.] And the way of peace have they not known. V.i*.] There is no fear «f God before their eyes- V.19.] Now we know that what things foever the law faith, ic faith to them who are under the law i that every mouth may be flopped, and all the world may become guilty before God. Ep&.t.i,i,;. And you hath he quickened who were dead in trefpalTcs and fins ; wherein in time pafl ye walked according to the courfe of the world} according to the Prince of the power of the air, the fpirit that now workcth in the children of difobediencc ; Among whom alfo we all had our conversation in times paft, in the lufts of ourfl:fli, fulfilling the defires of the flefliandof the mind, and were by nature the children of wrath, even as others. Rom. ^,6. For when we were yet without ftrengch, in due time Chrift died for the ungodly. 2?oii.8.7j8. Bccaufethe carnall mind is enmity sgainft God } for it is not fubjeft to the law of God, neither indeed can be , fo then they that are in the flcfh canaot pleafc God. Gen. 6. ^. And Goi fawthat the wickednefs of man was great in the earth, and that every imagination of the thoughjs of his heart was onely evil continually. y ^am. i4i4,iy. But every man is tempted when he is drawn away by his own loft and enticed. Then when laft hath conceived, it bringcth forth fin, and fin when ic is finlfhcd, bringeth forth death. Matt.i y. 1 9^, For out of the heart proceed evil thoughts, murders, adulteries, fornications > thefts, falfe-witnefs, blafphemi^s. • Q^ Horv is Original fm conveyed from ourfirji Pa-,- rents unto their fofteritj ? A. Original fin is conveyed from our firfl Parents unto onto their poftcrity by natural generation , fo as all that proceed from them in that way, arc conceived and ^ PfA!'U~.{. ^tho\di U^,.J :„ /?n z wasftiapenin iniqui- bornm lin • ty, and in fin did my mother conceive me. ^ob 14.4. Who canbring a clean thing out of an unclean ? aotoneJ fob i j. 14. Whatis man thai be Ihould be clean, and he that is born of a woman that he (hould be righteous ? ^oJb.j.6. Thac tvbich is born of cbe E:(h is fleflij and that which is born of the Spirit is Spirit. Q^ What miferj did the Fall bring upon ?nankindi A. The Fall brought upon mankind the lofs of com- munion with God% his difpleafure andcurfe, foas we,^^ „ ,« - are by nature children ot wrath ^, bond-flaves toSa- And they heard ihe than% andjuftlyliabletoallpunilhmentsin this world. ^oif« of the Lora and that which is to come ;•._ ^IS' "h^. '"oouf the day J and Adam jind his wife hid themfelves from theprcfencc of the Lord, amongft the trees of the garden V.io>3 And be faid I heard thy voice in the garden, and Iwasafraid> becaufel wasnaked j andlhid my fcl f V.14.] So he drove out the man, and he placed at the Esft of the garden of Eden Chcrubims and a flaming fword, which turned every way, to keep the way of the tree of life. '' Epb. 2.t,j. Wherein in times paft ye walked, according to the courfe of this world, according to the prince of the power of the air, the fpirit that now workethin the children of difobedience 3 amon^ft whom alio we all had our conrerfation in times paft, in theluftsof our 3e(h, fulfilling the defiresof the flefh, and of the mind, and were by nature the children of wrath even as others. ' i Tim. a. 16. Andthatthey may recover themfclves out of the fnare of the Devil, who are taken captive by him at his will. ^ Gtn.i.ij. But of the tree of knowledge of good and evil, thou (halt not cat of it J for in the day thou eateft thereof thouihalt furely die. Lami.^^i Wherefore doth a living man Complam, a man for the punifliment of his fins? Rom.6.i$. The wages of fin is death j but the gift of God is eternal life through Jefus Chrifl our Lord. Mi^ 15.41 46. Then ihall he fay alfo to them on the left hand, depart from me ye curfed into everlafting fire, prepared for the Devil and his Angels V.4^-] And thcfe fliall go away into everlafting puniflimcnt j but the righteosrs into life eternal, ^ude vj. Even as Sodom and Gomorrha,and the cities about them> inlik: mmner giving jhemfelves over to fornication, and going after ftrangc flefti, ate f« forth for an example, fuffering che vcngejncc of eternal fire^ Q^ what are the fumjhments of fm in th is world i A, The punifhraents of fin in this world, are either inward, as blindnefs of mind % a reprobate fenfc^, ftrong vi?^thi'^ind«fts^nd- delufionss; hardnefsof heart "^^ horrourof confcience', Lg^arkncd being a' lienjted from the life of Godj through the ignorance that is in them, becaufe of the blindnelfe of their heart. - Kowi. i . 1 8, Even as they did not like to retain God in their knowledge, G'^d gave them over to a r;prob:te mind, and to do thofe things which are not convenient. ° » Thejf.t. 1 1 . And for this caufe God (hall fend them ftrong delufions, that they (hould believe a lie. '' Rom.i.^. Bu:afte«;thy havdntfs and impe- nitent heart, treaiurcft up unto thy felf wrath againft the day of wrath, and revelation of thcrighcous ■ judgment of God. ' Jfa. J }• i4. The fmners in Zion are afraid 5 fearfalnefs haih furorized the hy- pocrites. Who among us (hall dwell with devouring fire? who among us (hall dwell wi:b everlafting burnings ? Geii.4. » |. And Cain faid unto the Lord,my puniihment is greater then I can bear. Mutt, • aj.4' — Spying, I bave betrayed iniioccm blood ', and they laid, What is that to us ? fee «^outo ihaj.- G 3 and ti43 ^RmW.i6. Tor this and vilc affeAIons ^, or outwatd ] as the curfc of uptv^ifanion's"; Goduponthc crcatures for our fakes', and all other evils for even their women that befall US in our bodicSj names, eftates, relations, and did change their nam- imployments % together With Death it felf ". ral ufe into that which r J i & is againft nature. ^ Gfn.j.17. And unto Adam he faid, Becaufe thou haft hearkened unto the voice of thy wife, and haft eaten of the tree, of which I commanded tbeC; fayinj. Thou (hale not cat of it i Curfed is the jround for thy fake , in forrow fhalt thou eat of it all the daycs of thy life. ■" Z?e«r. 18. 1 f, to the end. But it fhall coar.e to pjff: if thou wilt not hearken unto the voice of the Lord thy God, toobfcrve 1 3 do all his commandmencs, and his ftatutes which I havtt commanded thee this day, that all thefe curfcs fliall come upon thee and overtake thee j €urfcd (halt thou be in the city, end carfed (hale thou ba in the field j curfed iliall be thy basket and -thy ftore. Curfed (hall be the fruir of thy bo- dy, and of thy land, &c. " Ro»i.6.ii- 2 j. Wfeat fruit had ye then in thofe things, whereof ye are now aftiamcd ? for the end of thcl: things is death——- V.xj.] For the wagrs of fiais .death, but the gift of God is eternal life, through jeius Cbriilour Lord. QJVhat are the fmijhments of fm in the world to come i A, The punifhments of fin in the world to come, are everlafting fcparation from the comfortable prefencc '>! Thejf.j.g. Who God , and moft grievous torments in foul and body ««iaftira"ft'uatS withoutinterraiffion, in Hell-fire for ever». from the prclenccof the Lord , and the jlory of his power. Mar. 9. 44— 4^—48. to go into Hell^ where their worm dieth not, and the fire is not qutnchcd. Luke 16. 14. And he crycd and faid, Father Abraham, have mercy upon me, and fend Lazarus to dip the tip of his finger in water, and cool my |ongue i for I am termemed in this ilame. C^ Doth God leave all mankind to^erifhin the ejlate of firty and mifery f f iThfT V ^* ^^^ ^ "°^ ^^^^^ ^^^ "^^" ^^ perifh in the eftarc Godhaftino't^sppoi" of ^n ^nd mifery p, into which they fell by the breach ted us to wrath, but to of the firft Covcnant, commonly called the Covenant S''n./f 7"r°h -a^ of works S but of his mecr love and mercy, dclivcr- our Lord JclusChnlt. 11. ,« r- ii« 11 •• n ^c?4/.j.xo,ia. For cth his eleCt out of It, and brmgeth them mto an clhte as many as arc of the of falvation by the fecond Covenant, commonly called works of the Iaw> are ^. /-^ ^ "^r ^^ , under the curfe , for it ^^^ Covenant of Grace ^ is written^ Curfed is every one that continueth not in all things which are written irf the book of the lawtodo them. V.ii.] And the law is notof faicb,but the man that doth them fhall live in them. * 3r;t.}.4,5j5,7. Butaftsr that the kindnefs and love of God our Saviourj toward man appeared. V-j.] Not by works oF rightcaufnefs which we have done, but recording to his mercy be faved us, by ibe wafh- ing of regeneration, and the reijcwing of the holy Ghoft. V.6.3 Which he flicd on us abundantly through Jefus Chrift our Saviour. V.7.] That being juftified by his jrace, we (hould be made heires according to the hope of eternal life. Grf/.j. ti .Is the law then againft the promifes of God ? God forbid j for if there had been a law given, which could have given life, verily ri(,h:eoufners fhould have been by the law. Rom.i. xoiii^zz. Therefore by the deeds of the law there (hall no fl.fti be juftified in his fighr, for by the law is the knowledge of (in. V.xi.] But now the righteoufnefs of Gad without the law is maniJfcfted, bring witnelfed by the law and by the Prophcrs/ V. ii.] E?ea thcrighceoufnefeof God, wbUh is by the fai:b of Jefvs Chciftj unco all, and upon all them chat betie? e for there is no diftcrence. Q^mth ti53 Q. prit^ whom WAS the Coven Ant of Grice mtde > A, The Covenant of Grace was made with Chrlft^ as the fccond Adam, and in him, with all the cleft as his f g^/ j ,g, No^ to Teed ^» Abraham and to his feed were the promiCci made, he faith not to feedi, as many, but as of one, and to thy feel which is Chrift. Rom. 5.15.10 thecnd. Of which before. Z/i.5j.io,ii. Yctit plcafed our Lord to bruifc him, he hath put hiai to grief, when thou (halt make his foul an ofFerin| for (in, he (hall fee his feed, he (hall prolong his daye?, and the pleafure of the Lord (hall profpcr in his hand. V. 1 1 .] He (hall fee of the travel of his foul, and(hallbefatisfiecli byhisknowledstfljall m/psbtcouifcrvant jofliftc manyj fo? he (hall bear chcic iniquities. ^ Qi How is the grAce of God mAuifeped in tfje fecond Covenant ? A, The grace of God is manifefted in the fecond Covenant, in that he freely provideth, and ofFcreth to fin- ncrs a Mediator "^ 3 and life and falvation by him •, " and ' Gm. 3. ly. And r requiring f^ith as the condition to intercft them in him, rwlin^^thcrS I'hc * promiieih and giveth his holy Spirit ^^ to all his eleft woman, and between to work in them that faith y, with all other faving gra- J^'yji^f *".''^?^"''» J 111- It I f 1 J- . ° I " (hall bruife thy ces% and to enable them unto all holy obedience % as the head, and thou (hale evidence of the truth of their faith ^ and thankfulnefs to bruife his heel. {{*. God,^ and as the way which he hath appointed to fal- tl;lZtil^:^.t VatiOn **. oufnefs and will hold thine handj and wil^ keep thee, and will jive' thee for aCorenantof the people, for a light of the Gentiles, fohne.iy. Labour not for the meat which pcri(hetb, bm for the meat which endurcth unto everlafting life, which thefonof man (hall give unto you, for him hath God the father feale> Miriii6.t^. And of Baptifmc "" ^ and the Lord's Supper p, in which he f^id unto them, Go O'ace and falvation is held forth in more fulnefs, cvi- Jn^'p^escttllrGrr^^^^ dencc, and efficacy, to all Nations 'J. to tvny creature: " Matth. iS. 1 9, zo. Go yc therefore, and teacK. all nations, baptizing them inihe name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Koi'y Gboft, teaching them to obfcrve all things wbatfoevecl hav- commanded you : and lo I am with you alwaics unto the end of the world, p i Cor.ii,ij,24jiJ.ForI have received of the, Lord thac which I alfo delivered unroyou, that the Lord JnuSj the fame night wherein he was- bcrrayed ro:k bread, and when he had given thanlcsj he brak? it, and faid, Tskc, car, this is my body which was brokfn for you j this do in remembrance of me. After the fame manner alio ce took the cup, when he had fuppedj faying, This cup is ihc New Tcffamcr.c in my blood; this do ycssoftss yc drink ir, inrcmcmbtance of me. 1 zCor.i.6, tothcend of the chapter. Who bcih alio midc us able miniftersof the New Tcftsmcnt not of the letter, but of the Spirit j for the letter kilicth, but the Spirit giveth lite. But if the miaiftration of death written ani engraven in Itones was glorious,&c. Hc6.8.6— io,« ». For finding fault with them, he faith. Behold the dayes come, fsirh the Lord, when I will make anew Covenant with the houfe of Ifrael, and Judah—— V.io.] For this is the Covenant that I will make with the houfc of Ifrae', after thofe day esl'ai.h the Lord, I will pu: my laws into th«ir minds, and write them in their hearts, and I nill be to them a God, and they fliall be to me a people. V. n .1 And they ftiall not teach every man his neighbor, and every man his brother, faying. Know the Lord > for all ihall know me from the lealt to ibc greateft.' iMAtt.xi.i^. Go ye ibcrefG^e and ceacb all nations baptizing them in the name of j See. „ Q. who is the Mediator of the Covenant of Grace ? ' A, The oncly Mediator of the Covenant of Grace Is the Lord Jefu$ Chrift^, who being the eternal Son of :^»^^«-M^-Pw^thcre God-; of one fubftancc and equal with the Father^, in McTiatour ' between thc/ulnefsof time became man ^5 and fo was and con- God and Man, the tinues to be God and Man in two entire diftina; natures, f^^JJ, i^,^!^,4?'^"in and one pcrfon for ever". the beginning was the word ; and the word was with God> and the word was 6od — . V.14.] And the word was mad: flffli, and dwelt among us, and we beheld fcis giory, the glory as of the oneiy begotten of the Father, full of grace an(i truthr Jot. 10, go. I and my Father are one. FhiLi.6. Who being in the form of God, thought it no rob- bery to be equal with God. ' Oal.4,^. Butwhenthcfulnefsof tiir-< was ccme, God fcnt forth his Sonmadeof a woman, made under the Law, " Lwl^e i.jf. And the Angel anfwered and faidun- toher, The Holy Gboit fhalleome upon thee, and the power of the Hight ft (hall over-fliadowthre. Therefore alfo that holy thing which fiiall be born' of thee, Hiall be called the Son of God. Rom a. j. Whofe arc the Fathers, and of whom, as concerning the flelh, Chriftcame, whoisovcra UGodbUlfed for ever,Amen. Ctl.i.g. For in him dwellech all the fulntfs of the Godbead bodily. Heb.j.'^A^' But ibis man becaufc he continueth ever, hath an unchangeable PriifthooJ. Wh.'rcfcrc he is abu- aiio to favc them to (be uctermoft, chat come unto God by bim, feeing he ever livcth to make intercenicn Lrtbcm. . C^ fforv did Chrift^ being God^ become Man ? ' A, Chnft the Son of God became Man by taking D to * io&.i.t4. Andthe ^° ^imfelf 1 tfuebody , and a rcafonablefoul ^jbcing word WIS made fljfli conccWcd by the power of the Holy Ghoft, in the womb '"j '^*'u'L*u ^"2 f"'' of the Virgin Mary, of her fubftaacc. and born of her K «nd we bihdd his 5I0- ^t °r "^ ' * «vfc > ry, the glory as of the yCC WithOOt fin V. oncly be^occcnof the Father, full of grace and truth. Mitt,i6.i9: Then faith he unto them, My foul is erceeding forrowful even unto death: tarry yc here, and w.ttch with me. "Lwif^.i.i;— j» j^ having loofcd the pains of death j bscaufc it was not poffiblc he (liould be holden of it. For Djvid fpeaks concerning him, 1 forcfawth: Lord alwayes before my face, for he is on my right hand, that I (hould riot be moved* Ro»t.i:4> And declared to bctheSonof God with power, according to the Spirit of holinefs by the refurrcftion fromthedead. Compared with Ro»j.4.if. Who was delivered for our offences, and was raifed again for our juftification. Hf&.9.i4. How much more (hall the blood of Chrift who through the eternal Spirit offered up himfelf without (potto God| purge your confcience from dead works, to ferve the livrng God ? * >4^. zo;x3. Tike heed therefore unto ycurfelves, and to all the flock over which theHDly Ghoft hath mad; you ovcrfccrs, to feed the Church of God, which he hath purchafed with his own blood. He&i9.i4. How much more (hall the blood of Chrift, who through the eternal Spirit offered up hlmfelf without fpot to God , pargeyour confcience from dead works, to ferve the liv- ing Gad ? Hth.i.\%ix6iiri^\%. Wherefore he is able alfo to Cave them to the utteraaott that come unto Gad by him, feeing heeverliveth to make iatercefTion for them. V. i6i ] For fuch an High Prieft became as, who is holy, harmlels, undefiled, feparate from finners, and made higb;r then the Heavens. V.17.1 Who needeth not daily, as thofc High Priefts, to offer up facrificc, firft for liis own fins, and thenfor the peoples 5 ifor this he did one: when he offered up himfelf. V.18.] Far tbe law makethmen High Pricfts whieh have infirmities, but the word of the oath which was fines thtlaw, maketh the Soi whoisconfccratedfor ever. ^ K9»2.j.j4,if,x6. Being juftified freely by his grace through the redemp:ionthKis in Jcfus Chrift, V. if. ]VV'iom God hath fet forth to be a propitiation through faith inhisblooi to declare his righteoufnefs for the remiffion of fins that are paft through the forbearance of God. V. i6.] To dficlare, I fay, at this time his rightcoafne^ 5^ iba; he might be juft, and the juftlfici; o£,hioi that believeth in Jefiis, pro* E' rociirc his favour % ourchafc a peculiar people \ give « ^pjj. i.e. To the is Spirit to them % coi quer all their enemies^, and bring F--= -■ 'liisi::;c- themtocvcrlafting falvations. hieh^'Scrsa"«ptcd in chc beloved. Matt. J. 17. And lo a voice from Heaven I faying , This is my beloved Son , in vihom alone I am well plcafcd. •* r«.t.ij,i4. Looking for the blelfed hope, and the {lorious appeaiint of the great God and onr Saviour Jefus Chrift J who jave himfelf for us that he mi jht redeem us from all iniquity, and purifie unto himfelf a peculiar people, leslous of jood woiks. ' G4a-^. And be- caufc ye arc fons, God hath fcnt forth the Spirit of his Son into your hearts, cryinj Abba Father. t L« gl^^CC ". God fent forth hisf on made of a woman ) made inder thciaw^ ^ Hf&.a.i4. Ferafmuch then as the children arc partakers of flcfh and blood, bealfo himfelf likewife took part of the fame, that through death he might deftroy him that had the power of death, that is the Divcl. Hei.7» 14,1 5. Hut this man becaufe he continueth for ever, haih an wnchflngcable Pricftfcood. Wherefore he is able alfo to fave them to the attermoft that come unto God by him, feeing he ever liveth to make Interceflion for them. ^ HC6.4.1 5. For we have not an High Prieft chat cannot be touched with the feeling of our infirmities, but was in all points tempted like as we ate, yet without fin. « G4/.4. ^ To redeem them that were under the law, that we mighc receive the adoption of fons. ■ HcB.>i6. Let us therefore come boldly unto the throne of jrscc, that wc may obtain mercy, and find grace to help in time of need. Qi wh'j rvas it requifitetht the Mediator /houidh God 4nd Man in one ferfon tf D z A,\l A, It was reqiiificc that the Mediator, who vvas to re- concile God and man (hould himfclf be both God and man, and this in one pcrfon, that the proper works o£ L*?V^*in*for^hi each nature might be accepted of Godforus°, and re- fon, and 'tfaou °ih»k lied on by us, as the works of the whole pcrfon p. call bis name Jcius : <, , , forhefhiUravchispwptc from their fins. V.ij. ] Behold a Virgin Jnall be with child, and (hall bring forth a fon, and they fluU call his name Emmanuel, which being interpreted, is, God with uj. iWfi« J.17. And lo a voice from hearen, fayinj, This is my beloved fon, inwhomi am well pleafed. Heb.9.1^. Haw much more fliaU^he blood of Ctirift, whothrough the eternal Spirit offered up him- fclf without fpoc to God, purge your confciences from dead works, tq ferve the living G« J, p , p^t, X.6. Wherefore it is contained in the Scripture, Btholdllayin Siona choice cornec-fton€ tltSt and piccious, and he that bclievcth on him dull nocb: confounded. Q^ Wky was om Mediator called J'c[m <: A, OurMediator was called Jefus, becaufc he fav^ 1 Matt.'t. «. And eth his people from their fins q. - ^ Ihe fhall bring forth a $on, and thou fhalc call bis name J:fus ; for he fliall fave his people from their finnes* Q^ Why was our Mediator called ChriB .? • "' A, Our Mediator was called Chrift, becaufe he was annointed with the Holy Ghoft above meafure % l&God ha^h'fent ^"^ ^^ fet apart,and fully furniOied with all authority and fpeakcch the words of ability % to exccutc the offices of Prophet t^ Prieft ", God i for God giveth : ] not the Spirit by meaiure unco him. Pfal.^^.j. Thaulovcft righceournefs and hateft wickednefs j tbeietore God, thy God hath annotated thee with the oyl of gladnefs sbove thy fellowes. ^ ^oh. 6.17. Labour no: forche meat that perifheth but for chit meat which endureth to c?erlafting life, which the Ion of man (hall give un:o you; for him hath God tht Faihcr{ealed. Mm. a8. ig, i9» lO. Jefus- came and Ipike unto them, faying, All power is given unto m: in heaven, and inearth j Go yc there- fore and reach all nations, bipcizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Sonj and of the Ho- ly G'aoft, Teaching them to obferve all things whitfoever I have commanded you i and lo, I am with youalwayescventothecnd of the world, Ancn. ' -4S, j.zi, 21. Whom the hesrcns muft re- ceive un;iU the tines of reftitutionof all things, which GaJ hathfpokenof by shcmou;h of all his holy Prophets fiace the world began. For M )fes truly faid unco the Fichtrs, A Prophet (hail ihe Lord your Go] raife up unto you of youc brethren like unto m?3 him (hall ye- hear in all tilings whatfoeyec heAill fay unto you. LK^.4.i8-it, Th^Spiritof the Lord Is upon me, becaufe he hath anointed mc to preach the Gjfp:l to cbe poor, heharhfcnc m: to heal the broken in heart, loprcsch deliverance toch:cap;ive3, andrecovcriagcf ii^h:to the biifid, tofc: ac liberty them that are bruifsJ- ■ V. ii.] And he began to fjy unco thena, Tais day it this Scripture fulfilled in yoar ears,. " Heb, 5. j, 6, 7,. Soalfo Chriftglorifiednothim'etf tobc madean High Prifft; buthethacfaiiuntohira. Thou art my Son, to day have I begotten thee. As he faith alfo in another place. Thou arc a Prieft for ever after the order of M'-lcbiicdek i who in the daycs of hisflifh whrn he had oflered'up prayers and fuppli- cacions wi.h ftroig cries and tears, unto him.h jc was able to fave him froai death, and was heard in thatli:feared« Heb^,ii,\<;. Seeing thtn that we have a great High- Pfie ft that ispaliei mcothehea- tins, Jefus th: Son of God, let us hold fift our profcffion. For wc have r.j: an High Prieft that cannot be toucljei with the feeling of our iofiroiicics^bucwasin all poJjits.tCtflp;^ like as wtarc, yet' and King of his Church *. in the eftate both of his " ^Jf^fJ^^ J;« Hutniliation and Exaltation. my holy hiiiot :>ion. Mattb. II. J. Tell ye eheaau'hter of Sion, BshV.dchy Kltij com -.th unto th:c, m:ck, and ficting upjn an afs, and upon a cole Che foal of an afs. Ifi.9-6,7. For uito us a child is born, ua-o us a Son is given, and the ^o- T«rnmencniallb: upon his (haulier, and his name (hallb: called Wonderful, Counlellor, th: Mighty God, the Ercrlafting Father, the Prince of peace. Of the encreafe of bis government an<» P=*«> tliere (hall be no end, upon the throne of Dividandu^on his Kingdom toordcr ir,anJ to eltabhih ic with judjtntnt and with jufticc, from henccforch even forever. Th: z:al of the Lord of h.°"^ «"^ perform this. Phil. 1.8,9,10,1 1. Anl biinj found in fafhion as a mm, ht hambled himfelt and be- came ob^dienc unto dea-.h, cventhcdeachof thecrofs J wherefore Godalfo hath highly cxilted him, and given him a name which is abore every name : Tiiacat th: nimeof Jefus every knee fliould bow, of things in heaven, and things on earth, and things under the carchj and that every ton juc wouii (Confcfs, ijjat Jcfus Chtift Is Lord, to the glory pf God the Father. - >j Q^ H&rv dotk Chrifi execute the office of a frO' fhet < A, Chrift executed the office of a Prophet, in his re- vealing to the Church ^, in all ages, by his -Spirit and ^jfoj^.r.is. No man wordy, indiverfe waycsof adminiftration v the whole b»th fecn God at any will of God % in all tilings concerning their ediflcationj "jnVon whVh i?^"a aad falvation ^ thebofomof the Fa. I Irz ^ thcr, he hath declared binrrT Vi P. i-j.ij. Henceforth I call you notfervantSi for.the fervanr kabweth n6* what his Lord doth, but \ have ciUcd you friends ii for all things that I have hesrd of my Father Ihayfniade known unto you. '' ASi.io.ii. And now, Brecbrcn5l,commcndycutoGod,andtothe:wocdof fiis grace, which is able to build you up,- aad to give you an inheritance among all them wtiich are fari&ificd, Epb.^. i iji iji 3. And he gave iomc Apoftles, and (ome Prophets, and fome Evangdifts, and fome Paltors,and Teaccers. V. i z.] For : the perfecting of the Saints, for the work of the Miniftery, for the edifying of the body of ChrifV^' V.i^.] Till we all- coaieintheunity.qf the Faith, and of thj knowledge gf thcSoaof God, uncoa Yurfedman, UHto the meafure of the ftature of the, fulnefs of Chrift. ' fbb. zo. jt. Bat thcfc. arCi written, that ye mightbelievcth it Jcfus i? the Chrift, thc5'oa of Gsd, aad thai belie ving. you tn jght- "have life ehroujU bis naiae. : Q^ Hvw doth Chri/i execute the office of a Vriefl ? A. ehrilt; executeth ' the office of a Prieft . m his- once offcrjing hlmfclf a facriiice' ^vtihout fpot _ .. ^_ ..... , .. [22] *Heh.9iA.r9. How to God S to bc a reconciliation for the Cm$ of much morejhaii the j^js people '^ , and In making continual interccflion for blood of Ghrift, who -L ^ e throujb the eternal tneal # Splric offered himfelf *vithouc fpot to Gad, purge y^nr confclences from dead works, toCerve the living God V.ii.l So Chrift was once offered ro beir the fins of many, and unco them that look for htm (hall he appear the fccond time without fin unto falvation. d H^&.x.i 7. Wherefore it behooved him in all thiajs to be made like unto his brethren, that he might bc « merciful and faithful Hi^h Prieft in things pert«ininj to God to make reconciliation for the fins of the people. ^ Htb.y.i^. Wberefora he is able alfoto Uvt them to the uttermoft that come unto God by hiqj, feeing he ever livcth to make intciceffion foe them. C^ ffow doth Cbrifi execute the of fee of a, King f A, Chrift cxecuccth the office of a King , in call- ing ouc of the world a people to himfelf f, and giving them Officers s. Laws ^, and Cenfures, by which he vifibly governs them ^5 in beftowing faving grace upon f ^^?.ij:i4,if;i6. hiscled'^, rewarding their obedience^, and corrc(^ing hlTGo^^fhffiift ^^^^ for their fms-^j prefcrving and fupporting them un- did vific thcGemilesj to take out of them a people for his name j tnd to this agree the words of the Prophets, as it wn'tten> After this I will return, and build again the Tabernacle of David which is fallen down, and I will build again the ruines thereof, and I will fet it up. J/«.jy.4>f. Behold I have given him for a wit- nefstothe people, a leader and commander to the people.* Behold thou (hale c?ll a nation thac thou knowrft not, and nations that knew not thee flialliun unto thee, bccaule of the Lord thy God, and br the holy Oneof Ifraelj Jorhp.hath glorified thee. GeM.49.10. The fcepter ftali not de< part from Jud ah, nor alaw-giverfroifa between his feet, until Sfcilohcomej and unto him fliall the gathering of the people be. Pp/. 1 1 o. j . Thy people (hall bc willing ia the day of thy power j in the beauties of holinels, from the womb of the morning > thou hsft the dew of thy youth. s 'E^. 4- 1') 1 1'' And he gave fome Apoftles, and fome Prophets, and fame Evaogeliib, and fome Paftors andTeacherSjfor theperfedingof the Saints, for the work of the Miniftery, for tlic edifying of the body of Ghrift. i Cor.iz.iS. And God hath fet fome in the Church, firft Apoftles, fecondarily Prophets, thirdly Teachers, after thatMirades, then gifts, of healings, helps, governments, divcr- fitiesof tongms. *> 7p/.jj.»2. For the Lord is our judge, the Lord is our Law*giver, the Lord isour King j he will fave us. • Mm.\%Ai-,\Z. And i< he (ball negleft to hcarthemj, tell it to ehe Church i but if he negleft to bear the Church, let him be unto thee as an heathen man, and a Publican. Verily I fay unto you, Whatfoevcr ye (hall bind on earth (hall bc bound in heaven, and whatfocver ye fliall loofc on earth fliail be looC:d in heaven. 1 Ccr. 5. 4j5. In the name of our lx>rd Jcfus Chrift , when ye are gathered together, and my fpirit with the power of our Lord Jefus Chrift, To deliver fach a one unto Satan, fox the deftruSion of the fltfh, that the Spirit may bc fiivtd in the day of the Lord Jefns. ^ tASl. 5. ji. Him hath God exal'cd with his right hand to be a Fi ince and a Saviour, for to give repentance to Ifrael, and forgivenefs of fins. ' Rfv. 2 x. i x. And behold I come quickly, and my reward is with me, to give every man according as his »»ork fliall be. Rey.i.io. Fear none of thofe tbmgs which thoa (ha!: fiiffer j behold the Devil Ihall caft fome of you into prifon, that ye may be tried, and yc fliall h»ve tribulation ten dayes } bc thou faithful unto death, and I will give thee a crown of life. « Kew. 3.15, As many asl'loTC I rebuke wid chaften » bc icaious therefore and repent. dcr dct afl their temptations and fuffcrings «, reflraming' and ■" Hi.61.9: in all thfic overcoming all their enemies -, and powerfully ordering ^^^f ]°3 liVTnteUf all things for his ovvngloryp, and their own good % and his \rcfcnce faved alfo in takin^ vengeance on the reft, who know not God, themjin his love and and obey not the Golpel '. ed them, a.d he b:rc them and cartied chem allthcdsyesof old. * i dr.i^.i^. IFor he muft reign till he have put all bis enetaics under his feet. Pfd. 110. thiou^hout. The Lord f aid unto my Lotds i'it thou at my rijht hand , untill I have made thine cnemiW thy footftool, to the ene! p Rom,i 4. lojii.Rjt why deft thou judge thy brother, orwbydoft thou fet at naught thy brother.-' W^ fiiall allftindbcfore the judgment feacot Chrift. Far it is written as I lite fti:h the Lord, every knee Ihall bow to me , and every tongue (hall confefs to God, 1 Ro^i.S.i?. Weknowchatallthingsworkto^ether for good to them who love God, to them who arc the called according to his purpofe. ' iTbejf.i.iy^. In Aiming fire taking vengeance on tby conflidins- with the indignities of the world ^ was come, God lent •'. r rP j • c -l- n n for:h his yon made of temptations of Satan y, and innrmicics m his fledi, awpmsn,madcBodfr whether common to the nature of man, or particularly f.^ ThiniTnoflS; accompanying that bis low condition ^ . Ism come todeftroy ..- . the Law or the Prophets j lam not come to defttoy, but to fulfill. 3^o»j. 5. 19. Foras byonemans difobfdience many were made finners, fo by the obedience of one {hall many be made righteous. ^Pfiil.xi.6. But I am a wormand no man, a reproach of men, and defpifed of thepeoplc. Heh. ii.ijj. Lookingunto Jefus the author and finilher of our faith, who for the j^sy that was fet before him, endured thecrofs, dcfpilbgthc ihame, and is fee down at the riglit handof the throne of God. PorconfidcrhJm that endured fuchcomradiftion of finncfs againft himfelf, l.aft ye be wearied, and faint in your minds. y Mdtt./^. from ^i/.i.tov. ii. Thinwas Jf fas Id up^f the Spirit into the uriiderncfs to be tempted of the Divel, &c. Luke^.i^- And when the Divtl hid ended. atl.the temptation, he departed from him for a fcafon. ^ Hc6. 1.17,18. Whcre^'ore in all things it behoved bim to be made like unto his brethren, that Ise might bta merciful and faithful 'Hijjh-Prieft in. things pertaining to God, to make reconciliation for the fins of thcpeople. For in that hc-himfvlf iiath fuf- fered being tempted, h: is able to fuccoar them that are tempttd. Hefc.4.1 5. For wehsvenocanHigb- Prieft who cannot be touched with the feeling of our. infirmities ; but was in, all points tempted like as wfcarc, yetwichoatfin. J/4i> a.i?,i4.\B:hbld toy fenranc (hall deal prudently, he flvall b: exalted and extolled, and be very high.- As mfaoy were aftonifcfd ti thee, (his vifage wasfo marred more then ?ny man, and bis form more then the (ons of men.^ Q^ flow did Chrift humble hmfelf in his death f A, Chrift humbled himfelf in his death , in that ^ having been betrayed by Judas S forfaken by his I have' finned in^Sc'difcipIcs^ fcomcd and rejc. andfi:d. <= Ip/.^ 5.2,5. Tar he (hall grow up before him as a tender plants and as a root oat of a dry ground ; b; hath no form nor ccmelintfs,and when we (hall fee him, there is no beauty thac we (houid defire liim.' He is def]5iff'dandrejeBcd of m«n, a mm of forrons, and acquainted with grief, and we hid as it were, our tacts from him, he was dclipifcd , and we efteemed him net. - dcmned dcmned hy Pilatcj and tormented by his Perfecutors '', <> s^itt.iy.irom v.i6. Wing alfo confl!(5led with the terrors of death , and to v.50. Thcnreieaf- ihc powers of darkncfs , felt and born the weight of 'htm' a,TwhVn"'bc God's wrath *= 5 he laid down his life an offering for hadfcourgedjefus,he fmf, enduring the painful, (hameful, and curfed death ^J^^^'^'J ^T.— of thcCrofsS. 5f"&&» 19.54. Batone of the fouldiers with • fpjar pierced his fide,and forthwith came thereout blood and water. * L«^< »».44' And being inanajony he prayed more earneftly, and his fwesc was as it were great drops of bloody fallinj down to the groun(/. W4M7.45.Andaboutthenirthhour Jelus cried v. ith a loud voiccj faying, ELI EH' LAMA SABACTHANJ, that U to fty, My God, my God, why baft thou forfaken me i f J/i. 5 J . 1 0. Yet it plejfed the Lord to bruife him j he hsth put him to jrief. When thou flhalt malcc his foul an offering for fin, he flisil fee bis feed, h« fhall prolong his dayes, and the pleafurc of the Lord Aillprofper inhishand. ^Phili.S. And beinj found in falhion as a man, he humbled bimfelf, and became obedient unto death, ercn the death of the crofs. Heb. ii.i. Looking unto jcfus the author and fini/her of our faith, who for the joy that was fct before him, endured the crofj, defpifing the if^iame, andisfetdownat the right hand of the throne of God. GaI.^. i}. Chrift hath i edeemed as from the curfe of the Law; being made a curfc for us : for it is written, Curfed is every one chat bangerh on the tree. '
  • m like manner as ye have Ceen him go into hejven: ASt.n-ii. Bicaufs he hath ap- pointed a day, in which he will judge the world in righ:eoafnefs, by that min whomhe hs\ii ocdaincdj wdercot be hath giY<;n afluraacc unto all men, in chat he hath raifcd him from the dead. Q^ Fioiv was Chfif exalted in his rsfurreBion i) -y^ ■ . .. .^^_ ^. Chrift was exalted in his refurredionj intfiatr, : ^^ not having fcen corruption in death, of which ic • .rf^?,i.j4._x7. was not poflible for him to be heldo, and having e^tj?S^ Wed ^^^ ^^^^ ^^"^^ ^°^^ ^" ^^^^^ ^^ fuffered , with the the paL of dMtfa°Vc- ^^^"^^^^ P'^op^^ics thereof p, but without mortality cauie ic was not poffi- and Other common inffrmities belonging to this life > ei^f^'!!!!i^v:^;7f; really united to his foul i,, he rofe again from the Becaufe thou wilt noc ^e^<^ ^^s third day, by his own power '"• whereby LdlKiiuir '''^^' he declared himfelf to be the Son of God ^, to hive ?c"thineHoYyo/rfo^2.f^sfied^^^ juftice ^ to have vanquiibed death and fee corruption. pl«j^. him that had the power of it ", and to be Lord of bandfand^m^'lcr ^^^^^ ^"^ dead "<•, all which he did as a publick.per- that it is I my fe"f ; ^O" ''^ the head of his Church y, for their juflificatii3XL=^, handle me and fee mej ■ '-'V raifed J'^"^ »1^"? °°^ ^*^ ^^^ ^''"" ** ^^ ^" "^' **'^^- ^ ^m.6.^. Kaowinj that Chrift belnj Hvtrh ? j"'''^"''^"^'"^'''''^'*^'*^*^^ no moic dominion over him. Rcv.i.iS. I am be that TSlna "^i * ^^^ ^"^°^^ ^ *■" *^^^= ^^^ evermore, Am:n, and lave the keys of hcil and death, down ^ •^•» No man takr.hitfrom me, but I lay it down of my felf. I have power to layic f «'' ^^^ ^ °«^vc power to take it again} this commandraent have I received of my Father, th '^'^''';:.'^"'^'J«laredtobethe Son of G)d with power, according to the Spirit of holihefs by ve» I " ^^^^ thidead. t R;ffi.8.j4. Whois hecbat condctnneth ? ic is Chrift that died, y araclicr, thatisrifcnajjain, wb,o is even at the right hand of Goi , who alfo maketh interccfTun u^^r'^ry," (^^^*.'M' Forasmuch then as ch: children are partakers of fl:(h and blood, he alio i3iicUhkewii:c cook part of the fame, that through deaih he might diftroy him that had the power of th 1 -u ^^=^^^^'- * Rmix^O' For CO this end Chrift both died, and rofe, and revived, tQat lie mtghc be Lord both of the dead, andljytn^- '^ rCur.-if. zt, it. Foe fincc by man came aeacb, bymancamealfocherefurreaionof the dead, for as in Adam all die, loin Chrift (hill all be madealive. y Eph.i.io-ityvi. Which he wrought in Chrift when he raifcd him from the dead, and fee him at his own cioh: hand in the heavenly 'plsces. V.ii. J Andhath put aM things unAer his feet, and gave him to be the head over all things to the Church j, which is hli body g thcfulnclie of bimthat filicth all in all. C&/.1.1 3. And he is the head of the body the Church, who is the beginning, thefi'ft-bom from the dead, that in all things be might have the prchemi- ijcnce. i Km.^.x^, Who was dcliF«rcdfqrouroffi:nces, and was raifcd again foe our jhiftifica- quick- Quicknine in grace', fupport againft enemies '', and ' e>S.i-i-j.<: Anl .0 alTure them of their refurredtion from the dead at ::i,:tt''.riS: ihdaft day S paffes andfms V.J.] Even when we wire dead in fins j hath qakkened us together wuh Chrift (by grace ye arc ia»cd ) And hath laifcdusup together, and maJcusfittojeiherin heavenly plaws in Chrift jefuj. Col. %.ii. Buried with him in Baptifmcj wherein alfo yc arc rilcn with bim, through the faith of the operation of God, who hath raifcdhim from the dead. » i Cor.iy.x5,x6,t7- For he muil reigh till he hath put all his enemies under bis feer . The lift enemy that (hall be deftroyed is deiih. For he ha:h put all things under his feet $ but when he faith, All things are put under him, it is manifeft that he is excepted wlio did put all things under him. ' i C^r. i f.xo. Bat now is Chrift rifen frcm the dcadj and btcjoc the fi: ft fruits of thcm.thac flept. *" Q^ Hew was Chrifl exalted in his Afcenfion c* A, Chrift was cxaked in his Afcenfion, in that hav- ing after his Refurredion often appeared unto, and con- verfcd with his Apoftles , fpcaking to them of the things pertaining to the Kingdom of God ^', and giv- iASi.i.x,^. Until ing them commiifion to preach the Gofpel toallnati- the day in; which he ohs ^, fourty daies after his rcfurre(5tion, he, inourna- "^^^ taken up, after •'j ^ Ljf^' u- •„ • that he through the turc, and as our head % triumphing over enemies s, vi- Holy Ghoft had giv- {ibly went up into the highcft heavens^ there to receive «n commandments gifts for men ^, to raife up our affeaions thither S and ^Che^al'ch'o^lni to prepare a place for us% where himfclf is, and fluU to whom alfo he continue , till his fecond coming at the end of the ^'"^^^ ^^^$^ *^V*= „,_ 1 J 1 "^ after his paflion , ty WOnu • many infallible proofs being leen of them forty dayes and fpeaking of th» things pjrtainJng to the kingdom of God. ^ Mitt, i8. 1 9,^0. Go ye therefore and teach all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father , and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghoft, teaching them to obferve all things whatfoewr I have commanded you j andlOi I am with ycu alway unto the end of the world. ^ Heb.6.io. Whither the fore-mnncr is for us emrcd, even Jefus made an High- Prieft for ever after the order of Melchiie Jck. s Ep';,4.8. Where- fore be faith when heafcended up on high^he led captivity captivCjand gave gifts uato m:n. '' tA&.i.9t 10,1 1. And when he had fpckenthefe things, while they beheld, he wastiken up and a cloui receiv- ed him out of their fi^hr. And while they looked ftcdfsftly towards heaven, as he went up, behold twomcnftoodby them in white apparel j whoalfofaid, Yemen of Galilee, why ftanJ ye gazing i:p into heaven? the fame Jefus which is takenupfrom ycuii tj heaven, fiiall fo come in like manner as ye have fecn him go into heaven, Epb ^.io. H:thatdefcendcd is the fan-.e alfo that afccnded up far ibove all heavens, thathe mi^ht fill all thing'. P/i/.68.i8. Thou haft afccnded on Lij^h, thou haft led captivity caprive, ihou haft received gifcs for men ; yea for the rebellious alfo, that the Lord God might dwell among thei?», ^ Ccl.^»\,i. If yethcnbcrilenwith Chrift, fetkthofc tLings which areabove^ where Chrift fittuh at the right hand of GoJ j fet your aff.ftions on things tbovc, not on things on the earth. ^ ft&.'4.j. And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come again ■»nd receive you untomyfclfjthat where I am there ye may b; alfo. ' e/4(??. j.si.Whom the heavens ' muft receivr, till che times of reftitution of all things, vWcli God bath fpckcnbythc mou-.h of ail his holy Prophets fmcc the world began. El QHm 1:283 Qi How is Chrl^ ex died in his fitting at the right hand of God < A, Chriftis exalted in his fitting at the right hand of God, in that as God-man he is advanced to thehigh- « pfc/7. 1. 9. Where- cft favour With God the Father "% with all fulnefs of fore God aifo hath Joy ", glory% and powct over all things in heaven and 'nCcntim.nt; "«h ^ ''"d ^oth gather and defend his Church, and which is abo« every fubduc their cncmies, furnifhcth his Minifters and peo- ^ ^'r^' uV^' * *?• pJe with eifcs and traces % and maketh interceflfion for Thou hsii made V r known to me the ways ^"Cm • of life i Thou ftialt make me full of joy with thy countenance. Compared with PfAl.iS.i r. Thou wilt fhew me the path of lifej in thy preience is fulnefs of joy, and at thy right hand there arc pleafures for evermore. <> ^oh.iy.^. Andnow O Fath;r, glorifie thou me, with thine own fclf, with the elory which I had whhthcee before the world was. p Epb.i.xi. And ha.h put all things under his feet, and jave him to be the head over all things to the Church. iFtt. g.ti. Who is gone into heaven and is on the right hand of God, Anjcls, and Authorities and Powers being made iubjffl: unto him* i Epb. 4.to,ii,ix. He that defcended is the fame alfo that afcended up far above all heavens, that he mi^hc fill all things.^ And he gave fomc Apaftlcs , and fome Prophets, and fome EvangcUlts, and fome fa- lters and Teachers j For the pctfeding of the Saints, for the work of the Miniftery, for the cdifytnj of the body of Chrift. Tp/, i lo. throaghou'. The Lord faid unto my Lord, li: thou it my right band, till, &c , — to the end. " Rom. 8. J4. Who is he that condemneth ? it is Chrilt thac ^iedj ye rather that is rifen again, who is even at the right band of God, who aifo maketh imctcef- Q^ How doth chrift make intercef[ion i A, Chrift maketh intcrcefllion , by his appearing \a ; Heh. 9. II — 14. our nature continually before the Father in heaven ^ ^ Neither by the blood in the merit of his obedience and facrifice on earth ^5 L b^^'hirowabiood tieclaring his will to hive it applied to all believers ", fccentred in once into anfwcring all accuMons agiinft them'*', procuring for otatKe'rnl'fTe? ^^^^^ quiet of confciencc aotvvithftanding daily fail-j »^cmp ion for us.- — ~ ■ V.i4.] For Chrift is not cmred into the holy placts made with hand?> which are the figuresof thefl true, but into heaven it felt, nowtoappear inthe prefcficcof Gjd for us. ^ Heb.ui. Who bting^ the brightncfs of his glory, and the esprefs image of his perfon, and upholding all things by the word of his power, when he had by himfeif purged out {ins, fate down on the right hand of the Majefty on high. ^ " lob. ^.16. For God fo loved the world, that he gave his onely-begotten Son, that wfeofoc- •vxr bclieveth in him might not perifli but have everlafting life, lo&.ij.^— — zo- — 14. I pray fcr them, I pray not for the world j bu: for thtm which thou haft given me, for they are mine— V.io.] Neither p:ay I for thcfc alone, but for tbcm alfo that ihall believe on me through their word — V.z4.] leather 1 will that they alfo whom thou haft given me, may be wiih me where I am, that they may behold ray glory, which thou haft given me i for thou lovcdft me before the foundation of the worlJ. * ivow.8.jj,j4. Whofiialllayany thing to the charge of Gods eled ? itisGod that jufti^es. Who ishcthatcondamnethf it is Chrift that died) yea rather chat is cif;n again; who is even.a; therighc ^Mdai God, whoa^fomjkstbift;««flionfor us,. ' C2P] Ingss acccfs with bold ncfs to the throne of grace y, ]^^^;^^i;^ and acceptance of their pet ions * andferviees^ fahh, we have peace with God , through our Lord Jefus Chrlft, by whom alfo we have aecefs by faith into this jracc wherein wt Hand, and rt:- ioycc in hope of thcgloryof God. i lo*.z.i,t. My little children tbefc things write I unto you* thatyefinnot. Andif any manfin, we have an Advocate with th: Father, Jefus Gbrifttbe rightcousj And he is the propitiation £or our fins, and not for ours oncly but alCo for the fins of the whole world. T Heb.^.i6. Let u$ therefore come baldly unto the throne sf grace, thi: we may obtain mercy, and find grace to help in time of needi. ^ E^b.i.6. To the praife of tha glory of bis grace, wherein he hath made Us accepted in the beloved. ^ t Pet.z.^. Yz alfo as lively ja:ones are built up a Spiri- tual houfc , an holy Priefthood, to o£er up fpirhual fjctifices acceptable to God by Jcfui Gbrift. Q. Hofv is Chrifi to Be exalted h his coming agdin t9 [udge the tvorld 1 A, Chiift is to be exalted in his coming again to judge the world, in that he who was unjnftly judged and condemned by wicked men \ fball come again at the b^3.j.,4,i^. But laft day in great power % and in the full manifeftation ye denied the Holy of his own glory, and of his Fathers, with all his holy ?r ''^^^ '^' I'hrr'* A 1 1 - • I '^ /I '11 • r^ I A I 1 delired anuirtnercr to Angels '^jrawith a Ihout, with the voice of the Archangel, be granted umo you, and with thetrumpetof God% to iad?e the world in «n t Cor. i.io. For all the fromiresirf Giod in ^cB-«e,y«, and m him; Atncn, um^ [30] Q^ How do we C0me to be made fAHakers of the benefits Uihkh Chrijl kath frocurt^ i ? ., . , - , A. Wc are made partakers of the benefits which Chrift hath procured, by the application of them unto '.f™ ui,™ huw. «5', which is the work especially of God the Holy and bis own received Ohoft. himnot Butasma- -' ny 8| received biijl, to them he ^svc the power to become the fons of GodjCvca to them that be- lieve in his name, k r/V.j.^j6, Njcby worksofrightcoufnefs which wc havcdone, but accord-' ing to his mircy he faved us, by the v»a(hinRof regeneratioiij and repewing of the H)Jy Gboft; v^hicb be (bed on us abundantly ibroygh Jcfus Chrift our Saviour. (:^'W^o are : m^de pariakers of :R^dep}.ption through Chrid? • ■' ' ; A, Redemptioti is certainly applied and effcdually cortimunicaied to all thofe for whom Chrift hath pur- ^Eth I I?" 14 In ^^h^fe^i'^^ who are in time by the Holy Ghoft inabled whofay'e ai'fotrufted to be{ieY:?!inCIi^i(t according to theG^fpel^.:_; ,f- r^ after that ye heard the • : t .. ,■ , ...'•• . . ., j.^ ^,.^., .,:,5 ■ * word of Truth, thcGofpelof yoarfajvation j'inwhom alfo tfter^ ye bellcvit^ ye were fealtd with' chat holy Spirit of promife , which is the earned of cue ihheritans:} uiitill the rectiftnption of the purchafcd polleflion, unto the praife of his glory. 3fo&.6.j7-.59. All that the Father" jiveth me ftwli come unto mej and iiim that Cometh unto me I will in no wife caft out—* V. J9.] And this is the ^Fathers will who hath Cent me, that of all which he hatb given me I Ihould lofe nothing, but ihould raife it up again at thelsflday. 5^o&.io,iy,i6. AstheFathcrknowethme, evenloknow Ithe Father, and I lay down my life for the llieep. And other (beep I hate which are not of this fold } them alfo I mufl bring, and they ihall hear my voice, and there (hall be one fold, and one fliepherd. " Epb» a.8. For by grace ye are faved through faith, and that not of your fclves, it is the gift of God, 2.C0r.4.ij. We having the lame fpirit of faith, according as ic is written, I believed, and therefore feavc I fpokfn 3 wc alfo believe and therefore fpeak. _^^ Q^ Cart they ivha have never heard the Gofpel, dndfo^ know not fefus Chrijl^ner believe in him, be Javed by their living according to the light of nature? A. They who, having never heard the Gofpel ", know «Kflm. 10. 14. How not Tefus Chrift °, and believe not in him, cannot be dienfliall they /call on _''' '^^ti ,v\4 ♦i/\^;. him in whom they have not believed ? and bow (hall they believe in him of whom they have not heard? and how (hall they heir without a preacher ? " x Tbe[[.i.9,cf. In flaming fire taking vengeance on them that fcjio»r>i\o:God, and that obey not the Gofpel of our Lord Jcfus Chrift; who (hall be punifhcd with everlafting deftruftion, from the prefence of the Lord, and from the glory of his power, Efb. 2. 1 2. jThatatthattimeye were without Chrift, being aliens from the Commonwealth of Ifrael, and ftran- ^crs from the Covenants of Promife, having no hope and without God in the world. 5fo&. i.io, 11,12. He was in the world,and the woild was made by him, and the world knew him not. He came unto his -own, and his own received him not. Bat as many as received bim,io chcm gave he power to become the •ifonsof God, even to ibcmibat believe in bis name, /. t ---'■-':-'. - laved P5 fared p, be they never fo diligent to frame their lives ac- p m.8.x4: i m cording CO the light of niture % OrtheLaw of thatKe- ^[)"ebrc umo you, ligion which they profefs % neither is their fa] vation in '^^r'LsTLAi yc any other, but in Chrift alone ^j who is the Saviour one- believe not that i am ly of his body the Church t.. .. , . ^^''''S^Yf''y'i^' :*/ y'*V"""'^V ^;bfi;d?od,l>xa^oc . that bciSiveth and is 'fcapnzed null be fayed, but ne'th'it'fcilifvcch not ffiall b« dlomeif . a. i (^»r.i,io,'i 1,11,15,14, Where is the wife? where is the Scribe? where is the difputer of thh world? Hath not God made foolifli the wifdooi of this world? V.xi.] For after that in the wifdom of God, the world through I wifdom knew not God, it pleafed God by cbe fooIiftineCs of preaching to fave ihem that believe. V. 11.3 Forthe Jews require a fijn, and the Greeks feck after wifdom. V.ij,] But we preach Chrift crucified totbejewsaftuoiblinj-block, and unto the Greeks fooliftmefs. V- 24.3 But unto them who arc cal- led, both Jews, and Greeks, Chiift the power of God, and the wifdom ot Gcftl. ♦ I0&. 4.11. Yc woriliipyeknowriot what J wekraowwhatweworfhip j forfalvatlonisof the Jews. Rom.^.. ^ij^t. But Ifrael which followed aft'erthe law of righteoufnefs hath not Attained to the law of rlghteoufnefs. VVhercfcre ? becaufe they foujhc it not by faith, but as it were by the wo ksof thclaw, forth«y flumbjed at that ftumbling- {tone. PW'.j. 4,5)6,7,8,9. Though I might alfoJiave confidence in thu fleflij if any pfficr man thinkcth that he hath whereof he might tniftin the flcfh, 1 more; V. 5.^ Cfrcumcifed the eighth day , of the ftock of Ifrael, of the tribe of 6:njamin, an Hebrew of the Hebrew^.as toiiching the kwj a Pharifee. y.6.] Goncerning/zteali perfccutlng the Church, touch- ing the rigtcoufnefs which if in the Law, blame lifs. V.7.J Bu^what things were a giin tome, tbofc I counted lofs for Chrift. V.8.] Yea douVtIefs, and I accoarit all things but lofs for the exceclltncy _ ofthck^ii^wlcdgco^ Chriift^tfusmjt^Lord, f&r whom I have fuffered the lofs of all things, and do ' ^oum theqbiit 'dun^^hat I may win Chrift. V.9.] And be found in htm, not having mine own rightcoufncTs which is of thcLaw.V ^uithaciwhichisthroufttl thefaithof Chrift, the rightcdufnefs which is of God by faith. ^ ^ -4^. 4. 1 1. Neither is there falvation in any other j for there is no other nasjic under heivei^'^ivcn aniongft men whereby we mulVbefaved. ' Bp^j.ij. For the husband is dbckcad of ihew^c,tffliiiij&ifti»t|ife fte^d^ flie-ChUrah 5 «ftdh:'^ir^ii!^a" the Church i ,'. .:j?j^ 5 i^.^B ,53^. . A. All that he At the Gofpel, and live in the vifible Church are not faved, but they oaely who arc true mem- bers of the Church invifible ". . -U .> " '*^- * »• ^^> J^'.^o- ^ ^ ^ -. That th? faying ot E- ,- . . i. L c \r-\i J J., L. /. . , . ^■'^^ ^3*»s the Prophet ;• might be fulfilled which be (pake, Lord who hath beifevef our, -^(fp^jrt !U,and to whrrn hsth the arm of V rjhe Lord been revealed? Therefore they could not b.ileVe.bVcVU^^ that ^fsias fiin -.eain, He hath ' blinded.thcir^yes, and hardened tilfirteart, that they llbuIJ nrif ['gc with t^ «£,(?..«* ntr underftand w'^Atheir^Mtt.-arfd^iiidonWttedjindriiibldhealtHe^ word of . •? n 5 ? t noneefFed; for they arc not all Iiratl who are of jrrael, Mut.il.-H. For many ' arc calMjbutfcwchoren. Mm.7.zi. Not evy one Spirit arc we all .baptized into one bo jy, whether *rc be lews or GcntilesjVfhether we be bond or free, and have been all made to drink into one Spirit. i?ow.i 5.9,10,1 ijit. And that the Gentiles mi'jh: glorifie God for nis mercy , as it is wricten, Forthiscaufe I wJllcoftfcfstothje among the Gentiles, and dnj unto thy name. V.io.] And ajain tefaithj Rejoiceye Gentiles with his people. V.ii.] And again, Praife the Lord all ye Gentiles, and laud hitn all ye people. V.i 1.'] And again Efaias faith, There -ma:lbet root of Icfffj.and he thsr (ball rife to reign over the Gentiles, in him fh ail the G:ntilescruft. Kfj.r.p. After this I beheld, and lo a great multitude which no man could number, of all natior.Sj apd kindreds, and peopleifand tongues, ftoodbcfare the throne aad before the Iamb, dothed with white robes,andpalinsintheirba5ids.. -P/tf/. X.8. Askof me, and I fliall ^ive thee the heathen for thine inheritance, and the uttermoft parts of the earth for thy pofl'tfllon. Pp/. li. X7j i8,'i>, ^0,3 i. All the ends ot the world Ihall remember, and turn unto the Lord, and all the kindreds of the earth (hall worfliip before thee. V.18.] For the Kingdom is the Lords, and he is the Governour aolbng the nations. V.19.] All chey ihst be fat upon the earth (hall eac and worfliipj all that go down to the ' wft (hall bow before him, and none can keep aliyc his own foul . V.30.3 A feed (hall fcrve him, it: mall be accounted to the Lord for a generation. V.3 1.] Thty (hall come, and (hall d?.clare^is righte- ■oufnefs. Ffd.^^.i-j. 1 will mike thy name to be remembred in all generations » therefore (hall the fcople praife thee for ever and erer. 3fai.28.i;9,2o. Go ye therefore, andrteach all nation's, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of tbr Son, and of thelioly Gncft, teaching themt'o pbftrve all things wbatfoever I hare commandetLypu ; and lo I am w(ch you alwaiA unto th^feendiof the world. Amen. Efai.^g.ii. Asforme,thisismy Covenant with them, faith the Lord, My Spirit *»hich is upon thee, and my words which I have put in thy moath (hall not depart but of. thy mouth , nor out of the mouth of thy feed, nor out of the mouth •f thy feeds feedj faith the Lord,^from hence- forth and for ever. ^ I Cor.7.14. Fortheunbelieting husband is faft(ftifiedby t'&e'Kvi'fe, and the unbelieving wife is fanftified by the husband j clfe were your children unclean, but now they are holy. ^St.i 39. For the Promife is unto you and to ysur children, and to all that are afar off, even as many as the Lord our God (hall call. Row. 11.16. For if the firft-fruits be holy, the lutiip is alfo holy, and if the root be holy, fo are the branches. Gcrii 17.7. Antl I will cftabli(hmy Covenant between me and thee, and thy Teed after thecj in their generations for an cverlafting Coveasnt, to be a God »mo thee, ag^ 19 thy feed after thee, 3lcli1iv3(iiPU,:'. Q^ What are the ffecidh frivikdges of the vtftbUi Church ? 1 A. The viiible Church hath the priviledge of being' yirjM'5,6. And the ""^^'^ Gods fpecial care and govcr.nnlent y, of being Lord will create upon prote^ed and prefervedinall agci, nojwichflanding the every dwc'ling place - • ' v .:; ■.']:•';•-(, of Mount Sion, and upon her alTemblies a cloud and fmoke by day, and the (hining of a flaming (ire by night, for upon all the gloty (hall be a defence. V.6.] And tfeerfr(hall be a Tabernacle for a (hadovt -heday-timefrom the hear, and for a place of refuge, and for i covert fronrt ftorm, and from rain. 4.1 o. For therefore we both labour, and fuffcr reproacb,becaufe wt truft in the living God,wbo 'm of all men cfpeciaily of thofc that believe. oppo- oppofidon of all enemies % and of enjoying the com- ^p/i/. n?. through- munion of Saints, the ordinary means of falvation % J"--, NorunwusO offers of grace by Chrift to all the members of ic in the bu7ll-!ll\o""h? end! miniftery of the Gofpel, teftifying, that whofoever be- JUii^A,'i- Fonbus licvesinhimftallbefavcd ^ and excluding none that Hf^ ^^i'-'-l^^VrMrc will come unto him ^. lion and the yong lioa roaring on his prey , when a mukudc of ShjpherJs are called forth agalnft him, he will not be afraid of their voiccj nor abafc himfelf {or the noifc of them j fo (hall the Lord of hofts come down to fight for mount Sion and for the hill thereof, V.j] As birds flying, fo will the Lord of hofts defend Jcrufalem, defending al;o he will deliver ir, and pafTing over he will prcfcrve it. Zsi,*>, 1 1.2,5,4 8,9. Bihold, I will makejeruralem a cupof trembling unto all the people round about, when thty ihall bi in the firje both againft J udah and Jerufalcm. V. j .] And in that day will I make Jcrufalem a burthenfoine ftonc for all people; alhhat burthen themfclves with it, {hall be cut in pieces, though all th: people of the earth be gsthered together againft it. V.4.] In that day, fai^h the Lord, 1 will fmi:c every borfc with aftonilhment, and his rider with madnefs; andl will cp:n mine eyes upon the houfe cf Judab, and will fmite every horfe of the people with blindncfs V.8.] In that day (hall the Lord defend the inhabitants of Jcrufalem, and he that is feeble among them, at that day (hall be as David, and the houfc of Da»id ihall be as God, as the Angel of the Lord before them, V.9.] And it lliall come to pafs in that day, that I will feck code ftioy all the nations that come againft Jcrufslem. ^^ tASl z. j9_4i. For the promife is CO YOU and CO your children, and to all that are afar ofF, even asmsny as the Lord our God (hall call— V.4i.] And they continued ftedfaftly in the Apoftlesdoftrinc,and in fel- lowfhip, and in breaking of brea(f,5nd in prayers, ^pf, 1 47. 19, lo.Hc (hewcth his words unto Jacob, his ftatutes and his judgements unto Ifracl. H: hath not dealt fo with any nation, and as for his judg- ments, they have not known them ; praifc ye the Lord, Rom. 9. 4. Who are Ifraelites, to whoai pertaineth the adoption, and the glory, and the Covenants, and the giving of the Law, and the fervice of God,and thcpromifcs. Ep^.4. 11,11. And he gave fome Apoftlcs, and fomc Prophets, and fome Evangelifts, and fome Paflors and Teachers, for the perfefting of the Saints, for the work of the miniftry, for the edifying of the body of Chrift. 3fjri^ 16. 15,16. And he faid untothcm. Go yc into all the world, and preach the Gofpcl to every creature. He that believeth and is baptii:d (hall be favcd, but he that believeth not (hall be damned. " fob.b.^7. All that th« father givcth me (hall ccme Hnto me, and him that cometb co me I will in no wile caft our. Q^ IVhdt is the invifible Church ? ^. . The invifible Church is the whole number of the ele • Tiut'in the difpenfa- don of tlie fulncfstif times, he might gather together in one all things in Chrift, both which are in heaven, and which arc on earth, even in him V.n.] And hath put all things under his feet, and gave lu;iuo be head over all thin's to the Church, which is his body, the fulncfs of him that fiilcth alliu all. ji'ctw io.t6. Andotherlhecpl havcwhicbarcnotof this fold j th:m alio Imnft brin^.and thty Hiall bear my voice, and there (hall b: one foldjsnd one (Iieph«ard. John n .; i. And net for that nsticn oii:ly, but that alfo he fhould gather together in oae, the children of God chac were icattered abr ^a J. Q^ vyhiit fpecUll henejits do the Members of F the C34l the Ji^vifihk church enjoj bj Chrifi ? A. The Members of the Invifible Church by ^jokiy. 11. That ^^^'^ ^"i^^y ^'^^^" ^"<^ Communion with him in they all. may be one, gtace and glory ^. asthoa Fjiihec arc in mc, and I in the?, thjt thjy alfo may be one in us, that the world may believe that thou hift fenr mf? Ep&.i.5,6. Even when we were dead in fins, hith qjicknedus togecher with Chrift (by grace ycare faved) Ana bach raifcd us up together, and hath made us fit together iiilieavenly places in Chrift Jc- fus. ^ohn 17.14. Fjcher I will that they alfowhom thou haft given me, be with me where I am, that they may behold my glory whiah tliou haft '^i vcn me j for thou lovedft me before the foundation of the world. Q^ Whtxi is that union rvh'ich the Ele^ have with Chri}? fEpbi Ad ^' '^^^ Union, which the Eled hare with Chrlft, is hathput^ilUhinssun. ^^^ ^^^rk of Gods gracc ^, whereby they are Spiritually der his feet, and gave and myfticilly, ycc really and infeparably joined to ^r things ^'fo Zl ^^^'^^' ^^^^^'' ^^^^ 3"^ husbands, which is done in chu.cb. Eph. 1. 6^ their effedual Calling ^. 