2. PRINCETON, N. J. -iV BR 123 .C67 1884 Cotterill, Henry, 1812-1886 Revealed religion expounded oy Its relations to the w ^^: v^' >«t* :M- 5 -)?»«. THE BEDELL LECTURES / V ^^^ '^ 1911 TH£ BEDELL LECTURE for 1883 ^^/CiL 'sEVA'?"^ Revealed Religion EXPOUNDED BY ITS RELATIONS TO THE Moral Being of God BY THE RT. REV. HENRY COTTERILL, D.D. Bishop of Edinbzirgh, Scotland G. P. PUTNAM'S SONS NEW YORK : 27 & 29 WEST 23D STREET LONDON: 25 HENRIETTA STREET, COVENT GARDEN COPYRIGHT BY G. P. PUTNAM'S SONS 1884 Press 0/ G. P. Putnam s Sons New York REVEALED RELIGION, EXPOUNDED BY ITS RELATIONS TO THE MORAL BEING OF GOD. CORRIGENDA. Page 3, note 4, fo7- dvx^o? read Xvxvo?. II, line 16, for Him, not read Him not. 21, " 8, /(?/- truth, and ?ra^/ truth. And. 23, note, for narSo'S read nocrpoi. " 24, line 8, for God, and read God. And. 27, " 2, omit it is evident. 3i> " 10, Z^'' compensation read confirmation. 37, " 8, for tlie ri?^^ His. 39. " 23, /(?r not r'), which expresses the tenderer and more intimate affection, is never used except of God's love for Jesus Christ, His only begotten Son, and for those who, by faith on Him, are reconciled to God.^^ Even thus, those who are like-minded with Christ have a special affection for those who are the friends of God, different from that with which they regard other men. The former is distinguished by the word ^iXadeXqjia, "brotherly love," the latter by ayocTt?]. And while the first-fruits of the spirit is " love " itself, ''° because without it all religion is vain, yet St. Peter ^^ reminds us that in the develop- ment and manifestation of the Christian charac- ter, love in its perfection is the highest grace, and one which " brotherly love " must precede. So that oftentimes " brotherly love " is more •' St. John XVI. 27. '" Gal. V. 22. " 2 Peter I. 7. 94 BEDELL LECTURES. manifest in the character of Christians than that love to man as man, which should animate them to follow the example of Christ in a life of self-denying love for all without exception or distinction. And too often also this brotherly- love takes the form of exclusiveness and par- tiality, and specially of a tendency to judge others, v/hich is expressly forbidden by Christ Himself. Indeed, the world in general consid- ers the " brotherly love " which exists among Christians, — and alas ! too often not without reason, — as mere party spirit and the unity of those who hold the same opinions. And it is important to observe, in connection with this, that in our Lord's prayer for the unity of Chris- tians as a proof to the world of His own divine mission, the emphasis is laid on this being a universal and not a partial unity ; " that they all may be one, even as thou. Father, art in me, and I in thee." For, in truth, the divisions and strifes among even real Christians, which are manifest to all men, do more, in the present day especially, to obscure the witness of Chris- tianity to itself, than all the " brotherly love " in the several sects into which Christianity is unhappily divided can do to confirm it. But that unity of all that believe in one spiritual RT. REV. HENRY COTTERILL. D.D. 95 body, for which our Blessed Lord prayed, — or as St Paul describes it " one body and one spirit," " holding the unity of the spirit in the bond of peace," — cannot be the result of merely out- ward ties or natural principles, which, as human experience abundantly proves, are not powerful enough to resist the influences which are ever tending, in this sinful world, to mar the beauti- ful ideal of unity which has God's special prom- ise. The only power that can in any degree make that ideal a reality before the world is the gravitating power of genuine, vigorous love to God and to Jesus Christ as the one Head of His Universal Church ; which, even if the di- vine order be disturbed for a time, will in due time restore it. Is it too much to hope that in proportion as Christianity is understood by Christians as the revelation of the love of God, and not a mere system of doctrines, the prayer of our Divine Lord will be more and more ful- filled ? After an examination, in these Lectures, of Christian faith and doctrine as the exponent and manifestation of the fundamental law of God's moral Being, a few remarks in conclusion will be sufficient reply to some popular objections 96 BEDELL LECTURES. against Christianity as inconsistent with divine love. I. Of these, perhaps the most common among men of the world in general is its exclusive- ness ; that as the Apostle Peter said to the Jews : " In none other," except Jesus Christ, " is there salvation ; for neither is there any other name under heaven that is given among men wherein we must be saved." ^^ This, in- deed, is the teaching of Christ Himself and of the New Testament generally, so that it is not without reason that in the XVIIIth Article of Religion of the Church of England the opinion is condemned as unchristian : " That every man shall be saved by the law or sect which he pro- fesseth, so that he be diligent to frame his life according to that law and the light of nature." But, first of all, if we realize the infinite magni- tude of the divine sacrifice by which mankind has been redeemed from sin and death, the con- clusion is unavoidable, that such a sacrifice would not have been made had any other method been sufficient without it. Redemption through the incarnation and death of the only begotten Son of God is, in the nature of things, a unique act ; "Acts IV. 12 ; St. Mark XVI. 16 ; St. John III. 18-36 ; i Tim. n. 4, 5. RT. REV. HENRY COTTERILL, D.D. 9/ and Christianity is, therefore, of necessity, ex- clusive, if it is true. On the other hand, the blessings which have been procured for man through the Son of God taking into himself our humanity, and bearing the sins and sorrows of i mankind, and which can only be made our own (as we have seen)" through that faith which in spirit identifies us with the Redeemer's work ; blessings which Holy Scripture describes as being heirs of God and joint heirs with Christ, partakers of divine glory and joy, seated with Christ on His throne, as He is seated with His Father on His throne, are such as it is also im- possible, in the nature of things, that any one of God's creatures (much more one that is sin- ful and fallen) could ever obtain, except through such a method as the incarnation and cross of Christ. So that the redemption, as regards both the work itself and its results to man, alto- gether is unique, and, on that account, also ex- clusive ; for the same reason as the unity of the Godhead is exclusive of a second God. But it must be remembered that Holy Scripture says nothing definitely as to the future state of those who have had no knowledge in this life of the Gospel of Christ. It only assures us, by "Lect. III. § 13. 98 BEDELL LECTURES. all its teaching, both in the Old Testament and in the New/-* that the Judge of all the Earth will be both just to all without exception and without partiality, and at the same time merciful and compassionate beyond all that our imaginations can conceive. It contains also some hints as to the Gospel being " preached even to the dead," " which, though they give us no encouragement to speculate on a subject lying outside the work of God which we are called to fulfil in this world, are nevertheless sufficient to remind us that the extent of the redeeming love of God in Christ infinitely exceeds both our knowledge and the sphere of our understanding. II. Another objection to Christianity, or rather against one partial aspect of it, is that it makes God's love not universal, but special and partial, and therefore unjust. I have referred to this in Lecture I., but some further remarks are necessary. For undoubtedly our Lord Himself speaks of His people as "given to him by the Father out of the world," and as not having themselves chosen Him, but being chosen by Him. And St. Paul^^ teaches Chris- tians that " God chose us in Christ before the '* See especially Rom. II. 6-16. " I Pet. IV. 6, and III. 19, 20. •" Ephes. I. 4, 5. RT. REV. HENRY COTTERILL, D.D. 99 foundation of the world, that we should be holy, and without blemish before him in love ; havine foreordained us unto adoption as sons through Jesus Christ unto himself, according to the good pleasure of his will." Of the truth that the supremacy of the will of God does not mean the disannulling of our own will, but that all religion implies that the finite will is no less a reality than the divine, I have already spoken. But there is a further consideration which must be taken into account, in reference to the lan- guage of Holy Scripture on this profound and, to a finite mind, necessarily incomprehensible sub- ject. We must always bear in mind that God, who (to use the language of the prophet Isaiah), " inhabiteth eternity," sees every man, not as we finite beings see him, but in the eventualities of the future no less clearly than in the actuali- ties of the past and the present. It is not merely that the future is foreseen, but to that mind to which all is present, and in which the succession of time has not the kind of existence that it has in the finite mind, the