' 6 6 . >• z OS (n < Z Il z i LiJ H Ul >- tt. < 3 I >■ Ll >• < J < ta < to 5 J q: Q K 3 u 111 U m I 5 J u H N 111 I s t u I Ll D Pi H Z h. to 5 3 > hi a: lit a tii u z K Q. gccUow Digitized by tlie Internet Arcliive in 2010 witli funding from Calvin College http://www.archive.org/details/fultonstreethymnOOrefo FULTON STREET HYMN BOOK, FOR THK USE OF SABBATH SCHOOLS AND FAMILIES. NEW YORK: BOARD or PUBLICATION or Tu* REFORMED PROTESTANT DUTCH CUUROH. 18 6 2. EsTTBUKD according to Act of Congress, in t'no year 13Gt, by REV. THOMAS C. STRONG, D.D. > behalf of the Board of Publication of ths Reformed Protestant Dutch Churc* in North Amoricj*, in the Clerk's Oflficc of the District Court of the United States for the Southern District of Xew York. IIOSKORD A KETCn.\M, STATIONERS AND PRINTERS, S7 Aiitl r.9 Willirtin St., N. Y. A TABLE FIRST LIXE OF EACH IIYMX. HYMH A broken heart, my God,. 140 According to Thy gracious. ^5 A debtor to mercy alone,. .171 Again the Lord of life and. 47 Alas ! and did my Saviour lo4 Alas ! what hourly dangers. 205 All hail, the power of Jesus . il2 All that I was — ray sin, my.l5S Amazing grace ! how sweet. 157 Am I a soldier of the cross. 243 And did the holy and the.. 79 Approach, my soul, the.. ..248 Arise, King of grace, 2.57 Arm of the Lord, awake,.. 278 Ascend Thy throne, 275 Awake, and sing the song.. 34 Awake, my soul ! stretch ... 206 Awake, my soul, to joyful.. 59 B. Before Jehovah's awful.... Begin, my tongue, some... Begone, unbeUef, my Behold a stranger at the.. Behold, the blessed Behold, the morning sun. . . Behold the sin-atoning Behold tliesure foundation, Behold what wondrous Beneath our feet and o'er., Blessed be the tie that. Blessed is the man, for ' Broad is the road that HYMN Can aught beneath a 131 Children of the heavenly. .232 Christ, the Lord, is risen. .. 87 Come, evtu-y pious heart. . . 83 Come, Holy Spirit, come!. .102 Come, Holy Sj)irit, heaven.. 101 Come, let our lieart and. .. 71 Come, let us join our 40 Come, let us join our frien.193 Come, my Redeemer, 147 Come, my soul, thy suit. . .247 Come, sound His praise.. . 17 Come, Thou almighty King, 52 Come, thou Fount of every. 172 Come, we who love the ...231 Come, ye tliat know and.. 31 Come, ye weary, heavy 1 15 D. Day of judgment, day of... 314 Dearest of all the names.. . 53 Dear Saviour, if these 290 Deep in our hearts let us.. S2 Destruction's dangerous. . .122 Did Christ o'er sinners 137 Dismiss us with Thy 825 Do not I love Thee, my..liii> Early, my God, without 6 Eternal Spirit, God of truth, 99 Eternal Spirit ! we confess. 97 Ir A TABLE OF THE FIRST htmhIHow blessed the righteous. 3oS Faith adds ncvr charms to .197 How can I sink with such.. 230 Faith ! 'tis a precious 196 How condescending and... 266 Far as Thy name is known,2r)9 How did my heart rejoice.. 12 Far, far beyond these 9:5 How fast their guilt and. . . .187 Father! I long, I faint to.. 32-2: How firm a foundation, ye 165 Father, I sing Thy s.3 How happy are the souls... 320 Father, whate'er of e»irthly.2'26 How pleasant, how divinely 9 Forever witli tlie Lord !. ...229' How precious is the book.'. 49 Frequent the day of God. . 4.'3 How sad our state by 129 From all that dwell below. 324 How shall the young secure 50 From every stormy wind.. 250; How sweet and awful is 263 From Greenland's icy 277 How sweet the name of.. .. 35 How sweet to leave the 8 ^- How tender is tliy hand,. .173 Gently, Lord, O gently 240 Ho^v^ vain are all things 194 Give me the wings of faith, 200 How vast the benefits 104 Give thanks to God ; He... 22 Give to the winds thj^ears ; 219 I- Glorious tilings of thee are.255 if human kindness meets... 2C2 G ory to God on higli : 32 i heard the voice of Jesus. .183 Glory to lliee, my God,. ..301 j hear Thv word with love, 20S God in the gospel of His... 109 i know that my Redeemer.. SS God IS our refuge m 233 i lay my sins on Jesus, 199 God moves m a mysterious 104 pj] praise mv Maker with.. 26 God my supj.orter, and. . .235 i i„ve Thv kingdom, Lord,.2.'SS God sown promise.. 166 i 'ni not ashamed to own.. .167 Grace ! 't is a charming . . .156 i^ ^hv great name Lord, 1 Great God attend, while.. 10 i saw one hanging on a. ...146 Great God create my 139 j g^nd the jovs of earth. . . .144 Great God ! how infimte... 80 i ,^ould not live alwiy ; I. .310 Great God, to Thee my.. ..29S ig this the kind return 12S Great Heir of David's . .pjn jg ^^^ ^^ath to die 309 Great is the Lord our God,. 256 ^ jg t^e Lord enthroned in 223 Great Saviour, let Thv. . . . 2s5 ' Guide me, Thou great ... 238 ! y n. : .Terusalem, mv happy home,31 8 Hail, my ever blessed Jesus,14S Jesus, and shall it over he, 151 Hail, Thou once despised. . 94 Jesus, engrave it on my 68 Hail to the Lord's 279 Jesus, full of all compassion,130 Hark, my soul, it is the 190 .Tesus, I my cross have I.'O Hark the glad sound ! the. 56 Jesus, lover of my soul, 1T4 Hark ! the voice of love . . .265 Jesus, my All ; to heaven is 62 Hasten, sinner, to be wise;.! 21 Jesus, mv fhepherd lives.. 73 He lives, the great 91 J.^sus, mir souls' delightful. 176 Heirs of unending life, 159 Jesus shall reign where'er. 2^6 Hosanna, with a cheerful. .296 Jesus, Tliy church with ...28S How beauteous are their. ..260 Jeiu», this mid-day hour.. .803 UNE OF EACn EYJdS. T HYMK ! HYMN Jesus, Thou art the sinner's 145 My soul, be on thy guard ;.'2()7 Jesus, Thy boundless love..lS6 My soul lies cleaving to tlie.lS2 Jesus, we sing Thy . 6l>i Join all the glorious names 64 ^• Join, all who love the 37 No more, my God, I boast. 127 Joy to the world ; tlie Lord 58 No, never shall my heart. . .2.H Just are Thy ways, and 15 Not all tiie blood of beasts. 0(3 Just as I am— without one. 202 Not witWour mortal eyes. 191 jNow begin the lieavenly. ..173 K. I Now from labour and from. 297 Keep silence, all created. , .103 Now, from the altar of our.299 jNow to the Lord a noble... 2S L. I Now to the Lord, that made 95 Lamb of God! whose , 84; Now to Thy sacred house,.. 6 Let children hear the migh 294 Let me but hear my 221 "• Let sinners take their cou.214|0'er the gloomy hills of.....2S0 Let songs of praises fill the 96 jO could I find on every dav il5 Let thoughtless thousands .1951 Oh ! bless the Lord my soul ! 19 Let Zion and her sons rejoi 274|jOh ! could I speak the 61 Light of those whose dreary 271 j Oh ! for a closer walk with. 21 2 Long have I sat beneath. ..1S4 Oh ! for a shout of sacred.. S9 Lo ! on a narrow neck of...306;Oh ! for a thousand tongues 36 Lord, I am thine, entirely. .244JOh ! for the happy hour. . 272 Lord, I have made Thy 51 Oh ! the sweet wonders of ..267 Lord, in the morning,"Thou 44 Oh I that the Lord would.. 2(9 Lord of the worlds above,.. ll|Oh! that Thy statutes 218 Lord, teach us how to pray 249 1 Oh ! ivhat amazing words.. 116 Lord, Thy imputed right 101 jOh ! wlrere shall rest he... S07 Lord, we come before Thee 2 O Lord, behold us at Thy.. 291 Lord, when Thou didst 90 O Lord, my best desires.*. . .220 Love divine, all love excel. 100 Lord, our God, arise,... 2S2 Lord, dismiss us with Thy.. 323 Lord, Thy mercy, my 107 |0 Lord, when faith with.... 76 ^'- iO love divine, how sweet. .188 Met, God, to ask Thy 269 jO my soul what means this.175 'Mid scenes of confusion. ..319 One sweetly solemn thcught228 Millions within Thy courts. 4S : One there is above all 72 Mine eyes and my desire.. ISO Spirit of the living God I 2S9 My days are gliding swiftly. 241 :0 Thou, from whom all... 141 My dear Redeemer, and ..210^0 Thou, that hear'st the., .'zd M}' drowsy powers, why.. .204;O Thou, whose hands the.. 273 My faith looks up to Thee,. 39|o Thou, whose tender ... ]c2 My God, how endless is Thy.302: Our God, our help in ages. 812 My God, my King, Thy 23 My God, permit my tongue. 7 "• My God, the steps of pious. lOS' People of the living God! .1-19 5Iy never ceasing songs.. . 10 1 Praise waits in Zicn, Lord, S My Saviour, my almighty . . SSj Praise ye the Lord; my .. 25 VI A TA3LE OF TIIK FIRST HYMN I HYMN Praise ye the Lord ; 'tis.... 27iTliis is the dav the Lord.. .. 46 Plunged in a gulf of dark. . SC'TIiough troubles assail 106 TIiou only Sovereipn of my 152 Tliroufih all the chanping.. 1S1 Raise your triumphant 55 Through all the downward 5^25 Kejoice, believer, in the. . .2ICjThus far my God has led.. .179 Keturn,Owanderer, return, 119 Thus saith the mercy of 261 lUse, my soul, and strftch..227 j'T is by the faith of joys lli8 Rise, my soul, pursue the. 21 7 1 To God the great, the ever 21 "To Thee, my Shcj'herd and 75 To whom, niv ?aviour, ... 1S5 Rock of ages ! cleft for me. 70 S. Safely through another SOO Salvation is forever nigh,.. 114 Salvation! melodious 111 Salvation! the joyful 276 Saviour divine, we know Thy 09 Saviour, visit thy plantation 263 3ay, sinner, hath a voice. ..118 To Zioi<-s hill I lift my eyes 2S6 'Twixt Jesus and the li'i U. Upward I lift mine eyes ;. ..237 W. Wait, my soul, Thy 105 See the kind Shepherd, 293»|"VVake and lift up thyself,. 295 Show pity. Lord ! Lord !.. 138 ["Weary of struggling\vith...l.S5 Sin, like a venomous disease lOSi Welcome, sweet day of rest, 42 Sinner, oh why so thought.. 125 Welcome, welcome, dear liiG Sinners rejoice, 'tis Christ. . 78 We now, Lord, approach. 270 Soldiers of Christ, arise 242 We seek a rest beyond the.289 So let our lips and lives 211 What is the thing of 123 Sovereign of all the worlds. 252 What shall I render to my 240 Sow in the morn thy seed ..287 What shall the d\ing 110 Spirit of faith, come down,.. 98 What .'dinners value I resign;y21 Sweet is the momory of Thy 24 When God revealed His.. .153 Sweet is the work, my God, 45 When, gracious Lord, when 142 Sweet the moments, rich in 77 When I can read my title. .817 j When I survey the 80 T. Iwhen hinpuor and disease.222 Teach me the measure of. .311 When overwhelmed with ..2:M Teach us, Lord, aright. Where we cannot see our.. 203 Thee we adore, eternal.... 804 Where shall a wretched.... 133 The Lord of glorv is my.. .. 4, While life prolongs its.... 124 The Lord, the Judge, before 81 5 While with ceaseUss ."('5 The Lord, who truly knows.251 Whilst Tluc I seek 213 The man is ever blessed. . .155 Who but Thou. Alniiphty. . 2S4 The pity of the Lord 20 Who ran di f^cribe the joys.1-13 There is a fountain filled... 67 Who shall the lords ekct 1^3 There is aland of pure 810 With all my powers of luiirtir.y Thepeace, which God alone.320 Writhing in pain, our 81 The Saviour, Oh ! what end. OS The Spirit in our hearts 120 Y. The voice of free grace 112 Ye hearts, with youthful.. 202 Thine earthly Sabbathi,.... 41. Ye men and angels, witness 245 UNE OK EACH UYMK. JU HYMN ' UVMN Ye saints, proclaim abroad 54 Yes, I will bless Thee, my 13 Ye servant of God, your... 14 Yes ! we trust the day is.. .2S1 Ye wretched, hungry, 264 Your harps ye trembling. ..177 Yes, I am Thine, immortal. ITUj SUPPLEMENT. PSALMS.— OLD VERSION. rsi.LU 23 The Lord 's my Shepherd, I '11 not want, 40 I waited for the Lord my God, 67 Lord, bless and pity us, 95 come, let us sing to the Lord : 100 All people that on earth do dwell, 102 Thou shalt arise, and mercy yet, • 103 Thou, my soul, bless God the Lord. INDEX OF SUBJECTS. Opening of Worship, 1-12. Quncrsl Praise, 13-31, Praisd to Cliriat, 32-iO. Tha Lord'a Day, 41-48, 87. Scripture J, 49-51, 113. The Trinity, 52. Christ.— lucurnation, 53-57. Person and Character, 5*-62. Names and Offices, 63-74. Sufferings and Death, 75-86. Resurrection and Auceusion, 67-90. Exaltation and Intercession. 91-95. Holy Spirit, 96-102. Sovereignty of God, 106. Providence of God, 27, 104-107, Man's Ruin, 103. TlieGo3i)cl, 109-114. Inviting, 115-120. AlaniUug, 121-193. Repentance, 127-142. Conversion, 143-163. Christian Character, 154-155, Saved by grace, 156-159. Children of Go.1, 160. Justified, 161, 162. Kept unto Salv!\tion, 163-171. ChrUtian Experience, 77, 172-184. Lov« of Christ, 59, 185-189. ToChn.t,33, 189-191. Brotherly, 192, 193. Jo the CrMturd, 194. TaUh, 1 95-502. Particular Duties, Progress, 303. Zeal, 204. Watchfulness, 205-209. Consistency, 2.0, 211. Habitual Devotion, 212-215. Perseverance, 2i6-2i8, Submission, 219-226. Hc-nvenly Mindedness, 127-229. Charity, 230. Joy, 231,232, Confidence in God, 233-237, 3l». Pilgrimage, 238-241. Warfare, 242, 343. Self- Dedication, 244-246. Prayer, 247-254. The Church, 255-259, 4, 9, 1 2. Ministry, 260. BacromenU, 81, 82, 85, 261-267, 290. Revivals, 269-274. MlsMons, 275-S89. Particular Beaaoos, Youth, 60, 990-294. Morning and Evening, 295=302, Noon, 303. Sabbath, 41-48, 87. Niw Year, 304, 305, Death, .106-3 3. Judgment, 3U, 315. Heaven, 3J6-322. Close of Worship, 82S-39f , (») HYMN S. rUATER FOR THE sriRIT. C. M 1 IN Thy great name, Lord, we come, To worship at Thy feet; Oh! pour Thy Holy Spirit down On all that now shall meet. 2 We come to hear Jehovah speak, To hear the Saviour's voice: Tliy face and favour, Lord, we seek, Now make our hearts rejoice. 3 Teach us to pray, and praise, and hear, And understand Thy word; To feel Thy blissful presence near. And trust our living Lord. 4 Here let Thy power and grace be felt, Thy love and mercy known; Our icy hearts, dear Jesus, melt, And break this flinty stone, OPENING OF WORSHIP. FOR A GENEKAL BLESSING, 7^ 1 LORD, we come before Thee now, At Thy feet \ve humhly bow; Oh! do not our suit disdain; Shall wc seek Thee. Lord, in vain? 2 Lord, on Thee our souls depend, In compassion, now descend; Fill our hearts with Thy rich grace, Tune our lips to sing Thy praise. 8 Send some message from Thy word, That i»«y joy and peace afford; Let Thy Spirit now impart Full salvation to each heart. 4 Comfort those who weep and mourn; Let the time of joy return; Those who are cast down, lift up; Make them strong in faith and hope. XnE DIVINE rUESENCE. L. M. 1 HOW sweet to leave the world awhile, And seek the presence of our Lord! Dear Saviour, on Thy people smile. And come according to Tliy word. 2 From busy scenes we now retreat, That we may liere converse with Thee: Ah! Lord, behold us at Thy feet! Let this the "gate of heaven" be. 10 OPE^'IXG OF WORSHIP. 8 "Chief of ten tliousand," now appear, That, we by faitli niaj^ see Tliy faee; Oh! speak, that we Tliy voice may hear. And let Thy presence fill this place. DELIGHT AND SAFETY IX THE CIIUUCII, C. M. 1 THE Lord of glory is my light, And my salvation too: God is my strength, nor will I fear What all my foes can do. 2 One privilege ray heart desires; Oh! grant me an abode, Within til' assemblies of Thy saints. The temples of my God! 8 There shall I offer my requests, And see Thy beauty still; Shall hear Thy messages of love. And there inquire Thy will. 4 When troubles rise, and storms appear, There may His children hide: God has a strong pavilion, where He makes my soul abide. PUBLIC WORSQIP. H. M. 1 NOW to Thy sacred house Witli joy direct my feet; Where Siiints, with morning vows. In full assembly meet. U OPENING OF WORSHIP. Thy power divine I And from Thy throne Shall there be shown, I Thy mercy shine. 2 Oh! send Thy light abroad: Thy truth with heavenly ray Shall lead my soul to God, And guide my doubtful way. I'll hear Thy word, I And learn to fear With faith sincere, I And praise the Lord 8 Then in Thy holy hill, Before Thine altar, Lord, My harp and song shall sound The glories of Thy word. Henceforth to Thee, I A hymn of praise O God of grace, I My life shall be. 4 My soul, awake to joy. And triumph in the Lord, My health, my hope, ray song, And my divine reward. Ye fears remove: I But blessed, return No more I mourn; I To sing His love. 6 lord's day MonNi.vo. C. M. 1 EARLY, my God, without delay, I haste to seek Thy face ; My thirsty spirit faints away, Without Thy cheering grace. 12 OPENING OF WORSHIP. 2 I've seen Thy glory and Thy power, Through all Thy temples shine: My God repeat that heav'nly hour That vision so divine. 8 Not life itself, with all its joys, Can my best passions move; Or raise so high my cheerful voice, As Thy forgiving love. 4 Thus till my last expiring day, I '11 bless my God and king; " Thus will I lift my hands to pray, And tune my lips to sing. SEEKING GOD. 1 MY God, permit my tongue This joy, to call Thee mine ; And let my early cries prevail To taste Thy love divine. 2 Within Thy churches, Lord, I long to find my place; Thy power and glory to behold. And feel Thy quickening grace. 8 Since Thou hast been my help, To Thee my spirit flies ; And on Thy watcliful providence, My cheerful hope relies. 12 S.M. OPENING OF WORSHIP. 4 Tlie shadow of Tliy wings My soul in safety keeps; I follow where my Fatlier leads, And He supports my steps. 8 THK PRAYER-IIEAKING GOD, C. M. 1 PRAISE waits in Zion, Lord, for Thee; There shall our vows be paid: Thou hast an ear when sinners pray; All flesh shall seek Thine aid. 2 Lord, our iniquities prevail, But pardoning grace is Thine; And Thou wilt grant us power and skill To conquer every sin. S Blessed are the men whom Thou wilt choose To bring them near Tliy face ; Give them a dwelling in Thy house, To feast upon Thy grace. 4 In answering what Tliy church requests, Thy truth and terror shine; And works of dreadful righteousness Fulfill Thy kind design. y TUE PLEASURE OF PUBLIC WORSHIP. L. M. 1 HOW pleasant, how divinely fair, O Lord of iiosts. Thy dwellings are! "With long desire my spirit faints To meet th' assemblies of Thy saints. 14 OPENING OF WORSHIP. 2 Blessed are the souls that find a place Within the temple of Thy grace: There they behold Thy gentler rays, And seek Thy face, and learn Thy praise, 8 Blessed are the men whose hearts are set To find the way to Zion's gate: God is their strength, and through the road They lean upon their helper, God. 4 Cheerful they walk with growing strength, Till all shall meet in heaven at length; Till all before Thy face appear. And join in nobler worship there. 10 GRACE AND GLORY. L. M. 1 GREAT God attend, while Zion sings The joy that from Thy presence springs; To spend one day, with Thee on earth, , Exceeds a thousand da^'s of mirth, 2 God is our sun, He makes our day; God is our shield, He guards our way From all th' assaults of hell and sin, From foes without and foes within. 3 All needful grace will God bestow, Afid crown that grace with glory too: He gives us all things, and withholds No real good from upright souls. 15 OPENING OF WORSHIP. 4 God, our King, Tlij- sovereign sway, The glorious hosts of heaven obey ; And devils at Thy presence flee: Blessed is the man that trusts in Thee! 11 LONGING FOR THE HOUSE OK GOD. H. M 1 LORD of the worlds above, How pleasant and liow fair. The dwellings of Thy love. Thine earthly temples are! To Thine abode, J With warm desires, My licai't aspires, I To see my God. 2 O happy souls that pray Where God appoints to hear! O happy men tliat pay Their constant service there! They praise Tliee still ; I That love the way And happy they, I To Zion's hill. 3 Thej'- go from strength to strength, Through this dark vale of tears; Till each arrives at length. Till each in heaven appears. O glorious seat, I Shall thither bring When God our King I Our willing feet! 4 To spend one sacred day, Where God and saints abide. Affords diviner joy. Than thousand days beside: Where God resorts, I To keep the door, I covet more I Than shine in court*. 1$ GENERAL PRAISK 12 PUBLIC WORSHIP. C. M. 1 HOW did my heart rejoice to hear My friends devoutly eay: "In Ziou let us all appear. And keep the solemn day!" 2 I love her gates, 1 love the road; The cliureh adorned with grace, Stands like a palace built for God, To show His milder face. 3 Peace be within this sacred place. And joy a constant guest; "With holy gifts and heavenly grace Be her attendants blessed. ■ 4 My soul shall pray for Ziou still, While life or breath remains: There my best friends, my kindred dwell; There God my Saviour, reigns. 3[3 PERPETUAL PRAISE. C. M. 1 YES, I will bless Thee, my God! Through all my mortal days; And to eternity prolong Thy vast. Thy boundless praise. 2 Nor shall my tongue alone proclaim The honours of my God; My life, with all its active powers. Shall spread Thy praise abroad. 17 GENERAL PRAISE. 