7}8. And hathraifcd us up together, and made us fit together inheawnly places in Chrift Jefus. V.7.] That in the ajes Mcooic he might (hew the cxcecdiaj riches of his gracein his kindnefs towards us in Chrift Jeftis. V.8.] For by grace are ye faved, through faith, and that not of your fcWes, it is the gift of God. s I Oy'^'^7- Bat he that is joinsd to the Lord is one Spirit, fobn 10. 18. And I give unto them eternal luc, and they (hall never perifli, neither (hallany man pluck them out of my hand. Epb.$. i;--—jo. Far the husband is the head of thewif?, even as Chrift is the head of the Church j and ncisthcSavioiR-of thebody V.50. For we are members of bis body, of his fte/h, aad of bis bones. ** i P^^j.io. But the God of all grace who hxtb called us into his eternal glory by Chrift Jesus, after that yehavefuffereda while, make you perfcd, ftabliih, ftrengthcn, fettle you. i Cor, I ^9' Gjd is faithful, by whoji ye were called unto the fejlow/hip of his Jon Jefus Chrift ou: Lord. Q^ ^hdt ii ejfeciml cdling i u//. Effe(5tuall Calling is the work of Gods Almigh- 'itfKf.tf^ Verily,ve- ty po./er and grace \ whereby, out of his free and c- Ihe houf Tcom^in^g; ^P^^^^^ ^^^^ to his Eied, and from notching in them mo- and now is, when the dead (hall hear the voice of the Son of G jd , and thjy that hear (hall live. Eph. i. 1 8, 1 9, lo. The eyes of your unJcrftjnding being enlijh-ncd/thjt ye may know what is ihe hop: of his cal'ing, and what the riches of the glory of his inheritance in the Ssiats. V. 19.] And what is the exceeding greatnefs of his power to us-ward who believe, according to the working of his mighty power , which he wrought in Chrift when heralfedhim from the dead, and ftthimat hisownri^ht hand, in the hiavenlypUces. irZ/n.i.Sj^. B: not thoa therefore a{hamed of the tcftimonyof our Lord, nor of m: his prifoncr, butbcLhoa partaker of the slRiftionsof thtGoIpcl, according to the power of God. y.9.] Whohachla/edu;, and c-llcd us with an holy filling, nor acording to our works, but accord* ta^to hij own purpofc^ and grace which was giTcn us in Chrift Jefus before the world began. ving [35] vinghim thereunto ^, he doth in his accepted time in-'' ^'f^^^'^'^" ^'^'^' viteand draw them to Jefus Chrift by his Word and "^7lovVof God^our Spirit', favingly inlightning their mindes'", renewing Saviom- cowards man and powerfully determining iheir wills " fo as thcy\ 'JP-^,--:^^-;'' although in themfdves dead in fin, are hereby made we have done , but willing and able freely to anfwer his call, and to ac- accoidng to his mercy ccpt andimbrace the grace offered and conveyed there- ^^^^'^^^g'^^j^r^gey^^^ in °» tiorij sJui renewing of the Holy Ghoft. Epb. 1.4,5^—7,^,9. But God who is lich in tr.eny , for his great lo'cwhercwiili he loved us. V. ?.} Even when wc were dcai ill liis, hath quit kned us together with Chrift f by grace ye arc favcd ) • V.7.J That in the ages to come he might fhew the fxcceding riches of bis grace, in his kindnels to- w»rdsus through Chrift Jclus. V.8. For by grace ye arc Uvedj through fsithj and ihsc no: of your feltes i i: is the gift of Gof. V $. Not of workJ, Icsft sny man fliould bojft. Rcm.g.ii- Forthe children befnj not yet born, neither having done any good or evil, thjt ihc purpofc of God according te eleftion might ftand, rot of works bur of him that calleth.— ' z Ccr, y»to. Now then we arc Amfesfladors for Chrift, as though God did bcfecch you by bj, we pray you in Chiifts ftesd, be ye reconciled to God. Compared with iCor.6.i,i. We then as Workers cogcthtr with him, befecch you alfo that yd receive Dot i he grace of God in vain j forhcfsich, I have heard thee in a time ac- cepted, and iiithccay of falvationhafe I fuccouredthcej Behold now is the accepted time, behold, now is the day of filvation. Job. 6. 44. No man can come to me except the Father who hath fent mc draw him; and 1 will raife him up at the Isft day. iThejJ- 1.1^,14. But we are bound to give thanks alwsy to God for you, brethren beloved of the Lord, becaufe God hath from the beginninj cho- fen you to falvation, through fanftification of the Spirit, and belief of the truth. Whereuntohe hath called youbyourGofpeltothecbtaiuingof the glory of our Lord Jcfus Chrift. '" v43, 26. 18. To open their eyes and to turn them from daiknefsto light, and from the power of Satan unto God j tliac they may receive forgivcnefs of (insj and an inheritance among them which are fandified by faith which is in mf. 1 Cor. i.io 12. But God hath revealed them unto us by his Spirir : forthc Spi ic fearchethall thingsj yea even the deep things of God V.12.3 Now wc have not received theSpfritof the world, but the Spirit which is of God, that we might know the things freely given us of God. " E^f^j. U.19. I will give them one heart, and I will put a new Spirit wirhin you, and I will take the ftcny heart out of their fltfti, and will give them an heart of flefli. £^^^.36.16,17. A new heart alfo will I give you, and anew Spirit will I put within you, and 1 will take away the ftony heart out of your flcfh, andlwillgivc you an heart of flefli. V.i?.] I will alfo lave you fromali jcur uncleanneflcs, and I will call from the corn and encreafe ir, and lay no famine upon you. lobii 6.45. Icis written in the Prophets, And they ftiall be all taught of God; every man therefore that hsth hearci and learned of the Father comcih unto me. ° Eph.i. f. Even when wc were dead in fins, hathquickncdustogether wichChriftj (bygrac^pyearefavcd^. PhV.i.ij. FjricisG^d xhatworketb inyou to wiilandto doof bisgoodpleafure. Vcut.io.6. And the Lord tfy God will circun-cifc thy hcarr, and the hcarc of thy Iced to love the Lord thy God with all thy hearr, and with all thy fouU.ttiac thou maift live. Q^ Are the Blelf effectually called} A, All the EIc(5i:, and they onely, arc efFe(5lually cal- led p 5 although others may be, and often are, outward- p^^ ^, s p^^^ ly called by the miniftery of the Word % and hivef&me whca tiw- G^r.tjies heard this, they were glad, and glorified the word of the Lord: and as msny as VYcre ordained to cternallftc, believed. ^ MAtt.ii.i^, For many arc called, but few are chorcn, F 2 com- ' Mdt 7. 11. Mmy common operations of* the Spirit S who, for their vvll- wiii lay unto m: in fu| ncgled and coHtcmpt of the grace offired to them Ha'.e'l; il-ofpropiK.' f'eing juftly left in theuunbdief, do never truly come fied in thy name ? anA tO JeillS Chfifl ^. in thy name caft out Divti's ? and in thy name done many wondcfful works ? Mit,ii.io,ii. Bat he that received the feed into ftony places, the fame is he that h?are:h the word, and anon with joy r-ceivsdir; yet hsch he nocrootinhimfelf, bucdurethforawhilc ; for w^en tribala'ion or perfscucion arircth becjufc of ihc word, by and by he is offended. Heb.6.i,'). For itis impoflibl* for thofc whi were once enli|ht- ncdj and have tafted of the heavenly gift, and were made pjrcak^rs of the hsly Ghoft, and have rafted thegood word of God, and the powers of the world to come i If th;y, &C;— - ^ iofc.i 1.58,39,40. Thsc the faying of Efaias the Prophst might be fulfilled which he fp-ke, Lord, who bath believed our report? and co whom hath the arm of the Lord been revealed? V.??.] Tberefoie tliey could not' believes b:caufe that Efaiasfaid again. V.40.] He hath blinded their eyes, and hirdned their heart, that they fliould not fee wi;h their eycsj and underftand with their h;art, and be converted, and I (hould heal them. 6/4^.18.15,26,1,7, And when thcyagrecdnotamongcbeinCelveSjthcy departed after that Psu! ha J rpoken one word. Well fpike tha Holy Ghoft by the Prophet Eiaias unto our Fathers, iayin|, V.16.] Go unto this people, and fay. Hearing ye (hall hear, and Ihsll not underftandj andl'eeinjye fliall fee , and nor perceive V.ay.] For the heart of this people is waxed jrols, and their cars are dull of hearing, and their eyes havo ch;y dofed, leaft they (houli fee with their eyes, and hear wiih cheir ears, and underftand with their iicart, and be converted, and I fhauld heal them. lob. 6.^4, 6f. But there are fome of you that b:Iie?e not. For Jefus knew from the beginning who they w:re that believed not, and who fliould betray liim. V.6f,]Andhefaid, Taerifore faii I uaco you, that no maa can come unto mc except it were given him of the Father. Pp/.8i.ii, »i. Butmypeop^le would not bcarken to my voice, and Ifraei would have none of me j fo I gave them up to their own hearts lufts, 3nd they walked in their own counfcls, • Q^ Vrktt is the Communion in Grace which the Members of the Invifihle Church have rvith Chrifi i A. The Communion in Grace, which the Members of the Inviftble Church have with Chrift^ is, their par- ^Km. 8. 30. More- ^^^i^g o^ ^^c Virtue of his Mediation, in their Juftificati- ovcr whom he dd on ^, Adoption", Sandification, and whatever clfe in ^ff\^r ?"^ ^' this life manifefts their Union with him *. alio called, and who?n lie called rhem he alfo juftificd, and \\hom he juftified them he aIfo|lorified. " Epft.i.f. Having predcftinated us to the adcpcion of children by Jvfus CtttiftjCo himfdf, sccordinj to the good pleafure of his will. ^'iCoT.i.iQ. Buto? him are ye in Chrift Jcfus, who of God is made unco us wifdomj and rishtcoufnefsi and fandificacionj and redemption. *Km.5.x2— T4.zr. Q^What is Nullification^ Even the iig,hteoufn»fs A, Juftification is an a^ of Gods free grace unto fai W T^r'f chri^ft finncrs^jin which he pardoneth all their fins, accept- unro all, and upon all that believe J forthere is no diffrrenc: V.14.] Bang juftified freely by his grac:, through the rediimption that is in lefus Chriih Vij.l Whon God ha:h fet forth tobea propitiation through faith in his blooi, to declare his rijhceoufnefs for the remiftiaa of fins that are pift, through the forbearance of Gid. Rom./^. y. Bit to him that woiksch not, but bsiiercth on him tfestj uftificch the ungodly, his faiih is accounted for righteoufncfs. t cihand accountcth their pcrfons righteous in his fight y,^--- ---'^-- -, not for any thing wrought in them, or done by them % wkfchaJiorwVs il butonclyFor the petfcd obedience and full fatisfadion Ghriit recondiinsthc of Chrift, by God imputed to them % and received by "^^'^i ^-'''^, himfdf^ 7 , ' y ^ ' ■* not loiruting thcic Faith alone ''. ircfpalfcs uno them ; and hath comciiiccd untio us the word of rfcondliation— — V.ti.] Forhe hschmsdehimcobe fin for us, who knew no fin, thicwc might be made the rightcoufnefsof God in him. Rom j.ii i4ji$ i7ji8. Even the rightcoufncfsof God which is by the faich of Jcfus Chrift unto all, and upon all that believe j for there is no difference V. 14.] Being juftifitd freely by bis grace tf r jugh the redcmprion that isinJefusChtift, V.z$.] Whom Goi hath Let forth to be a propitiation throUj^hfai;h inhisbboJ, to declare his righteoufnefs for the rcmifTion of fins that are spaft, through the forbeaiance of Goc V.27.] Where is boafling then ? itisexcluded. Bywhatlarv? Of works ? Nay, but by the law of faith. V.18.] Therefore we conclude that a man is juftified by faith, without the deeds of thclaw. z ^/^J.5. Not by works of rJghtcoufnefs which we have done, bur according to his mercy he faved us, by the wilhing of regeneration, and renewing of theHoly Ghcft. Eph.i 7. In whom we have redemption through his blood, the forgivenefs of fins according to the riches of his grscc. ^ Rom. ^.i7,r8,T9. Therefore if any man be in Chrift he is anew creature, old things arc paft away, beho!d> all things arebccomcnew. V.18.] Andall things are of God, v/ho hath reconciled us to himfelf by Jefus Chrift, andha'-hgiyen to usthe minifteryof reconciliation. V.19.] To wit) that God was in Chrift, reccncilng the world unto him felf, not iqjputing their trefpaffes unto them, and hath cotniiittcd jsnto us the word of reconciliation. Ko»x.4. 6,7,8. Even as Divid alfo delcribes the blcflcdnefs of the man unto whom GoJ imputetbrightsoufnefs without works, V.7.3 Saying, Blcffrd are they whofc in'quities are forjiyen, and whofe fins arc covered. V.8.] Blcfled is the man to whom the Lord will not impute fin. ^ JSi.it./^i^ To him give all the Peophcrs witncfs, that through his name who- foever belic^cf h in him (hall receive rcmilTioa of fins. Gal.i, 1 6. Knowing that a man is not juftificd lythcworksof tbc law, bat by the faith of Jefus Chrift, even we have believed in Jefus Chrift^ that we might be juftified by the faith of Chrift, and not by the works of the law j for by the works of the law (hall no flcfli be juftified. Phil.i.g. And be found in him, nothaving mine own tighteoufnefs which is of the law, but that which is through the faith of Chrift, chc righceoufnefs which is of God • by faith. Q^ ffptv is fttjfificathf} an 4ti of Cods free Grace ? A, Although Chrift by his Obedience and Death, did make a proper, reall, and full fatisfadion to Gods Juftice, in the behaU of them that are juftified ^=5 yet, in as much as God accepteth the fatisfacflion from a Sure- ty, which he might have demanded of them, did 'J^o>»-j-fi9>^o,~ip: ■' ^ ° 'But God conimend- eth his love towards us. in that while we were yet finners Chrift died for uj. V. 9,] Much more then being now juftified by his blood , we Ihall b: faved frotn wrath through him. V. lo. ] For if when wG were enemies we were reconciled to God by the death of his San, much more bein* reconciled ihall w: be faved by his life < V.19.] For as by one mans diiobedicnce mv- py were made fianers, foby the obedience of one (hall many be made righteous. E^^: L3^J Y- 6 V P'^'^^^^^ ^^^^ Surety, his own onely Son ^, Imputing thWiTo^'cGoJvisni his righteoufnefs to themS ^"4 requiring nothing ci oneM.diatoibecwscn {hcin for thcit JuftificatioH ,• but Faith ^, which alfo ^li 'cfarrft; Wu^s! ^s ^^s §i^^ ^ ^^^i^' Juftification is, to them, of free VVbo gayc bimfdf a gtace '\ ranfom: for al! to be teftiiicd in due time. Hf6.io.io. By the which will we arc fan fllfijd through the offering of th: bodyot Jefus Chrift once for all. Mit.io,i9, Even gs the Son of msn came not to be mir.iftred un:o, but to minillrr, andto jivt hijlifc a ranfomc for many. P./n.9,i4 26. S:vtncy wc(ks are determined upon thy people, and upon thy holy Cityj to finifh the tranfgrefTionj and to ra;ke an end of fins, and to mate reconcilia ion for iniquity, and to bring in cverlaftiag righttoufntfs, snd to feal up the viUon and prcphrfic, and to anoint the moft Holy — \.i6.'] And after tbrctfcoie iand two weeks rtiall MefTnb be cut off, but not for himfclf, and the people of the Prince that fliall comr, Hiail deltroy the City and the S induary , s'.d the end thereof (hali be with a fiaod, &c. llfji.^l.^il/' 10,11,11., Surely he hath born our griefs, and carried our lorrowsj y«t we did eitecm himftritkin, fmittenof God, andsfHidcd. V.J.] But he was wounded for our tranfgrefli- ons, be was bruifed for our iniquities J the chsftifement of cur peace was upon him, and with his ftripes wearehe^.lti^/ V.6.] All we likeflieep have gone aftray j we hare turnsd every cne to his own way, and the Lord hath laid on him the iniquity of usal' V.ic] Yet it pleafcd the Lord to bruifc him, hehath pa; hicntogaef; when thou flialt make his foul an offering for fin, he fliall fee bis Iced he (hall prolong his daycs, and tbe pleafure of the Lord ihall profper in bis bands. V. 1 1. ] He Ihallfeeof the travel of his foul, and be fatisfied ; by bis knowlcd|e flisll my righteous fervant juftify many; for he (hail bear their iniqiitits. V.ii.3 Therefore will I divide hitn a portion, with the great, and he (hall divide the fpoil with the ftrong 5 becaufe he hath poured out his foul unto death : and he was numbrcd with the cranfgreflbrs, and he bare the fid of many, and made intcrceflion iqt the tranfirefTors. Heb.jii. By fo much was Jefus made a Sjrety of a better Teftsmenr. Row.S.ji. He that fparcd not his own Son, but delivered him up for us all, how diall be not with him alfo freely give us all things, i PfM. 18,19. ^or as much as ye know that ye were not redeemed wiihconuptible things, as filver and golcl, from your vain converfation, received by tradition from your fathers, V. 19.3 5ut with the precious blood of Chrift, csof a lamb without blemi(h,an4 without fjpot. « iCort 5.1 1. For h? hath made him to be fin for u«, who knew no fin, that wc might be made the righteoufnefs of God inhim. ^ R«OT.g.J4,ij. Beini juftifiei freely by his grace, through '^^ redemption that is Jefus Chrift. V.i?.] Whom God hath lee forth to be a propitiation through faith in his blood, to declare his righteoufnefs for the remiflion of fins that are paft, through the iorbearance of God. iEph.ZiS. F.r by graceareyefa»ed through faith, and that not of yourfclvesj it is thegiftof God* '' Epb.1.7. In whom wc have redemption through his blood, the forgivcncfc ot fins, aciBording to the skhes of his grace. ' HcK 10. ? 9. But we Q. What is jttfttfpng Fait'h ^ ZZ.tt'^.t. . ^- J"ft'fyi"g F^«" 's a aving Grace Vvrought m on, but of them who the hcut of a Sinner by the Spirit'^ and word of believe to the faving of thefoul. '' iCor.^.^j. Wchavinrg the fame Spirit of faith, according as it is written, I belie- ved, and therefore have I fpok!n,w2?iiro believe and therefore fpeak. Epb. I. 17, 18, «9. That tbe G")d of our Lord Jcfus Chrift the Fdithcr of glory may give unto you the Spirit of wifdom, and reve- lation in the knowlecij? of him. V/18,] The eyes of your undtrftanding being enlightned, that ye may know what is th;' hope of his ciUiog, and what the riches of the glory of his inheritance in tbe Saints, V.ip.] And what is the exceeding grcacnef* of his power to us-ward who believe according ta the vvdrkiog ot his mighty power. God', l39l God ',whereby he, being convinced of his fin and mi- 'Rom. lo. 74." How ferv,andof thedifjbilityinhimfelf and all other crea- ;,^.^'^**^^-^5=y"^S,°'^ ivi V, V.11V* VI / him, on whom they tares to recover him out or nis loft condition "', not have no: believed/ onely affenteth to the truth of the promife of the Go- f"4 how (hail they fpcl", but receiveth and refteth upon Chrift and his ^^om^hey hr" noc righteoufnefs therein held forth, for pardon of fin ^, and heard ? aad how (inii tor the accepting and accounting of his perfon righteous ^'ijjcbcr? ^'■'^'''!Iicf* in the fight of God for falvation p. x. j7. Now when they heard this, they were pricked in thdr hearts, and fatJ unto Peter and to the reft of the Apoftles, Men and brethren, whatfliallwedotobcrai/cd ? ASl.i6.io. And brought ckem out, and (aid, Sirs, Whjt muft wc do tobefavcd? ^ob.i6.iy^. And when he is co.iie he will convince the world of fm, ani of rijhceour- ncfs , and of j'jdgmenr. Of fm.bfcaufe they believe not in me Rom. ^.6. For when we were yet without ftrength, indue time Chrift died fo: the ungodly. Eph.i.t. And you hath he quickned , who were dead in trefpaflcs and fins^ ASi.^.ii. Neither is there Itlvacion in any other j for there is none o:hfr name under heaven jjivcn among men whereby we muft be faved. ° E^b.i.ij, la whom ye aUo trufted after that yc beard the word of truth, the Gofpel of your falvation , in whom al- fo after yc believed ye were fealed with that holy Spirit of promifr, ° lib. i, it. Bit as many as received himj to them gave he power to become the Tons of God, even to them that believe on his name. ASl.i6.li. And they faid, Belkvc on the Lord Jefus Chrift, and thou fhalc be faved and thine houfr. >1^. 10.4J. Tohim givcallthePicphecs witnefsjthatthrotJjh bis name, whofoevcr beliiycch inhim Ihall receive rcmiflion of fins. p PW/.j.p. And be found in him, not havinj mine own rightecuf- ne^'s which is by the Lawj but that which is thro Jgh the fiich of Chriftj the righteoufnefs which is of G:3d by faith. ASf.i^.n, Bat we believe that through the grace of our t-ord]clus Chrift, we ftali b: faved even as they. Q. Hm doth Faith jufiijie a Sinner in the fight of God i A, Faith juftifies a finner in the fight of God, not becaufe of thofe other graces which do alwaies accom- pany it, or of good works that are the fruits of it \ nor '^ ^^^i- ^^'n^j^^***" as if the grace of Faith, or any ad thereof, were impu- Kw/nSrrthcof tedtohimforhisJL'ftification ', but onely as it is an In- God, is evident : for ftrumentjby which he receiveth and applieth Chrift and ?.= jj"^ J'f ^'''^/ \ - ' y ^ •' r r r ** faith. Kom.l. 23. his righteoufnefs^. • Therefore wc con- clude that a man i» juftificd by ■faith without the deeds of the law. ' Rm.4. ji Bat to him that worketh no: bat btlic- veth on him th« j-aftifieth ihe ungodly, his fai;h i% countei for rijhtcoufnjfs. Coaipsied with Kom. ib.io. For wich the heart man belicveth unco righteoufnefs, and with the mouth confcllioa is made unto falvation. ^ Jdh.i n. Bit as maay as received him, to them gave he power to become the fons of God,c»cntothem tha:b:lieveoi hUnime. Phil.i.g, And be found in blm not having mine own righteoufnefs which is by the law, bat that which is through the faith of Chrift, the riihteoufncfs which is of God by faith. Gd.x. 16. Knowing that a man is no: juftified by the woiks of thcljw,, blitbythefsichof Jefus Chrift, even we have b:licred in Jefus Chritt, that wc mi^ht be juftihed by the fsich of Chrift , and not by ;h: work? of cbc h« j hi by the works of the l3)V Jhaii iJq i}|% be juftificd. ■ " C403 • Q:. ^^^^ is adoption i '\s\mml'nn' ^'^°^^ ^' Adoption is an a h""°f ^""^^ and ioint-hcirs with Cbrift, if fo be that we fuffcr with him, that wc may be alfo glorified cojcther. Q, Whdt is SanBijicatim ? ^. Sandification is a work of Gods gtacc, where- by they, whom God hath before the foundation of the world chofen to be holy^ are in time, through the power- ir?M hc'h h"^'^'^" ^^^ operation of his Spirit ^,applying the death and refur- ^cn us in himbct»?c ^^^^^'^ °^ Chrift unto them % renewed in their whole the foundation of the ^^^an after the Ima^e ol God \ having the feeds of Re- wafhed 'b" ,**''^°."^ ^^f"'^ hdort him in love, i Cor. 6. \ i. And fuch were fome of you ; but yc are our Gjd"^^'Vr/r"*^'^^'''^^"^y^''^'J'*^'^^'^* ^" ^^^ "'"' °^ the Lord Jefus,and by the Spirit of the Lord b-^r Sn: we arc bound to give thanks to God alway for you, brethren, beloved of Spitir -pj|f^f^'"^*'^^h from the beginning chofen you to falvation, through fanftificationof the to dearth thrl °^ '^' ^''"■^" ' R"».^-4> T .6- Therefore wc are burjed wich him by Biprifme in- fliouldv* |L^.'^^^^"''^"'2Si-3ifed up from the dead by the gloiyof the Father, even fo wealfo dcacb ' V" "^^'''^'=^5 of life. V.j.] For if we have been planted, together inr thclikcnefsof his crucified -hu^ "^''° '" ^^^ Hkinifs of his refurredion- V.6.] Kao-jving thisj that our old mm is <=Epf}±i'^ thartbe boJy of fmmi^ht badcftroycd, thit henceforth wc (hould not ferve fin. atr/r /^'*^? *^' ^^^ ^^ renewed in the Spirit of youc mind } sad that yc put on the new man, whiah ■--' ^-°^ ^scfcaced in rishtcoufncfs and true hoUn-wfs. pentancc pcntancc unto life, and of all other faving graces put into their hearts*, andthofe graces fo ftirrcd up, increafed, andftrengthened^, as that they more and more die unto [hlf^J/.i^LcrnTs fin, and rile unto newnels of life s. they hdd th.-k p.-a.c, and gloiifitd God > fayifgi Then hath God alfo to the Gentiles jranccd repentance unto life, i /efc. 3-9. VVbofoevcr is born of God doth not commie fin j for bis feed remaineth in him, and be cannot Gn bccaufe he is born of Gjd, ^ /wrfc v. xo. But ye beloved, building up your felves in your moil holy faith, praying in the-Holy Ghoft. Hf^6.iiji2. And we defire that every one of yoa do Hiew the fame diligence totha full afKitancc of hope unco the end j V.iz.] That ye be not flothful, but followers of them who through faith and patience inherit the promiles. Epb.-^.i6^ij,iB^p. Thathc would jrantyQu,ac- cordinj to the riches of his glory, to be flrtngthened with might, by his Spiritin the ianer man. V. 17.3 That Cbriil may dwell in your hearts by faith, that ye being rooted and grounded in love, V. 1 8.] May be able to comprehend wi:h all Saints, what is ihe breadth and depth, and length, and height, V. 19.3 And to know the love of Cbriftwhichpaflethknowlcdge, that ye might be filled with all thefulnefsof God. ^o/.i.io,ii. That ye might walk worthy of tbc Lord, unto all plcalingj being fruitful in every good work, and increafing in the knowledge of God. V. 11.] Strengthened with all might, according tohis glorious power, unto all patience and long-fuffering with joyfulnefs. s Kew.6.4"6— 14. Therefore wc arc buried with him by baptifmc unto death, that like as Chrift was raifed up from the dead by the glory of the Father) fo wc alio (hould walk in newnefs of life V.6.] Knowing this thac our old man is crucified with him, that the body of fin might be dcftroyed, that henceforth wc fiiould notferve fin, V.14.] For fm fiiall not have dommion over you j for yc are not undtr the law, but under gracci Gil.$. 24. And chcy that are Chiifts have crucified ihe flclhj m\h (he &fiPc<^i- onsandlufts. Q^ fvhat is repentance unto life i A, Repentance unto life, is a faving Grace \ wrought h ^ ritm ». 15. in in the heart of a finner bv the Spirit ''■ and word of meekncfs inftrufting God^ whereby out of the fight and fenfe not onely ;^°^^av«" if'Sd of the danger ^j but alfo of the filthinefs and odioufnefs peradvemurc may give them repentance to the acknowledging of thetrutb., ' 2cch.i%.io. And I will pour uponthe houfcof Da«id,and upon the inhabitants of Jcrufalem the Spirit of grace, and of fupplications, and they (hall look on mc whom they h«ve pierced, and mourn for him as one mourntth for his onely fon, and Ihall be in bitter- nefsforhisfirft-born. ^ ASi. ii.\% — ^lo^zi. When ihty heard thefethings they held tteir peace, and glorified God, faying, Then bath God alfo to the Gentiles granted rfpentance unto life — ; V.io.] And fonfe of them were men of Cyprus, and Cyrene ; who when they were come to Antioch, fpakc unto the Grecians, preaching the Lord Je[us. V.ii.] And the hand of the Lord was with them, and a great number believed and turned tothe Lord. ' Eijf^. i8ki8 jc- — p. Bccaufc he confidertth and tutneth away from all his tranfgreffions that he hath committed, be fhall fui ely five, be (hall not dicr^— V. jo.] Therefore I will judge you, O houfe of Ifrael, every one according to his waycj, faith the Lord God. Repent and turn your felvts from all your tranfgrefTions, fo iniquity fhall not be yeur ruine V.j i.] For 1 have no pleafure in the death of him that dies, faith the Lord God : wherefore turn your fdvei and live ye. tul^e ij.i7ji8. And when he cainc to him felt be faid. How many hired fervints of my fathers h^vc bread enough, and to fparc, and I ptri'h with hhngtr? I will arife, and go to my father, and fay unto him, father Ihavc finned againil heaven, and fceforethce. Hof.i.6,7. Therefore beho'd I will hedge up thy way with thorns, andmske a wall, hat fee fliall nor find her paths. V.7.] And (he ftiall follow after her lo ers, but fhill not overt, ke tbeai j »nJ (he fhall fcek them, but fhall net find them. Then fhall Ihcuy, I will go and return to my fi.it Cu4- fa«nd i for theiii was ic betc;r ni'.h me then now. G of »E^c^.j^.jx. Tinn q§ his fins «, Jnd upon the appreheafion of Gods mercy own cvH^Tw ^^^^^^^^^ ^" Chrift to fuch as are penitent \ he fo grieves for «, and your doings which hatcs his fins p, as that he tums from them all to God% were no: tood , and purpofirjo; and cndeavouting conftantly to walk with (hall loiih your fclvcs T . ^ • ,7 , . r °i j , ^ in your own fijht for him m all the waies or new obedience '. your iniquities , and for your abomination?. J/i.^o. ix. Y« Ihjll defile alio the covering of thy graven Images of filver^. and th: ornaments of thy tnolccalmajcs of gold } thoa flialt caft them away a» a mcaftruous cloth, thoHlhslt fay uncG it, jec thee hence. " ^o:/ 1.11,13, Therifore alfo now faith the Lord, turn yc even to mc with all youc heart, and srich faftinj and weeping, and mourninj. V. t j.] And tent your hearcand no: your garments, and turn unto the Lord your God, for he is gracious and mrrcifu'jfljw t«j- anjer, and of ireatkindnefs, ani repentcthfaimof thecvil. ° /er.j t.18,19. Ihjve farely heard ftphralm bemoming himfelf thus, Thou haft chaftifed me, and I was chaftlfed, as a bullock .'unaccufto- med to the yoak ; Turn thou mc, and I (hall be turned : thou art the Lord my God. V. 19.] Surely afterthsti wasturneiji repented, and afcer that I wasinftrufted, Ifmoteupon my thigh ', I was a- (hamed, yea even confounded, becaufc I did bear the reproach of myyou'h. ? tCor.j.ii, For behold thisfelf famethiaj, thjtye forrowed after a godly fort, what carefulnefs it wrought in you»^ yea, what electing of your fckes , yea what indignation, yea what fear , yea what vehe- ment defitc, yea whatz:sl, yea what revenue, in all things ye have approved your felves to be deer Sn this matter. 1 ASi.x6.iS. Toopcntheireyesjandto turn them from darknefs to lightj and from the power of Sscaa unto God that they may receive forgiveatfs of fins, and an inheritance among them thatarefanftifiedby faiththstisin me. E^el^.n^.S. Therefore fay unto the hoafc ef IfraeL, Thus faith the Lord Godj Repent and turn your felves from your Idols, and turn away your faces from all your abominations, i IC'«^ *'47»4^' Yet if they (hjll bethink themCelves in the land whither they were carried captiveS) and repent, and mike fupplicicion to thee in the land of them tbi: carried them captives, fayingj Wc have finned and done perverfl/, we have cojimlcted wickednefy. V, 4*'] And fo return unto th;c with all their heart, and with all their foul.—— ' F/i/.ii9.6— J9— .laS, Then fhiU not I be aftiameJ, when I ha/e refpeduato all thy commandments. V.yp.] 1 intreatcd rby favour with my whole heart i be merciful unto m: according to thy ward—— V.118.] My foul melteth for heavinefsj ftrengchcn thou me according to thy word. La^ei.6. And they were both righteous before Godj walking in all the commmdmentSj and ordinances of the Lordjblamclefs. a 1^i»g ij.if. And like unto him wasthere no King before him, that turned to the Lord with all his heart,and with all his foul, and with all bis might, according to all the Law of MolesineithcF afcee lum aroic there any like hima Q^ wherein do fujfifcatie/f and San^if cation dif^ fer} A, Although Sandifieat-ion be infeparably Joined with Juftification ^5 yet they differ, in that God in Juftification imputeth the righteoufnefe of Chrift t, in ^■icw.6. II. >nd Sandlification his Spirit infufeth grace, and enableth to fuch were fome of you but ye are washed, butyearcfanSified, but ye are jaftified in the name of the Lord Jefus , and by the Spirit of our Gad. i Cor. i. 30. Bat of him are ye in Carift Jefus j who of God i» made unto us wiidome, and righteoufnefs, and fandification, and redemption. "^ jRow.4.6 — 8. Even as Djvid alio defcribeth the bleffedncfs of the man unto whom God imputeth rightcoufncls i^ithou: workj—- . V.8.] liUffcd is the ajan unto nhooi the Lord will not impux lia. ihe the exercife thereof » 5 in the former, fin Is pardoned *, "Et^)^. 55. 17. And intheotheritisfubdued% the one dothf equally free all ^ ^^''' P^t my Sphic believers from the revenging wrath of God, and that ^t^ki'ntrftt perfciflly in this life, that they never fall into condem- tucts , and yc fhaii nation y, the other is neither equal in all% nor in this ^'Jj'^l ^""fc"* ..- , n • ,1 • f ^. , and do them. * 3iPw, lifeperfc(flinany% but growing up to pcrfe(flIon^ ;.t4ay. Being jmu, fi;d freely by his grace through theredetnp:ion thatis in Jcfus Chrift. V. ij.] Whom God hath fee forth to be a propitiati- on throujh faith in his bloodj to declare fiis rithteoufncfs for the reiriflion of (ins that are pjft through the forbearance of God. '' Bom.6i6 14. Knowing this, that cur old man is crucified wi'h him, that the body of fm mijhtbedeftroyedjthat henceforth wc fliould not Ccrve fin ■ V.14.] For fin ihall not have dominion over you, for ye are not under the law, but under grace. y Kom. 8,33,34. Whoihalllay any thing to the charge of Godselcd? It is God that juftifie:hj who is he tha; con- demnech ? It is Chrift that dicd> yea rather, that is rife n again, who is even at the right hand of God, who alfo malceth interceflioa forus. » i^ob.i. 11,1^)14. I wriccumo you, little childi en, bc- caufc your fins arc forgiven you, for his namesfakc. V.13.] I write unto you, Fathers, bcciufeyc have known him that is from the beginning. I write unto ycu , yong men, becaufeye have over- come the wicked one* I write unco you, little children, becaufe ye have known the Father. V.14.3 I have written unco you fathers^ became ye have known him that is from the beginning. I h>ve writ- ten unto you yong men, bccaufc ye arc ftrong, and the Nvcrd of God abideth in yoa, snd ye have over- come the wicked one. Hefc.j. 11,13,14. Foi'jWhenfor the time yc ought to be teachers, ychtveneed that one teach you 8gain,which be the firft principles of the Oracles of God, and arc become fuch as have need of milk, and not of ftrong mesr. V.i 3.] For everyone that ufeth milk is unskilful in the wordof righteoufnef$,forheisa babe. V.14.] But ftrong meat belonjeth to them that are of ful[ aige, even thofc who by reafon of ufc, have theii fenfes exercifed to difcera both good and evil. ^ 1 lob, 1.8 TO. And if wefsy, that we have no fin, we deceive our felvcs and the truth is not inus— - V.io.] If we fay that we have not finned, we make him a lyat and his word is not inus. ^iCor, 7.1. Having therefore chefe promifes (dearly beloved^ let us clcanfe our felves from all filthinefsof the fielli and fpirit,p:rftfting holinefs in the fear of God. PbU.^.x 2,1 3,14. Not as though I had already attained, ehher were already perfed, buti follow after, if that I may apprehend that, for which alfo I am apprehended of Chrift Jefus. V. 1 3.] Brethren, I count not my fc!f to have apprehended, bat this one thing I do, forgetting thofe things which are behind, and reaching forth unto thole things which arc before; V.14.] Iprefs toward the mark^ for the price ot the hi jh calling of Qodili ChiJft Jefuj. Q. Tvheftce arifeth thu imftrfeBm of SarJ^ijicatm m leltevers i A. The imperfe(5lion of Sanftification in believers, arifeth from the remnants of fin abiding in every part of them, and the perpetual luftings of the flefti againft the fpirit, whereby they are often foiled with temptations , ^ . . andtall into many lins % are hmdcred in all their fpiri- For i kno-^ that in me, that is 3 in my fl (h dwelleth no good thing 5 for,towill is prefent with me, but how to perform that which is good, I find not—' V;23. But I fee another law in my members warring aga-nft the law of my mind » and bt inking me into capti»ity to the law of fin which is in my members. Mirfi 1 4.66 • to t h : end. And as Peter was beneath in the Palace, there comcth one of the maids of the High Prieft, &c. G^- i- ^ ^^^^ J 1- \ c \ A J - hereby wt do know out extraordinary revelation, by huh grounded upon ^ij,,;^ know bim, it thetruthof Godspromifes, and by the Spirit enabling wc keep his commancf- them to difcern in themfclvesthofe'graces to which the ^'"^^'n^/^^ ^'^c promifes of life are made », and bearing wicnefs with re'ceivcd.no: the Spirfc thrir Spirits that they are the children of God p, be in- of the world, bucths faliiblyalTured that they arc in the eftacc of grace, and G^DTth^e^e might fliall perfevere therein unto falvacion % know the things that arc freely given us of God. I I0&.5.14 18,19 »i 14- Wc know that we hs\'C paffcd from death umo life, bt- eaafe we lore the brectircn 5 hcchs:Iove:hnochisbrcther, abidc.h in death V. 18,] My lituc children, let us not lo»e in word, nor in tonjuejbu: indeed and in truth. V.19. And hereby wekno-.* we arc of the truth, and (hall aaure our hearts before hioJ. • V.ii.] Beloved, if our heau con- demn us nor, then have we confidence to wards God. V.24.] And he thatkeepeth his com- mandments dwelleth in him, and he in him} and hereby wc kno,v that he abideth in us, by the Spirit which he hath given uj. i loh 4.1 1-^16. Hereby we know that we dwell in him, and he in us, becsufefaehatigivenusof his Spiri: V.:6.] And wc. have known and believed the love tbac God hath to us. God is love,and hcthatdwelletb inlo7e,dwellethin God,andGoi in him. Heb. 6.11, lu Andwcdcfircthatevervone of you do flitw the fame diligence, to the full affurincc of hope unto the end ; V. 1 1.] That ye ht not flochful but followers of them who through faith, and patience inherit the promifes. p Rcw.8.1 6. The Spui: it ftlf beareth wltncfs with our Spirit, that we are the children of God. 1 i John ened t-> my b'lo/cd, but my beloved bad withdrawn hi nfclf, and v/as gone ; my fo j1 failed whenhe fpike } T fou|1;thim,fcut I cculd not find him j I called him, but be gave me |panl*w:r. Vfil ^i 8 — i iMskeme tohcar joy andgladnefsjtl.at the bones which thou haft brokerr may r^pycr. V.i i,] Reftoic unto me the joy of thy fitvation,ani uphold me with thy fre? Spirit. P/^ ji.iv,For I faidinrnvhailcjl amcu: c.T from before thine eyes } ncverihelefs thou liejrdltthe voice of m/fupp.ications when I cried unto thee. Pfil. 21. i. My Go', my God, '.iby halt thou forfakca Bte ?wby arc tboa fa far froDQ helping me^ and from the words of my roaring? are C40 sre they never left without fuch a prefencc and " I lob.i.g. whofo- ^'Jppoi'': of the Spirit of Cod , as keeps them from e»cr i$ born of God fiqking into uttct dcfpair ". floth not commit fin : Jor his feed remaineth In biin, and he cannot fin becaufe he i$ born of God. loh i vx e. Though he thcLordmyRfdcemer— V.9.] For this is as the waters of Noihuntomc j for as I have fworn thai the waters of Noah (hall no more go over the earth, fo have I fworn that I would not be wro-h with thee nor rebuke thee. V. lo.] For the mountains fiiall depart, and the hills (hail be removed j but my kind-^ nefs (hall not depart from thee, nciilier ihall the coTCnam of my peace be removed, faith the Lord ihac ha'.h mercy on thee. Q. What is the communion in Glory ^ which the members of the Invifible Church have with Chrifl ? A, The communion in glory which the members of the Invifiblc Church have withChriftis, in this life*, maifwith ipin f^Je JF^^i^^^^^V after death ^ andatlaftperfeacdat.there: beholding, as in a lurtection and day of Judgment y. glafsjthe gloiyof tlic Lord, arc changed into the feme im.agCj from glory to glory, e^'cn as by the Spirit of the Lord. "^ Ltt^.ig.43. And Jcfus faid unto him, Verily I fay unto thee, To day (hslt thou be withmcinPa- radifei r x Tbe^.^.17. Then we who are alive, and remsin, (hall be caught up together with them in the dwds, to mp ct the Lord in the air, and fo (hall we ever be with the Lord. Q^What is the communion in Glorj \ with Chrifi , which the members of the Invifible Church enjoy in this lif^"' . A» The members of the Invifiblc Church have com- municated to them in this life, the firft fruits of glory with Chrift, as they arc members of him their head , and fo, in him, are interefted in that glory which he is fully pofTefTcd of* , and, as an earneft thereof, enjoy «henwewe«deadin^^^^^"^<;of Gods lovc % pcace of confciencCjjoy in the fins, hath quickened Holy Ghoft and hopc of glory ^ : as, on the contrary ^ us together wiih Chrift f'by grace ye are favcd); And hath raifcd us up together, and made ujGt together in heavenly pUcesinChrtft Jefus. ^ Kom 5:.;. And hope makech not albamed, becaufe the love of God is fted abroad in our hearts, by the Hvjy Ghoft which is given tous. Compared with tCor.i.ix*. Who hath alfo fealed u$. and giycn the eaincft of the S'piri: in our hearts. *> B.om.<;, i,i. Therefore being juftified by f^ith we hsve pexce with God through our Lord Jtfus Chrift. V.z.] By whom aFo we have accefs by faith into the grace wherein we ftand, and rejoice in hopc of the glory of God. B^om. i4-'7-For the kingdom of God is not mc&t and drink,buf rightcou[hcfs,and pcace,and joy in the holy Ghoit, - ^ jhg [47] thcfcnfcof Gods revenging wrnth, horror of confci- ence,and a fearful expe(5itadon of judgement, are, to the wicked, the beginning of their torments which they (hall endure after death s 'Gen.^.x j. And Cai« faid unto the Lord, My puniniment is jreiter then I can besr. Mat, 17.4. — Sayinj , I haf c finned, in that I ha^e be- trayed innocent blood. And they faidj What is that to us? fee thou to it. Hei>. 10.17.— But a cet- taJn fearful looking for, of judjemcnt, and fiery indignation, which fhall devour the adverfaries. Row. 1.9. Tribulation and anjuifli upon every foul of man that doth evil, of the Jei» fivft, and aifo of the Gentile; ^4r^ p. 44. Where their worm diech not, and cbe fire is not quenched. Q^ Shall all men die ? ' A, Deachbeingthreatnedasthe wages of fin "^j iris ^ , appointed unto all men once to dic% for^thatall have Ifg^of fmisdntb! finned ^. but the jifc of God is eternal life throujh Jcftts Chrift our Lord. « Heh^.ij. And as it i$ appointed unto all men once to die, but after death the jadgtncnt. ^ Kom.tionof curbody. PfdA6.^. Therefore -my heart is glad, and my glory rejoiceth: my flcft alfo (hall reft in hope. p i Thejf. 4. 1 4, For if we believe that Jcfus died, and rote againj even fo them alfo which fltep in Jefus will God bring with him. 1 Ejit.^j.i. Ke (hall enter into peace, they {hall reft in their bcds» each one walking in his uprighrnefs. ' fob 15.16,17. And though after my skin, worms dcftroy this bcdy, ya in my flefti (hall I fee God. V. 27.] Whom I ftiall fee for my feU, and mine eyes lliall behold, and not another, though my reins 'bt confumcd within me. ^ Lu^. kJ. 25,14. And in hell he lift up his eyts, being in torments, and fceth Abraham afar off, and Lazarus in his bofomc. V.14.] And he cried and faid, Father Abraham hayc mercy on me, and fend Laiarus that he may dip the tip of his finger in water and cool diy tongue, for I am tormented in this flame. Aci.i.iS. That he may take part of this miniftery, and Apoftkftiip, from which Judas by tranf- greflionfell, that he might go to his own place. Jude Y.6,7. And the Angels which kept not their firfteftate, bat left their own habitation, he hath refcrved in everljfting chains under darkncfs , unto the judgement of the great day. V.7.] Even as Sodom and Gomorrha and the chies round abouc them in like manner giving thcmfches over rofarnicatjoni and goin^ after ftrangcflelh, are fft forth foraii examplej fuffcring the vengeance of etiriial fire. Q^ fvh4t are tve to bdieve ccmirning tie RefTtne- t^9l A, We arc to believe that atthelaft day there fliall be a general rcfurredion of the dead, botiiof the juft ^a^. x4. 15. And and unjuft % when they that are then found alive, fliall have hope towards in a moment be changed; and the felf fame bodicsof ^^°^4;;^;j3i;^^^y the dead which were laid in the grave, being then a- that there (hail b: a gain united to their fouls for ever, {hall be raifcd up by 'i^^'*I''f,^i^"c t^ -'ll* the power of Chrilt"; the bodies of the juft, by the andurj.ft. MCor. Spirit of Chrift, and by virtue of his refurrehsnci,buc perfedly holy and nappy both m body and foul, in the Mm.io. ? i. vvhoic- company of innumerable Saints, and holy Angels V^'rp'^*''^°" ^-'*'^ but efpecially in the immediate vifion and fruition of ^"n^him'^ni Uon! God the Father, of our Lord JefusChriflri and of the fers alfo bcfarc my holy Spirit, to all eternity "^ : and this is the perfed and f^'^'' ^^\^ V full communion which the members or the mvihble 6.1,3. Do yc not Church fiiall enjoy wich Chrift in ielory at the rcfurre- ^now that -he sajms r». 11 t • J « Bu J OiaiiuJ2,c the world ? dion and day ot judgement. And if the world , &c.— — V.J. Know ye not that wc (ball jud je Angels ? how much more then the tilings that pertain to this life ? ^ Miti X5.J4. 46. Then fliall the King fay to them on bis right hand, come ye blcffcd of my Father, inherit the kingdom prepared for you from the foundation of the world V.46.] And thcfe fliall JO away into everlafting puniihmcntj but the righteous into life eternal. ' Eph.$. 17. Thac bemijhtprefentic tobimfelf a jlorious Church, not bavin j fpotor wrinkle, nor any fach thing, but that itfhould beholyjand without bkmifli. Jiev.i4.1j.And I heardavoice from heaven, faying unto me, write, Bleflcd are the dead which die in the Lord from henceforth, yea, f;»Jth the Spirit, that they may reft from their labours, and their works do follow th^m. ^ P/ii.i6. 11. Thou wiltfiiewmc the pjth of life , in thy prcfcncc is fulnefs of joy, and at thy right hand there are pleafures for ever- more. ' Heb. ii'iiyz^. But ye arccome unto mount Sion, and un;o the city of the living God, the heavenly jerufalem, and to an innumerable company of Angels, V. 1 j.] To the general affem- blyof the fitftbornj which are written in heaven, and to God, the Judge ok ail, and to the Spiiits of juft wen madeperf(ft. •' i Jth.^.x, Belovfd>nowarewe the Sonsof GoH, and it 'doth not yet ap- p;ar what we (hall be : but we know that when wc appear we ftiall te lik: him j for we fliall fee him as he is. I C^ii-H. For eow we fee through a ilafsdatkly, but then face to fice j now 1 know in part, but then fliili I know, even ss I am known, i Thcf.^. » 7,1 S. Then we who are alive and rtmaiP} {ball be caught up together with them in the doudsjtc m:et the Lord in iht air, and fiiaii we evtr be with the Lord. V.18.] Wherefore ccmfon ope another with clclV words. H Z HaVmg C50 HaVtng feen^ what the Scriptures principally teach m to believe concerning God-^ it followes to con- Jidery what they require as the duty of man, Q^c[i,\}\Tffat is the Sty that GodrequiretF ef man f _ , y \ A, The duty which God requiicth of fefryoi' Vh^cLt man, is, obedience to his revealed will". brethren) by the mer- cies ef God, that ye prcfent your bodies a living facrificcjholy, acceptable unto G3d> which is your rcafonable fervice. V. t.] And be not conformed to this world, but be yc transformed by the renew- ing of your mind J that ye may prote what is that good, that acceptable and perfect will of God. Mic. 6.8. He hath Ihewed thee, Oman, what is good} and what doth the Lord require of tbccj bat to do juftly, and to love mercy, and to walk humbly with thy Gjd. i tyrfw.15.11, And Samuel faid, Kath the Lord as jreat delight in burnt-ofFerinjs and facrifices, as in obeying the voice of the Lord ? Bc- bold^toobcyyisbecce^dienracrificei and co hearken, then the fat of rams. Q. What did God at frfi reveal mto mMostherde of his ebediencei A. The rule of obedience revealed to Adam in the cftate of innocency , and to all mankind in him , bc- fide a fpecial command, not to eat of the fruit of the *G(nix€vf And ^"^^^ °^ the knowledge of good and evil, was, the Mo"^ God * faid' Let us ral Law °. make man in our i- majc , after our likenefs , and let them have dominion over the fifh of thefea, and over the fowl of the air, and over the cattle, and over all the earth, and over every creeping thing that creepeth upon the face of the earth. V.i/.] So God created man in his ovm image, sn the image of God created he bim, male and female created he them. Roffi.2.i4,iy; For when the Gentiles who havenottbc law, do by nature the things contained in the Lnw, thefc having notihelaw, aVea law unto themfelves ^ V.15.] Which (hew the work of the Law written in their hearts, their confcicnce alfo bearing wit- nefs, and their thoughts the mean while accufing, or elfe cxcufing one anoiher. J?oki. lo.y. For Mo- fes delcribeth the righteoufnefs which is of the law, that the man which doth tbofe things fhall live by them. Gen.i. 1 7. But of the tree of knowledge of gqod and evilj thou Ihalt not eac of it : for in {he i^ay thou eattil thereof , thou (halt furcly ,die» Q^ What is the Moral Law f A, The Moral Law is the declaration of the will of • God to mankind, dircding and binding every one to perfonalj , perfe^^ and perpetual conformity and obedi- ence C53] cncc thereunto,in the frame and difpofition of the whole man foul and body p, and in performance of all thofe du- ties of holinefs and righteoufnefs which he owcth to God and man*!; promifing life upon the fulfilling, and tbreatning death upon the breach of ft \ p vcut. ?. i, i,j,__ 3^ a- AndMo^ fes called all Ifrael j anJ Taid unco them, Hear, O Ifraclj the Statutes and judj^ements which I fp:ak in your cars this day, that ye msy learn themj and keep, and do them. V. x.] The Lord cur God made a covenant with us in Horeb. V.J.] The Lord m^ide not thiscovenant with our faheisjbuc with us, even us j who are all of us alive here this day V ji.] B.ic as for thee ftand thou here by me, and I will fpeak unto thee all the comm^ndmencs, ani the S:ituce$ and the judg- ments, which thou (hale teach them, that they may do them in the land which I give them to poflcfs it V.jj.] Ye rtiall walk in all the wayes which the Lord your God hath commjnded you, that ye may live, and that it may be well with you, and that ye miy prolong your dayes in the land which yc (hall poilcfs. Luke 10.16,17. What is written in the law? how readcft thou? V.17.] And he flnfwering faid. Thou flialt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy foul, and with all thy ftrenjth, and with all thy mind, and thy neighbotjas thy felf. CaZ. j. 10. Foe as many, as areof th: works «»f the law are under the curfe j for it is written, Cuifcdis every one chat continueth not in all things contained in the book of the law to do them, i Tfeef.j.ij. And the very God of peace fanftifie you wholly i And I pray God your whole Spirit, and foul and body, be prcrerved blame- lefs umiil the comiag of our Lord Jefus Chrift. 1 Lufie 1.75. In holintfs and righteoufnefs be- fore him all the daycsof our life. AU,x\.\6. And herein do I cxtrcifc my felf, to hare alwjyes a conscience void of offence both towards God and towards men. « Romanes 10. 5, For Mofes defcribeth the righteoufnefs which is of thelaw, that the man which doth thefc things (hall live by them. Gi/j.io. ix. For as many as are of the works of the law are under the curfe j for i: is written, Curfed is every one that continueth not in all things chat arc written in the book of the law to do them V.i i.And the law is not of faith, but the man that doth them (liall live in chem. Q. Is there any[ ufe of the Moral Law to man^ face the falli A, Although no man, fince the fall, can attain to righteoufnefs and life by the Moral Law ^, yet there is great ufe thereof, as well common to all men, as pecu- r »,« « , ^ ,, liarcither to the unregenerate, or the regenerate '. the law could not do, for that ic was weak through the fl;Oi, God fending his own Son in thelikenesof finful fleflv, and for fin, condemned fia in the flifli G4J.2,i6. Kaowingthls that a man is no: juilifi:d by the works of the Law, but by the faith of Jtfiis Chiift, cvsn we have believed in Jefus Chrift, chac we might be juftifi;d by the faiih of Jefus Chrift, and not by the wo.ks o^ the law, for by the works of the law (hail no flc(h bejuftiEedt \ s T/nt.i.S. Bat wc knsw that chc law is good, if a man ufe i; kwi'ully. Qi of fvhat ufe is the Moral Law to all men ^ ^» The Morall Lavv is of ufe to all men, to inform them Ch3 ' In. n 44;4(, Fm them of the holynature and will of God ", and of their G^, "ye Mth."! duty, binding them to walk accordingly " -, to con- fore fan^ifi: yoiir vincc thcm of thcir difabiUty to keep it , and of the b^hV r\ ^%^''^ ^"^"^ polliition of their nature 5 hearts, and lives x. ndchcr'{haiiyrdcfi[e ^^ Bumblc them in fenfe of their fin and mifery v , your fdves with any and thereby help them to a clearer fight of the need Sing"thac creepuh ^^'^M ^^^e of Chrifts and of theperfedionof hisobe: upoathceartb.v.45.3 diencc.^. For I am chc Lord that brir.geth you up ouc of the land of E jypt> to be your God, ye (hall therefore be holy for I aoi holy. Lev io.7,8. Sanftific your felves therefore, and be ye holy : for I am the Lord your God. V 8.] And yc fliallkctp my Statutes, and do them : lam the Lord which fanftifie jyou» Row. 7.1 a. Wherefore the Law is holy, and the commandment holy, juft and jocd. * Mich. 6.9. He hath Ihewed thee, O man, what is good i and what doth the Lord require of ihcc, but to do juftly, and to lovcmercy,andto walk humbly with thy GoJ, ^mi.z. lo, 11. For wholoever ftiall keep the whale law, and ytt cfTend in one point, he is guilty cf all. V.i i .] For he that faid, Do not commit adulte- ry, faid alfoj Do not kill. Now if thou commit ilo sdulccry, yet if thou kill, thou art become a tranf- greflburof the Law. " Pfat.19, iiy^ 1. Moreover by them is thy fcrvant warned, and in keeping of them there is great reward. V.i».] Who can undcrftsnd his errors ? cleanfe thou rac fromfecret faults. Row.j.zo. Thercforeby thedeedsof thclawfliallno flcflibc juftitiedin his fight j for by the hw is the knowledge of fio. Rom.7.7. What ftiall ws fjychcn ? Is the law fm? God forbid. Nay I had not known fin, but by the law j for I had not known luft, except the law had faid , Thou Ihalt not covet. y Rcw.j.j— 55. What then ? arc we better then thty ? Nojinnowife; for we have before proved both Jewes and Gfntilcs that they are all under fin. — — — V.jJ. For all have fin» ned, and come (hort of the glory of God. ^G4/.?. 11,12. Isthclawih?n againftthe promife of Godf God forbid, for if there bad been a law given, which could have given life- vtcily righteoufnefs fiiould have been by the law. V. it. 3 But the Jcripture hath concluded all under fia, that the promife by faith of Jcfus Chrift might be given to them that believe. ^ Rom.io.^. Far Cbrift is the end of the lawi for rightqoufnefs to every one that belicveth. Q. What f articular fife is there of the Moral larvtoun* regenerate men i J, The MorallLaw is of ufe tounregenerate men, to awaken their confciences to fly from wrath to come ^^ fe t Tim. V. 9, 10. and to drive them to Chnft«= ^ or, upon their continuance Knowing^ this! that j j[^^. ^i^^j^ ^nd Way of fin, tolcavc them inexcufablc*^, the Law is not made •' ' ' for a righteous man, but for the lawlcfs, and diiobcdient, for the ungodly and finnc rs, for unholy, and profane, for murderers of fathers, and murderers of mothers, for man-flayers. V. 10. ] For whoremongers, for them that d«filethemfelves with mankind, for nvn-fte.ilers, for liars, for per jur',d ptrfons, and if there Ic any other thing that is contrary to fouad dbdiinc. *= GaL^.i^. W^icrefors the Law was our School- Matter to bring us unto Cbrift, that we might i-cjuftlfiei by faith, d ^Qffi^ I. to. For the invifjble thing! of him from the creation of the world arc clcerly feen, bn'ng underlfood by the things that arc made, even his eternal power ani Godhead, fo that they are without excufc. Compared r.ith, Rom. 2.15. Which (hsw the woik oi" the Law wrhtcn in theiv hearts, tiLcirconfcisnccs alfo bearirg witncfj, snd their thoughts the meanyyhil; accufmg one or.oJier. and C5n and under the curfe thereof «. ' Gi/.j. lo. For as many as are of the inrorksof the law, arc unJcrthecurfc for it is written, Curfed is every one thjtcoitinuecfa not in all ibc things which arc triirten in the book of the Law, to do them. Q^ What fpectahfe ts there of the MordLnv to the re^ generate ? —. A, Although they that arc regenerate, and believe inChrift, be delivered from the Moral Law as a Co- venant of works ^, fo as thereby they are neither jafti- fied s, nor condemned ^' 5 yet beiidc the general iifes thereof common to them with all men, it is of fpcciai ufc, to fhew them hovv much they are bound to Ghrift fur his fulfilling it, and enduring the curfe there, f in their flead, and for their good ' ; and thereby to provoke them to more thankfulnefs ^ and to exprefs the fame in their 'ft^^JllthmJomiS greater care to conform thcmlelves thereunto as the rule on over you 3 br ye are not under the law, but under grace. i?ow. 7. 4,6. Wherefore, my breth'-en, ye alfo arc become dead to the law, by the body of Chrift , that ye Ihould be married to another e>cn to biin who is raifedfromthe dead, that we fliould brinj forth fruit unto God. — — V. 6.] Bu: now wc arcdelircred from the law, that being dead wherein we were held, that wc Ihould fcrve in newnefs of fpirit , and not in the oldnefs of the letter. Gil.^.^,'^^ But whenthefulncfsof time was come, God fenc forth his fon made of a woman, made under the law, V.5.] To redeeai them that were under the Law that wcmlthc receive the adoption of fons. s Kow.S.io, Therefore by the deeds of the Law (hall no fle(h be juftified in his fi^ht, for by thtiawisthe knowledge of fin. ^ Gii.j.ig. Mc^kncfs, Temperance, again ft fuch there is no law. Rom.%.i. There is now therefore no condimna.ion to them that are in Chriftjefus, who walk not after the fl:(h) but after the Spirir. ' R'^w 7.14,15. O *»retchcd man that I am 1 who (hall deliver me from this body of death? V.iy.] I thanic Gxi through Jefus Chrift our Lord, fothen v/ith the mind 1 my fdf fcrve the law of Go^i, but with the fl.fli, the law of fin. Ga/.5.»3.i4. Cfaiift hath redeemtd us from the cuifcof the law, being made acurfeforus: for ic is written , Curfedisevery on! thatjhangrthon atree. V.14. That the blefling of Abraham might come on the Gentiles through Jefus Chcift, that we mijht receive the promiic of the Spirit through faith. RoOT.8.g,4. For what the law could not do, for ths: itwssv.eak through the fiefh, God fending his own Son in the likenels of Gnfulflilhjand for fm, condemned fininthtfl fn, V.4.] That ths rijhtcoufnefs of the Law migh: be fu'frllcd in us who walk not after the fltfh, but after iheSplrir. i' LH^.i.68,69 74:75- Bicfl':d be the Lord God of Israel, who hath vilited and redeemed bis people. V 69.] And bath raifcd up an horn of falvation fcr us in the hou e of his fer- vant David V.74. That hs would grant unto us that we being delivered out of the hand of our enemies might fervc him without ft.ir, V. 75.] In holinefs and righteoufncfs before him all the dates of our life. Col r.i i,i g>i4.Grving thanks unto the father who hath mad: us meet to be partakers of thcinhericsnccof the faints in light. V-ig.] Who harh delivered us from the power of darknefs, and bath trauftited us into the Kingdom of fcij dear fon, V»<1.] In wfaumwc have redcmp.iono tb^oagh bis blcod) cv ea the forgivenei's gt l6n«. ©fi- L50J \Rom.7.it. P3r !^e- of their obcdicnce *. light in the law cf - God afcer the inward rran. Rom.ii.i. Andbcnot confrrmed totbisworldjbat beyc transfafoiedbytherenewinj of yoiit rpindtsjihat yemay prove whit is that good , that acccp; able andperfcd will of God. Tit.%. Uyitt rjji4. Fortbc grace of God hit bringfth falvation hath appeared to all men , V, 1 1. ] Teaching us that denying ungf^dlinefs and worldly lufts, wcftioulJ live foberIy,righttouflyj and godlily in this prcfent evil world J V.i|] Looking for that bleffcd hop:, and the glorious appearing of the great Gadj and our Lord Jefus Chrift, V.14.] Who gave himfelf for us, that he might rcUecia us trom all iniquity J and purific unto himfelf a peculiar people, zealous of good works. Q^ where is the Mordl Latv [ummarilj compre- hended ^ A, The Morail Law is fummarily comprehended in the Ten Commandments, which were delivered by the voice of God upon mount Sinai, and written by ^Vmt, 10.4. And him in two tables of ftone "^^ and are recorded in the he wrote in the Tabks twentieth chapter of Exodus 5 the four firft Command- wddng^tirten ccm^ "^^"^^ Containing our duty to God, and the other fix our mandmcnts , which duty tO man", the Lord fpakt unco you in the Mount, out of thcmidft of the fircj In the day of the affembly, and the Lord gtvetheiri unto me. Exorf.g4.i)i)J»4. And the Lord faid unto Mofes, Hew thee two Tables of IJone like un- to the firft , and I will write upon tbefc Tables the words that were in the firft Tables which thou brakeft. V. i.'] And be ready in the morning, and come up into Mount Sinai, and pi efenc thy fclf there to me in the top of the mount. V. j.] And no man ftiall come up with thee, &c. — V.4.]' And be hewed two Tables of ftone like the firft, and rofe early in the morningjandwentup into Mount S'inai, as the Lord had commanded him, and took in his hand the cnro Tables of ftone. " Afrftt&.ix. 37,38,39,40. jefus Caid unto him, Thou (halt love the Lord thy God wiih all thy heart, and with all thy foul, and with all thy mind. V.j8.] This is that firft and great Commandment, V.J 9.] And the fecond is like unto it, Thou (halt love thy neighbor as thy feif. V.^o.} On thefc tWQ Commandmenis hang all the Law and the Prophets. Q^ what Rules aretohe ohferved for the right Ufider^ Jlanding of the ten Commmdements f A,Yoi the right undcrftanding of the ten Command- ments, thefe rales arc to be obferved. That the Law is perfedt, and bindeth every one to full conformity in the whole man unto the righteoufnefs thereof, and unto intire obedience, for ever , fo as, to require the utraoft perfeiflion of every duty, and to for- bid C57 ] bid the Icaft degree of every CinK .pi,i^ „. 7. n^t ,,, , law of the Lord is perfeft converting the foul j the teftimony of the Lord Is fure, tnaklnj mKe the fiiftple. fm. i. lo. For whofoevtr (h»ll keep the whole law, and yec oflFend in one point, be is luilty of a'f. Matt. 5. ii; to the end. Yc ha?c heard that it was faid by tbcm of old time. Thou flialt not kill — Bu: I fay- Mi fo on to the end. / That it is fpiritual, and To, reacheth the Undcrftand- ing, Will) Affejftions, and all other powers of the foul, p Kow.7.14. For we as well as words, works, and gcftures P. • know that the law is fpiritual , but I am earn A, fo!d under fin. Vtut.6.