fVutCuVL^ J vW^'^lH ? / V LTBE A^RY op Tin: Theological Seminary, MCETON, N. J. fv/.sy, J^S-< Division „..<. SAef/, 10' Section Book, / *~~ No. IBiUe. b^glisk. THE SECOND TOME HOLIE B iFAITHFVLLY VrANS-1*^ LATED INTO ENGLISH, OVT OF THE AVTHfflTICAL LATIN. Diligently conferred with thelHebrew, Greeke, ^ and other Editions in diuds languages. mm ^ With ^rgvments of the Book.es, and Chapters: ^jb| $£5j A NNOTATiONs:T ab/es: and other helpes, j^f$Eg yir £ttte r wderftanding of tie text : for difcbuerie of &£&$ Corrvptions in torn late tranjlations : and ?^( \3> ■ Jo. £wrX& for charing C c N t r o yE r s i e s in Religion. U y the Eng ~£ Spirit nSanUo injpiratijecut The holie men of God " ^ Printed at Doway j^5 at. the fig LEGE OF DOVAY, EliDeihcmincs. 2. Pet. t. ired vcith the Holie Ghoft* VRENCE KELLAM; holie Lambe. NO s injrajripti 3 in alma Duacenfi wriuerfitate Sacra Thologia Doclores ($/ TrofefSores , banc %*4nglicanm Ceteris Teflamenti tranjlaticnem> quam tres diuerfiev.snationis eruditijjimi Thcologi, non folum fidelem, fed ropter diucrfa qua eifunt adiunc7ay valde njt'\lem fidei ^atholic* propaganda actuenda, {0 bonis moribus promuendisyfunt tejtati : quorum tefli- monia ipforum fyngnpbis muriita vidimus ; Cuius item Tranjlatienis ,$) Jlmotationum Autlores nobis de fidei integtitate > $ emditmis praflantia frobe funt noti: his rebus adducli & nxi3fru£luo(e euulgari pofie cen- fuimus. Duaci.%. Noiembris. \6o$. Gvilielmvs EsTi/s Sacrae Theologian Doctor, & ia AcademiaDuaceni Profeflbr. Bartholomaevs Pstrvs Sacra: Theologian Do&er & in Vniuerfitate Diacenfi Profcflbr. Giorgivs Colvenerivs S. Theologize Do&or, &- 16. and yet they haue not his name in their titles. Againe,2.ifr£\ z$. D auid is only inthled the egre- gious,oi excellent pfilmifl of ifrael. Neither were Afaph, Eman, and Idithun anie where called Prophetes ('as are al the writers of holieScriptures) butonly matters of mu- fikCyi. Paral. zy And the fonnes of Core were only porters. i. Paral. 26. Finally S. Ierom ( whofeiudgemenc the whole Church fingularly eftemeth, in al queftions belonging to holie Scriptures) femeth as much inclined, that only the Royal Prophet Dauid was author of this whole booke, as to the contrarie. For in his Epiftleto Paulinus, prefixed before the Latin Bible, comprehending the principal ar- guments of fcueral bookes.when he cometh to the Pfal- fummeofthis without mention of other authors, faith : Dauid our booke to Da- / n Simonidesi Pindarm }and Alceus j Flaattsal/o, Catullus,andCe- renttty S Ierom attri butcththe Hid only. T.I 6s Jltl. A. T.24. K°. 4. v.6. T.«?. y.7. VPON THE PsALMES. y reftustfoundethout Chrifl, with harpe & tame flringcd PJalter, rift 7//g vp from hel :fo attributing the fummc of this whole booke to the Royal Prophet Dauid, as if he fuppofed no otherauthor. Touching therfore the argument, or contentes o£$jsT}ie Pfalmes diuine Pfalter, al Catholique Doclors vniformly agree areaSummc that it is the abridgement, fumme, and fubftanee of al holie scripture" Scriptures, both old and new Teftament. As may firfi: be probably collected, by that Chrifl: himfelfe often compre- hending al the old Teftament by the termes of the Law tt*t. j. and Prophetes, in one place ( Luc. 24. v. 44. ) femeth not 7. 11. tz. onlieto reduce al to the Law and Prophetes iointly, but alfo ,l6' to the Pfalmes alone, or feuerally . But whether this be our Sauiours diuine meaning or no in that place, out of this and manie other places, al the ancient Fathers teach exprefly, that the Pfalmes are an Epitome of al other holie Scriptures . For example , S. Denys, It de Ecclefl Hierar. contemplat. 1. after brief recital of the contents of other holie Scriptures , faith : This/acred booke of diuine Canticles, doth exhibite both a general Jong , and expofition of diuine thinges. S. Bafil calleth the P/almodie of Dauid the common and moH plentiful florehoufi of alfacred doclrine : the treafure of perfect Theologie. S. Lsdmbrofe accounteth it the regifier of the s aw. whole Scripture.Oiigcn, S. Cyprian S. Ierom, S. Chry- *npfai. foftom, S. Gregorie, S. Beda S. Bernard, Calliodorus, Eu- pmttnt. timius, and others vfe the fame, or very like termes. S. Au- guftin particularly diftinguifhing al the Scriptures into foure fortes of bookes,Oieweth that the Pfalmes conteyne They cotciae ahTheLavv (faith he) teacheth fomethingesjhe Hiflorie feme- *hc $mJ?.* of thinges, the Prouerbes alfo and Prophetes teach fomethinges : but ricf ijapient" the Booke of Pfalmes teachethal. It propofeththe law,recounteth «fenriaI,«M* thinges of old, prefribeth the due ordering of mens actions, and aoOrine " prophecieth thinges to come. Briefly it is a common treafure of gcod docJrine, aptly admin ift ring that is necejjarie to euerieone. And a iitleafter,exemplifying in particular points-.//^/ hcre[fo\i\\ A 5 he) Q Proemial Annotations he ) algreatnes ofvertue, and is not here the right fqu 'Are ofi/h Jlice fis not the cor/dines of chaftitie j the confimmation oftru- dence\ is not what foeuer may be called good, lerncd in the Pfalmes? Here is the know lege of God; the cUreprenounciation ofchrift t§ come in flesh\ the hope of general Refurreclion ;feare of torments \ tromife of glotie \reuelatt$n ofnyflerscs. Euen al good thinges are here j as in a common great trcafure, Liidevp and heaped together. Godsproui- See then and obferue here (Chriftian reader) the ad- iVcctiydrav- inirable wifdom, and goodnes of God. The meanes of ingourcon- mans faluacion being fo difpofed, that hisowne free con- tent & coopc- fenz ancj COOperacion is therto necellanlv required, accor- xacionot free- ,. J i . m r { r oa vil,vhichis dingto that molt approued doctrinor thelame 5. Augu- ncceflaric to ftm : ^uicreatti tie fine te \ non iuftijicatte finete. He that created ser. ij. thee , without thee , doth not iusiifie thee without thee : to J1"?* helpc our weaknes, and fleetly to draw our mindes, " other wife auerfe from nauelandpaine, the Holie Ghoft s.r*fiij» hath ordained that in fmal rovme, and inpleafantmaner, Pr*los» we may attaine necefTarie knowlcge of God, &: our felucs, eafely kepe the fame in memorie , and dayly put in praclife ourchiereft dutie,inferuingandprai{ing God, by finging, reading, or hearing thefe diuine Pfalmes. which one booke (as eueiie one shal be able to lerne it, more or leiTe per- . fedly ) openeth and sheweth the way, to vnderftand al ether Scripcures, and fo to finde, & enioy the hidden trea- fures of Gods word : in like maner as a key openeth a lock. Holie Scrip- For the whole facred Bible is a fealed Booke, and not rightly ^'c' *• booke." vnderftood, til the feale, or lock be opened, by the key of Gods fpirite, geuing knowlegej which the Holie Ghoflr, amongft other wayes,infpireth very often, by facred Mu- fikeor Pfalmodic. As S. Gregorie noteth in holie Scrip- K.4-**- 2kfefofi-U cure (4. Reg. 5. v. 1 j.) where Elifeusnotyet knowing Gods u&fm tWcr scrip- wil in a particular cafe, called for a Pfalmift (or player on inittumcnts ) smdvvheit the Pfalmift fang, thehandofour Lord camevpon Elifeus, and prefently he prefcribing what should be donne, procured plentie of water withoutrayne, where was cures. VPON THE PsALMES. 7 was none before, and prophecied vidtone againft the eni- mies.Rcafonalfo and experience teach,that as men of cheer- ut.y ful hart are apt to frg: Co the exercife of reading, finging, or playing Pialmes, is a conuenienc and a fpecial meanes, to attaine quietnes or cheerfulnes of mind. ■ But as this holie Pialter is the key of other Scriptures, fo it felfe is mod efpecially a fcaled,and locked Booke, requi- But itfclf is ring manie keyes. Euerie pfalme (faith S. Hilarie) hath a*"° peculiar key> and oftentimes there be fo manit lockes and keyes of one ffa/me, as there be diuers perfons that fpeahe^ to diuers endes and purpofes. For albeit diuers myftenes are fometimes con- But one prin- netted, and fo require fundne keyes , vet there is but one cl?aL^yof principal, &: proper Key orecn rfalme: ocnerwile it should bediuided into manie Pfalmes. Our fir ft endeuour ther- fore muft be,to find the proper key of euery Pfalme,that is, to know what is principally therein conteyned. To this Trnuefe" purpofethelerned Expoiitersofthis booke, haueobferued tenne general pointes, or feueral matters, to which al the contents may be reduced, as it were, fo manie keyes, and meanes of entranceinto the fenfe, and true vnderftanding of al the Pfalmes. And the fame may likewife be called Ajforcp the tenne ftringes of this diuinc inftrument. Vpon one of ftringes. which, euery Pfalme principally playeth, touching the reft moreorleiIe,ascauferequireth, for more melodious har- monie, and perfect mufike. The firft key, or ftring, is God himfelf: One in Subftance: i. Kef*7 Three in Perfons. Almightie, Alperfed, Powre, VVif- £ "dSL* dom, Goodnes, Maieftie, Iuftice, Mereie, & other Diuinc z. Attributes. The fecond, is Gods workes of Creation, Con- Godswork:*, feruation, andGouerningofthe whole world. The third, Gcdsprcui- Gods Prouidence, efpecially towards man, in protecting d-ncc- and rewarding the iuft: in permitting, and punishing the The He: wicked. The fourth, is the peculiar calling of the He- people, brew people, their beginning in Abraham, Ifaac, and la- cob ; their maruelous increafe in -^gypt : diuers eftates, manic 4- :brei S PilOEMIAL AN'WOTATiOKS manieadmirabieand miraculous thinges donne amon^ft them; with their ingratitude, reiection, and reprobation. ClmftourRc- The fifth principal key, and firing is Chrifl, the promifed demcr. Redemcr of mankind : prophecying his Incarnation, Na- tiuiti«c,Trauels, Sufferings, Death, Rcfurreftion, Afcen- Conucrftonof ^on> an^ Glorie. The fixt is the propagation or Chrifls Gcndics, the name and Religion, with Sacrifice and Sacramntes, in the Church^6 multitude of Gentiles beleeuing in him, euen to the vc- tcrmofl coafles of the earth, the Catholique Church euer 7. vifible. The fcuenth is the true maner of feruing God, vorkfsg00d with fincere faith, and good workes. The eight, holie 8. Dauidinterpofeth maniethinges concerning himfelfe. As aacjd5 °WtiC Gods lingular benefites towards him, for which he rcn- dereth thankes, and diuine praifes, recounteth his enimies, dangers, and afflictions of mind &: bodie, namely by Saul, Abfalon and others, humbly befeeking, and obtaining Gods protection. He alfoexpreffeth in himfelfe a perfect image, and patterne of a fincere and hartie penitent: be- GeneraiRe- wayling, confefTing, and punifhing his owne finnes. The furreaion,& ninth is the end and renouation of this world, with the u gement. gcneraj Refurre&ion, and Iudgement.The tenth is eter- Etcmalgiory nal felicitie, and punishment, according as euerie one de- andpainc. -feructh in this life. Thefe are the tenne keyes of this holie Booke ; and tenne flringesof this Diuine Pfalter. Moreouer to finde which of thefe is the proper key , and Fourevaycs principal firing of euerie Pfalme,lerned Diuines vfe foure to find the efpecialwayes.Firflby the title, added by Efdras, or the cucfi^pfafmc. Seucntie two Interpreters, for an introduction to the fenfe T- of the fame Pfalmc. So it appearcth that the third Pfalme Bj t otitic. treacccn iiterally of Dauids danger, and deliuerie from his fonne Abfalon: which is the eight key. though myflically it fignifieth Chrifls Perfecution, Paffion, &Rcfurrection, i. which is the fifth key. Secondly, if there be no title, or if it fnlEew declare not fufficiently the key, or principal matter con- Teitament. teyned , it may fome times be found by allegation and application VPON THR PsALMES. 9 application of feme fpecia! part thereof in the new Tc la- ment. So it is euidenc Act. 4. v. is. c. \;. v. tf. Heb. 1. *u. j.&.Hcb.s.v.s.th&t the fecond Pfalme pertcyncth to Chrifr, impugned and perfccuccd by diuers aduerfaries. Which is the fife key. Thirdly, when greater thinges arc j." affirmed ofanieperibn, or people, as of Dauid, Salomon, ^"""fi^- lewifti nation, or the like, then can be verified of them, ic me£ muftneceflfarilybevndcrfloodofChrifrjOr his Church, in the new Teftament, or in Heauen. So the conclufion of the 14 . P Jaime '.He that doth thefe thinges ', shdmt be rr.oued for etter, can not be verified of the tabernacle, nor temple of the Jewcs j but of eternal Beatitude in heauen. V Vhich is the tenth key. Though the greater part of the Pfalme shewcth, that iuft and true dealing towards our neighboures, is nc- ceffarie for attayning of eternal Glorie. Fourtly when, *• both the title and Pfalme, or part thereof feme hard and 0f placed* obfcure,fomepart being more cleare, the true fenfe of al may begethered, by that which is more euident. Accor- 2Jf*€4, clingtoS. Auguftinsrule,//. i.e. p. &I1.3.C. 26.T>ott.Chr'ift. ««■*, So the title, and former part of the fifth Pfalme, being more obfeure, are explaned by the laft verfes, fhewing plainly that God wil iuflly iudge al men , both iuft and wicked, in the end of this world. Which is the ninth key. By thefe and like meanes the principal key being found, ic wil more eafily appeare, what other keyes belong to the fame, and what other ftringesare aifo touched. At lead: the fludious may by thefe helpes make forne entrance, and for more exad knowlege fearch the iudgement of ancienc Fathers, and other learned Do&ours. ,. But befides this Angular great comrnoditie, of compen- dious handling much Diuine matter infmalrowme, this Theftilecf bpoke hath an other fpecial excellencie, in the kind of jj»$b?