first germ and the matured fruit are seen at once, one in the other. This religious doctrine of the divine foreknowledge is of course wholly beyond our understanding, yet it is a truth which no one lOO BEDELL LECTURES. who believes in the existence of an' infinite and eternal God can question, and it is totally dif- ferent from necessitarianism or fatalism ; nor does the will of God from all eternity, accord- ing to His foreknowledge, that we should be saved from sin and made partakers of His glory, in the least interfere with the action of our own will. Morally and spiritually, this truth of our election before the foundation of the world by the everlasting love of God, is an un- speakable comfort and source of strength to those who believe on Christ, " both because it doth greatly establish and confirm their hope of eternal salvation to be enjoyed through Christ, and also because it doth fervently kindle their love toward God." " Intellectually, the doctrine is " unthinkable," because infinite beine itself is unthinkable ; but no man in his senses prac- tically believes that the divine foreknowledge of future events makes human action unneces- sary or unprofitable. The truth has been, no doubt, both perverted and abused ; yet in itself it is nothing else than one of those mysteries of infinite being which are incomprehensible by every finite mind ; and the particular form which it assumes in Christianity, as election by " Article XVII. RT. REV. HENRY COTTERILL, D.D. lOI the grace of God from all eternity, arises en- tirely from the fundamental principle that the Love of God is His Being and therefore eternal. III. Of all the popular objections to Christi- anity that which has most weight with many minds is, that the doctrine of everlasting punish- ment in another life seems a contradiction of the love of God. But we have found in our exami- nation of this whole subject that there are two conclusions that are inevitable. The first is, that the fundamental principle that God is Love must involve also the opposite that His hatred of sin — the contradiction of love — is as infinite as God's Being itself is. His infinite love, and His infinite holiness, are nothing else than two opposite aspects of the same eternal and al- mighty Being. The second is that love, which alone is spiritual and eternal life, cannot be pro- duced in man, even by omnipotence, without the concurrence of his own will. And if the complete manifestation of the love of God in giving His only begotten Son as a propitiation for our sins fails to conquer the rebellious will, and we continue ^^ in a state of wilful sin, "after " Heb. X. 26, 'EKOVffico? afiapravovTcov rf^a)v jAera ro Xa/3eiv ttjv STtiyvcoffiv zr/? aXr/deia?. " Notice the present I02 BEDELL LECTURES. we have received the knowledge of the truth," there remaineth no more a sacrifice for sins ; there is no other method remaining by which the soul can be quickened into life when love has failed. In this passage from the epistle, to which I have more than once referred, because it de- fines more clearly and exactly than any other pas- sage in Holy Scripture those cases which are proved to be beyond the reach of divine love, we must notice that it is assumed that the man has "received the knowledge of the truth," and therefore has had sufficient trial whether he will accept the love of God or will refuse it. And the word here used for knowledge {aTiiyvooai?) implies not a mere historical knowledge of the fact, which may never have- ;^ resented to the conscience the spiritual meaning of the sacrifice of Christ; but it assumes the " actual direction of the spirit to a definite object and a real grasp- ing" of the same." ^ Such are the cases in which both apostolic authority and our Lord Jesus Christ Himself declare that man has finally identified himself with his sin, so as to be by the not the aorist participle. It is not of an act or of any number of acts of sin that the writer is speaking, which might be repented of and blotted out ; but of a state of sin, in which a man is found when that day shall come," — Alford. ^' Delitsch quoted by Alford. RT. REV. HENRY COTTERILL, D.D. IO3 determination of his own will h^yond, the reach of infinite love, because that love itself has be- come, through his wilful rejection of the light of life and love after it has shined upon him, the consuming fire of divine jealousy. Who they are that have thus, of their own will, chosen darkness and death rather than light and life, God alone can determine In that day when the secrets of all hearts shall be made known be- bre men and angels, and when He shall judge e/ery man (as St. Paul reminds us ^°) on the pinciples, not of the Law by which all are alike ccidemned, but of the Gospel which reveals Gd as Infinite Love. In the assurance of th£ infinitely righteous and infinitely powerful lov, we may well shut up all inquiries as to the etenal future of other men, and to it may con- fidetly entrust our own. The one truth that Gocis Love, not only when rightly understood, is sen to be the source of all the doctrines of Chri;ianity, but also, if continually present to our lind, will teach and enable us to apply every^hristian doctrine in its true proportion and rtition. »» Rom. II. 16. 