^. Thou fhalt love the Lordtby God with all thy heart, and with alltby fouljand with all thy mishr. Compared vfitb Mat.ix. 17^1^,19- J«ft>s faid unto him, Thoa Ihalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy foul and with all thy mind, V. g 8.3 This is the fii ft and great Comtr.andmenr. V.39.] And the fccond is like unto it, Thou (hale lo»e thy neighbor as thy felf. Matt. 5.x»,ii 17,18, j6. tpthe en.d. Ye have heard that it was faid by them of old time, Thou flialt not kill, and whofoeverlhall kill ftiall be in danger of the judgment. V.xi.] But I fay unto you, that wboioever is ;8ngry with his brother without a caufc, mall be in danger of the judgment} and whofoever (hall fay to his brother, Raca,ftiall be in danger of the Council i kut whofoever fttall fay, tho'u fool, (hall be in danger of bcll-fite.^ V.i7.1 Ye ha»c heard ihat it hath been faid by them of old time, Thou (halt not commit adultery. But. Hay unto you, that whofoever looketh on a woman to luft after her, hath committed adultery wiih her already in his heart V.j^. Neither (halt thou fwear by thine head, &c. to the end of ihf chapter. That one and the fame thing, in divers rcrpe(5ls, is re- quired or forbidden in feveral Commandments % i coU. j. 5. Mortifie thcrctoic your mem- ISers which are upon the earth, fornication, undeannefs, inordinate a ffcAion, evil concupifctnce, md covetoufnefs, which is idolatry.^ww 8.y. Saying, when will the N-w Moon be gone, that we may fell corn? and the fabbath, that we may fet forth wheat ? making the Ephsh fmall, and the (hektl great, and faKifying the balances by deceit. Prcv. 1.19. 5"o are the wsyes of evtry one that is greedy of gain, which taketh away the life of the owners thereof. 1 Tim.b. lo. For the love of money, is the root of all evil, which while fome have coTCtcd after, they have erred from the faith, and pierced thcm- felves through with many forrowcs* That, as, where a duty is commanded, the contrary fin is forbidden', and where a fin is forbidden, the ;5''^ata/\iy t« from the Sabbath « fiom doing thy pkafure on my holy day,«nd call the Sabba h a deHg??r,thc holy of the Lord honourable, ■nd (halt honour him, not doing thine own way es, nor finding thine own pleafurc, mr fpeakiDg thine own words 7)eut.6.i^. Thou(haItfeartbeLordthy God, and firvc him, and (halt fwcar by his jName. Compiredvitby M4«.4.9,io.— — And faith unto him, All thefe things will I gi\£.hcf, I'l if thou wile fall down and worfiiip me. V.io] Thfn faid Jefus unto him, Get thee hence Satan, IjCor itis written, Thou nialtwor(hip the- Lord thy God, and him ondy (halt thoufcrvc. Mn. y.4, 5,6. For God commanded, faying, Honour thy father and thy mother, and he that curfcth t.chcror mother, let him die the death. V.5.] Bat ye fay, that whofotver Jhall fay to his father or moth.; r, It is a gift by whaifocver thou mighteft be profited by mc. And honour not his father or his mo her, he (hall be free. Thus have ye made the commandment of God cf none tifcd by your tradition. I con- contrary duty Is comrHand'e^J ^:- fo-, wfiere a pramii'e ^ A/i». r.xijiijjj, isannexedj ch£ contrary thrcatning is included'; and Ihltil li^\l^^"k whcrca thcisjacfllhg. i^j'annexcd^ tl>Q contrary promirc il fhcm of old*'dmi[ includcd "v-f^ ' 4r , , . ^ .;».■: Thou (halt not kill^ and whofoerjtr (hall kill, (hall be in danjerof thtjuljmrnt. V.ii.] Bit I fay unto yoa, whofoevcr IS angry with his brocher without a cau&,(hall b; in danja: oE, the ju4tmenc, and whofoever (hill fay to his brother, Raca,lhill'be in danger of the Cottacil >: boj: whofoever Ih ill fay. Thou fooU (hill bs Iri danger of Hell-Rn, V.zj.] Thccctorc if thou bdhg thy^ gift to the Ahar, and there remember that thy brother hach ought ajainft thee; V.i4.] teave ohc^i^ xhygift,.£[nJ ,jo thy way j fitft.bcrrc^ conciled to thy brother, and then corns and ofFcr thy gift. Vi ty.] Agree wich thine adverfary while thou art in the wjy with him, Icaft, 8£c. Ep?.^. x«. Let him thic ftolc, Iteil no ajore,, but rather lee him work with his hands the thinj that is joodj that he ntsy hive to give co hioi that needith. ' Ex. »9' I i.Hjnour thy father and thy mother,that thy dayesmiy be long, in ch^ land,which the Lord thy G jd jivetfa thee. Con^xteimtb' ?fov.\oA7. The eye thaimocketh at his father, and defpifeth to obey his mother, the ravens of the valley ftwil pick it out, and ch: y.onj eagles (hall eat it. ^ leu i8.7>8. Atthacinftint I fhilt {peak conc:rnin^ a Nitioa or Kingdom, to pluck, upj and to pull down, and to dtftcoy ii V,8.] ' If that nadore ajaioSt whom I hive pronounced, turn from theic «vil,I wiUrepenf.of thscdltbat rthouj*ittodountothem. ExU.to.j. Thou (halt not take the name of the Lord thy Goi in vain ; for the L jwl will not hold h*im guiltleffe that takech his name in vain. Compired with Pfal. i y.i 4, 5. Lord, who (hall abide in thy T^biraadc, and who (ha'l dwell in thy holy Hill? — — V.4.3 In whofc eyes* vile perbn is contemned, but he honoureth them that fear the Lord: he that fwearcth to his own hurt and changethnot. V.y.J Ht that potteth not his money out to ufury, nor = He that doth thefc things & ill never be moved. A/ii with ?(aI. *4«4,y. He that hath clean hands, and-a pure heart, who hath not lift up his hands unto vanity, nor fworn deceitfully. V.y.J He fWu receive the felefllng from chc Lord, and rljhccciufnefs from the God of hij falv«ion. That, whit God forbids, is at notlmeto be d3ne * , * *oi I J. 7,». Will ^^^^ ^^ commands, is alwaies our duty % and yet every yefpeak wickedly for particular ducy is noc to be done at all timss y. God , aad talk de- ceitfully for him? V.8.3 Will yea:c:p.hisperfon^ will ye contend for God? Row.j.S. And not rather, as wc are flindercmfl'y repotted, and asfome aifirmthac we fay, Lit us do c?il that good may come, whofc damnation is }uft. Jofij^.i^. Take heed, rej^ard not iniquity, for this haft t hoy chofen rather then afSidion. 'tieh.i\,i%. ChulingrathtrtofufFiraffliAion with the pecople of God, then to enjoy the plca[ures of fin for a feafon- "^ 2)e«t.4.8,9. And what nation is there fo grear, that hath ftatutes and judgments fo righteous as all this law which I fet before you this day i ^ V. 9.] ©aely take heed tothyfelf, and keep thy foul diligently, leaft thou forget the things which thine eyes havcfeen, and Icafl they depart from thy heart all the daycs of thy life, but teach them thy font, and thy fon$ fons, ^ MAU.ixij. But if ye had known what this m»an«h, I will have mcrcyi and noc facrifice, ye would noc hare coademnc'd chc guildefs. 'That 5 under one Cm or duty , all of the fame, kind arc forbidden or commanded, together with all the the caufcs^ means, ocqaCons , and appearances there- ^^ :of, and provocations thereunto ^ xt/": V«f 'before. V. »7.] Yc have ;feeard that it h?th been faid of dld> Thou (halt not commit adultery : But I Jfay unco ycu, whofocver lookJth on a woman to luft after her, hath coiiiroitt^d edfalrery Vhh her already in his heart. Matt. i5.4>fj^- ForGot^coBimandc^J^fayiogj «I^onour.thy;&^}erandeviJ.' Jwi/euaj.yAndct^crf fikrfewi|iifear,pulli;igjtfcui|ourtof tit fire , hating even the jarmenc fpoued by the fl:(h, Qil^. t6-,l,et.u$ not b: defirou? ,of, va^n-glory, provoking one anothccjenvjing; iont another. (/^/. 3 . zi .Fathers proybke not your children to anger,l{;aft they be difcouraged. That what;is:fprl>idficaof>cpjm?han(^^^ to our fclvc$, ivg >ire bpund, according to pur peaces, to Vndcvour that itniayte avoided or performed by others, according ^o ^^^^^^^^^ ihc duty of their places ^ But the fevemh day is .lis' ..-r •• . ', ' the Sabbath of the ,Irf)i>d thy God, in it tbouihaic do no manner of work, thou, nor thy fon, nor tby daughter, nor thy maif- ifervi»otj ,ni>r thy 'majd-feryant, mor thy cattelv nor the ftranger that is within tby gates ■ Lev. i9v*7. HEhou (halt not h«e thy brother in thy heart, thou (bait in ai^y wife rebuke thy neighbor, and ^eot fufter fin. upon him. Gtn. 18.19. For I know him that he will command his children and his hoa(hold after him, and they (hall keep the way of the Lord to do juftice and judgment, that- the Lord jnay^bring upon Abraham that which he hath fpoke of him. fojh.i^.i 5. And if it feem evil to you %o ferv^ihe Lord, chufe you thisday whom ye will ferve ^ but as for me and my houfe we will fcFva the Lord. Z?fut.^.6,7i: And thefe words which I command thee this day Hiall be in thy heart« and thou (halt teach them diligently to tby children, and (halt talk of rhem [when thou (uteft in thine ^fe, and when thou walktft by the way, and when thou )ieft down, arid when thou riftft up. r-.- , That, in what is commanded to others, we are bound ;9CCording to. our places and callings to be helpful to them^, and tto take heed of partaking with others in fc^^^^ ^ j^ what 16 forbid den them S fo* thai we* have d^ minion over your faith, but are helpers of your joy « iTim.l.ii', Lay hands fuddenly on no man, neither beparrakerof other mens fins j kcepthy felf pure. EpJb.y.n. And have no fcliowfliip with the uii- |rc.fit^|)lc«o]fM?r^-«^lw?f5*byt.}:athcr rfprov(y|^^\. ,^,>r,, 0^ Wfiaffpecid things m jve t9 mft^er,in the ten A* Wc arc to confidcr in the ten Commandcmcnts, the Preface , the fubftancc of the Commandemcnts themfelves^and fevcral reafons annexed to fomcof them, the more to inforce them. i Q . H^hat is the Preface to the Commandments i A, The Prcfice to the Commandcments is contained in thefe words \jA.m the Lord thy Godtvhich have brought thee out of the land of Egjft out of the houfe of hondage\2 * Exod.io.t. wherein God manifcftechhis Soveraigaty, as being Je- hovah, the Eternal, Immutable, and Almighty God % r 'h*** h ^Lo d^^he ^^^^"o ^^^ J^cing in and of hiniltclf ^', and giving being K^ng oAfra°i, and to all his words s, andworks^, and that he is a God in his Redeemer the Covenant, as with Ifrael of old, fo with all his pco- rtlft! »?i.m*" pie'. wh°ashc brought them out of their bondage in laft, and befides me Egypt,io he deliverethiis from our Spiritual thraldom '^ 5 t^ere^ i$ no God. ^^^ that therefore wc are bound to take him for our God God'faid unto' Mofe", alonc, and to keep aU his Commandcments K J AH THAT I AMy andbcfaid, Thus (halt thou fay unto the children of Ifrael, 1 tAM hath fent me onto you. ^Exoi. <. }. And I appeared unto Abraham and Ifaac, and Jacob by tht name of God Almighty j but by my name Jehovah, was I not known TO them. *" AH^ij.Z'^-^'-^ii: God that made the world, and all things therein, feeing that be is Lord of faeaveni and of eircb, dwcllcth not in temples made with hands* . V. 18.] For in him we live, and move^ and have our betn^{, as certain alfoof your own Poets have faid. For we are alfoof his off-fpriaj. ' Gen.17,7. And Iwilieftabli(hmy Covenant between me and theej and thy (ted after thee in their generations for an everlaftin'g Co ve .■ nant, to be a God unto thee, and to thy feed after thee. R«»i 5.29. Is he the God of the Jewsoneljf is he not alfo of tho Gentiles ? Yes of , the Gentiles alfo. '' LMr- » • 74> 7 f • That he would gram unto US} that we being delivered ouc of the bands of our enemies, migtit ferve him without fear. V* 7 J.] In bolinefs ftnd rightcoufnefs before him all the daies of our life. V i Fct.i.ij^i^, 17,1*. But as he who hath called yoUj, is holy i fo be yc hoiy in all manner of converfation. V.kJ.] Btcaufeitiswritten, Beyeholy,forIamholy. V.17. Andif yccall on the father, who without re- fpeft of perfons judgeth according to every mans work, pafs the time of your fojourning here in fear. V.18.3 Forafmuch as ye know that yc were not redeemed with corruptible things, as^fiiver and gold, from your vain converfation received by tradition from your fathers. Lev.18,30. Therefore fiitllyc kecpmineOrdinances.thatyecommitnot any of thefe abominable cuitomes which were committed before you, and that ye defile not your felves therein : I am the Lord your God. tevtt. 1 9.3 7. Tfeerc-^ fore (iiall ye obfcrve all my Scatuics« and all my judgments, and do them : I am the Lord. Q^ What is theftifrfme ofrhifdnr'Cdmmandements]rvhUh contain our duty to God ? A, The fumme of the four Commandments contain-' . ing our duty'to God; is, to love the Lord our God with all our heart,, and with all out foul , arid with all oiir flrcngtb ftrcngth , and with all our mindc ". „ ^^^ ^^^^ ^^^ he anCweriflj faid unto him, Thou (hilt love iheLotd thy Goi with all thy heart, and nkb all, &c, Q. fvhkh is the firfi CommAndment ? A. The firft Commandaienc is, Thou pah have no other Gods before wf . " n ^^^^ ^^^^ QJVhat are the duties required in thefirfl Commandmertt? M. The duties required in the firft Commandment, arc, the knowing and acknowledging of God to be the oncly true God ^and our God ^^ and to worlhip and glori- , fie him accordingly ?, by thinking q,fneditating ^remem. » i c&ran.is.p. And bring/, highly eftcemings honoring vdoring% choof f.^^^ ^ntTou Thl mg gloving yjdeuring^tearing of him % believing him ^^ God of thy father,and ferve him with a pcr- fed hearty and with a willing mind > for ih: Lord fearcheth all hearts and andcrftandeth ail the ima{t< nations of the thoughts > if thou feek bim, he will be found of thee } but if thou forfalce him) be will caft thee off for ever. Vcut.xS.ij. Thou baft avouched the Lord this day to be thy God, and to walkinhis waies, andtokeephis ftitutes, and his commandments, and bis judgments, and to hearken unto his voice E[ii,^i.\o. Ye are my witnciTesj faith the Lord, and my fervant whom I have chofen } thsc ye may know and believe me, and underftand thst I am he,btforeme there was no God for si:d> neither (hall th;re b: afcer mc. Ur.i^.ix. Are there any among the vanities of the Gentiles chat can cauferain/ or can the beaveas give (bowers ? Art not thou be, O Lord our God ? tb(r:fare wewill wait upon thee, for thou haft made all thefe things. p Pjil.$).6,7. O com: let uswcrihipand b3W down, Uc us kneel before the Lord our Maker. Vi7.3 ^'^^ ^^ is ^^'^ ^°d, and wc are the people .'of bis pai!lure, and the /heep of iris hands; Mit. 24.10. Then Caid je[us unto bim. Get thee hence Sathan, for it is writtcn> Thou rtialc worlhip the Lord thy Go i and him oncly (ha'c thou ferve. Pf. 19.1. Give unto the Lord the {lory due unto his name j worship the Lord inthe beauty of bclinefs. n Mil. J. 16. Then they that feared the Lord fpake often one to another, and the Lord bearkreJ and heard it, and a book of remembrance was written before him foe them that feared the Lord, and thought upon bis name. ' P(il.6i.6. When I remember thee upon my bed, and meditate on thee in the nijht wa ch. ^ Eccl.i i.i. Remember nowthy Creatsr in thedayes of thy youth, &c. ' 'P/i/. 71.19, Thy righttoulnrfsal/b, O God, is very hijh, who baft donef great tbinj^s. O God who is . like unto thee ? " MaLi.6. A fon bonoareth his father, and a fervant bla msft And Ifrael.fiw ibt great work which the Lord did upon the Egyptians; and the f coplc feared ch« ^ Lord, and believed the Lord and his fervant Ivjk^fcs. -biuo: tniftingS. triiAing c, hoping ^5 delighting % rcjoycing in himf, c7fj.i^.4. Tnfl yc being zealous for hims, calling upon him, giving all in the Lord fo^ cv" praifc and thanks \ and yielding all obedience and lub- t°ah"t^°vala«i^gmiffi^^ to him, with thc vvholc man ', being carefull in ftrrnjth. d H^^- all things to pleafe him '', and forrowful when in any 'J° 7' u VS^^'f'^ thing he is offended ^ and walking humbly with hop:in the Lord, tor , . o ' " -^ . VYkh the Lord there is nim '". mercy, &nd with him is plenteous redcmpcion. " « P/ii,g 7.4. 'X> t at 1 ow^ot to do many. diftrufth ^vjit.js.tii BecluC« diftrufl; \ defpair ', incorrigiblcncfs J^, infcnfiblcnefs t^cy believed not in Under judgements', hardncfs of heart", pride", prcfum- hi^al^^don.'^'Gf»" ptlon% carnal fecurityp, tempting of God % ufmg un- 4.1?. And Cain faid lawful mcsns ', and trufting in lawful mcans ^, carnal dg- pu"ai;htrMsgren/r ^'^^'^ ^"^ ^^y^^^^ corrupt, blind, and indifcrect zeal u, then I fan bear. ^ ler. lukc-vvarmnefs % and deadnefs in the things of God ^5 ?.?. OLord, ire not cftranging our felves , and apoftatizing from God y, Irtish ?"hT"b;*ft praying, orgiving any religious worfliip co Saints, An- ftdcken tbem , but gcls,orany Other crcatures % all compa(fls,and confulc- they have not jritv- ed , thou haft confumed them, bur ihty have rtfufed to receive correftion, they have made their faces harder then a rock, they have rcfuftd to return. ' Ijni.ni.i'}. Therefore be hath pouted upon him the fury of his anger, and the ftrength of battel j and it hath fee him on fire round about, yet he knew it not J andit burned him, yet he laid it rot to heart. " Kow.i.5. But after thy bardnefs and im- penicenthea r,treafureft upumothyfelf wrath a[,a!nft the day of vrab, and revelation of tlie righteous judgment of G"d, ■ Jcr.ij.ij. Hear ye and give ear j be not proud, for the Lord hach fpoken it. " P/i/.ip.ij. Keepback thy ftrvant alio from prefump'uous (jns, let ihem not have dominion over mei then Ihali I be upright and innocent from the great trsnfgrf ffion. p Zcpb.i.iit And it (hall come to pafs at that time, that I will fearch Jcrufalem withcandlesjsnd punifli the men that are fetltd on their lees, that fay in their hearts. The Lord will not do good, neither will he do evil. i Matt./i, 7. Jefus faid unto him, It is written again, thou (halt not temp: the Lord ihy God. » Rom.j.8. And not rather, as we be flanderrufly reported, and as fome afiiim that we fay, Let us do evil that good may comc,whoCe damnation is juft. f Zty.17.5. Thus fsitb the Lord, Curfed be the man that trufteth in man, and maketh fljfh his arm, and vshofc heart dcparteth from the Lord. • iTim.^.^. Trai:o;s, beady, high-minded, lovers of p'eafure, more then lovers of God. " G4/.4.'i7. They zeal ufly aff-ft you, but not vvell, yea they would exclude you that yc iright sfFft them. lob 16 t. Yea the time Cometh that whoioevcr killeth you, will think that he doih God good fervicc. Kom^io.t. Fori b'^ear xbem record that they have az^alof God,butnotacccrd:ng to knowledge. L«i|[e 9. 54,55. And when bis difciples James and John faw this, they faid,f Lord wilt thou that we command fire to come down from heaven, jind confume them, even as Elias did ? V. 5 5.] But he turned and rebuked them, and faid, Ye know not what manner of fpirit ye are of. * Rev. j.16. So then brcaufc thou ar,t luke- warm, and nei'.her cold, nor hot, I will fpew thee cu* ol my mouth. * Rev g. i. And unto the Angei in the Church of Sardis, write, Th;fe things faith be that hath the fevcn Spirits of God, and the feven ftars, I know tfay works, that thou haft a name, that thou liveft, and art-dead. r ^t*^ 14.5. That I may tske the houfc of Ifracl in their own heart, bccauf: they are all efhanged from me, il^.tough their Idoli. i/4.i.4;5. Ahfinful Nation, a people laden with iniquity, a feed of evil-dotrs, chil- dren that arc corrupters, they have fcrfskfn the Lord, they have p'ovcked the Holy Oiie of Ifrael unto anger, they are gone backward. V.5.] Why fhctlJ yebe ftricken ^ny men .' ve will revolt more and more, the whole head is fick, &c. » Rc/w.io.i j,i4. For whofocverfhal! calf uponthe nimeof the Loid,fh/llbefived.V.i4.]How then (hill they call upon him in whom they hsve notb.licvcd ? and how (hall thty brlieve in him, of whom ihey have not he«rd ? and Iiow and fell down at his feet, and worfliipped liim. V.16.3 But Pcrcrtook himupjfsying, ftand up, I my fJf alfoa man. Rev^g.io. I fell at hij fcer to worlhip him,and he faid unto me,fcethou do it not: lam thy fellow fcrvantjand of thy bi^etbrfn that have the tcftimony of Jefujj worfhip God, f r the teftimony of Jefus is the Spiiitof Prophecy. Mat. /^.lo. Iben faid Jefus unto him, Get thee fierce Sithan, for it is written, Tlioulhslc worfhiptheLord thy God, and him cncly llialt thou ferve. (^ol.i.iS. Let ro man beguile you of your reward, in a voluntary humility, and worlhippinj of Angels, intruding into thofe things which he ba;h not fcen, vainly puft up by his fl.fhly mind. jR«ffi. 1.15. Wfio changed the trilth of Godintoalie> and wotfhipped> and fcrvcd the creature more chei) the Crcacor, who is bleiTcd for ever. Amen. ino L65 1 j'ng with the devil % and hearkening to his fuggcftions ^, making men the Lords of our faith and Confcience - 5 flighting and defpifing God, and his commands ^ rcfift- ing and grieving of hisfpirit% difcontent^and impatience at his difpenfations, charging him fooh"flily for the evils '^^^:^°'^' And the 1 . n' CL f J r^ -1 • I r r i foul that tutncth isf:er hcinfliasonus^5 and alcribing the praile ol: any good fuchashavc familiar we either are, have5or can do, to fortunes. Idols ^ our ^p^^^s, and after, wi- felvcs ■, or any other creature K X^VbeJ,",! wtZ fet my face again ft that foul, and will cut bim off from amon| his pecplc. i Sdm.i'i.j ii.ThcnCaidSaulto hisUr- vantSjfcek mca womanihithathafamiliarfpiricj that I may go to h«r, and enquire of hci-j and his fervant faid unto him, Behold there isa woman that hath a familiar fpiii: at Endor V.ii.] Then laid the woman, whom (hall I bring up unto thee ? cud he faidj bring n\z up Sjmucl. CompxrcJ. wish 1 Cbron.io.i^.i^. So Saul died for histranfgreflion which he committed agsinft the Lord, even a- gainft the w'ord of the Lord, which he kept not ; a!fo for askinj counfel of one tbac had a familiar fpi- rit to enquire of ic V.14.] And enquired not of the Lord, therefore hcflcwhim>&c. ^ ASl. 5. J. Bu: Peter faid, Ananias, why hath Satan filled thy heart to lie to the Holy Ghcft,and tokeep back parr of the price of the land. "^ x Cor.i.^^. Not for tbac we have dominion over your faith, but are helpers of your joy, for by faith ycftand. Afdt.zj.j. And call no man your father upon earth, for one is your father which is in heaven. ''Pcttf.ji. 45. Bu: Jclhurun W£x:d fat sndklckcd; thou art waxed fa's thou art jpown thick, and thou arc covered with fatncfs 5 then he forfookthe God ihac made him: and lijhtlyeftccmed the rock of his falvation. xSim.n.g. VViierefore t«ft thou defpifcd the commandment of the Lord, to do evil in his fight ? thou haft killed Uriah the Hitii:e \iith the fword, and haft taken his wife to be thy wife, &c. Prov.i j.i 3.' VVhofodcfpifcih the word, fhsll bedefttoyed i but he that fcareththe commandment fliall be rewarded. « ASt.j.^i. Yi ftiff necked and uncircum- cifcciinh:attande3rs,yedoalwayesrefift iheHoly Ghoft J as your fathers did, fo do ye. Eph ^.^o, And grieve not the holy Spirit of God, whereby ye are fealed to the day of rcdcmp;ion. ^ P/J^y?. i,j 14,15—11. But as for me, my feet were almoft gone, my fteps had we 1 nigh flipt. V. ^.3 For 1 was envious at the foolifb, when I faw the profperity of the wickid - — ^— V. i j.] Vcri!y I have deanfedmyheartin vain, and wafhed mine hands in innoccncy. For all the day long hsye I been plagued, and chaftened every morning. V.i j.] If I fay I willfpcak thus, behold I iliculd ofFcnd agiinft thegcneracion of thy children V.zi.]So foolifb was I, and ignorant ) I waseven t;s abeaft before thee, ^oh i.xi. In all this Job finned nor, nor charged God fooiilliiy. s 1 Sim. 6, 7, 8^9. Njw therefore make a new cart, and take two milch kinc, on which there hath come no yoke, and tie the kine tothecart, and bring the calveshomc from them. V.8.] And take the Ark of the Lore', an.d lay it upon the cart, and put the jewels of gold, which ye return him for a ticfpsfj'offering, in a coftcr by the fidcthereof, and fend itawaytbatitmay go. V.9.] And fee, if it goe.h on by the way of his own coaft to Bstbfhemeih , then he hath done us this great evil 5 but if net, th:n we fhall know tiiat it is r.oc his hand that fmote U5, it was a chance that happened to us. '^ Din.<;. tj. But haft lifted up thy ' ftlf againft the Lord of heaven, and they have broaght the vilTtls of his houfc before thee j and thou,and thy Lords, thy wives and thy concubines have drunk wine in them, and thou haft praiftd the Godscf filver^of brafs, iron.wood, and ftone J whichfcenot, nor htar, nor know j andtheOodin whofe hand thy breath is, and wbofc are all thy way es, liaft thou not glorified? * Vcitt.S. 17. And thou fay in thj heart, my power, and tiicmightof my hand hath gottenme this wealth. Pan. 4. 50, , The King fpnke, and fsid, is not this great Babylon that I have built for the hrufe of the Kiii^d.in, by the might of my power, and for iJuc honour of my Majjfty. ^H-ib.i.i6. Thjcforc tiu-y Gcri- !iice unto their net, and burn inccrfe unto thar diag j becaufe by them iheirpo.iionii fat; and their iucat plcntsous. Q^ What are we effect ally taught by theft words [before mc] in the jirfl Commandment •'. A, Thefe words before me, or before my face, in the firft Commandment, teach us, that God who fecth all things, takes fpecial notice of, and is much difplcafed with the fin of having any other God 5 that fo it may be an argument to diflfwade from ic, and to aggravate ir, as ^EykMAo^eni^il ^ ^q^ impudent provocation ' 5 as alfo to pcrAvade us to Then faid he unto , • i /- i ' i i • i • , • me, Son of man, life do, asm his iighCj what cvcr we do m his lervice '". up thine cycs| now the way towards the North ; fo I life up mine eyes, and hehold at the gate of the Altar, this image of jfaloufie in the entry. Andhcfaid ..^-~fo on. Tpf. 44. lo, zi. But if we have forgorren the name of ourGoi>otftrethedoucoui:hand$toa ftrange God j (hall not G3i fearch thisou; f for he kaoweth the fecrets of thehearf " i C&ro«.i8.9, And thou'Solcmon my fon, know thou the God of thy father, and ferve him with a perfeft heart, and with a willing mind i for the Lord f«aich:th all hcarts,and underftandcth all th: imaginations of thethoughts jif thou fetlc hiai, he will be found of jhcc j but if thou forfake him, he will caft thee oflf for ever. Q.. Which is the fec&nd Commandment <* A, The fecond Commandment is {^Thof4 fhalt not make mto thee any graven imAge^ or anj Itkenefs of arty thing that is in heaven above , er that is in the earth be- neathy or that is in the water under the earth •, thou jhalt not how down to them nor ferve them : for I the Lord thy God am a jealous God _^ vifitingthe iniquity of the fathers upon the children^unto the third and fourth generation of them _ . ^ ^ that hate me % and fhewinz meres unto tbouiands , of * them that love me , and Keep my Commandments " * J Q. What are the duties required in the fecond Cummand- And hi fiidunto !hem, ^' The duties required in the fecond Commandmentj Sit your hearts un:o are> the receiving, obfctving, and keeping pure and entire, alltbe«rords which I all fuch religious worftiip and, Ordinances as God hath tcltihe amonz you . „. 1 • S . , ^ • 1 , »> \ r^\ 1 this day,whichyc (hall mltuuced in his word °, particularly, Prayer and Thanks- command your chil- dren to observe ro do ailthe words of this law. V.47.] For icisnot a vain thing for you ; becaufc it is your life, and through this thing ye ftall prolong your dayes in the Und whither yc go over Jordan to poffefsit. HiX.i,%,^o, Teaching them to obfervc all things whatfoevir I havrc commanded you j and lolam wichyou alwayuaco the end of the world. AH.i./^x. And they continued ftcdfaftly in the Apoftles doftriae, and fclIow(hip, and in breaking of bread, and in prayer, i riw.6. ij,i4. I givethee (shargc in the f.ght of Gad, who quickcneth all things; and before Chritt Jefusjwho before Pontius Pilate witneflTed a good confe(]ion, V.14,] Thit thou keep this Commandmtnt without fpot, unre- M?eabic; UQtill the appearing of our Loid Jcfus Chriii. giving giving in the name of Chrift p, the reading, preaching, and hearing of the word 'i 5 the adminiftration and re- ceiving of the Sacraments % Church-government and i" ? '•""^•4^^. Becsrefoi Difclpline '^,the Miniftery and maintenance thereof \ re- cveiy^hiniHy pray« ligious Eiftinc^ ", fvvcaring by tlie name of God '^^ and and fuppUcacion wi-.h vovvinfT unco^'him" ; As alfo the difapproving, deteftinc:, '^»"'"'f''"'S' ^"^''f o ,, / ir n ■ i J- I ^* requclts be made oppoling all falfe vvoilliip ^ •, and, according to each ones known to Cjod. Fph. j.io, Givinj thanks alwaycSjfor all thingSjuntoGod jand the¥athcr in chcramcofour Lord Jcfus Ciirift. i Dcut. 17.18,19. Andkflisilbewhcnhefittethuponthcthi'oncof his- kingdoaij that he (hail write him a copy of thislawina book>out of that which is before ths Priefts and Levites. V.19.3 And it (hall be with him, and he (hall read therein all the dayes of his life j that he tray Uarn to ftar the Lord bis God,to kc(p all the words oi this Uvf, and thefe ftamt:sto do tfafm. AS, 15. ii. For Mofes of old time hath in every city them that preach him, being read in the Syncgogues every Sabbath ("ay. x Tim. 4.2. Preach the word, be inftant, in feafon,outof fcaron, reprove, rebuke, exhort, with all long-fufFcr- ing and doftrine. J4W. 1.11,21. Wherefore lay apart all filthinefs, and fiipesfluiiyof naujhtincfs, and receive with mecknefs the ingrsiTed word, which is able to favc your [oules. V.u.] But be ye doers of the word, and net hearers onely, deceiving your own fekcj. ^£{. 10.3 j. Immediately there* fore I fcnc unto thee, and thou haft well done, that thou art come. Now therefore are we all here prjfcnt before God, to hear all things that are commanded thee of God. ' Aftfr.1S.i5 Goyc ihtrcfore, and teach all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghoft. 1 Cor.i i.xj. tothc lo.verfe. For I have received of the Lord, that which alfo I de- livered unto you, thai the Lord Jcius the fame nighc wherein he was betrayed, tookbread, jindfoon. ^ Afdr. 18.1 $,16,17. Moreover if thy brother trefpafs sgainft thee, go and tell him his fault bttwcen thee and him alone i if he ftiall hear thee, thou haft gained thy brother. V.16.] Butif he will not hear, then take with thee one or two more, that in the rrouth of two or three witnefles every word may be eftabliflied. V.^7.'] And if he (hall neglcd to hear thccn, tell it to the Church, but if he wHi not iicar the Church, let him bc,&c. Mat, 16.1 9, And 1 will |ivc unto thee the kf yes of the kingdc m of heaven, and v\h3troever thou (halt bind on earth (hall be bound in heaven, and whatfoevtrihcu ftalt loofe on earth, fliall be loofed in heaven, i C^r.^. the whole chapter. 1 Ccr. 1 i.iS. And God hathftt fomcinthe Churchj firft, Apoftlfs jfecondarily, Prophctsj thirdly, Tesclicrs; after that, Miracles ', then Gifts of healings, Helpr, Governments, diveifities of torguts. ' Lph.^. 11, i*. And he gavcfomc Apoftles, and fome Prophets, and fome Evangclifts, and fomePaflors,and Teachers, V,i 2 ] For the pertefting of the Sain'.s, for the woik of the Miniftery, for the edifying of the body o£ Chrift* 1 t/'/o.j. 17,18. Let the ciders that rule well, be counted worthy of double honour, efpccialiy they who! :bor in the word and doftiine. V.»8.] For the Scripture faithjihou (halt not muzxle the oxe that ireadcth out the corn, and the labourer is wotchy of his reward. 1 Cor. ^,7, to v. 15. Who joeth a warfare any time at his own charge ? who plameth a vineyard, and ejteihnot cf the fruit there- of ? or who feedeth a fleck, and eatethnotof the milk of tbefl-ck? • • Ani fo on to v. if. "5^oc/ 1:11,13. Therefore alio now, faith the Lord, Turn ye eventomcwith all your heart, snd with fafting, and weeping and mourning. V. 13.] And rend your hearts, and not your gnrments,' and turn unto the Lord your God, for he is gracious,8nd merciful &c. 1 Ccr,7,^. Defraud yc noc one the other, except it be with confcnt for a time, that ye may give your felvcs to fafting and prayer, andcometogether again, that Satan tempt ycu not for your incontinency. * PfW. 6. 13. Tbou (halt fear the Lord thy God, and fcrvc bim , and (halt fwear by his name. ^ Ifai. 19. 11. And the Lord fhali b: known to Egypr, and the Egyptians (hall know the Lctd in that day, and ft-iJil do fjcrilice and oblation, yea they fnall vow a vow uc\to the Lord, and perform ir* Ffd.TCt 1 1 . Vow and pay uuto the Lord your God 5 let all that are roundabout him, bring pre fents un:o him thst ought to be feared. y A^,x7.i(^i^7, Now while Paul waited for them at Athens, his fpirit was ftirrcdin him when be faw all tlie city given to idolatry. V.17.3 Therefore difputed he in the Synjgojus wit.'i ths Jcwes, and wi:h the devout pcrfon, and in the market daily with thtm them that nut vith him. PjV. 16.4. Their fotrows (hall be multiplied that haften aftei another God j their drihk-oflirin^s of biooi will no: I offer, nor cake up their names in:o my lips. K z place 'Deut7<"R^ h ^^^^^ ^"^ calling, removing it, and all monuments of rhall ye deal with ^^Olatryx. ihcm,ye (hall deftroy '^•^f c^^^^"' *'}'^'^'^"^^°^"'''c*>'^ ^""'8^*1 and cut down their groves, and burn their gmtih imiges wichhrc. I/iti.jo.it. Yc fiialldcfilc alio the covering of tbygrav:n itniges of fil/Jr,aa J ih: oiia- mincof thy molcen images of joldj thou (h«It caft iheai away ajatninftruous cio:h, thmihahray unto It, Get thcc hence f Q^ What are the fins f$rbUdenlnthe fecond C&mmmd- mcfjt 1 A, The fins forbidden in the fecond Commandment, are, all devifing % counfelling"^, commanding %ufing'^, and any wayes approving any religious wordiip not infti- tuted by God himfelfs toleracing a falfe Religion^, the miking any reprefentation of Gjd y of all, or of any of the three Perfons , either inwardly in our mind, or outwardly, in any kiad of Image or likcnefs of any creature whacfoever s, all worfhipping of it ^, or God in it, or by it^^ the making of any reprefentation of feigned Deities'^, and all wordiip of themj orfervice ^ belonging to them ^ all fuperftitious devices % corrupt- ing the worfhip of God ", adding to it, taking froni %'^"?^J^"^^' '^"*^^^% whether invented and taken up of our felves?, or St (nail be unto you -ti i- • c , *^t i ii for a fringe , that ye received by tradition from Others % though under the may look upon ic, and title of Antiqaity % Cuftome^, Devotions gojd In- Co^tndmems 'of ^5"^ ^r any other pretence whitfoever ", fimony %, thiLord,anddothem, facriledge% all negledy, contempt % hindering % and and that ye fcek not oppofincr the worfliip and Ordinances which God hath after your own hearr, • ° j t *^ and your own eyes , appointed ^> after which yc ufc to JO a whoring. ^ Vm. 15.6,7,8. If thy brother the fon of thy mother, or thy fon ; or thy daughter} or the wife of thy bofooie, or thy fri:nd which is as thine own foul, entice thee fecreily, f'.yinj, L:tusgoaad ferve o:her gods, whic^i thou hift notkao^n, th^u, nor thy fatherss V.7-] Namely of the gods of thipenpl: .vhic'i arc round about thee, or fir off fron thee, from the one end of the carch to the oth:r. V.8.] Thou Ihilt not confent unco hioi, njr hearken unto hicOj nor fliall thine eye p':y hi tn, nor (halt thou fpire, nor (halt thou conceal hioi. ' Ho/'5.ii.Ephraitn is o?pre[T:dani broken in julgmenr, becjule he wilHnsIy walked after the ContnsnJm.'nr. Micb. 6.i6.F3r the Statutes of On:i are kep, and all the works of thehoufcof Ahabj and yc walk in their counfelsj that I fiiould make the: a defolation, aad the iahabltants thereof an hifliig ; therefore ye fiiall bear tb.', reproach of my p?op!e. ^ i !C'»^-ii-3?- Bicaufe th'y have forfaken me, and worfliippsdAflitsroththegoddefsof thcSidonians,Caemoni theGjd of the Moabit.'s, and Milcoai the Gii of the children of Aai;njnj andhjv; no: walked in m/wjyes, w do thic which is right in mlue otineeyes, and to keep »y ftatuces and my judjjmfnts, as did David liis U:htr. * Dciit.n.^o, Jijjt. Takcheed to:hyfeIf thatthoubenocfnsredby foUowinj them, alter they bcdcftroycJfro n before thee j and thai thou enqairc not after their Gods, faying, how did thcfc nations ferve thtir jods ? even fo will I do likiwifc. V.ji.] Thou (halt not do fo unto the Lord thy Gjd, for every jbomi- nation to the Lord which he hateth have they done un o their gods i for even thdr fons and their daugh- tcrshavethcy burnt in the fire to their gods. V. gi] Whacfoevcr I command you, obfcrve to do ; thou (hale not adde thereto, nor diminilTi from it» f Z)f«M j. from ver.6. to vcr.ii. If thy bro- ther thefon of thy mother, orj &c vide [b] Zec&.ij.2,j. And it (hall come to pafsinthatdjy, fai^h the Lord of bofts, that 1 will cue off the names of the idols out of the latid, and they Hiallno more be remcaibred : and alfo I will caufethe Pi-ophe:s, and the unclean fpirit to pafs out of the land. V.j.] And it (liall com no pats that when any ihall yet p.ophclie, then hisfa- ther and mother that be jat him (hall fuy to hinij Thou (halt not live i for thou fpeskift lies in the name of the Lerd ; and his faiher snd mother thr. brgac him, (hall thruft hiai through when he prophcGcth. Keui.i. 14)'$ '0. I know thy works and thy labour; and tby patience, and ho>v thou canft no: bear them which arc eviUand thou haft tried them who fay they arc Apoftlcs and arc not, and haft found them liars V.14.3 But I have a few things againft thee, bcciufe tliouhsft tiiercthem tjiacholdthedoifirineof Balaim, who taught Bilak to caft a ft umbling- block before the children of I'rael J and to eat things factificed to idols , and to commit fornicition. V,^.] 5'ohaft thou alfo them that hold the doftrincof the Nlcolaitans, wliich thing I hate. V. 10.] Notwith- ftandinj I have a few things againft th:e (the Church of Tliyatii-j) becaufe thou fuft'acft that wo- man Jeztbei, who cillcth her felt a Prop'iesefs , to tcjch, and to feducc my fervan:s, to commit fornication, and to eat things facrificed to idols. Rev.ij.ii 16,17. And the ten horns which thou faweft, are ten King?, which have received no Kingdom as yet, but receive power as Kings one hour with the besft. ■' V.16. ] And the ten horns which thou faweft upon thebe^ft, thefs (hall bate the whore, and make lici-defoU:e,aiid naked, and eac her fl (h, and burn her with fire. V.I 7.] ForGod hath put intheir hearts to fulfill his will and to agree, and give thtir ICingdom unco the bcafts,untill th: wordsof God (hall be fulfilled. s Pf«t. 4. i j, 16, 17, 18, i^j. Take ye therefore good heed unto your fclves (far yefawno manner of fiaiilitude o.\ the day tliac the Lord fpake unto yoa in Hjrebj out of themidftof the fit) V.16. Left you corrupt your felves, and mak; you a graven Image , &:. — — « V.ip.] And left thou lifcup thins eyes unto heaven, and when thoufetftthc Sun, Moon, andStsrres, ev;nallthe hoft of heaven, (hou!dcft be driven to wor- ftiiptheai, and [ervc them, which the Lord God hath divided uato all nadons under the whole heaven. ASiAj.i^- Forafmuchthen as wcarctheofF fpring of G )d,wc ou^ht not to think that the Godhead K like to gold or (liver, or ftone graven by art and mans device. 2^w.i.ii, 11,15 15. Becsufe that whan they knew GoJ, they glorified him no: as Gad, nor were they thankful, but became vain in their imaginations, and thticfooii(h heart was daiknci.V.n.] Profeflinj their.fclves wife, they b.cair.c fools j V.iJ.] And changed the glory of the incorruptible God, into an Image made like to cor- ruptible man, and to hire's, and beafts and creeping things V.ij.] Who changed the truth of God into a lie, and \vo;(hipped and ferved the creature more then the Creator, who is bklled for ever. Amen. "> Z)i«.j;i8. But if not,be it known untothcc O King, thi: we will nor ferve thy gois, noc worfhip thy golden Imsg. which thou haft fct up, C7t To morrow is a fcaft totheLord. — • V.8.3 They have turned afidcquickly out of the way which I commanded them; they have made tliema mol en calf, and have worihipped it, and have facrifced thereunto, andfaid, Tbefebethy Gods, Olfrael, which have brought thee u; out of the Undo: E^ypr. UiC'^o' 18. :6 'XS. And they took the bullock, and dreli';d it and called upon th:*, nam.' 0' Caal, f'.om morning to noon, faying, O Baal, hear us J bu: there was no voice, nor any that anhvcrcd j and they leapt upon the Akar which was made— — V. 28.] Andtiiey cried loud, and cat thcmfclrcs with knivesj&c— — — Jfii.6^. ii. Bat ye are ihcy that forlake the Lord, that fv^et my holy mountain , that prepare a taWle for the troop, thu furniili the drink-oft'-iing unto tiie nuinuer. « A^. !7.iz. Then '*aul ftjod In the midft of Mars-hill, and faid , Yi m^n of Athens, I pjrcivc Uia: in all things ye ar: coo I'upsiftiiious, C703 Col.z.ir] zijiji (Touch notjtafte not, ban4!c not, V.az.^ Which all are to perilh with the ufm?;) after the commandmeRts, and dodtincs of men. TijJ Which things have indeed a flic vr of ?»L'docn 11 Will-wor/hip, and humilityj and ne^leftinj of the body) not in any honour to the fatisfying of tbcficfh. " Mal.i.7^8 14. Ye offer polluted bread upon mine Altar, and ye fayj Where htvc we p diluted thee ? in that ye fay, The table of the Lord is contanptible. V 8.] And if yc oiF *4' 2^- Y* (hsU dfftroy their AltarSj break their image;, and tat do wn their gro v:s. V. 1 4 ."] For thou fcalc worihip no other Go J : for the Lord whofe name is jealous, is a jealous Gad. ' i Cor.io,io,ti,^i- Bit llay that the things which the G:ntiles Caccificr j they ftcrifice to Divtls, and no: to God 5 and I wou'd not yc ftiould have fclIovrfliipwithDivcls. V.xi] Yecanoocdrink thccupof the Lord, and the cup of Dlvelsj yccan- not be partakers of the Lords table, and the table of Divels. V.i;.] Do we provoke the Lord to jealoufie? are we ftionjer then h: ? fcr.j.iS,it;,io. The children gather wood, and the fathers kindle the fire, and the woaie'n knead their dough to make cakes to the o^iccn of heaven, and fo pouc ou:drink-cff:ringstoo:htrj6ds, that they may proYokc me to anjcr. V. 19.] Do they provoke mc to anger faith the Lord ? do thsy no: pcoroke rhcmCelves to the confulion of their owa tacei i V. 10.] Therefore thus faith the Lord God, Btholi mine anger and fury (hill be poured ou: upon this piace, upon man, and beaft, and the trees of chc fi:ld, and chc fruit of the ground, and it (hsll burn, and none fluUqaench it. E^eli. 1 6. 16,17. Thou hift alio comnktcd fornication with the Egyptians thy neigh- bors ^reatof fltfh, sad hsit encreafsd thy whoredomes to provoke me to anger. V.i/'] Bthold tlvjre- fo;eIhavef^i'e[cbedojt myhindovrr th:e, &c. Dent jz.r^j 17, it,ip,i,o/ Tluy provoked himto jcaloufi: withftranjc Gois, with abominations provoked him to anger. V.17.] They facrificcd to Divels, no: to God, to gods whom they knew ncr, to new gods &c. V. 18] Of the rock thatb:- ga: thee thou art unmindful , and haft forgotten G:d that formed thcr. V. '■ 9.] And wlisn the Lord law it, h: abhorred them, b.'caulc of the provoking of his Tons, and daughters. V.io.] And hefaiJ, 1 will bide my face from tliem j 1 wiif fee what their end fna-ll b:, tor c-hey are a very froward generation, cbildrenin whom there is no faicb. s Hofi.:,^,^. Pi^sd wichyour methcr, plea l,forfhci$ni;: my wife, neither am I hir iiusbind j Ice her therefore put away h;r wbo.edomcs tucof her fi^ht, and her adulteries from bc:wcen ier breai^s 1 V. 3.] Left I ftrip her naked, snd fct her as in the day that (he was born, and m»kc her as a wild^rnefs, and fet her like a dry land, and flay her withthirit. V.4.] And I will not hive mercy upon her children, forthey art the children of w-ioredomes. ^ Vent. *.:9, Othatthere were fuch a heart in them, that they would fear me, snd kctpmy commandmems aiwayes, that it migh: be well with them and with their children for ev r. Q,H'l/ch t70 Q. which Is the third Commandment i A, Xhc third Commandmcni is, Thou f} ah not take the name of the Lord thj God in njain : for the Lordrvill not hold him guiltlefs^ that taketh hts name in ' Exolio.j, vatH \ Q. what is required in the third Commandment i A, The third Commandemcnt requires , that the Name of God, his titles, attributes ''j ordi- I;a!,'nVr".^*crffore'p^^^^^ the word -, Sacraments % prayer «, oaths p, ye, Our Father which vowcs 'I, lots', his wovks ^, and whatfocver elic there 'an m heaven, hallow- 15 ^yj-jei-eby he makcs himfei known , be hohly and td be toy Name. i /- i • t i i- • j «. Pajt.i8,58: If thou reverently ufed in thought \ meditation", word , wn- wilt not obferve to do all th: words of this law, written in this book, that thou maift fear this |loriousand fearful namt THE LORD THY GOD. Pfal 19,1. Give unto the Lord the ^lory due unto his name, &c. P/j/.68.4. Sing unto God, fing praifes unto his name, ex:o!l feim thatrtdeth up- on the heavens by liis name ^AHy and rejoice before him.Rcif4iy.j.4. See above in [*] ^Hd. 1. 14. Curfed be the deceiver that bath in bis flock a male, and off.reth unto the Lord a corrup: thing; foe I am a great Kinj faith the Lord of hofts, and my name is dreadful among the heathen.Ecj.i. Keep thy foot wfaen thou goeft to the houfe of God, and be more ready to hear,thcn to jivc the facrifice of fool? j for they confidcr not that they do evil. "' Pp/.igS.i.I will worHiip towards thy holy Temple, and praife thy name for thy loving kindnefsj and for thy truth j for thou haft m'gnified thy word above all thy name. " i Cor.i 1.24,1 f.- • z8, xp. And when he had given thdnks, he brake ir, and fald. Take, eat, this is my body which is broken for you, this to in remembrance of me. V.ij.] After the fame manner alfo he took the Clip, &c. V.j8.] Bjt let aman exsmine bimfelf, and fo let him eat of this bread and drink of this cup. V-ip-l F r he that catcihand drinketh unworthily, eatc.h and Ariiiketh damnation to himfelf , notdifcerning the Lords body. ° i Tirn:z.^. I will there- fore that men pray every where, lifting up holy hands withou: wrath, and doubting. p ^er. 4. 2. And thou flialt fwearjthe LoidUveth^ in truth , in judgment , and in righteoufncfs , and the nations fhall blefs {bemfelvei in him (hal! they glory. 1 Ecd.<;.i 43$}^. -Be not rafh with thy mou.h, and let not thy heart be htfty to ut^cr any thing before God j for God is in beaven and thou upon earth, t!:erefor« let thy wo:\ls be few. V,4.] When thou voweft a \ow unto God, defer not to psy ir, for he hsth no pleafure in fo:ls j pay that which thou baft rowed. V.?;] Better is it that thou {bouldtft not »ow , tl.cn thattl.ou (houldeftvow andnotpay. V.6.] Suffer not thy mouth to to caufe thy flelh to fin} neither fay thou before the AngeLthat itw as sn errour. Wherefore flionld Goi be angry at tty voice, and deftroy the work of thine hand^ ? " ASf, 1. 24, 26. And they prayed , and I'ai ! , i hou Lord who knoweft the hearts of all men, fhew whether of thelc two thou haft chofrn Veif. 26.] And they gave forth their lots , and the lo: fell apm Mr'h;?s , and he was numbred with the ele- ven Apaftles. ^ Job S^- *4- Re'ii'«"-^~C'- ihatthu majnifie his work, which men behold. *Md. J. 16. Then thy thr-t feircd the Lv:d, CpAk^^ oft^a one to another : and the Lord hearke- ned , and heard it } a ^fi a book of rcmembrjnce wiswrrittcn before him, for them tfcat feared the Lord, and thought upon his N'-tn?. « /'p./.S. throughout. O Lojd, our Lord, how ex- cellent is thy Name throagf out t&e earih 1 totheeni. *Co/.j.i7. Whitbc^er ye doinmordorindecd, f'o a'lin the Nitnc of the Lord .efus, giving thanks to Gods and the Father by him. Pfal. 10^ i 5. S«.''j unto him, fing. Pfal ms unto him: talk ye of a'l his wondrous virorks. • Ver. y ] Remember his marvellous works ;fea(; fas bath don:j his wanders, and the juigoients ofhiSDGouth, ting^ C7n ting ^y by an holy profeffion y^ and anfwcrable converfa- tion % to the glory of God % and the good of our felvcs ^ n^/fV°**-^" ^f" ' o J ' a Hull be writcca tor and Others. *^ the- gcnertcton to rorne j and the peo- ple which fliall be created (hajl prai[e the Lord, y iFct.j.i ^.But fandifie the LordGoii in your hcarcsi and be ready alwayes to give an anfwer to every man that askcth you a reafon of the hope that is in you, with meekncrs and kirMicA- 5. For all people will walk every cne in the name of his God: and we will vralic in the name of our God for ever, and ever. ^ PW/. 1.17. Only lee your converfationbe fuch as be- comes the Gofpel of CJiriftj&c. ? I Cor.i9,i^. Whether therefore ye eat, or drink, or whatever ye do, do all to the ^lory of God. ^^^''■1^-19' And I will five them one heart, andoneway,. that they may fear me for ever, For the good of thcm^ and of their children after cfaem. ' i Tet.x.i z Having your converfation bone fl among the Gentiles, that whereas tbty fpeak againil you as evil doers, they may by your (ood works which they ihal[ behold 1 (lorify God| in che day ot vi(i-: C|tion, Q. what are the finnes forbidden w the third Ccmmand- fnent i >^ A. The fins forbidden in the third Commandment , are, the not ufing of Gods name asis required*^, and the abufe of it, in an ignorant % vain ^, irreverent, profane s, ''w^^-^.t'ify^uwilt j~ n-«i 'tj^*' 1 *■ 'r r ' not hear , and if you luperftitious '', or wicked mentioning or othervvife uiing wiilnotiayittobearc his titles, attributes i, ordinances \ or works \ by blaf- " give glory to my phemy -, perjury "5 allfinfulcurfings % oaths p, vowe$% ?f hoftjf i J!iikven and lots', violating ofour oaths, and vowes, if lawful^: fend a curfc upon and fulfilling them, if of things unlawful"^, murmuring y°"' f"i """'^^^^^'^f t 1,° ^ ., . • • ^ * J -r 1 your bUflinjs, yea I and quarrelling at "5 curious prying mto^, and mifapply- [lave cmled thcmal- ing of Gods decrees ''5 and providences y, mifinterprc- ready, becaufe you do Hng % mifapply ing \ or anyway perverting th-c word,or f^^j'^^.^j/Vor « any part of it ^5 to profane jeftss curious or unprofitable i paired by ,' and bc- queftions, vain ianglings,or the maintaining of falfe Do- ^^''^ y^""^ divotions,i A.- ^rri.-.. L- -J found an Altar with dnnes S abufing it, the creatures, or any thing contained this infcripcion , To under the name of God, to charms S orfinful luftsand the unknown G'd; praaifcsf, the maligning B, fcorning VcvUingSorany ''^Ztt^MfK wayesoppofingofGodstruthjgracejandwaycs'^jmaking him declare lunro profeffion of Religion in hypocrify, orforfiniflerends^^ you- /^Yi'^°'j being afliamed of if", or a Ihame to it , by uncomfort- deny thee,' and fa", able ",unwife °, unfruitful p, and offenfive walkings \ or vvho is the u-xdf cr backflidingfromic U!*, ! 1,Kic t N'mcof my God in vain. iMit.i.^j n. Afonhonourechhisfather, and afervsnthi; Malhr. Ifthrnlbc a father, where is mine honor ^ and if I hf a matter, wi'ere is my fear , fai;h the Lord c,f Hofts ud£» • you, O Pf ipftsi that dcfpirc my 1>^ ime / and ye fay, Wherein have wc dcipifcd itiy N*mc ? - ' " L V.7J ' X743 V.7] Y: offir polluted breai upoi mim Alcar ; and ye fay, Wliercin hut we pallutcd th«e? in thit ye f«y> Ta: table of the Lord is con:cTip:ible. — - i/4/.M4. Y * hivs fjid.Ic is vain to ferve God } and what profit is i: that we ha/e kep: his ordinance and that w: bay: walked m jurnfuUy bcfdrc the Lord of hofti? i* I .f4»i.4.j,4,?.And waen the people were come into -.he camp,:hc Elders of Ifrtel faij, where- fore hath the Lord faiitten us to day before the Pjiliitines/.et us fetch the Ark of the Covenant of the LordoutofS'ibi/aibuacouj, that when it Cometh anong us jit may favc us out of the hand of our enemy, V.4.] So th: p:ople fen: to Shiloh,to bring from thence the Ark of the covenant of the Lord of hoftsjwho dweJleth bctwccne the ChcruWrnsjand the two Sons of ElijHophni and Phinias were there with the Ark of the Covenant of G:)d. V.y.] And when it cam: into the Campj all Ifracl fliouced wicha^reac ihoutj fothit the earth ranj again. Ifir.7.4-9.io-i4.-jt. Truft yenotin lying words/ayingjthe Tem- ple of the Lord,the temple of the Lord,the temple of theLord,«rethsfe— V.j.^Willycfteail, murder, and commit adultery jand fwearfalfly, and burn incenfe unto Bia^and walk after ocfaer Gods whom yee know not. V.10.3 And come and ftand before me in this houfe which is called by my Nime^and fay, we are delivered to do allthetcabomiiiMlonsi — V.i4]T*^Cfcfore will I do umathis houfe, which i$ called by my name.wherein ye truft,& unto the place which 1 gave unco yoU)anLto your fathers>as I have done to Shiloh— V.J £.] And they have built the high places of Tophet, which is in the vally of the fon of Hin- non to burn thtir fons and daughters in the (irej which I commanded them not,neither came it into my beart.Co/.&.io,ii,tz. Wherefotejfye be dead with Chrift froin the rudiments of the world, why as though living in the world, are ye fubjed to ordinances/ V;tf.] (Touch not, Tafte not. Handle n;>c, Viij,] Which allarcto perilh with the uSng) after the Commindmcncsanddoftrlnes of men. ^ aJC'BJ-i^'Jo— **S5« N;icher let Ha :kiah, mak« you truft in the Lord, faying, The Lord will fttrely deliver us, and this cicy (hall not be delivered into the band of the King of AfT/ria V' J 5-3 Who are thsyj among all the gods of the Countries that have delivered their Country out of my hand, that the Lord (hould deliver Jerufalem out of my h«nd ? Exoi.^.z. And Pharaoh fa id, who Is the Lord, that I Ihould obey his voice, to let Ifracl goe j I know not the Lord, neither will Ilec Ifraelgoc. P/i^.ijp.xo. For they fpeak againft thee wickedly , aad thine enemies take thy name in vaine. k F/i/. 50. 16,17. But unto the wicked he faith, wha: haft thou to do to declare my ftarutcs, for to take my Covenant into thy mouth. V/ 17. ] Seeing thou hatefl inftrudion , and caflcft my words behind thee, i/i.9,1 ». Tfae Syrians before, and the Philiflines bihind, and they fliall devour Ifrasl with open mouth i for all this his aagsr is not turned away, bat his hand is ftrecched out ftiU. m ijj^ing.i^.ii. Whom haft thou reproched, and blafphemed, and againft whom haft thon exalted thy power, ani lift u? thine eyes on high , even -againft the Holy one of Ifracj,- ^*v.Z4.ii. And the Ifraelitifti womans fon that blafphemed the nam? of the Lord, andcurfcd, and 5 hey brought him unto Mofes " Zet^.5.4. I will bring it forth, faith the Lord of hoftj, and it (hall enter into the houfe of the thief, and intothe houfe of him that fWearcth falfsly by my name, and it (hall remain in the midftx)f his houfe, and (hall confumeit, with the timber thereof, andthc ^ncsthereof. Zecb.i.17. And let none of you imagine evil in your hearts againft your ntighbour, and love no falfe oath i for all thefe are things that I hate, faith the Lord. ° i Sam.17.43.— — ^nd the Philiftine curfcd Divid byhisgods. tSam.i6.'^, And Shimei the Son of G:ra cime forth and curfed ftlll as he came. ? Icr.y.7. How fhall I parden thee for this!* thy children have forfalcen me, and fwornbythem that are no gods, when I had fed the n to the fyll, they thsn committed adul- Wry,and 8fl"embled themfelves by troops in the harlots houfes. Jer.2g.10. For the land is full of adul- terers, for bicaufe of fwearing, the land mourneib. 1 Deut.ti.iS. Thou fh sit not bring the hire of a whore, or the price of a dog into the houfe of the Lord thy God, for any Vow : for even both thefe are an abomination to the Lord thy God.yrf^.x j.i i.And when it waj dayjcertain of the Jewes bandad togeiherani bounJ theraielvesunderacurfe, faying,that they would neither eat nor drink, till they had killed Paul. ' E/J^.j.7. In the fifth monetb (chat is the moneth Nifan) in the twelfth year of King Ahafucrus they caft Pur, that is the lor, before Haman,from day to day, and from moneth to monetb, tothe twelfth moneth, thatisthc moneth Adar. Eftb.p.z^. BiCiufeHiminbad dcvi- fed againft the Jewcs to deftroy them, andhad caft Pur, that is the lot, toconfume and deftroy thcoj. PfiLxi.iS. They part mygirments among them, andcaftlots upon my vcfture. ^ P/U/.14.4. Hschathath clean hands, and a puce heart, who hath not lift up bis foul unto vanity, nor fworn deceit- fully. Eieliij.16 18,19. AsUivc faiththeLord God, furely in the place where the King dwelleth, that made him ICin^, whofe oath he defpifed, and whofe Covenant he breaketh, even with him , lai^e midft .of Bibylon ^ Ihall die --— ; Va^ji^-l Seeing b* djfpiLcth the oatb, by breakinj the C75 3 Cofenanr, («blk-6.i6. And the King was txccfding farry, yet for his oitbs fake, and for their fake who f»te wiih him, he would noc rejed her. i 5'<»m.z^xi 3>)J3)M* ^^y and more alfo do God unto the cnemicsof Da»id, if I leave of allthatptrtaintohim, by tnc morning light, any that pifleth agaiuil the wall V.ji.] And Di»id faid to Abijal, Blefled be the Lord God of Ifrael,who fent thee this day to me } V.j j.3 And bUfTed be thy advice, and blefled be thou who haft kept me this day from ccmlnj to Ihcd blood, and from avenging my fdf with mine own bands. V.^4.j For in very deed, as the Lord God of Ifraelliveth, which have kept me back from hurting thcc, except thou hadft halteJ, and come to mete me, furcly there bad fiot been left unto Nabal by the morning light, arjtbat piflcih againftthc wall. " R»w.9.i4- i9j»o- What (Tiajl we fay then ? Is there unrighteoufnefTc with God ? God forbid V.i?.] Thou wilt fay then unto mc, Why doth he yet find fault ? For who hath rc- fiftfd his will ? V.20.] Nay, but Oman, who art thou that replytftajair-ft Goo? ftial! the thing formed fay to him that formed it, why baft thou made me thus f * Dcut.i^.t^. The fecrec things bf long unto the Lord our God ; but tbofe things which zrc revealed belong unto uj, and to out ttiildren for ever, that we may do all the words of this law " iRo»i.j.$ — 7 Bat if cur unrightc- oufnefs commend the righteoufnefj of God, whatfhall wefay •* Is God unrighteous whotakethvcn- geancefl fpeak as a mani V.7. ] For if the truth of God hath more a bounded through my lye, unto his glory, why yet am I alfo judged »s a finner ? Rm.6.i. What (hall we fay then ? fliall we continue in fin, that grace way abound? God forbid. y Eal.d.ii. Becaufe fentencc againft an evil work, is not executed fpeedily, therefore the heart of the fons of men, is fully fet in them to doeevill. Ecd.p.j. This is an evill among all things that arc dene under the fun, that there is one eventumoall j yea alfo the heart of the fons ot men is full of evil, and madntfs is in their heart, while they live j and after that theygoe to the dead. P/i/.??- I faid I will take heed to my wayes that I fin not with my tongue— -— «brow^fec«r. ^ A/ and raifed perfccutionagainfi Paul and Barnabas, and expelled them out of their coafts. ^^.4.18. And ihsy called them,and com- manded themnottofpeakat all, norteachintheNimeof Jefus. tASlA9.9. But when divers were hard ned and believed ooijjbut fpakc evil of that way before the multitude , he departed from them and feparated the Difeiples. j Thef. i.t6. F Jtbidding qs te fpeak to the Gentiles that they might be favedj to fill Mp their fins alway J for the wrath is come upon them to the uttcrmsft. He6.io.ap. Of how much forer puni(hment fuppofc ye fliall he b: thought worthy , who hath trodden under foot the Son of *Sod, and hath counted the blood of the Covenant wherewith fee was fanflified an unholy thing , and done ^efpight anc« the Spirit of Grace ?: 'zTiffi.j.^. Having a form of godlinciTc, but denying the power thereof J from fuch turn away. ^^(^.13.14. Wo unto you Scribts and Pharifees> hypocrites, for ye ihut up the Kingdom of heaven a jainft men 5 ye neither go in your fcIves,nor fuffer them that are (tntting to 50 in. Mit.6.i,z,^^, — x6.Take heed you do not yaut almes before mcojto be feen of them j otherwife you have your reward of your Father v^iiich is in heaven. V.z-] Tlierefore whef^ou doft thine almcs,do not found a trumpet before thee, as the hypocrites do,in the fynagogue$,and inwe ftreets, Jhat they may have glory of men. Verily I fay unco yoB, They have their re ward. V?.] And when thou prayefl, thou (halt not be as the hypocrites arc, for they love to pray ftanding inthcSyna- Soguesjandinthecorner$oftbeftre€tj,th3tthey may befetnofmen. Verily Ifay, &c. — • V.16.;] Moreover, when yofaft, be not, as the hypocrites, of a fad countenance; for they disfigure their faces, ^hat they may appear to men to faf^. Verily I fay unto youj They have their reward. "' I'fark 8.3 8. Wfaofoever tharefore (hall be alianaed of me, and of my word* in this adulterous and finful generation^ ofhimalfo(hallthcfonofm.an beaOiaraed, when he cometh in the glory of his father with the holy Ao-gels. " Ffd 7}. 14,1 5 For all the day long have I been plagued , and chaftened every morn- ing; V.xy. 3 JfUiy, 1 will fpeak thus 3 behold I &ould offend againft the generation of thy ?fiJlaren„, ' ' ^ - I 77] • I Cor,6.$^6. I fpeak to your flume. Ij It (o, that there is not a wife man amongft you ? ho, not one chat (hall be able to judge bfcwcen bis brethren ? V.6.] BJt brother {oes to law w«h broihfr, and that before the unbelievers. E^&.j.t 5,1 6,17. Sec then that you walk circumfpeSly , not as fools but as wiff» V. 16.] Redeeming the time, becrufe the dayes arc evil. V.i?-] Wherefore be yt not unwife but underftanding what the will of the Lord is. ? Ifi> 5 .4. What could have been dene more to my Vineyard that 1 have not done in it f wherefore when I looked that it (hould brin j forth grape'j brought it forth wild grapes ? i Pet. 1.8,9. For if thcfc things be in you , and abound, they make youthat ye (hall neither be barren nor unfruitful the knowledge of out Lord Jefui Chrift. V.O.] But he that lacketh thefe things is blind, and cannot fee afar off, and hath forgotten that was pur- ged from his old (ins. iR«m.t.ij,i4. ThoHthnmakeftthy boad ofthelaw, through breaking the law di(honoareft thou God? V,z4.3 ^orthcNsme of God is blafphemed among ihcGtntiles through you, as iris written. 'G.