°ke « ftile, and maner of vttering, which is Meeter, an d Verfe,in the original Hebrew tongue. And though in Greke, Latin, and other languages, the fame could not in like forme be B exadly io Proemial Annotations exa&ly tranflatcd yet the number, and diftinclion of verfes isfo cbferued, thatitisaptformufike, aswcl voices as in- Abufcd-rc - ^rurnents^ ar)d to al other vfesof Gods feruants. Neither tethnocfVom is mufical maner of vttering Gods word and praxes, JeiTe, good iiunges. to be efteemed, becaufc profane Poetes haue in this kind of (tile vttered light, vaine, and falfe thinges. For the abufe of good thinges, doth not derogate from the goodnes ther- of, but rather commendeth the fame, which others defire Dauidspfaher to imitate. And clereitis, that this holie Pfalmodie was more ancient before anie profane poetrie now extant. For Homer the then any pro- _ r \ r in fane poctHc molt ancient or that forte, writte his poeme, at lealt two aow extant, hundred and fourtieyeares after the deftruction of Troy : as Apolidorus witnelTeth;others,namely Solinus, Herodo- tus, and Cornelius N epos fay longer. VVheras kind Dauid our DiuinePfalmift, reigned wichin one hundred years, after the Troianeswarres. There were in dede Amphion, Orpheus,and Mufcus before Dauid, but their verfes cither were not written, or fhortly periihed, only a confufe me- morie remaining of them, recited, altered, and corrupted by \v ord of mouth: but before them were the facred Hifto* rie of lob, almoft al in verfe; and the two Canticles of ■adeoL MoyCcs3Exodiis.andDcut.ji. It is moreouer recorded that ct». 4: Iubal( long before Noes floud)was the father of them,that fang on harpe, and organ. Mufike therfore is maruelous OToft exed!^ ancienc- But facred Poetrieis in manieotherrefpe&es moft excellent, and moll: profitable. This holie Pfalmodie {'faith pre/at. S. Auguftin) isamedecinetoold jpiritual fores, itbringeth pre- ftntremedie to nev wvoundes : it maketh the good to perfeuere in wel dowr, it mreth at once al predominating pafions, which wexemensfouks. A little after: Pfalmodiedtiueth away euilfflt- rites, iuuiteth good Angels to helpc vs,it is a shield in night terrors, a refreshing of day trauels, a guard to children, m ornament to yongmcn,acGmforte to oldmen, a mo fi fi em lie grace to wemert. Vn!$ beginners it is an introduction, an augmentation to them that goe forward in vertue, afinblefrmtmentto the f erf eel: ltco»- toyneth tu *«r vpon the Psalm es. ir ioyneth the whole Church militant in one voice ; andisthej}iritual eternal fwete perfume of the teleflial Armies >alSaincles and An- gelsin tie iuen. Toal this we may adde other caufcs, which moued the vvhyKine Royal Propheteto write this diuine poetrie. Firft he had Damdvritta from his youth (by Gods fpecialprouidcnce) a natural in- dlumcPocmc clination to Mufrkejwherin he fWtlyfo excelled, that be- The firft caufc foreal theMufitiansin Ifrael, he was fele&ed to recreate hisnaturai in- king Saul, whom an euilfpinte vexed. And his skil, toge- ^Ske*** ther with his deuotion,had fuch effe&, thztwhen he playde xV.Vfij. ontheharpCy Saul was refreshed, and 'waxed better. Fortheeuil ffirite departed from him: faith the hoiie text. VVherforc he made thefcPfalmes, that him felfe and others might by finging them, imploy this gift of God to his more honour. Secondly, verfe being more eafie to lerne , more firmly vcrfemorc kept in mind, and more pleafant in pra&ife (for as spine ^ cafie & «orc j#k4«. fimufike doth recreate the hart of 'man) the Hoiie Ghoft con- Plefant- defcending to mans natural difpofnion,infpired Dauid to WritethefePfa'mes in meetcr, mixing the powre of diuine s s!rrf doff™* with delegable melodie offong, that whiles the eare is h prdfat allured with fvvete harmonie ofmufike^ the hart is indued with heauenlie bnowlege, pleafant to the mind^ and profitable to the fiule. Thirdly, Dauid fingularly illuminated with know- Moftf'ecial lege of great, and mod diuine Myfteries, indued alio with greac,andm=- moil: gracious difpofition of mind, the man chofen according morabIe lhin~ toGodsownehart\i, Reg. is-) would vtter the lame Mylte- verfe. ries,with godlie inftru&ions, and praiies of God, in the moftexquifitekindoffhle; that is in verfe. For otherwife he was alfo very eloquent in profe, as wel appeareth by fundrie his excellent, and effectual difcourfes, in the books of Kinges,and Paralipomenon. For which caufe Moyfes alfo defcribed the pafTage of Ifrael forth of ^gypt through Exe. ij. lrie read fea in a Canticle,after that he had related the fame wholehiftorie,moreat lar.^ein profe ;that al might fing, andfo render thankes with melodious voice, and mufical B i inftru- it Proemial Annotations inftruments praifing God. Likewife in an other Canticle he compriled the whole law,alitle before his death. So alfo Deut,)u Barac and Debora:aiid after them Iudith,fong praifes to Godfor their victories in verfe. Salomon watte the end of mdic. 5-. his Prouerbes,and a whole booke (intituled Canticles ) &: llidith- the Prophet Ieremie his Lamentations in verfe. Anna ha- T,'tu Jr# uing obtained her prayer for a fonne, gauethankesto God *•*&•*' with a Canticle. The like did king Ezechias for recouerie *{u\l, Cadclcsmtteof focakB. TheProphets Ifaias,Ezechiel,Ionas, Abacuc, i*. acne. C *" anc^ tne dute children in the fornace: againein the new ^1** Tefbment, the B. virgin mother, iuft Zacharie, & deuout jibat.^, Simeon gauethankes, &lang praifes to God in Canticles. Danh Fourthly, albeit the holie King was not permitted, to Both diuine build the gorgious Temple for Gods feruice, as he greatly S«i^fn Gods defired to naue done, yec nc prouided both ftorc of nuifi- templc. tians ( fourc thoufand in number, of which 28 8. were t.pw maifters to teach )& made thefe Pfalmes as godlie ditties, 23>i^« for this holie purpofe, in al folemnities of fealtes, and day- lie facrifice, when the Temple fhould afterward be built. 5< Fiftly, he made thefe Pfalmes not only for his ovne,& ef &cfep&l^ o^ers priuatedeuotion, nor yet foefpeciallyforthepub- mesinthcCa- lique Diuine fcruice in the Temple, and other Synago- diohquc gUes Gf thelewes, but moft principally for the Chriftian Catholique Church, which he knew ihould be fpred in the wholeearth.Forfeingthe maruelous great, and frequenE vfe therofintheChriftianClergie, and Religious people of both fexes. As he prophecieth in diuers Pfalmes.o^/ the earth (in* to thee : fmg P/almes to thy name. Againe, / vvil jin^ Pfalmes to thee (6 God ) in the Gentiles, in al peoples ', and ^. Nations. V Vhich him felfe neuer did, but his Pfalmes are euer fince Chart, fong by Chriftians, conuerted from gen- ThcwHolc tilitie, as we fee in the Churches Seruice. For the whole PLiitcnntie pfojeer is diftributcd to bcfone,in the ordinaric office of ficccueric ourBreuiarie euerie weke. And though extraordinarily, mckc. £ov t]ic vanai- of times, and feaftes, there is often altera- tion, -J VPON THE PSAIMES. Ij tion,yctftilthe greater pare is in Pfalmes. Certayne alfo Certaine pfal- 4\ 1*0; of the lame Pfalmes, are without change, or intcrmilTion 51" cuen* jj 6z. repeted euene day. And iuch as haue obligation uo the 66. jo. Canonical Houres, mull: at lead read the whole O ffice pri- Many pfalmes in ot elefc ficss. ijt 148.' uatly, if they be not prefenc where it is fong. The Office m other Ec- 14? i;o. alfo of Maffi^ordinanly beginneth withaPfalme. In Lita- ficc^afticiI of~ flies, and almoft al publique Prayers, and in adminiftra- tion of other Sacraments, and Sacramentals, either whole Pfalmes, or frequent verfes are inferted. Likewife thegrea- tefl: part of the Offices, of our B. Ladie, and for the dead arc Pfalmes. Befides the feuen Pcenitential , and fiftene Gradual Pfalmes,atcertainc times. So that Clergie mens daly office confiftethmuchin finging, or reading Pfalmes. Andtherforeal Byshops efpecially, are ftri&ly bond by a particular Conon ( Dift. 58. cap.Onwes pfallentes) to be skil- Bis{l s , , ful in the Pfalmes ofDauid-. and to fee that other Clergie to be Skilful* men be wel inftru&ed therin. According to the Holie inDauidsP^- Ghofts admonition, by the pen of the fame Royal Prophet other Pricftc* ( Pfal $6. ) P fallite fapienter \ oxiintelligenter, that is. £//*§■ Pfal- to haue com- mes with knowlege, andvndeiftandingthem. Not that euerie f/." tLrin/^ one is bond to know, and be able to oiicufle al difficulties, but competently, according to their charge vndertaken in Gods Church. Otherwife euerie one that is, or inten- deth to be a Prieft, may remember what God denounceth to him, by the Prophet Ofee (c. 4. ) Becaufe thou haft repelled knovvkge, I will 'cpel 'thee, that thou do notthefunftion ofPrieft- hoedvtstome% Thus much touching the Author, the con- rentes, the poetical fti le, & final caufc of this holie Pfalter. Asforthename, S. Xcrom, S. Auguftin, and other Fa- thers teach , that wheras amongft innumerable mufical v^y^* inftruments, fix were more fpecially vfed in Dauids time, \^?tl\llx, mentioned by him in the laft Pfal me. Trumpet, F f alter, Hari>e Timbrel , Organ, and Cimhal . This booke hath his name of the instrument called Pfalter, which hath tenne firings, Signifying the cennc commandements , and is made in B 3 forme 14 Proemial Annotations forme (as S. Ierom, and S. Bedc fuppofe) of the Greke, letter A deitdy becaufe as that inftrumenc rendreth found Other iuftru- ^rom aDOue > fo We (hould atcend to heauenlie vertwes, mcHtcsmakc which come from aboue : Likewife vfing the harpe, which Chnp0fT Vkh %n'fyeth mortification of the flefh,& other inftrumencs, which Ggnifie and teach other vercues, \re muft finally rc- Al vermes arc ferrealto Gods glorie, reioyce fpiricuallyinhart, andren- rcfcrreJ co _ * r . . . / to be tf>poun- -* -*• mans wil,but the (Prcphetes) holie men of God ipake,inipued dedbythe co- by the Holie Ghoft: to no prophecie(™rr\y?/*V.m>wJofScriprure,is monipuitof made by priuate interpretation. z.Pet.i. but by the lame Spiritc the Church, ^herwith it was written, which our Sauioar gauc to the Church, mea> P 1U to abide for euer, the Spirite of truth i to teach al truth. Ioati. 14. 16. Neither pertcyneth it to euerie one, to difcerne the true fpirite, but tofome. 1. Cor. 12. Thev cenfift Holie Scriptures conilft not in reading, but in Ynderftanding. in vndcrftan- S. Ierom Dialogo aduerf. Luciferianes. ^!ng- The wordes of holie Scripture are fo to be vnderftood, as holie Holy Fathers tjie Samites of God, haue vnderftood them, S. Aut Ser. iS.de do belt ex ' . . ' , ?' . pound them. werbSDommt. Men muitlerneormen,not expect knowlegeimme- diatly of God, nor only by Angels. Idem, in pro'.oro Doth. Chrijl. SomeMvfte- There be iome thinges , mentioned in holie Scripture, which rksarc hid- God wil haue hidden, and thofe are not to be curioufly fearched. S. _Amb. //• i.e. 7. de vocxt. Gentium. _, Bv rhofe thinges, which to vs are hidden in holie Scripture, our •ar kumilitic. humilitic is proucd,^. Greg h«. 17. fnper E^ech. Mat. ;. Uf.i. Jcre. 17, THEBOOKEOF PS A LMES PSAIMI I, The Royal prophet T)^uid placed this Pfalme m a f re face to the reft, con- *"e ri&"* teymnv, 1 true happinesy which conffteth in flying finnes, and feruingmaney ~°J Jcr". God. 3. The good doe prober, ;. not the ^ icked: 6. m WiUppeare in the lun& Go"" end ef this world. The 7. key. a He is in the L e ss 1 d a is the man, that" hath b not gone in right way f the counfel of the impious, & hath c not" ftoodc eternal fcli- in the way offinners, and hath d not"fitteinthe^"- chayre ofpcftilence : [ b not confented to emlf^gg^'toni. c not continued infinne' d not finally perfifled in kicked life. 1 f But e his"wil is in the way of our Lord, and in his law he e HeUwhoU wil meditate day and night ► [ Ij occupied & delighted in keeping Cods commandments. 3 f And he shal be as a tree, that is planted nigh to f the ftreames To "tm ***t of waters, which shal gcue his fruitc in his time : [ vfeth Godsg^ace WeU more grace is continually geuen. 4 j- And f his leafe shal not fal: and h althinges whatfoeuerhe5 Through shal doe, shal profper. [ fitch grace he shal perjeucr. h al t hinges Work^ to the good of them thatlcxe Godf™*™')' 5 t The impious not Co : but • as duft, which the winde driueth ' The ^idgd from the face of the earth. [ are ca;-ried with euery light tentation. 6 f Thcrfore the impious shal k not rife againe in mdgement: k ^ Kffi'tg nor finners in the ' counccl of the iufl [ at the lajtday, the wicked shal not rife with hope nor comforth, but in defolation* J the happie congregation of the hltffed. 7 f Tor our Lord m knoweth the way of the iuft, and the way of ™ approueth the impious n shal perish* [& rewardcth.. B in eternal damnation. ^NNO- M.4 \C The Boo kE ANNOTATIONS. Ps.ume. I. Theyarchap- i. ttoay not fitte] The H^brcv ftj!c,andmaner ofdifcourfe pic (in hope) difrererh here from other nation-, in rre-uionlng fitft the lefle cu:l, and the that decline greiteit lafc. Whereas we would fay in thecancrarj o:dcr: PIj is happic thac ftomeuil. hath nct/m^tha:is,ha:hnotfet!edhirnfclfe in vpickednes, nor finally pcrfiftc-d ebftinate : rr.orc happie, that hath nor flood, anie notable time continued ia finae : and molt happie, that hath nozgem, not gcuen anie confent at al to euil Iufticeconfi- foggeftions fleth in ticing l- Htsryihntbeyvayof onrLerd. \ As onepart or bflppines cenniteth mde- eail and doin^ dining from euil; lo the other is in doing good ; ihe wil defiring, and diligently od ° endeuoring to v> alke in the way of *ertue, and lav of God. Which is true * iuflice, and right forme of good life, propofed in this Pfalmc, for attaining r>srL -a ercnul bcAtltude- OfChrfi. Psalme II. the )-kij- Aifo of his Chrifisglorie, the Vftrtd repining therat, 4. shal be propagated in al the Church the world. 