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There are those who ignore the Old Testament as unspiritual and unpractical. To such the example of our Lord should be enough. He constantly instructed the people in the Old Testament ; and in' his very last hours with his disciples after his resurrection, we are told, that, " beginning at Moses, and all the Prophets, he expounded unto them in all the Scriptures the things concerning himself." "Then opened he their understanding, that they might understand the Scriptures." Much of the New Testament, which consists so largely in quotations from and allusions to the Old Testament, must be a dead letter to those ignorant of the connection of such passages. The Epistle to the Hebrews is an enigma to those unacquainted with the Jewish ritual. The record of the sacrifices and services of the Jewish Church are God's own illustrations of the atonement and way of access for sinners to Him. The Passover, the daily bloody sacri- fices, the brazen serpent, the Tabernacle, all set forth the " Lamb of God, who taketh away the sin of the world." The recorded experience and biography of the Old Testa- ment are but illustrations of the principles laid down in the New Testament. Idolatry and self-sufficiency invariably (3) 4 meet with punishment and defeat ; while loyalty to God and simple faith in him overcome the greatest difficulties, and meet a glorious reward. In view of all this, shall we neglect the command of our Lord given with particular reference to the Old Testament, " Search the Scriptures, for ill them ye think ye have eternal life, and they are they that testify of me." These questions were prepared for a class of young ladies. If they have any merit, it is in their simplicity. Any good they may have done has been through the influence of the Holy Spirit, who blesses the truth in answer to prayer. The books used by the class referred to are very simple, Smith's Old Testament History, Kitto's Bible Illustrations, a good Bible Dictionary, and Phillip's Scripture Atlas. Above all, the Bible itself, studied with the marginal refer- ences. BIBLE QUESTIONS. LESSON FIRST. THE BIBLE. What is the meaning of the word Bible ? How did God first reveal His will to men ? How long after the Creation was the first written word ? Twenty-five hundred years. On what occasion ? Ex. 20. By whom and on what was it written ? Where have we the record of the next revelation ? Ex. 24 : 4-7. Where was the law deposited ? Deut. 31 : 24-26. Were there other copies made ? Deut. 17 : 18-20. What book was afterwards added ? Josh. 24 : 26. The law afterwards was placed in the temple. In whose reign was it lost ? Who found it and read it ? 2 Kings 22 ; 8-13. What king cut up part of the sacred roll and burnt it ? Jer. 36 : 23. His punishment ? Jer. 36 : 30, 31. (5) g BIBLE QUESTIONS. Copies during the captivity ? Dan. 9:13; Zech, 7:12. Uncertain whether there were any definite collection of psalms and prophets before the captivity. How many books in the Old Testament ? How many in the New Testament } How many different authors } About forty. How long was the work of revelation going on } Sixteen hundred years. In what year was the w^ork of revelation completed } A. D. 100. Which are the prophetical books of the Old Testament ? Which are the poetical ? Which are the historical ? How many of the authors were kings ? Who were poets ? What warrior ? What herdsman ? What fisherman ? What tent-maker ? What tax-gatherer } By whom was the Old Testament compiled ? By Ezra, who was head of the great synagogue of 120 ; including Daniel, Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego, and the prophets Haggai and Zechariah, who lived during a period of one hundred and twenty-five years, down to the time of Simon the Just, B. C. 300. Malachi seems to have lived after, and his book was added to the Canon, which was all completed in the time of Simon the Just. What was the Septuagint translation ? BIBLE QUESTIONS. 7 It was a translation of the Hebrew Old Testament into Greek, made at Alexandria, under the direction of Ptolemy Philadelphus, king of Egypt, for the great library at Alex- andria. Note. — There is a distinct and remarkable testimony to the antiquity of the five Books of Moses in the Samari- tan Pentateuch, which has existed in a form entirely sepa- rate from the Jewish copies, and in a character totally dif- ferent from that in which the Hebrew Bible has been for many years written. It has been preserved and handed down by a people ever hostile to the Jews. What division of the Scriptures did Ezra make ? Law, Prophets, and Psalms. Did this division exist in the time of our Lord ? Luke 24:44. Did our Lord sanction the Old Testament ? John lo : 35 ; John 5 : 39. How do we know that the Bible comes from God } 2 Tim. 3 : 16, 17 ; 2 Peter i : 20-22 ; Gal. i : 11, 12 ; I Cor. 2:13. In what way was the Atonement by Jesus Christ set forth in the Books of Moses } What is the great object of the Bible } What commandment have we in John 5 : 39. v\''as it the Old Testament that he meant ? 8 BIB LIS QUESTIONS. LESSON SECOND. THE TEMPTATION AND FALL. Probable extent and situation of the Garden of Eden ? In what respects was man made like God ? What restriction was placed on his will and appetite ? What do we know of the devil's origin ? (These passages are not conclusive.) Rev. 12:7-9; 2 Peter 2:4; Jude 6. By what names is he known ? i Peter 5:8; Matt. 12 : 24 ; Rev. 20 : 2 ; Matt. 13 : 39 ; Matt. 4:3; John 12:31; Eph. 2:2; Col. I : 13. His character ? John 8 : 44 ; 2 Cor. 11 : 14 ; Eph. 2 : 2. What form is he capable of taking .> 2 Cor. 11 : 14. What do we know of his power over us ? 2 Tim. 2 : 26 ; 2 Cor. 11:3; 2 Cor. 4:4; Matt. 13 : 19-39 J Mark 4:15; I Peter 5:8. Give some examjiles of his power over men in the Bible ? How did he approach Eve ? 1. By undermining her confidence in God. 2. By putting the temptation in the most ensnaring light, the only temptation that could be put to a perfectly holy being, — ambition to be as God's. What was the sin of first parents .- Punishment of their disobedience ? Was it physical death alone ? How did their change of nature show itself at once— to- wards (iod ? BIBLE QUESTIONS. \) Note. — This fear and dislike of God has been in the hearts of men ever since. Dread of meeting God alone. Dislike of prayer. Rom. 8 : 7. Consequence of Adam's sin to the whole race ? Rom. 5:12, 17-21. Snice our nature is fallen and corrupt, how are we to be restored.^ i Cor. 15:22; John 11:25; i John i; 7-10. What gracious promise was given to Adam ? Probable institution of sacrifice ? How are we to conquer such an enemy to our souls as Satan •"' Eph. 6:11-17; James 4:7;! Peter 5 : 8, 9. What promise have we of victory ? Rom. 16:20; James 4:7; Eph. 6:11. How did Christ show his power over the devil } Matt. 4: i-ii ;i John 3:8; Heb. 2 : 14. Why were Adam and Eve driven from the Garden of Eden } Gen. 3 : 22. When is the tree of life again mentioned } Rev. 22 : 1-4, 14. Rev. 2 : 7. The reward promised Rev. 22 : 14, is just what was lost ia Eden, Gen. 3 : 22. LESSON THIRD THE SAVIOUR IN THE OLD TESTAMENT. There are many predictions and promises of a Saviour in the Old Testament, the meaning of which would be 10 BIBLE QUESTIONS. doubtful, but for the quotation and application of them in the New Testament. What promises were made to the Patriarchs of a Saviour? To Adam, Gen. 3:15; Rom. 16 : 20 ; Rev. 12 17, 8. To Abraham, Gen. 12:1-3; Gal. 3:7-9; Acts 3 : 25, 26; Gen. 22: 15, 18; Gal. 3: 16. To Isaac, Gen. 26 : 4 ; Heb. 11 : 17, 18. To Jacob, Gen. 28 : 14, Judah, Gen. 49 : 9, 10 ; Heb. 7, 14 ; Rev. 5 : 5. What proof have we that they believed and rejoiced in a coming- Saviour ? John 8 : 56. How was the Saviour as our Atoning Sacrifice set forth in the Old Testament ? Ex. 20 : 24 ; Heb. 7 : 27 ; Lev. 16 : 1 5-22 ; Heb. 9 : 1 1-14 ; Num. 21 : 8, 9 ; John 3 ; 14, 16; 12:32. What was Balaam's prophecy? Num. 24 : 17. Christ as our prophet ? Deut. 18:15-18; Acts 7 : 37. Covenant with David ? 2 Sam. 7:13; Ps. 89 : 28. How do we know that these prophecies refer also to the kingdom of Christ ? Acts 13: 22, 23; Ps. 2 : 6-12; Luke I : 32, 33 ; Rev. 2 : 27 ; Ps. 24 : 7-10. How are the Atonement and Priesthood of Christ foretold in the Psalm ? Ps. 22:1-18. Luke 22 :4i-44 ; Ps. 110 : 1-4. Acts 2 : 34, 36 ; Heb. i : 2. Ps. 118 : 22, 23. Matt. 21 :42. How is Christ set forth in the prophets ? Is. 7:14-16. Luke I : 26-34 ; Matt, r : 22. BIBLE QUESTIONS. 11 Is. 9:6, 7. Is. II : 1-5. Is. 53. Acts 8 : 28-33. Is. 61 : 1-3. Luke 4 : 14-17. Dan. 9 : 26. Matt. 20 : 28. Zech. 9:9. John 12 : 14-15. Zech. 13:7. Matt. 26 : 31. Zech. 13 : i. John 19 : 34 ; Heb. 9 : 14. Mai. 3 : 1. Matt. 3 : 10, 12. What reference to and importance did our Lord make of these passages ? Luke 24 : 27 ; 44 : 46. LESSON FOURTH. CAINITES AND SETHITES. Who were the sons of Adam ? Why was the offering of Abel more acceptable, than that of Cain ? Heb. 11:4. Was there anything in the things offered that made one more acceptable than the other ? Heb. 9 : 22. What fearful effect of her own sin did Eve see in her first- born ? What son was given to Adam in the place of Abel ? What distinguished the descendants of Cain ? Gen. 4 : 19-22. Their moral qualities ? What did Cain say of his p unishment ? What gracious promise did God give to Cain ? Gen. 4 : 7. 12 BIBLE QUESTIONS. Note. — This passage has been ingeniously explained. " The sin-offering lieth at the door," representing Christ the Saviour in the attitude of a servant, who in Eastern countries lies at his master's door. " He took upon Him the form of a serv^ant." What are the only distinguishing characteristics recorded of the Sethites ? Gen. 4 : 26 ; Gen. 5 : 21-23. What two divisions of mankind are represented by the Cainites and Sethites ? What does the history of the Cainites show ? That unsanctified civilization has no power to elevate ? Note. — The Cainites were one hundred and fifty years in advance of the Sethites. To what did the great length of human life seem to tend ? Note. — The ages of nine men are given ; the average of their ages, nine hundred and twelve years. What good reason for their longevity at this early period ? What do we learn of these people in Jude 14, 15 .'* LESSON FIFTH. THE FLOOD. What seems to have brought the guilt of the world to a climax ? Gen. 6 : i, 2. Who were the sons of God ? Children of Seth. See also Job i : 6. BIBLE QUESTIOIfS. 13 Note. — This union seems to have pioduced a race of giants. What is said of the universal corruption ? Gen. 6 : 12, 13, Murder seems to have been common. Gen. 6:11. What resolve did God make ? What faithful man was found ? Even in the darkest times God has always had his wit- nesses on the earth. How is Noah described ? Gen. 6:9; 2 Peter 2 : 5. What directions for the ark did he receive ? How large was the ark ? 547 feet long, 91 feet broad, 47 feet high. Age of Noah at the time of the flood ? What is said of his obedience ? What led him to this obedience ? Heb. 11:7. How may his faith be described ? Heb. 1 1 : i. Meaning of Gen. 6:3.^ "I will take from man the life that I gave to him, but I will spare him one hun-dred and fifty years." How did the people probably regard Noah ? What does our Lord say of the state of the world at his second coming ? Matt. 24 : 38, 39. What were gathered into the ark ? Why more clean than unclean animals ? On account of sacrifice. How long were the waters upon the earth ? Where did the ark rest ? 14 BIBLE QUESTIONS. What do we infer from his staying seven days, and then another seven days ? How long was Noah in the ark ? His first act in coming out of the ark ? How did God show his approbation and acceptance cf it ? What blessing was repeated to Noah ? What was the first direction for the use of animal food ? What new law enacted against murder ? Gen. 9 : 5, 6. Who were the sons of Noah ? Peopling of the earth ? (See " Smith's Old Testament," chap, v.) Note. — Not all who helped to build the ark were saved in it. To be saved, they had to go in by the door, accord- ing to the command of God. So, in these days, many who help to support the church, by giving their money, attending the worship, even respectful attention to preaching, who will be lost at last, and why ? Because they refuse, or ne- glect to accept personally, the Saviour in the way of God's appointment. John 10 : 7-9. What will be the state of the world at our Lord's second coming ? Matt. 24 : 37 ; Luke 17 : 26. BIBLE QUESTIOIfS. 15 LESSON SIXTH. THE CALL OF ABRAHAM. A.M. 2009; B.C. 1996. TWO YEARS AFTER THE DEATH OF NOAH. For what purposes were the Jewish people chosen and separated from the nations of the earth ? 1. To make them the receptacle of the Word of God. Rom. 3:1,2; Deut. 4:7, 8. 2. Through them to raise up a deliverer for the whole world — Jesus Christ. From which of the sons of Noah was Abraham descended .'' Who was his father ? What other sons had Terah ? Nahor and Haran, who seem to have died in Ur, of the Chaldees. Haran was the oldest of the three, and the fa- ther of Lot. Abraham seems to have married Sarah, his half-sister. Gen. 20 : 12. What was their religion ? Josh. 24 : 2. From what event does the history of the Jewish people begin ? " From the Call of Abraham." What do you mean by the call of Abraham ? Acts 7 : 2, 3. Did God give him any particular directions as to his journey ? IC BIBLE QUESTIONS. Where did Terah die ? How old was Abraham at this time ? Gen. 12:4. Where did God next appear to him ? What promise did he make ? To what does Gen. 12:3 refer? Gal. 3:7-9; Acts 3: 25, 26. What was Abraham's first resting-place in the promised land ? What other events afterwards made this place so noted ? It was the burial-place of Joseph. Josh. 24 ; Deut. 27 ; John 4. (See the map.) To what place did Abraham next come ? Where did he build his first altar ? What drove him into Egypt ? Was this a trial of faith, and why ? Why was I'-gypt exempt from famine ? What trouble caused him to leave Egypt ? What is said of his prosperity while in Egypt ? Gen. 13 : I, 2. To what place did Abraham return ? Gen. 13:3. What do we know of the riches of some of the men in these early times ? Job. i : 1-3. How many armed men had Abraham in his household? Gen. 14: 14- How was he regarded among the people of the land? Gen. 23 : 6. Did he own any land ? Acts 7:5. What prevented Abraham and Lot from living togetheri' What proposal did Abraham make ? BZBLE QUEsr^c:s's. 17 What ma} we learn of the character of Lot from the choice of Sodom ? What is said of that country physically ? What is said of the moral condition of the people ? LESSON SEVENTH. THE FIRST WAR.— Gen. 14. What trouble soon befell Lot ? What relation was Lot to Abraham ? What brought on the war ? Certain kings beyond the Tigris and Euphrates prob- ably at a former period invaded the country east of the Jordan. They had been in subjection for twelve years, when they attempted to throw off the yoke ; they were as- sisted by the king of Sodom, etc. Chedalaomer was vic- torious, and took Lot prisoner. Who brought the news to Abraham ? What did he do ? Who did he take to help him } These kings were no more than sheiks, or chiefs of small districts. The result ? Gen, 14 : 15, 16. On Abraham's return who met him } Gen. 14 : 18. Who was Melchizedek } Jg BIBLE QUESTIONS. Was he a Jew ? No : he was one of those examples of the worship of the true God outside the chosen family. Where is he afterwards mentioned, and how long after ? Ps. 110:4; Heb. 7:11. In what respects was he like Christ, and a type ? 1. Not beirfg of the Levitical tribe ? 2. Superior to Abraham. Heb. 7 '-^^7- 3. Not only priest but king. 4. His beginning and end unknown. Heb. 7 : 3. What does the apostle mean by saying, without father, without mother, etc., of Melchizedek } Simply that they were unknown. Did Ai)raham take any of the spoils, and why not ? Gen. 14:21-24. What did God, upon this, promise to be to him ? Gen, 15:1. Why did Abraham's faith waver ? What definite revelation and promise did God make ? Gen. 15:4, 5. What was to be the boundary of the land } What is said of his faith ? Gen. 15:6. What was foretold of his descendants ? 1. Bondage of 400. Gen. 15 : 13. 2. Their recovery with great wealth. 3. Their return in the fourth generation. When were these promises fulfilled ? 1st. Ex. 12 140, 41. 2d. Ex. 12 :36; Deut. i : 7, 8. BIBLE QUESTIO::^S. 19 What ceremony sealed the covenant ? Gen. 15:17, 18. This was an ancient form of sealing the covenant. The animal was cut in pieces, and the two parties passed between the pieces. The significance of the sign was, that if either broke their agreement, they should suffer like the victim. Who was Hagar ? Gen. 16. Who was Ishmael ? How long after the birth of Ishmael was Isaac bom ? Compare Gen. 16 : 16 ; 21 : 5. What promise did God make to Abraham when he was ninety-nine years old.'