«l.j.i, — 3. OfoolKhGaUtians, who hath bewitched that you ftiould not obey the truth, before whofe eyes Jefus Chrift hath been evidently fct forth, crucified among you? V.J.] Are ye fo fooli(h ? having begun in the fpirit, arc ye now made pcrfeft in the flelh ? Hib.6.6. U they (h?ll fall away, to renew them again unco repentance • feeing they crucyfic to them^YCs aireih the Son of God, and put him to open (hame. Q^ JV^at 'RCifons are affftexe^ t9 the third Command- mem i A^ The Reafbns annexed to the third Commandment in thefe words QiT/^^ Lord thy God'\^nA {^For the Lord will r j^xd.io.?: not hold him guilt lefs that taketh his Name in vain ^,] are, becaufe he is the Lord and oar God, and therefore his Name is not to be profaned , or any way abufed by us \ cfpecially , becaufe he is fo far from acquitting and fparing thetranfgreflbrs of this Commandment, t£f^,,p.,i: Andye as that he will not fuSer them to efcape his righteous (haUnotfwear kymy judgment", albeic manyfuch efcape the cenfures and Shoufl&^:''hS Nsmc of thy God, I am the Lord. '*J5r^f^.j^;ii;ti,ij. But I had pity for mine holy Namejwhichthe houfc of Ifraelhad frofaned among the heathen whither they went. V.xi.]Thcrefore fay unto the houfe of IfraeUThus faith the LordGod,! do not this for your fjksSjO houfc of Ifraeijbut for mine holyNames fake,wbich ye have profaned among the brsthen whither yr went. V. a?.] I will fandifie my greatNamc whichwss profaned among thebea- tben,wh5ch ye have pro^anecftn tbr mJuft cf theo>}& the heathen (hsll kno«» that I am the Lord,faith tha LordGod,wben I (hallbefan&ified in ycabefcr*; their tyes,I7fHf.i8.s8,<9.If thou wilt no: obferfc to do iall the words of this Law thr.t are v.titrcn in this book, that tbou matft fear this glorious and fearful Nasie, THE LORD THY GOT>. V.59.] Then the Lord will make thy plagues wonderful, and the plague$oftbyf Tor I have told bim that I will judge his houfe f cr ever, for the iniquity which he knoweth j bcoaufe his fons made themfcivcs vile,and he reftraincd them net. Q. fvhich is the fourth Cemmandement i A, The fourth Commandement is, \_ Remcmherthe Sabbath day to keep it holy : fix daps jhalt thou labour and doallthj worke : but the [event h day is the Sabbath of the Lord thy God : in it thou jhalt not do any work^ thon^mr thy fon^ nor thy daughter J tky man- fervant ^ nor thy maid-fer- vant^ nor thy cattel^nor thy fir anger that is mthin thy gates : for in ftx dayes the L or d made heaven and earthy the fca^and all that in them is ^ and refledthe feventh day i, wherefore ? Exfli.io.8,^,io, u the Lord blejfed the Sabbath day^and hallowed it.^2 Q^ what is required in the fourth Commandment ^ A, The fourth Commandment rcquircthot all men, the fandify ing, or keeping holy to God, fuch fet time as he hath appointed in his Word 5 cxprefly, one whole day r2?m,5:iiVi?5i4. in feven, which was the feventh from the beginning ^^«P ^«»^bj3ath day Qf the world to the refurrcdion of Chrift , andthefirft Lord" tby^ Gorhath clay of thc Week cver (ince, and fo to continue to the end eomnanded thee. V. of the world; which is the Chriftian Sabbath y, and in 'ho„^ ttl'dt the New Tcftament called the Lords day^ all thy work. V.14.] ButthefeventhdayistheSsbbathof 'hcLordihy God j in It thou flialt not do any work, thou, nor thy Ton, nor thy daughter, not thy man-firvsnt, nor thy maid-ff rvantj nor thin< ox, northincaffe, nor any o{thycatt . Paul preached to ;hem, ready to depart on the morrow.—— 1 Cor. 1 6. r jZ. Now concerning the col- Uftionfor the Saints, as I have given order to the Churches of Gsladijevcn fo do yc, V.i.] Upon the firit day of the week let every one of you lay by him in ftorc, as God hath profpereii hitr, iha: there be iiogathetingj wheni come. P/^,91. Title. A Pfalm.orfongfor thsSsbba:!) day. I/i:6?.x?. And ic (hall come to palVc that from one newMoontoanother, and from one 5" ibbath to another, (lull all flc(h •• come to woribip before mc, faith the Lord. Lfv.ij.j. Six dayes (hi 1 work be done ^ but the fcvemh • dayisth:Sabbi:hofre{^,anholyconYOCa;ionj yefluUdo no work thctsui; i; istU.S^bithof th<» . liirdinallyoui.dmlUn^Sj " ------- - -'■ -• • -- ^^^^^ C8o3 ^Exoi.tQ.^. Remember the $«bl>ath dly to keep It hoiy, LMt»J.H«— 5^- And that day was the prcpsrationj and the Sabbachdrew on. V.56. And they returned , ?nd prrpired fpicesand oint- in.s«KS, ani< rcftcd rhe Sabbath day, according to the Commandment. B-Xod. 1 6. 2t,._i 5, 16^— -.jq ; A'lc It nme to pf.fle on the fixch day they gathered twice as much bread, two Cucrs for one man 5 snd »i; vheRairrs of the Coiijrtgation came and told Mofcs. ■ V.S5.] And Moks faid, Eat that t3 t)ay i torrodayisaSabbathumotheLord, todayycihallnotfindeitin theficld. V.26.] $ix daies fiuU ye grthei ic , but on the fevcntb day, which is the Sabbath, there fliall be none.- . v. if.! S;e for that tht Lord hath given you th: Sabbath i therefore hcgiveth ycu on the fix.h day the bread of ivvodnyc-. : abideybucvery maninhispla^e, let no man gooutofhisplace on the feventh day. Neb, J J. i 9. Ami ic came to pjffe ihst when the gates of Jerufslem brgan to be dark before iha Sabbath, I commtnditd that the gates fliQuld be ftiuc, and charged that they ihould not be opened till after the Sab- bath. And fome of my fcrrancs f«c I at the gatesjthac there (houid be no burden brought in on the Sab- bath day. Q. Frhy is the charge ofhefingthe Sahhath^nfore fie^ daily dire^ed to govirnot^rs cf families ^ and other (uvc' r tours ? A. The charge of keeping the Sabbath is more fpeci- ally directed to governours of families and other fiiperi^ ours, becaufe they are bound not only to keep it them- felveSj but to fee that it be obfervcd by all thofe that arc under their charge 5 and becaufe they are prone oft times e?orLK;7ian! ^^ ^^"^^»^ ^^^"^ ^y imploymenis of their own/ ner of work, thou nor thy fon, nor thy daughterj nor thy man-fervant, nor thy maid-fcrvant, nor thy cattel, nor tht ftrangec that is within thy gates, ^o^. 24. 1 J But as for me and my houfe, we will fer ve the Lord. Ueb. i|.i 5 — >7. In thofe dayes faw I in Jadab fome treading the wine-prcflejjSic. See above in [^'j yer.i7.xo,2t,xi. And fay unto them. Hear the word oftheLord, ye Kings of Judah, and all Judah, and all the inhabitants of )erufalem,thar enter in by thefe gates. V.zi,] Thus faiihthe LordjTake heed to your fclves, and bear no burden On the Sabbath day 8C6. See above in [''] Ex9fo^='^^P^"^'"*'''""'^"5' ^^k-'^l-U- ^<5. And that day was the Pre piration , and the Sabbath drew on. — ■ V.l6.] And they returned and prepared fpices, and ointments, and reft :d the fjbbath dayjaccordinj to the commandment Cowpird withMAr.i 5,41. And now when the even was come, bccauft k was the preparation, that is , the day before the fabbath. Seb. i g. ' 9. And it came to pjffe that when cbegat^s of JeruWem began to be dark before the Stbbatb , Icommindcd tb.it the Bates (hould be fcur, and charged that they ftiouid not be opened till after the Sabbath 1 Pfal. 91. Title. A Pfaim or fong for the fabbath day. Compiredvohb vtr. i?ji4. Thofe that be pLntcd in the houCe of the Lord, (hall fl >uri{h in the Coarts of our GoJ. V.14.-I They /hall Ml bring forth fruit in old age : they (hall be fat and flourifliing. E^etio. 1 1. 1 9;ia Moreover alfo I gave them my fabb«ths,to be a fi^n between me anJih:mj that they might know chat lam the Lord ihatfandific jhens. ' V.i 9 ] 1 am the Lord your God ; walk in my ftatutes, and keep my judgments , and do them $ V.io.] And hallow my Sabbaths.and they fhall be a fi^n between me and yoii.chst ye may know that I am the Lord your G.d. 'Gcrt.*.*,? And on the feventh day God ended his work which he bad xnade, and he refted on the fevf nth day from fill his work which h; had made. V.j ] And G^d blef- ledthcrcventhdayandranAifiedit i becau'e that ini't he had reftei from all his work which God created and made. Pfd.n^.^i. *4. The ft:ne which the butiders rcfufed is becon-e thcb^ad If ore ofthecorner.'- — - V.X4.] This is the day which the Lord hath made, we will rejoice aad be glad in jr. Compircd with hd:.^,io,i i. Be it known unto you all, and un;o all the pfop!* ot LracI, cha- l.y the Name of Jcfus Cbrift of Nzireth, whom ye crucificc^, whom God rsifcd fio::i tbccead , even by him doththis man ftand here before you whole. V.u.] Tliis i. the ftone which wasferst nought by you bui'dersj which is become the head of the corner. Rev. 10 i. I was in the Spirit on the Lcds J3y,and heard behind me a voice as of a Trumpa. ^Eiefi.ii.z6. Her Pri^fts have viola:ed my Li ., and profaned my holy things > they have pur no difF:renceb:tween the holy and profane, th: uaclcansni the clean, and have hid their eyes from my Sab.>aths,mi I ?• n profaned among them ' Neb 9.14. Ani mad ft known unto them th:, holy Sabbath, and cjonmandedft them pr.ceprs, and ftatues, and laws, by the hand of Mofes thy fervanr. " Exci. j 4. x i : Six day.s Hijlt thou work,buc on tiic fcvcn:h Ats ihoa fiialt reft j in earing time, and in I'.ar^rcit ihcj^ ftialt rtft. C pare- mi pare for It , or to fandlifie k '^•, and that Satan with Iiis inftiuments much labour to blot out the glory, and c- vcn the memory ofit. to bring in allirrdigionand im- * z>e«^M4 1^ r,uc ^ ^ o the Icvcnchi aj istii2 piCty . Sabbath of the Lord, &c. V. M-l And remember rhac thou waft a fervant in the land of Ejypt , and that the Lord thy Goi bfou^btthcc out thence through a mijhty hand, and by » ft ichcd out arm: iherefore the Lord thy Cod commanded thcctoke p rhe Sabbath ray. Am9s 8.5. Sayinj, When will the new moon be gone-, that wc may IcU corn, and the Sabbsib, that wc may fet forth wheat, making the Ephah fmall , and the fli.kel gresr, and falfifyini tht balances by deceit? "^ L4W.1.7. Jcruulera remcmbred in the daycs of l.eriffii-Aion, and other mifcties ?!! h rp'caf^nt things that (he kad in the daiescfold, whfn her peop'c fell intc the band of the enemy, an(' nr-ne id help her j theadverfsrics faw hetjanddid motk at t.er Sahbaihs. Jcr. 'y.Hjiiji?. Thus :ai:h the Lcrd, Take heed to your Ctlves, and bear no bur- den on the S.^bbsth d?yj nor bring it in by he gstesof Jerufalem. V.ia.] Neither carry forth a bur- den out of your houfes onihe Sabbath day, nr do ye any work, but hallow ye the iJabbath day, as! commanded your fathers. V.25.3 B^^ ^^-^y obeyed nor, neither inclined their C3r,but made their neck , flifF, ^hat they might not hear, ncr receive inftrudion. Ncfr.ij.from v.ij.tov.xj, Iq thofe dsyes faw 1 in judabfome treading wine-prcfles on the Sabbath day j ;&c. Q^JVhat is thtfttm of the fiic CemmAndments^xvhich co-n tain onr duty to man ^ ^. Thelummeofthe fix Commandcments, which contain our duty to man, is, to love ourneighbourasour felves >,and lo do to others what we would have them do rWiMz.,^. Andthc to us ^. fecond is like unto it , Tiou fhaj: love thy neighbour a$ thy felf. ^ Mat.7. i x. Therefore all things whatfoevcc yc « odd that men Ihould doun.oyou, do y: even to item : for this i$ ibc Law md the Prophets. Q^fvh/ch is the fifth CemmAndmetit f A. The fifth Commandment is, Honour thy father arid ihjmdther, that thj dates ma-j he Icrjgu^o/t the Und^which the Lordjhy Codgiveth thee \ a Exorf. xo. 1 1, Q,,frho are meant by Father and Mother, in the fifth Com^ mandment < A, By Father and Mother, in the fifth Command- ment , are meant not onely naturall parents ^ , but ^Vrov.x%. XI', — ly Hearken to thy father that begat thee, and defpife not thy mother when Hie is old. V.zf.] Ty father and mother (hall be glad, and (he thatb»re thee (hall rejoice. £p&.6.i,i. Chldrin bfyy if parents in the Lord ; for this is rie,fet. V.x.] Honour thy father and lb/ mpchcr ( wiiich ij the hrft Comirandmcntwith promife.) M 2 all ■iri»if.t,t.' Rs- all fuperiours in age', and gifcs •'^ and erpecially fuch ^a':„"«:^» « ; as by gods orJmnc- are over u; in place of father, and the yoag- auchorlty, whsthec in Family % Church^, or Com-" women as mothers , the younjer as fiftcrs, with all purity. ^ GeH.^.io,zi,ii. And Ads^bxre Jabal; litwastheFi- thcrof fuch 3$ dwell inTcnrs, and of fuchasha/:ca:tel. V. xi.] \n ihs brothers nan: was Jubaj, bewasthc fatherof all fuch ashjndlcthe Hup, and Ojtn. V.ii.] A.I Ziilah(h!alfobitc Tubal Cain, an inftruft.r of every Arificer in Braffg and Iron, Sec Cea. 45.8. So now i: was not you that (enc me hither bucGjd I hehatti mjdem»a fst'icr co Pnar«jh> and Lo dof allhis houfe, and Ruler throujhou:allthelandof Eiyp:. ' ilC^n.j.ij. And fats fervanrs camJ neer» and fpake un:o him, my fa:her,if the p:oph:c had bid thee doc Lomt g'-esc thing, 8cc ? i jjl^in. a. I z. Ani Elifhi fiw h and be crycd my father, my father, the Cis io: ot Ifrad and the horfmen thereof. ii\in.ii.\'i. NjwEliihj wisfjill:nfickof his ficknelT; w'lereof he dyei 5 aniToa(hth: King of Ifrael cam: down to him, and wepco/ec his face, and faid, O m/ father, my fa:h:rtbe Chariot of Ifrael and the horfemin thereof / ^^^4.19. My lit-le children, of whom I tca/el in birth again, until Chrift be formed in you. s lfii.9,11. And IQiags Hull be thy nurfing fa- thers, and Qi:en5 thy nurfiag mothers J they (hill bow dawn to thte with chsir face towards the earth and lick up the daft of thy fee:, and choa (halt know^ that I am the Lord CX^W^J ^^^ Stt^crmrs, fllledy F^iher a ^d Mother ? A. Superiours are (tiled Father aai Mother , both to teach them in all dudes towards their inferiours, likenatural parents, to expreflfe love and tenderneffe to ^Eph.6.^: And yc them, according to their feveral relations'^, and to work yourchiid«nwwr"^^^ ^^ a greater willingnefTc and chearfulncflfe in but bring them up in performing their duties to their Superiaurs as t® their pa- thc nurture and ad- ,.*„fc i monition of the '■Cnib. . Lord. 1 Cor. 1 1.14. "For the children oujbc not to lay op for the parents, but the pirents for the children, i Thef.i.jfi'i u Bu- we are gentle amongft you, even as a nurCc chetiflieth her children. V.8.] So bring affrSi- onately defirouiof you, if we were willing to have imparted to you , not theGofpelot Gjd only, buta'foourownfoulsj bcaufeye were dcarumous V.u.] As ye know ho'v we exhorted and comforted, jnd charged evsry one of you, as a father doth his children. N«'Bi'.ii.ii,ii. And Mofes faid untothe Lord,wh c.fore haft thou affli^ed thy renrintjaad wherefore have Ino: found favour in thy light, that thou layeit the burden of all this people upon me? V.i i.] Have I conceived all this peo- ple ? Hive I begotten them^. hat thou fhouldeft fay unto me, carry tbem in thy bofome , asanurfing fa-.htt: bearecha fucking cliild, unto the Ian J which thou fweareft unto their fathers. ' iCor.'^. J4, 1^,16. I write no: thefc things to fhimey6u, but as my beloved fons, I warnc you. V.ij.]Fof though ye have ten thoufani inflruftors in Chtift, yet have ye not msny Fathers 3 for in Chrift Je- fuslhave bcgo:ten you through the Gofptl. V.i<5.] Wnersfo'e I b:f:ech you beye fylloivers of.mCa ^ K"Jl-$' ' I • And bis fervants came neer, and fpakc unto hitn, and faid, my father, &c Q^ What is th: general ft ope of the fifth Com/njt/ide'] meffti: ^.Thc A Thc^^cneral fcope of the fifch Commandment, ''crp&.rzT. Submic: is, the performance of thofe duties which wc mutually Sr^rfci^ Oivelnour fcveral relations, as lafedours, SuperJours , of Gai. i va. i. — 1 j^ 17. Honottr all men, t.qUaiS • ' L,yg ,hc brother- hood. 'Fear God. Ho- nour tie Kinj. Rm. tt.io. B: kindly afF.aionedoa: to aabthcr , with brothtrly love in honoat prckrrin^ one an Jchcr . d^VyhAtistheHonoHrthAt inferiours ctvs to their Sf*^ feriours .<* A, The Honour which Infcriours owe to their Su- pctiours, is, all due reverence, in hearc \ word ■", and behaviour"; prayer, and chankfgiving for them°, '^^ri.^. Afonho- imitation of their vercues and graces p -, willing bbedi- "^nTr^^ '^"^ 1?'*'"' ' cnce to their lawful commands, and counIcls% duefub- fttrj if then i bea father, where is mint honour ? if I be a maftw, where is ray fear, f jich the Lord of hofts uuto y«u, O Princes, that defpife myNime? and yc: rayjWjereifihjve wedefptfcd thy Nrnie ? Levip.j. Ye (hall fear every man hismothcr, and his father, and keep my Sabbaths, lam the Lord your God. ""Pro.ji.iS. Hec chvldrena' ilc upjanJ call her blcfledj her husband alfo he praifcth her. i T«.g.6.Even as Sarah obey- ed Abraham, callinj'him L 3rd j whole daaghters yc arc, as long as ye do well, and are not afraid with any amazemen'. " Lev. 1 9,5 1. Thou (halt rife \xp before the hoary head, and hcnour the face of the old man, and fear thy G 3d : I am the Lord. ^King.z.i^^. Bsthflxeba therefore went unto King Solomon to fpeak unco him tor Adonijah J and the King rofe up to meet her, and bowed himfclfto her, and fate down on his throne, and caufed a feat ro be fe: for tie Kings mother, and (he fate on his ' rigbt'band. " i riw.x.i,!. I exhort therefore ihat fuppUcjttcnsjprayersj.intetccfTion.s-and-thankl-, givir.gs be made for all men. V.i.] ForKinjSjand all thaf afe in authority, that we may lead a quiet; and peaceable life, in all gcdlinefs and honefty. p Heb i j .7, Remember them who have the rule o- ver you, who hsve fpoken to you the word of Gad, whofe faith follow, conlidering the end of their con- vcrfation. ?hil. j. 17. Brethren, b: followers together of m: j and mark them who walk fo as ye have . us for an example. nEp^.6, i,t. 5,6,7. Children, obey your parents inclve Lord : forthisis right. V.I.] Hoaour thy father and mother (which is the firft Commmdmcn'. withpromife) V.5.] Servants, be obedient to them that are your maftcrs according to the fi;ftijwith fear and tremb- ling in fing'eneife of your heart, as untj Chriit. V.6.] Nocwiiheye-fervicc, ssmen-pleaiers, ba- as tncftrvants of Chrift, doing the will of God from the heart. V.7.] Wi^h ^ood will, doinsfervlce as to the Lord, and not to men. i Pet. z. i j, 14. Submic your felvcs to every ordinince of manjfor tbf Lords fake, whether it be to the King asfupreme, V.i-^.] Or untoGovernourj, as unto ihcm that arc fen: by him, for the punilbmrnc of cvildoetS;8nd for the praife of them that do cvell. Rom.i J.i3i>3}4j5. Let every foul be fubjeft to the higher powers : for there is no power bur of God 3 the powers that be, ate ordained of God. V.i.] Whofoever therefore rcfiflcth th: power, rcfiihth the Ordinance of ©od : and they that refift (hall receive to tbemltlves damnation. V.3.] ^O"^ ^"^^rs arero: aterrorto jood works, but to the evil. Wilt thcu then not be afraid of the pov^rer ? do that which is good , and thou (haU have praife of the fame. v. 4.] For he is the minifter ot God to thee for gccd : but it thou ^o thiv whieh is evil, be afraid j for he beareth not the fword in vain : for he is the miniftcrr of God, a revenger to execute wrath up :n them that do:h e»il. V. ?.] Wherefore ye muft needs be fubjeft, not on- ly for wra:h,but for coni'cic .ct [akc. Heb. i j. 17. Obey them that have the ru]e over you , and fabmit your felves, Frov 4. j,4 F-r I was my fathers Ton, teRder,and onely beloved in the fight of my mother. V.4.] Ht tauglit me alf.-, and fiid unto me, Let thy heart retain my words, keep my Commandments, and live. Trp.ij.ii. H^aik.n tothy father tbat begat thee, and defpife not tbv motbcrwhen (heisoldo Exoi,i8.i9- — 14. Hearken now unto my voice,! willgi« theecoimfeljand God inailbc with thei—* 5l' i1-3 .*o Motes Miltncd 10 ihe voice of his fath«i-ift-Iaw,?uid did all that he faid. SEil-' C80 m'fli^jntoTlieircdrrfdLnsS fidelity to ^5 defence', and maintenance of their peifons iind authority, according- to their fcvcral ranks^, ai)d the nature vf their places"; bearing v^^rh their infirmities, and covering them in 'Hcbii Further- '^^'^ *,that fo they may be anhonoiir to them and to their more', we have had gOVCmment \ tkhrrs of cur flcfo , who corr-'drdusj an J wc gave them reverence : flisll we not much rather b; in ful^jeftion unto=he taihcr of Spirits, and live? i Ptt.i.tSy.^,iO, Scrvr-ntsbefutj.-d to yoiirn-.afi:crs> wiib all fc^r, noc only to cbcgood,and jcntlejbutalfo to the ffoward. V.19] F.ir this 5$ thank-worthy, ifamanfor coflfcience towards Gd endure jritf, I'ufF.'ring wron^ fully. V.io.] For whsc glory is it, if wlicn ye be bufFcced for your fsults.yr (h:cut.ii.i'i}i 9,1011. It a man have a ftibborn and rebellious fon which wiiln-t obey the voice of his fathcx, or (he voice of his mother, aai that when they have chaftened him, will not hearken unto them, y*]9-l Then ihall his father and mother lay hold on him, and bcinjj himout unto the Elders of his city, and un o the gat., of hisplacej V.io.] And they Ihall fay to the Eldcrsof hisCity, Thisouribn ii flab- born and rebellious, he will not obey our voice j he is a glut on, andadrunkard. V.^'-l Andallthe men of bijcityfnall ftone him with ftones, thathedje: So (hall tboa pat cvill away,&.c. '=.P>-ev.jo. 1 ' — -17, Theic is a generation that curfeth their father, and doch not blels their mother. V.17.3 The eye tliat mocketb at hts father, and defpiftth to obey his mo her ; the Rtvens of the Villcy fhaU pick i: our, and the young Eigles fliall cat it. '' Proy. 19.16, He that wafttthhis faihcr, and chiieth a!Yay hijmJtheij is a Ion that ciufeth fhame, and bringcvh reproach. Q^ ivhat ii required of Supriottrs toward their Iftfcri- curs 1 A. It is required of Superiours, according to that power they receive from God, and th.it relation wherein they ftand, to love' pray tor'', and blclTe ' ^''^: ?' '9. iH- * i 5 r TV ' binds , love yoar vnvtr, andiicnotbir- ttr agatnft theai. r/f.z.4. Tbattheymiy teach the youS^ women to be fober, to love their hii'.binns, to lo»e their children. ■« i iim. ix.ij M)rcov«r, as for me, Gad forbid that I fluuld fiti agsinft the Lord in cvhen thou futelt in thine houfe, and when thou waikeft by the way, and when thou lyeft down, and when thou rile ft up. "Epfc.6 4. And ye/athcrs, proTcke not your children to wrath, but bring them up in the nurture and admonition of the JLord. « I "Tw 3.7. Likewifc, ye husbands, dwcU'with them according to knowledg, giving honour unto the wife, as unto the weaker vei^cl, and as being heirs together of the grace of life, that your prayers be nos hindred. p 1 P«.z.i4. Or unco governours, as unto them that arc fern by him, for the punilhrnene ofevil do^rs, and the praifcofthem that do well. Rom. 13. j. For Rulers arc not a terrour to good works, but to the evil. Wilt thou then not be afraid of the power? do that which is good and thou ftialt have praife of the fame, ^ E/?fe.<$. j. And the King faid, Wl»at honour and dignity hath been done to Mordecai for this ? Then faith the Kings fervants. There is nothing done for him. ' Rom, jj.?j4. For Rulers are not a terror to good works, but to the evil V.4.] For he is the Mi- nifterof God to thee for good : butif thou do evil, be afraid i for hebeareth not the fword iavain: forheis thcminiftcrofGod, a revenger, to execetc wrath upon him thatdoth evil. fprcv.ip.iy. ,The Rod and Reproof give wifdom, but a child left to himfelf bringcth his mother to fliame, i Pet, a.14. Seeabovein [p^j. ' Jfl&a^. !i)i?,«4,i J,i^5i7. Bccaufe I delivered the poor thatcrycd, ihe fatberlefsj and him that had none to help him. V.ij.] Thebi.ffingof himthac wasready tope- rifticameuponme j and Icsufedthe widowts hear: to (ing for joy. V.14.] I put en righteoufnefs and it clothed me 5 my judgment was a rob; and a diadem. V.ij.] I was eyes to the blind, and feet was I to the lame. V. 1 6.] 1 was as a father to the poor , and the caufe which I knew not, I fcarchcd out. V.17.3 Andlbrakethe jawcsofihcwick'd, and plucked the fpoil oat of his mouth, Jfa, i.i«. 17. Hear the voice of the Lord, ye Rulers of Sodom j give ear unto the law of our God, ye people of Gomorrha. — V.17.] L-arn to do well, feck judj^ojcnt, relieve the opprefled, judge the father, Icfs, plead for the widow. ''Eph.6.^. And ye fathers, provoke not your children, but bring them up in the nurture and ad rnoniti'ncfthe L rd. * 1 r/w.y. 8. But if any man provide not forhisown, and efpecially for thofcof his own houfe, he haih denied the Faith, and is worfe then an Infidel. ''ir/m.4.11. Let no man defpife thy you»h;bctbe then an exampieof all thcbeleeversin word. In converfation, in chari y. in Spirit, in faith, in pu'.'ty. Tit, Zj jj4;y. The aged women likewife,ih3t ihey be in behaviour as bccomah holir.crs,not falf; accuiers, not given to much wine, teachers of good things. V.4.] That they may teach the young women to be fober,to love thdr hofbanos to love their children V.5.'] Tobcdifcrcerj-chsftj keepers st I ome, g^od, obedient to their own husbands, that the word of God be not b'afphimcd. y il^rng.i.zS. And all Ifrael heard of the judgment which the King had jujg?d j and ;bey fjarcd the Kisig , for they fa« that the wifdome of God was in "him, todojud^mrnt. ' HV, i.iji Thefe things ipeak and exhort; and rebuke with sU authority: Ice no oian dcfpifc thee. (XJvbat C?9] Q. pyhatdre tle/IfJsefSupermrs i A, The finnesof Superiou rs are , befide the negledl of the duties required of them '' , an Inordinate fccking of ihcmfelves ^', their own glory % eafe, profit, orplea- furC^-, commanding things unlavvfull"= , ornot inthe *Etf^j4-'-5?)4.$on power of Inferiours to perform ^ counfellin^ §, en- °^ T1 ^''a^\'^*A couragmg^, or tavouring them in that which is cvir, cf maei, prcpbcicy, diCfwading, discouraging, or difcountenancing them irsyun:otbcm,Thus in that which is good k., corredling them unduly '- umo llll (h 'p w» , wo be to the (hephcrds of irracJ,that do fed themfelvsj fliould not the flicphercfs feed the flocks ? V.j.^Yc cat the fat and doath you with the wooUye kill them that are good j but ye feed not the flock. V. 4.^ Thc^di- feafed have ye not Arengthncd^nor have ye healed that which vras fick, nor bound up that whick vr«',bro- ken,nor brought again that which was driven awayjnor fcught that which wjs ioftjbuc with force and cru- elty have ye ruled them. ^ '^bil.i.xi.Vot all fetk their own, notthc things which are Jefus Cbtifts. ' SFob.5.44. How csnyebeleevf, who receive honour one of another, and feck not the honour thac Cometh from God only f ^oh.y.iS He that fpeakeih of bimfclf fetkcih his own glory : but he that feckcth bis glory who fent him,ibe fame is true, and no unrightcoufnefs is in him. . d JfuL ^ 6. 1 0,1 1 • His watchmen are blind , they are all ignorant , they are all dumb dogs, they cannot bark, ikcping, ly- ing down, loving to flumbcr. V.i i.] Yea, they are greedy dogs, which can never have enovgh j and they are fliepberds that cannot underhand > they all look to their own, every one for bis gain from hisquarter. PfHt.17.17. Neither ftiall he multiply wives to bimfclf , that his heart turn no; away j neither ihall he greatly multiply to bimfelfe Giver and gold. « C4».3.4,5)6. Then an Herald cried »loud. To you it is commanded, O people, nations and languages. V.5.] That at wtattimeye hear the found of the Corner, Flute, Harp, Sackbut, Pfaltcry, Dulcimer, and ail kinds ofmufick, ye fall down and worfhip the golden Image, which Nebuchadneizar the King bath fe tup, V.6.] And whofofalleth not down, ftiail be cail into the midi); of a burning firery furnace. ^^^.4.17,18. Due that it fpread no further among the people, let us fir aitly threaten them that they fpejk henceforth to no man in this name. V.18.] And ibey called them, and commanded them not to fpeak at »1I, i or teach in the name of Jefus. *' Exoi. f . frBm ver. 10 tttbe 18. And the Task-matters ot the peo- ple went out and tkeir officers, and theyfpakc to the pecp'e faying. Thus faith Phartob, I will not live you ftraw &c MiM.ij.x— 4. laying, The Scribes and Pharifees fn in Mofcs Seat— — V.4.] For they bind heavy burdens and grievious to be born , and lay them on men (houlders, but they them- felves will not move them with one of tbeir fingers, i Mitt.i^.2; And fiie being before ir.ftrud- ed of her motker.faid, give me here John Saptifts head in a eharger. (^ompircd mib 9dnrii.6.i'\. And flic went forth, and fald unto her mother, what (hall I ask ? and (belaid, the head of 3ohnB!ptift. *^ iSim.ii.i. Now Ab'alom had commaiided his fervants faying, Mark ye now when Amncnshcac ismerry with wine, and when I fay unto you, fmite Amnon, then kill him } fear nor, have not I com- manded you f bscouragious and valiant. ' ii'dw.j.ij. For I h»vc told him that I will judge his houfe for ever, for the iniquity which he knoweth j becaufe bis fens made themlclves vile, and he reftrained them not. ^ 5Fe&.7. 46,47, 48, 49. The officers anfwercd , Niver man fpjke like thisman. V.47.] Then anfwered them ilie Pharifees, are ye alfo deceived ^ V.48.] Hsvcany of the Rulers or Pharifees beleeved cnhim ? V.49.3 But this pccplc wboknov\c:hnotthe 'a^r ai^ curfcd. Cf/.j.ii. Fathers provoke not your childien to wrath left they be difcourjged. Exci.^.^T' But be (aid, ye arc idle, ye are idle j therefore ye fayj Let us got, and do fjcrifice to the Lord. ' i Fcr. 2.18,19,10. Scrvarts, be fubjett to your matters with sU fear, not onely to the good and gentle, but alfo to the froward. V.19.] Forthis is thank- worthy, it a man for confciencc towards Gcd endure grief, fuft'cringwronifuUy. V.io.] For what glory is ir, if when ye be buffeted for your faults, yc llialltakeit piticntly ? but if when ye do well and fuff^r for it, ye take k patiently, this is acecpu- ble with God. Heb.ii.io. For they verily for afewdayes, chaftencdus ?ftcr their own plcafures 5 buthe forour profit, that we might be partakers &c. Veut.i'^.i. Forty (tripes hemay^ivc bim, and ro; exceed, Icsft if he ihould exceed, and beat him above ibcfc with many ftiipes, thcntliy lri;o:h«r (hould feem YileuQ:o th:c. N care- carclcfs expofing , or leaving them to wrong, ^^^'^•-^^iS'XiAo fempcation and danger "^5 provoking them to wrath "5 Tiien laid jaoan to r i-n-i r t i/r-. Tatnar his dausbter or any vvay dilhonounng themlclves , or leliening iniawjRetnaintwi-- t:heir authority, by an unjuftj indifcreet, rigorous ow ac thy fathers • rr i \ ' ' o ho.f:. till Shelah my Or XQVcM bchaVlOUr. fon be Brown up : for he faid icatt peradventurc he dye a!fo, as his brethren did— — V.i6,] And Judab acknowledg- ed thsm anJ f»»d, Shcc hath been more righteous then Ii becjufcl|avchfr not to Shebhmyfon: andhekncwher a^aiii no more. ^^.18,17. Then all the Greeks took Softh:ncs the chief Ruler of the Synaco'ue and beat him before the jud|mrnt-fcat,and Gallic cared for none of thefe things. " Epb; 64., finiyt fathers, provoke not your children to wrath, but bring them up in, &c. ° Gen.^.xi, And he drank of the wincjand was drunken, and he was uncovered within his tent. 1 I^w.iz. 13,14, i< \6. And the Kinj (Rchoboatn) anCwcred the people roaghly, and forfook the old mfns counfel ivhich they eavs hitn, V.i 4.] And fpakc to them after the councel of the youn^ men, faying, My f«ther maic you yoke heavy j and I will add to yoar yoke : my father chaftilcd you with whips j but IwJlchaltiCe you with fcorpions. V.ij.] Wherefore the King hearkened not to the people; for thccaufc was from the Lord V.16.] Ss wteen all Ifrael faw that the King hearkened not t© them, the people anfwercd the King, faying, what_portion have we in Da»id ? neither have we inheritance in the Ian of Jtfle ; toyouf tents, O Ifrael": now fee to thine own houfc, David, fo Ifrael departed to their tents. iVyin.x.S. And his father had not ditpleafed him C»Iz. Adonijih) ac anytime in faying, why baft thoudoncfo ? ——.i5'4»i,2.J9,J0,ji. W^bcrefore kick ye at my fa- rrificcs and at my offering, which I have commanded in mine habitation,and honoureft thy fons above we, to make your felves fat, with the chicfefl of all the offerings of Ifrael my people ? V. jo.] Where- fore the Lord God of Ifrael faith,I faid indecdjthat the houfc, and the houfe of thy father, (hould walk bifore me for ever > but now the Lord faid, Bj it far from me j for them thit honour me I will honour; and they thatdefpife ,mefliaU be lightly efteemcd. V.ji.] Behold the daycs come, that I will cnt off thine arm^ and tb^ arm of thyfathjrs houfej that th:rc (hall not beon old man in thine. houfCo Q. what are the Mties of equals f A. The duties of equals are , to regard the dignity pHonour all men,lovc and worth of cach Other p 5 in giving honour to goe one the brother-hood, fear beforc another 'I , and to rejoice in each others gifts and Ki^g! ^Krix.io. advancement, as in their own \. D' kindly affc^ioned , one towards another with brotherly love, in honour preferring one another. * Ruw. 1 2.1 f,i5. R;- joYce with them that do rtjoyce, and weep with them that weep. V; 1 6.] Be of the fame mind, one tewavds another , mind not high things, but condefccnd to men of low eftate, &c. PM.i.j,4. Lee nothing b: done through ftrife or vaine glory J batinlowUncfs of mind let each efteem other better then shemfsrves. V,j.] Look not cvtry man on his own things, but every man alfo on tis things oS othcM. . Q, What are the fmnes of equals ? A. The fins of equals are, befide the negled of the ln^rany!hin^rbu't^^^^^^ rcquitcd ^ the Undervaluing of the worths en- 2^ (ov: :K\-rno:her ;jor he that lovcth another bath fuIEUcd the L^ff. ^ irra.j.g. Withoainstural - -'- - vymg. vying the gifts" 5 grieving at the advancement of prof- perity,oneofanothcr*,and ufurping prchcmincnce one .« — '"''.i„ ' *•*• "Ait. 7. 19. And over another \ the Pariarchs moved with cnvyjfold Jofrph into Egypt i but God was with him. ^al ^i^- Let hs not be defirous of vainc jlory, provoking one another, envyinj one another. *N«jn.i2,i. AndtheyfaiJ,H*th the Lord indeea only Ipcktnby Mofcs? bath he not alfo fpakcn by us ? and the Lord heard ir. Efth.6, i Zji j. And Mordccsi Ciojc a- gaintothc Kings eatc ; bucHamanhaftedto hh houfe,mourning,end having his head covered. V.i j] And Haman told Zertfli his wife, and all his friends every thing that had befallen bim. 1 hen faid his wife men, and Zcrefti his wife unto him, If Mordecai be of the leed of the Jewcsj btfore whom thou baft begun to falljthou fhalt not prevail againft him, bur rtialc furely fall before him. " 5 Jo':« vcr.9. I wrote unto the Church j bot Diotrephes who lov?th to have the preheminenceamongftthcm,rcceivctli us not. Luli.ii.i^. And there was alfo a ftrifc among thein> which of them fliould be the greateft. Cl^fvhat is the Reafon mnextd to the ffth Cemmand' ment^the more to enforce it f A, The Reafon annexed to the fifth Commandment, in thefe words , \jhnt thy dayes may be long upon the land rvh'tch the Lord thy Godgiveth thee y,] is an expreffe pro- ^ T^xoi.i9\\%: mife of long life and profpcrity , as far as it fhall ferve for Gods glory, and their own good , to all fuch as keep this Commandment ^ ^p«tf.r.i^. Honour thy father and thy motherjss the Lord thy God hath commanded thee ; that thy dales may be prolonged,and that it may go wrcll with thee, in the land which the Lord thy God giveth thee. 1 V^ing.l.i^. Therefore now, Lord Godoflfrael keep with thy fervant David, my father, that which thou promifedft him, faying, There fliall not fail thee a man in thy fight to fit on the throne of Ifrael, fo that thy children tskehetd to their way,that they walk before me as thou haftwalked before me. Efh.6.z,it Honour thy father and thy mother (which is the firft Commandraem with promife.) V.j. That it «ay be well with thee, and cbou maift live long on the earth. Q^which is thejixth Commandment i A, The fixih Commandment is, [_ Thou Ihatt not ^^^^'^'^o-^i* Q^ fvhat are the duties required in theftxth Command- ment ? A, The duties required in the fixth Commandment, nre, all careful ftudies, and lawful endeavours toprc- ferve the life ot our felves^ and others S by rcfifting ^Eph.^.xZ,i9\ Sa otigf^* v,\'Ai to love their own wivts as their own bodies. He that loveth his wife, lovetbhimfelf. V.iS] K;: no man ever hated his o.vn flcflj, but nouriflieth and chcrifheth it, even as theLord the Church ? ' - K'''5- ' 8.4. For it was fo, when Jtzcbcl cut off the Prcphets ok the Lord, that Obadiab took an hanJKd Pti»ph«t5> «nd bid them by fifty in a cave, and fed them with bread and water. N 2 all all thoughts and purpafcs ^ fubduing all pafsi- ons% and avoiding all occafions^, temptations s, and pradlfes , which tend to the unjuft taking away the life of any ''s by jaft defence thereof agiinft violence', <^itr.t6.ii,\6. But patient bearing of the hand oi God '^5 qaietneiTe of know ye for certain , ibacitycpuc jnetodeachj yeftiillfurelybriag irvnocencbboJupsn your felvcs, anJ upon this City, and upon the InUsbitants there jfj for of a truck the Lord hsch fent me uato you to (p'.zk all chsfe words in your cars. V.i6.] Thcnfaii the Piinces, snd all zh: peopl: to th; ProphctJi Triis man is mt wor- thy to diej fochehs-.hfpolte.iun:o us in the Nioi.'ofch: Lirdour Gii. ASt.ii.i 2—16,17 ^ ai •17. And whenic wasday, Ciftainofth: jewesbinied together, and bauaj tajoarelves under ecutfc, laying, Thatthey would neither eat nor drink till they had killed Piul. ——— V.16.] And when Paul's fiftersfon heard of their lying in wait, he wmt and cntred into the Ciftle and told Paul. V.17.] Taen Pa'il called one of the Centurions uito him , aaJ fiid , Bia^ this yatij man uaco the chief Cipcaln, for he hath a certain thing to tell him. V.n.] There lye in wait for him more then forty m:n, which have bjuiii themfelves with aa oath, thit^— and now are thfy ready , looking for a promife from thee. ■ ■ " V.z7.3 This Bian was taken of the Jewcs, and fliould hive been killed of them : thencatn; Iwitiianarmy and refcued him, having uiderltood that he wass. Roman, ' Epb. '^.i6,xj, B; ye angry, and fin not j let not the fun go down upjn your wrath ; V.t7.3 Neither give place to the divel. ^ iSitm.i.ix, And Abner faid again to Afahel, Turn thee afide from follo*injm«; whereforefliDuldlfmicethec to the ground ? how then flijuld I hold up my faC5 to Joab thy brother ? "Deut.ii.S, When thou buildeft ancwhou[e» th:n thou (halt make a battlement for thy roof, that thou bring not blood upon thy houfe, if any mm fall fromthence. s5Wi{.4.6,7. And faithuntohim.IfthoubetheSon ofGsdjCiflthy felfdown : for «t is written, He (hill give his Angels charge over thee, and in their hands they (hill bsar thee up, ieaft at any time thou da(h thy foot againft a ftone. V.7.] Jefus faid unto him, It i$ written sgsin. Thou (hjlt no: tempt the Lord thy G id. Fro.i.io,ii — tj, 16. MyCon, if fianers entice thee confens thou not, V.ii,] If they fay,Com: with us,let us lay wait for blood, let us lurk privily for the innocent without ctufe. — * V»i5.3 My foiij walk not thou in the way with them, refrain thy foot from their path. V.i6.] For their feet run to evil, and mike haft to (hed blood. *^ i j'im.^i.ii.The Lord jadg between me and thee, and the Lord avenge mrof thee J bat mine hind ihill not be upon thee, i 5'ifffi.i5.9,io,ii.And David faid to Abiihii,Dcftroy him not : for who can ftretch forth his hand againftche Lords anointedg, and be guiltlefs? V. fo.] Divid Caid furtherm3re,« the Lord liveth, the Lord (hil fmi:e him,or hit day (hal come to die, or he ihill defcend into battle and pcrifh. V.n.] The Lord forbid that I (hauld ftretch forth mine hand againft the Lords anointed.— Ge«.j 7.11,1 1. An i R^iuben heard it,and he delivered him out ofthcir hinds, and fsidjLe; us not kill hita. V.ti.3 And Reuben fiid to them, Shcdnoblood, but caft him into this pit that is in the wiUernsfsjaid lay no hinds upon him ; that he mighc rid him out oftheirhandsjto delircrhim tohisfathecagain- . 'P/i»/.8i.4. Deliver the poor and needy, lid them oucoftb: hand of the wicked. Prox;. } 4.. 1 1,1 x. Iithou forbear to deliv« then that arc drawn un:o death, and thofc that are ready to be futn. V. ii.] If th.>u faiftjB:hold weknew it m:, do:h no: he «hat pondcreth the hsart confider it ? and he that kecp.th thy foul, doth no: he know it ? and (hill noli he rendii to every man according to his works .' i Sim 1 4.+<, And th: people faid unto Siul, Shall Jo- nathan die, who hith wt'ou^ht this great falvation in Ifracl ? G ji foibli. As the Lord iivcihjthere (hall not one hair of his head fall to th J g-ound: for he hath wrougb: wIthG)d thisdiy. So thepioplcrefca'^ ed Jonathan, that he died not. ''^471.5.7,82^,10,11. B: patient thsrifoie, brethren, unco the co- ming of t'aS Lord j b:hold the husbandman waiteth for the prctious fruit of the earth, and hath long ps* iien:e,&c. V 8.3 B: ye alfopaticnt, ftjbli(h your hearts,for the coming of the Lord drawes nigh. V.^J Gcudg not one ajiinft anothcr,brethrtn,lelt ye be condemned jb:hold the Judg ftandeth b:forethe door. V.io.] Take, my brcthren,the Prophets who have fpoken in the Nim; of the Lo.d, for an example of fufFctin^affliftion,and of patience. V.ti.]| B:hold,wecount them hippy that endure, Yi have h:ard of the patience of Job,and hsvcfcen the end oftbe Lord, &c.—» Heb.ii.g. Farthermorc, we have had fa- thers of our 8e.1i who corrcfted us,and w: gayc them Eevccence I Ihall we not much rather be in ful-jiv ^o;i.toth:fiiherQfSp.rit'ja|sd.Uvc ? mind ', chearfulncffe of fpint ■" , a fober ufe o{ , ,, , . , meat", drink », phyf.ckr Qcepn, labour', and re- ,J*;{Vu!y~fbc creations^ by charitable thoughts S love", compaf- quier, andto doynur fion^ meeknelTe, gcntlcnefTe, kindnefle\ peacca- °^" ^"^'"'''\',,*^^' 'mi 1 r L 1 t » '^^ » Pet. 7. ^. Whofc blcy, mild, and courteous Ipeeches and behaviour % adorning let u not be that outward adorn- inj>&c.— V.4'],'^"^ ^""^'^^^^'^^'^^'^'"'"^ o^f^' ^^-"j in that which is not corrupribic, even the ornament of a mcelc and i^uiet fpirir, which is in the fighc of God of great pries. P/a/. 57.859. lOji i. Ccafcfrotn anger, and forlake wrath j fret not thy fcU" in any wife to do evil. V.9.] For evildoers (hallbecutoff: but they that wait upon the Lcrd (hill inherit the earcb. V.ic] For yet a little while, and the wicked fliallnoc be ; ycs,thou (halt diligtndy co'.(idcr bispl5cc,anJ it lliall not be. V.i i.] Buc the meek Ihall inherit the earthy and fliall delight themrclves in abundance of peace. "" Proy.ij.xi. A merry heartdo.h gorjd like a medicincj bu: abrok-n fpirit drycththe b^nes. " Frevij. 16 17 Haft thou f' uad honejr ? cat fo rHUch as is fufficient foe thee ; leaft thou be filled therewith, and vomit it. ■! V.z?.] It is not good IOC ^t much honey, &c.——— » i Tim.?. 13. Drink no lon^ei: wwer, but urink a little wine for thy ftomach's fake, and thine often infirmities. '^ 7/i. j8. 21. Foe Ifsiahhadfaid, LethimcakcalumpofG^s, andlffritforaplaifterupontheboil; ani he rtiall recover. 1 Pfil\ 17.1. It is vain for you to life up c^rly, to (it up late, to eat the bread of (orrows i for fo he giveth his beloved fl:ep. ' Eeclef, f . i i.The fleep of a labouring man is fwtct, whether he eat little or muchj but the abundance of the rich will not fiiff:r him to fle;p. ^Tbtfl.lo ii. Forevcnwhfn we were with you;thi$ we commanded you, That if any would not work, neither ftiould he eat. V.i i. J Now them that arc fuch we command, and exhort by our Lord Jefus Chrift , that with quietnefle they work>andeat their own bread. Prov.x6.i6. He that labourcth, laboureth for himfelfj for his mouth craveth it of him. ^ Eccl. j.4. 1 1. A time to weep, and a time to laugh j a time to mourn, and a time to dance,-— — V.i i.] He hath made every thing beautiful inbis time; alfo he hathfetthe world in their heartj&c— ^ iSam.t^.^,^, And Jonathan fpake good of David unto Saul his father, and faid unto hicn, Let not the King fin againft his fcrvant,againft David j becaufc hehathnoc finned againft thee i and becaufc his works have been to th:c-ward very good. V.j-] For hedidpuc his life in his hand, and fl .'w the Philiftine, and the Lord wrought a great fal vation for all Ifrael : ttou fawefti', and didft rejoice i wherefore then wilt thou (in agiinfl innocent blood, to flsy David withouc acaufe? i j'im.12.13,14. And Saul faid unto him, Why have ye confpired againftm?, tbouandthe fonof JeflTe, in that thou hsft given him bread, and a fword,&c.— V.i 4.] And AbimJ'echanCwerc^ the King, and faid, And who is fo faithful among all thy fervams as DaviJ, which is the Kings fon in law, and goes at thy bidding, and is honourable in thine houfe ? " Rom. i j .1 o. Love worketh no ill to his neighbour ; therefore love is the fulfilling of the Law. * Lm^.io.j3jJ4)??. Bj: a certain Sa- mariran as he journicd,came where he was, and whenhe faw him,he bad coaipaflion on him, V.J4.] And went to him, and bound up his wounds, powring in oil and win?, and fethim on his own beaft, and brought him to an )nn, and took care of him, &c. ^ Col.^. \z.ii: Pu: on therefore, as the Eleft of God, holy andbtlovcd;bowelsof mercyjkindnefsjhumblenefsof nund.mefknefsjiongfuffering. V.i j^ forbearing one another, and forgiving one another, if any man hath a quarrel againft any,even as Cfcrift forgave you, fo aifo do ye, v Jaw 3.17. But the wifdom which is from aboveis firit pure, then peace- able,gentle, and ea(ie to be intreated, full of mercy and good fruits, &c. M Pct.j. 8,9,10,11. Fi- nally be all of one mind, having coupafTion one of another : loveas brethren^be pitiful, be cnurtecu?. V, 9. 3 Not rendring evil for evil, or railing for railing, batcontrariwifc bUfTing, knowing that ye ate therefore called that ye (hoald inherit a bleSing. V. i «.] For he that will love lifcj and fee good dayes , l«bim refrain his tongue from evil, and bis Ips that they fpcakno guilc.V.i i.lLe: himefchewcvi!,ani do good, let him feek peace and mTuc it. frt.i 5.1. A foft anfwcr turneth away wrath , but gvievous norcs flir upanger.^Hig.a.ijZj^.And the men of Ephraim faid unto him,VVhy haft thou ferved us thus?Thou calledft usnor when thou wemtftto fijhc with the Midisnites } and they did chide with him (harpiy. V;i.] And he faid unto them, What have I done now incomp-irifonof you ? Is not the gleaning of the grapes of Ephtainx better ^hen the vintage of Ab'uz ': ? V. j ]God haih delivered into your hands the Prin- sescf MidiaojOrtband Zibjind what was I able to do in c^mpariTon of you ? Then their anger waf abated tosxardsJhitPj whe» be bad faid that. - - - for-T t94l forbearance, readincffc to be reconciled, patient bear- ing and forgiving of injuries , and requiting good for c- vil % comforting and fuccouring the diftrcfled, and pro- w. ." T ... tiding and defending the innocent ^ there thy gift before thcAUar, and gothy way, firftbcrcconcile^ho thy brother- Eph.i.i. 31. With all lowlinefle and mcckncflfcj with long- Tuffcrinj, forbearing one another in love.' - V.jx.] Andbekindc oas CO anoiher, tenJcr-hearteJj forgiving one another, even as God for Chrifts fskc hath forgken you, Horn IX. 17. — lOjXii Rccooipencetonomanevilfor evilj&c V.io.] Therefore if thine enemy hunger, feed hitn J if he thirft, give him drink* for in fo doing, thou (halt heap coals of fireloa hlihead. V.xi.] Be not overcome with evil, but overcome evil with gopd. ^ i Thef.<}.i^. Now we exhort you brethren, warn them that are unruly, comfort the ktblc-mined, fuppott the weak, be pa- tient towards all men. ^ob 1 1.19 jio. If 1 have feen anyperifti for want of clothing, or any poor without covering 5 - — — « ■ V. 10.3 If his loins have not blefled mee, and if he were not warmed with tbefiieceof my iheep Mat,Z'}.:^^i]6. Forlwassn hungred, and ye gave me meati I was thirfty, andyegavemedrink J I wasaftrsnger, sndye took mein. V.36.] Nak«d, and ye clothed me J I was G^k, and ye vilued me j I was in priion, Ifnd ye came unto me. Prov.j i .8,9. Opin thy mouth for the dumb, in the caufe of all fuch as are appointed to deftruftion. V.p.] Open thy mouth , jadgc riihtcoufl/, and plead the caufe of the poor and needy. Q^ what are the fins forbidden m the fixth Command- merni -^. The fins forbidden in the fixth Commandment, are,all taking away the life of our felvcs %or of othets ^, except in cale of pubh'ck Juftice %lawf ul war ^, or necefTa- ry defence s-the ncgleding or withdrawing the lawful and r«^ff*i6.28.But Paul ncceffary means ot prefervation of life ''^finful anger ^^ha- cried with a loud voice, faying, Do thy felfe no harm j for we are all here. ^Gen.^.6. Whofo fheddeth mans blood, fey man fliall his blood be (hed ; for in the image of God made he man. ^ATmot.jj^i. jj. Moreover, ye ftiall take no fatisfaftion for the life of a murderer , which is guilty of death ; but he fliall furely be piu to death. — V.jg.] So ye (hall not pollute the land wherein ye are: for blood, it deHieth the land 3 and the land cannot be cleanfed from the blood that is Ihed therein, but by the blood of him that ftied ir. ^ ^er.^%. 1 o. Curfed be he that doth the work of the Lord deceitful- ly j and curfed be he chat keeptth his fword from blood, Pf«t.2o. Chap, throughout. sExfli.a3, 2,3. If a thief be found breaking up , and be rmi:ten chat he die, there Oiall be no blood ihed for him. V. J.] If the fun be rifenupon him^ there fliall be blood flied for him j for he (hould make fall rcfti- tution i if b^ have notbing, then he fliall be fold for his theft. •* Mut. 15.^ 2,43. For I waj an hun- gred, and ye gave me no mext 5 thirfiy, and ye gays me no drink. V.4j.] I was a ftranger, and ye took me not in j naked, and ye clothed me not j fick, and in prifon, and ye vificed me not. ^d«. z. i <;, 16. If a brother or filler be naked, and dcftituceof daily food, V< 16.] And one of ycu fay to them , Depart in peace, be ye warmed, and filled j not.vitbllanding ye give them not thofe things which are needful to the body} what doth it profit f Eccle[.6. i,i. There is an evil under the fu/i, and it is common amongft men. V.j.] A man towhom God hath given riches, wealth and honour, fo that he wants nothing for his foul ofali that he dcfireth J yet God gives him not power to eat tfeereof, buta ftranger eatcth ic.Tbis is vsni'.y,and an evil difcafe. ' Mctt.$. ix. But I fsy unto you rhac whofoevcc Is angry with his brother withuuc a caufej fliall bs in danger of the judgment ; and whoI(y:vcr,&c. Cp5 1 ztcd S envy ', define of reveng '", all excefli^^e paflions ", diftrading cares °, immoderate u(e of meat, drink p, J'^o^-i-^f- Wao- laboars a.id recreations'-, provokmj words S op- [^J^?f*„!;h«e;; preuion', quarrelling", ftrikmg, wounding'*', and and y: know that aa vvhaifocver elfe tends co the deftrudioi ot the life of '"^^',^=/«'" ,^^;h «:«- nal Ittc abiding m Sny • him. Lev. 19, 17. Thou (hale not Ivatc thyb'-orhcrin thy heatt, thou (halt in any wife rebuke thynnghbourj and nx fufFcrlia upon him ^Pfov. 14. ?o. A found hear: is cbe life of tbeflefli, buccnvy thcrottcncfs of the bonis '" Rjm. I X. 19. D;arly beloved, avenje not your (clvjs i but rather jive place unto wrath , for it is writtca trenjcance is mine ; I will repay, fiith the Lord. " Epb.^-ii. Le: all bitterncfsj and wrath, and anjer, and clamour, and evil-fpeakingbc putawty fromyoj, with all mjlicc. » iMxtt.6.^i 54. Therefore take no thought faying, whatfliall w;ea:? or what ftiall we drink ? or wh:rewichalt (hill w: beclothed f V.j 4.] Take therefore no thought for rhc morrow , for the morrow (halJ take thought for the things of it fclf, fufficicntuato the day is the evil thereof. p LwJ^.zi.gf, And cake htcd to your felves, leaft at any time your hearts be over-charged with furfcting, and drunkenne s, and thft cares of thislife, and fo that day come upon youunawares. Ro;».i}.ij. Let us wa!k ho- ncftly, as in the day, not in rioting and drunkennefs, not in chambering and wantonnefs, not in ftrifc and envying. 1 Eecl.i.i.ii. Furthermore, by thefc, my fon be admonifhrd of making many bookes there is no end^aad much flidy is a wearincfs of the A:{h. EccL x.xi,,z}. For what hath a man of all his labour,8nd of the »exation of his heart, wherein he hath labou-ed under the Sun ? V.zj.] For all his dayes are forrow,ani bis travcljgriefjyea,his heart taketh not rcfl in tha nighcrThis is a!fo vanity ^Ift.^. It, And the harp, and the viol, and the tabrct, and pipe, and wine arc in their feails ; but they regard not the work of the Lord, nor confiJer the operation of bis hands. ^ Prou.iy. r. A foft antvver turneth away wrath j bat grievous words ftir up anjcr. Prov.ia.i8. There is that fpeak- tth like the piercings of a fword } but the tongue o£ the wife is health. f E^c^.18.18. As for his father, bccauCc he cruelly opprefled and fpoiled his brother by violence ; and did that which was not good among his peoplcj lo even be (hall dye in bis iniquity. .Exoi.i.y^. And they made thelr.lives bJiitcrwIth bondagCj inmortar and brick, and all manner of fervice, inthj fi?ld ; all their fcrvice wherein they made them .Ctrve was with r'gour. "^j/.^.iS. But ifyc bite and devour one another, take heed ye be not confumed one of another. Prow.ig.i?. Who hathwo? who bathforrow? who ba:h coa'.cniions? who bath babling? who hath wound.s with caufc ? &c. * ArMw.j5.i^,t7ji8_-_. XI. Andifhefmite him with an inftrument of iron (iothat hedyc) he is a murderer, the mur- derer fhalli'urely he put 10 death. V.17.] And it he fcnitehim wi;h throwing a ftoae ('ib chat he dye ^ he is a murderer, the murderer (hall furely be put to death. V. 1 8 ] Or if he iVaite him with a hand- wejp :n of wood (therewith he may dye) and he dyc,he is a murderer,thc murderer fhall furely be put to deatu— — V.ii.} Ot in enmity fmite him with his hand that he dye, he that fmote him fluU furely be put to death, for he is a murderer =* Exoi. ii, from vtr, 18. M tbeenicoTt' uining ixvts for [miters , for an hurt by chance , for an oxt that gorab , ani [or him thM is an mafion <>f barm. Q^which is thefeventh Commmdement i A, The Seventh commandemenc is, [jihott Jhalt not- €^mmit adultery y, ] ' ^^^- »<>• r4r • S^W^At are the ditties required in the feV'mh Com^^ tna^dment i Ai The duties required in thefeventh Commmde- f. mry onVw"^you ^^"^» ^^^ ' Chaftity in body, mind, affedlonss^ flnuia know how to words', and behaviour'^ 5 and the prefer vation of it fanaifi ^''V^^'' '" ^" ^"^ ^^^^^^ ^"^ ochcrs <= 5 watcbfulneffe over the no"ur! ^f'obiK^^^i ^y^ s , and all the fcnfes ^ 5 temperance " , keeping hitt made a Cove- of chaft company^, modefty in apparels, marriage IlKvTh'""i!I''n%' by thofe that have not the gift of continency'^t con- why then flioulcJ I . -^ ,, , J I f • ^ t J 1- 11 chink upon a maid? jugaU love ^ and cohabitation'', deligent labour in icor 7. j4. There our Callings* , {hunningalloccafionsofuncleannefTe.and m.fr;i"t/r f 'fitting "mptationstherunto"-. virgin J the unmarri" «d woman careth for the things of the Lord, that ftic may be holy, both in body and fpirit : but flic that is married careth for the thinjs of the world, how fhc may pleafe her husband. ^ Ccl.^.6. Let year fpeech be alwayes with grace, feafoned with fait > that ye may know how ye ought to anfwcr eve- ry man •» I Tct.j.a While they behold your chaft convcrfation coupled with fear ' i C«r. 7. 2 — 3 yj^6. Ncvctthcltfs, to avoid fornication, let every man have his own wife, and every, woman her own husband ■ —, V. j ^3 ^'^^ ^^^'s I ipttk for your profit, not that I may caft a fnare upon you, but for that which is comely, and that ye may attend upon tlie Lord without diflraiSion. V.36.] But if any mm think that he beliavcth himfelf uncomely toward his virgin, if (he pafs the flower of hec age, and need do require, let him doe what he will } hefinneth not, let tbecn marry <^ Job.ji.t, 1 have made a covenant with mine eyes, w)(y then (hould I think up3n a maid? « .^^.i4.a4,ij. And after certain dayes, when Felix came with his wife Drafiila, which was a Jew, he fent for Paul, and heard him concerning the faith of Chrift. V.15.] And as he reafoned of RightcouCnefs, Tempe- rance, and Judgmentto come, Felix trembled, &c. ^ Prov.x. 16,1 7,1 8,1 9,10. Todelf- ver thee from the ftrange woman,even from the ftranger which flatcrt tb with her wordsj V.i7.] Which f orfaketh the guide of her youth, and forgetteth the covenant of her God. V. 1 8 .] For her houfe in- clineth to death and her paths unto the dead. V.19.] None that go unto her return again, neither cake they hold of the paths of life. V.io.] That thou maift walk in the way of good men, and keep the paths of the righteous. ° iTim.i.g. Inlikemanneralfo that the women adorn themfelvese in tnodtft apparel withfhamefulnefs and fobriety, no: with broidered haire, or gold, or pca;l, or coftly ar- ray. ^ I Cor.j. 2 9. Neverchelefs, to avoid fornication, let every man have his cwn wife, and «very woman her own husband— V.9.'] But if they cannot contain, let them marry, foric Ssbttter to marry then to burn. ' Prov. The "Vrov.<;.7. H-sr me t/^. The finncs forbidden in the fcvcnth Commande-" fr.ent, befides the ncglcdof the duties required", are, adultery , fornication'' , rape , inceft i' , fodomy , and all unnatural lufts ^ , all unclean imaginations, thoughts J purpofc and affedions ■■ , all corrupt or filthy ccmn?.unications , or liftening thereunto S wan- ton looks ^5 impudent, or light behaviour 5 immo- ,,ow therefore, Oy« deft apparel "5 prohibiting of lawful"^ , and difpe.-i- children, jnd dcpan fing with unlawful marriages- ; allowing, t.lcra- ^°;^:^,f.;;X"! ting , keeping of ftcwes, and reforting to themy -, M!.nisj;ejs honourd- intanding vowcs of fingle life ^5 undue dcla/ of mar- Y" ^" '''',''"'^ !^^ riage^-, having morc wives or husbands then one, at whoremongers ?nd a - the fame time'' 5 unjuft divorce % or difcrtion'^ . duhercrs "God will idkncfle , gluttony , drunkenneOe <= , unchaft com^ ^ilj^j:' .^ft.LZ pany^ , lafcivious fongs, books, pi(5lures, dancings, the Hcniarcmanifeft, flage-playcss % and ail other provocations to, or ads *'hicharethiic,Acu!- ofunclcanncffc cither in gur felvq or. others ^ Seanne'rs"LafcWi- . i J ,14. Howbclt hi ^w!{;. Amnoh)w6uId not hearken unto her voicc,but bciog ftrongcr then fiic, forced her, and lay with her. iCor.^.\. It is reported commonly that there is fornication among you, and fucb fofnicaticn as is not fo much as to be named among the Gentiles, that one {bould have his fachers wife. 1 Rom.i.x^ i^}i7« Wherefore God alio gave them up to unclesnncls, ihrcugh the lufts of their ownc hearts, to dilhonouc their own bodies between tbfmfelyes ■■ . V.i6.] For this caufe God gave them up unto vile afFcdionsj for even their women did change the natural uCc into that which is againft nature. V-J-?-] And likev.ife alio thimcn^ leaving ihensturil ufe of the woman, burned in their luftone towards another,mcn wich men woiking thit w/ich is unfcemly ,- and receiving in them ftlvcs that recompfnce,oftheir error which was meet. Lcv.io.ijjjg. Andifamaa lye with a be aft, he (hall I'urely be put to death,and ye fliall ihy the bsaft. V. 1 6.J If a woman approach unto any beaft, and lye down thereto, tbou (halt Itiilthe woman, and the beaft : they Ihail furely be pu: to death; their blood ftiallbe upon them. ^ MAtt.$.i9, But I fay untoyou,that whofocvcr looketh cna woman to luft after her jbath committed adultery with her already in Lis hea-^t. l^fatt.i^.i^. Foe out of the heart pi occed evil thoughts, murders, adulteries, fornications, thefts, falic witnefs, &c. C0/.3.5. Mortify therefore your members which aieupon the earth, fornication, uncleannefs, inor- dinate afFtdion , evil concupjfcencc , and covetcotjfners, which is idolatry. f Epl;.5.j,4. Buc fornication and all uncleannefj J or covctcoufnc fs, let it not be once named amongft you, asbecon^rth Saints : V. 4 ] Neither filthinefs, nor foolifh ratkiogjnor jtfting, which arc not convcnieiu, Proti 7. 5—1:, II. Thar they may keep thee from the ftrangc v/omsn,from the ftrangtr which flactcre^h wub hec WordS' V. XI.] With much fair fpcech fbe caufcd him to yield,wicb the Hi ttring cf her lips lit fovctd him. y. i2.]He go'eth after her flraiofatwsyjas an cxgoes to the (laughter, or as a fcol to the conx-dion cf the ft cks.'// J. i<5.Mbno;trihcLordf8ith,bccaufc the (laughters of Sion,arehau^h:y,and wa hwiih Itrctch- c^-cut neck? and wanton eyesjW^kingee acd ir^ndng as they goCjand miking a tin'dUng wit'i thti-.' fccr. i Pit.t.i4. leaving eyes.fuU.ofAdul:ry,and.th3t csnrioc ceafefrom ruijbcguilingimifablcfoiiisAf'— » Prcuy.'o" sj. AndBehold there me't him, a woman with thcattire of «i; harlot, ;-iu .^uitilpf lieatt— — — V.ij.'] So His caught biai rnd killed him, and with an impudcrt fac: indunto •hiir. * I !r/»i.4.j. ForbJcMing to aiarry, and Ccmmandirg to abiUinc from n;ea:5, which Cod hath commanded to be received with thanklgiving of them who believe .'»na knov/iKcniuli. ' Letit. li.fromver. r. totbe 21. Marli. 6. 18. For John fsid unto iierod,It is not lawful for thcc » l^ave thy brcthers wife, ^al.z.u^ i i, Judah hath dealt trcscherouifly, and an abominac ion is com- O ' mitcwJ. mltcecl irt Krael, anHn Jcru'alem; for Ju^Jah hath profaned thcholinci sof the Lord, which he lor* edj s\yd hath tnanied the daujhcerof the (t.cnge G%i. V. 1 1.] The Lord will cue off the man chat d)ch.Iiis; chsin:ibrandchcrcUalarout of the 1 abtrnades of Jacob, and him that offercth an offer- ing unro t;.e Lord uf hoft. J il^/s^if.ii. And be (viz. Afa) took away rhc fodomites out ot :hcbnd, sndreniovcci ail the Idols cftat his fathers had mad?. zK.^wgxjj. And be (vi2. Jolt- »K) brake aownthc hoaf.s ofchc Soiomices that were by th: boufcs ot the Lord, wbcrc the womea wov'HSMjii.'gsforchcg-ove. OfMM'j.i/, i8. Th:re (hill be no wliKCotthe da^ahters ot Ifracl, nor a S -•domhe of the ions of Ifrac', V.18.3 Thou (halt not bnnj the hire of a whore, or the price of adjgiacothe houfeof the LordchyGol, forany»ow; for even both thefe are an abomination unco the Lord thy God. Lev.