7. His diuine po\v-e as Wei Jpirttnal tn ccnuerting mens hartcs, 6. key* ** external, in feuere iufiice, is prophecied. a Bothgetile:. T7\7Hy did the a Gentiles rage, and b peoples medi- 1 b and 1 ewes V V tatcvaine things ? ferine invaine againfi Chrijh C Pilate and f The c kings of the earth ftood vp, and the d princes came 1 Herod. together in one againil our Lord, and againft his Chrilt. d Annas and Caiphas. cThe voice of f Let e vsbreake their bondes a fundcr:and let ys caft a\ray 3 niched men, their / yoke from vs. f & facially libertines firming to shake of al difcipline. g Cod for al f Hethatd\rellethin theheauens, shal g laugh at them rand 4 this wilturne our Lord shal fcorne them. the harres of manie. h feusriy re- f Thcnshalhcfpcaketo them in his h Nrrath, & in his i furie J pr:hend3 he shal truble them. i and iufilj finish the obfimate. k Chrfishal f But kj. am appoynted king by him oucr Sion his holie hil, 6 reigne in his preaching his precept. kingdome the Church. r „ 1 God the Fa- |The / Lordfaidto me; Thou art my m Sonne,I this day haue 7 *f».sj. therfpeakfth begotten thee. to m God the Sonne. n Chrifi as t Aske of me,and I vil geue n thee the Gentiles,for thync in- S man hath (he heritance, and thy polteilion 0 the endes of the earth. C>'-ttrrh for his inheritance, o Spred through the whole world. Cr.j. OF PSALMIS. 17 *) f Thou shalt rule them " in p arodofyron,and. ' ataporters ^QotLsi-.f:*- jtpoc.i. velfel thou shalt breake them in peeces. [ ible wiicrpowre. + 19- 10 t And cf no\r "ye kings vnderftand: * take inftrudion you chat <\Apropheci* ludge the earth. n briges thai be conuerted,avd fitbmit themfdues to Qhrijh difcipline. ri j- Serue our Lordin r feare : and " reioyce to him with trern- r None is bling. feenre before datth, 11 t Apprehend diicipline/leftfometime our Lord be wrath, and CSomef.il you perish out of the iull way . [ from the way of faluaticn. i} \ "When his wrath t shal burneiH short time, blefled are al, t God wil that trull in him. iadge wftly in the end of this short life both the enil and wood. So this Pfalme concludeth with the ninth kej» ANNOTATIONS. Psalme. II. l. binges and Princes a^ainjl Chrift.] VVhe* Chrift, and his Apoftles prea- Perfemtia» ched the Gofpel, both Iewes and Gentiles, with their Princes;Kinges,aBd Em- canno: hiflder perorsmoftfurioufly refitted, but al in vaine For they could not hinder the wil the glotieof and powre of God. But the more they pcrfccutcd, the more -was incrcafed the Chrift. zelc, and number of Chrifrians. 8. The gemtdes tbyn inheritance ] By this promife of God to Chrift, S. Augu- The Church . . ftin conuinced the DonaTiftcs;&: in them the Troteftantes, that fay, the Church ae ucr failctk. Pfal °^ thrift failed, and became Lmal, or inuifible ; as though Chrift the Sonne of • * God, could fometimes lofc his inheritance, which is the Catholique Church, gethered of the Gentiles, and btspujejiten extended to theendes of the earth. 9. jfs a fetters rej] el.] If a potters veftcl (faith S.Ierom inhuncVfal.tetn. I.) be broken whiles it is fo ft, it may eafily berepared, but after it is hard, it can Cuftome im not be made whole againe. So finncrs are more eafily reftoredto grace, shortly finne more repeating, then lor q obdurate: yet that which is vnpoilible to man, is poifiblc hardly cured. to God. Uat. io. T»r as day tn the fitters hand, ft are yo»tn my hand, f&sth e-nr Lord. lere.il. io. Te kingesynderftand. ] Not onlie innumerable other peop'c of al nations, Kinge* con- bur alfo after a while, Kinges and Emperors bcleued in Chrift. And fuch as at uerted to firft perfecuted, became «io£ Chnftian, Catholique, Defenders of the faith. Chriftianitic. 10. Take tnftruZlien you that m*dge the earth.] Petilianus, Gaadentias, & other Donatiftes inueyghing againft Cnriftiaa Kinges, for punishing heretikes, mod Defend Ca- ralflyauoched,thatChriftianitieneuerfouncrkingesbutinuious, enimies, and tholiques and 1/tdPe- Pcrfcciltcrs. To whom S. Auguftinanfwereth in fcueral bookes, that Chriftian punifh hcic- t'U li x binges, and Princes are not enemies to Chriftianitic: but are enemies to here- tikes. c' ' ' tikes, the rebelles of Chrift, and his Church For according to this prophecie Apoftataes fa- AdCaud °fkingDauid, Chriftian ?*nges are %nflr»£led, and know it is their dutie, is the uourehcreti- OJt*4 fcru*ce~of God, to defend the Church againft Heretikes, and other Infidelies. kes and fchif- Andit is the propertie of Apoftataes to fauour heretikes. So good Conftantin mauke*, bc- the great maintained Catholiqae vnitie; and Iulian the Apoftatato makegrea- caufc they ecr duufion, ceoke Churches from Catholique $, and gaucchemto Donatiftei, hatealChri- C toaouioh ftiaas. 18 The books to nourish diflention.and fo to ouertbrow al Chriftians But God ftil protecteth the true Chui\h, againft al fuch futtlc, and malicious dtuilei :btc«ujeitischnfis inheritAtxt. loy and fcarc. n' *e"yce vin&tHin&iiig, ] Gods Tcruicc is tempered with two affections : vrithioy, in con/iteration of his goodnes, mercie, & meeknes ; and with feare, in refpect of his uftice, and fcui re iudgement. The one is a temedie againft de- fperation ; the other againft prelumption. Vauidperfe- Psalm i. III. c y is Kin gT>auid recount eth his danger y when his fonne Abfalom con fpired a- ■L, '- , gain]} him : 4. andthanheth God for his dcliuerie. 9, acknowledging al Y' helpe to be from God.Mtjtically} Chrifts perfection yDeathy£urial3and T\efurrellion. f The " Pfalme of Dauid, " when he fled from the face of 1 Abialom his fonne. (2. Reg. ij. ) a O God let y O rd a why are they b multiplied that trublemeJmanie 2 Joan u me know how .Lrifevp againft me. greuiously I haue finned, b that allfrael [1. Reg. 15.-zz.13. ) withal their hart foloweth Abfolom. So againft Chrift, the Pricftes, the People, & Gentiles al confpired. cmy lift d be -f Many fay to c my foule: There is d no faluation for him in 3 can note/cape his God. e But I a- | But e thou Lord art my prote&our, my/ glorie,& exalting 4 much that g my head. Cod alwaies defendeih me3 f gifting me vilioricy %& cofirming my kingdom. f With my voice I haue cried to our Lord: and he hath heard y h heaiien. me from his h holiehil. i I lay downe f "I haue t flept, and haue ^ bene at reft \ and haue / rifenvp, 6 k and rested becaufe our Lord hath taken me. in expectation of 'thy help e. 1 And am delivered. Chrift dye dy fVasburicdy& rofc ajaine. m / know f Iwil not feare thoufandes of people comparing mc: m a- 7 thou wilt help rife Lord, faue me my God. me3 and fo I befcchiheetodo. n The ftregth j- Becaufe thou haft (broken al that are my aduerfaries without 8 And furie. caufe: thou haft broken the n teeth of miners. o health and -j- Saluation 0 is our Lordes : and thy p blcliing vpon thy 9 faftie cometh people. from God* v Abundance &f grace promife 'd to Gods feritantes. ANNO- of Psalm es. i*> ANNOTATIONS. Psalms. III. I. pfalme »fDauid.] Al Interpreters agrcably teach, that king Ds.uid made nocthc titles, which arc before the Pfalmes. Tv'cucnhcles they arc authentic*], Tnlesofthe as endited by the Holic Ghoft. And it ismoft probable Efdras added thofe ti- Pialmes added ties which arc in the Hebrew : and the Seuentie interpreters writte the other, °y Efdras and in their Grckc Edition. Eoth which S. Ierem tranflated into Latin. theSeptua- In thefe titles flue thinges may be noted. Firft, the former two hauing no title Sin,e* at al, the general name of Pfalmc, common to al, is particularly appropriated to fomc, and other names toothers. Which in al are twelue.t© wittc : Pfahne Fiucthinges Ir.fcription,Prayer,Canticlc, Pfalmc of Canticle, Canticle of Pfalme, Hymnc , to be noted in Teftimonie, Vndcrftanding, Praifc of Canticle, Alleluia, & Gradual Canticle, the ticks. Secondly,in the titles of fome Pfalrncs arc the names of certainc perfons, which by S.Auguflins iudgement, cited in the Procmial Annotations,and others, pro- ucth not the fame perfbns to be authorcs of thofc Pfalmes, but fignifieth fomc other thing. Thirdly, in fome titles the time is (ignified, when the Pfalme was made, orfong. Fourtly, the matter conteyned in the Pialme,or vpou what oc- casion it was made, is exprefledin fome titles. Fiftly diuers other terrhes arc Tfal. 4. often vfed. in the titles of fundric Pfalmes, as To the end. For the Ollatte. Forprefles, 6.8. if. and. the like, al which we shal briefly explicate, where they fii ft occurre. vvt ,. . 16. &c. firft thcrfore this third Pfalme is called tht Pfalme of Dautd, not becaufe he is V j.hJ ^ 1S author therof, for he is alfo author of chc former, where his name is not ex- pf ,C l pn preffed, as is euident by the teftimonie of al the Apoftles. Jlti. 4. v. 2;. but be- •? mC ° • caufe it trcatcth particularly and literally of him. I. Vl'htnhe fled from the jaceef ^fb/alon.] Here the time is Signified, when this Pfalme was made, towitc,immediatly after the oucrthrow of his rebellious The l*mc am* fonnc Abfalom,mentioncd. 1. Jt.«g. 18. before his rcturne to leruTalem. For al occanonof beitof humaine, natural, and fatherlie affection, he greatly lamented the death making this of his fonnc, yet he rendered thankes and praifes to God, as reafon and dutic Pfehnc bond him. 6. I haue Jlept,andhaue htnne atrejt} andhauerifenvp .] King Dauidby his flee- ping in perfecution, and by his refting, and dcliuerie from his pcrfecutcrs, Kin^Dauid prefigured Chrifts Death, Burial, & Refurredion. As appearcth, loan. i. v. it. prcffaured Where the Euangelift faith : that after Chrifts Refurrection, his diftples bele- thrift nei the fcrtpture, to witte, this and other like prophecies. For othcrwifc the old Teftament doth not fo exprefly declare fuch Myftenes, as.thc Gofpcl do tK: but one thing in the proper, and grammatical Signification of he wordes, and an other thing, in fhadowes and figures, and hoth literal. Whereupon S. Gregory The fame teacheth (U io.c. 1. Moral: ) that holie Scripture ( amongft other incomparable Scripuire hath excellences ) furpaifetu al other doctrines, in the verie mancr of fpeaking : be- diuers literal caufe by one and the lame fpeach, it reporteth a thing donne, and procliimeth fenfes. aMyftenc:fo relating thinges paft, that with the venefame wordes, it forc- fheweth thinges to come. Psalm e. Ill I. The holie prophet teacheth, by his owne example, to flee to God in al tri- Confidence in halation *. thatother refrgict are inefficient^, and Gods helpe moft Cjodnecejjary 'fared. The 7. kg. C 2 When ii The b oo ke t Inanin/h-u Vrito " the end, in a Tongues, the Pfalme b of Dauid. i ment apt for verfes. b This P fabric verteyneth to thebeloued,fignifed by the Word Dauid. S. ^€ug:li. ij. c. 14. ciuit. S.'Beda in Pfal. c When \ 7\ T He n c I inuocated, the God of my iuftice heard me: 2 Saul vniufily V V in d tribulation thou haft enlarged to me. e Haue perfected mcrcie on me, an d heare my pray er» iuh 'Dauid , tj°d heard his prayers, d being firaiclly lefeeged ( 1. 2^g. 23. 16. ) c Likeivife helpe me when footer I shalnedc. f ^hydo yon t Ye fonnes of men how long are you of/ heauie hart? why 5 fill harden lone you g vanitie, and feeke h lying ? your hartes ? g honour, and tranfitorie glorie, h falfe and deceiptful riches ? F.f>htf.£ i Euery eodly t And know ye that our Lord hath made his i holie one 4 fiule. k Rich k. meruelous : / our Lord wil heare me3 when I shal crie to with vertues. him. 1 Euerie iuft feule hath confidence in God, that he tvil heare his crie. m Iufianger t Be ye m angrie,and n finne not: the thinges that you fay in $ isgood& ne- 6 your hartes, in your p chambers be ye forie for. ceffarie arralft finne. n but thenismoftnede to beware notto excede in paffien- haue therf ore & continual purpofeneuer to finne. o Euil cogitations. p bewaile & repent before you fieepe. q Not only f Sacrifice ye the " facrifice of q iuftice, and hope in our Lord. 6 external but Manie fay : r Who sheweth vs good thinges ? mofi ejpecially internal facrifice of iuftice, and objeruaticn of Gods command- ments it moft neceffarie r The folide rewardespromifedby God? C reafon and fThe/ light of thy cou ntenance 6 Lord is figncd vpon v$;thou 7 graee are haft geuen t gladnefte in my hart. freely geuen to man,wbcrby he may know that Godwil reward the iuft. Heb. n.v.6. t Whcrin a iuft man inwardly reioyceth. v. w.x.For t By the fruite of their i/corne,and w wine, and ,v oile they f example and are multiplied.. in figure of heauenlie rewardes, God gaue temporal wealth in the old teftament. y In this con- t In y peace in the felfe fame I wil fleepe, and * eft : 9 fidece the iuft may reft contented. z Godfopro- t Becaufe thou Lord haft ^fingularly fetled me in hope. 1* mifeth euerie iuft ptrfonin particular. ANNOTATIONS. Psalme. MIL I. rntotht'end.) The Hcbrc word Umnatfea, fignifieth t» hint thdt •»«*- The /Ighifica- tamcth. And fo the Hebrewcs inrerprcie, that the Pulmes, which haue this tioaof this void in their titles, vrcredire&cd either to him, that excelled others ioskil of maSJut of Psalm es. n l.fdr.tf. »ufike ; or had authorise oucr other mufitians : or to him, whofe office was to phrafe, To the fingYic~tories and triumphes. But the Latin, according to rhc Greeke, hath 7» rndia thetitles fn The verier at Jttft men *n *ffiift*°n appeale to God, the reuenger ofiniurics.f. knowing and iudAfter due f t Depart from me al ye thatworke inicmitie : becaufe our 9 U*\.j, forow the true Lord v hath heard the voice of my seeping. o*1?' penttvnt hath confidence in God, again ft but enimies. V VVil most certainly accept of true repentance. •f Our Lord hath heard my petition, our Lord hath recciued i« my prayer. \r Thefe are f Let al myne enemies be w ashamed, & very fore trubled: let a tut impreca- them be conuerted and asha med very quicly. tions , but threatninges, that the wicked ma y amend, or els predictions if 'they perfisJ infinne. ANNOTATIONS. Psalme. VI. The ocraue T- Fortheottaue. ] Literally it femcth that the Pfalraes which haue for the hgnificth the »#<""> in their titles, were to be fong on an inftrumene of cighr {fringes. So the world to Caldccpa:apha(is tranflatcth. incitherisotto ehordarum:in Citherus of eigbt ftringei. come. But prophetically S.Auguftin,& others expound it, to pcrteinc to the Refur- reclion in the end of this world. So Dauid,andal penitent finncrsbewaile their finne»,anddo penance in this life, for the oftaue, thatis for the world to corac. 