') * sjM m 1 t . v 4p : . jH^H 1 11 k m } I y ft ^C^£> ), 7k r-^^y^^^f^^ ^r^rr^^^rr^jc Sw£^l 7- 3- 1% ; /l/v? i c set / C^ C^Z^>*~? , 4y fa ^^>^Ut c^-) /J 6 Jfif- , - - — 2 — - - 6<6 — 3 _ - -■ 44 — 4 — ~ _ < __-^ v J 9>6 —*7 ~7 ■ — " - Z^ A ^z 3-2,6 TESTIMONY TRUTHS OF CHRIST, AGREEABLY TO THE WESTMINSTER STANDARDS AS RECEIVED BY THE RE- FORMED CHURCH OF SCOTLAND; AND IN OPPOSI- TION TO DEFECTIONS FROM THE REFORMATION SWORN TO IN BRITAIN AND IRELAND. AGREED TO BY THE ASSOCIATE SYNOD OF ORIGINAL SECEDEKS. 18th May 1827- EDINBURGH : SOLD BY GUTHRIE AND TAIT, EDINBURGH; WILLIAM M'CARTER, AYR J WILLIAM TROUP, ABERDEEN; ROBERT DICK, DUNDEE; AND JAMES DEWAR, PERTH. 1827. Price 2/6. Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2012 with funding from Princeton Theological Seminary Library http://archive.org/details/actssociateprOOasso A C O F T H E ASSOCIATE PRESBYTERY, FOR RENEWING THE NATIONAL COVENANT of Scotland, and the SOLEMN LEAGUE and CO- VENANT of the three Nations. I N A Way and Manner agreeable to our prefent Situ- ation and Circumstances in this Period. EDINBURGH: Printed by Neill and Company. oold by W. Laing, Edinburgh ; J. Duncan, Glafgow ; Morison and Son ; Perth j W. Knight, Aberdeen, and R. Nicol, Dundee. r.l,DCCjLXXilIX. INTROD UCTION. AGREEABLY to Scripture-precepts and patterns, of perpetual obligation and ufe, the reformation of religion in Scotland, hath through the feveral periods thereof, being carried on in a way of Covenanting ; wherein alfo the kingdoms of Scotland, England and Ireland, did concur, anno 1643. And it was in purfuance of Covenant -engagements then come under, that pure ftandards of doc- trine, in our Co?ifeJJion of Faith and Catechifrns, were eftablifhed : and that a great pitch of reformation, as to the worfhip and go- vernment of the Church, was attained unto, in our Diretlory for the puhlic worfhip of God, and Form of Prejbyterial Church- Govern- ment. In England and Ireland thefe Covenant-engagements were foon forgot ; fo as the reformation, then arifing,, did fpeedily give way to an apoftafy, which hath lamentably increafed hitherto : And in Scotland, a door began to be actually opened, by the public refolu- tions, annis 1650 and 165 1, for defection from former ccvena?its and reformation, which hath wofully prevailed unto this day. The AJfociate Prefbytery, being led out, in the courfe of fove- reign and holy providence, to efTay the revival of reformation, have judged it their duty to en* ay, for this purpofe, the revival of Covenanting. Accordingly, The Prefbytery did, fome years ago, appoint a committee of their number, to prepare and lay before them, an overture anent the re- novation of our folemn Covenants. Hereupon the overture of an \atl of the Affociate Prefbytery, for renewing the National Cove- nant of Scotland, and the Solemn League and Covenant of the three Nations, in a way and manner agreeable to our prefent ftuation and circumflances in this period'] was laid before the Prefbytery. And after the faid overture had undergone fundry readings, reafonings and amendments, it was approven of, at Edinburgh, October 21. 1742, by the unanimous vote of all members prefent, excepting Mr Nairn. However, the Prefbytery, defirous of proceeding with great deliberation in a matter of fo much importance, agreed that there mould be acceis for all mtmbers, prefent or abfent, to pro- pofe any difficulties they might have, againft next meeting. And the matter was left in this ftate, from one meeting to another, till December 23. 1743. At the meeting in Stirling, December 23. 1743, Mr Nairn for- mally dijfented from the paragraph that confeffed the evil of the Anti-government Scheme which fome, formerly in acceffion to the Prefbytery, had efpoufed : And at the fame time, fome other mem- bers iv INTRODUCTION. bers propofed a fcruple about the faid paragraph, ftanding in the Co?ifeJJio?i of Sins, as they conceived, that the reduplication of the bond thereupon, would amount unto a blending of civil and ec- cleliaflical matters in the oath of God, in renewing the Covenants, which is not competent unto a Church-judicatory. This fcruple being again infilled upon, when the Preibytery was met at Edin- burgh, in Fehruary 1743, they did thereupon unanimoufly tranflate that paragraph into the following acl. * At Edinburgh, the third day of February, One thou/and /even 6 hundred and J oriy -three Years. * 'T^HE Preibytery are of opinion, that in regard they had for- 1 i merly agreed, that it was not fuitable to their prefent cir- f cumftances, to blend civil and ecclefiajlic matters in the oath of * God, in renewing the Covenants ; becaufe that the cognizance of 1 civil affairs belongs not properly to them as a Church-judicatory ; * and fome members being of the mind, that the reduplication of * the oath upon that claufe of the Confeffion of Sins, which was ' the occalion of the dijfent, would, upon the matter, amount to ' the forefaid blending ; that therefore the faid claufe mould be f left out. Yet, that none may mifconftrucl the principles of the ' Preibytery, on the head of the civil Magiflrate : Although the *. national a/jqflajy, under which the Lord's remnant through the ' land have been groaning, while our rulers have not only negleiled, f but contradicted their duty, of efporfing and fupporting the co- * venanted principles and reformation of this Church, whereby they i have greatly provoked the Lord to anger, be ground of humilia- * tion before the Lord : Yet the Preibytery do hereby condemn the 4 dangerous extreme that fome have gone into, of impugning the ' prefent civil authority over thefe nations, and fubjedlion there- * unto in laivfuj commands, on account of the want of thefe quali- * fications, which Magiftrates ought to have by the Word of God * and our Covenants ; even though they allow us in the free exer- 1 cife of our religion, and are not manifeftly unhinging the liberties c of the kingdom - 7 an opinion and practice contrary to the plain * tenor of Scripture, and to the known principles of this Church, ' in her ConfelTion and Covenants, and of all other reformed ? Churches : And that fome. few others carry their zeal againft the * defections and evils of the times, to the dangerous extreme of * elpoufing principles in favours of propagating religion by offenfive * arms ; quite contrary to that difpoiition, which ought to be in ' all the profeffed followers of Chrift, who came not to dellroy men's ' lives, but to fuve them. And likewife the Preibytery agree, * that unlefs the Reverend Mr Nairn retratl the principles con- * tained in the faid diffint, that tend to overthrow civil Magiftracy, * thev will proceed againft him according to the rules of this * Church.' At INTRODUCTION. v At after meetings, there were made fome other amendments up- on, as alfo fundry additions unto, the aft for renewing the Covenants; whereupon (the Prefbytery, being met in Stirling ; December 23. 1743) after ferious deliberation and prayer, the queflion was put, Approve of this acl as now amended and enlarged, in order to the re- novation of our Covenants, or Not? And it carried unanimoufly Ap- prove, wherefore the Prefbytery did approve and enacl accordingly, and ordered the fame to be publi fried ; the tenor whereof follows, immediately after the National Covenant, and the Solemn League and Covenant ; as it is the renovation of thefe which this acl pro- pofeth. N. B. Only the National Covenant, as it was entered into annis 1580 and 1 58 1, (without the Bond wherein it was renewed, anno 1638) and the Solemn League and Covenant, (without the Solemn Acknowledgment of Sins and Engagement to Duties, anno 1648) are here prefixed to the followizig acl: ; agreeably to the defign of the faid acl:, and unto the example of our Reformers, anno 1638, who re- newed the National Covenant by a new Bond, in place of that Bond wherewith it had been renewed and [worn, anno 1590, and which they omitted. And the Prefbytery 's procedure in this whole matter, is more fully explained and vindicated in their Answers to Reafons of DifTent, \£c. p. 27, — 39. K T H£ T II E NATIONAL C O V E N A xN T OR T PI E CONFESSION or FAITH. Subfcribed at firjl by the Kings Majefy and his Houfjold in the year 1580 ; thereafter by perfons of all ranks i?i the year 1581, by ordinance of the Lords of Secret Council, and ABs of the General A f- fembly. Subfcribed again by all forts of perfons in the year 1590, by a new ordinance of Council, at the defire of the General A/femb/j\ with a General Bond for the maintaining of the true Chrijtian Religion, and the King's perfon ; and, together with a reflation and promife, for the caufes after expreffed, to maintain the true Religion- and the King's Majefty, according to the fore f aid Confeffion and