9 Not death itself shall stop my song, Though death will close my eyes; My thoughts shall then to nobler heighti^ And sweeter raptures rise. 4 There shall my lips in endless praise Their greatful tribute pay; Tlie theme demands an angel's tongue And an eternal day. 14 GLORY TO THE LAMB. lls. 1 YE servants of God, your Master proclaim, And publish abroad llis wonderful name; The name all- victorious of Jesus extol; His kingdom is glorious, and rules over alL 2 God ruleth on high, almighty to save; Yet still He is nigh, His presence we have; The great congregation His triiiinph shall sing. Ascribing salvation to Jesus, our King. 3 Salvation to God, who sits on His throne; Let all cry aloud, and honour the Son ; Immanuel's praises the angels proclaim, Fall down on their faces, and worship the Lamb 4 Then let us adore, and give Him His i-ight; All glory and power, all wisdom ami might; All honour and blessing, with angels above, And thanks never ceasing, and infinite love. 26 GENERAL PRAISE. lO REJOICING IV GOD. L. M, 1 JUST are Thy ways, and true Thy word, Great Rock of my secure abode ; Who is a God beside the Lord? Or where 's a refuge like our God? 2 'T is He that girds me with His might. Gives me His holy sword to wield ; And while with sin and hell T fight, Spreads His salvatiou for mj^ shield. 3 He lives, and blessed be my Rock ! The God of my salvation lives ; The dark designs of hell He broke : Sweet is the peace my Saviour gives.' 4 Before the scoffers of the age, I will exalt my Savioui''s name ; Nor tremble at their miglity rage, But meet reproach, and bear the shame. IG THE FAITUFULNESS OF GOD. C. M. 1 MY never ceasing songs shall show The mercies of the Lord: And make succeeding ages know, How faithful is His word. 2 The sacred trutlis His lips pronounce, Shall firm as heaven endure; And if He speaks a promise once, Th' eternal grace is sure. GENERAL PRAISE. S How long tho race of David held The promised Jewish throne! 'But there 's a nobler covenant sealed To David's greater Son. 4 His seed for ever shall possess A throne above the skies; The meanest subject of His grace, Shall to that glory rise. 5 Lord God of hosts, Thy wondrous ways Are sung by saints above; And paints on earth their honours raise To Thine unchanging love. 1/ A CALL TO DELAVIKG SINNERS. S. M. 1 COME, sound His praise abroad. And hymns of glory sing: Jehovah is the sovereign God, Tlic universal King. 2 He formed the deeps unknown; He gave the seas their bound; The watery worlds are all His own. And all the solid ground. S Come, worship at His throne. Come, bow before tlie Lord: "We are His work, and not our own. He formed us by His word. 20 GENERAL PRAISE. 4 To-day attend His voice, Nor dare provoke His rod; Come, like the people of His choice, And own your gracious God. ^3 PRAISE TO OUR CREATOR. L. M. 1 BEFORE Jehovah's awful throne, Ye nations, bow with sacred joy: Know that the Lord is God alone; He can create, and He destroy. 2 His sovereign power, without onr aid, Made us of clay, and formed us men; And when like wandering slieep we strayed, He brought us to His fold again. 3 "We are His people, we His care. Our souls and all our mortal frame ; What lasting honours shall we rear, Almighty Maker, to Thy name ? 4 We'll crowd Thy gates with thankful songs: High as the heaven, our voices raise; • And earth, with her ten thousand tongues, Shall fill Thy courts with sounding praise, 5 Wide as the world is Thy command, Vast as eternity Thy love ; Firm as a rock Thy truth must stfind, \Mien rolling years shall cease to more. 21 GENERAL PRAISE. 19 PRAISE FOR MERCIES. S. M. 1 OH! l>less the Lord, my soiil! Let all ■within me join, And aid my tongue to bless His name, "Whose favours are divine. 2 Oh! hless the Lord, my soul I K'or let His mercies lie Forgotten in unthankfulness, And without Y)raise3 die. 3 'Tis He forgives thy sins; 'T is He relieves thy pain; 'Tis He that heals thy sicknesses, And makes thee young again. 4 He crowns thy life with love, When ransomed from the grave; He, that redeemed ni}- soul from hell, Hatli sovereign power to save. 20 MERCY IN TriE MIDST OK JUBG^rENT. S. M. I 1 THE pity of the Lord To those that fear His name, Is such as tender parents feel: He knows our feeble frame. 2 He knows we are but dust. Scattered with every breath ; His anger, like a rising wind. Can send us swift to death. 22 GENERAL PRAISR 8 Our days are as the grass, Or like the morning flower; If one sharp blast sweep o'er the field. It withers in an hour. 4 But Tliy compassions, Lord, To endless years endure: And children's children ever find Thy words of promise sure. 21 TKAISE AND PRATER. L. M 1 TO God the great, the ever blessed, Let songs of honour be addressed; His mercy firm for ever stands ; Give Him the thanks His love demands. 2 Who knows the wonders of Thy ways ? Who shall fulfil Thy boundless praise? Blessed are the souls that fear Thee still, And pay their duty to Thy wull. Z Rem.ember what Thy mercy did For Jacob's race. Thy chosen seed ; And with the same salvation bless The meanest suppliant of Thy grace. < Oh ! may I see Thy tribes rejoice, And aid their triumphs with my voice ! This is my glory. Lord, to be Joined to Thy saints, and near to Thee. 23 GENERAL TRAISE. 22 THE GOODNESS OF GOD. ^ L. M, 1 GIVE thanks to God ; He reigns above ; Kind are His thoughts, His name is love; His mere}' ages past have known, And ages long to come shall own. 2 TiOt the redeemed of the Lord, Tlie wonders of His grace record ; Israel, the nation whom He chose, And rescued from their mighty foes. 3 He feeds and clothes us all the way, He guides our footsteps lest we stray He guards us with a powerful hand, And brings us to the heavenly land. 4 Oh ! let the saints with joy record Tlie truth and goodness of the Lord ! How great His works ! how kind His ways! Let every tongue pronounce His praise. 23 THE GREATNESS OF GOD. L. M> 1 MY God, my King, Thy various praise Shall fill the remnant of my days; Thy grace employ my humble tongue, • Till death and glory raise the song. 2 The wings of every hour shall bear Some thankful tribute to Thine ear; And every setting sun shall see New works of dutj' done for Thee. 24 GENERAL PRAISE. 3 Tliy -^orks with sovereign glory shine, And speak Tliy majestj' divine: Let Zion in her courts proclaim The sound and honour of Thy name. 4 But who can speak Thy wondroue deeds? Thy greatness all our thoughts exceeds: Vast and unsearchable Thy ways; Vast and immortal be Thy praise. 24: THE GOODNESS OF GOD. C. M. 1 SWEET is the memory of Thy grace, My God, my heavenly King: Let age to age Th}'^ righteousness In sounds of glory sing. 2 With longing eyes Thy creatures wait On Tliee for dail\' food; Thy liberal hand provides their meat. And fills their mouths with good. 3 How kind are Tliy compassions, Lord ! How slow Thine anger moves! But soon He sends UU pardoning word To cheer the souls He loves. 4 Creatures, with all their endless race, Thy power and praise proclaim: But sfiints that taste Thy richer grace, Delight to bless Thy name. 2 25 GENERAL PRAISE. J30 PRAISE FOR DIVIWE GOODNESS. L. M. 1 PRAISE ye the Lord ; my heart shall join In work so pleasant, so divine ; Kow while the flesh is my abode, And when my soul ascends to God. 2 Pz-aise shall employ my noblest powers, While immortalitj' endures: My daj's of praise shall ne'er be past, While life, and thought, and being last. S Why should I make a man my trust? Princes must die and turn to dust; Their breath departs, their pomp, and power, And thoughts, all vanish in an hour. 4 Happy the man, whose hopes rely On Israel's God ; He made the sky. And earth and seas, with all their train ; And none shall find His promise vain. 26 GOODNESS AND FAITHFULNESS OF GOD. L. P. M 1 I'LL praise my Maker with my breath, And when my voice is lost in death, Praise shall employ my nobler powers: My days of praise shall ne'er be past, While life, and thought, and being last, Or immortality endures. 3 Happy the man whose hopes rely On Israel's God : He matle the sky, And earth and seas, with all their train: «6 GENERAL PRAISE. His truth forever stands secure ; He saves th' oppressed, He feeds the poor ; And none shall find His promise vain. 27 PROVIDENCE AND GRACE. L. M. 1 PRAISE ye the Lord: 'tis good to raise Our hearts and voices in His praise: His nature and His works invite To make this duty our delight. 2 The Lord builds up Jerusalem, And gathers nations to His name: His mercy melts the stubborn soul, And makes the broken spirit whole. 3 He formed the stars, those heavenly flames. He counts tlieir numbers, calls their names: His wisdom 's vast, and knows no bound, A deep where all our thoughts are drowned. 4 Great is our Lord, and great His might. And all His glories infinite; He crowns the meek, rewards the just, And treads the wicked to the dust. 28 GLORY OF THE GRACE OF GOD. L. M. 1 NOW to the Lord a noble song: Awake, my sonl! awake, my tongue: Hosanna to th' eternal Name, And all His boundless love proclaim 1 27 GENERAL PRAISE. 2 See where it shines in Jesus' face. The brightest image of His grace : God, in the person of His Son, Has all His mightiest works outdone. 3 Grace! 't is a sweet, a cliarming theme; My thoughts rejoice at Jesus' name: Ye angels, dwell upon the sound ; Ye heavens, reflect it to the ground 1 29 "faithful is he that calleth tou." C. ^L 1 BEGIN, my tongue, some heavenly theme, And speak some boundless thing : The mighty works, or mightier name. Of our eternal King. 2 Tell of His wondrous faithfulness, And sound His power abroad ; Sing the sweet promise of His grace. And the performing God. 3 His very word of grace is strong, As that which built the skies ; The voice that rolls the stars along Speaks all the promises. 4 Oh, might I hear Tliy heavenly tongue V But whisper, "Thou art mine ! " Those gentle words should raise my bod^J To notes almost divine. 23 GENERAL PRAISE. 30 INFINITY OF GOD. C. M. 1 GREAT GOD! liow infinite art Thou! What worthless worms are we! Let the whole race of creatures bow, Aud pay their praise to Thee. 2 Thy tlirone eternal ages stood, Ere seas or stars were made; Thou art the ever living God, "Were all the nations dead. 3 Eternity, with all its years. Stands present in thy view; To Thee, there 's nothing old appears; Great God! there's nothing new. 4 Our lives through various scenes are drawn, And vexed with trifling cares, While Thine eternal thought moves on Thine undisturbed affairs. 31 GOD IS LOVE. C. M. 1 COME, ye that know and fear the Lord, And lift your souls above: Let every heart and voice accord. To sing that. God is love. 2 This precious truth His word declares, And all His mercies prove ; Jesus, the gift of gifts, appears To show, that God is love. 29 PRAISE TO CHRIST. S In all His doctrines and commands, His counsels and designs, In every work His hands have framed, His love supremely shines, 4 Angels and men the news proclaim, Through earth and lieaven above. The joyful and transporting news, Tlxat God, the Lord, is love. WORTHY TUE LAMB. 6s. and 'iS, 1 GLORY to God on high : Let heaven and earth reply, Praise ye His name ! His love and grace adore, Who all our sorrows bore; And sing for evermore, Worthy the Lamb. 2 All they around the throne. Cheerfully join in one, Praising His name, We, who have felt His blood, Sealing our peace jvitli God, Sound His dear name abroad, Worthy the Lamb. 8 Join, all ye ransomed race, Our Lord and God to bless; Praise ye His name : In Him we will rejoice, 80 PRAISE TO CHRIST. And make a joyful noise, Shouting with heart and voice. Worthy the Lamb. 4 What though we change our place. Yet we shall never cease Praising His name : To Him our songs we bring, Hail Him our gracious King, And without ceasing sing, Worthy the Lamb. 33 PKAISE TO CHRIST. H. Mi 1 COME, every pious heart That loves the Saviour's name, Your noblest power exert To celebrate His fame : Tell all above, I The debt of love. And all below, I To Him you owe. 2 He left His starry crown, And laid His robes aside: On wings of love came down, And wept, and bled, and died : What He endured. j To save our souls. Oh! who can tell? I From death and helL 3 From the dark grave He rose, The mansion of the dead ; And thence His mighty foes In glorious triumph led: Up through the sky, I And reigns on high, Tlie conqueror rode, 1 Tlie Saviour God. 31 PRAISE TO CHRIST. 4 Jesus, we ne'er can pay The debt we owe Thy love; Yet tell us how we may Our gratitude approve: Our hearts, our all, I The gift, though small, To Thee we give: I Do Thou receive. 34: THK SONG OK MOSES AND THK LAM& S. M. 1 AWAKE, and sing the song Of Moses and the Lamb; Wake, every heart, and every tongue, To praise the Saviour's name. 2 Sing of His dying lo^-e, Sing of His rising power; Sing how He intercedes above, For those wliose sins He bore. 8 Sing, on your heavenly wfiy, Ye ransomed sinners, sing; Sing on rejoicing, every day, In Christ, the exalted King. 4 Soon shall your raptured tongue His endless praise proclaim ; And sweeter voices tune the song Of Moses and the Lamb. 35 THE NAME OF JESUS. C. M. 1 HOW sweet the name of Jesus sounds, In a believer's ear! It soothes his sorrows, heals his wounds, And drives away his fear. 32 PRAISE TO CHRIST. 2 It makes the wounded spirit whole, And calms the troubled breast; 'Tis manna to the hungry soul, And to the weary rest. 8 Dear name! the rock on which I build. My shield and hiding place; My never-failing treasury, filled "With boundless stores of grace! 4 "Weak is the effort of my heart, Android my warmest thought; But w^hen I see Thee as Thou art, I'll praise Thee as I ought. 5 Till then, I would Tliy love proclaim "With every fleeting breath ; And may the music of Thy name Refresh my soul in death. I PRAISE TO THE REDEEMER. C. M. 1 OH ! for a thousand tongues to sing My dear Redeemer's praise. The glories of my God and King, The triumphs of His grace. ^ 2 My gracious Master and my God, Let saints Thy love proclaim, •And spread through all the earth abroad The honours of Thy name. 83 PRAISE TO CHRIST. 3 Jesus, the name that calms our fears, That bids our sorrow cease ; 'Tis music to our ravished ears; 'T is life, and health, and peace. 4 It breaks the power of reigning sin. And sets the prisoner free ; Thy blood can cleanse the foulest stain, And can avail for me. 37 THK EXCELLENCIES OF CHRIS*. L M. 1 JOIX, all who love the Saviour's name, To sing His everlasting fame; Great God, prepare each heart and voice, In Him for ever to rejoice. 2 Bless Him, my soul, from day to day; Trust Him to lead thee on thy way; Give Him thy poor, weak, sinful heart; "With Ilim oh! never, never part. 8 Take Him for strength and righteousness; Make Him thy refuge in distress: Love Him above all earthly joy; And Him in every thing employ. 4 Praise Him in cheerful, grateful songs, To Him your highest praise belongs! Bless Him, who doth your heaven prepare, And whojii you '11 praise for ever there. 84 PRAISE TO CHRIST. 38 CnUIST OUR STKENGTH. C. M. 1 MY Saviour, my alruiglity Friend, When 1 begin Thy praise, Where will the growing numbers end, The numbers of Thy grace? 2 Thou art ray everlasting trust, Thy goodness I adore ! And, since I knew Tliy graces first, I speak Thy glories more. 3 My feet shall travel all the length Of the celestial road ; And march with courage in Thy strength, To see my Father, God. 4 When I am filled with sore distress For some surprising sin, I'll plead Thy perfect righteousness, Ac^ mention none but Thine. 39 CHRIST OUR coxFiDKNCE. 6s. and 48. 1 MY faith looks up to Thee, Thou Lamb of Calvary, Saviour divine! Now hear me while I pray. Take all my guilt away, O let me from this day Be wholly Thine 2 May Thy rich grace impart Strength to my fainting heart ; S5 PRAISE TO CHRIST. My zeal inspire: As Tliou hast died for me, O may m}' love to Thee, Pure, warm, and changeless be, A living fire, 3 While life's dark maze I tread, And griefs around me spread, Be Thou my guide : Bid darkness turn to day, Wipe sorrow's tears away, Nor let me ever stray. From Thee aside, 4 When ends life's transient dream, W^hen death's cold, sullen stream Shall o'er me roll, Blessed Saviour, then in love. Fear and distrust remove ; O bear me safe above, A ransomed soul! 4:0 LAMB OF GOD TO 13E WORSnlPPKD. C. M. 1 COME, let us join our cheerful songs, Witli angels round the throne; Ten thousand thousand are their tongues, But all their jo^'s are one, 2 "Worthy the Lamb that died," they cry, "To be exalted thus;" " Worthy the Lamb," our lips reply, " For He was slain for us." 86 THE LORD'S DAY. 3 Let all that dwell above the sky, And air, and earth, and seas, Conspire to lift Th}- glories high, And speak Thine endless praise. 4 The whole creation join in one, To bless the sacred name Of Him who sits upon the throne. And to adore the Lamb. i^l THE ETERNAL SABBATH. L. M. 1 THINE earthly Sabbaths, Lord, we love. But there's a nobler rest above: To that our longing souls aspire, "With cheerful hope and warm desire. 2 No more fatigue, no more distress. Nor sin nor hell shall reach the place ; Nor groans shall mingle wdth the songs. Which warble from immortal tongues. 3 No rude alarms of raging foes. No cares to break the long repose, No midnight shade, no clouded sun; But sacred, high, eternal noon. 4 O long expected day! begin; Dawn on these realms of woe and sin*. Fain would we leave this weary road, And sleep in death, to rest with God. 87 THE LORD'S DAT. 4:2 lord's day morning. S. ^L 1 WELCOME, sweet day of rest, That suw tlie Lord arise! "Welcome to tins reviving breast, And these rejoicing eyesl 2 The King himself comes neir, And feasts His saints to-day ; Here we may sit, and see Him here, And love, and praise, and pray. 3 One day amidst tlic place "Where ni}' groat God hath been. Is sweeter than ten thousand days Of pleasurable sin, 4 My willing soul would stay In such a frame as this; / And sing, and bear herself away To everlasting bliss. 4:3 lord's day evening. C. il, 1 FREQUENT the day of God returns. To shed its quickening beams; And yet how slow devotion burns. How languid are its flames!" 2 Accept our faint attempts to love, Our frailties, Lord, forgive; We would be like Tliy saints above. And praise Thee while we live. 88 THE LORD'S DAY. 8 Increase, Lord, our faith and hope. And fit us to ascend, Where the asseml)ly ne'er breaks up, The Sabbath ne'er shall end. 4 There we shall breathe in heavenly air. With heavenly lustre shine; Before the throne of God appear, And feast on love divine. 4s4s lord's day morning. C. M. 1 LORD ! in the morning Thou shalt hear My voice ascending high ; To Thee will I direct my prayer, To Thee lift up mine eye ; 2 Up to the hills, where Christ is gone To plead for all His saints, Presenting at His Father's throne Our songs and our complaints. 3 Thou art a God before whose sight Tlie wicked shall not stand ; Sinners shall ne'er be Thy delight, Nor dwell at Thy right hand. 4 But to Thy house will I resort, To taste Thy mercies there: I ^YiU frequent Thy holy court, And worship in Thy fear. THE LORD'S DAY. 5 Oil! may Thy Spirit guide my feet In ways of righteousness ; Make every path of duty straight And plain before my face. 4:5 ^OR THE lord's day. L. M. 1 SWEET is the work, my God, my King. To praise Thy name, give tlianks und sing: To sliow Thy love by morning light. And talk of all Thy truth at night. 2 Sweet is the day of sacred rest, No mortal care shall seize my breast: Oh! may my heart in tune be found, Like David's harp of solemn sound. 3 My heart shall triumph in my Lord, And bless His works, and bless His word: Thy works of grace, how bright they shine! How deep Thy counsels! how divine! 4 But I shall share a glorious part, "When grace hath well refined my heart And fresh supplies of joy are shed, Like holy oil, to elieer my head. 4G AN nOSANXA FOn THE LORd's DAY. C. M. 1 THIS is the day the Lord hath made; He calls the hours His own ; Let heaven rejoice, let cnrlli be glad, And praise surround the throne. 40 THE LORD'S DAY. 2 To-day He rose, and left the, dead; And Sp.tau's empire fell : To-day the saints His triumph spread. And all His wonders tell. 3 Blessed be the Lord who comes to men With messages of grace ; "Who comes in God, His Father's name, To save our sinful race. 4 Hosanna in the highest strains The church on earth can raise ! The highest heavens in which He reigns, Shall give Him nobler praise. 