1. Inthy fury, norm thy wrath. ] By furie is fignifrcd diuinc iufticc, irreuoca- fely condemning the wicked to eternal damnation : by yvrath, Gods fathci'lie Hcl for Lome chafticement correcting finners, whom he faucth. V VherupoaS.G rcgorie tea- finncrt. chcth, that the faithful foulc not only fearcrh furie, but alio wrath : becaufc # Purgatoric after the death of the flesh, fome are deputtdio eternal torments, fomipaffe to Ufe through "* If**' forothcrt. the ftre of purgation. Which doctrine the fame holy father confirmeth, by the 37' iudgementof S Au;u(tin more ancient. Who likewife aftrmcth,that al thole i-Cor. j. which haue not laiic Chrift their fundation, are rebuked in furie, becaufc they aretormenredinctcrnalfire : and thofc which rpon right fundation ( of true faith in Chrift) haue built yvotd, bay, ftubble, arc chaftifed in wrath, becaufc they arebrou^htto reft of beatitude. but purgedby fire. Let therfore the faith- ful foule ( considering what she hath donnc, and contemplating what she $hal recciue ) fay : Lord rebul-eme not, tn thy furie : »or chajtict rm in thy yvrath . As if fhe faid more plainly -.This only with my whole intention of hart, I craue,this incefTantly with al my dcfirei I coucte.that in the dreadful iudgemcnt,thou nei- ther ftrike me with the reprobate, nor afflict mc with thofc, that shal be purged inbarumgflamcs.ThusS.Grcgoric,>»r.P/4/w^f?»»i<»*."r. i. PSALME VII. Dauidin confidence of his tuii caufe, and vntusl perfection, pray eth for STribXtwn. G'ds helPe> 7' *"d l"ft rs":nge °f hU atermes* lS- dsfiribing their Jic 8 . key. malitious intention , andruine. The Pfalme of Dauid which he fong to our Lord, for the i xThis Chufi vordes of* Chilli the fonne of Iemini. ( 2. Reg. 16.) dsfetted the c»H-nfelofy£;hitephel. m S.Atg.S.BafU&S.Chnf expound it. The 0# PSALMES. *5 ' % t r\ Lotd my God I haue hoped in thee: faue me from \J althatperfeaiteme,anddeliucrmc. bAbfelom.tr | Lcftfomerime £ he as a Lyon violently take * myfoule, ante other e** vhiies there is none to redeme, nor to faue. ,..,,. neme ).f God doe not re(ift an d hinder htm. c my life, j. O Lord my God if I haue done d this, if there be imcmiae d such call as in my handes; [myne enemies fajne & obteil againftme. c iflhaucrendredtothemthatrepaydmeeuils,letmewor- e Let me not thely fel * emptie from myne enemies. [haue the vitlorte if them. 6 t Let the cnemie perfecute my foule, and take it, and / treade f Let me dye downemylifeinthe earth, and bring downe my glone into mth ignemt- i j n. ftlC. 7 f Arife Lord in thy wrath : and g be exalted in the coaftes g shew thy ofmyne enemies. , . , , , A - pome. And arife 6 Lord my God in the h precept which tnou haft co- h Seng thou % manded: f and a t finagogue of peoples shal com pafTe thee, diddeft com- [ mand to make me kt#g> ** beheucth thee to protect me. i manietvilferue thee the only true God. 9 And * foritreturnconhigh: f our Lord iudgeth peoples. kForthisitt- [ creafe of faithful people. Iudorke of creatures, y. hut The j. key. ejbecially ofmjnkjyd, fingularly exalted by the Incarnation ofChrtft* a 'Belonging -f Vnto a the end b for " prcfTes, the Pfaimc of Dauid. x to the nerve Trftament. b Suffering of Chrisl, and ofChnftians. c God the lord /~\ Lord f our Lord, how meruelous is thy name in the z of al by ere- V-/ whole earth ! Beeaufe thy magnificence is eleuatcd, a-^ ation, is our boue d the heauens. Jingular lord, thatbekue andiruftinhim. d God more excelent then the heauens , he being the creator, they a creature. efulflledwhe -j- Out of the mouth of e infantes and fucklinges,thoHihaft j w 1U Ckrift aming perfected praife beeaufe of thine enemies,that thou may eft de- into Ierufa- ftroy the enemie and reuenger. lem, children f Beeaufe I shal fee thy heauens, theworkes of thy fingers: 4 fang Ozanna -the moone and the ftarres, which thou haft founded. Mat. 21. -j- "What is man, that thou art mindful of him ? or the fonne of 5 man, that thou vifiteft him ? f The Sonne j- Thou haft/minished him a litis leffe then Angels; with 6 m affumpted g glorie and honour thou haft crowned him : humae nature became leffe then Angels. g 'But in him mans nature is exalted aboue Angels* h Chrisl the -J- and haft appointed him h ouer the worke of thy handes. 7 Lord of al creatures. 1 yea of \An -f Thou haft fubicded / althingesvnderhisfeete, al £_sheepe 8 gflu Heb. 2. and oxen : moreouer alfo the beaftes of the field, k Not only al reafonable creatures, but al beaftes, and other t hinges obey him. The fea and the ^indes obey him. Mat. S. t The birdes of the ayre, and fishes of the fea; that walke the 9 pathes of the fea. 1 The fame f / O Lord our Lord, how meruelous is thy name in the 20 end & begin- whole earth.' vmg fig* ifie that as God Was meruelous in creating man info happieftate, that if he wwld, he might haue auoyded bothfinne & death :fo he is meruelous in that he fc rewardeth thebleffedin the refurresiion,that they can neither fmnenon djc, ANNOTATIONS. Paslme. VHI. »; Vreffes.) Mofl Hebrew Doctors fay ths word Gittitb^maj eithet fignifie f rc;i.< ii^Rify theplace, where this Pfalrac was made, or the mufical inftrument, onwhichir ChriftsPailjo. vasfcng.Butmoft Chiifliin Doctors eorpoynd ir literally of Chnfts Paffion. Hth. €tn. t, y. 17. x .Cor. 15. v OF PSALMES. 17 who was £ retched or. theCrofTc, and al his I acred bloud piefTed, and drawne \fa hi cutcf his bodic. Which Metaphor Iiaias alio vfeth, demanding of ChriiV: Why is thy clothing redde, and thy garments as theirs , that tread in the vine frtfjetznA anfverethin Chrifls perlon : I hauc trodca the frcjfe alone. S. Au- ^uftin alfo applieth it morally to the Church, where Chrift is the vine, the J^rai;/ " ■ ' Apoftles are the branches, &fpreaders (thatispjeachcrs)oftheGhofpel, Chri- ninethrhcrra- ftians are the crapes, Chriitian vcrtaes are the wine. Namely patience, and ueuof the fortitude in afflictions. Whcrby the good are puriiied, and feueredfrom a- Churchmik- middes the reprobate, as wine JsprefFcd out of the grapes, barreled, and laid UQC' ytnact4, Vp infcllcrs, and*thehuskesandcarnels caft toho£T£rcs,orothetbeaftes. r ob Godsproui- PSALME. IX. ^enceinpro- tedtingthe The Church prdyfeth God for her pretention, 4. in repelling the enemies mitting euil. force* 8. in pumshingthe wicked, andreWardingthe iuil:. The 3. key.' 1 f Vnto the end, for the a fecrers of the Tonne, the Pfaime a Chrifls ce- of Dauid. rning in hu~ miktie, andchriftians affiUions, are hidden frcm the world, in Gods prouidence- 2 j ¥11 i confeifcto thee 6 Lord with al my hart: I wiltel b * me thanks X al thy meruelous thinges. 3 I wil be c glad and d rcioyce in thee: I wil fing to thy name 6 c in mind, moftHigh. d and bod* 4 t In * turning mine enemie backward : they shal be weake- e God repel- ned, and perish before thy face. /etjf tyiC em„ mie, when man is net able to re/ift' 5 Becaufe thou haft done f my iudgement and my caufc : thou f A tuft man haft fitte vpon the throne which ludgeft iuftice. doth hisendi- uour,n«t of him fel^e, but bj Gods grace ouercometh the enemie. 6 Thou haft rebuked the g Gentiles, and the impious hathpe- g Al finnert rished : their h name thou haft deftroyed for euer, and for euer called gentils, ^ euer. becauj'e they were generally accounted wicked. h The vaine glorious fame offtnners partly decyeth in this world but moft e(pecially in the world to come* 7 f The fwordes of the enemie haue fayled vnto the end :and their ckies thou haft deftroyed . 8 I Their memorie hath perished wirh a found: and our Lord abideth for euer. 9 He hath prepared his throne in i iudgement: f & he wil iudge i Judicial fea- the whole world in equine, he wil iudge the people in iuftice. tesofmenarc ,' of e« corrupted but Gods neuer. 10 t An Lord is mad-' a refuge for the poore: an helper k God doth *Ir >ies, in tribulation, mtprcfentlj delutertht : i from affliction, : but when it is to their jpiritual proptte. X> 2 t And *■$ Th e boo ke t And let them hope in thee that kno & thy name: becaufc if j thou haft not forfaken them that feekc thee 6 Lord. iHu precepts -f Sing to our Lord, which dw^lletri in Sion: declare his / ftu- it 'Vthich men dies among the Gentiles : ought chiefly t o ftudie. mGodreuen- f Becaufe he m requiring bloud rcmembred them: he hath geth the blood not forgotten th c crie of the poore. ef Martyrs, f Haue mercie on me 6 Lord: See my humiliation n by my 14 nptmmfilfy enemies'. mine enemies ^ which exalted me from the gates of death, that I may dc- 1$ o In the pub- clare al thy prayfes in 0 the gates of the daughter of Sion . liqne view of the Ch arch. p The wicked } I Wil reioyce in thy faluation : the Gentiles are p fattened in 16 Are imangled thedeftruction, which they made. In this fnare, which they inthefnares hid, is their foote taken. whichtheylay | Our Lord shal be knowen doing iudgements : the Tinner is 17 for others. t aken in the workes of his ovne handes . <\Inz.eleof -j. (j Let Tinners be turned into hel,al nations that forget Go ck iS iuflice not in deflre of revenge. f BecauTc to the end there shal notbeobliuion of the poore 19 man:the pitience of the poore, shal not perish in the end. r 'By Gentiles f Arifc Lord, let not man be ftrengthned : let the r Gentiles 20 u often vnder be iuuged in thy light . flood al great fmners. For the le Wes dcftifedCj-entiles : ae the Romans did al Barbarous nations. f Suffer a ty- f Appoint Lord /a Iawgeuer ouer them: that the Gentiles 21 rant to ruleo- may Know that they be men. uer them that thereby they may lerne what it ittovfe others vniufily. It femeth f# S. Augiifline aprophecie ^that fuel) asreceinenot Chritt, shal beleue ^4nt ichritt* t.Thtf.i. t The Utter Hebrew Do- The" 10. Tfalme^accordingto x -the Ifebrcvves'. v In great per f v why Lord haft thou departed far of, defpiTeft in oppor- J ftcution it ft- tunities, in tribulation-? meth to the ^eake^that God differrethhu affiflance very long. w Extremely -j- Whiles the impious is proude, the poore is w fct onfyre: 2. vexed & tor- x they are caught in the counTels which they deuiTc. mtntcd. x The Prophet anfwereth tothe complaint of the ittfl, that ' vi 'deede the wicked are canfht in their owne fnares. t Becaufe the (inner is prayfed in the defires of his foule: and the vniuft man is bleflfed . |The of Psalm es. 19 4 f The fmner hath exafperated our Lord, according to the y not fceketo multitude of his wrath he shal y notfeeke. reconer Cods f f There is no God in his fight : his waies ate defiled at al rime, faueur. Thy iudgementes are taken away from his face: he shal z. rule zThe wicked oucr al his enemies dothdominier for a timet andthinketh he shal do foftiL 6 f For he hath fayd in his hart : I wil not be moued from gene- tionvnto generation, a without euil. a andneuer 9jm.u 7 Whofe mouth is ful of curfing, and bitterneiTe, and guile :fal tntt any vnder his tongue labour and forrow. adaerfitie but 8 f He fitteth in waite with the rich in fecrete places, to kiXft'Uremaitie the innocent. Voithoutm- 9 f His eyes lookevponthepoore: helyethinwayteinfecret,ym d The in& enghtalwayes to be readie prepared w hartjofujfer patiently al that shal happen vnto them' & To iudge e for the pupil and the humble, that man adde no e ^€s thefrfi more to magmrle him felfe vpon the earth. workes of Qbrift in al humility and patience were ftrange, and hidden to the World1: ( v. i. J Jo hU laft iud^ement shal be in maiefiy and mamftfl; to alin exalting the blejfedand fuppreffingthe kicked, D-j ANNO- fo The Book* ANNOTATIONS. Psalme. IX. Sonted'ruide tr After then. Terfe the larc Hebrew Do&ors diuitlc this Pfaline. begtn- chis PLaimc niag there the tenth, without anic new title : but only this word J'e/a : Which rpift al into two. tnc Septuagint, Thcodotion , and Symrmchus tianflate BtAfj^ima^ that is, 7*urcel. Selaanoteof change ofmccter, or mulike, alio pautcor rcftin finging. AquilawhomS. Ie- change,oro: romrathcrapproucth, tranflatcth/em/>«r cue r. Some Englifh Bibles omme it, jf9m9m reitinmuiike, others leaue it in the text, not tranflacing it into Englifti. Ir femeth to moll la- x ,-J or rather of tcrprcters to be *<\<\ct as a note to iturre vp attention. Aad it occurcth often , it af"tcf the day of Iudgerncnt. In an other place he meweth alfo, that into hcanc»* this fentence agrceth aptly to the Platomftes,who taught, that thisffcrld ncue r cn-leth, but pafTcth and returncth round abour,in a reuolution of roanie yeares-, phtoniftes fo tliat al thinges fliouldhappoaagaioecucn as they did before, contraric to crror> this, and manic oher Scriptures, affirming that God rnl pre/erne thewR, and kepe them from tbu gtntratieu fcreuer. VYhcress the reprobate, who fette their 32- The books tK-irvho!eminU vcogtUtios bj/.reafon of longpcrfecntio/j andmans *v\caknes* C ferj of /en eaerieday, f How long shal mine enemies be exalted ouer me .? 