ABs of Parliament, fubferibed by Baro/rs, Nobles, Gentlemen, Burgejfes, Minifters and Commons, in the year 1638; approven by the Ge- neral A ffemb I y 16 38 and 1630, and fubferibed again by perfons of all ranks and avaliaes in the Tear 1639, by an ordinance of Coun- cil, upon the /up-fl'calion of the Genera/ Affembly, and AB of the General Affembly ; ratified by an AB of Parliament 1640 ; and fubferibed ly King Charles \\. at Spey, June 23. iftjc, and at Scoon, January 1, 1651. WE all and every one of us under written, prcteft, That, after long and due examination of our own couiciences, in matters of true and falie religion, we are now thoroughly refolved in the truth by the "Word and Spirit of God : And therefore we be- lieve with our hearts, confefs with our mouths, fubferibe with our hands, and conftantly affirm before God and the whole world, That this only is the true ChrifKan Faith and Religion, pleaiing Gcd and bringing falvation to men, which now is, by the mercy of God, revealed to the world by the preaching of the blelTed Evan- gel ; and is received, believed, and defended by many and fundry notable Kirks and Realms, but chiefly by the Kirk of Scotland, the King's Majefty and Three Eftatcs of this realm, as God's eternal truth, and only ground of our falvation ; as more particularly is expreffed in the Confeffion of our Faith, eftablilhcd and publicly confirmed by feveral A£ls of Parliaments, and now of a long time hath been openly profefTed by the King's Majefty, and the whole body of this realm both in burgh and land. To the which Confef- fion and Form of Religion, we willingly agree in our confeience in all points, as unto God's undoubted truth and verity, grounded on- ly upon his written Word. And therefore we abhor and deteft all contrary religion and doclrine ; but chiefly all kind of Papiflry in general and particular heads, even as they are now damned and confuted by the Word of God and the Kirk of Scotland. But in fpecial The National Covenant. \ ipecial we deteft and refufe the ufurped authority of that Rwnan Antichriit upon the Scriptures of God, upon the Kirk, the civil Magiltratcs, and conferences of men : All his tyrannous laws made upon indifferent things againft our Chriftian liberty : His erroneous doctrine againft the fuiticiency of the written Word, the perfection of the Law, the office of Chrift and his bkilld Evangel : His cor- rupted doctrine concerning original lin, our natural inability and rebellion to God's Law, our juftifi cation by faith only, our imper- fect fanctilkation and obedience to the Law ; the nature, number, and ufe of the holy Sacraments ; hi; five baftard Sacraments, with all his rites, ceremonies and falfe doctrine, added to the miniftration of the true Sacraments without the Word of God : His cruel judg- ment againft infants departing without the Sacrament : His abfolute neceffity of Baptifm : His blafphemous opinion of Tranfubftantiati- on, or real pretence of Chrilt's body in the elements, and receiving of the fame by the wicked, or bodies of men : His difpenfations with folemn oaths, perjuries and degrees of marriage forbidden in the Word : His cruelty againft the innocent divorced : His devilifh -mats : His blafphemous priefthood : His profane facriiice for the fins of the dead and the quick : His canonization of men : calling upon angels or faints departed^ worfhipping of imagery, relics and ■crofles ; dedicating of kirks, altars, days ; vows to creatures : His purgatory, prayers for the dead ; praying or fpeaking in a ftrange language ; with his proceilions and blafphemous Litany, and multi- tudes of Advocates or Mediators : His manifold orders, auricular ■confeflions : His defperate and uncertain repentance : His general and doubtfome faith : His fatisfactions of men for their tins : His j uftification by works, opm operatum, works of fupererogation, me- rits, pardon, peregrinations, and ftations : His holy water, baptifing t)f bells, conjuring of fpirits, croirlng, fayning, anointing, conjuring, hallowing of God's good -creatures ; with the fuperititious opinion joined therewith : His worldly monarchy, and wicked hierarchy : His three folemn vows, with all his Ihavellings of fundry forts : His erroneous and bloody decrees made at Trent, with all the fubfeibers or approvers of that cruel and bloody band, conjured againft the Kirk of God. And finally, we deteft all his vain allegories, rites, figns, and traditions brought in the Kirk, without or againft the Word of God, and doctrine of this true reformed Kirk : to the which we join ourfelves willingly, in doctrine, faith, religion, dif- cipline, and ufc of the holy Sacraments, as lively members of the fame in Chrift our Head : Promiiing and fwearing by the great name of the LORD Our GOD, That we fnall continue in the obe- dience of the Doctrine and Difcipline of this Kirk, and fhall defend the fame, according to our vocation and power, all the days of our lives ; under the pains contained in the Law, and danger both of body and foul in the day of God's fearful judgment. And feeing that many are ftirred up by Satan and that Roman Antichrift, to promife, fwear, fubferibe, and for a time ufe the holy Sacraments in the Kirk deceitfully, againft their own confeience ; minding 8 The National Covenant. minding hereby, firft, under the external cloak of religion, to cor- rupt and fubvert fecretly God's true religion within the Kirk ; and afterwards, when time may ferve, to become open enemies and perfecutors of the fame, under vain hope of the Pope's difpenfation, devifed againft the Word of God, to his greater contufion, and their double condemnation in the day of the Lord Jefus : We there- fore, willing to take away all fufpicion of hypocrify, and of fuch double dealing with God and his Kirk, proteft, and call the Searcher of all hearts for witnefs, That our minds and hearts do fully agree with this our confefiion, promife, oath, and fubfcription •, fo that we are not moved with any worldly refpecT:, but are perfuaded only in our confcience, through the knowledge and love of God's true reli- gion, imprinted in our hearts by the Holy Spirit, as we fhall an- fwer to him in the day when the fecrets of all hearts fhall be dif- clofed. And becaufe we perceive, that the quietnefs and liability of our religion and Kirk, doth depend upon the fafety and good behaviour of the King's Majefty, as upon a comfortable inllrument of God's mercy granted to this country, for the maintaining of his Kirk and miniftration of juftice amongft us ; we proteft and promife with our hearts, under the fame oath, hand-writ, and pains, that we mall de- fend his perfon and authority with our goods, bodies and lives, in the defence of Chrift his Evangel, liberties of our country, mini- ftration of juftice, and punifhment of iniquity, againft all enemies within this realm or without, as we defire our God to be a ftrong and merciful Defender to us in the day of our death, and coming of our Lord Jefus Chriji : To whom, with the Father and the Holy Spirit, be all honour and glory eternally. Amen. THE THE SOLEMN LEAGUE and COVENANT, FOR Reformation and Defence of Religion, the Honour and Happinefs of the King, and the Peace and Safety of the Three Kingdoms of Scotland, England and Ire- land: Agreed upon by CommiJJioTiers from the Parliament, and Affembly of Divines in England, with Commiffoners of the Convention of Ef~ tates and General Affembly in Scotland : Approven by the General Affembly of the Church of Scotland, and by both Houfes of Parlia- ment and Affembly of Divines in England, and taken and fubfcrib- ed by them, anno 1643 : And thereafter, by the /aid authority, ta- ken and fubf crib ed by all ranks in Scotland and England, the fame year ; and ratified by acl of the Parliament of Scotland, anno 1 644 : And again renewed in Scotland, with an Acknowledgment of Sins and Engagement to Duties, by all ranks, anno 1648, and by the Parliament 1649 : And taken and fubjcribed by King Charles II. at Spey, June 23. 1650 and at Scoon, January 1. 