* Gen. 17. His change of name ? P^Ieaning of Abram ? Meaning of Abraham ? What sign was instituted which included children in the covenant.^ Gen. 17 : 10-12. What has taken its place in the Christian church ? What warrant have we for the baptism of infants in the Bible ? The circumcision of children in the old dispensation, of which the new is but an extension. Baptism administered to whole households ? Acts 16:15; I Cor. I : 16. 20 BTBLK QUESTIONS. LESSON EIGHTH. LIFE OF ABRAHAM.— Continued. Example of Abraham's hospitality.^ Gen i8. Why did he dwell in tents? What distinguished guest was of the party ? Gen. i8 : 22. What led the Lord to trust and confide in Abraham? Gen. i8 : 17-19. Compare Ps. 25 : 14. First example of intercessory prayer? Gen. 18:23-33; James 5:16. What is essential to true prayer? Mark 11 : 24 ; James I : 5, 6; John 14: 14. Are sincere prayers always literally answered ? 2 Cor. 12:7. 8. Who is our great intercessor ? Heb. 7:25; 9 : 24. To what part of the country did Abraham next journey? Gen. 20: I. Meaning of Abimelech ? " Father king." The name seems common to the Philistine kings, as Pharaoh was to the Egyptian kings. Here Abraham dwelt for a long time. This was his fourth resting-place. His treaty with Abimelech shows his importance, \'alue of wells of water ? Where was Isaac born ? How long from God's first promise of seed to Abraham was Isair born ? Tw-n'y-five years. BIBLE QUESTIONS. 21 Cause of Hagar's Exile? Gen. 21 19, 10. How did Abraham feel about it ? Why did his hopes centre in Ishmael ? What comfort did God give to him ? Gen. 21 : 12. What did he promise about Ishmael? Gen. 21 : 13. Were his blessings temporal or spiritual ? How old was Ishmael when he was expelled from his father's house ? Fifteen or sixteen years. LESSON NINTH. ABRAHAM.— Continued. What was Abraham's crowning act of faith ? Gen. 22. What circumstances made this command most mysterious ? What confidence had Abraham in God's power to perform his promise? Heb. 11 : 19. How was his obedience rewarded? Gen. 22 : 16, 17. What is our first duty to God ? What has he commanded us to do in order to be saved ? John 3 : 16-18. Will any other act of obedience take the place of this or avail us while this is neglected ? How do we know that Abraham knew of a coming Sav- iour ? John 8 : 56. It may be, that the atonement and the doctrine of sub- stitution was illlustrated and explained to bim on Mount Moriah. 22 BIBLE QUESTIONS. Where did Sarah die ? At what age ? She lived thirty-seven years after the birth of Isaac. What purchase did Abraham make of the children of Heth ? Describe this transaction ? Gen. 23. Note. — All transactions of a public kind were transacted at the gate of the city, in the presence of witnesses. Abra- ham shows on this occasion the same independence of character which he showed to the king of Sodom. This burying-place was the only possession of Abraham in the promised land. To whom was Abraham afterwards married ? Gen. 25. To whom did he leave his property.^ What provision did he make for his other children ? Gen. 25 :6. Where did he die? At what age ? Who buried him, and where ? What title had he? 2 Chron. 20:7; Is, 41 : 8 ; James 2:23. What hope cheered him amid all his wanderings. Heb. II : 10. How do we know that he was not disappointed? Luke 16 : 19-31 ; Matt. 8:11. SUMMARY OF THE LIFE OF ABRAHAM. Abraham, father of a multitude — descended from Shcm, son of Terah — two brothers, Haran and Nahor — native. BIBLE QUESTIONS. 3S place, Ur of the Chaldees — left Ur with his father, broth- ers, and Lot, his nephew — came to Haran, where Terah died^— went from Haran to Shechem, in the land of Ca naan — next to Bethel — driven by famine into Egypt — re- turned to Bethel — he and Lot separate — Lot chooses Sod- om — Abraham lives for some time at Mamre or Hebron, where Ishmael is born — then goes to Beersheba, where Isaac is born — from this home Ishmael i5 expelled — twenty- five years after he has his great trial of faith — Sarah dies at Hebron — Abraham dies at Beersheba, and is buried by his sons Isaac and Ishmael, at the age of 175 years. LESSON TENTH. ISAAC AND JACOB .—Gen. 24. What provision did Abraham make for Isaac's future wel- fare and marriage } Why did he not want him to marry among the Canaanites ? What direction was afterwards given to the chosen fam- ily } Deut- 7 : 3, 4. Who was the servant probably sent on the important er- rand } Gen. 15:2, To whom was he sent? Who lived at Haran. Gen. 24: 10. A stationary branch of the family, consisting of Nahor, who had eight sons by Milcah. One of these sons was Bethuel^ the father of Laban and Rebekah. 24 BIBLE QUESTIOXS. What seems to have been their worldly circumstances ? What was the character of Isaac ? I low is a meek and quiet spirit regarded by God ? i Pet. 3:4. Note. — He is always classed with Abraham and Jacob. We know less of him than of them. Who were his sons ? How did they differ in personal appearance? In char- acter ? Meaning of Esau ? Meaning of Jacob ? These children were given in answer to prayer. Gen. 25 :2i. How old was Isaac when they were born ? Gen. 25 : 26. How long had he been married ? Twenty years. Was Abraham still living ? Note. — Abraham was 175 years old when he died. Isaac was born when Abraham was 100 years old ; mar- ried when he was forty years old. Twenty years after. Jacob and Esau were born, making Abraham 160 years old when they were born. So the boys would be 1 5 years old when Abraham died. How did Jacob and Esau differ in pursuits ? Gen. 25 : 27. In character? What interesting transaction brings them before us? Gen. 25 : 30. What were th(; privileges of the first-born ? BIBLE QUESTIONS. 25 Headship of the tribe, temporal and spiritual ; posses- sion of a great part of the property. In Jacob's case, head of the chosen family. How does the Bible condemn the sin of Esau ? Heb. 12 : 14. To whom does the apostle compare those who sacrifice eternal blessings for temporal? Heb. 12 : 16, 17. After this, what gross deception did Jacob practice.? Gen. 27. What seems to have been the prevailing sin and weakness in the family of Rebekah ? It had been revealed to Rebekah before the birth of the children that the younger should serve the elder. Was this any excuse for her deception ? What is stated in verse 1 3 ? In what did Isaac's blessing upon Esau consist ? Gen. 27 : 40. When was the prophecy fulfilled ? 2 Kings 8 : 20 ; 2 Chron. 21 :28. In what other instances was God's sovereignty shown in choosing the younger before the elder ? LESSON ELEVENTH. LIFE OF JACO B.— Continued. Gen. 28. To escape the vengeance of Esau, where was Jacob sent ? Gen. 28 : 5. 2 26 BIBLE QUESTIONS. The same journey which Eliezer of Damascus took with camels and attendants, Jacob travels alone and on foot (Gen. 32 : 10), fleeing for his life— night comes on— and, with a stone for his pillow, he goes to rest. His remarkable vision ? Under what name did God appear to him ? Gen. 28 : 13. " This was probably the turning-point in the life of Ja- cob. Brought up at home— his mother's favorite — under the influence of his more powerful brother, he bid fair to grow up a narrow-minded, deceitful man. But the disci- pline that was to make him a man, had now begun. Cut off from home, separated from his mother (whom he prob- ably never saw again), he was ready to appreciate the friendship of the God of Abraham and his promises." What dedication did he make? Gen. 28 : 20, 21. At what age was he at the time ? About seventy-seven. What memorial did he set up of his vow.'* Gen. 28 : 22. What did he call the place .'* Meaning of Bethel ? To what place did he come ? In whose family did he live .-' Character of Laban } What agreement did he make with Laban ? Gen. 29 : 15. 16. Note.— Eastern custom required that not even a rela- tion should eat the bread of idleness. How many years did he serve Laban for his wives 7 BIBLE QUESTIONS. 27 How many children had he during his sojourn in Laban's house ? Note. — It is quite remarkable that all of the twelve pa- triarchs, except Benjamin, were born outside of the land of promise. After the birth of Joseph, what wish did Jacob express } Gen. 30 : 25. What command did he receive from God ? Gen. 31:3. How did he leave Laban ? What was the principal cause of Laban's pursuit ? Gen. 31 :3o- Did Laban recognize the true God ? What do we know of these household gods, or teraphim ? There is no evidence that they were worshiped, but kept as a kind of charm or for divination. What kept Laban from injuring Jacob.'' Gen. 31 : 24. When did he overtake him ? What did they set up as a memorial of their covenant } Gen. 31 145, 46. Meaning of Mizpah ? What new danger now threatened Jacob ? What encouragement did he receive from God ? Gen. 32:1. What is said of the offices of angels.^ Ps. 91 : 11 ; Het^ I :7f 14. What arrangement did he make of his forces ? What means did he take to appease Esau ? What did he first do in his distress ? Gen. 32 : 9-12. 28 I3TBLE QUESTIONS. Give an account of his wonderful conflict and victory with the angel ? Who was this angel? Hosea 12 : 4, 5. LESSON TWELFTH. THE EDOMITES. Where did Esau go after his interview with Jacob ? Gen. 33:16. Do we hear of him again ? Gen. 35. Who are his descendants ? Who were the natives of Mt. Seir ? Gen. 14:6. By whom were the Horites expelled ? Deut. 2:12. What was their government ? It seems to have resembled the government of the Be- douin Arabs ; having Chiefs, and a king over these as their leader in battle. What was the character of their dwellings ? Jer. 49 : 16, 17 ; Obd. I :4. (See Porter's " Giant Cities of Bashan.") What was their ancient capital ? Bozra, afterwards called Petra. What was their religion ? 2 Chron. 25 : 14-20. How did they show their hatred to the Israelites ? Nun. 20 : 1421. BIBLE QUESTIOIN'S. 29 What command did Israel receive from God as to their conduct ? Deut. 2 : 4, 5 ; 23 : 7. By whom were the Edomites subdued ? 2 Sam. 8:14. In whose reign did they regain their territory ? 2 Kings 8 : 20-22. They were then a powerful kingdom for about four hun- dred years. What prophecy was fulfilled ? Gen. 27 : 40. When the kingdom of Israel began to decHne they joined with the Babylonians against Israel. How were they fearfully denounced for this by the pro- phets ? Obd. 8:8-16; Is. 34 : 5-10 ; Jer. 49 : 17, 18 ; Eze. 35 : 3, 4, 9' U- During the reign of the Maccabees they were subdued, and mixed up with the Jews. How did Isaac describe them ? Gen. 27 : 40. What is the Greek name for Edom ? Idumea. LESSON THIRTEENTH. LIFE OF JACOB.~Continued. After Jacob crossed the Jordan, to what place did he come ? Gen. 33 : 18. Had the place increased in size and importance since the time of Abraham ? 30 BIBLE QUESTIONS. V/hat was the first purchased possession of the chosen family as a dwelling place in the land of promise ? Gen. 33 : 19, 20. What other events make this place memorable ? Josh. 24 : 25 ; Judges 9:1; Luke 17:11 ; John 4. Fearful slaughter and cruelty to the Shechemites. After this sin what command did Jacob receive from God ? Gen. 35 : i. What vow had Jacob made at this place ? Gen. 28 : 20. Had he remembered his vow ? Who reminded him of his obligation ? Gen. 31 : i. He probably deemed it prudent to go to Bethel to avoid the revenge of the Canaanites. What purification did he make of his family ? What was done with the household gods ? What similar consecration was made of the nation three hundred years after at this v#ry place ? Josh. 24 : 23-28. What prevents our acceptable approach to God ? Ps. 66 : 18 ; Is. 59 : i, 2. After the purification of Jacob and his household, how did God appear to him .'* Gen. 35 : 9-13. What death occurred in the family ? Gen. 35:8; 24 : 59. When did Rachel die ? Gen. 35 : 16-19. A great trial to Jacob. He had waited for her for four- teen years. (Gen. 29 : 20). Now, just as he is coming to the old homestead, she is taken from him, leaving Ben- jamin. BIBLE QUESTIOIS-S. 31 How does he afterwards pathetically allude to her ? Gen. 48:7. This occurred when Joseph was about sixteen years old. All the other children of Jacob were born in Padanaram, in Laban's house. One cannot but believe that the relig- ious reformation which took place in Jacob's household, must have given Rachel higher views of God. What monument was put on her grave ? Gen. 35 : 20. How is she referred to ? Jer. 31 : 15-17. How applied in Matt. 2 ; 17, 18 ? LESSON FOURTEENTH. LIFE OF JOSEPH— Gen. 37. To what place had Jacob returned ? Gen. 35 : 27. Was Isaac still living ? Gen. 35 : 28. To what place had the sons of Jacob gone ? Gen. 37 : 12. To what parcel of ground ? What seems to have at first caused the hatred of Joseph's brothers to him ? Gen. 37 : 2. What increased their hatred ? This coat is thought by some to have been a priestly garment, and the giving it to Joseph by his father intend- ed to designate him as the priest of the family. This seems confirmed by Joseph inheriting the portion of Reu- ben, the oldest son. (i Chron. 5 : i). 32 BIBLE QUESTIONS. What was the purpose of the brothers ? Who saved his life ? Gen. 37 : 21. To what motives did Judah appeal ? Gen. 37 : 27. What was the result of their cruelty ? What pitiful account have we of his entreaties with them ? Gen. 42 :2i. Who were the merchants to whom he was sold ? Ishmaelites, a general term ; Midianites, the specific tribe ; they were traveling on the high road to Egypt. Traffic in white slaves seems to have been common. To whom was Joseph sold by the Midianites ? What office had Potiphar ? Captain of the executioners, or those who executed punishment. The prison where they were temporarily kept was in his house. Gen. 40 : 3, 4. He seems to have been a man of property, as well as power. What was the cause of Joseph's promotion ? Gen. 39 : 3.4- We have now reached the time when the life of the chosen family is interwoven with the history of Egypt, then the oldest, mightiest, and most cultivated kingdom of the world. The histories brought down to us on the monuments and in the ancient pictures, all correspond and corroborate the facts of the sacred history of this period. (See Kitto's " Bible Illustrations.") What was the effect of the presence of Joseph in the house of Potiphar ? Gen. 39 : 5. BIBLE QUESTIONS. 33 What in his moral character fitted him for this position ? What is said of his personal appearance ? How did his resistance of great temptation show his no- bility of character towards his master ? Gen. 39 : 8 ; Prov. I : 10. What great principle saved him from ruin ? Gen. 39 : 9 ; Ps. 51:4. In what way had Joseph to suffer for his fear and love of God ? Gen. 39 : 20. What reward had he that no outward circumstances could take from him .^ Gen. 39:21; John 14:21; Ps. 25 : 14. How was he regarded by the keeper of the prison ? Gen. 39 : 21 ; Prov. 16 : 7. Who were his companions ? What was the office of cup-bearer f (See Kitto's " Bible Illustrations.") What distinguished governor of Judea was cup-bearer to the king of Persia ? Neh. i : 1 1 ; 2:1. What were the dreams of the butler and baker ? To whom does Joseph ascribe the power of interpretation ? How were they fulfilled ? What pathetic request did Joseph make of the butler ? Gen. 40 : 14 ; Gen. 40 : 23. What circumstances caused him to be remembered ? What were the State dreams of Pharaoh ? What did the doubling of the dream denote ? Gen. 41:32. Significance of its being by the Nilef Cause of famine in Egypt } 2* 34 BIBLE QUESTIOlHrS. Note. — Inundation begins in June ; it is at its heig-ht in September. From the middle of August until the end of Ortober the land is like a great lake. Nileometers are erected, and the rise of the water indicated on them is watched with the greatest interest ; a few feet, either more or less, causing either drought or rot. The princi- pal Nileometer, which is at Cairo, is more than one thou- sand years old. The fertility arises from the slimy deposit left when the water subsides ; on this the seed is sown, and needs no enriching or cultivation. ' Of what was the cow a symbol ? What was the interpretation of Pharaoh's dream? What advice did Joseph give to him ? Gen. 41 : 34-36. What honors were conferred upon him.^ How did he show his humility and fear of God? Gen 41 : 16, 25. Whom did he marr)' ? Gen. 41 : 45. Names of his sons ? These are Hebrew names. Meaning of them ? LESSON FIFTEENTH. LIFE OF JOSEPH.— Continued. In what two lights does the life of Joseph appear to us? 1st, As the servant of Potiphar. 2d, As governor and manager of Egypt. BIBIiE QUESTIONS. 35 What was his first act as governor? Gen. 41:46; Ps 112 :5. What is said of the abundance stored ? Did the famine extend to other lands ? Gen. 41 : 54-57. Effect on the land of Canaan ? Gen. 47 : 13. What did he take for pay when the money was exhausted ? Gen. 47:14-17. After the cattle ? 