3 f R egard and heare me 6 Lord my God. 4 d faliminto Illuminate mine eies that lilecpenot d in death at any time : w%ortal finne. t k^ fometime mine enemie fay: I haue preuaiied again ll him. 5 They that truble me, wii rcioycciflbemoucd: f but I haue 6 c Patience in hoped in thy mercie. ' tribulation ^X narc sna* reioyce in thy iaiuanon: I willing to our Lord and reward wmcri geueth me e good thinges : and I wilfing to the name forvklory. of our Lord moft high. J J PSA1ME. XIII. O f Chrifis Tn After general grojfe ignorance andimpietj in the ^forld, 7. Chrift shalbe carnation. incarnate, the Rede?/*er of mankind. The;, key. ' * ^* t Vnto the end,the Pfalrne of Dauid. 1 a wicked men »"Tp He a foole hath faid in his hart : There is no God. They VJ*l. ft. drowned in X arccorrupr, and are become b abominable in their ftu- fnneareat dies : there is c not that doth good " no not one. lajtfo befitted in their 'vnderftanding, that they thtnke in thetr hart ( thouah they dare not vtter it ) that there it no God : that is, none that hath diuine pronidence ingouerning the world, nor that wil iudgc alinthe end. b defied withal fortes of finne. c not only the moft ^Oc'ukedybHtalfcalz-yn^indwerevnable'^tithoHtARederner Rem.], to do good. -j- Our Lord hath looked forth from heauen vpon the children 2 of men , to fee if there be that vnderftandeth3 and feeketh after God. 1A1 of Psalm is, 33 3 Al haue declined, they are become d vnprofitable together: d Without there is not that doth good, no not one. [ fAtthin Chrtft none hadmeritori* Their throte is an open fepulchre: with theit tongues they cm worker did deceitfully, the poyfon of afpes vnder their lippes. Whofe mouth is ful of curfing and bitternefle : their fcetc Thefe three fwift tosheed bloud. [verfes being not in the Hebrew, nor Grcke.yettre in the Englifli. an. 1777. tod are three diftirct verfes in other pfalmes. 5. ?.& jj. u f Deftru&ion and infelicitie in their waies, and the way of e They are +%[* peace they haue not knowen : there is no feare of God before wholly occh- their eies. pied in Irexing ethers. 4 / Shal not al they know that worke iniquitie, that deuoure my (The Prophet people g as foode of bread } jpeaketb thu tn the person of God, g ^ith greedines to hurt the gooeL c They haue not inuocated our Lard, h there haue they trem- h Not belce- bled for feare, i where no feare was. uingin God* they feared idols, that is y dine Is : i TV he in dede csn not hurt Cjods fern Ants, 6 t Becaufe our Lord is in k the iuft generation, you haue kThoiegkiH- I confounded the counfel of the poore man: becaufe our Lord numerablcbt is his hope. very wicked, jet Jome *rc ittfi, 1 mocked And derided thofeth At trail in God* 7 m w*ho wil geue from Sion the faluation of Ifrael ? when our m The Pro- Lord shal haue n turned away the captiuitic of his people, phetwisheth9 o Iacob shal reioyce, and p Ifrael shal be glad. And withal prophecieth that Christ onrSanioHr nil come ', who ispromifed to ifrael. n Redemed man from the captiut tic of the diuel. o thofeiloAt fapflant vice vaftdcentem ANNOTATIONS. Psalme. XIII. pUteGod. I. Vo netont.] S.Paulby this place, and the like (ifaietf.y. 7.) confirmeth Without ki$doArin(Rom.j.) that both the Iewesand the Gcntils (meaning al man- Chriftsgracc kind) were in thut ftate,that none, no not one withsut the grace of Chnft,werc no man is noe iuft, nor could be iuftified, nor fayed by the law of Nature, norof Moyfes. can be iuft. Which proueth the ncceflitie of faith. But neither that only faith iuftifKth, nor that the iufteft areftil wicked, as Caluin and Bera falfly expound thefe Scriptures. For the Prophets and S.Paulfpcakc in thefe places of men before they be iuftified, teaching that al mankind was once in finne, and none could beiuftifird butbyChtift Neuertheleflc they teach alfo that men being iuftified muft, iti fantttfeatton. And that their wotkes aie not then Thelawfhcw vnprofitable. F»r being matte free from finne (faith the fame Apoltle to the Ro- cd the iniuffi- manes, c. 6.) and becttne [truant 1 *» God, you haue your fiutft, ■vntjjancltficatteny and cienc ie of theenAu hfe r«eW*/?/»£.Which point ofdo&rin, how man is iuftified, S.Auguftin mans wil. excellently, & brrcfly e>;plicaceth (li.x.despirituetlit. c <>d workes in ft-ue of damnation Fnrcu nas(fairhhr)venialiinnes without which this life done-.n mor- lt !>0tIeHe, donor <-xcludc the iuft from ere rnal life: o certaine good wo tkes, t-1 linnet with >ut when th- life of the very vor it is hardly found, p'.ofice norhing;the •ualno.ro \ninftmin t'j eternal (al uciora, but in cuerlafting damnation, fomc flu! haue ialuatioa. more and .0. Delete torment. * . PSALMS. X I I 1 1. Of eternal fora^aynin internal dorie in heater*, it is necejfiric te fUe fnmfmnes, Beatitude. jj j„. L • * The 10 key. ****» g9odW9rk.es, a In heaue, m f " The Pfa4m? of Dauid. X *j>pearcth by T Ord whoshil d>rel in a thy tabernacle? or who shal the Lift verfe. JL, reft in thy holic hil ? b Onerecjui- f He that walketh b without fpot> and c vorkethiuftice. i fite thing u to be free, «r clean/ed from finne.. c the Jecsndts to Utroid. d Sincerity in f He that ipeaketh truth in his af hart, that ruth not done | thought, guile in his e tongue. Nor hath f done euilto his neighbour* c m d, and and hath not taken £ reprochagainft his neighbour, f dede : g nor hardened to derra&ion. h done is The malignant is brought to nothing in his fight; but them f/xrrnw^o/thatfeare our Lord, he h glorifieth : he that fvreareth to his 4 getdwoikjts. neighbour, and deceiueth not, 1 VJHricex- f that hath not geuen hjs money to » rfurie, and hath not / cludcth front taken k giftesvpon the innocent: he duett*. k Likjewtje Aotngwron^ for bribes. He rhat doeth thefe thinges, shal " not be moued for euer . ANNOTATIONS. Psalme. XIIII." V Why this 1. ThtVfi(lm$ ef Ddto f\ As the appropriating of the general name of Psalme •nd certaine Tnto fome, dot 1 nor preiudicr, but th.tthe reft are aUoPfalmes, though they others arc be called Prayers, Canticles, Tcft monies, and thclike : (b the. application q.f called the Dauids name to certaine Pfalmcs, p ouch not other authores of the reft. Pfalrnrs of But the name of Pfalmi fheweth a fpbecaufe I haue hoped in thee. c Chrifi as man d.d often pray, as appeareth in thcGcfiet. %^\ haue faid to our Lord: Thou art my God, becaufethou d needeft not my goods. d Chritts paffion was not needful nor profitable to (jod, but to man, 3 fe To the fain&es, that are in his land, he hath madeal my e Godjpea- lilies meraclous in them, fotb shewing that Chrifi should make his merueUus charity \nowen to his ^fpo~ files, and other feruantes, 4 f Their infirmities \rere/ multiplied: afterward they g made f Men feeling1 haft. their infirmi- ties and miferies , g make ha ft in feeding remedies. I vr'A not atfemble their h eonuenticles of bloud : neither h Sacrifices ^ril I be mindful of their i names by my lippes. to idols shs.l [ ceafc in G entile i. i 7 heir names shal be changed from hearken' to be called Chrtfitans, 5 f £ Our Lord " the portion of myne inheritance, arid of my k E ernal k cuppe: thou at the, that \*il reftore mynagMiheritance vnto iloriec-f.fic.tb me. tn feniga d, ' ] G^dis thr reward of fiffering pah es for Chhfi. € f m Cordesarf fall' n to me in goodly places : ior n jiiinc in- m Tndmifi<.» htritance isgooolie vntome. 'cj' .anptrai ini erita/.ct , lard is measured h cerdes : as tojfke 10. jo p oi i ; fts ia heaucn are geuxi m k large me afurt. n C^r.fi . fo ;er medal, « na tns for hu v her: a> A f t'Wil blcffc out Lord, v; ho hath o geuenmevndcrftanding: o "^ij domett6 E i mou- 5^ The books tnaktgocdeU morcoucr alfo euen til p night, my 7 veincs hau« rebuked Ihonof 'fftri- me. tual thinges rather then temporal, p Tfyt mly by day> hut alfo by night. q Alfo 7ny corporal paines gene me inftnttlion. t ChrfthaA I r forfaw our Lord in my fight alwaies : becaufc he is /at my 8 jth. a. God contmu- right hand, that I be not moued. V15. Ally before his eyes .enerieman ought to thincke frequently of God. ifor Godfii! protetteth the itttt. t For this thing my hart hath beene glad, and my tongue hath 9 reioyced : moreoucr alfo my flesh shal reft in hope. t in limbs f Becaufe thou wilt '' not leaue my foule in t hel: neither 1© fatrum. wilrgeue v thy holie one to fee corruption. , **#.*.. vChnfisbody corrup-ednotinthe grauc. *-13- W dea'hand Thou haft made iv the waics of life knowen to me, thou refnrreQion shalt make me ful of ioy with x thy countenance : dele&a- *f T"e WaJ to lions on thy right hand, euen to y the end. »J*\ x Perfect glorie confifteth in feing God. y in eternity. ANNOTATIONS. Psalme. XV. CnnftaKilig j. Out ford the ptrtion of myn inheritance] Chri'twhom the Icwes cirpec"red*R fometimesex- an earthlic conquerour, that mould aduancc himfelf andrhem temporally in crcifcdtcm- this world, was in dede, as the children and multitude called him, king of poraliujifdi- Ifracl. (loan n.) At which time (as alio before) heexercifed temporal lurif- &i©a. diction, in corrc&ingabufcs in the Temple (\tat.zx.l»an. r ) And when Pilate demanded of him,if he were a king ( !•<*». 18. v. ?7-)hc anfwered: Tho» fatfi, that lama 'i»g. For this I was borne, and for this cimc I into the world, that I fhouldgcue tcftimonic to the truth. And though he anfwered withal, that his kingdom ( to wittc the poiTeHlon, and vfc therof) vas not of th'.s world, ye t Pilate by Gods prouidence, writte the title, and would not alter it, I e s v s o£ Cod the pro- Nazareth King of the I ewes. But Chrifts chief inheritance, and [ reward of his perinheritace merites is God himfelf, as here he profeflfeth by his prophet Dauid: which is of Chrift, and alfo the only tmt&perfc_t inheritance ofal Chrifts fcruates.wherforc Clergy Chriftians. men more particularly profefle the fame, when they firft enter into their fpiri- Clergiemen tual ftare, addicting and dedicating themfclucs toferue God in Ecclefiaftical profclTcex- function,noc for temporal inheritance, but for abeticrlotrc, God himfelf, who prcfly to feme is a! Good, and moftpcrfeft goodnes, true riches, and eternal inheritance. I» God, for God which election offtace to liue andferue Godin, cuerie Clcrgie man fayth : 0#r him fclfc not LonUstheportionof myn tnheriiaivce, and of my c»pf>t : rhott art ht that -vril refit* fortemporal »wntnher>ta»cevntomt. Mm c.illethic his inheritance, becaufe he was created ptoiice. to ferue God, and for h;s fcruice to inherite God : which reward though he loft byfinne, yet cuerie one returning to Gods fcruice, and perfcucring thcrin, rccoucrech by Chrift, new right and title to the fame inheritance, performing their duties in their fcueral vocations. Some traucling in the world, but noc tfal. gs, Jou.ng it: others fequeitercd from fecular affayres, duly ad'niniftringfacred y.u. offices, more peculiarly called Diuine fcruice. l.Tim % J. Httltanemy joaU m hel] How Caluin and Bcza fomeumc,s corrupt this y. 4. tex'p OF PSAllf 1S.: U text, afwayes peruert the fenfe, and moft abfurdly oppofethemiclaetagainft T>roteftant«t a! ancient holic Fathers, concerning the Article of (Thrifts defcending infoule denying that into that part of hel ci\z.&iimh»if*tr»y is largely aotedGw* yj.*Att.i.& i.Pet j. Chrift defcen- 'J51, Only here ve may not cmitte to adnertilc the reader, that fomc Protectants ded into lim- x5 77- Bibles permilting the word bel to remuneinthe text, a latter Edition for fee/, bustranflate '*°3* puttetn^nw, wiihihisonly notcin the former place, that thtt is chiefly meant gram foibfi. afcbrijl by who ft f^tfitrrtttton *l bis members b/tue immortahty.Aad Ac"/ x. they repete thdrncwtextby th spirif>hrafis:Tbo»sh[jtnttU4uernci»th*graue.Wtcft\ng tha> which pertcineth to the bodie, rifing from the grauc, tothcfoulc, which was no t at alin the graue, al the time th: bod: e lay there. PSAIME XVL f^€iuft mans prayer in tribulation, to. deftribinghis enemies £ruelty +13. hy Gods profu- jvay of imprecation foresheweth their deftruttion , if* and declareth dence p'ote- that the tuft shalbe fatisftedin dorie. 2Lng l^c iu*' J j j & The j. key. 1 f The " prayer of Dauid. HEari 6 Lord my a iuftice : attend my petition .* a in my iujf With thine eares hearc my prayer , b not in deceitful caufe heart lippes. mypetition. b feing I pray fincerfy, not in feared affection. 1 f From c thy counrenanee let my iudgement procede : let c Thou that9 thine cies Tee equities. feeftalthingt declare my right again ft mine aduerftries. 3 t Thou haft proued d my hart, and vilitcd it e by night : f by d my intetioti fire thou haft examined me, g and there is no iniquitie found e moft fecret in me. cogitations* f by tribulations g whofe conference is pure from greuous finney may pray with this confidence •, otherwife repentance is firft neceJfarie.But the whole Church may euer pray in this manor, becaufe there be al* wajes feme hi ft and holy, in refpsEh of whom it is truly called holy. . 4 j- That my mouth fpeake not the workes of men : for the h forthybrt* h vordes of thy lippes I haue kept the i hard wayes. cepts. i the narrow way of vert ne. j f k Perfitc my pafes in thy pathes : that my fteppes be not mo- k none can ued. [ of them felues Walke rightly, but by Gods helpe* 6 I haue cried, becaufe thou haft heard me 6 God : incline thyne eare to me, and heare my wordes. 