1651. WE Noblemen, Barons, Knights, Gentlemen, Citizens, Bur- gefles, Minifters of the Gofpel, and Commons of all forts in the Kingdoms of Scotland, England, and Irela?id, by the providence of God, living under one King, and being of one reformed Religion, having before our eyes the glory of God, and the advancement of the kingdom of our Lord and Saviour Jefus Chrift, the honour and happinels of the King's Majefty, and his pofterity, and the true pu- blic liberty, fafety and peace of the kingdoms, wherein every one's private condition is included : And calling to mind the treacherous and bloody plots, confpiracies, attempts, and practices of the ene- mies of God, againfl the true religion, and profeflbrs thereof in all places, efpecially in thefe three Kingdoms, ever fince the Reforma- tion of religion ; and how much their rage, power and prefumption are of late, and at this time increafed and exercifed, whereof the de- plorable ftate of the Church and Kingdom of Ireland, the diftrefied eftate of the Church and Kingdom of England, and the dangerous eftate of the Church and Kingdom of Scotland, are prefent and public tef- timonies : We have now at laft (after other means of fupplication, remonflrance, protections and futferings) for the prefervation of ourfelves and our religion, from utter ruin and deftruction, accord- ing to the commendable practice of thefe Kingdoms in former times, and the example of God's people in other nations •, after mature de- liberation, refolved and determined to enter into a mutual and So- lemn League and Covenant, wherein we all fubfcribe, and each one i o The Solemn League and Covenant. one of us for himfclf, with our hands lifted up to the Mcft High God, do fwear, I. r te ^»HAT we ihall fincerely, really, and conftantly, through 1 the grace of God, endeavour in our feveral places and callings, the prefervation of the reformed Religion in the Church of Scotland, in Doctrine, Worlhip, Difcipline and Government, againft our common enemies ; the reformation cf Religion in the kingdoms of England and Ireland, in Doctrine, Worfhip, Difcipline and Government, according to the Word of God, and the examole of the beft reformed Churches : And mail endeavour to bring the Churches of God, in the three kingdoms, to the nearefl conjunc- tion and uniformity in Religion, Confeluon of Faith, Form of Church-government, Directory for worflaip and catechizing ; that we, and our polterity after us, may, as brethren, live in faith and love ; and the Lord may delight to dwell in the midil of us. II. That we inall, in like manner, without refpeel: of perfons, endeavour the extirpation of Popery, Prelacy, (that is, Church - government by Archbiihops, Biihops, their Chancellors and Com- milTaries, Deans, Deans and Chapters, Arch-deacons, and all other ecclefiaftical officers depending on that Hierarchy) Superftition, Herefy, Schifm, Frofaneneis, and whatibever ihall be found to be ■contrary to found Doctrine, and the power of Godlinefs ; left we partake in other mens iins, and thereby be in danger to receive of their plagues : And that the Lord may be one, and his name one, in the three kingdoms. III. We mall, with the fame fmcerity, reality and conftancy, in cur feveral vocations, endeavour, with our eftates and lives, mutually to preferve the rights and privileges of the Parliaments, and the liberties of the kingdoms ; and to preferve and defend the Kind's Majefty's perfon and authority, in the preservation and de- fence of the true religion, and liberties of the kingdoms: That the world may bear witnefs with our confidences of our loyalty, and that we have no thoughts or intentions to diminilri his Majeily's juft power and greatneis. IV. We mall alio, w r ith all faith fulnefs, endeavour the difcovery of all fach as have been, or ihall be incendiaries, malignant , or cvilinitruments, by hindering the reformation of Religion, dividing the King from his people, or one of the kingdoms from another, or making any faction, or parties amongft the people, contrary to this League and Covenant ; that they may be brought to public trial, and receive condign punifiimcnt, as the degree of their of- fences ihall require or deferve ; or the fupreme Judicatories of both kingdoms reflectively, or others having power from them for that effect, ihall judge convenient. Y. And whereas the happinefs of a blefTed peace between thefe kingdoms, denied in former times to our progenitors, is, by the good providence of God, granted unto us, and hath been lately con- The Solemn League and Covenant. 1 1 concluded, and fettled by both Parliaments : We (ball each one of us, according to our place and intereft, endeavour that they may remain conjoined in a firm peace and union to all pofierity •, and that iuilice may be done upon the wilful Oppofers thereof, in man- ner exprefTed in the precedent article. VI. We fliall alfo, according to oar places and callings, in this common caute of religion, liberty and peace of the kingdoms, al- l-it and defend all thofe that enter into this League and Covenant, in the maintaining and purfuing thereof ; and mall not fufFer ourfelves, direftly or indirectly, by whatfoever combination, perfuafion or terror, to be divided and withdrawn from this bleiTed union and conjunction, whether to make defection to the contrary part, or to- gi re ourfelves to a deteftable indiiferency, or neutrality in this c mfe, which fo much concerneth the Glory of God, the good of the Kingdoms, and honour of the King •, but (hall, all the days of our lives, zealouiiy and conftantly continue therein, againft all op- ponticn, and promote the fame, according to our power, againft all lets and impediments whatfoever ; and, what we are not able our- felves to fupprefs or overcome, we mail reveal and make known, that it may be timely prevented or removed : All which we fhall do as in the light of God. And, becaufe thefe kingdoms are guilty of many fins, and pro- vocations againft God, and his Sen Jefus Chrift, as is too manifeft by our prefent didrefles and dangers, the fruits thereof ; we pro- fefs and declare, before God and the woiid, our unfeigned defire to be humbled for our own iins, and for the fins of thefe king- doms ; efpecially that we have not, as we ought, valued the inefti- mablc benefit of the Gofpel, that we have not laboured for the pu- rity and power thereof, and that we have not endeavoured to re- ceive Chrift in our hearts, nor to walk worthy of him in our lives, which are the caufes of other fins and tranfgrefnons, fo much a- bounding among us ; and our true and unfeigned purpofe, defire and endeavour, for ourfelves, and all others under our power and charge, both in public and in private, in all duties Ave owe to God and man, to amend our lives, and each one to go before another in the example of a real reformation : That the Lord may turn away his wrath, and heavy indignation, and eitabliil thefe Churches and Kingdoms in truth and peace. And this Covenant we make in the prefence of Almighty God, the Searcher of all hearts, with a true intention to perform the fame, as we fhall anfwer at that great day, when the fecrets of all hearts fhall be difclofed : Moft humbly befeeching the Lord, to ltrengthen us by his holy Spirit for this end, and to blefs our defires and proceedings with fuch fuccefs, as may be deliverance and fafety to his people, and encouragement to other Chriflian Churches, groaning under, or in danger of the yoke of Antichriftian tyranny, to join in the fame, or like AfTocia- tion and Covenant -, to the Glory of God, the enlargement of the kingdom of Jefus Chrift, and the peace and tranquillity of Chriftian kingdoms and commonwealths. A C T [ *« ] O F T H E ASSOCIATE PRESBYTERY, FOR RENEWING THE NATIONAL COVENANT of Scotland, and the Solemn League and Covenant of the Three Nations, in a Way and Manner agreeable to our prefent Situation, and Circumstances, in this Period, At Stirling the twentieth and third day of December, one thoufand /even hundred a?id forty -three Tears : THE which day and place, the minifters and elders affociate to- gether, being met in Pre/by tery ; and taking under their fe- rions confideration, how the Lord was gracioufly pleafed to vifit this nation with the light of the glorious Gofpel, not only in great purity but alfo with remarkable power and efficacy, when Anti- chriflian darknefs had overfpread the whole land ; and that when, together with the nations about, we were groaning under the yoke of Popifh tyranny, idolatry and fuperftition, even then the Lord did, by his outftretched arm, deliver our fathers from the bondage that they were under to Rome Antichriftian, and reared up a taber- nacle for himfelf among us, according to the pattern mown in the mount of Divine Revelation ; a pure fyftem of Truths, laid down from the Word of God in our firft Confeflion of Faith, directed mainly againft the errors and abominations of the Church of Rome % the great point upon which the Teftimony of the Lord's Witnefles was then ftated, was received, embraced and confeffed, by all ranks of perfons in this land ; and in like manner, the Worfhip of God was purged from the abominable idolatries, the grofs corruption and fuperftition of the Church of Rome -, and the government and dif- cipline of the houfe of God was eftablifhed, according to the divine pattern, in the due fubordination of congregational elderfhips to Prefbyteries, of Preibyteries to Synods, and of Synods to General Aflemblies : The Prefbytery further confidering, that all ranks of perfons within this land, have fundry times bound, both themfelves and pofterity, by a Solemn National Oath and Covenant, [to abide in the faith, profeflion and obedience of the forefaid true re- formed religion, in Doctrine, Worfhip, Government and Difcipline, in oppofition to the corrupt do&rines, the grofs idolatry and fuperfti- tion Acl for renewing our National Covenants. 