^^.ig Dj no: profti:u:e rhydaujhcer, to caufe her to be a whore, leafl the land fall to whorcdomc and become full of wickcdnefs. fer.';.?. How (hali I pardsn thee for this? thy ciiilircn ha»e forl'aktn me, aad fworn by them that arc no goJs: when 1 had fed tbcin ro the full, rhey ihsn commicceU adaktry, and allembled thcmfelves by troops in th; harlots houfci. Pronj. 14, a5,i6,i7. Hearken unto me now therefore, O ye children, and attend cothcwordsof my mouth V.ij] Let not thine heart decline to her wayes goe not aftray in her paths. V,i6.] Forlhehath ©aft down many wounded, yea many ftrong men have been (lain by her. V. 17.3 Her houfc is th« way tobell, going down to the chambers of death. ^ ^4^.19.10,11. His ailciples fay unto bim, If the cafe of the man be lo with his wife, it is not {ood to marry. V.I1 .] But he faid unto them, all men cannot receive this fa yin;, fave they to whom it is given. * i Car.7.7,8,9. For I would that all men were e? en as I my (elf j but every man bath' his proper gift of God, one after this mapncr, snother after that. V.8.] I fay th*refote to the unmarried and widowcs, Ic is good for them if they abideevenasl. V.9.] But if they cannot contain, let them marry j ior it is better to marry, then to burn. Gen i%,x6. And Judah acknowleged them, and (aid, ihehath bin more rigbceous then 1 i becaufe I gave her not to Shelah my fon 3 and be knew her again no more. ^^41.1.14,15. Ycc y^ fay, Waerefore i becaufe ths Lord bath been witncfs between the c and the wife of thy youcbj againA whom thou haft dealt treacheroafly } yet is Qm thy companion, and the wife of thy covenant. V. is -J And did not he make one i ycc had he the re(tdue of the fpirit } and wherefore ont^ that he might fcek a godly feeds therefore take heed to your fpirit, chat ye deal not trcacheroufly. A/itt.ip.s. For this caufe (hall a man leave father and mother, and fliall cleave co his wife, and ifaey twain {hallb:!one ficlfa. ^ MaI.i.iS. Forthe Lord) the God of Ifraclfaltb that he bateth patting away; for one covereth vi- olence with his garment faith the Lord ot hoftss therefore take heed to your fpirits, that ye deal not treacheroufiy. PUm.^.i a. But I fay unto you, that whofoevcr (hall pat away his wife, faving for the sauCe of fornictaion, eaufetb her to commit adultery j and whofoever (hall marry her that is divorced committeth adultery. d i (for. 7. i i.i j. But to the reft I fp:ak,noc the Lord) If any brother hath a wife that beleevetb nor, and (he be pleafed to dwell with him, let him not put her away. V.i}.] And the woman which hatb an husband that beleevcch noti and if he be pleafed to dwell with her, lee her not leave him. « E^eiJ^. 16.49, Behold this was the iniquity of thy fifterS'odomj pride, fal- nefs of bread, and abundance of iilcnefs was in her, and her daughters } neither did (he fttengthen the hand of the poor and needy. Frov 13. Jo— — 3 j -■ They that tarry long at the wine they that goe to feek new wine. V.ji.] Look not upon the wine whrn it is red— — V.jj.J Thine eyes (hall behold fttang women, and thy heart fliall utter pcrverfe things. 'Gw.j9.10. Andi: csme to pafs as (he fpak: to jofeph day by day, that he hearkned not unto her, to lye by her, or to be wich her. Fr^v. 5.8. R emove thy way far from her and come not neer the door of her houfc. s Epb. 5;4; Neither filthinefs, not fooli(h, talking, nor jtftings, which are not convenient but rather giving of thankes. E^'^ 15.14,15,16. And that (hcencrcafed her whoredomej for when (lie fa w menpourcrayeduponthe wall, the images of the Chaldeans pourtrayed with »ermilion, V.ij.] Gird- ed wi:h girdlts upon their ItJynes, exceeding in died artire upon their heads, all of them Princes to lock to, after the manner of the Babylonians of Caalde, the land of their nativity, V.16.] And as foon as (he faw them with her eyes, (he doted upon them, and fent meflengtra unto them into Caldea. J/« 15.15,16,17, And itfliall comcco pafsin thatday> that Tyre (hall be forgotten 70. yeatesaC"? cording to the dayesof one King : after the end of 70. years (hall Tyrefing as an harlot. V.16.3 Take an Harp^ goe about the city, thou harlot, thou h;ft been forgotten i make fwcet melody, (ing ma- ny fonjs that thou maift be rcmembred. V.i 7.] And it (hall come to pafs after the end of 70. years, that th: Lord, will vine Tyre, and (he (hall turn tohcrbire, and coaimit fornication with all the kin|(Jome$.oftbewo;14 upon tlje face of tb^ earth. '" ' ' ' ' L99l tjs.i. 1 6. Moreover, the Lord fairh, Brcaufc the daughcers of Sion are haughty, and walk with ftretched forth necks, and wanton eyes, wa'king and mincing as they go, and making a tinckling with their fee% Mat.6.tz. And when the daughter of the faidHcrodias came in, and danced and pUaicd Herod, ard thtm that fat with him, the King faid unto the damfel. Ask of me whaafoeycr thou wilt, and I will give icthce, — &:. Rofli.ij.ij. Let u$wa!k honfftly,a$ in thcday, not in rioting and drunksn- ncfs, notinchambring spdwantonnefs,not,&c. iTet.^.^. For the time psft of our life may fufficc us tobavc wrought the will of the Gentiles, when we walked in lafcivioufnefs, lufts, txcefs of wine, re- velUngs,banauettings, and abominable idolatries. "^ iK^n. 9. jo. And when Jebu was come to Jeircel Jcxabel heard of it, and (ht painted her face, and tired her head, and locked out at a winoow. Compireiwith^er.i.^o. And when thou art fpoiled, what wilt thou do ? though thou dostheft thy Celf with crimfon, though thou deckeft thee wich ornaments of gold,though thou rentefl thy face wirh paint- ing, in vain (halt thou mske thy fclf fair i thy lovers will defpifc thee , they will feek thy life : Ani n'HbEtfii[. 15.40. And furthermore, yc have fent for men to come from far, unto whom a meffengcc wasfcnc; and lo they came for whom thou didft walh thy felf, paintedft thine eyes, aud dcckcdftthy fclf with ornaments. C^. JVhich is the eighth Commandment t \ A, The eighth Commandment is, S^Thoti fljalt not fied\'\ \ <\What are the duties required in the eighth Command-^ ' Exfl'^'iO'* J- tnent 1 A, The duties required in the eighth Command- ment, are, truth, faithfulnelfe , and jufticc in contra(5ls , and commerce between man and man ^ 5 rendring to every one his due '5 reftitution of goods kpr,/,- ^ 1, H« unlawfully detained from the right owners thereof*"*, that waiketh upright ly, and worketh righ- teoufncfs, and fpeaketb the truth in bis beart.< V.4.3 — • he that fweareth to his own hurt, aaJ changeih not. Zccfe.7.4. 10. Then came the word of the Lord of hoftsunto mc, faying, V.io.] And opprefs not the widdow, nor the fatherlefs, nor the ftranger, nor the poor, and let none of you imagine evil a jainft his brother in your heart. Zfflb.S. 16,17. Thefc are the things thatysiliali do, Speak every man the truth to his neighbour, execute the judgment of truth and peccc in youc gates. V,i7.] And let none of you imagine evil in your hearts againft bis neighbour, and love no falfeoathj for all thefe are things that I bate , faith tlie Lord. ' JJow. 15.7. Render there- fore to all their dues; tribute to whom tribute is due, cuftome to whom cuRome, fear to whom fear, honour to whom honour. * Lev. 6. i, j,4} $• If a foul fin, and commit atrefpafsfgainftthtLord, and lye to his neighbour in that wbich was delivered him to keep, orinfel- lowOiif, or in any thing taken av^ay by violence , or hath deceived his neighbour; V.3.3 Or have found that which was loft, and lyeth concerning ir, and fweareth falfely } ia any of all theletbataman doth, finning therein : V.4 ] Then it Hiall be becaufe he haih finned, and is guilty,iha: he Ihall rcftore that which he cook violently away , crthc thing which he hath deceitfully gotten, or that which was delivered him to keep, or the loft thing wbich he found. V.$.] Of all that about which he hsth fworn fa fly J hefliallcvcn refloreit intheprincipa!, and (hall add the fifth part more thereto, and giveic unto him to whom it appertaineth, in the day of his Trefp5f3-offering. Compxrcd with LuiiC 19.S. And Zacbfus ftood and faid unto the Lord, Behold, Lord, the half of my goods I give to tke poori and if I ba-irc taken any thing from any man by f^lfc accufation , i reitore him four fold. .- :• * O 2 gl- ^^ giving , and lending freely , according to our abili- ties, and che neccllicics of ochei's"^ moderation o£ our judgments, wills, and affcdions , concerning worldly goods"; a provident Ci-re and ftudy cogeci', "LK^.iS.jo.-jSGive i^cep, life, and difpofe thofe things which are necef- IsWcth'S thcT, and ^^^V '^^^'^^ Convenient for the fuftencation of our nature , ofhiji thic tjkeciis- and fuitable to our condition m-, a lawful calling % and way :hy joots ask ^iij^^gj^j^e ^ it ^. fruj^alitv ' , avoidin^ unnecelTiry then not agtm.— , ^r ■ i r n ■ l ° ii • '' v.gs.i Give, ani law- fuits", and furecyihip , or other like ingage- kfliaii bi given unto ments "^ •, and an endeavour by alljuft,and lawful means, P?cff:ddrvi,Tnd')hi- ^^ procure, prefcrvc, and further the wealth and out- ken cogecherjand rul- ing over (hall men give into your bofomej for with the Came m.;afurc that you mete, ic (hill bemea- furcd to you again i Ja&.g.ij. Bu: wbofo hath this wotlds good, and feeth his brother hath n:ed,and fliutteth uphisbowejsofcojnpafllonffom hini} howdwellcchtheloveofGadinhiin ? E^.^.ii. Let bim that ftole,(lcal no more, but rather let him labour, wotkini wick his hands the thing that is good,, that he may have to give to him that ncedeth. Cfil.6i lo. As we have therefore oppottunity.let us do good unto men, cfpjcially unto them that arc of the houfhold of faith. " i jriw.6.^,7,8,9;But godlineffc with contentment is great gain. V.7.] For we brought nothing into this world, and it is certain we can carry nothing our. V.8.] And having food and raiment, let us be therewith content. V.9.] Buc ihey that will be rich fall into temptation, and a fnare, and into many foolifti and hurtful lufts , which drown men in daftruftion and perdition. 5''*'.6,i4.Biit God forbid that I ihould glory favc in the Crofs ofour Lord JefusChrift, by whom th: world is crucified CO me, and I unto the world. p iTim. 5.8. Batifanyprovidenotfor bis own, cfpecially for thofe of his own houfe, he hath denied the faith, and isworfethenaninfilel. 1 Vrov^ij.fromv.ti.totbeeni. Be thou diligent to know the ftatc of thy flocks, and look well to thy herds. V.i4.] For riches arc not for ever,— —• &c. Ecdef.i, i^i There is nothing better for a man, then that he (hould eat and drink, and mike his foul enjoy good inhitlabour: Thisalfo Ifaw was from the hand of Go J. Ea/.g.i2,i j. Iknow chatth:reis no^ood in thenjbut for a man to rejoice and do good in his life j V.ij.] And alfo that every mai (hould eataaidrink, and enjoy the good of all his labour* J it is the gift of Goi. i Tim.6.i7j\2. Charge them chat are rich in this world)tbac they be not high minded , nor truft in uncertain riches, but in thellvingGidjwhogivethusrichly all things richly to enjoy. V.18.] Taat they do good, thitthty be rich in good workv, ready to diftribute, willing to communicate, i/4 }8.t. In thofc dayes was He- atkiah lack unco death J and Ilaiah the Prophet cami to him, and fii'. Thus faich the Lord, S:t thine houfeinord'cr, for thou (hillt dye, and not live. Mat. ii.9. Brhold , th:y that wear fofc clothing arc in kings bouTes. ' iCor.j.to. Let every man abiJ: in :h: fame CAlUng whcreinhe was called. G(?fl.2,i5. Anithc L«rd G?d took the man,and put him into th; garden of Eden, to drtfs it and to keep ic. gen.-j.i^. Inthefweatofthy facedialt thou cat brcad,:ill thou return unto the grounds &c. f Ep'7.4.18. Let him that ftole,ftfal no more, but rather let hlvn labour, working with his hands the thing that is good, that he may have to give to him that niedcch. Pro. 10.4. He bscom:ch poor that dcaleih with a flack han:i j bu: the band ol the diligcii: mak;th rich. ' fob. 6. 1 1. W'^i^n they were filled, he faid uato his Difclples , Gather up the fragmcn's th:;t remain, that nothing bs- loft, Prov.ii . 20. There is trciiurc to be dcfired , and oil in the dwellings of the wife j but a foo-^ lilh man fpcndeth it up. " i Cor,6.fromver(. i.tovif.$. Da.e any of you having a matter againft another , goto law before the unjuft , and not before the Saints ? — ■■ •anifoon. * Fro. 6%Ftomver[€i.tover.6. My fon if thoubifurcty for thy friend, if thou baft ftritken thy hand with a ftranjer, thou art fnared with the words of thy mouth, 8cc. ■ ' ■ ■ Frov.u.iJ. He tbac ^s furecy for 8 ftrangcc (hili faiacc for ic^ sni he that bacccb furctiihip is fare. ward. rioiil ward eftatc of others^ as well as our own". « t fo the land becaoic Pharaoh's. YbiL 2.4. Look not every man at his own thirgyj but tveiy^^analfo upon the things of others. /tf(tt. 11.39. And the ftcoad is like unto it , Thou (halt love thy neighbour as thy fclf. Q^ fVhaf are the fim forbidden in the eighth Com- mAn(iment i A. The fins forbidden in the eighth Command- menc, befidcs the neglcd of the duties required y, are, theft ^, robbery % man-dealing^, and receiv- '^ST-^'"' »-'i^>^- ^f ing any thing that is ftolne- fraudulent dc.l- 'K'^j' Jf«7i: ing'^, tallc weights and mealures% removing land- of daily food, v.i6.] marks ^5 injuftice- and unfaichfulnelfe in contrads And^"« o^yo« ^?y between man and aians, or in matters of trufti^ •, pcacej"beyc warmed" and fiUad s but give them not thofc things which are needful to the body, what doth it profi:? i ^ohn 3.17. But whofo hiith this worlds good, and feeth his brother hath need, and (hutteth up bis bowels of compaflion from him, how dwelleth the love of God in him ? ^ E^^.4. 18. Let him that flole ftcal no more, but ra- ther, &c. ^P[a1.6i.io. Truft not in opprcflion, become rot vsin in robberyj &c. ^ 1 Tim. 1.10. [Thelaw was made] For whoremongers, for dcfilers of thcmfelves with mankind, for men- ftealers, for lycrs, &c. and if there be any other thinj contrary to found dodrine. ' Pro.J9.24. Whofo is partner with a thief hateth his own foul ; he h;aieth curfing and bewrayeth it not. Vfd. 50. 18. When thou faweft a thief, thou confcntcdft with him, &c. d i rk/^4.6. That no mangobc- yond and defraud his brother in any mstcer j b:caufc the Lord is the avenjer of all fuch, ss we alio have forewarned you and teflified. '^ Frcv.n.K A fahc balance is an sbomination to tie Lord J buta juft weight is his delight. *?ro.io.io. Diverfe weights, and diverfemcafLires, both of them arealike abomj.utiontothtLord. ^ T)eut.ic;.i^. Thou llislt not remove thy neighbour's land-matk, which ihey of old time have fet in thine iiihcritance, &c. Tro 2J.10. Remove not the old land -mark j and enter not into the fi':)cs of the fathcrlefs. 8 Amos^.i.^ Saying, When will the ntv/ mconbe gone, that wc may ft-ll corn i and the Sabbath, that we may fet forth wheat j maki.og the Bphch fmall, and the (hckel great, and falufying the bdsnccs by deceit? VfJ.^J.n- The wicked borroweth and payeth not sgain } but the righteous fiicwtth jattcy and gi vctb. •"■ Luk. 1 6. 1 0,1 1 , 1 2. He that ii faithful in thtt v.kich is leaft, is faithfal alio in much ; and he that is unjuft in the Icaft, is unjuft alio in much. V.i i .] If thertfjre yc have not been faithft;l in the unri^htrous M»mmOn,w'^o will commit to your tcuft the true riches? V.i2.] Andifyc bave Tioc been faiiiifal iiuj^c which is . aootbw jCPanjj who (haU giye you that which is your own ? ' [102] opprefifion', extortion'', ufury^, bribery"', vexatious lavv-fuits", unjuft inclofures, and depopulations ° 5 in- grofling commodities co enhance the price p, unlawful callings'^, and all other unjuft , orfinful wayes of tak- iE^ct. 11.19. The ina or with-holdin^y from our neighbour vvhat bc- p:oplc of the land i ° ^ i • P- • l- r\ . r have afcd opprtffion, longs to him. Or ot mriching our klvcs ' : covetouf- and cxtrcired robhe- ncflc ^, inordinate prizing and afft(fl:ing worldly goods'^; p'oo, L'n;";- ;': d.ftruftfuland dlftraaing cares and todies in getting, tscy have opprcifed kccpingjand ufing them ", envying at thcprofpciicy of Q- thc ftrsn jer wrongful- ly. Leu 1). 17. Ycfliall not therefore opprcflc one another j but thou (hilt fear thy God ; forlam the Lord your God. ^ WJt.zj.ij. Wo unto you Scribes and PhsrifecSj hypocrites j for ye make cljantheoutfiJeof the cup and platter, but within thty are full of txcortion and exctfle. E^j^.ix.iz; In tb:e have they tskcn lifts, to Ihed blood: thou halt taken uCury and increafe, and thou haft gree- dily gained of thy neighbours by extortion , and haft* forgotten me, faith the Lord. ^ ^fi^-i 5.^. He that p'jueth not out bis mony to ufury, nor takcth a reward ajainft the innocent j be that, &c.- "'5^^^ I T.J 4. For thecongrejaiionof hypocrites (hall be defolate , and fire {hall confutne the Taber- nacle of bribery. » i Cor.6.6,7,8. But brother goeth to law with brother, and that before the unbe- lievers. V.7.] Now therefore there is utterly a fault among you, becaufe ye go to law one with ano- ther. Why do ye not rather take wrong? Why do you not rather fuff'rr your felves to be defrauded? V8.3 Nay, you do wrong, and defraud, and that your brethren. Prov.j. 19, jo. D:vife not evila- gainft thy neighbour, feeing he dwelleth fecurely by thee. V.jo.] Strive not with a man without eaufe, ifhehave done thee no harm. ° //i.j.S. Wo ento them that join boufc to houfc, and lay field to field, till there be no place, that they may be placed alone,in the midft of the earth. Micb.i 2. And they covet fields, and take them by violence > and houles, and take them away , fo they opprelle a man and his houfe, even a man and his heritage. ? Pfev.ii.x6. He that withholdeth corn the people (halt curfe him > but blefiing fhall be upon the bead of him that felleth it. 1 AH.\%i^,—~- 24}i^> Many alfoofthem which ufcd curious artS) brought their books together, and burned them be- fore all men 5 and they counted the price of them, and foimd it foooo pieces of filvcr. V.i4.] For a certain man named D:ai::rius, aSitvcr-fmith, who made filver fhrincs for Diana brought no fmall gain unto the Craf;s-men. V.if.] Whom he called together, wi:h the workmen of like occu- pation, and faid, Sirs, ye know that by this craft we have cur w ealth. ' Jc6 10. 1 9. Bicaufc he bath oppreffed and foifakrn the poor, becaufe he hath violently taken away an houfe which he built not. Jaw. 5.4. Behold the hire of the labourers which have resp.d down your fields, which is of you kept back by fraud, cryech > and the cryes of them which bave reaped are entred into the ears of the Lord of Sabbath. Prov.ii.6. The getting of trcafutes by a lying tongue, is a vanity tolfed too and ' fio of themthat feek death. ^ Lw^.ix.i^. And he fsid unto them. Take heed, and beware of covetoufnefle : for a mans life confiftuh not in the abundance cf the things that he pofli (Teth. ' 1 Tim. €.%. Pcrverfedifputings of men of corrupt minds, and deftlturc of the truth, fuppcfing that gain is god- lintlTe : from which withdraw thyfelf. C^l.^.i. Set your afifcflions on things above, not on things on the earth. Frov. i j. 5. Wilt thou fet thine eyes upon that which is not ? for riches certainly make themfelves wiogs : they fle away as an Eagle towards heaven. Pfal.6 i. 10. If riches increafe, fet not your heart upon thtm. " Mit.6. t%. j i . — 5 4. The.efcr^ I fay unto you^take no thought for your li'^e, what yc fliall eat,or what ye Ihall drink, ncr yet for your body,what ye ihsU pat on j is not tlie life more then meat ? and the body then raiment ? V-} ^ •] Therefore take no thcught, fay- ing , What fhiU we eat? or, &.c. V.^O Ts-ke therefore no tbouoh:for the morrow j for the morrow fliall take thought for the things of icfclfi fufficient to the day is the cvihhereof. Ecc/,f. 1 1. The llcep of a labouring man is fweet, v\h«her he cjt little or qiath j but the abundance of the rich flilUotfuffcrhimcofi^ep. " thcrs"^: ihcrs*: as likewlfeidlcnefs'^, prodigality, waftful gam- ing, and all other wayes whereby we do unduly preju- ^pp/^^^^ p^r i dice our own outward cftatc y. and defrauding our fclves was envious ic ihc of the due ufe and comfort of that cftate which God hath ^l""^'^ ' *!^'" Y^/* : the prcrptnty of the given US ^. wicked. Pfn. 57. !• — 7. Fret rot tliy felfhecaufeof ciildofrsj ncrbethouenvicuf againftihc workers of iniquity. V.7.] Rtftia the Lord, and wait patiently for him j fret not thy felfbecaufc cf him who profpereth in his way, bc- caiiie of the man who brin{Oth wicked devices to pafs. « ilhef.^.iJ. For we hear that there are fome who walk «mon J you difordcrly, working not at all, but are bufie-bodies. Pra 18.9. Healfo that is fljcbful in bis work, ij brother to him that is a great wsfter. v Prow. 11.17. He ihat lovcth pleafurc (hall be a poor man J hcthatloveth wine and oil (ball not be rich. Pf#v. ij. 10, ii. B;noc amonfwinc bibbers, among riotous eaters of flclK V,t»0 Foribe drunkard and glucon fliallcomc to poverty, and drowfinefs (hall cloth a man with rajs. Prov.18.i9, He that tilleih bis land (hsll fcavc plenty of bread : but be that followetb after vain perfons (hall poverty enough. ^ Eccl.^.d. There is one alone, and there is not a fccont', ye he bath neither child nor brother } yec there is no end of all his labour, nor is his eye fails fied with ricl^(ESj neither faith hcj For whom do I labour, and be- reave try foul of good ? This is alfo vanity , yea it is afore evil. Eccl.S.i. A man to whom God hath given ricbcs) wealth and honour, fo tbathewantetb nothing for bis foul of all that he deliretb , yet God giveth him not power to eat thereof J but a fltangfr e ateth i-. This is vanity, and an evil di- ieafe. i Tim.f.i. But if any provide not for bis own, and tfp: daily fonhofe of bis own hoqfejh^haib denied the faith, and is worfe ttien an infidel. Q^ VFhich is the ninth Commmdmem •* A, The ninth Commandment is . {__Thou]hdt not hear I falfe witnefs againfl thy neighbour \~] , ^^.^ ,,^, ^ Q^ yvhdt are the duties required in the ninth CommAnd- ment f A, The duties required in the ninth Command- ment are , the preferving and promoting of truth be- tween man and man'', and the good name of our neigh- ^2ecb.8.i6. jbth hour as well as our own^- appearing, and ^^n^^" "VaH^o^s^fakcvc" jng for ^, and from the heart % fincerely^, freely s, fy m^an t?u:hV his neighbour,exf cute the judgment of truh and peace in your gates. = j^oftrt ver. 11. D.-tretiias hath good report of all men, and of the truh it felf; yea, and we ajfo bear record 1 and ye know that our record istruei d Prou JI.859. Open thymcuth, judge righteoufly, and plead the caufeofthe poor. V.9.] 0« pen thy mouth for the dumb, in the caufc of ail fuch as ate appointed to dtflrudion. * Pfd. i j. s. He that walketh uprightly, and wotketh lighteoufntff:, and fpcakcth the truth from his heart, f iCbroni^.^, And he charged them, f?ying. Thus (hall ye do in the fear of the Lord, faitbfiilly , and with a perftd heart. « iSm.\9-^y^. And Jonathan fpskc good of David unto Ssul his fa- ther, and faid unto him, Let not the King fin againl^ hb fervant, againfl David j btcauft he hJth not (inncd againft thee, and brcaufe his works to thee-ward hare been very good, V. 5.] For he did put his life in his hand , andflrwtbePhiliftine, and the Lord wrought great faliation for alllfracl: ibou fiwcft it, and didft rejoice. Wfaeref ere then wilt thou fin againft innocent blood, to flaj Dayid . wiUioat a caufe f clcer^ deerly ^ , acd fuUy ' > fycaking the truth , and ondy the truth'^ jft iti at tcrs of judgement and iuftice'^, and in r.11 others things vvhatrGdver'*,- a charitable efteem of our nrighbours" 5 loving, de- firing, and rcjoycing in their good name ■ , iorrow- ^Pf.y.ig. And Jo- i"g ^^^ ° > 3nd covering of their infirmities p 5 freely fu?.b uid unto AOian, acknowledging their gifts and graces 1 5 defending Sc/°%ior? tVth- their innocency ' •, a ready receiving of a good re- Lord Go(i of ifraer, pott ^ , and unwilllngncfTc to admit of an evil report and make conftflton iinrohim, andtcllmcrow whactbou boft done j hide 5: notfrom me. ' i^'rfw. 14,1 8,19,10. Then the King snfweredj and faid unto the woman, Hide notfrom ms, I pray thee, the thing that I (hill ask thee. And the woinan faid let my Lord ibe King now (peak. V.19.] And the King faic*. Is no: ihe hand of Joab with thee in all this? anil ihc woman anfwercd and laid, As thy foul livcth, my Lcrd the King, none can turn to th« right hsndjpr to the left, from oujht that my Lord the King bsth fpckejn forthy'fcrvant Joab he bad me, and ht put all thefc words in the mouth of thine band-maids y.io.] To fetch about this forme of fp:cch, hath thy Cervant Joab dene this thing j and my Lord is wife, &c. ^ Lfv.i9.if. Y.e (lull doc no unrightcoufncfsin judgment: thou (halt not it\^t&. the pafon of the poor, nor honour the perfon of the mighty, but in rightcoufnefs fliak thou judje thy neighbour. Prov.14. j 1^. A fahhful witnefs will not lye, but a falfe witne[$ will utter jyes. Verfe ij. ] A true witntfl'e delivcreth fcuks , but a dtceiiful witneflc fpeakcth lies. 1 zc;or.i.i7,i8. When I therefore was thus minded) did I ufc lightnefs ? or the things that I pur- pole, do I purpofc according to the fle{h, that with me there (hould b&ytaj yea 5 and nay, nay ? V.18.J But as God is true, ouf word toward you w?.s not yea and nay. Eph.i^.z$. Wherefore putting away lying, fpiak every man truth with his neighbour ; for we arc tatmbcrs one of another. " Heb.6.ip, B'.u beloved, we arc pes fwaded better things of you , aad things '.bar accompany Salvation 1 Cor.i^.j^ [Charity] beareihail things, bclccvctbslltbingr,jhopeih all thiji|S,en(iur£th all things, » 3(ow. 1.8. Fhft I thank my God through Jcfus Chrifl; for you all, that y cur faith is fpoken of throughout the wholcworld, i^ob,ver./{.'} I reiaycc greatly ihat I found of thy cLIMren w iking in the truth, as wc have received a Commandment frctn the father, ^^oh, vcr. j;4.] For Ircjoycedgrcaily whenthe brethren came and tcftified of the truth that is in thee, escn as thou wal^eft ia the truth* V.4.] I have no greater joy, then to hear that my children walk in the tru-.b. '*iCo»"i4 For owe of much af- flldion and anguifli of heart 1 wrote to you, with msny t'rarcsj no: that you Hiould be gri.ved, but that ye might know the love which I have more abundantly towsrds you. t Qt.i x. xi .- — And le?{l when I come again my God will humble me among ycu, and th.-t I ibi\\ bev»railmsnyj who havtlinned al- ready, and have not repented of the undeannefs, and fcrnicarjon, and hfcivipufnefs which they have committed. p FrovAj.g. He that coverethatrarfgufiionreekcthlove j bucb'c that rtpeatetha matter fepareth very friends, 1 P«.4.8. And above all ihini.s have fervent .chsrity sa-!GCg,your felves; for charity (hall C3vcr a multitude of finns, 1 i Con. 4, 5 7. I thank my Godalwiyesinyour bebalfe for the grace of God vvliich is given by J-'fus Chiift. V 5.] That in every thiftg ye are en- riched by him in all utterance , and in all kno.vkdg— ^ — ^ V.73 So that yc come behind in no gift, watting for the coming oF th?Lo d ]<.i:>% Chr ft. % Tim.i.^l'i — ^-^^/ Greatly defirin^ to fectheebeinj mi.idfulof thy teares, that I nsay, be filled wi-h j?y, V.S.I When I call to remem-. brance thine unfeigned faith that is in ihce,. wi.^ch d>'ell f.rftin thy Gi and- motitri Lois, fndthy mothers Eunice jand I am perfwaded that in ihce slfo * - ^54^. j,z, 14,'. Tlitn Ahibi-lcch crtfwer^ii' the King and faid, And who islo faithful amnng all thy fcrViihtsas'Divld which is ^h^K^r5^s.^o!^ in- law, and gocth at thy bidding, end is honorable in thy I'.oufe ? f t Cor.TJ.6;7. [ChairifyJ re- joyceth not in iniquity, but rejoycetb in the truth 3 V.7.] Bca'rcth all things, bdstvcth all things, hopecU allJiings, cnrfumb alUhings. ... con- ^ [105] concerning them', difcouraging tale-bearers" ', flat- terers * 3 and flanderers "" 5 love and care of our own good name, and defending it when need re- t^^^/i^.j, Heth«t quireth y , keeping of lawful pronnifes "* , ftudying backbiceth boc with and praaifmg of vvhatfoever things are true,' ho- ^Jl^fXid^bt?. ncft, lovely, and of good reports nor tMih up a re- proch ngainll bis neighbour. " Prflv.iJ.iJ. As the cold of fiiow in the time of barvtft, fo is ofsi:Liultiitffs:n- ger to them that fend him: for herefreflieth the foul of bis mafter. * Prow.26.i4,*!;. He that liateth diffemblcth with his lips,and layeth up deceit within him : V.i?.") When he ipraketh fair, be- Iccvc bim net, for rherc are feven abominitions in his heart. " Pjd/.ioJ.T. Vv'hofo privily ilandcrethhisneigbbourjhimwilllcutofF; &c. r Prov.ix.i: A good name is rather to be cbol'en then jreat richei j and loving favour then lilver and gold. ^ob.'S.^^.\Q['as anfwcrei3,I have not a divd: but I honour my father, and yc do difhonour mc. ^Pfd.i^.^. . HetbntWcar'thtohis own hurt, iind changcth not. * Vhil.i.t. Finally, bfethcin, Wbatfoever things arc true, vvhat- foever things are hont ft, whatfoever things arcjuft, whattoever things arc pure, whatfocver things arc lovely, whatfoevcc things are ot good report, if their be any vmuc, and if their; be any praife, tbin^ pa thefe things.' Ci^What are thefms forbii^eninthe ninth Command' mcrtt i A* The fins forbidden in the ninth ComraJind- ment , arc , all prejudicing the truth , and the good name of our neighbours as well as our' own ^ , elpe- cially in publick judicature *= , giving falfe evi- '' » sxm.xtx^. eU- dencc ' , fuborning falle witneffes « , wittingly ap- ^Jf i"hJ'?p^« pearing and pleading for an cvill caufe , outfacing umo the men $ and Eliibs anger was kindled againft David, andheCaid, why cameft thou down hither, and with whom haft thou left ihofe few (hcep in the wildernefs ? I know thy pride, and the haugbtinefs of thy heart, &c. z Sim.16.1 And the King [aid, and where is thy mafters fon ? And Ziba faid to the King, btholdheabidetbac Jcrufalem : for he f»id to day ftiall the houfe of Ifrael re ftore me the KinJgdome of my father, a Simi 1.9,10— —1 5,1^. He ftld unto me again, ftand I pray thee, upon me, and fljy mcj fcr anguiih is come upon me, becaufe my life is yet whole in me. V. i o.] So 1 ftood upon him, and flew bim, becaufc I was fure that be could not live, after that he was lallen j and I took the crown that was on his head, and the braclets from bis arm, and have brought them hither to my lord. V. 1 5.] And David called one of the young men, and faidj go fall upon him. Andhefmotehimjthat hcdicd. V.i6.3 And David faid unto bim, thy blood is upon thy head j for thy mouth bathtcfti&ed againftihre, faying I bavcflain the Lords anointed. "= Lfv. 19.15. Ye {halldoenounrightcoufnefsin judgm:nt j thou flialt not refpeft the perfon of the poor, nor honour the pcrfon of che mighty, but in righiecufncfs fliaU thou judge thy neighbour. Hi&Ti.4. Therefore the law is flacked, and judgment doth never goc forth} for the wicked dothcompafs about the righteousi therefore wrong judgment prcceedctb. ^"^rov. 19.5. A falfe witnefs (hall not be unpuniuied, and he that fpeaketb lyes fliall not cfcape- Trov.6.i6 ■ 1 9. T here ate fix things which the Lord hateth, yea teven are an abomination unto him — — V.19.] A talfcwitnefs that fpeaketh lies, and he that fowcth difcord among brethren. * •/■£{. 6. 1 J. And they fct up falfe witnefs, who faid, this man ccafeth not to fpeak blafphcmous words agaiiilt this holy place and tbc Law. P and ih!y'^'b^^'tiick 3rtc! ovcr-bcaring the truth f, palfing unjuft fentences^. tongac likecheirboiy, Calling cvil good, Sc good cviljrewarding the wicked ac- foriycs; buccbify are cording to the woik of the righteous, Sf the righteous ac- upcrthTcsnh ;T? cordingto the work of the wicked'^-, forgery '\ concealing they p.ocecd from tvii the crunh,iinduc (ilencein a juftcaufe^, and holding our mc7riU"k Lord — ^^^^^ ^^^" iniquity callech for either a reproof from our V.J.] And'^th °y will lelves*,or Complaint to others "'^fpeaking the truth unfea- ^^"|Y ^"^^y o'^« tijs fonably % or malicioufly to a wrong end",or perverting ic So?rpjT'thr'^truth ^^ ^ wrong meaning i\ or in doubtful and equivocal er- theyhavctau^htthcir tongue to fp:akUe$jand weary thcmfelves to commit iniquity. ASi.z^.i^^.And when he was called forth Tcrtullus be&an ta sccufc him faying &c.— V. T-lFor wc have found this man a peftilcnt fellovvj andamDverof fcdicion amongft all the Jcwes throughout the world, and a ring- leader of the feft of theNiZirens. Pfi/. 1 1.5,4. The Lord (hall cut ofFailfljtterins lip?, and the tongue that fpraketh proud things, V.4 3 Who have faid, without tongue we will pre/aih our lips are ouc owns whois Lordoverus? T/;j2.i,i,},4.Way bo'afteft thou thy felfin mifchef, O tboumigbty m&nf the goodnefs of Gjdendureth continually. V.t.] Thy tongue dcvifeth mifchiif, like a fharp Tstor, working deceitfully, V.j.] Thou lovcft evil more then good, and lying rather then to fpeak riihteoufiicfsjSdah. V.4.] Thou loveft all devouring words;0 thou deceitful tongue. s Provi 17.1^- He that juftificth the wicked,and he that condcmneth the juftjeven they both are abomination unto the Lord, j J^ing.ii. from vet. 9, to the i^. And Jfzcbd wrote int^cletccr, faying,procIaimea faft,and fct Naboth on high, and fcttwomci»,fonsof Belial, bsfore him to bear witncfs againftiiitn fayingjThou didftblafpheme God and the King,and then carry bim out and ft.^ne him. V.i i.] And themtnof thecityevcn the Elders and the Nobles didfoas Je^ibclhad fent unto them— -And they ftoned him with ftones that he dyed. ^ jji/.j.i j. Who jaftify the wicked for a reward, and take away the rightcoufncfs of the righteous from hiai. ' T/i/. 1 1 9.69.Thc proud have forged a lye againft me: but 1 will keep, &c. Lwi^e.19.8. And Zieheusftood and laid wito the Lord > B.'hold, Lord, the half of my goods I give to the poorjand if I have taken any thing from any man, by falfc accufa- tion, I reftore him four-fold Lulie.i6.^^6,y. So he called evecy one of his Lords debtors untohiffls and laid unto the firft, how much owefl thou unto my Lord ? V.6,] And he faid an hundred mea- faresof oylc. And he faid unta btm. Take thy bill, and write fifty. V. 7.] Then faid he to another,&c. ^ Leu.^.i. Andifafoul fin, andbcar th? voictoffwearing, and is a witnefs whe- ther he hath feen or known of it,if he do not utter it, then he fliall bear his iniquity. 'Dcut. i j .8. — . Thou fhalt not content unto bim, nor hearken unto faimi nor fliail thine eye pity him, nor fiialt thou fparc, nor (halt thou conctal him. ^^.y.j 89. But Piter [aid, Ananias, why liath 5'aran filled thy heart, to lye to the Holy Ghofl, and to keep back part ot the price of the Isnd f V.8.3 And Pe- ter anfwered unto her, tell me whether ye fold the lend for fo much } And (he faid, yea, for fo much. V.9 ] rhtn Peter faid unto her, How is it that ye have agreed together ,10 tempt the 5"p!ri: of the Lord? Bshold the feec of, &c.— - iTm.^.i6. At my firft anfwer noman ftood with me, but all men iorfookme. I pray God that it may not be laid to their charge. * ii{ing.i.6. Andhisfathtr badnotdifpleafed bim at any time in(aying, why haft thoudoncfo? Lev. 19. 17. Thou (halt not bate thy brother in thine heart « thou (halt in any wife rebuke thy brother, and not fufFer fm upon him, ** //«.? 9-4« None called far jufticc, nor any pleadeth for truth i they truft in vanity , and fpeak lyes; they conceive raifchief, and bri.ng forth iniquity. " Pro-w.x^.i^. A fool uttereth all bis mind j but a wife man keepeth it till afterwards. » i 54>».ii.9)io. Then anfwered Doeg the Edomitc who was fet over the ferrants of Saul, and faid, I fawthefonof Jefie coming to Nob, to Ahimelech thefonof Abitub. V.io.] And he enquired of the Lord for him, and gave hioj viftusls, and the fwordof Goliahtbe Pliiliftim. Compired wtb Tfal.^i.i ,t,j,4i A Pfalm of David when Do- cg the Edomitecariic and told 5"iul,&c V.i.] Wtiy boftcfl thouthy fclf inmifchicf, O migbty man? the goodnels of God, &c. d«i /b on w v. f . i' P[a'.$6.6. Every day they wreft mj- words j all their thoughts arc Bgain^t mcforevil. ^oh.i.i^. Jefus anfwercd, and faid unto them,D:ftroy this Temple, and in three daycs I will rail'c it up. Compired mtb Mm.z6.6o^6t. At vheisll c jme two falfc wstncnis-, V.(5 1 .3 And faid, Ttiii fellow faid? .1 am able to dcllroy the Tcm'^'c of Gj;dj^nd.i;obiiiidicia three daycio. ' " / prclIionS.) prcffions to the prejudice of truth or jufticei/pealclrg un- truth ^lyirg^sflcndering^jback-biting^detrrdirg*, talc- "'Gf*- ?•?• rciGoi bearing % whifpcring v, fccfSng s reviling^ raih^ harfli^ f:^)^^^ and partial cenfuring'^, mifconftiuirg intcnticrs , then )cur eyes fi-.aii words and a(5lions % flattering ^, vain-glcricus ^'ff'J'''^ '^*L^>.* boafting ?, thinking or fpcaking too highly or tco krLing ^ocd and (vil. Gen. 16.7-9. And ihc men of the'place asked him of hi$ wifcj and he faidj fiie is my lifttr j for he ftartd 10 fjy fljc is my wife, leftj &c. 'I/^f. 59.IJ. In trsnf|rtffirg«nd lyJrg 8|»irftibf Lord,sr.ddcp:i;i;'f away f[om our Got3, fpiakinj oppt( flicn and rcvrU, conccivi/ig ?nd utctriii| from tbc hcarr wcrcs of fEifnccd. 'Lev. i9-"' "Ye fcallBotftea!,ncr dealfalflyjnorlie one toanotlier. Col. 3.5,. Lie rot one tu ano- ther, ietirgthatyc havcputcff theold manwiih bis deeds. 'P/ God, I thank tbcethitl amnotsjothermcnare, extortionersj unjuft, adulterers, or even as this Publican. Rom.ix.i6 Mind not hijh thin js , but condefcend tomenofloweftatej bcnot wife in your own conceitj. i Cor.i.6. And ihde things, brethren, 1 have in a figure transferred to my fclf,andto Apolle, foryour fsk'S : that you mijht learn of us not to think of men, above tbae which is written, that no one of you be puffed up for one ajainft another. AH.i i:ii. And the peo- ple gave a fliout, fayinj. It is the voice ofGod, and not of man I Ex.jo.io. Such is the way of an adulterous woman 5 (hceatetb, andwipeth her mou-h, and faith, I have done no wickfdneffe. GfW.j.iz.ig. And the man faid, The woman whom, thou gaveft to be with me, ftie jave me of the tree atnd I did ea"; V. i j .] « ■ and the woman faid. The Seiptnt beguiled mc,and 1 did eat. ftr.i.i^. Yet ihcu faift, Brcaufs I am innocent, furcly his ajijer foall turnfrom me : bthold I will plead with thee, beraufe thou faift, I have not finned, a l{tn» 5.15,— andElifha faid tobim, Whence eomeft thou Gehs^i ? And he faid. Thy fervant went no whither. Gen 4.9. And the Lord faid unto Cain, Where is Abel thy brother f And he faid, I know «ot 5 Atn I rry brothers kTpcr f '" Gcn.9.22. And Chjtm the father of Canaan faw the wicked- neffc of his father, and roll his two brethren withour. Vrov. 1^.9, 10^ Dtbate thy caufc with thy neighbour himfclf, end oifcovtrnotafecre: to a'-'Othcr, V-io.^ Left he that hearCLh it put thee to fname, and thine iofj-cny turn not away. "Exei.ij.i. Thou ftalt not raife a fslfc report : putnoc thy hand with the wicked to be an unrif;hrcous witnclTe. ° ^rcv. 19. 1 2. If a Ruler hearken to lies,aU his fcrvams ere wicked. p AU.7.^6,^7. And frepfeen faid, B'hold, I (ee the heavens opened , . and the Son of man ftandinjL at the rjj^ht hsnd 6f God. V.57. ] Then they cryed out with a loud voice, . and ftjppcd their ears, and ran upon them with oir a'C7rd. Jet 3^,15,14. If I ';'id defpife the caufe of my nan fervant, or maic'-feivant, when rh:y ccatcnded with me j V. 14.} VVnac then fli-ill I do, ; when God rtfcth up ? and wbrn hevifirr.n, what fhall lanfwer him ? 11 Cctyi j.f, [ Cha- rity] dothnotbehsvcitfcitunfecmly,rckethaot herown, isnoterfily provoked, thinkcth no evil. 1 rim.6 4. He is proud, knovviog nothing, but riccit?j; about q.nftbrssand iirifts of worc^s,wherc'of com- tth!nvy,ftrife,rsi!in^^,cvilfunaifiags. ' Nkw.m.jj. And Mofes faid unco him, Euvicftrhtu for my fjke i Woulr! God that ail the Lords p;aplc wett P, oj)hets,snd that the Lord would pour out his Spi«r ritupon tbcni. Mat.zi.x 5, A;;,i when thcchi?f I rieftiand Scribes faw the wonderful ihiBgs-rhat he did, aad the children crying iiiih /Temple, and fayini^Hofauna to th^ Son ofD^vid^tbey were fotq difpl^;afed JO impair it *", rejoicing in their dlfgrace and Infamy ^ fcornful contempt", fond admiration*, breach of law- ,^ g.j^ fulpromifes^ncgleding fuch things as are of good re- ^ J^n*;to'cbcKinK. port y and pradifing or not avoiding our felves, or not that the jews who liindring.what we can in others, fuch things as procure an '^:^'„Z^r.l)\°. ill name '^» rufakm, bnildinj che rebellious and bad cN ly, andhavcfctuptfcewallsj&c. V.ij.] Bt it known now unto the King, that if this Ci:y bcbuilr,' and the walls fet up a^aln} they will not pay tole, tributcj and cuftome, and fo thou (halt endamage the revenue of the Kin^s. ' fcr.48.x7. For was not Ifrael a dcrifion unto thee ? was be found among thieves 1' for fince thou fpakcft of hioii thou skipped for joy. "P/$X7; Charity fufFereth long, and is kind; charity envieth not } charity vaunteth not her felfj is not puffed up. ^ V.5.] Doth not behave i: felfunfeemly, fccketh not her own, i$-not eafily provoked, thinketh no evil, V.6.] Rejoiced not in iniquity, but rejoiceth in the truth. V.7.] Btareth all things^ belicvetb all ibingsj hopeib all things, cadureth ail things. Q;^ What are the fins forbidden in the tenth Ccmmarfd'^ mem i A, The fins forbidden in the tenth Commandment , are , difcontentment with our own eftatc ^ ^ envying % d iic%»'m. And and grieving at the good of our neighbours^, toge- h'o^ufe heaTy ind°d^f- ^^^^ with all inordinate motions and affcdions to any pleafed, becaufe of the thing that IS his ?. word which Nabotb had fpoken to him j for he had faid,I will not give thee the inheritance of my fathers ; and he laid bim down upon bis bed, and turned away his face , and would cat no bread. E^h. J. i }. Yet all this availeth me nothing, fo long as I fee Mordecai the Jew fitting at the Kings gate. 1 Qor. i o. 10. Nei- ther murmurc ye,as Ioiec of them alfo murmurcd.and were deftroyed of the deftroyer. * Ga/. j.x6. Let us not be defirous of vain glory, provoking one another, en\jying one another, ^(iw.j.14. 16, But if you have bitter envying and ftrife in your hearts, glory nor, and lye not againft the truth.— V.I 6. For where envying and ftrife is, there is confufion, and every evil work" ^ Tjd.x 1 1.9,10. He hath difptrfcd j he hatb given to the poor j his righteoufnelfe endureth for ever, his horn fliall be ex* alted for ever. V.io.] The wicked /hall fee it.and be grieved j he (hall gnafti with his teeth, and melt away : thedtfire of the wicked (hall perifli. Neb.i.io. When Sanballat the Horonitf, and Tobiah thcfervantthc Ammonirfhcardofit, it grieved them exceedingly, that there was come a man to feck the welfare of the cbildrer. cflirael.! t Rom.7.7,8. What ftiall we fay then? Is the Law fin?, God forbid. Niv,Ibad)iot known fin, but by the law i for I had not known luft, except the law hadfaid. Thou ilult not C)7Ct. V.8.] But fin taking occafio.-jby the Commandment , wrought in me all manntr of concupiicencej tor without tiv: law fin was dead. RowMj.9. For this, Thou fhalc not commie adultery, Thou (halt no: kill, Thou (halt not fteal, Thou (hah not bear falfe witnefle. Thou (halt not cover J an ! if there b: any other Commandment, it is briefly comprehended in this faying, namely, Thou ihdi love thy neighbour as thy felf, Col.i.^. Mortifae therefore your members ¥vbich are upon the esrth, fornicition,unclMnnefs, inordinate a ffeft ion jcvil concupifccnc;, and covetouf- xi«fs,which is idolsf-y. 7:eut.<;.zi. N.ither (halt thou defire thy neighbours wife, nor (halt tfaou covet thy neighbours houf- > jiis fiud> his man-fcrvanr, or his maid-fcrvant, his ox, or his afs, or any thing that is thy ncighbijurs, • Q, Is I Cm] Q, Is any mm Me ferfe^'Hy to kee^ the CfimmArtdments tf God ? A, No man is able, either of himfelf ^^^ or by any ,grace received in this life, pcrfedlly to keep the Com- mandments of Gods but doth dally break them in j^Sf-'j'.JiPatinmt. thought \ word,and deed \ "ii. ' i?5ny ''man of- fend not in word, the fame is a perfcft man, and able alfo to bridle the whole body, ^oh.i y.y . I am the vine, yc are the branches j be chat abidcch in me, and I in bim, the fame brin^ech forth much fruit : for wichout me ye can do nothing. Row.S.j. For what the law could not do, in that it was weak through the flcftijGoi fending bis own Son in the likenefs of finfulfltfli, and for fin, condemneth fin in the flcfh. ' Eccl, 7.10. Foe there is not a juft man upon earth, chat doth good, and iinnech not. 15P0&.1.8 lo. Ifwe fay that we have no fin, wed eceive our felYcs, and the truth is not in us. — -~— V.io.] If we fay thatwehavenotfinnedjwemakebim t lyar,and his wordis nocin us, gd.^.ij. Forthcfltflilufteth a^ainftthe Spirit, and the Spirit againft the 3elh t and thefe are contrary the one to the other: So that ye cannot do the things that ye would. Roin.7. 1 8, 19. For I know that in me, that is , in my flefli, dweljetb no good thing. For to will is prefent yNth mt j bat how to perform that which is good I find no-. V.I 9.] For the good that I wouldj I do not j but the evil that I would not, thjt do 1. ^ Gen. 6. 5. And God^aw that the wickednefs of man was great in the earth, and that every imagination of the thoughts of his heart was only evil continually. Gen.S.zi. And the Lord faid in his heart, I will will curfc the ground no more for mans fake : for the imagination ofmans heart is evil from hisyoatbj &c. * RoOTg.fromvtr.p.toTer. II. for we have before proved that both Jewes and Gen- tiles th^t they arc under fin. V.io.] As it is written, There is non: righteous, no not one. V.ii.] There is none that underftandetb, there is none that feeketh after God. V.i i.] They arc all gone cut ofchcway, they are altogether b&come unprofitable; there is none that doth good, no not one. V.ig.] Their throat is an open fepulchre, &c.— — — V.zo] that every mouib may be flopped, and all the world may become guilty before God. J-im.3 . from ver. i,to ver. i j. For in many things we o.^«ati al!,&c.— — Q;^ Are all tranfgreffions of the Law of God equal tf haineus in t he m f elves ^ and in thefi.^ht of Godl A, Alltranfgrefsion^ of the Law of God are not e- qually hainous : butfomc fins in themfelves , and by reafon of feveral aggravations, are more hainous in the the fight of God then others "\ « ^,jj^,^^ ,,^ j^^.^^ anfwcrcd , Thou couldithavenopoweratallagainftme, except it were given thee from above; therefore he that deli- vered me umo thee hath the greater fin. E^cli 8.6.— 1 3 .— i y. But turn thee yc: agaicj and thou flialt fee greater abominations V .1 g.] Turn thee yet again, and thou fhalt fee greater abominations thac they do. V.I 5.] Turn thee yet again, and thon (hall fee greater abominations then theff. ifob.<;,i6. Ifany man fee his brother fin a fin which is not unto death, he (hall ask, and heiliallgive him life for th«m that fin not untddeath. There is a fin unto death .♦ I do not fay that he /hsll prsy for it. Pfil 7t.i7,-»..gi. — -56.And they finned Kt more againft him, by provcking the moft High in the wlldernefs V.j».] For all this they finned ftill,&c V.56.] Ytt tlicy t«a=ip:ed,3n«l.i jrovokcd the moilhigh God, and kept not his teltimonies* Q.What: [112] •' Q. FFhat are thofe aggravation s which make feme pm more hainous then others i A, Sins receive their aggravations, From the perfons offending "5 if they be of riper ^ «^u ,^.A ^g^% greater experience, or grace p 5 eminent forpro- ?afd"n;''wStf^ifions gifts', placed office ^ ., guides to others ", Lord? andchtytha; and whofc cxamplc is likely to be followed by 0- hmdle the Liw kntw {[^g.-g *^ ^ /* S^fo^^Vranfgnffcd 'a- From the parties offended '^ 5 if immediately a- gainft tne , and the Prcphct- piMDhcficd by Bial, and walked after tbinjs that do not profit. <> ^ob ji, 7. — p. I faid, Dayes fiiou la fpcakjirukirude of years fiiculd teach wifdom. V.9.] Greatmen are not alwayes Aftf/.i.8.— 14. And ifyeofler theblind for afscrifice isitnoteviVandif ycoficrtheiamrjandfickj isit not evil? oflcricnowto thy loverncurj &c. ■ V.14.] But curftd be the deceiver which hatb in his flock a tnalc, and vowcth and facriticith untothc Lord a corrupi thing : for I am a great Kinjj faith the Lord of hofti, and my Name is dreadful acnonj the heathen. ^ Htb.i.i,i. Forif the word fpcken by AngeU was ftcdt'aft, and every tranrgreflion and difobedience received a juftreconapence of reward j V.j.] How (hall we cfcape, ifwenejled fo jreat|"alvation ? He&.ii.zj. See that ycrefufesaothim that fpeaketh : forif they cfcaped notj who refufed him that fpake on earth, much more (hall not we efcspcj if we turn away from him that fpeaketh from heaven. ' He6.10.19.JOf how much forer puniftimentjfuppofe ye,rliaU he be thought worthy,who fcath trodden under foot the Son of God, and bath counted the blood of the Covenant j wherewith he was fandifiedj an unholy thing, and hath done defpighc unto the fpirit of grace? Mat.ii.^i,ii, Wherefore I fay unto you, All manner of fin andblafphemy (ball be forgiven unto men : but the blaf- phemy againft the holy Ghoft (hall not be forgiven unto men. V.ji.] And whofoeyer fpeaketh a word againft the fon of man it (hall be forgiven him, but whofoever fpeaketh a word ajainft the holy Ghoft, it (hall not be forgiven him , neither in this world, nor in tht world to come, ^ ^J Ep&.4.?o. And grieve not the holy Spirit of God, whereby ye are fealed unto the day of Redemption. ' Heb, M- I'^r >c was not an enemy that reproached me } then I could have born it j neither was it he that bated me, that did magnifie himi'elf againft me, then I would have hid my felf from b'm. V.ij.] But it wss thou, a man, mine equ3l, my guide, and my acquaintance. V.mO We tcok fecret counfcl together, and walkedj&c. V.!5.] Let death fei^e upon them, and let them go down quickly into hell i wickcd- ntlTe is in their towellings and amorgthe'm. ^Zcpb.t.^ 10,11. I have beard ihc rcp;c3chof. Moab) and the revilings of the children of Ammon, whereby they have provoked my people, &c. V.io.^ This (hall they have for their pride, becaufe they have reproached, md m.i?nified ihemfeKcs againft the people of the Lord of holts. V.i i.^The Lord will bcierr.ble unto chem,&c. — -Mit. ii.6. Bat whofo fiial cffrnd one of thele little cnes which believe in me , ic were better for him that a niill- ftone were handed about his neck, &c. i Cor. .6. 8. N yycu do wrong , and defraud , and that your brethren. Revel 17.6. And I faw the woman diuakenwitb the blood of the Saints, and 0- the Martyrs of Jffus,&c. ' i Cor.8.1 1,1 ». Andthwugh thy knowleag(haH thy wfk brother pcriih,for whom Cb rift dyed i V. 1 2.] i3ut when ye i\t^ ajaiuft the brethren, and woi:nd th.ir weak confciencejyefin againft Chrift. Row. 14. 13, 1 5.-^x1. Let us not therefore jjdgonejnothcr any more j fuc jud^ this rarber,that no man put a iiumbiir.^lockjov an occafion to fall in h's brothers tJay. V.I 5.] But if toy brother be grieved with thy meat, now walkcft tliou not cbsri ^v: .y. De- ft; oy Poc him with thy meat for whom Cbiift dyed. V.ii] Itjs good neither to Cit ndhj i.or ; to dtink wine, nor any thing whereby thy brother ftumblctb j or is offended , or is made v. wk. Q^ fouls , fouls of them or any other ^ ~an3thc Gomraon good of kE:»ft'?.to. And ,, ^ „i «iii y. piiutcmsa- allormany'. hanaTuls of barley, and for pieces of breai to fliy the fouls that (hould not die, and to fire the fouls alive that (hould nor live, by yoar lying co my p-oplc that hear your ly:$ i i Cor.%. 1 1. Bar when you fm fo azair.ft the brethrcnjsnd wound their weal£ conCciences, ye fin againft Cbrift. Rcv.i 8.1 j . [The mer- cha: Jixe of gold] And cinamon, and odours, and oinctnents,and wine.and oil, and wheat, and bcafts, atidiheep, and horfes,and chariots, and flives,and fouls of m:n. Witaj ij. Wj trnco you Scribes and Pharifecs, hypocrites 7 for ye compafs fca and land to make one profclice, and when he is maJc, ye make him two-fold more the child of hell then your felves. ^ i Thef.x,\%,\6. VVbo both killed the Lord 3 efus, and their own Trophets, and have perfecated us, and they pleafe not God, and are contrary toallmen.' V.16.] Forbiddmgus tofpialctothe Gimiles, &c.— ^o/^.zt.io.] Did notAchan the Con of Zorah commit a trcfpals in the accurfed thinj, and wrathfcll on all the Congrejation of If- tael ^ and that man periQied not alone in his ini«Juicy. From the nature and quality of the offence ""5 if .*ftov.6.io. to the it b^ againft the ex'prelTe letter of the La\v% break end. Men di not de- many Commandments 5 contain in it many fins^-, if fpifcatbiefjifheftesi j^Qj oncly Gonceivcd in the heart, hut breaks forth l°hea't\v hunjry'. in words and aaionsp,. {candalizc others % ^and ad- V.gi.] Bat if he be •• found he (hall reftorc fevcn fold, &c. V.?.] But whofo committeth adultery with a woman, lacketa underftanding i hethat dothitdeftroyethhisown (oul. V.gj.] A wound and dishonour ftiall he jer, and his reproach ftiall not be wiped away, &c. " E^r it is finlfhedjbringcth forth death. SMat.'i.ii. Bat I fay unto yoa xlvjc whofoever is angry with bis: brother without a caufe, fiisll be in dsngcr of the jadgmtnc ', and whofoever ftiall fay to his brocherjRaca-. (hall bnn dinger of the Council} but whofoever (hall fay, Thou fool, (hall be in danger of hell fire. Michel. I. Wo iin-o thirn that dcvif': iniq 1^, that work evil upon their beds j when the morning is light th;y praftic; it, brcsufe i: is in t'u power of cheir hand, ^ Mit;. '8.7. Wo to the world bccaufe of cfTcncesi for it.muftnecisb: that pfrmccs come, but woe to tliatman by whom the offence cometb,. Rim i.i5>z4. Thouthatmak'.ft thyboafloftbcLaw, through breaking the h»v dilhonourctt thea^ Qi)d. y.a^.XFor the name of Gai is felafphsDacd ampng die Gcntilex throu|h you,as it ii wricccn. [1153 mit of no reparation '^5 if againil: means ^ mercies '^i judgements", light of nature "^^ convicf^ing of con- fcience ^ 5 publike or private admonition y", ccnfuies of the Church * , civil puniflimcnts * , and our own « Deut.n. ai. lu man be found lying wichawoniyn married to an husband, thfnf^fy ftisllbothof iIkqi dye Gfl)ilttJ'ou put away evil fromlfratl. Compared vfitb V,:8.J9. If a man findadamfci thatisa vir|ia v.lii.his notbetroth- cd, and lay hold onber, and lye withiier, and they be found, V.19.] T'^ca tb: man cha- lay vi'nh her (hall tive to the damfels father fifty ihikels of filverj and fiielhallb? t*;.\."i'v, bfc.i'i'c he bstb humb- led her j he may not put her away all hisdayes, Trcu^.j i,?jjj4, 5 j, Bu: wl.ciocr'rrri-.icih adul- tery with a woir.an,!ackcth underftanding: he that doth it, deilroycth his own foul. V.;? >. J A wouai and diftionour (hsll he get, andl^is reproach fiiall rot be v.ipcd cnvyy. V j4 ] Foi j.nloufy iscbs rage ot a man ; therefore he will not fpire in ths dsy of vcng.-ncc. V.gj.] Hi will r-trrgaii] any ranfomejror reft content,thcujh thou fivtftir any gifrs. ' Wrfif. » i.x 1.2 2,15,14, Wccunio thee Catitim, woe unto ibee Bcchlsicaj fcr if :iis lijgi.Lywo.'i v.iiich v^exedonein ycu, baJ brcn-.-ione in Tyre and Sidon, they would have repented long agoe hi fstkcloth -« i rflics. \ .ii.] B-: I lay un:a you, ic (halt be more tollerable for Tyre rr.i>5ydcn, &c. V.:?.] Ar.d t'.cu CaparnauDubac art lifted up to heaven (hall be brouj^tdcwn otitil j icrif iher-.ik,L;y wciks ivliiili hare been done in thee, bad been done in Sodom, it would have remained until this d^y. V,7.4 ] buc 1 fay unto ycu ibat it fliould be more tollerable for Sodom, &c. - ■ ^cb.i^.ii. It I hsd norc.mc fnd ipokenuma them, they bad not had finj butnow they have no c^oak fcr their (in. ' ijii.i.j. Thecx;kncw- cth his owner, and the aHebis m^fterscrib, burlfrati doth not knowj my people doth notconfider, PcMt.} 1,6. Do yc thus require the Lord, O fooli(h pecple, and unwife f is net he thy father that hath bought, thee? hath he no: made thee, and iftibli(hed thee ? « v? its w, 4. 8;?, t 0,11. So twocr three cities wandred unto one city to drink water } but tbey were net fatilfied: yet have they not re- turned unto me, faith the Lord, Vp.]! have fmitten you with blafting ard mildew, &<•••• yet have ye not returned unto me,faith the Lord.V.io.]! bave fent amonj you the Pcftiler.ce after the manner of Egypc your yong men have Iflain with the fwcrd, &c. yet have yc not, &c. — '■ V. n.] I have over- thrown (omc of you as I overthrew Sodom and Gomotrah and ye were as a fire brand pluckt cut cf the burning yet have yc not retained me faith the Lord. f(r-^i- O Lord, are not thine eyes upon th« truth/ Thou haft iirikcn them, but they have not grieved j thou haftconfumtd tlem, but ihryhavc refufed to receive corrtftioni they have made their fsce harder then a rock, and tcfu fed to return. * Rom. 1 .26.17. For this caufe God gave thtm up to vile sffifiioni ? fcr even their women did change the natural ulc into that which is againft nature. V.17.3 And likewifc th; men leaving the natural ufeof tbew^men, &c ana receiving in thcmfelves that recotrpence of their errour that was meet. * K0111.1.24. Who knowing the judgment of Gcd, that they i^ho do fuch things are wotthy of death, not only doe the fame, but have pleafure in them ;bat doe them. Van. 512. / jid :hcu, O Belchazer his Ton, haftnot hiimblcdthyhe*rt, though thouknowcftall this, r/f.j.to.ii. A man that is an heretick, for ihe firft and frcond admonition rejcd. V.i i] Knowing tbauhc ihatisiuchfs fubvertcd, end finneth, being condcmnrd of bimfelf. r Prov,i^.i. H: that bdrgoftenrf proved hardnetb his neck, (hall fuddenly be dtftroyed, and that witiiout ren.edy. ^ Tit. ^,10. A man that is an htittick after the firft and fecond admonition, rejcd. wW4W.18.i7. And ifhc(h»!lne- jlcd to hear thtm, tell it to the Church ; but if he neglcA to hear the Churcb, let him be as an Hea- ihtnmanand a Publicanc. ^ Prov.ij.it. Thou^hthoufhouldeft brayafoolinamoter among wheat yet with a ptftel, will not his folly depart from hiai. 'Prcv.2j.2y. Ihey have O.iikenmc.lhalc thouiay, and I was not ficki they have beaten soej and I left it not, nhen (hallXvtake ? Iwiilfvck ityccsgaio. _. Q.» pray- Cue] "' prayers , purpofcs , promifes ^ 5 vows •= ,> coven ints ^ 3 and engagements to God or men "^5 if done delibc- racely ^ , wilfallys, prefa npruouQy •* , impudently » , ^TfdjiiAuiS boaftlnglyk , milicioja/i , freqacntly" , obftinacc- 37. wbs'n he flVi ly '' , wich delight « , concinamcc ? , or relapfing af- thtm J then tbcy foujhc him, and returned anJ enqiirei esrly afcer G)K- V.?^.]AnJ t^.'yre.nemSred that G)d was their Rocki andche htghGid chcir rcdecaier. V.j6.] Af .yjitheUfs thiydid flttterhitn with their moucbi and they lyed unco hiTi with their conjuis. V.J7.1 Far their hearc was not right with him, neither were they fteaifaft in his coven jn:s. fer.t.io. ForofolJtiTic I hive broken t&y yoke, and burft thybjnds.and thou faidftjl will not tranfgrcfs when upon every hijh hill,aad under every jrcen jcec thou wandrcftjplayinj the harlot. Jfr.41.556 io,ii. Then they laid to Jiremiah,the Lordbca true and faithful witnefs between usjif we doe not even according to all things for which the Lord thy Go4 fliallfendthjetous, V.^^.] Whether it b: good or evil, w: will obey the voice of the Lord oar Gad, cowhomwefend thee, &c.— — V.io] Bat ye dilTetnbled in your hearts when ye fent me tD the Lord your God, faying, Pi-ay for us unco the Lord our Giii and accordiij to all that the Lord our God flijlHay, fo declare un:o us, and w: will do ic. V.n.] AaJ njw I have this day declared it to you, bu: ye have na: obifci the voic^of rh: LTdyj/ucG)!, nor any chin? for which he I' sdi fcnt meuntoyou. ' Efc^.j.+.^j^.— Whenthou voweftavojv unco Gai, deferrcnot topjyitj for hs hath no pleafurc in foo's, pay that thou haft vo.ved. V.^.] Butcr is it thjc thou (houldfl not vow, then that thou (hau'dft vow, and aotpay. V.6,] Saff:r nocchy mouth to ciuf: thy fle/h to fin ; neither Cay thou before the An^el that ic was an errour j wherefore fhauld God bcanj.ry at thy voice, and deftroy the work of thine hanis? Trjv.io 25. I:lsafnsre cothcmsn whodevour'eththa: whica is holy> and afcer voweth to mike enq airy. dLew.l6.I^ Ani I will brinj th; fworduponyoui ' that (hiU av;nje thequarrcl of my covenantj&c. « Trov. 1. 