4-7 THE lord's day. . CM. 1 AGAIN the Lord of life and light Awakes the kindling ray; Unseals the eyelids of the morn, And pours increasing day. 2 what a night was that, which wrapt A sinful world in gloom ! O what a sun which broke this day, Triumphant from the tomb! 8 This day be grateful homage paid, And lond hosannas sung; Let gladness dwell in every heart, And praise on every tongue. 41 SCRIPTURES. 4 Ten thousand different lips shall join To hail this welcome morn, "Which scatters blessings from its wings, To nations yet unborn. 4:8 SABBATH EVENING SONG. L. M. 1 MILLIONS witliin Thy courts have met, Millions this day before Thee bowed ; Their faces Zioii-ward were set, Vows with their lips to Thee they vowed: 2 But Tliou, soul-searcliing God! hast known The hearts of all that bent the knee, And hast accepted those alone In spirit that have worshipped Thee S And not a prayer, a tear, a sigh. Hath failed to-day some suit to gain; To those in trouble Thou wert nigh, Not one hath sought Thy face in vain. 4 Yet one prayer more; — and be it one In which both heaven and earth accord ; Fulfil Thy promise to Thy Son, Let all that breathe call Jesus, Lord. 4:9 THE LAMP OF LIFE. C, M 1 HOW precious is the book divine, By inspiration given ! Bright as the lamp its doctrines fchine, To guide our souls to heaven. 42 SCRIPTURES. 2 It sweetly cheers our drooping hearts lu this dark vale of tears; Life, light, and joy, it still imparts, And quells our rising fears, 3 This lamp, through all the tedious night Of life, shall guide our way; Till we behold the clenrer light Of au eternal day. 50 SCRIPTUUE THE BEST GUIDE. C. M. 1 HOW shall the young secure their hearts. And guard their lives from sin? Thy word the choicest rules imparts, To keep the conscience clean. 2 "When once it penetrates the mind, It spreads such light abroad, The meanest souls instruction find. And raise their thoughts to God,. 3 'Tis, like the sun, a heavenly light. That guides us all the day: And through the dangers of the night, A lamp to lead our way. 4 Thy word is everlasting truth; How pure is every page! That holy book shall guide our youth, And well support our age. 43 THE TRINITY. Ol TDE EXCELLENCE OF SCRIPTURE. C. M. 1 LORD, I have made Thy word my choice, My lasting heritage; There shall my noblest powers rejoice, My warmest thoughts engage. 2 I'll read the histories of Thy love. And keep Thy laws in sight: "While through Tliy promises I rove, "With ever fresh delight. 8 *T is a broad land of wealth unknown, Where springs of life arise ; Seeds of immortal bliss are sown, And hidden glory lies. 4 The best relief that mourners have, It makes our sorrows blessed ; Our fairest hope beyond the grave. And our eternal rest. 1 52 INVOCATION OF THE TRINITY. 69. and 4«| 1 COME, Thou almighty King, Help us Thy nanbe to sing, Help us to praise; Father all glorious, O'er all victorious, Come and reign over us, Ancient of days 44 CHRIST.— IXCARNATIOI^. 2 Jeeu?, our Lord, arise, Scatter our enemies, And make them fall! Let Thine almghty aid Our sure defence be made: Our souls on Tlioe be stayed: Lord, hear our call 1 3 Come, holy Comfoi'ter, Thy sacred witness bear, In tins glad hour! Thou, who almighty art, Isow rule in every heart, And ne'er from us depart. Spirit of power. 4 To the great Oxe in Threb, The highest praises be. Hence evermore! His sovereign majesty, May we in glory see, And to eternity Love and adore. GOD RECONCILED IN CIiniST. C. M. 1 DEAREST of all the names above, My Jesus, and my God, "Who can resist Thy heavenly love, Or trifle with Thy blood ? 45 CHRIST. — INC AR N ATION. 2 'T is by the niorits of Tliy death. The Father smiles again ; 'T is bj^ Tliy intereeding breath, The Spirit dwells with men. 3 Till God in human flesh I see, My thoughts no comfort find ; The- holy, just, and sacred Three Are terrors to my mind. 4 But if Immanuel's face appear, My hope, my joy begins; His name forbids my slavish fear, His grace removes my sins. 6 While Jews on their own law rely. And Greeks of wisdom boast; I love th' Incarnate Mystery, And there I fix my trust. 54: INCARNATE SAVIOUR. 1 YE saints, proclaim abroad The honours of your King: To Jesus, j^our incarnate God, Yotir songs of praises sing. 2 Not angels round the throne Of majesty above. Are half so much obliged as we, To our Immanuel's love.. 46 CHRIST.— INCARNATION. S They never sunk eo low, They are not raised eo high; Tliey never knew sucli depths of woe. Such li eights of majesty. 4 The Saviour did not join Their nature to His own ; For them lie shed no blood divine. Nor breathed a single groan. 5 May we with angels vie, The Saviour to adore! Our debts are greater far than theirs Oh ! be our praises more! 55 SENT TO SAVE. S. M. 1 RAISE your triumphant eongs, To an immortal tune ; Let the wide earth resound the deeds Celestial grace has done. \- 2 Sing how eternal love Its chief Beloved chose ; And bade Hira raise our wretched race From their abyss of woes. ,3 His hand no thunder bears, No terror clothes His brow. No bolts to drive our guilty souk To fiercer flames below. 47 CHRIST.— INCARNATION. 4 'T was mercy filled the throne, And wrath stood silent by, When Christ was sent with pardons down, To rebels doomed to die. 56 «E CAME TO SAVE SINNERS. C. M. 1 HxVRK the glad sound! the Saviour's come! The Saviour promised long! Let every heart prepare a throne, And every voice a song. 2 On Him the Spirit, largely poured, Exerts its sacred fire; Wisdom and might, and zeal and love, His holy breast inspire. 3 He conies, from thickest films of vice. To clear the mental ray, And on the eye-balls of the blind To pour celestial day. 4 He comes the broken heart to bind. The bleeding soul to cure; And with His righteousness and grace T enrich the humble poor. O/ THE SACRIFICE OF CHRIST. C, M. j 1 BEHOLD, the blessed Redeemer comes, Th' eternal Son appears! And at th' appointed time asgumes, The body God pi'cpares I 4« PERSON AND CHARACTER. 2 Jesus revenled His Father's grace. And His rich mercy showed : He preached the way of righteousness And spread His truth abroad. 8 His Father's honour touched His heart. He pitied sinners' cries; And, to fulfil a Saviour's part, Was made a sacrifice. 4 No blood of beasts, on altars shed, Could wash the conscience clean; The sacrifice which Jesus paid, Atones for all our sin. Oo THE Messiah's coming axd kingdom. C. M. 1 JOY to the world; the Lord is come; Let earth receive her King; Let every heart prepare Him room, And heaven and nature sing. 2 Joy to the earth; the Saviour reigns: Let men their songs employ; While fields and floods, rocks, hills, and plains Repeat the sounding joy. 3 No more let sins and sorrows grow, Nor thorns infest the ground : He comes, to make His blessings flow, Far as the curse is found. 3 49 CHRIST. 4 He rules the world with truth and grace, And makes the nations prove The glories of His righteousness, And wonders of His love. 59 LOVING KINDNESS OF CHRIST. L. M. 1 AWAKE, my soul, to joyful lays, And sing the great Redeemer's praise; He justly claims a song from me, His loving kindness, Oh! how freel 2 He saw me ruined in the fall. Yet loved me, notwithstanding all: He saved me from my lost estate, His loving kindness. Oh! how great! 3 Though numerous hosts of mighty foes, Though earth and hell my way oppose, He safely leads my soul along, His loving kindness, Oh! how strong 1 4 Often I feel my sinful heart, Prone from my Jesus to depart; But, though I have Him oft forgot, His loving kindness changes not. QQ JESrS nt'U VITAL HEAD. C. M 1 JESUS, we sing Thy matchless grace, That calls poor worms Thy own ; Give us among Thy saints a place, To naake Thy glories known. 50 PERSON AND CHARACTER. 2 Allied to Thee, our vital Head, "We live, and grow, and thrive: From Thee, divided, each is dead. When most he seems alive. 8 Thy saints on earth, and those above, Here join in sweet accord: One body all in mutual love. And Thou, our common Lord. 4 May faith from Thee each hour derive Supplies wit^ fresh delight; While death and hell in vain shall strivi This bond to disunite. 61 EXCELLENCE OF CHRISr. C. P. M. 1 OH ! could I speak the matchless worth, Oh ! could I sound the glories forth That in my Saviour shine ; I'd soar and touch the heavenly strings, And vie with Gabriel while he sings In notes that are divine. 2 I 'd sing the characters He bears. And all the forms of love He wears Exalted on His throne; In loftiest songs of sweetest praise, I would to everlasting days. Make all His glories known. 8 Soon the deliglitful morn will come. When my dear Lord will bring me home. And I shall ft«e His face; &1 CHRIST. There with my Saviour, Brother, Friend, A blessed eternity I '11 spend, Triumphant in His grace. 63 CHRIST THE WAY TO GOD. L. '^L 1 JESUS, my All, to heaven is gone — He whom I fix my hopes upon ; His track I see, and I '11 pursue The narrow way, till Him I view. 2 The way the holy prophets went. The way that leads from banishment, Tlie King's highway of holiness, I '11 go, for all His paths are peace. 3 This is the way I long had sought. And mourned because I found it not; Till late I heard mj" Saviour say, " Come hither, soul ; I am the way." 4 Now will I tell to sinners round How dear a Saviour I have found: I '11 point to Thy redeeming blood, And say, " Behold the way to Godl " 03 "OXE THING IS NEEDFUL." L. M. 1 JESUS, engrave it on my heart, That Thou the one thing needful art; I could from all things parted be, But never, never. Lord, from Thee. 62 NAMES AND OFFICES. 2 Needful is Thy most precious blood; Needful is Tliy eorrcctiiig rod; Needful is Thy indulgent care ; Needful Thy all prevailing prayer. 3 Needful art Thou, my Guide, my Star, Through all life's dark and weary way ; Nor less in death Thou Tt needful be, To bring my spirit home to Thee. 4 Then, needful still, my God, my King, Thy name eternally I '11 sing ! Glory and praise be ever His, The ONE TUiNG NEEDFUL Jesus is ! 64: pkophet, priest and king. H. M. 1 JOIN all the glorious names Of wisdom, love, and power, That ever mortals knew, That angels ever bore ; All are too mean, to speak His worth ; Too mean to set my Saviour forth. 2 Great Prophet of my God, My tongue would bless Thy name : By Tlaee the joyful news Of our salvation came ; The jo3'ful news of sins forgiven, Of hell subdued, and peace with heaven. 8 Jesus, my great High Pi'iest, Offered His blood, and died : 53 CHRIST. My gtiilty conscience seeks No sacrifice beside. His powerful blood did once atone ; And now it pleads before the throne. 4 My dear and mighty Lord, My Conqueror, and my King Thy sceptre and Thy sword, Thy reigning grace I sing. Thine is the power; behold! I sit In willing bonds beneath Thy feet. 05 THE ATONING LAMB. L. M. 1 BEHOLD the sin-atoning Lamb, With wonder, gratitude, and love! To take away our guilt and shame. See Him descending from above. 2 To save His guilty chnrch, He dies; Mourners, behold the bleeding Lamb! To Him lift up your longing eyes. And hope for mercy in His name. S Pardon and peace through Him abound; He can the richest blessings give: Salvation in His name is found; He bids the dying sinner live. 4 Jesus, my Lord, I look to Thee; "Where else can heli)less sinners go? Thy boundless love shall set me free From all my wretchedness and woe. 5« NAMES AND OFFICES. 66 THE HEAVENLY LAMB. S. M. 1 NOT all the blood of beasts. On Jewish altars slain. Could give the guilty conscience peace. Or wash away the stain. 2 But Christ, the heavenly Lamb, Takes all our sins away ; A sacrifice of nobler name. And richer blood than they. 8 My faith would lay her hand On that dear head of Thine, "While like a penitent I stand. And there confess my sin. 4 My soul looks back to see The burdens Thou didst bear, When hanging on th' accursed tree, And hopes her guilt was there, 5 Believing, we rejoice To see the curse remove; We bless the Lamb with cheerful voice, And sing His bleeding love. 6/ THE FOUNTAIN OPENED. C. M. 1 THERE is a fountain filled with blood, Drawn from Immanuel's veins; And sinners, plunged beneath that flood. Lose all their guilty stains. 65 ©8 CHRIST. 2 The dying tliief rejoiced to see That fountain, in his day; And there may I, as vile as he, AYash all my sins away. 3 Dear dying Lamb, Tliy precious blood Shall never lose its power, Till all the ransomed church of God Be saved, to sin no more. 4 E'er since, by faith, I saw the stream, Thy flowing wounds suppl}', Redeeming love has been my theme. And shall be, till I die. 5 Then in a nobler, sweeter song, I'll sing Thy power to save; AVlien this poor lisping, stammering tongue, Lies silent in the grave. 68 THE SAVIOUR. C. M. 1 THE Saviour! Oh! what endless charms Dwell in the blissful sound; Its influence every fear disarms. And spreads sw^eet comfort round. 2 Here pardon, life, and joys divine, In rich eff"usion flow, For guilty rebels lost in sin, Aiid doomed to endless woe. 56 NAMES AND OFFICES. 3 Th' almightj' Former of the skies S<-.ooped to our vile abode ! While angels viewed, with wondering ej'cs, And hailed th' incarnate God. 4 Oh ! the rich depths of love divine. Of bliss a boundless store! Dear Saviour, let me call Thee mine; I cannot wish for more. 5 On Thee alone my hope relies, Beneath Thy cross I fall ; My Lord, my life, my sacrifice. My Saviour, and my all. Q^ THE LORD OUR RIGHTEOUSNESS. C. M. 1 SAVIOUR divine, we know Thy name, And in that name we trust ; Thou art the Lord our Righteousness, Thou art Thine Israel's boast. 2 The sins of e'en the best spent day. Might plunge us in despair ; Yet all the crimes of numerous years Shall our great Surety clear. S That spotless robe, which He hath wrought. Shall deck us all around ; In His imputed righteousness, No blemish shall be found. .S» 57 CHRIST. 4 Pardon, 4ind peace, and lively hope To sinners now are grven ; And weeping saints shall change ere long, Their wilderness for heaven. 5 With joy we taste that manna now, Tliy mercy scatters down; We seal our humble vows to Thee, And wait the promised crown. 70 KOCK OF AGES. 7*. 1 ROCK of ages! cleft for me. Let me hide myself in Thee; Let the water and the blood, From Thy side a healing flood, Be of sin the double cure, Save from wratli, and make me pure. 2 Should my tears for ever flow, Should my zeal no languor know. This for sin could not atone, Thou must save, and Thou alone; In my hand no price I bring, Simply to Thy cross I cling. 3 While I draw tliis fleeting breath, When my eye-lids close in death, Wlien I rise to worlds unknown. And behold Thee on Thy throne. Rock of ages ! cleft for me, Let me hide myself in Thee! 58 NAMES AND OFFICES. T'X UNCHANGEABLE FRIKND. C. M. 1 COME, let our hearts and voices join, To praise the Saviour's name; "Wliose truth and kindness are divine, Whose love 's a constant flame, 2 When rnqst we need His gracious hand. This Friend is always near; With heaven and earth at His command, He waits to answer prayer. 3 His love no end nor measure knows, No change can turn its course ; Immutably the same, it flows From one eternal source. 4 When frowns appear to veil His face. And clouds surround His throne; He hides tlie purpt)se of His grace To make it better known. 5 And when our dearest comforts fall Before His sovereign will, He never takes away our all. Himself, He give us still. 72 FRIEND OF SINNERS, Ss. and Vs. 1 ONE there is. above all others, Well deserves the name of Friend ; His is love beyond a brother's, Costl}', free, and knows no end: They who once His kindness prove Find it everlasting love. 59 CHRIST. 2 Which of all our friends, to save us, Could or would have shed his blood? But our Jesus died to have U3 Reconciled in Him to God; Tills -was boundless love indeed! Jesus is a Friend in need ! 8 When He lived on earth abased, Friend of sinners was His name ; Now above all glory raised, He rejoices in the same; Still He calls them " Brethren— friends,' And to all their wants attends. 4 Oh ! for grace our liearts to soften ! Teach us, Lord, at length to love ; We, alas! forget too often. What a Frit'ud we have above: But when home our souls are brought, We will love Thee as we ought. 73 THE GOOD SHEPHERD. S. M. 1 JESUS my Shepherd lives, Jehovah is His name: Since He is mine, and I am His, I shall not suffer shame. 2 He leads me to the place Where, heavenly pasture grows; Where living waters gently pass. And full salvation flows. 60 NAVIES AND OFFICKS. 3 If e'er I go astray, ■^,*"' He doth my soul reclaim; And guides me in His own right way, For His most holy name. 4 While He affords His aid, I cannot want or fear: Though I t^hould walk through death's dark shade, My Shepherd 's with me there. 74: THE SURE lOUXDATION. C. M. 1 BEHOLD the sure foundation Stone, Which God in Zion lays. To build our heavenly hopes upon. And His eternal praise. 2 Chosen of God, to sinners dear, How glorious is Thy name! Saints trust their whole salvation here, Nor shall they suffer shame. 3 The foolish builders, scribe and priest, Reject it with disdain: Yet on this Rock the church shall rest, And envy rage in vain, 4 "What though the gates of hell withstood; Yet must this building rise; 'Tis Thy own work, almighty God, And wondrous in our eyes. 61 CHRIST. /O THE GOOD SHEPHEED. C. M. 1 TO Thee, my Sliepherd and my Rock, A grateful song I '11 raise ; Olil let the meanest of the flock Attempt to speak Thy praise. 2 Thou art my iruard; my all I owe To Thine amazing love: My standing in Thy fold below, And hopes of bliss above. 3 Ten thousand thousand comforts here, Dispensed in various ways. Confirm Thy faithfulness and care, And claim adoring praise. 4 Then, guided, Shepherd, by Thy love, My feet shall keep Thy way ; Soon shall I reach Thy fold above, And go no more astray. 76 "E SUFFERED. L. M. 1 LORD, when faith with fixed eyes. Beholds Thy wondrous sacrifice, Love rises to an ardent flame. And we all other hope disclaim. 2 With cold afl'ections who can see The thorns, the scourge, the nails, the tree. The flowing tears, the crimson sweat, The bleeding liands, and head, and feet ! 62 SUFFERINGS AND DEATH. 3 Jesus, what millions of our race Have been the triumphs of Thy grace! And millions more to Thee shall fly, And on Thy sacrifice rely. 4 Tlie sorrow, shame, and death, were Thine, And all the stores of wrath divine! Ours are the pardon, life, and bliss: What love can be compared to this? 77 BEFORE THK CROSS. 8s. and 7s. 1 SWEET the moments, rich in blessing, Which before the Cross I spend, Life, and health, and peace possessing From the sinner's dying friend. 2 Here I '11 sit, for ever, viewing Mercy's streams in streams of blood ; Precious drops ! my soul bedewing. Plead, and claim my peace with God. 3 Truly blessed is this station. Low before His Cres could cleanse me bo. 5« 106 REPENTANCE. 140 THE PENITENT RESTOTIED. L. M. 1 A BROKEN heart, m}^ God, my King Is all the sacrifice I bring: The God of grace Avill ne'er despise A broken heart for sacrifice. 2 My soul lies humbled in the dust, And owns Thy dreadful sentence just: Look down, Lord, with pitying eye, And save the soul condemned to die. S Then will I teach the world Tliy ways: Sinners shall learn Thy sovereign grace; I'll lead tlu-m to my Saviour's blood, And they shall praise a pardoning God. 4 Oh ! may Thy love inspire mj^ tongue ; Salvation shall be all my song; And all my powers shall join to bless The Lord, my strength and righteousness. I4rl LOUD REMEMBER ME. C M 1 THOU, from whom all goodness flows, I lift my heart to Thee; In all my sorrows, conflicts, woes, Dear Lord, remember me! 2 When on my guilty, burdened heart My sins lie heavil}-, My pardon speak, new peace impart, In love, remember me ! U>6 REPENTANCE. 8 Temptations sore obstruct my way, AuJ ills 1 cannot flee; Oh! give me strength, Lord, as my day, And still remember me! 142 <»rLY JESUS. L. M. 1 WHEN, gracious Lord, when shall it be, That I shall find my all in Thee? The fulness of Thy promise prove, The seal of Thine eternal love? 2 Thee, only Thee, I fain would find. And cast the world and flesh behind; Thou, only Thou, to me be given. Of all Thou hast in earth or heaven. 