47 : 18-20. What did he do for the more convenient distribution of the corn? Gen. 47:21. What law was now made in Egypt as to the land ? Gen. 47:25, 26. "What caused the family of Jacob to come to Egypt ? Gen. 42:5. Was their coming a part of God's plan ? Gen. 15:13, 14. What wise reasons were there for the chosen family being removed from the land of Canaan ? Note. — The promise of the land of Canaan had been given two hundred years before to Abraham ; the chosen family had yet no possession in it, and had been kept from alliance with the inhabitants of the land. There is reason to think that they would soon have sought for both, as we see in their conduct with the Shechemites. Gen. 34 chap. What made Egypt a safe place for them ? Gen. 46 : 34 ; Gen. 43 o2. What land did Joseph give to the children of Israel ? Gen, 46 : 34. How long did Joseph Hve in Egypt ? Ninety years. 36 BIBLE QUESTIONS. What oath did he take from his brethren ? Gen. 50 : 25 ; Ex. 13 : 19; Josh. 24:32. How did he show his faith ? Heb. 11 : 22. What was the secret of the success of Joseph ? What promise have those who, like Joseph, look to God for guidance. Prov. 3 : 5, 6 ; i Chron. 28 : 9. LESSON SIXTEENTH. LAST DAYS OF JACOB. How did Joseph bring his father to Egypt ? What encouragement did he receive by the way ? Gen. 46:1-4. Names of the sons of Jacob ? SONS OF LEAH. Reuben, Simeon, Levi, Judah, Issachar, Zebulum. SONS OF ZILPHA. Gad and Asher, RACHEL'S SONS. Joseph and Benjamin. bilhah's sons. Dan and Naphtali. What did these names afterwards designate ? What took the place of the tribe of Joseph? Ephrahn and Manasseh. 'bible questions. ^B7 How many in all went down to Egypt ? Gen. 46 : 26. What was their employment ? What land had they ? Gen. 46 : 34. With what did Pharaoh entrust them ? Gen. 47 : 6. Had they any employment afterward ? Ex. i '.14. Describe Jacob's meeting with Pharaoh. Gen. 47 : 9. What does the apostle say of the confession of the patri- archs.^ Heb. 11:13. How many years did Jacob live in Egypt ? Gen. 47 : 27, 28. What was the last act of his life ? What oath did he take of his sons ? Were these words prophetic ? To what do they have reference ? 1st. To the personal character of the men. 2d. To the tribes descended from them. 3d. Typical allusion to the whole Israel of God. What tribe took the place of Reuben, the first-born, which he disinherited, on account of his sin ? i Chron. 5:1. In whose name did he bless the sons of Joseph .'* To whom did he give the precedence ? What did he foretell of them .'' When was this fulfilled ? Num. i : 33-35. What portion did they have above their brethren ? Gen. 48 :22. What great hero descended from Ephraim ? i Chron. 7 : 27 ; Num. 13:8. To Ephraim was allotted the richest of the land of Ca- naan, and it was one of the largest, most important of thf^ tribes. 38* BIBLE QUESTIONS. Their character as a tribe ? Jud. 8 : i ; 12:1. At the time of the rebellion, after the death of Solomon, Ephraim was the tribe which first revolted, i Kings 1 1 : 26. What prophet bemoans their fate ? Hosea 11 : 8. Why are Simeon and Levi named together ? Why were they cut off from the inheritance forfeited by Reuben ? Gen. 34 : 26. How did the Levites redeem their character and become eminent ? Ex. 32 : 26-27. To what were they appointed ? Num. 3:12. In whose stead were the Levites consecrated to the Lord ? Num. 3:45. Had they an inheritance in Canaan ? Num. 18 : 20 ; Deut. 10:9. To what is Judah compared ? What distinguished this tribe from the rest ? Meaning of Shiloh 7 Isa. 9:16; Rev. 5 : 5. How was the promise of royalty to Judah fulfilled ? First in David and in the line of the kings of Judah, which followed after him, until the Babylonish captivity, and in the civil rulers of the restored state, who were of this tribe. Ez. 3 :2. Which tribe led the army of Israel to battle ? In what respect was Joseph a type of Christ? We have a fuller account of the death of Jacob than any other of the patriarchs. The little importance of death-bed exercises in the Bible is very remarkable ; a godly life is the true test of character. BIBLE QUESTIONS. 39 LESSON SEVENTEENTH. ISRAEL IN EGYPT. State of the Israelites for at least fifty years after the death of Joseph ? Situation of the land of Goshen ? Character of Egypt at this time ? Its religion ? What effect did the prosperity of Egypt seem to have upon the Israelites ? With what statement does the story of the affiictions of the Israelites begin ? Ex. i : 8. What was the dread of the new monacrh ? His first expedient for reducing the inhabitants ? Ex. i : II ; Ps. 105 124. In what did their labor consist ? What cities did they build ? These were treasure cities for storing corn. Exodus I : II. Effect of the treatment on the Israelites ? Ex. i : 12. What more atrocious and cruel conduct did he adopt ? Destruction of male offspring was a peculiar blow to the Hebrews. It seems to have met with disfavor among the subjects of Pharaoh, as we see in the case of the mid- wives and in the case of Pharaoh's daughter. 40 BIULK QUESTIOIirS. To the raising up of what great deliverer did Pharaoh's infanticide lead ? Who were the parents of Moses? Of what tribe ? His brother and sister? Ex, 15 : 20. What induced his mother to hide him ? Acts 7 : 20 ; Ex. 2 : 1, 2. When concealment at home was no longer possible, what did she do ? What circumstances introduced him into the court of Pharaoh ? What is said of his ability and education ? Acts 7 : 22. How long did he live at the Eg)-ptian court ? What deliberate choice did he make? Heb. ii : 24, 25. How did he show his sympathy for his oppressed brethren ? Under whose authority did he feel he was acting ? Acts 7:24, 25. It seems to have been impressed upon his mind, in a way not recorded to us, that he was the divinely-appointed deliverer of his people, but he had to wait God's own time and way. The day after, what showed him that he had been misun- derstood ? What led him to leave the country? Where did he go ? Ex. 2:15. Who were the Midianites ? Gen. 25 : 2. Describe his meeting with the daughters of Reuel. With whom did he dwell? Rcuel and Jcthro are the same person. His son Hobah BIBLE QUESTIONS. 41 aftenvards became guide to the Israelites in the wilder- ness. Num. lo : 29. What is the situation of ihe peninsula of Shiai ? How long was Moses in this desert ? Forty years. How did this seclusion prepare him for his great work ? Some suppose that he wrote during this period the books of Genesis and Job. Had forty years made any change in the condition of the Hebrews ? Ex. 2 : 23-25. How did God reveal himself to Moses ? Ex. 3 : 6. What command did he receive ? What change had taken place in Egypt that made it safe for him to return ? Ex. 2 : 23. What answer did Moses make ? Mark the change in spirit from the day he impetuously killed the Eg}^ptian. What token did God give him of his presence ? Ex. 3:12. By what name was God revealed to the Hebrews ? Meaning Heb. 13:8; Rev. i 14. Did God's putting the message in the mouth of Moses make him any more courageous ? What great prophet felt the same unfitness for his work ? Jer. I : 7-10. Is our own conscious unfitness any excuse for the neg- lect of duty plainly set before us ? What promise have we to rest upon ? 2 Cor. 12:9; PhiL 4:13- 42 BIBLE QUESTIONS. LESSON EIGHTEENTH. THE PLAGUES OF EGYPT. What was the place of the meeting of Moses and Aaron ? Ex. 4: 14, 27. What other revelation was afterwards made from this place? Ex. 19: 11. What office was given to Aaron ? In what words was their mission to Aaron summed up ? Ex. 4:22, 23. On reaching Egypt, whom did they assemble ? Ex. 4 : 29. What effect had the words and signs on the people ? Ex. 4:30, 31. What was the extent of their first demand upon Pharaoh ? His reply ? Consequence to the people ? How did their double oppression make them feel to Moses and Aaron.? Ex. 5 :2i. How did they show their utter depression ? Meaning of Ex. 6:3. Throughout the Scripture two names are used for the divine being — Elohim, translated God in our version, and Jehovah, translated Lord. The primary idea of God is that of power and strength, and properly describes God in that character in which he is exhibited to men in his works, as creator and governor of the world. The name Jehovah shows him in this infinite, eternal and unchange- BIBLE QUESTIOIS'S. 43 able character to his people as a covenant-keeping God. The word Jehovah, at a very early period, was considered so sacred by the Jewish people that they abstained from pronouncing it, for fear of irreverence. Therefore the word Lord was substituted in the reading of the Scrip- tures. Our translators have used Jehovah in four pas- sages. Ex. 6:3; Ps. 83:18; Isa. 26:4, and in the com- pounds Jehovah-nissi, Jehovah-jireh, etc. Although the name Jehovah was known to the patriarchs, God was now about more fully to reveal the attributes which the name implies, as powerful in judgment to his enemies and to false gods ; as almighty to deliver his people from the bondage of Egypt — overthrowing their enemies — giving them a law — feeding them from heaven, and in every way fulfilling the promises made to Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. What is the object of miracles ? With what miracles v/as the Mosaic dispensation inaugu- rated } The Christian dispensation ? Note. — One miracles of wrath, the other miracles of mercy. How did God harden the heart of Pharaoh } Simply by withdrawing all divine influence from him and allowing him to follow his own sinful inclinations. What was the design of the plagues of Egypt ? 1st. To punish the sins of Egypt. 2d. To make His name known in all the earth. Ex. 7 \ $; 14:4. 18. 44 BIBLE QUESTIONS. 3d. To show to the Israelites the superiority of thp'n God to the gods of Egypt. Ex. 12:12; Num. 33 14. At what sin was every one of the plagues aimed ? Idolatry. What was the first miracle ? Ex. 7. By whom was it imitated } 2 Tim. 3 : 8. Was the power of these magicians limited } Ex. 8:19. How may the plagues be divided ? Into three classes : 1st. Against inanimate objects — river, land, air. Frogs, lice, flies. 2d. Against cattle. 3d. Against man — boils, and blains — hail and thunder — locusts and darkness. They increased in severity. What was the first plague ? Against what was this aimed ? How was the Nile regarded ? Second plague, — Frog, one of the sacred animals. What does Pharaoh entreat Moses ? Ex. 8 : 8. Third plague, — Lice. This plague came without any warning. The Egy^ptians were most particular about the purity of the bodies of their priests, who even shaved their bodies every day and wore linen garments. While this plague lasted, no act of worship could be performed. What effect had this plague upon the magicians } Ex. 8 : 18, 19. Fourth plague — Flics, or, as it is in the original, all kinds of insects, beetles, wasi)s, etc. BIBLE QUESTIOIS-S. 45 Effects of this miracle upon Pharaoh ? Ex. 8 : 25. Reply of Moses. Ex. 8 : 26 ; or shall we sacrifice the animals worshipped by the Egyptians, elsewhere called " the abomination." i Kings 11 : 5-7. " They will stone us." Fifth plague — Murrain. At what was this plague aimed ? It is striking that it comes just after the reply of Moses to Pharaoh in Ex. 8 : 26. Sixth plague. What means taken to effect this plague ? How severe was it ? Ex. 9:11. What message was sent to Pharaoh ? Ex. 9 : 13-17. Seventh plague. What warning was given ? Ex. 9:19. Did any obey? Ex. 9:20, 21. Effect upon Pharaoh ? Ex. 9 : 27-35. Eighth plague. Are swarms of locusts common in the East ? (See Kitto. " Bible Illustration.") How are they used in Joel 2 : 25 ; Rev. 9:3.^ Ninth plague. What was its character ? What compromise did Pharaoh propose ? How was Moses driven from Pharaoh ? Reply of Moses ? Ex. 10 : 29. Moses received the divine message, in chapter nth, in 46 BIBLE QUESTIONS. Pharaoh's presence. During the remainder of the third day they sat awaiting the terrible stroke which was to fall upon them at midnight. For what particular sin was this a direct punishment ? Ex. 4 : 22, 23. LESSON NINETEENTH. THE PASSOVER.— Ex. 12. What great national event was the Passover designed to commemorate ? What was the order for the Passover? Ex. 12. How long before the feast was the lamb chosen ? On what day killed ? What was done with the blood ? What restriction was put on families ? With what was it eaten ? Bones not to be broken ? How were they to eat it ? Rule about strangers ? What instruction was given to parents about their chil- dren.^ Ex. 12 : 25-27. Meaning of this feast to the Jews ? Its deeper meaning,'* Of what is the whole history of Israel typical? Of what is their rescue from Egypt typical? BIBLE QUESTIOJfS. ^ 47 What definite authority have we for regarding the Pass- over as typical of Christ's death ? i. Cor. 5 : 7. In vvhat particulars ? A lamb. Heb. 9 : 14 ; i Pet. 1:19; John i : 29 ; Is. 53 : 4-7. Blood sprinkled. Heb. 9:13; 10 : 22 ; i Pet. 1:2; Eph. I :;. Not a bone broken. John 19 : 36. Significance of the bitter herbs. Zach. 12 : 10. Unleavened bread, i Cor. 5 : 7-8 ; 1 1 Cor. 1:12. Penalty of not observing the feast? Ex. 12:15; Num. 9:13- Penalty of neglecting our great Passover, Jesus Christ ? Heb. 10 : 28, 29. The Lamb of God was slain at the same time as out Lord's Passover. What sacraments have taken the place of Circumcision and the Passover in the Christian Church ? What is the use of sacraments ? What warrant have we for observing the Lord's Supper ? Matt. 26 : 26 ; Luke 22 : 19. What will be the song of the saints in heaven ? Rev. 14:1-5. Of how many Passover celebrations have we an account in the Bible .^ Ex. 12 ; Num. 9; Josh. 5 : 10; 2 Chron. 30:35 ; Ez. 6. In what did the later Passovers differ from the Egyptian Passover ? (See Smith's History, page 251.) 4S BIBLE QUESTIONS. LESSON TWENTIETH. THE EXODUS. — B.C. 1491. Effect of the last plague upon Pharaoh ? Ex. 12 : 29-33. How were they hurried away? Ex. 12 : 33, 34. How many left Egypt? Ex. 12 : 37. Six hundred thousand footmen, or 2,500,000 in all. Whose body was carried in the procession ? By whom were they accompanied ? Ex. 13:19. By whom was their march g-uided ? How long from the call of Abraham until the Exodus ? Two hundred and thirty years. How long had they been in Egypt ? Two hundred and fifteen years. What is said of those who left Eg)'pt ? Ps. 105 : 37. How may the journeyings of the children of Israel be di- vided ? 1. From Egypt to Sinai — i month 16 days. 2. Encampment at Sinai — 11 months, 20 days. 3. March from Sinai to Kadesh — 4 months, 10 days. 4. Wanderings in the Wilderness — 37 years, 6 months. 5. Final march from Kadesh to Canaan — 10 months, making in all 40 years. Heb. 3:17. Why were they not allowed to go by a shorter route ? Deut. 8:2; Ex. 13 : 17, 18; Deut. 32 :8-ii. BIBLE QUESTIOI^S. 49 The shorter route required but a few days' journey. It was often travelled by Joseph's brethren. From what place did they set out ? Ex. 1 2 : 37. What command did they receive from God at Etham.? Ex. 14 : 2. What impression did this movement make upon Pharaoh ? Ex. 14 : 3. (See the map.) As they encamped by the sea (over the hills behind them), what did they see ? Ex. 14 : 10. To add to their dismay, night was coming on, what com- mand did they receive from God.'* Ex. 14 : 13. What was done with the guiding pillar ? Their passage was effected at midnight, amid the roar of the hurricane or strong east wind, which drove back the sea. How was this celebrated in song ? What effect had this miracle upon the other nations of the earth ? Josh. 2:10; i Sam. 4 : 8. How used by the apostle ? i Cor. 10 : 1-4. How were they guided in their wanderings ? How were they fed ? How was the manna given ? What use did they make of it ? Num. 11:10. What were they to learn from their receiving the manna daily ? Deut. 8 : 3. When did the manna cease? Josh. 5:11, 12. Of what a type ? John 6 : 35 ; 51-55. * Read the wonderful sixth chapter of John from the 28th 50 BIBLE QUESTIONS. LESSON TWENTY-FIRST. THE FIRST BATTLE OF ISHAEL— Ex. 17. What happened at Rephidim ? How were the Israelites supplied with water ? Ex. 17:6; Ps. 78 : 1 5-20 ; Ps. 105 : 41. Of what a type ? i Cor. 10:4. What is said of the physical condition of those who left Egypt ? Ps. 105 : 37. What is said of their clothes ? Deut. 29 : 5 ; Deut. 8 : 4. Where did they fight their first battle ? At Rephidim. What is said of the attack of Amalek ? Deut. 25 : 17, 18. What judgment was visited on them for this ? Deut. 25 : 17-19. What young warrior first appears ? What great lesson was here taught Israel ? The power of prayer. The fighting was nothing with- out prayer, the prayer was nothing without the fighting. Phil. 2:12, 13. Who was Hur .'* Thought to be the husband of Miriam, he was the son •f Caleb, (i Chron. 2 : 50.) Name given to the altar of thanksgiving ? Ex. 17:15. What command did Moses receive from God ? Fx. 17 : 14 BIBLE QUESTIONS. 