13 tion of the Church of Rome, and whatfoever elfe is contrary to found doctrine and the power of godlinefs :] And that afterwards, by the good hand of God upon them, all the three nations were brought to join themfelves to the Lord, and to one another, in a Solemn League and Covenant, [for the prefervation of the forefaid reformed religion in the Church of Scotland, in doctrine, worihip, difcipline and government; for the reformation of religion in England and Ireland, in doctrine, worihip, difcipline and govern- ment, according to the Word of God, and the example cf the bed reformed Churches ; and for bringing the Churches of Chrift in the three kingdoms, to the neareft conjunction and uniformity in religi- on, Confeirion of Faith, Form of Church -government, Directory for worihip and catechizing : that they, and their pofterity after them, might as brethren, live in faith and love ; and that the Lord might delight to dwell in the midft of us ; and that the Lord might be one, and his name one, in the three kingdoms] : By which Oaths and Covenants, all the three nations, and this nation in a fpecial manner, mrrendered themfelves to the Lord fefus, and fwore fealty and allegiance unto him as the only King over Zion the hill of his holinefs, and as the only Lord and Lawgiver unto, and over the Church, his own fpiritual, free and independent kingdom ; and thereby many fcripture prophecies and promifes were in part ac- complimed, fuch as " Ifa. lv. 5. Behold, thou ihalt call a nation " that thou knoweft not, and nations that knew not thee mall run " unto thee. Ifa. xlii. 4. And the Lies mall wait for his Law. 41 Zech. ii. 11. And many nations {hall be joined to the Lord in " that day, and mail be my people, Micah iv. 2. And many nati- ** ons fhall come and fay, Come, and let us go up to the mountain of " the Lord and to the houfe of the God of Jacob, and he will teach " us of his ways, and we will walk in his paths. Rev. xi. 15. And " the feventh angel founded, and there were great voices in " Heaven, faying, The kingdoms of this world are become the " kingdoms of our Lord, and of his Chrift :" The Prefbytery further confidering, that all the three nations, and particularly this whole Church and land, have burft the Lord's bands afunder, and call a- way his cords from them, having dealt perfidiouily and treacher- ouily in the forefaid folemn Oaths and Covenants ; and that though they have had many loud calls, both by word and providence, to return to the Lord, yet they have held fair deceit, and refufed to return : As alfo, confidering that the forefaid Oaths and Covenants are of perpetual and indifpenjible obligation, and that it is the duty particularly of all forts of perfons in this land, to return to the Lord, by taking hold of his Covenant of Grace, which ftands faft with Chrift our glorious new-covenant Head ; and, in the faith of this his Covenant, and the grace and iirength therein promifed, calling away all our tranfgremons and idols, devoting ourfelves unto the Lord in a Covenant of Duty, and fwearing unto him : And, in re- gard that as a public confeiling, acknowledging and avouching of the Lord to be our God, is a religious duty required in the firfl L Command- 14 A51 for renewing our National Covenants. Commandment of the Moral Law ; fo it has been the frequent prac- tice of the Church and people of God, efpecially after grofs back- flidmg and defection from him, as 2 Chron. xv. 10. 16. " So " they gathered themfelves together at Jerufalem in the third month " in the fifteenth year of the reign of Afa ; and they offered unto the " Lord the fame time of the fpoil which they had brought, feven " hundred oxen, and feven thoufand ilieep : And they entered in- " to a Covenant to feek the Lord God of their fathers, with all " their hearts, and with all their foul ; That whofoever would not *' feek the Lord God of Ifrael, mould be put to death, whether " fmall or great, whether man or woman : And they fware unto " the Lord with a loud voice, and with ihouting, and with " trumpets, and with cornets : And all Judah rejoiced at the Oath; " for they had fworn with all their heart, and fought him with " their whole defire, and he was found of them, and the Lord gave " them reft round about : chap, xxiii. 16. And Jehoiada made a " Covenant between him, and between all the people, and between " the King, that they mould be the Lord's people : chap. xxix. 10. " Now it is in mine heart to make a Covenant with the Lord God " of Ifrael, that his fierce wrath may turn away from us : and chap. " xxxiv. 31. And the King flood in his place, and made a Cove- " nant before the Lord, to walk after the Lord, and to keep his " Commandments and his Telfimonies and his Statutes, with all " his heart, and with all his foul, to perform the words of the Co- " venant which are written in this book. 2 Cor. viii. 5. They firft " gave their ownfelves to the Lord, and unto us by the will of " God :" And this is promifed to take place in I^ew-T^ejlainefit days, Rem. ix. 25. " I will call them my people, which were not my " people, and her beloved, which was not beloved \ compared with " Zech. xiii. 9. 1 will fay, it is my people ; and they mall " fay the Lord is my God. Ifa. xliv. 3, 4, 5. For I will pour wa- " ter upon him that is thirfly, and floods upon the dry ground : I " will pour my Spirit upon thy feed, and my blemng upon thine " offspring : And they mail fpring up as among the grafs, as wil- " lows by the water-courfes. One ihall fay, I am the Lord's ; and " another fhall call himfelf by the name of Jacob ; and another " fhall fubferibe with his hand unto the Lord, and firname himfelf " by the name of Ifrael. Rev. xi. 15. The kingdoms of this " world are become the kingdoms of our Lord, and of his Chriit ; " and he fhall reign for ever and ever : " And that the fame duty has been often praclifed by this Church and land, and found a fpe- cial mean, through the Lord's blemng, of a reviving unto them out of their bondage : And likewife, in regard this is a duty en- joined with the greateft folemnity, Ifa. xlv. 23. / have fworn by myfelf, the word is gone out of my mouth in right eoufnefs> andfJoall not return, That unto me every k?iee Jhall bow, every tongue fhall fwear : As alfo, in regard all fuch as defire to be found faithful to the Lord, and to cle: ve unto him, ought publicly to confefs, ac- knowledge and avouch the Lord and his truths, though they fhould be AEifor renewing our National Covenants. 15 be the fmaller part, and though the bulk and body of a nation and people, fhould either through wickednefs and enmity, or through blind prejudices, or through negligence and flothfulnefs, refufe to concur and join in fuch an important and folemn duty ; as the pro- phefy feems plainly to point out to us, Ifa. xix. 18. In that day fhallfive cities in the land of Egypt, /peak the language of Canaan, and f wear to the Lord of hojls : Therefore, and for all the above weighty grounds, reafons and confiderations, this Prejbytery, in obedience to the command of God, conform to the practice of the Church and people of God, re- corded in Scripture, and according to the laudable example of their religious progenitors in reforming times, do judge it their duty to call and befeech ; likeas they hereby do, call, obtest and be- seech, all forts of perfons in this land, into whofe hands this their prefent act and deed may come ; and more particularly, all fuch as have acceded to this Prefbytery, to humble themfelves under the mighty hand of God on account of our iniquities both perfonal and national ; to flee, by faith, to the atoning blood of the Lamb of God for the expiation and remilTion of them ,• and to look upon him whom we have pierced, and mourn bitterly, for the manifold dif- honours and indignities that we have done him ; and to turn from them unto the Lord our God, with hearty grief for, and hatred o£ them ; and with our hearts and fouls, to renew our folemn Vows and Covenant-engagements unto the moft high God. Jer. 1-5- " Come, and let us join ourfelves to the Lord, in a perpetual " Covenant that mall not be forgotten. Hof. vi. 1. Come and " let us return unto the Lord : For he hath torn, and he will heal " us ; he hath fmitten, and he will bind us up. iChron. xxx. 8. l commited by him. But he obtained a reprieve, which was fuppofed would be perpetual. Hereupon