3 Ah, wherefore did I ever doubt! Thou wilt in no wise cast me out; A helpless soul that conies to Thee, With only sin and misery. 4 Lord, I am blind, be Thou my sight: Lord, I am weak, be Thou my might: A helper of the helpless be. And let me find ni}- all in Thee. 143 JOY OVER THE PENITENT. L. M. 1 WHO can describe the joys that rise Through all the courts of paradise, To see a prodigal return, To see an heir of glory born! 107 CONVERSIOBT. 2 "With joy the Father doth approve The fruit of His eternal love: The Son with joy looks down, and sees The purchase of His agonies. 8 The Spirit takes delight, to view Tlie holy soul He formed anew; And saints and angels join to sing The growing empire of their King. 14:4 RENOUNCING THE WORLD. L. M^ 1 I SEXD the joys of earth away, Awuy, ye tempters of the mind! False as the smooth, deceitful sea. And empty as the whistling wind. 2 Lord! I adore Thy matchless grace, That warned me of that dark abyss: That drew me from those tr«aclierous seas. And bade me seek superior bliss. S Now to the shining realms above, I stretch my hands and lift mine e^^es; Oh I for the pinions of a dove, To bear me to the upper skies. 4 Tliere, from the bosom of mj' God, Oceans of endless pleasure roll; There would I fix my last abode, And drown the sorrows of my boiU. 108 CONVERSION. 14:0 LORD, REMEMBER ME. C. M. 1 JESUS, Thou art the sinner's Friend; As such I h)ok to Tlice, Now, in the fulness of Thy love, Lord, rememher rue. 2 Remember Th}' pure word of grace. Remember Calvar^^; Remember all Thy dying groans. And, then, remember me. 3 Thou wondrous Advocate with God, 1 yield myself to Thee; While Thou art sitting on Thy throne. Dear Lord, remember me. 4 Lord, I am guilty, I am vile, But Thy salvation 's free ; Tlien, in Thine all-abounding grace, Dear Lord, remember me. 146 SLBDUED BY THE CROSS. C. M. 1 I SAW one hanging on a tree, In agonies and blood ; He fixed His languid eyes on me, As near His cross I stood. 2 Oh ! never till my latest breath, Shall I forget that look ; It seemed to charge me with His death Though not a word He spoke. 109 CONVERSION. 8 My conscience felt and owned the guilt, It plunged me in despair; I saw, ni}^ sins His blood had spilled, And helped to nail Him there. 4 A second look He gave, that said, *'I freely all forgive; This blood is for thy ransom paid, I die that thou mayest live." 147 srBMissiox. H. M. 1 COME, my Redeemer, come, And deign to dwell with me, Come, and Thy right assume. And bid Thy rivals flee: Come my Redeemer, quickh' come, And make my heart Thy lasting home. 2 Exert Thy mighty poAver, And banish all my sin; In this auspicious hour. Bring all Thj^ graces in; Come, my Redeemer, quickly come, And make my heart Thy lasting home. 3 Rule Thou in every thought And passion of my soul, Till all my powers are brought Beneath Thy full control: Come, my Redeemer, quickly come. And make my heart Thy lasting home. U9 CONVERSION. .^* 4 Then shall my days be Thine, And all my heart be love, And joy and peace be mine. Such as are known above : Come, my Redeemer, quickly come, And make my heart Thy lasting home. 148 A MIRACLE OF GRACE. 8s. and li. 1 HAIL, my ever blessed Jesus, Only Thee I wish to sing; To my soul Thy name is precious. Thou my Prophet, Priest, and King. 2 Oh! what mercy flows from heaven, Ohl what joy and happiuessl Love I much? I've much forgiven, I 'm a miracle of grace. -_^ * 8 Once, with Adam's race in ruin, Unconcerned in sin I Liy ; Swift destruction still pursuing, Till my Saviour passed that way. 4 Witness, all ye hosts of- heaven, My Redeemer's tenderness I Love I much? I've much forgiven, I'm a miracle of grace. X49 CHOOSING THE RIGHT HKRITAGK. ^i. 1 PEOPLE of the living God! I have sought the world around, 111 CONVERSION. Paths of sin and sorrow trod, Peace and comfort no where found; Now to you my spirit turns, Turns, a fugitive unblessed ; Brethren, where 3'our altar burns. Oh! receive me into rest. Lonely I no longer roam, Like the cloud, the wind, the wave; "Where you dwell shall be my home, Where you die shall be my grave: Mine the God whom you adore, Your Redeemer shall be mine; Earth can fill my soul no more, Every idol I resign. loO FOaSAKIXG ALL, TO FOLLOW CHRIST. 8s. and 7* 1 JESUS, I my cross have taken, All to leave, and follow Thee; Naked, poor, despised, forsaken, Thou from hence my All shall be. Perish, every fond ambition. All I've sought, or hoped, or known; Yet how rich is my condition! God, and heaven, are still my own. 2 Let the world despise, and leave me; Tliey have left my Saviour too; Human hearts and looks deceive me. Thou art not like them untrue; 112 CONVERSION. And whilst Tliou sbalt smile upon me, - r God of wisdom, love, and might, Foes may hate, and friends disown me, Show Thy face, and all is bright. 3 Soul, then know thy full salvation; Rise o'er sin, and fear, and care; Joy to find in every station. Something still to do or bear. Tliink what Spirit dwells within thee; Think what Father's smiles are thine; Think what Jesus died to win thee; Child of heaven, canst thou repine? 151 ^'<^T ASHA^fED OF JESUS. L. M. 1 JESUS! and shall it ever be, A mortal man ashamed of Thee ! Ashamed of Thee, whom angels praise. Whose glories shine through endless days. 2 Ashamed of Jesus ! that dear friend. On whom my hopes of heaven depend! No! when I blush, be this my shame, That I no more revere Ilis name. S Ashamed of Jesus ! yes I may When I 've no guilt to wash away, No tear to wipe, no good to crave, No fear to quell, no soul to save. 4 Till then, nor is my boasting vain, Till then I boast a Saviour slain ! And Oh ! may this my glory be. That Christ is not ashamed of me I 113 CONVERSION; l03 NONE BUT CHRIST. L. M. 1 THOU" only Sovereign of my lieart. My Refuge, my almighty Friend: And can my soul from Thee depart. On whom alone my hopes depend ? 2 Whither, ah! whither shall I go, A wretched wanderer from my Lord ? Can this dark world of sin and woe. One glimpse of liappiness afford? 8 Thy name my inmost powers adore ; Thou art my Life, my Joy, my Care ; Depart from Thee! 'tis death, 'tis more, 'Tis endless ruin, deep despair! 4 Low at Thy feet my soul would lie, Here safety dwells, and peace divine ; Still let me live beneath Thine eye, For life, eternal life, is Tlune. l03 THE JOY OF CON VERSION, C. M. 1 WHEN God revealed His gracious name, And changed my mournful state. My rapture seemed a pleasing dream. The grace appeared so great. 2 The world beheld the glorious change. And did Thy hand confess; My tongue broke out in unknown strains. And sung surprising grace, lU CHRISTIAN CHARACTER. 8 "Great is tlie work," my neighbours cried, And owned the power divine; " Great is the work," my heart replied, "And be the glory Thine." 4 The Lord can clear the darkest skies, Can give us day for night; Make drops of sacred sorrow rise To rivers of delight. 154: ONE WITH CHRIST. L, M. 1 'TWIXT Jesus and the chobcn race, Subsists a bond of sovereign grace. That hell, with its infernal train, Shall ne'er dissolve, nor rend in twain. 2 Hail, sacred union, firm and strong! How great the grace ! how sweet the song! That worms of earth should ever be One with incarnate Deity : 3 One in the tomb, one wlion He rose, One When He triumphed o'er His foes; One when in heaven He took His seat, • While seraphs sung all hell's defeat. 4 Tliis sacred tie forbids their fears, For all He is, or has, is theirs ; With Him their Head, they stand or full, Their Life, their Surety, and their AIL 115 SAVED BY GRACE. 150 SAI.NT9 AND SINNERS. S. M. 1 THE man is ever Llefsed Who shuns the sinners' waj-s, Amidst their councils never stands, Nor takes the scorner's place : 2 But makes the law of God His study and deliglit, Tliroughout the labours of the day, And watches of the night. 8 He like a tree shall thrive. With waters near the root: Fresh as the leaf his name shall live; His works are heavenlj' fruit. 4 Not so the ungodi}'' race, They no snch blessings find; Their hopes shall flee lil:e (.inpty chaff Before the drivin'r wind. 156 SALVATION- BY GHACE. S. M. 1 GRACE! 'tis a charming sound; Plarmonious to the ear! Heaven with the echo shall resound. And all the earth shall hear. 2 Grace first conti'ived the v,'iiy, To save rebellious n)an; And all the steps that grace display, Which drew the wondrous plan. SAVED BY GRACE. 8 Grace led rny roving feet " CiX To tread the heavenly road; And new supplies each hour I meet, "While pressing on to God. 4 Grace all the work shall crown, Through everlasting days; It lays in heaven the topmost stone. And well deserves the praise. 157 TRIUMPHS OF GRACE. C. 3L That saved a wretch like me! I once was lost, but now am found, "Was blind, but now I see. 2 'T was grace that taught my heart to fear, And grace my fears relieved ; How precious did that grace appear. The hour I first believed ! 3 Through many dangers, toils and snares, I have already come ; 'Tis grace has brought me safe thus far, And grace will lead me home. 4 The Lord has promised good to me, His word my hope secures ; He will my Shield and Portion be, • A» loug as life endures. 117 SAVED BY GRACE. 158 MINE AND THINK. C. M. 1 ALL that I was — ruy sin, my guilt. My death was all my own; All that I am, I owe to Thee My gracious God alone. 2 Tlie evil of my former state Was mine and only mine; The good in which I now rejoice Is Thine and only Thine. S The darkness of my former state, The bondage all was mine ; The light of life in which I walk, The liberty is Thine. 4 All that I am, e'en here on earth, All that I hope to be, "When Jesus comes and glory dawns, I owe it, Lord, to Thee. 159 RELIANCE ON GOD. S. M. 1 HEIRS of unending life, "While yet we sojourn here, ' O let us our salvation work With trembling and with fear. 2 God will support our hearts With might before unknown; The work to be performed is ours. The strength is all His own. 118 CHILDREN OF GOD. 8 'Tis He tliat works to will, 'Tis He that works to do ; . His is the power by which we act, His be the glory too! •^ 160 THE SONS OF GOD. S. M. 1 BEHOLD what wondrous grace The Father has bestowed On sinners of a mortal race, To call them sons of God! 2 *Tis no surprising thing. That we should be unknown ; The Jewish world knew not their King, God's everlasting Sou. 3 Nor doth it yet appear How great we must be made ; But when we see our Saviour there "We shall be like our Head. 4 A hope so much divine May trials well endure ; May purge our souls from sense and sin. As Christ the Lord is pure. 16 X THE LORD 0T;R RIGHTEOUSNESS. L. M. 1 LORD, Thy imputed righteousness, My beauty is, my glorious dress ; 'Midst flaming worlds in this arrayed, With joy shall I lift up my head. 119 JUSTIFIED. 2 "When from the dust of death I rise. To take my mansion in the skies; E'en then shall this be all my plea, "Jesus hath lived and died for me." 8 Bold shall 1 stand in that great day, For who aught to my charge shall lay ? While thi'ough Thy blood absolved I am, From sin's tremendous curse and shame. 4 Thus Abraham, the friend of God, Thus all the armies bought with blood. By faith on Thee alone relied. And in the Lord were justified. 162 THE JUSTIFIED BELIEVER. L. M. 1 BLESSED is the man, for ever blessed. Whose guilt is pardoned by his God; Whose sins with sorrow are confessed. And covered with his Saviour's blood. 2 Blessed is the man to whom the Lord Imputes not his iniquities: He pleads no merit of reward, And, not on works, but grace, relies. 8 From guile his heart and lips are free: His humble joy, his holj' fear, With deep repentance well agree, ^ And join to prove his faith sincere. 120 KEPT UNTO SALVATION. 4 IIow glories is that righteousness, That hides and cancels all his sins! "While a bright evidence of grace, Through his whole life, appears and shines. 163 THE SAFETY OF THE ELECT. L. M 1 "WHO shall tlie Lord's elect condemn? 'T is God that justifies their souls; And mercy, like a n)ighty stream, O'er all their sins divinely rolls. 2 Who shall adjudge the saints to hell? 'T is Christ that suffered in their stead, And the salvation to fulfil, Behold Him rising from the dead. 3 He lives! He lives! and sits above, For ever interceding there : Who shall divide us from His love, Or what should tempt us to despair ? 4 Shall persecution or distress, '» Famine, or sword, or nakedness? He, thdt hath loved us, bears us through, And makes us more than conquerors too. 164 ELECTED TO HOLINESS. C. M, 1 HOW vast the benefits divine, W^hich we in Christ possess? We 're saved from guilt and every sin, And called to holiness, 6 121 KEPT UNTO SALVATION. 2 'Tis not for works which we have done, Or shall hereafter do ; But He, of Iliis electing love, Salvation doth bestow. S Safe in the arms of sovereign lore We ever shall remain ; Kor shall the rage of earth or hell Make Thy dear counsels vain. Not one of all the chosen race But shall to heaven attain. Partake on earth the purposed grace, And then with Jesus reign. loo THE PROMISES PRECIOUS. lls. 1 Plow firm a foundation, ye saints of the Lord, Is laid for your faith in His excellent word ! What more can He sivy than to you He hath said, Who unto the Saviour for refuge have fled? 2 "Fear not, I am with thee. Oh! be not dismayed; For I am thy God, and will still give'thee aid; I'll strengthen thee, help thee, and cause thee to stand. Upheld by My righteous, omnipotent hand, 3 When through the deep waters I call thee to go, The rivers of sorrow shall not overflow; For I will be with thee thy troubles to bless. And sanctify to thee thy deepest distress. 122 KEPT UNTO SALVATION-. 4 "When througli fiery trials thy patlnvny shall lie, My grace all sufficient shall be thy supply ; The flame shall not hurt thee; I only design Thy dross to consume, and thy gold to refine. 6 E'en down to old age, all My people shall prove My sovereign, eternal, unchangeable love; And then, when grey hairs shall their temples adorn. Like lambs they shall still in My bosom be borne. 6 The soul that on Jesus hath leaned for repose, I will not, I irill not desert to his foes ; That soul, though all hell should endeavour to shake, I '11 never — no, never — no, never forsake." loo cnosEx IN- CHRIST. Vs. 1 GOD'S own promise standeth sure ; Saints shall to the end endure ; Safely will the Shepherd keep Those He purchased for His sheep : 2 Known to Him before the sun First began its course to run, Chosen, called from above, Objects of eternal love. 3 Put Thy seal upon each heart ; Thy blessed image, Lord, impart; All Thyself in us reveal, We the clay and Thou the seal, 123 KEPT UNTO SALVATION. 167 GLORYING IN CHUIST. C. M. 1 I 'M not ashamed to own my Lord, Nor to defend His cause ; Maintain the honour of His word, The glory of His cross. 2 Jesus, ni}'^ God! I know His name; His name is all my trust; Nor will He put m\' soul to shame, Nor let my hope be lost. 3 Firm, as His throne, His promise stands, And He can well secure What I've committed to His hands. Till the decisive houi', 4 Then will He own my worthless name. Before His Father's face ; And in the New Jerusalem Appoint my soul a place. 168 RIGHTEOUS AND WICKED CONTRASTED. C. M. 1 MY God, the steps of pious men Are ordered by Thy will: Though they should fall, they rise again, Thy hand supports them still. 2 The heavenly heritage is theirs, Their portion and their home: He feeds them now, and makes them hwrs Of blessings long to come. 124 KEPT UNTO SALVATION." 8 Tlie liaughty sinner I have seen, Not fearing man or God, Like a tall bay tree fair and careen, Spreading liis arjns abroad. 4 And lo! he vanished from the ground Destroyed by hands unseen: Nor root, nor branch, nor leaf -was found Where all that pride had been. 169 RESTORING AND PRESERVING GRACE. L. M. 1 "WITH all my powers of heart and tongue, I '11 praise my Maker in my song: Angels shall hear the notes I raise, Approve the song, and join the praise. 2 Angels, that make Thy church their care, - Shall witness m}' devotion there; While holy zeal directs mine eyes To Thy fair temple in the skies. 3 I '11 sing Thy truth and mercy, Lord, I '11 sing the wonders of Thy word : Not all Thy works and names below, So much Thy power and glory show, ^ 4 Amid a thousand snares I stand, Upheld and guarded by Thy hand: Thy words my famting soul revive, And keep ray dying faith alive. 125 KEPT UNTO SALVATION. 5 Grace will complete what grace begins, To 9ft ve from sorrows and from sins: The work that wisdom undertakes, Eternal Moroy ne'«* forsakes. 1/0 BOUGHT WITH A PRICE, L. M. 1 YES, I am Tliinc, immortal God; Jesus has bought me with his blood: I feel the Spirit's power within ; It tells me I am freed from sin. 2 And can it be, that I shall prove A recreant to this grace and love; That I, redeemed from depths of woe, Should ever from my Saviour go ? 8 No! Though all earth and hell combine, I am — I shall be alwaj's Thine : To me Thy quick 'ning power impart, And bind me ever to Thy heart. 171 STABILITY OF THE COVENANT. 83. 1 A DEBTOR to mercy alone,— Of covenant mercy I sing: Nor fear with my riglitcousness on. My person and off 'rings to bring: 2 The terrors of law and of God With me can have nothing to do; My Saviour's obedience and blood Hide all my transgressions from view. 120 maRISTIAN EXPERIENCK S The work which His goodness began, The arm of His strength wilt complete : His promise is Yea and Amen, And never was forfeited yet. 4 Things future, nor tilings that are now, Not all things below nor above. Can make Him his purpose forego, Or sever my soul from His love. 1/2 GUATEFUL RECOLLECTION. 83. and Yb, 1 COME, thou Fount of every blessing. Tune my heart to sing Thy grace; Streams of mercy, never ceasing. Call for songs of loudest praise. Teach me some melodious sonnet, Sung by flaming tongues above; Praise the mount, I 'm fixed upon it. Mount of God's unchanging love. / 2 Here I raise my Eben-Ezer, Hither by Thy help I 'm come: And I hope, by Thy good pleasure, Safely to arrive at home. Jesus sought me when a stranger, Wandering from the fold of God ; He, to rescue me from danger, Interposed with precious blood. 127 CHRISTIAN EXPERIENCE. 3 Oh ! to grace how great a <3ebtor, Daily I'm constrained to be, Let that grace now, like a fetter. Bind Hiy wandering heart to Thee: Prone to wander, Lord, I feel it ; Prone to leave the God I love; Here 's my heart; Oh! take and seal it; Seal it from Thy courts above. 173 REDEEMING LOVE. 7% 1 NOW begin the heavenly theme. Sing aloud in Jesus' name; Ye, who Jesus' kindness prove. Triumph in redeeming love. 2 Ye, who see the Father's grace Beaming in the Saviour's face, As to Cajiaan on ye move, Praise and bless redeeming love. 3 Mourning souls, dr}^ up your tears, Banisli all your guilty fears. See your guilt and curse remove. Cancelled by redeeming love. 4 Ye, alas! who long have been Willing slaves of death and sin; Now from bliss no longer rove, Stop, and taste redeeming love. CHRISTIAN EXPERIENCE. 1/4 IN TEMPTATION- FI.TING TO CHRIST. 1 JESUS, lover of my soul, Let me to Tti yjimsom fly, Wliili; the billows near me roll, Wliile the ternpest^tiil is high: Hide me, O my .Saviour,/fii(le, Till the storm of life be passed; Safe into the haven guide, Oh ! receive^my-«t>ul at last. 2 Otlier refuge have I none, Lo! I, helpless, hang on Thee: Leave, Oh! leave me not alone, Still support and comfort me. Tiiou art all my trust and aid, All my help from Thee I bring; Cover my defenceless head With the shadow of Thy wing! I/O HOPE ENCOURAGED. Ss., Ys. and 4s. 1 MY soul, what means this sadness, Wherefore art thou thus cast down? Let thy grief be turned to gladness, Bid thy restless fears begone; Look to Jesus, And rejoice in His dear name. 2 What though Satan's strong temptations Vex and grieve thee day by day; And thy sinful inclinations Often fill thee with dismay? 6» 129 CHRISTIAN EXPERIENCE. Tliou shalt conquer. Through the Lamb's redeeming blood. 3 Though ten thousand ills beset thee, From without and from within; Jesus saith He'll ne'er forget thee, But will Bare from hell and sin; He is faithful To perform His gracious word. 176 THE CONFLICTS OF FAITH. L. M. 1 JESUS, our soul's delightful choice, In Thee believing, Ave rejoice : Yet still our joy is mixed with grief. While faith contends with unbelief. 