51 From whom had Moses a visit while they encamped at Rephidim ? Ex. i8. What is said of the treatment of the Israehtes by the Kenites ? What reward had they ? i Sam. 15:6; Judges 1:16. What plan was suggested by Jethro to relieve Moses in the government of the people ? Ex. 18 : 13-26. LESSON TWENTY-SECOND. ENCAMPMENT AT SINAI. What token had God given to Moses at the burning bush ? Ex. 3: 12. How long was the journey from Egypt to Sinai ? How many people now encamped before Sinai ? Two million five hundred thousand. For what had Israel been chosen as the peculiar people ? Deut 7 : 6-1 1 ; 4 : 7, 8 ; Rom. 3 : 2. Why did God bring them into the solitudes of Sinai } That they might be separated from the idolatrous na- tions, and so be fitted to receive his law ; he had been to them a merciful deliverer. He is now to manifest his holiness. What covenant did God renew with the people ? Ex. 19:3-8. What preparation was made by the people for the solemn revelation ? Ex. 19 : 14-17. 52 BIBLE QUESTIONS. On the morning of the third day, what was the appear- ance of the mount ? ■ Ex. 19 : 16-20. What command was heard above the sound of the trum' pet.^ Ex. 19 : 21. Were angels present ? Acts 7 • 53 i Heb. 2 : 2. How was the Jewish law divided ? Moral, civil, and ceremonial. What part was perpetual ? How was it delivered ? By God's own voice. How was it preserved ? Ex. 32 : 16. What principles lie at the foundation of the moral law ? Matt. 22 : 35-40. Effect upon the people ? Ex. 20 : 19. What promises were added to these precepts ? Ex. 23 : 20. What definite information was given to them as to their destination ? Ex. 23 : 23. How were these additional revelations preserved ? Ex, 24:4. This is the first written revelation. What ceremonies were performed by Moses ? Ex. 24 : 4-8. Who then went up on the mount ? Ex. 24 : 9-1 1. How long was the cloud on the mount ? Why was the giving of the law made so terrible ? Ex 20 : 20 ; 19:9. BIBLE QUESTIONS. 53 LESSON TWENTY-THIRD THE LAWS OF GOD. What rules control men in their actions ? Why is conscience not an infallible guide ? i Cor. 8:7; 2 Cor. 4:4; Titus 1:15, 16. For what was the law given ? Rom. 3 : 20 ; 7:7. How was the Jewish law divided ? Civil, ceremonial, moral. What was the civil ? What was the ceremonial ? What was the moral ? Which is binding upon us ? If saved by our obedience to God's law, how perfect must our obedience be ? Gal. 3:10; James 2:10. Must this obedience extend beyond outward actions ? Matt. 5 :2i, 22 ; 5 : 20. Consequence of disobedience ? Rom. 6 : 23. What is said of the condition of all mankind ? Rom. 3 : ia-18. Who alone has rendered perfect obedience to God's law } 1 Peter 2 : 22, 23 ; Heb. 4:15. Why did Christ suffer the penalty of sin ? i Peter 2 : 24 ; 2 Cor. 5 : 21 ; Is. 53 : 5, 6. How can his obedience and punishment for our sins be made of service to us ? Rom. 10:4; 3 : 24-26 ; 4 : 5. 54 BIBLE QUESTIONS. What is said of those who are united to Christ by faith ? Rom. 8 : i. Whose gift is this eternal Hfe ? Rom. 6 : 23. How are we to have it given to us } Matt. 7:7-11. In what does God's greatest glory consist ? Ex. 33 : 18- 19; 34:6,7. How are the law and Gospel dispensations contrasted by the Apostle ? Heb. 12 : 18-24. What is said of the fearful punishment of those who re- ject the Gospel plan of salvation } Heb. 10 : 28, 29. LESSON TWENTY-FOURTH. THE TABERNACLE. (See Newton on the Tabernacle.) How long was Moses on the mount with God ? What other revelations were made to him besides the com- mandments ? Ex. 25 : 40. What are we to learn from the instructions which were given for every part of the tabernacle ? That there was a spiritual significance in everything. It was part of the education of the Hebrew people, and served as illustrations and pictures of the great truths of the New Testament. How were the materials collected ? Ex. 25:1,2. Of wliat did they consist ? Ex. 25 : 3-7. BIBLE QUESTIONS. 55 Where did they get so much treasure? Ex. 3:21, 22; 12:35. 36. Was this stolen from the Egyptians ? The word borrow in Ex. 3 : 22, is " asked" or demanded fti the original. It was but a due reward for all the hard labor, and cruel bondage, which had been unrewarded. What is said of the willingness of the people ? Ex. 35 : 20 ; 36 : 5. What delayed the erection of the tabernacle ? Ex. 32. What led the people to this sin ? Ex. 32 : i. Was it a breaking of the first or second commandment ? What were its dreadful consequences ? How did the tribe of Levi distinguish themselves } Ex. 32 : 26. How were they rewarded } Num. 3 : 12, 13 What provisional tabernacle did Moses make ? Ex. 33 : 7-1 1. Who were the builders of the tabernacle proper } Ex. 35 ' 30-34. What position did it occupy ? Num. 2:1. A central position in the camp, which was an oblong square, extending about sixteen miles. No tent was put nearer to it than two-thirds of a mile. What three tribes were stationed on the East } Num. 2 : 3-7. Between their encam.pment and the door of the taber- cle were the tents of Moses and Aaron. Who were tlie sons of Levi ? Num. 3:17. Who had charge of the ark } Num. 3 : 30, 31. 50 BIBLE QUESTIONS. What tribes were stationed on the north side of the taber- nacle ? Asher, Dan, and Naphtali. Between them and the tabernacle. Sons of Merari. (Num. 3.) W'^t'j-/ side. — Benjamin, Ephraim, and Manasseh. Sons of Gershon. South side. — Gad, Reuben, and Simeon. Sons of Ko- hath. How large was the whole tabernacle enclosure ? One hundred and fifty feet by seventy-five feet. By what was it formed ? (See Smith's " History," p. 185.) What was the " court of the tabernacle } What was the tabernacle proper } How was it covered ? Ex. 26 : i, 7, 14. What were the four coverings ? LESSON TWENTY- FIVE. THE TABERNACLE.— Continued. What was the furniture of the court of the tabernacle ? Brazen altar and brazen laver. How was the tabernacle itself divided ? Holy and most holy place. BIBLE QUESTIONS. 57 What was the furniture of the holy place ? 1. Altar of incense. 2. Golden candlestick. 3. Table of shew bread. How separated from the most holy place ? By a linen curtain embroidered with cherubims, called "the veil." Matt. 27 :5i. How was the holy place lighted ? Furniture of the most holy place ? The ark of the covenant overshadowed by the cheru- bims and the mercy-seat.- Where are we to find the explanation of the tabernacle and its services ? Heb. 9. Let us now come back to the court of the tabernacle ? What was the first prominent object in the whole taber- nacle ? The brazen altar. Meaning of the word a//ar f Size of this altar ? 7 feet 6 inches long and broad, and 4 feet 6 inches high. The largest thing in the tabernacle ; made of wood, over- laid with brass, a horn at each corner. Ps. 118:27. " On this altar sacrifices were offered ; it was open to all. The tabernacle itself could not be entered, or any part of it used, or any services performed, without an offering and blood sprinkling on the altar. The priests, their garments, the sacred vessels, the ark itself, were worthless for the 3* 68 BIBLE QUESTIONS. purposes of worship until the blood of this altar touched and sanctified them." Of .vhat is this altar and its sacrifices a type and illus- tration ? Of the Atonement of Jesus Christ. " No act of wor- ship, no prayers, or praises, or alms-giving, or sacraments of ours are of any value but as connected with Jesus Christ and sprinkled with his atoning blood. Heb. 9 : 11-14 ; 10 : 19, 22. This altar symbolic of justification ? Eph. i : 6, 7. What is said of the fire on this altar ? Lev. 6:12, 13. What other piece of furniture in the court of the tabernacle ? Its form ? Of what made ? Ex. 38 : 8. Molten mirrors of the women. Symbolic of the Word of God ? 2 Cor. 3:18; James i : 22-25. The water symbolic of sanctification ? Eph. 5 : 26 ; Titus 3:5. Meaning of sanctification ? Who were to use this laver ? The priests. Does this destroy the parallel ? i Peter 2 : 5, 9. Christ is made first our justification, then our sanctifi- cation. Means of sanctification ? John 17 • 17. After the offering on Lhe altar of burnt-offering and BIBLE QUESTIONS. 59 washing in the laver, the priest was fit to offer up accept- able worship, and to enter into the holy place. What separated it from the court of the tabernacle ? Heb. lo : 19, 20 ; John 10 : 9 ; Eph. 2:18, By what was it lighted ? Of what symboHc ? Rev. 1:12, 13, 20 ; Phil 2:13, 14 ; Matt. 5 : 14-16. What did the light of the golden candlestick reveal in the holy place } The altar of incense and table of shew bread. From what was the altar of incense lighted 7 Lev. 16:12. Of what symbolic ? Ps. 141. It symbolizes Christ's intercession. He ever liveth. Through him alone our prayers are accepted. Is. 53 : 12 ; Rom. 8 : 26 ; Heb. 7 : 25. What was the table of shew bread ? Ex. 25 : 23. How often were the loaves renewed } Mark 2 : 26 ; Luke 6:4. What separated the holy from the most holy place 7 By what w^as the most holy place lighted } By the Shekinah. Of what typical ? Heb. 9 : 24. What is the light of heaven } Rev. 21 : 23. What was the ark of the covenant 7 What did it contain ? What was the mercy-seat } The covering of the ark ; a plate of solid gold The ark eminently typical of Christ — He kept the law. 60 BIBLE QUESTIONS. Meaning of mercy-seat ? " To atone for sin," " to cover sin." What is the only definite thing which we know of heiaven ? I John 3 : 2 ; 2 Cor. 5:8; Acts 7 : 55. What happened to the veil at the death of Christ ? What did it signify ? Why were the religious services of the Israelites confined to the tabernacle ? LESSON TWENTY- SIXTH. THE PRIESTHOOD. (Smith's " History," p. 192.) During the patriarchal dispensation, what form had Is- rael in their worship ? Who was the priest of the family ? Note. — " By the time of Moses the world had grown far In the pomp and ceremony of false religions ; and, as the Church was in its childhood, taking advantage of the evil to accomplish a higher good, God ordered a more formal re- ligion for His people, adapted to more fully set forth His own character and attributes, and to prepare the way for the kingdom of Christ. The tabernacle He chose for His dwelling-place, and every part of it was designed to teach some divine truth. But, to prevent too great familiarity. He instituted a body of men, consecrated for His ser- BIBLE QUESTIONS. 61 vice, whose functions were designed to make the impres- sion of the holiness and majesty of God." What were the functions of the priesthood ? Heb. 9 : 6-8. What were the ceremonies of the dedication ? Ex. 29. I. Their bodies washed with pure water, and anointed with oil prepared by the priests themselves. Ex. 30 : 22- 25 ; Neh. 3 : 8. With what were they clothed ? How was the truth that those who intercede for others must themselves be reconciled ? Lev. 8:14; Ex. 29 : 10 ; Heb. 5 : 3. What did the burnt-offering signify ? A surrender of the life to God's service. What was next offered ? What was done with the blood ? What was the last offering ? How long did these ceremonies last ? By whom was the high priest appointed ? Who was the first high priest .'' Who were the priests ? " The sons of Aaron." Ex, 29 : 9, 44. To whom did the office of high priest descend } Of what did the high priest's dress consist.? Ex. 28. What was the breast-plate ? Ex. 28 : 1 5 ; 39 : 8. What were the duties of the high priest } In what respects was his office symbohc of Christ } 1st. As the only way of access. The people of Israej had no access to God but through the high priest. So 62 BIBLE QUESTIOHrS. Christ is the only way of access to the Father, i Tim. 2 ; 5; John 14:6. 2ci. He was chosen of God. Heb. 5:4, 5. 3d. He was anointed. Ps. 45 : 7 ; Is. 61 : i. 4th. He was holy. Heb. 7 : 24, 25. 5th. He was human. Heb. 5:2; 4:15. In what respect was his office above any earthly priest- hood } Heb. 7 : 23. Christ was king and priest. What relation do Christians bear to Christ, in virtue of their union with him.? i Pet. 2 : 5-9 ; John 15:5; I Cor. 6:15. LESSON TWENTY-SEVENTH. OFFERINGS AND SACRIFICES. What book lays down the rules of interpretation for the book of Leviticus ? The Epislle to the Hebrews. What were the offerings and sacrifices intended to teach the Jewish people } Heb. 9 : i-io. Do we know how much of a coming Saviour was under- stood by them ? What was said of Moses .'* John 5 : 46, 47. Of David } Acts 2 : 25-36. What truth lies at the foundation of all sacrifice.? Heb. 9 : 22. BIBLE QUESTIONS. 63 Have we any explicit order for sacrifice ? How early do we read of them ? What was the earliest form of offering ? Gen. 8 : 20. What is the earliest example and expression of expiation for sin ? Job. 1:5. How were sacrifices divided under the Jewish law ? 1 . Burnt-offering. Self-dedicatory and expiatory. 2. Meat-offering. 3. Sin-offering. Expiatory. 4. Trespass-offering. Expiatory. 5. Peace-offering. Thank-offering. What was the burnt-offering ? Levit. i ; Eph. 5:2; Heb. 9:14. What was the daily offering — the morning and evening sacrifice ? What was the accompanying meat-offering ? Lev. 2:3; 10 : 12, 13. What was a necessary ingredient? Levit. 2:13; Mark 9:49. It was a gift to God in devout acknowledgment for his mercies. The name of the meat-offering was "mincha," meaning " a gift." Symbolic of Christian labor. Heb- 13 : 16; Phil. 2 : 17; 4: 18. Without leaven. Gal. 5:9; Luke 12:1. What was the sin-offering? Ex. 29 ; Lev. 4. 1-12. What was done with the flesh ? Compare Heb. 13 : 11-13. The worshipper had simply to lay his hand on the head of the victim and confess his sins. His sins were then G4 BIBLE QUESTIONS. conveyed to the head of the innocent victim. Lev. 4 : 29. These offerings were to be made in the appointed place, and in the appointed way, at the door of the tabernacle, " according to the commandment." Thousands of bul- locks, offered in his own tent, would not have been accept- able, or without the officiating priest could not have been offered. (Ex. 29:38, 39, 42; Deut. 12:5-14.) So the sinner must come in God's appointed way now, if he would be forgiven and accepted. Acts 4:12; John 10 : 9. Difference between the trespass offering and the sin- offering ? What was the peace-offering ? What part was eaten by the priests ? Why are not sacrifices made now ? Heb. 10 : 1-18. What event closed the ceremonies of the Old Testament ritual? Matt. 27:51. LESSON TWENTY-EIGHTH. THE GREAT DAY OF ATONEMENT.— Lev. 16. The great national fast ? What act of the high-priest was performed on this day alone ? Heb. 9:7; Lev, 16 : i-io. By whom were all the services of the day conducted ? What were the ceremonies ? I St. He offered a sin-offering for the people to atone for their sins. A burnt-offering, dedicating the people to God, which was the daily offering. BIBLE QUESTIONS. 65 His dress ? Lev. 16:4. His priestly garments were laid by for the day. Body washed with pure water ; clothed in linen garments. Heb. 10 : 19-22. How did he make atonement for himself? Lev. 16:6; Heb. 5 : 2, 3 ; 9 : 7-14. What was the next ceremony ? 7:11. What was done with the goats ? What was represented by them ? 1st. As a sin-offering, representing the punishment of sin. 2d. The scape-goat, the effect. Lev. 16 : 10, 21, 22; Is. 53 : 1 1, 12 ; John i : 29 ; Heb. 9 : 28 ; i Pet. 2 : 24. These two types represent the work of Christ for us. ist, in suf- fering for our sins ; 2d, in taking them away altogether. Ps. 103 : 12. How did the high priest enter into the Most Holy place ? Lev. 16 : 12-14 ; Heb. 9 : 13-25. What did he do in the Most Holy place ? verse 14 ; Heb. 9 : 13-25 ; verse 16. How was the altar of incense consecrated? verse 18; Heb. 9 : 21-23. Sum up the ceremonies of the great day of atonement. 66 BIBLE QUESTIONS. LESSON TWENTY-NINTH. JOURNEY FROM SINAI TO KADESH. How long did the children of Israel encamp at Sinai ? Ex 19:1. Compare Num. 10 : II. What signals were given for their march? Num. 10:2, II, 12, 17. Who did Moses invite to accompany them as their guide through the wilderness ? Num. 10 : 29. What watchword was given when the ark set forward ? Num 10 : 35. When it rested ? Num. 10 : 36. What tribes led the host ? Num, 10 : 14. 1st. Judah, Issachar, Zebulon. 2d. Gershom and Merari with the tabernacle. 3d. Reuben, Simeon and Gad. 4th. Kohathites with the sanctuary. Num. 10. 5th. Ephraim, Manasseh and Benjamin. 6th. Dan, Asher and Naphtali. In what direction did they journey? North. (See Phillips's Map.) What three stations are mentioned between Sinai and Kadesh? Num. 11 13, 34, 35. Into what sin did they fall at Taberah ? Num. 11. What warning is given to Christians by the apostle ? i Cor. 10 : 10. BIBLE QUESTIONS. 67 Who seem to have been the murmurers ? God's judgment upon them ? Note. — The punishments for discontent and murmuring seem to have been much more severe after the giving of the law than before. Compare Ex. 14:11-15; Ex. 1 5 : 24. What is said of the punishment of the unbeHeving under "* the Gospel? Heb. 10 : 26-29. Who were the mixed multitude ? What was their complaint ? Effect upon Moses ? What did God send them ? Ps. yS : 29-31 ; 106 : 15. What important institution grew out of this rebellion ? What happened at Hazeroth ? Num. 12. What was the ground of complaint ? Matt. 13 : 57 ; Matt. 10 : 36. And the Lord heard it. P. 94 : 7-9 ; Is. 37 : 4 ; Ezek. 35 : 12, 13. Character of Moses ? Meaning oivieekf Value of such a spirit in God's sight .'