1883. FOUNDERS' DAY AT Gambler. 105 FOUNDERS' DAY. ORDER OF SERVICE FOR ALL SAINTS' DA V, November i, 1883. OFFICIA TING PERSONS. The Te Deum . Ante-Communion The Epistle . The Gospel The Creed Founders' Memorial doxology. Prayer for the Institutions. Hymn 232 at 3D Verse. . Kenyon College Choir. Rev. Edward Benson, A.M., Senior Professor, Kenyon College. Rev. Abraham Jaeger, D.D., Pro- fessor, Theological Seminary. Rev. Cyrus S. Bates, D.D., Pro- fessor,. Theological Seminary. Rev. Fleming James, D.D., Pro- fessor and Pastor. Rt. Rev. G. T. BedeU, D.D., of Ohio. The Lecture f Rt. Rev. Henry Cotterill, D.D.. ■< Bishop of Edinburgh, Scotland. ( (Lecture read by Pres't Bodine.) Hymn 494. Offertory for Founders' Scholarship. Matriculation of the Theological Seminary. Matriculation of Kenyon College. Address ...... The Bishop of the Diocese. ( The Bishop, the President, and / the Pastor. The Holy Communion 107 FOUNDERS' DAY AT GAMBIER, 1883. We remember before God this day the Founders of these Institutions : Philander Chase, the first Bishop of Ohio, clariim et venerabile nomen, whose foresight, zeal, unwearied patience, and indomitable energy devised these foundations, and established them temporarily at Worth- ington, but permanently at Gambier ; he was the Foun- der of the Theological Seminar)^, Kenyon College, and of the Grammar School ; — Charles Pettit McIlvaine, the second Bishop of Ohio, rightly known as the second Founder of these Institutions, whose decision of charac- ter and self-devoted labors saved them at two distinct crises of difficulty ; he builded Bexley Hall for the use of the Theological Seminary, Ascension Hall for the use of Kenyon College, Milnor Hall for the use of the Grammar School, and he completed Rosse Chapel on the founda- tions laid by Bishop Chase. We remember before God this day pious and generous persons, contributors, whose gifts enabled the Bishops of Ohio to lay those foundations, and who are therefore to be named among the Founders. We make mention only of those who have departed to be with Christ, and now rest in Paradise. 109 no FOUNDERS' DAY AT GAM BIER, Among the many, we name only a few whose gifts are noticeable because of the influence of their character and position : Henry Clay, whose introduction of Bishop Chase to the Admiral Lord Gambier, of England, initiated the movement in 1823 ; the Archbishop of Canterbury; the Lord Bishops of London, Durham, St. Davids, Chester, Lichfield ; the Deans of Canterbury and Salisbury ; Lords Kenyon, Gambier, Bexley, Sir Thomas Acland ; Reverend Edward Bickersteth, Henry Hoare, Marriott, Pratt, William Wilberforce, Thomas Wiggin, Thomas Bates ; the Dowager Countess of Rosse, who aided liberally the Chapel which afterward bore her name ; Hannah More, who also bequeathed a Scholarship which bears her name ; and five hundred and thirty others whose names are recorded in the memorial pre- pared by the Rev. Dr. Bronson at the order of the Trustees. We remember before God the liberality of William Hogg, from whom this domain was purchased under the advice of Henry B. Curtis and Daniel S. Norton, with the consent of Henry Clay ; the grantor contributing one fourth of its market value. In 1838, John Quincy Adams, the President of the United States ; Mrs. Sigourney ; Arthur Tappan, who originated the Milnor Professorship ; St. George's Church, New York, which established a Scholarship ; Rev. Drs. Milnor, Tyng, Bedell, Sparrow, Keith, Rev. I, FOUNDERS' DAY AT GAM BIER. Ill Morse, Dudley Chase, Albert Barnes, John Trimble, William Jay, Abbott and Amos Lawrence, Peter Stuy- vesant, Richard Varick, and nine hundred and ninety others whose names are recorded. These were the first Founders of these Institutions. Among those who aided Bishop Mcllvaine we men- tion before God to-day, — in 1832, Bishop White, Rev. Manton Eastburn and the Ascension Church, the Rev. Dr. Cutler and St. Ann's