2 Thy promises our hearts revive. And keep our fainting liopes alive ; But guilt and fears, and sorrows rise, And hide the promise from our eyes. 3 Do Thou the languid spark inflame, That we may conquer in Thy name And let not sin and Satan boast, "While saints lie mourning in the dust. 4 Unequal to the conflict, Lord, Too weak to wield the shield or sword. On Thine almighty arm we fall ; Be Thou our Jesus, and our all. ISO CHRISTIAN EXPERIENCE. jJii WEAK BELIEVERS COMFORTED. S. M. 1 YOUR harps, ye trembling saiuts, Down from the willows take; Loud to the praise of love divine, Bid every string awake. 2 His grace will, to the end, Stronger and brighter shine ; Nor present things, nor things to come, > Shall quench the love divine 3 "When we in dai-kness walk, Nor feel the heavenly flame ; Then is the time to trust our God, And rest upon His name. 4 Blessed is the man, God, That stays himself on Thee! Who waits for Th}' salvation, Lord, Shall Thy salvation see. 178 AFFLICTION BLESSED. S. M 1 HOW tender is Thy hand, O Thou beloved Lord! Afflictions come at Thy command, And leave us at Thy word. 2 How gentle was the rod That chastened us for sin, How soon we found a smiling God Where deep distress had been. 181 CHRISTIAN EXPERIENCE. 3 A Father's hand we felt, A Father's heart we knew ; "With tears of penitence we knelt, And found His word was true. 4 "We told Him all our grief, "We thought of Jesus' love ; A sense of pardon brought relief, ^ And bade our pangs remove. 1/Q TEMPTATIONS. L. M. 1 THUS far my God has led me on, And made His truth and mercy known; My hopes and fears alternate rise, And comforts mingle with my sighs. 2 Temptations every where annoy, And sins and snares my peace destroy; My earthly joys are from me torn, And oft an absent God I mourn. 8 Is this, dear Lord, that thorny road Which leads us to the mount of God? Are these the toils Thy people know. While in the wilderness below? 4 'T is even so, Thy faithful love Doth all Thy children's graces prove; 'T is thus our pride and self must fall, That Jesus may be All in all. 132 CHRISTIAN EXPERIENCE. LOOKING TO THE LORD. S. M. 1 MINE eyes and my desire Are ever to the Lord: 1 love to plead His promises, And rest upon His word. 2 Turn, turn Thee to my soul ; Bring Thy salvation near: When Tvill Thy hand release my feet Out of the deadly snare ? 8 Oh ! keep my soul from death. Nor put my hope to shame: For I have placed my only trust In my Reedeemer's name. 4 "With humble faith I wait, To see Thy face again: Of Israel it shall ne'er be said, He sought the Lord in vain. 1 CONFIDENCE IN GOD. C "M. 1 THROUGH all the changing scenes of life, In trouble and in joy, The praises of my God shall still My heart and tongue employ. 2 The hosts of God encamp around The dwellings of the just: Deliverance He affords to all, Who on His succour trust. 133 CHRISTIAN EXPERIENCE. Oh 1 make but trial of His lov«: Experience will decide, How blessed they are, and onl}' they, Who in His truth confide. 4 Fear Him, ye saints, and you will then Have nothing else to fear: Make you His service your delight; He '11 make your wants His care* X82 PRAYER FOn QUICKENING GRACE. ( 1 MY soul lies cleaving to the dust; Lord, give me life divine: From vain desires and every lust, Turn off these eyes of mine. 2 I need the influence of Tliy grace To speed me in Thy way ; Lest I should loiter in my race, Or turn my feet astray. 8 Does not my heart Thy precepts love, And long to see Thy face i And yet how slow my spirits move, Without enlivening grace! 4 Then shall I love Thy gospel more, And ne'er forget Thy word; When I have felt its quickening \iower, To draw me near tine Lord. 184 CHRISTIAN EXPERIENCE. 183 THE VOICE OF JESUS. C. M. 1 I HEARD th^ voice of Jesus say/ Come unto me and rest: Lay down, thou yveavy one, lay down Thy head upon My breast. I came to Jesus as I was, Weary, and worn, and sad, I found in Him a resting place, And He has made me glad. 2 I heard the voice of Jesus say, Behold, I freely give The living water; thirsty one. Stoop down and drink and live I came to Jesus, and I drank Of that life-giving stream ; My thirst was quenched, my soul revived, And now I live in Him. 184 U.NFRUITFULNESS LAMENTED. C. M, 1 LONG have I sat beneath the sound Of Thy salvation, Lord : But still how weak my faith is found And knowledge of Thy word! 2 Oft I frequent Thy holy place, And liear almost in vain : How small a portion of Thy grace Can my false heart retain I 135 ^ LOVE OF CHRIST. 8 Great God, Thy sovereign power impart To give Thy word success ; "Write Thy salvation in my heart. And make me learn Thy grace. 4 Show my forgetful feet the way That leads to joys on high; There knowledge grows wathout decay, And love sliall never die. 180 CMNGING TO CHRIST. C. M. 1 TO whom, mj- Saviour, shall I go, If I depart from Thee ? My guide througli all this vale of woe, And more than all to me. 2 The world reject Thy gentle reign, And pay Thy death with scorn ; Oh! the}^ could plat Thy crown again, And sharpen every thorn. 3 But I liave felt Tliy dying love Breathe gently through my heart, To whisper hope of joys above « Aud can we ever part? 4 Ah, no ! with Thee I '11 walk below. My journey to the grave To whom, my Saviour, shall I go, "When only Thou canst save? LOVE OF CHRIST. loO Christ's love. L. "M, 1 JESUS, Thy boundless love to me No tiiought can refich, no tongue declare; Oh! knit my thankful heart to Thee, And roigu without a rival there. 2 Thy love, how cheering is its ray! All pain before its presence flies : Care, anguish, sorrow, melt away, Where'er its healing beams arise. 3 Oh! let Thy love my soul inflame. And to Thy service sweetly bind; Transfuse it through my inmost frame. And mould me wholly to Thy mind. 4 Thy love in sufferings be my peace, Thy love in weakness make me strong; And when the storms of life shall cease. Thy love shall be my heaven and song. 187 THE PRECIOUSXESS OF CQRIST. L. M. 1 HOAV fast thejr guilt and sorrows rise, Who haste to seek some idol god ! I will not taste their sacrifice, Their offerings of forbidden blood. 2 My God provides a richer cup. And nobler food to live upon; He for my life hath offered up Jesus, His best beloved Soia. 137 LOVE OF CHRIST. 3 His love is my perpetual feast; By day His counsels guide me right: And be His name for ever blest, AVho gives me sweet advice by night. 4 I set Him still before mine eyes; At my right hand He stands prepared To keep my soul from all surprise, And be my everlasting guard. 188 THE FULLNESS OF CIIIIISt'S LOVE. C. P. M. 1 LOVE divine, how svv^eet thou art I When shall I find my willing heart All taken up by thee ? I thirst, I faint, I die to prove The greatness of redeeming love The love of Christ to me. 2 Stronger His love than death or hell : No mortal can its riches tell, Nor first-born sons of light: In vain they long its depths to see; They cannot reach the mystery, — The length, the breadth, the height. 8 Oh that I could forever sit In ti'ansport at ni}- Saviour's feet! Be this my happy choice ; My only care, delight, and bliss, 138 LOVE TO CHRIST. My joy, my heaven on earth, be this To hear my S«viour's voice. 189 TIIOU KNOWEST THAT I LOVE THEE. C. M. 1 DO not I love Thee, O my Lord? Beliold my heart and see; And cast each worthless idol out, That dares to rival Thee. 2 Hast Thou a lamb in all Thy flock I would disdain to feed? Hast Thou a foe before whose face I fear Thy cause to plead? 8 Could not my heart pour forth its blood In honour of Thy name? And challenge the cold hand of death To damp th' immortal flame? 4 Tliou know'st I love Thee, dearest Lord, But oh ! I long to soar Far from the sphere of mortal joys. And learn to love Thee more. 190 LOVKST TIIOU ME. 'Zs. 1 HARK, my soul, it is the Lord ; *T is thy Saviour, hear His word ; Jesus speaks, and speaks to thee: "Say, poor sinner, lovest thou Mo? 139 LOYE TO CHRIST. 2 I delivered thee -svhen bound, And, wheu Avonnded, healed thy -wound; Songlit thee wandering, set thee right, Turned thy darkness into light. 3 Thou shalt see My glory soon, When the work of grace is done ; Partner of My throne shalt be, Say, poor sinner, lovest thou Me ? 4 Lord, it is my chief complaint, That my lore is weak and faint; . Yet I love Thee, and adore, Oh ! for vivace to love Thee more. 191 - CHRIST UNSEEN, YEr LOVED. S. M. 1 NOT with our mortal eyes Have we beheld the Lord; Yet we rejoice to hear His name, And love him in His word. 2 On earth vre want the sight Of our Redeemer's face ; Yet, Lord, our inmost thoughts delight To dwell upon Thy grace. 3 And when wa taste Thy love, Our joys divinely grow Unspeakable, like those above, And heaven begins belov/. 140 BROTHERLY LOVE. ^Q3 COMMUNION OF SAINTS. 8. M. 1 BLESSED be the tie that binds Our hearts iu Christian love: The fellowship of kindred minds Is like to that above. 2 Before our Father's throne We pour our ardent prayers; Our fears, our hopes, our aims are one. Our comforts and our cares, 3 We share our mutual woes; Our mutual burdens bear ; And often for each other flows The sympathizing tear. 4 We 're one in Christ our head, In Him we grow and thrive; Nor will He leave us with the dead. While He remains alive. 193 CHRISTIAN'S ONE FAMILY. C M. 1 COME, let us join our friends above, That have obtained the prize; And on the eagle wings of love, To joys celestial rise. 2 Let all the saints terrestrial, sing With those to glory gone ; For all the servants of our King In heaven and earth are one. LOVE TO THE CREATURK 8 One family, we dwell in Him ; One Church above, beneath ; Though now divided b}' the stream. The narrow stream of death : 4 One army of the living God, To His command we bow ; Part of His host have crossed the flood, And part are crossing now. 194 LOVE TO THE CREATURE DANGEROUS. C. M. 1 HOW vain are all things here below, How false, and yet how fair! Each pleasure has its poison too, And every sweet a snare. 2 The brightest things below the sky Give but a flattering light ; "VVe should suspect some danger nigh, Where we possess delight. 3 Our dearest joys, and nearest friends, The partners of our blood. How they divide our wavering minds. And leave but half for God. 4 Dear Saviour, let Thy beauties be My soul's eternal food; And grace command my heart away From all created good. 14a FAITH. lyO TO LJVK IS CHUIST. L. 1^1. 1 LET thoughtless thousands choose the road That leads the soul a-vvay from God ; This happiness, dear Lord, be mine. To live and die entirely Thine, 2 On Christ, by faith, mj^ soul -would live, From Him, my life, my all receive ; To Ilim devote my fleeting hours; Serve Him alone -with all my powers. 3 Christ is my everlasting all, To Him I look, on Him I call; He every want will well supply, In time, and tlirough eternity. 4 Soon will the Lord, my life, appear; Soon shall I end my trials here ; Leave sin and sorrow, death and pain; To live is Christ, to die is gain. 1Q6 ArPROPRIATIXG FAITH. S, M. 1 FAITH! 'tis a precious grace "Where'er it is bestowed; It boasts of a celestial birth. And is the gift of God. 2 Jesus, it owns a King, An all-atoning Priest; It claims no merit of its own, But finds it all in Christ. U8 FAITH. 8 To Him it leads the soul, "When filled with deep distress; Appropriates His precious blood, And trusts His righteousness. 4 Since 'tis Thy work alone, And that divinel}'- free; Lord, send the Spirit of Thy Son To work this faith in me. 197 THE POWER OF FAITH. C. M. 1 FAITH adds new charms to earthly bliss, And saves me from its snares; Its aid in every duty brings, And softens all my cares: 2 Extinguishes the thirst of sin, And lights the sacred fire Of love to God and heavenly things, And feeds the pure desire. 3 The wounded conscience knows its power, Tlie healing balm to give; That balm the saddest heart can cheer. And make the dying live. 4 Wide it unveils celestial worlds, "Where deathless pleasures reign; And bids me seek my portion there. Nor bids me seek in vain. 144 FAITH. 198 WALKING BY FAITH. L. M. 1 'T IS by the faith of joys to come, We walk thi'oiigh deserts dark as night : Till we arrive at heaven, our home, Faith is our guide, .and faith our light. 2 The want of sight she well supplies: She bids the pearly gates appear; Far into distant worlds she pries. And brings eternal glories near. 3 Cheerful we tread the desert through, While faith beholds a heavenly ray, Though lions roar, and tempests blow, And rocks and dangers fill the way. 4 So Abram, by divine command, Left his own home to walk with God ; His faith beheld the promised land. And fired his zeal along the road. 199 I LAT MY SINS ON JESI7S. 7s. and 68. 1 I LAY my sins on Jesus, The spotless Lamb of God ; He bears them all and frees us Fvom the accursed load : ( bring my guilt to Jesus, To wash my crimson stains White in His blood most precious Till not a stain remains. '7 143 FAITH. 2 I lay my -wants on Jesus ; All fullness dwells in Him; He heals all my diseases, He doth my soul redeem: I lay my griefs on Jesus, My burdens and my cares; He from them all releases, He all my sorrow shares. 200 THE CLOUD OF WITNKSSDS. C. M. 1 GIVE me the wings of faith, to rise Within the veil, and see The saints above, how great their joy, How bright their glories be ! 2 Once they were mourning here below. And wet their coueh with tears; They wrestled hard, as we do now, "With sins, and doubts, and fears. 3 I asked them wh.ence their victory came* They, with united breath, Ascribe their conquest to the Lamb, Their triumph to His death. 4 Tliey marked the footsteps that He trod, His zeal inspired their breast, And. following their incarnate God, Possessed the promised rest. FAITH. 201 cnnisx's atonement. C. P. M. 1 THOU, that heav'st the prayer of faith, Wilt Thou not save a soul from death, That casts itself on Thee? I have no refuge of my own, But fly to what my Lord hath done And sufFer'd once for me. 2 Slain in the guilty sinner's stead, His spotless righteousness I plead. And his availing blood : Thy righteousness my robe shall be, Thy merit shall atone for me. And bring me near to God. 8 Then snatch me from eternal death, The spirit of adoption breathe. His consolation send : By Him some w^ord of life impart. And sweetly whisper to my heart, "Thy Maker is thy friend." 202 JESUS A COMPLETE SAVIOUR, P. M. 1 JUST as I am — without one plea But that Thy blood was shed for me. And that Thou bid'st me come to Thee, Lamb of God, I come! 2 Just as I am — and waiting not To rid my soul of one dark blot. To Tli«e, whose blood can cleanse each spot, O Lamb of God, I come ! 147 PARTICULAR DUTIES. 5 Just as I am — though tossed about, "With many a conflict, many a doubt, Fightings and fears within, without, O Lamb of God, I come I 4 Just as I am — poor, wretched, blind; Sight, riches, healing of the mind, Yea, all I need, in Tliee to find, Lamb of God, I come I 6 Just as I am — ^Thou wilt receive, "Wilt welcome, pardon, cleanse, relieve Because Thy promise I believe, O Lamb of God, I come! 6 Just as I am — ^Thy love unknown Has broken every barrier down ; Now, to be Thine, yea, Tliine alone, O Lamb of God, I come 1 203 ONWARD. Vs. 1 "WHEN we cannot see our way, "We should trust and still obey; He who bids us forward go, "Will instruct the way to know. 2 Though the sea be deep and wide, Though a passage sooms denied ; Fearless let us still proceed. Since the Lord vouchsafes to lead. lis ZEAL. 3 Niglit, with Him, is ixlways bright, Where lie is, there all is light; When He calls us, Avhy delaj^? They are happy, who obey. 4 Be it ours, then, while we 're here. Him to follow without fear; "Where He calls us, there to go, "What He bids us, that to do. 204 SPIRITUAL SLOTH. C. M. 1 MY drowsy powers, why sleep ye so? Awake, my sluggish soul, Nothing has half thy work to do, Yet nothing 's half so dull. 2 The little ants, for one poor grain, How they will toil and strive ! Yet we, Avho have a heaven to gain, How negligent we live ! 3 "We, for whose sake all nature stands, And stars their courses move; AVe, for whose guard the angel bands Come flying from above; 4 "We,, for whom God the Son came down To labour for our good ; How careless to secure that crown He purchased with His blood' 149 PARTICULAR DUTIES. Lord, ehall we be indifferent still, And never act our parts? Spirit Divine, Oh! come, and fill. And purify our hearts. 1 205 WATCH AND PRAY. C. M. 1 ALAS! what hourly dangers rise, What snares beset my way ! To heaven I fain would lift my eyes. And hourly v/ateh and pray. 2 gracious God, in whom I live, My feeble efforts aid: Help me to watch, a»d pray, and strive, Nor let me be dismayed. S Do Thou increase ray faith and hope. When fears and foes prevail; And bear my fainting spirit up. Or soon my strength will fail. 4 Oh! keep me in Thy heavenly way. And bid the tempter flee; And never, never let me stray From happiness and Thee. 206 RUNXING THE CHRISTIAX RACE. C. M. 1 AWAKE, mj' soul ! stretch every nerve, And press with vigour on: A heavenly race demandr^ thy zeal. And an immortal crowu. 160 WATCHFULNESS. 2 'Tis God's all animating voice, That calls thee from on high ; 'T is His own hand presents the prize To thine aspiring eye, 3 A cloud of witnesses around Hold thee in full survey; Forget the steps already trod, And onward urge th}^ way. 4 Blessed Saviour ! introduced by Thee, Have we our race begun : And, crowned with victory, at Thy feet "We '11 lay our laurels down. 207 WATCHFULNESS AND PRAYER. S. M. 1 MY soul, be on thj^ guard; Ten thousand foes arise; And hosts of sin are pressing hard. To draw thee from the skies. 2 Oh! watch, and fight, and pray, The battle ne'er give o'er; Renew it boldly ever\' day. And help divine in)plore. 8 Ne'er think the victory won, Nor once at ease sit down; Thy arduous work will not be done, Till thou hast got thy crown. 161 PARTICULAR DUTIES. 208 PRAYER FOR GUIDANCE. S. M. 1 I HEAR Thy word with love. And I would fain obey : Send Thy good Spirit from above, To guide me, lest I stray. 2 Oil! vrho can ever find The errors of his Avays! Yft Avith a bold presumptuous mind, * I would not dare transgress. 3 Warn me of every sin, Forgive my secret foults; And cleanse this guilty soul of mine, Whose crimes exceed my thoughts. 4 While with my lieart and tongue I spread Thy praise abroad ; Accept the worship and the song, My Saviour and my God. 209 BREATHING AFTKR HOLINESS. C. M. 1 OH! that the Lord would guide my ways "% To keep His statutes still! Oh! that my God Avould grant me grace To know and do His Avill! Order my footsteps by Thj- -word. And make my heart sincere: Let sin have no dominion. Lord; But keep my conscience clear. 152 CONSISTENCY. 8 My soul hath gone too far astray, My feet too often slip; Tet since I 've not forgot Thy way, Eestore Thy -wandering sheep. 4 Make me to -walk in Thy commands, 'Tis a delightful road; Nor let my liead, nor heart, nor hands, OfFeud against my God. 210 THE christian's rATTEKN. L. M. 1 MY dear Redeemer, and my Lord, I read my duty ia Thy Avord, But in Thy life the law appears Drawn out in living characters. 2 Such was Tliy truth, and such Thj- zeal. Such deference to Thy Father's will ; Such love, and meekness so divine, I would transcribe, and make them mine. S Cold mountains and the midnight air, Witnessed the fervour of Thj'^ prayer; The desert Thy temptations knew, Tliy conflict and Thy victory too. i Be Thou my pattern ; make me bear More of Thy gracious image here ; Then God, the Judge, shall own my name, Among the followers of the Lamb. 7* 153 PARTICULAR DUTIES. 211 CHRISTIAN CONSISTEXCV. L. M. 1 SO let our lips and lives express The holy gospel we profess; So let our works and virtues shine. To prove the doctrine all divine. 2 Tluis shall we best proclaim abroad. The lionours of our SftTiour God; When the salration reigns witliin, And grace subdues the power of sin. 3 Our flesh and sense must be denied, Passion and enry, lust and pride; "While justice, temperance, truth and love. Our inward piety approve. 