^ Testimony of his faithfulness } Num. 12:7. How used by the apostle } Heb. 3 : 2, 5 ; i Tim. 3:15. To what place were the complainers summoned to meet God? Punishment on Miriam ? How long were the congregation detained on her account? 68 BIBLE QUESTIONS. LESSON THIRTIETH. SOJOURN AT KADESH. Situation of Kadesh ? What place was probably made the headquarters during the wanderings? Deut. i : 19. What declaration did God make to Israel at Kadesh? Deut. I : 20, 21. What was first done to inform themselves of the country ? Deut. I : 22, 23. By whom was the country explored ? What two of the spies were most distinguished ? When did Joshua before distinguish himself? Ex. 17:13; 24:13- How long were they searching the land ? Num. 13 : 25. What fruit did they bring which fulfilled God's promise of the land ? Num. 13 : 23-27 ; Ex. 3 : 8, 17. When have we Eshcol before mentioned ? Gen. 14 : 13. Note. — We can but faintly judge of the impression made upon them after eighteen months in the desert of Sinai. Dark side of the picture ? Num. 13 : 28-33. Effect upon the people ? How are the Amorites described. Amos 2 : 9. See Sons of Anak. (Kitto's Bible 111.) What proposition did they make ? BIBLE QUESTIONS. 69 Expostulation of Joshua and Caleb ? Treatment of the congregation ? Wonderful intercession of Moses ? Num. 14 : 13-19. How did Moses set aside his own interest in the good of the people ? Ex. 32 : 10 ; Num. 14 : 1 1, 12. Effect of his prayer.'' Num. 14:21; Ps. 106:23; Jas. 5:16. Prophecy.^ Num. 14 : 21 ; Ps. 72 : 19; Is. 66 : 18, 19. Punishment of the people.^ Num. 14 : 22; 23 : 28-31. For what sin were they punished .'' Ps. 106 : 24, 26 ; Heb. 3 ' 17-19. What earnest given of the judgment ? Num. 14 : 36, 37. Reward of Caleb ? Num. 14 : 24 ; Josh. 14. What expedition did they make in the morning, and with what result ? Character of these people who came out of Egypt ? Contrast to the next generation ? Importance of early religious training ? Note. — God's mercy and forbearance has a limit. At first their ignorance was patiently dealt witht and their murmurings and unbelief forgiven ; but after all they had seen of his goodness and power, the time had now come when his forbearance was at an end. We are to gain the promised land in the way of God's own appointment ; by acceptance and reliance on the work of Jesus Christ our great Captain, and not by our own efforts and strength. 70 BIBLE QUESTIONS. LESSON THIRTY-FIRST. EVENTS OF THE WANDEillNGS. How is the direction of the wanderings of the children of Israel defined ? Num. 14 : 25 ; Deut. i : 40. They are said to have compassed Mount Seir many days. Deut. 2:1. Was there any reason for this movement ? It may have been to find a passage through Edom. As they could not scale the mountain passes of the Amorites, this view is confirmed by Judges 11 : 16-18 ; Jud. 5 : 4. We have no connected or definite knowledge of the pe- riod of the thirty-eight years' wanderings. There are five chapters in Numbers referring to this interval, but to what part cannot be determined. Num. 15 to 19. First Event. Num. 1 5 : 32-36. What was his sin ? Num. 15 : 30. Penalty of presumptuous sins? Num. 15 130, 31. What was the penalty of violating the Sabbath ? Ex. 31 : 14; 35:2. For what did they consult Jehovah ? Num. 1 5 : 34. This act was a violation of the Judicial law. Disobe- dience under the Theocracy was an act of treason to the King of kings, a presumptuous sin, and punishable under every government with death. What circumstances aggravated this man's offence ? BIBLE QUESTIONS. 71 During the wanderings there is reason to think sacri- fices were suspended ; we know that the passover and cir- cumcision were suspended, and the Sabbath was left as a memorial of God's covenant with this excommunicated nation. Ex. 31 : 13 ; Ezek. 20 : 12, 20. What is the second event recorded of this period.'^ Num. 16. Who was Korah ? Ex. 6:18; i Chron. 6 : 2, Who were Dathan and Abiram ? Were they on the same side of the Tabernacle in the camp? What rights had been forfeited by the Reubenites ? What two interests were at work in this rebellion ? Refuge of Moses ? Num. 16:4. Proposal of Moses ? How did the Reubenites meet the summons ? Fate of the Reubenite conspirators ? Fate of Korah and his company .'' What command came to Eleazar.'* Num. 16 : 37. Aaron had to be ready for service ? Verse 46 ; Is. 53 : 12. What was done with their censers ? Num. 16 : 39, 40. Sign of God's special favor to the house of Aaron ? Num. 17:1. For what was the rod of Aarrn kept ? What reason have we to infer that the sacrifices were sus- pended during the wanderings ? Without a miracle they would not have had cattle enough. When the laws for sacrifice were given, they were but two week's journey from Canaan. The order is, 72 BIBLE QUESTIONS. " when ye come into the land of Canaan," etc. (Num 14:1.) They had kept one passover at Sinai ; there is no evi- 'lence that another was kept until they entered Canaan, where circumcision was administered (Josh. 5 : 10, 11). These people had excommunicated themselves accord- ingly, God said afterwards. Amos 5 : 25 ; Deut. 32 : 16 ; 12:8. What sin kept the Israelites out of Canaan ? Heb. 3:19; 4:6. What lessons does the Apostle draw from their example ? Heb. 3 :7-i9 ; 4 : i-ii. What Psalm belongs to this time ? Psalm 90. LESSON THIRTY-SECOND. FROM KADESH TO THE JORDAN.— Num. 20 : 1. Where do we find Israel ? Death of Miriam ? Her history ? Note. — Miriam, Aaron, and Moses, all died the same year. Of what were the people in want ? How had they been supplied during the wanderings? Ps. 78: 15, 16; Is. 48:21. BIBLE QUESTIOiN'S. 73 When had the same murmurings occurred before. Ex. 17 : I, 2. What greater wonder did God now design to show ? Name of this place ? Sin of Moses and Aaron ? What welcome command now put an end to their wander- ings ? Deut. 2 : 3. What prevented their direct passage ? Num. 20 : 14, 24. Message to the king of Edom ? W^hat event happened at Mount Hor ? Num. 20 : 24-29. Character of Aaron ? It has been remarked that the very defects of Aaron's character, especially his sin and repentance in the matter in the golden calf, eminently fitted him for his office of high priest. Heb. 5 : 2. Who were his sons ? To what place did the children of Israel now come ? Num. 21 :4 ; Deut. 2 : 8. They went as far south as Ezion-geber, at the head of the gulf of Akaba, they then turned northward by the wilder- nerness of Moab. Their route lay through an arid desert. (See map.) What is said of the people ? Num. 21 14, 5. How were their murmurings punished ? What warning is given by the apostle ? i Cor. 10:9, .10. What remedy is prescribed ? What truth is this incident used to illustrate ? John 3 14,15- What became of the brazen serpent ? 2 Kin.q^-s 18:4. 4 74 BIBLE QUESTT0X3. What nations did they next encounter ? Num. 21 : 21-26 , Josh. 24 : 12 ; Ex. 23 : 28 ; Deut. 7 : 20. How did Sihon answer their request ? Num. 21 : 23. Result of the battle of Jazer ? Num. 21 : 24. They then crossed the Jabbok into Bashan. What do we know of Og? Deut. 3:3-5; Deut. 3:11. How were these victories celebrated in song.^ Ps. 135 : II ; 136 : 17-20. To what tribes were these conquests given, and on what condition .'' Num. 32. LESSON THIRTY-THIRD. BALAAM. What was the last encampment of Israel on the east of the Jordan ? Num. 22 : i. What effect had the victory of Israel over the Amorites upon the king of Moab ? Num. 22 : 3 ; Ex. 15:15; Deut. 2 : 25. Who was the king of Moab ? To whom did he send ? Note. — An old custom of devoting enemies to destruc- tion before entering upon a war with them. The Romans had public officers to whom it belonged as a part of their office. How wis Balaam's curse or blessing regarded ? BIBLE QUESTIONS. 75 From what country did he come ? Num. 23 : 7 ; Deut. 23:4. Whose native land was this ? Acts 7 : 2. Had he a knowledge of the true God ? What other instances have we of the knowledge of the true God outside his chosen race ? What proof have we that Balaam used his gifts for his own gains, and practised divination ? Num. 22 : 7 ; 2 Peter 2:15. With what errand did the princes come ? What reply did Balaam receive from God ? What additional inducements were put before him ? If he had really been honest to God, how would he have received these second messengers ? What tempted him away from God's express command ? 2 Peter 2:15. What restriction did God put upon him ? What other examples have we of God's giving up men to their own way to their own destruction ? Hosea 13 : 1 1 ; I Sam. 8 : 6-9 ; Is. 66 : 4 ; Jer. 2 : 19. What last warning did he receive from God ? When did Balaam and Balak meet ? Num. 22 : 36-41. How was his arrival celebrated ? Num. 23 : 1-4. What was his first prophecy ? Num. 23 : 7-10. Second prophecy on the top of Pisgah ? Num. 23 : 19-24. Third prophecy ? Num. 24 : 3-6. What were some of the remarkable points in his prophecy ? Balaam's despairing answer at the end of the third pra phecy ? Num. 23 : 25, What wish did he express ? Num. 23 : 10. 76 BIBLE QUESTIONS. Was this prayer answered in his own case ? 2 Peter 3 : 15-17 ; Jude II : 13. What more effectual plot did he make against Israel? Num. 25 ; 31:16; Rev. 2 : 14. How was the wrath of God shown to Israel ? What punishment had the Moabites ? Deut. 23 : 3, 4 ; Neh. 13 : 1, 2 ; Num. 25 : 16-18. When was this vengeance executed ? Num. 31 : 1-8. Fate of Balaam ? Num. 31 : 8. We have before us a very wicked man, holding the truth in unrighteousness. He had before his eyes the au- thority of God absolutely forbidding him, what he, for the sake of reward, had the strongest inclination to do. The highest earthly gifts, and even the gift of prophecy, with- out the love and fear of God, are without avail, i Cor. 13: 1-3 ; Mark 7 : 22, 23. God uses bad men as instruments in his own way. New Testament Commentary on Balaam. 2 Peter 2 ' 14-16 ; Jude II ; Rev. 2 : 14. LESSON THIRTY- FOURTH. REVIEW OF THE LIFE AND DEATH OF MOSES. How was the life of Moses divided ? Into three periods of forty years each. Forty years in Egypt ', forty years in Midian ; forty years as leader of Israel ? BIBLE QUESTIONS. 77 How was he prepared for his great mission as leader of Israel ? What early choice did he make ? Heb. 1 1 : 24-27. Who were his parents ? How was he distinguished above all other men ? Deut. 34; 10, II. How did God remarkably reveal Himself to him ? Ex. 3 ; 6 ; 24 : 18 ; 33 : 12-19 ; 34 : 1-8, 28. Effect of the last revelation ? Ex. 34 : 29-35 J Matt. 17:2; 2 Cor. 3 : 7-9, 13-18 ; Rom. 10 -.4. What writings have we of Moses ? His prayers ? Deut. 9 : 18, 19, 25-29 ; Num. 14 : 11-20. How did he show his forgetfulness of self. Num. 27 : 12- 17 ; Ex. 32 : 30-33. His submission to God's will ? Deut. 3 : 23-29. His death ? His view from Pisgah ? What is said of his age and vigor at his death ? Read Deut. 34 : 6. When did he appear on the earth again r LESSON THIRTY-FIFTH. PASSAGE OF THE JORDAN— Josh. 1. Who was the successor of Moses ? Where was he born, and what have we known of him ? What reward did he receive for fidelity and faith ? Num. 14:6 ; 32 : II, 12. 78 BIBLE QUESTIONS. After the death of Moses what command did he receive. and what piomise ? Josh, i : i-io. On what condition were they to have good success ? Does this imply mere intellectual knowledge ? Ps. 1:2; 11:9. What orders did Joshua give to the people ? What three tribes had their inheritance on the east of Jordan ? Num. 32. Situation of Jericho ? For what celebrated ? Deut. 34 : 3. What was the first movement of Joshua? Into whose house were the spies received ? How treated ? What had convinced Rahab of the true God ? Josh. 2:10. Notwithstanding the circumstances of the position, liv- ing in Jericho, an idolatrous city, Rahab believed what she had heard, and acted on it ; and is rewarded by being ad- mitted into the Church of God, and being recorded as a pattern of faith. Heb. 11:31. What report did the spies bring to Joshua? Josh. 2 : 24. The next morning the camp at Shittim was broken up. What river stood between them and Jericho ? Peculiarities of the river Jordan ? (See Bible Dictionary.) Its condition in the Spring ? What was the order of march ? Josh, 3 : 3-8. At what signal were the waters to divide ? What similar miracle at the beginning of the career of Moses? BIBLE QUESTIONS. 79 What tribes led the way ? What national memorial was raised ? On what day was the passage of the Jordan completed ? What festival was now renewed ? Had it been observed during the wanderings ? How long since the Passover had been observed? What other ordinance was renewed ? What name was given to the place ? What change was made in their food ? How long had they been fed with manna ? Eiifect of this miracle upon other nations ? Josh. 5:1. LESSON THIRTY-SIXTH. THE TAKING OF JERICHO. Its situation and importance ? Its walls ? Its affluence ? Its condition at this time ? Josh. 6:1. Encouraging vision of Joshua ? Corresponding incident in the life of Moses ? Who appeared to him ? Josh. 6 : 2. The fifth and sixth chapters should not be divided. What fitness was there in the Lord's appearing as Cap- tarn ? Describe the capture of Jericho ? so BIBLE QUESTIONS. Was there any connection between the means and the end ? How is it described in Heb. 1 1 : 30. How was their faith shown ? By implicit obedience to God's command — even against reason. What curse was pronounced upon the city ? Josh 6 : 26. Compare i Kings 16 : 34. Is Jericho afterwards mentioned ? 2 Sam. 10 : 5. It was never after a fortified town. What interesting event at Jericho in the life of our Lord ? Matt. 20 : 29, 30 ; Luke 19 : i-io. Effect of this victory ? Josh 6 : 27. What became of Rahab ? Josh. 6 : 22-25. LESSON THIRTY- SEVENTH. CONaUEST OF AI. What events of interest took place here in the lives of the patriarchs ? Gen. 12:8; 28 : 1 1-16. What report did the spies bring ? Josh. 7 : 2, 3. We learn from Josh. 8:25 that there were twelve thou- sand inhabitants. How many men went up to the attack.^ What had made them self-confident ? BIBLE QUESTIONS. 81 Consequence ? Effect upon Joshua ? His prayer? His jealousy for God's name ? What deeper cause lay at the root of this defeat ? Josh. 7:1, II, 12. What command had been given as to the spoil of Jericho? What command as to the gods of these nations ? Deut. 7 : 25, 26. Sin of Achan ? How was he discovered ? His fearful doom ? How can we explain the family of Achan suffering with him ? They must have been in spirit partakers of his sin. 7^- rael was one people, united together as God's people ; and when one member suffered, all the others suffered with it. I Cor. 12 : 26 ; Josh. 22 : 20. " God visits the iniquity of the fathers upon the children." How alone was God's anger turned away? Josh. 7:12, 26 ; Ps. 32 : 5 ; Hosea 14 : i. What effect have our sins unconfessed upon our praye:rs ? Is. I : 13-20. Name given to the place ? Hosea 2:15. Plan adopted for a second attack ? What guarantee had they of success ? Josh. 8:1. What was done with the king of Ai ? This victory secured the passes of the Jordan. Describe the interesting transaction on Mount Ebal and Gerazim. 82 BIBLE QUESTIOBTS. Associations with the spot ? By whom had this ceremony been prescribed ? Deut. 27th chapter. Why was it fitting at this time ? How often was there to be a public reading of the law? Deut. 31 : 10, II. LESSON THIRTY-EIGHTH. DECEIT OF THE GIBEOKTITES — BATTLE OF MEROM. — Josh. 9. What league was formed by the kings west of the Jordan ? How did the Gibeonites protect themselves fi-om attack ? What do we know of Gibeon ? (See Bible Dictionary.) What tidings had affected these people ? Josh. 9:9, 10, They were careful to mention events which had tran- spired before their pretended long journey began, instead of more recent events, which had really affected them. What order had the Israelites ? Deut. 20 : 10. What order about nations near at hand ? Ex. 23 : 33 ; 34 : 12 ; Num. 33 : 55 ; Deut. 7 : 16. What mistake did Israel make, and why? Josh. 9 : 14, 15. Curse upon the Gibeonites ? Their employment in the immediate service of the sanc- tuary may have been to keep them from idolatry. BIBLE QUESTIONS. 83 By whom was the covenant broken, and with what result ? 2 Sam. 21 : i, 2, 5, 10. What brought on the battle of Bethhoron ? Josh. 10:1. What is said of his attack ? What judgment overtook the Canaanites ? What is said of its severity ? What miracle enabled Joshua to continue the pursuit ? Great discussion as to this miracle. It is quite enough to know that the same mind and power that made the laws of nature has power to suspend or change them. What other miracles have we recorded of this kind ? Ex. 10 : 21 ; 2 Kings 20 ; Matt. 2. What was the book " Jasher" ? Supposed to be a collection of national poems in honor of renowned pious persons. 