a great body of people, on the evening of the 7th of September 1736, having taken efteclual meaiures to prevent oppoiition, — broke into the prifar, carried him out; and gave him a public execution in the Grafs-market. At the enfuihg frffion of Parliament, the a:t hear referred to was palled : By which all perfons charged with being acceffpry to the murder of Captain Porteouf, were commanded on pain of death to ftfrrertder them !elves for trial within a limited tirao ; all perfons concealing or fuccouiing them after that time, were adjudged to incur the pains of death ; amf perfons were encouraged to become evidences againit their a r- complices. by a promifc of pir^ori,- -r.id pia great reward. [Yet no difcovory w..» ;- ver made !J And 20 'The Acknowledgment of Sins: fore juftly be conftructed to have departed from ; their holding of the King ofZion, and to have fubjected and fub'ordinated their eccleTi- aftical meetings to the civil powers ; whereby the Redeemer's Crown has been profaned and caft down to the ground. Though the judicatories of this national Church have neen, for a confiderable time, carrying on acourfe of defection ; yet they are fo far from acknowledging their iniquity, and returning to the Lord, that they condemn a Teftimony unto the truth ; and they not only refufe to lift up a judicial Teftimony for truth themfelves, but they perfecute ethers who are endeavouring to do it. Particularly, the General AfTernbly that met in the year 1738, condemned in bulk the 'Tefimony emitted by the AiTociate Prefbytery, as calling many groundlefs and calumnious reflections upen the faid judicatories, without condefcending upon any one of thefe which they call groundlefs and calumnious reflections \ whereby, inflead of confef- fmg their guilt to the glory of God, they juitify themfelves, and plead that they are innocent, and refute that they have finned : Far- ther, the faid AfTernbly impowered their CommiiTion to libel and cite the feceding minifters before the enfuing AfTernbly. Likewife, the AfTernbly in the year 1739, (even in the face of a public and open teftimony given by the Prefbytery, in their Acl and Declina- ture read in prefence of the AfTernbly, againft their courfe cf de- fection and backfliding from the 'Lord ; together with a folemn call given them, in the faid Act and Declinature, to return to the Lord) did harden themfelves yet more in their iniquity, by condemning this Teftimony ; as containing nothing but groundlefs prejudices a- gainft the prefent judicatories, and moft injurious, infolerit and dif- refpecrful expreftions, concerning the higheft civil authority : Though the Declinature contains nothing with reference to civil au- thority, but a juft and neceffary Teftimony againft the above act of Parliament anent Captain John Porteous. Moreover, they recom- mended it to the next AfTernbly to inflict the cenfure of depofition upon the feceding minifters ; and afterwards that AfTernbly did pre- tend to do fo : By which procedure they have heightened and aggra- vated their iniquity ; in regard they have thereby materially fen- tenced all fuch minifters to depofition, who fhall duly teftify againft the prefent courfe of defection, which, as matters ftand, cannot be done in a way of communion with the prefent judicatories. And we deftre to lament over it before the Lord, that the prefent judica- tories have come to fuch a height of defection, that they continue to. refufe And this acl every mmlfter of the Church of Scotland was appointed to read from the pulpit, in the time ot divine worfhip, on the fir it Lord's day of every month for one whole year ; under heavy ecclcjiajlical per.aitie;, t'/ci. *' in cafe fuch miniiler iliall '* ncglccl to read this act as is hereby directed, he ihali for the tint offence be declar *' ed incapable of fitting or voting in any Chureh-judicatory ; ami, for the fecond of- " fence, be declared incapable of taking, holding or enjoying any ecclefjaftical bene- " free in Scotland:' Which eeetijiafiical penalties were appointed to be executed by the Court of Seffion, or any Court of J'lflic'ary ; upon a fu miliary complaint, at the .. of his Majeity'j> Advocate ! The Acknowledgment of Sins. 27 refufe all calls which are given them to return to the Lord, from whom we have, every one of us, deeply revolted. It is alfo to be lamented, that a flood of errors hath broke in upon the land ; whereby the Lord's name is dreadfully difhonoured, the doctrine of juftification by grace is wofully corrupted, the pro- per imputation of the righteoufnefs of the Lord Jefus Chrift for our juftification before God is denied, the foundations of our holy reli- gion overturned, thouiands of precious fouls deftroyed, and wide fteps made towards Popery and Paganifm. More particularly, it is to be lamented, that there is a dreadful prevalency of Deifm j whereby all revealed religion is rejected, and the light, of corrupt nature is exalted in its room : That the feed of Arianif.n is fown amongft us, whereby the true and fupreme Deity of the Son of God, and of the Holy Ghoft, is denied ; and thus, the very foun- dation of the Chriftian faith is unhinged : As alfo, that there is a general growth of Arminumifm ; whereby it .is maintained, that God's act. of election and reprobation depends on his forefight of ihe good or evil works of men ; that jelus Chrift, by his death, has merited grace to all mankind ; that notwithstanding the fail, man retains a freedom of will to that which is fpirituaiiy good ; that the Grace of God is not irrefiftible and efficacious of itfelf ; and that believers in Chrift may fall totally and finally away from a ltate of grace. And it is further to be lamented that, of Jate, fomc who formerly diftinguifhed themfelves in zeal for our Preformation and covenanted Principles, have turned aiide to Latitndinarian, Inde- pendent and Se&arian extremes ; whereby the unity of the true Catholic Church is denied, and the Prefbyterial order and govern- ment, the only government which Chrift hath inftituteu.. in his houfe, is fub verted. As alfo, the warrantablenefs and great delign of Confeftions of Faith and Catechifms, as tells of foundnefs in the faith, is thereby overthrown ; and a wide door is opened unto a toleration of all herefy and error, under the old fpecious pretext of liberty of confeience. And for all thefe things the .Lord. may juft- ]y fay of us, / hearkened and heard, but they /pake not aright ; no ?nan repented him of his vAckednefs, faying, what have I done ? Every one turned to his courfe, as the horfe rufheth i?ito the battle. Together with the above-mentioned fteps of defection and back- fliding, a flood of profanenefs and wickednefs overfpreads the whole land. All ranks of perfons have corrupted their ways ; our nobi- lity and gentry have for the mod part, burit the Lord's bands afun- cter, and call away his cords from them ; our minifters, burgeftes, and commons of all forts, have turned away backward, and forfaken the holy One of Ifrael ; The whole head is fick, and the whole heart is faint. Many hainous fins and provocations, againft the iirft and fecond table of the Law, are to be found among us : Such as grofs ignorance of God, Atheifm, Infidelity, profane mocking* at the myfteries of religion; the holy Scriptures are burl eicmed, Popiih errors and delufions are fp reading, and the idolatrous mafs is openly frenumted h.i nitmy corners of the land ; the name of God 28 The Acknowledgment of Sins. is profaned by rafh and ordinary fwearing in common converfation, and by perjury and falfe fwearing, especially in trade and com- merce ; the Lord's day is many ways profaned, particularly by frequent and unneceflary jcurne} ing from place to place •, many are without natural affection, unruly, difobedicnt ; the land is alfo denied with murders, drunkennefs, prodigality and vanity in appa- rel, foolilh jellings, rioting and wantonnefs ; yea, with open adul- teries and uncleannefs of all forts : And fome profane and finful cuftoms, which have little obtained in former times, are countenan- ced and encouraged both at court, and in fome eminent places of the nation ; fuch as, the diverlions of the llage, mafque rades, balls, and other fuch feminaries of lewdnefs and lafcivioufnefs : Like-wife, fraud and injuftice, in dealings betwixt man and man, are to be found among us ; together with oppreiTion, lyiv.g, envy, malice, evil-fpeaking, backbiting, falihood, dimmulation, and covetoufnefs which is idolatry : Likewifc, of late, an idob.trou'3 picture of our Lord Jcfus was well received in fome remarkable cities of the na- tion * : As alfo, the penal ftatutes againll witches have been repeal- ed by the Parliament, contrary to the eKprefs Law of God : for which a hply God 7uay be