4 Religion bears our spirits up, While we expect that blessed hope, The bright appearance of the Lord; And faith stands leaning on His word. 212 PRATER FOR THE SPIRIT S RETURX. C. M. 1 Oil! for a closer walk with God, A calm and heavenly frame. And liglit to shine upon the road. That leads me to the Lamb! 2 Return, O holy Dove, return, Sweet messenger of rest! I hate the sins that made Thee mourn, And drove Thee from my breast. 164 HABITUAL DEVOTION. 8 The dearest idol I have known, "NVhate'er that idol be: Help me to tear it from the throne. And worship only Thee. 4: So shall my walk be close with God, Calm and serene my frame : So purer light shall mark the road That leads me to the Lamb, 213 HABITUAL DEVOTIOJf. C. M. 1 WHILST Tliee I seek, protecting Power! Be my vain wishes stilled; And may tliis consecrated hour With better hopes be filled, 2 Tliy love the power of thought bestowed, To Thee my thoughts would soar: Thy mercy o'er my life has flowed: That mercy I adore. 8 In each event of life, how clear Tln^ ruling hand I see! Each blessing to my soul most dear, Because conferred by Thee. 4 In every joy that crowns my days, In every pain I bear, My hoart shall find delight in praise. Or seek relief in prayer. 165 .PARTICULAR DUTIES. 21^ DAILY DKVOTION. S. M. 1 LET sinners take their course, And choose the road to death; But in the worship of my God I '11 spend my daily breatli. 2 My thoughts address His tlirone, When morning brings the light: I seek His blessing every noon, And pay my vows at night. 3 Tliou wilt regard my cries, O my eternal God ! While sinners perisli in surprise. Beneath Thine angry rod. 4 His arm sliall well sustain The children of His love: Tlie ground on which their safety stands, No earthly power can move. 2l0 PRAYKU FOR GOD's rUESEXCE. C. Jl 1 COULD I find on every day, A nearness io my God ; Then should my hours glide sweet away, While leaning on His word. 2 Lord, I desire with Thee to live Anew from day to day ; In joys the Avorld can never give, Nor ever take away. 156 PERSEVERANCE. 8 Jesus, come and rule my heart, And make me wholly Tliine, Tliat I may never more depart, Nor grieve Thy love divine. 4 Thus till my last expiring breath. Thy goodness I'll adore; And when my flesh dissolves in death. My soul shall love Thee more. 2 1 D PEUSEVERAXCE, C. M, 1 REJOICE, believer, in the Lord, "Who makes your cause Ilis own; The hope that 's built upon His word Can ne'er be overthrown. 2 Though many foes beset your road^ And feeble is your arm : Your life is hid with Christ in God, Beyond the reach of harm. 8 Weak as you are, you shall not faint, Or, fainting, shall not die; Jesus, the strength of every saint, "Will aid you from on high. 4 As surely as He overcame, And triumphed once for you; So surely, you, that love His name. Shall triumph in Him too. 167 PARTICULAR DUTIES. 217 FAITH ENCOURAGED. C. M. 1 RISE, my soul, pursue the path By ancient worthies trod; Aspiring, vieAV these holy men, Who liv'd and walked with God. 2 Though dead, they speak in reason's ear, And in example live; Their faith, and hope, and mighty deeds, Still fresh instruction give. 8 'T was through the Lamb's most precious blood They conquered every foe; And to His power and matchless grace, Their crowns of life they owe. 4 Lord, may I ever keep in view The patterns Thou hast given ; And ne'er forsake the blessed road That led them safe to heaven. I i 218 CHRISTIAX TERSEVERAKCE. C. il 1 OH! that Thy statutes every hour 9 Might dwell upon my mind ! Thence I derive a quickening power And daily peace I find. 2 To meditate Thy precepts, Lord, Shall be my sweet employ ; My soul shall ne'er forget Thy word ; Tliy word is all my joy. 158 SUBMISSION. S How would I run in Thy commands, Should'st Thou my heart discharge From sin, and Satan's hateful chains, And set my feet at large ! 4 My lips with courage shall declare Thy statutes and Thy name ; I '11 speak Thy word, though kings should hear, Nor yield to sinful shame. 2 1 Q CONlTtDEITCE ATTD SUBMISSION. S. M. 1 GIVE to the winds thy fears; Hope, and be undismaj-ed, God hears tliy sighs and counts thy tears, God shall lift up thy head. 2 Through wares, and clouds, and storms, He gently clears thy wa}^; Wait thou His time,* so shall the night Soon end In joyous da^^ 3 Leave to His sovereign sway. To choose and to command; "With wonder filled, thou then shalt' own How wise, how strong His hand. 4 Thou comprchend'st him not, Yet earth and heaven tell, God sits as Sovereign on tlie throne, He ruleth all things well. 159 PARTICULAR DUTIES. 220 CHRISTIAN SUBMISSION. C. M. 1 LORD, my best desires fulfil, And help me to resign Life, health, and comfort to Thy will, And make Thy pleasure mine. 2 Why should I shrink at Thy command? Thy love forbids my fears; Why tremble at the gracious hand That wipes away my tears 1 8 No, let me rathtr freely yield What most I prize to Tliee: Thou never hast a good withheld, Or wilt withhold from me. 4 Thy favour, all my journey through Shall be my rich supply; What more I want, or think I do. Let wisdom still deny. ( 221 CHRIST OUR STRENGTH. L. St 1 LET me but hear my Saviour say, ^J Strength shall be equal to thy day: ^ Then I rejoice in deep distress, Leaning on all sufficient grace. 2 I glory in infirmit}^ That Christ's own power may rest on me; When I am weak, then am I strong, Grftco is my shield and Christ my song. 160 SUBMISSION. 8 I can do all things, or can bear All sufferings, if my Lord be there; Sweet pleasures mingle with the pains. While His left hand my bead sustains. 4 But if the Lord be once withdrawn, And we attempt the work alone, When new temptations spring and rise. We find how great our Aveakness is. 2S2 SICKNESS SWEETENED. C. M. 1 WHEX languor and disease invade This trembling house of clay, *T is sweet to look beyond my pains. And long to fly away. 2 Sweet to reflect, how grace divine. My sins on Jesus laid ; Sweet to remember, that His blood My debt of suffering paid. 3 Sweet in His righteousness to stand. Which saves from second death ; Sweet t' experience, day by day. His Spirit's quickening breath. 4 Sweet on His faithfulness to rest, Whose love can never end: Sweet on His covenant of grace. For all things to depend. 161 PARTICULAR DUTIES. 6 Sweet in the confidence of faith, To trust His firm decrees ; Sweet to lie passive in His hands And know no will but His. 6 If such the sweetness of the streams, What must the fountain be, Where saints and angels draw their blisa Immediately from Thee! 1323 ' IT IS THE LORD. C. M. 1 IT is the Lord enthroned in light, Whose claims are all divine; Who has an undisputed right To govern me and mine, 2 It is the Lord, who gives me all My wealth, my friends, my ease; And of His bounties may recall Whatever part He please. 3 It is the Lord, my covenant God, Thrice blessed be His name! Whose gracious promise, sealed with blood, Must ever be the same. 4 And can mj'- soul, with hopes like these. Be sullen, or repine? No, gracious God, take what Thou please, I '11 cheerfully resign. SUBMISSION. 224 UNBELIEF REBUKED, lOs. and 11b. 1 BEGONE, unLolief, my Saviour is near; And for m}' relief will surely appear; By prayer let me wrestle, and He will perform, With Christ in the vessel, I smile at the storm. 2 His love in time past forbids me to think He'il leave me at last in trouble to sink: Each sweet Ebonezer, I have in review, Confirms His good pleasure to help me quite through. 3 How bitter that cup no heart can conceive, Which He drank quite up, that sinners might live! His way was much rougher and darker than mine ; Did Jesus thus suffer, and shall I repine ? 4 Since all that I meet shall work for my good; The bitter is sweet, the medicine is food; Though painful at present, 't will cease before long, And then, oh! how pleasant the conqueror's song. 220 UESIGKATK)N' TO THE WILL OF GOD, C. M. 1 THROUGH all the downward tracts of time, God's watchful eye surveys; Oh ! who so wise to choose our lot, Or regulate our ways ! 2 I cannot doubt His bounteous love, Unnieasurabl}'' kind ; To His unerring, gracious will. Be every wish resigned. 163 PARTICULAR DUTIES. 8 Good when He gives, siipremely good, Nor less when He denies; E'en crosses from His sovereign hand Are blessings in disguise. 4 Here perfect hliss can ne'er be found ; Tlie honey's mixed witli gall ; 'Midst changing scenes and dying friends. Be Thou my all in all. "* 1 I 22Q THE DEVOUT REQUEST. C. M. 1 FATHER, whate'er of earthly bliss Thy sovereign will denies; Accepted at Thy throne of grace, Let this petition rise. 2 " Give me a calm, a thankful heart. From every murmur free; The blessings of Thy grace impart. And make me live to Thee. 3 Let the sweet hope that I am Thine, My life and death attend: Thy presence through my journey shine, And crown my journey's end." BREATHINQ AFTER HEAVEN. ^S. and 6S. RISE, my soul, and stretch thy wings, Thy better portion trace; Rise from transitory things, Toward heaven, thy native place. ■164 HEAVENLY MINDEDNESS. Sun, and moon, and stars decay. Time shall soon this earth remove; Rise, my soul, and haste away To seats prepared above. Rivers to the ocean run, Nor stay in all their course ; Fires ascending seek the sun. Both speed them to their source: So a soul that 's born of God, Pants to view His glorious face ; Upward tends to His abode, To rest in His embrace. Cease, ye pilgrims, cease to mourn. Press onward to the prize ; Soon the Saviour will return, Triumphant in the skies : There we 'il join the heavenly train, "Welcome to partake the bliss; Fly from sorrow and from pain, To realms of endless peace. 228 NEARER HOME. S. M, 1 ONE sweetly solemn thought Comes to me o'er and o'er, Nearer my parting hour am I Than e'er I was before. 165 PARTICULAR DUTIES. 2 Nearer rny Father's house, "Where many mansions be ; Nearer the throne where Jesus reigns, Nearer the crystal sea ; 3 Nearer my going home. Laying my burden down, Leaving my cross of heavy grief, "Wearing my starry crown. 4 Jesus! to Thee I cling: Strengthen my arm of faith ; Stay near me while my way-worn feet Press through the stream of death. 229 rOREVEU WITH THE LORD. S. M. 1 FOREVER with the Lord ! Amen, so let it be ; Life from the dead is in that word, *Tis immortality. 2 Here in the body pent, Absent from Him I roam, Yet nightly pitch my moving tent A day's march nearer home. 3 My Father's house on high, Home of my soul, how near At times to faith's illumined eye Thy golden gates appear ! 166 CHARITY. 4 My thirsty spirit faints To reach the land 1 love, The bright inheritance of saints, Jerusalem above. 230 GRATITUDE. C. il. 1 now can I sink with such a prop As my eternal God, Who bears the earth's h\ige pillars up, And spreads the heavens abroad? 2 How can I die while Jesus lives. Who rose and left the dead? Pardon and grace my soul receives. From mine exalted Head, S All that I am, and all I have. Shall be for ever Thine ! "Whate'er ray duty bids me give. My cheerful hands resign. 4 Yet if I might make some reserve. And duty did not call, I love mj' God with zeal so great, That I would give Him all. 231 HEAVENLY JOY OX EARTH. S. M. 1 COME, we who love the Lord, And let our joys be known; Join in the song with sweet accord, And thus surround the throne. 167 PARTICULAR DUTIES. 2 Let those refuse to sing, Who never knew our God ; But favourites of the heavenly King, Should speak their joys abroad. 8 Tixe men of grace have found ., Glory begun below, Celestial fruits on earthly ground, From faith and hope may grow. 4 Tlie hill of Zion yields A thousand sacred sweets, Before we reach the heavenly fields, Or walk the golden streets. 5 Then let our songs abound. And every tear be dry; We're marching through Immanuel's ground^ To fairer worlds on high. 232 REJOICINa IN HOPE. *IS, 1 CHILDREN of the heavenly King, As ye journey, sweetly sing; Sing your Saviour's worthy praise, Glorious in His works and ways. 2 Ye are travelling homo to God In the way the fathers trod; They are happy now, and ye Soon their happiness shall see. 168 CONFIDENCE IN GOD. 3 Shout, ye little flock, and, blessed. You near Jesus' tin-one shall rest: There your seats are now prepared, There 3'our kingdom and reward. 4 Fear not, brethren, joyful stand On the borders of j'our land : Jesus Christ, your Father's Son, Bids you undismayed, go on. 6 Lord! submissive make us go. Gladly leaving all below: Only Thou our Leader be, And we still will follow Thee. 233 THE SAFETY OF TUE CHURCH. L. M. 1 GOD is our refuge in distress, A present help when dangers press: On Him for safety we relied, And in His strength we will confide; 2 Though earth were from her centre tossed, And mountains in the ocean lost ; Or lofty hills /rom their abode. Torn peace-meal by the roaring flood. 3 Let angry waves together rolled Rage on with fury uncontrolled; "We will not fear, whilst we depend On God, who is our constant friend. S 169 PARTICULAR DUTIES. 4 A gentler stream, that ever flows. And joy to all around bestows, T!>e city of the Lord sliall fill, The city where lie 's worshipped still. 5 God dwells in Zion, whose strong towers Shall mock th' assault of earthly powers, And His almighty aid is nigh, To those who on His strength rely. 234 GOD OUR REFUGE AND ROCK. 1 WHEN, overwhelmed with grief, My heart within nie dies; Helpless and far from all relief. To heaven I lift mine ej-es. 2 Oh! lead me to the rock, That's high above mj- head; And make the covert of Tliy wings My shelter and my shade. S Within Thy presence, Lord, For ever I '11 abide: Thou art the tower of my defence, The Refuge where I hide. 4 Thou givest me the lot Of those that fear Thy name: If endless life be their reward, I shall possess the same. l'?0 CONFIDENCE IN GOD. 230 GOD OUR PORTION. C. M. 1 GOD, my Supporter, and my Hope, My Help for ever near; Thine arm of mercy held me up, When sinking in despair. 2 Thy counsels, Lord, shall guide my feet, Thi'ough this dark wilderness; Tliy hand conduct me near Thy seat, To dwell before Thy face. 3 "Were I in heaven ^vithout my God, 'T would be no joy to mc; And while this earth is my abode, I long for none but Thee. 4 What if the sprinirs of life were broke, And flesh and heart should faint? God is my soul's eternal Rock, The Strength of every saint. 236 DIVIN'E PROTECTION. C. M. 1 TO Zion's hill I lift my eyes, From thence expecting aid ; From Zion's hill, and Zion'e God, Who heaven and earth has made. 2 Thou, then, my soul, in safely rest: Thy guardian will not sleep: Ilis watchful care, that Israel guards. Will thee in safety keep. 171 PARTICULAR DUTIES. 3 Sheltered beneath th' Ahnighty's "wings, Thou shalt securely rest, "Where neither sun nor moon shall thee By day or night molest. 4 At home, abroad, in peace, in war Thy God shall thee defend ; Conduct thee through life's pilgrimage, Safe to thy journey's end. 23/ GOD OUn PRESERVER. H. M, 1 UPWARD I lift mine eyes; From God is all my aid ; The God that built the skies, And earth and nature made: God is the power, I His grace is nigh To which I fl}' ; I In every hour. 2 My feet shall never slide, Nov fall in fatal snares; Since God, my guard and guide. Defends me from my fears. i Tliose wakeful eyes, I Shall Israel keep, Tliat never sleep, I When dangers rise. 3 No burning heats by day, Nor blasts of evening air, Shall take my health away. If God be with me there: Thou art my sun, I To guard my head And Thou my shade, I By night, or noon. 172 PILGRIMAGE. 4 Hast Thou not given Thy word To save my soul from death? And I can trust my Lord, To keep my mortal breath. I'll go and come, I Till from on high Is or fear to die, I Thou call me home. 238 THE pilgrim's GUIDE. 8s, Ts. and 49. 1 GUIDE me, Thou great Jehovah, Pilgrim through this barren land ; I am -weak, but Thou art mighty, Hold me with Thy powerful hand: Bread of Heaven, Feed me till I want no more. 2 Open Thou the crystal fountain, "Whence the healing streams do flow: Let the fiery, cloudy pillar Lead me all my journey through: Strong Deliverer, Be Tiiou still my Strength and Shield. 3 When I tread the verge of Jordan, Bid my anxious fears subside : Death of death, and hell's destruction, Land me safe on Canaan's side : Songs of praises I will ever give to Thee. 173 PARTICULAR DUTIES. 239 PASSAGE THROUGH LIFE. C. M. 1 "WE seek a rest beyond the skies, In everlasting dny ; Through floods and flames the passage lies. But Jesus guards tlie way. 2 The swelling flood and raging flame Hear and obey His word ; Then let us triumph in His name, Our Saviour is the Lord. 240 piLGKiM. 8s. and Vs. 1 GENTLY, Lord, O gently lead us, Through this lonely vale of tears ; Through tho changes thou 'st decreed us. Till our last great change appears : When temptation's darts assail us, "When in devious paths we stray, Let Thy goodness never fail us, Lead us in Thy perfect way. 2 In the hour of pain and anguish, ^J In the hour when death draws near, Suffer not our hearts to languish. Suffer not our souls to fear ; And when mortal life is ended, Bid us in Thine arms to rest, I Till by angel bands attended, "We awake among the blessed. 174 WARFARE. 241 THE SIIIMNCI SIIOnE. 1 MY days are gliding swiftly by, And I, a pilgrim stranger, "Would not detain them as they fly, Those hours of toil and dangez*. 2 We '11 gird our loins, my brethren dear, Our heavenly home discerning; Our absent Lord has left us word, Let every lamp be burning. 3 Should coming days be cold and dark, AVe need not cease our singing; That perfect rest naught can molest. Where golden harps are ringing. 4 Let sorrow's rudest tempest blow. Each chord on earth to sever; Our King says come, and there's our home. Forever, forever! CHORUS. For 0! we stand on Jordan's strand. Our friends are passing over, And just before, the shining shore We may almost discover. 24:2 THE WHOLE AUMOUR OF GOD. S. M. 1 SOLDIERS of Christ, arise And put your armour on, Strong in the strength which God suppliet Through Ilis eternal Son. 175 PARTICULAR DUTIES. 2 Strong in the Lord of Hosts, And ill His mighty pow'r ; "Who in the strength of Jesus trusts, Is more than conqueror. 8 Stand then in His great might, With all your strength endu'd, But take, to arm j^ou for the fight. The panoply of God: 4 Thus having all things done. And all your conflicts past, Ye may o'ercome through Christ alone. And stand entire at last. 343 THE SOLDIER OF THE CROSS. C. M. 1 AM I a soldier of the Cross, A follower of the Lamb ? And shall I fear to own His cause, Or blush to speak His name? 2 Must I be carried to the skies. On flowery beds of ease ; "While others fought to win the prize. And sailed through bloody seas? 8 Are there no foes for me to face? Must I not stem the flood? Is this vile woild a friend to grace, To help me on to God? 176 SELF-DEDICATION. 4 Sure I must fight, if I would reign j Be faithful to my Lord, And bear the toil, endure the pain. Supported by Thy word. 24:4r SELF-DEDICATIOX. L. M. 1 LORD, I am Thine, entirely Thine, Purchased and saved by blood divine; With full consent Thine I would be, And own Thy sovereign right in me. 2 Here, Lord, my flesh, my soul, my all, I yield to Thee beyond recall ; Accept Thine own, so long withheld, Accept what I so freel}'- yield, 3 Here, at that cross, where flows the blood That bought my guilty soul for God ; Thee, my new Master, now I call, And consecrate to Thee my all. 4 Do Thou assist a feeble worm. The great engagement to perform Thy grace can full assistance lend. And on that grace I dare depend. 240 PUBLIC PROFESSION, C. M. 1 YE men and angels, witness now, Before the Lord we speak; To Him we make our solemn vow, A vow we dare not break. 8* 177 PARTICULAR DUTIES. 2 That, long as life itself shall lapt. Ourselves to Christ we yield ; Kor, from Ilis cause will we depart, Kor ever quit the field. 3 We trust not in our native strength, But on His grace rely; May He, with our returning wants, All needful aid supply. 4 Oh! guide our doubtful feet aright, And keep us in Thy ways; And, while turn our vows to prayers. Turn Thou our prayers to praise. 246 PKHSOXAL CONSECRATIOX. 1 WHAT sliall I render to my God, For all His kindness shown ? "My feet shall visit Thine abode, My songs address Thy Throne. 2 Among the saints that fill Thine house, My offerings shall be paid; There shall mj' zeal perform the vows, My soul in anguish made. 8 How much is mercy Thy delight, Thou ever blessed God! IIow dear Thy servants in Thy sight I How precious is their blood! 