Church, Brooklyn, the Rev. Drs. Muhlenberg and Wing, Peter A. Jay, James Len- nox, Robert Minturn, Henry Codman, Robert Carter, Matthew Clarkson, Charles Hoyt, I. N. Whiting, and four hundred and sixty others whose names are re- corded. And in 1835, in England, Daniel Wilson, Bishop of Calcutta ; the Bishops of London, Winchester, Salis- bury, and Lichfield ; the Duchess of Kent, the Duch- ess of Gloucester, the Princess Augusta, the Duchess of Beaufort, the Earl of Carnarvon, Rev. Thomas Hartwell Home, Charles Brydges, John Fox, Jerram, Jowett, Baptist Noel, Dr. Plumtre, Charles Simeon, Henry Thornton, Sir Thomas Baring, Henry Roberts, architect, who gave the plan and working model for Bexley Hall ; with four hundred and eighty-three others whose names are recorded. These are the second Founders of these Institutions. We mention before God to-day the gifts of Bishop Gadsden, Bishop Johns, Colonel Pendleton, John Kil- 112 FOUNDERS' DAY AT GAMBIER. gour, the Kinneys, Dr. Doddridge, Charles D. Betts, who founded a fund for the purchase of theological books ; Rev. C. C. Pinkney, who contributed for fit- ting up a Laboratory ; J. D. Wolfe, who contributed to found the Lorillard and Wolfe Professorships ; John Johns, M.D., of Baltimore, who left a valuable legacy to the Institutions ; Stewart Brown, William H. Aspin- wall, and others who contributed to the building of Ascension Hall ; Thomas H. Powers, Lewis S. Ashurst, John Bohlen and sister, and others who founded a Professorship in memory of the late Dr. Bedell of Philadelphia ; Mrs. Spencer, Mrs. Lewis, who partly founded a Professorship, Rev. Dr. Brooke ; Rev. Messrs. Lounsberry and E. A. Strong, whose efforts brought many valuable contributions to these Institutions ; W. W. Corcoran, President Andrews, Rev. Alfred Blake, and nine hundred and forty others who are also to be counted among the Founders of these Institutions. And last, the Philanthropist, the intimate friend of Bishop Mcllvaine, who in token of that friendship founded a Professorship, that now bears his name, bears the name of George Peabody. We mention before God to-day, with reasons that none can better appreciate than this community, which mourns their loss, two of our own citizens who are well entitled to a place in the record of Founders — R. S. French, who, with the assistance of friends in Gambler and Mount Vernon, provided the full set of nine bells FOUNDERS' DAY AT G A MEIER: IIJ and the clock, and placed them in the tower, with power to ring the Canterbury chimes ; Martinbro White, who was for twenty years Agent and Treasurer of these Institutions, a man of singular probity and purity, whose character and work, whose fidelity to his trust, whose honesty as well as honorable dealing during difficult times when these foundations were being laid, entitle him not only to a place in our grateful recollection, but to a place among the chief Founders of these Institutions. The donors to these Institutions who are still living (many of whom have gathered on this day) unite with us in praising God for the privilege of building upon founda- tions which were thus so strongly laid. Among them we mention with gratitude: — of England, William E. Gladstone, Member of Parliament (at present Prime-Minister), Rev, Canon Carus, and J. Pye Smith ; — of the United States, Rev. Drs. Dyer and Burr, Professor Francis Wharton, A. H. Moss, M. M. Granger, John Gardiner, Rev. Archibald M. Morrison, who founded the Griswold Professorship ; Peter Neff, Jr., who gave the Telescope and Transit Instrument ; the Rev. Drs. Muenscher and Bronson, and several hundred others whose names are recorded. The third Bishop of Ohio, with the aid of William H. and John Aspinwall, James M. Brown, Samuel D, Bab- cock, William B. Astor, and other members of the Ascen- sion Church of New York, builded the Church of the 114 FOUNDERS' DAY AT GAMBIER. Holy Spirit for the use of all the Institutions ; through him Mrs. Bowler founded the Professorship which bears her husband's name, R. B. Bowler, who gave a philosophi- cal apparatus, and who, with Larz Anderson, Henry Pro- basco, William Proctor, and others, founded the Mcll- vaine Professorship ; Jay Cooke founded the Professor- ship which bears his father's name ; Frank E, Richmond founded the Hoffman Library Fund ; Stewart Brown builded the tower of the Church, to bear the name of his son, Abbott Brown. By the same Bishop and his wife the Organ was placed in the Church as a memorial of the second Bishop of the Diocese, and the Episcopal chair as a memorial of the great Founder; members of the Church in