1 7. Which forfakech the guide of her youch and forgcttetfa the coveninc of her G jd — E^sli. 1 7a S", 1 9. Seeing h: difpifcd the earth, by breaking the CO /enant (.vheti lo:he hidgt/cahis hanl) an! hath done all th:fc things, he (hall not cfcspe. Vi 9.3 Th:refore thus fai:h the Lord Godjfurely mine oich that he hath defpifeJ,and my icovcnincthathehsth bro",tojii: This is ch: word tbac caneunto Jeremiah froai the Lord, afcerthst the King Ztdcklah had made a Covenant with all the people which were at JcrufaUm, to proclaim liberty to chctn, V.9.] That every man (hould let his mm-fcrvanf, and maid-fervant, bring an Hebrew, or an Hebrewefs, go free, that none Ihould fetvc bimfelfofthem,to wit, of a Jew his brother. V.io.] Now when allthc Princes and people which bad entred into the Covenant, heard it, they obtyed, and lee them go. V.H.] But afcerwaids they turned,and caufcd th: fervants and hand-maids, whom they had let jo free,to return, and brought them into fubjcftion for fervants and for hand-msid?. 1 P«.x. 10, ii , la.For if,afcer they have cfcap:d the pol- lutions of the world, through ihc knowicdg of the Lord and Saviour Jefus Chrlft,they are ajain entang- led therein, and overcome, the Utter end is worfe with them then the beginning. V.xi.] For ic had been better for them not to have known the way of rijhteoufnefs , then after they have known ittotura from the holy Commandment delivered umothim. V.xi.] Bat it is hapncd unto them according to the true Proverb, The dog is turned to his own vomit again, and the (ow that was waJhed, co her wallowing; in the mire. From circum fiances of time ' , and place ^ •, if on 'zK'^g^.iS. And tWLords-dayS or other times vof divine wor(hIp % ^^[-^ --^^eh^^^^^ C^ immediately before *, or afcer thcfe \ or other with thcc when the helps CO prevent or remedy fuch mifcarriages >'•, ^a^ turned ^gain it'in publickj or in. the prefencc of others who are q°'"jo JJ^^ ^bc"? Is it a time to receive mony, and garments, and olive -yards, and vine- yards, and (heep, and ox:n,antl men-fervants, and maid -fervants ? ^ fer.j. 10, And come andfland before me in this houfc ^Lich is cjlled by my Name, and fay. We are delivered to do all theCe abominations, /p. 16. i o. Len favourbe(hewn to the wicked, yet will no: he learn righreoufncfst in the land of uprijh-.nefs will he deal anjuftly, and will not behold the MjjiftyofihcLord. ' ^Vk'^i-i7> 5'>J9- Tbat they have commi:teJ adultery, and b'.ood is in their hands, and with their idols bave they committed, &c. — ^— . V.J8.3 Moreover this they have done unto me , They havedihlcd my Sanftuary in the fame da/, and hive profaned my 5'jibbaths. V.jp.] For when they had Hiin their children to their idols , thentliey came the fame day into my Sanftuary to profane it ; and lo, thus hare they don: in the nvidft of my boufe. " 7/i ^8.j,4,f. VVaereforehave we failed, fay they, and thoo feeitnot? whertfore have we afflifted our (elves, and thou takeiln:5kno\vleig ? Behold in the ^ay of your faft ye find pleafure, and exsft all your labours. V.4.] B.hold ye fafi forftrlfe and debate, and to fmitc with the fills of wickedncfs j' ye (hall not faft as yc do this day, to make your voice to be heard on higfi. V.5.] Is ic fuchafaft that I havcchofenf a day for a mAn to afflict his foul? Is it to bow down the heSd as a bull-rufii, and to fp.ead fackcloth and aihes under him ? Wilt thou call this a faft, snd an acceptable day ro the Lord ? Num.t').6yj. And behold one of the children of Ifracl came and brought unto his brethren a Midisnidlh woman in the fi^ht of Mof.s, and of all the congregauon of the children of Ifrael, who were weeping before the door of the Tabernacle of the Congregation. V.y.] And wheii Phineas thefon of E.eazer, thsfonbf Aaron the Pricft f3w it, he rote up from among the Congregati- on, aid tojk a Javcli.i in his hand • '* I ^or.ii.iQjii. When yccomc tOj;,ethtr therefore into one place, this is nottocauhe Lords Supper : V zi] For in eating, Cfcry one taketh b;forc o;ber his own fupp;r,5nd one is hungry, and another is drunken.. =*^i;r.7.8j9,io. B.hold ye truft in lying words that cannot profir. V.p.] Will ye ftealjmur-berjani commit aJultcry, and fwear fallly, and bura incenfc to B isl, and walk aftef other gods whom yc kr\ow nor. V. lo.] AnJ corns and ftaad before rsc in this houfc.'.vhicb is called by my Nime,anJ fayjWe are delivered to do aH thcfe abominarions ? Pov^ 7,14,15,1 have Peace offerings with mc; his d^y I have piydmy vows, V.i y.]TQereforeconieI f.r:h to meet thee diligently,tofcek thy facejsnd I have found thee. fo5>.i j,i7. — ^0. And afttr the fop5\uai» cntred into him. .Then f«d Jcfus unto himjWut thou doft/do qaicsiy. — *• V.io.] He then hn^jirg rc- c!ivedthefop,w;ntimm9Jiitelyouf,£c:. / ^^''.9.1 J 14. Ani after a'.ltiat is come upon us for our c- vil dcedj,an i for our great trefpafs, feeing that thoa our G3i haft puni(h';d us kfs the:i oar iniquities dc- ferve,ind givea us fu:^ deliverance as this. V.14,] Sionid wesKjia break thy Commandments, 'nd join i.iaffivity with the piople of thofe aboaiinr.io.ns ? wouldtt thoa ri;;t be atngcy wiiU us nlhhc-t^ jaftdfe coni'un: I ui,i*3 :hi; cbece n^>aU b: no rciii.ijai,ac>r clc«pin^i lllSSC^ ^tsam, i6. ii. So i^erefcy likely to be provoked or defiled*.' they fpread Abialom a r^nc upon the trp of theboufe, snd Abfalom wtncinumohisfathirs concubines in the fight of all Jfrael. i ir.*w.i.ii,i?ji4. Now Eli wis very old, and heard all that bis fonsdid unto all Ifrael, and howthcyhy wibili. s\ -r;;;". rhacafffmbled at the doorof ihetsbernadf, &c, V.zj.] And he faid um:o thcDi, wily do yt do lurh things ? for I hear of your evil dealings by all this people. V.14.] Nay, lay igai far it is no jood rrporc tlia: 1 hcarj ye make the Lords people to iranfjtefs. Q^ what doth every fm defcrve at the hanh of Cod i ^, Every fin , even the leaft , being againft the foveraignty ^5 goodnefs^, and holi.iefs of God *^, 't'^?'*'^^iuu ^°^ and, againft his righteous law ^, deferveth his wrach Wuoiocvcr iiiaii icetp j /• t i • t • f r c ii i«i- the whole law, and y« and curlc % both in this life % and that which is to cffered in one point, comc ?, and cannot lie expiated, but by the blood ef he IS luilty of all. pu^:/i h i ^ V. n.] For he that ^""" • faid , Dj not cotn- mit adultery, faid alfo, Do not kill[j Now, &c. ^ Exoi. io.i,t. God fpake all thefe wordi) fayin j, jV.%.3 I am the Lord thy God who brought thee out of the land of Egypt, out of the houfc of bon- dage. 'Hafc.1.15. Thcu art of purer eyes then to behold evil,and canft not lock on iniquity: jivhercfore lockeft thou upon them that deal treacheroufly, and holdeft thy tongue when the nicked de- voureth the man that is more righ'cous then he ? JLcv.io.j. Then Mofes faid unto Aaron, Thisis thattheLord fpake, faying, I will be fandified in them that come nigh mc, and before all the people will I be glorified. Ley. 1 1 .44,4 ^For I an the Lord your God, ye (hall therefore fanftifie your (Selves, and ye flull be holy, for Ism holy j neither fliall yc defile your felves with any manner of creeping thing, &c. V.45.3 ^0' 1 ^^ ^^^ Lord which bringeth you up frcai the land of Egypt, to be your Cod J yc (hall therefore be holy for I am holy. d 1 ^ol». j.4. Whcfoever con mhteih Cm, tranf- greflethalfo th: law for finis ihctranfgifflionof the law.KoOT.7.ia.Whertfore the Lawisholy,and the commandment is holy juft and gnoJ. ^ Epb, 5.6. Let no man deceive you with vain words, for becaufc of thefe things the wrath of Gcd Cometh upo-i the children of difobedience, Gal.^.io. For as many as arc of the works of the law, areundirtlieciufc j for it is written, Curfedis every one that conti- nnes not in alhhings^which arc written in the book cf the law to do them. ^Lin.iig. Wherefore doth a living complain, a man for the punishment of his fin. ©Cttt.aS. fromv.i^.totheend. But it (hall come to pals, if thou wilt not hearken to the voice of the Lord thy God, to obferve to do all his commandments, and ftatutes which I command thee this day, chat all thefc curies fliall come upon thee and overtake thee V.29.] Cutfcd Oialtthoubc in the City^and curfcd inthe Field, curfed in the basket and ftoce, &c. s i^iat. 2^-4' D:parc from me ye catfcd into cvcrlafting fire prepared for the Divel and his argcls. ^ Heb. And almoft all things are by the law purged with blood, and without rtieddingof blood there is no v.miflion. i ^eM. 18, j.For as much .as ye know that ye were not redfcmed with corruptible things, ss filver and gold, from your vain converfation, re- ceived by tradition fro^n your fa hers ; V.ip.] Bat with the precious blood of Cfarift, as of a lamls iviihout biemilb and wiihout fpoti Q. yp^hat doth Gad require of us that we ma) efcdpe his rvr.it h and atrfe dm to us by renfortof thetrartf^re[sion of ths Lajp <: 4J e/^.That i*(J?.io. II. Tcftl- Cin5 A, That wc may efcape the wratli andcurfc of God due to us by reafon of the tranfgreffion of the Law , he requircih of us repentance toward God, and faith to- ward our Lord Jefus Chrift \ and the diligent ufe of the . outward means whereby Chrift communicates to us the fyl^'*Vh to the benefits of his mediation ^. jcwes and aifo to the Greeks repentance toward God, and faith toward out Lord Jefus Chrift. A/ir.j.7, 8. But when hcfaw many ot the pharifecsand Sad duces come to his bapdfme.h: faid unto them, O gencacion of vipers, who hath warned you to flee t'roai the wrath to come ? V.8.] Brinj forth therefore fruits meet for repcntance.ii^. 1 6» 30,? I. And he Cche jaylor) brought them out, and fsid, Sirs, wh»t Hiill I do to be favcd ? V.j 1.3 Andtbeyfald, believe oft the Lord Jefus Ghrift.and thou (hale be fayed, and thine houfe, f«<»5. 16 18. Fjc God lb loved the world, that he gaire his onely begotten Ion, tbat wliofoeverbelicvcth on him might not perl(b, but have evcrlafting life V. 18.] H: that bclieyeth on him is noc condemned, but he that belisveth not iscondcained already, bccaufe,&c. * Proy.i./rwi v. i.io x),6. My ion if thoj wilt receive my words, and hide?^.' Hear inftrudion, and be wife, and refuU it nor. V.J4.3 BUffed is the man chat heareth me, watchinj daily at my gates, waiting at the poafts of my doois.V.j 5. J ¥oc whofo findeth me, findeth life, and fhall obtain favour of the Lord. V.t^.Q Bac he chat finnciU- ajainft me , wron^eth his own foul } sU they tbst hate mcjlove death. ^ Q. VfhAt dre the outwArdm^ans rvherehj Chrift commU" nicates to us the benefits of his Mediation ? y^. The outward and ordinary means whereby Chrift communicates to his Church the benefits of his media- tion, arc, all his ordinances 5, efpecially the Word, . Sa- craments, and prayer-, ail which are made efFe(fluai to the elea for their fal vation '. ^^^iS^'''^-'^ iheminthcname of?th: Fa her, and of theSon, andoftheholy Ghofti V. 20'] TerhLThim"to ebferve all things whaif^r.cr 1 have commanded you j and lo,Iam with you alwayes, even u.uo liie end of the world. ^^?.*.4t-— 46;47. And tUey continued fledfaftly in the ApoftUsdoftrine, and fellowlhip, and in bre..t.g of bread,sna »='Praycrs-- V.46.] And they, concinuins daily with one accord in tb.Je:;Ve,..; I bre.kug bread from houfe to houfe, did eat their meat with riad' ?![''/"/j^"^Trh.!.tTM r-'Z^ ^"ifing God, and having favor with alhte people. Andtbe- Lord added to the Church daily fach as laould be faved. - r r " -Q^ Ifdw h the mr ./ f/jade cffcHti alto falvation t • A, The Spirit of God makcth the Reading, but c- %ccially the Pfcaching, of the word , an cfFeaual means* means of enlightning " , convincing J and humblinor « ^s^. 8. 8. So they (inners ", of driving them out of themfelves, and dravv^ Liw'of G^j'd^in- ^"S ^^^^ ""^^ Chrift°, of conforming them to his I- aly,"^ iJ givt the magc^^ and fubduing them to his wills of ftrengthe- fcnfe , and caufed niflg thcm againft temptations and corruptions ' of Zlsll,':"Jt^i. ^"ii^ing them up in grace'", and eftablifhing their 1 8, To open their • . - ■ . eyes, and to turn them from dirkneffc to Hght, and frctfi the power of Satan unto God, that they may receive forgiveneff: of fint, and inheritance acnonj them who arc fanftifitd by faiih that is in mc. Pfalmi^.S. The Commandmint of the Lord is pure, ^^, ■».37. '41 • Now when they heard this, they were pricked to their hearts, and faid unro Peter and tbcreftofthcApoftles, Men and brethren, what fhall wedo to be faved ? V.41.3 Then they that gladly received his word were baptized t and the fame day there were added unto them about jooo fouls» jiSi.9. from ver.17.tOYer.j9. And behold a man of Ethiopia, an Eunuch of great authorityj&e.was re- turning, and fitting in bis chariot read Efaias the Prophet. V.19.] Then the Spirit faid to Philip, Go aierr, and joy n thy fdf to this Chariot. " V.jo.] And Philipran thither to him, and faidiUndetftsna- eft thou what thou readcft f &c — —— V.3 f .] Then Philip btgan at the fame Scripture, *nd preach- ed unto him J efus. V.3613 Andthc Eunuch (aid, See here is wat.r, v hat dotb hinder me to be baptized ? V. J7.] And Philip faid. If thou bdieveft with all thine hear., thou maift. And he aniwered, and faid, 1 believe that Jefus ChrUl is the 5'on of God, V.38.] Andtheywert down both into the water, and he baptized bim. ? zCor.j. 18. But weall withopen facebehold- jng as in a glalTe the g'ory of the Lord, are changed into the fame image, from, glory to glory , cnn as by the Spirit of the Lord. *i i Cor. 10.4,5, 6. For tfac^eaponsof our warfare arc not carnal, but mighty, through God, to the pul!ing down of ftrong holds. V.5.] Caftingdoivn imaginacicnj, and every high thing that cxalccth ic felf sgiinft the knowlcdgof God, and bringing into captivi-y every thoughtto I he obedience of Chnil, V.6.2 And having in a rcadineffe to revenge all difobeditnce, when your cbeJience is fulfilled. Rom.6.17. But God be thanked that ye were the fervan:s of fin j buc ye have obeyed from the heart that foi m of dodtinc which was delivered to you. ' !Mat.J^.i). — . 7. »o. But hcanfwcred and faid, Ic is written, lAzn (hall not live, &c._ V.7.] Jefusfaid unto him,It is writttnjTbou (halt not tempt the Lord,&c.-« V.io.]Then ffid Jefus unto him,get thc(| hence, fatan; for it is written. Thou {halt worlhip, &c Fph.6. 16)17. Above all taki.ng the ftiield of faith, whereby ycliiall be able to cucnch all the fiery darts of the wicked. V.17.] And take the helmet of lalvadon.t and the fwordcfcherpirir, which is the word of God. T/4/.19.11. Moreo- ver by them is thy fervant warned; and ill keeping ofthemthtre is great reward, i Cor.io.ii. Now all thefe things hspned unto them for cnfstj^ples ; and they are written for our admcnition, upon whom the ends of the world arc come. ^ y^c?.io.jx. Ard now, brethren, I commend you to God, and to the word of his grjccj \ifhxh is able to build you up, and to give you an inheritance among them that are fandifieJ. x Tiffi.^. 15,16^17. And that from a child thou haft known the holy Scriptures, which arc able CO make thee wife unto falv3:ion,through faith which is in Chrift Jcfu-s. V. 1 6.] All Scriprure is gi- ven by inCpir^Jtion of GjdjSnd is profitable for dofirin.foi reproof>for correftion,for inftruftion in righ- tcouihefs. V.I 7.] That the man of God may be ptrfeiSjtfaroughly furniftied unto all good works. hearts hearts in hollncfs and comfort through faith i^ntofalva-.jj^^ ,g^^ ^^^ tlOn^"^. to him that is of pov»- er to cfttblifli vr u.-c- rcrding tomy Gofpel, and thepreachingof Jcfus Chriftj jccordinj tothercvelacion of the myftfrif, wbich was k'pt ftcret Iincc tbe world bega,'. ■ i Tkejf.i, i-- — io,i i 1 j. And ftnt Ti- motfafus our brother and minitler of Goqj and our fellow labourer in the Gcfpel of Chrjft, tocftsbjlfti you, and ccnifort you concerning ycur fall ■ V. lo.] Nij^ht and day praying' fxcctdingly cbac we mi|ht fct your face, and perfcft what is Itckingnn your faith. V. 1 1.] Now God hitrJelf, and cur Father, and our Lord Jelus Chriftdireft cur way unto yr.u V.ig,] To the em'hem-y tilabllfli ycur hearts unbiameablc iaholinefs before God, &c. Rtwx.15.4. For virhatfoevcr things were written afore-time, were written for our learning, that through paijcnce and comfort of the Scriptures we mijhc hive hope. Rom. 10.1^514,15,1^,17. For whofocver (hsll call tipon the nsmc of the Lord ftiall be fa»ed. V.M.] How then (hall ihey call on him, on whom tbey have not btlieyed ? and how fhall thty believe in him of whom they hate not heard i* and how Ihall they he:r without a Preacha? V.ij.J And how fhall they preach, except they be fent ? as ic is written, H-^w beautiful are the feet of them that preach the Gcfpel of peace, and bring glid tidings of good thirds? V.iif,] But they bfvenoc all obeyed the Gofpell, for Efaias faith. Lord, who hath believed our report ? V.17.3 So then faith comethby heating, and hearing by the word of Xjod. Rc«.i.i6. Por lamnot afhamed of the Go- fpell'o^ Cbrift, for it is the power of God unco Salvation, CO every onctbac believethjtotbejew Bift andairototbcOr^ek. Q. Is the w$rd ofcodtebe re Ad hy a/i .? •yi. Although all are not to be permitted to read the Word publickly to the Congregation ", yet all forts of people arc bound to read it ^apart by themfdvcs % and « 7)eut.^i. 9. — u; 12, 1 J. And M«fcs wrote this Law, and delivered it unto the Priefls the fons of Let i, which barfe tlicAtk of the Cove- nant of the Lord, and unto all the eiders of Ifracl.— ! V.ii.] When allL'rael is come to ap- pear before the Lord tby God, in the place which he (hall chufe, thou (halt read this law before alilf- rael in their hearing. V.n.] Gather tbe people together, men, and women, and children, and thy ftranger that is within thy gates, that tbey may hear, and Itarn, and fear the Lord your God, ana obfetvc to do all the words of this law, V.ij.] And that their children wbich have not known anything, may bear, and learft to fear the Lord your Cod, as long as ye live in thcland, &c. Neb. ^. hi' ^"d Ezra the Pritft brought the law before the congregation both of men and women, and all that could hear with uniierf^ancing. V.}.] And he ifad therein before the ftreet that vrasbciore the wat^r -gate, from morning till noon, before the tbe men and women, and thofc that could undctftind, and cbc eats of all tbe people wrre attentive unco the book oi the Law. Aff^-9.J, 4,f- And they flood up in ihvic plscc, and read in the beck of tbe law of the Lord their God, one foutth part of ihc day, and anochtc foutrh part they conftifcd, and worihippfd the Lord their God. V.4.] Thenftocd up upon iticft4>5,6. My fon, if thou wilt receive my words,and bidemycommandemenis with thee. V.i.J So that tliou encline thine eartowiidom and apply thy heart tounderftandinj, V.g.] Ycaifthoi^ cryeftafcerknowledg, and lifteft up thy voice fcrundtrftandinj, V.4.] If tbou Icekelt her as filfcr, and fearchcit for her as for hid treafures. V.J.] Thca (halt thou anderftand the fear of the Lord, and fiade the knowledj of God — : V.6.] For the Lord giveth wifdomc j out of his mouth Com- eth knowlcdj and underftandinj. P/a/.iip.iS. Open my eyes, that I may behold wounderous thin js out of thy law. Nefr.8.6 8. And Ezra blefTed th« Lord, the jreat God, and ail the people an- fwered Amen, Amen,with lifting up tbeir hands j and they bowed their head$,and worihppcd 'he Lord, with their faces to the ground V 8.] So they read in the book, in the law ot God uii\ijift-« ly, and gave the fenfe, and caufed them to underftand the reading.' - - Q^ Bfnfhomisthejvordof Cod fobs f reached i i^ i Tiw.j.t. 6. A. The Word of God is to be preached onely by Abinjopthtnmsfibc fach as are fufficiently gifted'' , and alfo duly ap- oU^l^vtS foberjof good bthaviour,given to hofpitality,apt to teach— V.6]Not a novice, leaft being lifted up with pride,he fall into the comdcmnationj&c. Epb.4. 8,9,10,11. Wherefore befaith,when heafcecnded up on hijhjheled captivity capci.c,and gave gifts unto men (V.9.] Now that he afcended^what is it but that he alfo dcfcended, &c. ) V.ii.] And he gave fome Apoftles, and fpme Prophets, and fome Ivangclifts, and fomc Paflours and Teachers, &c. Hof.^.6. My people are dcftroycd for lack cf knowledg ; becaufc thou hafl rejeded knowledg,! will re)cft thee, that thou (hale be no prieft 10 me i feeing thou haft fofgotten the Law of thy God, I will alfo forget thy children. Mil. 1.7. For the Prices lips Ihould keep knowledg, and they (hould fetk the Law at Lis mouth } for he is the nr.cifer.gec ef the Lord of hofts. 1 Cor. }.6. Who alfo hath made us able minifters of the new Tcfiamcnt nOf <)f tht letter, but of the Spitit> for the letter killetbjbuc the J'piric giveth life. ~ " R 2 proved i^3=^»'.i4. 1 J. There- pJ^ovcd and called to that office ^ fore thus faith the ^ Lord concerning the Prophets that prophecy in my Nime, and I fent tliem not, yec they fay, &c. Kom.io.i^. And bow ftiall they preach excep: thry be fent , as it is written. How beautiful, &c. Heb,y.^. And no man takcth this honour unto bimfelf, but he that iscalieJ of Godj as was Aaron, I Ccr.ii.itjj^. And God hath fctfom? in the Church, firftApoftlcs, fecondarily Prophets, thirdly Teachers, afcer that Miracles, then gifts of hsalinj, Helps, Governaicms, diveifi:ies of toagues. V.i^.j ArcaJlApoftlts? are all Prophets ? are all Teachers? are all workers of Miracles? i Tiw.j lo. Andlechefc il To firft be proved j then Ut them ufe the offi;e of a Deacon, being found blameleffe. iriOT.4.14. N^gled not the gift that is in thee, which was giiren thee by prophecy, with ihe isyinj on of the hands of the £ccsbytery. i rijR.;.»t. Lay hands fuddainly on no mani nei(hec be partaker of other mens fuw, &c. , ■, Qj^ Horv is the Word of Goi to be preached bj thofe thdt are called theremto i ^ A, They that are called to labour in the mlniftry of the Word, arc to preach found do(5lL'ine ■", diligently", "**^-^-*-"7"^- ^^Mn feafon, and out of feafon^'j plainly p, not intheen- tbaobccomcfound do- dicing words of mans wifdom, but in demonftration atine. — • V.8.] of the Spirit, and pawer^i-, faithfully % making known Srb?con£^^^^^ w^%^ applying them- thathe whoisofth! fclves to thc n:celfitics and capacities of the hearers"; contrary pair may be afliatned, having no evil thing to fay of you. " ASl.xi,z that a man be found faithful. ^ ^S.io.^y.] F^r I have not ftu:iatd co declare untoyou the whol: counfel of God. * Cd,\.tZ. Whoaa we preach, warning every mxn, and teaching every msn in all wifdom, that wemaypreient every man perfcft in Chrift Jifus. i Tim.i.i^. S:\x- dy to {h:w thy filf approved antoGo:!, a workman that necdcth not to be aftiimeJ, rightly dividing, the word of truth. "^ i Cor,i.i. I have fed you wi:h milk, and no: with miatj for hithsrto yc were not able to bear it, njither yet now are ye able. Hc&.y.i 2,1 5,14. For when for the time ye oujht to be teachers, ys have need chat one tescli you agsin which bs the firil principles of thc Oracles ofGid, andareb:com;fuchashive need ofmilk,ani notof ftrong meat. V.13.]} For every one that ufeth milk is unskilful in the word of righteoufn:fs i for he is a bab?. V.t4,] Bit ftrong meac bebngehtothemthatareof full aje, even thofe who by reafono'f ufe, have their fsnfes exercifedto difcctnbD;h good and evil. Lufi.ii.^z. And the Lord faiJ, Wiia then is that faithful and wife Reward, whom his Loffd ilnll make rulei^ qrcr hls.ho^^oidj co giye them their portion of in:at u^ dafif(.ain^^ '2X2' [125] zealoufly * , with fervent love to God " l and the fouls of his people y 5 fincerdy^, aiming at his glo- * Aa.iH.i^. This ry * , and their convcrfion \ edification ^ , and falva- J;^;;/;;^ f^l^'^ tion "*• and being fervent in the Spitit he fp.^ke and tamht dilljent the things of the Lord, Sec. =" i Cor. ^.11,1^. For whether we be bchdts out felves, itistoGodj or whether we be fober, it is for your cauie. V, 14.] For the love of Cbriil conftraineth as ; becaufe we rhus j adgc, that il one dyed for alU then were all dead. Phil, i . 1 5 j * ^j " 7. Some indeed preach Chrift out of envy and flrircjand fome alio of jood will. V. 16] The one p/escli Ghrift of contention, not finctteiy, fuppofinjto addeaffliftion tomy bonds. V.17.] But the other of love, knowing that lam fctforthe deftnccof the Gofpel. y C^l.4.11. Epaphras who is one of you, aferYantof Cbrift, falutethyou, alwaycs labouring fervently for you in prayers, that ye may ftand perfcft and complete in all the will of God. 1 Cor. i z.i y. An! I will very gladly fptnd, and befpencforyooathoughtbcmorcabundantlylloveyou, thelefs Ibe loved. ^ iCer.i.ij. Forwc are not as many, who corrupt the word of God, but asof fincerity, but as of God, in the fijhc of Goi, fpeak we in ehrifl. 2 Cor. 4.2. Bw have renounced the bidden things of dilhonefty , not walking in crafcioefs, nor handling thc^ord of Gol deceicfully , but by manififtition of the rfUih, commending our felves to every mans confciencc in the fight of G^d. ^ i Tbef. 1.4,5 <6« Butas wearcallowedof GodtobeputintruflwiththeGjfpd, even fowefpeak, not as pltafing men, but God, who tryech the hearts. V.5.] For neither at any time ufsd we flicteringwords,as ye know, noticloak of coveteoufnefs, God is witncfj. V.6.] Njr of men fought me glory, neither of you, -nor yet of others, when ye might have been burdcnfgme, as the Apoftltsof Chrift. ^ohj.iS. He that fpeaketh of himfelf, fetketh bis own glory : but he that fecketh bisglory thit fenthim, the fame is trueandnounrighteoufnefsisinhim. ^ i Cor.9. 19,10,1 i,x2. F,>r though I be free from ail men, yet have I made my felf ftrvant unto all, thit I might gain the more. V.20.] And unto the Jcwcs, 1 became as a Jew, that I might gain the Jewcs3 to them that are under th: L»w as under the Law, that, &c. V.ii.] To them that arc without Lawj as without Law, that, &C.V.1 1.] To the wcakjbecsme I as wesk,that I mio ht gain the weakrl am made all things to all men,&c. "iCcr 1 1.19; A. gain, think you that we cxcufe our fcUes unto you 5 we fpeak b:fore God in Chiiit:but we do all things, dearly beloved, for your edifying. E;/;,4.ii. For the pcrfeding of the faints, for the wcrkof the miniftry, for the edifying of the body of Chrift. d i riw.4 1 6. Take heed unto thy f:lr, and to the do^rine ; continue in them : for in doing this, thou (halt both fave thy felf, and tbeni that hear thee. ii^?. 16, 1 6,1 7,1 8. But rife and ftand upon thy feeti f t I have appeared unto thcc, for this pur- pofe, tomakstheeaminifter,aniawitnifs, &c. V.17.] Delivering thee from the p:cplc,and from the Gentiles unto whom 1 now fend thcf, V.18.] To open their ejes, and to turntbem fiom daik- nefs to light, and from thepowerof Sjtan unco Gjd, that they may receive forgivcncfs of fins, and •n inheritance among them that ace fandifyed by faith thst is in me. ^ )rhat is required oftbofe that hear ths jvor^ predchedl A, It is reqaired of thofe that hear the Word prejched, that thay attend upon it with dili^gence% [^f;;;^«:i^^;^^^'|,f^ preparation ^ , and prayer s , examine what they teatech me watching daily at niy ja-es , waiting at the p^i^s of mv doors. f \l!et,x.t,t. Wherefore laying afiJe all ma'ice and all guile, and hyprccrify,and envies, and fvil-fpeakings. V.2.3 As new born bsbcs,dt fire thefinccre milkofihc wcrd, that ve may grow thereby. LHii^.8. 18. Take herd therefore how yc hear j for whcfoever hathjtohiai ihall i/c:4iven,and whofoever ba-.h no-,ftom hin-j ftiall be taken, &c. s Pfil.119. 18. Open mine cyts, -hat I nwy behold wondeious things out ot thy law. E|)fe.6.l8)i9. Praying alwaycs \\i"h ail prayer and lupplicaci- - on in :fe!: rpirir,and watching tbcrtunto wi:h all pafevcrance.and lupplication for all faints, V 19.] And • forme, tba: ucfcrance may be ^i/eni\momc, that I may open my mouth boldly, eg make known ihe- myftcry of the Gofpel. . Cn6] f" hear by the Scriptures \ receive the truth with faith *^«.i7.ii: Thefe ^°^^^ mccknefTe ', and readineffe of mind", as the were more noble then Word of God"-, meditate'*, and confer of iti'; hide it in°[Lf L^'^cldiS ^"^^cir hearts % and bring forth the fruit of it in their the word with allrca- ^IVeS*^* dinefs of mind , and fcarchcd chc Scriptores daily whetber thofe things were fo. ' Heb.^.t. For unto u$ was the Gofpel preached as well as unro them ; but the word preached did nor profit them, being net mixed with faiih in them that heard it. ^ ^ Tbef. i. lo. And with all deccivablcncfife of unrighicoufneire in them tl a; perifh, becaufe they received not the love of the truth, that they might be faved. ^^am.i.iir Wherefore lay apart all filthinefle, and fuprrfluity of naugfuinefle , and receive with metknclk thein- Ijnfted word, which is able to fave your fciils; ■" ASi 17.11. Thefc were more noble then thofe in Tfacflalonica, in that they received the Wc rd with all readineflc of mind, and fearched the Scriptures daily whether thcfe things were fo. ° i Thef.i. i j. For this eaufe alio thank wc God without cca- fing, bccaufc when ye received the wora of God which ye heard of us, ye received it not as the word of iHen,bu:,as it is in trathjthe word ofGoijwhich ifFeaually worketh alfo in ycu that brlieve. <> Luk-9i 4+. Let thefc fayings fink down into yeur ears 5 for s^e Son ofman (hall be dcliverfdj &c. Heb. a. i. Thercfc re we oap.ht to give the more diligent heed to the things wthave heard, kftst any time wc ftonld let them flip. p Ltt^.24. 14. And ibey talked together of all thefe things which bad hapnctf. Vcm.6.6,T. And thefe words which I command thee this day rtiall be in thine heart; V.7.] And thou ftialc teach them diligently to thy children, and (halt talk of them when thou fitttft in thy houfr, and when thou walkcft by the way, and when thou lyeft down, and when thou riftft up. 1 'Frov. i. r , Myfon,ifthou wilt receive my words, and hide my commandments with thee. Pfd.hg.ii. Thy word hare I bid in my heart, that I might net fin againft thee. »t«ii[8.ij. But that on the good ground are they which with an honeft and good heart having heard the word, keep it, and bring fruic with patience. ^am.i.t$. But whofo locketh into the pctfeft law of liberty, and contiimeth there- in, being not a forgetful hearer, but a doer of the word, thii man ftiall be blcifed in his deed. " ' Q. Hotv do the Sacraments become ejfefhal means of falvation < A. The Sacraments become effedual means of falva- \ tion, not by any power in themfelves , or any vcrtuc derived from the piety and intention of him by whom they arc adminiftred; but only by the working of the holy Ghoft, and the blcfling of Chrift by whom they ' I Prt.i.ii.The like ^rc inftitutcd ^. figure whereunto even Baptifm doth alfo now (ave us, (not the putting away of the filth of the fltfh, bat the anfwer of a goed confcience toward God) by the refutreaion of Jefus Chrift. AB.i.i j. Then Simon himfelf believed alio; and when he was bafti2;d,he continued with Philip, andwondrcd, beholding the miracles and figns which were done. Compired mih V. 13.] For I perceive (faid Peter to Simon)that thou art in the gall of bitternefs and in the bond of iniquity. 1^0^3.6,7. 1 have planted, Apollo watrtd: butGod gave the increafc. V.7.] So then nciiher is he that planteth any thing, nor he that watereth, but God that givcth the increafe. 1 Cor.ii.i j. For by one Spirit are wc all baptized into on? body, whether we »e Jewcj, or Gciiiilcs ; bond j or tree j and have been ail made to drink into one Sfhit. ■ Cx^vrkai Q^ what is a Sacrament? A. A Sacrament is an holy ordinance inftltuted by Chrift in his Church ', to fignific,reale,and exhibit ", un- to thofe that are within the Covenant of grace*, the be- nefits of his mediation % toftrengthen, and ^"^^^^^^ ^^j'^'/^ju'TlJi^ their faith, and all other graces y^ to oblige them to obe- myCovcMnt betmea dicnce '^ 5 to teftifie, and cherifh their love and commu- mc »nd thcc,and their nion one with another S and to diftinguifh them from ^"^VrnW^ thofe that are without ^. verUftlni Covenant, to be a God unto tbee» »nd to thy feed after thee.—— V.io.^ This is my Corenint which yc fliall keep between mcand you. and thy feed after thee ; Every man-child amonj you fliall be circumcifcd. ExoL Cap. » *. C^^' tiiningtbeirjiitutitnoftbePafsover. wWat.iS.ij. Go yc therefore and teach all nations. Baptizing ihenaintbeNsmc of cheFatber, andof the Xon^andof the Holy Ghoft. Mthac righteoufnefs might be imputed unto them alfo. ^ i Cor 1 1 . 14,1$. And\>henhehadtiventhanks, ht brake it, and faid, Tak-, eat, this is my body which isbro- kenforyou: this do in remembrance of mc. V.ij.] After the fame manner alfo he took the Cup > when he had fupped, faying, This Cup is the New Teftamcnt in my blood : this do yc, as oft as ye drink it, in remembrance of me. *Kow.iy.8. Now I fay, that Jefus Chrift was a Minifterofthc Circumcifion, for the truth of God, to confirm the promifes made unto the fathers. Exoi. 1 1.48. And when a ftranger fliall fojourn with thee, and will keep the PaiTeover tothe Lord, let all his males be cic- cumcifed, an J then let htm come neer, and keep it : and he fliall be as one that is born in the land > for no uncircumcifed perfon fliall eat thereof. '^ j4£i.i.i%. Then Peter faid unto them, Repent, and be baptized every one of you in the Name of Jefus Chrift, for the rcmiffion of fins, and ye (hall receive the gift of the Holy Ghoft. i C9r.io,i6. The Cup of bleffinj which we blefl'e, is it not the Communion oi thfi blood of Chrift ? The bread which we break, is it not the Communion of the body of Chrift ? ' T Rom.4.11. j'ee/Ti ["] i&otje. ^tl.i.zj. For as many ofyou as have been baptized into Chriftjhave putcn Chrift. ^Rem.6.?j4. Know ye not that fo many of us as were baptiz-d into Jefus Chrift > were baptized into his death ? V.4 ] Therefore we are buried with him by Baptifm into death j that like as Chrift was raifed up from the dead by the glory of the father, even fo \vc alfo fliould walk in ncw- nefleoflife. iCor.io.n. Ye cannot drink of the Cup of the Lord, and the cup of Divels : ye cannot b: prtakes of the Lords Table, and the table of Divds. * Ep^.4.i3 J,4)5- With all lowlinefie and meeknefTe, wich Ion j-fufFering, forbeariHg one another in love, V.j] endeavouring to keep the unity of the Spirit in the bond of peace. V.4.3 There is one body, and one Ipirit, even as ye arc called in one hope of your calling. V.J.] One Lord, one F..i:h, one Bjptifmf iCor.ixx], For by one fpiric are we all bap-iztd into one body, whether wc be Jewes or Geatiles, band or free > and have been all made to drink into one fpiric. ^Epb. li^^m. Wherefore remember that ye being in limcp'-ifed Gentiles in the flei'hjwho are called Uacircucncifion by that which is called the Circumcidon in the flcfti made by hands. V.!*."] Tnat at that time ye were withou: Chrift, being aliens from the Conwnon- weahhof L'racl, and ftrangers from the Covenant of promife, having no hope, and without God in theworld. Gcrt.54.i4- And they fai.i unto them, W«; cannot do this ihin^ to J^tvc our iiftctio one that-^ is uncircomcifed , . for ths: were a reproach to us. ^^^hat an tk ^arts of a Sacrament f . [128] yi. The parts of a Sncrament arc two 5 the one, an outward and fenfiblc figne, ufcd according to Chrifts '3/4«.j.Ti.lindeed °^^" appointment •, the other an inward and Spiritual bsptiz-.ycu with wa- grace, thereby fignificd <=# tec unco repentance i but he tbat eometh after me is mightier then IjWhofc Hiots I am"not worthy to bear, he (hall baptize yoa with the Holy G'noft, and with fire, i Pet.i. it. The like figure whereuntoj even Bsptifme dothalfo now fave hs (not the putting away of the flithof the flefl?, but the anfwer of a good confcience to- wards GodJ by the rclurredion of Jefus Chcift. Ro»i,i. 18,19. For he is not a Jew that is one out- wardly, neither is that circumcifion which is outward in the flefli; V.19.] But he is a Jew, who is one inwardly, and drcumcifion is that of the heart, in th: Spirit, and not in the letter, whqfc praife is not of menj but of God. ClJIfitv many Sacraments hath chrifi in^ituted in hh church under the New Teftantenti A, Under the Hew Teftament Chrift hath inftitatcd in his Church onely two Sacraments 5 Baptifine, and the &Hit.x%.i9. Go ye Lords Supper"^. therefore and teach all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghoft. i Cor. 11.10 aj. When ye come together therefore into one place, this is not to eat the Lords Jupper, — -—Ver.ij.] For I have received of the Lord that which alfo I delivered unto you, that the Lord Jefus the fame nighr wherein he was betrayed, took bread j See. Hitt. x6,%6yz-j^x%. And as they were eating, Jefus look bread, and &c. See Above in ['] Q^ Whatishptifmei ^A. Baptifmc is a Sacrament of the New Tefta- ment, wherein Chrift hath ordained die waQiing with water, in the name of the Father, and of the SoHjand of the Holy Ghoft % to be a figne and feal of ingrafting in- '^Max,\%. 19. Go ye to himfelf ^, of remifliion of fins by his blood s, and rc- tiierefore and teich generation bv his Spirit \ of Adoption \ and refurre<5lion all nations bspnznig = , .< ,.-r, ', - / • ' • i • j them in the nameof unto everlaiting ufe ^ and whercby the parties baptized the Fachtr,and cf the ' • $on,and of the Holy Ghoft. ^Gdi.n. For as many of you as havebcen baptized into Chrift, have put on Chrift, sM bond, or free } and arc arc all made to Jrlnk Into one Spirit. ■" Rom.6.4. Therefore we are bury- eJ by baptifmewiih him into death, that like as Cbiift was raifcd up from the dead, by cbe glory ot his facbtr, fo we alio fhouid walk in newncfs of life. ^ Unto fvhm is BApiftne to be adminiflred i 9^, Baptifmc is not to be idminiftrcd to any that arc out of the vifible Church, and fo ftrangers from the Co- venant of proraife, till they profelTc their faith in Chrift, and obedience to him" , but infants defcending from pa- „ All.8.16,17. i^nJ rents, either both, or but one of them, profeffing faith as they went on their in Chrift, and obedience to him, \te in that refped with- '^'y? '^'^ '""'/ u! , ' 1 1 I •/- I certam water i and the m tne covenant, and to be baptiled °. Eunuch faid, fee here is water j what binders me to be baptifed ? V. J7.] And Philip faid. If thou belecvefl with all chine heart, thou mayefl ; And he anCweredj and faid, I belecvc that Jefus is the Son of God and he baptifed him. AH. 2. J S. Then Peter faid, repent and be baptized every one of you in the name of Jefus Chrifl for the rc^ miflionof fins, and ye (hall receive the jift of the Holy Ghoft. " Goj.17.7 9. And I will efisblifli my Covenant between me and thee, and thy feed after thee in their generations) for an evec^ lafting Covenant, to be a God unto thee and to thy feed after thee.- — And God faid unto A braham^ Thou (halt keep ny Covenant therefore, thou and thy feed after thee in tbeir ^enerationsj this is my Co- venant, &c. Compared vfitb. ^al-i.^ 14. So then they which be of faicb are blcffed with faith- ful Abraham.- V.43 That the bleHinj of Abraham mJjht come on the Gentiles through Jefus Chrift, chat we mi{ht receive the promife of the Spirit through faith. Andwitb C«/.z. ii,ix. In whom alfo ye are circuirxifed with the circumcifion made without hands, in cutting off cbe body of the fins of the flcfti, by the circumcifion of Chrift. V.ii.] Buryed withhiminBaptifme, wherein alfo ye are rifcn with him through che faith of the operation of God who haih raifed him from the dead. And ttiib AH. ». i 8, ? 9. Then Peter faid, repent, and be baptized every one of you in the name of Jefus Chrift, for the remflion of fins, and ye (ball receive the gift of the Holy Ghoft. V. J9. ] For the promife is uncoycu, and to yout children, and to all that arc afar off. even as many as the Lord our God ftiall call. And with Kow.4.11,13. Andbereceived ihefijnof Circuircifion, a fealof cbeR'gbteoui- nefs of faith which he had being yec uncircumcifed, chat be might be the father of all chtm who be- lieve , though they be not circomcifed, that righteoufntfs might be iirpitred unto them alfo. V.u,] And thefstherot Circumcifion te them who are not of the Circumci Son only, but alio walk in the fteps of that faith of oar father Abraham ,wbich he had beingyet uncircumcifed. i Cor.7.«4. For the unbelccvinj husband is fandified by the wife,and che unbeleeving wife is fandificd by cbe husband; tlfe were your children unclean , but now are they holy. Mitt.zS. » 9. Goc ye therefore teach all na- tions baptizing them in the name, &c. LttJS[.i8.iy,i6. And they brought unto him alfo infant$,that he fliould touch them } but when his difciples faw it, they rebuktd them. V. 1 6.] But Jefus called them unco him, and faid, fuffcr little children to come umo me and forbid them nor, for of fuch is the kingdome of heaven. RtmiiiS. For if the fitft fruits be holy, che lump is alfo holyi andifihc root be holy, fo are the branches. ^ ffmistur Bapifmctohe improved by us •* S A. The A, The needful but much ncgledcd duty of impro- ving our Baptifme, is to be performed by us all our life long \ cfpccially in the time of temptation, and when we arc prefent at the adminiftration of it to others p, by fcri- ous and thankful confideration of the nature of it, and of the ends for which Chrift inftituted it, the priviledgcs and benefits conferred and fcaled thereby, and our fo- lemn vow made therein %by being humbled for our fin- ful defilement , our falling (hort ofa and walking con- trary to the grace of baptifme and our ingageraents %by growing up to alTurance of pardon of fin, and of all o- f coi.xA T, tt. In thcr bleflings fealed to us in that Sacrament ^, by draw- whom alio yc arc cir-ing(|.j.gj^gtfj f^-Qj^ thc death and rcfurrcdion of Chrift, drclmicifion msdc into whom wc atc baptlzcdjfor thc mortifying of fin,and without hands,in put- quickning of gracc S and by endeavouring to live by Kfof^hcS by f^"^^ "' ^o h^vc ^^^ converfacion in holinclTe and righte- the circumcifion of oufncfTe ^^,35 thofc that hivc therein givenup their names Cbrift.v.i i.^Buried to Chrift =', and to walk in brotherly love, as being bap- with bim in bap- ' • •' ' or tifoac > wherein al- foyearcrifcn with him through the faith of thc operation of God who hath railed him from thnJeid. Row. 6.4 6 ii. Therefore wc arc buAcd by bsptifmcwich bim into death, th»t like as Chrifl was raifcd up from th; dead ^ by the glory of his father, fo wc alfo (hoald walk in newnefs of life — — V.^.l Knowing this that our old man is crucified with bimj that the body of fin mi^ht be dcftroycd, jb'tt" henceforth we fbou Id not fervcfin.^ V.11.3 Likewifc reckon ye alfo your felvcs to bedtad indeed unto (in, but sHve unto God through Jtfas Chrifi our Lord. 1 Rom 6.f,4,?. Know ye not ihat fo m>ny of us as were baptized into JcCus Cbrift, were baptized into his dc.\ih ? V.4. ] Thc e- fore wc arc buried by baptifme with him inco death, thit like as Chrift was rsifcd up from thc dead by Chloc, tha: there are contentions among yoii. V. 1 1."] Now this I fay, that every one cf ynu faith, 1 am of Paul, and I am of Apollo, and 1 of Cephas, and I of Chrift. V.i j ]Is Cbift divided?- was Piul ccHcified for you ? or were ycbsptized into the name of Paal ? R)m6.t,^ God forbid. How ^sU we that art dead to fin, live any longer there) n f V. 3 .] Knaw ye not that h many of us as were b.ip:i2:din:oJefuJ Chrift, wtrebsptztdinro his death i* ^ Rom.^.ti,ii. And Ik received the fi^n of circumcifion, a feal of therighteoufnefs of faith, which he had, being yet uncircumciftd , chathemigbt be the father of allthem who believe, though they be not circumcifed, thsc rijibccoufncfs mi^ht be imputed unto them alio j V.i z ] A.d the fawtjcr of circHtaiciSon t© chem who are roj cf thc circumcifion onely, bu: alt'o walk in thc ft:ps of chat faith of our fatlscr Abrshsm, which he hjd being ye' unci'-cumciled* i Tet.^.ti. The like figure whercuHto ev:n Baptifme do.halfo low i&vc us, Cnot the pu'tine vns of the filth of the flclh, biit the anfwfr of * good confcience toi^ards Goii^ by the rs- urredion of jefus Chrift. ' 7{om.6.h4i^- See skv^ in I'i} " C?4/. 5.16,17. F-^^' >>: «f« all /te chtldrnof God by faith in Jefus Chrift. V.i7.] F:;- as many of you as r.-ive been b;p:i2:J in'o Gh-ift have put on Chrift. * Rofli.6.zz.Bacaow beirgmadefreefromfin,and becrme fcrvsnts:o eoi,ye have'yourfruicuntoholin'fs, andih; cndevcrlalhngii'e. " ^^ i.y. Then iV-erfstd un- to tlie ^, Repent, and b^' bjptiztd every one of you inthcnaaie of Jcfus Cirift, for th: rcmiffijn of fms, andyclhalhcjciYS bcgifcof thcHijIyGhoft. ^ " " " tized, tized by the fame Spirit into one boJy r^ r )cer. u; ij,-iy 16,17. For by on Spiricsre we >]] baptized into one bo^y^ whether vvc be Jcwcs or Gcnriles, bond or tree} and are all made 10 drink into one Spirit- V.x5.] That there ftiould be no Jcfeifmc in the body, but the members ft^ould have the fame care one of anochcr. V.i^.] And whether one member lufftr, all the membtrs fuCr with it, or one member be honoured, all the members rejoice with it. V. 17."] Now ye are the body cf Chtift and members in particular. Q^ pvhat is the Lords Suffer ? A» The Lords Supper is a Sacrament of the New Te- ftamcnt^ , wherein , by giving and receiving bread and wine according to the appointment of JcfusChrift, his death is ibewed forth-, and they that worthily communi- '^?**fr** ?*'".. J'\'!^' c i « • 1 J J 1 1 J ! • r • 1 wtHc alio tlic cup aher cate 5 reed upon his body and blood , to their ipiritual fupptr, faying. This nouriihment and growth in grace %have their union and "•?'* ^^« ^*\?''^J CQinmunion with him confirmed *^, teftify and renue their ^JSs T\S\ox y°o°«i. tharikfulncfs ^and ingagement to God V^^ 'heir mutual ^Mut. 16. 16, 27.- ». love and fellowfhip each with other, asmcmbers©f the ^''^^T^^^'l'tT: - r»- 11 I inr.Jetus took bread, fame myltical body S and bieflcd it ,; ami brake ic) and gave ic to the difctples.and {aid, Take, eat, this is my body. V.a?.] And he took the cup, and gave thanks, andgaveitto therojfayingjPcinkyealiof ir, V.x8.] Fo ibis is my blood of the N;w Ttftamtnt, which is (bed for many for the remiilionof (Ins. i Cor,\ i.i})Z4,z5,i^. For I have received of tb« Lord t^at which alfo 1 delivered unto youjthat the Lord Jefus in the fame ni|ht .wherein he was betrayedy took bread } V.Z4.] And when be had given thanks, be brake it, and faid, Take, ear, this it my body, -which is broken for ycu, this do in remembrance of me. V.z^.3 After the fame manner alfo hetook the Cup, wbtn he lad Supped , faying, This Cup is the New Ttftament in my blood 5 this do ye, as oft as ye drink ic , in remembrance of me. V. i6 3 For asofrcnasye eacthisbread , anddtinic this cup , ye (hew the LorJs death till he come. '' 1 t'cr.io. 1 6. The cup of bU fling which we ilefs, is ic not the Communion of the blood of Chrlft ? and the bread which ne break, isicnot the Com- munion ol thcbody of Chiift ? ' i Cor.ri. 14,15, x6. For I have received of the Lord, &c. Seeihovein [^] (i i Cor. io.i4}iT) 16. 11. Wherefore* my dearly beloved, (ice from idolatry. V.ij,] Ifpeakas to wife msn, judge ye what 1 fay. V.16.] The cup of blt(ring whieh wc blcflc, is not the communion of the blood of Chrift ? that bread which we break, is it noc the communion of the body of Chrift ? V.xi.l Ye cannot drink the cupot the Lord, and the cup of Devils j ye Cinni t be partakers of the Lords table, and of the table of Divtls. « C*r. lo.i 7, For wc beipj many are one bread j-and one body, for we are all parttkcrs of ibac one bread. Q^ How hath Chrift appointed bread and rvine to begiven^ and received in the Sacrament of the Lords Supper i A. Chrift hath appointed the Minifters of his Word , in the adminiftration of this Sacrament of the Lords Sup- per , to fet apart the bread and wine from common ufe , by the word of inftitution, thankfgiving, and pra^yer, to take and break the bread, and to give both the bread^and S 2 the ^ J Ci30 the Wine to the Communicants, who are, by the fzm appointment, to take, and eat the Bread, and to drink th^ Wine, in thankful remembrance , that the body o^ Chrift was broken and given, and his bloud ihed for fiCor: II. 13, 14. them ^. Tor I have received of the Lord, thst which &c. Seenbeve under 1^1 Mit. 16, z6, 17 ,12. And as they were eating, Jcfus took bread, &c. See above at l^"} MArli.i^.iz,%i,x^. And as they did cat, Jefas cock bread, and bltfledit, and brake it, and gave to them, and faid, Take, ca:, this is my body. V.i7.] And he took the cup, and when be had given thanks, he gave it to them, and they all drank of it. V, 18.] And hefaiduntothem, Thisismy bloodof the Niw Teftaaient, which i$ (hed for many. L«^. 22.19,10. And he took bread, and gave thanks, and brake it and gave ic to them, faying. This is my body which is given for you i this do in rcm:mbrance of me. V.xo.] Likewifc alfo the cup after fupper, faying, ;This cup is the New Teftamcnt in my blood, which is ftied for you. Q-Howdothcphat^orthilj commmicMe in the Lor^s Sttpper, feed ttfon the My and blood of chHfi therein ^ A. Asthebodyandbloodof Chrift arc not corpo- rally or carnally prefent in, with, or under the Bread 8^;f.j.xi.Whomthe and Wine in the Lords Suppers, and yet are fplritually heaven muft receive prefent to the faith of the rcccit^cr, HO lefs truly andre- "eftilmio'n"of ^aii''*'' ^^^7 ^^^^ ^^^ elements themfclves are to their outward things , wh'ich God fenfes^, fo they that worthily communic ate in the Sacra- bath fpoken by the j^g^j Qf the Lords Supper, do therein feed upon the bo- ??o"ptts fin«^t dy and blood of Chrift, not afcera corporal, or carnal, world begin. ^MAt. butin a fpiritual manner, yet truly and really \ while by M thf ~i^r*/*eattn"^ ^^"^ ^^^^ rcceivc and apply unto themfclves Chrift cru- jefus'tLrbreadralui cified, and all the benefits of his death ^. bleffed it,and brake it, andga?eittoth:difcipIes,andraiJ, Take, cat, thisismy body. V.x8.] For thisismy blood oftheNcwTelUmcnc, whichi$flTedforminy,fortheremiflionof fins. ' i Cor,ii.a4>»f,»^>i7, 28,19. And when he had given thanks, he brake it, and faid, Take, ear, this is my body which is bro- kenforyouj this do in remembrance of me. V.xf.l After the fame manner alfo be took the cup, v/htn he had fupped, faying, This cup i$ the New Tcftsmcnt in my blood: This do ye as often as ye drinkic, in remembranceof m:. V,a6.] For as oft as ye eat this bread, and drink this cup, ycdo fliew the LorJs death till become. V.17.] Wherefore whofoevcr (hall eat this bread, and drink thiscupof che Lord unworthily, flvill br gaihy of thebodyand blood of the Lord. ViS ] Bat let 1 man examine himfelf, an J fo let him eat ot that bread, and drink of that cup. V, 19.] Fjr be that eateth and dcinktth ua<»orthily, eateth and drinketh damnation to himfclf, not difcerning the Lores body. k J Qvr.io.\6. ThecuJof bUffing which weblefs, is it not the communion of tbe blood of Chrift ? che bread which we break, is it not cfee communion of the body of Chrift ? J ^ Q. Horv are they that receive the Sacrament of the lerds Snpi>er^to prepare t he ffff elves before thej corns unto it i A .ThcY A, They' that receive the Sacrament of the Lords Supper, arc, before they come, to prepare themfelvcs thereunto, by examining thcmfelves* , of their being in Chrift ■", of their fins, and wants % of the truth and mea- furc of their knowledge faith p, repentance"^, love to i icor.n.xs.Butijt God and the brethren', charity to all men ^, forgiving ^f"'*^ "»"'"« *>*™" thofethat have done them wrong', of their defircs af- of thac bread ^ViS tcr Chrift". and of theirnevv obedience *-,and by renew- drink of that cup. ing the cxcrcife of thefe graces % by fcrious meditation y, yoir^^Vei'S^ you be in the faitb s prove yoar own f cerninj the Lords body. p t for,! j.?. Eifamine your felves whether ye be in ihc faith, &c. Set aboveinl"''\ Mit.z6.it. For ihisismy blood oftheNew Teftiment, which is (bed for many for the remiflllon of (ins. ^ Zecb.i x.io. And I will pour out upon the houfe of David , and upon the inhabitants of Jcrufalem thcfpiritof grace andoffupplications, and they (hall look upon me whom they hjve pierced, and they Ihall mourn for him as one that mourneth for his onely fon, and (hall be ia bitternelTe for him, as one that is in bitterneffc for his firft born. 1 Cor.i i . ? i . For if we would jwdj our fclres,wc(hould not be judged. » i Cor.xo.i6^ij. The Cup of ble(ring which we blefle, isic not the Communion of the blood of Chrift ? the bread which we break , is it not the Communion of the body of Chrift ? V. 1 7.] For we being many are one bread, and one body : for we all partake of that one bread. ASi.i.^6j^j. Andohey continued daily with one accord in the Temple j. and ^ I chf. ;©: 1 8, if snd fervent prayer '^1 For a mu!:i:udeof ibc pcplc, (vennunyof Ephram, and Manaflcb, Iflachar and Zcbulon, fcad fiotdcanfed tkmfelvfs ; yet did they cat the Pafleovcr oiherwifctbcn ic was firhtcnj but Hctckiah prayed for the M'syJng, The Sood Lord pardon every one, V.19] Tfeat prcpareth his heart to feck God, the Lord God of his ifathers, though be b; not dtanfcd according to the purification of the fan^tuary. !Mitt.x6^ 16. Add as they W(Ciea:i^Jiefus cook bread, andbleiTcd iC) and brake icj &c. ^May one who douhmh of his betng in Chrifi, or of his ^ue f reparation, come to the Lords Supper i A. One vvhodoubtcthofhisbeingin Chrift, orof his due preparation to the Sacrament of the Lords Supper, may have true intercft in Chrift, though he benotyec »//■«. fo.io. Who rs a (Tured thereof =••, an^ in Gods account, hath it, it he be arnong you thac fwr- ^^jy affc(5ted with the apprehcnfion of the Wan of tt^ , ech the Lordj that o- / ^ . ,, , ^ 1 r j • /^i -n^ i 1 ' bsyeththc voice of his and untaincdly deiires to be round vi Cnrilt '^ , and to dc- r^'rvanr, thac walkeih in darknefs and hach no light, let him truft in the name of the Lord, and ft:y upon his God. i ^ob. 5.1 3. Thefc things have 1 written unto you that belceve on the name of chc Son of God, that ye msy know that ye have eternal life, andthstye may b;kev« on the natncof the Son of God. T/i/.8^., throughout, Tjal. 77. from iter. 1. to the i x. 1 crye J unto God with my voice, &c.' V". j.] )I remembred God and was troubled, &c. ■- V.4.3 Thou holdtft mine eyes waking, &c.— V.7.] Will the Lord caft cfF for ever I — ^ — - Is his mercy clean gone for ever ! Doth bis promifc fail for evermore?——- .V.io.] And I faid. This is mine infirmity; but I will remember the years of the right hand of themoft High, &c - ^ovih.iA 7. Then 1 faid, I am caftoutof thy fight J yet I will look again towards thine holy Temple.—— V.7 ] When my foul fainted within me, I remcmhrcd the Lord, and my prayers came in unto thee inro thine holy Tem- ple. '» J/ii,f 4.7,8,9, 10. For a fmall moment have I forfaken thee i but wi:h great mercies will 1 jather thee. V.8.] in a little wrath I hid my face from thee , but whh eveilafting kindnefs will I have mercy on thee, uith the Lord thy redeemer. V.9] For this is as the waters of Noah unto me, for as I havefworn that the waters of Noah (hould no more joe over the earth j fo hsve I fworn that 1 would not be wrath with thee,nor rebuke thee. V. i o.] For the mountains (hall depart, and the bills be removed, but my kindnefs (hall not depart frcm thee, nor (hall the covenant of my peace be remov- ed, faith the Lord tbac bsth mercy on thee. Wrftt.y.j,^. BUifcd are the poor in fpirir: for theirs is the kingdom of Heaven/ ¥.4.] Blelftd are they that mourn; for they (hall be comforted. Pfd^j, 2 1. For I faid in my haflcj I am cut off fiom before thine eyes; nevcrthelcfs thou heardtfl the voice of my fupplicstion, when I crycd unto thee. P/4/.7J.13 — 2i,ij. Verily I have desnfed my besrc in vain, and wffhcd mine hands in innocency. -™ V.i».] So foolifh was I and ignorant i I was as a beaft before thee. V.zj.] N:verthclefs 1 am continually with thee j thou iiaftbolden me by my rijhthand. ' ^kH.i.i,^. Yeadoub:le{sand I account all things but lols for the excellency of the knowledge of Chrift jeus my Lord ,for whom I have fuflF?red the lofs of ail thinj;s,and do count ihtm btitdung, that I may v.in Chrift^ V 9.] And be found in him, no; having niine own ri|hteourn:(s> which is of the law, but that which is tJtroujh the faith of Chrift, the rijhteoufnefswhich isof God by faith. Tfd.io. 1 7' — Lor J, thatt haft heard the d.fire of the humble j tbou wilt prepare their hcarr, thouwiltciufe thin: ear to hcare, P/(i/,4j.i,i 5 Ju^ljc me, O God, and plcsd njy caufc agsinft, &c.— — V.J.] Fjrihouart the God of my ftrenjth whydolt thou caft mrcff ? &c. V.J.] Why art thou ca V,? i.] But ihcy that wait upon the Lord {hall renew theitlftienjth,i;^eyJh«llii;ottm up with winjsasE»g,Us > they (Kail run, and not be weary J they fball walk, and not faint. ftfaJ.ii.i8. Come unto me all yc that labour, and are heavy laden, and I will give you reft. Mit.it.io. A bruifed reed ihr.l! be noc brc!k,and fmokingflsx (hall he not quench, till he fend for:h judgment into viftory. Mit.i6.i9. Foe this is my blood of the New Teftament which is ihed for many,for the remiffion of fias. ^ Hit.^.i^ And firaightway the father of the child cryed out, an^ faid with tears, Lord, 1 believe, help thou mine unbelief. s A^. 2. 37. Now when they heard thjs, they were prifked intbcir hearts, and faid unco Peter, and unto the reft of the Apoft!cs,M:n and brethren, what (hallwc do ? ASl.\6.io. And be brought them pur, and Caid, Sirs, What mufti do to be faved I ^ 3^o»j,4.ii. And tie received the fign of Circumcifion, a Seal of tbc rlghtcouGacfs of the faith which he had being yet uncircumcifei^, that he might be the father of all them that believe, tboagh tbey be no: circumciCed, that lightcoufneflc might be imputed unto them a! fo. i Cor.ii.i8. Baticta man cxsiiiineh;m{c'.f>and fo Itibimtatof iha: Bread, and drink of that Cup. Q^ MAf any who profefs the faith, and dejire to com:t$ "• the Lords Supper^ be kept from it ? A, Such as are found to b.cignoaant^ cr fcandalous, notwirhftandin^ their profeffion of the faith, and dcfire to come to the Lords Supper, may and ouf?hc to be kept from that Sacrament by the power whicif Chrift hath lefc in his Church \ until they receive inftiudion, and : i ur, \ \.vi. totkc end. W.'ierf fore wno- fpever fball cat this Bf«ad, and drink t'iis Cup of the Lord tmwonhily, Oiall be guilcyof the bodysnd blood of the -Lod, V.s8.] Butlct a sian eximinc himfelf, snd fo, &c.— V.a9.] Porhcthat c;tcth and drinketh unworthily, e««h and drink«i "^y ragethemfelves to a frequent attendance on that ordi- a'^dUmtUtJ'"' , fore my heart greatly ithycetb, and with my fong will I praife him. P/i/.8 ^ 8. I will hear what the Lord will fpeak, for he will fpcsk peace unto his people, and to his faints ; but let tbem not turn again to folly. 1 Cor. i r. 17 }0'?'« Now in this that I declare unto you, I praifeyou not, that ye come together, not for the better, but for the worfe V.jo.] Forthiscaufemany are weak and fickly among you, and xnanyflccp» V.31] Forifwe would judge our fdves.wcfliould not be judged. "zChf-^ozis 42, 1 J 2 ?ji6. And the children of Ifrael that were prefent at Jerufalcm kept the f were your childtcn unclcno, bia now tUiy arc holy. T 2 as 1 * I Com ri ij,i4,Jj' as rpirltual nourifliment to the foul "^5 and to confirni our 16. I have «"jj^f^^ contininncc and growth in him % and that onclytofuch which^aifo idciim- 35 arc of ycars and ability to examine thcmfelves '*', ed unto youj that the Lord Jclus chc fame nigh: wherein he was bitrsyed took bread. V. t4 ] And when he bad liven thanks> hi brake it, and faid, Tak'j cat, this is my body which is broken tor you : this do in remembrance of me. V.if.] Af:cr the fame manner alfo he took chc Cup, when ht had lupped, faying, This Cup istheNiwTeftaoientinmy blood ; this doycjss oft as ye drinkit, inrcmtmbranccof me. V.i6.] "For as oft as ye cat this bread, &c. iC»r.\o.i6. The Cup cfblefling which wc bletle, is it not the Communion ol tb ? blood of Cbrift ? The bread which we break, is it not the Communion of the body of Chrift ? * I Cor.i i.i8.i9. Bat let a man exaninc hlo^felf, and fo let him eat of that Bread,and drink of that Cup. V. z?.] For he that eaceth and drinkech unvrarthily, eatcch and drinkcth damna*^ cion.to himfelf, not difcernini the Lords body. Q^ what is Prayer t A. Prayer is an off^^ring up of our defires unto God ^^ in the Name of Chrift y, by the help of his Spirit'^jWith- him1fau'tTm« ye confcfTion of our fms % and thankful acknowledgment: people J pour out of his mcrcics ^ your hearts before him : God is a refuge for us. y ^ofr. i6.z}. And in that day ye {kali ast mc nothing, verily I fay un- to you , whacfoever ye fliall ask the Father in my name, he will give it you. ^ Row. 8.i6. Likcwifc the Spirit alfo helpcth our infirmities, for we know not what we (hould pray for as we ought, but the Spi- rit it felf maketh interceflion for u$, with groanings that canno: be altered. ^ Pfal. ^i. 5, 6. I ac- knowledged my fin unto thee, and mine iniquity have I not hid j I Caitl I will conftfs my ttanfgrertionsj and thou forgaveft the iniquity of my fin. V.6.] For ibis ftiall every one that is godly pray unto thee, in a time ^hcn thoo msytfl be found, farely, &c. Dan 9.4. And I prayed unto the Lord my God, and made my confcfTxon, and laid, O Lord, the great and dreadful Gad, &c. ^Fhil.\.6. B: careful for nothing, but in every thing, by prayer and fupplication with thanksgiving, let your requefts be madt: icnona CO. God. Q^ Are we t6 j;ray unto Go^ onely i -^. God only being able to fearch the hearts <:,hcar the requefts ^5 pardon the fins % and fulfil the defircs of all ^ '1 i^ing. 8.j9.Then ^^^ ^^j ^^ ^^ belicved in s, and worihiped with religious hear thou m heaven n • u 1 • i • r • i l c; • thy dwelling place , woriliip% praycr, which IS a ipccial part thereof ^ is to and forgive, and do, and gi»c to every man according to bis wayes,whofc heart tbouknoweft: for thou, even tbouonely knoweft the hearts of all the children of men. AU.i.i^. And they prayed, and faid, Thou Lord who knoweft the hearts of all men, fliew whether of thefe two thou haft chofcn. Kom. 8.27, And he that fcarcbeth the hearts knowech what is the mind of the Spirit , bccaufe he maketh inier- eefHon for the Saints according to the will of God; ^ P[iil.6^.x, O thou that heareft prayersj to thee fliall all flefti come. ^ Mic.7.1'^. Who isaGodlikc umothcethatpardoneth iniquity, and paffethbytbccranf^rcflioniof the remnant of his inheritance, &c. *" P/i!.i4f.x8,i9. The Lord is nigh unto all them that call upon him, to all that wll upon him in truth. V. 1 9.] H: will fulfill the dtfuesof themthatftarhim, he alfo will bear their cry, and will fave them. s2^ot.io,14. How thea (hall they call on him in whom thry have not believed ? &c. '^ Af<:t.4. 