7 f Make thy mercies meruelous, ^rhich faucft them that hope in thee. 8 t From them that reiift /thy right hand keepe me, as the apple 1 again ft thy oftheeie. [ omnipotent powre 9 t VnJertheshadoveof thy Vingesprote&me: f from the m from their tn face of the impious,that haue afflicted me. [p-Hclandfuriow countenar.es, E 3 Mine $S The booki Mineenfmics haue compared my foule, f they haue shut vp 19 H they hnue their rt fatte > their mouth hath fpoken pride. shut out al pittuor comm'Jer* icn. f Cafting me forth now haue they compafTedmc: they haue ii o They in- fette their cies to bend them 0 vnto the earth. Undvtttrly to defray me exert to 'he ground' t They haue taken me as a lion readie to the pray : and as a n lions whclpe dwelling in hid places. p Exeept t A rife Lord, p preuent him, and fupplant him: deliuer my 15 God preuent, foule from the impious, q thy (Void | from the enemies of 14 mas tnduftry thy hand. is not/ufficier. <\ rt fir awe their potvre, which they haue by thy permiffton, that 1 hey raaj no pcrfecute Jo rr.uch as they intend. r This is a Lord from r a few out of the land djuidc them,/ in their life? prophecy ','har their bellie is filled of; rhyfecrete*. the Wielded » hick are mttiy, shM at the d*y of iudgement be feparated from the eltU i U hich judgement begrnneth fome times in this life. t thepleafures of this World, which Godapprousth not9 nor acknowledged amongst good They are filled with children: and they haue Ieaft their rem- thinges. names to their litlc ones. vtheiuftshal f But v IiniuiHceshalappearetothy light :Ishal be W filled 1/ be tpproned. when thy gloric shal appeare ? w Ncthiar doth fat iate mans mind, but the fight of Cod in eternal glorie. ANNOTATIONS. Psalme- XVI. Th;s Pfaime '• Tkf/>ray*r»f JV«*^]ThisPfaJmeofthe matter ccntcyned is callc J a prayer' called a Praier V Vhi h holic Dauid fo compofed, at w. s both conuenient for himielie, being isb©tha moleiledvith vniuft afflictions by the viewed, anifor aiveothei iuft perfon, (xroviSi back or the whole Church in perfecunon, feruing.s a ecdelyt 44 fieing with winges ofmcrcie> comfortcth rjr protcfleth them. { Cod being f And he put darkeneffe his/ couert, his tabernacle is round it in him (el fax about him : darkefome water in the cloudesoftheaire. coprehenjible, it alfojecret in his determinations^ andcouert in his procedinges or a&es. tGodsfpIcdor Becaufe of the t brightnefle in his fight the cloudes paired, i$ ©pprciliog hayle and coles of fire. mas fenfe, ret inftru&cthhimbyhis meruelouj vvorkes. Which myftically fignifieth.that Chrift illurninateth the Tvorld by his Apoftlcs, and other preachers denouncing hisiuftice, peace, and his Yvilm al rhingespcrteynipgtoman. •\ And our Lord thundered fromheauen,and the Higheftgauc 14 his voice : haile and coles of fire. f And he shot his arrowes, and diiTipated them: he multiplied ic lightnings, and trubled them. •f And the fountaynes of waters appeared, and the fundations 16 of the world were reueled. At thy rebuke 6 Lord, at the blaft of the fpirlt of thy wrath. f He fent from on high, and tooke me: and he receiued me out 17 vfrom tribu- of manie > waters. Utions. t He deliuered me rv from my moid ftrong enemies, and from iS w From them that hated me : becaufe they were made ftrong ouer me. Sanl, yibfiloy M§abites> ^Ammonites , and al temporal and fiiritual enemies. So in the reft t They preuented me in the day of mine affliction: and our 19 of this Pfalmc Lord was made my protettour. the Prophet fpeakethfor rrioft part in proper termes, vtithout Metaphorel or •tker figures. Yet in the rr.yftica! fenfeof Chrift, and Chnftians. f And he brought me out into laigcnefle: he faucd me, be- 29 x Of hi* good c&ukhc x would me. pleafure t And our Lord wil reward me according to my iuftice, and 11 without my according to the purity of my handes he wil reward me . deferus, " t Becaufe I haue kept the waies of our Lord, neither haue I it done impioufly from my God. t Becaufe al his iudgementes are in my fight : and his iuftices 25 I haue not repelled from me. ^bihiirrdcei And I shal be immaculate y with him; and shal keepe me 24 from mine iniquitic. f k. And our Lord wil reward me according to my iuftice: and i§ x Fie repC" according to the puritie of my handes in the fight of his eies. teth the 2 1 . "*erfct in cult Attn? that Go d tvil render to eueric one as they deferue. f With the holie thou shalt be holic, and with the innocent 16 nan thou shalt be innocent. t And or Psalm e s. 41 *7 f And with the ele& thou shalt be elect: and with the per- " ■ ? uerfe thou shalt be peruerted. ' 28 f Becaufe thou wilt faue the humble people: and the eies of the proud thou wilt humble. 29 f Becaufe thou doft illuminate my lampe 6 Lord : my God illu- minate my darkenefle. 30 f Becaufe in thee I shal be deliuercd from tentation, and in my a paJfe otter God I shal a goc ouer the wal. A[ diffu>nltUs. 51 t My God his b way is vnpolluted: the wordes of our Lord b Gods pre- are examined by fire: he is protector of al that hope in him. cepts. 32 f For c who is God but our Lord ? or who is God but ourGod? c One only 33 f God that girded me with ftrength: and made my way im- God, Creator maculate. andSatmur 34 t That perfited my feete as it were of hartes: and fetting me Gfal, vpon high thinges. $f f Thattcachethmyhandesto battel: and haft put mine ar- %M* it. mes» d as a bov of ^afTe. d Amongft 36 f Andhaftgeuenmetheprote&ion of thyfaluation :andthy §theraBesf right hand hath receiued me : Vauid killed And thy difcipline hath corre&ed me vnto the end: and thy a lion, and a» difcipline the fame shal teach me. beare, rjr G$- 37 f Thou haft enlarged my pafesvnder me: and myfteppes are [fak. /. Reg. not weakened: 7^. 38 f I wil purfew myne enemies, and ouertake them : and wil not returne til they faile. 39 t I vilbreake them, neither shal they be able to (land: they shal fal vnder my feete. 40 f And thou haft girded me with ftrength to battel: and haft fupplanted them that rife againft me vnder me . 41 t And e myne enemies thou haft geuen me their backe, and e ^€sGod them that hate me thou haft deftroy ed. [ geuetb ftreingih « hU ferxatr, fo he diminisketb the natural ftreingth andcorage of ha enemies* 42 f They cried, neither was there that would faue them, to our Lord ; neither did he heare them. 45 t And I wil breake them to powder,as the duft before the face of winde : as the durt of the ftreates I wil deftroy them. 44 f Thou wilt deliuer me from the contradictions of the peo- ple : thou wilt appoyntc me to be head of the Gentiles. 4J f A people,/ which I knew not, hath ferued me : in the hea- f Conturftm ring of the eare it hath obeyed me. [ of Gentiles to dirtft, as the Moabitet, Idumcans, tndathcrs rvere fobduedby Daaid. i.Par. r/. /f . //. ip, 20. F fThc 4^ The b oo ke g The rend- f The g children being alieneshauelyed to me, the childrea 46 unhand re- alicnes are inueterated, and haue halted, from their pathes. probation of the I ewes prefigured by ^€bfolons rebellion and others. 1. Re^. r$. 16. f Our Lordliueth, andblclTedbemyGod, andtheGod of my 47 faluation be exalted. h God jlil f O God h which geueft me reuenges, &: fubdewefl: peoples 48 protelhth the vnder me, my deliuerer from mine angrie enemies. Church of Cbrift3it4 heprefernedDaxid. t And from them that rife vpagainft me thou wilt exalt me: 49 from the vniuft man thou wilt deliuer me. Therfore wil I confeile to thee among nations 6 Lord: and wil jo \ Vfc of Pfal- fay i a pfalme to thy name, tnes f4 mofl frequent in the Church of Gentiles. See the prsemial Annotations. pa?e. 12. Magnifying the faluation? of his king, and doing mcrcie to his ji ChriftDauid,andto his feedeforeuer. PSALME. XVIII. Cods perfeft goodnes and glorie is shewed by his /treat worses, and by his f h r U tSfpoftles fent with heauenlie cimmijfion^o pre Jtch in *il tongues to al na- f r l~ tions.6.ChrificomingintotheWorld)andretume')>ntoheauen.S.hisim- TU r V " maculate Law: 13. ~^vherin notwiftandingthe iu(l shal haue nede to pray ' ' forremijfion of (mailer and day lie firm cs. tiperteyning f Vnto d the end, the pfalme of Dauid. 5 to the beloued of the new Teflament. b Thefilcnt T *~*E ^ heauens shew forth the glorie of God, and the t workesof i firmament declareth the workes of his handes. God declare hisMaicftie to them that coafider thcrofihispreachcrs declare the fame by vrordes, to al that wil hearc. c The cortant tcDay vn to day vttereth word : and night vnto night she wctfi 3 eourfcof'ri knowledge. mes sheweth that the fa ne was difpofed by Gods powre, and dayly propagation of faith, eipecially of Chriftia.i do&rinc sheweth Chrifts powre, & afTurcd perpetuitie ofhis Churck. d Some of e- t There are d no languages, nor fpeaches,. whofe voyecs are 4 ucry language not heard. or natio haue b;leued in Chrift, recciuing the Catholique Religion. e S. Paul of- f e Their found hath gone forth into al the earth j and vnto $ firmeibthat the endes of the round world the wordes of them. thishaihbene filflledbj the /Cpaftfo preach ingm althe world. Rom. ro. f By the t He put his tabernacle in f the funnc : Schimfelf as a g brid» £ fuimc amort grome corning forth of his bridech Amber. ctc'ctlc'At -id uncrclcmental crcuuf:, the Prophet defcribeth C'uift, making hiscourfe through this world, illmainating, comforting and ftrcingtnnihg the Church his tabernacle, whereia of Psalm Es. 43 therein he perpetually dwelleth. g Chriftthebridgr©me,andihe Church his bride arencuerd.uorfed;his loue, wifd^me, and powre, cuer conferuing her by his immaculutc lav. 7 He hath rcioyced as a giant to runrie the way, f his comming Luc. 44- forth from the toppe of heauen : And his recourfe cacn to the toppe therof : neither is there that can hide him felfe from hisheate. 3 f " The lav of our Lord is immaculate h conuertingfoulcs: h The old Uat. 17. the teftimonie of our Lord is faithful, geuing wifedome to Uw wtulihf U*r.i$% litleones. wife pure ink $ f The iuftices of our Lord he right, making hartes ioyful: the felfe an dholj* precept of ourLordlightfome; illuminating the eics. hut the new 10 t The feare of our Lord is holie, permanent for cuer and alfo maketb euer: theiudgmentesof our Lord be true, iuftified in them- the obftruers. felues. immaculate. 11 f To be delired aboue gold and much pretious (tone : and more fweete aboue honie and the honie combe. it*t. %y. n 1 por ,-^y feruant i keepeth them,in keeping them is £ much f jjovr ^cw fiw*r* *' reward. the lav of God is, his feruantes finde not by reading, or by hearing only, but by kepingit. k Conformably to this text the prof here profefTeth (Pfal. zi8. r. n. ) that he kept them for reward, in which place the herctikes rranflation is corrupted. f$ f Sinnes / who vnderftandeth ? froil" my fecrete fianes cleanfe j jsjone ;n tm> 14 me: -f and from other mens {pare thy feruant. life knowjeth perfectly his ownc c&nc}yyhetherhebey\crthteof loueerhate, Eccle.f but hopeth andfeareth. If m they shal not haue dominion ouer me, then shal I be im- m If mortal maculate j and shal be cleanfed from the greateft iinne. ftnnes haue not dominion in the foule it is iufi: and shal be in time immaculate from alfinne. 1/ f And the wordes of my mouth shal be fuchas may pleafe: and the meditation of my hart in thy Tight alwayes. X} Lord n my helper, and my 0 redemer. n Gods hel- ping grace is ftilneceflarie to perfeuer, o as his firft grace redeeming man is nelTarie for our firft canuerflon. ANNOTATIONS. Pulme. XVIII. 3. The layyof tttrlerdis immaculate, converting fettles.] Gods law in it felfe Godconacr- • being moft pure, and immaculate, is the proper mcanes, wherby the Holie te?handiufti- Ghoftconuertethfoules firm fnnestoiuftice. Notthateuerieoneisiuft.fied, fie h foules ia- Tvhich readeth, heareth, or knoweth the law, but by keping it, through grace ftrudt'ng the of the Hohc Ghofr. Who is the author and worker of iufti+. with fieri. The 7. key. fceoffered for his preferttation3and profperom ftccejfe. a Though j- Vnto a the end, the Pfalme of Dauid. I f>ich a prayer vas very ficly made for Dauid Ezcchias,or other kingesof Iuda, yet it more properly fcrueth for Chriftian Kingcs and Prelates. b The king, ( \ Vr Lordhearc b thee in the day of tribulation: the name & oro.hdfupe- V_^ oftheGodof Iacob protect thee. xior praying f 'rhim felfe,his fa^eds pray with him, andforhim.lt may alfo be appl.ed to Chrift, praying whiles he was mort.l, or now paying for his rnyftical body the Chjrch, but in both thefe caies,our prayers are only neccflary for feai leriuatci not for him. f Send he aydc to thee from the hoUe place: and from Sion 5 defend he thee, c The He- t Be he mindeful of al thy c facrifice : and be thy holocauft: 4 brew word made d fatte. M I N C A fignifieth Sacrifice of floure, and rnbloudy,foperteyneih to the Eucharift, in forme of bread, and wine, d be acceptable for him, for whom it is offered. f Geue he vnto thee according to thy hart : and confirme he al $ thy counfel. • in the f ^eshal reioyce e in thy faluation : and in the name of our 6 , projperous God we shal be magnified. fiate of thee our ftperiour. f Our Lord accomplish al thy petitions: now haue I knowen > f his anointed that our Lord hath faued / his C h m s t. king,or Pneft. Myftically faithful people acknowlege the vi&ory of Chrift ear Sauiour ouerdeaih and al enemies. He shal heare him from his holic heauen : the faluation of his g in great righthand is, g in powers. ftretngth 3 or heaitenlie forces. t Thefe in chariotes, and thefe in horfes : but we wil inuocate 8 in the name of the Lord our God. imentrnfting^ i They are bound, and haue fallen: but we hauc rifen and 9 in humane arc fet vpright. *nd Worldly powre fal into captittitie. k Byprotc- f Lord k faue thcking,andhcarevsm the day, that wc shal i» Uionofthe inuocate thee. head the bo dj is a/Jo confer Htd* PSAI-MI. of Psalm es. 4jf Psalme. XX. CKnft«C»*L Praife to God for Qhrifts exaltation after his pajfm : 9. 