Philadelphia completed the endowment of the Bedell Professorship, among them chiefly William Welsh, John Bohlen and his sister, and Thomas H. Pow- ers, who also left a Fund in the hands of the Vestry of Christ Church, Germantown, for a perpetual supply of specified books for students in Bexley Hall ; and Robert H. Ives and his wife, who stated that, desiring not to trammel the Trustees, they placed their fund in the Treas- ury without conditions. In 1875 the Trustees determined to found a " Trustees' Professorship," which is partially completed. All these, and seventy others, are also to be counted among the Founders. We mention with gratitude the successful efforts of the present President of Kenyon College to complete the en- FOUNDERS' DAY AT G A METER. 1 1 5 dowments, and the gifts which have resulted therefrom, namely, from R. B. Hayes, President of the United States, Peter Hadyen, Dr. I. T. Hobbs, Rev. William Horton, Thomas McCulloch, Samuel L. Mather, William J. Boardman, A. C. Armstrong, H. P. Baldwin ; from John W. Andrews a donation in lands for the founding of Scholarships in memory of his son ; from Mrs. Alfred Blake donations for the purpose of founding a Scholar- ship to bear her husband's name ; from Columbus De- lano the Hall which bears his name ; from Mrs. Ezra Bliss a Gymnasium which is being built ; and from Henry B. Curtis Scholarships which from generation to generation will foster sound learning. These also, with thirty others, the latest givers to our Institutions, are to be counted among the Founders. The congregation rising. For all these generous gifts of the living, and for the memory of the dead who were the Founders of these Institutions, we give hearty thanks to God this day ; ascribing the praise of their benefactions to His almighty grace, and the glory to His most holy Name, who is the God of our fathers and our God, the Father, the Son, and the Holy Ghost, one adorable Trinity for ever and ever. Amen. prayer for the institutions. O God the Holy Ghost, fountain of all wisdom, source of all grace, be present always, we beseech Thee, with Il6 FOUNDERS' DAY AT GAMBIER. these Institutions to direct and bless. Established in the faith of the Gospel, endowed for the service of divine truth, may they ever rest under Thy gracious benediction. We pray Thee to use them for the glory of Christ in His Church, and to make them pure fountains of heavenly knowledge, holy principles, and godly learning. We be- seech Thee to give to those who teach in them wisdom and patience, discreetness and zeal for God; and to those who are taught, aptness to learn, docility, submission without servility, and manly gentleness. O Holy Spirit, make these Thy servants studious, truthful, pure, obedient to all who are in authority, and temperate in all things; so that, by Thy grace, the same mind may be in them which was in Christ Jesus our Lord, and their character be formed in His holy likeness. Prosper Thou, O Lord, the work of our hands upon us ! Give to Thy people a liberal heart toward these Institutions. May the memory of those whose gifts have enriched us be ever precious in our sight, as it is blessed of God ! And may the good name of these Institutions be handed down from genera- tion to generation for the comfort of Thy Church, and the glory of Thy Majesty, Who art, with the Father and the Son, the One God whom we adore for ever and ever. Amen. THE f RAYER OF LORD BACON. ADAPTED FOR STUDENTS. To God the Father, God the Word, and God the Holy Spirit, we pour forth most humble and hearty supplica- FOUNDERS' DAY AT GAMBIER. II/ tions ; that He, remembering the infirmities of our minds, the limits of our knowledge, and the pilgrimage of this our life, in which we wear out days few and evil, would please to open to us new refreshments out of the fountain of His goodness and wisdom. This also we humbly and earnestly beg, that human things may not prejudice such as are divine ; neither that from the unlocking of the gates of sense, and the kindling of a greater natural light, any thing of incredulity or intellectual night may arise in our minds toward divine mysteries. But rather that by the cleansing of them through the study of truth, and the purging them from fancy and vanities by the entrance of wisdom, yet subject and perfectly given up to the Divine oracles, there may be given unto our faith the things that are faith's ; through Him whom truly to know is everlasting life ; and to whom, with Thee O Father, and Thee enlightening Spirit, we ascribe glory and praise world without end. Amen. m !> i^. -,■« V S^ 1S &? m C