178 PRAYER. 4 How happy all Thy servants are! How groat Tliy grace to me I My life, which 'jlIiou hast made Thy care, Lord, I devote to Thee. 247 PLEADING AT THE MERCY SEAT. 1 COME, my soul, thy suit prepare, Jesus loves to answer prayer ; He Himself has bid thee pray. Therefore, will not say thee nay? 2 Thou art coming to a King, Large petitions with thee bring; For His grace and power are such, JS^one can ever ask too much. 3 Lord, I come to Thee for rest ; Take possession of my breast ; There Thy blood-bought riglit maintain, And without a rivfil reign. 4 Show me what I have to do, Every hour my strength renew, Let me live a life of faith. Let me die Thy people's death. 248 CONFIDENCE IN GOD, C. M. 1 APPROACH, my soul, the mercy seat, Where Jesus answers prayer ; There humbly fall before His feet, For none can perish there. 179 PARTICULAR DUTIIiS. 2 Thy promise is my only plea, With this I venture nigh ; Thou callest burdened souls to Thee, And such, O Lord, am I ! S Be Tliou my Shield and Hiding place, That, sheltered near Thy side, I may my fierce accuser fiice, And tell him, Thou hast died. 4 wondrous love ! to bleed and die, I To bear the cross and shame, That guilty sinners, such as I, Might plead Thy gracious name. |l 249 PREPARATION FOR PRAYER, C. M. 1 LORD, teach us how to pray aright, With reverence and with fear ; Though dust and ashes in Thy sight, We may, we must draw near. 2 God of all grace, we come to Thee, With broken, contrite hearts ; Give, what Thine eyes delight to see, Truth in the inward parts. 8 Give deep humility ; the sense Of godly sorrow give; A strong desiring confidence To hear Thy voice and live; 180 PRAYER. 4 Faith in the only sacrifice That can for sin atone; To cast our liopes, lo fix our eyes, On Christ, on Christ alone. 850 THE MERCY SEAT. L. M. 1 FROM every stormy wind that "blows, From every swelling tide of woes, There is a calm, a sure retreat, 'Tis found beneath the mercy seat. 2 There is a place, where Jesus sheds The oil of gladness on our heads ; A place than all besides more sweet. It is the blood-bought mercy seat. 3 There is a scene, where spirits blend. Where friend holds fellowship with friend. Though sundered far, by faith they meet, Around one common mercy seat. 4 Ah ! whither could we flee for aid, When tempted, desolate, dismayed? Or how the hosts of hell defeat, Had suffering saints no mercy seat? 2^1 THE IMPOUTTXATE PRAYER. S. M. 1 THE Lord, who truly knows The heart of every saint. Invites us, by His holy word To pray and never faint. 181 PARTICULAR PUTIES. 2 He boAV6 His gracious ear! We never plead in vain ; Yet we must wait till He appear, And pray, and pray again. 8 Though unbelief suggest, Why should we longer wait? He bids us never give Him rest ; But be importunate. 4 Then let us earnest be, And never faint in prayer; He loves our importiinity, And makes our cause His care. 2D2 ADDA FATHER. C. M. 1 SOVEREIGN of all the worlds on high. Allow our humble claim ; "Nor, while poor worms Avould raise their h«ad8, Disdain a Father's name. 2 Our Father God! how sweet the sound I -l How tender and how dear! Not all the melodj- of heaven Could so delight the ear. 3 Come, sacred Spirit, seal the Name On my expanding heart; And show, that in Jehovah's grace, I share a filial port. 182 PRAYER. 4 Cheered by a signal so divine, Unwavering I believe : Thou know est I ABBA FATHER, cry, Nor can Tliy word deceive. 253 DELIVER US FROM EVIL. C. M. 1 TEACH U3, O Lord, aright to plead. For mercies from above: Oh ! come, and bless our souls indeed, "With light, and joy, and love. 2 Oh ! may Thy hand be with us still, Our guide and guardian be; To keep us safe from every ill. Till death shall set us free. 8 Help us on Thee to cast our care. And on Thy vord to rest; That Israel's God, who heareth prayer, Will grant us our request. So 4: THE MERCY SEAT. C. M. 1 NO, never shall my heart despond, Long as my lips can pray ; My latest breath, with effort fond, Shall pass in prayer away. 2 There is a heavenly me-rcy peat To calm the sinner's fears; Tliere is a Saviour at whose feet The mourner dries his tears, 183 PAUTICULAR DUTIES. "When friends depart, and hopes are riven. And gathering storms I see, ly^y soul is but the sooner driven, Eternal Rock to Thee ! O for a voice of sweeter sound, For every wind to bear; To teach the listening world around . The blessedness of prayer! 3oO TtiE GLORIES OF THE ciiuRcn, 8s. and 7s. 1 GLORIOUS things of thee are spoken, Zion, city of our God ; He, whose word can ne'er be broken, Chose thee for His own abode. On the Rock of Ages founded. Who can shake her sure repose? "With salvation's wall surrounded, She can smile at all her foes. 2 Round each habitation hovering, See the cloud and fire appear. For a glorjT and a covering, Showing that the Lord is near. Glorious things of tliee are spoken, Zion. city of our God; He, whose word can ne'er be broken. Forms thee for His own abode. 184 THE CHURCH. 256 TUE nation's bulwark. S. M. 1 GREAT is the Lord oav God, And let His praise be groat ; He makes His cluirches His abode, His most delightful seat. 2 These temples of ^lis grace, How beautiful they stand! The honour of our native place, And bulwarks of our laud. 3 In Zion God is known, A refuge in distress: How bright has His salvation shone Through all her palaces ! 4 In ever}' new distress, ^Ye '11 to His house repair: We'll think upon His wondrous grace, And seek deliverance there. 257 PRIVILEGES OF THE CHUKCH. C. il 1 ARISE, O King of grace, arise. And enter to Thy rest: Lo! Thy church waits with longing eyes, Thus to be owned and blessed. 2 Enter with all Thy glorious train, Thy Spirit and Thy word: All, that the ark did once contain. Could no such grace afford. 185- THE CHURCH. 8 Clothe all Thy ministers with grace, Let truth their tongues employ; That in the Saviour's righteousness Thy saints may shout for joy. 4 Here mighty God! accept our vows, Here let Thy praise be spread: Bless the provisions of Thy house, ■ And fill Thy poor with bread. 258 LOVK FOR THK CHURCH. S. M. 1 I LOVE Thy kingdom, Lord, The house of Thine abode ; The church our blessed Redeemer saved "With His own precious blood. 2 I love Thy church, God! Her walls before Thee stand. Dear as the ay)ple of Thine eye. And graven on Thy hand. 8 If e'er to bless Thy sons, My voice or hands deny, These hands let useful skill forsake. This voice in silence die. 4 If e'er mj heart forget Her welfare or her woe, Let every joy this heart forsake, And every grief o'erflow. 186 THE CHURCH. 6 For her my tears ehall fall ; For her my prayers ascend; To her my cares and toils be given. Till toils and cares shall end. 6 Beyond my highest joy I prize her heavenly ways; Her sweet communion, solemn vowi Her hymns of love and praise. 259 THK BEAUTY OF ZION. 1 FAR as Thy name is known, The world declares Thy praise; Thy saints, O Lord, Lefore Thy throne, Tlieir songs of honour raise. 2 Let strangers walk around The city where we dwell. Compass and view Thy holy ground, And mark the building well; 8 The orders of Thy house, The worship of Thy court, The cheerful songs, the solemn vows, And make a fair report. 4 The God we worship now, Will guide us till we die ; Will be our God while here below. And ours above the sky. 187 S. M. MINISTRY. 260 THE GOSPEL MINISTRY. S. M. < 1 HOW beauteous are their feet, Who stand on Zion's hill ; Who briag salvation on their tongues, I And words of peace reveal! ' 2 How charming is their voice. How sweet the tidings are ! "Zion, behold thy Saviour King, He reigns and triumphs here." 3 How happy are our ears That hear this joyful sound; Which kings and prophets Avaited for, And sought, but never found! 4 How blessed are our eyes, That see this heavenlj- light ! Prophets and kings desired it long, But died without the sight. 261 THE PROMISE TO ABRAHAM. C. M. 1 THUS saith the mercy of the Lord, "I'll be a God to thee; I'll bless thy numerous race, and they Shall be a seed to Me." 2 Jesus the ancient faith confirms, To our forefathers given* He takes young children to His arms, And calls them heirs of heaven. 188 SACRAI^IENTS. 8 Our God, how faitliful arc His ways ! His love endures the same; Nor from the promise of His grace, Blots out His children's name. 4 Then let the children of the saints Be dedicate to (iod ; Pour out Thy Spirit on them, Lord I And wash them in Tliy blood. 263 MEET AND REMEMBER ME. C. M. 1 IF human kindness meets return, x\.nd owns the grateful tie; If tender thoughts within us burn, To feel a friend is nigh; 2 Oh ! shall not warmer accents tell The gratitude we owe To Him, who died our fears to quell, Our more than orphan's woe? 3 While yet His anguished soul surveyed Those pang!? He would not flee, "What love His latest words displayed! "Meet and remember Me." 4 Remember Thee! Thy death, Thy shame Our sinful hearts to share! Oh, memory ! leave no other name But His recorded there. 189 SACRAMENIB. 2o3 THE EKAVENLT FEAST. C. M. 1 HOW sweet and awful is the place, With Christ within the doors; While everlasting love displays The choicest of her stores ! 2 While all our hearts, and all our songs, Join to admire the feast ; Each of us cries with thankful tongues, "Lord, why was I a guest? 3 Why was I made to hear Thy voice, And enter while there 's room ; When thousands make a wretched choice. And rather starve than come ?" 4 'T was the same love, that spread the feast. That sweetly forced us in ; Else we had still refused to taste. And perished in our sin. 2G4 THERE YET IS ROOM. C. M. 1 YE wretched, hungry, starving poor. Behold a royal feast! Where mercy spreads her bounteous store. For every humble guest. 2 See, Jesus stands Avith open arms; He calls, He bids you come ; Guilt holds you back, and fear alarms: But see, there yet is room ; 100 SACRAMENTS. S Room in the Savioiu''3 bleeding heart' There love and pity meet; Nor -will He bid the soul depart, That trembles at His feet. 4 In Ilim the Father reconciled Invites your soul to come; The rebel shall be called a child. And kindly welcomed home. 2dO it is finished. 8s., Ys. and 4i 1 HARK! the voice of love and mercy Sounds aloud from Calvary ; See! it rends the rocks asunder, Shakes the earth, and veils the sky! " It is finished I" Hear the dying Saviour cry. 2 It is finished 1 oh ! what pleasure Do these precious words afford! Heavenly blessings, without measure. Flow to us from Clirist the Lord : " It is finished !" Saints, the dying words record. 3 Finished, all the types and shadows Of the ceremonial law ! Finished, all that God has promised; Death and hell no more shall awe: " It is finished 1" Saints, from hence your comfort draw. 191 SACRAMENTS. 266 THE LOVE OF CHRIST. C. M. 1 HOW condescending, and how kind, Was God's eternal Son! Our misery readied His heavenly mind, And pity brought Him down. 2 When justice, bj- our sins provoked, Drew forth His dreadful sword, He gave His soul up to the stroke. Without a murmuring word. 3 Here we receive repeated seals _^ Of Jesus' dying love; Hard is the wretch that never feels One soft affection move. 4 Here let our hearts begin to melt, While we His death record ; And with our joy for pardoned guilt, Mourn that we pierced the Lord. 267 THE LAMB THAT WAS SLAIN. L. M. 1 OH! the sweet wonders of that cross, Wliere God the Saviour loved and died ; Her noblest life my spirit draws Fi*om His dear wounds, and bleeding side. 2 I would for ever speak His name In sounds to mortal ears unknown, With angels join to praise the Lamb, And worship at His Father's throne, 192 REVIVAI^. 3 All hail! Tliou great Iniraanuel, hail! Ten thousand blessings on Thy name I While thus Thy wondrous love we tell, Our bosoms feel the sacred flame. 4 Come, quickly come, immortal King! Oa earth Th}' regal honours raise ; The full salvation promised bring, Theu every tongue shall sing Thy praise! 2G8 PRAYEn FOR A REVIVAL. 8s,, Ys and 48. 1 SAVIOUR, visit Thy plantation; Grant us. Lord, a gracious rain! All will come to desolation, Unless Thou return again. Lord, revive us; All our help must come from The*. 2 Keep no longer at a distance; Shine upon us from on high, Lest, for want of Thine assistance, Ever}- plant should droop and die. 3 Let our mutual love be fervent, Make us prevalent in prayers; Let each one esteemed Thy servant. Shun the world's bewitching snares. 4 Break the tempter's fatal power; Turn the slony heart to flesh; And begin from this good hour To revive Thy work afre»h. 9 193 REYIVAI^. 2oQ SEEKING REVIVAL. 88. and 7s. 1 MET, O God, to ask Thy presence, Join our soi;ls to seek Thy grace ; Oh ! deny us not, nor spurn us, Guilty rebels, from Thy face. 2 May Tliy people wake from slumber, . Ere their lamps shall fail and die; Bridegroom of the church, awake them. Rouse them by the midnight cry. 3 Let conviction seize the careless. Through their souls Thine arrows dart; Let Thy truth, so long neglected, Break and melt the flinty heart. 4 O Thoii kind, forgiving Spirit, Comforter, on Tliee we call ; Cheer the saint, alarm the sinner. Oh ! revive, revive us alL 3/0 SEEKING REVIVAL. C. M. 1 WE now, O Lord, approach Tliy throne. To open all our grief: Now send Thy promised mercy down. And gi-ant us quick relief. 2 Thou never saidst to Jacob's seed, " Seek ye my face," in vain ; And canst Thou now deny Thine aid, "When burdened souls complain? PwEVIYALS. 8 The same Thy power, Thy love the same, Unmoved the promise shines; Eternal truth surrounds Thy name. And guards the precious lines. 4 Though Satan rage, and flesh rebel, And unbelief arise, "We'll wait around Thy footstool still, For Thou wilt hear our cries. 271 LIGHT OF THE WORLD. 8s. and Ts. 1 LIGHT of those whose dreary dwelling Borders on the shades of death ; Come, and by Thy love revealing, Dissipate the clouds beneath: The new heaven and earth's Creator, In our deepest darkness rise. Scattering all the night of nature, Pouring light upon our eyes. 2 Save us, in Thy great compassion, O Thou mild, pacific Prince ; Give the knowledge of salvation. Give the pardon of our sins ; By Thine all-sufficient merit. Every burdened- soul release; Every weary, wandering spirit, Guide into Thy perfect peace. I0& REVIVALS. 272 SPIRIT SOUGHT. 1 Oil! for the happy hour "When God will hear our cry, And send, with a reviving power, His Spirit from on high. 2 While many crowd Thy house. How few around Thy board Meet to record tlieir solemn vows, And bless Thee as their Lord! 8 Thou, Thou alone canst give Thy gospel sure success; Canst bid the dying sinner live Anew in holiness. 4 Come, then, with power divine, Spirit of life and love; Then shall our people all be Thine, Our church, like that above. PRAYER FOR CHRIST S PRESENCE. 273 1 O THOU, whose hands the kingdom sway, "Whom earth, and hell, and heaven obe}'; To help Thy chosen sons, appear. And show Tliy power and glory here! 2 Oh ! haste, with every gift inspired, "With glory, truth, and grace attired, Thou Star of heaven's eternal morn ! Thou Sun, whom beams divine adorn ! 19& REVIVA15. 8 Assert the honour of Thy name, O'erwhehn Thj- foes with fear and shame ; Then, send Thy Spirit from above, And change their enmity to love. 274 THE CHURCH REVIVED. C. M. 1 LET Zion and her sons rejoice: Behold the promised hour! Her God hath heard her mourning voice And comes t' exalt His power. 2 Her dust and ruins that remain, Are precious in our eyes ; Those ruins shall be built again, And all that dust shall rise. S The Lord shall raise Jerusalem, And stand in glory there: Nations shall bow before His name, And kings attend with fear. 4 He sits a sovereign on His throne, With pity in His eyes ; He hears the dying prisoners' groan, And sees their sighs arise. 275 THY KINGDOM COME. L. M. 1 ASCEND Thy throne, almighty King, . And spread Thy glories all abroad ; Let Thine own arm salvation bring, And be Thou known the gracious God. 197 MISSIONS. 2 Let millions bow before Thy seat, Let humble mourners seek Thy face ; Bring d.ai'ing rebels to Thy feet, Subdued by Thy victorious grace. 3 Oh ! let the kingdoms of the world Become the kingdoms of the Lord ; Let saints and angels praise Thy name, Be Thou through heaven and earth adored. 27 Q PRAISE FOR SALVATION. C. M. 1 SALVATION! O the joyful sound; 'Tis pleasure to our ears; A sovereign balm for every wound, A cordial for our fears, 2 Buried in sorrow, and in sin. At hefl's dark door we lay; But we arise by grace divine. To see a heavenly day. 3 Salvation ! let the echo fly The spacious earth around, While all the armies of the sky Conspire to raise the sound. 277 REPLY TO CALL OF THE HEATHEN. 7 3. and 6i. 1 FROM Greenland's icy mountains, From India's coral strand ; "Where Afric's sunny fountains Boll down their golden sand ; 198 MISSIONS. From many an ancient river. From many a palmy plain, They call us to deliver Their land from error's chain. 2 Wliat though the spicy breezes Blow soft o'er Ceylon's isle, Though every prospect pleases. And only man is vile? In vain with lavish kindness The gifts of God are strown; The heathen in his blindness Bows down to wood and stone, S Shall we, whose souls are lighted With wisdom from on high, Shall we to men benighted The lamp of life deny? Salvation 1 Salvation! The joyful sound proclaim, Till earth's remotest nation Has learned Messiah's name. 4 Waft, waft, VQ winds. His story, And you, ye waters, roll, Till, like a sea of glory, It spreads from pole to pole ; Till o'er our ransomed nature. The Lamb for sinners slain. Redeemer, King, Creator, In bliss returns to reign, 199 MISSIONS. 278 -^I^M OF THE LORD, AWAKE ! 1 ARM of the Lord, awake, awake ! Put on Thy strength, the nations shake, And let tlie world, adoring, see Triumphs of mercy wrought by Thee, 2 Say to the heathen, from Thy throne, "I am Jehovah, God alone;" Thy voice their idols shall confound, And cast their altars to the ground. Z No more let human blood be spilled. Vain sacrifice for human guilt ! But to each conscience be applied The blood that flowed from Jesus' side. 4 Almighty God, Thy grace proclaim. In every land, of every name ; Let adverse powers before Thee fall. And crown the Saviour — Lord of all. 279 BLESSINGS OF christ's reiov. Va. and da 1 HAIL to the Lord's anointed ! Great David's greater Son : Hail, in the time appointed, His reign on earth begun !• He comes to break oppression. To set the captive free: To take away transgression, And rule in equity, MISSIONS. 2 He comes, with succour speedy, To those who suffer wrong; To lielp the poor and needy. And bid the weak he strong; To give tliem songs for sighing, Their darkness turn to light, AVhose souls, condemned and dying, Were precious is Ilis sight. 8 He shall come down, like showers Upon the fruitful earth, And love and joy, like flowers, Spring in His path to birth: Before Him on the mountains. Shall peace the herald go, And righteousness in fountains From hill to valley flow. 4 For Him shall pra\-er unceasing, And daily vows, ascend; His kingdom, still increasing, A kingdom without end: The tide of time shall never His covenant remove ; His name shall stand for ever: That name to us is — Love. 2gQ SEND TEiK gospel. Ss., Ys. and 4s. 1 O'ER the gloom\^ hills of darkness. Cheered by no celestial ray. Sun of righteousness, arising. Bring the bright, the glorious day; 9* 201 MISSIONS. Send the gospel To the earth's remotest bound. 2 Kingdoms -wide, that sit in darkness, Grant tlieni, Lord, the glorious light! And from eastern coast to western, May the morning chase the night; And redemption, Freely purchased, win the dny. 3 Fly abroad, thou mighty gospel. Win and conquer, never cease; May thy lasting, wide dominions Multiply and still increase: Sway Thy sceptre. Saviour, all the world around. 281 THK TuiuMriis OF THK GOSPEL. 8s., Ys. and 41. 1 YES! we trust the day is breaking; Joyful times are near at hand: God, the might}^ God, is speaking * By His word in every land: When lie chooses, Darkness flies at His command. 2 Let us hail the joyful season, Let us hail the dawning ray; When the Lord appears, there 's reason To expect a glorious day : At His presence Gloom and darkness flee away. 202 MISSIONS. 