10. Then faith Jefus unto bim, G:t thee hence Satan, for it is written. Thou &c. ' Cor.i.i. Unto the Church of God which is at €orinth,to them that arc fanftified in Chrift Jefus, called to be Saint jj wiLhiflUhac in eycry place calL ttjonthsnameof Je*u5 Chriit pur LprJjIjoth theirsjand9.»r5- ^<- -* ' ""- ~'~' _ feci CH3] be made by all to him alone "^5 and to none other \ i^fd. 50: i ? . Caii uponmc in the day of •trouble, J will deliver thee, and thoa (halt jlorifie me. ' Rom.io.H How thtnlhall they cali on him in whom they have not bclicTcd ? &:. Q. ^hjit is it to pray in the name of Chrift i ^.TOpray in the Name of Chriil:,is, in obedience to his command, and in confidence on his promifcs, to ask mercy for his fake*", noc by bare mentioning of his .njoib.14.1j, 14. And Name ", but by drawing our incouragemcnt to pray, and wba:fofvcr yc ftiail our b jldnefs, ftrength, and hope of acceptance in prayer '^'fii*^o,Tbarthc'Fa^- from Chriftand his mediation °. ther m/y be glorified intbe^on. V. i4-3 If yc (hall ask any thlnj inmy name, I will do it. ^chA6i/^i Htchtrco have ye asked nothinginmy: name: askjandrcceive, that your joy may be fuS» Van.^.i^. Now therefore, O out God, hear the prayer of thy frrvant, and his fupplications, and caufe thy tace to ihine upon thy Sanduary that is de- Tolate, for the Lords fskf. "Mjt.j.ii, Not every one that faith unto me Lord, Lord, {hall tntec into till iC'mgdom of heaven , but he thit doth the will of my Father which is in heaven. ° HebJ 4.i4jijji6. S;einj then that we have a great Hijh Prieft,thatis palTed into the heavens, Jei'us the 5ono^ God i let us bold faftourprofeflion. V.15.] For wc have not an High Prieft which cannot be touched with a feeiinj of our infirmities , bu: was in all points tempted like as weare, yet withouc fin. V-i6.] Let us therefore come boldly unto the throne of grace, that we may obtain mercy, and find grace to help in time of need. 1 Jolb-f. 13, 14,15. Thefe thin js have I written unto you that be- lieve on the name of the5'onof God, that yc may know that yc have eternal lifcj and that ye may believe on the name of the Ion of God. V.14.] And ibis is the confidence that we have in him, thai; if weaskanything accorJinj toWs will, hchcarethus. V.ij.] And if we know that he hearcth whatLocver we ask, we know that we have the petitions that wc defircd of him. ^fvhy are rvetopray irt the name of Chrifii A.The fiofulnefs of man, and his diflance from God by reafon thereof, being fo great as that wc can have no accefTe into his prefencc without a Mediatouri* -, and there being none in heaven or earth appointed to, or fie p^oib. h-' 6. jefus. for that glorious work, but Chrift alone 'i 5 we are to pray fa"bun:o him, i am in no other name but his onely '. .t "Sf! 'TCi com:ih UQto the Father, bu: by me. j/i, y^. i. B:ic your iniquities have feparated between yoii and your Goi,and your fins have hid his face from you, thit he will not heir. Ep&g.ii. In whom wc have boldnefs, and accefs with confidence by the faith of hiaa. t ^oh.6. 17. Labournot for the meat that peri Iheth, but for that meat which endurethun:oevcrlsft!njlifej which the San of man fliall give anto you, for him hath Goj the Father fealed. Hei. 7. ih 16, 17. Wherefore heis able alfo to (ave them to the uttermoft, that come unto God by him, feeing that he ever liveth to make interceflioa forth:m. V.ii.l For fuch an rfigh Prieft became us who is holy, harmlefs, undefilcd, feparate from finacrs, and made higher then the_ heavens, V.t?-] Who necdeth not daily as tbofc high Pricfts, to cffrupfacrificefi.-ft forhisown fias, and then for the peoples 3 for this he.did once, when beoiiVedup' himCelf. i T/w. 1.5. For there is one God, and on: Mediator bttwein God and man, the msnChrift Jefus. '^o^J. 1.7. Aad whatfoeyeryedo inword ordeed, doallinthenamcof the Lord Jtfus, {'"'ng. tbankstoGod and the Father by him. He6.ij.i5. B/ bim ihcrefcrc let us offjr the facifice of praues toGfld ?ontinuxily; that is tht fruit of our lips, givinj^ thanks in bis name. Q^. How doth the Spirit help m tcpr/t^ i A, We not knowing what to pray for as we ought , the Spirit helpeth our infirmities , by inabling us K) un- ' dcrftand both for whom, and whar, and how prayer is to be madcjand by working and quickning in our hearts C although not in all perfons , nor at all times in the fame mcafure ) thofe apprchcnfions, affcdions, and graces, which are requifice ior the right performance of that fR««i.8.i6,i7. Like- duty ^. wife cbe Spirit aifo belpfthoir infirmities J for wc know not what we ihould pray for as we ought j but the Spirit itftif maketh interccflion for us %'ith gtoaninjs which canno; be actcred. V. 27.3 And he that fcifchsch riit bcarcs knoweth the mind of the Spirit , btcaufc he mskfth intcr-CsfTion tor the Saints according to the will of God. Pfal.10,17. Lordjtbou haft heard the defire of the humble J thc« wilt prepare thine heart; tbou wilt caufe thine ear to hear; Za&.i2.ic, And F will pour upon the boufe 0: David, and upon ebc inhabitants of Jerufalcm the Spirit of grace and fupplications, and they {hilllook upon me whom liity have pierced, and mourn, &c.«. . Q^ For whom are rve to frdf ^ A. We are to pray for the whole Church oFCnrift, upon earth \ for Magiftrates" and Minifters *, for our ,t tphif.6. 18. Pray- fclvcs'', our brethren y, yea our enemies ^,and for all forts XamtnTfu^^^ ^^'^^ fhall livehercaftcr'^., but not for cation in the Spirit, the dead % nor for thofe that are known to have finned and watching there- unto with all perfeferance, and fup plication for all Saints. Pfd.xZ.9' Save thy people, and bleffc thine inheritance j feed them aifo, and lift tbcm up for ever. " i Tint. a. i , 1. I exhort therefore , Ebat firft of alljfupplicaiions, prayerSjinerccfTionSj and giving of thankj be trade for all men. V.i.] Por Kings, and for all that arc in authority 5 that we may lead aquift and peaceable life in allgodli- neffe and hencity. *Co/.4.j. WithallptsyinjaKofor us, that God wou'd open to us a door of utterance} tofpcakthc myfteriesof Chrift, for whicblamalfoinbonds. ^Gfn.jx. 11. Deliver me, I pray thee, from the hand of my brother, from the hand of El'su J for I fear bim, leafthewill coaie and fmite me, &c. y 5fi«j. 5. i 6. Conft.fs your faults one to another, and pray one for another, that you may bt healed. Theefefiuil f«rv:nc prsy^r of a righteous manavailtth much. ^ Mat. y.44. But I fay unto you, Love your enemitSj blcfi tbcm that curtc you, do good to them that bate you, and pray for them that dciplahaully ufe you, and perffcuce you. * » Tim.i. ijz. See abovein ["] ^^ob.ij.io. Neither pray I fcr chcfe alone, but for tjism aJfo which fliall believe on me fhrou»h thiir word, a Sam.7,2.^. Therefore now let it p'^sfc thee to biffs the houfe of thy lervant, that it may con- tinue for ever bsf ore thecj for thou, O Lcrd God haft fpcben ir, and with thy bkfl'mg let the houfe o( thy fervantbebkfTed forever. ' zS'jw.i i. 11,11,15. Thenfaid his fervants unto him. What thing is this that thou hafl done ? thcu did ft faft and v;cf p for the child while it was alifc , but v.'b*n the child was dead, thou dic'ftrife and cat bread. V.ii] And he faid,Whilc the child was yet alive, I fglhd and vcpt; for I faid, Who can tell whether Gad v»iil be gracious to m^-jths: the child may live? V.ij.] But now he is dead, whtr^fore fliouldl ft ft f can I bring him back again ? I iliali go to him, but he fliall not return to me. sitf- ■"■ the ^C fin unto death ^. d x ^cb. j. 1 6. if any man fee fail brother fm a fin which is not unto death , heftialUsIc, and he (Iiaritivre him life for them that fm not unto d(a:b. Thire is a da umo death i I do not fay cbat he IhslI pray for ir. Q^ For rvhat things are m to pray ? A» We are to pray for all things tending to the glory of God % the welfare of the Church ^,our own ?,or others eMrft.6.9. After this good '^jbut not for any thing that is unlawful '. manncr'thertfore pray ye, Our father which art 10 heavenjhallowed be thy Name. ^ ?fd.^i,\%.th good in thy good pleafure un:o Sion>buird thou the wails of Jerufalem TfulMx.6. Pray for the peace of Jerufalemj they ftiallprofpcr that love thee- g Mat.7.11 . If ye thenbeinj evil know bow to jive good gifts to ycur children , how much more fliall yo«r father which is in heaven give good things to them tha: ask him ? ^Pfxl.li^.^. Do good, O Lord, to thofe that be good J to them that are upright in their heart. ' i^ofe.^.H* And this Is the conBdcnce that we have in him , that iCvive ask any thing according tQ his will i he hc«« cethus. ■ Q^ How are n>e to pray f j1. We are to pray with an awful apprehenfion of the Majcfty of God ^ , and deep fenfe of our own unworthi- nefs ^jneccflfities '"jand fins "5 with penitent °,thankful p,and ]^"l^l''' ^^"P H inlarged hearts % with underftanding % faith '^jfinceriiy \ toTbr ho"ufe 0" God, and be more ready to hcarjthentooffsrthefacrificeof fooisifortheyconfidernotthaethey do evil. 'Gen.i8.17. And Abraham faid, Behold now I have taken upon me to (peak unto the Lord who am but duft andafties. Gcn.51.10. I am not worthy of the leaftoi all the merciesiind of all the truth which thcu baft &cwn un- to thy trvantj&c. ™L«%.t 5^.17,18,19. And when he came eo bimfclf, he faid, How many hi- red fervants in my fathers houfc hate bread enough, and to fparr, and I perilh with hunger. V.i 8.] I will arifc ani go to my father, and fay unto him. Father, 1 have finned againft heaven, and before thee, V.I 9.] And am no more worthy to be called thy fon, make me as one of thy hired fer ^^sms. " Lull. i8.ij,M- And the Publican ftanding afar off, would not lift up fo much as his eyes to heaven, buc fmote upon his breft, faying, Lord, be merciful tome a finner. V.14.] 1 tell you, This man went downtobishoufe juftih?d rather then the other t for every one that cxaltcth bimfrlf (hall b: abafed , andhethathumbleihhimftiffliall he And he faid unco them, When ye pray, fay, Our father, &c. Qj How is the Lords Trayer to be ufed i A. The Lords Prayer is not oncly for dire(5lion, as a pattern according to which we are to make othcr,praiers, but may alfo be ufed as a prayer , fo that a be done with underftanding, faith, reverence, and other graces nccefla- « Mmh. 6, 9. cm- ry to the Tight performance of the duty of prayer ^ ^ ptxei wtb Luke 1 1. 1 ^ee above in the Utter [ ^ ] Q. of how many farts doth the Lords Prayer confifi^ u^.The Lords Prayer confifts of three parts,a Preface^ PetitionSjand aConcliifion. (^ What doth the Preface of the Lords Prayer teach usi A. The Preface of tl'c Lords Prayer [contained in a mt.6:$. ihcfe words, Our Father which art in heaven '^] teacheth US, when we pray, to draw nel?ft they exalt themfelves. lHitthA\<&[ Q^ What do wefra^ for in the fecond Pet it ten t A, In the fecond Petition, {vi\\^c\\is^ Thj Kingdom <^wff%) acknowledging our felves and all mankind to be by nature under the dominion of finne and Sa-^ ' [1493 can^; we pray, that the kingdom of fin and Satan may bedcftroyed% the G^fpel propagated thronghoutthe world '^, the Jewes called = , the tulnefle of the Gentiles brought in ^, the Church furniflied with all Gofpel offi- cers and ordinances s, purged from corruption •', counte- b Epib. i. i,j. Where- nanced and maintained by the civil magiftratc ', that in m times paft yc the ordinances of Chrift may be purely difpenfed, and ;*/^^bc^ lZcl:his made cffc<5tiial to the converting of thofe that are yet in world, tccora>ng to iheir fins, and the confirming, comforting and building ^fjJh'^gV^/l'hc^J'i" up of thofe that are already converted'^', that Chrift "t°thac noiworketh would rule in our hearts here \ and haftcn the time of i^ttt children of dif- hisfecond coming, and our reigning with him for ever-"-, J^ong"whom' aifo and that he would be pleafed lo to cxercife the kingdom we all bad out conver- of his power in all the world, ^ may beft conduce to fationjn times paft , * r J in thfi luits ot out tncleends", flrC, fu:fiiiinj the defires of the fltfli , isnd of the mind, and were by nature the children of wrath, even as others. ' Pjal.69.i. s8. LetGodarifc, let bis enemies be fcattered j let them alfo that hate bim flee before him. ——— V.i8.] Thou baft afcended on hith, thou haft led captivity captive, thou baft received gifts foe men, yea, for the rebellious alfo ', that the Lord God might dwell among them. Riv. 1 1. ro, 1 1. And I heard a loud voice, faying in heaven , Now is come faivation , anditrengtb, and the King- dom of our God , and the power of his Chrift i for the accufer of our brethren is caft out , which «c- cufed chem before God day andnighr. V.!!."] And tbey overcame by the blood of the Lamb, and by the word of their teftimony , and they loved not their lives unto the death. d i Thef. j . i . Fi- nally, brethren, pray for us , that the word of the Lord may have free courfe , and be glorified , even as it is with you. « 2^w.io.i. Bcethren, my hearts defire and prayer to God is, That they might befaved. f ^ob.17.9. lo. I pray for them, I pray not for the world j but for them thac thou baft given me, for they are thine. V.io.] Neither pray I forthefe alone, but foe them alio which IhsU believe on me through their word. Kcm.i 1.15,16. For I would not brethren , that yc (hould be ignorant of this myftery , ( left yc (hould be wife in your own conceits ) that blind- neffc in part is hapncd to Ilracl , until the fulnefTc of the Gentiles be come in. V.16.3 And fo all Ifrael (hall be faved , as it is written , There fliall come out of Zion the deliverer, and Call turn aw»y ungodlintffc from Jacob, ^falm 67, tbrougbout. God be merciful unto us , and bltlii. us , and cauf^t hi: face,&c. i iMatth.^.iS. Pray yc therefore the Lord of the harveft that he will fend forth labourers into his harvtft. iThtf^.i. Finally, brethren, pray for us, th^. the word of ih? Lord may have a free courfe , and be glorified , even as it is with you. '' Mj/. j.i. II. Fof from the rifingof the fan, even to the going down of the fame, my Name fliall be great a;- mongthc Gentiles, and in every place incenfe (hall be offered up unto my Name, and a pure of- fering X for my Nsmc flsall be great among the Heathen, faith the Lord of hofts. Zepb.i.^, For tben will I turn to the people a pure language , chat they may all call upon the Nsme of the Lord, to fervc bim with oae confenti ' i Tim. a. i, i. I exhort therefore, thatfirftof all fupp'ica^ions , prayers, in erct (lions, and tfcankfgivings be made for all men. V.x.] For Kings,' and for ail that are in authority, that we may lead a quiet and peaceable life in all godlinclfc and ho* nrity. "^ >^3. 4. 29, ?o. And how. Lord , behold their threatnings, and grant unto thy fervants, that with all i)oldnefls they may fpeak thy word j V.?o.] By ftrctching forth thine band ro heal, and that fignes and woadcrs may be done by the Name of thy holy child Jeiui, Ef/> 6.i8)!9,?o, Praying alwayes .-ith all prayer snJ fupplication in the SpiJ:, and watching there- unto with all perfeverance, and fupplication for all faimsa V. 1 9.] And for me, that ucierance m jy be U 2 *'*^'^ f !ven mf, thr I may oprnrnv mouth baldly, to makikaownrhe tnyft^ry of the GfntHfs, V,:c,*^ Fo; which lam an Ambalhdorin bcmds,that therein I may fprik boldly as loj^httofpcsk, Rowj.if, 29>30 5 i. And I aai fcr-:hat when I come unto you, Ifh-.U come in the fiiinsfs of ih; bUffing ot the Gofpel of Chi-ift. Vjo.] . Nj* I bef;cch you, brethren, lo.- the Lord JcJ'hs Chrift Iske and for the love ot the SpirJtjthct ye ft:iv£ together with me,in your p.-ayrrs to G?A forme. V.j 2,] That 1 maycome uiuo yoj wi:b joyjby the will oi God, and msy vyih you birefr tflictJ. iThcf.t.ii, Wherefore wc pray alwayts for you.chat our God would count you worthy of his ciUin^jind fulfill all the good plcafure of his goodniflcj and the work of fsith with power. 2 Jbef. 1. 1 6. 17. N jw our Lord 3 cfus Chrift himfelfj and God even our Father, which baih lovco us and jii'en us cverlaftinjconfola- rion, and good hope through jrace, V. 1 7.] Comfort your hearts and ft fblifti you in every good word and work. ^ Epb. ^.from.vcr. ^.i^.tothe ii. For tbiscaufe IboY my kncesuntothe Father of oar Lord Jefus Chrift, V.i 5.] Of whom the whole family in heaven and earth is named, V.i6.]I That he wau'ld grant you,according to tlje riches of his gIory,;o,bc llrin^tbeneJ. wuh mi|i\t by his igiric in the inner man. .V.17 ] That Chrift may dwell in your hearts by f»iih, that yc being tooted and grounded in love, V.i*.] May be able to comprehend with all faints,whaci> the breadth, and length, and dep:b, and height ; V.19.3 And to know the love of Chrift which palFjch knottledge 5 that ye might be filled with the fulnefs of God. V.io.] Now untohimtbat is able to Aot exceedinjj abun- dantly above all that we ask,- or think, &c. ■ - ^' Rev.tz.zo. He which reftificth theft: jhefethings[aitb,furely I come quickly Amen, even fc^i^ome Lord Jcfus. " Ifit.S^AjH Oh/bat choawoaldft rend the hcsv ens, tha: thou would ft come down, that the mountsins might flow down ac ehyprcfenccl Vji.] As when the melting fire burncth, the fire cauftth the witersto boilc to rn^ke tky name known to thine advsrfaries, that the nations may tremble at thy prefence. 3Jcv.4.8,9,i0,i r„ And the four beafts had each of them fix wings aboat liim, and they were full of eyes within, and they reft not day and night faying, Holy, holy, holy. Lord God Almighty, which was, and isj and is to come. V.9.3 And whenthofe bta fts give glory ;and honour and ttankes to him that fit on the thrown, who livech for ever and eper. Y.io.] That four and twenty Eiders fall down before him that fat on the thrown, and worihip him that liveth for ever and ever, andcsft their Cfdwns btforc the thrcwnj laying. V.n.] Thou art worthy, O Lord, te receive glory, and honour and power j for thou haft ci-eatcd all things, and for thy pieafure they are, and were created. (S) . ivhat do rve pray for in the third Petition f A. In the third petidon, (which is, rhy rvillbe done tMm.6.\o. -' §n earth AS it is in heaven'' ) acknowledging that ' by nature we and all men are not only utterly unable and fKm. 7. 18. For I Unwilling to know and do the will of God "^ ,. but prone know that in me, that to rebel again ft his word *^^to repine and murmurc againft. nogo^d^^hfg^^fo^^^^^^ Pi-ovidences and wholly inclined to do the will of wiii is prefcnc vvich thc flcfti, andof tlic- cjcvil ^ : We pray^that God would by. me i bat how to per- '?)'' ,.. . form that which is good I find nor. J06.1i.i4. Therefore they fay unto God, Depart from us : wc- defirc not the knovYledgc ci thy wa^es. i Cpr.i. 14. But the natural man recei^eth not the things of the ipiric of Gad, for they are fooliihnefs unto himjnekher can he know thanibccaufc they arc fpiritualiy difccrned. 1 Koot.8.7. B:caufe the carnal mind Uenmi'y sgainftGodj for it is net lubjeft to the Law of God,nei:hcr indeed can be. ^ Exod.17,7. And he called the name of thee |»l3ccMiirafe andMcribahj becaufe of the chiding of tbe cWldren of Iftael, and becaufe they tempredihc Lord, fay- ing, is the Lord among us, ornot? 'l^um.ii.z. And all the children of Iirad murmured againft Mofes and Aaron: and the whole congregation faid unto them, would God that we had dyed in the land ofEgypc,would Godthat wehaddyed inthiswildernefs. ' Eph.t.2. Wherein in time pjft ye walk- ed according to the cou -re of this world, is according to the prince of th; power of the ay rc^ the fpirtc chit now workcth in the children of difobedicnce. ' ■•" ^' ' hit ri50 bts Spirit take away from our fclves and otberSjall bllnd- ncfs ', weakncfs ", indifpofe Jnefs % and pcrvcrfenefs of hearts and by his erace make us able and wlllin? to'fA'-^/'J^- "J"^*^ ' -^ 3 / & It t . • L u fhc G->J of our Lord know, do, and fubmictohiswillm all things y, with the jcfusChrift the ts- likc humility*, cheerfulnefs^ faithfulnels \ diligence %th5cotsiorynn/yve zcal'^, finccrity%and conftancy -, as the Angels do ;;0^j7^^^;5 «vS7a in heaven '. in th: knowledge of him J V.I 8.] The eyes of your underftandingbMnjenlijhtned chat ye may know wliat U the hope of his calling;, sni wha: the riches of the glory of his inheritance in the Saints. " fff)!;.3.i6.Tha:he would grant you, accor.'inj to the riches of his jlory, to be ftrengthned wich might, bytheSMrit in the inner man. *3//M6.4o,4r. And he Cometh to the Difciplesi and findcth them all;ep,anilai;h unto Peter, What, could ye no: watch wi:h me one hoi\r ? V.41 .] Watch and pray, that ye. enter not into tcmpcation , the Spirit indeedi is wiling but theHern is weak. '^ 5=^^.^1.18,19. I have futcly heard Ephraim bemoaning himfelf thus, thou haft chsftifedme, and I was chaftifed, as a bullock unaccultomed to to tbe yoke. Turn thou mr, and I lliall bs iviti^ j for thoii art the Lord my God. V.i 9.] ^"^^1)^ after that I was turned, I rcpenccdi and afcer that I was inftrudcd I fmotc upon my thisbjl was afhamed, yea even confounded, becaulc I did bear the reproach my youth. y P/i^ii?.' ^ I'iii^' Bl. fled arc the undefiled in the way, who walk in the Law of the- Lord.- V.8.] Iwi!lkc(pthy iiatusc*^ Otoriakc me not utterly V.gf] Afakemeto 50 in the paths of thy commandmenrs, for tterein do I delight. V.36.] Inclinemy heart unto thy teftimonies, and no: to eovetouCiicfs. A^. xl.14. And whenhcwould notbeperfwadedjweccafed, fayingjThe wi lof the Lordbedone. ^ ^^^^• 6.8. He hich flicwcd thee O man, whu is good, and whs: doth tha Lord require of thee but to do juft- ly, and CO love mercy, and to walk humbly with thy God. ^rfd.ioo.i. Serve the Lord with glad- nefsj come before his prsfcnce with ringing. ^bi.xi. And [Job] faid.Njkcd came I ou:of my mothers womb, and naked (hxl I return thither ; the Lord gave, and the Lord hath taken away, bldkd be the name. of the Lord, i Sm.i^.t but by reafon of him who hath fubjcjftcd the fame in hope. V. ii.] Becaufe the Creature it felf alfo ftiall be delivered from the bondage of corruption, into the glorious liberty of the children of God. V.ii.] For we knowi thatthc whole Creation groaneth and travcUeth in psin together until now. f^r.^.iy. Your ini- quities have turned away thefe thingS} and your fins have withholdtn jocd things from you. Vfut.iSt fr»m ver. i j. to theeni But it (hall coaie to pafs, if thou wilt not hearken unto the voice of the Lord thy God, to obfcrve to do all his commandments and ftitutes which I command thee this day, that all thelc curfesfliall come upon thee and overtake thee. V. '6.] Curfed ihaltthou be in the City, and curfed in the field, and curfed in thy basket, and in thy ftore, &v. To the end of the chap. ^ Dtut. 2.1, And he humbled thee, and fufFered thee to hunger, and ftd thre with Manna, which thou kneweft: not, neither did my fathers know .• that he mijht mike tlicc know that man doth not live by bread onely, but by every word thatprocecdeth out of the mouth of the Lord doth man live. ' Gen. j i.io. I am not worthy of the leaft of all the mtrciei, and of ail the truth which thou baft (hewen to thy fer»anr, &c. " Deut.i.ij^iS. And thou fay in thine heart, My power, and the might of mine hand hath gotten me this weahh j V. 1 8.] But thou (halt rcraembei i'm Lord thy God j for it is he that givctb thee power to get weahh,that he may tftablifh his covenant which he fware unto thy fathers,as it is this day. " ^cf. 6.1J. For from the leaft of them, tothe grcatcft, cvetyoneof them is given to coveteoufnefs, &.c. Mttrlij.iijiZi For from within, out of the heart of men, proceed evil thoughts, adulteries, fornica- tions, murders, V.ix.] Thefcs, covcteoufncfsj wickednefs, &c. ° Hof.ii.j. He is a merchant, the balanoif of deceit are in his hand i hcloveth to opprelfe. p ^4m.4.j. Ycaskgnd receivenor, becaufe ye ask ami's, that yc may ctnfume it upon your lufts. "i C7c«.4J.ii>ij}i4. And take double money in your hand, and the money that was brought again in the mouch of the facks ; peradventureit wasanovetlighr. V.ij.] Take alfo you brothcr,3nd arife,joe unto the man. V.14.3 And God Almighty give you mercy before the man, that he may fend, &c. r Gen. it.io. And Jacob vowed a vow, faying, if God will be wi:h me, and keep me in this way that I goe, and will give me bread to car, and raiment to put onj &c. Epb.^.18. Let him that flole fttal no more, butrather let him labour, working with his hands the thing that is good, that he may have to give to him that need" eth. 2 Thef.i.i 1,1 1, For wc hear that there arc Tome who walk among you diforderly working not at a'.lbut are buiy-bodies. V.in] Now ihey tbjt 8ief':ch,we comnand, and eibortbyoiT Lord Jefus Chrift, that whh quietnefs they work, and eat their nmx bread. Thit.^.6. Be careful for nothing ; but in every thing, by prayer and fupplic.tion v\ith ;ba. ks^iving, let your requefts be made known un'o God. ' I n'»i.4. j,4,5. Forbidding to marry,and commanding to abftain from meats, which God hsth created to be rccdvtd with th?nkfgi\ ing,of them which bclecve, and know the truth. V. 4.] For every creature of God is good ^nd nothing to be rcfuftd, if it bs received with thanksgiving. V.5.] For it is fandificd, by the trcrdof God;,and trajer, tent- tcmmentinthem^*, and be kept from all things that are ^^Tim.6.6,7,s. bu: contrary to our temporal fupporc and comfort ^ f;„t" m t' IZ S3>"- V. 7. ] For wc brousht nothing into this world i and 1: is certain wc can carry nothing out. V.8.] And having food and raiment let us b: therewith content. 'Frow.jo. •, 9. Remove from me vanity and Mcs } • L :-k.o. f«j -,. -,:,!, f„..j :.-.fojQ,j^ Y^-j Left I be full, and and take the name ef my Cod in food and raiment let us b: tnerewitn content. - rrov. jo. • , 9. J give roe neither poverty, nor riches : feed me with fpod convenient for me. V.9.] Left I be full, and deny thee, and fay, who is che Lord? and left 1 be poor, and ileal, vain. (T H^hat do we pray for in the fifth Petition ? A. In the fifth Petition , which is , [^Forgive us ettr debts as we forgive cur debtors ",] acknowledging *}i■ ffm v. 9: ourfelvesand others, that God of his free grace would, "rc^we ^bmV^thm through the obedience and fatisfadlon of Chrifl appre- they i no in no wife 5 hended and applied by faith, acquit us both from the ^°' 7 ^^«r.% ^'fo'^.^ ., . yy c r ^ • L' t_ 1 J proved, both Jew and guilt and punilnmcnt or lin ^, accept us m nis beloved y, Gentiies.that they are continue his favour and grace to us», pardon our daily ail under fiaj v. 10.3 failings s and fill us with peace and joy in giving us dai- TLJeislnTlighV ly more and more afTurance of forgivenefs ^,. which we ous,nonotonc. V.ii.]Thetcisnone that undetftandcth, none that feeketb after God. They are al! gone out of the wav, &c.— . V 1 9.3 that cve:y mouth may be ftoppcd, and all the world may become guilty before God, &c. Mat, 18.14,15. And when hehsd begun to '■eckon, one was brougb.c unto him who owed him ten thoufand talents. V.ty."] But forafmuch as he had not to pay, bis Lord commanded him to be fold, and his wife, andhischildtcn,andaUthat be had, and payment to be made. "iP/ii/.ijo- 5,4. If thou. Lord, ftiouldft mark iniquities, O Lord, who (hall ftand ? V.4.] But there is fore,ivencfs with thee, that thou maift be feared. ^ Kom. ; .24, i$, x6. Being juftified freely by his grace, through the redem- ption that is in Chrift jefus, V. 15.] Whom God hath fet forth to be a propitiation, through faith in his blood, to declare his rightcoufnefsforth? remiilionof fins tbat are paft, through the forbearance of God. V.i6.] Todeclare, iray,atthisiimchisrigbteourn;fs,tliat he mi^ttbe juft,and the ju- ftifierof hitnthatbdievcthinjefus. Heb.g.it. And almoft all things arc by the Law purged with Wood, and without (bedding of blood is no remUfion. YEpb.i.6y7. To the praife of the glory of his grace, wherein he hath made us accepted in the beloved. V.7.3 In whom we have redemption through his blood, the foigivrneu of fins, according to the riches of hisgrace. ^ xPcM.i. Grace and peace be muhiplicd unto you, through the knowledge of God, and of Jcfus our Lord. * Hof. i4.i.Tskewith you worcs,and turn to the Lord, fay untohiin,Tskc away all iniquity, and receive us gracioufly J fo will wc render the caivfs of our Hp$. Jfy.14.7, OLord, though our iniquities teftific againft us, do tbou it for thy names fske ; for our bsck-llidings are many, we have finned ajainil tbcc S'Kew.is.ij. Now the God of hopefillyou with all joy and peace in believing, tbat ye may abouniin 1 hop?, through the power of the Ho'y Ghoft. *!P/(i/. 5 1.7,8,9,10 1 x. Purge me wttbhyfop, and I I fcallbcdcan J walhmc, and Ifliallbewhiter then fnow. V.8. ] Make m; to hear joy and giadnefs, , that the bones which thoa haft broken may r .joice. V.9.I Hide thy face from my fins, and blot out all mine iniquities. V.io,] Create in me a clean heart, O God, andrencwa right Spirit wi.Cincifj. '-»-rr— V«i z.] Rtftorc uoto m: the joy of thy faWation , and uphold mc with thy free Spirit. ■ [154] are the rather imboldene(3 to ask, and incoiiragcd to ex- , - /w pc(flvvhcnwe have this tellimony in our fclves, that we give us our fios } for ftom the hcsrt forgive others their oftences s wtalfo forgive every one that is indebted r.0 us, &c. Miit.6.Uii^. For if we forgive ipcn their trcfpafles, your braveniy Father will alio forgive you, V.15,] Datif ye forjive net men ch:ir trefpalTesj neither will your heavenly Father forgive your trefpjfles. uWrfr.iS.j 5. So likewife ftiall my i.cavcnjy Father do alio un- to youj if y: from ycur hearts forgive not every one his b: other their trcfpsflis^ •,*^ (\What m pray for iri the fixth Petiton f A. In the fixcli P^ctition, (which is, And lead m not 6 Mat.s.if if^)fo tempAtiofi, f?tit ^elivcrth from evil '^j) acknowledg- ing ihac the moft wife, righteous, and gracious God , for divers holyand j*;^ ends, may fo order things , that we may be alTaultcd, foiled, and for a time led captive by temptations % that Sathan ^, the world s, and the fle(h ^ 1 chrsn. 52. 51. arc ready powerfully to draw lUsafideandininareus^, Howbeitin the bufi- ^nd that wi^ evcn after the pardon of our fins, by reafon do^roVth'e Prices of of our coiruption Swcaknefs,and wantof watchfulncfs^ Babylon who fent are not oncly fubjcdto bc tempted, and forward to ex- untobim to enquire p^p^ ^^j. (~gjy^5 ^^^q temptations' but alfo of our felves ot the wonder that *^ , , , .,,. * /-^ ^l ^ ^ c i^as done in ths land, unable and unwilling to reiift them, to recover out or God left him , to try him, that he might know all that was in bis heart. ^ i Cfcron.ai.i.And ^'atanftcodupagiinftlfrse!, and provoked Djivid to number Ifrscl. gLK%.ii.34. And cake heed to your felves, left atanytimc your hearts be overcharged with furfetting and drankenne'.s, and cares of this life, and fo that day conse upon you unawares. Marii 4. 19. And the cares of this w.orld, and the deceit^ulnefs of richcj, and ttc lufts of other things emiing in, choke the wor.S and ir becomes unfruitfal. ^fum. 1. 14. But every man is tempted, when he is drawn sw y of h's own luft, and enticed. 'Gitl.^.i?- For the flLniluft- eth agiinft the Spirit, and tke Spirit a:,aintt thefltih j and thefe src contrary the one to the other, fo that ye cannot do the thing! that ye would. ^Mat.iS.^ii. Wa ch and pray that ye enter not into temptation,theS:iritindetdiswil.ing,butthefl:(b is weak. K\Iit.i6,69,7o,7i,7i- Now P t r fate without in the Palace, and a csmulcame to him, faying, fhou alto wafl with Jefus of Galilet. V.70.3 Bur he denied before them all, frying, 1 know not wratiiioufiyeft. V.71.] Andwienhc was goac into the porcbe, ano;h;T Maid f i w him, and faid to them that were there. This fellow was alfo with Jefusof Nszireth. V.yi] And a^ain he denied with an oath, faying, I do not know the man. gil.i.ii,iz,i^,\^. Left 5'itanftiou!dgetan advantajj,eof us, for we arc not ignorant of his devices. V.11.3 Fuithcrmore when ! csmc to Trofis to preach Chrifis Gofpel, and a door was opened unto mc ©f the Lord, V.ij.] I hsd no reft in my Spi!ir,brcjufc I found not Titus my bro her, but takinj- jtiy leave of them.l went hcncj into Macedonia. V. 14.] Now thanks be unto God, who a!w;iyes caufeth usto triumph in C-rift, snd mik:,bmanifeft the favour of his knowledge by us in c^^ery place. •zChr.iS.i. And Ahsbkiiigof Ifia:l laid unto Jchoflisphat king of Judah, wilt thou go with me to RamothGikad? And he '^nf^vjcied him. laaias thou ?.rtj and my pecpleas thy pccplfjandwi will be wi h thee in the war. C ompii eil viiik iC.ron.iq.t. And Jehu the fon of Hanani the Seer, went out tom;cthim,8nd fiid :o king Jeholijaphat, (hou'iift thou help the ungodly, and love them that hate the Lord ? thcrefoic u vrrath upon thee before the Lord. them them and to Improve them "^5 andjWorihy to be Itft under the power of them " , we prsy, that God would fo over- ^ rule the world and all in it % fubdue the flcfh r , and re- j feTanoSTaw ia {Irain Satan '^ , order all things "^ , beftow and blcffc all my mcmbtrs warring mcancsof grace *". and quicken us to watchfulncffc in the "ss'ijft ^^e Uw of my r r VI, JUL- 1 uu- • mind, and briniing ufe of thcmjthar, we and all his people may by his provi- mc imo capuvuy 10 dcnce be kept from being tempted to fin ' , or, if temped, ^}^ !«« d tin that i$ that by his fpirit we may be powerfully fupported and y.^T o"i»mchcd enabled to ftand in the hourc of temptation " , or, when man that 1 am, who fliall dclivtr mcfrom this body of death ? iCfcr««.zi.i,i,j,4. And $atanflood upapirftlfracl and provoked David to ruoiberlfiacl. V.i.] i\nd DavidWid to jo8b,ardthetu!eisof the per pie, got nua.ber llrael from Berfticba toPan, &c. V.j.] And joab anfwertd, The Lord mjkehis pec pie an hundred times lo many more as they be i rut try lord the iC'^gj »re they not my lords fervants ? why then doth my lord re4uirc this thirj ? why will be be a caufc of\refpafs to Ifrael ? V.4.] Nevetthclefs the Kin^s word prevailed agsinftjoab J wherefore Joab depart*^, ard wentj&c, 2 CHr. 16.7,8,9 10. And atihaitimc Hanani the leer came to Afa King ot Judsbj and leid lohim, becaufc thou fait rtfted ontbc Kinjof Syria, andnot relied onthe Lord thy Gcdjihereforeistbctcftofibc Kingof Syria efciptd out of thine hand. V.8.] Were not the Etbiopiansand Lubinsa hugehoft ? Sec andyu becaufc thoudidft rely on the Lsrd, he delivered ihem into thine hand. V.9.3 For theeytsof the Lord run to and frc, throughout the earth, to (hew himfelfftrong in the behalf ol them whofc heart is perfeft towards him j herein thou liaft done fooli(bly,therefoie from hencefcnh thou ftialt have wars. V.io.] Thus Afa was wroth with the fcer, and put him into a prifon houfe j for hewas in a raje with bim btcjulc of this thing, and 'AfaopprefTed feme ofthe people the fame time. ■ P/fl/.8i.ii,i2. Butmypeople would not heark* en unto my voicejand Ifraei would have none of me. V.i 2.3 So I jate them up unto their hearts luff, »ndthty wallttd in their fwncounfels. * Jtfr.iT.'?. 1 pray rot that thou fhruldfl take them cue of the world, but that thou fliculoft keep them from the t»il], f P/fl/.ji.io. Create inmeaclcan heart, O God, and renew a rijht fpirit within me. Ffulu^.i^ j. Order my fieps in thy wordjand lee not any iniquity ha»e dominion over me. 1 z ecru. 7,8. And Itfl Ifhould be txsliedabove Bieafute through the abudar ce of rcvclaticns, there was |iven to me a tbotre in the tiefli, the meflen- ^er of fatan to buffet me, left Ifliould be exalted above meafure. V.8.] - For this thing Ibefought the lord thrice that it mijht depart frcm me. ' iCor.io.ij,ij. Wherefore let him that thinks he ftsndeth take heed left befall. V.15.3 There hathro temptation taken you but fuch as is common to man j but God is faithful, who will not fuffer ycu tob; renopted above what ye are able, but will with theten-ptationalfo makea way toefcapfithatyemaybe^bleiobcarit. f Hc6,ij.jo,»i. Nowthe God of peace, that brcujht again from the dead our Loid lefus Chrift that great fliepherd of the flieep, through the blood of the everlaftinj covenant, V.ii.] 'Make you perfeft in every good woik, todoe lis will, working in you that which is well-pleafinj in hlk fight, thr(u^hjeluj Chrift, &c. ' Matt. 26.11. Watch and pray, tb;t ye enter not into tencptatio\,&c. P/^/.i^.i^. Keep back thy fervsnc . alfo from prefumpiious fins j let not them have dominion oW me, then (ball 1 be upright, and innocent ftom the jreat tranfgreffion. » Eph.i i4>» 5,16,17. Vit this caufe I bow my knees unto the Father 1 Thefi.i^, To the end he may f^ablifh your hearts unblamelhle in holinefs before God,even our Fa^ thera: tbeccmeinjof our Lord JelusChriil with all his SaintV ^udt.r.ij^. Now unto him that is able to keep you fiom falling, snd topiel'ent ycufaultltfit beforkiheprefenceof bisclory withcxcetd- injjoy. \ ^ X - fallCfl ^^^^ T is this diy Ordered by the Lords and Com- mons in Parliament affembled , That this .Shorter Catechifme be forthwith Printed and Piibliflied, wherein M"*. Hnvy (?(o59ro«^iand Mf./^c/(3- mram 'BjifieU^ Scribes of the Airembly of Divines, are required to lift all pofsible care and dih'gencc, that it be £*om time to- time faithfully and exactly done : and. for preventing of all abuft therein ; It is further Ordered, That no perfbn whatfbever, do prefum€ to Print, or Reprint the fame in any Vo- lume, butonelyfuch as fhall be appointed and au- thorized thereunto by the faid Scribes. And that no perfbn or perfbns, fliall prefume to ftU, barter, or any way to fpread or convey any Book or Copies of the faid Catechifme, Printed without the appoint- ment aforefaid, upon pain of forfeiture of the whole Imprefsion, if any fuch be fb Printed • and of all fuch Books or Copies thereof, as fhiU be offered to fale, bartering, or be any other wayes fpread; and. all and every perlon offending in any of the premi- fts, to be liable to fuch farther puniflbment, as the con- tempt of an Ordinance of Parliament fhall deftrve, provided that this reilri^ion of Printing flhall con- tinue for one whole year, and no longer. fa . 'Brown Cleric. Parliament or Htif, . H, Elfjnge CUr.Parl, DCom, mi m The Humble A D V I C Of the 41 41 ASSEMBLIE OF m DIVINES Now by Authority of PARLIAMENT Sitting at WES T M I n S T E fJi] Concerning N , Printed by J, Maxey for ^ohn Rothwell at the Fountain in ^^ Gcld-Smiths Row in Cheap-fide, 1658. ^^ fW? p^fT- %.^ .., ^ ,..,^ ^„.^ _^-- i.*^.: K^W^2>^ ' -v^^ .;«ir ^«9r -thXr '«\»^ ^fr r^ ^ CJl T O T H E <^J.GHT HO tiOIV13^SS Sitting at Westminstek:^ Concerning ^ Shorter Catechifme. w Q^eft. "Y ^^^ -^Hat is the chief end of 24 An 1 Anfr, Man's chief end is to glori- , , ^^^ ,^^ ^ ^^^, fie God =^3 and to enjoy him for ever ^ thcr therefore ye cac or drink, or whatfc- ever yc do, do all to the glory of Gj J. Rm.ii.j6. Far of Him^ and throujh Him, and toHltn arcallthinjs,towhotnbe jlory foreverj ATicnr ''P/i/.yg.iy. Whom have I in heaven buccbce? and there is none upon earch chat I defire b;(iJes thee. V.z6.] My flefti and my heart failech, buc God is the ftrenjthof my heart and my partion for ever. Vi?.] For lo they that are far from thee ^sll perirti, thou haft deftroyeJ all them that go a whoring from thee. V. x8. 3 Bit it is good for mq so dravt aeer co Go J, I hive put my cruft ia chc Lsrd Godj that I may declare all ch/ works. IPI Q^ what rule hath Cod given to dire^ m how wemiy rtfie and em 01 him ? glortfie A, The Word of God (which is contained in the ^ 1 Tim. J. 16. All Scriptures of the Old and New Teftament ^ ) [% the Scripture is |ivcn by Qnclv Tulc CO dire(a US how we may glorifie and eniov inlplration fof God, i- a ° ' J and is profitable foc"'"» ' doiflrJnc, for reproof, for corcedion, for inftruSIon in righteoufnefs. "Eph, a.io. And are built upon the foundation of the /Ipoftlcs and Prophets, Jelus Chrilt himfclf bsin^thc chief Corner-ft»ne. ^ i ^ob.i.^. That which we have fccn and heard, declare wc unto you, that ye alfo may have fcUowfliip mOj us and truly our fellowHiip is with th: Father, and with his Son Jefus ChiiQ, V.4.] And thefe things write wc Kiitoyou, that your joy maybe full. Q^ what do the Scriptures principally teach? ^. The Scriptures principally teach, w^at man is to believe concerning God^ and what duty God requires ^ X Tim. 1. 1 J. Hold of man % faft the form of found words which thou haft heard of mc, in faith, and lojrc , which is in Chrift Jefus. 1 Titn.i.i 6. Vide fupra. Q^ what is God} f^obn^.i^. God is a A. God is a spirit^. Infinite s, Eternal '^j and Un- SVum'^l'^muft^^^"^^^^^^ '' ^"^^^ ^^^"S \ Wifdom^, Power-, Ho- wor/hipbim inSpiriclinefs", Juftice^PGoodncfs and Truths and in truth, s ^tb 11.7. Ctnft rhou by fearchinj find out God? canft thou find oittthe Almighty unto pcrfeftion ? 1V.8.] Icisasbighas heaven what canft thou do i" dcepsr then hclljwhat canfl thouknow? V.9.] (The meafurc thereof is longer th:n the earth, and broader thin the fea. •> Pfalgo.z. Before the mountains were brought forth, or ever thou had ft fortiied the earth and the world, even from cvcrlaft- 5ng , to everlafting, thou art God. ' ^am.i.i 7. Every good and perfed gift is from above, and Cometh down from the Father of HghtSjwich whom th-rc hno variablcntfs, neither fliadow of turn- ing, k Extd.1.14. And Gjd laid unto Mofes, I air. that I tm.sndhc faid, thus flialt thou fay unto the Children of I fracl, I j4il hath fen: me unto you. ^ Pfal.i'iy.S- ©reatis our Lord and of great power, his unierftanding is infinite. " Riv^..9. And the four beafts had each of them _fix wings about him, and they were fall of eyes withinj and they reft not day and night, faying, Holyj holy,holy Lord God Almighty; which was, and is, and is ro come. " l^v. if.f. Who /hall not fear thee, O Lord, and glorifi: thy nam: ? for thoti onely a-t holy, for all nations (hall come Siad wer- (hip before thee, for thy jaJgmems are midcmaniftft. • Exol ^4.6. And the Lord palTed before him and proclaimed th: Lord, the Lord God mrrciful and gracious, long-fuffcring, and abundant in goodnefs and truth. V.73 Keeping rnrcy for thourands,forgivif^i iniquity, and tranfgtcflion and finj and that will by no means clear the guilty, vlficing the iin>^ii-ty of the fathers upon the children, and upon the childrens children, unto the third and fourth generation. Q^Are ['7 1 ^ Q^ Are there more Gods ther, mi . ^ ^^^ ^^ ^^^^ A, There is but one onely, the living and true God i\ ifrad , the Lord our God is one Lord. Jcr, io.io. But the Lord is the true God he is the living G jd and an everlafting King i at hii breach uks^ earth iaU tremble and the nations (hall not be able to abide his indignation. _ Q^ How mxn'j prions Are there in the Godhead i A. There are three perfons in the Godhead , the Father, the Son, and the Holy.Ghoft-, and thefc three arc one God, the fame in fubftance, equal in power and , J * i ii^oOM 5.7. For there g^Oiy ^, are three that bear re- cord in heaven , the Father, the Word, and the Holy Ghoft, and thefc three arc one. Mitt.x^.ig. Go yc therefore and teach allnauonSjbapiiKtnj them in the name ofihe Father^ and of the 6'on, and of the Holy Ghoft. •ji-' " Q^ What are the decrees of God i ^ A, The decrees of God, are his eternal purpofe ac- cording to the counfell of his Will, whereby , for his own glory, he hath fore- ordained what-ever comes to rEp&. , . Accord- pals '^. ing as he hath chofca us in him before the foundation of the worldj that we fhquld be holy and without blame before him in love. V.n.] In whom alfowcobtslned an Inheritance, being predcftinatrd according to the parpofe of him who work- ech all things aftci* the counfell of his own will. Kowi.^.tx. VVhat if God, willing to (hew his wra:h, and to make his pu.ver known, endured with much long-fufftiing, the velfcls of wrath fitted to deftru- dion. V. z}.] And that he might make known the riches of his glory, on the veflels of mercy which be had abre pccpated unto glory. Q. How doth God execute his decrees? A, God executedi his decrees in the works of Crea- tion and Providence. Q. what is the work of Creation i A, The work of Creation is Gods making all things of nothing, by the Word of his Power, in the fpace of fix dayes, and all very good ^. r^w. i. throuihour; Heb.iui. Through Fnthwe- ^rftand that the worlds were framed by ihcVi^ord of Gad, Co chic things which wcsc fccn wt. . ^>jdc of things that do appear. Q. How did God create man ^ «^. God created man male and female afccr his ow^n t8] 'C7«.i:i6. AndGod ^"^^S^J injlcnowledgc^rightcoufncfs, and holincfs, with faid , let us make man dominion ovcr the creatures '. in our own imase, af- ter our hkcoefs j and 1« them have dominion over the fi(h of the fea, and ovcr the fowl of the air, and over the cartel, and ovcr all the eirtbi and ovcr every creepln| thing that crecpech upon the earth. V. 17.] Jo Gad created msn in his own image, in the image of God created he him, male and female created he them. V.x8.] And God bleffed them, and God faid onto them, be fruitful, and multiply, and replcnifh the earth and fubdue it, and have dominion over the fi(hof the fea, and over the fowl of the air, and over every living thing that cre.epsth upon the earth, Co/ j.io. And have put on the new man, which is renewed in knowledge after the image of him that created him. Epfr.4.1^,- And that ye put on that new man^ which after God is created in righceoufncrt and true holinefs. Q. What are Gods rvorhs of Providence} '^Ffi T ^' ^ods works of Providence arc his moft holy ", Lord'iln-ahtcousan wifc % and powcrful p^fcrving % and governing all his »iibiswayM,:andbo- crcatures, and all their actions y. ly in all his works. * Pfal. 104.14. O Lord how nwiifgld are thy works, in wiCdom haft thou'made them all, the earth U full of thy riches. I/4.i8.x9.-^feisalfocometh from the Lord of hofls which is wonderful! in coun- fcll and excellent in working. " He&. i.j. Who being the brightncfs of his glory, and the exprefs image of his perfon, and upholding all things by the word of his powcrj when he had by himfelf purged pnr fins, fate down on the right hand of the Majefty on high, y Pfd. lOj.iP' The Lord hath prepared his throne in the heaven, bis kingdom ruleth ovcr all. Motk i o. 19. Are not two fparrows fold for a farthing, and one of them fhall not fall to the ground without your Father? V.jo.] Bat the very hairs qf your head arc all nugnbred, V.51.] Fear yc not therefore, ye arc of more value then «anyr Q. pvhat [fecial a^ of Providence did God iscercife towards man in the eliate tvherein he tvas ereatea ^ A, When God had created man, he entred into a Co- venant of life with him, upon condition of perfeifl obe- dience : forbidding him to eat oi the tree of knowledge l^tXli tot t of good and evil, upon pain of death '. the man that doth them, (hall live in them. Gen.x»\7. But of the tree of knowledge of good and. evil thou jhjit 'not c«c of it, for in (he day thou caceft cfaereof thou flialc furely die. Q. Did our fir ti Parents continue in the ftate wherein they were created ? A, Our firft Parents , being left to the freedom of their own will, fell from the cftatc wherein they»werc created, i9r created 3 by finning againil God*. ^Cjrjj.j.^. Andwh^n the no'man fawchac the tree was good for food, and ihit ic was plcafanrto thecyesj andatreetob:dcfircdtomskeonc wife i (lie took of the fruit thereof and did eit, and gave alfo to bcr husband with her, and be did eat. V.7.] ^nd the eyes ot them both were opened, and they knew that they were naked, and they fewed fi^- leaves together and made themfelves aprons. V. 8.] And theyheard the voice of th^ Lord God w'slkinjin the jsrdeninthecool of theday, and Adam and his wife bid themfelves from the prcfencc of the Lord G:d,amongft the trees of the garden; Vr J.] And the Lord God faid unto the woman, what is this that thou haft done ? ?nd the woman faid, the Lcrpem beguiled me, and I did eat. Eufe/". 7.19X0 this oncly have I found, that Go4 hath made man upright, buc thty have fought out many inventions. Q, What isfm i '' i loh. j. 4 who- . ^.Sin is any want of conformity uato, or tranrgreflfi- [^^Xh'^;;^ t on of the Law of God \ law, for fin is the crapfgceGon of the law. *Q. what was the fmrvherehj our firft Parents fell from theeflate^xvherem the-j were created ^ A, The fin whereby our firft parents fell from the ftate, wherein they were created^ was their eating the for- bidden ffuit *=• 'Gcn.i:6.videfapra. V. Ill The wo- man which tbou gaveft to be with me , Hie gave me of cbo tcee and I dii esc. Q^ J>ld all mankind fall in Adams firft tranfgref- fion i A, The Covenant being made with Adam not only for himfelf, but for his pofterity, all mankind defccnding from him by ordinary generation, finned in him, and ^J^^*'V l^\ ^^^ r 1, • I 1 • • I • /- rt ° /- rr J the Lord God com- fell with mm in h s firft Itranfgrcflion ^ mandcdth- man Dy- ing, of every tree of the garden thou mayft freely cat, V.17.} But of the treeof knowledge of good and evil, thou (halt not eat of i-, for in the day thou cattft therof thou fhalt lurely die. Rom. $.ii. Wherefora as by one man fin entred into the worldj and death by fin, and fo dearh paffed upon ail men fcr that allhavefint el. 1C0r.15.xi. Forfinccby man came death, by man alfo came the tefurrcftion of the dud. y.zz.] Forasin Adacnalldie,CoinCbriftihajhllbcmad9 alive. Q. Into what eft ate did the jail bring mankind ? ^* The Fall brought mankind into an eftate of fin ' ^<"«' 5* n. v/ir andmifery^ ^"^''* Qj^ Wherein confifts the jinfulnefs of that e ftate where- into man fell i B o//.The Cio3 ji.Thc {infulnefs of that cftatc whcrelnto man fell, confifts in the guilt of Adams firft fin, ihe want of Ori- ,^ ^ ginal righteoufncfs , and the corruption of his whole fRom. f. 10. to the ^,. u' l • i u a ■ • \ r- \ io.Epb.1,1. And you "^ture, which IS commonly called origmalfin, together hath he quickened wjth all adual tranfgrcirions which proceed from it ^. who were dfad in crefpafTcs and fins. V. 2.] Wherein in times paft ye walked accordinj to the coarfe of this world according to the Prince of the power of the air, the fpirit that now workech in the children of difobcdience. V.j.] Among whom alfo we all had our converfation in times paft, in the lulls of our flcfti fulfilling thedcfiresoftfaeflefh, andofthc mind, and were by naturecWldrenof wrath even Jso^ thers. lam.i. 14. But every man is tempted when he is drawn away of his own luft, and inticed. y. 1 y.] Then when luft hath conceived it brings forth fin, and fin when it is finiftied brinjeth forth deatb.i»4».ij.i9.Foroutof chc heart proceed evil thoughts, murthersj adulteries, fornications, thefts, niiie wicoefSi blafphcmies. Qj^ W^4t is the fiifferi of that e/iate whereinto mm fell? A. All mankind by their Fall, loft communion with sGen.^.9. Adam Gods, are under his wrath andcurfe^, and Co made fhemfeive's from the ^^^^^^ ^^ ^^^ ^i^^ries in this life , to death it felf , prefeoce of the Lord and to the pains of hell for ever '. God amonjft the trees of the garden, v. i o.] And be faid, I heard thy voice in the garden, and I was afraid, becaufc I was naked, and I hid my fcjf. V.24.] So he drove out the man, and he placed at the end of Che garden of Eden cherubims and a flaming fword which turned every way to keep th« way of thctree of life. ^ »> Epb. i. 23. vii. fuprt. Gd. j. 16. For asmany as are oF the work of law are un- °"'"^curfc,for it is written, curfed is every one that continueth not in all things which are written in the law to do them. 'Lam. 3.39. Wherefore doth the living man complain, a man for the pu- riiflimentof his fins. Row.6.23. For the wages of fin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life, through ]efus Chrift our Lord. Mat. z f .4 1 . Then (hall he fay to them on the left hand ,depart from 21c ye curfed into everlafting fire, prepared for the divel and his angels. V. 46. ] And thcfc (ball go away into everlafting puni(hmem , but the righteous into life eternal. Q^ Bid GsdleAve aU mmkhdtoferijbinthe flateoffin and mifery i '"J^-^ Acccrding as 'A» God having out of his meer good pleafurc from L'tfott^w?" ««n«y' clcaedfometoeverlaftnglifeS did enter dation of the world, Jnto a covcnant of gtacc, to deliver them out of the t^luA ^°h ^'^ bi ^°* ^^^^^ ^^ ^" ^"^ mifery, and to bring them into an eftatc before Ti'm^'in Ce! ^^ Salvation by a Redeemer '. 'Xow.j.zi.Butnowthcrighteoufnefsof God without the law is msnifefted, being witneffcd by the law and the prophets. V.ix.] Eventherighteoufnefsof God which is by faith of Jefus Chrift un- to all, and upon all them that believe, for there is no diffirence. Gi/.g.zi. Is the law then againft thepromifes? God forbid, for if there lad bien a law given which could have given life, verily righ- teoufncfs fliould have been by tiie law. V. x x.'\ But thi Scripru: e hath concluded all under fin, that the jromife by faith in Jefus Gbrift might be given to ihcm that believe Q^ who is the Redeemer of Gods BleB ? A, The onely Redeemer of Gods Elcd, is the ' Lord JelusChrift"', wro being the eternal Son of God, be- r'J^'"'^^:^°'|j'^'''« came man "a and fo was,and continuethto be God and Mc°iiator° b"tw«n man in two diftinifl Natures, and one Pcrfon for God and men, the prrpr ^ '""* Chrift Jcfuj. : ^^* • V. 6. ] Who gave himfclf a ranfom for all tobcitftlficdinduetimf. " i^ob.i.i^. And the word was made ficfli, and dwd: among uy, and v»e beheld bis {lory, the jlory 3s of the oneiy bejoucn of the Father, full of grac: and crutb. 94/.4.4. But when the fulnefs of time was come, God fenc forth his Son made of a woman, made un- der the law. ° 3low.9.5.Wholcarcthc Fuhersand of ^^ horn as concerning the flcfh Chrift came, who IS over all Gcd bleflcd forever. Luke i g.j. And the Angel anfwered and faid unto her, the Ho- ly Ghoft lliall come upon thee, and the power of the Higheft Ihall overfliadow thee, therefore alfo the Holy thing which ftiall be born of thee, ftiall be called the Son 6f God. Co/.x.p. Fcr in him dwell- ecb all the fulnefs of the Godhead, bodily. Htb.j.xA^ But this man becaufe be cominueth ever, hath an unchangeable Priefthood. V.ij.] Wher«/oreheisabletofafcthemtothcutt but was in all points tempted like as we are, yet without (in. Heb. 7. -.6. For fuchanHi^h-Pricftbetamcus, wbolsboJyjharmlcfs, undefiledj Ceparace from Tinners and olade higher then the heavens. Q. what offices doth Chriji execute as onr Redeemer^ A, Chrift as our Redeemer, executeth the Offices oF a Prophet, of aPrieft, and of a King, both inhiscftate \'^^^^'^-,^:::^X. of humilcation and exaltation t. Fathers, n i-rcpei ^^^\ the Lord your God raiCe up unto you of your brethren, Hk< unto me,himfhall ye hear in all things wharfoever be fiial lay uatoyou. Hef'. 11.15. S:c that ye rcful'e not him ibat fpcaketb, ki if tbey cfcapcd not wlo retulcj B » hjai him thitfpike on earth, much more fhjll not weefc8p?,lf wecarn avviyfrom him that fptakcth from heaven. Compared with i Cor. i j.j. Slnci ye feck a ptoof of Chrift fpeaking in me, which toyou- -wardisnor wcalf,bucismigh:y inyou. Heb.^.s. Soalfo Ciirifl: glorifii-d noc himfclt to be made an High-Pricftj but he that (aid unto him, thou art my Son to day h'.vc I begoctea thee. As he faith alft in another pUee V.6.] Thou area Prieft for ever after the ordci of Mtlchizeieck. V.7.] Who in thedsyesof hisflcfh, whcnhe hjd offired up prayers and fuppl'ca:? )ns vvithll:onj crying and tears untohim who is able to fav< him from death, and was heard in tb It he feared. Ffd.j..6. Y..c have I fee my King upon my holy hill of Sion. //i.9. 6. For unto us a ebild is born, unto us a Son is gi vcn> and the government (hall be upon his {boulders, and bis name llisll he celled Wondctfu!, Counfelior, the mighty God, the everlafting Father, the Prince of piace. V.7.3 Oi his go/ernmenc and peace there (hall be no end, upon the throne of David and upon his Kingdom to order it and to eftablifti ic with jud|menc and juftice, from henceforth even for ever,the zeal of the Lord of hofts will perform this. Mit.xi.'j, Tell ye the daughter of Sion behold thy Kinj Cometh unto thoe,metk and fitting upon an afs and a colt the foal of an afs. P/i/.t.8. Ask of me and I will give thee the Heathen for thine inhe- ritance and the uttermoft parts of the earth for thy poffcflion, thou (halt break them with a rod of iron, thou (halt da(hih:m in piec;s like a potters vcfT;!. V.io.] B: wife now therefore, oh yc Kings, be iojdrudcd yt Judges of the carcb. V.u.] S'ecve theJLord with fear and repice with trembling. Q^ Bow doth Chrifi execute the office ,of a Pro^ fhet i « v^.Chrift executed the office of a prophet, in'revelc- "his, ft^bS;™" i"g t° "sby his word and Spirit the will of God for rime, the onely begot- OUr falvation ". ten Son which is in thebofom of the Father, he hath declared him. i Tet. 1. 10, Of which falvation the Prophets have enquired, and fearched diligently, who prophefied of the grace that (hould come unto yon. V. 1 1 •! Searching what, or what mjnner of time the Spirit of Chrifl, which was in them did fignifie, when itteflificd before-hand the fuffsringsof Chriftj and the glory which fiioald follow. V. iz. ]" Unto whom it was reveled, that not unrothemfelv^s, but unto us they did minirter the things, which are now reported unto you, by them that have preached the Gofpel unto you, with the Holy Ghofl fenc down from heaven, which things the Angels dcfire to look into. ^h. ij.if. Henceforth I call you not fervants , for the fervan: knoweth not what his Lord doth , but I have called you friends ; for all things that I have heard of my Father I have made known unto you. ^oh. lo. jw Thefe thingsarc written, that you might beliicvethujefus is the Chrift, the 5on of God, and that believ- ing you might have life through his nam e. Qj_ How dothchrijl execute the office of a Vriefi ? A. Chrift executeth the office of a Prieft *He&. 9. 14. How in his once offering up of himfclf a facrifice to facis- SoodoTchrift who fie divine Juftice "^ ^ and reconcile us to God=^j and thorough ths eternal Spirit oflPered himfelf without [pot to God, purge your confcieaces from dead works to fcrve the living God. V.i8.] So Chrift was once offered to b:ar the fins of many, and unto them that look forhfm ftiall he appear the fecond time without fin unto falvation. ^ Heb.i.ij' In all things it behoved him 10 be made like unto his brethren,that he might be a merciful and faithful Higt-Prieft in things per*^ -ealaing^to God;to make jiecoRciliacioafoc tbciins of the people. in [13] in mating continual Interceflion for us y. rHeb.j.i*. But this man bccjiufc fee conti- nuech ever hath an anchsnjcablc Priefthood. V.2?.]Wherefore he Is able to favcto the uttcrmoft ihoie that come co God by bimj Teeing he ever livech to make intercefTion for them. Q^ How doth Chrif execute the Office of a King > A. Chrift execmcth the Office of a King , in fub- duing us tohimfelf ^, in ruling % and defending us^, ^-4S.i^i4. Simeon and reftriining and conquering all his and our ene- ^'^J afThrfirft^did lilies'^. vific the Gentiles to take out of them a people for his name.' V. i f .] And to this ajrec the words of the Prophets as it is written. V. 1 6.] After this I will return and build ajain the tabernacle of David,which is fallen down and I will build again the rulnes thereof and I will fet it up. ^ Jji. j j. 21. The Lord is our Judge, the Lord is one Law-giver, the Lord is our King, he will fave as. ^ I fa. } n . B:holJ a King flisll reign in righ- teowfnefs, and Princes (hall rule injudgment. V.2O And a man (hall be as an hiding place fron the wind, and a covert from the tempeft, as rivers of waters in a dry place, as the (hadow of a rock in a wea- ry land. ^1 Cer»i j. 15. For he muft reign,tiU be hath put all eaemies under his feet.F/. i lo.tbroughout. ClWherein di4Chrifis humilUtion con0 i A, Chrifts humiliation confided in his being born , and that in a low condition'^, made under the law % un- dergoing the miferics of this life ^5 the wrath of God", dL^i.?.' And fhs and the curfed death of the crofs \ in being buried ■, and K„;i°::,?;[4;S continuing under the power of death for a time ^. him in fwadiing- clothes and laid hioi in a manger, btcaufe there was no room for them in the Inne. « G«/.4.4. And when the fulnefs of time was come, God fent forth his Son made of a woman, made under the law. ^ Heb.ii.i. Lockingunto Jefus the author and finiftier of our fai:h, who for the joy thit was let before him, en- dured the crofs, dcfpifing the (hame, and is fet down at the right hand of the throne of God. V.g.] For confider him that endured fucb contradiftion of finners againft himfelf, left ye be wearied and faint inyour mindes. J/i.yj.x.Forhe (hall grow up before him as a tender planr, and as a.root out of a dry ground, he hath no form nor comlinefs, and when we (hall fee him there is no beamy thit we ftiould dc- fiiehim. V-'j.] Heijdefpifcd and rcjefted of men, a man of forrows and acquainted with giiefs, and we hid as it were our faces from him, he was defpifed and we tftecmed him nor. s Lm^. 