2 Sam. i : 18. Fate of the five kings ? Last battle of Joshua ? What is said of the confederacy of the North ? Josh: 11:4. In what battle was the northern part of Palestine subdued ? How are the victories of Joshua summed up ? Joshua 12 : 24. What right had the Hebrews to Canaan? Gen. 15:16: Deut. 8:19, 20. Warning given to Israel ? Deut. 28 : 62-68. What proof have we of the sure punishment of the un- godly? Dan. 12:2; 2 Thess. 1:9; Matt. 25:41; Mark 9 :44, 45. What is the sin that causes the loss of the soul ? John 3 ' 18, 19; Mark 16 : 15, 16. 84 BIBLE QUESTIONS. LESSON THIRTY-NINTH. DIVISION OF CANAAN. Of how many battles have we an account under Joshua before the conquest of Canaan ? Five. How long did it take ? About seven years. What command and warning had the people received? Num. 33 : 53-56. Was the whole land cleared of Canaanites when the divi- sion was made.^ Josh. 13 : 1-6. How and by whom was the division made ? Josh. 14:1. From whom were the tribes named ? Why was there no tribe of Joseph ? The blessing of Joseph was given to his sons Ephraim and Manasseh. What tribes had their inheritance on the east of Jordan, and why ? Num. 32. What memorial did they build ? Josh. 22 : 10. How many had helped in the conquest ? Josh. 4:13. The weaker part of Manasseh settled on the west of Jordan. W'.K'.t is s-.i 1 of tlr- d.-iuj^tci". of Zclophchnd ? Num 27 ill; BIBLE QUESTIONS. 85 What charge had been given by Joshua to these tribes ? Josh. I : 13, i8. His farewell address ? Josh. 22 : 10-34. What tribe had the largest territory } What distinguished the tribe of Judah } What special inheritance had Caleb? and why.^ Josh. 14:6-15; 15:13-19- Promises to those who " follow the Lord fully.'*" Matt. 6 : 33 ; Mark 10:29-31. What does the Bible say of half service } i John 2:15-17; Matt. 6 : 24. What associations with Hebron ? Of what tribe was Joshua } Ephraim. Situation and character of their territory ? Character of the tribe } Most complaining and jealous. - What quaint and decisive answer did Joshua give them when they claimed more than their due.'' Josh. 17: 14-18. What distinguished the tribe of Benjamin } Warlike tribe. How described by Jacob ? Gen. 49 : 27. Compare Judges 20:21-25. What king of Israel of this tribe ? i Sam. 9:1. What great apostle } Phil. 3 : 5. What tribes settled in the north ? Allied by birth, they had marched through the desert together ; they now seem to form a state by themselves ; and, from their separation from the other tribes by the 86 BIBLE QUESTIONS. plain of Esdraelon, did not mingle in their strifes ; and, with the exception of the conquests of Barak and Gid- eon, they hardly affect the general fortunes of the nation. How referred to in Matthew 4:15, 16. What city had Joshua ? Josh. 19 : 50. What were the cities of refuge ? Num. 35 ; Josh. 20 : 1-6. To whom did they belong ? To the Levites. How many on each side of Jordan ? Josh. 20 : 7, 8. What trial had the man-slayer ? Josh. 20 : 4. Who was the avenger of blood under the ceremonial law ? The nearest of kin. This was, and is now among the Arabs, a universal custom, established in the early ages, before punishments of a public nature were established. This law was open to abuse, an innocent man might be killed. These cities were about equally distant from each other. Typical significance of these cities ? Ps. 46 : i ; 91 : 2-10 ; 25:4; Deut. 33:27; 2 Sam, 22:3 ; Prov. 18:10. Fulfillment of God's promise to Israel ? Josh. 21 : 43-45. What is said of their sluggishness to possess the land ? Josh. 18. What new arrangement did Joshua make? Josh. 18 : 6. REVIEW OF THE BOOK OF JOSHUA. Subject of the Book of Joshua ? The right of the Hebrews to Canaan ? Gen. 15:13. BIBLE QUESTION'S. 87 Wliy were the Canaanites cut off? Gen. 15:16; Deut. 8: 19, 20. What opportunity had they for knowing the true God ? From the patriarchs who lived among- them. What were the battles that subdued Canaan ? Jericho, Ai, Beth-horon, Merom. Was it by a miracle ? Ps. 44 : 1-3. What miracles are recorded in the Book of Joshua ? What tribes had their inheritance on the east of Jordan ? Their monument ? After all the land was virtually conquered, what command was given to Joshua ? What interesting event at Shechem ? Josh 24. Renewal of the covenant ? Reason for selecting Shechem ? Its national associations.'* Gen. 12:6,7; 48:22; 35:2; 34:17-20. Joshua's rehearsal of God's mercies ? Josh. 24 : 2-13. Joshua's resolve ? Josh. 24 : 1 5. His death ? Josh. 24 : 29. What other burial is recorded ? Josh, 24 : 32. LESSON FORTIETH. INTE-ODUCTION TO THE JUDGES. What command had Israel received as to the inhabitants of Canaan ? Deut 7 : 1-5. 88 BIBLE QUESTIONS. On what condition was God to be with them ? Deut. 7 : 12-19. What lesson should they have learned from the conquest of Canaan ? Ps. 44 : 3. Character of the Canaanites ? Example of their cruelty ? Judges i : 7. ' How is the period of the judges summed up? Judges 2 : ^13. Consequence to Israel.? Judges 2: 14, 15. What use did God make of the Canaanites left in the land ? Judges 2 : 22, 23. What effect had these afflictions upon them? Judges 3 op- inio what sins did they fall ? What were Baal and Ashtaroth ? Did this amount to a formal rejection of their own God ? Ezek. 6 : 9. How was Israel reproved ? Judges 2 : 1-5. He had appeared to Joshua in Gilgal, just after the cove- nant had been sealed by circumcision. He now appears to warn them. What is said in Judges 2:14,15; Ps. 106:40, 42; Is. 52:3. For what purpose were the judges raised up ? Judges 2 ; 16, 17. How are their backslidings described ? Judges 2 : 17-20. God's mercy ? Verse 18 ; Deut. 32 : 36 ; Hosea 11:8. How were the judges fitted for their work? Judges 3 : 10. Did they lead Israel in battle? How many judges were there ? BIBLE QUESTIONS. 89 Repeat their names ? At what place was the tabernacle at this time ? Shiloh. How long was the period of the judges ? Four hundred and fifty years. Acts 13 : 20. Was the land in a state of war during all the time of the judges.? Judges 3: 30; 5:31; 8:28. What was the civil capital at this time ? Gilgal. Examples of the fearful anarchy of the times? Read 17th and 1 8th chapters of Judges. What peaceful picture have we of this period ? Book of Ruth. LESSON FORTY-FIRST. OTHNIEL, EHUD, SHAMGAR, DEBORAH, AND BARAK. By what were the afflictions of Israel each time preceded } Judges 3 : 7. Who first oppressed them } Judges 3 • 8. Where was Mesopotamia ? Historical analogy .? Gen. 14, How long did they serve him } Judges ^ : 8. What did they do in their distress ? Neh 9:27; Ps. 22 : 5 ; 107:13. 90 BIBLE QUESTIONS. What is meant by the Spirit of the Lord coming upon Othniel ? The Spirit of God came upon him, giving him super- natural mental and physical strength and energy, and svisdom for the emergency. How alone are we to have strength for our spiritual ene- mies ? Zech. 4:6; Eph. 6:11 113. Who was Othniel? Judges i : 13-15. How long was he a judge ? What was the next enemy of Israel ? Why did God strengthen Eglon ? Who were the Moabites ? Who did they join with them ? Who were Ammon and Amalek ? What city did they take ? Peculiarity of Ehud? Compare Judges 3:15 with 20: 15, 16. What is said of Eglon ? How did Ehud determine to shake off the yoke of the king of Moab ? How did he manage ? How many Moabites were slain ? How did Shamgar distinguish himself? Under whose dominion was Israel next ? Judges 4 : 1-3 ; compare Josh. 11 : i. What remarkable woman was raised up ? Judges 4 : 4, 5 What message did she send to Barak? On what condition would Barak obey her summons ? Answer of Deborah ? What tribes took part ? Judges 5 : 14-18. BIBLE QUESTIONS. 91 Who informed Sisera of this movement of Barak ? What is said of the result ? Fate of Sisera ? Can the conduct of Jael be defended ? Song- of Deborah ? How may it be divided ? 1. The Prelude. Judges 5 : 1-3. 2. The Exodus described. Judges 5:4, 5. 3. A picture of the dreadful state of the country and dismay of the people. Judges 5 : 6, 7. 4. The charge made by Deborah. Judges 5 : 9-12. 5. The gathering of the people. Judges 5 : 13-17. 6. The battle. Judges 5 : 18-22. 7. Curse upon Meroz. Judges 5 : 23. 8. Praise of Jael. Judges 5 : 24-27. 9. Description of the return from the battle. Judges 5 : 28-20. LESSON FORTY-SECOND GIDEON. By what is each term of servitude preceded ? Jud. 6:1. Who were the Midianites? Num. 25 : 17, 18. They were half nomadic, half civilized ; had habits of both. Jud. 8 : 25, 26. Their kings ? Jud. 8:5. 92 BIBLE QUESTIONS. Their princes ? Jud. 8 : 3. How did they afflict Israel ? Their refuge ? Jud. 6 : 2. Who joined with the Midianites ? Who were the Amalekites ? With what nation are they contrasted ? Deut. 25 : 17-19 ; I Sam. 15 :6-i8. What is said of their numbers ? Before any relief was sent, of what did the messenger of God remind them ? Jud. 6 : 7-10. Of a deliverer raised up in a locality nearest the scene. There seems to have already been a collision between the family of Gideon and the Midianites at Mount Tabor, where they had slain his brothers. Jud. 8:18. How is their appearance described ? Jud. 8:19. Appearance of the angel ? Jud. 6 : 11, 13. His salutation ? His answer ? Gideon's answer shows an acknowledgment of God's presence as the source of all good ; and his absence, the reverse. What had been the cause? Deut. 31 : 17. Note. — The Lord looked upon him. Compare Luke 22 :6i. Commission of Gideon ? Jud. 6:14; Josh. 1:9; 4:6. His plea ? Compare Ex. 3:11; i Sam. 16:11; Jer. i : 6, 7. His assurance ? Verse 16 ; Ex. 3:12; Josh. 1:5; Phil. 4:13; 2 Cor. 12:9; I Cor. i : 26-29. What sign was granted ? BIBLE QUESTIOI^S. 93 Gideon's fear? Jud. 6 : 22 ; Ex. 33 : 20. Gideon's altar? Where was the reformation to begin ? Jud. (1 : 25-27. This bullock probably set apart for Baal's sacrifice. On the morning- of the following day, when the people assembled, what was the effect ? Defence of Joash ? Would this institution of worship in the threshing-floor have been right without a divine order ? Where only were sacrifices allowed ? Deut. 6 : 5, 6. Name given to Gideon ? Who were gathered together ? Verse 33. What is said of Gideon ? Verses 34, 35. Sign from the Lord ? Verses 36-40. Compare Hosea 14:5. How large was the army of Israel ? Thirty-two thousand. Of the Midianites ? Jud. 8 : 10. One hundred and thirty-five thousand. Order from God? Jud. 7 : 2. Compare Deut. 8 : 17 ; Is. 10 : 13-15 ; 2 Cor. 4 : 7. First reduction ? Jud. 7:3; Deut. 20 : 8. Second reduction ? Verses 4-7. How many were retained ? What incident that night brought courage to Gidecn? How did he manage his men ? What led to a panic among the Midianites ? The pursuit ? What was done with the princes of Midian ? Dissatisfaction of the men of Ephralm ? Jud. 8:1. 94 BIBLE QUESTIONS. What is said of Gideon ? What of the men of Succoth ? Punishment of the men of Succoth ? Jud. 8 : 13-17. Gideon's third great victory' ? Who were taken prisoners ? What question did Gideon put to the kings of Midian ? Their ornaments ? Their death ? LESSON FORTY-THIRD. BOOK OP RUTH. What two books in the Bible bear the name of women ? What women are mentioned as endowed with gifts of prophecy ? Jud. 4 : 4 ; 2 King's 21 : 14 ; Luke 2 : 36. What women are noted for patriotism ? Jud. 5 : 7. For patient waiting upon God ? Luke 2 : 37. For fervency in prayer? i Sam. i. Purpose of the book of Ruth ? At what period did the events probably take place ? Ruth 1:1. Many think about the time of Gideon. Jud. 6:4. " The simple touching interest of the story, the homely honest manners it describes, and the picture of the heartfelt pietv given, give us an insight of Hebrew life in the early years of their settlement in Canaan. It forms a contrast to the stormy spirit of the times, and comes in one of the inter- vals which are described. " And the land had rest." BIBLE QUESTIQlSrS. 95 How does the book open ? Ruth 1:4. Interesting" associations of Bethlehem ? Meaning of the names Elimelech, Mahlon ? " Weakness and sickness." Chilion. " Consumption and decay." Note. — Bible names a subject of great interest. Some- times imposed by God himself. Examples ? Sometimes change made by earthly monarchs, as in the cases of Joseph and Daniel. Example of names given for peculiarity of appearance ? Examples of a change of name corresponding to change of circumstances } Striking influence of a name ? 1 Chron. 4 : 9, 10. At the end of ten years, what change had taken place in the family circle ? Ruth 1:5. What circumstances induced Naomi to return home ? Verse 6. She seems to have gained little by going to Moab. Tem- poral reasons should not alone decide our abode. Lot's choice of Sodom ? Devotion of Ruth .^ Verses 16-18. What is said of their reception at Bethlehem? Verses 19-22. At what time did they come to Bethlehem } Hov/ did Ruth support Naomi ? Laws about gleaning ? Lev. 19:9; Deut. 24 : 19. Character and circumstances of Boaz ? 96 BIBLE QUESTIONS. His courteous salutation to the reapers ? Ruth 2 : 4. His interview with Ruth ? Ruth 2 : 5-10. Duties of the nearest kinsman under the law of Israel ? Deut. 25 : 5. Estimate of the character of Ruth ? Ruth 2:11. Was Boaz the nearest of kin ? How was the transaction brought to a close ? Ruth 4. Sacritices of Ruth ? Her reward ? She left her own country — threw in her lot with God's people. She becomes the wife of Boaz — the ancestor of David and of David's greater son. Matt, i : 5, 6. David's feeling to the Moabites ? i Sam. 22 : 4. LESSON FORTY- FOURTH. 1st SAMUEL, 1st Chapter. With what account does the book of Judges end ? With the history and judgeship of Samson. (The five last chapters not being chronologically arranged.) Who were the greatest enemies of the Israelites ? Jud. 13:1. How long were they under the Philistines ? Who is at the head of the nation at the beginning of this book? How long were the judgeships of Eli and Samson contem- porary ? BIBLE QUESTIONS- 97 Twenty years. Samson's judgeship was confined to his own tribe. The judgeship of Eli was more general How long was Eli judge ? i Sam. 4:18. What offices were combined under EU ? Of whose house was Eli ? Ithamar. Compare i Chron. 24 : 3 ; i Sam. 22 : 1 1 ; 14:3. Who was the first high priest ? Who were his natural successors ? Aaron, Eleazar, and Phineas. Where did Aaron die ? Num. 20 : 27, 28. For what was Phineas distinguished ? Num. 25 : 11. What caused a change in the line of the priesthood ? It is not known. In the union of judge and priest we have an approxi- mation to the monarchy. It is the transition period be- tween the fall of the old and the rise of the new order. For what was Shiloh distinguished ? How often did Israel assemble at Shiloh ? Jud. 21 : 19-21 ; I Sam, 1:9, 13, 14. Why were they not allowed, as we are, to have other places of worship ? Of what pilgrims have we here an account ? Wives of Elkanah ? Their sacrificial feast? Deut. 12 : 17-18 ; Deut. 16 : il. Character of Hannah ? How were her afflictions aggravated ? Her vow? i Sam. i : 11, 12. 5 98 BIBLE QUESTIONS. 1. Dedication to God for a life-long service. : 2. He was set apart as a Nazarite. Num. 6. Read i Sam. 1 121-23. Memorial in the name of the child ? Meaning of Samuel } Early consecration of Samuel.'* i Sam. i 124; Deut. 12; 5,6,11. Mark the devotion of Hannah — her ardent piety and devotion to God in an age of the greatest degeneracy— her giving up the very thing that had been her Hfe-long desire. Psalm of thanksgiving } i Sam. 2. Compare Luke i : 46. What other group is presented ? i Sam. 2 ; 12, What were their sins } What part of the offering lawfully belonged to the priests ? Lev. 2 : 10. How did the fearful degeneracy of the times show itself? Mai. 2 : 5-9. Character of Eli ? i Sam. 2 : 22. What is said in verse 25 .^ Sometimes hardening is a divine sentence; Josh. 11 : 20; Prov. 15 : 10. Before the Lord sent his judgment, whom did he send ? I Sam. 2 :27, How did he try to arouse Eli's conscience ? Verses 27-36. Was his house to be immediately deprived of the priest • hood? Verses 31, 32. How long after did they live ? Thirty or forty years. BIBLE QUESTIONS. 9<| When did the distress in the 32d verse begin ? i Sam. 4:22. What sign was g^ven to EU ? i Sam. 2 : 34. When were the predictions in verses 35 and 36 fulfilled ? I Kings 2:35; 2 Sam. 7 : 1 1, 27 ; i Kings 2 : 27. This prophecy was fulfilled in both Samuel and Zadok, but principally in Samuel, as a prophet of the Lord placed at the head of the nation after the death of Eli. LESSON FORTY-FIFTH. 