provoked, in a way cf righteous judg- ment, to leave thofe who are already enfnared to be hardened more and mere •, and to permit Satan to tempt and feduce others, to the fame wicked and dangerous fnare f. The fins and provocations of this land are farther increafed, by the kind reception that many, both miniflers and people, have given to Mr George Wbitejivld ; a profeffed member and prieit of the fuperilitious Church of England: And by the great entertain- ment that has been given to LatitudinarLin tenets, as further propa- gated by him and others ; whereby any particular Form of Church- government is denied to be of divine institution, and under a pre- tence of Catholic love, a fcheme is laid for uniting parties of all de- nominations in Church-communion, in a way deilnuftive of any Teftimony for the declarative glory of Immanuel, as Head and King of X.ion, and for the Covenanted Reformation of this Church and land : For which a righteous God hath juftly chojen their delufions, and fent forth a Spirit of delulion among them, in the prefent aw- ful work upon the bodies and fpirits of men £. And though the Lord • This was a large Crucifix, or a pretended fine picture of our Lord upon the Crofs ; which had been very lately carried about by a Romifh Mirfionary for a (how. f The Aflbciate Prefbytery is not to be considered, as having ever interefted themfelves in the affair of thefe pcnA fiatutes, by way of particular approbation, as to the terms in which any-of them were laid ; or as to what method of procefs was preftribed by them, or ever praftifed in confequence of them : Nor is it to be fuppofed, that the Prefbytery would have taken any particular alteration of thefe fratuter— f. >r a fubjetf: of their confideration. What they faw caufe to teftify a- vainft. as among the public fins of the nation is,— -an abfolute repealing of thefe \ ministrations. 44 The The Acknowledgment of Sins. 29 Lord has been pleafed, in his foverei^ n goodnefs, to preferve a rem- nant from being carried off by the above dangerous fcheme and aw- ful delufion ; yet, while endeavouring to teftify againft the fame before the world, we have not been fuitably exercifea* thereanent before the Lord. AND we defire, through grace, to turn our eyes inward to onr own hearts, to fearch and try our ways, to declare our iniquity, to be forry for our fin, and to turn again unto the Lord : For, who gave Jacob for a fpoil, and Ifrael to the robbers ? did not the Lord, he againji whom we have Jinned, by our unbelief, felnihnefs, forma- lity, earthlinefs and carnality, falling from firft love, and fecurity ; by want of tendernefs, watchfulnefs and fprituality, in our frame and difpoiition, and in our walk and converfation. And, in a particular manner, we defire to be humbled before the Lord for our contempt of the glorious Go/pel of the Son of God, which we acknowledge to be our fin, as it is the great fin and chief guiltinefs of the land wherein we live : That we have not fuitably improven it, as it is the miniftration of right eoufnefs for our juftin- cation, and as it is the miniftration of the Spirit for our fanctirlca- tion. We acknowledge, that we are filthy and polluted ; and we have it to lament over, that, in a very great meafure, we have not obeyed the voice, we received not correction, we have not trufted in the Lord, we have not drawn near to our God ; we have been ob- ftinate, our neck has been an iron finew, and our brow brafs ; we have dealt very treacheroufly, and have been tranfgrefibrs from N the " The fiippofed converts" (as is elfewhere reprefented) " were commonly all at once feized with dreadful horrors ; which call them into long tannings and fwoon- i( ings, or frightful agitations and convulfions : or made them fcreech and roar, fo as v utterly to drown the preacher's voice; that he could neither be heard by themielves " nor others. This condition they continued in, Tome Blotter and lome longer : and " then they were again all of a fudden ravifhed with joy ; tranfported (as they ima- " gined) with the cleared manifestations of God"s love, and filled with the a Aura nee " of (what they took to be) their intereft in Cluifr. And this faith of theirs was at- •* tended with, or built upon imaginary Ideas of Chrifi ; fo as fome of thtin even ima- " gined themfelves to fee him : According to the imaginary doctrine they uere in- " (trucked in ; the abfurd doctrine of an imaginary Idea :f CkriJI as man being helpful " to Faith, preached and publifhed upon this occalion." And, as was exprefTed in an act of the Ajjociate Presbytery for a public JFqft. 'appoint- ed July 15th, and obferved Augujl 4th, I 742) : " Bhter outcrying, faintings, ievere M bodily pains, convulfions, vifions, — are the ufual fymptoms of a deiulive fpirit. — il The promoters of this work, are going on in the fame courfe of defection 3s before. " — The following fruits and effects of it are undeniably evident, viz. The warmeft " averfion from and oppofition to a TefHmony for our covenanted reformation, for " thefe; fame very principles which have been fworn to and fuffcred for unto blood in " thefe lands, — as if it were nothing but Bigotry and Party-zeai ; and the clofeft con- «' junction with their minifters, though they are continuing to bear down theie prin- u ciples with a high hand,— whether Intruders or not : Contrary to the practice of " fcripture-converts, and the experience of the faints of God in this land ; who, upon •' their converfion, (till efpoufed the teiVimony of their day, — and contended for the " prefent truth." And this was a principal fource of that Seljijh Religion which has prevailed ever fince, among the more ferious members of the Eitablilhed Church ; in oppofition to all Teftimony for the truths of God, and againit the public fins of the. time. 30 The Acknowledgment of Sins. the womb. We confefs our ignorance and great fhort-coming in the knowledge of Jefus Chrift our Lord, in his perfon, offices, blef- fings and benefits ; of the Covenant of Grace, as it Hands fall with him •, and of the way of improving Chrift, and the Covenant of promife. And we defire to be humbled for our undervaluing Chrift, communion with him, and his fpiritual graces and blefhngs ; that we have preferred other things fo much to Chrift and his in- tereft, and have not given him the pre-eminence above all : That we have been fo little exercifed in meditation, iearching the Scriptures, felf-examination, and fervent wreftling with God by prayer ; thefe means of fecret communion and fellowfhip with him : That we have come fo far fhort in receiving Chrift into our hearts, and im- proving him, as held forth by the Gofpel, in his fulnefs of grace ; and that we have been much eftranged from the life of faith upon, the Son of God, for IVifdom, Righteoufnefs, San&ification and Re- demption* We acknowledge, that we have gone about to eftablifti our own righteoufnefs, and have not entirely refted upon his righ- teoufnefs alone, as revealed to us in the Gofpel ; which appears, a- mong many other things, in finking fears, fcarring to apply Chrift and the promifes, and not rejoicing in Chrift the propitiation, with humility, under a fenfe of wants, mort-coming and failing in du- ties ; which, in effect, is a degree of eftablilhing a righteoufnefs of our own, and not fubmitting to the righteoufnefs of God : And that we have performed duties more in a legal, than in an evange- lical or gofpel-way and manner. And we defire to be humbled for our not making ufe of Chrift, as we ought, for fan Siification ; ac- cording to the promifes of the Covenant : As we have not acted in a way of dependence upon him in all duties and ordinances, and in all the performances of our common Chriftian calling, and of our particular lawful vocations; for direction, quickening, and ftrength to mortify our corruptions, and to carry us through our Chriftian courfe againft all discouragements and temptations. We defire to be humbled, that we have not duly made ufe of Chrift, in approaching to the Throne of Grace, by prayer and fup- plication with tbankfgiving ; that, in our approaches to God, we have not had the eye of faith duly fixed upon Chrift, nor offered all our fervice through him as we ought ; and that we have not come, with that humble boldnefs and full affurance of faith, unto God as a Father, wherewith the facriiice and interceffion of Chrift have warranted us to come. And we defire to be humbled, that we have not been duly ex- ercifed in falsifying the Lord's day ; particularly, in being careful enough to avoid carnal converfe in coming to, going from, and du- ring the intervals of public worfhip. We defire to be humbled, that, in attending upon a preached Gofye/ 7 we have not had it more for our end, to find communion with