4iid defretfio* •/ %£°\ his enemies. I f Vnto a theend,thePfalmeof Dauid. a Pcrtcymag to the nevr Tcftamcnt principally to Chrrift,parrly to godly and victorious kinoes, and generally to al the bk/Ted, which r uercome fpirimal enemies. t T Ord in b thy power the king shal be glad: andvponthy D Chriftoat ,1 f faluarion he shal reioyce excedingly. ki^g *s man ouercoiring his enemies by his diuine poryrc, reioyrerh inv ctoric. $ The c defirc of his hart thou haft geucn him: and of the wil cChrtftsmoft of his lippes thou haft not defrauded him. Jpectal defirs •SVdu the falnation of his people* 4 f Becaufe thou haft d preuentedhimin biemnges of fwcet- 4 Thismoft nefTe : thouhaft put on his head a crowne of pretious ftone. principally verified in Chnft, ij a!(b applied to Martyres, which fuffer or arc readier in preparation of mind ro fuffer death for the UUlh, / f He asked life of thee: and thou gauefr him length of daics for euer, and for eucr and eucr. 6 t Great is his glorie in thy faluarion: glorie and great bcautie thou shalt put vpon him. 7 f Becaufe thou shalt geue him e to be a Merlin g for euerand .jo . • euer : thou shalt make him ioyful in gladenclle with thy coun- recciue blef- tenance. fing ofg'orie, but only Chrift impcrteth fuch grace to others: for in h;mi1 are bleilcdihat arc eternaily glorified. G<«. n./«««.f, 5 Becaufe the king hopeth in our Lord : and in the mercie of the Higheft he shal not be moued. 9 t Let / thy hand be found of al thy enemies: let thy righthand c Tr . - *. ■ find al, that hate thee. £>rm?ng dicit defiresto Godswil, do pray that the wicked may be punished. Itisalfo a pro^hecic, thatfoitshal comr topaiTc. 10 f Thou jr-shalt put them as anouen of fyre h in the time of thy countenance: our Lord in his wrath * shal truble them, %u^r5uL 1 r l 1 1 1 f oiow etn in and ryre shal deuoure them, the next rct(c:Tho» shalt pmthemScc. h Thisalfocan notbevr.dcrftoodofanie butof Chnft, vvhoin the general or particular mdgerr.cnt fhalgcue (entrnce vpon the wicked i Andimmcd'atly r.elfiresha deuou-c them. 11 Their \ fruite thou shalt deftroy from, the land • and their kALhetvU* fcede from the children of men. [ kjed, and namely the lcrves who perje tin- ted Chrift, ftile in their denifa* kx Becaufe they haue turned the euils vpon thee ; they hauc deui- ■ 4* The bocke fed counfels, >rhich they could not eftablish. Bccaufe thou shalt put them backc : in thy remnanres thou 1$ shalt prepare their countenance. 1 X.hilesthe Be exalted Lord in thy powrc: / \rc\ril chaunte and fing thy Wicked pe- powers. risk > the iitfi rcioycetindprafe Godinfongue andPfalmc. Psalme XXI. Chrifts Pal- Chriftbrayeth in hit Vaffion, 7. defenbeth theaccrbitie therofi 2 o\ forest: car* £on ficefiedes eth bj way of prayer his Refurdhon : 23. more clerly the fundmon and TrT^k propagation of his Church ( 27. &30. interpefing the fmguUr foode of *' ** the moj} bhffed Sacrament ) euen to the ends: of the earth in al nations, a RcdcmptiS "I" Vnto the end " for the a morning enterprife, tlie Pfalrae e of mankind b of Dauid. vnicrtake by Chriit, and performed by his death, beganne to be shewed by his Refuxredtion in the morning of th: third day. S. Jl*g. h in figure of Chrjft the bcloued of God. c God is Gad f** ® D c mY God haue refped to me : d why haft thou for- 2> ^af ef al his crca- *V-T faken me } e far from my faluation ate the wordes of ray tures, but in finnes. more peculiar forte Godof Chriftbyperfonal vnion. d Thou neither deliuereft me fro dying: nor yeldeftmtfuch comforth, as thou voutfifeft to other Sa nAcs. y. 6. "Mm . x',. c I am neither deliuered from dying, nor comforted in my pallion,hsuing Yndcr^kcn to dye for the finnes or mankind, & reputed them as mynoven: wordesor fa&es, f Alb ' Icrie My God I shal crie/by day,!? and" thouwilt not hearerandby J by day e and slight, and h not for foliie vnto me. by night on 'he croifc and in the garden, to haue the chalice of death remoned from me 'and shalnot be hc^rd, h Yet there :s no foliie, nor fault in this petition, which is with fubmillion of mans wil to Gods wil. i Thou from t But* thou dwellcft in the holie place, i^the prayfe of Ifrael. 4 heaven ^ttiit heare when it is conuenient. k ^rfhoje Wtfdomt arid goodnes the Church Vforthelypraifeth. 1 Patriarhfs, t *n lnce I oul: fathers haue hoped: they hoped, and thou didft $ Trophets,and deliucr them. wther holy me 'prayingin their difirejfes obtained their requeftes. m Were tcm- They CT^ t0 thee, anc* wcrc m faucch they hoped in thee, and 6 ©orally deli- "were ft notconfounded. ucred by thy mightie hand from their perfecuters. n not fruftrate of their humble prayeK* © God that t ° But Iama^ worme and no man : a q reproch of men and 3 comforted bis r outcaft of the people. /criiantcs in rheir nibulations, lciftChrift withomhisordinarieconfolation, tofufftrmorc then euer any other did. p wicked perfecuters refpefted not Chrift as 1 nan , but contemned him, as a very wormc fl asjBQftrcprochfulof almcn. * as the bAfcft of al tie people. t/^* Of V SALMIS. 47 S f /Al that fee me haue (corned me : they haue fpoken with C Almoflal the lippes, and wagged the head. [ became Chrifh crnel cnimies at the time ef b»paJJiony affiicJing3 blafpheming, and framing him, Oi the Euan reUffis record. j ff He hoped in the Lord, let him deliuer him: let him faue t TheEuan- him, becaufe he v wil him. geiiftes write how al chefe thinges were fulfilled by wicked men fpcaking thefe blafphetmes, andrepioches. v God femed to be wcl pleafed with Chrift, as with his own* Sonne: if it befo,Ict him deliuer him from thefe afrli&ions, fay thefe blafphcrncrs. lo f Becaufe thou art he that w haft drawen me out of the m j„ •„. i iriinr uiuinc "vrombe : my hope from the breftes or my mother. powre witk- out man formed rne in the wombc of my mother a yiro-jn. H f Vpontheel .v haue bene caft from the matrice:^ from my x As I haue *• u mothers wombc thou art my God, f depart not from me. futherbutihce O God:fo withoutmtermiffioa from myn'nearnation to this time, 1 haue had thee my prore∨ y le;ue me not now without comfortc fcinglmuft dye as thou haft determined, and 1 freely contented: yet leaue menotin death but raife me againe to life. Vfa.1. i$.y. 9.10. Becaufe tribulation is verie nigh .-becaufe there is z, not that z ^Almoft al vilhelpe. [ are becsmemyn enernieSyand thoje few that would, can not helpe me. 13 f Manic a calues haue compared me : b fatte bulles haue a Delicate beiiegedme. [lafiiwMyatwneny b and the [crib a Pharifis andeldersof the people haue al con (pi red again fi me. 14 f They haue c opened their mouth vponme, as a lion raue- c condemning ning and roaring. [me and perfivadingthe people to crie: Crucifie,crucirie him. if f As d water I am powred out.* and al e my bones arc dif- d So wea\nei perfed. [with paints of ' torment s^as jlaide water not able to confifr. e My bones and firongeft partes of my bodie are weaknsd, Verified, when our Sauiourfel dawnevnderhts crojfe. f My hart is made as waxe melting in the middes of my bellie. f inc part tj,at firft and lair liueth is weakened as fofc waxe by heat of the fire, and ready to faile. 16 f My ftrength is withered as a g pot-shard, and my tongue al h cleaued to my iawes ; and thou haft i brought medowne FeS%™dradT." into the duft of death. cal humiditic is dried vp, as a potters veflTel is baked in the furnace, h Through deeding great drught,wh;ch our Sauiourprofefled on the croflefiying?/ thirft. i thus thou O God haft Uiifered me to come to the laft breach of life, next ta fleath. Yet finally our Sauiaurgaueyphsfpirite, before he (hould haue died.r.zr. 17 t Becaufe manie k dogoes haue compafTed me: the counfel u Aftnn„rw r 1 i. 11 P°r *■ Agane tms Or the malignant hath beheged me. royal Prophet recounteth by whom, and ho w our B Sauiour (hould fuffer, eueu as clere as ik« Euangcliftesafterwirds h^ue written rhe hiftoric. IS They " haue digged my haridei and my fecte: f they haue /numbered . 4$ The lootk I o:.; S.:«/. /numbered al my bones. i dj mm r0 rick? i °" th* **&*% that his bones vt'cht be fane and counted. wlhcpcrsccu But thfmfelurs haue m considered and beheld me; J they if tcxsfV'tung _. banc ;. (iu.i cd mv garmentes among them, and vpon my ccitun nca *» o vcftar : they hauc coil lot. Uu» cxucluc; bch.lJ: vv.chthci: eyes .ndvvrhcutalcompafconperGfted in malice, fvioycca, -uu Hilpcmcvi. » n :ha:cruc:hf door S*uiour, taking his | uucslOl [htirp ij :: . vc: in niyfterie of hisCmirch,d u ded not his Coate. p ilc ft- -j- But thou Lorl p prolong not thy helpe from me: looke i$ f/.ccu.u toward my d.-fenfe, C'irrtjtsjJHsd} rt.urrcchon- 5 Cru-nisuui T Lhhuer, o God, J c by fbxec ;f the tonneDts, but he preuentiftg death freely yeMei vp his lp.iitc. J^.-i to.> j.crio. r rhc rroitpure, a;.d unified kule, of rvhoCc s Aiotner iu:t ouies .;re 'an •-"•ified. / thatit ftay notinhel, which devoured ad uliicx i'ovitt in he old Te rirncnc f Sauc me out of the lions mouth : and my humilitie from the t% homes of vnicoi nes. t The prop*- t ' I ^ il * declare thy name to my bretheren : " in the middes i% gxuon of the of tile Church 1 vii pravie thee. Church vf Chnfttn xlnxtums. v not the car- t Yethatfeare our Lord praife him: althe v fcedc of Iacob 14 rial but (pin- glonte ye him : tHtil children *f Jacob, lf.tac, and Abraham. Rem. 9. v. 8. •fLetal thefeedeof Ifrael fearehim-becaufehehath not con- zf tcmned, nor defpifed the petition of thepoore . Nrithcrhath he turned a\t ay his face from mc;and\rhenIcriedtohim he heard me. * the Cfcurch t With tnee is my praife in w the great Church: I x vilren- ii gc hernlbo h dermy vowes in the fight of them that feare him. of IcvvesanJ Cctiies is very great and vniuerfil. x OurSauiour promifed togeuckis oyvi.c b<. die, die bread of 1 rV/M» 6 and performed the fame ar his laftfupper. f .-" The y pooreshal eare, and shalbc filled: and they shal 1^ be f^i Vfiir Pra1^ om Lord tiiat ice^= a^tCr ^m : thcir ***"" * *k*l ^UC hjmi>lc a d for euer and eucr. poo.e m fprit Farici-at thr fruict vf this mod eierl'cnt Sacrament ^ The effed ofdux B. iacr^mcat i? the 'efurrciftion in elorie, and life euerlaftmg. a Gentiles t Al the enHes of the earth * shal remember, and be cornier- aS ivlichltxuc ted to our Lord: bene idoUters skalrecUUbl rhemfeluest when they heare Chrift predchtfl^and shal turr.e f- r > iw«J>.VVhich could neither be verified in the part ofDonatiftes »cth the *n ^f"^c> nor nov m tnc pMt or" Proteftantes fince Luther in Europe. Further Church to be ^' Auguftin explicateth,& vrgeth the verfes folowing in this Pfalme,againft the alwaies vifible ^amc blind, deafe, and obftinate Donatiftcs, who did not, or would not fee, nor and great bv heare, that al thetndes of theearth shalremenber, and be converted to our Lord. The tkil Pfalmc holie Scripture faith not, the endes of the earthy butal the endes \ wcl goe too (faith this [great Doctor) peraduenture there is but one verfe, thou rhoughteft vpon fome thing els, thou talkedft with thy brother, when one read this > marke, he repetethandknocketh vpon the deaf; \Altbt families of the Gent-les sh*l adore inbis fight; Yet theheretike is deaf, he heareth not, let oneknocke againe : Becaufe the kingdom is our Lords, and he shalhaue dominion otter the Gentiles.Hold thcCe three verles brethercn.Thus and more S.Augnftin againft thofe that thinke the true Church may faile, or become inuifibleorobfcure. And though it be not in like profperous ftate at al times, and in al places, yet it is alwayes confpicu- ous, and more general then anic other congregation profeffing whatfoeucr pretenfed religion. The Eucha rift 17. The pooreshal eate.] Seing thisPfalme isof Chrift,as isprouedbyS. Pauls prophecicd in allegation of 13 verfe, and by the concordance therof with the Euangelifts, it tkis place. is neceftarily deduced, that the yovyes mentioned in the former Yerfc, and thefc wordes, thepocreshal rate and be filled y can not be referred to the facrifires of the o Id Teftamcnt,but to the bleflcd Sacrifice and Sacrament of the Eucharift, which our Sauiour promifed, after he had replenifhed the people with fiuc loaues, and which he inftitutcd at his laftfupper inprefenceof his Apoftles. So S. Auguftin doubteth not to vnderftand if, and to teach, as wel in his dublc expofiti5 of this P(alme as in his no.Epiftle. c. xj The poorc,that is the humble and poore in fpirite shal eate & befilled,the fattc ones, or the rich being proud, do alfo adore and eate, but are not filled. They alfo are brought to the table of Real prcfence c7>r«/T, and participate his bodie &bloud, but they adore only, are not alfo fit- v ^ u n-a *c<*> bccau^e tncy ^° not imitatc ( Chnfts humilitic ) they dildainc to be hum- the Euchanft. ^jc yvhere it is clere, this holie father by Chrifts bodie and bloud mcaoeth not bread and wine as figncs of his bodie and bloud, for bread and wine can noc be lawfully adored: neither doth he mcane our Lords bodie as it was on the croflc, orisinheauen, for Co it is not eaten, but as it is in formes of bread and wine on Chnfis tablet the Altar. PfALMI. of Psalm e s. ji PASLMI. XXII. Thakfeuin rjt forme of ' thankefgeuing for al fpiritual benefitet ( defcribed vnder the forGcSTpro- jnetaphor of temporal profperitie) euen from afmnersfirft conuerfion, te&ion. to final perfeuerance, and eternal beatitude. The 7. key. 1 f The Pfalmeof Dauid. OVr a Lord ruleth me, and nothing shal be wanting to a Chrift the me: f in place b of pafture there he hath placed me. good paj for, gouerneth, protettetb, b and fee 'deth his faithful flock*' 3 Vpon and teftimonieof his wil. ii f For thy name 6 Lord thou wilt be propitious to my finae : for q it is much. qfnneinrf^ Jpeffof auerfionfrom God t4 great & nedeth his grace* ii t Who is the man that r fearethour Lord J he i. appoynteth r He that fc*. him a law in the way, that he hath chofen. reth God which is the beginning of wifdome, receiuc th fiue fpiritual commodities, here mentioned: i. God iuftructeth him by. his law. ■13, f Hisfoule 1. shal abide in good things: and 3. his feede shal 2. hflonwk inherite the land. ' [ alnecejfaries ~^pon him : 3. others shalimitau his good example. 