11.44. And being in an agony heprayed.more earneftly, and hisfweat was as it were great drops cf blood falling down to tbc ground. Mat. 27.46. And about the ninth hour Jefus crycd with a loud voice, fay^ ing, ELI ELI LAMM A SARACTHAHlt that is to fay, My God, my G:)d, why haft thou forfakcn mc ? ^ Fhil.1.9. And bring found in fafhion as a man, he humbled himfelf, and b'.camc obedient unto death, even the death of the crofs. ' i Cor. 1^*4. And he was buried, and that herofeagain the third day according to the Scclpcures. ^ Mat. no. As Jonas wasjthree daycs and three nights in the whales belly, fo fhali the Son of man be three daycs and three nights in the heart of the earth. AB. 1.24,25,16,27. — 51. V.24.] Whom God hath raifed having loofed the pains of death, becsufeic wasnotpoflTiblethathelhouldbcholdrnof it. V.25.] For David fpcaketb concerning him, I foic-- fjw the Lord alwayes before my face, forhe is on my right hand, that I (hould nocbcmoved. V. i6.[| Therefore did my heart rejoice, and my tong was glad j moreover alCo my flcfh Cull reft in hcpe.Vi 27.] Becaufethou wilt not leave my foul in hell, neither v.ilt thou fuffjr thine ho!y One to fee cotruption. V. J 1.] He feeing this before fpakc of the rcfurrcdion of Chrift, tha: his foul was not Itfc in bell^, nei- ther did bis fle(h fee corruption.. ClWhcre- Q^ wherein confifeth Chrifts Exalt ation ? A. Chrifts Exalracion confifteth in his rifing again 1 1 Cor. 15. 4. And ^om the dead on the third day ^, in afcending up into thathewasbaricdand hcavcfl '", in fitting at the right hand of God the Fa- rtwaVytS;» «ha- ", and in coming to judge the world at the hft the Scriptures. "Afar^ i^^y °, 16.1 g. So then, after the Lord had fpoken to them, he was received up into heaven, and fate on the right hand of God. " Epb.i.xo. Which he wrought in Chtift when he raifcd him from the deadjand let him at his own right hand in toe heavenly places. ° ASl.i.ii. Which alfofaic'jycmen of Galilee, why ftand yc U^ting up into heaven, this fame Jefus which is taken up from you into heaven, fliallfocome in like manner,as ye have feen him go into heaven. Chap. 17.V.JI. He hath appointed a day, in the v^'hich he (hall judge the world ia righteoufnefs, by that msn whom he hath ordained, whereof he bach given sdiirance unco all men in chac he bach raifed him from the dead. Q. How are we m/idejfartiikers of the Rede?n^tlen fur- chafed by Chrifi ? A, We are made partakers of the Redemption pur- v.^f.] Heameun^ chafed by Chrift, by theeffedual application of it to to his own, and his US p, by his hoIy Spirit *5. ownrceeivcdhimnot. V.I ».] But as many as ceceived him, to them gave he power to become the Sons of God, even to them that believe on his name. 1 rit.j.5,^. V.5.] Notby works of righceoufnefs which wc have done, but according to his mercy he faved us by the wafhing of regcn eration, and renewing di the holy Gfaoll, y.6.] Which he flied on us abundantly through Jefus Chrift our Saviour. Q. How doth the Sprit apfly to us the Kedempion furchafed l?y Chrift 1 A, The Spirit applieth to us the Redemption pur- « Ephef.i.ii, M. chafed by Chrift by working faith inus"^, and thereby i[b\!uie?att^ uniting us to Chrift, in our effedual Calling ^. ye beard the word of truth, the Gofpel of your [alvation j in whom alfo after that yc believed, yc were fealed with that holy Spirit of promiff. V. 14. ] Which is an earneft of our inheritance untill the redemption of the purchafed poffcfTion un:o the praife of his glory. ^ob.6.i7il9^ V.J7-] All that the Father gtveth rac (hall come unto me, and him that cometh to me, 1 will in no wife caft out. V. 5 9.] And this is the Fathers will which hath fent me, that of all which he ha.h given, I fliould lofe nothing, but ftiould raife it again at the laft day. Epb. i.8. By grace ye arc faved through faith,and that not of your felvei, it is the gift of God. ^ Efb.i.ij. That Chrift may dwell in your hearts by faith, that ye being rooted and grounded in love, i Cor. i .9. God is faithful by whom ye were called unco the fdlow- ^ip of bis Son Jefus Chrift our Lord. QjryhAt [15] -Q^whatisefe5iud Calling': A, Effe(5luall calling is the work of Gods Spirit', '^rm.^: g. who whereby, convincing us of our fin and mifcry ", in- h«h favd us and cai- lightning our minds in the knowledge oi Chrift'*', and o^n! nof j'" J°'^ renewing our wills % he doth perfwadc and enable us too'u?wo°kjrbi:a"c5 to embrace Jefus Chrift, freely offered to us in the Go- "''^'"t '° '^'» own foely P°Ju' *"'^ S""'" ^r*-' ^« , which was given us V, iju >^T.,r XT n jy u J . L , ,*" thrift Jefus before the world begin, i ?/;£/. 13. 19. V.i?.] But we arc bound to give thanks alwayes to Gad foryou brethren, beloved of the Lord, bccsufe Gad hath from the beginning chofen you to falvation throuth Canftificadonof the Spirit and belief of the tru:h. V.i4.] Whereunro he hath called you by your Gofpcl to the obtaining of the glory of the Lord Jefus Chrift. " AH. 2. jj. Now when thev heard this they were pricked in their hearts, and faid unto Peter and to the reft of the Apoftles men and brethren what fliall we do ? * A£i.i6.iS. Toopentheir eyes and to turn them from datknefs to light, and from the power of Iitan unto God, that they miy receive forglvencfs of fins and inheri- tance among them which are fanftifiedbyfafttthat is in me. ^ E^^tfi iS.iSyXj. V.x6.T- A newBeart aifo will I give youj and » new fpiri; will I put within you, and 1 will take away theiftony heart out of your flefli, and 1 will give you hearts of fl:fli. V.i/.] And I will put my Spirit within you, and crafe you to walk in my ftjtutes, and ye fliiU keep my judgments and do them. r fob.6. 44i4f« V.44.] N 3 mm can come unco m: except the fa.her which hath fcnt medraw him, and i willraifehirnupatthelaftday. V.45.] As it is written in the Prophecs, and they {hall be alhaurhc of God, every man therefore that hath heard and hath learned of the Father cometh unto me. Phil t.i |. For ic is God that woiketh in you,botb to will and to do of his good pleafuce. ' * C^ ^hat benefits do they that are Sjfefhally Called par- take of, in this life ? A. T.'iey that are cfFc(5lualIy called do in this life par- take ot Juftification% Adoption % Sandification, and ^ i?c»i. 8, 30. Moreo^ thefeveral benefits which in this life do either accompa- ver whom he did pre- ny or flow from them \ "^'^r^^t «.- . called them he alfo )ultifi:d, and whom he juftified, them he alto glorified. » Ep^.i.y. Having predcftinatcd us unto the adoption of children by Jefus Chrift to himfelf,accojrding to the good pleafurc of his will. ^ i Cor, \.\o Or" him are yc in Chrift Jefus who of God is made unto us wifdom, and rightcoufnefs, and fandification, and r cdemption. Q^wkatis^uHifcatien^. >4. Juftification is an ad of Gods free grace where- ^ in he pardoneth all our^ns % and accepteth us as righ- B:ing"'nftihd fr«iy by his grace, tbroujh the redemption that is in Jefus Ctrift» V.15. J W'lom God hath fet forth to be a propiiiacion through faith in his blood, to declare his I (ghteoufnefs for ihe rcmifllnn of fins tH:c a.c pa ft, through the for- bearance of God. Row.4.6. Even as David alfo defcribeth the blcflcdners of the man unto whom Goi imputeth righteoufnefs without wdVks. V.7.] Saying bleffed are they wbofc iniquiies arc forgi^ ^fl, and wbqfe fins arc covered. V,8.] BlcfTed is the man to nhom the Lord will not impute Ha. tcous '^ 1C0M19. Towir, teous in his fi^ht '^, onely for the righteoufnefs of CbVtft^clncXjti^Cbiift imputed to LIS % and received by Faith alone f. svorld unto himfclf> not imputinz their trcfpsff^s unto thcnij and hath commictsd to us the word of reconciliation. V. ii .J For he bath made him to befinfor us, who knew no fin i that we might be made the rijhtecui- ncfs of God in him. * Kowi.y.y. For if by one mans ofF.nce.dssth reigned, by one much more> they which receive abundance of grace and of thegiftof ri^htccufiiefs, fiiall reign in life by one Jcfus Chrifl. V.i8.] Therefore, as by the offence of one, judgement came upon all mtn unto condctnna- lionj even fo by the rigbteoufnefs of one, the free gift cjmc upon all men unto juftifica icn of lite„ y.i 9.] As by cnc mins diCobcdisnce nffany were made finners : fc by the obtdiencc of one ftiall many be made righteous. ' Gj/.2j6. Knowing that man is not juflificd by the works of the law, but by the faich of Jcfus Cbrift, even we have iKlicved in JeCus Chr ill, that we might be juftihd by the faith of Chrift, and not by the works of the law, for by the works of the law thailno fleihbi juftified, jPi/7 J.9. And be found in him, not having mine own righteoufnefs which is cf thclawjbut thj: which is through the f ji^ of Chrift, the rightcjulncfs which isof Cod by faith. Qi What is Adoft'ifpn < A* Adoption is an ad of Gods free graces, wherc- 5 1 ^ohn J. I. Behold ^y ^^^ ^^^ received into the number , and have a right to what manner of lose all the priviledgcs of the Tons t.f God^. the Father bath bc- ftowcd upon us, chat we fhould be called the fons of God, therefore the wcrld knoweth us not, bf caufe icknewhimnot. ^ i^ob.ii. As many as received him, to them gaye he power to become the fons of God, eventothem that believe on his name. Rcm.'i.ij. And if children, then heirs, heirs of God and joinc-bcirs with Cbrift, if fo be wc fuffcr with him, that we may be glorified alfo together. Q^ pvhat is San^fification ? A. Sanditication is the work of Gods free grace \ 'irbtjj, 2.13. God whereby we are renewed in the whole man after the S iTr '^' ^'^'"" image of God ^, and sre enabled more and more to die mng chofcn you to o _ , i- . . /- /- , faUation through fan- unto fin, and livc unco righteoufncfs K 6ific9tion of the Spi- rit and the belief of the truth. •' Ep^r.+.ij. And tie renewed in the Spirit of your mind. V.i4.'] And that ye put on that new men whith after God is created in righteoufnefs and true holinefs. ' Rom.6.4, Therefore we are buried with hina by baptifm inro death, that like as Chriil was raifcd up from the dead by the glory of the Father, even fo we alfo Ihould wnlk in n^wnefs of life, V.'^.] Know- ing this that our old man is criicifiird with him, tbat the body of fin might be deftroycd, that hence- forth we Ihould not'ferve fin. Rom.i. 1 . There is herefore now no condemnation to them which are in Chrift Jcfus> who walk not afttr the fl:ih, but iftcr chc Spitic. Q^ lVh4t an jhe lenejits rvhlch tn this Itfe do aC" company orflorv from ^nflifcAttQn ^ Adoption^ and San-^ ciijication < A, The benefits which in this life do accompany or flow from Juflification, Adoption, and San^ification [17] are affurancc of Gods love, peace of confcicncc •", -.. jj^^.^. i.Thtre- joy in the holy Ghoft ", encreafc of g race o, and perfcver- fore being juftifi.-d ancc therein to the end p. ^^;;J"*.- ^- through our Lord Je- fu$ Chrift. V, Z.J By whom alfo we have accefs by faith into this jrace wherein we ftand, and rejoice in hop: of the glory of God. V.f-] And hope maketh not afhamed j becaufc the love of God is fhed abroad in our hearts by the holy Ghcft which is given unto us. ° Rswi, 14. 17. For the Kingdom of God is nor mear and drink ; but righceoufnefs , and peace , and joy in the holy Gbolt. °Prcv.4.i8. The pathot the jult, is as the ftiining lighr, that fliintth more and more unto the perfeft day. p i ?fo/>. 5. 13. Ttcfe things have 1 written unto you that believe on the lismcof the Son of God, that you may know th.'^t ye have eternal life, an^ tbst ye may believe on the name of the Son of God. 1 Pa, 1.5. Who are kept by the power of God through faith unto fil- iation ready to be revealed in the laA time. Q. PFhat hemfts do believers receive from Chrijl^ at dhth } A, The fouls of believers are at their death made perfedlinholineis*^, and do immediately palTe into glo- ry, and theirfaod.es being ftill united to Chnft <-, do ;f';„- Vi™^? reft in their graves \ till the refurredion ". ' " ■* ' > and Church of the fiift-born which ate written in heaven, and to God the judge of all, and to the fpiriti of juft men made pcrfe*^. ' 1 dr. 5.1. For we know that if our earthly houfe of this tabernacle were dilTolved, we have a building of God, an boufe not made with handsj eternal in the heavens. V,6.] Therefore we are confiient.knon- ing that wbikft we are at home in the bodyjwc are abfent from the Lt rd. V.8.] We are confident I fayj and willing, rather to be abfcnt t.cmtbe body and to be prefent wi-h ttie Lord. PW/.i.zj. For I am ia a flrait betwixt two, havi/ig addirctodepartand tobc with Chrift, which is far better. LM^exj.4j, •ftiid Jefus faid unto Lim , verily, I fay unto thee, to day (halt thou be wita me in Patadife. * 1 r/;c/", 4.r4.F.rif we believe Jefus died and rofe again, even fo them alfo which deep in Jefus, will God bring with him. ' i/i. 57.x. Heflialltnter into peace, they (hall reft in their beds, each one walking in his uptifhtnefs. "sfoi i9.z6. And though after my skin, worms deftroy this body, yctinmy fle(h(hall IfeeGod. V.i7.] Whom I (hall lee for my feif, and mine eyes (hall bc- bold,and not another ^ though my reins be confumcd wittin me. Q. What bene ft do believers receive fromChrijl at the rejtirre^ion ? ' A. At the rcfurredion 5 believers being raifed»upin » 1Ccr.15.4j. it is glory "*■, HiwiU be openly acknowledged, and acquitted ''°**° '" difhonour, inthedayof judgmem^ and tiiade perfedly blelTedm i't'nin'"ikX' i: is raifed in power, * Wrft.15.1 j.Histord faid unto him,vvell done, thou good and faithful fervant thou hail been faithful o- ver a few thin^;?, I will make thteVuIer over "many things i enter thou into the joy of thy Lord, hiit, 10.32. Whclce>cr(ballconfcr$ mc before mcnj him will I aUo coufcfie before my father which is In btavcn. . " : ... ;' full Tif^h.i.tl Beloved fuUcnjoyingof Gody, to all eternity «. now arc we the fons Gad, and i: dath not yet appear what we fliall be, but we know that when he (hall appear, we (hall be like him, for we ihill f<:e bin as hs is. i Cor. i j. 1 1. For now ws fee through a glafs darkly, but then iscttoiict ; now I know but in part, but then (hill I know even as I am alfo known. z i Thejf, 4.17. Then we which are alive and remain, (hsU be cjught up together with them in the clouds, to meet the Lord in the aicc and To (lull we be ever with the Lord. V. 1 8.] Wherefore comfort one ano^ iberwi'Jh thefc words. ^fvhat is the d»ty which God requireth of man f ^Mic 6 8. Hehsth ,. ^- The ducy which God requireth of man/isobe- (hewed chec, o man, dicncc to his ^ rcvealcd will. what is {ood,andwhat doth the Lord require of thec,but to do ju8:ly,and to love mercy and to walk humbly with thy God.ii'lw,' if.2X. And Samuel faid, hath the Lord as jreat delight in burnt-oflPering and fscrificcsas ia obcvinr the f cice of cbe Lord, Behold, to obey is better then TacriHce, and to hearken then the fat of rims* Q^ PFhat did Godat firfi revde to man for the rule of his obedience ? fc RDw *; 14: Por ^' ^^^ rule which God at firft reveled to man for when 'thi Gentiles his obedtence, was the Moral Law>, which have not the law, do by nature the things contained in the law, thefe having not the law, are a law unto themfclves^ V. 1 5.] Which (hew the work of the law written in their hearts, thfcir conlcicnces alfo bearing witnefs, andtheir thoughts the mean while acca(ing or elfe excuiing one another. R^w.io.j. ForMoftsde- fcribcththerigbteoufnefs which is of the law, that the man which doth thofe things (hall live by thetQa Q. ^here the Udrd Lm funtmarily comprS' hended? ^veutxo. And '^' Thcmorall law is fummarily comprehended in he wrote on the Ta- the ten Commandments s bits iccording to the fitft writing, the ten Commandments which the Lord fpakc unto you in the mount, out of the midft of the fire, in the day of the afftmbly, and the Lord gave them unto me. Mat.ig. \7- And he faid unto him, why calleit thou me good) there isnone good but one,tbat is Godj. but if thou wilt enter into life^ keep j;he C^mandmcnt s. Q:, What is the fum of the ten Commandments ? x^i The fum of the ten Commandments is, To love the Lord our God with all our heart, with all our foul, with all our fttcngth, and with all our mind 5 a"^ ^"^ - ." - V . ' ^ -" ncigjfy gelghbourasourfelves--, .m«.»,:,t. j.w ~ - . faid unto him thou (halt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and wicb all thy foul, and with all tliy mind* V. jS.] This is the firft and great Commandmenr. V.39.] And the Tecond is like unto it, Thou fliak love thy neijhbot as thy fclf. V.40;] On thefc mo Commandments hang all the law and the Piophets. Q^ What is the VrtfACt to the Ten Command- tnents ^ yi. The Preface to the ten Commandments is in thcfc words [/4W the Lord thy God which have brought thee out of the land of £zypt. out of the houfe of bond- ^ , age «. J Q. what doth the Preface to the ten Commandments teat h us •: A The preface to the ten Commandments teacheth us, that becaufe God is the Lord, and our God , and Re- deemer-, therefore wc are bound to keep all his Com- ^ , . . «,. mandments f. he would gram umo us that we being de> livered oat of the hands of cur enemies, might ferve him without fear. V.75.'] In faolinefs anil rijh- teoufnefs before him ail the dayes of our lives. iPet.i.ij. But as he that bath called jou, is holy, fo be ye holy in all raanner of converfation. V.16,] Becaufe it '\% written, be ye holy for I am holy. V.17.] And if you call on the father, who without refped of perfons judgeth according to every mans work, pafs the time of your fojourning here in fear. V,8.] For as much as ye know that ye were not redeemed with corrupiblc things as filverand gold from your vain converfation, received by tradicion from your favhers. V.i^.QBut with the precious blood of Chriftj as of a lamb without blcmiih, and without fpot. Q^ which is thefrfi Commandment f A. The firft Commandment is QT^irith a perfeA heart, and with a willing minde j for the Lord fearch- eth all hearts , and unde'.itandctb all the imaginations of the thoughts.- if thou feek him he will be found of thsc, but if thcuforfjke him, he will cafl thee off for ever. PcM^i^.iy, Thouhsft a.cuchtd the Lord this day to be thy Gad, and to walk in his wayes,and to keep his ftatutcs, and bis Coinmand- ments, and his judgments, and to hearken unto bis voice. C 2 him Mdt.4.^0. Then him accordingly*. faith Jefus unto hiai, G:t thee hence Satan, for it is written, thou (halt worfliip the Lord thy Gsd and hitn onely {halt thou fervc. Pjil, 19.1. Give uato the Lordthc glory due unto his nam:, wor/hip the Lord in the beauty of bolinefs. Q^ ff^hat is forbidden in the frjl Commandmem i k A. The firft Commandment forbiddeth the dcny- pp/.i4. I. The ing ''j ornot worfliipping and glorifying the true God, fool hath faid in hi, ^^ Qod Und our God ^\ and the giving thatworfhip heart there IS no God, ' , . ? 1 • 1 °i. °« ^ they are corrupt, they and glory CO any Other which IS due to him alone ". hare done abomina- ble works, there is none that doth good. ' Kom. i. ir. Becaufe that when they knew God, they glorifiid him not as God, neither were chey thankful, but becam; vain in their imaginations, and their fooliHi heart was darkned. "' T/i/. 81.10. I am the Lord thy Gad which brought thee outof thelandof Egypt, open thy mouth wide and ^ will fill it. V.11.3 Bat my people would noc hearken to my voice, and Ifrael would none of me. " Kom \.z^. Who changed the truth of God Into a lie, and worfhi jprd and fcrvcd the creatures more then the Creator, who is blcircd for ever, A.mcn« V.i6.] For this caufe God {ave them up unto vile aff^dions,, for even their women did change the natural ufe into that which is againft nature. (\ What Are we efpecially tattght bj thefe words [before mt^tnthe jirft Commandment "t A, Thefe words before mCj in the firft Command- ment, teach us, that God who feeth all things, takcth »e:«& 8 ? tothecnd, "^^^^^ ^^> 2nd is much difpleafcd with the fin of having ^fd. 44! io,ai.- But any other God ^ if we have forgotten the name of our God, or ftretchcd out out hands to a ftranje God j V. 1 1.] Shall not God fcacch this. mu i: for heknowecbthe fccretsof the heart. . !' Cl, which is the fecond Commjtndment "t A, The fecond Commandment is \^Thou fhxlt not make mto thee any graven imtge^ or any Ukertefs of any thing that is in heaven above , cr that is in the earth be- neath^ or that is in the water tmder the eanh-^ thju fhalt no%- how down tb) felfto them nor ferve them: for I the Lord thy Godam a jealo^ God^vifiting the iniqtiuy ofth: f^thtrs upon the children^ unto the third and fourth generation of them VessoI io:* 1 6, ^^^^ ^^is me r, and fhtwirig mercy U'Ho thousands ^ of *'*" 'V. l^^^ that l&ve me ,and keep myComnandmsnts T^.2 ^.-x Qljrhak Q. what is reqtiired in the fecond Commandment ? A, The fecond Commandment requireth, the receiv- ing, obferving, and keeping pure and entire, all fuch reli- eious wor(hip and Ordinances as God hath appointed „ ^ . ,, in his word \ And he faidunto tbem,' Sec your hearts unto «II the words which I teftifie among you this diy* which yc (hall command your chil- dren to obfcrvc to do all the words of this law. MAt.x%.\o. Teaching tbem to obfcrve all things what- foeverlhave commanded you j and lo I am with you alway uato the end of the world. A^. 1.41. And they continued ftedfaftly in the Apoftlcs dodrine, and fellow(hip, and in breaking of brcad^and in prayerr. Q^WhAt is ferbidden in the fecond C6mmAndment i A, The fecond Commandment forbiddeth the vvor- {hipping of God by Images S or any other way, not ap- P9inted in his word '". ^ ^ Vtut. 4. i f , 1 6, 17J 18, 19. Take ye therefore good heed unco your felves (for yefawno manner of fimilitude on the day that the Lord fpake unto you in Horeb, out of themidflof the fire) V.i6. Left you corrupt ycur felves, and make you agravenlma'C, the fimilitude of any figure, the likenefs of mileorfemsle. V.17.] Thclikenefs of any bcaft that is on the earth, the likenefs of any winged fowl that flieth in the air. V.18.3 The likenefs of any thinj that creeper h on rhe ground , the likenefs af any filhthatis in the waters beneath the eanh. Ver, 19. ] And left thou lift up thine eyes unto heaven, and when thou feeft the Sun, Moon, and Starres, even all the hoft of heaven, fliouldcft be driven to wor- ftiipthem, and {erve them, which the Lord God hath divided unto all nations under the whole heaven.' Cxcii.jx.5— 8, And when Aaron faw it he built an Altar befjre it, and Aaron made proclamation, andfaidj To morrow is a feaft to the Lord. — V.8.] They have turned afide quickly ouc of the way which I commanded them ; they have made them a mohen calf, and have worlhippcd it, and have facrificed thereunto, and faid, Thefc be thy Gods, O Ifrael, which have broaght thee up out of the land of Egypt. fPf/rt.i 1.31,5 i.Thou (halt not do fo unto the Lord thy God,for every abo- mination to the Lord which be hateth,havc they done uno their {odsjfor even their fons and their danjh- ters have they burnt in the fire to their |od$. V. jx ] VVhatfocver I command ycu, obfcrvc todoj thou (halt not adde thereto, nor diminiih from ict Q^ what Are the RcAfons annexed to the fecond Com^ WAndment i A. The Reafons annexed to the fecond Commands ment arc, Gods foveraignry over us"^, his property in us", and his zeal he hath to his own worfliip *. 'PA'.9?.vt.<5. ^fc * us come before his prefencewith thanks- jiving, and make a joiful noifc unto htm with Pfalms. V. j.^ FortheLordis a ^reatG3d,anda ^reat King above all Gods. V.6.] O cotic let us worfliip and bow down, let us kneel before the Lord ourmaktr. "*7/(X/. 4?. n.- So (hall the King greatly defi'C thy beauty, forheisthy Lordandwor- ftiip thou him. * Ex dreadful among the heathen- 'Pp^ ig 8.1. ».I will prsifetbtc with my whole hearr, before the gods will 1 fing praife unto thee. V. i.] I will worrhip towards thy holy Temple, and praifethy name for thy loving Icindnefs, and for thy truth j for thou haft migni Bed thy word above all thy name. ^ ^0^^6.24. Remember that thou magnifie his work , which men behold. Q. What is forbidden in the third Commandment i A, The third Commandment forbiddeth allpro- ^Mi/.i.6, 7---U. fanin^or abufin^ of any thing, whereby God maketh A fon honoureth his , . ^^^ . ? ■^ . ° ■' father, and a fervant n^mreit knOWn ^ hisMafter. If then I be a father, where is min<: honor ? and if I be a mafter, where is my fear , faith the Lord of Hofts unt <♦ you, OPrieftsjthatdtrpiicmyNsmc? and ye fsy, Wherein have wc defpifed thy Nimc ? V.7.] Ye offer polluted bread upon mine Airar 5 and ye fay, Wherein have we polluted thee? in that ye fay? ,The table of the Lord is contemp:iblf. V. u.] But ye have profaned i:, in that ye fsy, the Table of the Lord is polluted, and the fruit thereof, evm his wh:at is contemptible. Chsp.z.v.x. Ifyouwill not bear , and if you will not 'ay it to heart tr give glory to my Name, faith the Lord of hofts, I wiilcvenfcnd a curfc upon you , andwiUcurte your blefTirg*;, ye» I have curfed them already, becaufe ye do not lay it to heart. Chap.M4. Ye have faid. It is vain to ferveGod i and what profit is it that wc have kept his ordmancts and tha: wshsve walked mournfully before the Lord of bofts? Q^ what is the Reafon annexed to the third^Qommand- went i f , * . ' A. The Reafon annex«4 to.thevthir^ Qommandment [23] is, that however the breakers of this Commandment may efcap^ puni(hmeat from men , yet the Lord our God will not fuffer them to efcape Ms righteous judg- ment^. 'iSim.t.ii. — \7l — — iz. — 14. Now ibcfonsofEliwcrcfonsofBiHal ; they knew not the Lord V.17.] Wherstorc the fin of the young msn was very great b:for." the Lord > for men abhorred the ofFcrinj of the Lord V.xi.] N 3W Eli was very old , and heard all that hii fons did unto all Ifracl, and how they lay with the wometj ihacairsmbled a: the door of the Tabernacle of the Conjrfgaticn. V.t40 Nay, my fons, for it is no jood report that I hear J yemske the Lords people to tranfjrefs. i Sam.i.ii. For I have told him that I will judje his houfe for ever, for the iniquity which he knowethj btciufc his fons made themfelve$viic,and hereftraincdthtmnot. 2)e«f. 18,58,59. See in letter [y] V.59] Then the Lord will make thy plajucs wonderful, and thj pU;;ucs of thy feed cvea great plajucsj and of long continuance, and foce fickncffcs, and^irf long continuance. uQ, fvhich is ths fourth CemmAndement i A. The fourth Oommandement is, Q Rtmemher the SMath day to keep it holy : fix dayes jl)alt thou labour and do all thy rvorke : but thefeventh day is the Sabbath of the Lord thy God : in it thou fhdt not do any tvork^ tho»,nor thy fon^ nor thy daughter y thy manfervant , nor thy maid-fer- vant^ nor thy cattel^nor thy granger that is mthin thy gates : for in fix dayes the Lord made heaven and earth , the fea^and ail that in them is , and refledthefeventh day 5 wherefore the Lord bleffed the Sabbath day^and hatlorved it ?.] s Ex5rf.io.8;9,i9,iiiI Q^ whit is required in the fourth Commandment < A, The fourth Commandment requircth the keeping holy to God,fuch fet time as he hath appointed in his Word-, exprc{ly,one whole day in feven, to be a holy Sabbach unto the Lord \ ._, ■, , ■ - Keep the Sabba:h day to fanftifie ir, as th. Lord thy God hath commanded thee. V. i j.]^'* ^&yes flialt thou labour, and Jo aU thy ^'o^k. V.i f .] B Jt the fcventh day is the Sibbath of the Lord thy God 3 in it thou flwlt not do any v/o k, thou, ncr ihy ion, nor tby daughter, nor thy man-fcrvant, no: thy maid-fetvRnc,-nor thine ox> nor tiiin- afft*, t»or vry of chy catttl, nor thy ftranjer that is within thy gates, that thy mviKerum au4 thy maid-icr vant muy vcft as well as thou, j . i>u . •; c j . "• ' ' Q. IVhich flay of the f even hath God appointed to be the weekly S.ihbath ^ A* From the beginning of the world to the Re{ur- ' rcftion of Chrift, God hath appointed thefeventh day d£: the week to be the weekly Sabbath : and the firft day '" " ^ ^ ■ of^ 'Gfji'i" t ' A \ ^^^^^ week, ever fincc, to continue to the end of the on the' fevfr't'i day woild, which IS thc Chn'ftian Sabbath \ Gcd ended his work which be had trade ; and he refted en the f«vcmh day from ail his work which he made. V. 3 .] And God blcflcd the fevcnch day, and f.'ndified it } becauU that in it he r{ftnd do a llthy work.^ . ' Exod. ao.t i. Fcr m (Jx daies the Lord made heaven and earth, the fca, and all tharii wem IS, »ad refted the feventh day j wherefore the Lord blelTed the Sabbath-day and hallowed it. ' £ Qc. "^^^^ i^ f^^ fifth Commandment ? 'o>/. The fifth Commandment is>[/fi';?r«r th'^ father and thy mother that thy dayes r/f.iy be long upon the land rvhicb the Lord thy Godgiveth thee ". ] " ^*'"'' Q^ What is required in the fifth Commandment . tO.I). j^.Tlie fifth Commandment rcqulreth the' prefcrving the honour, and performing the duties, belonging to eve- » Epb.MT. Submit- ly one in their fe\7eral places and rclation^j as fuperlors *, otGod. " I Pet, z. 17. Honoiir all mrn, Loye the brochefhool FcarGid. Honour t^e Kin^. r Rom, it. lo.Bc kindly affeftioned one to anocber j w»^ brothcViy love in honour preferring one another. Q. what is ferhidden in the jifth Commandmem i A. The fifth Commmdment forbiddcth thencgk- dting of, or doing any thing againft the honour and diity iUit.i ^4• ^ot God ^h[ch beloneeth to every one in their feveral places and commanded, laying, 1 ^. , ° "' ^ Honour thy fatber.fc rclatlOnS ^, mocber, «nd he ihac j^ curfeth iathct or mother let him die the death. V. f .] But ye fay whofoever (ball fay to his father o^his mother, it is a a gift by whstfoever thou mighteft b: profited by me, V.6.] And honour not his father or his mother, he (hall be free, thus have you made the Commandments of God of nonetfF.dby yo"uE tradition. E^e^. J4- i,j,4. Son of man prophecy ajainft rhe (hcphsaris of Ifrael j prophecy, and fay unto them, Thus faith the Lord God unto the (hcphcardj , wo be to the fhcphcrds of lfrael,that io feed thcmfelvsj fliould not the (hepherds feed the flocks ? V.}.] Ye eat the fat and ctoath you with chc wooUye kill them that arc fed j bu: ye feed no: the flock. V.4.] The difsafed have ye not ftcength- ncd, nor have ye healed that which was fick, nor bound up that wbich w)sbroken,nor brought again that which was driven away, nor fought that which was loft,but with force and crueliyfcave ye ruled them. ^«m.i}.8.0wcnomanany chinjs but to love one another : foe he tb^t loveth another hath fulgllcd site Law. CX^Tvhat is the Reafon annexed to the ffth CommAnd- ntent ? A. ThcReafon annexed to the fifth Commandment, is a promife of long life and profpcnty , (as far as it fliali ferve foi Gods glory, and their own good ) to all fuch?as ^Vcut.^Ae. Honour keep this Commandment \ ihy father end thy mother,as the Lord thy God hath coumand .*d thee j that thy dai;s m ay be proloajed,and that it may jo wtU with thee, in the land which the Lord thy God |iveth thee. Efb.6.z,i» Honou!- thy fithirand thy mother (which is the firft Commindmeat with promife.) V.j. That it may be wfii with thee, and shou maift live long on the earth. Q^irhich is the fix th Commandment t A. The futh Commandment is , C Thou IhJtm Q. what is required in thefmh Comwdndntent f A, The fixth Commandment requircth all lawful en- deavours to prcferve our own life •= , and the life of o- thers*^. 'EpJ'. 5.18,19: So ougbc men to ove. their own wives as their own bodies. He that loveth his wife, loveth himfelf. V. 19] For no man ever bated his own fltfli, but nourilheth and cheri(heth ir, even as the Lord the Church ? d 1 l^ing. \ 8.4. For it was fo, when Jeiebcl cut off the Prophets of the Lord, that Obadiab took an hundred Prophets, and hid them by fifty in a cave, and fed ihcm with bread and water. Q. What is forbidden in thejixth Commandment ? A. The fixth Commandment forbiddeth the taking away of our own life, or the life of our neighbour unju- e ^3.,6.xs.But Paul fyVjOrwhatfoevcrtendethiheretihto^. cried with a icud voice faying, Do thy felf no barm far wc are all here. Gen.9.6. Who fo ffieddeih niatis blood, by man fliall his blood be died 3 for in the image of God made h« man. Qi fvhich is the fevcnih Commdndmenti A. The fevcnth Commandment is [ Thou Jhalt not commi t adultery ^. ] ^ Expi.io» i ^ Q. what is required in the feventh Commandment i • A, The feventh Commandment requireth the prc- fervation of our own and our neighbors chaftity in heart, ^ » ^^^-J- ^, \^' fpeech and behaviour s. ^^^Ij. ^ f^ gy^u fomi- hive bis own wife, and every woman h, and wouldcftforbwir to help himj thou (halt furely hdp with htm. Gen.^7.1 ^^lo. And Jofepii gathered up all (he money that was found in the land of Egypt, and Canaan, forfchccorn which thry bought, and he brought the money into Pharaohs houfe. V.io.] And Jofeph bought all the land of Egypt for Pharaoh j for the Egyptians fold every man his ficidj becaufe the famine prevailed over them $ fo the land became Pharaoh's. Q. what is for hidden in the eighth Commandment t As The eighth" Commandment forbiddcth whacfo- »Pw J1.T7. ^*?- ever doth or may, unjuftly hinder our own^or our neigh- .^?;4t/^B,m bo« wealth, oroutward eftate '. Epb.^.ii. Let bim that ftole, fteal no more, but rather let iaim labour, working witb his hands the thidf , shAt is good, tili8t he may b»K to give to him chat ncedech. Q^WhatisthenmthCommAndmm.'ii ' -^' are vf. The ninth Commandment is {Thou jhalt mt bear falfe tvitfjefs agahfi thy neighbor m.] -Ex«i.io.«5. Q^ what is required in the nirnh Commandment ? A. The ninth Commandment rcquireth the maintain- ing and promoting of truth between man and manVn<^ -zech.z.i6. TheC«_., of our own and our neighbors good names °, efpccially the chinas that yc in witnefs- bearing p. ftiaii do,fp:akyecve- D ry man the truth to his neighbor, (x ecu re the judgment of truth and peace in your gates. • j S^o^.r .1 z.DfOietrius bath good report of all men and of the trath it felf jyca, and wc alfo bear record and yc know that our record is wue. p Frov. 14. 5. A faithful witnefs will not lie, but a falfe witnefs will utter lies. V.z$.] A true witnei's de)iv«ech (bulsp but a decei;ful witnefs fpcaketh lies. Q^ what is forbidden in the nintfjCdmmandment^. i A. The ninth Commandment forbiddeth whatfoever is prejudicial to truth, or injurious to our own or our neighbors good name ■!. Ui7:i{mtt tber heard when he fpjke unto the men, and Elisbs anger was kindled againft David, and he faid, why came ft thou down hither ? and witk whom haft thou left thofe few flieep in the wilderntfs ? I know thy pride and the ■aughtinefs of tby heart, for thou art come down that thou mightcft fee the battel. Levit. 19.16. Thou (halt not go up and down as a tale bearer among thy people, neither (h»lt thou ftand againft the blood of thy neighbor,! am the Lord. T/4/. 1 5.5. He that backbiteth not with his tongue, ncr doUj evil CO his neighbor, nor takcth up a reproach a^aioft his neighbor. Q^ what is the tenth Commandment <; -4. The tenth Commandment is, \_Thoti fh alt not cevet thy neighbors houfe, th$t*fl)alt net covet thy neighbors wife, nor his man-fervant^ nor his maid-fervant^ nor his 0X^ nor his a[fe, nor any thing that is thy neigbors \'] ' ^**^- **• * 7« Q. what is required in the tenth Command- ment i A, The tenth Commandment requireth full content- mcntl with our own condition ^, with a right and .„, ' o ' Heii, I j< J, Let youi convcrfition be with- out covetoufnefs, and be content with fuch things as you have, for he hath faid, I will ney;r leave thee not forfake thee. iTm,6.6, But godlinefs with comcmmcnt is great gain. chari^ ieltccd 'a?* ch^ ^T' cliaritable frame of fplrit toward our neighbour, and all ftiudion of bjm tb« ^^^^ ^^ his '. ha^ed me, or lift up Ky fclf when evil found him. Row. n. i^ Rtjoycc with them that do rejoycc, and weep with them that weep, i 7/wj.i.5. Now the end of the Commandment is, charity out of a pure heart and of a |03d confcicHce, and of faiih unfeigned, i CoM 3.4,5,6,7. Charity fuffrcth long, and is kindei chariry envieth not, charity vsuateth not it fdf, is not pufi:d up, V. 5.] Da;h not bihavc it felf un- feem!y,fc£|jeth not her own, is not eafily provoked, thinketh no evil, V.6.3 Rcjoicech not in iniqui- ty, but rcjajcrth in the truth j V.7.] Bcareth all things, btlicvcch all thiiigs, hcpeth all things, cn- durech all things. Q. pvhat is forbidden in the tenth Commandment > A, The tenth Commandment forbiddeth all difcon- tentment with ourow»cftate ", envying or grieving y^t Aha%";1nto\fs^^e§oo^of our neighbour % and all inordinate moti- fcoufc heavy and dif- ons and affcdions to any thing that is his \ • pleafed , btcaufe of the word which Naboth the Jtzreelite bad fpokcn to him j for he had Caid, I will not give thee the in- heritance of my fathers i aad he laid him down upon his bed, and turned away his face and would eat no brwd. ^fih. y . 1 3 . Yet all this availeth me nothing, fo long as I fee Mordecal the Jew luting at the Kin|s gate. 1 Ccr. 1 0. i o. Neither muroiur ye as fome of them alfo murmured and were deftroyed of thedeftroyer. * GaI. ?. 16. Let us not be deiirous of vain glory, provoking one anpther, envying one another. ^(JW.j.14. But if ye have bitter fn)(ying and ftrife in your hearts, glory not, and lie not againli the truth. V. 16;] For where envying and flrifc is, there is confufion and every evil work. *RoOT.7.7. What ftall we fay then , is the law fin? God forbid 1 nay I bad not known fin but by the law J for I had not known luft except the Ijw had fa^d, thou (halt not covet. V.8.] But fin taking occafion by the commandment, wrtught in me all manner cf concupifcencc, for without the Law fin was dead. Kom.i ^,9. For this, thou (bait not commit adultery, thou (halt not kill, thou (halt not ftealj thou (halt not btar falfe witnefs, thou (halt not covet, and if there be any other commandment , it is briefly comprehended in this, fayirg, namely, thou (halt love tby neighbor as thy felf. Deut.^.iit Neither (halt thou defircthy neighbots wife, neither (halt tbou covet thy neighbors houfe, liis field, or oan>fervam,o; his maid-fervsnr, his oxe, or bisa3e,or any thing that is thy neighbcrs. Q. Is any man able prfe^ly to keep the Commandments of God ; A. No meer man fince the fall, is able in this life, y E«r7.io. For there pg^f^^l^Q j^^^p j[^g Commandments of Gody. but IS not a juft man en * -^ ^ ^ earth that doth good and finncth nor. i Jel^.i.S. If wefay that we have no fin, wedeceiveourfelv.es, and the truth is not in us. V.io.] If wefay that we have not finned, we make him a liar, and his woid is not in us., Gdii, 5.17. For thefle(h luaethagsi.iftihcfpirit, anJ the fpiiit againft thcflc(b,andibere ate contrary the one to (he other, fo that ye cannot do the things tha; ye would, doth ddth daily break them in thoughft, word, and deed ^' . g,„. e. r. And Go\ fawrthat the wicked- ntfsof man was great in the earth, and tharctcryimsgmatlon of the thoughts of his heart wasoncly evil continually. GfnS.ti. And the Lord fmcllcd a fwcct favour, and the Lord fjid in his heart, I will not again curfe the ground any more for mans fakcj for the imagination of mans heart is evil from his yooth j neither will I agaio fmite any more every thing living, as I have done. Rom j.p. What then? arc we better then they ? no, in no wile, for w: have before proved both Jews and Gcntilfs that they are all uudcr fin tnd foontoverfe xt. lam. i.x. Forinmany things wc offend all. Ifsny mm ofF;nd no: in word, the fame is a pecfc A man, and able alfo to bridle the whole body— — and not by tbc works of tbc law,for by the works of thelawfhsUnoE^fhtejuiliEeil. i Q^ what is repentance umo life ^ A, Repentance unto lifeisa favinggrace°, whereby 8 >lt Jcfu?. V. 1^.} AH' Scrip'ure is givenby infpira:ion ot G>i, and is profitable for doitrine, for reproof, fnr C'rrcftion, &c. . V.17.] Thstthemsnof God tnay b: p;tfc(ft, throughly faaiiii'.d un:o gooi woiks. Kom, 10. jnm Vii$.«v.i7. anil, 16, C34] Q^ ^^^ ^^ f^^ Word to he rud aud h'eard^ thi it maj le- come effc^u.il to fd'vatim ? A. Thatthe Word may become cffe<5tual to falvati- *Pfo:;,3, 34. B'tfied on^weinuft attend thereunto with diligence'^, prepirati- c?^mT? ' wL^liing 0" h ^"^ P^yer ''^ receive it with faith and love ^ , lay it daily at' my gates, up in OLir hcaits ^, and pracflifc it in our lives ^ wai;}ng at the pcfts of my doors. ^ i" i Pff.t.i, Wbcreforc layiiijaflic all malice and sll juilc, snd hypocrifiis, and rnvics and cwil fptakings, V.2,.3 As new born !al:>esd«fire thcfinc^rc milk of tha word tha: yc its/ grovY thereby. s P/J/.119.18. Oi>£n thou mine eyes thn I m-ay behold wondrous things out of thy h«r. "^ ffe& 4 a. For unto us was the G^fpslprcjch'd as \Tcl3J unco them, but tbc word preach- ed did not pre fi:tl en, not bung mixc with fafcli in them tha: htsrd it. 2 rlbe/.i.io.With?.lldf«it- ablentfs of unri^hteou;ncfsJin them that puilh, kcaafc they received not the love of the truth that they miihcbcfaved. f P/J/.iip.u. Thy word have IhiJ i,i my fcearr, that Imightnotfinagainft th^c. ' Li/^.?,i y. But that on the good grcuiid are thty wiiich in sn honfft and good heart, hV-ving heard the word, keep it, and bring forth fruit with patience. ^JWi.i.ij. But whoib lookech imotlic p2rfcand thy feed after tbce>eveiy man cML'! among you (hsll be eircumcit^d. Exoi.ii.thriuihout. i Cw. 31. ij. Forlhavereceived of thcLord.'hat whichalfo 1 delivered unio you, thic the Lord Jefus the famenight in which he was betrayed, took bread. V.i^.] Forasotc as yi eat this bread and drink this cup, ye do (hew the Lords d?ach till he coTiC. ^ ,. » - ; - ^^ -— " " Qjvh^ck Q^ Which are the Sacraments tf the New Tefiament i A, The Sacraments of the New Tcftament areBa- ptifmc y, and the Lords Supper \ yMx:.i9. ,9. Go ye therefore and ceach all nations baptizing them In the name of che Ficher, and of the San, and of the holy Cioft, ' Mat. x$.i6,i73^^ f'lf*!}!! Bible, Q^ pvhat is Baptlfme i A. Baptifme is a Sacrament wherein the wafhing with Water, in the name of the Father, and of thcSonjand of the holy Ghoft% doth fi^nifie and feal our ingrafting intoChrift,and partaking or the benefits of the Cove- zuix,x%.\<) Sec in nantof Grace, and our engagement to be the Lords ^ imerV. ' ' ^ Km, 6, 4. Therefore wc are buried with him by baptifme into death, that like as Chrift wis raifed upfrom the dead by the jlory of the frher, ercn fo we aifo Ihould walk in newnefs of life. trX^.j.x^. Eoc as many of yog ; asiiave been bsptiz^id into Chrift, bare put on Chrift. Q^ To whom is Baptifme to he adminijlred i A, Baptifme is not to be adminiftred to any that arc out of the vifible Church, till they profefs their faith in Chrift, and obedience to him % but the infants of fuch as arc members of the vifible Church are to be bapti- '•^^•8. 3^. And as 1 d ^ they went on their ^^" • way they came unto« , - . , , . , - , , , certain water, and the Bunuch laid, lee, here is water, what doth hinder me to be baptized f V.J7.] And Philip fald, it thou bclieveft with all thine heart, thou mayeft, and he anfwered, I belicv«-tha: Jefus Chrift is the Son of God. %AS. 1. J 8. Then Peter faid unto them, repent and be baptized every one of ycu, in the name of Jefuj Chrift for the remiflion of fins, and ye (hall receive the jifc of the holy Ghoft. d ASl. 1. » g see before. V.J9.] For the promife is unco you, and to your children, and to all that are afar oft; even as many as the Lord our God ftiall call. Gen.ij.io.SeeinUtterl'^l Co/. 1.11,12. In whom alfo yz are circamcifed wich tUt circamcifion made without hands, in putting oft" the body of the fins of the BtOi, by the circumdfion of Chrift. V. 1 1.] Buried with him in baptifme, wherein alfo yc are rifcn 9«itl\Jiim through the faith ot theoprrationof God, who hath raifed him from the dead. 1 Cor 7.14. Jor the unbelieving husband is (inftified by the wife, and ihe unbelieving wife is fanftificd by jbc husband; elfcwercjrour children undtan, but now arc they holy. - - ^ — Q. what is the Lords Supper^, ^ A. The Lords Supper is a Sacrament, wherein, by giving and receiving Bread and Wine according to Ghrifts appomcmcnr, his death is (hewed forth ; and the worthy receivers arc, not after 9 corporal and carnal t3^3 ^tCof.iuiiVu^iU manJier, but by faltb, made partakers of his Body and 16. I have received Blood,with all his benefits to thck fpiritual nourifhiTienr* cf the Lord that t i • - *• ' •.hich alfo I deliver- and growth in grace ^ ^ ed unto you, th«t the , i t 't a, -, . , . j Lord Jefus the fame night whcrfin be #as bJtraytd took bread. V.14 J And when he had liven thanks^ lie brake it, and faid,Takc, eat, this is my body which is broken tor you : this do in remembrance of me. V. 2 y .1 After the fame manner alfo he took the Cup , when he had fuppeJ, fsyinj , This Cup Js the Niw Ttftament in my blood : this do ye* as oft as ye drink it, in remfmbrancs- of me. V. 16.3 For as oft as ye eat this bread, fcc. t CtrAO.i6. The Cup of bUflins which we blelfe,is itnot the Comtrunion oi the blood cf Chtift ? The bread which wc breakj is it not the Communion of the body of Chrift ? Q. iF^at is required to the worthj receiviftg of the Lords Supper'! Of/. It is required of them that would worthily' pir- take of the Lords Supper, that they examine themfelvcs, of their knowledge to tiifccrn the Lords body ^, ot their Faith to feed upon him s, of their repentance'', love', f iCDMi.»8.»9.'B«t and new obedicnce'^jleft coming unworthily, they eat bTmfkTnd foUtMm and drink judgment to themfelves K eat of (bat Bread, and drink of that Cup, V. 19."] For he that eateth and drinkeih unworthily, eateth and drinketh damna- tion to bimfelf, not difcerninj the Lords body. 8 xCcr.ij.^ Eximine your felves, whether ye be in the faith, prove ycur own Idves, know you not that Jefus Ghrift is in you, except ye be reprobates, ^iCorM-^t. For if wewould judge our felves, we fliould notbcjudjcd. • i Cor. le. 16. The cup of bit flinf which wc blefs, is it not the communion of the blood of Chrift? the bread which we break, is it not the communion of the body of Chrift? V.i7«] For we beinjmany are one bread, and one body, for wc are all partakers of that one bread. ^ 1 C^r, 5.7. Purge cut therefore the old leven that ye may be a new lump as ye arc unleavened : for even Chtlft our PaHrcver is facrificed for us. V.8.] Therefore let us keep the feafl not with old leaven, neither with the leaven of malice, and wickedriefs , but wiib the unleavened bread of finccrity and truib, [ i Cor.i i . x8, ip. See in letter \}1 Q^'What is Pr4jer -t '* . A. Prayer is an offering up of our dcfires unto God m, for things agreeable to his will vn the Name of Chrift^, «' pyi/.Sa 8. Truftin ^^th confeffion of our fins P.^nd thankful acknowledgment him at all times yc ^ . • • people i pour ou: of hlS mcrClCS % your hearts before him: God is a refuje for us. Selah. ■* ijoft. y. 14. And this is the confidence that we have In him that if we ask any thing according to his will, he hearctb us. • "^oh. 16. ij. And in that day yefliallask menothinj, verily, verily,! fay unto you, whafoever ye (ball ask the Father in my name he will give it you. ^PfaL^x. j, 6. I acknowledged my fins unto thce,and mine iniquity have I not hid J IfaidI will confefs my tranfgreflions unto the Lord, and thou forgavtfl the iniquity of my fin. Selah. V.6.] For this ftiall every one that is |odly pray unto thee, in a time when thou maycft be found ; furely in the flaods of great waters they (hall not come unto hioi. Dun 9. 4. And I p.ayed unto the Lord my God, and made mycont(flnn,and faid, O Lord the great and dreadful G jd, keepiBg the covenant and mercy to them that love him and keep his comman imcnts. ^ Phil- 4-6. Be careful for noihiagbut in ev£ry thing by prajrct and ruppIiMiign with thanksgiving, let your rcr qu efts be made known wn:o Cod. _. ^ Qjrhat C373 _ 0^ W^at rule hath Cod given for [our dire^lort in Trajer i A. The whole word of God is of ufc: todircift us \^ Prayer"^, but the fpecial rule of dirc<5lion is, that form ^^ob.i.n. Andthii of Prayer , which Chrift taught his Difciplcs, com- i:;^:,^;",:^^: ;S.*f ttionly called the Lsras Prayer, if wc ask any thinj , according to his will> be hcamh as. fftfjt.6.9,io,ii,it,ij. After this manner thfrtfore pray yc, Ourfather,&c. — Luli.ii.t. And he faid unto them, when ye pray, fay. Our father, &c.—— Q^ What doth the Preface of the Lords Prayer teach asf A. The Preface of the Lords Prayer which is, \J>tir father which art in heaven ^,2 teachethus, todraw ne^i: ^Mxttb.e.^. to God with all holy reverence and confidence as chil- dren to a father ready to help us^Jtnd that we ihould pray lf'!^'^oiVcctZdll with and for others *• Spirit of bondage a- {sin tof<:ar« but we have receifed the f pirit of Adoption,whereby wc cryi Abba, Bather. t»%*i i .i j If ye then being evil know bow to give good gifts unto your children, how much more (hall your heavenly father give the boly Spirit to them that asJK him i* * jiH. 11.5. Peter therefore was kept in prifon ; but prayer was made without ccating of the Church unto Cod for him. i Tim.i.i, i. I exhort therefore, chat Brft of all, {upplications, prayers, interctfTions, and giving of thanks be made for all men. V. a.j tot Kings, and for all that are in authority, &c. ^ what do rve pray for in the fir fl Petition* A. In the firft petition, [which is, Halloivedbethy ^ ^^^^^^^ name "] we pray, that God would enable us and others, to glorifie him in all that whereby he maketh himfclf known y, and that he would difpofe all things to his own y p/,/ ^7.^, j. jhac glory '^» thy way may be known upon earth, thy favlng health among all nations. V.j.] Let the people praifcthee, O God, ice all the p^opl? praifethet. ^ Pftll^. tbrougbout. CX^What do we pray for in thefecond Petition ^ A, In the fecond Petition, Q which is. Thy Kingdom iome""^ ] we pray that Satans Kingdom may be de- '^^'«"^.^.»o^' ftroyed^ and that the Kingdom of Grace might be ^ fu^sz.x} \V, advanced % our felvcs and others brought into it, and LecGoJarifc, letbii enemies be fcat:ered; let them alfo that hJte him flee before him. V.18.] Thou haft afcfnded on high, thou haft led capcivi y capcive , thou haft received gifts for men, yet, for the rebellious a'fo; that the Lord God mig'it dwell among them. * Ktv. i x. lo, 1 1 . And I heard a loud Toice , faying In heaven , Now is come fa'vation , andftrenjth, and the Kingdom of our God, a^d the power ot his Chrift j for the acc'jfer of our brethren is csft ouc,wbich accufed them before God day and night. V. 1 1 .] And they overcame him by the blood of tbcLamb,and by the word of their ceftimony>and t^iey lovtfdnot tbej^ iivesuniQibc death. kepC C5B3 d.rkfj.i; rinsiiy, ^^Pt i« »t^, and that the Kingdom of glory may be brcthrrnj pray Tor us , haftcHCd ^. tbst th,' word of tbc St. xo. Jcfus, ^ pvhat dorve fray for in the third Petition i fMatt.e.io: ^. In the third petition, (which is, Thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven ^ :; We pray, that God would tvuu thmh t n^^^^ "s able and willing to know, obey, and fubmit^to pftf/119*. ^^"^En* his will in all things s, as the Angels doin ^heaven \ * ^ «linemyjhcartuntothy . . icftimonics, and not to covetournefs. MAt.^S, 5 9 . And he went a little furtlier, and fell on his fjtce,"' and prayed, laying} O my Either, ii: it be polTtblc let this cappafs from m^>ncicrihclcfs notasIwill> fcut as thou wilt, x ^dw.ip.ij.Anditcamctopsfswhenhe wascotneto Jetufalem to meet the King? that the King faid unco him, wherefore wtnteft not thou with mc,McphJboflieth/ ^ob i.ii. Andfaid, Niked came I ou: of my mothers womb, and naked {hall I recjrn thither: the Lord gave, and the Lord hathtakcnaway, bleffcdbethenameof the Lord. •> P/d/.ioj 2o,xi.Blefie the Lord ye his Ante's that cxcell in ftrength, and do his commandments, hearkening unto the voice of bis word. V, 11.3 BlefTe ye the L^rd all ye hi$ bofts, ye minifters of bis chat do bis pleafure. ^ what do tP! fray for in the fourth Fetitioni {Hit.6\i: ^' ^" the fourth Petition, (which is. Give us thisdij our dally bread \) we pray, that of Gods free ft p^ov. JO to B^^^^^ "^^y receive a competent portion of the good Kemovi from me ' things of this life and enjoy his blelfing with them ^. ^ vanity and lies give me neither poverty, nor riches: feed me with food convenient for me. V.9.] Left I be full,anJ deny thee, and fay, who is the Lord? and left I be poor, and fteal, and take the name of my God ia vain. Geff.xt.io. And Jacob vowed avow, faying, if God will be with me, and keep me in this way that I goe, and will give me bread to cat, and raiment to put on. i Tiw. 4.4,5. For every creature of God is good and nothing to btrefufcd, if it be received with thanksgiving. V,5.] For it is fan* ^fied, by the word of Gadjand prayer* Q^ what do rve fray for in the ffth Petition ? A, In the fifth Petition, vi\\\ch\s.^and Forgive us fMit.6.\2: our debts as voe forgive cur debtors ^ ^"^ we pray that >» p/rf/. ji.i,i".~7, 9. God for Chrifts fake would freely pardon all our fins *", Have mercy upon me O God, according to thy loving kindnefs, according unto the multitude of thy tender mercies blot out my tranrgrtfTnns. V. x.] VVarti me tborouohly from mine iniquityjand dcanfeme frommy finj V7.] Purge me with hyfo;, and I fhall be clean: walh me, and 1 ftiall b? whiter then fnow. V.9.] Hide thy fac: from my ftas, and blot out sU mine iniqaiiics. J>m.$,i7^ 18^ i j;. Now ihifcforc oui; Gpd^ hear vhou ihe.prayer of iby fcrvantj 6m.« ' ** ~ "" "" wnico; which we are the rather encouraged toask^bccaufcby his grace we are enabled from the heart to forgive o- , , ,. ~ thers" ".t/^^.ii.4. Andfor-, ^^**-^^ • give us our has } for wealiu for jive tvfry^ one that is indebted to a«. i5Wu«.i 8.j 5. So li'kcwifc ftiall my heavenly Faihtr do alio 10 youj if yt froai ycur hearts lorgtve not every one his biochtr tbeir trcfpsflcs. (\WhAt do we ff ray for in the ftxih Petition ? A. In the fixtli PecitionX which is, And lead m not into tempt at ioff , but hliuer tfs from evil'^^ ] we pray "Mat.e.ii. that God would either keep us from being tempted to fin P- or fupport and deliver us when we are tern- „ ,, , „, ^ , ' * ^ ^Mat. :6.4i. VVa-ch PtCCl ^. ^ and pray rhac ye en- ter not into temptati- on, the Spirit indeed is willing, bucthe fl.fh Is weak. 1 2 Cor.ii.9. For this tbin5 Ibsfoujht the Loid thrice that it miglic depart froai me. Q^ what doth the csnclujion of the Lords Prater teach m ? A, The conclufion of the Lords Prayer, fwhich is, jFor thine is the Kingdom:^ the pcwer and the glory for ever ^ Amen^) teachcth us to take ourincourage- '^'^^•^•»?' iilent in prayer from God onely ^5 and in our prayers to . ^^'^[1]^^%^ [\\ praife him, afcribing Kingdom, power and glory to And I prayed umoth^ him ' : And in teftimony of our defire and aflurance to ^°'^ "^ God , and , , 1 r V .. mace my conuflion, be heard, we fay, ^men'\ ,nd laid, o Lord, •- the jreat and drca - fu! G3d;keepln5 the Covenant and mercy to them that love him.and keep his Commjndmcms. V.7.3 O Lord, rightecufoefs belonjeth ur.to thee, but unto us ccnfufiori of faces, as at this dsy, to the Bifnof Judab and to the inhabitants of jerufaUm, and unto all Iftacl, that arc neei- and that arc far cff, thorow all the countrcyes whither thou haft driven ihem, becaufe cf their tiefpafs, that they have uefpifftd againft thee. V.8.] OLord, tousbelongech confufionof face, to our Kinjs, to our Prin- ces, to our fathers , becaufe we have trefpaflVdagainft thee. V. 9.] To iheLon' oirGod belongs mercies, and fcrgiventfles, though we have rebelled againft him. V.i<5] OLord, aoroiiing to all ihy tijbtcoufnefst I befctch thee, Ut thine anger and thy fury be turned aw.xyirom thy City]e- rufalem, thy holy mountain ; becaufe for our lias, and for the iniquities of our fathers, Jerufalem and thy people are become a reproach to all that arc about us. V. 17.] Now ihertforf, Ooui God,iear the prayer of thy fervant, and hisJiipp!ica:iors,ind caufe thy face w ihine upon the Ssmftuary that is cefo latCj&c.V.iS.i O my God, endine thine car, and hear,cprn thine eyes and behold our defot.iricn,sn(l the City that is cal'cJ by thy Nsme }~ for we do I'.ot prefcnt our fupplicaiicns before thee for oui ri^,h- tcoufners, bur for thy great mercies. V. 1 9.] O Lord hear, O Lord forgive, O Lord hearken an i do > defer not for ihine own Ok;, O my Go«, tor thy City and thy people are called bv ihy Njuk. ' i OiT, 29. lo, 1 i,ii,ij. Wherefore Divivi bhlicd Ac Lord before all rhe Ccng-egs:ion, sn D'-'cifaiJ, Blsffcd be thou, Lord God of Iirae', rur Father for ever. V.i i .] Thin:, O Lord, is th.. gvcatnetSjand 1^ power; sad the (ioryjand theYi^ory, and the piajefty; for all tbacisinche hcay ens, and in the itfth !s thlrie : thfne !$ the KlnxiJantiO Lord, aridchou arc exilced as head abovealJ. Y.ii.^ Boc6 richttand hoaourcaaie of chee, , and thou reisaeft over all, and in thine ban ! is power and mi{ht,and in thine iiind it is to tnik: great, and co give ftren{th ancoall. V. ij. ] Njw therefore, cur God, we thank thee, and blcfs thy glorious Name. " i C^r. 14.1 6. Elfe when thou ftijlc bleffe with the Spirit, how fhill he that occupieth the room of the unlearned fay Amen at thy giving of thanks, feeing he anderftandeth not what thou fayeft / R«v.ix.io,tt. He which teilifieth thefe things, faith. Surely I come quickly. Amen. Eyenfoj .com; Lordjcfus. V.xi.^ Thegrace of our Lord JefusChri^ bewith yoa all AMlN. \ J t- The C40 The Ten Comma ^d me n ts E K^OjDU S, XX. G:©)© fp.ifee all t^cfet»di05, f vtjt! 1^dD> U)i)ic^ ^.it)^ bimg^t t^ee out of t|ie laii9 of ^^ SSpt, out jf t^i? ^oure of boit3a ge* I* %^Q\i n^Alt l)3t)e na otl^ec (^000 before me* iLSD^oufl^iltnohiuHe unto t^ee an? gcatjen image, oj ani? liH^neft of aay thmg t^it IS in l>f atjen abotj^, 0.: t(i3t is in t^z eactt) bene^t^, 01 tbit is in t^^ lnUec unoer tbe eartb ; t^ou 3^ilt not b3tt) ijotDii t^^ felf to t^zin, noj ferb? tbeiu i J=oz a £^e tLiDK3D t^5 C^jo am a jealous (000, bilitins t^e iniquits of t^e fatljers upon ti)e c^Uojen, unto t^e tfjtrDanu fottcttj generacionof tbemtbat tiiteme : anDl^ebJing mec^ c^ unto tboufanDS of t^em t^it lobe ms anD keep mg Com^ minomentg. iii.2Dt)oufl^iltnotfiifeet!jenaineoft^e 3^^K2D tlj^ 0oD inbiin. ifo.:tba !liDl$|3[> totllnot i)olof)tm guiltlef^ t^it taket^ ^iB num in bain* IV» Kemeaiber t^e ^ibbatfj wp to &eep it Ijols J ^ip Da^e5 11^ ilt tbou labo^ anu Do all tbP ujojic , but t^e febentb ua^ IS tbe ^4bb-Ufi of tbe iL;S>ifl2E) t^^ CJjo, in it t^n f^Utnot bo 9ni?i032BE, tbQU> no^^tl^^fon, no; tbe bangljter, t^S man^fecbant , noj tbs maio-ferb^nt , no.; tlj? wttel , noj tij.? ftcangec t^it is toitljirt t':)w gcite« : ifo; in fip iva?es t|)e il i2D K )2:> maine tieaben anb eact^, t|e f^a anu all tbat in tbcm s and rcfteo tl;e febent^ car -, rn^cte^ fo)etl)e 3l^H2E> bleareo tljc ?&4bUit^ oa^, ano^allouieD it* V. ^no?t^j» fatljct anu ttj? matbr : tljatttis bat?«ma^ be long upont^elanb iJol)ic^tf)e JL;^i^50 tbB (Sod gibet^ tiiee. ^ VI. Won (bait not ]^iU, 1 VII. s:bou i:i^jlt not commit aonlten?/ VIII. Mou iljalt not Heal, I X. 2Di)ou (^filt not beat falfe b3itnerj5 againtt i^2 neiglj^ bo?* ' X. 2Cl)ou^:iU notcobettli^ nergl)bo;i0 ^oufe, tfjou (l^aU - not cobcttb!?neigf)ao39f bjife, no; Ijis man^fccbant, no? \)i$ maio^fetbant, no; t)tgf op, no; yi$^% no; an^ t^im ^^-^^ ^ ti^B nei0l)bo;0f t40 The Lords Prayer, Matth. 6. Omt ifatlier ^l}k\) art in Ijeaten , ^aUoto^u be tfj^ mmc,3Cl)T? llingtiom come,X!}i? toiU be Done m eartlr, as it is in i)0at)en, dDiDc us t^is t>ai? onr «)ail\? b^eaOi^nu fo^ gite us our Debts, as lue fojgitjc cur ucbters , ^nD lean us not into temptation, but tieliter us from ebil : jfo? tbine is tbe feingoom, anu tl)t poUier, ano tbe glo?^ , foj etjer, ,^men. I The Creed. Believe in God the Father Almighty , maker of heaven and earth ' And In Jefm Chriji .his onely Son our Lord^ which was conceived by the holy Ghojl , born of the Virgin Mary^ peered under Tontins Tilate^ was crucified^ dead and buried^ 2L^"^t:iXhe defcended into hell ^, the third d.y herofe again and under the power r ^j j^^j y afcendcd into heaVcn^ and fitteth on of death ulUhc third y i r "U i » -n i \\ • I r day. " the right hand of God the tat her jilmighty^ from thence hejhall come to judge the quick and the dead : I helleVe in the hdy Ghojl : the holy Catholick Churchy the Communion of Saints ^ the forgivenefs of fins ^ the refuntclion of the body , and the life everlaping. Amen. So L4jl fO much of every Queftion both in the Larger and Shorter Catechifm, is repeated in theAnlwer, as maketh every Anfwer an entire Propofition, or (cntence in it felf : to the end the Learner may further improve it upon all occafions, for his encreaie in know- ledge and piety, even out of the courie of ca- techifing, as well as in it. And albeit the fubftan^e of the dodlrine comprifed in that Abridgement commonly called J Tl)e Apoftks Creed^ be fully fet forth in each of the Catechifmes, (o as there is no ne- ceflity of inferting the Greed it ftlf, yet it is here annexed, not as though it were compo- fed by the Apoftles, or ought to be efteemed Canonical Scripture, as the Ten Command- ments, and the Lords Prayer, ( much Icfs a Prayer, as ignorant people have been apt to make both it and the Decalogue) but becaufe it is a brief fum of the Chriftian faith, agree- able to the Word of God,and anciently receiv- ed in the Churches of Chrift. Cornelius Burges Prolocutor pro tcmpojc. Henry Roborough Scriba. Adoniram B'jfdd Scriba. V I t^ 1 S: ' mmmmmt St- tf^ritaHtfMHBBMlMl g^gigggggtmammmmm^timmmm !f €\i t *i^. ¥rl / ' V >t'^ I s ■■•[t>^\ •V: ^i ^' ^;.^ 1^ ■.)rr .'<;■« '' ■'»] ,i>n ii^ 'j»(2'-( t»..^v ^" e<.', *■ -'IK ■>H*