1st SAMUEL, 3d Chapter. What curse had been uttered by the prophet upon the house of Eli in the last chapter ? How was it more definitely expressed through Samuel ? What is said of the rarity of such revelation } Cause of this ? Degeneracy of the times. The priests were not fit re- ceptacles of the word of God. Lamp of God ? Ex. 30 : 8 ; Lev. 24 : 2. Read i Sam. 3 : 4-11. Revelation to Samuel ? What is said of Samuel ? 19-21. These words form a connecting link between the child- hood and manhood of this great prophet. 100 BIBLE QUESTIONS. At the beg-inning of chapter 4th, who were ruling over Israel ? Who were the Philistines ? The word Philistine means "strangers," they are sup- posed to have emigrated from Crete — mentioned in the time of Abraham. Gen. 21 : 32, 34 ; 26 : i, 8 ; Ex. 13 : 17 ; 15, 14. When Israel arrived in Canaan, they were a power- ful confederacy. Josh. 13:3. Skilful in arts, i Sam. 17 : 5,6; 13:20; Jud. 16:5, 18. They continued to be the powerful enemy of Israel. It is a curious fact that the word Palestine is only another name for Philistia. Place of the battle ? i Sam. 4:11. Result of the first attack ? Their last resort ? Verses 3, 4. Had such an application of the Ark of the Covenant been made before ? Josh. 6 : 4. Wherein was the sin now ? Contrast to the spirit of David ? 2 Sam. 15 : 25, 26. Effect of the Ark of God upon Israel ? Upon the Philistines ? How is the crisis of the nation expressed by the Philis- tines ? I Sam. 4 : 6-9. The whole city of Shiloh waited the result. What two of the family of Eli are mentioned ? Who bore the tidings? Verses 12-14. Effect upon Eli? Verses 15-18. Other calamities in the family of Eli ? Verses 19-21. We cannot but put this woman with Hannah. Thfl same devoted spirit was in both. BIBLE QUESTIONS. 101 How is the taking of the Ark referred to ? Jud. i8 : 31, 32. Ps. 78:61. To Israel it was as though Jehovah had been taken from them. How regarded by the Philistines ? LESSON FORTY-SIXTH. THE ARK IN THE COTJNTBY OF THE PHILISTINES. What was the Ark of the Covenant, and why was so much importance attached to it ? How was it regarded by the Philistines ? What did they do with it ? i Sam. 5:1. Effect of its presence in Ashdod ? Compare Is. 59: 18; 66:6. Their embarrassing condition ? i Sam 5 : 7, 8. What is said of the "hand of the Lord at Ekron." Verse II ; Ps. 32 '.4.. How long was the Ark in the country of the Philistines ? I Sam. 6:1. Consultation at Ekron ? Verse 2. What advice did the diviners give? Lev. 5 ; 15, 16; Mic. 6:6-9. What did they send ? The five golden emerods or boils, to represent the dis- ease with which they had been srhitten ; five golden mice, 102 BIBLE QUESTIONS. to represent the field-mice, which were probably the plague which overran the country. This kind of expi- atory present was quite in accordance with a custom locally spread among the heathen — a representation of the member healed, or danger passed through presented to their deity, i Sam. 6 : 6-9. What example did they bring before the people ? Verse 6. How was the ark removed ? The reason for selecting cows with calves was that they hoped the cows might follow their natural instincts (which was certainly to be expected) and put the God of Israel to the test, though they thereby unconsciously and against their will furnished occasion for the living God to display his power ; for the kine (unwillingly enough, " low ing as they went ") kept on their way to Bethshemesh. Feelings of the men of Bethshemesh ? i Sam. 6:13. What did they do? Verses 14-17. Sin of the men of Bethshemesh ? 19 ; Ex. 19, 21 ; Num 4: 15, 20; I Chron. 13 19-10. Read Heb. 12 : 18-29 1 ^o» 29. LESSON FORTY-SEVENTH. ARK AT KIRJATH-JEARIM.— 1 Sam. 7. How long was the ark in the land of the Philistines ? What wer- ihe riiilio'iuj c;:ies ? How was the deep sense of its loss shown ? BIBLE QUESTIONS. 103 I. It was known as the captivity. Ps. 78 : 6i ; Judges 18:30. At this time Shiloh probably destroyed. Jer. 7 : 12, 14 ; 26 : 6-9. What is said of the joy of its return ? To what place was it taken ? i Sam. 7:1; Josh. 18 : 14. Meaning of Kirjath-jearim ? " Field of the wood." Ps. 132 : 5, 6. Feelings of the people ? i Sam. 7 : 2. What sins had caused his departure from them ? i Sam. 7:3- What promise had been made ? Deut. 30 : 2-10 ; com- pare Joel 2:13. " Prepare your hearts." Job 11:13, 14 ; John 4 : 24. Did the children of Israel obey the voice of Samuel ? At this juncture all eyes were turned towards Samuel. His training fitted him to be a leader and mediator for the people, second only to Moses. Where were they gathered, and what ceremony was per- formed ? I Sam. 7:5; Judges 20 : i ; i Sam. 10 : 17. What was Samuel to do for them ? Verse 5. Of what was the ceremony of " pouring water " symbolic ? Ps. 22 : 5. An act of deep humiliation. Sam. 2 : 19. How did the Philistines take advantage of this gathering I Sam. 7 : 7. What do we learn from this ? 104 BIBLE QUESTIONS. Our spiritual enemy makes his attacks often after mo- ments of special religious enjoyments. In what was Israel's hope ? Verse 8. Ps. 50 : 15. Symbol of a sucking lamb ? Most suitable to represent a nation just awakened to a new life. They must come by " the blood." Heb. 9. 24-26. We have here the successive steps of a soul returning to God. What happened while Samuel was engaged in this relig- ious service ? i Sam. 7:10; Is. 65 : 24. How did Jehovah interfere ? Other similar instances } Completeness of the victory ? i Sam. 7 : 1 1-14. Monument of Samuel } At this spot, twenty years before, the Philistines gained a great victory, i Sam. 4:1. How long had they had dominion ? Forty years. REVIEW OF THE LIFE OF SAMUEL. His early years, and the purity of his life contrasted with the times in which he lived. " His mother said, I will bring him that he may appear before the Lord, and there abide for ever ; and she brought him into the house of the Lord in Shiloh, and the child was young, and she said, For this child I prayed, and the Lord has given me the petition which I asked of him ; therefore also I have lent him to the Lord, as long as he liveth he shall be leni BIBLE QUESTIONS. 105 to the Lord. Contrast — the sons of Eli were men of Be- lial . . . and the sin of the young men was very great be- fore the Lord. . . . But Samuel ministered before the Lord, being a child, and the child Samuel grew before the Lord. Now, Eli was very old, and heard all that his sons did unto all Israel, and said unto them, Why do ye such things }" Notwithstanding they hearkened not unto the voice of their father. . . . But the child Samuel grew on, and was in favor with God and man, and the Lord was with him, and did let none of his words fall to the ground." Lesson First. — Hophni, Phineas, and Samuel grew up under the same religious advantages. 2 Cor. 2:16. How was Samuel regarded by the nation } i Sam. 9:13; 16:4,5- What is said of the value of his intercession ? i Sam. 12 : 16 ; Ps. 99 : 6 ; Jer. 15:1. His purity of life } i Sam. 12:3. His death and burial ? i Sam. 25 : i. LESSON FORTY-EIGHTH. THE PROPHETIC ORDER. How were the Jewish people at first governed in things spiritual ? How was the teaching carried on } By feasts and fasts, sacrifices and offerings, rite and ceremony, type and symbol, and also by act and word. Lev. 10: II. 106 BIBLE QUESTIONS. When and where was the order of priests instituted ? What rendered a new order of things necessary with the advance of the nation ? What order was instituted ? Germs found in the law of Moses? Deut. 13 : i ; 18: 20-22. In what sense was Abraham called a prophet ? Gen. 20 '.']. What other instances have we of the prophetical gift be- fore Samuel ? Ex. 17 : i ; Num. 1 1 : 27 ; Judges 4:4. Meaning of the word prophet ? It is derived from the verb which means to bubble forth like a fountain ; the noun then means one who involun- tarily bursts forth with spiritual utterances under the di- vine influence. Ps. 45 : i ; 2 Peter 1:21. What did Samuel do to make the prophetic order more permanent ? At what places were these schools of the prophets es- tablished } I Sam. 19 : 19, 20 ; 2 Kings 2:3; 2:5; 4 : 38 ; 42 : 43. Of what did they consist i A school or college, larger or smaller, i Kings 22 : 6 ; 2 Kings 2 : 16. Who presided over them? i Sam. 19:20; 10:12; 2 Kings 2 : 3. What did they study ? i Peter i : 10. Musical training? i Sam. 10 : 5 ; i Chron. 25 : 5. They had weekly or monthly religious meetings. 2 Kings 4:23. BIBLE QUESTIONS. 107 Who were the prophets during the reign of David ? Samuel, Gad, Nathan, Heman. During what period was the prophetic order at its height ? Who were the prophets before the captivity ? After the captivity ? How many years between Malachi and the New Testa- ment prophets ? What is said of John the Baptist ? Matt, ii : 9-13. In whom did the prophetic order culminate ? Deut. 18 : 15-18 ; Acts 3 : 20-26. What was one of the marks of the Messiah's kingdom ? Joel 2 : 28, 29. When was this expectation realized and fulfilled ? Acts 2:1-18. Did the prophets fully understand their own prophecies ? I Peter i :8-i2. THE END. LESSONS ON THE LIFE OF Our Lord 1887—1888. BIBLE QUESTIONS. LESSON I. THE INCARNATION. Jno. i. 14. Phil. ii. 6-8. Meaning of the word incarnation ? When we begin tlie study of a inan's life, what is the first event considered ? But in studying the life of the Son of God, to what must we go back ? — Jno. xvii, 5; Jno. i. i, 2; Hcb. i. 3, 10. How long will he continue to be God? — Heb. i. 8. What other proofs have we in Scripture of the Divinity of Christ ? First— Divine attributes. — Jno. viii. 58 ; Re%\ i. 17; Matt. xxviii. 18; Phil. iii. 21; Matt. ix. 4; 12,25; Matt, xviii. 20, xviii. 20. Second — Divine actions. — Col. i. 16; Heb. \. io\ Marh n. 7, 10. Third — Divine Worship. — A/att. xxviii. 9, 17. How did God the Son become man ? Bible Questions. First— He laid aside his glory. What was this glory ? — Is. vi. 1-6; Jno. xii. 41; Jno. xvii. 5. How did he take a human body? — Gal. iv, 4. Examples of his being subject to all the infirmities of such a body. — Luke ii. 52; Matt. iv. 2; Jno. iv. 7, xix. 28; Jno. iv. 6; Mark XV. 44, 45. Second — He took a human soul. Evidences that his soul was like that which we possess. — Luke xxii. 42; Lickc x. 21; Mark iii. 5; Luke xix. 41; Matt. viii. 10; i^ar>^ vi. 6. In what respects was he quite unlike us? — 2 Cor. v. 21; i7(f(^. iv. 15; I Jno. iii. 5. What was predicted of Jesus Christ? — Is. vii. 14, ix, o. Why did God the Son become man ? — i Jno. iii. 5, 8. Condition of the world as God looked at it. — Ps. xiv. 23; Rom, iii. 10-19. How did he take away sin ? First — He obeyed God's law perfectly. — Heb. x. 7; Rom. v. 19, X. 4. Second — He suffered the penalty for sin. — Jno. i. 29; Is. liii. 6. Third — He took away death's power. — Heb. ii. 14 ; Jno. x. 10. Fourth — He became an ever present sympathizing friend. — Heb. ii. 17, 18. Bible Questions. Fifth — He is our great example, — Jno. xiii. 15. Sixth — He reveals God to us. — yno. i. 18; Luke x. 22; Jno. xiv. 9; Col. i. 15. Seventh — He brings us near to God. — i Jno. iv. 10, 19; 2 Cor. V. 14, 15; 2 Peter i. 4. Bible Questions. LESSON II. THE PERIOD BETWEEN THE OLD AND NEW TESTA- MENTS. What Book closes the Jewish history in the Old Testament? — Neheniiah. What Prophet is contemporary with Nehemiah? Ans. — Malachi. What length of time elapsed between the writing of Malachi and the birih of our Lord ? From the time of Nehemiah, who became the ruler of Judea ?y ,4;3-"< Who was the last high priest spoken of in the Old Testament ? Nehejti iah xii. 11-22. What Empire succeeded the Persian ? What was the ambition of Alexander the Great ?ll^''V^^>fc^a^v" " What made Judea the scene of the contest ^/r^^^r^t* kl *^ How did Alexander treat the Jews at Jerusalem ? i | What connection had the Jews with Egypt at this time ? Bible Questions. What new translation of the Hebrew Scriptures was made at this time ? ^ia^^U*^ ^*t^^*^^ /) And for what reason ? Jt^ f '/L«'^,o-'2-<-«-*--^<^ 'C*--^^.^-^ What high priest was set over affairs in Judea ? Ans. — Simon the Just. What were some of the benefits of Simon's administration ? How long was Judea under the rule of the Ptolomies of Egypt? Ans. — One hundred years. To whom did the kingdom of Alexander become subject? Ans. — Syria (b. c. ig8). To what cruel and wicked king did Judea now become subject? Give an account of the desecration of Jerusalem, and the perse- cution of the people by Antiochus Epiphanes. By whom were the Jews delivered ? Who were the Maccabees, or Asmonean princes ? What great work did they do for Jerusalem ? What nation subdued Syria and took possession of Jerusalem ? Who was Herod the Great ? What was the religious condition of the nation at this time ? What effect did intercourse with other nations have upon them ? What is stated in Acts xv. 21 ? Who were the " Pharisees " ? Bible Questio?is. Who were the " Sadducees " ? Who were the " Essenes " ? What was the " Meshna? " In this formal and degenerate age, had the love of God changed to them ? — Mai. i. 2-3, 7. Were there any devoted, spiritual people ? How are they described? — Alal. iii. 16-18. What previous promises must have been their comfort and ex- pectation ? — Af,i/. iii. I ; iv. 2. Bible Questions. LESSON III. THE SAVIOUR IN THE OLD TESTAMENT. What promise was made to our first parents of a Saviour imme- diately after the fall 1—Gen. x. 3, 15; Gal. iv. 4; Rom. xvi. 20. What promises of a coming Saviour to Abraham? — Gen. xii. i; Gal. iii. 7-9-16. Promises to Jacob? — Geti. xxviii. 14; Gen. xlix. 8-12. What proof have we that the Patriarchs believed and rejoiced in a coming Saviour?— y«^ viii. 56; Job xix. 25. What covenant was made with David, and how does it apply to Christ as a King?— 2 Sa?n. vii. 13; Ps. Ixxxix. 28; compare with Acts -am. 22; Ps. ii. 6-12; Lukex. 32-33. From what family was it foretold that Christ would come? — 2 Sam. vii. 12-15; I Chron. xvii. 11-14; Acts ii. 30; Rev. xxii. 16. How is Christ, as our High Priest and atoning sacrifice, pre- figured? — Ex. XX. 24; Lev. xvi. 15; compare Heh. ix. 11-14. lo Bible Questions. What remarkable prophecy have we in Numbers xxiv. 17. When we come to the prophets the light is greater, and the state- ments in regard to the coming Saviour become more explicit. What prophecies are there concerning the place of His birth? — Micah V. 2; compafe Matt. ii. 6. What prophecies are there concerning the visit of the Magi ? — Is. Ix. 3; Ps. Ixxii. 10-15. Where is it stated that Christ should be born of a woman ? — Is. vii. 14. Where is the character of His ministry set forth? — Is. Ixi. i; xlii. 1-3. Where do we find His miracles foretold ? — Is. xxxv. 4-7. Where is Christ's rejection by men predicted? — Is. liii. His appearance in the Temple? — MaL iii. i. His triumphal entry into Jerusalem. — Zac. ix, 9. His death on the Cross. — Ps. xvi. 10; xxii. 16; Is. liii. 8; Dan. ix. 26. Where is He spoken of as the Lamb of God ?— /.f. liii. 7; Jno. i. 29. Bible Questions. LESSON IV. THE SAVIOR'S MOTHER.— THE ANNUNCIATION. Luke i. 26-55 To what nation, tribe and family must the mother of the Savior belong, according to prophecy? — Gen. xxii. 18; Mic. v. 2; Ps. cxxxii. II. Where should we expect to find David's descendants living ? Jno. vii. 42. But where was Mary's home ? How was the wonderful message of the Saviour's coming re- vealed to her? — Ltike i. 26-28. What effect had it upon Mary? — Verse 29; compare Dan. viii. 16, 17; Ltike i. 12. How did the Angel soothe and comfort her? — Verse 30. How did the Angel speak of the child to be born ? — Verse 32, 33- 12 Bible Questions. Did Mary doubt the message ? To the Angel's further announcement how did Mary show her trustful, calm, humble spirit? — Verse 38^ ^/ To whom did Mary entrust her secret? ^t i \ ^^:^V'l^"^^ >^ ^ How far was Hebron from Nazareth ? *'-/(") Vv--\_-*-^^^''^ ' Study the wonderful song of Mary. — Luk^^r-yjr^^^ ^ •' '' How can ue imitate the character of Mary ? How afterwards did she show her womanly Christian patience and humility? — Lnl;e ii. ig; Luke ii. 51. Upon what was all this founded ? — Luke i. 38. What are we taught as to her position in the teachings of the New Testament, and in opposition to the worship of the \'irRin Mary ?— Zz/Xr ii. 48-49; Jro. ii. 3, 4; Matt. xii. 47-50. Was Mary " highly favored among women" ? Is there any closer and more blessed relationship that we may have to our Saviour ?—Z///^i' xi. 27, 28; Matt. xii. 50; Eph. iii. 15; Gal. iv. 5. Hfjw do we become the sons of God ? — Jno. i. 12. What relaticm ihen are we to Jesus Christ? — Jtio. xx. 17; LLeb. ii. II. What dtes God expect of us as his children? — Eph. v. i; Ro7n. viii. 14. / Bible Questions. 13 LESSON V. THE BIRTH OF JESUS CHRIST Lickc it. 1-20. Where had it been foretold that Christ should be born ?- -Micah V. 2. How long before the event '^^ j n . Who was the Roman Emperor at the time of Christ's birth ?C^- How was the event brought about ? — Luke ii. i . What was 5 the object of the census taken ? Why had Joseph and Mary to go to Bethlehem ? Give the situation and history of Bethlehem ?