14 f Our Lordis 4- afirmamentto them that feare him: &y. his 4. God wit teftament that it may be made manifeft to them. [ proteft him : j. ^ccordin? to Gods couenant he shal cnioj the manifeft fight of Ccd for his eternal reward. Q 3 t Mine 54 The booki t Myne eies arc ahrayes to our Lord : becaufc he vil plucke if my fcete out of the fnare. t Haue refped to me, and haue mercie on me : becaufe I am iS [mans weak- f Acme rind poorc. nes Without Gods help. t The tribulations of my hart are multiplied : deliuer me from 17 t Trihulatios t my neceilities. can not be auoidcdy but mufi necejfarily be fuffercd : therfore a Cod gene "\s grace to pajfe through themrvithout fnne. t See my v humiliation, and my labour : and tv forgeue al my iS v my n affii- iinnes. ttion. w take aivay the eaufe and afflittion ml be mitigated. f Behold mine enemies,becaufe they are multiplied, and Hrith 19 itg0 u x wicked menx vniuft hatred hated me. of hatred do endeuour to eiraw others into Jinne. y Thofe that f Keepe my foule, and deliuer me : I shal y not be ashamed, 20 hope in God becaufe I hoped in thee. shal neuer be confounded. t The innocent and righteous haue cleaued to me : becaufe I 21 expected thee. x Al The t * Deliuer Ifrael 6 God, out of al his tribulations. 22 lectcrs of" the Alphcbet being complete in this Pfalme, this laftvcrfebeginncth vith Terr , Redeem*, praying God to rcdeme and deliuer Ifrael, that is, the whole Church from tribulations. PSALME. XXV. dTtT-d™^ Daniel in banishment among the PhiliJHmes> trufteth in the iufiice of hit perfecution. canfeyg. and pray eth Godearncftly to deliuer himy that he may with The 8. key. more freedom and commodity feme him as he defireth. a. This f Vnto a the end the Pfalme of Dauid. t Tfalme is alfo a coiinenient prayer for anie Christian in tribulation. b Hcthmo T Vdg e 0 me 6 Lord becaufc I haue walked in my inno- God arbiter X. cencie : and hoping in our Lord I shal not be weakened. cf the caufe betiven Saul and meythouknoweftmyninnocencie in this behalf c, though I am vniuftly charged by Saul, and his freindes. € Left perhaps t € Proue me Lord, and tempt me:burne my reynes and my z I be not Co in- hart. noccnf as I defire, and as in refpeS of Saul I hope that I am, do thou O God prouc me as thou wilt by tribulations. t Becaufe thy mercie is before mine eics : and I am yrei plcafed 5 in thy truth. fid naus f. II, OF PSALMES. ft 4 f I d haue not fittcn with the councel of vanitic: and with dn ... them that doe vniuft thinges. I wil not enter in confidence of a good confcicnce, and zele againft the wicked, alleageth his ; finccrc procedino- more then ordinarie men may do, Godfoinfpiringhim ex traordinarilr , 5 f I " haue hated the Church of the malignant ; and with the impious I wil nothtte. 6 f I e wil wash my handes among innocentes .• / and wil com- 1 -phe rcft Q£ pafTe thy altar 6 Lord ; this Pfaimc cuerie Prieft recitethin MafTe, before he ofFcr the holie Sacrifice, profeffing , & putting him felfe in memorie, that he muft only communicate with the innocent, tpKlzo. or Gf pure confcicnce ;/ and fo approch to the Altar, f r?fignre& Leuit. 16. y. 4. 7 t That I g may heare the voice of praife, and h shew forth siluttingtL al thy meruelous workes. cares Qf my hart from euil andvaine thoughtes I wil attend to godlic infpirations, h and fo vrhh mental prayer, and external voice (as the holie order of this facred office rcqui. reth ) praife thee 6 God in thy meruelous workes. $ f Lord I haue loue'd i the beautie of thy houfe, and the place ,• 1 can not ^w of ^ the habitation of thy glorie. Angularly loue the excellencie of this place dedicated to thy feruicc : where is true faith, vnitic, and charitie of thy people, the guard of holie Angels, the adminiftratij of facred myfteries, afliftancc of the Holie Ghoft, real prefence of Chrift our Lord, al replenished with Diuine maieftie. k. This reprcfenteth vnto me the glori- ous hcaucnlie kingdom of God and al Saindtes. 9 f / Deftroy not 6 God my foule with the impious, and my life 1 Suffer ma with bloudie men. [ not therfore to be contaminate by the wieked^Mr to be deuourednith them. 10 f In whofe m handes are iniquities: their n righthand is re* m they art plenished with giftes. [fiii readie to commute more and more iniquities. n themfilues being corrupted, en demur by giftes of wordly commodities to corrupt others. n f But 0 I haue walked in mine innocencie .• p redeme me,and o Euerie one haue m ercie on me. [ ought fo to purge his ccnfcience, that, he may be innocent, or free from or eat finne. p deliuerme from this necejfitic of dwelling among the wicked. 11 f My q footehathftoodinthcdirec"tway:in r the Churches q 1 intend /# I wil blefle thee 6 Lord. [ walke right, r / defire to praife thee amongfl- thy 1 rue faithful fir names, ANNOTATIONS. Psalme. XXV. j. lh4ueh*teitheCb»rchofthemaUgndnt.] Holie Dauid forced by reafon of •erfecution to dwelamongft Infidels the Philiftians; after he had twife fpared A ^H^rA-a King Saules life (i-Rcg 14. v.j.et.c. zCv.9.) lamented (y.ij.) how great Sr"t f * * affliction it was to him, tehe caft out, that be could not dvyel in the inheritance of our to, 5 nindc- Lord ( where God was rightly ferued) and that his enemies had done fo much as r^ from God* w them lay, to make himfal iutoidolatrie, by their fact, as it were faying : Goe trucieruicc, ft rut $£ The booke fchriftians ferat jtrtngt goiitt.Ntuenhelei his zele vas fuch that (as he he re ptofeiTethjl muft abhorre, hehatedthechurchofthemahgnant : that is, the congregations of almifcreants: and abftaine & his immaculate religious purine vas Co perfect, that he trould not To much as from al con- in external mew, conformc his actions to theirs, in matters of religion, nor uenticles of yeldhisbodelicprcfcncein their conuentic!cs:but faid: With the impious ivyil Hereukes and „ot fine. Inftructing vs Chriftians ( for the word to the end, in the title (hcwetli Other Infidels, that this Pfalme perteyneth alio to vs ) that ve muft both hate the church or con- greg uicm of the malignant, to witte, of Painims Iewes, Turkes, and Hererikes, andnotjitte, norpcrfonilLybeprefent viththemin the exercifc of their falfc pretended religions. PSAIME. XXVI. Another con- Panid beingin great diftrejfe through perjectttiotr, and hauing ajfitred con- fident prayer f deuce in Gody defcribeib the great fecuritie ofGodsproteHion. 7. shew- of Dauid in ^ ^ rame experience£Hn fcm fe[f J2, prayeth for continuance there f tribulation. ,. * , . . r , J. , ' /..r J , n. r J The i ke v T*' * WC9ragetn "U owne j iHiet in nope of hfe euerlajhng, to perjeuer a Before ' in **** his jecond j- The Pfalme of Dauid a before he was annoynted . 1 annotating, as is probable. 2. Reg. 2. fcAgainftigno f^\ V R Lord is b my illumination, and c my faluation, ranee God'il- V-/ d whom shal I feare ? lumisatethhis feruantes. c againftinfirmitiehegeuethitreingth. d Co he nedeth not to feare anie mans malice, futcltie, nor force. Luc. %\.y. iy. Our Lord is the prote&our of my life, of whom shal I be afrayd ? t whiles the harmefulapprochvpon me, to eate my flesh. t Mine enemies that truble me, them felues are weakened and are fallen. f If carapesftand together againil: me, my hart shal not feare. 5 If battel rife vp againft me, in this wil I hope. f One thing I haue asked of our Lord, this wil I feeke for, 4 e flotvjpecial that I e may dwel in the houfe of our Lord al the dayes of my A'bcnefiteDa life. hid eftemtdit to be in the Catholiqiie Church the only true houfe of God ! That I may fee the pleafentnes of our Lord, and vifite his temple. f Albeit the t Becaufe he hath /hid mc in his 'tabernacle ; in the day of $ fpiritual or euils he hath protected mc, Jin g the fecrete of his tabernacle* carnal encmie feke to ouerthrow me, yet I am fecurc in the Catholique Church. g God cither fufFerethnotthecnemietofindhisferuant. h or not to be able to hurt ^ In h z rocke he hath exalted me : and now he hath i exalted 6 > himfpiritually my head ouer mine enemies. i wh« a martyr or confeflb ur dicth, then he getccththc yi&oric againft the perfecutors. I k. hauo or Psaimij. 57 I £haue gone round about, and haue immolated in his taker- k Diligently nacle an hoft of iubilationtl /wil Ting, and fayaPfalmeto recounting al our Lord. thy beneftes, 1 render thankes by facrifce andpraife. 1 not only in hart, but alfo finging with loud voice And in fir u -ment, 7 f Heare 6 Lord my voice, wherwith I haue cried to thee : hauemercie on me, and heare me. 8 f My nt hart hath fayd to thee, my face hath fought dice out : m In my in- n thy face 6 Lord I wii feeke. ward fncere cogitation I dejire,and feeke thdt 1 may fee thee , n face to face i. Cor. 13. "V. 11. 9 fTurne 0 not away thy face from me : p decline not in \srrath. o In the from thy feruant. meane time 0 Lord, grant me thy fauour, p haue me not though thou be angrie ^withme. Be cuen themfelues ercellent my- wholly, as facrifice of thankes,for Jo excellent benefites, preached *ftith fteries. magnificence. j.VVherby innumerable are getheredinto his Church here The «.key. replenished with grace, and in heautn with glorie. a i.Reg.6. -y. ^ Tjie pfa]mc of Dauid, " in the confummation a of the 1 17. uvar.16. tabcrnacle, >./. ANNO- B OF PSALMES. 59 ANNOTATIONS. 1. lnttnfitmth'Attonrfthe tabernacle.] The feuentie Interpreters teftifie by ad- ding tkistirle, that king Dauid made this Pfalme (a? he did alfo fomc others) Myitcrieiof I0+l, when the Arke of God was brought into the tabernacle, which he had pitched the Catholi- icj.&C £orjtinSion t Kegm g.i.Pdral. if. VVherinhe faw by prophetical fpiritc, and qUC church here vttereth other farre greater myfteries;&: more excellent bcnefites.brought prophecicd in into the world by Chrift, and preached by him, and his Apoftles, then agreed to tnjs pfalme. the Arke, or the time of the oldTeftamentjbut are verified in the admirable fruite of innumerable people of al nations, and of manic great Potentates connertcd to Chriftianitic. Ring ^ to our Lord ye children of God: bring to our Lord c the fonncs of rammes . fcOffer facriff- 2 f Bring to our Lord ^glorie and honour, bring to our Lord ceofthankes gloricvnto his name: adore ye our Lord e in his holie court, forthefingu- 3 The voice of our Lord/ vpon waters, the God of g maicftie I^rbenefites hath b thundered: Our Lord vpon i manie waters. tcd^in"^" 4 f The voice of our Lord k. inpowre: the voice of our Lord pfalme / in magnificence. c Rammes 5 *j" The voice of our Lord m breaking ceders: and our Lord were of the shal breake the n ceders of Libanus : SJSSmS? 6 f And he shal breake them in pceces as a 0 calfe of Libanus. that were offc p and the heloued as 7 the fonne of vnicornes. red in the law 7 The voice of our Lord r.diuiding the flame of fire: ofMoyfcs. S + The voice of our Lord ^shaking the defcrt ; and our Lord B"tthe fonac6 l 1 l j r rV- j °* rammes shal moue t the deiert of Cades. importcin 9 The voice of our Lord v preparing * hartes,andheshaIdifco- mfmcal fen ft uer thickcwoodcs:andin .*■ in his temple al shal fay glorie. better hoftes 10 f Our Lord maketh^ to inhabite the floud: and our Lord thln,rai?^cs' z. shal fit king for euer. „i • ~ rr ■ ■_.»., , , , . .. thing in lacn* Our Lord a \ril geue ftrcngth to his people: our Lord b \ril fice]S to ^0. blelTe his people in peace. rifle, honour, and adore God in finccritie of fpiritc, e in his holie Catholiquc Churh. f Here is a greater matter intimated then happened in the bringing of the Arke into a tabernacle prepared in Sion, when Dauid danced, and offered hoftes for facrifice, others ioyning with him in that folemnitie. But this ygice $f o»i Lord ypon yyatersis rather verified of our Blefled Sauiours ownc preaching with g maiefiie h thundering, & by his Apoftles vpon i manie ryaters, manic nations: k infoyyr*o( miracles. I tn magnificence preaching as bauing in dedc powre^notastbe Scribes and Thurifies. Mat. 7. y. i?. m breaking cedars among innumerable others, conucrting higheft Potentates n of Lihan»s , Emperoures , kinges and greatcft Princes ofthe world: o asa calfe *f Lib anas Co meekly fubmitting them felucs toChrifts yoke, and fpiritual obedience of his Church, /» Alwhichis done by Chrift our Lord the beloued of God, q as the fenntof ynicernes, is moft tenderly beloued by the parentis, r This yoice of our Lerd dmiding the flame »f fire .^hz Holie Ghoftproccding from the Fatber and the Sonne, came vpon the Apoftlcs,as in diuided tongues of fire./ wherwithtfj*rt of Cades, Come ofchc Iewesalfo eompun&in hart with rcmorfe of confcicnce hearing the voice of S.Peter, and other Apoftles. v The fame yotce of out Lord. prf*ar;nghartes,'\nfyi\:'n\