Chrift, a tafte of his goodnefs and excellency, and to be built up in holinefs and comfort, through Faith unto Salvation : That we have not duly prepared our hearts before-hand in fecret, to come with The Acknowledgment of Sins. 31 with godly fear and reverence, humility, fpiritual hungering and thirfting after the kingdom of God and the righteoufnefs there- of ; and deiiring, as new-born babes, the fincere milk of the word, that we might grow thereby : That we have been fo little acquaint- ed with receiving the word, not as the word of man, but as it is in truth, the Word of God ; that we have not employed the Lord more to teach us inwardly, by accompanying the outward means with the efte&ual operations of his holy Spirit : That we have not mixed the Word preached with faith, as we ought to have done % believing it with our hearts, and applying the truths preached to ourfelves : And that we have not, as vve ought, hid the words of Chrift in our hearts, for after-improvement of them ; nor employ- ed the Spirit of Chrift, to bring the word we have heard to our re- membrance ; and have not taken due pains to meditate upon it in fecret. We defire to be humbled before the Lord, that wc have not duly made ufe of the Sacraments, as feals of the Covenant of Grace ; and of the promifes there made to us in Chrift. And particularly, that, in offering our children to the Lord in Baptifm, vve have not fet ourfelves, as we ought, to consider and prize the free love and grace of God ; which hath prevented us and our feed, in providing fuch a fountain for iin and uncleanneis : That we have not been fuitably exercifed with our own and our children's defilement, by original guilt and corruption ; nor have been duly concerned that they might be regenerated, united to Chrift, and get an intereft in the Covenant of Grace and promifes thereof, fealed up untc^them : That we have not fuitably applied the Covenant and promifes of it to ourfelves and to our feed, and this Sacrament as a feal thereof : That, at the adminiftration of this Sacrament to others, we have not been exercifed, as we ought ; by joining therein either for our own edification, or in holding up the baptifed to God, that he might blefs his own ordinance to them, and receive them in amongfl his children in Chrift : That we have not made more confeience to make known to our children, when they Came to years of capa- city, their baptifm, the ends and ufe thereof, and the obligation thereby lying upon them, as cenfecrated to Chrift : And that we have not duly made ufe of this Sacrament, all along the courfe of our life, for taking hold of God's Covenant ; for furthering and ftrengthening the Faith and Comfort of our intereft in God as our God and Father in Chrift, and fcr ftrengthening, through Chrift, our refolutions and endeavours of mortification and newnefs of life. And we delire to be humbled, that we ha... net been at more pains in preparation for partaking of the folemn ordinance cf our Lord's Supper, by felf -examination, meditation, prayer and fuppli- cation, and by renewed actings of Faith upon the Lord Jeius Chrift, for righteoufnefs and ftrength : That we have not approached his holy table with fpiritual hunger and thirft after Chrift crucified) and with humble, broken and contrite fpirits, as we ought : That we have not duly exercifed ouridves in remembering the Lord's death 32 The Acknowledgment of Sins. death till he come agiin, and in applying the fame to ourfelves ; for peace with God, for mortifying the body of fin, for working deep repentance and Gofpel-forrow on account thereof, and for get- ting the love of Chrift more kindled in our fouls, and our hearts enlarged with greater thankfulneis, toward him who loved us, and gave himfelf for us : That, through prevailing unbelief, we have too often been plunged into legal heavinefs, even when partaking of this ordinance ; whereas we ought efpecially to be rejoicing through Faith on the propitiation in the death of Chrift, fo famili- arly fet forth thereby to us : And that, after coming from the L td's table, we have not walked more clofely with God, either in a fnitablenefs to the great and high privileges and mercies be- lt owed upon us, or the deep and folemn engagements we have there come under ; but among other mifimprovements of this ordi- nance, and departures from the Lord, we have too often given way, either to unbelieving difcouragements under the want of feniible enjoyments, or to carnal fecurity, after being privileged with fen- fible attainments ; and have not otherwife walked before the Lord unto all well-pleaung. We defire to be humbled, that we have not been fuitably exer- cifed with the fcandals of others, who have been the objects of Church-cenfures : That we have not, upon fuch occasions, been fuit- ably humbled for the fountain of fin in our own hearts ; that we have not mourned in lecret places for the diftionour done to God by thefe fcandals ; and that we have not, as we ought, pitied and prayed for thofe who had fallen into the fame. And w r e defire to be humbled for our great formality in prayer, both in fecret and in our families; and that we have not made more confcience of joining with our fpirits, in public prayers and praifes : That we have employed the Spirit of Grace and Supplica- tion fo little, and have not duly improved this ordinance of prayer, as a mean of communion with God, and for ftrengthening our Faith, and every other Grace ; and that, when we have directed our prayers to God, we have been fo little employed in looking up after them, for a gracious anfwer and return. We defire to be humbled, that we have not walked as becometh the gofpel of Chrift ; but have failed and come far fhort in the du- ties we owe to God, to our neighbours, and ourfelves. Particular- ly, we defire to be humbled for our vain thoughts, our idle words, and our overlincfs in divine worfhip : That our converfe has fa- voured fo much of the earth, and fo little of heaven and things a- bove : That we ha~-.o not ftriven to keep the thoughts of the love of Chrift, and of the free grace of God in him, upon our hearts, fo frefh and conftant as they ihould be ; in order to keep them watch- ful, tender, zealous, and enlarged for God, his honour and glory : That we have not obferved and yielded unto the knockings of the Spirit ; v/hereby Chrift has offered to come into our hearts, that he might fup with us and we with him : That we have often quench- ed the motions of the Holy Spirit, whereby he ftirreth up to duties ; and The Acknowledgment of Sins. 33 and ftifled and put away his challenges, which tend to repentance and humiliation : That we have not been tender of his pref'ence and confolations, to entertain the fame ; but have grieved him by undervaluing and refufing them, and by our carelefs walking, with- out attending on his direction and guiding. And we defire to be •humbled for our untendernefs, in not watching duly againft carnal company and converfe ; in not ftudying more to recommend religion to others, by an holy, convincing and edifying converfation ; in not ftudying more faithfully to watch over and admonifh one an- other, with meeknefs and love ; in being too ready to fpeak of one another's infirmities and failings behind their backs, inftead of ob- ferving the Scripture rule, Matth. xviii. 15, 16, 17. And that we have not duly improved fpiritual company, and fpiritual exercife of focial prayer and conference. As all the above fins, defections and backflidings, are highly ag- gravated ; being committed againft great Gofpel-light, and many re- markable appearances of God amongft us, both in a way of mercy and judgment, in former as well as in latter times ; and notwith- standing a great profeffion on our part, our baptifmal vows, and our indilpenfible engagements by the National Covenant of Scot- land, and the Solemn League and Covenant of the three Nations : So we defire to be deeply humbled before the Lord for the fame ; to lie down in fhame before him, confefling our iniquities, that we with our fathers have finned, and that we have done wickedly; and to acknowledge the Lord as righteous and holy, though he ftiould caft us. out of his fight, and fend in a fword amongft us to a- venge the quarrel of his Covenant. But fince the Lord is yet wait- ing that he may be gracious, we defire to flee unto the blood of Jefus for the remiflion of our own fins, and the fins of this whole covenanted Church and land : And to pray that he may return un- to us, and that he may heal our backflidings and breaches ; that glo- ry may yet dwell in our land. And in regard it is the duty of a finning people, not only to con- fefs and acknowledge their iniquities, and to be humbled for them; but to take hold, by faith, of God's