3 "While the foe becomes more daring, "While He enters like a flood; God the Saviour, is preparing Means to spread His truth abroad; Every language Soon shall tell the love of God. 283 "^"^ TRINITY INVOKED. S. M. 1 O LORD, our God, arise, The cause of truth maintain; And wide o'er all the peopled world < Extend her blessed reign. 2 Thou Prince of Life, arise, Nor let Thy glory cease ; Far spread the conquests of Thy grace. And bless the earth with peace. 3 Thou Holy Ghost, arise. Extend Thy healing wing. And o'er a dark and ruined world Let light and order spring. 4 Let all on earth arise, To God the Saviour sing; From shore to shore, from earth to heaven, Let echoing anthems ring! Qg3 chuist's reign. S. M. 1 GREAT heir of David's throne! The royal power assume; Come, reign in faithful hearts alone, Thou blessed Redeemer come. 203 MISSIONS. • T 2 Set up Thy throne of grace In all the heathen's sight. Thy kingdom of true holiness, And order it aright. 3 Now, for Thy promise' sake. O'er earth exalted be: The kingdom, powei*, and glory take, Which all belong to Tliee. 4 In zeal for God and man. Thy full salvation bring: The universal Monarch reign. The saints' eternal King. 284: SPIRIT SOUGHT. 8s., 7s. and 4s. 1 WHO but Thou, almighty Spirit, Can the heathen world reclaim ? Men may preach, but till Thou favour. Heathens will be still the same: Mighty Spirit, Witness to the Saviour's name, 2 Thou hast promised, by the prophets, ^ Glorious light in latter days : Come, and bless bewildered nations, Change our prayers and tears to praise : Promised Spirit, Round the world diflfuse Thy rays. 204 MISSIONS. S All our hopes, and prayers, and labours, Must be vain without Thine aid: But Thou wilt not disappoint us, All is true that Thou hast said : Faithful Spirit, O'er the world Thine influence shed. OQf^ THY "W^ILL BE DONK. C. M. 1 GREAT Saviour, let thy power divine, O'er all the earth be known; Let all to Thee, their will resign, And make Thy will their own. 2 Perversion marks the guilty way, "Wliich heathens madly tread ; From all Thy laws they go astray, And hasten to the dead. 3 Thou, Saviour-God, hast power alone. To turn their wondering feet. To bend their souls before Thy throne, Low at Thy mercy seat. 4 For, all the power, beneath, above. Thy wounded hands sustain; Tlien sway the sceptre of Thy love, " And let Thy mercy reign. 28 G "^"^ KINGDOM OF CHRIST, L. M. 1 JESUS shall reign where'er the sun Does his successive journeys run; His kingdom stretch from shore to shore, Till moons shall wax and wane no more. 205 MISSIONS. 2 For Him shall endless prayer be made, And praises circle round His head: Hi* name, like sweet perfume, shall rise "With every morning sacrifice. 8 People and realms of everj^ tongue Dwell on His love with sweetest song; And infant voices shall proclaim Their early blessings on His name. 4 Blessings abound where'er He reigns, The prisoner leaps to lose his chains, The weary find eternal rest, And all the sons of want are blessed. 287 SOWING THE SEED. S. M. 1 SOW in the morn thy seed, At eve hold not thy hand ; To doubt and fear give thou no heed, Broad-cast it round the land. 2 Beside all waters sow, The highway furrows stock, Drop it wliere thorns and thistles growf Scatter it on the rock. 3 Thou know'st not Avhich may thrive, Tiie late or early sown ; Grace keeps the precious germ alive. When and wherever strown. 206 MISSIONS. 4 Thou canst not toil in vain : ColJ, heat, and luoist, and dry, Shall fioster and mature the grain, For garners in the sky. 288 Christ's coming to reigk, L. M. 1 JESUS, Thy church with longing eyes For Thine expected coming waits: When will the promised light arise And glory beam from Zion's gates? 2 E'en now, when tempests round us fall, A.nd wintry clouds o'ercast the sky, Tliy words with pleasure we recall. And deem that our redemption 'a nigh. 3 Teach us, in watchfulness and prayer, To wait for the appointed hour; And fit us by Thy grace to share The triumphs of Thy conquering power. 289 PRAYKR FOR THE SPIRIT. L. M. 1 SPIRIT of the living God! In all Thy plenitude of grace, Where'er the foot of man hath trod, Descend on our apostate race ! 2 Give tongues of fire and hearts of love, To preach the reconciling word ; Give power and unction from above, Where'er the joyful sound is heard, 207 PARTICULAR SEASONS. 3 Be daiTcness at Thy coming, light: Confusion, order, in Thy path; Souls witliout strength inspire with mighC, Bid mercy triumph over wrath. 4 Convert the nations; far and nigh The triumphs of the cross record; The name of Jesus glorify, Till ev'r}^ people call Him Lord. 290 CHILDREN OF TIIK CHURCH, L. M. 1 DEAR Saviour, if these lambs should stray From Tliy secure enclosure's bound, And, lured by worldly joj^s away, Among the thoughtless crowd be found, 2 Remember still that they are Thine, Tliat Thy dear sacred name they bear ; Think that the seal of love divine. The sign of covenant grace they wear. 3 In all their erring, sinful years, Oh! let them ne'er forgotten be: Remember all the praj'ers and tears. Which made them consecrate to Thee. 4 And when these lips no more can pra}'', These ej'-es can weep for them no more, Turn Thou their feet from folly's way, The wanderers to Thy fold restore. 2oa YOUTH. 291 children's conversion. C. M. 1 LORD, beliold us at Thy f^et, A need}-, sinful band: As suppliants round Thy mercy seat, We come at Thy command. 2 'T is for our cliildren we Avould plead, Tlie offspring Thou hast given; Where shall we go in time of need, But to the God of heaven? 3 AVe ask not for them wealth or fame, Amid the worldly strife : But in the all prevailing Name, We ask eternal life. 4 We crave the Spirit's quickening grace. To make them pure in heart ; That they may stand before Thy fac«, And see Thee as Thou art. 2^2 THE YOUNG INVITED TO CHIUST. C. M. 1 YE hearts, witli youthful vigour warm, In smiling crowds draw near, And turn from every mortal charm, A Saviour's voice to hear. 2 He, Lord of all the words on high, Stoops to converse with you; And lays His radiant glories by. Your friendship to pursue. 209 PARTICULAR SEASONS. S '• The soul that longs to see My face. Is sure My love to gain; And those that early seek My grace Shall never seek in vain." 4 What object, Lord, my soul should move, If once compared with Thee? What beauty should command my love Like what in Christ I see ? 293 CHRIST THE SHEPHERD, 1 SEE the kind Shepherd, Jesus, stands, • With all engaging charms ; Hark, how He calls the tender lambs, AnAY OF JUDGMENT Ss., Ts. and 4». 1 DAY of judgment, day of wonders! Hark! the trumpet's awful sound. Louder than a thousand tliunders, Shakes the vast creation round. How the summons "Will the sinner's heart confound! 224 JUDGMENT. 2 See the Judge our nature wearing, Clothed in majesty divine! You, wlio long for Ilis appearing, Then shall sa}-, "This God is mine! " Gracious Saviour, Own nie in that day for Thine! 3 At His call the dead awaken, Rise to life from earth and sea: All the powers of nature, shaken By His looks, prepare to flee: Careless sinner, What Avill then become of thee? 4 Horrors past imagination Will surprise j'our trembling heart. When you hear your condemnation, "Hence, accused wretch, depart! Thou with Satan And his angels have thy part!" 5 But to those who have confessed, Loved and served the Lord, below; He will say, " Come near, ye blessed. See the kingdom I bestow: You for ever Shall my love ani glory know.** 6 Under sorrows and reproaches, May this thought «ur courage raise! Swiftly God's great day approaches, Sighs shall then be changed to praise; We shall triumph When the world is in a blaze. 10* 225 HEAVEN. 315 THE LAST JUDGMENT, C. M. 1 THE Lord, the Judge, before His throne Bids the whole earth draw nigh; The nations near the rising sun, And near the western sky. 2 'No more shall bold blasphemers say, "Judgment will ne'er begin;" No more abuse His long delay To impudence and sin. - 3 Throned on a cloud our God shall come, Bright flames prepare His way ; Thunder and darkness, fire and storm Lead on the dreadful day. 4 Heaven from above His call shall hear. Attending angels come ; And earth rnd hell shall know and fear His justice, and their doom. 316 THE HEAVENLY CANAAN. C. Itt, 1 THERE is a land of pure delight, Where saints immortal reign: Infinite day exclifdes the night, And pleasures banish pain. 2 There, everla'>ting spring abides, And never withering flowers: Death like a narrow sea, divides This heavenly land from ours. 226 HEAVEN. 3 Sweet fields beyond the swelling flood Stand dressed in living green; So to the Jews old Canaan stood, While Jordan rolled between. 4 Could we but elimb where Moses stood, And view tlie landscape o'er, Not Jordan's stream, nor death's cold flood. Should fright us from the shore. 317 THE HOPE OF HEAVEN SUPPORTIXQ. C. iL 1 WHEN I can read my title clear To mansions in the skies, I '11 bid farewell to every fear. And ^^^pe my weeping eyes. • 2 Should earth against ray soul engage, And hellish darts be hurled, Then I can smile at Satan's rage. And face a frowning world. 3 Let cares, like a wild deluge, come. And storms of sorrow fall; Ma}' I but safety reach my home, My God, my heaven, my all I 4 Tliere shall I tiathe my weary soul In seas of heaveulj' rest; And not a wave of trouble rollr Across my peaceful breast. 227 HEAVEN. 318 THE NEW JERUSALEM. C. M. 1 JERUSALEM, my happy home, Name ever dear to me! When shall my labors have an end, In joy and peace, and thee? 2 "When shall these eyes thy heaven-built walls And pearly gates behold? Thy bulwarks with salvation strong, And streets of shining gold ? 3 Apostles, martj-rs, prophet?, there Around my Saviour stand ; And soon my friends in Christ below Will join the glorious band. 4 Jerusalem, my happy home! My soul still pants for thee ; Then shall my labours have an end, When I thy joy shall see. 319 THE CHUISTIAn's HOME. lls. 1 'MID scenes of confusion and creature complaints. How sweet to my soul is comniunion with saints; To find at the banquet of mercy there 's room, And feel in the presence of Jesus at home. 2 Sweet bonds that unite all the children of peace I And thrice-precious Jesus whose love cannot cease! Though oft from Thy presence in sadness I roam, I long to behold Thee, in glory at home. 228 HEAYEtY. 3 I sigh from this body of sin to be free, "Wliie-h hinders my joy and communion with Tliee ; Tliough now m}- temptations like billows may foam, All, all will be peace, when I'm with Thee at home. 4 While here in the valley of conflict I stay, Oh! give me submission and strength as my day; In all my afflictions to Thee would I come. Rejoicing in hope of my glorious home. 320 HAPPINESS OF DEPARTED BAINTS. C. M. 1 HOW happy are the souls above. From sin and sorrow free! With Jesus they arc now at rest. And all His glory see! 2 " Worthy the Lamb," aloud they cry, "That brought us here to God:" In ceaseless hymns of praise, they shout The virtue of His blood. 3 With wondering joy they recollect Their fears and dangers past; And bless the wisdom, power, and love. Which brought them safe at last. 4 Lord, let the merit of Thy death To me be likewise given; And I, with them, will shout Thy praise Eternally in heaven. 229 HEAVEN. 321 REJOICING IX THE PROSPECT OF HEAVEN. L. M. 1 WHAT sinners value I resign: Lord 'tis enough tliut Thou art mine : I shall behold Thy blissful face, And stand complete in righteousness. 2 This life 's a dream, an empty show ; But the bright world to Avhich I go. Hath joys substantial and sincere ; When shall I wake and find me there ? 3 O glorious hour! O blessed abode! I shall be near and like my God ; And flesh and sin no more control The sacred pleasures of the soul. 4 My flesh shall slumber in the ground, Till the last trumpet's joyful sound; Then burst the chains with sweet surprise, And in my Saviour's image rise. 322 LONGING FOR HEAVEN. C. M. 1 FATHER ! I long, I faint, to see The place of Thine abode; I 'd leave Thine earthly courts, and flee Up to Thy seat, my God! 2 Tliere all the heavenly hosts are seen; In shining ranks they move; And drink immortal vigour in, With wonder and with love. 2S0 CLOSE OF WORSHIP. 3 Then at Thy feet, with awful fear, Th' adoring armies fall; With joy they shrink to nothing there. Before th' eternal All. 4 The more Thy glories strike my eyes, The humbler I shall lie; Thus while I sink, my joys shall rise Immeasurably high. 323 AT THE CLOSE OF WORSHIP. Ss., Ys. and 49. 1 LORD, dismiss ns with Thy blessing, Fill our hearts with joy and peace; Let us each, Thy love possessing, Triumph in redeeming grace; Oh! refresh us, Travelling through this wilderness! 2 Thanks we give, and adoration, For Thy gospel's joj-ful sound; May the fruits of Thy salvation In our hearts and lives abound! May Thy presence With us evermore be found! 8 So, whene'er the signal's given, Us from earth to call away; Borne on angel's wings to heaven, Glad to leave our cumbrous clay, May we, ready, Rise and reign in endless day! 231 i CLOSE OF WORSHIP. 324 UNIVERSAL PRAISi:. L. M. 1 FROM all that dwell below the skies, Let the Creator's praise arise: Let the Redeemer's name be sung Through every land, by every tongue. 2 Eternal are Thy mercies, Lord ; Eternal truth attends Thy word ; Thy pi'aise shall sound from shore to shore, Till suns shall rise and set no more. 32^ PRAYER AT PARTING. L. M. 1 DISMISS us with Thy blessing, Lord, Help us to feed upon Thy word: All that has been amiss forgive. And let Thy truth within us live. 2 Though we are guilty, Thou art good ; "Wash all our works in Jesus blood; Give every fettered soul release, And bid us all depart in peace. 326 THE PEACE OF GOD. PHIL. 4:7. L, M. 1 THE peace, which God alone reveals. And by His word of grace imparts. Which only the believer feels. Direct, and keep, and cheer our hearts. 2 And may the holy Three in One, The Father, Word, and Comforter, Pour an abundant blessing down, On every soul assembled liere. 232 DOXOLOGIES. •L.M. TO God the Father, God the Son, And God the Spirit, Three in One, Be honour, praise, and glory given. By all on earth and all in heaven. L. M. PRAISE God, from whom all blessings flovr, Praise Him all creatures here below, Praise Him above, ye heavenly host, Praise Father, Son, and Holy Ghost. CM. TO Father, Son, and Holy Ghost, The God whom we adore ; Be glory, as it was, is now, And shall be evermore. S.IL TO the eterna*! Three, In will and essence One ; To Father, Son, and Spirit be Coequal honours done. 23S DOXOLOGIES. I II. M. TO God the Fatliev's throne Perpetual honours raise, • Glory to God the Son, And to the Spirit praise: With all our powers, I Thy name we sinir, Eternal King, I* While fiuth adores. 6 C. p. M. TO Father, Son, and Holy Ghost, The God .whom heaven's triumphant host ' And saints on earth adore ; Be glory as in ages past, And now it is, and so shall last, When time shall be no more. Vs. SING we to our God above, Praise eternal as His love; Praise Him, all ye heavenly host. Father, .Son, and Holy Ghost. 8 Vs. PRAISE the name of God most high. Praise Him, all below the sky, Praise Him, all ye heavenlj'^ host, Father, Son, and Holy Ghost: As through countless ages past, Evermore His name shall hist. 234 DOXOLOGIES. 9 8s. and 7s. PRAISE the Father, earth and lieaven. Praise tlie Son, the ISpirit praise, As it was, and is, be given, Glory through eternal days. ^Q 8s., 7s. and 4s. FATHER, Son, and Holy Spirit, Thou, the God whom we adore, Ma}' we all Thy love inherit, To Thine image us restore. Vast eternal ! Praises to Thee evermore. 11 11^ O FATHER Almiglity, to Thee be addressed, "With Christ and the Spirit, one God ever blessed, All glory and worship, from earth and from heaven, As was, and is now, and shall ever be given. 8s. and 7s. APOSTOLIC BENKDICTIOX. 1 MAY the grace of Christ the Saviour, And the Father's boundless love, With the Holy Spirit's favour. Rest upon us from above. 2 Tlius may we abide in union, With each other and the Lord, And possess, in sweet communion, Joys which earth cannot afford. 235 DOXOLOGIES. 13 Vs. and 63, TO the Father, to tlie Son, And Spirit, ever Llessed, Everlasting Three in One, All worship be addressed. Praise from above, below, As throughout the ages past, Now is given, and shall be so While endless ages last. I 14 Vs. and 6s, Iambic. TO Father, Son, and Spirit, The God whom we adore, Be loftiest praises given, Now and for ever more. Earth join with heaven in singing The praise of pardoning love, Till the loud anthem swelling Shall reach the courts above. lo 6s. and 4s. TO the great One in Three, The highest praises be. Hence, evermore; His sovereign majesty May we in glory see, And to eternity Love and adore. 236 SUPPLEMENT. PSALM XXIII. C. M. 1 THE Lord's my Shepherd, I'll not -want, He makes me down to lie, In pastures green : He leadeth me The quiet waters by. 2 My soul He doth restore again; And me to walk doth make "Within the paths of righteousness, Even for His own name's sake. 3 Yea, though I Avalk in death's dark vale, Yet will I fear none ill; For Thou art with me, and Thy rod And staff me comfort still 4 Goodness and mercy all my life Shall surely follow me; And in God's house forevermore My dwelling place shall be. PSALM XL. C. M. 1 I WAITED for the Lord my God, And patiently did bear; At length to me He did incline My voice and cry to hear. 2 He took me from a fearful pit. And from the miry clay, And on a rock He set my feet. Establishing my way. 237 PSALMS.— OLD VERSION. 8 He put a new song in my mouth. Our God to magnify: Many shall see it, and shall fear, And on the Lord rely. PSALM LXVII. S. M. 1 LORD, bless and pity us, Shine on us -with Thy face: That th' earth Thy way, and nations all May know Tliy saving grace. 2 Let people praise Thee, Lord; Let people all Thee praise: O let the nations all be glad. In songs their voices raise: 8 The earth her fruit shall yield; Our God shall blessing send; God shall us bless ; men shall him fear. Unto earth's utmost end. 4b psalm xcv. C. M. 1 COME, let us sing to the Lord: Come, let us every one, ^A joyful noise make to the Rock Of our salvation. 2 Let us before His presence come With praise and thankful voice; Let us sing psalms to Him with grace. And make a joyful noise. PSALMS.— OLD VERSION. 3 For God, a great God, and great King, Above all gods He is: Depths of the earth are in His hand, The strength of hills is His. L. M. 1 ALL people that on earth do dwell, Sing to the Lord with eheerful voice, Him serve with mirth. His praise forth tell, Come ye before Him and rejoice. 2 Know that the Lord is God indeed; "Without our aid He did us make: We are His flock, he doth us feed, And for His sheep he doth us take. 3 enter, then, His gates with praise. Approach with joy His courts unto; Praise, laud, and bless His name always. For it is seemly so to do. 4 For why? the Lord our God is good. His mercy is forever sure; His truth at all times firmly stood, And shall from age to age endure. D PSALM cii. L. M. 1 THOU shalt arise, and mercy 3-et Thou to mount Sion shalt extend; Her time for favour which was set, Behold, is now come to an end. 239 PSALMS.— OLD VERSION. 2 Thy saints take pleasure in her sto&cs; Her very dust to them is dear; All heathen lands and kingly thrones, On earth Thy glorious name shall fear. S God in His glory shall appear, When Sion he builds and repairs, He shall regard and lend His ear Unto the needy's humble prayers. 4 Th' aiflicted's prayer he will not scorn All times this shall be on record: And generations yet unborn Shall praise and magnify the Lord. ' PSALM cm. S, M. 1 O THOU, my soul, bless God the Lord, And all that in me is. Be stirred up, His holy name To magnifj'- and bless. 2 Bless, O my sbul, the Lord thy God; And not forgetful be Of all His gracious benefits He hath bestowed on thee. 3 All thine iniquities who doth Most graciousl}- forgive: "Who thy diseases all and pains Doth heal and thee relieve: 4 Who doth redeem th}- life, that thou To death may'st not go down ; Who thee with loving kindness doth And tender mercies crown. 240 y-'iU'Uk.i % -rM. //■i ■■'ilVd;)i.Lk.;x.'k . l^x \\ /-L"<^.^/k^-/- ^^V^jf' •iJrrjL- Y\. ±5 ---y UUn^ .a J-^L^i I- & ".