- -Ruth ii. 4; I Sam. i6; Gen. xlviii. 7. What reasons may have led Mary to go with Joseph ? How did they find Bethlehem when they arrived ? What is said of their necessity ? Probable apperance of "the stable." 14 Bible Questions. Lowly as was the mode and place of our Saviour's birth, how was it celebrated elsewhere ? To whom was an Angel of the Lord sent from Heaven to an- nounce the great event ? Probable character of these Shepherds.— i Sam. xvii. 34; Jno. X. 10-12. What did they see '^—Acts xxvi. 13. What was the effect upon them ? What did the Angel tell them ? — Lxike ii. ; Is. ix, 6, 7. What sign was to assure them ? What was the Angel's song ? How could the humiliation of the Son of God bring "Glory to God'? — Ps. Ixxxv. 10; I Co) . i. 24; i Jno. iv. 9. How could it bring peace on this troubled Earth? — Kcin. v. i; Phil. iv. 7; F.ph. iv. 32. Is there any greater evidence of God's good will to men than the coming of His Son into the world 1—Ezek. xxxii. 11 ; i Jno. iv. g; /\oni. v. 8. n What is ^^aid of another joy the Angels have ? '-i/t/''''^)^^'^ How did the shepherds show faith in the word of the Lord? — Verse 15. Did they tell the good news to others? — Verse i"^. Bible Qnestions. 15 What effect did it have? — Verse 18. What do we learn from the condescension of the Son of God ? What is said of Mary ? What things did "she ponder"? ,6 Bible Questions. LESSON VI. THE CIRCUMCISION AND PRESENTATION. Ltike ii. 21-28. What four eVents are related of our Lord's infancy ? - When was circumcision instituted and what was its design ? — Gen. xvii. 9-14. It was a sign that they were God's peculiar people, and sin had been put away. lo it so now? — Gal V. 6, vi. 15. What has now taken the place of circumcision? — Matt, xxviii. U). When Jesus was eight days old what was done with him ? — ^ Verse 21. Had Jesus any sin to put away, or did he need to be ad- mitted into God's family? — i Juo. iii. 15. Why then was He circumcised ? — //el>. ii. 17; Gal. iv. 4, 5; Gal. V. 3- Bible Questions. 17 What name was given to the Holy child ? By whose order was this name given ? What did the law require of the first born son ? — Ex. xiii. i, 2; Ex. iv. 22, 23. What tribe of Israel was afterwards chosen to take the place of the first born? — Num. iii. 12, 13. What offering did they bring? — Lev. xii. 6-8. Who was Simeon? — Verse 25. What revelation had been made to him ? What led him to come to the Temple ? To what type of character does the spirit of God reveal spiritual truth ?—yi/rt'//. xi. 25 ; i Cor. i. 27. Why did so many of the Jews fail to recognize the Messiah? i Cor. ii. 7-15. What was Simeon's prayer? — 29-32. Of what was it an echo? — Is. xl. i-ii ; Ps. xxvii. 4, Ixiii i, 2. Were there others who were like Simeon, waiting for the com- ing Saviour ? What noted woman is mentioned, and what is said of her ? — Verses 37, 38 ; Mai. iii. 16. What two things did Simeon say of the child? — Verse 34. What is meant by being set for the fall and rise of many in 1 8 Bible Questions. Israel ? — Is. viii. 14 ; Rom. ix. 32, 33 ; i Cor. i. 23, 24 ; i Petei' ii. 7. 8. What deep shadow was thrown over Mary by the prophecy of Simeon? -Verse 35 ; compare Jno. xix. 25, 26. What effect had the sayings of Simeon and Anna upon Joseph and Mary? — Verse 33. How is the condescension of Christ again here shown ? In his obedience to the whole letter of the law for man. And why ? First — As our substitute. — Jer. xxiii. 6 ; Rom. v. 19 ; Eph. i. 6. Second — As our example. Bible Qitcsiiojis. 19 LESSON VII. 'THE WISE MEN FROM THE EAST.' Matt. ii. In what new and unexpected way was the news of the birth of Christ brought to Jerusalem ? Pv\^ (^■^^^^r-tJJ ^ ^k*> ''''':'.. What is meant by the East ? j^ eh"^ What "Herod" is here referred x.o'> J^lx^uiPd HW^^''*^-^ His character? 7^0 i^scJ— ^-^^^X--*-^^ Ov<>u<<^ ^ How long did he reign^? C>-(nf^^ pfo i^^^^^ Who were the Magi? IftW ^^vOt • Cpi^^^^^^f^ '" With what inquiry did they come ? How did they know about the King of the Jews ? What prophecies may have been known to them ? — Num. xxiv. 15-19 ; Daniel ix. 24. What had they seen that moved them to journey to Judea ? Did they find any knowledge of the event in Jerusalem ? 20 Bible Questions. What effect had the question of the Magi upon Heiod, and why ? Verse 3. Why were the people troubled ? Did Herod understand their question as relating to the birth of Christ?— Verse 4. W^ho were the "chief Priests and Scribes?" — i Ciiron. xxiv. 3-18 ; Num. xi. 16, 24. Do they seem to have had any doubt as to the place ? — Mic. v. 2. Did the tidings of the wise men. and the agreement of prophecy have any joyful effect upon these leaders of the people ? What caused their incredulity and indifference ? How did the Magi show their faith in God? How was it rewarded ? — Verse 9. Their gifts and their significance? — Ps. Ixxii. g-ii.xlv, 8. What special significance has this event in the early life of our Lord ? — Is. Ix. 3-6. How did they escape from Herod? Do we ever hear of these wise men again I^-Lulze xiii. 20. Vct^ -^ Bible Questions. LESSON VIII. FLIGHT INTO EGYPT— HEROD'S CRUELTY— NAZ- ARETH. Matt. ii. 13-23. On the departure of the wise men, what command did Herod receive ? Why did he go by night ? Why was Egypt chosen for a refuge ? ^ ^ Other instances of Egypt as a refuge from famine, etc.? (L^^,4n>^ How far from Jerusalem was Egypt ? Meaning of verse 15 ? /' ''^^^ With what event did the national history of Israel begin? — h\ Hoseaxx. I. ^^iW''-V' Were there many Jews at this time in Egypt? How long were the Holy Family in Egypt ? How did Herod's cruel malignity show itself ? ^VU»-^cJ]^ Was it simply to destroy his rival ? Was the number of infants great that were slain ? L' ' '^ " Bible Questions. What prophecy was fulfilled ?—/rr. xxxi. 15. How are we to explain the application of the histoiical event ? What comforting words might have been spoken 10 those weep- ing mothers? — Jcr. xxxi. r6, 17, 18. Hy what was the Babylonish exile followed ? By what »vas the massacre of Bethlehem followed? — By Christ's ministry to his salvation. What was the cause of the death of Herod ? What command now came to Joseph ? ^^^ Who was Archelaus? L x. tv. IL^Ia^HI KW ^' ' To what place did they return ? ' ' ' ■ -= Situation and character of Nazareth ? Was it a part of the humiliation of Jesus that He chose this as His abode ? Is the prophecy, "He shall be called a Nazarine," mentioned in the Bible ? — Matt. ii. 23. Meaning of the word Nazareth? (/ ^^i^jiA^ ; . « How does Isaiah speak of the coming of Christ?— Z^. ii. i; A. liii. 2. What title does Jesus use of himself after the resurrection ? — Acts xxii. 8. What title was put over the cross? — Juo. xix. 19. TI^/^a^ ^ Bible Questions: 23 ~'^tS^ ^^ '2 LkSSON IX. HIS FIRST PASSOVER. Luke ii. 40-52. e of this peri How many years did Jesus live at Nazareth What are the only statements which we have of this period?— Luke ii. 40, 51, 52. What incident alone marks this period? ^^y /} / ' How far was it from Nazareth to Jerusalem ? /Wx dJ^^^l^^-' What was the common route ? \yi^.^Xi^ jd.»L^ ^L^^^f^J^ Why did ihey go to Jerusalem this time? — Ex. xxiii. 15; Dent, xvi. It vt ■-'<;•. (( • ;■ j...... -U^'^tj . - -j- - -.^^ What was the passover??^ .*«^ k C^i^-^^ **^^ ^fk^^-^ How was its meaning explained to Jewish Children? — Ex. xii. 26-27. What deeper typical meaning had What was the privilege of every Jewish boy at the age of 12 at was the privilege of every Jew years What must have been his feelings at his first passover?— Read Is. 53; I Cor. V. 7. 24 Bible Questions. Did great numbers go up to Jerusalem ?/^ " t\^^^^^^^t>'\y - What Psalms were used by them on this occasion? — Fs. 121 to How long did the feast last? 'J'U- '.<' ' ' • V-—-^ What startling event occurred on the second day of their journey home ? What fear may have possessed His parents ? ^ What was the form of Synagogue worship !V*>/ '' ^^^*^ /f' rt/J/ if\JA What is said of His understanding and answer ? ' v. /, r^fy^...lr What new revelation was made by Him to his parents 1—Luke ii. 49; Jtto. vi. 38. What was the effect upon Mary ? What statement made in verse 51 ? Why was the largest part of our Saviour's life passed in quiet homely duties ? — JIcl). ii. 16-17. For what was it a preparation ? Had our Lord other brothers and sisters? — Matt. xiii. 55-56. What two opinions are there on this subject? ' ' " ' "" ' Were they in sympathy with Him? — Jno. vii. i-£. What musthave been His influence in His home at Nazareth ? What His trials ?—//r/'. xii. 3. Bible Questions. 25 LESSON X. THE FORERUNNER. Luke iii. 1-18. . ^^ '^ ^'' How many years have passed since the birth pf Jesus Christ ?^t'"''' Who was John Baptist »/*■, ;, . '"^ ^ ^ i^ What was his mission to be ? % y^W^^^uU- |nn^ (*Wv-i^V What was announced to his father at his birth? — Luke i. 13-17; compare Ls. xl. 3-4; Mai. iii. i; Mai. iv. 5-6. His appearance in the wilderness? — Matt. iii. 4; Luke'x. 15; 2 Kings X. 8; Zrzr/;. xiii. 4. ! How did John prepare the way for Christ }'J4*1 jil^U^^t^ "^^ What had to be prepared ? . i ^ , 'f,VV f^^^^^'^-- Who came out to his preaching and baptism? — Matt iii. 5, 7; Z//^^ iii. 12, 14. What was the whole burden of his preaching? — Matt. iii. 2; /j. i. 16-17; J^^i'- vii. 3-7. 25 Bible Qnestions. How did he bring conviction of sin to his hearers? — Luke -x.. 10-14; Maif. iii. 7-12. What did he tell them would be the consequence of their sins ? Luke iii. 9. \ Upon what did they pride themselves ?— Verse 8. ; ,', ^v^ -'7 * ^ How were they to show their repentance and wishes to receive., i f— ^ e coming Saviour?— Z/^/^^ iii. 3; Matt. iii. 6. ''W^ JAjviA^"^ the Did many turn away? — Luke vii. 30; Ltike 38. ' ' What new birth and relationship is necessary towards God? — 7no. i. 13. Is there any work like this needed now ? ii^ v //^t /^Vv**^' M4'> r Why do not men allow the Saviour to enter their hearts now ? — /^ev. iii. 20. How are we to get a sense of sin? — Ezek. xxxvi. 26. Who alone will receive the Saviour? — y^a. xvi. 8; Ltikevi'i. 37; XV. i; xix. 6-7; xxiii. 41-42. i Bihie Qitesiioiis. 27 LESSON XI. THE BAPTISM OF JESUS. Matt. iii. 13-17; Mark'x. 9-11; Luke \\\. 21-23. By what evangelists is this event recorded ? Why was John called " the Baptist '7 Where did he appear bapiizing ? \'*nyj .0' For what purpose was the baptism of John instituted ? — Mark i. 1-8; Ezek. xxxvi. 25.V Q .*. • ' v What was the spiritual condition of the nation ? Did many go to his baptism ? What was the state of mind of the multitude ? — Luke iii. 15. What moved Jesus to leave his home at Nazareth? — Matt. iii. How did John the Baptist announce him ? — Luke iii. 16. Are we to infer that John had no personal acqu aintance with Jesus ? 28 Bible Questions. What sign had been given to John t—Jno. i. 31-34. When Jesus came down to the water what did John say and what did he mean ? — Matt. iii. 14; Liiiie iii. 21. Why was the sinless Jesus baptized with the oaptism of repen- tance? — Mait. iii. 15; Hcb. ii. 17; Rom. viii. 3; Is. liii. 12. As he came out of the water what did He at first do ? — Luke iii. 21. What divine attestation was given as He was praying? — Luke iii. 21-22. Who spoke? What part has the Holy Ghost in the work of redemption ? — Lukex. 35; Matt. iii. 16; Acts x. 3; Matt. iv. i; Luke'w. i; Matt. xii. 28; Heb. ix. 14; Ro»i. i. 4; Acts. i. 2. Bible Questions. 29 LESSON XII. THE TEMPTATION. Matt. iv. i-ii; Heb. iv. 15. What promise was given to our first parents ? — Gen. iii. 15. What was one main design of our Lord's personal mission to the earth? — i Jno. 3,8. How did He visibly do this ? Why was the Devil bent on His destruction ? Immediately after His baptism what event followed ? Why was our blessed Lord subjected to the presence of Satan ? —Matt. iv. i; Heb. ii. 17-18. , By whom was he led up ? -...'vW ( ,; ..' , .^ m What had the spirit done immediately before 7-r-Matt. iii. 16-17. To what wilderness ? '' i v«i>*A/s^ How is it described ? — A/att. i. 13. '•^"''^^'^ , How long was He in the wilderness .-' {J-' v't^-^X^ 3© Bib/e Questions. What was His state of body 1—Matf. iv. 2. "^ ''" i In this condition, how many assaults were made upon Him by Satan ? To what do these three forms of temptation coi respond? — i ytio. ii. 16. , . ■ \ ' What was the ^rsll^vn^iSiixonlh^^ <^■^ll^^>^*^ ' How did the Devil wish to test His Scnship /i>^i;«^f^ ^'^^^ t l^ Where do we see the same spirit? — Lttke 'K.Tin, lo^^i ,1 t^f^'^'^^'^Qli What principles was Satan trying to undermine ? IfiiiLA^ ^ A _|"' How was the temptation repelled ?—i^/rt/'/. iv. 4. Under what circumstances were these words spoken? — Dent. viii. I 3. \Aj ^{a/-*^ (mI'^ " ' To what sin were the people of Israel constantly inclined? — Z>r«/. viii. lo-ii. v.%^'^^^»- '", - )'M'f ^ ^ '' "- . . ^J^;^^\AfX^^ What lesson do we learn from this temptation? ~^6'6^'wt*'<-**'C>'^ What was the second assault made by Satan? jVi )K What Scripture does Satan pervert? -'"^'^' In what way does he wrest the passage?' , ^ Compare ylA///. iv. 6. with /'j-. xci. 11-12. '* V 'f \ Answer of the Saviour?!|' rx^duM^k^ ^ U^^/"^^ ^^ ^ Meanmg of " tempt the Lord thy God "?\/vti/U^' What was the third temptation ?^« iU,^C\^ "^ Bible Questions. 31 How does Luke describe the panorama '' -, / ^ 1. Were these in any sense the property of Satan .''—y«.:'. xii. 31; . i N. xiv. 30; xvi, 11; 2 Cor. iv. 4. What double temptation is here presented ? To what sin was ancient Israel constantly prone? — Lev. xvii. 7; Z)^«/. xxxii. i7-2i.VV^'Vi^^' ^ . How was Satan at once repelled ?/4^^^^«-^*^'"^^^^***'^ * How does the temptation of Chrjst Heeply concern us ? — //ed. ii. i8.:-' '■■':' ' -'"'' ' Have we the same adversary ? — yo/> . 7; Luke xxii. 31; £j>k. vi. 12; I J^efer, 5-8. What are our chief temptations ? ist. In times of trial to doubt God's love. 2d, To tempt God. 3d. To do evil that good may come. What shall we do ? — £pA. vi. 11-13; Ps. cxix. 11. Sure promise of victory? — jRom. xvi. 20; i Peters. 8-9; Rev. ii. lo-ii. What refreshment was immediately sent to the Saviour? — Matt. iv. 14. What promise given to His children?- Heb. iv. 14; Ps. xxxiv. 7. 32 Bible Questions. LESSON XIII. THE BAPTIST'S TESTIMONY. John i. iq-38. John iii. 26-36. Wi^ i^^i rp^ -" .^W-X^^"-*^ .<'■ What do you mean by testimony ? ^^"^ \j ^V .^"'''^ For what did John come? — /«i?. v. 32-38; y«^. i. 6-8. r^^ /V ' What was it he said at the first of the coming Saviour? — Matt. iii. 11-12; Mark i. 7-8; Lu. iii, 16-17. When Jesus did first appear to John, what does he sa,y 7— Jno. i. 32-33; Matf. iii. i6-i7.i/. if- vJu.v:^^U>C^ jy Six weeks after what deputation was sent ? — Jno. i. 19-28. ^j' '^'''^ How does John answer? . '' '"* Was his answer ot.e that would please the Jews ? How may we account for their indifference ? What mournful announcement did he make to them ? — Verses 26, 27. Rible Qti est ions. 33 Where had Jesus been since John had last seen Him ? ' ' As He appeared in the midst 0/ the multitude, how did John point Him out ?— Verse 29. i/X-^tt^'C-^ "^H^ LM^^ ' , What would "The Lamb of God" suggest to the Jews? — Ex. xii. 1-13; Is. liii. 7; Acts viii. 32; i Cor. v. 7; Rev. xiii. 8. What insight into the mission of Jesus Christ did John Baptist have above people of his time ? — J no. iii. 35-36. " 9 . What may we gather from the record of the humility and self- abnegation of John the Baptist? — Jno. iii. 25 31. . '■^'^ /'^^ J -V* What in the circumstances made his spirit most remarkable and Heavenly 7/ \ ' ■*/«?'. Is such self-abnegation essential to anv who will be faithful witnesses of the truth as it is in Jesus ? v/f"^ # What great eulogy and honor was passed by our Saviour upon this "faithful witness"? — MaU. xi. lo-ii. What does Jesus Christ want His people to be ?—.)/'l' '^ In what effectual way did he represent the Saviour? < •* "^ A n Did this same statemei t make any impression on the multi tude?" Why did it arrest the attention of these men ? - Who were the two disciples to whom he spoke? ^'P\ / ' > What did such an announcement call to mind? — Ex. yk\.', Is. liii. 6-7. What was John Baptist doing when he gave the message to them ? Were the> disciples of John ? '' '^ n^^y^^i^A^'^ i&A/^ ^Questions. 35 To what conviction had John's teaching brought them ? Cjfl*''^*^'^^ What did the two disciples do J^t^6^U>-<'-/-' Y^^^' With what gracious words did Jesus receive them ? \%^A^ < *^ Who were John and Andrew p-^V^^ '* rTT~ '' ;~^~' To whose abode did they go ? t, '• i U.'---^ •^'^ To what conviction did this interview with Jesus bring John and Andrew?— Verse 41; /"o- vi. 68. C^^^ JHA-i^^^^^i ^ / -i^ *^ Did they keep the good news to themselves Tr'^i^'^^^^'^^Jt^^^^Z^'''^ Who brought Simon Peter to Jesus ? Describe the first interview between Jesus and Simon Peter. How was Philip brought to Jesus ^ . ' What do we afterwards know of Philip? — Alarkxxx. 18-22; Jno. vi. 5-9; xii. 20-22; xiv. 8; Acts'x. 13. -t^ "'' "' ti y ^^TT k*»>.*1