gracious covenant revealed to us in the glorious Gofpel : Avouching the Lord to be our God, ac- cording to the tenor of this his Covenant, and returning to the Lord our God, from whom we have fallen by our iniquities ; and, in the faith of his free mercy through Jefus Chrift, and confidence of that grace and ftrength promifed in his covenant of mercy, to engage unto and purfue after reformation, and the advancement of the inte- reftsof the Mediatorial Kingdom of our Lord Jefus Qhrift, which is in, but not o/*this world, and as fubfervient to which, the kingdom of providence is committed unto him : And being convinced in our minds, and confefting with our mouths. I it the pjefent and fuc- ceeding generations in this tand, are \ . A as aforefaid, by the National Covenant of Scotland \ and the "Solemn League and Covenant of 34 The Acknowledgment of Sins. of the three Nations ; firmly and conftantly to adhere unto the Doc- trine, Worfhip, Prelbyterial Church-government and Difcipline of the Houfe of God, laid down in his Word, contained in our flan- dards, and fworn to in thefe Solemn Covenants : THEREFORE, in obedience to the command of God, conform to the practice of the Godly in former times ; and according to the laudable example of our worthy and religious progenitors, in the forefaid Covenants ; [The ENGAGEMENT unto DUTIES.] WE all and every one of us, though fenfible of the deceitfulnefs and unbelief of our own hearts, and however frequently perplexed with doubts and fears anent our a&ual believing ; yet defiring to ef- fay in the Lord's ftrength, and in obedience to his com- mand, to glorify God, by believing his word of Grace contained in his covenant of promife ; and in the faith of his promife, to devote ourfelves unto the Lord in a cove- nant of duty : We do, with our hands lifted up to the MOST HIGH GOD, hereby profefs, and before God, Angels and Men, folemnly declare, That, through the grace of God, and according to the meafure of his grace given unto us, We do, with our whole hearts, take hold of the LORD JESUS CHRIST, as the only propitiation for our fins ; his righteoujhefs ', as the only foundation of our accefs to, and acceptance with God ; his Covenant of free and rich promifes, as our only charter for the heaven- ly inheritance ; his Word, for our perfect and only rule of faith and practice ; his SPIRIT for our alone guide, to lead us into all truth revealed in his holy Word, unto which nothing at any time is to be added, whether by new revelations of the fpirit or traditions of men. We avouch the LORD to be OUR GOD. And, in the ftrength of his promifed grace, we promife andfwear, by the GREAT NAME OF THE LORD OUR GOD • That we fhall walk in his way, keep his judgments and commandments, and hearken to his voice : And particu- larly, that we fhall, by the Lord's grace, continue and a- bide in the profeffion, faith and obedience of the forefaid true reformed religion, in Doctrine, Worfhip, Prefbyterial Church -government and Difcipline ; and that we mall, according to our feveral ftations, places and callings, con- tend The Engagement unto Duties. 35 tend and teftify againft all contrary evils, errors and cor- ruptions ; particularly, Popery, Prelacy, Deifm, Arian'ifin, Arminianifm, and every error fubveriive of the Doctrine of Grace ; as alfo Independency, Latitudinarian tenets, and the other evils named in the above confeliion of fins. In like manner, we promife and /wear, That by all means which are lawful and warrantable for us according to the Word of God, the approven and received flandards of this Church, and our known principles, we mail, in our feveral itations and callings, endeavour the reforma- tion of religion in England and Ireland ; in Doctrine, Worfhip, Difcipline and Government, according to the Word of God ; And to promote and advance our cove- nanted conjunction and uniformity in religion ; Confeliion of Faith and Catechifms, Form of Church government, and Directory for Worfhip, as thefe were received by this Church. And, in regard we are taught by the Word of God, and bound by our Covenants, National and Solemn League, to live together in the fear of God, and in love one to ano- ther, and to encourage one another in the work and caufe of the Lord ; and that, denying all ungodlinefs and worldly lulls, we fhould live foberly, righteoufly and god- ly in this prefent world : Therefore, in a dependence on the Lord's grace and ftrength, we in the fame manner do promife and /wear, That we (hall, in our feveral puces and callings, encourage and ftrengthen one another's hands, in purfuing the end and defign of this our iblemn Oath and Covenant ; and that we (hall endeavour a life and converfation becoming the gofpel of Chrift : And that, in our perfonal callings and particular families, we (hall ftudy to be good examples to one another of godlinefs and righteoufnefs ; and of every duty that we owe to God and man : And that we fhall not give up ourfelves to a de- teftable indifferency and neutrality in the caufe of God ; but, denying ourfelves and our own things, we (hall, a- bove all things, feek the honour of God and the good of his caufe and people.: And that, through grace, forfaking the counfels of fle(h and blood, and not leaning upon car- nal confidences ; we (hall endeavour to depend upon the Lord, to walk by the rule of his Word, and to hearken to his voice by his fervants, In all which, profefling our own 36 The Engagement unto Duties. own weaknefs, we earneftly pray to God, who is the Father of mercies through his Son Jefus Chrift, to be merciful unto us, and to enable us, by the power of his HOLY SPIRIT, that we may do our duty, unto the praife of his grace in the Churches. Amen. Extrailed JOHN POTTS, Pr. Cls. ACT of the AJfociate Prefbytery, anent the Terms of Miniflcrial and Chriflian Communion. At Edinburgh, February 14. 1 744. THE Prefbytery confidering the grievous and growing courfe of defection, by the prefent generation in thefe lands, from the truths, caufe and inftitutions of Chrift, revealed in his holy Word, and maintained in our Reformation-ftandards ; as alfo, the dreadful prevalence of Latitudinarian principles for uniting perfons of all denominations in Church Communion, to the overthrow of the government of Chrift's houfe, and the manifeft prejudice of all his precious truths ; And confidering likewife the many loud calls at this day, on the forefaid and other accounts, to flate, more ex- prefsly, the terms of Minijierial and Chriflian Communion, agreeable to the Word of God, the principles of this Church, and the duty of the Lord's remnant in thefe lands : Therefore, for thefe and o- ther weighty reafons, the Prefbytery did a?id hereby do, agree, re- fohe and determine, the Renovation, of the National Covenant, of Scot- land., and the Solemn League and Covenant of the three nations, in the manner novo agreed upon and propofed by the Prefbytery, fball be the term of Minijierial Communion with this Prefbytery ; and likewife of Chriflian Communion, in the admilTion of people to fealing ordi- nances, fecluding therefrom all oppofers, contemners, and fighters, of the faid renovation of our Solemn Covenants : And moreover, as the Prefbytery judge that much tendernefs and lenity is to be ufed with the weakeft of Chrift's flock, who are lying open to light, and minting to come forward in the faid caufe, that they may not be, at firft inftance, fecluded from fealing ordinances ; fo they agree, that all fuch are to be fecluded, who, after deliberate pains taken for their information, with all due meeknefs and patience, fhall be found, by the Seffion or fuperior judicatories they are in fubjec~tion unto, to be negleSters and fhifters of this important moral duty •, or not to be, themfelves, in the due ufe of means, for light and fatisfac- tion thereanent. Extracled — JOHN POTTS, Pr. Cls* Order of renewing the Covenants, 37 ACT of the Ajfociate Prefbytery, anent the Order to be obferved, in- renewing the Covenants. At Edinburgh, February 15. 1744. W r HERE AS the Prefbytery have, by a late Acl, condefcended upon a Solemn Acknowledgment of the public fns and breaches of our Covenants, with a Bond, containing a folemn profejjion of our faith, and Engagement unto the Duties contained in them ; appoint- ing that thefe Covenants be renewed in the faid Acknowledgment and Bond, by all fuch as Jhall 'willingly offer them/elves unto the Lord in this folemn work and duty : They agree and refolve, that, in re- newing them accordingly, the order following be obferved. 1. That the forefaid Solemn Acknowledgment of the public Jins and Breaches of our Covenants, mail be publicly joined in and made ; whereupon thefe Covenants mall be publicly /worn and fubj crib ^aFP«if ^^ VL k*+ m*rr*£*Ji>r^&^^ ^<±s*&r*+j;jp^\